Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 5th September, 2012 — 29
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CHURCH of Christ, Orr Street, Yarrawonga. Church Contacts, Phone Trevor 5744 3749 or Ken 5744 2462. Sunday Worship 10.15am. IGNITE Life Church (an ACC Church) 6 Melaleuca Street, Yarrawonga. Ps Keith Walters (03) 5743 2135. Family Service Sunday 10am. Ignite Christian Bookstore open Fridays 10am-2.30pm. PRESBYTERIAN Church, Orr Street, Yarrawonga. Rev. Paul Seiler (03) 5721 6444. Sunday: 8.45am except 1st Sunday of each month: 11.00am. SACRED Heart Catholic Church, Witt Street, Yarrawonga. Fr. Steve Bohan. (03) 5744 3030. Saturday: Vigil Mass 6.30pm. Sunday: 10am. Tungamah 8.30am. Weekdays: Tuesday 5.30pm (winter 5pm), Wednesday 9am, Thursday 9am, Friday 12noon. ST ANDREW’S Uniting Church, Tom Street, Yarrawonga. Rev. Gereldine Leonard. (03) 5744 3029. Sunday: 9.30am. Bundalong: 1st & 3rd Sundays 8am. Tungamah: 2nd Sunday 11am. 4th Sunday 8am. ST Andrew’s By The Lake Anglican Church, Melbourne St, Mulwala. Rev. Val Elson (03) 5744 2211. The Saturday before the first Sunday of the month - Service is at 6pm followed by a meal. 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays: 9am. ST. Brigids Catholic Church, Havelock Street, Mulwala. Father John McGrath. Phone 5744 3563. Weekend Mass times: 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays 8am. 2nd and 4th Saturday night 6pm. ST Cuthbert’s Anglican Church, Piper Street, Yarrawonga. Rev Michael Jones 5744 3045. Sunday services: Yarrawonga 7am and 10am. St James 1st and 3rd Sundays 8.30am. Weekdays: Wednesday 10am.
Meals on Wheels YARRAWONGA 5th September Moira Healthcare Alliance 6th September Lorraine Butler & Friend 9th September PALS GROUP 10th-14th September Church of Christ MULWALA 5th-9th September Glennie Phillips & Lyn Adkins 10th-14th September St Andrews Anglican Church
Weekend RosteR
LINDNER, Loreen Frances (nee Johnson) passed away peacefully on Thursday 30th August 2012 aged 87. Much loved sister and sister in law of Clare and John Grant (Yarrawonga), loved Aunt of David, Alison and John. Rest well dear “Rene”. We will miss the laughter in your voice but the memories we have of you will live in our hearts forever. OLD (Lonie) Phyllis Merle 2.11.1924-1.9.2012 Youngest daughter of William and Emma. Sister of Joyce (dec), Bill (dec), Lorna and Stuart. Adored wife of Jack (dec) and much loved Mum of John (dec), Diane, Kay, Bev and Yvonne. Loving Nan of 11 and Great Nan of 15. Goodnight Darling.
September John & Hennie Spierings Sunday 9th September Alex Brook Saturday 15th September Delma Weygood Sunday 16th September Delma Weygood Office HOurs Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm – Volunteer Coordinator – Moira HealthCare
BUGDEN (Steele), Michelle. Beloved daughter of Maurice and Mena Steele. Loved sister of Micheal (Dec.), Bernard, Judi and Jackie. Passed away peacefully 28.8.12.
Saturday 8th
or 03 5742 1111.
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Alliance 1300 655 372
Yarrawonga Chronicle and Corowa Free Press Pty Ltd, being the publisher of the Yarrawonga Chronicle is the owner of the copyright in all advertisements (including artwork) prepared by the servants and/or agents of the newspaper on behalf of its advertisers. Neither the newspaper’s advertisers nor any person on their behalf are authorised to publish, reproduce or copy in any manner, any of the said advertisements (including artwork) without the prior written licence of the newspaper.
