J. M. HOWIE No. /J ~Q_ -
Value .~~/ a:--0.'
.. He wbo would end Superio r m ust b egin I nferio r ."
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&tatt jlormal &cbool
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SpCo L[)
ll561 Py3~5
PLJ \q 12
A mere statement here seems quite
I ll-
adequate to express our sincere love and respect for Professor路 Ira G. Wilson who has ac ted as our adviser during the past fou r years.
We shall therefore endeavo r
to show our true appreciation through the bigger and better lives which we may li ve as a result of our association with such a man. The Class of 1918.
. :路_
The Peruvian
/() 18
' '
1.Daniel 'Beb1lter l!}ape1l w{Jo, tbrougb ijis serbi!l~ anb bebotion to tfJe ~eru ~tate ~ormal ~c{Jool {11t.S ronnnanbeb
our abmiration anb esteem we, tbe QI:lass of 191 s respectfttll!' bebi.cate tbis .l9erubian
m:l)e true purpose of a qf:ollege ~nnual is to prt· sent a rtbitw of SdJool lift r.,•~ witfJ tfJis in minb tbt 1918 submits tl)is bolumt ,t3rrubian as a cl)ronidt of anb tnbironment tl)e ~cfJooi. .Ifn so far as it serbes tf)is purpose b:Je sl)aU feel tl)at our efforts l)abe not been in bain
... ..
r·· l
§bmini~tr ation
§tf)letic~ ~emorie~
I Ill!
BOOK V C!&rgani?ation~ BOOK VI ((ollege lLlfe
l I "------·-·--······..--·········---·..!
--- - - --
Book -1
SanPs IIIIlS! be beautiful tchich dailr viPH'Pd Phase dailr, and tchoSf' novPity survives Long l路no1cledge and thP sautiuy of years. CowPER
In hexameter rises the f ountain's silvery colum n, In the pentameter, aye. f alling in mrlorly back.
The Peruvian
--- - - - - - - -
Oh , long tL路ill the hearts w ith thy m emory he filled, For here have our doubtings and troubles been stilled. JtVe can go from thy shadow to do what v.:e will, But th e teachings and precepts w ill he 'll..'ith us still.
Within w hose w alls we love t o meditate on I-1 im W lzo bled for man , to teach him lzow to die, And olz! still harder lesson how to live.
The Peru'l:ian
. \'
I come upon it suddenlr alon eA little pathteaJI 'LL'inding in th e ~coods That frin ge th e roadside,路 and rcit!t dreams I H"ander 7chere it leads.
The snow elves revelling in the night Transformed tluir haun ts into silv'ry u路ltit e.
T ht'
Beauty zs God's handw riting, a wayside sacrament.
How often hast thy gurgling crystal flow R efreshed and blessed and made the spirit glow. A silent comforter) As the cool touch of a friendly hand upon the fevered brow .
State Board of Education
1 h:--.: Jloruu s \ V. H . C L E:\1:\IO:"S
.1 .
FlU:" K
G . E. H. E.
H :\LL
II •
I '
I •
It I
Th e Peru路oian
' .
S(lturrlfiJ . J I fiJ' :! .i
Cnion O pen Se.sion of Literary Societies.
Ph iloma t hea n
a nd
I :\ t·n· t t
Sunrlfly. ,lffl)' :!fi
Baccalaureate Sermon B ~ F . :\ . STl C nion :\Iecting of Chri~ tia n Orga niz at itltt:-.
1 1
Cl ass D ay Exercises Class Pl ay 'l'nt'srl fly , J I fiJ' :!'I
Forty-E ig hth A nn ual :\ I ay Fest i\·al 10 :00 A. :\I.- O rato rio- The C r eatio n Sr, /r,ist s E DIT II AYR ES
:\ I. J. C 1-1t\s. 2 :15
.\ I cC L· I.I.Ol ·r. ll . Sopr;tt lfl
T eno r c; _, I.J..\r. ll ER .
B IU =' ES.
I b;,~ ,,
C hi ldren's Cantata- T he En chan ted S \\·a n-.
N_ f" i II (' ,-/,: f" 3: 15 Artist's R ecital, PR A='C ES I ='I. IC\ .\1, C o n tra lt o 8 :00 P. :\I. Grand Conce rt
f/f/ erlntsdfly, ,lf fly :!'J
Forty-Eighth Commenccmen t Exe rcise
- -.:=-.::::::=:. --
D. W. H AYES, A. B. , A. :\I. Presid ent
The Perwrian
:\I ATTI E COO l-.: ELLIS , A. :\1. P rofesso r of History
f tJ
! Itt '''"'"'
----- .
!{ . D. 0 \TR I I Cl I.T . . \. B .
E. L. RQ [jS E, A. B. Dcau of the Norma l School
Reg i- rr :tr
F. M. G RE GG, A. B. , A. M. Profes sor of P sychology
F. C.
J EA:\.
Pro fe~~o r
B. Sc .. .'\. :'vi.
l1 ep anm c n1
1 ,\
\\' . f. II OYT. .'\ . B.. B. S .. :\ . :\ 1. P rnft' ~~o r of Ph _,路 ~ i c a l Scic nn路
B. C'. 1-I E~DRIC' K S . B. Eo .. :\1. S . : \ ssoc ia rc Ph_,路sic:JI Sl' it路n cc:
J. H O \\' A RD LOO MI S, B. S. A ~ ~oc i:1t e
P ro fesso r o f Biolog ica l D e p a rtme nt
R O SE B. C L A R K. :\. B. Pro fessor o f Geogr :-t p h_,.
H. c. 1-JO liSE, PH. D. Professor of Engli sh
l. G. W ILSON, A. B., A. M. Associate Eng Iish
AB B A W . BOVVEN, A. B. Prnfe~~or of ( ;erma11
J. M. H O WI E, :\ . B. Profc,.~o r
C. F. BECK, B. Eo. :\ ~"oc iat e Mat h e matic ~
of l\ll a tiH"rn:u ic,;
Faculty 路路 -
- -路 - i
i L---
ESTH ER A. CLARK. A. B., A. :\ 1. P rofe,.,.o r of Latin
BE l 'LA I-1 ALTMAN, A. B.. A. :vi. :vt od ern La n ~uage,;
------- ~
GEORGE W . BRO W N Depa rtment of R ura l Ed uca tio n
:\ . (' JV \ C O , !\ . B .. :\ . :'\I.
.1\ .... i-ca nt
S up ~ r in l <' "" '' l ll
l'rn f~ '' "r
o f E dt w :oli oll
W . N. DE LZELL Depa rtment of Comme rce
The Pl'l'urian
F. C'. S M ITII , A . B., B. S. D e p a rt m e n t o f M a11 ua l T r a i ni ll j.!
f< J I '
:'\1:\\I I E R. Ml "TZ, B. En .. B. P11.
:'\IER :\
.'\rt D e partme nt
:\ l cT.ET.L.-\~
T each t'r of .-\rr
I II I,\
:VIRS. F. C. JEAN, .'\ . B.
A.~~oc iate
Home E co r wm ir ~ ( .'\ ct ing I lead )
Home Econom ics
---------. T
EARL JOH NSON Physica l Train ing for Men
0 . ]. PAI.:VIER of :VIanu :d Traini ng
l'rn fc~>n r
NONA M. PALM ER, B. Associate Commerce 路
The Penn ian
BESSIE CRAI lAM Secreta ry tn Pr esiden t
f l) fS
N. MAl"DE CARPENTER Supcn路i~o r
.-\ NN .-\ M. BOOTII, B. Eo.
of D epa rtme nt of Publi c School Mu ~ i c
A~ s i ~tan t l\ I u ~ic
S upc n 路isor
RITA THOMAS, B. M . Head of Pi a noforte Department
fO f,\
JEA N ETT E MEYER \' oice I nstructor
., IJ I
/ ' , I /1
[ '
!\~~.-\ \'. TII1BETS, /\. B., /\.
J\!'socia te D irector of Hi gh School
ET II E I. Y:'\ l >F.\\TY ( ; r;arnr JJ;Jr < ; r;Hi e ( 'ri t i,路
DORA KREB S Jmermediate Cri tic T eacher
The Pl!rur: irlll
PEARL S . K EI. I. EY Primary Cri ti c 路 r ..-a<' h l'r
T. l"ELLA HO SMER Kin d ergart en Director
(";RACE LANGDON Kind erg:1 rt en
.-\ ~~ocia te
A. B.
Primary Oh ~e r\"ation and M ethod s {"pper P r i1n :1 n 路 Criti c
ALICE M. Bl"RLEY Jnt cnn edi ate Criti c T eac her
LENA M. HARRI NGTON, B. S. Obse rva tion and Method s
EL\'A E. Rt'f .ON. B. Eo .. :\. B. l.ihrarian
MARY TYNON Assistant Librarian
In Pent<1111i
LIBIH E BR!\:--! SO \: A~s is tan t
L ihrar路i an
ELIZABETH CLELAND Pr~ ccp t re~~ .
!'vi t. \ 'ern on
C LARA M. DPNIGAN A ssociate Registrar
RA CHEL P. WITH E RS Book keeper
I ,,, /',
I It'
D0\\':'( 1 ~<;
Phy,ical D ircctM of \\ ' "m1: 11
J. A. HAYES Engi neer
T h!? Peru--.:irw
F. \\'. HOELS T ORF F H e :1d .J :111i to r
Peru Alumni Association
\ " ! CE·PRESIOE:-:T
ALL- ~I:'\I
\ Ve, the undersigned, do make and adopt the follo"·ing Articles of Incorpo ra tio n. ARTICLE
The name of this Corpo ratio n shall be Peru Alum n i Association. ART IC LE
The principal place of business of this co rporation shall be P e ru. ~ emah a Cou nt~·. :\' ebraska. A RTI C L E
The general nature of the business to be transacted by this corporation shall be the prom otion a nd extension of the inHuence of the :\' ebraska State :\' o rm a l School at Peru , Nebraska; the inc rease of the number of its students a nd graduates; the de,·el· opment of pl a ns fo r th e usefu lness of the ~onnal School T eachers' Bureau a nd the \\"el fare of alum ni of the institution ; the organi zat ion of auxi liary associa t io ns fo r ad· ,·ancing the general pu r poses herein before sta ted ; the mnJing . leasing o r othcn,· ise acqui rin g of rea l estate fo r the use of the co rpo rat ion.
Th, /', ,,,,.,{,,
For the purpose of ca rrying on its busine.s the co rpora tio n ;,hall ha n· all the powlT:gra nted corporations und er the laws of th e state and ir1 ad dit ion thereto ma ~ make. execute and deli ver deeds, mo r tgages, notes a nd o th er in;,trtlllll"lll'!-- in ci dent to the ownership and usc of real estate; ma y make, enter into, ca rry lll rt and di ,..c har ~-:l· an ~ and all forms of contracts affecting real and perso nal property and ma y n -cein·. ho l d and use money or other property donate d, d e\·ised or a;,;,i~-:ned to the n 1rporatinn a n d shal l be empowered, through its Board of D irector;,. to do and lll"rfn rrn t·ach. a ll an d every act incident to, connected with t he b11siness of t he co rp oration nr w hi c h ma\· lw deemed exped ient in ca rrying forwa rd the pu rposes of t he cor puration. ARTIC LE
The capital stock of this corporation sha ll be T\\-en ty Thntr ;,and Do ll ars ( S20.000) of which Ten Thousand Dollars ($10 ,000) shall he prdn r ed ;,tock. The par \·a l 1 w of the shares of stock shall be Five Dnll a rs (~).00). Comm o n ;,rock ;, hall he i,..,.. 11 ed to alumni of the :'\/ebraska State ~orrna l School onl y and each l ife rnemhers hip IHr r chased by an alumnus shall entitle its holder to o ne ;,hare of com mon !-- tock.
Awn u.F. \ ·. The corporation sha ll begin business upon th e ri li n l!; of these Artic l t·s a nd its e x ~:-t ence shall terminate ninety- nine years t he reafter. ARTIC L E , . 1.
The highest amount of indebtedness to which t he corpora t io n s hall at a 11 ~· ti me subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of the va lu e of its entire full pa id s toc k . preferred and common. ARTI C L E \ "JJ. The business of the corporatio n sha l I be ma naged and n)l) t ro l kd h y a board 0 f d i _ rectors to consist of nine members, who shall be the oAin:rs an d trus tees of t h e c o r poration. At each annua l meeting of t he co rpo ratio n there shall be e lected a p res ident, vice president, a secretary and a treasurer, each to serve for a term of o n e ~Ta r· and until .his successor is elected and qu;d iricd. T here sh a ll a lso be elected at each annual meeting one of fi ve trustees fo r the te rm of fi ve yea r s a nd u n ti l his su ccesso 1· is elected. These four officers and the trustees shall be ex-offic io th e board of di,·eno 1-s of the corporation and a majorit y of t he trustees ,,·it h a n y t\\'O of the o th e r ofli ce 1·s s ha ll constitute a quorum for the transaction of b usi ness. Th e board of directors is empowered to adopt by-laws fo r th e gove rnmen t of t he corporation an d t h e boa r d a nd to amend and repeal the same. The first boa rd of directors to serve un t il the a nnual m eetin g in 19 16 sh a ll be a s follo"·s : L. F. Garey, president, W. :'\. Deb~e ll , secreta r y, B . C . H e ndri c ks, tn·asurer, ~ell Cole Pollard , vice presid en t, ]. W. Mi ll e r , T. \V. Bl ac kburn , R. R. :\IcGee, H . H. Riemund and C. Ray Gates, t ru stees.
The Penn·ian
/fiJ ,\
- - - - -- - - -
.-\RTIC I.E \ "11}.
Th~ ann ua l lllt't'ttng oi th~ :'tockh o ldn:' :'hall be lwl d at :'UL"h time and place as :'hall b~ d~tcrmin~d by the Board oi Di recto r:'. Specia l m ee tings oi tht• stockhold ers may b~: cal l ~:d by the Board oi Director:' or upon the petition of t\\Tnty-fi,·e (25) common :'tockh o ldn:'. hut not le:':' than fifteen ( 15) day:' notic<: shall be giyen by mail to th <: la:;t kno\\' n addn·:>:' oi th e common stoc khold~r:' of any special meetin g so call ~:d. A.t all annual and :'p~cia l m<:ctings each :'hare oi common stock shall be entitl ed to one YOtl' in pn:'on o r by proxy. Fifty :'hares of common :>tack r epresented in p~rso n o r by proxy :'hall con:'t ttute a qu orum ior the transaction of business. ARTI C L E
These artid~s may be amended by a t\\'O-thirds ,·ote of the B oa rd of Directors present at a n y meeting. prm·ided , ho \\·e,·er. that such amendment shall not be effecti\·e unti l th e same has b~en submitted to a n.: fcrcndum Yote by m ai l to th e ho lders of comm o n stock and a maj o rity of such stock \"Oting upon the proposed amendment shall appra\'e the same. ARTICLE
T hese article:; a nd by-la\\'s o i th e corpot·arion shall be th e constitution and by-la\\"s of the general organiza tion of a lumni of th e Peru State :'-Jonnal School and all associate and act i,·e m embers of th e associat io n arc elig ibl e to become stockh o lders of this corpo ration and m ay ha,·c issued to th em th e common stock of the corpo r ation. A ll other perso ns interested in the Peru State ~annal School as patrons, stud ents or friend s are im·ited to become prefer red stockholders. P ersons \\"ishin g to purch ase prefer red st ock may take such number of sh ares as th ey m ay desire but onl y alumni bm· common stock, and no alumn us can O\\'n in his or her O\\·n rig ht more th an o ne co.-11111 0 11 o r \'Otin g share. Capital stock is non-transfe r ab le. I N \V IT ~ESS WHEREOF \\"e ha,·e hereto sig ned ou r names as corporators this 11th clay of ::\lay, 191 6.
L. F. \ V.
:\1 .
P ALi\ I ER.
E. R L'LON. ::\I A:\ 11 E R lJSSE L L :\1 L'TZ,
J F. ::\1.
\ V J N TER S.
T. w . BLAC KRl.."R :\'. R . R. ::\I cGEE. Subscribed (SEAL)
my prese nce and ~m·orn to before me this 11th clay of :\lay, 1916.
Notary Public.
I ,,, I
I I /(I I
Service Flag Dar; M aJ} F ir st
The School Service Flag made by t he ~ i r i s of tla: ,c hool. \\· a ~ 1111 i1r rl t·cl at tht· Chapel hour on Yiay the F irst. The fo llowin K prog;ra111 \\·a-, pn - ~t- rltecl: I nstrumenta l Duet.. _____ _________________________ ___ ____ __ _________________________ __ _. _________ ... Flu _lf nr.• 1 ill r1i.• 1
\VAJ.To:-.- and < ; L. \ IH ~
( )lu>
R eading .. ------------------------------------------------------------- ___ _----- .... -... --- ...... _.. ............ . ·/ 11 By :\I ISS B ETTY L,\ L' .\1 . \ :-; Scene-The F lag of Betsy Ross.
:VIISSES KET t.:RA H L o w E, o ·ELT. A \
V E.,.,. If EIU 1or.c.. I .L
1-: 1. 1.. '
III 7''Jt 11 1 ir,
B.' R "
1-: s. ( ; 1-. I{ -
With musica l a cco mpa n i me 11 t. Scene-The :VIaking of the Ser vice fl a~ of I <) HL Ry :MISSES C LARA B ECK, GE:"EVI EVE (;REC.G. f{E :" .-\ T ~t . \\· r s . H ELE:" Do;-;ovA;-.; , :\ I ARY M v rz , 1-' I.O RA \\1, \R:" ER. l i{E:"E
ll c >I' KE.
11 .\Z I·: r.
TrT U'S. Presenting of the Service F lag on Rehalf of the ( ;iris oi the Sd 1ooL By :\I1 ss FR A:"CES SE LT Z assisted by I'E:":"ET II R ()L"SE. Acceptance of Service Fl ag on B ehal f of F ac u lty lh· PI{ ES . D.\\ '. I L \Y ES Praye r By R E\-. P. H. CoPE Song-The Star Spang led B anne r By the A sse mhl age
Committees fo r the D ay Commiflee on Jl1a/..·in g r,f tlu• S rr•uia F lng Yliss Miss Miss Miss :VIiss Miss :\I iss
Ruth F oley, C hm. V ivian Bishop H elen Courtright E lma Dillon :VI arga ret D onahoe Edith G ramlich H all ie Gates
:\ I iss Miss Lela H azzard :\ Tiss Miss O li ve H offman :\I iss Miss H ele n H o pp :\ I iss Miss H azel H o rst :\ I iss :VIiss V lasta Humlicek :\Iiss :VI iss Bess Inks :VIiss K athe rin e L ehr :\Iiss Vashti Con e, H o nor Ro l l
:\ I o netta I .ogsd o n Helen :\ I c :\ l t' eki n H enri t'tta P o r ter Ram o n a Scll\ nT B c 11lah Scott Ru b~· Damnw
:\Iiss Lena J ackson, C ha irman , :\Iiss Vi via n T e ic h , :\I iss I rene P o ls ley . :\Iiss :\ l abe l Engler, :\I iss B eat r ice Walton
Committee on Editing and A rh•ert ising ~H iss Flora Warner, C hai rm an , :\I iss :VI a re n R asmusse n. :\I iss
•. Th e I' t'I'II'L'lfl 11
R 11 t h \ ·e rn o n
1 11/S
Honor Roll Of Tho> <' \Yho St· rn· Our Cou ntry on Land. on Sea, and Fred C. :\ den J ohn F . .'\ll>lll:ltt Carl \\ '. :\m cnd e II a rr\' I. .'\ml'ncll' lll'nr·,. II. :\lllt' tHk S ht· r~tan .-\ppl c).!att' Bacon I. Burton BartiL'> C. (;o rd on Bl'ck Roge r lh·rgqui>t Lee Rm· lknt·dict I !amici Bi>ltOp Ertll'>t 1.. Bla ck 1.. l\ l ilt on Hlankt•n, hip i\lecena C. Blo, ~ F. E. Bowers .J o~ep h \\' . Boy d J o hn Br anig:tn O tt o K. Brt C ha se Bn rrow ~ G ra\'Ci on G. Butterfield lrwi.n l\11. Caldwell \\'adc L.. C aldwell Leo Came ron C. :\ . Carm an II u gh Carman ). Alden Ca steel i_o ui~ F. Chard \' erne E. C hatelain San ford l.. C lem e nt ~ Earl M. Cline P. B. Cop e F lonl Cowell Ho~\'ard I. Crill_,. \ 'erne D. C urn· B. F. D al lam · Ru s~e ll A. Darlin g C hester \V. Darrow Roger Darrow Lewi ~ \V. Da,·ics Le ~ter Dill on Tanch· Dillon Herbert R. Dre~~ ler Leonard M. Dud ek I I erwin Ellenberger Rm· ]. \V. Ely \\';n. B. Flack E . \\'. Frans E lli s Fn·e M. J. c; arey Roge r M. c; cib A. B. Gelw ick £,·er ett H. Cood Ro,· N. l l age rty Ea.rl J. H aney F rank D. H :t n ey Olin?r J. Il:tn e ~· E. C lement Harp
.-\i r
B run· I I. I I a rri ~ Lewi~ P. I Ia rri, Fred lla\'l'i . Rudolph ((a,·l'lka Loyd I I ay> \\'arrt·n .-\. !I a\'~ Han·cy :\. ll t·~th Blinn 0. lll'im s Ben H. I l o ;~d l c ,· Roy B. llull · Clydt• l l ml·hin son Cla r ence l\1. ll yslup : \ndrew Ja d: \\'illi am ·l:tck Fred .-\. _i r dl'rma 11 Leo E . .J ew e! I A. J. Jimer~o n Albin 0. Joh n son Prcd L. Jo hn son Ben F. Tone< M . Frat;kl in. Jon es F :t_,. lVI. ] on es. D. B . Kantor ]. ] . Klima Adolph Ko tas \\' all:tce Kr ico\\' m. E. Kucl~ e r Fred eric Kuh lman C l:tud R. L:ti rd Ro,~ L:ti r d (Gol d Star ) A he L. Law r enee F. \ V. Lege r S. M. Lege r \ 'e rgil Lehr C lai r Liebhart \Vm. Harrison Lin e McKinJ e,· Kin sc,· Arthur N. Lon g .fell o w E,·erett B. L"nn Marion H. L;·nn (Gold Sta r) D:n·id L. McC iun Jun e D. McMillen Eug ene Ma jor~ John F. Maj ors Tom Major~ D o n ;~ld Marcellu s E. \V. M;~rce ll n ~ L ewi s H. Marsh:tl l L;~,·ern M:1th ew s Charles R. M:1ttill L e~l ie M mtox H enry C. M eents A. C. M ewhirter Elmer E. M i ch ;~ el u s Tam es M on e,· )o,· E. Morg;~ n C. K. Morse Tracy Mum fo rd
Otto M utz, Jr. R:n· S. N ibbe F. Ogg 0. W. Osnes Charles H. Palmer 0. J. Palm er Herbe rt Pa tt erson Merle I. Pawley Henry Pcchoka Wilbur Pettit Don C. Phelps P au l Phelps James Phillips Elmer Poh lm an Or vi ll e Ralston Cu rtis Ramsey Webster Ray L. \V. Redfern 1oscp h Reeves Roland Reeves Pin kney Rcn fro Rudolph Rcn n ecker Ray Robertson Phi lip L. Rouse Tohn W. Sa hl strom ·R. L. Sandber~ William Schn eider, 1r. A rthur T. Schultze Ca rl W. Schult ze Harold G. Sch wenker 0. Homer Schwcnt ke r A. Rar Scott Earl Scott Walter Scott Frank Sharrar B. L. Shellhorn Basil H. Sims
C. II. S rn iln F C. S mith . II . <;. Smi th 1..:.: 0. S rnith Jarn.: ~ S rni th.:r' Fran c i ~ J. E. S nid er
ll oward E. S nodgr:r-l..:w i' 1.. S pafford Edw ard Stn·h 0. 1.. S t .:p h .:n' Fred 1.. S todda r d John 1·:. Sto ddard Paul Sto.:hr R cuh an S wan Quinton T .:ieh P a ul ·rlwrna ' Arnand Tobin John Tnbirr !.loy d 0. Tru e i' T,·Ja \ "ar ro E .. Td cr :-.:oel T _,·, o r; J arne' \ ".:h· i..-k C harl c' \ ".:r n o rr Robe rt 0. \ "l· rrrorr Jo.' · \ V;rlkcr Ral p h \\'alk.: r Ralph \ \' a _,·bright John \ V . \Vcar A lb ert \\1 .:iru: rt Milo \ V h .:.:l don Stcrlir rg \\'hit fi.:ld C. I van \\ "i n , )ow /\. A. \ \'olf.: C harl ey \\' ri g ht Dnn J. Young \\'illiam F. Young
Book II
I '•
' '·J
.. ·:···
EJ< \." EST
M. S I'.\ L: I. Ill \."r.
M:rrh c rnati c-
.1! in fir s Phy, i<.:al Scie n ce, Polit ic al Sci e n ce
lli !-ton路 a n d
BJ<m\路 ~
I' (' I' \I
.VfajfJr Engli ~ h
.If infir.r lf iqnry, Educat ion
Jill ajnr
Chemistry .'vfinnrs
Agri cul t u r e, Manual Tr:tinin g
HE~RY Lr:-.路 ~
f'Vf a jnr
Education .l1inors
Agr icu lture, B otanv
The Perun'an
t~ R .\ L"E
B .\ RB E E
.11 a jo,路 II i,tory .11 in or.< Ccrma n . Ph.' 路, ical Science
:\'E\,' .\
B .\RR\'
Da,路cnpo n
E n g li ~ h
E d ucat ion Cornmcrcc
Brok en Bo\\' :\ rt Engli~ h
:\d a m ~
Com m erce Eng li ~ h
I I i ~to ry
Long P in e Latin Engl i ~ h
Educati on
Peru as a Four Year Normal Sc hool Since 1867 the P eru :\T onnal has been empow e red to g ran t t h e B ad 1 e l or' ~ d q~nT. and up to 1913 such deg rees \\'ere g ive n to th ose w h o co m pleted t he ir j11 n ior l'o ll q ! t: ,,·ork here and their senior college work else \1· he re. B u t in th e !attn ye ar t h e Sta tt: Boa rd made the requirement that th e last yea r o f th e se ni o r co ll e ~t· ll'o r k lll ll,.. t IH' done in Peru to secu re th e Bachelor of J.::d ucation dq!;ree. Up to .I 'dy. I C) I 7 . O\'t' r fi fty such degrees had been g ranted. Within th e c urrent sc hool yea r t h t· State Bo;ard has changed the title of th e degree from Bachel or of Edu catio n to Bac h elor oi A n ,... and exacted a slight inc rease in requiremen ts. Pe r u's A. B . d eg r ee n m 1· ra n ks ll'i t h t he highest. The follo\\'i_ng are additional reasons 11·hy the comp le tio n of P e r il's Se n ior Co ll e~l· course is \\'O rth \\'hile : I. T here is an increasi ng a nd just demand fo r mo re th o ro p re parat io n o f edu c a tional leaders and especiall y o f th ose \\'ho h ave gon e as far as t h e :\ I as tn 's d c~ nT. Grad uate 11·ork is ou r State U ni ve rsity needs a nd is ent itl ed to a ll t h e feede rs fo r it , courses it can get. 2. T his increase 11·ill be financial! y possible if more st u de nts t a ke ad \' a rlt aJ.!e o f the economies of doing t heir se nior coll ege 11·o rk in the State :'-!onna l, a n d 11sc t h e savi ng in expenses to take a :\'l aste r's deg ree in t h e U n ive rsit y. If t hree yea rs' sch oo ling can be gotten for almost th e price of t\\'O, \\'h y not ta ke the for mer ? T h i nk t his ove r. 3. Peru has a la rge r facu lty a nd a la rge r e n rollme n t o f stu dents of co l lt·J,!iate rank than any other educational insti t ut ion in :\eb raska exce pt t h e State L n i1·e rs ity . -t. The Peru :\ ormal is one of t he thirtee n no rmal coll eges in t h e C n ited S t a t t:s , and is recognized and cred ited in the :\forth Centra l A ssociation of Co l leges a nd C ni versi ties. 5. The equipment of the school in all departme n ts is kep t u p to a hi gh stand a r d of completeness, and ne11· apparatus is being co nsta n t ly ad ded t h r u th e a lertn ess of t he facu lty in keepi ng fu ll y a breast of th e t imes, a nd t hru t h e ge n e rosit~' o f t h e sta te in meeting all legitimate expenses of ex pa nsio n. 6. The magni fice nt ne11· trainin g school bui ldin g a n d orga n iza t io n a rc m ak i ng possible mo re than ever an expe rimental in vest igation o f ed uca t io n a l p r o b lems, a nd an application in practice of the gains in ed ucatio n al prog ress. In t hese i a l\'est i ~a tions the se nior college st udent may sha re. 7. Coi ncident 11·ith expansion in all oth er lines, th e cou rse of study is co nstantl y being en riched in a ll'ay to fu ll y meet cu rren t d ema nds. Th e stu de n t enteri n g o n a four-year norma l course has a C H OICE OF COL'RSES that 11·o u ld take mo re tha n S I X TEE:'\ YEA RS to complete if he took t hem all. \ Ve do not here gi1·e detai ls of the specific requ ireme nts for sec urin g a B ac h elo rof-Education degree, beca use a very com ple te cata log has l a t el y b een issued , "'h ic h supplies fu ll in fo rmation.
