Corcoran Premier Realty - Listing Presentation

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About Our Company | Live Who You Are

Corcoran Premier Realty is a locally owned boutique firm with the power of the global network of Corcoran.

Synonymous with sought-after addresses, we concentrate on the most desirable communities. Our team of established home and estate experts unite to deliver unrivaled, client-centric service and innovative global marketing.

The result: Results

Our owner team members Matt, Steve, and Chocky are longstanding experts in the luxury real estate market in Central Florida. Our affiliation with the Corcoran network has expanded our company’s potential to reach discerning buyers and sellers from across the globe. At Corcoran Premier Realty we have a powerhouse of talented and experienced agents whose goal is to deliver RESULTS.

We are proud to be a part of the best real estate affiliate network in the world. We are Corcoran Premier Realty.

Our Founders Experience. Innovation. Integrity.

Chocky Burks - Broker, President

• 25+ year real estate career in luxury residential real estate

• Recognized consistently in the top one percent of Central Florida Realtors

• Specializing in New Construction and Development

• Board of Directors for Support Our Scholars

Steve Healy - Co-Founder, Owner

• Proven sales expertise in the luxury arena spans both residential real estate and luxury membership sales

• Prior SVP of Sales and Marketing for several large companies, both public and private

• Previously one of Sotheby’s International Realty’s top sales executives, winning rookie of the year in 2002 and Chairman’s Club awards

• Supporter of Sharing Hope Foundation and TeamJanice. com which he founded in 2005 to support the fight against brain cancer and ALS

Matt Tomaszewski - Co-Founder, Owner

• Proven 20+ year real estate career in the luxury market across Central Florida

• Recognized in the top 1% of all Realtors in Central Florida year after year, a Star Performer by the Board of Realtors and part of the Chairman’s club

• Former top-producing agent for Sotheby’s International Realty

• Supporter of the Big Brother and Big Sister Organization of Central Florida since 2012

From left to right: Matt Tomaszewski, Chocky Burks, Steve Healy

We have a history of growth & expansion.

With over 30+ years of service in Central Florida.


Chocky Burks begins selling real estate in Florida.


Matt Tomaszewski and Steve Healy join Chocky Burks at Sotheby’s International Realty.


With the launch of Premier Realty Partners, the highly successful trio forges ahead as a luxury real estate powerhouse in Central Florida.


Premier Realty Partners becomes the top brokerage in their core markets, Dr. Phillips, Windermere, Winter park, Winter Garden, and Lake Mary.


Matt, Steve, and Chocky are the top 3 agents companywide for Sotheby’s International Realty. This is the first of many successful years to come in Central Florida.


Premier Realty Partners affiliates with Corcoran to become Corcoran Premier Realty. Open new offices in Windermere and Winter park.

Windermere Office | 1921 Maguire Rd Ste 104, Windermere FL 34786
Winter Park Office | 271 N. Pennsylvania Ave suite #2, Winter Park Fl 32789

The Power of Corcoran


We are Corcoran.

Live who you are. Four simple words that mean so much. To our customers, it means “Imagine the best version of who you are... and now imagine home.” But “Live who you are” also says something about us. It says “We care enough to learn about you. We care enough to ask a little more, to dig a little deeper, to listen a little better. We care enough to learn to find you precisely the right buyer for your home.”

“Live who you are” says that we have the craft and resources to make your home feel like the buyers home. It says we are consultants and professionals of the highest order. It says “take a journey with a trusted friend.” And most of all it says our mission goes beyond selling.

Live who you are. It defines our mission as the best real estate company in the world - a mission we are all proud to make our own.

Corcoran. Live who you are.

Why Corcoran? Glad you asked.

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My Name is Bar bar a

23-ye ar o ld B arbara Co rco ran fo u n ds

Co rco ran®in a tin y o ffice o n th e Uppe r

We have a history of growth & expansion.

We have a history of growth & expansion.

19 9 8 Br ook ly n Br idged

Co rco ran cro sse s th e E ast R iv e r w ith 30 age n ts in th ree B roo k ly n o ffice s

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Made in Manhattan

Co rco ran o pe n s a do w n to w n o ffice an d th e n e x pan ds to th e Uppe r We st S ide

in 1989

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CEO for a New Century

Co rco ran be co m e s part o f R e alo gy

B arbara Co rco ran taps Pam e la Lie bm an to be co m e the co m pan y ’ s n e w P re side n t

1 99 5

New D ev elopments

Co rco ran partn e r Pam e la Lie bm an fo un ds Co rco ran Gro u p Mark e tin g.

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Hamptons Homecoming

Co rco ran acqu ire s a pair o f pro m in e n t bro k e rage firm s an d de bu ts in th e Ham pto n s w ith clo se to 200 age n ts

20 0 3

A Place in the S un

Co rco ran plan ts a flag in Palm Be ac h , acqu irin g tw o o f th e city ’ s m o st re spe cte d re al e state bro k e rage s

20 1 7

Higher I ntelligence

Co rco ran o pe n s Age n t S tu dio de sign e d to e n ric h e ac h age n t’s e x pe rie n ce an d kn o w le dge base

20 0 5

Good D ay S uns hine

Co rco ran Gro u p m ark e tin g an d S un sh in e Gro u p m e rge to be co m e Co rco ran S un sh in e, N YC’s pre m ie r n e w de v firm

2020 Ready for the Wor ld

200 6

Wor ds to Liv e By

Co rco ran de fin e s its in clu siv e w o rld v ie w w ith th e lau de d “Liv e Wh o Yo u Are ” cam paign


Our Global Debut

Co rco ran goes global, launching its first affiliates in select prime property markets across the U.S. and beyond.

Corcoran goes global, launching its first affiliates in select prime property markets, beginning in California, Nevada, and Central Florida

Corcoran goes global, launching its first franchisees in select prime property markets, across the U.S. and beyond.

