The Real Conspiracy

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Roel van Duijn The Real Conspiracy the truth behind the delusions 2021

Shortened translation by Pamela Docters

For my friends lost in the conspiracy: Sofia, Miriam, Asha, Max, Martin, Joy and Maarten. When will we meet to embrace with new courage? Only with growing realism can we keep the planet healthy. Amsterdam, 16 March, 2021 – Corona Fractures I encounter friends I’ve had for decades, some with whom I protested during my “Provo”1 time but now have fallen under the spell of conspiracy theories. That they are descended from aliens. The elite are directly descended from these aliens, actually reptiles, and are called Illuminati or Anunaki. They want to eliminate 90% 1

Provo was a rebellion movement in Amsterdam in the sixties.


of humans. Or other aliens, “the little gray ones”, which formed the nobility and line of American presidents. Nazi propaganda was truth. The Dutch government wants to take away people’s freedom. Not more people than usual are dying. Shocked, I cut off these friends who have jumped into the Land of Delusion. There is a difference between the Missionaries who scream out the conspiracy theories from the Land of Delusion and the Still Ones, who are under the influence of the Missionaries but don’t dare run over to the Land of Delusion. “Wanies”, deluded ones, is my response to their naming vaccinated people “normies”. The Wanies remind me of those who became lost in drugs in the 1960’s, and then came back, or died. Fulda (Germany), 15 April, 2021 – Hell A few days before, I was vaccinated. Of course, it itches with the secret chip implanted by Bill Gates, but I’ll get used to that. I wonder where the stubborn urge to believe in conspiracy theories comes from? I watch YouTube videos of a long list of Dutch, German, and American conspiracy missionaries: Robin de Ruiter, Thierry Baudet, Robert Jensen, Ken Jebsen. The urge can come from a fear and fascination with hell. According to the conspiracy theorists, devils like Bill Gates and Kurt Schwab rule in hell. The devils are presented as child-blooddrinking politicians and sly, rich ones, sometimes like gigantic lizards, sometimes as Jews or Freemasons using the pandemic to manipulate. Their goal is to subjugate and enslave us. What drives the conspiracy theorists? And their believers? Fear stirred up by masks, social distancing, not being able to go to the café or dancing? Curfew. Freedom restrictions. Panic. The attraction of conspiracy theories is older than the current epidemic and so it must sit much deeper. A fear of hell exercised by describing it? Or hell as an instrument of power? The latter was used by the agents of the Russian Czar Nicholas II through The Protocols of the Sages of Zion, a fictitious


account of a meeting of Jews, in order to direct the people’s wrath onto the Jews. Dracula The deniers aren’t looking to build an alternate constructive society, nor are they praising how the Spanish flu was dealt with, which didn’t include lockdowns, nor Brazil and India, countries which are currently not implementing very many rules against the pandemic. So, what is their goal? When the pandemic is over, will the conspiracy theories stop? Of course not. Earlier, I thought conspiracy theories were for the exercise of power, such as the “stab-in-the-back” legend after WWI, when Hitler rose to power under the assertion that Germany’s own leaders had betrayed them. But now I see people enjoying the horror of a world in which Bill Gates and the witchy Illuminati have us in their grip. Vampires, Count Dracula. Is the belief in conspiracy theories something like the horror film industry? Certainly, many conspiracy sites are making money off it. But that can’t be the reason. Amsterdam, 1 June, 2021 – Creepy Delight Someone on Facebook who had refused to be vaccinated due to his fear of being paralyzed by the chip of Bill Gates, told me that he had read my joke about the chip itching and, to my amazement, had decided to get vaccinated. How could such a small joke bring him to another viewpoint? I suggested he had been plagued by a sense of powerlessness, and he revealed he had an impotent distrust of the government. In an absurd world, powerlessness is a natural emotion. An idea: conspiracy theories seem like a caricature of social inequality.


Together, the 26 richest own as much as the poorest half of the world's population. Injustice makes people feel powerless and imagine the elite as almighty devils. Powerlessness is a breeding ground for delusions. Amsterdam, 2 June, 2021 – Conspirators I worked on a film by Sunny Bergman on the receptivity of spiritual people to conspiracy theories. Amsterdam mindfulness and yoga teacher Saskia Beugel worked for years to make her clients receptive to spirituality and was shocked when they turned to conspiracy theories during the pandemic. She was even more shocked when half of them voted for the Forum for Democracy, a bunch of super-right idiots. The “spiritual” votes for Baudet felt like a slap in the face. Flown too high. And now the spiritual fall of Icarus. But history teaches that when ultra-right parties stir up pinches of “spirituality” through propaganda, soon many come to get a sniff. In 1930, when Nazi authors wrote about the spiritual descendance of the Germans from sunken Atlantis, the ears of numerous anthroposophists and a theosophists perked up. They were all in when Himmler organized a trip to Tibet, and when Lieutenant Colonel Otto Rahn went in search of the Holy Grail. A remarkable number of Steinerian organic farmers fell under the spell of the Blut und Boden philosophy. I was raised by my theosophical parents (luckily still in their right minds) in the Hague and understood well enough the fall of the clergy to the emerging fascism. Yiddu Krishnamurti, who was abducted as a young boy by theosophist leaders Besant and Leadbeater and was jubilantly received in the West as a “world teacher” and seen by many to be the spiritual star of the East, was a beloved philosopher in our home. But also Krishnamurti failed to warn against fascism. The Nazi movement was able to flourish without any real resistance by the spiritual currents of the time.


Now the conspiracy theories about child-eating elites captivate the spiritual person. You see this betrayal of spiritual values on all continents. Meditation And it is also seen in the Netherlands, through the mass migration from the spiritual corner to Baudet, who fantasizes about a utopian homeland without pandemic, disruptive immigrants, and troublesome climate change. That's all possible because reality isn't what it seems? That limitless expansion of consciousness and boundlessness and spiritual overflow to the extreme right is exactly what spiritual teachers and teachers should note and what concerns me. The web of conspiracies appeals on a metaphysical dimension. Satan, angels, and demons, reincarnation and karma play a big role. The fantasies hook together and form a belief as if it were a new, exciting religion, insensitive to reason and arguments. Let’s call is “conspiricism” – a combination of conspiracy and spiritualism. It fills the void that the departing New Age movement has left behind. But whereas the New Age movement was humanistic, conspiricism spreads paranoia and suspicion. Spirituality is only truly consciousness-expanding when it at the same time points to limits, limits set by morality and science. When the boundaries of morality and science are missing at the spiritual feast, then the New Age slides into a snake pit of spiritualists and yoga practitioners with racists and nationalists. Saskia Beugel also concludes that spirituality is complementary with confidence in science, emphasizing on her Facebook group that conspiracy thinking is often the result of unresolved trauma.


Fulda, 20 June, 2021 - Bill Gates I met up with an old friend who calls the pandemic as PLANdemic, planned for exactly 75 years after WWII. She calls the mandated masks Jewish Yellow Stars. She labels the indirect obligation to be vaccinated a dictatorship and a violation of fundamental rights.

Bill Gates in 1977. Youth of a philanthropist or of a mass murderer? Police photo, due to a traffic violation.

It angers me that that the measures to protect against contamination are called serious infringements. She doesn’t know the fundamental rights that a Dutch person and also a European has. Good health care is an enshrined human right. Article 22 of the Dutch Constitution states that the government has the obligation to protect our health. In the EU Charter of fundamental rights, it is contained in Article II-35. The most far-reaching is preventive health care for everyone as insured in the International


Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (ICESCR) in 66 countries. Sadly, I realize that my friend’s knowing the fundamental rights would not make an impression on her. Arguments don’t count. Suspicions Receiving my second shot, I joke to the health care worker to not forget the chip from Bill Gates. She says they are all out. I reply that they can re-order them? She answers that the production has shut down due to Bill and Melinda’s divorce. Thinking about how common the stories about Bill Gates’ power have become, I consider whether there is a kernel of truth in them. Stories and YouTube films by American conspiracy theorist Jordan Sather how Bill Gates made the virus at the Pirbright Institute in England and then invented the vaccine against the virus he created. It’s so suspicious that he had warned against a pandemic 5 years earlier. Although the Robert Koch Institute had already given the same warning in 2012, but it’s Bill Gates who’s painted as the devil. Gates is supposedly also behind the 5G-network, an ideal way to “roll out” the virus. Why? To reduce the world population by 15%, of course. Alternative für Deutschland2 claimed that Gates wants to make a “digital certificate” for everyone. His denials of the allegations didn’t help him but made him more suspicious. And, as an adversary of Trump, his effort against the pandemic and philanthropic selflessness were indications of a dark role. The online speaker and anti-Semite Ken Jebsen claimed that Bill and Melinda Gates controlled the WHO and Western democracies and have more power than “Churchill, Hitler and Stalin together” did in their time. 2

Right-wing, political populist party in Germany.


But the conspiracy theorists don’t pay attention to facts. Most of the stories around Bill Gates were in 2020. Perhaps some think that someone who is attacked so hard must have done something right. Also, conspiracy theories run their course. Older Germans still know the stab-in-the-back myth which asserted that it was the democrats and the Jews which made Germany lose WWI. That conspiracy theory slowly faded away after the defeat in WWII. But their current kindred spirits understand they are better off coming up with current conspiracy theories, such as that Merkel deliberately attracted the foreigners, or that the story of climate change is made up to steal the ordinary citizens’ money, and especially that the pandemic is created to kill the unvaccinated. Listen carefully to Attilla Hildmann, if you can stand his roaring German. On Facebook, I now read a comment from the man who had decided to let himself be vaccinated: “Do you know that you will get cancer ten years after the vaccination?” I see the Bill Gates conspiracy theory as part of the Big Pharma conspiracy which is in turn a part of the Illuminati phantom. Bill Gates can’t be removed from the devil’s club which the deluded ones have in their sight. Why not? It is replaced by something even more sinister. The goal of the conspiracy theorists is and remains to attack confidence in tackling the pandemic and to erode democracy. Now the reality. Bill and Melinda Gates separate but promise to continue working together to implement the gigantic capital of their foundation for health. It’s still crazy that they could become so unhealthily rich. Reason enough for distrust. Would Bill Gates vanish from the conspiracy theories if he lost his fortune? It would help, I muse, because then he wouldn’t belong to the creepy rich who play with the world.


Fulda, 27 June, 2021 – Hyper Capitalists Is it all nonsense what the conspiracy thinkers have to offer? No, there are starting points in reality. Which is why they find reception with people who like simple and personal explanations. For example, the idea of the rich elite. In the language of conspiracy, “cabal”, “Illuminati” or “reptilians”. On Facebook, a rather intellectual conspiracy theorist points out to me the financial top. Yes, it exists and has, I am in agreement with him, certainly something disgusting. According to Forbes, now Amazon's Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world, with $178 billion, Bernard Arnault of Louis Vuitton (the chic suitcases) is second with $162 billion, and Tesla's space tourist Elon Musk is third with $136 billion. How crazy that none of them appear in the devil’s row with Bill Gates, Soros, Rothschild, Schwab, and Rockefeller. With $131 billion, Bill Gates is modestly at 5th place and may tumble further after his divorce. Soros, after donating $32 billion to his human rights organization Open Society Foundation, is a little boy, with a sorry $8.6 billion. Soros, the bitten dog of the conspiracy theorists, stands at 301 on the list, behind a lot of Chinese billionaires. And Rockefeller and Rothschild are little more than toddlers, compared to the Bezos-Arnault-Musk trio, the top three. And Klaus Schwab? Increasingly mentioned by the conspiracy theorists as the invisible hand behind world events? He doesn't even appear in the long list from Forbes. The exciting Forbes list is dominated by American and then Chinese rich men. Why are Bill Gates, Soros, Schwab, Rothschild (which one?), Rockefeller (which one?) named the spiders in murderous world plots? And never the really richest? Bill Gates tops the list of conspiracy theorists because he wants to use his money for vaccines which people need, something the conspiracy theorists don’t want.


You don’t have to be smart to understand that they name Soros because he promotes the liberal constitutional state and is also Jewish. Rothschild is just a rich Jew and Rockefeller is somewhat dutifully added to the list because he is famous and smells like money. Klaus Schwab is added to the list because he chairs the World Economic Forum and is author of The Great Reset, a book which conspiracy thinkers don’t read but consider a modern version of The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels. I consider Schwab a top-down thinker, but least of all a communist or neoliberal. Borders According to the conspiracy theorists of the world, the hyper capitalists rule the world. They bring the economist Thomas Piketty, who warns that things will go that way if nothing changes. Because indeed, the gap between the rich and poor is growing in the world day by day. Yet, a motley crew of hyper capitalists has had most of the world's wealth for a while. There is much that hyper capitalists can’t do, and states can do. First of all, make laws. Raping or eating children? All over the world there is heavy punishment. That might be possible in Laos or Cambodia, circumvented by corruption, but that doesn’t assume that well-known rich people can now just do what they want. American multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein, whose wealth was estimated at $600 million, committed suicide as he awaited his conviction for the rape of girls and women. Or was it murder? In any case, this hyper capitalist did not escape. Can the hyper capitalists control the media? Berlusconi did indeed build a up large media empire in Italy, which helped him become president, but then he was caught and deposed for corruption and sex with young girls. The justice system sets limits on these types of money wolves.


In weak states like the Ukraine, rich oligarchs can buy radio and TV stations to make propaganda for them, but in the end the popular comedian and actor Zelensky won. He won against the power of his opponent, ex-president Poroshenko, the oligarch with a chocolate empire and one of the most powerful hyper capitalists, placing 153 on the list of the world’s richest. Poroshenko was defeated by a man who was seen as an outsider, precisely because Zelensky wasn't a hyper capitalist. The hyper capitalists aren’t a united front, as the conspiracy theorists would have us think. They compete with each other and have different opinions. Bill Gates, with his goal of world health, is a completely different person from Bezos, spending millions on space tourism and spreading idiotic ideas of putting factories on the moon. Soros, the small and most idealistic billionaire, cannot be compared to nationalist and Thatcher admirer, Elon Musk. And then there is China and other dictator states. Can those billionaires just do what they want? No. In China, officials of the Chinese Communist Party set the course of the companies. I read in “Bloombergs' Wealth” (November 7, 2021) that government measures have led to almost all Chinese billionaires having their wealth reduced. The reason is that the government does not want them to get too much power over the industry, as is the case in South Korea. In Russia, Putin has the oligarchs on a string, instead of vice versa. Khodorkovsky, once the most powerful oil baron in Russia, supported the opposition with his money, and should be grateful he got off with nine years of spooning thin soup in a prison on the Chinese border. Dictators like Putin and Xi Jinping are clearly far more powerful than their hyper capitalists. And are also much richer. I suspect that the ratios in countries like Iran and Egypt are like that, too.


New World Order It’s clear, it’s high time the hyper capitalists pay fair taxes. But the existing states are far from finished and they control, through alliances, world politics. The claim of the conspiracy theorists that the hyper capitalists rule our health and our governments as a group is a specter; they compete among themselves and are subject to national and international laws. So: there is a point where the conspiracy theories hit reality. The hyper capitalists do pose a threat to the nation state. However are they not all-powerful world rulers. They neither form the Jewish Sages of Zion - who, according to the infamous Protocols would seize the world by its throat – nor a clique that can commit a world coup. But let's be clear that the conspiracy theories of the World Economic Forum are the heirs to the anti-Semitic The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Are our financial elite cabal or Illuminati? No. Are they a bunch of sly tax cheats? Yes. The danger of shrouding the phenomenon of hyper capitalism in mythical clouds by the conspiracy theorists is that it leads people into the delusion that they are doing something against the monsters of money when they participate in protests against Corona measures. I think of my friends, and how their delusions are only making things worse through protests by spreading the virus and thereby making our psychic and physical immunities sick. Amsterdam, 1 July, 2021 – Child Murder and Water Delusions You would think that conspiracy theories, without any foundation, would fade away, but that is a grave overestimation of the rationality of our culture. As I write, I am ambushed by more conspiracy theories in my own country. The pedophile network of


the satanic elite has secretly buried the ritually murdered children in Bodegraven. This quiet South Holland village is in the news because the graveyard has been raided by groups of people who lay flowers on children's graves, with dramatic letters about their cruel death at the hands of the pedophiles. Threats to the “pedo mayor”, the municipal lawyer, and the poor RIVM boss Jaap van Dissel, who are accused of involvement in this conspiracy. The evil genius behind this grievous action is national conspiracy theorist Micha Kat. Kat was initially a journalist but became terribly frustrated when he had to leave NRC [newspaper] after an argument. That was the beginning, in 2002, of a series of libel, slander, and false bomb threats by him, and infernal accusations of pedophilia, child abuse, and murder against many people, from the director of the Dutch Central Bank to top official Joris Demmink. In 2013, I encounter one of his entourage in court after he had lost a case. The woman says all judges are corrupt according to her, she had learned that from “Frisogate”. Kat designated Prince Friso the killer of the Frisian girl, Marianne Vaatstra. Kat liked the theme of pedophilia so much that he didn't stop with random accusations of child abuse. Apparently, he was already under Alt-Right influence then, because American conspiracy theories end in “gate”, like Pizzagate. Alt-Right originated in America after 2010, by racists like Herbert Spencer and the journalist Andrew Breitbart, of the successful television program Breitbart News. Had Mischa Kat watched that too much? He was also convicted of Holocaust denial and had a Jewish co-worker of the besieged law firm Vissers & Moskowicz discriminated against. Screaming, he defended himself before the Hague court. He was convicted, had to remove all his articles about Bodegraven from his site, and was imposed a penalty.


