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22 — Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 28th September, 2011



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CHURCH of Christ, Orr Street, Yarrawonga. Church Contacts, Phone Trevor 5744 3749 or Ken 5744 2462. Sunday Worship 10.15am.

Meals on Wheels

SAUNDERS, Verna May. We will miss you. Forever in our thoughts and hearts. Love Toni, Steve, Taya and Kyra. xxx.

IGNITE Life Church (an ACC Church) 6 Melaleuca Street, Yarrawonga. Ps Keith Walters (03) 5743 2135. Family Service Sunday 10am. Ignite Christian Bookstore open Fridays 10am-2.30pm. PRESBYTERIAN Church, Orr Street, Yarrawonga. Rev. Paul Seiler (03) 5721 6444. Sunday: 8.45am except 1st Sunday of each month: 11.00am. SACRED Heart Catholic Church, Witt Street, Yarrawonga. Fr. Steve Bohan. (03) 5744 3030. Saturday: Vigil Mass 6.30pm. Sunday: 10am. Tungamah 8.30am. Weekdays: Tuesday 5.30pm (winter 5pm), Wednesday 9am, Thursday 9am, Friday 12noon. ST ANDREW’S Uniting Church, Tom Street, Yarrawonga. Rev. Gereldine Leonard. (03) 5744 3029. Sunday: 9.30am. Bundalong: 1st & 3rd Sundays 8am. Tungamah: 2nd Sunday 11am. 4th Sunday 8am.


ST Andrew’s By The Lake Anglican Church, Melbourne St, Mulwala. Rev. Val Elson (03) 5744 2211. 1st Sunday: 11.15am. 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays: 9am.


ST. Brigids Catholic Church, Havelock Street, Mulwala. Father John McGrath. Phone 5744 3563. Weekend Mass times: 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays 8am. 2nd and 4th Saturday night 6pm.

In lodging an advertisement with us you agree that we may publish the advertisement on our website. The general terms and conditions that apply to publication apply also to publication of material on our website. A range of logos and borders are available to make your advert stand out. Full colour options are also available.

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ST Cuthbert’s Anglican Church, Piper Street, Yarrawonga.Rev Michael Jones 5744 3045. Sunday services: Yarrawonga 7am and 10am. Tungamah 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays 8.30am. St James 1st and 3rd Sundays 8.30am. Boomahnoomoonah 2nd and 4th Sundays 11.45am. Weekdays: Wednesday 10am.

Weekend RosteR YaRRa/Mul Sat 1st october Sue Howell Sun 2nd october Alex Brook Sat 8th october Delma Weygood & Brioney MacKinnon Sun 9th october Delma Weygood & Brioney MacKinnon

Office HOurs Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm Coordinator – Moira HealthCare Alliance 1300 655 372 or 5742 1111.


Sun 2nd October Medical clinic

Yarrawonga Denis Medical Group 10:00am to Midday PharMacY Terry White Chemist 10:00am to 1:00pm


Yarrawonga Chronicle Pty Ltd, being the publisher of the Yarrawonga Chronicle is the owner of the copyright in all advertisements (including artwork) prepared by the servants and/or agents of the newspaper on behalf of its advertisers. Neither the newspaper’s advertisers nor any person on their behalf are authorised to publish, reproduce or copy in any manner, any of the said advertisements (including artwork) without the prior written licence of the newspaper.

26th September Yarrawonga: Keith Rose & Ernie Ryan 27th September John & Hennie Spierings 28th September Shirley Hargreaves 29th September Lorraine Butler/ Shirley Hargreaves 30th September Moira Healthcare Alliance 26th - 30th September Mulwala Jim & Mary Dowling 3rd-7th october Yarrawonga: Ross & Anne Watson Mulwala 3rd october Keith Rose 4th october Bob & Pat Ward 5th october Shirley Hargreaves 6th -7th october Marg Rogers & Janice Chilcott

Say Thank You to someone through the YARRAWONGA CHRONICLE CLASSIFIEDS

Please noTe: The local medical clinics provide ‘after Hours services’ for urgent consultations only.

