''A Boost for Peru is a Boost for l'ou"
c. HAS BEEN A SUCCESS. ALUMNI REUNION DR. W. A. CLARK. 1 Whil e th e Peru uni t of the S. A. 0 1 'f. c. h as not been one of the large maha Friday Evening, December . P e ru hns a lways been fortunat e in 1 27th. having str ong m en to gu ide her des -1 units of Nebraska in point of num. Decembe r 26-28 hers it has certainly be~n one of the tinies. A mong the sttongC;st of t hese It s t th' 1 Omaha. Ueecmber t.7. was the late Dr. W. A. Cl ur k, who I fa g rea mg fo r the mem- most successful in the state. Peru 1: P eru AI · A · t' 'Ill passed to his r eward November 13, e!'S 0 any profession to have a ' is extrem ely fortu nate in securing . umm ssocl~ IOn w~ lave chan=e. to know t h e leading p eople in , of ficers of th e highest type and ef- t he1r Annu a l Fall Re~m~n dunn~ t he ilt his h ome in Kirksville, Mo. educatiOn. For a student to have ; ficiency. The commanding officer, St~te ! each er s AssociatiOn. Thts reH e r :lllked as one of th e be::.t eduun f 11 f p cat(Jrs in the Cen tral W est. 'fl r ea d . D r : Fess's " History of Political ' Ca p ta in E. C. Clements is a college .. 10 n IS or a . or~lel: eruvian s and .l':l Parties m America" is one thing, but bred m'iln who h as had a number of fne nds of th e mstltut:on. Recent an- ~o!lowing just tribute was pair! Dr . "uncen1ents !1 b t t · Cla rk :tud publish ed in the }lnr u t 0 h a ve h a d p er sonal contact 'vi th · year s of experience in the r egular n ave een !'en ou m ' l t · I Bulletins issued by t he s ch ool. Th1's Po in ter. t 1a magnetic spe : ker is qui te an- arm y. From the very first he has th T year the t f h 'II b " Ail wi ll rem ember him as a wan11 0 er. 0 know authors thru books coop erated with P resident Rouse in ~ues s 0 on or WI e our I . marks •the a mateur ; to know authors ever y detail in helping to m ake the own Pres1dent Rouse, Ex-pr~<>i d ents pe1 Slllc.l f t·i end, a clem·-m inded, fo r .. persona lly ma rks the professional. T o unit a factor in the school life. H e n. W. H ayes ~ nd Dr. Beattie. a nd ward-looking leader. No presirlcnt one who has seen many gr~at edu- :-dopted P eru a nd Peru adopted him. 1P rofessor F. M. G regg, ~re~ident of of t his sch ool had a broader acacators , all educationa l li terature H e is most h ighly respect ed and , State Teachers Assoc 1atwn. Dr. demic preparation th;n Dr. Cla rk. A t loved by th e arm y boys, being a 1Howa rd J. L etton, who has r ecently that t im e he held a Master's destrict di sciplin arian w'th a big heart. j been elected as a m emher of th e His fi rst assista nt Lieu ten m t Swan : Supreme Court an~ J . W. Crabtree, h as pro.ven himself to be another of- secret~r~ of Natwnal. ~ducational '•j fleer w h o is greatly h~n orcd and Assoclatlcn, h~s been ~nVJted to be "}- respected. H e, too, is h eld in h igh present on tl"s ~ccaswn. At t he 1 b y t.h e commum'ty an d sc h oo 1, ~Jose of the receptiOn a lunch eon will j . . · e«teem I :Js w ell a s by the soldier bo •n. He I r~ held. This ~viii be fo~lowed 'by I ; is a lawyer by profes si on ,;ho left the r.eg~b r bus m ess m eetm g of the . . ' assoc1at10n. I h ·s :v~rk t~ serve ~~~s. country. After I h1 " romnu ss10n th e g overnUNITED WAR WORK m r>n t se nt h:m direct to Peru. Not onlv ha" th e Li ~ u tenant proved him· The Normal Again "Ove r the I felf to be a proficient offir.er but h e ! Top." h a" co-operatPd and assist(>-! in the i commun ity a ffa irs ?nd m'ilde himself I Wednesday, November 13 was anrne of the commun i tv as far as hi s other r ed letter day in the his tory . . d11 t'es p erm itted. Sat·gean t Tu rkle, · o( the Nor mal. The s ervice fla g full gree fr om t he Harvard, and a Doct hrobs th :i!reafte r with a new inte r- who w:~s sen t us from the Sunflower of star s attests the patriotism of the J tor 's deg ree from t he Chicag a Uniest. In. Om J h a, Decemoer 26-28 there State has been a whole£cm e addi- alumna e a nd fo rmer students. But ' vers ity. S ince leaving Peru he has wi~l be sixteen dsi tingui shed educa- tion to the campu~ : a Jive wire and this was !I day when the studen ts i.n he!~ two impor ta nt pos iti ons. From to.r s from out of the state,. and there ~.. leader. P eru will long r em eml' er ~chool and t h e facu l ty showe~ t~eu· 190o to 1908 he was h ead of th e dew~Jl a r:-pea r .on t he educatiOnal. pro- , h.1m fo•· the songs h e t aught us to ~ne hund r ed per cent Amen cam s m 11 partment of p sychology and peda1 g r a m some s1xty or m ore of t he lead- nn~. W e mus t not forget th e boys by backing up the boys "over there." I gogy and dea n of the KeHney State 1 ing Ne~raska educators. Besides this, who are about t o le ;ve u s. Not a • The occasion was the W a r Commun- Nor ma l S<·h onl. S ince that time he th ere w1ll be opportunity to m eet per- fin er bunr h of me n could be fo u nd. 1ity Service drive in w h ich ' t h e old has been head p rofessor of education sona ll y or have pointed out, some Th ey ar e boys who lon w t heir pla ce ' tradition of th e school fo r doin g :> nd fl":VCholog-y at t he Kirks ville, hundreds more of the wide-awake nnd k >ep it. Educatir nally th ey fi t ; things was admirabl y maintai ned . A M.~ .. State No" mi.l! Srhool. t each er s of Nebrask a among th e into our general sch em e r emarkably j tir ·in g :•ppeal was mad e by Pres. " It is r ema rkable that the attend t hous · nds who will be in attendance. wP.Il. yet t hey do n :>t ne~lect t hei r Rouse, who ha d attended the Chi c3go ·n -: phy~ i · i11n r!Ju!d fin d no immedNever before in the history of t he military duties. Thev s h i)W the Con ~erc nce. Th is was fo llowed by iate cause fo r h's death. He s imply Nebras ka Associat icn have so many same lo:v~ l s pb·it. to P eru t hat t hey I short, poin ted speeches by Prof. wore cut in serv ice, liferall y g-iv ing out-of-the-state speakers been se- '1ave ~hawn to th e' r country. We re- · Beck and J..ie ut. Swan. Th e goal was life for ot hers th 1t th ~ir lives cured. Among them are s uch not- g-:·ot that a'l the~·e boys C"~ n n ?t stay s:!t at $1 O:JO, and aft2r t h e sp eeches m igh t be mor e a bundant. No tas k able men as Dr. Paul J . Goode, world · with 1..'1, yet we ce!·tainly 1· pprec- pledge cards were passed by a squ ad 1 was t oo gre:tt. no deed of kindness geographer, w hose lecture g iven in ; I'I Le the la,.ge n umber w ho hwe de- of the S . A. T. C. men und er the j too small for hi m to undertake for Per u las t \vint~r was a rem arka ble : +~ed. to. cr ~ti nu e th e:r edu ca ti on at command of Sergt. T urlcl e. 1'11''1 st~dc nt O" fr ier d. 1t is .a mo~ treat; J chn Ne1hardt America's di s- · th1 s m st1tut10n . In crder t hat all pres ent might I ~~ t eo;t ·mate th a t he tou r·hecl, m theu· tinguish ed poet ; md Dr. Fess, one \I -know h ow th e p ledgi ng was progress· imT]r ess iona hl e years. :lO,OOO young of the most powerful speakers in Peru's-Do·s. :ng , a desig n was prepHed cons ist- "e~~ Je. Thru th ese lives enri ched by Cc.ngress. The lis t a lso includes al Th . d . ing of a wh ite backgroun-1 wi ~h an ' hi-: p e:·!'onnl tou"h wit h a great and ·vna mo. wh1ch have A me1·1ca . n 0 ag .m t h e cente:·. Tl11s . was I t Pa" h e1·, h 'IS pro reQSiona · 1 sou 1 ·IS t n· e . engme th M . B oyc , a n d a·1r1s' C lu b Leader a nd a It1 1 e anu J1 Tramm g roo~ s in charge of Della W eatherhogg l um ph a n t ly march' n ; on. ' H e W3 S a r a markable primary teach.er fr~m t he ! eenb • 1 are em g trans ferred to the engme · . · , · · · B ureau of Edu_catwn, Was h:ng ton, j 1•00m of th e hea ting and lig hting dressed a s Co! umb1 a . As th e pledg- man of s1mn e fa 1l h. active 111 all 1 D. C., in ad~ition to a number of : p lan t . This g u'ilran tees th a t the Nor- e:> ar.pr~ached the g oa l set, the fa ct c!lUrch :w·l .sund ay sch ool ':'or!~. Un others of n.atwnal promim:n ce. Two rna! S ch l'ol will n~>ver be with out was m cll cat ed by a student dres~ed j t ;l t he clos1~g wee ks of h1s life . hP. concert artist s secured at a cost of lig ht an:! p :: wer. W itll fi\re b01. 1 . to r epresent on e of t he WH' serv1ce took an a ct 1ve pa rt in civic affa 1rs . <!'1"00 ' ' I prov1d.e . LS org~.mzat~on . . s e n t e.n. n~ t I1e. stage a~d 1 Io~a I ancI n::I t 10n ' 1 I" .., .... , ~v1. a rare progra m and a d oub le lig hting system eno . 1 on Fr1day e~enmg, December 27. : -;chool or tow n is more certai nly as- bea1~ng som e at~tac.tlve s 1~n of h1s j . Th ese a re He,en Standley, of t he : spr•rl C" ntinuous service. par ti cula r organ1zatwn, wh1ch was The H1 g h School Cha pel program Chicago G;·~nd Opera Company and T~~ e ntire denartm ent of Physical t?en ~ re.sen ted t~ Columbi a, who · Thurst' ay was giver. by the Seventh J acques Th1 baud, a skillfu l violinist Tra mmg for Wome n , was t~·ans- ptaced 1t 111 the wh1te fi eld about Old !grade w ho prese ntd in 9 very cr eelfrom Par~~ ferre d t.o the I uge an d well eqt11.u'?ed Gior y. I n thi s f eature of the dr ive 1 it able ma n net· a dra matization of I d.. rrymnaswm of t he n ew Tra mmg 1 y M . I . . ~.a dttl I'! to the abund ant opJ:Qr- Clr'hool bui lding and t he r egular gym- t1 e . . was represented by Er1c Longfell ow's "Cou r tsh1 p of M1les tumt!es to, ~t t he latest education- n"~.siu m was turned over to the S . A. ' Carpenter, t he Y. W . by Mabel Standis h." The dr amatization as a l word in all ph ases of mode rn edu - T C. boys. It is now pl a nn ed to r e- Eng ler, th e O ~ tholic Association by oresen ted had been worked out by cation, there will be th at other h igh- floor th e o~d gymnasium in the in - P e te r S nyd er, t he J ewis h Welfare th e pupils in thei r Li t era tu re work . . t.erval of t1me hetweP.n t h e mu ster . h L' . · 1Y va 1uabl e P[IVIlege, so much es- ing out of the S. A. T . C. boys and League by .B I{tt1e1 L~.ullP,n: t e 1- ; under th~ very abl e d1rect10n of (Cm1-l(i nllel;} on 'econd pnj::c) the opening of the second s em ester. ' C oulln llc tl o n ~ccond 6 1• J;:c I Mi ss L oUI Se Nea l. America's
EACHERS' ASS OCIATION I s. A. T. G!'eatest Educators Program.
I !
· /,Ool,
, . That
h I
Resolutions by the Peru High Sc oo
' Ja lumnus
::,~ !?~ ~~?.:Ont ?
of Peru .
an .
Peru State Bank
Wher eas, Our heavenly Father has, N K -;;:;ton ('01) h as Entererl at the Po~toffice at Peru, Nebraska as second clas!' matter. in His infinite wisdom, removed : That t. to Denmark recently, on a 'd t ur faithful and be- J been sen . . ? / Published Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal ! from our m• s o d I food commisSIOn . ' - - -IN- - loved fellow-student, Wilber Ree , f the National H oyt ' That . the secretary o IS . an alum50 cts. per yea r. S .mg Ie copy ·5 c ts · . A ciation ====-===~----==-=== Whereas, Our intimate associ•a bon Educational ? sso - 't':,~es of nu s of P eru - _ Khaki and Blue. with him in the varlous actJvl 't fit 1 t including Arthur N. Longfellow, class of tJ:te Peru Hig h School rna k es ~. . That the Peru p an ' . worth Phone 25 1917 and Francis S. Cooper, class ting that we record our appreciatiOn b)ildings and equipment, IS Phone 25 1918 who have been in the Officers' I of him, o\'er half a million dollars? W. W. MARDIS Trai~ing Camp at damp Taylor, KenResolved, !hat t_he zeal and en, s tucky, have been discharged and are thusiasm w1th wh1ch _he supported That c. B. Lett_on ( 78) wa re- Groceries, Furnishing Goons, Men' s now in Peru. Both will enter the every worthy cau~:· h~s loyalty _to cently r e-elected Judge ~f the suand Boys' Shoes teaching profession again. the school, his abihty m I_eade_rshlp, . preme court of Nebraska. Our Leaders: Valley Lilly Fiour, Lt. Lee 0. Smith who earned _his and his efficient co-opera_tJOn m all , ___ com mission at Camp T aylor, Ke~- school activities be held m grateful ' Th:· t the campus was never love- Barrington Hall Coffee, Germantown Creamery Butter tucky, was in Pe ru last week on h1 s remembrance. lier than it has been this fall? way to Camp Kearney, California. Resolved, Tha_t the · sudden re- 1 Peru Nebraska Lt. Richard Meissner of the Fort P.1oval of one w1th a nat~re so g~n That the annual salary of the Peru Sill School of Fire paid the Normal erous and genial, and w1th a mmd alumni is over one million dollars? lst doo~ south Peru State ~ank so keen and active, leaves a vacancy a visit Monday. Lt. Earl M. Meyer, class of 1909, and a shadow that will be deeply That Peru is the only school in the Mar~h's Marl<. et ha s just received his commission at realized by fellow-~tudents ta nd. by state that has a school nurse and a n Norfolk, Va. He is visiting his par- h i!> te~chers, and w1ll prove a griev- infirmary? cnts at Peru. So is "Earl II.' Five ous loss to this school and to the weeks service in U. S. community. That there is a Peru alumnus in Every Kind of meut In a letter dated October 12, Sgt. Resolved, That we express our every county in the state, and a Thomas E. Ashton, class of 1915, deeoest and most heartfelt sympathy Per~vian in every state in the union? writes that he was wounded in bat- wit!~ the afflicted r elatives and the And then !"ome tie October 1. friends of the deceased. That our hig h school is over one H erbert Patterson, who is stahundred p ercent in the Junior Red tioned at the Great Lakes, is in Peru · ~hilo Society. Cross? '{hat You like to eat this week. The Philom ;~thean Society, under Paul Phelps, one of the Peru boys, the direction of Miss Alice Burley, That Peru has the best equipped was killed in action October 21. adviser, have been g iving unusually training school building in the UniThis is the second Peru boy to m 3 ke attractive programs this fall. The ted States? the supr eme sacrifice for his country. i Thanksgiving program was one of j --Sgt. Leo Jew~ll , cl_ass of 1917• ':ho I the most unique. "Ye Old Tyme ConThat t here are over 450 names on has been workmg ~n the Chemical cert'' was given in colonial costume, the Peru honor list? Furni~hings Department in Washington, D. C., has including such numbers as a solo on J Ciothing r eceived his dischar~e and has re- " Ye spinnet," and 'Ye old tyme , ~hoe-.. turned to his home m Peru. He was dance" of the minuet. State Teachers' Association. offeree! a Lieutenancy in the Chemical · . <Continued rrom ~lrst . Pa~:e. ) • Why not a Madam Grace Engineers. but preferred to return to Big Budget Boom. ; teemed by all Peruvians, of commg Corset? civilian life. ! into contact with Peruvians of other Verne Chatelain, class of 19M, The wisdom of unified action in years. This stimulating opportunity 0. MILSTEAD writes in a letter of November 3 that 1 financ~ng the musical, literary and will come on Friday evening, and all he h as just returned from the trench- athletic events of a college has been res ident students may well deflect 1 es and ha s been transferred from the ccnceded· from the begi.nning. their vacation journies to reach Om:aMachine Gun Battery to Headquar- 1 The devices by which students were ha for the great reunion. ters, a nd is pounding the typewriter quicldy and enthusiastically enlisted The Peru Ladies Chorus of twenfo r exercise. in final'\cia~ support have been :'ar- ty-five voices will furnish two im Sgt. Robert L. Sandberg, Class 1 ied, . unique and amusing. In the portant numbers on the Saturday Blue Bird Picture every Sat1918, was on the campus Friday, 1 l'Tesentation for this s3le · a plain morning's program. These, we preurday. Good Stars r.;eet~ng old friends. He ha,s rec~i;ed 1 busi_ness statement. was made by diet, w~ ll be only a par~ of the big hts discharge from Officers Trammg Chatrman Beck whiCh was supple- delegatiOn that Peru w1 ll have in Camp, Camp Pike, Arkansas, a nd mented by a description of ~he vari- Omaha attending the great convenAlway s Warm at the Crysta l will probably enter school again. ous activities from members of the tion of Nebrask a teachers. I Cadet L. Milton Blankenship, Class faculty. Disinfected before and after 1916, has received his discharge from In less than fi ve minutes after an I each show t he Aviation School Camp Dick, opportunity for pledging was given to Dallas, T exas. H e will be at home the faculty and students, three hun- 1 1 a short time before taking up school dred t)1irty five tickets were sold. 1 work. Special m ention should be made of ' the senior class, .at present practical- ! United War Work. ly a m anless Eden, which executed a CConllnuPtl r rom Ji'lrs t PII.J:"e. l dal:ing and dashing parade in the brary Association by Raymond r ole of the new wom an coming into Chard, the Community Camp Service her rights, privileges and duties. I by Vivian T eich and the Salvation The Normal school band offered 1 Army by Gertrude Clark. two selections, characterized by vig-1 So enthus iastic was the response or and precision of attack. At the J - - -AT- -of the school that not only wa s the conclus ion, President Rou se emitted 1 goal r eached but g1·eatly exceeded. a fog hour yell of approval, the as-~ The toba l amount pledged a s shown semblage dispersed and quiet r eigned in the chapel sector. by the final count was $1,486.10.
A Good Bank
I .A Good Town
Ladies' & Gent's
Crystal Theatre
Have you seen the nifty
Mandelson & Kennedy Nebraska City
Fisher Bros. Druggili'ts
The most complete stock of La djfs' Ready-to-Wear in the City At Popular Prices
We have a fine new stock, at prices that are the best that can be made on today's market.
Come in ond see them.
S. A. T. C. NOTES. as well as giving them a little taste Mr. Orville Cook of the Great Lt. Swan made a business trip to of home life. On Sunday mornings, Lakes Training School was ca week Minneapolis, Minn., last week. a short and instructive r eligious ser- end gues tof Miss F lorence Sixta at vice is held. There is always a good the Cannon House. Capt. Newhall gave a very inter- attendance at these meetings and at The Misses Betty and Bessie Lau- With a Pine Reputotion esting lecture to the men Tuesday. any time during the day you will find man Ethel Anderson and Flossie a_ group of m~n enjoy in~. the mu- ·Hapke were in Lincoln to hear John stc and magazmes or wrttlng letters McCormack last week. Pvt. Loy H acker is on furlough on Behind Them a ccount of sickness at his home. to · the home folk. The Y. M. is al-l Miss Grace Gilbert who has been 1 ways helpful. spending the past two weeks with I her parents at the Dormitory, re- I Have you heard the new song enat SCHOOL HAPPENINGS. turned to her school work at Chap- ~ titled "Don't forget the Gilbert Miss Laura Loyd of Nehawka, pel, Neb., Monday. The schools at Blues?" Neb., will enter the Normal on Mon- Ch' ppel hav been clo d ceo t se on a un Of athe F lu. e The Senio_rs are giving •!l· party for 1 day. the S. A. T . C. men Saturday night Mrs. Fuller of Tecumseh, Neb., President Rouse, Professor Crago, nt the new gym. visited her daughter, Helen, the past Jean and Delzell attended the School- --1 week. P'lasters' Club in Lincoln recently. . Nebraska City, Nebr. All m en were off Wednesday after- \ Esther Delzell entertained the c. The meeting was in the nature of a' noon to h~ve their pictures taken for / Mincio Camp Fire Girls, Saturday memorial for Dr. H. K. Wolfe, who~--------------the Peruvn n. afternoon. • wa sfor many years an active mem- · .--. / Sergeant Frank Tilton of Camp ber of the Club. ' . Boxes are ~emg mad~ m prepara- / Gnant visited Miss Georgia Fairchild Within the last few weeks the Y. Y tJon to send m the eqmpm ent when / 1 st w ek. W. C. A. has received messages from -es indeed-largest and finest t his unit is disbande~. a Mrs.e Samuel Petersen of Sterling, Ruth Vernon, Marne Rassmussen, line ever brought together in Sergemt Overholt seeing that big Neb., visit ed her d 3ughter, Cecilia at I sabelle Alcorn and Olene J ohnson. Peru . guns were to be deiivered in "situ," the Dormitory last week. 1 All are_ interested in t~e success of began •looking for the town of Situ/ Mrs. Otto Mutz of Lnicoln is here 1the S?Clety. After_ Chnstmas the. Y. Price 2Sc to $2. 00 a box or. the map. . visiting h er daughter, Miss Mamie W .. gtrls· are planmng for a meetmg A Christmas Gift Suggestion Mutz of the Art Department 1 in which greetings from former memThe Company bought a bugle for M' J . B Ad f ~ T C I bers will be read. They hope to . tss enme . ams o t e . . 1 hear f om great m Sg t. B~gler Hemmgway and we now U. wa s a Thanksgiving guest of · r . a an:r. . . h:tve music by w hich to march outl Miss Cleland at the Dormitory. The g1rls ~ho are staymg 1~ the of dreamland in the morning. . 1s maller roommg houses,~ met m an Professor Howte, a Y. M. C.. A. I informal party in E'G!Jression Hi3ll The Govermnent gave-ali"'the men secretary. at Camp_ ....Dodge, wrtt:es · Friday evening, November 22. Midin service a chance to subscribe for ~hat _he 15 recovermg from a bnef die~ and pig t ails were. the pr~ Fountain Pens, Fine · Stationery, bonds in the fourth Liberty Loan. The lllness. scnbed dress of the ~venmg and 1t Christmas Cards true blue spirit of this detachment Miss Bowker of the Domestic Sci- was felt that the purpose of the was shown when $2,100.00 was sub- ence J?epart~ent W3S ca~led to her meeting-to be.come bet~er acquainSatisfying Christmas Gifts scribed. This is an excellent show- home m Cre1ghton, Neb., on account ted-was attamed. Thts g roup of ing for the number of men in the s. of sickness. girls has now been organized into a S ee u s for your Confectionery and A. T . C. The Y. w. c. A. meetings each s ocial club, to be known as the J. U. Lunch Goods Sunday give an opportunity to t he G. Club. The officers for the first The Government writes more in- girls to discuss practical religious semester are Mrs. Bonekemper, president; Alice Glasgow, vice presisurance in one day than a ll the rest ideas freely. Come and join us. . dent; Ruth Lnvrence, secretary; of the Companies. Their rate is also Mlss Esther Munson, one of our' Edith Dort treasurer and Lilac the cheapest. In this detachment in- last year's graduates, who has been 't t · ' SAY IT fLOWERS . . . h er s1s . t er, El len of t h e N or- Lash, sergean -a -arms. sur ance to the amount of $40,000.00 VJSJtmg was t aken out. This insurance is mal, ha s returned to h er teaching in Th e 3:20 train gets to "The Party." good for fi ve years in the hands of Verdon. Peru at 7:28 . . The Specia l Trainer Chss gave a the Government and then it isturned News h as Jus t been recetved of the party Saturday night in the New over to old line Companies and can death of L. Reed Dillon at Ama- : Training School Gymnasium. The FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE be can·ied on by the. soldiers after rillo, Texas. This will com e as a ' gymnasium was tastefully decora- t ' M - - - TIE they have returned to civilian life. shock to the many friends of Mr. ' ted with the class colors orange and Dillon, who will be remember ed by black. The firs t part ~f the evenBROS. Prof. Loomis has been giving all the Alumni as "Hr.ppy Dillon," a ing was spent playing games athis s pare time to the boys Y. M. C. A. tribute to his sunny view of life. ~ ter which the gues t s were s~rved Phone 82234 Lincoln, Nebr. Every day the m en are off duty, and John Black, one of last year's grad. 1 with generous helpings of ice cre3 m at week ends you will find him in uates, who is now the Scie_nce Teach- · and cakes. A s the lights blinked ali i t he Y. M l room with writing mater- er at David City, was one of our tl)o soon, the class had to creep out , ial, mag azines and a victrola with a visitors recently. We are always with the aid of a kerosene lamp, 1 good variety of records. This affords glad to welcome back our former wishing they might have many ll imi-~ excellent entertainment for the m en Peruvians. j lar events.
HOme.yer. •S Sh ._ Oe StOre
Stationery 1
Barnes' Pharmacy
RP-member when in Nebraska I: City it ·is on ly
One Block North
A 6ood Lunch or Splendid Meal
H ave your Xmas Pictures
Have your Watch~s. Clocks, Jewelry, Spectatals and
Made Early
Fountain Pens
jThe Newman Studio ·
Phone 56
P eru , Nebr.
· Re liable Jewe le r
'3 ~.\~co
An old reliable bank with assets of over
Peru, Nebr.
Advertise in the Normalite
• •
Christmas Spirit
31 1
S. A T. C. Disbands. Due to recent order of the govThe Flu StrikesPeru.-- School Closes -~ ernment . the S. A. T. C. will ceace Today . to exist Wednesday, Dec. 11. 1918. -. The officer s a nd a few of the men No F ata l Cases in Peru Th 1s FalL ! wil l r emain f or a whi le to attend There have been very few cases to t he g overn_ment material and in Peru until two weeks ago . Over ~ closing th edh ·; :;J nessof ~hecompan~ . seventy-five a r e sick w it h the _flu It is in? ee a comp 1ment tot e at present t im e in th e commumty : officers 1n comma?d that not only and school -sixteen new cases de- i did t he buys r ece1 ve such exellent ve loped in th e last twen ty -four · mi lli ta ry t raining but ever y f!lan hours. and this cansed 1 he act io n of is in t hP hest of hea lth and phy!;:Jcal th e loca l board of healt h in clo;;ing I efficiency. the schno l. The "~id wil l h e on 1 tight" un ti l t he ftu IS star:nr>e? ou r.. , NEW U.\liFORMS ISSUED The most r iged quarantme m the hi stor y of Peru wil l be info rcEd, l SCl when the students r eturn Peru , Battalion '' Pieters T oken" will be ri d o f t he flu. The action I When our '' Per u Yank" goes of t he n ua rcl o~ Hea~thh wpas t_adke nt j marching home, "Ma" and "Pa" afte r consu l tat JOn w1t res1 en Rouse. Whil e t he cases of the flu a nd Uncle SJd-and ~~eetheart among the s t udent body, were not I too-will see a real sold te r boy. so many as to i nterfe re with the Our good govPrnment at the last ~ I conti nuat ion of classes, and t here moment decided to issue each one If I were no ser io us cases, yet du~ to a . new uniform. Photographer the n umber of new cases appeanng the o nl y wise thing to . do was t o Newma n had the /a:: t shot at the c lose schoo l before ser ious cases who le compa ny and "took" t he I1 developed . T he action of th e "bunch" in cluding- t!·.e "Cap . and Board of Health meets w ith a m ost Li eu t." It wa.s a n unconditiona l hearty endo r !'ement in its timely surrendE'r to the wishes of t he fair action in stamping ou t this dread d isease. ladies of Peru. DECEMBER
Christmas is the season of goorl cheer, because everyone is thinking of others first and themselves l a~t. To Jet the spirit of Chri stmas take fu ll posse~s ion of us i~ to str engt hen ou r cha racter and incrPase 0ur satisfaction in Jiving. To thin k of others-to give-Is the thing that makes this a season of good cheer. We be li eves t his store now radiates the spi r it of Chr istmas as yo u wil l like to find it. We .welr.ome yo u to enjoy the Gift Di splays now waiting fo r you as well as the helpfulness our sa le!'peo ple are prepared to offer when desired . Come !
Cleveland Stores NEBRASKA CITY, NEBR.
New Clothing . FOR
Goldberg's extend an invitation. to the students of Peru Normal and rsaders of th e Normalire
.ffart. Shaffner & Marx. Society Brand S uits and Overc oats, Stetso n Hats, Munsing Union Suits, Arrow Shirts and other ;Furnishings
At Goldberg's
Nebraska City , Nebraska
, I When in
Nebraska City Doing
Fresh cut flow ers for every 1 your Christmas Shopping occasion in appropriate arrange- ! CALL AT me n t s-· 0 ur Iea d-mg spec1alty at all Seasons of the yea r. / HINTON'S BOOI< STORE
_______ N
The Home of E _· _d _is_o_n __P_h_o_n_o_g r_a_p_h_s_____
J _ __ _ _
Do your Christmas Shopping Now.
Many suitable gifts
both for Her and Him
can be found at our store
L. Wessel's Sons & Co.
Nebrasl<a Cit)·, Nebr.
School Re-opens December 31
To many hundred s of Peru stuinto dents of the las t five years the pho"Wab" R alston · Gets His Five Huns Before the Armis tice Goes . t ogravure appear ing above wi ll r eEffect. call th; life and traits of one of the Normal's m ost cult ur ed and profesMERRY CHRISTMAS. Word has recently come to Peru sh outs of the coach who, when h e si onall y succesgful of all her alumthat Lieu t enant Orvi lle A. Ra ltson, : ha d succeei:led in s topping him, Dear Studen t : I am certai n I vo ice the senti- one of our own Pe ru boys at the 1cal led out, "Here, kid, wabble that ment of th e e n tire facu lty when in front, harl won the h igh di stinction I' bal l ri g ht back he r e. " That was b ehal f of t hem I wish each of you (•f being an "Ace. " Not only is e nough. The t erm st uck and the a ver y Merry Christmas . The r e the Normal proud of hi s record, , boys wer e not long in t r imming have been some things to depress but the stat e may a lso take a just th t> t e rm "wabble'' down to us but when we thin k of tlie new prid e in it, for Or ville i s a native "Wah." Peace on Earth i t ghould so flood "bug ea ter." He was born at After "Wah" left t he Normal he our hearts wit h real joy th a t no Weepi ng WatP.r. After his father's took up the dental course at the t;l ark s hadows co uld find a place. trag ic death, met while enforcing Sta te Un i ver s ity a nd it was from Whil e you a re h ome w ill you t o th e l§lw as town ma r sha li , Mrs. there that he re ~ponrfed t o the call perso nally in te rvi e w som e f;eni or s Raltso n found her sel f and family for vo lunteers for the firs t office rs ' in your h ig h sch ool urging them t o wi th very limited means at h er trainin g camp a t Fort Snell ing . enter o ld Peru n ext Sep tember? If di sposal. Ye t courageo us ly a nd Whi le in tra in ing- ' th P. re th e Wa r you find men and wome n released I wit h a fine ~ense of real va lues for Departmen t cal led for eig hty va lfrom war ser vice t e ll th e m the ne w her children she g athered them 1unteers fr om t he camp to enter t hP semeste r bPgi ns February 3. Yo u I aviation corps . "Wab" was a mong ca n assure the m a royal welcome, I the first to apply , and because of into ou r ranks . ' his fin e ph ys iqu e and s ple nd id exTrus ting yo u may escape the ami nation was :tccepted. S ince t he "flu" · and after - a good rest a nd g overnm e n t at that ear ly date did I not have a s ingle av iation school! ~ vis it with the home fo lks be on han d DecEmber 31. I am 1ro m p let ed, the d e tachemnt was sent ni. To th is sam e host of Peruvi1 to Toronto , Canada to trai n with · an s. Mr. Love ll ' s friends . it has Cord iall y yours, _ ! the Canadian units. The boy::~ .spent come as a stunning re mind er of the E L House. 1 th e s umm er nf 19 17 housed 1n th e awfuln ess of war that he had paid S. A. T. C. BIDS FAREWELL hi ::tor ic o ld Universi t y of Toronto. the ~upreme !'acrifice fo r w orld deThe S. A. T. C. l lnit was di sAs winter came on he w i t h othe rs morrac y ea rl y in October, k illed banded · last Wednesday afternoo, , was trans ferred t o Kell y Fie ld, a t his post 50 n1e where i n the em 1 Dece m.ber 11. This even t wi ll be WAB AS W E J.: NEW HL' · where he fini~hed hi s training and bat tl ed Jin es of France. H avi ng in long r em e mber ed not only by th e together a nd moved to Peru wh er e r eceived his commi ssion . While mind tht> kin rl ly, r efin ed, peace sn lrliers and officers . but also by they might have the advantages he re he also act ed as fh•ing in- pref erri ng young man whose fin gers t hose fortunate en.o ugh to he pr es - 1of the No rmal whi iP. s he work ed to structor. Last Feb r ua 1'y he was had so ski l lful ly and lovingly e n t. The ''Big" Cap t a in's far e well Jsust ai n th em. Orv ille bemg am ong sent over seas and we nt into train- ca ressed the i vor y keys of t he piano t~ lk and handsh ak e ;,as more l ike 1 the younge!'t r e<!e ived practicall y ing in Eng la nd and Sco t land for and whose vo ice and prese nce had that of a fathe r' s wh en he _bids hi s 1 a ll hi s schooli ng he re fro m th e th e f r ont. His letters show that so g ladly le nt th e msel ves to inspirsons God -speed at t h'e breaking of I g r ad Ps up. i whi le t here , even und er the most ing g rea t numbl:'r s of boys and home ti es . As a t oke n of love and ! The cogn omen. ··wab" was ac· stre nuous training , ·he found tim e g irl s in Pe ru , in Loui svi lle , Ky., r es pec t t he boys gave to Cap tai n I quirf' d on th e athl e tic fi eld . On e to take a l ively in t er est in places ami in Sal ina , Kas . . t o ha rmonious Cle m e nts a nd Li e ute nant Swa n each I eveni ng, wh e n he fir~ t beg an t o a nd thi ng s . At one tim e h e writes : melody, i t is rlif·fi clt t o th ink th a t a handsom e go ld wa tch and to Pres- p lay, not heari ng the whis tl e afte r ." "O ne feels ra t her queer in a b ig he s houl d srr q u i<" ld y acq uire ski ll ide nt Rou se, who has bee n a the ball ha d bee n passed to h1m, · Handley P age ba ttle pla ne errdlng i n t he u se n l a mac hin e g t:n, the " F a t h er Ab ra h am " t o th e boys, a h e sprm · t e d f ur th e goa. ' pro- urected aroulld uv\:!r the Oru od mnnulltlls 1 H JS b e tur e mo!'t d e ~ 1r u c t i ve and dea t h in v itin g ~ m a ny ce nt un e.,; b ea ut ifu l go ld chain and Maso nic , gress was fin a lly arrested by the tt..:o uu 11 u, u un L"s ' " '•!!'«. • instru m ent of mod ern 'warfare. c harm. - But this he cheerfull y did at hi s The maj ority of th e boys ha ve cn unl r y's cal l. p lann ed to continu e their edu cati on / May our sl hool eve r do b im
a t Peru. Mrs . Ha ze l Beck Charlton , '09, is t a k ing a f e w wee ks ' r est i n the U nivers ity H ospita l a t Bould er. Colorado. A cablegr am ann ounces tha t her husband , who is a surgeon w i th the f or ces o ve rseas. wi I J be home ea r ly in J a nua ry. Thi s is the firs t time in fifty yea rs o f Peru' s hi story that th e sch ool has had t o clos e on account of an y c 1:1 t ag iou; di sease.
honor a nd ma y HPave n b less hi s m e mory as a mo rl e l of fine clean a nd who leso m e yo ung ma nho od. May hi s pare n ts in S pri ng fi e ld r e!ce ive tha t comfort which t he lov1 i ng H ea vc! nly Fdthe r a lone can bel stow. '' I ca nnot say, and will not say !That he is dead. - H e is just away!
! .. With a che·~ry
s mile, and a wave
of t he ha nd , t( ' <llt lln u o:'d o n
l~o ut· t ll
l':J g c .)
= .
F k wri tes •ran . . . ' Fra~ce very En t ered a t t b( Posto ffice at Pe ru. Ne- , f r om S~mewh el~ ~ ~ . . k braska as second•class matt er. . ' i nteres ting descnptJOns of hi S wor ' work · - - -- - -- - - - - -- . t he av 1a t JO n cons t r ue t Jon I m Published Weekly by the Peru· State Norma . Spencer L eger has hee n in the f r ont
- - - - - - - - - - - -- -
1 • l ines with a machi n e g u n compa ny . I, N otw i ths tand i ng th e fact ch at h e
50 cts. per yea r. ·- Single copy 5 cts.
-===----==-=--· .
h h ad two sons in t he se rv 1ce t e VACATlON SALuTATION I e n ty -ye a r- olrl fath er of t hese T his i ss ue of t he Nor ma li te i.s ; ~::s has been wo r k i ng in a fac tor y " g ot t en· u p'•' by t he home f_olks an d in Linco ln a t t he trade he lea rn ed sen t ·to t h e readers he r e rn Peru l·w he n a b oy in F ra nce . The e lcl er and t h ose w ho· ha ve gone home. N o J M Leg e r i ns isted th a t the whole · t g~ t t o I famil r . y sho u ld be in t he game. one is respons J' bl e ; we JUS t hinking about you a nd dec ided I A r ece n t Je tt e r f ro m Professo r
. yo u woul d like t o hea r fr om us Palmer te lls of h i'> e xper ience i n bo rne folks at .1-'e~·u. . t he fr ont-li ne trenche s. T he le tter ,. The wea t her IS fi ne m Pe~u ·l was wri t t e n fr om Base H ospital . . After vacati on b~gan we had a m ce No. 7. No me nti on was mad e of
pleas~nt ~~fll :~ I
Peru State Bank
from the U ni ve r is ty of Nebr~s~a. H e was p rincipa l of 'hi g h sc hoo l ]a5t year, an . he maintained a close touch Wit h t f th e t r ain ing sch ool. pro bl e ms o C , Dr. G. C . C as t t a k es M r . r .ago . s - -- IN- - · 1pa · 1 o f the t r am m g place as pnnc h ig h school. Dr. Cast_ has ~een a t . 't of Wl sco nsm f or the U n1ve r s1 Y . d se ve ra l years as inst r uc t o r In m o . e r n lang u ages. Whi le t he re he wo rked o ut h i s D octor ' s D e g r e e . P hone 2 5 P hone 25 Sen ior s and hi ~h sch_oo l\ s.tuden~s a re fi ndi ng in t hi s gen Jal , sch o la r Y W . W . MARDIS g e n tlema n a r ea 1 f n · e n d as w el l as. Groceri es, Fur n ish i n g G oods, M en 's a le a de r. and B oys' Sh oes Mrs . F . C. J e::J n becam e hea d of Our lea ders: Vall ey L i lly Flo ur, th e domes ti c scie nce d e partme nt Ba r r ing t on H a l l Coffe e S ptember l. She has be en c on n : cte d w ith t he institution f or I Peru Nebraska
th~ ~:a~~~:~
A Good Bank
A Goo~ Town
rai n, by_ wa r m.' j wounds or s ickness. s everal years. She has taken ho ld 1st d oor so u t h P e ru Sta t e Ba n k weath er , w hl chd II'S woo!T ng h Ph i I RousP., f our days afte r the of he r wor k wit h her usual v i g or, f r om many d an e 1ons. e u . . b M' L h Bo w. d ' t h t h most armi sti ce was s1g ned, was t ransfer - be in·g ass1s ted y I SS ea Ma r s h's Morkt t I S on the ]' WI h e ason r ed t o th P. e ng in eer s' d epar t men t l<er a g radu a t e of the h o m e e cocases Jgd t . t o w_e t o in const ru ction wor k. On Novem - I depa r t m en t, Un i ve rs ity of t o re~oJ ce a n o dglvh~ an he r 22 he had c harg e of e leve n Nebr aska . Miss B owker has had , t he G 1ver of a ll goo t m gs. wh h· h E v ery Kind of meat T wo of t he fac u lty advisor s of hundred me n b ull d inga can ~ on - experi e nce i n th e . a oo lg t he Norma lite are at the ir homes. me nt f or t h e a r my of occ upa t ton. schoo l and in t h e C urt1 s Schoo l _of M iss Lena Ha rr ington is in Mich- The 34th D ivis ion was mane a Ag r icultu re be f or e co m i ng t o Peru. An d then !'"nm e 1 iga n, wh e re snow f a lls . (Isn' t t hat r eplace me nt d iv ision and t he men F o r th e fi rst ti m e bo th t e ach ers of strange ·! Here in Ne braska Snl)w scattered a ll over Fra nce. l, the d om esti c scie nce depa rtme nt are T h a t Y uu l i k e t o e at blows down.) 1 J . Grant Hesselt ine , class 1908, ~ graduates of ou r own Un ivers ity. M iss Rose Clar k is a t her hom e w ho has been in the officers' tra in - ! Prof . G. A . Cr ossthwait takPs in o ld P a wne e t o wn, where Dr . Me- ing schoo l fo r s igna l corps a nd 1 Prof essor H e ndri c k' s place in t he ' Ke nzie s tarted a school awa y back radio electric ia ns for t he pa~t p hys ics d e pa r tm e n t . Professor in th e s ix ti es a nd then came to t wen t y- fi ve weeks, fi rs t at t he Um - ~ Crosth wa i t co m es w i th a wealth of P e r u an d started anot her school versi ty of N P.braska, lateral Pu r - experie nce i n t h e pub lic sch ools of F urni ~h i tl~S whi ch the state of N e b raska atf er due. a nd _Y a le_ Un iver isti es, has I nd iana and Ill inoi s. He was C l othing wa rd s acce p t ed as a g if t a nd made r ece1ved ht s d ischarge. and ex- J agr onom i st in t h e U ni ve r s ity of ~ h ues it into the · fi rst n or ma l ~ chool pe cts to en t e r t he t eachmg pr of es- . l daho for thre e years, a nd p ri nciWhy n ot a Madam G race west of the M isso uri r iver, with s ion. 1pal o f t he Marat~.o n Cou n ty, Wi sC orset? Dr. McKe nzie as its p r esident. L i e utena nt Oscar F la u has been cons in, School o f Ag ri cultu r e f or Pe ru loves Pawnee f or t he sp le ndi d d ischa r gP.d f rom t he service a t two a nd a hal f years . T here i s t he 0. MI LSTEAD sons a nd daug ht er s she has sent Waco, Texas, an d has r e tu rn ed lar ges t e nro llm e nt in the be g-i nn ing he re to school. The th i rd mem- ' h ome. phys ics class f or yea r s. l n t he her of the advisory c omm ittee had : F r ankl in M . Jones wri tes f rom a bsen ce of M r . H o w ie , Mr. C rost h no advi ce t o give so pl ease accept Somewhe r e in Fra nce that he is wait i s t ea ching the co llege a lgebra 1 this issue o f the Normal it~ as a 0 . K. , a nd hung ry for p ie. class th is se m es t e r. wor d of cheer from th e " Home Blue Bird Pi ctur e ever y SatLieutena nt C . G. Be ck, 'tO, is M iss S usa n H a rm an r etu rns t o F olks .. , connected with a de ve lopmment the E ng lis h d e pa rtm Pnt a fte r wor kurday . -G ood Stars The hom e f olks, t he home folks, batta li on at Camp Lee, Va. The ing out he r Master ' s Deg ree i n Your folks, my folks at home. natu r e of hi s wor k may keep him Engl ish a t t he U ni ver sity of N e Al ways War m a t t he Cryst a l • They're fo u nd everywhe re a r~ · 1 t 'l .· S · · · m t H:l ser v1ce un. 1 spu ng. b ras ka. he 1s h e lpmg t o 1n t r o Disinfected befor e and after home fo lkl'l ·---- · · duce t he s u per v1sed s tudy pla n 10 If you're home fo lks w he r e ere F aculty h ans;r.es. I . . . each show or Edng li' ds h d c lah sses. . It h1s Se ve ra l facu lty c ha nges have t he Jum . you r oam. . fa ll by l provtn ec 1 e e 1p m t e "The Home Fo lks. " been made necessa r y th 1s k g a · wor . t he election o f t he f orme r dea n ,
~~e r~s
& G e nt'S
Crystal Theatre
I W<Js T~i~ You . IE. L. Rouse, to was a y oung g irl fr o m u p t he Normal, and
t he of l The large e nrol lm e n t in th e com There by other mPmbers merci a] d e pa r t m e nt ma de necessary state of t he facu lty be ing a way !or war th e securing of an a ssista n t . The Wh o tempted the s trong hand of a nd other wor k . N or mal was f or t u na t e in sec u r ing fate. Prnf. A. Crag o takes ove r t he Miss A n t ion e tte San d s , wh o was a 1 S he lef t old Pe r u su pe r i nt e nd ency of t he tra ini ng student he r e i n l 912 and 1913 To fl ee fr om the flu, Rchool. Mr . Crag o has been super - She w i l l c omp le t e the ad vance d But at hom e th e blame thi ng d id intendent at Tobias, Rando lph, a nd cou rse and g r a duate w i th t h e c lass she take. Ce ntral Ci ty , N ebraska. He has of 1919. - GeoJ'g ·JafJ·e de J·I· kawJ·lhe lma h is Maste r's Degree in Education (Co n tinued n n Four·Lh P age.)
Mandclson & Kennedy Nebraska City
Have you seen the nifty -- StationEry-- - -A T-
Fisher Bros. Druggists
The most complet e s t ock of Ladies' Ready-to- 'Wear in the City
At Popular Prices
•-- We have a fine new stoc.k, at prices that are the best that can be made ou today's · ShueS.-- market . Come in see them. M. E. GOOD. fltld
SHOES With a Fine Reputation Behind Thetn I
I 1
Homeyer~s Shoe Store Nebraska City, Nebr.
Stationery 1 Yes indeed-largest and finest line ever brought together in P eru. Price 25c to $ 2 .00 a box A Chris tmas Gift Suggesti on
Barnes' Pharmacy A VENUE STORE Fountain P ens,
Fine Stationery,
Chri stmas Cards P eru's s tar basket ball team of 191 5 ha ve all been in th e serv!ce of Uncle Sam. Th ey are, beginniing th e center in th e picture above , then following the circle clockw ise: Vincent Janda , class 19l p, captain of th e team, was cal led to the !'l ervice May 6, 1918. He is now a corporal in Co. D, 23rd Machine Gun Batalion, station t>d at Camp Lee, Va. Willi a m Ivan Huston, class of ' 16, e nli sted in the arm y at the Uni ve rsity in the early part of June in the radi o work. In Aug ust h e was transfe r red t o Lea venworth, Kas. He was in the same company In October w ith Vi ctor Jones. he v isiterl hi s f ri ends at home in Geneva, N ebras ka. He r eturned t o hi s wor k at Lea venworth at the expiration of his furl oug h looking
forward to the time when he would soon be sent to th e front. Within ten days after he left hi s home his body was brot back by hi s old classmate and comrade, Victor J ones. · He d ied of th e t errible scourge of influenza. which has killed more American soldi ers than a ll other causes. He wa3 laid to res t by the s id e of hi s mother in th e famil y bur.ving g rouno. Mr. Hus ton will long he r emember ed by hi s many ·fri ends a s a l ead ~r in athl eti cs. He mad e a r e narka bl e s uccess as a teacher and leader of hi l!h schoo l boys a nd g irls in Dunba r a nd Fri e nd . Robert L. San d ber g, c lass 1918, called into ser vice in Apri l, 1918, was in training in Camp Funs ton , Kansas, unti l October. when he wa1:1 t ra nsferred to the Offi cers Training School, Camp Pike, Arka nsa s. He has rece ived his di ~ harge.
Virgil L . Long, class 1916, called Sati sfying Christmas Gifts to the service May 18, 1918. is a See us for your Confectionery and firs t class seaman. He is in the U. Lunch Goods S. Naval Gas Eng ine School, Columbia Uni versity. H . U. LANDOLT Emil U. Kohler, class 1915 , call ed to the colors July 25, 1!:!1 8, is a cor po ra l in Co. B. Devpf op- S AY IT WITH FLOWERS ment Ba tta li on No. 1, Camp The 3 :20· train gets to Dodge, Ja. Peru a t 7 :28 Victor J ones, class 1915, en li sted June 18, 1917. He is a corpnral i FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE in Co. A, 222 Field Sig nal Balta___ TIME _ __ lion , sta tioned at Camp M~ad, Md . , Arthur William Schneider, class CHI'\ PIN BROS. of 1977, called to the col0rs May· 2, - 1918, is a corpora l in Co. H. , Ph B Lincoln , Nebr. 23rrl Machine Gun Ba ta li on, sla · one 2234 tioned at Camp Lee, Va. - - -- -- - - - - - -Fred E. Me tzge r enter ed the offi- 1 cers' training sch ool for r adi o wor k at th e University of N P. braska I in Ma v. 19 18 . an d is now at M em - ~ ph is, Tenn, in th e ra di o work.
==========~~==========~============ STATE::BANK R ~ memb e r
whe n in Ne bras ka
Have y our Xm as P ictu res
your Watch ~s. Cloc ks , Je welry, S pectacals and F ountain · P ens
C ity it is only
One Block North
Made Early
TO A Good Lunch or Splendid Meal
Peru, Nebr.
----·- --
An old re li abl e bank with asse ts of over
The Newman Studio / Phone 56
Reliable J ewe ler
Peru, N ebr.
Advertise in the Normalite
Christm as Spirit Chri stmas is the season of goorl cheer , because everyone is th inking of othe rs first a nd themselves last. To Je t the spirit of Chri stmas take fu ll possession of us is to str engt_hen ~ur charact er and increase our sat1 sfact10n in li ving. , To t hink of others-to give-Js the thing that makes thi s a season of good cheer . . We believes thi s store now r ad 1ates t he spi ri t of Christmas as yo u will li ke to find it. We we lcome you t o enjoy the Gift Displays now waiting for yo u as well as the helpfulness our sa lespeop le are prepa red to offer when desired. Come !
he cou ld have ~h ot hi m enemy Whe n he had lan ded , the ( Co n t i n u e d fr o m F irs t P ac;e. l down. "W b" He wandered into a n unknown land, officer lau~hed and told nd otrY " And left U!' dreaming how very that he m ig ht now go a • that on the Huns. f · a ir must be, s ince he 1·mgers /1 Whe n he was fi rst p u t ·m to the It needs there. · ser vice, he was used t o fly battle • ''And yo u- 0 yo u, who the wildest I planes across th e E ng lish channel. yearn h I d l He re he confec:ses to a " peculiar For t he old -time s tep a nd t ega ~ sense of lonesomeness when he return "Think of h im far ing on, a s dear first began to fly above the cl vuds In the Jove of The r e as the lov~ of I a lone. Ear ly in the fa ll he was sen t to t he front and be fore the H e re : "And loyal st ill, as he gave t he !' t i me the ar misti ce was s igned ~e blows . h ' had gott en hi s fi fth Hun. H 1s Of h is warn or s tre ngth t o IS I br ief bu t th r ill ing d escription of country 's f oes 1 • • 1 " Mi ld ancl gentle, as he was his first ba ttle ~n tten t o h1s brave I bro the r a ppeared 1n t he Omaha Wh en t he' sweetest love of his life I' Bee. N ews of his late r experi ences have been very m eager behe gave "To s imple things :-Where vi olets ca use of the censor ship . T o use h is grew own word s t o his cl ose f r iends, ~ Pur e as the eyes they were I i kened d " I should li ke to te ll you a ll abo ut to, "The touches of h is hands have th is fly ing game, b ut th e censor is strayed a lready o ve r wo rked ~ n d I ' ll have As r everent ly as h is lips have t o wa it uti ! 1 g et home . •: prayed : His many fri ends w il l be g la d " When the li t t le brown thr ush I t o know that wo rd f r om hi s s ister that harshly ch irred Was dear t o him. as the mocking - i ndicates that he may rea ch hom e by Chris tams. We hope t o have bird ; f rom "And he pitied as much as a man somethinng more direct in pain Li eute nant Ra lston who has so hon A writh ing honey-bee wet with ora bly a nd efficiently done his part r a in. in the grea t wa r for world fr eedom. "Think of him stil l as t he same, I I say ; F aculty Changes. He is not dead-he is just away ! (Continue rl f1·orn 2rd P:tgt· . ) -Riley. - - - -- -Because of the extreme! v heavy Peru Boy ''Over There" is an A ce. wo rk d evo lving u pon Miss Downing <Co ntinu ed r ro m F i rs t P age. > on acco unt of th e a bsence of Pro Chris t." At another t ime he fessor J ohnson, Miss H a rri et H ol ley JOk ing ly asks the r eader to imagine /1 has been secured as an assistant in Wnmen. his feelings when he " found him- physi ca l ed ucatio n f or self standing in a room in wh ich Miss H olley compl et ed a course in 'Bill ' S hakespeare had slept. " . physica l educat ion a t the Uni ver · One day as he near ed the end of s ity of Nebra~ka a nd du ri ng 1he his tra ining here he s ucceeded in past summ er was engaged in co 111 _ out-maneuvering hi s ins tructor in mu nity service in the can tonment t he a ir and " got on his t a il. " at Camp F unst on under t he clinewhere if the offi cer had been an ti on of the Nati ona l Y . W. C. A.
Glevcland Stores NEBRASKA CITY, NEBR.
New Clot hing FOR FALL AND WINTER (.Goldberg's exte nd an invitation to the s tudents of P eru Normal and rsaders of the No rmalire
.ffart. Shaffner & Marx, S ociety Brand Suits and O v ercoats, Stetson Hats, Munsing Union Suits, Arrow Shirts and other Fnrnis hing·s
At Goldberg's
Norman Lovell Has Fallen.
Nebraska City , Nebraska
·-. _ _
Fresh c ut flo"'ers for every occasion in appropriate arra ngemen ts--Our leadi ng s pecia lty at a ll Seasons of t he year.
W hen in. Ne braska Ci ty Doin g yo ur Chris tmas Sho pping CALL AT
The H ome of
" The Flor ist" \
Neb rasl<a Ci ty, Neb r.
Edison P honographs
--====~--------------~ ~. ·1' T,le Peru Sta te Norma l has l
Professor F . M. Gregg is presi· a fine ca mpus of s ixty a~res co vered dent of the Stat e Teacher's Associ - ~ with oaks, elms and many other ation for next year, a nd that Presi- varieties of trees which add a dent Rouse is the state director of cha rm the year around for all lovers theN. E. A. of nature.
Do your Christmas Shopping
Man y suitable gifts
both for H er a nd Him
can be found at our s t ore
L. Wessel's Sons & Co. Nebra s k a Cit)', Ne br. •~~tt.,...,.. ..........-..... ...,..liilli.._. •r• R ...., H T T I 'j' p • - g p g 11a1 ,;, ._Ill • s c , ~-----········~-9~?~7--~M~··------~IIJJ.J
Special Chapel Wednesday, 11:15. ;
Address, P. A . S. A. T. Charlton N. S. N. Recital Professor Carlson
OUR PRESIDENT. the state as a whole, in th at th er e r eal qualities of has thus been added to our li st of When to leadershi p are j oi ned an altr ui sm s plend id executives, a leader so that i s w ide sweeping, a nd a si n- able, and a ~a n eo :_~ ceri ty that is Qnquest ioned,-such I1 pro fessor smt'tl1 R ecovertng. · . a com b tnation is i dea l f or the head , . 1 of a n insti tution li ke ou r ow n 1 A letter from Professor ~mtth. , .dent R . · d d ated December 15. 1918, a t N ice, 1 Presl ouse ts a lea er . an nfl unces th a t he .ts 1. mpr ov t. ng Who m we Iove an d tru st H ts high principles, his broad human· and f ee ls that in time he will e ntrely recoYer from a " 11 tt le touch" ity, his un der stan ding of condi tions, equip him well fo r hi s work of ga3 received while in the Argonne drive. H e is now in t he Y. in l 'eru . H e has in large measure the qua li fications of an executive MF . C. A. winte r r esort. at Nice, · h· . . ' ranee. H e cone! udes w t th: tn ts 0 r oad v tston ~ • . of 1. ,, Even Italy or the A lps, Just near Prof essor and Mrs. Brown, Presi dent and Mrs Rouse, . hof. thed future Our Schn o I . an d tn 1~ a tnlnts tra tive ab il t bl . her e, canno t compare to old Ne- . Kenneth and Ma rjor ie . h . 1 Yth, w111 c .. WI 11 e na e ht m , braska. Love to ever ybody in I==== ===========::============== to rna ke at VISion come true • . . . . , Grand Old Pe r u - especial ly the LeRoy Carls.on. TRUE ...THOMAS W EDDING. H IS conv1cllons are s tr ong vet · . th uro ly tol erant and broad' lad y . membe rs. of the faculty and Th e s h oc k sutf~ r erl b Y the mu::.t -·he IS On Ch n · stmas afterno on at th3 1 . . home of Mr. and Mrs. George M. mtnded as r ega rds the opinions· of l thegJ rl s. -Sm tth ." Ica 1 ·mterests.o f t h e c~mmu~ .t ty tn
~thea In him, too, is thnt sav-1 New Floor in Gvmnasium, 1 th ~ l os~ of the splendtd ser vtces of Thomas occu·rred a very beauti f ul tng se nse of humor which i nsu res The " so lrliers a r e gone" and th e Mtss Rtta Thomas has b een soften- ·and quiet ho me wedding, whe n a sane consideratio n of troubleso me ' 'boys, " al l the better f or their ed . by the_immediate engage~~n t their daughter , Miss Rita, became problems. . training, are back in sc h oJI ready o f a ~plendtd teacher and mustctan the bri de of Ens ign Lloyd 0 . True, Edw i n L. R 1 use is wide ly known for b u ~ines;:. . who takes over_the v.:or k of the de - United States Navy. thru th e s tate as a winn ing• and Dunng vacat,_n n a fin e new _fl oor partm~nt of Pta no tn the No r mal The ~erv i ce was perfor med by • was put down In th e gymnast um s h 1 M c J t · · .. r. arson ~omes o_us the Rev. Roy Fatr chtld of St. f orceful advoca e of a rea l democ- wh ich is an evidence t hat one~ c oo · r acy in education; his ow n early a[lain we are getti ng back to goorl upo n ~h: r ecommendatiOn of htgh Mary's Episconal ch urch who used t rain ing in th e univer~ ity of hard old peace t im Ps-wnen Peru held autho rttt es. He is a superb co n- . the double rin g serv ice. knocks has deepened hi ;: feel ing of hi g~ place_ in co llege ~thl dics. j cert pianist, a n adept accompanist, ! After a bountiful Christmas e:ym pa t hy f or all s tr ugg li ng ancl 1 h H w ill also g t ve the hi.gh I a '3ki lled organist anrl , despi te h is dinner Ens ig n and Mrs. True left ambitious people. school boys a chance tu r eo rgam ze youth a master of mE'th od anrl an f 0 1. y· g·101·a 10 . ' d' t 0 pend a their team.o for co ntests w ith . ' . tr • en mg s We ..:nngratulate ourselves and n ~ i R"hboring hi gh ;:chools Instructor of expert ence and sue- I few days en route in Chicago and ec::R. • Was hingto n. Ensign True is a He attended the Hi s sch olastic and profes~iona l Fa irbur y man r ecord is summarized as f ol low::;: 1Univers ity of Wisconsin. He was Graduate of Geneva, 111., high com mi ssi oned in the n avy i n the schoo l, 1915. spr ing of 1918. F'or t:everal months Teache r's ce rti ficate in piano and he has heen or. duty on a submari ne j harm ony, Columbia Conservatory, chaser. 1 Aur ora , Il l 1915. I Mrs. True is the da ughter of Mr . 1 Graduate cliploma in piano a nd and Mt'e:. Geo. M. Thomas of Ne~ p ipe orga n, Augusta Con.;ervatury, hraska City. She was graduated : frum the Nehra~ l<a Universi t y Rock Island, Ill. , 1918. Pri vate teacher, Geneva and St. e:c hoo l of mus ic and later spent two 1ycars in th e school o f mus ic i n Charles , Ill., 19 13- 16. Assistant to Arv i d Samuelson, Chicago. h •ad of pia n o d e partment . Augus ta F'o r the past fe w years she has conservatory, September 1917 to bee n h ead of the pianoforte deMay 19 18. . parllnent in th e P('rU State N orm!. Teacher of piano, p 1pe or gan, I and t heo r y at LuBei Co ll ege, Wa- , A P11blic Spirited Citizen . hoo, Nebr., since June 1. 1918. I "A Ver y public spiriterl , is he Mr. Car lsun has se rved as no t ?" "Oh. Yes. H e is conor!!anist in a mm 1ber of large city s tantly in a h igh fevt!! r because churches, anrl has accompanied somebody else doecs not do somefesti va l chornses ~inging the grea t I thing about. ~ o met h ing immediateoratorios. ly."-Judgl:'.
' ~~~~--------~------~
Tnis fine young musician is taki ng- hold of the wo rk of piano ! o - - CU ,\'\ E---u 1, TI JJ ; insLruction in Peru with hi gh couragt:! a nd an eage r faith in h is little Gem Candy Kitchen own future and that of th e insti- · For your fresh ho memade c·andy tuti on he has bee n cal led to ser ve. 1 b lock no r t h and east of normal H. C. H. MILLER SlSTERS. Props.
_ .,.
= p
He is now the ranking capFort Leavenworth, Kansas. E . Lloyd True wh ose wed dingn:::ouncement. ap,pears in this f P ru issue, is a former student o . e . 01 ' WJI~oxen His mother, Mrs. I ve . . True , graduated from Pe ru ~n 1R85. His sister, May True In 1912
just one . clav , ~nrl of course, was --· greatly d 1sappo mted. G_ntered at the Postoffice at Peru, Ne- ; Lieutenant ~almer_has 100 hours braska as second-class matter. .I n the air to hI S credIt. He expects - - - -- - -- - - -- - - I to remain in the service. Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal -------- - - --::--- - 1 Lieutenant Char les A. Palmer, 50 cts. per year. Single copy 5 cts ! who is in the Aero Training Sta-----:--= ! tion, Berkley, Calfiornia, spent
=-=-=--=-== -_---
A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. · part of his furlough in Peru
Mecena Bloss, ' 16,
Peru State Bank A Good Bank - - -IN- - -
A Good Town
We wish a happy New Year to : Lieutenant Carl W. Amende, a has just returned to his home from others, and in. turn, hope t o · have stuedent in Peru Normal, 1914·15, a eamp in Frorida. where he ~as Phone 25 a happy New Year oun~e l ves . Yet , received hi~ discharge from the been instructing f or the past mne Phone 25 it dependsuponhow wehave profit· ' army recently. He will enter the months. He says he is eager to W. W. MARDIS ed by our experiPnces in 1918, Wharton Schoo l of Finance and come back to old Peru for advanc- Groceries, Furnishing Goocls, Men' s whether 1919 will bring us a full ! Banking at the University of Pen- ed work. and Boys' Shoes me.a sureofhappines". lnsylvania. Corporal E. R. Benedict. '17, Our Leaders: Valle-y Lilly Flour, If the sweets of _life have left I Roy F. Lee, cla ss of 1912, who writes that he is flying in France, Barrington Hall Coffee our lives sweeter; If we have _en- ~ has been stationed at Camp Funs· and was just ready to go over the dured our_adversities with a smile; ton, was visiting his parents and l ines, when the armistice was Peru Nebraska if the sorrows of l~st yea_r are Ifriends in Peru during the Holi- s igned. He plans to return to Peru 1st do or south Peru State Bank remembered with fort1turl e ; 1f we , . h b · days. for graduate work as soon as poshave given service wit out emg class of REMEMBER selfish, then indeed will 1919 be a Robert L. Sandberg, . sible. . . N y Hll8, who was recently discharged Acid Test of Current Htstory. happy ew ear. from the army, has been t>lected E I . . ''In s itu " Spur los xpaw., Have We too Many Schools? to a position in t he Lmcoln schoo 1s nkt , II ne passeront pas," If you want . . H . 11 verse , Nebraksa has four splendid state to teach manual tram mg. c WI , "On Jes aura," "La Fayette, Dry Cl e:ming, Pressing and normal schools, one great universi- take up his d':lties there February Voici', . . , Li berte, Ega lite, FraGen era) Lau ndry W ork ty, and nearly fifty private and 1. tern i t e," "Deutsch land u ber 53 denominational schools, ~eta cen- ! Sergeant Harry E. Palmer, on Alles,, Anzac, T. N. T., A. E. F., Ca ll Phone Mark Delze ll, Agt. sus taken in a west -central countv duty in research hospita l at Ft. iy_ M. C. A. , Y. W. C. A., w. s. of Nebraska shows 1000 boys and Sheridan , Ill., writes that thi s ho~- l s., I. W. w., S . 0. s .. w. A. A. Wil l Collect M ~ndays girls of college age who are not pita! will accomodate 5000 patJ- !C., R. F . C., C. 0. , K. of c., s. A. Basket at Chase s Shop attending any of the above schoo ls. ents. There are now 500 pati ents , D y K ._ What em- • 1 0 If that Pe rcentage of non-collf'giate h f I ou now. ' ' t. ~re rom over~eas. ' pires and kingdoms are likely to a IeS atten d ance hold s th ruou t the - Other · h' 1 f 0 ' L. Milton Blanke ns IP,_ cass becometx ~:inct ? counti es of the state, there Would be over 90. 000 boys a nd girls of 1916, ver,v soon after his release 2. What countries a re Jikely to Furni~hin~s f rom the arm,v went t o West Point, extend their bounderies? Cl.-thing college age who are not attending ' 3. Wha_t new countries will ~hue"' any of these schools: Have we too Nebr., as principal of the high 1 . . and teacher of manual probably spr ing into existence on many schools in thi s state or are school Why not a Madam Grace · th e1r · trammg. account of the war? the schoo I s we h ave not d o1n~ • 1 Corse t? full duty toward getting these boys : Wilber Emmert. degree 1~17, 4. What are probabl e in: and g irls to attend school'! i has received hi s discharge from the {a ) International r e lations ? 0. J. MILSTEAD !army at Yale Station. N ew Haven, (b) Politics? :, Conn. -He visited Boston, New (c) Indus try a nd finance? Khak .t an d Bluc. . , · York, N iagara and other points (d) Religi'ous tenent~ and Fredenck A. Jederman, l 6 , . . !:latus? . h h . in the East before r eturnmg to h1s wntes from France t at e I S ex. p . (e) Education? pectmg soon to be returned to home m eru. 1 Blue Bird Picture every SatPaul Stoehr, class 1917, has been I (f) Social relations? America. He ~ays, •·we all are ready now to return as soon as all released from the army, and was Mi ~s Edith Miller, '1 5, has a urday. Good Stars has been definitely settled perma- \immediately e lected superintendent • government pos ition in Was hingnently. of sehools at Cook. Nebraska. I t on, D C. Always Warm at the Crystal
I 1
Au burn
a un r·y
L d.
' & Gent's
I 1
Crystal Theatre
~ory ~ystery
Lieutenant Sterling Whitfi_eld. j .. PP.ru is in the new j A Dorm i : -How Disinfected before and who has been in the service smce . Wacht Am Rhem by Warren could the hghts of room 16 on each show the trouble on the Mex ican b·1rder, A Hays. He is with the Engin: er- New Year's Eve, shine into 19? 1 has at last been sent to France. ing Corps, Army of Occupation, He is a firs t lieutenant in a color- stati oned at Coble nz, billeted at ed company, stationed at Bordea ux, I Trier , Germany.. France. Arthur N. Long_fellow, class of Louis J . Wirth , one of last 1917, who was discharged from GET A year's seniors, writes that he is in the army December 1, left Peru Watertntln the Second Army Arti ll t>r y Park, last wee k for Hobson, Montana, to r 0 a regiment of UJOO men wh .:> are take up hi s work there as head of Moure!' practicall y all vocational men, such th e commercial depa rtment of the AT- -p as mechanics, chauffers, carpenters, high school. rom pt Service radio men, blacksmithR, fathe men, Captain B. L . Shellhorn spent 1•S etc. He mi ssed sai ling for France the holidays with his family in Good Eats
Mandelson & Kennedy Nebraska City
The Fay Your Best F • d ne n is the place to get \Is your . Fountain Pen h . Ot drinks Of all kindS p h er B ros.
The most complete stock of Ladie s' Read~-to-Wear in the City
At Popular Prices
A happy and prosperous New Year to all is our wish. We can M. E. GOOD . help you if you· buy your goods of us. .
member of the Dramatic and TenRita Thomas True- A Tribute. Wh en Miss Thomas left Peru on nis clubs. De~ember 10, we kuew that she To all who know her, her fri end· Now sh'ip was a constanl source of wou ld not be with us again that she is gone we fully appreci- l pleasure. Having _a personality ate the place that she held 1· n the that attracts she will . always be life of thi s institution. surrounded by many fri ends. But Rita Thomas True is a recogniz- as she makes these new friends we ed artist in the musical world. Her want her t9 k.eep a place in her exeptional talents· in concert work heart f or old Peru and her many f r ienda among the faculty and students.
In Memory of Mabel Engler. ,. One of the most heautiful services ever 11e'ld in Peiu was t he merricirlal held Sunday ~fternoo n, under the direction of theY. W. C A. and the senior class, in mem! ory of Miss Mahel Engler, who died December 19 at her home in Omaha. 1 hose who took part in the / ' service harl been intimately associated with Miss Engler while she was a student at Peru. Josephine Gavin sp 1ke of her in he r relationship to the senior , class and Pearl Bath sr:o.<e of her 1 as a fri end. Miss Hanthorn who broug ht a message in behal(of the Y. W. C. A.. said that in the wealth of love of friend's Mi ss j Engler had truly "mherited the · earth'' as promised in the passage, has heen· clearly shown in her s ue- ; " Blessed are the meek, f0r t hey ces~f u l recitais. She has won shall inherit the earth." Dr. s pecia l r ecogniti on as a n accom- : House r eferr ed to Miss Engler 's pani st, hav ing pl ayed for many !as a perfec t lift:!; none of us would noted flingers; among them Chas. ~ wish it to have been different. He E. Clark, Julia Clausen and Her- . characterized it by the one word, bert Witherspoon ! Jove. and said that the lives of all While she will be long remem· ' of us had been changed and strengthbered f or her artistic ability, yet ened because of having loved and the students, faculty and citizens : lost this fri end. of Peru will remember her as a ' Lee Heming:way contributed a luvi ng fri end. No task was too · beautiful violin solo, Hazel Parsons great for her to do that would help sang :-~ solo which Miss Engler had the school or her friends Her particularly enjoyed, anrl Dr. and g reat musical tal"mt wa .; dedicated : Mrs House , Miss Abel, and Mr. to service where that service was ; Meek sang "No Night There." most needed. ~ The Scripture Jesson . which Mi ss She was a factor . in the soc ial . Engler had selected, was read by and reli g ious affars of the school . Rev. Mr. Cope. life . It was largely thru her efforts · Miss Engler was a brilliant stut hat the Episcopal Guild was dent and took a prominent part in organi zed and she was a n active the activities of the · senior class.
Have your Xmas Pictures
RRmember when .In Nebraska / .
City it is :.mly One H wck North
Try it next time thi s rare collection 129 volumes on recent his tory o~ tht:! Great War . - -- 25c- - Th e standard historical maJrazinPs have been placed upon the rack for the students u!'e. The sturtents who are fortunate A. VENUE STORE enough to have history in their course thi s year haw~ gained not Fountain Pens, Fine Stationery, 0nly a wealth of information , hut Christmas Cards an inspiration which will make his tory a part of their Jives. Satisfying Christmas Gifts - -----See us f or your Confectionery and Miss Stella Oleso n, who completLunch Goods ed the wqrk in tbe commerce deH.U.Li\NDOLT partment last spring, and Miss Phoehe Davis, '15, both have posi~AY IT WITH FLOWERS tions in the governor's office.
Barnes' Pharmacy
The Quinna Camp Fire girls were The 3:20 train gets to delightfully entertained by Marg:~ Per u at 7: 28 r et Elde~ at five o'clock luncheon, on January l. The affair was giv- FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE en in honor of Dori s Frye, who was - - TIME-privileged to celebrate her birt hdav with the coming of the Ne w CHAPIN BROS. Year. Lincoln, Nebr. Phone 82234 Roy B. Couer, '15, who has been with the s hip joiners in the I<'ede ra l servi ce, writes that he has just Marsh's Market accepted a pos ition as head of the manual tra ining department in the Every Ki"d of meat Wilmington, California, high school. Wilmington is a suburban town of Los Ange les and located I And the" ~ome four miles from Long Beach. H e J with his wife. 'form erly Miss Kati e Allen, ' 10, will visit Nemaha j That You like to eat 1 county next Summer.
! Have
your Wat<?h~s. Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacals and Fountain Pens
Phone 56
Peru, Nebr.
Citizens STATE :: BANK
-- ·---
An old reliable bank with assets of over
The Newman Studio /
A Good Lunch or
Splendid Meal
Made Early
HAVE YOUR She was a me mber of the Peruvian staff and an assistant in the deLaundry \\ ork done partment of Eng li!'h. She took a at the particularly active interest in the workof theY. W. C. A. where she Nebraska City Laundry was a vital force. ,I OTIS GREGG, Agent By her gracious manner, her fine · pe~sonality, and her splendid Chris- 1 Phone 79 ti ~n character , Mi ~s Engler won the Basket at King's Barber Shop love and esteem of faculty and stu· C::ollected Mondays dents alike; and the assembly room Delivered . Fridays was filled with friends glad to pay I! trihute in this modest way to her Klenzo De"tal Creattt memory. Looks Good Tastes Good Many New Volumes of History I Is Good Our library has for years been a For it's a perfect rich storehouse for students of de ntrifice history. There have bPen addf'd to 1
IReliable J e weler
Peru, Nebr.
January Glearing Sale BEGINS AT
Nebr. Gity
'~ i1
Thursday, Jan. 9th LASTS lEN DAYS . Best Bargains of the year in men women and children's wearing apparel.
New Clothing FOR FALL AND WINTER Goldberg's extend an in vitation to the students of Peru N ormal and rsaders of the Normali ce
Hart. Shaffner & Marx. Society Brand Suits and Overcoats, Stetson Hats, Munsing Union Suits, Arrow Shirts and other Furnishings
At Goldberg's
A SELECTION FROM ''HOMER" P~ru's M ay Music Festival .
Thi s is the day of comm uni ty - - -T he Think Factory Opens mugic. All 0ver Am.orica the conviction is g rowing that the citizen On schedule time , DecembPr 31, not t rained to enjoy g ood music the wheels of our grand old "Think inte lligent ly has been chea ted of Factory'' began to turn. P r acti part of his birthright. Peru , with cal ly all the students r et urn Pd her b ig festival chorus of mq r e ready fo r wor k . A few did not than a hund red voices, has for return, due t o flu conditions in years ranked as a p ioneer among th.::ir h ome t own. Nebraska ' s mus ical communities. For tunate ly Peru was practically Thi s d isti nction she owes t o Dr. free fr om the flu whe n school open Homer C . House. Dr. H ouse ed, d ue to th~o p r om p t and r igid br ings to the work of chora l direct- ruling of the local board du r ing or so und t rai ning , an appreciation vacation . anrl insight of rare de licacy, and With a well equ ip ped and c n man inexhaustib le ent hus iasm. His rnodi ous infir mar y and the ~choo l was the idea of t he May Mus ic nurse con,.:ra ntl.v on ha 11d Hny case Festival which f or seven yea rs · has of the flu wil l be cared for brought together music lovers pr oper ly . f r om all sou t heastern Nebraska. A School Puzzl e :-Find "Cur ley" Plans a re in moti on for a 19 19 f estiva l of unusual brilliance , invo lv- and · 'Red"· in t he group p icture ing the presence of a metropo li tan . on front page. , singer whose pr estige surpas:<es j One rose to a li ve nose is worth that of a ny one yet heard he re, if I more than a who le wre ath of r oses j the fi nancia l backing g ive n the \ to a d ~:-aci one.
Nebraska City, Nebraska "S~ y IT WITH FLOWERS
. When in Nebraska City D oing
Fresh cut flowers for every . occasion in appropriate arrange- ' I ments-·Our leading specialty at all Seasons of the year. G. E. BERTHOLD ''The F lorist'' Neb raska City, Nebr.
y our Chri stmas Shopping CALL AT
The Horne of Edison Phonographs
Dry Cl ean in g, Dye ing, Pressing, Remodeling, R epairing
Ladies' and Gents' Highest Closs Tailoring EVERY PIECE OF WORK GUARANTEED Tailor and Cleaner
Jno. A. Cejl<a.
festiva l seems t o wa rrant the musical expenditure .
