6 minute read
AquaBio Environmental Technologies
902.955.0708 aqualockout.com
BlueGreen Water Technologies
Why is everyone trying to get rid of carbon dioxide? Simply put, excess carbon dioxide (CO2) in the world’s atmosphere is an environmental disaster and a major driver of climate change. BlueGreen offers a solution for the simple and scalable removal of gigatonnes of carbon from the atmosphere.
786-475-4052 www.bluegreenwatertech.com marketing@bluegreenwatertech.com
Chemsearch FE
Facility Resource Management: We work in partnership with our customers in education, property management, healthcare and hospitality save water, energy and reduce operating expenses.
800-462-4669 www.chemsearchfe.com
Clean Earth Rovers
Clean Earth Rovers automates coastal water management for municipalities and their contractors by deploying low-cost, low-voltage, buoys, and autonomous pollution response vessels for oil spills, debris management, fish kills, remote site inspections, and algae response.
636-489-8667 www.cleanearthrovers.com
Copper Labs
Copper Labs’ patented technology remotely collects near-real-time data from existing meters. With high-resolution data, timely insights, and powerful software platforms, we help water utilities meet their conservation, climate adaptation, system operations, and customer experience goals. copperlabs.com sales@copperlabs.com
Covenant Security Solutions In
Covenant Security Solutions International, Inc. (Covenant) is an award-winning Cybersecurity Company focused on helping your organization develop the people, process and technology solutions to cover your cyber security needs. Our mission is to support you to be proactive against cyber threats e.g. hackers, ransomware or phishing attacks.
1-866-824-8022 www.covenantsec.com
EBS ink-Jet Systems USA, Inc
EBS Ink-Jet Systems USA, Inc. develops, manufactures, and supplies a broad range of high-performance industrial ink-jet printers and consumables. Products include new generation small-character continuous ink-jet, and large character systems for the production line.
847-996-0739 www.ebs-inkjet-usa.com
Ecovie Water Management
On-site commercial and residential greywater recycling and rainwater treatment for potable and non-potable applications. AQUALOOP is the only NSF 350C system certified by NSF International.
13059286343 www.ecoviewater.com
Flow Alkaline Spring Water
Flow is 100% naturally alkaline water (pH ±8.1) sourced from our artesian springs, and rich in electrolytes and minerals. It has a smooth, clean taste and comes in ecofriendly packaging. Because the water you drink matters.
416.844.3746 flowhydration.com
Discover the synergy of innovation & sustainability with Fluirco. Our technology solutions can revolutionize water & fuel systems. From optimizing water quality to enhancing fuel efficiency, Fluirco guarantees cost-savings & a greener footprint. Join us at the conference to witness the future of integrated technology for a brighter, cleaner world.
(619)708-4808 fluirco.com
Gate 5
Gate 5 transforms material thought of as “waste” into safe and usable products, and drives positive public health, environmental, and climate impacts. Gate 5’s widely scalable process eliminates many of the challenges and expenses of current sewage processes, while transforming sewage into safe and valuable products.
949.831.1312 gate-5.com
Gemini Sea Water Systems
Helios Environmental Advanced Tech
H.E.A.T is the leading innovator of patented groundbreaking technologies for remediating contaminated water and solid waste material. Our cutting-edge processes harness ultrahigh temperatures, ensuring thorough recovery of essential resources while redefining the regeneration of valuable byproducts.
9545935225 www.HEATenvironmental.com priscilla.boehme@HEATenv.com
Informed Theory
Innovative Water Technologies, Inc.
Innovative Water Technologies Inc. is a manufacturer of drinking water systems for worldwide distribution. We specialize in providing safe drinking water to the people around the world that need it the most including hospitals, orphanages, schools, complete villages, NGO’s, Government, all designed to meet & exceed USEPA standards.
719-254-4426 www.innovativeh2o.com
Kara Water
KemKey™ Safety Couplings were developed in response to chemical transfer accidents plaguing the chemical industry. KemKey’s™ founder is part of the chemical industry for over 30 years and saw the chemical transfer problems. Fittings of different colors and shapes were designed to fix the problem.
505-366-1680 www.kemkey.com randy@kemkey.com
Laguna Innovation
Laguna Innovation is a plug-and-play off-grid wastewater treatment system that recovers high quality water for reuse in irrigation and for other non-consumptive uses. Our technology is virtually sludge-free, energyautonomous, and remote monitored to offer adequate wastewater treatment where centralized systems are infeasible or failing. 972528964992 www.lagunainnovation.com
Level 6 Cybersecurity
Level 6, a revolutionary cybersecurity data analytics company, is home of the Level 6 Infosec Strategy Network (LISN). LISN is an AI-powered cyber strategy analytics platform that uses global data to calculate optimal cybersecurity strategies automatically customized to your specific organization. 513-270-0150 www.level6cyber/
NeoTech Aqua Solutions
The manufacturer of ReFlex UV systems is a new different kind of UV that is 1/3 the size, uses 75% fewer bulbs, and 80% less energy than conventional UV systems. This patented design leads to additional advantages and benefits include; a true dose can be displayed without external UVT monitors, the unit can operate without flow for up to an hour, shorter units result in smaller skids and simplified lamp and sleeve maintenance.
