1909 - The Peruvian

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PE IW . NEB RASK A ] !10 ! 1

H O:\'. j. :'IL :l!t:KENlfE, Ph . D.

The L'la:>:-: 1>i :\inL·li:L' ll llu11drL·d :\inc rcspL'ctiully dcdicatL'S tl!i:o

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PROFESSOR ]. M. McKENZIE, f"nu n de r and First l'rincipal oi the :\ehraska State :\ o rmal at !'cru. a n d tirq c;tate ~upcrintendcnt of l) uhlic 1n ~truct i o n in :\ehra ~ka . ( >ur stat e comm o n sch o o l ,;:>stem and o ur prnfcssi onal training· sclHlUls fo r t1..'acho..:rs a r l' \\" Or th\· lllOIHinwnts tn hi s L''trnl'Sl aJI .I

m o dest life . l11 so do ing. \\T dedic a te ks:> th e b oCJk. \\·h o se val u e at b es t is hu t tran~ito ry. than o ur r espect and app r eci :ttinn. ,,·hi ch are lasti ng.



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BOARD OF EDUCATION l lo:-;. L l ·. 1\t:'IIui' . .... ....... Supcritito..:n dl' n t o i l ' ttb lic l n :-;truct iu n. LinC\lln I I ll:-;. L . 1;. 1\ t~ I.\:-; ........ . .. ...... .. ... ..... . .... S tat e T rca:-;un.· r. Linn1l11 l lo:-; . 1 XTIII·:I~ I'. L L'I ll ll·::-; .... .. ......... . ...... Tl· rt n ex p irl':' Il) I I. l .i ncol n ll o:-;. 1 1. \ 1. l'll li .Il:'. l 're:-;ident. ................... Tnm l'xpirc,; HJI O. York 1\u:-; . D . \\·. 11.\YI·> ..... . .. . .. . ............... Term l'Xptre:-; tl)Ol) . . \!Iiane..: I to:-;.:\ . 1'. \ lc Do:-; .\ l.IJ ... . .................... T nm l'Xpin·,; 19 13. ](carn ey l in :-;. 1:. L. ~llt-:I . I.lltli~:-; ........ . .......... ... .... ... T l' rtllcxpire~ 19 12. Pen.

COMMITT EES A u dit ing . . ... . . . .............. .. . ·········· · · . 1\ria n . \ l cDon a ld . S h e ll ho rn E x cc ut in~ .. .. .. . . . . ......... . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·~ h ell ho rn . Ludd e n. \ k Donald Printing .. . ..... . ... . . . . ...... . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ... C hi ld ~ . Brian . Shdlhnrn Tcar h n :-; and l·:n tployl'e:' ... . . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · l ~ i sh op . Hayes . \I cDll llald T ex t. l .ihran· nnok~. Cour:-;c nf ~tud~· and Ru!C' :-; .... . . . T-:Taye~. Ludde n. Hi~ h np

CALENDAR, 1909- 19 10 Ca ntata ( C h u rtt :') . .. . . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .... \ I a,. 21 Eve re tt O pen ~c:-;:-;i\ Jn . . . ... · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . ...... \ la.y 2~ P h ilo <)pl' n ~c:-; si ntt a n d F idd Day · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ........... \fay 20 Baccala u reate ~crmnn .... . .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ··· . . .. \ lay 30 C l as~ Pia~· . . \ltmtni .\ :-;:-;ociatinn . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ..... . .... \ l ay 11

Co111IlH.'Ill'l' tllcnt

.... ........... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ........ June

~umme r :-;dwol o pl'n :' ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . JU11<' Co nti nue~

e ight ,,·ecks.

l ~all te r m. li)Oq- I o . llJll' 11 :' ~c ptl'tnhl·r 20.


NORMAL HISTORY T he reru State :\o nnal Sdiool · ~ a ~ ,,Jd a ~ t hl· ~ tat t· .. .. :\~,.·J, ra ~k:t . ll:t,·in.:..: been established by t he first state legi slat ure. Ud<~rt: th e tt lec tin g ,. j till· k~i ~­ lature in 1867 the instit utio n \\'as kno\\' 11 a s t h e \ l ct h odi ~t ~c mitt:tr.' at l'vru. This seminary was first locat<:d a t l'a\\' n<:c C it y a nd ca lkcl t he :\t.·J n ;tl t:t \ ':tiJv,· Seminary, orga nized in 1863. l t \\'a s mon:d t() l 'ent in t he \\' illtl'r ,,1 1:-:l•f•. The first principal was J. \ 1. '\ lcKcnzie . Doctor J. F. ~cal , \Jaj o r \\' illiam l>aih- and 1-! t: , .. l lirat n th e hono r of locatin g th e \ l cth odist Seminary a t l'c ru. T lw

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was donated to the sc hool by Dr. :\cal, l{cv. B urch , a nd .\ Irs. .\ l c en z it·. Tlw first te rm o f the seminary w as taught in a building io rmcrly u sed a~ a ~a]," ••• '>It \Jain street. It was an instance where the sa loon gan: w ay to ed uca ti o n. I 't·n• has never since that time had a saloon. T he nc \\· bu il din g o n t h e h il l "·a~ 111 process o f const ru ctio n. t he people o f th e commtmit :· d o n at ing cntt n n\\·ncH l lumlH·r . stone and labo r. T here was g reat need o f a hell , a s m a ny of th e s t u d e nts bo ard e d a t farm houses a mile o r more from t he bu ild ing. The g i rls o f th e sch ool. eq u al to any emergency, a rranged a chicken suppe r fro m w hi c h e no ug h mon e : · wa s raised for purchasing the bell , which is sti ll in possess in n () i t h <.: sc hool. I t ha~ from that date in 1866 continued to g ive \\·arning t" l'l'tin· a t 'J: 30 o 11 ev<.:ry school day. The Methodi st conference. meeting about thi s ti111c. rdus<.: d to ta ke any financial responsibility fo r the new semi na r y, so it \\'as dcci d<.:d to offer t h e institution to th e state for a university o r state no rma l school. T h <.: pt·incipal and :.VIajor D a ily wanted it to be used as a state n o rm a l sch ool. \\' h ill' (. 'ol n n cl ..\1ajors p referred to use it as a state uni ve rs ity . \ lajor Dail:· a nd ( 'o lo ncl \lajor:-; were elected to the legislatu re. I t looked for a while as if the uni ve rs ity mi g h t he located at I'L' rll. hut there were those who preferred Lincoln as t he p roper locatio n . l lo 11. . \ . 1:. Fuller was r esponsible for t he compro mise a rra ngeme nt wit h Colo nel .\I aj n r~ by \\'hich th e uni versity was located at Lincoln and t h e State \In n nal a t l 'cn1. T he fi rst term bega n wi th a n enrollme n t o f (15 a nd \J r . J. \ '1. \kt'cnzie as pri ncipal. \l'ho not ()n ]y cut the most o f the \\·ond used for iue l hu t \\·a s h i~ n \\· n janito r. The first g raduating class. that of 1870, was composed o f Prof. C cu rg-c E . H o\\'ard. no \\· at the S tate l:.· nivcrsity. and \rrs. A nna ..\1fore h ead Jo,·. w h o l i ves in Pen1. These t\\·o graduates ha\'(' cert a inl y honored th e ir A lma \Tat er. Dr. f;•IJ

J lt)\\·ard i,; tilt~· t~i thL· tl\ll:'l ~·tntnL'tll ~·ducat urs in the ,,.,H·ld. ha,·ing· \\TlllL'n ht><)k ~ :tnd article:-: ,,·hich ha\·l' heen pritllL'd in man:· languagL':'. \ \ iss \l L)rL·head. nO\\. .\lr,;. lny. ,,·a:-: a n·n :-:uccc:-::-: i ul teacher inr ,;eyeral ,·L·ar,; . . \it~·r marriage he r time and attentio n \\'ere g t\' l'l1 to the home. \\'hat could hl' m o re to an,· 11ne's nL·dit than t<> ,;ay ,,·hat ha:-: hccn said about \lr:> . J oy ... She has g·iyen ttl tln· :-:tale sPns attd daug·htcrs of the highest typ-.· oi .-\mcrican citiZL'nship'' ~ In t~(>\) thL· kgi slatur~· made an appropriatio n of Sto.ooo. The :;cct~nd approp riatio n \\·as to the amount ni SJo.ooo. \\·hich \\·a,; o ne-fo urth mill nn all ta-..:ahk property ni th l' stat e. l'rincipal \ki-.:L·nzic haYing hcL'n l'lL'L·ted as tlw tirst stal L' superimendcn t •t f public instructio n. it ,,·a,; necessary tu dcct a nL'\\' principal. It \\'as nnt ,;tHprising· that the huard \\'Ottld haYe serious difficulty in filling thL· place. Dr . . \. D. \\'illiams. the firq nne cho~en. though endo rsed In· the q>ung· and t'tninent edu cator. Dr. l larris . \\·a~ not equal to the emergency :tnd ( ;~·tH' ral .\ l twg·an \\·as called. ( ;cncral \lurgan \\·as a scholar and a gcmle1nan. The schul)] pn1spcrcd under hi ~ administration. gaining both tn prestige and atten dance. (-;.eneral \!organ lll'came reCOf~;nized during his fe\\' years at l'eru . hut ha:; smce 111 ,·arious capacities. cspecia ll:· in the lndian sen·ice. gained e\'L'n m o re than national di,;tinctio n . . \ftcr (;eneral \\organ came Principal Freeman. \\'ho soon found it necessa ry to rc~ign. One of the members of the fac ul ty. Prof . \\'. E . \Vilson. no\\· president of a \\.ashington state .norm al. \\'as made acti ng: p ri ncipal. TIe. \Yit h the acti,·e cooperation of Colonel '\ lajors . in 1R7-+ secured the passagc ui a Ia"· in the kg-i~lature requiring each ~tudent to pay a matriculation fee o f ti\T do ll ars. the same to be u sed for building a library. That accoun ts for r'eru's haYin g: o ne of the b est libraries o f am· ~tate normal in the 1. "n it•' c\ S tates. The board ne:-; t elected l'rokssor :\ ichols a~ prin cipal. \\·ho r emained on h· a short time. the school not being; so successful under his sttperYision. The 11<.: -..:t selection \\·a!' that of Prof. R. ~. Thompso n of the _·'\g ricul t ural College at Lincoln. He \\·as elected on the recommendat ion of the state su p erintendent . Tn many re ~pec ts he \\'as as efficient as ( ;eneral \I organ: at any rate. the school had a fe\\' years of remarkable prosperity under his \\·ise guidance. He \\·as 110 "· nfil'n·d a \\·ider fie ld nf usefulness. being elected state superintendent of public instruction. and resigned his pn~ itinn in the schoo l. Dmin~· hi s incumhcnc\· in the tJffice ni state superintendent he u sed eyery leg itimate means to build up the :\ormal ~chon!. .\ t the close o f his office he \\·a s elected to ;1 pn~ititm in \\.est \ li sister Cullcgc. l'cnnsy h·ania. l'pon the resi g nation. the hoard of education. relying upon his rt•t·nmmetHia t ion and judgment. elected Dr. ]~ohert Cmry principal. and \I r:' . J et tnic r:. C urry teac her oi language and m eth ods. Dr. Curn· found the school \Yell cla ~!' ified. nrc\cr ly and ready iur business. \ lis method s \\·ere so like his predecessor's that the schPnl run tin ut·d " ·ith n nt a Jar.

His work was intensely met hodical and hi :-; lang-na g"t· l"IIIT~·t· t :111d -.ta t vi .'. l1 1 his mental philosophy he kept l>dorc h is c la ss a ;..:·cnt·r:dizt·rl 111an. t:t k illJ..: :1 ,,·vl 1 known citizen of the town . a g-oocl-n atun:d man (JI all ,,·,.rk. anrl t·J.,t ll in ;..: hi111 with all the emotions an d passions incide nt to th e race and i llla~ini11 .:..: h1 1,,. l1v \rould act under the various circumsta nces. I I is llld h od:- 1,j rli~cipli1w Wt·rt· qlli t·l and effectual. Even th ough his wo rk h ad bcL'II ~ u cce~~ ful i11 n·n.' wa.' . hi-. resig nation came all a t once as a great surpri se 111 hi ~ iri c n1b. The next man to be g i,·cn the rcspon sbility !Jf g"n\-erning a n. ! ~llt' Ct·-.:- ildh promoting th e wel fare o f t he :\ormal was I 1r in cipal ( ~eoq..:·L· 1.. F :trnh:un . ,,.111 • was elected and commenced work in the fall term of rXXJ. l'n•ft.:--.111· l::trtlh:1111 soon convinced the faculty and stud en ts th a t lw k new ~~•lllvtl l in~ aiHn tl -.c h 1",J work; a nd made himself r e ry much at hom e in all n·S JH.:Ch. I It- ,,·a:- :1 111:t11 o f advanced thought and one o f t he m ost prCJg"r vssin· cdt tcat1 or:-; 1, j t 11:11 da .' During his term he worked up a sentime nt for a n c,,· c hape l huildin~. a:-; an add ition to th e mai n bu ild ing . The a pprop riat i11n ca 111 c a n cl it ,,·a s C~>l l lplct<.:<l in 1885. During th is period new de pa r tm ents we re constant ly l1ci n g· :1ddv d a11d vn·n· line o f eq uipmen t which was soon to make the :\onnal o n e oi tilL· 11111:-;t vtlicient schools. Prof. A. \\·. :Norton, of Os,,·eg o . \:ew Yor k, is t h e nn;t tiJ cotliL' llJIIlll t h e scene as a promote r o f th e \: o nna l to wa rd all t h at is good a n d g reat. T he fact that P rofessor :.Jorton was. know n a s one of t h e a b lest educat o r:-; of th e state of \: ew York, on e whose o rig inal and a d va nced ideas of e du ca tion mar k him as a pioneer o f a ne w era. is su fficie nt to say t h a t t h e :\nr111al w a :-; c:x tremely opposite from retrog ression du r ing hi s m a nagem e n t. ).Ir. \:orton proved equal to his o ppo rtun ity ;,nd til(· :\ormal ,,·as 111 c••ll'-'t a nt progress during his supervision. Dr. Beattie, th e next president. was a man wh ose pkasillg' pnsonalit;· and kind heart yielded a n in Auc nce amon g th e st ude nt s wit h ,,.]HJm h e c;u n<: in contact that will ever play a n important part in th e form i n ~..:· a nd r etai nin g- o f a hig h standa rd of character among th e students ,,·h o a tte n ded the :\nrmal durin g his admin istration. He " ·as always sm il in g a n d p leasant and a lwn:· c: looking- to,,·ard those things which \\'0\l lcl h e o f b e ne fit tn the sl w k nt c: and school in general. It was during hi s adm inistration that o ur mo d e rn \ I ou1ll \ · •.•n1o n H a II came into existence, a nd the sch ool n ot o nl y r ecein:d ma n y imp nn-em c n ts lH tt the enroll ment al so increased constanth·. Dr. Beattie now is at Cotne r Un iver sity. ,,·here h e is p erfo rn1ing· d u: ics ,,·hich a rc onl y extensio ns of the pr inciples fo r which he stood \\'hilc at l'cru. The l\ormal between the yea rs of T<)OO a nd I <)O...j. witn esses anot h er y cry progressive period under the direction of D r . \\· ..·\. C lark. \\'hn b e in g a nat in· of Ohio and having- sec u red the deg-rees A. n. a n d l 'h . D. in the \:ational :\ormal Cniversity. the deg-rees .\ . \f. at Har va rd a nd the I 'h. D. a t C hi cag-n . was kn0\\'11 as qnc of th e prom in ent eastern cc\ucatnrs a nd one wl1< • ,,·as t• •




and did hl·~lllllt: onl· ui the Jlllll'llt l·ducatinn al factor~ iu tlw ~tate \l i \"dlra~ka. \" ot nnly ,,-a~ he nHlnl'Cted with t h e educational wnrk of o ur ~tall'

h~.- being prl'~ ilknt lli our \"nrma l. hut he ~l·n·l'd three years prl'Yiou~ tn hi~

l·kction a~ l' ruic~~t'r n f :\lathl' lllatics a n d l's_H·holog-~- at f'eru. and has si nce lll'l'll calkd tn the pnsiti,,n ni l'rok,:sur ,,j l',:ydmlog-~- and l'edagpg-~- in the 1-.:carlll'~- ~ t a l l' \"nnnal. at thl· ,:anll' tillll' hnlding- mall\' po~lllOtls ni 11<1n or in state and natio nal educatit)nal a,:s,K iatio n,:. During hi s time a,: prl·sitknt l)i th e :.;,lrmal till' gTl'cnhn u,: c and athletic til'ld ,,-,•rc ;ultkd to nu r cquipml'lll. in bo th o i w hid1 l'ntcrprise:- facu lty and :-tudeut ,: ),.ore a generous part. The ci,·il sen·ice ,:y,:tent al,:n. 111 n•gard to p ns itint!S and salaries o t' the iaculty. wa,: ad opted . In Jt)O.) the appropriation io r a nHKh-ncedcd chapel buildit1g·. which had h,·l·n ,·et• ll'tl in H)OI hy the go\·l•rnnr. was secured an d rccciYl'<i the goYernnr',: ,:1gnaturc.

It ,,·as thl' g-ranting oi this b uilding that St'ttkd the qu es ti on 0 i tlw

p,·nuam·tKy ni the :.:nnnal ~rhonl at T'ent. The iall ni llJO~ witnes~es the h eg·i nning oi the ~cw girth t)i the .'\ormal Hkr the ,,-i,:t' and cfticit.•nt s tqwn·isi nn of J. \\' . Crabtree . :.:l'\·cr had the 111 \" 11 nnal been so hksscd ,,·ith nne ni nature',: g-randest of blessings a,: ,,·a,: its pri,·ikgt' ,,·hen l)ll r O\\·n !'resident C rabtree entered upon his dut il·,:. Trtll' . rhis far \\'t' han~ noticed l':-;rc,·dingly rapid growth since the fnun latil' n nf tht• school !J y Pr,,fl',:,:or :\Irl-.:enzit.' . hut lll' \Tl' h a,: it,: prng-re,:s been "'' 1ltlticc:1hk as du rin g· the present administratin n. The grnwth of the ,:chnnl may he Sl'en hy comparing· till' gradu:tting classes as: l'lass t~;o . 2: clas,: t 8~o. ; : da~,: l ~lJO. til: cla~s tl)OO. 2t): cia,:~ tl)O _'i. ~~: ..:Ia,:,: I<JOri. ~~: clas~ tt)O/. q(): cia,:,: tl)O~. q2: cia,:,: t909. 172. and the prese nt junior~. ,,·h n arl' tu lw the cia~~ ni tl)tO. haH· reached the maximum thus far o f 203 members. It ,,·ill he nlltict.'d that during the fin• years n i l'resident Crahtrl'l'\ administ ration the c ia :-:,: ha:-: gmwn inHn ;;; tn ij2. ,,·hich ~ur~·h· ,:ig:nilie,: ,,·hat an im·n·a:-:l' in attcnda•K~· ;t~ul tini:-:hcd pn>cl11ct,: ha,: <'' istcd during· thi:-: time. Till' g- raduate 11 i k:-:s than a dl'C<tdt· ag'l' <Ill returning· nn\\. ;:,·,·:-: in plat.'t' 11 i the n ld !f-+.OOO heating· plant a tim·. Ill'\\" . S.2;;.n:1n phnt. litted ,,·ith up-tn-r!a l<' ll ca ti 1tg· ial·ilitics. llc ;tl:-:ll t·ind:-: cll;qwl hdd. 1Hl\ <t,: a ie,,. y,·a r :-: agt> in a rtHlnl in the main building. hu t in a linl'. Ill'\\' chapel building·. a l:-:tl ]ll'll\'iding· l'!llll\1 r.,r a tincly-equipped g~·m na siu tn . I k Sl'l':' the t\\'ll ~ciencc lkpartml·tlt:-: tTmt>\·e cl irlltll rtH>nl:-: (\ 1 a nd 1 ~3 in th,· mai11 building· tll ~cience llall. \Yith 11\l>rl' than d11uhil.' tht.• ,:pact.' prL'\'illu,:ly lll'et tpi l·d hy st·iencc. I k ,:ce,: the lihran IH>1l'l'd i:1 a C011llllndious n C\\. building instead oi th e nld iranw building·. \\'ht.•r,· •lnl\ l\\·c 11 t,· -lin~ or thirt,· ,:t udl·nt ,: could ,,-o,·k to a<h·a nt agl' at a tillll' li e :'l.'l'~ t h e 11 ~\\' sl'l f-h nardi.ng ,:chl'tlll' n ri g inatl·d h~- !'resid ent Crahin·t.· and the ne\1· domestic science departtlll'lll. the Ill'\\. (kpartment oi agrindture. thl' nHJr 1• hea u liiul campus. am( a hundred fine IH'\\' dwelling,: in ('nu. \\' ith a S.~O.OOO adtnin istrati\'l' buildin g in sight. I k :'l'l':' llll'tllhtTS ni till' iacult,- Sl'l.'Url' in tlll·i r TIJi,lt'OI

positions, not t rans ients. as fo rmerl y. hut ()W ilin g the ir !J, •tnt·, a nd erty, bei ng now a real part o f the commun it y \i fr:.

' ' " · 11111 g

pr• ·p -

President Crabt ree is no t only a sch o lar. a dip lnllla t atld :--t ;ttt·:--ma n. hut stands out p reeminently as a friend and helpe r n f th e c' •tlllll<~ll pt·.,pk : tl <~ n g educat ional a nd social lines. Painters have caused persons and thin gs to he rc tne tnh ncd ' '-" t ltc.: i r paill ti ll g:--: sculptors by their scul pture; but ]Jresid ent C rabt r ee ha s \\TtHlght upo n tlt c mi11 d and hear t-strin gs of every Pe ru vian an image of respec t and appreciat io n \\' lti clt is mo re lasting than a t housa nd statues in purest b ron ze : an image q f a p u n· an d modest li fe which is spending its energ ies to wa rd th e \\'Cifa r e of caclt a nd every ind ividual who may have t he oppn rtu nity n f c0min g in c0ntact \\· it!J !tin t o r his work.

H ON. T . J. MAJ O R S

CONTENTMENT I -aw a little• hrt~nkkt Running a lon g thru the q ncJ: .\nd ,; unhe·am:' brighten. bk:':' it ; St ill I d0 not tmder s tand \\'hy it :'hnuld be so f:l\·ored. Dwelling ' mon~st the pl easan; wo,cl. I lrinking- in Conte ntment's necta r That we· with lo ngings w0uld. It whi,;per,; to tht· pebble. ' T i ~ shelte red by th e tr ee'~­ ~ :> \\' it; ~o ng is treble, ~""" 11\\trmured with tht· bee·:'. Can you anSI\"l' r m e the question: The Yiolc ts gently nod'Ti,- close to beau t eous n;-~tu re . Till' handiw0rk of GCHI. - C. /1 . .11 .

M OTHER AND PERU l 'm h< )!lle ag-ain for ,·acati o n1-lf>me from my scho0l at P e ru: .\nd no place o n ea rth. d ca t· mother. Can compare \\·ith my home. and yo u. :-lany thing~ ha1·e [ sc:cn. d ear motlwr. In beautiful o ld Peru: But no place~ and faces, m o th et· . Are like th ose nf my home. and you. ?l·l an y th in gs ha1·e l learned. clea t· m othe r. From teache r s. and N aturc ton: Hut d eat·er f;tr to me, m o ther. A rc the teaching-s o f home. a nd y0 t1. Jo ye my school, dear mother . .-\nd th e hill s of o ld Peru: 1t's th e dea rest place th ere is, :'ave on e~Vly ho me. dear mother, and you. - ( ;_ (;. (; i/1•.-rl. ·n 1



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l'a ,; t<~ r

I: IL\:\1-.: L .\ 1:.\Y E TTJ·: I.O V EI..-\i\D. :\. :\1.. D. D. F irst :\ 1. 1·:. C h urch. Uma ha . L t•durer . I lis elnquc ncc i< b r illi a nt a n d cap t i,·atin g- u ot o f t h e 111:J tllliactured ~<H t -·h ut i,; thv na\i\'(? m u ~ i c o f a ntelod in u s ,;mtl I ) ('J i \ ' ('I ' ' nan·;d a ll r va lt' St·r lll<Ill

GOV. ASHTON C SHALLE NBERG ER Cnn:r·•• )r o f S tate o f N•:braska. Banker. A n atu ral o rator 1\' IH,, L. th"ll!=!'ht ~ " "'pire th e thousands who listen to hi " ~alk " Cia ~' O rato r, 1909

~-11 . \ :S .

.1\:-- . . •H.: i:ttv

1~ .

\\.1·:1 -: KS. 1:. S.

l 'nlft• . . ...:41r in tth'tlt

l~ iull •g i ca l


1·: !.. 1-:0L':'; I ·: . . \. 1\.. 1:. 1·:. S11pt. " i \I"' It- I Sc!t.,.,l I kpa n ll t<·tH





_\ ,;,;ociat<" l 'rofessn r lh'pa rtnwtlt nf \[athematic' a11cl C <>ntt ll :tllclant Cade t s

:\1·: 1.1 . 11-: .\ 1.\Y SI·: III YI·:. .\ . H.. I\. I·:. \lndt· l <;,·h<>cd

l'r i ntar~·

Cr itic T l'aclt t-r

LOC. 1·:. I I OS :'II ER Kind l' rgartcn. :\lnckl and Critic Teacher

Ll l.l.l. \:\' L· . ST():\' 1·: 1<. 1: 1-: J' n .·t·t·ptrt· ........ ;1nd l'rf,;t: ... "'~' 'r ,,f ~~~ ~ ·1· ' 1' ' 1-! .''


E. 1·:. \IL':\IFORU Pr"JK rty (),·cr,rr r

II. H. I>L'XC\:\' SO X . .\ . .\1 .. 1\. ~ . Prc,fc.:, . . nr HinJ,, ~ ical Scic.'l ll"4.' ..



l ·: I.IZ.-\ HET II C R .\\\ TORI) a nd ~lt• tlt n d ,; T l'a d tc•r

~loook l

\\'. :\ . I W L Z I·:U. J)q>a rt mt'llt <>f 1\u ,iuc'"" and ] n , trtKt" r


~ l:t tltt·mat i t· <


:\ f AH Y .'\ . TYNON Lih m ri;tn

ANN f. \Vl. CO S I ll ·: ~ .. A. B .. B . S. t ll I h•partnw n t o f P edagog-y

T' rnf e~«nr

PEAR L S. KELLEY C riti c Teacher in Primary Dcp't o f 'Model School

I路: ST I II路:I< .\ . C l.. \ I< 1( . . \ . .\I l'rofl' 'S"r n i l .;ttin



T eacher


~Todcl Schon!

Dcpartlll cnt


J. .VT. I I 0 W I 1路:. .\ . !II. Prnfe,so r of :\ Iath c m :11 ic-

.f . \\·. SE:\R SO:'\ . . \ . :.\1 ... \ . n. l 'roit·' ~ '". nf l·: llgli ~ h alld l.it t· r atnrc

1.. D. SCII I·: RE.R l tt ~ tntt'tn r


Phy ~ i ,·;ll

Trailli ll g


I ·: Lt ~.-\ NOR L ALLY Cr iti c Tl'achcr ill i\f0dcl Sdwnl

I II·:R B I·:RT HRO\\':'\ I·:U .. IJ. S . 1\. 1-:. P rof\'.; ~n r , j Phy<it·al Srit'lln·-

:'11:\TTI I·: COO l\: ELLIS ln~t rnctor in II i, tory

LOL' I SI·: \V. :'1 11·::\I<S. B. 1·: .. :\ .H. Prnfc~~nr , f (;l'~>graphy


D A ISY D. XETTI.ETOl\ Pro fc~s(Jr l)cpa rlm cnt o f l·:xp r css i!ln

1\: .\TIIERINI·: L. W00f)S. :\ . 1: .\ ssnciatt: l'ro f c~SO I' n f L ati11

I·: I.V.\ F. R l"LO:\. p ,.,l. H. l.ihrarian and .\..; ,; i"t;tn l P ro fc,;,;n r

~ 1 :\~11 1 ·: R. ~ l l"TZ

C rit ic T ,·acll,·r


C I·:C IL SH E I;:LEY Private Sec retary to P r,·sid c nl

II. L·. II OL.S I·: . .\ . ~1.. l'h . D . l 'n •k --or o i 'd n'i,· an d l' rin . nf ~ l ntkl ll igh ~dl<loll

C. B. CORNELL. .\ . B. I nstructo r in :\lath cmatics and Associat e Pro fcssor Instrum ental :\[ usic

CLI FFO RI> 11 1 ~:-./D l<ICKS. I\. 1·:. l kparlllll'lll ,,f l'h y~ ie a l ~,·i ­

l n ~l rnctor in



C. V. WTL LT AMS, B. E. Tn ~tructor Biological Dcpa rtmcnt

1<. D. OVI'<:RI IOLT, A. 1\ [{<'g ist ra r . 1\ sso ciat c Prof<'ss"r

\I.\11EL .\. C IIRISTT:\l\ Cri tic T,路arh,路r

CR.-\CF :\LLlNGHAl\I. :-\ . 1\. I' rnie~~nr D o m e~ tic Science


SYDN I路:Y i\.JURPHY Tl'aciH'r ,,f Pia no ami Voice

LIU C I路: D. CLiLRFRTSON . \ ~soc i atc Prnfesso r Eng li sh


~ 1.

A s~ocia t c

GREGG, A. M Professo r o f H io l o~y


Ef>ITII VAl\ MTDD LESWORTII T rachn in Tra ining Depa rtment

E . A . \V II ITENACK , A . B P rok~so r o f G er m an

SMILES ::: mik a liuk ~ mile.: a littk. :\s you goo al o ng. X o t alo ne wh.:n life ts p lca ~ ant. Hut whe n things go w rong. (arc de li ght~ to H'c you frn,,·ning-. Lo,·es to hear yo u ~ i g h: Turn a smiling face upon It e r, Quick th e dame will fly. Smile a littk ~ mil e a litt le. :\II al o ng th e road: E,·c ry li fe mu st ha,·e it ~ burdcn, E,·ery hea rt its load . \\'hy s it do wn in gloom and clarkn c~~. \Vith yo ur g rief to sup ? .\ ~ you drink fa te's hitter to ni c. Smi le a.:ross th e c up. S tttilc upo n th e tro ubled pilgrims \\'h o m you pa % :1t1cl m ee t: Fro wns an· thorn:<, a nd s miles arc Oft for weary feet. J)n no t make th e way .<C<'m harder By a sull en fac.:. S mi lr a little. s mil e .1 litt le. Brighte n up th e place.

hln ~so m s

S mil e upo n you r undone labor: Not fo r o ne wh o g-ricn·s O'e r hi ~ task. wait s wealth o r g lo ry : li e wh o <miles achi e ,·es. Tho ug h yo u meet with lo s~ a nd sorrn w ln th e p:-rssing- yea rs. S mile a littl e. s mile a littl e . En:n thrnugh your tea r<. - 1:'1/a lf'h,·,·l<r ll'il,·flx.

C. F. BECK Advi sor Class of 19oc;


.·\bo ut li fty _H·ar:-: ag·o. ncar Sp rin g fi eld. 1Jlino i:-: . \\"a:-: hPrn a hoy ""ho poss~o::-::-:ecl

t ho:-:c clem e nt ;;

some d;-t:·

Gt t t :-:~o·


hi g-h cha racter a nd t ru e \\·orth which " ·e r e d es tined to

him tc) he a ka di ng factor in cducatinn;-t J. :-:ocial. a nct com-

111L't"l:ial c ircles . . \ ftl' r L·ntn plvt ing· th e


itt hi ;; 11;1tiYL' tP\\"11 :-:chou!:-: ilL· l·a nw. in t X;C> . to

::\L·hr:t:-:ka. ,,-h l'I"L' he h ~o·g·an t~.·achingper m o nth a nd ··h,lartl rclllllli... !w in;.:· ca lktl



a lit tle log· :-:chPnl hnu :-:~.· at fifteen d o lla r s

. \ k\\" n~ar:-: Pi thi :-: teaching- rL•:-:ultcd in his

t~.·:t~.·h th~.· ;.:-ranuna r dcpartt11L'1ll


th e Tl'l-;:amah :-:chon!:-:.


three : ·car:-: in t hi:-: po:-:iti o n h e \\"a:< elected to t hL• :-:npc rin k nd cncy nf the cit Y schools. S ix ,-L·ar:-: late r pPlit ical li ic :<L-cnlccl to ho ld iur :-:uch ;1 man as himse!t at~ o pportuni t:· . a nd it ,,·a s 1111\\" tha t he was g iy en th e ho no r o f being County Super int ende n t n i 1\urt rnu nt_,. ior t\\'n s ucccss iye tL'rtll:-:. tn\\·ard the cl\lsc n i " ·hic h ~up!. \\·. ~~ - J acksPn. then sta te SliJlL'rint cnd cn t. appoi nted h im deputY state ~ u pcr­

intc nd en t.

Thi s position he held f o r four yea r s \\"ith th e exce ption o f a fe " ·

m o nths durin g \\·hi ch he did dut:· \\'ith t he Third :'\ehraska \ "oluntccr:-:. b eing .-\djutant o n t he staff of ( 'nlo ncl \\·.


D r:·an.

S ince th e ex piration of his te rm of o ffice he has been an in st ntctor in t he depa r t m e nt o f m ath em at ics in t he P eru State :'\o n nal Schon! a nd 1n add it io n h as ha d char.!:!·c nf t lw militan· trainin g-. w hi ch h:-t s d e\·clPped clnh· :1:-: :1 resu lt o f hi s arduo u s labo r . Hi s to r ies may tell oi th e past li Ycs of m en . hut l'ruicssor lkck is hL·st k nO\\·n to u :-: by his con ncctic lll \\·ith t he prese nt Senio r class. ha\·i ng bee n its ach·iso r s ince th e cla ss fi r st en tered th e N ormal.

During t his time his a rduou s . ho nes t and

w ise direct io n has exerted an influence upon th ose w ho fr o m tim e to tim e r eceived his ad\'icc \\·hi ch o nl:· ti m e itself ca n m easure . the class he ha s a nd m o d est

111<1 11

\\" 0 11

Through hi s close re latio ns with

th eir love a nd ad miratio n in that deg-ree \\·hich o nly a t rue

li ke Jlr o fes:-:o r neck d ese rv es.

Ind eed. \\"Ord s arc quilt' inade-

quate to d esc ribe t he love and apprec iatio n t hat each and l'\·cn- ··naug·h t:·-ninc' ' h o lds i o r our ach-isor. P ro fesso r C. F. Reck .

CLASS HISTORY The class of 1909 had its birth dow n in the fi rst grades ui th L· tliC >< kl :-.dHio l, w here several of its members boast of having been taught t he ir . \. I:. ( .. ~. I ndeecl. among our number a rc several who entered the primary .~ radc:s. cuttt it tt titt g thc iJ· education throug hout the entire course. It was as Fi rst Years, however, that \\'e \\'ere o rgan ized as a cl:t:-.!--. . \ l t hi s . I o II t1me we assemIJ IecI .111 t1e c c 11apel o r what is now I;:n o \\·n ··ts .\ l11 s ic att d Expressio n Hall. l t \\'aS in this room that th e class o f ·O<J had it"' fll·:-. t "J>pnrtuni ty to culti vate the class spiri t and enthu siasm fo r \\' hich it h as C \'l.T s ince been noted. \ll.i e held the us ual number o f part ies an d C"n tc rtainmet tt :.; a tt d throug h the advisorship o f P rofessor Beck la id the fou nd a t io n fu r a ~l te n·~sflt l career throug h the fou r remaining yea rs o f our school li fe. Thi ~ year \\';Js closed with a ba seball victory over t he Sophomores, t!Hts carl _,. in 1 11 1 r hi s tn r v establi shing a record in athletics. As Freshmen we were all g lad to hear that Professor J:cc k "·a~ "' 11 " '11 _,. Ill be our advisor again but was to stay with u s a ll throu g h o u,· s tru ggle . T h e special obstacles with which we had to grapple thi s year were T,atin , ~ I ge h_,·a, and General History. Severa l parties were g iven during the year. nm· nt "'lllclt was a Hallowe'en masquerade party held in P hilo Hall. A ll \\'h n "·c·r(· pn·settt · c It \\·a s tltt·s. can weII remem ber t he good tune that we enj oyed that cvcm· n g. year that \Ye secured our disting uishin g head gear of class caps. It was as Sophomores that we adopted our color s. purple and gcdd . \\'lt ich we have kept ever since, that yea r hav ing o nl y '09 badges . This \Yas certainly a record-breaking yea r in th e history of nu r cb:-.:-.. :'\ n t only did the Sophomores have a high intel lectual standa rd \\'hi ch ~ h L·_,. s t r• ,,.L. to attain , but as Sophomores they ca rr ied off the first boys' l>rl sk et hall JlL'ttll :lllt ever p resen ted at t he Normal. O n field day our g irls carried nf( Il l< •rv 1" lint s than the g irls of a ny other class, thus crownin g a successful yea r . Ou r Junior year was begun w ith a receptio n by ou r a d visor, r'nll·. ( ·. F Beck, whe re we all assembled to get acquainted w it h t hose w h n \\'C'rv lc' he our classmates for the coming yea r . :\[ r. Bert E. Swenson " ·a s \\'is(' ly L· hnse n as president; ~I iss Cla ra Reed was selected as vice-p residen t : J essie \ I c l'krmct, secreta ry. a nd Blinn Helms, t reasure r. T he work of thi s corps "i rll'fice J·s, together \\'ith t he advisorship of Professor Beck, assu red us of ll"tltin g <.> tite r than success. In our class cia~· exerc ise the Junio rs

\\'O n

di stinct ion fo r t lt vir "riginal ity l'lti 1 l\' - l 7t •o

a n d ioreseeing abilities. being a bl e at :-:o earl y a date to iorecast t he conte nt:" o f th e Peru \' ia n Vol. I. Con trary to the orig inal custo m o f hold ing a n mcli\' icl ua l Hal!o\\'e'en party. the cla ss thi s yea r j oined h a nds \\' ith the Senio rs in a g ra n d ma squ erade party, hl'ld in tht· ;.:: ymna:-:i u tn u pon that e\'1:-ni ng. E \'eryonc p t·nnou nced it a g rand success a nd \\'ent home feelin g that the ban d o f fri e nd:-:hi p had been ~i re n gt lwncd bet\\'een th e t\\'o classes. I n the spring \\'e ga\'e a ba nque t in h o no t· oi t he :--;eni ur:-:. H ere a m c rr.'· asse mbl y. :-:itting a t tah k ~ p rof u:-:cly dectwated w it h ll o\\'e rs a nd penna n ts . ate a nd d ra nk to th e health a nd h appi ness o f each oth e r. \\' ith the d 10o:-:ing o f :\ fr. C. n. :\Ioore as president, .\ !iss _Tul ia H . \ ' a n Driel as \'ice-pres ident. :\fL Jesse T-Ten clricks as trea:-: urer. a nd :\! iss Cla ire :\IcDe n net a s secreta ry th e class o f '09 sh owed that it had t aken t he first step towa rd mak ing their last yea r at t he :\ormal the most ~uccess fu l of them a ll. .\ pa rt :· \\· a ~ hl'id in th e gy mna :-:imn earl :· in the \'Ca r in o rder tha t \\'e mig h t again cemen t the ties o f class union. T he chi valr:· of t he ho:·s blossom ed 11 1 the iorm o f a Hallo \\'e'en party to th e g irls. A noth er at hlet ic Yictory was added to o u r list hy th e bo:·s d e feating th e facu lty in a game ni indoor baseball. In s uperio ri ty o f class clay exercises it scents that we h a\'c mo re th an had o u r s ha re. io r it was as Senio rs that we su rpassed a n y g i,·en be f01·e. T o ou r Junio r hosts who ba nq ueted 11 ~ ,,-e ,,·ould tender most a bu ndant express ion o f apprecia tion. There i:-: no need to e nume rate fu rthe r t h e successes o f t he cla s:-: o i 'o9. 1- irst in t he class room . fi rst in athletics . . \nd fir:-t in the hea rts of o ur fel lo\\· classm a tes. F irst a:- to wo rk d on e. first a s to nu mber, The gTea te~t cla ss o f I he I 'e ru S tate ~ o n n a I.

//11 I /1-/IJI, ·,

CLASS POEM \Vc ha,·e linked o ur fo rtunes t(Jgcthc t J Jere al Old Peru. \Ve ha,·e worked a ncl tr>iled t o~c th e r U nde r the \\' hit c and Blue. \ Ve came here seeking kno wledge J 11 happy days now pas t. \Ve\·e had pleasan t tim es trJg<:th c r . A h. that they migh t last ! Rut commcttcenwn t clays arc here. O ur hearts a rc surel y glad. Yet a n unto ld something. unex plained. Seems Lo make 11s sa ri . \Ve pause in o ur hurry of Coll ege liic T o learn o f Oee t ing time. Coll cl:!"e days have passed awar. ' Ti s commencemcn t- 1909· Our hopes ha,·e hce tt wrnugln t o~c th u· In a band that shal l e\·er h o lrl. The Seni ors who stand togeth e r ';-Ieath th e Purple ami th e Gold. -C. N . .If.

'J "htll_l · (nu


SENIOR CLASS YELLS S-c . :::i-e. S-c-11. i-o. i-o. o- r-s. c nio rs! Hie. llacc. Tra - l1oon1. l(i lly. Kanick. h.a-%oom: \\' illy. \\'a lly. Ra lly. Rinc. \\'c'rc the cia~!' of -:\aug hty--:\ inc. Y ipity. y ipity. y ipity. yore. ~e ni ors. Seni ors . hc;u路 us roa r. C hc-He: C hc-he : C hc. ha-ha-ha. Seniors. ~c ni o rs. Rah- Rah-Ra h . N ine-Teen--:\ aught--:\ inc. \\'e'rc Senior!'. Seniors. al l the time.

CLASS SONG Os- l,c. \\'0 \\' - \\'0 \\': \\'isky- \\'C: \\'C. Holy \\'Ock-e- i: Holy mock -c- i. ~e- ni-o- ri - i . Se-ni-o-r i- i. Se-ni-o-ri-i. O h n inc-tCl'n-n iiw 1 C r. ,\SS ('m .o J~S- Pu rplc a nd Cnld.

NORMAL YELL Hoo- ra h! Hoo-rah! ll oo-ra h- rah ! Normal. K onn a I. -:\ c-hras-ka ! Hoo-ra h ! Hoo-rah! l Ioo- rah- rah! No rmal. Ko rmal. -:\e-hras-ka! \\'hi te a nd blue. \\'h it c a nd blue ! \ \T hat's the matte r \\'ith old Peru? B lue and "路hitc, blue and \\'h ite! NC'hra!'ka :\annal. s h e路~ al l ri g ht!


''Just lleforc the Ba ttle, !-. lo th•·r"

(5t.: :-.'C; 1!\' S ~:;-. JW< '.! 1'.\I<TET)

\Vh en we ca me here we were Fresh ies. L ooking just as gree n a s g rass; Rut we took examin ations, An d them fai rl y \\'(' d id pa ss : Then th ey registere d us So ph o m o r e~. ] ust to work for nin e month s m or e. Junio rs for aw hile thev call ed us, Now we' re Se nio rs evermore. As we look back a t o ur ne ighbor s, There ou r likenesses we sec ; Ju st as lean and la nk a nd hu ngry A s we ever da re d to be; But they' ll s urely overcom e it, And will grow as well as we, Fi lled with g rea tness overfiow in!f. They a lso w ill Se ni ors be. L et us cast our eyes at present Towa rd the class of naugh ty-n ine; Th ere we find big, brai ny fell o ws, Coming forward just in time T o direct th e young idea Which way it ha d better shoot ; And if you will on ly watch them. You will sec them ge t a boos t. Se nior s. Sen iors, look a s happy. As your conscience will a11 ow; Don't look downward at your fnot s t ep ~ . As th e man who holds the plow; \ Loney makes th e world much bette r. But 't\\'on't always he that way: I lc who smiles will find awaiting T-l is rc\\'a rcl on ] urlgmc nt Da y. - C . !J . !.

I hill'

•\ I


J:\i\1 E S .-\ . E.-\ S T\\" O OD Philomathean: C iceronian: Ch a rt er J\l em b er Pro moters· C lub : K ca rnt''" Dc bat t'~ L iberty. N eb .. may w ell be proud o f thi~ ~on who has a lways been -an h o n or a n d in s pirat io n to th at co mmun ity w h er <" h e li,·cd and g raduated. Th en foll o w e d a r a the r un eve ntfnl f~>tlr yea1· period of tea ch in ~ in rur:~l . sch ools. By thi s t im e o th e rs w e re b eginning to note Iu s rem arkable stro ng teachmg qua ht1 es . and h e was call ed to b e principa l o f t h e !vicCoo l sch ools. O n e ye:~r th e r" and two y e a r ~ a s principal :~t R a rn ~ t o n h ;n-e s h o wn hi ,; abi li ty in the profess io n and hi ~ graduatio n thi ~ s pr in g . after t w o year s s p ent h e re, h a Ye prepa1·ed him fo r a n y pos ition. i\l r. Ea~ tw oo d is p opular wit h s tn clen ts and fa c ul t \· of Peru. a nd hi s per sonality i ~ a plea ~ ing- o n e which make~ it~elf felt " ·h e re\'C'r h e go es . · C. \\·. Sl\1\Tl-1 Pres ide nt E Ycret t: Y. 1\J. C. .\ .. Pres ident: N o rmalite : Bu ~ in ess \Ian ager P e r m·i an: P romote r s' C lub. Secr('tarv a nd Treas ure r: K earne \· Deba t e~ A young man from La urel. of exceptio nal abi li ty and hig i1 m o r a l. in tell ectual, a n d spiritual qnal ificati o n s. :\ pro mo ter o f all that is good. G r a d ua te o f Inman H igh school with a t eaching experience o f t w o y ears : o n e at Pil ger . o n e at H arri"011. One yea r at 'VI' ayne N o r mal and two year ~ a nd two summe r ,-ch ools at P e ru ha,·e h e re d(·,·elopecl a m a n o f those s t e rling qualities ,,·h ich demand SlH'cess. Hi s patience is g-re:~t a s shown in his present pos itio n a s ou r Busin ess \ f:~ n agc r. S up erinte ndent Grafto n Sch oo l ~ . ·oq-· 10 GLENN D. JENKTN S Edito r in C hief o f P e nl\·ian. 'OQ: Pre~. E Yerett: Yell l..e:~de r Sen io r Cla"s : Y. i\•I. C. :\ . : A th le tic .-\ sso cia tion: Normal ite Ho ard: Charte r \[embe r P ro mot er s· C lub : Cice ro m a n. 'oR ; :\ ssi s t:~nt Phys ica l S c ience And th e h :~l f k ts n o t b een to ld . hut inr lack nf ~pace it mu ~t s u ffice fo t· th e p r esen t : yo u will read all :~bout hi s ph.e no nH·t ~al sn <:Cl':iS a k w y ear ~ h e nce. l l is 1.1am.c wi ll becom e a h ou seh o ld w o rd. and ev e ry oge t· ~\· 11l h e pro ud to say that they kne w hnn 111 school clays w h en h e pegged away at the P e rt1\'1:lll. V o l 11. H e ~ ~ a s tro n g s tn dent and a good mi x er. He has t a ught one ye :~r in hi s . h o m e to wn. S tella. Nebr.. H e is ~e n erally co nceded to he a cool fe ll o w. wh o w eig h s a thm~ care full y, hnt ~e,· e ral tnn e~ cln nn g the p:~st Y<:a r h e h as tak en a "Ris k. " H e has b een unharmed. th o n g h. :mel th is fa ct is o nl y annther i> ronf of h is g o o d j ndg ment.

Princ ipal Cent1·al C ity lligh Sch oo l, ·ol)-·l o C. B. iVf OOR E Pres id ent S enior Cla ss; Phil o ma thean : Barito ne, Nor m a l. Quar tett e : \'. \I . C. .-\ .. P r esiden t. 'o6- -07 ; M issonri D ebating S quad: . \ s~ 1 s t a n t 1n l·.n g h ,;11 De p:~rtmcn t and Bi o logica l Lab o ratory; Promoter s' Club T o b e e xceedingly " F rank " ,,·ith ,·on thi~ i ~ C. R :\ loo n ·. o u r ,,·nr thy Class Pre~i dc n t A fe w years ago fou n d him a brig ht-ey ed li tt le bt>y at Oakdal e. N ehr:. bn_l such t alen t a~ w as h er e fo u nd wa s n o t to be J o n~ h nld cn a nd con ~cq n e ntly ,,. e ~ee h nn h r,:t :~ te:~eh er in t h e rural sch oo ls attcn dino· i nnnedi:~tely a ft erwa rd th e 1\orma l thn·e ye:~rs : Pr inc ipal o f t he Ca ll away sch~ol s , '07-'.l;. and a g:~in j o inin g th e 'ogs f n r hi s Sl'n io 1· yea !". . 1\'h . M oor e is a yo n ng man o f th a t 1nnmpe :~c h a hk charal'ler ,,·h a:h no penman can d escribe and his w o rk amo ng th e yo nng m en o f th e ~c h ool an d qat e :1s :1 Y . \1. C. A . ,,·ork er can o nl y b e m ea s u re d by the li ves n f tho"e who ha,·e co n1e nndc r hi' in fl ne nce. H e is a man o f s terling qualities wh ose presen ce alway;o; d emand s rr;o;pect and \\·h nse cap:~ h ilit i e< al w av · t en <1en t 0 ~c," 1a s · ~ bring · h im s u cce ;o;s. S npe nn . c 11nn 1s. ·0 ,...._ ., · ·,o A

Tltil/1'-,\t' il' n

LI~ :\A STE I ~ 11:\L:CJI Here is an ent hu sia st ic K inderga r ten Seni o r f m m 1) 0d~l· . :\~:br. ~hl· l1a ' l,l'<'ll a \ 'L· n · success ful prim ary teacher for fi\'c y~a rs and her wo rk h<.:re ha s bee n fnll nf li k a 1Hl <' lll'l"g-y. S h e has studierl at t he F rem ont :-.rormal o ne ~e 1nestt:: r ancl hu- l\\'0 y~:ar.; here han: h vc n profitably spent. She is stro ng in her lin e o f \\'0rk ancl lwr lr"·e ftor the d 1ilcln·11 i" eq u;dlvd o nl y by her interest in the work.

ll l LD :\ WJI.I..:E E\·erctt: A thl eti c

r\~ sociat i<ll l

:Miss '\V ilke is a g radua te of the Omaha lligh a nd ha s tak <.: n th e t\\·o - year c • • nr~c· h e n ·. She h as taught three years in Dot•glas count ,v and i 1~ ll'nd .; to ll'a ch aft e r h er graduatin11 lwre.

F \f\f:\ SC !-1 .\ J·:KEL

P hil o math ca n :~viiss Scha ekel is a g raduate of the Rcatric ~ l l igh School a nd h a s b<.:e n a mc111 hc r n f the :\orm al class of '09 for two yea rs. S he is usua lly so bu sy writing dail y plan s and a tt e nding·

conference tha t she has fo und no time to g i\·e us a n y inf0 rma ti o n concern in g h c 1· Tnn11 c 1· modes of li fe. S he fi nds boys un interest ing. except tho~e who co me to th e clnnnitnry paFi n r. and she look s u pon them a s curi osities.

loER:\ Bl{ f\DBU RY

P hi lomathea n: Dramatic Club: Y. \V. C. A. This littlc wood-flower comes fr om Nelig h. ).r chr., :tnd ha s taug ht fi \·e yea rs i 11 : \11 tel n pc co unty. She has been here a li t tle more than a year, lo ng enoug h to beco m e an en th u s ias ti c lover of Penn·ia n scenery. The \Yoods g iYe her mu ch pleasure. but she en j o y s m ost o f a ll the flowery " Kn o ll" which is nearly a lways in s ig h t. Tt will do yo u \\'Orld s of g-oo d _iu s t tn see her sm il e.