Wessel's Big January Sale·
Starts January 3rd Lasts one ·week Big Reductions in all departments.
L. Wessel's Sons & Co. Nebraska ·City, Nebr •
._----~------~-------------- -----------------7----~~------~
Remember the two big Budget Events---Friday Night---Admission: Budget Ticket or 25c
What 1 Wish for Peru . Prof. LeRoy Carlson Recital The app la use wh ich g ree ted Mr. Vital, wh olesome co ·opeat ion b e t wee n tow n and school f or a BIG- L e Roy Carlson Jagt Wednesday Chapel, 8 0' clock---Followed by a Basket 1 GER a nd BETT ER Pe r u. This morn ing w hen he appea r ed upon I means ind ividual expenditure the stag e was Peru' s cordial we lBall Game with A uhurn of e ne rgy a nd collective ex pend iture come to a new-come r wh o is to b e of energy and mone v. Come on, I one of u s . The app lause wh ich T REAT FOR BUDGET TICKEr HOLDERS let ' s g o ! E . L . Rouse. [fo ll owed hi m as he left the piano
-------------- 1
In atte nda nce, the , ;s ta tus quo a ha lf later was_a sponta neous The Blue Bird: R R h p ~'an te be llum" w it hin a yea r, a nd expr e·ss w n of g rat Jtud e f or t h e eading ul ass · · h' Fri day n ig ht, J a nuary 17. [ " over t he to p" w i t hi n the n ext. pleasure h e had g 1v.e n us m JS The Blue Bi r d , a sy mbolic p lay II. As th e t ru est tes t of hig h- mi nd ed short but d e lig htf ul r ecital. by Mau ri ce Maete rl inck, 1s one of Janu a r y Sale Donald Overholt, loyalty to Pe ru I wou ld hai l a Of t he fou r n u mbe rs comprisin g t he most nota ble dram as of our Prop. grow in g" sense of u nited and ind i- the program t hr ee we re Grei gg"Pneration. I t is a lo \•ely fa iry The J a n uary sa le too k place in a 1 vidua l ~tud en t r espons ibi li t y f ur and characteri st ically Gr ieg. The s tory with a subtile, ph ilosoph ical / toy ~hop . Th_e m ~ch an_ical doii R, hi g h acad emi c a nd social standa rds. "Norwegia n Brida l Pa r t y" a lwa~s mo ra l; ve ry lav ish in s r ectac le, dancmg bear, )ump•ng Jack, da neMattie Cook Elli s. works cha r mni g i mages of r ustl e very dainty in poe tic s ug g est i on . ing negro a nd t i n so ld ie rs were S . h . fl d lth gaye ty a n d s imple h a ppiness. In · · · . orne w1sh e r m nen ce an wea , . . very com pe ll ing i n d r a mat ;c spe ll r epre!>e nted by Ph d o me mber s. h . b Mr . Ca r lson ' s sympathet1c mter p• ' 1 • 0 t e rs more g 1r 1s - ut mea n . . :rhe see n: o~en ed w •t h t~e proboys; r etat 1on, t he ?anc m~ rhy_th~ was and cl1max. Such cop ies of the p lay as ca n be fo und i n p u b lic a nd pn e tor wh is tli ng anrl du s tmg the I ld h I . h d fr om brou ght out Wit h cn sp damtmess, .· . . . . . , wo u t at m 1g t g uar . · . pr1 va te l1 br a r1 es oug ht to be in r e- toys. T he cmt nme1s drPs~ed m 1 h th e d e !Jca te modu lat1ons wer e 1 b . 1 s tea t f k· h qu ls lt lon before F r iday n ig h t, . r ea ~ ~ co stum e eg a n to come m ' H er id eals, trad it i ons a nd joys. g iven their ful l effect. The resonwh en th e Blue Bird is to be show n and inspect th e toys. whi ch on b e- , S uccess, Alma Ma ter-lung life! ant bass of certa in passag es de I' ing wound u p showed what won - ~ serves n ote, as does t he phrasi ng o f in moti on p ict nres. · He le ne Bonek empe r. H. c. H. rlerfu l t oys t hey r ea l ly we re. Of , . . . . . the tra ns itos from the pastora l / co u rse t her e was a scr a mhle be- / rwo VIg or o us !Jte r a r y socle tJ es, mE> Iody of th e in te rl ude to he Dr. Cha rleton Ajdresses Ch a pel. t wee n t he wome n as to whfl should I the inri efini te con tin ua nce of t he bu t tl I I fi d . . , , b.1 f . ,, ro s na e. fn , t he te rse and vivid language get each t oy . One p oor ti r ed . n e , e moc l a t lc, g am i 1Y H ensult ' s "If I wer e a Bird, " o f " a ma n who d oes t h ings," Dr. , mother ' s little boy beca me so un- I spir i t among b oth faculty and s~ud · wh ich fo ll owe r!, was a lc:o delig htA. T. Cha rle ton to ld of exper iences ' m anageable th a t she g a ve hi m a e nt s, a s trung and thor o collegiate f ull y p layer! , a nd showed admi r aoverse.as. H e gave sppc ia l pra·ise, s haking a nd se t h i m do wn on t he depar t me nt, a nd a cam pus made b ly th e ease of Mr. Ca r lsons technic n •t on ly to t h e Ya nks who ha rl r <a l floor w he r e he fel l asl eep. I n her 1 beautifu l by art as i t has been by a nq hi ~ suppl en e~s of touch. Jn service in th e tre n ~ h es, bu t to th e exc i te me n t sh e left t he store wi t h , nature, s urrou nd ed by a Per u t ha t t he ren d i tio n of Gri eg ' s "Ma rch Sco tc h a nd En ~l i sh ma r in es of th e th ~ ot her shopper s anrl f orgot h im . . exhausts its p otential pi cturesque- of the Dwarfs" , th e ha lf humours Gra nd F lee t, anchor ed i n t he Fi r t h The~pro p ri e tor closed t he store and . ness . F . M. Gregg. stacca to in troducton , echoed in t h e of Forth, whose h a rde r tas k it was went h ome · I As an imn•ense he lp to each fina iP, was made to con t rast most to s tan:'! a nd wa it fJ r or der s to atThe little boy a woke a n d real iz- yea r ' s Pe r uv ifl n staff., I woul d li ke effect i ve ly wi th t he r i ppling sweettack. i ng his ha ppy s itua ti on , he wounrl 1 to see organized a Pe r u vian ness of ·the second th eme. Mr. The a ud ie nce was i mpre!'<ed by t he t oys a nd set t hem a ll to g oing commi ttee, composed of me mbers Ca rl ~on' s v ivid phras ing a nd the t he f ac t t hat Dr. Cha r iP. ton had a t on ce, wh ile he lau ghed and of th e fac ul t y, to act as staff ad- fi n ish of h is " e n uncia toin" wer e t he rese r ve of a ma n wh o has iived ju mped a r ou nd wi th g lee. visers f rom year to vear. rJO ta hl e in thi s numbe r. th r u sce no::s so t e rr ible t ha t he N. S. Pe ter Snyde r. " On t he Mou nt a ins " (Gr ieg) was W · Th at a F'a mi ly Recreat ion Cluh th e four th nu mber. None of th e w ould not desc r ib e th e m i f he ecent ork of John .Neihardt I · · . ve ry rPpress1on . cou ld . H 1s was . cons1s tm g o f t h e f acu 1tv, t hei· r 1; mooc1 suggest ·ive ness o f t he beau t'1m ore effective tha n wn r ds won /d A d oc u ment of _pecu lia r In ter es t fami lies and a n y othe r co ope rat ing I f ul compos iton was lost i n its 1 have been. In clo ·ing Dr . Cha ri- to stu dents a nd fn e nds of th e N or - f a milies o f th e vi llage a ncl cou ntry ' pr ese ntat ion, whi c h served to show 1 to n r e ma rked t hat he wou ld not ! mal i~ now in t he hands of so me of was or j!a n ized a nd hold i ng regul a r a lso Mr . Ca rl so n' s maste r y o f take a m ill inn d o liars for h is war : t he classPs i n lite rature. 1t is the : mon t hl y meet ing s in th e g y mna- ! var ious pr ob le ms of tech n ic. In 1 ex peri e nces, b u t h f' would not g ive gal ley pr oofs of "The Song of th e s i um. G. W. Bro wn . r esponse to a n E'nl h us ias ti c encor e. five ce nts to live th em over ag a in. / Th:ee Fri e nd .;," by o ur di s~i n Eig h t hundred studfnts i n atte n - Mr . Ca r lso n g ave exquis ite ly a n gulsh ed alum n u~. .l ohn G. N ei h- / da nce at th e PPr u N or ma l school I en cha nt ing li ttl e "Elude J a ponThe Phil oma th ea ns held a meet - . a rdt. t his s~mmer ! Why not ? Teach- ~ ai!>e" hy· Bo ldi n i. !ng in t h e chanel Fr iday e veni ng. . - : . 1 Mr. ~eih~rd t is d eal in~ in mas- ! ing is th e noblest of th e professio ns , Each nu m be r of th e pr og r a m had j te r ly _way ';1 t h t he. ma ten a ls of a . It offe r s p er manen t occ upati on. j The h1 g h es teem. w 1.t h wh1 ch t he bee n we ll c hosen and was accep ted ge~UJ ne e~r c and . h1s. wor k. be~a use 1 T he d e mand cr eates th e supply, anrl . m e ~hers . o f t he JU ni Or class hold with inter es t a nd enth usiasm by 1of 1ts natw na l Sig nifi ca nce, 1s of P eru will s upp ly th e d emand to the th e 1r ad v tso r , Profes~or J ea n, was the a.udi ence. I special i n te r es t to edu ca t i on .- ~ex t ent o f 8 00 th is summe r: ex pr esseri by an offe r ing of r ed P r ogr a m. Way ne Go ld enrod . C. F . Beck. rMes at thi s tim e of stt·e!1s at t he 1 Jea n ho me. The s incer e g ood · I. A Budget Committee "O wed." The Tark io Co ll ege paper , The wishes of the en t ir e class f o ll ow t he P iano solo M iss Wing /I T icke t s ubc r ibers q u ite a f E> w- P hoe n ix, is running some clever g ift a nd breat he a h op e f or h is Readi ng Lo i ~ H acke r H ave fo r gotten t he i r duty to d o "Id iotor ia ls. " speed y recove ry. Bar itone solo - H a r old Cha tela in ,. The ticke ts th ey " sot " ----Fra nces Ke lley so lves the puzzle. Head ing Miss F er ree • Have ne ver b een " bot" S hP f ou nd "Cur le y" a nd ''Hed " in P res. Ro use was in L incoln atViolin solo te nd ing boa r d meeting Mo nday. . Lee He mi n g way 1So th e Budge t committee feels blue. 1 the las t N orm ali te. D id you ?
Peru State Bank
Do You Know. T ha t the value of t he bui ld ings, Regular Events:d equipment is over g roun d s an Bntcrerl a t tb~ Po~toflicc nt Peru, Ne· Glee Clubs practice every Tuesha lf a million do llars. braska as second-class matter. day and Wednesday even ings at 7 That the earnin g capacity of !aFt . State Normal ! a nd 7 :45 o'clock. Published Weekly by the Peru Chorus practice every Monday year's class was ovPr $ 100; 00~ 00. and Wed nesday evening at 5:30 and that t he Teacher s' Bureau IS at 50 cts. per year. S ingle copy 5 cts. the service of ever y student. - --=- o'clock . The Calan der.
A Good Bank
- - -I N-- -
I A Good Town
That from " Looko ut Po in t" you FOUR STATE NORMALS. Basket ball practice Monday, can see for miles a~d . mile~ up an~ . . k f th T uesdav, Wedne~day evenings. There 1s ·a great wor or e . dow n th e beautiful M1ssoun Val ley, 1 .• N b k t I Spec1a l E ven ts:f our state norma ls of e ras a o . Phone 25 . . . h f the Fri day ni ght, J anu::try 17, Blue- f rom Cemetery H i II is not only a I Phone 25 do 10 trammg teac ers or . b d grand view of the valley bu t some I Th ' b done hird by Maeterlmck, a u get . h public sc oo 1s. IS can e ' of the mnst beautiful wood land W. W MAR 0 S . . h J only by the hearty cooperation of e vent. 22 Groceries, Furnishing Goods, Me n 's t hese four schools. They are so Wed nesday . m g t, a nuary , views in t he wor ld . That ou r great b ig athletic field and Boys' Sho~s h~ ily located there is little need Glee Club rt>clla~. a budget event. PP · · d Wednesday m ght, J anuary 29, is t he pride of a ll Joya l Peruvians. Our Leaders: Valley Li ll y Flour, of their interests confl1ctmg an . there is plenty of opportunity for pipe _o rgan :r eci tal , a budget even~j Cnncrete starlium with a sea ting Barr ington Hall Coffee · · ·t terr ·tory Fnd ay n1 g ht, J an uar y 3 1, Chap capacity of nearly 2000. A drain1 each t o grow m 1 s own . We have ou our desk copies of 1en Ler tainmen t, a budget event. age tunn el running the e nt ire P eru Nebraska the Antelope (Kearney) a nd thE: Wednesrlay and Thursday, Ja~ length, whic h makes it one of 1st door south P eru St~te Bank Go ldenrod (Wayne) which cert inly uor y 28 a nd 29. A_nnual Art Exh l- t he dri est fiP- lds in t he state. do honor to the inst itutions they b it, under ausp1ces of Ar t DeREMEMBER That Professor Beck, who served represent. While a high spirit of partment. - - - -- -in the Spanish-A merican War is lo yal ty is manifest, yet t he editoMt Vernon Hall. captai n of the H ome Gua rds and Ethe l Anderson and Bessie Lau- is p la nning to continue the on ra ni r ials show a generosity in discussIf you want ing t he sister norma ls whi ch be- man spent the week-end in Omaha. zation. All Normal boys are Dry C leaning, Pressing and speaks an allied in terest in work- While there they neard Galli-Curri. eligi ble. The r eturning soldi ers General Laundry Work ing f or a larger a nd broader fie ld Miss Gladys Schmidt has been w ill make t his orga ni zation one Call Phone 53 in ed ucation. enjoyi ng a visit from her fr iend, of the best in t he state. Mark Delzell, Agt. Miss . Banner, of Omaha. Li llian That Peru has a Music Festivai Greatness Shown by Symplicity, Will Col lect Mondays Brooke r a nd Mary Ca ldwell enter- at the end of each year , g ive n bY. {Thoughts suggested by Profes- t a ined at a , 'feed.', Basket at Chase' s Shop · th e chorus trained and conduct ed sor Hoyt' s address.) Rooseve lt 'th Mi ss Gladys Baird, who has been by Dr. House, which has attracted . . d ead - a II t he wor ld s t oo d w1 . spending a few days at the Infirm- the attentio n of the lovers of music d owe ea s or a urna n ynam 1c h d f h d b ary has r eturned, much to our thruout the U . S. Musical Ameri f orce ha d su dd en Iy ceased . Th e • • 1 happi ness. She reports Furn i .... hiM~S , , that, , our ca, published in New York, sent a f unera I serv1ces were s1mp e-no . · !other g irls who have flown are representative to give a special fl owers, no spec1a 1 mus1c, no pomr; . . . . Cl ·• thing only a little chapel fi ll ed with the gettmg a long fi ne. MmnJe MeJs- write 'u p of this splendid organiza- ~h o e"i closest personal fr iends admitted n~r, who started the New Year tion. Ame ri ca's greatest a rtists Why not a Madam Grace · hty w1th the flu, expects to. return the ha ve appeared in surcesci ve yea rs b y car d s. Th ey I a1'd th'IS m1g Corset? · h'IS 1as t res· t .mg p 1ace w1' th first of th e week. Misses Todd, at this great Fest i val of Music · man m and Swanson sent Th $ OO · · f Ha nks Gavin less ceremony than has been be• a t th e 5. ma tnculat1on ee 0 . ] . MILSTEAD st owed upon many a country squire. the word that they wo uld be home. you pay, wh ich goes to buy books A man before whom kings and later. · and magazi nes for you to read in ru lers of the earth bowed and did , New Books in the Library. the library, ent itles you to free 1 obeisance; the only one whom Among the many new books in instruction in a ll bra nches for a Wi lh elm of Germa ny, when in the the l i~rary yo u mi ~h~ ~~ keto read firstg ra rle life ce r tificate, includi ng Bl ze nith of hi s g lory, f eared andre- are Wmston Churchill s The D~¥ell- your t eachers' train ing course; ue Bird Picture every Saturd ay. G ood Stars spected , was given t he grandest ing Place of lig ht , " or the inter- 1also free ins tructi on in specia l funeral which cou ld be g iven an esting .story. of the life of Hamlin . courses in art, ma nna I training, Amer ican cit izen- grand in its Garland, "A Son of the Middle domestic arts a nd science , business Always Warm at the Cr ystal simpli city. Border," or. the refreshing phi- l courses incl uding accnuntancy, Dis in fec ted before and after As a summer s torm passes, so osophy of lrla M. Tarbell, "The shorthand and typewriti ng , p nbl ic each show passed the li fe of Roos~velt. The Business of Being a Woman." H. 1 schonl music, band and orchestra, world made better and more beau· G. Well s' "The Sou l of a Bishop " g lee club and chorus instruction. tiful by the spent storm. God g ives yo u a new outlook upon life. , Th t p h •. . a eru as one of th e best . . . . . g 1ves h1 s silent bened1ct10n on a I If yo u a re m clmed toward more . d l'b . . . . . . . eq 01 ppe 1 ranes w 1th t he choicest work well clone a nd sends h1s bless- s2nous and JnstructJve read 1ng , d' f h . . . . rea mg or t e benefit of the stueel sun li ght thru the IJngenng read Woodrow Wilson's "Why We d t l'b . GET A raindrops and colors the parting Are at War ;" F. M. Fl ing's en ~- 0 ur _1 ranans are not only Waterman s t orm cI ou d WI th a ha Io o f g I ory. 1• " Moibeau and the French • Revol- special ly t ramed for their work • · I u t~o n ; " H. W. Co_nn's "_?ocJal_He~; bu t are always willin~ a nd anxious or Chemistry Humanized. , edJty and Soc1al Evoluti on ; to serve the students who are seek · Moores The department has been called· Viscount ~ryce's "The Trea~ment ing information. Th t h d - - -AT- - . of Amencans; ' J. E. Mil ler's . . . a our ea on t~ f urn1sh men and women for "Education f or t he Needs of Life; " l1 branan, M1ss Rou lon , is presid ent chem1cal purposes. --·Kearney Ante- : Andre Cherad ame' s " The Pan- of t he State Library Association l German Plot Vnmasked." for colleges and normals. lope .
Auburn Laundry
Ladie s ' & Gent's
Crystal Theatre
Vour Best Friend
Is your Fountain Pen
Mandclso~ & Kennedy Nebraska City
Fisher Bros.
The most compl~te stock of Ladies' Ready-to-"We~r in the City ·
At Popular Prices
New Goods in Shoe Line are now in Come in and see the•n • • • • •
• •
• •
• •
T. U. G. Club Items Rudolph F. Havelka, class ·1911, Mary Jarvis and Madge Seid Members of t he cluh wo have writes from France that he expects went to Nemaha to spend the weeknot beeh attending our socia l JZ'at h- soon to be "homeward bound . end with the ir parents.
Laundr_y Work done
at the eri ngs do not know what they have 1 If the Normal ite is a day late Prof. F. C. Smith was gassed at been ~.i ssing. '·one taste calls for th~s week it c.a n be .be laid to th e Grand Pre, but kept at work fo r . Nebraska City Laundry more. If you come once you . pnnter and h1s unt1me ly spell of sever a l weeks. December 15 he, OTIS GREGG, Agent will be on time forever after. sickness. was sent to the Y. rest ca mp atj ph 1 ' •• one 79 If someo ne shoued upset the jug Elmer H. Pohlman, Peru stud ent Nice, France. B k K' , B b Sh · h 1 1o bb y woul d Mary m · 1914- 15, has been mustere•J..~ ou t as et at mg s ar er op 1 n t e chape Dr. A. T. Charleton, past as· Wright it? of the army and will enter the si~tant surgeon of the U. S Navy, Collected Mpndays · 't f p 1 · Del ivered Fridays Miss K a t h erine S chill, who stays U mvers 1 Yo ennsy vama. who return ed from France last with Mrs. J oy. has r eturned after Lieutenant Clarence A. How ie, week, spent a few days in Peru a prolonged vacatio n. d egr ee 1916, recently discharged I with Profes~or Beck and family, Kleozo Dental Cream Miss Lillie Larso n. a sen ior T. U. fr om the army, has taken up army ~ while on his way to join hi s wife, Looks Good G., has not been able to r eturn to Y. M. C. A. work and has reported nee Hazel Beck, '09, in Colorado. Tastes Good Haro ld Chatelain, class 1916, r e- 1 Is Good schoo l si nce the vacation because f or duty at Camp Dodge, Iowa . of her mother's illnP.ss. ·· . W: F. Young, ~egree, 1915, who ceived hi s di sc harge from the army For it's a perfect Many members of th e club have IS Wi th the Amncan ~- F. sur- j December 17, and has retur ned. de ntrifice been busy th is week taking snap geon's a!'sistant, wntes from home anrl taken up work in hi s Try it next time shots for t he Peruvian. Tri eves that the grandes t day ?f 1 father's store. He was inducted · - - -25c- - If the Ford stop; wi II the his life was the day he spent m into the service at Auburn, NebrasLuxemburg. / ka August 15, J 918, and was sent "Dort "go on? Captai"n Earl M. Cline who was · fro m there to the Universi ty of Miss Marie Gibson is teaching in severely wounded in F r ance the 1 Nebraska for special training in - - -- - - - - - - - - -- the e ight h grade in the Beal's 1 A VENUE STORE School, Omaha. but will attend openi ng day of t he dr i ve in the 1 radio work. He was transferred Argonne sector, writes that he is to the Carnegie Institute of TechNll rmal school next summer . F ountain P ens, Fi ne Stationery, now practically t ecover ed, and ex- no logy , Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 5, A coasting pr aty had been plan· pects to be ba.:k w ith hi s d ivision taking u p a co urse for bandmasters. Christmas Cards nerl for Saturday evening, Jan. 4, ' Lieut. Roy N. Hagerty, class Satisfy ing Christmas Gifts but t he severi t y of the weather in the nea_r future. He says he expects to spend the Fourth of July 191 6, writes from F'rance t hat he See us for your Confectionery and cha nged the p lans. in good old America. / was in actio n at the start of the The T. U. G's held a most inLunch Goods Lieut. 0. W. Osens, class , 191 6 "big sho w" over there and he was teresting meeti~g Saturday. evenH.U.LANDOLT ing in the expr eEsion room. There writing from France says he haR righ t up where· the real fighting had mos t of the experiences that was. H was made a ide de-camp was a ve ry good r ep rese ntations in sp ite of th e w~ath er. The even ing go with trench life over there. He to Genera l Barnum in Au g ust, and SAY IT WITH FLOWERS was one of great ac tivity; pictur es was sent on patr ol, once as a n ob- ; was serv ing in that capaci ty when The 3 :20 train gets to of the members were taken, a sooth server and once in charge. He ' the armi stice came. He had some Peru at 7:28 saying bottle ans werPd questions, went to th e enem ies' fourth wire, : close calls f r om shrapnel, and jok-
Barnes' Pharmacy
in fact a '' hopping" good time wh ich was fifty yard <> from their · ingly speaks of some one having FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE was had. '(he only thing th at front line , but as the Hun was not . done him a favor when he made or - - TIME - marred the pleasur e of the evening roami ng that nigh t th ey had a caused a defPct ive fuse in a bomb was th e fact that positi ve results bootless errand. Patro ling is some 1 which hi t about two feet fro m h im . CHAPIN BROS. were found in tes ting !'orne of the game, he says. I Lt. Vergil L. Lehr, class 1916, Lincoln, Nebr. members for insanity. I G le nn 0. Ke lley, class 191 7, , has seen so me good serv ice i n Phone B2234 J . J. Sher, manager of the college sends g r eetings to Peru fo lks f r om France. He was s upply sergeant - - - - -- - - - - - - -• annual department, Bureau of En- Camp Stuart, New PortNfw!', Va., when he went to France, but was Marsh's Market graving, Mi nneapolis, was 'in Peru wher e he has just la nd ed fr om over- changed to line sergeant, as that Thursday to consu lt with t he Peru- seas. He says the cri sp January gave h im a chance to he in the vian st aff. He was especiallY. air anrl t he two inches of ~;now · fight. He has had many narrow Every Kit1d of meat p leased at the or igi na lity of their whic h greeted th eir arriva l was a escapes, at one time the larger part work and gave them many helpful shock compared with the mi ld of his company being kill ed. He sugges tions. Mr. Sher con'!luded Cali fornia climate of Bordeau, was i n the biggest gas attack ever And then some t ha t with th e s plendid ideas of the wher e h~ was held in_r eserve.. Mr. · put on by the American •roops. H e s taff and the quality of the book Kelly wll l t ake up his work m the is proud, he says, to belong to the thruout, the 1919 annua l will sur- teaching profes:;ion as soon as he is 98th division which firs t broke thru ThatYou liketo eat pass al l tho~e of previous years. mustered out of the service. the Jines at Argon ne For es t.
R~membe r
wh en in Nebraska
H ave your Xmas Pictures
your Watch"!s, Cloc ks, Jewel ry, Spectacals and Fountain Pens
City it is on ly
One 8 10ck North
Made Early
A Good Lunch or Splendid Meal
An old reliable bank with
J. Peru, Nebr.
The Newman ·Studio Phone 56
Rel iable J eweler
Peru, Nebr.
assets of over
•• •
January Glea ring Sale B·EGINS AT
. t sons are given to those who wish Expresston Departmen ' · . -. the work and be · ·n- r to spec1a 1JZe 10 h t It is a notable fact t a every J come enterta iners, and interpreh0 becomes a teacher . .d I d1v1 ua w d ters of li te rature. has to fill a p lace in the schoo 1 an The dramatic c lu b is a valuable · · to which' he goes commumty JO d adj unct to the expr ess ion departquite apart from the r egular roun ent Each member of the club k A teacher must m · ' 1 of c ass wor · . . a n appears in a small play once a year preside at publlc mP.et mg~, ~e . and sn r eceives in struction from active club member , ~r.t_ea ~~ t he head nf the department. Then " church and village act.JVJt~es. d it is the privi ledg-e of the strongest ~ the schoo l it self orgamza Jons e I ll mand hi s help as adv isor and as or best adapted of these to p a~ a who can plan programs and r ole in a public performance whJ.c h one ; is one of the popular entertamcoach plays. 1 · 0 n department offers ments of t he school year. ur express1 0 a course in dramatic work whi ch Reverie of an Amateur Nurse.
Thursday, Jan. 9th
/As I s i t r ecl in ed at ease,
Safe from the wi nds of winter 's ! blast. Nnw in th P.ir r oar m e thinks I hear A voice so far and yet c;o near . "Well , can I make you hea r at last? Bring me a d rink of water please.'' { ____-Brown- ing .
Rest Bargafins of the year in men women and children's
I wearing apparel • . I
piece of J.!ll l rer rum was :-:it ' ting- on a stu rb cvne . Along camP. a rrol ice pan. . The mol ice 1 an sai d "Sive me · gum." \ The gubher rum said, "Not by ·a sam di g ht." .
New Clothing FOR FALL AND .WINTER Goldberg's extend an invitation to the students of P eru N ormal and rsaders of the N ormali(e
Hart. Shaffner & Marx, Society Brand Suits and Overcaots, Stetson Hats, Munsing Union Suits, Arrow Shirts and other Furnishings
At Goldberg's
T he Snu t heastern Normal Schoo l of Charle>:ton. Ill. , had a "Bette r ! Eng li sh Carniva l'' recently. Wh y ~ not try t hi s in Peru? J
. ..--.
! One h unrlred percent of tre is expressly designed to he lp teach - facu lty a r e me mbers of the Natinn ers to j udge of t he ord ers of plays al Educat iona l Association. and to know how to present t ht- m to an audience. This depa r tme nt COMING! WHA T7 also has work in the interpreta ti on GRAND HIPPO'CROMEl of the printed page which !lives any student of anv department a WHEN? power of ana lysis t hat is invaluab le. : SATURDAY NIGHT. Thi s is combined with drill in WHERE? appear ing before a udiences and facing t hem with the definite desi!ln MAJORS' HALL GYMNASIUM. of creating inte rest. Private lesSEE BILLBOARDS,
Nebraska CitY. N ebras ka
Fresh cut flowers for every 1 occasio in appropriate arrangements-·Our leadin all Seasons of the year.
G. E. BERTHOLD ''The Flori st'' Nebraska Ci ty, Nebr.
THE Fr\ Y is the place to get
hot drinks of a ll kinds We also have
Make Wessel's Your Head quarters Free Waiting Room"
Ice Cream
Rest Room
At all times
Prompt Service G uud E'a ts
D ry Cleaning, Dye ing, Pressin g, Remodeling, R epairing
Ladies' and Gents' Highest C1as!"l Tailoring EVERY PIECE OF WORK GUARANTEED Tai lor and Cleaner
Jno. A. Cejka.
Larf!e~t a~so r tment of Dry Go•)ds and Ready-to Wear on ht:1t1d .
L. Wessel's Sons & Co. Nebraska City, Nebr.
i wasa
good show in the corner so
Dea r Eben ezer: ISal ancl me we~~ in . Here th~y I just fee l I gotta right an' tell showPd me th e fatest woman m you what a swe ll doin's 1 w ent to th e world" and say Eb let m e te ll Sa tt.:rday nite . They had what they ynu she sure was hea vy. They had call a hyp po so m th' th a lot of other folks in their t oo · l' m g -or-o e r over in the g ra nd bri ck bu i lding that I never see before. I new.r they call th e tra inet s ' school. Wh e>n 1 knew th e Lorrl ha d s nch mixed in me anrl Sal got to th e dare a 1 with u s cival ized f olks. Whe n we f . k came out of thi s place we thot we woman bumped us or a mc e1. . co uld :l 't go no mor e but just th en We· didn't kn o w w h e t ner t o go 1n . or n ot but we d ._, , someb ody sa ;; we could take a trtp • ru an say, we . ai n' t sorry n eit her. Folks jus t ~round the world fur a n1cke l so . us hf'd us ev" r y h ' h b t tn we goes. H ear we set down and P , " w IC way!', u me and Sal hun g on tite to each looked at pictures on a sheet while other and got thru sa fe . 1 was a captain in a boa t told us a bout j urs a Ji ttl e feerful fur my honn e t th e places. Sa l g-ot r eel e xcited sometimes tho. We we nt a nd took when they sho wed th e Isle of Man a nd e on the merry-g o-rounrl , but / b~t ,I wat'l true to you Eh and it ETTA YOUNG-ONE OF OUR HONOR GIRLS OVER THERE Sal got seas ick an' had to get off. d~dn t bothe r me_ none. After a 1 Then we went to a place where h 1t th e gave a pr1ze : or the best ============================= th ey sa id we could seP o ur husban' s dress ed fo lks at th e Circus. They OUR GIRLS OVER THERE. ! stirring tre nc h experi e nees t o how bn t afrer me kno in' yo u, Eb, I wanted to g ive it t o me an S:~ l b ut Young wome n equally eager, they won their sweethea rts. . . . d id n't go · in . Sal did an' she's we told e m we wasn't contestin' with their broth ers to ser ve in the ! We ten girls live together in a nice 1 been rite hap py ever 'since. Pn~tty fur no p~i ze . We came juts like Great Wa r, we nt into all sor ts o f apartment vaca t ed by a French soo n a tall man loo k in' sick-like we alwa s was So they gave it r Pgu lar a nd vo lunteer po~it1ons : doetor, who is in . Paris now in hegins t o beat on the fl r 'th to what th ey called the "Kan_on on the outskirt s of th e armv, a nd char_ge of an army hospital. We 00 WI f ., " Th J I his stick an d yel l in' for us to go to ami y. , ey s ure was a nolzy in indus trial cenl e rs. Manv en- ~ have three little Fre nch maids, who the Or-pe-um. I herd today he ; fa_mily. ::ia l an me came home tered the canteen work at canton- take care of us so beautifu ll y , a nd was the president . Uidn't know ( With ou t no money but we ain't n1ents in the U. S. or with th e I t ell y.o u we neeri car e wh en we the sort of crowd I was mov in in, · d one 00 ~icken ca~se we went. . overseas army. The work o•Je rseas ' come in fr om t he Canteen just 1 did you Eb. We ll Sa l an me after I am tlrtd of n g hten Eb so Will was a crucible; thousands went to r eady to drop. We g irls work in 1 havin a dim e extracted ·from us tell yo u the rets when I see you. find much of drudgery, as well as shifts of e ig ht hours e ither from went to this h ear show. They Lovingly , Matilda. g lory and stood the test. Onl y the 17:00 a. m. until 3:00 p. m., from
pure gold man or woman has bee n 3:00 p . rn. unti I 11 :00 p. m . . or . . permitted .to remain and do the ' fr om 11:00 p. m. until 7:00 a. m. The recent organ1zat1on of the f . hard prosaic work which helped The excitement o , state legi slature and so me of the se 11 ern Theasy on the en:;tallrnent , questi ons that will come befor e it the m en in' khaki win th e wa r . the w~r h~s passed to be sure, ):>ut Pan. en some p eople came out . . Peru's r o ll of honor will "wear a there 1s st 11l plenty to be done, a nd 1 1f or cons 1d erattnn, \\as the theme · h h 1n w at t ey called flu dances Made l1 . . . g oodly numbe r of na mes of these 1I expect t o remain as long as there f · of a very m,;truct1ve and enterta1nb b f d . lei' • 1s a so 1e r oy t o e. e . h t lk W .• d b p girls who do things. . m e e.e 1 queer at first cause Ire · . 1I mg c ape 1 a eu nes ay y resd H b . f Direct word has been r eceived wou l not hav e m1ssed th1 s exm embered. how near I came to losen l ·d t R o use. e gave a rte out I · f d 1 . 1 en you Eb w1th it but wh en th ey g ot ~ • f th "G , recently fro an inter est ing 1hree: pertence or worl !> . My so e regret . I 1ne o e overnor s Civil 1 to da n cm around [ f elt happy with C d , h' h . d Miss May Fudge, class of 1912, is that I was not here a year ago. . . 0 e. w IC IS propose as a last heard from in Rom e with the I • ' w·tt h k 1n ' d est r egar d s to my . we II ag1n em f .rr b e1n Then thev · · much -need ed reform in th e conduct was a darky coopl e came· out . " Y" cantee n; Mi s:; Etta M. Young , 1rri e nds in Old Pe ru. . . · of state bus1ness. He also spo ke Young. There love- mak1n mad e me •(Uite a f b ' JI . th • class of 1914, and Mi ss Ruth J "Etta M. r 1 1 1 o 1 s concermng e teac 1nng Jt t eNone vS E b hut 1 was glad for of forei g n languages in th e schools Court.r ight, class of 19 15, both with . e m. ext a 1 and me went to what the Red Cross in France. GLEE CLUB CONCERT. of the s tate, compulsory school atthey ealled the House of Misty. tendance; and a new teachers' cerA few exce rpts follo w from a 1 In these days of flu, every organH ea r they was so many gosts and t'h t' Th f t le tter from Mi ss Young, wr itte n iza tion is su ffer ing a g reater or e ac was a 1so . 1 ca 10n 1aw. skelttons l ook in a t us in th e dark d from Bordeaux, so uthern F ra nce, less a mount of incon ve ni ence from rnentione that the two principal 1 tha t I t ell you Eb I thot . you and legis lative committees are headed on Dece bmer 9: 1 the e nforced absence of me mber s, me h_ad seen one another f or 'the by N e maha county memb ers, Re p"1 carne to -Bordea ux late in and th e Girls ' Glee C lub is no exla~t ttme. Jnst about the time 1 t t' G d f p d S October, and sin ce the n have been ception. In spite of these difficu lrese n a 1ve oo o ~:r u, an en1I had be~un to breathe a little freer ator Neal of Auburn . Such in- a mi g hty busy .girl. l'm g lad ti t'S, t he club has been doing exsomethmg musta grabbed Sal by teresting talks make u s, like Oliver tau_g ht me to do things, f or cellent wor k under the able leaderthe leg anyh ow she let out a hair l ve certamly had th em to do. s hip of its dir ector, Dr. House, an<~ Twis t, wish for mor e. raisin ye ll a nd we bea t it fur the l ' ve cooked eggs by th e hundred ex pects to give an excellent prodore. We was just a little shuk up Equal pay f or equal work-who's many a day, I've made sandwich es gram next Wednesday evening, after thi s but s ome b ody said they going to . pay mothe r! by the thousand and peeled p otatoes January 22 . The prog ram will inby the bushel , etc., etc. You may clude voca l and instrume ntal solos, imagine. the rest whe n· 1 t ell you as well as the var ious numbe rs by that we serve an army of 1500 me n the entire club. Se lecti ons which each day. We not only feed them, w ill deserve your especial attenbut sew on buttons , me nd torn ti on are ''Lead, Kindly Light, and sleeves, b esides li st ening to all "Good Ni2'ht," both by Dudley their tales from the m ost blood - Buck. Admission Bu~get ticket or 25c had a n e w kind of g rae fefone Eb. It s ure sounded {rood. Maybe we 't Ca n g1 one soone sometime . They
I " .. ...
GIRLS' GLEE GLUB Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 8:15 p. m.
THE PERU NORMALITE Entered at the Po~tofiicc at Peru, Nebraska as second-cla ss matter.
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal 5 0 cts. per year.
Snapshots for Peruvian, The Peruvian is awarding a full page in the 191 9 book to the group organization turning in the best of not less than t en snapshots. Societies excluded from this contest are Philomathean, Dramatic Club, and class organizations. These eets will be judged by a committee consisting of three facu lty members. The contest w ill close February 14, the time having been extended one month. Snapshot Editor. ·
IPeru State Bank
The BlueBird. The Bluebird has come and left us feeling as those in the story, m~re content for- having seen it. :
A Good Bank
Was in Marne Battle. " - -- I N- - While in Anburn Tuesday we had t he privilege of shaking hands and visiting a few moments with Lieut. Harty Young of Brork, who is just back from the battle fields of France. He was in the second Phone 25 Battle of the Marne, and was seri- Phone 25 ously wounded in the fighting folW. W. MARDIS lowing in that sector. He had a ball thru his right fore arm, shat- Groceries, Furni shing Goods, Men's Wonder Who Satd Thts. tering the bones, a nd another in and Boys' Sh oes "Look intelli gent and · say . yes , the left hip. H e believes he will Our Leaders: ValleY Lilly F lour, si r." •' recover the use of h is arm, h owBa rrington BaH Coffee "Such interesting possibilities." ·ever, and goes back to the hospital Peru Nebraska "Oh, girls! Th is is such a _ won- in New J ersey thi s week. Harry derful age in which to li ve." and h is mother were former ly 1st door south Peru State Bank "Dearly beloved,-take care." I residents of Peru and Mrs. Young REMEM BE R ''In yo ur rhy thmic exer cises ! is now a professional ' · nurse being please um ." do not keep time with your ; emp 1oyed b_Y Dr. Waggener, ' at the
Si ngle copy 5 cts.
T he Calander. Regular Events: Glee Club practice, Tuesday and Thursday, 7 to 8 :30. Chorus pract ice, Monday and Wednesday, 5:30. Boys' basket ball , Monday, Tuesday, Wednesciay, and Thursda y, 7 :45 . Gi r ls' basket ball, Monday, Tuesday,' Wednesday and Thursday, 5: 10 Band practice, Monday, 7:00 to 8 :00. Special Events: Girls' Glee Club concert, January 22, budget event. Philo, January 24. Art exhib it, January 28 and 29. g ..
. ,
A Good Town
A u burn Laundry
. Solar Samtarum, on t he fourt h 1 t 1 begi, 1 lmplo:·: · 1 beReech, I floor of the Brandeis Building, If you wa nt budget event. en .reat, pray,h p · 0 Cl ' 'N . 0 ma a. - omter. ry e:ming Pressing and Pipe oragn recital, J anuary 29 , ever . never say, yes, ma ' am." 1 · ' budget event. "Any foreign letters '?" I Li eut enant Young was formerly General Laundr y Work · a student a t the Norma l and is on Ca ll Phone 53 Chapel entertainment, J .:muary H1, budget event. Patronize our ad-vert isers. our honor roll. Mark De1zell, Agt.
Will Co ll ect Mondays Basket at Chase 's Shop
ILadies' & Gent's Furni!-ohings Clolhing ~hoes
Why not a Madam Grace
Corset? 0 . ]. MILSTEAD
CrJ'Sta i Theatre Blue Bird Picture every Saturday. G ood Stars Always Warm
the Crysta l
Dis in fec ted before and eac h s how
Your Best Friend Is your Fountain Pen GET A
Waterman or Moores AT- - -
Fisher Bros. Dru22i~ts
Mandelson & Kennedy Nebraska City
The most complete stock of Lad· ' R ea d Y-to- W ear in the City Ies I
At Popular Prices
New Goods in Shoe Line are now in Come in and see thetn • • • • •
• •
• •
• •
Philip Thom\)so n . has returned to take u p hi s ~chool wor k. Lieut. Tandy Dill on has returned h ome after having been mustered
ner, more in terest ing. Come out Chapel Ra lly. w~' ll put some more p_ep ~eEven th o Old Man F lu put m ost htnd em, eh? A bad begmmng oi this semester's ath letics out of i s a good e ndin g. order, yet he did not disrupt our u sual enthus iasm for basket ball Drama tic Club.
j a~d
Laundry Work done at the
- -- - - -
Nebraska City Laundry out of the army. Grant H es!:eltine and Wilbur Once again has the' privilege of this year. We had a wonderful• OTl S GREGG, Agent Emmert left last Tuesday evening att ending one of the regular mee t- rally- scream ingly successful -at Phone 79 . f or Kanass C 1ty w h ere t h ey will ings of the Dramatic Club been u"pec1"al chapel last Fr1"day u nder 1 the admirab le leader ship of graceBasket at King's Barber Shop d d atten a n auto an tractor sc h oo. I given u s. L ast Wednesday n ig ht a Collected Mondays The E ngl ish classes were fo rtu- l ver7 apprecia_tive aud ience gather- ful "CuriPy" and slick fingered nate to have the Blue Br id r ead to I ed m_exp r_essiOn hall and_ was en- Kingsley House. You would have Delivered Fridays t h em b y M iss Harmon bef or e the I t er t a m e d m a mos t p I easmg man a hard time of it if you tried to entera inmen t, causi ng it to be more ner for a short hour and a ha lf. prove tha t "The Old Normal, she Klenzo Dental Cream inter esting. Notwithstan. ding t_ he fact t_hat a hain 't got no style," but you d are I Looks Good not even suggest that "She hain't Miss Vashta Cone, '17, beg ins l grea t _many d ' ffi c~ It tes arose_m th e Tastes Good departmental work in art at Park plannmg of th is enterlamment got no pep!!" I Is Goqd and Haywards schools in Lincoln wh ich consisted of a collection of Blue Dragon s . For i t's a perfect at the beginning of the second sem- l threesh~rt pl~'ys,..namel~: "ChristMisses J e:;s Todd and Ru by Medentr i flee ester. Mi ss Cone received an art mas Chtm es, A Bi own Paper Meeki n weht to Nebra:;ka City Try it next time c ertificate lats June when she grad- 1Package," and "For Papa's Sake," Saturday. - -- 25c- u ated from the Normal. was given mos t charm ing ly, and Mar y Mutz is rapid ly r ecoveri ng demonstrates the capability of the fr om an a t tack of tonsilitis. Her ' Basket Ball. members taki ng pa r t and the ir clevth f A b t b . . . . . . mo er came rom u urn o e The basket ball season started ern ess In fa lltng eas tl y mto t he ir w1"th h er f or a f ew d ays. I • · P eru, b uta b out t wen - r oes qut"t e Iate 1n j Th e announcemen t o f th e marn· · 1 A VENUE STORE ty. five boys have come out to p rac- Prof. Delzel1 Receives Appointment. age of M.1 s. Ell a C anon t o A . B . tlce. . . . From the Peru Pointer, January Leathermore of Rosson, Okla., Fountain Pens, F ine Stationery , Perhaps one of the btggest d1 s- 1 17 ·· The norma l school board • by i ts was r eceive · d th IS " wee k . Chr istmas Cards 1 appo intm ents thi s winter was the action at i ts meeting in Lincoln • · • · j Mr. . and Mrs. Leon Roettger are Satisfying Christmas Gifts opemng game of the seaso n w1th t his week made P rofessor W. N. • · nvw m charge of the "Canon 1 our loss of a game to the Auburn De lze ll vice presid ent of the P eru . See us for yo ur Confectionery anc hou se." We m1 ss "Ma," but we . . . htgh school F nd ay m g hc, the score No rmal Schoo l. Professor Delze ll . .. . Lunch Goods • • J1ke Dorothy and j " F unny" line. 1 b emg 22 to 11. 1 I S to be field man and devote a ~ -. ' ' 1 J ess, t o Mr s. Pnel: "Come H.U.LANDOL Our defeat can be acco unted for large part of his time to outside . . . . out to Dramatic Club tomghtm several ways. In the first place . work · among the alumni, he lping 1 our boys had h ad only fi ve nights' i, them to make good, and will your last and only chance to see SAY IT \""' ' ITH FL0\..• En~ ,,,.., me as an Old Ma id. " practice before the game and not give especial attention to build ing The 3 :20 train gets to much can be expected in that ' up th e attend ance of the Norma l. Fl orence S ixta was heard to say, Peru at 7:28 · h 1 ' · ' ' What is home without a Cook?" Iengt h o f ttme even t o t he Payers : In the absence of Presiden t Rouse are of good ability. Secondly, · he will become the executive head Have you heard Mary's oet ex- FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE n one of our last year's men are 1 of t he sch ool. pression? " For t he love of Mudd !" - - TIME - back, again it takes t ime to make i Those wh(l know Mr. Delze ll w il l King's X, p lease! a team of a b unch of players wh o , r ecogni ze his .pecu liar fitness for Mr. Barnes brought up .some BROS. ha ve never played together be f or e . . this work and will congra tula te daffodils from the store one day Lincoln, Nebr. A s WP. saw F n·d ay, A u b urn h as I· t he Normal' on hi· s selecti on for the last week · They are in full bloom. Ph one B2234
p harmacy
a mighty fast li ttle t~a m with lots ' position . As a man for . the field If Verna got lost would Talbot of team work. Thev have p layed work, he pr obably has few equals Hunt? . s ix games thi s fall, losir.g onl y two, I and no .superior in the stale. He If Jess sang a solo at Philo · 1 ltke · ly go thru the season . has also r ecogn ized executive abi l- wou ld Paul Kidd 'er''· and w1l making a good record with one i ty, fitting him for the other por- Freshma n 's First Attempt at Poetry. 1 exceptio n, February 8, when Peru t ion of his work. His class work 'Tis midnig ht and the setting sun I has a chance to redeem he rself on . wi ll be lightened so as to make it Js rising in the wide, wide west. Auburn's floor. A fev. weeks' : poss ib le for him to be away from T he rapid r ivers slow ly run, good hard practice under our ex- \ t he sch ool a good ly portion of his The frog i s on his downy nest, . of ! he pens ive goat and sportive cow, c ellent coach, ''Funny," will make· time. With his promotion, 1 the next games, which wil l be wit h course, goes a corre!'ponding, and Hi larious. · hop from bough t o Syracuse. Nebraska City a nd Cot· I gratifying, increase in sa la ry. bough.
Have your Xmas Pictures
RP.member when in Nebraska! City it is only
One Block North
Made Early
The Newman Studio
A Good Lunch or Splendid Meal
your Watch~s. Clocks, jewelry, Spectacals and Fou ntain Pens
Itia"v e
Phone 56
Pe ru, Nebr.
Re liable J e weler
Peru, N ebr.
Marsh's Market Every Kind of meat And then• sotne That You like to eat
Citizens STATE •• •• BANK
--··- __.;._-
An old reliable bank with assets of over
This space reserved for
Clevelands Stores See their ad ne~t week
. W k r ecords compiled for the teacher's Public School Exteoston or ' · d by tentative ublic use. accompame . . . h Music t eachmg m t_e p d ' dal'ly t each ing plans and general · b elng · mflue nce 1 schoo ls of t 0day IS d sugg~ sti nns The outl in es, while . tende ncies in m o ern . work for eac h d ay, defining the by vanous 1 thought. d have a blank spaee for pertinent Th ere ar e in sma ll. towns' If'an sug-gestions . . by t he and al t eratwrts rural communiti es thJrteen mJ. Jon . t cher s in charge. woh ha ve all school c h 1'ld r en who have ne 1ther beaen thorol y a li ve to the pos!'ibi lit · ty to Jearn to appre- 1 e . . t h e oppor unJ . . h des of the situati on a nd Jmmedl. t nor to study musiC m t e ... cJa e, . f . I ately planned mu sical programs, ~ schools ThiS absence o musiC I . . I II · r f two thirds of the · supplemented by commun ity soc1a s. in thle h'lldves o f th~ s countr y has \ The proceeds ha ve been m ed to schoo c · 1 ren isors in cities and I buy Victrolas for t h e !'C h oo I!', and led mUSIC superv tempt extension I1 the Normal 1 v·1ctro I a r ecor d s, ou t norma I sc h oo I s t o at I lines, a nd act1ng-t . ea chPr ,s sugges---c tions are checked and passed on to The teacher / a nother di strict. the n rece ives the next set of r ecords , from the circ ul ating library of the Normal Schoo l. With a view to awaken intere~t and d esi r e in th e minds of the parents , Miss Carpent e r takes sma ll chi ldren from the public and model schools a nd g ives an evening of I detai led and ill ustrated concert in :each d i!' trict. By th us demnn::trat1 ins:r the me thc:ds used in teaching Ichi ld ren to sing hy mea ns of the i Victrola, it was hoped to awakf>n \ a .clearly marked a nd we ll dt>finecl ca ll from the hearts of the parPnts '. that the ir children as we ll s hould i be trained in mus ic or at least t o ' app recial e it. The test of t he pe ri mane ncy of any movement is it!" work by means of the Victrola and p J wer to propagate itself, and in educati onal records. this cou n try -w ioe campaign for a Thi s present time seems very op- Victrola in every school. · it was portune for a musical propaganda assumed. that each t ea<.'her would in these neglected di stricts. Thru feel in this movement not m e r ely a the hearty co-operation of the pro- responsibility, but a necessity. g~:ess ive county superintend t"nt, The r e~ult s have bet-n wholl y Miss Bess Ancler~on , th e ~ch oo l s of grat ifying , for after only four Nemaha County have been taken up mont hs there are a t least t wt-nty by Mi ss Carpen te r, head of the Victrolas in Nemaha county, each public schoo l mu:>ic department of one bei ng used a dvi sedly. the PPru Norma l. A ne w v·1c t ro Ia The ind ivid ual w ho has no sense is installed in a certain district and of h umor is very of te n qu ite a a c l a ~si fi ed list of educational j oke.
New Clothing FOR FALL AND WINTER Goldberg's extend an in vitation to the students of Peru Normal and rsaders of the Normali(e -
Hart. Shaffner & Marx, Society Brand Suits and Overs . tetso·n Hats, Munsing Union Suits, Arrow Shirts and other Furnishings
At Goldberg's Nebraska City, Nebras ka
Fresh cut
flow ers for eve,ry 1
occasion in appropriate arrange-! ments-·Our leading, specialty at ' 1 all Seasons of the year.
THE F..\ Y is t he place to get
hot drinks of a ll ki nds We also have
Ice Cream
At all times
''The Flor ist' '
Prompt ~e rvi ce Good Ents
Nebraska City, Nebr.
Dry Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Remodeling, Repairing
Ladies' aud Gents' Highest Class Tailorin g EVERY PIECE OF WORK GUARANTEED Tailor and Cleaner
Jno. A. Cejka.
~~~te1 ~--j
Make Wessel's Your Head qua rtc rs Free Waiting Ro·o m, Rest Room Telephone.
Largest o~sortment of Dry Goods aud Reody - to· Wear on ht~ud_
L. Wessel's Sons ·& Co. Nebraska City, Nebr.
BASKET BA LL GAME. GIRLS' G LEE C LUB CONCERT. sy mpa the t icall y. He r encor e was The annua l Gir ls Glee Club con- "The Monkey Ma n. " T ht! two Per u p la yed he r second baske t cer t i<> a n e ve nt eagerly ant icipated pian s num ber s affor dP.r! also a n ball game t h is season wi t h Syraby e ve r y m us ic love r of Pe ru. No in ter esting contrast in t heme and cuse, last Fr ida y nigh t. Tho the o ne o f th e se ri es has g ive n more trea t ment. Miss Wi ng ' s doub le score was 13 to 18 in favor o f gen ui n e p leasure t ha n t ha t o f Wed- n umher cons isted of Leic he>t izsky 's ! .::lyr acuse, we were a ll we ll sa tisfied nesrlay e ve nninJ!, J a nuary 22, th e b e>au t ifu l "Two Larks " a nd Wo l· l with t he wor k of our boys, as it consu mmation of a hal f -year' s in- ' le nha upt' !! " Last Smi le, " both j' showed a marked i m prove ment tenisve work. p r ese nt ing many techn ical di fficul- ove r that of t he fi rst game. From Asi de f rom t he so lo n umbers, ties, and played wit h P.ase and ; t he good team work a nd the al er t t he prog ra m cons is ted of five fac ilit y. Miss Rut h Coll ins, who ness and v ig ilance with whi c h our g roups . n i ne so ngs in a l l. T hese harl a lre>arly p roved herself a n boys e nt e red in to t he ga me we songs va r ied in mood ancl id ea j ant ist ic a ccompa n ist, ~h~ wed . a~- have reason to belie ve tha t P PnJ f rom the dee p, s ig n i fica nce of Ot her aspe ct of h er m us tcta nshtp tn wil l not b e left behinrl wit h t he Buck 's " Lead, Kind ly Li g ht" to he r r e n d iti on o f t he "Twel ft h athletics th is yea r . T he enthm i · the i n fi n ite dain tiness of S rar r ' s l Hu ng ari a n Rhapsod y." Thru Mi ss as m of the cr owd and . t he fas tness ' 'J en ni e K issed Me. ' ' It was a Co ll ins ' use of contrast a nd dra - w ith wh ich t he ga me was p layed progra m tax ing mor e than the ma t ic pa use. thru th e pul sa t ion of r e> minded one of th e good , fast, voices of t he s ing ers ,· i t ta xed thei r mood whi c h she ach ie ved , L iszt' s clean "' "ames we used to ha ve be· in te lli "ence a nd delica c.v of per-' l ' so_mbre .• h. a l f-or i.e nta l m us ic -was , f ore t he war. " cept ion ; and t he tes t wa<; well me t. g t ve n Its·' full eff ect , a ndf t he PHILOMATHEA. N. h num - 1 Possi bly t he ou ts ta ndinrr cha rac- b Pr s ta nus out as o ne o t e most / '"' ter ist ic of t hi s club (as of e ver y s igni fica nt o f th e pr ogra m. Fr iday n ig ht , Jan uary 24, t he
ma nh ood, who d id g ood indiv idua l play ing, bu t lacked tea m work. Th e ninth grade mach ine was we ll o i led a nd with out a sq ueak pilerl up. 16 poi n ts to t he f r eshmen 's 5. T he lin e u p: H. S. F resh men. Bitzenbach Longfe llow c Gregg Cooper- Bu ffer r . g. Delzell Goid sh erry I. g. Med loy H ouse r. f. Chase Jo nes I. f.
- - - -
Y. W . C. A . The proceeds of th e Y. W. C. A. froli c . of J a nua ry 18 ne t ted $100.
The Associa t ion f eels very happy over the sp lendi rl g ood t i me of th e e ven ing as well as over t h e fi nan cia ! success. Par t of t he expen d't· t ure of t he societ y a r e as f ollows : . N a ti ona l Y . W. C. A . , $39 ; mlssions, $30; F 1:e nch orpha n, $36.0 ; $2 7. Besides Pe ru via n pages, clu b d ir ec ted by Dr. H ouse) is is ''HUMANIZING CHEMISTRY." Phi l o_mat~ ea ns held the ir r egula r th ese a re t he loca l ex penses. T he caoac ity for sur ren der ing i tself to meet.m g 10 t he chapel. In connecI am g reat ly indebted t o th e ~he_,co -xpo.n _ ey th e s pi r it o f t he co mpo~iti o n to be . I ti on wit h thi s t he f ollow ing o ffi cers me mber shi p dues9J;~ · P. 7 n, U1 a uth or of a r ecent JOke f or a for· n ex t semester· wet·e elected·. a lready in t he tre ur 'ainp ly pr o• g i vPn . The p ensi ve r e veri e in f{ft:~...l ·~ f' ~ •· k · ' .d t R b 1\A' l\ k' . vide fo r :~:iw.nJ~'Ur < 1w'or . de licious bi t of unconscions humor p "Wh en Day Fad es" a nd "i Long rest e n, u y me 1ee m; v tce _ _ - .< (,,.-.1 in a r ece nt article in t he N or mal ite 1 1 F or Thee,'' th e dra mati c va lues i n pr esident. Lee H e ming way; r eDeath of rs. Kn ickerson. " A Son a o f Seasons " and Buck' s wi t h th e a bove head ing . In th e co r d ing sec re ta ry. Alv ina Ame nd e ; efi rs t p lace, d ear ly beloved, whe n Mrs . Ma be l Hadsel Kn icke rson, lovely " Good Nif!h t." the hrnad corresponding !';ecre ta ry, J o Gav in ; cl a~s of ' 09 , di ed a t Sterl i ng Colo yo u ha ve "re ligion ized " t he Bible , !>ergea nt a t arms , H ar old Brow n; rado, J a n ua ry 2 1. She was bur ied nobility of " Lead , Kindl y L!!ht." or d emocratiud Preside n t Wil sall, - all t hese gained , even for t he Treasurer, F ra ncis Fa ulk ne r. in Mt. Ve rn on Cemete ry , Pe ru , imagi nati ve li s te ne r , by v irtue of or "i m proved" an Amer i ca n r After bus iness had b een di sposed la st Fr iday afte r n oon. Mrs . K ni ckt he ir s ince r e a nd sympa t he ti c Beau ty rose with a brus h d i pped of, a shor t prog ra m was pr ese nted. e rson was ra ised i n P er u a nd rein Sh ears-Sawu uck pa int, the n a nd The firs t num ber was a p ia no so lo i nte r pre tation. ce ived he r td ucat ion in t his inst iTechn ica lly t he r e a r e ma ny ex not til l t he n wil l you ha ve th e by Miss S hube rt. ou r a ble p resid e>n t tut ion. For sever a l years she was · skill and ex pe ri ence nEcesEa ry to celle nces worthy o f com me>n t. The who is lea vi ng us at t he e nd of th e s uper in te nde nt of Boyd county. " humani ze" c he mistry. Why, best sem e~ ter. The second numbe r was sweetn eS!> a nd round nes~ of to ne beloved, eve ry· bi t of t issu e in a fa rce in two acts. A F're nch The Cost of a Rand om Shot. was n 'lticable thruon t , exce pt f CJ r a your bod y is the product of a woman a n d he r daught er becam e I shot an a rr ow in to the ai ~·. trace of s harpness in t he fi r st doze n c he mlcai r eact ions ! Every a la r med on t he s udd e n d epa r ture It f e ll i n th e d is ta nca I kne w not sop ra no, in a phrase o r two. The br eat h you draw, e vE:r v motio n of o: the ir ma id . They adve rtise in whe r e, delica te s us ta ined c hord ~ a nd eve ry m usc le, e ver y t ho t you t he J·o urnal f or a cook. The ir Unti l a n ei g h bor sa id i t ki lled his the vanish ing t ones in var ious t hi n k is d e pe nde nt up on ch e m· calf, advertisem en t is aqswered hy ma ny passages we r e beauti full y executed. istry. T he Pe runa yo u take And I had to pay him s ix a nd a differ e nt peo ples, who we re ver y a !' wa ~ the staccato of t he "Da rk ie' s 1 for a ll mo r tal ills , t he f ood yo u ha lf. well re prese nted by Phi lo me mber s. Cra d le So ng " (one o f t he bes t d one ' e>a t, the c lot hes you wear, 1 ne ink I bough t so me poison to k ill so me n~~ he rs , by t he wa y. ) T he p re- you s li ng , t he coa l you burn to ge t The ''Grade r" Machin e Wins 16 to 5, rats . cr s ton of a ~ tac kand t he en unciat ion hea t and elec t ri c it y, t he soap wi th game was t he f r es hmanA d . h bor swore 1·t k 1' ll e d h IS ' Some n a n e q~ we r e> ad mi ra ble ; ad mi rable too whi c h you !!Cr ub yonr f r eck les, a nd ht. g h school ga me. Six foote r s . d f ca ts. wa s t ha t a bsolut e suho rd i na tion t he fr eckl es th e mselves a r P results to t he .. p ewee , s1ze a ppe::ne or A nrl r a t he r th a n a r gue> acr oss t h e of t he par t to t he whole whi ch f of che mical r eacti ons. " H um a n ize" ba ttl e r oya l Saturday ni g h t . A e nce m ust mark art istic e m:f'm ble si ngclea n a nd f ast game was e njoyed che mi str v? Why, sure, le t ' s do it him f our do ll ars a nd fift y I pa id ing. F ina lly, ma y one no t speak a nd be ha npy e ve r aft er ! by the 100 s pecta to rs. The f r esh cents. of t he very attrac ti ve a p pea rance Yours for r efor m , W. F. H. me>n we re fi ne s pec ime ns o f yo ung And t ha t is t he way with a random of th e clu b as a tec hni ca l px ce ll e n~e? • d sho t, :ave:. ta: C& MVG The so loists ad d ed mu ch to t he It never hi ts t he proper spot . me r it of th e progrli rn. Mi ss And t he j oke you may spri ng t~at Hap ke's flexi b le, bird -like sopr a no you think so smar tt was charm ing in Pa r kP r' s " spirit May lea ve a wound in some felof Spr ing , " g i ve n wi th ::: de li g ht· low' s .heart. ful joyous vi va c ity. As a n encor e> Th e nex t bud ge t num be r will he an inno va ti on in the for m of a n - Selected. Miss HapkP. in troduced to th e - - -- - - or g a n r eci ta l. S ince hear ing M r. Ca rl son ' s maste r ly Gre ig proT h e Band. g ra m on t he p ia no, t he Pe r u co m mun ity is a nx ious to hea r t h e -;ame a ud ience a most "Da inty Little T he ban d has pract ice on ce a artis t on th e second of his favo r i te instrum e n ts. I ncide n ta ll y i t is Demoiselle." M iss D onova n sang week in a room set as ide fo r t his. hoped t hat t his e ve nt w ill ma r k th e beg inning of a movement to in her ri ch con tra lto B ur le ig h 's ! establi sh a r eal d e pa r t me n t of organ ins truc t ion i n t he Norma l We hope to ha ve a lar ger attend appea ling "Li t tl e Mot he r of a nce a nd bef or e long have a band School, a n d t he insta llatio n o f a g r ea t 0rg an in the schoo l cha pel. t hat w i ll f u r n ish some fine music. M ine, " a nd sang it si mp ly and ; . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - · · - - -- - - - -- -- -- -
Organ Recital by Le Roy Carlson
M. E. Church,
Wed. Jan. 29
THE PERU NORMALI TE geograp hy, d omes t IC scl"ence, agr_i- 1.
IPeru State Bank
The C alander. - - -- - -- -·- - -- - - cultme, astronomy, etc., e tc., IS Regular Events: · I w1"thout so me ' Glee Club pracdce, Tuesday and Entered a t the Posto flicc nt Peru. Ne- necessarily super fi c1a 1 braska as second.elass matter. t raining in chemistr y. One source ' Th ursday, 7 to 8:30. · of popu lar ignorance of· c h em1stry Chorus prac t"1ce, Monday and . Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal is the f a ilure of teachers t o dis- Wednesday, 5 :30. 50 cts. per year. Single copy fi cts. tinguish essentials from non-essen · j Boys' basket hall, Monday, Tues- -- I N- -t 1 " a l". The Normal a t tempts to day, Wednesrlay, and Thursday, TFI.E liDIIJO R! Al, ZTAFF-SiiC 0:-:0 S ID! ES TER " Edna Salzmann . Editnr in·ChicJ give the student a g li mpse of the 7:45 . Edward \1ot<jovsky Associate Edi to r scope and importance of the science, Girls ' basket ball. Monday, TuesCecilia Peterson A ~~o~iate Editor a nd to em phasize the fundamentals day, Wednesday a nd Thursday, 5: 10 Laurance Ro use . ,Business . Band practl" ce, Monday, 7 :00 to . . t , · I\ Ia. rw~:cr \, . . I of va .lence react10ns an d . equa t"10ns. Raymon d H ufl cr . .-. ss 1>UStness . 1 gt Phone 25 Phone 25 Emma Woodi.: . Asst Dusin,·ss \<l"gr the s1ne q ua non of chemi cal know!- 8 :00. edge . This emphasis e nables the Special Events : MARDIS IIEI'OI!T! NG STAf' f1 I Lena Bates Claude Ivers st udent to so lve grav imetric a nd Pipe oragn r e cita , January 29 , Groceries, Furn is hing Goods, M en' s Betty Lauman Helen Lawrence volumetri c problems in the labora· budget event. and Boys' Shoes LcNor:.. Snyder Gladys Little t ory, and prepares him for quali Dramatic Club P lay, February, tative and quan titative analysis, Budget event, Our Leaders: Valley Lilly Flour, Chemistry in the Schools. the basis of industrial chemi stry, Mrs. MacDowell ' s Concert, Feb Barrington Hall Coffee There are grou nds for the long. a nd conserves both time and energy ruary 19, Budg et e vent. P eru Nebraska standin g ind ictment against the in th e acquisition of che mical P hilo, February 21. 1st door south Per u S tat e Ban k publi c schools that do not ade- knowledge. W. F. Hoyt. Mov ies, Febru ary 14, budget quate ly fit their graduates and I. event. REMEMBER Movie~, F e bruar y, 28, budget Mt. V ernon Notes. The Domi sola Club was enterI tained a t a three course luneheon event. by Misses Vivia n Teich anrl Lenora As They Write. If you want Wing. Covers were la id for seven. Extracts fr om letters received Dry Cle:ming, Pressing and It seems g-ood to hear Minnie from sold iers, de pendents, etc., by General Laundry Work Me issner's glad chatter in the halls the Bureau of War Risk Insurance: Ca ll Phone 53 Iagain. I aint go t no book lernin and I o
I A Good Bank
A Good Town
Auburn Laundry
II l
Myrle Han ks enterta ined a num· ! ber of Mt Vernon g irls at a dainty 1 f eed after the Hipoodrome. Altho !i t ~;ee ms as if there were enuf refreshments fo r any one, yo u know l ' 'dorm" girls can eat any time. 'I Betty and Bessy Lauman and . Lenora Wing broke away from t he Ireg ul ar routi ne of life anq s pent a pleasa nt week end in Omaha.
hope I am writing for inflamma Mark Delzell, Agt. ti on. She is staying at a di ssipatWill Coll ect Mondays ed house. Bas ket at Chase's Shop I was di scharged from the service fo r a goi ter wh ich I was sent home on. As I needed h is asl'li.stance to keep Furni~h ings me inclosed (cl othes). Cluthing Owing to my : ondition whi ch 1 t;hoes ha vent walked m three months I for a broke leg which is No. 73. Why not a Madam Grace I am left with a chi ld 7 months Corset? old a nd she is a baby a nd cant work. 0 . ]. MILSTEAD Please retu rn m y marriag e cert ificate baby hasnt eaten in th ree days - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - -and both sides of our parents is old SfUD E NTS and pore. Please send me a w if e ' s f orm. When you neen Cu t lery , Fla shl ight My mother is dead on both s ides. Batte ries or
Ladies' & G en i' s
A ''Clothed" Mouth. A.-"X to ld me that you told her what I told you not to tell her." · 1-!EADOPPHvsrc ALS , 'lEN ..: B. I '-' ~"She ' s a mean th l"ncr .l 1 told u " ~tudents ·f or .active participation her not to tell yo u I told hPr." 10 the work-a-day world, if indeed A -"Well , I told her I would n't they do not directly unfit them for tell you she told me. !'O don't tell modern I i fe. Even the ad vacates her I d id. Anything in the Hardware iine of . "t.hings a s they air," do not During a discu ssion as to what cia 1m that school life reflects verv Busmess ManaRer s Soltloquy. Call In differen t onPs would be doing eight fai thfully that outside the schools. Onward, race onwa rd, 0 Time in years fr om now, the foll owing and you will always find a fu ll line One of the poin ts of widest divergyour flight, conversati on was heard. Joe G. : 1 at ence is the attitude of the schools And make me a millionaire just " Carl Mackprang will come back toward sc if:ntific stud ies. Thi s is for tonig ht. to Per u for his bachelor' s degree" Mack pran~'s Hard ware e mi nently the age of science , anrl · With no t hot of print er, hi s bills Helen D. :- ' ' He won' t need to, preeminently the a ge of chemi stry, : to co llect; . because he won't be one. Your Best . hI without which modern civil ization I 'd flood the whole wo rlc! W it 1 Prof. Overho lt: "! never argue and Twentieth Century in dus try ' read ing se ll:'ct ; · with my wife." Pres . Rouse : . ca n not " live and move a nd have Our Norma l School paper 10 vol- j .. 8 arne her e. I a lwa ys p lead gui lty GE T A the ir be ing. " Chemistry is funda- · nmes wonld r oll Waterman menta l and underli es all other !"rom ocean to ocea n; fr om pole to a nd take a light sentence" or ·sciences, touches every phase of po le ; Girl is a particular noun of loveMoores human life and ener gil\e!; a lmost ' And e very one reading in rapture ly gender , love ly person, and for dou ble numbers ; kiss ing mood in every industrial activity. One' s ! would say, AT- - knowledge of botany, zoo log-y, , "The Peru Norma li te is ahead of the immediate te nse , anq the 'expectant case of ma trimony" accordits day !" physiology, pathology, · geology, I ing to the genera l r u le. -Ex . 1
, .
Friend Is your Fountain Pen
Fisher Bros. Dru2g i s ts
Mandelson & Kennedy Nebraska City
The most complete stock of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear in the City
At Popular Prices
New Goods in Shoe Line are now in Come in and see thetn • • • •
- - M. E. GOOD
• •
J. U. G. Club Notes,
senta tio n, their class chapel was Land" and sent over w one of our HAVE YOUR Please note - we ar e not the "T. not honorer! by the presence of students. It will be on display Laundry Work done U. G." Cl ub, as was stated in a many. We were g led to see Mr. ' for · sometime anrl those caring former Normal ite, but the J . U. and Mrs. J ean present and hope to see what some "Yank" did t o · at the G. they have entirely r ecovered from ! "Fritz., f:hould take a look at this Nebraska City Laundry Our pres id ent , Mrs. C. I. Bone- the ir illness. Ihe lmet. OTIS GREGG, Agent ke mper, has been enjoyi ng a visit Manual Training. \, . A post card with the following j p 9 , !'!one 7 f r om her hus ban d . M r. BoneSeveral of the S. A. T. C. boys messag-e was received r ecent ly: ' Basket. at kemper was s t at10ne · d with the 1who were t ak ing wor k in the man- " I saw Merl e Draper and Verna 1 King's Barber Shop 1 machine gu n d iv ision at Cam p ual training department r eturned Snell inN. Y, and again in Rome Collected Mondays after vacation and are going ahead a few weeks later. I came first. Delivered Fridays Hancock, Georgia. Miss Gladys Eads was unable to with t heir work. MissSnell is in Padua and Miss j On account of the difficulty in Draper and I are again in Rome af- Klenzo Dental Cream r eturn to her schoo l duties last week. because of illness. heating the shops in t he manua l ter being in the north of Italy i~ 1 Looks Good The "Fisher-ho use" g irls have arts building, a ll wor k is now canteen work .-May Fudge. Tastes Good been quarantined out of the ir hap- being done in the train ing schoo l He is rich or poor according to I Is Good shops and wi II con tinue there unt il what he is, not to what he has.py home bectause of the influenza. For it's a perfect The J. U. G.'s feel ·that they spring. Henry Ward Beecher. dentri fice ~ave been very f~rt~na te jn secur- ~ Several courses are offered i_n the Try it next time Y. M C. A. Notes .· mg one of the JOl li est, mos t en- department for those who w1sh toI Mr. Holcombe, state stud ent - - - 25c- - t husiastic women of th e fac ulty specialize or do some work along secretary of the Y. M. C. A. , was for their sponsor. At the last club this line, and changes will be made meeting- Miss Nona Palmer was from time to time to meet the de- in Peru Thursday evening and outun animously elected to that posi- mand a nd to make the work as ined briefly, to abou t twenty-five · 1 as possible. men, theY. M. program for the ti on and the girls are sure that with practH:a A. VENUE STORE coming semester. Thi s program s uch an ab le leader the club will Victor J ones has been mustered wi ll consist of: Fountain Pens, Fine Stationery, be very successful in the future. out from the army and has returnl t!?. Reg-ular Sunday evening Miss Larson, who bas been at, ed home. Chri stmas Cards devotional meeting which will inMiss Susan Harmon is pr epar ing elude a round table di scussion of home car ing f or her mother is now Sati sfying Christmas Gifts in schoo l again. an article on Place-names of Ne- world pr oblems. See us for your Confectionery and Saturday e ven ing, February 1, braska," which is to be published 2nd. Eight weeks of discusLunch Goods is the date f or our next regular in the spring. sional group Bible study si milar to
Barnes' Pharmacy
meeting. Come prepared t o have PresidE:nt Rouse and Prof. F. the method used iast spring. H.U.LANDOLT a good time. M. Gregg attended the principal 3rd . The organization of at Junior Class Notes. and superintenden ts' meeting at least one Gospel team to aid Hi g h SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Th e juni ors were ro yally enter- Hast ings Friday and Saturday. School Y. M. C. A.'s in this p_rt The 3:20 train gets to tained Thursday in the chapel Misses Hosmer, Dunn, Rul on, of the state. Peru at 7:28 building by the 'Fi st'" Mi nstrel , Krebs, Bowen, and Rose Clark·at4th. Mass athletics in whi.ch consisting of six gentl emen and tenrled the meeting of the Woman's every man i n school will be given FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE fi ve lad ies. All their musical se- Nebraska Educational Club at a chance to take part. - - T IME-ll ections were exquisitely given Omaha last Saturday While there Captain MacKendricks of the with t he true and ent husiastic they had the pleasure of hearing Canadian Army, who has seen active CHAPIN BROS. spi r it of Dixie-land. John McCormi ck. I serv ice in France and who before A lecture on " Memory" was Announcem ent of t he marri age the wa r was in Y. M. C. A. work Phone B2234 Lincoln, Nebr. delivered by one of the venerable of Miss Lenor e Ethel Salzman, ' 16, in Winnipeg, is expecting t o be old gpntlemen. As a result of this, to Mr. William G. Firoved on with us for a few days in the near Marsh's Market t he present junio r class will prob- Wednesday, the 22nd of Jauary, at future to a id in reorganizing and j ably be recorded as the bri ghtest the Salzman home in Amswor th , vitalizing our local association. ever known in the annals of Peru. Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Firoved Thur&day evening a membership Every Kind of meat T he audi .:nce was held spellbound will make their home at Hobson , committee was appointed and in a wh ile the soloist of the company Montana, where Mr. Firoved has a few days every man in school will be given a chance to show his colgave the "Missouri Waltz." The large ranch. And then some j uniors wer e indeed fortunate in \ Those who have frequented the ors. Membershi p requirements securing the services of this select library tl-iis week have had the this year will be a signed agr ee- I and excl usive g r oup. ; opportunity of viewi ng a Germa n ment to Jive up to t he objectives That You like to eat Judging f rom the senior r epr e - ~he lm e t picked up in "No Man ' s of t he Association.
RP.member when in Nebraska Your friends can buy I Have your Watch~s. Clocks, City it is only a nything you c o uld Je welry, Spectacals and Foun tain Pens One Block North give them except OF THE
Peru, Nebr.
Reli able Jeweler
A. Good Lunch or Splendid Meal
CHATELAIN, Peru, Nebr .
