Fall & Winter 2012

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Fall & Winter 2012–13 Revelation Let the One Who Is Thirsty Come Sarah Ivill Excer



t has been said that every book in the Bible whispers Christ’s name; in Revelation, we have a book that shouts his name.

October • $16.99 • 978-1-59638-423-1 Paper • 400 pages • 6 x 9 inches

Sarah Ivill is a stay-athome mom who continues writing and teaching women’s Bible studies. A member of Christ Covenant Church (PCA), Sarah lives with her husband and two children in a suburb of Charlotte, North Carolina. Key Features • • • •

Satisfying depth and content Explanations of biblical and historical context Christ/salvation-centered teaching Mind-heart-hands application of study

ar y Sum m The perplexing imagery in Revelation makes it a daunting book to study. But that same rich symbolism and imagery paints a breathtaking picture of our Savior Jesus Christ, who is coming to complete God’s plan of judgment and salvation. Sarah Ivill’s annotated, expository Bible study provides Old Testament backgrounds, commentary, and personal exhortations. As you study Revelation, you will be overwhelmed by the majesty of Jesus Christ and the glorious plan of God’s redemption that leads you to a life of witness and worship. What readers have to say . . .


ich, rich, rich. Sarah’s book on Revelation digs deep into the Word of God. She brings the whole of Scripture to bear in her expositions so that you truly see the unity of Revelation with the rest of the Bible, and she shows with clarity and without a doubt that the one writer of all Scripture could only be God the Holy Spirit himself because of the wonder and grandeur of the Holy Scriptures on full display through her careful explanation of the text.” —Donna Dobbs, Director of Christian Education, First

Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi


n annotated Bible study providing Old Testament background, salient commentary, and personal exhortations and examples from a covenantal perspective. Questions for each Bible chapter enhance group discussion, where Scripture interpreting Scripture is encouraged.” —Diane M. Poythress, Founder of Women’s Weekend Seminary

Ideal for women’s bible study groups and personal in-depth study.

1–800–631–0094 P&R Publishing www.prpbooks.com

Finding a Vision for Your Church: Assembly Required Michael A. Milton


he promise of our Lord that He would build His church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it remains as certain as ever.

October • $14.99 • 978-1-59638-438-5 Paper • 256 pages • 51/2 x 81/2 inches

Michael A. Milton is

Chancellor and CEO of Refomed Theological Seminary. He is host of the national Bible teaching television program Faith for Living, a songwriter and recording artist, and author of many books and articles.

The church is more than just a building—it is an assembly of people joined together across distances and even through time to fulfill God’s purposes in the world. Each local gathering of that assembly needs a vision to help its members accomplish the work God has called them to do. But how do you inspire your church to create and follow through on a vision? Mike Milton provides tested, biblical ideas to get everyone in the church involved in helping the congregation to grow. Each chapter develops an awareness of what needs to be done, provides questions for review, and includes prayers by elders and ministers of churches that have put these ideas to use.

“A Sample Contents • Let God Come Down!: A Burden for God’s Glory • Value the Bible: A Passion for God’s Word • Seeing Souls Safe in the Arms of Jesus: A Vision That Is out of This World • Sending: Called to Be Taught—Taught to Be Sent • Living Worship: Longing for the Courts of the Lord


ssembly Required is a great subtitle at a time when some believers are so turned off by showtime mega-churches that they fall into lone-wolf legalism. Mike Milton eloquently shows us the importance of assembling for worship, prayer, and teaching about grace and compassion.” —Marvin Olasky, Editor-in-chief, WORLD magazine


his series of sermons by Dr. Mike Milton serves as a helpful and practical guide for churches seeking to minister according to the teaching of the Scriptures. Dr. Milton’s focus on the ordinary means of grace is a refreshing alternative to the various ‘market-driven’ methods and trends that continue to influence the church, particularly in North America.” —Jeffrey K. Jue, Vice President for Academic Affairs & Academic Dean, Westminster Theological Seminary

Ideal for class study and small groups as well as pastors , church leaders , and concerned congregants .


This Is Love

Tracing the Love of God Throughout the Biblical Story Neil Tolsma


ithin the Godhead, the shape and scope of perfect love can be found, and from this fountainhead it coursed through human history.

Available • $14.99 • 978-1-59638-382-1 Paper • 200 pages • 53/8 x 81/2 inches

Neil Tolsma was ordained in 1965. Before his retirement, he served as senior pastor of Bethel Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and of Falls Presbyterian Church, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.