SAUNDERS, Verna May. You gave me your format when times got tough and always helped me through the rough. Will miss your tips and our betting days. But my love for you always stays. Can’t “Spifflicate” us now Vern. Love John xx “Johnny”. SAUNDERS, Verna. Deepest sympathy to all her family and friends. Margaret and Bill Greenway. SAUNDERS, Verna May. Loved and loving Nan of Darryl and Deb. Cherished Nanny Vern to Allie, Caleb and Tom. Always in our hearts. WALKER, Elma Jean. Passed away peacefully at Karinya Corowa on Saturday September 24th 2011. Aged 83 years. Loving mother and mother in law of Faye and Alex Pavlovsky (Both Dec). Sharon and Brian McRae, Shirley (Dec) and Tim Paragreen, John and Julie, Noel (Dec) and Brian (Dec). Adored Nan of Nicole, Jackson, Melissa, Nathan, Sloane, Reed, Lachlan, Jason, Cynthia, Jordan, Sam, John, Jodie, Michelle, Natalie and Mathew. Great Nan of 10. Forever in our hearts.

FUNERAL NOTICES WALKER. The funeral of the late Mrs Elma Jean Walker will be held at St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, Melbourne Street Mulwala on Wednesday September 28th 2011 at 2.00pm. The funeral will leave the church at the conclusion of the service for the Mulwala Lawn Cemetery. YARRAWONGA - MULWALA FUNERAL SERVICES Brian & Betty Bouchier 5743 2967 A.F.D.A



BRYAN, Noel. 26.9.2008. Noel, miss you. Love Linda, Peter, Dale, Helen and John. BRYAN, Noel. 26.9.2008. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love Pete. BRYAN, Noel. Our memories are like seeds of gold, they never tarnish, they never grow old. Miss you. Michael, Tracey, Re, Trev and Rylie.

BIRTH NOTICES Hudgson – Parker Jan & Gary are elated to announce the arrival of their grandson TAJ ISAAC PARKER 19 September 2011 at GV Health. Thanks Casey & Nathan

Rennie Netball Club invites all interested persons to attend; Rennie Netball Club’s Annual General Meeting 2.30pm Sunday 16th October 2011 At Rennie Recreational Rooms Enquiries Lisa Starr 0409404037 Please forward any motions/agenda items in writing to: RNC Secretary Bronwyn Thomas “Lambruk” Mulwala NSW 2647 By 14th October 2011


Yarrawonga Arts Council Inc. Tuesday 18th October 2011 7.30pm Senior Citizen’s Hall, Hovell St Yarrawonga Light refreshments provided


Rennie Football Club AGM Rennie Recreational Reserve Sunday 16th October 2011 at 4pm.

(As per ad on Club Website 23/9/11)

All Welcome


Mulwala Netball

TALBOT, Pat and Paul would like to thank everyone who contributed to making our Golden Wedding Anniversary weekend such a huge success, especially the family and staff and management at ClubMulwala. Please accept this as our sincere personal thanks.

Tues 11th Oct 2011 7pm Lonsdale Reserve ALL WELCOME


MEETINGS Mulwala Progress Association Incorporated ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING To be held Monday 10th October 2011 Time - 5:30 PM Venue - Mulwala Civic Centre All welcome


Tuesday Ladies


4 October 2011 12 noon Tennis Clubrooms All Welcome

Mulwala Tennis Club AGM Maroon & Gold Teams. New players welcome Lonsdale Reserve 5th Oct 7pm Enquiries: Jenny Orr

0417 181 098


Notice of meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Mulwala Water Ski Club Ltd will be held at the Clubhouse on

Sunday, 23rd October, 2011, at 11am


1. To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held November 28th, 2010. 2. To receive and consider the report for the Board of Directors. 3. To receive and consider the financial statements and auditors’ report. 4. Resolution: Comply with Registered Club Act 1976 Section 10. 5. To deal with any business for which due notice has been given. 6. To deal with any business that the meeting may approve, of which due notice has not been given. 7. Elections of the Board for the ensuing year. NB: Only financial members are entitled to attend the meeting. Questions relating to the financial statements should be submitted in writing to the Club 7 days prior to the meeting. By order of the Board of Directors Peter Duncan Chief Executive Officer


Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 28th September, 2011 — 23

classies 03 5744 3731



For local, personalized & private fittings contact Sue. Stockist of Ph: 0438 617 388 Amoena, Tru Medicare Reimbursement available Life & ABC


Mastectomy Fittings OptOmetrists assOciatiOn australia member

Sandra Heaney BSc (Optom) GCOT (Melb)

shop 1 19 piper st Yarrawonga Vic 3730

Open: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm

(incl. PWC end)


Flippin Fresh

Sunday 9th October, 1 – 5.15pm Bookings essential

Phone Bob : 0417 524 005

Phone: (03) 5744 2126




1hr Remedial Massage $50 Shellac Gel Nails 1st Set $30

Yarrawonga & District Netball Association Inc.