Sun 9th September PharmacY Terry White Chemist 10:00am to 1:00pm
JOHANNESEN, Elaine Lois. Died 3rd Sept 2011. Twelve months have gone so quickly, missing you every day. Once an angel always my guardian angel. - Jeff.
BEREAVEMENT THANKS BROWN, Warrick Andrew. Aged 51. Passed away peacefully at Yarrawonga Hospital. Lorna, Reg and family sincerely thank everyone for their support, kindness and expressions of sympathy on the sad passing of our much loved son. Your thoughtfulness is greatly valued. Thanks to Yarrawonga Hospital, Royal Melbourne Hospital and much appreciation to Ya r r a w o n g a - M u l w a l a Funeral Services.
OptOmetrists assOciatiOn australia member
Sandra Heaney BSc (Optom) GCOT (Melb)
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Open: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Phone: (03) 5744 2126
Contact us for:
Yarrawonga PodiatrY
Home-based Sleep Study C-PAP Trial C-PAP Checkup R & M Ingram P/L & R.P. Davies Ph.C
54 Belmore St, Yarrawonga
(03) 5744 3035
PASSIVE ACTION MACHINES GAIN FLEXIBILITY, MOBILITY, LOSE INCHES 7am to 12 Noon Mon-Fri or by appointment 4.30-6.30pm Mon.Wed.Thurs.
Yarrawonga Podiatry 38 Hovell Street, Yarrawonga (directly behind Terminus Hotel) Appointments can be made by calling 0459 038 069 David Woodburn Podiatrist
• DVA Approved • Experts In Foot Care • Footwear Advice • Sports Injuries
PHONE 5743 3747
Yarrawonga Osteopathic Clinic Katie Tink Alyce Bouwmeester
5743 1142
24 Belmore Street Yarrawonga
Dr. Frank O’Dwyer Dr. Brant Dickson 38 Hovell St, Yarrawonga, Vic., 3730 ☎ 5743 2763
Yarrawonga – Mulwala RSL Sub-Branch GENERAL MEETING Wednesday 12th September 2012 8pm at ClubMulwala
Wilby District Tennis Assoc.
Sunday 16th September 2012 7pm at Mulwala Clubrooms BUSINESS NOTICES
Civil Contracting & Quarrying (03)
5744 1705
It’s easy to place a classified advertisement…
2 Obrien Street, Yarrawonga. PH: 5743 2405 nevscabinets.com.au
Matt & Bron Mobile Butcher & Coolroom Hire Yarrawonga & District From your paddock to plate (03) 5744 3186 0439 611 149
1 hr Remedial, Deep Tissue or Relaxation Massage
Phone Nicole: 0400 861 533
30 — Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 5th September, 2012
classies 03 5744 3731
Deadline Monday 3pm BUSINESS NOTICES
MoiraShire C010/13
From $6,500 (plus delivery) www.byopools. com.au 0439 421 335
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The Yarrawonga Chronicle is published by the Yarrawonga Chronicle and Corowa Free Press Pty Ltd., ACN 158 627 073. 101 Belmore St, Yarrawonga, Vic, 3730. Printed by Shepparton Newsprinters Pty Ltd, ACN 075 349 772 at the registered office, Goulburn Valley. The editor accepts the responsibility for election comment. All advertising and editorial content of this issue is the copyright of the Yarrawonga Chronicle and Corowa Free Press Pty Ltd and cannot be used without the company’s permission. Registered by Australia Post, Melbourne under Print Post Approved PP346626/00010.
Yarrawonga-Mulwala & District
directory www.yarrawongachronicle.com.au
Weekly Service to Melbourne One truck from start to finish Professional packing We’ll go anywhere Free Quotes General freight
Town Name: Title Details: Owners:
Reason for Proposal:
8228 Murray Valley Highway BATHUMI Lot 5 on PS143123 Matthew John Holgate & Natalie Jayne Holgate Development Plan for subdivision of the land into six (6) lots of varying lot sizes ranging from 2500m2 to 4288m2. To satisfy the requirement of the Development Plan Overlay of the Moira Planning Scheme.
