1915 - The Peruvian

Page 1



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The time for presenting the College Year-Book has arrived . We ask the kind indul gence of our reader for any featur es w herein this volume may not meet the standards of journalism. We claim no traces of genius, although we trust w e have not fallen into a hopeless mediocrity. Nor do we claim this b ook to be a masterpiece of its kind. It is but a faithful, interesting and complete record of College activities in 19 15, and more particularly those of the S enio r C lass. On this criterion let judgment be made.

mri'lirattnn mo lUrnf~.a.sor 1Jl. (!1. ยงmttly. our ul1ni.srr. tl1P rln.s.s of 1!115 llPllirute.a tlJt!i boolt in tolu?n 11f tqeir rr.aprrt anl'l utfe.rtiot1.


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I . . Faculty II . Classes II I Athletics IV Organizations V . Literature


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BR0\\" .1\'. ·u: B. Ed.

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Brown ta ug ht three ycar ~-o n :.: yea r in th e C!J llntry and t w " years in the High Sehoul a t Bloomi ngto n. S h e is s pec iali zin g 111 Scie nce a nd :\lat hem atics . an d 11·ill mak e a n exce lle n t t ea c lH' 1" o i the ~ •· subject<;.

MAR Y ] Al\ E D :\ V IS. ' 1.=;: B. E d ..


~ li ss

Da vis g rad uated from the Pawn ee C ity Hi g-h Sc hoo l. a n d at tende d the State Un i1·er sity on e year. fle r s pec ia lt y is D o n1 es t ic Scienc.e. Iler ability as a stud en t a nd he r st e rlin g c ha ract n will a s"l11·,. success fo r her wherever s he goe s. WILLI AM N . DELZ ELL. ' 94 (Ach ·iser) Delzell has been a t th e h ead o f th e Co mm e r c ia l !Je pannH: nt here since 1905. As Secretary of t he Al umni A ssociati o n. h e h as kept in touch with a larn-e number of P e nt g ra duate s fo r the pa s t e ig ht year s. and th rough his influe nce in thi s wo rk, h e has bee n in s tn1 n11: ntal in increasing t he enrollmen t o f th e g rad uate class. ~lr.





l3. l·:d .. ·, 5

:-riss H arma n tau ght one yea r at L odgepole. an d o n e yea r at Pawnee City. She fi n ishe d the Comm e r cial Co u rse in 19 15 . a nd h a s been employ e d here ior t he pas t LW'> years as R eacll'r in t h e l':n g li,- lt D epartment.

£ ,\ RL J O H NSON . B. Eel.. ' 15 Head oi Physica l T rainin g D epartme nt. ;\l r. Jnhn ~ •1n was fn r a number of years the a thl etic di recto r in D oa n Co ll e ·~T. a nd fo 1· t h e past two years has had charge of thi s wor k h ere. Besi d es b e in g a man of high ideals. a thorough stndent. a nd an admirahk teac h e r. h (' is one of our most popul a1· c hape l ent ertain e r s .

--~====~====~~==================~~~ "f"hirli/· ('J111"


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L EL.\ F LOR J·:.l\CE J..:: I T J·:. ' 10: B. E d .. ·,5 1'-ite tau g ht o n e year in t he ,·ou nt r y. S h e is s pe ciali z in g- in nllt~ic. an d ha s bee n o ne o f th e m o ~ t ct'licien t ass i s ta nt ~ in t he Dc pan n tr nt nf Pu bli c School :\ lu sie inr 1 h e pa ~ t 1 ,,·o y ea r ~. .\I

i ~~

:-JON :\

i\f. 1':\ Li\ I ER. · w : H.

l ~d ..


\I iss P a lm e r h a~ taug h t in th e L itKoln sc ho o ls . h a~ bee n an a ssista nt in t he C o n11 m ·rci:d IJcpat·tml' lll h er<' th e pa s t yea r. and h as b een e tnpl "ycd as a regular teac he r o f S t e n ograp h,,· io t· t hi s sum m er. S h e i ~ a g·on d s t,·nogt aphcr. :t r<·al S<' h"la t·. a nd :t fi tw t eac her. \\' I L Ll .\:\ 1 1.-. \'Ol' i'\ C . ' t-t: H. Ed .. 'ts :\ l r. Youn g is pre siden t ui thv C ra d uatc Ci a ,;~ . a nd Bt t s inc s~ :\[a nagc r of t h e i'\ n rt nalite. T l i~ s pec ia lt ie s a rc i\ l a n ual T ra in ing. J li ,;to r y. J•:co no mi cs all(l J·: nglish. li e ha s ach ieYed s uc cess a s a ~ ltHIL-n t a nd lt :1s d r,ne so1u e snpc r i(lr \\'< n·k in J) ra m ati c Art . I R .\ C. \V TT. S O l\' .. \.

n .. 'o,;:

H. Eel. . 15

:\I r. \\' ilso n ha < t a ug h t a mnn ber o f y e ar ~ in Io\\' a. a n d ha s he ld the s upe ri n t e nd e ncy at S t ella . . \ lbinn a nd l'a,,· n n· City, N e b ra s ka . H e has bee n .\ ssoc i:tle l'rofc"s nr in th e l·:ng li<h J)cpa rtm e n t h er e s in ce 11)12.

F I ~ :\ NK

C. JI·: .\N.


Sc ..

'11 :


R. l':d .. · ,,:;

M r . j ,·an t augh t nn e yea r in the ru ral ~ c ho ols: ,,·a s p rin c ip:d a t \ l ilford t \\'0 ye ar ~ . and at D o ni pha n o ne y.:a r. H e ha s be en h ead of the D epa rtment of H i o l <~ gy s ince 11) 1 1 . i\fr. Jean is a n cxcc p li nn ally I"'Jlll lar t eac h e r. h l' illg in l<'l'l's t c d in a ll :< t tukn t ac ti,·i t ie'.

.. 'l 'ltiri!J ·f/1'' '

-, .·

K.- \'1'1·: S l..: l·YIJF. K ea rney.


:\! iss Skec d e came t D l 'e ru th e fa ll <>i I<J'-1 a nd r egis t c.: r c.: d in til e grad uat e cla ss. S h e h a s wugllt in th <· p r im a r y d c pa rt r n ~·nt in S e \\":t r d and is now fi lli n g a \·ac;l n :-y at Sco t h lllu ff.

F R II-'. IJ .\ SC I ! u l .T7.. ·1_;

:\[ iss Schultz \\·a~ a rnc n rb n o f the Sc n i•n· ~·b ;..~ .. i ICJ I,l. S h e I T turnecl to Peru l:15t fa ll t•• cl n .; p cc.: ia l wo rk in l<: incl o·rga r tc n \ l c til n d ".


TY\' .\ S\ JlT II . ' q

:'I I i. s Smith ha s met with s i!Cc t·~ -- ;1 ~ ing taugh t fi \·e yea r~ in S a li n t· C nu n t y. and Engli sh.

t l' ac h e r



rura l "l" h ll<J I:<. lla \·-

S he i ~ s p e cia lizin g· in II i" tn ry

11. R. \LI 'TI S C II N E LL. · , _; :\Jr. Sc h n ell was a mc.: m l>e r oi th e las t y e nr' s S c ni .. r c.: la ~s a nd entered the graduate clas s th e sec n n d ~~ me~t e r n i t hi s y e a 1'. lT e i:< sp ecia lizing in agric ul t u r e.

J O lT !'J \V. WE t\ R .

Jr. .

· 1-1

:\f r. \\'ca r attenclccl Pe rn No rmnl n ine y ear s. and e n tere d the S t;ltt· \ I cdical C<> llcge at Omaha in Janua ry . 19 1.1 . Th o u g h q il l a yo u ng m a n . h e has achiev ed grc;1t s ncc c<><; in b u s in c~~ fi el d s.

' 'l'hiJ'lJf·lli.t'



r. ~

- - -.

lf.\ZEL ElDI :\ _) 0 11 :\SO:\ . 'q :\ I i ~~ john ,;u tl e<t nt e fr ttm Stro m ,h u rg- to P t•nt ~ i x yea r ' ago. and ,;in ce th a t tit n l· ' h " h a,; b een a ~ tudc:nt in t h e· :'(,, n na l. S h e Ita ~ spec ia li zed in .\ r t. :t n cl h a,; hcTn an a ,; ~ i,; t ant in t h e .\ r t D epa r tm e nt the p;lq :-: cm e,t n.

C.-\SS I US .K I·: :\ N I.:IJ Y. 'q :\ I r . K en n ed y, o r .. Cash.'' a:-: h L' is mort' nit<'n call ed l>y P e ru :-: lu d ent:-:. Ita:-: b een rea rc· d an d ~ chookd in t hi ,; ,·om tn unity. 1-te is a p opu la r ynu n ~ tnan "ho It a,; w0n hon o r ~ in ]),· b ating· an d Dramati c .'\ rt.

L U L U PF.-\ l~L P :\ SCO. ·,o :\I i:-:,; 1-' a~ c u ha :-: been a g ra de IL'acltl'l' at Dillc t·. _fn h n s0 n a n d Fai r bury. S h e is ~ p C' cial i z in ~ in E locu t ion . and i-< a lin,· rvad n and e nt e r ! ain c r. S!\

1~:\ 1 1 1~ .-\

, -, . Is

1\1 i:-: :-: f{ay bclong,·d ttt t h e S e n io r c ia'" ui l'J I.J. She j ,; L'X<'t' pt innally in drall'ing. li n ,;p cc ialt it·,: a r v .\rt an d :\ lu <ic .

~if t c d

'ED!\. \ F LT 7. .\ B I~' ! ' I r H TNCS \\' .\ L D .. 10 :\I i,;,; f{i ttg,;w:dd h a s r L· n·i ,·c· d htT L'n tirc ,·ducttilltl in t h i,; -c lt(lol. S it e h as taught l\\'11 y ea r ,; in th L' L' tlUniry. o n L· yL·ar :tt St a mford . t,,.,, years at :\ f ull e n . and o n e- h a lf y ,·ar a t Orkatt <. Spi' L·ia ltics. Scicnl'L' an d D o me s t ic S c ienc e.

7'/l fl'f !/

S ( 'l'f'/1


'l ' ll ir l u 路 llillr路

] oshua H. 1\d ec Y. )f.

c·. ·' ..

Steele City

l::,·~··· · u.

''O ut· tl~~dS J)III"SII C II ~ ." ·

Ella V . Ande r so n l'h i lomathenn.

:r. \\'.

!\ uro ra l' . .\ .. l'I•OI"II S.

R ut h E ..'\. An d erso n N cw m a n Gro ve Y. \\' . C. A., Glee C l ub . l'h l lomn t b can . Deba t ing Society. ·'H ang- sorrow ! Cnte wil l id ll n ca t. ,\ n<.l

t h ':!r l'f tll'!' l et"" l u• "'" ~"~".'" : ·

Th o m as 1\ s hton F oo t ba ll , Dramati c I ' l ui •. ··.\ T o m. bu t n ot ' atom ·: ·




I h·rt ha I'.a in \". \\' . \ ' . . \ .. l'hilom at h ,.an. ·· JJ:tp pitH •..::..::

t·nn~ i ~ t :-::

in :tt"t iv i ty ."

l·:kida 1,Ptli sl' 13l'rn

\ \ ' ahoo •

\" . \\'. C. .\ .. l 'h ilo m al lh •n n. ·· ~ n d H,\' i:-o luu ~hor t tu ht• ld w l ."'

!·:Iiza beth Y. \\' .


c. A.,

13 ishop l'h i lom n t h c a u. \'h tu·u s .

" Ill th(' lllllll IIIHI ~Cll lll Of t hin;::s. ~o m f." thi n;::- aiW :t.\'~. a l way~ si tt;.!s ."

l •: l'll l' ~ !


Hl ack

l'h ll o ru at h;•:rrl. Y.

D1111 h at ~1.

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/·'t, I' / JI

fJ Hf

J essie A. Cle1·e land

r. \\".

St ra tton

C . .\ ., l'h ilom o t hr:w .

·· .\ foo l speaks all he r min d. hu t a wise gil'l resPI'\'f'S snnH'f h in;r f or 1he hen'aft r r ."

H e~< ie


·· .\ s

Clo1·c r

\\' . f' . .\ .. met'l'~t a~

Peru I·~Vl'I"C I


thf' rl ny is long-: ·

Jus ie Ruby Cole


Y. W . C. A ., l'l.l il o m a fh Pa n . " Lift> is o ne grf' a t nt ~ h ."


13. Ceo ur

H n wc

Y . .\1 . t' . .\ .. l'hilom a tl t(·atl. " \ V ha f

t=, r


pl'i\'ii CJ!t' is liff•':--: s hal'ill ;.!.'.

r,. . . ,,.,.,

l'cru l ' hiln tn:tl h f'att.

'' L ift\ i:-: \\' lin lh•l


it )\'1''

lift• i:--: l" ti'IH ' ' I I h:-lt ':"

I :t•rt rud e

I ll! .

p~ h :tw:

L enore Co ll ic ut

S uper io r

"''l'ht• best c:<lncntio n i ~ lo he h ntl 111 n l" 'il'l'. n s well a s the lws1 hrollllclolh."'

\lary T . Con ll'ay I•:Ycrett, N. c. A.,

Gresham C l.lorus.

·' Only t h P 1h lngs \\'C I O\'C III'P om·s."'

S ult on

C o ld ic Co r ey l'hll o tnnl h t•Hn . "' Sa i l on ."'

Y. \\'.

t '.

.\ .

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) l' nni ..: l ~t h d l ~d ward s Y. \\". C . . \ .. l 'h i JI)Jn :JlhP:In. ·•\\'hilP

t h ~rr ' s


t h en··~

. \u sC ) IIII I C hll l' ll ~.

h o p •·:·

~ciJ ra ska

C ity

l 'hi lom al hpa n. lJJ'fl lllll f i<· <"l u h. :\ . , .. . \ . ".\ nd ilt-1'1' T :;: l"an <l :


.i r Hl~~ · Ill .\'

J. W.

O ak

E ly

Y. :\f. C . .\ .. llr+'l'. <:I N • ha l l. Hom 11.

l ll:! Hl f'l' s . "

l 'hi l oJn>~llll" a ll .

(' lull.

! ' lass 'I ' J ·e a ~ ­ l '••r tt \' i:t l r Sl nff. It : 1 ~• · ·

··Th•• (l'llCS I e n d o f Jj fp 1i ft• JH'VeJ' C JHl ~ :·


I·: ~ t on


1<11 '1\\'

F.n ·r ell

l h :t l

l~ ric.: ~ o n

l 'lrilomn t JI(•;rJI. ~ ~· lli f ll' (;! •·•· f ' !t il •. I ,.,J.n t i rr :.: T t·: lll l.

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~cltl:lt l.

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lod:r ,\ '

m .r f'Pilo w t n P n . I'd l i l\ t' ,, . 1-: J J cll')~ hn d.v dt~ w n f o p i d \ l ti rn u p :q..:-n i n ."

fo r

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:\ ut·ora

Y. \\' .

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l 'ililolu:llil•·all. l'ilnru>'.


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1'1101'11!'. t h C' sou::- ~- .. " in)!. :rn tl l h~ sm ile Y<' wt>n t· th:tt ':o' a mnldn' IIH· :-:u n=--h ltH' t•\"t.•r·y-

" I t'!'


Cayn,·l k


ll rad ~ ha"'


l 'hilntlllllilt•:tll. Y. \\' . (' . Stun·. \ 'ollt•y.IJall . l 'horu~.

.\ ..

" \'on <'11 11 d o 11·hn t ,1'011 will ynll wil l tlo wh n r _rt111 t·:r n.

l 't'l'lll' illll '"

do. if

J> i~ie .\ . J .',·a r~

~l' \\ar d

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Lurli e Bern ice L ee

F airfi eld

l' h i l n malh ~a o.

"' ~\I n n i s m :ul c bP a rnnn : ·

nf dn ~ l -<l u s l


t•:,·cl y n

Sf't i.IPs -

'' I t I~

:\ ra pahn c

Lc\\"i s

l ' hi lomalhca o, Y . \\".

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is ne n ! l' too !"01111 lo d11 I 0 0 l:tlC I o l"t' I H"Il l .""

~o c Hl.

sn il

OC \"C I'

V c:sl a

iVL L ewi s

P e ru

l'hilnma l h ean . "'Si mpl i ci t y. o f a ll th in gs, i s t:ll P ha r fl Ps l I o he CoJ)INl.' "

l·:t hc l C. L o n g J·:n•r r ll. Y. \\". I· . A . '"~ O l


\\'i ~ ciO ill

.n ·na·s.



d i ~ t H• :-; i l

in n .


:l ( ' l(ll il' l'• fl. ' '


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.'prillglil'l<l l'llil t~lll:llht •nn.


t •rc:hc •st 1':1,




Y. Hand. Sllt"ll


(' . .\ .



C'l n h.

~taft .


cliiUcultit •~

I :1111 my:-:Pir :tt a l os~ llo\\' to rh· · ltll'llli ll t' whidt Pll~" tn c·hnn:-:P ... tllnt

1,i iiii Ca Llllldbc·•·gI·:Yc retl. Y. \\". I'<'L"UVIn u ~tall'. "'Th e hn ~ r

t ' . .\ ..

l lranlatit-

11:1\'P nn lilll t> fnl'

Certrud c

t'l n h.


.\lc r\dams


l'hilnmat !wan. Y. \\". C . .\ .. ( ' h o t·u ~ . "'l'u t• l~ <'

li\·c w ell au<l happilr i~ 11olhill;! than to !i\·t• h<liH'SI Iy :11111 npt·iu;hll.v .""

l)a,·id :\kl'l1111 l·:vo•rPII. Y . .. \\'hn I



( hka oh ( ". .\ .

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• !Is.~ ' - I

I f arold I.. St:lmcn kc r


\ \' c,.ter n

Y. ~!. (' . .\ .. l'h ilo m al hl'a n . B n sl'IJn ll. p , .. r u\'i nn ,' I:IIT. ll rn mn l i e f ' l n h. r; Jt'<· l ' l n h . Ha n d. O •·chcst r a. "Tiw wi ~ <'S I say in ~ o f a ll w a ~ . t lt:ll 1 h •· only I I'l l<' w i ~<lo m la1· in nn1 l llin ldu;.!" I lo li l o n <' l<n ••w w hat OUC' rl irl 11• >1 kn o w ."

l' c nd e r

11 1a nc hc F. Sco ne <'

Y. ' " · C •.\ .. l ' lo l lo iJJa t lll' :l ll . ( ' IIIJJ" JJ S. " \\'hi st l c

a ncl

h tH' ...

D un bar

Cel ia S cu l l

Y. \\". ('. A .. ( ' h o r lls. \ ' n ll o·,l·· iHill . " l. ifo•




I ho JJ j!;h l ...

. \ . l{ ay S<.:fJt t

l'a l i sad e

Y . ~ r. (' . .\ .. :". (' . .\ .. 1·:,.,.,.,. , 1. :\'O I"III :tl ilr• S laiT. to,.Jw ling- ( ' IIIl o. l·:di l nr i ll · <'h i r•f o f J•Pr ll \' iH II . l ll':tlna l k ( ' l uh . "I lfl:tl l1 1

" "'Pd I H .\' I W :JI'

"":tnd ."'

t1 ) r hi n l\ 1n .'· 111itHl \\' : H ; IH·n:ul . irl P:t S \\' !'1 '1' g" l' <l t H I : aJ :1 s. I I H I .~hl


hod .


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\\' altn Y.


s,-1d l

J)u nba r

1' . .\ .

I ,n na S i111 s

1-:,·.. n· l l, "\\' h ~: u

('horu s. 11'1'

bu ild . l1'1

11~ t h i u l;

11'1' huil il

forPY C' l'.''


Caro li ne El sie Sa uer 1,

l'hil lllnnt h!'an. Y. \\' . 1' . .\. "Till' hra1·<' m n n ~c<' k;< not popul :u· n p p la ns\', DOl'. Ol't' l'j) OW\' t'N I with :ll' lll ~. Ill' · s <· t·t s his en \I S<' : lllt s hntu' ct. llwu)!h f o i l'<!. II<' flop 5o: tlu· ht'~t he <·n n ."

~h> t hl ) \\l' r

l·:arl II . Y.



.\ .

] , i liCtl i11

(\·dar ll lu fi,

D o ra ?vf ac Sch<: r <: Ch o nr ~ .

I ' h il omnllwau .

··.\ hse nc<' of <H"CII p at i on i s "' " mind quilt· nH·a nl

n ·sr.


i s a m in d di FO irf'' St-:f'd ."'

B a n c r o ft

Crayrc C . T e ich Y. \V. ( ' . . \ .. ( "l ub. P p r nv i iln

l 'h i lo lll:l f h Pa n . i';tniT.


" A go nrl l n n g-h is s u n ,;hlru• in f h <' h 0 n s<': ·

.\ d ;t

'[' iJ , J r~t<: n ~ on

l 'hi l l olll ill"IH':J il . ·· F i nd


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.\ I at t il· T ay lor J•)lj Jollt:-Jl)lf• i JII .

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l 'hi l• •tn :t t li•·:tll .

, -,, JJI'_,·· hnl l.

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( 'IH II'\1:'.

·· J\:I't'JI gnln .: !." '

l.:alph \\' ard (.'uul iJllll.

\Vaybri g-ltl

1·:\"() I'P(I.


Y . . ~1. C . .\ .

" .\•lmirnli v n hllnd!< t ho•

•· riti<' '~

,._, <'.

:\d e le: 1 ~. W e bbe r

So uth

"l·:xpc t'i i!UC<' te adH·~ sl•""'-" < 'o~t Q( mis ta1\e.... .' '

fl tHl

A ubu r n ut t i l!'

l.nln .\ 1. \ Ve rne r

H ebron

··JfnppitH·s:-: ch_ ' )H! Iltls. as ~ n tut· e sh ows . Jpss o n •' X I I't'in r· t·hi n :,!s lltHn tnost ~ up ­ pn ~ C' ...



( Jh \ \ 'l' a r t; ti H.: ki n ck ·r g: tr l c t t h :tn d ! \\ 'c 'rc t il e fin e s t g-i r ls i n ;til t ltc i:t tJC I. \ Vl.' \'l. h eaps o f .!::· un tp !it> tt :1n d lt >t s o f s :111tl . . \ n cl 1110. t be a u t ifu l lcsso t!" 1)\· 11 s at·c p la n n e d: . \ n cl Sti tT i t is s:Hi \\'c 'll iJl' :tt p: tl'l i n '. 1-'c n· , , .C . \ 'l' spe nt lt :tp p y da ys it t <J l tr k it J<k r g-a r t C.Jl ! T h is is a g·a m c \\·c li k e t n pl a .\ ·-\ \ 'c \\·o u ld n () t g- r n\ \' t ir e d 11f i t c \·c r .' · d a , · : ~ IJ t n c t i m cs \\'l· :tr c tall. su tt l<.: titll l' S \ \'l' ar c s ma ll. T h e n y o u ma.'· g- uess ,,·it iclt . a s ' t is s ung· b v a ll I n o ur O\\· n cl e a r k in rl c r g:l t·t c tt 1 D id yo u c nT p i:1y at " I

~ ..· t ·

\ ' •ll t : ..

Tt is n o t ,·cr.' · cl iffc n ·n t fr• >Il l p ee k - a - IH>•' : Th e n

tu m u s tc \\ T d a n c l· •n t r p ar ltt c t·s ro und , A nd g-a y ly \ \ 'C s in g . t il l 111 p lace we' r e fo un d Tn o u r o w n d ea r kin d e rgar t e n!

"'\'ow go t o s leep Tcdd .'· · tll .\ ' d e a r Ted ch · b ea r . L o t o s lee p , d a r lin g. yn u ' r c ...;afc 111 Ill \ ' ca r e : Y o u a r c m\· d ar l in g ..\' <> 11 q t ll'l'l'l'S l () f t o y s : L ie st ill. g q t <> ~kC' jJ. :l ttd do n ' t 111 a k c a n \·

no ise In our O\\·n d ea r k ittcl c r g·art c tt.

I I·


\\ -(' likt· ttl pl:t;·. hut 't\\"n uld ncYcr do T ,, kt-c p •li t pby ing- tho.: whnk da _,. thnt: \\'c li ke t o wu rk a ,: w.._•ll a ,: play . . \ttd \\l' Ita,· ~· g·01Pd linK:' \\"ltl·n \\"l' ''" 'n·k \\ itlt d :t\' I tt -ntr ' ' " 'tt d c:tr kitttkrg-artl' tt ! \ \ ·,.build "it lt ••ut lt:tntntl't" n r no>i,:,- hit)\\", Y t't --. !at d-' and -~ ran·i nl om t a I I bu ildi ng-,: gn )\\.

l '.·rcltanc v ' t i~ :1 ~- lt u rd t. "r :t :-:tolt"C' \\'i'l<IP\\" h r ig·ltt : 1:111 " ·lt :ttl' \'l'l" it he. 'ti,; a r igh t gnndl y sight 111 ' nt r ' '"'11 dt•:tr 1-.:in ck rg-a r tc n ! I i -"" "·rl' H' r_,. t ired fr olil t ,;itt in g- ,:till. I i -''Ol t- r c fc clit>g· hl 11 l' . :m el need a thr ill_l tt:'! npc n th e \\'ill d n \\",; :111<1 I, t in fresh a ir . . \ 11 d :-;1-.:ip "i t It "' l1lll' ""·,· ,·t little p:1 r tncr Lt i r I n 41 111" n\\·n ckar 1-.:indcrg·a rk n' \ \- l· lt :l\·c

~ltmY n

."•'ll a g·l im p:-;e itt a cursory

\\' :t , . .

( lf th e th ing·_..; t hat g·o n n \\'ltt' r,· \\' c ll' adt l' r ,: Jt ,,j,l :'\\·a,-. \ \ ·,. 11< 1\\' ,:a,· :Hiic u . an d. if ntn n · ,-ntt \\'4111 lei k a rt t. \ \'l' \'t ll'fktll _,. hid : ·n u :·nur r.. nt,:(('p::: to turn T< l •>t tr ' ' "· n ck: tr 1-.:inckrg·:tr iL' Il '

,, I


QtnmmrttrrmJ?t11 (!lulruour. 1~113


:oo .\. ~1.- l\ acca laurca t <.: Sl'ntH lll.

2:30 1'..\1. - l ' ni o n ~ l n·ting Y ..\1. ( ·. . \ . . Y. \\ .

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1~ \-c rc tt.

T l TS IJ. \ Y. J l . .\"1-:


8:30.\. ~ 1.- l ; inal C on\·ocali tll l. 2:00 1'. :\I.- Class IJa,· ~ ~~<.:re i "<.::-. . 4:30 P. ~ 1.- \\ 'cs lcyan l \all <; ;li n e. ;:.)0

1'. "\ f. - ( lpcn .\ir 1\anrl Conn: rt.

~ : 15

P. :\I.- Senior C lass P ia:·.

\ \"1.:": I):\ [S U. \ Y.

J l . :\ I ~


F ifth :\illltta l F csti ,·al of ~ l u s i c SJ :OO . \ .

.\I.-O p e n .\ir 1\an d Co llt:l' rl.

10:00. \. :\I.-Co ncer t.

2:30 P. :\ I.-C hora l l ' r cludc. 3:00 1'. :\ I.- Recita l by ~ l r . !·: ,·all \\ ' ill i:llllS. 7:00

1' . .\1.- l ' rc sicl c nt's 1\cccptio n- <;o,-cn lllr and :\ Irs. :\I o re h ead. g u es ts of h (lllOr.

X:oo P. ~1.- C ra nd Con cert.

10:00 .\. ~1.- l'rc lwlc CCJ n cc rt. 10:30 . \. ~ 1.-l'ontntLn·c n : <.:Jll . \ drlrc~s :t 11rl < ;raclllati l t~ E~crc i scs.

12 :45 .\ . .\ 1.-

.\ lumni l .undt v••n an d lnclu cti <J il nf ('la s;, of


int u .\hunni .\ssociat i011.


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]untnrn l'eru '\ n rmal. a~ a ,,·h n k. i~ di,·i•k<l in t•' illltr parts . () f th ese . t h e fir~t a n d fnrc nw ~ l a re r ailed Se nior~. Tlwir t L' r ri t t~n· i:- ho un ded o n th e nor! h h 1· tl'at·h ing· p lan ~ . on the ca~t hy C\) llfcr e n r,·~. on the ~·ntth ll\· kar cn nrnnin g· fututT po~ iti o n :- . a n d '' n the \\'est by required ~ tudic s 11·h idt they m·g:kL·t ed in t h eir J u ni o r \ T ar. The ~ l'l'llllll group i~ ralkd SophPnHwe:-. a nd o i them :-tnd t h ci1· at·hieiTllH.' lt t :-; nne ,,f t h ei r lll\'n 11\tllll w r ,,·ill 1nilL'. Lik e \\'i se . it 111a1· lw ~pokcn l't Ht rcrning 1he l:n·~h 1 11L'11. ( )n th L' bnnkr:- nf their la nd ch1c ll the tribes of Trai n er~. ~pcrial~ and l 'rq1a r atoric~. Th e fm1 rth a nd grca te:-; t o f thc~e d i 1·i~ion s i~ called Junior;;. ()fal l the se the Juninrs a r c th e bra\'est and th e 11·iscst. Th e ir te rri tory i~ h o un ckd o n t h e nn r th b y th e mnttntain Psychology. ven· h igh and ~tl'ep . o n the ea~t h y the ri ve r Juni n r Fng·li sh. the 11 irks t and m n~t trcachern u ;; o f rin·r s . n n th e :-;outh h-'· 1\n t a n y L a h .. and on the ,,·e st h1· t h e dark fn rests o f ( )bse r\' at ion at HI :\ rctlwd s. Ta ks n f their jll'ti\\TSS \\'ill b e ha nded dt) \\'11 through 1he ages. the fo llm1·ing· b eing· a m ndc~t accotl llt of th e ir c hi d an· , nnp li ~hmcttt s .

