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that by using timber framing, they have been able to achieve home energy star ratings above 7.5-stars. Additionally, market leaders and many informed homeowners are already reportedly aiming for homes that are 8-stars and above (Sustainability Victoria, 2023).

Studies by the CSIRO and Forest & Wood Products Australia (FWPA) both found that when assessing building materials for thermal bridging, timber framing conducts heat at a much lower rate, and that steel frames required greater in- sulation to perform on par (FWPA, 2021).

Thermal bridges give heat an easy pathway to escape, reducing the effectiveness of insulation and a building’s energy star rating. In an airtight and insulated home, thermal bridges can account for heat loss of 20- 30%. This directly impacts star ratings generated by NatHERS (Carbon Futures, 2022).

While thermal bridging occurs in both timber and steel frames, timber framing conducts heat at a much lower rate, adding resistance to heat loss from a home.


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