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CHURCH of Christ, Orr Street, Yarrawonga. Church Contacts, Phone Trevor 5744 3749 or Ken 5744 2462. Sunday Worship 10.15am.
Meals on Wheels
“IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY REGISTRY, EQUITY DIVISION. After 14 days from publication of this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated 11th February, 1998 of PAUL GREGORY BRACKENRIDGE late of 118 Loughnan Street, Mulwala in the State of New South Wales, Retired Labourer deceased will be made by MICHELLE ROBYN BRACKENRIDGE the Substituted Executor named in the Will, EFFIE MILLICENT BRACKENRIDGE the Executor named in the Will, having predeceased the testator.
IGNITE Life Church (an ACC Church) 6 Melaleuca Street, Yarrawonga. Ps Keith Walters (03) 5743 2135. Family Service Sunday 10am. Ignite Christian Bookstore open Fridays 10am-2.30pm. PRESBYTERIAN Church, Orr Street, Yarrawonga. Rev. Paul Seiler (03) 5721 6444. Sunday: 8.45am except 1st Sunday of each month: 11.00am. SACRED Heart Catholic Church, Witt Street, Yarrawonga. Fr. Steve Bohan. (03) 5744 3030. Saturday: Vigil Mass 6.30pm. Sunday: 10am. Tungamah 8.30am. Weekdays: Tuesday 5.30pm (winter 5pm), Wednesday 9am, Thursday 9am, Friday 12noon. ST ANDREW’S Uniting Church, Tom Street, Yarrawonga. Rev. Gereldine Leonard. (03) 5744 3029. Sunday: 9.30am. Bundalong: 1st & 3rd Sundays 8am. Tungamah: 2nd Sunday 11am. 4th Sunday 8am. ST Andrew’s By The Lake Anglican Church, Melbourne St, Mulwala. Rev. Val Elson (03) 5744 2211. The Saturday before the first Sunday of the month - Service is at 6pm followed by a meal. 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays: 9am. ST. Brigids Catholic Church, Havelock Street, Mulwala. Father John McGrath. Phone 5744 3563. Weekend Mass times: 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays 8am. 2nd and 4th Saturday night 6pm. ST Cuthbert’s Anglican Church, Piper Street, Yarrawonga. Rev Michael Jones 5744 3045. Sunday services: Yarrawonga 7am and 10am. St James 1st and 3rd Sundays 8.30am. Weekdays: Wednesday 10am.
3rd May YARRAWONGA Lorraine Butler & Friend MULWALA Noreen Smart 4th May YARRAWONGA John & Hennie Spierings MULWALA Janice Chilcott 7th-11th May YARRAWONGA Inner Wheel Club 7th-8th May MULWALA Ross & Anne Watson 9th-10th May MULWALA VOLUNTEER REQUIRED 11th May MULWALA Ross & Anne Watson
Weekend RosteR YaRRa/Mul
Saturday 5th May Delma Weygood Sunday 6th May Delma Weygood Saturday 12th May Michael & Mitzi Stewart Sunday 13th May Michael & Mitzi Stewart Office HOurs Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm – Volunteer Coordinator – Moira HealthCare Alliance 1300 655 372 or 03 5742 1111.
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BEREAVEMENT THANKS COLLEN, Dianna. I wish to sincerely thank everyone for their support and comfort after the passing of my dearly beloved Dianna. All of the cards and flowers were greatly appreciated. I’d like to thank Brian and Betty Bouchier for their assistance, Neil and Anna Willett for the use of their home and the Friends in Common organisation for preparing the food at the wake. A special thank you to my neighbours Yvonne, Cindy, John and Tania for all their help. Much comfort in a time of need. - Roy Ellis.
