34 — Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 3rd August, 2011
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CHURCH of Christ, Orr Street, Yarrawonga. Church Contacts, Phone Trevor 5744 3749 or Ken 5744 2462. Sunday Worship 10.15am.
Meals on Wheels
BEATTIE, Trevor John. Suddenly at home 19.7.2011. A wonderful man who will be sadly missed. We will always remember you. Loving nephew of Betty. Cousin of Edward (dec), Mark, Tracey, Halil, Joshua, Deniz, Tomas and Alex.
IGNITE Life Church (an ACC Church) 6 Melaleuca Street, Yarrawonga. Ps Keith Walters (03) 5743 2135. Family Service 10.30am. Ignite Christian Bookstore open Fridays 10am-2.30pm. PRESBYTERIAN Church, Orr Street, Yarrawonga. Rev. Paul Seiler (03) 5721 6444. Sunday: 8.45am except 1st Sunday of each month: 11.00am. SACRED Heart Catholic Church, Witt Street, Yarrawonga. Fr. Steve Bohan. (03) 5744 3030. Saturday: Vigil Mass 6.30pm. Sunday: 10am. Tungamah 8.30am. Weekdays: Tuesday 5.30pm (winter 5pm), Wednesday 9am, Thursday 9am, Friday 12noon. ST Andrew’s By The Lake Anglican Church, Melbourne St, Mulwala. Rev. Val Elson (03) 5744 2211. 1st Sunday: 11.15am. 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays: 9am. ST ANDREW’S Uniting Church, Tom Street, Yarrawonga. Rev. Gereldine Leonard. (03) 5744 3029. Sunday: 9.30am. Bundalong: 1st & 3rd Sundays 8am. Tungamah: 2nd Sunday 11am. 4th Sunday 8am. ST. Brigids Catholic Church, Havelock Street, Mulwala. Father John McGrath. Phone 5744 3563. Weekend Mass times: 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays 8am. 2nd and 4th Saturday night 6pm. ST Cuthbert’s Anglican Church, Piper Street, Yarrawonga.Rev Michael Jones 5744 3045. Sunday services: Yarrawonga 7am and 10am. Tungamah 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays 8.30am. St James 1st and 3rd Sundays 8.30am. Boomahnoomoonah 2nd and 4th Sundays 11.45am. Weekdays: Wednesday 10am.
Yarrawonga Chronicle Pty Ltd, being the publisher of the Yarrawonga Chronicle is the owner of the copyright in all advertisements (including artwork) prepared by the servants and/or agents of the newspaper on behalf of its advertisers. Neither the newspaper’s advertisers nor any person on their behalf are authorised to publish, reproduce or copy in any manner, any of the said advertisements (including artwork) without the prior written licence of the newspaper.
IN MEMORIAM BONUDA, Bill. 16.1.1950 - 5.8.2001. Loved forever. Edna, Nicole, Michelle, Stuart and Robbie.
1st August YArrAwongA: VOLUNTEER REQUIRED MulwAlA Liz Ornsby 2nd August Adrian Smith Signature Tiles MulwAlA VOLUNTEER REQUIRED 3rd August YArrAwongA: Shirley Hargreaves MulwAlA Liz Ornsby 4th August YArrAwongA: Adrian Smith Signature Tiles MulwAlA Janice Chilcott & Marg Rogers 5th August YArrAwongA: VOLUNTEER REQUIRED MulwAlA Janice Chilcott & Marg Rogers 8th - 12th August YArrAwongA: Lorraine Hecker & Utai Freight MulwAlA Ross & Anne Watson
Weekend RosteR YaRRa/Mul Sat 6th August Carmel Barnes Sun 7th August Carmel Barnes Sat 13th August Cliff Hinchliffe Sun 14th August Cliff Hinchliffe
Office HOurs Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm Coordinator – Moira HealthCare Alliance 1300 655 372 or 5742 1111.
AFTER HOURS SERVICES Sun 7th August Medical clinic
Yarrawonga Denis Medical Group 10:00am to Midday PharMacY Terry White Chemist 10:00am to 1:00pm Please noTe: The local medical clinics provide ‘after Hours services’ for urgent consultations only.
