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Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 11th May, 2011 — 19


This six page Education feature provides information for the community from local and regional schools showing what they have to offer and just some of their recent achievements.

Mulwala Pre School Community Managed, non-profit pre-school

Fully Qualified Staff - Centrepay and Direct Deposit available

2012 enrolments now being taken Incorporating the Early Years Learning Framework

* * * * * *

Painting * Pasting Puzzles * Creating Problem Solving Building Blocks Interactive Smartboard

and much more

the gift of being children’s identities, knowledge, understanding, Being Enjoying belonging Establishing becoming The a child and time for play relationships skills. Learning to participate in society


exploration & enjoyment

outdoor fun

Offering... • Full day educational programs for 3 year old & 4 year old groups • 4 year trained early childhood teacher • Fee relief

education & fun

For further details please contact the Preschool on 5744 1028

Email: office@mulwalapreschool.com.au

20 — Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 11th May, 2011



This six page Education feature provides information for the community from local and regional schools showing what they have to offer and just some of their recent achievements.

Experience the Scots difference for yourself The Scots School Albury is well placed to provide boarding students with a more attractive alternative to city schools, enjoying a country location, closer to home.

two boarding houses located on campus, boarders thrive on the access to facilities and programs on offer. From sport, drama and music to technology, equestrian and agriculMany of our students ture, boarders live the come from farming back- whole Scots experience grounds and with our whilst making the most

of our quality academic tutoring and prep program. Families are invited to experience the unique Scots culture at Open Day on Friday May 27 2011. Student-led school tours of the magnificent new Indoor Sport Centre

will be a feature of the day. Students are warmly welcomed into our classrooms through the popular ‘Student-for-a-Day’ programme offered from Years 1-10. Ask about our Term 3 Falls Creek Winter Campus, a popular ski and

Fun times at Buddies

school program on the mountain. There will be information available about our full range of Academic, Music and Boarding Scholarships for entry in Years 7, 9 and 11. Victoria Stanmore, a Year 12 Boarder from Narrandera, joined the Scots boarding community as the recipient of a Year 11 Music Scholarship. “Victoria has had many more opportunities well beyond what she could have experienced at home. The two hour trip from home to the school, which at first seemed so long, has now become a familiar journey,” said her parents, Tim and Melissa Stanmore. Principal of The Scots School Albury Heather Norton believes that boarding provides students with the opportunity to develop independence and a sense of self confidence in their own abilities. Victoria herself believes the inspiration

Find out more about our Equestrian Sports Program at The Scots School Albury. and commitment of the nity to invest in other’s staff and other students lives,” said Victoria. For an engaging firsthas lifted her to another level of learning and con- hand experience of our school, visit Scots Open fidence. “The opportunities Day. School and boardI have been privileged ing tours can also be arranged for any day and to be part of have been every classroom is an amazing. Being able to open classroom when discover talents I didn’t you visit our school. know I had. I am so For more information, thankful for the learning please visit our website, environment and encour- www.scotsalbury.nsw. agement as well as the edu.au, or phone: 02 6022 friendship and opportu- 0000.


The children in Country Buddies Pre-Kinder and Kindergarten rooms recently participated in a Sports Day to help raise money for the Kids Heart Foundation. The children were very excited to participate and enjoyed running races, sack races, egg and spoon races and bean bag throwing. They were cheered on by the younger children who attend the centre and they all received a gold medal at the end of the competition. During Education week we have planned an open morning for our families where family members will be able to participate in our program and also enjoy morning tea with their children. Followed by our annual Mothers Day concert. Country Buddies now provides both before and after school care for children up to 7 years of age. Contact Cathy on 5743 3505 for further information.

FRIDAY 27 MAY 2011 1.30pm-5.30pm





224 495

n Caring and Safe Community n Tutoring Program for Boarders

For more information contact EC5362

1-3 Zorro Drive Yarrawonga Ph: 1300

n Closer to Home n Located on Campus

info@countrybuddies.com.au - www.countrybuddies.com.au

THE SCOTS SCHOOL ALBURY P: 02 6022 0000 E: enrolments@scotsalbury.nsw.edu.au W: www.scotsalbury.nsw.edu.au

Sacred Heart College Your BEST Choice!

Building Educational Success Together

•Dynamic and engaging middle school programs; •One-to-one laptop program; •Unique Learning Advisor program; •Innovative Catholic Secondary Education Years 7-12;

Year 7 Open Day: Monday, 30 May 4-5:30pm and 7-8:30pm

Enrolments: Mr Tony Patton (Principal) Year 7 Information: Mrs Cyndi Gleeson (Yr 7 Leader) Phone: 03 5744 3258


Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 11th May, 2011 — 21


This six page Education feature provides information for the community from local and regional schools showing what they have to offer and just some of their recent achievements.


Dux Duo Score 99.8 VCE Results 2010 In 2010 four Goulburn Valley Grammar School students achieved Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) scores in excess of 99.