The crazy action in Bodegraven is a new scene from the horror movie by QAnon. An even scarier case of conspiracy madness has now occurred in Urk, more about that later. More amusing is the explanation of the recent flooding in Europe by the water deluded ones, to make us sheep believe that it’s the result of climate change. They know for sure that the floods are the work of HAARP, a scientific institute in Alaska exploring the ionosphere, with similar institutes in Norway and Russia. The elite thought that people weren’t having climate change impressed on them enough and, with the help of HAARP, created the water disaster to get us to open our wallets for the greedy elite, who then pretend to take measures. My friend wrote, “They have a HAARP branch near Kerkrade, that is a bit too coincidental”. I looked up the website and found it concerned mobile HAARP antennas. Were they really there? No, it was a joke by a company, Simpelveld, which promises good weather for events. This reminds me of the funny slogan in the 1966 elections, “Vote Provo For Nice Weather!” Chemtrails There are other ways the elite can determine the weather, even the deluge we now have. Don’t forget the “chemtrails” and “cloud seeding”, beloved topics of conspiracy theorists. A chemtrail is supposedly a poisonous trail left by airplanes, in order to change the weather and thin out the population, according to the deluded ones. Chemtrails (chemical + trails) supposedly “block human consciousness”, disrupt the earth’s magnetic fields, and probably are partly responsible for the exceptional weather changes. There is no scientist who supports these assertions. In reality, they are contrails, condensed water from jet engines. “Cloud seeding” is a technique of feeding clouds with particles of silver iodide, to cause or stop rain. The results are


doubtful, but China uses it. Already regions there accuse other regions of “stealing rain”. It was used at the Olympics in Peking to stop the rain. Does that mean you can cause great flooding with “cloud seeding”, to convince humanity that the climate is getting warmer? No way. However, a petition is now circulating as a citizens’ initiative to hold a parliamentary hearing over chemtrails, which don’t exist. So, China is the furthest with weather influence. Nevertheless, China is being hit by heavy rainfall and flooding. The attempts of man to control the weather have no chance against the natural violence that we have caused by our fire under the planet. GeenStijl3 holds up that distorting mirror for us sheep: “The rain is caused by geoengineering, also known as chemtrails, and especially a lot by HAARP. That works closely together with 5G and magnetic vaccinations, also for that reason, extra rain.” Sometimes GeenStijl seems playful. Do the authors themselves believe what they write? You can count on it! And at the end of this first chapter, I want to clearly define what a conspiracy theory actually is. A conspiracy theory focuses on fear and mistrust and is more vicious than just misinformation. It is certainly very different from propaganda, which is just a flattering image of one’s own strength and seeks to establish power or to build an unfavorable image of the adversary. A conspiracy theory is definitely not a conspiracy, because conspiracies exist in reality. It is the thought of something that does not exist and which nevertheless has great influence: the fake plot. How did the fake plot originate and where will it take the world?


Dutch blog.


2. The History of a Mock Conspiracy Amsterdam, 4 July, 2021 - Vaccines at the South Pole Traveling back and forth between two countries is in Corona time difficult, but I enjoy having a fatherland and a motherland now. Enriching, but meanwhile I am upset about the departure of my old friends. Should I have not delved into them? My vehement contradiction yielded nothing at the time. Just then, one of them calls me after a long time. I went to meet her and was curious about her. She had lost many friends and her allowance was withdrawn. She asked, “Do you know that the Americans continued where the Nazis left off after the war? I read that Hitler was also elite and was working with the little gray aliens.” I asked for the proof. "They built flying saucers at a base at the South Pole. A friend of mine was sent a movie on it. And they also make vaccines there.” “Are you preoccupied by World War II?” I asked. "Isn't it true that your grandparents were in the resistance?" "Yes, brave people. Now they would oppose the Illuminati. The Illuminati are often Jews.” “Didn’t you have a Jewish woman in your family back then? Did she survive?” She is interrupted by a phone call from an old friend. I worry she is in a cult, but at least she has other people around her. Fulda, 11 July, 2021 – Witchcraft Eureka! Found: the European fake plots have a common root. The assignment that the medieval Pope Gregory IX gave to the Order of the Dominicans to keep a sharp eye on witches because they have a pact with the devil.


On June 13, 1233, he issues the bull “Pax in Rama” which clearly describes the worship of Satan by witches. Before that, there were different ideas about witches. They would draw their evil sorcery out of their own psychic strength, or they would inherit that evil gift. Or they had it because of their familiarity with healing herbs. The conspiracy theory was born the moment the witche’s powers were ascribed to her pact with the devil. It revolved around the weak woman, who gave in to the temptation of Satan to have sex with him in exchange for eternal youth or magic. The evil person who conspires with the Lord of Evil against the good Catholic community. Behold the birth of the conspiracy theory, soon to be celebrating its nine hundredth birthday, more vital than ever. Modern European fake plots hark back to these medieval thoughts on witches. They hark back not only to the principle of the covenant with the devil, but also to the terrifying symptoms. The Dominican inquisitor Heinrich Kramer already described eating children as a characteristic of witches in his misogynist manual Malleus Maleficarum (1486). In the 13th century, Thomas van Aquinas believed witches made a covenant with the devil by having sex with him. The perverse consequence was that the witches had fun in atrocities like devouring of children. To be able to fly, they smeared themselves with witch ointment which consisted in an important part of children's blood and other ingredients of child corpses. A single example which illustrates how clear the line is from the medieval witch tales to the current horror plots. In 1275, Angèle de la Barthe was a rich noble French woman who was burned at the stake for bearing a son of the devil and kidnapping and killing other children to feed him. The authenticity


Satan tempts a woman to become a witch, medieval image.

of this story is questioned, but this happened to tens of thousands of innocent women (and men) in the 15th and 16th century.


Old Themes This theme comes up again in “Pizzagate”, the story that Hillary Clinton heads up a cannibalistic pedophile network which deals in kidnapped children. This is an enduring part of any conspiracy theory. In this story, Hillary is “simply” a witch. Today’s conspiracy thinkers are not original. Talk of the “Satanic bloodline” hints at the children born by witches with the devil. Even in the Middle Ages, people were accused of witchcraft because they interfered with the interests of others. For example, peasants who revolted, e.g., in the Thirty Years War in Germany. During a visit to a Witch Museum in Bamberg, Bavaria, it becomes clear that victims accused of witchcraft were initially rebellious serfs, and then later, gentlemen who had converted to the Reformation and were subsequently brought back to order by papal armies. Such scenes also played out in the southern Netherlands with the return of Catholic power. Lizards and Jews The idea that Illuminati and other prominent people are lizards, as described by the contemporary English fake plot author David Icke, seems an overwhelming surprise, but was stolen from the medieval stories. Then witches were also called lizards because a witch's soul sneaks away in the guise of a lizard. That peculiarity of the average witch had already been accurately identified in the Middle Ages, the reptilians described by Icke are really not new. In the persecution of witches, they were often equated with heretics and Jews. Those not of the right faith. In modern conspiracy theories, these themes return. Especially the Jews – think of Rothschild and Soros - are crooks. The fake story of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion stems from the medieval witch delusion.


Demonization was the preferred trick used by the Inquisition against dissenters. Witches were often equated with Jews and both were persecuted. Jews were often accused of eating Christian children, as a seasoning with their rituals. Just as the Illuminati are now accused of causing and “rolling out” the Corona pandemic, so were the Jews, and witches, accused of sowing the Black Death in 1348. And what was actually the difference between a witch and a Jew? The subtle distinction was not always obvious. The similarities are even stronger. Both had made a pact with Satan and were out to cause evil and destroy Christianity. Logical, that witches as well as Jews ate children and drank their blood. Sometimes it was even said about Jews that they first fattened the Christian children up before eating them on the Sabbath. Like the witch in the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel, also such a treat. The historical parallels between witchcraft and anti-Semitism explains why the modern fake plots often have an anti-Semitic undertone. They have a common medieval root. In the end, there is an undeniable connection between the belief in the devil and belief in witches. The latter are Satan's seduced women of shame. Even today there is a clear connection between the belief in Satan and the hatred of his girlfriends and friends, who play their filthy games with us poor and good people. Belief in the devil stimulates the craziest accusations against individuals and groups. I ponder whether the medieval witch belief also focused on the elite. That seems a lot less clear. The allegations were not directed against the Bill Gateses of that time, but mostly against the weak or loners.


Fulda, 18 July, 2021 - The Chosen People At my sunny Montessori school at the foot of the dunes in The Hague, I learned that God gave the order to our Geuzen4 to liberate Den Briel. And that His Hand blew away the Spanish Armada when that evil fleet threatened His people. I read that in a youth history book which I found in the work cupboard. Were we in a conspiracy with God, against the cruel Spaniards? Conspiracy thinking has always accompanied man because it's deep inside us and so we forge imaginary plots against others in our own thoughts. Moses already began this during the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, when God split the Red Sea to let His people through. Moses, the leader of the people, swore with his almighty god YHWH, who would protect his people by keeping the enemies at bay or crushing them. YHWH wanted to participate in this conspiracy because he preferred the people of Moses. A very special preference. Exalted above other nations. That's why God gladly opened the Red Sea to His people when they fled from Egypt and was chased by the enemy. As a symbol of the conspiracy, His people carried the Ark of the Covenant, two tablets of stone on which the covenant was established, on the long journey to the promised land. Not only the Jewish people made this form of conspiracy thinking their own. It's common. Also, the Afrikaners who call themselves the Boers, the Dutch speaking population of South Africa, have until recently considered themselves the chosen people, with a special bond with God, who protected them against and allowed them to rule over the Black nations. Bible in hand, they identified with the people of Moses. As of 1943, the Dutch Reformed Church propagated apartheid as a “religiously justifiable ideology”. In that year, the Council of the Dutch Reformed Church 4

Geuzen is the name assumed by the confederacy by Calvinist Dutch nobles.


decided that there were Biblical grounds for apartheid. Based on this, a large part of the Afrikaner population considered themselves to be God’s chosen people, like Israel in the Old Testament. The conspiracy of the Afrikaner whites with God was the basis for apartheid. That's racism. That is also based on the internal conspiracy theory, which assumes that we whites have a have special agreement with God or Nature which legitimizes our domination of differently colored people. Racism, not just by white people, stems from our conspiracy with the higher power. God With Us But there are also recent examples where we, and not our oppressive enemy, have forged a plot with God. The Russian Orthodox Church is convinced that God extends His Hand over the special Russian people. In all wars, the Germans went to the battlefield with God. “Gott Mit Uns” [God with us] the sea-faring priests assured the soldiers at the massacres. Don’t all American presidents say, “God Bless America”? They do that to affirm the pact between God and America. And don’t forget that parts of the Dutch population hold the belief that God stands on our side. And that our House of Orange, since Willem the Silent, can always count on a warm place in God’s heart. God, the Netherlands, and Orange is traditionally our national fake plot. How did we get God to regard and protect us as His chosen ones? Through the extreme form of wishful thinking which conspiracy theorists have. What is the difference between the theory of The Chosen People and the sham plots of today? The difference is that it’s not about Them Against Us, but Us Against Them. WE plot against our enemies, in a conspiracy with our almighty. It’s the conspiracy belief turned inward, where we ourselves are conspirators.


The Us-with-God fake plot is not about us being threatened by evil forces. The core of the teaching of The Chosen People is that we ourselves have an alliance with the most powerful figure of the universe. And that’s why we always have to win against the dark enemies around us. As chosen people, we are in the conspiracy ourselves and in the stories about satanic Illuminati, they are in the conspiracy. The thinking is the same. The theory of the chosen people is the mirror image of the stories about the satanic plots against us. Now it’s about our conspiracy, even though we don’t feel it as a conspiracy, but as a blessing. Also, the Arabs don’t perceive it as a conspiracy when they cry “In-Shalla”, but as an internalized conviction. Referring to this same pact with Allah, Muslim terrorists shout “Allahu Akbar” after their bomb goes off. In doing so, they testify that they committed their act in a supposed conspiracy with great Allah. Since we ourselves traditionally tend to plot as a group with the Higher Power against the others, we shouldn’t now be too surprised that others are forging plots against us. Most sham plots arise out of fear that others are plotting against us – unaware that we’re in an imaginary conspiracy - just as we do to them. The old religious mindset that we are in a pact with God is so deep inside us those theories about conspiracies almost come automatically. For example, when the fear gains the upper hand, or the fear-related feeling of powerlessness. Conspiracy thinking is our own. Our internal and external phantoms are directly related. Fulda, 25 July, 2021 – the Illuminati and the Van Duyns The real Illuminati were a group of intellectuals in Bavaria around the philosopher Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at the


Engraving: The philosopher Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), founder of the order of the Illuminati, a.k.a.“Brother Spartacus”.