BEATTIE, Trevor. A wonderful person, so loving and kind, What beautiful memories you have left behind. Loved and respected wherever you went. Aunty Judy, Uncle Frank, Frank, Joe, Peter, Michael and families. BEATTIE, Trevor John. Suddenly, on the land he loved. A special person and part of a very special family. Our love and thoughts to John and Alice, Melissa and Girls, Darren, Jeanette and Family. Life long family friend, Lynne, Garry, Lane and Hank Griffin.
Beattie, Trevor The members of the Yarrawonga Lawn Tennis Club offer their sympathies to the Beattie Family on the sudden loss of Trevor. MORTON, Hazel Joy. 9.11.1919 - 30.7.2011. Our hearts still full of sadness, and secret tears still flow. What it meant to lose you Mum, no one will ever know. You are our treasure. Cliff and Jan. ~~~~ Grandma, We will miss your smile, that cheeky laugh and of course all your special stories. We will always love you and miss you forever in our hearts. Joanne, Ash and Andrew and Ebb. ~~~~ Grandma, Priceless memories will be treasured forever close to our hearts and always in our thoughts. Rest peacefully. Jodi and Powelly, Tootz (Brittany) and Brendon and Tuppence (Tegan). ~~~~ Loved Grandma of Shane, Great Grandma of Annika, Kiedis and Dainton. Fond memories. Always in our hearts. R.I.P.
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY REGISTRY, EQUITY DIVISION. After 14 days from publication of this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated 1st September, 1992 of RONALD WALLACE GIBSON late of 115 Manners Street, Mulwala, Foreman deceased will be made by MARGUERITE GIBSON (in the Will called Margaruite Gibson) the Executor named in the Will. Creditors are required to send particulars of their claims upon this Estate to Hargraves, Solicitors, 16 Orr Street, Yarrawonga, VIC, 3730. Re: ESTATE OF IAN DAVID GORMAN (DECEASED)
FREE TRIAL email: admin@shapemasterbtr.com.au www.shapemasterbtr.com.au
Ph: 03 5743 3747
4/1 Acacia Street, YArrAwongA
OptOmetrists assOciatiOn australia member
Sandra Heaney BSc (Optom) GCOT (Melb)
shop 1 19 piper st Yarrawonga Vic 3730
Open: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Phone: (03) 5744 2126
Yarrawonga PodiatrY
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY REGISTRY, EQUITY DIVISION. After 14 days from publication of this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated 13th June, 2007 of IAN DAVID GORMAN late of “Allawah”, Savernake, Farmer and Grazier deceased will be made by JUNE MARGARET GORMAN and CHRISTINE MARY GORMAN the Executors named in the Will.
Yarrawonga Podiatry 38 Hovell Street, Yarrawonga (directly behind Terminus Hotel) Appointments can be made by calling 0459 038 069 David Woodburn Podiatrist
Creditors are required to send particulars of their claims upon this Estate to Hargraves, Solicitors, 16 Orr Street, Yarrawonga, VIC. 3730.
1st Birthday
BEREAVEMENT THANKS BEATTIE, Trevor. The family of Trevor would like to sincerely thank everyone for their love, support and sympathy. Flowers, cards, food, phone calls and visits were greatly appreciated during this difficult time. Thankyou once again.
ENGAGEMENTS BRUCE - DAVIS. Trevor and Debbie Bruce wish to announce the engagement of James Bruce to Jenny Davis. Wishing you all the best for a long and happy life together.
Wheaton Chiropractic
It’s easy to place a classified advertisement…
Dr. Amanda Wheaton Dr. Helen Wallace Dr. Dot Brodie Open MOn-FRI 5744 3848 2/54 Belmore St
• DVA Approved • Experts In Foot Care • Footwear Advice • Sports Injuries
Happy 1st Birthday JAIDEN Love from Mum MEETINGS
North East Podiatry
Extended hours. Now taking new patients Katie Tink Alyce Bouwmeester
5743 1142
24 Belmore Street Yarrawonga
Yarrawonga & District Netball Association Inc. 17 & Under Competition Notice of AGM To be held on Friday 5th August at 6.30pm At New Netball Courts, Dunlop St, Yarrawonga Any queries, please call Kerrie Lidgerwood on 0400 043 871.
Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 3rd August, 2011 — 35
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Wednesday 10 Aug 2011 at Clubrooms Enquiries: 0428 443 100 BUSINESS NOTICES Matt & Bron Mobile Butcher Yarrawonga & District From your paddock to plate Ph: (03) 5744 3186 0439 611 149
SOLAR - Free Consultation - Rebates still available - Fully accredited with Clean Energy Council
COPYRIGHT It contravenes the Copyright Act to reproduce or to instruct other person to reproduce material printed in this newspaper without prior consent of the publishers. The said material being advertisements whole or part, artwork whole or part, photographs whole or part, headlines or body copy whole or part. It also contravenes the Copyright Act to reproduce any or part of the above material which has been altered in order to appear different from the original. Severe penalties can be incurred by infringement of the Act.
“The Yarrawonga Chronicle” Wholly set up in Yarrawonga and published by A. Noel Loughnan. Printed Web Offset by Yarrawonga Chronicle Pty Ltd ABN 46 005 149 557, 101 Belmore Street, Yarrawonga, Vic. The editor Noel Loughnan accepts responsibility for election comment. All advertising and editorial content of this issue is the copyright of Yarrawonga Chronicle Pty Ltd and cannot be used without the Company’s permission. Registered by Australia Post, Melbourne under Print Post Approved PP346626/00010.
Ph: Nick
0408 342 649
Civil Contracting & Quarrying Phone
Moira Shire Council invites submissions from suitably qualified organisations for the Supply, Lease, Maintenance and delivery of Heavy Plant.
Moira Shire Council invites submissions from suitably qualified organisations or individuals for the in situ cement stabilisation of failed sections of existing pavements throughout the municipality.
Technical enquiries may be directed to Geoff Edwards on (03) 5871 9222.
Technical enquiries may be directed to Rick Devlin on (03) 5871 9222.
Tender closing date 4pm, Wednesday 24 August 2011
Tender closing date 4pm, Wednesday 24 August 2011
Requests for specification documents must be made in writing and forwarded to:
Requests for specification documents must be made in writing and forwarded to: Moira Shire Council Contracted Services Department Attn: Natalie Dopper PO Box 572 Cobram Vic 3643 Fax: (03) 5872 1567 Email: contracts@moira.vic.gov.au
Moira Shire Council Contracted Services Department Attn: Natalie Dopper PO Box 572 Cobram Vic 3643 Fax: (03) 5872 1567 Email: contracts@moira.vic.gov.au Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Gary Arnold Chief Executive Officer
Gary Arnold Chief Executive Officer
Local Calls 1300 36 99 66 STD Calls (03) 5871 9222 Fax (03) 5872 1567 TTY (03) 5871 2262 Mail PO Box 578, Cobram 3643 Web www.moira.vic.gov.au Email webmaster@moira.vic.gov.au
● Industrial ● Domestic ● Building ● Bins from 2-14mtrs
CCH is a Community Managed Association and Registered Training Organisation (RTO), delivering Nationally Recognised Training programs, Employment Skills programs, Computer Training and Hobby, Health and Leisure programs. The CCH also provides community support services.
The 2011/12 annual allocation has been set at 70% of groundwater licence entitlement for the Protection Area.
This position is responsible for the overall management of RTO with CCH, as delegated by the Committee of Management.
The above allocation determines how much water can be pumped this year from deep lead aquifers by licensed groundwater users located in the Protection Area.
North East Bin Hire
0421 271 960
5744 3731
Beat the power increases.
Disconnect your electric floor heating and install natural gas central heating and claim up to $5540* in rebates. Change your electric hot water to gas hot water and claim up to $1000* in rebates. * Conditions apply
North East Plumbing Supplies Pty Ltd 86 Greta Rd Wangaratta Ph: (03) 5722 2325
Steel, Building Supplies Garden Supplies Permanent Full Time Position available for person with extensive experience in Retail/Wholesale Steel/Building Supplies/ Garden Supplies Trade. Position involves quotations, stock control, leadership, exceptional customer service skills & sound management ability. Previous experience in a similar role essential. Please forward resume to: Manager PO Box 444 Yarrawonga Vic 3730
Workforce On Tap 195a Corio Street Shepparton Tel: (03) 5831 7676 Fax: (03) 5831 7677
Sun Country on the Murray Tourism Inc.
