Newsletter "Social Entrepreneurship 4 Refugee Integration"

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Po r t u g a la n dUn i t e dKi n g d o m.

10 octobre 2021

Bansko, Bulgaria

Roots and Branches During the time, we worked on the basis of a tree in order to find and understand what are the causes of the situation of people who have immigrated. Trying to fi n d t h e « w h y » a n d « h o w » knowing how to change trends and where to target our approaches is crucial. The roots represented why the situation of the people who immigrated was like this and the branches were the effects. This activity was so complex, but it taught us a lot. So, realizing what kind of society we live in is a good start for accepting and rethinking our actions.

World cafe In o r d e r t o t a l k a b o u t ERASMUS+ and entrepreneurship, we divided into different groups to think a b o u t t h e to p i c a n d l i s t information on the subject. All the groups were able to contribute to the reflections. Finally, each of the groups had to p r e s e n t t h e d i f f e r e n t i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t we h a d listed. The objective of this form of activity is to combine e v e r y o n e ’s v i e w s a n d knowledge. If we want to move forward, it is important that we do it together. To find information on the various existing ERASMUS+ programmes and to find out more on the topic of Entrepreneurship, you will be able to find it in the next few pages.


Bansko, Bulgaria

10 octobre 2021

Migration National context This first time in the national teams was essential. We had the opportunity to look into the immigration situation in each of the representing countries. After we gaining essential information on the subject we were able to see that the situation is almost similar in every European country. People who immigrate to our countries are never fully welcomed. Opening your eyes is an important first step to integrate them.

Take a step forward During this activity led by Joana, we all had a specific identity. The rule was simple, we had to take a step forward as soon as the described statement matches our situation. For some of us, we had the same identities to show the different perspectives. The aim of this activity is to realize the opportunities and inequalities in the world. It is ver y difficult to put yourself in someone else's shoes. I would even say that it is impossible to feel like others but if you tr y to understand, things can change! Let's look around, we have possible actions all around us.


Bansko, Bulgaria

10 octobre 2021

Create your start-up In order to simulate the creation of a start-up, we worked in two stages. First, we had to find organizations, start-ups, etc., that currently exist and which aim to help, support and protect people who have immigrated.

To conclude The activities we have been doing throughout this week have been more than enriching for the group. We have learned a lot about people who immigrate from their country of origin, how to think more actively in our ideas, and most of all we have learned from each other. Learning in a fun way is an area that should not be overlooked.


Bansko, Bulgaria

10 octobre 2021

Interviews Burak, Turkey The part that I liked the most was the interactive learning: presentations, games, etc. It was very interesting to learn about similarities between Balkan countries, such as food, culture and language. I've been taught a lot about emigration and have been provoked to think deeply.

Dimitris, Greece So far it has been an amazing experience for me. I have met different people, experienced their cultures and shared with them this intercultural experience and of course made lots of new good friends. It has been really interesting learning about how to tackle the different situations refugees are put in through social entrepreneurship.

Zeynep Uzunboy, Turkey My personal experience of youth exchange means a lot to me. Sharing our our own perspective, sharing "how we see the world from different windows" was the most exciting part to me. To see people from different backgrounds could have the same feelings, great sense of responsibility, made me believe that I'm not alone tackling so many problems and the world's going to a better place day by day.

Nickola, Bulgaria

Irina, Bulgaria

It's my second project with Erasmus+ and I really cherished this experience. I saw potential in this program so I took this as an opportunity to meet new people and overcome my anxiety and it helped me a lot.

I liked that we educated ourselves on important topics while being in a friendly and accepting environment. We learned not only about the topic but about people from different countries and cultures.