I '
Y. \\' . Phil ,, " . It
F :oll- C'i 1.,.
/ \ IIIII; Y
tim ,· nfrni, f "f
l1<1 r.l tn.<k ."
!\. A XTEI.I.
. \ lt-x:o r~ dri a
Ph ilo .. ' '/'is tf,·,·ds mu.<t 'l.~''" t!J, · pri :: ,·."
BE ll.~
Phil o Chnru~
"Full of fun n11 ,/ fr"/i,, 'l.~·it!J n /'Qt'tir trn1<l qf min,/."
E .\1~1.\
,(,·, i,/,·,1
Philo Y. \V. C. J\.
"Shr dot'S lill/r
rilh t'I'J
/,· w;.·,·
/llltl 0 /11'. "
II EI.E :-.-
Btu ' Ill' S
P h ilo
Science Cluh •· 'Tis m o.!o ty t h at ""lk<S !J,.,. .< tt lll .li·•·int...
M t :-.-:-.-IE
C JJRI STE:-.- sn:-.-
Philo C ho r u ~
" I t is n ot po.<itio n b u t min,/ that I ~,.,111t."
!l O PE
Co :-; LEY
Dramat ic Cluh Philo
\". \\'. c. :\. "If s!J,· "-'·ill. s!J,· r;. ~·i /1, a n,/ y ou <ttll ,l ,·p,.,i.l 01/
If sh,·
0 11
it .
r;,.~·o n"t .
sh,· r;.,·o n"l.
1111 , 1
,·n ,/
CttRESTE :O.:SE-.:
C onco rd
Chon t ~
E H r etr
Penl\·ia n Sta ff
\". \\". c. :\. "/las a !food rtaSrl/1 /fir all sh,- .lo.-s."
I I; I\
t il
I I P.·r nP. B .\IL P.\
!'hi lo (' l wnl '
"Shr t nu rho 11111hintl lnll Jh,· n.l.l.<
R \ \'.\10"1)
''""111 ...
C'.\1(1 Ek
(; lee C' lu h l>ra 111 atic ( 'lui> Foot hall Phi lo
Y. M. C. .\ . "Somr f/1'11'1.;: 't'• ' f')' . '1' •' 1')' Ifill , Uut Nnymtlll•l .<•'l'lninrtl)' fi i'• ' V..' n ot
B R.\._.TI. P.\'
C'fii'E'' II \I
Drama ti c Club Phil o
" 1/wviny fun at all.''
f,, ·tt.-r t han d o in rt
n ot h ing
F1u :-.-c1s COOPER D ra m a tic C l uh C lcc Cluh Footba ll Y. M. C. . \ . Philo
" /V r d on't lm ov: if hr <-..:.:i/1, or if ht• v .:i/1."
T hI' Per Wl' it1 n
1 11 IS
I I O\\'.\ IW
Dcha tinj.! Tea m Normali tc Staff P hilo Dram:ll ic C luh Band Orchc~tra
Y. M. C. A. (Jazz)
".lfusirally inrliu,·d. maJOrs
: \ Ut>RE \ '
C tt.\ SE
J) ramatic Club Phi in Cho ru ~
" JI o<tuit·" "{.'//(lsi'" for a hi!tha ,·du ration.
CI.D1 ~1E'\TS
F. Irn wond
( ;Jcc Cluh Band Orc he~ tra
Philo D rama ti c C luh
Y. M. C. A. C h oru~
Pe n l\· ian S taff " l .o, thoughts of homr( .l) /'t'l"'l'adr his a rti'l.'i'
1-!a ~ t i ng ~
P h ilo Y. \V. C. A. P enl\· ian Staff
" I am gnmr."
, II(, I /11
I 1), \
('J. \ II "
I' hi,, Y. \\'.
c. :\ .
" / u ord,.,- ''' .f,, q r ,·at t hi n t/J
t J I/,
11111 ' '
f,, ·
.\ rli n:..: t"ll I' hi ,, "./
f rioJ,{ ''' nil r;,::IJ,,
!.· n, · r;,~·
h, r."
s_\ r: l t'll'(.' Philo (;fcc C l uh ( ' horu ' "(,'iri s
tr, ·llft •cl
ffJq •,· and
/J, · lfJ·\·, ·. 1."
\". \\' . C'. A
"1/ r r jutf(JIIIr'lll yrral an.l
fJ I'I'fl/
1(/1/ , /nr.
I \
JIE ( ;.
J oh n,on
D L"Eili.E R
Philo l.uth cr:n t :\ »nriation ·· . J,.tion s. ~..:..·o rd s. si<J>s from th,· a/ J>Iw/,,·f hy '"-~·h i rh y ou may sf>,·I/ r!wrarf,.,.. ··
FLOYD D o.\:-.- E
Science Cluh Phil o Y. M. C. A '"fi r
<:.c·ould s it fo r ho u rs hy hrr .<id,· and study t ht· stars. (!) ··
Te c um ~e h
En \' .\ L. Dm.:r.J..\5 Phil o
"-~·ill find
l\1 .\RI..\RET
a K ay nr mak r ont"."
D o:-.-.\JJOE
N eill
' · C. .'\. ( \ ·. P. ) Phi lo '"G ood-h um or rs th r hralth of thr sou l."
Th , /', ·r11 1 t ,tn
,..---- -
1) ,\ .\I~ I P.
( ; lt,e C lub P hilo Ba,ketha II C ho ru ' Y. M. C. J\. ·· ''Fis t·du rnti on I n r lassi r halls
/rll· lll 1
lluf f lu· farm
t ft, ·
' ' 1 111 11/0 n
111in d .
'l.<.· i/1 f !J ,· (/ O i iu s fin.! : jiJr m.·."
DII . U I:-.·
: \ ll h11 r 11
P e ru \' ian Staff I' hi lo Y. \\' . C. !\ . ( ' hon" " (,'rilfy , sfu,liiJu .<, an.! 'l.<.' ifly. "
:vi .\ RT II .\
J) ,H :S<.: JJ '-: ER
r::,·eret t C ho ru '
Y . W . C. A . "Tiu'l'f' i .r
dijJi r ulty f iJ on,·
'l.<.· ill .<. "
E\' e r et t Luth e ran
Blai1· A ,~oci a t io n
"Studyill (!,- lt r r rhirj on- uj>ation.''
The Penn
Lli . I.I A:-.:
:'\Iii ford
E:-.: r. I. E
Philo C h ont ~
" .1 spirit y.-t unqu,·f/.-cl a n d h i!lh that dai ms and s , · , · ~·s nsn·nd.-n, y."
Philo Y. \V. C'. !\.
"Thn·r is no/ ont· m om"'' duty. "
E l.l'.\
~~·it ho ut
E,·e rctt Y. \V. C. .'\. Choru s
" 'Tis only nol!/,· to h.-
Hlan c hard . b.
EY e rett
Y. W. C. A. " I n my daily ru:alk i f . 'tis t h ,· ' l.ood ' , only. I dn irl' to .it'l'."
___ ;
I'·'" '"'l' Cir,·
(, \I" ' J'hi lu Y. \\'. C. :\ .
Eun ll
1: 1.
< iK\ \I J.Itll
Sl' iell!'l' ( 'lui>
Ph ilo Chonr•
,., \\'. c. :\. tf,·,·.f.< mu.<t
D Olt IS
l l.n
f'ri ~r .
p l'l' ll
Y. \\'. C. :\. ".\ly .wyiut/.1 arr my ''·i...:.:n .
MERYl. f i.\'\K S
Y. \\ ' . C. :\. u_ /
fi.'l"(lf'lfli"l(l/1 l .f S
hr ' oj>rt ia!ly jrJIId nf Spuds."
;r; IS
SEI.I~ . \
Bri ~ t o w
P hil o Chn ru ~
Y. \\'. C. :\.
IIE I. E ~
tit• si.l• of t h• nll[/ •"1.<. ··
lf.\ 1(~10~
Y. \\'. C. :\. Phil o C' h on1 ~
11.\ RI.0\1"
Edi tor-i n -C hi d of Penl\·ian Drama t ic Cluh (;f er Clu h Philo Scie nce Cluh ( Pr l'~iden t ) No rmalit e S taff
Y. M. C. .'\. ".! /IJ(/1/ of husill f"JS as r..;.·dl ns of fun. T oo fmsy to ,·at or .r/,·,·p. "
1-!or n ·l.\ :-o·
Brrn, Ka m a s
Scie nce C lu h Ba ~ k e tha l l ( Capta in ) P e nl\· ian S taff Phil o
Y. W. C. A. C h o rw•
''Si mply thr t hinrt I nm shall mal·r m r l i·l'r."
/U f,\
\ ' 1.,\ S'II
II 1.; .\ I J. I C EK Sc ic:llcc Cluh Philo Y. \\'. C. :\. ( ' horu ~
·· . fn
trl /111/r nan rr u
J,, ·st f>r1J .<f•r11 t.''
( ; t: ll{" \" ;(
D r a m a1 ic Cluh Pc:nl\·ia11 S 1a ff (;lc:c: C l u h Phil o C ho n 1' Y. \\'. C . .'\.
" (}h.' for a
j fJ•J F.
r.~· , · ddin tt
· /1, ·/1'."
Barr1111, \ \ ' i,.
l l. \ '\5 1:-:(;
Drama t ic C'luh Philo Y. \\'. C. !\. Choru~
".ll fld r s/y I S
th r f! l'a u· ,,j thr·
c;Jee C lu h Dramat ic C'l u h Philo Y. 'vV. C. A .
" lf 'ith
/riNulshi/>-1111 · IJ/cf, ·r it il brco m,·s."
(/ I'IJ 'L~·s
I '
Ph i lo
Y. \\" . C. :\.
HI..\' L'll 1.. jo11 ~ s o~ < ; l e~
Ri n ' rt on . low:t
y. \\' . C . .•\. " .·1 rtirl 'I.J.:orth <:-l.·hi/,· is thr r; irl "'·ho { Ill! smi/,· 't:.;h,·ll •''<'t'rythillfJ go,·s d r nd "-''I' OIIf/ ."
11 E'-"' K . .1 011 ~ so ~
Phil o C hon 1~
" . I s!.· hrr about tlu· 'Dusty Rho.l.-s '."
L\ uu .1 O E" E l.
Orche~ tra Choru ~
Philo Y. W. C. .'\.
" . / too l.·. a !l f'S /un·, an allitud,·. a /on,· of ·<'(Jir ,·, all l11·ar tlu·ir par/ in lhr f/ l' l'fll 'll·orl.· ,,j f'loiSillf/ ."
} II I.\
---------- ~
Sc i L·fl · ·~
( "luh
Phi l "
\". \\". c. .'\ . '' I f a/ fir.rl
d o n't
J U t " "' ""·
lry. fry
O t/0 111.
( S ta rred in t he Old :\ l ai d ," (".,,1\.L"Il l inll .
(;Icc C luh Phil o C ho r u-
" . / soldil"l·, tl,.,. , a s ol, /i ,·r
\\'rl. l. l.\~ 1
Kf)"f .\ 5
f r"· m•.
:'\ l ill i ;.::rn
S~:i c n cc
C l uh Foot ha ll ( 1 ) Ba> kc th all P hil o \". M. C. A.
" If y ou''L·r a l~t ·a'!.'J" la s!.· to d n, u i/1 "" lf"ill. 1!1''11 slay /1y you till it's thrOit (t fJ- 11/{/f'.< II ill."
!) EI.O:Vl .\
J ..\ :vT ll ERT
.'\ u h llr n
Ph il o
\" . \ \'. C. A . "lf"hat is 'L::orl h doin(J at all
,/ ,,ill(!
Th e P cr11ria 11
/()I '
Berl in
Cl i.\ IU.fJITE L E I! :-:
P h i lo
Y. \\' . C. .-\.
··T h is ' l . .-!111' /,· t o .<11 <<"<-'.'·
I I E I.E :-: L L· :-: u
P hi l o " ff ,·r ·7.'0 / t·r tt:..·tu ,·:;,.·,.,- .foft, (/ t'n//,·. an.! lo::..:.:-
an ,·xr,·l/ ,·nt th i n!/ iu r-~·ollltlll."
:-- In:-: n \ l .or.sno:-: D r am at ic C l u h f. \' C IT tt
Y. \ \ '. C. .'\. ' ' / {" /1(1 /
('II ELSE. \
is ho m ,·
'i.~·itho u l
t" Oo ~·.>- ·
Lo :-:c Phil o Cho n 1~
··. t (fious art t!J,·
kt'J'S to th,· !J,·arl."
/', I
. \ rl i IIJ!l<>tt
Drama ti c Cluh Science Cluh Philo C'horu~
Y. \\'.
''/. nyallo old f'rru . hut fw;:"' s IJtul n•·...
:VI rmr..\ :\
Phi lo
Y. W. C. A . "Thr f> t'J"s nn v.;ho d o.-s a lilf f,·. an,/ ,( ,,,._. it u:dl. don a !Jr ral drat."
\\ ' i l hn
RosE :VIt K.\ 1.,\ S
Science C'luh Luth era n Chorus " :/ v.;nrkrr- ' lv .:as
so .
{!(Mi\ :Vh; EI.LER
Philo Lutheran C horus " Quirt and llllliSS/1111111(1.
ff) I,\
._ \
\\'akt'fit' ld
Luthe r an
Philo Y. \\' . C. :\. C hortl>
··siJ,· '-;:as
i\ I.T.\
slty. ··
G l ee Clu h Orc he,;tra '{. \V. C. :\. C h o n1 ~
•• 'TiJ your
.<O li ff ma/ct"S
u s [t fad."
Blue Il ill Ph il o
Y. \\' . C. .'\. "/ <wonda ~..:.·ill sf" · still br talkinrt."
Dun h:n
Phil o
".1 mighty sv.:at (Jirl.''
/U I,\
------o{ -
E ~1 I II 1<
;\ I
I ) o ' \ 1 1>
( 't"l\ c· \ . 1
I' hi ' "
"'''";"''ill"'" .1~., /1
' " ' ''
,, 11/ , .,, • ••
l'h i ' " ('h.,ru '
Y. \\ ' .
C . . \.
"//,,."'' filii)'
i.< ""' ,,, , '"")'
"(;tJtJdllrJs i .e t /, · tJtt/y
in·7.'t '.f /JII,
,fltll /11 ...
n l lht1/ n , ·.-;. ·,·r
I" i t.r. ..
B ESS II; :'\ . :'(l l ' IIOI. S
( ; l't'C. ' Tl \ \' Ill
P hilo " . / .rf u,ll'ltl tltrr'"(tlt fin,/
tlu ·fJli(IIJ."
) 11
I \
B ITL.\11
Sc iL' IIC"c Cluh Ph ilo Y. \\' . C . .·\ .
C h nru~
O sc.\R
0 .\ K ES
D ram a ti c Clu h ( Preside11 t ) Nnrm;ditc ( Bu , ill e~~ :".la11 age r )
Y. M. C. A. Ph ilo C h on 1 ~
Glee C luh
'' / solrm n/y
M .\ IUE
I t,·/1 th,- truth."
D od gt>
N . C. :\ . P h il o " ..f
splo~t l icl
l.ati n stu.f,·nt- in truth, a Cirrronian. ''
\ \ 'a hoo
Y. \\'. C . .-\. " 'Tis t /11· l illlr 1.-in.fn,·ss,-s sh,· d o,·j that ("0 11111 . "
fll IS
:vJ KS. R t;'ll I I' f '
' E'>
Ph i lo
,., \\'. c. /\. ' I
Br ..\ :--'L' f r
I r 1111 /IJ r:.:..
, ,, ,
" lf'!J,·rr
M .\ t: DE
Ifill j
I Ill , · .
::-( ,.), r a'k : 1
t/, ,.,.,.·,,
fh ,· r ,·'.<
Ci ty
~~· ay."
I la ~ ting !'
Ro t:SS E.\ l:
Jr. Audubon ('lui> ( l' n·-idl'nt )
Ph i lo Y. \'\' . C. /\.
111/tSI, sht·
is ..du·
PE.\RJ. REr. .\ :--'
hut /!,·
<c~· i sr ."
N . C. /\ . ( Pr e~ id enr) Philo
" !lrrr's In thr· girl v.·hn 's hnu11 ,/ to v.·in ."
I '
P:1pi ll io n
!\~t.\ 1.1.1 Sc ll~ l lllT
D c h :ll i n~ TL':tlll
Dram a tic.: Cluh N ormalite S t:1ff Philo L.uthcr:1n Pr e~ id,·nt Sc ien ce C luh C hnru ~
" 1/ o· ar(f lllllt' I/(S hw;·,· mad,· /i ,-r f a mOUS."
l R E~ E
Schuy le r
N. C . .'\. Sc ien ce C lub Ph il o D r:1matic C l uh lb ~ kethall
C hon• ~
Y. \\'. C . !\. "Shr should hfi'<H b rnr an impr r.<o nafor, sn ta /r nr ,·d is Jl/{· atony thr lin r."
H ebron
P e nl\·ian S taff Philo ( Co r r e~ p o nding S ec r etary)
" Uy th r sturdy
' ()a~·rs '
N l~.l S IIUil E RT
I'll fah· my stand."
S hubert
D r amati c C luh P e ru\'ian Staff Philo Phil o Orch e~ tra
Y. W. C. A. " It is t oo had !hal shr rs n o/ tw ins."
, I
Philo C hon J'-
Y. \\' . C. :\. "S!J,· ha s a <t;:ay all /,,·,. ,,.,;.: n.
Phil o
Y . \\ '. C'. :\ .
E.'<l .'v1.\
Phi lo
Y. \\' . C . .'\. Chnru ~
L u th eran
".\I11rniu rf. u "'"'· and nir, !tt f /' 5 .f /II d)', .<Ill d )' r..:,· i I h (/II ft I'/'
Ill i (I
It!. "
:"\ ehra~ ka
Ci ty
Philo Chnru ~
; . C l uh
1(.·1 ltrorty /au !fit
The P enn: ian
(/ ()()"
j11r tit ('
so u/ _u
f 1J IS
Phi lo Y. \\' . C. :\. Glt-c C lub C h oru ~
"Se..;.·,·,·t,·u,.,. nj li j.- au, { so/.lo· In .<orit"ly.''
\ ' tcToR 1.. Tm·- r
Pcnn·ian S taff D rama ti c Club Scien ce Cl ub Norma li te S taff Phil o Se nior Cl:-t~~ ( Pre. id e nt ) footh:-~11
n:~ ~ k c thall
Glee Cluh
"'Tis this !hal ,..,.,.,.you r e..;.·ould say. Jl r '.r a daudy rtnocl jrlln ~..;.· iu {'·7.'1'1' )" <t~·a y. "
Dr:-trn:-ttic Cluh Philo
Y. W. C.:\. Chont~
"1\'n mallrr ho~..;.· glnn my l hr day y ou SN' htr smilt·."
Roi..I ~ D
E l mwood
Philo ( Pr e~ id e nt ) R:-t sk etball
footb:-111 Ba seb a ll
"O uly ont I!I'Srlliu(f siu-/11· has in hi.r hrarl f or lh r /adi rs."
/' It,
/', ·tltilt/11
,.....--- - (
(;fcc C luh N orm alit c Staff P hil o Eri ,copal (;uild K. (;. C.Juh
Mi\f i i.P.
\ ' n :-;
s,· r acll~l'
Scll t.;TZ
P h ilo
" 1\'n pr·rstnt shall li.._.,. in fh,· lwvr n othin r; '" tf,, in it."
'l.~''" ·/t!
Hlu " Spri ngs
Science C lu h Philo Y. v\'. C . .'\ . ( St"cr t"ta ry) Chorus
"'Tis by a .rlrady r limb <t~· · · rnu h th,· tnj•. ''
j u ,\:-:ITA \' 1:-: S .\:-:T
P hil o C horu s C lee C lub
" Favo rilr rxprr·ssi on, ' Fnr
The Perun'on
J oh n's s al.·r '."
Dr:1rnatic C luh Pe ru v ian Staff ( Bu~iiH'~~ ;-lanagrr ) (~ I cc Cluh ::-.J. c. .'\. Philo " Sam,· o/,/ story. sam,· old SO li (/, Sam,· old !t irl all yrar Inn (I . " ( .1)
M .\R\..\RET \\'OT II
K . G. C' luh Phil o C' h oru~
•· Frintd.rhi p 's f,ot fat,· is 'l.dtot it a /11 sj> 1• 11 d .·1 /if,·. a fort tnt ,·, ttl/ to s,.,..._.,. a f ri ,·n d."
Philo C h oru ~
" fl o<z.~· S'l.Ct'l'f S0/111</ S
lftt • '1. '0 1((
'f.:...'OIII(liJ .1''
Phi lo Y. W. C. A . Cho r u~
K. C. Cl uh
" T o !trr lnsons rq•rr faithful. !Ito' !Itt /ask b r lonf! and hard."
\ ' u u: t :-..1.1
: \t i.OR
P e nl\路 ian Sta ff Dr:11natic C l u h Philu C hurtt' <;t ee C luh
\\'nndlak e
Philu Chort t'
B EL: I O IW BE L l.
Drama ti c Cluh Clcc Cl uh :\'o rma litc Staff Phi lo ( Prc ~ ident ) C horu; foot ha II Y. M. C. t\. ( \ ' ice- Pr c;idcnt )
" 1\ 'n nt' hul IJimsrlf
拢 1.1..1 HIC K ERT
( fill
b r his j>arallcl."
N . C.A. Philo
" Of manni'I'S g r nllr ; nf aflliclions mild."
Th e Pau l'ltlll
t'nadi ll:t
}n11' Bu cK
Philo Dram:nic C'luh Penl\·ian Staff Y. M. C. A. Scit"nce C lub
"/las .fohn !J,.,·n s,.nt ! " "Xo. h,· lws /'i n San!"-/ .<ai.l.
R.:d Cloud P hil o Y. \V. C . A . C horu s "Tiu· boys all arlmirr m,·.
I S.\IlEI.I..\
Philo Y. \\'.
Pa\\'nce City
" Firm of f>urpost"."
, . _\SliT! C'OXE
\\' ah oo
Pcru\'ian Staff Philo Chor us Y. 'vV. C. A .
"! av.:ait my star."
/ 11 f,\
Co u nJt JGJJ T
G lee C lub Philo Y. \\'. C. i\ . C horus
.. I f th,.,·r's any /tilt around, sh,· is !Ito·,·. I f thr r r's a man around, or if !Ita,· is n't. shr d fln n'l ral'l'."
:'v!ARG.\It ET
O maha
DE.\ :"
Science C lu b E ,·c r ctt
.. 11
C OR,\
·<•irl llt' tf fltft
!h t' /11
St'l' /11
\ ' alley
E S.'vl .\ \'
Phil o
''So quirt
knov.; slu·'.r h r rl"."
Tobia s
Jr. Audubon C lub )1.
C. A.
Ph ilo B asketbal I
"Sitr do rt h v.:r/1 v.;lto do rtlt ltn b rst."
1 Itt Pet u 'lml
lharnatic Club ( ; ll't' Cl u h E Vl' l"l'tt n .. b a tin ~-: Tl':nn :'-! nnnalitt· Staff Pnu,·ia n Staff ('hun " " . I s fin ,· n llltJ Si t ian
tiS ~ .:.·, · ·~·,·
ft ,·tzrd.
To /,·nt,·,/ in ,..,.,-ry .<t'lts,· of th,· <:.cor d .''
n oru s II.\ -.;co cK
P eru
Philo K. (; . Club C ho n !'
Yilli ~ c:1.
:VI.\E 111 1.1.
Iow a
Phil o Y. \\'. C. !\ . K. (~. C lub Chnru ~
" lf' itft
/ ho t .<j>t·l/s
Sl/ {( t'JS . ' '
lJ AZE I. !fORST Chnru ~
P e nl\·ia n Sta ff Phi lo Y. \ V. C. A.
" / hf'lirrt·r in sunsh in ,·, jrt·sh atr, /rirndship, mlm sll'l'j>, and h a ppy thourtlt /s."
I f) I,\
I II '
F :1 i rmn n t
Philo Y. \\'. C . !\.
a~.;.:ay I n /,·a r h, Inti sh.· .<ti ll ,.,_ mains in nur hrarts."
~.;.·r nt
G lee C' luh Phi lo C'horu ~
:'-!orr nalitc Staff Deb atin g T ea m
" Shy s!Jr
'Wfi S,
K ETL'R.Ill J. n w E
S'U.'t't' /
tr; /.· n r;'t~·. "
\\'nlha c h
Phil o Ba ~kc thall
K. G . C'luh
" l .ight -hairN f. light- hrart rrf a nd fiq_·rfy .' '
~eh ra ~ k a
Et. L E :\ ;\11 ,\JIE R
C ity
N. C. A. Philo ".1 live w rrr
The Pau 1' /r/11
thr D ormitory ."
/0 I,\
:>.1 \IH: \RF I
:>.llrU IE I.I.
El m C'rcd;
Y. \\'. C. :\. ·· T ttl,·nt <.l alnll(l ·• ·annu.< lino.· ·
( ' luh
Y . \\'. C. :\. C honl >
\\' !1. 1.1 \~1
: \.
.-\ uhurn
Dr:11natic C'luh Science C'luh Y . \ 1!. C. :\. Philo
''In t'OIIII'dy a !t·aclintt 11/iiiiTnt (lf' cly n o/ r..~· i thin h is r<a lm ."
Dr;~matic B;~ ,;ke thall
C'luh (C'ap t;~in )
Phil o
"Tall of slaturr, /a ir of fa t't' . In all our ht•arts sh,· has a f la<'t'. ''
/ 1/J \'
l)a" ... nn D rama ti c Clu b Philo
::-.:. c. :\. 11
]'o sr,· /,, .,. stn if,· is ::.:.:orlh Y'''"' r...:.:!Ji/, .··
1.. 5 .\ ")fiE I{(;
(Jrna h :t
Sen ior Cia-- ( Pn·- icl c nt ) Y. .\11. C. :\. ( P rc-idcnt ) D r a ma ti c ( 'luh <;Icc C'luh Ph il o Footba ll ( 5 ) B a ~ k c tha ll ( (';optain r. ) C hr) nt;. 11
()u o· in tlu· /if, · r,j ,·;z·,·ry II/I' II/
,t,., id,·."
11/tl /1
Red Oa k. l nw 3
Y. \\'. C. .\ . "Killdl'l"tflll"f,·ll !,,.,. .rj>,·rialty. "
LE :O.: i\
" .-1 tim r fnr ~..::nrk a11d a tim r fn r play. ' '
The Pt nt· i 11
Stnl i ng l'hil n
\". \\'. c. :\. Luth eran
~c h u .'
I' hi In C h urn ~
Epi"·n pal ( ;u ild ( S,·e·-'.
:I Illi
T rc:l'. \
\" . \\'. c. :\. ·· Fn jny th,· pro oil day.··
l'vi Rs. :\ .•o . .\ STo :-: E
Phi In
y. \\'. C' . .'\. ··Faithful to a 't~· n rt hy rau.<l".
E I· F l E
S \1' .\ :-: 11 01..\ t
\\'a hon
P hil o
\" . \\'. C'. A. ·· . I / tl'1JOritr '1.r:lu·r,·'i.·i'l' .rlu·
/II I,\
/'h. /',
\ l u r r:t.v
I. Y lll.\ T mm Dralllat ic ( 'l uh I' hi I"
"Titl'r,· 's
t (ll/
J..\L ",
funny si, f,· ''' · ·~ · ,,yt lt in'f ii J'''" IJitl)' .ft' 1'
if . "
F:ai t·hury
\ \' ()11111· 1.1.
Orl'lll·- t ra "Thn·,·'s t1 ,/ tJ, .,
'I''"' '''
!J,· ,., "' /,,.,/
all tl/ft/ .-;~· , ·
P enl\· i:all S ta ff ( il<' <' Club :'\11 rt11:tl i t e S taff
Phil o ( \ 'ice- l'n·-idt·llt ) Y. \\'. C. !\. C h or ll ' .. FI/J ra fw d a /ill/ ,· mtllt. II is SV..'I' fii i T rl.:.:a .f ("'~·hit,·
.fl/rJ r-;..:.: •
. lnd J ' '<' t'l')'~.:..·ft l' r, · tllttl Flflnt ~.;_· , · nt ,
'f'h ,· 11i(t 11/t/1' ' !'' ~.:..'filii.!
(/fi ...
Fum.\ \\'11n 11
Um:t h:t
C l t'e C luh
Y. \\ ' . C. :\. Ph il o C horu s "} • IJII r
q_:.:i I
"' al·rs
ol l11'rs
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/ 1)/.\'
\Ill路 II 1
. \ illll:'
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I l l /I. !