University of Ingolstadt, who had had enough of the strict Catholic climate of the mid-eighteenth century molded by the Jesuits. Weishaupt secretly taught the ideas of the Enlightenment. Worse, he advocated for the separation of church and state. Since that could not be done openly, in 1776 he founded a “secret society” more like a reading club, which were fashionable at the time. He subjected new members to initiation rites taken from the Eleusinian Mysteries, a cult from ancient Greece. The members of the revolutionary order infiltrated existing structures in order to undermine the corrupt alliance of the monarch and the church and to make political changes. When the Bavarian authorities became aware of the society, they instantaneously forbade it. From their hiding places, some members still attempted to revive the school under names such as “Order of Invisible Friends” or “Union of German Masons”. The absolutist monarchs, however, gave them little chance and threatened the Illuminati with the death penalty. Pope Pius VI warned in two letters that membership of the Illuminati was incompatible with faith. The ideas of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution were not embraced in all circles. Conservative publicists such as the French Jesuit Augustin Barruel and the Scottish physicist John Robison knew who were behind that revolution: Illuminati, anarchists and the Masons. After all, shortly before the revolution in Paris, there existed a lodge of the Illuminati and a well-known Bavarian Illuminati had visited the French capital two years before the storming of the Bastille. Waves of Paranoia The American historian Richard Hofstadter has written a brilliant article in which he states that a paranoid mind has haunted the United States since its foundation at the end of the 18th century. In


The Paranoid Style in American Politics (1962), he points out the successive waves of political paranoia throughout US history. It starts with the Illuminati madness. Beginning with John Robison’s description of the group of philosophers from Bavaria as a group of diabolical instigators of the French Revolution (in his book Proofs of a Conspiracy, 1798), there has been panic among everyone who could be related to these dangerous Illuminati. Thomas Jefferson was in Paris shortly before the outbreak of the great revolution (1789). Then he was counted as an Illuminati who wanted to destroy Christianity. In connection with this, there came a fanatical anti-Freemasonry movement, which lay awake from the nightmare that this secret society had its fingers in all state institutions. Last but not least, the press was in the hands of the hideous society. The Freemasons, just like the Illuminati, were supposed to be keen on pulverizing Christianity and to enact perverted sex on a huge scale. According to the agitators against the Freemasons, these closed lodges were not only the most terrible, but also the most dangerous institution which man had ever faced: “It may truly be said to be Hell's masterpiece.” This movement was barely past its peak when there arose a throat tightening suspicion towards the Catholic Church, which wanted to squelch the spirit of Protestantism in America. In 1898, leaders of the anti-Catholics dispersed a counterfeit papal letter of Pope Leo XIII, in which he called for the extermination of all heretics. A crowd of anti-Catholics still await a Catholic uprising, from the East to the West coast. That the Pope conspired with the Habsburg Empire to install a Catholic ruler in America was a fear leftover from earlier centuries; that the Catholic Inquisition would yet still strike. In the 20th century, new fake plots flourished. Cosmopolitans, intellectuals, and Jews would undermine old values and morals. Of course, with demons as their allies. Fair capitalism was threatened


by socialists and especially communists. Like President Roosevelt, who raised taxes and implemented large government investments to get the economy out of the deep crisis of the 1930’s. Hofstadter omits this in his overview, but a not insignificant conspiracy theory was that Roosevelt had organized Japan’s devastating attack on Pearl Harbor to bring his country into the world war. McCarthy After the Second World War, the fake plots peaked with the socalled communist subversion. The communists would go hand in hand with Moscow to occupy the highest positions in the country. Senator McCarthy found the trail of a gigantic conspiracy. He accused the most important politicians, Marshall5 and President Eisenhower, of consciously working on the fall of US power to help the Kremlin win. McCarthy’s successor, Robert H. Welch, Jr., founded the conservative John Birch Society, which trumpeted that John Foster Dulles was a communist agent. Since Dulles was the leading minister of foreign affairs (whose appointment was precisely aimed at rolling back the Soviet Union via NATO), this was a conspiracy theory with wide reverberation. McCarthy's theory strongly reminds me of the representation that Thomas Aquinas, the Catholic medieval top theologian, had of a “demon state”. A “dark net” that cuts across the observable world in all the invisible nooks and crannies which were established by the political government then, ready to cunningly seize total power one day. A reminiscence of Aquinas’ ghostly demon state which also joins the previous waves of paranoia in American history. Just like Aquinas’ image of fear, McCarthy's allegation was without a grain of evidence, but one that cast its shadow forward.


George Marshall, the Army’s Chief of Staff


Would America survive have another wave of delusionists? Without getting stuck in a paranoid dictatorship? Anti-Semitism Towards the end of the 19th century, the paranoia about the Illuminati blended with the horror over Jews. Nesta Webster, an English writer from the 1920’s, went a step further. According to her, the Illuminati were puppets of the world Jewry. Like Barruel and Robison had explained the French Revolution as an ungodly spectacle organized by the Illuminati, now Webster explained the Russian Revolution. Her books also became a success in America. The racist John Birch Society and the obsessed TV evangelist Pat Robertson spread the suspicions further in the United States. (It won't surprise you that Robertson is a friend of Trump: the “deep state” against which Trump fought as president is infested with the Illuminati.) In the Netherlands, the anti-Semite Robin de Ruiter writes his libels in this spirit, which are translated into many languages. According to De Ruiter, the Illuminati work together with the Mafia, who take care of 30% of the murders for them. Eva from Zeeland (“Miss Natural”) proclaims on various internet channels that the Illuminati and their puppets rape children in cellars on a large scale and she once promised a blender to pregnant women who did not vaccinate. The paranoid thinkers meet a spiritual need, but their sources lie in movements that aim to break down the liberal rule of law from the French Revolution. And like the anti-revolutionaries cast suspicion on the Illuminati in the 19th century, this is how current conspiracy proponents cast suspicion on the rule of law, the Democratic Party in America, and their kindred spirits in Europe. If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes true by itself. So perished the original Illuminati: the defamatory image that the Bavarian authorities unloaded about the group around Weishaupt


has become the dominant image for two centuries. The Illuminati families have become the claws of the devil. They will make us zombies if don’t quickly unmask them. The Van Duyns I didn't know it, reader, but I can control your thoughts. With my colleagues, I plot a New World Order, that we may become masters of all guileless “normies”, our future slaves. We, the Illuminati, created the pandemic so that we could inject a chip into you, unnoticed, in a vaccine, whereby the secret society can control you through “mind control”. Bill Gates is joining us, too. You will not notice it, even if you become our slave. Unless you wake up now. I discovered this side of myself in Bloodlines of the Illuminati by the American author, Fritz Springmeier. The book describes the thirteen families of the Illuminati, and names, to my surprise, besides the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, the Van Duyns, or van Duijns (until 1977, I wrote it with a “y”) as one of these satanic families. Why does he give the Van Duyn family such a prominent place? Because, other than the Rothschilds, the Krupps, Kennedys, and Rockefellers, the Van Duyns have managed to stay out of sight. Now we still work in secret, infiltrated in governments, civil society, the media and education, but that won’t last long, thanks to Fritz Springmeier. Springmeier has already written three books about the Illuminati. He considers everything outside of Christianity as Satanism. His aforementioned book was published in 1995. A recent edition, banned in France, is entitled The 13 Satanic Bloodlines and mentions Robin de Ruiter as co-author. De Ruiter, like Springmeier, self publishes his own books: no Dutch publisher wants them. The chapter about the Van Duyns is also on the Dutch QAnon's website. Springmeier and De Ruiter have, they say, talked extensively to people who have managed to escape the Illuminati and thus they can now report everything about the Van Duyns/Duijns/Dines.


They immigrated to Manhattan at the time and have nestled there in the power structure controlled by the Illuminati. The Van Duyns are “therefore” deep in the deep state. The craziness doesn’t stop with that. Many of the Van Duyns, the authors know, were Freemasons. Edward van Duyn (1872–1955) is supposed to have founded Planned Parenthood, an organization that wants to decimate the world population under the pretext of birth control. American school children were allegedly poisoned with the “Van Duyn candies”. Typical Illuminati! And then follows the definitive proof: Roel Van Duyn “founded/led the socialist/communist movement in the Netherlands. He was a powerful man. The movement was led by Provos (provocateurs) whose demonstrations sometimes turned violent.” The necessity to include the Van Duyns with the more famous Illuminati families lurks in the familiar image on the dollar bill. On it, under the all-seeing eye, is a pyramid with thirteen steps. Officially, it stands for the first thirteen states of the United States, but the conspiracy theorists have found that every step actually represents a satanic family. That's why another name had to be added, sought from among the first families of the time when the Dutch founded New Amsterdam. Springmeier’s keen eye soon fell on the Van Duijns. The prefix “Van” betrays, according to him, their special nobility status, just like the noble “von” in German. And that inconspicuous behavior of the Van Duyns is so typically Illuminati. Fulda, 1 August, 2021 – Stab-in-the-back Legend “Look behind the curtains”, a Corona denier advised me. Yes, we live in a confusing world. How can it be that an elusive pandemic just takes our breath away? What's behind that?


The urge to look behind the curtains also existed after WWI. In Germany, the people asked, stunned, how could the very strong army, which in addition to having God on its side, have lost the war? The highest general, Ludendorff, knew how. The left Democrats had chased the emperor, proclaimed the republic, and offered the enemy peace negotiations. And finally committed the treacherous surrender from Berlin. The stab in the back of the invincible army! Who were they, actually, the lazy leftists in Berlin? Ludendorff pulled back the curtains and saw there... Jews. "Exactly, the Jews are behind the plot to destroy Germany!”, he reported to the soldiers and workers from behind the curtains. His story became a powerful conspiracy theory. Not long after Ludendorff looked behind the curtains, bullets flew in Germany. In Munich, Kurt Eisner, leader of the Bavarian Council Republic, was murdered. Jew. February 21, 1919. In Berlin, the bullets hit the liberal minister Walther Rathenau, Jew. June 24, 1922. Both were, according to the young Adolf Hitler, “November criminals”. The criminals of November 1918, which was the month in which the army had administered the stab, according to Ludendorff and Hitler. Now, as then, different conspiracy theories are interlocked. Henry Ford distributed in Germany and elsewhere The Protocols of the Elders of Zion on a large scale. Those were the counterfeit minutes of the first Jewish World Congress in Basel, 1897. The forgery was established in the mid-twenties as plagiarism of a polemical writing from 1864 by the lawyer Maurice Joly against Emperor Napoleon III. Although there was now evidence of the forgery and Ford apologized, The Protocols remained popular reading material. The fans just shouted very loudly that it was the truth and with that they were and are successful.


Many Germans, and not just them, therefore believed that plans were made at this Jewish gathering to destroy Christian culture and Earth into a Jewish planet. Illuminati We live in a similar time. Other conspiracy theories have replaced the stab legend and adopted The Protocols. It’s now mostly the Illuminati who are plotting behind the curtains. The evil elite who first consciously smuggled the immigrants in to undermine our own culture, and who now created the pandemic. To enslave mankind. Supported by the pharmaceutical industry which profits enthusiastically. Whew, it’s one big play and only those who look behind the curtains see the reality. Like Nilus, the Russian agent who is the author of the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, exclaimed: "From the moment I read this, it hit me that I had been blind before!” The conspiracy theories from shortly after WWI appeared in the movies everywhere in Europe in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Film spreads the delusions. Jews Without Masks, The Eternal Jew, and Sweet Jew are some of the most disgusting movies ever made, directed by Joseph Goebbels and also shown in the Netherlands. They are very reminiscent of today’s internet videos, depicting the elite as raping Illuminati, pandemic agents, and Corona profiteers. The real conspiracy. Then it was the conquest of power by the Nazis and an unparalleled massacre. The current conspiracy, in my view, is aimed at rigging the authoritarian state. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are located in stores in Gaza as still real. As I write, rockets are fired towards Israel from there and they do not go unanswered. How long?


Fulda, 4 August, 2021 - QAnon The most successful fake conspiracy of this century so far is called QAnon. It's about a so-called conspiracy against a hero targeted by a gang of Satanists because he is the savior of his people. This explosive internet religion has a played a decisive role in the seizure of power by President Trump in 2016 and in his vicious attempts to remain on the throne. This could be due to the paranoid atmosphere in the US, created by mainly Protestant Christians who flooded the country in the 1980’s with stories about “satanic ritual abuse”. Orgies of worshipers of Satan - with young children. An old horror theme, which is aptly called “blood libel”. While this phenomenon was still in kindergartens in the 1980’s, QAnon elevates it to higher circles, the Democratic Party, and Jews. “Pizzagate” was the introduction. That was during the election campaign of Trump against Hillary Clinton, fall 2016. Wikileaks had leaked the emails of Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta. Right-wing figures from the Republican Party, zealously supported by Russian Internet trolls, dove on top of it. They fantasized that code words were hidden in Podesta's emails to Clinton pertaining to her pedophile network. “Lock her up!”, Trump fans soon boomed. Q A year later, in October 2017, the racist site 4chan reported the first “Q-drop”. The first of a series of cryptic messages from “anonymous”, allegedly a high member of the government. The deep state, Q alarmed its followers, is all powerful and made up of pedophile, super-rich democrats, the cabal. They rule the media, and they have everything in their bloody grip, were it not for Donald Trump bothering them, who wants to foil their plans and rescues children from their clutches.


How can someone believe such insanity? First of all, because it was programmed as exciting and refined and Q didn’t come from nothing. "Anon" is an abbreviation for anonymous. And prior to Q's posts on 4chan there were anonymous messages from whistleblowers, from the FBI and the CIA ("CIAnon") which were to be taken seriously. So, Q is one whistleblower in a row, but a false one. Q was “qualified” by the government, he said, to take note of important state secrets such as the ins and outs of the nuclear weapons. But what real person was it then who played the role of Q? Researchers target the administrators of 4chan, a racist AltRight site, operated by Ron Watkins and his father Jim. The latter was a soldier, and both were convinced that America had to deal with Obama, Clinton and Soros. They and all their thousands of friends should be arrested, put in Guantanamo Bay prison, brought in front of the military court, and be executed. Watkins’ clamor went down well with Trump. He himself had never been averse to fake plots; who doesn’t remember his endlessly repeated story that Obama was not born in America and therefore could not be president? He retweeted their posts about Q shortly after the first Q-drop. 256 times even, say the people who have figured it out, such as QAnon researcher Julian Feeld and the Travis View site. Later the president denied that he knew who or what QAnon was, only that they were opponents of pedophilia. Father and son Watkins made sure that, when it was needed, their site was replaced in a timely manner by other landing strips for Q, successively 8chan and 8kun. With each Q-drop, the narrative became clearer. The deep state was the enemy of the people and of its messiah Trump. The deep state consisted of Satanists and the waiting was for the “Great Awakening” and “The Storm”. That would soon reveal itself. The numerous believers of QAnon now gathered regularly in mass rallies for Trump to assist in his heroic fight against the


underhanded and immoral enemies. "Where We Go One We Go All” is the battle cry – WWG1WGA. They felt they were the “Moral Majority”, who wanted to save the children ("Save the children!") and wear Q-caps, Q-shirts and Q-flags. Conspiracy author Alex Jones, a Nazi, got rich selling that kind of paraphernalia. In October 2020, an opinion poll by Yahoo-YouGov Polls found that a majority of the Republicans and Trump supporters believed that the Democrats were active in sex trafficking and that more than half of Trump’s supporters believed that Trump was dismantling these networks. It also became increasingly clear that QAnon revolves around Trump and his power, with the aim of restoring an old-fashioned, preferably white, homeland.

Trump rescues children from the clutches of the Illuminati, not by accident both children are white. Attacks on Trump, the conspiracy theorists cunningly knew, leaned the followers in Trump's favor. So would Robert Mueller the prosecutor who investigated if Trump had colluded with the


Russians in his campaign - secretly work with Trump: to draw up a list of cabal members who later Trump would string up. Aided by Russian TV propaganda through, among others, Russia Today, QAnon expanded its parish immensely. QAnon, no matter how insane, had influence on the election of the Republican candidates before the Senate and a number of Q-fanatics knew to let themselves be chosen. Like Trump's favorite, Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia, who denied the Holocaust but now, with her feet held to the fire, apologized. The Capitol The QAnons were the ones who, boosted by Trump, armed and drugged, stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Was this The Storm now? No, the Capitol is still there, and the cabal are not hanged, but that failure was part of the plan. Joe Biden’s election was also part of the plan. Again and again, certain victories that went south were declared as “part of the plan". QAnon is flexible. And the ideology is also flexible because it has sucked up all other American and European conspiracy theories. From the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to Bill Gates and his chips in vaccines, from Illuminati to climate denial, yes, to the genius theory that Kim Jong-un in North Korea is an agent of the CIA. So that the failure of Trump’s attempt to bake sweet bread with the North Korean dictator can be blamed on the CIA. The crowning glory of the QAnon conspiracy is the dogma that the hero Trump is the actual winner of the election - and not Illuminati Biden, who has been chosen by corrupt officials of the deep state, who made use of voting machines called Domino Vote Systems. A discovery by Ron Watkins, the man from 4chan and other conduits from Q, revealed to us that these voting machines converted votes for Trump into votes for Biden.


Meanwhile, after Trump’s defeat, not much was heard from Q. How come? Was the inauguration of Biden not “part of the plan”? Indeed, there were supporters who displayed disillusionment. Ron Watkins stated that he “went home” to humbly dedicate himself to the art of woodcarving. On the day before the storming of the Capitol, he claimed that “the mother of all bombs” was going to fall and that Vice President Pence would be arrested the next day. Don't celebrate too early. Insiders say that Watkins’s retreat is a trick to go unnoticed and to concentrate on a surprise. QAnon has also joined the most recent Trump meetings. Half of Trump's party members believe unabated in QAnon and firmly believe that Trump's victory has been stolen from him. Until recently, this was an unimaginable success for QAnon, despite the unproven statements and empty announcements of upcoming dates for the Great Awakening and The Storm, which again and again don’t occur but emerge as “part of the plan”. Is Q not coming back? Will the movement have to finally accept the factual defeat? On the contrary. Lately, the movement has also expanded outside the US. Not just in South America and Australia, but especially in old Europe. Even in the country where it once seemed that Hitler’s coup d’état of 1923 had only been a failed operetta. In that country, it seems that the stab-in-the-back legend, a predecessor of QAnon, held such an attraction for the confused people that ten years later millions helped bring the main character of that operetta to disastrous power. Since the Holocaust, it has been regarded as the ultimate evil. It seems that QAnon seeks to distract attention from this reality to an even hotter hell: imaginary mass child slaughter. Not by the right this time, but by the left. The result of this phantom is that many followers of QAnon deny or change the perspective of the Holocaust. How far does the influence of QAnon extend in Europe?