O n e hundred a nd ~ix t .1· Juni o r ~. aid ed and alh·isecl b y Prnicss•1r 1\cck . m et at t h e begi n ni n g o f th i:" srhn nl yea r tn perfect t lw o r g·a niza t io n ,,f t hC' ir cla ss . It 11·as h a rd to c h nn~c fro m th e n un th e r o f 11·orthy ca n didates fnr p n ·si<lent. hut \Vm . ll n u stn n 11·as fina ll _,. ckr t cd. T h e n hi~ a~ si~ta nt cxe ru t in ·s 1\Tl'L' L·hn:'en: \'c r g· il Lehr as 1·irc prc~ id c n t: 1\lan r h c J inlllll'l' Sl ;n. ~cnct ary: and Frank llam·-'·. trea surn. Th c~L' offirns han· fa ithf ul~\· an d ahh· dirc de d th e acti1·itie ~ n f \ It (' fun i nr~ du rin g· til e \Tar. l'n1fc~~o r l kck k 1s IH·en trul y a friend t" u ~ thr•Ht g·ltout. and th e c ia ~~ fee l ~ tha t it mu,:t dn 1\'d l tn h e \\'t1rth\· nf it~ a•h ·iser.

I'; ;

O m firq ta~k 11·a s tn ge t acq uainted I\' it h each •1t h cr . ( )n t hi ~ n·~·ni t tg· ,,f ( ktnher 1 ~1. :t ftc r lessnn~ \\'l'l'l' laid a~ide. \\ ' l' asse mbled hdo re th e chapel and \\Tnded o ur 11·a_,. o\Tl' the hills lt1 the gT< li'L' nc ;u· til l' )11ani la Fruit l:;l rltl. ~< llll C'

I ':

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H•· rg"tpti~t

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Th oltt:l :'

\\" i l,;on

l'l at·y

\\"hl'll the :-;l·lw u l ,-c ar o f 10 l..J.- I .=i upc n ed at t h e Pent State 1\ o rm al. the r eg- i:-; tr;tti u n , , f tlte Supltotn nn·s \\·as ftlrty-fi,·c . Th e So p honw!·cs fr o m Ya ri ous s tall':-; " ·i ll ltllt g- r c tnctnlwr t h e l'< lrdialit _,. \Yitlt "·hi c h they \\Trt' llll't by the P ntt S o ]11t t 1111 on·s. \\" c co n s ide red mtrseln·s \T ry i<>rt ttnate itHkcd. as a da:-;:-; , t o h aY c t h e ,.;cn· i,-,. :-; u i \ lr . l l n\\'ie ;t:-; n 11 r c ia:-;,.; a<h·i sn. lie i:-; dc:-;cn·ing of much pra ise for h is L' \"LT - n ·;tdy ;11H I app ro priat e pbns an d :-; 11g·g-csti o n s : he h a~ led li S th ro ugh a m u st p ru li t abk ;11)(1 p r u:-; pcrn u :-; year. . \ t a11 l'arly date \\"l' met fn r cia,.;:-; o r ga ni za ti o n and e lected l ·~lmcr \\"ibtHI. president: "\ "ic " Jt >lll'S, , -ic e p rcs id L·nt : !'earle l...:inttln. ~ccretary: at;d 1:\ryan l ·~ nl l' tT lt. trca su rn. This \Try ahk hod _,. o f officers has faithfully .~leered our St >ph o tn n n · shi p th rough l' \"t'l"_\" kind oi \\"a i L' r. and thi :-; year \\·hic h \\"l' h an· spent t ngc t h e r a s :--;,,ph u n H1res is nne tl rat :-;hall he he ld in tntr nll'tnoric:-; as a -'"l'ar of n tan_,. pkas tJH'S. T he "Suphs" h an· figu r ed quite p n l!ni ncn tly in l'HTY line of a school e n dea\"( >r - ;tth k t ics . debating·. mu s il·al l>rg·a nization:-;. at)( ! litnan· StK ie t ics. l·: nT \'\\·h c r e h as t> tlr Sop h o nH >H' c tlt hu s ia s tn been s ho \\-11. \\"ith the good r e cord ui t his ~Tar itl tnind. \\T ,·a n hnpd11ll_,. predict ;1 brig·ht f11 l tttT fn r th e c lass uf It ) I ; . \\"e ha n· SL' Ill kttns ! tl a ltnnst t'\T ry l\\-cl n· -g-r ade ]]i gh St· lttltll <lf :\"l· hra ~ka . itl\'it in g· s t tllkllt S (tl _j oi n l 'S ;ts _l11 ni t1rS . S!l tha t \\T tn :l\· 1><.: l'\'l' ll s t ro ng·e r a n d 111n r l' s ucn·ssful th an \\·e lt;t\'l' been as SuplHl tll o rl·:-; .

(),, llu111/n ·d




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• 1



Th e Se ni ors thi n k us fo o ls . so \\'i sc t hey g row . T h e II ig h Scho o l ki d s. no d o ubt. d o think t hem so ! O r is it sai d t hat Junio r s arc lik L' \\' inc. \ Vh ich agT . \\' C k no\\'. \\' ill m cllo\\' and r efi n e? \ Ve il. let m e g ra nt the pa rallel. and a s k H o w m any year~ arc s pe n t a t t hi s g reat ta sk ? nc g ood. 0 S oph s . a nd let \\'hO w ill be cJcyer. Do no ble thi ngs. no t dream them a ll clay lo n g : 1\nd so Jet fail u n ·s. " tl u nk s" an d " 13 I'.' s" be fo rc ,·cr So me th in gs h er eaft e r absent from yo ur so n g. T h e h eig-h ts by Fres hm en r each e d an d ke pt. \\'e r e not att a ined b y s udd e n Oig ht : li n t they, ,,·h ik o ther cla ss lll L'll sil'pl. \\'ere toi lin g tq J\\ a rd ,,·it h a fli g ht.

- L :\ lJR ,\ S l i\ 11' 1\: I NS.

011c luuuln t1



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H :t S lllti~:OO: (' Jl App lr·;.:at P Stubi>S l'ol z i u 'l' ro 1 1f'l' H ic- ll n rdson



B :t t' I H .. ~


.\h l lll:\11

Tll cn H:I s I I:II ' I U:tll .\pp J.. ;.: a to· \\"i l<"lll:lll \ Y t· l lt·r ~Jqr.:.!a u I ':t ITi s ll

J: tt n·hat·<l

,\ P gPIP I'


ABB A BOWEN . Class 1\ ch ·is er O FFICER S H ome r Sc hw t: nk cr Lu e lla Bar nes La u ra Ri c hard , o n

P r r.:s irknl YiCl·· l' n ·,: id c.: nf Sn: re l a r y - Tr ca s u rl' r

If it be tru e that happy classes . lik e ha p py na t io n s . ha ve s hnr t b iographi e s . the n t he sp ec ials may be co n s id ere d a ver y happ,· cla ss. O nr Yea r h as been une,·cntful. bu t o u r ,,·cekly mee tings have served to bring u s in lc) pleasa n t con tact \Yith one anoth e r a nd to lea,·e u s a sto re o f m e m o ri es. l ~spc cial l _, . we s h a ll remember " ·ith g rat it ud e o ur Ln1c frie nd a nd ad vise r . .\ I iss 1\ o\\T JL \ Ve a rc pro ud o f t he fa ct t hat t h is yea r's s p ec ial c la ss is t h e la rgest eve r regist ered . Hccau se a numb er of to\\·n s pco plc carry ing o n ly o n e s ubj ect h ave no t ident ifi ed thc m seh ·cs \\· it h tlw o rg aniza tion. t he class ha s co n s is ted chi e A:· o f members o f t he reg u la r bo dy o f stude n ts. Early in th e year ,,. e d ecid ed to imi tate la s t \'Ca r s r: rcshm a n l'la ss . a nd o r gani zed into t \\'t) gro ups-t he 1\eds and th e 1\lue s -\\·hic h \\·e re t o he J·cs p o n s ihlc alternate ly fo r the weekly programs. Th e g-roup lead e r s, \\'ith t h e p1·og-ram committee. ha\'e \\'o rkecl JH>hly . an d it is due to t heir e fforts and t h e loyalt y o f t he member s in helpin g ca rry o ut t h eir pla ns that t he p rogram s have be e n so


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r '

l it • \\'t'l't'

~l t' illZl' l '

~1• ·\"illi••


B ihlci·

~d l \\"t'llli: t'l"

ll •·nlh'r

\\"illhltu s

Lea h t•y

Ca rro ll

\·t·rn on ~1.1'<'1''

('anoll Rowen

§prrtaln an!l Jrrparatorn e n te r tai ning·.


k t\'C

lis t ened to severa l good musical numbers and have

h eard mam· interesting cu rr ent eYents and p ersonal experiences.

Amo ng the

1-acult_v . Pro fe ssors C regg. Delzel l. \ Vilson . and :\[iss Bowen. have given us


practical talks at ,·arious tim es. Reverend Carma n told us about his experiences in child ren's \I' Ork in se\·era l cities. :\l so \Ye haYc be en g-racio usly e ntertai ned \\·ith mu sic . readings . a nd info rmal ta lks b~· a n umber o f students from oth er classes. \ Vc arc lnnking· f()r11·ard to t\\'l) pleasant c\·ents. the class picnic and an informa l c \·en in g- to he h e ld during the closing \\'Ccks o f the school year. \\'c h ope that next yea r 11·ill bring· man\· of o ur members bac k to o ld Peru.

(}nr httu tln d ~'iC / " (



!l a n non

Toft B er ger IInrm on ;\f oul South G rall' Cow e ll

~! organ

T of t Lowrey l l o l brool; Hulbert

C rawfo 1·d

HUI'l' t•e lh run I 1 IH <·cl' Hnsm11 sscn I I 11 ffm nn ;\!aln q uls t G l"l mcs \\"!lem o n

Yo unl;lu

Wratnrr.a 0 1-1-ICERS Class A d viser Presiden t Treas ure r Secretary :\o rmal ite R epo rter

Elizab eth C ra w fo rd :\ [y rtl e Cowell C la ra J I ar man L eona L o wn· J ess ie (;rim es

O ur class of t\\·e nty-t hree m e mbers has r ece ived more ad vantages thi s yea r than a ny othe r t ra ine r class that has ever go ne o ut fr o m th e l)eru State No r mal. O ne of t he a dva ntages, b esides th e courses gi ve n in J Lo m e Ecu n o mi cs a nd :\Ianua l Tra ini ng, is t he seri es o f ad dresses o n "'Rural L ea de rs hi p ," g-iven b y differe nt membe rs of the F acul ty.

In the se ta lk s ,,.e h ave h ad p oi nte d o 11t t o

us the importance of the teach er a s a communit y lea der in soc ial, ci v ic, and cul tural li nes. \11/e are goi ng o ut wit h t he h o pe o f b ri nging· condi t io n s in cou n t ry life up to a higher and better standard thro u g h thC' e ffecti ve wo r k we h o p e to tl<, in ou r schools.


'"""ln·!l ciu l•t


I I TI·::\'Tl l \\'ill i:I IIIS I·:mlltL't't

Trot I L'I' )lo noY:tn

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I' I

,! 'I II I

"\ \'hl·rc di d l hL·y all Cl'n1L' i rL)Ill ?" "\\'ho 1" that big fc llo"· d0\\'11 then·. fa ll in' 1111 t hl· h all?" ··J.1 tnk at that guy run!" .. Did Yl111 L'l·e r ~L'e so man\' hu~kiL· ~ a ll in une bu t11.:h ?" Th l·:o;c arc h ut ;t f1·\\· • ,f th e rcmat·k" heard nn the athletic tick! during: tlw lir:o;t fe\\' nig·ht:o; of fl,llthal l pral·ticc. ThL'Y ;lrL' quotations \\· h ic h came frClt~l the h ea rt~ of all t lw fan~ in scho,,J. It h a s been t h L' carne;;t \\·i:; h o f the foo tball cnthu ~ia" t". ~incL' la:o;t fal l. that thi~ .n·ar \\·ould bring furth material of exceeding Yaluc. a n d lu. their prayl'r,; ha1·L' been ans1Ycred! This ;;tatcment ncL·cls n o \\~rit ten prupf ~i n l·L· 1\'L' ha1·c all h cL' n L'YL' \\· itt1c;;"l'~ and ktHl\\' t hat our team madl· a 11·1•tHkrful "h1111·ing· in L' l·n~· game. ThL·rc arL' pn, l>al>ly thrCL' \'cry importan t rca" utt:; for thi" good r ccurd. a nd it 1\'0uld hL' HTY difticult t o ~ay 11·hich is th e great<.:~t. r-ir~t. 1\'e IYOuld ment io n the training· \\·hich the team rccL·i ,·cd at the hands of Coac h Johnson. ~l'l'OtHI. a~ ha;; already been intimated. the ~u pcrb ma t erial 11·ith 1\'hich th e Coal· h had to 11·nrk: and last. but certainly no t least. is thL' ''scrub team." \\'c 1\'nuld apn],,gizc f1H· tt sing tlii::; odiou~ 11·orcl in conn ect ion 11·it h o ur sl'nH1d team a~ thne 11·erL' n n "~crubs" in t he ent ire squad. The tu ssels \\·hic h t ook pl:tl'l' in th e practit'L' scri nnnagl·;; 1\' Crc 11·ort h th e price of a sc h ed ukd game: and l>ftt' t1 ha~ the auth o r. with nt h crs, ~!Pod upon t h e bank and li ste ned tu the t·otntnand;; of Captain Tilt(ln as h e sho ut ed out th e bloo clcurclling o rder."( ;rah ·l·m by the ca r~!"

T I I E C.\ ~lES T h e ~cason. a~ a 1\'hPk. has hcL'n a rL'l'l' nl uf wh ich c\'e ry loyal P c nn·ian is j u stly proud. a nd thi ~ IHhlk 1\·nuld IH>t IlL· l'ltntpkte 11·ithout a lll 0 I'C o r less det aile d account of each gainl'. Tint ~. \\·it h pka~ure. \\'C L'rect the fllll011·ing l'l'rhal nl o nttn1 t'nt t u o ur li1·ing· war ri o r s.

T il E T.\RklO

(; . \~ I E

The tir:o;t game of t he ~l·a~nn \\·as played upo n nu r hP n tc fi l'ld \\·ith o ur fri e iHls from \ I is~ ouri. They came ol'l'r full 1>f the s pirit fnr 1rhich their state is rep u ted. and u ur hoy~ callle bark ll'ith r eal \'chra;; ka " pe p." fur the p urpose nf " slHl\\·ing· t h e m." ll'h ic h they did n : r:· s u cces~fully. I \·ru wa~ .~· i n·n t he ],ick -nff and the game lwg<ttl. T a rki o'~ rl'turn 11·as fairly g·11od hut they 1\'L'l'e suon held f1tr d nw n:o; and then it ,,·as n ur turn. Th e hall \\·as in Tarki n ' s tcrr itury m ns t 1>i the timc and nftl'n ll't' c:-:pcrted ttl see our tl';ttl1 push O\' l'l'. Inti \\·h e n th l' critical momen t cantl' t he ~lis..;nuri a ns g at hered pltll'k a nd stnud fa st. llmn' ITr. in tht• third quarter. ( knlt'nt~ . m1r ( lrll'y. d vL· ided it \\·as time to quit fP1tl it 1g. .\l'c llr d in g:ly . lte ran up itt fr1>nt t>f the pttnter. a~ if thnc ll't'tT n" lith·. :ttHI hlt>d.:vd a punt. l:u t that isn't all. f1>r he pich·d u p tltv h;tll atH I procl'cdc d !1> pia~· hitp-s kip-and -juntp. until hl' h;td p;t:-"l'd thl' g·,,a ] lin e.




In the Jn can t:J !W. hi la ri t ,. rci.t.:· n c d s u p r c 111 v up o n thv ku1 ks . and c1·c n if n" 1111 c kn c11· ·· ,,· h at ·· li v ,,·;t,; dr, in g·. h l: kn ew " " ·11\· ... Th e la st quartn ,,·as al so a ':vn· intn\'s t ing· a 11 d profitable o n <: for l 'cru. T h is ti111 c it ,,· a ~ Ian d a ,,.!J CJ b ecam e se r io u s and whe n t h a t I:, di\.'111 ian g-et,; an1·t!1i n.~· int<J hi s head it tak e:; n J•, r e t h a n ,,·,m l:; (() g·c t it o ut.

It is th is bu ll-d o g· dct e nn inat io n t !J;tt h a s put



Janda 11·h ere h e is and m ade hin1 a gTL·a t f, '' otl>all player. \\.<: a rc a ll pr<iud of \·inc<: n t and t h••u.~ht it o 1JI.' · ju :;t ll'hL'I l h e 11·as chosen o n the Cra n d Isla nd .\11-Sta tc t ea111. 1\ut le t u s fi n is h this g·;lln C. .-\ s we said befo re. J an da beca nH.: se riou s a nd s •nnch o11·. 11·e can' t t e ll ex actly. he just s tarted o u t o n a g·a ll o p and tran1pkd upl!n e n ·ry l> o rl y 111 1l il h e 11·as ready t o fall ove r th e lin e , 11· h ic h 11·as e asy c:nuugh aftc:r h e had r c:ac iH.:d it. T hi s e n de d t he sco rin g fo r t h e d ay. I'er u had til e: b eautiful sum of 13 poi nts, 11·h il e Ta r kio h ad a seem: s i1ni lar in s hap c t o th e ir foot bal l. w ith j u st as mu c h in it.


\\'E S LI~ Y . \\: C.\~ IE

\ \'c e n c•>tlntcrc cl o ur most fo rmi d a hk fo<.: t h e scco nd game o f t h e season. whi c h. p e rh ap s . 11·a ,; ra l hcr u n fnrtun a t c. since o ur team had n o t had t ime to d evc: lr,p its b est t eam 11·o rk . Ou r m e n 11·ere al so dcpri,·ed of m a n y p ra ctices by rai ny 11·cathcr. 11·h ilc the Coyl) t es 11-c r c no t h ampe re d hy th e atmos ph eri c co ndition s sin ce t h e ir a t hletic licld is on san dy soil and has a b etter loca tion th an u nrs. llo \\-cvcr. r q .:·ardlcs s o f t h ese d iffinJI t ics . 11·e still m a intai n tha t we gau.: \\' c:slcyan ··a r u n fo r th<.:ir n HII H:y " an d t he.'· had to 11·ork fo r ev<.: ry h it th ey m ade. \\"ecl<:yan made all o f their p o ints. nin e teen in al l. d uring t h e firs t part nf th e gam e. T h is g·"cs to s h" " . t hat t h e prestige o f their fo r m e r reputa tion had s tr; ckc n fear into t 11<.: he arts of o ur 11·a rrio r ,; and c o n sequ e ntly they 11-cre u n ab le to do t hei r b e s t until t h<.:y had a firJll e r hold upo n th eir co urage. \:c,·erthel ess . ou r t e am chu11·cd up \\Til in this g·alllc a nd sc,·e ral o f t h e m e n deserve sp ecia l m e ntion . \Ve 11·erc


e~ pec ia lly

p ro ud o f o ur e nd s . !\alsto n a nd ll a n e1·. "\\' ah' ' 11·as g-i\-c n nc di t fur b e in g the best a nd "hcadi L· ~ t" e1HI t ha t had n cr playe d ( Jil t h e \\.<.:slcyan li cld . in in te r -c nllcg·iate. T h i;; triln: t <.: 11a~ paid h im by .\ ss is talll Coa c h !I armon ,, f th e State L 'n i1-cr ~ i t 1·. "\\.ah" 11·as also c ho sen as a n cn rl on t\\., l .-\11 ~t a tc team!'. Such pra i!'c <!'' h e ha s n:cein·d wrn llrl pr<l habl y rui n a less b ala need co r tex. Tig·c 11·a s also a " star" in t h is g alll e. Il l· plan· <I a \\·o n derful gall ~<.: 1mti l aiJ" u t th ree mint Jtes b efo r e t11L' end u f ti ll' cont(· ~ t. ~~- h \.· n lw s prained IJi ..; ankle so sn-ercl 1· t ha t h C' was



il 'I



f .

ottl th e n ::-;t nf thL· sea~\> tl. T hi,.; acl·ident \\"as a g-real disappllint tlll' nt tn c\·cry\1ttL' as ,,·e had L'X pcctcd \\"O ndl'rfnl ''"' >rk from Tig-e. II n,.; l•l n. LOl), s ho\\"L'd ttp \\"l'l l in thi:; ga m e a~ he h:1d itl tilL· Tarki o game. IIi :-; expc ri cnl'L' as a baskethall playe r ,.;l'l' nls to haYc tna<k him c:'pl'cially ada pted tt l h a ndling th e a ir-li lkd q~·g· . Til [

DO :\:\ E. G.\ :\ IE

Thi :-; hattie ,,·a~ preceded by a rally du rin g th e chapel period. ft \ras at this till tl' t hat l 'rni. ~ntith :;arc hi:-; fantou:-; l1 rati on upo n '"The F lood ... lt \Yas a !-Jll'l' l·h uf ,,·ntHkrful organi za tio n and \Yill. no doubt. he ha nd ed dmn1 to Jh)~­ tl·rit ,.. \\.l' arc :-;nrry to say. it has n•)L hecn ad<kd ll) thl' cu rri ntlt un nf our e du catio na l institutions. F n1m the :-;ta ndpoint of entertainml'tll , the Dl1anc g·ame ca:-;il y h l·ads the list. It ,,·as inten·sting from a folHhall s ta nd po int a nd a dec ided no,·elty to a lmost creryone present. The cause o f the extrem e amu:-;e nlClll ,,·as t he cond itio n o f th e a thletic field. The mud ,,·as about t\\·o inc h es deep. a nd in many places th ere ,,·ere ponls o f \\'ater. T his di sagr eea ble circumstance did not see m tn affec t th e m en . lw\re rer. as ea ch o ne took his positi o n and made an effo rt to s ta r t a s soon as the ball \\·as s napped. Th <' t hird quarlcr \\'as the o ne in \Yhic h our hope:-; w ere brought to the highes t pitch. The firs t half had hcen featured o nl:· by s traig ht football a nd mud th rmri ng. During th e third quarter. ho \re,·er. J ones beg·an to call fo r s hift-plays and a ma rch ,,·as m ade across that til'l<l. equa l in fa m e to that o f ( , eneral Sherman. lt d id not end quite sn satis factory. t ho ugh, as \Ye did not ,,·in the ,,·ar by it. :\erenheless. \\'e gave Doane a scare fro m ,,·hich thl'Y have not yet r ecoveree!. It \\'as duri ng· t hi s ga m e that Ree \·cs di ~ tingui sh cd him self. Especially should he be giren credit fo r his defe n sive ,,·ork. H e ,,·as a l\\'ay s ready to start and ,,·he n he hit . the ot her icl lo\\' \\·as al\\·a,·s t he su ffe rer. Hul t man also played a great game. bu t tha t \\'as nothing um1sua l fo r him . li e \\·as ah\·a.\·s th e sam e an d never fa iled his tcamtttatc s \\·he n t he.'· expected som ethin g- from h im. ( )n t he ki ckoff. it \\·as not hi ng out o f the o rdina ry to sec Hultman tackle t he ma n before he had s tarted ,,·it h the ball and ,,·hen it cam e tn charg-ing. he ,,·as equa l to a ,,·ar horse. T h e last q uarte r brought no change in the scor e. II mn' nT. \\T \\-ere highl y complimented. indire cth·. b,· the ,·isi to rs. s ince they hcl·ame very conceited m-c.r th.c fac t tha t they had held tts to a nn-snlrl' game.



Til E

(; 1{ .\.\"IJ

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L .\:\11·:

\ Vhen c• ur team ld t fqr < ;rattd l ~l: tnd \\call l'' JlL·riL·nn:d th e effec t of fearful fr,re buding~ . \\'v \\T r v .:. .:- r va tl y r e li c,·L· cl . in fac t pro ud, \\'h <.: n \\'l' found Cllll ltr J\\' 111i ~ p l a n·d r•ur ka r :-: ha d bee n. O ur m e n pla_,·<.: d th l'i r u ~ u a l goo d. d ea n !.!':tlllL'. o r p r o bably a little better than u ~ ual. .' \nt ~o t lt l' ir o p prlJ IL'nt :-:. It \\'as durin g- a very cri ti cal and ho peful 1111 11l lL'll t t h;tt ( ';tp tain L o ng \\·as s t ruck unc11ns c i<H JS by ' lllc 11f t h e (;ran d 1:-;land m e n. l..o ng \\·a s o nly a s lvn·t distance fr(Jill th e gr 1al ,,.hL'll t he acc ident occ urred. The I 'c: ru team had a Jit lthn di sach·atttag·l' " ·it It '.dt iL· h to conte nd s in ce they m ade th e trip thc ~am e clay that th e ga1ne ,,·a ,.; pla ye d. ;tnd it's a "righ t s mart \\'alk' ' o ut th e re . Ta k ing c\Trything in to c un :-; idnat i<ll l. it seems th e Baptists have no th ing to b oast ove r . if t hey rlid g et t \\·o to u c h-d ()\\·n :-; .


By th e \\'ay, have yo u see n that big tall l) u tch lllan :- <>It! y cs. yo u ~a\\· hint in th e o th er foo tball ga m es. \ Vei l, he played in t hi~ (llll' a nd pla _,·ecl it ri.t:·h t. 1\:o hlcr never sa \\' a foot ba ll ga m e until hc ca mc l11 I 'cru. bu t I he \\·a y h e ralllJll ccl hi s head into that other cen te r' s so lar plexu s \\·a~ sn JnL·thitt g· :-:can clalntl s . li e became mi g hty effic ie nt at this bus in ess bdo rc th e sea so n \\·a s on·r. :\n d re \\'S \\·as th e re w it h ab o ut o ne hundred e ighty -fin· p <1 ll1Hb. al s o. Th e re is no yello \\' st reak in :\nd y. \Vhy. h c lt acl ju ~ t fini s hed kntJckin g th e snc l'~ o ff o f foot ball playe r s \\' hen h e ldt sc ho o l to face 111atri - l>ut _,., >Ll k1 1<'". all abo ut that. Till ·~ COT.\" I ~ !~ G :\:\1 E \\'e didn 't do a t hi ng t o Cotn er but take r e venge . for las t .n ·ar's defeat, b y beating the m 27-7. T o start off the thing let us recall th e fi rs t CJUartc r. Yo u reme mber t he ti m e and the place. I t \\·a s a bo ut fr ll tr Jlli nu tes a fte r th e first \\'hi stl e tha t \\'a h. t he litt le fa t man. " ·a s sta ndi ng a ll un g uard ed a nd Lon g "slipped" hi m t he hall. Y n u recal l ho"· h e ran th nsl' s i x ty ya r cls an d p lante d t h e ball behind the goal po s ts j u ~ t to s h P \\' the m ho\\· L·a sily it co ulcl be d o n e . V Ic d id n't \\'a n t a ny m o re t ha t half beca use it " ·as too harcl Oil th e m e n to run s o far before the,· \\'Cre " ·arm ed . Th e third qu a rt er l>rm1ght tt s a n o th e r co unt e r and t he last bro ught t\\·o. J us t imagi ne. if yo u can. " ·hat th e sco re w o uld ha\'l' been ,,·er e th e ga m e di,·ided into fifty pa rts !




:.rcLean ,,·as "a(· tin g up" a t ce n tcT in thi s g·attll'. :\ l a c ca nt l' t•• ti S a s a ve te ran . ha \·ing pla _n·d four yea rs o il t h L· 1:ai rb ury llig·h ~l' ht )<>l ll'am . li e \\·as the s ize and sinL " . \\'hich made us ex pect g r eat t h ittg:-; frr >Il l h im. I I e pro\·ed to he a to\\'l'r o f str engt h allcl a 11 immm·ahlc li ne man. :\11 ha il \! c- L ea n. th e presen t H erc ules. Ga n zel is anoth er ()four men "·ho is "th e re a nd o \·c r .'' ( ;an ca 111 e t11 us from \\'es lc_,·a n " ·he re h e had \\'tJrk ed " ·it h th e football tca111 . Tn t he Cotn cr g a m e h L' pn H'l'l' rk d [ r,

() nc It "'"lt·ctl 81"'term



II i I












til l'

bull -d og-~

ho w to gl' t d o\\·n t he field for punts and didn't c~·a~~· ,,·ith tht: Cotner ga m e . hut 1> 11 th~· .... , Hllrar:·. it ,,·a~ r~·ally tilt• bloomi ng· tlf t he b ud. a~ ht· kq11 thi~ g"<'<>d \\·urk up duri1 1g· t he rl'~l o f t he St'ason. p:t~~~·~ .