In February of 2021 Corcoran marks the one-year anniversary of our successful affiliate launch with a global debut in British Virgin Islands.

E ast S ide o fManh attan w ith se v e n e age r age n ts an d a $1,000 lo an . an d CE O.
We’re part of the Anywhere family, the world’s biggest residential network

Around the web, across the globe.

As soon as you list with Corcoran Premier Realty, your home greets prospective buyers on and across hundreds of prominent partner websites in our extensive real estate network.

This is Corcoran’s digital difference.

We drive millions of potential buyers to your listing with our proprietary formula of paid search, retargeting, and search engine optimization.

27M pageviews driven by paid and organic search in the last 12 months

Google Analytics 2022

12% Percentage of visitors actively searching for a home

Similar Web 2022

75% Percentage of web searches containing the word “rent” for which Corcoran is a top result

Bullseye 2022

195K+ Estimated leads generated in the last 12 months

Google Analytics 2022

309M Display impressions overall to

Google Search Console 2022


Web clicks specifically related to listings on

Google Analytics 2022

The Corcoran DNA

Our “Live Who You Are” philosophy is infused in everything that we do and is embodied by our brand DNA.


Human touch



Fun & warm

SHARP With an edge

We’re a marketing powerhouse.

We’re a marketing powerhouse.

The real difference about Corcoran is simple. Most real estate firms are about transactions while we are about people and their individual needs. This unique vision is what sets the Corcoran brand apart and keep us first in consumers’ minds. From our critically acclaimed brand campaigns to the marketing created for your listing, we make sure to connect with the consumer on a deeper level.

The real difference about Corcoran is simple. Most real estate firms are about transactions while we are about people and their individual needs. This unique vision is what sets the Corcoran brand apart and keep us first in consumers’ minds. From our critically acclaimed brand campaigns to the marketing created for your listing, we make sure to connect with the consumer on a deeper level.

The real difference about Corcoran Premier Realty is simple. Most real estate firms are about transactions while we are about people and their individual needs. This unique vision is what sets the Corcoran brand apart and keeps us first in consumer’s minds. From our critically acclaimed brand campaigns to the marketing created for your listing, we make sure to connect with the consumer on a deeper level.

BBC Bloomberg

New York Post


Architectural Digest


Centurion Magazine


New York Magazine

When it comes to getting press, we’re connected.

One of the real estate industry’s most experienced in-house public relations team leverages a roster of world-class media connections to promote select properties to a wide range of both digital and print media outlets, including:

O Globo (Brazil)

Palm Beach Post

New York Post


Palm Beach Daily News

Crain’s New York Business


Elle Décor

Financial Times


O Globo (Brazil)

South China Morning Post

Centurion Magazine

Palm Beach Post

Straits Times (Singapore)

Palm Beach Daily News

The Hollywood Reporter

Crain’s New York Business


Elle Décor

Hamptons Magazine

One of the real estate industry’s most experienced in-house public relations teams leverages a roster of world-class media connections to promote select properties to a wide range of both digital and print media outlets, including:

One of the real estate industry’s most experienced in-house public relations team leverages a roster of world-class media connections to promote select properties to a wide range of both digital and print media outlets, including:

Financial Times

Hamptons RE Showcase


South China Morning Post

The New York Times

Straits Times (Singapore)

The Times of London

The Hollywood Reporter

The Wall Street Journal

The New York Times

Time Out New York

The Times of London



Hamptons Magazine

Le Figaro, Le Pointe, Les Echos

TV Media

Hamptons RE Showcase


Le Figaro, Le Pointe, Les Echos

The Wall Street Journal

Time Out New York


TV Media

Nothing herein shall be constructed as a guarantee that all or any Corcoran listings will appear in these media outlets. None of the named companies endorse or are affiliated with Corcoran.
When it comes to getting press, we’re connected.
Architectural Digest
New York Magazine
herein shall be constructed as a guarantee that all or any Corcoran listings will appear in these media outlets. None of the named companies endorse or are affiliated with Corcoran.


Corcoran’s Inhabit complements

Corcoran’s Inhabit complements by exploring the stories that make our markets so special. by exploring the stories that make our markets so special.

Our well-loved blog features irresistible stories about goings-on in our markets, architecture and decorating, dining and entertaining, and, of course, a selection of our clients’ homes. Expect smart insights, great photography, and first-rate video (including our acclaimed video series, The Local Next Door). It’s content that drives traffic and gets attention, and that means more visibility to potential buyers.

Our well-loved blog features irresistible stories about goings-on in our markets, architecture and decorating, dining and entertaining, and, of course, a selection of our clients’ homes. Expect smart insights, great photography, and first-rate video (including our acclaimed video series, The Local Next Door). It’s content that drives traffic and gets attention, and that means more visibility to potential buyers.

We’re living the life.
living the life.


Leverage real-time data to generate detailed reports on your listing’s activity on, and work with your agent to devise an effective digital strategy to get more eyes on your home.

We help you track and optimize your
digital presence.

We make ads that get looks.

Corcoran accelerates consumer interest with attention-getting multichannel campaigns, ensuring that consumers can connect with Corcoran.

225M+ impressions,

5M+ video views

on brand banner and video ads

Corcoran leverages dynamic brand and lead-generation campaigns in a variety of highly visible placements.

Stunning photography

Click to Open 3D Tour

3D Tours

Aerial drone imagery

HD Video
Local and national print

Custom Mailers

Custom Brochures

We are elevating the real estate experience.

©2020 Corcoran Group LLC. All rights reserved. Corcoran® and the Corcoran Logo are registered service marks owned by Corcoran Group LLC. Corcoran Group LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each franchise is independently owned and operated.

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