Inspection of Document: The Development Plan may be viewed at the Moira Shire Council Offices: 44 Station Street, COBRAM and Town Hall Belmore Street, YARRAWONGA Any person who may be affected by this Development Plan may make a submission to the Responsible Authority by 19th September 2012. Written submissions should be addressed to Moira Shire Council, PO Box 578, Cobram, 3643. Gary Arnold Chief Executive Officer
Numurkah Senior Citizens Hub Additions & Alterations Moira Shire Council invites submissions from suitably qualified or experienced builders to register their interest for the partial demolition and re construction, renovations and extensions to Numurkah Seniors Hub, to be erected at McCaskill St, cnr Knox St Numurkah. The building will cover 622m2 framed & clad construction on concrete floor with colour bond steel roofing, includes offices, amenities, kitchen, activity rooms and associated works. Technical enquiries may be directed to Ian Couper on (03) 5871 9222. Tender closing date: 4pm Wednesday 10 October 2012. C073/12
Provision of Professional Services for Engineering, Asset Management and Design Moira Shire Council invites submissions from suitably qualified organisations or individuals for the provision of professional services for the implementation of projects, feasibility studies and design services in relation to current and future capital works programs. Services will also include the provision of professional staff to fill particular, project related appointments, and appointments in relation to implementation of projects. Technical enquiries may be directed to Mark Foord, Executive Engineer on (03) 5871 9222. Tender closing date:
Call Cheryl, Steve or Pete today! Ph.
(03) 5743 2775
4pm Wednesday 26 September 2012.
Requests for specification documents must be made in writing and forwarded to:
44 - 46 Belmore Street Yarrawonga Ph: (03) 5743 2946 FURNITURE/BEDDING
“Your 2012-13 Local Directory has been delivered by Australia Post.” If you missed receiving a copy of the directory you can pick one up from the following businesses; Limited to one book per person. Yarrawonga Newsagency Mulwala Newsagency Yarrawonga Chronicle Multiple Orders of more than 5 books can be placed at the Yarrawonga Chronicle @ $2 per book. Contact 03 5744 3731 or email classifieds@yarrawongachronicle.com.au
The MWSC would like to invite all past & present staff and board members to the
Ski Club Reunion 20th October, 2012 from 5pm to 7pm Partners welcome. Drinks at bar prices, nibbles provided.
For more details contact the Club on 5744 1888
COROWA RACE CLUB INC. RACE CLUB SECRETARY/ MANAGER This position involves, (a) Day to day office management (b) Sponsorship/Marketing promotions for Race Club (c) Race Day Operations (6 per year) Requirements for this position include – Good communication skills Computer operation knowledge Ability to liaise with appropriate Racing Club bodies. Applications close Friday 14th September, 2012. Position statement available from – 10 Bow Street, Corowa (Marshall Batteries) Applications for position should be forwarded to – The Convenor, 5 Acacia Court, Corowa, NSW, 2646.
Rennie Football Club is seeking applications for coaching positions for season 2013 in Reserve, Under 17 and Under 14 grades. Please contact the club at renniefootballclub@hotmail.com or Kevin Hanson on 0418 557 178 to register your interest. Applications close 21st September 2012.