\\". L. BIS r

Y. :.J. C. :\ . :

En~ r c lt: Dramatic C lub: P n ':' i(knt C ic nonia n one sem ester

I [e re is s uch a co mp o~ it e o f ~o hriety, dignity and indu s try that \n! bow in awe and ask whe re it came fr o m. T h e Be~t in the Senior ci a,;,; c.:ame fro m Tedda. Okla .. and ta ugh t two y ears at Dakota C ity. l ie• i ~ a mo del o f co nduc t. ami l ook ~ with haughty d isda in upo n o m· anti c~ when o ur ~ pirit ,; ri ~ c.: t<'O high . li e i ~ a champio n d i ~ h-wa s h er and nurse-girl. and ca n fill s u ch p o~ iti o n s wh en not teachin g- sch ool. l ie h o p e,; to h ave a long- lis t of lett er~ :1fter hi s name ~o m c d ay and he able to ,;que·lch ,;om e• .,f the· u pqart ~ wh o ha \"C inte rru pted hi s hur s t ~ of o rat o ry at EH·rett lm ,;i ne·~~ m ee ting,; .

JL. Ll.-\ H . V:\1\ DR IEL V ic e -Pre·~ i dc n t

·o<) : :\. C. .\. Pre·,;idcnt ·a.~: r~n.· t-cll : Germ:u1 C lu b : Edito r :\o rm alite : ;,[i,;;;o uri D ebating Squ ad

P.Iiss Va n Uric! ~ tamls o ut a s o ne o f thl' s tron ge~t member~ of o ur class. She comes irom the Nb lmo schools, h:1 s taug ht ,; ix yea rs, and has attended the ::\T o nn al tw o and a half y<'ars . She ha s atten ded the v t·emo nt Xormal fo r o n e yc:i r . She is one of the editors of thi s y o lum e and ha s contri b nt cd lat·gely tn it s s uccc;;s. ller plca~ ing p ersonal ity a n d her accomplis hm e nts ha,·e \\·o n fo r b e t· n tany fri ends in P ent. 1Ter fa\·o rite express ion is " Ob, st ung-!" and n o nne ca n make those t\\· n w n nh< so fraugh t wit h meanin g- as s h e .

LOUSE S I-::GE LKE Ph il o math can; Ladi es' Octc:tte : As~i stant Lite ra ture D epartmen t : Soc iety Edi to1· P er uvian :.•f iss Segelke's arr iva l la ~ t f:lll \Yas h era ld ed ,,·ith j0y by th o~e wh o kne w o f h e r abi lity a s a so lo ist. Her channing ,-o ice and pleas in g man11 er s wo u hl'r a pl ace a m ong t h e s tudents at o nce. Sh e h as liYed up to o ut· expectati o n ~ and will he· m issed fr o m mu sical c it·cl e~ h e re when s he goes o ut to teach . S h e i ~ inte r e<;te d in th e ~nng of bird~. th e hum of bee~ and the " Ru ssel .. o f the \\'hi (e) tfield s.

C. W .


Phil o math ean: :\thl eti..: :\ ~soc i a tio n: Penn·ian Staff . .·\ ssiqant Bu ~ in es,; \lanag-cr

C. \~r. is a g raduate o f th e C rete llig h Schn0 l. :t nd ln s s tu d iPd o n P yea r at Dnane an d \) II C' at Peru. \ il!.h cn ques tio ned as to hi ~ form er li fe . h e sa id h e h ad ~pe nt fi fteeu y<"·ar,; hr-hind th e pl o w. H is exhau sti,·e re search 0 11 the s ubject nf " vern <' h as b ee n edi fy ing tn him a nd enjoyabl e t o oth e r ~ wh o h:t\·c ,,·a tc.:h ccl it ~ pr ngre~< . :.rr. T-.::n n ll h a s l'C'<' ll elected to 1hc SIIJW I· intendency of th e Rlue Spring~ ~chnnl ~ for th e rnmi11 g y ear. T!t i1·/;·-u i ne

:'ILAR Y .'\. II OAIJLI.:: Y Everett; Senior Basket-Ba ll T eam ::vtary is one of ou r girl s who did much tO w in the basket-ba ll ··rag·· f.,r t he Se ni o r ~. Sh<· is a good student and fond of fun. A side from her five years in th e :-\or111a l, ~ h e ha s tallght one year and w ill probably put her shoulde r to th e whee l agai n ne:--.:1 fall . S h e 1Jeco111 cs \T r y enthus ia st ic a t a ball-game and th e only thing wh ich will r c~ train he r i-. "' p 11t ' "n""" lll" <>1 1 her lap. CLARA

f"ATI ~

Y. \V. C. .A. Mi ss Fate ha s been with us for only about one sem es ter, and i ~ teac hin g at p rc ~ <· Jt t. S il L· is a graduate of the \Veeping vVater Hi gh School, and has tallg-ht in Ca ~s c n nnt y ful· fin· years. S he is always happy and studi ous. \Ve clo not kn o w what h e r Fa te w ill he. h nt l l" ll ~ t it will be something to her liking, whether it he a P rin ce Cha rming nr a cat .

:'If A RY :'ll c:NA:'I l AR J\ Th e fact th a t this estima bl e youn g lady is a S enior and conH:s from Oma h a is s llffici<·JJt evidence of he1· sterling qualification s. She is an excellent teacher, a nd a s jolly a c o ll ee n a~ can be found. She takes Browni ng. and is quite an auth r,rit y 0 n th e qnec;ti'm CJf "Fi i 1·t~ and Flirting."'

STELLA SPI LLKE R Germa n Club ( Pia ni st ) : Phi lomatlv:an ; Basket-Ball. 'o8 a nd 'o<) : :'l lan agc r Girl < Ha s k e t Ball. 'o8 a nd '09; Jun ior Class Team Captain: A th le t ic Hoard : Secreta 1·y n f .1\ t lllc t ic A ssoc ia tion \Veil , fin a ll y. she"s from vVest Poi nt a nd nothin g else re ma in s to h e said fo r y o n can <:u rel y ~ee that "he ha s been in Peru for at lea st two years ami i ~ a Jm ql<'r in a ll lin <'"

J·iu I


::\I YRTLE HI ETT P hil o math ca n: D rama tic Club, Tru ,;tec: Y. \Y . C. :\. i,; ,; II iet t i ~ :1 t~ac h er o( ,;c,·eral year"· eXJKrience. ha,· ing taugh t in S idn ey. \Yh e re s he g-radu a t ed. S h e has attended tl w l'ni,·e rs it y of Nebras ka fo r a short time. a nd h as been he re fo r o ne a nd o ne half years. S he is very ~edate and her se t·i o us look is ca used by hours "f con tem pla tion o n the whim~ an d vagaries of the ste rne r ~ex. ~I



Y. \\'. C. A., P res id ent ; D ra m atic Cl ub i\ l i ,;~ Dorsey i,; a s trawberry blond fro m :-.Ia rq uet te, :N ebr.

She has taugh t e ig h t year" thi s s tale a nd in ::\lon ta na. and ha s attende d Fremont N o rma l o ne term and the Pent 111 Normal fo u r an d o ne half years . S he is always bus y a n d likes to ha ve everything clone jus t so. T he color of her ha ir may gi,·e ~·cnt some sligh t clu e a s to h er d is po sition . H er chief h ohhy i,; \\'t•a nng a ca p and gown. 1-!a,·elock llig h School. ·()()-' to

BERT I!.-\ T. SO-liCK l're~ i den t Se wa rd C lub; Ph il o math ean : G e rman Club

i\•l iss Sch ick. of Seward. is an ex perienced teach er who ha s made her presence felt du rinrr t h e t wo yea rs shc spent h e re. Sh e ha s been a stude nt at Fre mont for on e yea r. :1nd e xce ls Sl~c ratcs him self " ·h en it co m es to ques ti o ning. Sh e wonld m a k c a s ucce ss a s a lawyer.

h a~

TlLUE r\NDERBF.RY Y. \V. C. /\. ; Gcnnan C luh l\'T iss :\ ndcrhcn ··" hot m• is at \ Vak e fie lcl. hut s he is a g ra d uat e o f the l\ linde n ,;cho o l.; " ·h ere sh e aften,·;rd,; taugh t ~ucce ss fully for f o ur yea r ~. Sh e is ,·cry di gni fi ed. hut tho se wh o know her best ~ay t hat that ·' !Jo n't-touch - nH•' ' ai t· is o nly ass um e d. She ha s on e qu esti o nable h abit - th a t o f \\' a lk ing dll\Ul to the ri,·c t· h d o r e h reakf:l s t.

l·i u ly-o n .·

' ji·:SSI E \V I LK I :\S Miss \Vilkins has bc:en with 115 o nl y a sho rt t ime, lllll ~ h e ~ cc 111 ~ energy. Sh e has the ;~ppear;~ncc: o f o ne: who w0u lcl make a - uccc·""



l •c· i n ll ,, j liie ;1n d a tt·a c heL

E:\l~ l !\

L. F I ·: J ~C;USO:\. Ph ilomathea n; Ath leti c .\ ssocia t i0n l\Jiss Ferguson, when at home, is ;~t Hebro n. S he is a g1·a dnat e , j the lit-In·, 011 II igil School, and has taught two years. S he is quiet a nd nc\·cr ha ~ t<• l1c watcht·rl. Sh<· i ~ \"t· l·y fond o f li g ht hair, and so is ''he." She spr:ak s with l:rank ( m· '" ). ah,· ay~. OLG A ~f. GER I~ KE Phil omathean; ,\thletic :\ss<,ciat io n; T ru stee D1·amat ic Cl u b: Scw a1·d C luJ, Two s ummer terms and one yea r :1t th e l\' o r m al wi th an addi ti o n a l tln <'L' year-< expe ri ence a s teach er of count ry schools a nd in the Seward scl10oh , and 0 11(' s tl llllll <' r t C'nll in the State University. ha,·e made :VIiss Olga Gerekc. nf Sewa r d, :-: chr .. () II C of <H ir 111""1 efficie nt students, especially in th e E ng li sh departmen t. Miss Gercke is a genius in e,·ery lin e except o ne and if sh e i ~ n<•l cardul hc·r gra~­ Jocks will prevent her being so success ful in t he all important r eal m of mat1·in1 o 11 Y a ,; one would natu rally predict for one of such a dispos itio n a s sh e. Of cnu r se !'h e i' a ,,." 1·ke1· and lives at the Dorm. which in part acco unts fo r s uch n c gligenCl' .

I-IELE!\ T R .·\C E l::,·ere tt; Y. W. C. 1\.; Dramat ic Cl u J, ;.[iss Trace comes from Dorch estrr llig h Schoo l orig inal lY. and ha s spent (\\·" yc·ar-' i11 Doane College. so is a ,·aluahle addition to th e cla ~s . S he is a :. rt. Ve rn o n g i rl. )lui sc< l. If you w ish to remain a fri end of hers. d o n0 t q ucs ti0n her in 1·cgard to hc1· 1\·c i .~llt. She ,,·on laurel s for her se lf a< th e a unt in an E1·crctt play la q fa ll.

\\·. T.

H .·\RRL'\ l;T O~

C icc ro ni a n-Secre t a r y :.\ ! r. !!arring to n ha s ta ug h t fo r fi,· e yea r s in th e puhli c schools of the s tate. l ie h as att e nde d T:u·ki o Coll ege. :.Io .. o ne year. ll e re is a m a n wh o is pa tie n t and p e r ~ i ~tc n t an d will m a k e h is mark in th e wo rld. J· le is h ca rt i l~· oppose d to wo man ,-uff r agc. ( H e i" m a rrie d .) Thi s hc! icf o f hi s is th e· o nl ~· o b<taclc to o u r th o r o u~h a ppt·cciat ion of him as a m a n . B LA NC HE P.-\HL P hil o m a t he;\11; Dram a tic C lub B la nche li ves at Cam b ridge. ~cb r . She g ra dua t ed irom the C am b ridge .l l ig h School. and t a ught four s uccess ful years. S h e en te n ·d o ut· rank s as a Junio r . D urin g he r S enio t· year s h e was th e st a r pi tcher o f the Seni o r g irl s" h:t ~eba ll t ea m. S he is o ne o f th e s tro n g Kind erg arten S en io r s.

C. F . l\Jc.·\ D A:. TS E,·er ett; :\th kt ic .-\~~oc i a ti o n; Rand ; H ra:<' Q ua rtet F o rrest is o ne o f tho se lo yal Se ni o r s w h o ha,·e g t·o wn up f ro m in fa ncy to t h <' po,.;it ion wh e re th ey mi g ht :tt la st be call ed m embe rs o f th e "o9s. H e is a n excellen t . ve ry "! Tanson" you ng m a n wh o is \\·o t·th y o f hig h est com plim ent s both a s a ~oe i al lead e t· an d an ath lete.

IONA V . S I!I CK r:,·eret t ; .-\ th lctic Associat io n Jo na ft t·st o pen P.d ite r eyes at Stella, :\febr .. and h a~ been OP<"tt ing a n d ><h u tt in g t h<· m tlw t·e· eve r since. un t il s h e d ecided to com e to P e ru two yeat·" ago. S ince th at time· >< h e h a" been wi th us . a nd t ho ug h s he is no t yc ry tall , she is o ne o f th e in separable t\\·in ,.. S h e i>< nut o f so rts w ith p rac ti ce teachin g :tnd is coun ting th e d ays u nti l lesso n plan < \\·ill he a th ing· n f t he pa st.

Fol /_ l'·lhtt'r'

\I I LDR I ~ I


:\.1\ IJ EI<SU.'\

Phi lomathean ; Sewa rd Club Mi ss A nderson always tends stric tl y to her own hu s ine ~~. IH il !-IlL' i- a lll<'llll~t·J· .,1 th e Seward Club, which leads us to beiie ve that s he is n ot always so se rinu ~ a , a li1·"' glal!C'<' at her countenance might indicate. She is an expe ri ence d tc·a c hl'l' and ha« " JWlll " I ll' y c·a1· in th e Dem·er Normal. l-1 er home is ;1t \ •1il fo rd.

M l NNl l ~


Y. W. C. A.; Everett; D ram atic C lub :Minnie's home is at Holdrege and she came away down he re to att<.: nd thi " \\'<llldcrful school o f whi ch she had heard for years. She has tau g ht th<.: young h o r cful s n <.: ar \ V'ilcox for a year. She looks with haughty dis dain upon all boys and wond e r~ of wh a t u:<e th ey can be.

ELLEN WAliL STR0?-1 Ph ilomathean ; Athenian; Athletic A ssociation; Y. \V. C. 1 \ . : ~ orma l it c B"ard: :-;,.,,i" r Baseball This modest little Swedish ma id is a product o f Luther J\cad e n1y. \\'ahoo. She ha" "Jlc lll two years at the Normal and has made a host o f admir ing fri ends. Sh(' i ~ a fin e student. a logical thinker and a tirel ess worker. She is a firm belie,·e r in woman ' s rig-ht s and semi-monthly she may be hea rd expounding h er theor ies in r::,·erelt 11:1l l befo re a ~ympa ­ thetic audience. V·l e predict Stlccess for her, no matte r what her fut ure "·nrk .

V ESTA LTV ELY Athenian Miss Li,·ely is just what her name and sparklin g brown eyes would lead o n e tn be li eve She is fond o f a good time, and work a lso. in its turn. S he is a n Ath e n ian . and a \\·or·kcr in that organizati on. She believes in helping th e downtrodden members of her o wn ~e x .

ll i·: WI'Ii :\

KI·:S LI ::\<;

\'. \\' . C. .\ . : l'hi l<11llat h can : Athktic .-\ ::::ociatiLll l : Drama tic C luh lk nha ' s t winkling- <'YL'>' in cl i,· a tL' that ,:he i:: a ]O\'L'l' S h c is a kinclerga nn c r . and ,., .,.n,, p e rfec t ly at h nnw o f littl e· tnt:: . I kr IH>Illl' a dd r -:,:s ' " l ~l gi n. ::\ ,·hr. She· withou t ha,·ing- ia lku (k,;p,·r atL·ly in ],. ,.,. m<'rL' th an a

t;111\.-... ,, i iun an d u suallY has a good circl e in th e micl~ t of till' morn ingh :1:: :lltL'IHkd th e ::\ •• rm:ll i<'l lll' clozc n t im ·~s.

i.. ::\ 1: \ I. \ 1! :\ C 1.. \ R K 1·:

C h n ru ,: \]i ,.,: C la r ke· ha ,; h c' L'Il in ,,·h n••l h e re· inr th r l'L' yc·ar ::. S h l' ha,; t:Jngln ··i~lll yl'ar~. and i,; a tcac h,•r o f ,·,·ul a rk ahk ca pabil it y. S he· h a ,; <l•llll' all ,. j h·r 1ca··hin~ in :\,•malta '''""' ty- ind ced . h e r na nll' i" '::\ , tna h a.

I J 0 H.:\ :\ ::\ I) R. l' S P h il ntna t h ca ll : .\thkt ic .\ v'<ll' i:Hi <>t l: \' . \\· . L' . .\ . ( R,.,· .. nl in ~

~vnc·t:ll·y ) :

l',•r nYi '" ' S t:ll'f

Dn r a :\ndru ~ i-: ~ud t a 1\I<Hk"l y< HIIl~ lady t hat it w:t< " ·it h g r c•ai d iffic u ltY th at w e g-at h cn·d C\'t' ll :• ft·\\· iac t ,; a hn ut h e r li fe. l l cr h •llli l' i ~ at \\':~lw••. S lw ta u ght <chnnl tlli'C'<' y l'a r s pn·,·ioll>' tc> h ,· r ar r i,·a l in T'\ · r u. S q l(l' lllh,·•· 2 1. 1()0/. S h ,• h a" hL'<'ll ]t ,•r ,· ,.,.,. .. <i ll<'<' . a 11 d l'X p('ct" to 1:11\ll<' h fn rth a s a fir st cl:;s,; tcao:h c r lll''<t fall.

\(. \ T l l I·: IU '::\ 1·: I I.\ ::\I( S ()ralll:llic C luh : 1\,· nl'lt ''l( a t<' ... "" ~~~·· is coll lii1Llll ly c·:tl k d . i-: ''"'' n i o ur ,inlli,·< l i'ri rl-. t h"n~h -l' r i"u' " " " "'·n t ,; cn nH' \\'h c n , h e ,:cc,; a pr i,· all' n1ni<' r c n n· s tari 11 g- lll'r i11 th•· i:tn'. S h <' Ita ' h l'l ll in t h ,· P e nt i\nn a l f• •r ti y ,• \'l':tr~. S h L' i,: a ~·,,ncl r ea der. and h :t < ••it L' ll <'ll t<' t·tai n c·d " " wit h (t ,.,. 11 <d ecti ••n s. S h v " ·ill 1-!.radlla t<' f•'n n t th ,· \ )l'p:ll·tntL'Ill .. r !·: '<PI'l'"'inn a t th•· l'll d ., j '1\11\ln L·r <ch nol thi ,: year.

l ;o1 I 1'- fi: ·, ·

STE LLA i\I. OPP Thi s fair m aiden is fro m Avoca, Nebr. It wa s there that ~ h e n :cein.:d tlte ntdint l' tll " o f a n ed ucatio n by con tinuing until graduatio n in th e , \ \·oca sch ools. La tc t· Frcn1011 t ~o rmal see m ed quite attracti\·e and she cas t her Jo t w ith th e Cle mm o n s famil y f•>r a yl'at· and o ne s um mer term . It wa s here tha t she ga ined th e in sp irat ion w hi c h led tn lt e t· serving in a teacher's capacity fo r t wo years in Ciiss co unty il nd two in I fa ll county. Thi s howe\·er seemed very deficient a s an e ducatio n a nd so in 1909 . h e cattt e tn o ld l'e rtt to receive that kn o wledge wh ich always serY es to hr i,:{h t..: n all nf th e t ·o u ~ l llu.:ss whi c h may tempo ra ri ly ex ist upo n the hu ma n brai n.

V iRG I N I A HANSO:'\ Eve rett; Ath letic J\ ssociatio n ; Assi stan t Englis h Uepart n ten l Miss Hanson is a gt·aduate of the A ra pahoe Jligh Schoo l. hut he r h o m e ~ ~ o n a fantt near E dison. Sh e has been here two years. She is a ''Forrest' ' maid e n a nd fin d s be t· e n vi ro nment very agreea ble for ;oul de\·clopm cnt. 1fe r chi ef am bit io n is tn ,_.;o tn Pat·i~ fot· tlt c purpose of s tudyi ng the s tyles each sea son.

MARGUERITE i\ fO IIRi\I Al\ P h ilom athean ; R ecord iug Secretary. 'o7 :\liss :\Iohrman come~ from Gene\·a, but is in no way as o bs trepe rous a ~ 11<.' !' addrc,;~ m ight lea d o ne to believe. :Vlarg ueri te has been here two years sinc e h e r g rad u a t ion ft·o m Geneva High School. S he is a pretty girl, winning a nd bright. a nd 15 respon s ible fo r leading a t least o ne Jun io r in th e path of righteou sn e~s :llld safety. S he is a ki nd ct·~a rten Sc ni o t· and wcli adapted fot· the work.

GRAC E PI ~C K C ho ru s :\ l is:; P eck is so qu iet and fo rbiddi ng that we have not had the co ut·a~e to q ueq io n lt,-r as t0 her pa st hi story. She si ngs in the cho r11 5 and has ta 11ght. no o ne k no\\'~ _i11 ;; t fl o\\' 1.. 11 ~.

V :\ .:\ K l R K :\ l.-\ :\. E Y E\·t.' r t.'lt: Y. :\ 1. C. :\ .: G lee Cl uh : A th letic.: :\ ~so..: i at i o n J..:i r k ~ p<' nl h i~ t.'a rl y ~clt ool-da y:< in tit <' Ol d Dom in io n ~ t all.' a nd n c, ·<'r t it·<':< of relating h is ha ..:kwood t.'X pc·ri cncc~ . 1 k Ita ~ ~p.-nt two ~·car:< in ~tti ding- th e vo uth o f th e Jan el. h ;:n· ing complete d th e 1'\ormal Trainer~ Cour"c pr ... ,· io u s to t hi ~. Kirk i;< -an excell en t gymna !'t and is a t prcst.' llt a s~ i stin ~ in th e gy mtta si ttm wo t·k. lie tak e ~ a n acti ,·e p a rt in th e mu ~ica l o1 r g ani za t io n s o f th e ,:c-lwol :lllcl ptt shc'S thing~ ~c·twra ll Y .

.-\ c; 1\TS :\ r. H L .-\ l\ K Y. \ \". C. :\. : ) ~,· crctt: Dra m at ic Cl tth

i\1is:< ])l an k "..; lt o tnc· i ~ :tt C rc·ig h ton . S h e ha:< tau g h t o n e year ttl Knox cou n ty. and h as at te n ded th e l\o nnal t h l"l't.' y ea rs. Sh t.' is n· r y fo n d of h ugg·y r ick~ a n d h a s a m o nopo ly ·~n th:H fo n11 o f tra n •l.

S h e inll'ncls to tl'a ch n ex t yt.'a r.

CL.-\ R .-\

Rl ~ J-:1 )

P h ilo m at hcan : Ge rm an C luh

1 f ,- u \\·a ttt to get acq u ai n ted w ith a g irl that look ~ o n th e· lH·igh t s ide of life. th a t w ears 0 a s n tiic a lw a y s. t h at i;: h app y a nd cont l· nt C'Cl \\·i th h er lot. get a cqu ai n ted with P.1i~s C la r a Rcccl. J t is good to kno w h e r : b y hcr word s a nd a c ts sh e tea d t<.'S yon to lw a n optimi s t. \\' c k nn \\· "· ithout dnttht ~tt cce ss awai t ~ her.

.\LF A


Dl." l\I I A:\1

Y . \V. C. .-\ . A lfa i!' a Valen tine. Nebr .. gi r l. .-\ ft cr ntttch h csitat tcy lH.:G ttts c· o f t h L' grc·a t d istallC<' :mel cx t n·n H' vou tlt o f Al fa . Ite r pa r t.'nts dec idecl t<> sc u d h er to PL' t·u to ad d som ctlt in g tn h er st o r e of l;nowlcd gt.'. .-\ fter twn .vear s spent h e r e sh e fe els p r e p a t-ecl to cop e \\·ith any p n~bl C'm .-d te m ay m ·: t.'t a ~ a ll'ac h e r. ()u r o nl y cri t ic i~m ,~ r h e r i ~ th at ~h e is llH' q u ie t.

Ph i Io m at IH:a 11 :.\li ss Ro ll ins' ho m e is at Elwood. l\ebr. , but ~h e is a g-racl uat..: , ; t he: HridK"''"I't I I igh Sch ool , Conn. S h e bro t with h e r a great d eal of S e w l·:u gla nd r c·sl'rVo: a nd dig-nity and has m o r e tha n o nce been scanda lized by o u r \ Vest crn way s. S h o: is fa s t hl't:on1in g- accli nl a l l'd ;,n d thinks a ft :'! r h e r yea r's stay a m o ng us that liT a r c no t «n e h :1 l•:ul l" t af tl'r all.

ET I II-: L \\' 11 .1.1 ,\ .\1 S Philo math ean-poste r -makc r: :\thlet ic .-\ ssociati on: Onl'IH·:



l·:di t"r

E thel is t h e pro duct of th e P e ru '.\Tod cl School. \ Vc kn"w that. l>ecan,_,,. .\ I iss Cns iJ,·n ca ll s her "Ethel." She has never ''chumnH:d" wi th th e oppos it c· Sl' X in particular. !.ttl lu c k y will the man he wh 0 win s h e r h eart. .\ 11 th e yn ntlg" m e n r c·alizo: th i~. Inn th ey a n· a f1·aid to ask h c: r.

LO I S \1. S.'\Y I JI·:R Y. \Y. C. ,., _: :\ thkti c :\ <<><•ci:1t i<111 Thi s lit tle g-irl co m es fr om :\lma Hig h Sch ool. Though s mall. ,he· 1-!<'1~ thn•· J tht tit<' <am c. a nd m a d e quite a i1it at ba<;c-ba ll pract ice in thc· ~y ntn a~ i tllll. S h t' ha -. atkiH!c- d th.· L: ni. o ne year a nd ha s tau ght a year. llcr wide an d 1·a r il'd c·x p c·r i<- 11<' <" 1'1 1" h•·r j, •r :tn-'· p0~i ti o n.

1-: LJ·:. \.:\0 I\ C:\ I< I' 1·: .:\ T 1·: 1\ E 1·cr e tt: Dra111atic Cluh: :\ th lc ti c .-\ ~~.,,· iat inn .\n o thcr .,; o ur dark ey ed girl ~. She i.; int e rl'"ic d in donl('~ t it· c;cil'nn·, int.-ndi n ).! '" lll :tk<' nse o f it as a d rawi ng card later. 1-1 1- 1- hom(' was at L'nion. f>tl l ,.h.- " ·<·nl l" Clmaha '" :1ll t' lld the H ig h School. Th ey certai n ly delil' e r cd the g 0 r11 f« when t hi ~ prod uct 11·en t fu rt h in>lll th eir do0r~. She h as pro1·~n to the w0rl<l h n effic iency hy tea c hing tw" y<': t r~ and att,·ntl ing· th e .:\onnal f, ,r the sam e leng th o f tim ~:. Ynu 1 1~ 111 c n ln11k i11 t11 her t'Y<"' · IJ v..; itat<-. :11 lol arl' In l.

f , ,, 1 , ,., ~Itt

EDNA :\ITLLAY :\thktic A ssociatio n ; E,·erett l·:dna. tlw little girl from Springview. is an "old timer .. in th e class. having been here for fou t· yea r~ . S h e ha s never taught but her practice teaching has been s uch that her plans n c:trly always return with :1 red V. G. on them . The school which secures h er serviccs wi ll Ill' fortunate indeed.

BURTJS KENNEDY (.;ennan Club; Octette; Basket-B:~II T ea m. ' oS, '09 ; Athl et ic Associ ation Secreta ry Burtis irom Brownville is the gi rl who pbys h:tsket-ball. She is strictly in it when the game is at its high est pitch. and shc was also th e twirl e r in om· Senior girls' baseball tea m. She is :>. Ge rman s tudent of marked ab ility. She has spent five years in this school. and that i~ th e lwst n :commendation that can he gin·n to any per son.


Y. \V. C. A.; Philo m athea n

~.li ss Barhn· has had professiona l training in the Coll egiate Insti tu te at Campbell vi lle, K enUtcky. She ha s tau g ht one te rm. and has been h c re one year. She has a n aversion for th e o ppL sit c sc~ as th ey int e rfL'l'C \Yith he r business. liLT hom e is a t Syracuse. Nebr. 1

.-\ i\ l ELl. \ \VEI-l R S Se,,·ard C luh; P hi lomathean; Athletic :\ssoc iatio n ; Germa n Cl ub .\I iss \Vchrs i~ Jillk- hut, Oh tny! She ha s taught seve n year s in Sewa rd cou nty . has ; ttcnd cd th e state U ni. two years, and Pe ru No rmal o ne yea!'. She wa s o n the gi rl s' sq uad 1 which debated at Kearney :uid is a talker fro m Talkc rsv illc. S he is not afrai d tn c•xpre,,; her opininn ntt a ll s ubjec·t s and is frank in all her dealing-s.

Fm ,,._ ,,,,

FDX .-\ S ' I:::LL Y. Y.l. C. A.; A thl etic Associat ion ; Ge rman Clu b M.iss Snell is a graduate of the Om aha H igh. and th at togeth e r with h er two years at the Normal is of invalu able usc to her. S he is tea ching- at pr c~e nt at H en so n, )Jeb,· .. ha,·in ggone to that pl ace a t the beginning o f the spri ng te rm .




Philomathean ; Cicero ; Dramatic Cl ub President; D ebates: Ha nd M r. .Mitton is a young man from Ada ms. Nebr .. who cam e hack wit h 11s after absence to complete the course wh ich he kn ew wou.lrl satis fy hi s tas te. H e is a netis t and wins much admi ration from s uch, but somehow or o th er th e g irl s don't find much of an invitation to come into hi s compa ny, hence he is ge nera ll y lonely. laurels in th e K earney debate.

a yca 1·' s fi n e co,·see m tn 11 e " ·"n

ELSf E Tl. CUSS Y. W. C. A.; E vc1·c tt Society M iss Guss has taugh t for six yea rs . and at prese nt is teaching at 'vVayne. Nebr .. h11t wi ll be here to graduate with the class o f '09. She ha s atte nded Pe ru t w o year s a nd is a gra duate of H a r tington High School. Mi ss Gu ss has the pro fess io nal tea chin g s pi rit and will " make good" as a teache r.


Y. W. C. A.; Everett; Athl etic Associatio n Miss Knudson comes from Page, Nebr. S he is very sobe r a nd s trik es l t iTOI' to t h e hearts o f tho se who offend her. S he ha s attended Grand Ts la nd on e yea r an d h as b et· ,, here fo r thre<: yea rs. Her hohhy is h <! inl rC' <s i n ~~ and cat~.

HE:\ R ll ·:T"L -\ K El·:S Philo math ean : D ramatic C hth: .-\thlet ic .·\ssoc iat ion :.'.-!iss K L'l':' i:' a gr:tduate o f the N chra-<k:t C ity High :ttH.l ha s s pent two years here at t he Normal. S he is fo nd o f :1 good t im e :~ n d think s donn . r nl cs a re too strict. S he is \"er\" pa rt ia l to dtcwin~ g nm ami candy, s ince ~he ha s fo11 nd som eone to pro\"ide it for het:. She loves Ever ( y )sottl.

lLJ :\ GERTR U Dl·. TYLER Ph ilomathea tt ; .-\thl ct ic Assoc iation :\ I iss Tyler is a dark-eyed lass who made h er appea r a nce h ere a s a Senior last fall. S h e h as t a ug ht s uccessfnlly fot· th ree years. S he is a graduate of the Aubu rn High S chool. S he is a stro ng- stnden t. aml her spec ial ty is R o meo a nd Jnl ict, in which she seem s \"cry m uch inte t·<'stcd.

!vl Y RTLE YOC.'\fvl Evere tt : Athlet ic A ssociatio n; Ge rm an Cl ub ; Sen ior Baskct- Ba11 T ea m My rtl e rolled in here one mornin g j ust aite r her gradua tio n a t Fall s Ci ty a nd a ske d if s he mi g ht en ter the Se nior class. \V c received her with open a rms, and since t h en she h a s a d o rned o ne of the rows in ch a pel eve ry m o rn ing wh en she didn't s leep too la te to make h er appeara nce. S h l' ha s a deep interest in mines an d con sider s P eru " Cole" \"Cry Ya lu ahl e.

Rl. TH W. MOORF Dnuna ti c C lub ?vii s s ?\·[no n : , ch ief characteri stic is th e satis fie d look sh e al ways wear ::.. S h e is a Gage co unty ll!achet· :111 cl a succes::. fnl o ne. S he is a good story-tell er ( so t he children say) a nd loves c ats . S he '" t ryin g· th e self-hoa rding ~cheme. all o f w hich goes to indicate ,,·hat It er futur e w ill he.

BLANCHE B. WORLEY Miss vVorley is a graduate of the Western H igh School. S h e has s tudie d h e re tw o year s and during th at time has proved to be a live facto r in sch ool affai rs . S h e is a d cbatc:t·. and comes from \ 'V estern .

MYRTLE E. REED Philomathean ; German Club; Y. vV. C. A; Dram a tic C lub. ~ l i ss Reed is a tall Kindergarten Senio r, who takes the littl e tots ou t fo t· natur e s tn d~· talks and wa lks, a ltho she herself is more in terested in mineralogy, a nd h as an excell e n t speci men o f "Zink." She has li ved h•;! re since long, long ag-o, an d is a Nor mal s ch oo l p rocl n ct. ha ving- bee•t in that department fo r four years.

AD :\ O'CONNOR N. C. i\. V ice-P res ident ~[ i ss () 'Connor comes from Fremont. N ebr. She h a s atten ded th e Fre m ont No r mal a nd has bee n her e h\·o yea rs. She has had some experience in teachi ng and is a ddin~ to h<'t· fund o f kno wl edge by her work in th e practice school. She is ta ll an d <;ta t<'ly and is gen erall y bnsy at work !n the library at her Ge rman o r ne xt week ly plan.

ELL A BU CKE N DORF German Club : :\thletic A ssociat io n ~1 i ss Buckendo rf made her firs t bow here one a nd on e h a lf years ago. S h e ha s taug;ht fo r two yea r s and intends to continu e th e good work next year. Tfer hom e is at Norfol k and we ha ,·e lea rned r ecently tha t she is ex tremely proud of " Jewell < ' ;-ttHl be li eves in t h e n lt im ;-tte triumph o f the Good.

?vi Al\IT E l\I ASEr;: Y. \ V. C. A.; Athletic Assoc iati o n . M iss l\ l a~ek. a gradu;; te of the O m aha H igh , is a se rious m inded girl who is always on tune a t con fere nces, never cuts class. and grinds out lesson plans at will. Sh e ha s b een h ere two years and ex pects to teach next year. S he is \"Cry fond of donn ito ry pi c.

:\. :\f.-\H.Y D£TTi\IER Y. \ V. C. :\.; E\·erett Secretary ; Athl etic Associatio n ; Captain Senio r Basbal l T ea m ; Associate Editor Peruvia n ; A th enian ; Assistant Phys ical S cience Departme nt F rom Minden, Nebr. A graduate of the M inden H ig h School, and two years at th e No rmal is th e record of o ne of so ~·ou th ful appearance as A. Mary. Sh e is surely a ve ry enthus iastic worker and has proven herself an im·a luable member of the Peruvian Staff during its m any trial s and tribul ations. l\ Iat r im o ny never bothers h er for she says that she is look ing to h igher and better ideals.

ALICE E. S I:.I S La tin Club; Everett Al ice is a s m iling li ttle girl from the \ ¥estern High School. She has taugh t the youth o f Saline county for two yea rs and has been a student here for the same length of time. She is optimistic and always happy. Th e weather has no t been particularly incl ement, but o f late she has been very much interested in getting a "Mitton .'' S he di sd a ined a pa ir of good woolen o nes wh ich we offered he r, and we felt that we m ust ha ve made a break of some kind.

P EARL STRA \VN Pearl, th e li ttl e girl w ith the golden hair, was raised near vVym o re. 1\cbr. She g ra du ated from Wym o re High School a nd taught nea r there. She then ente re d here. as a J un ior, and ta ught the followin g yea r. but th is yea r she came back and joined 115 and is a \·cry e nthu siastic worker.


A. G. REED Evc r<'lt; Gke Cl ub l\Ir. Reed is one of those happy fello ws who CC\ tlld not stand sch ool \\'ot·k con titllto u s ly last yea r so tri ed hi s luck in the West. He was soon couvinced that Peru was th e b ette r place to be and hence arr ived here last w in ter to a ga in pursue the tcach e t·" s cour se.

G. E DWI N S :\ND E RS Everett; Ciceroni an ; Band; Y . M. C. A. M r. Sanders is one o f the best musicia ns in o ur Norma l Band. lie has taught sch oo l th ree years a nd has a ttended the Normal fi ve years. His hom e is in th e city o f Brownv ill e. Mr. Sande r s is a good debater and Ch r ist ian wo rker a nd h as played on the Seni or boys ' in door baseball a nd basket-ball teams. H e is a good exampl e of th e tht·cefold m a n d ev e lo pe d into a ha rmon ious wh ole.

E LMER SEELEY Eve rett; Band; G lee Cl ub ; Ciceroni a n; Dra matic E lm e r is mus ically incl ined and has proven a valuable addi tio n to th e vat·iou s mu s ica l organi zations of th e school. He is a n actor of ma rked a bi lity, w hich ha s bee n ca ll ed forth by his productions in Dramatic Cl ub a nd in th e Senior play. He is a d eba te r.

A. T. HOLTZEN Tt·easurer, German Club ; G lee Club Thi s bright and energetic young man comes from Desh ler. NebL , and has ta ttght threeyear s. He speaks Ge rman like a native a nd ha s t hose (J ualities w h ich m a ke him a pe r son to be depe nded upon in w hatever posi tion he is placed. TT e is cert a in of s ucce ss " ·h e-re-ve r he goes.

/ ·"t"(l \ ·-,/ou


LUL.-\ P E11BERTO!\ i.\l iss Pember ton ha s ta ug ht in Beatrice with g reat s uccess. but a sp1nng to a dd to her s tore o f kn o wl e d ge. she so ug ht th e fo untain h ea d o f wisdo m here in Pen1. S h e is a quiet s tud en t a nd a lady o f great ability. S h e is al ~o Yer secl in th e gentle art of cook ing .


Y. \ V. C. A. ; Philomath can l\1Ji ss Fowler ha s been with us tw o yea rs. S h e says her home address is Emm e tt, Ida., a nd w e have visio ns of he r s kimming ac ross country. o n a bucks ki n pony. She ha s taught in thi s state fo1· s ix yea rs and intends to do good Sa ma rita n wo rk next year by c ivilizi ng th e littl e i o lk s in l daho. S h e is tall and s tately a nd ha s a n ino r d inate appetite for pickle;;.

H E LEN G. F R ANCE Phil o math can ; :-\;; sistant in E ng li sh; A thl etic Association; Athenian; First Bask et-B:1l l T eam; Peruvian Staff H e le n is a product of the Syracuse schoo ls, a nd has been in the Normal two years. She has led the children of a rural school in the path s o f indus try for one yea1· and wi ll now a dvance to the d ignity of professor o f hi gh school mathematics. She is a l ways chee rful and look s on th e bri ght s ide of things. She is :tn a rdent ~ u ffragette and can g i,-c ~i xteen reasons wh y a wo man sho uld Yote.

ORA ANDREWS Philo m a thean; Basket- Ball Team; Y. V1i. C. A.; A thletic Association; Per\1\·ian Staff O ra is a bright littl e girl f rom Syracuse, Nebr. I t was there t ha t she obtained the encotn·agem ent which gave he r t he idea that no thin g sho r t of ;1 co llege cot11·se ,,·ou ld be sufficient for o ne of her capacity, h ence she immecliatcl~- came to Peru wh e1·c she has spe nt two yea 1·s in the mid st o f social a nd intellectual en,-i ,·o nm en t;;. She is now ,.<' ry ade(juatel,· equ ipped to manage the home of any suitabl e cha racte r.


::19 0 9 FLO REKC E


P hilomathca n ; A thl et ic Assoc ia tion :\liss Stephenson is a nother Omaha g irl and s peaks fo r hc rsc l f, if on ly gi,路 c n a c ha n ce. H er sparkli ng eyes a rc a n indication o f her tempe r, a nd tho ug h s he is so s m a ll , we h a ve yet to see t he pe rson who can cove r more gro und in a given le ngth o f ti m e t ha n s he . S he is on e of t he dorm girl s who get boisterous once in a wh ile. b ut no serio us h arm ha s I路esulted as yet.

I SABEL E. GLOVER Y. I V. C. A.; P h ilo mat bcan; Jun io r Basket-Ball a nd Baseball , 'oS Yl.iss Glo,路e r, or "Bell e," as she is kn own to so me of us, h as that wh ic h is wo r th a m ill io n dolla rs and which doesn't cost a cent. a sunny dispos ition and a happy s m il e. S h e is a g raduate o f the A urora High S chool, and h as taught t hree yea rs. H e r yea r a nd a h a lf her e has won fo r her many fr iends, a nd she is the k ind of teach er w h o a lways m a kes a success. She can give extempo speeches on the J a mes Lang T heory o f t he E m ot ion s o r H ering's T h eory of Color Vi sion a nd make you feel tha t sh e is th e on ly o ne in t h e c la ~ s who knows anyth ing about it.

IDE LLA STR AY ER Athletic Association ; Ph ilomathean ; Se \\'a rd Club :\1iss Strayer, of S eward. has taught for two yea rs. S he en tered th e N o rm a l a nd t h e 路dorm. two years ago. She foun d dorm. life and rules rath er st renuous, bu t mana ged to g et her stu dying done and deli ve red her thesis during the first semester of th is yea r . S h e t h en depa rted to teach, but will be here, sm ilin g a nd radiant, in Ju ne to w ea r h er ca p an d go wn with the rest of us.

R AL P H !vi. L E W1 S Everett; Y. l\ll. C. A.; Dra mati c Clu b Thi s industrious young man is a shi pped-in product fro m Mor rison, Til. A fte r t wo yea rs of teaching i!1 th e rura l schoo ls o f that state, he decided to come to th e most fa m o u s Nor m a l chool in the U nited States, and accordi ngly he made hi s a ppea ra nce h ere la st fa ll. H e is a brillia nt conversa tional ist. and ma ny a rc the confe rences he ha s w ith M iss T yno n durin g libra ry hours. Ask h im ahou t it.


\, ,~...




1;,"'~ .

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LEN A McCULLOUGH Y. \ V. C. A.; Philomathean: Dramatic Club i:VIiss i\'lcCull o ugh is a nother dormitory girl. She is very studious and observes stu dy ho urs religious ly. She is a graduate of th e Omaha H igh School and has taught for th ree years in Douglas County. She expects to spend the rest of her life in the teaching profess ion.

i\IYRTLE D. KILMER Philomathean ; Y. \ V. C. A.; Athl etic Associa tion Miss Kilmer"s home is at \ ¥estern, where sh e completed the H igh School cou rse. She has ta ught for fou r years, a nd has attended the Normal on e yea r. She likes to try to talk Ge r man. and is qu:ite a good student in Romeo ancl J uliet. TTcr expe ri ence in that line h as bee n quite h elpful to h er.

i\l ARY C. P.-\SCO Athletic Association; German Cl ub i\'l iss Pasco' s home is near A uburn. She taught four ~ u ccc~~ fu l years o f ~chool after taki ng some preparatory work here. She is qu ite an admi1·cr o f rC'd ha ir.

STELLA i\1. CLARK Miss Cla rk is a gradu ate o f the RC'sen ·e, K ansas. J-1 igh School. She takes things as they come and is never in a hurry. She is qui et and resen·ed, and rC'ad s do rmito ry rui<';; twic e a day so that she will not wa lk in the way of the transgressor.


FERN R ALST Ol\' Philomathean; Latin Clu b- trium virate :Miss Ralston came he re two years ago fr om Weeping \ Vater , ;md d urin g th at time ha s made many friends. She is modest a nd unass uming and was o ne o f th e three gi rl s who represented P eru in the debate with Kearney. She has taugh t fi,路c years in Cass co unty.

HELEN JOHNSO N Everett; Athletic Association The little girl from \IVi lsonvill e High School. She certain ly showe d daring a nd COlll路agc in coming from so g reat distance to attend school h ere. S he likes to wo rk things o u t mathematicall y in stead of emotionally. She has been a student here for two yeat路s . whi c h together with her traits of ch aracter will assure her success as a teacher.

RuBY FLOY W ORTMAN Ruby Floy is an Ashla nd High School girl. She is seda te and print. h aving ta ught school fo r two years previous to coming here. H er path was a littl e " hill y" at the begin ning o f the year, but obstacles have been removed, and sh e is pu shing o n to mak e a g rand s uccess in the teachin g profession.

MAY BARNES Y. W. C. A.; P hil omathea n; Germa n Club This young lady makes her home a t Holly, Colo. S he is so re ti ce n t that w e co uld fi nd out nothing about her except that she has ta ught one year. O th er s t ell u s th at s h e has attended P eru :.Jormal for four years. T hi s together with the fact tlt nt she is n dormitory girl makes us think th at she can be tru sted whereve r s he goe s .

GRACE CO L SO:\ Latin Club: Germ an Club; .·\thcn ian i\Iiss Colson is a graduate of the H ttmboldt High School, and has taught fo r fiv e yea r~ 111 Richardson cou nty. Her two years spent here have been profitable t o her, although pract ice teachi ng was n o t h er primrose path.

REN .-\ TURNER Y. \ V. C. .-\.; P hilomathean; Athenia n 1\I iss Tmner is a g raduate of the Columbus High School and has taught three years 111 rural districts. Sh e is a popu la r g irl and has many frie nds . She is warranted t o give satisfac tion if us ed according to directions. Her peace- loving disposit io n averts m any qu arrels.

A. J. I-HLL P r es ide nt C ice ro n ia n: Ath letic Associa t ion ; Y. M. C. A . ; L atin Clu b ; L aboratory A ss is ta nt ; Everett, Pn~si d e nt, 'oS :\l ien is o ne o f ou1· pretty bo ys, a nd com es from Silver Creek. l i e is a teacher of wide experience, havi ng taugh t two a nd o ne half month s in rural schools. 1-le has been h ere t hree years a nd ha s had a monopoly at some time o r othe r o n a lmost every office in evet·y school o rganization. li e is a good parliamentarian, and hi ~ fa,·oritc C' x pression i ~ "Oh dC'ar."


SP t-;:_-\R

'M iss Spea r makes you i eel at o nce that yo u \\'ou ld li ke t.> hc·conw bet tc1· acqua in kd with heL She is qu iet and ha,; a very pleasing appearance' . S he is a good student. ancl a dormitory girl, two things whi ch make fol' good result s.

ZELIA CO R NEL L i\I I CKE L She is one o f our best students, though so qui et and indu st rio us t hat few arc awat-e o f th e fact that she is a 'oger. S he has Jived in P e ru fo r severa l years. and during that time has attended the Norma l. She intends to teach, and h e r s weet inOue ncc will do more for the children under h er care than words can express.

BEULAH SNIDER Athl etic Association ; Y. W. C. A. Miss Snider is a sunny girl wh o lives have time to di scuss oth er people's affairs. writing plans or stu dying a r t. She often to believe that it is not for mi sdemeanors

in Per u. S he is a good s tudent. a n d docsn·t S he is occup ied the major part of th e t~me in has to stay afte r chapel, bu t we have rea son on her part.

i\IARGARET SEECl< Phi lomathean; Y. Vv .C. A.; Athenian; German Club }.ofargarct first went to school at Campbel l, wh ere she made h er wants known in the German tongue until she learned United States. She ha s been here two years . S h e is one of the jolly crew of laboratory assistants and never is satis fi ed until all he t· quantitativcs arc corrected and filed.

VERN A E. RODGERS E,·erett; Y. \V. C. A.; German Club; Dramatic Club }.Iiss Verna is an industri ous littl e maiden who ne,·cr has not help wondering ho\1· one head can contain all she kno ws. She stays at Culbertson's and ha s never been call ed down or years of her snj ourn here. This is an env iable record a nd in charaeteri~tic~ . She has taught one ye;u· in a rural district.

much to s:ty. hut one ca n She is a Jo,·e r o f Ge r ma n . locked out during the two accot·d with Verna's ot lt c t·


:\Iiss Da \·is of Beatrice has been a \"Cry success fu l teacher, and is teac hi ng at prc ~\· nt in Beatrice. S he is a graduate of the D es ?11oincs K indergarten No rma l. S h e h a s bee n here o ne yea r, and in th at time made many fri end s. Sh e is a good CO il\"l· r ~ at i ona li s t. a nd can di scuss a nything f ro m a nursery rhyme to th e nebu lar hypo th es i!' .

C. W. MOTTINGER Superintendent Schools o f Me rna One o f o ur Seniors who is wo rking at hi s professio n an d will retum t0 r ece ive hi s di ploma with the 'ogs.

J ESS 1-f ~\RRl S E.verett ; P erm·ian Staff; Y. :\f. C. :\; Tre-asure r :\thlc t ic !\ ~sociat io n; Cnrna n Clu l• " Stub,'" a s he is fami liarly ca lled. is one o f the most popul a r boys in th e Se nio r clas~ . The naug htniners are proud of th e fa rt that he has spent fo ur· years with th e m . J cs~ is a fin e student. with ma rked li tera ry ability. 1 le has a lways been ea gerly in teres te d in the a thl etics of the Norma l a nd t o him no d o ubt rests t he in spiratio n wh ic h cheered thl· va r ious teams on to victory. The boys have always looked upo n " Stub"' as th eir ma sco t . \Vc a rc unable to do j ustice to this big-hea rted littl e fe llow, and calr o nl y say t ha t vn·ry :-\on nal student is g la d to be numbered amo ng hi s fri ends.

?Ill LL A RD C II AS. LEFLER :vrr. L efl er is a mcmbe1· of <)Ur class, and we a r c just ly pro ud of him. li e i~ a g-radu a te o i the Elmwood T-figh School and aside hom teaching in ru ral sch oo ls and a yea1· a t W eeping vVater , he has taught fi ve years a t E lmwoo d, now be ing principal a t th a t p lace. :vrr. Lefler· ~ success in the pro fessio n has been ph eno menal, a nd he w ill be classe d a mon g th e lc:~d in g young- c- duc:~ton: of th e state. fl e has atte nd ed th e U ni. o f r\ehras k;t.

.:\l·:U . I E E. D.\ \ '!SO.:\ Y. \\'. C. :\.: Phil o ma thean : Ath enia n, V ice- P resident. · o.~ :\ !i ss DaYison h a,; a tt e nd ed the l\ormal for fiy e Year~ . H e r home is ncar South :\ubttrn. S h e is o ne of ou r debatin g· g irl s. and helic,·es it; wo m a n's rights. :\ sk her fo r f urth er pa rticulat·~. S he has ta ught fo r th ree year:; it! Rich:u·d;;on county. S h e has a wi ll o f h e r ow n. so don 't a ttempt to dri ve her.