IIi~ ~·:-.: h ihiti<lll

( )ut Ill I, ...·a rnt:y. Til t• ~t;llc·~ (k~t'l"t land. \\.t'lll ,1ur f,l ,Hbal l t,·;un .\nd th e l'cru :\,>r mal !:and.




Til,· n : ...·r,· rt·nd k,·ti <nl .,f th <..' l( ...·anl t'_\" g·anl<..' i!' !'tilhcit•nt tll bring tea rs to th e eye!' <~i all l\·n1\·i;1n~. an d t·::p . .·,·ially t•' t lhl~t· w ho ;; uffcrcd the tortu re of witnc;;!' ing· th v g·;tnl<..". I i <..'\"lT <.."t tr;; ...·,: uf th <..' (;od,; \H' rc call ed d0 \\"11 up o n a pt•oplc it wa!' d< lll<..' 1>.,. tilt· 1'l'rn ,·i::it .. r ,; at " . .·arn . .·.'"The ,,· vkum~· ,,.,. n·cein·d " ·a;; all ,,..... nll tld a,;k. but that ,,·ith the t reatment during· th e g-;tlllL' rt' lll indt•d 11:: ni the ,,·,d i in the ::tt~ ry 11i Litt k Rt•tl l{idi ng·hl1 \H l. 1t i;; tn 1t our p olicy tP ;ttt t•tn pt t<l L':>: plain n ur ddt•at b y un fa ir play. hut ou r <ks irc fur lh t· truth makt'!' it nn·v,;,:an· to recn rd the had <kcisiotb \lf t he rderce wh ich a ln tH.' \\T tT t h t• can,;,· uf !(t•ar;lt'\··,: ,·icton·. It i~ to be reg-r etted tha t the l(t•arn cy athletic pt'\l)lk n:: . .·d :'1t,·h 1111,;r judg·m ...:nt in t h e sclecti~n uf a n arbiter. T n tnak e a rn·nnl of the g-antt• mal, ...·;; u ,; hlu,;h ,,·ith a :-;cn se of di sg-r ace because \\"l' han.· thi ;; ::i;;ter H·hnnl. in nam ...·. \Yh<> is guilty of ;;uch a de ed . The "earney tt•am \H >ll by lmc t tl 11t"h-d,) \\"1l. ,,·h icl t \\"lHtl tl not h aYL' been a bad d efeat. if \\" C had n n l had the rcfcn·c to play agaimt in addit ion to t h e team. The i( l'arttl'.' . Cnat·h vcr:· g ra c io usl y co n tplime nt c cl our tca n1 a n d c,; pcc ia lly m e ntioned llan l"_\". !{alst o n. S andb erg and Ca ptain Lo ng. lit• gayc llanl'y credit for being th e best tackle th at had e\Tr played On the !(ca rn e .\· field . ft \\"aS \"Cry r eadily bcli t'H'd b y th o,;e \\"It o had seen him pl ay. O n th e ta ckle a rn u nd play h e got throug·h fur his di sta nce cYc ry titn c . P at ha s been elected Ca pt ain for 19 15. \\'t• bcli t'\"C him ,,·or t h:· o f th e lwnnr and kn m \· he is equa l to t he positio n. Capt ai11 L o ng and Sa ndb erg. accnrcling to th e K ea rney Coach . ~ho ul d be cla ssed ,,·ith J o hn so n of \\" cs lcyan. and this is no m ean cotnplime n t. \\'c qu ite agree \\"ith th e Coac h and \\"hal g i,·es us g r eat pleas ure is t he fact t ha t t hese two grea t half-bac ks ,,·ill , in all p rubahilit:·, b e with u s nex t \Ta r.

Tll E YORK G.\\ IE Ucing a vny co nsc ientio us peo pl e. ,,.e pause to co n side r before crit icizing this game. .\11 those ,,·ho \\·itne;;scd th e game felt as if ,,·e \\·e re taki ng candy


from a baby, but o ur team had no m ercy. Th e second t ea m played the first half and scored a lon c h- clc•\\· tt 11·hile York was unable to eve n threaten a score. The sc~·nncl ha lf th e '\ 'arsity wer e turned loose and they ra n l h e scor e up to R;. Our firs t team scored more points a.~·ain st Y~Jrk in th e o ne half than K ea rn ey had made again s t th e sa 111v team in a full ga m e. Ash to n was a g ood ground gainn in this g·a tn c. \Vh e 11 he go t a11·a:: he had to carry th e ball and run his o11· n interfc rc nCl' l>c~·a usc no one could kee p in front nf him. \Vh en it co mes to speed. Tomm_,. is there. J o nes s ho uld also he cr edited for his ge nerals hip. n ot o n ly in l itis g-antc l>nt in all o f them . \'i c's head \\'as al11·ays 11· o rking during th e game a tHI nothing escaped his notice. l-Ie was a demon at n:covering the ball and o ft en 111a d e g-oocl gai ns a t critical m o ments.

SECO:\IJ T t\Rlo\'f() G ,\:\ IE. This ga m e s ho uld not be co nsidered. sin ce 11·e ha d sho\\'11 Ta r k io how th ey con1parccl \\·ith us, but since they sc c n1 to ha ve inlpro ,·cd,


in o ur ju s-

tice, deem them 11·o rth y of a seco nd notice . The trip to Tarkio 11·as made on Thanksgiving clay. Of cou rse t hat mean t the bo ys must g iYe up th e ir dinner. Thi s di sappointment, togethe r with th e strenu o us t ri p . 11·as s ufficie nt to take away mtH.:h of their v igo r. Cap ta in Long \\ClS also o ut o f the game becau se o f a bro ken ankle, 11·hich 11·as a11r1thcr ite m


Our luntt/ J N/ f' i{lltlt(' U





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\ ' .\1:!'-> ITY FOUTJ:.\LI.

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in th e di-;;Hh·antage column. These hindrances proba bly arc resp o nsible for o ur failing to scor e. hut ,,.e arc glad to ~ay that Tarkio fare d no better. \ Ve mcn tinn \\·a_,·llright. alone . in connection ,,·ith this g-ame as \YC believe h e is \\· u rt hy nf the <list inct ion. 11 e \\·as the nw~t cn n~i ~te nt g ro und g-ain er we h ad. This \\·as true of him a ll sca~nn and kiJO\Ying hi ~ disposition . \\'C are no t surp r i~cd that he should keep up his rcputatit> n until th e last. \\'h e ne n·r \\'ayll ri g-ht \\'as ca lled upon to pcrfonn. you co uld bet you r hat o n hi~ carrying: t h roug-h the stunt. and need not \\·o r ry about going- ho me bareheaded. \ Vt• haYc no criticisms to make about our full-hac k. hut \\'l' do han: man,· \\·o rds of prai se . \ Vc <Ire pruud l\1 ha,·e him in o ur class. hut regret t hat l'cru must lo se s uch a valia1I t kiiig:ht of the gridi ro n. This game t·uncluded the scasu n's schedule. a nd \\' he n \\·c pau~c to think of its \\'Oll<krful results. \\T kel that this attempt tu rcrnrd it ts more nearly sacrileg-e than an honorarY Illl'III Orial.

H . L. S.

.)-Tarkio . . . . . .... o ( lcto hcr l)-- \\'cskyan .. . . .. llJ ( ktollcr 1 6-1)ua m · . . . . . . . . . o ( lctolle r <ktl\hcr 2_)- (;rand lsl:lltd . . . 1.) :\o\'l' Illllcr 1.)- l(canit·y .. . .. . . . 2 1 :\o\Tt11hcr 20- \'nrk ... . ..... . o :\' l\'l'Illhc r 2(1- T a rk io . . . . . . . . . o

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An organization whose incorporation dates hack almllst ha If a Cl'11 t 111·y. and which numbers among its members some of the 1111 1st distingnishcd people of this and other States, needs no introduction t() those who kno\\' of I •ern.

It is nothing unusual to record that Philo has hacl a snccessful year. hnt this one, judging from the entertaining and instructive prog1·ams


have list-

ened to, would seem to have been the acme of achievement. One reason for this is that Philo has no drones, there is a pn •vision that each Philomathean must in turn make his appearance on the pn ,gTant. which he is glad to do. The presidents, Joseph I<Iima and E. E. Ericson, have at all times had the interests of the Society at heart, while the chairmen of the progTaln con1ntittee, Grayce Teich and ll ope ~\I utz, together with their faithful co-laborers, ha vc performed unusually efficient service . .i\Iiss Rose Clark, our adviser, has had the enthnsiasm of the young-c1· n1cn1bers coupled \dth years of experience as a loyal Philomathean, and the value of her guidance in the affairs of the Society cannot he nver-cstintated. \Ve look forward with plcasun· to the fi ftict h ann ivcrsa ry of Philo and plan to have a big Philo Home-Coming at that time.

Hnr. l11mtlrfll



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In these days of economic and indnstrial progrl'SS, many pee •pll' an· beginning to sense the need of a college education.

This edncation n11nprisl's tnc 1rc

than merely a knowledge of subject matter. The world is looking fot· nwn and women who not only have a splendid academic career and strong reasoning powers. hut who are in coniniand of ideas of social development and ability to express themselves before the ptthlic. ( >ne's education cannot be completed until he has attained some knowledge of the social aim of present-day peclagogism. The student, whatever his aspirations may he, who eXJH'cts tc • sttccccd, must be a leader in the social circle as well as in the otlwr v;u·ic 1tts phases of the school-room activities; he mnst have ability to express himself clcady and vividly to the people with whom he deals. Jn order to meet this clcn1and. to enable the student to learn to express himself in public. litentr.\· societies haYe been organized.

It was with this purpose in view that E\·erett I .it crary Society

was founded in 1872. Since the elate of its organization it has hl'etl the ain1 of every member to make the society one worth while. .\ftet· a few years of sttccessful meetings held in one ()f the class-rooms. the society was given the rnon1 it now occupies. This year the members of the organization have ~tt·ivcn to make the tncetings worth while in an educational way. ( )n the other hand. entct·tainnH:nt of a diversified character has received its full share of attention. flrogran1s to suit special occasions have been g-iven: witty debates have spiced the evening's entertainment on various occasions. X ot a little can he said of the good titncs we have enjoyed at the different social functions, in which the hovs and girls took their turns in entertaining- each other. Although the year's work has been prufitahle. we hope that next vear will be even more successful than the one just passed.




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§.rutur 1ll.rltutrr.s. 1915 ··In ar ;~ nin ;..: . t• " '· "cle h ate· r~· ''" t:e·d hi,; ,;kill. F <> r e\·n t h o~ ,.:lltqui,he·d. he· c-ntdd ar~ue· ,;t ill! I i, w o~rd .' ., j le·:trnvd kngth ami thllt Hkring o'<'III HI . \n ta lc cl the· "k:•rn e·d d:to'o'l ll :ttc·,;· rangc·•l ar<>tliHI. ..

I I,· l1att hrttdd,-r 1<• ( >k· ( lk:-;,ltl. lie \\·as the c1a:-;:-; p t•ct a n d ,·alc dicturian o f lti:-; cl:ts:' :tl ! >akd:tk. Tau,.·ln :-;chc•nl a tlll tllbl' r uf H'ar:-; at 1\ri:-;tO\Y . and 1\crlin . ;~·· •l tnarrinl. :tncl nH :n ·d I \·ru. I I,· is class j)llL:t uf the class n i tl)IS. \Yas a tt :l· tnher llf the< ;,,spl·l lL';tnt. ,,f t h,· t ·h uru:'. ni t he l ;kc Cluh. o f theY . :\1. C. .-\. qt·;trtvlll', atH I is ;tt pn·sl' ttl preside n t ,,[ tiH· l'hilumathL·an Litnary Society. I k l•; ts hn· tt ekl·ted l<l the· ~U]lL'ritllL'tHkncy uf t h e 1\attk Crt.'l'k C'ity sclwnls fnr ttl· ~t \ "l·ar. \ l r . l·: rit·s••n h:t:' the rare· lH ' ''·~.·r tl• lm ld iriencl,; in the midst o f n •at t \· :!L'l' tllll!'li:-; l! n :v n t:-;. I l l· i:-; a irivnd nf all . and all arc his friend:-: . · :: n • o n e . I I,. i.s a n ;tel i' ,. t~'' n ~ hn ' ,f t h t.• dcl>;tt ittg· :-;n c ic t y.


I\< >Y \\·. '' l~ LLI ~ Y "I t i- 1101t " ·"rk that kill,; 111c·n . 1t ~,; wnrry. \\·,,rry i,; r u ,;t up n u til ~· h la<le·. Y <•ll can ha r dly pnt lll<~rc· \\·,.rk IIJHlll tll:tll th;nt he· i,- abk tn hear. It i ~ n · t the· rc\"tlln t io n th a r ck,;troy , the tllat·ltine r y- it" ,; the iric tinn."

\ I r . "d in · h:ts " ·"rkvd his " ·a,· th r Pttgh t h e ~chnnl an d \\T art• all pro ud o f ltit tt ft ;r it. I i~.· \\·a:-; a ls(l th~.· cb:-;s. pul'l ,;f t he class o f ll)Ol) in th e L~.·:-; i ngt on lli~·h ~,-h<HJI. I I,· taug·lt t rural sclwol:-; :-;eH·r al H'a r :-; an d n e xt Year \Yill b e principal,,[ thl· lligh ~d t oul a t Lmtp C ity. 11 e. has al\\·ays tak ~·tl an act i\"C part i tt t h,· ck h;tt ing· ;ts ,n·l l a,- t h e literary :'tll.'il'ty. l ie is a reso urc eful d e b ater. yet he i,- al\\·ay:-; rl'ad~· ttl t r~.·at his t)ppn n cnt ,,·itlt utmo st r e spe ct and co urtes y . .-\ ltlm t t~_Jt it rl·tpt ircs a \\·all' ,,j f"ur tniks he i!' p r ompt in m eeting his class ()hl ig-at it •n s. \ 11 :-:;~ 1\I RD II ~ ~:\ I DER

"\len 1111 1~ t h~· taught a ~ ii you tau g ht tht'lll ll tl\ . . \nd thing,; unkll •l\\'11 p r .. pn ,;c·d a ,; thing ,; inrgnt. "

\li s s ~nidn is ;t :\L· hraskan. ~he \\·as b o rn at l~a ssett . and Iter h o m e is t:tl\\. at l:l,•H·nc,·. alt h ough :-;he ha~ liYcd in :\cbra~ka Cit,· . where she g-ra duate d fro nt t h e l l ig·h ~c l ltttd in tt;to. \\. h ill' :-;he \\"as in the llig·lt S c hool slt.e too k a n al·ti,-c part in dch;tting attd \\"as on the I n t er 1 -li~· h :-:;clwo l deba ting ~qtt a d. ~he has h ad thrc,· year< n:pcricn,·c as a tL·adtcr. She is esp e cia lly prcpari n.~· her:'elf ft~r bttguag,· and l ~ngl ish ll'ac h ing. ~ h e \\·as a membe r nf th e d e bating cb ~ ,- :tnd ga,·v her t ;tlk s :'ll snHH•tlll y that at fi r :-;t t h e class tlwug·ht th e \· \\"<.' IT c •llll ll lit tl'd. ~It,· is t hl' '~ttly g irl to repre:-;c n t the hig·hn das:-;c s in the J tt ni o r ~ v tti , ,r cklt a tit t ~· arena. \II~~


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Ill all .; arc 1nnrc· t Ita 11 c o r11net ~ . . \nd ,; i111ple· iaith t han :.z,rllla ll bloo d ."

:\ I i:-;,- l: earic ,,f ~''"ani has ha d a yaried c~pcr i ct!l'l' as s t u d e n t and t eachn. \\ .lt i!e itt t it ,· .\ca d e ttt\· ;tt \\ .csll',an s he too k an al'lin· interest in cl n nll ion an d '' r :ttt 1ry. :ttH I \\·h ill' pr~ t tl·ipal at l.k l· sit,· tonk a n al·tiH' intn cst itt <kha t itl g . In til v prl'litni n :tn· shv va,;i ly \\·tnt a place. lll' r hc•hlt,·. aiiYa\·s direl·tn,·ss n f :ll·t!·lt lltl'ttt. ;tt td " ·l• .. !v- lil':trtL·d rebuttal. .\11 dl'hatc l111<·r,- \HT~· ""'"~"'. " ·h e n :-;l w ·acn·pll'cl ; 1 pbn· itt the l. itt c•• ltt c it,. sdHtnk ~It,· \\·ill r l'lt tr tt an d ·g-radu ak a t th l' l'lld "f st ttll ll llT schell d .



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lluttior 1llrl1atrr.a. 1!115 ~IERJ{JTT


··Those lily hands. those bewitching t'H·s. tho-.e w'•rd-. a-.. -.\\"lTt ;, ... tafT,-. Fonl the Prof's. ensnare the b~ty=-: Jn;t thl· girls cry ottt. ··Jt's ChafiL·t·:"

This beardless youth from the Sunlluwt'r ~tate has dt·\·el.,ped a great deal of oraton· in a little while, and for the u;-;t· of charts for dem••n~tration is t·xccllcd only by· the debating adviser of the J unillrs. .\Jen·itt g-raduated from the Alliance High School in 1~13. I le has always taken an actin· pan in all work of a literary natt1n·. \Vhile at ,\lliance he was a nH·mber ,,f thl' debating squad two years, and took part in the dt'clamat• •ry conlt'~t. fit· is an • •fficer of the debating society and is a n·gular attendant. lie is al\\"ays logical and convincing-, although not always readily convinced. lie <.'asih· won 1111t in the pn·liminary debates, and will represent his class as one of the four.

L. F. CIT:\ RD "At Learning's fountain it is S\\Tl't to drink. Rut 'tis a nobler nri,ilege to think: And oft from hooks ap:11·t. the thirsting mind ).Jay make the nectar which it cannot find."

...-\ Stephen :\. Douglas-in oratory ancl size. lit· is a g..-aduate of the Brock High School, ancl has taug-ht school in n 1Untry and 1• '"·n. lit· has won five medals in contests. One medal \\·as won in the II ig-h SL·hool ~md the others were before the \V. C. T. C .. where he won consccttti\·ely thl' sih·er. gold. grand gold. and diamond medals. IT e is the president of the de hating society. and is very active in its behalf. ~Jr. Chard is a fine stttdl'nt and g·ood mixer. }le makes and holds friends. Ill' has t]w h·1 1>J)\" facu1ty of knowing when to keep still. He is an active \\·orker in theY. :\I. C . . \. JOSEPII \\'ESLE'{



"Count that dav lost whose low dl'SCl'JJdin~ snn.

Vit'\\'S from tliy hand no worthy :tct ion 1!. :ne ...

Joc is a product of Colorado, moved to Trenton, .:\ chraska. where he graduated with class honors in HJ IJ. Taught school one year ncar Trenton, and decided that he wanted to have 111111"e education. I le was a memhet· of the Trenton High School debating ~q11ad t\\"u years. and not 11nly clocs he hold an office in the debating society. hut he also takes an adi\·e part in the debates. Joe rcasons clown to fine points and is ah\·a\·s ~urc to h<l\·e his hearers know the histnn· of the question. He plays h:tsket--hall. class football and haschall. and is ~l fine example of an athlete. tbat can make good in intellectual fields. CLYDE LER()Y LEECE "The 'T.<:cce' a llli!!htv man i" he. with ..;tntJtg and "innn· hands. And tht· nntseles oi hi~ J.,~·awny arms are :-;trnng a!-' iron hands.''

In the preliminaries ~Ir. Leece was the surprisl' of the \\·eek. \\'ith his loud and powerful voice. with his force and lug-ic. \\·ith hi~; keen wit and satire. he easily succeeded in S\H't·ping· awa\· the argunwnts of his •;pp• lllcnts as if thl'Y had been chaff. .\lthm1g·h lw had taken an actin· part i11 debating· at Xo1·th Bend. where he graduated fn:m the High School. h<' tll'\'L'r n··tlh· found himself until he had the oppnrtnnit\· tn meet big- people in tlw C ·~~lll-g-<' ch·hates. fnlmediateh· his stock went ahnve par and the cl;Js-: ··leckd him tfl hl' toastmastl'r at the J~mior-Senior hanqttC't. where he acquitt('cl himself \\·ith lasting· glory. lie has been elected tn a fine position at ('larks fc •r next year.

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Cha l t'lai n

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T he yea r of l i) LJ.- 1 :i h a~ been a re markable o ne In the a nnals of th e Y . i\ 1. C. :\ . o f th e l 'ertt ~ t a t~· :\onna l. First . it has the di s t in ction o f ha,·ing· t he largest m e m bers hi p in th e r ecord of the school.

S econd . th e differ en t ac-

ti vit ies ,,·hi ch \\Trc carried on \\Tre fa r a bo ut th e aYc rage in th e ex tent :llld s upport. lks id cs t h e u s ual g·e ncra l rcl·cptiun a nd \\·atenn cl o n slag . a ne \\· stunt. a men' s ban q ue t. \\"as pu t o n th is year. l t \\"as se r ved in the ba sem ent o f t he i\ lcth o di sl ch ur c h. .\ \most o ne hundre d fi ft\· m en enj oyed th e fiye -course lun ch eon a n d th e toasts ''" hich fo llo\\"ecl. D urin g th e .n·a r th e r egula r S und a_,. af terno o n a nd no n ncla y prayer-m eeting s \\·e r e ,,·ell atte nde d . Sever al m en of e xceptio nal ab ili ty s po ke to th e m en . On i\ la r ch 18th. Si m o nds . \iVort hlcy, ['upc a nd l ~ai l y s ta r ted a t hree-d ay campa ig n. ho ldi ng e vangelis t ic meeti ng s and g iving th e m en oppo r tun ities fo r private confere n ces.

The m eet in g s

\ \ 'C'JT

;;ucccssfu\ in t ha t a doze n m e n de-

c ided tu ent er th e Chr ist ia n li fe and the ''"hok m ural and s pi ritua l t·on e () f t he sch oo l "·a s li ft ed . ( ) n the " ·h ole. " ·c can say that th e Y. i\ 1. C. .\. ha s been a live ami " o n the jub" a\ \ th is year.

() til

''""d ~'~ ,J ti{llf

fi r'

!(egan Conway

01/ t' lllll lfl!·Ct/ (1{/y-RiW

::-; Q I D I A f. ( ',\ T l ll ! l. l ( ' ,\ l-:SI H ' I A TIII :'\ i';r•() l l

K n n l tll'

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l'n \\" 1'1':0: l~n ll l h'l'

~ i ·hndl"~· r

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~ hon l \a

l lilwl'

\"o!,:cl tan z

Nnrntal illat4nltr Arn1nrtatton O FFI CER S Ella Egan l~ a ,· ni ond


l l elen C. J~ cga n :\ I ary Co n ,,·ay Lillian l 'n\\·c rs I )o min ic ]-;:an to r

Adv ise r Presiclt>nt Secr etarY Treas urer :\nrn1alitc R eporter C hai r man l' rog-ra m Co111 m ittcc

Til e :\ l>rl1lal Cat h o lic .- \ ssoc iation has b ee n cn mpri;;e;:;d onl y of stude n t s during· til(' e n t ire year . :\ li ss E lla E g-an o f :\ ch raska C it y ,,·a;; cil nsc n fo r t he a< h·i ~c r. :t! !d \\·ith he r faithful .g·uidance. t h e :\. C .. \ . i;; n·n· g·Iad to loo k upon t hi ~ a~ <>Ill' <•f the m ost s u ccess ful yea rs s in ce it s org·anizati o n in H)06. T h e ~IIJH!ay meetin gs \H'rc \\-ell attended throu g h o u t t he year. and th e dc.,.<>1 inn al ~e n· i n·~ \\.l'rL' 111ad c \Try interc:;t in g and iJ istrul'l i\·c fur t h e t ,,.t·nt ,. lllL' Jllhcr:-; in c luded i11 th e a:-; ~oc i a ti o n. 1\-'· t h e un tir ing cffu rts o f Fathn \\-cis . of :\c h ra;;ka City . \\·c wer e g iH' Il t h e pr i,·i k _g·c o f hL·ar ing- ll o ly :\fa:;s l'\-c ry second Sat urda y. T h is is t h e o n e pri,· iieg·c that the ":\. C . . \. proudly b o as ts . silll'C it is one that it has n ot lH'en :-; 1, free ly fa,·nH·d \rith for a fc"· years . The l·at h <>li e l ~ncyl'l opcd i a tha t has been p lan·cl in t h e T.ihran· p rnnnses to h e n·n· helpfu l to t he futu r e Catl wlic st ud e nts. and \\·ith a 11 al l!lllda!Il'l' nf g()()d hl Hlk s a n d energe ti c lllC!ll lw r s, the :\ . C . . \ . loo ks fo rward tn nian,· p n)spc rou s years .

Ono llunurc<i



Th o mn s

B urchar•l



f3{) \\"CI1

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H e ll a

.\hba Uowc n Rita

l ~ u rg-c ss

lh :rn icc Bo rc h e r s

Tholll a ~

:-r a ric

.\larccl lc Hur c h anl

Finley :vra rjoric B rJd wc ll

Th e E pisco pal Cui ld ,,·a s u rgan izcd

th e fall o f 0fficcrs ,,·er e elected for the year 101-1-- 15. in Septe111 hcr: lkren icc l: o n: hcr :>. presiden t : R ena


l~urg css .

lfJI 2 .

The fnl lm,·ing·

.\ l i~ !'

I:<J\\'l'll. adYiser:

secrl'lan· an d tr cas ur n: and .\ l ;tril·

Finley. :\onnalite r epo rter. \ I iss J:.,\\·en read s t he servic e eac h Su nday at(_) o\· lllck in th e ( ;t tild r<HJ III. H.e n ' re nd r:ame s ()f :\cbraska City co ndu c ted sev e ral Cllln llllllli <lll S<.TYicc s ,:uring L e nt. Th e 111embe r s ha ve e nj oyed a nu111 her of soc ial nl t'l'ting·s dtt r ittg tIll' ,·car.

'-'=====-====:::::::=========------- f)U ' ' l tlllttl rrtl fi{I JJ LiUIII

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Dramatic Club




(Ad opt ed us

p Ct'IIIHill'U t

c.lcsh::n 1Jy tho o rumntlc Club. )

On e 1uuulrn/Ji{t y -u;u,



i -~ ... ,






T!ltA~ fA T i l'

.'dt\\"('lll, er

C L T.:H O FFi f' T·:Hs I t l : lll k(• t l~ltil'


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1llramattr (!Huh The school -'·car of l fJ, -1.- 1:; h a~ been an inq >• •r tant o n t· 111 the hi story < •i t h e D ramatic C lub. The Clu l> In s lwei ib ful l q tt<>ta .,f ~i~t_,. tllt·nl l>ns thrnug·h ·· out the yea r. and th e plays \\·11-ic h lla\"C bee n p rc,;c tltcrl ll l! ll lt hl :• kt \T b ee n t il ~..· \\"O rk o f ~ tan da rd auth or!'. Th e Club ha s al ~() \\Tkonlcd a Ill'\\" a d viser thi s year, :\[iss Grace :\ [yser. tc mpora r_,. head o f th e F~prc ~~ i · >11 I kpartmcnt. :\Ii ss :\[yser comes to P eru ir o m Can tun. ()h i(). ~ll c g-rad u a t ed fn >111 til~..· Emerso n School o f O r at o ry in 1\ns to n and ha s h ad c• 1ll sidnahk c~pcric n n· it! priYatc teach ing, lectu r e and plat fo rm \\·or k . Th e first plays prese nt ed \\"C IT ' 'Cicely' s (";1\·a lin" a nd ":\ li s,; ( -i,·i l iz;llin n ." foll o wed during the n c~t fc"· m n n t hs h\· "l 1 oiso n. " " T ill' :\ l a r hk .\rch. " '':\[ -'· :\ lcx ican Hose," " Fugi .' ' a nd " Cq mcdy -a nd Trag-c d;·." T h e itllnp rt'l:tti<l tl .. r the d iffe r ent c haracters \\·as e~ce ll c nt ami t he a l·ti ng- of a hig-h <min. l ·~"l'c l·ial ­ ly commendatory \\·ork ,,·as cl n ne b;· .th e casts p n·senting· 1\arr ie ',; " T,,.._.h·c l'ound L oo k' ' and " King D aughter. " O ne o f the g r eatest dramatic prnc luctiun s of th e yea r \\·;t,; prl'Sl'tltl·tl in r\pril \\·hen t he C lub presentee! a s it s an nu al public pnfonna ntT. \\.it K it cl l',; Sm ith's C<>lllCd y in fo ur act:>. "Th e F ortu ne l lun ter." ' r-~ach cha r;t l"t cr \\";[S ...-arcfully studied and a strc!llg cast cho:-;en. :\lu ch credi t is dul' till' tlll' tnhc r :; <•f t il\' cast , and the coach, :\[ iss :\fyser. for th e cxccllc ncc o f th e prncl ul"lion

One hundred sixty

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1llrantatir Qllub




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Tntlll l l t'l"

:Ja sg nw

On C" ltund r nl si,l'I!J fftn. .•,


hun tlrr•tl !'fia:ty-Ri:r


Nnrutal iAattb anb ®rrqr!itra F. C. S:\1 I Til. Director


l'ornl't:-;Klima ~l')l'llll'lll

l'ha ff t'l' Ely ll••tt :-;l' I )• •:!Ill'

;\ llll'tlllt•

Sdt\n·nkt'r Darlin~




I ,••'" c II


Tr•11niH •tll'~­ lladh·y I I nwit· C. nod

Hn:-;ir Chatt·lain 11a~~e~­

.\ lto:-;('o\n'll





Pohlman Dntm=-- \.Ia:'~•·\\· Haney


ORCHESTRA ViolinsBornsChatelain Frrchorn Kinsey Ca qwnt<.'r Trombone:::Krllcy Sch\\'cnkcr Shellhorn Hadley Kin~soln'r CornetsFlult'Klima :\larkpran~ PiccoloSclcmcnt Sdtrcil>l'r PianoLoYd I ClarinctSchwenkcr TrapsnaritoneGlasgow Hosic BassBeck

:Waur. aur. ®rrl1tntra Q!nurrrt :\pril 27.


