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Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 12th September, 2012 — 29


03 5744 3731

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Deadline Monday 3pm

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Yarrawonga Chronicle Att: Classifieds PO Box 147 Yarrawonga Vic 3730

Office Hours

8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday Closed public holidays

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Private vendors of motor cars and motorcycles advertised for sale must include in their advertisement Cash price of vehicle If registered, registration number If unregistered, the engine number

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Full name and address of advertiser must be supplied even though not necessarily included in advertisement. Signature of both parties (or parents if minors involved) are required before an engagement or wedding notice can be accepted. The publishers reserves the right to omit and alter any advertisement. Please check your ad is correct the first day it appears. While every care is taken to ensure your ad is correct, errors can occur. We regret that we cannot be responsible for any errors beyond the first day if you fail to bring it to our attention. All advertisers must be prepaid unless the client has an existing credit facility. Accounts are due and payable on the due date as shown on account.

CHURCH NOTICES CHURCH of Christ, Orr Street, Yarrawonga. Church Contacts, Phone Trevor 5744 3749 or Ken 5744 2462. Sunday Worship 10.15am. IGNITE Life Church (an ACC Church) 6 Melaleuca Street, Yarrawonga. Ps Keith Walters (03) 5743 2135. Family Service Sunday 10am. Ignite Christian Bookstore open Fridays 10am-2.30pm. PRESBYTERIAN Church, Orr Street, Yarrawonga. Rev. Paul Seiler (03) 5721 6444. Sunday: 8.45am except 1st Sunday of each month: 11.00am. SACRED Heart Catholic Church, Witt Street, Yarrawonga. Fr. Steve Bohan. (03) 5744 3030. Saturday: Vigil Mass 6.30pm. Sunday: 10am. Tungamah 8.30am. Weekdays: Tuesday 5.30pm (winter 5pm), Wednesday 9am, Thursday 9am, Friday 12noon. ST ANDREW’S Uniting Church, Tom Street, Yarrawonga. Rev. Gereldine Leonard. (03) 5744 3029. Sunday: 9.30am. Bundalong: 1st & 3rd Sundays 8am. Tungamah: 2nd Sunday 11am. 4th Sunday 8am. ST Andrew’s By The Lake Anglican Church, Melbourne St, Mulwala. Rev. Val Elson (03) 5744 2211. The Saturday before the first Sunday of the month - Service is at 6pm followed by a meal. 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays: 9am. ST. Brigids Catholic Church, Havelock Street, Mulwala. Father John McGrath. Phone 5744 3563. Weekend Mass times: 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays 8am. 2nd and 4th Saturday night 6pm. ST Cuthbert’s Anglican Church, Piper Street, Yarrawonga. Rev Michael Jones 5744 3045. Sunday services: Yarrawonga 7am and 10am. St James 1st and 3rd Sundays 8.30am. Weekdays: Wednesday 10am.

YARRAWONGA 10th-14th September Church of Christ 17th-21st September Sue Hempenstall MULWALA 10th-14th September St Andrews Anglican Church 17th September VOLUNTEER REQUIRED 18th September PALS GROUP 19th-21st September VOLUNTEER REQUIRED

Weekend RosteR YaRRa/Mul

Saturday 15th September Delma Weygood Sunday 16th September Delma Weygood Saturday 22nd September VOLUNTEER REQUIRED Sunday 23rd September Wayne & Sheryl Drake Office HOurs Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm – – Moira HealthCare



Sun 16th September PharmacY Pharmacy on Belmore 10:30am to 12:30pm



BRENNAN Mum and Dad, wishing you both a very happy 50th. Love Jo and Paul.