Gel & Arcylic Nails Waxing, Massage, Bodywraps, Facials, Manicures and Pedicures.

Registration forms will be also available at all school offices $20 – plus VNA registration if not current

Phone Nicole: 0400 861 533 Spring Special Shellac Nails




Approved Marine Safety Vic. Course Australian Boating College. Provider #3399

$3 Full 0 Set

* Lasts up to14-Days, Mirror Finish & Zero Dry Time Waxing, Tinting, Deluxe Manis & Pedis, Facials, Special Occasion Make-Up. Call Renate 0414 948 525

2011 Spring Junior Comp Round up Thursday, 13th October

will commence on Thursday, 20th October 6 week competition will finish Thursday, December 1st.

4.30pm – 5.30pm

11/u, 13/u & 15/u (if numbers permit) Modified Program – 8 & 9 year olds

All Enquiries – Vicki Ramsdale on 0417 361 307

pty LtD

Yarrawonga Podiatry 38 Hovell Street, Yarrawonga (directly behind Terminus Hotel) Appointments can be made by calling 0459 038 069 David Woodburn Podiatrist


5744 1705





MoiraShire 2 Obrien Street, Yarrawonga. PH: 5743 2405 nevscabinets.com.au


Relaxation/ Remedial Massage $60 per hour Adriana Buckley Ph: 0401 193 668


• DVA Approved • Experts In Foot Care • Footwear Advice • Sports Injuries

North East Podiatry


• Jeans • Hems • Zipper replacement • Minor alterations

Extended hours. Now taking new patients Katie Tink Alyce Bouwmeester

Phone: 0408 139 478

5743 1142

24 Belmore Street Yarrawonga


Wheaton Chiropractic

CRISTEL DEAN ● Garment repair & alteration service. ● Qualified sewing tutor – junior & seniors – small classes. Phone:

0415 702 910

Dr. Amanda Wheaton Dr. Helen Wallace Dr. Dot Brodie Open MOn-FRI 5744 3848 2/54 Belmore St

Annual Report

Pursuant to sections 131 and 134 of the Local Government Act 1989, the Moira Shire Council’s 2010/11 Annual Report will be forwarded, by Friday 30 September 2011, to the Minister for Local Government Jeanette Powell. The report can be viewed at Council’s Service Centres and Agencies and is available under the Council/Council Publications/Documents for Inspection section of Council’s website, located at www.moira.vic.gov.au, from Tuesday 4 October 2011. The Annual Report will be presented and discussed at Council’s Ordinary Meeting to be held on Monday 17 October 2011 in accordance with section 134 of the Local Government Act 1989. The meeting is open to members of the public. Kaye Thomson Acting Chief Executive Officer Local Calls 1300 36 99 66 STD Calls (03) 5871 9222 Fax (03) 5872 1567 TTY (03) 5871 2262 Mail PO Box 578, Cobram 3643 Web www.moira.vic.gov.au Email webmaster@moira.vic.gov.au

Remembering those who have died

On Sunday, October 16 at 9.30am At St. Andrew’s Uniting Church Cnr of Tom and Piper Streets, Yarrawonga And Sunday, November 13, At Tungamah Uniting Church There will be

A service of Solace

Where those who have died among us will be remembered and celebrated. All Welcome For details contact Rev Gereldine Leonard Tel: 5744 3029

Yarrawonga Mulwala Swimming Club

is seeking a qualified AUSTSWIM teacher who is prepared to donate their time one night per week. Currently in Wangaratta on Fridays but for negotiation when Yarra Pool opens. Progression to Coaching qualifications would be encouraged and supported by the Committee. Enquiries: Head Coach Lyndon (03) 5743 2211



COPYRIGHT It contravenes the Copyright Act to reproduce or to instruct other person to reproduce material printed in this newspaper without prior consent of the publishers. The said material being advertisements whole or part, artwork whole or part, photographs whole or part, headlines or body copy whole or part. It also contravenes the Copyright Act to reproduce any or part of the above material which has been altered in order to appear different from the original. Severe penalties can be incurred by infringement of the Act.