Fulda, 8 August, 2021 – Europe It is not always recognizable, but Europe has been pounced on by QAnon. Unmistakably, as conspiracy fans walk unsuspectingly, shouting at politicians that they are “satanists” and are deep state and threaten to kill them. Or, as Lange Frans thunders at a demonstration against the elite: “We know everything” - about child abuse – “and won't let it happen any longer”. Or as a politician from Forum for Democracy on his website suggests that Mark Rutte6 is a pedophile, and that George Soros and Bill Gates are behind the pandemic. Or as an anonymous rapper asks the criminals of the attack on Peter R. de Vries to “rather go after Hugo and Mark”. But sometimes it’s veiled, without pedophilia or Q. In the Netherlands it started with the founding of Forum for Democracy. Baudet then swore his congress with these words: "We are weakened in every way, undermined, handed down. malicious, aggressive elements become our social body in unheard of numbers, and the real facts and consequences are obscured.” He articulated the basic idea of QAnon, although the term was unknown at the time. The thought is that the elite, the deep state, cheat us by covertly filling the trusted white homeland with aliens and causes of disease, and debilitating resources. QAnon's aha! word, pedophilia, he then left off. But already in 2020, he added the accusation of mass pedophilia to his repertoire. According to ex-party members, he said behind closed doors that “Corona was brought into the world by George Soros and others (...) to take away our freedom and start a new world domination", after “Hillary Clinton and the pedophiles” didn’t work.


Dutch Prime Minister


Since then, Baudet only leaves Q out of the American fake plot. And Trump? He’s not popular enough in the Netherlands to mention him too often. Baudet would like to take over his role in QAnon himself, not only in the role of liberator of the people in the story, but also in reality. As Prime Minister. Climate Hoax If it is now being shouted that the pandemic is caused by the elite, then the word QAnon is not always stated, but it is also part of the QAnon fake plot. According to QAnon, the pandemic is only a means for the elite to undermine the nation and to cheat. Just like the so-called organized alien plague. Also, the manufactured attacks on the attempt to curb climate change belong to the QAnon horror cabinet. My old, stubborn friend Maarten makes me thoughtful about that while he writes. "The next hoax is the climate”, he emails me, “how they knock people’s money out of their pockets with ‘climate actions’ while deploying HAARP.” It was to be expected, for him to come up with this. Drought, forest fires, all HAARP. According to Baudet, just like the deep state to let foreigners undermine our culture by sneaking them in. And exactly like the deep state to unleash the pandemic on us to inject, enslave, and decimate us all. My ex-friend Maarten's reasoning is all QAnon. With or Without Q By all means - alien smuggling, climate fraud, non-existent diseases - the elite lead us painfully by the nose. All kinds of variations on the main theme are now called out in Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, London, Rome and certainly in Budapest, Warsaw and Ljubljana. And we don't always realize that these are the screamers of QAnon, for they often fling just fragments of the QAnon theory in our direction.


In the Netherlands, Baudet is the loudest trumpet of veiled QAnon theory. According to him, “the pandemic is a means for the pedophile elite to deprive us of our freedom”. He supports Willem Engel. Publicist Tom Zwitser, an ultra-right Catholic who, with his publishing house, De Blauwe Tijger, makes propaganda for QAnon, is his friend. It is striking that the FVD leader often tells his stories with Russian theories. He proclaims that the MH177 was shot down by a Ukrainian jet fighter, and he claims that the insurgents were not shot on Maidan Square in Kiev by the police, but by the insurgents themselves. In that, he follows the American QAnon writers. Not infrequently, QAnon and Russian stories flow together, not only in the mouth of Baudet but in many other QAnon folks in Europe. Other Countries In Germany, I see people from the AfD like Björn Höcke, and the Reichsbürger (who live in the dream that the Republic of Germany does not exist, but the old Empire does) who, since QAnon, shout that Merkel is the head of a pedophile network. I exchange emails with publisher Ellen Kositza, who, together with her husband Götz Kubicek, is the ideological center of the “völkische Flügel”8 of the right-wing movement and I also read from that how deeply the mistrust of vaccination is connected is with aversion to Western, democratic thinking. Even before the storming of the Capitol, “Querdenkers”, possessed by QAnon, stormed the Reichstag in Berlin, the seat of parliament and symbol of democracy. Yesterday I was visiting a friend in a Bavarian village, and he told me that he already has six relatives he doesn’t speak to since they referred him to the doctor because he believes the “mainstream media”. 7

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was a scheduled passenger flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that was shot down on 17 July 2014 while flying over eastern Ukraine. All 283 passengers and 15 crew were killed. 8 Der Flügel is a far-right faction within Germany's Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland, AfD), a right-wing populist opposition party.


Also in France, Italy, yes, right down to the bottom of the Balkans, QAnon has a lot of followers. For example, among the yellow vests. A friend who spent a few weeks in a yoga camp was barely able to stay because so many conspiracy believers kept on talking to her. Among the supporters of Front National and the party of Salvini, among Mussolini sympathizers in Italy, it’s teeming with QAnon followers. The pattern is the same everywhere. QAnon websites are popping up, demonstrations are being organized against Corona measures, and then there are insinuations about pedophile authorities, often including Jews. And anonymous calls to violence. Journalists say the pandemic with the inevitable government action has fueled QAnon. That may be so, but wouldn’t the awakening have happened without a pandemic? We mustn’t forget that QAnon has been thriving since 2017, years before the pandemic was unleashed. QAnon serves a political purpose and that is completely separate from Corona. The goal is conquest of power. By authoritarian nationalists, wheresoever in the world. It is true that Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter made a vague attempt to banish the fake plots, but the birds cunningly regroup on Telegram. Yet the ban on some of the social media is a blow and therefore Baudet litigates in court. The demagogue knows his Goebbels. If a fake plot is not repeated daily, it is doomed to disappear due to absence of truth. Hungary plays a special role. President Orban tells the whole story, only QAnon doesn’t appear in it. The malicious elite, the EU bureaucrats in Brussels who want to destroy Christian culture by bringing a deluge of Muslims to Europe. According to him, the deep state is the EU (which he doesn’t want to leave anyway because he receives money from the EU). The Jew George Soros, the ninety-year-old Hungarian survivor of Auschwitz, is, according to Orban, the devil who wants to destroy Hungary by giving large sums to anti-nationalist education, free media, and refugee work.


As a matter of course, Orban works together with Putin to fight another dangerous aspect of the “elitist pedophile network”: homosexuality, which is nothing but a disease with which the elite expands its pedophile market, good for their trafficking in children. Andronochrome How did QAnon get a foot in Europe so easily? “QAnon is nothing but the ancient myth of the Jewish rite murder”, says JensChristian Wagner, director of the monument Concentration Camp Buchenwald. And there’s a lot in that. The Jewish ritual murder is an old horror fairy tale, which was spread already in the Middle Ages. The goal of this ritual murder was to obtain blood to bake the best matzos for Passover. A series of anti-Semitic authors have made the “blood fairy tale” popular in the 19th century again. The low point of the smear campaign was the Nazi magazine Der Stürmer by Julius Streicher, who warned week after week against the danger of pedophile Jews who kidnap and rape Aryan children. And gladly drink their blood. At a recent demonstration on the Malieveld, a boy stood with a sign accusing the elite of making “andronochrome”. That would be a substance obtained from children’s blood. The elite loves that, to obtain eternal youth. It’s not just about Jews, but also about Rutte, Merkel, and the other European leaders. Consuming andronochrome would be an old custom of witches and “therefore” also of the current political leaders, who, according to the conspiracy theorists, exploit their covenant with the devil in this way. The Jewish ritual infanticide and also the witches’ sabbath, where children’s blood is drunk to obtain eternal beauty, are ancient European themes. In this light, it is no coincidence that a conspiracy theory which serves the same classical themes, would return to the continent of origin.


The real plot is that the patriotic right, with this fantasy visual language, wants to get the masses behind them. Like the Nazis before. “When will you, sheep, wake up and stop with those subconscious bits about so-called conspiracy theories?” my former friend Maarten taunts at the end of his email. He is also keeping an eye on my Facebook. It makes me angry. I should stop? He can forget about it! Fulda, 12 August, 2021 - Arab Conspiracy Stories The Middle East is a fountain of fake plots. The most imaginative come from the Arabs and Iranians. In 2010, a shark found in Egypt that was making beach resorts on the Red Sea unsafe, was caught and killed, because it was certain that he was commissioned by the Mossad gave the tourist places a bad name. A griffon vulture was arrested as an Israeli spy in Saudi Arabia, because the suspect bore a transmitter to record his migratory paths. Arrested in 2007, the Iranian army arrested a conspiracy team of fourteen spy squirrels. The subjects wore spy equipment from Israel. "They were stopped before they could act, thanks to the vigilance of our intelligence services," said the proud Iranian state news agency. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas wrote a dissertation in 1982 in which he explains that the leaders of the Zionist movement collaborated with the Nazis in secret and supported the Holocaust in order to bring the establishment of Israel closer. In 2011, he wrote the book The Other Side: The Secret Relationship between Nazism and Zionism. The original text can be read only in Arabic. The first edition of the book shows on the front cover an Israeli soldier with a Star of David on his helmet next to a Nazi soldier with a swastika on his. “The Zionist movement did not provide any help to the victims of the Nazis,” writes Abbas. “The Zionist movement withheld information which reached it from behind the ghetto walls and out of the concentration camps.” The Palestinian leader


explains the attitude of the Jewish leaders with this lack of enthusiasm then by the European Jews for Zionism, that had to be boosted by the Holocaust. In short: the Zionists deliberately contributed to the Holocaust, which, according to him, cost “only” 895,000 deaths and was done without gas chambers.

Amin al-Husseini, the Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, confers with Hitler on 28 November 1941 in Berlin about the approach towards the Jews in the Middle East (Federal Archive picture 146-1987)

The real conspiracy is that Abbas with his story about “secret relations between Jews and Nazis” tries to overshadow the actual and not even secret - collaboration between the Palestinian leader Amin al-Husseini and the Nazis. He was the grand mufti of Jerusalem and later the hero of Yasser Arafat, the leader of the Palestinian organization PLO. Al-Husseini was in Berlin from 1941 to 1945 to broadcast with Hitler and Himmler together the radio Nazi propaganda for the Middle East and the Balkans. He


also inspired the Muslims to enlist in Hitler’s army. The real conspiracy in this case is that, with his inventions, Abbas tried to undercut the raison d’être of Israel. The fake plots about Israel and the Jews are too numerous to tell in 1,001 nights. How are all those theories related to the sham plots now spreading in the West? Because all these insinuating stories thicken the veil of conspiracy theories that already hover over Europe. Here, they are discussed via the satellite dish. The lying story of Abbas, who, as political head of the Palestinians in the West Bank, likes to be known as moderate, also stimulates anti-Semitism in Europe. Muslims with feelings of solidarity towards the Palestinians may be susceptible to these kinds of conspiracies. These fabrications cover up the reality that Jews were only victims of the Nazis, the Jews would be hypocrites to have benefited from the Holocaust for the establishment of Israel. One little step further and you become a victim of the story that the Holocaust did not exist and is only a myth created by the Zionists as a cover to strike Palestine. That last one is a living conspiracy story in Egypt and other Arabic countries. And not just there. We see with very many conspiracy theorists in the West that, in their zeal, they not only deny the history of the pandemic, but now also deny the history of the Second World War, including the Holocaust. The Arab fake plots affirm the deluded ones in their inclination to falsify history. According to the Middle East Media Research Institute, numerous reports in the Arab press at the beginning of 2020 accused the US and Israel of being behind the creation and spread of the pandemic. They did this as part of an economic and psychological war against China. Does Beijing give these newspapers a helping hand to spread these rumors in the Arab world? Anyway, the Chinese and the Arab conspiracy stories clump together on this point. Just a part, I see, of a psychological and economic war against the West.


A message in the Saudi daily Al Watan from the early days of the pandemic claimed that it is no coincidence that the Corona virus was absent in the US and Israel, despite the US already having had a number of confirmed cases. The accusation should be routine for the Saudi paper. The US and Israel have also been accused before of creating and distributing other diseases. An innocent list: Ebola, Zika, SARS, bird flu, swine flu, anthrax, and mad cow disease. The allegations are not new. Already in the Middle Ages, the Jews in Spain were accused of having spread the plague by poisoning water sources. Reinforcing Views A widespread conspiracy theory after the 9/11 attack blamed Israel and the Mossad. According to a 2011 study of the AntiDefamation League, there are currently about 36,000 conspiracy videos found on the internet, of which 16,000 accuse Israel of involvement in 9/11. Almost all report that Mossad knew of the attacks in advance or even planned them itself. Although there really were Jews among the victims and it never has been proven that others than the terrorists themselves knew of the attacks, many conspiracy theorists persist that the “Zionist lobby” was involved in the attacks on the Twin Towers. This anti-Israel theory fits in perfectly with the antiAmerican conspiracy theory that the CIA was actually the guilty one, with the goal of justifying a war against Afghanistan. How wonderfully international conspiracy theories complement each other, like pieces of a mosaic! Conspiracy theorists in the Arab World have claimed that the leader of Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is in fact an Israeli agent of Mossad and was an actor named Simon Elliot. If that were to be true, that would that mean that the CIA played a devil’s double game with the Islamic State. Because everyone


assumes that Mossad and the US secret services share a lot of secrets with each other. The Arab fake plots reinforce the anti-Semitic current in Europe and they usually also have an anti-Western effect. They reinforce the views of deluded ones in the West, who cry that it is not about a pandemic, but a PLANdemic. Also, Baudet and his anti-Semitic party colleague, Freek Jansen, find recognition in the Arab conspiracy theory that Corona has been spread by the Western elite. And I see on Twitter that Baudet also makes the “Holocaust” painful, where he places the word in quotes. It fits in with the aspiration of the fake plot thinkers to replace the Holocaust as the ultimate evil with their own fantasies of child slaughter and mass murder by vaccinations. Luckily, the Jewish organizations drag Baudet to court. Russia, China How does Russia benefit from the Arab cauldron of conspiracy? And who actually shot down flight MH17? Also an answer from the Middle East fits that: Israel allegedly shot down flight MH17, in order to divert the world’s attention from the situation in Gaza, where a fierce war was raging at the time between the Israeli army and Hamas. Those messages were first broadcast by the state television of Iran (Russia’s ally) and were later also adopted by conspiracy theorists worldwide. Allegedly, an Israeli military plane was signaled in the neighborhood of flight MH17 and the “Zionist leaders” in the Ukraine knew before about the attack on the plane. It’s a conspiracy theory that matches beautifully with Russia's efforts to go through all possible theories and stories to divert attention from the shooting down of MH17 by their own troops. This is how fake plots from the Middle East not only fit


the Chinese stories about the origin of the pandemic, but also the Russian conspiracy composition about the deadly attack on MH17. The Arab and Iranian stories strengthen ideas that Muslim extremism like the Islamic State or the Taliban aren’t the danger, but just Israel, America, and ally Europe. That’s also the intention. China benefits from the conspiracy stories that say Israel and America are behind the pandemic. That reinforces their own Chinese conspiracy story that the pandemic did not originate in Wuhan, but in laboratories of demonic Jews and Americans. Russia benefits by confirming its own story that the West represents evil and that not Russia, but another country shot the MH17. I am not under the illusion that all conspiracy stories from Russia, China and the Middle East are accurately coordinated. But the fact is that the world is covered with interlocking cloud fields of such theories. This high-pressure area sends hail and lightning, especially over Europe and its allies. How can we get rid of that? Amsterdam, 15 August, 2021 – Natasja escapes Natasja called me again. She had needed a lot of time. She had talked with her old buddy René again and he had explained to her that in the 1930’s, people had had the same ideas as they did. "I find it creepy that the angelic alien race, the Nordics, whom my friends and I admired, show similarities with…” She reached for her hearing aid. “With the ideal image of the Aryan race of the Nazis.” I heard doubt in her voice. “The way the Nazis glorified that ideal, I still think it’s devilish. Well then, is there something not right?” In the background I hear her husband shout that the conspiracy theorists themselves are the cabal. It is late summer and now Natasja and I are picking late