Moira Shire Council Attention: Natalie Dopper Contracts Administrator PO Box 572 Cobram VIC 3643 Fax: (03) 5872 1567 Email: contracts@moira.vic.gov.au Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Gary Arnold Chief Executive Officer
SITUATIONS VACANT CASUAL BEAUTY THERAPIST Ariver Revival is looking for a therapist who holds a Diploma in Beauty Therapy, has Salon experience and is able to work casually (including weekends/late nights) with more shifts becoming available November/December. The qualities we like to see in our therapists are enthusiasm and eagerness to continue to learn and grow, be experienced in customer service, someone who works well in a team environment and is passionate about their work. The applicant must be well groomed, well mannered and courteous. It would also assist for the applicant to be able to retail, as it is an important aspect of this position. Please send resumes to 159 Melbourne Street, Mulwala, 2647 Enquiries: 5743 1557 Applications close Friday September 14th 2012
Mulwala Water Ski Club invites submissions from suitable Commercial Cleaning Services for the above Tender. The area of service needed to be provided is the cleaning of Caravan Park Units and Toilet Blocks as required. Cleaning Services interested should have: * Relevant public liability * Relevant workers compensation * Be compliant with NSW OH&S requirements Enquiries may be directed to Peter Duncan or Kaye Ferguson on 03/57441888. Request for documents relating to specific duties may be requested by emailing: kaye@mulwalawaterski.com.au. Tender closing date: 10th September 2012 Tenders to be mailed and noted: Cleaning Services Tender Mulwala Water Ski Club Melbourne Street MULWALA NSW 2647 or email kaye@mulwalawaterski.com.au The lowest tender may not necessarily be accepted.
Sacred Heart College Yarrawonga
Sacred Heart College is a vibrant Years 7—12 Catholic learning community in the Mercy tradition. The College’s 1:1 laptop initiative, innovative middle and senior school learning programs and unique Learning Advisor system underpin learning. We invite applications for the following ongoing teaching positions beginning 2013: Teacher of VCE Mathematics An ability to combine Mathematics with Science, Psychology or another method to VCE level would be an advantage. Teacher of Japanese The College, in partnership with Sacred Heart Primary School, provides a P-12 experience in Japanese including VET Applied Languages in Years 9-12. Teacher of VET Allied Health (0.4 FTE) A teacher is required to deliver the Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance in the College’s new Rehabilitation Health Centre. Applications close: 4 pm, Wednesday, 12 September 2012 A demonstrated commitment to the Catholic ethos of the College is essential. The Application Form and Selection Criteria can be downloaded from the website. Applications must be submitted via email or post by the closing date. Enquiries and applications should be directed to: The Principal Mr Tony Patton p: 03 5744 3258 e: principal@shcy.vic.edu.au PO Box 286 Yarrawonga VIC 3730 www.shcyarrawonga.catholic.edu.au www.shcyarrawonga.catholic.edu.au
Floyd Industries is a well established company that provides Electrical, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Services throughout North East Victoria and Southen New South Wales. The company has a position available as an Industrial/Commercial Electrician. Experience in PLC’s, VSD’s or mechanical service installations would be an advantage. Interested applicants to email contact@floydindustries.com.au with a current resume or call Paul on (03) 5766 2377. FLOYD INDUSTRIES Pty Ltd AIR CONDITIONING, REFIRIGERATION AND ELECTRICAL
Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 5th September, 2012 — 31
classies 03 5744 3731
Deadline Monday 3pm
MoiraShire You can be part of the Moira team and develop your career with an innovative leader committed to delivering excellent services.