Murray James Pullar R.I.P. August 26, 2012. To Mrs Jean Pullar and family, please accept my sincerest condolences for the passing of Murray. Your husband was a true Australian hero, a gentleman of immense intellect, with a sharp and witty sense of humour. Murray was a great man, an inspirational character and a humble warrior who endured tremendous hardships during the Second World War. Australia is the prosperous nation it is now, due to the courage and sacrifices made in conflict by men and women like Murray Pullar. Lest We Forget Lieutenant Colonel Julian West Royal Australian Artillery



STEVENSON, Leigh Anthony. 19/9/1976 passed away suddenly on August 29th 2012, aged 35 years. Loving son and step son to Jennifer and Harold Lutz and brother to Megan and Xavier. Eldest grandson to Douglas and Margaret Stevenson (both dec). Why smile in such sadness? It’s because of the memories Of laughter shared in the past The humour of life, the fun and the joy The reminiscences certain to last Why relief in such sadness? It’s because there is peace With no more pain No one can hurt, nor take away There will never be fear again. Cherished memories of you will last a lifetime and you are on your stairway to heaven. Love Mum, Harold, Megs and Xav xxx

Re: DOROTHY GLADYS CHIVERS deceased CREDITORS, nextof-kin, and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on the 28th May 2012 are required by the Trustee, PETER JOHN CHIVERS of 61 McFarland Road, Wodonga, Victoria, Pensioner to send particulars to the Trustee by 17 November 2012 after which date the Trustee may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which the Trustee has notice. Harrison Dobson Cottrill, Solicitors, 2 Bridge Street, Benalla 3672.

Volunteer Coordinator

or 03 5742 1111.

Say Thank You

death notices

Meals on Wheels

Alliance 1300 655 372


Yarrawonga Chronicle and Corowa Free Press Pty Ltd, being the publisher of the Yarrawonga Chronicle is the owner of the copyright in all advertisements (including artwork) prepared by the servants and/or agents of the newspaper on behalf of its advertisers. Neither the newspaper’s advertisers nor any person on their behalf are authorised to publish, reproduce or copy in any manner, any of the said advertisements (including artwork) without the prior written licence of the newspaper.



BRENNAN Mum and Dad



Married 50 years 15.9.1962 Love from All the Family xxxx

MACKENZIE BRENNAN 15.9.62 Congratulations Margaret and Peter on 50 years together. Well done guys. Love from Jan and Fred.



Wednesday 26th September 2012 7.30pm At Clubrooms All welcome



Wilby District Tennis Assoc.

Ross (Mingo) & Sue Holmyard of Yarrawonga are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter Jemma to Matthew Harper, son of Neil Harper, grandson of Maureen & Keith Harper of Melbourne on Saturday 1st September, 2012


Sunday 16th September 2012 7pm at Mulwala Clubrooms

BOURKE - CUMMINS. 24.8.12. Ian and Tracey (Dec) and Lorraine and James are delighted to announce the engagement of Kaitlyn and Marcus. Congratulations and best wishes from your family.

Yarrawonga – Mulwala RSL Sub-Branch GENERAL MEETING Wednesday 12th September 2012 8pm at ClubMulwala



In accordance with By-Law 3.11 notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of

Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort Lady Golf Members will be held on

Wednesday 17th October 2012 at 9.30am in the Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort Upper Lounge

Congratulations on celebrating your 50th Wedding Anniversary All our love John, Jenni, Jo-anne and granddaughters Emily and Catherine

Items of business for the agenda (By-law 3.13) close with the Secretary on Wednesday 26th September 2012 Nominations for election to the Committee (By-law 3.14) close with the Secretary on Monday 1st October 2012 Secretary Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort Ladies Committee

30 — Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 12th September, 2012

classies 03 5744 3731



HORSE ARENA HIRE OptOmetrists assOciatiOn australia member

Sandra Heaney BSc (Optom) GCOT (Melb)

shop 1 19 piper st Yarrawonga Vic 3730

Open: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm

Phone: (03) 5744 2126




Wheaton Chiropractic

Dr. Amanda Wheaton Dr. Helen Wallace Dr. Dot Brodie

Open MOn-FRI 5744 3848 17a piper St

PHONE 5743 3747

Contact us for:

Yarrawonga PodiatrY

Home-based Sleep Study C-PAP Trial C-PAP Checkup R & M Ingram P/L & R.P. Davies Ph.C

54 Belmore St, Yarrawonga

(03) 5744 3035

Leanne Smith

remedial massage therapist Ph. 5744 1876 41 Murphy St. Yarrawonga

Yarrawonga Podiatry 38 Hovell Street, Yarrawonga (directly behind Terminus Hotel) Appointments can be made by calling 0459 038 069 David Woodburn Podiatrist