Citizens •• BANK STATE ••
-- --·-- An old reliabl e bank with assets of over
a realist ic and senti m e ntal point f view the scientific stucl y of T he teaching of pub lic school o I c! esign and t h e ir r elation art has changed so ra pid ly in the co or a~ .t. t hat t o uch life most · . to act1v1 1es l a~t decade t hat one fee ls li ke an , I I are n ow marie the basis of . t c ose y, Aladdi n when Joo k JJ1g at a p r esen . t ction. The required courses . .t "th w s ru day exh ibi t a n d compan ng I WI in primary and gram mar grade exhibi ts of t en or ~fteen ye.a rs ago. d rawing g- i \·e material and m e thod I At that time Jme ~rawmg was f iJr grade work with as much pracalmost the only ~ubJect ~~u~h ~: t ica l as po!'s ible . Elective cou rses .., Eve n that was considered a fnll I . d ll·ncr and handwork enable ~ 1n m o e , . . 1 1 d a nd consisted large Y . In ma u ng : stud e nts to familiar ize thpmse lves co P 1·e·"'·· f rom ot he r draw~ngs. S uch .1 with t he s imple pr ocesses o f seve ra 1 work was consi der ed cu ltu ra l. I110 . d ustna . I ac t . .t. A year's 1v1 1es . ~ wo r k i n d r awing and pain t ing is offer ed. The cour,;e in art histo r y a~qu a ints stud ents with a few fine I exam pies of the art of the past in a r ch i tectu r e, sculp t ur e , painting, and th e cra f ts. A gene r al course ' in des iR" n is ~uppl emented by a n· other f or domestic art sturlents who corre late the w or k with clressmaking anci i nter ior dec·orati o n. A similar course is i n prospect for manual training studPn r!'. i Dur i ng- t he la st two years s t ucl v cente r c l a~sPs ha ve been cond ucted I i n nearby t owns on Saturdays . I g i ving teachers a cha nce to g-et some of t h is prepa rati on wh ile at jt/~~~~ t heir work. Exhibits a r e a lso h t> ld, not on ly of work done in th e dPpar tm Pnt bu t of b oth fi rP and i ndu stria l a r t . T hr ee successfu l supervisors of a r t, w ho wree t r a inH EADO I' PEK U ART l tEP \ R ·r:o.rE~T. ed in the dPpar tme nt.. h o ld pos i Peorle believer\ ver y general ly i n t ions in serond c la~s cities in N e " ar t for art' s sake ." Nnw th e hrasl<a . and last yea r a · juni o r , Mi ss d emc.nd is "art fo r life's !'lake . " Lorele i Pfe iffer, won fir st pri ze, Our old notions of cu ltu r al a nd $25 in wa r r:;a ving s tamps , in th e pr actical have changed. T he New statp war !'aving- post e r contest. De~ ocracy calls for a union of the It is th e aim of t h e d epa rtment two, each Pnriched by the other. to do its s ha r e in g iv i ng to th e This has marie it i mpossib le to con - chilrlre n of N e bral"ka th e kind of tinu e> the olrl I ime methods of tra i ning they n f'e d f o r complete teach ing d:-awing. New courses livin g in thei r gene rat i on. have harl to be f or mulated and · teachers. t rained to me>e t the need s Sever a l varieties h omemade of th e t1me. Th e modPrn tre nd of candy f or ~al e at th e a.rt ed u.ca t ion wa s taken into cons 1de•·at1on a fe w vear s ago when 1 Littl e G em Candy Kitchen th e art departmPnt courses we r e l block no rth and 1 block east reorgani zed unrl er Miss Mutz's nf the No rmal rlirer tion . Orde rs take n fo r hom e bak in g a lso lnst earl of teaching drawi ng from M I L L E R S I S T 1<, R S I
Silk Sale Starts Tuesda y, Jan. 28th Ends S a turday, Feb. 1st A ll Fancy Si i i<S P l aced i n Two Lo t s LOT 1-Fancy S ilks, all the wanted str ipes a nd checks, wo r th up to $3 a yarc! ·- 36 inches wide , specia l at per yard .......... ...... . .. ........ . .... .... . ....... .
$1 .98
LOT 2- Fancy checks, worth fro m $1. 85 to $2 . 50, 36 inches wide, a t ....... ... ............... ........ .. .. ...... .... .
$ 1.59
All Messa line S ilks, il6 inches wide, big va ri ety of colors-special ..... ........ ........................................ .
$1 .85
Every yard of si lk is g ua ranteed All other silks at a discount of.. ......... ............ .
I •
15 pet· cent
Cleveland Stores Ev ~rything
fo r Evet·ybody at the dght p l"i ce • 5
2 L
tr 2 '
• •
1 I I
Make W essel's Your Headqua rtc rs Free Wa iting Room~ Rest Room Telephone. La rge!" t a~so r ttn e nt oi D t· y Gol>d s a nd Rea d y -to-Wea r on hand . - - P R I CES THE LO WE ST - - -
L. Wessel's Sons & Co. Ne bras k a Cit:r, Ne hr·.
Fresh cut
flow ers for every .
occasion in apJ>ropriate arrange- i ments -·Our lea d in ~ s pecialt y at : all Seasons of the yea r.
G. E. BERTHO LD ' 'The Flori st' ' Nebr aska City, Nebr.
I ,
is t he place to get
hot drinks of all kinds We al st• have
DON'T YOU WANT TO K NOWThe kind ot i ndustri a l w -.1·'< he ing don e in e lemen tary sch')n ls today fr om Kind er ga rte n to h · 1 schoo l? lg I
Ice Cream At all t im es
P r orn p t ~e t· v i ce Good EHts
~O'Ti e in te r e3ting dnlls and th e ir t ocrger v tt t lve lunc.h eon se t-;, bags, table ma~s. h~t ~a~~~etc . • cies 1gned. an d executed b Y g 1r · 1s vou know ·• ' S e veral ~tu nrllng poster s boxes b 'k t b k. made he re in our schoo l?, • . , a:s e s, oo s ,
D ry Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Remodeling, R epairing
Ladies' a u d Gen t s ' Hi gh es t C l ass Tailorin g
J no. A. Cejk a.
An:v tim e Wednesday or or from 2 to 6
Thursday from 9 t o 12
RTH YOUR WHILE. Admi ssion free
Special Chapel
P e ru r Pgre ts t he d e pa r tu re of seve r a l se ni nrs wh·l cn m pl e t ed t he ir w Irk for g radu a t ion at l he e nd of the fir~t se mest l:'r. : Elai ne Abe l goes to Li nco ln ! whP re s he ha-, bee n e lec terl to t l"a c h I in t h P city E'chools. Miss Ab e l was ! a o a c l ive me mber of th e G irls ' r Glee Club, Y. W. C A. . a nd Pni lo- i mathea n Soc iety. Her home is in ! E me rsnn, Io wa. j He d vi l<a K oci. gr adua t ed fr om th e d epa rt me nt. an d wil l ! t eac h a t Rr unr>, N P- br aska . She 1 was a me mbe r of th e Y. W. c. A. a nrl Ph ilomat hPa n Socie t .v . Ru th Colli ns. one of P e ru ':s mos t t a le nted s tude nts, l eav ~ s for hf' r home at Mal ve rn , Iowa She grad-
has : =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ECEPTIO N TO FACULTY . WH ERE N EBRASK A
u ated fr1> m Colleg e, a n A · B to · mus ic. was a ccompa ni st ; THE TRAINING SCHOOL. 1 nr th e Gi rl ;;' G lee C lub. m e mber 1 Se ven h th ousa nd men f of D ra ma ti c Club , Y . w. C. A. , r egis ter erl fo r arm y ser vice who a nrl Ph ilo ma th ea n Soc ie ty. She ca nnot r ead or write ! The me n and ca me t o Pe r11 to ta ke pub lic f'C hoo l boys be t wePn e igh t een a nd f ortym u;; ic und Pr Miss Ca r pe nter . five yea r s of age in Nebraska a nd Nina was a n s lig_h t /y exceed this number._ member of all t he school acti viti es. It 1s est1m a t ed th a t th e number She belo nge d t o t he Girl s' Gl ee wh o cann ot r ea d or w rite was inClu b , Chorus , a nd was of creased by t he se cond r egistration t he Phil o ma t hea n Society . to 2, 000, 000. He le n Donova n, one of Pe ru ' s This conditi on must not be tru e 1 d a ughte r s, goes t o Oma ha t o t each 1 w hen b oys now of sc hool age be of a g overnth is se mester . Sne was he l pf u l in c ome m e n Th.e all school activ i ties, anrl was one · m en t like our own de pen ds not upof t he so loi st s o f t hP. G ir ls ' Glee on a n ed ucat ed class but upon a n Clnh. 1e duca t ed citizenshi p. T ea chers can
· opoor t unity to g e t r eal la bor a t o ry 1 R tra ini n g i n teach i ng in a ll g ra des :1 fr om t he k inder ga r te n t hru t he One of the most de li g htful socia l j uni or hi g h ~choo l. T hruo u t the e ve nt s of th e yea r was t he r ect> psc hoo l th e s pecia l de pa rtme nts of . tion g i vPn las t T.hursdav e vening t o m us ic. art, domest ic sciPnce, ma n- th e facu lty of th e No rm a l, by P resua l tra ining, ohys ica. l t ra ining a nd ide nt a nd Mr s. Rou se. Pe rli aps no play~round superv t sion · a re t e pr e- gron p_ of p ,gonle_ find grea t er pleasse nt ed. Prac ti ce t ea chi ng may ur e in pla~· ing t oge the r t ha n t hose be d une in a ll of t hese, fiu ing f or who wo rk t oge thf-!r day by day . p ositi ons as s uper visors or teac hP. r T he> n, t oo, no one cuuld f a il to he of the~e speci al lines. An op por hapoy and spo nta neo us i n such a n t unity is al so a ffo rde d in the affil i atm o>" phere as P re, id ent a nd Mrs. ated E'choo ls to pre pa re fo r rura l Rouse gi ve to th e ir home. sc hoo l wo rk. T he fir st pa r t of t he e nte r tainment The tr a in i ng b u il d in g and equ i p- was a cl ever sc heme of Mr s. me nt ar e n ew a nd up-t o-date. Rouse ' s. in w hi c h the whole com-
Me ryl H anks. w ho ram P back th e r e nder no mor e pa tri otic servi ce he r cour se, i than by ge ttin g be h ind the m ove was so busy we d idn 't seP m uch of m e nt to prepa re fo r a mor e in telliher i n schoo l acti vi ti ec: , but we . gent c itize nship. know her as a Joya l Pe ru v ia n be- l It h as a lso bee n estim a t ed th a t of hPr in terest in fo r mer th er e a r e a t least J O,OOO ,OOO years. r e n. or a t leas t fi fty per cent of the
Local co nd i t ions a lso i m ur e a n am ple n umbe r of pupil s fo r t rai n i ng schoo l p racti ce. Thi s is esp Pciali y t ru e of th e ju nior hi g h schoo l g ra des GraduatPs who have com · ple t ed th e ir wnrk in t he t r a ining schoo l hold t he bes t tea c hing pos i-
enthu~iastic Iow~
la~t q ua r te . t o cnm ple te
ca u~e
pan y r esol ved i t se lf into a sess ion of t he lPg is la t ur e, pr esided over b y Speake r G re gg, Th e r ou tine of the sess Lon waR cond uc ted in most cor rec t by t he speaker, whil e th e c lerk de monstra t Pd in .m~rked d eg r ee th e f ac ul ty she ha d
fa~o hinn
1 ne xt . An na Wolff. w ho lef t las t of Ame r ica n voters tions i n t he la rge c iti es of th e s ta te., f ro m pract ice in r ea dIs nnw t eachin g in the S ' wa r d hi g h , who are be m g t a ug h t by t eacher s T he va lue t hat is bPi ng p la ct-d upon mg hil ls a nd ('a lltng t he ro ll. sc h ·,o l. Mi ss Wolff a n a cti ve : ":h o have ha d no spec ia l prepa ra - t he pra ct ice work of t he t ra in ing Am ong the b i lls a n d pe ti ti ons me mbe r i n t he Phil omathean SCJ c ie - , t 10n f or th ei r wor: k a nd w hose gen - schoo l is !'hown by th e incr e>ase rl Jntn.>d nc·pd by th e me mbers was t y a nd N C A \ e ra l educ_a tion _ is qu ite inad eq ua t e. num h.e r who a r e d o ing elec ti ve I o~e. pray i ~~ .the ho use .t o r eq u i re m.a rr tag-ea ble -l oo kmg man, Gla dys S ch mirlt of Oma ha le f t l A m or e mte llqren t c i t ize nshi p wi ll t ea chmg afte r they hnve com pl e te d F r iday ni g ht to ta ke a in d epend upon .be tte r t r a in ed t each ers./ th e r l?q u ire d t each e rs ' t ra i n inl! tf t o wear a la be l, '' Ta k1 the O ma ha schools M iss Schm id t I R ette r t r a tned t eac he r ,; will . in course . h 1s ha t ba nrl. D uring t he .n ea r fut ur e, re cei ve rec ogn i ti on . . Gove rnor McKe lv ie' s was a n e nt h usiasti c wo r ke r in t he P hi lo mathea n Societ y a nd t he m t nc·.r pa oed sa la r ies. B i lls ha ve EnJoyable R eettal. code b ill , the house, in combee n rn t r od uced in t he p resPnt A par tt c11 la rl y e njoyable bu dge t mrtt ee of th e whole, took u p an Chor us. Courtn ey Ande rson of Auburn 1ses.:> i on of t he N a t iona l Cong re ss event wa s t he orga n rce it a l g ive n ! am e nclme nt cr ea ti ng burea us for
qua~ter. /
~a J ne~l
~vet y .~ ~rn ~d.
po~i tion
e~, ~ d.tc~usst on o~.
CJ ~d
one of Pe ru 's s t r ong st ud ents, a nd in o ur s ta t e legis latur e th at a ccept ed a position at Li ncoln for hav e f or t he ir p ur pose increa sed nex t se mester Miss And e rso n was fun ds for a member of Ch orm•. P hi loma thea n·1 A mo re inte ll ige nt c it izenship is Socie ty, a nd Y. M. c. A. Ineed ed. T hi s wi ll be r ea lized onl y Geo rg ia Fa irchild has r e t urn ed be tter t r ai ned t eache rs. H er e . . Is a cha n ce to r e nde r pa tri otic t o her home n Omaha. S he has se rvi ce. 1 ( C ontinu ed o n L Rs t P a g e. , / T h e tra ini ng school a ffo rds an
ed ucat~on.
last Wed ne sday in the Me t hod is t s uch depa r t me n ts as " sty les a nd ch ur ch by Prof . Le Roy Ca rl son, fas hi ons, " "jokes a nd p un s," n ew hea d of t he Norma l' s pia no " g um che wi ng , " ' ling u ist ic e vo d e pa r tment. The we ll bala nced 1 lu t ion, " " Spa ni sh a r c hi te cture," program of nine numbers m er itP.rl etc. Eac h art icle of the a mend amply t he e nthusias tic appla use m en t bro t forth a flood of or a tor y , f 11 · h f · es peci a l! f th b o ow tn g eac g r ou po t h ree. Y r om e m em ers f r o m T he p rog ram ope ned wi th t he t he sand hills a n d t h e o il d is tr icts. I Co n tln u " J o n La.s t
P a g e. )
( Cnntin u t <l
Hrnnd pn,JI'e)
ur he re. T he r e are r umo rs that h e t ea che rs , came u p : or t h ir d r ead- / is co m in g he re f or two d ays. I in g, and wa s ear n ed by a large
Peru State Bank
Entered a t the Po~tofiicc at Peru , Ne. can ' t say i there is a ny f ound a ti on ma j ori ty , u po n whic h th e legislahraska as sccond.class matter. fo r the r u mors or no t. t u r e a dj our ne d. A fte r a se ri es of m ost cha rmi ng I was in L ondo n Armi s t ice Day, Published Weekly by the Peru State No rmal a n d t ook part in th e ce le brati o n m usica l num ber s , g i ve n by Mrs. : 5 0 cts. per yea r. Single copy 5 cts. t he re. Of a ll the absolut el y P r iel , Mrs. Phil R ouse a n d M r . - -- I N- - "wild " times I eve r saw, t hat was Car l10on , t he hos t ess ser ved d e li c i - l th e limit!! I never !'aw its eq ual o us r efr es hm e n t s, and th e ha p py be fo re , and I cloubt if I e ve r see i t e ve ni ng was e ncl ed . again. It was s urely a fitt in g - - - - ·- -ce le bra ti o n afte r f our long yea rs of "G rade r " M ach in e Bag~ Big G am e. Phon€' 25 s uff ering. T hey al l f elt that t h e "The s had es of Coa ch J o h nso n !" Pho ne 25 wa r was over then. The Sunday If J ohnso n o uld have seen h is M AR D I S a fte r , I was in Pari s a nd took pa rt " bab ies" play bal l la s t Fr iday Tt rB EurToR IAL sTA FF-sEcoKo s E ~rE!;T ER in t he ce le bratio n f o r the Ii ber a- ni g h t h e wo u ld have been r eward ed G r oceri es, F u r nis hin g G ood s , Ml::' n 's Ed na Sa lz ma nn . Ed itor in·Chid and B oys' S h oes t io n of A lsace and Lorra ine. I 'm f o r hi s coac hin g of t he eighth g r ade Ed wa rd .\1otl:iovsky Associa tc Edi to r Associate Erl ito r afraid my expressio n, " t ook pa rt" lads las t year. O ne of th e team Our Leade rs : Valley Li lly F lour, Cecil ia Peterso n J.a un: ncc Rouse Busi ness ~ l a nagcr is not good -1 m ean mere ly that 1 sa id , " W ish Coac h J oh nso n c o u ld Barring t on H a ll Coffee I<ay mond Hu!Ter .-\sst Rusincss M'gr was out and wa lked and ran and ' have seen us p lay , b ut you be t w e Peru Nebraska Emma Wood ie Ass t 13usinl'SS M'g r waved flags and sa ng and ye lled li ke Roett ger , t oo." 1st d oo r so u th P e ru State Ban k JIE I'OilT ING s T AF f' wi t h the res t of t he cr owd. And The seco nd team, l i ke mos t sec Cla ude rvcrs s uch a cro wd! Me r le Drape r a nd o nd t eam!-;, Ja c ke d u ni ty of a cti o n, Lena Bates R EMEMBE R Rct ty La uman Hel<:n Law rence I we re in t he sam e flarty fr om w h rl e t he little o ld " g rad e r I.e Nom Snyder Gla dys l.i ttle ----- - - - Pa ri s to R om e . We reached Ro me machi ne ' ' had been po li s hed and A Letter · from V erna Snell. 'l?. N ove mber 2 2. May Fudge had oiled un t il e ve r y pa r t wor ked t o come a week be f ore Mi sses Fudge p e rfection. A p pa r e n t ly th e r e h ad If you wa nt B elo w is g i Vfm a f e w quo ta t ions a nd Drape r he lp ed in t he ca nteen be e n very li tt le use of " Cam pbel l- Dry C lea nin g, Pressin g an d fr om a ve ry in te r es t in g letter fro m a t Vi ce nza fo r t wo wee ks, then t he flage" in the i r week's p rac t ice, Gen er a\ La und ry Wo rk Mi ss Ve rna Sne ll , who is in Red ca nte e n closed and they we nt ba ck j u dg ing by t he way th e ir wind Cr oss can tee n wor k a t Pa d ova, Ca ll P h o n e 53 t o Rome . las t ed . T he fi r st ha lf th e sc or e Ita ly : Ma r k Ot!lzell, A g t. "P d · f . I f eel t hat I 'm getti ng mor e was 7 t o 4. in f a vor of th e gr a der s . a o va IS a center o co mmum. . Will Co ll ec t Mon days 'th . h f h fr o m th1 s t np than I s ha ll be a ble . I n t he second half t he gua rdi n g Cat Jon WI p o mts nort o ere Bas ke t a t C hase' s S h op · d ld. to pa y f or with se r vice t o t he Red wa s n ot qu ite so goorl o n th e part So man y pnsoners a n so 1ers pass , . ·u d . Cross, tho I m do m g m y best t o of t he 2's, w h i le the "grader~"" t l1 r e ver y . . ay . 0 ur canteen IS . near· t h e sa t t 1on. ' We h ave a arge d1 s tnbute cheer m my work as shut u p eve r y h ole exce pt at thei r 1 br l' ck b U l-1d.m g , t wo r ooms. We wel l a s the food we hand out. 1 goa l e nd . I nto th is bas ke t they ser ve ho t coffee a nd mi lk, an d ho t fe e l that I am especially f ortunate poured a who le '' set t e n' " o f goose Furni!-ohings soup, and an Ita lian commi t tee in co ming to Padova to work with eggs in the seco nd hal f - t welve Clothing poi n ts to " 0 "-which working with us ser ve bread and th e Mc Ke y s ister s. They a re preci ous ~hoes wi ne, fr o m 7 :SO in th e morn i ng cha rmi ng wo men who have l ive d in mad e t he fi nal sco r e 19 t o 4 i n Why not a Ma da m Grace t ill 7:00 o" clock a t nig h t. We fe ed Ita ly and k now the language and f avor of th e n inth g r a d e r s . · The N o. 2 's were a ma nl y set of fif teen hund r ed or more so[d iers uncl e rs t a nd t h e people he re; and Co rset? every day. Most of thP. m a re be cause all the I ta lian so ld it- rs sp o r t s. They g a ve ent h usias ti c On e o f 0. MILST E AD Ita lians a nd Czecho·S ia vs ; some - kno w of the work and death of praise t o th e " g rade r s " ti m es the re is a g roup of re t urni ng the ir bro th er, t hey seem to ha ve the m sa id : "You just wa i t until - -- Aus t r ia n pri so ners and so met ime:; es pecia l r esp Pc t f o r t he McKey t hese k id.; each ha v . a sweet heart 0 E NTS a few E ng lis h so ld ie rs come in. s ister s, so o ur can teen is al ways on the sidelines and t hey w o n ' t we ver y rare 1y ha ve A merica ns an o rderl y , pl easa n t p la ce. l ' va see th e goa l a ny bet t er t ha n w e 1 W he n yo u n een C utl e r y , Fl ash l i g h t
A Good Bank
A Good Town w.w
Au burn Laundry
Ladi es' & Gent's
h er e . T he canteen is in charge of the Mc Key sister s f ro m New York, wh ose brot he r came over with t he firs t Am er ica n R ed Cross commissi o n t o Ita ly . Ed McKey had a r olling ca n teen with th e I tali a n fron t line i n las t s pring ' s off pns ive and was ki l led th ere la s t June . It was my priv i lege a- f e w days ago t o take a pi cture nf th e " s trik ing" look ing Itali an, Ardi vo, who was
hea rd from se ve ra l outs ide sour ces that i t is con·dd e r ed the hes t ca nt een in I ta ly , so (n ,1 t ta k ing any cre dit t o m vse lf), I' m gl a d I'm her e . An d wh en o ur wor k h ere is 'done . I'l l be m ig- h ty g la d t o g e t bac k t o th e U. S. A. , a nd teach schoo l aga i n . I t h ink I ca n do it be tter tha n I ever d id befo r e . __ _ _ _ Ve rna Sne ll.
the last man t o wh o m Ed . McKey Reception to F acu lty. gave a cu p of coffee anrl who p1'cked (<.: o n t 111uerl fm m 1st l'aJ!<". ) McKey up a f re r th e s he ll had A mo ngo other e loquent s peeches, s truck. th e bri lli a n t. and scho larly or a ti on Pa do va has t he o ldes t u n ivers i ty on g u m c he wing e lic ited much a pin Ita ly and t hi s unive rs it y has p la use. A b i ll to tax a ll ba che lors offer ed to co nfe r a d eg r ee u pon of voting a ge, th e proceeds t o be P r es iden t Wi lso n it' he w ill come devo t ed t o a re t irt>me nt fund for
Mandelson & Kennedy N ebraska City
d id ." The line- up: Second t ea m
H. S.
Ba tte r ies o r A n y thing i n the H ardwa re iine
Ca II In
Macl<p rang-Rouse c. Bi tze n bach / a n cl yo u w i l l always Sha fe r - Ho use r. g. Br nn >;d o n find a fu ll l ine Gol dsb erry I. g-. De lze l l · at House-G. Chase r. f. M ed ley Much pr-u nn's H Carte r 1 f R Ch ~ ar d ware · · · ase -Cowell I r ma
Wil so n :- " Oh.
li s t e n
Your Best Friend 'Is your Fount . p I aJn en GE T A
to \
tha t d ea r ti t t le b ird t" an cl t hi s i s what i tsaid : " P ew p " . . ce. ewee. Lll l Ja n Brooker, r eceiv i ng w o rd of. he r br otht r ' s ser io u s i l ln ess left Fn day mo r ning f o r her ho m e in Oma ha , bu t d id n o t a rri ve in tim e to see h i m before h is death . M iss Brook e r h as th e hea rtfel t sy m pathy of al l t he studen ts of t he No r m al.
W a te rman oa· M oore s - --AT - - -
Fisher B ros. D•·u 2g i ~ ts
The m ost complete stock f L . R o ad1es· eady-to-Wear in the City
At Popular Prices
- - - - - M. E. GOOD
New Goods in Shoe Line arc now in Come in and see thetn • •
Remember - Peruvian ~napshot a few years ago to suc h work as is school at Peru when I ge t back to co ntest closes F ebruary 14 . being done in up -to -da te classes. God's countr y. " This last week has p roven the necess ity of a n infirmary in Peru . Pau l Ki dd, who has been in th e Navy, is spending a few days in Peru , vis iting his fri ends. Misses Ma ude Hami l ton and Mar· Jurie Vi nton have accep ted positi o ns in Dav id City for the nPxt seme!'ter. They will come back to
It has been decided that the most f easi ble plan of remodel ing the dormitory is to close it for the four t h quarter of this year. The g irls will secur e rooms elsew here for Apri l and May. Al l rooms will be replaster ed , woodwork re-fin i~hed. plumbing completely reset and
su mmer school to fin ni sh t hei r wor k.
Khaki an d Blue.
rooms r e-floored .
Miss Adams.
I n a letter to hi s mother, Frank
Dori s Frye, one of t he ph ysical ' Sharrar descr ibes the Ch ristmas trai ning se ni o rs, has organ ized a dinner furnished by Uncle Sam for "Blue Bird Camp" in the fi fth and h s sold ier boys in France. Here sixth g r ades . The gi rls have en- is the menu: Turkey, dret'sing , tered into it with g reat dea l of gravy , mashed potatoes, creamed enthusi asm and in terest. asparagus, g rapes, nuts, apples, Miss Myrtle Chapell IPft recently 1oranges, one ponnd of candy, tea or for Kearn ey, where she wi 11 teach j coffee and cigar e ttes. He says this semester. Shew s accompani- 1the U . S . has a great am ount of ed as fa r as Nebraska City by Elsie 'j food stuff storeri over tt er e. Coll ins an rl D ona Lauri e, wh o spent At a recent gathering in Linthe rest of the day in Dunbar. coin, Mi ss Per shing, s ister of The capta in f or th e girls' basket General Pershing, was enthus iasti c ball teams have been elected-Li l ia in hE'r praise of our own "Wab" Brooker as the se ni nr captain, and Ralsto n. She spoke of him as a Alice Brunsdon as the j un ior cap- \ wonder , anrl said he has seven tain . The gi rls are practicing G;!r man planes to his credit. This f a ith full y and di lige ntl y, and one I is surely a r emarkabl e record conof the most exciting games of the s idering the short t i me "Wab" season is antiP. ipated in the near 1was in act ive se r vice. He is now futu r e. in the U.S. 1 The most unique display of the 1 LeRoy Bened ict writes u nd er work done by the classes in ki nder- , date of December 26 that he had ga r ten technics and p ubli c school just finished hi s course in the aviaart classes wa:; on display Wednes- tion school in France, and had been day and Thursday in the faculty orden~d co the f r ont the week th e room of the administration build- armistice was s igned. He says ing. When one sees such an Pxhibit • there is much work fur the A viaas this, he r ea lizes that Peru is tion Corps to d o over th er e, and he now meeting the demand for " a rt does not expect to r etu r n to Amer fo r life' s sake." It is a change ica un til next fall. H e closed by from t he old "drawing" lessons of j sa Jing, "Am certainly go ing to
A n I ntereshng · Demonstrahon. ·
that the parents and a f ew other s See us for your Confectioner y and were invi ted. The imagination L unch Goods shown in these stories, the well H. U.LANDOLT word ed sentences, the choice of words f or beginning each sentence as we ll as the pleasing way in SAY IT WITH FLOWERS which th ey were read pr ov£:d only The 3:20 trai n gets to too well that th is was not onl y an Peru at 7 :28 interesting way to teach r eading and Eng li sh, but that it was_ac- FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE compli shin g desirerl results. - -TIME--
Y. M C. A. Notes. BROS. Captain McKinrlr ick of the Canad ian army, who has had t hree Phone B2234 Lincoln, Nebr . years' ser vice in France will ad - - -- - -- - - -- - -- dress a men's meeting Thursday Mars h's Market evening at 8 o' clock, in Dr.House•s l class room. The follow ing officers were electEvery Kind of meat ed at the reg ul ar meeting last Sunday: President , L loyd Prante ; vice president, Wi lliam Tho mas; And then some secr etary -t r easurer, Arthur Petsch; cha irman ath letic and soc ial co mThat You like to eat mittee, Leon Roettger; chairma n r e ligious commi t tee, H . J. Cottle .
A Good Lu ncb or Splendid Meal
Peru, Nebr.
Citizens STATE:: BANK
Kl.e n zo Dental Cream
Barnes' Pharmacy
when in Nebras ka / Your friends can buy Have you r Watc h ~s. Clocks, jewelry, Spectacals and Ci ty it is only · any t hi 11g you could Foun tain Pens One 810'-k North give them except .}
Lcoks Good I Miss Han thorn and Miss Walker i T:~stes Good gave an interesting demonstration 1 Is Good Januar y 27 of work i n r ead ing and . For it' s a perfect language which t hey have been dentri fice carrying on in the third g rade. 1 Try it ne xt time The children had been given sev- -- 25c- eral poems about brownies which t hey had read and discussed. Then a seri es of pictures were given the children. Fach ch i ld as well as ' and Miss Hanthor n Mi ss Walke; A. VENUE STORE gave an oral interpretation of the pictures. Then the chi ldren were Fountain Pens, Fine Stationery, asked to write their own version of Christmas Cards it . Sat isfyin g Chri stmas Gifts It was to hea r these st ori es read
L~::undry Work done · Paul Kidd has bef'n r eleased from at the th e Naval Re:;erve School at Great Lakes, and will enter Peru Norma l Nebra~ka City Laundry the second semeRter. OT~S GREGG. Agent Oscar Oakes, who has been in !i Phone 79 th e S. A. T . C. at Man hattan, Kan- • Sh sas, expects to receive his di scharge 1 Basket at King's Barber op soo n a nd will enter Peru Normal ! Col:ected Mondays· for specia l work in chemistry and Deliver ed Fridays
zoology the second semester.
In a r ecent letter Former PresiElmer Wil son writes from Lori dent H ayes says t ha t he is enj oy ing ent, France, under date of January hi s new work very much and is 3, that he is enjoy ing his work and having decid ed success in it. HP. expects to be sent home in a few sends g r eeti ngs to his many fri ends weeks. here. I n a recent letter to President Mi ss Cleland gave so me ver y / Rouse, E rnest Black says he exin terest i ng talks to th e specia ls and I pec ts to be back in school work by train er:s at their class cha pel the ' September l 919 . He has been in last two meetings. They a lso en- the army since las t May. At pr esj oyed readings by Miss Pass and ent he is in Menacours, France.
J. C.
Rel iable Jeweler
Peru, N ebr .
An old rel iable bank wit h assets of over
A n E~joya ble RecitaL M anual Trdi..-ling. F l r s t P>~. ge . l <Co ntl n u t'd rrom Duri ng the war h und reds of , '' S agitato f ro m Rh e in h,...rg~r. s . oteac he r s of manual a rts r esig ned . M. r , T~. e bHr mtro· Jno . to en te r the w r v ice, conseque n tl y naa m 0 c1 uctor v chorrl s . t he ornate pa~sag<.> t here ne ver has been a tim e whe n foll ow ing, t hP tra nsi tio n into a V.:e ll ther e was s o grea t a s hor tasre of lod v and the effectJ ve · t rai ned men fn r th is line of indus- ma r k e d m e nna lP mad e u p a cle lie-htful con:po; t r ia l work. I n many pl aces it has . . rea tl v e njoy ed . Steb bm s been imposs ible t o get men wi t h s 1tJOn I! · D , ac: a he rs ee p w, . " s ufficie nt t raimng to carry on t he ·'Whe n Dnsk Gat ,]" t . of a te nder . " ~ work, and shop!! have been c losed c ha rmin g re n" l J On . d " Mid c:u mm Pr Capn ce . . . d thruout t he coun t r y as the r esul t. lyncmoo . All Fancy S ilks Placed in T wo Lot s . wa ltz wa:; p la ved daJntl Some of t hese teachers w i I I never gay . a1 r y · . clost>d a g roup s ue-e-Ps t lnQ" LOT 1-Fancy Si lks, a ll the wa nted str i pes and ret ur n to th P teal"!hi ng pr of ess ion, I Y an d "bT . checks, wor th up to $3 a yarcl · 36 inches wide, hut the very fac t th a t · ma ny qua l· a dm i rah ly the va ri e d p os~· ~ I Jt les · · k "lfu l ha nd s . $1 .98 specia l ~t per yar d .. :.......... ...... ... ... .... ...... .. ··· ··· ··· ified as gove rnm ent me.:ha ni cs. and of org::t n mu "IC Jn s 1 LOT 2-Fa ncy checks, worth from $1. 85 to $2 .50, t he extensive r ecog nition of voca- Mr. Ca rlson r es pon d ed t o h ear ty "th Wra n a e ll' s "A r a be ~$1.59 36 inches wide, at .. .. .... ...... .. ...... .. ........ .... .. ····· ····· tional educa ti on, pro vPs th e va lue e ncore W I '"' of ind ustria l a rts in the school and que . " All Messaline Sil ks, 36 inches wide , big vari et y of . Kind e r' s "Berceu se ., , foilo wm g, colors- specia l ......... .................. ...... ........... .. ... ..... . $1.8 5 s hows the i mpor tance of having tr ained t Pachf' r :> f or the work in was mos t appealin g . possess ine-_a s Every ya rd of s il k is g ua ranteed i t does t he naive f nll< sonsr q uall ty t he fut ur e. All oth er sil ks at a discoun t of.... ... ........... .. .. .. 15 per c e nt Inquiries are of ten made for of a r ea l cra cll e song . I n con tras t. book:; t o read on t he subj ect of was t he m arke d rh y th m of . • At ma nua l t ra i ning. and for shor t cut Sunl'et" (Se llC! r - ) . secn ncl in the Edrl~, · s a r r a n sre me nt ~ : in order to become teac hers of t he gr oup. " The Lanrl of t he S k y -b lu e Watl:' r s ubj rc t qu ir kly a nd eas il y. It Ever yt h in g f o r Eveq rbod y a t t h e r:i~ht p d ce shou ld be r e mem hPred t hat an art was in t Pr es tin g , t h n t h e song losPs or trade is s low ly acqui red, and some thin g of its no ig Mtnt rl r a m a t ic that. it ta kes t ime t o prod uce ski ll- qua li t·y wh f'n given thr u t h e m ed if ed wo rkm en and e ffi cie nt teacher s um of the keys. T he fi na l g r oup of thre e opPnPrl a long th is line as in ot her s u bjects "Those des ir ing t o f'nter ma nual w it h B uck' s j m ppr essi ve "Tri a rt~ a s t Pacher s shou lci firs t r ealize um pha l Ma rch . " The co lor f ,d in · t he impo rtan ce a nd mag ni t ucie of trad uc t ion , the r i p pli ng m t> lorl y of the wn rk. a nd th en thoroly a nd the second move rr.e nt. a nrl t he fin P ca refu ll y prepa re fur it." s w ing ins:r rh yt hm of t he~ fin a le w e r P Our df' p n tmf' nt offer s var ious a dm irab ly phra sed . On e of t hP courses of manua l tra in ing work mos t b eantiful n umbe r s f o llowe d , f or those who w i!:'h to specia li ze or · ' Bor owski' s · • Ado ra t ion, " ser io u c: do somethin g a long thi s line , anrl di g nifi eri , w it h a ma c:s i ve fi na / cha nges will be macie fr om t i me to passage. I n Ptfecti ve co n tra s t wa s t ime tn m·!et the demands a nd to the sweet, sust ::t in e d m e lo rly of ma ke th e wo r k a s pract ica l as Loare' s f::~miliar • • A nd a nino , ' La rgel" t al'IS01·ttn e nt of Dr y Good s possible. F. B. Dail y . cle lig h tfn lly g Jve n. At th e c losP o f a nd Re ad l ·to-We a r on hand Mid ... Year Gr c:;du ates the prog-ra m th e a u cl; e nce i m~ i s t t:>rl - - PRI C ES THE L O WEST- -· <Continued rt·om l"t •·s t ra.~:e. 1 upo n m nre musi c. a n d Mr . Carl son a position in t he La thr op schoo l. p lavPrl S im one tti ' s cha rm ing li t tl e 1 F iorence Sixt a lef t fo r he r ho me ! " Ma dri ,.!a l" wit h d e licacy a n d in Sr huy le r Fr iday t' Ve n ing . M1 ss fini ~ h . Six ta is uncer ta in a,; to whe the r s he \ The f a ct t hat P f' rU n ow coun ts will conti nue he r school work. a n or ga ni s t a nd t ea ch e r of the Lilli e Larson 1-a ; a ccPpt ed an orga n a s a mem ber of 1h e f acu lt y exce llent position i n the Bea tri ce s ugg est s t he poss ibi li t y so m eday o f ~========================~ schoo ls. M1ss La rson' s home is in t a fine pt pe or g a n 1n t hP. Norma l "SA Y IT WlTH FLOWERS THE F.\ Y I Ara pahoe. chapPI. Why n ot ? Many drea ms is t he p lace to J!et I Ethe l Page , o f N e lson . has been f or Peru h a ve co me t rue. Pe r haps Fresh cut flow ers for every : elec ted to interm ed iate pos it ion t hi s one may. · occasion in a ppropriate arran ge- ~ at Law rence. N e br . Miss Pag e h as - -· - - - of a ll ki nds had two years t each ing ex pe ri en ce. N orm al Gradu a te Kille d. ments -· Our leading s peci a lt y at · We al ~><• ha ve Myrtle Cha p pe ll e is now teachi ng Word has jus t r e a c he r! u s t ha t all Seasons of the year. the Kea rn ey schoo ls . Mi ss three of our a lu mni we re i n an in At a ll times G. E. BERTHO LD Chappe lle was a f ai th fu l me m ber a uto accirle nt nea r F r e mo nt l::ts t of Phi loma t hea n S"c ie ty, Y. W. C. F'r irl ay ni g ht, a nd t hat Es th e r P1·o m p t ~e 1·vice ' 'The L•'lori st'' A. a nd Dra ma t ic Clu b. Ah bey was i n j nred so se ri ous ly that Go od Eil t S Nebraska City , Nebr. death fo lloweti i m mediate ly . J o hn Severa l va r ie ties home made Black a nd E lva Fi s her. who w e r e ca nd y f or l:!a le at the a lso of t he pa r ty we re l TIJUrPrl, Dry Cleaning, Dyeing. Press ing , Remodeling, R epairin g Little G em Candy K itche n Mr . B lack's cond iti on n ot b e in g Ltldi es' a nd Gents ' High es t C l ass T~ itor i n g l block north a nd 1 block east se rious, a nd if no compl icati o ns EVERY PI ECE OF WORK GUARANT EED set in Mi ss F is he r w ill r ecov er of t he Norma l Tailor and Cleaner Orde rs t aken fo r home bak i ng a lso , A ll we re me mber s of the c lass J no. A. Cejka. M ILL ER S I ST E R S 18,. an~ w er e t e aching in t h e David CJty sch oo ls .
Silk Sale
Starts Tuesda y, Jan. 28th Ends S aturda y, Feb. 1st
Cleveland Stores
Make Wessel' s Your Headquarters Free Waiting Room, Rest R oom Telephone.
L. Wessel's Sons & Co.
~----------------·-----------------~ h ot drinks
Ice Cream
been r eady to take their stand and Chri st and the power to imbue LIEUT. ORVILLE RALSTON. TheY. M. C. A. of our school is face the battle. Every young man others with a des ire to emulate L ieutenant Orville Ralston, one of being organ ized very rapidly under in co llege anr:l out s hould plan to this character. the g r eat air fig hter s, an Ameri can t he gu idance of Professor Loomis be ready for the CriSIS when it Ace with seven H un mechines to an d t I1e advice of Mr. Holcomb, co mes. Do not put off unti I to- PRES. ROUSE AT HASTINGS. his offici a) credit, vis ited P eru t 11is state school and college Y. M. sec- mort ow, for tomorrow never comes. President Rouse of the Peru last wee k end. Li eut. Ralston r etary, who has been w~t;h.usJor Crown J esus as your king and he State Normal , spoke to the sturlents honored the school with a short the past three days. Mr. hv114f lb will lead yo u step by step to g lory, and faculty of Hastings College at address yesterday morning duri ng had in company with him Captain for then wh en you are called fr om the chapel hour Friday morning . th e chapel hour. A large number MacKendricks of the Canadian this earth you shall have eternal He chose f or hi s t heme ''The of . citizens were presen t to hear a rmy, who recently r eturned from joy. Heroes of our Co mmon Life," hi m. The en ti re audience rose t o France after being in servi ce The result of Captain MacKen- I show ing us how hero ic the li ves d o him · honor as he appeared upon almost f ou r year s. H e has had m~ny drick's talk t o t he young men was may be that we find about us. He the platfo rm. L ong and loud was miraculous escapes from death, wonderful. The idea of crown· told of the painstaking labo r of a the app lause g ive n the lieutenant during the four years he spent in ing J esus as King of one's life was str eet sweeper of NP.w Yor k, who fo r the splendid talk. France. H e is now working in the driven home to a number of the was giving his time and ser vice to Peru was never pro uder of any s chools and colleges of the United men. There were twelve of them the health and san itation of the of her sons. It was not only the S tates with t he \'oung t who accepted Jesus as their Crown- great city. Then he told _of the splend_id address nor the knowledge . men, o , · fi f h h make th em see the need and pur- e~ King and resolved to follow I sacn ces o ~ mot er t a t her of his magnificent record as an pose of a s imple, pure, Chris tian ' h1m. We si ncerely hope that every Idaug hte r might have th e advanta- airman which won the hearts of one of th ese men will not forget l g es of education. Thru all his his audience, but it was the siml ife. Captain MacKendrick and his speech there sounded the call to plicity and modesty of hi s talk · "A Patch of Lentils " advice, and will follow the path 1 heroism , not thru spectacu lar f eats, and bear ing, as well as the abso Wednesday evening Capta in Mac he has s tarted them on. but thru common everyday faith- lute absence of self praise and K endrit:!ks gave a very inter esting The Sanity of a Soldier's Faith. fulness. -Hasti ngs Collegian. adulation which brot the unanimo us talk to the young men. To ill us verdict t hat Lieutenant Orville Captain James MacKend rick d ePearl Regan . t rate the bearing and outcome of h d Ra lsto n, Mr. Ral ston, "our own R , li vered his se rmon, "The Sanity of I p a chri stian life he told the s tory S 0 ld · • F · h " t 0 1 ear 1 egan, 18' w 0 g ra uated Wab," who spent his boyhood days Jer s 'all · a arge from the commerce d epartment of of the J ewi sh yo ut h named Sham- a assemblage of students, facul ty and p t J . d t h h and ea rly manhood in school here er u 1as une, 01 e a er orne mua. Shamm ua took his stand townspeop le la::st Thursday after- I . F . d N k at Peru, was every inch a n ace. · ,m n en , e 1)ras a, 1as t week aga inst the Phili st ine and won out. 1 noon at _ the Normal chapel. Before Christmas Miss Regan ha d Death Claims Another Graduate. Hi s comrads seeing him take such Captam MacKendrick took for t t k f th · fl a sever e a ac o e 1n uenza a stand, gained courage to take a . The manv f r iends of Esther h1s text the 26th chapter of the w h'1c h 1e ft h er h ear t great1y wea k'Ab bey, a graduate of Peru State stand beside him. The young man Acts of the Apostles. He treated d · d h t th f . d . . / ene an er s r eng a 11e to Normal school in 98, were both t oday must have backbone to take . h is top1c und er four headwgs : · s ta nd th e d eman d of t h'JS d read a 'ltand and hold it. When he leaves shocked and g ri eved to hear of her I. The matchl ess character of d . 1sease. . home to go to col lege, he has s trong tragic death whi ch occurred JanuJ esus Chnst. M'1ss R egan d un . ng t 11e past fall . k ary 31, 1919, when an automob ile convi ctions that certai n things are 2 . J es us Chn st rna es an appeal d'd ffi k f II · 1 wrong. After he is in college to the soldier because of his inftuho ceShwor s uccess u Y . In in wh ich she was r id ing collided . 0 ma a . e was a very act1ve w it h a train near Fremon t. Death th ese tempt him , and a lt ho he 1 ence upon .ll teratur e and art. b . 1 mem er of t he N orma 1 Cat ho 11c knows they are wrong, he yields came ins tantly. 3. The mfluence of Jes us Christ A . t' · I ssoc1a 1on am1 was at one t1me At t he time of her dea th Miss . fo r fear of being called names a nd upon !Story. . . h . pres1d ent of th1s organ iza ti on. Abbey was a teacher in the David made fun of. Do as Sham mua did 4. Jes us Chnst mert 3 the needs Th th f h f · d and yo u wi ll win out in the end, and sat isfies th e ends of the indi- , e sympa Y ho e ~ dmanyd nen .s City schools where her efficient with yo ur co mrades f ollow ino-. Peogoes o ut to er WI owe mother ce r vice rendered w ill make her ,., vidual sou l. "' pie think the country in whi ch they C . and her s ister s. absence keenly felt. ap tam MacKendri ck said in . . h ve 1s God's country , but i t isn't t - -- -- - She came to Peru to school in • •par : . "S b . M1ss Bowen went to Linco ln, the fall of 1916 and g r aduated f or if it were the newspa per s wo uld 0 1 1 not be filled with scandal every . many peo~ e . e Jeve t~at February 8, o n business 'connected from thi s inst i t u tion in May, 1918. · 1Cl u b During · d ay. T hi s is why theY. M. C. A. the l1fe of a. sofd1er . . IS contrad1c· 1W I'th th e woman ·s Ed ' ucat10na her brief stay here Esther tory to Chns uamty, but after f N k 1 being o rganized in t he colleges spending four years in the trenches j o • e )ras a.. came to be loved and held in esteem is toget men to start on the right I bel·1 ~ve · th a t r e 1g10n . . .1:; f or th e I Warren Hays haswri tten hisfather by all who knew her. She was 1 r oad and 'come to a victor io us end. man who dares great things and t hat he expected to leave for th e an act i ve worker in the Y. W. C. Now Then, Do It. can face fierce battles. T he Bible U. S . , January 15. He is probably A. and a lso in the Ph ilo. soc iety. Thursday even ing (.;.:> p ~a in Mac- is r ead _today more than ever be- ! anoth.er Peru boy ho meward bound .. It ca n be ju:t ly sa id that h.er 1 Kendricks gave a nother ta lk to the fore. The soldier reads his Bible. The man who has nothing to work ~as ever faithful ly a nd satJsyou ng men using as a text "Now It is not true that th~ moral of boast of bu t his lllustri ou~ a ncestry fac tonly done. Then Do It." H e told of men in the t he soldi er is destroyed . H e will is like a po tato-the only good be- Oh, tho oft dep ressed and lonely, 1 • All my fears are lai d a isd e ' trenches who were Ch ris ti ans an d retu rn a bP.t ter and b1gger man th an Jong'mg to h1'm 1' s unde r g roun d .-
H e has Si r Tho mas Averbury. · I 0 . J . p a 1mer wr1tes · learned to appreciate manhood .
of men who were not . At the time when the Huns were peginning terrific drive. The men who were Chr is t ians stood upon the firing ste p r eady and waiting for the Hun to come over t he top, while the men who were not Christians were down on t hei r knees pray i ng to be saved, in an hour when they s hould have
went away.
. from Blo1s, Captain MacKendrick speaks as FranC'e, January 10, that he had a man who knows whereof he been transferr ed to a casual comspeaks. H e has had a wonderfu l ! pany, and e~pects to leave for the yet terrible experience but this I U nited States within the week. If experience has only te nd ed to gi ve ~ ~verything went as he expected, he him a lar ger and broader vi sion l i S undo ubtedly on his way home of the matchless character of Jesus now.
If but remember onl y S uch as t hese have li ved and di ed ! Search Me, 0 God. Search me, 0, God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my thots; And see if t here be a ny wicked way in me; And lead me in the way everl ast ing. -Psalm 1R9:23·24.
Peru State Bank
Calendar .
From Earl Harlow. The following are extracts from Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Ne. Weekly. brasku as second·class matter. . , a letter received by Profe!<sor Hoyt · Mondays,-Chorus, 5:20 to 6 :00. / from Earl Harlow,.~ho is teaching , Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal Orchestra, 7:0 to 7:45. in Honolulu, Hawa11. j 50 cts. per yea r. Single copy 5 cts. Tuesdays,-Boys' Glee Club, 7:00 "Well, how is Peru making it/ Girls' Glee Club, 7:45 thru the storms and blizzards ? Is - -- IN-- Wednedays-Chorus, 5:20 there a coal shortage there this Orchestra, 7:45 winter? I have n't seen a Jump of Thursdays-Girls' Glee, Club 7:00 coal or a heater since 1 left home. 00 0Wll Boys' Glee Club, 7:45 It is raining a little here today,~-------------Band, 7 :00-7:45. but looks a s tho it might clear up Bi-weekly: in an hour or so. Phone 25 Phone 25 Friday-l'hilomathean, 7:30. I wish I had the A. B. degree ~rt·,j' THE rmrTouu.r. sTAFF-sEcoxn sE~r EsTER Monthly: from Peru. I would stand a g ood 1"''" ;., • W · MARDIS Edna Salzmann . Editor in·Chicf 1st Tuesday, G1rls' meet 11 :30. Ichance of land; ns:r an $ 1800 job at Groceries, Furnishing Goods, Me n' s Edward Mot.jovsky Associa te Erlitor 1st Wed'y, Dramatic Club, 8:00. a public hig h school here next year. and Boys' Shoes Cecilia Peterson Assnria te Editor 1 t S t d y W C A K Laurence Rouse 13usine~s Ill anager ._ s a ur ay, · · · · en- I rfiay, possibly, be able to get it Our leaders.· VaJic.y L1'lly Flour, sington. I t I Raymond HutTer . Asst Business :\1'gr anyway. s rong Y encourage Barrington Hall Coffee Emma Woodie - Asst Business M 'gr Special Events. teacher!' to take a degree before I!EPOHTrNc sTAFI' Mrs. MacUowell's Concert, Feb· leaving school if they have to fire Peru Nebraska Lena Bates Claude Ivers ruary 19, budget event ; furnaces and wash dishes t o get it; 1st doo r south Peru State Bank Betty Lauman Helen Lawrence Movies, Febr. 17, budget event and if I g-o back to school, I shall LeNoraSnyder Gladys Little 1 Senior Party, Fehruary 22. pay my expenses s ome such way if HE MEMBER Why Captain MacKendrick7 possible. He has come and gone; the I An enterprise, when fairly once "What would you think about me whole school has been blessed by / begun, I persuadi_n g some Chinese or Ja~ If you want his being here Should not be left ti 11 all that / anese g 1rls to go to Peru yto tram Dry Cleaning, Pressing and ' f or teac h ers ?'' Why such rapt attention'! Why ought is won. · ----Gene, al Laundry Work did every one catch each word . -Shakespeare. F . . . 0 11 which dropped from his lips? We The nerve that neer relaxes, the p owrng IS a letter received by Call Phone 53 ' magnet1sm · canno t say 1·t was h IS eye th a t never re 1axes, t h e eye r ofessor Gregg from Byrne MarMark Delzell, Agt. nor his eloquence No, he had that never blenches, ~he thot that cellus: "I have accepted the chair Will Co ll ect Mondays none of these tricks of the profes- never wanders,-thesc are the ?f a~gumentat10n and public speakBasket at Chase 's Shop sional orator, but he did have masters of victory.-Burke. i 10 ~ ~n th~ College of Business Adsomethi ng far greater and grander In the lexicon of youth, which mmJ s tratJOn of Boston University. which seemed to grip and hold fate reserves for a bright manhood ' In my course in public speaking his hearers It was burned into there is no such wrod as fail.~ . I expect to ~ive a brief treatment him by four long years of service. Bu lwer. to the subJect of parliamentary Furnishings He had been tried by fire, by hun· · . I law. I have lost my copy of your Cluthing The fallmg drops at last will • b k w·11 00 • ger, by cold and by pes tilence, and wear the stone.-Lucretius. l • yo u Pease send me 1 ~hoes Yet St Od t t th . .mg and assurance one and a blll for the volume ' or o rue o e God of h 1.S , Perpetual push Why not a Madam Grace fathers. As a reward that God be- , put a difficulty out of countenance, / tell me where l can secure one., Corset? c~me a part of hi m, which g-av!i! and make a seeming impossibility ·; h1m great power to bring the great gi ve wa.v.-Jeremy Collier. ' 0. MILSTEAD Truth home to each of us. I Success in most things depends 1
. Regular events:
A Good Bank
d T
A b
u urn
Laundry .
LadieS' & Gent'S
Lest We Forget Les t we f t Wh "J h . orge . I e we w are healthy and strong were slum-0 bering and havingour restat night, or going about our daily tasks enjoying the air and sunshine of the
When Down Town G. IV~ ~ u~ a c a II
on knowing how long it takes to I succeed. -Montesq uieu . Vl:tory belongs to the most persevermg.-Napoleon. . Every noble work is at , first im-, possible.-Carlyle. /
past week, ourfaithful nurse and "With malice toward nont, w ith 1 her assistants were watching over charity for all, with firmness in and caring forthe sick at the in- the ri ght as God gives us to see tirmary. thhe ris:rhkt. le t us stri.ve on to finish Les t we forget.-In sunshine or t e wor we are in. "-Lincoln. rain, in calm or storm, at all hours Snapshot l.ontest. day and night during the past Remember, Peruvian snapshot ! three months, our doctors have 1 contest ends February 14.
Ynur F
~iendshi P Apprecutted.
Redfern & Ellenberger
When you neen Cutlery, Flashlight Batteries or Anything in the Hardware iine
l,;uJI Jn and you will always find a full line at
Barber Shop for good, clean, first-class work S
E na
Nebraska City
Call at C. P. .Scovill's Mackprat,£'s Hardware
responrlerl to the calls of the sick ! =====~~~~~~~~~~~=u=c~c~ es=;s;:o;=r=t=o=:=C=.=G~-~K~i~n:g.:'S~o~lv~e~r=== thru_out this community a nd counSabins' Educat • h 10 trys1de, and there has been only . 1 XC one "flu" victim among the scores FOUNDED 1893 of those attended here in Peru, A.M. M . OORNON, Mafloger and not any among the student A The !'flOSht wid_ely patronized, b~cause the most r eliable T h , , body. I gency Jn t e Middle West. Territory from th M· . . . eac eu; Pa.!ific Coast. Flynn Bid De IS~l SSIPPI river to g, es Momes, Iowa.
Mandelson & Kennedy
Nylotis Stands for the best in
toilet preparotinns.
Face Cream Face Powder Talcum Powder Hair Tonics, etc.
Fisher Bros. Druggists
The most complete stock of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear in the City
At Popular Prices
New Goods in Shoe Line are now in Come in and see thetn • • • • •
• •
• •
- M. E. GOOD
\ have ! "Teakettle" was the game HAVE YOUR Ethel Corbin Hollingsworth. of the evening and every one thot Word was received last Tuesday Laundry Work done it very facsi na t ing. The refresh- that Mrs. Ethel Hollingsworth had ments added much to the enjoyment died at her home in Kansas City, at the of the evening. KansaR, February 3. This was a Nebraska City Laundry Maude Hamilton, one of onr sad message to the many fri ends of : OTlS GREGG. Agent active members, went to David M.r and Mrs. Ho lingsworth in Phone 79 City last Monday to teach during Peru: Our sympathy goes out to the husband who has lost a noble Basket at King's Barber Shop . the illness of a teacher at that helpmate, and to the three li ttle Collected Mondays place. We hope to have Miss Hamch ildren , one an infant, who are Delivered Fridays ilton with us again next quarter. Have you noticed the little brown left mot herless. Mr. Holingsworth was pastor jug in the chapel lobby? "There's oi the Christian Church in Peru a reason "-grapenuts. f or about five years. Since OctoA bu~ iness meeting was called on ber, 1913, he has had charge of Tuesday during which the foll owone of the churches in Kansas City. ing officers were elected for the Frances Faulkner says she is tak. Mrs. Holl ingsworth was a woman · h k h' second semester: F'lorence WJttbuy chocolate and . . Jng eavy wor t 1s semester. Her of unusual faith in her Master. • wer, pres1dent ; Beth Graham, v1ce 1 course 1s avenue, 7:40 t > 9:40; . . . . Her friends felt this power in her BonBons Pe t sch ,s H'1story of H uman Nature presuient; Lmme R1ecker, secre- life and it inspi red them to greater at . • tary; Etta Alfs, treasurer; Mary opt10nal hours; a little Ji brary FJ . h faithfulness. Her judgement and e1s man, serg-eant-at-arms. c hape. I 1 tact were uncommon Her life Junior Class Chapel. The Diller school is one of the radiated with love and sympathy A la rge nuber of juni ors mmet These characteristics made her f ew schools of the state t o org-anize A VENUE STORE a model school f or the benefit of in Ll07 Thursday. The program Christian ·work efficient, her life Fountain Pens, Fine Stationer y , the normal trainers. An article was short but good. The piano noble and beautiful by Supt. S. D. Domer. '09, in the solo by Mi ss Collins was imensely Christmas Cards Khaki and Blue. Diller Record explains the import- enjoyed by all and mshe was heartBugler Franklin Jones writes Satisfying Christmas Gifts ance of this unique feature intro- ily encored. The next number was from Germany t hat he was in t he See us for your Confectionery and a reacl ing by Miss Dauphin, and duced in tht:! high school. she was also encored. Next came drives at St. Mihiel, September 12, Lunch Goods ]. U. G. Notes. a very important business meeting. and Argonne, November I. He H~ U. LANDOLT Miss Palmer, our sponsor, was The true spirit of the juni ~rs was was on the f ront line at Mouzon, unable to attend our last meeting, shown when they unanimously !<~ ranee, on t he Meuse river , when as she was classed among · the flu voted to igve the seiors a bannquet the armi stice came. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Lieut. T. N. Dillon, who was victims. We are glad to know this year. The 3 :20 train gets to tha t she is thru with the ordeal _N _ __M _ _ _ one of the commanding officers of · . ever orps. the S. A. T. C, Ann Arbor UniverPer u at 7:28 Vera Stewart is another of our Student Army Training Corps, sity, has received his discharge FRESH members that has forsaken us. She You sure made us awful sorps; FLOWERS ALL THE from the army. He spent a few is go ing to Chadron, Nebraska, Clumsy, tiresome, hopele!:'S borps - - TIME - with her parents. We were "shot".- but shed no davs viisting his parents in Peru befor~ going to Detroit, Michigan, gorps. There are only e ight more days CHAPIN BROS. where he will enter business. of the snap shot contest. Ge t in Studied li ttle, pokered morps, th~ game. Raked the campus, scrubbed the . R. F . Havelka write that he had Phone B2234 Lincoln, Nebr. taken a short trip into Germany The J. U: G.' s a re g lad t o anflorps, Changed Hands nounce that they are to have a new Played t he peelers, watched a convoying a train of supplies to l Coblesz. On his return tri p he member, Miss Effie Hemingway. storps, . . Soakecl up goulash, learned to stopped off at Trier, Luxumburg, I have bought the Marsh Ed1th Dort enjoyed l~st week snorps, and Metz. He notes quite a con- meat market and wilt end with her parents in Auburn. Had experiences galorps, trast between France and Germany, appreciate vour patron• The J. U. G. ·c lub held its reg- 'Nough to make an engel rorps. in that the latter appears to lack ular meeting Saturday evening , Now, impost er, all is orps ; for nothing except fats, oils, etc. nge. A complete stock of February I. Due to the amount of Fare you well- please shut t he He says a man can live like a fresh and cured meats sickness at the time, there were dorps, pri nce if he has a bar of soap. He ! at all times. only sixteen of the members pres- Student Army Training Cor ps. was interested in Trier because of ent, but oh, such fun as they did the Rema n ruins around it. EARL COULTER. - Daily I owan. Cora Clover from Auburn was in Peru last Frida y. Miss Marie Sanders left Thursday fo r her home in Iowa . If Irmra Wilson sprained her a nkle would we see Raymond Carter home? Kingsley H.- " Don't you just love Alma Gluck?" Clyde Ivers, "I:ll hit you if you call me Gluck aga in!'' The dorm. girls were startled bv the appearance at the ir table of little Hughie House a nd Shorty Huffer. These boys are flu refuges.
For their "goodness Sake"
Barnes' Pharmacy
RRmember when In Nebras ka / Your can buy Have your Watchos, Clocks, I City it is only anything you could Jew elry, Spectacals and Fountain Pens One Block North give them except OF THE
A Good Lunch or Splendid Meol
Peru, Nebr.
• BY
Reliable Jeweler
Peru, Nebr.
An old reliable bank with assets of over
Wheo You,ve Got It.
Silk Sale Starts Tuesday, Jan. 28th Ends Saturday, Feb. 1st All Fancy Silks Placed itt Two Lot.s LOT 1- Fancy ::>ilks, all the wanted str ipes and checks, worth up to $3 a yard--36 inches wide, special at per yard ............................ ......... · ...... .. LOT 2- Fancy checks, worth from $1. 85 to $2. 50, 36 inches wide, at .......................................... ..... . Al l Messaline Silks, 36 inches wid e, big va riet y of colors-special ............................. .. ......... .... ......... . Every yard of si lk is guaranteed All other s ilks at a· pi scount · of..... ...................
$1.98 $1.59 $1.85
(With apologies.)
The ear th is fu ll of p lants that have a vital relation to ever y day life of men a nd women . Most of the clothes that they wear, the houses in which they live, the furni t ure that makes their homes comfortable, anti e ither di rect ly or indirectly 98 per cent of all the " food they eat and t he a ir they ~ breathe are plant products. ~ Pla nts, too, a r e phsiological agents. They have had f ar m ~re to do with shaping and deter mming the topogra phy of this old earth than many people dream. Islands have been formed, ::;and dunes have . been ca ptured , blow outs stopped , rocks reduced to soil and more
When you r back is broke and yonr eyes are blurred And yo ur shinbones k nock and your t ong ue is fu rreti, And you r t onsi ls squeak and your hair gets d ry , And you're doggone sure you're going t o die, But yo u ' re sca r ed you won't and afraid you w ill, Just drag t o bed a nd have your chill, And pray t o the LClrd to see you tbr u For you've got t he flu, g irl, you've yot t he flu. When you r toes cu r l up and your belt goes fla t, And you're t wice as mean as a thomas cat , And li fe i s a long and dismal curse, And yo ur feed all tastes like a hard bo iled hearse , When your lattice aches a nd you r head ' s a buzz, An your tast er t astes like a b unch of fuzz, So you're twice as mean as is your due You've got the flu , girl , you've got t he flu .
15 per cent
Glcvcland Stores Ev~rything
for Everybody at the right price
Make Wessel's Your Headqua rtc rs Free Waiting Room, · Rest Room Telephone.
7. L
Largest assortment oi Dry Goods and Read)·-to· Wear on ht~ nd . --PRICES THE LOWEST---
L. Wessel's ·Sons & Co. Nebraska c;ity, Nehr.
flowers for every j .
"The Flori st" Nebraska City, Nebr.
is the place to get
hot drinks
Ice Cream
occasion in appropriate arrangements-·Our leading specialty at i all Seasons of the year.
of all kinds We a lsC> have At a ll times
Prompt ~er vice Good EHts
Dry Cleani~g. Dyein g, Pressing, Remodelin g, Repairing
Ladies' and Gents' Highest C1ass T a iloring EVERY PIECE OF WORK GUARANTEED Tailor and Cleaner
Jno. A. Cejka.
Iswamps drained
than by any other agen ts. On the nther. hand many of t he woes of mankind are a lso caused by p lan t~<. Most. of the d iseases I that attark his hody and the pests that riest rov his fruit crops and ravage his grain fields must be classed as degenerate member s of the differen t plant groups. Because of t his we take the posi tion in our work tha t the conte nt of the course ough t to be det ermined hy the needs of the students. In other wo rds it oug ht to be made suffic iently p ractical tu ·make clear t his vital relation which plants sustain t o man. T hr u the study of t he .vast gradations of forms in the plant kingdo m we believe a lso t hat students should be brot to at least a n elementa l conception of the great law of evo lution--that law which has been fund ame nta l to a ll life changes and lies back of the d evelopment of a ll human knowledge, socia l institutions and politica l pr' · 1 mctp es. I
What is it like, the Soan ish flu? Ask me , s ister, for.J ' ve been t hr u. It is misery, ou t of despair. It pulls your teeth and curls your hai r; It thins your bl ood and bends your bones, An i fill s yo ur Craw With m oa ns ~nd g roans. And SClm et imes, maybe, you'll get we i I. Some cal l i t flu, I ca ll itWell , l call it. - -- Word has bee n r eceived that Grant Hesseltine is in Kansas City, and has e nrolled for a complete course in antomobile mechanics and tra.ctor engi neeri ng in . the Rahe's Auto and Tractor School. Th is is one of t he "la rgest and most compl et e ly equipped schools of th is kind in t he country, and includes instruc t ion i n every department of the automoti ve industry. Word r<>aches us from Ear l Had sell that his daughter has entirel y rceO\·er ed from the i nfluenza, and the boy i_s ou t of da nger. Mr. Hadsel l ht rnself cii d n ot have the ~~~~-ut suffered a nervous break Several v~es homemade candy f or sale at the
Little Gem Candy Kitchen
1 b lock north and 1 block east of t he Normal "Books, like fri ends , should be Orde rs taken for home baking a lso f ew and well chosen." M I LLER SISTERS
I 1
Basket Ball-Cotner vs. Peru-Feb. 24 and 25.
Budget Event or 25c
LECTURE=RECIT AL-BY MRS. EDWARD MacDOWELL Widnw of the peerless American compo-.er
Normal Chapel, Wednesday, February 19, 8:15 p.m. Admission, Budget ticket or 50c WASHINGTON THRIFTOGRAMS anr:l white crepe papt>r, arrows, this field, altho at present she will PREACHERS LICK TEACHERS cupids and hearts. tl•ach in the Omaha school~ so tha t To Be Read Next Saturday, FebruThe eve n•ng was spent in playing she may bE: at home with her Cotner '~'ins Both Games on Her Floor _ Last ary 22 1a numbPr of games and in listening mother. We regr et that Mis~ Arms ; _ Week The 187th an niver sary of Geor g-e to victrola music. At nine-thirty is going to leave, but we wish her ,. Last Thursday and Friday Peru Washing-ton's birthdav is being eel· / delicious refre!'hments were served much success in her new field. lost two hard fou g ht games of ehr atPd t oday. Wa!lhington, the co ns isting of raspberry ice, cakes. H S ·G. -~~ B - basket ball to Cotner on Cotner 's s nccf'!l!;ful huilrler of a nation, g-ave and candies. As the lights blinked . . Irs . eaux arty. ' . floor. The score of the first game vo iC'e to rnles for p Pr!'ona l and al l departed for home vo ting this A re~l Va f~n tl n e party was neld wa~ 48 to 7, a nd that of t he second nationa l succP!'S which are af' arpli- one of the nices t parti es of the I last Fnday mght at th e home of 44 t 11 .C S . d I game was o . 1 rysta l Meyer. c~ hle in thi s 1919 year of necessary yea r. weet g lrls an Th p b s played a good b , 10 . b e eru oy " thr ift as in h is day · Here are so me sweeter ea ux equa 1 num ers clean fa st basket ball from start to MISS ARMS RESIGNS. . spent t he evening in l!ames songs bl t of his wo rrls on the use of money . . . ' finish. Altho they were una e o 1 Ml ss Harn ett Arms, a sucress~ul ! and ye~I s . Ther e were ~:m. Jac~; work the ba ll thru Cotner's formaa nil r e<lources ~hat might ha ve been ' wr ittPn f or t he p r e>sent situat ion in t eacher of the rural d Pmonstr atlOn j Tom, Bl~l. an~ other real fel l er~, tion to the ir goal, yet they displayed America: .school o~ the Peru ~tate Normal, th? th e1r h1gh . hee l shoes w1th lots of good team work. The ir 1 am 0 0 more disposed to squan- l has res1gned and wlll enter th e p01nted toes rl1d not. match the team work was · a great improved h . / Omaha schools at a sa lary of $100 1 trousers. Yet when 1t comes to I d er t h <tn to !'tmt. h 1 t' t th th I ment over the · las t ga me an t .e per m onth ea mg a e 1unc eon ese · Economy makes happy homes and · "b tt , "b , fellows played .hard a nd fast unt1 1 Durinrr the year and a half t hat eauxe s were rea 1 o s. sound· na ti ons Inst ill it. d eep. "' . . ' tl e bl e w. M' s A h· h h D _ Before leav m g s1xteen rahs were t h e w h IS It IS not the lowe>st pnced goods l S. rms as taug t t e emon . Long played right forward, SnyI stration sc hool s he has been ins tru - g lven for the hostess and her good d K 'dd t hlit are a Iways t hP c heapest. Th . .d th der and Prante left forwar , 1 . . mental in bringing abou t many parents. e 1ass1es sa 1 e P1ay ! I cannot enJ Oin toc1 s tr onglv upon ,b t d th center Iver s ri g ht guard and Flau yo u a dn P ob!'erva nce of e~o n omy changes for th e better. As ide from , eau~ were a 1mas as goo as e , I f 'c t Ia es here February h d d f h I genulne , e t. o ner P Y anrl fru~rafity . raTs Tng t e st an ar o t e r egu ~r . 24 and 25. With a week of good Kef'p an account hook anci en ter · school work , sh~ has b~en especl -1 The Tens Battle the Nines. I hard practice Peru hopes to r edeem t herein ever y farthing of yo ur allly successfu l 1.0 workmg out a While the first team was away herself. Come out if you want to r eceiotl'l and expPnr:liturPs. Pan for. carrymg on_ noond ay fighting for the glory of th e school see a good fast game. Promote fru !!a lity and inrlu stry ' lunc~ e~ w1th mPager PQUipment and last Friday_night th er e was s taged . . G hy example, encourag-e ma nufac- 1a t ll ttle expense T hese luncht>sl a big battle at home " be gory!" ' Ftfth and Stxth rades. ture~. and avoid di ssipation. ha ve b,..en _th e mea ns 0 ~ teac ~ing Wh il e "8itz ie" was away wth the The fifth and s ix th ~rades enj oyReaso n. too late oerhaps. may many pracncal IPsso ns 10 hyglene flu it seemed an opportune time for ed a pleasant Val en tme pa l ty at co n vince you of the fol ly of mis- l as well as furni s hing matt>rial for the lOth to do-the ninth. The lit - th e home of Arthade l Meyer , from spending time. language and arithm etic lesso ns 1 tie old machine lacked its r ed-head- 4:10 until 6 :30 in the afte rnoon. There is no p.overb in the whole , The schoo lroom. too, has under- ' ed center drive. which cau sed it to After playing "winkum- blink um , " ca talogue of them more true than g one many changes. The wal ls have mi ss a time or two, yet the re was " clap them out," and "fruit a p~>nn y saved is a penny go t. been r edecl)rat.ed. N ew brown plenty of go left. The tenth made basket upset," cocoa . j ello-sa ndNot hing hut harmony , hon es.:ty , s hades a nd white m ull cur ta in ~ add a good showi ng. At one tim e th e wic hes, and cooki es wer e ser ved. ind ust ry, and frugality ar e nPCPS- muc h to th e attractiveness of the score stood 9 for the timth a nd 10 Th e fi nal part of t he progr~m sa ry to ma ke us a g rea t and ha ppy room. Drygoods boxe; w it h tn e aid for th e ninth hut just th en :' J elli e" was fortune te ll ing. after whlch natio n. of wh ite oi !cloth and g r ee n bur lap stt'pped on th e accelera tor and 1he they were a ll d ism i !'Sed . The sevThese statements by Goerge have been trans formed into are- "machi ne" ~h ot up to th e> 20 mark. er a ! ~:rue~ ts in viter! were Margaret Wa--hingto n as to wi ~e personlll spectabf e pi ece oi furn i ture wht>re · Thus th e game end ed, 9 to 20 in Vance. J ::~ mes Delzell. Le!'ter Will econom y mi g ht be parap hrased to - by dinn er pails, wat er pails a nd favor of the ninth. I son, Ra lph Cha tela in . Edith a nd kin g utens ils mav he kept out . '<'u lton Davenport. E lea nor Hara· coo day in the i nju nctcion of t he j '' of s ight and awa.v fr o m th~ dust Peruvians at David City. J· 1·an ,· Wanda Sears, Beula h Ha rri · Nationa l Thrift Campa •g n - spend 1 wisely, save inte llige ntl y, avoi d of the sc hool r oo m. Fern Huston writes that Jo hn · son, Charl es Belstorff. Dee Dillon. waste - and invest safe ly: buy War Mi ss Arm s a lso has been active Black, w ho was in the serious ac· ' Ruth Meek. Burket L ewi s, A lk e Savi ng Stamps and Tl-.ri ft Stamps. in th e work of t he co mmunity. She ciden t is now back in schoo l and ! Barne tt. He len Nea l and Bessie has helped to make th e Rura l Life Miss E lva Fisher is improving Cole. Eighth Grade Party. It is g rat ifying to see the numClub a social a nd instructive organ- rap idly. Misses Li llie Larson and Last Frid ay eveni ng the eighth ization. She has helped in Sunday Bess Giltner, who have been add ~d ber of soldier boys returning a nd g rade had a mos t enjoyable time schoo l work and in a ll other lines to t he fo rce, are happy in the1r . tl1E: sc hoo l. This past en t ermg at t hei r va lentine party held in the that tend ed toward th e wei fa r e of work . Cl wee k Barton evengE'T, O""ar -' gy mnasium of the new training the com muni ty . Miss Charlotte L ehn is unable to Oakes, Carroll L ewis, Full er Miss Arms is m.uch interested in continue her work s ince she had Woodie and H arry T ouza lin have sc hool. The room was beautiful ly e nrolled. decorated with festoons of r ed rural work a nd hopes to reenter the flu .
I ..
Peru State Bank
I'HE PI:RU NOR }\\ALITE j - Gntcn·d at the
Po~toHiCl' :tt
l'eru, Nc- '
hra~ka a,. se·cond . cl;~~~ mat_tl·r . _ · -
A Good Bank
Pu blis hed Week ly by the Pe r u S tate Norma l
5lJ cts. per ye·ar.
S ing-le C"PY :l cts
-- - - IN- - -
Phon ~ ~ ,-
Phone 25 T HE IW ITfllliA I.
w. w
STAFF-sE~~~~n ~;~~~11;sTEII I
· h ·lng G ' Jocis'Vl Grnct.- ri t-s, F urnl:< . • t- n· ., and B l}ys' Shoes
Edna Salzmann . """"r iwL' hic l Edward \lo ttjovsky A~~o r~; o te· Ed i t11r Cecilia P ct•·•·;.on A-.~ o H'iHtl' Edi tor l.a urcnce !~"use . . llu !'i nt·s< ~ ! an:.t~: ··r Ra.v m,nd !lu fTcr . .\sst llusincs~ \I'J!r E111111:1 Woodie· - Ass! llu si •w;.s \I 'J!•· UEI'OHTI~(~
Ou r
C laude ! ver~ Hekn L:l\\'n·llc·e
I tni ti on
l offers
1st door SIIU th Peru St'a tt- Bank H EMEMB~R
Aubu:rn L aLndry
Nat~ rc has ~ ealt w~th a la v ish ! which yo ur parents tax themselves hand m he r d1spenast10 n of good 1 to pruvide? things to thi s co mmuni ty . It has -· I been made a lmost a n ideal locati on I for an educa tional inst itu tion. C a lend<:~ r This rare gift of Natu re only makes Reg ul a r evl-'n ts: greate r our r esponsibili ty in the Week ly. care of ou r camp us a nd the streets Monday;;: ,-Choru!". 5:20 to fl :00. ; of Peru, to see tha t t hi s bea u ty is O rche~tra , 7:0 to 7 :45. i not marred . Tues .ays, -Boys ' Glee Club,7 :00 . As a rule our student body have Gi rls' Glet> Club, 7:45 j a p rid e in keeping th e campus fr ee Wednedays-Chorus, 5 :20 1 from paper a nci othe r rubbish. I Orches tra , 7 :45 / Yet occasio na lly we have a student i Thu rsdays-G ir ls ' Glee, Clu b 7:00 ; wh o has not had the an vantage of 1 Boys' Gl ee Cluh. 7:45 i
lf you want
Ran d, 7 :00-7 :45. .