Assets Technical Officer Job No: 366808
Salary: $ 66,066 p.a. (Band 6) + 9% super
Casual Food & Beverage Stewards
Clubmulwala is seeking the services of casual employees to work in our bar, catering and gaming facilities. No previous experience is necessary. Applicants must hold or be willing to obtain a New South Wales responsible service of alcohol certificate. Applications to: Darren Lean Human Resources Manager PO Box 19 Mulwala 2647
Hours: Full time – 38 hours per week
We are seeking the services of a professional and experienced Asset Officer or Civil Engineer to work in our Assets Department. In this position, you will be responsible for the ongoing development, implementation and maintenance of Council’s asset management systems, including field inspections of assets, preparation of life cycle costing and other asset management documentation. The successful applicant will have strong interpersonal skills and an in-depth knowledge of Local Government asset management. Your technical expertise, along with your qualifications in civil engineering and understanding of asset management practices and standards will help you secure this role. Applications clearly stating the job number and addressing the key selection criteria need to be received at the Municipal Service Centre in Cobram by 5pm Friday 14 September 2012 via post PO Box 578 Cobram VIC 3643, email employment@moira.vic.gov.au or fax (03) 5872 1567. Position descriptions are available at www.moira.vic.gov.au, and all enquiries should be directed to our Human Resource Department on (03) 5871 9222 or email employment@moira.vic.gov.au. Moira Shire Council is an Equal Opportunity Employer and offers flexible work arrangements in a familyfriendly work place. Gary Arnold Chief Executive Officer
HEALTH Compliance and Risk Manager An exciting opportunity exists for an enthusiastic person to undertake the role of Compliance & Risk Manager at Yarrawonga Health. The Compliance & Risk Manager will be responsible for devising; facilitating, implementing and coordinating a hospital-wide outcomes-based Quality Improvement Program and Risk Management Program. Previous experience in quality and risk management is essential. For all enquiries including Position Description please contact: Mr. Terry Welch, Chief Executive Officer on (03) 5743 8111 or Email terry.welch@yh.org.au Applications including a CV and two current professional referees should be addressed to: Mr. Terry Welch Chief Executive Officer 33 Piper Street, Yarrawonga, 3730
Trainee Parts Interpreter We are looking for a person to be trained in all aspects of parts ordering and interpretation. The successful applicant would also be trained in other general office duties including customer relations and liaising with insurance companies. Good people skills, sound computer knowledge and professional phone mannerisms are a necessity. Some workshop duties are required. Upon completion of the traineeship you will be fully qualified as a Parts Interpreter. Start date for the successful applicant is ASAP. Please send resume to: The Ultimate Group PO Box 667 Yarrawonga Vic 3730 Applications close 5pm Wed 12th September 2012.
VILLA TARNI Off peak rate $180 p/night Waterfront Sleeps 8
Phone: 0416 073 101 LOST & FOUND LOST. Four y/o female Blue Point Ragdoll cat (white/grey). Went missing late Sunday afternoon from Fiona Drive, Yarrawonga. Extremely missed by her family. Any information call 0447 431 446. Reward offered for her return.
GARAGE SALES Preliminary Notice Re-location (Downsizing) Clearance of valuable & not so valuable homewares, hardware & gardenware Saturday 15th September (Not this Saturday) 10 Sharp Street Yarrawonga Gates open 8am Details next week’s Chronicle All items purchased to be removed on day of sale
WANTED TO BUY OLD Mazda car or parts - any condition or rotary engine - any condition. Cash paid. Phone: 0438 546 799. POT plant stands, old style ok, Yarrawonga. Phone: 5743 2964 or 0411 706 500.
Farm Kits include: Garage Kits include: Fully enclosed with sliding 3.66m bays, 3 sided, all zinc, doors, 1 PA door, 1 window, guttering, downpipes, flashings. skylights, colour walls, zinc roof, Delivery within 30km free. guttering, downpipes, flashings. 18.3 x 6.1 x 3.3 $8,590 Delivery within 30km free.
7.3 x 6.1 x 2.7m $5,172 10.9 x 6.1 x 2.7m $6,579 14.6 x 7.6 x 2.7m $8,683 Prices include GST
Don’t Miss Out! “Stock Clearance”
30% off
Bio Magnetic Underblankets Most sizes available in wool & cotton
Yarrawonga 5744 3923
SALE Starts 11am Thursday
See our advert page 9
21.9 x 7.6 x 3.9 $11,200 Prices include GST
CALL NOW (03) 5821 4399
30 Florence St, Shepparton
5821 3122 15 Wheeler St, Shepparton BABY items. Cot mattress and base, bassinet, stroller, car seat, change table, bouncer, walker and other accessories. All very good condition. Phone: 0418 639 633.