• DVA Approved • Experts In Foot Care • Footwear Advice • Sports Injuries
Sun 6th May Medical clinic
Yarrawonga Denis Medical Group 10:00am to Midday
Yarrawonga Chronicle Pty Ltd, being the publisher of the Yarrawonga Chronicle is the owner of the copyright in all advertisements (including artwork) prepared by the servants and/or agents of the newspaper on behalf of its advertisers. Neither the newspaper’s advertisers nor any person on their behalf are authorised to publish, reproduce or copy in any manner, any of the said advertisements (including artwork) without the prior written licence of the newspaper.
2nd May YARRAWONGA John Cooke & Ernie Ryan MULWALA Ross & Ann Watson
PharMacY Terry White Chemist 10:00am to 1:00pm Please noTe: The local medical clinics provide ‘after Hours services’ for urgent consultations only.
Katie Tink Alyce Bouwmeester
5743 1142
24 Belmore Street Yarrawonga
UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Remedial Sports Massage & Rehab Also available Beauty treatments along with Vichy shower
Yarrawonga – Mulwala RSL Sub-Branch GENERAL MEETING Wednesday 9th May 2012 8pm at ClubMulwala
159 Melbourne St, Mulwala (opp. Ski Club)
5743 1557
YARRAWONGA URBAN LANDCARE GROUP INC Annual General Meeting Thurs 10th May 2012 Commencing 7.00pm at the Rowing Clubrooms New members welcome
OptOmetrists assOciatiOn australia member
Sandra Heaney BSc (Optom) GCOT (Melb)
shop 1 19 piper st Yarrawonga Vic 3730
Open: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Phone: (03) 5744 2126 BUSINESS NOTICES
Yarrawonga Osteopathic Clinic
Back Massage & Deluxe Facial $85. Gift Vouchers available. Gel & Acrylic Nails Waxing, Massage, Bodywraps, Facials, Manicures and Pedicures.
Phone Nicole: 0400 861 533
Dr. Frank O’Dwyer Dr. Matthew O’Brien 38 Hovell St, Yarrawonga, Vic., 3730 ☎ 5743 2763
Yarrawonga PodiatrY Yarrawonga Podiatry 38 Hovell Street, Yarrawonga (directly behind Terminus Hotel) Appointments can be made by calling 0459 038 069 David Woodburn Podiatrist
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From $6,600 + delivery. www.islandpools. com.au www.byopools. com.au Ph: 0439 421 335
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Deadline Monday 3pm PUBLIC NOTICES
Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 2nd May, 2012 — 31
classies 03 5744 3731 SITUATIONS VACANT
MoiraShire Notice is hereby given that Moira Shire Council has put on public display for a period of 28 days an Alternate Landscape Treatments on Nature Strips Guidelines for Water-wise Landscape Treatments for Urban Nature Strips document. Copies of the document are available from all Moira Shire Council agencies and service centres and on the website. Public comment is invited. Comment must be in writing and be addressed to: Chief Executive Officer Moira Shire Council PO Box 578 Cobram VIC 3643 All comments received by 5pm Thursday 31 May 2012 will be considered. Gary Arnold Chief Executive Officer
Terminus Hotel Social Club MEMBERS WANTED Please enquire at bar or contact Doreen
0457 117 193
Thursday June 7 ANNUAL CASSEROLE LUNCHEON St. Andrew’s Uniting Church Book a 20min Heart to Heart Did you know 51% of adults have high blood cholesterol?* Ask about our 20 minute cholesterol, blood pressure and BMI screening, for just $20. *Source: Heart Foundation Australia
R & M Ingram P/L & R.P. Davies Ph.C
(03) 5744 3035
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PUBLIC NOTICES “The Yarrawonga Chronicle” Wholly set up in Yarrawonga and published by A. Noel Loughnan. Printed Web Offset by Yarrawonga Chronicle Pty Ltd ABN 46 005 149 557, 101 Belmore Street, Yarrawonga, Vic. The editor Noel Loughnan accepts responsibility for election comment. All advertising and editorial content of this issue is the copyright of Yarrawonga Chronicle Pty Ltd and cannot be used without the Company’s permission. Registered by Australia Post, Melbourne under Print Post Approved PP346626/00010.