Cobram Community House (CCH) is seeking to employ a Training Coordinator.
Goulburn-Murray Water announces an annual groundwater allocation for 2011/12 for the Katunga Water Supply Protection Area.
For all your rubbish needs
Production Workers We are seeking casual production workers for an immediate start with a large food manufacturing client located in Strathmerton. Previous factory experience is desirable but not essential. Applicants must demonstrate a willingness to understand production processes and have ability to learn and operate advanced and complex machinery. Applicants must demonstrate the following qualities: • Highly motivated and team orientated • Demonstrate strong work ethic • Excellent communication skills • Strong focus and commitment to working safely • Basic knowledge of computers • Flexibility to work a rotating shifts Monday - Friday (Day, Afternoon and Night Shift) Applicants may be required to complete aptitude testing and a pre-employment medical including drug testing prior to commencement. Excellent casual pay rate of $29.43/hr plus shift allowance. For further information please contact us on (03) 5831 7676. To apply please present in person to Workforce on Tap 195a Corio Street, Shepparton with a current resume containing work related referees.
Training Coordinator Cobram Community House Inc
2011/12 Annual Allocation Announcement for the Katunga Water Supply Protection Area
Any enquiries should be directed to Krystle Gillingham at Goulburn-Murray Water (phone 5833 5774).
Local Calls 1300 36 99 66 STD Calls (03) 5871 9222 Fax (03) 5872 1567 TTY (03) 5871 2262 Mail PO Box 578, Cobram 3643 Web www.moira.vic.gov.au Email webmaster@moira.vic.gov.au
An annual announcement will be made each year following an assessment of 5-year average deep lead groundwater use and average spring groundwater levels, as specified in the management plan. 2 Obrien Street, Yarrawonga. PH: 5743 2405 nevscabinets.com.au
Road Stabilisation
Supply and Delivery of Heavy Plant
ice Public Not
Contractors & Solar Specialists
5744 1705
Deadline Monday 3pm
This is a 32.5 hours per week position and applicants with the following skills are encouraged to apply: • Understanding of AQTF and VRQA audits and compliance • Strong communication skills (oral and written) • Previous experience in supervising staff as part of a team • Computer literacy in Word and Excel • An ability to build strong and positive relationships • Effective planning/task management including the ability to prioritise • Sound decision making skills Applicants must respond to the position description as directed which is available by contacting Rebecca on 5872 2224. All applications must be received by 4pm Monday 15 August 2011. Address and mark applications:‘Confidential’ The Chairperson Committee of Management Cobram Community House Inc PO Box 498 COBRAM VIC 3644
Expressions of Interest Board Member (3 positions) Sun Country on the Murray Inc.(SCM) is the peak regional tourism organisation that is managed by a voluntary Board of Directors. Sun Country on the Murray Inc. succeeded Moira Tourism Inc. in 2010 and is a partnership between regional Councils and the tourism industry. The Board is responsible for the coordination and development of tourism across the region; with a specific focus on industry development, product development, infrastructure and marketing. Board positions are for a two year period and, by rotation, 3 Board positions will be declared vacant at the 2011 AGM. Expressions of interest are now being sought for these positions. Persons currently in these positions are eligible to renominate. If you are interested in applying for a position on the Sun Country on the Murray Inc. Board please request a Board Charter and Position Description before forwarding your Resume and covering letter to admin@ suncountryonthemurray.com.au before Friday 19th of August 2011. Interviews for the positions will be held on the 23rd of August 2011. Further information: 03 5744 3999
Person to assist with all aspects of Cropping/
Sheep Property
Part-time Position
Ph: (02) 6035 9409
36 — Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 3rd August, 2011
classies 03 5744 3731 SITUATIONS VACANT
Small Industrial Shed
to rent Acacia St, Yarrawonga Phone Steve on MULWALA. 2 Bedroom house in central location. $250 per week. Phone: 0429 982 081. RENOVATED town house in walking distance to shops. Suit young family. Spacious private feature entry and living areas opening to new kitchen, hall, new bathroom, 2 generous bedrooms with built in robes, under cover alfresco patio, sunny crushed stone and lawn yards, undercover carport and secure parking for boat, caravan, motorhome. Phone: 0411 412 195.