BOOTS, R. M. Williams elastic sided leather, brown, size 10. Worn once, as new. Bargain $145. Phone: 0424 575 774. HONDA, mowers, brushcutters, generators and blowers. The Home of Honda - full range in store. WANGARATTA SAW AND LAWNMOWER wangsaw.com.au Ph: 5721 3310. JOHN Deere ride on mowers. New from $2,800. WANGARATTA SAW AND LAWNMOWER wangsaw.com.au Ph: 5721 3310. 20 litres bar oil - $90 inc. Beat that. WANGARATTA SAW AND LAWNMOWER Ph: 5721 3310. LOUNGE suite, burgundy three piece leather recliner. Three seater recliner sofa and two recliner arm chairs. Sofa as new, $895. Phone: 0424 575 774. MTD ride on mowers. New $1,999 inc, 38 inch cut. 5 year engine warranty. 10 only. WANGARATTA SAW AND LAWNMOWER wangsaw.com.au Ph: 5721 3310. SECOND hand chainsaws, ride on and push mowers. Fully serviced - work ready or as traded. WANGARATTA SAW AND LAWNMOWER SERVICE wangsaw.com.au Ph: 5721 3310.
ReadeRs BaRgains
Free classified advertising.
SHOPRIDER Mobility scooter, 4 wheel. Excellent used condition. Canopy and rear weather proof bag. Only 2 months old. $1200 ono. Phone 0459 623 390. SPARE parts - mower belts, blades, engines, oils, mower batteries and tyres, chainsaw bars, cheap chains and bar oils. Whatever freighted to your door. Call the experts at WANGARATTA SAW AND LAWNMOWER Ph: 5721 3310. STIHL, linetrimmers. From $249. WANGARATTA SAW AND LAWNMOWER wangsaw.com.au Ph: 5721 3310.
READERS BARGAINS BLINDS, white wooden, 5mm wide slats, excellent condition, 1 x 2400, 1 x 1800, length 2100, $60 for both. Phone 0431 174 586.
Kaine’s Detailing & Auto Trim Selling your vehicle? First have it Fully detailed by the experts Shed 2 Lot 2 Acacia St Yarrawonga
0407 819 021
2004 BA MK11 XR6, immaculate condition, 110500 genuine kms, ring for complete list of extras, Vin 6FPAAAJGSW4S80792, Vic/NSW roadworthy supplied, $13,000 neg. Phone: 0438 770 178.
COMPUTER, desktop and monitor. Very good condition, $75. Phone 0418 639 633. FREEZER Avita 85LTR, 600 x 550 X 80h. Brand new, used once, cost over $200, sell $65. Phone (03) 5744 3903. GOLF clubs, 1 set of Lamkin, right handed, 9 irons, 2 woods, $75. Phone: 5744 3333/ 0428 574 433. RYOBI Lawn Trimmer 24.4cc petrol. Cost new $180, needs new spark plug and service, $50. Phone (03) 5744 3903.
SAAB 900 i, 1987, 5 speed manual, sun roof, heated seats, Reg. XFS 943, RWC, $850.00 ono, Ph: 0401 002 853.
TOYOTA Camry 2000 V6. Auto, immaculate condition, always garaged and well serviced. All luxury extras, a really nice car. First to see and drive will buy. RWC. Reg. BH54LD. $4,850 ono. Phone (02) 6035 3853.
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Advertisement must be submitted on the form below - no copies accepted. Maximum of 16 words - including phone number. Advertisement will only appear for the week it is submitted. Item or items not to exceed a total of $75. Business accounts not eligible. Does not include pets and livestock. Advertisement will appear under “Readers Bargains” heading. Please fill out the form below and bring it into the Yarrawonga Chronicle office before 3pm on Monday.
Closing date for applications is 5.00pm on Friday 28th September, 2012
Successful applicant is required to undergo a National Police Record Check prior to commencement.