Konstantina, Greece I liked that we met many people from different countries. I loved that we learned from activities and not only from conversation. It was interesting that we got to take a look at the problem from a different point of view. I made new friends and I hope I can keep in touch with them. 6



10 octobre 2021

Sixtine, Portugal

Rasel, Portugal

At first when I heard about the project I was a bit scared, mostly because I didn't know for sure if it's real and because of the racist background of Bulgaria I've heard about but when I arrived I was very happy. I made new friends that make me comfortable, I like to travel, I like meeting new people, for a few months now I have been wanting to become an independent woman so this project has given me an opportunity to practice those things and it has helped a lot. Thank you all! Particularly: My association "Kasapt"

For me it's a different kind of experience and it's mostly connected to my work. As a community mediator it really helps to get the clear insight of the local young generation generation: what they think of immigrants and refugees to EU. It's important for me as I'm collaborator for individual public and private entity, it has helped me to work more formally.

Elvyra, Italy Since it's my first Erasmus+ experience I didn't know what exactly to expect. I was interested in the topic and just applied, hoping that I wouldn't just learn more about the subject but I was looking forward to meeting and getting to know new people from around the world and share with the them this memorable experience. The program lived up to my expectations totally. I will bring back home so many remarkable moments. I had the chance to appreciate every single person in their particular diversity, realising more and more each day that even if we are all human beings trying to survive in a world full of obstacles, which sometimes make us think more about ourselves rather than each other and especially the ones the most in need. A mind opening and inspiring experience that made me.

Federicca, Italy I'm quite satisfied about how things are going on. I find the activities really stimulating and fruitful. I really wanted to improve my knowledge about the main topic. Also, I wanted to know more about other countries situation. Thankfully, all of the participants are so inspiring and open minded and they really helped me to be more aware about refugees and social entrepreneurship. Moreover I've been lucky because everyone helped me to get out of my comfort zone with their positive attitude and good vibes.


Bansko, Bulgaria

10 octobre 2021

The Phenomenon of Migration With the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan last August, and the pre-existing situation in several Middle Eastern states (such as Syria and Iraq),a specific issue has once again become the major political priority of national governments and international organizations which threatens the deconstruction of the International System itself.This phenomenon is none other than migration, which for decades has been creating cracks in the relations between the states and is one of the main factors in maintaining racist and supranationalist perceptions within them. According to the UN Migration Agency(IOM), a migrant is defined as any person who is moving or has moved across international border or within a State away from his/her habitual place of residence,regarardless of: a)the person's legal status, b)whether the movement is voluntery or involuntery, c)what the causes of the movevent are, or finally, d)what the length of the stay is. The reason why migration is such a serious issue is that, apart from the geopolitical dimensions, it takes on social, economic, cultural and religious ones.More specifically, the entry of migrants in a country automatically entails an increase in the population and in the demand for goods and services of the host country, resulting to an increase in the size of the informal sector of the national economy.In addition to the undeniable influence that migration has on the economic sector of each country, it also brings about intercultural changes.These changes have in turn led to the production of stereotypes and a particular aversion to migrants by the citizens of the host country, who feel that their working environment and their cultural heritage are being threatened.This behavior can easily be confirmed by the way most Europeans citinzens perceive the countries of the Middle East. As obvious as it is,such a complex issue could not be left solely in the hands of the national governments.For the same reason a large number of organisms and tools have been developed, which take action in order to ensure the most effective deteriotation of the situation.Perhaps the most important among them is the International Organization for Migrants, which is the leading intergovermental organization for promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all.IOM does so by providing services and management plans and advices to the governments and the migrants for the last 70 years.Its worth mentioning that it takes action in over 100 countries and it collaborates with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.

Taking everything into account,migration is a phenomenon that has been on the epicenter of international problems for the last decades even with the constant appearance of topic related organizations and enterprises.In order so to not allow this issue to take over our own society,we must all accept and help migrants affiliate into our lives.


Bansko, Bulgaria

10 octobre 2021

Social entrepreneurship Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism is something we've experienced through this Erasmus+ and I want to share it with you. Diversity and multiculturalism are thought to enrich societies and broaden horizons and that's what's really happening.

These 10 days we shared many moments and created great memories with people from all around the globe and we will never forget them. People with different race, religion, ethnicity, preferences, place of birth, hobbies, skills and culture in general became friends, friends that will forever be remembered!

