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Name of activity: Domino Board Game

Description: Climate Change Dominoes is a game that explores the connections between different causes and effects of climate change. In this game, two teams will compete against each other to match dominoes with the corresponding cause or effect, aiming to be the first team to use all their dominoes


Gameplay: Introduction and Gallery Walk (20 minutes)

- Introduction of the activity and its objectives (5 minutes)

- Gallery walk: participants walk around the gallery, look at the photos, and read descriptions (15 minutes)

National Team Brainstorming (20 minutes)

- Participants form national teams

Mind Map Activity (35 minutes)

- Each team receives a blank mind map template

- Teams work together to fill in the template with their ideas for addressing the chosen topic

- Teams use markers and sticky notes to fill in each section of the mind map Teams present their completed mind maps to the group and briefly explain their ideas

Closing and Reflection (5 minutes)

- Facilitator leads a brief discussion on what participants learned from the activity and how they can apply their ideas to their local communities.

Note: It's important to allocate enough time for the Gallery Walk as it serves as the foundation for the rest of the activity.

- Each team selects one topic from the gallery that they think they can address in their local community

- Each team brainstorm ideas and write them down on a sheet of paper

Materials used:

Photos of different sustainable actions

Sticky notes

-Canvas, Powerpoint

Number of participants:

National teams


Topic: [Insert chosen topic from gallery]

What: [Describe the specific action or project idea]

Who: [Identify the target audience or community that will benefit from the action/project]

Where: [Specify the location where the action/project will take place]

When: [Set a timeline for the action/project]

Why: [Explain the importance of the action/project for the environment and the community]

How: [List the necessary steps to implement the action/project]

Expected Results: [Describe the expected outcomes and impact of the action/project] action/project, including human, financial, and material resources] the implementation of the action/project] constraints and challenges]

Resources: [Identify the resources needed to implement the

Constraints: [List any potential obstacles or challenges that may hinder

Possible Solutions: [Brainstorm possible solutions to overcome the

Name of activity: Campaigning

Description: related to climate change. issue. They had to go through different campaign steps explained in the resources section.

Assessing a relevant issue of each participant's country

Each team had to develop a campaign plan to solve the

Materials used:Canva, Powerpoint

Number of participants:4,5 each team

Q: How can we encourage and empower young people to take an active role in creating a more sustainable future?

A: One way to encourage and empower young people to take an active role in creating a more sustainable future is to provide them with opportunities to get involved in sustainability initiatives and projects. This could include things like community clean-up events, educational workshops on sustainable practices, or volunteering with organizations that promote environmental causes. Additionally, providing young people with information on the tangible benefits of sustainability, such as cost savings, improved health, and a better quality of life, can help motivate them to take action. Finally, it's important to create a supportive and inclusive environment that values the contributions of young people and provides them with the resources and tools they need to make a meaningful impact.

Q: What are some of the key messages or themes that you think are important to convey to young people about the urgency of taking action on climate change, and how can we make these messages resonate with them?

A: One important message to convey to young people is that climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action. We can make these messages resonate with them by highlighting the potential consequences of inaction. The climate change is not just an environmental issue, but also a social and economic one that affects everyone. We can make these messages resonate with them by showing the tangible impacts of climate change on their communities and personal lives, as well as highlighting the opportunities and benefits of taking action

Interview with Organiser:

What inspired you to initiate this project on climate change, and what are your goals for its impact and outcomes?

Clımate change ıs a ıssue to be taken serıously by every ındıvıdualç thus trough youth work we would lıke to encourage personal responsıbılıty whıch ıs much needed today ıf we truly want to have an ımpact ın long term perspectıve. Polıtıcs governments and companıes are doıng theır part but wıthout people realısıng theır effect on envıronment we can not really solve all the ıssues related to clımate change. Thats why we belıeve youth work can play a crucıal role ın promotıng personal engagement and responsıbılıty towards sustaınabılıty and clımate change that can actually transofrm our socıety ınto a more sustaınable one.

What role do you see this project playing in promoting greater awareness, action, and advocacy on climate change at the local, national, or international level?

We belıeve ın the power of every ındıvıdual andı n power of synergıes and collaboratıons on EU level thus from one sıde the ındıvıduals ıncludıng ın theır role as youth workers. Actıvısts and youth leaders ın theır communıty to brıng the acquıred knowledge tools and best practıces and ımplement ın theır local communıtıes encouragıng more sustanable behavıour among local youth. Another way we antıcıpate thıs Project to have ımpact ıs trough the created collaboratıons partnershıps and synergıes among partners and partıcıpants themselves who can collaborate to raıse awareness. Educate and advocate for the topıc .

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