• DVA Approved • Experts In Foot Care • Footwear Advice • Sports Injuries

2 Obrien Street, Yarrawonga. PH: 5743 2405

Katie Tink Alyce Bouwmeester 24 Belmore Street Yarrawonga


5743 1142

Phone 0427 359 245



5744 1705


Civil Contracting & Quarrying (03)


Phone Nicole: 0400 861 533 For local, personalized & private fittings contact Sue. Stockist of Ph: 0438 617 388 Amoena, Tru Medicare Reimbursement available Life & ABC

Mastectomy Fittings

BUSINESS NOTICES Matt & Bron Mobile Butcher & Coolroom Hire Yarrawonga & District From your paddock to plate (03) 5744 3186 0439 611 149

Get ready before the heat hits!


from $45

Yarrawonga & surrounding areas Ph:

PUBLIC NOTICES Friends of Warrina Morning Tea 10.00am Friday 21st September Entry: $5 Warrina Aged Care Hostel All welcome

PUBLIC NOTICES COPYRIGHT It contravenes the Copyright Act to reproduce or to instruct other person to reproduce material printed in this newspaper without prior consent of the publishers. The said material being advertisements whole or part, artwork whole or part, photographs whole or part, headlines or body copy whole or part. It also contravenes the Copyright Act to reproduce any or part of the above material which has been altered in order to appear different from the original. Severe penalties can be incurred by infringement of the Act.

The Yarrawonga Chronicle is published by the Yarrawonga Chronicle and Corowa Free Press Pty Ltd., ACN 158 627 073. 101 Belmore St, Yarrawonga, Vic, 3730. Printed by Shepparton Newsprinters Pty Ltd, ACN 075 349 772 at the registered office, Goulburn Valley. The editor accepts the responsibility for election comment. All advertising and editorial content of this issue is the copyright of the Yarrawonga Chronicle and Corowa Free Press Pty Ltd and cannot be used without the company’s permission. Registered by Australia Post, Melbourne under Print Post Approved PP346626/00010.

Yarrawonga Family History Group Inc.

Springtime Raffle winner drawn Sept 8 - Dale Simmons -


NOTICE OF AN APPLICATION UNDER SECTION 60 OF THE TRANSFER OF LAND ACT 1958 TO BECOME REGISTERED PROPRIETOR OF LAND The reference number is Application No. 127996K. The applicants have applied to become the registered proprietors of land the part of which is located at 37A Tom Street Yarrawonga 3730. The applicants claim to have acquired title to the land by adverse possession. The land is shown marked “A” on the plan posted on the land. The plan may also be inspected at the office of Land Victoria, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne. The current registered proprietor of the land is Granwil Holdings Pty Ltd of Yarrawonga (folio of the Register Vol 8280 Fol 367). If you believe you are affected by the application you should seek independent legal advice. I may grant this application after 30 days from the date of the posting of a notice on the land if satisfied that the applicant has acquired title by possession to the land.

0409 473 779

Hilton Younger


Casual Riding: $20 p/hr first horse, then $10 per horse after that. Full Day: $150 for the first 10 horses, then $10 per horse after that. Pony Club or Adult Riding Club enquiries welcomed Cedar Park Horse Hotel – Shelley Shipton 88 Ryans Road Yarrawonga Vic 3730 Ph: (03) 5743 2500 or 0418 548 872 email:

1 hr Remedial, Deep Tissue or Relaxation Massage

PASSIVE ACTION MACHINES GAIN FLEXIBILITY, MOBILITY, LOSE INCHES 7am to 12 Noon Mon-Fri or by appointment 4.30-6.30pm Mon.Wed.Thurs.

60m x 40m fully fenced sand arena with lights can be hired for general training, clinics or any other purpose approved by the owner.


Anyone with an interest in the land can lodge a caveat under section 61 of the Transfer of Land Act 1958. This caveat will lapse 30 days after lodgement unless the caveator has commenced court proceedings and given me notice of the proceedings or obtained and served an injunction on me. If this caveat lapses or is withdrawn I may grant this application if satisfied that the applicant has acquired title by possession to the land. Enquiries may be directed to Land Victoria on 8636 2261.

The MWSC would like to invite all past & present staff and board members to the

Ski Club Reunion 20th October, 2012 from 5pm to 7pm Partners welcome. Drinks at bar prices, nibbles provided.