Cl e<m tn g, t--ress ing an d Gene al Laundry Work Call Ph o ne 53
! I
a cultured a nd refi ned com mu nit y. / One sturlent or more can do muc h Bi -weekly :
leaders: VaiiE:'v' Lilly F10 u r. Barringt on Hall C<,ffee
Peru Nebra~ka
for course!; whi ch N ebra ~ka freP? Pe ru has th~ !-'Qu i p- i Grace· Litlh· l me nt and facn lty to prepa re an y j ------,=-- - -,...----,._-=.:=-:==-=-c-=- ! s tudent for a h us i n e~s I i f e . Wh Y J Nature's Gifts-Our Responsibilities. not ta ke advantag-e of that f or I Lena !Ia t c·s llc 1 ty l.nun1nn LeNora Snyrk r
l n.: lz ... d, Wi ll Cl) ll t-<·t M o ndays Baslwt at C hase':; St•op
,ll;-tlt:d ..d
in O ur
Ladi e s' & f"urr • i ... hin~s c~
.. rhtllg
Made to Measure Su i t : Are guaranteed strictly al l wool
•. e ...
Why not a Madam Grace C orset?
to destr oy t he beauty of a campus I F ri day- l 'hil omat hea n, F e b. :21. Scores of bea utiful a ll woo l pator town, so it behooves the stu dents Monthly: 1 terns to pick from . 0 . J. MILSTEAD fr om th e many cu ltu red homes to / 1st Tuesday , G1rls' meP t 11 :30. Two-Pi ~ce Suits $ 21.50 co·operate with our campus force I 1st Wed'y, Dramatic Club, 8:00. , Three-Piece S u its .. .. ... ... ... Z4 50 S.U IH:NI'S in not only keepi ng the campus ! l st Saturday, Y. W. C. A. Kenbea u t iful, but in helping to make l sington. / S IJEC IAL! Wheo yo u n een C utl e r y , Fla:;;hl ight it more beautifu l. Specia l Events. · See our bi g as~ortmt:nl of SUiting:; I\ Batteries o r
Mrs. l'vlacUowP II' :; Conct- rt, Feb- : A bus iness co llege in western ' ruary 19, budget even t 1 1 Neb raska is se nding broadcas t cir- 1 Sen ior Party,. Fe bruary 22 . culars to yo ung people calling t heir 1 a ttention to tlw g reat op portuni t y I offer ed for a business e uucation. Call at C. P. .Scovill's The tuition for a ll cour~es offered : in this school amo unts to near ly '
· $2oo.
:ca~.~ ~~ .~:·.~·~·r ...
$ n6.50
Any th i ng in the Hard ware i ine
l.:a 11 1n
and yo u wi ll a l ways find a full l ine at
Barber §hon ~
, for good, clean, first -class work At one t ime as ma ny as five men were mak ing a living goi ng from 1 Successor to C. G. Kingsolver Stands fo~r the bc=-st Tai lor an d Cleaner home to home to get young peo ple tcti let pr ~ pa r- ntiuns to sig n contracts agreeing to.au end ~ducat ion al Face Cre am Face P o wd e r this school. One agent claims to 1 FOUND ED 1893 Tal c um Powder have received one- half of eac h j A.M. M DOR NON, 1\1at1fl!!er t uiti on fee as a co mmission. Hair Tonics, e tc. Why should oun men a nd wome n The ~ost w ide ly patronized , b.~'cause th e mo~ t r e li ab le T eac h ers' . Y g Agency 111 the Middle We~t. Tern tory from t he Miss issipp i ri v e r to pay the1r hard-earn ed money as Pa.:ific Coast. Flynn Bid D g. es Mo ines, Iowa.
- - - ----- -------
A. CEJ 'A,
Fisher Bros.
Mandclson & Kennedy Nebraska City
The most complete stock of Ladies: Ready-to-Wear in the City
At Popular Prices
- - M. E. GOOD - -- - - - - -
New Goods in Shoe Line are now in Come in and see thean LOCALS
Rouse was called to to
conditions peri shed.
The baskPt ba l l game~ hirh was Lincoln the first of the week to He sa id similar conditions conLaundry Work done to ha ve been played at Au burn last mee t t hP ed urat io na l co mmittee of fronts us today in our social and at the Sa turdav was callecl off on ac th.e state legi ·Ja ture. He, toget h~r p~litica l li fe . . So we must, if wP. count of the influenl'za w1th the other sra t e normal pres1- w1sh to s urv ive and be leaders, Nebraska City Laund_ry 1 1cl e nts, wer e ex plaining t he needs jatljust ourselves to the new wor ld -< n f lk b t'. OTiS GREGG. Agent me o ~ a out .n1 s ca mous ' .k _, . of th e n orm a ls for the ne xt bi en - conditions . A profitable half hour have been l 1 e n"'u u nto certain ' · . d nium. Thursday afrernoo n he was · was spent di scu ssing world prob- j P~one 79 I t k ln j! Om spec ies 0 f th e pan r cyanophyceae anrl chlorophyceae, inv ited to address th e Lincoln lems in which many of the men , Basket at K ing's Barber Shop because of th uir al>~ll l ute simol ic- ~eachers on the_ N. E. A. , and the t ook an active pa rt. Collected Mondays ity anci P.VIde nt g,eenness. Cheer Importan ce or ever y Nebraska Junior Class Chapel. Deliver ed Fridays . t eac her beeomi ng a member of t hi s . . D , up.1 o n t g et d1 >:cour a g-ed. The . . . R There was a fa1r representatiOn . k th . . . Important associa t ion. Mr. ouse f . . I e:.s you now e eas1er 1t 1s to . . · o JUni ors present at class chapel! . was appointed s tate d1rcetor for Thursday. We had no t;pec Jal profi n d so met h 1ng to lea rn. 1 Nehraksa for the Nationa l EducaGordon Beck haf. recentl y heen I t' I A I s b gram, but there wer e two so ngs . 1011a ssuc,at 1on a st e pte m er. . . . . app01nted to a po:-;ition in the - , and a prayer . Th1 s IS JUSt a little vocat ional educa ti on bnard. Hi s Mrs MacDowell : different from the usua l sequence work will be to assis t di -:a hled T he nam e of Mrs. Edwa rd Mac- of even t s at class chapel, but why buy chocolate and snldier s to adjust them•elves to , Do ~e ll, who is to g i ve the lect~re- should we always do just the Bon Buns th e new c onditions wldch wi ll con- ~ recital h ere We dnesclay .even.'?g, j "us ua l" t h ings? And there is no at front rhe~ in fi fe His head- h~s bee n so absol utel y Jcient.I fied / ~ou_bt as to the since rity of a ll th e qnaners will be St. L oui s , tho at , \\Jth rh e development of the Mac- JUniOrs. Of course we would pr t'sent at Funston . Hi s salary wi ll . Dowell Me moria l Association , that, enjoy our meetings more if all the be $2500. a reply tL) the n:any reque.s ts from I m ember s of the class wou ld attend. H ~ ty 8 '1iley write .; from Meai- press and publi c co ncerning Mrs. •The juni ors of today are the senA. STORE MacDo ·m· ll 's ow n art isti c achi eve- iors of tomorrow and it behooves ow Grove: "I am very hap py in my ments i s no.w ti~1e l y, in vi e w of the I us to make a good and stand ing Fountain Pens, Fine Stationer y, wor k now . l have two cla:;ses in country w 1de mterest more than I reputa tion for ourselves now. Christmas Cards CO •Jking- and nex t semt'Sier l wi ll ever st ronJ,?:Iy a rou sed in the life : T he re was a very important busihav e tw•> cl asses in se w ing . The Satisfy ing Ch ri stmas Gifts and work of America' great com- I ness meeting concern ing th e future Nor malite is coming tn us and it pose r. banquet. The plans are all turn- See us for your Confectioner y and see ms good to get n ews from Peru. Born in New York of good Amer- ing out fine a nd we fee l sure it \\ill Lunch Goods Tnere are twn other Per uvians here, ican ance;; try, Mar ian Nevins-Mac- be a splend id and telling success. Mr. Otradovec, th e ~ up e rintend e nt, H. D owell first evinced her r are musand Mi ss Selma He lmer, ' 18 , who ital gifts a:- a very young child. i TEACHERS WANT ED tea ches La tin a nd h istory." Later at the age of eleven, she comForalldepartmentsof school work. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS A recen t let ter fro m Miss L ois me nce d thoro sstematic study with School officials will soon elect te<JchThe 3:20 tra in gets to BtJtt, '02 ' t each Pr in the public he r au nt, Mrs. Roger Perkins of ers for next year A MAXIMUM 1 Peru at 7:28 schoo ls of Skagway Alaska , A laska, Camden , S C. , who had come north · OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM OF moikl:'s the state ment that the tern- to li ve following the . vicis istu des I COMMISSION RATE Commission FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE perature thi s winter has bee n com:eouent upon th e Civil War. · per cent Territory. central aod - - TIME - thirty and forty above most of the Later she completed her studi es in western 5tates. Write today for winte r; only twice has it ap p roach- Europe. blanks · BROS. erl Zt> ro. and that f or a s hort t 1me. 1 - HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY - One p lace on the map ha s so far Y. M. C A. Forum. Lincoln, Nebr. Phone 82234 Cedar Rapids, Iowa. escapPd the flu. Skagway kee ns Re v. S. L. Boye rs gave a short the lirl on tight-al l vis itors pla ced ta lk Sabba th afternoon t.o the Changed Hands in the d etenti on ho,:pita l for five yo ung men of the school on the days. and no ships ' crews allowed rmportance of joining the church have hought the Marsh to land. Miss Butt has beP n a 1' UC · and becoming a factor in organized meat mark.et and will cessful teacher in bo t h Idaho and Chn s tian work. • Prof esso r J ean lead the " F or apprec iate your patronAlas ka si nce g raduati on. Howev · er, she plans to leave the profession urn," which r esulted in one of the Ynur Friend!-ihip c:tge. ;\complete stocl{ of soon a nd look after her farmin g in- most va luab le di scussions of th e! . lfa·esh and cured meats Appreciated. . The year. Professor J ean said in ages t er e:sts near Na mpa, Id a ho. at a II f 1111 es • teaching profession, thereby, loses gone by that any pla nt or an i mall a real live wire. life which failed t o adapt itse lf' EARL COULTER. d
IF or their ''goodneSS Sake"
Barnes' Ph
a rmacy
!' 4
When Down l1 Town Gtve us a Call I
Redfern & Ellenberger/
RP.membe r when In Nebraska Your fdend!'i can
bu)' I
Philo and Seal Pins
City it is only
anything } ou could
One B 101.. k North
give them except
Stat ionery a nd School Supplies
;\ Good Lunch or Splendid Meal
Pt!ru, Nebr.
Have your Watch o;s, Clocks, Jewel ry , Spectacals and Fountain Pens
Sold aud Repaired
Re liab le J e weler
P e ru, Nebr.
Citizens STATE •• •• BANK An old r eliable bank with assets of over
in wh ich one essential e lement s ha ll be classical train ing.-Theo-
Answers From Students of the Lat... do re Rooseve lt Did the R 9 mans Use Slan g? in Department
Watch this Space Next
La tin inc reases our vocabulary both by derivatives and by new words in tra nslation. I t helps us to get the meani ngs of Engl ish words with out t ht> dictionar y· It is the be.:>t aiel t o other subj ects. ~ There is no subject that does not use Latin words. A vPrY large percent of our Engli sh is La t in . It helps us in Engl ish g rammar. Participles. infinitives, and d iffe r(:'nt co nstructions a re not nea rl y so
Cleveland Stores Everything for Everybody at the riJ!ht price
Make W cssel's Your Head qua rte _ rs Free Waiting Room, Rest Room Telephone. LH rJ!e!"t
Read~-to - Wear
THE 1.0\\EST--
cut •
G. E. BERTHOlD ' 'The Florist'' Neb raska City, Nebr.
& Co.
THE F.\ Y is t he place to l!et
flowers for every
occasiOn 111 appropnate arransrements-·Our leading specialty at all Seasons of the year.
City, Nehr.
hard if we understand Lat in . It the best basi s f or . mode rn lan.~r ual!e st udy . It develops accuracv a nd C'Oncentration, and amkes \lS stronger fo r al l our work It cullivates c lear and clefin ite thinking It helps us t o perceive differ e n t sh!i des of mea ning and to choose t ht> hest I words. It gi ves us an in ti m at~ k nowlerl g-e of the Roman r epublic. ancl an in sight into the cnstnms anrl mi ncls of the people. Much Europt•an history is basecl upon the Latin wri ters. It d<>velops a ft>el i ng for good lite rHture. It is worth while - ~ just fo_r t he bt>auty .of thoug-ht and expressiO n. and f or the up I ift one gets from r ead ing j!rea t books.
of Dry Goods on h11nd
L. Wessel's Sons
hot drinks of all kinds We als(l have
lee Crea m At all times
Guod EHt!'i
Basket Baii-Cotner vs Peru Gymnasium, Pea·u, Nebr.
Monday -and Tuesday nights, Feb. 24-25 Budget event or 25c
,·)-~f. •r- .{ <
Believe me:
Mihi crede. - Cic-
er o. F or get it : Obl iviscere caecl is atque incendiorum. -Cicer o H ope to di e : Interea m.-Horace. Carr y on: Pe rge m odo.-VPrgll. . b ? What do you kn ow about t at . Quid ?-C icero. Caius Julius Caesar , W ar Correspond~ ent in Fran ce. Bt>lgian cou rag-P: "H orum omnium fortissime su nt Be ll!ae." Prohibition as a Belgia n war measu re : ' ' Ni hil pat i vini inferrl-' ." A Ge rm an war lo r e!: '' Ariovistus, r ex Germanorum, barbarus . iracundus, temerarius . " The German arm y: "Hi Hi quo tan nis centum mili11 ar mat orum bel Iandi causa ex finibu s educunt." . Th e beginning of English h istor y :"Caesa r in Britanniam profic1;:ci con t€'nd it "
President Dick Resigns. Presid ent Dick of K€'arney Normal resigned his posi t1 on at the close of last semes1 er to enter other lin es of work Kearney was very fo r t uante to have so strong a man t o t::tke up the wo rk as is acting · P resident Geo. E. Martin. Professor Ma r tin ' s teaching career prior to hi s going: to Kearney was in Eastern Ne braska His last work in publ ic schools was in Nebraska City as supPr inte ndent. It was durin!! hi s aclmin ist r ation that the !Op iPndid high school bui lding was erectecl. P e ru is proud to c las-s Pre::-ident Marti n as one of hl:'r A lum ni, class of 1908.-P(:'ru Pninte r.
N. B.- B. & M. Passengers. Chang-e in Burl i ngton tra in ser vice that w ill he of int e r est to st urlents : T he afte rn oon train f or Peru leaves L:nco ln at three o'clock instead of 3 :20. The freight. from N ebras ka City comes d own Mon d ay , W eclne~day and Friday, leaving Nebra,;ka C1ty at tw o p m . The morning fr eight IPl:lves Peru f or Nebras ka C ity at 1 1 :40 Tuesday . Thur;:day anrl Satu r day. Not sure Opinions of American Statesmen. to make conn ection wi1h Missouri Paci fie. No t rains a t 11 :40 a m What yo u canno t find a su bs titute Monday, Wedne~day and Fr iday . . , for is t he classics as literat ure; and t here call be no first hand contact Clan.. nce Ward left school at with that li teratu r e if you wi ll t he end of the semes ter. H e will not maste r the grammar and the he back f or summe r schoo l syntax which convpy its subtle Se veral varieties homemade power. -Woodrow Wilson. 1 am strongly in favor of con ti nucandy for sa le at the ing t he classics in a n academic ed - Little G em C andy Kitchen ucation.-W il liam Howard T aft bl k 1 oc north and 1 block · t 1 n no o~her country is it so neeof the Normal eas esRary as m ours to prov ide for the Orders taken for home bakiog also broad and h igh liberal eclucation, l M I L L E R
THE SENIOR PARTY. THE MA CDOW ELL RECITAL. ONE OF "WA B'S" OFFICIA L REPORTS. Letters f r om onr bovs over t hen· "Hell o, Soph. Did you have a COMBATS IN TH8 AIR. revea l, among other thi ngs, one good ti me?" asked a juni or about Patro l s t reng th: 10. mnst i nteresti ng fact. They show Co mbat Repor t No. 50. 10 :45 Satur day night. Date : September 26th, 1918. that t he intel ligent Ameri ca n 801- SQUADRON: 18th Ae rn Sq uadron "Did I? Well I say I di d. " TI ME : 1: 30 p. m . clier, the man who wen t ab roarl TYPE AND NO. OF AEROPLAN8 : "Te ll me about it. " LOCALITY: N . K ecl ge Bom·lon Sop Camel F -595. wi t h hi s mi nd open to ne w im pres"I sure wi ll; it is too g ood to Wand . siions, has sen~ed i n F r ance tha · ARMAMENT: T wo (2) Vicker s keep. As you know, a pa rt y was DUTY, Offensive Pat rol. Guns. art is actually a pa r t. of li fe. Th i~ given f or the faculty and sop hoH E IGHT: 1\,000 feet. wide -a wake Yankee has noted tha t PI LOT: l st Lt. 0 . A. Ralsto n. mor es by the seninr s. The facu lty R ESULT ; Destroyed one (1) to a culti vated Br iton. or Frenchmember s were dressed to represen t ma n, or Be lg ia n, or Ita lia n, o rchesRema r ks on hosti le ai r cr aft: Type, ar mamen.t . speed, etc. Mo ther Goose and her fam ily , and tras, galler ies, beautifu l b ui ldi ngs, F okkt> r Bipla ne, dark g reen with black and wh ite str ipes and checks. t hey loo ked ver y artistic and a tcount amo ng the li tera l necess iti es tract ive. T he sophs and senior s NARRATI VE in his scheme of li ving. Abou t 1: 10 p m. I lef t my forma t ion in tending to go home because were in ~o l oni al costumes, wh ich Toe Amer icans, yo u ng tho we are nf engi ne t r ouble. Abou t 5, 000 feet engine r an better and I star ted wer e also very beautiful. in the fam ily of natio ns, ar e nota- back. I fir ed se;eral r ounds a t one Fok ker who d ived th r u the cl~:~-uds. The seniClr s had decor ated the bly quick to apprec iate a new view- I fo llowed direct ly behi nd him . He flattened nut underneath the clouds gymnasi u m w ith flags and st r eampoi nt. T herefore the nex t decade a bou t 3, 000 feet. I opened fi r e a t close range. about 15 yar ds. Fokker er s suspended and arr anged around will u ndoubtedly see in the Un ited mach ine t urn ed to lef t a nd made Clne complete t urn of :~ sp iral an d the wa ll s. " Pop goes th e weasel " States a wonderful :;wing fo r ward crashed N E. of Bour lon Wand. I was t hen attacked by 4 Fokkers but was the first game of the eve ning, in a II the fi ne ar ts. Per haps the ma naged to g et in to the c l o ud~ and re t urn. a nd lig h t ly and gayly did we ski p 0 . A. Ral:;ton, P'rench theatr e and the Yidd ish away many mi n utes. l st Lieut. A. S. , U . S. A. th Patr e will no longer surpass all Miss Dunn , r epresenti ng Mother DECISIVE. th 9 A•n9r ic1 n t heatr es in New Goose, t hen call ed her child r en AME RICA. York, in art is t ic prP.sentati on . Pertogether and each character w ith A t r ue cop y. haps p ri ze w i nners in our ar t school an app r op riate r hyme ideoti fied compet it ions wi ll be AmE-ricans F . E. Ki ndley, herself. in ancestry a nd trai ning. Perhaps lst A. S. , U. S. A. The basket ball game bet ween t he fo re ig n f ace w iII no longer do M. L. Newha ll . t he Suffrage t tes a nd Mixed N u ts minatc in t he a udience at classical 1st Li eut. , A. S. , U. S. A. , was ver y exciti ng and a fast game concPrts. If this should happen, Commanding 148th Squadron, U. S. A. was played u nti I the centers wer e Ameri ca n life wi ll be r icher t han inju r ed and the game was called ever befor e. off, the score being 6 to 0 in favor Pieces ;" and t he brea thless whim A MIDNIGH T RAID. Peru ' s di stinguished guest of sica lity of · " The Ma rch Wi nd," The seniors were treated to a of the Mixed Nuts. last Wed nesday, Mrs Edwa rd Mac- wh i ch closed the evening's pro- very u niq ue receptio n on t hei r Groups of Fatties, Dubs , SamDowell, is spe nd ing her life in pre- g ram L over s of Mac Dowell fe lt I r e turn t o t he rl or mito ry after the mies, and Tom mies were now fo rm esnting t he go:>pel of art as an t hemselves the ri cher f or havi ng ! pa r ty Saturday night. The lower ed , each group be ing requested t o i nteg ra l e lement of nationa l life. hea rd t he best possi b le in tc r preta- ! hall was cleverly decor a ted wi t h compose an original song or yel l. . I Mrs. MacDowell de!'c r ibed ~ i mp l y tinn of hi s though t. Man y ot her:; ' a f ew stray !'beets and pillow cases, In thi s t he Tommies were select · and g r aphica ll.v theM cDowell Me - acknowled ge thei r debt to Mrs. j ust t o prepar e th e victims fo r ed by the judges as havi ng the mo r ia l Associa ti on Co mm un i ty MacDowe ll for ha ving- given t hem 1 what was to fnllow. Fam il ia r best, and they I i t er ally '· took the established some ten yea r s ago at 1he fi r s t glimpse i11 to a world of a r ti cles nf wPar ing appar<>l greeterl cake. " Peterboroogh, New Ha mpshire, in i magi nat i ve bl-'a u t..-. The next number was th e Vi r t hei r rst r,nished owners f rom memo ry of Edward Mac Dowell, g ini a ree l, and was very mueh enA RT EX H IBIT. LiA RC H 4.. 7. ; every nook and co_rner of th e secAmerica's greatest composer. In i ond floor. Wh en llgh ts had heen joyed by a ll. J fter this was the describing t his commu nity, Mr s. The annu a l Ar t exh ib it w ill occur st>cored in t he var ious r ooms, i t g r a nd ma rch, led by fou r colonia l MacDowell was telli ng t he story Clf Ma rch 4 to 7. Jn th e facul ty room. was cliscovered that th e vari ous ma idens, who even t ually Jed us t o a fa r-seeing and u n sel fi .~ h effor t to The ex h ibi t will co n:;ist of oil ar ticles of fu rn iturn must have t he dining r oo m where r efresh encourage Amer ica n art in a ll fie ld!'; painti ngs-copies fr om t he old bePn tripping light fa n tastics for ments of ice cream ~ nd cake wer e for t his enterpr ise ~tives creative mas ters by Ca rrol l Beckwith. · t hey we r e !'tanding a t all ang les sP.rved. The color scheme of red art i;:ts t he greatest pos!'ible boon - Sale of po tter y and J n pane~e goods and attitudes. In fact . ever vthi ng- and white was stil l maintain ed . a chance t o work at t he ir leisllre wi ll be hel d Tuesday anrl Wednes· ' i n th e r ooms br f:'athed " J u~iors. ,~. Pictur es c.f differen t groups were After drawi ng her pict ure Clf t he day o nl y. Ga ll ery ta lks w ill be / By eleven-thi rty the gond natu re tak en. Jack Spratt and his wife lovely moontain v illage where g ive n Wednesday a nd Th m !;day at o f th e over- worked !'eniors was occupying t he front row of t he MacDowe ll d id mu(!h of h is work , 4:30. · r estored a nd a gra nd mass meeting Mo ther Goose group, mak ing us Mrs. MacDowe ll prover! hersel~ a n The ex hibi t wi ll be open f ro m I was called i n t he president' s t oom feel that old ti mes were; her e inin lerpretati ve artist of h igh r ank ~i n e t i l l_ . six o'clock ea:::ch day. ! at twelve. Jack was forced to ad- deed , as did Little Bo P eep, Red I y pl·~y i ng super bl y a bea utiful Seaso n t tck e ts 25 a nd L) ce nts. Id r ess t he s wP.et tempered assem bl- Ri d ing Hood a nti all the others of Mac Dowell tJrogram . The va ri ous Opportuni ty wi ll be g ive n fo r A r t 1age fro m the ci resser top, ot her Mother Goose L and . moods of th is most imagi nat ive Club members to pay dues. T he Co lonia l Maide ns with t hei r available posi tions he ing pretty composer in t urn laid the audie nce delica te color ed costu mes made a DRAMATIC CLUB . '~'ED. NIGH T well occupied. under the ir spell,- lh e ming led The campa ig n was pla nned and cha rmi ng pictm·e. (Regul a r meeting ) fire and melancholy of t he wonderT he Mi xed N u ts and Suffragettes twenty-live wil ling vo lu nteers wer e Two Plays : li•1ed u p to the ir names i n a little ful andante fro m "Kelti c Sonata;" organized into small compan ies. g roup ' 'The Scaring off of T ed dy Dav iby t hemselves. the lovely g lim pses of nature in The r esu lt speaks for t hei r effi Bu t good thi ngs ca n not last f ort he "Wood land Sketches;" t he son. ' ' ciency. The first company u nd er " A Fowl P lay. " potent suggest iveness of th e "Sea (Co n tinued o n L as t Page. ) (Continu ed on L ast Pag-e.)
I i
p layers of th e winn ing tea m w i ll A lumni News. . r ece i ve th e go ld medals embleC. Ray Ga t es h as bee n r e -e lected Ente a t the Po~toflice ut Peru, Nc- m ~t i c of th e cham p ion sh ip, whil e at Co lumbus , Neb r . , w it h a thre~ bras lc a red as second-clas~ on a u~r. -- -- - ' t he Am m u ni t io n Tra in wi ll get t he year cont r ac t, $~500 , $ $ 2750, a nd Published Weekly by the Peru Stntc No rmal si lver m eda ls f o r being th e run -. $3000. 50 cts. per year.
Single copy
n crs
ne rs- u p in t he t u urn a men t.
H e nry Lin n ,
IPeru State Bank A Good Bank
c la ss of 19 16 . has
"Ja n da , t he h usky f or wa rd of bee n re-elected at a salary o f $ 170, t h e Mach in e Gunn e rs had hi s eye at Cra ig , Nebras ka . j on t h e bas ke t a nd drop ped th e bal l thr u t he i ron rin g co nsiste ntl y . In th e fi rs t ha lf he sco r ed fiv e fi~J d gna ts an d three f ou ls in as many I tri es ; whil e in t he secon d p eri od he cou n ted e ig h t fi e ld goa ls and 1 three f ou ls OUt Of fi ve t ri e:>.Schnei-
. I - - - -- -- -- ---Tli E EniTORIA L STAFF-SECQ.-.:0 SE~II·:STI; R
M iss Adele class of 19 18, has bee n re-e lecte d a t a salar y of $95 per month, at Cr aig.
- - - -I N-
A Goc-d Town - - -- -- - - - -- - -- -
M iss L izzie Sc helkopf, class of Ph o n e 25 19 13, has be e n r e-elected at Cra ig, a t a sala r y of $100 pe r m o nth. W•
Ph on e 25
Edna Snlzmnnn . Edi1o r in·Chicf cier, t he c e nter, played a str ong Mi:;s Leva Smi th, class of 1914 • G r ocer ies, Furnis h i n g Goods, M e n' s Edwa rd .\1attjovslcy As~ociatc 8d~ tor g am e and stood seco nd in scoring has bee n r e - e lected f or h e r fifth and Boys' Shoes Cecilia Peterson Asso<'iatc.: Ed oto r t 0 h' t t J d , yea r at Cr aig, at a ~al;, ry of $ 105 La urence Ro use - 13usincs~ 1\l a n agcr , IS eam- m a e , a n a. Our Leaders: Valley Lil ly F1our, Raymond Hu ffe r . .-\~st llusi ne~s ~l 'g r Of the cham p ion_s hip game p lay - per mo n t h . Emma Wood ie - Asst Ousi n.·ss \l 'gr ed on Mo nday n 1g-h t t he same B arrington Hall Coffee F . C. Smith. on I he firs t of J an a r t icle says : II E I'O IITI:->G ,;TAFI' uar y, was pr o m o ted to di r ector of Peru Nebras ka Lena nat('S Cla ude l vcr~ ''Janda a nd Schne ider wer e t he al l Y. M . C. A. act i vi ties of th e Betty La u 111a n llclcn Lawrence 1st d oo r so uth Per u State Bank stars f or th e M achi ne G un tea m. Fi rst Army Cur p s. incl nd ing t h r ee LeNora Snyder Grace Litt le The f orme r player sco red 25 points fu ll div is ions with about o ne h un Et h.-1 Anderson . .HEM EMB ER ' whil e th e la t ter caged th e · bal l fo r dred and fifty Y . M . C. A. secr eta============== 119. " r ies. H e says : " If t h e Y ever C a ie o dnr . 1 T hose of us w ho r e me mber Vin - had a j ob i t n1re is now, and we R egul a r even ts: / cen t J a n da and "A r t" Schne ider do u ble ti m e to put it If yo u wa nt Wee kl y. a r e no t su r p ri sed . It is of intHes t ac' os.. Dry C lea n in g, Press in g a n d 20 Mondays, - Chor us, 5 : t o G:OO. / to no te tha t t his was th e c hap m ion- =-=----·-- -- --------== Gene, al Laundry Work 7 7 45 Or c hes tra , :0 t o : · · shi p ga me in t he Ca m p Lee t ou r na - I T uesdays, -Boys' Glee Cl u b, 7:00 t h' h · d d f Call P h o n e 53 . , ~ men , w 1c 1nc1u e star s rom 7 G irls Glet-' Cl ub , :45 a ll the eas te rn half of th e U n i ted Mark. Delzell , Agt . Wedne da y s-Chor us , 5 :20 ISta t es. Will Collec t Mo n days Orc hes t ra , 7 :45 Bas ket at Chase ' s Shop Th ursdays-Girls' Glee, Club 7:00 Ch apel Even ts. 7 45 Boys' G lee Clu b, : Last Mon da y a ll th ose who at- ! Ra nd, 7 :00- 7 :45. d d h I d . 1 B i-weekly : t en e c ape un e r wen t a stnct
Auburn Laundry
ar~ ~o~~ing
L a d ies' & G ent's
1 I
Fddoy-l'hHomotheon Mo nthly :
acmy examlnatlon glven undec t he
Fu r ni~h i 11~s
d irecti ons of P rof essor Gregg.
C! uth i ng
l s t Tuesday , G1 rl s ' mee t 11 :30. H ad a st ra nger stepped w ith i n 1 1s t We d' y , Dramatic Clu b, 8 :00. th e chape l d oo rs, he would have / 1st Saturday, Y. W. C. A. Ke n- 1 ma r ve led a t the t e nseness of th e sington. ; at m nsp he re. E ve ry ea r was stra in- ! e d f or t he s ig na l t o b eg in. The n Specia l Events. Mrs. MacUowell's Concert, Fe b - with a da sh e very one was off. Pe r rua r y 19, bu dget event haps, t oo, a stranger wou ld ha ve Senior P ar ty, Feb ru a r y 22. In ot iced and w ond e r ed a t t h e s ide Febr uary 25, basket bal l ga me. I g la nces of th e f ac ulty, bu t anyo ne /
~ hoes
W hy no t a Mad am Grace
Th e ltla tel- i d l i n Ou l-
C orset? 0.
--- ---
Mad e to Measure S u it pr ocess at · Are guaran teed strictly all wool
Wh e n .ro u n e en Cl:ltlery , FlasbJ ight F ebr uary 26, Dramati c Cl ub. who u nde rl't ood th e t he Battf> ries or Ma r ch 4, Art Club r eception. hand wo uld have ca lled it p la in I ScoJ·es of b . t'4' I II I eau 1~u a woo patAnYt h ing in t he H ardware iine Mar ch 4 to 7, A rt e x hib it. . I , fud g .ing. , Never before have. te r ns to piek hom. Ma r ch 10 Gy mn asi um exh ib i t ion word s a nd names ta l<en on s uc h p e- rT'wo-P!. S 't , , • • • ·J. ece u1 s ... ... . ... ... . $2 1. 50 <.. .: td l ' " March 2 1, .Jun ior ·SP n io r ban - ~ cu iJ ar meanmg-s-a co r ona be Jn g l T h ree-Piece Suits 2 a n d yo u will a l ways find a full line q uet. call ed a p honog rap h, and "The ·· · .. .. .... .. 4 50
' Sca rl et Le tte r " be ing writ ten by SPECI AL ! at Peru Sta_rs-N.atioonl Star s, Edg ar A lle n Poe. ou r a_ssort m e nt o f su it ings Ma c lt p ra n ~ ' s Hardware The f oll ow 1ng f1 om the Bayone t , O n Wedn esday Miss Rose Clar k mad~ to o rdet Cam p Le_e e diti on _of T r e nc h a nd gave bo th a n inerest ing and f uJI at ................. .. ...... .. ~ Ca mp, wil l be of m tf'r est t o our a ccou nt of t he pr oceed i ngs of t he . r ead e rs: I Peace Confere nce. Mr. H e nry sr_an d s f ,,r the b e st "The ::!3rd Mach ine Gun Batta l- Ri c hm ond said o f it, ' 'That \\;as in ion won t he ca mp basket ba ll c ha m rotf e t prepa r· tl ti u ns . as good as any speec h we've heard pions hi p last Th u rsday eve ni ng, Face Cream Face Powde r in Cong r ess. " Af ter Mi!'s Cla r k's Janua r y 27, by t aki ng the fina l t a lk, Mr. Ri c h mond. a man we ll TalcL1rn P o wder game of t he seri es fr om the E ig h t h know n in P e ru a nd one who is very Ammunitio n Tra in in a fast a nd H a ir Ton ics, etc. in te r ested in school, e n t er tained we ll played gam e , 5 1 to 28. T he us with a good , hum orous add ress. r
6 .50
J ., A. CEJ ' A, Tailor and Clea ner
Mandelson & K ennedy Nebraska City
N}' otis
IPisher Bros. Dru u ~h•ts
The mos t- complete stock of Ladies; R eady-to-Wear in the City
At Popular P rices
New Goods in Shoe line are now in Come in and see thetn • • • •
• •
• •
• •
LOCALS. th e problems the war has left for HAVE YOUR Specials and Trainers. Rev. P. B. Cope gave a very inWarren Stephens, who has been I us to so lve. Laundry Work done at Kelly Field, is home for a short Th er e wer e a number of young teresting ta lk concerning Boy Sco ut a t th e t ime. He was called home on men present, but all th e fel lows Work in America at one of o·ur account of hi s fa t her's illness. who have j oined the organization r ecent class chapels. Nebraska City Laundry ·ss El a R 1 • t th k a r c urged to come 0ut. Our Y. Every member is earnsetly r eM• v u on spe.n e wee . . . . OTIS GREGG , Agent (>n rl in Lincoln looking after the 1M. IS a live, w1de-awa ke orgam za- quested to be present at our next Phone 79 interests of the State Library ti on, for we have somethi ng new class chapel, Februar y 27, as imassoc iati on, of which she is presi- happenin g all th e t ime J oin us porta nt business is to be transacted. Basket at King's Barber Shop dent. and get th e benefit of the d iscuss io n Coll ected Mondays on World Problems of today. Organization. ., De li vered Fridays Miss Ell i", in hi ~ tor y :-"The A new social org-ani?.a ti on for the - - - -- -- -- - - -- ·short ses:.ion of Congress la~ts from Mt Vernon Notes. g irl s of the Normal is in process the second Monday in December Bettie Lauman . the busiof evoluti on. We defer more exMi ss unt il mi d ni g-ht of Marc h 3 fol lowness manage r of the Peruvian re tended notice of it until it sha ll ' ing . " Della W. :-"Why on earth turned fr om the infirmary last nave evolved. Th is much however do they keep such late homs ?" week. but has been unab le as ye t can be tentured for it even in its t o r esume her wo rk. t It ho ld s mu c h of J ]. U. G. Notes. c hrysa I'IS sage: buy chocolate and Our J. U . G. Club is increasing The dormi tory g 1rls elected their promise as a creator and conserver in s ize a great deal lately. T wo r Ppr esentati ves on the rouncil of of student public opin io n and a Bon Bons new member s were presE:nt at our the new girls ' club at a meeting means of expanding the soc.ia l inat last bus iness meeting. . held at the chape l last Tuesday. ter cour se among us. Small wonder Several of th e J . U G. members Mi~ses Vivia n Te ich, Lill ia n that th e gi rls are enthusiastic were seen strolling abou t th e city Rr.JOker, H elen Rob inson, . and abou t it. l~o ki ng for su i table pla ce~ to take ! Edna Salzma nn were chosen. - -- -- A VEN UE STORE pictures last week. Judgwg f r om Mrs. Wa lker is vi si t ing her TEACHERS WANTED F ountain Pens, Fine Stationery , resu lts, th ey found many such daug hter , Fl orence Wal ker. For all departments of school work. Christmas Cards places, . a nd ha::l " heaps" of fu n w-111.Jam Rl oug h pa 1' d a sh ort School officials will soon elect teachout of Jt to o. . visit to his s ist er, Miss Grace ers for next year A MAXIMUM Satisf ying Chri stmas Gifts Our new pres1den t call ed a busi - Bl h th' k OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM OF 1 ness meeting last Monday eveni ng / oug • JS wee . COMMISSION RATE Commission See us f or your Confectionery and for th e pu r pose of electing con- . JVo1i ss Helen Fuller enJoyed a short 4 per cent. Territory. central and Lunch Goods sulors for the "Girls' Associat ion ., I VJSJt f r om her moth er , Mrs. L. L. western states. Write today for H. U.LANDOLT Linnie Ri ecker and Flor ence Wit- Fuller, the first of t he week. blanks
For their ''goodk '' ness Sa e B
wer were e lected . A third will \ Miss Fl_ossie Hapke made_ her be e lected later. D ur ing the meet· I weekl y t~1p to Nemaha, ~nrl~:'· ing we talked about a pres ident for . and s u~pr1 sed ever_yone by hnn~mg the new organization. Mrs. Bone- ~1the tr a 1n back on t1me t hat evenmg .. . ke mper was suggested and from all A rea l celebration of WasU ngappearances carri ed the entire vote I ton's Bir th d_ay in th e for m of of our clu b. We are very proud special decorat ions and eats was to have Mrs. Bonekemper in our ' planned an d carried out on that club a nd f eel positive of her abil- day by Mr . Gi lbert, a ssisted by the i ty, as she proved a most worthy dining r oom gi. ls leader f or us. Mis~es Barbara Scovi lle and Mary Caldwe ll went to Omaha to Y. M C. A. Notes . spend the week end with th eir The Y. M. C. A. had a very . . . S parents. mterestmg meet ing unday after- , . . . . noon. Professor Crago IE:d the . Gr1ffit h. "The longest way r ound d •scussion on th e problem of Strag- is t he sweetest way home. "Cecelia: et ic Places in the New World . The "No, it isn't when you live at the
The 3:20 tr ain gets to
Barber Shop for good, clean, first-class work
One Block North
give them exce pt
) our
A Good Lunch or Splendid Meal
- - TIME - -
CHAPIN BROS. Lincoln , Nebr.
appreciate you1· patron· Your Friendship age. A complete s tock of l fre~h and cured meats Appreciated. . df & EII b at a II tl mes · e ern en erger EARL COULTER.
Philo and S eal Pius Have your Watch ~s. Cloc ks, Jewelry, Spectacals and Fountain Pens Sold and Repaired Sta1ionery and School Supplies
NEWMAN STUDIO P t!ru , Nebr.
When Down I Chan ged Hand s T 0 wn I have hought the lUarsh Give us a Call m eat market and will
RP.member when in Nebraska Your friends c an buy
anyth in g you could
Phone B2234
City it is only
Successor to C. G. Kingsolver
yo ung !Ji en took an active pa rt in do r m! . the discuss ion and entered into it l ~erni ce Cr inklaw ~as very sur wit h a s pirit of e nthus ias m. Every pn sed the other even1n g, w hen she one left after the discuss ion feeling walked into her room and fou nd as tho they knew more of some of her moth er sitti ng there. 1'
Peru at 7:28
Call at C. P. .Scovill's
Reliab le J eweler
Peru, Nebr.
Citizens STATE :: BANK
---·--An old reliable bank with assets of over
the by- prorlucts of the -prod uct n ot alto1 Great Wa r - a by ge t her to be d e plored - is the markh o f a n in t er es t in his tor y. e d gr ow t b. t Eve r y teac her of thi s s u Je~ . that ne ver be f or e has It rea I Izes A Midnigh t Raid. been so easy to make th e s tudy . . d · ·fi anr As in the cco n t I n u e d ! r om F i rst Page. ) vi n le a n sig nr c · , R P ts t "a ll r oads led to orne , so Captai n Teich r eac he d the fir st ~ I n Cl w all paths of learnin g le ad to object ive and was r ep ul sed by a ~ I hi story thru the gateway of the fir ~ly lock ed d oor. The ~ra n ::o m , great war. Never before have so wa s va lia n tly a ttack ed Wi t h t he . f B rooke r of .the 1 ma ny turned to N ineteent h Cen tury a ssis t a n ce o f Ch · Ie hi s tory fo r the r oots of t~e cr i s i ~ . Larl rle r Squad , the h ose be m g I, And now that the war Itself IS neces::: i tatPd by t he po i sti ve r ef usa l over , these i n~uir i n~ so uls a r e of the "Koon, to co me o u t. N ot mak ing cnm pa n sons m proble ms a bit inconven ie nce d by h e r unexpected g uests, she t oo k ' 'th e I shower " li ke a g ood s p ort. Th e W illi a ms ' r oom was s urrend er ed wit ho ut opposit iOn. A t horo s t a c kin.t!.' was f ort h cn m i n ~ a nd t he h e roin e o f t he s ce ne w as left mirl sa ltz y t ea r s. At th i s junc t ure , Chi e f Dre d Ia. t h e m od e rn H or a tiu s of th P h n!<e, w it hstood a n un ex pect ed attaek a n d cam P out pre tty th oroly soak ed. bu t !"ti ll on t op- of t he hnse, and n -·a rly f or th e So ucek a ncl F f' r ee ohjec ti ve w hi ch was ga ined a f te r v igo r o n s fight i ng .. T he sen ior s ce lebr ated l\·l is.• E ll is, H ead o f Hi.,tory D epar t men t the ir vietory w i t h t he ir fa m ou s of recon stru ct ion -co mpa r isons, war cr y (se nior ye ll). Th e j un iors . too. in t he work of this Peace Con- w is h ing t o r es po n d, ca ll ed u pn n f ere nce a nd of t hat other a nd nex t one of th e i r o ffi c ia ls t o lea d th ~:: m, grea test peace conferP. nce in his- but we r e ord e r ed out of t h e r oo m . Th e ju ni nrR we r e as bri ~r h t a n d tor y, meeting a t Vi enna 103 years
Watch this Space Next
. If t he L eague of Nations s truc t JO n. . if t he . t become a r e a lIty' IS o ri d hea lt h v fou nrla ti ons of a soun an .d• • r e to b e Ia I ; 1 inter na t JOna Is m a b t he n o ur cou rse of study sh o u ld _ e s uch a s s ha ll mai ntain a growi ng inte rnat iona l f ri ends hi p .
i '
Gleveland Sto res Evarything for E very body at the right price
I ___ _ j
Make Wessel's Your Head qua rte r s Free Waiting Room, R est Room
ago. s miling a s eve r n ext m orni ng a nd · One dec id ed te nd ency in t he the s ... ni o r s we re a s i n nocen t a s educat ional wo rl d is towa rd a r e- cher ubs. Th e wor k. from the !"tackconst r uc t ion of co ur::Ps of h istor i- ing of th e r oo m to t he las t duckin g , L ar~e !i' t a!--sortment oi Dry Goods ca l s t urly. It is the nature of e d- ho we vPr. ev id ~· n cPd t h e s pir i t and uca ti on to b uil d f or the fu ture , an d Re tld )' -to· Wear on hand . s p o r ~ m a n ;:;h i p of both c lasses. r a t her t han to mPet presPnt e mer - - PR I C ES TH E LOW EST--ge nci es. He, t hen, who would The Senior P a rty. r P.form ed ucation s hou ld have a !Co n tl n u ,•d ( J'o m Fl r·s t Page. ) cl ea r visir. n f or th e fut u r P and a t.- ever, a nrl the lig hts d Pc ide d f o r u s tempt to unders ta nd its probable tha t it wa,; time to g o h o me . W e need;;. fin i:;he d our iunch hy candle lig ht. Ne b ra s ka C it.r , Ne_hr. Two of the co ll eg-ia t e cour s~~ 8 vn y one le f t the bui ldin g- dtc la rhere a re s ha ped with th is enrl in ing that he never hefn r e ha d had vie w, the eou rse of RPce nt Hi s to r y s uch a g one! tim P a n d th a t th e e vPn of t he United States. and t hat of in g was e n t ire ly tun s h o rt. "SAY IT WlT H F'L OWEH.S Nin etee nth Ce ntu r y , a nrl t he Grea t T HE FA Y Dr. J . H a r n ld W illi ams, c lass Wa r . Th e for me r stresses ou r is the place to get country's prog ram of ever-w ide n- o f 1908 . i s h earl of t h e depa rt ment Fresh cut flow ers for every . ing socia l control. I n th e 80 ' s of n '!sea rc h in th e Wh it t ie r S tate . . . . ! occaswn m arpropnat e arrangeof a ll ki nds bus in tss t.. a:-ned t he la ng-uage of Schon!, W hi tti er. Ca lifo rn ia , a n d ments -· Our le ading- specia lt y at · the pro tecti on is ts, far mers da bbl ed t her e a re st-ven in th e dt'pa rr mP n t . We a ls1• have in finance, la bor de ma nded nationa l T hey p u b! i:' b b i- m o n t h ly · ' The all Seasons of the year. legis lation. a nd women beca me J ourna l of De l inque ncy . " Dr . G. E. BERTHOLD At a ll ti mes more i nsist E' nt i n t hei r de ma nds Wi lli a ms is m ak in g a na m e f or ' 'The I•' lor ist' ' Prompt ~e rvi ce fo r polit ica l recog n iti on. Ou t of i t h i m~e l f n ot on ly in Ca li for ni a but al l ca me g-reate r a nd greate r gov- all o ve r t he U n it ed S at0s. G oo d Eats Nebraska City, Nebr. . ernment exte ns ion and a pprec ia ti on. T his r ecent Hi sto r y cou rse Severa l va r ieties h ome ma de candy f or ~a l e at t he stresses also t he brea k-down of our FOUNDED 1893 t~ad iti o nal policy of isola t ion, a nd Little G em Candy K itchen A .M. M. OOR NON, Mana ge r our en tra nce into wor ld's aff ai r s bl k 1 oc nort h a nd 1 b lock . · t T he most widely pa tro ni zed, bE:'cause the most reliable Teachers ' of the No r mal e3 s In t he N m eteen th Cen t ury a nd Agency in the Midd le West . Terr itory fr om the Mississippi r iver to Grea t War course much a ttenti on Orde rs taken for h ome b~ kl. I Pa ~ i fic Coast. F lynn Bldg , Des Moi nes, Iowa. · a ng a so WI' II be g iven to proble ms of reco n-1 MIL L E R ' S I STER S
L. \Vessel's Sons & Co.
hot d rin k s
I ce Cream
Sabinst Educational Excha nge
Dramatic Club Open Session--. March 8, 1919 at 8:15 Two Plays--''The Medicine Show" IJY Stuart Walker ''Princess Kiku," a Japanese R omance
Norm ~i Chapel---Budget ticket or 25c Y. M. BOYS ENJOY LIFE.
Saturclay nig ht theY. M. C. A. IR the army blanks f or inte lli- 1 r eached thi s level. For remaining boys e nj oyed a true masculine de- gence test a t o tal of about forty classes and perrentages, see t he li !,Iht. Various kinrls of games minutes i s given in which to answer table of r esults of the P eru t est. w~re played: Basket ball. made up a possib le 2 12 questions. If one Classes E. F, F, G, and H are no t of scrub t eams; "slap and be gets a credit of !35 or more points, g iven because not needed for the :-:la pped:" wrestl ing and boxing; / he 1s r ated as having v~ry s uperior ones taking the test here. and a,; a wind·up for the first part intelligence. On ly about five ptr- ~ The table worked out below will of th e even ing, seve ral boy!; wer e ' ce n t of so ldier s in o ur c~nto nments r e pay s tudy and presents· ti::Jta for se t as tride a hi g h ra il with th e ir , two feet ti ed t oge ther, and th en ....
th ey procePdl:'d to ~lam each otht r inpi il'l w- fig htduels.
~ 1'
ro ....
The second part of the even ing' s ente r ta inm ent was sta rted with ind oor baseba ll marle up of scrubs a nd sc ums. Pro f. Da i ley made an i nte re;;tm~ s l ide for home es pecial ly as part of th e journ ey was t raver sed on th e ha cK of hfs hl'a d and the floor. The ga!Tle ended with a score of 17 t o 6 in f a vor of the sc ums . The il two gartt es were played in which eve ryone cou ld take a pa rt, viz.: Grow and crane , ancl "run a r ound a ring o f 75 , padd le and then f eel black and b I u e. " The I a tte r was by f a r the mo:;t in ter esti ng . One ba rr e l stave was smnsh ed to s plinte rs in three r ound s, which necessi tn ted r he procur ing of anoth e r,· and it s worth was tested wh en flcetfoot Pewee t ook after the cheese·cloth ]J8nts of "Swartzy'' To wind up th e even· ing's e n t ertainment, the hi g h school p layed the faculty. The
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many interesting calculations. F or inst ance, it can easily be determ ined that 46 percent of the males are in class A, and 35 percent of th e females. What is the percent of the faculty, g raduates, seniors, ju niors, etc., repsective ly, in class A ? To what extent does education ena ble one to take a b e tter t est? l s temperament as we ll as inte lligence a factor in the results? Any stu dent wi shin g to know hi s personal rank or to see his or iginal pa pers. may do so by seeing Professor Gregg.
ro ~
A-VERY SUPER IOR INTELUG ENCE.-5 percent of So ldi er s
The annual g irls' basket ball 0 g a me and gymnasi um ex hibitions 0 I 1 occu r Mond ay, MarchIO, 8: 15p. m. 1 1 2 I SO 1 · Gree k Sacrificia l Dance 175 0 l D ori s Humphrey 1 5 170 2 1 3 165 1 0 Aesthe tic Dancing Class 1 2 . Gym nastic Exercises - Csehbogar 160 1 3 1 3 2 7 1 4 1 3 155 Folk Dance 2 150 *2 9 4 5 First Semester Class 1 7 2 3 145 2 1 The Vil lage Belle Chalif 4 14 1 2 140 2 7 5 I 135 . Margaret ~lder 7 4 *5 2 4 ~---,----------------,----,...,..------:-:-----::----------:::=---,--::-::---~ " The Vi II age Be lle" I eaves her 14 75 57 18 2fi 1 3 6 25 0 Tot. 0 1 ho me t own and goes to .boarding B SUPER IOR l NTELLIGENCE. - 10 percent of Soldier s ·1 scho ol. Afte r she b ecomes " edu130 1 1 3 5 2 *2 14 l0 *4 ; ca ted" she comes home and . shows 125 1 1 *2 4 *9 7 I off bef or e her old fri end s. 12 120 2 1 4 1 f) IS * • At hle tic Drill·. 1, Base Ball. 2, 6 I 11 5 3 *3 7 4 2 !9 13 D 2 Shot Put. 3, Sprint. ~. rop 14 6 5 1 1 16 1 11 0 3 105 *I 1 1 1 1 1 6 5 1 K ick. 5, Arch ery. 6, Swimm ing . 7, Rowing. 5 77 61 16 3 25 2_ ____________________________ 10 15 16 _T_o_t.___1___ ___ __ Second Semest er Class. C. -H fG[-1 AV ERAGE I NTELU G EN CI!:.-25 per ce nt of Sold iers ga me la:;ted seven min utes a nd the R ussia n Court Da nce Cha li f sco re r e ma ined 5 t o 4 in fav or of 100 2 1 5 4 Jose ph ine Gavin 12 9 3 4 4 0 the high sch ool. 95 2 I l F irst ha lf of ga me (i 0 6 Af ter rh e g a me , wie ni e sand - ' 90 1 2 1 2 Da nce of Pan Hinman () gr.: ''2 :i I 0 6 wiches, pi ckles, cofft>e, d o ug hnuts ~ * Me mbe rs of Aesthet ic Danc ing Class l 4 5 4 and bananas sat isfi ed t he hun ger of 1 0 1 Last half of game. 8 2 1 8 75 1 3 th e partrc ipants. M us r of the boys Chas. W. Mottinge r is professnr 41 37 4 0 9 3 7 1 13 8 0 To t stayed a:; 1o ng a s they cou ld but it --·-------------------------------------------::-:::-:--:-:---- ~ of ed uca t i 0 n and superinte nd en" wa,; n 1 use t o st ay longer wh en 1 D. -A V8RAGE I NTELLIGENCE. - 2 5 pe r cen t of So ldi e rs of t he tra ining school in th e N ew 190 185
2 0 3 1 6 1 5 9 11 8 18 11
2 0 2
utter • 70 1 1 1 5 5 0 2 65 0 0 0 1 0 1 60 I 1 1 Miss Fri eda Sch r ie fer, c lass of 55 I I 0 50 1 19 17, has been e lected for he r 45 0 0 0 third year at L odge Pole, Neb. Tot. 0 2 1 I 0 0 0 8 7 I 4 E. E. Fricke, class of 19 16, has - ------------- ----- ----- ----- - --------- :--------I- -=----::::62 19 39 201 50 3 23 64 14 22 6 been elected to a position in th e G.T. they f o und darkness.
th emselves
Tilden hi g h school f or the remain· der of the year.
IM exico
*The media n, that is , the midd le one be tw een the extremes, is in thi s! g r ou p.
Uni ve r sit y at Los Vegas.
· Mr. Motti nger wil l be r e me m ber ed a s. one of our mature g ra dua t es of t he cla~s of 1909. He ha<l a numbe r of years of s uccessfu l experi ence befor e going to New Mexico. The Norma l is a lways g lad whe n her g raduates secure th ese positi ons of r e s pons ibility.
havhe conlidte nctehthat !they wi ld! n ng onor o e m se ves lao cred it to th e institution .
THE .PERU NOR}\1ALITE En tercel at the Po~ to llicc
hraska a s secoud
IJcru ' Ne-
cl u s~ 11 _ w_t_tc_·r_. _ __
Pu blished Weekly by the Pe r u Stu re Normal
E dna Sa lzman n • Ed ward Nl ahjovs ky Cecilia Pctet·so n
Erliu> r in oCI>icJ A~s oc iutc
Erl itor
Busitwss i\ l <t n a~:er Raymond Hu tTer ,\ss t Busi ness .\<l'gr Emma Woodie - As't Dusitwss :\l'gr Laurence Rouse
Ethel Anderson. llctty Lauman LeNora Snyder
Claude h·ers
Bu t tho you make me shag a r ound ; . ty. hou nd-And call yo u s ir -you d Jr low I You used to pipe down mJghtyJ When I was B ill anrl you were oe.
Regular events : Weekly. Mondays, - Chorus, 5 :20 to 6:00. Boys' Glee Cluh, 7:00 Tuesdays,-Boys' Glee Club, 7:00 Wedn edays-Chorus, 5:20 Orchestr a, 7:00 to 7:45. Boys' Glel:' Club, 7:00 Thursdays-Boys' Glee, Club 7:00 Band, 7:00-7:4 5. Fr iday-Boys' Glee Club, 7:00
Peru State Bank ·
A Good Bank
You g lare a t m e wit h na sty eye And I sa lute as you pa's b.v . . ow 1 C' lench my fist and JaW - - -- I N - - uu n k maw. Y k And long to mash you r coc .V ' But th o you call me Bi JJ McDough 1 durst not call you Rummy J oe: / _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ I' ve done ten thousand cooks po llee; . My very soul is sm ea r ed wit h g r ease. Phone 25 Phone 25 Bi -weekly: You nag ancl jaw and baw l me out W . W . \'\ ARDIS Friday- I 'hilomat hean, And tPII me I' m a n igno r ant lo ut, 1 Monthly: Because you o nl y too we ll know . . . h" o- Goods • Men' s l st Tuesday, Girls'. meet 1 1 :~0. Tha t I am B il l; but you're n ot J oe. Groceries, Furnt s In"' a nd Boys' Sh oes 1st Wed'y, Dramatic Club, 8.00. B t e day we'll be goi ng- back; Y W CA Ken u.som 1st Saturday, . · · · - And some day someone's jaw w 1"ll Our leaders: Valley Li lly F lou r, sington. • . crack: 1 Barringt on Ha ll Coffee 1st Saturday, .l ' U. G. Meetmg . And someone ' s face shall be n o Peru N ebraska Special Events. more ; 1st do or sou th P e ru State Bank March Art Club reception. And someone's frame shall hit t he March 4 lo 7, Art exhib it. fl oor;
A Good
H elen Lawre nce
Grace Litt le
___ March 6-Basket Ball Game. For th o t he m i lls g r ind small and War on T obacco. I March, 8-Dra matic Ciub Open slo w. Phi !adelphia, Febru ary 23.Ssesion: · Som e day we ' 11 he Bi II and J oe. campa ig n against t he tobacco hab it 1Mar ch 10-Gym nas ium Exhib it ion . /1· · . Is belog cooducted bY t h' med'oca ' / Ma"h 14-PhBomathean (Jpeo Ses.Note· Such wo rd s as s 1urn, S tudents of the Uni versity of P enn· . · sha)!, chow, etc , a r e army sang. S J On . 1 sylvania . Lead ers of the movement March 21 •.Juni or SPnior banquet. say th e use of to bacco has g reatly Ma rch 28- Philoma th ean Par ty. increased s ince the war with Germany began. A letter from Professor Howie - -- ---brings the in fo~m ation that he is ; Two Fa st Games. ut oJf the 'hospita l . a nd aga in i now o " I t is n't the fac t yo u ' re lickec! at h is wor k. His add r ess is Y No . that counts, but it's how did yo u 1 92, Camp Dodge, Iowa. j fig hc and why?" The vis ito rs were
worthy foe men. It was no disg race Income tax r eturns mus t be fi led to let them tote off the mo~ t scores Ion or before March . 15. Th~ bi II in both ga mes. Peru boy:> gav~ the / provides heavy penal ~1 es for fa ilure bu lldogs from Cotner plenty of en - to do thi s. For failure to fi le .a tertainment so they had no time to j r eturn on tim e th er e is a fine of i ge t lonesome or homesick. Peru has . $1000 a nd an add it ion of 25 per 1 a rea l team with plenty of gi ngt-r . : cent to the tax. For wilfully ~1-
W h en Down
Give us a Call Ynur Frie nd !-ihip A ppr·eciated.
Redfern & Ellenberger
Ladies' & Gent's Furni ... hings Clothing ~h. , e!'"i
Q;:_21 •..~. '?~ .
The 1l1att:!dal in Our
Why not a Madam Grace C orset?
Art Schneider, '17, who befor e the / r efus ing to make a r eturn on time, 0.]. M ILSTEAD war helped win many a batt~e f~r 1a fine of $ 10,000 or a year's / 1tJ1 Peru, was master of cere.momes 1n 1 im prisonment, or both.. Very I ...,=_.....,~ both games-a real r eferee was heavy penalties are provided for i M d M S 't S DENTS Art. ma ki ng fa lse r e turn , and also pen- i a e to easu re u1 When yo u neen Cutlery, Fla!'.h light T he fina l score: Thursday, 33 to for failure to pay on time. 1 Are guaran teed strictly all woo l 14; Friday, 17 to 12, in favo r of Bat teries o r Cotner. Anything in the Hardware iine The HiRh Private's Grou ch. . beautiful al l wool patScores of · terns to p1ck f r om . Call In Art Exhibit 'You big , conceited, swelled up nut; Two-Pi ece Suits .. ..... ... .... $21.50 The Fortnig htly Art Club, which You dadder b lasted , low down, s~ut, ~ Three-Piece Suits ...... ... .. 24 50 and you will a lways find a full line has its annual a rt exhihi t Tuesday, There wa:; a time in days_ gone Y SPECIAL ! at Wednesday, Thur!iday a nd Friday You used to q ua il bent'ath my eye :· ISee our bi g assort m e nt of su itin gs of thi s week, was orgar.izecl in Tnere wa s a time . two yt>ars ago, made to order Mac !< p n:t n u.' ._,. H a r d ware . . h : When I was Bi ll and you wer e J oe. ~ 1898 fo1 the study of art, a nd eac 1 at ..... ..... ......... ·.... .. .. qy • vear has taken up some specia l Jine Your cap, it brags gi lded pin; of work related to tha t s ubject. !You draw in pay g r eat gobs of tin; For fourteen yea rs one of the 1 While I wear but a bit of brass Sta n d!'"i f .,r the best in features of· the club's work has And ne' er have coin to go on pass. ro il e t pr t> pa ,-at i ons been the arc exhibit, amt it is to But once, my lad, it as not so, Face Cream Face P o wder thi sclu b that the school is indebted I For I was Bi ll ancl you were Joe. Ta lcum Powder for the many fine pictures and I Your chow is good. your duds look
16 50
plastec mts ; o t heclasS<ooms and swell . ' chapel which have been loaned by I' . ·, :1 I l"k l.:J the club to the sc I100 I. I live on s um anc loo < 1 e L~ -
Mandelson & Kennedy Nebraska City
0 .
C EJ II.!' A n
Tai lor and Cleaner
Ha ir Ton ics, e tc.
Fisher Bros.
The most complete stock of Ladies'Ready.to-Wear in the City
At Popular Prices
New Goods in Shoe Line are now in Come in and see thetn . . • • • LOCALS.
systema ti zed t hat 'it was iPJdeed a pl eas ure to li ~>ten to h: m and a matter of ease to f ollc•w his discuss inn of these various topics. These weekl y ta lks a re a so urce of great in ter est and benefi t t o a ll who a ttend· our chapel exercises.
President Ro use, Mi ss Elli s, a nd Professor Gr egg att ended t he N . E. A. a t Chicago last wee k. Ruth Pass : " Oh, Mar v Ca ld we ll, I bet I know what col or eyes you like." Ma r y, curi ously : ·'Wha t ?" Ruth : Wh y, E:sher (azur e) - of course. "
• •
Imit tee ;
R uth Wolford , cha irman HAVE YOUR social committee ; Katherine Schill, Laundry Work done chairman social ser vice com imttee; at t he Miss Bowker, adviser for social commi ttee. Nebraska City Laundry - - - - -Dramatic Club OTIS GREGG, Agent Ano ther ver y enjoyable evPni ng Phone 79 was spent in expr ession hal l, Febru ary 26 th. The enter ta inment Bas ket ·at King's Barber Shop consisted of two plays : " T he 1 C:ollected Mondays Chasing off of Teddy Dawson," and I Deli vered Fr idays "The F ou l Play, '' in both of whi ch a ll the characters wer e exceptionally well presented. The ad visor of the club announced tha t the open :session plays, which were postponed on account of t he ''ever -prevail ing" flu will be g iven buy chocolate and March 8. T hose of us who have BonBon s already been pr ivi leged to attend r the pr ev ious meet i ngs know that at another treat is in ~tore, an d we look for ward to it with g r eat expectancy. - - --- - - AVEN UE .STORE Junior Notes. Last Thursday t he juni ors made Fountai n Pens, Fine Stati onery, t heir first pla ns for next year's Chr istmas Cards P eruvian. Mr. Cott le was elected
Letter from Lieut (Bob.) Vernon. "A.t present we ar e located near Per uvia ns are looking f or ward Arras. We are wa iting for our wit h g rea t ent h t.:s iasm to th e open time to r et urn home. At pr esent session, when '' T he Bel ls of Fol it looks as thn we wo ul d be over de Rol'' wi ll be g iven by t he Philo- here f or q uite a while. About the only e:x;c it ement we have is to go to m atheans, Ma rch 14. Amiens or Lil le for the week end. 0. A. S 0 . Notes . " I have had my first leave over Alma Mosema n r ecent ly e~j oyed her e. Was down to Paris and the a visit f rom her sister, Ram Qna , Medi ter ra nean. N ice, Marseilles who has fini sh~d her course in and Monte Carlo a re some of the prettiel' t places I' ve ever seen. The Boy les B u:: iness College. T he 0 . A. S. 0 . g irls a re de- only p laces I care to see now are vou r ed w ith cur iosity a bout a Brussels a nd Co log ne. my,: ter ious .. Mr. J. K. " on t he ir " I hope we get back to th e U. list of visi to rs. S . bPfor e s ummer. Es pecially beAlma. r emember t hy st ud y n ites fo r e school is ou t. I shoul d like a nn .keep them. free f r om ciates. to .".ee Per u and .t he old fr.iends . . M1sse.:l Lott1e Wymore a nd Alvina Our ba t~ ! !J on was 10 act10n Schneid er ar e r oomi ng tempor ar ily f our ti mes bet ween Cambrai and at th e So uth home· while Mrs. San ~u en t in. We ended up at Le business manager. The editor-inSatisfyi ng Chr ist mas Gifts South is vi siting in Ill inois. Quesnoy, on the Belgian border. chief will be elected at the next See us f or your Con fectionery a nd " Shall be glad to hear frc. m ) ou . mee ting. The Shar ra r house enter ta ined t he Fis her house las t Friday ni~h t aga in soon. Lunch Goods Ne ws had been received t hat 0 . at a midnigh t l unch. " S incer ely, J. Palmer, our adv isor last year, H.U.L ANDOLT Lt. Robt. 0. Vernon, is going t o Camp Dodge this week Rut h .J ones : " Y es, rlelig hted !" 301 Bu . Am. Hea vy Tanks, and ex pects t o vi sit Peru soon. From the r eceiver : ' ' Be down a t . A. E . F . , F ranee. , The junior s w ill g ive him a most SAY I T Wi TH F LO WERS 7: 30. " Ru th: " Hello. hello ! I h~arty welcome. T he 3 :20 trai n gets to f orgot t o ask who it was. '' y, W. C. A. Notes.
S A Y!
For their ''goodness Sake"
Barnes' Pharmacy
The Y . W. C. A. had a very inMiss S te lla Sout h enterta ined fo ur guests at a n oyster supper la11t \ teres ting meeting . S un day afternoo n, led by Miss Ma rj or ie Etter Wednesday eve ning . - - --- l and Mi ss F lor ence Gr een . The Chapel Even ts. top ic was "The Life of Jane AdLast Wed nesday P r ofessor Br own da ms. " A n umber of in terest ing gave so me ver y va luable a nd in ter - th ings were to ld rega r d ing her information concer ni ng work at Hull Hou se and many of esting several questions of utmos t im- the student tno k an ac ti ve part in por tance tha t now conf r ont the the d i ~:: cus.io n . Mi ss Nettie Megover nm ent. Incl uded in these Carroll r e nder ed a voca l solo, wer e the much d isputed q uestion " Cr ossing t he Bar." of r a ilroad ownership; t he la bor l T he ca bi ne t members for th e ques tion which ari ses with t he ens ui ng ·yea r were voted upon. r et urn of t he soldiers ; the Leag ue ; They ar e Dag mar Mag neso n, pres· of Nat ions ; a nd t he N 0n- partisan i ide nt; He len Will iams, vi ce pr esiLeague which h as been f or med in dent; Li ll ian Br ehm, secre tary ; Nor th Dako ta. Mr. Brown had Alma Gockley, treas urer; Vi Eva his ma ter ial so well o~gan ized and / Vast i ne, chairman reli g ious com-
Peru at 7:28 TEACHERS WANTED F LOWERS ALL THE F or all departments of school work. FRESH School officials will soon elect teach- TIME - ers for next year A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM OF CHAPIN BROS. COMMISSION RATE Commission L i nco ln, Nebr. 4 per cent. T erritory. central nnd Phone B2234 western states. Write today for
Change d Ha nds I have hought the Mars h meat marke t a nd wi11 Call at C. P. .Scovill's appreci a te YOtlr patron· a ge. A. complete s toc k of fresh and cure d meats f or good, clean, first -class wor k 1 at all tim es . ! E ARL CO ULTE R. Successor to C. G. Kingsolver
blanks H EUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Barber S hop
--- ---- ------
RP. member when in Nebraska Your f.-iends c a n City it is only
anythin g you could
One Block North
g ive th e m e x cept
} 'OUr
A. Good Lun c h o r Sple ndid Me a l
buy W atch ~s .
Cloc ks, Jewelry,
jSpectacals and Fountain Pens
Sold aud Repaired Stationery and School Supplies
P~ru ,
•• B ANK S TATE ••
Philo and S eal Pins AT
]. C. CHATELAIN, Reli able J eweler
Peru, Nebr.
An old reliable ban k with assets of over
~~~~~~;;._--------.---..---; !
time is pa ssed wh e n phys tca · d oJng · tunt" Dresses IeduThecation consisted m 8
I •
N or d o we hear i t ca ll e d_ p h y 1 s ica ! cut lnre ." The tim e JS a lso Thev have just arrived and . wh e n m ot h e rs f o r hid .th e you will be as pleased as we p ass tng girl s to pla y bas ket hall, sa vJO g were when we saw them t hat swee ping fu r ni s hes p le nty of The suits ar·e ~hown in the new hox effect .exercise. An rl we do no t b e li e ve and Ru~sian hlou~e model..,, whh:h ~re so popu11'1r now. and the others in the regula· " tha t th e child s hould b e se nt o u t ~ I to play on ly wh e n the pare nts nr tion belted ... ty le d tea~her wants th e n oi se out of the h ouse. Th e edu cational value of phys ica l training ancl Superv i sed . The couts are fa~honed ~.rom t h e 11ew sonng p la y has finall y b een r el:l li zed a nd fabric!". Man\· t~re !-lhown in the Ci1pe aud th e pub lic school s are r ap idl y ad Dolman effeds . d i ng ph ys ical cli rec t ors and play s uper v i ~o rs to th e ir f ar.ulti es In ' fac t some s tates have Jaws r equi r-
Priced $22.·5 0 to $50 00
Priced $12.50 to $40.00
Dresses for ever.r tH.:casion
Priced $15.00 to $60.00
ca n ha ve.
Pl ;;~ygrouncl supe rvi s ion i s one of the m M t important f acto r s i n physica l education. Thru that c ha nn e l we try to reach t he ch ild i n a n other wa y, and h eir him romp, laugh
and h e h app y. OL1 r w or k in ph ys i ca l ed u ca t i o n is div i d ed into twn parts. J . ThP No r mal cou r ses, c o n s is tin g o f the fund a m e ntal gymnas t ics basecln pon j ing it. . the Sweed i s h d avs o rd e r . f o lk The p rinci na l ca use for tht s pro - dances , ga m es a nd at hl e tics are adgress can b e traced to t h e changing d ed in ord e r t hat the girls may I ha ve f r ee as we ll a s formal ex . 2. Th e w ork in th e train · erc 1se.
Cleveland Stores
relief work fr om sed e ntary occupaion s rr i ving th e c hild , student.for t ' '"' ·s man an oppo rtunJ· t Y• • or I1U "-·ne l ::> after m e nta l activttJes. . r e Iaxa t ton 3. Prod ure g ra ce . By grace "e m ean fr eecio m of m oveme nt. th e a bility to wa lk. s i t and s t a nd corr ectlv an rl t h e b fl a ut.Y and harm ony that ~ nl y a :1ca lt hful, acti ve body
ing sch o o l. Bv th e aid of th e pract i ce t eac he r s s pe c ia li z ing in phys ica l educa ti o n eve ry ch ild i n the tra ini ng sch oo l h as been g i\'Pn h i s a ll ot ted times f or ~u pf> r vised play a n d "gym" durin g eae h day.
Everything for Eveq· body at the riJ,!h t pr-ice
two g-y m n as i urn s give unoppnrtu ni t i f>s m thi s l1n e. The t raining sch oo l gy m is exc lus i ve ly f or the chil d r e n and in th is ro om a nd o n t he pl a ~' grounrl t ea eh ers Pr e b e ing ~rain ed who a r e going o ~1 t 1 hrn Nf>hras ka t o rl o for t h e children ph ~· s i ea ll y what g-ent-O rati on ·' h:1\·e he r> n cl ·inp.: for th e minrl of t c· • ; d. u~ua l
You'll Like the New
W e display each new frock \\hen B e tty
W a Ie s r e I e a !'< e !>\ i t a ,, d so k e e p o u r fre~h
t o c I\.
and i n tere!-ti ng A sm artly hti lored
Serge or if you prefer a flo" er·ed Gt!oru ette .
Remem ber-- B etty
w,Jes ah' a.) s
\Vessel's Sons & Co. Nehdtska Cit y , Nehr.
l ' r;.:, t ie;· I p hy 1ca l t>d ucation doe;:: 1 ;o.11 ;::s J r>S-< 1" n o \\':-.:1:-<o~ not tr y to rl ev•- lnp abn (1rmal p hy!' i· · 1 t · I H cnd o f P h ·~ "•ca l Trai n i ug Llcp<~~' tlll<.'llt \ ca I fi t rf>n gt ·tl . It s 1n e r es JS ce nidea ls in physica l edu cation. Plac- t erc d r·n r o n nel !'.bo uld e r s , na r r ow , ing th e work on a hea lth p r odu c ing h nJI, w ch ... st:;, <~ n ·! s lo u c hing wal k ~ . basis is th p mo , t i m po~r l am change Th e lift-> lc-ss ch ile! must he s tirn u j lt i s no l o n ~e r a t y pe of work in - la tPd an d th e '' hook worm ' ' mus t th e ph ys icall y fit ma y I be intfl r~sted in out cloo r s ports. 1 wh ich onl y pa rta ke. In fact. it i,; m o r e for the un fi t. that . t hey may ove r co m e O n e alm ·1s t eve r y d ay h ea r s th e · bodil y wea knesses. It h e lps th e i fo llowi ng wo r d s mi sprono un c~d : a nnoy ing h eacl ac he. lt s t i m u Ia tes Add r ess, d i r d. d i sc h a r ge, r eca 11. th e sl ugg ish per;:o n with n o pep. lns tcarl o f being aece ntt>d on th e It is not necessa r y for a g i r l to be fir s t sy ll a b le . th ey ,: h ou ld in vur ia1 a tnm bn.v or a r o wd y because she is b ly , w h eth e r u sed a s nnu n s or verbs · a baske t bn ll star. be a cce nted o n th e I a,t · - S.\• •I Ial1c 1e. 1 , •. . 1 . f he m ·d ern phy s 1ca l e clucatJon Th e r e i s a m on g us a t e nd e n cy t o I t o rl u th ree f o r th e ' u;;e th e r ece:;sive a cce nt. L exico pupl ls . h · g r ap e r s n ·q UJ r e u s to u se it in l. Prom ote v i go r ous h Pa lth thru · many m ~ t a nce ::: w he r e it po::: i tive lv 1 the sy!' t e rn at ic exe>rci:-'e of t he prin · I obscu re::: th e m ea n i n g- b y thro w ing 1 ciple g roups o f m usc les. th us g·iv- th 1• e s t r ess on t1 e least im portant Jng sy mm e t ry to t h e b nd y a nd in - e le m e nt of t h e w u rd . Wh e> n th e creasi ng t he f uneliu n ing powe r~ of 1 · ex tc og r aphers (thi s wo r d i s an the v ita l org-a ns. 2 . Prov i de in t · · =====-co=---...::.--,,_____ s a nce In POJnt) wi ll pe rmi t u s
iil--.o~CZ:~-L:dtol--=t:D::I!lriCI""~-.::·""~••---o,_r_...,... " SAY IT Wl·TH F'LOWERS
TH E F.\ Y is th e p lace t o g e t
Fresh , cut •
flowers for every : .
occas10n m appropnate arran}!ements -=Our leading s pecialty at al l Seasons of the year.
G. E. BERTHO LD ''The F lor ist '' Nebraska C i ty, Ne br .
hot drinks of a ll kind s We a ls(l have
lee Cream At a ll t imes
~er- vice
Good Ctlts
a Jm~
we s h ould figh t th e t e nd ency to r ece!'s io n. We are a p , ogr essi ve Little G em Candy Kitchen p eo ple . Whil e th e F r e n c h r Ptai n FOUNDED 1893 ma ny s ile nt le t ter s, thus fai l ing t o A.M. M. DORNON, Ma n ager l bloc k north a nd 1 bloc k east harmon ize s p e ll ing a nd pronunci a of the Norma l The most widel y pa troni zed, b~cau se the mos t r e li able Teach er' s Agency in th e Middle West. Terr i t ory f r om th e Mississi ppi riv er t o Or de r s take n for h orne ba ld ng al so ti~n, _th ey a lm ost i nvari ab l y lay the p nn c 1pa l e m p hasis on th e t Pa ~ific Coast. F lynn Bldg , Des Moines, Iowa. . . roo , MILL ER S LSTERS or SJg n Jfica n t sy llab le Ex h - - c ange.