$75 ea or $135 both RSA Fri 12 Aug - 4.30-10.30pm RCG Sat 13 Aug - 1.00-7.00pm 02 6041 3993 or 1300 661 205 Food Safety Supervisor online $169 www.centrefortraining.com.au TRAINING & TUITION
Ph: 0357 442 316 M: 0438 942 316 OH & S Construction Course 10 August 2011 $140 per person Forklift Course 29 – 31 August 2011 $430 per person Expressions of Interest for Spotters Course bundalongwater@ dragnet.com.au
Villa Tarni Water Front Resort
0467 574 319
The successful applicants will be required to work the following roster in Allawah Special Care Hostel and Karana Nursing Home Unit providing the evening meal delivery to residents: • 5.00pm to 7.00pm = 2.00 Hrs X 7 Days Fortnight Minimum • One week-end per fortnight • Successful applicants must be willing to undertake relevant internal and external catering and cleaning service training programs Salaries and conditions as per the Victorian Public Health sector – Health & Allied Services – Multiple Enterprise Agreement 2009-2011. Enquiries and written applications should be directed to: Mrs. Joyce TORPY Hotel Services Manager Yarrawonga District Health Service 33 Piper Street, YARRAWONGA VIC 3730 Telephone: 0357 438122 Closing Date for Applications is at 3.15pm on Tuesday 9th August, 2011.
WORK WANTED Reliable mature woman seeking home cleaning work in Yarra-Mul area. Very experienced. Happy to complete all types of home cleaning incl. washing & ironing. Personal references avail. Contact Jackie 0412 424 106 or 5743 3304.
WANTED, one second hand solid wooden door. Phone: (03) 5744 2854.
CHECKS Book Now Yarrawonga Vet Clinic
65-67 Telford St Yarrawonga Tel: 5744 1048 READERS BARGAINS BOYS red second hand Avenger mountain bike, VGC. Shimano 6 gear set. Only $70!!. Suit 8-12 years. Phone: 0423 774 037. LOUNGE. Cloth 2 seater, 2 singles. Very good condition. $50. Phone: (03) 5744 2372. WALKER, It’s a car. Suit boy or girl. Comes with food tray. Excellent condition. $65. Phone: (02) 6035 9406.
ReadeRs BaRgains
Free classified advertising.
3 Bedroom Self Contained Luxury Apartment set in beautiful gardens and lawn setting with direct access to Lake Mulwala and use of foreshore, boat mooring and large swimming pool. Ideal for Golfing, fishing groups, school holidays, couples and will accommodate up to 8 people.
FOR SALE CEILING Fans. 4 blade 120cm, remote control with light. Brand new in box. Arlec 2011 model. Colour white. 12 total. $80 each. Phone: (03) 5744 0335. HALL STAND, dark brown. Height 195 cm, width 104 cm. Centre mirror, stained glass panels, drawer and shelf underneath. New - $800, sell $250. Phone: 0488 614 260. JACOBEAN Style Antique Lounge Suite, 3 seater plus 2 arm chairs. Timber frame, rattan inserts, as new upholstery. All excellent condition. $800 ono. Phone: 0438 431 391. KITCHEN. U-Shape, solid blackwood benchtops and doors including sink, hotplates and oven, good condition. $2,500. Phone: (03) 5744 1823. QUEEN Anne dressing table, white with 5 drawers and mirror. $250 ono. Two white, 3 drawer bedside tables. $60 pair. Phone: (03) 5743 2767
$160 per night* Special extended stay rates can be arranged. Conditions apply
Phone 0416 073 101 all hours
islandpools. com.au byopools. com.au
0439 421 335 YARRAWONGA
APIARIES Pure Honey Jason Partelle 57 Cullens Road Yarrawonga (03) 5744 2656
PEDIGREE ‘93 pop-top caravan, 18ft, single axle, DB, club lounge, 3 way fridge, stove, microwave, annex, electric pump, reg Feb ‘12 (VO2249) $18,000. Ph: (02)6033 0032
Kaine’s Detailing & Auto Trim Selling your vehicle? First have it Fully detailed by the experts Shed 2 Lot 2 Acacia St Yarrawonga
0407 819 021
ReadeRs BaRgains
LMCT: 3452 PH: 5872 1777
Advertisement must be submitted on the form below - no copies accepted. Maximum of 16 words - including phone number. Advertisement will only appear for the week it is submitted. Item or items not to exceed a total of $75. Business accounts not eligible. Does not include pets and livestock. Advertisement will appear under “Readers Bargains” heading. Please fill out the form below and bring it into the Yarrawonga Chronicle office before 3pm on Monday.
