Marketer v Media

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Marketer v Media

Can The iPad Save Traditional Media? By Doug Worple and Steve Kissing

Overview The iPad is the latest—and arguably most compelling—reason for marketers to back further away from traditional media companies and engage consumers directly. Previously, brands needed print and broadcast media to reach their consumers efficiently and effectively. This is no longer the case. That’s because with technologies like the Apple iPad, brands are more capable and empowered than ever to go it alone when it comes to creating and disseminating content. As such, marketers who think like media executives stand to gain share and improve loyalty for the brands they serve. In this whitepaper, we’ll examine the tremendous opportunities and upside of the “marketer as content provider” model. We’ll do so by focusing primarily on one medium—magazines—to illustrate our point of view, which just as easily could be applied to newspapers, televison and radio media.


Goodbye Glossies. Hello “Glassies.” As has been well reported, traditional print magazines have been on life support for years now. The plug has even been pulled on a host of once-popular titles such as Cookie, Cosmo Girl, and O at Home. Nearly 400 magazines closed shop in the first half of ’09 alone. Still others, such as PC Week, have migrated to a web-only format. And even for those print magazines still kicking, many do so with anemic heartbeats. Pick up virtually any once-hefty, ad-filled glossy, and you’ll find yourself holding a weight-reduced version of its former self. But the industry is now all abuzz over a bright light seeming to grow brighter by the day. It’s not the shine of cherubs and angels on the other side of publishing life, but rather a glow nearly as miraculous and certainly far more practical: the Apple iPad. It’s on this device where the glossies of old shine brighter than ever with pages backlit under touch screens, creating a new nickname for the old medium: “glassies.” Thanks to the iPad, and the other tablets on their way, such as the Dell Slate and the HP Streak, the digital magazine’s future is, indeed, bright. So are things really looking up for the magazine industry? Well, not entirely. That’s because the smartest, most creative, most popular digital magazines aren’t likely to be those from old school players, but new and yet-to–beconcepted magazines created by entrepreneurs as well as marketers for the brands they serve, just as television content is increasingly being produced independent of the long-term industry players and being served up directly to consumers via YouTube, Hulu, et al.


But, first things first: Why does the iPad and its coming competitors have magazine publishers and content producers, as well as magazine fans and advertisers, bubbling over with optimism? Even more so than the web has or could, the iPad is particularly suited to taking magazines to an entirely new level. Here’s why: Colorful, super-sharp images and crisp-looking copy have long been the hallmark of magazines and a big reason for their broad, long-standing appeal. The iPad’s high-resolution, back-lit screen only makes the magazine experience even more dramatic and emotionally resonate. And even the new “wrapper” looks great, as the iPad’s design is as beautiful as any magazine cover—ever. The iPad’s light-weight, thin body, its horizontal orientation and its touch-screen combine to create a magazine reading experience far more “natural” than reading on a computer. In addition, the tablet’s portability adds to this natural experience by allowing for much easier and comfortable reading in bed and on busses, in coffee houses and on planes and trains. Magazines are read mostly for leisure on a weekly or monthly basis. As such, they feel right at home on a device that’s neither as physically or psychologically heavy as our laptops and desktops, which are often associated with all sorts of work stress and distractions. That’s why the iPad has been described as a “lean back” versus a “lean forward” device, such as a laptop. The iPad’s impressive ten-hour battery life means there’s a lot of leaning back to be had with just one charge.


Perhaps most importantly, the iPad not only makes for a “natural” magazine experience, but a “super-natural” one, too. The tight integration of video, music, social media, and custom apps breathe entirely new energy and unlimited opportunity into the magazine of yesteryear. Consider just two examples: Book reviews can now include an audio excerpt from the work—read by the author; and how-to articles can include augmented reality experiences allowing, for instance, a DIY’er to see how the table he’s thinking of building will look in his own living room. Of course, the inclusion of video will likely be the most dramatic way in which magazines enhance their traditional approach for the tablet-driven world. For example, people profiles, long a magazine staple, can now include video of the subject doing his or her “thing,” be that singing, fly fishing or dog whispering. The London Evening Standard, speaking with Joan Sola, president of Zino Global, which creates digital magazines for major publishers, reported that many magazines have already begun asking their photographers to shoot video as well as stills. Before going further, it’s worth pausing to make an arguably obvious point: the Version 1.0 iPad will certainly get better. There’s already talk of future versions including picture-taking and multi-tasking capabilities, to name just a couple. Some of these changes will be inspired by competitors’ tablets. For instance, the HP Slate will be Flash compatible, which the iPad is not. The Dell Streak, with its 5-inch screen (the iPad’s is 9.7 inches) won’t be for everyone, but its ultra-portability (and its anticipated Kindle app) will make it the better choice for many. Business Review USA reports that ARM, a maker of tablet processors, expects 50 iPad competitors to emerge yet this year.