raspberries. Back to the community garden. After she had taught Russian class. “The Jews whom they wanted to persecute, that was in the idea in which I experienced the cabal.” She explained why she started to see things differently, slowly but surely. “The Jews were the ones who ate Christian children. They were the extremely wealthy in society and were blamed for the poverty of the rest. The persecution of the Jews was born of these thoughts. And how could it be that they are the cabal too? When I realized that incongruity, I woke up.” It’s a revelation. “I think it was because of my friend René, who warned me that I was going in the direction of anti-Semitism. I didn't agree at all. But suddenly, at the moment I saw that he was right, I started to realize that I was being manipulated. It was the combination of two: my husband’s questions about what I wanted to do with my ‘knowledge’ and, in the background, the realization that I had not seen any real evidence and the urge to invent it myself. That’s how I got loose.” “For the first time?”, I asked. “Actually, I had always known very well that something wasn't right, because I always had to make up something myself to glue the flying dishes of the cabal to the Illuminati.” “Yet it was mainly the realization that I am now on the side with the Aryans, the Nordics, we called them, participating in the persecution of the Jews. That felt like betrayal. The fight against Soros and the Jews. That couldn't be right. Thereby I got out.” Yes, it seems that a dogged deluded one suffers from a kind of pseudologia fantastica, something like a psychosis. My contact with Natasja confirmed this, although I didn’t dare to use this word with her. Life in an imagined role. As a Whitelighter, with the assignment to awaken others in a monstrous world. It is not incurable, as long as you have loyal loved ones around you. I admire Natasja for the elastic force with which she


passed through a prison window to escape the Land of Delusion for home. How much hope does her example give? But she impresses on me to not use her photo or her name if I write about her, for fear of revenge by her former deluded colleagues. 3. World Wide Web of Delusion Amsterdam, 19 August, 2021 – The Matrix "I’m not getting vaccinated because I still want to have children," the girl at the bakery answers me. But the Health Council recommends it for children from twelve to eighteen. It helps to raise our herd immunity because the infections are now mainly in young people. Why does the girl behind the counter then think that she maybe can’t have children? Maybe because of Mother Heart. Mother Heart Foundation, led by Sietske Bergsma, sounds the alarm bell! On the site, people speak about exposing the children to undue risks. Because, according to Mother Heart, the children are being injected with “an experimental drug”. It emphasizes the danger of heart muscle inflammation in boys. A bit exaggerated, because according to the American Center for Disease and Control, the chance of that is one in one million. And why “experimental”? Hasn’t it been tested thousands of times already? Already early on, Mother Heart strongly opposed the measures. The foundation believes that wearing face masks by children can lead to severe physical and psychological complaints, such as shortness of breath, increased heart rate, and skin problems. When I research the site of Mother Heart, I understand the background. There I see the familiar, criminal Bill Gates, the corrupt WHO, the conspiracy of the pharmaceuticals industry. Mother Heart is trying to make vaccination seem artificial.


Yet the principle of vaccination is simple and was discovered over two centuries ago. During a smallpox epidemic, British village doctor Edward Jenner saw that milkmaids stayed well and that this was related to their daily contact with cows. The girls did get cowpox, but not the common smallpox. Jenner removed fluid from the hand of a milkmaid with cowpox and placed it in a wound of an eight-year-old boy. His theory to protect people against the life-threatening smallpox by treating them with cowpox infection, turned out to be true. The little boy never got the smallpox, nor did everyone else in the village that Jenner preventively infected with the cowpox. Vacca means cow. Biden says the pandemic is a pandemic of unvaccinated people. Also, of unvaccinated young people. But that is for mother Sietske Bergsma a statement from the manufactured world of Build Back Better. The world of lies of Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum. Stunned, I see her in a movie talking to Thierry Baudet. I have looked three times; it shows how the delusioned ones see us conversely as the madmen. It starts with Sietske strongly opposing “mandatory vaccination” and the “MSM”9 journalists who also lie out of “opportunism”. She is convinced that the vaccination programs are part of “a direct attack on humanity”. We should not let our children undergo this and she demands “complete exposure of the system”. Then she points out that our fundamental rights have been taken away, our freedom. Mankind is cut in half, she agrees with the FVD leader. On the one hand the normies who are vaccinated, on the other hand the people who have remained and trust in themselves but become discriminated against.


Mainstream media.


I am witnessing right-wing populism entering a new phase. The supporters are now getting full of the “Matrix philosophy”. The truth is manufactured by robots of the Illuminati, who make us delusional that we live in a reality that they envision. How can you stand to live in a reality which is not the real one, not yours? Afterwards, I watch the movie “The Matrix” (1997) on the internet. In it, machines let people live in a completely staged truth: the Matrix. “The world which you see covers your eyes so that you do not see the truth.” I feel claustrophobic when I try to imagine how people feel who think they live in such a world. Shortly afterwards, I was called in Germany by the lead actor in the film, Baudet. He has gotten wind of the fact that I am writing a series of articles on Facebook about conspiracy theories. “Name one conspiracy theory that isn’t true," he says. I name a few, 9/11, Protocols of Zion, but he doubts my refutations of these theories. He expresses his conviction once again that everything is directed from the veiled top. “Ah, Rutte and Merkel and stuff,” he says, "they're just errand boys and girls of the big bosses in the world.” He emphasized that his club is the only one of that same kind of party in the world who realizes that the whole system is being lied to. The anti-Islam parties such as led by Wilders or Marine Le Pen or the Alternative für Deutschland don’t understand the great deception with the truth. Crazy, I first hear fear in his voice but then delusions of grandeur. “I bet you’ll agree with me in three months,” he says, referring to his statement that the vaccines are a toxic experiment. “That works out well,” I say. “In three months, I will have finished my essay on conspiracy theories,” I reply. “If you're right, I'll admit it.” Even Baudet gets flight tendencies from his feeling of living in a counterfeit world, I notice. But where to? He feels trapped in a world conspiracy. “They're closing the net.” To my surprise, I feel


first pity, then horror and anger. Because those “closing the net” are Jews and their friends. Manichaeism Baudet’s captivity in a world of the devil reminds me of a religion which, I thought, had already been long extinct. Manichaeism. A cutting dualistic philosophy of life from Persian antiquity. Man comes from the divine world but has fallen into the realm of darkness and evil. In the grip of an evil builder, the demiurge, just compare him to the Illuminati. The Manichaeans have wondered where evil lies and what to do about it. Manichaeism gives a clear answer, resulting from the belief that there is already a realm of Good and a realm of Evil in the divine world. The aggressive Evil seeks to devour the Good and, therefore, God created man to defend the kingdom of Good. Man did not succeed in this, but he escaped from captivity in the realm of Evil through the help of Beings of Light. These Beings of Light are therefore for us the answer, let us be Light Beings! We also encounter the Light Beings in both QAnon and the New World Order; they are now called “Whitelighters”. Trump and Baudet are great examples of such Whitelighters. The Whitelighters have much to do, because man has escaped, but his soul is left in the darkness. Conspiracy theorists would say: in the Matrix. And that is precisely the psychosis in which the Manichaean conspiracy theorists now are. They feel their soul is trapped in evil and are trying desperately to escape. If only there were enough Whitelighters!


Biopolitics All those thoughts about dichotomy and submission of the unvaccinated we see again in a real conspiracy philosopher: the Italian Giorgio Agamben, who focuses on “biopolitics”. A term introduced by his French colleague Michel Foucault, but which the Nazis already used occasionally to indicate their racist schemes. Agamben is popular with conspiracy theorists. He offers them a philosophical justification.

The philosopher Giorgio Agamben (born Rome, 1942)


Agamben starts from a curious comparison between the Third Reich and the biopolitics which are going on worldwide, in response to the pandemic, he says. By biopolitics, Agamben means all measures that are trying to soften the pandemic, such as lockdowns, mouth masks, and vaccinations. He also says that constitutional warranties have been suspended and that, as always with a “despotic” emergency, a category of second-class citizens arises “as happened to the Jews under fascism”. So, he compares the pandemic with the emergency in the early 1930’s, referring to the takeover by the Nazis. And he skips over that the deadly discrimination against the Jews was the racist goal in itself. In contrast to the temporary difference that has arisen now for the moment that denies the non-vaccinated restricted access rights through the introduction of a public health code. But Agamben sees that differently. The pandemic has been “invented” by the rulers for exactly this obscure purpose. He assumes that there will definitely be a green pass, like the QR code, for the first-class citizen, this despite the fact that - he believes - there is still a scientific discussion is going on whether the vaccinations are safe. A permanent green pass that gives only vaccinated people free access to everything. But even without the introduction of such a green pass, the discrimination is already a fact, and the mask serves as the insignia for the creation of second-class citizens. Because the elite don't wear the masks when they are among each other. Hence Agamben effortlessly came up with the comparison of the mask to the Jewish Yellow Star. It doesn’t interest him that the mask serves to protect life and the Jewish Yellow Star was a death sentence. The point is that there will emerge a discriminated underclass of unvaccinated people. And the objection that this discrimination is only temporary does not interest him either. Because the pandemic was “invented” by the elite and will therefore not be just abolished by its inventors.


Agamben claims that the establishment of a second-class has been announced as an exception, but that state of exception has already become the new normal, because it has a global character. In Hitler’s realm, the Italian insists, wasn’t the state of exception also not lifted? It was established in 1933 and remained until the end. No, it will stay also now, because just as then, we live in a totalitarian world in which the truth is feigned. Democratic Totalitarianism “The vaccine is being turned into a kind of political-religious symbol aimed at discrimination," Agamben believes. According to him, the discrimination is deliberate and not the unintentional side effect of a beneficial, temporary measure of the government. As proof, he cites a politician's statement, who said: “We will purify them [the unvaccinated] with the green pass.” Biden or Macron said that. I think Agamben attributes to these politicians something that does not live in them. And Agamben’s statement is dangerous, because the vaccine refusers will thereby be hoisted on the shield of resistance heroes, while they remind me more of perpetrators because, by their refusal, they cooperate in the extension of the pandemic. Which will not stop without herd immunity. Agamben’s accusation that the privileged politicians are creating a discriminated class with their biopolitics explains why some deluded ones compare themselves to Anne Frank or, in Germany, to Sophie Scholl, the anti-Nazi fighter. Absurd, in Agamben’s philosophy, logical comparisons. I also had to think of Agamben when I saw how in Urk [Dutch town] boys in SS uniforms mock-executed in the street a concentration camp prisoner dressed as a Jew. In Urk, Agamben is read enthusiastically, that is clear. Also, someone like Baudet is in complete agreement with Agamben. He and Agamben agree on “biopolitics” which they believe the elite promote. A politics in which, according to them,


the biological manipulation and digital control of people hold them in a stranglehold. And then we’re back to Bill Gates, the great enemy. This follows mercilessly from Agamben’s reasoning, who dares to compare political measures against the pandemic with the emergence of the Hitler regime. Those measures, say Agamben and his followers, were not a response, no, the pandemic was planned in order to justify all these measures - in disguise. That’s also why videos have appeared on the internet which appear to show that the vaccines existed long before the pandemic lit up. Preparation of the vaccine was already underway, at least since the fall of communism. The southern conspiracy theologian dares to claim that this time, unlike in Hitler’s Reich, it’s really about a world empire of unlimited duration. If the people do not wake up and liberate the pure man, the homo sacer, as Agamben calls him, the holy man. The unvaccinated. Didn't Oswald Spengler announce the demise of the Occident already a century ago? Agamben repeats it. I find it all far-fetched. If a social distinction were to arise between vaccinated first-class citizens and unvaccinated second-class, couldn’t you easily compare this with the innocent difference between people with and without a driver’s license? Whistling, I take the Corona pass received from the municipality. A small bright spot about Agamben’s philosophy occurs to me. Can the glorification of the unvaccinated homo sacer result in this hero taking the place of the boreal Nordicus in the mind of the deluded ones? And that an unvaccinated Black person will more approach the ideal of the homo sacer than a vaccinated white? The end of racism towards which the extreme right is inclined? But it wouldn’t be an improvement. Whether it’s the skin color or the prick in the upper arm, it remains discriminatory thinking.


The theory about the “matrix” also contains a core of truth. Do powerful states not do everything in major operations to twist the truth in the desired direction? As with the last fraudulent Russian elections? All of this contributes to the New World Order fake plot surpassing QAnon in strength or better said swallowing it. The point of Agamben’s mental exercises is that the upper-class elite of vaccinated people will establish a New World Order. And that this elite will look down on the mass of slaves and corpses. Chiemsee, 30 August, 2021 – Delusion in Action Here at this lovely mountain lake surrounded by Alps, I am shocked to see a warning from Facebook on my message line. They have removed a previous post about Mother Heart and Agamben and if I post something like that again, my profile will be closed. How is that possible? My piece certainly fits within the guidelines from Facebook, which now forbids disinformation about Corona. A deluded one had already mixed himself into the discussion several times over my writing. With shrill warnings that Facebook is a global power, clearly a tool of the censorship by the cabal. As soon as I comment on Facebook that I find the removal strange, he crowed triumphantly that I just experienced what many "scientists and good writers" must experience on a daily basis. And who joined him? My old friend Martin! "Hey man, wake up now!" Then it was clear to me. One of them had taken advantage of the special button on Facebook that lets you know express your concern about the contents of a message. I blocked the two (plus other deluded ones that had come to their aid). Painful but inevitable. Discussion please, but they must stay away from my writing. Of course, Facebook's robots should not have given a chance to the crazy deluded one, who wanted to teach me a lesson. I


protested to Facebook and tried hard to speak to someone but didn’t get an answer. Which does not show that Facebook is cabal and in the conspiracy of the New World Order, but that it is a clumsy giant that must urgently become human. Fulda, 25 September, 2021 – False Flag Under a false flag, Hitler provided himself with a pretext to attack Poland. The false flag operation has become since 1939 the model for later. They are operations that are so nasty that they raise a question: is it a conspiracy theory? Or a real conspiracy? A week after the spectacular Hitler-Stalin pact was concluded, Polish soldiers invaded Germany and overran a radio tower in the town of Gleiwitz. They forcibly seized the brand-new transmitting installation. “Attention! Achtung!” heard the startled German listeners. “Here radio Gleiwitz. The city has been liberated by the Polish army! Long live Poland!” Immediately German soldiers sprang into action and chased away the Polish robbers. The international press was invited. On the spot, the curious journalists saw one of the Polish robbers dead in a pool of blood. In the whole world, the incident was explained in detail. What was not mentioned was that the “Polish robbery” was staged. German SS men staged the robbery in Polish uniforms and the murdered “Polish robber” was a German criminal who was given first an injection and then the bullet. A few hours later, Hitler bragged in the Reichstag that now “bombs would be retaliated with bombs” and that the German army had entered the enemy country. It was a successful false flag operation. No one doubted the incident and only after the war did the bit players feel free to talk and the truth about the plot was revealed. It was a conspiracy, not a conspiracy theory. But the kind of conspiracy that blurs the line between conspiracy and conspiracy theory. It was the start of hybrid warfare in which the falsification of truth gives rise gives rise to the occasional correct, but mostly


misleading and maddening fake plots. The real conspiracy in this case was of course the secret agreement between Hitler and Stalin, shortly before the invasion of Poland, to attack and divide the country together. Operation Northwoods “Gleiwitz” became the CIA's recipe for creation of a pretext for war. In 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, the CIA also came with a false flag operation. “Operation Northwoods” was the plan to occupy Cuba after it had supposedly committed a number of hefty terrorist actions in the USA. It is described exactly in a document signed by the Chief of the US Army. Top secret. Dressed up as Cuban soldiers, the US Army would launch attacks on the US Guantanamo base, in Cuba. That would be followed by attacks in Miami and even Washington, DC. An elaborate scenario of faked actions would ensue. American ships and planes would become overpowered and destroyed. American soldiers in Cuban disguise would kill American citizens for a good cause to convince the world that the USA had to intervene in Cuba and that Fidel Castro must be replaced by a pro-American president. Was Operation Northwoods leaked? It is certain that President Kennedy stopped the plot. He made the plan public, vetoed it, and demoted Commander in Chief Lemnitzer. It never worked out between the CIA, the military, and Kennedy. Kennedy was assassinated the following year and the unproven theories that the CIA retaliated persist. Putin Russia probably used a false flag operation as a pretext for the second Chechen war. Putin, then director of the FSB secret service, was the driving force and there are historians who say that he owes his presidency to it.