619 884 7327 www.reflex-uv.com georged@neotechaqua.com
OptiRTC, Inc
Opti is the creator and leading provider of CMAC - Continuous Monitoring and Adaptive Control. Optis stormwater management software platform provides solutions to multiple stormwater challenges, providing customers with economic savings, resiliency and peace of mind since 2007. (844) 678-4782 www.optirtc.com sales@optirtc.com
Pure Blue Tech Inc.
Pure Blue Tech offers high-efficiency membrane modules that cut costs, fouling, and scaling. Our innovative solutions include ultrasonic CIP and nano-patterned membranes. By reducing pretreatment expenses, our RO membranes significantly decrease wastewater facility CAPEX by 50%.
206-280-2711 www.purebluetech.com admin@purebluetech.com
Pure Water Northwest / Poseidon
Red Tiger Security, LLC
Rema Tip Top Ag
REMA TIP TOP is a globally operating system provider of services and products in the field of conveying and processing technology as well as tire repair. The company has a global service network and offers a wide range of rubber products, linings and coatings for the industrial & automotive sector.
498121707100 www.rematiptop.com info@tiptop.de
Renovo Resources LLC
Renovo Resources is an asset development company that provides turnkey treatment solutions for the beneficial reuse of produced water. Our environmentally sustainable solution generates a new source of fresh water for industries, and farming communities thereby protecting precious water resources.
949-539-8030 www.renovoresources.com info@renovoresources.com
ScaleBuster is the original electrostatic water conditioning technology with over 300,000 conditioners sold since 1990 in municipal, commercial, industrial and domestic applications.
1-905-320-0540 scalebuster.com
Saya Life
IFTTT Integration. 3rd Party sensor Integration using Cloud API. Alexa Integration. Integration with Air Quality, Water Quality and Energy sensors for Green Building/ Green Home applications. saya.life
Sensor Industries
SI is committed to becoming the product leader for commercial iOT water leak prevention and water damage prevention. Their flagship solution is a toilet malfunction detection and leak detection system. This system routinely delivers 15% reductions in total property water consumption while eradicating the incidence of costly water damage events.
8053123065 www.sensorindustries.com
Sewllke Book
Sewllkwe Book is about creating solutions for your most precious water and wastewater resources using innovative technology and out-of-the-box thinking to evolve your natural resources. We believe that water is not just a business but a way of life.
1-250-572-0223 www.sewllkwebook.com
SGB Water Engineering
Smart Valve
“SMART VALVE by Flow Dynamics reduce your water and sewer cost, consumption in some cases, and carbon footprint. Protect your system from pressure surges and spikes. Alleviate problems due to excessive water pressure. Act as a secondary backflow preventer.”
1-877-843-8555 www.thesmartvalve.com
Tailwater Systems
The mission of Tailwater Systems is to develop solutions that enable agriculture to shift to a more environmentally sustainable practice by recycling and reusing nutrients, while also enabling water reuse.
831-296-0535 tailwatersystems.com
Toray Membrane USA, Inc.
Toray Membrane USA, Inc. manufactures membrane elements for various membrane technologies (RO, NF, UF, MF, MBR). Toray offers membrane configurations in spiralwound, hollow-fiber, and flat sheet or plate and frame membrane bioreactor units used in many industries.
858-218-2360 www.water.toray innovation@toraymem.com
Triad Cyber Solutions
Undesert is a Delaware C corporation in good standing based in Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA. Undesert’s SWAP technology turns underground/ocean salty water into deionized water, and dry salt with no liquid waste - Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD).
310-770-6450 www.undesert.com
US Nuclear Corp
US Nuclear Corp is a publicly traded holding company, Ticker UCLE, with four subsidiaries specializing in the design and manufacture of radiation, chemical, and biological instrumentation and systems for Nuclear Power and nuclear medicine safety, and air and water quality.
818-883-7043 usnuclearcorp.com
Vertrax FW312
WorldWide Clean Water
A leading environmental solutions company dedicated to addressing one of the most pressing challenges of our timePerfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAs). We specialize in developing advanced, mobile, containerized water treatment systems that are designed to remove PFA’s from compromised water sources, ensuring that our clients have immediate access to safe and sustainable water supplies. www.wwcleanwater.com
Join our talk on effective water communication, discussing current water situations and cost-saving solutions for water treatment. Learn how to conserve and maximize this vital resource in any sector. 52 1 81 1244 2325 zeomediafilter.com/en mercadotecnia@zeomex.com.mx