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The Pt'l'u路1 um
/ 11
Tit, /', ., ll l' l rlfl
-------- --
In th e earl y fall , after th e usual ri tua l of registratio11 , lo cation of class rooms, exploration of cam pus, a nd first sieges of homesickness, th e new students and the fo rmer m embe rs of the class all met in front of the chapel, and proceeded to tran:l "some11·here" west of t01n1 for a moo nlig ht picni c. From that time there 11·ere no "ne11·" juniors -11·e were all o ld f rie nd s ! Then in March, the juniors entertained th e se ni o r cl ass at an in fo rmal party. This evenin g, too, is fu ll of happy memories . The social events, alone, are not the onl y items of inte res t. T here are the recollections of a pro11·ess in regard to c lass pennants, athletic contests, and va rious school act ivit ies 11·hich 11·ere ah1·ays 11·ell supported by members of the junior class . The yea r has been a de light, and a sou rce of satis faction to junio r, 11·hil e the loyal support of our class ach ·ise r , -:\I iss Dunn , 11·ill be a happy memory to us.
7 he
PtT/1~ ir111
-- 1
( 'o ek r,•ll. H nht' ll ~ t• n . Flt' ldlf' l", Lit•nC"nwn . .\1 pk(". 0W t'llS. Y iH1 P H ll ;a n na . :'1 nith . :\1 c :\' ill", t ;.l l h~ h.,n . . J,,hn:o-\HI <' lad.-. l 'liitHIL P:l1t•·I' ... ,'IL 1 ,,nhwan
~uth ,• rland. R een•:-:. Tn ks. Ga itll's . S a g~. ~n ,·d t' r. Bt)l'k. T odd. l.nnl!fPllnw ~ n id t•. ll n·tlla . :lfut z
Tit n :-.,
R ey nolds
C:arn e r. Swanf,ofl, Hrid ~:l's, J.aunwn, Sa lzm a u, I f :qrl<t• Si<· k. \\"<,If<.. .\1 illr·r . S 11 "'' ~'~'· T a "'''" Clifton, A n d e n;on, l.a u~ ua n . Ba.lh
Fryf!. Palslt: y. l·'ullt..·t". T t·irh.
Roetff"'~(·r. m a n
\\'illi:nn son. )\af·t·li n gt't', R. :\Jc·:\l('f'k in , Stl'WH I"t .
Th1' Peruri11n
\'an (·f' .
\\' ill ifurd
/ 11/ \
I' rn :t·r. .I u :-. t ic,•, l ':1 rl1~t · rt:. ( ' tn'n •ll. H :1ntl:t1. :\I un :-:on \\'al'rt' l l. \\" a lkt•l'. K iut t•n. J)rf•:-.~h·r. :-:ehmidt
;\lt· ~· t • l',
ll am ilton. <fnt h:lln. ~('o1t. c:an 7.t.'l. G ilh(\rl. Ganz. T.ou r cy ( 'nil'. Par:--on. :--i tt~ \'t'll ~ un. ~mith. l .a\\Tt'H C' l' (:raha u l. .\ntll ouy. Ond rat·t'k. \\'itt wt'r
fl/ I S
19 19 Pcr u,· ian :\Ianagc rs
SC II 0 !•:N T If II r,
B u s i n(•ss ~1 a ruq;cz·
Juniors TH E BATTLE CRY OF FEED ' E.\I Yes, \\·e'll ra ll y ro und the Dorm. g irls. vVe'll rall y once agai n Shouting the battle cry of Feed 'Em. We've got the maca roni And best of bread and cheese Shouting the battle cry of Feed 'Em. The onion fo rever, the beans and the co rn Oo,,·n ,,·ith the latter- it's up the next mo rn W hile \\·e rally rou nd th e Dorm. girk And greet the syr up again Shouting the battle cry of Feed 'E m.
( -
1 :VI iss D un n: " D oes a nybody kn011· any jokes on the .Juniors?" ::VI ary, looking at H elen: "Yes, l do." H elen: " J ust you shut up." l\IIr. President: " 1 move that t he J un iors bu y Patt~· a nd .\I ack a one they usually sit on has the bad habi t of tippi ng m-e r ."
Th t:
.\ I iss Tibbetts, to histo ry class : "\t\Tho 11·as .J oa n of Arc?" 13eth 1-\:clley : ":\' oah 's 11·i fe."
Kid d : " j ess and I got on the train today and rig h t of eggs." Jack: " Three cases 111 the ca r then, 11·eren't t he re."
the car 11-c :-a11· t11·o r a:-es
Superintendent of Schools : "B ut I onl y employ ma rried men. " P eter Snyder: "W ell , cr-cr, I 'tn gan1c, si r."
Ka rl Schneider: "::VI iss Schm idt, may I call yo u .\l oll y?" ::VI iss Schmidt: "You may if you wish , but my name is Glad ys."
L ynn: "Have .\!iller: "Yes, L ynn: " H ave .\I iller: "Yes,
you ever seen that girl before?" often." you eve r noticed a nythin g fu nny about her?" I have see n her with you."
"It's easy enough to be pleasan t , Whe n chapel is ten minutes lon g, But t he chap 11·ho 11·ill sco re Is th e one who won 't snore 'Til forty-fou r mi n utes arc gon e."
.\I iss Carpenter : "Someone please so und 'do' for me." .\I iller: R eaches into his pocket and jingles some coi n . .\I iss Carpenter : " :\ o, .\I r . .\ l illcr, you have the lnong key."
Verna Sage: " \Veil I must be off." 13ecky: "Yes we noticed that."
ltt7 /till
I' I I,\
1(I I,\
flit J>t
Steve, a fter spring vacation: " I ' m sorry I had to cut cl asses, Professo r , but 1 ,,.a, un avo idably detained." Professor G regg : "And you \\·anted three more days of g race." Steve : " T-no, sir, of Flora."
I rene P olsley : " H ave you read 'Freckl es'?" lVI argaret El de r: "::-Jo, thank good ness, mine a rc lig ht brmn1. "
Conductor : "Y ou r fa re, ~VIiss. " J ean ette S. : " D o you rea ll y think so?"
Bill Reed : "Wh y the h ustl e ? The boss isn't aroun d ." F unn y R .: "Sh-h , he's got a periscope and dict agraph 111 his office."
John Black: " I am onl y six ty." ]. V insan t: "Yes, you arc fa r too yo un g ; you mar li1-c to be eighty."
Toft : "Say, ,,·asn' t that a ne11· girl I saw you with last night ?" Bill: "Na,,·, th at \\· as j ust an o ld one repainted."
"Say, F unn y, 11·hy doesn't my \l·atch keep time any more ?" " Th e hands \\"On' t behave because there is a pretty g irl in t he face ."
J essie : "And you \\"Ou lcl reall y put yo urself out to please me?" " Kidd : "Yes, indeed ." J essie : " D o it then, I am gett ing ve ry sleepy."
H aze l T.: " What a n1ce clog! I just love du mb animals." H elen C .: " Yes, I notice you are q uite fo nd of a cer tai n F resh ma n lad."
Virgi nia A. : "Gee, I fell last night and st r uck my head on the piano." T oft : "Well did it hurt bad ly? " V. A. : ";..Jo, lucki ly I fell on the soft pedal."
T lu
P eru• 11111
; of ,\
I II/\
I /1.
- - - , --..
\\" h it n f.·~·.
Pa lnH·r. C'o11 k h•. JI,•Jfl ill t.! \\'HY
P•·H·I'l-. 11 11,
l la.''''l-.
You look at us in a\\·ed surpn sc, Stand sta ring a nd \\·ith open eyes T o think that such a class could spring From F rcshman green-a \\·ond rous thin g Indeed ! But th en the lmd y seed Can sometimes bloom to fl o\\·e r-n ot \\·ecd. vV ith ge ntl e care a nd constant ho eing , The modest shrub ca n make a shO\\·in g A nd set th e other blooms ashade F o r th e poor g rowin g they ha ve mad e. Our good ad vise r made us g row , H e \\·atered us and used his hoc, A nd here \\·e a re- abl oom at last, All by ourclves in hi gher cl ass.
The Peru·ritlll
~~ · hl :a;.:-,• 1.
H a h i•.
Bru ndso n. Clo \'('S
l .:an dolt. ( 'opl,\·,
F la u
\\· ~ al h ~ rh oc:c:.
11 O)"\\" OtHl. 1 1a .. k r r . () ,-~ ,· h ol t. Ch :"e C' . P t•tt' r s nn . l layP ~
1 1n zzan1. )- Je. \tt lt 1 y , ('o r lt•y.
;r; IS
l'. · ltliltlft
Tire: Pt ru<
Class Co lors-Cerise and C ream Advisers- PROFESSOR S:--IITH , PROFESSO R L oo.\I IS
Freshmen O fficers
Rov SHAVER, P residen t C LADYS EA DS, Secretary GAILE:-: Nl OO RE, V ice Presid ent H OP E L EWIS, T n:asu rc r V IVIA:'{ B ISHOP, :--lormali te R epo r te r F RE S I-1:\I A :--1 FRO LI CS .
0 yes, spea king of picn ics, d id anyone ever find ou t " ·h y Ud ie Ca m eron does n ' t care fo r marsh mal lo\\·s any more? \ Ve've often ,,·ond e red. O ne cris p ,,·in te r aft ernoon, \\ "C noticed a sig n on the bu llet in boa rd, "Fresh m a n sl('ighi ng party in Chapel a t 7 :30." vVe ho pe t h e sleighing \\'aS good . R athe r early in the fall , as is ou r usua l habit to be fi rst, \\"e F resh me n \\T il t o n a h ike to Buck C reek to part ake of ou r evenin g repast. P ro fessor Sm ith , ,·as t h e mai n fe:Itu re of the eveni r~g ,,·ith t he except ion of Preside nt Shaver and :'I I iss ish o p- n u f said . \Ve il anyho,,·, ,,.e had a sp lend id t ime. Yes, ,,.e really d id go o n a s l eigh i1 ~g pa r ty, but not in the chape l t hat t ime . A lth o
,,.e are co nsidered fri,·olous by the staid and steady Se n iors, I ' ll bet t here is n 't one w h o doesn 't ,,·ish he cou ld have gone a lo ng.
jtlf \
\ ':lllt"t'. 1-\: ,•JI\· , Hadt•r :\la j or:-.. 1-: p l:·r·. ('t,,,·,·J. Hla.Hlu~ Todd . J•a rriotl. l . t•\\' i ~
Pa s('o , Hnn~P. :\locH'P, l.a ru1n ll, I n·r~ . :'\I c· h~ Ptl l ll'_\'. 0Yt• rholt ('amt•r·on. \ 'ann•. . lan·is, j)n•s:·dt•r-. l·:ads. Bb·dtop. 1-:ll i:-:
/"/,, /',I
Little Willie's dead H e neither shrieks His Kriegspiels cost And forty bill ion
and go ne, nor holle rs was armies Iost dol Iars.
With C haron by the n ver Styx Stand s Rill ,,·ithout a crow n. They're waiting for a submarine To take the K aise r dO\\· n.
Woman's in\\·omanity to woman g reatl y com plicates the s1dirage question.
L atin is a d ead Iangu agc As dead as it ca n be. It killed the ancient Romans A nd nO\\" it's killing me. :\To,,· I la y me dow n to rest T hinkin g of tomo r row's test. If I die before I ,,·ake I \\·i ll have no test to take. \Vhy is Germany like Holland? It is a Im,· lying count ry clammed all aroun d. " :\"o"·, if you h ave that in your head ," said a professor, ,,·ho had just expla ined a theory to h is studen ts, " you ha ve it al l in a nutshell!" Hazel H.: " Only fools are positive." Ru by : " !\re you su re?" Hazel: " Yes, I 'm positive." \ -irg inia: " L eona, I live just across the r iver from you. " Leona: " I s th at so? I hope you'll drop in some day."
A farmer of Dutch origin rece ntly went into a drug sto re an d the fo ii O\\·ing conYe rsation ensued: " Der vife vants some talcum po\\·der." " :\I ei111en's ?" " :'\ o. Yimmen's." " Ha,·e it scented?" " :\" o, I take it vit me."
The Pau'i.'ltln
- -...
. T
\ \
J> ,.l/ti Ill/
..----- --'
I..:ilgorc. I fatTing-ton. JI arn ill on II:11·e•. Brown ~\rdd !o)on
Specials ana Trainers OFF I CERS L E:-.;A ::V.I. H ARRt:-: GTO?\", Adviser President .............................................. CARL l\II ACK PR /1?\"G Vice-President.. ........................................... .LLOYD H AYES Secretary ................................................ H AZ£ 1. S. KI LGO RE T reasure r .......................................... ...... EARL H A;\ llLTO:-.; C hairman of Program Committee .......... A?\":-.;A ARVIDso:-.; COLORS Red and vVhi te YE LL Zip boom bah, Z ip boom bah, Specials, Train ers, R ah , R ah, R ah !
f he f't
Ill! Ifill
/() /.\
1\ i·· hard -..nll. )I ill,•I'. H rt~\\' 11. ) I i1lt• r . :\l :dlnry. 11a m iltll ll .\ il:nn:-., H rt •lu n. ll a y t' '· .\r ndt
Specials and Trainers
II Pritlt•r sO II. Epll'l', t·:s c · h t• nh uq.~. rrmn r lton. 1\f nrpl':lll ~ .-\ 1'\'idson . K ilgo n •. l·:s('ht·n bu r g-. I I arrin gttlll , S tolt ing H a m ••·. B e:u ·ll . IIII IJk:l
/II f,\
J lie /)1
1/li /til<
Friendship If tonight should be ou r last hour spent together, If days or weeks should find us far apart, Wou ld absence cause our friend ship tics to sever . Or leave an empt y space in some friend's hea rt ? It must be tru e that friends arc friends foreve r , T ha t friendsh ip \\路ancs not with the Hccting years, Then we'll not fear that these strong t ics may seve r Nor weaken them by foolish doubts a nd fears. Friendship is not measured by mere miles or hou r;;, It reaches o'er the oceans, through the years, So then w hen we've g rO\nl old and bent a nd wea ry Through tasting of li fe's many j oys a nd fea rs L et's each one hope and feel t h at somew here's smi ling, T he l ips and eyes of dear old college f riends, It must be true that f ri ends are friends forever, If not, w hy d id God let us be friends? I RENE B ERK.
T!Jt' Pc
J'IJ, /',.,// i
'Vilso n, I I r~· ,,·qod , Pelt it, All t•n, Bishop, Crai t:;o ~l allo J• ~·. HJ,I}inls, :\ppl (•g'at c
High School The High School is being reorganized along the Junior Hi gh Schoo l pla n. The seventh, eighth , ninth, and tenth grades arc included, in ,,·hich there h as been an enroll ment of one hundred pupils. In the reorganization, new cou rses in science and comme rc ial ,,·ill be offered. A definite attempt \Yill be made to adapt th e cou rse to the needs o f the 1rupil a nd help th e pupil find himself. Supervised study is being ca rr ied on in t he four g rades , affordi ng a splendid o pportunity for student teachers to get first hand knO\ded ge of it. It is hoped that the reo rgani zation \\·ill not onl y make it possible for pupils to get the training that " ·ill best fit them for the " ·ork they will enter, but that it \\·ill also furnish a laborato ry in " ·hich student teachers may be trained to meet the g rowing demand for J u nior H igh School ,,·orkcrs. The High School this yea r has taken a co mm endabl e part 111 all fo rms of \\·a r acti,·ities. Almost one hundred pe r cent of the pupils helped 111 the Y. :\I. C. A . dri,·e in the fall. Since that time th ey ha ve helped in Red C ross drives, by taking out memberships and in " ·ork for the soldiers, se\\·ing for French orpha ns, bu ying th ri ft stamps and in g iving help in food conse rvation programs and d emo nstrations. A numbe r are enrolled in ga rden a nd pig clubs to aid in food production. A commendable spirit of patriotic service h as bee n shO\nl d u r ing the year.
/ 11
Jl ,·l/ t•ll. (o' j,h,•r. E ll inll. H a tl t ' l', l .nn!!lt•llo w. Hn 1h. l l nH:O:t' H,-a ..... n ,•l·. l l ll tf ,•r, :--:h,·IIIIIH'II, B ah· .... \\' ,•;1 \' t' l'. (; I a:-. ::~'"'
High School
na l' l l f' ~ . C' a J·t~· r. Farlt•\', ll o \'t . ll\\'\' ('1', Ht•llf ZPIIhach. Pa r ri o tt ~ 1. l l ar a j ian. l.l' \\· i:-:. il o\\' P: l>o :lll;', ( ' h a s<•. lin•g-,1! l.a 1-'t'illlt't' . 1.. ll ara j ian . l h •_l zl'll. Brun s tl u n
) [ ajors . .\nderson . Barr. L awr £.l uce. C onkiP. Brown. l lou sc• Cla r k. P ar r iott. F isher. l l oyt. Yc c·k. ~l Pyt:r. S t·aJ':-.
High School
Parriott, K elly, Beck, Yecl<. Fisher B arucs. Gregg. Garrison, )ieok
Book III
--- - -~
COACH JOH~ SO:\ Whateve r has been accomplished in ou r ath letics this year has been accom plished only through the untiri ng efforts of o11r Coach. The team 11·as almost 11·ho ll y made up of absolutely ne11· material and it u ndoubted ly took the patience of J ob to make anythin g li ke a foot ball t eam fit to cope 11·it h the best in th e state. Coach tau g ht his men to pia~· a clea n and spo rtsm anlik e ga me and by his patience and sympathy 11·on th e respcct a nd admira tion of cv:: ry man on th c team.
KIDD Captain. End Cap came to P eru 11·ith quite a reputation as a foot ball player and pro ved that he cou ld furnish the goods. This was his second year of foo tball 11·ith P e ru a nd he proved to be fast and one of th e best g round gai ners o n the team.
BELL II a!I bad: Bell , a ne11· man , did so me good \\"Ork for the te am. H e h ad hard luc k at the begi nning of thc season, holl"evcr, 11·hich d isabled him fo r a co nsiderable time . I n t h e games in ll"hich he did participate he sho11·ed the punc h an d dete rm inatio n ll" h ich makes a good foo tball playe r .
/'f!, /',
HAYES (; unrtf
Tuhh~· was a rdiablc player a nd cou ld be depended upon to open holes for the backfield m en or to do his part in stopping line pl1 tngcs. This \\·as Tubby"s fir,;t ~-car out but \\T an: J.!lad to announce that he expects to h~: back aJ.!ain next fa ll.
HEDGES I 1 a/f bad.: :\lack ,,·as one of the fastest m en on th e field and had a slippcrr war of e luding tacklers. H e ,,·as also adept a t receiving fon,·ard passes. T his \nts ~l ack's first year out so \\T h an: a r ig ht to expect much of him next ~ ·ca r.
HU:\IT Crn/ (' r
Talbot \\·as honored by being elected captain of the 19 1R football t eam. He JHO\-cd himsc l f \\·orthy of this honor by his aggress i \Tncss and blocking abi Iit~ · on the defensi\-c a nd his expert ,,·ork at r ass in g th e ball. On a \\·inni ng team h e \\·auld ha\-e been eligibl e for all-state center.
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K O TAS Guard Rill played his first g am e of foo tball 11·irh the :\'orrnal last fa ll. H c \\·as a hard w o rker and cou ld be d epend ed upo n to d o hi ~ best. Since he is to be a Professo t· ne x t yea r his footba ll da~·s a rc o1·cr.
Q uarterbad Pewee \\·hen in command of the team ran things very smoot hl y for a fi rst yea r man. H e used good headwork in calling signals and although lig ht could be depended upon to carry the ball through the li ne his share of the time. H e will ma ke a strong addition to next yea r 's team.
COPL'\HA VER C uard "Snoose" 11·as one of the big m e n of the tea m and did mu ch in hol d ing th e line . H e a h1·ays had his opponent up in th e a ir a nd n eve r fail ed to stop his man o r m a ke a hole for th e backfi eld whe n it 11·as n eeded . [veryone wi ll be g l ad to kno11· that h e ex pects to be back for nex t season .
LO:'\G II a!!bad.· Y es. O le \\·a~ ~ ma ll bu t h i~ lllT\·e ;111rl d etermin ation \\"l'l"e as big :~ ,; an ything on the team. For a ,;mall ma n he \\"aS remarkabl y ad ept at r unn ing imcricr cnce and sm :~sh i n g in to I inc pl un ge~. \\- e need such men as he on nex t year ~ team .
.:\IARD I S Ful!bac/; Spud ,,·as t he battering ram of t he team. H e r an lo\1" an d fast a nd cou ld be dep end ed upon to make his share of the g ains. Spud also sho\\·cd himself capa ble of holding do\\· n t he end positions in several g ames. · Coach has a rig ht to expect m uch of him next yea r.
ROETTEGER Tackle F unn y prO\·ed to be a real fighter from th e \\·ord " go" and d id much to put pep into the team in times of g reatest st ress. H e \\'as a good l ineman and \\·iii be a st rong po int in nex t yea r 's te am.
SA:'\DB J-:RC II rd! !~tu· k
Sand y, t he o ld reliabk. Th is \\·as hi s fi ft h yea r of foot ba ll \\' it h P l'nt and \\ ' l' regret to say h is last. S and ~· th is seas on led th e attack in both d den si\'l' and offe nsive a nd \\·as t he bes t ~round ~ai nl'r o n the team.
STEVENSON Quarterback
Steve, the midget quarterback, althou gh having no fo rmer expe rience was quite successfu l in commanding th e team. H e was quick to catch a ne\\' signal and did much to " pep" up th e team. W e need him fo r next year's team.
TYSO:\T End T y \\·as no ted for h is bu ll dog t e nacity and developed h imse l f in to a r eliab le a n d heady end. His \\'Ork at smashin g inte rference and break ing throu g h t h e line a t a cr itical ti me \\·as his st r o ng poi nt. W e lo se a clean a nd ha rd fig h t ing at hl et e w he n he g r aduates this year.
fl) /,\
TOFT Ta d ·/(' f\ I th ough a nell" ma n \ -ic cl ispl ayed m uch abi lity a:; a foo tbal l pl;t~·e r b~· hi:' aggre:'sin: ll"o rk at Left Tackle. He w ill be a big facto r in t he success of next yea r \ team if he comes back. Better come back. \ -ic.
The 1917 Football Season From the standpoint of stand ing and from th e standpoint of a team our 1917 football season coul d hard ly be cal led a success. \ V hen t he season opened it \\·as found that on ly one old ,·arsit~· man ,,·as back to he lp mould th e team and but fe ,,· of the remaini ng could e1-cn boast of ha,· ing been on the 19 16 rcsen·e l is t. T hus ,,·ith th e open ing o f t he season the p rospects looked g loom ~· indeed and remained so th roughou t the season. It is u nd oubtedly true t hat Coach J oh nso n was co nf ronted ,,·ith one of the ha rdest problems of his life w hen he attempted to make a team strong enough to cope wit h Neb raska's st ro ngest footba ll teams. most of 11·hom ,,·e re most fortunate 111 having a great pl en ty of material. Th ~ playing thro ughout t he season \\·as natura lly more o r less mechanical with a team of such g reen mate ri al. It ,,·as noticeabl e that the sixt h sense (the football s~ nse) and individua l d iagnosis of the opponents' plays ,,·ere lack ing. It would , ho\\"eve r , be a d isc red it to t he team and to ou r Coach to stop here. To an individu al \\·ho \\"atched the g rm,·th o f the team from t he first \\"Cek t ill th e last its prog ress must have been a revelation. For real perse1·erance and sportsmanship the team should be g i,·en as much cred it as an y team Peru has eve r boasted of. T he first game of t he seaso n \\·as played on ou r home field ,,·ith th e strong \ Vesleya nites \\·ho proved to be too mu ch for our beginners and romped a11·ay ,,·ith th e long end of a 63 to 0 sco re. T he score perhaps \\·oul d not have bee n q uite so d ecided had not se1·era l of th e va rsity bee n out of the l ineup.
/ 11
~~~ ~~~~ ~
We und ou btedly encountered our most form id able for.: at C rr.:ight o n , for t he second game of th e season on C reighton 's fie ld . lt is not to be ,,.o,Hkre d at t ha t the str o n ges t team in several st at es won on this occasio n bu t it is a thin~ to be "·ondcred at a n d a thing to be proud of that P eru actuall y sco red a to tu:hdO\nl a~ains t tht:m. a it-at \\·hi c h fe"· t eams in the state could accom plish . York 11·it h many of he r old vete rans back ill\·ad ed 0 11 r camp fo r t h t: seco n d ~a1n r.: o n the home field, and \\'ere openl y con fide nt of a n r.:asy 1·icto ry. F n :n many oi Per u',; st rongest supporters pred icted annihil at io n. But j11st t o sho\\· t h e111 ,,·hat \\ ' t· had learned in the t11·o previous g ames P eru held them scorr.:less th rou~ho 11t th e fi r ,;t halt. Several inju ries ho\\'ever 11·ere sustained in our l ine up a nd York \\'Oi l a hard 1·ic to r y of 20 to 0. P eru perhaps played her best game at Cotn er 11·ith the Bulld o~s . Th e game ll'as played to11·ard t he latter end of th e season " ·hen Co t n e r \\·as admit tedl y stat e c ha mpio n and Peru's defeat 11·as almost certain. Yet th e boys foug h t 11·it h a tr.:na c i t~· n ot equaled by th e Bulldogs themselves an d afte r a h a rd fi ght Cotnn \\'as able to 11·in h y o nl y 22 points. It migh t be said \\'i t h truth that Per u ha d o nl y o nt: dd t:at t his seaso n 11·hi c h should be placed in t he disc redit column. \ Ve " ·il l attempt to makt: no t::\ c use fo t· o ur d dcat at the hands of K earney. With hal f the fi ght ing spirit t ha t \\'as d i s pla~·e d in ,;omt: of the previous games it \\·ould have bee n P eru 's gam e from start t o finish. A s it is the mere recollection of the game is enou gh to sh ame any m r.:m ber of the t ea m. l(earney 1\'ent home " ·ith th e big en d of a 26 t o 0 sco re.:. T he last game of th e season \\·as played at T arkio on Th a nksg i,·i 11 g day. The cold day and strenu ous t rip took mu ch of th e.: t eam's 1·igo r a nd Tarkio 11·as easi l ~· abl e to score fou r touch dm1·ns du ring th e first half. Th e.: last half, hrJ\\TITr, t um ed 011t to be a revel ation to even th e Pe ru boys the mse h ·es. T a r kio sco red dur ing the first fc,,· moments of play on a fluke , and fro m th en on it 11·as easi ly P e r u's game . P e ru took straight across the field fo r a touchdmn1 a nd th erea fte r pl ayed co n t inu a ll y 111 Tark io's territory, making the fin al sco re 35 to 7 . A nd so t he reco rd for this season must stand n ot tr 11 ly as a su ccess ye t n ot a thing: t o be ashamed of. H ere's to t he.: team of 19 I H, ma y they bri11g m uc h honor and glory t o the old bl ue and 11·hite and fig ht ll'i th as m uch spi ri t ;ual z.t:st as did t h e t eam of 1917, but 11·ith more success.
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The p t1 IIi
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SA:\ OBI-:IH; Captain. F r,nc(frr/ Sandy t his ~·car played hi ~ s i:-.t h seaso n oi basketball ,,.i th the Pnu ,·a r,;i t~· . D t1 ring thl'sc six years h e h as a l \\'a~·s been admin:d io r h is good sport manshi p. cm rragl' a n d ,; ki ll. 1 l c \\';r,; the ca ptain and leader oi thi:: year',- stprad ir1 Aoor ,,·o rk and goal shooting .
TYSO:\ Center This ,,·as " T y's" second year on the squad and he sho,,·ed himself ab le to cope successfu II y \\'ith most of the state's best ce nters. H is Aoor ,,·ork \\'as of the very best and he ,,·as no slouch at goal shooting.
HEDGE S Fo ncarrl :\ I ack d isplayed ur1usua l ab ilit y t his year fo r a first yea r ma n. His goal . hoot ing \\·as n :ry accurate an d he ,,·as fast on t he Hoor. H e \\'i ll u ndou bted ly be one of the bes t fon,·a rd s in the state next season.
KOTAS Fonc fl rd
1-.::oras was noted for hi~ zeal a nd pcrsen:ra ncc an d fo ught hard from beginn ing to end. doing his best.
F unn y's abil ity as a ba~ kc tball pl ayer was eloq uemly demonstrated " ·hen he ,,· a~ ch o~c n captain of next year's squad. H e will undoubted ly be a stron g man around ,,·hich to build ne xt year's tearn.
TOFT C 1/(/rd
" \ . ic" is a man ,,·ho w as ah,·ays th ere \\·hen an opponent had the ball. To our sotTO\\: this is T oft's last season \\' ith Peru. \\·e kno\\' it \\·ill be hard to repl ace him.
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SE :'\IO R GIRLS' 11;\ S KETII J\ 1. 1.
J C:\' !OR
Gai n r•s. Ora ha m. Todd.