E LIZABETll MOOD Y Philo math ean ; Athenian If yo u w an t a lcgi;; lator. clea r thinker, good talker. a n cl a j o lly good girl. ask for Elizabeth. She can o ut-argue any ma n in the N ati o nal i·low;c of Represe nta t ives a nd will be in the front ranks if women are ever g iven their right~ in thi s country. Her o pinion o f boys-well th ey don't amount to much, as compared with t heir s uperiors, the o the r sex. We fear th e teach ing pro fession will not lon g hold her. as a school of one wil l pro\'C mot·e a ttracti vc to h e r.

MAY FRANK Philo m ath ea n: Dramatic Club : Ath letic As,;ociat ion Thi s litt le girl is a lways smilin g and ha ppy. T ho ugh so \'C ry s ma ll , she de lig h ts in much exe rcise a nd ha s been kno wn to take very lo ng walks o n S unda y a ftcm oons -whe n t he en v iro nment was jus t r ig h t. S he has tau gh t three yea r~ at York a nd ha s been here one year.

H er ability as an actress is very marked. K inde rgarte n Director. York. Nebr .. ·oo-·w

CAPITOL A C!\MPRELT. Y . \ •V. C. :\ .: Eve rett Capito la is th e little g ir l who lived at \o\!ymore and fmi shl'd th e Hig h Sc hool co urse th e re. S h e was with us as a Junio r a nd no w as a Sen io r. S he i ~ a demure littl e mai de n. but she has taught s uccessfully fo r fi ve years, :md is still young. T ea ch er of Engli sh. Cen t ra l City 1-l igh School. '()()-· ro

CAR L ETTA J7L.\CK Eve rett; Y. VV. C. A.; Athle t ic A ssoc ia ti o n ; D ra m atic Club } [iss F lack 1s a tall , quiet, girl who a lways s its in the no r thw es t corner o f t lH.: liill·aryif Carl is there. S he is a K in dergarten Sen ior. a nd fo llo w s in t he foots tep" of Froeb el. He r home is at Aubu rn and sh e has attended the Nor mal for fo ur y ea r". S h <" a lway s smi les . an d som eti mes-once in a g reat whil e-sh e talk s.

O LI VE PASCO Senior Baseball T eam. :i' diss Pa sco lives in the country nea r Per u, and ha s heen he r o wn cook whik at t endingschool he re. She has been in the class of '09 since its o rgani zati o n , when we w e r e l'l·es h men. Sh e is inte rested in domestic science and dish-washing, a n d is a good teacher as wel l. She was a member o f the class basket-hal l team in ou r J un io r year.

COR:\ CH ITTENDEN Ph ilo mathean; Athenian; Y. \V. C. r\. Cora is one o f our debaters who h<!s b~e n a part of o ur large iamily ior twn years. She began sho wing folk s what she could do a t Cozad. bu t la te r atte nded Lexington flig l1 School where he r powers of a rgum entation were probably clc \·clo pc cl. She is an Oak \.len g irl a nd a good cook. She has a sunny di sposition a nd " Joy" is O JJC of h c r at t1·ih utcs .

GERTRUDE R. VAN DR IEL Pen!\· ia n S ta ft : Everett; N . C. C. A.; A then ian: Ger m an C lu b ; Basket- Hall. Fi rst Tea 111 Gertrude is a girl o f hig h idea ls a nd lofty \·ie ws. .·\ r es ide nt of 1\fal m o, a gradu a te oi th e Wahoo High School, a Seni o r o f ·09, she certain ly has a good record . S he is a g oo cl talker and is one of th ose who a lways helped make Everett h usin<'ss mee t ing ~ li\·ely and inte resting affair". Her fame as ba sket-ball center has sp read O\'e r the state and it take" a brave heart and long :~ rm to oppose her wi th any degree n f s ucces~ . I 11 ~hort-!J cr 11 ;11 11<' is Va n Dri cl. an d that is s ufficient.

RI C H :\ RD 1·:. COLE l·:n: rctt : Y. :\ 1. C. :\ .; Dramatic Clu h ; .-\thktic . \ ~~ociati o n . Ric h a rd i~ <>ne of th o~c ~t rong m cn \\·hose llllt~ck~ rc~e· mblc YCry much t h o~e of a n tc k ct, hut ju ~ t the sa me fo r fi\'c yca rs h e ha~ worked faithfu lly with the '09s unt il h e ts n ow w o rthy o f recogn iti o n a s a m an 0 f s tunh· cha r ac te• r and cxcl'lil'nt abili t,·. Cole u sed to a ssist a "Baker" hu t \\'l' sec . that he ha s lost all hope~ al:,ng th is line and will pro bably h e•co m c a ~ impl c «c hool- tcach cr.

C:\THER I NE F. S II.-\RP ];:,·en· t t J\ li ss S h ar p' s hom e i~ :tt Liberty. and s h e is a gradu a te· o f th e· Pawnee l ligh School. Slw ts ahont th e smalle~t g irl in the class : hut m ental attainment i,; n o t measured by phy sical ~tatnr~. a n d s h e is a tnathcma tir al romputeT of great s kill and accuracy.

R:\ Y


S!lii S

Evc rl'tt: Y. l\ f. C. :\.: .\thlctic .-\ ssociat ion Ray i ~ the hoy who al way~ run ~ bnt ne· ,·e r \\·alks. li e is always tn a hurry and generally gl't-< th er e. Ill· i~ teach ing m athcma ti cs in th e Tecutn,;eh High School a t present. after sp en din g- t·s o YL'ar~ in th ,• P,· rtt Normal. H ,• i ~ a good di sci pl inaria n a n d may he a po litician ,;otm• day . a~ he kno\\·s how to wield the hig stick to good ach·antagc. H i ~ c \'l'nin g se r·.·tt acks nn till' .-\uhurn road ha,·e m ade h im famott~ .


l\ I. CL:\RK

(;illl'lt e . \\' yo .. is the pl:tce fro nt ,,·hich thi o. y ou n g man cnntcs. Tt is at thi s pl ace th :-tt h e ha s rlur ittg· the imnll'diatc pa~t r esid ed and h c i ~ only h ct·e· t11 spe nd tlH· last nine w ccks \\·ith us and L' Otttplc!c' th e Profcs~ im~a l Cottt'S('.

E.\ RL L. :\I E'ITR C harte r M emhc: r Pro mo ters· Cl u b; r\thleti c r\ ssociati o n: Bas k et- 11all. ·ox-·o<) : c;I <T ( '!11 1> : :\<fanager Bask et-R ail : P eru via 11 S talf Earl is a na t i\·e o f Per u and ha' bc<·n in th e :\'o r mal d e pa rtm ent II\T year ~. l i e i..: a star bas k e t-ball playe r, having played 0 11 th e fir s t t eam two yea rs . Befo re h i,- <i <· pa rt llr c for F a irbury, wh ere h e b egan teaching thi s s pr in ~, h e wa s ~c ne r a lly kn o wn a s one nf t h e do rm boys. :\1t. Vernon has pro ven equa lly as att racti ve s ince h e left Pcrn. and he ha ..; retu rned sc \'t·ral t imes.

HAZ E.L BECK Evere tt: A thl etic Assoc iatio n: Basket- Ball Team. '07- 'oR : :\ ss is ta n t

l ~ng- l i s h

I >cpa l'tll le llt

H azel entered th e Model Sch ool in the s ixt h g rade ;n u l h a s hecn c limbin g e\'<· 1· >' i l ~cc . u n t il n o w s h e ha s reached th e d izzy h eigh ts o f being a Se n io r. S he is e lec t ed to tea c h in t h e H ebro n sch ools nc>xt fa ll. I laze] tak es an in terest in ;-tth lcti cs and is a c ra c k b ask e t ball player.

DO RA 13. 7.00K Eve rett: Ath leti c A ssociat io n Dora is o n e o f those q uiet littl e g irls, always pegg in g aw a y a t t h e L ibra ry . I l eT " li ly recreation is "Ro wan," both winter and s umme r. S h e has bee n her e flv e y ears a ll d h a -< never been ca ll ed dow n d uring t ha t time t ?). H e r fa\·orite nook is in th e ' h ad e n f th e Bl a nke ns h ip p ines, a nd thou gh h er home is in A ubu rn, h er h eart is h e r e.

GUY E VERSO L E Y. :\ 1. C. .\.: Cicero n ian; L a tin Club; M andoli n Club ; Philo m ath ea n ; :\ th le ti c :\ -; ..:"c iation: Funny Dep;-trtmen t Pcrll\·ia n Now o f o ur Fun ny :\[an you mus t rea d. \ 'Yhose h ra rt is kind and br from g ree d: No matte r th e h ind rances, h e goes with ca se . F o r a lways with h im h e has t h e ''K eys ." Gradua te r a ll s C ity Hig h School. 1\ teach er in r ura l schoo l ~ in l<iclla rcbn n "''u nt \ an d has been i1_1 a tte ndance at the l\ o rmal for t wo years. Gu y is a jolly. w llolc- ,; oull·_d : ~"."" fello w. H e w 1s h es a lso for us to say th a t h e h as been :\ ss i,; tant in Ca ln pn;;t ry f<> 1 0~ - oq between P . J\I. and A. M .

ED I T I l _1 0 :\ I·: S

Y. \ \ '. C. :\ . :\ e lig-h . l\eh r .. can he depen ded upo n o nce· in a "·bile fo r g o o d scho lars. as has bc·en \'t•ritied ll\· it s rq,rescntat in :. :\ !iss J-;:d ith J o nes. who ha s ga in ed th e r ig h t o f c iti zcn :; hip o f th;lt t n w n hy scn· ing- fi,· e years a ~ a hero in e o f co tnl! n · 'chool:; and o f t he l\ e l i ~h Pu blic S choo b . :\!iss J o nes ha ' s pent th ree s tnnme r terms .in P e r u and has pro ,·en ~her~el f a g e n iu s in e \·c r y li ne. cspecia ll y in talk in g to h er neighbo r in class. S he 'ays th is y t•a r ha s p ro ,· en ,·c ry h e lp ful to h er in ma n y ways.

B LI NN 0 . H E LM S EH ret!: Baseba ll '1\ 'a m. 'o8. '09 : :\thil'tic :\ ssociati on : F oo tba ll . 'o; Hli nn . to usc hi s o,,·n wo rd s, ' 'is a pro duct o f t he P er u :ll o clel a nd Ko rmal School.'' so we can vo uch fo r h is eflic ic·ncy. H e has taken an a cti,·e pa rt in co ll ege a th let ics. l ie wa ~ a ver y sober a nd serious minded yo ung- man unt il last wi n t er, wh e n he became tuto r t o a Germ a n cla ss o f o ne anti d cn ·lo pe d a se r io us case c•f lo \·ei t is. ll is cond itio n at p rc·scnt re m a in s th e s ;tn te, h u t th ~ kt ~cba ll sea so n ,,·i th its ru ' h .tnd cxcitcntc· n t m ay alla y the d isc,a«c. R lin n has t au g ht school o ne Y<'a r . I li s a mhit inn i;< tn l•c a n tctnh n n f tlH' fa mn ns Chi ctgo \ Vh it c Sox. B l;: R N IC E HJ{ O \V:\ Y. \ \'. C. .\ . : Phil o nt:t thca n : .\th ld ic .-\ ssoc iatinn

:\ ! iss Hro wn came here fro m th e S p ring ,·icw l l ig h 5 ch onl fmn· yc:~ r s a gn a nd ha .- rc· t u rn e d c n· ry year s ince th at t ime. l lc r ,,·or k in t he pract ice schoo l h n c ha s been ,·cry S U CC·~ss fn i. f ier , mi le dncth good iikc' a medici ne. a nd nt an y art' th l' \' t hat Sl'Ck it.

E D N,\ I f.\DLE Y

F n:rctt : D rama t ic C lnh i\ l iss lla d i<'Y h as h <'<'n in , choo l h nc fo r fi v<' \Ta rs. S h <· l''"k ' on tl ~<· rigl11 sid e n f l ife. a nd ma kes the h <''t n f th <' situat ion, al w a y~. S il l' h n ld ;; fo r t h in th t' ln h l>y o f th t· lih r:t r y when th in Q"s g-e t to o h nist C' rnti S in sid e.



:\ ho m e product, ha \·ing g ro wn up in Peru and rccei \·eel her t ra i 11 ing th ro ngh o u t th e entire ~ormal co urse, eYen in the lowest ranks o f the \lode! Schoo l. S h e i ~ a n : ry quid girl and one who is to try fo r he r fir st time th e task of training- th e yo uth o f th e land.


Phil o mathean \!i ss Do bbs o f Beatrice has taught in rural schools and in Bea trice. She is a g raduat e o f Blue Springs High Schoo l. I ler one year's stay he re has s ho wn that ~he i ~ a g oo d tea cher :md o ne who kno ws her business .

.\1:\ 1{1-:1. :\. COR\1LEY Ph ilo mathean: :\th lctic A ssoc iatio n: Latin Club (one of the trium\·irat e) : Se w a rd C lub: P enl\·ian Sta if ··E x perience is th e best teach er·· mig ht well be applied to the wor k o f th is yo ung w o n1:111. io r se\·en years as teache r in thc Se ward and Bca\· e r C ity Crossin g schoo ls ha\·e gi\·e n i\T a b cl :\ . Go rml ey an ell\·iahl e record amo ng th ose wh o from ycar to yea r go fo rth fr o m th ese halls. One year a nd two snmm cr term s he re ancl o ne s umme r term at th e \V eslc yan C ni\·ersity ha \·e o nly a dded to her effi ciency and her \\·o rth which has lat e ly hce n rccogn i>'.e d by her be in g- g i\·en a posit inn in the Omah a schools. S he's a \fabe l th:l! i<> a lways abl e.

\1:\IJEL 1\: :\CP Philo ma thean: .\thl eti c :\ ssoc iati on ; Y. \\'. C. !\.

Dark-eyed \label came do wn he re thi s yea r to attend scho o l a nd kee p a wa tchfu l e yv o n he r h ig bro ther. S he has succeeded remarkably we ll in th e fo rmer. hut t h e latte r w o uld necessi ta te he r cm ·ering so much g ro tttHl CYcry e\·enin g th a t sh e has g i\·en it up. S h C' j , a good tal ke r. a ncl is in te rested in th e purcha se o f Canada land. S h e is a g radu a te o f th e \ \' e~te m II ig h S chool.

~909 T. F. C:\RT NSY Y . 1\1. C. :\.: :\thkti c ;\ ,;,;oc iatio n: En:rdt: Lati n C lub: .-\ ~~ i:;tant Bi ological Departmclll : :\,.,.iq;utl Busi ness :\lanag<:r Pnu,·ian I. F. i,; o n <: of our fine lookin~ yo ung men and can pe rhaps be called ou r nto ,;t ~t,·li~h young man . :\l o ng with th<:~c tho ugh he is no ~port. but a pla in. hone~t. g-ood nat-ured fell o w of unimpeachable: dt;u·actt· r and a f;l\·o rite' amo ng- hi ~ a~sociatc,;. 1-1i;: worth has w el l b..:e n recogni zed by Prof,·,;,;,>r Dnnc:l n ,;on·~ a~king hi ~ a;: ,;istancc in the Biological

labo rat ory. Th e Donn ;:c>tn c: timc:s mak,·,; li ft: mi,;nahk fo r him.

li e

,;a v ,;.

" T oo ea rly honr,;."

II is ho me· i,; at Tilde•tt. :\IILDRI; D SPEN CI;:R l·:n•rctt: Y. \\·. C. :\.: .-\thcnian: Pcnl\·ian Stafi : .-\thk t ic _-\s ,;ociatio n: Chorus 1\l ildrcd hai b fro m Dakota City and has atte nd ed school here two years . \ Ve all re mc:mbcr when she cam e. fo r cn~rybody r t:al ized that they had been enriched by bein g acquai n ted with her. She is indeed an int e resting g irl. be·causc it take' s tudy to understand h er. 11;1\·ing- fair hai1· h..:rsclf s he naturall y sought for her o pposi te in that res pect. She s uccc..:cb in al l she undertakes and she fo und h im.

LE ~ .-\ :\L L:\ R 1:\II~ R

E \·erctt : :\thl c tic _-\,;;:ociation: Latin Club: Oc te·ttc: Chorus : Pc·nl\·ian S ta n· T h is young lady Ita~ remarkabl e mu sical tal ent \\·hich has he·en well directed und e r th e: s upc:n ·isin n of t eacho:r5 in o ur ckpartm cn t o f mn ,; ic. She i~ a home p rod uct. ha ,·in g rccci\-cd n to ,;t of h er ~cl10oling here in the ":\ lo de! Schon! ami afterward in th e :\o rm a l department . B~' her g iggle shall ye kno ,,· her. The librar ian is o n <: of h ..:r w01·,;t foe;:. Th o na turally cheerful. she is ycry ofte n subject ll> dreamy tnoocb o f ca,;tl es in Spa in cau sed by ( re)":\ lorsc. C l 1 :\RLI~S K. :\!ORSI·:

l ~\·ere t t : Ciceronian: Dramatic Clnh: Y. :\1. C. .\. Charlt> s K. is a Nc.:bra~ka Ci ty hn y. I k absorbed all he c.:o nld in th e· :\'e·hra~ka City H igh and then went thro ugh the q mc· procc~s ;1\ BeJJeyu e fo r 011e t c n tt. :\ ftc•r attending Pcrn No rmal a year. we count him o ne o f o nr mPsl po pular hny~ . I le ;:tar,; a ~ an n rato r and we predict ~ncccs~ :tnd many laurels fo r him. Tie is a heartbreaker. Principal .-\ th l' ll '< School. .\nhnnt. \' ehr .. ·orJ-'to

.'lixty- nfn,·

HA!<H I SON M. HI~RK I ·:Y Everett; Trea s. Y. !.•T. C. A . Mr. Berkey is a mighty man, a lthoug h his appearanc e would no t indica te any s uch characteristic. He takes a deep interest in styles fo r women, and t h is s pr ing in part ictt lat· he fav o rs th e small " Eaton." He is very timid and incl ined to bl us h i f ~ p o k c tt tn n ·t·,v suddenly. H e hopes to some day be a rea l S enato r. li e has att end e d th e :\'o rmal fo r two years, and has taught nca r hi s ho me to wn, Da1·enpo rt. Neb r .. Ott c year .

\"i. C. 1-IA HP STEH Everett; Orchestra; 1\-Iando li n C lub \V. C. Ha rpster is fro m Nel igh and is o ne o f those m o dest yo ung fell o w s abo ut whnm o ne d a re not say too much. Student o f Gates Academy. Ne li g h. N o rma l o ne year. li e is a bri lli ant student o f Lang uages. Hi s Ge rman poem in thi s bo ok is a good re prese nt a ti o n o f his geniu s. AHTH L! R L. KLI:\T:\ E1·erett : Y. M . C. .\.: Bane! Arthur is o ne o ( those boys who doesn' t say mu ch. hu t gets there juq t h e sa m e . l ie ha s been here two yea rs an d ha s taught two years. Tf is ho m e is at Da w snn. a nd h e o fte n think s of "Heim, Sweet H eim." H e intend s to go tn high e r in stitnti n n s o f lca t·n ing . and 1\·e ,,·ill sec him. a few yea rs hence. as a Ph. D . in som e un ive rsity.

RO Y Fl GTR ER SO:.T Y . :'vJ. C. A.: E ve re tt :'I Ir. Giberson is a g radu a te o f \ Veeping \ Vat er Acad emy. l i e ha s a ttended i)~>anc Coll ege. and hi s ha lf yea r here will be eno ug h for his g raduatio n with th e c lass of ·()(). lie is in clined to lead a sol ita ry liie. and is o ft en scu 1 riding about the co untry nt l a pnn y 1\·hich i ~ th e pr ide of Peru . He intends to be a bach elo r.

l\[:-\RY GOODRlCll German Club: Dramatic Club: E\·en:tt One: look into her fal·e would make yo u feel that s he wa~-Oh . ~o wi se ! S he is a g-raduat e of the Tahk Rock High Sch ool. She has attended the Nebraska Uni. t wo years and Peru nne yea r. S he is busy and always walk s a s if she had abo ut o ne minute in wh ic h to reach hl·r des tinatio n. S he i>: ge nerally o n he r way to conference.

T l LUE J OHNSON P hil o mathean ; :\thlctic Association; Y. \ V. C. A. ReceiYCrl her schooling tHe\·io us to coming here at H o ldrege. Nebr. T ill ie ha s taught two ye ar s in a rural sch ool. She has lived at the do rmitory fo r two years and has never been ca lkd clo wn o r repo rted for being hilariou s o r in th e hall>: after s tudy bell ( ?) . "\Vhom · the Gods love"-beware !

Ennis is a mo d est little which is o nl y added proof d escending s un views fr om '9 :30 bell , but tak e>: life too

11. ENN I S BOYER do rmito ry maid en. S he com es fro m V alentine High School. o f the fan w of Peru. S he ·'coun t s that clay los t whose low her hand no wo rthy act io n do ne." S he is as faithfu l as the seri ously.

C LI O 0. \V00:DER \". \ V. C. :-\. : Phil o mathean: Athleti c .-\ ssociatio n : German Club; L at in C lu b Til<' \ Von dcr o f the cla~s ~a iled in fro m Rlu e Sprin~;: about t wo years ago. She lifted up h er eyes and sa w the Norma l built upo n a hill and saw that it was good , so she pitched her t e nt o n th e hill and prepared to enj oy coll ege life. She i;: a debater a nd \\·ill hold her o wn in any d o mes tic squ abbl e. .•\ side fro m being a \ Vo ncler, sh e ha s inh erite d th e na me of o ne of th e muses. It will be ha rd to conYince h<T that s he 0 ug ht 10 change her name.



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J A:\LES ) . BYRNE Ba nd : Ciceronia n ; D ra mat ic Cluh: L'h ilo ma thca n :vi r. Byrne. whose name was J ames before: h is ma r r iage. has bee n w ith tb tw" y ea r ~ . Pre,·iou s to tha t tim e, he had been a student at vVay ne, and ha d tau g h t ~ i x yea r s- t h r·ee year·s in r ura l sch ools, an d three ycJrs at Rngcrs, Neb r. li e is a gond s llukn t. h a ~ go'>d j udgment. and will he a success in h is chosen pro fession.

J-I ARRJ E T WOOD Chorus ; Athl etic Associat io n :.1Ii s~

\ Vood ·s home is at O hio wa . and her two yea rs h ere han: hct:n n -ry ,·alua hlt: to h e r. S he is Ycry much interested in her work in the practice school. ancl w ill he a guod teach e r.

ANNA SCHM I DT Everett : Ge rman Cl ub ; N. C. !\. !vl iss Schmid t is a Nebraska C ity gi rl and has taken three yea rs· w o rk at Peru. S he has been a success fu l teacher for se veral yea rs, and has a pleasing schoolroo m pe rs o nali ty. H er word is law when she speaks. and tho ug h finn , she is kin d a nd ,,·ould in spirt: a n y grade of pupi ls tn do bett er work fo r ha,·i ng been under he r in fl ue nce.

BERT E. S\V E NSOl\ Presid ent P ro moters· Cl uh ; E,·crett ; Footbal l Capta in: D eba tes : Pres iden t Seni o r Cia:;~ ·09: J unior Yea r : Basket-Ba ll ; Pcrm· ian S ta ff Bert. or ··T he big S wede;· as he is ,·cry res pectfu lly call ed. is a ,·cry m o d es t yo un g fell o w a nd perh aps it woul d not d o to say too much co ncernin g !.Jim. l-Ie walked in ht:rc nne shiny day fr o m Shi ckl ey and began to rub off a few o f t he g t·een spots . Thi s procc-<~ continu ed until he has become one of the most s uccess ful athl etes . teach ers ancl a l l aro u nd hea rt-break ers in the :'\o rmal. ln o th er words, do n·t a sk me tn tell you of him a s wo rds a re ina dequate. H e speaks fo r him sel f a nd you kn o w him a s wel l a s T. S ucc ess is al \\·a ,·s h is. and his uni m peachabl e characte r yields a n innu ence upon hi s ,.;tri ed a ssoc ia te s w h icJ1 o nl y th eir Ji,·es can m easure.

1D.-\ L

FOG I ~LSTR0:\ 1

l·:n :re·tt: Ger man C lub: Athletic Assoc iat ion: Perl!\·ia n S ta ff i\J i ~~ F ug-d ~ tr o m i ~ a winsome lass fro m \ Vahoo. She o r iginated in Pc.:nn~y h·a n ia . but th ~ m agnet ic in ll ucnce of Nebra ska·~ ro ll in g pra iri es a t tracted h er and she has bee n in Peru for tw o year~. S he i:; mode:;t and una~suming. but ha s wo n a place in college life and her ind ustry and pl ea~ ing manner arc valuable a :;~ct s whi ch w ill smoot h man y o therw ise stony path \\'ay~ fo r her. S he i ~ a 10\·er o f outdoor ~port s and o n ;;p ri ng days may he fo und o n the· te n n i~ ..:ou rt ~o uth of th (' Hall.


LE NA 1-I UF F E,·eret t : Y. \V. C. :\. ?l li ;;;; !lu ff i ~ a ~radu ate o f the Dorch<'ster Hig h School a nd has had o ne year's experi ence• in tea ching. S he i~ q niet and st ud ious . and a lways looks as if she had t hat daily pl an on h ('r tniml o r had been call ed dow n in th e li bra ry .

• ADDl E B. H UFF Y. \ Y. C. A.: P h ilo ma thean

:VJ i:;s l l u tl, o f Dorchester, ha s been here for three years. Th e Nor ma l a nd its ach·a ntages have been t he ma in attract ion, bu t ha,·i ng hea rd tha t beaut iful cu rly ha ir could be <>htai ned hen·. "h e decided to come \Yithout fu rther delay. La st fall ~ h e ca me. saw . an d ,-, mq ue red. E i\[i\[A CARLSON \ I iss Ca rl s,, n i~ a da rk-haired gi r l. S he ha ~ that rapt look which ind icate' s t ha t she t ~ in t he clonds above th is nttntcla ne ~phere. S he is always so bu sy that ~h e p;etwra ll y ha~ to s tudy in ch:tpel. CLAR E ELLIS Phil o mathea n Thl' ·';; miley'" g irl is fin ishi ng her course at Do;; nt' . due to h er pa ren t ~· mo,·i ng to tha t place ~ i nrc she has a ttended h ere. She is still lo,·al to her Al ma :\late r. and is reco rde d a s a ~ L· n i nr n f Pe ru Normal th is year. \Ve predic~ ~m i l i ng facl'~ a nd g-ood \\·o rk fr o m tlt c litt le· r,,ll,, " ·ito com e un der he r l'arc in the ~c h o o l room. ,\,·;•,'11/_ \'·lh , f't'

:19 0 9 R. BENJ AMIN BEDELL Evere tt; Penn·ian Sta ff Few students ever beco me ~o thoroughly saturated in love as has thi s nob le youn g lll <l tL His longing looks toward th e Dorm. window an d hi s daily tr ips down to wn for let te rs give us tru e sig nificance that " Bennie's fanci es ha ve lig htly turned to th o ug ht s of love." Regardless of this Benni e is an exce ll ent stud ent and o ne whose ho nesty and s tra ig ht fo r wa r d cha racter dem and the respect of every Normal student. H e ha s been o u r S t <~ff ph o tograph er

RUTH A. I<E.RNEN Y. W. C. A.; E ve rett; Athletic Associat io n ; Cho ru s This littl e gi rl. undo ubted ly the youngest member of th e Se nio r class. e n te re d h e re a s a first year and has been an enthusiastic worker duri ng all tha t time. IT e r pleasa n t wa~· s and sunny disposition have won her a host of friends.

MARGARET D AV I S N. C. A. Miss Davis is one of o ur jolly girls always ready fo r fun. Her m o tto is "Laugh. an d the world laughs with you," an d she chooses to be wi th the m ajority. S h e is an Iowa girl, and has had some expe r ience in teaching. She is fond of m a th em atics, and can really talk intelligently of tangents and co-tangents, angles and wra ng les . and <~n y th i n g e lse pe r taining to math ematical lore.

ER 1TST R. Z INK Phil omathean; Athl etic Assoc iation ; Glee Club ; T t·ca sut-c r Sen io r C i a ~~ .-\fter graduatin g from the St ua rt Hig h School, fro m wh ence he " hail s.'· E. 1~ . ca~t h is iot with the P enn·ia ns a nd he ha s pro,·en him self one o f th e Senior "S t ea d ie ~. ·· :\1 r. 7.it~k. like m any o thers. is determined to make h is firs t tria l nex t yea r at th e l each ing profess io n and since he has such a love fo r (children') we predict for h im g reat snccc<;s. II c n ow assists in the Agricul tural Laboratory wh ere they burn pure al cohol.

.I EWEL L GOOD Beho ld w hat a na me 1 Jewell ha s tha t worried look w hi ch indi ca tes eit her that he can n0t find ''h er" o r that he has to re-write h is lesson plan. Do not bother h im when he is in t hat n wod . I t never la~ t ~ lo ng. bu t it is just a s well to gi\'e hi m wagon room. He possesses ckte rmi na tion a nd will do a th ing a fter he has r esoh·ed to do so. He never gives u p. F.. 0. BLACKSTONE EYerett : Y. i\1. C. .-\.: E d itor- in-Chie f Normalite; P ro moters' Club ?l lr. Blackstone Gtnte back to us :his yea r after a short absence wh ile acting as Principal a t 1 Iarr ison, Ca llaway. and Gkll\·il le. H e h:~ s had t r ;~in i n g in F remont, \'Vayne. and o ur o w n Normal. ;m el i;: no w comi dered one of our st rong student s. He ha s d uring th e presen t yea r been an a ss istant in t he P hysical Laborato ry. H is home is at P ilger.

CHESTER L K AUP i\fa ndoli n Cl ub; Y. i\L C. :\.; Promoters' Club Thi s boy is ;t \V estern product, being a g raduate of that Il ig h SchooL He ha s been a teacher fo r two years. but abandoned that pro fession to fa ll into the ranks of th e 'o9s and accept th e more lu crat ive position of "funny ma n'' on the Peru vian staff. He wears the s mile th at wo n't come off and his prime fai ling is his marked affini ty fo r the othet· end o f Norma l :\ venue. especia lly after Iibrary hotll'S. Phi l om;~ t hea n ;

FRANK D. KEii\I :\thletic .-\ so;ociat ion; E\·erett: Band; Glee Club i\lr. J--::cim is a pret ty boy. He received hi s ed uca ti o n a t Da\·enport. :--!ehr .. a nd tau g ht t he re th ree ye ars . H e is ;t \T r ~- modest boy. so don't look too inte ntly at his pictu re. a s it m ay cau se him to blush. H e is mu sica lly incl im· d. and has spent pat·t 0 f hi s time in st ruc t ing t h<: youth of t he :\l ock ! School in rrgard to sc ale,. heat~ . bars . de .

.\'r'1'f 111 1'- /i'llt'

LY D L-\ D. CIIRlS TLAN S El\ Thi s yo un g lady is so quiet that ve ry fe w peo pl e kn o w o f h er e x is te111.:e. S he was lu: r e last summe r, and her stay he re thi s year has bee n qui e t and Ulle\路e nt ful. \ Vhc n a f r ie nd of hers was asked conce rning her, she remarked : ''Sh e is o ne o f the fin est g ir ls I k no w."

H E LG A V O N G O RD ON D ra ma ti c Cl ub ; Germa n Club, Vi ce- Pres ident M iss Von Gordon is a g rad uate o f F a irbury schools. a nd h as taught th e re '1x yea r s. S he is sweet-tempered a nd sensibl e. She says she is taking Ro meo an d j u lie t "as a last re so rt.'' \ Ve do not full y apprecia te th e mea ning of th e phra se. h ut sh e wn uld dou htl cs,; expla in. if q uestio ned.

P .-\ U LT N E K UB I C EK Y . \ V. C. A. ; Phil o m ath ca n Thi s gi rl with au burn tresses comes fro m the C rete l lig h Schoo l. S he ha s ta ug h t tw o yea rs, anri w i!l contin ue afte r g ra du ating here. S he is a d o rmito ry g irl wh o s pen ds a good dea l o f t ime tell ing fol ks how to prono un ce he1路 na me. so has d cc id ecl to c ha nge It as soon as possibl e to a\路o id furthe r incom 路eni ence.

~l A B EL


Y. \ V. C. A.; Ath letic Associa tio n ; Phii<Hna thean has attended th e :\onnal for t wo years, a nd is cons equent ly qui te broa d . li n mo tto is " La ugh and grow fat.'' She gets hila rio us once in a wh ile in the lib ra r y. hut j, usually quite busy. Her ho me is at \ Veste rn, Nebr., a nd she ha s a ttentkd l\Ie Ph cr ~ ' >ll College. Kansas, fo r one year. ~[abe l

).1:\BEL .-\. BOWE N Phil omat hean ; Kinde rga rten Senior :\ fa ith iul Seni or d uring her time here, but now s he has le ft us to s pend a few momh ,; ;tt ka,; t in the l'\nrfo lk schools. :\t an cast Do rm . w indow she sat. \Vo ndering where Bennie was at. Soon a s mile nn her face Seem ed to ch eer the whole place. 'Twa s Bennie tha t l\ lahcl ~ mi l c cl a t.

O LI VE EGGLESTON ), ) is;; Egglesto n's ho m e is a t Elgin . S he is a ver y quiet g irl. ne\·er kno wn to speak unl cs;: <pokcn to. Sh e st udies all th e time, ami som ething serio us weighs o n her m ind. because sh e ne \·c r smiles. S he is not th e Eggleston who wrote the Hi sto r y. but she is perfect ly capable o f d o inp; s uch a th inp; if call ed upo n to do so.

] E SSI·: F . HE N DR ICKS C. :\ . ; T rea s urer o f Seni o r Class ; C ice roni an ; Phil o mathean; Assistant 111 Biological Laborato ry Thi s br ight and pro mis in g lad fro m Pawnee City and a g radu a te o f th e B rock Hi g h Scho o l has ca st his lot with us fo r three ~·cars. H e h as taugh t o ne yea r a nd claim s to ha \·c be en :\ ssoc iat e P rofessor of Ca mpu s try he re iu th e Norma l. Ju dging fr om appea ra nces he must hol d a life ce rtifica t e in that line of work. H e is a dreamer and s pend :< m uch tinlt· t hiil l;i;1g n f ·· ! ~ ra nee ," " in w hich all h i,; hope;; arc• centered. Y.


).Ill LD R E D PORTER Philo mathean; Ath let ic Assoc iatio n ). li s;; Por te r. a graduate of h er home hi gh school a t F a irmon t. 1s a d t• mu rt• litt le creat ure wh o set• m s ah\·ays con tented a nd happy. He r work here w ith the smaller chil dren o f th e practice school has been ve ry s ncce~s ful. S i ckne~s has kept lH·r at ho n1c a large sh a re r> f h n Se nio r year. hu t - he will make good. and he a " na ughty- nin e·· a fter al l.

vVILBER H. PA TCI-1 IN, 'o6 Pres. P ost-Graduate . Class; Supt. D akota City, 19o6-o8; P res. Everett ; Assista nt Dept. o f Hi s tory

H ELCi\ V0.:-.1 GO I~ DO:\, 路o<; T eacher Fairbury Schools, G years : V icePres . Germa n Cl uJ,: :\ ss is tant in J路:n g li sh Dept.

B. E. 1909


-. I


GERTRUDE WATSON, 'og Teacher in No rfolk Schoo ls, 12 years

C. V. W I LLI:\i\IS, 路az Pritt. S tuar t lli gh School, I a. : Supl. G uth ri e Cente r Schools, Ja.; Nehr. A ca d em y of Sciences : In st ru c to r and Condu c to r o f Teacher-:' Stnn mc r Schno ls in lnwa R. E. 190<>


H. C I.IF FO I{I) 111\ :\DR I CK S. :-id11·.. \ c:t d l'lll\" llf Scie nces: Brock Schools. 1cJ02-0..J: Pri n . :\ emaha Sch ools. 19Q..Jo;;: S upt . Pender Schook 1go6-o.q H. F:. 1900

:\ 1.-\ Y LI:\G I ~R , ·o.~ Grad. Siln~ r Crt·ek H . S .. 'o5: .-\ ~,;i,; tant E ng-1 i~ h Dt•pt.


<; IUCI·: COL.i\'TRY:\ 1.-\:\i ..OCJ Cra cl. \ Vccp ing- \Vat er Aca dem y: Student l ln i. of Nchr. : Stud ent Ch icago Trn'gSch ool : Teach er in Cass Count y: :\ ssi,; tant English Dept .. :\le ridian. !\ l is,;. : As s 't l ~ n gl i s h

J)cpt.. P eru N . S. N. S. n. E . 1909

Al:GUSTA E I SENl\ IA:\1 lkl lwood I Yea r; F ell ows hip \.er ma n Dept., 190B-09; Ce ntral City 1 Y ea r ; Nebr. C ity 4 Y ea rs. B. E. tc)()()

SONG OF THE CLASSES The small freshman boys and th e wee fr esh man g irl ~ . Freshman o f O ld Pe ru. Thc:y·\·c nice rosy checks and they·\·c brig ht ~ hin y cur l' . Frcshm;ul CJ f O ld r c ru . The boys can play marbl e,, th e g irl s i >a ~ k<:t - ball. Th ey waste lots o f tin1 e s tand i n ~ round in th e hall , .-\nd wh en th ey get ho mc:s ick they s it down and squa ll. Freshman o f O ld Pnu. The soph omo re s tud e nts arc coming- o n too. So ph'morcs o f O ld Peru. Th ey"ll have a hard tu ss le hdnrc th ey get thr.. ugh, So ph"mo rc:s o f Old Peru. Th e re's English and Ge rman aud Latin to learn, Dota ny, physics, and fingers to burn. :\ great many othe r odd c redi ts to earn. Soph'morcs o f O ld l'<:nt. Th e Trainers a nd S pec ial s wc·\·c uo t to forg<:t . Specials of Old Pnu. Th ey' ll come back to school and thcy" ll fini ~ h up ye t. T rainrrs o f O ld P e nt. In m ethods and bu si ness they'll lea rn a g reat deal. :\nd when th c.y go fr om here, th ey sm c ly will feel That kno wledge wi ll help th em to gi\·c ··a square dea l."" Students o f O ld P e ru. The " largest cla ss e \·er·· hope some tim e to be Seniors of Old Peru. T o reach that dis tinc tion. just lis ten to m e, J uni ors o f O ld P e nt. Y 01t"ll all ha,·e to study bo th ea rly allll late, Atte nd to you r dutirs and do n't go to skat e. K eep a s tiff upper lip, lea rn to labor and wait. ] uniors o f O ld Pt•nt. There a rc th e teachers of Nineteen 1\"aught :\inc . Teache rs o f Ol d Pent. Soon we must leave th em, too soon we o pine, T eacher s o f O ld Pent. Th ere's \Vhitcnack and J-lowic, c;regg. Searson. Co rn e ll. Duncanson, \.Villiams . and l lo use and Jlc lze ll. ll endr ick s and Schere r and R ouse ancl Hmw nc ll, T eachers o f Old Peru. \ Ve a rc the Seniors o f l\inctcen :\'aught :\inc, Senio rs o f Kinctecn N in e, \\"c·,·e fought a good fight, and we'll finish 011 tinw. Seniors o f Ni neteen :\inc. :\11 difficult tasks we have do ne with a will. .-\nd now we a rc ready fo r hi ghe r wo rk ~ till: Th e future will show ~ o u, j ust watch if you \\·ill Sen io rs of )!inetccn Nine.

''' It h(l'

:\O lD I.-\ L I I.-\ LL

Ti l l路:

1.1111~ . \I~Y






JUNIOR CLASS Class Co!ors-Cii crry a11d 11 "/i itc The Junior Class o f 1908-'09 ha s the distinc tion o f be in g- the largl·:-;t c ia ~:-; e,·er enrolled in the Pe ru S tate :\ onna l School. haYin g a regi~tration nf abo u t t\\·o hundred members. The school yea r has been one o f unu sual s uccess fo r t he class fnHll ('\"l' ry p o int o f Yie\L The Juniors have figu red prominentl y in all the yaricd li!JCs of sl·h r>rd acti,·ities : in at hletics and debating, as well as in the ma ny stud e nt orga nizat in n :-;. \\"e, as Juniors, feel that much o f the credit is du e to :\ I iss I·: !lis. ,,·ho h a:-; acted as our C lass Advi sor for the past t\\"0 years. and \\'ho has \\" nn th l' admiration a nd respect of each Juni or by her faithful and enthu siastic efforts. T he first class meeting \\"as held for the purpose of class o rg·an izat irm an :l the follow ing offi cers were elected :

C. Gordon Reck .... . ........... . . . . . .... . ........... Preside nt :\fary E llenberger . . . ... . ....................... V ice- Prcs idl' n l :\eva :\I. Best ..... . . . .... ..... . .. . ........ ..... . .... Secretary R oY Lee T rea s11 rcr •••









T hose of the Juniors who ,,·on places in the p reliminary debates arc :\ I a_nn c Giltn er and Va rro E . Tyler. A n examination of the record s of the two Aouri shing li te rary soci ctil's sh o w s that the Juniors have supplied their sha re of members. \\"ho have 1)1"0 \Td themselves ,,·orthy of the hono rs \\'hich the,· have received . :\mong th ese arc ( ;co r~·c E . Campbell. president of the P hilo;11athcan Society: r\ . C. I( u e nn ing·. ,· iccpresident : L eola t-rance, recordin g secretary: Haro ld C. L anphe re. tmstcc. Tn the Everett Society, Carrie Ha nsen. secreta rY: R olla Fosnot . t reasure r: Neva :'If. Best. trustee : O li ve Petrashek. se rgeant-at-~rms. The debating societies ha ve also received the generous support nf the Juniors. L ena Freiday bei ng president of the .-\thcni an Soc i ct~· : I:Cil e C allu s . secretary : Carri e Han sen, sergeant-at-arms. On the staff o f the ":\ ormalite" will he found: :\c,·a )f. lkst. ~nc i ct~· crl it llr: \\'ehstcr Ra_, .. athletic: C la re,· \:"iclscn . militan· : Jr. C. Lanph ere. as"i:'t:lnt manag-er. :\ n-a -Yec-Yo. :-\ n-a- vi-vo, . \ n-a-Yee-,·o . V I -VO. \ "\1111 : l \oom . get a rat-trap. I \onm . get a cat-trap. I \onm. get a rat-trap bigger than a cat-trap. Cannibal. Canniba l. 7.ip-boom-ba h! Juniors. Jun iors : Rah -Rah-Rah!

The :-;ocia l life o f the class of 19 10 d urin g it s J u nio r year wi ll be a sou rce of plca:-;;u n Htemories fn r each membe r o f the class. :\ n im·itation wa s g i,·en to the Ill' \\' students o i the class b y th e o ld students tn m eet in tlw t ;ymna siu m . and on ~ eptcmbcr 30. 1908. t he new stud en t:-: \\'Cllt hran~ l :· forth to meet thei r ··,Yiser a nd more expe- ri enced " classmates. fn the e\·ening o f October 3 1 the Junio rs ga thered in EYe n ·tt a nd l'h iloma thcan hall :-; io r a Tla ll m,·e 'en i rolic. O n the nw rnin g o f Fd>ruar y 3· (()09. the J un iors met in the Gy m nasium preparator_,. to march ing into chapel. T he entert ai nmen t consisted o f a repre' l'n tation ni the iac ult y hy membe r:-; of the J unio r class. \\' hi k the ·· facu lt,· rncmhcr:-;" were taking their us ual place on the rostrum the class a s a whole . c a rr yi n.~· the 19 10 penna nt:-;. ,,·as led in a march by :. li ss .-\lice Lintz. \\' hi !e ntarch ing the c lass jo ined in singi ng a ma rch song . ' 'Junior< D ay. .. .-\ ftcr taking thei r scat s the sen ·ra l yel ls selected fo r the occa sion we re g i,·en . P rofessor fTo u se (:. 1r. Lanphere) had hi s usua l difficulty in anno uncing the opening song. R eY. Hussong (:\ fr. \\' ri g htsman ) read a fc,,· appropriate selectio n s from E1ne rson a nd then gayc a n excellent add ress to the Senio rs. The second ~on g ,,·a s ,-c ry prett:· a nd approp ria te. followed by a , ·cry solemn .. :\men ' ' by some o i the mu:-;ical S eniors. T he " a nnouncements" ,,·ere read by President C ra bt ree. impersonated by :. rl'. :.rcDowcl l. A nnoun cements ,,·ere g·iyen in person by l'ro fessors Delzell. Searson a nd Duncanson. represented by :.ressrs. J. Schott . J{a:·. a n d E llenberge r. rcspcctiYcly. :. rr. () yerholt ( :.rr. Garey ) called fo r the chapel records to be passed and ex pla ined some slig h t change that ha d been made in the same. S u pe ri nt end ent Tiurgemeir o f the met ropolis o f Darney . one of t he lead ing educato rs of the s tate. no othe r tha n the president . c. G . neck . \\'aS presen t a t the chapel exercises. " .-\ !thoug h he had not consented to fayor the students ,,· ith a talk. a nd though coming perfectly un expected ... he favo red th e assembl y \\' ith a ,·cr y appropriate a nd polish ed add ress. The prog ra m a s a whole was a g reat s uccess. much of \\' hich \\'as du e to :. !iss E llenbe rge r, ,,·Ito a ctl:d in :. l is:-; :. fm ph:·':-; ca pacit:·. Junio r Da,· clo:-;ed .\\' ith the follo\\' ing j ing le: ll e re·~

to all th e prof~. Dri nk it d ow n, drink it dow n! 11 .:rc·, to a ll the prof~. Drink it dow n, d rink it d ow n! Though we roa ~ t them in o ur m in h, \\' ell we k now ho w much thcy'r.: wonh. They' re the salt of a ll t he earth. D r ink it d o wn, d o wn . do"·n!

Di d not our Junio r baseba ll g ir ls . a fte r p lay ing ,,·ith the ~nph om o rc :-; for a few s hort inni ngs, easi ly ,,·alk awa_,. \\'i th the In terclass indoo r baseball penn ant ? O ur boys? You a sk. Yes . they \\'On that ga me of has k ct-h ~ l1 fro m the com bined oth er classes. their worthy opponents ex pi rin g before "time up. fn the college footba ll squads the hea viest position s ,,·c•·c held ll\· Junior £ ,:r:1tty -ji1•r

at hletes, whose ~nm VIsages so \\·ell hccam t.: the :-cciH.:s w hic h daih· c vntcn: cl a bout them in our chapel walls. The Christian \\"Ork o f th e school has n 'cL·i \"e<! som e of its s tn lllgt·st .;1! Jli >O rt from the Junio rs. T\\"O-thircls o f the Y. :\ I. C . :\. o ffice rs and four oi th l· s i:-; rep resentati ves at the Hastings co n\·entio n \\"ere Junio rs. :\o r \\·as thi s c b ss any less ably rep r esented in the ·y. \ V. C. :\. o f th e school. O ur military cadets \\"Oulcl fee l loncsr1m c \\"ithnut some of thL·ir leaders. if the Juni o rs had not added to the ir numb ers.


l ien: at IIH: pka ~a n t 1wil igl11 hour, w lw n dai ly ta-k -: an: .,·,·r. \\"e ga th e r 0 11 1he cha pel !- l e p ~ 10 -.in).! 1111r ... n n g~ nt JCe llH>I"l". The brai d ed hranc h e~ o f the dm ~ in -. ik n ce hend tn h ear. :\nd h oar y wall s and a ncie nt ha ll~ rmg hack our tnne- ni dtl"l"l".


Fro m en: ry haunted nich e a ,·nicl" that ~ an).! in o th ,·r d ayThe current o f i1 s ho pes and joys 1"1111 ~ softl y "nea th o ur lay <. 0. Stll(h:nt songs. no ntimic a n ~ your in h o rn chann can ~a in: \"e ch eer o ur th irsty. du , ty h t.:a rt ~ li ke chi ming- d rr •Jl" o i rain !

3. \Yhen fa r away. in iu tn rc rlay . life"< s urfei t o n \ Vh cn ,·ig il s ceao;e an d turmoi l s tay..;, th ese i,·~· Fro m e,·ery so ft ly w;l\·in g h:af wi ll se n d sn m c To lure us gent ly fmm our g rid an d gin:: us

11 ~ pall s : m a ntk wall ..;noth in g- ~t ra i n hl"ar t a)!ai n'

-t- And ~o. th o ugh iar fro m college h all s . \\·c ~ ing- '"' '" .-o ng.- IIIICl" ""''"'': T o chet:r on r h eart -; with nH: m'ri c- iond of day-: t hat arc " i Y"'"'" · Th ost' days an d yearo;. with p kas nrt· 11 righ t. p:t ""t"d l•y on p ini•>ll" lkl"t. But ldt hcilind th em in th t·ir ilighl our i rit·nd..;hip" . 0 """" """'"<"! !

SOPHOMORES S-S-oph. o-o-onw . 1:rank . \dam;;, ( ;encYa _1. \\ ' . . \dam ~ . Cuni;; .) . l'aulitlt' .\den. H.i;;i ng City -1-- :\ellie .\ .. \kcr. llan·anl _..,. S. Thoma;; .-\nckr:-on . . \uburn r•. l:urtou 1 1arne~. . l nln. 7- < ;t•n. 111ackstone. Pilge r X. Ruth .\ 1. l:romtell. J>cru lJ. ( ;race I :run ~de n. P e ru I0 . ( ) ra nurkheacl. Oakdale I r. \\'arrcn E. nurrelk. l~l·ad in g. l'a. 12 . . \. Earl l:u tkr. Peru 1_1. !'earl nutlcr. Peru q. T. L. Ca rin e_,-. Tild en 1 _:;. Cleo l'Jark. l~ crli n 1ri . . \ddi t• Coale. Peru 17. ()Ia (; .Crook. Salem 1 R Clay Dallam. Peru l(j . .-\1111:1 Daniell. 'larkson 20. :\lira Da,·ison. Sou th .\uburn 2 1. L. \\'. Dirks. J ohn son 22. Jno. \\ '. D o rsey . :\farqucttc 23 . Dessic D o" ·. P e ru 2-1-. L ( >. D o " ·crs. St. Pau l 2:) . !:red Lbc rt . Peru 2ri. Edna Ed\\'a rds. fo'ullcrton 27. :\1. E. E ,·ans. S te lla 2R Xellie fo'arme r. Peru 2<) . i\farie 0. Forsyth e. P e ru 30. :\fary Freiburg house. Sabetha. Kan. J l . .-\rthur Gel\\·ick. B rain a rd 32. Hazel 11. G iffo rd, Peru 33- Ceo. (;o"·in . Litchfield 3-1-- E ll a :\ 1. Gri mm. Roca 35· \\'i lma f-[anks. Pe ru Jri. Olive H a nlin. Peru 37· S usie Harman. Omaga. Okla. 38. :\1. E . Healy. C reig-hton 39- Jatti e Hendricks. Pa\\'11ee Cih· -J-0. A . J. TTinshilwoocl. :\e"·oort. 4£. C has. H. Hinshil \\'oocl. I\e\\'port -J-2. L aura l. HollidaY. I 'eru J.3 . .-\rchie Host<!nn~n. Rro\\'nvi lk -1--1-· Blanche Hunter. Phelps. :\fo. 4.S· Claud TT utchin son. Peru




-j.(> .

U_nk lT utch imon. I 'eni


-+7--t8. -+9:;o. _:;1. ::;2.