Key Features • Uniquely broad look at an important topic • Pastoral approach to reconciling Old and New Testament depictions of God’s love • Thoughtful analysis does not overlook harder questions • Helpful study questions

Many people search all their lives for true love. But before we can find that real, transforming love we all long for and were created by God to need, we first need to understand what love is. This Is Love directs us to the best authority on the topic—the example of God himself. Each chapter highlights a significant aspect of God’s love as demonstrated in a different period of biblical history and ends with study questions to help us further our understanding.


am happy to recommend Neil’s book. There are, of course, thousands of books about love, and many about the love of God. But This is Love is deeply theological as well as pastoral. It deals in a serious way with the question, ‘What is the love of God according to Scripture?’ Niel understands the problem areas in the biblical doctrine, so he writes on difficult subjects like ‘God’s love revealed in his anger.’ Neil’s theological position is solidly Reformed.” —John Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary


onderful and insightful. . . . The writing is warm and pastorally sensitive, and I believe it will resonate very well with a broad range of readers. It is a privilege to recommend this book.” —David VanDrunen, Robert B. Strimple Professor of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics, Westminster Seminary California

Ideal for and appealing to a wide variety of readers .


Christianity and World Religions

An Introduction to the World’s Major Faiths Derek Cooper


t has been my overwhelming experience that Christians who learn about other religions interact more with people who follow these other religions.

October • $19.99 • 978-1-59638-446-0 Paper • 224 pages • 7 x 10 inches

Derek Cooper is Assistant

Professor of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology at Biblical Seminary in Hatfield, Pennsylvania, where he is also the Director of the LEAD Master of Divinity Program.

Key Features • Comprehensive coverage of major faiths: Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism and Taoism Judaism Islam Irreligion • Christian viewpoint and comparisons • Glossary, discussion questions, and tests

Derek Cooper examines Christianity’s rival worldviews of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, Judaism, Islam, and irreligion. He engages these worldviews from a Christian perspective, first by showing how biblical authors engaged other religions and then by surveying the way Christian theologians have done so. Each chapter contains six parts: (i) a creation story, (ii) the religion’s historical origin, (iii) its beliefs, (iv) religious writings, (v) worship practices, (vi) and Christian reflections on the religion. For those who would like to read more, the appendix includes lists of helpful primary and secondary books.


erek Cooper supplies abundant information on the worldview of five major religions and adds wise suggestions for interacting with their adherents. Ideal for classroom or small group study, the book is both very learned and yet also accessible to the non-expert.” —William Edgar, Professor of Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia


ore than a factual survey, each chapter explores the founding stories of various world religions and the resulting beliefs and practices. While helping us communicate the truth of the gospel within our religiously diverse neighborhoods, the author treats each religion with care and its adherents with respect. Especially for its size, this book fills an important gap.” —Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic

Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California

Ideal text for high school, homeschool, bible colleges, and adult and young adult sunday school classes . 4

1–800–631–0094 P&R Publishing www.prpbooks.com

Mark by the Book

A New Multidirectional Method for Understanding the Synoptic Gospels P. W. Smuts


he ideal reader of the Gospels is one who interprets them in the broader flow of redemptive history— what precedes and what follows.

November • $ 17.99 • 978-1-59638-440-8 Paper • 288 pages • 6 x 9 inches

P. W. Smuts is a mem-

ber of the faculty at the Bible Institute of South Africa, and adjunct faculty at North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa.

Sample Contents • Mark Introduces Jesus • Jesus and the Kingdom • Jesus Helps the Helpless • Jesus Helps a Gentile • Jesus Predicts His Death and Resurrection • Jesus Is Transfigured • Jesus and the Commandment to Love • Jesus Rises from the Dead

P. W. Smuts advocates a “multi-directional” hermeneutic to the Synoptic Gospels—downward, sideways, backward, and forward—using the Gospel of Mark to illustrate this approach. The downward direction focuses on the immediate literary context of the particular text. The sideways direction focuses on parallels to that text in the other Synoptic Gospels. The backward direction focuses on the Old Testament background to the text. And the forward direction focuses on relevant passages in the rest of the New Testament. This model compels readers to interpret the Gospels against the broader sweep of redemptive history.


commend Pete Smuts’s Mark by the Book for three reasons. First, experience: It is the product of years of teaching students from all over Africa at the Bible Institute of South Africa. Second, focus: It is crystal clear, insightful, Christ-centered, and applied to selected passages from Mark. Third, practicality: It works. The author has used it successfully to train students to interpret Scripture better.” —Robert Peterson, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis


ere we have a skillful unfolding of the message of Mark, first by close examination of the text, not verse by verse, but by looking intently at the gospel’s crucial, life-changing stories, stories that reveal to us the character, person, and deeds of Jesus.” —Dan McCartney, Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Redeemer Theological Seminary, Dallas

Rather than providing commentary, this book teaches you how to understand the gospel of M ark in its full context . 55

Adam in the New Testament Mere Teaching Model or First Historical Man? J. P. Versteeg, translated by Richard B. Gaffin Jr.


radically altered understanding of sin . . . results in a substantially changed notion of salvation.