~OR:\I .\ L

J()J 5


Part One "Temple Commandery." ~[arch ............ (E. T. Evans) ''\V cdding of the \Vinds \Valtzes" ......... (John T. Hall) "Trocaclero," Three St<'p .................... (J. Geat·cn) .. Joily Student... College Songs ................. (Snppe) Part Two \'neal Snlo-IT l1ado (\Yaltz Song) .......... (L. Anlite) .;\clalyn l Hankenship Violin Solo-" Serenade" ..................... (Dradla) l\Iiss Freeborn Cornet Solo-·Lc Secret ....................... (Hazel) :\I r. 1-\:1 i ma ST.\TE XOR:\L\L lL\XD Part Three ''Lieutenant Santlcmann." ~[arch ........... (Rosenkram;) ":'\e\\' Colonial." ~larch .................... (R. D. Hall) ".\merican Patrol." ( )vcrtnrc ................. (:\feacham) ••'J'I ll' )l a I111:-. co" I),a t•t't nne .,o L~ }) ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (l•atll'') c c "I kautiful Enchantress," < )vcrtnre .......... (Rosenkrans) :'\ ational , \irs of all the lklligcrcnt Countries ''The Star Spang-led Danner"



0111 flllllffl"l•tf

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----Onr l1rwd•·ca ela;ty -cight

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C lt-ments

Coue r Sloth O\YCl"

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1;unth· J·son

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Wlrr Q:trlrhrathtn ( :\,, a p<d•Jgil' ~ LtJ J:n·••n - tiJi ,..



an inlp rc•\"l" lllt"lll <J il \\ ' atl'r],, ,,_, (." .\:\ 'I'< > II I .

C :\ :\TO I. Th e r e 1\"a ~ a ~n •md oi ren:lry at ni;..:l!t. Our football team had wo n the ~a m<.: . \ Vc 1\"is h e d 1<1 ce leb rate th e 1·ict"ry ri~l!t By so m e stunt that 1\"a ~ n r,t too t a :ll l". :\lt. V~.:rnon " s lam p s ~h,Jn:: brig ht and fai r: .\ score o r t\\" O o f \\"hi ~ pcr ~. n od~. a n d then Eac h boy \\" as seen 111 qui ck ly s l"ck h i, lair, Li ke\\"i~e teo r ea ppl"al· at bali past -t <.:n: Th e , i ~ ht th ey nlade d ei;l", thi ' lo\\"ly p en 1

C:\ :\TO II. D id y c not -~c them' I t \\" a < a m"tlcy c r o \\"d. Dres,;cd likt· :.!I!• -1- 1"1 tl!t·ir g"\\"11 , ,j ni:..dll . On 1\"ith th c march ·· L e t" • w• !"" they all al lo\\"cd ··:-;., ·dee p "til nF•rn and hhlzl, t.lk<.:- tiH· P-ych ' :\lt. \"ernnn 1 fall. hy l'ltll ll . 1\"l'.ll ill\·ade Li k<' kni~hts of "ld. \\"e"ll gi1·(· ou r he·-;~ r egar d ~

.\like t'J you th fu l hlo "ll lll :111<1 .. 1<1 ma id. In \\"(' \\"ill g-11 1\"ith••ut pn· -<· n t i n c:- ,·arc l-< ! .. nn! On! t h <·y \\"t"lll ll"ith l .nTt" aht·ad " ·' t IITllty yard s 1

\\"nh in tht· p:•rl"r .,j tha1 lan1"11 s hall Satt· Ve rll<lll· - - lately Jll"lllt"c,..--: <hL" did h e al· 'J'h, ·i•· l11 <y j,, ,t, l<"fl ,.. "'1 tht· ir11 11t J>"rch fall. ·· ){,,_,·,.. !· · cried 11 1ilacl y. ··, , , •P r ight whL"I"<" ytt tl

a r c..·~· ·

s.·a-llll ill ).! th e l" l" _l" ll"ith a l·t"ili).!t'l"l' llt f r o 11"11. ){i g !Jt ll"l"il th <· ll':uJ,·•· prnn·d tn lw a s t ar. J-'.,r IJatl• ·ri n :! :d l ! 11<" " l' l" " iti " n diJII"Il. Cp! Cp! tiH: - t:1 i r11ay ru s !J L" d thl' kn ig-ht .: ..r th l' !-:'"'....

C .\ :\ T O


.\1!! th t·11 th t·r,· ll"as hnrry i ng '" a1HI fr ., .\nrl ga th ni ng coi r:kirt -. :1111 1 " · hi t"lin).! ni li g ht « l·:xci t c nl<"llt all. 11 IHTt" l1111 :111 111111 r :q.rn .\11 \\"a ' p<"a t" t· 111" '11 .\ !1 \rt· n Jnn·, h e ight . \h me 1 the t1 11111!1t ••i 1 h:1t I ),.nn p :1radt' ! I -e<· the :let"•·- . IH·: 1•· th :· ln!lJ IJlti> yt'l. :\or h:ll"t· I ht·:1rd co i - lt l' l t :111"1 hl"r r:1 icl . 'J'h(• ll"hite · t-~ " " ll t·d l l" Y"· Ill (' ., l ,,t:H·k~ t h l"y IIH"I .\ l ak •· it a n ight " ' "-h all lt<~l ,,.,.,, f,.,.!.!, ·t!



I I' I



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On e lurudrnl s tnnltJ -{in..



I ,, T . .1.

~1. \ .H 11 :~


®ur Tflrnt 1R rtrni'l Th e fi r st legi slallllT o f :\ehra ~ ka c< •ll "is tl·d o f llll'll ch()~C II ic• r t h L·i r sterl in g· ,,·orth and char acter. \lany 11f thL·m \\'L• re me n \\' h1 1 had sern·d in th c C i vi l \Va r . :\one o f th ese . lHJ\\T\Tr. had a n l•Jn· _l,r il lian t JTC <Jrd than t h e Yll Ullg· C o lo nel Thomas J. \lajurs . \\·h". a s a n Jem b n "f the tirs t ,;c n all'. sec ur ed llle ·. :stab lishme n t of th e first State :\<>nnal of .\ c l;ra sk a . He. as a member of th e 1\ oar d q f l ~d u ca t ioJJ, ,., ,t ed f() r t il l· selec t io n u f kear n ey as t he ,;it e ui th e seC' lll d S tate :\()rm al: h e ,,·as a llH' Jllber , ,f t h l· lcg·is latllre \\·hich c reat~:d t h <: third an d fcn1 rt h :\c h·as ka Sta te \: cJrmal". lol·atcd at Chadro n and \\' ayne. Cratifying appr<•priatio n ~ f11 r t he mai Jltcnann· o f t h c ~ c fo u r S ta te \: ()rma ls haYe been sec ured. large ly thrnug h t he unt ir ing cff,J rt ~ "f this ind rJmi ta h lc ,,·orke r . .-\ sa m ember of t he lcgi,:lat u r c o f IIJO<J he n b taiil vd t he app r n p r iatiun for o u r mag ni6ce nt :\dmini ,;t rat iu n 1\u ildi ng. 1) ircct ly "r i nd irectly. h e h as been largcly re spo n s ible in s ecuring t he app ropriations for th e s p le nd id b u ildings no\\· o n the camp us. all ,·a lue d a t nea rly a ha lf m ill ion d ol lars. \ \'lli k h e \\·a s a m ember o f the 1\oard uf E d ucat io n . from 11)02 t<J I<)D/. l 'cru began tel tak e its place \\·ith th e great :\urmal School s of th e :-\ati o n. and ha s gTm,· n in l() th e " ( ~reate r l'e r u" o f today. \ l r . \lajurs ha,; seen th e l 'eru :\o r mal gT()\\' fr0111 a s ch<~ul ,,f 65 s tl1( k n ts . enro lled the first year. tP 1.3 15 st udc n b. en rolled in I<J I-t-I<JI_=i: fr n111 t\\'<) g ra dua tes in 1R;o. to 202. in I<J ij: he ha ~ seen 2,2</1 gTadu all's rccci,·c th e ir dipl () ma ~ .

The !~<lard of l·~<lucat i iJJl ,.IJt cd to 11a111 e t he new $ 1oo.ooo Tra ini 11g· 1\uil d ing. lltl\\' l•l·ing· ncct cd . "Th e T. J. \I a jors T ra in ing 1:u ildi n g- ... in lw n nr o f, an d in c~ pre>',.; i o n "f th v d cl' p apprel· iat i1111 "f t h e fo r ty-e ig-ht ,·t';Jr" " f u n "l'llis h ~c n· i ce and d('\·cltiun t<J l'l'ru a11d thl' · ·:-..:~•rlllal Schon! Id ea. "

fJ I I ' flllllflrrd .l.l f n

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Th e pn·:-;c..: nt Ca:-;:-; c, •ttnly L"luh \\·a:-; iunnally Prg;anized o n ( )ctober ..:!6. 1'J 1-1· TilL· L'nthu:-;ia~t i c ~pirit Pi the Club ,,· a~ c1·ideilL'Cd hy 1 he fact that almost hd11rc tilL· C lub oflicn:-; \\"l'IT elected at th e tir~t m eeting- a .. g-et-toget h e r'' picllic \\"a:-; mcnt in ned and the ~ug· ge~tit)n \\·a ~ hea r tih· e nd o r:-;cd b 1· cYen·on e pr c~e n t. Since the Club is large ly co mp o ~ cd o f .. liYe \\·irL'S... no t im e was \\·as tecl . i)tt\ ai-rang·l'lll L' nts \\·ere qu id;! _,. complelL'Ii. and th e pic n ic \\· as h e ld in :\Teal's pas ture the fir~t \\·ec k in :\ OYemhc r. ] n fact. th e plan:-; were ma ck s o hasti l: · t h at n ot ificati<nl of th e \\·cather man \\·a ~ L'Iltirel_,. fo rg-otten and the eYcn in gcoulcl hardly be called balmy. H o \\· c ,·er. a ro u ~ ing- bo nfire soon clispelled t he g·at hcring- gloo m and the ~upper prO\·ided by the capahk com mi ttee \\as t h e •>11I1· other thing r e quired t o complete the e n joymen t of the even in g . ( ;athered round th e blazing fire. prO\·idecl wi t h t he cu:-;tomary sizzl ing -_,·ienies a11d stea ming coffee. th e 1·ari n us m e n1 hers t ol d storic-.: until :-;udden l ~ · . t hro11g-h all the c h ee r. c am e the r ealization t h at a ~ nO \\" sturm \\·as coming- un ill\·ited. and t h e h o me-g-o ing- \\"a~ rather un ceremon inus. l l o \\·enT. m e m o ri es l) f the fun s till ling-cr. and the en·11ing· \\·ill h e r ct n Cill l> L·t-cd h:· a ll \\·lw were there a~ one uf the jolliest uf t h e year. The l'l uh ll o \\· lllllllbcrs t\\·L·nty -c ig-h t members . S itll'l' Cass C oun t_,. SL'IHb " L'\\' H'JlH'Sl' Itt a t iYL'~ to I 'cru c aL· It _n·a r. the pbces o f this ,·ea r· s SL'11iurs \\·ill he Ill<>H' t lta1t tilkd next ~cptcm l ll'r. 1\uasting three :-;ndi Facttlty nlem lll'r,.: a~ it dol' s . tilt· l'a,.:s Cou n t:· Club " ·il l t!uuhtle:-;:-; hL'L"IIIll L' a n ·g- ular scllllOI in~titu ­ t io n. a11d i11 th e futttrl' tltc <>ri g· in a l llt L'I lll>ns 111a_,. ,.:ay \\·itlt pardo nable pri de . .. Tile- l>ig- I 'n11 l'ass l'tltiiit ,. (·lull ~ ( l!I. n ·:-; . I hl'lped ,:tart that a\\·a,· hack i11 I IJ 1.).

Ou c hlllldt'(' d ·"'/Tit If! llillf



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THE NORMALITE Peru. Nebraska


October. 1914

Monthly Magazine Publisht in the Interest of Education

Publisht by the State Normal School Subscription $1.00 per year.

Single copy 15 cents

Advertising rates furnished on application Enterd at the

Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as second class matter


John S. Boswell. '15 ...... Editor-in-Chid Katharine Cam blc, '15 ... .-\ssociatc Editor \Villiam F. Young, · q. Business ~~ anager .....


N una Palmer, · 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alumni llenrietta l\Iye1·s. '15 ............... Class Cassius Kennedy, 'q Literary & Debating J..a,·ern ~Iatht'\\"S, "q .......... Religious .\hha \\'. Bowt•n .................. ~Iusic Hal Glasgow. '15 .................·\thletic ~Jollie Belle Doran. '15 ........ Exchange :\.Ray Scott. 'Is.Humor and Philosophy BOARD OF MANAGERS

F. ~1. (~regg ..................... Faculty Stlsit• I Iarmon. '1 1 ••••.•••...••• Graduate John S. B,,swell. 'r:; .............. St·nior Frank Dallam. '16 ................. Junior Bryan Emmt•rt. 't i . .......... Sophomore Ct·nt·Yie,·e Cregg, '1R .......... Frt•shman .\ lict' Kint' •n. '19 ............ 11 igh School ()pal :'\elson .................... Trainer \I aud .-\t•gt•rter .. Special a111l Pn·pa ratory Lan·rn \lathews. '1:; ............. Evert>tt \\'ill iam Young. · q ......... Philomathean llal Clasgo\\', 'r:; ......... Dramatic Club Roy \'. Kelley. 'r_:; ........... Y. ~1. C. :\. Ethel Long- ................ Y. \\'. C. :\. Lillian Po\\'ers. ·,:; ............. N. C. .-\. ~Jarie Finley. '16 ........ Epi~copal Guild


'"---~~ ·----··.... ··-

The years glide softly and swiftly as the wind. The events of a year ago seem as the happenings of yesterdaY. .-\nother school vear is here and pa~sing. another volm;1e of The Normalite is being compiled. :\lay it be a volmne that will induce higher standards of living in the hundreds who read it. The many changes and a<h·ances of the X ormalite during the n.·ar indicates that this wish will easily he fulfilled. :\Iore students are enrolled than ever before: the upper classes are much larger than in past years: the alumni organization has grown with time: work will soon be begun on the fine new trammg school building: and certainly the school spirit is fine, as was manifested by the manner in which the budget was supported. Because of all this \\"l' forecast a memorable year for Pent, and "'fhe X ormalite will certainly share this good fortune. \Ve crave vour forbearance and solicit vour ~upport in the publishing of . this periodical. X

The following editorial paragraph is an abridgement of an editorial appearing in The Kormalite a year ago. .-\s it is an expression of the attitude this periodical will take toward simplified spelling under its present editorial management, we here reproduce it: The N ormalite retains its allegiance to the principles of simplified spelling. altho compelled to n.·duce the number of simplif1ed forms it employs. as compared with earlier volmnes of this journal. The one general rule \Ve shall try tn adhere to applies to verbs whose present tense forms end in a consonant and whose past tense and perfect participle forms end in the sonn<l of t. In the spelling of these latter fnrms. \H' shall regularly employ the final t instead oi ed. as in such \\"nr<ls as a kt. drest.


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; . . . ''

::=--_---=:.= ~ -=-~-===- i ':·• •

~rttinr ~ler<.·ly ~(ary


(Jf a young composer



thl' rharminJ.~ drama by lsral'l Zat'g\\·ill. tl'l:~ t1:e ~•·,r:.­

\\'ho has gi\·en up his inhl'ritancl' for till' sakl'

11i l~i~ mu~ic.

Rather than \\'rite for the debased task 11f the time he lived in on<.· r11o111 humble lod~ing hunse.


~lereh· ~Jan· .\1111. thl' little maid of all \\·ork about

the house, falls in love \\'ith him. her.


( ll' returns her affection but rciuscs

Six years later they meet under entirely different circumstatH'<.·~.



She ha~

inherit<.·cl a fortune and becomes a beautiful and cultured young lady. while he has attained fame as a composer. ~lary :\nn is introdttccd to his as "~(arian.'' the niece of Lady Chelmer.



She refuses as ~( arian. bttt finally n

to become his \\'ifc.




\\'hen he discovers \\'ho she is he pleads \\'ith her Jtll<.'S


t1 1

him as

.-\nn. C:\ST OF CII:\R:\CTEHS


Lance lot-a composer .................................................. l\ orman I ,o,·cll Peter-in business ........................................................ I Tal Gla~gow Herr Brahmson-a music publisher ............................................ Roy Ely Re,·. Samuel Smedgc-:\ country ,·icar ..................................... '!'om :\shton O'Gorman-a Sunday journalist .......................................... E. E. Ericson Jim Blaydes-a medical student. ...................................... \. Raymond Scott Lord Tottingham-oi the :\ utomobilc Club .......................... I I a rold Schwenker :\[rs. Leadheater-a Jodg-ing-hnthC keeper ................................ c;ladys Bopl Rosie-her daughter ........................................................ Bc~s Ertel 1 Hcn·nicc Borchers The Ststcrs Tnppet ( Kttty and Pollyl--ha11 dancers ... ············· ·1 Elizabeth JJilcman Lady Chelmcr-a poor {H.·rcss ............................................. Graycc Tit•ch Caroline. Countess of Foxwl.'ll-her iric111l .............................. Pauline Ranney Lady Gladys-the Cnuntl'ss" datlghtl.'r .................................... Ruth :\ ndcrs« •ll Lady Glynn .......................................................... Corrine \Vhitfil·ld :\Iary Ann-:\l(•rely ................................................... llan·ict Glasgow Howard-a inntman ..................................................... Vincent Janda



Dick-a canary.


011c !lllllt/l·ctl dyl1ty-trro









J~ruuian illont~at n T-:C\l l l~ \" OTS D id ,-o u ever h ea r of a b ea u kn o t :- I >id HHI e n-r tic o n e~ \\.ere ~intplifi L'd s pe lling uni ve r sally u sed. in \\·h ich ca se b ea u. l>o \\·, an d bo . \\" ()ul d b e ~ p •.:lkd exactly the sa m e . o n e mi g h t t hink th e qu es ti o n refer r ed t o p h ys ical cont< >r t in n d u e. pe rha p s . to a co\\·ardly hl o 11· b e ]o ,,· th e belt. l: u t the rdere n n: is ra t h e r t o th e good. o ld- fas hi one d b -e-a-11. pe rhaps bas h ful. pnh a p s bard< H> t . l>11t n <>t n ecessarily possessing eith e r c h a rac te ri s ti c . judg ing fru 111 t h e tm J lll<l lll _1· ~ pc ci­ me n s in th e a b ove b my kn o t. These .. selec t ed .. o n e~ n c<.:d n o i lll ro cl u c t i()n t o a I' er u a ud i<.: nc e . l>u t for th e sa k e of those \\-lw might p u zzle o 1·<·r their id c n t it1·. h e it J.:n, , ,,-n t h at t he b ea u in t h e lo we r left-lu nd IHJ \\·. call ed I .. 1{ . l ~as tm a n . 11·a s C' h osc n a ~ th e h a nd<;o m cst ma n in t h e Sen ior class . T h e girl cl]() se 11 a s th e m ost bca utii u l. a ppea r s iust ab()n: a nd is kll< >\\·n as ll arri ct < ;]asgo \\·. In th e u p per r ight h a n d IH> \\. L aYern :\ lat h C11·s. 1rho 1ras dl<t~c n as th e lliC)s t respected m a ll. Iouk s forth : a n d _just bclOII' is h:atlw rinc < ;a 11 11>k. 11 h <J \\· a~ c ho se n as th e !ll u~t re s p ected g ir l. It is nnt k nmn1 \\·h c t hn an_... ' .f 1h csc f()ur p eople l'l'l'l" had a ~ h are in t\·i n g· beau kn o b. L et t h e111 speak f<>r th e nJ se ln·s- lJu t it nt a\· l>l' ~afc l y said th a t th e_,. represe nt. hy act ual ,.,>ll' . th e .. l> ea 11 id eal -; .. a nd .. bea u :-; id eab .. of t h e Se n ior class of 19 15-

,,,, ltunll rf>r1 t-i{lltll/ {nuJ·



---.... ------------~~·





. .


.. i.Sntua" Tlll're an· knot~ of many descriptions. There are heaux oi many kinds. too: I ~ut ii you would tic one fon.·Yer. ~tart it elsewhere than here in Peru. \\"ith hnw knots we all are familiar. They arc ~..·asily tied and untied. I i yon think bean knots stay tied foreYer. The experiment sure yon ne'er tried. The start is quite simple anti loYely. nut. though finished. the knot is ne'er true: For scan·t· is it "off with the old lo,·e" Defore it is "on with the new.'' I I ow different the how knots of friendship! They'll still last when our school days are o'er! .\nd. if true friends while here at the Xormal. \\. e '11 he true friends tho far from her door.

The social hnw knot of our ?\ ormal ( htt of friendship and comradeship gro\YS, The girls haYe their share in the tying, nut 'tis finished hy adding the beaux.



The shadows of the two hundred and fifty-six towers begin tn lengtlH.'n. The Euphrates rolls on. touched hy the retldened splendors nf the setting sun, whose last beams, reflected on gates of brass. make them glitter like doors of flame. The 11 anging (;an lens of Dahylon, dew soaked, shed a fragrance ftn· miles around. Lighted streets inYite dance. frolic and promenade. an<l theaters and galleries nf art lure the wealth. pomp, and grandeur of the city to entertainment rare. < >ne hears commotion of riot antl wassail intermingled on L'\·ery street. .\ feast at the 1-\:ing's Palace! a feast! a feast! I -<H ,k do\\'n the high\\'ay! Chariots. drawn hy sleek and praneing- horses. arc loaded with ~ir Calaha<l-likc knights and charming ladies dressed in all the Syrian pomp and gorgeousness. :\ earer an <.I nean·r they apprnarh. The royal palace is now in full de\\' and ready to n·ccivc. Fling \\"ide the g-all's and kt the guests enter! Everything is in rea<linl'Ss-ntphcarers and rhamiH'rlains arc then· til dn their part. Listen tn the soft music of the 11uk-tn the rusth· oi I

. .-· - -· --. -.. -- .1\

~ ·---·· .----I




. "'l'"I Ay-o' .....

11) • !11..~1:~··•-lr•O..




silks! Subdnecl and colored lights. glittering- n·cl'ptaclt-~. h:111ging~ ,,f man,· hues, flowers in profusion, enhancing- perfttnll's, lll':l\·ily-lad('n tahlt:~ in•m whicit clouds of aroma rise lazily-all these. interming-led. make..· it ~c..·c..·tn a~ though Fortune has permitted one to intrude upon an c..·tH·hantl'd alllulc..·. 1:1\·i~hly dec()J'ated for a royal wcclcling-. ~lay that t'•ng-uc..· he pal~il'd \\"hich dt•c..·s nt•t ut tcr "Long live King Bclshazzcr! Long li\·c..· the h:ing! IIuzza!! IIuzza!!! Bclsha.zzer had his feasts and festi\'als. J-:,·c..·ry age..· ha~ had ih ra\·c..·notts attempt to satisfy the tendency or instinct of gregari,•u~tH·~s re~iding in the breast of every man. In every dime. people in the lo\\"l'r status. han· tt·ied in a mnre or less meager way to alleviate the pangs of the same dl'sire. \\'v hear nf the Goulds, the Astors, the \'anclcrhilts. gi,·ing dinnvrs. hall~ and !'t•cial entertainments at an outlay of months of \\'orry and thousands ,.j d••llat·s in pn·p:ll·ation. At the same time, we arc pained to learn of t hv \\·aii. t hv thug. t hv degenerate meeting hi;;; particulat· social group in thv alleys. dingy di,·c..·s. and c..Time-hrecding saloons of cities of this c••ll111111n\\'(.'alth. The Sllcial llllttvt·ll_,. with .. ,·nlttminous'' earrings, blood-reel lips and checks. led hy a "ckah" quadntped • ,f the canine species. trips coquettishly t11 a foxtrot affair. c,t· to c•ccupy a he JX ~eat at the matinee, while a member of the same ~ex. aftet· h;n·ing; spc..·nt ten. twelve or even fourteen hours hebind a counter. ••t· li~tenecl t11 tlw hum ,,f fact,,ry wheels. for a similar fatiguing- time. enten~ a fi,·e-cent "m,vie." ( )n Fifth a\·etntc is seen the so-called leisure class mc..·mbl'rs of \\"hich catTy g-t~lcl-IH"acled canes and smoke initialed Turkish cigarettes with no thought sa\T that ()f sailing on the social sea of the ''four hundred." :\ few hlocks distant are thl' city's l'tnaLiated poor whose opportunities to satisfy the <..Taving fot· sc•l'ial clc..·\Tl• 'J>ment and gregarious aggrandizement is niggardly denied. It takes no colossal minded in elividual to note that one of the problems demanding solution today is: I low can we impress and compel the more fortunately situated to Sl'e the folly and wrong in squandering along the lines spoken of ancl ho\\' can we..· pn)\·ide more ample and wholesome chances for those who arc less hlessccl with material wealth? Tn some, the social tendency is given a role too prominent: in others. too minor. vVe need more equable distribution of advantages: \\"ithdrawal nf SJ>l'Cial privileges and an injection of fair play ancl democracy. \\'hich would balance and tone us up wonderfully as a nation. nut not only is this true in this fidel; it is likl'\\·ise tnte in nn lesser degree and possibly more in university and school life. Particularly is it true in the large universities of our lan<l. Social distinctions arc more or less tightly drawn. not upon the merits of the individuals, hut usually upon some artificial or financial criterion. ~lost colleges are graced \\'ith the pn·s<..·nce of fraternities and sororities whos<..' primary function is that of providing· adequate social advantages. They have their place ancl justify their existence. There is nne inherently \\'rong principle ahout the "frat" idea. namely. 11nclemucratic cxd11sivcness. i\nd so long as that is true they can never hope to rcccin· the full sanction of the American conscience. The iact that these secret societies du nut ha\·t~ the synlpathy of legislators and ccl11cators is horne..: o11t hy rl'cl'nt attempts to .~upprcss


L. One 1llt1llln:(l ciollty-Rix


them. California l't m~id~.·n.·d a hi11 which ~ought to deal a death-blow to the Greek-letter org-anization~ in the l"nivcrsity of California. l\lon·over. the "fraternity ~pirit .. docs not meet with approval because it conflicts with the illeal of the .\merican home. .-\ certain amount of artificiality and cxtra\·agann.· i~ alway~ pre~ent. and the members could not maintain. respect in their· home community if they indulged in as much ''high living" and formality a~ they d'o in the college community. \Vhen non-fraternity men maintain higher ~chola~tic standing than do their Greek-letter friends, it appears as though ~onH.' activitic~ in college arc being emphasized too much. while others more vital and iundanwntal arc undcrstrcssed. Is it or is it not the fortune of the Pale l11ue and the \Vhite to have no exclusive organization? ~hall we consider her social life? Certainly. to approach the ideal then· mnst he equal. ample and varied chances for all students to develop symctricall~·. Toleration should be g-iven only to such entertainment and events as an.· sure to contribute to the g-eneral well-being of every son and daughter of "( >ld Pent... Such training should he acquired here by those who arc going out. not only tn lead the youth of this and other states. but also to take a leading role in the larg~.·r social spheres. that the effect shall react on the increased popularity of Peru graduates and an enlightened civilization. \Vhat arc the facts as they exist here? Certainly through the class units. literary societies. Christian associations. the churches and through the auspices of other organizations. many and varied. and it i~ ~afe to say generous. opportunities arc given to meet the normal tendency of ~uciability. Above this, however, is the fact that these adYantages are of such wholesome character as to do nothing but contribute tt) the SU~L\ll.L\I UO~U:\I of everyone connected with this 1-Tall of Learning. Social Democrac\· is here. Aristocracy must give way to the ne\\. order of things. ?\ ot over two !"core years ago a serious controversy arose between peoples of Chile and Argentina. They fought, hut finally came to an understanding and pledg-ed themselves never· to struggle with each other again. In honor of this agreement and to afford some tangible and concrete memorial of this solemn pledge. they erected on the horder line, in the heart of the :-\ndes, a huge figure of the Christ, on the base of which were chiseled these words, "Sooner shall this figun· cnnnble to <lust. than shall Chilians and Argentians break the vow which they have made at the foot of the Christ." So, too, may the walls. the mortar, the stone of this institution crumble a way before any son or daughter of Peru shall break the bond of S\Yeet memory or forget the tie that binds all the loyal ones to their Alma l\Iater.

