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The Inner Loop: Phoenix Central City Village
What we term Phoenix’s “inner loop” will be the studio site. It is a 9.3 square miles rectangle site enclosed by I-10 and I-17, located inside the central city village, one of fifteen villages in Phoenix, AZ. The central city village had 63020 population (20440 households) in 2015, which is estimated to grow to 104250 by 2030. More than 50% of the central city village population (roughly 35000) live in 26 neighborhoods/districts of the inner loop.
The 26 neighborhoods/districts of the inner loop can be further categorized into three types: 1) underserved low-income residential neighborhoods, including Central City South (CCS), Garfield, Eastlake Park, Montezuma Heights, East Van Buren, residential inside Capitol Mall district; 2) mixeduse residential neighborhoods, including Roosevelt, Evans Churchill, F.Q.Story, Grand, Booker T. Washington; and 3) office, commercial and industrial district, including Downtown Core (traditional office and commercial), Warehouse (startup, industrial business, creative business, co-work space), Capitol Mall (governmental office), and Sky Harbor Center (airport industry park).
Geographic location of the Inner Loop area
Source: Hazel O’Neil
Bird’s-eye view of the site (Phoenix central city village)
Source: New York Times
Layers of site analysis
Source: Hazel O’Neil