FULL TIME POSITION CHEF/COOK Please forward resume to: terminushotel@ hotmail.com
Need Cash In Hand Distributing & collecting catalogues. Earn $100 - $300 weekly dependent on hours. No outlay. Supervisor opportunities. Tel: 1300 133 362
BAKER/ PASTRY COOK Full time position available Contact: 0427 442 584
Through employing local people, we understand our communities and pride ourselves as a leader of Employment, Youth and Indigenous programs. Workways is a regionally based organisation that has grown across Eastern Victoria and Southern NSW over the past 23 years. Our non-profit, community based mandate enables us to assist many community projects with both financial and business assistance. The Springboard Program is a State Government initiative funded through the Department of Human Services (DHS). The initiative is committed to provide a flexible, individualised and responsive Case Management service to assist young people who have been or are still engaged in Residential Care, are most at risk of disengaging from education or training and not making a successful transition to further study, training or work and other appropriate career and life options.
YOUTH SERVICES OFFICER – Kiewa region Youthways is seeking an experienced full time Youth Case Manager to join our team in supporting local youth. The successful applicant will conduct Springboard services, in accordance with the Guidelines and offer these services to eligible young people between the ages of 16 – 21yrs old. The successful applicant will be predominately servicing the Wodonga / Kiewa area – pre-dominantly based at Wodonga. We offer our staff: • Attractive salary packaging and employment conditions • Flexible leave provisions • Staff development programs • Health & Well Being initiatives including the Employee Assistance Program Position descriptions are available on our employment page at www.workways.com.au/ careers Applications addressing the key selection criteria are to be received by 5:00pm Friday, 11th May, 2012.
Villa Tarni Water Front Resort
Yarrawonga Pre School and Occasional Care Assistant in Occasional Care
Hours of duty would be 9.00 am – 1.00pm, with opportunities for further employment in the future. Please send letter of application and resume with referees to: Attention: President Yarrawonga Pre School and Occasional Care PO Box 322 YARRAWONGA 3730 Applications close: Friday 11th May 2012
EVENING FOOD SERVICES ASSISTANT The successful applicant will be required to work the following roster in one of our three Aged Care Facilities providing the evening meal delivery to residents: • 4:30pm to 7:30pm = 3.0 Hrs X 7 Days Fortnight Minimum • One week-end per fortnight • Successful applicant must be willing to undertake relevant internal and external catering and cleaning service training programs Enquiries and written applications should be directed to: Melissa Murfitt Corporate Services Manager Yarrawonga Health 33 Piper Street Yarrawonga Vic. 3730 Phone: 03 5743 8156 Application Close: Friday 11th May 2012 at 5:00pm
$170 per night* Special extended stay rates can be arranged. *Conditions apply
Phone 0416 073 101 all hours
Yarrawonga 21A Belmore St, Ph: 03 5744 3811 Mulwala 109A Melbourne St, Ph: 03 5744 2290 After Hours: HEIDI BARILLARO 0417 835 415
Workways Australia Limited ACN 141 659 734.
A selection of properties currently available for Lease
MAINTENANCE POSITION Your money - Your lifestyle - Your opportunity
4-9am Monday - Friday
25 Hours per week No experience required. Please apply in writing to: PO Box 962 Wangaratta Vic 3676 ©2011 McDonald’s. McDonald’s is an equal opportunity employer.
enjoy retail?
Part-time position available An exciting opportunity exists to join our dynamic team. We are looking for people who possess the following skills and attributes: ✔ Good communication ✔ A high level of energy and passion for retail ✔ Commitment to excellence in customer service ✔ Proven ability to achieve success in a team environment ✔ Competency in a Microsoft Windows environment ✔ Self motivation and desire to succeed Please present your resume in person to: Darren Tribe Manager Yarrawonga Newsagency 59-63 Belmore Street Yarrawonga Applications close 6pm Friday 11th May 2012.