For more details contact the Club on 5744 1888

Mr Richard Kjar


Orthopaedic Surgeon

CHRIS McRAE Registrar of Titles


Please be advised that Mr Richard Kjar is moving his Wangaratta consulting rooms as of Monday 10th September 2012. The new address will be: Consulting Suite Wangaratta Private Hospital 134 Templeton St Wangaratta 3677 Phone: 03 5721 8817


ELECTION NOTICE NOMINATIONS Nominations are invited on and from Friday, 21 September 2012 for the following positions: President (1) Directors (8) Nominations must be in writing and comply with the Club’s Constitution/By-Laws and any relevant directions given by the Returning Officer. Candidates and nominators must satisfy the eligibility requirements set out in Rules 47 and 48 (a) of the Club’s Constitution (as amended – October 2009). Nomination forms are available from the Club or from the NSW Electoral Commission, telephone (02) 9290 5923. LODGEMENT OF NOMINATIONS Nominations must be received by the Returning Officer, NSW Electoral Commission by no later than 12.00 Noon, Friday 5 October 2012. A nomination cannot be withdrawn after this date and any rectified before this time. CANDIDATE PROFILE AND/OR DIRECTOR’S STATUTORY DECLARATION Details regarding completion and lodgement will be printed on these forms. Nominations, Candidate Profile and Statutory Declaration may be lodged: by hand: New South Wales Electoral Commission, Level 25, 201 Kent Street, Sydney; or by post: PO Box 693, Grosvenor Place NSW 1220; or by fax: (02) 9290 5291. If the election is contested a draw to determine the order of candidates’ names on the ballot paper will be conducted at the NSW Electoral Commission at 1.00pm, on Friday 5 October 2012. VOTING AT CLUB If an election is necessary, voting will be conducted at the Club at the following times: Thursday, 18 October 2012 4:00pm to 8:00pm Friday, 19 October 2012 4:00pm to 8:00pm Saturday, 20 October 2012 9:00am to 3:00pm Members will need to show their current signed membership card to receive a ballot paper. POSTAL VOTING Any member who is unable to attend the Club during the hours of voting may apply to the Returning Officer for a postal vote. Application forms are available from the Returning Officer or the Club. Applications must be received by the Returning Officer, by 5.00pm Friday, 12 October 2012. The method of voting will be First Past the Post using crosses. Members must vote for the exact number to be elected, for their vote to count. Any enquiries should be directed to Mario Saliba at the NSW Electoral Commission, telephone (02) 9290 5923. Michael Nevin Returning Officer NSW Electoral Commission

Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 12th September, 2012 — 31

classies 03 5744 3731

Deadline Monday 3pm PUBLIC NOTICES

Yarrawonga-Mulwala & District



Weekly Service to Melbourne One truck from start to finish Professional packing We’ll go anywhere Free Quotes General freight

Call Cheryl, Steve or Pete today! Ph.

(03) 5743 2775


44 - 46 Belmore Street Yarrawonga Ph: (03) 5743 2946 FURNITURE/BEDDING

“Your 2012-13 Local Directory has been delivered by Australia Post.” If you missed receiving a copy of the directory you can pick one up from the following businesses; Limited to one book per person. Yarrawonga Newsagency Mulwala Newsagency Yarrawonga Chronicle Multiple Orders of more than 5 books can be placed at the Yarrawonga Chronicle @ $2 per book. Contact 03 5744 3731 or email









Lease of Articulated Landfill Compactor

Numurkah Senior Citizens Hub Additions & Alterations

Moira Shire Council seeks tender submissions from suitably qualified companies for the supply, lease and maintenance of the following vehicle. One (1) x Drum Type Articulated Landfill Compactor with four in one bucket. Technical enquiries may be directed to Geoff Edwards on (03) 5871 9222. Tender closing date: 4pm Wednesday 3 October 2012 C007/13

Supply and Lease of 3m3 Dual Cab Tip Truck Moira Shire Council seeks tender submissions from suitably qualified companies for the supply, lease and maintenance of the following vehicle. One (1) x 3m3 Dual Cab Tip Truck. Technical enquiries may be directed to Geoff Edwards on (03) 5871 9222. Tender closing date: 4pm Wednesday 3 October 2012 C008/13

Notice to all members

Nominations for the position of Board of Director of the Mulwala Water Ski Club close on

Friday, 28th September, 2012, at 6pm There are 3 positions available for a period of two years. Nomination forms are available from the CEO during office hours.