F:r:rtltly -ninr


;:._--, . ::;o.

_:;;. 58 . :;().


( H.

o2 .

63 . o-1-. O:) .

66. fq. o8. 6<) .

70. 7I . 72. 737-+-

75 76. 77-

;8. 79· Ro. 8 1. R2. 83. 8-J.. 85. 86. 87. 88. P9.

J ennings. reru Ethel :\1. John~on . l'en: .-\. :\laud J ones. TTcndky Ceo. Kirsch. 11unon Ella Kun zman . Surpri~c Frances Lackey. ~cottsbluff Cora :\lcl(inlcy. l'a mllX Cit ,· :\let a :\ lartin. l'i l'ITe Et hc l :\ I edlc,-. l'cru Lloyd :\I ili a~- . Spring ,·ie,,J. 1 ~ ..\lurgan. l 'pla n d C. c;_ :\ lou lton. Atk in son Otto .\lutz . Jr .. l:urton Henry :\ielsen. Dannebmg:\I innie f>al mcr. Umaha :\I abel I 'ete rsr,n . Ste rl ingRay P. Pool. Rising Cit_,. O ra Pn·o r. 1\ emaha ]~ nth :\1. P rYo r. 1\"emaha G la dys Ralston . Peru :\1. P. R en fro. Peru Opa l Rice. Stcrlin gJosie Ri sk. n attle C reek Ethel R R obinson . Da,,·son n. H . Sande rs. Tir0\\'11\'ille E. P. Schreier. \'erdigre Ellen Sch\\'e izer. \ 'alparaiso Edith :\1. Sha\\', Pe r u C. J. S kinner. A uburn H. M. Stephens. :\cbraska Cit:· O n ·ilk: L Stephens. :\ebraska C itY Russell .-\. Stewart . Cortland · R ex Truman. Peru James \ 'elvick . Hum boldt :\lilclrccl J. \ "Jasa k. \\'eston Cecelia \\'ehrs. Se\\·ard l\laucle \\"ells. :\ ehraska Cit\· C has. \\' ilk inson . :\uburn Giacl_,-s W illiams . Hi sing Cit,M . \'na \\' illia m s. :-\ins\\·o rth Ruth \\.ortman . Cortland Guy Ziegler. Chappell Eel ,,-a rei link. Peru




'路 '


SPECIAL-FRESHMAN CLASS .\I i:-:~ ( ;rc-tL'l' l.."ulhcn:-:on . C la:-:s .-\ ch·i:-:o r :\ I i:-::-: C lara C ro o k. Trca~urc r .\ li :-::-: .I L'lt lliL" \\.L'ar. l're:-:icll'nt \ I r . LL·slic \ l at iox . Scrg-cant-at-.\rm.' .\ l r. l: r :tnk \kdk_,.. \ ' icc-l 'rL"~idcnt \ lr .. \rchic IJ o r~e_,.. Yell :\faste r .\ lr..; . .\litl:t l 'n rin. :-;L'l.TL'ta ry

YELL I \oom-a-lacka. 1\oo m-a-lacka, lJ O \\'- \\' 0 \\' - \\'0 \\',

C hi ng-a- lacka. C hin g--a-lacka. C h o\\'-c ho\\'-ch o\\' . I \nom -a-lacka. C h ing-a-lacka. C hing-n oo m - nah! :.; F . :-; F. Rah -Rah -Rah!

YELL Hazzle-dazzk. Razzk-dazzlc. :\ot a thread hut \\'OO I. .·\II together . . \11 togethe r. That'~ the \\·a:· \\'e pul l.

COLORS l.a7 cndcr and II 'J. it,·

:\laking; a dnte at thr Li brary .

TRAINING CLASS OF 1909 CLASS YELLS S. ):.T. C. \\'ho arl'. \\·lm a r c. \\·hn arc \\·c ? \\· c are. we arc. we arc the S. ):_ T. C.

1\i p-a -rip-a-rcc ! 1\.ip-a- rip-a- rec! Hurrah fo r the S. ):_ T . C. Rip-a-rip-a-rce ! Hail canary and the blue! \\· c·rc the Trainer;; of old Pe!·u.

C'loss Colors-Pale Hlu,· and Canary


1:airchild. l're;;idcnt \\.itt. \ ' icc-President


.-\ nna Co\\· cll. Secretar~· :\fary H ea ly. Treasure r

CLASS ROLL ): ina .-\dams. Peru .-\nna Babbcl. ?\Iillard l ~ t h e ln1 Tlaet1s. Steinauer 1\uth ·nald erson. Pickrell \ ·era 11crgsma. S huber t Dai~y nrancn. S pringfield .\nna nrcdchoft . Berlin <;race Tlrooks. P er u Loretta Tlurkc. Lexingtnn Freda nutt. Unadi lla :\nna Co\\·ell, l."nadilla Tulia Da\·, l1a rnesto n i7.dg·ar l·:airchilcl. Kennard );cl.lic Ckaso n. :.ronroc Ca\· Harmon. ~ cbra ska CitY ;. r~n· TTeal\·. \\'innetoon . Et h~l J ohn ~on. Peru 1-.::atharine l(clky. Urmnl\·il lc Rose K ock. :\ fillard Clara 1-:nhle r. Page 1-.::atharine f(ohler. Page Lilli e Kncnning·. l'·•ok Carmie Lamm. ( ;ering lkssie L eeper . .-\ubmn Jo~cphinc L cffcrd i11k. ll olb nd Carol_\'ll C T.ocnning. Humboldt

Leona :\ lag-innis. Tlcatrice (; crtrucle :\lc.-\uliffc . St. :\ far_\"s .\nna :.rc:\lah o n. F a lls City Clcta :.l o ran. \'crdon :\I ildrcd );il cs. Cr ete Elizabeth O li ver. :\lurray .-\cia Peebles. Hast ings Elsie R ober ts. DrO\\·nville Emma Roll\\·agon. T hedford h·a Saxon . l ."nio n ()pal Seabury. Peru L o uise Scl igmann. :.rorsc l:luff;; Leo ra S mith. Tecumseh nl anchc Snodgr as~. T;:\lmagc (; crt rud e· Snodgrass. T a Image l ~m i l So ukup. :. Jilliga n Leala Sta rn·. Tlr0 \\'11\·ill e l'aulin c S to.n ccyphcr. Omaha Luna Take. P eru lkllc Tucker. l'agc 1.-a\Ti tc Tucker. l'age I la ze] \'a n D orn Elea nor \\' itt. S_nacu;;c .-\lice \\' right. 1.-il ln· Lillie Y ounki 11. Dorche~tl'l' Hattie :\L Yat es . Shenandoah. Ia.



TRAINING SCHOOL The train ing school is a \r ell-o rganizecl graded school of t\\'(J h undred an 1! fifty pupils. It includes a kin dergarten. the eig-ht g-r ades qf the ._.j,_. nh.:ntary ~choo l and a high school of t\\'O g r ades. T he ma nagem ent an d instruct ion ar,· unde r the immediate direction o f Supt. E. L. Rou se. :\l r . R o use h as had fifteen ,·ears of successful expe rience in all kinds of school \\·o rk from the r u ral school:-; to the superintendency of city schools. T his is his sccnnd year in this positio n . :'l l iss L nu E. H osme r has cha rge of the kinderg-arten and ha s pra c ti c<~ lh· h ad chaq~c of thirteen of o ur class ,,·ho a rc takin g the kind c rgarte11 course. :\ Irs. Elizabeth C ra\\·fo rd uses the childre;1 of the t r ainin g school for her nb sl·n·a tion ..:Ia. ses. Th ere ha\·e been se,·en t ra inin g teache rs in the elementary school. the :\lisscs 1,.;: elley. Schlee . \.'an :\l idclles\\·o rth. :\lutz. Lal l~- . C hr isti an . and j,_;:rehs. Lach n f these has had sever a l years · ex peri ence in public school ,,-.. rk . T heir di rection has given a practical as \\·ell as a pedagogical training· tn nu r chss. Dr. Tr. C. H o use is principal of the h ig·h school a nd has been assisted ll\' seniors \\.ho hav e been recommend ed b_,. the heads of the depa rtmc nt s as es~)('­ cial!l· fitted for the particular \\·ork to \\·hich they have been assig·ned . T h is 1s the first _,·ear of a regu lar organi zed high school and it has proven to h e a \·aluahle (ldclition to the tra ining school. .\./nt' ly- (o uJ

FRA . . . t( ~ ·

. . , ' ··.. H .Y · .~· , O<J.· . 0 .u N_

MEMORIES In the gray twilight I'm , itting- to night Thi nki ng o f home and the dear days of yore: Th e tho ugh ts o( my childhood an d youth lJring delight As th ey come thro ng ing from m emory's store. Li ke a seri es of pictures they seem tn unfo ld. A nd l sce in a ~ h cltcr e cl a nd qui et n.:t n·:n :.\ly o nce happy ho m e the same a >- of o ld \Vherc round the brigh t h e anh ~ t one the J.,n.:cl nn•·" wl)t!ld me(:t. T he stalwart oa k reaches protect ing gree n ar m~ :\ fa r ::J'er th e wide stretch ,) f soft g ras"y la wn· In its hranchc ~ the wild-bird. secure from alarm ~ , Si ngs blithel y it s so ng- at th e earlie' t dawn. sec th e wo rn path dow n the long slo ping- hill vV•hcrc m y lo ite ring foo tsteps so o ft en ha\' e trod. The spring clear and cool a nd th e bright fla sh ing rill On whose bank s in the breeze gracefu l fern s wa\·e and no d . Th e ol d- fa shioned chmch a t the brow of th e hi ll. It comes to my ,·ision so plainly tonight: :\nd th e buryi ng-gro und wh ere th e dead lie so st ill \Vith qui e t hands folded away from ~ ight. ~ee

th e ol d XcJl'lnal. th e prid e of m y youth: O nce a gain 'neath it s roo f with my cla ssmates 'l m eet :\ nd we s tudy from hook s word s o f wis dom and tru th . Th en to fait hf ul ins tr uctors th e lt- sso tts r epeat. ~ee the quaint tO\\'n wi th it ~ lo ng du qy s treet. The bridge where I lingered in m erri est play: l n the distance the ri\'(•r w h o~c turhi<l \\'a\'e' hea t . \ ~o: ain ~ t san lb that are ~ h ifti n g by nig ht and clay.

nu t whil e r am m using the swift d a rk ne's fa ll s .-\ncl c o,· er ~ w it h so mbre a nd m isty grey \'eil The bca uti ful pictun·" on m emory' s wall ~ . \\'hil c s tar ~ n ne by o ne gl immer fnn h cold and pak. - f. olti 1• ,1/,·f,·,·u::;i,· !lah ·or.<<ll

. \ "nt t' (l - '1


PROGRAM OF THE FIRST COMMENCEMENT, 1870 ~al u tatory-Orati on-··ThL· :-;tudcnt' :; ll opc '' . .. .... ..... . . . .. Geo. E . Ho\\"ard

\ · alcd ictory-O ra ti o n- ·· ~ nth ing: La~t .. ... . ... . . . ..... . ...... .-\n ni e :-Joor heacl ~ r\\Sic-~ o rma 1 Fa H'\\' L'll

c Jc,· ...... . . . . ........ ..... . ..... P ro fessor

NORMA L FAREWELL GLEE \\·,. c'<llll <'. ki n d fr i<'tHb. yl't once agai n . \ <) greet yon er e 1\'l' pa rt, To hrc:\ lhe th e fi nal fa rl'\\'l'l l \\'nrd t<l ,.,·,·ry fait llfnl II L'art : .-\ n d th o ~choo l clay ~ n o\\' a r c O\'l' l'. k in d r <·mc·mlora n cc;< rem a in, \\' hi k th e fondc~ t r ec.:nlkc tion s ri ' '' h don· n ~ <)llC<.: a gain. i\ lany scc·m·~ of fn rm t·r fri eiHbh ips. man y t n:a ~ nrc.:d \nWd ~ uf truth . S tand cn gra \·c·d o n n~o.: nHH<s tahlet of the h a ppy days o f youth ; :\ !an y kind ly \\'Ord ~ here ~ p okc n , go lden lin b in llll' lllOr y's cha in. Of the ha ppy 1\'cc·ks no \\' pa ~ t , :tl'l' the t rc·a ,; nn· ~ that remai n . ('I!ORL' S

.-\ n d Th l' c\n d Our

n o\\' '"'' ;;ay fa r l'\\'l'll tn i riend~ and seen<'" mo' l clea r, joyntt< d ay~ in 1\nrm al l lalls for ayl' n n r Ii,·es ~hall ch eer. \\'h ilc \\'('gol den han·e,;ts r c·a p . n r se<·d.; n f k n n\\' k clgc ~ cat!L'r . pra \'n tnclay sh all he a l\\'ay- " r.od hk,, <)ttr .-\lma :Mate r, ..

:- ra rtin

GECJJH;J·: E L LIOTT 110\\'.\ JW

PERU \\'hen with thi ~ ol d s tuh Jll'll I'm throu~h :\o 1110re w hit th e pace that kill-, J'm comin g down to Old P~ru To get a home among- the hill-. \\'here lilac,; ~ c.: tll the hrt·a th ni Spri n g-, \\' h ere sq u i rr .: l ~ fr isk .dunn till' la11·n. t\ nd I can htar the wil d hird, singI n chorus free at p(.'<:p of daw n . \\"here ,netch -m\'1 hnnt- an d turtle- .J,.,..., .-\ nd tnan pu r ~ llC ' hi s peacdul w:ty : \\·here tH' o n e fill~ hi < <kin with lHHW<: ..-\ nd t ra,·el < h d lward nig ht a nd dav . \\' here .-\ nd \\'her<· And

L'II<>S .

thtrc i ~ peace and full cklighl. littl e noi-e and po litic-: om· c;tn alway< rc'' t :11 n il-fh t w;:ke to h]('.;.: the mnnltng.

, \ , , , . , , - t'IC. " '

);_ S. X. S.,

I R72-3

().:dic·att•d D cccmh tT :2,1.


In th e beginn ing- ,,·as the \\·il cle rn cs;:; : and th e ,,·ildern es;:; was k ing . A nd it came t1) pa~s that out o f th e ,,· ildern ess sp rang- a h tunhk edifice. e r ected in th e

cau ~L·

o f ed ucatio n in t8(,(i _

A nd peo pl e a ;:;~cmblcd from the neigh b1)ring- la nd s a nd ent ncd t his ho u se of learn ing. a n d in t8;o th e people a ;:;scm bled to " ·itncss t\\·n o i th ei r numbe r. c rowned \\·i th g-lory. i s~u c for th heari ng t e~timoni al~ of their in te llectua l pm,·er. A nd so. fr ntn that ti me o n ther e ha ,·c been many na ti\· l· ~ n i thi s Ja nel a nd stra nge rs from di sta nt la nd s ,,·ho. ta kin g: up th eir ah ()d L· at t hi ~ sca t oi k;trning:. cndu reel faith ful ly a nd \\·ere fin a II~· crmnted ,,. it h

~ ucc t·~~-

r\ ml it came to pass that t his instit ut io n g-rc\\· in size an d ianw to the vxtcnt t hat up to the present day a th o tt ~a nd han? pas~ed front it ~ ha lls ht·a r ing· parc hm ent sc rn ll s


symbols of th eir fa ith fulm·ss.

Their later ,,·nrks ha\·e been of Ya ried nat ures.

~nt n e arc itcl d as be ing

g-rea t ])\· the ir kiln\\· tne n . thu s \\·in ning· fame. wh ile other~ haH' dnne g-rea t deeds tn a hu mbler ,,.a_,. : hut each has remai ned fa ithiu l a nel 1(1\a i tn hi s .\lm a \la ter .

f\l i n r'/_1'- 111 n, ·

11 0:-J. CHAS. LET T 0:-.1

MEETI NG _ ,, ... -


Alumni Association T'. \V. Blackburn ,




Presid t nt.


:'lliss E mma :'ll orgnn , - - Sec retary.


'( .





~tll~!Ol!Ol [

ORDER OF EXERCISES Calling of the R oll. l\lusic. De<.:lam a tio n - - - :llr. J. B . Pi per. C lass o f ·M u sic. Essay - - - :11 iss Anna :\laud Daily, Class of :Mi s s L ydia Bell, Class of Recitation i\h1sic. Es,;ay - - - - Miss Alice Emerson , C lass o f Oration - - - - Mr. Charles Letton, Class o f l\lusic. A Paper, by the H istorian and B iographer, :I! iss Emma Mo r gan, Class ot Bus iness Meeting. Adjournment.

1876 1879 1871 1879 1879

'lite Closing lc."x ercises o.f litis tnstilut zon .for tile Sclw!astic Y ear n tding 'June 16, 1880, will ta!.•e place as i1ldicatcd on til is inclosed Prog-ra 1111/lC. Robo-t Cun-y, Principal.

1879 }u 11c 1, !SSo.


JrrJl!lJB~ffWJmrmrt!J? Jl!lf ~~~nu~J?JBi -

0 1-~

Order of Exercises."'"

T!U: -



Jun e

Phil o nHl thea n Soc i~ty ~r . .... naccalaureate Add res:-.

12 , 7~ P,::'\1.

Sl'='DAY , j uue 13,4 P.

:\I o:-:OAY, June 14, 7 ~ P. :'\t .. . Cou cert of l\Iusic TUESJ> \ \'








P :\I { S t~td e n t s ' Reu~1i o n 15, 71/ / 2 · · · Prayer ~1eettn g


{ Co nlrneu cetnenl E. · ·e·s xercts P.::\1. ).leetiug o f Ah11n ni

\\ En:-.;ESDA Y , Ju n e 16,9A. ::\1 .

\ \"E nX E S I'A Y , june

t6, i~~

Exan1i u a ti o u o f cl asses a t 8~ A. :\f. a n d 2 P. ::\1.

:'.l o n day and T u esday.

~1U 5 1 C .

S a l ut:llory- :\liss Anna E. Reid. - Hntn bur)..( . Iowa ~l us i c .

P1l.1- AHS OF SOC I ET Y: T . e Fatml y - :l! iss F loren ce A. Lock.,, ·

Year Ending June 16. 1880 .



~IU ~ I C.

Brow n\·iht:. 1'\eb.

Mu s ic. The

St" h oo : - ~t i ss

T he

P u l p i t- ~! r.

Etntna F. \Vhi t ehor n. Dakota. K to b .

\lus ic. A. C. Hull, -

- -

P eru. Keh.



Pres s- ~! iss

F lora Blackburn,

Yo r k. I' e h

~·1 usic.

T he

S tat e -~lr.

J.D. Gra ves,

- R ock BlutT,.;. Neb.

~ru ~ i c .

Valerlic to ry- \l iss j essie E . S t ocking". \\"ah<•o. :--l eb. Dinh·ihuthtn uf Dip Iuman. Music. Benedic t ion. •This d is tri bution of Ex e rcise s wn~ ntadc without re fe rence to Class S ttuHii 11~.

THE KINDERGARTEN SENIORS T hi s d epa rtment had no t a :separatcl~·-organiz ed conrse un ti l 1897. :\lthoug·h its ya\ne \\·as r eali zed it \\·as no t until Dr. Cla rk' s admini strati o n t hat it \\·a,; placed on an equa l basi s \\·ith t he othe r departments nf t he sc hool. :.1 uch c redit for t hi s i;.; due :. l i:-;s L o n E. llosmcr. a;: :-;he \\·as in st nunental in secu 1·ing r ecog nition for t he \\'0 1k. L"nder he r carefu l g uida nce it has met \\·ith \\· e\1-dese n·ec\ 1\ peep into the kinde rgarten department \\·mlld shll\\' n,; gro ups of ch i!dn:n engaged in man~· dirfcre nt acti\·it ies . ~ omc \\· a uld he seen at t he sa nd table. some at th e doll hou se. some dra\\·ing. painting: o r playing \\·ith o ne of Froebel':g;ifts . Tl crc it is t hat the K ind ergarten ~c11iors haYe an oppo rtun ity to becom e acqua inted \\·ith al l phases o f t he \\·a rk and arc \\·el l equipped fo r teachim:· such \\·n rk in the pu bl ic ;:chools. Out' !Jund1 ,·d o nr'

l\ lT. VERNO:\

0.'\K C j L EN


7 /'le~'")'"?r;

O FF! U ·:RS, Fl RST

Sl~ :\ll Sl"U{

Sim~. Bla nk cn~ hip

K citn, Patchin. 1-::lknhcrg,·r. :\bxcy


Fn,;11nt. D ittmct·, ll an:<nn . Cartney. HL•,;t. Pat chin Spl'lll"C r. 11ill. Pet ra:-di<·k



Rec k, Ccst, Pctra s hek, Blacksto ne, llan so n Van D ri el, l lumphrcys, Knudsen. Coorl rich


SECON D SD I ESTER PROGRA~r CO:Vl!\ llTTEE Dittmer, Phillips. T yler, Van Oriel, Ell en berger. C lin e, Kaffenberge r Berkey, F reiday, Gi lt ner, Steph ens

.·1 paradoxical b11t fm c philosoph.\' of life rc·q11ircs that <l'e gather happiness by di.l·p ensing kindn ess. sce11rc regard by yielding co nfidence. banish 11glincss by i111planting bca11ty. aeeulllulate true ,,•cal th by la.-ishin g great ser.-ice. rise to l'lllillnlrr by courting real l111111ility . and ga111 sah·ation by escaping selfishness.

F. }.I.

l'RO L:. F.

:- 1.



In trying to estimate the Yalue o f the litera ry societies. \\'e find that th ey cannot be estimated too hi ghly. for they are of g reat ,,·orth both to the participant in the program and to the listener, a nd so should be p laced among the fi rst o rga niza tions o f the school. The practice afforded in these societ ies accu stoms the student to ex press him self be fore the public. for \\'hich they should be commended hig hly. If the literary societies should be remO\·ed from the school life. a void would be f elt l)y all. So let u s all be true. loyal \\'Orke rs 111 our litera r y societies.




THE EVERETT SOCIETY Jf ott o-O ncc an E<·crctt ahc•ays an E'i.·erett Colors -Ora nge and Black

The Everett Society docs not neglect the socia l side . The society number s O\'Cr t\\'O hund red. a nd c n~ n· member is made to feel at h ome in Everett Hall. A special fea ture of the :-ocia l side \\'as a recept ion g iven to th e Everetts, fo r the Everetts. and by the EYeretts. on the evening o f 1\ovember 27, '.vhich proYccl to be one o f the most successful socia l fun ctions eYe r g iven by the society. The second semester o f our society opened \\'i th a good corps of officers and an increased enrollment. the g reatest in it:- hi sto ry. and the :-oci ct~· i:- now in the most flouri shing con dition. The old piano, \\'hich has been a source of g rea t annoYance to a ll Everett music lovers, \\·as replaced " ·ith a fin P. Schiller piano . :1 splendid inst ru ment o f \\'hich the Everett Societ\· ma~· be justly proud. T he program commit tee \Yas \'C ry successful in giYing first-class program~. T h roug hout th e semester they held to the hig h standard of the E verett Society . The gene ra l plan of the prog ram committee \\'as to arrange programs appropriate to the t ime. as the S t. Patrick's program. gi ,·en the F riday e,·ening following S t. P atrick's Day: another \\'as the ~fu s i ca l g iven in h ono r of the one hundredth a nni ve rsary o f Chopin. Our hu udrrd sr;·r u


Pia 11Ll

. . . ... . . . ...... :\Jr. Tyler . . . . . .......... . . . .... S<?Iceted

S n ltl

........ :\li-~ llank..; :\ Ju,ic . . .. . ...... .

. ........ s,•Je•e'te•d E,·ere' ll C\reh~.:~tra Oration ............ . .... . .... . ... ... . ...................... .. . . ... .. :\I r. Ea~ t w 0<'d l'iano Qn;trt e· tt e .. . . . ... ... .. Selccte•d :\ Ji,,,., \'ali Drie·l. Larinwr. Hed: and llan ~<' tt Fa rce in ntte' ;.ct TilE Sl LE:\T SYSTE:\ 1

A PACE FROM A MT. VERNON GIRL'S LIFE BY LENA FREID A Y G iven in Everett, Friday, D ecember II

·\ -<tudettt ~at with '''\lltte·na n.:e grim :\nd ~tud i cd with all her m ight. F"r h:~-<on~ wen~ piled tt p n t i l e~ in h eight. .\nd a t ten out go,·~ the ligh t. I n fn·eri s h ha ~ te ~he stndic~ Ott Tn·in!-( in ,·arn to think. :\nil .. to. add tn the g-e•ner al confusion o f t h ing~ The• l i ght~

ga,·c tho.:i r wami ng blink.

:\ ftTtt Z\' nnw ~o.: ize·d the• :\t th ought of lesson s :\nd -<h..: plaiPiy saw on Sh,· nw~t rise• ne th e

throhhin!-( ht·aitt not d one·, the m orrow's m o rn ra diam s utt.

O tt lwr nillnw the \\'t'!l!")'i'!; t ud\'lll tossed. nn. aming of days on the farm, \\'he•tt so.:emittg only a slw rt h al f- Ja,m. S he he•ar~ that lltt\H'lcome alarm. J) i~ m:ly\'d

again hy linge t·ing li ght ~ S he drcs"e'S in general c lamor Bu t ~a"" · "\\'iH'tt done I'll h:t\'C sottl\' time To 'cram· fo r that 'test' in Grammar." T h e tcrro.:stial wo rld began to fade \\' hile pn ttde r itH! <n·er th e noun. !\nd sh e wi~hc d the• b ui ldi ngs got th,·ir light From the power plan t of the to wn. The ard en t ring of Brought forth th e Th" tt t im e for th at She searched for

th e ht·ea kfas t he•l l imnetuotls "Oh. Stung!" daily plan to write• frnnt the time• it rung.

But "l tddenl .' · -<ht· think s of chap,•) :\;ul -a~·-<. "\\'he·n· thc•n:, will thne:, a 1\';t\',

Sn thn :· .tn the· tu ne "l.,•;td 1\ i·ulh· l.i!!ht" She wri t e~ nut t he plan fnr tlit> d;;y. ()ur hutltf,;•d , ;,,.

Fro m da ~s to class she hastih· goes . But pc.'o.:k~ at h t•r th eory <li .ligl11. .·\ nd karns of :\!iss Goshen that to es aren 't US I'd In the· .:omplicatcd pro.:e~~ of sight. l·:n~ nittg- "''" o n and ~h.: happily thought

Of t wn d;l\·s fr o m the ,,.o ,·k s he hated. \\'hl'n a getitk tap wid he r in the parlor~ lwlo"· :\ young man ~at and w ai ted. lin fm allll giO\·es. a h at an d muff Sh..: was hast ily ao.:o.:u mulating \\' hen in came a hunch o f j o lly g-irl s Tn tell all about the s kating. (her tlto.:ir ~lo r ious trip o u t and their Jon)! " ·a lk llack. Thcv ,:ecmcd io ho.: n111o.:h elated . .-\nd ;ho.: quite fo rgot tho.: parl o r,: hclo\\', \\'hnt' a ynu ng m an \\'earily waited . .-\

ft ~.: r

preli minary mon·s She h u rri edly de,:e..:nded the s tair. Hut miutl!e-< had seo.: med like h our~ to hint .\nd ~h e fo u n d hin t in great de,:pair.

E,·crct t',: mu,:io.:al prngr:t m \\'a,: nn fo 1· tIt~: night. S h e !-(an• \\'alknhnupt·~ "\\'hi~pe·ring Wind ... J:ttt the· i""tting <otmd frnn t tltn-<e· rattling kt•v..;

Hn·all(·d a tnrttadn tn mind. Tlw-<t' line-< 1 ha\'L' \'tt<ka,·n r cd tn \\'rit e• T,, ..;Jtn\\' tn th l' wnr ld itt \\'hat h a~tc .\ :\ It Vt• rt tntt girl gn~·.; thru the -<<"hm•l. \\'itltnttt att~· tinH· tn \\'a-<t c.



l Ic n clrick s . 1-rancc, :\ l cyc l". \\"o nd e r , l3urrc ll


SI·:C0:\1) S I·::\ I E ST E R OfTI C I·:J<S CampiH"ll. Z in k. 1-:: u l' nnin~ h·a lll' l'.

\\. e ll ·· ~

\\'ILS0.\1 \fA JORS Pr<.:s. o f P hif o m a thcan Socict\· a t tim<.: of organ izatio n . t&>;:

GI·:OJ<C I·: E. 110 \\' :\I{J) Prnf. o f Pol. Sci. a nd Sm: iolll!.!\' a t L' n i. •>f .\'<.:br.. f'r c.:,;. of f'hil n. at· ·ti lll <.: ,,f incorporat io n. tkjo.

CERTIFICATE OF TRUSTEES, PHILOMATHEAN SOCIETY Filed fo r record Apri l 18 . 1R7o. at 11 o 'clock :\. ~f. Cert ificate P hiloma thean Society. l1 e ru. :\ebr.. "\ la rch 2_:;th. 1R7o . . \t a special meeting of a maj ority o f the membe rs o f t he l'hilomathc;\11 Society . held for the purpose of choosing a board o f tru stees. on motion the p resident apo intecl P . "\!. "\ la rtin. D. L. H ayden . "\lary S nyde r. E mma !\ rook. and R. H. R oberts a s s uch board . H. l f. R obe rts \\·a s chosen clerk of said board. O n motion the clerk \\·as directed to transmit a record o f th is m eeti ng : 0 the county c!e r k. togethe r \\· ith the fo ll O\\·ing art icles o f in cor poration: .-\ rt ic lc First. ~ame. Thi s society shall be known a s the " ! 'hilomathcan ;:::, ,ciet_,. o f the ~ ebraska S tate :\ orma l School. .. ..-\.rticle Second. Object. T he object of thi s societ \· shal l be to promote all ~ h in gs of a litera ry character. C )n motion t he society then adj ou rned. R. H . Rtll!I·X r:-> . l'll'rk . G tcOR<; t:: Eu.tnTT 1-fo\\·.\lm,. I ' resident.

I hereby certi h that the above is a correct record of the procL·ed in g·s of a meet in g of th e Ph il omat hean Societ\· held on th e 25th day of "\ [a rch ..\. D. 1R7o. l ~ecn rcl ed .-\pr il 18. 1870. . R. H. R()J:J-X r:->. C le rk . J.\ ) !ES "\T. H oc KER, R egist ra r. State of ~ eb ra ska, } :\em a ha Count \·. f. J. I:. D ocker. County Cle rk for sa id count\·. certify that t he a hmT is a true copy o f the record of the incor poration o f the l'hilomathea n Societ\· ()f th e St:tk :\nrmal at Pe ru . ~ ehr. \\' itness Ill Y ha nd and o fficial sea l this 25th da\· of ~fay. tXR2. J. II. DocK ER. Cou n t\. ('Ink. O n ,· hnutfr,·d / :"t 'l'h,·


PIIIUL\1.-\T II E.-\:'\ PROCR.Y\1

RST Nickel 1\:m,ll, \\"illiam:<, :\l<,hrnian, \Vright~man



I'<'rt~r . :\ndr t' W~. s~!:!<· lk c .

PIIILO :\1.-\:'\ I :\I S Tn h ~ a l'hilt'IIlath~an i~ to r~ ~ po nd tu duty. :\ ; nrit·t-'· oi tilt' < tud~nt :' . hy tilt• :'tudt'llb :.nd i<> r tilt• I'rngTa nt...:.

in;-;tntCti,·c...· a:-'



~ttH I~ nt~ .


Earll llll'lllhtT appt•a r ,; on :'Plllt' program .

r'III.I.O~I.\ T Ill·:.\:'\

1'1\()(; H . \ .\1

l:< ' l"C!"\l,nll.

L-0\1 ~II TT 1·:1 ·:- S I·:CO:'\ I l

l nhn-<•>11 .

· l..:aup. \\·,·l!r-.

l..:t"llllt'<h ·. \\'illianl:' Tylvr . i..:-ll<" lllling

S 1·:.\II ·: ST 1·:1{




PHILOMATHEAN SOCIETY Over forty years ago. under the Jcaclcrship o f \\'i lson E. :\ faj ors. t he I 'hilumathean Literary Society fou nd its beginning in 1867. Later, o n the 2,;t h day of :\larch. 1870. through the effort of its pres ident. Dr. (;co. 1To"·ard. no \\· of the State CniYersity, the society ,,·as incorporat ed under th e Ja,,·s o f \: cb raska. [t is no " · the o nly literary society bearing thi s di stinction 111 t he s tate of ~ebras ka.

\Vc ha ,·c striYcn duri ng the past yea r to keep the wo rk o f the soc iety up to the same hig h standard o f the past and if po:siblc to make the wo rk th e he~t in its hi "tor y . . \ regular course of s tudy ha s been take n up. so tha t in the p rog ra tns th e membe rs arc not o nly rccci,·in g ente rta inment but also rece iving some inte llect ua l benefit for t heir t ime spent. During the first semester the :\merica n \: cgm problem " ·as taken up and the s ubj ect t ho roug h Iy exhausted. I11 truth. the society became so interested in the subject that they ga,·e a n open progr:1m tn wh ich e \·ery phase of \:egro li fe ,,·as represented. :\rusic a nd l ~ xpre ss i un l lal l. in \\·hich the program " ·as g·iven, was filled to its utmost seating capacit~· . During the second semester the SOCiety foJJo\\·ecJ the same plan o f a CottrS(' nf study. \\' ith the same excellent results. eut the excellent programs a nd program work is not all that th e socict ,· has been doi ng . They ha,·e remodeled the room. gotte n n<: w furni tu re. a nd mad e man y va luable im pro ,·cmcnts. The open sessions at the close of the first and second semesters " ·c-re not only a g reat success hut " ·e re rende red in such a way th at th e " (lid l)hilo" stil l ho ld:; he r hi g h place a mong the lite rary societies o f the state . \\·e who haYc noted the work o f th e society duri ng this yea r arc pro ud no t onl y to c lai m membership to the oldest ancl strongest soc i ct~· in Peru . hu t we a rc proude r still to be a fo rce in a society t hat holds for its iclc;d s the social and intcll<:'ct ual betterment o f ea ch fellow stude nt.


l a nd ~ -\'al ,; e

Hrilliantc .11 os:;l.·o :.-ski :\li,;<e,; Sdtick, Tyler. Tykr. l klzcll

l~l"adi n g--.\

\Ian \\'ith cHlt a Co untry E L. lla /,· \[i ss Frank

St,lo-Tc:ll me:. \ ly ll cart Sir II. Bislz o{> \ Ii <,- Scgel ke Or;nio n- Thl: S econd E m ancipation C. \\'. Knoll Co met Solo-The ":\ fighty Dc:ep !. J. T<.olr' II. K . ":\fitt o n 1·:,-,:ay-Farm Liic :\ [i!'s .-\melia \\'eh r,; Q nin t•:t tc•--\\'hen the Litile One s S ay Goo df . .-/. Paslw night ":\ li ,;::e,; Seg-elke. Delzell. La mh.:th. Kenned y. \\' illi am!' s ~ mpo!'iumT he his tory of tra de uni o ni ~ m in the L'n ite d Sta t ·: ~ fo r the pa ~ t twenty yea rs sh011·s a gen<'ral tendency detrimenta l to the bc;t in te rl':'t :< of th e coun try. C. B. ":\loot·e Th l' hi ~ t ory o f t r ade ~ unt nntsm tn th e L' ni tl' cl States fo r the la ;;t tw ent\' year:< :< h011·s a g-eneral tendency conse n·ati 1·e oi tit .:' h.s t intc•t·est;; o f ou r co unt ry. ]. F. ":\ fo rga n Pa ntom ime-Rock o f :\ge;; :\ I i ~~ l'" L :ob France, Fern Bro 11·n. n cm ice Brown. \[a rg ueri te \ Io h rm an . .fannie Kelckner. Cecilia \\'ehr,;, \lm:a Pl a s~ . Ora A nd rews. Pearl S t rawn.


O.f :\GES

ATHENIAN DEBATING SOCIETY O rga ni zed 1899 Colors-Crimson and Gold

YELL .-\-t-h-e-n-i-a-n. That':-; the ,,·ay \\·e :-;pel! it : .-\then ian. .-\then ian. T h a t ·~ th e \Yay \\T ye ll it.

OFFICERS Pirst Sci/lester t'rc:-icl ent. Cora C hittenden. 'o9 \" icc- F'rc~iclcnt . -:-\ cllic DaYid~on. 'os> R ecording Secretary, R ena T urner . 09 Second Scnlt'Sfcr l're:-;idcnt. Lena


F rcida:·. '10 \ "ice- l'rcsident.

~l i ldred

Spencer. 'ot) Reco rdi ng Secr eta ry . I:-;ahcllc l~ahu~. 1 o .-\dvisor ..-\nne ). l. Coshcn . .·\ . n .. 1~. S . \!any in te r est ing as \\"Cll as in structi,·c debates haYe been held durinc: the yea r. and the .·\ thenian ta lent h a~ not only been ~ h o,,· n in their m eet in g s but ha s extend ed thro ughout th e debating \\·ork o f the school. .-\side from the regu lar \\·cek ly debates a fc"· social eyents haYe been enj oyed. C)ne among the~e \\·as the reception g iyen to the C iceronian Debating Society on ). larch 20. The eveni ng's entertainment \\·as the impersona ti o n o f a "Last D ay at a Country School. .. (hit' hu udred Sf1'C II (t!t'll

A WOMAN'S REASON WHY A WOMAN SHOULD VOTE \ ·arious so-called reasons \\·h.'· ,,·omen s hou ld not n>tc ha ,.c been u rgcd. Indeed. ,,·omen. it is said. arc \\'Cak. foolish. fri,·olous : they are unable to bear arms : theY have enoug h rights nO\\': they arc protected b.'· men·~ ,·otc~. and so fo rth. The re arc men. and plenty of them . aga in ~t ,,·hom al l the con~idcrat i o n s enum erated aboYc. except t hat o f sex. can he urged a s rea son s ,,.h,· th e_,. shou ld not \'Otc: hu t they arc ne,·er urg-ed against them . becau se th ey belong to that class \\'hich heretofore ha,·c had the po\\'cr to say ,,-h() shall ,·ote. Th e eq ua l oppor tun ity to life . liberty. a nd th e pursu it of happiness \\'hich ou r constitution gua rantees is a farce as long as one-half the adults an' di~ ­ fran chi scd . or else women a rc not cit izens . l la,·c \\'e a reprcscntati,·c g o ,·c rnmen t ba eel on uni,·ersal suffrage- a g ovcmmen t o f the people. fnr the people a nd by the people? :'\o. our gO\·c rnment is a cross het\,·ccn a monarchy and a republic- a g o,·e rnm cnt of th e m en. for th e men a nd h_,. the m en. ,,·hn seem to ha,·c forgotten the ,,·orcls o f the Yankee at the l:oston T ea Party that "Taxation ,,·ithout representation JS tyranny. and to gO\·crn a people ,,·ithout their consent is d espot ism ... Y et in this da,· and age o f the \\'Oriel \\'Omen arc O\\'ning and controll ing prope rty. and are paying taxes on th e same to suppo rt a go,·crnmcnt in \\' l1ich the_,. arc not rep resented. The opponents sa_,. on thi s phase o f the question: "If pro pcrt\· is to hL' the test should not the one \\'ho o,,·ns most ,·ote most:.. And again let m e recal l the R e,·olutiona n· Period. Did th e Colonies think that because England o\\·ncd mo re property than they. that they should ha\'{' no \'nice in Pa1 liamcnt? :'\ot only is the present state of affairs unconst itutional. hut a rc not \\'Omen capable o f using the ba llot. a nd \Hnlld it not bring good to the comnnmity ? No right is so strong a s that of a mothe r to ,·ote fo r the protecti on of her chi ld, and is it possible for a moth er to mould and direct the educatio n uf a boy until h e is t \\·cnty-onc a nd then be less competent to make and admini ste r law s t han that bo,·? S tati st ics sho\\· that fo ur-fifths o f a ll the good magazines and books of today are read by \\·omen. and tha t four times as man_,. girls as boys g radu ate from o ur hig h schools. so it can ha rdly b e sa id s he is not capable of Yoting \\·hen they g rant that privilege to the most degraded man in the country, \\'ho cannot read hi s O\\'n ballot. and to the foreign er \\·h o can not read a \\'Ord o r our language . .-\n eminent diYine recently decla red that the old maxim. "Taxation without representation ... \\·as utterly inapplicab le to the subj ect of \\·oman s uffrage. but he fa iled to g ive a ny reason. good or bad. for hi s a~ sc rti on. although h e attempted to offe r some excuse for it.

"\\-o men ,,-ho ar c taxed:· he ~a i d. "a rc rcprc:->c n tccl b~.- their husba nd s and relat i,·es:· J:ur ior a man to proper] ~- represent h i~ ,,-ife a nd fam i]_, .. h e mu st call the ad ult tncmbcrs o i the family tog·ct her. state the case pla inly. take a ,-o tc. and abide ]),- that YOtc regard less of his O\Y n co m ·ictions. and in no oth e r "·ay can a man he ~aiel to represent his family .

1- o r i u rt her proo f that ,,·omen arc not represented. let me citc you to t he :\ ehra~ka

lcgisla t m c in 1<90.

:\early c ,·c r~- ,,-oman in the state sig·ned a pelltton pray in g the legislature to pa:->:-> a bill kn o wn as the ·· . \_g·e of L"on~cnt Tiill." to furt h er pr otect the youth o f the sta te. T he hill iailed to pa ss as framed . bu t ,,·as amended and amencl ccl befo r e it pa ~~c d un til it could sca rcely be r ccog11 izcd a s the sam e bi ll. .-\gain the iact tha t so many d isgraceful Ja,,-s are o n o ur statutes is pos itiYc proo f that wome n arc not rcprcsentccl : fo r in sta nce . the diYi sio n of pro perty joi nt ly ea rn ed by ,,- iic a nd husband clming the ir married life. If the hu sband dies ,,-ithout a ,,-il l. the Ia,,- says the wife can haYc th e usc of th e pro per ty but tHH the ri ght tn tra n ~ ie r it. Tf the wiic di~·s ( \\·ithou t a \\· ill. of co ur::;c. a,: it ,,-ottld be usc\c,::-; un der the p resent conditio n ) the law says the h usba nd shall han a ll the properr:· to usc. transfer o r giYe to the next "·ife . ,,-hilc the chi ldren a r c no t permitted to cla im all\· o f the m other's prope r ty ea r ned durin g he r marr ied liic. If women hac\ been represented tn the maki ng of that law. \YOulcl th e,- haYe mad e it so one sided ?

Ag-ain . it is sa id that women can clo and arc doing as much w ith it. If th e dis fra nchi sed han:: an equal oppo rtunit~- with the f ra nchi sed. ,-,-hy does the convict. b~· good behaY io r. so desire to haYc o ne m on th deducted from each yea r of hi s sentence. a nd in thi s ,,-ay retain his cit izenship o r yo tc ? And a gain. if th e disfranchi sed has an eq ual opportu nity " ·ith the franchi ~ccl. \Yhy disira nchisc a ma n fo r som e of the greater cr imes ? Think of it. fo r th e crime of b igamy and polyg-amy a man is made the political eq ual of a woma n !

A ma n is dis f ranchiscd fo r a crime he commits- a wo ma n


d is fra nch i:-;cd fur being bo r n a woma n- a cr ime. if it be a cri m e. th a t she could not help. Opponents a r g ue that a woman's sphere is in no way ciY il becau~c :-;h e cannot fight : but le t us sec if the ab ili ty to bca 1· a rm s is a Yoting qua li fi catio n . I n our late war wit h S pa in . according to t he o fficia l reports, on h · o ne 111 ten passed th e exam ination. \\-ere the remain in g n inety per cent dis franc h ised? So met i me~ the argument is pr esented that women a rc pro ne to be ca r r ied away by a fad a nd hence use in discr etion in yo ting f o r proficient m en. b ut a llo w me to recall a li ttle incident \\"ith which you are a ll fam iliar that ,,-ill prove to you that m en a rc ju st a s pro ne to follo w a fad o r be car ri ed a\\·a~- by the excitement of t he mom ent- the f ou r th number of the lectu re cou rse o n Ja nu a r~- 16, " ·he n rrofcssor Patt_,- a sked fo r a n ~·o n c \Yho ,,- ished to come in c l o ~ c r contact with liquid a ir to come for\\"arc\ . Ou t' hundred n i udre n

.. \\'oman s hould keep in her sphere. ft~ r to participate 1n ci1·il work ,,·ill make her tt m1·omanly" : thi s is a nother fa,·o ritc sayi ng o f th e O(>JHllll"n ls of woman s uffrage. The sam e objection 11·as made against a woman getti ng a n cd uca t io n and 111 11·omcn entering the medical profession. \\'c glance back 11·ith pride at our progress. ,,·hen ,,.<: rcmembn that fiit 1· years ago but one college in the L"nited S tates 11·as open to women. that Fift 1· :cars ago a ,,·oma n had no politica l rig hts 11·hich men 11·en: bound to n :spt"L"t. After the consideration of these point;: ,

fttll1· agree wit h the 11·on ls ni the

late C en. J ohn Gibbon when he says: .. I ha1·c been seekin g for some years a g ood . sound reason why 11·umcn should not 1·otc, and I ha1·c afte r diligent search found one and only one. It IS because the1· a rc 11·omen. T here is no other a s far as I ha1·c n·t been alJlc to d isco1·er which ri ses abo1·e the fri1·o!ous. \\"omen ha1·e life. liberty and the pu rs uit of happiness to protect just as men ha1·e. so 11·hy shoul d the_,. nut h a ve the same means of pmtecting these that men ha1·c :- T he on ly rca srm is that they ha1·e had the bad luck to come into the world as 11·omen. and man got 'the drop· on po11·e r first."'

2. b ,.. 'I 'I t,, c ult~

"-"J ComH" Hee \


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En I run e.~



L /a. :o. S R oum ]7.Yx:L'i"

Ou t·lurutilrd twe n(1'

CICERONIAN . DEBATING SOCIETY The C iceron ian Debat in g Club is a small nu mber of men of t he school ·wh o hold t he a rt of debating at a high premium. ]~ ,· e n· member o i th e club is an enthu siast as far as debating goes. Thi s club meets e\·e ry Saturday evening in the P hilomathean Hal l, and great is the \\·or k that it accomplis hes. E,·ery boy of the school may become a membe r if he chooses. a nd debate f requ ently, because the membership is qu ite sma ll. It is here the boys have the privi lege oi traini ng themseh·es for the ]..> rcl imin aries tha t come la ter in the yea r, a nd ,,.e take pride in be ing able to say tha t those boys ,,·ho ,,·on places on t he squad s \rere good, loyal m embe rs of old Cicero. They had had the priYi lege of debating before the mem bers of the C ice ron ian Club. wh ich prepared them for the strife tha t came la te r. The members endeavo red this yea r to keep the club goin g e-.ren a fter the Preliminaries, because debatin g ought to be j ust as good afte r the Preliminaries as b efore. Consequently the members. being so enthusiastic. have kept the good ,,·ork going and hope to put Cicero on a substantia l basis . )Jay tha t h npC' be realized. for great is the value of debating. \\ e, the members of the Ciceron ia n Debating Club, believe that a teacher has n ot clone his duty if he has not availed himself of eve ry opportun ity to develop his fo ren sic abili ties. Vv e believe that in order to teach th e youth of the la nd the teacher must un de rstand at least the art of debate. and if he has ma de debating a study . just tha t much g reater is he as a teacher.

Foll l) \\·ing- this item is fou nd the Ciceronian Debatin g C lub "s member:::hip. thusc per:::ons ,,·ho haYe been such enthu siast::: anci haYe sought to bui ld up CicL'rO thi ~ yea r:

!· rank .-\dam:' I \unon names 1 :. :.\ r. Berke,· \ \". L. n est E . l >. l~lack~t on e \\· . E. Dur rell .las. J. .lJyrne r ). L. Coale ['. Crook C. J. Skinne r C. \\·. Smith J. n. Dennis C. Da llam r. _-\. East\\"OOcl Fred Ebert

Guy E Yersolc L. Garey .-\. J. Hill \\·. T. Har ri ngton .-\. F. J-Ioltzen L. L. Spaffor d t_. K. :.\Iorse .-\. Hostermai1 H. :.\f. Humphrey H . J ohnson ( ;_ D. J enkins :\. C. l(uen ning ( ;eo. K irsch ~__" . ll. :.\l oore T . G. Lang


One /nouf1 rd / 7( Cnly-tln ee 1

L. G . L eonard O ren Lincoln L. E . s,\"enson J. D . :\Ic :\I ilien \\ ·. :\IacDo\\"e 11 J. E. :\Iorgan Otto :\I utz R. P . Poole E . Pettit G. E . Sanders H . Sanders .E:. Seeley I L :\ r. Steohem

KI~ :\R)JI~ Y

HOYS' SQ L'.\1)

;\ II SSOURf Tl 路::\.\l

T ilE STCDE~ T SQL. _·\D \ \"1-I! C H DE RA T ED Til E :\ 'BCR>J .-\ L C :.\ 1;\I

ALWAYS THE BEST Th L·rL' i< \\·n rk In d,,_ T hL' r l' i< \\' ( •r k r. ,r \"Oil . \1;d nnu,· L·l <e ~ :111 pL·riPnn it. \nd th,· 111:1 11 w o rth w h ik. 1- the 111:1 11 :Il l t h e' 11·h ik. \\' h, , ,,.,., t ha t \\·n rk ;,nd ""''' it. 1 ~ ·-~ .\"• HI

~rt • :t t Ill" ' 111~ti J.

Thl'r : i" r• •Lllll i"r :d I. In thi.; \\~trld ni .; tr ik an d -111. l·:arth w ill pra i,;c· you (;,l d \\"i l l ilk .;.; y<\11 \\' lll·n your , · fi<~n pka - •·- II im . T hen lrt u .; labnr ~o l fn r fa\· u r . F,,r in " llc·lt tlwrL· i.; nntllin~· Hu t dn llU r !J,·.; t. Th a t o u r ~nul " 111ay r L':' I. \\' i tll c:"d nur Fa tll n ;t[ l\l\' L' .


- (,", /1. T.

J7 .-\ Cl .I.TY STRITT

F:\ ST S mr:

1<1\ . I路: I< V IF \\.

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ST RI 路: I路:T

NORMAL PROMOTERS' CLUB ]. \ V. Crabtree, G rand Ch id Promo ter B. E. S11·en son, Pre 5i dent C. \V. S n1 ith. Sccn.:t:try and Trca~ure 1 · ]. \ V. Searson. :\c h ·iso r


c. n. :1 rnor..: C. P.

chou Ja-. .\. Ea-t\\' nod C. \\· . Smith I·: arl S. :\kyn

] . 1 ~. :\ forgan Ckn n D. J c·nkin< J. \\'. Scar<():J. .\ ch·. lkrt 1·:. S\\'l' ll "m 1·:. 0. Jll::ck <t()ll(' Otto :\[up, _T r .