IS YOUR PROPERTY VACANT OR SOON TO BE? WE ARE IN NEED OF GOOD QUALITY HOMES IN THE AREA. CALL OUR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TEAM TODAY 03 5744 3811 OR 0417 835 415 MULWALA: 2 BR unit, very clean and tidy, $210p/w heat and cool, Single carport, small yard . Available Now! MULWALA: 2BR unit, middle unit, very quiet, close to supermarket and post office, shed and garage, great size yard, open spacious plan , recently painted
BUNDALONG: 5 BR- renovated and extended- open plan living, new kitchen, Large shed available. No fences. Pets on application. AVAIL NOW
From $200p/w
YARRAWONGA: 4x 2 BR fully renovated units, BIRs, split systems, new carpets, new paint, and new kitchens.
YARRAWONGA: Near new townhouse, 3BR- 3 Bathrooms, modern and great complex. DLUG – AVAIL NOW
YARRAWONGA: Short term lease till Nov, Large ranch style home on 1 acre, 4BR
YARRAWONGA: Lovely 3 bedroom home close to water and town, Spa in courtyard, DLUG- Avail Now
Shop For Rent Busy Belmore St location. Existing lease or new lease available, some fittings included. Contact Tony Canning
5743 1099
3 Bedroom Self Contained Luxury Apartment set in beautiful gardens and lawn setting with direct access to Lake Mulwala and use of foreshore, boat mooring and large swimming pool. Ideal for golfing, fishing groups, school holidays, couples and will accommodate up to 8 people.
Apply online www.workways.com.au/careers or email work@workways.com.au
YARRAWONGA Ph: 5744 3951
Yarrawonga Pre-School and Occasional Care Centre are seeking a Certificate 3 in Children’s Services qualified Assistant to work in Occasional Care on Fridays for 4 hours per week, and also ongoing relief work.
Document for Public Comment
GARAGE SALES COMBINED garage sale. Units 1 and 2, 55 Hume St, Yarrawonga. Saturday 5th May, 8am start.
8 Woods Road, Yarrawonga. Saturday 5th May. 8am - 1pm. Lots of bargains.
70 year old pensioner, smoker but non drinker, looking for a companion, 55-65 years, to share a 2 bedroom house in Yarrawonga. For more information phone: 0452 520 312.
WANTED ROYAL Doulton orchid pattern pieces. Phone: 0416 073 101.
12wk (Black, Red, Brown) $14.00 Commercial crossbreds, mareks vaccinated, not debeaked Available from Elders Friday, 18th May, at 8.00am Phone (03) 5744 3663 to order now (Brian Larkin Poultry) HORSE for sale. Fantastic first pony. Very quiet and friendly, $800. Phone Stephen: 0412 822 812.
FOR SALE 3 Seater lounge suite, two armchairs, solid timber coffee table and two side tables. All in excellent condition. $900 ono. Phone (03) 5743 3304.
Thrifty hire car Member discounts Rent 7 days, pay 6 Rent 12, pay 10 Weekend upgrade Free baby seat hire
RACV TRAVEL INSURANCE Fantastic member discounts Cancellation Cover
National and international
cover for any age*
* see instore for conditions.
Ph: 5744 3951 Oval set – black lids 2 x oval – 2 cup 2 x oval – 4 ½ cup 2 x oval – 6 ¾ cup 2 x oval – 9 ¼ cup Was $176.15 Now $149.95 Home Start Kit – blue lids 3 x rectangles 7 ½ cup 2 x oval 4 ½ cup 2 x square 10 ½ cup Was $153.35 Now $140 Mixed pantry set 2 x oval - 2/3 cup 2 x oval - 4 ¼ cup 1 x oval - 6 ¾ cup 1 x oval - 9 ¼ cup 1 x square - 4 ¾ cup 2 x square – 10 ½ cup 1 x square – 16 cup Black lids Bonus 2 rocket scoops Was $209.40 Now $180 Life time guarantee Ph: 0416 073 101
5821 3122 15 Wheeler St, Shepparton
DOUBLE bed slat base (no mattress), head and foot metal, silver, butterfly shape. Triple swing set. Enquiries: (03) 5744 2084.