“The Yarrawonga Chronicle” Wholly set up in Yarrawonga and published by A. Noel Loughnan. Printed Web Offset by Yarrawonga Chronicle Pty Ltd ABN 46 005 149 557, 101 Belmore Street, Yarrawonga, Vic. The editor Noel Loughnan accepts responsibility for election comment. All advertising and editorial content of this issue is the copyright of Yarrawonga Chronicle Pty Ltd and cannot be used without the Company’s permission. Registered by Australia Post, Melbourne under Print Post Approved PP346626/00010.

Motorcycle Learner/Licence Weekends or weekdays in Wangaratta


www. ridesmartnortheast.com


0458 373 040 Bookings 7 days

Half price ticket voucher This voucher will admit up to four people at half the regular price. Not valid on family ticket. Bookings are a must 0407 120 953 Ashton Entertainment presents “Circus Circus” www.ashtonentertainment.com.au

Civil Contracting & Quarrying

Yarrawonga PodiatrY


Att: Customers Change of location for Fridays starting 7th Oct I.G.A. Carpark from 8.30am

Enq: Ron – 0418 811 634


SITUATIONS VACANT Christmas Jobs Available! Distribute & Collect catalogues. Earn $100 - $300/wk for only 2hrs daily. Supervisor opportunities. Immediate start. Tel: 1300 133 362

Medical Receptionist

We are seeking a part time Medical Receptionist to join our busy practice working in a friendly team environment on a rotating roster including a weekend shift roster, award wages will apply. A full job description is available at front reception. Previous applicants need to re apply. Please forward a copy of your CV to: Verona Poll Practice Manager Yarrawonga Denis Medical Group 10-12 Woods Rd Yarrawonga, 3730 Applications close 30th September 2011


Benalla Bus & Coach Lines is seeking a full time School Bus Driver/Mechanic. The qualified person is required to commence from Tungamah, driving a school run, mechanic duties during the day and return to Tungamah. The applicant should have automotive qualifications, Medium/Heavy Rigid licence, Driver’s Accreditation, current First Aid and WWCC. Applications to: General Manager Benalla Bus & Coach Lines 6 Nunn Street Benalla Vic 3672 Ph (03) 5762 6566 info@benallabuslines.com.au


Blue River Pizza

Shop Assistants required. Evening work only. Must be prepared to work weekends

Ph: Carmel 0437 666 568


NEW TERM GUIDE GET A COPY NOW ! Phone: 03 5744 3911 Email: office@ynhservices.org.au www.ynhservices.org.au Visit the website to


5744 3731


We have a position for a Part-Time Courtesy Bus Driver. Night time and weekend work available. Must have HR licence. Contact Sun Country Bus Hire Ph:

0458 330 269

24 — Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 28th September, 2011

Deadline Monday 3pm SITUATIONS VACANT


classies 03 5744 3731


SITUATIONS VACANT Contract Position Available Distributor Wanted

Rennie Netball Club invites applications for the following coaching positions for the 2012 season: A Grade, B Grade, C Grade, C Reserve, under 17’s, under 15’s, under 13’s, under 11’s Enquiries Lisa Starr - 0409404037 Applications close 14th October. Please forward in writing to: RNC Secretary Bronwyn Thomas “Lambruk” Mulwala NSW 2647

Position Vacant – Bowling Green Curator Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort is seeking a highly motivated individual to join its ground staff team. The successful applicant will report to the Club’s Golf Course Superintendent and will be responsible for presenting the Club’s 2 bowling greens in the best possible condition. Our aim is to have the best presented bowling greens in the region. To be considered for this role applicants must have appropriate qualification and/or experience and must be passionate about your greens.

Accommodation Receptionist CASUAL POSITION

An opportunity exists for an enthusiastic and reliable person to join our team at Mulwala Water Ski Club and Lake Mulwala Holiday Park. Experience in the Accommodation Industry and excellent customer service skills are essential. Sound communication and computer skills would be desirable. Knowledge of accommodation booking systems in particular RMS would be an advantage, as would NSW RSA and RCG Certificates. Hours of work will include weekday afternoons and varied weekends shifts. Wages will be paid in accordance with the NSW Modern Club Award. Applications and resume should be addressed to: Chris Pearn Assistant Manager Mulwala Water Ski Club Melbourne St, Mulwala NSW 2647 or email chris@mulwalawaterski.com.au

Applications close Friday 14th October 2011 YARRAWONGA DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE REGISTERED/ENROLLED NURSES CASUAL/PPT Applications are invited from registered and enrolled nurses to join our dynamic clinical team.