Melbourne, Street, Mulwala Phone: (03) 5744 1888 SITUATIONS VACANT

Supply, Lease and Maintenance of One (1) Extra Cab Split Tip Truck Moira Shire Council seeks tender submissions from suitably qualified companies for the supply, lease and maintenance of the following vehicle. One (1) x Extra Cab Split Tip Truck. Technical enquiries may be directed to Geoff Edwards on (03) 5871 9222. Tender closing date: 4pm Wednesday 3 October 2012 C009/13

Lease of 100hp Tractor with four in one bucket Moira Shire Council seeks tender submissions from suitably qualified companies for the supply, lease and maintenance of a • 90 - 100hp Front Wheel Assist Tractor with heavy duty four in one quick hitch bucket and fork lift arms.

Tenderersare encouraged to present a range of available lease options, including maintenance.

The Yarrawonga Chronicle is a progressive publishing company committed to providing a professional service to its many and varied customers has an Administrative Assistant/ Customer Service position available.

Tender closing date:

Additional duties would include Customer Service, excellent telephone manner, above average typing skills and Word Processing including the use of Microsoft Word and Excel. Training will be available in all aspects of the above to ensure the successful applicant would integrate well into the office environment. Please send letter of application including current resume to: Jared Loughnan PO Box 147 Yarrawonga Vic 3730 or email Applications close: Monday 17th September 2012

Technical enquiries may be directed to Ian Couper on (03) 5871 9222. Tender closing date: 4pm Wednesday 10 October 2012. C073/12

Provision of Professional Services for Engineering, Asset Management and Design Moira Shire Council invites submissions from suitably qualified organisations or individuals for the provision of professional services for the implementation of projects, feasibility studies and design services in relation to current and future capital works programs. Services will also include the provision of professional staff to fill particular, project related appointments, and appointments in relation to implementation of projects. Technical enquiries may be directed to Mark Foord, Executive Engineer on (03) 5871 9222. Tender closing date: 4pm Wednesday 26 September 2012. Requests for specification documents must be made in writing and forwarded to: Moira Shire Council Attention: Natalie Dopper Contracts Administrator PO Box 572 Cobram VIC 3643 Fax: (03) 5872 1567 Email: Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Gary Arnold Chief Executive Officer

Council seeks details on a 7 year operational lease on the tractor with four in one bucket and fork lift arms.

Administrative Assistant/ Customer Service - Part Time

A knowledge of bookkeeping using MYOB would be an advantage. The successful applicant would possess excellent organisational skills, be flexible and a team player.

Moira Shire Council invites submissions from suitably qualified or experienced builders to register their interest for the partial demolition and re construction, renovations and extensions to Numurkah Seniors Hub, to be erected at McCaskill St, cnr Knox St Numurkah. The building will cover 622m2 framed & clad construction on concrete floor with colour bond steel roofing, includes offices, amenities, kitchen, activity rooms and associated works.

Technical enquiries may be directed to Geoff Edwards on (03) 5871 9222.


Requests for specification documents must be made in writing and forwarded to:

Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Gary Arnold Chief Executive Officer

Executive Support Officer - Events

Job No: 240838 Salary: $ 33.4344 per hour (Band 6) + 9% super Hours: Temporary part time – 3 days per week until February 2014 (Maternity Relief) We are seeking the services of a professional and experienced executive assistant to provide event development and management services in this maternity relief role. In this position, you will be responsible for the coordination of Council events through the development of event task groups and ensuring events are run in accordance with event management plans which enhance the image and reputation of Council. The successful applicant will have strong interpersonal skills and an in-depth understanding of event management practices. Your prior experience as an executive assistant, along with your integrity, professionalism and confidentiality will help you secure this role. Prior experience in a government agency will be looked upon favourably. Applications clearly stating the job number and addressing the key selection criteria need to be received at the Municipal Service Centre in Cobram by 5pm Friday 21 September 2012 via post PO Box 578 Cobram VIC 3643, email or fax (03) 5872 1567. Position descriptions are available at, and all enquiries should be directed to our Human Resource Department on (03) 5871 9222 or email Moira Shire Council is an Equal Opportunity Employer and offers flexible work arrangements in a familyfriendly work place. Gary Arnold Chief Executive Officer