On•· ,,,,,,.,., cir111 tu-.w·,.,.,







~nrial t.~alln1ur·l~u


itt 1.Eurrrtt i~all

Tht.• ~pirit uf Llalluwe'cn had nut hoYercd around matn· claYs before the EYerd t t ~nicer~ caught it and imnwdiatt.·ly began to act mys.tcrio~tsly. ..--\s the e\-ening came nt.·ar. others caug·ht the contag-ion and secret meetings \\"ere held. I ~ut the rest ui the societ~· was nut tn he ldt nut. and \\"hen on the eYe of I-Iallc)\n:'cn. they gathered in their hall. it \\"as found that by some magic power. a tra n~ format iun had he en cffeckd. The room was dim: shocks of corn-stalks and piles uf pumpkins suggested the st•ason. while \\·einl black cats. hats. witches and ow b. cc 111spil'uously placed. ], 11 1ked down on the scene and gaye the conlpany the pre l)Wr spirit for the entertainment. I )uring the eYcning. g·anws suitt><l to the occasion \\"ere played. Perhaps the one which did most to tl'st the charactl'r of the members was an airship ride. Several persons \\"L're asked to kaYe the rnom. then were brought back one by one. .:\ftet· being hlindfulded and turned annmd two or three times. the adventm·cr was told to "stl'p c111 hoard." Then the trip began. The passenger could feel hitnsclf rising and tlw perst1n who had been acting- as his guide seemed far below; the trembling of the plat form on which he stood made him feel that he was, indeed. floating uti int• 1 the air. This effect \\"as heightened by his hitting his head upon what apparently was the ceiling. :\t this critical moment the aviator wa~ tc 1ld to jump. lie did sn and found that he had been deluded, for it had lJl'en no trip at all. hut instead. a hallowc'en joke. This put all in the mood for a frolic a ftcr which ring g-ames \\Trl' played. and the inclispcnsible appleshouting and fortune telling \\"CrL' the Pnkr nf the hour. :\ftcr e\·eryonc h~Hl ~ecured an apple and had learned what the future held in store for him refreshments were ~l.·rve<l. In the meantime the evening- had slipped away. and it became neccssar~· for the company to leave. but in the nH·nton· of Everetts. llallowe'en e\T oi 1~1-1- holds a prominent place.

1 Iallo\\·e'cn suggests a lnng list of \H'inl and uncanny sights and sounds too numerous to mcnt ion in detail. .\dd masquerade party to thi~ and perhaps you can guess some of the things donl' hy big 1,hi los. little Phi los. and Phi los of all sizes, on the C\Tning of (Jete ,J>l'r 31. \\"e met in the chapel lobby in outlandish and motley disguises. cn·n our yoices haYing changed. Then through the dimly lighted chapel, we \\·ent up the platiorm steps and down ag-ain to the lower regtons. .\ hot blaM irum llades shut the door below with a hang-. .-\s a ''stranger man" most heartily hug-ged each maiden. and a still stranger ''damsel" did embrace each youth. \H' \\'ere reminded nf earthly pleasures once enjoyed. Not at all freightcned hy the attending shadl·s. \H' ·proccl.·ded past lighted candles, upon whidt \H' showed our strength of lung tn ~t. Pekr. \Yhn quickly sentenced us to a rapid journey dc1\\'n an inclined plant•. ( ln the fltHlr below. surrntmdcd by corn shocks and jack-o-lanterns. \H' had tlttr i•lrtnncs told by gyp~ics and

One 111111t1n·d t'i!lliiJI·IIiuc

witches. Relieved of nur masks. we breathed frl'ely • llll'l' 111• Jt"l'. Tht.' eider was "awfully good," and so was the )Htmpkin pie and •h111g-lltluts. \\'e likl'd th(· Virginia Reel, too.



Last fall, we Freshmen hacl our initiati()n, "g-l't acquainted" picnic. \Ve assembled in front of the chapl'l steps and whl'n all had arri\T<I. marched to Neal's pasture. Peru's favorite picnicing- g-r()und. Thl' boys g·athl'red fag-11ts for a fire and then while the ''committl'e'' was preparing suppl'r, Wl' played g·antes. Everybody was given opportunity to roast his own \\Tillie and marshtnaJlow. (C)f course, some of the boys ate more than 'llll'.) After supper, the main event of the l'Vening • JC<:UtTed. nanll'ly t hl· initiation of the Freshman adviser. The process was a very c"mplicatl'd and t·at her htttniliating one, but Prof. \Vilson came out of it unscathed. ~ext. t hl' g-l't-acquainted part of the program was given. Each person was askl·d to tell his nan1e, where he catne from, ancl to favor us with a "stunt" or llll't11ory gcn1. The air rang with our songs, yl'lls. peals of laughter. and the bflolll of llashlight. It is hoped that we clid nut disturb any sll'eping I 'entvian as we llll'rrily wended onr way homeward.

Qrqr §npqnmnrr Jtrnir The 5th of October, the Sophomores helcl their picnic in :\I r. Davenport's pasture. just south of town . .\t 4:3n. they met on th(' chapL·l steps and proceeded to the appointed place. Although it was rather clark ancl a rain thrcatl'ned, SL·veral snap-shots were taken of the cnnnl. 'These, however. clicl not pro\'e a great success. Some enthusiasm was aroused by playing a few old games until time for the snpper. This was eaten around the camp-fire. ancl c• •nsistcd of the ordinary ''stuff' for such occasions. except that our ad viscr. l'rof. I f o\\"ic, ordered icecreanl brought out. This \\·as indeed a treat ancl surprise. Supper over, the class officers and :\Ir. I lowie made spl'eches anntnd the fire. :\Ir. Howie told of his tmattained <h:sin.· to he an onttor, httt if he is no orator he generally has something to say when the occasion <letnands. The picnic ended, as all \vell behaved picnics should, \\"ith the class and Kormal yells, and all went home feeling better acquainted, and with tnnrc class spirit than before. Get off the earth! Give us the scene! \Vc're the class of '17.

lluninr ~rt-1\rquaintrb 'arty ff

Of the numerous event~ regularly scheduled for the class. perhaps one of the most interesting and one of the tllliSt important. at least Otll' of the most enjoyable. is the annnal "get acqnaintecl'' picnic. This affair is two-fold in its result. First, it makes us fl'el hl'tter acquaint-

Our· 111t11rl1·r·tl





-m-····· cd with each other. lldd as it is. out in the open air, surrounded by exqmstte lanch;capc.·. beautifully decnratt"d hy nature's artistic hrush. one feels free to act and talk in his o\\"n natural ''"ay. .\ meeting such as this. is not marked by the stiff fonnality which is often present at ,·arious other receptions. Consequently, one fec.-J:.; mnn.· at case: more.· at liberty to do as he chooses and the "getacquainted" part of the program is put into actual usc. :\loreo\·er. it arou~es school spirit and an interest in the class as a \\·hole. \ Vhcn the ne\\" student hears t be.· ydls and the songs. he realizes more than ever that he is a member oi a distinct organization and that he has an importance equal to that of any nH.·mher of the class. In fact. everyone feels a thrill of school spirit such as he ne,·er ielt before. Enthusiasm such as this can only come throug-h a mc.·c.·ting of this kind. ( >n Thursday. < ktohc.·r 1st. ,,.e Juniors gathered together for our first party -"the g-et-acquainted party" if you please. :\bout ..J.:JO P. :\I. we assembled in front of the chapel. each \\"tth his own cup and spoon, eagerly a\\"aiting the \\"ord to proceed to the picnic ground. Soon our leader appeared and at his \\"ord of command. we startl'd north\\"ard. .-\nd such joyful procession, nearly three blocks in length! The merry group made us feel that this was the largest J nnior class in the history of the school. \ V c were safely condnctt'd to a beautiful ravine in a picturesque grove adjoining the Jnan ita Fruit Farm. l-1 ere. numerous games \\"ere played. Chief comm.issaries. :\[essrs. Blankenship atHl Dallam. proved good their title when they accounted that supper was ready. After each per~nn had gotten his fill of wienies, bananas. oranges and cookies. we all gathered around the clying embers of the campfire which were shedding- their glow in the growing dusk. Short speeches were given by different men1hers of the class and our adviser. :\Ir. neck. .-\ vigorous rooting society \\"as org-anized: ne\\" s<)ngs were introduced and the old yells were rehearsed. Then in the twilight of that glorious October day. we journeyed back over the hills, singing our praises to Old Peru. and believing more firmly than ever that we were memhcrs of the best class in school.

H.egistration is over: text hooks are secured: football spirit is rampant, and school work has he gun in earnest. Questions that one hears on the Normal campus are the~e: H<n,· many Seniors are there? Is he a Senior? Is she? I low do you like your work? (~ctting- homesick? Such \\"as the spirit and the condition of affairs when the Senior entertainment comtnittec made arrangements for a class outing or "get-acquainted powwo\v." The rendezvous was in a wooded pasture southeast of our Old College Town. \Vhen old Sol was ahnut to retire for the night. \\"C' found onrseh·es following the "wagon of rations.'' ( )n an·iving at the place to pitch camp. the first order of the day was: I )ivicle into four companies. according to the months in which you were horn.











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Possibly. the most atnusing game for these dignified (?) ichabods was basehall, which was playl·d with indoor baseball paraphernalia. "Jerusalem and J l'richo:· ·· .\lphahet:• and other "kid" games played leading roles, too. Snon canH..' the titne to attack the mess wag-on. Each one had provided himself with a stick on which he roasted a "wienie" or two. Coffee flowed freely. I >otato chips. pickles, oli,·es. buns, made up the "rational" diet. .-\s a side dish, we had water-nwlons (which by the way. tried to make their get-away, assisted, as we hclil'\'C. hy under class men). and as dessert we had Cucumis Citrullus as I >rof. Jean is \\·ont to call it. Titnc to break cantp came too quickly. A bon-fire was built, in which was thrown all ck·hris. Thrilled by the glow of the flames, and led by our class adviser, we g-ave "Senior! Senior! Rav! Ra,·!!'' etc .. and sang "The Pale Blue and the \Vhite." Ranks were broken. ~nd in. parties of twos (by far the most num- . crous). threes and larger groups. we meandered homeward at the curfew hour.

wq.t lltuinu 1Rrr.tptinu During one's college life, there arc always places, people, and happenings that stand nut vividly against the background of the general every-day routine. First impressions of the town itself, people who help one to forget his homesickness. acquaintances formed that arc later to ripen into friendships-all these pass into and arc retained in that precious chamber of consciousness called nletnory. r\n event alwa .vs lonrr remembered in the social life of Peru is the annual union rccc1)tion "" £!'iven bv the reli<Yious or()'anizations of the school to all students . 0 0 and ntetnhcrs of the Facultv. This is a time of informal good cheer, when old friends greet olcl, and when ·students of the previous years welcome the ne\V students and endeavor to show then1 a bO"Oocl time. Such a reception was that held in the gymnasium in the fall of 1914. Fortunate were they who attended. for it was worth while in every respect. The receiving line safely passed, one found himself adrift in a throng of good-natured pleasure seekers, whose paths were to cross and recross many times during the year. Each was tagged with a slip of paper bearing his name and home town. 'The "wild and woolly west" was especially well represented, for Bob Boyd was there. 1\ o one could long rentain unknown. Presently order was called for, and an excellent program,, announced by Professor Hendricks, followed. lHiss i\Iyser, who appeared for the first time before the students, delighted her listeners with several readings; l\I iss Blankenship sang beautifully; and a horn duet by l\Iessrs. 1-Iosic and Chatelain concluded the program. Professor Hendricks then tended to all a cordial invitation to attend the Sunday services on the following day. Sante of the dear boys, wishing to show their ability along musical lines, got together during the evening and made the air vibrate to the strains of "Die \Vacht an1 Rhine," "Die Lorelei," and other German classics, and they could only be hushed by the appearance of refreshments. Then, amid chatter and laughter, the first big event of the social calendar came to a close . ~





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All ladies, young- and old. of the schooL including- faculty nH.·nthers. were invited to this very unique part_\· by the girls of .\I iss (.(och's g-ymnasi11n1 classes. That accounts for the fact that about t \\'o hundred fifty little g-irls and ''boys" (survivors of large turkey dinners). assemJ,Jed in the "gym" on Thanksgiving night, Xovemher 27, to have the time of their "young" lin.·s. .\sit would havt· been highly improper for tlwse y«Jung- h,,pl'fu b t', he u ncha pen med. the won1en of the Faculty \\'et·e assigned this pleasant (?) task. There \\'as not a d ttll tnoment during the entire evening. Each little tot l·ntered into the gan1cs with childish energy ancf glee. Those \\'ho seemed sollll'\\·hat shy and backward. as little :.\I iss Davis ancl Young Bochn·ll. wt·re finally eJH'c Jura~ed to takt• pat·t and do their best when allowed to be leaders in sttch games as .. Looly Lon," "Farmer in the Dell,'' "( >ats, l'eas. lkans and Barley ( ;ro\\'," and others suited to young minds. Just before the "party part" the youn~sters \\'ere initiated into the intricacies of the maize dance, which the\· executed exceptionally \\'ell. considering their extreme youth. The dance enclecl in a march \\'hich kcl the children up into the balcony. where bananas. appll's ancl oranges \\TIT awaiting then1. :\nyone witnessing the rapid disappearanec of the fruit might fittingly havt· observed the truth of the statement. that "children are always hungTy." ( >f course, the pleasure of the evening would not ha\T heen complde \\'ithout the Virginia Reel: and the children gayly tripped through its measures until the lights blinked.

:£tilt. ]lrruon 1£nt.rrtain.a To the Peru girl students who found it impossihlc to spend the fa11 vacation at their homes. came this little note: "The lassil's of .\It. \'ern on wi11 he at home to their little schoolmates. Sat nrclav ('\'ening. :\' o\·cm her· 7. frotn R till



II 11





<J :Jo." Promptly at 8 came lisping fottr-year-olcl Eloise :\Iary and bashful Jessie. all in their party best. They a little :\It. Vernon ladY, where the\· were made tl) kel :\I iss Cleland, by the ~heering- wo;·ds of Grandmother


with Sister Hetty, happy were led to the parlor by at home hy their hostess, < >' :\' eil. and the untiring


efforts of all the little \Vashingtons. Our kindergartcncrs, Paulie and Kathie. sc Jon had them playing skip and tag. squirrel in the tree. button-button. and other games equally appropriate. After a stately (?) march through the long halls of tlw olcl mansion to beautiful strains of music, the little ones were served to apples. pop-corn, cand\· hearts with "I love you,'' delicious red and \\·hite stick candy and all-da ,·-suckers. They then departed for their homes \\'here theY informed their waiting-. tnan11nas that nothing could he quite as pleasant a:; th~·ir first party.


1. B.

Qt. i\.

<!II7ri.atmn.a Jnrty

On the evening of December 5· in the hasellH'tlt of the liht·ary. g-athered a happy throng· 11f yc Jtmg· laclie~. .\ lthllttg-h there \\·as still a nu mhcr of days be-

01w lwmlrcfl 11incty-(our


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fore the great holiday. that all pervading feeling of surprise, which is an accompaniment of the Christmas ~ea~on, was in the air. 'The girls came clown the steps carrying mysterious looking bundles. They left these in the post office in charge of :\Irs. Santa Claus. Age was no barrier to admittanct', so all entered. Girls of kindergarten age played and romped while their el<k·rs gathered around the fireplace and in groups. envying their youthful levity. and remembering their childhood days. The teacher of 1\mkin Center. District 23. gave a program. The children sang and recited songs and stories appropriate to Christmas to the satisfaction of their fond parents. Chri:.-\tmas dainties were next in .. order. after which skdchcs were made of 5anta Claus. The results were certainly a credit to Peru Kormal, and great promise of future artists were discovered. During the evening. pop-corn halls and apples were passed. ·roward the close of the evening 1\Ir. and :\Irs. Santa Claus. aided by several of the young ladies. presented each happy maiden with a Christmas card from :\[iss Clark and a parcel post package. Shrieks of hysterical laughter greeteel the cliscluscd gifts. The girls showed their love and esteem for the Y. \V. Adviser by giving her a chair: Howers were given :\I iss Dranson and :\I iss :\I orris, the visiting Y. \V. C. :\. Secretary. \Vith '' 15 rahs" for ~liss Clark. :\I iss Branson, :\Iiss 1\Iorris, and Santa Claus, another of Peru's happy evenings passed into memory.

<!lllri.attlttlS 1Kttt!iill!liUU, ' · lttil. Qt. 1\.




II 1:



\ Vell, we wt•rc all there. At any rate the hall was full of girls with needles. thimbles. thread. hits of cloth. and plenty of cheerfulness and ''pep.'' (A favorite word in Pent, hy the way). \Ve just played we were little girls again and from our hits uf cloth fitted out complete wardrobes for twenty cute little dolls. A sph.'tHlid program helped the time to pass all too swiftly as our nimble fing-ers Hew. :\Irs. House sang two selections of rare beauty: Bessie Ertel pla~·ed the piano with great sympathy and sweetness: Hazel Johnson read in her charming way; at last, but not least, was a talk by l\Iiss l\Iorris. our student secretary. who told us uf her recent experiences among the normal schools of the state. Dainty rcfreslunents added to the sociability of the afternoon. < htr work he lei a deeper significance than mere fun, for \Ye were helping Santa get ready for Christmas. Don't you suppose a wee hit more of Christmas cheet· came to those little orphans in the :\[other's Jewel's Home as the result of our kensington?



!: On F cbruary 22, the halls and parlors of the Girls' Dormitory were gorgeously arraye(l in the national colors to remind everyone that :\Iount Vernon llall \vas having a birthday, this date commemorating the thirty-fourth anniversat·y of the establislnncnt of the llall. lJp to this time, not much though had been given to the significance of the name. In spite of the inclement weather. reception invitations were answeretl hY

0 Ill' 111111tf1'1'1l IIi Ill'/ !I f/ I' I'




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four hundred students, Faculty member!", and '•ther friend;-;. L.1)( 111 their arrival they were surprised to note that the girls were missing. and in tiH.'ir places were stately, snow-crowned Colonial daml's in pol. Jllaise. ~luch <pterry was heard among the boys concerning- the exact reason why so many peaceable ladies should have been obliged to wear hits of black n 1ttrt-plaster. I I nwever, there was such a show of jolly comra<lt·ship among the hostesses that nn fears were of long duration. The guests were received hy the pn.·cept ress . .:\ r iss Cleland. and the .:\I isses Pauline Ranney, .:\Jonita Logsdon, (;]aclys :\nderson. and I >aisy J11hnson. The only formal entertainment con:~istecl of a piano clttet by the ~I isses C~ertrudc Fleck and Gladys Chancy, a piano solo by .:\1 iss Cleora Eng. and a ,·inlin !"olo by ~liss Elizabeth Freeborn. ~lost of the rooms wen: open, and the visitm·s were escorted through the entire building to sec h1 1w the nindy-fottr gids live. In spite of the institutional furniture, each room reflected the distance individuality of its occupants. Some of the young ,,·onH:n had shown remarkable ingenuity in converting :\Ir. Cilhert's ,,·ooden hoxes into daintily-draped hookcases, shelves, and dressing-tables. ( >thcrs had actually made beautiful f'inishcd I










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pieces in the manual-training shop here. Some one has said that we find what \\'e arc looking for in this world. This has nothing to do with the remainder of the story. hut I )n>fessor Greg-g certainly found the required numher of guc •cl dictic mariL'S: as fc •r I )n >i essor 1 I 11wic 's search for candles-space docs not permit further elaboration. Those who had supposed that the .. Dorm" inhabitants were an itnprisoncd. disconsolate lot had their minds quite disabused of that idea after observing- the delightful fatnily spirit between them and their charming little chaperon. The most popular resort \\·as the music room where J>tllH.·h howls occupied a long table beautifully decorated with tiny silk flags ancl red carnations. It was presided over by the ~~ isses ~Iary Janc Davis. ~I usetta Ball. I I ilda ( ;t·nssha ns, 1 Alma :\Iosely, l\Iinnie Thompson, Emma Sundell. I hoche I )avis. and En1n1a Frohner. A. Ray Scott and Professor Smith tied f, 1r first honors in doing jnstice to the punch. The lights blinked before either we ntld retire in the other's favor. This sad old world will never ]..;:now which was the greater man.

i&rrrptintt of U!rttittitt!l wrarlJrrs for ~ruiors





Last spring. when the present Senior class were Juniors. an event took place which maclc us wish (for the first and only time) that we too were Scniot·s. So when on ~larch 6, 1915, the training teachers of the Faculty held a reception for the Senior class, we considered ourselves fortunate and happy indeed. and couid scarcely wait for the long anticipated treat. In spite of stormy weather, we dressed in our prettiest and sallied forth. Our training teachers most graciously received tt!" as \\'e entered the gymnasinn1. which they had completely transforme<l with Hags and hunting. .-\ ftcr heing presented to the teachers in the receiving line. whom. of course. \\'e had never met before, each Senior was decorated by having a paper pinned on his hack. bearing some such name as actor, doctor, nurse, guardian. jitney. etc. }Irs.


011c 111t1Ull'cll ninety-six





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C•·a\\'fonl !"a\\' to it that each name fitted the person so placarded, and the latter \\'a~ to g·uc:~~ hi~ profc~sion from the hints and conyersation of his friends . .\ unique !"JWlling conte!"t pron~d highly exciting to the onlookers as well a!" the participant~. and Dc..·an Rouse was constantly obliged to command sileJKc..'. There wc..·n· 26 on a !"ide. each one representing a letter of the alphabet, and a~ :\I r!". Crawford pronounced the words. each side endeavored to he the fir!"t tn jugg:lc..- the lettc..·rs into place. :\I i!"s 1-(och then took charge of the Grand :\larch. which was very creditably compldcd. due to hc..•r c..·xccllent leadership. Following- this we were divided into g-roups of !"ixtl'c..'n. each group forming- a circle. and played games under the SUJH.'r\"ision of :\I is!" Koch. The games included folk dances and those of edncati\"e Yalttc..' whic..-h we might usc as teachers. \Vc were mighty glad to be seated for refrc..·shments after our strc..·nuons exercise: and it seemed rather queer. yet pleasant. too. to he !"o delightfully sern.·ll by our highly esteemed teachers. :\s a fitting· concht!"ion to the good tinw. two flashlights were taken of the entire cotnpany. after whic..-h we yc..'lle<l for our teachers and our school. sang the color song. and \\"Cnt home.

:!1llt. ]Jrrnnu "arty "Arc yon going to the 'dorm' party Saturday evening?" asked a Sr. of a certain Jr. "Sure." was the reply. "This is the one opportunity outside of shirttail parades, that I ha \"e of going to the dorm, and most assuredly I'll embrace it." This Jr. did not find himself alone in representing the male section of his class for besides the Jr. hoys. there were the upperclassmen also, with expectant and glean1ing faces. ()f course. the strangeness of the place, which had taken on a gala-day attire-flowers. red decorations and subdued lights-had much to do as to the radiant faces. hut the thrill of realizing that you are a guest at a Ladies' Donn-ahem !-is enough to make anyone's countenance glow like old Sol. Talk about a reception! :\I iss Cleland and her girls certainly did "receive.'' In the rc..·ception line were "Cassi11s" who is "onr hoy" in dorm parlance, ~I iss Cleland. :\I iss Burgess. and -:\I iss Gunderson. From here the guests were escorted to the dining room \Yhich had been cleared of tables and other unnecessary ''in1pe<litnenta." Here such games as charades. "Slide, Kelly Slide," "Spell Down," and similar games interested the irhahocls. Pres. Hayes succeeded in suggesting the most interesting charade. This is it! Pin a piece of paper with the word ''sage" on it. below the knee. which represents "sausage bologna." H.efreshn1ents consisted of ice cream. home-made candy. and wafers. Partners were secured throug·h the matching of re<l and green hells. It is to be doubted if Solnn1on himself could have recog-nized some of the ''matchings" as hells, hut it turned out alright. as those who failc(l to match had the privilege of going out in the kitchen and "eating with the cooks." It appeared that some of the guest~ were very fond of eggs. as such articles were found on the persons of i\Ir. Long and :\lr. 1-(lima.

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( ;iving- "15 Rah~" for :\1 i~~ Cldand and tht' g-irls. and assuring them that they would "come again" at a future time {that is some of them). the boys made thci1· way home. wearily but happily ~atistl.t•d as far as mere curiosity was concernccL


I!jl II II


You may talk of your "swell times:· of your enjoyable e\·cnings, but when it comes to downrig·ht fun and jo,·ialit,· a "~tag- party" is par excellence. l\1 r. Janda. of foot hall fame. made a few feeble remarks one morning that ~erved as an amHnmccnK'nt. and the itn-itation was r<.'cei,·cd with gTcat joy. The big- event occurred nne ~unn\· afternoon following football practice. which made it pos~ihle for gridiron aspirants to attcml. :\ fter a k·w re1nark~ hy :'\I r. Leth·r. ~tat ing th~..· place the Y. :\I. C..·\. occupies in a ~chool and how anximt~ the local org-anization was of having every man in school identify himsdf with it. the "cats" \n~rc attacked. 11cfore this. however. a contest between the leanest professor. :\lr. Hoyt. and the fattest. l\Ir. llowie, was hdd. which consisted of dcnHtring- one-half of a melon. The former won easily. :\s soon as this was over the real work of disposing- of the load of melon~ hcg-an in earnest and by each one doing his part. efficiently and quickly, the joh was soon completed.

J!iigl1 ~rl1unl i&rrr.ptinu ( )f all the events of the year none has heen more enjoyable or more appreciated than the rcccpt inn g-iven on .\pril 1oth in the Trainers Building by the High School students in honor of the High School teachers. The reception was held in two of the recitation rooms which were beautifully decorated-one in the High School colors. the other in the Senior colors. The success of the evening was larg-ely due to the excellent and well organize<l plans for cntcrtaintnent. Each person. upon entering. was given a pennant bearing- the name nf one of the four classes of the school. .\fter the guests had gathered they were asked to separate into tlwsc different classes. Each class was then asked to organize and he prepared to take part in intt•r-class contests. A lively interest and enthusiasm was actuated by reason of the friendly rivalry between the groups. During the course of the evenmg refreshments were served. The High School students pn_)\'<.'d to he such royal entertainers that the guests failed to depart until after the lights had gone out. and the leave-takings \\'ere carried on by candle-light.

lJuninr- ~rninr iSnnqurt i.\Iany of us who \\'ct·e not Juninrs were cnrious to know the reason of Professor Heck's calling ever and anon a particular group of people to meet hin1 in the gytnnasimn. But one day each Senior received the following note: ''The Junior class of the Peru State X ormal requests your pi·esencc at the J ttnior-Senior banquet. Friday evt•ning. :\[arch 2oth. HJ 1S· at R:oo P. :'\£.. Chapel." AtHl then the mystery was cleared.


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Never docs one sec so much gaJiantry and chi,·alry displayed c•n the part of the boys for about two weeks prior to the hig- event. Sc Hllt' resorted to the.· n1ost desperate tactics to "land that date." Captain Long and Louis h: ilzer broke aJI traditions of this institution hy each securing a lo,·ely datnsc I for the swell affair. The Juniors were a clecideclly husy and labnriottsly-looking- lot on Friday. One might sec them emerge from the "gytn" with cotton eli ng-i ng to their apparel and they appeared more like those living in I )ixit·lancl, retltt·ning from the cotton fields. The evening of .i\'farch 26th was beautiful. and before R o'clock the ichabods hacl congregated in the chapel and were waiting f(•r the signal to nlat·ch. This soon came, and slowly and with tnuch dignity the pt·ocessinn advanced into the gymnasium. vVIIat a change had taken place! \ \"t· felt Wl' couldn't believe our senses. The major and cent raJ port ion of the roorn had he en enclosed with a wall of cotton ancl this had a ceiling of pennants also n1ade nf cotton. The whole appeared tnttch like an enchanted palace. beautifully attired for some great festival. The menu was as follows: Grape Fruit \Vafers Roast Pork I ~rn\\·n Sauce Baked Potatoes Creamed I \·as in Ti 111 ha lc~ Parkerhouse Rolls Lemon ] c 11y Celery (>lives \Valclorf Salad N'uthrcacl Sandwiches \Vhite Cake Ice Cream :'\uts Coffee lVIints While partaking of this excellent ancl wholeson1e repast. tlw orchestra, under the leadership of 1\Iiss Carpenter, treated the assetnhled banqueters to most rapturous music. The toast list was a long- one. hut the toasts were spicy. c haraeteristic, ancl worth while, that those who responded had rapt attention throughout. :\fr. Joe Boyd was l\Iaster of Ceremonies while ).I r. Clyde Leece \\'as toast tnaster. 'The follo\ving toasts were responded to: ).Ir. IIuston "Cares'' Prof. F. C. Stnith "Rowing" ~Jiss Fay "Yesterdays" Prof. neck "Suppose'' l\T iss Jitnerson "Triumphs'' Dean Rouse "Altruism" :\f r. Bloss "Loyalty" Pres. I--J ayes "Service" At the midnight hour, "The Pale Blue and the \\'bite" was sung. and with that came to a close the most formal. cnjoyal>lc. ancl lcmg-tn-hc-rcnletllbered event of the school year.