The position involves some weekend work and hours may vary depending on bowls events and activities. For further information about Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort go to www.yarragolf.com.au. Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort is an equal opportunity employer. Wages and conditions will be in accordance with the Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort’s Enterprise Agreement. Applications to be submitted by 5pm on the 12th of October 2011 Att: Chris Burgess Course Superintendent Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort Gulai Road Mulwala NSW 2647 Email: yarragolf@bigpond.com

Rennie Football Club Seeking Coaches for 2012 Season 2nd XVIII Coach 3rd XVIII Coach 4th XVIII Coach

Persons interested in Assistant Coach or Specialist roles also encouraged to apply Applications must be in writing by 12th October 2011 Enquiries to: Scott M. 0428 830067 or Leigh M. 0408 385150 Applications to: renniefootballclub@hotmail.com or PO Box 17, Mulwala NSW 2647

Exciting opportunities exist for registered and enrolled nurses that want to work in an environment where clinical skills are highly valued and developed.

Sales / Spare Parts Person

Yarrawonga District Health Service has a commitment to clinical education and development in a multidisciplinary environment that extends across the care continuum. A strong education program is delivered collaboratively with medical student and intern programs that are planned for 2012.

Dawmac Industries are a progressive rural company immediately seeking a Sales Counter/ Spare Parts person within our busy Business Award winning organisation. The business relates to the Agricultural sector and supplies diversified product to a wide customer base. This position is Full Time offering an opportunity within a highly supportive management team.

We are looking for new graduates or experienced nurses that are keen to be involved in a range of clinical programs and projects facilitating development and maintenance of a range of skill sets. Position Summary: A Position Description and Information Package is available on request from: Mrs Jen Sonneman, Executive Assistant on (03) 5743 8130 or email jennifer.sonneman@ydhs.hume.org.au All enquiries and applications including a CV and two current professional referees should be addressed to: Elaine Mallows Director of Clinical Services Yarrawonga District Health Service 33 Piper Street, Yarrawonga VIC 3730 Telephone: 03 5743 8131 Email: elaine.mallows@ydhs.hume.org.au ZO141900

Good communication skills are essential as the successful applicant will need open communication with the Club’s Bowls committees and must be willing to work co-operatively with these Committees.

Closing date for applications is Friday 14th October 2011 All applications will be managed with the strictest of confidentiality. Successful Applicant will be required to undergo a Police Record Check & WWC Check prior to commencement.

Berrigan, NSW

To be successful in this role you require: • Excellent Customer Service skills • Computer literacy and proficient with emails • Organisational skills and the ability to prioritise workloads • A willingness to be mentored and work in a team environment is essential • Attention to detail and accuracy • Excellent hand writing skills • Excellent written and verbal communication skills • To be responsible and accountable to all stakeholders Position would suit person with previous sales/ spare parts experience however consideration will be given if the applicant is able to demonstrate aptitude to the industry. A Position Description is available on request. Closing date: October 10, 2011. To apply please forward your resume with cover letter to Kathryn Dalitz, Business Manager, Dawmac Industries, 14 Chanter St Berrigan 2712 Email: kathyd@dawmac.com.au PH (03) 5885 2382 or M 0427 842 798

• Want to run your own contract business • Want to get into the workforce • Want flexible hours • Have a car, telephone and suitable secure storage space, computer essential. We are looking for a well organised person to co-ordinate household distribution of catalogues in the Yarrawonga/Mulwala area. Call between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday for more information – Arthur – 0408 818 733 or Arthur. georgiadis@pmplimited.com.au

MoiraShire You can be part of the Moira team and develop your career with an innovative leader committed to delivering excellent services.

