June 19, 2019 Honorable Mike Farnworth Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General PO Box 9850 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8W 9E2
email: PSSG.Minister@gov.bc.ca
Dear Minister Farnworth, RE: Response to April 26, 2019 letter regarding Old Fort Landslide Thank you for the April 26, 2019 letter regarding the Old Fort Landslide. On May 16, 2019 the Regional Board discussed your response and would like to reaffirm the Board’s position that any investigation, monitoring, or mitigation efforts in response to emergency events on Crown land should not be the responsibility of local government. Further the Peace River Regional District recognizes the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources and Rural Development and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Ministries as joint command for the Old Fort Landslide that started on September 30, 2018.
Yours truly
Brad Sperling Chair
diverse. vast. abundant.
PLEASE REPLY TO: X Box 810, 1981 Alaska Ave, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4H8 Tel: (250) 784-3200 or (800) 670-7773 Fax: (250) 784-3201 Email: prrd.dc@prrd.bc.ca ppppprrprrd.dc@prrd.bc.ca 9505 100 St, Fort St. John, BC V1J 4N4 Tel: (250) 785-8084 Fax: (250) 785-1125 Email: prrd.fsj@prrd.bc.ca
Received DC Office June 12, 2019
June 12, 2019 Ref.:
Mr. Brad Sperling Chair Peace River Regional District Email: prrd.dc@prrd.bc.ca cc:
Dear Mr. Sperling: Honourable Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, has forwarded a copy of your March 15, 2019 letter to me for response. Thank you for taking the time to write. The investigation being completed by the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources is limited to the jurisdiction of the Ministry, specifically to the Mines Act permitted site. The scope of the investigation includes determining the extent, if any, that the mining activity contributed to the landslide, reviewing the permitting process, reviewing the compliance history of the site and evaluating if there may be other sites in the Province that should be reviewed for similar conditions. The investigation is nearing completion, and the PRRD will be informed once the report is finalized. Once again, thank you for writing. Sincerely,
Michelle Mungall Minister
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
Office of the Minister
June 27, 2019
Mailing Address: PO Box 9052, Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8W 9E2 Telephone: 250 953-0900 Facsimile: 250 356-2965
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April 26, 2019
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Mr. Brad Sperling Chair, Peace River Regional District PO Box 810, 1981 Alaska Avenue Dawson Creek BC V1G 4H8 Dear Mr. Sperling: Thank you for your letter of March 15, 2019, regarding your request that the Peace River Regional District be provided with information on the scope of the investigation of the landslide being conducted by the Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources (MEMPR). Your request for information on the investigation has been forwarded to MEMPR for a direct reply. It is unfortunate that you state that the Peace River Regional District is no longer engaged in the management of the Old Fort landslide. Section 6 of the Emergency Program Act is very clear that "a local authority is at all times responsible for the direction and control of the local authority's emergency response". The role of the Province is to provide support to the Peace River Regional District in managing the overall situation, but not lead it. In this particular case, your staff to this point have done an exemplary job, and that is what I intended to convey in my last correspondence. Emergency Management BC has embarked on a review of the Emergency Program Act, and your perspective on how that legislation governs the role of local governments is welcomed. I have asked Heather Brazier, the executive director of Legislation and Policy, to ensure that the Peace River Regional District is consulted. You may contact her directly by email at: Heather.Brazier@gov.bc.ca. I appreciate being made aware of your concerns. Sincerely,
Mike Farnworth Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
Office of the Minister
May 16, 2019
Mailing Address: Parliament Buildings Victoria BC V8V 1X4
CA-6 pc:
The Honourable Michelle Mungall Lori Halls, Deputy Minister, Emergency Management BC Heather Brazier, Executive Director, Policy and Legislation, Emergency Management
May 16, 2019
CA-6 ,,m# "rapv 1 tr-inumauPEACE RIVER REGIONAL DISTRICT
March 15, 2019 Honorable Mike Farnworth Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General PO Box 9850 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8W 9E2
email: PSSG.Minister@gov.bc.ca
Dear Minister Farnworth, RE: Request for details of the scope of the investigation of the Old Fort landslide Thank you for the February 6, 2019 letter regarding the Old Fort landslide. On February 28, 2019 the Regional Board discussed your response and as a follow-up is requesting that the Peace River Regional District be provided with information on the scope of the investigation of the landslide being conducted by the Ministry of Energy and Mines and Petroleum Resources. Further, in response to the last line of your letter which states, "I appreciate being made aware of your concerns and your ongoing management of this situation," the Regional Board would like to reiterate that the Peace River Regional District is not engaged in "ongoing management of the situation." The Regional Board's position is that the slide originated on Crown land and investigation, monitoring, and any mitigation efforts should not be the responsibility of local government. We look forward to hearing back from your office regarding our request. For questions please contact Shawn Dahlen, CAO, at 250 784-3208 or shawn.dahlen@prrd.bc.ca. Yours truly,
Brad Sperling Chair
diverse. vast. abundant. PLEASE REPLY TO: x Box 810, 1981 Alaska Ave, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4H8 Tel (250) 784-3200 or (800) 670-7773 Fax (250) 784-3201 Email - prrd dc@prrd be ca 9505 100 St, Fort St. John, BC V11 4N4 Tel (250) 785-8084 Fax . (250) 785-1125 Email prrd.fsj@prrd.bc ca
May 16, 2019