In 1'< rui
S n ydt•r . ('J i fton,
I I anna,
Book IV
,, I
I:. it ~ L I
cc.9he Spirit of 1918
路I l
- - -- -
Afte r long and snious con:-;idnation one of the most lo,·cd a nd respect ed membe r~ oJ our faculty d_ccidcd that he ~ou ld ~ette_r scn·e his count~·y at the fro n~ tha n_in his ,,·ork of cd ucatlOIL He theretorc left h1 s home and bum!~· th at he m 1g ht g 11rc his scn·iccs to the Arm~· Y. :\ I. C. A. ln recog nition of his spl ::ndid s~ n·iccs t o his country an d to Peru thi:-; s:-ction of th e 19 18 Pen11·ian is ckclicatcd to Prof~sso r F. C . Smi t h.
! ll/ ,,
\VA LLt\CE f\:1u EG,
Kell y Fidd. San Anto n io, T exas.
C. S. :\a\路al Trai ni 11g Station . Creat Lakes, I II i noi~.
\ VARRE:"\ H .\YS.
Co. A, 37th Rcgime nt Eng. Corps, F ort .U yer,
\ "irginia.
A. H
L' CH C.路\R:\1.-\::-: ,
109th Supply Train, Truck Co. C, Camp Cody. :-\' e,,. :\lexico.
Barracks 529 South, Co. K, Camp Perry, Great L ake:>. Illinois.
R eg. 5, U . S. ~an- Y arcls. Charleston, Sou th Carolina.
FRED ' ' L' ll
1..\J ,\~'
Camp F unston, K ansas.
Camp Perry, Gn~at
I .ab~s, Illinois .
\VJLLJ ;\.\1 K L'EBI.ER,
Camp Funston, Ka nsas.
/1) /,\'
H . Coon.
Aero Squadro n 227, Cam p :\[ilk Field :'\o. 2. H empstead. Lon~ r~lan d, :'\ e,,路 Y ork.
Cam p Cody, ~e,,路
C hemistr y Depa rt ment , \ Vashingto n, D. C.
/II I\
J E\\"EI., Cam p Codr, : \ C\1"
I exim.
FR A:\' KLI:\' Jo:\'ES,
Camp Cody, : \ t:11路
:\I cxico.
F A Y E jO:\'ES,
Camp Cody, ~e,,路
TILt: Peru路riflll
l l
:\ I cxico.
/ ()IS
L EO" .路\RD \I. D L'IJ EK. -J.Sth Ae ro Squadron. !\ ,路iation Camp. \\'aco. T cxa:'.
455th In fa ntry. Co . .K. Cam p F unston. Kansas.
J-IO ;\ IER SCH \\' E"T K ER. ln fant n 路 Band. Camp Cody. :\ c\1路 \J cx ico.
/0 IS
R AY R o BERTso:--:,
F ort R il ey, K a nsas.
L EE S .\ I IT II , I n fa nt ry, Co. B , C am p Cod y, ~t \\" :\ I exico .
.} 0 11:" A LS:\ I A:",
Camp Cody, ~ t\\"
I' '
I . ;,.
::\I cxico.
Fort vVa rden, \ Vashington.
Camp Funsto n, Kansas.
Camp Cody, N e\\· l\!Iexico.
/U !A
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路 ,\:>."DHERG.
Co. 29 . I ( D~:pn t Camp \ Vnn cl,
Bri ~-;;uk
Funs t on , l(a nsa s.
, . ER :".' CL' RR \',
Ca m p Cod ~路 ,
:'-: ('\\' :\ re:o; ico.
f !J
lh S II. S I \ IS.
-'h iat ion C rou nd School. San A nto nio. T exas.
c. F.
BE C K ,
Capta in of H ome G ua rds, Per u. N ebraska .
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'f' IJ c路
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PROFESSOR PA L:.\IER A~b MR. CR ILLY Professor 0. J. Palmer and :.\Ir. I f. B. Crilly have just been call ed to th e colors. :.\Ir. Palmer goes to Camp Funston and :.\lr. Cril ly to Fort Logan.
WI-: REfHU.:T IJ EEI 'J.\" '1'11.\T TilE PH '·
TC Hf: S TilE ABO\' Jo: ,;\II-::-; WJ-: rn: 1.:\TJ-: TO .\P I'E.\H 1 :-.: THIS HOOJ\. T IIEilt l'l C T I' HES :\l'l'EAH Jo:J. !'H > WJIEHE IS Till S \ ' 0 1.1; .\ U ;
'' f\I Ione'::i e.
used to Ge. the hllt"dest th;n~ hnd to l"c11se; now .t<a as c.~e<~p as di..-t . ~I,.J t\.,t "'';! c.\...,\cl..-en S>"OUJ up in
su7h e~n _\~~e.~ , \.
=D<>.a n~ouse.. .
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--- I
- - --.....
/11/ \
BoJ)s' Glee Club PROCR AM
Gribrl /. rs/ i,· Cribc /
Onward! I n Silen t Mead 'Ti s Morn GLEE CLt:ll
Lead, Kindly Light
Polonai se in A flat MISS TIIO:VI.\S
Onr the Hill s at Break of Day Dina h Doe
Cri/Jr! .\II o/1 o y
i\11 f'JI'I'-1 I ,., 11//ll/(1
Flirtation r\t Dawn ing
Cad man
Jenks' \ 'egetable Compound
:\11 (/ i'J'
Jrann r floyd :l1ar Faydt•n .\II r s. n ('(lf'h
Tn l tah· C radle -Song The Year·, at th e Spring MISS TIIO!YI.\S
Figaro's Song ( From Barber of Se,·ille )
D onizrlli
Praye r at Sea
DO I 'I'I/1' 1'
GLEE li.L'Il
Just Singing Twenr,- minute> of informal song-one or two old - fashioned pi ~ces-a few d ark~· melodie!<-patriotic a i r,.
- -- ~
Girls' Glee Club PROCR.'\ i'VI Laromr
E~t u di an tin a .'h h e~
of \\' a iti ng
1/ of::q_~·o rt!t
.H illard r.!topin
P ia no Solo-R e,·o!utionan· Et ud e . CI..\R.\
\V ater Su m et
L i li e~
l .indas ,.an D .- lf' atrr
S un b ea m~
R onald Spraks
Morning Fr.oR.\ \\' ,\R:\ER
Th r ee
Cold hNk
Fi ~ h e rs
llu d· Hmt ER ('.
Footr C/ou rt!t- ! J it,.,.
An T ri ~ h Folk Song M,· La d ,· C' loe T i1e Ow.l a nd th e P u~~.'" C' at
D,-Ko·V/"11 Pn·, r C rain (J IT
P ia no Sol o
llnnd .\",·idlinr; ,.,.
Sh adows Ser enad e Ohl iga tn hy DR. H o usE Solo :vi ISS Cood hye, Sw eet Da _,.
TrtT S
M ISS D o:\0\..\
x ,.{1 .'/ 1/{l lt
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H. C. HoGsE D irector of Festiva l
R I T ;\
' 1'11 0 \ 1.·\S
Music Directors
Children's C horus
} EA:-.:ETTE
:\[ EY ER
/•1 '·'
\ \
路 Soprano
Artists for Annual Festival of Music
J ,, , I)
I II .
Debating Team -:'lluch interest ,,·as disp layed in th e preliminary debates this yea r , in "·hich a large number took part. Enthusiasti c audiences attended th ese debates, an d expressed their sa tisfac tion in th e good ,,·ork tha t ,,·as done. Those \\·ho took part \\"Cre as foll O\\"S: -:\I cssrs. Rlack, DonoYan , Hacker, Snyder, \Virth , Oakes, R eeYes, Krieg, and Cri ll y, and -:\Iisses Snid e, Lauman , O lso n, Fletcher, L eisure, G regg, E lder, Ki lgore, Hopp, T egtmeier , Brown , Cockerd l, Schmidt, and ::\Iargaret R ya n. The ques tions \\"hich th ey disc ussed \\·ere th ese : Wealth moti va tes more than honor. The morals of th e "·oriel arc improving. Ful ton \\·as greate r than Ediso n. Rural sc hools should be consolidated. ::\loving pictures are beneficial to the commun ity. H eal th is more desirable than education. l\Iail-ord er houses do mo re to educate people than any other agency ou tsid e of schools. Normal schoo l rather than U nive rsity training 1s a bette r prepa ration for pub lic school teachin g. Heredi ty has a greater effect on character than environment . Gove rnmen t should operate railroads during \\"ar. Neg ro has been " ·orse treated by the United States than the Indian. U ni ve rsal adopt io n of military tra in ing in hi gh schools desirab le.
Tht• J>, ·ru·r
The judges, Professo rs W il son and Cregg, and :\liss D unn . h ad dif1i ndr~· in making a fina l selection of t he members of t he debating teams. Aitn carciu l dclihnatio n th ey chose Mess rs. Donovan and Crill y an d :\lisses Lalllll<lllll, Lcis1 11T. Fk tc h n. Sch111i d t. Gregg, and BrO\nL On ly two debates \\·ere schedu led this yea r. The sdwnl s with whom \\ ' l' ha n· htT il accustomed to debate ga ve as their reasons for d isconti1 ll1 ing th is yl'ar ina dl'q u a c ~· o i fu nd s or lack of men to d ebate. H 0\\·eve r , ou r old t i n w f rit· l Hi. Kca r11cy . ofi l' n·d tn hold a debate with us on the question , "Resolved , that t h e \ Var T ax I ,a\\· oi la,., r ()no her be amended by substantially inc re asing th e ta xes o n i11comcs and c.\:C l' "S profits .. , This question \\·as uphel d a t Peru by Ylr. Cri ll y a nd .\ l isst·s Brnw 11 a n d (; r q.!g. a11d Fletch er, and d en ied at Kearney by ::VIr. Donova n , ou r ch ampion d ch:1tn. a11d :\Iisst·s Leisure, Lauman and Sch midt. To our able adviser, ::VIr. Wilson , is due an y S\ lccess t h at \\'e ha n· h ad or \\·ill ha n· in th e future in t his connection.
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Bird Life 1n Peru A s I sit at our west window this evenin g and 11·atch th e 11·ooded s lopes on :'\ or m a l Hill d a rken in the shadows, I hea r the eve ning notes of t he 11·ood t hn1s h, the t11·ittcr o { th e skimming chimney swifts as th ey forage abo ve th e t ree tops for th eir nTnin~ mea l , th e occasional alarm cry of a disturbed cat-bird , and t he cheep-c heep o f the n-c r prese n t English sparrow. This aftern oon as I 11·alked home throu g h ~o rma l pa rk , [ 11·as entertai n ed b ~· th e "whank, whank" of th e acrobatic nut-hatch; I sa11· t h c 11 11 111istakabl c red, \\·h ite and black of the red-headed woodpecker, a nd heard t hc " 11·hrr wh r r" of his o n l y comJwti trn in the wood-pecker noise, th e " rcd-bcll y". A lmost sim1 d ta n co11 s with thc:<t: 11·ood so unds t he "whit chcc chce chce, 11·hit chee chce chec" whic h wc al ways assoc iate w it h the meadow land s came to me as a go ld-fin ch traced his ,,.a,·c-lik c pat h from a p astil re plot at the park's edge. This morn ing as our field class listened to the sou n ds that car l ~· m o rnir1~ wood,.; halT to give, 11·e heard th e "chcc-u, chec-u , chce-u- chce-u, chu, c hu, c h u" of the ca rdina l throughout t he hour, 11·e 11·ere at n o time out of hear ing of t he b11bhli n ~ m t:d lc ~· of t he house 11·ren , 11·e 11·ere mo re than once h appil y surprised by the v ariet~' of t h e b l11e ja y's notes, a wood pc11·ee continu ed to tell us his namc and t he ca rdina l-like notes nt th e tufted titmouse came to us as he worked abou t amo ng the branch t ips for h is h re;1kfast. These sounds and many more have added to the Sllllllller expcr iencL·s of th ose \\·ho have had ea rs to hea r thern. He who w ould , need b11t to go forth under Pen1's fo r est trees and list to nature's music 11·hil e f rom cvc r y side it comes in n-e r im-reas in~ bca11t~·. On the other han d, have you ever see n thc indi go b11n t in g, t he l ~a l timore orio le, t h e chewi nk, the yell o11· 11·arb le r , or th e rose-b rcasted grosbeak? J-l c \\·h o has ca n apprecia te the reference in P eru rhymes to painting " with co lo rs tn 1e" . ' J'h c eye-mi nd ed n w~· enjoy this life q uite as m uch if not more t ha n those se nsory p leas u res \\·hi c h co me through t he ear. Or perh aps it l ittle avails to try to entice you by aesth etic appea ls. Perhap~ yo11rs is a practical nat ure 11·hich d emands figures, cold and hard , for your sat isfaction. At no place, t hen, can you add to you r accu mulated sto re of practical lo re mo re rca di l~· t ha 11 in P eru , the fac t that the mu lti pl ying increase of fcathe red I i fe makes for a dl'crl'asi n g insect popu lation. vVhen you kn011· that th e a111111<ll tax exac ted by th ese i nsect in h a bitants of our land amounts to one- tenth of the crop prod uct ion, you Glllllot b ut agree that there is something besides co lor and t11·itter to a ll of t h is . Yes, P e ru has birds. Perhaps seventy-five pe rce n t, ce rta inl y fif t y perce nt , of :\' l·b raska's -J.OO species of birds arc to be fo un d in a nd ncar Peru . A n o l d c hec k list prepared by a resident in the year 1896 sho11·ed somethin g li ke 120 an d ther e a rc a grea t ma ny here 11011· 11·hich arc not fou nd in that list. R ece ntl y a co nsiderab le t ra ct of la nd along th e :\Iissou ri Rive r in the vicinity of Bell ev u e \\·as p urch asecl and set aside as a prese rve fo r birds, IYild ani ma ls, and pl an t li fe. Our ~orrnal park h as, if <llln hi n g, even a more abu ndant and a more varied bird l ife than that of this F on t enelle P a rk. An d 11·e a re coming to appreciate it too.
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Peru Anthropolog]} Ca nnibal~ in Peru! \Vh erc? O n th e hilltops al l abou t ! \Vhe n? Some hundreds or eve n thou~and~ of years ago! H O\\" do you kno11·? \ Ve l l, that'~ a long sto ry. if it ,,·e re all to ld ; 11·e can 't do it in th e space g i,·cn us. If yo u ,,·ant t o satisfy you rscl f, go and dig in some of the o ld " lodge circles", or buffalo ,,·allm,·s. on the r idge \\'eSt of " Pike's Peak". A fe11· feet of digg ing at the right ~pot in on e of these depressions 11·ill bring you to t he ash es, the rocks. a nd the charcoal of th e old-ti me fireplaces, in ,,·hich , pnchance, you may find t he remains of human bones. c uri o us pieces of pottery and other relics of long gone days. \ Vc h aYc asked the man in Peru who has done th e m ost of this actual digging, a n d ,,·h o kno,,·s most about it, to 1nite a brief accou nt of the essential facts about this ancie n t people, \\"ho probably a ntedated the Ind ians. I-I is ske tch follo\\"s , but 11·e ve nture to invite the in terested to go a n d talk ,,·ith him about it a nd to sec his coll ec tion of relics in the ofl-icc of the :\l ee k Lumbe r Co. :\Ir. Ca rleto n :\l eek is our local a nt h ropologist. 1-l is articl e foll o\\"s : " \ Vc arc justl y proud of the fact that Peru is one of th e oldest education al centers in the state a nd ,,-e me nti on ,,·ith pride that our village is o 1·e r half a ce n tury old . H o11·e1-cr, it 11·ill no doubt be a s urpri~e to many to kno11· th at at least seve ra l cent u ries a n d possib l ~' seve ral thousand years ago th ese ve ry same hills 11·ere th e site of a v illage of com iderab le size. " I t has rece n tly bee n disco1·e red that 11·hat ha1·e com mon !~· b~cn called 'buffalo 11·allo11·s' 11·ere neYe r made by th e buffalos at all , but are the r u ined ho mes of a prehistoric r ace of people. Nearly t11·ent y-fi vc of these ruins ca n be found on tops of t he hill s in and around P e ru .
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"There is n o evidence that th ese people \\·e re in any wa y r<:la te cl to the rnodern In dian; in fact every indica tion \\·ould go to show that t hey were a difine nt ran· oi people. They \\·ere an agricu ltural people, as shown by th e ir stone a nd ho n e ho('S and spades. They \\'ere also fond of huntin g and fishing. Th e ir h or n cs \\ TIT hrrilt part l \· und e rg round , rect a ng ular in shape, and f rom thirty to fifty feet o n a sidl'. "Prof. Robe rt G ilde r states t hat t hese ruin s arc seve ra l th ousand ~·l'a r,; (Jid. Dr. She ldon, of the _\lebraska U ni ve rsity, is sOlllC\\· hat of th e same opi ni o n. Dr. Stl' rns. o i Harva rd U ni versity, \\'h o h as made some excavations he re at thl' requl'st oi thl' \\·r it(·r. is confide nt that they arc at least seve ral hu ndred years o ld. "Those \\'h o are interested in seeing and digging in these ruins \\·ill lind St' \'t:ral o n Col. T.]. ::v.Iaj ors' fa rm, as \\·ell as others farth er so11th\\'cst alon l! t h e sat n c r id g<' . •·
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,-When Seas Prevailed Ceological h isto ry, like the history of :\oah, cente rs about a tlood. ~Iany. many ages ago, in a time knO\\·n to the geologist as the Carbonife rous. Peru \\·as und er a sha ll ow sea. Ri,-crs from the uplands to w est and cast poured in thei r ,,·atcrs. mu rk~· 11·ith sa nd and sil t from the ancient highl ands. til l th e bed of our ea rly ~I editerranean was co,·cred fathoms deep with this sto len debris. Deltas at e\·ery ri,·c r mouth. with thei r characte ristic cros..;-beddi ng. blend ed with th e tlatl y laid layers of sediment. under th e deeper water. Along our ri\-cr bluffs today ,,.e may read cl ea rl y the sto ry of that ancien t seashore. \ Vhe re th e waters were deep and still. lime formi ng creatu res of the sea foregathered-and depart ing. left behind t hem in the sc rap heap of their bones and shells. many layers of fine. clean limestone. Such a stratum t\\'O or three feet thick outc rops ncar our present ri\·cr landing. l t is not only our shale a nd sandstone bluffs ,,·hich g i,·e us the sto ry of this early time. ln the red clay banks a long the road ,,·est of the Burlington station. just back of Fran k ~I ajors' bungalo\\', is a distinct record of the most ancient life that :\ebraska has had. Here are fossi ls of that sea life that th r ived in Peru wh en the now ,·e nerable Appa lachian :\Iountains ,,.e1·e in their infancy and the Rockies had not yet bee n upfo lded. Jll url·r SH·r! IIJ f>s ant! Gloomy F or ests
r:,·e n broad ~I editcrranea n s han: their day and cease to be. So our sea receded. both because of its infi ll ing ,,·ith sed iment, and beca use of m ighty uplifts to right and left. 11·hich had their effect o n :\ ebraska in ele,·ati ng this broad sea tloor. The marsh which succeeded the sea produced g iant ferns. enormous equiseta and other plant life which after long submergence made of some th in seams of coal. \ Vith the protecting waters remo\·ed , 11·eathering began on the fresh-laid strata, till the e\·e11 surface ,,·as despoiled, and hills and ,·alleys appeared. Oxidation st ained the red clay ,,·hich outcrops occasionally about Peru, and ,,·hich has an economic importance in brick and POttery making. /Japtizrrl by lhr• Gulf of 11f1'xiro
Again, in the process of time, came another im·asion of the sea from the south, ,,·ith its slow infilling ,,·ith sediments from the ,,·atcr-\YOrn highlands. Huge rep tiles were then t he " hig hest society" on Coll ege Hill. Si nce that time P eru has been dry-may it co ntinue so! Unrler a Jliilr of / ((' 1-he most dramatic e\·ent in the mak ing of P eru occurs nex t , after a long inteJTa l. In the regio n ,,·est of Hudson Bay, the snows of a thousand of years accu mulated till the \\·eig hty mass mo,·ed southward in the form of a continental g lacier. Such a mass. 0\·cr a mile thick, ca n·ed and scra ped the surface oYer ,,·hich it passed in its early course. As it advan ced to,,·a rd Peru , its st ru ggle against the fie rce rays of our :\ ehraska summers became one long defeat, its heart melted ,,·ithin, and the load of day. :;and.
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r a nd bowlders, stolen f rom ::Vl anitoba, M innesota, W isconsin a n d the Dakotas, \\·as st rewn irregul a rl y over our neighbo rhood. 1\1ost of t h e la rge bowl d ers h ;l\·e lo n g since decayed, except the pin k or pu rple qu artzit e which ,,·ere broug h t from Dakota.
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in tlr t' S oil
T he next act in the d ra ma is ge ntle r , t hough its resu lts a rc t:vc n mo r e a pparent, rn Peru. The cyclon ic \\·inds blowing o ve r t ht: g lacial d ebris ( w hi ch h ad bee n sorte d some what by t he work of glacial streams), picked up t he fi ne materia l , a n d car r ied it fa r a n d wide, to deposit it in une ven dep t hs ove r easte rn and ce ntral :\ebraska. :\ ear l y all ou r clay banks in P er u a rc of th is win d- laid loess. ~ote the banks of t he at hl l"tic field for th e characteristic c ream-colort:d sa nd y· clay , wh ich tt: nds to brt: a k perpe n d iurla rly. Pe r u has been a much favored spot. The g ifts of thl" sl"a, of t h e g l ac in, a n d of the w ind s, have bro ught us w onderfu l prospe r ity. Soil , m ade by t h e d isi n t l"g r at io n of native rock, forms very siO\d y. Some one h as estimated that a dept h of an inc h of such resid ua l soil is fi ve h und red years in t he m ak ing . \ Ve ha ve r-cL-ci,·ed t h e acc umu lations of ma ny ot he r regions here, and in depth , du rabi lity a n d ,·ariety of l"lcmt" n ts, our soi l can com pete \\·it h the rest of t he \\·o ri el.
Our "R I'ce nt" 1/istory The ri ver, too , has been at \\·o rk, carving a nd depositi ng a long its banks- t h e ll ood plain beyon d the railroad station being an evide nce of t h e latter, a nd t h e co nstant in vasion along t he track ncar Barney, an insta nce of the formn \\·ork. :\1 ou n tai nmaking movements h ave affect ed us l it tl e. Our hori :t.onta lly bed d ed st r ata h an: bee r1 on ly sligh tl y dist u rbed . But t he st eady, re lentless \\·l"aring of nr n-off water, a rHI t h e di sintegrating action of wind , frost , heat and cold h ave roughened our srrriacc to t h e stee p hills ,,.c ha ve tod ay. T hey arc n o\\· in t he stage kno\\· n as " l:ar lr m atur it y" . Continued attacks by slope \\·ash ,,·i ll in time leve l th em dO\n l to t h l" monoto n y of plains,-but yo u and I " ·ill not be h ere t o sec.
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The Botan]} of Peru A bout P eru the fo rces of nature have reYClcd. The errati c old mudd y for centuries past has not ceased to ca n ·e its chann el and Hood plain. Sometimes plo\\·ing out t he earth on this s ide a nd bui ld ing up yond er and then again re ve rsing the \vhole process like a pet u lant child . C onstantl y. too, it picks up tons a nd tons of earth \\'hich are not d eposited but arc carried up the fe rtil e d elta o f th e Father o f \ V aters. As if to pay tribu te to his g rea te r m aj est y t he r i,·c rl cts o f surface ,,·;u er rushin g in like mad from th e surrou nd ing pla ins have cut th emse h ·es \\'in d ing an d tortu ous ra,·incs o f grea t bea ut y and \·ariet y. \ Vhil c t hese fo rces ha,·e pl aye d can·ing th e " ·hole landscape into hill an d d ell a nd ,-all ey they ha \-c ac ted as th e ,·c ry ha nd maid en of plant life. 1~he hills, whe re th e me rce n a r~· ha nd of ma n has no t inten -ened , a re cover ed \\·ith a va ri ed fo res t. These trees arc the outposts of th eir mo re numer ous a nd richer cl an fo und farth er cast. O aks. hickories a nd lind ens line th e hillsides and contend \\·ith each other fo r space and lig ht. L nd ern cath and less ambi t ious th e .shade 10\·ing iron \\·ood and red bud a re co nten t to li,·c a more h u mb le existence. The latter exhibi ting bu t a sing le burst of va ni t y each yea r, " ·hen its blosso ms break forth in scattered patches o f purpl e befo re th e othe r trees ha,·e a\\·akened from th eir long w inter slumber. H e re and t here at rand om the hu ge pod d ed coffee bean t ree raises aloft its ashen colo red trunk in sharp contrast to th e da r k bodied oaks abou t it. The rough, co r ky hack ber ry a lso finds its place an d al o ng th e moiste r r;n·ines and va lleys the black \\·al n ut produ ces its la,·ish yie ld o f nu ts to de lig ht the heart of th e rO\·ing boy or frisking squirrel. L' nJ ern cath t he t rees. too, nature is p rod ig al. E arl y in the spring before t he oaks a nd th ei r seasonal con tempo rari es ha,·c cast th eir somber shad e, t he \\·axe n spring lil y and D u tch m an's breeches appear. \\7 armed by a fe\\· d ays of su n the modest blue viol et also springs fo rth as if by m ag ic to greet th e ne\\· yea r. S pa r ing ly in th e better d rained places t he bashfu l J ack-i n-the-pulpi t d a res to lift its head, and a l it tl e later th e g raceful \\·and-like Solomo n's Sea l bursts fo rth in \\· hite arr ay. These ve rna l pl ants in t urn arc suppl anted by a my riad o f othns Ya rying in nature from t he d ense, cl ing ing bed stram to t he ta ll. isolated fig" ·ort, with t he g reen o f ma ny mosses an d th e moist dells a rc cro" ·ded "· it h t he de licate f ro nds of numberl ess fe rns. 1~h e cli m bers arc fou nd. too, in g reat ab u nda nce. The grapc,·inc, th e \\·ood bine, t he hated poiso n ivy and the scarlet ber ried bitter-s\\·cet as pire to move in t he mo re lofty society of t he t rees . In th is fin d ing t hcmse h·es u n\\·orth y th ey ado pt t he tactics of men. Sci?.i ng u po n th e strength of ot hers they lift themselves pro udl y to\\·ards the sk ~- T hcn , \\' ith th ei r long, impo tent , but g raceful stem . t heir crown of Ica,·cs bu rsts fo r t h to t he sunl ight as if to say, " Behold m y g lory also" . In man y pl aces t he tops o f t he hills a re sti ll co,·ered \\·ith patches of t he coa rse and r an ke r g rasses d riven th ere like a \·a nquished army by t he slo"· mO\·ing bu t ir resist ible forest. In th e foreg round o f th ese oncomin g trees t he honor of lead ing t he charge is delegated to th e sho rter b u t mo re ind omitabl e sh r ubs l ike th e su mac, haze l, co ral ber ry,
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service berry, and bucktho rn. These thrust parties, establish themst:ln:". " hade (Hi t thC' grass and prepare the way for the seed lings of t he um:onqucrahk fo rests behind rhnn. E ven the rock cliffs a nd ledges arc not secure from the pree mpt ing te ndencie:- o i plants. H e re t he c ru stosc lichen with its meager needs find s room to abide. l . ikewi,..t· th e diminuti ve rock fern and t he li ttle leaf-like Astcrd la han· a plan · t o t h ei r lik ing. These reacting upon the rock like the carver's chisel loosen hits h ne and t hen· that are ca r ried do\\·nward by gravity to form ta lus at t h e base. On this mass om· finds the more vigo rous li ven,·orts and mosses that not onl y ha,·e space to ll0l1rish h1 1t an· also slowl y doing their bit in formi ng the rich bl ack soil of the fe rtik field s. Do\\·n on the lowla nd s wh e re th e river coi ls and bends like a great si h ·n snpt·nt. one fi nds almost a new fl ora. It va ries from t he bright gree n of th e ,,·atcr a lgae to th e sparsely in vad ing pio nee r elm. Over nca r the ri ve r great g ro\TS o i sandbar wil lows and ye ll ow cottonwoods occu r planted there by t he \· c rnal slHl\\Trs oi co tt o n y seeds. Among these t he fros t grape climbs and tw ines in g reat festoo ns an d the JH irple berried dog ,,·ood fo rms artistic borders. Stu dd ed here and t here an1ong t h ese trees a nd fa r ther back tO\\·ards the highl ands appear lit tl e ponds an d g rea t lagoo n ,; oi quie t \\'ater resting af ter its mad rush in f rom the surroundi ng hill s. Abmlt the edge of these waters the vegeta tion fo rms g reat belts. Far out nca r the o pen ,,·are r d e l icate \\·cbs of g ree n al gae g row. S uccessionall y as one reced es f rom the \\·ater he find s bands of gia nt-like reeds foll ow ed by zones of bull ru sh es, ca t ta il s. bur reed s and sedges. F arther back lazy herds graze on the tall mcado,,· grass o r t he in d11st ri o 11 S fa rmer has taken up his abode. Intermittentl y among th ese belts gro\\· great p atclll',; of wild Iris \\·hose purple flowers decorate the Iandscapc and extend their hospital i r~· to the droning honey bee. Also clumps of th e sturdy button bush put fo rt h t h ei 1· dark fo liage and later delight the eye with a ve ritable array of white .J 1111e fl o wn~. Sti ll mo re remote from the water th e ,,·i ld cl imbing rose \\'Caves its graccful l ~· cu r ving branches into arches of great Aoral bea uty. I n these lowlands the flowers a nd g rass and trees might see m t o th e u ntr ai n ed eye to be planted, too, \\·ithout o rd e r o r arrangement, bu t to him \\· h o sees ho\\· d ifferent! H ere th e plants in successional seque nce, as o n the h ighlands . contend a nd vic ,,·ith one anoth er fo r space. I nci dcn tall y, too, by slo ,,· accumu Iatio n they {j II up the \\·aste water places of ear th a nd make them hab itabl e fo r man. Such is the bea uty and the dynamic ro le of plant life about Peru. In \·a1· ier~· it is unsu rpassed in th e st a te and to him who hath eyes it is an open boo k. a founta in of pleasure. meaning and d elig ht.