We want to thank everyone about this unforgettable experience. Everyone is unique and we will really miss you all. See you soon! Xoxo

Entrepreneurs used to be those who had an idea, started a company and made money.But now...we are a start-up world. Entrepreneurs have different motivations for starting a business, just as consumers have different motivations to buy. We've noticed that now the purpose isn't only to make money. Many companies really care about social responsibility. They want to do good in the universe. That's social entrepreneurship! But what really is s social entrepreneur (aka socialpreneur) ? As far as we've learned in our Erasmus+, a social entrepreneur is a person that has an idea which addresses social issues and intends to contribute to society, to social good. So the most important difference between an entrepreneur and a socialpreneur is the final goal. Socialpreneurs don't count their success through profit, but they want their operations to benefit the society. That was very interesting, huh? But to understand better what social entrepreneurship is all about maybe we can use an example we learned in this Youth Exchange. Rasel, a friend of ours and a young entrepreneur himself, shared with us many interesting information about the social entrepreneurship "Portugal Multicultural Academy Association", which he actually founded and we were very excited about this. PMMA aims to develop the language and professional skills of the immigrant community, to break the language and cultural barriers in their new phase of life. They support them for legal advice and services, they organise different multicultural events and programs in order to support their integration and even hold an emergency food program for refugees and newcomers, which is also very ecological and sustainable. (You should check their website https:// !) Well...people always talk about "how to change the world". We think that social entrepreneurship is the best place to start if you are wondering how to make an impact. Businesses have a lot of power in how they effect people, so imagine making positive change though business! We believe that the only way to a healthy future is moving towards sustainable entrepreneurship, which enables well being.


Bansko, Bulgaria

10 octobre 2021



European Region Action Scheme for the mobility of university students education, training , youth and sports Supports the european pillar of social rights, implements the EU youth strategy and develops European dimension in sport

Worldwide oppor tunity onl y for students for higher study abroad takes place to at least 2 different countries only for students at Masters or P.H.D level from any country worldwide.


ERASMUS Internship wo r k e x c h a n g e p r o g r a m d e v e l o p i n g practical skills aims to improve accessibility and quality of international internships for university students and professionals Duration up to 12 months.


Apply: individuals/students/erasmusmundus-joint-masters-scholarships

Mobility of youth workers : Supporting professional development of young people abroad enhancing working experience with seminars, training courses, study visits generating new idea and best practice.

Youth Exchange: Young people between 13-30 years old. People from different countries meet and work on a shared project It makes strangers become friends.

ERASMUS Young Entrepreneurs

It's an international program by the European commission for volunteering, traineeships, jobs finding and participation in local Solidarity Projects. Every young European between 18 and 30 years old can join a project which usually lasts between 1 month and a year.

It's an international cross-border programme facilitating the exchange of entrepreneurial and mana gement experience. It gives the participants the opportunity to learn how to start their own business and get practical experience. Every European aged over 18 and has under 3 years of experience can join in. They only get to participate once as the duration is between 1 and 6 months. The funding comes from partly from the EU and partly from an intermediary organisation.

Link: https://



Youth Exchange:


Bansko, Bulgaria

10 octobre 2021

The Monastery of Saint Ivan of Rila Trip day Better known as the Rila Monastery, is the largest and most famous Eastern Orthodox monastery in Bulgaria. The monastery is named after its founder, the hermit Ivan of Rila, and houses around 60 monks. The hermit actually lived in a cave without any material possessions not far from the monastery's location, while the complex was built by his students, who came to the mountains to receive their education.

The arrival of the Ottomans in the end of the 14th century was followed by numerous raids and a destruction of the monastery in the middle of the 15th century. Thanks to donations by the Sultana Mara Branković, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Rossikon monastery of Mount Athos, the Rila Monastery was rebuilt in the end of the 15th century by three brothers from the region of Dupnica. The monastery is known as being one of the hideouts of Bulgarian revolutionaries such as Vassil Levski, Gotse Delchev, Peyo Yavorov, etc. It's complex is regarded as one of the foremost masterpieces of Bulgarian National Revival architecture.


Bansko, Bulgaria

10 octobre 2021


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