101 Belmore Street, Yarrawonga. Telephone: (03) 5744 3731
2008 Toyota Campervan, as new, 15,000 kms, auto, pop top, fridge, stove, awning, tinted, XKY435, $42,000. Phone: (03) 5744 2179.
www.yarrawongachronicle.com.au cyberspace
Life lessons for students Make cyberspace a Better Place is a new initiative of Kids Helpline and Optus to help schools tackle cyber safety. The program provides Australia’s 3.5 million students with an opportunity to learn how to prevent cyber bullying, stay safe online and discover the dangers of sexting through a suite of free, comprehensive lesson plans. Each of Australia’s more than 10,000 primary and secondary schools received an education pack on cyber bullying, sexting and the safe use of technology. The pack targets years 3-6, 7-9 and 10-12 and contains two lessons for each age group, including video case studies, detailed lesson plans, screen savers and posters. Kids Helpline General Manager Wendy Protheroe said growing community concern about the online safety of children and young people had sparked the campaign. “Australian students live in a digital world and whilst this world is an amazing source of entertainment, information and connection, they need to learn how to avoid the dangers of its misuse,” she said. “Along with our partner
Optus, we have developed lesson plans to help teachers educate students on how to make better, safer choices online. Early feedback from schools has indicated that many young people don’t truly understand cyber bullying and have no idea of the personal and legal ramifications of sexting.” According to Kids Helpline research, many children and young people repeatedly fall victim to cyber bullying, with the most common forms including namecalling, abusive comments, harassment, exclusion, impersonation, threats of harm, defamation, spreading rumours and public humiliation. In 2010, Kids Helpline conducted almost 2,400 counselling sessions where young people were worried about bullying or cyber bullying and harassment. “Young people who are cyber bullied reported negative effects on their self-confidence, self-esteem, friendships, school grades and attendance, and family relationships,” Ms Protheroe said. All information and education packs are available for download from www.kidshelp.com.au.
New environmental resources available Goulburn Valley Regional Library has received a Shepparton Irrigation Region Catchment Education and Awareness grant, a program supported by the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, for the purchase of environmental resources. Libraries across the region are now able to offer a range of books on biodiversity, climate change, sustainable agriculture, water management, salinity and pest plants and animals. Some of the titles now available for loan include: Sustainable Agriculture, Trees for Saline Landscapes, Adapting Agricul-
ture to Climate Change, Pests of Field Crops and Pastures, and Australia’s Biodiversity and Climate Change. A full list of the new resources is available at Yarrawonga Library and the books can be identified by a gum tree sticker on the spine. “The aim of the collection is to provide members of the community with information on a range of current environmental issues. We are pleased to be able to extend the collection on these subjects and extend our thanks for the grant being made available,” said Leeanne Higgins, Acting CEO for Goulburn Valley Regional Library.
Personal protective clothing for local CFA CFA has completed its replacement rollout program of 15,000 new structural personal protective clothing (PPC) garments for firefighters at over 500 CFA locations across Victoria. The PPC is used by firefighters responding to structural incidents such as house and factory fires. CFA members are supplied separate protective uniforms to fight bushfires. Local crews including Yarrawonga, Rutherglen and Wahgunyah are part of the $32-million dollar project which was finalised at the end of June and all of the replacement PPCs have now been delivered. The new structural PPC is a multilayered outfit incorporating sophisticated fabrics and technologies. It includes a coat and over-trouser specified to achieve the delicate balance between personal protection and heat stress. CFA Chief Officer Euan Ferguson said the suits are designed to integrate with existing structural firefighting apparel such as footwear, gloves and helmets to form a worldclass personal fire protection system.