Sabins' Educational Exchange
Several va ri eties ho me mad e ca ndy f or ~:: al e at the
DRAMATIC CLUB OPEN SESSION I pa in~i ngs ~nrl pottery on exhibiti on C~st t o a student for one week's PROFESSOR GREGG TO LEAVE A capacity house wag ver y ap· and m soctal pleasure. At a late care. Professor F . M. Gregg, aft er precia tive in its reception of the hou r delicious refreshments were Board one week $3.50 nea r ly fourteen years of service is Dramatic Club members who ap- served, and guests and hosts d is- Laundry 1.25 to leave Peru at the close of sum· pea red in two very well chosen persed fee ling that a pleasant social Room rent, nothinJ.r mer school to take the chair of plays, Saturday even ing . The evenin g in these strenuous days is Cost of tra ined nurse, nothing pschology at Wesleyan Un iversity. first, "The Medic ine Show," a t ime well spent. Total cost one week $4 . 75 This is a new department for Wes· play of the modern school of dra · On Tuesday and W ed nesd~y at Cost to one of our citizens in leyan, so Professor Gr egg wi ll have matic art, was very pleasingly the art ex hibit speci mens of pot· priYate r oom : an opportuni ty to build up on lines p resented by Laurenee Rou se as tery and Japanese ware were on Board one week, self $ 5· 00 to his own liki ng . 5. 00 L ut'e r, Carl Mackprang as Giz and sa le. and met with an excellent Board one week, nurse Wesleyan is to be congratulated 2.00 in finding a man so well prepared L eo n Roe ttger as the Doctor. demand.-Pointer. Laundry f or both Room r ent 2.50 and equipped by nature a nd educaFrom the tattered garments to the spi tdng it was a per fect rep re OUR INFIRMARY A NECESSITY Cost o~ trained nurse 35.00 ti on as is our own ProfesFor Gregg. $49.50 Peru never had a man who devoted sentation of Ohio River life In A few years ago there was some Tota l cost one week fact it was so r ealist ic that the talk of a sc hool infirmary, as there THE BELLES OF FOL, DE, ROL more ho urs to his work. In ori g inaudience n o t ~ iths tanding th e mea- is now Fame talk of our having a The Phi lomat hean Society w ill ali t y of planning and adaptability ger scenery could hear the s urs h· school aeroplane. La ter a f ew of present the nperecta, ''The Bell es of meth od he is one of Nebraska' s ing of the Ohio River as it flowed our faculty began to investigate of F ol·de-Rol" at an open session , best men . . Peacefully alon rr undet· Lut'er' s and with investi gation came a con· He wi ll be missed in P eru not " J<,riday, March 14, at eight o ' clock, viction that Peru sho uld be the outstretched pole. in the Normal chapel. F ollowing only in the school, but in the comThe second play of the evening pioneer school of N ebraska to mun i ty. His work in the M. E. is the program and cast: was of an entirely different charac- establish a sc hool infirma r y. Sunday school wi ll be remembered The Story of the Operetta , ter. The audience was amazed at A li ttle cottage, not modern, by the hundreds who have come Lois Hacker t he transf orma tio n of the s tage, was rented and a competent nurse under his infl uence. That splendid Cast. and the many bea utifu l scenes that employzd with fund s provirled by organ ization as we ll as the fi ne King of Bachelorum followed close upon the first made the students voting to assess themRaymond Carter ch urch building in which it ho lds the play an artistic success as v.eJJ selves each 50 cents a semester. Court Physic ian Laurence Rouse its weekly meetings are large ly as a most enj oyable exa mple of the Thus t he dream of some of our good Lady Bell, widow of B'ol-de-rol due to the work of Professor olrler school of dramatic art. Prin- faculty women became a realHazel Parson Gregg. He will be a great help cess Kik u, the lost heiress, was ity. The Widow' s Daughters. not only to the Wesleyan school very r ea li stically po rtrayed by From the first the infirmary haa Isabel H elen Fuller but in the ch urch work of the comGertru de Clark. The Misses Frye, been a success. One by one those Clarabel Flossie H apke munity. Hi s many friends wil l Snyder, Lowry, and Ha p ke made who a t first t hot th e venture unCristabel Vivian T iech wish him and nis 115p lend id family charm in ~ la di es in wa i tin g , and w ise became enthusiastic converts. Arabe l Helen Torld God speer! in the ir new field of their s ingi ng and dancing added o\11 of our local ph ys icians have Dulcibel Mary Mutz labor . greatly to the beauty of the play. been hearty s upporters of the Dorabel Josephine Shellhorn A D ouble Header Headon . Bessie Lauman in th e difficult role scheme. We have been extremely King' s Attendanta. " Thou f a ir village of the plain, " of the old sor cress recei ved much fortunate t o have such excellently Lord Hign Keeper of the Thimbehind thy sweet smile and the worthy applause. J essie Todd and trained nurses, which has been a ble Peter Snvcler glow of thy golden Jocks, we see Cecel ia Pe ter son were very • grea t f ac tor in th e success of the Lord Hi g h Keeper of the Washthe old r ed head ed g al that gave Englis h indeed. Not least among undertaking. The infirmar y board tu bs Milton Lando lt our lads two awful l ickings last th e performer s of the even ing was riE>serves g reat cr ed it for its ~ ki l l Lord High Keeper of the Brooms T uesday night on her little parlor li ttle Wanda Sears. who took the fu l manage ment. The board at Lee Hemingway floor. In thiS'.poetical overflow th e part of the "play-acting" s mal l times has truly been bored fina n· Lord High Bread Maker writer of t hi s a rti cle, a lad who bJy. The moonbeam fairi es under cia ll y and other wise, but in some Clyde Ivers never played a game of basket bal l, the direction of Josephine Gavi n way m anaged to keep the institu- ' Lord Hi g h Throne wants to men t ion in a mild way added greatly to the arti stic value ti on goi ng with more u ps than Andrew Rader that Aub urn, that fair city , has of the play. downs . Li ttle F lower Girls H elen Meek t wo basket ball tea ms wh ich she The flu s i tuation convinced every Alee Hesselt ine calls the first and second teams; Art Club Rec~ption. one of the necessity of having a Katherine Landolt these said two teams respectively For fifteen years or more the school in firma ry. Th e little cot· Marie Hesselttne. an nual reception of the Fortni g h tly won games from our first team and ta ge was forsaken for a modern Accompanist Lenora Wing h t e nin th g rade rs. Art Club has bee n one of the very . up-to·date building. Adder! supVery r espectfully you rs, enjoyable socia l functions of th e ort has been fret>ly g iven by the Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Party. b R P Wiley Ji tcom ames. community. The recep ti on g iven Miss Hanthorn enter ta ined the P . S. - The ninth grade machine by this club t o their many friends sc hool a uthorities. Not d a death W. J. R. Tuesday eveni ng was no except ion from the fl u has o~c urre among Y. W. C. A. cabinet mem bers last struck i ts first rock. t he s tude nts, notwithsta nding the Mond ay evening. A very delightful --- - - - - to the rule. Mrs. Montgomery, of large number s ick. There were lunch was served in a most artistic Beat Brownville H. S. Stella, who is here with a fi ne infirm· manner. An enter ta ini ng social T he Brownvil le high school sent · exhibit of pottery and Japanese nineteen cases at the ary at one time. The flu has hour followed . Miss Teich r endered a t eam of splendid yo ungsters to wares, a nd who is so me thing of an been p ractical ly stamped out in the severa l piano selections-after which Peru, on Tuesday of last week, author ity on pottery, talked on her school, thanks to our infirmary every one assem bled to sing fami l- but _they r a n up agai nst that favorite hobby. A ver y fine musimanagement with its skilled nurse liar songs. Studies soon caJled t he ninth grade machine of ours and cal program was provided by Prof. a nd physicians. conscientious student, however, took t he s hor t end of a 12·20 score. Carlson, Mrs. Priel and Mrs. Philip Does it pay t o have an infirmary ? and each respond ed, voting Miss The Brownville boys played a clean Rouse. The rest of the even ing Reaa the following: Hanthorn a charming hostess. fast game. was spent in enjoying t he fine
March 2 1, .Junior SPnior banquet. Calendar. B dget h THE PERU NORMALITE 'Ihe leading educator~ of t e March 22 - Movie, u · United States pledgeri thelrsupoort Regular events: March 27-Steckelberg Concert, Gntcrrd at tb~ l'm:tofficc fi t Peru, Ne.' to th e th rift ed ucation movement Weekly. . :O O. '! B ud get. . . h mska as second cl a ss ouuttc r. I of the United S ta tes Treasury on Mondays,-Chorus, 5.20 t 0 6 -March ·28-Ph-llonra-:r:he~n Pa.~. l>ubllshed Weekly by the Peru State Normal February ~8, when t he department Bovs' Glee Cloh. 7 :00 --· --7 5 0 cts. per yea r. Single copy 5 cts of superintendence of the National Tuesdays,-B;ys' Glee Club, :OO Miss Dewey, of the trainer facEducation Association in session at Wednedays-Chorus, 5:20 ulty, was called to her home at Chicago adopted the following O r chestra, 7:00 to 7: 45 · Janesvill e , Iowa, on account of t~e resolution: Boys' Glee Club, 7 :OO serious illness of her father. It I S "As essenti al to character forThursdays- Boys' Glee, CI u b 7 :OO reported that he cannot r e cove r· mati on, to the we lfare of 'lhe Barid, 7:00-7:45. 1
Peru State Bank
American people. and to the pro· ! Friday-Boys' Glee Club, 7 :00 motion of a nationa l hab it. we Bi-weekly : urge that the nationa l pr ogr am of Friday-l 'hilo mathean, Til E EDITO RIAL STAFF-~ ECCI S il S IUIESThR t hrift instrUCtiOn, and the sale of MonthJ.y ; Editor in-L_hicf Thrift and War Saving Stamps lRt Tuesday, G1rls' meet 11:30. Edna Salzmann . Edward :vtatt-jovsky A~ snciatc Erl~ tor become a permanent part of the 1st Wed'y Dramatic Clu b, 8:00. Cecilia Peterson Assoc-Ia te Erlttor bl' h 00 1 d e We ! .' y W C A Ken Laurence Rnuse . Busi nc,;~ 1\lanagcr pu I C sc proce ~r · 1s t Saturday, · · · · . -I N- - Raym nnd Huffer . ,\ ~s t Rus!ness :\1:gr reco:nmend that~ commltt.ee ~f the 1 sinj!ton. 1 _ r\sSl Ruslnt·ss :\1 gr Nat10nal EdncatJOn.A ssoclatiOn he ,. 1st Saturday, .1, U. G. Meeting. Emma Woodie named to co-oper ate with the savSpecia l Events. llEPOilTJI"r. s T""'' h r D ing-s division of t e ' r easury e- M h 14 _Phi lomathean (Jpen Ses Eth<·l Anderson. Claude lven< . . . a rc partment in push10g a campa1gn 10 H clcn Lawrence Betty Lauman sion . all state school systems." Phone 25 Grace Little LeNora Snyder March 15- Movies, Budget. Phone 25 --------------------~=== 1 Mar ch 19-Boys' Glee Club Concert W. W. MARDIS When America entered t he war J Selection of T extbooks . a g r oup of officers of t he America n 1 By Dr. G. C. Cast. Groceries, Furni s hing Good s , M e n' s and B oys' Shoes Psychological Associati on got .to- j Persons choosing textbooks get her to see wha t th e psycho logists shou ld know as defin ite ly as possi Our Leaders: Val ley Lilly Ftour, could: do, along with the other pro- ble not onl y the character of the I Barring ton Hall Coffee f essiona l and business a nd trade books they ~re selecting, but al>o Peru Nebraska people, to help wi n the war. Intel- the character, intellectua l equ ipJigence tes ting a nd achi evement ment. and professional training of 1st door south Peru State Bank t esting had been in vog ue for some the teachers who are to use them. ye~rs, and i_t occurred to the Associ- Furthermo~e, they shoul d know 1 at10 n offic1als that here was the and taKe into careful considerati on 1 pschologis ts' opportuni ty. The pro- ! the condi ti ons under which the posal to work out a set of tests was teachers must use these booY.s, la id before the army ofllcia ls, and I whe ther in large or small classes 1 fortunately these we r e open minded and whether th e teachers a re I im eno ugh to give t_he matte1: a tri a l. j ited to one or two subjects which The Matc:rial in Our Ynur Frien dship The outcome, as 1s nnw un,versall y they have thoroly mastered. or are admitted·, was one of the greatest obliged to teach a large number of Appreciated. sing le contributi ons to a rapid · subjects none of -...~ hi ch they have wirrning of the war. mas ter ed sufficiently to be able to From th ese beginnings we may I be independent of the textbook. no w confiden tly look forward to a Elementary School J ournal. Made to Measure Suit SrUDENTS w ide utilization of the sys tem of intelligence testing no t only in the Are guaranteed strictly a ll wool When you neen Cutlery, F la 5hlight schools, (our form er Professor Y. '~'.C. A . Notes S f b 'f . J 1arge a t ten d ance was presen t cores o. eaut1 ul a ll woo l pat - · A Lefler now gl. ves a large part of his h. Battehries or · . . · t h y w C A t' S d I terns t o p1ck from. nyt m g in t e Hardware iine . t1me to th1s work 10 th e Lincoln a t e · · · · mee 10g un ay 1 . .., . schools), but in the businessand , afternonn. Mi ss Bolland, foreigniTwo-Ple: e Sult~ .. ..... .. . ..... $2 1.50 Ctlll In . 1 . . · 10 t t' Three-P1 ece Su1ts 24 50 employ mg world gene rally. The I m1ss1onary, gave a very eres JO g a nd you w ill a l ways find a fu ll li ne most r ecent anouncement of s ig- ! ta lk on her wor l{ in India. She SPECIAL ! at nificance is t hat beog in ni ng next ' told about the m ~ ss i on sch ools See our big a ssortment of s uitings 1 September , Columbi a Uni versity t here, and s howed p1ctures of sev- made to ord er ell:. Mackpranu.'~ Hardware wil l select its freshmen on the basis eral students in these schools. She I at .......... .......... ..... 111..p of inte lligence tests a nd not on also r ead letters she had r eceived examinations of prior cr edit at a ll. from some of th eRe s turients since We predict that in a very few her r eturn to the U. S. , six years S tands for the best in years every city !'chnol of any ago. Her ta lk was g r eatly enjoyed toil et preparations . s ize wil l employ a psy ch ologist to by a ll, a nd eoveryone went away Face Cream Face Powd er t est pupi ls and that everv prog res- feeling as t ho this had been one 1 T a lcum Pow d e r sive coun_ty wi ll do a like th ing for l of th e bes t ~ eetings of t he year.
A Good Bank
A Good Town
When Down Town Give us a Call
Redfern & Ellenberger
the pupils of th P. rura l schools. The s pec1al mu Ric for Sunday' s Big things ar e com ing. Why not meetin~ was a voca l duet by Mi ss get r ead y for som e of t hem? 1 Williams and Miss Bath.
J. A. CEJKA, Tailor and Cleaner
Hair Tonics , e tc.
Fisher Bros. Dru~gists
Mandclson & Kennedy Nebraska City
The most complete stock of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear in the City
At Popular Prices
New Goods in Shoe Line are now in
Come in and see thetn· • •
• •
M. E. Go·oo I
HAVE YOUR in Nebraksa City, but cha nged thei r minds and spen t the day in Laundry Work done the depot. We wond er why? at the Lost.-Somewhere between rooms I1 45 and 48, a key to the former . 1 Nebraska City Laundry Lost: A rocking chair . Fi nder OTIS GREGG . Agent return t o junior class president. ph 1 ..one 79
You'll Like the New
Dr sses We di~play
Strayed: Pete Snyder. F inder 1 B k t t K " ' B b Shop please return t o dorm and receive as e a mg s ar er Collected Mondays reward. Delivered Fridays Senior Notes The Per uvian staff is to be con- , grat ulated on the pr ogress they have made in t he prepara ti on of this year 's book. All t he eng ravOr ing ma ter ial wil l be in the hands of the engravers on or befor e t he buy chocolate attd 25th of t his month . This is unusually early to have t he heaviest Bon Botts part of t he work out of the wav at a nd it is a g0od example of what persistence wil l do . • We were delig htfully enter tai ned at class cha pel by t hree membrse A VE N UE STORE of t he juni or class. Misses Jr ma Wilson and Nettie McCarroll sang Fountai n Pens, Fine Stationery, for us, and Miss Dorot hy Koon Christmas Cards gave a r ead ing. At t he close of the program the Satisf ying Chr istmas Gifts impor tant basket ball game for See us for your Confectionery and Monday night was d iscussed. Lunch Goods Mary Mutz and Minnie Meissner H.U.LANDOLT were chosen yell leaders for the occasion.
e a ch new frock when Betty
W al e s t·ele a ... es
it a ttd so keep our
fres h a nd intere~ting ;\smartly tailored Serge or if you prefer a ette.
flowered Georg-
W "lles al w a) s
Wessel's Sons & Co. Nebraska Cit.}' , Nebr.
their "good ness Sake"
Barnes' Pharmacy
U. G. Notes. The regular meeting of the J . U . G. Club was held i n the Dra ma tic Club ha ll last Satur day nig ht . T he usua l g ood t ime was had by ever y one and in addit ion we had t he fun of in itiat ing sever a l new members. They "rode the g oat" not without diffirultv , but fi nal ly gained the ir r ecog ni t ion in our mi dst. They were Mi sses Amende, McN iff ,
Mt V ernon Notes. We are g lad t o have Lela Hazzard back in schoo l aagin. T he inhabitants of t he dorm wi t nessed a ver y sad accident Sat · urday morning when B uster was fatally inj ured in an a uto ·acc ident. Fern F erree spent t he week end at the home of Netti e McCarroll.
Things have certainly come down s ince the armis ti ce was signed, Bath, Sick, Cla r k, H eming way, especi a lly the d1 sh es in the dining Vastine and Dauphin. We a re very g lad to have these capabl e ro<,m. Just wher e is Koon ' s Kanass girls in our club and insure them a City, Nebraska loca ted "? good t ime. M i ~s Cleland, as president of t he We a lso p ut Mi ss Pa lmer t hru local Ar t Clu b, has been very busy the more formal a nd official initia this week wit h t he art exhib it. tion of t he cl ub. Helen Ta ylor gave a del igh tful Miss Toft took charge of t he Saturday night at eleven, luncheon chafing di sh refreshm ent s whi ch followed hy a slu mber party. were enjoyed by a ll. . Favori te quotati on : " Have ynu Fleishman we n t to Lmcoln , / " t o eat in yo ur roo m ?" Miss .. . . a ny t h mg Foaay, t o see her s1s t er -m 1aw l h Th . . h . h Ethel And erso n wen t orne ursb who JS 1n a oSpJ ta 1 t ere. da y to see he r mother who has een The Fi sher -ho use g irls spent ~ s er iously i II the fast t wo weeks. Saturday and Sunday at home last Fay P opplewell a nd T ill ie Sa lz ma n week. \ have bee n tak ing a vacati on a t the
E. w. Marcellus, class of '05, is SAY IT WITH FLOWERS now executi ve secretary of the The 3:20 trai n gets t o Illinois branch of t he League t o Peru at 7:28 Enfor ce Peace. FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE Prof . F . C. Sm ith, whose address - - TIME - is A. P. 0. 759, writes tha t he expects to retur n to the Sta tes in CHAPIN BROS. May . He i ~ still very busy with his Phone B2234 Lincoln, Nebr. wor k.
! _ ___________.
TEACHERS WANTED Changed Hands For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teach- I have hought the Marsh ers for next year A MAXIMUM meat mat·ket and will OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM OF appreciate y our patron· COMMISSION RATE Commission 4 per cent Territory. central and age. A complete stock of western &tates. Write today for l fresh attd cured tneats
Iat all time~.
Miss Alma Gr iffi n has been el ect- ~ infir mary. blanks. e~ as the th ird me m ber of our Ma rgaret Albert and Helen Wil-
! Iiams
counci l.
intended to spend Satur rlay
--------------~.- 1 ------~--------
RP.member when in Nebraska Y our frien d s City it is only On e B lOck North OF THE
anythin g
ca n
you could
give th e m . except
j ewel ry,
Spectacals and F ountain Pens Sold aud Repaired
Lunc h or Peru, Nebr .
Citizens STATE ::BANK
Philo and Seal Pins
--··- --
An old reliable bank with
S p le n did Mea l
Stationery and School Si1pplics
A Goo d
W atch ~s.
J. C. CHATELAIN, Reliable J eweler
Peru, Nebr. ·
assets of over
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY, Did yo u evP.r have a teacher who wore~ cha in or locket around her neck and who persistently "fidd led" wit h the centra l piece I attached t o t he cha in or locket? J And di d you so me t imes >peak of ; your teacher a s hav ing a ha bit of j a lways fi ngerin g her neC'k or nament? And d id you PVer discover that by appr oaching your teacher 1 in a certain way you cou ld get a . d ubious req uest g ran t1-d? If you ft aVe dn ne t hese and Otllt'r thingS I like t hem, you are alr1-a dy some· t hi ng of a psycholog ist. Indeed, psychology is not the fo r midable and abstruse subj ect it is someti mes suposed to be. On the contrary, it concer ns itself wit h t he answers to two quest ions that bother Every huma n being, name ly: Why do f olks do what they do '! anrl How get f olks
PSYCHOLOGY L ABO RATOR Y. P ER U STATE N ORMAL SCH OOL to do wha t on e wa nts t hem to do? reve a l. P:<yc ho logy will ~oint t he T his a t le::tst is the modern con- way that leads to these t hmgs, b~t ce pti on a s to wha t psycholog y is. t he j ounr ey mu,.t be traversed m Of co ur ~e. if yo n bt>l i eve i r. t he e ve r y instance. . mystic " s ubcon!'ci ou s," or in thot 1 Despi te th ese w or d s of caut1 on transf erence, or in te lepathy a nd j a s to w hat is n ot to he e x pect ed ki nd red f unctions of the imag ina- j of t h e nobles t an~ mo~t ancien.t of ti on, then cer ta inl y psych o logy is sciences . there IS s t ill su ffi c1 ent somethi ng qu it e t ra nscende n ta l an d r e wa rd in th e purs uit of t he sub1 impene tra ble. Be this a s it may, ject to ma ke it e x t r e me ly wo r th psvchology has enoug h i n i t t hat is while f or e ve ry one to purs ue. pr actica l t o j us tify its pursuit by Wi lson ia n dipl o m acy, s u b~ta nti a l every one who has i ntt>r est in hu- me n t a l h ealing, su ccessfn l ad ver t isman affairs or w ho n ecessarily i.ng, e ffici ent ch nrc h a nd scho.; l comes into socia l con tac ts . / ma nage me nt, f el icitous f el lowsh ip If one g e ts th is vi e wpoi nt of w ith one's n e ig hbor s a nd fri ends, what psycho logy is, one can r ea d ily ; are thin gs psychology can e x p lain enoug h under tsand w hat peop le and a d vance . It m a y h e lp al l and mean by t he p sychology of sal es- i nj u r e none . Sure ly t he knowledge manship, of ad verti s ing. of fashi on, .: of it is a valua b le e duca t iona l of pub li c speaking, of sc hoo l ma n- ; as,:et. age men t , of courtin g . of an ything ; Th e c u t app Pa r i ng on t h is page you p lease in wh ich peopl e ' s be- ' g ive s a g lim pse i nto t he psychoha vi or is to he a ccounted f or or logical lect ure ro om of the Per u contr olecl thrn influence. A gl a n ce S tale Norm::t l. Fe w s tate n or ma ls t hru t he m<~gaz i ne a d verti seme nts or col leges in Amer ica are so we ll wi ll show the wide fi eld i n whic h prepared to pre:;e n t th e: s u b j ect of 1 psyc hology has come t o have a p - I psycholo!!Y a s i;; Pe r u, so far a s 1
Dress es
The.v h a ve ju s t arrived and y ou will be as pleased as we w ere when we saw them Th e suits are s hown in the new box effect and Ru ss i a n blou s e models, which are s o popu1 a r n o w. a nd the others in the regula· .. ti o n belted style :
Priced $ 22.50 to $50 .00 The c oa t s a r e fa s hon e d from t h e new spring fa brics . Ma n y ar~ !-o h nwn in the Cape aud Dolma n e ffe c ts .
Priced $12.50 to $40.00 Dre sses for ever y occas ion
P riced $ 15.00 to $60.00
Glcvcland Stores E v .er~~ thing
for Everybody at the ri g ht price
~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 p lica ti on.
· j a ppa ra tus a nd con veni e nce s ar e " SAY IT WlTH PLOWERS THE F A y I In al l fa irness it oug ht t o to be concern ed . One of t he m ost recen t isai d tha t not a ll tha t is promised a ddi t ions in t h e way o f ap paratus 1 is th e p lace to get 1 ~or t he s ubj ect ca n be ach iev ed . d oes n ot app ear in th e pi cture. I t Fresh cut flowers for every j Y OU cannot b e ma d e miracul ou s ly lS a. fi ne new mode l of the huma n 0t r1n S occasion in appropriate arrange- i of all kinds to take on a phe nomena l memo r y hra 1n ord ered fr om P aris two ments-·Our lea din~ specialty at We a lso have even th o ther e a r e some helps tha~ ! years a g-o , an d only r e leased s ince psychology ca n offer. N or can you, i the ar m i!'ti ce was s ig n e d . It was all Seasons of the year. by t he a ppli cati on of an easy ! secu r ed a t a cost of $90. Th is G. E. BERTHOLD At a ll times f ormu la , ge t an iron wil l that with th e oth er m ode ls an d tea ch~ " T he F lorist" p ...:: . enab les yo u to bring a nyth ing t o ing de vi ces , hr ings t he :sch oo l ri g ht rompt ue r v tce pass your fa ncy d icta tes. Wi ll is a up t o d ate in thi s fi e ld . Nebraska City, Nebr. Gnod E a t s matter of sl ow growt h, a nd while I G - - -.t b d . ood A ddress at Y M t 1 may e a vanta gJO us ly directed , At th y . . , lOS it cannot be suddenly e ndowed wi t h da e · M:. C. A . meetmg Sun FOUNDED 1893 undreamed potential ity. H ealth y , Dr . HaraJ Jan gave an exc~p1 A. M. M. DORNON, Manoger wea lt h, a nd happ iness are t he m ost' a ldy ~nelkadd r.ess ~n t he Arme n ia n . . ht 0 f n ua a n SJtua tJOns A f II The :nost Wld.ely patr om zed, b:cause the most :el !a~le ~eacher'R soug .a ll human objecti ves, I count of this ti · ~ a cAgency m the M1dd le West . Ter r1tor y f rom the MJ ssJsSJPPJ river to but t here JS n o " open sesa me" t 0 . m~ly t a lk w lll ap Pa .!ific Coast. F lynn Bldg, Des Moines, Iowa. t hese t h ings t h t . pear. m t he nex t 1ssue of the Nor a psychJC secre ts ma h t e.
d · k
Ice Cream
Sa b
- - - - -- - - --
Annttal Concert===Mens' Glee Club S pecial Numbers by Prof. Carlso:n9
~ iss
Dunn and
Mr. Hemingway
\Vednesday, March 19, 8:15 p. m. Norma Chapel GIRLS' BA SKET BALL GA M E. Monday was a day of pl ot a nd co n ~ p i r acv f or th e juni or and senio r classes . By e vening t he excite men t had gro wn to such a d ~ gree t ha t i t w<:~s tra nsm i t ted to eve ryone abo ut t he campus. T he air seemed fi lled wit h pent up energ y. Duri ng I t he co urse of the eve ning . how- / e ver , suffi cit> nt ca use was gi v""n fo r t hi s t o burst f orth i n to fu r ious yell i ng and singing . Th ~ same sp ir i t had ta ke n strong I hol d nn t he gi rl s al so as th e re wa~ nn pa use in th ei r vigorous ac t ion 1 t hru o u t th e e nr ire g a me . The 1 sPn ior s co u ld we ll b~> pr oud of t he ,· work of thei r team . Goals were th rown by Ma rga re t Alber t, L illian f Brooke r. Dori s Frye a nd Lenora . Snyder, b ut on ly t h r u t ht- cl ose co- l operati on of the rr~t of th e tea m 1 was th is ach ieved . The juni ors / fo un d H t-len Will ia ms and Grace I Blough very a le rt and s ucct>ss fu l l as oppo nen ts. T he game was played I so fa ·t and wt-11 tha t to th e on look- \ e rs it seemed it had sca rcely be,! un whe n th e in ter es t ing scor e was ' an nou nced of 14 to 21 in favor of t he se ni ors. It was one of t he be~t basket bal l ga mes of t h e seaso n. .Everyon e was fu ll of en t husi asm -some too fu ll . N e ve r th e less, both cl<:~sses sho wed fi ne class sp irit. I
A dmission---Budset Ticket or 25c
!!1"-- -IDIII-------
tRN• ••
Am ong th e new f orwa rd -loo king · move me nts of the Peru Sta te Nor 1 ma l, not t he least importa nt , an d One day u nt iring Science, t readi ng slo w by no means t he least democr a t ic, The n arrow shores of Trut h' s u nbounded sea, is t he ne w stud en t associat i on, th e A crysta l f ou nd , and g a ve it un to man . Gi r ls' Club. H is pup il. He in su n adm ir ing i t, The or ga n iza t ion g r e w ou t of Was g lad, fo r lo! the ilg ht in f r ag me nts la y a suggestion of M iss Ell is in one of Fu ll matching , hue by hue the arc h which God th e g ir ls' m ee tin ~I lasst fa ll, t ha t H nth hung in s tor m- tossed skies, as earn est sure Of cha ngeleFs purpose no t to wh elm th e wo rl rl th e di ffe r e n t g r ou ps of g irl s in the !schoo l com m uni ty f orm local organAgai n wi t h floods, as in th e days Mo ld . iza ti ons to fu r t her social life am ong The n thou dids t come, as did th e Afri t huge I In Ar ab ta le, the mi ghti est spi r i t of g r ea t th e membe rs of each g r ou p and to I c reate a nd co nser ve student pub li c Accomp lishm e nt vouch:>a fed to ma n h is will op ini on. The J. U . G. and t he To d .1. T nou s hewcs t why both star and flower va r io us la r ge rooming house organ And sky a nd fid d t heir tho u ~hnd - tint ed r obes iza ti ons r esulted . Dis play, and why th e gem its bea u ty wears , The in mos t s·ecre ts of t he eleme nts. T hi s proved so satisfactor y t hat a la r ge r associ a t ion t ha t shoul d Thru th ee ar e traced in earth a nd di stant star; include all th e gi r ls of the No r ma l T he mys tic dance of ions s ta nds r evealed ; was co nceived , and accord ing ly And e ' e n t h ' a maz i ng flight of unl eashed sun t he pr esent Girl s' Club has bee n Or uni ve rse a t h wa rt t h' e ter n iti es, f orm ed . Th e me teor' s fla !'h a nd come t' s dash a r e t imed I The p u rpose, <J S stated in t h e B y th ee. Thou leadest ma n to manger ed sta r , constituti on, is : " To f urther in Close wrapped in ne bulous swad ling c lothes, a nd ne w every way the spiri t of socia l uni ty Born ele me nt, juts trava il ed by r a di o-for ce. am ong t he g ir ls o f t he N orma l Tho u know'st t he hi dden pa t hs oi bi na r y .;tars, School ; to i nc rease t he sense of T he ceaseless whir l of undrea med wor ld s. t he forge r espon!li bi litv toward t he schoo l Whe re heave nly sp he res a r e wro ug ht, a nd pigmy ma n and towar d eac h ot he r , a nd to be a Thru th ee may see and g rasp th ' i nfin it ies. med ium by wh ic h the soc ia l sta nd The rt>'s nau g ht too hi g h a nd na ugh r too low; the nt-a r ards of t he N or mal ca n be made A nd fa r a re alike to t hee Tho cha ined to ea rth a nd ke pt h irsh " Is p r iso ned fl esh, t he m1nd of ma n may r oa m All gi rl s of t he N or ma l School With th ee thru heig hts of H ea ve n a nd net he r d t- pt bs. fr om prepara to r ies a nd specials to J e ho\'a h d ot h r e veal th r u 1bee his deed s Phvsical T r ain ing Exhibition. g radua tes inclusive, a r e a u tomati cAn d pla ns . And now a hid e t h Mi croscope Th e excellent exh ibi t ion of th e • a ll y me mb ers upon r egis tra t ion. And Tele.;cope, a nd th ou, 0 Spect roscopephysi ca l tra ini ng departmen t was T he Roo mi ng H ouse Clubs, t he These th ree g r eat servi tor s of th ot a nd ma n opened by th e a ppeara nce of two Ho me Gi r ls, the me mbers of Mt . But th ou art g r eatl•st of th e~e sp i ri ts t hree . ch il dre n d ressed In juni or co lor s Ver non H a ll , a nd th e J . U . G.' s, Wilbur F . H oy t, who represen ted the me re in fa ncy Pe ru, Nebras ka . ar e all uni ts in the new club. Each of th e juni or class. Th ey wer e / Publi shed in T he P opu la r As t ro no my , March, 191 9 . of t he above un i ts has i ts r ep resenlater p laced in hi g h chairs whe r e I tat ives i n t he gove rn ing body. they e njoyed tile e nte rt a in men t ' • • c • •These r ep resentat ives toge the r fro m the 1r eleva ted positi ons. 1 • . . . . w it h t he officers of t he clu b, co n The audie nce was g i ve n the ir 1918-'19 Y. W.C.A. Cab10et Enter tams I sever a l bea utiful p ra no selections, sti t ute t he co un ci I. A ll me mbe r s first t rea t in t he fo rm of a Greek L ast Tu esday even ing the old Ia fte r wh ich a da in ty luncheon was on the cou ncil m ust have attai ned 1 da nce. A nu m ber of g irls dressed a nd ne w ca bine ts me t toge th er f o r served. . t he rank of j uni or, sen ior or g radin the g racef u l Gr ee k costumes di d a jo int busi ness meeting . Bef or e Two Days' V acation. uate. T he dean of women acts as justice to t he sa cri ficia l dance. This t hey adj ou rned M iss Ha n t horn e By a u na n imous vo le of t he fa c· s ponsor , a nd is ex-ofl icio hono ra r y was followed by a n ex hibi tion of a nd the ne w member s were pre- ul ty i t was decided to have Fr iday mem be r of the counc·il. one of th e phys ica l tra in ing class. sented with inv itati ons, r eques ti ng a nd Monday, March 28 to 31 fo r Of course t he me mb ers of th e Only ca ref u l t r a ining on t he p art t he m to spend a soc ia l ho ur at Mt. o ur spri ng vaca ti o n. The whole ne w associat ion are ver y e nthnsi ,f the inst ru ctor a nd close t ho t o n Ve rn on Ha ll, whi c h th ey g lad ly fac ulty will a ttend th e Sout heast- astic. A t t he sa me t ime t hey realthe pa rt of t he g irls co uld have accepted. The t ime was sp ent in- e rn N ebr aska Teache rs ' Associa t ion ize t hat they are to have a la r ge rr•ade possible s uch a n exh ibi t ion. for ma lly and Miss Teic h re nder ed on the :::!8th and 29th of Ma rch . <Co n tl n ucu on 1~ou1·th Pugc. > T O THE SPECTROSCOPE.
M is s H azel Reeve, w_ho has_ been w I lb orn . 1 Ca lenda r . Campus E og l IS l, t.h e gues t of Mi ss H a rn ett Do not say, It looks li ke it would Reg ul a r events : f o r several d ays, r et urn P.d to her Gnt cn:d at t h~ l ' o~toflicc at Peru. Nc( W kl bras ka as s..-cond class n1:tt tcr. r ai n. Say , I t loo ks as if or as ee y . . j ho m e at Co lle.ge Springs, I owa. tho) it woul d r ai n. Mondays - Choru s, 5 :20 to 6 .00. 1 1 Published Weekl y by th e Peru S ta te No rmal ' B . • Gl Cl I' 7 ·00 T uesday · Do not say , You was th e re, or . oys ee u '• · 1 --5 () c l s. per yea r. Sing le copy :1 cts Was you t her e '? Say, You were T uesnays, -Boys ' Glee Club, 7 :00 D ean McProud o f t he Wesleyan t her e, o r Were vou ther e? 1 Wedneday s-Chor us, 5 :20 U n iver .,i t y ga ve a s ho rt talk at Do not sa y, Is th ere a ny mai l f or ; O r che!'tr a. 7: 00 to 7:45 . chape l exe r c ises Mond ay m o rn ing. we girls ? Say, I:> t here any ma il II Boys ' Gl eP Cl u b, 7:00 H e was th e gues t of Prof essor for us gir ls '! Thu rsdays- Boys' G lee , Clu b 7: 0 0 Gregg . Do not say A ny per so n can s ucceed P.a nd , 7 :00-7 :45 .
I __.:______________ peru State Bank
if t hey will . Say , Any one (or Fri day - Boys ' Glee Cl u b, 7 :00 any per son)_ ca n s ucceed if he wi l l. i Bi-weekly: ------- _ · Do not say , I wo uld hav e liked 1 F r ida y- l 'h ilo ma th ea n, 1'111; li~ITO JHAJ. sTA FF-sE<.:~• :-;_u S h~l li~T ~"( (or would l iked) to have g one. Say, Monlhly : Ed na Salzmann · · b ll tor ,n-Liucf 1 I s hould l i ke to ha ve g ont' or ' . 1s t T uesday, G1r ls' m ef:' t 11:3 0. l' k rl ' j Edwa rd .\ ln t•iovsltv A~~oci :o tc Editor h lei h Ceci lia Pct<·~-~~ 11 · A~~oeiat.: Editor s ou a ve 1 e · to g o. l s t Wed' y , Dra matic Club, 8 :0 0. IJ n ~i " ~"~ ;\(a na~~er D o not sa y, 1 object to him be1s t Sa turd ay, Y. W. C. A. K en Lau rence l<o usc 1 Ray mond l lu ni: r -~~s t l ln s in c~s .\l ·gr i ng Lhere . Say , l object to his 1 s ington . - - -- I N - - Emma Woodi.: A~'t U u~i rwss .\1'gr be inoth er e. 1 c d ay , ., 1 "u .G ' g. .., st.,atur . Mee t m HE l'OH T J:o;c. ST AFF Spec ia l Events Ethel Anderso n. Cla ude h ·c rs T J-.e Good Word Boost Ma rch 19-Boys ' Glee Clu b Concert ll cJ,·n Lawrence Dr. Sco tt, head of tn e Eng lish Ma rch 21. .Ju n ior S.- ni nr ha nqu e t. Rctty Lauman LeNora Snyder Gran· l.ittk d epa r tm ent of t he Michig a n U ni- March ::!2 - Movie, Buclge t. 1 Phone 25 Phone 25 i vers i ty , is a s t r ong advoca te of March 27-Steckelbe rg Co ncer t , Mny Festival. 1 Budget . W . W . M A R DI S Wh rnnever we hav e an oppor t u · I g ood sla ng . H e says . t hat unfo r.tu- Ma rch 28- P hi lo ma t hean P a r t y . nate ly al l u naut hon zed words be rng Grocer ies, Furni s hin g Goo ds, Mt:~'!': nity we shou ld spread the g ood . j . 1 c l a ~s 1 fied as " slang , " places so me I a n d Boys' Shoes news t hat once mor e Per u I S to o f our b e~ t wor d s w1· t h th e 1ow an d · Our leaders: Valley Li l ly F lour, have a Fes t i va l of Mus ic. It is j vu 1gar. D r . S co tt m · s1s · t s t ha t 1 onl y a few shor t weeks before the w hen any una u t lwn· zed won 1 ex- 1 Barri ngto n Hall Coffee close o f schoo l and nnw is t he tim e . presses a pure th ot better than any Per u Neb raska f or students and teacher s to begm au t l1on ·ze d worr:1 , t he un aut h on· ze d , 1s t d oo r south Peru State Ban k to • ma ke• a co ll ec ti on of names of s hou ld be use d . • • 1 f nenrls mter es ted m mus tc, so as H d h d to have th ese na mes r ead y f or Or. e use t ef wor 'd' boost" as I one exa mp 1e o a war once un- 1 . h 11 H ·ouse when 1 . . he is r eady to ~e n d au th on.zec1 (a sang wor d) w h tc ab road .h1s li ter ature adver t is ing , 1s . no w use d b y a II o f our bes t th P. F•es t tva.1 11 v .tn. le, up -to-date wri ter s. Word has bP.en passed a round for 1 It is tr~e we s~.o~ld not..use the
A Good Ban k
A G·ood T o wn
I l
boos t t he man, when some t i me t hat Per u was to be on phrase, t he new s tate hi g hway which is he · we mea n " encourage the ma n. " ing provided for in t he p lans now But when we mean to get back of befor e th e legis lat ure . It was a movemen t a nd help "push i t : learned au th oriti ve ly thi~ week ho w- alo ng , " use that good Amer ican ~ ver , that t he !' tate eng 1nee r has word "boos t. " m cluded P eru in hi s offi~ i al plans I f or these r oads. The select ion of : The F irst Donation, th e r ou te which th e spu r connect- I The Per u pu b lic school was the ! ing us with t he Ne bras ka City- · fi rst ~ch oo l of the county to con- i Auhur n rou te shou ld take was left t ribute to t he fu nd to b ui ld a sold· t o th e co un cy co mmissioner s, who iers' memor ia l monumen t . T he esta bl isheri it on the li ne leadi ng s um of ten do ll ars has heen sent in so uth a nd west f rom th e Nor ma l by t hi s school. Co unty Sun e r i n- ~ t hat be in g a m or e wor kab le rout~ tendent Anderson has appea led to t han t he one direc t ly wes t nf town_ Ja il t heschoo ls to he lp i n t his move- ! This r oad has been pla t ted by t he I men t and th e earl y r espo nge of t he . ' sta te eng ineer, and wi II be g rad ed : Per u scho~l is much app rec ia ted. ~ and s urfact>d just t he sa me as th e Aubu r n Her a ld. othe r s ta te r oarls. Pt>ru wi ll t hus j . . . Smar tl y T a i lu• S uit!', benefi t b y t his sta te project as we ll , Fn end_s h JP cl:ee rs h ke a s ~nbea m, Cna t S a 1l d ~ k i ,. t ~ as t he other s tat e i n• t itut inn!'; an.d charm s h ke a goo n sto ry, mspires The season's Ne wes t F ·h· ~ -· J'k b . . IM t . I . as Jong anrl w ill have a goort road, mai ntained 1 e a r ave leadl'r, btnds ltke . a e_n a s 10 A ll S had es are OffePd a go lden cha 10 · ' d . l'k 10 H1 g h Gr ade G . · e by the s ta te co nnecting wi t h t he • g ul es t e a · a J me nts . . . . state hig hway system whi ch will ' he_av_enl y v ision.-Newcll D wig ht See ou r Line before yuu decide ' · I H Jl li s· on your Spring 6 enable a u tomob il ists to r each Peru I u rmen t
W h en D o wn Town Give us a can A pp r ecia ted.
Redfern & Ellenberger
Spring & Summ er ()PEN ( G
Whe n yo u nee n Cut le r y, Flashli ght Batteri l's or An y thing i n t.he Ha r ~ware ' i ine
Call In and you w i ll a l ways fi n d a fu ll line
Muc a. p ra n~' s H a r dwa r e
an~ t~e P om te1.
Nor ma l
r eadi ly.- P eru l
Norm a l school bill fo r a mi ll levy 1s t h ru th e L l'g isla ture.
Mandclson & Kennedy Nebraska City
J. A. CEJ I{ A Tail or
and Cleaner
St an d s f u r t he best i n t oi le t p t·epaqt t iuns Face C r eam
Face Puwcier
Talcum Powder H a ir T on ics, etc.
Fisher Bros . Dr· u szg i~ ts
T he most com 1 p ~te stock of Ladies' R eady-to-Wear i n t h e Ci t y
At P opular Prices
- - - - - - - M. E. GOOD
New Goods in Shoe Line are now in Come in and see thean
Y. M C. A. Notes.
HAVE YOUR aim of the League of Nations i5; to I deci:;ion was appr oved b y a ll. All \ At theY. M. Sunday March 9 Dr. let tht:! n ati ons manage t h eir gov- 1p la ns for th e banque t are progressLHundry Work done Haraji an spoke on Mohammt:!dan ism ernmen t and commerce und e r thej ing smoot hl y, due lo the w il l ing at the and the probl ems of th e wor ld gu idance of t he g rea t nations of competent leade r ship of the several undP.r the various t itl es such as : t he world . committees. Nebraska City Laundry Near East; Maceclonian ques t ion·, After t he dist:ussion t h e r egular OT 1S GREGG Age nt ' ' · ess meetmg · Chapel Events. Balkan question; S ick Ma n of mem hers h e ld a b usm ,.. purpo~e of e lect,· ng cab,· net The chatJel comm ittee were Phone 79 for th Em·ope, etc. As As ia Mi nor is at " • c the junction of t hree continen ts, officers f<~r the next yE>ar. The fol - fortunate in securi ng for our en- Basket at King's Barber Shop · ffi 1 t d f the t ertainment last Wed nesday fo ur of i Armenia is at th e pinnacle and 10 w mg 0 cers were e ec e or C.ol lected Mondays first semes ter: Presid t> nt, Wm. our talented people . Miss Alma obviously is t h e scene of th e greatDelivered Fridays Thomas; v ice presi d ent, Ler oy Wi lson, accompa n ied by Miss est str ife of cus to m~. r elig ion, and S haner; secretaty and treasurer, Flossie H apke on the P i a no sang civilization. Ca n · c i vilizatio n be Richard Overholt; chairman of "Seren ade" by Tols toi and for her lost? Dr. Harajian explat ned this athletic and socia l committee, encore " F'iddle a nd I." Mrs. Phil exceptional ly we ll. An object lesso n Law e Ro I a· man of Rouse, accompanied by Professor . r nee use; c 1 1r may be taken from t he fall of the ~ p e l t am and B1"ble stud" Carlson played two p leasing seleccivil ization of Egypt: that of Go" e J L R M" ll ti ons on th_ e_ violin. 1 Europe after the fa ll of Rome, groups , e oy er. _ _ __ _ buy chocohtte and which in th ose da.v s of th e Da rk There is s til l a minority of t he Philomathean. Bon Bons Ages sank exceed ing ly low. And Y. M. C. A. member s who are not The operetta, 'T' he Bel les of Folthen w hat a narr ow escape t he present at th e Thursday Bibl e de-Ro l, " g i ven by th e P hilomathat wor ld had jus. r ecen tly. Tribute study. Let's all come out arid have eail Society last Friday evening , mus t be pa id to the some how d e- the opi ni ons of al l the boys when I proved to be the Phi lomathean h it spi se d Ba tka n S tates who s tem med we have a debate. of the:season . the third invasio n of Europe from vr A N The stage was very artisti cal ly A. VENUE STORE Y. 'w , C. . otes . the turks dur ing th e Rennaissance. Installat i on services were con- , d ecorated in hearts, bel ls and Fountain Pens, Fine Stationery, Dr. Harajian sa id most emphati- duted March 10 a nd the work was cupids. 3 The Lady Bell e and her Christmas Cards cally that if it were not for t he turned over to the n ew cabinet. six charmin g claughters, the Ki ng fie rce resistance-reg-ardless of t he M i£s Clark and M isR Bronso n of Bachelorium and attendants were Sat isfy ing Christm as Gifts cost of human life-of these gal- gave inspi ring ta lks upon the work c_?stumed .in ~~eping :v i !~ _the_p lay: See us for your Confectionery and lant Balkan states, Europe wo uld of t h e Y. W. C. A. from the stand- / ;;Thei_r- song~ a_nd_ dane.:_.~ exhibited Lunch Guods have been Moham medan today. point of t hose who have been asso- their wonderfu l abi l ity along this He c losed Jeavtng u s wit h a ciated with th e organization for a line . . H. U . LANDOLT wider v iew of t he problems of to- 1 number of years. Mi ss Hanthorne ~ The splend id r e nderin g of the
For their ''goodness Sake"
Barnes' Pharmacy
day. " T ho th e m ill~ of God gr ind 1 was Aowe rgir l a nd d istr ibuted / operetta is du e to the un tir ir.g slow, t h ey grind exceed ing fi n e. d affod ils to the o ld a nd th e ne w . efforts of Miss Burley, t he sponsor Some day treache ry a nd selfishness cabinets, and to Miss Clar k and I of the societ.v. _
T he 3:20 train gets to sha ll be paid for." Th is is the ' Miss Branson. Miss Williams and Koon, standing in t he dorm lobby Per u at 7:28 thot that he left with n s : That M" M · d t . . . . . 1ss e1ssner sang a ue . and -s 1g htmg Mackprang com m g THE the gr~at ~owers ~f _Europe pai_d \ The leaders for March 24 a r e to h is beloved, remarked, "That FRESH FLOWERS ALL for the n· se lfish amb1t10ns and their Miss Brooker and Mi ss Adams • The 1sn . 't mme. . , - TIME - • · 1 injustice when they failed to ac- topic, "H uman St1 e ngth Plus," knowledge the work of t he s mall promises inspiration for all. M iss Anna Jean Kelly: "What do CHAPIN BROS.. Near East nations in th e ir effo rt . Wi lson has promi sed to s ing for Igirl s do when the e lectric lig hts go L incoln, Nebr. for justi ce befo r e God. j thi s service. out?" Rowe na Beck: "I d on't Phone B2234 Professor Brown was our leader N know. " Anna J ea n : "Turn on I - - - - - -- - - - - -- 1 Junwr otes. the Normalite." Changed Hand s for the regular Y. M. C. A. Sun - ; The junior s were e nterta ined _ ·---day meeti ng. The top ic d~s~uss~d Thnrsday with a voca l so lo by TEACHERS WANTED I have hought the Marsh was "Land, Labor, and Re llg ron rn Florence Hapke, accompan ied by m e at market at1d will the New Afr ica." Mr. Brown y,·vJ·an Te i ch. After two songs For all dep artme nts of sch ool work. . h School officials ar e electin 2" n ow. appreciate your pa tt·on· gave _us many points of wh 1c we by the who le class, t he bus iness 1 IM M I Maximumof Service at aM N U • A. complete stock of had never dreame d · : m eeting wa:> held. It was deci ded COMMISSION RATE Commission ! tlge. Africa be in g occup ied hy th e that eac h wi lling and unattached 4 percent. Write for Literature today fresh and cured meats strongest European Nations, brings juni or shoulcl t ke upon h imse lf at all ti mes. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY for th the serious quest i on as to the agre2ab le task of entertaining EARL COULTER. Cedar Ra pids, Iowa. how to take care of Afr i ca. The one s enior at t he banquet. This
RP.membe r when in Nebras ka Your friend~ can City it is only
One 8
i O~ k
anythi11g } ' OU cou ld g ive them except )OUt"
, Spectacals and Fountain Pens
Sold aud Repa ired :·~
A Good Lunch or Splendid Meal
Stationery and School Supplies
Ph ilo a nd Sea l Pin s ; AT
J. C. CHATELAIN, Reliable J ewele r
Peru, Nebr.
Citizens STATE •• •• BANK
An old reliable bank with assets of over
Ther have just arrived' and you ·will be a~ pleased as we wer· e when we saw thetn The s u i t s a,-e ~ h own i n t h e n t! w b n x e ff c t and Ru~~dtln blou!-le model s , which e:u·e s o popuhtr now. and the others in the regulation belted !'- ty le
Priced $22.50 to $ 50.00 The coats at·e fashoned fr·om the new !"pring fabric!". Me:~n\' ar ~ shown in the C<1pe aud Dolman effects .
to $40. 00
Dresses for every tH.:casion
Priced $15.00 to $60.00
Cleveland Stores Ev~rything
for Everybody at the
•sr c • .,. , . ,
a •• • .., •• .,., a<a u £
:"! • •
t· i~ht
You'll !Jkc the New
Lf Nature Study in Every Day i e We have s ome t imes h ad th e id ea . ul tur e in our sc h ool::: that A g nc
f o r th e farm · boy was m ea n t On ly . . or th e boy who int!:'ndt>d ma~wg farm ing hi s life w nrk. I t certa l~ ly is an esse ntia l part 01 such an m · dividual's ed ueati on . B ut each o ~e no matte r what hi s life of us . .d th an the few. . t b s h o uld have a W I e, . h . l 1s ... wa r< o e, · . Th esse nti a l th 1ng t e n , 111 £l inte llige nt, and sy m pa h tet l~ ac- ~ thi s :che me will b e to train ou r8 1quaintance w ith t h e m ore ev ide n t ' h in th e fund a men. 1 an' s se lves as t eac e rs things of nature and Wi t 1 m I ta l natural scie n ces, as botany, r e lati on to th e m. zoo lorry, so i Is, etc . , so that we may work in a g ricu 1- "' The e Ie m e n t ary in te lli ge n tl y ap rro ;1ch th e chil d tur e can ri g htl y be ca ll ed nature thru t h e thing which inte re;;rs him d Th e purpose of t hi s study s tu Y· mos t in hi ::; e nvironm e nt. B:!sides th e s tudy of pl a nts and th eir rela 1 ' ti o n to th e so il, which to pic was di scussed i n a previous num be r of th e No rma li t e . the st u dy of a ni ma l li fe has a direct influence upon each individual , n o t only as conce rns a g ricultur e , w hi c h is a very i mportant phase of eco nom ic zoology , but in i t s r e la ti o n s t o clomPstic life , commerce a nd m e d icine. Bes id es thi s , t he be ttFr und Prstanding of the won d e rf u I I i fe p ro ce>SP!' we come in contact wit h, i s of as mu ch importance, es pe cially to th e child, a s the econom i c s ide. l'R O F . C . H . LOO:\I f !';.
~ D r e/sse s
H e11d o f
Wale s rele ase s it and so keep our srock fres h and .i nter·e .. ti ng A smart1y t<1 i l(lt"ed Se rge or· if you prefer a flowered GeorgRemembe r -B erry
W"11es a1" a) s
L. Wessel's Sons & Co.
Nebr-as ka Cit y , Nehr. r
JJ«;~A l
" SAY IT Wl TH !~ L OWERS ·-• --
cut •
is th e place to ge t
hot drinks
flowers for every :
occasron 111 appropriate arrangements -, Our leading specialty at ' al l Seasons of the year. 1 !
A~~;Ti c nl l u r :ll
Uepar trnen t
The Girls ' C lub. <Con tlnu pJ
F'i1·s t
vit a l p art in form i r. g what s ur e ly be one o f Pe ru ':l most
We display each new fr·ock when Betty
carry out its tru e func t i on as rf'f d tated to the: s tud y o f un amPnta l p robl e m s of agriculln~al ~ci Pnce a nd practice in t h e provmce o f th t' · · · in ve!" tigator, e mp h a s 1z1ng expen . m en tal and re.~earch w ork and agricu ltural th eo r y . rather th a n th e' wo r k of seco ndar y na ture. whi ch !:ih oul d be for the m asses rather
of a ll kind:l We a iS<> have
Ice Cream
s hou ld no t h e to mak e farmers , fo r a ncl that wi ll come late r, uut rather w il l t o ope n t he mind s o f c hildren to important organi zat ions . Th e o fficers a nd c o un c illors as t he _common ph e n o m ena of na t ure, chosen for th e r e mainde r of the to i nculcate habits of obse r vat i o n, p r ese nt sc h ool y ea r are : President, a nd to gene rate in ch ild r e n hi g h Mr s . H e lene Ho ne k e m pe r , 1919: ideals of coun try life . It sho ul d be th e aim of the work t o awa k en vi ce presid e nt , Dag mar Magneson. Mrs Doroth y a nd cu l tivat~ an in te r e st. in and 1920; sec r e tary, r es pect for i n du s tr y in ge n e r a l, Roe ttge r. !920; tre a s u;:-er , Er ma anrl for th e life and work of t h e Wil so n, 192 0. fa rm in particu la r. ' 'Natur e s tud y J~ep r e,e n tatives nf th e va r ious / ~ h ou ld cu l tivate th e act i ve ~nd ere - scho o l un it s : ative ins tin c ts a ~ distinct from t h e M t. V... rn on Hall: Lillian Brook1 r eflec tive a nd r ece ptive whic h ha s j e r , J 9 19: Hel l-' n R ob ins on, 1919; hit he rt o bee n almost exclu s i vt' ly Vi vian T e ich, 191H; Erlna Sa lzman, exerci sed in o ur s ch on ls. · •
11919 .
Th e child should h ave, in th e J U G . Club: F ln ren ce W ittwer, lowe r g r ad es, practice i n fa ilure ' 1919; A lm a Gr 1ffin , 19 2 0 ; Li nn ie and s uccess, thu s p u t tin g to th e j R e ich e r , l 9GO . test ea r ly in life th e ab ility to do H om p G ir l ~: C la ra B ec k, 191 9; definite thi ngs . A!!.r ic ultu r e s hnu ld E m ma Ke ll y, 1 9~0 . 1 connect t he schoo l wor k wi t h r ea l I R oo min g House C l ub s : Hetty li f e , a n d thus m a ke t h e va lue a nd I D e nni ,; , 1917; Ruby MeMee ki n, need of school wo r k m ore appa r e nt. / 1918; Ma r gery Ette r, 1 9 19 . Lottie
. s u ch a~ ec~uc a ti on i s bound t o l v::-:' morP, 191 9; Mr s . A l ice Cottle, g Jve th P Indiv id ual a bPt t e r fo un- HJ2 0 . G. E. BERTHOLD A,t. a ll tim es dation for l ife work, no ma t te r S "The F lori st " 1 Prompt Set·v ice h · p ec:inl s and Tra iner s. w at It mi g ht be. And if he sho uld N e braska Ci ty, Nebr. I Go o d E<1ts cho · Those w h o do not co m e t o the .ose a g n c u lture at'l hi s vocat ion he specia l train e r chapel are m issmg JS pr e pared a t o nc e to take up t he s~udy of th e bu s in ess :o ide of' a treat. La s t wee l< M iss Er ma farm1n g · t h m e seco nd ary sc h o 1 W i ls o n gave a vocal s o lo. Miss FOUNDED 1893 tl~us making it p ossible fo r tl~ ~ Loi s H acke r r ead , a nd P rofessor A . M. M. OORNON , Manager hi g h school t o fu n c ti o n as Ov e rho l t ta l ked to u s about t he The !11ost wid.ely patr oni zed, bl-'ca use th e mos t r e li able Teacher 's tiona ! ins titution a l th a voca - geogr ap hy a nd h is to r y of Canada. . , o not n egTl Age_n~y m t he M1dd le West . Terri tory from th e Mi ssiss ippi ri ver to lec tmg the c ul t u ra l d d" . l e w ee k befor e Prof esso r Crago . an 1sc1p l in - O'a . Pa.!1flc Coast. F lynn Bld.:r, Des Moines, Iowa. j"" ve pa ve r y Inte r esting tal k a nd a r y s1d e. The college th e n cou ld M" Iss ansy McKe nn ey sa ng .
Sabins' Educational Exchange
Wednesday, March 26, 8:30 p. m. BUDGET
The Steckelherg:-.= DeBuzon Concer t Admission--Budget ticket or 50c THE JUNIOR...SENIOR BANQUET of m us ic fr om our fi ne orchestra there without a pa in or a sig h, Big Social Event of the Year Held bu tlt ~specially for thi s occasion by t hinking how easy it is for toastour musical "Car penter . " If we masters to lie. But Mr. P ra nte, Friday Night. judge her ha ndiwork by the pleas-~ wi th hi s golden hair (made mo re (Con t i n ued o n ~econd pa):e) There have been la rger and mor e ure the music · gave the banqueters elaborate j un ior-seni or banq ue ts, during the feast, we think the hand 1 but never in the history of Peru of the bu ilde r must have been ha:~ t here been a mon~ uni q ue and guided bv t he di vi ne muses. successf ul ba n.tuet t ha n t he one The but ter fly escort led the pro- 1 given by the 1920's "to the 1919' s cession down into the banquet last Friday n ight whe n one hundred garden a nd arounc'l the labyr inth and seventy-five banqueters joined of beautifu ll y decorated ta bles in ga.v fest ivi ties. T he decora ti one, wh ich would have· p leased the most I t he me nu , t he servi ce a nd the fastidi ous. Ther e were flowers toatss, a ll were thor nly ar tist!c. and bu tt~r fli es •. as wei} as s.i ngingl As one g uest r e mar ked, " The c lass birds wht ch trdl ed a nd t wittered o[ 1920 has not on ly gone over the even ing t hru, in keep ing with the top, but has captiva ted us a ll. " the harmony of t he whole decora1 Dur ing t he ear ly eveni ng, lines ti ve sche me. 1 of citize n :~ wen~ seen wending t he ir At t he sig na l from the master of II
T he M a n Dc h lnd t h e •: un.
NEW SCHEDULE FOR NORMAL Chan ge of Recitation Periods to Con ... form to" Time Change. Co-operation is essential to progress. T herefore Peru has decided to co-operat~ wi t h President Wi lson in the time proposition, and the follow ing schedule will be- · gi n o\ pri i 1: Breakfas t ..... ... ............. ... ... 7 :30 First bell .... .... ... .. ......... .......... .. 7 :50 F irst period ......... ........ ... .. 8 :00-8 :50 Second per iod ............. .... . 9 :00-9:50 Th ird per iod ............. 10 :00-10 :50 Four t h per iod .... .. ....... .11 :00-11 :50 Chapel ...... ................... 11 :55· 12 :20 Dinner ..... . ....... ...... ..... ........... .12 :30 Fi rst bell... ........ ....................... ..1 :30 · First peri od ...... ..... ..... .. 1 :40-2:30 Second per iod ..... :....... ..... 2 :40-3 :30 Third per iod .. ... ............ 3 :40-4 :30 Fourth period .... .. .......... ..4 :40-5 :30 Chorus .......... .... .. .......... 5:40-6 :20 ~ ,. Supper ... ........ ............................6 :30 Lig hts out ........... ........... ......... .10:30
way up the hillside t o t he trai ners' cer emonies t he one hund red sev- / THE HONORABLY MENTIONED. mother, and enty-five banq ue ters were seated. 1 building-father , ch ildren, a un tie and grandmother Th n f or nea rl y two ho urs t he 1 I n a ll s uccessfu l events there a re were a ll goi ng to see the f ai r y mu:es of m us ic vied w ith goddesses men and women behi nd t he scenes butterfly ga rden w hi ch the my ths of science f or the .first p lace in t he whose services ma ke the success tell us oncP. u pon a time- when hear ts of the ba nq ueters. At times possible. 'fhe chi ef man behind the a ncient ba r barians pl ayed it seemed t hat sci ence w.ould win the g uns was Prof. F . C. J.ean, the games with a p ig Rk in -was used but , as has been the re!lul t of the junior class advisor, who did more MEN'S GLEE CLUB CONCERT. The a nnua l g lee club concer ts as a gym nasium. But no e vidence str uggle fo r a ll ages between ar t than any one ind ividua l to bring for such a use could be seen la'> t a nd scie nce, both won ; fo r wit hout about the ·f;uccess of the junior- are a mong the genuine musical T hen Messrs. pleasures of Peru · ~ year. WednesFriday n!g ht. fo r a g roup of fai ri es the one the other wo u ld be I ess sen ror banq uet. One of t h e . gues t s Hayes, Va nce and Boellstorff must day even ing's program was no had blotte,d ou t ever y tr ace of sue h appreciated . horr id me mories by transfo r mi n g sa id in !!peaki ng of the s ucce~s of not b'O! fo rgotte n. And let us exception. In spiri t and vi vacity, it into a Vene tia n garden wi th t he banque t : ' ' I have attend ed remember a ll the members of t he in vigor a nd accuracy of attack, in gracefu l bowe rs, arches, and a n im- hanq.ue ts in hig cities when cost I Y orchestra and t he following fresh- phrasing and in e nunciati on fe w · d J men ami sophomore g ir ls who ser v- of our men' s clubs have sur passed posing entra nce wit h ste ps leadi ng tra ined se.r vi1·e was g iven, an down into t h is sunken g a rd en of a m f ree to say I have ne ver seen ed so ha ndsome ly: Mi sses Mildred that of 1919. The club is smaller beauty. Much cred i t is due Miss a be t ter ·prepared me nu nor more Fi sher. He len Todd, Isabel Majors, than usua l- less t han twenty-fi ve members ; and t he yo unger vo ices Dag .... a r Magneson and her co m- arti.st ic serv ice than I see here I nez Wi lson, Hall ie Weaver, Alibce ,., Gla;;gow, Esther Delzell, Ma e 1 lack somewhat of the depth and t oni ght. " The banque ters were Dressler, Glad ys Eades, Ru th mellowness t hat onl y added y"ea rs mittee for th is work of ar t. B At Sl·x·thJ.rty the " s piketails" \manimous in the ir hi g h prai se of L ence Opal Ki zer, Ler.a ates, br ing . Asi de from thi s inevitable • R uth E li ott, and evening g owns began t o fi. II Mrs Jea n so ably a~s i sted by Miss I awr defi ciency, the clu b measured up · ' . b t ch Ma ry McKenney, th e ha ll ways a nd to pass t he r eceJV· Bo uc her , whose P1ann tng ro su N d Pa rriott. to t he fi ne standard set by clubs ing line ; soon the hi g h school g reat s uccess. They did ~ot ~or- I e va a - - - -- - of f ormer years . · g tr ls· 1: Will Add ress N . E. N . A ssocta · t wn. ' assembly room was fi lled wt. t h• JOY· get t o pra ·tse the domesttc . The progra m ojJened with Dud1 fu l juniors a nd t he ir honored · who loyally a ided the tr leaders. Prof. F. M. Gregg wi ll attend ley Buck's well-known "The Trumguests the senior s. A ll c lassme n Afte~ a ll were f ull of t he good the N or t heast Nebraska Teachers' pet Ca lleth. '' sung wi t h dash and • d r ht t he mateof ' 19 were pr ou d to do honor t o t h ings which so e Jg ,, Associa t ion at Norfolk, Ma rch 28 The bar itone solo · j h f f eastt and 29. The theme of t he genera brill iancy. their once dearly beloved nva 1s. ria l man, t ere ollowe d a 1 against the club obligato was we ll After an hour in t he recep t .ton of reason " t o till to t he uttermos . ~essi on is to be •' Ed ucat ·ton f or sung, and t he big cli max finely h<~H. t he maste r of ce r e monies, Mr. t he grea test inte llectua l cap~cJ t~. Democracy a nd the proposed Stat~ handled. The followi ng number Leon Roettger . in h is courtl y man- T he "toastmaster, Mr. Llo~ L . Association constituti on. Profes· fo r med an admirab le contrast, in ner for med the dou ble line of P rante, was introd uce d by r . ~ sor Gregg is to speak before the its .serenity and t enderness. An t ho told of a recen d t' Vitali z ' e R l!Jarchers. The t wo columns wer L . oe~ g~hi~h he t houg ht he Jay grammar gra es sec ton on • eloquent s ile nce after the last of 10 1Co n tl nu e d on F o ur·t h P age. ) slowly led by fou r beautifu l b utter- drea m t ste r' s bed . As he Jay ed Hygi ene Teaching. · on a toas ma ft ies, down the stai r s to t he stra m s
-. ed t he bi ll th a t gives th e nor- / more e videnc_e o f ~he gre~t respect Sign . Miss anrl es teem 10 wh1ch he IS held by mal sc hools a o ne m l 11 1e vy. . h h I · t 1' thi s exprefs · ever.v st ud e nt 10 t e sc oo. The Pete n~on on accep n g · · d · b · · ' . .· f the h o n or jun io r s and se r.Jors v Je w 1t each ed h e r a pprec 1at10n o . . la"S in rece iv- other 1n dowg h o nor t o the man conferred upon I1e r C ' ' d 1 . . h h d layed so th ey h ave lea rn e t o ove and a p e n wh 1c a P 1 -. • dd 1 ng . . h ' t y makin <Y ' honor. In th1 s clos m g a re~s of ~:- / . the barricaded juni o r s' d on r . of thP. 1mporta nt a pa rt Jn I!'> o r • . . IJ h d there been th e evening, Pres1dent R ouse told ullt a · , . s urre nd e r a nd th e baptism a l cere- 1n N e bras ka. · , ·h 3 1·d ''there o f P er u s bnght o ut look and the no Cu i. MaJo r s. 1; e ~' • . mon ies which fo ll o wed. S he c losed th is history , good thing s th e futur e had 1n store been have not / he r re ma rks by praising the true Would for our sc h oo l. Already eightysportsmanship sh own by the se niors. making pe n. " Miss De lla Wea th e rh ogg t old o f "Bo mbs Burs ting in Air" b y 1 five perce nt of th e juniors had a day last September when th e Miss Erma Wilso n, was a "ding pledge d t o r e turn f o r graduation - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - I jun io rs saw g r eat illuminat in g busted" good o n e o n th e facu lt y. next yea r. The rece n t laws passed Till( ED IToJHAL sTAf'F-~Eco;-; " sll~t E>'THtt / li g hts ( th e se ni or s) wal k ing "Thru S h e d esc ribed b ombs fr om th e by the leg-i s lature s upp lied funds Edna Salzmann . Editor in-L'hicf the Mi st s. " A nd ho w th ese same whiz- hang t o h a nd grenades of f o r better sa laries, better equipEdward :\1attj ovskv A~!<nciate Edilor . . t . nee bu 1'J-11' d • .. · · , . E . ' se m ors so k1 ndl y rese r ved seats o ur faculty, and after s h e had ke pt m en. a new s c l e •J ng-, an Lecdta P ctt·r ~o n ... ~ ~"l'l: lt c ,, 1n or 1 -1 · n I'ors t o her a ud 1'ence 1·n a "" cra ie of la ucrhte r, o th e r much n eedeu improve ments. I . a urence Rouse llu ~ i nt·~~ Mr~n agt•r days before' Ia nd f or tl le JU ,.. Ra_vmond llt~ fTcr . .-\~st llu si ne~s .\ l 'g r occupy whil e watching th e senior I she closed with an ori g inal ooe m, H e sa id he hope d t o SO(In see paved Emma Wood 1~ - .-\ sst llusi1wss :\l 'gr v ictory in basket ba ll . / a m ost t ouching tribute t o the tfac- s treets, and state J:-. ighways leading "Th F 11 Gl R tl J" b t o the principal towns and cities ttEt•n ttT t="r. sTAFF . .e u ory _e ectet y 1ulty and their g-reat wor k Ethel Anderson. Cla ude h·er~ Cecelia Pete rso n, pres1dent of th e Oh, Say!" said th e toas tmaster, o f th e state. !-'reside n t Rome was Betty Lauman Heh-n La wrence I juni or cla~s was a beautifu l tri bute ! introducing t he last speaker , Presi - at h is b P.s t for no on e cou ld have LcNor:t Snyder Gracl' Liul.It o th e se niors . She spo ke of eac h 1 dP nt Ro usP. ThP. prolonged ap- had a more sympathetic audience. · sen ior not as lea vin g P er u , bur as p lau~e whi ch g reeted th e p r eside nt This closed an eventful mt'eting T he Junior-Senior ~<~nquet.. : t a king- P e ru with him . {)nee a i.when he ar ose t o s pe ak was one in Peru's his tory, one n e ver to be t con llnucd r•·om F lr-"L Page. > I P e ruvia n a lways a Peruv ian , · a nd I - -- - -- - - - - · f orgo tten by th e schoolmasters and b r illiant by the abundance of a ' in years t o co m e Peru would - o f the tomorrow. g.ood subsoil for rich gray matter) ' blessed by the ''Full Glory Reflect- · ----1 was truly master of th e t oast s. His e d " fr om the sen iors thruout the ! . .., ~ M i ldred Huffe r, class of '16, wit and humor ke p t th e aurlience great s tate. , ..,... who has been teach i n g at Cook for ' 'Conquer We Must. " by th e ~ ~2 th e past two yea r s . h as accepted loo ki ng forward with g lad expec t ancy to ea ch introductio n thruout sen ior class pres icle nt, Le Nora ' {____,.::,\. a p ositi o n in o n e o f Lincoln 's city the program . His pres iding would Snyder, was a m os t fit t ing r esp onse. / \\ ~'! schools f or th e c o m i ng year. have done c r edit t o a veter a n col- / S he s poke of the value of co-op~1 , -! j· lege man. The suhjec t fo r th e e r a ti on in school l ife, ancl pledged 1 ~ E ; //~ t oasts, whJ ch were phrases take n the loya l s upport of each se nior to I E[ :! \ fr om the ''Star Span"'led Bann e r " Peru a ncl her interests· as an e x• Pt ' I , • l ~ \ were d1scussed a nrl a ppli ed by each ampl l'! of th e resu lt of c o-operation ; -: speaker to P e ru, th e past , present, she called attention to the mag.nifi. ! ,\ : · and futu re. I cent w_ork of the juni ors in thi s EI~ Mrs. He le n Bonekempe r gave a spl endid enterta inme nt. At her / : tr_ul y up -t o da t e, "Dawn 's Ea rl y , call her c lass gave fifteen rahs. )1\-- / / ·1 - - -- I N - - 1111 L1 g ht," as appl ierl to a juni or "Oh . Thus be it E ' er, '' by Lauand his 7: 40 class. In he r art istic renee Rouse, fulfi lle d the prophecy . 11 ~ manne r she gave thi s grea t tragedy of th e toa-stmaste r as to "Curley''s of a juni or 's life. ~ pep." He spo ke of the soldi ers who
s ty le as on ly F'e rn Ferree can d o. She t old of the midnight raid of Entered a t the l'n,.toflicc a~ l'eru. Nr- "J k" a nd her c l ss o f sen iors, hra ska ns seco nd cl>t!'S maLte t . ac · - - -- - / tole! of th e cold s trea m o f wate r Publis hed Weekly by the Pe ru State Norma l f rom th e h ose th a t came so g a l lant fJ O cls. pt·r Yl'Hr. Single eop_v :> cts ly s tr ea m ing thru th e tra n som of
be~ - -
--~ -
Ir !
f :,' :\
A Good Bank
/ 1
I/ j
l /
A Good Town
Miss Iva M. Dunn t old of the fou g ht for thei r country 's hon r. r ~ Phon e 25 Phon e 25 home of the brave (S. A . T. C. ) ac~o-ss t he sea. H e said, "The 1 /1 She spoke of th e va lue of thi s un - / spJrJ t and the songs of these boys I MARDIS usual school f ea ture of th e year a nd would live for ever . " The whole paid a tribute t o the soldi pr boys 1 audience r ose at his r eq ues t and G r ocer ies, Furnis hing Goods, Men's of Peru, and with apo logy t o Long- I joined in s inging two of th e sol- I and B oys' S h oes fP.llow g ave a new versi on of the di ers ' fa vorite songs, "Katy" a n d Our Leaders: Valley Lilly Flour, • 'The Long, Long T r ai 1." Psalm of L i fe. Barrington Hall Coffee Pete r Snyde r on "So Proudly We 1 "Preserve Us a Nation " by c 1 ~;ai led;: ' gave a ske tch of th e T. J . Ma j nrs H e intr~duceci J~i ~ Peru Nebraska ~ank fr om th e time he was remarks by say ing that"l g ' re. l stdoo r so uth P e ruStateBank ha lled "6 1" -w h e n the I h as victor nf a base ball g-a me versed makes 1 on~ e va cantl oLof hi s home town " boys" fought t o preserve the Smart ly Tai:o.-ed Suit~ u~tJI he ca me home fr om the r,rreat nation and set th.ee million s la ves Coats and ~kirt . . ' VIctory. o ver t~e seas. H e clos:rl , free .. H e generou sly com pl imen ted The se_aso n 's N e w e s t F .s Stands fur the hest in by paying- a tnbute to I h e boys Jn th e Juni ors - anrl the dome t' . Matenals in Al l Sh d ash JOn s and toilet preparations . bl d th . s IC SCI· . H a es are Otfe d ue an e 1r r e presentative pre- e nce departm ent o n th e i 'fi In 1g h G rade Garm t re Face c ,·eam FacP. P o wd e r sent at t h b . ' r magnJ . en s . . . anqnet, Col. T. J. cent en t e rtainm e nt. As a token of See our Li ne before _, . . e MaJors h' on S .y ou uec1de T a lc um P owd er . IS appreciati on , h e presented th e your prlng Ga rmen t H a ir T oni cs, e t c. ''So Gallantly· Streaming" was pres iden t of the juni or· class th e di scussed inaunique "a JaPe ru" pen Wl' th w h IC ' hG overnor McKe lvi e • • n
ISprtng • & 'summer, · l ()fJfNfNG
Tailor and Cleaner
Fisher Bros. Druazgists
Mandclson & _ Kennedy Nebraska City
The most com 1 t Pee stock ofLa d.Ies • Ready t W . o- ear in the City
At Popular Prices
New Goods in S hoe Line are now in come in and see thean • • • •
Physical Training Exhibition. '[he excellent exh i bition of the physical training department was opened by the appea r ance of two children dressed in jun ior colors who r epr2sented t he m ere infancy of the j uni or c lass. Th ey were later placed in hi g h chairs where they enjoyed the enter ta inmen t from their elevated posi ti o ns. The audience was g-iven the ir fi rst treat in the f orm of a Greek rl ance. A num ber of g i r Is dressed in gracefu l Greek co,;tumes did justice to the sacri fic ial dance. This was followed by a n exhib iti on
course lunchoen wi' its white an' its g r een. Faith , an' twas loike b ein' in t he Green Is le itself once more. Afther the lu ncheon we t old Iri s h s t ories. An' 'twas me
other four at the f r ont. We al l wish Professor Pa lmer the best of success in the f uture, wherever he may be . · - Glee - -- ga ve a very The Mens' Club
soides thot were breakin' wi' laug h in', at hear in' the m. 'Twas sorry we were when the li g hts gave u s the wink to lave. B t u 'twas a foi ue toi me t ha t we had a nd ' tis the gay green and white carnati ons they g ave m; . that is keepin' the g UJ d Saint still fresh · in o ur m oinds.
successful concert at Tuesd as· night.