The 2010 Dux Award was shared by Lucy Goulopoulos and Geordie Hall who each achieved an ATAR score of 99.8. Lucy achieved a perfect score of 50 in Physics while Geordie achieved a perfect score in Information Technology: Ap-

plications. Caitlin Allnutt, who scored 50 for English, also achieved an outstanding result with an ATAR score of 99.3 as did Jessie Azzopardi with an ATAR score of 99.25. These students achieved results placing them in the top 1% of the state. At assembly on Friday February 18, an assembly dedicated to applauding academic excellence, the Dux of 2010 and students achieving a perfect score of 50 in a VCE study were recognised by the School. Their names will also be added to the Honour Board in Founders Hall. Mrs Anne McCamish presented the McCamish Family Prize to the recipients of the Dux Award, Lucy and Geordie, while Chair of the School Board Mrs Prue Dobson also made presentations to award recipients. More than half of the Class of 2010 (53%) achieved an ATAR score

Goulburn Valley Grammar School

of over 80, with 17% of students achieving a score of over 90 and 12% scoring over 95. Moreover, during Year 12, the Class of 2010 balanced their year of academic study with their commitment to co-curricular activities, leadership, service and commitments within their local communities. Their contribution to the life of GVGS was outstanding.

Goulburn Valley Grammar School is an independent co-educational school established over 29 years ago. The academic curriculum is a rigorous, broadly based curriculum designed to encourage the highest standards of achievement in all pursuits undertaken by students from Years 5 to 12. Goulburn Valley Grammar School is • A school with a strong academic tradition and a positive learning atmosphere • A co-educational school, reflecting the belief that girls and boys should have equal access to educational and social opportunities • A school where individual strengths are recognised and valued • A caring school with positive leadership based on mutual respect • A school with a highly qualified and committed staff

Our Learning Environment Students learn best in an environment that is supportive and encouraging. They will thrive when they are made welcome and can develop a sense of belonging to a small community in which they feel valued and respected. Our Values We believe that our school community should promote the values of care, tolerance, honesty, understanding, respect and grace and that in all our relationships within the school these values should be respected.

We encourage parents to consider early registration of potential students. Contact the Registrar, Mrs Pamela Wallace for enrolment information on 58218155. Web: www.gvgs.vic.edu.au

the skills, at developsand rewarding th l o o h c s ic e l is a dynam eed to lead productiv staff, all our blic Schoo n rt Mulwala Pu values that students teaching and suppo bject areas that and f su lified knowledge ffed by a highly qua ion in a wide range o er our students a ff o e W l. lives. Sta ive specialised tuit a ractive ti ing poten ce ring and att students re to reach their full learnrtunities in a safe, ca s, a computer lab enable all of educational oppo rds in all classroom g programs. Our a e in broad rang t. Interactive whitebour teaching and learn tive and research n a o e g m rt ti n s o e o p v ir p g in env g su in the onferencin n developin e students and video-crced library focuses o s are provided for th music, drama and well-resou ny extra opportunitie ty work, art lessons, friendly school skills. Ma , excursions, chari Our welcoming and between staff, ort w. ips areas of sp training to name a fe -operative relationsh leadership based on strong co and parents. in small is ed tutoring the largest s li students a u id community iv d f ffer in art o nough to o our school being a p ws world class l is small e Our schoo tudents benefit from hemisphere. This alloool environment ile s ern sch classes wh l system in the south to run within a small Public School. educationa d learning initiatives th worlds to Mulwala n o programs a ing the very best of b - bring

PA R T I C I PAT I O N • R E S P E C T • E X C E L L E N C E • R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y

22 — Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 11th May, 2011



Secondary Campus, Pinniger Street 3730 P: 03 5744 1751 e: yarrawonga.p12@edumail.vic.gov.au

www.yarrawonga.vic.edu.au • Strong focus on the inidividual student • Emphasis on each student as an individual • Modern ICT platform incl. extensive laptop program years 5 – 12 (inc. 1:1 laptop program Year 9, ipad pilot program in Year 7 • High level of community involvement - School council, parents’ club, parent helpers, camps and excursions • Outside school hours care/active after school program • Award winning student welfare and support program involving a range of activities and services to meet student needs • Strong literacy and numeracy program incl. an award winning early years program • Excellent transition programs - Kinder to Prep, Yr 6 to Yr 7

• Specialist teachers who support authentic learning • Extensive Leadership opportunities • Kokoda Trail Leadership Program • Comprehensive and highly regarded music programs • Debating and drama at all levels • Extensive sporting programs & opportunities • Professional support in literacy & numeracy • Work placement programs for Year 10, 11 and 12 • University enhancement studies for Year 12 • VCAL, VET programs in Music, Building & Construction, Engineering, Hospitality & Beauty & VCE for senior students • Accelerated learning opportunities • High level support for students with disabilities

Tungamah Primary School Tungamah Primary School 2225

EVERY WEEK IS EDUCATION WEEK AT TUNGAMAH PRIMARY Tower St, PO Box 35, Tungamah 3728 p: 03 5748 5627 Principal Cindy Latessa Experts in excellence

• Strong emphasis on Numeracy and Literacy • Small class sizes • Excellent community involvement • Excellent facilities including a new Multi-purpose Learning Centre • Emphasis on developing lifelong learners • Approachable caring staff

Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 11th May, 2011 — 23

24 — Yarrawonga Chronicle, Wed. 11th May, 2011


Christ the King Anglican College

An Anglican School

Christian values of integrity and compassion are at the core of the College’s day-to-day practice. Families of all faiths are welcomed and share in a Christian approach to education including Religious Education classes and a strong relationship with the Anglican Parish of Cobram.