Available • $12.99 • 978-1-59638-522-1 Paper • 96 pages • 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches

Richard B. Gaffin Jr.

is Professor Emeritus at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He also is the author of Resurrection and Redemption: A Study in Paul’s Soteriology (formerly The Centrality of the Resurrection).

J. P. Versteeg (1938–1987) was a talented Dutch theologian at the University of Vrije and a pastor in the Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (Abraham Kuyper’s denomination) whose radio broadcasts took complex theological concepts and explained them in everyday language. Key Features • Fresh translation of a definitive book • Succinct exploration of the key issues • Timely voice in a raging debate • Hermeneutical investigation of the historicity of Adam


Denials of the historicity of Adam have become increasingly prevalent within English-speaking evangelical circles. Was Adam the first historical man? Does the answer really matter? And does it affect any important doctrines in the Bible? By carefully examining key passages of Scripture, Versteeg demonstrates conclusively that Scripture teaches the historic Christian confession that all human beings descend from Adam as the first human being. And he shows that if this is not true, then the entire history of redemption documented in Scripture unravels, and we have no gospel in any meaningful sense.


iven the recent debates about the existence of Adam, this vigorous defense of historical Adam is as relevant now as it was when first published in Dutch. The exegetical and theological issues remain the same today. Versteeg shows with vigor and cogency that the New Testament’s teaching requires a historical Adam, and his defense deserves the attention of all who are interested in the question.” —Vern Poythress, Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Westminster Seminary


t was a great help to us when it was first published in 1979. But it is even more helpful now. Recently, some have claimed that analysis of the human genome forbids us to believe that the human race began with a single couple. In the face of such arguments, it is important to remind ourselves why the church has maintained that Adam is the first man and the source of human sin. I do hope this book gets a wide readership.” —John Frame, Reformed Theological Seminary, Florida

Ideal reference for thinking christians looking for scholarly , R eformed insights in this ongoing discussion . 7

Kingdoms Apart

Engaging the Two Kingdoms Perspective Edited by Ryan C. McIlhenny


he kingdom is both a present and future reality. As Christians, we have inherited and are therefore citizens of a kingdom.

Available • $24.99 • 978-1-59638-435-4 Paper • 336 pages • 6 x 9 inches

Ryan C. McIlhenny is Professor of History and

Humanities at Providence Christian College in Pasadena, California.

The subject of Christ and culture has occupied the church since its inception. Some emphasize the reality of redemption and the imperative of cultural transformation; others criticize this approach because of the transient nature of this current life and the specific function of “kingdom” activity. Ryan McIlhenny’s project focuses on these two competing positions rooted in the Reformed tradition: neo-Calvinism, a nineteenth-century school of thought associated with Abraham Kuyper, and the Two Kingdoms perspective. How you think about this issue will affect how you interact with our culture. It’s an important debate for anyone who wants to speak God’s words fairly into our society.

Contributors • • •

James W. Skillen On Kingdom Reign and Rule Cornel Venema Gene Haas Nelson Kloosterman On Kingdom Citizenship S. G. de Graaf Timothy Scheuers John Halsey Wood Jr. Branson Parler On Kingdom Living Scott A. Swanson Jason Lief Ryan McIlhenny


have prayed for wise and courageous scholars to step up—and step into—this fraternal debate within the Reformed Christian community concerning Two Kingdoms. I am praising God, therefore, for [this] new book. . . . From razor-sharp scholarly engagement with biblical, historical, philosophical, civil, and theological sources, this new collection by ten trusted theologians treats the issues Christianly, fairly, and respectfully.” —Michael A. Milton, Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary


strategic book because it compares and contrasts the One Kingdom view and the Two Kingdoms view. . . . Each chapter . . . carefully and fairly leads the reader to a clearer understanding of the importance of the Kingdom issue. This is a challenging and straightforward book that deserves to be read, studied, and taught by the church.” —Charles Dunahoo, Coordinator for the Committee for Christian

Education and Publications, Presbyterian Church in America

Ideal, clear-minded critique for pastors and scholars concerned with the two kingdoms perspective . 7

Living in the Light of Inextinguishable Hope The Gospel According to Joseph Iain M. Duguid and Matthew P. Harmon

The Gospel According to the Old Testament Series


he promised Christ . . . is God himself, the one before whom the sun, the moon, and the stars themselves truly bow.