On September 4, 1999, bombs exploded in an apartment in Moscow, resulting in the death of 62 people. Then followed bomb attacks at three other apartments and a shopping center, which left 300 dead. Also, explosions took place outside Moscow. A judge blamed the Chechen leader Abu Omar, but it was disregarded that FSB secret service men were arrested laying the bomb. Strangely, those men were immediately released by order of the Kremlin. Critical researchers, such as the journalist Anna Politkovskaya, explain that the FSB was responsible for the attacks and the intent was none other than to create a pretext for a great war against Chechnya. Politkovskaya was riddled with bullets in the elevator of her apartment. Alexander Litvinenko, a former FSB spy, wrote a book about this false flag operation and was murdered by former colleagues with the radioactive polonium in his London refuge. He did receive approval from Chechnya, but Putin's popularity soared because the Russians believed the official explanation and began to support his war. So that Putin became president shortly afterwards. It is definitely not proven that this is a conspiracy and if it wasn't a false flag operation, then Litvinenko's analysis is a conspiracy theory. What is certain is that the conquest of Crimea was a false flag operation. In 2014, armed “green men” without recognizable uniforms appeared at strategic places. Russia denied having anything to do with it, but once the Crimea was conquered by these men, Putin boasted that he was the one who had led this false flag operation. "Maskirovka" the Russians affectionately call such a fake flag warfare. False flag operations break citizens’ trust and give rise to fake plots. Certainly, at times when there is reason to suspect the government of a conspiracy. Abuse of power by the authorities is one of the first causes of the willingness to believe bizarre fake plots. As a result, conspiracy


theorists can conveniently present everything Western authorities do as false flag operations. And that undermines confidence in democracy, which is the intention. Fulda, 1 October, 2021 - Russia At the dacha of my Russian ex-wife, in a Russian village full of swarming mosquitoes, an alarming article in the Izvestia, the newspaper for international politics, caught his eye. A map of Russia showed amazing new boundaries that suddenly cut the endless country into pieces. Siberia was occupied by America, the Caucasus and the south by American ghost states which popped up, Ukraine gone, Belarus captured. A circle was left around Moscow, like a noose around the neck. “This is how the future of Russia looks!” the headline cried. I read this 16 years ago and the village was called Belasovka. I have always wondered on what this article was based. Now I know. This gossip was a political move against the first Orange Revolutions, in Georgia (2003) and in the Ukraine. That response consisted of reviving the old Soviet conspiracy theory that the West is always lurking to encircle and destroy the country. That fear had been given extra nourishment by the fall of the Soviet Union. State ideologues soon labeled the shock as the result of American intrusion in the country. When the land bounced back, the Orange Revolutions were portrayed as American coups in the ex-Soviet states, with the aim of wiping Mother Russia off the map. To this intent, Putin said, the Americans are conducting the Russian opposition: so that Russia itself will be cracked by an Orange Revolution. Since the president has said this, the term “Orange Revolution” in Russian TV news is traumatic.


Conspiracy Theory A The West has planned the collapse of Russia for before 2030, by dividing the people and setting up the regions against each other. This is how a study by the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti works out the old theme: the West tries to deceive the Russian computer people with talk that their authorities are their enemies, and it uses the domestic opposition as payment, says the news agency. Then what I had read in the Izvestia long ago returns. The West’s goal is to chop Russia into pieces. North and South Ossetia must form a new state. The US, Japan, and China are taking big chunks of Russia’s east. Crimea will be owned by the EU. The descendants of the Nazis return to Kaliningrad and it will be called Köningsberg again. Murmansk becomes Norwegian and Karelia becomes Finnish. What remains? That noose around Moscow again. The EU’s anti-disinformation team has found more than 2,000 different articles with this conspiracy theory in the Russian media. Is there evidence that the West is conspiring to crush Russia in this way? None at all. NATO would more likely look left than attack Russia. Is the opposition in Russia a puppet brigade from the West? Of course, no, Russians also need freedom and the right to criticism on their own accord. Yes, the West supports human rights movements in dictatorial nations in words. But it is not without reason that the Belarusian opposition complains that Western sanctions do not go far enough. The current Russian rule itself stems from the upheaval of 1990 which really was not solely the work of disguised CIA infiltrators. The fall of the Soviet Union was massively carried by the hungry Russians which stood lining up in front of stores with empty shelves. So much for Conspiracy Theory A, the one for domestic usage.


Theory B For the Western public, the Kremlin has Conspiracy Theory B. Namely that, with us, an evil elite manipulate the people and robs our countries of their sovereignty and good morals. That elite consists of bankers, Brussels bureaucrats, mega-corporations, Muslims, and not infrequently Jews, such as Soros. Theory B is very similar to the QAnon story, because the Kremlin has also consistently argued that Trump is the good one, whose hands are tied by the evil deep state. The Russian fake plot B (foreign) is sometimes fake news in its entirety but is usually spelled out in bites by the TV channel RT (Russia Today) and websites like Sputnik. However, especially because of the “Internet Research Agency” (IRA), this center of fake plots is the Russian troll factory, a.k.a. “the trolls of Olgino”, a neighborhood in Saint

Internet Research Agency building in St.Peterburg on Savusjkina street.


Petersburg. In just the main office since 2015, a thousand people work daily spewing fake news, in line with conspiracy Theory B. They bombard the worldwide web via fake accounts. Branches in the rest of the world, such as in Nigeria, must maintain the appearance of an international and scientific institute. Putin's right-hand man, Prigozhin, is the owner and top manager. The flow of money is not only traceable to him, but also to the Russian ministry of defense and the GRU [Russian military intelligence]. That last one is the secret foreign service, responsible for the assassination attempt on former employee Skripal, in England. That the IRA receives money from the ministry of defense follows the logic that fake plots and misinformation are a part of hybrid warfare and maskirovka tactics. With its tens of thousands of counterfeit messages per day, the IRA is poisoning an expanding part of the internet. This whole arsenal of the IRA, RT, Sputnik and so on votes for the Russian fake plot B – the elite manipulate people – on Western current affairs. At the time of the American elections in 2017, it effectively supported the election of Trump and shortly before that the Brexit referendum and the attacks on Ukraine. A bites B There is danger for the Kremlin if the Russian public confuses fake plots A and B. If fake plot B, destined for abroad – the elite abuse people – is picked up by Russians and applied to Russia itself. Then the story B meant for abroad bites the story A intended for the interior (encirclement). For shame, one might think that the West can be a liberator. Of course, Theory B with the suggestion that even in Russia the elite have evil intentions is not shown on state television. To prevent anyone from having that idea, the news journal Vreme is usually half filled by Putin. You see him every day like a father caring for the people. Giving instructions to experts, visiting


factories, firing armed forces, extinguishing fires. Ah, in infinite variety. Propaganda Whoever spreads conspiracy theories is obliged to accompany them with reassuring propaganda about himself. With a thick layer of self-esteem. That’s why storytellers of fake plots prefer to stay in the background. If they don't, the spreaders themselves are in danger of becoming victims of their own stories. Russia solves this problem by simply denying that it propagates fake plots. Look, there you have the real conspiracy. Amsterdam, 7 October, 2021 – One-sided Conspiracy Theorists What strikes me about Western conspiracy theorists is that, for them, America the center of the most dangerous forms of conspiracy. “Bill Gates wants to inject a chip in every Earthling under the cover of Covid-19. The American Soros organizes the mass emigration from Africa. While Rockefeller and his friends scrape together the world’s cents.” But Russia and China? I haven't seen a tweet yet by QAnon or its relatives in which Putin assassinates opposition leader Navalny, steals emails from protesters, and shoots in Ukraine in order to divert attention. Is that because there is no fantasy is needed? Or because this conspiracy is visible reality? Also, I don’t see videos about Xi Jinping and his Himmlerlike right hand Chen Quanguo in which it is discovered that they are plotting against the Uyghurs and Tibetans. And that the Chinese want to inject chips to keep people under control. Could it be because in China the deep state of the cabal is a fact? And because the construction of the New Silk Road is a hard and tangible part of it?


I also notice that the conspiracy theorists do shout out that the 5G cables are spreading cancer or Covid-19, but not that Huawei in fact – delivers a bit of all our data to the data bunker near Beijing. How to explain this peculiar difference in the approach of the conspiracy theorists of the democratic world on the one hand and the dictatorial world on the other? My suspicion is that the conspiracy theorists secretly have a strong preference for dictatorship. Actually, they don't fear that creeps want to found a New World Order, they are working on it. By undermining public morality in the democratic countries, they support the trolls from Saint Petersburg who attack us with fake news. They support Putin’s secret services and the ongoing attack on Navalny. By shattering truth and reason in the West, they crumble the resistance to the New World Order on which China is working. With total population control and cultural genocide for minorities. Why don’t the conspiracy theorists focus on Russia and China? Their ghost theories about America and Europe have long been hard reality in Russia and especially China. Fulda, 14 October, 2021 - China Every conspiracy theory starts with falsification of history. That is step 1 of three steps. According to the government of China, Tibet has been under Chinese rule since time immemorial, although there were imperialist attempts in the 19th century by Great Britain - in collusion with the Tibetan Nobility and Monasteries – to split off the Himalayas from China. Small error, because the historians on Wikipedia argue that after the fall of the Chinese Empire, Tibet became independent in 1911, until it was “liberated” by the Chinese troops in 1951. The


new research by Prof. Michael van Walt van Praag (2020) even points out that Tibet has never been part of the Chinese Empire. In 1959, there was an uprising in Tibet and the still young Dalai Lama fled over the mountains to the north of India. Defamation is step 2. "In 1959, the reactionaries of the ruling class fled from Tibet to India and then started a violent campaign for ‘Tibetan independence,’” says a recent “white paper” by the Chinese government. This in spite of the systematic statements by the Dalai Lama that he is for non-violence and reconciliation with China. Step 3 is the pure fake plot. In 1968, the Dalai Lama is said to have participated in an assassination plot against the King of Bhutan. Told by the Chinesefunded Shugden group. According to China, he also encourages monks to self-immolate. In reality, the Dalai Lama has repeatedly warned them especially not to do that. Beijing goes even further: the Dalai Lama is not the Dalai Lama! He admits it. He is only the leader of the plotting “Dalai clique”. The religious title Lama is deliberately omitted by Beijing, to emphasize that he is a fraud. That he is indeed the Dalai Lama was still recognized by China in 1951 when they enforced an agreement with him (“The Seventeen Point Agreement”). Then the imposter was still a treaty partner, by virtue of his historical and religious role; now he is the plotter who, along with the “imperialist superpowers”, wants to split off and destabilize Tibet. Reincarnation Control Committee “Dalai” does all this to benefit himself and to serve the enemies of China, by “endangering the peace and stability of Tibet”. The Chinese President Hu Jintao warned in 2015 that “Dalai” wants violence, after which the Chinese state media repeated over and over that he had “conceived a plot to disperse China”. How far can the “separatist plot” extend? Stretch out? The latest conspiracy about the 85-year-old Dalai Lama discovered by


Beijing would be that he also would be bringing a false reincarnation into the world by not reincarnating in China and so "unlawfully" withdraw his reincarnation from Chinese control, because, according to China, a Dalai Lama must reincarnate in their own country. To the thwart the illegal reincarnation, China set up a real “Reincarnation Control Commission”, full of “experts”. Well, a paranoid highlight in the history of this communist state! And how would “Dalai’s” reincarnation outside of China actually be illegal if he’s not even the Dalai Lama? Xinjiang used to be a turbulent area in which warlords fought each other. Mongols, Russians, Tajiks, Chinese, and especially Uyghurs. This area was also “liberated” by China in 1949 and baptized in 1955 as Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China. This incorporation was also presented as liberation: again, falsification of history as a first step. Second step – defamation – was the representation of the Uyghurs as a backward and terrorist people. Third step is the conspiracy theory that certain Uyghurs abroad are colluding with the United States to break the area free from China. As proof of the claim that America was behind it, a 2018 speech by the American officer Lawrence Wilkinson is presented. According to Wilkinson, if the CIA wants to destabilize China, that would be best done through an operation in Xinjiang. Since then, China has reinforced this reasoning with a staged conspiracy theory. It begins with Australia commissioning Western journalists to write articles about genocide in Xinjiang to stir up unrest in Xinjiang and incite the population to revolt. This is how the 27year-old Australian journalist Vicky Xu instigated H&M’s boycott of cotton from Xinjiang with her articles on the concentration camps for Uyghurs and cultural oppression. H&M no longer accepted cotton from Xinjiang due to the “lies” by the journalist, not because there really are millions of people imprisoned in


internment camps. The Chinese State organs call her a “she demon” and a “traitor to the race” because she is of Chinese origin. All this logically in a conspiracy with America, no small matter. She receives threatening videos daily powered by bots. According to a WeChat account published by the state newspaper Beijing Daily, H&M is “just a puppet; a bigger conspiracy is behind it!” (May 2021). The only real conspiracy is that the Chinese want to disguise the cultural genocide against the Uyghurs with these fake plots about the brave journalist and the finally awakened H&M. Hongkong and Taiwan The starting point is the “One China policy”. The requirement that all areas where Chinese is spoken must be under the government from Beijing. Heim ins Reich [back home]. The One China policy has in common with the Nazi policy that not every fellow-linguist wants to be accommodated in that one, dictatorial state. Nationalism calls for conspiracy theories because nothing justifies nationalism better than foreign, conspiratorial forces. An irregularity in the One China ideology is that it also covers areas where Chinese was only newly spoken after it was occupied by China, like most of Tibet and Xinjiang at the time. The comprehensive Chinese conspiracy theory is nevertheless that the colonial powers of the West are surrounding China and want to tear it apart. Not only the Tibetans and Uyghurs are, as I see it, victims of this conspiracy theory but also Hong Kong and Taiwan. Democracy Movement in Hong Kong? Beijing comes with the following basic plot: the protesters in Hong Kong are calling for violence in China and want, like the “Dalai”, to “destabilize” China. Hence the stifling security law that Beijing adopted last year. The Chinese fake plots about Hong Kong and Taiwan are, if you know the ones about Tibet and Xinjiang, kind of boring.


What does Beijing say about the demonstrations of the later years in Hong Kong? You guessed it. They organized a “covert coup”. Organizing such large demonstrations required a lot of money, analyzed the Chinese state media. That couldn't simply be done using cell phones. So where did that money come from? From a conspiracy with America, you guessed right. What was the crime of which Jimmy Lai, the steadfast Editor-in-Chief of Apple Daily newspaper, was accused when he was arrested? Like C.Y. Leung, the former Hong Kong boss, said: “‘Collaborating’ with scum from other countries.” “Collaborating with foreign powers”, the endless accusation. In the state newspaper Being Daily, China described the reception which Taiwan gave the Dalai Lama (in 2001) as “a new step by the Taiwanese authorities and the clique around the Dalai to divide the motherland by conspiring with each other”. And what do you think China says about the political leadership in Taipei, the capital of renegade Taiwan? The island that was once the last refuge of General Chiang Kai-Shek’s army? Correct, and yet they still want to secretly “destabilize” China in a conspiracy with America. But that is, as you have also foreseen, “doomed to fail”. Sorry for the standardized language from Beijing, but that is intended for their homeland. Since Corona started in Wuhan, China is conducting a frantic attempt to impress the outside world as well with new stories. For example, Zhao Lijian, the spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, claims that the virus comes from a biological lab in Maryland, US. Okay, it’s a fake plot, but a bland personal attack kind of a fake plot. Previously, they tried to present it as the “Japanese virus”. Is the fake plot that the Americans released the virus during the Military World Games in Wuhan preferable? Or, as a final piece of an Italian conspiracy, that it was brought to China by travelers from Italy? The German virologist Alexander Kekulé has never seen something like that happen.


