CONTEXT The system requires the commitment and involvement of an applied contextual situation where the student can both develop and display proficiency of the articulated outcome. Suitable contextual situations could include businesses, communities, churches, or agencies. The key is that the organization is focused on some productive, missional good in the world and can provide the space necessary to the student’s action and formation. .
The system requires that each
The student and mentors will
student have a mentor team
be given access to a private,
comprised of an academic
online learning platform where
mentor, a contextual mentor,
their outcomes are articulated
and a proctor (or learning
and where student and mentor
assistant). This team must be
engagement can be collected
approved by Providence. While
and archived. This will serve as
the contextual mentor does not
the digital record of the student’s
have to be employed or directly
learning sufficient to justify the
connected to the contextual
mentor’s assessment of the
agency, it is important for that
student’s proficiency.
organization to affirm that the mentor can represent their interests. The fundamental goal of the mentors will be to encourage, guide, and assess the student in his or her journey toward proficiency.
DID YOU KNOW Competency-based education is one of the fastest growing trends higher education. Allowing people and organizations to customize learning to the specific needs of students.
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