Development Compliance Officer

Job no: 313610 Salary: $63,678 p.a. (Band 6) + 9% super + vehicle Hours: Full time – 38 hours per week We are seeking an enthusiastic individual to join us in the Development Services Department. You will be part of a friendly, supportive team and will provide a range of compliance services to the Planning, Building and Local Laws Units. In this role, you will be responsible for monitoring compliance with the Moira Planning Scheme and permit conditions by investigating and resolving breaches in accordance with legislation. You will be involved in enforcement matters, including representing Council at Magistrates Court and VCAT. To be successful in this role you need to have a tertiary qualification in Town Planning or a related field and prior experience in a regulatory environment. Applications clearly stating the job number need to be received at the Municipal Service Centre in Cobram by 5pm Friday 7 October 2011 via post PO Box 578 Cobram VIC 3643, email employment@moira.vic.gov.au or by fax on (03) 5872 1567. Position descriptions are available at www.moira.vic.gov.au, and all enquiries should be directed to our Human Resource Department on (03) 5871 9222 or email employment@moira.vic.gov.au. Moira Shire Council is an Equal Opportunity Employer and offers flexible work arrangements in a family-friendly work place.

Gary Arnold Chief Executive Officer

Local Calls 1300 36 99 66 STD Calls (03) 5871 9222 Fax (03) 5872 1567 TTY (03) 5871 2262 Mail PO Box 578, Cobram 3643 Web www.moira.vic.gov.au Email webmaster@moira.vic.gov.au


3 bedroom home in Belmore St, Yarrawonga Walking distance to shops Open plan living with dishwasher, reverse cycle heating/ cooling Large backyard $285 per week Phone: 0418 588 744 TUNGAMAH, 2 bedroom house with sunroom, sheds, newly painted, $140 per week. References required. Phone: 0402 478 766. TWO bedroom unit, long term tenants required. Ideally suitable for a middle aged couple. $200 p/w. Phone (03) 5744 1555.

LOST & FOUND LOST. Prescription sunglasses on Saturday 24th September between Permewans and Steneker Crescent Yarrawonga. Reward offered. Phone (03) 5744 3255.

PETS & LIVESTOCK JACK Russell pups, $150 each. Ph: Bert 0409 752 681 MALTESE Cross Poodle, 14 weeks old, female, white, microchipped, vaccinated. $250. Phone Lynne 0402 848 919.


EVENING FOOD SERVICES ASSISTANT The successful applicant will be required to work the following roster in Karana Nursing Home Unit providing the evening meal delivery to residents: • 4.45pm to 7.15pm = 2.50 Hrs x 5 Days Fortnight Minimum • One week-end per fortnight • Successful applicant must be willing to undertake relevant internal and external catering and cleaning service training programs Salaries and conditions as per the Victorian Public Health sector – Health & Allied Services – Multiple Enterprise Agreement 2009-2011. Enquiries and written applications should be directed to: Mrs. Joyce TORPY Hotel Services Manager Yarrawonga District Health Service 33 Piper Street, YARRAWONGA VIC 3730 Telephone: 03 5748122 Closing Date for Applications is at 3.15pm on Tuesday 4th October, 2011. ZO141906


MAINTENANCE POSITION Your money - Your lifestyle - Your opportunity

4-9am Monday - Friday

25 Hours per week No experience required. Please apply in writing to: PO Box 962 Wangaratta Vic 3676 ©2011 McDonald’s. McDonald’s is an equal opportunity employer.

Make money from letterboxes We work with Australia’s biggest Letterbox delivery company and right now we need reliable people to deliver catalogues in Yarrawonga & Mulwala area. You’ll get out and about with flexible hours. You’ll get fit. And best of all, you’ll earn extra money and be paid regularly. No experience necessary. To find out more, please contact Peter on 5744 3680 www.bepaidtowalk.com.au FOR SALE

Mal’s Tacklebox MOVING SALE

20%off lures 25%off rods 20%off tackle boxes 10%off fishing line – braided & mono

Cnr Belmore St & MV Hwy Yarrawonga

5743 1711


Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 28th September, 2011 — 25

classies 03 5744 3731



GERDA’S Cheap Plant Sale


Also collectables including glassware, ornaments, books, clothing, jigsaws Friday 30th Sep & Saturday 1st Oct 8am start

35 South Rd Yarrawonga

ART Deco wardrobe with draws, blackwood. 1600 x 1250. $300. Phone (03) 5744 3768. CEILING Fans. 4 blade 120cm, remote control with light. Brand new in box. Arlec 2011 model. Colour white. 12 total. $80 each. Phone: (03) 5744 0335. 1930’s Oak wardrobe with double mirrored doors, $200. Early 1900’s kauri pine wash stand with marble top and tiled back, $500. Phone 0402 912 121.