“China is innocent!”, the state newspapers boasted instantaneously. Outside of China there is no human being who believes it. Also Kekulé doesn’t. You see, China tries its best. It delivers a not very imaginative, often in imitation of Russia, sticky fabric in the global web of conspiracy theories. Routine stories about conspiracies to “destabilize” the country so dominate that you almost long for the tangy conspiracies á la Pizzagate. The bizarre Reincarnation Control Commission is the lone exception to China's colorless palette of mock plots. Maybe the Chinese fabrications are monotonous because the creators know that there is no free media in China which pounce on all that para-fascist rubbish. As a result, the Chinese conspiracy theorists make the impression of being afraid to invent something new. If I were Xi Jinping, president for life, how quickly would I offer a big incentive prize for more creative conspiracy theories? However, this does not mean that the devised conspiracies from the Middle Kingdom are any less dangerous. They are now intensified by robots which are distributing them always more powerfully through the internet, fired up by a relentless hunger for power. What the country does confirm is that fervent nationalism cannot exist without fake plots about evil enemies. What applies for Baudet and his friends in miniature, applies to the Asian giant in large. Amsterdam, 21 October, 2021 – Russian Clouds and Dutch Cult Leaders How do we get rid of the dark blue conspiracy clouds above Europe? At the end of May this year, a number of influential European bloggers received a report from a secretive agency. An attempt to give publicity to the unknown information that the death


toll after a shot with the Pfizer vaccine was three times higher than after an Astra Zeneca shot. The agency, calling itself Fazze and based in London, would pay well. The data on which the agency relied was obtained by ethical hackers in secret reports from the EMA, the institute that makes medicines approved for the European market. “Why do some governments emphasize that Pfizer is safe while it claims so many victims?”, was the message that the bloggers should publicize. Soon alert French and German receivers of the message revealed that Fazze is not registered in London, does not answer critical questions, and that those responsible are in Moscow. The so-called stolen data from EMA could not be found on the internet at the indicated addresses. This is an example of the active Russian efforts to spread fake plots about Western vaccines. Astra Zeneca was chosen as a contrast to Pfizer because Astra Zeneca, like the Russian vaccine Sputnik V, is a vector vaccine. And that’s what it’s all about: the Western messenger RNA vaccines such as Pfizer and Moderna are discredited in order to favor Sputnik V. The sale of Sputnik V is vital to the finances of the Russian state, with its lousy economy. The Russian troll campaign does everything to sell Sputnik V worldwide and to put Pfizer, the competitor, in a bad light. That’s the real conspiracy behind the lucrative proposal to the bloggers. It’s a pure example of a conspiracy theory because the impression is created that the health of “the people” is threatened by a criminal drug manufacturer conspiring with European governments, who apparently have no problem with inflicting too many unnecessarily fatalities. EU versus Disinformation Who effectively helped bring to light the real conspiracy behind this attempt? There has been for several years now, a department


of the EU that fishes out of the media a large number of Russian (and other) fake plots. This department neatly documents the entire catch in a site with the modest name of “”. This treasure of stories shows how the generous agency Fazze fits into Russian psychological and commercial warfare. The Russian media campaign started like this: “There is no Corona epidemic”. It allegedly was a fabrication of the WHO and was a media epidemic (April 2020, YouTube and Soon this conspiracy theory was replaced by new mutants. “Albert Burla, the boss of Pfizer, didn’t get his own vaccine and was not allowed into Israel. Not surprising: the number of those killed by taking this vaccine is now in the hundreds.” And in addition: “The globalists are sounding the alarm: there are too many people on earth. One or two billion would be enough.” This quote is from, March 21, 2021, when Albert Burla had already been vaccinated with his own shot for the second time and had been in Israel. Striking: the word “imperialists” has been replaced by “globalists” in Putin’s Russia. The magazine Geopolitika, mouthpiece of the Kremlin, claims that “Covid-19 vaccines are more dangerous for most people than the disease. Covid-19 is not a threat to most people.” That’s what the magazine said this summer (July 17, 2021), in English and Italian, because in Russia itself, the government urges its people to get vaccinated. The Russian people, meanwhile, are being told that the pandemic is worse in Europe than in Russia. Something that Putin apparently wants to promote by inhibiting vaccination. In its zeal to sell the Russian vaccine to Arab countries, the Russian government must explain why the Russian people themselves show no interest in getting vaccinated with Sputnik V. Hence Putin reports in a media series in the Arabic language that an “AngloSaxon campaign is responsible is for reducing vaccination rate in


Russia” (June 4, 2021). According to this media, they do this through their unfounded criticism of Sputnik V. Goal: to sabotage vaccination in Russia. And…the Western vaccination is aimed at total population control and reduction of the world population. Who’s behind that? You guessed it: Bill Gates, who wants to impose his New World Order on us (Geopolitika July 2nd, 2021). This in Spanish. But when an article appears in Geopolitika, it appears in many languages and forms in the rest of the world. Thanks to robots which spit it out over the internet hundreds of times a minute. Two days after discovering the work of Fazze in Europe, there appeared in a large number of Arab media (including, May 27, 2021) a message from Russia with the same content which Fazze wanted to sell to European bloggers. “US scientists reveal that the Pfizer Biotech vaccine causes neurological problems, potentially leading to fatal diseases, including Alzheimer’s.” The American magazine Microbiology & Infectious Diseases allegedly discovered that “there are genetically modified proteins in the Pfizer vaccines that are capable of changing human DNA”. EUvsdisinfo hereby notes that said magazine is questionable. Nonsense wrapped in scientific slang. According to this Russian report, Pfizer is a drug which was approved by the American state without a serious test. It is striking that added to the content of the message is “as soon as the vaccine has been injected, the body will not remain as it was since the proteins will start to work on the body”. This last sentence reminds me of the alarming comment made by Max von Kreyfelt from Café Weltschmerz, commenting on a piece of mine on Facebook. “Why does the government lie about the vaccine (…) and why does it use illegal, coercive might and power to encourage the population to take a gene therapy that creates toxic spike proteins and turns off the immune system?”


Expertly trained Anouk Tenzijthoff patiently explains to him that if there were indeed a build-up of harmful proteins, it should have long been visible among the millions already vaccinated. It is striking that the Weltschmerz man presents his contribution as a conspiracy between the lying, coercive state and the malicious vaccine producer. And that this conspiracy is exactly the same as the many examples of this reasoning which appear in the Russian publications. The Western cult leaders walk in step a while with the Russian conspiracy campaign. That was also the case with the wild conspiracy theories about the Belgian soldier Jurgen Conings, who threatened to kill the virologist Van Ranst, but was found dead himself. He was alleged to have known too much and was therefore removed, so drummed the deluded ones on the internet. They didn’t want to admit that the psychotic man had committed suicide. But in the end, the Belgian army proved that Russian trolls had made up these fake plots to stoke the fires of furious demonstrations against this “murder”. Not only when it comes to Covid-19 is Putin the man of the trolls. Merkel Now that the tireless Angela Merkel has traveled to Moscow to talk with Putin in a last-ditch effort, the Russian Foreign Minister let the world know that Berlin played a leading role in the “artificially created hype about Navalny”. Merkel is conspiring with Navalny “to discredit Russia”. Because the whole Navalnyaffair was nothing but “a targeted provocation” by Germany and its allies against Russia. With the goal of interfering in Russian “domestic matters for the elections of the Duma”. This fake plot is the Russian contribution to what is called international dialogue. Russia would, of course, never interfere in elections in another country. The Russian press is clear about that. "The


Democrats Have Stolen The Russian Elections”, reports Geopolitika. One feeds in the West - the article is in English - the lies of Trump. Is Putin maybe not able to speak in other than in fake plots? Democracy=Dictatorship One more Russian conspiracy theory, as a climax. “Democracy is a perfect dictatorship.” Sourced from a Russian site in Spanish (, 23 July, 2021). The site explains that striking statement with an argument that requires some thought. As follows. The only thing that liberal democracies can reproach authoritarian states for is that the latter do not hide their character because the former are often more authoritarian through a series of socially accepted control mechanisms. So, Democrats could rightfully oppose the authoritarians and say: “Shut up about being authoritarian because that’s making people here in the West aware of the fact that we are even more authoritarian! At least we Russians say openly that we are authoritarian and that's why we have it better here!” Behind every reported Russian fake plot, the European antidisinformation site posts a punctual rebuttal, although it often involves absurd claims that are conspicuously nonsense. What is the response of the European site on this proposition (democracy=dictatorship) which apparently aims to do little else than taunt democracy? That this disinformation is aimed at disproving the criticism of Russia’s increasingly authoritarian behavior by the false claim that democracies are even more authoritarian. True, but why does our otherwise exemplary site not just state that democracy is the opposite of dictatorship? I would not pay attention to the Russian statement that democracy is a perfect dictatorship if I didn’t also hear it come out of the mouths of Western conspiracy theorists. Cult leaders like Thierry Baudet imitate it. He also claims that democracy is “played” here and that in reality we live under a totalitarian


dictatorship. Chatter which, even from his mouth, is aimed at presenting Western democracy as a façade. What helps? What can we do to let the rain of Russian fake plots about European democracy flow to the sewer? The site EUvsdisinfo would be an excellent weapon if it was read more. Fact checkers are also fine. But they only reach the reader when the false news is already in circulation. It would be good if children were already taught in school how to recognize conspiracy theories by their false accusations of malicious and hidden conspiracy. It’s not enough because the poisonous rain continues to fall from not only Russian, but also of Arab and Chinese origin. Should we think of cookies made of our own dough? Post on YouTube that Putin is an illegitimate child of Stalin? Or a post a video of a ritual girl slaughter led by Willem Engel and a Taliban man? Something is holding me back from that. But what does help? Amsterdam, 27 October, 2021 - Aphrodite and Paris In addition to praise, now and then I receive a complaint about the series about conspiracies that I posted on Facebook. I should skip the role of the West on conspiracy theories. That roll, however, is really not tender. The first European conspiracy theory – as Homer told us in his Iliad - was the reason for the terrible Trojan War, which lasted ten years, on each side one hundred thousand soldiers with spears and shields against each other. A myth which has also been the model for many later conspiracy stories. The Olympian gods were happily feasting at a wedding until a golden apple rolled between them. It had been thrown in envy by a goddess, Eris, who had not been invited and had written on the apple three sweet words: “For the most beautiful.” Vain goddesses


immediately grabbed for the apple, took it from each other and each cried, "So for me!" Thereupon the supreme god Zeus found a solution. The three loudest fighters had to travel to Troy and there Prince Paris would pass judgment. Paris had to point out the most beautiful of three eye-catching goddesses. Aphrodite, Pallas Athena, or Hera. The young prince stood speechless looking at the blinding beauties. I suspect it was a dream he wanted to make last as long as possible. Until Aphrodite whispered something to him, whereupon he chose her. Why Aphrodite? Because she promised him the fairest woman in the world, Helena. That was an outrageous plot between the two of them, because Helena already going to marry Menelaus of Sparta.

“The Judgment of Paris” by Enrique Simonet, from left to right Hera, Pallas Athene, Aphrodite, Eros, Paris. 1904.

With the agreement between Aphrodite and Paris, Homer created a poisonous conspiracy theory from the disputed apple. On


a pretext, Paris went with gifts to Sparta, King Menelaus fell for it, he was very hospitable, but meanwhile Aphrodite made Queen Helena fall in love with Paris, making good on her promise. Paris kidnapped the willing Helen to Troy and the so Greeks had no choice but to go to Troy, accompanied by Pallas Athena and Hera, defeat Paris, and bring Helena back. Ten years of misery, that was only due to the conspiracy between the vain Aphrodite and the horny Paris. At least, that was the fake plot that the bellicose Greeks - for example the hurt and enraged Menelaus—had composed for themselves around the apple of discord, to justify their warfare. Which actually was about economic reasons, as was later discovered. World War I broke out three millennia later also for such a drunken casus belli. In Sarajevo, a Habsburg crown prince was killed in an open car by the gang of the Black Hand. The Habsburg government blamed the Serbian government. They were alleged to have conspired with the perpetrator. And although evidence was lacking, this fake plot was a cause for war for Vienna. “Serbiën muss sterbiën”. [Serbians must die]. Soon the world was on fire. Civilization Mission I have already pointed out that modern conspiracy theories started with the witch hunt, which the Roman church based on the conspiracy of witches with the devil. I have already pointed out the conspiracy theory against the Illuminati in the 19th century, which, according to conservative authors, set the stage for the French Revolution. And the subsequent fabrications in Europe against the Freemasons and the Jews. Until finally the classic anti-Semitic fake plots emerged, such as the stab-in-the-back legend that led millions to kill people on an assembly line. What I haven’t gotten to yet are the sham plots that sparked the early Western genocides.


First of all, the genocide against the original inhabitants of America, the Native Americans. This genocide was carried by the idea that the European settlers had the calling to civilize: "Manifest Destiny" (1840). They had the idea that, with God on their side, they were acting against an alleged plot by the barbaric Native Americans with the darkness. The Native Americans allegedly brought disease. Their Manifest Destiny said, "The rich and beautiful valleys of Wyoming are destined to become the possession of the AngloSaxon race. (...) The Indians will have to give way to the unstoppable swelling wave of emigrants. (...) The same inscrutable Judge, who demanded the fall of Rome, has decided on the ruin of the red people in America.” Plan and train of thought resembled Himmler’s “Plan East” for Russia in 1941. The second genocide was the Holodomor, in the Ukraine in the years 1932-33, the most unknown, which really in size is not much less than the Holocaust. Three to seven million deaths from deliberate starvation of the “kulaks”, the peasants. Stalin accused them of depriving the cities of food and opposition to the establishment of the collective farms. Stalin was a star in such fake plots. A good one is undoubtedly his story that the Soviet Union would be betrayed by “Trotskists” who wanted to deliver the country to Germany. The dictator thus legitimized mass arrests and concentration camps. Has there been a change, in which we now hear fewer fake plots from the mouths of Western government leaders? Apples of Contention Of course, there are abuses, including by us. Take the “allowance affair”, or the fact that we are a tax haven for criminal money and the largest exporters of child pornography. All true, but it doesn’t have anything to do with conspiracy theories. The allowance affair is an example of an “ordinary” conspiracy between civil servants and politicians who cover them


up with lies. Our tax haven is known to its profiteers and so it is, although brushed aside, not even a conspiracy. And our export of child porn is: crime. A conspiracy theory is really something else. It is foreshadowing a conspiracy, which, however, does not exist. A fake plot. Let's not confuse that with real conspiracies, with lies, with propaganda, or with disinformation. Disinformation is an attempt to destroy the truth. A conspiracy theory is an attempt to replace the truth with enemy victory. Certainly, disinformation can be part of a fake plot. When Russian trolls put into circulation that Covid-19 is nothing more than a media hype, that is misinformation. But when they add that the vaccination against this serious disease is a trick of the elite to decimate the population, that's a fake plot. The sharpest weapon in psychological warfare. There are indeed also fake plots coming from the democratic states. Industrial lobbyists pay scientists for reports to serve their interests so that they can use pseudoscientific conclusions as screens with which they shroud true science in smoke. The tobacco industry pays doctors to fill reports with scribbles that tobacco certainly does not cause lung cancer. Smoke happily on, it makes men so attractive to women. Shell is also guilty of this. It paid Professor Frits Böttcher a lot of money in the 1990’s to claim that there is nothing wrong with C02; it makes plants grow nicely and definitely doesn’t cause climate change. Another professor emeritus, Guus Berkhout, continues his work, with an organization that Shell and he set up for this purpose: Clintel. Please continue with fossil fuels!


