POSITIONS: - Schools Engagement Lead x 2 - Community Engagement Lead - Activities Coordinator x 2
A dynamic group of young people who will be responsible for coordinating and executing events, both in NSW and across Australia. In this committee, you will have the capacity to meet our audience of passionate young leaders and changemakers physically, and kickstart our education-based events for 2019. This role is perfect for anyone interested in developing strong communication, leadership, and event management skills.
SCHOOLS ENGAGEMENT LEAD (X2) The schools engagement leads (x2) will w o r k t o g e t h e r t o e x p a n d P r o v o k e W o k e ’s relationships with schools in the Sydney and Greater NSW region, and the greater Australian region. Some tasks may include creating a list of schools to collaborate with and developing briefs to achieve ProvokeWoke initiatives in schools. As the schools engagement lead, you will be a point of contact between the schools and ProvokeWoke, including following up on school initiatives to develop strong relationships.
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT LEAD The community engagement lead (x1) will work with communities in Sydney to e x p a n d P r o v o k e W o k e ’s r e l a t i o n s h i p s with different communities and regions in Sydney. As the community engagement lead, you will be expected to contact youth groups, forge partnerships with community focus groups and community organisations and collaborate with other nonprofits to host events and workshop series. This will include events such as I n t e r n a t i o n a l W o m e n ’s D a y w i t h K u ring-gai Council in March 2019.
ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR (X2) The activities coordinators (x2) will work together to develop and write content, resources and worksheets that correspond to the workshops and events that will be run in schools and community groups. They will also work t o g e t h e r w i t h W r o t e W o k e ’s e d u c a t i o n resource developers to create a scope and sequence for schools clubs. Other tasks will include coordinating webinars, speaker sessions and other small workshops that run throughout the year.
POSITIONS: - Content Creator x 2 - Education Resource Developer x 2 - Copy Editor
WroteWoke is taking on an exciting vision for 2019: one that is centered upon education as a means of youth empowerment, in addition to the storytelling and creative element of 2018. Working in WroteWoke will enable you to develop stronger research, writing and communication skills, as well as gain valuable insight into the core issues that young people face.
CONTENT CREATOR (X2) The content creators (x2) will work together to create and develop online content to upload onto the ProvokeWoke website. Some other tasks may include identifying a monthly mood and writing creative and literary content. Moreover, they will work to recruit other writers and creatives.
COPY EDITOR The copy editor (x1) will work with the WroteWoke team to edit all content and recruited pieces before they are uploaded to the website. Some other tasks include planning and writing the monthly roundup (a collation of the months best pieces) to be emailed to subscribers and posted on social media handles.
EDUCATION RESOURCE DEVELOPER(X2) The education resource developers (x2) will create educational and informative content for the website, working a l o n g s i d e S p o k e W o k e ’s a c t i v i t i e s coordinators for the former task. They may also work to write and record interview, video and podcast content, including the planning and organisation of the concept.
POSITIONS: - Website Designer - Film Editor - Videographer - Visual Designer - Digital Content Media Lead
Digital Content (DigCon) works alongside SpokeWoke and WroteWoke to facilitate the development of educational resources, storytelling and events online. DigCon will facilitate the technological element of the educational plans and written content developed by WroteWoke. DigCon will collaborate with SpokeWoke to digitalise events, in the form of webinars, podcasts and live streams.
WEBSITE DESIGNER The website designer (x1) will be in charge of the creation and development of an organised, easy to use and aesthetic website. Some tasks will include posting blog entries and pictures from events and regular updates of news. As the website designer, you will be in charge of the visual layout, improving the ease of use of the website and facilitating any shifts in the structure of the website.
FILM EDITOR The film editor (x1) will be in charge of e d i t i n g v i d e o - g r a p h i c c o n t e n t . T h i s w il l include the editing of videos from events and ensuring the live streaming from webinars and online speaker sessions works with ease. Moreover, the film editor, will edit the footage captured during interviews and speaker panels to upload to media platforms.
VIDEOGRAPHER The videographer (x1) will work with ProvokeWoke at events to ensure moments are captured to be posted on s o c i a l m e d i a a n d e x p a n d P r o v o k e W o k e ’s social media presence. Some other roles include being the videographer, photographer, and podcast recorder and editor.
VISUAL DESIGNER The visual designer (x1) will be in charge of creating the graphic content to accompany all of the content WroteWoke creates. As the visual designer, you will be in charge of the aesthetics of the digital and written content, in order to create an effective website to sustain maximum engagement.
DIGITAL CONTENT MEDIA LEAD The digital content media lead will work with the Head of Marketing to ensure the subscription emails service is being regularly sent out and social media is being regularly updated. As the digital content media lead, you will work to ensure all social media handles are updated with graphic content, to sustain maximum audience engagement.
Want to apply? Follow the link below (or visit our website) to access the application form: pQLSdz1m5yJvPzeAXiMHiX74CeVnU1ePsO FoPWhdbkW_0O7vnAwQ/viewform? usp=sf_link
(P.S: Write your responses elsewhere and copy + paste it into the form!)
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