Casual Food & Beverage Stewards Clubmulwala is seeking the services of casual employees to work in our bar, catering and gaming facilities. No previous experience is necessary. Applicants must hold or be willing to obtain a New South Wales responsible service of alcohol certificate. Applications to: Darren Lean Human Resources Manager PO Box 19 Mulwala 2647


clear cut solutions

4pm Wednesday 3 October 2012

Moira Shire Council Attention: Natalie Dopper Contracts Administrator PO Box 572 Cobram VIC 3643 Fax: (03) 5872 1567 Email:

You can be part of the Moira team and develop your career with an innovative leader committed to delivering excellent services.

showers, shelves, splashbacks, robe doors & mirrors

MEMBER SERVICES OFFICER Central Murray Credit Union currently has a fulltime position available for a Member Services Officer in our Cobram branch. We are looking for a person who is professional, enthusiastic, well presented and with good communications and problem solving skills. Experience in dealing with the public and cash handling would be advantageous. The successful applicant will be trained in all aspects of Members Service Operations. FSR Tier 2 qualifications would be advantageous. Award wages to apply. Please forward applications to: Sally Eales Operations Manager Central Murray Credit Union Limited 58 Belmore Street Yarrawonga Vic 3730 Applications close Friday 21st September 2012 The Central Murray Credit Union is an equal opportunity employer


Cabinet Maker, Glazier or Shopfitter preferred to install shelving, showers, mirrors & splashbacks. Work on sub contractor basis Good rates paid

Rachael 0428 443 353

32 — Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 12th September, 2012

classies 03 5744 3731

Deadline Monday 3pm SITUATIONS VACANT


Yarrawonga 21A Belmore St, Ph: 03 5744 3811 Mulwala 109A Melbourne St, Ph: 03 5744 2290 After Hours: HEIDI BARILLARO 0417 835 415


Casual Cleaning Staff

Murray Valley Resort requires applications from persons interested in casual cleaning on Fridays from approx. 10.00am to 4.00pm. Applicants should have some basic knowledge of cleaning Hotel/ Motel rooms. Award Wages apply. Applications in person, at reception, on Monday 17th Sept. between the hours of 10.00am and 1.00pm. Murray Valley Resort, Murray Valley Highway, Yarrawonga, VIC, 3730

Looking for a fully qualified part-time hairdresser in Mulwala. Phone Kira

A selection of properties currently available for Lease If you are thinking about a change for your investment property- why not give Yarrawonga Mulwala Real Estate a go! – Call Heidi today UNITS: MULWALA: 1 BR unit –Stand alone in a complex- quiet area.- Recently renovated MULWALA: 2BR, unit, clean and tidy, SLUG – small rear yard. MULWALA: 2BR, fully furnished, unit, clean and tidy- long or short term MULWALA: 2BR fully furnished townhouse, Golf View complex- walk to town and clubs YARRAWONGA: 1BR Unit – close to town YARRAWONGA: x 2BR units , 1 x very modern unit and 1 very large and spacious Car accommodation, walk to shops or work

0448 596 069 TO LET TWO bedroom brick unit, close to Belmore Street, $180 per week. Phone: 0417 386 178.

HOUSES: MULWALA: 3BR home, rural setting, garden shed, very large block MULWALA: 2BR, home, new carpets, clean and spacious. SLUG good rear yard MULWALA: 3BR home on the hill, timber floors, large shed YARRAWONGA: 4BR, weatherboard home, clean and tidy, shed available


VILLA TARNI Off peak rate $180 p/night Waterfront Sleeps 8

Phone: 0416 073 101

$200.00pw $225.00pw $280.00pw $110.00pw From $240.00pw

$215.00pw $230.00pw $240.00pw $245.00pw


FOUND. Child’s Collingwood football jumper on Sunday 2nd Sep afternoon at Yarrawonga College P-12 Secondary Campus. Phone (03) 5743 2916.

OLD Mazda car or parts - any condition or rotary engine - any condition. Cash paid. Phone: 0438 546 799.