ELECTED ACT IVE MEMBERS l 1·a 1:_ CartPey \ ' arro Tylc•J· C \\'. J..: noll I la rry John snn Rolla f."o ~ nnt J t''-'-e lltndrick<

Cc:o. 1·:. Ca m pbell




C. :\lnulto 11 :\ lien J. II il l Ch es t e r 1-:at1p Rex Tru c m:111


<;,., ,_ 1·:. IJ,.\\':tr<l. l.i m·. •ln. :'\ c·hr .... .... 1~70 II ugh J )o>lliJ~ . J\,·atrio.:l'. :'\ehr .. . ... . ..... 1~7;; J. 1'.. \. 1\lack. lla<ling-. :'\chr ......... 1~7_:; T. \ \'. I ll:,c·khmn. Omaha. :'\ ehr ........ 1~7~ .l••hn \\"intc· r:' . l.incnln . :'\.:hr . . . . ... .. . 1K7K .\ . 1:. .\lut l. . . \t1ho1rn. :'\ehL .......... 1~/l) J"e \lc·\' id;c:r. l.itK<•In. :'\ehL ......... 1:::.'!2 j . T. \ lc·l-:,., llllll l. Siln n Spr in g~ . . \rk .. IK-.:::3 . \lhnt I I. \":ut Fkc·t. :'\prman. Okla .. IR.;;-1 j . S. \\'e<l, !'au. :'\ehr ................ 1i-'.'!:-~ :\kxander l'c:rry . . \uhmn. :'\ehr .. ..... . 1K:-:C> \\'i lliam ll. lla rnton, llo> i<c·. l dahc• ...... 1K--"7 C harles ]. Pie r ,;ntt. nn~tnn ia. Ca l ... ... 1;;::·~ \Valdc II. Bouglttnn, \\ 'l' h~ t c·r. Tc·x .... I ~C::l) lk x tcr 1> . .-\shky, :'\e\\' Ynrk. :'\. \" .. 1~90 F. 1·:. \ lo tTO\\', Fulkrtnn. :'\ehr ...... .. 1~90 J amc·s 1:. ll o;ic·, Cene1·a. :'\c•hr ...... .. . 11i92 Ja ,;. E. lklzdl, L exi ng ton. ::\ehr ....... . 1 ~93 1{. D. :.\ loritz, Red C loud. :'\,·hr ........ . 1 ~93 \\'. :\. lkll.cll, Pn u, ~cbr ... .......... 1 ~9-l C. F. Lc·ltr, \\'akl'lield. :'\rhr .......... . 1~9-l Jan ie:' O'Conncl , l.nup C ity. :'\chr .... . 1X9-1 1 ~. 0. Carrel, l;rt'IIIOt tt. :'\c•hr .... .... . .. 1R9.~ Ceo. .-\. :.\k:.\licltael, l la; t ings. :'\c·hr .... 1Rg.=; \ \'m. l'a rriot, . \ uhmn, :'\ ehr . .......... 1Rg6 P. :.\ 1. \VIti to.:ltcad, l;ntltc:nbmg. :'\ c:h r . . 1~<)6 .\1110-< l lutcltin;on. \'alle-y. :'\c•hr .. ...... 1 ~<)7 <;uy :\. jPy, Cltio.:a gtl . lii ....... . . . .... 1X97 l ~ d. L"pieg-rm·e. Sydney. :\chr ... . ..... IKQ7 C. C. I)am forth, C hictg<l L' n i .. Ill .... 1X9-C:: \\'are n 1\. Ca t lin , Col um bia. ~- \" .. .... t899 Clyde Fi l Ic-y, :\ lhinn, :'\ t•hr . ........... 1~<l<) Eugene l lo\\'t', Ord. :'\,•hr .......... ... . IR!)l)

t )uf' flltlltflt'd /':i'I'U(l •ll lllt'

\\'illiam R. nu:hanan. ClilllPII. Okla .... 1•)00 \\' illi:tnl Shlltllall. :'\,>rth l'l:tttc·. :'\ c·ht· .. I!)O:l .\. E. llil rlc•hrand, (;rctna. :'\,·ht- ........ 1()01 Chas. II. 1\:udific. Cran d Island. :'\chr .. 1()01 F. ]. \londay. Hca1·cr City. :'\chr ..... . 1902 C. I\. \\'i lliam;, l 'cru. :\chr ............ lt)02 F,>rc·~t J. l~nda h:Htgh. Pitt<hm·g-. Pa .. 190-1 :.\1. :.\ 1. :.\ l urphy. Sc:attk. \\'asl t. .. ...... . 1903 Frc·d II. Fi scltc:r, :::.tate U ni .. :'\c hr .... 1 ~)0 ~ Pc·r.:y .\dan1s. O:dor<l. :\chr ........... 190.5 \\·. T. )):1\·i;, lka1·c·r City. :'\chr ..... . 1!)0{> Ceo. :'\. Fo ~ tc·r. l"n i. Pi :'\c·lll· .... .... .. 1<)0(1 Clifford 1-lendrick:;, P eru. :\ch1· ........ 1!)0(1 Cuy \\' illiams . .-\llian.:c· . :\cbr ... .... . .. 190(1 ll. II. Rl.'imuud . . \lliance. :'\o.:hr ....... I<)O(l .J. 1·:. Ray, Graiton. :'\chr . ......... .. . 1906 J o hn .-\. \\'oodard, IJa,·cloc k . :'\ehr .. . . 1()07 l·:arl :.\1. Cli n e, Sydney. :'\cbr ........ .. 1!)07 C. Ra y Gat e~, :\ c hraska City. :\ ehr .. .. 1907 1.. ]. Knoll. 1:1uc: Spring;, :'\ehr ....... l\)07 E. K . II ur~t, Fall~ City. :'\ c·hr . ....... 1<)07 j. C. \lit.:hell, Fri end. :'\ <.'hr ...... .... .. lt)07 C. :.\ f. l'enn y_, Oa k lan d . ~chr ..... . .... 1907 .\1. \\·. l~yan, G r eeley. :'\ r hr ... . ....... t 907 .\. }. \\'ickland. Grct' nll'<>tHI. :'\ehr . . . ... 1<)07 C. 0 . Ul ino.:, S l10k<. :'\,·hr .......... . . 190.q J ohn . \ . I Ianna. .-\uhurn. :'\ chr ........ 1<)Oq 1·:<1. . \ . II oda pp. V ndt>l l, :'\ o.:hr .. .. . ... 1<)0~ L eon R . ll ill. Ht·idgqu,n. :'\t·h r ...... .. l\):>." Fred 0. Zink . . \ -<hl:t nd. :'\elt1· .......... 19~~ C. C. 11-:rkey. llardy . .:\ t•hr ....... .. ... 190~ ]. l larol d \\'i lliam :'. Chadron. :'\chr ... . 1\)0~ l: urrc•l j . Rain<':', l;airlmry , :'\.:hr .. . ... 1<)0<'-:

.~--~~---. lfl l

LATT.:\ C I. UH O F F IC ERS r. :.\ 1i s~ Can fi eld.

2. L in~ly.

.3. :.\ 1i s~ Cnrml c y.

-J . :.\ 1i ~~

l { al ~ t"n

LATIN CLUB The Latin C lub ,,·as o rga ni zed in October . l<) O(•. as th e R uman repub lic. \\·ith a i ull corps of consu ls, qu~estor s. ~edi lcs . etc. 1\t the b eginnin g of the ~-C'C()t H i ,·car it assumed its p resen t fo rm o f trium virate as better ac bptccl t<.> the n: prcscntatio n of those c la sses composing its m embe rshi p . The triunl\·ir ac t as eXl'Clltin~ com mi ttee an d preside in turn at th e r egula r fo rtni g htly m eetings. D urin g t he firs t year the \\·o rk of th e cl ub con sisted of a se r ie-; of mi scellaneo u s progra ms. L ast yea r a tri ple lin e o f st udy was m a intain ed. embrac in g· Ro m a n po litical li fe, Roma t~ m yt h o log~· . and Rom a n socia l life and c u stom s. T he sub ject fo r the p resent year has been Roma n litera tu re . \\· it h repo rt s upcm leading au th o rs. toget he r \\'ith t he cha ra cter istics of the peri ods \\'h ich produ ct'd their wo r ks. T he prepa ra tio n a nd presentation o f th ese progra ms has ca lled for the l><'sl cA'orts o f the members. T hey ha\'c h ro ug ht us into broa der snn pa th_,. w it h t he li fc Of a g reat nat ion . noth fo r the benefi ts of its \\'O rk a nd for th e pkas u re of its a ssociat ions \\·e Yal ue the L at in Club a nd a ll unite in a heart y Sc'll t f' c r ~·i• ·at!

() u ,. hundl ,'d th11 tv

BIOLOGICAL SEMINAR The I:ilog ica l ~~.·mi n ar. ,,·hic h has for it ~ obj ect the d iscussi o n o f up-to-date hinlogica l problems. m eets 1.'\-cr:· t\\·o \\·ceks. Thi:-- o r ganization i::: under the directio n n f th~.· biolng- ical depannlclll and i~ open tn a ll students taking electi,·e \\·nrk and to ~ tll.'h oth e r~ a~ may hi.' inYit ecl. The t opi c~ discu ssed a rc s uch as ar1.· bdnrc the publ ic. hut han· nut a ~ yet found t heir \\'ay into book form. l~cccnt di~cmTries. theo ri c~. Inl.'lhncl~ . magazine articles. and special lines nf \\·ork rcn:i,· e atkmi nn and i11rni ~ h the ba si~ fur r epo rts a n d d iscuss io n s. :..!any n( those \\' I)() a tt end this organi za tio n han' ~.·xprcsseci them seh·es as being h ighly pleased \\'ith th e prngrams and the impulse \Yhich it gin~s to the ~ tll(h· of hi nlogical prnhlcms.

THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY This society \\'as o rganized as \\·e ,,·ere gomg to press. hence ,,.e can g i,·e it o nl.'· m e re m entio n. :..lany of the :\o nnal students . feelin g- tha t agri c ul tura l science \\'a~ \\·orthy n f most careful swcl:·. the present me thods o f teacl1ing the subj ect can be impro ,·ecl. and cooperatio n \\·ill g i,·e adequate m eans f o r improYem ent. o rganized this society for the purpose o f spreadin g agricultura l scie nce t hro ugh o ut the schools and farms o f the :\I idcllc \\'est. The officers elected at the fi rst m eeting \\'ere: Charles R. \\'ccks. director and ach·isor: E . R. Z ink. presid ent: \ 'an !(irk :..raxcey. ,·icc-president: P a ulin e S to necypher. secretary, and Hu s~cll . \. Stc\\·a rt. treasurer. Comm ittt·c o n con stit uti o n a nd by-la\\·;:. C harles R. \\'ecks . ()Jive P ctrashek. Lillil.' Koop. \ ·an Ki rk :\ laxcey and Rus;:l.'ll A. S tewart.

TROUBLES OF A ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY ASSIST ANT J an. 15- fra Cartn cy buys a \\'O rthle s~ c!og fro m :\Irs. J'hcl p~ for 2:; cents. Feb. 5-Ca r tncy buys the same dog f ro m little Johnni e I 'h e lp~ for so n ..' l ll ~. (S lig-ht in c rca~e in worth. ) F eb. 22- Darbc r Phelp~ demand::; 75 cents fo r hi s same m ost Ya luable dog nr Cartney co mes ove r the carpet. Ca rtn c\· balks. a s he \\·ondcrs if there arl.' a :.y m o r e in the family \\·ho 1nig ht demand pa:·. 17eb. 23-Dog pays th e pe nalty by scn·ing C \ 'Cil m ore ma~ t c r~ t han fn rnwrh·. Cartne:· and hi s colleagues all kni fc h im. Trial ~l.'t ftw December 2 1. llJO\) o,,.

1t11nt!l ed tlli11''-o 1l t'

GERMAN CLUB Thi ,- "r;..:-an iza ti llll cnn,.:i,.:t,; oi about tiity nlct ubo:r,.:. repn:,;enting- the fo ur da,;,;t'" o i tht' \'ormal department. rang-ing· irom the bcgitming- cb,-s to the ad,·;utccd da,.:,;es. .\11 ( ;t'l'lttan ,.:twlcnt,; \\·ho arc im •.:rcstcd in th e \anguag-t' art' eiigihk tn lllt'lltlwr,.:hip. Tht' purpo,.:.._,,.: o f th e club a rt' : T o create an c n tllll~iastic spirit antong· tlw ( ;erman st udent,.:, and to spur th<..' 111 11n lO hi g-her \\·o rk in thi,.: lin ...·: ttl culti,·ate a taste it)r the cla,.:sic~ ni t ;nman li to:raturc: and to oftt'r ll)ljl<~rt ttt litit·s i()r ( ;ennan ~..·cn\'<..' r,.:ati nn. Tlw dub lllt'<.'ts reg-u la r!:· o ne ho ur each \\'L'Ck . . \ part o f thi,: time is spent in pka!'ant. socia l com·e r sation in the t";cnn:m latlg-uag·t'. and the rem ainde r in an interesting as \\·ell as ins tructi \'e program. in \\·hid1 CH'r:· member h a~ an opportunity to take part. The bc~t l ;cnnan son gs arc al\\·ay~ ~ ung b:· th e club at these meetings. and occasi on al ly a play is gi\'Cll. l\ lany ex~..·cllcnt program ~ ha\'e been gin~n durin g the year. r::~pccialh· good \\·a~ th e Christma~ program. afte r \\'hich a ~oc ia l e,·ening· \\'as ~pent in th e gnn nasi um. durin~· "·hich time the m embe rs had th e pl ea s ure of enj oying a r egula r German "Ka ffee \(Iatsch... '\'ume ro us German games \\'ere also pla\'C:d. and \\'h en the time f o r depa rt ure came. the members \\·ent home mo re enthu sia..;t ic than e\·cr on~ r th eir "O c ttt ~c he \·erein."

On, • hu11d1t'd thi1/y-llt1 t',

PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL LABORATORY ASSISTANTS FOR 1908-'09 Tile call io r hig h school teachers uf sc1ence \\·itll greater teachin g- efficienc:· 1s o ne perhaps ne,·er to be fully met. It im·nh·es. he:;ides natural teachingaptitude and a n1 ple preparatio n in subject-matta. ;-. special tra in ing in labo ra to ry administ ration. requiring much o f time a nd of effort. The demand here at I \ :r u Ita:- been increasing steadily in tilL· past yea rs. and has far t'xcecded the :;upply n i :;uch teachers. The r esult has been that positio ns lla \· e gone unfi lled. or tcac hns ,,·it ho ut specia l prep a ratio n lla n.· been taken . Th e enlarged facilitie:; fo r the physical :;cicnces in the ne\\' quarters 111 ~cit'n ce l-lall ha,·e made possible m o re fully thL' meeting of this dema nd. and t lw gTOtlp o f those ,,·ho as assistants a rL' making- :;uch preparation this yea r is larger than e\·er befo re. 5e\·era( ha\·c a:;sistccJ Uj>\\·anb o f a year. and besides h;l\·ing take n the classes in science methods haYc had a " ·i(k ra nge of th e elect in· branches in the Yario us science subjects. ~uc h prepa ra ti o n ins ure:; succcsss ,,·here t he re is as \\T il any deg ree o f teach ing aptitude. This course . as req uired of t hose \\'ho t111ckrtake it. is made to excmpliiy at c\·en· stage the teaching maxim o f learning to do by doing . ):ot in freque ntly, the teachin g of the physics and chemistrY falls tn the principal. ,,·hcther by choice o r by rea son of a n ect·s ~a ry appo rti onment o f subjects amongst tile teaching fo rce in the hig h scilr)Oi. \\' ith all the other duti es devo h ·ing u po n him. any proper preparatio n. th en. fo r the special difficultie:; that beset the science teacher is out o f the questio n. The best of se n ·ice dcman (b s uch preparation befo rehand. T\\' o ho urs o f time daily is required o f each assistant. largely gwen 111 he lping those ,,·llo may need assistance in perfo rming ex pe rime nts a nd in understandi ng \\'hat is taugh t thro ug h such expe riments. Time is needed. too. in ca ring for the \nitten \\'Ork handed in. re,·ic\\' ing and fi ling pa pe r s. O n e hour per ,,·eek is gin n to R o und T a ble discussions o f difficulties experienced. and fo r the gene ral directions made necessary in th e prog r ess of the \\'Ork. T h e du ti e~ arc ~ hiftcd quarterly so tha t all. so far a ~ fitted . ma_,. get t rai n ing in all the ph a~es of the la bo ratory admini stration . .-\ full acquaintance ,,·ith the exper imental ,,·ork n f a :ca r and o1w-h;ll f of physics and o f a year of chemi stry. im·olving no t o n!:· ab ili ty to do a ll s uch \\'o rk o ne's self hut as \\·ell to prm·ide appara tu ~ and assista nce to othL· rs doing the regular c la ~s \\'o rk. makes a yea r o f t rai ning all too sh o rt in ,,·h ich tn become r easo na bly proficient and independent in the dutil'S o i th e lahnrat o r:·. :\ line o f sc ience elective~ thro ugh t\\'O yea rs is none too much. im·o h·in~· h1)th the physical and biologica l sciences as it docs. \\'ith the science teaching. whether in high school n r the g rades be la \\' high school . in th e hand s of those trained cspecia ll y fo r s uch teaching. effecti ,.e science instruction 111 th e pub! ic schools fo llo \\'s, and not to an_,. con,iderahl c degH'l' until then. nne 111111drrtl I !tit (1·-ji-;·,·


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BIOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT (Biographical Sketches)

l 'mi~._•:-;:-;o r II. 1:. Dunc:tn:-;o n rccei\-ccl hi:-; ea rl y tran11ng- in tlt c public ~c h ool::: •ll \ iltio a nd \"~·bra:-;ka: g-raduated fr om \"~·hra ska ~tate \"orma l in t88(} : taught •llll' _,·ca r a~ princ ipal o f h igh school : g-raduat~..·d from State L'niYcrsit.,· in 1890 \n th I: . :-;c. degree: ,,·as as:-;istant in th~..· indu s! r ia l co !l eg:~..· ior t ,,.o :·cars: in tl-'•;2 lt c ,,·as placed in cha rge of tlw 1\iolog-ical Department ni the State ::\o rmal: i11 t8•)-t ltc recci,·cd his :\ . ~I. degree f rom the S tate L'ni,·crsity: has spent three .~u tnnter:-: in l ~urope and has clone one year's ,,·ork in Leipzig L"ni,·crsity. He i:; a cha rt er mcntllcr of the ::\ebraska :\cadctn y o f Sciences and has scrYcd as pre:-:idcnt: in add ition to :-:omc mino r orga ni zation s. he has a lif e membershi p in the follo,,·ing: . \mcrican :\ssociation fo r the .-\ch·ancemcn t o f Science. the .\merican ~ l icrosco pica l :\ ssocia tion. and the ::\chraska S tate T eache rs' ..-\ ssociation . . \ssociatc l'rofcssor C. R. \\'ceks: ed ucated in the public schools of \\'iscon,;in a nd ::\ebraska: grad uate from Fairbur:· h igh school: graduatNI f rom the \"eb raska State l" ni Ycrsity in 1907 ,,·ith the degree of B. Sc. \\.ith se\·e ra\ _,·cars as pri ncipal o f hig h schools. as superin tendent of schoo ls of F a irmo nt. a nd a s assista nt in Da irY I-Iusba ndn· Depa rtmen t o f S tate G ni,·ers it,·. he bri ng-s to the '::\on nal a \\'ealtl; o f ex pe ri ~ncc. \\' bi le in the uniYcrsity h.c \Yas Yic'"cpresid cnt o f class. class orator comm ittee. membe r of d ramati c club. :\ cacia a nd Ka ppa S ig ma fraternities. I nstructor C. \ -. \ Vi lliams: educated in the publ ic schools of '::\ebrask a: ~ rad uated f rom th e 1\cbraska State ::\onna l in 1902. He has made a n em·iable recor d as p rincipa l o f S tuart High School. I o,,·a. a nd as s uperintendent of sc hools a t G uthrie Centre. I owa. 11esicles membership in mino r o rg-an ization s . he is a member o f the Nebraska ..-\ caclcmy o f Sciences. H e has h ad seve ral yea rs ' ex pe ri ence as platform manage r a nd orga ni ze r of ch a uta uquas. In add ition he has had considerable ex perience as a n institute in structor and conductor o f teachers' coun ty summer schools in Jo,,·a. Assistant J esse H endricks : ed ucated in the public schools of '::\ebraska: \\'ill g raduate in J une. 1909, from Nebraska S ta te '::\ormal. Assistant T. F . Car tney : ed ucated in t he public schools of '::\cbraska: \\'i ll graduate in J unc. 1909. from the :\ebraska S ta te !\onnal. Assistant C. P . Schott ; ed ucated in t he public sch ools o f '::\eb raska: wi ll g ra duate in June. 19 10 . from the ::\ebraska S tate Ko r ma l. Assistant C. B. l\roore: educated in the publ ic schools of '::\ebraska: \\'il l g raduate in June . 1909. f rom the ::\ebraska State '::\ormal: is Senior class presi dent. Assistant L. C. Chapma n: ed ucated in the public sch ools of '::\cbraska: ,,·il l g raduate in June. 19 10 . fro m the '::\cbraska State Korma l. Assistant G. E. Campbell : ed ucated in the public schools of \"c hraska: ,,·il l g ra duate in June. 19 10, f rom the Nebras ka State No rmal. Assistant E. R. !: in k: educated in the publ ic schools n f ::\ehraska : \\'ill g- ra dua te in _Tun e. 1909. fro m the )(cbraska S ta te )(o nnal.


One hu nd 1Pd lith (1'-.H'7'''"


TO MISS ANNA LYTICS \\' hen first [ sa\\' thee, :\nna dear, I co uld no t but ado re : .-\ se raph fro m ano ther sph ere Co uld scarce ha,·e charmed me mo re. Thy di stance fro m me g i,·es me pa in, Th o ug h no rma l it may he : Time a nd again l can o'e rl ook Thy ecce ntricity. The mid-po in t o f my heart i ~ thine. Th fl u ha ~ t its sec ti o n ~, too : Thy cho rd of contact. keen and fin e. Is dra\\'n trans,·erse ly thro ug h. Thou hast u pon my memo ry traced :\ curve. by no ne dest royed. :\ locus, ne'e t· to be e ra ~e d; It is th e ca rdio d.

T \\'Ould th a t some d ay th o u a ncl :\lig ht yet be conjuga te ; ft is my great es t pl ea sure no w T o d ream o f s uch a fa te.

STUDENT SAYINGS Bert E. S wenson- ··r ne,·er full y realized until la tely ,,·hat a g n.>a t truth :\Ir. B urns had said \\·hen he said. · ft is better to have loved and flu nked th a n neYer to have Io,·ecl at all.· ., S ardiu s Ell enberge r ( in Phy~. L ab. ) -'':\li ss nrunsdon. \'Ott arc the prctti~·st g irl with the sho rtest nose I e,·er saw." \\'or k ma n ( being questioned a~ to where he \\·as g oing) -"L'm gOi ng- up to \\'iclen the doors in Pro fe ssor R ouse's new house . They' re too ~ m a ll ~in cc t hat ba by was bo rn." P ro fessor D elzell's Type\niting A ssistant S ccrctar.\· -" l'rofcsso r. th is person has no address . \\' here sha ll ] send this letter that it mig ht rea ch hi m: .. P rofessor D elzell ( notic ing a sign which referred below to the wo rd deceased ) - " Search me ; it's doubtful." ::\ fi ss ::\ k::\ama ra ( in Dro \\'l1ing)-"\\'as Eli se a Airt? not. If she had have been she would not haYe died."

\\'e ll. f should say

C ha,-: . K. ::\forse-"\\'e ll. fellO\\·s. if my progress is as favorab le in the future as it has been in th e past I won't ha ve to board much longe r." O n r h u nd1rd thiJII··cif!ll l

THE CHORUS .\,- the O.: tt-cus po~tl:'rs sa,·: 120 people! Count them! 120' .:\ ot that th ere arc o ne hund red t\\·enty people in the pi cture. cither. Utr. that there o ugh t to he. That is. as m a ny as that \\·crc entitled to be in it So, if you count th em. kindly make allo,,·ancc for a con siderable number of abscntces. Three public appearances du ring- th e school ;·car is . o r is to h e. th e rcco :·cl o f th is o r~·a nization. .-\11 fall \\T ,,·ork ccl o n a list of standard cho rus picccsCo,,·cn 's Lady Bird . a nd the Bridal Ch orus: Tcs hc's Star of Descending .\'iglit: \ 'crdi's Pilgri111 Chorus and c;o un od' s immortal Praise )'c th e Father. The concer t ,,·as g-i,·cn o n the c\·cning o f D ecember 18 . w ith the a ssistCJ. ncc of :\ fiss :\lurphy. the Drass Q uartette. the Glee Club. the Octcttc. and Profe::::sor :\rO\· iu s. of Lincoln. l-ine audience. :\ext we stud ied the bright part ::::ongs a nd sho rt opera sel ectio ns in th e Glee a11d Chorus Baal<, fini shing the \\·inter season in a chapel reci ta l. :!- [a rch 18 . Tlic R ose .1/aidcn. Co\\"en's exquisite cantata. is to be sung on th e cn:ning of :!- Ia_,. 27. ,,·ith solo assista nce from a dis tance . .-\ great cho ru s. continuing in reg-ular bi-\\· eckl;· rehca r : : als thro ug·hout the ~·ca r. is somethi ng of an ex periment at l'eru. but. on the \\'hole. one whi ch has fair ly justified it self as an enterprise descrYing. a nd desti n ed to recei\'C' thes uppo rt of the students and the public. Pro fessor H ouse fathers thi s cho ra l institutio n a nd. as its d ir ector. su..::ceeds . perhaps as ,,·ell a s may be expected of an_,. m ere m o rtal. in attaining· tha t ha lanct· of meekness and ag-grcssiYcncss ,,·hich studen ts rcqu tre and res ul ts d ema nd.






NEBRASKA STATE NORMAL ORCHESTRA C lare 1\. Cornell. D irecto r

FIRST V IOLIN 1 fcnr \· :\ i e l ~e n \"icto r Trukken Chester Kaup

SECOND V IOLIN :\Icrlc C. Evan s Conra d J. \ Ieister Clyde J. Sk inner

CORNETS f." orrcst -;\ I c.-\ dams i\ fi chacl H ealey

TROMBONE Gord on Beck


C. B. l\ f oore ( Jiu ' huHdl, ·dfo 1 l l · l• llt

THE GLEE CLUB This club \\·as o rg-anized sho rtly a ite r the beg-inning o f the fall te rm by Dr. Homer C. H o use, \Yho had broug h t \\·ith him to P eru an abi li ty in w o rk of this kind bo rn o f year s of ex pe ri ence in part s ing·ing. It may be sa id tha t the boys th emse h-es \\"ere ~ urprisecl at the rapidity \\"ith \\·hich rhey r o und ed into form and bega n to achie\·e the co nfiden ce and precisio n a s \\·el l as th e \\"id e repertoire of an actual. estab lished g lee club. The boys mad e their first public a ppea ra nce in t he micl -\\" in ter cho ru s concert in December, s ing ing Buck's 011 the Sea. Afte r t he holidays rehea rsals wen~ pressed and dress s uits pu rchasecl. The fi rst ou t-o f-t0\\"11 engagemen t \\·as fi !led March r 2. at -:\emaha C ity. fo llo \\"ccl a fe\\' cYening-s late r by th e hom e concert in the P e ru chapel. :\ fine aud ience \\·as in attendance and ma d e the sm ge rs happy by hearty applau ~e and repeated enco re~. It sho uld be said t hat no ~mall part of the s uccess of th ese programs \\·as du e to t he ycry excellen t \\"Ork of :\ !iss L ena L a rimer. th e club's s kil led accompanist. The G lee Club hopes ~t ill to d o a con siderab le a m ount of conce rt singing·, both a t home and in neig-hboring :.:ebraska tO\\·ns . be fo re commencemen t . And a lthough considerable pa r t of t he present membership \\·ill be lost by g raduation. t here \\·ill r emain nex t fa ll t he nucleu s o f a supe rb o rgani zation to continue the ' \\' o rk so auspiciously beg un. T here is some \·cry excellen t ma teria l amo n;:; thi s yea r' s club memb ers. certain of the YOices d esnving special mention did space aliO\\·. 1TO\\·evcr. it i ~ in t he ensemble effects. t he d elicate hlcncling. the ~piritecl interpretatio n a nd executi on of t he club a s a \\" ho le that g i\·cs th eir mus ic the fin e cha racte r th a t it has. The fun and piquancy of yo uth. th e ri chness and hu oyancy o f st ud en t life. t he cha rm of a rtistic sentiment. al ike find ex pressio n in th e so ng·s \\'hich audi ence~ arc no m o re plea sed t n hear than th e s tn.c:ers deli g ht to .~ tng .










THE OCTETTE J a111iL' ~ou t a r oncl.' sa id . "Thl.' rL· ·,- mo rL' rl.'al :-:ati:dacti o n in a bce ri al than 111 a llll.'rridg l.'. fo r :·1.' ne,· er kL·n lwo a llll.'rridg l.' is goin ' t' turn oot . . \nd th e rl.' i:- a cnt a in disadr a111agL' in mak ing a \nitc- up o f a m us ical ~>rgani za ti on at pr L·ci:-ol'ly thL· llpl.' nin g n i its public career. .-\,; \\"C go to press ( Doesn't that ,;ound h us ine,;:-;- like a nd rc,;pon,;ihk? Just like rl.'al l.'d itor :-o. for ;tl l the \\"nr ld ! ) the ( k tctt c i:-o con templati ng sonw se r io u:- ad r en tU!"L':' in concert g 1nng. I i \\" e only cou ld ma ke up th e io nn,; ( oh,;cr rc aga in thl.' printer 's ja r gon ) a m ont h la te r \\" C mi g h t he ab le to tell of a :ol.'ries o f succc:-oscs-cro,,·dcd ho li :"L':'. a pp la udi ng· a ud ien n::-o. he a ,-y hnx-nffice rL'CL' i pts. etc. I :u1 eno ug h o f (i rea1ns and golden ,-ision s. ThL' gi rls ha ,·c honestly del iglllL'd th e 1\· ru l'uhlic again a nd ag·ai n. \\" itll rea l ha rm ony. delig htful ly ph ra:<L'd ml'lod ics . ri ch. ,_,,·cet tones. and t ru e poems I rul y inte rprell'd a nd fa ith full y ~m ng. They ha n ' L'n'n helped. in a :-mall ,,·ay. Il l make h is to r y : io r ,,·hen the biennia l a ppro pria t io ns ,,·ere in the bala nce a nd the lcgis la ti\·c commit tee \\"as do \\" n from L incoln to look u s ,),·cr anc! see " ho \\" abo ut it." the g irls sang th em into a delig htfu l tr a nce. fro m ,,·hich nn ma n r ccOH'rcd unt il he had ,·oted " .\ ye" on c\·ery p ro posit i0 n fa r o r ing Prr11 .

THE PERSON NEL AD:\LYX B t..\X K I XS I I I I'. firs t sopra no. T he m ost popula r g irl solo ist \\" e er e -had her e. F u ll. ri ch. s \\"cet ,-oicc. ,,·ith lots o f co lo r (gold) in it. Ext rem e! · pre tt y g irl- hair much th e colo r o f her ,·oicc. L OL" JSic S E GELKE. first sopra no. T a ll. (] Ueenly st: ·lc. S\\" l'll dresser . ( Jo: · 1ival fo r ".-\d alyn " as solo ist. Lig hl. lyri cal Yo ice . hig h an d clea rl y s ustaine:l. keen as to pitch- a n a ltogeth er ind ispensable r o ice. \\·ith exceptional intell igcnc · 111 executio n. \\ . I X XI E D t::t.ZELL. second sopra no. .-\ ,-cry \\·im o m e per so n. speciall y g-iftc I in the musica l tem peram ent. S ho \\"s poetic f eeling and insigh t in her s ing i:l:' C icar r oice. o f good t imbre. accura te a s to pitch. EsTn E R I : ~.., x K l ·: x ~tt tl'. ~ccond sopra no. This young lach · i:-o a baskct-ha: 1 sta r . \\" ho s ings \Y ith as g r eat ent h u siasm as ;-: h<-' th rn\\'s g-oab. T lc1· vo ice i \\' ide and fu JI , a nd o f fi ne pro mise. L t· R \ L u t l:t-:Tll . fi r st a It o. I •ret ty eno ug h to Inn· he r pict n re il' the Sunda · supp lement. .-\ n in tell ig ent singer. a nd a reliable solo ist. B t;RTI S K t-::--; X EDY. firs t a lto . .-\ nother a th letic pe r son. d isting u ished a li ke 111 mu sic a nd in basket-ba lL \ "oice like a 'cello- r ich and Yibra nt. L t-: :--; ,, L\I~ L\1'.-R . second a lto . .-\ g irl di st ing u i:-ohcd by exceptiona l g races n:· pe rson and by re•~1ark able musical a tta in m ent. ( St'L' \\-ritl'- up nf the Gle<' C lub .) T he place ma de yacant b:· her g ra du ation this yea r \\·i ll he ha rd i ndeed to fi ll. ETr 11-: t. \\" l t. i.l /\ ~1 ~. second a lt o. .-\ ha ndsome g irl \\·ith a fine . deep ,·oic('. P r o f. H. C. Ho u se has di rected the club since th e beginni ng o f the school _,·ear. a nd ha,; clen·lopl'd a cho ice n· pe rt o ire o f sta nd a nl songs. ()uf' lt u n rh rtf.{O I (l':fit·,·

THE STATE NORMAL BAND Clare B. Co rnell, Director

OFFICERS l ·. ( ;nrdt ln I \eck.

E. Sande rs. Trea~urcr . \ rtllll r Longkl k)\\· . Librari an l' roi. C . F. lkd: . H c nnran· :\ kt l'l·er

C~ .

l' rc:;id~.· nt

II. 1(. \ I ili o n . .-\~~ i sta nt DireCll' r I·. D. l(cim . Secretan·

BAND ROSTER I :linn ll<.'ltns. l'icco lo

F. D. J'cim. Clarinet L'. I:. :\l nnrc. Clarinl'l f I a ru ld J I untph re5·s. Cia ri nl't "-\litton. Solo Cornet l;urrc!'t :\k.-\da nl!'. ~olo Cn rn ~.·t :\rt llllr ['lima. First Co rtt\.'t .\I. 1 ~. l ka le;-. Fir!'t Corn et \ -ern e Chatelain. Second Corn et 1\lainc Reed. Second Co rnet L eon \\'ill iams. Third Corne t Trac:· Tyler. F irst H o rn \- C' rtlOn Krebs. Second H o rn [I.

Harold Chatelain. Third H orn H erbert Fairchild. First 1\a ri tone J. J. n:-rne . Seco nd Hari tone l·. Cordon I :cck. Firs t T rcmhotH:' [!mer S eck\·. Secon d Trom bone \ 'ern e H oadl ey. Third Tromh< n~.· E\·erett Good. 1\ Hat nass C. E. Sander~. Tuba ( ;uy Ziegler. Tliba .\nhur LongfeiiO\\·. Tuba Leonard li a rne~. S na re Drum I Ta rry Sanders. !tass Drum

PROGRA M GIV EN MARCH 24, 1909 P.\RT I. i\ larcil- Hallcry Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. 'l'fwy<r On·rture-O rpil cus . . . . .... . . . . .... .. ....... . . ....... . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . .. .. . O t'foliJacft Sc kl:tio n-?li'crry \\' idow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . .. . . . . . .... ..... . . .... . /. ,·lwr .... .. ... Clwmi11od< Soprano Solo- Sun11ne r

:\Its,.; S YP:'\EY :\lt'IWIIY Largo .. .... ..... . ... . ..... .......... ... ........ . ....... . ..... . ....... . .. .. . . . . lfolld,·l Se~: t e tle from Lucia ........ . . ........ . ........ ............... .... ... . . .. . . ... l>olli:;t'l li :\larch o f til e Guard

... .... .......... c:.·ii,,·J

. (; u m C1.• ·n (),·crlu rc--Zampa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. 1/,·ro /d \·\ 'a ltz- Fiirtatio n ........... ............. ...... ... .. .. ............... . .. .... ..')f ,·ck T~.·nm· Solo-The Bedouin l.m·c- Snug . . . . .............. . .............. . . . . . . ... . l 'iiiSIIII :\IR. 11. C. lloL· ;:r. lk,.;cripti,·e- l luntin g- ... .. . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . ... ......... /l, ,·ca !nsi :\ lard1-Star' and Stripl'" l.'nr n·tr ...... . ... . ......... . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . ... . Sfllt.>a t '" " hu ur/J ,·tf ti, !1·-s,·1·,•u

LA:\P I I ER 1·:


T H E NORMAL MALE QUARTET Though one o f th e ~ma lle ~ t o rJ,!ani zation :' o f the :\onnal th e :\o rmal :O. Iak Quartet •.; o ne o f th e b est kno\\'n a nd o ne in 1\'h idt the ~c h oo l tak e~ g rea t pride. La ~ t \Tar t: tt· \\·ell knn\\'n Snphomor:: Quartet \\'a ' organized \\'ith the ioll o \\'ing pe rs11nnel: . .\le ~' r'. Lanph e r e. R o\\'an. Britt ~ll and S cho tt . This o rga ni za tion \\a< a -: uc ces~ iro m the ~ tan and a year·~ \\'ork a nd tra ining <L·I'e lo p cd an excell ent combinatio n. l'pon the open ing of ~ d10nl thi ~ year .\I r. llrit tell did not return and th e n·ma ining memht·rs n f th e quartet heing- anxi,llls to co ntinu e tht·ir 'JUart ct \\'ork -;o ngh t a h ' ritone. ~\Jr. \loon•. \\'h o had fo rme rl y atten ch:d th e :\nrmal a:ul \\' ho had been c'lnnec t::d \\'ith other quartet <. \\'a ~ sdecte d to fill :O. Ir. lhittt·ll · ~ plan·. Regular daily r ch ear-:a-: \\'ere held and th t• quartet \\'a s soon brought into good co nditi o n. T he quartet furni shed a number o f se lect io n s fo r th e prog ram of the State \' . .\1. C. :\ . Com ·cntion \\'hich \\'a~ held a t I la s t ing~ and \\'e re hig hly complintent<:d by t he daily pa p cr < ·tncl committce o n r e<olu timh. T he qn art et is also a ,·aluabl e part o f th e Gkc Clnh. !.l'i,·ing ~ p ec i al mtmht•r..; a t th<.: r<.:~n lat· concert s. .\ I r. Lanpher<: a..; rirs t teno r s tand~ as n ·tt· 0 f th e be~t tlw :\ o rm al ha' c1·<.:r had \Jr. Ro \\'an' .; natnral ten or ,-nice i..; e1·er pka, i·tg a nd h e fill ..; hi ~ plac,· a..; <t•concl t<.:no r 1\·ith cn·dit. :\Jr. .\loon· po"scs~cs a rich h arit.)' " ' 1·oicc \\'ell adapted to th e pan lw takes. \Jr. Schott a .; ha ~so filb hi ~ place a ~ ·<>n l_v :\I r. ch o tt can. Ht· ha< a " ·ide range and a fin<' quali ty o f to n e. T h e :-.Jo rmal \fait- Q u art et ha" been 1n•ll classified h.,. a c:1mmct1t frflm a mcmh<.:r o f the musi ca l depa rtment facn' t 1· a< "the right combi na tion. " ·

:\1001< 1·:



DRA~ I :\T I C CLUH OI路T I C I ~ I< S St"ph cns, ~ l oorc. J'.l r ~. 0:cttlrton, C oodri ch. ~(Ceky l:y rnc. \Vahlst rom. :\ndcrhcry, Gahus . Tykr


THE DRAMATIC CLUB The Dra m a tic Uuh i:< o ne of the ne w o rg anizatio n:' nf t he schotll. being nrg·anizL·d at the beginning- o f th e .:'chool yea r. \ \.hik bo th ni the litLTary :'Oci ctie:< a rc doing- e)(et.• lknt \\·ork. the need ha,; hee n kit for an org·a ni zat io n that ,,·nuld carry the ,,·ork one :<tcp farther into tlw :->tud y and interpretation n f true dra ma ti c art. and it was to fulfill this n eed tha t th e Dramatic Club \Ya;; o rg ani zed . The club i:-; under the directi o n olf a1H I ath·i;;ed by \ I r:-:. :\ cttleto n. hcad o f th e departmcnt of e)( pre:->:-:io n. a nd tn her th e club o wes its ~ ucces~ throughout the year. The clu b i,: limi ted to a mL·mber;;hip of 1 1 :;. in o rd er that all me mbers ma,· he hendited by it. It has had a fu ll membersh ip. a ll act i,·e 1nembns. and has hCL'll o hli gcd to turn dO\nl m a n:· app lication:-; for m ember;;hip at e \-e!·y m eeting-. The club m eets m on thl y fo r program a nd busi1less m eet ing;. attendance being lim it ed . e)(cept o n special occasions . to m embers only . During- th e first sem ester the wo rk \Yas confined to t he study and p resentation o f S hakespearian plays. Scenes \Ye re presented from "_-\s You Li ke It." "\[ acheth." "1-lamlet." " ( )thello. ' ' .-\t these programs the re ,,·as no mu sic . no comic speeches or .. fun n_,... numbers. in sho rt nothi ng to play to the a udience. but the inte rest never lagged. and the atte nda nce was a lways good. T he g reatest featme of the year fo r the Dramat ic Club was the play. " .-\n .-\meri can C iti zen." g iYen in the chapel the las t of \fay . . \mong the specia l programs o f the club. a recital g iYen by \li;;;; HO\Yell of the ~ tat e C ni,·ersity ra nks first. i\ li ss 1-I owell read "The L ion and th e \[ ou se" to a ,·er_,. app rcciatiYe a u di ence of th ree hundred. :\ nother recita l g reatly enj oyed by cYerybody was that gi,·en by \ [iss C lin e. ass istant in th e de partment o f expression. \ !iss Cl in e gaye a miscella neous progn1m. her ly ric readings being especially well rencler ecl. T he work o f the year reached its climax by a St. Patrick's DaY pla y. "The Land of a Heart's D esir e." which \\"as r eceiYed by an immense aud ience as an incleecl cla ssic p roduction.

Onr '"""'''"" / i ' .t.•·-mu·

Scl'll(' iro111 "The Land n f a ll c;!rt"s lksirc-.·· - \\·111.

Hut h ·r YL"al <

MILITARY DEPARTMENT Thl· cadet company has been ,,·orkin g under the follo\\·i ng corps o f officers: Captain. Russell Ste\\"art: first liemenant. O ren Lincoln: second lieutenant . \'ictor Trukken: first sergeant. H a rry Sanders : second sergeallt. Clare;· );"ielson: third sergeant and qua rtermaste r ..-\rchie ll osterma n: fourth sergeant . Hen ry );"i elson : fifth sergeant . 1\unon 11arnes: first corporal. \\"ar ren Burrelle: second cor poral. 1\.us:-;ell \\"h itfielcl: third corporal. Dale \\"h itfield: iourth corporal. Cuy Ziegle r : commanda nt. Prof. C. F. 1\eck. \\"ho has directed th.:: " ·ork. The company deems if:-;l.'ii ,·er_,. fortunate indeed in haYing such a com petent commandant. and it certainly O\\"es much o f its s uccess tt> his untiring energy an ti inexhaustible illlcn::-;l. Comma nda n t n eck has had considerable experience in military \\"Ork: he \\"aS a mem ber of Colonel nryan"s staff du ring· the recent \\"a r \\"ith Spain. Du ring the first semester the company learned the ma nual of arms. file tliO\"l.' metlt:'. squad and company formation. The "·ork of the last semeste r "·as nwre difficult. yet full;· as interesting . being sk irmish dril l. gua rd mounting, platonn formati on. bayonet exercises. \\·all scaling. extended marches. and ·· spelling dmn1." T he las t mentioned " stunt"' is a competiti Ye manual drill in the ranks fo r prl.·ci:-;ene:-;s. punctuality in the mo,·ement:;. ami execution of orders as a \\"hole. T he hundredth birthda,· anni,·ersan· of .-\braham Lincoln "·as obsen·ed in a lilt in g· and appropriate ma;mer. The l:om·oca tion period that day " ·as in cha rge o i the cadet:-;. \\"110 hasl prepa red a short. interesting and instmcti Ye program . . \iter innKa tion by Rl.'\". Tyler the school sang ··.-\merica." "!.lisses Segelke and Lambert rendered "The \"acant Chai r" in a touchi ng and impressiYe manner. Lincoln":-; "Gett,·shun· :\ddress·· "·as g·i,·en bY Cadet East\\·ootl. "·ho bY clo;:e :-;tud y and cxcc.llt:nt .cxpre:-;:-;i\1n brought nu t ~·cry strot~gly and beautift;ll;· the thought atHl sentiment of the \\"Ondrous selection . In a short resume of our mart.ned ex-president':-; lik. Cadet J. La ng. " ·ith fc"· and "·ell-chosen \\"Ords. um·eilcd a li fe-s ize hu ~t of Lincoln. " ·hich had been d raped \\"ith the nat iona l color~. The cadl.'ts then gayc a short. quick exhibi tion of ma nual of arms a nd :-;quad 1110\"l'ments . Re \". Hussong pronounced the benediction. after "·hich th~ :-;chon! joined in sing ing "The Star-Spang-kcl nanner ...




:'\TOR\1.\I.ITI路: HO:\R J)



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GIRLS' ATHLETICS BASKET-BALL Ckan athktic~ ha~ a\\\·ay~ been held in hig-h c~tl·em at the Peru :\onnal. T he g!rb do not cntt linc thl·ir l'nergy in ju~t t rying· out fo r cia~~ team:; tH" fir~t team. The:· take a great deal ni intere~t in the regula r gymnasium da~ sc:::. ~ll ll"e may ~a:· their aim i~ not o nly ior the goal o r home- mn. but a l ~o ior health and beauty . There arc :;nmc good reason~ for this. \\' c haYc a ~plendidly-equipped gymnasium and able instr u ctor~.

r em ha~ ahl·ays been proud of her girb' team in basket-ball. She can be justly pro ud of them this year. They \\"ere ~ucce~=-­ ful in a ll but one of th ei r games. \\" e lll:l l. account for this by the fact that fiye 0ut of th e eight girls arc Sen iors. They 11·o rked out STELLA SP I LLXER ~ome fine team 11·ork. as is sh011·n by their ~!anagcr ,.;uperiority oyer other teams. The g irls' team 11·ithout a doubt can daim the ch ampi on~hip pennant offe red by the State .-\thktic .-\ssociation. In February th e team and the coach. l'ro fe::;sor Sche rer. took a trip. lasting fro m the l Oth to the 13th of February. They rcwrned ganH:~ played last year and also games played this year. The e1·e ning of the toth the team \\"Oil from E hm1·ood high school. Th ey enjoyed th e ,-i~i t at Elm\\"ood . as they rcnell"ed acquaintances made at the ::\annal the year before ( ln the eveni ngs of the 11 th and 12th thc1· pJa,·ed Cotner and \\"esleyan . and of course \\"On . The kind treat ment oi bo th o fficials and spectato rs \\"as a _pleasure tn the team and coach. The g irl s enjoyed this trip ve ry much . One thing which ma de the t r ip t~pec i a lty plea sant II" as the recepti o n tlwy rcccivl.'d when they returned home Sat urday evening·. Frbrttar:· 13th. :\ large cro\\"d tiH.'I tltl'ttt at tlw depot. 1\ s th ey ~tcppl.'d from the trai n they \\"ere hurried to the east end o f th e platform. They \\·ere hclpcd into the rarr~ ­ all and about fifty boys pull ed them up the ".\ lo unt Yernnn hill. stopping- in fro nt o f Prc~ident Crahtn·c·~ hnml' to g·i\"l· tlw ~choo l _,·e ll. There nc1·er "·a~ an 1· doubt of the loyalty o f l'l'ru students. hut thi~ is ju~t one instance whic h prnn·~ 1·:1.1·:.-\X O R \VI T T that the,· Captain . arc a\\\·a,-~ . lm·al. . fir~t

T hese eight gi rls arc a happy. congenial hun ch a nd \\·ell fi tt ·~d ior their place on the tea m. The fo llo \\" ing is the li ne-up. shO\\·i ng th e nu mber of \·ear;-; playL·d at th e :\onna l and also befor e entrance : Edith l' hill ips, fo n\·a rd . th r ee years :\o n nal. H e le n F ran ee, fo n\·a rcl, t\\"0 years Syracuse Hig h School. <;er trucle \ "a n D ri cl, center. o ne yea r \\"ahoo Hig h School. one :·ca r :\"onn al. ( ;ra :\n cl re\\"S, second center. th ree yea rs Syracu se Hig h School. 2 \"L': tr ,; :\ o nna I. l~lea nor \\.itt. r ig ht g uard. t\\"0 yea rs :\"orma l. I :urt is Kenn ed y, left g uard. fi\·c years :\ormal. S tella S pilln er. substitute fo r gua rd. L\\" 0 year!' \\"est !'oint ll ig h S clHJo l. L\\"1> years :\ o rma I. \ "era H acfAin. s ubst itute fo r fo n\·ard and second center. t\\·o yea rs \\ .e!'t l' n i 1 1 ~ I I ig h School. one year ":\ onnal. Th e fir~t team had a n excellent ~ c h edul e. It i~ a ~ fo lio\\· ~: Date Dec. 11 Dec. 21 Jan. 2Q Fch. 5 Feb. ro 17 cb.


F ch.


\faL 13 \ Ja r. 19

Oppo nent f\ubu rn 1-l. S. Aubu rn H. S. Fa ll s Citv H . S. Fa ll s Cit)· H. S. Flm\\"OOd I I. S. Cotner l j ni . \Ve!'lcyan L-ni. E lmwood H. S.

Cotne r C ni.


O pponent

Pe ru :\ uburn Fall ~ Cit ,· P.:n1 · 1-:J Ill \\"l)l) d Beth a n,· l"1 1i . Phcc Peru P eru

10 17 2.j


16 2 .j

26 10 19

T ota l. . .. .... .. . . 16 1


C\"\1!\ AS il" \1 C I. .-\SS

X o r m:tl


FOOTBALL :3 \\" C\1 50 11

l- ink

R enfro .\lcl\cy n uld;; Lincoln


C c l\\"ick :\ fed ley


1\.eim S l l' \\路art

] klms \ l e d ley K irsch .\lag o r


II elm s \ lc .-\dam ~ Cartn ey

7.ink l;e h Yic k Deck

~kDO\\路c l\

Sand e r s Ga rc\路

~c hott

I'a rri ot




Steph en:-;

01u huu drPd jlfty-n nh'

~c h ott

\\. ri g-h ts m a n



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1 ~. S \\T~SO~.


Football under the new rules has proven itself to be a sncccss. The ne\v rules ha ve come to sta_,.. .-\!though they ha,·e been in operation onl y th ree yea rs, they arc meeting "·ith the apprO\·al of the ge neral public, a nd as a resnlt football is gaining a firmer hold on he r pla ce a t the head of college sports a nd a thletics. As a resnlt of the new rules the No rma l has s ucceeded in developing a football machine which is placing he r among the fastest college teams of the state. A lt hough the outlook \\·as rather dubious at the beginning of the season. with onh· five ·'N" men back as a nncleus. Coach Sch ere r succeeded in b ringing out a team that pla:·ed an im portant part in tying u p the state cham pionship. T he rea l ca liber of the tea m was brought ou t in the Unive rsity of ~chraska game when they succeeded in holdi ng the "al l but champions of the :. [issomi \ -alley " to 25 point~. The game was played in the rain. bnt the "·ay the boy;; blocked the beef and strengt h o f the muc h-,·a tnlt cd Cornhnskcrs was a credit to their institut ion. \\'e aga in succeeded in defeating our for me r ri,·als. the "Doane T igers." in a close a nd exciting game. .-\fte r which the team tn rn ecl all its resources. bent e ,·cry encrg:· to\\·anl defeating om old-time arch-enemy. the Bcllente Indians. whose unjust cri ticism s of last year \\·ere s till ringing in our cars. \\'c knew that 1 ( "·c coul d turn the trick the much-sought-after pennant would be ours. The fates were against us . Three of our regular men were out of the game nn account o f injuries. T he mo rni ng of the game came wi th two inches of snow on the fie ld. T he fo r\\·ard pass upon " ·hich we clependccl to w in the ga me could not be \lSed. nevertheless the boys fo ught to the finis h. \\'hen smoke of ac tion had clea red a \\·ay the score s tood tR to 10 against us . Dut our work had not been in vain: we had left our marks on the n c llc n tc team. They \vent into the Doane ga me a week later in a crippled condi tion and the Tigers. "·ho h;1cl a lready been defea ted by Peru a nd ll astings. " ·alkcd all over them. ·\s :1 result. Hastings. D oane. lk ll enu:. and I 'cnt are all claim ing championship h onor~.

