2 minute read
Restaurant-to-retail recipes from PVD eateries
A Dish Best Served To-go
Hope & Main helps Providence restaurants get their iconic staples and sauces retail-ready
Chomp Kitchen Pimento Cheese
Schasteâ unveils their retail-ready line of loose-leaf teas

Seeing a need in the restaurant industry to diversify o erings in our post-pandemic world of more time spent in home kitchens and backyard grills, the foodie creatives behind Warren incubator kitchen Hope & Main devised DishUp RI: a program that lets food businesses take their signature sauce or menu item and make it market-ready.
“Hope & Main assembled a team of experts to provide the technical assistance required to take a product from ideation to the starting line,” explains President and Founder of Hope & Main Lisa Raiola. “This is a complex process. It involves everything from working with a research chef for recipe formulation and scaling to developing packaging and labelling for the product,” not to mention licensing, pricing, and merchandising.
“Chomp Burger Sauce has been a huge hit,” says Raiola, listing some of the new restaurant-to-retail products the program has teamed up with local eateries to help produce, “and customers are showing up from throughout New England for Cooking Con Omi’s Sofrito.” Since a late-April launch of these goods and a dozen others from restaurants across the state, they’ve been flying o the shelves of Dave’s Fresh Marketplace, with many having already sold out a few times over.
A successful first run underway, a second o cial launch day is planned for September 10 to spotlight these makers, and Raiola looks forward to seeing the program expand, as other restaurants have already inquired about participating. In the meantime, watch Dave’s Fresh Marketplace shelves and the WhatsGood online app for Providence-based o erings like frozen vegan meatballs from Blue Zone Foods (a brand created by Yoleni’s), house seasoning from Bucktown, Chomp Burger Sauce, refrigerated cinnamon buns from Ellie’s, Island House Restaurant fresh juice, Meraki Greek Dips from Kleo’s and Rosalina, relish from Ocean State Sandwich Company, Schasteâ’s packaged teas, baked goods from Sin, Kabob and Curry’s Spice Craft Inc. seasoning, red and green sauces from Tallulah’s Taqueria, and pizza kits from Pizza Gourmet. MakeFoodYourBusiness.org/DishUpRI
If you’ve ever visited Chomp Kitchen in Providence or Warren then you’re familiar with their staple sauce, which you can now purchase by the jar. Slathering Chomp Sauce on a burger is always a good choice, but chef Tanner Larkin shares a fun alternative recipe for this flexible ingredient.
Pimento Cheese
• 1lb shredded yellow cheddar • 1 cup Chomp Burger Sauce • 2 Tbsp chopped chives • 2 Tbsp chopped jalapenos (pickled or fresh) • ½ cup chopped roasted red peppers
1. Spin cheddar cheese and Chomp
Sauce in a food processor until reaching a spreadable consistency. 2. Scrape the sides every few pulses to make sure everything is evenly processed. 3. Add cheese and Chomp Sauce mix to a large bowl and fold in remaining ingredients. 4. Place in the fridge to set for an hour or two. 5. Use as a dip for vegetables and crackers or spread on your favorite bread for sandwiches.