“New technologies offer a greater level of protection for our members who turn out to structure fires,” Mr Ferguson said. “CFA needs to ensure firefighters are provided with the highest level of safety while still enabling them to do their job as effectively as possible.” Structural PPC is allocated to active CFA volunteers and career firefighters with a minimum competency of Wildfire with Low Structure and who belong to a brigade who responds to a certain number of structure fires and is approved by the Chief Officer. “The structural PPC suits allow appropriately qualified firefighters to enter a structure to fight the fire internally,” Mr Ferguson said. “The new structural PPCs are not intended to be allocated to every CFA firefighter. They are for a specific use. I am thrilled to see the completion of this enormous project which has taken place over the past three years. The new garments provide a leap in safety to our hard working firefighters who work tirelessly to ensure the protection of lives and property.”
Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 3rd August, 2011 — 37
classies 03 5744 3731
Deadline Monday 3pm
Development Matters...
NOTICE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS In accordance with Council’s Public Notification Policy regarding Development Applications, the following are hereby listed for public comment. Plans relating to these proposals may be inspected in the Council’s Planning Department during normal working hours. DA NO. ADDRESS ZONING PROPOSED WORK 2011/183 110 Melbourne 2(b) Residential 2 Storey Dwelling St Mulwala Any person may make a submission on the proposal within a period of seven (7) days from the date of this notification. Persons making a submission are required to comply with Section 147(5) of the Environmental Planning Assessment Act (Political Donations & Gifts Disclosure Statement). Forms are available from Councils’ administration offices. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL – FORESHORE RETAINING WALL BANK AND/OR BEDWORK Corowa Shire Council, the consent authority under Clause 7 of the Corowa Local Environmental Plan 1989, has received an application (DA 2011/182) seeking development consent to construct a retaining wall on the foreshore of Lake Mulwala. The proposed development, the subject of the application, relates to Closed Road, 128 Melbourne Street, Mulwala. Any interested person may inspect this application and accompanying documents at the Corowa Shire Council Chambers, corner Bow Street and Honour Avenue, Corowa from Wednesday, 27 July to Wednesday, 24 August 2011 between the hours of 8.15 am and 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. The application may also be inspected at the Mulwala Library during normal office hours. Any person interested in making a submission should do so in writing addressed to the General Manager, Corowa Shire Council, PO Box 77, Corowa NSW 2646. Submissions will be received up to 5.00 pm on Wednesday 24 August 2011. Where a submission is by way of objection, the grounds of the objection are required to be specified in the submission. REGIONAL ACHIEVEMENT & COMMUNITY AWARDS “Stand Up and Be Counted” Applications are being called for the NSW/ACT Regional Achievement & Community Awards. These awards are to recognise individuals, organisations or businesses in our community that have made a difference to economic, social or environmental prosperity in regional and rural NSW & the ACT. Nominations are open in the following categories: • The Crown Lands Crown Reserve Trust Award • The Crown Lands Community of the Year Award • The Office of Trade, Business and Industry Business Development Organisation Award • The Office of Trade, Business and Industry Events and Tourism Award • The Salvation Army Employment Plus Business and Employment Award • The Peabody Environment and Landcare Award • The Prime Super Regional and Rural Development Award • The Essential Energy Regional Service Award Nominate for a chance to win a share in $40,000 thanks to the Commonwealth Bank or an advertising package on PRIME7. All category winners will also receive a magnificent hand crafted glass trophy. Nominations close Friday, 5 August 2011. Further information concerning these awards can be obtained from the Awards office on 1300 735 445 or website www.awardsaustralia.com
Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified and experienced Real Estate Agents for the marketing and sale by Auction of these two properties in prime commercial locations within Corowa, NSW. 233 Honour Avenue, Corowa
(Council Offices and Chambers)
151 Sanger Street, Corowa
(Library and Resource Centre)
More information with respect to this Expression of Interest in particular the subject properties is available via download from the Tenderlink’s website. www.tenderlink.com/corowa by selecting “All Open Tenders” tab and following the links. COROWA SHIRE CIVIC CENTRE – CAFE OPERATOR An exciting business opportunity exists for an operator to run a Cafe as part of the new Corowa Shire Civic Centre. Corowa Shire Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from suitable candidates to lease and operate the Café which will service the new multi-purpose community centre. The Civic Centre will include a new Library, Art Gallery, Visitor Information Centre, Council Office, RTA Agency and community meeting/function rooms. Council is currently undertaking a $3.5M redevelopment of the Corowa Sports Club to establish the new Civic Centre which is expected to be fully operational by February 2012. The Café premises will be prominently located adjacent to the main entrance of the centre. The successful applicant will demonstrate the ability to provide high quality food and coffee; have a strong desire to grow a successful business alongside a new multi-purpose community and visitor facility; and have a passion for the provision of outstanding customer service. This is an exceptional opportunity to enjoy the strong and consistent levels of visitation which are expected at the new centre. For further information, contact Kristy Kay on (02) 6033 8954 or email Kristy.kay@corowa.nsw.gov.au to obtain a copy of the
... Snippets Wednesday 3rd August 2011 www.corowa.nsw.gov.au
Water Matters...