Not too big … Not too small

The College combines every advantage of a small rural school with the expectations and academic outcomes of a much larger city school: Small class sizes Expert, experienced teachers Supportive student-focussed atmosphere Individualised student care Strong family involvement Every student feels significant. Every student receives individual attention.

Excellence in Teaching

Standardised testing and focussed tuition provide early identification of and effective support for students experiencing numerical difficulties.


A balanced, academically focussed programme for students in Prep to Year 12 emphasises: Fundamental literacy and numeracy Meaningful technology skills Science in Primary and Secondary Health and Sport for all primary and middle years students Extensive art opportunities — including painting, ceramics, digital photography, sculpture Wide variety of subject choices in the middle years — including Archaeology, Recreational Fitness, Environmental Cadets, Animation, Public Speaking, Film Making, Home Economics, etc. Fast track VCE studies for Year 10 students Extensive choice of VCE subjects, including the arts, the humanities, the sciences, Psychology, Food Technology, Business Studies, Media, Information Technology, Health & Human Development and more.

Dedicated, caring, professional teachers develop strong relationships with students, responding to their individual needs, instilling in them a love of learning and a clear sense of personal responsibility. Specialist educators proSpecialist Facilities vide expertise and tuition in a wide Primary and secondary computer laborange of subject areas at all year levels. ratories Science laboratory Literacy and Numeracy Students in the primary and middle Food Technology room years who need additional help in de- Adventure playground veloping their reading and writing skills Basketball and tennis court receive expert tuition through the Read- New sports ground and access to the ing Recovery, Fast Forward and Bridges Apex Reserve sports grounds and gym programmes. Newly opened Art Wing and Library

Extracurricular Programme

Students have many opportunities to be involved in an extensive extracurricular programme:

Integrity, Endeavour, Community Homework Club Camps and excursions for all year levels Exciting outdoor education programme Debating and public speaking competitions Interschool sporting competitions

which covers everything except uniform, textbooks and stationery. Camps, transport and excursions are included. Fees for siblings in secondary are discounted.

Scholarships & Bursaries

The College offers generous scholarships and bursaries. Families who cannot Primary afford the College fees are encouraged Families pay a yearly fee per family to discuss this with the Principal. Finanwhich covers everything except uniform. cial assistance is provided to families in Camps, excursions, stationery, transport, need. text-books are included. Come and Visit Secondary Families pay a yearly fee per student Prospective families are warmly invited

Affordable Fees

to visit the College. Please make an appointment for a personal tour and interview with the Principal. Enrolment places for 2012 and 2013 at all year levels are filling quickly.

Christ the King Anglican College PO Box 607 40-48 Campbell Road Cobram Victoria 3644 www.ckc.vic.edu.au admin@ckc.vic.edu.au (03) 5871 1816

Christ the King Anglican College — www.ckc.vic.edu.au — (03) 5871 1816

Quality Education for students with special needs. Special Features: • Enrolment Prep to Year 12 • Full time or dual enrolment options • Individual programs with empahsis on practical literacy and numeracy • Specialist programs - physio, speech and occupational therapy, music, swimming program, bike riding, camps and excursions.

Cobram Special School caters for students aged 5 to 18 with a range of disabilities. The school offers a unique service to students from Cobram, Barooga, Yarrawonga, Strathmerton, Tungamah, Katamatite and surrounding areas. The school has 24 students who attend on a full-time or part-time basis and a professional staff of 14, plus sessional, occupational, speech and physiotherapy services and individualised programs. Special features of the school include: • Hume Region Special Schools’ Curriculum;

• Duke of Edinburgh Award • Physio, occupational and speech therapy; • School-owned van for community access; • Dual enrolment; • Swimming sessions; • Riding for the Disabled; • Music; • Gym programs; • Inter-school sports; and • Vocational studies. The school has an extended play area with a basketball court, sensory garden and new multipurpose room. Cobram Special School is proud to offer a range

of community-based excursions and learning experiences to its students, including various trips in Victoria and interstate. The school runs camps during the year and day excursions incorporating themes. Our Bike Ed program is enjoyed by our students. As part of our vocational program, senior students take part in work experience in the local community. Our school is part of the Cobram Cluster of schools with whom we share resources.

Cobram Special School Phone: 03 5872 1643

Contact: Principal Leah Willis

Email: cobram.sds@edumail.vic.gov.au

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