Nebra"'.~ ka
Cl'ty L·aundry
Barnes' . Pharmacy
u a l t r a ining t eacher of the Normal, who · has been in Fra nce, made a s hort. .v isit last week. Me mbers of the juni or class a nd olher fo rmer fri ends m et him a t t he five o'clock tra in. During h is . s h? rt stay, ~e gave a very inter estm g talk m chape f concernin g hi s experi ences in France. MT. Palmer was in the trenc hes at Tou lon, took a n active pa r t in the S t. Mi h ie l d r ive, a nd he lped hold th e America n li ne at Argonne . He was in France eig ht m on ths, four months of th e time be ing spent in th e hospita l a nd t he
friends can b uy
anyth in g
J ' OU
g ive them except
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
- ---- - - - --------
When Down Town
Phone' B2234
Li ncoln, Nebr.
1- - -- - - - Changed Hands
I have hou ght the Marsh meat market and wilt a Call appreCiate vo ur patronYour friendship i::lge. A complete stock of . d fresh and cured meats Apprectate • at all times . .. · Redfern & Ellenberger! ·. EARL couLTER.
Give us
-----------------Clocks, jewel ry, Wat ch~s.
Spectacals and Pountain P ens
Sold and Repaired
, }OUr
Stationery and School Supplies
Splendid Meal
Laundry Work done at the
City i t is only
A Good Lunch or
P!'!one 7 9 B. Frank Da llam has been given 8 k K' ' 8 b Sh 0 a scholarship of four months in i as et at mg s ar er P Oxford U niversity . Collected Mo ndays Delivered Friday~ Calendar. Regular even ts: Weekly. Mondays-Chor us, 5 :40 ·6 :20 Chapel Events. "good~ -Band 7 :00-8 :00 : Las t Wednesday Professor Gregg spoke ve r y inte restin gly on several Tuesdays·- Glee Cl ubs, 7 :00-8 :00. topics of much importa nce at presWednesdays- Chorus, 5:40-6:20. buy chocolate and -Orc}lestra, 7 :00 7:45 ent. Bon Bons Thursdays-Glee Clubs, 7·8. Th e Aksa rbe n Board is striving Bi-weekly : at t o bet ter th e q ualit.v of shows and F 'd l 'h' l athean 1 t o work f or a decrease in va udeville 1'1 ay om • Monthl y · attenda nce. Another thing in · r egard to socia l betterm ent is the l st Tuesday , Girls' meet 11:30. STUDENTS .· t aw w h 1c ' h h as b een r epe al - , 1st Wed 'y, Dramatic Club, 8:00. c•gare 1 d d th h b 1st Sat urd ay, Y. W. C. A. Ken- When you neen Cutlery, Flashlight e new 1aw as no w een e an si ngton. signed by the governor. Cigare ttes Batteries or 1s t Sa tu rday, .1 , U . G. Meeting. are now not t o be so ld to those . Anything in the Hardware iine Specia l Events. unde r 21 , a nd they are not t o be March 26. Steckel berg Concert. Call In smoked in p ublic places. April 11, Philo. a nd you will always fi nd a full line Mr. Gr egg a lso told of the g r eat Apr il 12, Y. M. C. A. debate on the L eague of Nations at April 18, Movie. whtch recentl y t ook place b etween Apri l 19Dramatic Club Play . Mack pra n~'s Hard ware President Lowe ll of Harvard and Apri l 25 , P hilo. Senator L odg e. It was a great SAY IT WITH FLOWERS debate. TEACHERS WANTED The 3:20 tr ai n gets to Th e par och i a ! schoo l bill before For all departments of school work. Peru a t 7:28 th e senate no w is of i mmense im- School officials <Jr e electin£ now. portance. Maximum of Service at a MINIMUM FLOWERS ALL THE F RESH - - -- - COMMISSION RATE Commission Prof. P almer Visits Peru. - - TIME-Prof. 0. J. Palmer, former man- 4 percent. Write for Literature today
RP.member w hen in N ebr as ka Your
Br ownville
ness Sake"
One Block North
for tlleir
of one of the physical traini n g classes. Only careful tra ining on the par t of the i n~tr uctor and close thot on th e part of the g irls could have made possible s uch a n exhi bition. Mar()'aret Elder dress,_, erl da i.nti ly in white, danced the village be ll. The second div ision of t he physical training class was next t o appear. The le tters U . S. and word Pern were for m ed ver y accurately and were imme diate ly r ecog n ized. Joseph ine Gavin fol lo wed thi s with th e f:{ussian d a nce. Miss Gavin da nced with her cutsomary grace and ease, leav ing t he impression that t hey had indeed seen unusua l talent d is played. The P ipes of P a n coming at the last was a beautiful da nce and won loud applause fr o m a ll. The g irls were dressed in pr etty g r een b . . dresses whtch added g r ea t 1y nnging out the desir ed effect. · - - -St. Patrick's Party. Last Monday the S har r a r house girls entertained t he B lue Dra gons at a party on "St. Patrick ' ~ Day 'Tis f e r te ll in' in the avenin .. " Ye of the guid to ime we had that I'm writin ' . Wh a t did we do? Faith. an' wha t didn't we do ye should be a fther askin ' . Shure ' tis yerse lves would have en joyed a pola:o race, t he bla rney ga me and va-dant love s t ori es. Ye wo ul d have 'oeen kept gay every minit. An' man-o-dear , ye s ho uld have seen the diPin' room a nd the two
- -- M; E. GOOD
Pbilo and Seal Pins
IRe li able J eweler
-- ·---
An old rel iable bank with
J. C.
Peru, Nebr.
assets of over
the t eam departed decla ring Miss A Health Crusade Brooke r a charming hostess. the many impo rhant Among d · the IS Men's Glee Cl u b C oncert. "drives" ofth e pre se nt . ayHealth National Tournament 1n c contlnu ~d rrom Firs t Pa.:-e.) K . hthood from Fe bruary 9th ~ 0 the sweet legato chords testified to 24 th. inclus ive , 1919. It IS the appeal of the son g as definitely nt in which the Red the hearty applause which fol. a moveme . D as Cross ' the Co unci I nf NatJOnal . e- lowed. . fense, the Public Health ServJce "Timbuctoo" was. irresistible, unite with the National Tub_er- sung as it was with a rollicking culos is Association in encouragmg l gayety that was infectious The lilt of the r efrain was capitally brought out, and the enunciation he re, as thruout, exce llent.
They have just arrived and M:~ You will be as pleased as we th were when we saw em The suits are shown in the new .b.o x eff~~~~ and Russian blouse model~,. whH;h areul.a - . . popular now, ttnd the others In the reg ~ tion belted ~ty le · •1
411:.50 00 Priced $22.50 to ~ ·
The coats are fashoned from 1he ne~ ~prin~ fabric~. Manv are ~Shown in the CHpe au Dolman effec1s.
Mr. L ee Hemingway followed with Grieg's lovely "To the Spring," sweetly and sympathetically played, with much mellow. , ness of tone, and hearti Iv encored. The second group of club songs Dresses for every occa~ion included "The Old Canoe" and " A Song of · Winter . " The first was daintily phrased, and full effect was given the dreamy rhythm of the refrain. The club sanR' the '--~ • "Song · of Winter" wt th a robust J\l i ss K rt'l> s of rr a ining .D ept. • h· h d · h t pr1' ce j zest ancl a spontane ity w 1c rna e· E verything f·or Every bo d y a t t h e n~ mor e hygienic training m our pub- i.: one of the best if!tcrpreted ! . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l lic school and homes. · · thnigs of the conce rt. Both songs The fifth and sixth grades of the were heartily encored. tra ining school, inspired by ProfesMiss Dunn's dP.lightful reading !'Or Gregg, hecame members of of "A Pair of Shoes" was a note· the original Health Crusaders worthy part of the program. Mi ~s move ment several months ago. Dunn has a gift of inte rpretation Tney are now re-enlis ting along so sincere so intelligent and so with the other g rades in the school. intimately , sy mpathe tic tha t we in The pa:_rents indorse the P_lan m~st Peru only wish we might hear ht>r ~n;J's ses heartily, and are co-operat1 ng w1th oftener. H er encorP, ''In a Gon· us in this worth -while health camdola,'' served to bring the aud ienre paign. The children are very We display each new frock when Betty back to a lig hter meecl afte r the enthus iastic and anxious to win the pathos of Fortunato 's story. Wales releases it Ht1d so keep our ·srock insignia of page, ~quire, knight, The group of college songs were and knight banneret. Should Peru fresh and i ntere!'-ti ng A smartly ttti In red typical of this sort of song, -one be successful in -winning a penSerge or if you prefer a flowered Geore- . nant. l·t would add to the laurels very ::::eotimental , one farcica lly she already has now in ht>r athletic sentimental . and one frankl y and ette. Remember-Betty W"'lles alwa.} s deliciouslv humorous. All three contests. at were a de light to hear, and appar· e ntl y a de light to sing . Senior Basket Ball Luncheon Mr. Le Roy Carl son 's coming to Monday evening about eight us has added much to the musical o'clock the senior bas ket ball team life of Pe ru . He chose for Wednes· Nebraska City, Nebr. and Mi ss Ho lly _assembled in room day e vening two of Cy ril ~cott's 50 at the dormit~ry, where Captain compos iti ons . "Dan se N egrc" and Brooke r entertamed the girls at / "AII , Th A .J· egro. e Uu1 e nce was " SAY IT WlTH l"LOWERS I an elaborate luncheon. The r oom · d bt d t M C b hf THE Fr\ Y , n r . a r 1son ot or was decorated with senior pen- 10 e e is the place to get na nts, and a bas ke t ball was sus- the inte r f>s t of t hi s m ode rn music, Fresh cut flowers for every !' pended over the center of t he tabl e. a nd f or hi s a rti st ic inte rpretation The color sche me of gold and of it . N.Iuch mig ht be asid in occasioil in appropriate arrangeof all kinds brown was also carri ed out in the prai se of his play ing. A ca ntabi le ments--Our leading specialty at We also have placards a nd nut cups, whi ch were passag e in the " Allegro" stood all Seasons of the year. : designed to bring back memories out a s parti cualrly bea u t iful and poeti c in sentime nt a nd in rendi· of baske t ball. G. E. BERTHOLD At all times · tion. The s teaming cocoa, the delicious I ' 'The Florist' ' Prompt Service The sing ing o f Geibe l' s stirri ng rarebit, the palata ble sa lad, and Nebraska City, Nebr. Good Eats march , ·' Onward," b y t he club the dainty cookies we re enjoyed bv all. Aft~r the luncheon , a gam~ closed a 1 p r ogra m t o be remembered of "patent medicine'' follo wed, in a s m ost pleasura ble. Educ~tional which Margare t Albert ca rried off Mr. H edges: ...:_ 7 'Se~ have met FOUNDED 1893 the pri ze. which was a r e presenta- my son a t college? " A.M. M. DORNON, Manager tion of a baske t ba ll player. Paul Kidd : -''Sure. We sleeP The most widely patronized, beocause the most r eliable Teacher's The blinking of the li g hts brot in the same class. ' ' Agency in the Middle West . Territory from the Mi ssissippi river to the evening to a close all too soon Pa.!ific Coast. F lynn Bldg , Des Moines, Iowa. Se vf'ra l good a rticles a r e crowded After g iving the senior class yeli out ti II next week.
Priced $12.50 to $40.00
Priced $15.00 to $60.00
Glcv/D.Iand stores
You'll Like the New _r&-rt,;~
L. Wessel's Sons
& Co.
hot drinks·
Ice Cream
WEDNESDAY'S CONCERT. de Rouzon's bar itone were to be MARC . • . LastWedn esday'.s concert.br oug ht noted in t hese songs. some of his . H WIND PARTY ' Amenca t he Beautiful," led before an appreciative aud ience in h ig her notes be ing of especial ld ' dB iow, w inds, blow! And wha~ i by Eva Allen. Miss Bessie Lauman the chapel two of Nebraska's best- beauty. I' I the Marc h winds blow into . conducted the df'votional portion known artists. L inco ln has coun t· ed them fo r years amn ng her foremost n:usicians. Peru was glad to testify her appreciation last week .
I j
One of th e keen pleasures of ~ount Vernon hall last Tuesrl ay j of the prosrram. the evening was th e g r oup of mgh t ? A party, and such a j olly 1 Next was a beautiful vocal solo Eighteer.th Cen tury "bergerettes. ,, one, too! by H~zel Parso ns, accompanied by Mr . cle Rouzon sang t hese a ver ve, You se~, Miss Cleland had i nvi t- 1'Flos:te Ha pke. a dainti ness and a gay spo ntilneity ed b:r g 1r ls to come, so prompt ly , M ~ ss HosmPr was the first to
Stecke lberg played as thP that ven· eviclently captivated hi!' ,. at e~gh~. o'clock th er e blew in to i ~ece1ve the benefit of the said meet opening number t hree movements aud ience A nd i n "La Lettre the old par lor "a motley d the firs t morning class of of a r arel y lovely concert by Bruch. d ' Adieu.'' th" final song of th e l crow · wtth the windiest costumes e m ergarten was well r epreHis subtle interpretation of the a c limax of emotional you ever saw. You should have sented Miss Mary Mutz took the · po g na h seen the "do" on Edna Fisher's part of Miss Hosmer so well we 1 and J essie Miner's hair! I tell you, often wondered if i t co uld be she. changlng . m oods of th e composition ncy was a c it:>ved. d e I lgh t, loh w is toneHis remarkab was a and mel b . ly ! Current Events, those were some killing "get-ups. ·• I Miss Hel en Rohertson was t he rich
ev~n ing.
n omber owtng, Not oftP. n noes an innovatio n Now. the nicest part of it is to kindergarten teacher, the Misses • was meet w i th such hearty and cont l· nu- 1 come. Yo u see, we had a•ways Clar k, Dredla, Beck and Sage the delicacy. ma r k e d by f reed om ' puwer an d ed app rova l as th e p rovis ion for th ot we were Grac.e Bloug h, El len pup.ils. They had thei r do lls, little th e weekly rrest! ntation of cur rent Munson, and so fort h. Ir.stead, cha~rs, sang the ir songs and played ln hi s set.:ond g r oup Mr. S teckel- event'.l by me mbers of th e fac ulty .. after Miss Cle land had pi nned lit- t~e 1 r games so effectively that the herg includ ed th r ee sho rt n um bers. T hese "pu lpit editoria ls ar e in- tie paper s on us, we found that we . kl n~ ergarten was well r epr esented. a n d pen i ve cr easing instea rl of lesse ning in- wen~ M"k 1 e 0 'Riley , Pat Mahoney , · Tenag lia's quaint N ever ....we f ore have t he faculty aria was poe tical ly re nde red. In ter est in th e bes t magazi nes and and so f orth Then looking thru been so arlequately i mpersonated a pair of opera glasses, so me of us I and been ab le to so full y appreciate the Moza r t Menuett whicn fol lowed newspapres. the imaginative li s tt"n~r was made D G C C fi tr ied to get to Dublin. We dl'dn't I their particular hobby. Dr. House to . I' r · · ast ll erl to t he' brim vlsua IZe th e steps a nd poses of t he a llotted time last Wed nesday all succ€ed, but Ma Finnegan, Ma represPnted by Peter Snyder led · · an m . sp lnng . . t' n th e s ·mg1ng · the state ly o ld ".Jancu.... WI' th 1ts an d 10 and instruc- Hennessey an d Ma O'R iley had the assembly · as t l1e glea ms of deco r ous gayety hPr e and t ive ma nner inter pre ted the epoch- severa l s hamrocks pinned on to origi na l conductor wou ld have done. Then, President Rouse (Werth there. ~~d i n the third of t he maki ng events of our home la nd. their pennants when so me of their groups, La Ro nde des L ut i ns," Recent rl e velopments in th e North prourl children r eached their goal. Conk le) j!ave the usual announcew~s a veritable wh ir_! of litt le I Dakot a legis lature wer e ex plainerl Of cour se, t his trip to Dublin ment~; and dramatized the various falry-rlemo ns, executed w ith mar- i n clear a nd fo rcPful la ng uage. made us so ti r ed that ·we decided positions of the f orm er duri ng velous bri lliancy. 1Any one who r eads s hou lcl watch t o feed . our pig. V1v ian Te ich, chapel. Tbe " Serenade Espagno le ·• (Cha- ! t his exper im ent in c lass legis latio n. " Ri II ie" Brooker a nd Peg Albert The crowd was spell hou nd by t he minade-Kreil'ler) and "Aria Hon- 1Former Pres ident Taft condem ns were t he star potato throwers annou ncement of Miss El li s (Lill ian grois No. 22," (Erns t) made up Mr. \ th~ who le e n terprise in no uncer- After t his t her e was a junior -senior 1 Brooker) of the girls met ing to Steckelberg s fina l gro up . T he! t a m terms. N earl y a ll r esidents potato race, in wh ich M in ni e ta ke p lace Tuesday morn i ng. She first ~as a lovely mingling of of t he midd le west hope t hat good Meissner brot victory to t he sen- was, as usual, insisting on the imdreamy tenderness and so uthern will be t he final outcome of thi s iors. During the evening we were portancP of th e presence of every ?re, givPn f ull effect in the play- latest Utopia. Th e Nebraska leg- entertai ned by th e Russ ian Dancers member and emphasizing "the imlnj!. The second, r api d and hr i l- islature wi t h t he many good laws and a Ha wai ian quintet. after por_t ance of t.he present day in lia t t · e nacted was Ct)mme n.Jed . Tl·me ! which we had the de licious lunch. 1 wh.rh we live. Thi s impression 11 • ax1ng the technira l rP.sources n of any vio linist, was r l yed wit h did not permit his speaking of t he Wh ile we wer e e!'lti ng ..,,.P enjoyed,~ was unuc; ually st rikin g, due t.o the here as
a dash and wh ich made it prog ress be ing made w i th th e a fit climax to Mr. Steckelberg's LPaguP of Nations. program. We wi ll a n ticipate wi t h keen M d . p leasure th e next curre nt event r. e 8 ouzon chose as h1s fi r s t number a Fa ust aria .i a t he tt·ad J·- st udy by Dr. Cas t . went to Linco ln, tillnal t .vle , ''Ev en Br aves t H eart, " 1 Col. MaJors · 1 · ng 1 WI a r t 1sttc e icacy T h ursclay, to att end the banQu et and ~ ·t ·th · · d 1 1 and mnch beauty of tone a nd tec h- · of the Legislative League which songs 10 nic· p·1ve very c h a rm1ng · . ;l was pos tpont:>d from las t week. ' Enl!' lish f oll owPd. Carpenter 's ! -"Cio ud of A u t umn , was one o f Supt. Francis Cooper was in the lovel'1 e~ t th m~s ' o f t h e pror gam, · from Cook over Sunday. He was and onP fe lt t ha t th e si nger mi sse u seeking a t eacher, and se~ured nll t ne nua m·e o f tts . · exq u1s ..1te · M 1' ss ReO'a "' n , who r ec~>ntl .v fim~hed . 0 sequence of ha r moni e>" and moods. at th e N ormal, to fil l a vacancy JUSt "Oi~sonanre." admirably s ung, 1 occurring in h is schoo l. revealed especia lly Mr. de Bouzon's From a te legram J. A. Hays drarnaticl pn we r. And t he gav lit- learned lr st week that his son, tie "Love came in at th e Door," Warren h ad returned from Wit h itR effective c limax, concl ud ed I France.' a nd was now at Camp ~ Rroup dem anding g r eat versat il - : Stewart, Va. He landed t he 20th. lty in rendition. a nd all bea utifu ll y /I T he other so n, Ll oyd, is sti ll in dr .e. The ten or qua li ti es of Mr. ' France.
r ead ings f r o m Betty Lauman and person and t he bea utiFern F erree, wh il e l•'lossie Hapke I ful gray hair as well as the black proved to us that s he would just be i cord of her glasses. great in a circus! It was ver y easy to r ecogni :t.e the Last b ut not lea~t . pri zeR were 1 var ious fac ulty members: Rayawa rd ed . Ti ll ie Salzman was 1 mond Carter as Prof essor Brown
c ho.sen as h_aving the fun ni est co~· II hy his umbrella; Don Over ho lt as tume and tf you could have ~een ProfPs!'or Hoyt by hi s sku ll cap; her, you woulcl have said. "Wel l, Ellen Munson as Miss Carpenter I think so! " j by th e r ed mi rlrly ; R. Fjellin as Our ma mmas decided that it was 1 Miss Clelanrl by hPr r eserved mant'tme we were m . b e d nn rl t han k mg ' Il ner. a nd M i1=s Wittwer betrayed t he 1 f orm characteri stirs of M'1ss Cl· e 1an d f or a ue .J 11. ~ htf u 1 Pven- i1 c h'1e f pat ing, we blew away to Clur roo ms. MrR Pri e l. - -- --·-- We wP.re hi gh ly entertained hy Sen ior Chapel. h um(lrous reading by Mi ss 1 the One of thP. cleverest events of ; Ru t h Pa1=s . the year took place las t Monday I The next num ber was a piano d ur_i ng the chapel peri od, when the 1solo by. Clara Beck , wh ich brot to sem ora had open session. The 1mind t he present "March Wi nds. , purpose of this great event was The meeting was closed by presentto let t he facu lty see th':!mselves as ! ing the junior~:~ r ed carnations in others see t hem. appr eciat ion of the ju nior·senior The whole c hapel united in sing· , banquet.
Thin gs Worth Knowing
1 Am Courtesy.
An army corps is 60,000 men. wanted any thing e lse i n my life. I I do much good. An infantry divi s ion IS 19,000 I a m hoping to he home in good I am an asset to you. Entered a t t bc Po~toffice at Peru, Ne- old Peru in July so m Pt ime. I have made friends and fo llow· men. braska as seco nd class matter. An infantry brigade is -7,-000·m1!n. I wi ll close, hav i ng told you - - -- · ers f o r you . Published Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal what I wished to convey , t h a t IS, A regiment of infantry is 3, 000 ·versa! rul e · in fact, I . 1 am a unJ ' I 50 cts. per yea r. Single co py 5 cts. that the Peru State Norma IS r eph b·t men. . ·t· b have become a a 1 · A b atta li on is 1.000 men . r esented in British U m ver:>l les Y • h Jd you r job . I 1 help vou o A company is 2 5 0 men. at least two men. h e . am everyw e r . 1 A platoon is 60 ml-'n . Greet1ngs to you a l · j Greflt men have w ri tten Ser gt. B. F. Dallam, , A corpora l's squad is e ight men. Live rpoo l, h:ng land. I about me. . A field battery has 165 me n. 1 I am co nt.ag10us. A fir•ng squr~ d is 20 men . With out me n o business can be ·'Whatyegot to Eat" A supply train has 283 m en. Never thot about it much truly successfu l. A machine gun batta l io n has 29G I am one of your g ood fri~nds. - - -- - I n the days of long ago.
sE~I E;;TEH 1 T hat
it was a boyish touch, Edna Salzmann . · Editor in .Chicf l The n 1 d id n 't SE:'P. m to k now. Edward :\1 attj ovsl<y AA~~oc~atl' E l :cll~ttor l Never t hot that I 'd recall Cecili a Pctcr ~n n ssnc1:1tc · r 1 or Laurence Rou se 1\usinc~~ ~Ianager Simple words t hat h e'd repeat Raymond Ilufic r A sst Rusincss :\'l'gr As he rushed i nto t he ha ll : Emma Woodie · Asst Rusinl'ss M'gr "Whatyegot to eat?"
Jm iTOill.ot.L sTA FF-!'Ecos u
m 1: n . I gain much and lose nothmg An engineer's regiment has 1,096 I am a habit well worth acquir-
1 ing.
I am on equal f oo ting w i th k i nd·
ness. I am Courtesy.
-Selected .
Started a s a lad of five. Cla ude h·cr~ Ethel Anderson. Clamor ing for cake or pie. 1-Jcll'n Lawrence 13etty Lauman "Hungriest li ttle boy a li ve." LeNora Snycll'r Gracl' Litt le I Mfl nv a nd m a ny a t im e said I. =--F-1-1- -.- - - - = t -=-:t=---=f:--:= 1He'd c~me bound ing in fr o m play o ow tng are ex rae s rom a f , 1 Seeking me on eagc>r t>et letter from one of o ur boys ' over there:,' And excitedly h'<l say: 11 "What.yegot t o eat?" "1 have addressed my · remarks 1
r ank below a colone l. A major heads a b a t ali on. A captain heads a co mpany. A li eutenant heads a p latoon. A ser geant is next b~low a l ie utenant. A corporal is a Fquad officer.
Peru State Bank
l "
of t hi s opportunity in t he papers, : and just wish to info rm yo u that the Peru State Normal is repre- ~ sented by two me n. Yes, I like England . A lso I like • France ; and finrl Germany in terest- ! ing, but- there' :l no rlace like . home. I am g lad I got the chance ' of seeing thi s country, and do ing ! my part in conv inc in g Heinie he -~ wasn't a scrapper. But just as eve ry other A . E F. man, I want to go home worse than I ever
A Good Bank - - - -l N -
Phone 25
w. w
Nebraska City
Phone 25
Groceries, E"urnishing Goods, Men's and Boys' Shoes Our
I Spring & Su nl mer •-=----=---::-::--- -- - - - -=-=- \ ()nr..;NIN'G
Mandelson & Kennedy
A Good Town
-Edgar A. Guest.
in en . A field hosp i tal has 55 men. A medicine attachment has 13
men. Traffic Cop : -Co me o n ! What i s A majo r genera l heads the field the matte r with you? army and a lso each army co r ps. Driver: - I am we l l, t ha n ks, but A b ri gad ie r general h2ads each my engine's dead . i nfantry brigade. A co lone l heads each regiment. A li eutenant c olone l is next in
t o the Normalite, but of l!ourse I H :·me from school he'd dai ly run, mean to all r eade rs of sa id paper. Thinking of the pantry sh e lf. I get the paper occa;;ionally and Cookies vanished o n e by one. enjoy it perhaps more than any of When he ' d learned to he !r him- ; you cou ld gue!'s. self. The U. S. governme nt has offered " H e ll o, Ma ; I ' m back again!" I to so ldiers of the J . E F who Was hi s l ittle greeti ng- sweet, .I have two o r more yPars of co llege Then a b oy ish sm ile , and t hen: ·jl wr?~: an opportu nity t~ a~t~nd Whatyegot to eat? " Bnt1sh and F r enc h Umve rs1 t1es, w· h tl1at I con . J-l h ear 1· t now, • • • IS u 1 w1th ex)Jenses pa1d, to a large de- 1 N ev<'r d reame d I' d m1ss · 1't so . gree. . I do not know. th e. .number w·1s h t h a t I cou lrl k nnw. some· 11ow, attend m g F re nch unr ver s1t1es, but · Th t ld · f 1 a o JOY o ong- ago. there are between J 5 00 and 2000 But he sta nrls acro,;s the sea over here (Eng-land). Not many , Serving in the hattie's heat you see, to assign to t hirty or forty A d h t t. . . . . . n .e can no say o me: umvers1t1e3. I t 1s an oppo rtumty I ''Wh a t yego t t o eat ?. " n ot to be overlookPd. 1 Yesterday a man walked up be- What a glor iou!l clay 'twill he, h ind me and slapped me on the When the cruel war is done. back and cried, "Hello, Frank, And the boys come home from sea how are you." It was Frank JedWith the vi<:tories they've won! erman , class of '16 . . We are t he Oh , the joy to hea r him th e n Saymg g lad ly as we mPe t:" on ly two me n f ro m Peru I know of attending- Bri t ish universities . I "Hell o, Ma, I'm back aga in! j suppose that you have r ead ' Whatyegot to eat? " 1
men. An Ambulance company has 66
Leaders : Va lley Lilly Frour. Bar rington Hall Coffee
Peru Nebraska 1st door so uth Peru State Bank
Smartly Ti-ti~n··ed Sui t~, Cuats and Skirt~ The se_a son_'s N e wes t Fashions a nd ~ate_nal s m Al l Shades a r e Offered 1 10 H Jg h Grade Garm e nts . . . . _
See our Lin e before yu u decide . on yuu r Spring fta rmen t
J. A. CEJKA, Tailor and Cleaner
Nylotis Stands for the best in
roilet preparutions Face Cream
Face Powrle r
Talcum Powde r Hair Tonics, e tc.
Fisher Bros. Dru~gists
The most complP.te stock of Ladies~ Ready-to-Wear in the City
At Popular Prices
- - - M. E. GOOD - - - - - - - -
New Goods in Shoe Line are now in Come in and see the•n
Y. W. C. A. Notes. program. An Iri ~h rlance was Lloyd Hays, who was in the HAVE YOUR Misses Brooker and Adams lei sk ilfull y exceut ed by the Misses night bombing squadron write!' Laundry Work done the meeting on March 23. The Le na Bates, MilrlrPd F is her. and from Brest, France. und er date of at the 1 •• attendance was so mewhat greater Ha ll ie Weaver. Thi s was follow- February 5, that he has had some than usual. Miss Wil so n sang a ed by a piano so lo by Miss Wing. fine opportuni ties of visiting many Nebrasl<a City Laundry lovely vocal solo . The time of Miss Hanthorn spent t he remain- places of interest in France and OTIS GREGG, Agent · •• Sunday meetings wa.> changed to , der of the time in ta lking to t he England. He spent Chr istmas in London and was privi leged to go on Phone 79 8:30 p. rn . \ classs about birds. She to ld us of The next rneeti ng hour wi II he the line opportunity to study birds board the "Deutschland" suhma- Basket at King's Barber Shop taken up with conventi0n reports. j in the spring and fal l, as Peru is r ine. He senrls g reeti ngs to Peru i Collected Mondays Sixteen Y. W. Gir ls hiked to ' on the road of migration, and we facul ty and the No rmal and hopes Delivered Fridays Brownvi lle on Saturday, return ing find m any bird s not native to Peru to be in school agai n next year. He . on the five o'clock train. Each a t th ese t lrnes o f th e year. Sh e never before r eal ized what a fine carried a sack containing eats. al so intE-restingly tnld us th~ habits institutin~~e Peru No rm al is. 1 The weinies were roasted and eaten and appearance of the different Calendar . near Wood Siding . Altho many 1 birds and their great value to Regu I ar events: feet were aching, it was unani. farmers . Weekly. The class certainly appreciates 1 Mondays-Chorus, 5 :40 ·6 :20 mously declared one day well spent buy chocolt1te and and the organi zatiO n of a hikers' such programs and hopes that we i -Band 7:00·8:00: BonBons cl ub is be ing perfected. 1t is not have many simi J_a r ones. Tuesdays - Glee Clubs, 7 :00·8 :00. too lat e to jo in the y w. C. A . Wed nesdays-Chorus, 5 :40-6:20. at anrl g et in on some of these good To~ True. -Orchestra, 7:00 7:45 times. French Sentry:-''Halt! Who Thursdays-Glee Clubs, 7-8. goes three? '' Bi-week ly : f:lelen Willia ·ns Jed the meeti ng Vuice : ·- ''A rnerica." Friday- I 'hi lomathean, STUDENTS last Sunday . Th t- to pic was. "The , French S Pn tr.v:- "Ad,·ance and Monthly: When you neen Cutler y, Flashlight Life that Wins Right Thoug hts." r ecite the Star·Spangled Banner ." l st T uesday, G u·ls' meet 11 :30. Batteries or Miss Allen sang. acco mpanied by 1 Voice:-" ! don't know it " 1st Wed'y, Dramatic Club, 8:00. Miss Ruth Walford. French Sentry: "Proceed , 1st Saturday . Y. W. C. A. KenAnything in the Hardware iine There was no meetimg March 30, America." sington. Call In on account of vaca ti on 1 1st Saturday, .1, U. G. Meeting. j The Busy Man. Specia l Events. and you wi ll always find a full line . J. U. G. Notes. . . If you want to get a fa vor done. April 11, Philo. at M1ss Gladys Marsball v1s1ted By some o bl'1gmg · f n · en d . 1 April 12, Y. M. C. A. Macl\ prang's Hardw.Jt"e at her horne in Elmwood last week. And want. a promis~ safe and sure Apr il 18, Movie. Our club at present is undergo· On which you may depend, Apri l 19, Dramatic Club P lay . SAY IT WITH FLOWERS ing 4uite a chang-e. While sever al Don 't go to hi m who a lways has Apr il 25 , Ph ilo. of our me mbers ha ve had to leave 1 Much le is ure time to p lan, The 3:20 trai n gets to us, many more are coming in to But if yo u want your favo r done, TEACH ERS WANTED Peru at 7:28 take their places. Just ask th e busy man. For all departments of school work. 1 FLOWERS ALL THE School officials are electin£'. now. FRESH Maude Hamilton writeg f r om The man w ith leisur e never has Maximum of Service at a MINIMUM Dav id Ci t y . that she is now doing \ A moment he can spare; - - TIM E - COMMISSION RATE Commission departmental work in the th ird and He' s a lways "putting off" until 4 percent. Write for Literature today CHAPIN BROS. ~our th grades, and tha t s he likes H is friends are in despair. H EUER TEACHERS' AGENCY 1t fine. But he who.>e ever ,; waking hour Lincoln, Nebr. Phone B2234 Miss Clar a Sick is back in scho~I \ Is crowded full of wo~k Cedar Rapids, Iowa. ----~===--=~~~ after spend ing about two weeks m Forgets th e art of wasting time, 1 Changed Hands the infirmary. 1 He cannot st op t o shirk.
for their ''goodness Sake"
I 1
Barnes' Pharmacy
1 '
Miss Glarl y~ Eads spent la~t week end at her horn e. New members he !'ure to r e rnemher that our r~g;;. l:n - m c:eting .tab::e place on Apr il 4. - -- - Senior Notes Miss Edith Dort, chairman of · h· the pro;j!Tam commi ttee for. t _ IS week, ar} r_a nged a very entert a mmg
R~memol i.h when in Nebraska Your ~r
,.~ityiti s') nly
I i)ne
H , (H. k
r .. ort
I ·h Jer '
2. shiP'
'I 0
Good Lunch or h lendid Meal
When Down Town Give us a Call
So when you want a favor done And want it righ t away, Go t o th e man who constantly Works twen ty hours a day . He ' ll find a moment sur e somewhere That has no other use, And fix you while the idl e man Is framing an excuse. - Boys' World .
can buy
anything }OU could give rhem except
Your Fri endsh·ip
Redfern & Ellenberger Watch~s.
ISpectacals and 1
Fountain Pens
Sold attd Repaired
I have hought the Marsh mea t market and will appt·eciate you r patron· c:1ge. A complete stock of fre~h and c u red meats at all times . EARL COULTER .
Citize.ns •• ·sTATE ••
Stationery and School Supplies
Philo and Seal Pius
IRel iable Jeweler
Peru, Nebr.
An old reliabl e bank with assets of over
taught. and to better adjustment . . . of means co its e nds. Aside f r om whatever di SCI~hnary EfficiencY is the great end to be d of a rilhmetiC may . !;ecu re t h'ISs hou ].Ju be h t . gainecl . To va lue t e s u Y have, its ri g ht to an. 1 ~por_t~n~ I the a im of everv teacher. The test place in t.he cu rri cul um IS J ~Stl e I of teaching is shown in t he ability · · b 1lity and. umversa of pupil~ to solve prohi ems. But, by 1ts pract1ca need in the ordinary affa n s of ~very unless the p upil can " se nse" the day life of all 1he people. . ohlem anrl logica ll y r elate the · d 0 f th pupil's pr · Formerly one-tl11r e h : mem lwrs involved -a ltho hP may, ~ school t ime was d evoted to t e hy "jt:llrg ling. the figu res," ge~ a , r es ult tha t is llke the a nswN to h1m ; there is no so lutio n, and f or him j there is no answt>r Happi ly the : o ld · 'cnt ancl try" methpd of ~?olv J ing problems has bePn largely re" but more especJ. ·1 placed ' b .v "l'af e. !ally. " san e" meth ods. Poor rPsults in ar ith metic are ! due la r gely to t.he fact t hat teachers 'I stress t he habit phases, and neg. 1 Ject the r easoning side of the sub! j ect. It is not meant tha t th e habit pha~es are not to be emphasized, but that, in the use of nu mbers, situations should be c r eated. inc. r-. nB -.: K. o f the ~tnthematics Dept. 1volving r Pasoning. In this connec-
Thev · have just arrived and you will be as pleased as v. e were when we saw them The suit:-0 are !-ihown in the new box effect and Ru!-Osh1n blouse model~, whkh are so popular nnw. and the others in the regulation belted ~ty le
Priced $22.50 to $50 .00 The coats are fashoned irorn the new spring fabrics. Mttny are shown in the Cape aud Dolman effects
Priced $12.50 to $40.00 Dresses for every occasion
Priced $15.00 to $60.00
Glcveland Stores Everything for Everybody at the riJ!hl price
You'll Like the New
stud v of ·arithme tic. Now a great J ti on it is well to kePp in mind the man~ of t he leading citiPs of t he \ nec~ssity o_f maki~g _the situations U ni ted Sta tes devote about one rational, 1. e., w1th1n the g-rasp . . . of the pupil . ProbiPms that in!'evPn t.h of the time to t hts s u bJeCt. vo 1ve f ac t s o f w h.JC h th e pup1·1 ·JS This r eduction in the time for ignoran t , ca n bt• of little i nt ere~t to the cons ide ratio n of arithmetic is him, and wh Pre int.-r est i~ lack ing, due to a clearer r ealization of t he 1 r esul ts are hounrl to he disappoint· purpo!;es fn r wh ich it sho uld be ing.
We di!-Oplay each new frock when Betty Wales
it Hnd so keep Hur !">lock
fresh and intet·e!'-ting A srnartl)' hdlored Serge o1· if you prefer a !l.owered Georl!ette.
W"'\les alv. a) s
L. Wessel's Sons & Co. Nebraska Cit), Nehr.
is the place to get
Fresh •
cut •
flowers for every •
occas10n m appropn ate arrangements--Our leading specialty at
hot drinks
of all kinds We al sCI ha ve
Ice Cream
all Seasons of the year.
At a ll times
''The I•' lori st.' ' Nebraska City, Nebr.
Prompt Service Guod Eats
Left I o ri g ht uppP r row- Prof essors *Goudy, Grant, Li ppe tt~~ tMc· Kenzie. , Lower row · -M r:~ . Miss Mors.ran.
K. Goudy,
P resident and Mrs. Cur ·ry and
Sabins' Educational Exchange
• Professor Goudy wa~ Ia ter St t S , a e upermte nde nt. tD r . J . M. McKenzie th F. A. M. M. DORNON, Manager Su · t d ' e Jrst P resident at Peru later State The most widely patronized, b~cause the most reliable Teacher'R perm en ent, a nd in 1882 h ' Agency in the Middle West . Ter ritory from the Mississippi rive r to e was teacher of Mathematics at Peru Pa.!ific Coast. Flynn Bldg, Des MaineR, Iowa. FOUNDED 1893
DEATH OF MISS PERKINS, Perhfl ps no n t: ws qf th e ye ar has come to us wi I h morP of a s hock than t he m essage la.;t Wednesrlay morning tellin g of the d eath of Mi,.-s Winnifr ed Pt>rkin~. in th e General H os pital, Blackwe ll's Is -
IChri s ti an c ha ract e r and life , especi ·Isome ally thru pra yer and study of the B ibl e. 4 . To le ad th e m to unite themselves as Christians in ma king th e wi II of G 1d elfPc tive thruout the wo rlci .
mi g hty good suggesti on!'. After dinn e r ou r clear old hom ely Fred H fl nson of Cam o DndgP, the camp Y. ~ecretary , talked on boy problem~ and our joh th ere . One of the phases was Go~pel t eam work.
land, N. Y. lV1 iss Perkin,; had been M I"S D;:-ake , secr etary of t he Y P a ul McKee foll owed thi s by ex· in nurse'~ training th e r e s ince Jas1 W C. A of the Sta t e University. plaining th e char t ing system f or St>pte m ber . The cause of her d eath : told of t he work nf t he a ssociation boys. was influ e nza . I off the campus, and how it might H olco mbe clismissed us a nd told Winnifred P e rkins is rem e mber- I reach the hu s: ness g irl. u s to go ho me a nd go over the top. ed hy hundrt-d::; of P eruvians as a M1 ss A!!n e~ Hall . ou r o th er We're h er e , and we 're g-oing over. t.r avelin)! secre tary, spo ke nn ''Ser· Back u s up as you did t he bo ys at vice .. , Sh P sno wed the great dif- the front. j f Prence be t w,.,e n ltaden hip and E'er- ,
Supt G_a_t_e_s _S_p_e_a_ k _s -in - Chapel
V I Ce.
memher of th e t r a in i ng school fac· ulty cl urin g th e yPa r s from 191 2 to 1916 To a ll who knew he r th e me~sasre of her death br ings a feeling- of cle<•p pe r sonal l os!l. Miss Perk ins was a woman of fine. Rtrong pre!'ence, me ntally kef:'n, with a vigo rou s . WPII-<miered
Philo Friday. Aprilll Ceskej Program
so uled woman. w h n served human- of sru d Pnt s .v ou r !'choo l is .Putting , Cf's kej Sokol, _ Edward Matejnvsky ity with ea rnest s tre ngth and sy m- out?" Ar E' you? I tell you. Kak Ceski Zvi ky _ Ve rna Kre j i Pathy. ·- _ _ _ __ _ ill his s imple way put things aeross. Hu.Jba na klavir The re st of t he afternoon was Clara Beck, Len N ora Wing, · Pis ne t o bus in Pss discus!' on \~"11 e~k H e le n Yeck, 1 Th ursday ni g ht we had a guud beef Hild egarde Yec k , H e le n Dredla, a nrl s pud harqu et. Fred H a nsen , Ge rtrude Cla rk Kak, Jud d, a nd seve r a l s tuclent s Hudba na h ou sle Lee Heming way talk ed on past EstC:'S P a ri< con fe r- Ceski Tance -Barhora k e nces and w hat they had do ne for h' Cla ra Arpke Dona ld Overholt, them Six of us are C going t Js LeNora S n.v rl e r, Her m11 n Rhodu~. 11 Yea r. We want fift een! ome on ·· J oseph m e Ga vin, La ure ne(' R ouse. J une 1 6-~6. Margari e t Elder, Ca rl Mack prang, F riday n oon, state advisoryThcnm - Doris Fry, Gay lord Chase. mittee o:f seven was elected . o mone of th e seven and la t e r A rece nt message from Sanford as was f h Clements, '1 ~ . describes a very de· was e lected vice -pres iden t o ft 1e li g htful trip he had just t a ken in committee. The election was o charge of a salvage cre w, thru lowed by a talk from Kak o n the . 1 s'I d e Uf y • M • Holcombe .led France, inc luding vi s its to such SOCia us in a discussio n a long that !me c iti es as Rhe ims , Sed a n, Mezt eres and between the two we got and Verdun.
Our a s!'OC i at ion was we \I r e pre- -'evoted u ~ e·ne:J
a t th e convention by the f o IlVl i~s H a n thorne, Mrs . Rlair wd the Missf's Magneso n, Gockley, Feree, Brehm, Ri ecker, Sch ill an:l Dauphin At thP. open •n g sess i on , MJ.ss EIPanor i3 Fo reman, secretary of lowin~ :
the North Cen tr ..ll Oi>par tment , told of the pur?ose of rh e Y . W. C. A . , it being- fo nr f old : 1 U ni t~ young wnme n and . t hem c lose r to J es us through bring service. 2. To lead them into m e mbership and serv ice in the Chr istian work . 3. To promote their grow t h .m
Our hearts have been saddened by news of the sudrl en death of Mr. H. VanMiddlesworth, at hi s home in V:=d ley City, North Dakota, where his da ughter, Mif;S Ed ith, a graduate of Peru. and formerly one of our facu lty, is n ow a member of the _facu lty of t he Valley State Normal School. During th ei r many years in charge of Mt Vernon hall, Mr. and Mrs. VanMidd lesworth, by their unfailing kindn ess endear ed themselves to us all , and no one who knew Mr. Van, as hi s friend s loved to cal l him, will forget hi s smile of welcom t! or hi s prid e in his we ll kept lawn. H e was a "gentleman of the old school," genia l, kindly, happy in hi s love of his work and of hi s f ri ends. Such lives are a b enedicti on . To Mrs. and Miss VanMidd lesworth th e ir many fr ie nd s in Peru d exten their d eepest sympathy and love.
. enderl rhe s pec1al . . The students hare ofthe n e ntertamTh13 meetings b · ·t f or th e y W . C A. del e g-ates, all /' e tl during the c apbe 1 our _, y vJs J of whom felt that th e th ough t s ' ors of the sc1100 1, ut se 111 0m ever . ha ve they had a mor e rare treat presente d dunng- the day were we 11 than last Friday morning, wh en worth careful con ~ i deration The Superintende nt Ga tes of Col umbus remainde r of the three day sess ion schools gave a n addre!'s ' ·social izwas d e vote d to the Student Volun teer conve n tion. ing th e Sc h ool s." Mr. Gates firm ly heli eves in the rev i!:i on of th e cur · . l pro h The Y. M , C. A. Conference. n . c ulum !'O that t he essen t 1a .f . b . . f J lems o 1 e w 1 11 e prom w Pn t 1n El even d e iPgatPs frnm P e ru at. . I 1 tencled th P. Y . M . confe rence at our schools i nsteacl oft he JmpractJ- 1 We!'leya n March 27 30. The train - cal me thod which have so lo ng been Southeastern Nebraska Association. ing c onfe r e nce )a!;terl from Thur ~ an established standard . Th e- proA large number of the faculty day noon till Friday ni g ht. The longed app lause g ive n him by the and a f e w of the seni ors at tended object was to plan for the work of students at the close of hi s address / the South ea stern N ebraska Teachthe ditfPr e nt Y. M. 's over th e~tate, indica t ed their apprec iat i on . ers' Associa ti on at Lincoln the la flt so rha t it cou ld be carried out Superintende nt Gates graduat erl days of March. The members of m ore effec tive ly a nd efficie ntl y . from P e ru in 1907. He is one uf the facult y who wer e unable to atThe conference was opened hy a a large numbe r .who has made good t Pnd missed a rar e and unus ual short talk from State Stucl e nt Sec- in the t each i ng profession . He t r eat. re tary H o lcombe . H e was f o llowed has been o ne of tht lcad F-r s in eel uF or years the Southeastern Assoby K a k Ke nn e dy, who i s jusc back cation in N eb ra ska f o r a numbe r ciat ion was o ne of th e small est a ssofr o m France. Kak, while over of yea rs. He was a leade r in hi s c iati ons of the state. ranking well th e r e. harl char~re of all the army class. presi dent of th e Ph i loma- j among the smallest. Last year it Y . M w o rk. He t alked o n th e thean Soc iety , and nne of the jumped t o first pla.ce i~ point ~f moral and r e ligious life of the editors of the Senior Annual, 1907 1l aLte ndar.ce and aga m th1s year 1t
out going mind . Ahove all she students His big- question was : was a high principled, ~trong- "Are you sati ~fied with th e kind
Y. W. C. A. Convention at Wesleyan.
more than he ld its place w ith other a ssociatiOns of the s tate. The attendance was increased over last yea r, ther e be ing over e leve n hundre d t eache r s e nro lled . No small creclit is dn e to Super intend ent A. J . Stodda r.d of Beatrice, president of the a ssociation, for thi s unu s ua l succe~s. A ll Peruvians wi II not only be proud of this success of Mr. Stoddard . but a lso of his success as superinte ndent and a leader in ecl uc11 ti on. Superintendrnt Stoddard graduated in 1910 and has made a pilenomina l s uccess, a s is sho wn by his b e ing s uperin t end ent of one of th e largest syst e m of schools in the state. Peruvians were g r ea tly in e vidence at this a ssoc iation. One of the educators remark ed that over half of tho':le in attendance were former P e ru stud e nts.
K ' k F o wle r writes from
THE PERU NO RJ'"ALITE volunteers t o take the p lace of the I Capt. GJrrma ny that at the Y . . · ·11 give Coblenz, e ' c t I officers cluh he m e t a p . boys in France. T h I S W I
boys of th e S. A. T. C. an op- M · C. A. C l' '07 He writes: j' Earl M. Jne, ' I portuni ty. • ' Cl i ne is the sa me good, c eanPubllshed Weekly by the Peru State Normal . h taway f e ll o w he a l ways · M H. G. Notes. cut, stra1 g f re 50 cts. per year. Single CO]J.)' 5 cts 11 "Mig hty Hu ngr y Girls,' , d"d 1 ' was , an d sef:"mR· to have u Y you say '? Well you wou ld have , covered from his wound.'' I Entered a t the P ostoilicc at Per u. Nc- th e brasl<a as second class ma t ter.
thot so if vou cou ld have seen t he eats disappear the ot~er nigh~ at tha t initiatio n feed wh1ch the g1 rls 1 enjoyed at th e invite of "Fr itz" 1 and "Cece." But that' s not our name. Guess aga in. . . T he other nig ht WP were pn v1- : leged to see o urselves a s others see ·
l Tue llDITo iH A L
sTAFF-l-<EC~IsD s f:~, E~T~R.
Edna Salzman n · Edward :vlattjo vsky Cecilia Peterso n Laurence Ro use l<ayrnond Hu tTer Emma Wood ie
Ed nor tn ·l... htcl ,, . . · EI l't us • a nd "beli eve us 1t was . som e t or 1 Associat e Editor r evela ti on. H ow one ac ts In the Bus iness i\J anager I i bra r y; how n ervo us another be..\ss t Uusiness .VI'gr CO'lles when her ca ller is late, e tc. , Ass t Busin,·ss M 'g r e tc. What a r are pri vil ege to have A~socwt c
I s uch obse r va nt personages wit hin
Ethd Anderso n. Betty La u man LeNora Snydcr
M ay Festival Artist. • (May 6 ) 2
!o ur
Claude Ivers Hch.-n La wrence Grace Lit tle
Current Events Last Wedn esday Miss Ke ll ey gave us a n interesti ng outline of the conditions in sever a l of the foreign countri es. Bols hevi sm is constantly gaining foothold . The Bolsheviks have peacably establi s hed their government in Hungary and will probably advance into Rouma nia, P oland and Germany. Thi s would then bring the five co untries, Rus-
-'Welcome ----Party. --
Mi s~es Wa hl e r, Vinton , Williams and Robinson, new m embers of the S ha rrar house, wer e ini t iated in to that househo ld with a surprise party g iven by Mrs. Shar rar and t he g irls of the house, together ! with Mrs. South and da ug htt r, Stella . Games wer e played· and 1 deli cious r efres hments ser ved . The ne w girls are convinced t hat Mrs. /i Sharrar makes a Jovelv mother to all and tha t the Sharrar hou:;e is I
Spring & Summer OPENI.\G Sm ar t ly Tai:tved Suit ~,
Coats i:ind Skirts
sia,Germany, Hungary, Rouman ia I inde~d a ho mey place. of New York. The season' s Newest Fashions and and Poland uncl er t he dreaded rul e Materi a ls in All Shades are Offered of the Bolshevi ks T hese co nc. it inns / Freshmen T op sy T ur vy Party. . M_r. Ernest ~avis is on~ of the in Hi g h Grade Garme nts . . . . . will necessi ta te the incr ease in Of co urse we a ll kne w that AJJ nl Jead 1ng drama t1c and ly r1 c tenors See our L.ine before you decide strength of t he <\lli ed armi es. 1 firs t had passed, but withou t for- ' of Am!:'rica. Hi s voice is of unon your Spring Garment Lenine has g iven up the Lheory ma l r ecogniti on, so we took unpn ! usual range, r eaching upper D, that anyone can fi ll officia l positi ons ourselves on th e ni ght of April 5 1 which he sinJ?s with g reat power and is calling f or ex per ts. ; to have avery turned around so iree !a nd brillia ncy. He will be in the • The miners and railroad strikers ensemble in Mrs. PrieJ's r oom. solos of the "Messiah," and in a Tailor and Cleaner in Engla nd a re not exci ted by Bol- l The whole eve ning was a hil ari- 1group of songs of h is own selecti on. sheviks, but by labor ing classes ous muddle of turner! about ga mes: .
p eru State Bank
called the g uild soc ia li sts. Drop . the ha ndke r chief . re versed, i In r egard to the peace confer- ' a spe lling bee, in wh ic h m o:;t of I ence, France is demand ing more the " evergreens" occ upied the ! than any other natio n, which is not corner of the degrad<>d many. Then to be wondered at because of her Virgi ni a Ree l with <?Om plica ti ons g reat suffe rin g. set in a nd races- r ather com pi ica t1 One of tthe g reat est advoca t P.s of ed and humor o us, after which s li ps - - -- IN- - League of Nati ons is Elihu Root. were di stributed among the boys He is looked upon by the Rep ub- and gir ls contai n ing hits of Mother !!cans as be ing sa ne an d judicia l. G oos~ rhymes. 1~hese. being mar k- ~ 1aft has also dones much for t he ed w1th a lad y fa 11·. d 1d pr oduce a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - league of Nations. It is promised happy pai r. Ice c ream, nuts, and that the League of Nations will fancy cakes were ~pread upon the soon go thru. but it is declared b I " gro~ning hoard" ~or our especial Y beneht. At the fina le we were some of the members th a t its de- 1enter ta ined the whil e by some of lay has g iven rise to Bo ls hevism. our late ly impo rted ''virtuosos " Oragn ized labor will be r epr esented ! M. Fisher. as will women in the League of Th - -·---Y n u ,. F r i e n d ~ h i p Nations. Women may be members the d:,astahd nfewMs _camDe last week of d · 1 " O ISS € W I:'} 's fathe r Appreciated. an even elected pres1de nt. She has been at home severa l weeks: There has been a ca ll for 50,000 She r etu r ns today.
A Good Bank
A Good Town
When Down I Town G• tve us a Call
Redfern & Ellenberger
Mandelson & Kennedy N.e braska City
Phone 25
Phone 25 i'1ARDI~
Grocer ies, Furnishi ng Goods, Men's and Boys ' Shoes Our leaders: Valley Lilly Flour. Barrington HaJJ Coffee
P eru Nebraska l s t door so uth P er u State Bank <-
Nylotis St.ands fur the be ~t it1 to1let pJ·epar- Ht ion~{ Face Cream Face Po\l~der ~
Ta lcum Powd e r H air T on ics, e tc.
Br~ 08 •
The most complete stock of L~~~ Ready-to-Wear in the City ., At Popular Prices
New G_oods in Shoe Line are now in Come 1n and see thean • • • • •
• •
• •
Junior Notes,
Charlotte Lane, ' 18, has been re-
her, unless there is tra in fare, HAVE YOUR The junior class was well repre- which is not incl uded . elected a t David City with a genLaundry Work done erous increase in sa la r y. sented 3 A 1 at class chapel Thursday, . eader must be appoint ed a t the Miss Ruth Peterson ,. ' 18, has wh i~h proves that we are getti ng for each hike. 4. Every girl wishi ng to go on Nebraska City Laundry been re-elected as kinri ergarte n mor e a live to what our c lass spir it teacher at Tecnmseh wi th a $10 shou ld be. the hi ke must sign her name to t he OTIS GREGG, Agent 1 increase in salary. The morning program consisted ist in t he chapel lobbv at least Phone 79 Mr. and Mrs. E . W. Marcell us of a viol in sol<? by Lee Hemingway, the day bef ore the hike. It her ~~~o uoc; the a rr iva l of a son. accompan ied by hi s s ister; and a name is s igned and she fi nds it im- . Basket at King's B arber Shop 1 l!ot, uesday, Ma r ch 25, Evans- voca l solo by Miss Meis~ner ac- possible t o g o, she must not ify the • Collected Mondays ton, I ll inois. 803 Lincol n S treet. 1com pa ni ed on the p ia no by Mabel leader as soon as possible, or pay De I i vered F ridays Prof. W. R. H ull , form er ly of j Panon and on t he viol in by Mr . her share of t he expenses. Peru, who is now su peri ntendem HE>mi ngway. 5. Watch for the announcement 1 of schools. !Clarkdale, Ariozna in S ince t he banquet has passed of t he hikes, wh ich wi ll a ppear on ., • a recent let ter to Prof essor Gregg, ~here is a lu ll in the business meet - t he ~ulleti n boa~d. statE's his plans of v is it in g Peru m gs, but th e j uni ors are not a _M iss Bowen IS to tal.k upon the '' in the course of hi s "Che vriole t" class t o sit iclle long. So t hey will E ig ht- Weeks Club, Apnl 13. Speoverland trip. soon be wor king on some th ing else, 1 c ia l music is promised. bu y chocoh1 te and Mrs. Priel has been u nable tore· Miss Florence S ixt.a who grad u- proba h ly t he task of getting more Bon· Bons ated in J a nua r y, is now t eac hing students fo r Old Peru next year. tu rn to her work si nce vacation on at account of il lness. in Sidney. She reports tha t S idney is tho roly up-to date in its J. U. G. Notes. ' Calendar. school system, a nd t he tQu i pment Do the J. U:. G.'s appreciate a Regul ar events : and supp lies are u nusuall y fine. good movie? Well, I should thi nk they do, ,udgi n ~ from the number Weekly. S TU DENTS Miss S1x ta is to be cong ratu lat ed Mondays-Chor us, 5:40-6 :20 · h·a v1ng · h er fi rs t work u nder so t hat 1n . went . t o rep resen t the club When you neen Cutler y, Flashlight - Band 7 :00·8 :00 : Fn day m g ht. . . e ffi r 1en t a s upermtende n t as is Mr . . T uesdays - Glee Clubs, 7:30-8 :30. Batteries or Florence W. , after the show FriBraham . Wednesdays- Chorus, 5 :40-6:20. Anyt h ing in t he Hardware iine Walter Demi ng . who wi lf be rlay ni~ht : " I :--onder i ~ anyone - Orchestra, 7:00 7:45 reCO(!'nl zed my VOICe?" Call In Thur sday-Glee Clubs, 7 :30·8 :30. reme m be red as one of our ma t ure · undergraduate students se veral Quite a nu mber of people in our Bi -weekly : and you wil l al ways find a full line yea rs ago, is now science teacher in club are wonderi ng why a new Ford F ri day- I 'hi lorna thean, at Monthly : Belden , Michi ga n . He has been always persi!'t ed in " sti cki ng.' ' You may th ink we a re mer ely 1st Tuesday, G1 r ls' meet 11 :30. Mack pran~'s Ha rd ware recently r e-e lec ted at a sa lary of fill ing in space th is week. but we 1st Wed' y , Dramatic Club, 8 :00. $1400. He is q uite proud of the 1st Saturday, Y. w. c. A. Ken- SAY IT WITH FLOWERS fact that he successfu lly passed the cer tai nly will fi ll in time Saturday sington. physical exam ination and had been eveni ng-. Ta king the a verage, it The 3 :20 train gets to will not be so bad af te r a ll. 1st Saturday, .1, U. G: Meeting. reco mmended f or a n officers' trai nPer u at 7:28 Special Events. We a re ve r v pr oud of t he fact ing camp j us t before t he armi stice April 9; Drama tic Club. was signed. tha t our Mi ss Re icker r eceived FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE April 11, Ph ilo. We an nounce wi th sincere regr et " h igh honor" in Mr. Gr egg' s - - TIME - Ap ril 12, Y. M. C. A. that Miss J ess ie Down ing, head of psychology class last q ua rter. April 12, T raini ng School party. CHAPIN BROS. our physical trai n ing d e pa rtment, y W . C A Notes. Apr il 18, Mo vie. has been co mpelled t o take a lea ve Some of the Y. W. C. A. mem Li ncoln, Nebr. Phone B2234 Apri l 19, Dra ma t ic Cl ub Play. of absence beca use of poor hea lth. he rs hiked to Brownville on March April 25 , P hilo . Miss Downi ng has heen a n un ti ring 22. a nd enjoyerl themselves so Apr il 26, Girls ' party. Changed Hand s worker in pr omot ing the work of much that a Y. W. C. A. H ikers' Apri l 30, Lectu re, Dr. C&dma n. this departmen t. Sh e harl u nusual Clu b has bee n orga ni zed. The I have hou ght the Mars h succPss with her t eaching and f ollow ing rul es have been a dopted: TEACHERS W ANTED meat m a rket and will For all departments of school w ork. . owing to her fa i t hful ser vice the 1. Only Y. W. C. A. members, School officials are electiO£ n ow. , apprecl a te vour patr.o n· departme nt is able to se nd out s ix a nd t hose gi rls wh ose re ligious Maxim um of Service at a MINIMUM age. A. c om pJete s tock of well tra ined p hys ical directors. We be li e f does not per mit t he m to beCOMMISSION RATE Commission 1 extend our best wis hes to Mi ss long to the Y . W. C. A., are invit 4 percent. Write for Literature todav J fre~h and cure d meats DowniQg an d s in cer e ly hop.e tha t ed to join these hikes. when ~e r e turns in S eptem ber / 2. The expenses of each h ike HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY ) at all limes , Cedar Rapids, Iow a. E ARL CO U LTEU. she wiii f~el strong agnin. a re not to exceed 25 cen ts pe r mem-
S A \' For t heir '.' goodness Sake
Barnes' Pharmacy
R"'•c member w hen in N ebraska Y our
f rte . n d s can buy Watch~s .
City it isonly
a nyth i n g y ou could
One s ,ol.k North
g i v e th e m except
TO A Good Lu nc h or S plen did Meal
j Spectacals and F oun tain Pens
Sold aud Repaired Station ery and School Supplies
Philo and S eal Pins AT
J. c. CHATELAIN , Reliable J eweler
Peru, Nebr.
·An old reliable bank with assets of over
a rtm e nt.
an .i p lace of t h e read y to wear ga r ment is di s-.: ussed. Every girl
Home Economtcs . ep o n om 1c ;; co u rses are T h e h ome ec · . . d a nrl woma n d oes not have tirne · h t o pLnpo ;es m mm · d p la n ne w1t w b n or inclina t ion to make her own . fi wome n to ecome I to t you n g d t o c lo th ing-. But to be a g-ood judlte mics teache r ~ a n home eco n r' . ' k o f t hat which she finrls in the de. Thev have ju s t arrive~ a nd ll: . t attract JVP. home rna b e e wc1en • · fi ll partment store or that which the y ou ·will be as pleas ed a s "e th Y maY a 1a r ge e r s, t I1a t e · . . h. h dress maker >'end:; home to her, it i~ were when we s aw them ' p lace in t he co mm u m ty lm 'fh ICe i m pe rat i ve th a t s he know some~ The suit..; are ~ hown in the nt:!W bo x effe ct h 1· As t eac· h e rs t 1ey av t ey tv e. d . 1 h i n g- nf t h e con strucrion and fin ish and R u ss h tn blou !'le model .. , w hh: h are ~ o 10 n 0 opportu n ity "ur pasi'e an ' ' . fl of t r e ga r m l' n t itself and a great popul11r nnw. and the o thers in th e regula· ~ I ot he r line of wo r k. to In uen c(· . . f t h d ea l ab11Ut thl" w :1 r t h an d gen utne. tion belted ~ ty le ' the Jives of y o ung gt r 1s or ,... . ~ .f ness of 1h e te xr.1le of whtch it is wo rthwhil e tb mg<: o 11 e. · b . made The clorn1ng u dget 1s an Dur i ng t h e wa r t h e d epar t m e n 1 1mporrant a nrl high l v r r actical prob t r ied in e very p >ssib le wa.v t o m eer The co a t!'~ are f 11 shon e d fr·o111 th e n e w sp rin2 IPm to w h 1ch we give a g ood deal t he requirements of the f oorJ a d fabric s . Man v an~ s hown in rhe C»pe aud I mi ni strati on a n d h e lp t he cause of of a t te n t ion . Dolman effects The cour::-e in hom e management a n d house des ign have to do wi th I ~fficie n t manag-e me nt o f evcrv de. Dr esse s f o r every occ as ion pa r tm t·nt of the household, the p lanni ng of houses with their inLeri o r decora t.i o ns and f urnish;ngs - i n s ho r t , t he cha ngi ng of mere houses in to h om es
Dress es
Priced $ 22.50 to $ 50 .00
Priced $12.50 to $ 40.00
Priced $1 5.00 to $60.00
Cleveland Stores
E v e r y thin g for
Eve r ~
bod.Y at the r ig h t pri ce
You'll Like the New {&11;;;J!~ ~n;~s~~ s
We d ispl ay e a c h n e w frock "h e n Betty Wa les relea s es it a nd so kee p ·nur s rnck fresh and in tere!' t i n g J\ s m a rt1 y ta ilnred Ser ge o r if you p refe r a flowered Georl! ette.
Reme mb e r -Betry
W"11es aJ,,
L. Wessel's· Sons & Co. Nehra s k a C it ~ , Nebr. ___________..________________ _
T he Girls' C lub A m ajor i ty of the m e mhersof the Girls' C l ub was p r esent at the reg- u lar mass mee ting , Tuesday, Apr i l ~. The time was almost who ll y taken u p wit h r epor t<: fr ' ffi the chairman of the various commi ttees. The re was a repnrt from the MRS. F. C. ] B A N, Hc:nd of the Home Econ omics Oept. trea~ urer; and the res po nse Of the l i be rty. T he g irl s went o u t t horo gi rl s in t h e pro mpt payment of a nd 2nthu siasti c co n ver ts to th e dues sh o w!i t he s pirit. w i th whi ch gnspe l of saving and economy . t hey are e n te ring 1h1s n ew o rgan iT h e house w i fe of the fut u re l za ti on. T he c ha i r man of t he social m 11sr k now th e needs of the fam il y committee> an n ounced that th e first and how to su p pl y t 'J em in t.hl , pa r ty fo r the club is to b e he ld in mos t scientific. eco nomica l way. ! t he n e w gvmnasium, April ~6. The T h is. ~e a t.tem~t to t eac h in our j date for the ann u a l e lt'ct i on of co u r se m dt el ettcs . The amou n t.~ \ officers was d e~ i ded u po n. a nd ki nds of food fo r persons o f T he r e was also a r e por t from the diffe ren t ages a nd occupat ions a re I Peruvian committee Jt has bet>n s t udi ed in d e ta il. Each s tuden t I d ecidE-d that th e cl uh is to have I1 ma lu •s seve r a l d ieta ri es s uited t o I! two pages in the Pe ruvian • one of her own nl"E:-ds T he cost of food , p lctures an d on e o f printt•d ma· ' and p roblems in ma r keti ng r eceive tenal. I a t te n tion. 1 T he fooo;; cour ses a r e taken up I Y. M C. A . N otes .,! I fr o m t h e p r act ical s tandpoint Ia _I Su nclay after noo n th e Y. M. C.
=== = ===== ======== ==== = = =- ' ing " S AY IT WITH F' LOW E:RS
T H E F.\ Y is th e p lace to get
Fresh cut
flowers for every
h ot d rink s
occasion in appropri a te a rrange- ' ments-·Our leading specialt y at all Seasons of the yea r.
of a ll kind s We a lso have
Ice Cream
G. E. BERTHOLD ' 'The I<' lnri st.' ' N ebraska Ci ty, Ne br.
At a ll times
Promp t Se ,·v ice Go od Ea t l'l
Sahinst Educational Exchange FOUNDED 1893
g reat stre~s up on t he effici ' e nt y A . b oys m~ t In . r eg u \ a r m ~ett. nJ!o . The p rogr am was the rev tew of tory, t he ~cienti fic pri n cip les under- las t Wet>k's work at Wesleyan. 11.v i ng the p r ocesses of cook er y a nd C urley r e1Jnrted . on .the coosti.tution care of foo d i n t h e hom e . ,I of the Y o r gan 1zat1 on and d tscus5· T he co urse in h o me cooki n g anrl ed t.he, d iffe r e nt manners ...<..\f pro· ta b le ser v ice teaches t he s tud e n t to ceed 1ng. Tho m as ref\E>.ct~d to us serve meal:; f o r m a n y occasions what Kak brot out at .' the-.r..•n· accorai n g to t h e mos t acce ptab le fen~ ~ ce. ~e s pokt' on cou r tesy and standards an d in th e m ust attracLive co nstrl e ratiOn t har is du e to a new way, - n o t to f or ge t economy. / s tud e nt accordrng to good Y. M. Pe rso nal appearance is a la rge s tand a r~ s. Don O ve r ho lt talked fac tor in th e s uccess uf any ind i- 1 on t he finance com m i ttees Prante vidual. Eve r y young woman w ish es r evo iced t he boy problem and our to loo k her b est, no matte r whe th e r duty there. H e also di sc ussed the her incu m~ is large r s ma ll. In Gus pe l tea m worV..
Imanage me nt of kitchen and labora-
the sewing and textile courses t n e I rma wi Ison: Honey always used st~den t is h elped to se lect c lothi ng to b e a mys te r y to m e. The ~ost wid_ely patron ized, bf'cause t he most r e liable Teach er '~ s~l~d to h er own i ndiv id ua li ty, N e ll ie: We ll , i ~n ' t it now? Apg:?ficyCm tthe Mtdd le West . T er ritory fro m t he Mississipp i rive r t~ W I ~ ~e~ard to t he occas ion on Irma : No, I und e rstand it pPr a ~ I c oas . F lynn Bid g , 0 es Mo ines, Iowa. which It IS to be worn. The worth f ect ly, now.
A. M. M . OORN ON, Man age r
F ourteen Great A r tists in
A 7- r·eel movie. in the Chapel
Friday Night, April 18, at 8:30 p. m. Ad mi ... .. iu n b v
Th. ket or :iO cts .
Entertain ed Practice T eacher s.
Merits of the Peruvian.
One of t h P m nst pleast n t even ts of t he year occu rred Satur day evening when t he tr a in in ~r school teach ers en ter tai ned t he practice teachers in a mnst de li g htful ma n ner.
The alnmn i, f aculty, and present stud ents of t he schoo l should f eel a n especia l inter est i n t he J919 Peruvian because of i ts vari ous feat ure:;. The comp lete H onor Roll. the page of alumni snapshots fr om <:a mp and t he " Soldi er s' Memo ri a m" in con nection wi t h a r ea l p hy loso phy of the U. S. Sold iers' g ra ves in France ar e t he unusual f ea t ures of in ter est to t he a lumni. T hP. f a cu I t y vj i II appreciate the " Gree t ings to t he School" fro m Presid Pn t Rouse, his b iograp hy illush ra ted by photographs taken at di ffer en t ages, and a mong other th i ngs, a page d evoted t o an appreciatio n of one of t he ir facu lty members, Mr. Gregg. Ever y stud ent fee ls a cur iosit y in the pr ize snapshot page a.nd t he secti on "Pho tC~gr a ph y of Lo ve," wlier ein all of the most ar dent coup les of t he yea r a re character istically di splayed, pro mi ses enterta inment. The secr et of May Queen wi ll be fina ll y revea led by her photo and accomp;m y ing it wi ll be a p icture of last year ' s qu een. Eve ry one w ill fee l we ll acquainted w it h the f ac ulty after r eading t he ir cha racteri zations in "A n accicien t a t Barney, " whr'ch is
A s thP. s tud Pnts wa lked into t he hi g h sc hno l assemb ly r oo m, t hPy wer e s urpr ised to see i t t r ans formed into a beautiful li v ing room. The spacio us r ock i ng chai r s mad e one feel as if o ne wan terl to occ upy th em f or t hP r est of th e even ing , hut thP i nst i nc t of curios ity was ar ro used b v th e s igh t of t he art ex· hihit o f t he facu lty, wh ich was g reatly enjoyed by a JJ. As usua l, our know lerllte was To p u t ball s i n th e "bask," for BASKET BALL GIRLS. tested . T his t i me it was no t pl ans , her is no t a~ k. Billi e Brooker . but Bible na mes which wer e unpro- I. If yo u saw her, yo u' d say, " Wha t Th er e once was a capta in na med nouncihle a nn t he l' pelli ng was far Bi ll a w izzard !" worse. Don na L ow r ey proved to have th e hPst knowlerlge of t he Ancl !'ay b u t s hesure was aco mer! V. Clara Ar pke. A fi ne cen ter s he was, as the C. Ar pke is ta ll anrl she' s sli m, B1ble, as s he s uccePdt"ci in secur ing And sometim es she ' s a wf ull y t he greatest n umber o f names. ju nior s dicl see, p ri m, For she tossed li ke a g enuine T he vaud evi li e , pantn mi me a ncl But when she is playi ng , t he h ummer ! hypnotic pe r f or ma ncE's werP. i mju nior s are p ray i ng • _, h mense 1y en]oveu , t e acton; d'l!'p Iay - II. P eg Albert. Th at she hould lo:;e so me of her Peg A lber t ca n sure throw the ing g reat talen t und er t he di cta t io n ltna ls vim . of t hei r capable ma nager s. W hi ch br ing he r oppon'e n ts de- J . VI J pss T odd. The spe ll i ng con t est was won f t'at . I r~Iurr·ah t'or· J ess T 0 dd 1· She ' s h fl by t he blue s id e a l t h n th e r erl s i rl e When she g e ts ' cr oss t e oor , some g irl! r.om:i!!ted of qnite a n u mbPr of t he t he j un ior s ar e sore, facu lty, but even th ey sPemPd p uzBu t t he seni ors , t h ey say , " Oh '· \ How we cheer when she co mes 1 on the floor ! H ow swee t !" zler! as to t he 11pe ll i ng o f ~orn e 1 Anrl we say, " No w we 'll win , wo rd s. Next we ma r ~h erl t o th e II I. J ack Snyder . f ur J ess Todd is in. di ning r oo m w her e d eli cious r ey! r ickety ! ra ck ! And we' ve heard of t his larly be· Ri cke t fr "~h m e nt:> of ice cream and cake Ther s' s nothin g th e ma tter w i t h I f ore !" were ser ved . After dning justice J ack ! h VI I. Beth Gra ha m to thPse, we r e tu r ned in orrl er to She ru ns u p t he scor e f or t e 1 A ma id en we see vou ng a nd fa ir , g et our fi r st m onth's r. hecq ues. , seni o::s befor e I With ath le tic gract's so ra r e. Never before had a n v one o f us A ny body cou ld even say " W hl:lck" Wo uld yo u mak 2 a good play? handled such large a mo u nts a nd we Oh , no, not todCJ y, won der ed wha t we w ou ld d o with I V. D o ri s Frye . 'This la dy seems very d em.u r e .. For o ur s plend id Bet h Gr aham is it, hut ~oon r um or s o f a n a ucti on Bu t s he plays like t he w md Jn a o f por t ra its in th e a rt g a ller v was d t he re! . 1
r.l eve rl y rar toonPd. The S A. T. C. d epar tm ent is q uite complete and co ntai ns not on ly indi vidua l photos of t he boys, but a rtic les by t hem a nd th eir officers descr ibing the phases of t hei r a rmy life in t he barracks, and on the fi e ld i n a most convinci ng and enterta ining st yle . T hese ar e but a f ew of t he many .a ttract ive pages w hich t he 19 19 Peruv ian offe r s you . __ ----w1 d \vante A little mor e exci. tement. - Phil
b~I~Z~Za~r~-~================~======~====~==~~========= heard. a nd whe n one visits a rt g al - ==~ I h h h leri es. he m u!lt r em em b Pr tha t mas- w as ~pill ed eith er by a cciden t or every {at·e w en t e last num er Tho mpso n. . n. was announced. A s tanza of . t he · A g u· . 1. -' L . r:r·1ac k er . ter pieces cannot be bo t fo r s ma ll d esrg amounts. I H ow g r acef ully and da in t ily some P er u Color Song closed o u r enJoya A heau t iful doll. - J ack Weaver . All hygienic r ul es we r e f or gotten people s tep was show n by gr~u p ble en ter ta inment, wid ch lacked A li ttl e w isdo m. - Ad ee. in t he " water -spoon ing" con tes t , number s i x i n the paper s t epp rn g nei t her a im, prepara t ion, prese nta-/ A m omen t to myself .- Miss Dunn. and ev iden t ly so m e we r en' t ver y race. tr' on nor appreci a t ion. Agn e~t. -Th o mas. A I0 ok of di sap poin tmen t was on t hir sty a s a grea t d eal of the wa te r
'bTties When can their g lory fade! PERU NORMA. LITE they began to take 1 1 'I . Oh the strong effort they made! -THE -------------- f duties that came t etr way· • d or . . I All the Norma l wondere Entered at the Postofficc at Peru, Ne. Those busy days before th~ JUniOrred the effort they made. braska as second class matter. eni or oarty! How wel l the Glass All hon o . Cl ?