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All tnen, soon or late, arc compcllcd to defend or· deny the t nr tIt of alleg-ed phenomena, and the case and accurateness with ,,·hich conditions arc met, often detcnninc a man's position or reputation. If there is the least hesitancy it is conjectured to be a lack of definite knowledge. c1r that the truth is not nn that side. Christ was accosted by .\ C E I~T.\ I:-...· L. \\ \" Y E I~ wh11 was accustomed to the disputes of the court, yet his keL'IliH·ss of ]>L'rL·eptioll, his breadth of vision, his wealth of illustration. his well-timecl questic 1lls. sc HIll led the la\\:yer to sec the truth. Then. as well as now, there is only llllL' true end of argumentation-TR UTI-I! So long as the "Devil can cite scripture for his pttq>osc .'' sc' long will there be need of discussions tl' show the falsity c,f his cc mclusic ms. sc • lc mg will there be need of pure unadulterated tntth tu cdTsct the )'LTniciousncss of his satanic majesty. The great problems of the day demand careful. c..:onsistl'llt, and sequac..:ious thinking if truth is to be the desideratum. Trickiness has no place in forensics, for it offers no truthful solution to momentous pn ,),)ems. To think consistently, requires nntch effort: to he so exact as to defy successful contradiction, demands keenness of thought and vi,·iclness of expression; to be so thorough as to anticipate the weak points of one's opponents, requires concentration; while to be investigative. requires interminable industry; and these-effort, thought. expression, cone en tration and industry-arc the noticeable attributes of efficacious de haters. Thirty-five years ago, a farm \vhich had heen bought for· six dollars an acre, was permitted to go back to the original owner· after· one paytncnt had been made; "for", said the bu\·et·, "it will never make it." The land in question, exactly thirty-five years latct:, sold for one hundred fifty dollars an acre, and the same man remarked, ''\V ell, sec what I would be worth now. if 1 had held on to that piece of land." Here is an instance of snap judgment so often used by young debaters. Young people. who arc prc me to hasty c..:onclusions, soon learn in "give and take" debates, to place emphasis on the value of ideas, to adjust them to fit the issue, and to amass them properly where they will have a telling effect. The analysis of the question devel1 >ps bt·oad vie\\'s of peculiar situations, lends interest in the relations of different aspects, and promotes investigation. Here again, the debater finds that sound judgment must he used; for he must in this analysis carefully eliminate all it-rele\·ant and extraneous materiaL The questions of the hour demand soluti1 >n; and then· is. in nearly all cases. a great deal of truth on both sides. The real problem. then. is to find the probabilities of a solution: weigh the evidence in regard to its advanccnu.·nt of human interests. and find justification from biography and hist()n· for the support of the basic principles which underlie the foundation of the n;nclttsion. ).Jere gossip finds no place in a debater's store hcmsl', and he sc lOll ll'an1s to say only those things for which he has proof. This natura11y It-ads him into research and while he is searching for evidence he stores fact:-;, which others not

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interested in proof, fail to remember. 1-Iis mind thus becomes a store house of facts, and he ~tan<ls on firmer ground by his disapproving of gossip and his approving of truth. The debater gains in self-confidence with each debate he "·ins, until he reaches his \\"aterian: for he values the favorable opinion of three tnen more than having- offered a truthful solution. His first defeat never has the effect of lowering the tnark of his self-confidence. but of increasing his ambition to succcL·d along tnorc rational and permanent paths. He polishes his speech, intproves his personal appearance, trains his voice, practices graceful positions, and by increased dt•\·otion to courtesy. sincerity. and honesty, he generally reaches the placl' of eminence, in the minds of his friends. that he had in his own before the defeat. The <kbatcr finds that one of his greatest problems is to organize his material. after he has done his reading. and the discipline is so great, and so difficult of attainntent that the methods of the debate arc sure to be made a part in the acts of his business career. It would seem strange indeed to see a good debater .slovenly in his work. In the recitations he stands erect. alert, open to conviction, and ready to convince. l-Ie cannot be passed by without a reason, and is not satisfied to sit quietly by, and. sponge-like. absorb. Soon the awkward boy. who begins to debate, is not recognized, for he commences to make a cotnplete speech in each recitation, takes a more active part in all discussions, and organizes his thoughts in such a way as to produce respect in the minds of his instructors, and admiration in the ntincls of his mates. In almost all cases the debater is the leader in the school activities. He is elected class president by a large n1ajority. he is the editor-in-chief of the College paper, \vins out in the election to the position of manager of the College Annual. as well as editor-in-chief, is president of the large literary societies, gives the announcements in chapel, represents his class in the practical talks, is president of the Christian societies, and is the ambassador of the class on all intportant occasions. 1\ ot content with these eminent honors, he has comnlcnccd to invade the field of athletics, and when he wrestles, he brings his mind to act with his tnusclcs, puts real science into the contest, and uses his head for RE-buttal. If he has time to compete in football he wins a place on the team -for his quick wit and ready n1ind cause him to anticipate the argument before it is tnadc. and again his discipline in the organization of his material allows hin1 and has taught him to give argument for argument. He refutes the argutnent that he is slo\v and in llRJIEF time wins a place on the College basketball squad. In life he takes just as active a part as he takes in his College course. He makes speeches from the school house to the Senate; from the justice of the peace to judge in the Supreme Court; from school teaching to the presidency of the Union. lie is the representative from the County. the Senator from the (listrict. and the Governor of the State. He is the greatest lawyer. the most earnest advocate. the I vy-<lay orator. and the autocrat of the pulpit. I I c is in evidence everywhere. H caring of the great sucn·ss of SOtlll' man. we arc ardently told that he was able to meet people, that since his High School career

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it \\'aS noticeably greater than lwf"rl'. \\"as it ;lltriltttl:thk '" hi~ < ;rcl'k? Yes. but only in the relation of< ;n:c.:J..: nwd < ;.-n·J..:. ,,},jc)J lw accptirl'cl in "g-i\·e and take" debates. !laving said so much in ln·half 11f the d('hatcr·~ pn '''{·ss. in scrrottsncss it should be said that this grcat lll'Ss de n·s n• tt c• tiiH' fn 1JJJ the lit tIt- training- received in the debating da~s: hfi\\T\Tr. this in tll:tll~ i11stanct·s dt'\Tic,ps a gcrtn that other\\'isc mig·ht remain lat<:nt. It r11ay lw that 11111~- tllo:-.t· wll" an· exceptionally bright have the tl'tlll'rity to t·nll·r this ct~JJtl'sl f11r hie 11111: 1l11\\T\'l'r. be this as it may, Pent is pr,,ttd of tltt· natJH'S ,,f 11l'r illtt:-.tri"tts cll'l1atcrs \\'hose praises we hear sung contintt:tl1y. :--:.trangvrs s•1111l k;trtl thl' natnt·s ,,f Cline, 1V[oore, Gates. Stoddard . .\ndl'rst~ll, IIanna. ''{·itl1. l.itll', \\'insl"''·· \'cr·non, Wear. Kennedy. and many othl'rs \\'host· franktwss. ~..·kn·nJl·ss. and sttceess arc regarded as exemplary. Debaters arc not born. they arl' t·\·c.ltlti••nii't'cl. It st·t·tns possihll' to develop into a fairly good spl'aJ..:l'r as a n·st1lt 11i dTt~rt. The aJ,ility tn n·a.;.on well. and to analyze, arc more rl'markahk in !"flllH' than in ,,thl'rs. tc• l1e sun·. hut the amount of practice gin:n by tlll'sl' ,,-tJ,, an· t·nJirwntly kadcr..; in the field is seldom known. The eminent exampll's of I h·nJt •stlH·Jtl'S and l"icero as developed products, arc conspicuous. \Vl'l,stl'r. <'lay and I 'ltilipps hl'can1c gr·cat debaters only as a reward of widl' rl'acling-. and cc•nstant pr·actice. \\'l' are told that Lincoln had an analytical mind. that hl' st~ttght the causes of all things, and was not satisfied with an icll'a until lw was ahk to cl()the it in pnq>er words. T11is it is plain to sec, was a (kn.·lllpl'd charal·tvristic. l'ersistency and nt·iginality were peculiar to him, but his powl'r of l' x pr-e ssisllll s. his c()r11pa r·isons and

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analogies \Vere developed by constant pract icl'. The two movements of the mind sl'l'nl tc 1 hl' irnprl'ssi( 111 and l'xpr·cssion. That many try to express what has IH'\TI' lH·l·n intprl'SSl'cl is certain. hut the failure is inevitable. But we are tolcll,y tl1e ps_,c}nllllg;ists that it is just as erroneous to have an impression ,,-ithnut exprl'ssing· it. In thl' field nf forensics there is certainly a great opport1111ity fot· thl' exprl'ssinn nf all in1pn·ssinns and one is only hindered hy the fewnl'ss oi his imprl'ssic 111S. \Ve are told that a fact is a fact. and that it is \\·nr·th just as nntch if whispered as if yelled, that it isn't noisl' bttt light that affl'cts judges . .:\lost debaters are fully aware that it is the lig-htning that de )l'S the work and not the thunder; however. it is certainly false rcas(1ning- te1 think iclt"cl'fttlncss. excellence of diction, pleasantness nf expression, case and graccfttltll'SS <>f carriag-e arc not to the debater the ''apparel that oft proclaims the tnan." There are a numhct· of short-comings-getting prepan·cl at·tklcs. g-iving quotations without credit. mis-quoting. etc. Jn the l'athfindet· nf January 17. there are three advertisements which inform tts that fc •r a srnall stllll of n1oncy outlines for debates can he obtained (:itlll'r f()r the affinnati,·e nr the negative. The only one who would huy this cheap "stuff" is a kllc 1\\· whn need nnt worry

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over victories. It is true that the art of oraton· is • ,nh· t hl' art '1f cc 111\"l'rsatic 111 t·aised to a high level and it is this latkr art that debating Sl'l·ks tn cnlti,·atl' in the attainment of the former. The man whos(.' Ctlll\"vrsatic •11 is sc 1 cl111l and listless that he

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hitnsclf is forced to yawn in the tnidst of it. has no more right to carry this style into his fonnal discour~e than has the man whose speech is fustian-loaded and botnbastic. X ot all of us can become Emmets or Burkes or \V ebsters-n1en, who, by their ebullient and soul-stirrin~ orations could chanrre the course of action of :::. nations and the history of the world. Xor. indeed, will the voice of tnany of us ever be hl·anl in the halls of congress pleading with a stubborn opposition against the iniquities of a protective tariff system: not many of us can ever hope to be a Reed, a Uen~ridgc. or a Davis. Our critl·rion of what constitutes effective public speaking has radically changed in the past fifty years. as is c\·iclenccd in the type of speech found in the Congressional H.ccunls of these two respective periods. It is said that the speech of the \Vebstl'r, "\\'hen my eye shall last behold.'' would provoke a titter if ddivercd in thl' Senate today. :\[uch has been said of physical presence and personal tnagnctism. voice and gesturing. but we have come now to believe that the person who can speak effecti\·ely is he who has for the foundation of his discourse. sound infonnation. condensed and lucid, pure logic, and an interest in the subject at hand. These latter things-infonnation. analysis and logic-the young debater gains. By tneeting crowds titne after time he develops an easy, graceful, and effective speaking attitude: with each debate his style becomes more simple, ntore direct and vivacious. \ Vhen he leaves College. he finds the formal debate a thing- of the past, but as an l'dncated citizen other forms of address are detnancled of hin1 on nun1erous special occasions. _-\s a result of his College debates, he is enabled to tnakc his point and stop, rather than to bore his listeners with the prolix effusion that ordinarily characterises such speeches. In the business or professional world his conversation is forceful and convincing, and he soon devl'lops that mysterious clement that the world for want of a better tenn calls personality. and he takes his place among first rank citizens. L G. vVILSON. .._~





J nstnrnl

Upon the hanks of Silent \Vater I strolled one fairy sun1mer's day: The yellow-throats by Silent \Vater llad never warbled half so gay.

The lily leaves in Silent \Vater .-\down the stream sailed peacefully; \Vhile in the marsh by Silent \Vater The cat-tails swayed in melody.

The cattle ncar the Silent \Vater The trees along the Silent \Vater Lay clrowisly beneath the trees; \V ere all bedight in summer's hue: The aster heads by Silent \Vater And in an elm by Silent \Vater \V ere nodding blithely in the breeze. A jay rejoiced o' cr nestlings two . .:\11 Nature 'ronnel the Silent \Vater Seemed smiling under joyful skies. For there hcsidc the Silent \Vater vVere vou with gladness in your eyes! E. E. E., 'IS.

II '/'wo 11111/dl·nltlrt' \·






atnnteutntrttt \Vhat would J deem n mtentnH路nt? Ah, dear, why need you ask? To me the very telling- is a tlJIJSt alluring- task. I Jove to speak the words most clL路arTu think these thoughts just now. Contentment is-has ever been. A verse. i\ vine, And Thou. ;\ verse of s(J me o I c) 111 aster. cle a 1路. l\l uch wiser far. than \H': \Vi II he I p us to a vision c lea 1路 vV e had not hoped to Sl'(.'. Together we will wander Thnt the paths of past-age lore: \Ve will learn the stories of their li\TS, To them in homag-e how. Contentment is-as it has bel'n, A verse. A vme, And Thou. A vme will he our shelter. cll'ar. A cottage filled with love vVill he our sole protection Against the winds that rove. I'll live for you. and love you. too, I make this solemn vow: Contentment is-will ever he. A verse, A vme, And Thou. (;. R. F., . I 5-

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IDI1r N r1uspaprr as n Q1nntntuuity lJfnr.ct :\ Juninr Theme.




The llL'W!"paper a cnntnntnit'" forn.·? Decidedh·. from the time it is rushed frotn the pn·!"~. ~nh.·lly with 1wit~ter's ink. half the. items left out because they were ''n.TeiYL'd t( Hl late fnr publication-full particulars next week.~' till it goes to it~ la~t n·~ting place on thL· pantry ~heh·es. the newspaper is a force. Regard lc~~ of 1it era ry L'xcl'llencL' ot· rhetorical power; as a record of comn1unity interests: by Yirtue of tlw extensin? field it needs must cover: it is bound to be a force. To touch every line of acti,·ity. to lead in every move for civic improvL'Ilten t. t n he foremost in L'Ycry adYance for social uplift. to guide and encourage the intl'llLTtual life of the community. in every way possible to promote the public welfare-this is the pn.n·ince of the comm1mity newspaper. The nL·w~paper i~ a force then. from the standpoint of business, to be supported: politically. to be fl·ared: morally. to he upheld: socially. to be courted; intclkctually, tu in~pire: hi~torically. to be preserved. II ow eagerly do we scan the advertisements upon opening our newspaper! ?\ot only do we wi~h to learn of the latest bargains. but as reading material we note the phrasing. the ingenuity of the composition. The gossip of business rivals invite intt·n·st in the local page. \Ve sight the amount of space appropriated hy the new hardware store, thereby gauging its standing in the business world. The an1ount of business enterprise in the community is reflected in the newspaper, throug·h the offices of which many an advertising scheme is originated. If business is dull, we seek ont the editor and put it to him to devise son1e tneans fnr starting things. Advertising pays-it is up to the editor to n1akc it pay. \V e leave all details to the editor. Business is dull, not because of the war in Europe, or failure of crops. or stringency in the money market, but because we lack a good. live editor, such as they have in our neighboring County, who concocts wonderful schemes of voting contests for the most popular young lady, a grand bargain dollar day. a grab sale, or the giving away of a piano. In the world of politics, we feel keenly the force of the newspaper. Here, assuredly, we do not know our own tninds until we know what is the newspaper's. Do we ,\"ish to run for political office? Better sound the editor first, there's sitnply no use entering the race without the support of the paper. It takes a tnan of principle to run a newspaper during a campaign, to stand by his convictions, fair, itnpervious to temptation of personal advantage. If we can enlist the services of the editor, we have a powerful aid in our catnpaign for civic itnprovement. Do we need better roads? Get the newspaper interested. Do we need a new town hall? \Vhisper it to the editor. To he sure, he never ceases afterwards to remind us of it. alluding on all possible occasions. to the "edifice of which we feel justly proud, having been largely instnunental in its erection.'' But the fact remains that the newspaper IS largely instnunental in every public enterprise, discovering the need of it, encouraging the possibility nf securing it, devising ways and means towards attaining it.






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The newspaper plays a large part in shaping- thL' m.,ral~ 11f a cntlllllttllitv. for instance, what a powerful ally against the liqw 'r e\·il. The papt·r th;1t comes out boldly on the right side of this great issstte i:-; \\'il'lcling- a 111ight ,. power for good. For there is no qncs lion of its i nllu •·n ce here : ,. ,. cry , t .... k c ;', hound to tell. It reaches the mass of the people. gets talked aJ,, mt. th• 1ttght about; it is a foe at which its evil antagonist has no means of striking bade ,\ newspaper that takes a high moral standard. will be sttpJ)( ,t·tcd. It 1 uav be weak, inefficient, hut the comnmnity clemancls that it tnust JH 1ssess a fai.r standard of morals. Ready to lend aid to charity and religious entcq>t·iscs, eager to promote educational advancement, anything that p• 'int~ t« •ward highe 1• living and purer thinking-this must he the n'1oral .,lltJ.,ok ()f tht· papet·. A spirit of neighborliness pervades the local page. \ \' e a t·c a 11 a Ia rgc family, feeling a keen interest in what seems trivial en« mgh t «• t lw «mt si( let·. \ Ve want to know when John Jones went to a rival town. when y«Jtlt1g" l~r()\\'tl t(1ok his first ride in his new buggy. \Ve want to know when it i:-; time to do ottr fall plo\ving, and when it is time to put on o11r wint<.'l' flannels. So-and-so is sick and we fly to visit him. :\ poor fatnily has lllo\·t:d into the neighborhood. We hasten to tlwir relief. :\ lcctun.·t· is cotning to town. \Ve depend upon the newspaper for a statement as to his ability. It is the newspaper that stimulates the movement for the chautauqua and the teet ure course, whatever of entertainment comes within our range: and it is the newspaper that is scathing in its criticism, if the expected treat does nc 1t fulfill its promises. Then the Society Column is such a delig-ht. Those sati•.;fying wl'ite-ups that mark ns as people of social prominence, who know ho\\" to entertain in the most approved fashion. If our names appear within this colttnln. then tn 11y, we are within the pale. I recall a most humorous acconnt, not the fault of the newspaper, I hclieve, but reflecting the attitude of the community towards a trying s« ,cia I situation. A young man had been most faithful in doing- janitor work fc >t' the Sunday school, ringing the bell and building the fires, quite gratuitously. in the schoolhouse where the services were held. The people whnn1 he had thus benefited, sought to show their appreciation by holding a sort of reccpt ion for him. The plans were extensive; there was some decorating: a bounteous supper was arranged for; and as a crowning featm·c. they \Ycre going to present the young man with a chair. The write-up was duly appreciative. Each detail was dwelt upon, even to the presentation of the "small token of our gratitude, accompanied by the good wishes of the entire conltlltlnity:" and then. quite at the end of the description, and seemingly not having affected the progTanl in the slightest, came the sentence, "The only feature to mar the c\·ening's pleasure was the guest of honor having failc<l to appear!" ~o con1111ent scctned necessary. The newspaper simply pictured the situation exactly a~ it had occurred. and in fancy. T can hear the chuclde of the editor a~ he wrote it. Exceedingly critical are ,,.e of the construction. g-rammar. ot· spelling of our newspaper. \Ve expect it to he a model of correctness. to 1)( >sst·~s a certain

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literary styk. as itHked it should. Into how matn· homes does it enter as absolutely the only n·ading- tnath'r. excepting of cot~rse the Bible, and possibly a hyn1n book. c:atec:histn. and almanac:. Particularly is this true among foreigners. ~t )llle of us who livt• in neighboring localities, and who have the ability, c:ont rihutc t ht' new~ of our di~tricts. under suitable titles; as Balm of Gilead, ~tt Hldard Lc..·cturc..·s. and the like. \\-hen news is scarce, we fill in with bits of tHtr own c:on1position. ~otnctime~ in appropriate verse. Tlms the paper offers a fleld fur our literary aspirations. Throug-h the editorial column there is a splendid opportunity for intellectual intluc..'tll'c..'. \\'riting upon whatc,·er topics are at the moment of peculiar interc..·st to the..· con1n1unity. or calling- attention to the happenings of the world at larg-e..'. there is a wonderful chance for direction thought along right channels. Still one tnore division remains. one that endears itself to the hearts of the older subscribers who live larg-ely in retrospect. and that is "The T\venty-five Years :\go .. colun1n. There is an immense amount of satisfaction in re-reading the c..·,·ents of a quarter century ago. to those who have watched the passage of titne frotn the san1e viewpoint: and the old people by the fireside sit in re\'erie after its perusal. and chat happily of by-gone days. So-the newspaper a community force? It is a part of our lives. It announcc..·s our arri\'al into this world; watches our career through school, puts our nan1cs on the honor roll, follows us through College. eager to herald our first tritnnphs; anxious to extol the..· worth of our "fellow townsman" if we do aught of tnerit; proud of our successes: sorrowing in our griefs; marries us-in conventional black though it be, and faithfully cataloging the list of impossible, wcll-tncant contributions as ''beautiful and useful presents; .. buries us, writing an obituary in our n1etnory that forgets our mistakes and remembers only our virtues. Then let us consider the immensity of the newspaper's undertaking, and be chary of our criticistn, lend it our support: give something of the encouragenll'nt and help to its author that he has given to us-the community.


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In con1pany with a group of Sisters of l\Iercy. two Red Cross nurses and a field surgeon. I started forward into the lines to g-ive what assistance I might, and to sec what war was like. Although we were delayed some eight hours in reaching the scene of our gruesome labors, the smoke of hattie yet hung uncertainly above the dootned and wretched city tnuch as a vulture hovers over its carrion feast-gloating and wondering if there is not more to be devoured. A stean1 of tnist arose fron1 the place, and, commingled with the heavy, sickly, copper-colored smoke, which we knew to be produced by human flesh consutnccl by the gluttinous demon fire, hung suspended like a pall over all. What on the yesterday was the abode of thousands was that (lay but a n1ean shelter for the maimed and broken bodies <lf those who had sacrificed their strength and lives to the great g-od \Var. These had been carried to the

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only place that afforded even a meager protection from the sun and wind, the cracked and mutilated walls of a once mag-nificent cathedral. whc >se beauty of architecture had been heralded all over the world. Upon nearing this improvised hospital our hearts were sickened by the cries and moans of the suffering wretches. and on approaching still nearer, our nostrils caught the nauseating stench of warm blood. For the first titne I felt the horrible reality of carnage and death. .:\fy heart stood still at the ghastly sight. Hundreds of dead and wounded lay therc-t he stone floor their only cot, oftimes their heads pi11owed on a dead comrade's breast. Their eyes \\'ere for the most part closed, as if to shut out the horror of the ~n.·nl·. There \\'ere many who slept the never-waking sleep, and as I looked f ,,·onclered if there had been regrets at the going. Others, who might in time recover sufficiently to be removed, would never s<.'e the place that had she lterecl t hetn, not· the faces of those who had kept the awful vigil with them. Their sight had heen shot away by flying fragments of shells. < )ne poor wretch lying there. disemboweled, acually smiled up at us as we worked over him. vVith every movement was heard the crunching of hones or the death gasp of some poor mortal as his soul took its departure tc, a not her world. \ Vc saw arms torn from shoulders, the splintered ends of botH'S protruding frotn bloodstiffened garments, and there ,,·as pain, pain everywhere. The very stones on which they lay were like those of a slaughter floor, yet lacking the drainage these places afford. ( >nly hy exercising great caution were we able to keep our footing on the slimy. oozy. hlood-covercd surface. As I bent over a hurt and gasping fellow to moisten his lips for the last time, I was arrested bv a statute in a niche just ahove. \Vhat a tnockcrv was this! There was the Christ, His hands extended in benediction, and h~;d I I e been able to speak surely I-T is wnrcls would have hl'en, ''Peace on earth and good will toward men!'' I\ o wonder the lineaments of grief arc S( > deeply furrowed in the face of Christ, and in this statue so tragically life-like, they sccn1ed doubly so. On the day following three long. open trenches were seen. vVhen night's somber curtains pityingly closed over the scene. numberless grin1 and silent processions wended thither. Complying with military regulations "for convenience in handling, bodies shall be corded into packs of fnur"-all that \\"as tnortal of those poor wretches from the cathedral back there was dtttnped into these places the whole of it was strewn with quicklime and dirt thrown on. They did not live to receive one of the various crosses given for bravery in battle, yet I do not doubt but that their rewards will come from that J(ing ~f Kings into whose court they found entrance. These awards are given after imperial recognition. \Vho wi11 recognize the monarchs and parlian1ents who had the power to avert this war. and what will he ml'tl'd out to them? G~\ YNELLE. R. FAY.

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:!lilly <ttraniunt

Oh my Lord. man, what you sayin'? Surdy stnHtg thoughts you ain't weighin'? If you say that you don't notice Somcthin' awful wrong with n1e. \Vhy. old man. my head's a bustin', All my business I'm adjustin'For I think I hear the summons Of the angels, callin' n1e.



There seem to he ten thousand wheels Run by half as many mills, .:\11 a grind in· and a roarin' Right inside my cranium. And the way they buzz and wheeze Seen1s to go clear to my knees, For they've grown so weak and wobbly I can't walk.



No. old man. I hain 't got tremens, Dut I vow it must be demonsThe way they claw and hammer Just inside my cranium. One is sawin' at my ear-drum. ()ne is chiselin' my throat down, One is pullin' out the socket vVhere my eyebaii used to be.

I' I I




Then they all unite their forces And they work like forty horses, Each one pullin' in a different way Inside n1y cranium. Till it seen1s it must be breakin'-J ust then "l\f om" gives tne a shakin'. And I know it only is the grippe I've got!




I• I

li 'I


Two 111111tlrctl dn·cu

J '

• ..,.


Jrn nnil Qlnn She was a maiden fair to sel', And often had she said to llll', She ne'er from sing-leness would part: That no mere man could win hl'r hl'art. She, woman's rights dicl advc •catl', Or reckless man forever pratl'lfow his frail frame wottlcl g-o to sllJash If "frau" failed t•' ladlc c1ttt thl' hash. Her weclclecl friends dicl men clenll'an: They warned her if she'd sti11 hl· qttlTil, vVithin her heart kt no lo\"l' stealIt hringcth much of woe ancl weal. I


ll e was a woman hater, born. ( )f all fine fancies he was sh' •rn: Xo woman .vet, he'd ever seen Who'd look at him-he was so mean. His one grand theme was of their stealth, How they could filch from man his wealth, \Vhen in the wee sma' hours of night I-Ie' d with the demon rarebits fight. His married friends had told him o'er If he'd he happy, thinl" no more Upon the luckless suhjcct. love; For if he did, no more the dove Of happiness and peace divine, vVould hover 'round his tree and Vll1l'.





r !I

He listened and took heed once more, Dut as I've often said beforeYou can't control the hand of life. But only keep step with the fife. He moved ahont-though very stupid, Cntil one day he met yottng Cupid Out foraging, on mischief bent, Into man's heart an arrow sent. As usual, true unto its aim, Another to the maiden came; Both hearts were pierccd-thl'Y none can blame: They had not made resistance hold, In spite of all their friends had tuJd.




---~-~-~----- -------~---~-----

'l'wo hu11drcd ttcclve





The~e two now sit before their fire, :\ n<l he calls cycry man a liar; He wants to giYc that one a slug, \\"ho says that marriage is a drug. She speaks no more of worthless trash, nut calmly mixes up the hash. :\nd wonders how she lived so long \\"ithout the glory of his song. ~ow if you'll do a kindly deed. Of these last words take careful heed: Y nu who arc tints unhappily yoked. Our deepest pity have invoked. nut. for the sake of future dans. Don't form yourselves in fireproof bands, .-\nd pratl路 about }aye's luckless fateIt's just the sour grapes you ate!

庐n Jt.s.aiutisnt \V e have heard the daffy mumbler And the discontented grumbler; They have tried in vain to show us That the world is gro,ving worse. They've discussed each situation, Talked of perils of the nation, Till we've longed to see them riding To the boneyard in the hearse. They have missed the silver lining That behind each cloud is shining; They have failed to find the diamonds That lie sparkling in the slate. Dut continually they're growling, Ever keeping up their howlingThey shall one day see their error. \Vhen alas! 'twill be too late. \Vith their sins all unamended, \Vhen their journey here is ended, They will tneet Saint Peter grumbling, And their records they will tell. But he'll say, "I've heard about you, H caven will better be without youAnd the only place you're needed, That I know of, is in-Kearney. n



I used to think that I was wise, But now I must admit That I have found to my surprise That I lack common wit.

f n former clays I lnn·d to talk. 1\ nd speeches (If ten made: But now the chalk-line I mu~t walkTo whisper. I'm afraid.

I used to think my mind was broad, That my ideas were grandAlas! I ought to bear a hod, Pitch hay, or shovel sand.

used to tend for other men. Ten businesses ~dorH·: But now I find J'\'e plenty. when I strictly tend my ( )\\·n.

I used to laugh at Jones, who worked In the village store with me; For while my tasks I always shirked, He labored busily. l used to tog up like an carl, But Jones cared naught for that; He often walked beside his girl \Vith a stove in his derby hat.


II 1\ 11


d 'd

\l. \1\

.I !I I'



But time past on: old Jones arose TiJI now lw owns the store. From these poor shoes protrude my toes; I'n1 where I was before. I hold that same t ,,·o-dollar joh: Boss Jones is hale and fatThe man whom I oft called a slob, \Vith a stove-in derhy hat.