Phone: 101 Belmore Street, Yarrawonga. Telephone: (03) 5744 3731
All applications will be managed with the strictest of confidentiality.
32 — Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 5th September, 2012
Deadline Monday 3pm
Development Matters... DEVELOPMENT CONSENTS Public notice is given pursuant to Section 101 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, that the Corowa Shire Council has granted development consent in respect of the following developments. The consents are available for public inspection, without charge, at the Council Chambers, Bow Street Corowa between the hours of 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday: DA NO. ADDRESS APPROVED WORK 2012/178 159 -169 Melbourne Street, Mulwala Kiosk & Amenities 2012/180 1 Golf Club Drive, Mulwala Canopy & Ramp NOTICE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS In accordance with Council’s Public Notification Policy regarding Development Applications, the following are hereby listed for public comment. Plans relating to these proposals may be inspected in the Council’s Planning Department during normal working hours. DA NO. ADDRESS ZONING PROPOSED WORK 2011/217/01 37 Jude St, General Residential Modification of Howlong R1 consent - Subdivision 2012/194 103-105 Local Centre B2 Strata subdivision Melbourne St, Mulwala 2012/195 96 Victoria St, General Residential Shed 72m2 Howlong R1 2012/196 151-155 General Residential R1 2 Lot Redlands Rd, Corowa Subdivision 2012/197 219 Jude St, General Telecommunications Howlong Industrial IN1 Tower 2012/198 233-237 Local Centre B2 Consolidation & Honour Ave, Corowa Boundary Definition Any person may make a submission on the proposal within a period of seven (7) days from the date of this notification. Persons making a submission are required to comply with Section 147(5) of the Environmental Planning Assessment Act (Political Donations & Gifts Disclosure Statement). Forms are available from Councils’ administration offices. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL – RIVER BANK REINSTATEMENT, RETAINING WALL & PONTOON MOORING BANK AND/OR BEDWORK Corowa Shire Council, the consent authority under Clause 1.6 of the Corowa Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Clause 13(2) of the Murray Regional Environmental Plan No. 2 – Riverine Land, has received an application (DA 2012/174) seeking development consent to reinstate riverbank, construct a retaining wall and pontoon mooring. The proposed development, the subject of the application, relates to Lots 6 & 7; DP 619538 & Lot 2; Sec 7; DP 758296; 212-216 River Street, Corowa. Any interested person may inspect this application and accompanying documents at the Corowa Shire Council Chambers, 100 Edward Street, Corowa from Wednesday, 15 August 2012 to Wednesday, 12 September 2012 between the hours of 8.15 am and 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. Any person interested in making a submission should do so in writing addressed to the General Manager, Corowa Shire Council, PO Box 77, Corowa NSW 2646. Submissions will be received up to 5.00 pm on Wednesday, 12 September 2012. Where a submission is by way of objection, the grounds of the objection are required to be specified in the submission.
classies 03 5744 3731
Positions Vacant...
CASUAL LABOURER Applications are invited for the above position in the Rural Maintenance Gang. The successful applicants must have a MR Driver’s Licence and a Workcover Induction Card. A Backhoe Ticket and experience in operating plant in road construction and maintenance work would be desirable but not essential. The appointment will be in accordance with the Local Government State Award 2010 and Council’s policies and conditions of employment. The salary will be within the range of $24.41 to $26.90 per hour depending on experience, which includes disability allowance. Higher duties will be paid when operating larger plant. Operational staff work a 9 day fortnight. Details of qualifications, experience and two referees should be submitted with the application. Applications close at 4.00 pm. on Thursday 20th September 2012 and are to be addressed to: HR Officer Labourer Position PO Box 77 COROWA NSW 2646 or emailed to hr@corowa.nsw.gov.au A job description can be obtained by contacting (02) 6033 8903 or email hr@corowa.nsw.gov.au or on Council’s website: www.corowa.nsw.gov.au PARKING IN LOADING ZONES Council has received complaints about illegal parking of vehicles in Loading Zones in Sanger Street, Corowa. The fine for this offence is: Stopping in Loading Zones $165 Council advises that Local Police and Council staff are increasing patrols of Sanger Street and enforcement of parking in accordance with sign posted limitations has commenced. Offenders will be fined if found illegally parked in loading zones. SULARI GENTILL AUTHOR TALK Sulari Gentill set out to study astrophysics, ended up graduating in law and later abandoned her legal career to write books. Sulari writes Historical Crime and Fantasy Adventure Fiction. She will be joining us to talk about her writing and her novels. onThursday 20th September 2012, 7.00pm at the Corowa Civic Centre – ArtSpace. The event is FREE . Light supper provided. Please book a seat by contacting the Corowa Library on 02 6033 8941.