~~v;e;~;: ,, ass·
'""'"''' W«kly by lb< '"" Sl"' N"m•l togethec and what . close Who honocs.. friends they becam e as they worked The Noble 5 0 cts. per year. Single copy 5 cts.
toward a common end. . j Mr. Vernon Cemetery. Hello! Here is a queer httle . One of the most noted spots in /. . senior class. There are no boys! Peru is the graveyard. The RgypThere's a power that goes a-rae- ;No there is a great war that has . f sed to bury hi s/ h t th ·11 · ' • t 1an o 1ong ago u · ing thru your blood, t a rJ s I called away the boys, and the g irls d d in monster tombs but Dame your spirit like a ·touch of fire, to / -as a lways in the world's history Feah. has cut them d'own so that get some big thing done-to see -ace taking up the hmdens at as ron I ., n them nicely some battle won-that drives yo u / home while the boys are away fightt':oh peop e cand. SJ o Had Ich"'bod I f d toward the goa o your estre~ . How wel l they c:lrry those . . _, b a ·a l Wlt OUt CrOW mg. . 8 . , mg. . found htmself m a mo11ern un 't PEP· h ucde ns ! These gi cis have '"" sted Place he sucely would be still on a thatd kehep\ 0 I the to other service, and other t he t;ot for multi are the voices macchmg stm•ght a hea . t at s fields with which t he wocld has ' . kl y •. you steady, "following the gleam;" them and realizing that that there T from httcbbe etatroh k · t ' th drums. he s ru er y ts pu t at eeps you s tepp Jng rue_ • WJ • faithfu lness to present duty is al1'ts mys t t'c work you' re putti ng t h ru, t J'I yo u b t have stayed by their excellent . tJse, for, in bui ld in solid stone the things you ways ;s ;chool work and school how many souls are dream-it's PEP. guns o ~ melted Into mush! activities and have manned those h h There's a power that grips the 1 1 There are some, owever, w o f a J·1 to rna k e use of th'IS oppo~ t unpeople that you meet that makes guns bravely. h h • 1 Now can we see t e ot er way, . . .d d them fall in line a nd follow you; 1 • f B t tty. It Js sa J someone uttere. . mto the future ? Not ar. u . . . h . makes them stay r ig ht m the game, 1 • d ages smce, the ~xchumatJOn t at. we know that these sen ous an a m- .. , , tho they're b li nd and halt and . . . b f h lt s the last place on earth 1 II bttJOus gtrls a nd oys- or we ave " . lame ' ti ll the wh istle blows to say / boys aga m . A gra m of tr uth, you see.. . now-wt. 11 a J·ways go! the game is thru-it's PEP. 1 h• h f h However, thru the shades of evencount to t . e onor o t emse 1ves . . Oh pep's the power that keeps . Mater. A - hat. , ing , the sparks that find_ thetr flmt ' and thetr A 1rna . , 11 1 you on the j ob-pep never lets you Seniors ! on some poor en tter s earthly c~ll loaf or quit the gamt:!; pep keeps are many. is · a providential 1 you up a -scrapping, ·while dead A Tribute to the Senior Boys. ! provision that sound cannot peneones are a-napping. Pep gives a With dozens and dozens of fine trate the soil, for lo! Smartly Ta ifored Suit!", las ting value to yo ur name-that's how many sou ls would turn-not capable girls, 1 PEP. -Rev. A. Ray Petty. Wonderful class o f ninetePn, , green with envy-but in their Coats Hf1d Skirts L d · . b . . th . graves. How They Grew. ea ers m us mess, stars 1n etr ·- ----------=== The season's Newes t FaFhions and Look! What is that queer dark lines, ! -==--TEACHERS WANTED Materials 1n All Shades are Offered room? Who is in it ? When a class run so well in a ll / Foralldepartmentsofschoolwork. in High Grade Garments . . . . this? The fog is so thick I can I tJmeR. School oflicials are electin2' now. See our Line before yo u decide scarcely see. There it breaks a ' Yet into our senior class / Maximumof Service at a MINIMUM on y our Spring Ga rment llttle. Ah! i publlc school , Daced come '· Fi,. Boys." COMMISSION RATE Commission m us!c coom In the basement of 1. " F ocwacd ! " tall Conkle "'id, / 4 P<r<en I. Wrile lor Lileralure loday • • 0 old training builcling. That Did Ole sha ke his heacl ? HEUER TEA CHERS' AGENCY ts the freshman class in the ff}IJ of / Un_d er the piercing eyes Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Tailor and Cleaner 1915. What a timicl, helpless lit- 1 Of all these maidens wise, __ _ _ "Pep."
The~e's p~wer
SprJng • & Surn mer
is ! Neve~
t ie crow 1 t hey are! faces'
Are there any Into the senior class thece ace , came these "Five Boys." Allee Kenton and Ellzabeth Vance. Pewee had junior The only ooes who ace seniocs nnw. Don w., still on t he fence, Here ts another group that we see Pete took a strong defPnse more p lain ly. Who are th ey? The ' For he favored senior friends. sophomores of the next yea r. They 1 So into the senior class a re meeting in express ion ha ll. Came the • 'Five Boys." There are Dori s Frye , Maud e Ham- I il ton, Helen Lawrence ancl Lee ' Stormed at by the r egistrar, Long in that g roup. Not quite so ' HPid back by tradition; frightened as last year. they are ! Yet to be sen ior stars sti ll not able to do much for thQ Was their only am bition. benetit of t he school. I' So into the !'enior class There! This scene is clearer. Carne th e ''F'tve B oys,l "
It is in the old hi gh school room Suffragettes oppressed them hard ' with its s tifling odor of charred :I Man -haters snubbed them. floors. So many, many strangers ! / Without h1 s cred it ca rd I sn't is splendid to look over that No one rlid venture out. year a nd see how these j uni ors Yet in the Senior class learned to know each other? How Re mained the "I<'ive Boys. "
Mandelson & Kennedy Nebraska City
Iperu State Ban k
A Good Bank - - -I N- --
A Good Town
Ph<.>ne 25
w. w
Phone 25
Groceries, Furnishing Goods, Men's and Boys' Shoes Valley Lilly F lour, Barrington Hall Coffee
Our leaders:
Peru Nebras ka 1s t door south Peru State Bank
When Down
Town Give us a Call Y nur Friendship Appreciated.
Redf~rn & Ellenberger
Nylotis Stands for the best in toilet preparations . Face Cream Face Powder Talcum Powder E!air Tonics, etc.
Fisher Bros.
The most complete stock of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear in the City
At Popular Prices
- - - - M. E. GOOD
New G_oods in Shoe Line are now in Come tn and see thean • . •
- -
Laundry Work done at the
A Serious Comedy in 3 acts
Saturday. April 19.--8:30
Budget or 25c
City Laundry
OTIS GREGG, Agent Phone 79
Basket at King's Barber Shop j Howie in his place on the platform
Juniors. Phil Thompson spent the week J again, and we are a ll hoping this I delve not in the land of gods end in Hamburg. Iowa . I1 place mav not want for an occupant To write my craven stanzas,
Lieutenant C larence How . ·, e was in the future. But from. the land of humhlehood Peruvian .Events. I carve such sweet bonanzasa chapel visitor Friday. Paul Kidd made a short visit to J. J. Sher of the Bureau of En- My subject, as your eyes will tell, Nehawka last Friday and Saturday . ! graving Minneapolis, inn., anrl Could have been better, but 'tis
Collected Mondays Delivered Fridays
SAY! For their ''goodness Sake"
Marie Sanders hall been a " .shut- W._ ~ - Mercer of the Economy well. in" this week, owing to a s li ght : Pnntl_ng Com~any, Iowa City, Ia., We seniors look upon the class buy chocolate and attack of tonsilitis . J were m Peru Wednesday to consult B I 'th d I . . . e ow us w1 eep p easure, BonBons . w1th the new JUO!or Peruvian busi. . . . Dav1d E. Jones entered ~chool ' M C I And what a g1gglmg, ch1 ldi sh mass · ness manager, r. ottle, and the , : at la~tWednesrlay. New studentsare d't . h' f M Thatneerw1llreach our measalways welcome at Peru. e I or-m-e Je • [ rs. Leon Roetture! : ger. These . men .have had several B u t th en a year o f hard er wor k ave you ever wannted to see years expenece m annual work W'll k h d k - -- -- - -- -- - - . H· d . ' 1 wa e t em up an rna e them STUDENTS ms1 e the Boy Scout cahm? They and are "chuck full" of good ideas. k are going to open it next Saturday The 1920 class cannot go wrong by per · for visitors. contracting with them. Gee whiz, I said I would not write When you neen Cfitlery, Flashlight
Barn s' Pharmacy e
J . F. Duncan . inspector of normal · While here Messrs. Sher and Of gods, but I'll admit it, Batteries or training. from the office of thP. ercer went over other Peruvian That some of them are sure all Anything in the Hardware iine state superintendent. visited and matters with the seniors editors right, Call In inspected the training school last / and business manager, Vivian Teich For beauty they would get itand you will always find a full line Tuesday. · and Betty Lauman. Mr. Sher If there were not a great surpass at Word has been received that complimented this year's staff on That form'3 mto the senoir class. Pro fesso~ I. G. Wilson has been re- being · able i'n- a·dvan·ce of all other Mack prang's Hard ware
;~~oo~~:;a~~~;~ng~:r~ne1\~. t7:a~:r;:! . Wort~ C~~~:~~~~.~~pareritly he
elected as superintendent at SchuyIP.r, Nebr., with a substantial inb to e sent to the engravers, and all crease in salary. He now gets printed material will be in the $2250 · hands of the printers by the 28th Profe~sor Carlson left for Illi- of this month. nois, last Friday. He will 2'0 on a \ This is the first time in the histour with a concert company for tory of the Peruvian that the girls about ten days, will visit a day or have undertaken to put out an anso at his home in Geneva, Illinois. ' nual, and it is evident that they and wi ll g-ive several recitals whi le are meeting with positive success. he is awav. He expects to be g one j about two weeks. Heard at the Crystal, Star: ' 'Life is very hard for an The unexpected appearance of o Jd woma n. , . th e au d Ien('e: ' our own "Prof." Howie in chapel I p ran t e, d own 10 Friday caused considerable excite- j "Is that so, Miss Dunn?" ment among hoth student;. and fac-- • ulty, and lte was pretty well occu- / Freshman: "If you can magpied with greetinR"s for the first 1 netize steel by passing an electric 1 few minutes, after which he tolcl current thru it, couldn't you mag-us something of his work as a Y. 1 netize your body the same way?" ' N M. C. A. secretary. It seemed I Junior: " o, you cannot magmighty good to see Professor netize wood. "
I1s as qUJet as a mouse'
But, Sir, the quiet men are at The 3 :20 train gets to times most s_u rprising." Peru at 7:28 Raymond Carter.-"A merry FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE man is Pewee And within the limit of becomin2' - ·TIME-mirth. " CtJAPIN BROS. Lee Long:-"Oiie-the type that does you good to meet." Lincoln, Nebr. Donald Overholt.-"On seeing Phone B2234 him , I find myself repeating the I - - - -- -- - - -- - one word, 'eager.'" Chanoed Hat1ds lit Peter Snyder. -"His sincerety d. h' b I have bought the Marsh great an great JS am ition, too."
meat marke.t and will
Pewee and Helen Dredla were discussing the stages of a child's ! appreciate your patron• development. uge. A. com p1ete stock of Pev.:ee : ',Helen, I believe you l fre~h ond cured meats are stJ!I 10 the 'gang age.' " He 1en: "I shou ld say no t•. Un· at all times. less-you mean a gang of two." EARL COULTER.
- -- - - - - - - - --- - RP.member when in Nebraska Your friends can City it is only
buy Watch~s.
Spectacals and Fountain Pens
Sold and Repaired
give them except your
Philo and Seal Pins AT
One B iol.:k North
A Good Lu ncb or Splendid Meal
Pt!rU, Nebr.
Stationery and
Reliable Jeweler
Peru, Nebr.
Citizens. STATE :: BANK An old reliable bank with assets of over
They have just arrived and you will be as pleased as we were when we saw them . The suits are shown in the new box effect and Russian blouse models, which are so popu 1ar now. and the others in the regu Ia· ~ 1 tion be Jted style
Priced $22.50 to $50.00 The coat s are fashoned irotu the new spring fabrics. Many are shown in the Ct~pe and Dolman effects. ·
Priced $12.50 to $40.00 Dresses for every occasion
Priced $15.00 to $60.00
Glcvcland Stores Everything for Everybody at the right price
You'll Like the New
We display each new frock when Betty Wales releas es it and so keep our !iitock fresh and interesting. A smartly tailored Serge or if you prefer a flowet·ed Georgette. Remember- Betty W "'ties a 1 w a) s at
Sons & Co.
Nebraska City, Nebr.
THE F..\ Y is the place to get
Fresh cut flowers for every : . . I occas10n 111 appropriate arrangements--Our leadin~ specialty at · all Seasons of the year.
hot drinks of a ll k inds We a lso have
Ice Crea m
At a ll limes
''The l•' lor ist" Nebraska City, Nebr.
Prompt Serv ice Gund Eat!ii
Sabins' Educational Exchange FOUNDED 1893
A. M. M. DORNON, Manager
A Junior. The May Queen, T he j un ior is a t hi ng, I ween, Every yea r the !-enior boys ha ve Tha t , be• ing , knows no better·• h a d L h e h onor of ch oos ing the Th I' S yt>ar. however. We ·pass her little pranks unseen, 11 Ma . Y Q ueen. And whe n she fall s, we pet her: \w 1th so f ew boys, it was deci ded (I ca ll her her. beca use. you sieze, t o nave the gir ls e lect the May It mo ::tly is composed of ' ' shes .' ' ) Q ueen. It was with great interest t hat every sen ior cast her vote, All motherl y we he lp he r on I each hoping the one she voted for A lo ng the pat h of knowin g ; would r ece ive the majority of votes. We bind her a chir.g f eet · an n We k iss her h urts a w~e ing:' !There was g rea t myster y in the (l speak in metapho rs, yo u see ; a ir, t her e is n ow and w ill be until The last would not behoove a "he." ~l ay Dav . Who was elected? No She too, a s beer, wi ll age with t ime ' one kno ws. Bu t jud g ing from And find he r years ' d iscretion- ' formt•r exa mpl es of st>ni or wi sdom, Wi th ange l- poise and s hape subli~le a good choice has heen made and Our he ig hts she 'l l be a reachi n '' 1our Ma y Queen 'f or 1919 will be - B~ t now (l dr ip a tear or so) , \ u p to the hi g h sta ndard that the She 1s a mile-or te n - be low. \ class has set f or is ideal.
r The !llost wi~el y patroni zed, beca use the most r eliable Teac~r'R Ag~.n cy m the M1dd le West. Terri tory f r om t he Mississippi river ' Miss Cleland wen t to Massach u- I Pa- lfic Coast. F lynn Bldg , Des Momes, . l owa. to setts las t week to s pe nd the I summer.
Lost. My tern per . - p. R. K . My w hi stle .- L. V. P.
A TRIBUTE. Ha ve yqu ever no ticed Tne amiable and s mooth harmony Between stud ent a nd f aculty? Wh o is it tha t in spires the Students to love th ei r work, and Promotes good clean recreation? Who uplifts ou r idea ls And g ives us a deeper insight As to our duty to each other and Peru? Who boosted the meaaures that stood Long pending at the legislature? HP.lps make P eru a bett er place than eve r To fit o urse lves for th e future? Who enconrages class s pirit but Denounces class fig hts? Who with hi ~ th oro insight Smi led and f or gave those that Were not punct ual a t th ei r Cla~s es du r ing t he memorabl e Day of class ri va lry? Who wit h hi s genial and sympathetic Smi le gives us counse l ancf helps Us ri g ht along every day? We a ll know. Let's g ive three t:h eer~; for Prt:sident E. L . Rouse!
..; I
'' : ./
Memorial Trail. Las t Wed nesday morning ins tP.art of the special chape l exercises which
have bee'l a new fea tUr e 1 hi s yea r, Dr. H a rajian pre ·Hmted the m atter support it by taking sq ua r es of the I of a mem "lri a l to the m ~n and wnm- walk to constru ct. en from the commun 1t}' a nd t he -· · Id --1Jun:or ea s. scho d who have s erved in the The c lass of ' 20 fully appreciates World War. As ever , Dr . Harajian was si ncere , direct and e ffective th e bri ll ia ncy of th ~ "g lo ry strew n 1 • t d b h · and this appea l found r eady re- ~ trail' >laze y t e mnetceners, spo nse on the part of facu lty a nd ' and if it is not impossible allo w a students li ttle of th e r eflections to penetrate The memori a l proposed is to take th e inner r ecesses of our cortexes. the f orm of a str eet, perha ps to be ; Our a ims a r e many and our asp iracalled Me moria l Trai l, lead ing fr om ! tions la fty. Le t us enumerate a the town to Mt. Vern on ceme tery. f ew: . h 't e no ug h Hi st. of Ed. T o In erl The ~race f ully curving way has been m a pped by a la ndscape archi- \ note bo oks t o make it a s easy as teet, and it is p lann ed to lay a con- campustr y. b the crete s idewa lk the e ntire way a nd T o rna k e th e. pa th s, WOI.·n Y .f y ·t t y lin ing it ! faculty a nd semors, less d 1m across 1 1 to further bea utl on e ither s ide wit h hardy orname n- 1 t he camp us. . -J h bl At so m e To de lay l:l o' c 1oc k ro II ·Ca II un t 1I 1 tal t r ees an11 s I'll )ery . f t he class pe riod partic ul a1 point to be chosen a spe - th e c lose O · th· illing he sem i- r .al scheme of ornamentation in To im itate t 1 Cl honor of th e boys w ho have made I pose~ a nd- g r aces of some of the t he supre me sacr ifice wi ll be m ade. sen iors. The whole idea w ill m ake a splenTo gain the d isapprova l of the li Of ten as Pe wee did liv ·ng exp ·ession of the com- bra rians at Jeas t as
um ity' s g ratitude for nob le service rioPs. · To help Minnie si ng bass in the rendered. The sc hool is ent h us1astic in its support of the prop:>sition chorus. So he lp us, f ellow students, in and a lmos t if not a ll of t he orgza1 tions and classes are p la nning to attai ning these he ig hts .
tion, and has bP-come a personaltiy. Rache l Crothers, I ike Mother Goose, is a social phi losooher. Her masterly play: " He and She," formulates th e prob lem raised when thi s new woman appears in a man's world and asks why she may nol. share his God-given right to go to the limit of his po wer. The play presents three angles from which a modern wo man may view her s ituation. Ruth (Della Weatherhogg) is engaged; but as her work grows more absorbingly 1interesting, marri age with convenl tionally-minded Keith looks terril fving, cramped and narrow. Lova. ble Daisy (Pearl Bath) typifies the woman with a busi ness career thrust upon her, who finds her happiness in being ''the nicest thing in the world" to Ke ith. after Ruth has refused to g ive up her work f or him . . Ann, (Bessie Lauman, } t he central figure, is thE: brilliant, a mbiti ous wo man, who, marri ed to generous-minded Tom Herford, works happi ly on beside him in their sculptor's studio, ti ll confronted with th e need of choosing between fame and her rlau ghter's safety and happiness. The three men are eq ua lly significant. Dr. Remi ngton (Peter SnydP.r) t ypifies the older generation, whose simple rul e of life for womPn is pretty nearly th e late Kai ser' s : cooking, church and children. Ke ith (Loyd Prante) an incapable ideali st, finds hi s life in his work. but cannot !lee that Ruth
needs hP-r s. Tom (Carroll Lew is) champi ons nohly Ann' s right to her career, tho even he cann ot Moth er Goose was a profou nd so- quite accept th e proof of i1er supercial phi.losopher. 'f ak", " for exam- ior ta lent, when she wins her tirst piP., her utterances on the status of pr i7.e above his second in a compewoman in soc iety. In one fo ur· line titi an. The solution of the tr agic masterpi ece she purtrays the para- s ituation lies m their mut ual love site - the wo man whose husband f M' l' t th d ht (H I n or 1 1cen , e aug er ee wa nts her as a decorative adjunct Dredla). to h1's "stab iJ'shment·. bl The play is a remarka e one. I ts Curlylocks, Cur ly locks, wi lt thou presPntation by amateurs was be mine'! equa ll y worthy the adj ect ive. The Thou shalt not wa,;h the dishes, nor playing thruout was marked by yet feed th e ,<swi ne ; clear insight, inci ssiveness and B u t S 1' t on a cus h'Jon , an d sew a fi ne fin ish. One felt that each acto r ~ea rn , had lived himself into into hi s part And live u po n s trawber ries, sugar so that there we re no stage types, and cream . - the audience learn ed to kn ow A second i m marta 1 verse i nd i _ e ight fle!'h ami blood i nd i vi duals ; evt> n E llen t he maid infused li fe cates th e on ly other r es pectable into her half dor.en lines. Conca:-eer open to woman in th e pas t: tra!'ts Wf r e hanrlled with a vigor There was an o ld woma n who lived and a deli cacy di stinctly un in a shoe ; usua l in amateurs ; and t he cliShe had so ma ny chilclren s he didn't maxes gr ipped the audiPnce in no know what to do. uncer tain way. The play ing of the But of late , s ince the mis take two leading roles by Mi ss Lauman was made of g ivin2' woma n an ed- a nd Mr. Le wis was as well-rounded ucation, a di sturbing change has amateur work as one cou ld see. taken place. Curl ey locks has bounc- Miss Dunn may be proud of her ed off her lady like cushi on. The cast, -and the school of Miss Dunn. o ld woman ins ists on sticking her i The Norma l school orchestra head out of the shoe. A woman's under Miss Carpenter's direction ca reer is no longer invari ably the P1ayed before the performance ancl shortest di stan ce between two between acts, addin g g reatl y by pants- birth and matrimony. Wo- ~ its excellent music to the p leasure man has ceased to be mere ly a fu nc- ' of the evening. DRAMATIC CLUB PLAY.
Philomathean. The Philo meeting he ld on April ! bird. . th form of a Bohe mian I E nlen:rl at the l' o~tonicc n t Peru. Nc- But "art" is some tim es pu res t l l was In e ' braska a s second c ia~!< tll a llcr. gold program. • . . d Mate. ov~ky gave a ve ry Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal And sometimes merest gJidmgEd war .J . . . . accoll nt of Boh .. rnHm . So he wins hi s way with a brush, ' mte restl ng -~ 50 cts. per year. Single copy 5 cts. I'm told · · I Athletic Associa tion , the _" Ce.:;keJ 1 ' • so ko 1 " It was thru. th1s organBy Rcrubbing a N ew York buddization th at Bohemi an you ths ing. - - receivecl their train ing f or soldiery J. U. G. Notes. Ia~d was rea ll y a .means of preparaThE: J. U. G. Club held its regu- tion fo r war in cli sg ui se. It proved lar meeting in expression hall on its wo r th to Bohemia in the recent April the fifth . Consideri ng that wa r. ft was one of our last meet ings it Miss Kreji spoke upon the cosbehooved each of us to see who toms and ma n ne rs of the people. could have the most fun. The streng th and ability of these Lines by a Junior About Sf niors. Musing No. 1. We had plent.y of opportunit.i e~. peop le wa f3 brought out in her . By "Heavy. " as it was in t he f or m of a "back- speec:h. Af ter her t a lk we felt I'm t ha nkful that the s un and ward" party. Afte r the mP. mbers better acquainted w ith the Bohemoon had become ra th er u ,;ed t o each mian people and are proud that Are both hung np so hi ~h other' s attire-so rnuch !'O as to we are fortunate enoug h to have That no presumpt.ious seni or know how to approach the m-th ey so many of this nationa li ty in our Can pull them from the sky. were enter ta ined with "backward " school. If they were not I ha ve no doubt I games. • The dances and songs given by But some cleve r senior I We rea li zed t o the full est extent the four girl:; in Bohemian costume Would r ecommend to take them : t hat things were going backward a nd la nguage were ver y pretty. duw n when we came down the step!>. The Bol,e mian Polka danced by It felt very much like going up in five boys and fivP. girls was th orAnd li g ht the world W!th gas. Musing No. 2. a n airplane , · except that th ere oug hl y l:'nj oy ed by all. To teach, or not to t each'? wasn't any seat. Miss Elli s and Tnis prog-ram was given in honor That is t he seniors' q uestion: Miss Holl y were our guests of honor of the Bohe mian students in our Whether 'tis nobler in their mind for the evening. schoo l whose schol arship -and char- j to suffer Members of the club are anxious- acter are of the h ighest standing. Smartly Ta if o r ed Suit!", The pangs and aches of intensive ly awaiting the arrival of their , Y. W. C A Notes. stud y, · pins, which are expected to be Cot~ts tJUd ~kirt~ Or to take arms against the know- here at least by the last of the Miss Bowen's talk on the subject ing juniors month . of Service was greatly enjoyed. The season's Newest Fashions and How many of you would li ke to Mi ss Yeck played a charming Ma terial s in All Shades a re Offered And by g raduating end "take to the woods" next tim e? violin solo. Fifty were present to in High Grade Garments · · · · The ir heartaches and their Thousand littl e troub les. Think it oYer a nd we will decidet enjoy thi s mee ting. See our line before yo u decide Musing No. 3. on your Spring Ga rment on it later. Miss Magneson leads the meetThere's a certain young lady Juni or: "You remind me of ing on "Fellowship," April 27. Who's just in her heyda:v ' spring.,. A la rge attendance is desi red. And full of mi schi ef, I ween. Senior: ' 'How is ·that?" Word has been recei ved of the Tailor and Cleane r So teasi ng! so pleasing! Junior: "Oh , yo u' re so f r esh marriage of Mabelle Edith Neff, Capricious! delicious ! 1a nd green like." , class of ' 16, to Ennsign Verne Phone 25 Phone 25 Do you not know who I mean? -=-=::-------------,.,::-:::-~ ' Hayes Wright, of the same class. Just ask Olie, t ha t ' s a ll. MARDI~ Prof. Gregg: "'-'' hat is t he A freshie has heartaches, studi es, lsen!'eoftr a nslat ion ?" L. P. ' 'Th e Groceries, Furnishing Goods, Men 's scoldings, hom esick ne ~s . A junior and Boys' Shoes sense of transl~tion is a_sensation has self suffici ency, hard studies, caused by heanng or seem g a fo r- Our Leaders: Valley Lilly Flour, loving teachers, e ig n word, cha ng ing it to a ·famil Barrington Ha ll Coffee But, oh my! 1ia r word and then becom ing coA senior has but to expanci ex- ~ Peru Nebraska scious of what it is." ponents and that sort of hot air; - - 1st door south Peru State Bank t hen he graduates. On Roettger' s s tair st~ps. .Jess: Wouldn't it jar you ? "Paul, what have I said that wou ld drive you t o drink'!" Work is for juniors, but art. for me! Stands for the best in I shall win my way w;th the TEACHERS WANTED toilet preparations . bru!>h, sa id the seni or. For all dep?rtments of school work. Face Cream Face Powder So he stud i cd art, he studi ed it hard ; . School of!tc~als <~re electin2 now. Maximumof Service at a MINIMUM He painted canvasses, yard on yard Talcum Powder (For that's "Ar t ," I'm sure you've COMMISSION RATE Commission Hair Tonics, e tc. heard), 4 percent. Write for Literature today Two strokes, or three, HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY For a blasted tree, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Druggi~ts
THE PERU NORMA.LITE And a wiggle or two for a flyi ng
Spring & Sum mer OPENI.\G
F Or S a 1e 6 full sized, rusty COlOred Whiskers, inch ·long. Pete Snyder.
Wantf'd IA whole bag Of I Shake a die-dodies. Verna Sage.
Mandelson & Kennedy Nebraska City
J. A.
Fisher Bros.
The most complete stock of Ladies'
Ready-to-Wear in the City At Popular Prices
- - - - - - - - M. E. GOOD
New Goods in S hoe Line are now in Come in and see the•n
Peru State Bank A Good Bank -- -
IN- -
A Good Town When Down ·Town Give us a Call Your Friendship A p pt· eci a ted.
Redfern & Ellenberger D O YOU K NOW THAT
TI-l ~
SAY! For their ''goodness Sake"
And Then It Start~d We . th e j un io r cla!'s, wis h to ex- ! Y. M. C. A. Notes. . " I h T L f press ou r h t >arty a pprec iat i Pn of TheY. M. C. A. enj oyed another M r. J um or: ave a . b . . th e fi nwer,; whrch were prese nted good talk on th e world pro hlcms vo u. MI SS Sen tor. " . · . , . . "Wh t<l us b y t iH' sen 1ors after t he ex- J and ho w we are to meet t e m. M1:>s Sen10r a ll sm1les: at . . II . ...1· • buy chocoltlte and . . ?'' ' c:o ll e nt. prog r am g 1ve n m chape Mi ss E ll! s gave us a n PX tral) rum al1 15 , h d 1 . ·March 24 Lh. / i fy good one la!:'t Thu r::d ay. In a Bon Bot:ts :so me o~e sa 1d h e ~· 1 s e ~~~· _ _ __ __ . bri ef w y, she gave us t he hi story at had :our h~ 1r and eyes! . _ Philo Picn ic. 1of th e worlrl f r om the beginning of MI SS Scmtor. ea g-erly, With fiu , h- . A Ph i lomathe'a n piC'nic is to b e l th e Nineteenth Century so that we tng cheeks: "Who is he?.' · h eld on the athleti c g rou nds. Fri- \ cou ld get a n idea of how ma tters .. Why. you kn ow, that balrl day eve ning, April 25 . from 6.: 00 ! stood when th e war broke out. The STUDENTS headed blind guy." to 9:30. Every m e mbe r bring h is topic was Internationa lism vs. (Ap plause.) I own s up p er. Un ique e nte rta inme nt Nati ona lis m. It was during the Whe n you neen Cutlery, Flashlight Encore. /furni sh ed. Eve ry m e mb er expect- d ecacle.from 1880 to 1890 th a t the Bat teries or "That' s m ean , Miss Senior, but ing to :~ttend m 11sl r egis te r in the · world was s iezed w i1h a fever of ha I e a ea l On e th is tim e . '' I, chapel, Monday . · fi Anything in the Hardware iine v r • desire for sphe res o f 1D ue nce. "Wei ll." I d f 1 • • • How thi s turn ed the h ea so many Call In "Someo ne said tha t yo u wer e a I Some Promtstng JuntOrs. na·t,· ons. a n·' th e deter mination of II I' good dresser." I Dad Cottl e, professor of Ro- Ge rma ny nu ot to be izft out, was and you wi ll always find a fu me "R II ., , I1 mance. • · t at . ea Y. · 1t was aga ms 1 clear ly illustrated. " B ut wou ld ma ke a better ward- I Mrs. Roett~er .. c hi ef assist_ant. the pol i cy of Bismark, but he had Mac}( prang's Hardware robe ." Miss Le nm e R1ecke r, pup1 l. to g ive in finall y after stubborn The n th ey all la ug h ed . - Exit. Curl ey R(Ju se, ex pe rim enta l as- ~ r esistance. Jt was t his very thing SAy IT W 1TH FLOWERS ; s is ta n t. I tha t wro u!!ht up t he heat of jea lThe 3 :20 train gets to Mi ss Cle land had a Bobby dog; Spicek le r. sta~upil. __ ousy amon g _nati ons _wh ich r eached Peru at 7:28 It warbled l ike Caru so. . In the Kindergarten . its culminatiOn. dur.Jng t~e .thr ee
c.r ,
Barnes' Pharmacy
1- - - - - - - - - -- - -
Pewee swung a fl owe r vase, h t g reat rtip loma t tc cn ses w tthm t he FRESH FLOW ERS ALL THE Miss Dr edl a ... Now Bobby d oesn ' t d o so. · Bruce, . cl ?" w a can last decad e or so . In I.9 14, Ge r- - TIME - - - - --'! you te ll us a hout b l r s . b' d ma ny dec ided to f orce th e issueand K, B ce · "Once t here was a t r . d Oh! Don' t look for P . R . . s • ru · d ri s k th e fortunes of war m or e r BROS. I swept it out whi le ' h opped on a little boy' s hea~ 1 a n that she mi g ht gain wo r lrl dominat Ro ettger' s stair s teps . - , pu ll ed out a ll ' h is hair, just li ke i t ion econom ical ly if not politic- Phone B2234 Lincoln, Nebr .
s::~:~~g 1. V. P.
1 Mr. 0
Crosthwa it s .
. d . can buy Your f rten s h. } ' OU could anyt •n g t give them excep your
R~m emb e r when in Nebraska
City it is only
One Block North
A. Good Lunch or Splendid Meal
Peru, N ebr .
a ll y.
- - - - - - - - -- - - -
Watch ~s. Clocks, Jewel ry, . . Spectacals and Fountain Pens I1 Sold aud Repaired I'
. ,
Stationery and School Supplies
Citizens STATE ::BANK
Philo and Seal Pins An old reliable bank with
J. C. CHATELAIN, Reliable J eweler
Peru , N ebr . \
assets of over
Thev have ju st arr·ived and you -will be as pleased as we were when we saw them The suits a•·e ~hown in the new !JOX effect and Russian blouse models, wh1ch are so popular· now. and the others in the regulation belted sty le
Priced $22.50 to $50 .00 The coats are fe1shoned from the new spdng fabrics. Many e1re shown in the CHpe aud Dolman effects .
Priced ·$12.50 to $40.00 Dresses for every occasion
Priced $15.00 to $60.00
Gleveland Stores Everything for Eve r ybody at the right price
You'll Like the New
A Mouse Story. Once upon a time there was a _lad na med F loyd Doane. He, be Ing of a scientific mind, never let an opportuity escape whi ch wo uld lend any infnrmation to the world. So one day he captured an innocent mouse at the Epworth League, wh ich, poor thing, ''as trying also .., to enjoy t he time. He took it to ~ the chemistry Ia bora tory next day · 1 He decidecl to see what i t would d o if he put it in an atmos ph ere of pure oxygen. He filled up a tube with a chemical, conn ected it up with a doub le ho le stopper which ted into a narrow necked bottle conta ini ng t he unfortunate mouse. After the generator was goi ng for some time the mouse was seen to feel uneasy , sweat and breathe hard. H e dropped a piece of cheese in ther e and the mouse ate ravenously. Indeed, it had al l the symptoms of an oxygenated mouse. St rnage to say, Fl oyd was also a little chicken-hearted, so he stopped th e generator and let the mouse refresh itself with air. For curi os ity he wanted to see how much oxygen ther e was. He thrust a glowing spark in to the bottle, but-noth ing doing. S uddenly he pickecl up the bottle from which he obtained the chemica ls and r ead , " sodium sulfate!!" Did you everHe was '·oxygenating" the poor mouse with rea l live steam!! (and hot air.)
We di~play each new f rock when Betty Wales relea~es it nnd so keep our !i>tock fresh and intere~ting A. sma rtl y tailored Serge or if you prefer a flowered Georgette. Remembe r -Betty W"l les e1lwa)'S
"A Senior." He was small and graceful of build ; H is voice was full as a cup refilled . His head was round and his nose was blunt, And for deep blue eyes no mort shall we hunt. His legs were short and his lashes long. His face was freckled, but my, what a song! ' With a face turned sky ward and hands clasped tight, How his eyes would bat-my, what a sight! And then ho w he war bled t o ladies fair . But a big strong j un ior wi th rusty hair Stood by and in a wise sober vioce said, "He makes me th ink of a dog I had Who sang like that, but new he's dead.
- - - -- - -
Senior Calendar. Weekl y. Monday-Chorus, 5: 4 0 to 6:20. Tn esd ay. - Study hours from 11 :00 to1 2:00p. m. Wednesday--Ha ir dress ing hours , 7:30 to 9 :40 . T hursday-Seni or class chapPI, entertained by 'juniors." Fridav-Date at Crystal, 7:00. Saturday-Day 5pent in get t ing ready f or Sundav . Sunday- A day of r est - hikes from 7:30 a. m. to 10:30 p . m . Special Eve nts. April 20. Dance at Barney . April 22. Sen iors class play at M i ner svi lie . April 25. Glee Club tours thru Barney, Brownvi lle, Minersvi lle and Wood Siding. Apri l 26. Mov ing picture show, "Love ' s Labo r Lost," at Payne Juncti on.
Dreams of The Future Br inging the crysta l sphere to the light and looking into the fu· j ture I see the senior class of 1920. As I watch t he g roups assembling for the ir firs t seni or class chape l I find t ha t 100 percent of the present junior class have returned and ~hat at 1 each one has brought a new fe llow Jclassmate with him. In that g-roup are faces which ra diate i nte lligence and strength of Minnie Meissner'sAdvice to Lovelorn Nebraska City, Nebr. charac ter and a ll a re bubbling over Dear Aunt Minni e : -----------·---~-------------• with mi r t h, "pep" anrl en thus · l am ve ry m uch wor r iecl about a matter which I h lush to mention. ================================================~====~ iasm. As the yea r advances all are Lee has he ld my hand for two "SAY IT WlTH F'LOWERS THE FAY working toge th er t o make the class nights stra ight. Does h e mean any is the place to get Brown Eyes. the most successfu l of any yet, a nd thing? Fresh cut flowers for every to reestablish in t he schoo l those Brown Eyes, do no t Jet t hiR matI ideals of scho larsh ip, :;cht•ol enthus· t er worry yo u. It's only an hallu· occasion in appropriate arrange- : of a ll kinds iasm a nd socia l acti vities whi ch c inat ion. We a lso have ments-·Our leading specialty at have been somewhat temporarily 1 Dear Aunt Minni e: all Seasons of the year. sus pended du ring ~he war . I am in love with one of the jun· I see the Peruv1an , one of the ior boys, but l am a ,;enior. Do At all times G. E. BERTHOLD big ~eatures of th e year and sur- you think I ou g h t t o go with him ? ''The Florist' ' Prompt Service pass mg a ll former editi ons. He has hlue · To whom do we attri bu• e t heir . eyes and gold en hair Nebraska City, Nebr. Good Ee1ts success? To t he ir live, ha rd work- and 15 very pretty . I have brown eyes and brown ing officers anrl their most capabl e a~d ever willing a dviser, Mr. J ean, ha ir, a m I good looking? a tded by t he hear ty · co-operation of Bobby. FOUNDED 1893 each one in t he class. Bobby, wha tever yo u do, do not A. Junior. A.. M. M. OORNON, Manager let an opportumty like this sl ip by; - -- - --you may never have another. The_ most widely patronized , because the most relia ble Teacher' R May Morning- Breakfast From all yo u say you must be a Agency . in the Midd le West. Territory from the Mississippi river to Coming! Y · W · C. A. breakfast very handsome )!irl- a girl a junior Pa.!ific Coast. F lynn Bldg, Des Moi nes, Iowa. Watch for the date. · would be proud of.
L. Wessel's Sons & Co.
hot d rinks
Ice Cream
Sabins' Educational Exchange
Last Number of the Lecture Course Dr. CADMAN, the great Brooklyn preacher
Wednesday, April 30, Normal chapel, 8:30 Admi~sion by Bud~et
Ticket or 50c
PRESIDENT ROUSE RECEIVES A needed by th e fou r Normals, so ARBOR DAY IS OBSERVED AT read bv Professor Beck. $1500 RAISE IN SALARY. that the presidents' salari es cou ld The Star Spangled Banner, led THE NORMAL. by Dr. House In 1887 the south ha lf of t he not he r aised on the present state Ho~· to .Pr.otect our fo r ests from Address of Arbor Day , Professor Old Normal H al l was bnilt and allowance. Bu1. the new levy of wanton depredations and waste, ready for use. That was a proud one mill for the Normals made it how to inc.rease their g r owth, how Brow n. day in Pe ru's hi story, for it nearly possible f or the Boarrl of Educa- to arouse public sentiment, have, Address of Arbor Day, Fern d ou bled th e capacity to he used for tion at the last meeting, by a for the last forty yea rs, often been Fen~e. America, led by Dr. House. school purposes . Also the r esident Un an ·rm ous vo t e. t 0 S! ·IVe a $1500 · discussed by congress, state legis·1 d r a ise to President Rouse and h1s . f d h an IS am r y co ul now move inla tnres a nd agricultural sodeties. Philomathean Picnic. The present Th e ti·rst to ca II attentiOn · ·m t h'1s t o t he1· r new f ur nr· s h e d apa rtm ents f ell ow presidents. Did 1 go t o the Phi lo picnic? 1· · Boarci of Education "ave this r a ise an d t h us g1ve more room in the "' co untry in an impressive way to I Well, 1 should say . I did! What · f or t he stu d· ents. not onl y because it was needed, t_he value and nee_d of f orests •. t he1r · 1did we do? That' s a longer story d orm1tory but also because all th e members T he four so uthwest r ooms of the mfluence upon chmate and ra mfall, l but you'll sure wish you had been Normai Hall o n the first floor above appreciated the magnificent work and th e need of culture a nd there. We assembled at the pageaccomplishe·l by Presi den t G p M L f v t h e b asemPnt were used for th e bein" "" growth, was . . arsr1 o er- , ant g r ounds, about seventy -five in Rouse and the oth er thrPe Normal home of th e president and his mont, for many yea rs our r epresen- number. After a race, · the su pper fa mi ly. In those nays t hese rooms president;c; who a r e working so har- tative at th e court of Italy and I' call was g iven and we d id n't have were ind eed ha nd some quarters moniously tflg-e ther f or bPtter and Turkey. In 1864 he called the at- .to wa it for hot coffee e ither. We wi t h thei r la rge hig--h ce ilings, with bigger normal. c:cbool s in Nebr"aksa. t ention of ·th~ America~ people to j divid ed into r egul ar family groups her e anrl th ere a la rge bay window. . t he destructiOn of the1r forest s. , -old maid s and mi xeds ; then Yes, even a bath room was one of J The Girls' Club Party. 1th e resulting effect upon climate, when on ly paper sacks rema ined the rare improvements I On Saturday evPning the Girls ' commerce, and nati onal condition, : the ice cream was passed out. For twenty years these r ooms : C~ub had th eir first p~rty. and advo~ated sy~tematic · measurcs J froJm there we wen~ to. th e big were th e home quarters of the g 1rls came cire!Oserl as IJttle child- for checkmg the1t waste and con- ball game betw een t he g 1rls and presicient and h is family. In those r en . The plans for the enterta in- sumption. This was the first str ong the bloomer bunch . Say , but you'd days the president' s w ife was not ment was ca rri ed ou t in a very statement of the need for f or est have laughed to see those digofiied worried ahout cooking m ea ls for uniq ue mann •r . F ou r rooms on legislation an d protection in the personalities in long skirts ancl spouse and her offo:pring, as the t he upner floor of th e tr a iners' UnitPd State~. middies. There was Cutie Snyder whole family received the ir m eals builciing wPr e decoratPd to r eprPIt was not until 1872 that a GNa ld ine Cottle, Carrie Brown, at the do rmitory at the "pres i- sent the sPa~ons of th e ypa r. The practical movement resulting in a Dottie Dimple Hem ingway, Granddent's tab le." Nor dirl th e coal- little chilrlrPn met in the hig h strong na ti onal movement, was in- rna Mar, Girli e Rouse and the rest man, e lectri c li ght collector, nor school a ~~e m hl y when~ they wit- a ug urated by Hon. J . Sterlin~ of the m. I suppose th e best team the city water commissioner come nessed a ma v pole danre. They Morton of Nebraska, which has must have wo n but th e scor e got to C(lllect their monthly bills. For were then rli'liderl in to g ro ups ac- done more for th e protection of our balled up. When we came home th e state s upp :ied the coal. ligh t cording- t o their birthrlays, after forests than a ll our legislation. at half pas t e ight i t was ge ttnig and water fr ee with th e apart· w hi ch they were guid eci to th e The first Arbor Day proclama- dark and th e "sketers" were comroom whi ch r epresented th eir ti on was mad e by Governor Furnas i n"-J·ust a little. ments. "' President Crabtree, in l 907, gave birthday season. H er e they wer e of this st.ate in 1874, in whi ch he ------Recit<ll. M<ly 5. up these apartments so th e rooms entertain erl f or a half hour, th en set apa rt t he third Wednesday in Th e first rceita l of the season cou ld be used for th e much needed they visited t he other seasons in Apri l as Arhor Day . . S ince th en a school purposes and bought a house turn. Last, but not least, th ev ~i mi Jar proclamatio n has been wil l he given May fi, next Monday , whi ch is now th e present home of wan de red back to the assembl y 1 is~ ued a nnually by the governor s in th e chapel at 8 :30 . Mi ss Bessie room where the cooks had prepared of Nebra::ka until i n 1885 an act Lauman, who graduates from th e P r es ident Rouse and fa111ily. The form er presidents r ece ived ice cream cones and pPa nu t ba!'kets was pa:-sed by t he Jegislatur~ desig- expres!' ion rlepartment, wi ll rearl natin g the 22nd of Apnl, Mr. King Rene' s Daughter-a onP.-act $2500 a year and a ll the above f or them . One lwn dred tired. b nt hnppy, Morton's birthday, as Arbor Day, Da nish drama, and The Happy described livin~ ex p e n ~es . When littl e cliildren 2nthusiast ica ll y de- and making it one of th e legal holi - Prince, by Oscar Wilde. The la tter this change was made the Board clared the G i r ls' Club was g r eat 1' da ys of the state. The legislature has a musical accompa niment, com of Edu~atinn a llowed $500 add ilike to ha ve a party like of 189fl by j oint re~o lution desig- pMed by Liza Lehma. This will be tional sa lary and thus t he salary and t hey'd · · Three that ''jus' ev 'ry ni g ht." na tt!d Nebraska as the "Tree Plant- played b y Leonor _ Wing. Every has re mained ever sr nce. er s' S tate. " one is cordially inviterl. 1 .. , ..., .. . thousand dollars fnr twelve months' . · Girls : "Mattie, how did you like Last Tuesday at chapel time a . labor or the r a te of $2~50 for mne program was he ld and a tree plant- 1 Miss Libbie Branson, of the months. th e movies? " f I 0 I ·e M. (drea mily) "I had ed for the celebration of Arbor acu ty, lef t fo r ttumwa, owa, Mattl The Board of Education has had 1 t k b · 11 d ~ th b • 1 as wee , emg ca e , ere Y something e lse beside& movies to Day. The prog ram was: to meet the ex penses, buildin(Js, A Message from Our Go vernor, the serious illness of her sister. and equipment which wer e so much e njoy."
.. /
Prof. Beck Speaks in Chapel. On Wednesday of las t week, Entcn:rl at the f'o~toOicc at Peru, Ne- Professo r Beck ~ave as one of the hraska as second class tna tter- - -- - -· -- --- -r egu lar week ly current e vent talks. Published Weekly b>: the Peru State Normal a very interesting di scu~sion of t~e s o cts. per year. Single co py 5 cts code bill r ecently passed by the legis lature. Professor Beck spoke of the bi II •,as one having to d o with the administration of th e Jaws of the s tate. It provides th at the civil administration of th e laws of the state be ves ted in th e g-overnor. For the purpose of aiding him in II the execution of th e la ws, the exJunior Notes. ____ _ - - - -- - - l ecuti ve and administra tive wo rk is THE llDITOHI.ll, STAFF-SEC~t:-;.11 SE~II£ ~TI-' U divid ed inf.O th e foJJowing departEdna Salzmanu . 1-..dttnr tn·Lh td I F' A . J . . ~ - ments: mance • gncu cure, I Edward MatlJOVsky A~~oc t an· 1:..c1 tto r 1 . Cecilia Peterson A~soc-iate Editor ' La bor and Commer ce, Publtc Laurence Rouse llusinc~~ :'ll atm~: .- r ; Welfare and Puhlic Works. Ra_vm ond 1-Iull'cr - A~~ t Ru~_i u~s~ ::1 :~rr l At th e head of each de~artment Emma Woodie . As>t Dustntss ·' g is to be a secretary, appotnted by
Festival Artist
Miss Craft a ppeared wi th the (San Carlo) Opera Company as II EPOini r-;G sTAFI' I the gove rnor, who is t o devote his M ar~u f'r ite in Faust, when this Ethel Anderson. Claude Ivers I whole time t o the work of his de- company visited Linco ln a year ago. Betty Lau man Helen LHwrc:nee partment and t o hold no oth er office LeNora Snyd er Grace Little or position or profit. Each secre- When the w rite r asked Lincoln's for emost mus ica l cr itic about the Keep Off the Grass. , tary is to recei ve~ salary of $5000 · success of the a rti st's singing, he . Each secretary 1s to be held re- received th e unusual r eply, "Oh, East of th e athletic fi eld is a se- ~ 'bl f th k f ·1 · de · tered little vale which in the spons t et or e ·wor 0 ns - she was more than a "' o-reat s ingerques t Th' par men . 1s I S one o f th e . f days of past ag es was eroded by I . d · h she was a r evelat ron o woman' ch1ef a vantages of t e 1aw. The ,, falling water anti melting sno ws. 1 k f th t t th t h h hood ! Th e same story is to ld of Here was spread b ~ fore us in pr is- ' dwor bo e s a be ad asd een . her succe<>s ever yw here: a voice OPENI ~G 1 one y numer ous oar s an com. cl ft ' d tine beauty an amphitheatre whose . . . . h' h . h b d of marvelous n chness an u1 · mtss1ons tn w 1c 1t as een har . . . • tiers wer e· stud ded with natura l •. t o fi x r espons1.b 1. 1tty, . of art1st1c pass10n, Smartly T .ttilor-ed Suit~, 1s now to b e grace, a depth . . forest trees. To this privacy of l d b h . d a co mmand 1ng m entaltty, a wealth one y l e vanous epartments, . • nature the pageant committee h . h b of per so.a l character and cnarm . Co a fs i1 11 d ~ k J rt!'i t e secr etary m eac case to e . . . t urn ed for a stage upon which the h ld ' bl 1 M1ss Craft will be heard m the . S e r esponst e. . , . h f f The season' s N ewest Fa~hions a nd sem t -cente~nial of the Peru late Professo r Beck' s talk gave us all artt st s r ecl ta 1 on t e a te_r noon o Materials in All Shades are Offe r ed Normal mt g ht be C('lebrated. A a be tter un d ers t an d'10g o f an d a May 26. She will be asststed by In · H 1g ' h G r a d e G armen ts . . . . few trees were r emoved, the dale i t · h f d b'll Le· Roy Car lso n, pianist. Her ac. grea er sympat y or t 11e co e 1 • wtdened, and the whole carp~ l ed companim ents will be pl!tyed by See our Line before yuu decide on your Spring Garment with grass, Thi s tou ch of th e ! The Movies, J Hazel Gertrude Kin~ce lla . artistic has acided to the original ; Fr id ay , April 18, "The Common charm of nature . ; Cause" was g iven as the third : STUDENTS Thought less _persons are rio w numher of th e movie ser ies, to a Tailor and Cleaner using the g r een sward for campfires large and ~pprec iative audience. When you neen Cu tl er y, Flashli g ht which are rap idl y d estroying the It is one of the best war pictures . Batte ries or Phone 25 ; we have been privileged to enjoy · work of nature a nd ma n: Phone 25 May each perso n who is tempted and is ind 1cative o~ the high l!lass ~ Anything in the Hardware iine MARDIS to destroy thi s grass r emember that of pictures which our movie comGroceries, Furni shing Goods, Men' s this littl e valley is not covered with mittee always brings to us. Cer: 1 · and Boys ' Shoes just ordinary g rass, but a ver dure tainl y no little credit is· due them and yo u will always find a full line that is dear to the hearts of a ll who ' forth~ fine evenings' e n-tertainment at Our leaders: Valley Lilly Flour, love Old Peru. In the future may jwe enjoyed. But a new feature Mack , Hardware Ba rrington Ha ll Coffee each of us keep ofi' thi s grass be- · ~hich added ·immeasureablv to the pra "l! S Pem Nebraska cause of i ts social assoc iat ions. p!cture was th e instrumental mus ic ' - - - -- - - - - - - -- - 1 1st door so uth Peru State Bank What society, after securi ng furni shed by Mi ss Hemingway, permi ~s ion f rom the school authori- Mrs. Rouse, a nd Mr. Hemingway , ties, wi ll undertake th e pr oject of and th e leadt!'rs hip of Dr. House in ' building a big rus tic furnace in th e the s ini g ng en tered into by the ' hillside . near this spot? All cook- ' whole audience. j Stand~ f or the best in ing cou ld be don~ on this f~rnace. j The musi_c h_ad b~en car e full y setoilet prepar ations. Water cou ld be ptped to thts fi eld . . Jected to fit 1n wrth the pictures Face Cream Face Powder This g rass cou ld he used as the ' and to fill the r estless intermissions : Your Friend , h. T a lcum Powder ~ld village g r een f or sports and bet ween r eels. We hope that these 1 s 1P Hair Tonics, e tc. games. Hallowed memories wi ll ' people rna} appear again to make ! Apprecioted. increase .with the coming of the th e pauses between r ePis looked · years. Keep off thi~ g rass ! ! f or ward t o.
Spring & Summer
J. A. CEJKA, w. w
Mandclson & Kennedy Nebraska City
When Down Town Give us a Call
R f I ed ern & Ellenberger
Fisher Bros.
The most complete stock of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear in the City
At Popular Prices -
- - - - - - M. E. GOOD
New Goods in Shoe Line are now in Come in and see thean • •
Death of Mrs. Beattie I the last this year. Be ing the IHst,l indispensiule in the office, school ! uting to th.e programs. So, altho The summf1n!l to her eterna l home 1 let's all be out and make it 100 ·room or in whatever vocation they we know we are a ''pep py" class, choMe. Then there will . be no I we also know there is something came to Mrs. .M argaret Beattie, percent in attendance. April 21, at Lincoln, Ne braska. I Last Saturday nig ht theY. M. need for worry. about salary and tacking. But it won't happen We are saddened ~nd depressed boys agam e njoyed masculine sport. their work will be a joy. His ad- 1agai n . The next program is to because of our loss m the passing It is the very thing that make vice to the juniors was· "Come be given by the boys and we have on of this noble woman, but many \ sturdy strong men instead of weak- b~ck ~ext year. By doi.ng so, you a "hunch" that it will be a good are grateful for her heplful and ling RISS ies. If you had had the will mcrease your earmng po wer one. inspiri ng friendship . l privilege of seei ng the b~ys tumble about $18 per month, and that It was decided · that . the juni or ; class is to have three blocks in the Mrs. Beattie was the wife of I around on the floor and get their isn't all: Peru needs you." 1 Dr . J . A. Beattie. a well-known elbows and shins bruised 1 hardly T . . S - l-Exh'b' \ "Memorial Trail." . ' . ramwg c1100 1 1t. - -- -- - educator of the state, and for some thmk you would have called 1t • G A Lanphere '11 completed 'd f . . One day last week the mothers .of 1 • • • ' • yP.ars pres1 e nt o our school. Mrs. fem1nme. The program was very . · . his medical course at Rush Med ical · ' II · the children m the fourth grade of Beattie WI be remembered by much the same as the previous Y. . . . . School Chicago last week. He . the trammg school were mv1ted to . • ' hundre dsof Peruv1ans for she had M. stu nts except that in this one . . i graduated from Peru in 1911 and . . . attPnd an exh 1b1 t of the art work 1 . a genuine inter est in the . young you were mitJated into the sport d d th d' t' f th was the ed:tor of the semor annual . one un er e 1rec 1on o e Of h · · f people. S he waR a gentle woman and rea l hfe by receiving a whack for th~t year. t IS piece o student teachers 1n th1s grade. The k · f · 1 b 'd th . of unusual POise and strength of from eve ry paddle that was there . . wor It may airY e s~I at . . . 1 greater part of the exh1b1t repre- there is a more marked difference character, thP. result of her Imphcit ahead of you un less you ran too t d h k f M' W lk b t th ual for that year· sen e t e wor o ISS a er. e ween e ann faith and trust In the goodness of . fast. At l0:l5 coffee and dough Wor k comnstmg . . f f h d and any of its predacessors than o ree an God. nuts were served and then ~everal l d • . . d has been true for any annual pub1 1 We extend our ~ympathy to the ' short talks w!:'re given . Afterward . rawwg. m pe~ci an crayo da fi shed si nce. Mr. Lanphere is Jllustratmg readmg, language an 1 eady engaged as an intern in membe rs of her family in their · sentence prayers were offered and I . ar . . . . geography, however, was mclucl ed. one of the Chicago hospitals ~nd 1 lone! iness. . th e Y. M. C. A. was di smissed by This was the work of Miss Demo- will thus still further prepare himProtessor Loomis. van, Miss Salzman, an d n•1rs. Bone- self for superlative medical service. 1 He. is a brother of Mrs. Guttie Y. M. C. A. Notes. Supt. Stoddard Speaks in Chapel. kerpper. of our senior class. Professor Gregg led the forum Perhaps the most attractive work Supt. A. J. Stoddard of the Bea- and that which caused the most last Thursday. The topic was concerning the spread of democra~y- trice schoo ls was g ladly welcomed comment was that of fifteen comdemocatic id ea ls and institutions. in chapel on Monday of last weel<. j pleted wardrobes of paper dolls In ~is chara~teristic way he. brot the / Mr.. Stoddard . graduated from I which were sent as Eastei: gifts to subject stra1ght to the pomt. He \ Peru In 1910. S1nce then he has children in an Omaha hosp1tal. reviewed the condition in Russia been one of tl)e leading educators Almost all the mothers represent- -IN - and Siberia, and emphas ized the in Nebraska . ed in the fourth grade were present fact that the people not only nee•.l Heatrice did not hesitate in re- sometime durnig the afternoon, new government and new standards electing Mr. Staddard for the com · and seemed very much pleased with of men tality, but also new stand- ing yea r wi h a raise of $800. In- the work. The children found a ards of morality, for thPirs is ex- deed they know a good man when I great deal of pleasure in making tremely low , and without it and 1 they se.e hi "_I, and Peru is proud J the gifts for the children ·in hospi tthe Spirit of Christ with each anrl to claim h1m a!' one of her sons. als. every one, other ins tituti ons in Mr. Stoddard has ins1alled a mov-1 Junior Class Notes. that cvun try would be of little ing picture outfit in the . Beatrice 1 Miss Nettie McCarroll anQ. Clara avail to democracy. J apan, India schnols. H e says t h at more peop e and Turkey were also brat into attend picture shows than read Sick gave a vocal duet at class We'l ~ell Chocolates at Outside of certain . newspapers. Inspi ration and ed- chape~ last Thursday . . Needless to 49c per J b. Reg. 65c discussion. Vi:due. One day only racial differences, we are all very ucatio n come thru movies, and if say, It was much enJoyed by all, much alike but e nv ironment is . people must be educated thru the ~s the programs always are. But what makes the chief difference. movies good pictures mus~ be 1 lt. was brot strongly to us by both . · h d · h n There are only three M1ss Peterson and Mr. Jean that We here m Amenca 11ave a s ow · 'b . . . · h ; hoots in the state equipped wih only a very few have been contn - SAY IT WITH FLOWERS splendid opportunities Wit our 1 RC liberal institutions and churches 1 a machine, and thru t~e ~lertness TEACHERS - WANTED The 3:20 train gets to · ·IS our duty to stretc h ou t •I of M r. Stoddard ' Beatnce 1s one of 1 For all departments of school work. and It Peru at 7:28 our hands t o help thnse who have the first. . · School officials dre electing now. FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE been Jess fortunate and who need He advised the seniOrs not to Maximumof Service at a MINl~l!M 1 h • worry about salaries, lerigth of COMMISSION RATE CommiSSIOn - - TIME - el p. . led b h 00 1 day year or what is requir- 4 percent. Write tor Literature today The next Forum will be Y sc ' ' : HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY CHAPIN BROS. C e d ar R apt'd s, 1owa. President Rouse an d WI. 11 also be ed of them • but make themse lves ~ Lincoln, Nebr. Phone 82234 .
I i
. .
PerU State Bank A Good Bank
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The\' have just a rrived and you wi II be as pleased as we were when we saw them. The suits are ~ hown in the new _box efflo!ct attd Russian blouse models,. wh1ch are s o popular now, and the ·others 1n the regulation belted s tyle
Priced $22.50 to $50 .00 The coa ts are fashoned from the ne~ spring fabrics. Many are ~hown in the CHpe and Dolman effect~
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The cab le. th e w ire less, t he f~st s team er, th e a irp lane ha ve comb~n · eri t o bring E ur ope and Ame n ca I i te r a ll y near e r tC~get her than wE'r e New York a nd Oh io a hund.r ed ... vears ago. In he r inte ll ectua l life, ~ too Amenca has for decad es been - g r o.wing o ut of the provi ncial ~nd . t o the i nte 10 . rnati onal viewpom t ; a nd a lt ho th e transi t ion is b.v no me;ns complete , th e man w ith any pretens ions to educatio n kn ows that his m ental hor izon must not todw _ be bounded by o ur two sea-
Priced $15.00 to $60.00
Cleveland Stores Ev~rything
for Everybody at the right price
You'll Like the New ~II SS
Dt·part~en t o f .\ l n dern L a n gnage !:t
importa nt language in the history of modern civilizat ion . In countries wher e Eng li sh has not estab. 1is hed i tse lf, Fre nch is commonly found most useful a s an intermed. iary b etween any two persons of d iffe r ent na tional ity. In th e French classes at Peru the la ng uage is tau ght in conformity with thi s idea l, tha t a li ving langu. <1~e should be learned with a vi ew to speak ing it as well as read ing it. This, however, is not the fruit "Jf a ne w and ut ilitaria n demand . The best thinkers in t hi s field as~ert 1hat t he ri irPct methori co n ~titutes th€ sound Ps t a pproach to a solid master y of a lang uage for all pur. poses Dr. Butler says again: "The purpose in studying a f orei g n lang uage is to ga in sufficient practiral mastPr y of it t o m;e it in daily inter course, and to obta in some comprehensi on of the life, the institutions and the modes of th ousrht of the people whose language it is. " F'or us of the Midd le Wes t it seems reasonab le to stress the second aspect of thi s ai m-to give s tudP.nts the key to unlock tha t great book, the treasure of French I i terature and French sr ience, - that, is, to teach them to r ead. But the eq uip· ment whi ch the department is accumulating,-a phonograph with F'rench r ecords, s ter eopticon and stereograp hic views of France, maos. etc. '-is designed t o aid in r eaching the goal set by toda.v's t eacher of French, a sy mpath etic understanding of F r an ce of today.
rims. Fina ll y, a c itizen of the United States is hencef orth a citi · ze n of the wor ld w i th rights and res ponsibiliti es in t he world f ederWe display each new frock when Betty ation. America elected to be one Wales relea~es it and so keep our !"lock in the new br otherhood of natio ns. Calendar . fig hting t o set up a ne w and actual fresh and i n'tere~ti ng A smartly tailored Regular events: law of internatio nal justice. As Weekly. Serge o r if you prefer a flowered 6enr1!a resu lt, before long Amer icans Monda ys-Chorus, 5:40 ·6:20 e.tte. Remetnbt!r-Betty W"'lles alwaJ s wi ll probably be admini ster ing th iR -Band 7:00 8:00 : justi ce in Turkey, in thP. Near Tuesda ys -G IPe Clubs, 7: 30-8 :30. at East, and who knows where> e lse? Wed nesdays- Chorus, 5 :40·6 :20. All th is thri lling cha nge in oor -Orchestra , 7:00 7:45. Thur>=day- G lee Clu hs, 7 :30 8:30. a tti tndP towa r cls th e world outsidt> has rea cted cl ir ectly upon the m od Bi-wee kl y : Nebraska City, Nebr. e rn la nguage qu estion i n education . Friday- l'h ilomathean, To catch the Am ~>rican ~p irit on e Mondays - Co unc il. 9 :00 to 10 :00 must speak th tl to ngue o f Ameri ca. Monthly : But America is ambitio us. And ' 2st Tu e!'day, G nl ~' m ee t 11 :30. "SAY IT WlTH FLOWERS THE Fr\ Y to win fo r ou rselves th e r ecognition 1st Wed'y, Dramatic Club, 8:00. is the place to get we want in the co m pa ny of nat ion s l st Satur clay . Y. W. C. A. KenFresh cut flowers for every : we mus t have tha t which m ost si ngton. I nea rl y corre!'pond~ t o a n i nterna l 1s t. Satu rday , .1, U. G. Meeting. occasion in appropriate arrange- ;of all k inds Spec ial Eve nts . t iona I la ng uage. ''Frenc-h , ' ' re- 1 ments-·Our leading specialty at j We a lso have centl y said N ic holas Murray But- April i30, Lectnre , Dr. C&.dman. all Seasons of the year. ler , pr eside nt of Co lum b ia Univer May 3. Y. W. C. A. Breakfast. s ity, "is not o nly the universa l May 5. Recita l, Miss Lauman. 6. E. BERTHOLD At all t imes language of d i plomacy, hu t it is May 7. RPcita\. ''The I.<' lorist'' Prompt Service the co mmon lin k IJe twee>n educated May 9 Phi lo. Nebraska Ci ty, Nebr. Good Eats men and women t he woriC. over. It Ma y 10 . y . M. C. A. is of t he first i mportance that May 12. Recit a l, Mi ss Hapke. Ame ri can schools and coll eges May 16_ Recital. should teach F r ench, a nd t each it May 20 . R~cita l, Miss Wing. practically.''- (Teache rs' Co ll ege FOUNDED 1893 May '23. Open Session , Philo. Record, J anuar y 19 19.) A.M. M. DORNON, Manager May 14. Class Day . And the Bri tish commission r e The most widely patron ized, b~cause the most rel iab le Teacher's May '25. Baccalaureate Sunday. Agency in the Middle West. Territory from the Miss issippi river to port of last vea r corro borates this M~.1y 26. May Festival. Pa.:ific Coast. F lynn Bldg, Des Moines, Iowa. opinion: ''F:rench is by far the mo5t N'.ay 27. Commencement.
L. Wessel's Sons & Co.
hot drinks
Ice Cream
Sabins' Educational Exchange
PEI·W . N88RASKA, TUESDAY. MAY 6, 1919. t ouc h -that m atc hle~s touc h which makes t h p Who le W<>r Jd ]<in. Th e! wo r ld ha s gr Pat P.r and greate r n eP.d of ;:cholar,; and IPad Prs who, l1k e ·\ 1i,;;; Pt>rkin~. kn o w what G le th e m ~ant wh Pn he said "that a bove hi~tory i!> hurn 'l nity." Matti e C P.llis . As a Training Teac her. ~- i o:; h 1t w..>re P' '' ' ibl e to convey
to the reader s o f T ne Normalite a tributt> that wou ld " xprt>ss our inm Mt t h o ught s and f •·e linl!s r ega rding thP life 1rf lVI i s~ Perkins a s a membt-r of onr trai n ing d epa rtmenr .
Wh e n she wa!" a s tu den t he re 1 PrPsiciPn t Rrw !'e, w ho was th e n 1 s u perintencif'nt. 'J f t hP. training Rchool. rPcngnizeci h er s np Pr ior ::J h ility anrl teachin g power as well• a s her ici~>al womanhood. latPr, ,.. 'len th ere was a n ope ninjr, he call ed her back to a place in the training school facu lty . We all
As a Student
PROFESSOR SMITI-~ WELCOMED AT PERU. know h ow we ll !'he fi ll erl ~th e pmition exrendNI to h er She was the Pmbodiment of faithfuln ess, loya lTn t h e coursP. o f Profe~so r handl ed hy such a~; e n c i es , a long ty, and he l pfo ln e!"~ Sm i t h 's visit to P e ru from las t F ri with the se r vicP. of e ntertai nme nt, f Con tJ n IIPd on L rtf41 P:=t C'H . ' ,. d av to M on d ay. 11e made six ad- lectures , s tation e r y, e tc · ami so sent herse lf thru sc·hno l. Dr Cndm<ul on R econ s tru ction . i dresses on various phases of hi s On Sunrl:w afternoon theY. M. This fi nanc ial burden sh~:- carried Th ~ ad vP. nt of th e grPat anrl ! Pxp Prience a s a '' Y" worker in mePtinjl was co nve rt ed into a with characte ri s tic po i:;e, dignity popu lar oratnr h a d bePn propprly France . for um and ma ny ques tion s conand ser enit y . heral ded . and a n aurlience of fine Because of th e very si ncer e. CP rn ing the social life of Eurnpean Always s wiftly ao;;o rb t 1ve i n tel- proportio ns was a ssernbl .,d . wh t- n 1 naive, ronc·rete, and frank natur e, peo ples we re folly an c; wer erl. The lertually , in the _vpa r:; spf'nt here the Re verend Mr Bnyt>rs introduc- ! of _hi s adrlrps~es h P sP'o ke to crowd- addrPss at th e Ba ptis t c hurch on her mind g re w rapi d ly in range, Pd Dr. Carl man ed homes a nd to "breathless" au- j Sunday evening a~ th e one in and in pe r sis tent powe r in work. Everyhod.v consirlers h imsf' lf u p diencf's. 1chapel a ga in on Mo nday . took up ·tanding h e r ex tr eme mod- on world po l it ics th f'>e day s, but so Miscellaneous g limoses of the I various anrl alwa.v;; int,•restingP~t.v . s he wa~ a r ecog ni z r-d power br 1ad was the s cnp~ of the SJ1Pak · hattie fr ont markPd hi s s pePch at ph>t,;Ps of mi l itary exp eri~>nce and n Jt only in all academ ic wo r k, but pr's vision. so kee n was h is anal - chapel nn F'riday, whilE' on Su nrla v observation. in ext ra Cllrricu la r a c liVItJ es a s vs is , so carefu ll y conside red hi s : morning- he was at the M. F.:. The penplp of Peru will ne ver . I weI I, anrl s he w rn rll st in ctio n in nns iti ons, a nrl so hrill ;ant an d corn- , ch urch, ~ r ... aking to full y six h un fn r g-e t this wonrle r f llll y illumi natrle bating-. :::i he was a d t> vot e d lovt r oe ll in_g- hi s rlicti o n a nd de l iv Pry. 1 drerl people. 1-Jpre he rons id e r ~>d ing !'eri1>s o f tnlk!> and a r e unani"f nat ure and trarn~wd ma n y a mil t rhat one f e lt himself mod es tly 1 m·Jre specifiea ll y t he work of th e mou s in wi - hing Prof~->sso r Smith over t he wor)d e d hill s of Peru . ::: urrt>ncle rin g hi s indiv id!la l bias, 1Y. M. C. A, an d made it Vf'ry unlimitPd sllc ce~s as lw goes to It is difficult to r evi t a lize su to li s t e n with r e>sp ect anrl growi ng cl ear that the "Y" wa ~ th e o n ly th e pr eo: ide nc.v of th e Brooklyn abounding a na r ur€ l:I S rhi s rart- arlrniration . Some th •,ught th ey / extra milit a r y organi za t io n. and Po lyteeh n ic Jmti rut e. Wl lJln pos:>aosed Tn ~_~qua liti es so d e tE-cte d a not e of parti sans hip in from the Red C rns!' , that wa s a d Mrs . S mith ar<'nmp;m ied Mr. adm ired in he r , take n s ing ly are>/ the di scu ~sio n of th e particula~s m i tted to the front line activit ies Smith ,on th e vis it t n PPru, and fnr tuna t~l y no t rare . Other:> pos- of wo_rld-s~ tr lt>ment, b 11t. the ev1- a nd here thousand ,; of do llars wor_lh while he re th ev wPr e th e llllest s ~..~ 8 them of t e n in equal d egrPP. dent s 1nce nt.v and good wlll of th e of r e fres hme n ts wPr P fr eP. Iy d 1s- of Pres id Pnt and Mrs R o u ~P. They On ly th td r cornhi nation was r e: man r e nd e r t>d s tingl e~s th P thrus t p e nsed by ''Y" m en a nd wom~n . re turned to Jndi a no la, Ia .. on Monmarkahl e in M i~s Perkins · r -· of th e politica l dogmati s t. A \Vho braved ev~ry dangPr th al mod- day. To the school wh ich ~hP se rvecl eerta in s p le ndid c o ura ge and p ow e r ern \\ar can bring In th e r ea r / in the d ou h le capac i ty of !-'tudent l)f Go n viction c h aracteri2e d the 1 lines where ot he r charitahiP. agP n-1 · Y W. C A Notes. and teac he r, s he ha :> le ft th e m t>m tr eatment of s uc h them es as the c ies we re at work rli s triburi ng . May ll is Molhers ' Olly. Mi ss ory of a sound schob-tr , of an in future llf educa t ion a nd the oppor- small quantities a ll du ly labeled E lli s wi ll lead th P. morning ~Piring- teacher, and of a unique tuni ty of the churc h w i th the s tamp of the di s pens in g mee ting. Mrs. Houf'e has been Perso nality. H er j ud gment was A sense of the d eepest satisfac- a~ency, the "Y'' mer we re ob lig· a s ked to s ing for u s. How better remarkable, he r p o ise a nd serenity ion over Dr. Cadman's visit h ::~ s ; f' d, under term s with Ge nera l Per- can we ~ tart the day than by an unu b f found wide expression among s tu- / s h ing to condu_ct t~ army ca nteens hour of communion with the Give r sua 1. ut the 1arge r 1ef:'son o · · f h h' II 1 G . ? he l 'f h h · d t s teachers and citi7.ens. j and charge or t e t m gs us ua y of Al l ood G1fts. r 1 e am o np; us was e r uman, e n • Miss WinnifrPC:. Pt>rkins wa!:' l!rad uaterl from Peru in the summero f ] l:J ll. having h Pe n in attendance o ne e n t'Iresc h oo 1 year an d f our sum m pr schoo ls She tao<Yht "'
~otw1 th
IIt enantry
1 Farmers s1't ua t'on • . f who the land they arm do not own I th . , I wi II not take on themse ves e Entered at the Po,.;tofficc at f'eru. NeSunday, May ~51 'b'l'ty for good braska as second cla ss matter. 1 1 11 :00 a. m., Baccalaureate Ser- · burden of re~pon~I ·• vices. schools in t.heir n e Jg hborho0ds. I Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal of Miss Lathrop is a Nebra!"ka I 3:00 p. m., U~ion Meeting 50 cts. per year. S ingle copy n cts woman of whom we a ll feel proud . all Chri stian Organizations. Her earnest, purpose ful pre!'entaMonday, May 26. tion of a matter so vital to our Ninth Annual Festival of Music. 10 :{)0 a. m., Oratorio, "The country's we lfa re will do much to improve the rural situation here Messiah .''
2 ·30 p m Ivy Day Exerci ses. . . ., 8 :30 p. m. , Sen ior Class Play.
l :30 p.m., Reunion of the World and e lsewhere.
- - ---- - -
War Veterans. Following is a Jett er r eceived 3:00 p. m.' Artists' Recital. from Dr. Good, head of the depart8: 15 p. m., Grand Cnncert. me nt . of geography, of the UniJunior Notes, Tuesday, May 27. vers ity of Chicag-o. to Mi ss Mears, THE EDITORI.ll. S TAFF-SECOND SEM I(STI!II 10:00 a . m. , Pre lud e Co ncert. ! author· of ''The Hills of Peru:'' Bdoa Salzmann • Editor in -(hicl Commen~e~ent A~ dress ' n l You are to he congratulatP.d on Edward :\llat~j onky A~Rociate Editor Grarl ua tmg Exerc1ses. · · d d Cecilia Pet erso n A!<sori a t e Editor . h d Jetting your exhilaratiOn an a Laurence Rouse Bus iness M ana~:e r 12:00 m., Alumni Lunc eon _an miration ge t into print, and the Raymond Huffer Asst Au siness :VI'gr Induction of Class of 1919 mto . h . k "Th H'll f p " little oo , e 1 so eru, Em m a Woo die - As H Business ~ 'gr Alumni Association. must ser ve as a very p leasant re llUPOI! T ING STAF1 Ch<~pel Events. minder to a hos t of the boys and Ethrl Anderson. Clnudc Ivers Mrs. Edith Clark Schill of Alaska girls of th e beautiful spot in which Betty Lauman H e len Lawrence· who is visiting her sister Mrs. B. their school work was done. lt so LeNo ra Snyder Grace Little F. Jones spo ke at chapel Friday. happen!' that [ was in vited to Pt:ru Calendar. , She is a former g raduate of Peru .last spring for lectureil and [ wan' class of 1889. Mrs Sch ill is a dered up and down those hills, and Regular events: Weekly. woman of varied experience and I' across the fla t plain of the Mi s · showed by her talk that she is clo;;e- sour! · and sat on one ?f those ~i lis, Mondays-Chorus, 5 :40·6 :20 ly in touch with the problems of Ionkmg over the nver, while 1 -Band 7 :00-8:00: 1 the day. She spoke very highly of read the book of the masque writTuesdays - Chorus, 7:30-8:30. Wednesdays-Chorus, 5:40-6 :20. thsoe grad uates of the Peru Sate te~ by the various members of the -Orchestra , 7:00 7:45. Normal whom she had come in con· , facu lty, and oerformed by the Thursday-Chorus, 7:30-8 :30. tact with during her travel.s in the : pupils in th e natural amphith ee~ t e r Bi-week ly: States and elsewhere. She a lso ; in the woods jus t ' so uth of the Friday- I 'hi lomathean, commented very favorably upon ma in buildings The school has Dry cleaning, Dyein g, Mondays -Counci I. 9:00 t.o 10 :00 the new buildings of her Alma had a romantic hi story, and i1:1 in Ladies' and Gents firs t· 1 Monthly: Mater and . the hi gh standards a bea utiful location, and [am sure class toiloring. All 2nd Tuesday, G1r ls' meet 11 :30. which it holds a nd always has he ld. 1 tha t whoever has had the privilege ! . work !'iHtisfactory 1st Saturday, Y. W. C. A. KenDr. House varied our chape l ' of be ing there will r emember it 1 and prices sington. program by singi ng for us: Lad- with r omantic pleasure. right. 1st Saturday, .1, U. G. Meeting. Idie, bv Pin.s uti; Th e Angel at the Special Events. 1 Window, by Tours; Tbe Watchers, STUDENTS May 7. Recita l. I by Geibe l; and Could I. by Tosti. Tailor and Cleaner May 9 Phil o. I We are a lways g lad to li sten to When you nee n Cutler y, Flashlight May 10. Y. M. C. A. I Dr. Hou8e, because he always en- 1 Batteries or May 12. Recital, Phone 25 · Phone 25 ters into his songs with the keenAnyt hing in the Hardware iine May 16. Recital. Miss Hapke. W. W. MARDIS est ap(. r ~c iaion and his genuine May 20. Recita l, Mi ss Wing. expression of this ~ ppreciation conCall In Gr0ceries, Furnishing Goods. Men's May ~3.· Open Session, Philo. . veys to hi s ar1dience the true meanand Boys' Shoes May 24. Class Day. ·mg of h'IS songs. and you wll l a lways find a fu ll line May 25. Baccalaureate Sunday. Our Leaders: Va lley Lill y F10ur, at 1M Miss L<~throp Speaks. , . May 26. May Festival. 1 Barringto n Hall Coffee . HC" prHnll _s Hardware M1. ss Edith La throp, rural school May 27. Commencement. Peru Nebraska specia list from Was hintgon. D. C., 1- -- - - - - - - - - - - Commencement Calendar, s poke in chapel Monday morning 1s t door south Peru S tate Bank Friday, May 23. on the needs a nd conditions of I 11 :30 n. m., Final Convocation. rura l schools thruout the country.J 8 :1 5p. m .. Philo Open Session. Mi ss Lathrop is especia ll y we ll Sa turday, May 24. equip ped to di scuss t hi s subjec~. l Stonds for the b~st i n 8:30 a : m., Class Reunions a nd as s he has made rura l school surtoilet preportt ti ons. Picnic Breakfasts in Norma / veys in several sta tes, anrl has Face Crea m FacP. Powder Woods. J studi ed the rura l proble ms from · Ynur Friendsh ip T a lcum Powder 11 :00 a . m., May Day Ceremo- many a ngies . . S he str ong ly favors 1
"Let John Do It''
Do 'What? Why, your clean= ing, naturally, why not?
ni es. !consol idation a s the most f easible ' 1 1:30 p. m., Open Air Con~ert, so luti on of the pr ob le m. She f ee ls Peru Sate Norma l Band. ' keenl y th P. _seri ous ness of the la nd
Mandclson & Kennedy Nebraska City
When Down Town Give us a Call Apprecittted.