SCHEDULE OF GAMES September 26, at Lincoln ... .. ....... ...... .. ... .\"orm;tl Octobe r 3, at T arkio ................. . . ....... .\"o rmal October 16, a t Pe ru ...... .. . . . ......... ... . .... .\" o nnal October 3 1. a t Pe ru . .. ........ . . .... . ... ..... .. .\" o rmal ..\"o,·ember I .J. a t Omah a .... . ........... ... . . ... .\"ormal

.\" ehra s ka 2:, Tarki<> 2X Doane o .\" .: h ra ~ka 2d X Jklknlt· 1X

o o 6 0 10

FOOTBALL 1'. Renfro. Captain, ·as R. 1\. S te,,·;ut. Captai n , ·aSJ B. E. S wcn:-on ~!.

B. 0 . Helms E . R. Zink R. D . :\ Iccllc,· F. ~ l. ~ L edlcy 0 . E. Lincoln

:\. IL C;eJ\\" ick c;. \ \-. Ha,· :\. C. :.Ic l\cy iH dd" G. C. Colburn L. R. ~ I agor l ;_ F. l( irsch

F. D. l'citn

STATISTICS OF THE NORMALITES :\gl· \\"e ig ht p ,,~ ition P layer qo .... 20 l· : nrl llclm ~ ......... Ri ght I{) I Lincoln .. . .. ... Rig ht Tack It- .. ~ 5 10.) 7.i n k . .. ... ... .. R ig h t Guard .. 2 1 197 S we n ,;on .. . .... Cen te r . . . .... 23 130 Colburn . .. . ... Ldt (jua rrl ... I C) l;i l Gel w ic k ... . . ... Left Tackle . .. 20 '-B :\ lcdl cy ... ..... Left En d ...... 23 1 ~6 R e nfro . ... ... . . Quart er . . . . .. I ~ · :; ~ :\Jccllcy .... .... Right II a I f .. . . 2:, 20 l ;i l S tewart. . . ... .. Left II a If ~ ;');"' -19 Ray . .... . . .. . . Full . . . .

T otal wei g ht r> f team, 1711 l h~ . :\,·<· rage ,n-i g ht of team, 1.53 6-11 II>-: . T otal we igh t o f line. r ro:; l h~. A ,·eragc we ig ht of line. 157 6-7 Ill,;. T o tal weight of hack fit•lcl, 6o6 lb,; . . \ n•rage weight of hack fid el. 13 1 1- 2 lh- .



I H~ .\"

F RO. Ca pt;, in





BASKET-BALL Th e :\ebras ka State :\onnal can ju stly be pro ud of thei r basket-ball ·· fi ye ,"' \Yho ha H' s uccceclecl in bringing· the basketball pennan t of all :\eb raska colleges do wn to the southeaste rn co rner of the state. The scason opened un ckr ,·ery fayorahlc circumstances. T hree of last ,·car's team \\·ere back in the game ancl the t\\·o open p laces "·ere soon fi; lccl ]),· t\\'O "s ubs.. of 'o8. ,,·ho were specially adapted for thc,;e positions. Later in the season ,,.e \H' rc un for tunate in ] ps in~ :\ !eyer. probab l~· one of th e fastest fo r-


:\lana ~L·r

,,·arcls in the state . "·ho took a positio n at Faid)ury. This made quite a hole in the team. but I 'ro iessor Scherer developed anothe r fo n,·ard. an d we macle good in spite of this hand icap. \\ 'c have met o ur fo rmer ,-ictors. the best teams in I o w a an d :\ eb ras ka. and ddeated them a ll. ( )ut o f ten matched ga m es. the 1\nrmal ites have o nly lost o ne . and t hat was to the " ()regon s ... a n a ll-sta r team f ro m t he Pacific coast ,,·ho ,,·er e to uring the LTnitcd S tates. \\'e played the famous S he na ndoa h. Ia .. team o n th eir 0\Y n slo ping floor a nd ha nded them th eir first defeat in five yea rs . \\·e a lso m et o ur ri vals. the \\'csleyan Coyotes. in thei r box -like gy m .. a nd v irtualh· cinc hed the pennan t after a close a nd exciting contest. A pa rt fro m the sati:; fact io n th a t natural!\· comes i rom be in g· ahlc to pu t a w inn ing team in the field. the m ns t gra tif yi ng· f 1•a-


l .F.F. Capta in

tures of the sea son ,,·ere perhaps the pe rsonnel of th e team. their good sta ndin.f.!.· as stu dents, and the kind of ball played. Thi s can best be ex pressed in tlu: \\'(lrcl s of ::.Ianager F enton of the ·'Oregons," "You have one o f the best and clean est tea ms that we have met on our trip throug h the U ni ted 'tates. an d the fastest one in th e ::.I issouri V alle,·."

SCHEDULE Decem be r IT, a t Peru .................... ...... ::\o rm<t l D ece mbe r 21, a t A uburn . .. . ... . ............. . .. :.Jorm al J a n u<l ry 7, a t She nando ah, I a . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .... :.Jorm al J a nu ary 25, a t P e ru .. .......................... X o rm<t l February 5.! a t -U ni. P1acc . .. . . .... .. . .. .. .. ... . :\o nual Februa ry 6, at B e th a ny . . . ....... . .. ........ . . .. ::\ o rmal Feb rua ry 12. a t Peru . .... . . . .. . ... ... . . .. . . .. .. ::\o rmal F ebruary 17, a t Peru ............ . . .. ...... ..... ::\o rma l F ebruary 26, a t Peru . . .... . ...... . ... . . . . . . .... ::\ o nn al :\I a r ch -1· a t Peru ... .... . .... .... ..... . . . . .. .... ::\ormal

93 76 33 91 25

:\uhurn .=; :\u h um 7 S h ena nd oa h 28 l l umholdt .=;


Cotn e r 13 Tabo r, Ia., 19 " Orcgon s" 31 Cc: n t ra l Cit y D C() t n CI' 2:l

-10 12

68 61

\\'c s le~·an 2-1


F. G. E. P.

L ee , Captain , 'o9 Beck Swenson Schott

E. G. .-\. G.


~(eye r

H . \\'rig htsman 13. Cel wick E. Stevens

BASEBALL C. F . l\IcAdams, Capta in B. 0 . H elm s T . L. Cartney B. E. Swenson C. G. Beck

C. P. Schott G. A. Parriott A . B. Gelwick L. F . Ga rey G. E. Stevens

Onr hu nd1 r d s i.rty-fn u l

:\OlD L-\ l. ii O \ S

R :\SKET -13 :\LL T E.-\:\1

L. D. SCHERER L. D. Scherer. \Y ho has succeeded in developin g- th e best basket-ba ll team Ill t he state a nd. acco rdi ng to :\ [anage r S haw of the .. Oreg·ons,' ' the fastest in th e M issouri \ -all ey, came to the No rma l in th e f all of 'o6 from the "Cni,·ersity o f C hica go \\·ith a n enviab le footba ll recor d . P ro fessor Scherer took t\\'0 yea rs· wo rk in th e College o f :\lcdicine. a ncl played gua r d on S tagg's bmou s cleYcn in tha t 2 to o game wh en Chicago defea ted i\Iichigan, t he reby ,,·inning the cha mpion sh ip of the ·' B ig K ine. .. P rior to this he played three years w ith the U ni vers ity o f \Yashington, making his place a t cente r on the "All Xorth \\·est .. eleven fo r two yea rs. D r. Sch erer is an excellent t rack m an . holding weight records f rom the University of \ \ .ashin gton in the ha m me r . shot and discus. Coa ch Sche re r a lways acts the pa rt o f a gentleman a nd has ,,·on the respect of even · \Yattld-be Normal teach er. H is stand fo r clean at hletics has made a telling impression upon the students tha t \\·ill have a far-reaching consequence over th e hig h schools a nd the future a thletics of th e state. Both the bo.,·s' and g irl s ' basket-ba ll tea ms o f this year arc a dve rt isements of the success of P rofessor Scherer a s a basket-ba ll coach. P rof essor Sch erer is ra ther modest o f h is ,,·or!.:. hu t every :\an nal stu dent is proud of the s uccesses he ha s scored tlti s Year. ROY LEE Roy Lee . capta in of the team t ha t succecclecl 111 making th e intercollegiate bas ket-ball pennant wave ove r the Peru S ta te :l\on na l fo r the first time. ,,·a s h o n1 Oue ltun d r,·r! s i xt J':/iVt'

o n a farm south,,·est of Peru, September 18, 1889. He entered the :'\ onnal i11 the fall of 'os and has made good both as a student and as an athlete. :\I r. L ee played on the -:\ormal school football team in the fall of "o;. but basket-hall seems to ha,-e greater attraction for him. He played sub on the iast teanl of 'oS. \\"hen the season opened he easily dro pped in to the pos iti on o f guard . Lee was responsible in a large measure for the lo \\" score run up against tts h_, the Orcgons. :\Luch of the success o f this yea r 's team is clue to hi s cxcd lcnt fl oor management. ).fr. Lee expects to teach during- the com ing year.

EARL MEYER Earl :\!eyer. anothe r specimen of home talent. came through th e :'\ onna l from the :\lode! School up. Ea rl took a fancy to tenni s and basket-hall and ha s upheld the honor of his class in at least three important contests. the last time ' 'inning the pennant for the class o f 'o9 \\"hen they \\"ere Sophomores. Ea rl played on the Normal team t\\"O years, and \\"hen he le ft in the m iddle of t!JL· season to take up his \\"ork at Fairbury the :'\o rmal lost p robahl:· one o f the best fon,·anls ever developed here.

C. P. SCHOIT C. P. Schott hails from S hick ley. the " la nd of sports," ancl is a li,·ing adve rti sement of what can be done with a student head upon an athletic body. Carl recei,·ed his earl y trai ning in S hick ley High School. graduat ing from the re in 1905 . llasket-ball was introduced during hi s Senior year. and Ca rl became captai n o f one of the fastest teams of that section . He has had one year'._ experience in guiding the youth of the land. He became a m<:mber of the class o f ·,o in the ir Sophomore year and has made an enviable reputation. \\"hen the team of 'o8 was organized. Schott easily made fon,·arcl. and has been doi ng some stellar goal tossing c\·ery since. \\"eslcyan's defeat \\"aS due to hi s sta r ,,·ork. making a record of thirteen out o f seve nteen free thrO\\"S. He was capta in of the 'o8 team and has looked after the financial end of this year's tea m. Schott is al so an excellent box a rtist, bein g the best pitcher the -:\o rmal has had for year". Schott \\·ill bl' in school next ,-ca r. GORDON BECK C. (;o nion Deck first sa ,,- sun shin e some eig hteen years ago . and h a~ bee n looking ahout for someth in g to keep him busy ever since. H e has tha t happy combination of being- a good story-teller and a fine athlete. He is ,,·orth hi .~ p lace on any team just for his abilit:· o f keepi ng- the team in fine spirits. on the trai n. on the diamond. on the basket-ba ll court. Gordon has received practically all hi s training in Peru. having been ushered into the -:\o rmal by the :\ lode! SchooL H e has played gua rd on both this yea r's team a nd that of 'oR. Deck is fast on the Aoor and is recogn ized as one o f the fastest guards in the state. a nd helped mate rially in bring ing- the pennan t to Peru. Ou r hundr~d sixt_l'-si ,Y

. ·,

G. HOMER WRIGHTSMAN (;. H. \ \' righ t~man \\-a~ born dO\Yil on the :\ emaha ri Ye r bottom s ":\ ovember ~- 1888. l-l omer rcceiYecl hi s early training in the rn ra l schools of :\emaha c•Hin ty. entering- th e :\ onnal in the fa ll oi 'o:). He early deye)opecl a man ia ior tidd le-de-,,· inks. ma rbles. a nd basket-ball. :\fr. \Vrig htsman has a n abundance oi clas;; ~pirit. haY in g played on the class teams o f 'o; an d ·os. \\' hen :\Ir. .\lcyer left the team. \\'rig;ht sman climbed into th e position of for\\'arcl. \\'hich place he held clom1 creditably till the close of the season .

BERT E. SWENSON B. E. S\\'enson is another S hick ley hig-h ~c hoo l p roduct. a nd h a~ hel ped in a reputation for her at the :\ annal that \\'ill ta ke some time to erase. " S \Ycd e." as h e is affectionately called by the students . stands 6 feet 3 inche' ta ll , \\'eighs 205 pounds. a perfect specimen. brain . body ancl bra\\' n. S \Yenson is a good student a nd a fine at hle te. He is i'a;;t on h is feet f or a man of his size. doing th e hund red ya rcl s in 1 1 Sl'Concl s. 1-lc is probably the best :11l-r oun d man that th e ":\ann a l has eYer put ont. He has played center on the foot ba ll team for three years. ancl has a t\Yo-yea rs' baseball record. This is hi s second year at basket-ba ll. a nd his ab ility to get the ball at center everY t ime has no cloubt a dded conside rab ly to the number of points scored by the . Torma! this season.

cstabli ~hin g

Cn i N AS IL\1 PROFESSORS Scherer Be del l. i\ l axccy \Vehrs

GIRLS' CLASS GAMES .·\!though a g reat deal o f interest 1:::. centered about the first team. th e class ga mes furni shed the real spirit of the year·s work. The Sophomore g irls sho\\·ed thei r class spirit by going down to practice baseball long before the other classe:=. thought of class games. T he,· ma,· lJ(' li t tle. but they arc mig hty. The firq cia:=.::; game \\·a::: the baseball game bct \\·cen the Juniors and Seniors. T his . of course. \\·as Ye r~· exciting-. Tnclced. some of the Juniors had nerYous prostration afte r the game. .\mong these were H e rr Schott. the fa mous yell leader of the J unior class. and G. T\eck. the president of the Junior class. T he g ame resulted in a tic. Score r6 to r6. The J uniors even accused the Senior pitcher of being so accommodating as to actually t ry to hit the bat. Ellen \\ .a hbtrom wa~ martyr to the cau:=.e. In maki ng a slide fo r frst base she s pra ined he r a nk le Yery scYerely. O ne eycn ing it \\·a s cl ecrced by the .·\thlctic Board that the J un iors and Senior::: :=.houlcl play thi:=. t ie off. So as du tiful ch ildren the J uniors filed om: and out ma rched the di g nified Senio rs. S ince the Seniors had had one person hnrt . they \Yere so cautiou s tha t th e,· \Ycre defeated. The score \Yas r 5 to ;. It mu:=.t be decided \\· hat class th is Jun ior team should next defeat. So the Sophomores played a combination team of f-res hmen a nd S pecials . Score r6 to 8 in fa,·o r o f the Soph ::;. \\·e now come to the biggest game o f a ll-Sophs. a nd Ju niors . lt \Ya::. a n noun ced in chapel one clay that they would play at 4 : 30 o·clock P. ~f. So a g reat crowd gat hered. Seniors yelling f or Sophomores. Freshies and S pecials yel li ng for Juniors. and eyery one yell ing for some one. The Sophomores played a splendid game. The boys al\\·ays say. "Girls can·t th row or catch a hall... Thi s certainly could not be said of the Sophomore batter~· ­ The Juniors \YOn h~• a score o f 1 o to 9· Th e~· no\\· proudly \\"ave the g irls' indoor baseba ll pennant. T he next class game pla~·ed \\"a s a game of basket-ba ll bet\\·een Juniors and Seniors. This game was not very exciting. a s it \\"as so easy f or the Senior-;. Score 35 to I 5 in favor of the Seniors. Several of the Senior gi rls played on the class tea m la st yea r as Juniors. A s they \\·on the bas ket-ha ll pennant last nar it is not to he wondered that they "·on it again this year.

S I ~.:\ I O R H.-\ SKI 路:T - 11 :\ LL TE:\\1 l'a >'<'"路 Yoc;un. ll oaclky, Ddzdl, Spill ncr. Kaup. llufT. Beck Cham pio n :'. 路09

SO PII Oi\ IO RE 1\ :\ S EH 路\l.L \1\Teh r". \\'illiam ~. F;~rmcr. Fo r ~w th e. Edward '< . :\ dt:n. l l a nk , , Bnm:'dnn


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Sch ot t


Rt'lum o f the \'ictnriou ,; lla ~h·t - 1 \all Tea 111

.\TIII.J-:T I C HO.\RD :"tt•w;lrt. :-'pi' hwr. \\ ' hil<'llack, Rnlh<'. l·:lli -<. lby

"Shnt frn11 1 Shickk•·''

ATH L ET I C ASSOC I A TIO:'-: OFF f CERS ll cl ms. Ke nn edy.

Stc\\'a rt

THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION \\'ith a membershi p of about t\\'o hundred th is organ ization en joys great popularity among the students. On! y students a re allo\\'cd to hold offict:. Th n :..: times each yt:a r a reception is g i\·cn in the gymnasium to the teams that rep resent the school in intercollegiate sports. These receptions a rc enjoyable occtsion.. A short program is g iven and ref reshments served. After thi s a social hou r is spent together. The gymnasium is always ver y tastefully decorate I and prctt:· ~o u\·enir programs arc gi\·en ottl. The a im a nd purpose o f the ,-\thlctic .\ssm·iation is to bri ng together in a social \\'ay all those \\·ho bcliC\'C in athlet ics and to keep ali\·c an interest in our coll ege sports. T he assnciatim1 also has a \·nice in the management of athlet ics a nd elects th ree student mcm lll·rs of the .-\thlctic Roarcl. E. :\ . \\.

Jl·:ss 11 .\ l<l<lS. Trca• un·r

K:\1\.llTS OF Ti l l·: GO LD .-\:.JD \\"I-IlTE Da llam. Kir~c h . Ste ph en~. Go w in P<lOk. S tt· pht·l l,; . \ l ut z. Sc h r eier

L' PR IS l:.J(; S I·:V I·: :\ lkck. '! lu g-he,; . Ray. \lag-,lr \\. right ,; n1a 11 . Cok, C. Schnt t

PERU CHURCHES :\mcrica·s culture and attainment 1n Christian civi li zation is bc~ t sho wn by il<.'r cou ntless churches and colleges. Th e,· sta nd as the g rc:ttcst exponents to ci,·ilizat ion and hi g her standards of citi zenship. .-\!though the :\orma l I S a state in "titut ion , a hi g h moral tone ex ists and an active Chri stia n spirit is evidenced on eyen· hand. This splendid conditi on is due for th e m ost part to the support ami int ere~t of the chu rches oi th e city. fhc pastors ever seck to aiel th e ~tudent:-: in e\·ery possible way and the churches arc un ited in their effort <: for the benefiting of th e st udent life. Thi s co-operation is a benefit to all. and a ju st mcn til}n of :\ormal life cannot he m ad e ,,·itho ut m entioning- the church acti vities . T he church o rganization s now represented arc -:\fcth odist Episcopal. llapti:-:t a nd Christian. L1ch chu rch mai nta in s a Christian o rgani zation fo r ,·oung people an d a ll mai ntain t'x celknt ~ und ay schools. Yario us courses in Dible study a n· •,ffcn:·d in th e d ifferent schonb a ncl fo r the most part are g iven h:· m em ber s c• f the :\orma l faculh·. T ht ts ,,.e find a splendid t·o-ope ration between the churche -; and the \.'ormal the ,·a lt1 c ni ,,·hich ca111.Hlt he o verestimated .

(}u,· huntf,,d op, hl!'



C IIU~C il

REV. \\·. :\ . TY!YR

R:\ PTI ST CIIL"RC lT \V . E . D .·\RRO\\. Hapti ,:t :-- 1ini s ter



-'· .J. :;. G. 7.

C liRTSTI .'\N C HL"R C I I Has a m o d em chapel s ~' atin g 300 l-I as H) ! lllc.:mhc.:r ,: llas m ockm Rihk School O nly S tndent s ··c. E."" Society F irst an d second classL"s 111 Standa r d T eache rs" T r a in in g\" . \\". C. :\. an d \". :-- 1. C. :\ . class L'S ll o ld ,: prai ,:e. preaching and comlllllllio n sen·ices e n ·r y Lo r d's D ay. tn which ;• ,·n rdi a l ill\·ita tion i,: cx tcnd ecl

R I ~V . ll l "SSO :'\ f; .. \ .


HOPE NORMAL I n r897- '98. t hroug h the efforts of ~!i ss Carpenter. the spirit o i mJ ss1ons \\·:t~ aroused in this school, which resu lted in one o f th e most e~cc llcnt th ings th is school has undertaken-that of helping to enlig hten da rk C hina. ~ [ i ss Carpenter had a sister, who at thi s time was a mi ssionary to In dia. a n d throug h her ::\Iiss Carpenter was closely in touch with mi ssion work . So g reat wa s her interest that, a s president of Y . \V . C. :\.., she broug ht b e fore her association t he matter of mission study. T he,· dec ided tha t a cla ss s hou ld be o rgan ized , open to both youn g men a nd youn g women and that Professor Hosie ( now of Chicago N ormal ) should be a sked to take the class in charg e . I Te consented and the mi ssion spir it grew . ..-\bout thi s time Dr. Rachel Bend, a missionary to China , " ·ho "·as hom e for a furloug h. visited ~ I iss Ferg uson. a teacher in the -:\ onna l school :1 t Pe r u. D r. l~ en cl \\·as a sked to ta lk d uring chapel hour. telli ng abou t h e r work in China. :\t the close of her ta lk she said that if a n v one wanted to talk wit h her furt h er about mission s she would be g lad to talk with them. Several e~ prcssed a des ire to h ear more. S he met them and at thi s time told how they might help in mi ssionary effor t by tak ing one o f the foreig n fie ld a nd educating h er, expla ining that thi s could he done at cost of $30 per annum. These f ew, chief among w h om

\\'ere :-1 iss Rulon. our librarian. and :-1 iss Carpente r. \\'ere so interested that they brought the matter be fo re the Y. \\·. C. .-\. and Y. :\I. C. A. and then to Dr. Bea ttie. ] t \\·a:- decided to take the matte r up a s a school. Dr. Beuel \\'a:- again a :-kecl to :-peak to the school explaining this part of their \\'Ork in Chi na . .-\ li ttle later a collection " ·a s taken fo r thi s purpose and the money sem to Dr. !\encl. \\' hen she returnee\ to China she chose a girl \Yhom she th ought ,,·ottld be p ro mi~ing and placed he r in a good school. She a sked the !'dwol here to g i,· e her an .-\mcr ican name. and at the suggestion o f Dr. Beattie she ,,·a s named "Hope :\ a nnal." I-Te r C hine!'e name is \\'ang Sac-:\a her g·t\T n name. I t r eq uir e~ ten _,·ca r,; to complete the cour~c in these schools. and the follo,,·ing a rc branches taught: nible study. rea ding. spelling. geography. physical geograph;·. a st ronom y. geolog;·. arithmeti c. algebra. geometry. physics. physiology. Englis h. h istory (Engli sh and Chine~e) . dra,,·ing. music. The school is some\Yhat on the plan o i a boarding school. and the gi rl s in tu rn perform the domestic task,;. Thi s gi,·es them training in domestic science . l·:ach :·car ll ope \'n nnal ha~ \\Tittcn a letter to the school. In one letter . he ,;a,·s: "I am resoh·ed to study "·ell and fulfill the hope<:. of 111\' .-\merican irie11<l s and my teachers. I \\'ant ro be a light in China an d shine in the da rk places.·· H ope :\'orma l is a graduate o f her school this year. and the C lass of 'o9 a re indeed proud to claim her as one of their number and " ·ish her the best of s uccess in her chosen profession .

O nr lr u ndrPd t'(l[hty-1/irre

Y. \V. C. :\. C\ R I :\f I路:T

Y. W. C. A. E:<t hcr .-\. C lark ..-\ch·isor

":\ ellie Dor sey. T'rcsiclent

J\:; a result oi a n _ ,,-i,·al meeting held at one of the Peru clmrche:; dur ing the ,.;ccond yea r o i the :\ebraska S tate :\anna l School. a large part of the =<t ndcnts became Ch ri ,.;t ian:;. . \ T hu rscla y night prayer-meeting ,,·as held each ,,·eck at th e church . but the :;tud en ts did not feel that this ,,·as t heir meet ing . Dr . .\lcl(cnzie rea li zed this and :;ta rtec\ a T u escla~· night prayer-meeting at the :\ onna I hu ild ing. Thi s ,,·as held each week. led by some member ot the facu l t~·. :\s tile ,.;chool g rew the attendance at prayer-meeti ng increa!:ed. a nd the Chr!stiali in llncncc in the school ,,·as more manifest .Year bY . .,·ear. It ,,·a,; not long· until the school felt the need o f something more. and a Y. \1. C. .-\. ,,·as orga ni zed in 1886 a nd the Y. \ \·. C. .-\. in r 887. Si nce then t hese organi zations haye added much to the school li fe. T h rough the ,,·ork of the Y. \\·. C. .-\. many priYi leg-es haYe been afforded the g irls that haYe strengthened them not only mora ll y but socially a nd mentally. Duri ng the yea r 1908- 1909 the association has kept in mind its motto. ··r

came that ye might ha,·e life. a nd haYe it more abundantly.'" O ur aim has b een t~ e de,·elopment of the Chri stian character of the g irls. ( >ur 11iblc st ud y classes. of ,,· hich there is one in each of the churches. haYe st ud ied ··The Life of C hri st. " The O ld Testament poetry class. offered in th e school cu rri cu lu m. is one of the largest of its ki nd in th e state. it numbering· eighty-t wo. The class is conducted by Professor J. \ \·. Searson. There a rc mission study classes in both home and foreign missions. The m issionar_,. committee a rra nged for the deYotional meetings the last S unday of each month. ··\ Jission 1-ields of P orto R ico."" ··Dr. Duncan·s \[iss1on School in .-\ Iaska."· a nd ··The \\"orl d"s \\.ork of theY. \\·. C. .-\. a nd \[i ss Paddock"s \\.or k in Ch in a·· were discussed. A ··Y. \ \·. C. .-\. Hom·· ,,·as established thi s yea r. 1t was our purpose to ha ve a series of helpful ta lks g iYcn and to set aside a n hour \\"hen the girl:-; mi g ht come toget her a s a uni t a nd become better acquainted. The first talk ,,·as g in'n by \ I rs. Crabtree. December 18. on ··The S pirit of ~ntertaining- . ·· The other subject s included in the series ,,·e re. ··Conversation:· ··Responsibil ity o f a Youn g \ Voman in Society."" ··Lette r \\.riting."" and "'Books.'· Tn all these things our purpose has been to strength en the li Yes of the girl~ so t hat a·s they go out into the world they may say as does \Irs. T . F. D obb s (nee \ ' ina Cannon ). of Rocky Ford. Colo .. president of the P eru a ssociation duri ng 1R9 r. t8C)2. 1893 and 189-1-. ··T do not forget that the training I received in tha t Y. \\·. C. r\. ha~ been ,,·o rth mo re to me than 1 can tell. 1 am so g lad of thi s cha nce to say to you youn g wome n . p ress on. do not lose th ese precious opportunities to learn to do and speak f or you r \ fa ster. The field is ,,·ide: s uc!1 oppo r tu n ities are open for consec rated a ncl p repa red ~·o ung- ,,·omen to g-o out an,]

reap the harvest, white already. But I cannot Ji ,·c my life O\'CI'. I sa,· to ,·ou you n g \\'Omen, just on the threshold of li fe, use every opportunity to p rcp;u c .'·nu;·seh·es to labo r faithfu lly and \\'ell fo r the M aster, for this is th e only ~c·n·icc that pays in the end."

YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION CHRONOLOGY 18o8- 18()0-. · tuclen t's \\'Cckl y praye r-meeting . 1886- 188; -Y. \\'. C..·\. organized. Ellen Campbell. president Y. \\'. C. .\ . Sunday afternoon devot iona l mcctin!-:' ~:stabli~hcd. 188;- t888-E resident, ~ ra tti e Cooper, deceased. 1888- 1889- P resident, I889- T89o-Prcsident, Zelda Hosie ( ?) . :\cbraska City. :\ch. IK90-1~91-P res id cn t. \ ' ina Canon Ol rs . T. II. DIJbbs) . Rock,· Fore!. Colo. 1~01-1892-Prcsidcn t . 1892- 1893-Prcsiclent. Carri e E merson, dcc~:ascd. r893-189-t-President, V iva Canon (:M rs. T. T-I. D obbs) . Rock,· Ford , Colo. t 89-t-T 89s-President, ~ li nnic \'an :\ostran. dcccasccl. 1895- 1896--Presiclent. Lctta ~ r. Lott, Lincoln, :\ch. 1896- 1897-President, 1897-I898--Presicle nt . Bess ie Carpente r O frs. Richard s) . H ope 1 onna l adopted by ?\. S. ~. S. 1898-18gg- President, :\. nna Y. Jen ni ngs. 1\:carney, :\ch. 107 ,·o h:m c~ c•Jllcctcd by the Y . ).I. C. A. a nd Y. W . C. A. for th e Y . ::.r. C. ,\. public library in Porto Rico. 1899 (.-\pri l to June )-President. Sarah r\. Bowen. 189SJ- 1900 (September to :\pril ) - P resiclcnt, E sther r\ . Cla rk. l'cru. Ncb. Noonday prayer-meeting establi shed. 1900- 1901-President. Lucy Leaming. L os A.ngclcs. Cal. Special C hristm a~ services fo r Sunday before holidays, and Easter sunri se p ra yermeeting instituted . 190 1- 1902-Presiden t, l\Iabel Bridges, Lin coln, Neb. 1902-1903-Preside nt, Katherine S. Ta\\'n Cy, Ca lhan, Colo. 1903-1904-P resident . ~ fay l(irkpatrick, Stanton, Neb. 190-J.-I 90S- President . Bessie ~ f. Brenizer. State U nive rsity, Linco:n. Ncb. I905- 1906--Presiclent, ~ [aude Boyd , Greeley, Colo. 1906- 1907-P resident. ::. ryrtle K rebs , Scotia , :\eb. \'iolet Sunday ( first S u nday in ~[ ay) established. 1907- 1908-P resident. Bessie Zink, S te wa rt. "\" eb. Patriotic cr vice ( last S unday before July -t) established. 1908- 1909-P resiclen t, :\ellie D orsey, l\'fa rquette, Neb. T hanksgivin g vespc:service. Xovembe r 26, established. '·Y. Vv. Hour." December rR. established . Hope ~orma l g rad uates. r IJ09- 19 1o-President. ).f a ry E llenberger, Pe nt, 1\'ch. One huudrrt!

l' lf{h(t'-."ii. t·

OFFICERS OF 1908- 1909 ,\ ch· i ~or.

:\!i ss Esther Clark. Ke llie D o rsey.

l' re~ i clem.

( ;cmTal Secreta ry. :\ 1rs. Dai:-y :\ctt leton. \ · icc-1 'resident, A.lmeda Hill (:\larch to J nne) : G race Conntrnnan (September to December ) : Da rbara Cald\\"i ll ( D ecember to :\ la rch ). 1\t·corcling Secretary. Dora .-\ndru:;. c·o rrc~pondin g Secreta ry. :\ la ude H enderson. Trv;t~ urt·r. Dora 1-.:ati"cnhcrg-t•r (:\ larch to J une): \\"innic Delzell (September to :\ la rch ) .

CH A IRMEN OF COMMITTEES Hill (:\ larch to June ): Crace Countr yman l - eptembcr to Decembe r ) : l\a rbara Cald\\'i ll ( December to :\ fa rch ) . f nten:ollegiate-:\1an de Henderson. l; inam:c-Dora Kaftcnbcrgn (:\la rch to June): \ \"i nnic Delzell (Se ptcmbn to :\ larch ) . Relig io us-Ennis noyer. Dible Study-H attie Dcnni~ (:\ larch to June) : .\l ia Dunham (September to :\ farch ) . l'rayer :\lecting-D la nche Collins. Room - Pauline _-\ den. Social- :\" e lli e D aY ison. .\ll'm h t·r~h i p-.-\lnwda


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Y. M.C. A. Thi~

:\onnal ha,: CH'r had a


reputation for an c:>:cel lenl moral ami

~p irit 11:!1 auno~ph c rc .

:\ luc h ha;.; been "aid reg-arding- Joeat ion and cq u i pmcnt and the Yarious factors ,,·hich are conduci,·c to a healthiul ~tudcnt growt h. T he faculty. for the most part. is made up o f men and women \\·ho not only in spire the students in eclucat ion a ! work but e\·cr seck to better their liYcs spiritually. T he churches haY ~ been n:ry acti,·c and attentin· to the ;.;piritual needs of the stuclents. but no o rga nization has been so close to the students in encou ragement and practical bene fi ts as has the you ng ). fen 's Christian .-\ ssociation . Thi s wo nderfu l. world-w ide o rga niza tion was fi rs t ma de a local in stit ution 111 1886. R cY. L. .-\.. L eger. nO\\' of L ouis,·ille. K y .. being ve ry instrumental in it~ organization. From the beginning it ,,·as a strong factor in shapi ng the idea ls and habits of the you ng men of th e school. From the fi rst it received t he s upport of the fac ulty a nd the most prominent men of the school. \Vith this su pport and its most e:>:cellcnt prin ciples it took precedence over all other s tudent o rgani za tion s as being a common meeting place fo·,· a ll :·oung m en , regard less of affiliation wit h ot her o rgan izations. Tn the years 1889 and 1890 mission study classes were organized and much e ffort was s pent in making the association practica l and helpful. The growth from that time on was steady and the present yea r has pro\'en to be the best in the associat ion ·s history. O ne of the ne:>:t mo\'ements fo r the benefit of the st ude nts was the publishing of the Year-Dook 111 1897 and 1898. 1n 1899, through the efforts of ). !iss Clarke. the ,,·el1-knom1 ·'noon-day praye r-meetings" we re begun and ha,·e been held e\·er since. Other schools have tr ied the scheme, hut th e :\'ormal association stil l en joys the pleasu re of being the onl Y associat ion 111 the state maintaining regula r daily prayer-meetings . The yea r j ust c losing ha s been one of marked su ccess. The cabin et has rendered excell ent sen ·ice and s hould be congratu lated upon their s uccess. ).fr. C. \\'. Smith. ,,·ho has been at the head of the a ssociat ion the past year. has pro\'en himself an exceptional leader in association \\'Ork. and stand s among the fc\\' men o f the :\onnal \\'hO ha,·e been exceptio nall y strongin huilcling- a genuine "Young ).fen's Chri stian .\ !'sociation.''

. 'T






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NORMAL CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION OFFICERS P res ident. J ulia H. \'a n Driel S t:c retary. Conrad :\ Ie ister

T rcasurc r. :\ Irs. D a vid J ack \ ' icc-Prc~ident. .-\da O 'Connor

In June. 19o6. the Catholic sltldent s attending the Peru Xo nna l we re called h y P resident C rabtree to conside r the fo rmation o f a Ca tholic .-\ ssociation . Thi ~ meet in ~· resulted in the o rg a ni zation o f the X o rma l Catholic .-\ ssoc iation . which began wo rk with a n enrollment of fi ft y-two cha rter members. tn.~·e t hc r

S ince the assoc iat ion has been in existence re~·u l a r S unday ;J nd mid-\\·eek meetings have been held fo1· de,·otional exercises and a number o f trips to :\uburn to hea r :\lass ha,·e been mack. The study o f the life of Christ. His work and 11is message to ma n. have been pursued. In addition. topics of gen eral int erest to the C hristian world have been di scussed. During the pas t two :·ears the "\" . C . .-\. has been ve ry fo rtunate 111 having :\ I iss E leano r L a ll y a s its adv isor . l"nder h er able di rection . work has bee n bene ficia Ih · carried on. T he gast ::car has been one o f g reat profit to a ll. Chri stmas a nd E aster sea sons were observ ed by a pp ropria te musical and lite rary programs. both o t which wc1·c g iven in the rest room and were enj oyed by the membe rs a nd thei r fri end s. Th rough the co-opera tion o f the members and the k in dness of \ Irs. David J ack . whose home has a hva ys been at our d isposal. we have spent many pleasant eveni ng-s. The a ssociation has been di vided into several section s. each section ente rta ining the membe rs a t diffe rent times.

MEMBERS l ~thvl Bacus :\ la rg aret D av is l~dith D e :\ lc rs Cenevieve Ford :'\ e ll ic C leason H clga von Go rdon :\ lary A . H ealy :\ 1. E . H ea ly \ I n :. :\ 1. C. J ac k C la ra 1-\:ohler Ka therin e 1-\:ohle r

:\ laric Knunhach J oseph 1-\: elk y E leanor Lalh· \ lary \ lc :'\ama ra Gertrude :.lcA ul il-h· Com a d ;\ lci ~ te r L eno re :\ lmpf1y :\ lary \lurph:· :\I ildred :'\ilcs Agnes ( f Hricn .\ cia ()'Connor

J ose ph ine Ri sk L ou ise Segelke F a nni e S loe,· I~m iI Sou kup :\ nna ~c hm i clt :\ g ncs \ ' a n D ricl ( ;c rt rud e \ 'an Dri cl Ju lia B . \ 'a n Dricl \ I ild rcd \ ' Iasek


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SOCIETY RECEPTIONS On Satu rday even ing, Scptctnbcr 2 1. the l ... \\·. c..·. :-\. and\ ... ~1. c·. :\. g·a,·l.· the a nnual reception for the purpose o f welcoming th e new students a nd pro, _ vid ing a means by which the student body mig ht become better acq ua inted. . \ large ntunber of students assembled in th e g ymnasium a nd were de lightful: ~. e ntertained. Prom tastily decorated booths. da inty refres hments \\·en : SlTH·<I. ft \\·as with some hesitancy. at the " blinking" o f the lig h ts . that l'ach g uest d eparted for his home after having spent s uc h a plea sa nt e\·ening. T he E\·e rett and P hi lomathean Literary Societies ga\·(: :t rcnvtirm to the new membe rs October 2 . Each society assembled in its respect i\·e hall. wht-rl' excellent programs we re g iven. The program was fo llowed by a ge nera l rt'Cl'jl tion . at \\'hich lig ht ref reshments \\'ere ser ved. On the evening o f October 1. the Senior class met 111 the chapel. :\ sltr•rt program, con sisting of music a nd short talks b~· our a d vis0r a nd c lass presi d ent. \\'as offered . After the progra m. the class repaired to the ~·.nn n a,iu m. \\'hC'rC' ' ·a da ndy good time" ensued . After some little time had elapsed . til': Sen ior I :anrl played a lively stra in and the guests united in a grand march. \\·hich \\'as led by Professor l:ed:. 1\fter the grand ma rch . tooth some \·iands \\·e re sen·ed. l'pnn leaving the ' ·gym'' each membe r o f the c lass felt this reception had acco mplished its purpose-class un ity. A ll o f the classes gave H a llO\\·e 'en part ies and h\· a ll reports ~'· ' en· one had a s plendid time. T he Traine rs pa rty \\'as held in the "engine house ." \\'hi ch \\·a~ qu ite appmpriately deco rated fo r the occasion. The Sophomores crept d0\\'11 to the "lo\\'er regions " of the libra r y. \\'lwre they \\·ere received by witches a nd g hosts. It \\'as a " spooky" affair. hut it \\·as n eve rtheless g reatly enjoyed. Th e Junio rs gathered in Philo a nd EYe rett halls. The room s \\'e re beauti fully deco rated in class colo rs a nd the electric lights \\'ere shaded by J ack-n'lante rn s. Among the splendid devices o f entertai nment \\·ere the ( ;.\· ]>s,\· camp~. the wi tches' caldron. and the g-host scene from H amlet. ; 'O n H allo we'en a t eight o'cloc k. T h ri ce. please. upo n th e Gym door kn ock . .-\nd there be fore yo u you may 'er Thr wondrous th ing:< which a rc to hl·."

Upon ente rin g the gym na sium the Senior g irls \\'ere received by the hoy.;, 11·ho appeared as littl e ta ds \\'Cari ng knee t rousers. blouse wa is ts and la r.Q·l· ti L·s .\ program \\·as gi\·en consisting of recitations. song-s. pla.\·ing hor~l'. ju!npin~ rope. etc .. a nd each little la d acted out h is pa r t ,·;,> n · nicel y. The r•'t n ain ,kr , , · (hr. • lt~tnd,, ·d uiu.·t l -/1 ttl

l'\"l'llln g ,,·a::: :::pellt in playing games and haY ing- fortun es to ld in mysterion~ " ·a n:. . \iter the e,·ening's em e rta inmcn t ''"a~ o,·er th e bo ys serenaded the :\It. \ ' ~:rn nn g-irb. th o: Club !l o use ami the ho mes o f Pro fessor Beck one! President C rabtree. t lne ui the 1110~t intcre~tin g- o f th e ~oc ia l fun ctio ns "·as t he football receptio n gi ,- en on Than ksg i ,-ing- c,·e. L' po n entering the gymnasium each g uest wa~ gi,·cn. a::: a smtYen ir o f t he occasion. a ~mall canlbo arcl pennant upon wh ich " ·a :-; printed the names of the :\onnal football squad. .-\ uniqu e program "''~' gire n in whi ch the football bo y:-; " ·c rt: impe rso nated by ""·otlid-he pl ayer~ ... It " ·as thc :-;oun.:e nf much fun and laughter. A fte r the progr am th e squad g-aYl' a demo n st ratio n sho wing tha t t hey cou ld play football no m atter wher e the place or w hat the time . Refreshments \\'ere se n ·ed. afte r "·hich a ll entered t he g ran d march. The remainder o f t he e\·enin g \\·as spent in con,· e rsat ion and gam es a nd it wa::: not un t il a late ho ur that the gne~t ~ departed fo r t heir hom es. ( )n February 22 :\[r. \ 'erno n Hall was aglo w with lig h ts. The g irls had opened t he ir home to the school. facult y a nd citi zen s of Peru in ho no r o f \\'ashing-to n',.; birthday. T he halls \\·er e tas tily decor ated "·ith rugs. fe rn s. d i,·a n s. cuz:·-co rn er s . etc .. and it \ras truly a pleasing ~i ght. The pa rlo r and music roo m r eminded o ne of \ Vash ington's o w n :\It. \· ern o n hom e . T he guests " ·ere in,·ited to ,·is it secoml and t hird Aoo r:::. \ ' a ri o n:: room s \\-e re open which th ey mig-ht ent er and a large number o f t he g uests vi sited th ese room s i n order to get a g-lin1pse of trne college life. O ne room in particula r which is deserv ing oi 1ne ntio n " ·as th e India n room. " ·hich wa~ trnly no ,·el. The guests the n return ed to fir st lloo r and repaired to the dinin g- r oom. which "·as d eco rated in o u r n at ional colors. I-Ien~ t hey " ·ere gi,·e n a g-limpse o f the h istorical eyents o f o ur country in th e fo rm o f Ji,·in g pictmes b~· the :\ it. \ 'e rno n girls. ft extended from the time of Columbus to the prese nt day. .-\fter the program th e g uests we re in,·itcd to ,·isi t the booths w h ere cocoa a nd wafers wer e ser ved. T iny hatch ~t-; \\·e r e gi,·en a s souYenirs of t he occa:-;io n . E,·e ryone seemed to en joy t he e,·ening an d it will a l\\·ays be rem embe red by all \\'ho " ·e re present. The g reates t e ven t of the _,·ear wa ~ t he Junior-Senio r banq net g i ,·en o n t he evening of :\farch 26. U pon entering the gymnasi um. \\·hi ch \\·as transfo rmed into an exqu is ite banquet-ha ll. ~o ft strains of mus ic g r eeted us. T ile hall \\·a:: deco rated in Junio r a nd Seni o r pennants. ru gs . eve rgreens and potted plants . t )n o ne s ide of the room ,,·as a large "relief" hearing- the "·o rd s. " Seni o r \:. S . :'\. S .. 1901).' ' and on t he o pposite side of the room " ·as anoth e r "re li ef" w ith the w o r ds ''Junio r 1\. S. \;_ S .. H) lo' ' upon it. H o \\·e,·er. th e ma in d eco ra tiv e featu re \\·as t he electri c lig h ts. Tn the hall-wa:· an exqui site a rch \\'as set with ekcr ;·il· lig h ts " ·hich produced the m ost pleas ing effect. E ach lig h t " ·as e nclnsl'd in a purple o r 1·cd tulip. permitting- o nly a few shinin g rays to s lip between the petal s upon t h e s no \\- -\\·hite tables bclo \\·. The tables we re beautiful!:· d ecmatt•d \\' it11 carna tio ns and daffndi b and hcfn rc each plat e was a cand le. placed in a tin y t uli p ca ndk- h nldc r. Tl w nH.'ll\1 card,.; \\' l'l'l' in the :-;cninr color,.; and upon till' io ldcr th e r e a ppea r ed . e mho~sed in gold. th e ::dtnnl pi n. t hl·

MENU Grape fruit Oystu· Patt i<:s 1-"r <:nc.:ll 1\ :a-

r-•., ta tn Cll iJh Ol i1·,,

Pick it:<

.-\i tliOIHI-i Cll ickl:tt ";dad C ll ~:c'-'c· St r:tll""' L t· tn~> n k ~:

Cak ~:

Ca f<: :-.;,,;,-

TOASTS \"arro T 1·ler ... . . . ... . ........... . .... .. . . ... . ... . . . . .. ......

T na ~tnw s!l: r

President C ra bt ree . . .. ... . . . . ... . .. .......... . .. ( )u r Todays an d Y est c rd ay~ Beck . . . . . . . . . ... .. . .............. .. . I:Ch ind th e ~ccn cs in Colleg-t• ]_i fe

c. c;_

\I iss .-\mclia \\" ehrs .... . ... . .... ......... . . .. . ....... ....... . . .. Bachelor ~

Dr. S h ellho rn ...... ... ... ..... .... . . . . ........... . .... . ... Th e Inner \ Ja n L ena :\L J7rei d ay .... . .. ........ . . . . .......... .... . . . ....... ff I ,,·er e 1\: ing·

C. B. :\I oore ... ... . . .................. .... . ..... . .. . . .. . . 1 · nle r den Linde n .\I iss .\ ]att ic Cook Elli s . .... ..... . ... - .... . .. ........... . . ... . . . . .... l'u ffs Prof. C. ]7 _ 1-\eck . ... . .............. .... . . . . . . ·woman. the ll <'ttc r ITa lf of .\ Ja n

(Jn l'


1ltll t'll'-si t'



SCHOOL LIFE IN PERU PRIZ E POEM :\ t brea k o f mo rn a s tur<h- band Set out fo r o ld Peru. · \\'ith happy dreams o f fairy land Th e ,·erna l zephy rs hi<.:\\'. llills O\·er hill s in g r;111deur rose. :.\l os t glorio us and s ublim e. :\nd o n the height th e co ll ege -toodT o reach it me;tnt to cl imh! So s tudents \\'ith u npracticed fe et Set o ut to scale th <.: h <.:igh t. \Vith ho pe o f ,·icw h c~·ond tin: c.: lo Jild ..; In cl ear and no bl er light. Th ey share their commo n \\'Ork a nd joys. \\'ith colors \\'hit<: and blue ; They bind \\'hat s ha ll h<.: to th eir \\'illsFrc.;hm en in Peru. In chee rful to il th ey jou rn ey o tt Th e tO\\'erin g heights to reach . :\ helping hand a cheering \\'Ord, They pas..; from each to each: \\'i th :;tu rdy step th e,· climh the , teep. \\' ith colo r.- \\'hit<.: and blue, To broad er pros pec t, purer airSoph omo res in P eru. :\nd nn\\'ard bou nd \\'i th g r<:ater zeal. :\o tasks arc left undon<:: T o ho ld their courag <: to it- hc.; t The\· cheer each o th er "n: :\nd t;p amo ng th e hill s an d ,·al es Tinted in ,,·hit e and bl ue, Their g lea ms o f sun shine li g ht the wayJuniors in Peru. Tha t none may mi ss this up\\'ard \\'ay Or mi:;s S\\'Ce t frien dship's g lo \\'. The,· <ha re th e \\'ca lth of mind s a nd heart s: Th e ir lo ,·e to o th et·s sho \\' . .-\nd as t he helpfu l c\·cning star Shines through th e \\'hite and blue. The st rong lend cou rage to th e faintSenio rs in Peru. So for li fe's journey they're prepared. The s tudent da vs a rL· o 'er, flut as t hey \·i ew . th e futm c .\\'<I)'S Th e he ig hts still r ise be fo re. Y rt ~ till ,,·ith joy th ey Aing abmad Their colors white and blue . .-\nd from the s tudent halls departGraduat es of Peru. ,\ ssoci atio n's silken c.:nrd s Th at link o ur lives in one. T he golden bands o f menH>ry's s trands Can ne,·e r he undone. And o ut upon life·~ \\'inding \\'ays A kno t o f \\'hite ami h lue, Shall h ind in helpful hroth crhond The stmlents n f Pe nt. --.1/ ildri'd J . .·llltf,·rs o/1.