If it stayed that way, these would again be two examples of corrupt plots with disinformation. But both lobbies attach a message which makes them bearers of fake plots. Shell's sham plot carries this message: because burning fossil fuels is only good for plant growth, all those scientists who claim that climate change is due to human activity form a conspiracy to get people’s money out of their pockets for so-called climate measures. The far-right repeats that conspiracy theory loudly and gets an insane number of votes with it. And the tobacco industry suggests with its corrupt, supposedly scientific reports that the real scientists are scammers who want to take away people’s pleasures. As a result, we don't know which is the hardest to count: the cancer patients or the dollars that the cigarette manufacturers collect. A certain reader of my Facebook series drew my attention to the conspiracy theory that led to the second Iraq war. It was George W. Bush's fabrication that Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction. I hesitate in wondering with whom Saddam Hussein conspired. But you can easily imagine that; with the manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction, with its general staff, and its foreign arms suppliers. So, yes! It was a fake American government plot and a fatal one, too, because a few years later the result was the Islamic State. Without that apple of contention, that conspiracy theory, it wouldn’t have come to that. On the Dam That was 2003. We, I too, were demonstrating on Dam Square against the Iraq war. Was that in vain? Since then, I’ve been struggling to find fake plots from the mouth of a democratic government leader. Actually, I’ve been missing that for a while, too. Do I see something above? For now, I think we’ve learned from it. Like the Federal Republic of Germany and Japan have learned the lessons of democracy they received from their occupiers. George W. Bush’s


mistake had such dramatic consequences that better care is taken. Trump surely has trumpeted out horrific fake plots, especially that the election victory was stolen from him by massive deception. That's why I don’t count him as a democratic leader. America still has biting discord due to Trump’s spreading of fake news. There is a deeper reason for the silencing of fake plots in the government circles of the Western EU. Democracy is built on arguments and recognition of facts. Democracy is impossible without respect for objective reality. Where that respect ends, the violence begins. In every conspiracy theory there is a real conspiracy, just ask the ancient Greeks, who created a wonderful conspiracy myth for justification of the war. Therefore, the question remains, what is the real conspiracy behind the now popular fake plots. Fulda, 2 November, 2021 – The Third World War In Florida, a man shoots both his young children dead with a harpoon. According to the FBI, Matthew Taylor Coleman was a follower of QAnon and Illuminati theories. “He explained that he had visions and signs in which he found out that his wife had reptile DNA and had passed it on to his children.” They would become monsters. In Trier, a “Querdenker”(deluded one) shot a woman at a gas station because she demanded that he wear a mask in the store. He thought it was “time for war”. There are recent examples of how conspiracy theories lead to violence. What I also notice is that deluded ones who have freed themselves are threatened by their former group members as a warning to not drop out. Even more remarkable is that some deluded ones turn it around and now the vaccinated are considered “contagious”. I read of a man in Almelo who killed his wife in despair because she forced him to avoid all contact with vaccinees, also his parents and the music band he played in.


Fake plots invoke violence. These are just small examples of what is happening globally on a large scale. Just think of the fake plots that led to the two world wars. The First World War was unleashed by the Habsburg delusion that Serbia was in a conspiracy with the perpetrators of the attack in Sarajevo on crown prince Franz Ferdinand. The Second World War occurred because Nazism had blossomed with two fake plots. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the “Stabin-the-back legend”, which targeted both the Jews and the democratic elite. And finally, also the false flag operation of German soldiers who dressed in Polish uniforms and “attacked” the radio station Gleiwitz, which was also a pretend conspiracy. That was the signal from the SS to Hitler to invade Poland. Education Let's see what we can do to control the damage. It's high time to prepare everyone for the psychological warfare that is being waged through the apples of contention on the internet. To create herd immunity against an epidemic of fake plots. Yes, it should be taught to everyone in school: what a conspiracy theory is and why it is a razor-sharp weapon. Meant to pit us against each other and alienate us from the sense of truth. To prepare us for war and civil war. People must be taught through education and the media why fake plots exist and how to distinguish and unmask them. I see two methods to teach kids and adults to recognize fake plots. Firstly, by answering this one question: what is the difference between a conspiracy theory and a theory of conspiracy? The reader no longer lacks examples of conspiracy theories. A theory of conspiracy is something completely different, almost the opposite.


The author of a conspiracy theory wants his readers/viewers to believe in a pretended conspiracy, with the intent to lead them astray or to mislead them to go against others. A theory of conspiracy is a hypothesis, an attempt to find the truth about a presumed or already partially revealed conspiracy. The author of a conspiracy theory is motivated by his plan to serve the readers/viewers something which excites and incites them. He thinks up exciting and sensational answers to a current phenomenon that has shocked them and raised frightening questions for them. He has his eyes on a veiled political goal. The author of a theory of conspiracy goes to work scientifically, like a detective. He is not going based on a fixed theory, but on a hypothesis that he wants to investigate. He consults witnesses and searches for as many documents and physical traces as possible, such as weapons or buildings. He also immerses himself in the backgrounds and motives of all those involved, including possibly previous researchers. Someone who makes a responsible theory about a conspiracy is a scientific researcher who wants to bring clarification. Someone who makes up a conspiracy theory makes a fake plot and turns off the light. The German general Ludendorff, who saw in 1918 that Germany was definitely losing the war but did not want the humiliation, made up that the democrats capitulated unnecessarily and as a result stabbed the army in the back. The Stab-in-the-back legend, the fake plot that cast democracy in a vicious violet light. The German historian Sebastian Hafner used Ludendorff's theory as a hypothesis and spoke to contemporary witnesses, read all the documents of the General Staff as well as that of the new parliamentary government in Berlin, and those of the preceding Imperial government. He did all this to check his hypothesis, he rejected these and finally wrote his own balanced theory about the real conspiracy, namely that between Ludendorff and other precursors of the Nazis. In his masterpiece Die Verratten Revolution (1969), he unmasked the stab legend. And he left the


fake plotter behind like a pathetic Trump-esque figure who couldn't accept his loss. Ludendorff was the conspiracy theorist, and Hafner was the researcher who developed his hypothesis about the conspiracy of Ludendorff into a truthful theory. Which will long withstand further historical research. Hafner needed years for his revealing work but how long would it take current researchers to test actual fake plots against reality? A virologist is ready in a jiffy with the Russian fake plot that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are “experimental gene therapy”. How much time would scientific researchers need for the claim of fake plot writers that there is a “payroll” of all the prominent people who are paid by the Illuminati to falsify the truth? A minute. Show us first that list, only then can we investigate it! And secondly. If anyone understands well this difference between the conspiracy theory and the theory of the conspiracy, he is already well prepared when he sees such a fake plot waylaying him on the internet. If he or she is in doubt, they can still subject the message to four questions. - Do I recognize the news organization that is sending the message? - Is the information in the message credible? - Is the message in a style that belongs to a professional news organization? - Is the message politically motivated? With the last one, it helps to see whether the suggested message has a certain tendency, and all too obviously indicates in whose favor it is. That’s always the case with fake plots. Like the Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Soros, and Illuminati fabrications. I didn't come up with the four handy questions myself, but they come from an EU brochure, “Comparative Analysis of Conspiracy Theories”. In short, what helps is the truth. And, fortunately, sense of the truth is something you can learn.


Real Conspiracy What is the real conspiracy behind all the conspiracy bombing on the internet and elsewhere? That is not difficult to guess after the previous. They are the domineering ones who want to get people behind them with tricks. They are authoritarian empires and politicians who don’t care about arguments and facts. It is the governments of Russia, China, and other undemocratic states. Democratic states aren’t in the real plot, otherwise they aren’t democratic. There are not many democratic countries. I have already pointed out that these can be found almost exclusively in Western Europe. Canada, New Zealand, and Australia belong to it and, in the better years, also the US. The real conspiracy also includes cults in Europe and America who - partly spontaneous, partly supported by Russia claim power here for themselves through the destruction of the democratic system. The reader will understand that I am now talking about the far-right groups such as FVD in the Netherlands, AfD in Germany, Front National in France, the Lega di Nord in Italy, the FPÖ in Austria and their kindred spirits in Great Britain. Republicans in America around Trump. They are directly connected with the groups that sell nonsense about Covid-19 and sabotage the vaccination campaign. Most of those clubs have a relationship with Moscow. They possibly receive money from that capital and support on the internet for their conspiracy nonsense. This has become more and more noticeable since the “referendum” organized by Putin about the future of the then newly conquered Crimea. Many of these Western, extreme rightwing parties were then represented in a “supervisory” committee, whose purpose was to legitimize the occupation. The real conspiracy is a coterie of right-wing parties in the West and dictatorial states in the East. Russia first.


But governments are too slow in fighting fake plots and introducing something new at school. Can a general vigilance against this weapon be reached before it is too late? I have doubts. The fake plot will be one of the sharpest weapons in a run-up to a third world war as the struggle bursts open between the authoritarian bloc around Russia and China on the one hand and the semi-democratic bloc around America and Europe. Or are we already in it, thanks to the popular hate theory from Russia that the Western elite consciously thins its own population with diseasecausing vaccines? There will be attacks everywhere, public facilities like water and electricity will be paralyzed, hunger and thirst will strike, but the worst will be people going crazy with the fake plots that disorient them and divide them into hateful camps. Against and among each other. Because then the internet won’t show objective information anymore, until it snaps. The third world war will look very different from the first two, I imagine. It will not be mainly wielded with physical weapons, but with digital and psychological ones; and with false flag operations, such as in the Crimea. It will be a dirty, partly invisible but still terrible war that uses fake plots even more than the two previous world wars. Thanks to the internet, which did not exist then but does exist now. And thanks to the atomic bomb, which ends a physical conflict inexorably with the destruction of all camps. Fake plots are extremely effective in times of confusion, bitterness, and fear. It is therefore necessary to look at the political causes of those charged emotions in the world. Why are the fake plots now so flammable like a match in a bone-dry forest? Amsterdam, 5 November, 2021 - The World Red Hot In 1972, I took part in a UN conference in Stockholm, about the endangered environment of the world. During the time of Chairman Oe Thant. We worked on calling on all governments and


other organizations of influence: it was high time for a radical reversal. I remember I made a case to stop atomic energy. Half a century later, we see that this radical change has not come, on the contrary, the destruction of nature has only increased extremely. And nuclear energy is one of many unsolved problems. Despite of Chernobyl and Fukushima. Where are all those nuclear countries leaving their radioactive waste? When I look back at that conference in Stockholm, when there was still hope in the air, I guess the world will react very late to the rise in temperature and that fires and floods will hit ever harder. Or will it be okay? But how could that be, if there is not a united world policy to quickly achieve a climate neutral economy? I suspect that the gap between rich and poor is going to be greater, but sometimes messages reach me that it is improving in parts of Africa. Except that there’s gnawing hunger in large areas. And besides that, Thomas Piketty in his book Le capital au 21e siècle (Capital in the 21st Century) has shown that capital has been growing faster than income from labor since the 18th century and that the trickledown theory, that big money slowly trickles down, is an illusion. How do we keep humanity healthy and nourished? How do we keep the planet in shape? Neoliberalism has no answers to these questions. It wants a free market economy in which everyone can produce whatever he wants. Preferably without rules. How can you get rid of agricultural poisons that way? We already considered that poison as urgent in Stockholm. How can you quickly achieve a common climate goal in this way? Forget that. Rather say: keep thinking about it, for there is no way out. And how can China’s state capitalism achieve that? If it now builds sixty new coal-fired power stations and wants to surpass the American armed forces? How can Russian state neoliberalism achieve that, which chooses to burn down the vast forests of Yakutia because this is the cheapest solution?


I suspect Biden withdrew his army from Afghanistan because, like Trump, he wants to be ready for an armed struggle with China. And wants to be able to intervene in North Korea if it starts firing missiles again, now with atomic charge. What to do in the meantime with happy Jihadists and new terror, with new refugee flows, we have no solutions. Here in Europe, we are anxious to build more walls on our borders. How do we keep peace when there are so many aggressive regimes ready to arm themselves and allow themselves to be armed? Also, specialists in world politics no longer have an overview of the situation. I fear a war is about to break out over Taiwan. Powered by China, backed by Russia. Are those two scared enough of America, Australia, Great Britain (this trio is called Aukas), plus Japan, South Korea, and perhaps India, which together want to resist in haste the growing power of China by providing adequate but expensive military counterforce? And what I especially don't trust is the happy conclusion of the pandemic. Because we continue to act irresponsibly with animals, while their natural habitats in the woods disappear. Animals that are the natural carriers of the viruses. The world is bursting with tension. There is no United Nations that has a world plan. The job of politicians is to solve problems, but it seems too often that where they intervene, new, even bigger problems originate. Look at the wars in Iraq, Ukraine, Georgia, Syria, PalestineIsrael, Afghanistan, and Tigray. There is no United Nations that represents nations in a community. The empires want to expand. The dictators want more power. Only half of the countries in the world can call themselves democratic. Dictatorship is lurking everywhere. And where the people’s revolt comes, violence tortures the rebellion down. Look at Belarus, Russia, Myanmar, Venezuela, Cuba, and Afghanistan.


The plan for the United Nations, conceived in 1949, was excellent. But it seems shattered and paralyzed by the lust for power of the main participants. A lust for power that is the source of nationalism and militarism. “Sinovac is a good vaccine because it is Chinese”, roars Beijing. "Sputnik V is better than Pfizer," hisses Moscow, but the Russians would rather not have it in their upper arm and cherish the conspiracy theory - or is it surely not - that the Russian elite is getting Pfizer injection. Yes, selfishness is a driving factor for the leaders. Also lust for power, an emotion that is an extension of selfishness. The leader wants national power for itself. In my view, the core of nationalism is also the selfishness of the bosses. Of Xi Jinping, Putin, Erdogan, or Trump again. What matters to them is ultimately world hegemony. Hunger for Conspiracy Too much tension, too many anxious questions. Confused, people search for answers. The world has never been so hungry like this for fantasy answers. For simple, exciting theories about hidden conspiracies in which crooks plot a major attack on the people. Distrust of the government is in order, but it must not proliferate. Distrust must be focused. Look, the real conspiracy is the global conspiracy against nature, against peace, and, yes, against truth. That makes you distraught, the answers are too difficult, become too unmanageable. People crave simple conspiracy stories with preferably a few identifiable villains, they want to quench their thirst for an answer with it, because reality seems incomprehensible and incurable. As long as people are feeling powerless in the face of all dangers, the conspiracy stories grow. It is no coincidence that those conspiracy myths in which some Illuminati or the cabal absorb total world power are popular. That’s a reflection of the megalomaniac pursuit of the dictators of


the real world. And the storytellers of such tyrant plots often feel thereby superior and make it clear with their gestures that they possess a higher and secret knowledge. I am reminded of a famous statement from 1951 by the keenly observant philosopher Bertrand Russell about the fundamental problems of the time: “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.” And now? Now it’s so painful, I think, that clamoring people fill their heads with conspiracy madness, while people with insight are filled with so much doubt and modesty. There should be a scientific institute to pull the sting out of conspiracy fairy tales. Investigate its background and make recommendations to get to the root of the evil. Such an institution should come from the United Nations, but then should also be authorized to actually combat conspiracy wrongdoing. Can that be? I don’t think Russia and China would agree, then they would have to close their troll factories and they would think it a shame. So, such a world institute will not come to be. Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Telegram, and all those other contact labyrinths have to take care of it on their own, but also they do it sparsely. Telegram is a conspiracy hole. It helps if their users exert pressure, but I have now experienced myself how an article of mine in the series against fake plots was removed by Facebook, although the article in question certainly fit their guidelines. The social media dinosaurs must be chopped up into pieces to make them approachable, like the Democrats in America have advocated. Those are all good ideas to tame the conspiracy religion. But it won't really work as long as there's no international effort and consensus to really tackle the greatest problems.


As long as people feel powerless against all the global hazards, climate change, violation of human rights, and pandemics, conspiracy fairy tales will flourish. All the more reason for the authoritarian states and their cronies to cherish the tensions in the world. As long as we give preference to deluded ones and don’t seek solutions from a worldwide respect for objective truth, the wait for the answer of this question is: What fake plot will trigger the Third World War? Roeland Hugo Gerrit (Roel) van Duijn (1943) is a Dutch politician, political activist and writer. He was a founder of Provo and the Kabouterbeweging. He was alderman for the Political Party of Radicals and later wardcouncillor for the GreenLeft.

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