Why Marketers Shouldn’t Rely On Magazines To Make The Most Of Digital Magazines The consumer love affair with magazines (more than 12 billion are printed every year in the U.S. alone) means brands should rejoice at the industry’s iPad-inspired resurrection and re-invention. At the very least, this development opens up new and interesting ways to advertise to consumers. But there’s so much more to iPad-delivered magazine-like experiences to set marketers hearts to racing and minds to concepting. More on that in just a bit, but first a few words about traditional advertising in digital magazines. When it comes to the promise of digital magazines, what holds true for the editorial content holds true for the advertising content: It can take a giant step forward. (Remember a few decades back, when pop-up ads in the middle of print magazines were considered breakthrough? We have come a long, long way indeed.) More robust advertising means more compelling and engaging advertising—and there’s data to support that claim as it relates specifically to digital magazines. For instance, consider a study conducted by Smarter Media Sales of more than 5,000 people already engaging with digital magazines. Called “The Case for Advertising in Interactive Digital Magazines,” this piece of research revealed that 70% percent of the respondents were more likely to ignore web-based ads than those in digital magazines. And 82% said they found digital magazine content more engaging than the same content found on websites. (Recall the difference between “leaning in” and “leaning back.”) This said, to view digital magazines as just another really cool media from which to buy space to insert your ads is to miss much grander opportunities. Magazines can now be created and distributed without the huge investment in capital equipment and the like. For savvy marketers, this begs the question: Why still rely on someone else’s magazine when marketers can so easily and at less than eye-popping expense create their own, a dozen, even? The answer becomes even more obvious when you consider how the iPad comes with built-in distribution and e-commerce: Apple’s app and iTunes store. To date, more than 125 million people have used their credit cards at the store, resulting in 12 billion downloads so far.


There’s another reason why marketers don’t necessarily want to lean on established magazines as their ticket to digital magazine nirvana: They may not have the chops to get you there. This comment from Allan Hoffman, a columnist with the New Jersey Business News, which sits near the world’s publishing headquarters, New York City, sums up this tablet sentiment well: “Millions of consumers will have an all-purpose computing device they can hold in their hand and display soon-to-be-invented ideas of what books, magazines and newspapers will look like. It remains an open question whether slow-moving media organizations will have the business acumen, as well as the creativity and resources, to deliver wow-inducing publications.” But if there’s anyone who does have the expertise, the know-how and the “right to win” when it comes to creating those “wow-inducing” experiences it’s marketers. We’re the ones who have again and again amazed people with great creative in the print, TV, radio, mobile, and online worlds. And what is a digital magazine if not, in essence, an aggregate of all those media types—and then some? Excitement is already building within the advertising industry regarding how tablets, and the magazine experience they can enable, could launch yet another creative renaissance. We believe that’s quite possible, likely even. Tim Bajarin with put it this way: “The iPad could give rise to a new creative selfpublishing crowd that could, in turn, become competition for the established publishing industry.” We believe marketers who embrace magazines will be the stiffest competition of them all. Traditional magazines may soon find themselves being bit by the very hand that had been feeding them forever.


The iPad And Digital Magazines Aside, Brands Don’t Need Media Companies The Way They Used To.