AIR Walker/Jogger Exercise Machine, $75. Phone 0413 774 724.

Development Matters... DEVELOPMENT CONSENTS Public notice is given pursuant to Section 101 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, that the Corowa Shire Council has granted development consent in respect of the following developments. The consents are available for public inspection, without charge, at the Council Chambers, Bow Street Corowa between the hours of 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday: DA NO. 2012/119 2012/142 2012/169 2012/177




ADDRESS APPROVED WORK 11 Defence Drive, Mulwala Storage Shed 32 Alfred Street, Corowa 2 Lot Subdivision 100 Edward St, Corowa On-Premises Licence Lot 2 Morrisey Street, Change of Use Balldale 2012/179 18 Tocumwal Rd, Mulwala Second Storey Addition NOTICE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS In accordance with Council’s Public Notification Policy regarding Development Applications, the following are hereby listed for public comment. Plans relating to these proposals may be inspected in the Council’s Planning Department during normal working hours. DA NO. ADDRESS ZONING PROPOSED WORK 2012/201 74 Damien Cres Low Density Shed 187.2m2 Mulwala Residential R2 Any person may make a submission on the proposal within a period of seven (7) days from the date of this notification. Persons making a submission are required to comply with Section 147(5) of the Environmental Planning Assessment Act (Political Donations & Gifts Disclosure Statement). Forms are available from Councils’ administration offices. COUNCIL MEETING Council’s September Ordinary meeting will be held on Tuesday, 18 September 2012 commencing at 9.00 am. Time is set aside in Council’s Ordinary meetings at 3.00 pm for residents wishing to make presentations to Council. To enable residents presentations to be listed in Council’s Agenda residents must advise the General Manager in writing by 5.00 pm on the Tuesday preceding the Ordinary meeting day of Council.


garage sales


READERS BARGAINS TRAVELLER’S golf bag cover on wheels. Good condition. $20. Phone (03) 5744 3333.

Re-location (Downsizing) Clearance of Valuable & Not So Valuable Items Saturday 15 September 2012 10 Sharp Street, Yarrawonga Gates Open 8am

Bedroom 1 double bed & base (near new) $140, bedside tables $5 each, drawers,bedside lamps, wardrobe W1460, H1800, D600mm. Kitchen Glasses, saucepans, china & cutlery, microwave utensils, table, 2 chairs Garden Garden spades, forks, rakes, hedge clippers, secateurs, tree lopper Hardware Power tools various prices, variety of chisels, screw drivers, spanners, saws, drills, storage units, ladders, paint brushes & rollers. Leisure Gazebo & poles $70, camp tent $30, mosquito proof gazebo $40, camp washing machine $25, towing mirror $50, Weber kettle bbq & accessories $80, Weber Tom Thumb bbq $20, RH golf clubs $200, golf balls, books, suitcases Clothing Ladies & gents clothing items grouped in $5, $10, $15 & $20 lots Laundry AEG front loader, perfect condition $50. ALL ITEMS PURCHASED MUST BE REMOVED ON DAY OF SALE

WEBER BBQ, excellent condition, free bag heat beads and firelighters, $60. Phone: (03) 5743 3270.



Ride Ons From $1,700

Stuart Simmons Motorcycles, Mowers & Marine 105 Benalla Rd, Yarrawonga



SALE Now on Till 30.09.12


COMPUTER, desktop and monitor plus software programs and printer. Good condition, $75. Phone: (03) 5744 1555.

MOBICOOL esky, in car charger, hot - cold temps, power adaptor, excellent condition. $50. Phone (03) 5743 2542.

124a Belmore St

RECLINER chair, musty pink, as new. $75. Phone (03) 5744 2747.

TOYOTA Camry 2000, V6 auto, immaculate condition, always garaged and well serviced, all luxury extras, RWC, reg BH54LD, sold with 12 months Vic reg., $4,850. Phone: (02) 6035 3853.

INVALID walker, as new, $50. Phone (03) 5744 2747.

BABY items. Cot mattress and base, bassinet, stroller, car seat, change table, bouncer, walker and other accessories. All very good condition. Phone: 0418 639 633. RECLINER chair, dark blue. Excellent condition. $150. Phone (03) 5744 1476.