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Y. M. C. A.
Y. YI. C. A.
Grou ndhog day ,,·as memo rab ly obse r ved by th e men of Pe r u by th e stagin g of a n in forma l banquet, not soo n to be fo rgo tten . Several " hot hand " ga m e~ in t h e truest sense of the word w ere in du lged in as a preliminary 11·a rmin g u p fea t ure unt il t he fu ll num ber of th e men arrived. When th e ro ll call was Jll"Onotln ced complete a bread line 11·as for med in the hall a nd all proceeded to file in to the ir places at t h e t abl e. Speaking of the feed , too mu ch ca nnot be said . Special c redit shou ld b e g in ·n to t he home econom ics departme nt p resided o ve r by Mrs. J ean and :\!iss \ V ad e, 11·ith F un n y Roettege r fea turing. T here was more than plenty o f chi cken and trimmings for all , and t hose prese nt certainl y d id it ju stice . After even :\l ack H edges and Patd Kidd had refused anothe r hel ping, Presid ent Sa ndberg introd uced the speakers of th e evening. Presiden t H ayes was ann ou nced as t he prel ud e, w h ich in hi ~ m1·n words means the littl e in trodu ct ory act before th e mai n sh o11· begins. D ean Rou se fo ll o11Td President Hayes and in a short but pointed tal k brot ou t t h e good which t h e Y. :VI. C. A. could accomplish in conn ecti on with sc hool life . H e partic ul a rl y pointed out t he d ange rs con nected with philosophy a n d social life whic h in a m easure can be overcome by Y. YI. C. A. 11·ork. Y lr. Holcon1b, coll ege ll"o rke r of t h e Y. :YI. C . A . and formerly secreta ry at F t. Omah a gave th e main talk o f the eve nin g . He first spoke of t he material istic ph ase of the ll"a r and f rom this d eveloped t h e three big phases, love, sac rifi ce a n d se rvice, co ncerning th e men e n gaged in th e \Ya r. H e emphaticall y stated t h at after all , if this 11·ar is t o be a su ccess t11·o thin gs a re to be accomplished-the stampi ng out of the h a t e 11·hich is now be ing e nk ind led in ou r men against our enemies, and the up li ftin g of th e moral st a ndard s of th e soldi ers. T h is work can be accomplished onl y thru t heY. ~\I. C. A. ll"orkcrs.
Tht· Per11, 1t1n
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The Glee Club Par(g On :\Landa~· en:ning February 25 the t\\·o glee clubs \\·ere entert ained by Dr. and :\Irs. House at the ir home. and l knO\\. \\·e shall a ll look back upon that CYening as one of the pleasantest m emories of th e yea r. T he Houses haYc such a delightful \\·ay of making e\-er~· o1w fee l ''a t home''. and our good t ime began as soo n as \\·e had entered the door. For the f1r~t part of t he n-ening \\'C enj oyed a short program. :\ r rs. :\leek ga\T t\\"0 \Try pleasing readings and the Gi d s' and Bo~·s' G lee C l ubs each sang a few of their fa\·or ite,;. After the program we were a ll r eady and glad to enj oy the del icious lunch scn-cd by :\I r~. House. Of course the lights \Hnt out at ten. but that couldn't spoil our good time. In fact the YCry best part of the e\-cn ing came then. The candles \\"CIT lig hted. and after the clubs had presented Dr. Hou,;c \\·ith a chair as a slight token of appreciatio n for \\·hat he has done for us this year, \\·e had some old so ngs by Dr. and :\Irs. Hou;;c. The banjo accom paniment made it seem so "folksy" and nice. a nd the so ngs \\'CIT su ng as onl~· Dr. and :\Irs. House can ,;i ng them . Then we all c njo~·cd a good informal "sing" \ Vc sang everythi ng fro m old familiar h ~·mn s to da rk~· melodies. Then Dr. House read us a particu lady delig htful detecti\·e stor~· by cand le light. vVhen he had fi nished. some one had th e presence of mind to look at the clock and we knew it \\·as t ime to go. I 'm sure that c\·c ry one left \\· ith a since re appreciation of th e pleasant c\·cn ing \\·hich Dr. and :\Irs. H ouse had gi\Tn us.
Y. W. C. A. Banquet On Sat urd a~· e\·cning, :\larch 16, the Y. \V. C. A. cabinet for th e coming year \\·as installed. The installation took place in the hig h school room of the ne\\' t rainer's build in g. ~I iss Branson " ·as in charge and h er rema rks \\·ere th e inspirin g, helpful so rt, \\"hich Y. \V. girls ha\·e lea rn ed to expect from her. The talks by th e retir ing and t he nc\\. cabinets and by the ach·iso rs, made th e gi rl s more appreciative of th e things th e Y. \ V . stands fo r a nd the \\·ork it is doing. A fe\\" moments' visiting fol lowed befo re the summons came \\·hich called th e girls to the banquet in the domest ic scie nce rooms dO\nl stairs. The shad ed lig hts and th e music added much to th e charm of the banqu et \\·hich wou ld have been thorol y enj oyable by itscl f. When the last icc cream plate had been removed :\Iiss Rose C la rk, the toast-mistress, took charge. She ca ll ed for the following military toasts \\·hich \\·ere ab ly and delig htfull v responded to. Our Retiring Heroes, Eos Brown. Ou r Rising Heroes, Helen Courtright. Ou r Commanders-in-Chief, Luella Barnes. The Rank and File, Fern H usto n. The Reserve Corps, Stell a Olson. The banquet was pre pa red by the girls themsel ves und er th e kind directio n of lVIiss Wade, consequentl y over $ 1+ \\·as cleared. The gi rls vo ted un animously to add this sum to their French orphan f und.
Th,· /',·,·ur '''"
.--- --
Junior..-Senior Part]} The big social evellt is ove r and ,,·ill he n ·rn emlwn·d a :- tht· rn,-.. r l'll j"~ a hit· :o.rJt·ial event of the yea r. :\'l a rch seco nd, a ll P e r u 11·a~ a~tir. ' l' ht· j trll ior -.. r tr-.. h l'< l ahotrt decora ting fe tivcl y \\'ith bl ossoms, but ter flies, a nd pt· n llan h. e arn ill}.! piJJ,,,.,, !lrJ\ I'l'r,.., rugs, and pict ures. The senio rs a lo ne co ul d lo(Jk o n \\'it h alltit·ipat io11 " r t ;rkt· a rest in the solitude of their rooms to prepa re fo r the 1' \T n in l-! oi j oll i t ~- . Dates for this festive occasio n had heen mad e man 1· da~·:-. prn ·ir!lr-.. a 11 d r lw rnore bash fu l ones had been looking fon1·ard to th e ni g ht 11·lr e n tlr\' ~· ,,.,tr ld h;t \T th vir fir:-.t date in Peru. So, on the momen to us eve n ing t h e ho ld. ~t r" rl }..!- h t·a rt\'d hr;t 1 t·,.. ~· ; d kd for their ladies and 1\'t:nded thei r 11·ay to the: ll t: \1' Hainin g :-drool h trildill}..! . Afte r the 11·ra ps had been deposited irr t h e se11·i"l-! r< HJJ lb, a 11d t h \' j1111ior·:-. a 11 d seniors had ref reshed their appea ra nce, t hc:y assc: mh lnl in th e }..!l'll lll a-..i rrllr 11·hi k r hv orche. tra unde r t he direc tion of .\I iss Ca rpen tc:r treated tiH· har~tpwtt·r,., to dt·li }..! h rt td music. A s the guests ente red the gy mn asiu m the y \\'en· }..!r\'\' l'ed i11 t· rndi;d ,,·ekonH· by a recei1·ing line of j unio rs, 11·ho stood eagerl y 1\·ai ti rrl-! trr r\'n·i1·t· t iH· rn . ' ('h 1·1l they 11·ere esco r ted to their seats by fairy- li ke d arnse l ~ clre~~ecl 11 1 ptrrpk a ll d 11·h ir 1· . the enior colo rs. The gym nasium had been tran sformed into a mys t ic g a rrle ll ,,-itlr rni ll ior b o i h 1rtt er Aies dan ci ng in t he air. A ll along t he 11·a ll ch c:rry hl o~s,rns liT r e c lose l1· illtt'l'll' o 1·1• 11 and looked like che rry trees in fu ll bl ossom. Th e 11· ire snt·<·rb i11 f r o 11t o f t h e orchestra 11·ere deco rated 11·ith ma mmot h p1r rp le a nd ~T II rJ\\· b tr tte rfl i es 11· it h 011 t stretched 11·i ngs. flags of the all ied n ation s 11·ere g ive n 011t to eac h o11e. ' !'h e ll those r c:pn:se n ting each nation assembled in a place d es i~;nat ed i11 t he r oolll; and i n ttrrrr man.: hed from the gymn asium to their respective rooms o n t h e third tlorn. The j apanese room gave ev ide nce of the 11·ork of art is ti c d ecorator,; _ 11·alls 11·ere banks of cherry blossoms, 11· hil e ovnh cad 11·as a se mi - tr a n ,; p art'll t r oo f. also made of che rry bl ossoms. A l a rge r ug cove r ed th e ce 11 t ra l portior1 of the floo r; and pi ll o11·s 11-cre used for seats instead of c h ai rs . Conked r· icc \\'a ,; ,.;erl'l·d h ~- tll' o you ng ladies dressed in the J apanese cos t u m cs, t11·o se lected one,; fr om eac h nati o n , the pa rticipants being compell ed to usc chop s ticks i nstcad of s p no11s. The french room 11·as one of great in terest to a ll. ' J' he 11·a ll s liTre d eco rated ,,-it h the colors and pictures of dea r o ld Fra nce. A ver~· i11te rest in g s pe lling l'ontc,.; t ,,-as condu cted in this room . A ll formalit y, respec t , a n d ga lla11try 11·as forgotte11 as t h e candidates ru shed fo r11·ard, s tepping on toes, pus hin g, ye llin g , t r yi n g to PH'\Tilt a 1·icrorious attack by the o ther side. T he American room en listed attention o n eve r y sid e . ' J'h e d ecoratio n ,; co n s isted of pen nants and A merica n spor t articl es, a nd t ypica l American ga mes 11-e r e played. In the Grecian room bea ut if ul pic tures 11·e re h u n g o n th e 11·a ll s. A c o u c h 11·i th so fa pill Oil'S att ract ed the 11·eary ones ti red out fro m s u c h c:xte 11 si \'C t ra 1·e I, \\' hi lc t h e m o r e enth usiast ic 1\'alked arou nd observing a nd n oti n g the ani s tic 11·ork of age,; . -:\I cmbe r s from each g roup 11·ere selected to perfect som e pa inting.
r The I ta l ia 11 roo m \\·a,- c:'pecia ll~· int e resting " ·ith its card table,;. baby rack. fortu ne telln. :t1HI roul ette \\" hee l. EnTy o ne it-It that he \\"a,; in :\l onte Ca rl o. being .'U ITOUIHi n l on all .-;ide.-; h~· g irl .-; dn·s.-;t•d in co.-;t umt'.' cha racte ri,;tic of th e g reat gam bling t' it ~· oi tlw "·o rld . Some H" alked arou nd H"ith th c-i r h a nd,; on th eir pocket books, othe rs .'t'L'IlH'd to ha n· 110 it·ar oi lwi n)! J!ll lkd and t ook part in e\·e r~·thing . The C;rt·at Britai11 roon1 \\"as decor;~tt·d o n I ~· H"ith a la rge tlag of th e cou ntn· ,,·hich l111ng: on t h e \\·all at the h;Kk oi the ,;tag~. The most pop ular d ancers of .the age appeared o n the sta g:e. .-\ i t n t he d a ncing. ,·arious nationa l airs \\' ere pla~·ed o n th e piaiHJ and the gue:' t:' \\"t'l"t' requt'.'ted to !!in· the n amc- of the song. The hell .-;un11no nnl a ll the nat io n,; back ro the gy mna,;ium and much excitemen t p rn·aik d a.-; t he llll' l1 prmTeckd to find tlwir partne rs. After all had fo und partners. t he o rdwst ra began t o play and the protT.'sion iollo\\'ing th e .-;enior color,; m arched to tlw dm m:stic scit'lll"l' pa rl or.-; H"hne tlw rdreshmcnts \\'e re h a nd ed ou t to the bashful cou ples as th ey passed hy. The n retiri n ~ t o the gym nasium . the participants partook of the exn·llt' llt and " ·ho k some n·past co n,;isting of brick ice c ream. cakes. ca ndy. and t·offt'l'; ,,·hile lwauti fu l m aid ens pinned pu r ple and H"hite buttertlies on each one piTSe n t. By th i,; time it ,,·as nearing te n thirt y a nd in o rd er t o keep th e ne\\·ly passed Ia\\· t h a t "a ll entertainments nHI:'t be OYer by te n -thirt y" the seniors \\'ith dre\1· to one side of the room and )!<l\"t' fiiteen ~-e ll ,; for t he j un ior,;; " ·i th that came the d ose of the 111ost e nj oyable and long-to-lx:-remembned e\Tnt oi the sch ool yea r. O scA R O AKES
Junior Picnic A pic nic 1,; one of the ,-er~· best ,,· a~·s of gt·tting toge ther and getti n g acq u ai nted, so tlw J uniors p lanned o ne for the second ,,·eek of school. Th ese plans " ·e re ca rried out in a most succe,;,;ful H"ay. The Juni ors asse mbled in front of th e chapel at eight o'clock and \\'ere se rena ded by the Seniors before the y !-.tarred. A fter d emo nstratin g a g re at deal of class spirit , ,,·e started on our lllarc h for th e pic ni c g round s and th e Seniors disappea red temporaril y. A fte r a rou nclabout jaun t the Jun iors cl imbed to th e othe r side of " P ikes P ea k" to a pl easant spot. The fun bega n in gatherin g \\"OOd fo r th e l1 re. A fte r the fire \\"as all agio\\·, \\"e participa t ed in j o ll y g ames. \ V he n the merriment \\·as at its height, the Senior~ S\\"Ooped d mn 1 from th e ~urround in g hills, eage r to capture ou r " eats". \ Ve Juni ors formed a solid ba nk arou nd our "p recious food" a nd ,,.a,·ed our banner. The ins tinct of p u g n acity ,,·as aroused in all and only a fter a g reat dea l o f effort d id th e Se ni o rs ca pt ure t he .Ju nior penn a n t. Afte r peace \\·as resto red, apples, cookies and toasted marshma iJ m,·s \n~re en joyed by all . Th en we sat aroun d the fire a nd told st o ri es a nd sa ng songs unt il t ime t o d epart.
/ 1)
C. n. K.
---Senior Informal
Did the Seniors " ·ho fai led to come to t he in for m a l party on Satll r<l:t ~· n ·n• •••l! March 9, miss a good time? J ust ask one wh o was p r ese nt and hl·ar h is report of the entertainment! During the first part of t he even ing w e attend ed a hii!;h ly enj oyable proJ!ram at th e t heatre. The cast presentin g this was composed of ext rem ely taknt<·d Se n io rs. \\·h o we re called on impromptu. PROCRA~ I
Ho nes t C on fessio n of th e So1d Gzartanphrtz ib ................................ Flar; Dr. X. l'hrihn ch Madam Got a-Kerchief Ze S plit t inl! of zc L 1111lhn Z e Tig ht Strung Stepper St 11 d y in Blac k artcl \ \'h ite Manip U lator Mod ern Blow l-Iard Ze Spiclcn .. .............................. ( ,' 7"di; ·.dr By Tall 1-:xnrtiohn Victor Ola an d G raffie Fone Z e Light Fantistic A Tunc in I I n :" a tin· TortJ!IIt' .... . Jh;·t J' .\ racl alllt' ff ,nn a n Shirttl'S Prof. Lig ht f oot Flipdip Duk es .\ lixt11re .... ... ........ .. ..... Lyi Z/Ji<T i zs Romantz in A ( Fl at ) ........ .............. Olytz B~· J..: n 11nso n l >n I t Madam ~imble Finge rs At the close of this amusement, the in vitation to proceed to the I!Y il tr tas ill rn \\'as accepted by all, and on arriving th ere, \\'C fou nd o11 r places at some n ne of t he ,·ario 11 s tables in acco rdance ,,·ith ou r g ive n numbe rs. li ne \\'C (·r tjo yed t he J!il llle of "Progressive Pig". Of course th e l ig hts \\Tnt ou t at ten , h11t ca nd l(·s ,,·e r e prcl\·icled and we played on, each eage r to escape being "pig" o r "h oi! ", and to J!ai n t he posit io n at the head table.
Senior Girlg' Ba8ketball P artg After a promenade \\·ith ou r pa rtn ers through the dark ha ll s , \\T again soul!ht t h e gymnasium and received ou r ref reshments. ~'fr. \ Ni lso n en t n tai ned 11s ,,·i th t •·icks and puns, whi le \\·e ate ; which \\·e all enjoyed, each 0 r1e resolvir tg to "catc h " some one else th e next day. The victo ry of th e Senior Girls' Basketb all team ove r t ha t of t lw J 11nio rs ,,·as d uly celebrated on th e eve nin g of J anu a ry 28th in the H igh School ( ;~·m n as i 1 1 m . It was at this ti me that t he senior cl ass attempted to sho ._,. , t o some extent, 1ts apprecia tion of the "·ork of this spl endid tea m. A ll the heroines managed to escape fro m th e vanous "tra ps" se t b,· some \T n gea n cc seek ing J un iors, and \Yh en th e pa rty co uld at last be called t o order, the c lass JHcsid en t prese nted the team \\·i th beautiful roses in beha lf of t he cl ass. ~Iiss Hoffmar t, the captain , responded, saying that t he su ppo rt of the c lass w as largely responsib le f or th e victory. The rest of the evening was spent in pl ay ing Prog-ressive Some rset. \ . ictrola music also added to the evening's en tertainmen t. As has bee n the custom a t a! I o ur social ga therings this yea r, " H oove ri zed" ref reshments \\·e re se r ved, ;utd afte r gi v in g t hree rou sing chee rs fo r the team, t he class dispe rsed patiently to a\\·ait th e c o min g of anot her enjoyable occasion.
The Nebraska Acaaem:g of Sciences The t\\"enty-eighth annual meeting of the ~ ebraska Academy of Sciences \\·as h eld in Peru , F riday and Saturd ay, ~I ar 3 and +, 19 18. This \ \"aS a notable session in seve ral respects, not the least of " ·hich is that this is the fi rst meet ing of the Academy not held in Lincoln , and marks \\"ithou t doub t the begin ning o f a ch ange of pol icy by the o rgani zation. A recommend ation \\"as adop ted to hold e,·ery al tern ate session he reafter ou tsid e Lincoln, so as to bring the " ·ork and pu rposes of the organi zation to e,·ery science ma n and woma n in the state. T he session bega n "·ith a di nner in the T . .f. :\I ajor's T ra ining Building a t 7 : +5 P . :'\I., fo ll o\\"ed by an add ress on C !tl' mistry ant! !It t' fVar by Dr. F. \ V. Cpson, head of the chem ist ry de pa rtment of the U ni ,·e r:-;ity. T he Saturd ay session began at 8:00 A . :'\I. a nd co nti nued t ill 12 :00 :'\I. ,,·hen a picnic luncheon \\'as scn ·ed on the campus. Th e afternoon ,,·as spent in ,·arious excursions to study the topography. fl ora and fa u na of P er u. Interesting d iscussions ma r ked the program th roughout, including : Some Topographic I nfluences of the \ Var, by :'\! iss R ose C lark of Peru; Folk Lore Collectanea, by D r. Lou ise Pound and ~I iss L enore B u rkett of L incoln; Consen·ation of our Scientific R esou rces, by P rof. J . C . J ensen of U ni,·crsity Place; The T otal Eclipse of the Sun , J une 8, 1918, by Prof . \ tV . F. H oyt of Peru ; T ranspi ration of Conifers a nd B road-leafed T rees, by :\ I iss A nnie :\Iogensen of Lincoln ; a nd The In flue nce of Food in Contro ll ing Sex in Rot ifers, by P rof. D. D . \ Vhit ney, of the UniYersity. Q,,·ing to lack of t ime, Professors J. E . \ Vea,·er and :\I. H. S\\'enk Yolu ntarily \\·ai,·ed the discussions of their themes, the most regrettable incide n t of the session . Afte r a delightfu l luncheon on the cam pus, , ·arious excu rsions "·ere orga nized and under taken. The sessions throughout \\'ere marked by unusual good fello"·ship a nd enth usiasm. 0rot a li tt le of the enj oyment of the first session \\·as du e to the mus ic ren dered by the L ad ies' Qua r tet of the ~ o rm a l u nder the leade rsh ip of n r. H ouse. It is bel ieved that t he Academ y in this session in P eru h as in augu rated a pol icy that "·il l result in a m uch increased membershi p and a m uch \\'icier interest in scienti fic \\·ork a nd accomplishment in :\feb1·aska. So mote it be ! F or the fi rst time in years, also, the Academy has at its disposa l funds fo 1· the publication of its proceed ings and d iscussions, and it is de,·outly to he \\'ished tha t this " ·i ll resu lt in cont in uous ann ual publicatio ns hereafter. The retirin{!: offi ce rs of the Acadeiny a re : Preside nt, F. C. J ean, P eru; Vice-P resident, A. l\I. Brooking, In land; Sec retary, l\I. H . S\\'enk, L incoln ; and Treasurer, A . ]. l\ I ercer, K earnev. The oHicials selected fo r the comi ng yea r a re : President, D . D . \ Vhit ney, L incol 1; ; Vice-Preside nt, :\I iss Emma H a nthorne, K earney; Secretary. ]. C . Jensen, U n i,·e rsity P lace ; a nd Treasurer, A . J. :\Iercer, K earney. Amo ng prominent visitors not represented officiall )' or on the program "·ere Professor G. D . S\\·ezey, l\Irs. S" ·ank, and :\Ir. Goke of Lincoln, P rofesso r Ha)'S of U niYersity Pl ace. a nd 1\flisses L udd en and :\Irs. A. J. :\Icrce r of K earney. The meetings " ·ere nm rked fo r good at tend ance and g reat interest in the discuss ions. P er u a nd the Nor mal a re honored by this session that has inaugu rated a ne\\' policy and a ne\\' era in the Nebraska Academy of Sciences.
/() 18
The Goal Life beckons ,,·ith far goa l, 0 you th, gi rd up thy soul A nd brave ly run. Da\\"n ca lls thee to the race ; The light is o n thy face Of day beg un. A ll burdens from thee cast, All co rds that bind thee fast , Bonds habit spun. A gue rdon \\·aits for thee, ::\ l ay thi ne the triumph be Ere day is done. Pause not in weak delay, :'-:or let th y swift foot stay Ti ll thou hast \\"On ; For though the way seem lo n g Thou'lt join the victor's song At set of sun.
Book V
I f
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Dramatic C tub
!Adopt ed ns perwoue ol d e â&#x20AC;˘l~ l>S tbe Dramatic Club.)
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Dramatic Club As in previous years, the Dram atic C lub has proved interest ing a nd profitabl e to its sixty enth us iastic members. It is one of th e fe w organ izations of the sch oo l that docs serious work in the field apart. It provid es a n oppo rt uni ty fo r each m e m be r not o nl y to enj oy seeing the production qf the plays th at ar c presen ted, but a lso to take pan in at least one play. The plays th at have been presented this year arc : "A Dinn er with Compl ications," " The Philosopher of the Apple Orchar d," "Yes and :"Jo," " Pan-ied," "A Proposal und er Difficulties," ":Vl an Proposes," "Barba ra," "~ 'I ake Belie ve," and "Le nd ::\I e Five Shillings." The C lub also gave a R ed Cross Bencflt progr am at " 路h ich the three plays, " H ow th e Vote Was Won ," "G u iseppin a," and " When L ove is You n g," \\路e r e presented . T he most im portant production of th e yea r ,,路as :\Jason's " Cree n Stocki ngs ", whic h \Yas successfull y presented by an able cast un de r th e di rection of our ad visc r, ~I iss D un n.
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n ,\11. Ryan. Gavin.
\\',•a tl h· r ho~,;:.
: \iltH', Rou~e,
S ho nka
J> unn . Spauldin,::
ll la c·k. Shu iJO' rt. r . C h:l <<'. Clements
Dramatic Club
Lanman . Blankr•n shi p. Pn lnwr, Sa ndlwrg-. B ridges. Dnn u,·an , Bed ,, l.:~ dd . Ho<'tteg<•r. Schmidt
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Dramatic Club
Sc·hoC'nthal. )J:tnl is . J\ idd. Tof t. Rt~t• t 1<•u • • r . Rt•f}d . .Johnson. SI("\'Pll!-'(111 , lf u s t o n . . l on e:-.. C ' h a ~ t·
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.-------- -
"Green Stockings" A Comedy in Three A cts by A . E. \ i\T. :\Iason SYNOPSIS AcT I Room in :\Irs. Faraday's H ousc, ]• cbruary I I th Evening
AcT II Same as Act I.
E ig ht :\!Ionths Later
About 6 O'clock
AcT III Morning R oom in :VIr. Fa rad a y's House Eve ning, Same Day CAST OF C H ARACT ERS Admiral Grice ( R eti red ) ......... ............................ ... ........ FRA~C J S CoOPER William Faraday........................................ ..... ..... ........... .W ILLI Ai\ l REED Colonel Smith ........................................ ..................... ...... . 11E IJFORD BELL Robert Tarver ...................................................... DONALD 11LANKEXS HIP H en ry Steele ................. ........................................ ............. .. L ou Js W IRTH Ja mes Raleigh ........... ..... ......................................... ....... LEO>J R OETTEGER : VIartin .................... ................. ..................................... .......... J OI-l ?-: BLACK Celia F a raday ........... ................................................... MONETA Locsoo:-r ::Hadge (~Irs. Rockin gham ) .... ........................ ...... ... ....... N INA S H vBERT E velyn (Lady Trenchard) ..................... ....................... .. ...... CLAR A B ECK Ph yllis..... ... .................................................................... ...... FERN H IJSTON Mrs. C h isolm Fa raday, of C hicago (Aunt Ida ) ........ KATHERI?-:E LEHR
"Her Husband's Wife" By A. A. Thomas CAST OF CHARACTERS Stuart Randolph ....... .. ....................... ........ ROL.-\:-.:0 TYS0:-.1 J ohn Bclden ... ......................... .............. LER OY C LE:\1E:-.:TS . Ri chard Beld en ........... ................................. OscAR OA KES Irene R and o lph .................................. ... ..... LORE:-.:.-\ TRAYIS Emily Ladew ........................... .... ..... ............ H .-\ ZEL H oRST :\ o ra ( the maid ) .. ......... ..... ......... ............... \ -.-\SHTI Co:-.:E Stage :\Ian ager, \ -JCTOR T o n
ST O R Y OF T H E PLAY "Her Husband 's \ V ife" is a most amusing comedy fa rce. T he author starts "·ith a farce, but before the fi nal cunain falls, it is raised to th e dignity of a comedy. The three acts of th e play take place in t he li vi ng room of Stu art Randolph and wife, in the U nited States H otel, during th e racing season at th e Spa. :\Irs. Randolph is li ving \\·ith th e co nsta nt belief th at she comes of a sho rt l ived fami ly and that she \\·ill d ie soon. Thinking th at death is not fa r m\·ay she is an x ious to fin d a suitable " ·ife for her husband. She \\· ants someone who ,,·ill see to his comfo rt and be a sort of mother to him. Of course she is carefu l to choose someone ,,·ho is " plain" and who ' \you ld not be li kely to let him forget me". Finall y she selects an old schoolmate " ·ho has always been very modest and retiring, almost motherly, in fac t. B ut " ·hen lVI iss L ade\\" lea rns of her fri end 's "·ish she feel s that it is an insult, and resolves to revenge herself by agreeing all too q ui ckly. Instead of remaini ng quiet and retiring she blooms fo rth in th e most el aborate go" ·ns, and shO\YS herself to be ver y attractive, indeed. l\!Irs. Randolph almost immediately reg rets her ba rgain, and no longer has any desire to die. She tu rns all her energies to preventing her self-sel ected successor from attracting her h usband. Richa rd Belding and Emily \Yho .had formerl y bee n engaged no"· mee t again , and it is Richard instead of Stuart " ·ho takes Emily to the races; and Stuart apparentl y forge ts her ex ist ence. B ut Irene does n't not ice this, and she paints her husband as black as possible in order to dissuad e Emily Lade\\· f rom her imagined choice. She points to a bruise o n her arm , d ecl aring th at Stuart has beaten her. ' iV hen Emil y is no t terrified by this prospect, she in fo rms her that Ste\nrt is an habitual drunkard. But this only aid s E mil y in her revenge, for she reports " ·hat Irene has told her , and, o f course, complications arise. Fi nall y, all end s happily through the aid of J ohn Belding, th e benevolent, amusing uncle of I rene. E mil y and. Richard an nounce their engagemen t and Irene's j ealous excitement is changed to sisterl y love. Furth ermore, she decides that death is not so near afte r all.