The Agency Model Changes Too. As marketers think and act more like media companies, so must the advertising agencies that serve them. Here at Barefoot

We have so far put our focus on the iPad

Proximity, we’ve been changing the make-

because it’s timely and, with all things Apple,

up and structure of our staff to reflect

super sexy. But let’s put the iPad aside for a

the new realities of content creation and

moment, and see that it’s just the latest in a

distribution—which includes traditional

trend that has been developing for 75 years, long

advertising, but is increasingly including

before Steve Jobs was even born.

web videos, feature articles, Facebook posts, tweets and much more. So, while we

Perhaps the biggest watershed advancement in

still have copywriters, account executives

the history of brands creating their own content

and creative directors, you’re just as likely

was the invention of the soap opera by Procter

to meet one of our agency’s editors, video

& Gamble in 1933. Other examples include

producers, script writers, online community managers, and others who don’t have

Hallmark’s television movies and, more recently,

traditional agency titles or responsibilities.

the 30-minute infomercial. But those innovators

Copywriters don’t necessarily make good,

still relied on traditional media channels to

let alone great, feature article writers, no

disseminate their content. But thanks to the

more than traditional designers can create

internet, relying on media companies to create

a stellar digital magazine, no more than

and even disseminate your content is already

a VP of account management can serve

feeling old school. That’s because no media

as an executive publisher of a website

company owns the most powerful, far reaching

property. But regardless of titles and

and creatively inspired medium of them all:

responsibilities, what matters most when it

digital. You don’t need NBC to get your brand-

comes to building a top-notch agency team

inspired sitcom “out there.” You don’t need

these days is a strong drive to think of even

Reuters to spread your brand news. And you

better ways to bring brand and consumer

don’t need Newsweek Magazine to provide

together, with—and most definitely

insights into how your brand can help improve

without—traditional media.

people’s lives. When it comes to media, these days, it’s: have brand, have digital, will travel.


The Opportunities Available To Marketers Who Think Like Content Providers. While not right for every brand, our point of view is that many could benefit from creating, curating and even distributing their own content. This is not to suggest that advertising and partnerships with established media companies have no place in the marketing mix. They do. But there are clear benefits in the “marketer as content provider” model. Let’s quickly review some of them: A tightly targeted approach: Your digital magazine, weekly webisode or email newsletter can speak to any slice, large or small, of your consumer base that makes economic and strategic sense. A closer relationship with customers and prospects: People love engaging, helpful and entertaining content. And if you embrace the right overriding philosophy—meaning your content is about informing and entertaining the consumer not hard selling him or her with self-serving content that overpowers and cheapens the experience—your brand is sure to score points. Better still, you’ll be able to do this on an on-going basis. The creation of a community whose “club house” is your brand, not someone else’s. Imagine if, say, Runner’s World Magazine was owned not by Rodale’s but by New Balance. Or if “Extreme Home Makeover” was owned not by ABC, but Home Depot. This is the promise of the “marketer as content provider” model. Your brand can be the authoritative voice in a particular space. (Again, assuming your content isn’t selfserving drivel.) More in-depth and timely data about relevant consumer interests, trends and needs. No longer will a media company stand between you and your consumers. You’ll have direct access to how users are, or are not, engaging with different types of content, as well as the ability to survey them directly about whatever you desire to know. The ability to rally brand champions. Those who interact with your content are bound to be among your most engaged and interested consumers. Your content plays can be a


tool for not only deepening their passion for your brand, but also soliciting their help in persuading and recruiting others to join the fold.

Three Quick Examples Here are three examples of brands being led by marketers (and their agencies) who think like media companies and who engage directly with their consumers.

Home Made Simple Our first example is one of our own clients, Home Made Simple. It is a media brand with multiple touch-points. It includes established media, but the bulk of the content is brand-created and distributed which our firm manages. The aim of Home Made Simple is to provide a medium for five Procter & Gamble homecare brands (Swiffer, Dawn, Febreze, Mr. Clean and Cascade) to connect and engage with their consumers by providing ways to make their homes and home lives more satisfying. Home Made Simple’s helpful—and very soft sell—content engages millions of people each month through an online newsletter and website, magazine inserts, educational seminars via a national craft store chain, and even a weekly TV program on cable channel TLC. Twitter and Facebook are also utilized to help build and strengthen community. In addition, a Home Made Simple book, which debuts in September, 2010, was written by our firm, and will be published by the highly regarded St. Martin’s Press. The ROI for this program has been off the charts. A key reason for this, we believe, is because of the aforementioned soft sell approach. Our mantra on Home Made Simple is: “It’s not about the brands, so it can be about the brands.” If content were too brandfocused, consumers would lose interest and Home Made Simple would become Home No One Cares.