WATER RESTRICTIONS Council has resolved to remove water restrictions within the Shire. However, as water is a limited resource, residents are asked to be prudent in their use of water. Visit Council’s website for further information including water saving tips. Alternatively contact Council’s Corowa office on (02) 60 33 8999. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS AND MOBILITY PLAN (PAMP) SURVEY Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to the recent Pedestrian Access and Mobility Survey. The assistance of community members in the review of the Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP) will help to identify areas that require improvement in Corowa, Howlong and Mulwala. Initial findings reveal that people in Corowa still have concerns regarding crossing points in Sanger Street, especially older people. For Mulwala residents there are issues with lack of footpaths to access the shops and a number of difficult crossing points have been flagged. Howlong residents have raised issues regarding footpath needs near the community centre in Victoria Street and difficulties crossing Sturt Street and Hawkins Road. A full analysis of all community survey responses and other available information will be undertaken prior to the new Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP) being developed. Contact Wendy Thompson on 0448 338 924 or wendy.thompson@corowa. nsw.gov.au for more information.
Council Contacts: Web: www.corowa.nsw.gov.au Email: council@corowa.nsw.gov.au Corowa office: 02 6033 8999 233 Honour Avenue, Corowa 2646 Howlong office: 02 6026 5044 Mulwala office: 03 5744 3439 Emergency Number 1800 110088
Expression of Interest document.
Corowa high school
Digital Citizenship Policy launched A Digital Citizenship Policy incorporating anti cyber bullying was launched at Corowa High School for the Bangerang School Community on Monday as part of NSW Education Week.
more concern about cyber bullying. It’s an issue that is a global one affecting everyone,” English and History Head Teacher at Corowa High School, Di Howley, told The Free Press. “We’re trying to get on “With the growth of the front foot and cover technology and the use anti cyber bullying in our of the Internet, there’s Digital Citizenship Poli-
cy through consultation with all the school community, including parents and students, and staff of the feeder schools. “Our students’ forum (last Thursday) on digital citizenship was how to be a good citizen.” At Corowa High School last Thursday, the school community’s
Co-ordinator Di Howley from Corowa High School emphasises a point on the white-board.
draft policy was further discussed, by 46 primary school students from the local NSW primary schools. Mrs Howley co-ordinated the two-hour session and was actively assisted in the presentation by the high school’s Student Representative
Council (SRC) eight members. “The aim of the session was to help students become good citizens, and
for the session. “It was very reliable and helpful because it teaches kids what to do if they’re in a cyber bullying situa-
session. “It’s been fantastic the way you’ve listened and participated,” she told students. “Thankyou to the SRS
Savernake Public School students at the anti cyber bullying session: Rachel Patrick, Haylee Church, Hamish Congdon and Hamish Baldrey. ensuring they are aware of cyber bullying and how to overcome it is part of the policy,” she said. It was clear that students from all schools left the session much better informed, with survey responses revealing a significant increase in students’ knowledge and awareness of the subject. Savernake Public School student Haylee Church was full of praise
tion,” she said. Fellow student, Hamish Congdon, agreed, adding: “It was very interesting.” School principal Leonie Orr said it was “a terrific opportunity for kids to learn about cyber bullying particularly with the state of cyber bullying in the world at the moment”. Mrs Howley praised the participation of all students at the two-hour
representatives from our school – you ran the session very well.” Corowa High School Principal Chris Johnston said cyber bullying is an issue for all schools at present. “I’m really keen, enthusiastic and pleased to see this initiative taking off in the Bangerang School Community,” Mr Johnstone said.