February • $14.99 • 978-1-59638-542-9 Paper • 272 pages • 53/8 x 81/2 inches

Iain M. Duguid (Right)

is Professor of Old Testament and Religion at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania.

There are no coincidences in our lives. God is sovereign over all our circumstances and all the sins committed by and against us, in order to accomplish his own saving purposes. The story of Joseph shows how God preserves his chosen people—despite their best efforts to destroy themselves and each other. His work in Joseph’s family testifies to his electing grace and shows how he built his nation out of a dysfunctional band of brothers—a story that strikingly prefigures the gospel, by which God redeems and restores broken and dysfunctional sinners like us, remaking us into a family of worshipping saints.

Matthew P. Harmon is

joint pastor at Christ Presbyterian Church (ARP) in Grove City, Pennsylvania.

Also by Iain M. Duguid Key Features • Historical redemptive interpretation of Old Testament passages—without allegory • Excellent resouce for sermon preparation • Fresh Christ-centered look at a familiar Old Testament saint • Helpful study questions for each chapter

Despite Isaac and Jacob’s weakness and sinfulness, God advanced his plan to turn a small family into a mighty nation. Readers can take encouragement in the midst of their own shortcomings that the gospel triumphs not through human might or goodness but through God’s relentless grace. $12.99 • 978-0-87552-655-3


heologically astute, Christ-centered, and extremely practical. A tremendous resource.” —Timothy J. Keller, Senior Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City

Ideal for class study and small groups as well as pastors and lay people . 8

Justification by Grace through Faith

Finding Freedom from Legalism, Lawlessness, Pride, and Despair Brian Vickers

Explorations in Biblical Theology Series


od’s justifying work in Christ is the best and most effective remedy against the idolatry of relying on ourselves.

March • $17.99 • 978-1-59638-050-9 Paper • 224 pages • 6 x 9 inches

Brian Vickers is Associate Professor of New

Testament Interpretation, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Justification is God’s declaration that sinners are made right with him through faith in Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection provide forgiveness and the righteousness God desires of his people. This doctrine of justification has been under attack for several years. Brian Vickers’s biblical theology of justification traces the doctrine’s unfolding in Scripture, showing that in Christ, God provides everything needed to make sinners right with him. A biblical view of justification leads us away from legalism, lawlessness, pride, or despair to the God who accepts us fully in Christ.


n the important debate about justification that continues within much contemporary evangelical theology and church life, Brian Vickers provides sound biblical and theological instruction on the key issues involved. With questions for guiding study and further reflection included, it will serve a broad audience.” —Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Professor Emeritus of Biblical and

Sample Contents

Systematic Theology, Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia

• The Legacy of Adam • The Obedient Second and Last Adam • Not by Sight: Abraham and the Righteousness of Faith • Abraham: Our Father According to the Faith • Faith Works: The Life of the Justified


well-organized and gripping synthesis of the many biblical passages that speak to the simple but infinitely profound question posed by the Philippian jailer: ‘What must I do to be saved?’ Vickers shows that the answer lies first of all in what God in Christ has done. It is hard to imagine a more wide-ranging, sure-footed, and user-friendly study upholding the doctrine by which, indeed, the true church stands or falls.” —Robert W. Yarbrough, Professor of New Testament,

Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis

Ideal for pastors, professors, seminary students, lay people, and all interested in this topic or the N ew P erspective .

1–800–631–0094 P&R Publishing www.prpbooks.com

9 9

Gospel for Real Life Series “T

he gospel isn’t just an ethereal idea. It’s not a philosophy and it’s not static. It moves and shapes and transforms the lives of those who by God’s grace alone put their faith in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. I am grateful for ABC’s work of letting the gospel bear its weight on these real life sorrows and pains.” —Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor, The Village Church

Abuse: Finding Hope in Christ

God’s Attributes: Rest for Life’s Struggles

John Henderson

Brad Hambrick

Looks at one couple, one counseling meeting, and one psalm, asking the Lord to help us behold the depth of his wisdom and love that we may live triumphantly in the wake of abuse.