Villa Tarni Water Front Resort

3 Bedroom Self Contained Luxury Apartment set in beautiful gardens and lawn setting with direct access to Lake Mulwala and use of foreshore, boat mooring and large swimming pool. Ideal for Golfing, fishing groups, school holidays, couples and will accommodate up to 8 people.


Farm machinery

CNR. Hume and Erne Streets, Mulwala. Saturday 1st October. 8am start. Furniture and other bargains.

JETSTREAM 2005 Explorer, 60ft boom spray, hydraulic lift and fold, 3,000 litre 3 section spray control, many extras, excellent condition, $22,000 inclusive. Mulwala area. Phone: (02) 6032 4191.

UNIT 3/31 Hume Street, Mulwala. Friday 30th September thru to Sunday 2nd October. 8am start each day. Moving sale. Car, tools, furniture, etc. UNIT 2/25 Murray Street Yarrawonga. Saturday 1st October. 8.30am start.

BED, QS, black steel frame with slat base. $70. Phone (03) 5744 2048. COLOUR TV and remote control, excellent condition, perfect with set top box. $40. Phone 0418 639 633.


Conditions apply

TIMBER bar stool, light oak colour with swivel high back, excellent condition, $60. Phone: (03) 5743 1692.

Phone 0416 073 101 all hours

Kaine’s Detailing & Auto Trim Selling your vehicle? First have it Fully detailed by the experts Shed 2 Lot 2 Acacia St Yarrawonga

0407 819 021


GAS camping stove, single burner, handy portable case plus four gas canisters, $40. Phone: (03) 5743 1692.

$160 per night* Special extended stay rates can be arranged.


MOTOR VEHICLES HOLDEN Astra CD 2005 hatchback, auto, white, 104,000kms, VGC, cruise control, CD player, cloth interior, reg 163RGB, $10,500 ono. Phone: 0459 222 148. 2001 Holden Statesman Caprice, V6, immaculate condition plus many extras, XVE738, $9,500. Phone 0419 572 818. HYUNDAI Excel Sprint 1997, 3 door hatchback, 5 spd manual, air con, CD player, new tyres, regularly serviced, good first car, XIM431, $2,200 ono. Phone 0418 511 866.

DEVELOPMENT CONSENTS Public notice is given pursuant to Section 101 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, that the Corowa Shire Council has granted development consent in respect of the following developments. The consents are available for public inspection, without charge, at the Council Chambers, Bow Street Corowa between the hours of 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday: DA NO. ADDRESS APPROVED WORK 2011/027 RMB 333 Riverina Hwy, Howlong Indoor Riding Arena 2011/149 25-27 McCarthy Street, Mulwala Offices 2011/181 Pasley Street, Bundalong Boat Ramp & Jetty 2011/185 50 McCarthy Street, Mulwala Industrial Workshop 2011/210 56 Hawkins Street, Howlong 2 Lot Strata Subdivision 2011/213 21 Walker Street, Corowa Carport/Garage 2011/217 37 Jude Street, Howlong 2 Lot Subdivision 2011/219 Hudsons Road, Corowa Shed 2011/221 7 Edward Street, Corowa Shed 2011/230 2237 Spring Drive, Mulwala Signage NOTICE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS In accordance with Council’s Public Notification Policy regarding Development Applications, the following are hereby listed for public comment. Plans relating to these proposals may be inspected in the Council’s Planning Department during normal working hours. DA NO. ADDRESS ZONING PROPOSED WORK 2011/241 Lots 1 & 2 Barnes Residential 2(b) 4 Lot Strata Street, Mulwala Subdivison 2011/244 Lot 1 Skehans Rural 1(a) Building Envelope Lane, Corowa Any person may make a submission on the proposal within a period of seven (7) days from the date of this notification. Persons making a submission are required to comply with Section 147(5) of the Environmental Planning Assessment Act (Political Donations & Gifts Disclosure Statement). Forms are available from Councils’ administration offices. NOTICE OF CONSULTATION WORKSHOP COROWA SALEYARDS Interested persons are invited to attend a Saleyards Redevelopment Consultation Workshop. When: Thursday, 13 October 2011 – 3pm to 5pm Where: Lone Pine Room, Corowa RSL Club Who: Anyone who uses or has an interest in the Corowa Saleyards. The workshop will help to ensure that all necessary information is considered in the development of plans for the redevelopment of the facility. RABBIT CONTROL Corowa Shire Council will be undertaking rabbit control works from Wednesday 28 September to Wednesday 12 October 2011. The control will be undertaken with Pindone 25 Rabbit Bait laid in the following area:- Mulwala Cemetery Warning signs will be placed advising of these works. Residents are requested to keep dogs muzzled or chained during the period of rabbit control works. For further information contact Noxious Weeds Inspector Pat Minogue on 0427 929597.