Kaine’s Detailing & Auto Trim

5744 3130


FOUR lace curtains with rods, 213cm drop. $50. Phone (03) 5765 3245.


Selling your vehicle? First have it Fully detailed by the experts Shed 2 Lot 2 Acacia St Yarrawonga

SINGLE bed foam mattress, excellent condition. $50. Phone (03) 5743 2542.

Yarrawgonga Ph: 5744 2477


0407 819 021


SAAB 900 i, 1987, 5 speed manual, sun roof, heated seats, Reg. XFS 943, RWC, $850.00 ono, Ph: 0401 002 853.

Positions Vacant...

GRADER OPERATOR Applications are invited for the above position in the Rural Maintenance Gang. The successful applicants must have a Grader Operator’s Statement of Competency or relevant experience, a current MR Driver’s Licence and a Workcover Construction Induction Card (White Card). Experience in operating plant in road construction and maintenance works is essential. The appointment will be in accordance with the Local Government State Award 2010 and Council’s Salary System. The salary will be a Grade 13 with a range of $949.70 to $1046.90/week depending on experience. Operational staff work a 9 day fortnight. Details of qualifications, experience and two referees should be submitted with the application. Applications close at 4.00 pm. on Thursday 4th October 2012 and are to be addressed to: HR Officer “Grader Operator” PO Box 77 COROWA NSW 2646 or emailed to A job description can be obtained by contacting (02) 6033 8903 or email or on Council’s website: www. CASUAL LABOURER Applications are invited for the above position in the Rural Maintenance Gang. The successful applicants must have a MR Driver’s Licence and a Workcover Induction Card. A Backhoe Ticket and experience in operating plant in road construction and maintenance work would be desirable but not essential. The appointment will be in accordance with the Local Government State Award 2010 and Council’s policies and conditions of employment. The salary will be within the range of $24.41 to $26.90 per hour depending on experience, which includes disability allowance. Higher duties will be paid when operating larger plant. Operational staff work a 9 day fortnight. Details of qualifications, experience and two referees should be submitted with the application. Applications close at 4.00 pm. on Thursday 20th September 2012 and are to be addressed to: HR Officer Labourer Position PO Box 77 COROWA NSW 2646 or emailed to A job description can be obtained by contacting (02) 6033 8903 or email or on Council’s website: MULWALA LIBRARY NEWS Wanting to uncover your Local History? Mulwala Library has guide books from the Public Record Office Victoria to help you. Call in a pick one up for free. Storytime continues on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 10.30 am. Bring your pre-schooler along to share stories and rhymes. No need to book. Just show up! Free Internet is available in the Library. Bookings assure you of a timeslot! Ring 0357443439 for enquiries. Thinking Career? TAFE and Training Course Directories 2013 are available for your use at the Library as well as the July Bulletin of the Victorian Admissions Centre. Whilst these are not available for you to take home we do have photocopying services if you require. Call in and see what we have to offer.

... Snippets Wednesday 12th September 2012 COROWA SALEYARDS CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE Corowa Shire Council is seeking to establish a new community forum, to be known as the Corowa Saleyards Consultative Committee. The purpose of this new initiative is to provide a forum that effectively addresses the engagement of stakeholders in the operational and strategic management of the Corowa Saleyards. To register your interest in membership of the Corowa Saleyards Consultative Committee, please complete an application form available at the Corowa Shire Offices or contact Council’s Engineering Department 02 6033 8960. CURRENT CONSTRUCTION WORKS Reconstruction of Isabel Street Corowa. Reconstruction of Sturt Street Howlong. Watermain replacement, Hawkins Street Howlong. Watermain replacement, Braintree Avenue Corowa. Reconstruction of Braintree Avenue Corowa. Shoulder grading – Redlands area. Culvert replacements – Rennie area. TOURISM EVENTS GRANT PROGRAM Applications are now open for funding under the Tourism Events Grant Program. Application forms and guidelines are available from Council’s website or by contacting Council on (02) 6033 8958. Applications close Monday 17 September 2012.

Council Contacts: Web: Email: Corowa office: 02 6033 8999 100 Edward Street, Ball Park, Corowa Howlong office: 02 6026 5055 Mulwala office: 03 5744 3439 Emergency Number 1800 110088

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