The mumps, one of the first and most dependable harbingers of the joyous springtime, is a peculiar affection of the parotid and other salivary glands. which gives to the facial contour of the victim the appearance of an over-inflated toy baloon . vVhen a mump epidemic gets loose in a conununity the soup-bone and the boullion cube vic with each other as article of popular diet, and the tnerchant orders crackers by the car-load lot. The efficacy of the sour pickle as a tester makes this ordinarily rejected dainty very much in demand. The peculiar feature of the mumps is, that while other diseases beget the sympathy of one's neighbors, this malady appeals only to his sense of lnnnor; and the victin1, isolated like the leper of olden days, is given his own time in which to recover. In this state of solitude his only solace consists in applying heated to\vels to the area of high pressure. Then again, the contagion of this disease is rather mysterious. Hypochondriac people have been known to wilfully absent themselves from the weekly meeting of the Commercial Club, or from the Sunday evening services thru fear of the disease germs, only to catch the ailment from the sneeze of a kind passerby-with no charges. The disease was at first christened "Cynanche parotitis," hut the pronunciation of the name invariably proved fatal to the patient. Thereupon, the tnedical men out of respect to the sweet nature and benign aspect of the victim, shortened the name to the goocl. old. vernacular "mumps.'' E. E. ERICSON.

'l'u,o llunrlt·cd (ottrtccll


EPTEMBER It is LH1r •'ur


illuslrat~.· <l. {;rani>~-.


in this short sketch to gwe

a histo ry. pro fuse ly a nd a nthcntically of the college career o f Gui lie lm us

an o nly so n and the pride o f his parents.

I 1:1\· ing- tini~h e d the I I igh School in Pose~·,· ill e . he l'illcrg-ed from his mother's \ring. and. poli shing up his rubbe r co llar. he pack ed his suitcase. and after an uneYCntiul ride of a fe"· ho urs durati o n. landed 1n 1\·ru.

The Y. :\[. C. :\. committee . clea r old


\\'ere there to meet him and in a fc\\' ho urs

he "·as safely lo dged in th e la nn o n llouse. he n1l't the boys.


\\"h en he said anything he \\·as

cardul that it \\·as apro poo; , a nd ,,·h en he had not hing to sa,- the s iknce of ign o rance "·as mistaken fo r \\' isdo m.

:\nd so he soon g-ain ed pals, even

among th e big lette r men.



\H' I'C

L'aS\. tO get, but hO\\' to

mak e the acquaintance oi the three hundred g irls . nr C\'t' n kno \\· them by s ig ht. that \\·as the proposit ion.

Soon. ho ,,-e,·er. he ,,·a s self-elected to th e re-

cciYing line o n the r od fen ce nca r the fo untain a nd his

in quisitirc "\\"ho 's she?"

soon g-ot him ac-

quainted \\'ith the ladi es, hero in e a nd amazo n. o f the schoo l.

Later. at th e "get-acquainted" recep-

tion. he \\'as Ycry nnJCh in evidence. and thereafter tipped hi s hat tn L'\·cry lady he met. an ing o n the supposition tha t he had m et he r at t he n:ceptio n. True. he did greet a la undry \\'OllJan and th e po rtly ,,-ife of a farmer. mistaking them fnr dn\\'agcrl()tlking- Specials. hut


a sncicl,· as dem ocratic as

ours ,,·hal hoots it ?

7'11'1> 111111(/I"Ctlfi(/0011



ECEMBE R \\'el l. Luilly mack J..:"ll~>d the lir~t qu;trll'ren:ry gradl' he sent h"rn c \\'as \'t; r •r 1·:.

I :11t. lii'L'

a ll of us. h e IJegan tc 1 think that h e cr11tld gvl ther l' the o th e r th ree-quarters r•n h is n ·putat i• >t l.

I ll· be-

gan to sl u ff outside llf class and It • h lul'f ir1sidl' till' class r oom.

l ie became a lnun.t.:·er in t hl' I• ol,hi l·,.:

and cloak room or a s ight -see r r1Ut •111 1hv ca lllJlll~. \I a n \· \\'ere t h e s n o\\· lJall fights in \\·hic h il l' p;trt ic ipatcd.

li e n o\\· be came less afraid ,,f tlw ] ),,rmi -

to ry amazons and spe nt m any 11111 111l'll t ~ inclttlging in \\'inter sports \\'it h them th at shou ld Ita \T hl'l' ll u se d in perusing ( ;enctic I 'sycholog_,..

\ \ ' hl'll I ilL'

\\'Cather got too cold for thi s he delntnincd I•• h;t n' h is fun in the lihrar_L rH: ig h bors : t here \\'as much socia hilit,· \\'as t h e center.

The hell tappe d


"·hich Ill'

hut thi s Pnly

urged him on to g r ea te r effor ts in 1h is lilll·.

Th en

h e became a ventri loquist su that t h e pa t rons of tI lL' library heard evc ry\\'hcre t h e ,·oit'l' of kitter 1s " r lap-dogs . much to their anHlsetnc n t. a11d to the di ~­ comfiturc of the libra rian .

:\t last the latter c a lled

Cuilly to h e r room a nd after a Sl'\'l' l'l' kct nrc. pu t him on probation.

:\n\\· indeed h e \\·as t re;uling· nn

thin icc, but Cui ll y


his liberty.

not to he 111lls d l' pri\'t•d elf

So one T hurs d ay aftcmn: 111 ill' kt'pl

open h ouse s ix feet from th e lihraria11's table. Th en she gre\\' \\Toth a n d cx ikd him. \\·it lt t he prc l\· is cl that h e might come hac k \\' ll l' ll he \\'"111<1 pre 11 11i s l' t() behave him self.

.\nd. ()f cPurst·. " ·itlt ~ l ll' ll a

nature a s C u illy's . t h is \\'a s ha r1i s lt rrH'rrt f"r lifv .

ANUARY D o \\'n at the Cann o n ll ou:;e the boys got to ta:;ting; o f forbidden fru it in the shape of an occa~ i ona l

ga m e of seren-up. e nrichi ng the r ocabula ry

\\'ith a fc1r c ho ice cuss-\\'orcl s. atHI freq uently surrend erin g- to the pcmici o u ~ 1\"Cccl. E1·en· letter


~ l o n1n1 <.' r Cranby wrote :;he l'Xpre~sccl the h o pe that "her Gui ll y ,,·o uld nnt fall in to eril 11·ays. but


s hun t he m a s he ,,·o ul d a pizc n adder. "


In ad di-

tio n . the t eache r of School .-\ cl ministration. spoke in caus ti c te rms o f t ea ch e r ~ ,,·ho had bad ha bi ts. So . o n K e11· Y car's clay ( ;uill~· and his pal s \\·ore o ff.

Our picture sho \\·s th e last s m oke. n ac k in P oscy ,·ilk debates had been r est rict-

eel to th ose little farces in th e Friday a ftern oon lit c ra n · society 1rhe rc the re:;pecti 1·c meri ts of t he ho rse a n d co\\·. a nd o ther kindred topics. "·erl· dis-


cussed . Of logic G uil ly kn e\\· little. of correct for m ~ o f s pea king. less, but a sem este r ':; cou rse in :\rgum cntatio n did muc h to kn ock off th e r o Hg-h spo ts. Tradi tio n tells o f Dcmosthe ncs' spea kin g 1rith hi s m o u th full o f pebbles in o rdn tn ore t-co m e stuttering. and of H e nry Clay's address ing h i:; senate o f c hic kens aiHI d uc ks. so me s uch st ru ggle.

( ) ur t ;uilh· ha d

II c wa:; hig at HI ;mkwa rd:

his ha nd s \\·er e not unlike :;ma ll hams . and \\·hat to do "·ith them. h o 1r to a ppear ttatural a 11 d unaffli cted 1ras c1·c r h is pro hk m. h n\\· in na t ure 's snli tutle h t• uratn ri cal a r t.

< ltt r

pidme s h 0 \1· ~

~t1ug- ht t~>

dcveln p hi s

'/' w q

hu t~ tiJ''

d niu , t c , n

EBRUARY Tile hill s uf uld I 'cru h:t ,.,. l wv 11 :111 itt-pir:ll ic ll t l!J many a pr>L"l. I< JCa l :tnrl oolht·n\i,..v. proctry has S« lltnckrl f••rthlhc J>r:ti,t·,..

, ,j



th••'L' g-rand

uld hil ls . has ap• •st rnph izt·d tltv hr' "'kkts tha t p u r l nH.:rrily as they g lidl' t hn1 tltv tnL·:tr!"''·s. and h:ts t·ul•>g-izccl the \T IH:ral,k ••ak...: t hat c ],,1],t· till' !ti lls in majcst.\·-!Jt tt nom· roi it Ita...: rl c,.:oTiiH.: r! t ltv ,.:t·n sat io n g-ive n th e natin· 1•.,. lla,·it tg· t il t· st nall ,,f his back t'IJ llll' su dden ],· int n c ••ntat·t ,,· ith th e t'l' lll t'lll \\·alk of Standley II ill • >11 a ,.:lippt·ry I h-n·nthn day. Such an ex perietlt·c as \\'l' ha\T rvl:tll'd abcl\'l' mack C;uilielnHt s tak e ratlw r a p r• •sa tl· ,·tv\\· • ,f t Itt· hi lls o f olcl l' er\1.

li e \\·a s t'< Hll ing- d <J\\"11 .\hb colt II ill one cia,· \\' hen he st a rt ed t«' fal l. lit- s hould ha,·c fallen an d han· d one \\·itll it . l nll ittslcad. Ill' tri ed tel catch him self and l>y his l'Xl'rti<J tls g-:tittvd Slll'h m o m <: ntUlll that \\·hell ht· d id l'< >llll' do 1\\"11 it \\·as \\'it h a fo rce that jarred IIi,; frit•ttds i11 I I industan .

The net losses

\\'LT C

a \\Tenclled



sprained a n kle. and four broke n tingcr-na ils. T he (~ Icc Clu b trip in 1:e bru a ry \\·as an olht· r of th e big fea tures of the sch ool yea r.

1:rom th e first

(;ui ll y was extre m ely solicitous tfJ ha\·L· l'oscn· ilk inc lud ed in the itine rar y. i11 ,, rdn that h e mig·ht s ilo\\' the " o ld 'utls ." sirc, ha,·c you

not ~

\' n u han· had that sa m e dv\\.l'll. t ilt·,· did tnakl' I •.,st·y -

,·ille. a nd there \\·as no happi e r 111an in 1 he \\·holt• l·. S .. \. than Cuil ielm tts . \\·hen thl' I •.,sen·i llian,.: ent·orcd hi s base solo th r C'c 1 in tL'S.

-====================================~ Too

h 111nl t ·r ,J , ,,. , "' ·'' 'I

~ -!s

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.v •

...... _




~L'xt came th e Juniur- ~e nior banq u et. T his 1:' a g- rL'a t l'YL' n t a n d lu ng--cstahli :-; hcd cu:-;t o m clcmamkd that c n · ry knight C!'COrt a lady to th e b a n(jlll' l !tall. Pr el:::e h L' co nd e mned t <> 11·arm a c hair 111 tlt1.' i g n n nnn1 0 11 ~ :::tag·- t"l)\\·. In d es pe rati o n ( ;uilil'l n111:' r l':'nrte cl t o t h e bill -h o ard h u t to n o :\\·ail. Tlt~.· n. happy !'Oluti o u! .\ b o ld h r ig-and o f tltl' I )nrmit<lry p rn fcrn·d her co mpa n:: a nd it \Ya!' g-ladl y acc e pted . y o u may h e sure.

Th e lady 1to\\· hL'in g- ~~.·cured. th e n ext (} u estio n ,,·a :; IHl\\' to h d1a\"l' a nd !t ow t o feel co mfo rta ble in Ite r prc:-;en ~.·~.·. Imag-ine . th e n. tit ~.· joy that ca m e t o n ur fri t' 1Hi 11· h~.·n in huntin g thr u th e card inde x in I h l' library hl' ran anoss a h on k e nt itled. "HO\Y t o I:ChaH' in !'\) lite Society. " \ \ .it h w h a t dili ge n ce did h~.· a ppl y h im :-;elf tn th e ~.· nnt c nt:-; of th e 1·o lume ! \\ ' ith what cag l'rtl l'!'!' did he karn to d istin g ui sh the !'alad for k iro m th e t a ble fnrk a n d t o k ee p fr nm s tirri n g- hi s c n ffl'e ,,·itlt tlw :-;oup :-: po o n! Bu t a co ur:-: e o f t \\'O 1\Te k :-: ga n· !tim a ll th e data necc s :-; ar~· a n d h e 11 0 \\. k lt c o nfid ~.· nt th a t he coul d take h i:- place am o ng The ! ~ lite !

.\11 t h e aft e rn o o n 11·a:-; :-p e n t in p repari ng fo r th1.' ba n qu e t. ] l e 11·a s h ed his hair unt il h e co uld do n ot hin g 11·ith it. h i:-; kct ( I 11·a:-; ;tl>out t o sa_,. ·until he co u ld d n n n thin g 11·it It th e m' ). s h;l\·cd. n1 a~:-; a g ecl. "unt so \\·c iter." T h L' h o urs at t h e hanq u l'l \\'l'rl' a s u ccess . Tru e. he did . in at ll' 111pt ing t•l ru t a d ill p ickle ll'ith h is fp rk. s h uot a :-;treall1 o i \l':t ln in to th e eye <lf hi:; n e ig hbo r anoss th e ta hk. hut no o ffe n se ,,.,,s m eant and ce rt a inly tlll nc 11·a s tak e n . l il' u :-;ed th e right fo rk at th e right t in11·. appl a ud ed th1.• s pee c hes at t h e ps_IThPiog·i~.·a l 1n<llll L' nt . a 11 d did th e thin g-:; a l>a1 Hjlll' ll' r s h n1 tl d do.

~/' lt'f) II lftltlt'f'l/ ( WCU ( 1/·0,t.



PRIL Ea :-; t e r

,·acal ic 111

( ;11ilit·l11111 ~

\\'<" 111

ilc •llW.


\\·as gr('at s p u rt to llllT l till" natin·s .,j l'·•~t·,·,·ilk ;11Hl giv <.: tilen1 til e g lad i1;11 HI \\' IH·n hi ~ n;lnll' ha d i> c<.:n brrH1gilt IJcfnn; puJ,Jic 1111tin· "" JJlaJl\. tinH.·s

iJ,· m ea n s of tile 1'":-;cn·i lk

( 'lari11 n.

Tili ~ t·n t cr ·

prising p<.:riudical c" ntain l·d I 11;11 \\'l'l'k I h e folio\\· · 111g it e m: ' ·Guilieilllll S (;rani>.'· t'aJnl'

ire 11 11 I 'tTl I


:'\ormallast :\ fo nda.' · fCJr a \\Td:'s ,·i~it \\· itil his par-

.\I r ~.

e nt:-; . o ur es l ce m c cl 111\\'ll S-Jll'"J>k . .\ I r . and Cy m s Cran!J\'.


i1 ; 1 ~

had a rL'IlJarkalc ll' c;J -

rc<.:r Ill [ 1('rtl. IJe ing a leader in ai 1 1 1 11~t l'\'l' J'\' cli l t' of the sch o ()l acti,·itics.

\\'l' p re di ct fc1 r ili111 great

s uc cess in hi s c h o:-;c n prnfcss ic1n .,f lvaciling.' '

:\ow \\'lltlidn't that ila\'l' nl<l<k _\' 11 11 kl'l proud ? li tH it di d n 't affect ( ;uilly in t hat \\'a\·.

r 11 fact.

he \\·as planting- potatoes in t il l· 11 ld pall'il \\'hl' ll his father handed him the Cla r io n and he read it an d " ·e nt ri ght !Jac k to \\·o rk. 1-lo\\'e\·er. dem ocratic



;uilh·' -.; tastl's i11

l'oscy ,·ill e. he \\·as anxious lcJ gel had: tcl

I 'cn 1

again a nd. excep t f11 r th e part ing \\·ith I '() ppl·r ;li HI \fommcr. boarded the trai 11 fo·r l'nu \\·ith littk rl' g r ets . . \ s th e train \\·ent ••n its \\·a,· nt .. rl' ()f tile old hun c h arri,·ccl and l'rc l11 ng· he ,,·;1s in tile cllcl l '<: nl c n,·ironn lcllt <•I Ke lll<l r l· a nd happy at prnspcct o f r<.:turning to t iH• c,JcJ Jifv .

., . , , IIUitiiJ'Id


iJIJI Ill,,


--============-======== J:(!r;·~ I

•• h





Guilielnnts had what is termed a .. steady .. after the banq uet, as t hat friend ship did not end there. In :\Jay. G uilly's fan cy turned light!:· to etc. Evcry\\·lt ere h e and £yangclina \rere seen toget her. He registered for D omestic Science and she fo r :\Ianua l Tra ining t he last quarter. in o rd er to haYc h\·o ho urs of be ing together.

11y sk illfnl diplo m acy

G uill,· ha d the r egistrar cha nge his chapel scat so that he cou ld ta lk with It er in chapel.

Our picture

s hows the m with Guilly m inu s (?) o ne a rm and £\·angelina read ing to him fro m .. 1\arriers nurn cd :\\ray, .. by E. P. Ro\\·e. t )nc clay in :\lay G uil ieltmts got t\\"0 letters.

O ne

\\'<I S

fro m the secreta r y of the noard o f Ed u-

cation a t J o nesbcrg. offering- him the principal sltip o f the schools.

The o tlte·r wa::;. fron t :\ Ia Gran by.

enclosing a ten dollar check and asking Iter darling to come ho m e fo r t he stmt m cr.

[t is ha r d to tell

\\·ltich letter gaYc Cuiliclnnts the g rea ter joy. \ \'c lta,·c gtH'II ,·on tn our own \ray an accou nt of t he life of

(;u il ielntu ~

in hi s sc hool ,·car.

\\'c wish \\·c could accompany hi nt to Joncsberg to \\·a!t"lt his \Wrk there.

llut Prnkssnr ( ;uilil'inllt s

( ;ranhy. dear reade r. ts you r::;, atH I a!' " licit

\\' L'


lti m o n to ,·n tt.

'l'tro ,,,,, ,., d , ,. , niJ! t lu·c,

·r,, ''

lutudn 11 1 ,, r




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i!J lll




]•r.,f. 1 ~. D. < >n·rh.,h -""Ye~ . _\"(J il ·n · ~till h;tck 1\\·o cr~·d it ~ i 11 l'h \·;-; ic;ll Tra in ing. hut in orde r t hat \"til t n ta\· take \"llltr additi on !al \\·ork. \\· ~· \\·ill ext·u~ 1 · \ "o •II fmm th e drill." \" irgil I .<J tl g ( o111 f," lt] ,;ll l livid 1 -··]·:xl·t l ~l" tm· !" \I i ~~ 1\n l() n - " 1 i \"Ill! f., ] ].;~ \\· i~ !J 111 talk ;ll,tll l. pk a ~c ~ p v a k in ; 1 11 t!n clvrt "ll l". If it i:-; COll\Tllicn l. I ~ hould n11H: h prdvr l• 1 han: _n lll \\· hi ~pn." .\. 1\ay Scolt- "] ),Jl.l \\· hi ~ pvr 111 Jil l" i1 1 t h e lil 1rary.

l .l'l· s g• • o l!lt ~ ic k. "

] ) r . ll on l:-;c- ·· y . Jilr thc tlle is :t t·•n ll r iiJl!li• ll l t 11 litcrattlrt· . hardly ex pr es:-;l"~ my apprl"ciat io n c1f it. ..

. \ gT< td v cof CJ:-\';

:\ ! iss l :ranson- "T hL"n· i:-; a fine o f ~Scent~ 0 11 t hi s lJuqJ..:. hut a :-; thi ~ 1:-; \·c111 r first offl" n sc \\·c \\·ill k·t it go this t ime."·

I ha\·e \\·o rn \\·hite sock:-;. a h at \\·ith th e lHJ\\. itl th e hack. dog- car c.:u llar ~ . \\·hak- IHJlll" n cc.: kti ~.·~ . .'\nr folk jacket~. and full pq.~ ·- top t ro u se r s-For al l the offct l ~l· ~ I l11 •pc I tl ta~· IJL• p a rtl •>t lecl \\"h l" tl I ~tall: t ha t I h a\"l." tl <ll worn C U >Til -T < >I ' Sl l< >I·:S ! l' rc :" idc!ll II aye< an n ua l intrlldunio tl cof the !:i r e I kp"t.- ·"You k tHl\\". cn! e \Tar we I)]]) h an: a lire--right h ne in thi~ c hapl"l: hut f11 rtu natvl~. 1\IJ c111 v wa~ in thl' building. The ~l!lllkl· \\· as~'' thick th at \ "t> ll l·n ul dn"t ~lT nnt r h an d bdnrc yonr face. or a f• >tJ(. c iti H: r!" Jn,..t hdcon.· ka\·in g <Ill the < ;]t·e Cln h Tour. Cla rc n t·c l lrl\\·ic a s ked h is ia t her thi~ "unu;-;ual .. l]l ll":'t i•nl : "Say . papa. \\·cou ld n>tl loan m e t \\'l' n t y - h\T dollar<· I \nlllld rat lin <1\\"t· it t • 1 \ "IIU that! to :-;n11 1e ou t s id e r .""


A \

KEEP CLEAN _A nrsto/1/f'r ~/ ours oncc ts one airway s, as o11r <zvork is rlon t• u 11!/orm/y ant! by I!Jt~ UfSt and most can:flll mt'tl10rls. ff/1:: A PPR ECI A T E t/1(• ST U D ENTS' IVORK

Nebraska City Laundry Co. Milton Blanke n s hip, Age nt

Tr co IIIIII Cii'CCl· (o l·t y - tiii' CC





f{ I ~ ~


Dutch-'' I would like to g-l't an interesting J>, u>k t'' rl'ad ... Branson-" How about Fidding-?" Dutch-" I dunno. Got anything- on hase-ntnning- ?'' ~I iss

vVIIO C.\~ BELIE\'1·: IT? On inquiry concerning- the applicancy of positions .in :\lanual Training and Domestic Science, :\I iss Egan seeks the l~umhle assistann· '•f our edit' •r-inchicf, ~Ir. Scott. She says, "\Vhat shall \\"l' do, can't \'(Jlt hl'lp us?" Scott-"Y ep." :\liss E.-"How?" Scott-" By getting a job for myse If that w()uld support two." On the 28th day of February. IIJ 15. "little < >rley" found himseli knocking at the wrong door. "\Vhat-a-mattcr. Clem, asll'l'J> ?"

The world is ()lei. yet likes to laug-h. 1\ t'\\' jokes are hard to find. :\ whole new editorial staff Can't tickle every mind. So if you meet some ancient joke. I )eckecl out in modern guise. Dnn't frown and call the thing a fake-Just laugh-don't he too wise.- Ex. P Aug Eastman Ce R law :\1 Lrtz

(;]aS gow Dra Per Ce I h H. egan \Vill T amson ~[ecn T s



Clements-"\\'hy are You limping?" Walter Scott-"I stepped on the spur of thl'


A young man \H'nt to sleep during the Search recital and his lad\' friend objected. Later, when he asked her again. a command such as this was received: ''Cn home and sleep for two \\Teks and if nn1 ha\'l' then awakened sufficiently, come back." :\Tamma :\ickles an<l l'apa :\ickles and the four little ~ickles were walking down the street the nth<.·r <lay and they 1uokcd like thirty cents.

Two II llllf/rt·tl forty· foul'

Stlt Street and Central A venue

NEBRASI{A CI'"£Y I~J' 1~;1,. }


the f_,tliJlCSt Stor·e


Sotttheasterrt Nebraska

t'tlll. 1!'11,/ hc·rc· tit tlll)'tiJJJt' t1 t'OJJJfdtte !Ji~t• of read_y-to-rzoear DIJ' Goods, ClothtilJ(, 'l'r!lnl.:s. /~,~!!..-·"· Suit (:,lst'.l', Shot's. Rl(f!:S, Carpets, MattJiJgs, Draperies, l·itrnitllrt'. Hou.rc• Fur1u~·hi11gs, Htlrdrzvare, Drug Su11dries, Jll~lllo.r tlllfl (;roct'ri'es, all JJ!Odt'ratel)' prz'ced. II~~. l..·!l(rC.'-'

it to hc· to J'OIIr 11/tcn.•.rt to '4.'/Sit this store before buyri1g.

II ·t. 1r11.rl _\'(Ill ·i.e ill .!!..·i·7..'t' tu


opportuni~v ~f deJJJol/strattiJg

to you that our clatiJJ is


without .foundation.











The only place to obtain the Normal Seal Pin. Many made, but none so good.


-- -- --- -

J. C. Chatelain,

Dllntr4tttnlt.rr nub llrturltr PERU, NEBRASKA 'l'wn 1uwt1,·ccl furl !1-fi rr

OH! I SAY! D'YE KNO\i\1Where can a man buy a cap for his knee? Or a key for a lock of his hair?· Can his eyes be called an academy Because there are pupils there? In the crown of his head what gems arc set? vVho travels the bri d.ge ?f his nose ?f Can he use, when s11mg1mg t 11e roo of his mouth, 'The nails on the ends of his toes? vVhat does he raise from the slip of his tongue? Who plays on the drums of his cars? And who can tell the cut and style of the coat his st~m1ach wears? Can the crook of his elbow be sent to jail? And, if so, what did it clo? f-low does he sharpen his shoulder blades? I'll be hanged if I know-do you?


\i\/hat \vas the biggest joke on the Glee Club trip? Job's turkey. For further explanation, make inquiries of ··I key'' Lovell. For new methods in securing dates, inquire of Kohler and Long. ~Ir. Ericson in his excitement over his Scandinavian program, became slightly confused in his tenses when he announced: ":\I r. Canzcll will now sing for us 'Last Night.'"

Freshie-"I'm trying awfully hard to get ahead." Ganzell-"Very commendable-very commendable, indeed. one."





Success to the Class of 1915 ~ YOU have helped us make a success of our business the past year by your liberal patronage of the various departments of our stores and we can wish you nothing less than that you may be able to serve the schools \Vhere you go as well as we have tried to serve you.

,.~{路hoof ~.SitpplicJ,路

Athletic Gootls, loilct JJJ-cjJaJ拢ltiotJs, CoJJfictionery,

EastmaJJ Kodak Agency

FISHER BROS., Druggists Peru, Nebraska

FIRST NATIONAL .BANK of Council Bluffs, Iowa Capital, Surplus and Profits, Assets, over




. E. A. WICKHAM, Vice-President G. F. SPOONER, Ass't Cashier

EMMET TINLEY, of Tinley, Mitchell and Pryor, Attorneys CHRIS STRAUB, Capitalist JOHN P. DAVIS, of Pioneer Implement Company E. A. WICKHAM, of E. A. Wickham & Co., Contractors B. P. WICKHAM, of E. A. Wickham & Co., Contractors WM. MOORE, of Peregoy & Moore Co., Wholesale Tobacco C. G. SAUNDERS, of Saunders & Stuart, Attorneys WM. ARND, Real Estate WILLIAM GRONEWEG, President Groneweg & Schoentgen Co. FIFTY YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL BANKING l!!_~iliti:!!_for

Handling Collections and Cash Items for Western Iowa and Eastern Nebraska Unsurpassed

'1'1ro 11111/tll't'll fori!l-l'ltTCII


A PSYCHOLoc;y PS:\L:\1 Professor Gregg is my teacher-I shall not pass. He maketh me to answer in deep embarrassment: He leadeth me into traps of my own setting, He ca11eth my bluff. l-Ie leadeth me into dusty paths among orchards of datt•s for mine own nourishment-yea, tho I walk with James and Angel, I cannot recite for they will not help me: their dignity and their laws thev crush me. - He prepareth me for a plucking in the presence of my clas~matcs: He raineth on my head his questions, he showcth me up. Verily, Psychology docs haunt n1e every hour of my life, until I shall dwell in the Normal no more forever. THE THREE GREAT :\lEN OF THE :\(;E! Socrates Father Dingbat Roy Haggerty Jack A. (banquet eve)-"Gee! T wish I had a girl for the banquet!" Shorty-"Why, what's the matter, Jack?" Jack-"A-a-h! There's nothing left hut the wind-falls." Shorty-"That's right, and they wiii soon spoil." Freshman-''l've heard of Good Friday and Ash \Vcdncsday, but what in thunder is a Nut Sundae?" ''Tomorrow I will quit the booze," a wet old toper said. .. :'\' o more will 1 my health misuse, no more a swimming head." ''Tomorro\v," said the scolding hag. my nagging I will cease, and no more wi11 I chew the rag, but give my husband peace." ''Tomorrow," said the slave of gold, ··rn n1end my evil ways. 1'11 give away n1y 0 Ill 0 f f 0 W I wealth untold and live in peace my days." Alas! I for toper, magnate, scold-as such they passed awav. Their souls to Satan each one sold because he missed todav. Totnorrow-! a h. that fatal word, the pitfaii of am~bition. Tomorrow! saddes-t dirge e'er heard; it leads us to perdition. The present is the time to do, if you would make life pay. Success on earth will come to you, if you but act today. PERCY DAGG GONNITT.


Chard (in Peruvian office)-\Vhat do you fellows mean by the Peruvian dummy? Staff :\[ember-Peruvian dummy? vVhy, Clarence Howie, of course!