Kraft Recipes This is an excellent example of a brand using its popularity and credibility to bond with consumers directly via a robust website, as well as email and direct mail. is a virtual treasure trove of recipes of every imaginable type. The design is clean and simple, and the photography is mouth watering. Embracing best practices, Kraft builds community by inviting consumers to rank and comment on the recipes they try. But they go a step further by also encouraging consumers to share and swap their favorite recipes. Consumers can also get their food-related questions answered via message boards, view helpful videos, as well as subscribe to Kraft’s email newsletter and its print magazine, Food & Family. One of the most interesting and helpful apps on the site allows visitors to type in the ingredients they have on hand at home in order to discover recipes that work with those items, saving one a last-minute trip to the grocery store. Smart. Very smart. Kraft could, of course, spend the dollars they have invested in this program and buy more traditional advertising, but instead they have cut out the middle man. And we have no reason to believe that any one misses him.

Man Of The House Over the past couple of decades, men’s roles have been changing significantly. Married men with families spend more time at home and manage more home and childcare responsibilities than our fathers did. (This includes a greater role in shopping for the family as well.) As a result of these role changes, today’s dads often find themselves in unfamiliar territory. Barefoot Proximity recognized this trend—as well as the fact that no one on or


offline publication was helping guys navigate their new roles. Lots of other publications speak to the younger male who has yet to marry and start a family. But no media, we believed, was doing a great job reaching a critical mass of dads by offering a broad spectrum of content to help them with all they are expected to do these days: from chores and cooking, to health and grooming, to parenting and relationships. That’s how our firm came to concept and create, which launches in June 2010. As with Home Made Simple, the articles and video content on are being created by our staff as well as some of the most popular and well-read daddy bloggers out there who we recruited. Several Procter & Gamble brands, including Gillette, have signed on as content sponsors, and we expect other, non P&G, brands to sign on soon. (And, yes, we are preparing an iPad app for So, as you can see, we as an agency are practicing what we preach, by thinking like a media company, finding white space and capitalizing on it.

There’s Always A But. Of course, nothing good comes without challenges and potential drawbacks. Such is the case here. Deploying the “marketer as content provider” model offers tremendous upside, but there are some watch-outs, some tough questions a marketer should ask him or herself: Are you committed to creating and curating relevant, timely and captivating content on an on-going basis? This is a major undertaking and can’t be left to just junior staffers or your efforts will fail. Think of it this way: There’s already an over-flowing abundance of poorly concepted, poorly prepared and poorly executed content. No one’s looking for more. Can you find suitable white space for your content? Taking ESPN head-on with general sports-related content would be like trying to beat Shaq at a game of one-on-one. Good luck, right? But if, say, track-and-field athletes are a ripe market for you, there’s plenty of room to run.


Can you comfortably adopt and adhere to a philosophy that puts the consumer and the content first, and your brand second? Many marketers give lip-service to the power of the soft sell, but can’t seem to resist any and all opportunities to force brand messaging and imaging into the content. Do you have a higher-order purpose or cause embedded in or existing right behind your brand that provides the consumer-relevant⎯and wanted⎯reason for your content to even exist and attract community around it? If you’re, say, a manufacturer of paper cups, you might not be able to gather enough people who really care to gather around your content. However, if you adopt a cause, perhaps clean drinking water, your content can have greater power and reach. Another way to manage this sort of situation is to team up with other brands, as we have done with Home Made Simple and Man of the House. So, in the case of the paper cup manufacturer, if they teamed up with other party-centric brands, they could create a media platform focused on seasonal celebrations, as but one example.

Summary Traditional media has historically been a gatekeeper between brands and their consumers. But thanks largely to the internet and ever-evolving digital technologies, such as the iPad, the wall supporting the gate has eroded, leaving it dangling on one hinge, wide open. Marketers who seize the moment and think and act like media companies, will stand to gain both market share and profit. It’s time to storm the gate. And we’re happy to help you.


About the Author

Doug Worple is the founder and CEO of Barefoot Proximity and the chief architect of the firm’s transition from a traditional agency model to one focused on content. He identified the white space opportunity for the firm’s property and several other content plays now in development. He has earned many creative honors and has been featured in Fast Company, Advertising Age and The Wall Street Journal. He can be reached at Steve Kissing is a creative director and content creator at Barefoot Proximity. He has written whitepapers and trade magazine articles on a host of digital topics ranging from interactive public relations to the role of social media in presidential politics. He is also a columnist with a traditional, general interest magazine—which is why he’s glad he has a day job. He can be reached at:

© 2010 Barefoot Proximity


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