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Y. W . C. A. :\ Ot\\·ithstanding the fact that \n: ha,·e had mo re changes in our Cabinet t han usual , this past yea r has been a most success ful one fo r ou r Y. \ V. C. A. O u r President, ~I iss Snell , \\'iiS called home last fa ll lea\·ing our , -ice-President, ~I iss s,,·anholm, to fi ll her place until the end of the first semeste r. :\Iiss C hristensen and ::\Iiss ~IcDonald also left us at the end of the fi rst semeste r. The predomin ating feat u re of our Y. \ V. C. A. \\"Ork this yea r has been that of gj,· ing. \ Ve have adopted a French 01·phan, contrib uted to t heY. :\I. andY. \ V. C . A. \ Var \ Vork Fu nd, and increased ou r regu lar pledge fo r the foreign missionary \\"Ork in C hina. T,,.o delegates ,,·ere se nt to the Y. :\I. and Y . \ V. C. A. Com·cntion in Omaha, Octobe r 26. The purpose of this com·cntion ,,·as to fi nd out ho,,· much each Nebraska school ,,·otdd contribute to the ~50 ,000 pl edge made by our state rcprese ntati,·es. Peru's contr ib ut ion was fi,·c times her pledge. Five g irls attended th e con,·cntion at C rete in February. bringi ng to us the message ,,·hich resulted in the organi zation of eighteen Eight \ Vec k Bible Study Classes. A lthough \\"C have been ,·cry busy, the social side of our Association has not been neg lected. Once each month \\'C ha,·e a Kensington " ·hich is carefully planned for the girls' pl easu re and enjoyme nt. In J anua ry we had a "Kid P arty" and in ::\l arch we had ou r Installatio n Banquet to " ·hich all the girls of the school \\·e re im·ited .
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l< \';1n. \\' i r·riJ. T •, r·p ••.\' , l'nwi Hr KZI<a. SIP•nka \\"olf. F io.r·llf•l',
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Normal Catholic Association Throug hout t he enti re yea r t he ~ orma l C ath o lic Associat io n t'l lj o~·ed th t· pr i ,·il q!;e of hearing )..J ass eve ry secon d \\'eck at the home of :\Irs. J ac k. :\l l'l't ings ha n · b ee n h<>ld eve ry Su nday in the rest room an d sho rt serv ices ha\T b een held e very \ V cd n cs d a~' a nd frida y evening du ring Lent . A lthough \\·e g rea tl y m iss ou r ab le ad vise r. ~\1 iss :\1 ullcn . mu c h i1 1terc,.; t ha s been shO\nl at th e meet ings. Officers for the cu rren t yea r \\·ere: Pea rl R ega n . presid e nt; :\I arga r et l )on a h oo. ,-ice-presid ent ; E ll a Bicke rt , treasu rer; :\I a rga ret Ryan , sec retary ; A 1111a \ Vo l f . :"-:ormali te reporte r.
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Tt•!!tnll·it>r. l )t•u h lt•r. l h •rn.•llt'lll :tll. ~it'k. P t> t f• r :-;on . S i('k ~ l i k ula :-.. :'\lt•ullt·r. :--it·lk . ::'\l u n:-;,ltt. !-idunhl l . . h.,h n ~ t'll. DN)('f
The Normal Lutheran Association T he :\lo n n a ! Luthe ra n Associat io n \Yas reo rg anized in the f all of 19 17 \Y it h a membe rship of abou t t\\·en t y young peop le. The officers elec ted fo r t he current yea r are as foll o\\·s: President ............ ..................... ........ ....... A:\IA LIA ScH:\I IDT V ice-P res ide n t ............................................. .LOR.-\ D ET LEF Sec ret a ry .... ............ ....................... ..... ............ ALYI XA S ELK T reas u rer ....................................... ......... L OTTIE DEt; BLER P ia nist ............. ........... .................. .......... .. A x x E A RVIDSO ~ Librari a n .............. ............ ........... .CATH A RI ~ E L I E~ D IAl'\ lVIeeting; led by various members of th e Associatio n ha ve been held Sunday m ornings a t 9 : 30 o'clock. Sermo ns \\"e re d el ive red t \\·ice a mon th by R ev. Siebert during his reside nce at Humbo ldt. T he inform a l socia l meetin gs held t h roughou t th e yea r " ·ere ind eed a pleasu re to all a nd se rved to es tab lish a closer bo nd of fello,,·ship. It is t he since re "·ish t hat t his o rga nizat ion be co n t inu ed and that its fu t u re members may de ri ve as m uch benefit and inspi rat io n fro m the meet ings as t he L uthera ns of
19 17- 18 .
Philo \Vhen the membe rs of the Phi lomathean Soc iety ft.anwd t h ;tt their coinpetnlt adviser, Yliss Bo11·en, was to leave them and take 11p ,,·ork in the C h icq.!o l 'nin-r:-;it~· . t heir regret 11·as almost immeasurable. E ve ry IIH'Jllbe r 11·as a11·arc o f ht·r inte r e:-;t and un tiring efforts to make t his year a greate r S ll t:lTSS than prn· iotJ~ ~· cars ha lT lwl' n. She spared nothing in order that she might gi1"C t he society tlw best. It ll'a:-; a diHindt undertaking to try to find some one to take he r plan· h11t .\ I i s~ Bttrft.y ha:-; tJndollhtt·dl y made a ve ry ab le successor. H er keen 11·it a n d ITritahlc Inn· o f the cit-a n a n d tnora l side of fi fe have made her a most proflc ie nt a(h·ist'l'. Th e socict~ · 11·as indt·l'd t'onu n att· in securing her as its confida nt. The programs this year ha1·e been far abo\'(.' reproac h in tht'ir at'sthetic and edt tcational value. Each program 11·as indicatin: of g;eni11 s, nrig;inalir~· . and ITr:-;atility in the participants and directors. Surely t here was n o d eart h of tal t" nt, and l'Otlt r ary to the custom in mot organizations the untisually tale n ted Dill'S h an· n ot been imposed u pon . Every one ll'as gi1·en an opportunity to displa1· his abi lity. I t is that spirit o f ,,·illiilgness and cooperation ll'ith ll·hich CI'Cry Phil omathca Jl is imhtJt•d that makt'S thl' :-;ocil't~· so progre s1ve. Its accomplishments ha1·e not , h owever, been co n fi n ed \\'holly to the organi z ation. \Vhen the call to buy Liberty Bonds 11·as issued. Ph ilo promptly :-;teppcd fort h a nd purchased £i1·e bonds. It has also subsc ribed SC'I'l'llty-fln> dollar:-; to the Y. '\I. C . A. Students' \!\Tar Fund. H e retofore the predomin at ing aim has lwen to :-;('rn· on l~· the members of the school, but this year it has broad\'ne d its fit'ld o f sen·icc. l'Jltned into t he spirit of the tim es. and become a unin:rsa l ben('flt.
1' h e Per 11 r ion
-----...., \
T,·sn n. D:unnw. Tnft. Hut·l,•v. Kuta ~ u'Jat'k. I.C'ht•. SehWl'l'. l'h·mt .. III S
\\~ irth. l>amnw. B t•ll. .\ilnt·. Oai.:P~ . C'oll(', llarlow. Olso n \\~alton, B:ti'IIP ~. B u rh·,·. L l'i:O:UI't~ . Doanl' L'll•nwnls. S hu ht' rt. :\lu i ;r.. Crilly
\'ill Sa ul. Jt,. t t·l'l\1111. l. aiiHIOII J. ( )!' "" Fnlt·y. J l a rru a n . \\'••If. Cirau1111l id 1
'rhom as, T-Tam ilton. Clal'k(l. :\lun son. ll ;en s in~. h:it· r·s .. ,·. \\'nth \Vh it c. IJ o u g-la s . F i!·. . \ J, J, l· ,\· . \ ' in S a n t. ( 'ol'lP,\' • l.o wC>, B ..J o hn s o rL lft.~ lJn p r·. Bos t r om. Sixt a
l l apl~ f· . l .t>hn. l'l•tl•r :-;nn. St.•lt7.. Sl·ntt. Yt•rnon t'. l't•tt·t·:.-nu. S al i'.m an. J.andolt. llntrman. ~lw n ka. Xt•tll·nw ~lallt.' l',
llt•min ;:way, (;l·a mli eh. l luml il•t•k
Lon ~.
lnl~ :-;:.
Bri d ~t>:-- .
Par:-;nn s
A tHl t'l":o\O tl, ?\ll u• lh•r. Epl.-•r . . lnhn so n . ~ t ahlhut
T.ongf£'11ow. \'a nc P. <:tn\·pl). X h ·h ol:-:
;<J IS
('fiftoo. IJ n·'-to;l•·r·. t ;aJII.I·I. ! i:. i u• ·... ~' "'''• · · rl:tnd . 1.11 \\ ,.~ :\arli n ! t•r. Vl',\ t•, f l :.1111:1. ~~''''' ''" · SJ n llh (j:IIIZ,
('lark•·. S 11 id•·. i':tJJiu •·r·r
Rrg-a n . R yan . \\'nlf. (;n ,·iu . B i c k t•rt, B r a rH if•!-i, \\' i l\\' (' 1" K c·ll y. \\'eathr-r h o)!~r. O nr!J·:w•·k . B :.i l<·,,· . ~ lr ·,\ul c•)' Henthor n e. llo pp, .Jo('kf·l. B ath
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l; uiun. ('onh\'"· ~ ~· n . Yan t•t•. . \knrn . :\!. I I annan. :\lt"Xitl", Jo: n g- t•l, T aylor. l la n t·~H·k :\1. C'hJ' t ' ~ h' ll:--oll. (;aJiilwn. I I. T udd. !-:ads
~ i l·k
RC'ynnlds. Cou r tri ~dtt. C'arl lu_\rg. C'nq H• n h o ft. S a gt'. \\' n r n f' r S n )·dp•·. Mnr~:a n . ~ l i ll .. r . Hi><" k . T nd d . Bon n H Carri k <• r . \\· is t>, D n •c11 a . Trnv is
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Ifill. 1\rlll.!'l'l'. H1·1·n·s . Sand"PI'f.:', St·hrnidt . . ru }o.t ir·•·. J.:tn.. frll Fnlt·y. Full 1·r. Stf·\\':trt. C'art•·r·. St·ltl:1d•·. 1\'' "''"'· l ~:t i,·r
lfarlow. \\"i1·th. T t· idJ. ~I illf• l' . 111'~' \\'ood (.'•wkn·ll. J.irH·anwn. ,fflhli ~H il, \'inton l·'lt·tf'llf' l'. ('hn~t·. t)rd. Hal·n,•:... Bnntol'
Hadt'l". CoJh' nhan•r. S4·hof•tha1. 1'-itld . ~ttydt•l' ,
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J.on,;:. ) l t·:\h•ddn.
0\·t~ l·holt.
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(11·aft on . Brown. Prcu·haz.l;: a. Garru•r. S til'kh•1·. :\ll·Culhm 1\: il ~n t' t.•. ~ha \ ' l ' l '. Bl'illkmall. I IHmmfl l .l> illnn , Brun:.;dou, ll <•uhlPI"
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Everett OFFI CE R S
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ER:>: EST S ~>A L" LDI:"G ............. . .... Presidc nt.. .. ... ...... . :\L-\RTHA D A ESCH:"ER L o i s CoHEE:>: ............. .... ..... \"ic c - Pres i dent.. .... D o:>:A LD
GE:>: E\"J E\" E GREGG .............. . ..... Sec r e tary .................... GE:-JE\"IEV E GREGG F s TH ER CoLE. .. ........ ................. Treas u re r. ........................... EsTH ER CoLE Ach·i se r , jESSIE DO\V:"I:>:G
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Book VI
<!College 1Lite
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c: le t I! 1'Fe.Ff r:._
----, - ----
1-t. We arc all so gl ad t o sec each other; to sec our books t oo ( ?) . 17. Y.Iixcr. first impressions arc so last ing. 21. Senior Picnic. W e didn't come hom e un ti l mornJJll-(. 25. The girls beg in to kn it. "ff/lwt are yr,ul-nill ing , "'J' f>rl'lly lllflirl ! " S h e f>urled , th e 11 r/,-r,fJ/ a stitr/1.
"A sod· or a st c e fll t'r, sir," shr .w irl. "And d(lrn prf if I l·no n· -zchit·h." 26.
28. 29.
1. 3.
Big day in C hapel. Budget tic kets so ld . Boys make h asty cons ttltat io n s . Battle royal-Wesleyan and Peru football. :'\' ot hi Il l-( said as to the 01 1 t co m e. J un ior picnic. Yes, the Seni ors reall y came out 11·ith the pc·nnan t. S ophs h ad a picnic t oday too.
Senior Parade in chapel 11·ith J unior pen nant h tt t \\TIT gc ne r o 11 s eno11gh to g 11·c it back to them . :\Ir. G oddard aptl y sings. probabl y for boys' be n ctl t , " I f you ca n 't get alo n g ,,- ith one or t11·o you're much bette r off ,,·ith three " . Seniors 11·ith due deliberation and prope r dignity dcct Sa nclhng president. ~e\\· bulletin board properl y inst all ed and lighted up.
). (,.
Footba ll boy,: lean~ io r Omaha. Lo~·a l Senior g irl:: gi,·e them a hearty send-off . B o~·:: . or the n·1nain::. back irom Oma ha. Ty,:on hero of the hou r fro m time,
73 - 7. 0. I 0. 1.2.
17. 1 ~.
(~irk Jnt'l'tin ~
aJHI li r::t Pt:rtl\·ian Stafi meeting conHict. D o you remember it? Y. :\I. ioot b:dl :o:\\·in)!:-: O\Tr tiH' I 00'' mark 0 11 mem be r:-;hip before night. c; ra nd Red C ro::s Bendit a nd :-:t·llin)! oi t he goose. It made some dinner too. I >r. H ouse read:-: :\t'ihardt',: pOl'lllS in chape l. E''l' rybod y enthu::iast ic. ln tnesti ng parliaJ llL' IIta r~· drill in Sen io r class chape l. Richard :\ l.etca l ie makes patriotic :-:pel'ch on L ibcrty L oan:;. J oh nn~· Black: _-\re you going out \\'ith me? Elma Dill o n : O h- ah. \\'hl' re- \\'hen. ho\\'? J ohnn y : T o L)l' m~· cook for co m hu::king. yo u knO\L E. D. co ll apsl':>. :\I r. ~ ei hard t':: \\·ondniul reading of poem::. :.\I i:-.;; Thoma::, :\I iss :\I eyer, Dr. and :\I rs. 1-lou::e. lend tl n~i r talent:: tm,·a rd g i,·ing us a ,·c ry fine c,·cning. 26. York a nd Peru foo tball game. Same Sto l·~· .
1 9. 30.
3 1.
L i bert~ Daj
6. 7. 9· 13. 1-L
Smiles a nd r umo rs of smiles. Inneasing pleasure. The bubbl e bursts. \ V e hm·e a ,·acat ion. Bad luck! Back at schoo l ! Broken pi pes ! Preside nt H ayes arh·ises us on conservation.
F irst s no\\· fall. E ,·crybody shi vers ! \ Veck fo r Seniors " to look pleasant." :\lumber of boys still dimin ishing. T hey lea,·e to s hu ck com . \ Veeping and " ·a iling of " donn girls" ! School justly cel ebrates H allo\\·e'en. Strange sights seen on streets tha t night. \Vc P eru 's most st irring chapel. raised ~2,300 Hag for Y. :\I. and Y . \ V. ,,·a r \\·ork.
~o school!
T!J,· /),,." ;·'''"
------ l
2 1. 22. 23 .
Excitement in t he atr. E xcitement more intense. I t has a rri ved. The Kea rn ey fnnt hall ~anw. Fin e ren ·pt itJtl i tJ r t lw llll"Jt at the gym. 26. Boys spend t he day cong ra tu l atin~ th emseln·s o1·n ri H· date~ t it er didll.t h an·. 28. Sun day , 12: 10. j azz band entertai ns tlti!-. ~ l nr io 1 r ' e<Jil lntrJJ I\I·e;d tlt. Yliss C leland ( whe n band fin i~hed p l a yin ~ "C itl-er, c lten. rite 1-'::t l ll-': · ~ a ll ltnr···. at the Dorm ) : "What a terrible time t lte bny!-. had pla ~i n J!: ' II <JJt H·. S11·rTt l l tJttw' !"'
3. 7.
1+. 17. 20. 2 1.
Capt. Kidd takes his exercise by 11·a lk ing mi le!-. in ti ll· lib rarr.
D id he e,c;qw ? B r ·~·s raid Dorm O h , yes, t lt n e 11-ere so n11· 11·h o didt t' t
G . T albot Hunt elec ted captai n of football for I C) I H :--e;N>II.
and Library with imi tatio n .J a:r.z band. appreciate it. Audry C. (en tering C hild Stud y d;~ ss) : " \ Ve il , gi rl s, I d id11 ' t g t·t 111~· siesta today, here's 11·hcrc 1 take it noll·." ::\Ir. G regg unnoticed by Yliss C ltase tn d y apprec iated it. Gi rls' G lee Club trip. ~o! we' ll n eve r fo rge t tha t t rip rHJr ntt:--s 011 r tra tn <H leave our baggage agai n. Gi rls' G lee C lub Conce rt. Remark overheard by ye sc ribe: " /I 'm, 11T il. I d idn ' t kno11· P e ru 's girls ,,·ere so good lookin g a n d ,,·ha t' s mo re thcr r<: all~· c;ttt s ing. " Flora : " Bonner, what arc you go ing to do with t h at rope?" Bonner : "Comm it suicide if we don't ha ve vacatio11, rope m y tr11 n k i f 11·c d o ." L ong looked fo r, long tnlkcd about a nd so badl y n eeded vacation a rn \TS.
-~.AN \I.A. JtY . ---General
topic of conve rsation: " \ Vhat d id you ge t fo r C hristmas?" many dances did you atte nd ?" Ad in fi n itu m. " And still they come." "Come? From where?" " Oh, t hat Christmas vacation at home!"
J<) I S
--------...,_ \
1-l-. I (,. I 7. .2 1.
O ld :\I aid:( Conn·mion. H m1· ia1·orcd the men in thi,; community are an~way! But it i,; nice to ha1-e ;t ,;pccia l :-:ocier~- to attend their "l'\·ery 11·am and 11·him". Tt·;tching a,;,;ignmt·nt,; po:'tcd. \\""l'l·ping a nd ll"ailing and gna,;hi ng of teeth. S\\"ea tn f )a~-- Oh! .-\ren't the~- pretty? Dramatit· Club Red Cro,-,; Benl'lit. l ·:n·r~· hod~- :'at up all night nammi ng: l·:xa n ti nation,;. 1-l o rror,-! Senior ha::ketball game. The do1-c of peace \Yas calm ii nothi tl )! cl,;c 11·a:-:. St·nior:-: L'rltnt;ti tl ba:-:ketball l!irk L=-ual Senior good time. The ,;tt l! ,; ho m· io r the ,;econd tinw in tii"O day::. Di,-cm·L· red by Zoo l og~- :<tudcm. a m·11· ,;pecit·:< of "critter". the " mulecule". \\ 't",.;k~- an l!a! lll"- good l!ame regardil',;,; oi t he ;;cotT.
\ :V esleyan gamc-:-:econd good game regard less of th e score. 5, 6, 7. Debating try-out. \ ""aluab le info rmation free of charge. .) . Cotne r basketball game. Ditto . Re eves : " 1 11·ish that runa\\'a y balloon 11·ould drop its anchor over the library and 11·akc fo lks up." Black: " Th at 11·ouldn't do. :\I iss Rulon \\'Ould just tap her bell and call it do11·n ." II. Boys' G lee C lub trip. School loo ks as if it ll"ere a girls' seminary or the dese rted vi llage. lt 11·as a fine trip and enj oyed by t he boys as 11·ell as the audiences they sang fo L 15. Do you kno11· 11·hat happened today? \ Nell , I do n't. 22. P atri ot ic Program by Traini ng chil dre n ll"ell g iven. 23. Boys' G lee C lu b Concert. Oh, the comments aften1·ards! DL and l\Irs. House entertain fo r the Glee C lubs in the ir usual lovely manner. One of those times not to be forgotten by the participants. 26. l\riiss Carpenter's l\!Iusic ; "Where is my dear f rie nd Victo r?" Alas, poor V ictor had t he m easl es. 2R. L ast day of February. What a conqu est there \\·ould be if this 11·ere L ea p Year !
l. 2.
Weather as gentle as :\ I ary 's l ittle Jamb. j uniors slave and toi l, but arc j us t ly rl'\\'ardl'd for the·ir <·r~oka,·<Jr ". F ai r ~· land g reets eyes of Seniors at j u nior-Sen ior Pa rt y. Yl'~ . ./ tll l ior>- . rt ,,·a.., \\·orrh it. t nr you ga ve the Senio rs th e best time of t hei r t\\'IJ yc·a r~ ;t t () Jd J>e·r11. 9. Senior Impromptu Party. It \\'as impro r11ptu for r11o..,r ()i ~~ ~ h11t rk>-pitl' ""·ar rations" \\'as on<: of the Sen io rs' hl's t "d()ill l.!:~ " . 11. Begin ning of A rt Ex h ibit. P e r u in rl tTd ha ~ a n e· xc r· ll e· rlf co ll n ·r io n oi \\ · orth~· pictures. 12. Senior number of .'\or rnal ite out. Wl' appreciarT t lw ian thar t h e· ~orrn;tlitt· Staff believe in "rend ering to Caesa r t lw thinJ,!;~ th at arl' Cae·,.ar',.. ". 17. "Wearin' o' the green." 20. Prof. Gregg tel ls of his trip to At lantic C it ~· - C] ll l' r~· : " J l o\\· " ·ide· ,,.. the h oa rd walk ?" 2 1. Spring has come. Just the same as it has 11 1 prl'cl'd in g ~·l'ar:< . R obins sing . B ud lets spri n g. YI 11c h as the y ha \'t' on tfJrr lH'I' o cca,.;in n ,.; . Poets write, songs indite. After the fash ion of ht iJ.!: rl<-ars. O pera stars practice ba rs. Ti ll m y six bi ts r e \\'ard t hl' ir !lla c h in atio n. One lone dime. What a crime! But s pring , a n d l ife· . a n d - o h . hang t'X JH: !l Sl' !
. -- ---.......
_. I \
----A COL LI·:( ;1-: C ;\ S I·:
:Yi eetin g on the camp us, Wande ring d0\\'11 th e hil l, St ud yin g in the chapel, They' re togethe r st ill.
(;ai'. in l!: all l'Jl r ;J p l iJI'C'd I n t·a c h rJt h t·r' -. 1; 1n ·.
From ea rl y in the morning Till eig ht o'cloc k at nig ht, E ach one looks fo rsaken Wh en t he othe r's out o f sig ht.
" \\' IH·n li r-. t ill' canw trJ -.t·t· h t·r . I ft. had a I i1n id h eart ; And \\' IH·n tl u· I il!: lt t \ l ' ;t -. l)lt rn i ng l n 11·. ' I'I H· ~· ..,;tt t l11 1.., far a p art .
A l \\'ays telephoning,
" Hilt a» t·lteir lr11T
Al\\'ays makin g dates, T aking long, long ramb les, Wh ich neither one quite hates.
.1\nd tiH·y k;trn l'cl IIJ k Jwll· t r llt' b Ji,.-.. Th l'~· kniJt·kt·cl IJ I II all r it e "p an·,; . /\nc ba tc IcJ;.t· tc J;_!;l'l"i w r I ik e t h j,_; ,''
I;, it \' t·r~· -.t·ri ' " " : :" f J , j 11-.t a n dl q~t · t· a -.l' .
I!:J'(' \1 '
1\ ' :t l'll ll' l' .
If yo u stud y oft o n StiiHiay Y o u' ll have no harps o r 11·in gs A n d you' ll never go to hea ven Where th ey have t h e dainty things . But, you'l l go to th e region On the cinder path he loll' , Where 1\'c'll pi ca su rc take in gree ting All th e " Profs" ll'e used to kiwi\·.
LO U D Klaxon Sport Skirts Cory's S11·eater
Sev e n date ~ a \\T ck S l ugging in F ootba ll S leeping in the c las sroom
Green H ose D ean Rouse's Voice Coope r 's Cap
\Vhi~ pcring in L ib r ary Dan c ing in P eru H unt in g 0 11 th e~e premises
f't'rlll ' lt/11
( I
10: .\ IIL LE:\":\" I L.\ T We predict t hat eig h ty million yt:ars fro m nm,· : Profs ,,·ill give no <:xams. Spring vacation ,,·ill last a yea r. Intermission between da!->!'> t:S wil l l ;t.~ t a ll d a\". D orm g irls G ill sta y 011t all n ight. Boarding- house rul es w ill he abo lished. C locks wil l be set hack, i n!'> tead o ( ah ead . The Peruvian joke hox wi ll n1n fl\'("f". College annuals wi ll not be ct:nso red. Dances will be hel d n igh t ly in P en 1. Babb says Spalding \\·ill soon be th e best man in sc hoo l. between him and heaven.
T hl'n· \\'i ll n ot be a ha i r
"J ohnnie VinSant" : "R ech, won't yo11 g;o to ch t1rrh \\·itl1 _/ ()h n a nd I ?'' Yla rth a: "Why, 'J ohnnie,' \\'hy do you wa nt t\\'o ml'n ?" " J ohnnie" : "Well , I g uess if one's good , t wo is bettn."
Tvliss Carpen ter: " ~VIr. :Vlil ler, sound 'd o'." J oh n jingles money in his pocket. M iss Carpenter : ";./o, John , you have t he \\Tong k<:y." Toft: "What \\·ou ld you say if I threw you a kiss ?" Cory : " I would say you were lazy." :\ECESSARY E V ILS A Iarm clocks. A ssigned scats in chape l. Junior E ng lish. 1vi eetings after chape l. T he tel ephone. State examinations. Coach Joh nson (on t rai n ): "Why arc w e so late?" Conductor: "Well , th e train in f ro nt is beh ind and
\\ T
\\'ere behind before
besides." For proof that Germans are con vertable, Cousin G r aybrains cites a n ins tan ce " ·h ere two G ermans \Yent u p in an ae roplane. The machine \\'as h it b y a F r en ch sh e ll a n d one of them came dmn 1 a "rushin' " and the ot he r came do\\· n a "po le".
Tilt Pt I 111 I
1/ \
: l
"l'ccas in a r rslrw ranl lhl'J' firs/ 11/ F I , Fair R om co a nd } ulil'l. 'T1;·as //l('l't' ht• firs/ [I'll int o drbl. F or R omt'-o<;·cd >chat luli-r l.
:\Ii,;s C leland: " Thc,;e ne\\· chaperon ca pe coats are ju st the thing for our you ng g irk "
J f 32 degrees
freezing poim. "·hat
the squeezing point?
the shade. )
FA:\IOL' S AFFI ~I TIES Ham and Eggs. ·sa lt a nd Pepper. Li\·e •· and Onions. Corn Beef and Cabbage. Bread a nd Butter. Pen and Ink. Rock and R ye. Tom and Jerry. Pork and Beans. Etc. anci Etc.
French Sentry (at m id nig ht ): " Halt! \ i\lho goes there?" Out of the g loom: "An English ge neral. " "Ad va nce." Late r: "Ha lt! Who goes t here?" Out of the g loom : "A French ge neral. " "Advance." Still la ter: "Halt! Who goes there?" Out of the gloo m: "Who the hell \\·ants to kno\\· ?" "Anterican ge nera l. Advance."
Lillian Kie rsey a nd Della \Veatherhogg \\·ere discussing the boys in Peru. Lillian: "I think there are some mig ht y nice boys dmn1 here." Della (d isgustedl y): "There a rc some here I \\'Ouldn't go \Yith if I never got a date. I t ell yo u , Li lli an , 'h itch your \\·agon to a star'." (Let's see \\'ho the f ootbo/1 stars \\·ere, for instance.)