HEARD IN THE CLASS ROOl\1 Prof. Gregg-''\Vhat is the cerebellum?" Atnbitious Student-''\·Vhy ,-the cerebellum-() t I know now! Sarah Bellum is the lady who invented the nervous system."

'J'II"o llltntln·d fori,II·Cigllt


The School Supply Store tf~·

lztl·t.'t' t''l't'l:\'tlzing you r;.oillneed in NorJJtal School Work, 110 JJJllttt•r ~c·hat part oj' tht• ~LJork _you an• taking, the JJecesstll:\' J·upplit•.r call be obtained tlt this store. ~ IVt• also carrJ' a lillt' o_ll~ast•ball (;oods, Tell/1/:r Rackets, GyJJtlltlSitliJl Shoes and Clot/zing, Sl~t•et J11usic, l~ooks, StatioJJetJ', Cand_}', etc. ff/t' an• at \'OIIr St'rt.•ice. ~ lf/e are grateful to tlze retz"ring students and r;.oislz to tlzank )'Oil for the generous patronage you ha·t.'t' gi·l't'J/ Its. Sho1t/d you ret1tr11 to Peru at any tin1e, coJJ/t' and st•e us. X X :.: X X :-&, X X


Lincoln's Leading Department Store

Over a Quarter of a 1 Century in Lincoln 'l' 1eo lumtl)"Ctl (o1·ty-ninc

l'rof. Heard-''Say, ~lr. ( >vcrton, tell us the difference between a horse and a mule." Overton-"\V ell. when a mulL路 is tirccl he will stop eating when he gets enough, hut a horse just SETS and cats, and cats." Senior-"Uh, I have something preying on my mind." Prof.-'' X ever mind, it will starve." Prof. 1-J .-"\Vhcre is :i.\ir. Cotton?'' ~Iac.-"\Vhy, he isn't here!" Prof. H.-" Huh! Any fool woulcl know that." I )rof. I~eck in Senior Arith.-"Give us another kind of endorsement." Dignified Senior-"\Vell. there is one on which you write across the back of the note, "\Yithout Resource," and then sign your name." l nstructor-"Y ott have all heard that ':\ little learning is a dangerous thing.' " J unior-''1 wonder if he realized what peril he's in!'' Prof. in Gcrman-''Y ott know the word for 'trousers' in German is 'hose.' " German Pupil-'' Arc there any 'halbe-hosc' ?" I nstntctor-"You will notice, the higher the altitude the colder the temperature becomes.'' Freshman-"But isn't it warmer ncar the top of the mountain than it is in the valley?" Instructor-" Certainly not. \ Vhy should you think it would be?" Frcshman-"Oh, I thot perhaps the atmosphere was heated by the mountain ranges."

En:路 ~I iclenz 111 Jr. Eng., looking at the hem of her handkerchief to disguise whispering. I )r. II ouse-"1. es, I think I'd hem it clear around if I were you, hut you can (ret them three for a quarter at Brandeis'." ~

Two 111/llflrrrl





ONE 7Hfj\TG MOSTJ'ott11g路fo/ks leaJ,.JJ at Collet!,-e is a preftretJce for SPECIALIZED CLOTHES Higher education of taste demands masterly styled Clothes-We cater to Graduates-Our preparations for MEN embrace Suits, Coats, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings-FOR WOMEN, Gowns, Dresses, Coats, Millinery, Hosiery and Shoes.

', utltl'~l' {, t:

F.1rs t ''


F'isit our store or send us your i11"ail Orders.







StttdeJJts aJ,.e Always lf7elcoti'Je to ouJ,. Store

Baggage, Freight, Express nnd Goods of EYery J>escription


Hardware, Furniture, Electric Supplies, Undertaking AT THE RIGHT

Telephone 52


Peru, Nebraska





All Calls Given Prontpt Attention nud Prices Reasonable

Office Phone 2

Residence Phone BO

'l'wo lntntlrnl /ifiJt-rlllt


D.\FF< >I>ILS If Klima lost II ope would Esther Frye? If Lonis Kilzer. will Don Draper? If it takes ~I iss Line one whole year to gl't "Chard."' how h 111g \\ill it IH· hdore Frank llaney g-ets a "Dustin"? If the clays keep g-etting- warmer will Carrie Sauer~ If Cassius were not handsomt· \\·nul cl f{ ut h l' on rt right ~ :\t the end of next leap-year. will ){nth still be I lastie~ If the fire went out would El vi cia I krn? If Arthur Bell lost his tong-ue would Roy Towle? If the daisy said "llello" \\·nulcl Johnny-jump-up? If it took Chaffee three weeks to g-et up courage to g·o t•' tlw "llill" h"w long would it take him to gr, to ":\Iars"? If Steve went tr' the banquet clicl he get I Iast ie? If Pauline went broke would h:atherine <;;unble? If Phoebe left town would Etlll'l I ~ong? If X ettie lost out in the foot race would Elsie \ \" nm? If D. Roberts smiled at a man would f)orothy :\Iauck? If Hosie told her he had ceased to love her. would :\lus<"tta lhll? If }) iss Han cock decides to ll'a ve town (?) will C ;race Tiech? K. Camhlc in primary (;cog. el;•.ss while discussing the ('hi nest•-" I read that hook "\Vhcn I \Vas a Boy in China." ~Iarjoric Bodwell, before exam. in history-"(>. l'r11fessor II ttll, an· you going to ask us for dates?'' Prof. Hull-"Xo, I \\·oulcln't have the nerve."

Florence \'an Horn got religion and patriotism mixed in a nmsic exalll. tiJH' day. A music score was writtt·n on the hoard and one was to wrill' l'it her the words or the title of the song represent eel. The song was . \me rica. and she wrote: ''Xearer my God to Thee, Sweet Land of Liberty." Prof. Jean. to class studying woocl tissue in trees-'') wish somt• hov with a saw would go out and saw a big log or limb to usc in this class." Prof. \Vilson-"\Vhat is a solecism?" Louise X cal-" It comes from solace and means to comfort somebody." (Another member of the class would have interpreted the word as "solar systetn. ") B. Snider in Training School-"( ;ivc principal parts of 'grade'." Don ( >verholt-"Cramcra, examinare, fluncktnm." Kohlcr-"\Yhat docs a hall clo when it stops rolling?" Freshic-" I dtmno." l...:ohlcr-"lla! lla! .\ncl don't you know? \\'ell. I'll tell you-it looks round!"

'/' ,,.,J l11t11drrd fl (I !1- two


Flowers for Graduation

The Paxton Hotel

.• ~~"$t~ 'S • w~

14th and Farnam Streets OMAHA, NEB.

Artistically Arranged in Bouquets and Baskets

All street cars to Depots and all suburbs run by the door. Two hundred fifty rooms, all of which have running water and telephones.

Hundreds of Graduation Bouquets Made Every Year


lJ. ~. lmlilrnx & ~nus

Our Cafe is noted for giving the most for the least money. Rooms Wi1hout Bath, $1.00 and Up. Rooms With Bath, $1.50 and Up. Club Breakfasts and Table D'Hote Dinners at Reasonable Prices.


T elcphone 9 9

Council Bluffs. lows.


Photos and Groups of this Annual made at

'' l~hotos qf l'xpn:ssioll are rather to be chosen that rz.ohen you don't look like yourself.' '-Offi{:e Boy.

Wt• ha·ve tht? latt'sf til JJtountings.

They are artisttc and rz.oi/1 szdt J'Ollr taste. These JJlOllllts, witlz the beautiful photos, rz.oe are 111aking, 111ake an ideal co1nbination.

Call us rz.vlzen 1ueding pictures t:?f large or s111all gatlzerings, either day or JJI:![ht. f{/·e are equipped to serve you at all !tines. UTe carry tl j£ne line of ca111eras in stock for kodakist rz.oho wants the best. When rz.oantlng Fi!Jns, I~fates J)e•-uclopers, Photo Paft'rs, or a11ytlzing needed in your ca1nera rz.oork, call and see rzohat we lza'i.)l'.

E. J. NEWMAN, Prop.

PERU, NEBRASKA Phone 56 'l'wu


fl(f!l·flin c

The doctor comes wh<'n I am sick: savs, ''lim! ,.11ttr tonj.!'ttt..· i~ c"atc:d thick. your heart is weak. your liver hum: yott han· an ahsn·ss on one lttnj.!': your eyes are sore; your tonsils n·cl: pull off your clothes and get to bed nr in an hour or so," sa\·s he, .. ,·ou'll he in great eternity." Sn then Ill' w;itl'S llll'. ten prescrips, the •SL' funny hieroglyphic slips. and lea \·es Jlll' sundry dopes and pills to cure me of my deadly ills. I stay in heel a day or hn> until at last I say, '':\dieu, dear doctor, to yc•ur ml'lhods slow. Just watch my smoke," say I, and so tc, mother's cabinet I waltz. aJH I take a pint of epsom salts, crawl under quilts and sweat it out: and in an hour I am about the streets again and feel as good as an\' human being could. So then I go and sec .\I. D.; pull out my roll and pay the fee: and thus I led ure to the doc, "You scare to death the whole blamed flllck of patients wh"111 Y"ll shoulcl cheer up and help to swel'tcn sorrow's cup. (>h. throw your drugs and knives. do what you can to gladden li\'es. It heats the quinine you may gi\'L' and the sick will then more likely live. PERCY IJ.-\c;e_; GOX~fTT.

IThe D octor I

Colglazier, in Farm ~I an.-" J I ow long would the a veragc hog li\'e if he didn't die?" X o answer. All was silence. Coach Johnson's scheme of <ktect ing how-legged people: didate lie down and rock himself to skcp.

J le

has the can-

Janda in Dot. Lab. looking for nodules on diatoma-'' .-\ w, I can't find any of them there noodles!" Frieda Schultz in Pri. Ceog.-The discussion was on rice-growing in China and evidently a new method had been discovered, for Frieda observed that a certain man "got on to the idea and brot it o\-er to this country.'' Phoebe made an angel cake For her darling Arnold's sakeArnold ate it, every crumb, Then he heard the angel's drum, Calling softly, ''Arnold, come!'' (And he went.) Freshic-"Lct's go down to the river and have a swim." Soph-" .:\ w. gwan; yon talk like a fish!" "Smilax" X clson-" Is :\I iss lileclik going to he the ":\In~." of Oak Glen next year?" Burrell-"\Vcll, 1 don't know. She has her application in." :\Iiss 1'-ite an(l :\liss J[opc :\futz wc·re strolling down a shadowy lane last fall when suddenly :\I iss ~~ utz made this startling statement: "I always did like hlack hair and hlttc eyes!''

'/'lfll /11/111/tTtf/i(f!f)OIIt'


Nebraska City's Leading Clothing Store ~

GUGENHEIM CO. Nebraska City, Neb.

THE CASH STORE Has two rooms full of select Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies' and Gent's FttrnishiJtgs and Groceries.

f]J Make ottr store yottr

restitJg place while itl town.

You are

always welcome. We sell for spot cash, hence the low prices. Yours tor business,

M.E.GOOD 1' !I'll lr Ulllil'l'tl

fi (I !1-fl I'C

... \Vhat was the matter with a c"uple of P"~t-g-racluatc~ who g- 111 Jdt at Falls C1ty on the day of the ~~ inneapolis Symphony l >rche~t ra Cc •llLTrl?

F.-\ T5~IT'{ (I 11 111L'l11c •ry c Ji a lt•st illu~ic 111.1 fl' II i 11 lo n· one s umn H.· r 's eve \,\'ith an eltin maid named <;L'tll'\'iL'\T: r \'11\\'ed that I'd be true. (For how should such a fl'llow as I K no\\' that the clear had one glass eye. :\ nd her hips \\'en· far from true? That her hair was be •ug-ht and her pl·arly tl'et h \Verc false-'twas far beyond belief!) So I stuck t11 her like glue.

Hut I ca11ec1 upon her una \\'ares: /\ nd found the hulk of her on two chairs. The rest-it had skidcH IL'<l. 1 lookecl on the wreck and shook my head. Examined each piece and sadly said. "C~enny, you arc tabooed: ~fany a time you've cooed tn me, .\n<l promisee\ ever tnte to he: Hut you're false as ever T've wooed."




St«·dclard-"1 Icy. (>ley. how did those moth halls \\'ork?" \'irgil-"< >h. I tried f11r an hour and I couldn't hit a hloomin' bug." Edit• 'r-".\rc you supporting the Peruvian?" I heard it had a staff."

Fn:shic-·" X o.

Ernest ( )n~rton-"Thcrc is unc thi1.,_~ that I hope to hL· ahle to c],, and that is to take my.\. ll. from Peru State -:'\ormal." ''( ;ot water in my ear.''

.. Iken swimmin'?"

·-X<,: eatin' watermelon."


Prof. ~mith-"I had a hair cut thi~ morning-." I 're~. I lan·s-"\\'hich one was it?·

IL-\XTY'S \"E\\' YE.\R S()::\C \Ve stood beneath the mistletoe. I knew not \\'hat to do! .\las! r was only fivl' feet tall and she \\'as six feet t\\'o! . \ pair in a hammock attempted t1' kiss . .-\nd in less than a jiffy lq.1.\ (!H1~1·1P J!~l.)


Avenue Grocery PERU. NEBRASKA

Tht' HoJJ/e q/ Good Th1i1gs to Eat ESTABLISHED 1891 CAPITAL and SURPLUS. - $30.000.00 ASSETS

- - - - - - - $200,000.00



Candies, and

Fruits Always on Hand. The

Appreciates the patronage of Seniors and all Students

Place to Buy School Supplies.

Always deposit your money in an old and safe institution

Youn·for J11ore Bus1i1eJ·s

ELLIS E. GOOD. President FRITZ HENNING, Vice-Pr~ident 0. M. GOOD. Cashier C. E. HADLEY. Asst. Cashier

Colglazier & Landolt

N. S. Harajian, A. B. D. D. S.. Graduate Chicago College of Dental Surgery


i&r!iibrut mrutiat (~/lice

o·ver the F'ay BtlkeiJ'



BART. L. SHELLHORN. M.D. Physicl~lll



Graduate Central Medical College 1895 Graduate Rush Medical College 1900



C!ttb Breakfasts, JOe to SOc Noon Day l~ttnch, - '-50c Table rl' Hote Di11ner, $1 '/'ll'll

lllllltln•tl {i(f!HlCI"!'ll


\VIIY I C.\LL .\T TI IE J)( >IL\1 IT< >RY llosic-T want sonwonl· t11 keep me awake in church. Jne Hoyd-" .\ch! ~ie Iiebe mich !" I..:antor-1 h:caus<: I'm fond of "I )aisic:-;." .-\. lk-11-That's my steady j()h. (;anzel-To tell her T lo\'e her so. F. Stoddard-Becau~e she likes to talk to me. n. I loadlcy-.\11 the rest of the hullct-heads clo. C. Kcnn<.·dy-1 kcaltsl· I know how to Court rig-ht. TlH m1psr 111-To make I ~nd well. I )acl Ely-f like the cn\'ironmcnt. H. Darling--T don't. I can't. I< . I I i 11- l cl on 't an v m on· . ~ I \' w i fe won . t 1c t m c. F. E. Ericsrm-T', take in the shirt-tail paraclc. 1~. '\·oung--"(>h. r don't lik(' the boys, they're too rude." f{. Kelly-To hear my "Birdie" sing-. Eastman-"! am looking for that piece of my shirt." I )on Draper-T' 1 see home-folks. Q. Tcich-To find a g-irl. C. Tlyslop-To gin.· the fai1· maidens their lo\'c letters. Shorty Schwenkcr-'To g·l't elates-for someone else.



'/'11"11 l11ll/1/r1·tl



C. E. Ellis

J~rieJJr! i11 J\~~'erl

/r a Fl'"it:Jitl IJtrleerl

~ THE STUDENT who makes


friends with this bank has an ally


that will help him through Peru,


and will remain true when he is contemplating higher education.

Bracelets Lockets

Jrru ~tntr iBnuk E. H. WILSON





We carry a c01JJplete line of Philo and Everett Pins, Cuff Lzi1ks and Rti1gs, State Seals and NonJJal Ptiu and Fobs. See our line before buying. We are at your service. Mail Orders receive prompt attention.

Fair Dealing

~ Souvenir Spoons Fountain Pens Cut Glass Silverware Chinaware



Leading Jetveler & Optometrist


The Fay Bakery 1.1路 il boy lo路vc.r tl ,!{1r/ tl1t~t' s Ius lnts1i1ess


I I'


( / t1

Phone 170

Fancy Candy

.f!.路irl lott't'S t1 boy tilt~!' J' her bus1i1ess

(f' t'tll'll lott't'S the other and til(\' 'lC'llJif a 1/e~w hollll', tht~t' s our bus1i1ess

Plain and Brick Ice Cream The Best of Bakery Goods

Meek Lumber



Us Your Orders We w-ill try to Please You TIVO liiiiHlrccl fl(t!J路IItiW

<~I ST < >F

I'< >ET I{ Y

? How pleasant on a slippl'ry day. to collll' down Colleg-e I I ill! I low thoroug-hly dl'lightful to takl' a ~udden spill! How sweet ancl how l'nchanting--a pleasure almost painTo hear some fellow shouting, "l,.irst de 1Wt1! Two fL'l't to gain!'' I'm in a To-clcr mood 2-clay, T feel poetic 2:

4 fun I'll just dash 11ff a verse & send it off



I'm sorry l .. vc hL'L'll (, < Hong: don't B disconsoi-H: B11t bear yo11r ills with .p-d & thev won't sel'lll so g-r-K:

:\in't Ain't :\in't Ain't

afraid afraid afraid afraid

of rqarin' lions. aiu't afraid of cats: of clephanb. ain't afraid of rats! of snarlin' dogs. ain't afraid of squirrels. of tigers. hut I .\.\1 afraid of c;1 RLS!

- \'. L< >X<;, I I ickory. clicknry dock. liang the old I )c 11'I11 clock! The dock strikes tL·n. Out g-o the mcn:\nd I I ca ven knows when They'll come again! Ilickory. dickory. dock.

FUR B<>YS <>XLY! i pt~;)q

J;)l[ uo {>ll1!lS Ol ptH[ dl[S j


'A\Ol[dlliOS l! lP. l,);f {>,•1l[S l\!l[l .\\;)U::>( ~\\\ -pP..)J .\pP.;,.qt~ ~.~l[S m;,od S!l[.L ~ll!l(lJl~J P. Ol Slll;).) U.1l J;)1fP.A\

II ..).\\ .\\()X ·,\\<>l[S P. jO lsuq;i P. sp;i ;)l[S j 1 'A\Ol[~lllOS lllO puy II,;,qs Pq no.\ lllH ~ A\OU::-[ Ol lOU ll(~llO ;)l[S ~ll!l(PlllOS S,l I -UP.lllO.\\ P. Sd!JJO.\\ ~ll!l(l.\UP. S,.1J,1l[l j f

THE JCXIOR :\1:\LE Ql'.\RTET I'll tell yc m a tale nf the Junior :\I ale Quartet. Th<.' joke may he stale but appreciation 'twill get. They all stood up in front in a nice little row. 1\ellic str11ck tlw chord and said the word "Go!" ThenFirst we heard a holler. then we heard a ha\\'1\\'hen one hit the right note the rest \\'crcn't there at all! And tints it did contimte: \H' braved t\\'o verses thru! The boys rl'trcatl'd gracefully-:\1 c L .. Leece, Frank. and Sue!

'/' ll'''

lwml rnl ·"~ i.l'f !I

Th e object o f our ed u ca ti o nal department is to give th e h est se n ·ice to h e obtained. Vi/ e ha,·estudi ed yo ur L·,·e ry ne ed and are pre pared to supply the demand.

WRITE US FOR FULL PARTIGULARS---GATALOGUE FREE A II inquiri es cheerfully answered. \Vrite us - we ran help yo u solve your m usic problems. Grafonolas fro m $17.50 to $200.



$35.00. Cash or payments. Dealers s hould as k for contract. T hi:-:; is :1 n .·1·y populnr tn:-tchiue for :-'c h ool ancl h o 111e. The hin~ wi11

hold 6ll n:co rd~ . \\'c furni~h thi:-' :-: tyh: in o ak. n~h nnd w a lnut flni:-:h Equ ipped with o nrK o. ~ . . 6 rt.:prodttCt.:r. Pric~·i.~c o m pk tc .. .. ... $75.00 ' CAS II 0 R PAY ~I Jo: NT S

THE GRAFONOLA CO., lincoln, Neb.

f/17 e have the mo71ey Yo11 have the home 1'o11 ·wish to borro:z_v Jl7 e ·zvish to loaJ'I. (N11Jl S airl)

Sunderland Machinery &Supply Co.

I "The Supply People" I ~~

Machinery Repairing, Oxy-acetylene


Welding, Machinery and Supplies


~igq ~rubr §rruritir.a COUNCIL BLUFFS . IOWA

OMAHA, NEBRASKA 'l'wu l llnuin•d to: i .xty-o uf'

FOOLJSli? -;. " " " A man with all his household good~ was ~lowh· driving along the road when a neighbor hailed him tlms: "1 I L'1lo nill! .\I c n·itlg today?" Di11: ''Oh no. Just taking my furniture out for a ride!'' F< >Uf{ TIIf~CS TII:\T .\10:\"EY C.\X'T BUY A sheet ftJr the hl'cl of the ocean. :\ blanket for the cradle nf the deep . .\ key for an elephant's trunk. .\lcdicine to make the ink-well.

TilE .\[OPETTES Some lands And others But give to I'd cast my

may hnast a l'an k hurst. and some a I I etty Green, have their :\ntoinettcs-sweet ladies all. I ween; me mv choice of all-'twottld not take long, vou het! kingdon1 to the winds and choose a fair mopctte!

I know not which is fairest, because they all arc fair; \Vith fyes of blue or black or brown. and lovl·lv lustrous hair: nut stanrl the whole nine in a row with mopsticks in their arms'Twould he a stupid chap indeed who could not see their charms t They clean the halls ancl doorway of our .\ft. Yernon I-Iall, .\ nd they get paid for their good work-nne-twenty-five in aiL :\nd then when Saturday doth come 'twould do you good to sec This band of mopette maidens bright start forth upon a spree. Sometimes they ''hike" to Dro\\·nvillc, sometimes they stay at home, I htt l'<l be happy any place if I could with them roam. Then bo\\" to these nine working maids. our .\[ ay Queen with the rest, .\nd, if a smile should come your way, smile hack again, with zest.

I<. G. Courtright Ranney Johnson

Barton Bm·gcss Gunderson

Hill Nelson Stambaugh

J uc Hoyd-'~\Vhat is the greatest engineering feat of recent years?'' Dill \. oung-"The I )a nama Canal?'' Joe-"~ o indeed! \ Yhceling, \Vest Virginia, on the Ohio river!" \Vhy does Emil Kohler ~o hare headed? Decanse whPn he wears a hat he ts h-at-tractive, and when he wears a cap he is cap-tivating! Xellie Lamh (on heing told that (;anzell took Hazel Johnson to the marshmallow roast): "\Veil. that's all right-Phoebe gave him permission to go with her." (DID he ask if he might take Lillian to the nand-Orchestra concert?) :-\ good joke has been like a free piano in a newspaper contest-we never got any.

'I'IC(J llllllfin·tl


General Hospital

'iOUflTOWN U.~. i\. Ju.ne l , lglS .

The Right Place

. .. ., .... . . .. " ' •• I t t.

c/'1· Yo u 1 s elf






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J;f/. W . .NIARDI S



Pressing Ladies' and Gents'


udtlltl onill llt'n('ll l~.

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PHONE 211 ' 1'11'(1

hundn•d s i.l'l.u -llu'CC

Schwcnker-"\Vhen should c' H·poral punishment be applied~ .. Pres. Hayes-"U nder no condition, should corporal punishml·nt he appl ie<l right on the spot." FA \1( >RITE. :\I ELODI ES ''She's .My Ircne"-Craig Thomas. "Daisies"-D. B. Kantor. "Please Go A way and Let :\Ie Sleep"-L. Kilzer. "\Vhich Shall It Be ?"-:\1. Chaffee. "Seeing NelJie 1-Jomc"-F. I laney. '' 1-1 old Thou :\I y I Iand"-F. Stoddard. ''Lonesome \Vithout You"-Ganzel. "The :\Ioonlight, the ]{, JSC, and '{ ou"- V. Janda. "Down on the <Hcl Farm"-Vic Jones. "Belle, \Vherc .\rt Thou ?"-Sandberg. "You Can X e'er Be .:\line :\gain"-] Ial Glasgow. "Sweet ~Iarie"-Darling. ":.\Iy Darling"-Finley. "Just You and I." (duet)-Log-sdon & Dell. "I Love the Ladies"-( >rley Clements. "They Always Pick ( )n :\Ie"-1-Iosic. •· Underneath the Japanese :\Ioon" (duct)Sandbcrg and :\ lcyl'r. "I \Vander If I'll Ever Have a Girl"-,\rthur Schneider. ''Holy! Holy! Holy!"-Basket Ball Suits. "l \Vanta c.;ir] Like the Other Fellows I-Iave"-C. llowie. ''Just A-wearyin' For You"-Janda. "VVhose Little Girl Arc You?"-" Hank" Lind. "X o \V edding Bells for lVIe !"-Graycc Teich . .. Every Little :\Iovement Has a :\leaning All Its Own" -Hyslop. "Each Fish and \Norm Begins to Twist and Squirm"-Prof. Heard. "I Love You Truly"-1\f. Bloss. "You Keep Your Eyes on 1\Ic, Dear, I'll Keep :\ly Eyes on You''-Dutch 1\Iccnts. "\Vho \Vere You \Vith Tonight?"-Dallam.




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1tll11fll·rr1 .<:hri!f·(tJII,.


Qtollrgr l3rint1ng


inok :!1aaktng




Wqr flouarrq Jriutiug Qlompauy COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA



\Ve feel that it will interest nttr readers to know how the home folks fcc I in regard to honors showered upon their Alumni who han.· hccollll' I \·ruvian~. hence we have clipped at randc1111 from sl.'vcral State papers. item~ which have to with some of the successes scon.·d hy students hl'rc: The Times is in receipt of a letter from Fran I.- II osic, who is attending school at Peru. As our readers alrcadr know, Frank has been the bulwark of the 'varsity football team the past two. years, but this yl.'ar was unable to play on account of an injury to his arm. Recently a signal honor has come to Frank in his appointment to Corpnrai of the Cadet Company. \V e congratulate Frank on his success.-Tecumsch Times. Newspaper accounts recently report the success in a musical way nf Clyde Leece, a local boy, now a Junior in Peru State ~ ormal. X orth Bend people \Vere ahvays aware of the excellence of Clyde's VfJice, but down at Peru he has come into his own. His rnost recent success was his rendition of the second tenor part in "Kathleen l\Iavourncen," in an entertainment at I ,cnt. The quartet, of which Clyde is a mernber, was repeatedly encored and we feel certain that the superiority and exquisiteness of his voice was in large measure responsible for the success of the quartet.-X orth llend Enterprise.

It is not often that we can record such success as recently came to :\f erritt Chaffee, a student in the Peru State N annal. .:\ckno\vledging his experience in practical electricity, he was last month chosen electrician on the Glee Club trip, and, greater than this, in recognition of his integrity and business ability, he has been recently elected treasurer of the Philomathean Literary Society. Go it, ~Ierritt, the Clarion is with you !-Alliance Clarion. The Outburst always welcomes news of any of the Alumni of the Panama High School, and this week we have an item that will fill the hearts of Outburst readers with joy and civic pride. Frank Tilton, no\v a student in Peru Teachers' College, will be renlernbered for his part of "Samba" in "The Ron1ance of the Pickle-Factory," our home talent play given several years ago. It seems that Dan1e Rumor had spread his fame as an actor abroad, for almost immediately on his arrival in Peru he was elected to its strongest organization, the Dramatic Club. Later on he was further honored by being appointed property manager of the Dranlatic Club play. which position he filled with great credit. The next thing, Outburst readers will be hearing of Frank's elevation to a fellowship on the Faculty. Panama is proud, and justly so, of her Peru triumvirate: Long, !-Iarrison and Tilton, and the Outburst begs to suggest a reception in honor of these three on their next home-coming out of respect to the unprecedented honors they have brought to our city.-Panama Outburst.

Two lllmdretl




II I '









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T1 c0 1111111/rrt/ si x t.y-cight

.\ . R:\ Y SCOTT . Editor'-in-Chief PHOEBE DOROTHY D:\ VIS . ~\ssociate Editor . :\s5ociate Editor PACLI~E RA:\:\EY L. ROY E.-\ST~L\:\ HARRIET GLASGOW G:\Y~ELLE




Bu:;incss ~Ianager Senior Class Editor .

Associate Art Editor Associate Associate Associate

AGNES R. J\IATEJOVSKY Cartoonist ROGER 1\I. GEIB ESTON EVERETT ERICSO~ . Literary Editor Social Editor AR~OLD \V. GA?-\ZEL Associate KA THERIXE GA~IBLE Athletic Editor HAROLD L. SCH\VE~KER Religious Editor LAVERN B. l\IA THEWS Associate LINNE.~ LUKDBERG Organization Editor LULU GUNDERSOX Class Photographer HAL GLASGO\V Associate GRAYCE C. TEICH . Joke Editor ROY j. 'vV. ELY Alumni Editor HARRY E. HARVEY


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