book week
... Snippets Wednesday 5th September 2012 www.corowa.nsw.gov.au CURRENT CONSTRUCTION WORKS Reconstruction of Isabel Street Corowa. Reconstruction of Sturt Street Howlong. Watermain replacement, Lindsay Street Corowa. Watermain replacement, late August – Braintree Avenue Corowa. Shoulder grading – Redlands and Daysdale areas. Culvert replacements – Savernake area. VANDALISM Vandalism destroys community property. The destruction of community property costs ratepayers thousands of dollars annually. If you see acts of vandalism please report these actions to your local Police phone 02 60331144 (Corowa), 02 60265344 (Howlong), 03 57438099 (Mulwala) or Council on 02 60338999. FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY, REPORT AND PREVENT VANDALISM. TOURISM EVENTS GRANT PROGRAM Applications are now open for funding under the Tourism Events Grant Program. Application forms and guidelines are available from Council’s website or by contacting Council on (02) 6033 8958. Applications close Monday 17 September 2012.
Council Contacts: Web: www.corowa.nsw.gov.au Email: council@corowa.nsw.gov.au Corowa office: 02 6033 8999 100 Edward Street, Ball Park, Corowa Howlong office: 02 6026 5055 Mulwala office: 03 5744 3439 Emergency Number 1800 110088
Champions read for Book Week Book Week is the longest running children’s festival in Australia, this year celebrating its 67th anniversary.
Artist of the month The Yarrawonga and Mulwala Artists Association Inc ‘artist of the month’ is Carol Hoffman (Wade).
Organised by the Children’s Book Council of Australia, schools and public libraries spend a week celebrating books, Australian authors and illustrators. Classroom teachers develop activities, offer competitions and tell stories relating to a theme to highlight the importance of reading. This year’s theme was ‘Champions Read’ and the Mulwala Public School and the Yarrawonga Pre-School dressed for the occasion in their favourite story book characters and participated in activities, parades and competitions to celebrate Yarrawonga Pre-School ‘comets’ enjoy Book Week festivities. Book Week.
Carol can remember being a young ten year old, visiting art exhibitions and being inspired by the art work. Over the past 20 years while raising a family and working she has done various forms of art such as decoparche, mosaic work and cake decorating. Now in retirement Carol has picked up the brush and finds it wonderfully relaxing. “The pleasure of seeing my work displayed is very rewarding,” Carol said. “I love getting together with my fellow artists in our club and attending workshops to gain more skills and ideas.” For more information on the Yarrawonga Mulwala Artists Association Inc please phone president Jane Tett on 0437452262.
Carol Hoffman (Wade).
Mulwala Public School students support ‘Champions Read’.
Robyn Moore, student teacher Laura Scholefield, Mulwala principal Kylie Becker, Emma Quinn and Tamara McLaurin in their finest Book Week costumes.
Ronnie Crawford (formerly of Yarrawonga) celebrated his 80th birthday with family and friends at his home in Kerang on August 12. Ronnie is pictured here (second from right) with his brothers Reggie, Gerald and Jim.