I u I,\
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Th r' f>t'i"/1'
it· li
r \\ ' ITII RJ-:\TRI·::'\CI·: T O THE HO..\IE EC0 :'\ 0 ..\ll CS DEPART..\I E:\T B rorhn _I ollllll~- .-\ gt·d tin·. F ul l oi i un And n nKh :din·. Sa\\' "Dirry',;" tir,;r rake upon the ,;hd f. li e :ttl' rlm·e- iourth,; all b~- hi mself .-\t1d a,; he d<Hnll'd the f1na l crumb Poo r J ohnny heard rhe angel's drum Calling ,;oi rl~· . "J ohnny. come . .-\nd J ohnny \\Tnt. B rothn Bill. .-\gcd iou r. Sa \\' the re,;t L pon t h e fl oo r. H t' era \I' led along to try that ca ke . .-\nd ,;oon ht· had the sto mach ache, H e ,;}m,·ly trudged to J ohnny 's side, St retched out hi,; arms. and , \HII , he died . .-\nd no\\· in hea1·en they both reside, The,;e t11·o small boys. The Ho~· Orator : ''Cte,;ar had his Brutus, Charles t he First his CronnYell, and Ccorgc the Third- ' ' C ha irmat t : "Co on. my boy. ne1-rr mind if you ca n't remembe r th e make of (~cor~e' s car."
1-.:.i dd ( not seetng Prof. \\'i},;on): "Sh all I bid you good n ight
the ne1Y 11·ay ?"
.Jcs,;: ''Oh! you r n o,;c is so cold." '..\li,;,; \Vad e : '' H etty. did you clean that fish ?" H ctty B.: ''\ Vhy, goodnes,;. no! I t's li1·cd all its li fe in 11·ater." Oakes : "S a~· . Cril h ·. \\·h~· th e do\1'11 on your upper lip?" Crilly: "Don't yo u kn o11· it's the style to \\'Ca r fur this season?" S hanT: ''Say, fresh, you "·ant to kee p ~-ou r eyes open a rou nd here tod ay." '..\I oo rc: " \ Vhat for?" Sha n· r: " B ecause people "·ill think ~·au arc a damn fool , if you go a rou nd 11·ith the111 shut. "
1 11/.\'
Did you A A A A A A
l' \' l'l"
:\ , hi p !-- par? : \ ,II ~a r hn \\ I ? :\ lwd t ick? :\ hnr,t· fl~ ? :\ ('() \\ ' I i p ? :\ napk i 11 ri 11 ~?
stone st<:p? sardin e box ? peanut stand? sausa~e rol I ? n i ~h t fall? day break?
H emmingll'ay to Doane : "Do you like JlliJ!>ic ?" Doane: " Yes, I adore it." Hemming\\'ay : "Then listen to the band on \'OIJ r hat." Donald Blankenship: "Excuse me, \Vorth. " Worth Conkle: "You're ll'elcome." Ca rl :Vlackprang : "It ll'ou ld he a mighty dull \\'orld ior yo 11 gi rl s ii a ll the men shou ld sudd enl y leave it." He len: "Oh, I don't kno11· , 11·e \\'ou ld st'ill ha\'l· yott collq.~e boys ldt ." Defendant ( in a loud voice) : "justice, justice, I demand just in ·! " judge : "Si lence! The defendant wi ll please remt·Jnhn that he is in a co urt r oom ."
1 DO:'\'T Yly paren ts forbade m e to smoke, I don't, 0Jor listen to naughty joke, I do n't. They made it clea r I must n ot ll' ink At pretty girls, nor eve n think About intoxicating drinks, I d on't. T o d a nce or Airt is ve ry ll'rong, I don't. Wi ld yo uth chase 11·omen , ll'ing and son g, I don't, I kiss no g irls -not eve n one; I do not knoll' holl' it is done . You 11·ou ldn ' t think I have much fun. I don't. :.\ liss C arpenter ( in Public School :\Iusic) : "It is ve ry imp roper to say 'Yes, ma 'am' or · ~ 0 , ma'am'. J ust simpl y say ' Y es' or · ~o'. Do I ge t this ac ross?" :\I iss Emma Sick: "Yes, m a'am."
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H azel H . : "How do you spe ll 'fina nt:iall y' ?" Damme: "F-i- n-a-n -c-i-a-1-1-y, and there an· t"11·o 'r\' V isitor : "Don't you find Ceog raph y difl i n tlt ~ " :\lode! Boy: "\Ve d on't ~ tu d y ( ;l'IJJ.!:raph y ttl)\\'.
Tl'ad tn
'a \ '
\ \ ' t'
tnight :t' \\'l' ll
hold off for awhi le and 11·ait fo r the ma p to sl'rt k.· '
WJ\:\T .t\ I>S J\:\ /) I.OST WA:-.:TEo- By Loyd Hacker, an in vit"a t irm t o thl' I )()J'lll. W A:-.:TED- A kind of "rouge" t hat 11·on't n d1 ()ff.- Btl.l. Rt-.t-.ll. \ VA:-.:TED-A peace w n fe rence.- 1·:,\ ru . H :\lli.0\1'. WA:-.:TEo-:\ I onday and mt:a~les tf!getlwr.- \\ ',\ tt ;\' Eil and l{o....:....:Eil. WA:-.:TED- A li t:\\' j azz for my ba nd.- C tlll.l.\' . LosT-:\ l y hea rt wh il e ;11\·ay.- H ottS'f' . LosT-~\ly powdt:r puff. Fi nd t:r plt:ase rt:t 11 rn a nd tTlTI \'l' tT\\.a rd. - \ · tllC 1 :-.: 1 \ :\ 1I.Clll. FoR SALE-Vashti Cont:'s t:x pression, " l 'n· latt).!:lt t'cl u n ti l I ' 111 j tt,.; t ~ ick.' ' Fot.::-.:o-Very good disposition.- B t·: t; FOIW lh :1.1 ..
If fit tim es I r/r, fr,rgtt III)'JI'I/ !lnd in th e li/;r(/ry minglt' 1cit h thr ,.,.,,7;·rl. J)r, lift my vr,ia r1 trif/1' ()7'1'1' /()llrl . Forgive 1111' , fr,r )'()II H 'I'U' )'() /1 1/tf r,nn· yr,ur.rt'l{.
Oh. ill iss R u/()n! Roetteger: "Gee, but I had a fu nn1· dream last tti ).!:ht." Sn yde r: "Yes, I saw you 11·ith he r. ;, Yl a: "You've been d ri nking-! smell it o n ~'Ott r h r('at h." Pa : ":'\ot a drop, I 've been eat ing frogs' lt:gs. \ Vhat ~·ott smel l t,.; t h e h ops." Fl ora : "vVhat makes the cro11·d gather over t here?" Bonner : "Oh , out of vu lga r c u riosity, I suppose . L et\ go m-er." Ho\\· some great people started tht:ir quarrels 11·h t: n
the ~· \\TIT kid s:
Christopher Col umbus: " I ' ll la nd o n you." I " George \ Vash ingto n: " T ell that to so mt:bod y esc. :\ I ich ae l Angelo: " I ' ll jump on you r frame ." . • I ktr tg for." Galileo: "You ' ll get so met h in g; you re not 00 ?" Dr. W il ey : " Do vou 11·ant to gt:t clc<ut e(I up· Eve: "Go on an d start some thin g." H edges : "Father says \\'ine, 11·omen , and son g a rc
the ru inat io n of all men so I've
cut out singing."
I o I ,\
I O I,\
John: "Doctor , m y brothe r stepped in a hole and \\Tcndll'd h i.. kntT and rum· h e li mps. ·w hat would yo u d o in a case li ke that?" D oc : "I suppose I would limp tn0." Doris : " I did n ' t acce pt j0hn the fi r~t ti me Ill' pnJJ HN'II. ·· Loris : ":.:o, dearie. You we re n't there." Stude: "Where shall I draw t hi ~ linc- tq B or not to H : ·· Prof : "Yes, that is th e (pr cstion. " H e (p roposing in a taxi ) : "Sa y yc~. darling." She : "Give me time to think. " H e : "Yes, but, g o0d heavens, nnt in here! '' H e : " I unde rstan d skirts arc til he !>t ill !'- hnrtn 1'11 i" \Ta r. His W ife : " There yo u go, al\\·a ys thinking alHnrt y o11 r .. cl i. ..
"The manage r of the departme nt stt11T fired l ' n b flli. " "What for ?" "Ur11Son took th e sign, 'Ho11· \Vo1rld Yo11 Lik e ttl Sec Yo11r Cirl 111 Thi ~ ?' o ff a s\\·ell dress-" "U h-huh." "And ca relessly hun g it onto a hath tub ." Eager L ad y : "But what i f your e n gi n e stops 111 the air- 11· hat happen :-;? Can't ~·ou get down ?" Aviator: "That's just ,,·hat 'appc ns, mum. ' !'h e r e's t\\'O ( ;e nnan s up O\Tr 111 France nO\\' with their engin es stopped. ' /'h ey can't ge t do11·n. so t hey'n· st an·ing to death."
The professor 11·ho presc rib es his O\\' rt te x t-book for usc in the cou rse. The secti on instructor 11·ho borro11·s your lead pencil to mark your paper E. Prof. (after explaining a ve ry intricate t h eory of ps~-c hol og~· ): " Jon es. 11·hen an· you going to see it?" Stude ( up from his reverie about h e r): " ~e xt 11-eek -end. think. " G,,·en: "Harry said I w as t he on ly girl he ,,·otdd e ver rnany." Flo: "Why ? Had he asked a ll th e others ?"
I \
/II/ \
, \
-- .
:\liss k ell ey (fi rst mo rnin g of second ~e lnt·stn): .. .\ I i,.~ DanHl ll', do 11 m int rod 11 n · you rself to th e children. They migh t laugh." :\liss Damme: ( 'vVcl l, she sa id it, h11t .\Ii~~ 1-.: t· lk~· d id n' t hea r hn. ) T11·o boys named Cain and !\hd \ Vere fighting behind t he ~ table. Cain hit .Abel's fi(J~l' . .A hcl t u rned up h is toe~ . .And t hat i~ rlw end o( my lahlt-. There once 11·as a man in \ \ ·a,atl'll. \ Vho decided that he'd makt· a match. H e proposed to .\Iiss Bou ld er \ Vho til rnecl the cold sho1d dn And llO\\' he 's a happ~· old hatc h. Francis Cooper on n· 0\\'!led a 1-'ord. An d th e ,,·ay he'd run it, -Oh / .(Jrcl! One d ay it 11·as da mpThe thi ng got a cramp, A nd th ey carried him home on a hoard. Spalding : " Wh y docs Gert rud e C lark no11· spell her name C-1-a-r -k-e ?" Copenhaver: " Beca use she 11·ants to make it ' L ong'." TELEPHO ~ E CO :\\TR SAT IO:'\ 1% 0
Jess call s up P au l, who is dead. J ess : "Paul, d ea r , is t hat you?" P au l: "Yes, my dea r." J ess : "Paul, arc you happy?" Pau l: " Yes, m y dear." J ess : " Pau l, dear, are you happier th an yo u 11·ere on ea r t h 11· ith m e?" Paul: "Yes, my d ea r. " Jess ( sig hing) : " H eave n must be a II'O!Idcrf ul place." P aul: " I' m not there, J ess." :\lany a g irl 11·ho seems d istant 1s o nl y a stone's thro11· a11·ay-th at 1 ~. a p n·cJous ston e. Prof. H oyt (at alumn i banqu et, Omaha): " L et's ye ll for P er un a. " Prof. G regg : "What?" Prof. H oyt : "Yes, fo r Per u, Nebraska ."
I' J I \'
I 11 I,\
/), 1'117'/t/1/
O scar: "Ramona, you ought to play ttnn1:-. Yo11 a n· -.o good a nd -. kinn~ .·· Ramona: " l 'm pretty thin but I' m not thin cn tHig h to n1 11. ·· Cri ll y : "Let's go out :'\ina: "No, yo u wi ll Crill y : ":'\!o, I swear :'\ina: " Then what's
in the Ja,,·n ~ wing.' ' want to lwld my h;uul.'' l ,,·on't." th e mt of going?"
:\'!iss R. Clark: ".'\ geo logi;,t thinks nothi11g oi a thn11 , ;1nd 'car-.. John Black: " The n 1 won't netd to hurn· ;dHHit h and ing 111 1n~ not e- honk."
\Nh at became of the Senior :'\ormalite~ ?- I I igh SdHJol-.. \ \Th at day is toda y if whtn tomorrn,,· wa:- ~T:-terda\· . ~c-.tcrda~· wa-. ;~-. iar fro m rht beginning of the week as tomorrow ,,·ill he whn1 tnnHJITO\\. i:- ~·c:- tcrda\· ? \\That becomts of the hol e in tht do11gh n11t whn1 ~·n11 •·at tht· dougllllllt ?- l·:os Brmn1. \\Th ere docs the light go when you blow it fHlt ?- :\I i:-.-.. C ld aJJtl. Steve : "flora has spent scads of mo11ty 01 1 her ,·oict. " funn y : "And can they real! ~· do nothing for it?" :\•Irs. (;reenish-brown: " I ' ll 11e'·er go anywhere "·ith you again." Hubby : "Why, dear?" :.Vlrs. G.: "Why, you asked :\Irs. Smith how hn h11 ~hand \\· a ~ ~ta nd i ng thl' heat, and he has been dead two months." :\liss ·M cComas : " Dell a, is :\lr. Sa ~Hiberg gone?" D ella: "Yes, completel y." :\lcrlc: "Wou ld you marry Spud if you ,,·ere me?" Pearl Bath: "Yes, if I were you, l would marry the first man that asked me." lVliss Kierscy: "Do you know \\·h y t h ey paint the insi de o f chicke n coops?" L oomis: "No." :\I iss K.: "To prevent chicke ns from picking the grain out of tht· ,,·ood." T~·son:
"If I proposed , ,,·auld you say yes?" :\Iiss Travis: " If you knew I would say yes, would yo11 propose?"
Hazel Titus : "Yes, m y pare nts came of noble famili e~ . :\ly aJJCesto r~ won great reno\\·n on the t ented field." Friend: "How odd! :\Iy fath er \\·as a CIIT US actor too."
I It
I' I
-- T
/1 las I If las! A .lunir,r's /rJ! I s jlrl'l/ y rr,uyh a n t! "hrdlltJ'"; /Jut i f I livt• I'll mrdt· it fl ,,, F r11· lhr,st• 1chr1
it t hr,rny.
Spud says every body gets married once hu t mn"t ni 'en! nn n do
1t a J.!::tlll.
'l'his is lft•ar/y lht· 1'1111 ,,f" t!ulltllt)' . Nlr lht• l'llrl r,f a {t,ng niyhl, ' ''''· 1'l fy body { re' fs 11/urh lil-t• a
/Jut U't•'ve gtd '''
tht· ;(' /it,/t· s!J,, ;;· t/o·,,ug h.
1/r,H· rlrJf•s lh l' lnt~ )' '' /• limi~ l Jllrd..·t· liSt' ,,f rvt•ry min 11l l'/ /J y snt,rin g r/t•r r1 (;al'.w rf,,,,,/.:, / f url rlrl'fltlling r,f 1chflt's in it.
Prof. Brmn1: " ::\Ir. T oft, ho\\' shou ld a r1·adw r pron-ed in ca~t' of lire?' '
rl- o f t : " I t I1111 . k cap1ta . I pun1shmc:.:nt · . is pn 111 i,.siblc in pre-.l·n·1ng or( I('I'. "
:\I iss Burley goes to the train and ruslws " T he :\ Ta~kl'cl I I ('art" to Philo illl't'tin}.!. So fa r no one kno\\'S just how \\'ell the stude nts I ikecl the sho\\'. German (beggi ng for mercy) : "Don't kill me, I have a " ·ife and s1.x children." I rishman: "You' re a liar. Y ou have a \\'id o \\· and six o rphans. " Toft (in class chapel ) : " Bring cup and spoon to t he pic nic.
Especiall y th l' c up."
Spalding: "Bill Reed seems to be \\'ande r ing in his mind." M iss Dun n: "Never mind, he \\'On't st ray far." One day fl Soph saw something green, /lnd thought it teas the Freslunrlll class.
as lu drew up n ear to it, B eh old I it u-as th e /oo/.: in g glass.
Ruby : "I can't tell a real diamond from glass." Pearl: "That's because you 're stone blind." ~liss Scott : "Generally speaking, ,,·omen are-"
1\I.Iiss Lauman: "Yes, they are." Miss Scott: "Are w hat?" lVIiss Lauman: "Generall y speaking."
I u I·'
Tit ,· !>, .,. 11 1• 1 , 111,
How happy we wou ld be if: Roby h ad an alarm clock. Stubby would go to bed on time. Ditto Edna. Bern did n't have plans to write. Charlotte wou ldn't talk in h er slee p. Vashti had a man. Vlasta I-1 umlicek cou ld get her rest. I rene Polsk y would quit dreamin g. C. Cory wou ld stay at home. P e terson w ou ld forget to ta lk '\hop". This is the time of moving pinures. B ill R eed \ pic ture ha ~ house to a certain room on seco nd floor of the D orm.
irnm t h e ~ ca l
Ollie Hoffman: "VIasta, how clicl yott gl·t that sctr o n Hlltr head?" Vlasta l-1 um licek. "C hopping 11·ood" . Did you knm1· that Peru has fotl r hanks ? and R eed .
l;or furt hn i1tformatio n sec T of t
Stubby ( wh en th e knitting craze ll"as at its he ight ) : me how to ~t up after dinner?"
"Charlotte, \\·ill you teach
Ridd le-Why did L. R. and V. A. quit starrin g 111 t h e dai ly pnfonnanct.: of R omeo and juliet together with t11·o 11-cll knmnt you n g m e n? Stubby :\tlahe r: " I think m y name shou ld be Bess ie." Edna Salzma nn: " Wh y ?" St ubby : "Because it st a nd s fo r obesi t y." \Viii the ~Iah e r Be rn th e Co ne in the Lehn? Charlotte L ehn (at senior picnic) : "Louis come cl mn1 by the fire, ca ts might get you up there in the dark." Louis \Virth ( 1·ery much in ea rn est ) :
" Bobca ts?"
R uth Peterson: " Roby are you taking gym?" Charl otte (i nte rrupting): " :'\ o, she 's t aki ng Bill
:\lary had a little la mb, She loved it Yc r y 11·el l. It ate a st ick of d y namite Which blew it all to pieces.
J>erun11 11
- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
.- -
Bell says Peru is a place of great mora l up lift, hut it makt·~ h itn ... ic k to ri d('
elevator too mu ch. B abb : "Salina, \\'ill you go to the sho\1' \\'it h m e if I don't t'at thi:- onion?" f lorence : "What \\'Ou ld yrJII do if she took your offer. l{ahh ?" \Vhitncy: "H e'd cat it." Fu ll T he Full And
many a maid of COIIIltl'ttatll'l' !->l' l'l' lll' irksome seas of th e o ld nor111a l he ar. man y a damc is horn too fat or lean. 1\'ith d ark rcd or \\'avv ve ll o\\' hair.
"Ouch!" is th e coll ege ye ll in t he L' n ive rsity of hard knocb. ( I n Omaha Cafe.) Profcs. or Hoyt: " I cn nsicl<·r it ahsoltttdy llllpatrintit· to cat thi~ 111e a t solcliers need shoes."
\\ ' I H 'Il
o11 r
~1 ary 1 I utz: "A girl has littlc res pcl't for a fcllo\\' \\' ho tri•·~ to ki,;,; hn." l31 a nche Bonne r: "Yes, espccially if he fail s."
P ea rl R ega n: " What arc YOII shin ing ynttr sh m·s for) paten leather shoes." Ruby D amme : " I do, but the patent has ex pired. "
F ather: " D o t he y have the eight ho11r system in Pe nt ?" Student: " Y es. Eight hours in the forenoon attd eight hours
t hn ttght ~·nu
\\'O I'C
the aftcn toon."
.h mior ( \niting application ) : " I f you have a vacancy for an inst·ct of t h e orde r hrainiliciae. s pcci cs-sci :: t~tifico-math e maticus 1 hcreby apply fo r it ." :\ I othe r Coose-~ I odernized. Little j ac k H orner R eclined at a ng le D egluta tin g a Yuletide pastry Probed-digitExtract ed good ie-saccharine-cl oyi ng Pl ethor icall y-"Ain't it sple ndid. " Littl e ~tliss :\lluffet Seated-hassoc kCoagulated lacteal juices Happy, \tVond crs a genus arch ni da, VO ISin, :\!iss \ I ufict , -pop-cyed , -gonc.
]'IJ, /' ,·ru; /,/' '
( I
Kotas' :'\ell' Year S orrJ!: O h, fat al day r,f nrin a nd n·h11b·. Wh en in d e~ pair of "l'll t irr u·rrt an d p ri dt·. 1 soug h t on ce mr1n· a h appy hor n<' 111 1 arrr And \\'as IHll'e nrore tllrrll'd rtlt lrlt· ,,h a, idl' . Popular Songs.
I didn't raise rny dog to be a sa11 sage. Where is my \\'and crin g clas~ to nigh t:-
\ \ 'i i"Jn .
If I on ly had a home, s11·ect lrrmw- l·: lpn. C loud :
" Th at P rof . h as been hne a lon J!: tirrw lra , rr' t II!':"
Skyli ne :
"Yes \\'he n he began h e n· Iris ~~~ hjt·ct 11·a, nr r rnrt t'\Tt rt·, ;rr 1d tHJ\\. it 1s
~l'l ed ieva l Histor y."
Genic R os ity : "The girl s 11·ill halT tn p11t ti H·i r lrc·art ' 11 1 t·c, ld :-. tora gt· 1111ti l til!' lads come back from t he fron t ." L ad y to t ramp : food hog."
"Civc ym1 nwn l·y to h11 y a crt I!-!' cd h n·ad )
R l'a d the p a p l'rs,
]e11·clers ll'ill soon be need ed to reparr the 11·arrh or1 t lr l' I< hi n e. no\\'.
los i1r g ti 111 e
Don: "Well , I did m y hit fo r th e R ed Cross toda1·." Cu rl y : "That's nothin g, I did my 't11·r, hits'." B ettie Lauman: " Th ese /,ou is X\' heels arl' a some about Louis X?" R uth fole y : the cell ar."
litt le too
h igh.
H al'l' ll' t
yo u
":\'l ost things 11·hich arc horrght to g:o to thl' hr11T r hut c oa l g:ot·s to
H elen : " H oll' do you m ake a sponge cake?" :\Ionita: "Borro11' th e ingredi en ts ."
YELLO\V B ill Reed ( in Dramatic C lub pla y) : " 1 got hit \\'ith a l'OII'ard to111ato. " \ I iss Dunn: "What is a co11·a r d tomato?"
• I
Bill: "One of those tomatoes that hits yorr and t h e rr n11r s."
A pretty 11·oman ll'ith brains usually se n ds a mar r to th e dn·il. she goes there herself.-Cargoy/e .
Th<' Pa u; i11n
If sh e has 11 't brai n s,
11i I S
- - ---....._
r -
-- 1Jere's to the
And his 1,imhurJ.!:er dHT~t·. VI ay t he s\\'d I in hi ' ht·ad ( ;o clo\\' n to hi ' k rHT~ ,\ 1 a y he break hi s dam n rH·c k On the llir uknhrrr·J.!: l inl'. A nd J.!:O to 1l d l noak in J.! " The \V atc h •Ht tht· Rh irw."
If th e \\'ar lasts a nother yea r fat hers \\'i ll lw ernitt in g; m lil' gl' n· l k Former Teachers of Cc nn an are rHJII' teaclw r~ o f ( ;,·nnan y.
R. 0. T . C.
R. l ' . /\. K - det ,- if so Y ? There carne a pt· rur ~· po~ t;tl t·ard. Sent by R. 0. T. C. It read: "Y. R. l ' . late to drill ?
J>. S.; R. S. \ ". 1'."
1 found a se rgea n t in Room X ( Headq11artcrs of t he \ Var) " I B art irt valid ," 1 cried . H e said , " 1 C L.; R." " But C 2 dril ls art d do rt ot cut; So 11·hen the ~ .\I E C C , U never, rtc ve r B 2 [ Z shot U C. "
" X Qs.
I C I B A rt ut. I'll cut m y dril ls no more . 'Tis better 2 cut other t h ings
2 get H from U -+.- L amf''J'Jil. Ideas hal'e bee n shooting a lon g time but most of us ha1·e n o t been se riou s! ~· \\'Ou nd ed .
Crill y : "Ha1·e you hea rd the s tory about the co rn flake." Cooper : "~o". Cri ll y : " I t 's a serial."
r;, ~·
1',. ~-~~.., 1111
/'1 J,\
Base-13al l playe r: " 1 thre\\' a dollar aero~~ the :\li~~o11ri Rin-r oru- trmc. Coach: "That was probabl y se vera l yea r~ ago w h en money \n·nt fart h er." -:\Ir. L oomis : "Aren't the biscuits ~ malin tha n 11 ~ 11al ?" -:\ 1lrs. L oom is : "Yes, dea r , that 's S () yo11 wi ll ha n· k -.., to find i:11 rlt wit h.·· J e\\·ish Sentinel: " H alt! \\·ho \'as it?" Voice from gloom : "Fr iend." Sentinel: "Ad van ce, frie nd , a nd gin· dn di~rrH rrtt. " Bell ( at tab le) :
" llal t!
\ Vho
J.(Ot'S rlHTt'
on 11 1~· ieet ?"
W irth writes an app lication fo r a rm y pn~it ion and forgm to ~ t g n h i, n arm·. Su nday J ars. The church is jammed. The Lord prese n·e us. Glee C lub Stude: " H o\\' often docs a man get killed on your road?'' Conducto r : " Just once sir. " American Tourist (vie\\·ing \ 'esuv ius ): "Creat ~ n akt·s ! this re mind s tn e oi II adl's ." 1ative : " It's wond e rful ho\\· you Amtrir ans tra\T I." A young thtologia n n amed Fidd lt Rcf11sed to accept his d q;ret ; Fo r, said he 'tis cno11 gh to he Fid dle \V ith out being Fidd le D. D. Father: " Wel l, so n, I 'm g lad to sec you 're back fro m the fr o nt ." Son: "Am I so thin as t h at ."
I :'\ E XA\ I1 ;\I A R l l' ~I 1\llr. J ean : "What d oes t he pa ramoeciu m feed upon ?" Miss Clover: " I t eats decayed vegeta r ians."
l\Ir. H end reicks : "\Vhat is gravity?" M abel Dressler: " Its th e subst a nce th at keeps peopl e on ea rth a nd rs t h e ce nter of t heir equilibri um."
H elen \ Vh ite : "Define a plane fig ure." John 1Iontieth: "A pla ne fig ure is one th a t ts pl a n e so that you ca n make it ou t. "
fit'l/17 /rill
ff) f,\
---~ \
/ 11
Th, /',,u i ' lttlt
Tl n: Li\TI :\ 1.!\.'\"( ;t".·\( ;1-: E ve rybod y's d ead \\'ho ~pok e it. E ve rybody's dead \\'ho learnt it. Cod Bless 'em th ey sure ly eamt it. A111erican rl yc..,- Fa!-> 1 ('(JitJ r' J<t"d \\ ' hil t' Bl11 t· \Vh cn
\\ 'IJn' l 1'1 111
for "1\·cll red" ..,lllll t· n r... fl) r l il t· ra n
11 " rk
' IT
I!J.,, t· 11 irh
mc:r. Ic-. •
1·· ······1
1 ··.· · ...: :~:; ..
~I o rning;
after Se nio r
" Oh, \\'hat is th e noise ac ross tlu: 11·ay ?" We hea r the Fr<'shnwn shn11t; " 'Tis nothin g to f ri~;htcn , " the J 11niors say , " Th e measles a rc breaking 01 1t. " T11·o men named Shot a nd :'\Jot fought a duel. i'\o record s 1\·cre kcpt so 1101\' th c rc is a dispute rega rdin g results. Some think thc shot S h ot shot shot S h ot inst ead o f N ot \\'hil e others claim that the shot ;'\~ott sh ot sho t :'\:ott a nd not S hott. S o \\' C don 't kno\\' 11·hether th e shot Shott shot shot Shott or :'-! ot or 11·hether or n ot N ott'~ !>hot shot Shott. Fresh: " Wh y were the ~Liddl e A ges kno11·n as the D:uk Ages ?" Senior : " Because th ere were so m a n y kn igh ts." ":\I iss R oby is quite a queen ly girl." " Yes, even her teeth are c rowned ."
I o I,\
' l 'hi,- lllight h:tiT hel'll :111 itttl'rt':'tin g prdudt· :'l'l"IH' to a R ontco a nd .l ttl in li llll. :\"min· till' l':xp n ·=-=-ion. l'att I Ullllt' on-r ?. 0 11 t h e bu:' illt':'S tn a n:tgl' r·,- i:tn·. l·: ,·idettth· tlH· rcq ttl'"t ,,.a,. g r :u ttl·tl. :\ orin· the look o i l'O ttrt'lltll ll'tlt on t!H· l:td y':' iact' .
Th i" t h ird ptn ur1· l l' l ' ju:'t had to n ·n:'or in order to k1'1'P pc:tn· in t he :'ta ft . \\ ' 1· llligh t :t! "o :tdd that the fnrtt ll-r t11·o pictun·:-: ll'l'rl' n· n;;o rcd by thl' nl itor'" :'lH·:tr:-: bt·c tu:-:c oi a special l'l'lj lll':'t.