THE BUILDERS' GUIDE PRIZE STORY MARIE HANSEN Th ..: readn ~ o i " T he Builder~ · Guide" o ri g inal ly incl uded no ne but the members oi the tetlth g rack o i th e Dc)l'cr Publi c School. but as th e wet'ks pa ssed the ml'rits oi the pamJJhlet \\'On ~u pp~l rter~ a mo ng o lckr reader,;, and each sub,;c riber learned to look fo rw a rd to th e weekly i s~ue witl t eage r am icipati on. \\'hen the ~chool clo,;ed in the :<p ring. :\!iss F o u n ta ine. the ene rgeti c tenth-grade teacher, who,:e ho me wa ~ in Do,·cr. tltil il.ed her in ge nuity to <le,·ise ,;om..: pla n of occupatio n ior hl'r amhiti o th littk charges which m ight pr m· ick whole,:omc m..:mal recreation a mid the C<' ntinual \':t ri ..:ty o f phy,;ica l annt semem ,,·hich the thrc·e mon ths of ,·acat ion hdd in store Bei ng aware of the s pecial weakness in the charao.: ter of c·ach of her gi rl s. ,:he resoh·<' to lt·tHI her eneq~y to hel p eao.:h o ne to o \·e rco me her characte ristic ,,·cakness. S he suggc·~tc<l tha t th e,· for m them,;eln:!:' into a cluh and meet :n her ho me e\·en· F rida\· afu.> i·n non and d e,·o.tc ;111 ho u r to a frien d h· cl i,;cu,;sion of mo ral les:<ons lca r ;ted du~i ng the wec·k. and exchange hel pful ~ uggestion s. for gui din g each o ther o\·er rough places. - The ~irl,: knc\\·. by pre,·ion,; expcrit'nce. th at obsery:mo.:c o i th eir teacher's suggestio ns ah,·ays hrcnt g h t them pkas ure. anci they elitered heartily into the plan. ,;tylin g thl'ntscl\'<:s "The Hui ld er~ ... T he,· adopted for their motto the warnmg word.< of I. .-\ . F ro ude: "You l':ttl n tH d ream ~·ou r,;di int o a character : YOn nHISt hat;Imer an d fo rge ,·our,:cl f one." T,J a ci d t•' till· in tet:e, t o f the '' ork. th ey combined thei r ta knts to puhl i; h :1 week ly pamphlet. o.:;t!Jcd " Th e Bui lders' Cuide. " Th e mcmhers were im·ited to o.:ontrihute mate ri al rela t ed 111 thei r work . and :\ l i:;,; l:o unta ine rcse n ·ed th e right to arcept o r rej eo.:t all con t ribut ions. S ill· sngge:<t<·d that the fir,:t week he dc,·o tcd :o a n exo.:ha nge of ideab. ami the proper id,·a l. a ~ ,:elected from t heir materia l, pu bl ish·~d in "The 1:-:nildcr,:' Cnide." .\ ,: weeks pa ,:,:c d cac·h m eetin g hron ght a fnll attenclanc<', ,,· ith applications fr,1m •l ti ter;; to become rncmhcr;;. T he g irl :; left each meeting fee ling mo rally :'t rellgth ctJed. hettn eqni p ped t0 m eet th e week ';; dlltie;;. a nd more d cterm im:d to d ig ni fy the purpo;;c ,, f t hl'ir a ;;~ocia tion hy a p ractical demo n,: rrati on o f its principles. :\t o ne o f the :\ngn st rnect ing·;; it w:r,; ckcickcl to dc\·ote the nc' Xt week to t he ,:n h ic·ct "H o,,· to E nr ich Charact e r." Each mctnhcr wa ~ requ ired to b ring an o r igi na l cnni po,:i tion o n the ;;nhject a nd to rea d it hdnre the a,:,:ociat ion. the he,;t o ne to appea r in the next weekly pamphlet. :\mo ng th e tn en1 hcr,: wn c· the ! Ia d ley si;; tcr:<. hoth cnthn:<iast ic in their work. L'pon their r-ct n rn ho me fro m thi ,; meeting. in acco rdance with thei r n,:nal hah it. they led th e con,·cr,;a tio n ;\1 the <'n: ning meal by a n animated re,· ie\\' o f the a ft ernoon's meeting. T heir ,;uhject in r the fo ll o\\'inf! week met with the a pprOYai and support o f their pa rent ,;. who. f r"m t bc ~r < t. had taken a great in tere,;t in thi s wo rk. :\I r;;. Hadley ha d once' remarked to .\ l i,;,: Fo unt a ine th at her e ffort s were hear ing fru itful rc ~ nlt s . During th e fi t·,;t part of til<' week the dema nd s o f the canni ng season ,,·er<' ,;o u rgent that Dorothy and .\la rth a fnund l.n t li ttle time to de,·ote to their compo;; ition:<. O n Th ur:<day a fte rnoon. hli\\'C\·c r. n ut o f sym pa thy with th e ca use. :\f r s. H adley d eclarl'd that the gi r b ;;ho uld han: a ho liday. in o rder to contplcte th eir ,,·ork fo r Friday. .-\ sstlrc• d o f her mother' ,: ck ligh t .in g-ran t ing them th i,- pri \· ilcge. D o roth y g leefull y repaired to the library. ,,·here s he fo und :\[artha alrea dy a t work-not o n her co mposi ti on. ho\\·e,·er. hut reading a nO\'l'l wh ich ha d captiYated her interc:<t d uring the week. A wri te r with a happy. g rateiul cou nt ena nce. a nd a reader with a drea my. retired countenance. \\'ere the h u,;y oo.:'C upant,; nf th e lihran· all t hat afternoon. un til about four o'clock. \\'hen :\ [ r;;. HadJe,.·, >'udden en t ranee inte-rntptcd them. The l"ok of worn· o n her mother 's usualh· ch <:eriu l face cau sed Do roth/;; h e:~rt to tt-cmhlc \\'ith self-reproach and her face to tinge- with ,:ym pathy a ~ ~h e ro;;l' and said. ":\[other. ck;u, yon\· e hec n wo rking too hard thi s aftern oon: let me-" Hut he r mot her interrupted her wi th. ·'Tt i ~ n·t that. D o roth v. hut ,·ou r .-\unt Liuie i;; ill an d ha;; j n.;t ,:c nt ,,·o rd r·cq u cstin ~ me to come at once. if p;.,ssi hle. · T shall p roh:1hl y lt a,·e to he gnnc sn·eral d ay~. D 0 you think you can take cha rge of the work in my place? ThC' cannin g can he po,;tponed t ill T rctmn. :JtHl ,,·ith :\ [a rrha's help T th ink you will he a ble to look ;tft<'r the comforh of \'0111' f:l th er a nd little :\rthnr a nd ,;till ha\'(: time to finish you r cnmpo;;i t io n." On- Donlt ll\··,: a<;;urann' n f her O\I' U ah ilitv her mot her looked rcl ic,·ed a nd wen t im m ed iatch· to l)rcpare to lea\'(:!. Dorothy pnt 'away h('r ,,·ork a nd wen t to he r aso-i<tance. Seeing tlti,;. :\[arth:t decided that her help wa sn't neces,;ary, ··and hC'sides." s he said. "T d o n 't like to he in ter r upted nnw-1 \Yant to fin ish my paragraph on unselfishne<,:. wlt ilC' f ha \'C it so \\· ell in mind." "The t ru th is." she ad m itted to he rscl f. ''l' d likl• tn lP\'<' :\ [i ss Foun ta in e ~e l ect my pa per to he pub li shed in " Tl~<· Bui ld e r;; Gu ide" thi s week: it' ;; ,; uch a ,;plcndid sn h iC'ct. and T'd like to ~ h O\\' 111_,. fr iends that T ai m hi g h." So thillki n g. ,; he reo- tllned h er \\'riling. sto ppi ng o nl y wh en he r mother canw int o tlw room to sav. "Coo d -h ye . :\ [artha: ;; ucce,;,: ,,·i th ynm pa prr. and d0n·t foq!L't to hl'l p Dorothy." To nne hundred 1Z t' ll t' iy·llillf'

D o ro thy, ll'ho acco mpanied hc.:r t•J th t: carriagt:. sh t: said: "Yo u a rt: a d ear li ttk " Hu ildc r " and 1 kno ll' 1 can d e pend o u yo u. 13..: sure to fini s h yo u r compo, iti llu . I ,hal l h..: in tnc·,tc·d in reading it ll'hen 1 come hack; and L s hall thiuk o f yo u to m o JTO\\. a ft c l'llt >llll... l~ u t D o r o thy o nly lo oked gratiw ck at her mo ther as s ht: dro \·e all'ay-she uou ld 11111 ~ p ea k it. fo r her lips qui,·e red. She rcturnc.:cl to thc' ho u se: aud bus ie d h e rse lf ll'ith pn:parati o ns fo r ,; u pper . ca ll in g l• J :\ la nha o nly \\·he n three -ye ar-o ld A rthur ca m e: in ll'ith a bkc diug h and. a nd 'l·.,Idinc: b tty fo r " tratc hing" him. A ftcr sonic delay. :\lanha appc arc:d ll'llh a i r"ll' ning ian·. and . gra sp ing .-\nhttr',; han d, said : "Y o u·r..: a iii':Jy:< gt:tting h un ll' hl·n noiJttrly h a - ti tnc· t" ht.:l p yo u ." ":\lanha.'· inu.: rn;ptc d her s i:ilc r. "ho i\' arc: yo u gc llitJg ai <•ng with y11u r c"i111" '' ititt l1 ~ · · "\\' hy. I h a d JU:<t go t J;ict:l y ~ tartt: d and im t: r esu.:d ll'h c: Jt yo u .:a lkd me ... 1\'a, the rc·p ly. "I \\ a S ll'riting 0 11 tl10ught.fulne:<' fo r oth e r s \\'h e n yo u .:a lk d 1ne. a nd it <oc<:tJ ITc·d 111 111c· t h at you r t i HJughtl c.:~s n t:ss :n ime rnqJtin g my tra in o f tho ught i, a g<HHI illlh tra ti tt ll , j holl' ptJorl y thi s grand principle i, nh,t:rn:d. ge ltcra lly." D"mt hy allayt:d th ,· <:hid in:.: ll'h ich r ose: t• J h e r lips a nd ran to grt:ct h e r fath<Cr. ll'h n e t ll·~ n.: d at th at 11 111nh·111 . a n d ll'h<>. o n seeing th e r ea dy laid s nppe r - taiok. e xc laime d pnHu lly . " Su ch IJu,y litt lc· h .. u,ekn·pnas 1 h a,··: -go0 d lJII ildc r s th e y arc . tfJ loc s ure: ... ln spit e o f :\Irs . lladk y · ~ ab-;enn ·. th e· e \·c.:11ing n1eal 1\'a' plt::1-ant : .\rt ln tr :nnu- ,·d t h e m a ll with hi s co mm e 111 ~ o n hi -; "tratclu.:d" h:md: th.., g 1rl., ll'lT c t:agn \ll te ll :tl u•111 th e i1· compo;; ition , . and th ey fo und th t: ir fath ..: r· ~ intcrc< t \·en· c·nco >JJral-':in t::. :\l:i rtha . IHJ \\'t: \·cr . in hlT cag-<: rn co.s to n.:s uuw he r 1\'o rk. ldt th e tahlc. n.:1.n a rk ing t• ; Ji,,r••t h y. ··J' II k t \·c to 1\'0 rk all c" · cnin~ to fini s h my co mposit ion. ~ ~ ~ I ca n li a \·c: tnn tttJTII\\' i. ore ii< H>I I t<> copy it. \' o n kn o \1' I d idn't beg in nnti l a I n n ~ 1imc aftc·r ,.,Ju di d . ' '' I'l l tlLTd 11111 r c· tin 1v to\ fini ,;h th an yo u ll'ill. I' ll !..:0 at it ri~lll nO\\' a nd kt yo ~1 \\' ash th e d i,hc·..:. " s .. , a,·in:.:. ~ li e r e tire d to til e library. Pa pa kept liu k :\rthur quie t hy tt: lli ng him stn rit·, ,.f · .. J, i;.: ca t ~ ( tign,; J tlla t scratc h wor,;c than kitty doc.;.'' :\leantimt:. Do r o thy. hnsy in th e kitch e n . 1\'a< ton pro ud to a dmit t11 he r <c·l i th at h n h eart achl·d. ll e r tho ug ht:' re \·t: rtc d to he r 111o thcr and .\unt Lizz ie. and - he n· ntintl etl hersc l f o f th e adm o niti o n s o f "Th e Hui lckrs Gui de." ;;aying tt o h <: r ~el f. a< ~ l w did '"· "I ca n no t d1·<: am m y;;<: If into a characte r: I mus t hamnter an d fo r gl' :nysel f one." S it,· fo r esail' that it ,,·o nld be imp0~ sible to fini s h he r compo;; iti o n a nd copy it hy th e a fte r noon o f th e n e xt day. hut ~ he dete rmined that ~ h e II'Oulcl non sha ll o.:r h e1· nt o th e r ·, f:oitlo in h e r. ,;n a~ a la ~ t r c:,o rt s he resoh-cd to ll'ithclra\1' fro m th e 1\'cek',; cront e:<t and li ni-h h e r pape r. "::\ o ,,· .-\rthur. th e cuc koo say < 'T o be d.' ·· so nndc d Dn rn t hy ';; c h et: rfnl ,· .. ir,·. Rut .-\rtllllr pl ea rkd fo r on e more ~ tory: and whil e his father g r a n tt:d thi <. J)o r o th y loe· tho u g ht !wr ..;<:lf o f he r diary that ;;h e had nC'gl ec ted dming th ~ e xcit L·nt e lt t ,,f the pa - t fe w h o ur~ . Sh e w e nt to th e library and wro te as foil o ll's : ":\Ty m os t intimate fri e nd: T ha1·e o n ly a fell' minute< to \'ISit with ,·ou thi .- l'\'tn lll " hut r want to r e mind yo u o f that be autifnl. di,·ine th o ug ht '.\·hich :\l iss .i ..n nn ta in c t a ugl~; us la s t spring: ··'The pati e nt cliilcl, wh ose ll'atchful e Ye Stri,·cs fo r al l things nurt: and hiil1. Shall take their image hy and by.' " D o y o u undcr ~ tand ll'hat it m ean s . Diary' \\'c ne,·cr can o\·ercom e o u r ,,·ic k e dnes,; nntil ll'e d esi r e. with all o nr h e;1rt and ~o n l. to bcc o n~c good a nd great. \\'h e n really wi sh th a t ou r tho ughts. our ,,·o rd s. and o ur de ed s be pure and h ig h . w e n1t1st watc h \Yi t h o ur e yes to ;;ee righteou s ness. 1\'C mu ~ t li ste n 1\'ith o u r ea !·s to h e ar righteo us n o.:,;;; . and \H' mu st res po nd 1\·ith o ur so n I to fee~ I rig hte ous ness . 1f 1\'C art: ,·c ry. n~ ry pati e nt ami n e, ·e r cea~c to admire it . to ll'atch for it. to lis t e n to it. and to r t::;po n d to it. \\T s h all fin a ll y becom e righteo u ;;. Diary. is n't th a t a ma g nifice nt pro mi ;;e? f m ea n to at tai n it' Goocl - n igh t. ·· \\.h e n D oro thy cl osed h e r <:y es in ~ lc:e p that night it \\'a s ll'i th a praye r in lw r h e art fo r m o th e r a nd :\ unt Lit.Zi e : a hi es~ in g io r father. and :\ Tartha . ancl :\rthur ; and a pl ea th a t <h e mi g h t ne ,·er fo r get to a dmire ,md se ek righteo usness a n d to he pati ent thro u g hout. \\.h e n ;;h e info rm ed :\lartha. th e ucxt m 0 rning. o f her d ec isio n to ll'ithcl r all' fmm th l· ll' l'Ck's co nt e~t . sh e fe lt r e \\'a rde d. by th e look of plea s ure o n her ~: i s tn' s fan·. a < <h,· 1·epl icd "Oh' I'm g-lacl o f it. J)o rothy. fo r th e n yn n 'll ha,·e time to dn th e 1\'0rk thi ,; m o rn ing. I'll he lp yo n aftr r the m eeting.'' S o ;;aying. sh e left the r oo m ;~nd D ornt ll\· sa ,,· no 11111rc of h e r nnt!l dinne r - (ime, 1\'hC'n shL' g r eete d th e family with . " :\fy c o m p(l;; iti n n i< fi ni ..: h ed , .. Th e R nild e r <· lll C'e ting th a t a fte rnoo n 1\'a;; an unn;; na lly inte r estin g o n e. and l)o rnt hy h ea rd ll'i th de li ght. th e prai se< tha t \\'ere acco rd ed :\farth;1 fo r her com posi(in n. Ru(· :\Ti..-..F ilnl ll a in L··, sympathi zing- e ye ha d not o nlY been qnick to d e tect trn nhle in D nmtll\··s face o u h \' r ar ri,·a l. h u t it had been painfully awak e to th e fac t dur ing th e m ee ti1.1g-. \\' i<hi ng . if p ns~ i hlc. tn remrwe th e c a n ~ e. ;;he too k th e oppo r tu nity. ll'he n th e: g-irl s ll'e rc lcaYing. to r ecp1e-; t Do mthy tn r e main a fe ll' minntes Tn r e ply to :\fi;;;; J<oun tai ne's inq n iry as t11 ll'h .' · , J, e ha d 1·. ot tak e n pa rt i11 th e e ..;erc i<('"· ;; l1e s:t id . hri ef1 ,· : ":\ [•oth e r ,,.a , unc..;pc'Ctl'd ly r:tlkd :lll':t y ye~ te rda\· :liHI f ha\'C' I1 .l had time tn fi n ish .my rnm pn;;it i')n


13tH I Ita \'c IJq~un it, and \\·ill tini slt it lat.:r , and hand it. to yo u. :\ glo.:a m o i light s uddcnh· ct!l<:rccl .\liss F o uutain.:'s lt.:art. and a \\·o nlty admira t iun o i h.:r c x.:mpla r pupi l illtllt-tincd he-r face.:. a s sh e· said: "Dorothy. l should i.J.: glad to ltc.:lp you whil e ,-our nll•thn is away. .\lay l g o h um<: with you ?" Doro thy an s wered, gra teful ly, "\\-e ~hall all IJc ddi~ht~.:d to han: yuu with 11:' ... O n their w:ty hunt<: Do rv th y. IJc.:ing iull o i in::pirati o n fr o m th e aft.:rnoon 's m<.:c.:ting. <:<>ttlcl Jt llt rl'irain irom tellin!.! .\ li,:; F ounta ine: h o w nHtch s he appr.:ciatcd h ..:r summ<'r· ~ plan: and iunhn rc:narkc•d : :.1 n c·,·c·r ka,-,. the \\·~.:.:kly m et'tings without thinking oi the bca llti ful tncmory ;:<'In you tau!.!ht u:: la:<t ;;pring-t he o ne beginning. " The patient child, wht b<: watchi:tl ,. ,.,. _.. Hut llorcH h,· did no t. and cou ld no t kno w . tllt' u nbo unded pleasure whi d 1 hc:r r c· mark hro ught It> hc·t·· tcach..:r· ~ hcan. "Salary the teacher's com pensation,.. ~ai d .\ l i, ,; l:<>untainc It> hc·r :<c·l i. with Cl>lllc'llli' L :\lo ud ,;he sa id ... By th e 11·a y. tha t memo ry g·cn l \\'utlld hc an ~.:xcdk tH IJa;i, ior a composition on 'Ji uw to I.::nrich Character.' 1 \\'Pnder that , ,•me· t> i my ;.: irb halT not tlwug-ln o i it." D orothy's ;;ympathetic heart intc·rpreted the·,, \Hlnl:' :t:< approaching- rc·g-rc.:t i:1 the n tind t>f hc·r teache r. a n d :<he longl'd 1" t.:•>tll'i ncc· lt<· r that at ka, t ~>Jtc rl':<pt>tbil·c hc·an had ;.:-il'<'ll root to the ::ced she had '"" 11 whi k in the· ,cltllt llrutnn. llc·r hcart :drea d ~· tl\'l'l'tlo \\·i ng with c·motiun which :<ht.: cttnld no t UtHkr...:tand. l lt•r.llhy ..:n nld t.:t>ncc:d h c r:<d f no l o n ~cr . ".\[i:'s Fo unt:.tin<' ... :'h<.: , aid ... , mad.: u,e ,,i th a t tnc·mc>ry !.!<.:Ill in my d iary la,; t ,.,·..,ni ng... Thi;; rcmark fumished .\I i, I:,Hnll a ine 11·ith :llt <> tlter gleam nf infu rnntio n ami ,;er Yed lO confi rm tho: suspiciun that , It,· a lrt•ady CIH<' rtainc·,I h ; \\.:trd .\lanh:t. "Ucl ro tlty ... s it<.' said . "please tel l me abo ut Y•Htr diary... Do ro thy hc•:<i tat c• d :1 lllOlllc.:IH . the n r e plied: ");o Oll t.' kno w:< anything abo ut it . but I it·c.:l a:< ii i \\·am w tell _,·,nt. She explain ed brietly : " I ;;pen d a few min ute,; e:u: h c, ·,·tting- \\Tit in g- abo ut \\'hat h a,; a pp.:aicd to llh' durin g the clay. .\Jy dia r y is my tnn, t intimat e iri • nd. it knt>\\':< all that ! kll<l\\·. I cut tnt :<t it ll'ith wh a t I ice! that J r an 11111 ta lk Ill <• thc·r,; ahnut. " .\li s:< l:oumaine 1ra,; pu zz led. " I tho ught I had analyzed Dttrntln·',: nann·,· int <l a ll its h·:Hniiul trait,: ... ,;he rt·lkt:tcd. "lull 1 see that l h aYc IH1t y<·t ,:m;tHkd the• depth nf hn t:l tarac·tcr." S he• looked at Dorothy and said . in a tone o t intc re:'t<.:d cu ri o..: ity : "\',,u <ay that -"' "' wro t,· la:<t ,-,·cning . abo ut your fa,·o ri te m emory ge m: \\'hy cnt:ld ynu not talk to othns :tho u! that - wa,; the r e anyt hi ng p l'r~ o n al in it, .. ");n_ .. wa,; l), rothy'" hc,;itating- r,·ply. 1 il'r lc'adtc·r rominu ed, in a tone o f faltering appl'al: ".\ly dear. I ;d10uld lm-l' tn rt·ad 11·hat yo u wro te la,;t night." l n~ tant r d u~at ..-:tmc· tn l),, r,ll hy':' n ;ind. hnt :t:< ,;h,· lnnk cd int o h e r teac her· ~ pl eading fac e she reflected. "\\'hy :'hould I rdt! :'t'? Thnc• i;; not hing pn,<onal in it . and ,;he d c~e n· e,; to ~ce tllat n,-, girl :: clo not f••r;.:-c t what ,-h,· l t.':tcht·~ th c·nt. .. Thu,: re,;o h ·cd, she r ep lied: "I "-ill show .t to ynu \\'h c·n we g-c.:t h•>m,-... lin tl'acher ',: hearty "Thank you" cli,-pelled th e ~ l i ght r egret s hl' had felt UJHlll <'•'ll:'t'nting. l'pn n their a r ri1·:d lwme .\li"' Fnuntaine rcqttc.:!'lt•d "The diary tirst. pl casl'... Dorothy cnn,;ente<l. conductt.'cl ht•r tn th<· lihran·. ancl. handing k..- the dia ry, t:xcu;;c.:d h c r >elf " to lnnk aft.:-r :\rthur." ' Rut a m n:<t agrceahk ,;urpri ;;c a11·aited Do rothy. O n her tou r throu gh the house . in sea r ch of ."\rtlHH-. ,;he \\'l' lll to the kitche n. and the r e found m o ther and :\[artha preparing sup pe.-. .-\unt Lizzie \\'a:< :'U much better that m o th e r had r etllrncd :'oon c r than expected. Creetint!:' mTr . J)nro tln· kd thl' \\'a,- to the lihran·. 11·h c r e the1· found .\[ i ,;~ F ou ntaine' ll'ith th'c· diary in h e r ltand. She greeted Do rothy ~~-ith a smil e_- in s p ite o f th e tears in h e r eye:' . and :1pp roached hn with an e mbrace . ~ayin g : ":\ly prec i o u ~ litt le Builde r. thi ;; i" h elt'cr than an,· cnmposit io n read at the lllC<'ting thi s afte rnoon: it is wo rth1· o f the attention o f any -r eader: and ii yo u art• \\·illing. it ' shall be printed in "The Ruiiders· Guide" thi,: \\·eck ." S ee in g th e lnok nf inquiry on :\ I r,;. 1-Tadlcy's fac e. :\[iss fo'oun ta ine ga1·c 1·ent to h e r adm irat io n o f Do r ot hy by ~a ying: ''Ow in~ to ~- onr absence. Doro thy gan: up he r cnmpn:'itin n. in n rde1· to P<'rmit .\lartha to fin i;:h h e r ~ . :\Tartha's com p o~ iti o n is good . hut •·cad thi s -it is 11·hat Doro thy told hn diary. las t c1·cning-. \\'hill' :\Tartha 11·as writing ht.'r compos it ion." :\1•-~- 1-l aclle ~ · took the diary and read aloud. to her O\\'n joy. to '.[i ,;s 1-nuntaine · ~ adm ir a t ion. to Dorothy' ;: an"ict,·. :mel to :\Tarth a',; con~te rn :tt i nn : fo r in th e me:tn t intc. :\Tartha',; cnn,;c i,•nr <' ~~-;,,- li ste nin!."- to a s till. s mall ,-oicc. unheard h 1· the o th rrs . l l crd in g· the ~dmonitio11 ;; o f th i;; .-\!might,- Voice. ~he was s ucldcn h · awak-,•ned to h <' r cruel fau lt . and tOllt'IH'd ll'ith th e pathc;s o f h r r si;: te r's s acrifices . Between soh ~ of repentann·. she to ld th e who le ~to n·. conc lll(ling- with: '' l ha1·c learne d tha t I can not dr<':t lll m1·sel f into a character. hut th;;t T mu ,:t l;amm c r anrl fo rge nll'scl f one": a nd D n roth ,· ,e:tled h e •· si:<fcr' ,: rc•;;oluti o n . and t-ene1n' d hn nwn qrengt l; hy ,:epeating: "Th e n:tti e nt child. 11·ho:'e \\·a t<·hfu l e n · Str i,·,•s for all things pure a nd higl;, Shall tak,· their image hy a nrl hy ...

~l u·n


o n 1'

DIE TRAUMSMAID ~laid so lic blich, Dasz ihr' Sc hocn lacit \\'t11Hicrba r , 1st fu ~ r dcr ~ l e n sc h c n Fassung s krait umn ocglicla ganz nnd gar.

1-:s ist ein'

Kann man ja wohl bcgr cifc n Der Zwiclich t G lut so schocn und fern' , \•Ve nn in ch;r H och' e r s t is t gcs tande n Dc::r Ieicht blitzcndc Abc::nds tcm? Cnd k cn nt man doch di e St il le In dcm W a lde tid und ktu.:hl, \\'n s chlcic ht e ~ scl tsam durc h di e Hn1:<t Cchc::inmis\·oll Gcfuc hl ? \\' c r auch \·c r:;tc h t da;; F lucs tcrn I k s F ic htc nbaums in dcr Lu ft? Cml da s Re1u sc hc::n c:incs l ~ acchlc:in s ~I is ch c nd T on und F c uchtt.:n J) u ft? 7.u jcdc m Junge komm t sic, T icf im ll c rzc::n nimm t s i.: P latz. Er hat in11m·rfo rt clann h ci1nlic h, In der Sccl' Linen s w.:!'~e n Sc hatz. Zu -; tarran 'ich c n nimmc r L ac'ist s ic ihn da s Gh1cck gcsc hc n, :\ugcnbli cklich schwcbt s ic \'Or ihm. :\ u r wi ~.: ::-\chcl zu \·c rgchcn . L'ngc wiss in seinc::m Tracum c n J<ommt z u fa c llig ihr' Ges tal t Sc hoe n und rci7c n cl doch vc r schwin dcnd Gl eich wi e Schatte n in dcm \ •Va le!. \\'i c cin Gcspc n st n : rfo lgt s1c l l111 un ci \\'ehm ut dr ingt 'iC111 Rru s t. L'nd sic allcin zu linden H at cr jetzt die c inzig' Lus t. .-\l ie ~faedch c n dann hem c1·ke ml S uch t c r s ic in jcdem Ort \ \' e nn er dcnkt s ic ist gc fund c n ~lacht s ie o ft sich wiecle r fort. Junge. 'i uc h c ncl n:1 c h clt.:r Trau m sm aid. H ahe acht \·or d cinc m H crz \\'cnn c in' i:J isc hc i,;t gcno mmcn Gieht cs dan n sehr \·iele n Sch m c rz. :\ l.: in c . s ic ,;ci sch wer zu li n den. \\'c il ni c d c u tlich i ~ t gcschn. l'nd \\·er das r echtc hahen will, :\ ac h d e m II c r z allein m u;<s cr gchn.

:'1 ki ne nur, es ~e i \·i el hcsscr. Ein h ilclung hlciht sic imm c r cin, \\'i e cin ' trcu c_. sc h ocnc T r a um smaid, :\J , cin' k oc rpcrlic h' Fa l,;chc s.:in. -11'. C. Harpst er . 'o(l.

FARM LIFE BY LUCILE AMELIA WEHRS I i ll\· ~omc mag:ic stroke there could be reproduced on cam·as the picture::. vi th~.· iann "·hiclt that ,,·on! com·eys to the minds of its loYers. its hater~ . and

t h o~c to ".hom it is i nd i ffercnt. what a Ya riecl ami interesting collection it ,,·ould he! Some would by their beauty g race the favorite corner of a king-':; drawing ruont. oth ers he onl y li t sub jects fo r a comic paper. the home of Happy H ooligan and the J( atzen jammcr Kids. while others would represent a n excellent adYertisi ng scheme ior some far m journal. 1-lo\\· easi ly could be read the messages. co n \·cy~.·d by each. \Yritten in that eYer reaclily-in terpreted picture language. For ~.·xampk. the ~. ~~ o f the );', E. '4 o f Sec. 23 . the rent of \\'hich helps support the fatnily ,,·ho ha,·e moYed to to,,·n . or percha nce defrays the expenses of James and I r~.·m· ,,·hn arc in school. o r. a plot of g rouncl diYiclcd into corn -fields and ,,·h eat-fields. potato-patches and a weedy garden . surrounded by a fe nce of "n~.·,·cr-g·ct-nn-in-the-\\·orlcl" ami enclosing all the woes a ncl miseries of mankitHi. ( ) r. JK'rhaps. and may there be ma ny s uch. a place of peace and quiet ,,·here Joyc and happim·ss walk ha nd in hand. ,,·here each budding branch and bendi ng bough sheds a blessing from the Infinite. as they watch lo,·ingly oYe r that old kitchCI I dqnr o r a ns,,·c r the ca ress l) f the g reat red sun as he says hi s fond good-night . : \ncl why this difference ? It is the same old story of the " S ix nlind :\ Ten of ] lin doostan and H o,,· They Sa\Y the Elepha nt." Like one o f these. some think it is a rope. bin di ng all thei r ambitions. all their happiness. and all their pleasures in its coils. whi le others-more fortu nate-sec that siclc which heaYes with th e regular breathings of nature. a sign o f life. of hope. a nti thereforl' happ iness. Is it that monste r called "Drudge ry ami Toil" ,,·hich blinds some of our c ritics of the farm. or is it that feeling of solitude and loneliness ,,·hich hangs as a curta in before the wi ndows of their soul. or perchance. that Joye of popularity \\' hich fa rm life forbid s that produces such a g loomy aspect? Choose \Yhat ,·ocati on in life you \Yi ll and in it you \\'ill find drudgery and to il. Hut it is th lcloucl nn the western sky that makes the splendor of a ~unset . ( )h ! those early ho urs in the mo rning ,,·hich farm life demands ! \\'i ll the far m boy c\·er fo rge': h!s fath e r's Yoice as at the foot of the stairs in that penetrat ing fat her ly yoice he calls: "John. J ohn . it is -+: :W: time to g:et up: you ha,·c eight cow:- to mili :. remember." To young g-rowing John that call is like a death-knell. hut ,,·hen he t·omes dm\·nstairs those huck\\·hcat cakes arc like a healing plaster. the molasses like a soothing syrup. a nd hi s mother's smile' like the rays o f that belated :-un. \\'h ich has not eYen thoug ht o f ri sing. To a farmer the ploughing o f a field is not all drudgery. T o him it i~ an idea l time fo r meditation. \\'ith the turn ing of the rich black loam into the ittlTO\\' , he turns the tangled th reads 0f questions that pcrple:-: his mind. and T~,

o l11111dr~d 1/n·er

surro und ed o n all sides by Crcat Dame .\aturc pointing \\·i th he r ind ex fi nger Lr1 the path that leads aright he helps to soh·e the problems o f mank ind and fix the dest in ies of nation s. T o him the hum of a binder on a ho t Jul ~· cia~· i,; but music to hi s so ul. and the ··s wish. S\\·ish" of th e bundles. a s he sh11cks th ~·n t in the field. is but the a udib le ,·oicc ni nature a s she sa,·s. "Reward o i .\lerit. " .\ nd th e farmer' s wife and daughters ! Do they share equall y in all these ble,;s· ings ~ 1:-rom thei r \\·indO\\·s they. too. can hear th e mu sic of the hinclt·t. a lso sn ; all the bea uty o f Gorl's g reat ha ndiworks . . \ s to the educational ach·antagcs of th e fa r m. the s tttdies in th e farnt lik cu rri cu lum cannot he named (J r Gllaloguul. neitltn can their students he ;..:Tarkrl on the sca le of roo per cent. It is snml·thing intangihk- . c;ut on!_,. he kit. IHll ne\"C r seen. and only those ,,·ho read its pages ha,·c a rig-ht to be a ,,·ittw,.:,... H e nce the reason \\·hy farm-reared a nd farm-educated boys ·tre so often m;Hk a li,·ing example o f \\·hat farm li fe a nd farm ed ucation docs. T hey a rc g ra ded on the scale of roo, nn the basi s o f prescri bed st udies a nd com·c:nti(Jnality. :t1 1tl !;1\·en no credit \\· ha tcvcr fo r tha t s ubllc kn owledge karnccl out und er the (IJ!l'll sk,·. B eware o f t hat yo ung philosophe r of the farm ! I fe may not he a ble tr 1 qu o te Shakespea re o r verses from the Iliad. but he hears at firs t hand the song·,.. o i nature. ,,·hich poets ha,·e idealized in \·ersc. and he is often mo re logica l than appearances would fa,·orably warrant. T he co untr_,. schonls may he made a la ug·hing stock. their res ults l1e tr ea ted ,,· ith ind i ffcrence. a nd yet th eir memories wiII e\·er he dea r. :\nth ing can ta i.:L· a\\·ay the lm·c o f the m emory nf that old schoolhouse in Di strict :\o. ;. he criti cisms \\· hat they ,,·i ll. \\' here is ther e a mo re delig h tfu l rcm cmhranc..: tha n th at of those f"riclay afternoons in a district school ? \\'ho ,,·ill c,·cr forget Poll y·~ recitatio n. "Kind s friend s a nd parents. ,,·e ,,·elcomc yo u here' ' : l)cle Jo nes 's compositio n o n "The Hen ' ': the debate. " Rcsoh·ed. that fi re is m o re dang-erou s than \Yate r": o r Di ck 1\ro\\'n's recitation. "The F lag. the Hag. the \\'OtHlrous f-lag·." Crude and al most un canny in delive ry mi g-ht be said . but one thi ng- is sure . 1l \\·as their 0 \\'11. They displayed their 0\\'11 individuality in its renditi o n. l n d i · ,-idua lt_,. is a n unco nsc io us watchword of fann li fc a nd co un t ry schools. Th l' fa rm not o nly furni shes the clay. it a lsn produces the m odel ,,·he rewith a nd whereby the scu lpto r m ay fa shion hi s statue of l ncli,· idual i t~ . . \ s to the am usements and ente rtainments of fa rm li fe. here a rc ~ccn e s . the pa in t ing-s o f ,,·hich ha,·e moved m en's souls . Here a rc babbl ing b rooks a nd ,.: igh ing wind s. the sonnets o f ,,·hich haYc lived th rough ag-es. 1\ut her e, too. arc feelings o f solitude. of meditations in ,,·hich man walks h and in hand and hu ma n ge nius han~ fa iled utte rl y to po rt ray. H e re a rc the teachers of Jenny L ind and .\ ladamc :\orclica. for it m ay \\'e ll be th eir hig hest ambiti o n to \\·a rhle like tlw lark. a ,;. 'at the firs t st reak of th e morn it~g. he so.trs up to meet the d mYn. I fcrc ynu need no t go to the theat re to sec the shi (ting scenes upon the stag-c . fo r he re th e_,. arc in all their s plendo r-g-lo rious sunsets. vivid lig ht ning-s again st black and ink~· ski es . sta rl it n ig-hts ,,·ith the m oon peeping through t he foliage. a nrl ,,.a ,·i n.l.!· fields of g rai n \\·hi ch as ,·ou \\·a tch it is the \·en· poetry of motion .

.\nd en:n aitcr the day _is clone ami th e v eil o f ni g h t has \napped th e \\"Orld darkness . iarm li fe still sh ed s h e r blessin g s . fo r. \\"i t h n o ot h e r n oise to h inde r . :;h l' . \\"ith whi spl' ring- breeze:; a nd murm u ring \\"incls . rock s ,-o u into p eaceful


~ h11nh c r.

l'<>u ld \ \·c Cou ld \ \ "e Cou ld Th l'

we ~l' t: o ur ~ cln·~ a ~ o th e r ~ ~ c c u,; mi ght pro fi t by this ex per ience. we judge o urselYes as o th er ,; ,,·oulcl judge u s wo uld not b e so d isa ppoint ed in oursclns. ,,-c gO\·c rn o nrseh·es fro m th e ~ ta n clpo i nt of o th ers wo rld w ould progr ess to wa r d the di,·in c.

THE SENIOR PLAY T h e Seniors have selected as thei r class play one whi ch th ey belie ve "·ill he not o nly fa scinating, but instructivc,- Joan of A rc. ]-Icing based upon histo rica l events. it can not fail to appeal to the student. Th e ma ide nly mod esty and 1111 claunted courage of the heroi ne. as she leads the army to \·ictory for he r l(ing and he r count ry , her unwavering faith as she meets her cru el deat h. w ill 1111d oubtedh· fill al l who behold it \\·ith admiration and lo fti er purpose . The m ilitary character of the play makes the setting very attracti\·c. and will inspire that fee lin g of patriotism which a ll feel when in the presence of great and noble deeds. Many difficul ties arise in its presentation . but we bc:li c\-c that the seniors. wit h their perscr verancc and ingenu ity. \\·ill overcome t iH:sc d i fticu l ti e~ and make it one of the most brilliant successes of the year.

CAST OF CHARACTERS La Hire ..... ... ........ . ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . .. . l·: l111tr So.: t ky Fath er de Ia Pi(J"re . .......... ....... ...... . .. . . .. . . .... • . ..... . .......... C. II. :'>I<Hlre Charles VII-King o f France . ... . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . . ..... . ·' ... . . . . . . ... . .. I\. E. Swo.:n ,;"n Count de Ia Tremo uillc .... . . .... .. ...... ...... . ............ ... . . . . . .. . . . ... C. \V. I( noll Pierre d'Arc .... . . . . . . .... .. . ..... .... .. . . . .. . . .. .. ... .. ...... . ... . ...... C. D. ) t· nkin ,; Jacques cl'.-\rc ......... .. . . . . . . . .. ... . ....... . .... ... . . . . ... ..... . . . . j. :\. l·:a,;t ii"<>Od R obe rt d e Randrico urt . . . . ..... . . .. .... . .............. . . . .......... .. . . . II. 1( . :\litt o n :\'icho la s L "Oisele nr .. . .... . . ... ... .......... . . . . . ........ .. . .. . . . . .. . .. ....\. J. II ill Rao ul de Gaucourt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . Che,;ter l(aup R egnauld de Chan res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 1·:. 7.ink Guillaume de Bel ier ..... . ............ .......... .. . .... . ....... ..... Fot-rc.; t :\lc :\dan1" Th e Bis h o p of Beau1·ai s .. . ........ .. .... . .. . . . . ....... . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. I·:. (). Blacbtonc Th e Kin g·~ Cook . . . . .... .... .... . ..... . . . .. . .. . . ... . . . .... . . .. . . . . . . . .. (;uy En-r,;n k :\ Cord\\·aine r o f Chino n .... . ... . .. ... ......... . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . R. ll. Ht:clt-1 1 J o an o f Arc ....... ........ .... . .. . .. . . . . ....... . . .... . . . . . ....... .. :\li,;s :\lay Frank !\[crgc ret (Joan ·s page) . . .. . ....... . . . . ....... . . . ..... . . . . .... . . . .... :\ l i,;s ll ilda \V ilke iV[ari e o f :\njou (Queen of Charle!' Vff) ...... . ........ .. ..... :\li,;s J u li a I I. Van Dril"i Isabell e d ":\rc . ... . . . .. . . . ...... .. .. . .. . . .... . . . ... . . . ... . ...... . .. :\li,;s O lga Ccrck c Hanne tte . .. ..... . . . .... . . . .......... . . . .. . . ...... . . .. . . . . . ... . . :\[i ,;s V irginia ll a Jh Oll :\[;u·gl"te .... . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . \l is,; J laz<· l 1\n ·k Co u1·i e 1·:<. Captains. So ldie rs. Prelates. Pri e,; l s, J)oct o rs o f the Ch m ch and l.;tw . .\ l .,nk' . Peasa nts. Cit izcns. etc.

SYNOPSIS J oan's father. mother. and other peasants arc talking of the fate o f fo'ran ce . overrun by the foreigners. Joan enters. g-oing to the shrine to h ang- up a w reath of Ao\\· ers. The peasants are roused to fury by news tha t the Eng'lish and their allies a re de\·astating the next town. and Ay to arms. J oan recalls t he nnhlc deeds of \\·omen in J e\\·ish times, and feels the in spiration of g-rand d eeds spring-. ing- up in her bosom. Then in terms of simple but burning· eloquence she tl'il~ th e pries t. D e L a Pie rre, of the g lorious visions she has beheld. 1\t fir~t t he pri est think s her exaltations arc the outcome of insan ity: hut when he rccalb t he ]1111'111 ni hn liie and her piety. he g-ives her his blessing. L a Hire. a soldier 11f

fortun e. tlled s J oan. and. struck by h e r enthusiasm. bids her call for him at C hin o n. a n d he wil l g in: h e r a udi e nce of l'ing C harles. Joan departs a mi d st the acclamatio ns o f h er coun tryme n. La 1-1 ire t ries to shame the w eak C harles into a yaJorous h eart. bu t fails . S o me o f the co urtie r s a nd t h e .\rchbish op o f Rheims are r oused by his " ·or cis. and J oa n en ters t h eir midst . ba sh fu l but Yaliant , and o ffers h e r li fe fo r France. ~he e n dures th e ta unts of the ribald courtie rs . and. sustained by th e p riest and La II ire. manages to meet th e Queen. wh o . at first a ngTy at h e r in t ru sion. is at la:-; t m·ct-com c by t he so rt of di,·inc ligh t that g la nces from t h e e yes of J oan. and takes h er to th e King . C harles is sadly rumi nating 0\·e r hi s ru ined country and his O\\"n ta rni shed h o n or. \\"h e n the Q u ee n enters. S he b eg·s the King to g i,·c inte n·ie\\" to J oan. I l e co nsen ts. as it ma_,. affo rd h im som e amusem ent. 1n t he nex t scen e the King. Q u een and co urtie r s arc assembled in t h e h a ll o f the castle. J oan. by her fe n ·id iaith . in:;pi res the Ki ng \\"ith h op e. a n d sh e \\·a,·es th e S\\·ord fou n d un de r the altar o f St. Cathe rine and ru sh es o ut. follo \\" ed b,· the ch evaliers . In t h e next scene t h e soldiers a n d pea sants arc eager to attack t h -:: E ng lish. ,,·hile the courtiers hang back. J o an a ppears o n a ,,·hi te h o rse and inspi res t h e fighting m e n by h e r prese nce. .-\mid \\"ild excitement Joan leads the French to the assau lt o f the castle h eld by the Engli sh. a n d t h ey enter \\"ith fi e ry haste . fo ll o\\" ing t h e ba nncr o f T he :\ ra id. Tn t h e fou rt h act so me o f the 0' :\rc fa m ily arc anxious about J oan. \\" h en t h e ,· fa ll in \\· ith L a Hi re . ,,·ho info rms the m t h at t h e Fre nch \\"Oulcl n e Ye r h a,·e entered R h cims bu t for the he ro ism o f J oa n. :\ s they arc talkin g T h e :\faid en te r s . precedccl b ~· kni g h ts bearing h e r ba nn e r. a nd m eets the K in g and Q u een and a triumpha l pageant. The K:ing and Q u een a r e c ro wned and b estO\\. kni g hth ood upo n J oa n's fam il y line. J o an t h anks t h e royal p a ir. The processio n m o ,·es o ff. and J oan stand s pensive and a lon e. S h e no lon ger h ea r s the myste ri o us ,·oices ,,·hich hac! im pelled h e r g lo rious actions . and she is a b out to return to h er village h ome. S udd en ly La H ire e nters and tells h e r th at Iora n ce st ill need s h e r a id. S h e h esitates. hut sh e on ce m o re h ears the sac red Yo ices . a mi she eric,.; . "Thi s time L :;hall g o o n to t h e e ncl.'' T h e fift h act shows l he ramparts o f a castle . J oan has b ee n imprison ed. n eg lected by t h e sove reign s sh e h ac! saved. a nd almost forgotte n by t h e count ry sh e had resc u ed. The A rch bi shop a n d p relates come on . disc ussing what shall be clo ne ,,·it h J oan . wh o is accused o f h eresy a nd \Yho is to h e put to t h e torturc. S h e m eets t h e g oo d Fath e r Pierre. and th ey have an affecti ng- inte rYi e,,·. in \\·hic h h e commend s her to t h e care o f H eaven. Then follows th e e ffective :;ce ne in \\· hi •~ : 1 we liste n to t h e tria l of T h e :\ [aid a nd h e r se n tence to t he rack a nd fi re. 1:o r a m o m ent t h e h e ro ine r ecanb. hut th e n ext moment h e r i aith sustain :; h er. a n d s he r ecall s h er r ecantatio n. T h en La Hi re tri es to reassure her. pro mi s ing to rescue h e r. The attempt fa il s . and th e scen e changes tn th e fun eral pile. ,,·h ne J oan 1.' b o und to th e fatal stake. and b id s h e r country and fri e nd s a pathe ti c fa r e \\·el l e r e th e to r c h is appliccl. T N·n hundJ ed

""'' 7't!11

1:\T I ~ R:\ .路\T fO :\ :\ L

S \".\f P I IO :\Y O RC I I 1-:STR :\

NORMAL LECTURE COURSE The students o f the :\ormal are surely to be congra t ulated upon t he excellent opportun ity which is afforclecl th em in the na ture of a lecture course each year. L"ncler the di rection o f P rofessor Delzell a nd the lecture course committee num bers are chosen which a re not only entertai ning. but arc exceeding ly educa tio na l. T hese numbe rs a re only of the best a ncl a rc obtained at a very high cost, yet s uch a plan is arranged that a ny student can well afford to spend time 2.nd money to partake of the rare treats which arc here offered . F\c low is the course a s g ive n this year: I nternational Symphony Co.: E lma B. S mi th. child reader: Frank D ixo n路. D r. E . E. S tein er : Adrian :\ f. :\ew ns : Dr. !)atty. Rad ium, \ iVireless T elegraph y, Licp1id :\ ir. :\o student can afford to miss th e oppor tunity that is offered by s uch a course.

Two hu 1uf , ed l'lj:' hl

THE T YPICAL STUDENT .\ s in o u r town there a lway s was :\ cll:ep rega rd fo r k no wl edg-e·. J said to Pa, o ne s u m1n e r· ~ d ay. " T wan t to go to coll ege. ·' 'Ti s well my son ... h e an ~ w e n.: d me: "\Vhat coll ege wou ld yo n !Ja n · it he'" ''Father." I ~ ai d. "t o choose th e lic ~ t I\·c st udied lo ng- ..- nd t r u e : ,\nd in the land. fro m en d to end. Th ere's no ne like o ld Peru." " Yo u r choice i-< wi se, m y ~<) n." he ~ aid. " F a r n f tkll sc hool l' n· nftcn read ." To P er u then I cam: my way To g et thi s sto re of !ea rning. A nd inc idental ly h er.: to spend The mo n('y Pa wa s carni n ~. i\fy fat lv::r's parting wo rd tn me \\.as : "Do yo ur part when .:'n you h e.''

1 entered in the coll ege then :\nd jo in ed th e F res hman cla s~ : ;\( fir st r ~ tud i e d hard and lo ng . Re soh ·ing h igh to pass. ···Yo u 're do ing well. ' ·my fat h e r wmt e. ' · 'Tis someth ing I am glad to nn tc. X c xt year 1 c;nn e tn sc!Jno l aga in To he a Sophomo;·e .--\nd ~oc i a l func ti on ~ were to me· :\ s n•uch as i>ook s or mo re·. 'Twa s then th e letter sa id to 111 e. "Quite like a spo r t. 1ny hoy. you be. " T h ree y c·an: h;c\'c• no w al m o~ t gnne hy, :\ ) uninr II< I\\' a111 I : To do nJor t· wo rk tha n I k t\'l' d o ne Frnm thi s on 1 mu st tr y. For fa th t:r. when he wri te' t·ach k tt cr. Say~: "So n. your wnd ; nJ uo: t nnw he l•d ter.'' .-\ Sc·t;io r n ext I h' •pc· t<~ he . .-\ n d ;: ure I th en m u~t work: For fa th er':-: pa tience i:-\

1110:-' t

gflll t: .

!:<·ca use l 'n· tric·d to -< hi rk : " .\nd if Y< HJ gc·t not ynnr cl egTCl' ... i le ~ ay ;: . " Yo u' n • :til you' ll !.{c't from me."

T ;.. ,, !t nn th ,·d 1•'11

i)o"t Wo,,., ~ 'Do

a. '\ th e.



'J ~


L e..\-th~ .,...e -;t ~<> 'b~ c...\e.e. ... -( ..... 1


] . \\·. SE.-\RSO:\

RANDOM SHOTS J\lahel has a litt!t: 111an . H is na me of cour~ e you kn011·, .-\ncl e\'(: ry place tha t :.labe l g-nt· ~ Benny is ~ ure to go. H e fo ll oll·ccl her to chu n:h n ne night. And sat up in her pew: Now ll'asn't th a t a fuu ny th ing For Benny R. to do.

J e nkin s-~ ly

practice teaching ha s been enti rely uuco nnectcd \\'ith the ::\[odcl School and C ritic T eache rs . L e\\·is-Yo u o ug ht to \\' Car tro use rs 11·ith their knees o ut the rest of you r life. Jeukins -\ \'hy such a pena lty? Le\\·is-Penalty? A blessing. Yo u sho uld he so thankfu l that you \\·nuld kl'ep yo u r tro user kn ees \\'tll'tl out thro ug-h kneelin g and tlffc rin~~: comin uou:; tha nks fo r s uch a deli vera nee.

How pleasant on a slippery day T o come do wn Coll ege I fill! H o w tho roughly delightful To take a sudden spi ll ! 1 lo w sweet allCI ho w <:nchamingA pleas ure almost painT o hear some fello w sho uting '"First d o wn! Two f<:et to gain!"

L ittl e Jack I Io m c r Sat in a corne r l n o rder to ta ke an exam; 1-1 e pa <;sed it of cou rso.:, \\'ith th e aid of a ho rse, :\nd said, "\\'hat a good boy

am .

1 ha,·e a liulc hobby h o r ~ e, l keep him o n my table; 1 Ie'.- better cared fo t· th ere, o f co ur~c. Than he would he it; a ~ tabl e. "

T had a littl e pony. and it was dapple g ray, I loaned it to a lady on examination day. She wo re him, ~h e tnn: him, she threw him o n th e lloor. I' ll ne ,·er lend my h o r<;~: again . hcnccf0rth tore,·ct· more.

HEARD IN GERMAN CLASS H e r r Linculn- Die J-: uh ist iibe r d ie fence ge-jum pecl. H err ~la x,·-Damit. ii hut e r das Fenster. I 'rof e;;:::•Jr \\ ' hite nack- ~I r. :\I axey . 1hat is the best translat inn

\'O tt

e ve r made.

Th.:rc wa ~ a man named S kinne r \\'ho at~: on i on~ fri ed fo r dinner. :\nd it made his hr ~:a th so ,·cry, ,·cry <:trnng [ t could do the work of t \\'enty :\ncl ha,·e energ-y left a pl enty To pnll a train <)f car~ a half mil e long.

(..),·c i ~ ~ uch a fumt.\· thing-. :\cts jus t lik e a li za rd . C url ~ its ta il n n~ r it s back .·\ nd creeps into your giz7ard. T:-1•o !JulldiNII :,•, /'i·,

IN THE LABORATORY '·Pro fe ssor. "·here can I get an im·ertecl test tube?''

T o kill a butterny you pinch its thora:-;. nlood -\·csseb are Yeins. arteries and artilleries.

Teachcr-:\lary. do you knO\\" \\·hat spunk is ? \lar.\· -\\.hy. \\·hen \·ou spank me. rhl.'n l'm spunk.

:\Jiss :\fooch· ( teaching music)-:\m\·, children. let"s sing this song . \\"hat the time? I 'upil ( looking at \\"atch )-5 minutes to r r.


AT THE ROW AN HOUSE Le\\·is-nlack. if you don't straig hten up I'll report you to your father. Black-Oh. YOU don't kno\\" his name. I just adopted him.