FIREWOOD. Red gum and box. Private and commercial loads delivered or need extra cash - you sell the wood. Phone: 0439 576 625.
FIREWOOD for sale. $100 sq. metre. Phone 0408 678 398 or 0422 874 106.
GENERAL Electric stainless steel fridge/ freezer, 565Lt, $495. Phone (03) 5744 3288.
32 — Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 2nd May, 2012
classies 03 5744 3731
Deadline Monday 3pm
BAR fridge, Samsung 98ltr. Excellent condition $70. Phone: (03) 5743 2481. COMPUTER desk, flatscreen monitor, keyboard, speakers, webcam, earphones, $75. Phone: 0409 719 102. DIMPLEX electric upright panel heater, excellent condition, $75. Phone: (03) 5744 1549. ELECTRIC stove, plug in type, 2 hot plates and oven, near new, used in holiday house, $50 ono. Phone (03) 5726 8434. TWO seater lounge, autumn colours, top condition, $40 ono. Phone (03) 5726 8434.
ReadeRs BaRgains
Free classified advertising.
Kaine’s Detailing & Auto Trim
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Advertisement must be submitted on the form below - no copies accepted. Maximum of 16 words - including phone number. Advertisement will only appear for the week it is submitted. Item or items not to exceed a total of $75. Business accounts not eligible. Does not include pets and livestock. Advertisement will appear under “Readers Bargains” heading.
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Shed 2 Lot 2 Acacia St Yarrawonga
0407 819 021 HOLDEN VT Acclaim 1999. 10 months reg. OSY 204. $3,500 ono. Phone: 0419 562 030.
101 Belmore Street, Yarrawonga. Telephone: (03) 5744 3731
Development Matters... DEVELOPMENT CONSENTS Public notice is given pursuant to Section 101 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, that the Corowa Shire Council has granted development consent in respect of the following developments. The consents are available for public inspection, without charge, at the Council Chambers, Bow Street Corowa between the hours of 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday: DA NO. ADDRESS APPROVED WORK 2011/259/001 92 Banksia Way, Mulwala Modification of Consent – Shed 2012/061 ‘Ruglen’ McKenzies Road, Subdivision – Boundary Corowa Adjustment NOTICE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS In accordance with Council’s Public Notification Policy regarding Development Applications, the following are hereby listed for public comment. Plans relating to these proposals may be inspected in the Council’s Planning Department during normal working hours. DA NO. ADDRESS ZONING PROPOSED WORK 2012/067 5646 Riverina Rural Subdivision – Boundary Highway, Agriculture Adjustment Howlong 2012/078 140 Sanger Commercial 3(a) Pharmacy & Street & Medical 48 Queen Streets, Corowa Consulting Rooms Any person may make a submission on the proposal within a period of seven (7) days from the date of this notification. Persons making a submission are required to comply with Section 147(5) of the Environmental Planning Assessment Act (Political Donations & Gifts Disclosure Statement). Forms are available from Councils’ administration offices. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL – JETTY AND MOORING BANK AND/OR BEDWORK AND MOORING Corowa Shire Council, the consent authority under Clause 7 of the Corowa Local Environmental Plan 1989, has received an application (DA 2012/023) seeking development consent to construct a jetty and a single mooring. The proposed development, the subject of the application, relates to Lot 404 DP 1001595, 170-184 Melbourne Street, Mulwala. Any interested person may inspect this application and accompanying documents at the Corowa Shire Council Chambers, 100 Edward Street, Corowa and at the Mulwala Library, 71 Melbourne Street, Mulwala from Wednesday, 2 May 2012 to Wednesday, 30 May 2012 between the hours of 8.15 am and 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. Any person interested in making a submission should do so in writing addressed to the General Manager, Corowa Shire Council, PO Box 77, Corowa NSW 2646. Submissions will be received up to 5.00 pm on Wednesday 30 May 2012. Where a submission is by way of objection, the grounds of the objection are required to be specified in the submission.