I nd i:tn poll'-11'011':' a rc :;upposcd to b e a th ittl! o f th e pa:;t, the r efore t his i:; m crc l ~· ou r ed ito r 11·ith his a:;sistants pract ic ing h is ba ll~·- h oo to be g in ·n in c h a pel o n Pcnll·ia n day.
~l'hcsc tll'o gi rl s thou g ht that our edito r , abo ve, 11 ·as hail ing th em, so they a tte mpted to respond. Th is is r emarkabl e co nsidering th a t the t11·o parties \\'ere som e three mil es apart.
No, this isn 't a g roup of kiddies piay ing h orse during recess, bu t a fe11· of ou r fa ir Juniors and Seniors. \ V e' ll bet the f ro nt of th e ship doesn't roc k mu ch.
yqo .,.,...d
J1 FiiT.l_ £
-=- · -:-- -
O F F I C IAL ACCOL' :\"T OF 19 18 PERC\ "I A :\" P eruv i(/11 J:.x jwnrlilttr1·s
Staff Li fe InstJrance ................. ............... .... ......... ..... ........ ........ ~IO,OOO.OO H azel H orst's picture (broke n lens)........................................ 1.1.00 Photos retouched ( Roby and A ilor )...................................... .. 12.00 P rinting, bin ding, eng ra ving, etc. ............... ............................. 2,200.00 1'otal. ....................... ............................................ ...... ???????? R t·n•i jJ /s
75 .00 Ex pected sa le of books ................ .................... .............. ............ $ 30.00 To be paid fo r cuts ................... ..... ........................... ......... .. ..... . I ,000.00 Hush monev from F acu lty ..................... .. .... ·· ························ ··· Various peo;Jie for showing them as members of orga ni zati ons 00.00 \\·hen not n1::1nbcrs ........................ ............................ ......... . Lee Long ( leaving name out of joke column ) .. ....................... . .H6 Totai ........ ....................... ......... ............ ... ............... ....... ... D cficit Srd rich Farlc~· : '' D o they rea ll y kill the men in th e movies?" Palmer repo rts anothe r u dl fo r "O ld Faithful" to b~ sho\\"11 aga 1n h:·fo rc the season cl oscs.
C L' RRE :\IT f:\'E:\'TS The spoon has been stirri ng t hings u p. T he scissors ha\·e been cutti ng up l ate!~· . The trees a re leaving. The hailstones sharpened the blades on the g rass. The hamme r hit the nai l on the head but o nl y th e board got the point.
j(J /8
----......' .
)o•~·.r,.;.;~~~ ~fl~SL.
Anothl'r !'l'l'nl' at \ ·enlon. ~ otc t h l' Ct·nnan :;abre capturl·d b~· the g allant kni ght a nd l·oninrl'd a~ a ~pl' cia l h o1 1o r o n l .ady Th0111:t:'. :'IIi,;,.: · J'h oma,.; a,.;,.;u n·,; u,.; that ,;hl· " ·a,.; not making i:Kt':' at thl' photogra phn intl'lltion: dl ~· .
\\-l''ll co nk,.;,.; thi,.; onl' \\· a,; not ru n h y tTl[lll'~t. I 11 iact. :'l'riou,.;. t hrl'ats han· hn·11 madl' upon ou r liic ior t hi ,.; prod u n io n. \ \ -c " ·ill thcrdore kt ~·ou r imagination ,.;uppl y the lad~ ·',; n a nw.
co~tll llll' in the year 2000. Patro 11 izc our adn·rt i~er:;.
T his ~ n a p 1s Hr~· t~· pical and mi g ht be mistaken for most any JU!llor. :'\Tote t h e intell ig e n t faces, the broad forehead and ea rs a nd farsee in g eyes.
The Pawrian
The " boys" ( Pres. !! aye~ a nd t wo lm ..,i11c..,.., 1111"11 ) 111akc 11 Ill"< ''"a l , r 111 ;..:i 11, gau ntlet a t fo u nt ain. H azel H orst and O sca r O akt.., 011 prm·h . th at light."
l ,i~ ll! t llrJwol 1111.
I 1:1/ 1·1:
·· ·1·11r 11
r111 1
AD .\I O:.! JTJO .'\" TO I :\ FX 1'1-: 1< 11·: .'\"<. TJ) :1 T l I ) 1· ....., T S H/ ft t•n !Itt· rlriiiiSI'iJ llrt· tit J•llr liii !J
A nr/
yr,ur /,,. ,,f.-t•/1 ft t'rlrl
.IIJIItrlillfJ ,
P flins fif.- t• ltllltt'J tlt rrJII r;/1 it tlnrtillrJ , I ft.flr this 1(' /tisjwr in yr,ur , ({r:
Ll'l this nr, / J"' llr /'""' ft r,J•t .\ .\t·1•1 r, IJ/igltt in g
tll't' H· r,rn J•/({n .l ftJJ 't7•t r.
J t•:,/ t'S if it ft ti/J/Jt'll l'rf l/ t'1't'l', Cr, urti(Jt' , /;r rJ! lu•rs . tf,, nr1 / {n1r .
/ /
SE LLI :-.'G I' E R L'VIA :-.'S
The G er mans say t he a ll ied shells a rc n umbered but we s uspect they h ave a h a rd time getting th eir nu m bers. Frye : "Are \\'e goi ng to have a n exam in Jun io r English ?" Schoenthal: " I th in k so, \\ 'C had a rehea rsal l ast nig ht." :\ll eryl H an ks: " ~in a, \\'hat so r t of a n a ffa ir did th e doctor u sc \\·h e n he pie rced your ears?" N ina: "Oh , it looked like a nut pick! " Nl er yl: " T hat docto r su re knew his instr ume nts !"
Y 1'~. he rc we ha n· our cnc rgcnc ad ,· i ~t·r i11 :1 po,;t• that \\'a:'n·r r:tknl on Su nda ~· . Can't you ju,.;t :'tT t he han cllt· oi t he m:ll'hinc bend ing: uncln tlw ::troll!! arm applied by llltr Sir Rakigh ~ \ \ ' e' rt· ior ~·ou. \ \ 'il::nn. d :t ~~
\ \'h nn1 han· \\'t' lwre ? So rr~· . but n-t· ca n't tl'll . :\ltllu·:: t he word. \ \ ·t· houg:ht a ~ tamp \\·ith the hu::h lllOill'~ · .
I .oob likl' t he n w nung aitn. but iact thi:: ,; nap " ·a,; rahn " ·hi lc hila ri t it::: \\ ' nt· at their heig ht. 111
Hnc '" Prof. Beck and Prof. S 1n ith 111 camp l:t!'t summer. Here':: to old g lory. :\Ia~· shr "·m·c fon·,·er.
This ont: \\·as takt:n of t h e fa ir Seni or amid st homelike s urroundings. The man of the ho u r had a flt of ~ tage frig ht and hid u nd er th e scat. \ V e h ope he d idn ' t break th e eggs.
This o n e \\·as s napped just after o ur Clec C l ub regiment had go ne m ·e r the top at \·crd o n. C asua lties very sl igh t .
\ I
Proof th at th e sheet of writi ng paper is a lazy dog;: A sheet of \niting paper is an ink lim路 plain. A n incline pl ane is a slope up. A slow pup is a lazy dog. Therefore a sheet of \\'riting pape r 1s a lazy d og. P eter Snyder : "Did you sec th e brick ,,路a Ik do,,路n th e street ?" Carl Schnieder : "Yes, I fel l for it." Farmer: " Have you had an y ex perience.; 111 farming;? " Hedges : "Well , I raised a li t tl e cain \\'hilt I was in school. " D octor House in G lee C lub: "Oth c.:r parts, ' 1 think,' the first tenors just 'thi11lc they think'."
IN Tf-IE AERO PLA :\1 ES She: "What stopped us do you suppose? " He: "I think we are caug ht on a w ireless." H emingway has applied for a job as line man " 路ith a \\'irc less com p a n y .
I '
- -
- -
- -
'~'1~ t s "~- _ ~ -
• SH.-\R.-\ R HOUSE
:\I rs. Shara r (at 10:00 P. :\1. ): " Is there any one out here ,,·ho \\'ants to come in ?" J oh nic \ "inSa n t: "~o, but some of us ,,-ill. " VO ICES OF THE N I GHT T ap! Tap ! Tap ! Hoist that \Yindo,,-! ( R~by and A ilor. ) ~ I art ha, fetch a key and salvation altogether in a bu nch ! (Vin Sant. ) Come in, g irl s. (.:\! iss C leland.) \ Vou ld you bo~·s j ust as soon \Yait until morning to play? (l\!Irs. Fa rley.) P h i Re tcha ~ i cke l: " \ V hat holds the bricks together in that building?" E ve rg reen: "~ I o rta r. " P. n. N. : ":"-Jo, t h at holds them apart." \ Vi fe : " I t gi,-cs m e g reat pl easu re to hand you this quarter." Hen pecked H ubb~- : " W hy do n 't you give me a dollar and have a hell of a time ?"
. . l 'l · l . I ~ C;I , LL
t:nl e
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T I{ I I' I n I."
". l V C>.. ti~at t• 1 ' 1 . G lee C' I u b bovs : h o11 St'S. 1e bo·trcllll g
. ·d r cCeiVC
Mr. G ood a ncI ·\I r . \l ct' k
. · ·llin~ n.: pnit· r H · t· ~ . rentethJJ
I a! \\·ays f anc I on B ell (danc ing ) : " .I t SC(.' " Jl1S Partner·. " Y es, 111111t: .
Th, I J' I l l
1. 11 nr . inn
t h t • \ \T O lll.-r
t il( ' C; It'(' l'lllh T rip. foot."
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G lee Cl ub
1'1!,路 J>,路n, <'Ioiii
RE :VJ E.\JB ER TilE SE:>.'JOR-S C II CHJI. 11 .\ S K I·.TII .\1. 1. c; \ .\1 E
Alvina: "Do you believe in sig ns:" Lottie : "Yes, if they say fresh paint." Lilllt• iJI'flJ r,f f/rm ·rr.r, Lillll' drr,J>s of j>ain l .
Jlfrd-e r1 j>lrflsrtnl rr,llfllJI' Out of on e lhfll (lin't. Do you real ize that if a photograph er gavt' yo u a picttJrl' of \'OtJ as ym1 rl'ally look you ,,·ouldn't have it? Steve: " I \\'Ouldn't live 111 this \\'Oriel if all tht' fools Flora: ci~o , you \\'Ou lcln't."
dead. "
H arlow: "Toft \\'Oil 't have to votc for Co ry fo r \ Ia~ · Qt~een. I l e h as n't gone with her but three times." H azel Horst: "Oh, yes he has, she's slcpt ,,·ith m e oftent'r than that." Miss C leland ( at dinner tabl e in th c Dorm) : "\ I r. C~i lhn t. 1 han·Jt't a Jty meat on my plate." -:VIr. Gilbert: "Why, yes, just push the bcan to one si de an d you' ll set' it."
l •I/ ,\
Lincoln Dental College Oti"ers a four years' co urse loo kin g to th e d eg re e of D oc tor of D e ntal Surgery. _-\II o f th e scientific bran ches are taken at the t"ni,·crs itY o f .:\cbraska . Th e stri c tl y d ental bran ches a re c nri cd at the co llege near th e C niv ers ity ca mpus. Th e entranl·e requirem ents are thirty hi g h sc h oo l c redits. Did you e \·er l·onsider de nti stry as a vocation? It might pa) yo u to in,·es ti ga tc thc mattcr. as th e remun e rati on is good and the " ·o rk has rapidly g ro\Yn to be o ne o f the applied sciences. Dcntal s tud c nts arc allo\Yed to co mpl ete th eir edu ca tion before go in g to th e co lors. F o r further info rmation address th e
THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC LINCOLN The Largest and Best Equipped School of its kind in this Territory ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC TAUGHT
A splendid faculty of specialists in every department wh ~se first aim is Thoroughness I I th a nd R Streets
.. I
;\FT ER JL. :"IOR - SI路: :"IOR (; ,\ \ IE (HY CO l . RT ES Y OF :'\.' O R \1.\ L!TE )
© AD&C
APPAREL FOR EVERY OCCASION The C loth es That \i\Till Start You A head and K ee p You A head In Business, Society, Everywhere "SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES" Smack with an Air of Distin cti on C haracte ri stic of "The Style Store Ahead" H _,-\. TS F U RNISHI NGS SCITS CAPS FOOTWEAR OVERCOATS CASES TRUN KS BAGS Nebraska's Finest \i\' omen's Wear D epa rtm ent
Nebraska Qtity EXTEN D S Yo l · A II E:\RTY \\ ' J·:I ,( ' (>.\ 11 ·:
Ol'R vV :\T C II\\'ORD C( ) -() I> E R :\ .1· 1<>:'\
Nebraska <!rity ~usiuesn .men's 2\ssnriatinu :\1iss Parson 11·as st andi ng at the JlliiSI!' r cHIIIte r at rlH· ILrrne~ d nr g :- tort· looking over the music to be foun d th t: re. Krieg (coming up smil ing): " \ Vha t· piece \\T IT yo11 lo o king lor. rni"" ">" Hazel P.: "'There's a .\J ill ion Reaso ns \\.'lr 1· I S lrcHrldn't l'i,;:- YcHr. ' .. K rieg : '' I don't k n O\\. of any."
And y Rader, mt:etin g a colort: rl ma n , irHI11Iged in a c allol\ ' job·. " Pretty ncar \\' inter, Wi ll iam ," he said jO\· iall~· . " Tir e tre1·,; arl' gl'tt i rlg: near h · a,; bl ack as you arc." "Dat's tru e, sah. :\' a t11rc ,,·orHkrf, rJ , salr , no Jni,;t ak l'. be 'most as g reen as yo u is, sa h."
T eacher: ":--\o\1·, t hen , all together. once mort'! goodness sake put a little more s pirit into it !"
Co rn1· ,; pring:. d(),; l' t rl' l',; ' ll
I .ittll' dr op,; of \\·atl'r -
arH I for
Book11·onn: "Did ,-ou kr1011· thl:' \' 11 snl to fig ht in JliiJa lna ,; 111 olde n da ~·,; ?" Fish\\'orrn: "A11·, g-11-a11, imposs ih-lc !" Boobl·orm: " I t says r ight hne ' an d 11·ith his royale kn ightics'."
Th e
P rJ'Iti'ltlli
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goode kin ).!; Arth11r \\Tilt l orthl' i1 1to h attie
I u I,\
-......_ )
YOt . :\ CORDL-\.L
Fi n c S h oe:: a Spec ialty Dry Goods
1\ L E.
In \\ 'ir HtT wt· gt·t up :lt night :\nd .In·:-,: h~· l:nnp or ' ln :tri-.· l ig h t : \\ ' hilt- m lwr,:. ,:no ring i r1 t h ei r bnk f>ull up t !t v hl:rnkn,: o\-r th eir h c:tds .'\ nd ta kt· anotlll-r snnoi'.c o r t\\·o. Brrt for thv Sr-:rft rnan that \\·o n't do.
GOOD I n Sumnwr quite the other \\·ay; \\-t• h :~1·c to go to bed by day. A nd see the othe rs on the st reet Co passing by. s11·cethea rts to mee t \\-e h:t\'l' to sa~· good night ilt ten ~l 'o ,·isitors. both maids and men .
Prof. ( ; r vgg. ha1·i n g rudt·!,· :1\\·:rk cncd L o ng 111 P sychology. quizzed patien tly fo r ,:otnc t irnt· ,,·ithnut rnuc h rc,; ult. I . oil .! !: " I ha \T n't rvad ahnut that?" Crq.!;g: " \\ 'h:tt h a d yo u rva d about?'' I .nrr g ( g r:ulu:dl,· rnurr1ir1g to cnn,;ciou ,; ness) : ''.-\bo ut t11·o weeks ago."
(),Trht'ard 111 }.fcCollla,; II all.
Fnn Hu ston: ''Oh. I just lo1·e Green(e) things."
l~u th :\lt·t;.-. :
"Ouch! l 'n· bitte n m~· tongue. " kidd : "Hm1· l t'll\·y ynt t !"
n. E. n o:-.-oo :-.-
DO:'\OV:\. ~
Harcl\\·are ancl Cutlerv Furniture and Floor Cove rin gs .\ f anual Trainin g Supplies
' /11/ \
Ladi es' and Gentlemen1 S Ready- to-\".Tea r
Th< Pa~t<·illn
CITIZENS STATE BANK An old reliable bank with ample facilities for caring for the needs of its customers
The foundation for your business success will be your bank account
A BLOW TO T I-H: J UN IORS' PR IDE: :\'ever mind, juniors, you'l l gro\\路 in ab il ity as ,,路ell as in hum il ity. :\Text year, if othe rs aren ' t t oo stron g , you may dance to a sim ilar ,,路a r so ng.
Expert S hoe R ep airin g Th e Lates t in Shoe Laces, Polish es, and All Shoe Supp lies A lways on H and EL~IER
J /, , /',
r11; IIIII
N. S. H AR.A JI AN, A. B. D . D. S. Graduate C hi cago Co ll ege of D ental Surgery D ENT IST Office over Fa ye Bake ry PERl' , NEBR.-\S K.-\
/IJ I,\
~uburn ~team
JLaunbrp anb l!lrp cti:leaner.s
Th e Ca reful \1\Tay. 1\Iay \1\' e Serve You ? Peru Baskets Shipped Twi ce E ach \1\Teek, Tuesday and Thursday A..ll \1\' ork Call ed fo r and D elivered
Booford Bell : "A re you in loYe " ·ith some particular girl ?" Toft ( hoarsely ): " Y es, old man, lam. " Booford: " Is she in loYc with you?" Toft (tearfu lly ) : " I think so." "Then she can 't be a pa rticula r g irl." Fu nn y Roettege r· an·i,·es somewhat late at his 10 : -1-0 class. " lt is a fine mon1ing." suggests Leon.
" Y es," replied the professor, " it "·as."
\ rV H AT vVE DO:\f'T KNOW
\ Ve kn ow \ Vho t he foo tball men a rc ,,·ho smoked last semester. T he time " ·hen Kotas h ad a date in October. The day last "· inter "·hen there \Yere enough seats near the radiators Library to go around. The dickens " ·e don't! The ti me Kidd passed a P:;ych exam. \ Vho add ed the inscrip t ion to the card on l\Iiss E llis's office door. That there is a seat back of the Librar y that hasn't a light near it. Th e name of the pe rson " ·ho cuts ac ross the campus. \ Vho th e staff \\·ere for the Senior issue of the Normalite. Th e night that Long got home befo re 1 1 : 00. He w as sick. Bell ( in class chapel ): " L et's vote by standing ba llot."
Th e Best Hote l Between Omaha and Kan sas C ity \f\T.
. I ht
[ I I II • .(
DID YOl ' EVER E.-\T :\T
Try Us Oncc:- Wc:' JI Ri k th e: R c::;t
: I
tFht•n rt girl 1/(/s 1/(J/hing ''' Irs/ hn. But the girl H• r,rth u· hile is tlu· girl 7c hr, rfln Jt11il r
At the enrl r,f I hi' fir s/ Sl' lllt'S i t·r.
KAUTZ, The Photographer l\Iaker A rti sti c Pi ctu rc:s a nd Stud ics to Pleas<..:
8 10 CENTR .-\L AV E .
florence Sixta: "Y cs. Y cs. Del ightcd !" from the receiver: "Be d0 \\' 11 at 7: 30." Florence : "Hell o, hell o! l fo rgot to ask w ho it was. "
A teakettl e sings ,,·hen it is fu ll of \ntter but ,,·ho \\·a nt s to be a teakett le?
F irst C lass \ Vork Co urteo us T rea tm e nt to A ll You're Nex t ~ I i l s tead 's Base m ent A. \f\T. Cr-T:\SE, Prop.
H. \I. I\ IACKPRANG HARDWARE Two D oors South of th e P os t OAice Co m e in and See What I H ave
/fJ I ,\'
C':-tndic ~
Canned Cood,
anb <!ate
Confectioneries Picnic Supplies
Bakcn· Go o d~ Like Moth er M:~kcs E,:cn in g Lunch c~ :1 Speci:-t lty Me:~l s at A ll Hour~
:\I \\"ay~
Prices Reasonab le
Soclc fountain-th e Best Eat ~ and th e Best Sen·ice Gi,·c t 's a Tria l and \Ve \Viii Try to Please You
B eaut~· lies in \\·oman's eyes and lie:; and l ies and lie:->.
Littl e words of g reeting O n th e \\·alk befo re us R emind us th at the multitudes A rc not attending chorus.
Som etimes \\·e g et more out of an enterprise than \Ye put into it but it isn 't regular.
R octtege r: " \Veil , \\·e \\·ill flip th e coi n and if it fa lls heads \\·e go to bed , if it is tails we stay up and if it stands on edge \\·e study."
Bell: "We are go111g to put on g reen stockings 111 the dramatic
RECIPE FOR TWENTIETH CENT URY SPEECH Introduction O ratory News Edison says that ge nius is
2/{ inspiration and 98 1) perspiration. :\l ost of us have
the perspiration.
/(J IS
Th ,. /),.,u;
~be l}eru ~tate jjank
Strength, Courtesy, 5'tabili~y Security and Efficiency have made it what it is A GOOD BANK
Between fri end s, the g ift th at conveys th e most of pe rsonal th oughtfuln ess -yo ur photog raph
1\ lake an Ap pointme nt Toda y
A number of ou r foot ball team stars in training at the Carda Smoka Sig Fraternity blm,- out.
Result : Score 70 to 0.
("' I
.. --~
Our Annual Greetings T o the: Sc: nio r C l;-tss of l rJIH
\\' t:
\\'i ~ h
-. u uc . . ~ ;t n d ,,·;t il l ,·n u tn
rc m c: mbc:r th ;-t t o u rs is th e p lace \\' h e re
~· r, u
]Ht rt·lt;t ... c d
~· n u r
:\ T I f I , f·~ T f C (; 0 ( ) D S
N YA L 'S T O J LET f'R E f' :\f Z..\Tf ():\S
T lu Per ll't' lf/1 1
Jl)/ 8
A VENUE STORE \iVhen Hungry Call on Cs FOR
L ..-\ DIES' A.N D GEl\lTLE:\I EN'S
.-\ t R easo nable Prices
O nl y One Block from the Library And Save That Long Walk D own Town
A ll \ iVork Abso lutely Gua ranteed
] NO. CEJ KA Tailor
P hone 73
Tl-H'::> I~ THE. CIE~R OUT
f<J IS
f tzt '
Pt ru' ltlfl
I\1A RSH 'S JVIARKE'l' If yo u arc loo king fo r appeti ze rs, try our fr esh vegetab les and be rri es.
PRI:'\TJS G V isitin g Cards E ngraved Ca rd s Soc iety I' rn gra m s Co mmen ce ment I' rog ram s
Picnic and Lunch Suppli es Phone 11 5
Gf't Yl)ur
ll 'r,r1· /Jom • a t t/,,·
I'() I .~ .r E R
PER l', ~EB IUSK :\
Funny: " I sec that Spud has got a job at last . II c's \\'orking 110\\' 111 .\I iclH'I ·~ li very stable." Tyso n : "What doing?" Funny: "Michels has some ho rses that \\'On't tab.: the bit, so Sp11d has to ta lk to them ti ll they yawn."
I T I S NOT Is it happiness. I'd just Ide to l·non·, T o have a girluj1 f or th e game, T al·e all your cuts. sj>enrl all your rlo u_r; h. And havf' another fu ss your drune '?
R. Sand bu rg: "What arc trousers in French?" H. Crilley : "Thi ngs you wear to cover your legs, just th e same as they arc U. S. A., old man." Jessie T. : "My ancestors came over in t he 'Mayflo\\'er '." F lossie H.: " It's lucky they d id; the im migr ation la\\'S a rc a little stricter
th e
11 0\\ ·."
Did you eve r stop to conside r how absence makes the marks grow rounder?
Think It Over Why No t Buy the O ld Line Li fe In s ur a n c~ While You A re Young, and Whil e You I\1ay Obtain It at L ow R ates? NEW YORK LI FE I NSU R ANCE I nsures You Aga inst Sickness and Accident as W ell as Life R emember This I s A ll in One Policy LAWRENCE RO USE, PERU AGENT
KI NG'S BARBER SHOP C. G. Kr Nt;soLOVER, Prop. Your Pa tro nage So li cited Basement of Fishe r Bros. D rug Store
GROCERIES SHOES SUIT CASES TRUN KS Your Pat ronage t\ ppreciated
W . \ iV. lVIARDIS
lnqu iry bei ng made as to ho"路 the lady managed to get such even designed scallop on her pies, Sall y was summoned and the qu estion dul y put to her. The guests' emotions \\-ere :;omewhat stirred when she replied: "Oh, dat's easy; I jes uses my false tee th ." Fou nd in Shocmha l's E nglish composition: "Pat rick H enry was not a bright boy. He had blue eyes and lig ht hair. H e got married and then said, 'Give me liberty or give me death'." Teacher : "\tVi ll ie, pay at tention and tell me what the equator is." W ill ie : " The equator is a menagerie lion runn ing arou nd the earth." Toft: "Shall I bring cand y?" She : " I 'd rather have chewing gum-it 's more durable." Clipping fro m the Chicago Tribune fo r D ecember 3 A peculiar incident befell Prof~ I. G. Wilson, of the E ngl ish department of P eru State Nom1al, while en route to C hicago. \i\fhen he climbed into his berth o n the sleeper, he left his trave ling bag and a pai r of shoes in the aisle. When he awa kened the next morning he " 路as surprised to find that the porter had shined the t raveling bag and one shoe.
STATIONERY ((The S chool Supply Store"
••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••••o••• ••~
rn~t:qupq!!!tWH:IIPlii' ! :IJ!!::::;IT tHN : ~:~:+i ~ !: ! :; !w~~~!J ~ :
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Is . : u :.~~ : i• I. !'' \Jren\1,. : ~~ f ~ - ·1!prerM.c~ Col'\\1'\\a.l\ds A-H-el\fior.! ~
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Ask yourself if College and University Annuals are not better to, day because of BUREAU PROGRESSIVENESS and BUREAU JNITIATIVE? You know that the BUREAU OF ENGRAYING, Inc. inaug.. urated the system of Closer Co,operation with college annual boards in planning and constructing books from cover to cover.
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Our marked progress in this field commands attention. Our establishment is one of the largest of its kind in this country. Our Modern Art Department of noted Commercial Art Experts is develo;:Jing Artistic Features that are making "Bureau" Annuals Famous for Originality and Beauty.
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A proposition from the Natural Leaders in the College Annual Engraving field from an organization of over J50 people, founded over 17 years ago, and enjoying the Confidence and Good Will cf the foremost Universities of this country. is certainly worth your while.
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The Essentials of Good Printing It takes more th an type, ink an.d p ap er to p roduce fine appearing maga zi nes and books. Yet, these things are essential and we h ave th em. In addition to these, h ow ever, it req uires th e skill whi ch IS born o f c lose application and exp e ri ence. For many yea rs our administrative as well as ou r mechanical departments have devoted their th o ught and energy towa rd s producing printin g and binding of a superior class, with th e resu lt that today we are in a p os iti on to supply the highest g rad e of produ ct at reaso nabl e prices. Our company makes its chief aim the satisfacti o n ~f its c usto mers and performs whatever it p rom1 ses. Your inquiries so licited.
The Econonzy Advertising Company lOW A CITY, IOWA
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"Th e boast of he raldry, t he pomp of powe r , A ll that beauty, all that wea lt h e'e r ga ve, A\\路ait alike the inevitable hour. Th e paths of glory lead but to t he grave."
'j'/,, / 11
Peruvian S ta/J J-:.\IU .
H .\R Low .................... Ed itor-in-C hicf
\.IRGI:-.:1.\ A ILOR ............................ Associate EsTI I ER CI IR1STE:-.:SE:-.: .................. :\ssociate \ 路 .\S HT1 Co:-: E. ............................... A~soc i ate l .ot路 ls _1 . \\.I RTII ......... ... Busines..; :\lannger :\1 =" .-\ S 11l"ll ERT ...... ...... Scnior C lass Editor F ER=' H t 路sTO=" .............. Senio r C las.;; Editor L EROY C LE.\1 ................Photographe r jo11 :-.: BL.-\CK ... ....................... Photographer DoRA CARRI KER......... .............. ... Art Edito r R .-\.\10:-.: .-\ ScH WER ........................ Associate \ . 1CTOR T OFT ...................... A th letic Ed itor RoL.-\="D TYSO=" ............... ............. Associate CE="EYI E\.E G REGG ... ........... Literary Editor
O LLIE H oFF\1.-\=" ... .......................Associate H ELEX CoL- RTRI GHT.............. Social Editor CLADYS CHA PI X ( left schooi) .... Associnte H AZEL H ORST .............................. Associate EL.\1.-\ DILLOX .......................... J oke Ed itor FLOR.路\ \ V.-\R=" ER ............................ Associate
' I/\