FRESHMAN POEM 'Tis midnig-ht and the selling sun I ~ slo wly ri sing in the \\·est: Thc rapid ri\·crs s lo wly nm. Th e fr og is o n his do wny ncst: The pens i\·c goat a nd sportin: cow 1-1i l:1riom leap from bo ugh to bo ugh. U prising . sec th e fitful la rk L"nfolcl hi:< pinio n> to the strea m: Th e pensi\·c watchdog's m ello w ba rk O "ershades yon co tt age like a drea m: The playful duck a nd wa rbling bee !l o p gail y o n from tree to tree.

It has been sug g ested that Mr. H elms ought to he recommended as a German t<:ache r as hi s pri\·ate pupil seems to be progressing n icely.

( . .-\ sk !:essie Leepe r ( lea per ) 'l'ot''' hund1 ed 1/J i rt,·,·n


she is tH'YCr late a ny\\·here.)

H. ::- l. Berkey, in study o f ''The Laboratory'' by Drowning-'·Paulin e mu st have been much larger than E li se, beca use it says that thirty minutes would be required to kill her, while it would take only a moment for t he poison to have the same effect on Elise."

:\ banker by trad l' . .·\n cnt ict:r o f ma id:< \ V I;o attain g reat iacu lty fan1c ; 1-l c ·s a ttained much r t·no w ll I n thi ~ litt l..: school tow n .-\;; a iacu lty escort, hy nallll'. J lc·s acco mpan it:d tht:lll a ll , Bot h g reat a nd s mall, Tho o ft - times IH: ' s not worthy: l li s nam e's ~'do rri s Cnod. \' o u h a ,.e s~:c n if .vo u won I<1, l ie now go~.:~ wi th nu r ~li ,; ,; .\ l urphy.

WHEN YOU'VE NOTHING ELSE TO DO \\'h en you·,·c nothing vise to do, S pend some timt: in o ld P ~: r n V i ~i tin g n ld fr i<·JHis ynn h an· k nnw n, \\' lw from you r 'nem <:1·y h an· no t t-lown. Swt:L' t it ~"' :-.n tlll'tin Jl· to ' tT Th t sa me .-,Jd friend s tha t n s ~.: d to he : Then th ose joys sce1n dnuh ly true, \\'hen lT nC\\·ed in nlcl Pnu.

LOVER'S LANE \\' hen yo u·n· thn roughJ_,. racked yo u r hra in. Sea rch in g fo r int ell ect ua l gain. Take a st roll do wn Lnn·r's L ane. I f _,·nn'd h a,·•: those th oughts o i old, Seem :he ir wor th in pmcst gold. Cet up cn uragc: ca ll h er na me: Take a st roll down LoY er' s Lane:.

Tocu lun rd rt>d fou rlenl


!!ilk The:lter. 13c),!inning September

2 1.

'oS. Ending Jnnc



PROGRAM Swc'l't .\clalyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... Elm er Seeley Girl.:.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . \\'ilbur Patchin l{t·adi ng-. Little Hcnnie . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ...... .. ... ........... . .......... Do r:l Zook . \!icc·. \\'ht·rt· .\n Tho u .. ... .. . ..... .. . . .. . . .......... .. ......... . . . . . . Otto -:\lut z,. Jr. "Jny" t<> thc• \\',,rfd" .. ................ .. .......... .. ........ . .. . .. .... Cora Ch ittenclon .\iraid tn C<> !l o me in tho.: Dark ................ . ...... .. ..... ....... .... . . \\'eh::: tcr R:ly The (;irl at the II..: 1m .................. .. ................. . .... .. ......... -:\1 i~~ Snyder \\'ht•rc· !Ia ~ :\ly Littl..: D,•g- Gone? . .. , ........... ............ ..... .. . . ..... T. F. Canney T<> Li,·,·. to l..n·c·,. w Die .......... .. ...................... . ...... .... II. :\1. Stephens :'\nt lkc·all "C \'nm !-lair i ~ Curly ........................... .. . .............. :\cldie Huff Cnmc l ntn th e Gard..:n, :\laud ............................. ....... ..... Tho;:. C:lrtney l{c·adi ng-- "Th.? Queen o i Franc•:" . .......... . ........ .... .... .............. Carl Schott Cone! :\lorning-. Carri e .... ........ .... .......... . ..................... Bert E. Sw..:n,;on Hack. Back to O ld \'irginia .......... ............. .......... . ..... . ... Fo rr..:~t :\lc.-\dams I h1c·t-- " O h to hl' So mc·thin g" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ..... .. ... ....... Lang Bros. :\l nnrt• and :\lnn1·,· I :'\e..:d T hc•c• .......... .............. .. ....... .... .... . ... :\lay Frank 1\nnnil'. Sw..:l't lk.:s i:: .. ... ..... . .......................... . ............ ! larry J ohn-;o n The "Cop" o f :\ormal _-\,·e .......... .. ........................ .. .... :\cia S. Philipps l.c·na I brling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . ..... ... Cha ~. -:\l or~..: l'ka ~ c· c;,, .\\\·ay and Ll't -:\le Sfc,·p .... . ... . ... ........... . ..... . . . .. ..... Ceo. S tc\·ens 1\lllc-<·.n·d -:\lary ..... . . .. .............. . .. . ....... . ....... . . . ......... . Dal e Whitfield C antata- Q11..:..:n 1-:,;th..:r . ... .......................... . ...... . -:\lanagcr. \ Var<l -:\ lcDo \\' cll l'atll<llllimc·- \\'alll<' d a 1-lu ,;ha lld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ..... .. . . .... Crace Countryman

Cirl~. (;irl ~ .

T -;t •o h undJ t'd /if/ 1'111

JUNIORS ENTERTAIN PROGRAM BY SPECIAL ORDER OF SENIORS Th e Senio r Class anno un ces the follo\\' ing program ,,·hich \\·il l take place thi ,; m o rnin g at the reg ular cha pel hour. Do n' t fail to hear the ~p ec ial ~o ng:-; . toa sts ;_,nd add r csses . T he faculty \\'ill he represented in a cha nning bu rl c:-;r1uc. :\ ole the follo \\·ing cast of cha r acters : Pre ~ .

Prof. Prof. Prof. R c,-. Pro f. Pro f. P rof. Pro f. P ro f. P rof. Prof. P rof. Prnf. Prof.

Crabtree .. ... .. ........... \lc!Jo\1'.: 11 I Iou s.: ..... . .. . ... . . . . . .... Lanphere ll o \\'i t . . . . .. ........... ... C. Scho tt Rouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lee lln ssong .. ...... . . . ..... \\' ri g ht:<ma n Uc-lzc ll ...... .. ......... . . . ] . Schott Sea t·so n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ray Hendri cks ..... . . . .... . . ... . . .. Tyl er Beck . ..... ...... .......... Chapm an Dun ca n ~n n . ... .. .. .... .. Ellcnhcrger Q,·crho lt . .... . . .. .. ...... Kuenning \\'i llia m s . ............ ... R. Wh it fiel d Bro wnell .... .. . .. ........ . . Hug hes Cornell ...... ... . . . ... ... . . .. D. Cole Schc rct· . . .... . ...... ...... L. \ lag-o r

\ Iiss Stoner . .... . . . .... . ... ... . ... . L' pson \lr ~ . :\ cttl cto n ........ . . . ... .. (;. i.: o bin son \ !iss Cul lll' n son .. .... ..... . ... ....... I·: ly \ Irs. C rawford .. ....... . . . . . .... . Phi lli ps \ li s" K rebs ................. .. . P etra shek \I iss S ch ke ... .. ........... ...... .. Gahu s \I iss Go,;he n . ..... .. ... . ... . .. . . .. II a" "'-'" \I iss :\il ing ham .. .. .... .. .. .. . ...... Best \I iss \ Voocls . .. ... . . . . . ....... . . 1:. Hrow n \I iss \fea rs .. ... . ... ... ....... .. . Card\\'el l \I iss \ln t7 ......... . .. ... . ..... .. ... T yk r \ li ,;s E llis .... ..... ... ...... .... Schn eid er \I iss Kelley ... . ... . . .. .. . . ... Blankens hi p \I iss \ lurphy ....... ... . . . . . . . Ell enheq.:-.: r \! iss Rnl on . . . ... ... . ...... . . .... . . !Iu tto n

Cesicl es the ente rtainment furni shed by this excellent co m pany a leading ed uca to r \\·ill address t he s tudent bod y on the subj ect. .. Ju nio r Drilli a ncy... Pre..;. C. Gordon Beck has given thi s address seve n th o usa nd times the pas t \\·eek a nd it ,-,· ill undoubted!\· be the h it of the season. A ll \\'Ork in the department of history " ill cea se. so e-n joy the big clay. The much ta lked o f Junio r pen n a nt~ \\·ill he u ~e d fo r the first time and will a dd much to the effect of the exerc ise.

They a rc no t g o ne wh o lea n • th eir th o ugh t Imprinted on these no ble wall s ; Them sch·cs may pass ; the s pel l they wrough t Breathes a ir mo re cla ssic in o u r ha ll s ; T ho ug-h· coming cla sses here may s hine. T hey are a s satelli tes to '09. A nd they. re,·olv ing year by yea r, Bo \1' Lo\1' obeisa nce to their sphere.

WHY THE PERU ALUMNUS RETURNS TO HIS ALMA MATER To hear the drowsy hum o f bees ; To catch the whi sp' r ing o f the tree,; : T u feel th e fanning of the b reeze r\ s so ft it fall s thru perfum ed Jca ,·es : To see a ,,·ay up in the sky T lt e lazy c louds go slo \\' ly b ~' ; T o ba sk in s uns hine. no t too nig h ; To brea the a pt·aye r to Go d o n h ig-h; Tn creep '0 near tn N ature's h ea rt \\"here Cupid th ere may send a da r t ; To guide to h ig her tr uths of li fe. :\n d d nll th e min d to wo rd ly s trife.


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:\ ll)tHlay . September 21.-Stmlcm:: a rriv e al 1\Ttt. Trai n stops at llarncy. :\ l or~an loses hi:: ha :a m:c. .\I iss H cnderson blushes. Tuc~day. Sq>tl'tnber 22.-Stu dcnt~ register. \\ "ednc~day. September 23.-:\ e"· ~tudents re~l'inbk walking libraries. Thur~day. September 2..j..-Scveral students 111a kl· g·nnd rcci tat ions. Friday . S q )tember 25 .-:\Jr. Knoll makes fi rst acquaitllancc \Yith :\ liss Stoner. Saturday. September 26. -Y. :\LandY. \\·. rcL"l'ption. _knkins decides to take a ··R isk." S unday. September 27.-E,·e rybody homesick . .\ londay . September 28. -:\ rrs. S no\\·den calls 1\lack ~ t Olll' ··1 foney." Tu c~day . September 21) .- Y oung· ~c nt Iemen take k ~Sl)n s in dorm itory ru ks and ct iq uettc.

\\ · ednesclay, September 30.- J unior:: hold reception. Thursda:·. October 1.-Seniors g i,·e a reception a ncl proceed to get ac'!ltai ntcd "·ith th emsciH·~ - Th e T a it c~cursi on g-oes to ":\ebraska C ity. l ~ riday. ( ktober 2.-:\ roore moun ts the stump o f democracy a nd upholds th e 1•1a tform fo r ten minute~ . Sat urda:·. October 3.- n ennie n cdell seen at north corner of dormitory ga~ ing hca\"L'n\\·a rcl. Su ncb y. < ktobcr ..j..- :\ lno re gin~:: fellow-roomer:: a description oi hi ~ idea l of a wife. :\ londay . < ktobcr :;.- La ng occupies Junior section a lone. Tuesday. < ktobcr r1.- La ng· decides to asce nd " ·ith nthc r Juniors t o the balcony. \\"cd ncsday . ( ktohc r 7.- \\". L. n est ,-isits < h-e rho lt's and takes pri,·ate lessons in domestic scictkc . Th ursda , .. ( k tobcr R.- J uniors elect officcrs . Frida:·. ( ktober ').- :\[oorc ~een talking to :\ fi s~ Frank. Saturd<l\-. Octobe r to.-:\[oore and :\[ iss Frank go to iootb~ll game togethe r. \ lo nd ay . October 12. -Searson ( in Senior revic\\"s ) -··Please remember thi s. fo r it will return like thl· g host o f Banquo."

Tuesday. Octobe r 13.- :\ I i::;s ( ;os hcn (i n psycho log-y) _ .. :'I I r. Knoll. w hat is o ne of th e hardc~l things fo r you to renll:tnhe r ~· · :\ I r. 1..: no ll- " Dates ...

Oc t- 17

,, \


\\'ed nesday. Octo be r 1-J..~ en io rs elect of-ficer s. Th u rsday . ( >cto bcr 1,1.- Th c J:rya n specia l le;l\'es fo r :-rehraska City.

· Friday. October T eachers magni fy lit tle errors o f Senio rs . S aturday . October T7.-The A mphictyonic Club o rga ni zed.


Su nday, October T8.-Bennie Rowan afte r several yea r s' experi ence g ives h is defin itio n of love. " L ove is a tickli ng of th e hear t \\'hich can't get o ut. .. :\1 on day. October 19.-Searso n ( in Senio r rev ie\\'s) - " 1,lease: do nnt forget thi s. because it will retu rn like the ghost of Banquo." Tuesday , October 20.-Gorclon Beck says tha t th e biggest pro blem \\'h ich co nfro nts him is ho \\' he is tu ma ke up the three or fou r hour~ o f slee p ,,·h ich h e loses eve ry night when psycho logy o nl y lasts fo rty-fi\' e min utes. \\'eclnesday. Octo b er 2 1.- \\'anted. Hay. for h is " Charlie Horse." Pink Ren fro. T hursda_,. , ( k to ber 22.-:\ fi ss ( ;oshen shocks 1-~sychology class by her u se of slang. Friday. O ctober 23 . - Henn ie lkclell is inclined to remain at north co rn er of do rm. \\.hat is the attract ion~

Saturday, October 24.- }dil dred P o rter ( looking for \\' il liam·s chemis try ) -"l \\·ant Ill \ ' \ 'Vi lliam's ."


:\Ionclay, O ctober 26.-Gordon neck- "(;ee! I have the rheum ati m o f the arms .. , R o,- L ee" l'shaw ! T ha t's nothi ng . I have rh eumatis m of the hea rt.' ' Tuesday. ( ktober 27. - T..:ent

:\I itto n decides that he is the only per:'on in th e school \\·ho can co rrecti\· teac h literature in the :\Iodel II igh School.

·oct .u

\\'cdnc,;da y. O ctober .28 .-\\·. L. Dest in iorm,; the chemistry class that P rof. Hendricks' statement can ha rd ly be accepted \\·ithout a little ex pla nation. Thursday. October 29.-Ten wa termelons are stolen from the dormitory. Friday. O ctober 30.-How we happened tn go walking from the library. :\l onday. :\ovember 2.-Holtzen inform s his feliO\\' roomers that his laborato ry ice,; last summer school. including campu stry fees. cost him $6.). T ues<la y. :\ m·ember 3.- :. riss Goshen - "\\'ha t im·ention has tended to cause the physica l deterioratiOn o f man ?" }.laxey-"Thc ridi ng cnl tiYator." \\'cdne,;da y. :\m·embt:r ...j..- \ ·acation COllllllences. Tllllrsday . :\o\·embcr ;).- Cart ncY spends the clay reading :\lice in \Vonclerland. . }. Jo nday . :'\oYembe r 9.- chool beg in:; ag ain. EYeryone in good humor. Tuesday. :\oyember ro.- L ewis L eonard ( in parliamentar~· law class) '· \'m1r motio n ha:; died for want of a second." Th u rs day, :\m·ember 12. -Searson ( in debating cla~ s) -'':\'ow , if some one \\' ill kind!~· \\·ake up our fri end E asi\Yood. \\'l' wi ll dismiss the class. unday. :\ OYember I 5.- :\ forg an dropped collection basket at }.lethodist chu rch . Preacher frmn1 ed. :\forgan's knees smote tog ether. Tuesday. :\m·ember 17.- Girls on third Aoor o f dormitory practice gymnastic s a nd cake-\\'alks . ::'lliss Stoner appea rs. Hasty exit o f girls \\· ith }.[iss S ton e r a close second. Thursda ~· . :\ oH·mber 19 .-Pen·~· Cook ( rai sing hi s hand )- "l 'rofcsso r I louse ... Pro fessor- "Do \ "OU \\·cult tt' speak to snme nne ?" l'crry-' ':\ o. s1r. I \\'ant to spcnk to you ... 1-'l·iday. :\m· cmber 20.-.\li:;s nest gives her pla n for Junio r day. Schott hearti ly npproves and "thinks it is tlw 'lkst' plan ." Saturday. :\o n ?mbe r 2 r .- :\!iss Catherim.· \\'nods has th e :\cbraska Cit~· A~·cr stnp and hack up in order tn n ·con.·r h er pocket-honk \\·hich she dropped out t)f the \\' in dm \". \\·l·dnesclay. :\m·ember 2_:;.-Scnior clas,; meeting,;. l lcndric ks calls on girls to help pay for the party gi\·cn hy Se nio r boys.

PJf \'i

l),ffme...- , n ctc.ho"

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a.t t h.:.

Thursday, :\ovember 26.-Students in Pe r u dream of Thank~gi,·ing- di n nl'r smiling at them across the d istance. Friday, :\ovembcr 27.-i\Iiss Goshen (i n psychology ) - '':\n exec~~ of stimul i causes pain. Give an example." \[iss Davis- "Squeczing ha nds." :\ li ss Coshcn - ' '\Vell ! I don't kn ow." Saturday, :\ ovembcr 28.-Dr. :\1 athes. president of th e .' tate :\ ormal o f \\.ashington, gives us a very interesting lecture on \\'ashington state and it~ reso urce ~. :\ londay, :\ovembcr 30.- l..;-noll sk i p~ teach ing. T~ seen talking energeticalJ_,. a nd ,,·ith ma ny gestures to ·:vriss Lally. \\'cdncsda,·. Decembe r 2.-Jcssc H endricks make~ first appearance a t .\lt. \'ernon Hall. He goes to see F rance. "friday, December ..j..-Scholl objects seri ously to the lerr g th o f I 'hi lo l lll s i n es~ meeting. \\' hy? ~unday, D ecember n. -Fi rst Sil O \\'. :\loon: and Campbell order sleig-h. \l oor~· sends com p. to D or m. Gets better acquainted \\'ith dorm. ru les and count<.:nnand s his o rde r for sleigh. "\Jonday, December 7.-Skinncr finds sideb urns lost by \\·. L. I \est. I 'e m defeats henandoah. score 33 to 28. T uesday. D ecember 8 .-Hcndricks g oes to R c,-i,·a l meetings a t Chr i ~tia n Church a nd i ~ requested to sing in the choir. ":\ o. T can 't sing as it d oesn't even run in the family." \\'cdncsday. December 9.-Russcll \V hitfield fi nds the dorm itory door and ente rs. G reat rejo icing \\'ithin . Thursday. December ro.- \ \'cbh Ray goc ~ to chapel \\'ith his shoes un buttoned. Fri day . D ecember 1 f.-Out lines fo r future life fi lled out in chapel. Uuec r \\·hy so many g irls \\' rotc matrimony. Saturda,· . December 1 2. -Swcnson notifies the seniors that he has an a~si st ­ ant in hi s mind \\'hich he \\·mrlcl like to ha,·c by h is side. :\ lond ay. D ecembe r 1 4.- P rofcs~o r H endr icks takes st renuous cxncrse ill g:·mnasium and thro\\·s hi s finger out of place. Tuesday. December 15.- l ' ro fessor Scherer forgets to lead noon-clay prayer mee ting . \\' hen questioned as to the reason. he says. "Dog--on-it. T fo rgot it." \\'ednesday. December 10 .- l lcst shO\\'S hi s abi lity as nursery appurtenance by carrying· a squa lling chi ld from the cha pel. T hursday. D ecember 17.-Duncanson ( readi ng a n announcement ) -"Tire Cicero nia n Society meets thi s e,·ening- at ..j.: 30 in the Y . \\·. rest room. " Frida;· . December r 8.-~ca rson again inform s the class in Senior r-e,·ie\\·..; that cer tain fact~ a rc like the g host of Danquo . Su nday . December 20.- :\feycr (a fte r coming home frCJm the do nn. )- "( ;l'l'' ~~u t I "·ish ~aturda y a nd S un day came oftener. " \fonda_,.. Decemhl'r 2 1.- l 'rnkssnr ~c hen·r ,,·ca rs a grin becau se of basket. hall ,·ictt>ries. Tm· ~d aL I k·c~·mlwr 22 . - ( h ·c rholt repa irs cha pel rost n1111 du ring cha pel all(! iacult;· look on approving ly.

.- -

\\ 'ec\n e~day .

December 23.-S t udent~ take the hint and ··23" for home. C hri ~tma ~ ,·acation . La nphere is so h ilarious that he discards hi s hat at :\ehraska City. \londay. January ..J..-Students return. EYerybody is "just tickled to death'' to ~ce e\·l.'rybody ebe. ( ;reat impro,·ement noticed because of a fc\\' square meals of "mothl.'r·s cooking. " Tttl.' ~day. Janua r y :;.- 1\cn Dcclcll returns from Siou x City after scYeral \\·ceks' ,· isit. \\'cdn •.:~da~·. J anuary Ci.- 12° belo\\' ze ro. Thur~day. January ;.-RO\Yan's House afire. All firemen called out. P.c n ni.~ up~et t he lamp "·hi le curling his ha ir. Hrcatht•:: th ere a bo,· with ~oul so dead \\ 'ho n<?,·cr to him~el f hath ~aid, :\ ~ ou t oi the door ht• ~ ti ck!' his head On a day lik<? thi:.:, "Lt·t",: go ~ kating...

1:riday. Jamtar~· 8.-\ li ~~ ( ;oshen tells fi sh ~to ri es at P hilo. Gi,·es a \'iYid de~criptinn o f hO\\' ~h e follo\\·cd a salmon up the stream and OYer a \\'ater-fa \1. Saw rday. J anua ry 9.-_Tesse Hend rick~ announces his determination to conquer and a nnex France. Sunday. January 10.-The Yarious paths leading to the rural districts ar~ ex plored by st u dent~. \ lon day. J anua ry 11 .-l' ro fe~~o r He nd rick~ leads chapel cle,·otional cxcr· cises amici great applause from Junior boys. Tue~day. Janua ry 12.-Senior \le n's Tncloor Baseball T eam accept the cha!lcnge of the Faculty Boy< Team. \\'cdnl.'sday. January 1J.-S\cct cO\·cn; the sidc\\·a\ks. \litton's di~·nity takes a l~op in front of the chapel. EYerybody pleased. T hu rsday. Ja nuary l..j..-Searson ( in Literature Class)-''The th ings ,,·hicll mini ste r to our bodily needs do not become t iresome to us. !\o"·· class. do bread and butter e\·er ~·et old?" Several student~ 111 unisnn-"Yes! The,· do at our house." Friday. J an uary 1:;.-E,·ersole and ( ;arcy exchange girls ll\· mistake a ftc;· society. ( ;reat consternation. Saturda ~· · Jan uary 16 .- l1est and D lack ~ton t• (the hot a tr specialists) han! their hands frozen with liqui d ai r. Sunday. Jamtar~· 17.- \Iiss \\'oocls becomes \wsterical because she doesn't kno"· ho "· to turn off the heat from the fireless cooker. \londay. Januar.'· 1R.- Professor Hendricks find s \\ iss Duhrman holding I \lackstonc's hand in the laboratory. She ex plain s h~· saying sht' \\·a~ examiningthe spot \\·hich "·as frozen Satu rday eyening. Tuesday. J amtary 11).-Skinner loses his side-burns. .\ ,·en · ~ad parting. indeed . En·ryonc sympathi zes. \\ 'cdne~day. J an ua r y 20.- Lost-.-\ n O \'l'I"Co at. l;inder please return to \fcDowell or Seeley. Query: \\'hose overcoat is it ? Thursday. J a nuary 21.-Juniors inspect the ~enin rs practicing for Cla~s Dav. T ;( o htilttill'd /:t•,' II/1'- /IJI, ., .

l;ricl:!y. J anuar_,. " l l urrah fo r ·<X)."'

2 .?. -- :-: ~:n i or L' la~..:

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J an ua ry 2J.- ( a rtn ey has tin".\lice in \\'o ndc.:rland" and i>(·g-in s "Lucy·~ \\'ondcrful <;lo be ... :\ Iunday. J anua r y 25.- l{cgular m eet ing o f an club in clo rmitor.' · parlo r. :\ I i..;s Stnner plays the pa rt of Shc.:rlock I Ioh nes along Lover's La ne a nd forgets lo attend. T uesday. j a n uar~· 2(>.-·J o,· ( .\! o rgan) reigns in lib rary th is afternoon a nd confusio n wo rse confounded re ign~ 111 ntH' COrtll'r 0 f it. i~lH:d

\\'~:dn c,;da~·.

Ja nuary 27.-Jnhn I.an:_:· and ( ;ft:nn J enki ns ha n · a " c la s-. sc rap" in chapel. T hursday. Januan· 2R.-I nmate~ of ( )ak (~len took a m idnight sprint to sharpen th eir appcnt itcs. F riday. Ja t llt a r~· 2l).- Pat chi n at l·:ve tTtt Do~rrsrrc sc rr·::-.:n: lite rary contest ra ils at femail' h l an cl i~hmcnts. In his dream that night he e\·olH•s a plan fo r ~.:scap i ng them. S at urda~·. Jan ua r~· JO.- !Jhilo program. M oore makes a hit b,· hi~ frequ eni u,;c of the wo rd " ten -cl en-cy." :\ lo nday. F ebruar _,. fro m J o hn Lang.

1 .-~ \\·c n ~on

brings bu ll-dog to chapel to protect Jenkin..:

Tue day. f'ebrua r y 2.-Dramatic Club postpone regular meeting because tJ t an "important Junior class m eeting" wh ich \\·as to be kept secret. \\'ecl nesclay. Feb ruary 3.-_Tu nior Class Day. Pro fesso r f l o\\·ic sprains ankl e hu rryi ng- to get to chapel o n time. Thursday. 1:ebruary .+.-Thirty ho ,·s hunt di nner. < ;ilhe rt says "2J ... l: riclay . February .).Sa turday. Febr uary {i.- ll urst's 1\asket1\all tea m fro m Fall s City rdu se to tin ish the ~(1111<..'.

Sunday. 1:ebruary 7. - l{a.'· Sims rt'ports six chai rs broken on the little ones in Tecumseh. The School J:oard prepare to engage the entire outpm of a re liable chai r facto r~·. :\ Io ne! a~- . Februa r~· R.-%oology students clis,;l'ct t he pigeon. "Poor little thi ng." Tne,;cla.'·· F chruar_,. <).-:\ liss \,oshen d isca rds her Lade !'~ ( P~ych ol ogy) fo r .\n gcll',.;. ( ;irl,.; a ll in mnnrmng.

)•"- ~ q


ladi,:-;' .\id So:i<.:tic<; for



\ \"..-d n e:-:day . F eb ru a r y ro.- C hapman prO\·es ](ee p~

him:-:elf a g-l' niu:-: .

p igeon eggs fro m freez-

ing- by ca rryi ng- th em h ome in hi s m o mh. Thursday. February T r.-:\ loor c ( da:-::-: pre,::idc nt l prnH':-: hi :-: ab ili ty by c limb in g a p illar in t hl' c Ia,;,; room.

:-:en io r :-: are muc h pka::;ccl.

Friday. 1:-chruary I 2.-:-1e ni o rs pu t llll t heir . 'unda y-g-o-t lHneet i ng- c lot h e:- and

procl'ccl to

ha1· c their picurrl':-: ta ken. ~atmday.

Fcbru ar~-

I J .- :\l i;;s Dcst in the

n .Jv , , j :.\ I i:-:,:: :-;ron cr frig- h t..-n s seYe ral ~-lHtng l:rd i..-:-: at <h,r mi tn r y ,,·]w arc ha1· in g a midnight

'le u

,::prcad. :-;unclaY.


110\\.11-: <;lJI.:\(; TO Cll

\I' I ~L

F ehruan·

1-J..- l ~p idcmic

o f hair-

drl·,:::-: ing- :-:trikes :\ lt. \'c nwn.

.\ ltli Hl ay . F ebruary t ,::;.- . \ ll c\\· member o f t h e iacu lt y appvar,:: a t the 1Hlllll' ll i E. L. 1\ ousl.'. \\.cig·ht t \\-e h ·e pounds. Tuesda y. l;l'h r tt a r y t (,_- " S enat o r" SIH' m o n buy:-: a pples 11·irh 11·hic h to brih•: 1h t•

se n a te. :-;en ·ra l nwrnlw r,.: ··l' IHirely di,.:gusre d ... \\.ctl llt':-: <b _,.. 1-"t·hruary t ;.- ll ;;rold :-1tc\·L·n,.: compli ments :\ li:-:s Freiday on her

~· xn·lk m tlchatl' du ri ng· th l· preliminari c,.: .

:\ I i:-::-: Frci d a~· did no t enter the pre-

lim inariL'"·

\\.akl· up. l larold . a nd h ear t he bird,.: :-in g. T hur:-:da ~-- 1-" l'h ruar~· 1 R-·· ].., rcsident" Oye r h o lt read s h is a nnual m es sage to

( ", lllgT l'~:-;.

F r iday. I:L'h ruary ItJ.- J cn ning;; announces p ublic! ~· that h e will n nt g\) to th e \ I r. \ ·nn nn reception. ~a tunla ~·- Fchr ua r~- 20 .- .-\. < ;i r l,.:'


Hi11 c urls his ha ir and ha s hi :-: p ict url' takcil.

1\a,.:kct- 1\all t l'<llll rctmnin g· f ro m a :'IICl'CSsf ul t rip arc met lw cnt h mi -

:!,.:t ic :-; tuden t ,; a 1Hl arc h n rne t riu mphantl y up the hilL


'·'!, ,/..(.· fl

t I

T il [ -~~<JO•C"''J fH ,• \)un cu n •... o I

,-, •

/, J l



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T ~7t."t

,~,. . 1 / .. ,~ f>c.

of n, r, ,.,. t\ 11tj

,:cll ( c t-

tiu •r · t'/

•' /

hu,) .., t ~ , ...



.,I .,. '•

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\ I





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I,) \ \ )

-_, l:'t,

S und a_, .. l:chman· 2 1. -ll ill":-: ha ir i:-: :;till curl y. lie ~ta:·:-: a\\·ay irom church . .\ I i;;;; ~tom· r \\·a:-: hc::: Dc\\·c~··:-; iacc. \ lnnday. l~cbr uary 22.-\ li . \ ·cnwn reception. Jenning~ ar ri Yes prompt!_,. ;1L 1: 30 an d ;;t;tys all e,·cn ing-. T uesday. Fch n:ary 2.).- Dl!IH:an;;on k t·t un' :-: nn ··1 : akc :\oticc:-:"" in chapel. l ie itnn1ed i:ucly reads th ree. \\"edncsday. l;cbruar:· 2..j..-Il ill' ~ hair is still cnrly. Tllllr~day. F ch ruar_,. 2.).- S\\·enson ( in theor_,. class)-.. Thc cha racteristic.; o f a teach er ~h ould be a loYc fo r children a nd a burning dc~irc to tt'ach."" 1-"t·iday. February 26.-\ fi ss Scp:clkc ( reading f rom bulletin board) - ·· .\ 11 • nthc r Conic rl' nCl' at 3: ..j..). O h! ll cck !.. ~a turcla:· . February 27.-\ fe:·c r sotn·enirs the hairbntsh from photo gallcr::.

) ftr' /

T;c ''

IJ 11 11d1 ,•,/ /:t ••


11 / 1 • .,•;- t 'll


,, ~

.·'J ·'II f '



~ und ay . F ebruary 2• '.- ~ ch ott a nd :\I is.

France go to ch u rch .

Fn r i u nh ,·r

particula r s sec :\!iss S toner. \fonda,· . ~ l arch 1.- <;real e~c i te1 n e m. ( "himnc\· burn s out at .\ l r:-: . \"nu n~· :-:. 1[u mphn.:y is seen runnin g about wildl y with a sa lt ~bak e r in his ha nd. J\r;t\"ll! Tue~cl ay . :\ larch 2.-:-\ legis lati n.' c•Hlllnittee ,-i ~it ~ l'eru. l "ni•Hte l .\l aj <>r~ ill fo r ms t he st ud ents tha t Lincoln. C rabtree and Dan \" ctt kton arc th e t hrn .: h• llllvlic;;t men kn m ,·n. Thur~d ay . \larch -~.-:\ !i ss l(ell ey ,,·hilt- cur ling he r hai r b rin gs th l" hot ir< ll l in c•Jntact ,,·ith her nose. l; ri clay. ~l a rch .).- Pro fesso r \\.e<.:b e~pe rim e nt s by mi ~take ,,·ith a h ~<>lt ti : · akohlil in hi ~ alc0hol lamps. .. ft h ur ns all ri g h t bu t cloc. n·t last ln ng CtlfHtgh ... . \lholu tc a lcohol costs $5-7.1 pe r gall0 n. C{)mmcrcial a lcnhnl cost;:; ;.:-a II o n.

-J ;;



Satu rday, :\ fa rch ri.-:\ fi ss ( ;iltner t hin ks :\ fr. Ty ler is a ··ca n dy k id w ith ;.:nnt ca rs. :\llinday, :\ fa rch 8 .- :\1 iss ( >"Conn o r sea rcht·~ diligen t! ~· a ll o\Tr t he lahorat nr.' f()r a b()ttlc of I I/ >. Tu..:sday. :\ la rch <).-Sea rson ( in l\ n111t'o a nd juli et class ) -'" :\ 1r . S ki nnn. 1.'~ ­ pre:-::-: ~·•nt r \" iC\\"!' 11 f t he 10 \"C o f 1\ •HJ H.'O... Skin tt l"l". '" l cn ns idc r that l\1!i 1lnt\· ( J ''as in lo ,·e .. , \ \ .edn csday . ~ l arch 1 0.-~e ni o r g irl s go coasting· on stolen skd ;;. Thu rsday . \larch 1 I.-Sleig h hell s hea rd 0 11 e \·ery side . Frid ay . ~ larch 12.-Schott goes to :\emaha City with ( ;lee Cl ub an d ll\· his excellen t ~ol o ,,·ork regain s hi s reputa tion as a s inger. :--;aturclay . :\ la rch IJ .- Ju nior cla~s m eetin g . rohn L a ng is hot hen:d b\· a p p lau:-:e. '"I f nnt h•>,·s \\·oulcl keep sti ll n Ju \\·oul cl lea rn more.

l.t,. hunr/J , d / :,

111 / 1 ·•

1c hl

~ l n nday. ~ l arch 1_;.-(~ict"

Club appea r in full clrc::s suits. inio nn:: the ~cni o r l;cog ra phy class that 1he l~ n c~·clo1wdia l~ritta ni ca i,; a ,·aluahl e ,;ource o f inio rmaticm o n any subject. \\ 'cdn e,;da~· - ~larch 17.- St. L'atrick·s Day. "\lis:: (;o,:hcn appears in a g reen Tuc,;day .

~ l a rc h

t h.-\ li ,;~ "\lear~

"llll . ~:ll ttnl:t~· - ~larc h

20.- .\t hl.'n ian:-: L'ntL' rtain th e C iceronians. ~l .. ttda _, .. .\ larch 22.- ,Tcnl.:i n:: adn'rti ::c,; ·fo r a pair o f lady's \Y hitc silk g:IOYL'~ ­ I: ri day . \ la rch 2(,_-Juni o r-~c n iur Thnqt~<.'t i:: a grand ,;ucce::,;. ~: ttun l:ty. "\larch 27.-nlack::t onL' m -crhea rd telling· \ ii::,; l'cte r,;nn lm\\· hmc -

"''ll lL' he \\":1:-: at the l~:lllqu ct . TuL':'<i:t y . "\ larch :w.-l;ke Club ::tart o n their \\"estern tr ip. Till tr,;da~· - .\pr il 1.- \ -acat iPn hcg·in,;. ( ;kL· Club k a,·e \loore ancl Lanpher~ 11 1 l l :l:'t ing,;. \ Io nda_,.. .\ pri 1 ;). -~t uclents return. Tt tl.':' d a~· - .\pril (,_-D r. Stein er g in·:' hi,; lecture on .. The T rai l of the EmigTant . ., \\ 'cdm:,; da~· -

.\pri l ;.- Carey tiL'S \ l i ~:- \\.:n\\·ick' ,; tic durin g chape l. Thursday . .-\pril 8.-St udent:: rejoice oYer the r ecent appropriations allo \\"erl l l\· the leg islature.

F r iday . . \pril <).-l'cnt Yian s celebrate pa ;;,;ag-L' of .\d mi nist rati on 1\uilclingBil l. J e nkins and Rl.'p. Skeen hnt h ca rri ed into chapel. ~alurd a~- - .-\p r il 10.- Le rm·ian to pres::. Frida_,- . . \pril 16. -C lce C lub ente rta in the natiYes of Xehraska Cit_v. Sa turd a~- - .-\pril 17.-Fir~t ha::chall ga me occur::. Thu r ,;day . .-\pr il 22.-Kcarn ey-l'eru Debate. F r iday. \ lay q . -D ehate " ·ith \ li ,;::ouri. \ 'ictory fo r Peru . S unda y . \ Ia_,. ~o.-Raccalaurcatc ::ennon. T U L'!' da~· . J un e r .-Co mmcncemcnt Da~--



1. e.l t


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lJ o..\ \ 'j

r o 9 )' a n1

or-__--r_,\5,. _qg_,li_oi'_ CJ Q,s__s_.

A. tl'\ .

L ook THR U Tht Ne..ws

Whil e. ~r-e.a_k_ ta strn1

?. IY\. lhe11 S hu,t

l h e._

pa_~"' Work \X~~.h_-1-

7 . 00

SE ;\10 1~

Cl..-\SS D.·\ Y

WOULD YOU? ~ w,, d <>n tht· :- 1q1~ a t nin e-t hirty the uld lw l l to ll r d thr h ou r. Th,· pr<' <' <'Pl l' <'~:< ,·a nlC' dmn1 the :<tair"·ay Sn· king· whon1 ,;h· migh t drYo ur.

T li.:y . \~

!In <'YC:< kll <>n him. ln a n g<'r She o rrkrr tl h i m ht'l l<'<' to :<kido,,_ I k w en t likt· a :<trra k t h r o thr da rkn<'"'· .\nd ha :<n ·\ -' <'Ill l'Pmp' ,; ,;incc.-\\·,,u l<l you'!



. I





When You Graduate -



Out to Teach a School . BE SURE TO HAVE

THE NEBRASKA TEACHER Com e t o you ea ch mon th. Ask the P rofessor,.: a t the N orm al :-;eho~ l if th i,; is not. juf't wha t yo u should surely do.

8r!l Write to Lincoln this Spring for free catalogs of the University Publishing Co. and the Nebraska School Supply House. T hese w ill be of value to you wherever you teach.

I s t h e pla ce t o get y our fresh Gro ceries, Fresh , Cured and Smoked Mea ts , Candies, Ice Cream, Cold Drinks, Fruits,

You will always be happy and contented if you wear

HOMEYER'S Famous Fitting Shoes 713 Central Avenue NEBRASKA CITY. NEBRASKA

I School Supplies

路路J. E. Forsyth

&Sons, Proprs. PERU, NEBRASKA The town of l ar ge hills and no s idew a lks.

If it's made to wear, we have it.

YounR Men's

CLOTHES Most clothes 路dealers try to straddle the style question- they handle an average line and try to please old and young alike with the same class of goods. We handle a line just MADE for YOU- made in your way; made w please YOU and YOU alone. The styles are "Decided" and "Radical" because you are. eJI. .fo eJI. eJI. AGENCY E duheimer, Stein & Co. MAKERS


The only tailoring in the world in which the shape is BUILT in, not PRESSED in-that's why it is GUARANTEED TO HOLD ITS SHAFE UNTIL YOU WEAR IT OUT.

MILLINERY You young ladies of fine tast e will a lways find here just what you want in t he season's latest output. QUALITY, STYLE, WORKMANSHIP, and FRICE g u a ranteed .


----=-=-=-=c.._-=-=----=-=-=-'--=-=-=-==-"-----== - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gents' Furnishings, and Millinery

An Invitation to Come Again is always implied when you visit our store. We give you prompt. efficient servi ~e. and sell you only lirst-class goods. because we wa nt your patronag e. We have every th ing usually louml in a lirst-class. up-to-date Drug S tore. but we wish to call special attention to our

School Supplies

Soda Fountain

Sporting Goods

1\ ·nrik Boo""•'rpintt Supplies. Prn'. luk. Not.- .Look<.

A lir.t-rbs., Soda Fountain wln·r,· you will lint!

Smb Founl:!in.

Baseballs. Ball Bats. Ball Masks. Mils. Tennis Shoes. Tennis Balls. Tennis Hacqucls. Tennis Nels.

GHEEN'S ICE CHEAM always in stock.

l\odaks and Supplies.

Foun ta: n P.:·n...


ALL THE COLD DHINl\S that ran he , upplird at a

. l.l.ml< .J.ook'. ~


II ;,lory CoHrs. T.,lolri,. II ;,lory P:tprr>.

P enn a nts.


No. 3628

The Carson National Bank. AUBURN, NEBRASKA Capital, $60,000

Surplus, $50,000

Deposits, $365,000 Co rdia ll y invik s tlu• husi ncss ol ron scrvali \'C IH'oplc.

lt·clinn conlitknl llwl ils w<·ll known larililirs will n·nclcr

; 111

arrn unl onrc t--stahlishcd prrmancntly anrce.

ahlc anti prolitahlc.

F. E. JOHNSON. Prcsitl..,.t HOSANNA CAHSON. Virc-Pmitlcnl E. M. BOYD. Cash;,.,


C. A. Tucker Jeweler

S. S. Shean Optician 1123


Str eet, Lincoln, N e brask a

Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Sterling ilver, Toilet and Tableware. All the

New Things

in J ewe lry

\\'c solic it your corresponde nce o n an,· a rtic le in stoc k or a uy spec· a l orJ e rs n ltl m ny have fo r prc~en t a tio n . Cups, Jewels, Medals, or Class Pini . Speci a l att e ntion to tin e ?l!nnnfacturing a nd Repairing. \\'e e mploy on ly th e m ost tompctcnt work me n in all our depart· m e nt s . which e n abl e ~ us tn l!uaran tee ~a t isfact i•lu.

Your Business Solicited


',1 l




~)/Ill -...




who like the most daring o




much to the1r hkmg m our special young men's

l Spring Suits and

Top Coats These are exclusive model s in h andsome fabric patterns-worth co ming to see. 1i1 1i1 PRICES S10 TO S40

Armstrong Clothing Co. Good Clothes Merchants






It goes farther. costs less than other vvell' kn own brands and IS BETTER because t he dough made with it does not require as rapid mi x in g or as h o t an oven . GUARAN'l'liF: D



.. Manufactured by ..

E. M. CHASE CO .. Nebr aska City. Ncb. rOR SA LE BY YOUR GRO CER





I I •

The Big Store at Auburn

Don't Fail io com e to ou r store w h(> n in n eed o f G roec ri\~:' . O ur stock i,.; elcan. fresh ntHl up-to-da.te.

•s entitled to some of your business

For Your Picnic


we cn rry n niec line of cracker,.;. L"Oo ki e,.;, pi ckle:-: in bottles and bu lk . ca n ned m eat:-:, jelli 1•:-:. pt"I':'Ct·,·c~ a nd fr esh frui t.

We are showing the best assortment of spring goods

For the Men

in this part of the state.

ou t· lin e of tlt·e:-:,.; s hirt"', colla.r,.;. n eckwe:t r , hose. etc. , can not he t'qua led in town.





Gilmore-Armstrong Co. West of Court House


SPRING CLOTHING fOR MIN 1\ND WOMIN ~@~@ tipri ng i:-: lwrc, )·nu· \"C got. to IHLve new clothes, <Lntl yo u might a,.; well h :L\·e t he bes t. (~ual i t.y plus s t·.de is t he chamcteri:-:t ic· I'C'ntme of our nPw stock. Our g uara nteL' of ,·alue is broarl, a.ntl yo u take no ri sk-\\·e lll ake ~OilU. You can look \Yithout buying. Glad t o sh;~"· you any day. But. yo u can ' t look \Yithou t wanting to bu y. Y ours fo r Clothing :-:a.tisfa ctinn.




f. W. CLI\'lll\ND N e b ras k a




C ity , Nebt· as ka



Td ephone

lndrpendenl 288

QUal"tI Y

T <路lrpltont路

Bell 74

O ur Motto

Lindell Hotel 路 BARTLING'S Your Patronage Soli c ite d

Centrally Loc ate d

Ancn ls lor

Agents lor

8 Headquarters for School People

MONARCH BRAND Canned and Boll led Goods

Chase & Sanborn's Tf'as ancl Collet's

Daily Receipts: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Sea l Shipt Oysters

American Plan. S2.00 lo $3.50 Pr路r Day Al l Meals 50r

Mail and Telephone Orders Given Prompt Attention

A. L. HOOVER 6 SON, Proprs.

Bartling Grocery Co.


Nebraska City, Nebr.


ladies' Tailor Made Suits at a great .reduction in price In some cases less than wholesale c osr . We are also expecting in a very shore while a beautiful collection of LADIES' WASH SUITS which will be sold at very reasonable prices. When in Nebraska City always make your headquarters at

L. WESSEL'S SONS & CO. ~ To the Senior ~ ' ~~ 1909_1

H DODJ L. - - -·----~

I= I


\\" c wi ,-b t o t hank eac h of y ou for your liberal pa.tron age durin g yo ur st a,y in P t'i' ll .

O ur aim ha ,- he n to ~o !'ati ~ ry o ur c u ~ o m er ,- tha t t hey ca.n reeom•n end o ur "to re to pr e~pectiYe ~t ud e n ts.


~ M. E. Good I


General Merchandise



Peru, Nebr.


Drugs, Books Fine Stationery, Kodaks Sporting Goods

AUBURN ~cln•.ash: u



F. E. ALLEN, Pres. W . H . H A Y, Cashier H. R. HOWE, Vice-President W . H. BOUSFIELD. A sst. Cashier

and when in need of


Dry Goods

$ 75,000.00

Groceries r I l === The Furnishings First National Bank








It is the policy of this bank to keep its funds invested in

Phone 26

assets readily convertible into cash

A i\flD:'\l G H T FEA ST

I MILLER 速. PAINE The store that

:D U\ s

quality first

and maintains the lowest price consistent with that quality


e MILLER 速. PAINE LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Watches Clocks Jewelry Souvenir China Plate Fine China. and

Fountain Pens



Clothing, Hats, Furnishing ~oods, Trunks, , Bags, Dress Suit Cases, Etc.,

For Sale or Repaired by

will be . found at

J. C. Chatelain, Jeh~eter

Sam Goldberg's


806 Central Avenu e Ne brask a City, Neb.

lohe Royal . L. D. MU NSON & Co .. Proprietors 15th and 0 Streets



Private Telephone in E very R oom. 25 Rooms with P rivate Bath . I 00 Rooms without P rivate Bath.

Rates, $2 and $2.50 Per Day. .\

Farmer's Millinery Peru, Nebraska

The O nly A merican P lan H ote l ir:_ the City.

Lincoln, Nebr.






Neb . •

All K i nd s of Firs t- Cla ss Work

Hotel Watson

WEST SIDE BARBER SHOP FIRST DOOR WEST OF BANK R . A . PHELP 3, Prop. W e s oli c it your patr o na ge





Livery and Teaming Baggage and

Bus Work


J. L. JACKSON, Proprie1or Barn Phon e 13

Res. Phon e 11 4



Yost Clothing Company ~




Clothing a.nd Shoes ~ Gents' Furnishings ~fl/7 •

South. Auburn, Nebraska

Mandelson &Goldstein THE GOOD CLOTHES STORE Nebraska City, 1Nebraska .. W e S eJI ..

Kuppenheimer L System David Adler's Collegian Clothing


RICHARDSON Photographer ~* Peru!l Nebr.


A FEW HITS !Ic ard in Senio r Gramma r :


" :\[an is a no un.'' '' \\'o man is a preposition." Treble voice in back ro \\·-"Yes. a good many m en are pronoun s. to6.' ' When wil l lJeoplc tire of Peru? Campustry cease? Phil R o use tire o f talking about the Seni o rs? Pro f. Beck cease ,,·orking for the Senio rs? Prof. Delzell ' s ha ir turn g ray? P eop le cease praising· "The Peru vian." \ ' o l. T T ? O ur g lo ry fade ? Yever! The C lcc C lub as Chas. :\ro r se Sees It: The C lub is not o nl.'· indebted to Prof. H o use \\·ho made it possible. but a l;;u to th e a ccompanist, \Yhich ha s been o f no prima ry impo rtance. The organizati o n ,,·a s indeed fort ·.:~Jate in having an a ccompanis t of such ab ilih· as :\ I i~s La remer. S he has a bea utiful touch. and sho,,·s rare inter pr etatiYe gcniu .

Perplexing question but rightly answered when ~u get your cuts ?(Baker-Bros.

nighest quafijY prmt better -==-==-last longer T~e





The Photographer ,rALLS CITY



Greeting to Senior Girls Hallowe'en, 1908 W o uld I li k e to b.:: a g!rl. \\fea r ing many :t gol den cu r l~ Th at to them seem~ o ut of sight , Rut for me 'twn uld make· me tight. :\ s k nlc.; then ii r like g irls? .-\nd m.v h ead jus t fa irly \\' hir ls. T h at · ~ t he reason. maide n knight,;. That we welcome you tonig ht. \Ve wou ld ha1·c yon . Li ttle Q u eens. Enjoy \\'ith 11 ~ thi ,; llall o\\'c.:·en : Wi t h th i~ noble t!HJught in ,·i.:11· \V e ou r g r eetings offc:r you.

Spend with u ~ in pure del igh t, A ll the c1·c a nd half the night : Hope you're e nte rtai ned j ust fi n.:. By the boy ' of TCJO<). ·-C. D. f.

A Note found by the Editor when he failed to make an appointment at 1 o'clock DF:AR :MISTER JENKI:.lS: J'n· h ~ <'Jl \\'a iting. \\'aiting for th ee: (Jf thee I'm th inking. I :ut yc1a c O Jlll' net to m e. i' l'l· k.:n \\'a iti ng, ll'aiting for tiJ,.,.: () f th<'<: I'm th inkin g . It i,; almos t "th rc:c. "

J",·e bee n wa iting·. \':ait iP~ i 11r tl l'e : ()f thee l'm thinking. In rnom .-\7 I'll he•. l' n, he:·!J ll'a iting. 11·a itin g f•Jr thee: Of th ee l' m tl~in k iPg. S inc c r t' ly. \\·. ~ . I).



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That our \\'Ork has locc n 1\'t:li d on,·. That :don).! life's n t).!).!\:d path\\'a.v O ne mo r e mil.: onr fc.l'l ha,·e run: That to so m:.: Jl<•o r , \\'t:ari .. cl h r otl u·r \\'e h a\'l· stooped \\'i th \\'ord a nd slll il..: . r\nd. pe rchance . ;; inC\: Cod \\'CI'e \\' ith

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\ ia n th rongh I lim is lm· in g, ton. A nd that tint.. for one anotht:r. \\'e'rc· to li1·c lite lif,. that' s lrlll'.

Tf each day of care a nd labor.

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Lif.:'s like springti ml' 11·i th o ut ilnll·c.: rs.

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