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WESTINGHOUSE 300lt fridge, only $50. Phone (03) 5744 3768.

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Positions Vacant...

TECHNICAL OFFICER SURVEY AND DESIGN Applications are invited from suitably qualified individuals for the permanent position of Technical Officer – Survey and Design, within Council’s Engineering Services Department. In this position, you will need to perform civil engineering investigation, survey, design and drafting to produce detailed design construction plans for Council’s Capital Works Program. Selection criteria for the position include an Associate Diploma in Civil Engineering (or AQF4 or similar) and/or extensive relevant design experience. You will also possess a thorough knowledge of engineering survey and design requirements relating to urban and rural road-works, stormwater drainage, water and sewer facilities and demonstrated skills in computer aided drafting (preferably AutoCAD). The position is based in Corowa, but travel will be required to all parts of the Shire for site inspections, surveys or other duties as necessary. Salary ranges between $60K - $66K per annum (negotiable) Plus 3.5% Civil Liability Allowance Plus 9% superannuation. Family friendly work environment, active social club. A 35 hour working week applies 1 roster day off per month The position incumbent will undergo a 3 month probationary period. To obtain an information package, visit Council’s website www.corowa.nsw.gov.au or contact Robyn in Human Resources on (02) 60338 903. Applications must be received by 12 noon on Tuesday 4th October 2011. Council conducts verification checks on qualifications advised by applicants. Corowa Shire Council supports Equal Employment Opportunity and has a smoke free workplace policy. OFFICE CLOSURE Council’s Office and Library will be closed on Monday, 3 October 2011 for the NSW Labour Day Public Holiday. Residents requiring assistance during this period should contact the following emergency number :- 1800 110 088 The RTA Agency will also be closed during this period. MULWALA CIVIC CENTRE/LIBRARY Our hall is a great place to hold your event, group or club meetings. Pop along to the library office to book a terrific venue. STORYTIME is a fun time for pre-schoolers to enjoy stories and short activities. It is held on the 1st Thursday of the month – 6th October, (during the school holidays) at 10.00 am. Everyone is WELCOME!! Make the most of your local library. If you would like to see more happening, come along to the library and share your ideas. COUNCIL CODES AND POLICIES Council has reviewed the following adopted Policies: • Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to the Mayor and Councillors Policy. • Internal Reporting Policy. These documents is on public exhibition for 28 days at Council’s Corowa office, Mulwala Civic Centre, Howlong Resource Centre and on Council’s website www.corowa.nsw.gov.au Council will receive written comments addressed to the General Manager in respect to the abovementioned Policy up until Monday 17 October 2011.

... Snippets Wednesday 28th September 2011 www.corowa.nsw.gov.au COROWA SHIRE 2022 AND BEYOND…IT’S YOUR CHOICE! At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 20th September, the Community Survey competition was drawn. Congratulations to Mr T Fitzgerald who is the winner of a $300 voucher at a local store. Council must now work with the community to prioritise what was identified in the survey and workshops. Community Action meetings will be held to develop strategies and implement things the community feels is most important. Supper will be provided and Council encourages everyone to come along. ODDFELLOWS HALL, COROWA Tuesday October 11th Community Action Meeting 7pm – 8.30pm Wednesday October 12th Business Workshop 7.30am - 9am

COMMUNITY HALL, HOWLONG Tuesday October 18th Community Action Meeting 7pm – 8.30pm CIVIC CENTRE, MULWALA Wednesday October 26th Community Action Meeting 7pm – 8.30pm

WATER RESTRICTIONS Council has resolved to remove water restrictions within the Shire. However, as water is a limited resource, residents are asked to be prudent in their use of water. Visit Council’s website for further information including water saving tips. Alternatively contact Council’s Corowa office on (02) 60 33 8999. Council Contacts: Web: www.corowa.nsw.gov.au Email: council@corowa.nsw.gov.au Corowa office: 02 6033 8999 233 Honour Avenue, Corowa 2646 Howlong office: 02 6026 5044 Mulwala office: 03 5744 3439 Emergency Number 1800 110088

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