COUNCIL’S CODES AND POLICIES Notice is given that Council at its 17 April 2012 Ordinary meeting after considering any public comment adopted the following: • Economic Development Strategy Plan • Community Gallery/Art Space Policy • Liquid Trade Waste Policy The adopted Codes and Policies are available for viewing at the Council offices or on Council’s website. BUILDING LINE POLICY A draft amendment to the Building Line Policy has been adopted by Council at its 17 April 2012 monthly meeting. The amendments relate to corner allotments, clarification of Clause of the Building Code of Australia and applications for variations of building lines. The draft Building Line Policy is now on public exhibition and may be inspected at the Council offices Corowa, Library Mulwala and at the Resource Centre, Howlong, during normal office hours. Interested persons are invited to examine the draft Policy and make comments or submissions concerning any aspect of the Policy. Submissions or objections in writing will be received by the General Manager up until 5:00 pm on Friday 18 May 2012. COUNCIL MEETING Council’s May Ordinary meeting will be held on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 commencing at 9.00 am. Time is set aside in Council’s Ordinary meetings at 3.00 pm for residents wishing to make presentations to Council. To enable residents presentations to be listed in Council’s Agenda residents must advise the General Manager in writing by 5.00 pm on the Tuesday preceding the Ordinary meeting day of Council. GRAFFITI HOTLINE A GRAFFITI HOTLINE HAS BECOME OPERATIONAL. Hours of operation will be 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday excluding public holidays. FREECALL 1800 707 125 This is a State Government initiative. VANDALISM Vandalism destroys community property. The destruction of community property costs ratepayers thousands of dollars annually. If you see acts of vandalism please report these actions to your local Police phone 02 60331144 (Corowa), 02 60265344 (Howlong), 03 57438099 (Mulwala) or Council on 02 60338999. FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY, REPORT AND PREVENT VANDALISM.
... Snippets Wednesday 2nd May 2012 www.corowa.nsw.gov.au ClubGRANTS SCHEME APPLICATIONS (Formerly CDSE Scheme, ClubsNSW) Community groups are invited to apply for funding towards local community services needs and priorities from the ClubGRANTS Scheme – ClubsNSW. Funding is from Category 1 under the Scheme with the following projects qualifying:• Community welfare and social services • Community development • Community health services • Employment assistance activities. Groups operating in Victoria may apply for funding assistance if they are able to demonstrate a service is being provided to NSW residents. Applications should be made on a formal application which can be obtained from the Corowa Shire Civic Centre, Mulwala Civic Centre and Howlong Community Resource Centre and participating Clubs or from the ClubsNSW website www.clubsnsw. com.au These applications should be forwarded to the General Manager, Corowa Shire Council, PO Box 77, Corowa 2646 by 4.00 pm on Thursday, 31 May 2012. Further information concerning ClubGRANTS Category 1 funding can be obtained from the ClubsNSW website www.clubsnsw.com.au WATER RESTRICTIONS Council has resolved to remove water restrictions within the Shire. However, as water is a limited resource, residents are asked to be prudent in their use of water. Visit Council’s website for further information including water saving tips. Alternatively contact Council’s Corowa office on (02) 60 33 8999.
Council Contacts: Web: www.corowa.nsw.gov.au Email: council@corowa.nsw.gov.au Corowa office: 02 6033 8999 100 Edward Street, Ball Park, Corowa Howlong office: 02 6026 5055 Mulwala office: 03 5744 3439 Emergency Number 1800 110088
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