Provides a Scripturally-guided self-examination through sixteen attributes of God, helping the reader assess how well he or she rests in and emulates each attribute.

$4.99 978-1-59638-417-0

$4.99 978-1-59638-415-6

Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure

Vulnerability: Blessing in the Beatitudes

Robert W. Kellemen

Brad Hambrick

Shares a biblical view of the causes, care, and cure for anxiety, worry, doubt, fear, and panic. It offers readers God’s prescription for victory over anxiety.

Instructs the reader to express healthy vulnerability within relationships by wrestling with the awkward “blessedness” of each of the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount.

$4.99 978-1-59638-418-7

$4.99 978-1-59638-416-3

Borderline Personality: A Scriptural Perspective

Coming soon . . .

Cathy Wiseman


Brings God’s offer of hope and healing to individuals with borderline personality disorder.


$4.99 978-1-59638-422-4


Cutting: A Healing Response


Jeremy Lelek

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Illustrates to those struggling with self-mutilation how to apply the gospel (death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ) to their issues of cutting. $4.99 978-1-59638-420-0


$4.99 • 978-1-59638-625-9

$4.99 • 978-1-59638-421-7

Sexual Abuse March


$4.99 • 978-1-59638-662-4

$4.99 • 978-1-59638-419-4

Our Creed

For Every Culture and for Every Generation M ark G. Johnston


he experiential Calvinism of the Reformation and Puritan eras was driven by the conviction that all truth leads to godliness.

January • $11.99 • 978-1-59638-448-4 Paper • 124 pages • 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches

Mark G. Johnston is Senior Minister of Proclamation Church (PCA) in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

The Apostles’ Creed has united the church throughout her history. The engaging and pastoral style of Mark Johnston’s Our Creed presents the creed in a fresh and appealing manner that speaks to our postmodern culture. By unfolding the creed’s great scriptural truths and using helpful applications, compelling illustrations, and penetrating study questions, this book’s ten chapters make it the perfect tool for membership classes, small groups, and Sunday school. This book is a welcome and much-needed encouragement for the church today.

“T Sample Contents • Who Needs a Creed? • The God of the Creed • That God Should Come as One of Us • “He Descended into Hell” • Jesus Christ: Risen, Ascended, and Enthroned • When Jesus Comes Again • I Believe in the Holy Spirit • Glorious Body, Radiant Bride

he Apostles’ Creed is one of the church’s earliest creeds, and while it continues to be recited in some congregations, it is neglected in most, if not altogether forgotten. With great pastoral care and scholarly insight, Mark Johnston calls our generation to return to the Apostles’ Creed and to the historic confessional faith of our forefathers in order to preserve biblical fidelity and doctrinal orthodoxy for the next generation. This book will quickly prove to be an excellent tool for discipling Christians of all ages in the essential truths of the faith.” —Burk Parsons, Associate Pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Florida, and Editor of Tabletalk magazine


ark Johnston has given the church a primer on essential theology loaded with probing, challenging study questions to drive that theology home. As I turned the last page, I found myself rejoicing again that my beliefs are neither provincial nor new.” —Mike Honeycutt, Associate Professor of Historical and Practical

Theology, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis

Ideal for Sunday school or membership classes as well as individual reading . 11 11


Basics of the Faith Series

What Happens After Death?

What is Mercy Ministry?

Richard D. Phillips

Philip G. Ryken and Noah J. Toly

Richard Phillips has spent much time ministering to dying people and their families, and he assuages our fears by laying out the Bible’s teaching on death and dying. Jan

$4.99 • 978-1-59638-

Here is encouragement for believers to see a place in their church for mercy ministry. It provides real instruction and wisdom in personal preparation for mercy ministry. Jan

$4.99 • 978-1-59638-518-4

For a complete listing of the Reformed Expository Commentaries and Gospel for Real Life and Basics of the Faith series, visit prpbooks.com.


nables Christians to better understand and appreciate the topics. Readability, reliability, and to the point best describe each booklet.” —Charles Dunahoo, PCA, CE&P Coordinator

Am I Called? George W. Robertson “What is a call to ministry?” George Robertson answers not only this question but also the basic question of what the ministry itself is. He looks at service in general before focusing on the areas of preaching, pastoring, and calling. Jan $4.99 • 978-1-59638-543-6

Is Jesus in the Old Testament? Iain M. Duguid Jesus is on every page of the OT. When read properly, without allegory, the central message is the sufferings of Christ and the glories that will follow. Feb $4.99 • 978-1-59638-634-1

1–800–631–0094 P&R Publishing www.prpbooks.com

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