R , edfern & Ellenberger
Ha ir Tonics, e tc.
Fisher Bros. Oru2gi~ts
The most complete stock of Ladies' Ready-to-Wea.r in the Qjty At Popular Prices
New G_oods in Shoe Line are now in Come tn and see thetn • • • • • Y .. W. C A Breakfast.
M. C:-t";OOD ...-,
th e great victory which means in to charming little bits of humanWhat I S so r are as a morning in 1so much to the wor ld, our country, ity. May? Did you ever wait until our state, and our school. · Cl asses were then dismissed and nine o'clock f<•r breakfast'! Well , This book p1'ctures our S. A. 'f. a dainty two-course luncheon was the Y. W. C. A girls did and all C., contains a complete Honor serve!'!. thought, "wou ld that we cou ld do Roll, sn apsliots from camps, SolAs a so uvenir, each studt!'nt was it every day!" di e r s ' Memoriam and even pictureR pr~sented w ith a copy of a masterAs we entered th e room, our· of the U. S. soldiers' graves in piece (camouflgt::d). eyes fe ll upon th e baskets of I i laf!s France. Thor then knocked at the door at each window and th e ·beautiful Aside fro m all me ntioned, I (reminding us that our happy even· apple blossom bouque t i n the Ct'n· should want a Peruvi an for a com- i ing must come to a close. All ter of_ the r~o m. ~column of ha p- pan~ on, f or it is a veritable com- j separated, voting Miss Mutz a PY g1r ls, mcludmg a numher of panwn. It brings back fond re· l most royal entertainer. affiJ:ated members, filed around membrances, the faces an·d t~ames the room and took their places. of friends which time tends to· Y. W. C. A. Fellowship Meeting. Not many of us ever before realiz- make me forget; it settles my disThe Y. W. C. A. fellowship ed thz splendid use of school chairs putes; it i s a companion in my meeting Sunday morning, April 7, -as individual tables. At each lonely ho urs. My subscription will was fully attended notwithsblnding place was a bouquet of violets help this senior class and this t he delightful little girls' party which soundec! the keynote . of senior class wil l a lways do its bit given the evening before by t he spring. For t h e second course we in keeping the State Normal up to Girls' Club. Miss Magneson led r ece ived a wonderfully baked pota- the higher s tandard. Why not- th e meeting, Miss Bath sang, and tn ancl all of its accompani ments buy a Peruvian? all present .shared in the spirit of in Califorina fashion. Only those fri endship and good will. Letwho have bee n serv ed by the do- l M ay Class Pdrty. ters were read from former Y. W. mestic science department can 'j Friday night the gi rl s of the C. A. girls n ow out teach ing: kno'w how goon thing; are when advanced art class were entertained Maren Rasmussen, Ruth Vernon, cookecl under Mrs. J ean' s direct ion. by Mi s:~ Mutz, in her usual charm - Emma and Mary Sick, Mane GibAfter the third course, Mrs. ing manner, at he r home on Fifth son, Olene Johm;on, Grace Barbee Bonekemper announced her engage- and Was hington streets. and Frances Seltz. These were all The evening of fi·o lic was spent so intere5ting, so f~?ll of the spirit men t. Several others were call ed upon to do likewise, but seemed in the form of an art course. Our of service, so apprreciative of unprepared. F ern Feree read a classes were called as follows: I what theY. W. had meant to the . de lightful and fitting story , after 8:15, clay modeling. Juicy fruit . writers and of the letters received which we al l joined in singing and spearmint were transformed : each month from the asscciation, " numher 3 on page 7." into proper consistency for the , that t heir reading made the me~~Mi lls Harrington then told us we modeling of anima ls, from 'which j ing seem li ke a vis i t with these had bettr go home or we would some inte resting r esults were ob· absent friends. miss our dinners, a ltho 1 am sure 1tained . 9 :00, hand work. At this I After the letters Mi ss Hanthorne that not one of us could appreciat~ time we were each given t:hree spoke, as just Miss Hanthorne can, a dinner after so e laborate a break sheets Qf paper and directed to tear of her own experience as an affi li fast. · them, with our hands concealed ated member, and at the close
under the table, the first into a I twenty-four appl ications for affi liflowe r , the sE:!cond into an a:nimal, ated member ship fo r nex t year and the last into aprofileof a class- were signt>d, still other s being mate. At 10 :00 another phase of !' promised . It was altogether an The Peruvian , hand work was taken up, that of enjoyable meeting, leaving our 1 "1 am certainly anxious for the ' conl!ltructive huild ing. Miss Mutz's ! hearts warmer and happier, and Pe ru vian to come out.'' artistic ability was cleverly shdwn j more thankful for young woman" Yes, and ~o am 1," responds in the way our work table was dec- I hood united for Christian service.
We adjourned after g iving fifteen . H . t d th rah s f or M ISS arrmg on an e .d 'tt I d sp en 1 comm1 ee.
anothe r, ' ' and that is n't all.: 1 m go ing to own one." Why. Be· ca use any true Peruvian wou ldn' t be sat isfied without a copy of this This yP.ar's annual in the home is the first and the las t chance to purchase an annual which has been published in the g r eat victory year
One 810l<k Nnrth
For e ntire west and Alaska THE LARGEST AGENCY FREE REGISTRATION . Write immediately for circular Boise, Idaho
Peru State Bank A Good Bank ---
IN - -
A Good Town Conklin's Fountain Pens New Stock Just Received
at Barnes' Pharmacy SAY IT WITH FLOWERS
cttn buy Watch~s. l onythitig } ' OU could Spectacalsand Fountain Pens Sold ond Repaired give rhem except friend~
Stationery and School Supplies
Philo ond Seal Pit1s
J. C. CHATELAIN, Reliable J eweler
Citizens STATE •• •• - - ....
·-- -
An old reliable bank with
A 6ood Lunch or Splendid Meo·J
Northwestern Teachers' Agency
411 Notes. 't · " '1 The J. U, G. girls are certainly pleased with their new pins. As thi s iR not to be ju~t a temporary club, Mr. Chatelain intends to keep the pins in stock. Some of the girls who failed to order pins will appreciate this fact. The Club· did not hold ita regular meeting Saturday evening, but it. will be just as good for waiting. We are going to have Romething di fferent, so be sure to listen for any announcements r e!ld· ing Mav lOth. · Mary had a liUie lamb; A I i ttle was enough, For the piece that Mary a-ot Was very, very tough.
orated. In the center was a bo'; l TEACHERSWANTED The 3:20 train gets to of. app le- blo, sso ms; from fhe1r F . . or a 11 d epa rtments o £sch oo1 work . Peru at 7 :28 m 1dst rose a m1matute May pole. . 11 are e 1ect 'tn2' now. . . IS c11001 o £{'tcta Its streamers led to d1 shes contam- M mumum .. · a t a MINIMUM FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE o f Servtce ing gumdrops, nuts, raisins, cloves, COMMISSION RATE Commission - TIME - and toothpicks. In a miraculously 4 p ercent. Write tor Liter11ture today snort space of time th e inventive HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY BROS. geniuses present converted these Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Li~coln, Nebr. Phone B2234 - - - - -----
RP.member when in Nebraska Your City it is only
J• U. G.
Pe ru, Nebr./
assets of over
THE PeRU NORMA' ;aau Entered at the Pl>•' brasl<a as seco pr'
They have ju~t arrived and you will bt: a-.. pleased as we wea·e when we saw thetn The suits a•·e !-~hown in the nt::w box effect and Ru!-ishtn blou!'it! model ... , whh:h are !'iO popultlr now, and the others in the regulation be Jted style
Priced $22.50 to $50 .00 The coats are fashuned from the new sprin!,! fabrics. Many are shown in the Cape attd Dolman effects .
Priced $12.50 to $40.00 Dresses foa· every occt1siot1
Priced $15.00 to $60.00
Gleveland Stores Ev~rything
for Everybody at the
L. W csscl's Sons & Co.
Rea4y-to-wear Week DON'T FAIL TO A.TfEND
·rxre are selling Silk coats worth up to $37.00
slept till morning. Tha t night r epr ese nts the tines t , tru e>st sympa. IConllnue<l f1·om F't1·st Pac-B.l Her s tandards o f sc h olar~h ip and thy I have ever known. A li ce Hanthorn . conduct we re o f th e high es t type, ye t s he was pati en t with the hon f'st As a Nurse. efforts pu t forth by even the slowMiss Winn : frerl P~?rkin c; came est of he r pupils and stud ent tPach- t o th P. C it Y H nspi tal school of ers. H r::r in tPre;:t m 1 heir sue· Nur.s ing on S e pte mber 4, 19 18. ces~E'S and failures were always f o llowing the world's rail for genuine and s ince re , and th e inflll- a rmi f's of sn ldi f' rs and nurse~ . q e ncH o f he r I i fe ca n n ot he meas ur- Mi ss Pf'rkins had alreac!y att~in d eel. ed r ema rkah iE' success in the t f'ac hH e r r e latio nship to th e member s ing fi~?ld . b11t some> how th e chalof o ur department was that of IPn gP of patriotic c!ut y came to her mutual interest and loyalty . in makin<r an irr e ~i~tahle appeal. in· every phase of the worK, eve n to s piring he r to ~ acrifi ce h er teach ingthe extent of s hou ld er ing aduerl caree r in or d e r to serve in the respo nsi bi II ties. busv wards of a large c ha rity hos· We sh a ll mi ss hP. r ca lm face, her ptt. a· . Th .I S , Jn<l . .J 61:'d , wa". re"l " .sDr .- · 1 I q uee nly b earing. ,. but. mor e. th an .all \ v t. ce to h umant. t :v. r e n11f're .J d nn·
This sale $15.00
her devoted spl rlt of ~erv tce which selfishjv, devotedly, and in a mn~ t wil l alway,; be a benPdtctio n t o <> ffici e nt, r eliahle, and fa ithful t hose who. sti!l r ema in hf're. m a nn e r Being a wom a n of mature Dora Krebs. mind. unusual inte llect and char· a c ter, her influe n ce was f..,Jt among As a Friend . In thinking of Miss Pt!r kins as a th e p a ti Pnts as we ll as th e nurses fri e nd t hree charact e ri s tics stand of the hospital. ' out orominenl ly : he r sa nity, her The schoo l has los t in he r a c!eabso lute trus tworthiness, and the voted lead e r and a lo:-: a l friPnrl power t o und e rs tanc!. She wa~ l!reatl.v love>d and hn nor t>cl Always s wa yec! by my own e mo- by all with whom she camP in con · tions, 1 found in Mi ss P e rkins ' tac t thru he r ardunus d ut ies in calm, sane viewpoint of life the r e li ev ing human suffe rtng. lh rn very e lement of r epose that 1 so her m arked schol a rs hip in thf' class much needed . lf one were ill, on e room , and e,; pect allv thru hPr lovefelt es pecially the str ength of he r l.v spirit o f hum a n k indn ess and q ui et, serene presence. She was helpfulness a m ong the nurs~:-s m always ready t o hear the difficul th e Home. The me mory o f h er ties of h e r friends, and she n eve r nob le sp irit wi ll live on in the betraye d the confic!ence. As one mind s of a ll wh o h ave bee n a'snci faculty m e mber said, '' When yo u t aerl wi th he>r. tell your troubles to Miss P e rkin:;, Elsa Schmirl t. it is just like buryiog them " Professo r Grumman . nf 1 h e State U ntil 1 kn Aw Mi ss P e rkin s i ntimately, I thot her unsy mpathe t ic. University, has an a . tic le In p rep · aration on • 'Miss Perk ins as a Later I f o und that she had the Univ e r si ty Student " Jn a le tt e r most del icate cti~cernment nf . a nd received from him r ega rding Mi ss consideration fo r , the mou1h and Pe rkin s, h e !'ays, • •H e r dea th is fee ilngs of ot ht>rs. One n ig ht nf 1 our assoc iati on tog-ether s tanrl s out nnt only a loss to Peru . hut to th e wh nle state of N1· bt <~:; ka'- " vividly in my memo ry. It was July 3, 19 17. On th e c h au t auq ua Student Recitals prog ram we had h eard a s tirring The seco nc! in the Sl:' ri es of s1 x wa r lecture . I came hnm e fill ed recital s I.Jy th e pupil s of J t:'a nne tte wi1h appr e hension to jo1n with ' Meye r-Pri e l, Iva Maud Dunn and others in a d i scuss ion uf the natural LeRoy Car lson w i ll be given We dsi tuati on. Wh en eve ry one we nt nesday evenin g , May 7, in the to bed , r estl ess and unhappy, 1 chape l at 8 :::\0. Those who appear went to my room. Mi ss P e rkins at this r ec ital are the M 1sses C lara w~s w.~ltmg at mv d oo r. She Beck and Effie H e ming wa.\, pian· !'atd , Put on yo ur tennis shoes I is t s, and Miss Haze l Parso n, so · and we'll tak e a walk . 11 On t hat pranu. t rip t o the c e m e tery hill hardly a The third in th e SP ri es will be ~ore! was said . WP. sat on th e give n M nn rlay. May 12. in the nd ge ove Normal c1apel at 8 ··Jo M Jsses · , rlooking t he , ..., • b y tl1e woods. 1he full m oon hac! sunk GlaJys Knapp a nd Nina Shul 1e rr.. until it had flooded the t ops of the ptanigts, and Miss H t> le n Tod d. tree!' wit h light. The wonderful 511 P! a n i). beauty and peace of th ese s il e nt b:verybodv is cordially in vited . ~
Men's wool suits up to $45.00 1 This sale $24.75 All Coats and Capes 1-4uff The Biggest Values we have ever offered
L. Wessel's Sons & Co. Nehral"'ka Cit.', Nehr.
THE F.\ Y is the place to get
Fresh cut flowers for every . . . . I occasron 111 appropnate arrange- . ments-·Our leading specialty at , all Seasons of the year. : I
hot drinks of al l kinds We a l::;!• have
Ice Cream
' 'The Flori st' '
Pr·om pr ~er· vice
Nebraska City, Ne br.
Good 'Eats
At nil times
Sabins'· Educational Exchange FOUNDED 1893
oak covered h(IIs will never b e for gotten. How long we stayed I do The most widely patronized, be>cause the most reliable Teacher's not know, b'ut I d o kn ow that when Agency in the Middle West. Territory from the Mississippi river to we reached h om e I went to be d and, contrary to all Pa..:i fi e Coast. Flynn Bldg, Des Moines, Iowa. expce tation,
A.M. M. OORNON, Mana2er
Philomathea 01 . P ast, Present, and l<'uture will b e he theme of the program Frid ~y, May 9 . Those taking part w lll be t he "have -beens," "ares" and the " will-bes. 11
State Norn1al 0 rchcst ra Gonce rt
P· m.
ci s ion for a ll of u s who we r e d oubt- Y. M. CABINET ENTERTAINED. Hay. " The thunder r oared and ful. A f our cour se dinner consisting woke Thomas and Dick who mad e One of the bi ggE>st events, if n ot The laat th i ng on the p r ogram of. a cocktail , mashed spuds, cream- t he m oti on that they adjourn. the biggest, in t he hi st or y o f t he was a t a lk b y Judd , a juni or in t he ed carrots, gravy and beef loaf , Profes~or Loomis. Di ck and ThornPeru Y. M. , took place last SaturState University, who last year salad, ice cream anel more ice as wer e the only ones who voted day eve ning in the f orm of the was president of the Stude nt Vol- cr eam, coffee and cake, set on a "aye," but it began to ra in and annua l Y. M. banque t Prom ptl y untPer Unio~ . J~d.d gave u s a won -, beau t ifull y decorated tabl e w;js one 1 t he others . after telling Mr. ~nd at 8 :30 o'cloc k seventy men ~ea te d d e rful and msp~rmg talk on for- of t he man y th ings which the Y. l Mrs. Loo m1 s what a good t1me the mselves at the tables. All fiiPl d eign m ission s. Of course he t ouch- cahine t enj oyed a week ago last they had had, departed into the themse lves t o t h e br im w ith e d upon the s ubj ect of Es tes Park Friday night at t.he home of Mr. / ~loo m. Se~iously , t hat little e~en t crea med chi cken, mashecl p ot a t oes, JS one wh1 ch the Y . M. cabmet and t o ld us hiS e xperience with and Mrs. L oo mis . noocll es. p ar ke r ho n se ro ll ~. pick l e~. Dad a nd Mr s. Cott le we re the won 't f orge t. · . f d c onfe r Pnces, showing us what a 1ce cr eam, soc1 e ty wa e rs an . d . f 1 m1 ~take we won lei make by stay- first ·people there. whic~ is usuatly . h coff ee. w h 1c was ser ve 1n ca e - . . Estes Park. · t M h d. . d m g at home. But h1 s talk on f or- the case when there's anything to 1 uc> ere 1t. IS u e 1 . . t ena s ·v 1e. . eil!n m 1 ss1o n~ made eve ry one of us eat. The rest d r opper! in in line, I Have .you ever heard of Estes Mr~. J ea n f11 r her sk ' k . fl e b roug h t b e f or e Pran t e. of coursP , being the last , Park , Colorado , and th eY. M. C. . 11lful ma n agP - stop an d t h m ment of thi s sp le n d 1d f ePd. ancl t he us so VIVI . 'dl y t h e d"tre nea d o f ml· s- ma n. At 7: I 5 we found ou r places · A. student conference that . is to be Y. M. wishes to take thi s o p po rtu He at the table F:very thing wen t held ther e in June? If n ot, just s ionarie, in foreign co untri es nity to t hank hE' r. sa icl that b eC'a u ~e we ha d notre- wellun til t he encl o f thP first cour~e comP out t o the Y. M. C. A. meetAfter the f eed evervone j o ined ce i ved a call to go as a miss ionary when Mrs L oo mi s d iscove r ed t h at ing or ta lk t o one of the fif tee n in singing som E' of th e "Es tes was no excu~~ f or staying at ho me . . "Howard" had forgotten the nap- st urlents that are going there fr om Pa rk " ~o n gs to popular tunes tha t He mPnti oned that he had r eee v- · ki ns. Good ness, how the fur flew . Peru. Peru now has more me n every one !<new. L . V. Prante ed no ca ll but but. nP.verthPiess he But Funny from the kn o wl~rlge of pl erl~red to go than any other co laetr•rl a;; toa~t mas t e r for t h e even - 1 intenrled to go as a medica l mi s·o n· hi s. past experiences settled things lege i n the state. We fee l that inl!'. P resid ent Rou>'e started the ary in the nea r f utu re. Simply wonde r fully . The seco nd course t hi s b unch of fellows going to such prog ram by Pxr r ess ing hi s dPe p , b ecause we we r e not stucly ing for went off i n pPaCP. Ann the third a cn n fPre nce canno t help but come sense of gratitud e and aorrE>cia- ~ th e ministry wa~ no r ea~o n wh y co urf;e would - have. had not P e rt'h back and be a great facto r in tion for the wo r k w hi eh th <> Y. M. wP. couldn't go. He clost>d that got the wrong implement He fix Pd making Pe ru Normal the best fel lows have bePn cl o ing this yPar. wonrle rful talk by leaving this thi ngs up by wir inl! it off on h is schoo l in the state. ThPn Th nmas exrlain Pd in hri E>f qu estion with u s to he se rt l~d in coat ta.i l an rl ag-ain we ~ t artPrl ri g l1t . ThP confPr e nce is he ld in the the budp-et fnr ne xt Y• ar and ~ tres- o ur own minrls : "Have yo u had Thomas waf' f mFI· d al l the _ti n e, h e::~rt. of the Rocky Mountai ns and ~ed the m>erl o f sav ig a s m11C'h of an,· ca ll to stay at homE'? " b ut after supp er hr. and Dick qJ ng as Capta in J ack rrawfor d would thP su mmer' s wages as pm:c:;ibiP for I The tal ks w hi ch Judrl a nd Hoi " a duet whic h rp:;t nrerl confirlencP. snv . '' Out whe re thP ha 1id of God the plerl gPs. T.h en Stt>E'IE' H oi- comhe ~rave u s werP what !'ent Pt·ru · Sh11ver didn'J havE' much tirne to is ~ePn. '' T he purpose of t hE' con1 comb, thP state studen t SPC r Pta ry, ovPr th P. top. They pu t th e li d on thi nk about bP.i ng Pmha rra•st>d , ference is to give young men a brought befo r r th e f ,... Jl ows in pic- fo r U!" and n ow we . in th e next few especially wlw n Mrs RoE'ttg er l ::~ru:e r view of life, socia lly, morutrPqnse rl t> tail, thf' trip up t he davs wi ll have to cli nch it and na il hrought on the ''more ire cream" ally anrl re ligiou~l.v. The i nstnicJjig Th omp::on Canyon t o F'stes it .t igh t. W e a r e a ll boost ing fn r co urse. Aft~r suppe r we d id all tors at this ronference are so me of Park . He then began h is talk i_n l~stes and at th e c lose of th e ra m- in ou r power t o make hi m fef'l at t he best a nd hi~rgest men of ou r 1 ea rn est, show in\! h ow nPCPssa ry 1t pa i!!O, Old P e ru will s tancl at t he home at t he hoa rd mPeting- we had. coun t ry. With these anticipations, wa!; for every .m a n possibl e to go to j h ead of the Ji st as she has a ll the The onl y n •a l ly serious things th e P eru boys a re go in g with Estes, how 1t was our d u t y not way t hru. th at · happe ned W(-'re that Funny hig h hopes t hat tht>y may get !'Omeonlv for nur ow n good b tH for th e ~ Somf' penp le clon't. sPem t o r eal - s k innpd hi s hack trying to sr:ale a thing that will f!Ot on ly nplift good of Pt>r n . H e sa id no E':lucati on ize t hat i t isn' t funny t o u se Gorl' r; chair ; Mrs. RoPttg-er. in ht>r k1~en t hem bnt that t hey may bring was complete without 1~. H e nam e in va in , even tho it ma y sef'm att ention t o Mr. Cot tl e forgot to something hack to th e be!'t schoo l closed hy a~king til E' questiOn. not so to the m. g ive F'unny an.v cofff'e; Dad was in t he utate of Nebraska to make it "C 1 ff _, t ?" h u t "Can caug-h t in the a:tempt to sw i pP a n still be tter. an a orn o go. i Th t e f voice an cl mannt->r nf I · ?" H o ie on oranllt', llnd b .th IJick ::~nrl T homas afford to remam at h~me. . I saying it expiains tnany r. htngs; n ot wen t t•l ~ l t>PO wh • le .VI rs. Co t tle was It takPs a hlow t o wake so me comb's talk wt- nt strHII! h~ h ome to I so whz n writing- ... A wri t l f'n st atesi ng ing h e r so lo enti t lt>cl, "Alfalfa men: so mp npver wakP at a ll. tvery man and was t he po1nt of rl e· 1 m t> nt is e asily mt~llltt>rp rPted. THE
A VENUE STORE ization is among organizations a thing which makes men weaker, FOR THE PERU NOR~L_-_ _ Cincinnatus. Id entification with physically, mentally and morally. - - -- · - - - -Jtlice at Peru, Ne- such an organization means a start To publish a booklet containing Dependable ~tationery , Entercd at th~ f'-'., 55 matter. towards progressive leadership. a list of r oo minng houses for men, Fountain Pens braska as seer _ _ , u Weekly by the Peru State Normal An association standing for just places of employment, objective School Supplies Pu"'" these thi ngs is the Y. M. of theY. M . C. A., the advantages Confectionery, Fruits, Bread Cook50 cts. per year. Sing le CJJPY 5 cts. ies, Meats, GrocPries and Therefore if you would be one of the Normal for for worth-while Vegetables of the class that takes the initia· young mE'n, and to make better tive, identify yourself with an r oom ing facilities for them. H. U. LANDOLT, Phone 73 Peru. Neb. association of the leaders and bP.To make each memLer responsi come one of them. Learn to do by ble for bring ing at least o~e · man doing. The Y. M. needs. you for for next year. To help each man its leader here. Get busy and stir to sE'e his duty to his school, to his up things. Fight the Bolsheviki church and Y. M., and to himelf. -here and wherever you find them. To establish a real brother-hood I wish to take this opportunity The person who does not help a among the men of the school. to show my appreciation to all the bad condition is partly to blame - - - -I N - members of theY. M. C. A. who for it. · · so Th e so 1u t·JOn. of our pro bl ems, STUDENTS have stood by the orga1zat10n faithfully and have spent 50 much then , is in our a nswer to the world When you neen Cutlery, Flashlight time and energy to make it a sue- call for leadership. Be ye, there- ~ Batteries or cess. We started the year with the 1fore, neither a lazy bone, nor yet Phone 25 Phone 25 odds against us but with a cahient 1a '" ish bone; but be ye a bona Anything in the Hardware iine W. W. MARDIS 1 that was not afraid to work and fide member of Twenti eth Century Call In 1 Groceries, Furnishing Goods, Men' s with every member back of them 1society. and Boys' Shoes we were able to reor~~ranize after -. - - - - - and you will always find a fuJJ line the S. A. T. C. di sbanded and to Commencement Calendar, Our Leaders: Valley Lilly Flour, at finish the year with a small but Barrington Hall Coffee Mack pran2's Hardware strong organization. It is hoped Friday, May 23. 11:30 n. m., Final Convocation. Peru Nebraska that next year the good W9~k may 8:15 p. m . • Philo Open Session. 1st door south Peru State Bank continue as no doubt it will with Saturday, May 24. the enthusiasm and spirit that is 8:30 a. m., Class Reunions and being displayed by the cabinet and Picnic Breakfasts in Normal the men back of them in their plans Woods. for the coming year. Stands for the best in 11:00 a. m ., May Day CeremoJ. H. Loomis, Advisor. nies. toilet preparo tinns . 1:30 p. m. , Open Air Concert, Face Cream Face Powder Your Friendship Peru Sate Normal Band. Need of .Y. M. C. A. Leadership in Talcum Powder This College. 2:30 p. m., Ivy Day Exercises. Appreciated. Hair Tonics, etc. 8:30 p. m., Senior Class Play. Co-operation is the watch word ~======~~~LITE
Peru State Bank A Good Bank
A Good Town
When Down Town
Give us a Call
of all people today except the Rus-; Sunday, May 25. sians and a few other Twelfth CenII :00 a. m., Baccalaureate Sertury folk, and accordingly it is the vices. slogan of Peru and of all other colp. m., Union Meeting of / r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ leges. I 3 :00 all Christian Organizations. But nevertheless, there is always Monday, May 26. a faction of bolsheviki t•.1 deal with Ninth Annual Festival of Music. "-and psosibly even Peru will have 10 :00 a. m., Oratorio, "The to deal with it. What, then, does • Messiah." t he world demand in order that l :30 p. m. , Reunion of the World War Veterans. bolshevism may not reign ! Wh ~t does the local activity demand in 3:00 p. m., Artists'· Recital. order that socia l betterment may 8:15 p. m., Gra nd Concert. progress? We say a leader, of ~ Tuesday, May 27. course. Of course! The world is 10:00 a. m., Prelude Concert. looking for a Cincinnatus. Peru is Commen~ement Address and looking for a Cincinnatus. The G~arluatirig Exercises. town in to which you will go to 1 12:00 m., Alumni Luncheon and t:ach or live is looki ng for a Cin- j lnductio~ of Class of 1919 into · cmnatu5.. How near can J ou come • Alumni Association. I tov:ard ~u.p~ly ing this demand? The 101t1al step toward being a A Few Things the Y. M. Would Ci_ncinnatus II , is to get in line / Like to Do. A II work satisfactory & prices reasonable With a movement or an organizaTo encourage honesty in a ll , tion that is str iVing in a straight- . forms of school activity. forward, aggressive co-opt.!rative To encourage clean athletics, way toward the things that make clean talk, clean th ots, clean life; I Tailor and Cleaner Peru, Nebr. fo; better society. Such an oragn- and to oliminate the use of any~----_""
Fisher Bros.
Redfern & Ellenberger i
''LDt John D 0 It''' • DO WHAT?
Why your Cleaning, naturally, why not?
·Dry Clea.n ing, Dyeing, Ladies' and Gents First Class Tailoring.
Mandelson & Kennedy Nebraska City
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The most complete stock of Ladies'= Ready-to-Wear in the City
At Popular Prices
New Goods in Shoe Line are now in Come in and ·see the an • • • • •
• •
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Y. M. C A. Activities. l For a whi le stories and riddles to be most efficient they must have membership in the Christian Regardless of the interfer ence of were told by the boys. Then the high ideals. They cannot "sow Church as expressed in aggressive the S. A. T . C. in our Y. M. C. !Y. men made a strong appeal to wi Ia oats" and expect to be truly , ser vice. A. activities at the beginn ing of thP. boys to be Christian youn~ 3. To promote the growth of successful in any line of work. The the vear, we were able to reorgan- · men, s howing them the advatages so called little things such as cheat- students in Christian faith and ize under the s upervision of Pro- o~ such a life. ing, . takingadvantage of the teach- character thru a study of the Scrip· fessor Loomis ear ly in January. j Altho we may have done much er when he is absent fro~ class,j tures and thru definite W•lrk and Captain McKendrick started the · t his year, we must do more next doing slovenly work, always find - leadership in applying the princiball nlling by a series of lectures year. in order to do this we need ing fault and skipping classes, p ies of Jesus Christ to the problems and personal talks. After thi s the money to carry on the various ac- must not have a place in the teach- of human society. men took a greater mterest in the tivities. The budget c,ommittee er's heart. One may try to make 4. To bring students to face the Y. M. meetings. Each Sunday a has asked f or $300. You ask what himself believe that there is no Christian principles that govern member of the faculty spoke to us 1. is the Y. M. going to do with so harm in doi ng these things, but the choice of a life work in the on some world problem of today. I much money. There are many deep in his heart is a voice saying, light of the purpose of Jesus Christ At each ?f these talks a short de - l things. First is the "stag feed" "Don't do that.'' For instance if for the evangelization of the world. votional service was held by the at the begi nning of the year. Gas- a student outlines a certain chapter At the Loomis receptiou, Roettdifferent boys. Two Bible study ! pel team will have some expenses. and comes to class reciting from ger suggested that the Y. M. orgroups were organized and mPt in ; The employment bureau which his outline, altho trying to make gan ization should have a "cusbarooms of the boys. These groups w~ll find work for the men_ who and perhaps is m~tking his teacher dor." Thomas:- "I don't know met Thurstay evneing of P.ach I w1sh to work for part of the1r ex· believe he is only taking class what that is but I'll nominate week. Here the men go t c loser penses will be another item. To notes, is not the man or woman to Prante. •• togetherandgained a better knowi- these ~ill be. added "feeds:' hikes, go out and inspi re boys and girls 1 edge of the Bible and saw the : th~ p1cture m the Peruv1an, etc. for higher ideals. That young man TEACHERS WANTED necessi ty of be ing Christians. The Y. M. wi~hes to give at least or woman who will steal answers For all departments of school work. from his fellow s tudents is jm1t as School officials are el~ctin11; now. Peru was well represented at the $100 for missionary work. State Student conference held at The finance campaign lasts only much a criminal in the eyes of God Maximum of Service at a MINIMUM Wesleyan, March 27 30. At this one day, May 16. $300 mnst be as he who steals money from a ·COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 percent. Write for Literature today confere nce the m e n gained a larger raised. With fifty members we bank. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY vision and a greater inspiration f ar : should do better. qotner, with Calendar. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. the big job - before them. With ' only forty-two men raised $920. Regular events : renewed energy the Y. M. has tried ISurely Peru can raise $300 from Weekly. 1 Northwestern Teachers' Agency to put across man y of the sugges- fifty men. We are and have gone Mondays-Chorus, 5:40-6:20 For entire west and Alaska tions that ha ve been succes~fully over the top with our quota for -Band 7 :00-8 :00: THE LARGEST AGENCY FREE worked out in other schoo l ~. Also Estes Park. Let's keep up the Tuesdays -Chorus, 7:30-8 :30. REGISTRATION while there the delegates !'a w the good work and 2', over the top on Wednesdays-Chorus, 5 :40-6:20. Write immediately for circular value of a conference and it was our finance campaign beginning -Orchestra, 7:00 7:45. Boise, Idaho decided to adopt a slogan nf " 150 . May 16. Thursday.- Chorus, 7:30-8:30. fur E~tes from N1-bra!'ka." / men Bi-weekly: . Peru decJCied she cou ld sen d a t : Seemingly Little Tl.ings We . Ov~rlook Friday-! 'hi lorna thean, Mos t of the students 10 Peru are least fifteen men, which number, Mondays-Coun ci l. 9 :00 to 10:00 at thi; writing she has regi stPred . preparing themselves for the teach- Month ly: We are also glad Peru is the first 1 ing profession. The students of 2nd Tuesday, G1 rls'. meet I I :30. ''h h 00 1 , ; in that it was the I today are the teachers of tomorrow. 1st Saturday, Y. W. C. A. Ken· onor sc • · · ld the life of first school in the s tate to regi ster I They wll l help m ~ sington. . . . f or Es t es p ar k . 1 many a boy and g1rl for better or 1ts entl re cab1 ne t 1st Saturday, .1, U . G. Meeting. · s1d · e was touc h eu.• u pnn f or worse. The duty The soc1al . of the teacher Speci~l Events. Only three were i is tc teach the chdd to be an up- May 20 . Rt>cital, afternoon . b . 1 Y gy m. socla s. . . ri ht and honest citizen. The Barn~s' held thi s year, hut we are plannmg i ~ . h d d May 21. Recital, Miss Wing. 1schools have a ng t to eman Objective of TheY. M. C. A. on having them monlhly nex.t. yE-ard. . that their teacht"rs have the best of Tnese encourage clean athletiCS an , I< th ~A Y IT WITH FLOWERS 0 ne may now. P. , . · have · character. 1. To lea d stude11ts to an open show that a Chnsuan !'an . 'scl'nnc·e of teachl'ng and ''et make a . The 3 :20 tra in gets to .much wholesome fun. Th e ca b me t h In other Jwords the dis ~ ip l e:;hip of J esus c.hristas thel_r , Peru at 7 :28 .k poor teac er • o ·v 'ne Lord and SavJOur as he 1s . ·f the uplifting of 1 1 took the high school buys on a h 1 e , or presenled in the Holy Scri ptures FLOWERS ALL TH E one Saturday afternoon. Garnes o f , preparauon . . . 1 FRESH . d until · mankind I S equally as Important as and thr u nearly twenty centun cs l ___ TIME _ __ 1 ball, races, etc., were P aye · · th "R 's " 1 the boys gathered teaching the ree ' · . of exper ience. ' . 1 If normal training teachers w1sh 1 2 To lead students into active CHAPIN BROS. nearly dark wh en around the campfire for the1r eats. , ~~-==~=~=-===-=~=- 1 ~ Phone B2234 Lincoln, Nebr. Your friend!S can buy Watch~s. Clocks, jewelry,
Conklin's Fountain Pens New Stock Just Received at
RP-member when in Nebraska
unything .)' OU could give them exc.e pt
Spectacals and Fountain Pens
Sta1io11ery and School Supplies
.Philo and Seal Pins
City it is only
One B IOl: k North 01:" THE
A. Good Lunch or Splendid Mettl
Sold and Repaired
p .. ru. Nehr.
Re liahle J e weiPr
STATE •• ••
An old reliable bank with
Peru. Nehr. l
assets of over
$300,000. 00
= Another Peruvian Wins Recognition
They have just arrived a11d you will be as pleased as we were whe11 we saw them . The suits a•·e shown in the new box effect and Russian blouse model~, which are so popuhtr 11nw. and the others in the regula· tion belted ~ty le
Priced $22.50 to $50 .00
Prof. L. F. Gar ey, class of '09, has jus t been appointed state supervi:5or of agri cultual education for Colorado. After comple ting the Norma l ProfesRor Garey tau g ht one year in the Madison high ~choo l anrl served one year as s upennten dent of the Vall ey schools . He " then took hi s Mas ter's D egr ee in ~ farm managPment and was soon - after wards called back to Peru to take charge of the agricu lture work. He was retained here but t-'·O years, however, when more flattering induceme nts too k hi m to the agr onom y department of th e Color ado College of Agrict1lture at Fort Coll ins. In thi s position he has been ve ry successful, so much
fying meeti ngs of the year. Miss Ellis spoke so beautifully of all mothers and urged us who have to be away from o ur own mothers to rem e mber some one e lse on that day. Mi ss Irma Wilson sang and several beautifu l victro la r ecords were playP.d. Only th ose who have lost the ir own mother s know what it means to observe a Mothers' Day service and we a ll love Miss Ellis the m ore for her beauti ful meeting.
The Lauman Recital .
On the evening of May fifth, Miss Bessie Lauman, graduate of the expression de partment, gave her r ecital. Miss Lauman , whose ability is well kn o w, did the impossible by sur passing even her usua l self in the presentation of Dresses for every occasi9n two very charming pieces, King Rene's Daughter, and The Happy Prince. King Renes' Daughter is the masterpiece of H enrick He rz, DaniRh l iteratus, and is a s impl e, but Everything for Everybody at the right price exquisite story of the blind daughter of Rene, and Count T ristan. It is a lyncal drama of innocence, love and chivalrous roman ce. The Happy Prince, that pl ea s ing all~gory of Oscar Wil.rle' s, is a story of a prince who, having been turn er! to gold f<'f a deed clone, atones by giving piece by piece his r aiment to th e poor ancl neerly. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND In them,elves th (.>se writin~rs could never holrl the arlc! Pd bea uty given by Mi sR L~m a nn' s interpretation. At all times she comm~ nd erl a m.<1s terful presentation, and. up ~o by her ver sati le voire and appropriate g-et ures, was s he abl e to ~24 RO in fact tha t he was placed at the loose upon her audi ence th e spe ll 'P' • h£:>ad of t he farm management ~urvey work of the s tate . whiC'h mus t have c~u ght th e writers All Coats and Capes 1·4 off Hi s ne w supervi sor's position in th e ir compoRition. The school The Bigge~t Values we have ever offered opens up a practica lly unlimited i ~ inrleed prourl that it has one 1 fi eld of opp ort un iti es in ag-ricultu- with the s uperior t a lent of Mi~s J ra l education ~nd ca . ries with it a Lauman . large increa~e in salary. A most The mu sica l scores of Th e H ap py pleasing f eature, too, is that it Prince a drl erl , thru th e sympat hetic Nebraska Cit~, Nehr. came a lm ost unso licited on hi s fin ger s of Miss .Win!! . a touch of part. joy or sadness as th e v e rse~ di ctatS ince his g-rarluat ion fr om th e ed. " SAY IT WlTH FLOWJ<:RS THE F.\ Y Normal Prof~:sso r Ga r ey has been Inrleerl comment from ever si de . very active in Alnmni affairs. He indi cates that th e e n te r t::~ inm ent is th e place to get Fresh cut flowers for every ~ has se rverl as presirlent of the as~o - was one of a rare tr eat. and in no c ia tion. and it was during hi !' ten- ~mall meas ur e is its s uccess dn e to occasion in appropriate arrange- ! of a ll kinds nre of office th at hP, assisted by Mi ss Dunn. I ments- ·Our leading specialty at ; We a lRo have the other officers and hi s boar d of . - .- - - directors inC'ornora ted tL.a a . The lH g Sister of th e y M. of '18 all Seasons of the year. 1 • . r:, SSOCi a · d , g . y 1 IS.the · W . of '1 8a nd '1 9. tion and marshalled what had hPen l an I G. E. BERTHOLD At a ll times more o r less indf'finite 1·d · t Altho she IS th e o ldt>r littl e brother I eas 111 o l' k . a defi nite · w orking plan for the - 1 e m ost little broth er~ -thinks " Th e Flori st" ' Proanpt ~ervice that she is n o more effic•ient and f u t.ure. Nebraska City, Nebr. Good Eats All a lumni and fri e nrls of th e far r eaching in he r ac tivit ies than school are gratifi ed at Professo r he. But at tht:> sa m e ti me he mnst Garey·s fin e promotio n anrl ex tend give he r cre dit fnr muc h of his sue · to him the ir heart:i Pst cong ratula- cess. She ha :;; bePn a tru ... heartPcl FOUNDED 1893 ti ons. sister, setti ng a n <:>xamp lt> which hP. A. M. M. DORNON, Ma11ager -----un con ·ciously foll ow::. She. too. is Y. W. C. A. Notes. unawa r e of th e man y li ttiP thine's · The most widely patronized, bf'cause the most re.liable Teach er' ~ Ag.:ncy in th e Midd le West. Territory from th e Mi ~s i ~s ippi ri ver to Mother s' Day ser vice of th e Y. which s hP d nes ew• r;· day I hat g~eat· Paeific Coast. Flynn Bldg, Des Moines. Iowa. W· C A was one of th e m ost sat ·~ - lv rli nftue net> h im, mak t· him sit up 1 " an take notice, and t nen ''pe p ' ' up.
The coats are fashoned from the 11ew spring fabrics. Many are shown in the Cape and Dolman effects.
Priced $12.50 to $40.00
Priced $15.00 to $60.00
Glcvcland Stores
L. W csscl's Sons & Go.
Ready-to-wear Week
We are selling Silk coats worth up to $37.00 This sale $15.00 Men's wool suits $45.00 This sale 75
L. Wessel's Sons & Co.
hot drinks
Ice Cream
Sabinst Educational Exchange
bu t r a th e r as a fath e r to hi s child-
Secreta ry N • E• A I and an AI lllUnus.• hre n ° t. he day nf th e ir b rea k ing H ere for C ommenceme nt orn e t• es. In days to co me hi s me!'sa!!e wi II be r eca ll t>d t o chee r
! Adviser and President of Girls' Club
Peru. f nr th e fir st time in th e a nd f'Omft~ r t th e roming tea che r. history nf the sch oo l, is tn ha ve an He will he we lcnmed nnt onl y bv Alum n us f or c-o mm e nceme nt !:i flE'Hk- the school hut a l..;o h.v hi ..; man y f r i ~->nrl .; i n P t• r u :1 nrl in tlw s tCJ te. er.
P E KU, N E BR ASKA, TU ESDAY , MA Y 20, 19 19 .
J. W. Cr a b t r ee gr~dn fl tPCl frnm :hE' m ~ r vt>lnus (!; I' Owth o f Peru dur Pe r u in 18!:17 H t: heg-H n hi ,; t t>aeh - 111 ~ hr ..; pr t>s irl Pncy i ~ a pleasing in!! ca r eer fl s a ru ra l ~ch oo l t t>achf:' r \ re~ t' mhra nce t o th e hn nd r eds of in Cass Co unt.v , a n rl has he ld th e fn l' nrl" arrrl a lumni fol_lo~ i ng erlu ('a ti o na l pn,:i t ions: Dr~ R.t':t..ti e: t he Fa th er A ?rah ~m Pnn c rpa l of A ·h lan d hi g h schoo l of N ( hrd. ka ::.choo l ll1 (' n, wlil gt v~ superinten rl e nt of th e A~hland 'I a sh ort a rl ri •Pss. Dr. Beatt ie is loved an rl r t> pserted hy t he tear hin g- fra t l•rn ir.v o f t h f! ~ t:-1t e . Hi s s pl e nrl i rl wor k wh (> n in P .. ru wi II lon g b e r Pmembered. 1 Ex P r<.>s id t> nt Ha y Ps. too. will b u pr e-e r1t anr. Q" ive a shu rr address. H e has so r .-cen r l.v h Pt- n with u • tha t h ~ i• k n t WO to a ll tir e prf:s- n t. :re nf' ration .tf Pe ruvian s. He wil i bE:' a m '"t Wf:' lco mc g-u t>.- t . Mr. , rl ayes ha ~ ha ri th e h'nn0r el f s igning more d i p loma,; in hi>~ e ig-ht years of ,:pr v iee t ha n a l l th e form E-r pres!' d e n ts in th e ti r,;t for t y years of P e ru' s hit,:nry.
school:::. stu rfpnt nf S t ~tf· Uni\·e r i': I IV! y H ope for the Gids' Club. iLv . J)nncipa l o i' HeCJ tri ct:> hi g h ; sr.ho d. in .; pt'et nr n f ~cnno l.; for t he ! Tn ~ m · •~ t app t-aling tas k a h ead of SLa te Unrvpr~ i r.v, pre.;i rlf:'n t of P t>r u t he G 11 Is' C l t~ b r,; tu ('a rr _,. (1 0 t h e Sate N .. rn13 i. s r<~re .., 11 p .:> riterle nt o f work whi ch i t h as in i tiat ed t hr u N •nr a•ka. and n rPs id Pn t o f Hiv t' r it s tir~ r ,V t'H r an n t" "ca r r .v 0 11 " n ~ am e fine ~opirit (,f unt t y and re Fall,;. Wr~c rn in S ra te :'>Jn rmal . It W'l.; fr nr)l t hi..: l>lr ' pr on ~i ti nn he wa.; CHIIerl t n tal<t> r ht> .; u(' r P r a r ~~ gftin ctf th• J'\;H i on:tl l•:d ~t •;:rrion n 1 1 1\·~wiatrnn. wi t h h t·H '<l J:-c rt e r >' a t 1 A irP:-r cl y h is W'l-hi n ~·f' n. D C gr~t t nr g--lntz•nl! a i1rl it\' (.:; beg- •n- ' n in~r tn h ... felt t h rt rn ut th P gr 'a t "ri IC"' !Innal a,;:><JC' iat ion . I t is a ~:o .rrcE' of ju•t n rtrlt'. n·>t o n ly to ; PPruvi:Jn .;. l) tl t t o a ll Neh r a.; kan s , to know t hat t nis r 11 ra l ~c h oo l j tPache r tJa q r isen i n edt tcarin n a l 1 1 ci rcle.; u n• it ht' hH~ p trt->nt i;JI fo r ce a; ~n t- cl •!cato r . f-{i-; n"lm P hfl s been ~tHl!!P • rPd h y seho ~1 1 m e n thrqnur th <> p,,.,nr r v as th e m ~ n f nr sp :Jil::ib iJtty thn t hHs m arked it s S-r rettn• llf F; I wa r in n i n t hf' Pre ~- cn ur:-:e l:l il a lo ng Mar it he ;.r b l ~· t o wo r t h wh ile an rl id en ~ 's ca 'linl"r wtwn th ts impo rt- a d d so me t. hin ~· rLs pr og ram E:'ach ant pn<i t i1) n i .: e r e:;11eci . co ns tru ct ive to The sttninr• Hrl" tn he cn n!!ra tn- yea r. Ma rti e C . l~ llil'l. lHed in ='<-C u ri ng- th i~ qnil:' t, u na•sumin\! m<ln to give t he m t he tr l I h pe th e Gir ls ' C lub may con0 . • last word~ nf a d v i ce he f (J rt'! ]pavi ng . . . work, c:.· o that ' ttn ue 1ts e fl' ecttve ~chool. He :;p ,..ak:: .not as th e ora - /.tt wt. b e a 11 · ) p::;s1ng 11 ' lt o nl ·y to 11 r_"r who playl:l Wi th wo rd s and i P e ru a nrl t o t he indi v idual girls, fig-u res of speeeb to r lea:::e th e ea r, 1 • 1
Give Party.
1 1
Miss Ell is' rooms a t C. L. Meek' s we re t he sc~ n e of a merry par ty on the e venin g- of May 10, wh e n Miss F:llis . adv isor, and Mrs. Ronekem per p resident, of t he Girls ' Cluh en ter ta ined th e Co un cil a n d the officer s of the comin g yea r. The cle ve r e ntertainme nt cau sed much me r r iment a nd laughter thr u ou t the e ve ning. N o soo ner had we e ntered t he d ·~o r than we we re gi ve n in te rP.st ing li ttle b oo kl ets enti t lerl ''P ig s Is P igs, " and wer e req ue:; ted hy our t wo hos tesses to wr;te our na mes a nd ad rlres;;t>S in each othe r s hoo klet, a nd to accompa ny it. by a p ig sket ched with eyes
b u t ro evevr e trnmun ll y i nto Wtl .ch closed, wh ilf' some on e counted to i t,; m e n · ber ~ gil to c.: a rr.v o u t i t~ . fi ftee n. The eye. a nd tail" wer e to rfemoa<.~t ic •d .. als be p laced o n last. The merr i men t caused by t ht-se unsig ht ly p ig:; wi t h m isplacP.ri eye and ta il never cea~ed unt i l. boo klets co mplete, The Sen ior f lay. It is co m r11on ly sa id rhflt th e we were in vitr-d to choose a num hri ghte:;t an rf cle ve re; t man in t he be r t o ha ve our for tun es t old. We En.r l i ~ h speaki ng wor ld today is wer e told of t he f u t u r e onl y. If Be rn :~ r d Shl:lw, t h ~ a uthor of "You onP sta te me nt gave u~ heavenly N t've r Can Te ll. " w11 ich th ~ ca,;,: l vis ions, th e nex t woul d in ~vi t ab l y of 1 I!) w rl l prese nt S -lltl rday n.. x l. . brr ng- us bac: k t o a co nsct ousness In this d ratna one e neo,rnte rs th•· of ou r te rr estr ia l e xi stence. T ho 1 ine vitable Sn;;v ran Sari r t>. rli r ~e t 1·d a ll did no t ehoo<>e a number th ey 1 aga in st a s t rong- - tn i 'l'fed Tw •n; ie . h were equall y int Pr es t ed wi th th ose Ce n t u ry worn ·1n and a S'nt tlllt·n tal , wh o did in t hi s spicy new a r t of d a ug-hrer ,.uiemn lv b..o nt (' n mn t rt - te ll ing th e f nrt un e of fut ure da ys. rn nnv . A p· • :r :'U t l l'l d and ht'ipl .- s : N ume rrJ US otht:> r ga mes we r e hu:;hanrl an.! fati 1Pr rs !lw 1·rc i m : pia.\ ed, each one ~p r i g- h tl y a nrl en· of f .. m rni n • lor'r 111e ~ani clet~r"~' - ' t Prt a ining . na ti on. T ne Tw 1n' (i> tV an d !!• rl) Abo u t e leven o' clock fl d elicious a r e a-; mt ive :-1nd l"va td .. anti f mo.v t wo C'ourse lunrheon was rl ainti ly as yo uq gs te rs can po ..;ib ly 11 e l'h P se r vi'C! . Whil f! pa rtflkin g of t hi s p u b I ic wi l r b e g- ra · cf.,tl rn 1\1 1-s ex.C'e i_I Pnt n •past. p leasing se lections O unn an d 1 he !-!I"; for h:JV IIh! hr11t 1 of v rc tr ola m us 1c wtt re p layed . snb ri ll :ant anda c the ~-~~n·t i nu~ l T he hour oftwpJve ca mea ll too so f rank ly t"njoyable a p'a v wtillin soon a nd with ou r boo k of p igs an d our n '<H:h . a g a y ca rna ti on we sincer ely expre~~rd · our ap preciation of the Y. W . C. A. Notes. dtd ig htf ul eve ni ng . and depar ted to Tlw l n~t mt>t• ti ng of t he F: i}!ht ou r homes. Wel:'ks Club was held Frid ay aft Pr A G uest . noo n M i~~ f-l ol l.v a~ learlt• r to ld 1 New Secretilry's Book. of her wnrk wi t h ,;chno l and hu:;i. T he Girl s' Cl uh is cer tainly p r oud ness gi r l:;' clubs a nd other social ac ti vi t ies a t Ma nha tt a n, Kansas , of its bea u tiful ne w SE>c re t a ry ' s la,;t su m rn Pr. T he talk was g- refl t ly book, th e g if t of its l"ponsor, Mi ss a ppreci a teu . be ing both i n t e rest- Ellis. ing a nd ins piring. T wenty-on e Pe ru ha<; a li tt le cl ub ; g i r ls hCJve ta l<en th e c l11h wo r k . It's speed in sr ' !': i XtY per;" May 25th. lnst SundHy of th e schnol .1eu i ~ t he j .. i nL meeti ng of And e ve ry wh er e i ts me mber s go They ma ke a mi g ht y s tir. tire Y. M. an dY. W., a t 2 :1 5.
4 1Whe n we 're a ll s ta id and settl ed / AVE.NUE STORE 3 a fe w yea r s fr om n o w . j FOR Bntcrcd at 1hc Po .. tolficc 11 t l'cru, Ne6 We' ll look back_to th ese day s and j Depe11dahle ~ tatio11ery, braslw a s second cit1,.:; 11 1a tt cr. Me mb er of Co unci I Y. W. C. A. Cabin e t 6 rem e m be r JUSt ho w F0unta i n P e ns Published Weekly by the Peru State Norma l Captain baske t ba l J or othe r The long E ng l ish n o teb ook, t he too Schoo l S u pplr es . athlet ic teams 3 · o fte n test, ! Confectione r y , Fruit~ • . B r ea d Coo kThe dr ead h! s t ory quizzes were / ies, Meats, GrocPri es and Major part in any open ses!' ion ll for the b est. / Vege ta bles a play- D ra matic Club, se n 5 So he re' s to th e m a ll , our pres i- j H. U. LA ~J)U LT, io r· cla ss, Phil o or Ever ett Mi nor pa r t in s uch play 3 de nt, t oo ! Ph on e n Pe ru. Ne b. Pres id e nt N. C. A. 6 Le t's drink to them , f o lk, with 6 h ea rts d ee p a nd tru e , Presid ent Episcopal Gu ild 6 We' ll never forget t hem , they're Gua rdian Campfi rr~ Gi r ls 13 all without p eers Ed itor -in chi ef of Peruvian Associate Editor 8 To them we 'll b e grate ful thru all Bus iness ma nager 13 futu r e years. The Point System. 8 The Po in t Syste m was sug-gested Associate mana g er - - -- I N- - 8 hy a memh.e r of th e Girls ' Club Photog r aph e r STUDENTS 4 a nd wo rked out by a comm ittee Cartoonist 9 j Wh e n you n ee n. Cu tl ery, F la shl ig ht o f th e Coun ci 1. Jt wa !' the n / A r t ed.i tor 4 broug ht before th e Coun ci I at a ' Athle trcs Ba tt~;>ri es or 7 regular meeting, mod ifi ed and · Li terar y edito r Phone 25 Phone 25 Anything i n th e Hardware iine ad opted. , Socia l ed itor 8 W . W. MARDI S At th e next mass meet ing of the 1 Wit and hum or Call In Groceries , Furnishing Good s, Me n 's l:J I Girls ' Club th e !>Yst e m was s ub- 1 Sen ior class edi~or and Boys ' Sh oes mittcd to th e girls and adop ted Other associates on Pe ru vian and y ou will a lways find a fu ll line w i th e n t hus ias m. s ta ff. 2-3 No. p oin ts of Our Leaders: Valley Lilly Flour. at Th e objec t is three-fold: head edi to r Barring ton Hall Coffee l. T~ re li eve t he f e w ove rbur- I Edito:·in-ch~ ef o f N ormalite 13 Ma ck pran~f's Hardware Peru· Nebraska dencd g rrl s who, beca use th ey have · Assor rate eclrtor 8 1s t door south Peru S tate Bank proved th e mse lves capabl e, have Bus in ess manage r 8 become th e log ica l recipie nts of Reporter 4 mor e outs ide activiti es th a n t hey Cha i rman any standing rommitte ca n fulfill withou t injuring th ei r Chn. d evo t ional co rn. , Y. W. 3 healt h or rowering t he ir scho lastic Me m be r s ta nrli ng commi ttee 41 !'Stand~ fur the h e sf 1 11 ideals . Me mbe r a ny org ani zed bas ket. U§ toilet pt·epan•tion-. 2 . To ins ure mor e un d i vided I l1a l/ tea m . . 1 at~e~ tion a nd, conseq 11 en't l.v, more Cpa tai n of H. R. ' team ~ Ynur Friendship Face Crea m Face P o wde r 1 ~flrcr ent pe rform a n ce o f t he sevc•ra l , Gi rl s: Club C~uncil me mbe rs : ..• Tal cu~ P'owde r . du t ies. ; Ma tt re C. Elf rs. l'po ns0 r. Appreua t ~d. ! Hair Tonics, e tc. ::1. To g i ve a g r ea te r nu ~Jhe r of · M~·s . Bone ke mpe r, ' 19 , president. · g irl s thi s t rai ning i n or- ' Mrss Mag-neson. 20 . I gani:::at ion and in e xec uti ve wor k. Miss Wi lso n, ' 20. I Druu g h•t-.,
SP.cre tary of Girls ' Cluh Other secre ta ri es a nd trea sure rs
Peru State Bank A Good Bank
A Good Town
When D own
Town Gfive a Call
v~ luable
Redfern &·Elie b
n erger
I Fisher •
Req ui r e m e n ts: No me mbe r of . Mrs. RoP. ttge r , ' 20. I ~~~~~~~:-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~:=.:~;~~~~=== th e Girls ' Clu b s h?ll at a ny tim e Mrs. Co t i ll:', ·~n. •-• ·£OS,....eoc:_:;-.:,~-,=-.:_7 ., - "'- -.carry more t han 20 po int s th e ' Miss Mc Mee kin , '1 9 1 points be ing a r bitrarily assig ned . M iss Ro binso n, ' 19. I to the several cl nti~;>s aecor rl ing to Miss De nni s, ' 19. I t he a moun t of wo r k invo h·ed in Mi ~s Wittwer , '19. / t he f u lfi lli ng of s uc h duti es 1 Mi ss Griffon, '20. The sch edu le. th e f ulfilmlen t of Mi ss W~· m ore, '19. wh ich r~;>sts wi t h the Cn ll nr il. was ' Miss Bec k, ' l B. drawn up by a co mmittee nf the M i ~s K e lly, ;20. Gi rl s' Club , and is s ubj ect. t o Mi ss Tei ch. '19. chnage at t he d iscr e ti nn of the Club.' I A Tribu te. Pres id t-'llcy of Gir ls' Club 13 HerP' s to our profs with the ir P res id e ncy of Y. w. C. A. 12 broad clep rhs of learning. . Pres id e ncy of P h ilo 6 They ha ve s t irn•d u p our hear ts a nd Presidency of Eve re t t 6 for kno wl Pdg<, we' r e yea rning. Presid ency of Dra ma ti c Club 5 Tho th e co m·!'es . a r e sti ff a nd th e Pres id e ncy of J. U. G. •6 way s om e tim e~ rou g h , Pres j uni or or sen io r class A II wo r l, !-ia ti ~ f a cto t·}' & P rice s 12 We 're !'ure th ey are he r e to d evcl- ! - reasoMable Presidency othe r c lasses 6 op t he stu ff . I Vi ce prP.s. Gir is· Clt1b (cha irma n So we' ll lea ve o ld Pe ru ''· ith hunsocia l co mmit t ee) 71 ger ai1tl yearning . Ot he r vi ce preside n ·t 2 To e nte r th e i~· fie iiJ :md .kee p up Tai lor and Cleaner Treasure r of Gi rls' Club 41 t he lea rnrng. Peru . Nebr .
Why you r Cleanin g, n a t u r a lly, why not? ·
Dry Cl Panin g , D yei n g , Lad ie s' an d Gents First Clas s Tail oring.
J. A. CE KA, •
andclson &
N e br.ask a City
The Rmo st complAte stock o f L adies' e ad y -t o -Wear in t he Ci ty
At P o pular Prices
A Retrospecfr-Sprlng of 1920
11· Master and Man and Oth er Par. E lizU;beth Vance has accepted n po-~ Miss Mary Fleishman, who has speIn the spring of nineteen ninetcc 11 ab les, Leo Tolstoi. clalized !n Science will teach next On a bright and s unny day ' 12· Far from the Madding Crowd Sition m the Sutton schools. Was a notice in the chapel T hos. Hardy. • Misses Bessie and Bettie Louman · year. "Sign the ch arter, right awn.' ··" expect their sister and neice this week Ann Gilbert is expecting her par13. Son gs of the Heart. Then at once the girls came floc!{ in ~. 14. TheWorld I Live In Helen Kel- end. Miss Bessie w!lf be located in ents, Mr. a nd Mrs. F. C. Gilbert from ' Osceola, Nebr., next year . 1Johnson during commencement week. Made the lis t so fine and long. · ' ler. 15. His Family, Ernest Poole. Donna Lowrey's friend will spend . Miss Belle Edwards will have as Twilight settled, an d the ch a rt er 16. Rorert Elsmere, Mrs. Ward. commencement week with her . Donna comencement guests Mr. and Mrs. D. Showed a club two hundred strong. 17. Little Journeys-Famous Wo- Lowrey will be in Clarinda, Ia., n ext G. Edwards from Brownville and Miss One long year has passed s ince th a t m en. Elbert Hubbard. Year. Audrey Savill e from Salem. She will day; 18. The Gates Ajar, E lizabeth StuHazel Kilgore expects her mother teach at Thurman, next year. And I'd like to tell to you art Phelps. · Miss Margery Etter will entertain a nd a friend this week end. Wh at our young, but growing girls' 19. Aunt Jane of Kentucky. Elizaclub Libbie Kulcral will t each in Hooper over the week end and for Commence~ f'l h Cll lvert Hall. next year. ment, Mrs. P. S. Becl{with from Diller, In that time has found to do. 2. The Taste of Apples, Jennette Hel n L . . . Nel:>r. Miss Etter w ill teach DepartFirst they turned their willing h and s L eP.. e awrence h as a position In menta l Geography in the 5th 6th and to 21. The Perfect Tribute, Mary An- t.he ~Iumboldt school s. Sh.e wi ll have 7th grades at< Columbus n ext' year. K eeping lovers off the step 1elahves from Nemaha dunng the Mar . . drews. Festival. Dons F1·ye 1s h appy because her Of the library so favored· 22. Aunt Jane, J enn ette Lee. . s ister, Hazel is COirjing to visit her Here the girls showed iots o! "pep.'' 23. The Dark Flower, J ohn GalsAnna Kruger Will be in Lyons next next week. Hazel graduated from Then they noticed that the workmen worthy. Y~ar. She expects her mother and a here in th e class of 1917: Doris is At the dorm were far too s low· :'.4. Edith Bonham, Mary H. Foote. frtend to spend the weelc end. going to teach physical training at 2!'i. Fraternity, John Galsworthy. That the job would not be finished Mrs .. Ella Weaver, post graduate is Gering Nebr. , next year. 26. David Cop perfield, Chas. Dick- expe~t1~g her son, . Captain Ross Till the ground was white with Mrs. Graham, from Avoca will be en s . snow. We~ ei , of the Mechen! Reserve, to with her two daughters next week. 27. Ivanhoe, Sir Walter Scott. So a l:>unch o! sturdy m aidens, a.rnve Wednesday from overseas ~u- Elizar eth is going to teach at Avoca ?.R. T ,<'~ddie . Whitaker. Firm, although they looked so meek ties, to spend commencement with the coming year. 29. Uncle William, Jennette Lee. h er. Rushed into the scen e of action · ' . Mi ss Florence Green will change the 30. The Life of Mary Lyon, Beth Finished it in just a week. ' ,1\_'11 s. J. W. Dennis of _Tecum seh will routine of life next week by entertainB. Gil christ. Then at 0 h r istm as-tide. the g irlies, ::11 . Th e Brown Mouse, Herbert VISit her . danght~r dunng commence- ing h er sis ter. Mildred Green from Since they loved th eir teach ers so, Quick. ment. Miss Hettie ex~ects to get h er Alt>ion. ·and h er friend. Miss Alice BosGave t hem each a brand-new Fordie; Neighl:tors, A 1 ice df'gree from the Um. of Nebraska sard from Papillion, instead of pre::12. Country next year. oaring lessons. Now their traveling is n't s low. Brown. Mi ~ s Ruby ~cMeekin finishes the Miss K r ejci expects her mother, When Miss Ellis in the chapel, ::!::!. Mother. Owen Wi s ter. F.nghs h an d Sc.Ience courses and ex- Mrs. s. Krejci and friend. Mrs. E. H. Changed her office hours each day; ~4. Rassel a fi. Sam'! J ohnson. Then our girl s became excited, !IF>. Thadd eus of Warsaw, J ane pects to teach m Ida ho the following Wescott from Plattsmouth as comPorter. Fixed for her a nother way. year. mencement guests. Mi ss Krejci h as Miss Florence Wittwer will teach in heen elected at Fairbury as a depart36. The Pentecost of Calamity, o~ ilv on a little platform Sale m next year. She expects rela- mental teach e r next yea r. With h e r megaphone she'll stand nw.,., Wi Rt e r. ::17. E lsbeth. Margaretha Mu JJe,·. tivP.s during commencement. Mi ss Jessie Meiner expects her parTo i"lform the ea ger stu dents 38. Tess of D'Urbervilles, TI.Ios. Mrs. Bonekemper will have as com- P.nts , Mr. and Mrs. Meiner of Brock. .Ju s t wh a t hour sh e'll re on hand. Hnrdy. mencP.ment gues t s her hu sband. Mr. Mr. anrl Mrs . r.. G. Henze and Mr. and And you oug ht to see the chapel! 39. Sesame and Lillies, J ohn Rus- C:. T. Bon ekemper and her sister, Miss Mrs . H. A. Noble fr om Hamburg for Oh. th e re's s u ch an awfu l crowd! k in. Madalena Griess , l>oth of Sutton. commencement exercises. Miss Meiner "G:~ ll ery se:~ ts r eserved for Freshmen, Miss Jdella Myers w ill teach in the h;~ ~ t·ee., electf'cl to grammar grade Only brilliant folks a ll owed." PERSONAL ITElfS BP.atrice schools n ext year. worlt in th e public schools of Lincoln. Fnr s ome mornings Mr. Crago Florence Walker w ill teach in Miss Hazel P a r son h as been elected Miss Alma Maseman has accepted Sings for u s with Mr. Brown , ()m;-~ha the coming year. Mrs. H. D. in w a kefield. Nehr. Sh e will teach in th e first a nd second grade position in APrl no stude nt th inks of taking 1 Wa lker will be her commencement 'he prim a ry ' department. he nuhlic s cl10ols of Central City. Her Th a t time for a trip to town. gues t. Miss Ethel Anderson. of Wahoo, will f f"ther n.nd ~other. Mr . and ~rs. Wm. Wh en a student mi sses clas ses L ott iP. W:vm o1·e goes to U lys ses next he hack to g d t . itl 1 Maseman Wi ll be with her durmg com1 In this new r egim e of ours, year. Her friend. Adela Krenzien w ill M;s s ~~:~ ~~ll~h~: ~:s:~mrne" cement week. WP. a re s ure h e 's dead or dying. l>e h er.e ~o see her graduate. . . . mPn cement. gu ests : Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Miss Margaret Elder expects a s Everybody order s flowers . Ma none Vinton h as a pos 1 tion m .Tnhns nn of Nerrn sk a City, Mr. and visitors for commencement her s is1 For todfly our Girl s ' Club s pon sor Glenwood. Ja.. for next yea~. Sh e , Mrs. M. M. Bradford of Nebraska City, P.rs. Mi sses Fay and Mnry Elder from w~.tche s that excu se m a chine. h opes to have her mother with her Mr. an d Mrs. J. H. Bradford of Wy- Wnhoo. Nehr. Miss Mn.r~?;aret Elder A-d no longe r a r e thev tnrned out, fM commencement. more . .Tnd!!e and Mrs. R. F . Neal of w ill f.P.nch Physical Training at ClarEverv minute s event een. inda, Iowa, n ext year. T.i!Ji;~n vVnnds w ill be in Omah ::t Auturn . Flora Worth and Ebba JacobYnu will doul:>tles s a ll reme mber next year. Her moth er will be with <:on of Omah a . Sneak Day Quotations Thflt about a year ago he r this week end. ••;c:s Mar y Mutz expects h er parents PPWPP. C:nrte r: " No girl ever ma de Thflt. Mi ss Bowen in her c la ssroom Frances William s w ill have her <~."rl several Anturn fl'iends for com- a fool of me." Stroll e d a round w ith s teps so s low? Peg Alhert : "Well, who did then?" moth e r as g u es t for commen cement. m P.nr.ement. Mi ss Mntz will teach in But our Girls ' Club could not suffer Mi ss Williams teaches in Exeter next the Bea trice Kindergarten depa rtment. From Olie : ~·"~h fl. wn s te of oreciou s time. ye a r . Mf<:s Ruth Pn s s ha s heen elected In " ~orn e boys love their sisters, On the roller-slmtes th~Y hought h er But I fl O good have g rown Mi!ls. Veronica McNiff will teach in Hamt>nrg. Ja .. for n ext year. She does everythin g but climb. That I love some oth er boy's sister th P. Fairbury schools next year. "RilliP.'' Brooker will teach in Omaha R'!tter than my own." And hflve von not oft.en noticPd Mi s s Le nora Snyder will entertain next :vear. H elen Rol,inson: "Don't you think 'T'h fl t ou~ Mi s s Rulon is fa t? h P.r fnther a nd moth er Mr. and Mrs. Kn.ti P. C!amnrell Is expecting h e r my compl exion is rare?'' And hflve von not often wondered (l.po. W. Snyder of Mynard. iNebr., 'l'other . Mrs. Mnrv Campbell. of Cook, Billie Brooker: "I think it is wei) Wha.t cfl~ te the caus e of· tha t? rluring commencement week Miss to l•e wit h her during comme ncemen t don e." 'Tis ~a:~in hec::~u se our Girl s' Club Snyder w ill teach in David City next we ek. Sh e is going to teach n ext win- Griffith stood on that burning engine Put its shoulder to the wheel, yea r. ter. But a s far as we can learn, P~> tP.nt <> rl a new invention E lnora T aft expects as comm enceGladvs Ba ird is to teach in Fremont H<> s tood in perfect safety, 1'h;~t ha s sil enced every s queal. mPnt guests. Mr. a nd Mrs . Peter Taft. next vear. Sh e is expecting h er sist er, For h e wa s too green to burn." Th is is iust one vear's achi evements . Mi s s T a ft has l:>een el ected in Oa k Mi ~s .Bircl<>ll e Bflird of P lainview, durJunior: "Wha t do you folks lea rn You'll . agree that th ey're worth NP.hr. for n ext year. ing commencement. hv h :'l ving s neak day?" while. Miss Jessie Todd will entertain Mrs. Gertrude Clark an d Clara Beck are Seni or: "T h ave learned the way to For the w:~ t chwnrd o! our c lub is ~ • Nemaha City." "Make the folk s around you smile." Geo. S h eldon during commencement. l '.o te:: ~h at Super ior next year Al berta .Taylor has been el ected to · P P.rorl Ba th's moth e r. Mrs. Thomas Silently one by one on th e cards of the - L.A. H. te;-~ch in th e Fairbury s chools. A. Bn th . and a frien d, Mi ss Elma Dils tudents , Miss Ida Reynolds will teach in the lon. l'oth of Auburn. a re to be in Blossom th e lovely zeros the forgetPf'rn for th e Fes tival. 1 me-nots of the ·teach~rs. Rooks Read Ry SA11Ior During the Havelock s chool s the coming year. School Year Miss Helen Robinson goes to Have· Miss Hele n Dredla will have a s com- 1 One of the seniors w ith a fin e c lass lock a l s o. Her commencement guests menceme nt vis itors her parents . Mr. · George Heywoo~: "I took a l ady room record h ::~s found time i!uring the will b e Misse s Alva Smith a nd Mar- n.nd Mrs. L . C. Dredla from Crete. home from the library last night.' Miss DrP.dla will t each in th e Kinde rF r·eshie.: "Who?" pres ent s chool year to re;-~ d the fol - g a r e t Robins on of Omaha. George "La dy of th e Lake." Mi ss Ve rna Sage will teach in g:~ rten <I epa r t men t n t H um b o lit c nex t / . lowine- books. jus t a s a pl easure: 1. Th e Qua lity of Me rcy, W . D. nm a ha. She e xp e cts h er mother. Mr~. ven r . . .· . . . After a ll , th e world's best resources w. M. Sage and. s ister, Miss . Bess re Mrs . A. G.. FJelhn Wi ll ':is1t w~th her are its women, therefore they should Howell s . sa~re of Omaha tor commenceme nt da u ghter. M1 ss Ruth Fjelhn dunng the be hu sbande d. . 2. The Street C::~ ll ed Stra ight. • k weAl{ end and commencement. Mi ss 3. Th e Hill s of P e ru. L . W. Mears. wee.· a n has a commerF.iellin will teach Departmental GeoTeacher: "Whe re is the Dead Sea?'' 4. ~ :~ nctu a ry, Edith Wharton. 4 MI SS ~d.na ~a1z~; h' gh s chool a t gr a oh y :~t Fremont, next year. Pupil : 'Don't know ma'am." !i. Th e Mas t e r of the Inn, Robert cia ! pos itiMon 'tan . e S~e will enterMi ss Edit h Dort will entertain her Teache r: "Don't know where the Herrick . St a nford . on na. d M Dead Sea is ?'• 6. The Promised L a nd, Ma ry An. h r fath er and mothe r , Mr. and parents . Mr. an r s. E. H. Dort, 1 • , • • , tam e f Ain s worth dur- Aurum Nebr during the week end P upil: Dldn t even know any of tin . 1zman o Mrs . J. H. S a k ::tnd co~lm enc~'ment. them were sick." 7. The Life of Alice Freeman ing commence ment wee · . . _ _ _ P~ l m Pr . Geo. Palm e r . Mrs s Ellen Mun son Will ente rtain There a r e meters of accent M' s Alvina Schn e ider e xpec ts as 8. ThA world's Greate st Short h er '~ommencement g ues ts , Mrs. F. h er f:~ther and mothe r. Mr. and Mr s. And meters of tone, Stories. She rwin Cody. . Schne ide r . of Pilge r , and Mrs . W. A. ~· A. Muns on of Walce fl eld Nebr., dur- Bu t best of a ll the meters 9. Richa rd F e ver e l. Geo. Meredith. Kirenzien of Norfolk. mg comme ncement .week. Is to meet her alone. 10. Cuore, Ed. d e Amicis .
- - --
New G_~ods in Shoe line are now in
Come tn and see theDn Sympos ium
- -
• •
- - M. E. GOOD - -
a unch l'd amnng our stud e nts in a 'J'he_ r ecn n ;t r uct ioni s t o f every 1soc ial way, in th e f ourteen year s type 10 these n ew rl ays conjures of my observation of the instituwit h th e mag ic term De morratiza- t ion. F · . M. G. ThP creators of the Gir ls' Club tion. ~hil ~ ot h e r s are drea ming and deal mg, tn futur es th e· gi r 1,"o f 1 h·ave c1 one much f or P e ru' s futur e.
first movement of Beeth ove n' s So - Room A 202. Monday Evening, 9 nata, op. 13, but was clea r ly at her to 10. bes t in th e lovely anrl poe ti cal "Ro(W ith apo logies toR. Kip ling.) manr.e" of Sibe lius. S ince Counci I mee tings a r e over, Coti1mcncemcnt Calendar, And the last bit-of work is done, Since the constitution is fini shed , the_PP.ru State N~_rmal have b een \ The club s tand s for the spi r it nf Friday, May 2::1. 11:30 n. m . , Final Convo<"alion. And even the ponit system won, ac t tve. In th e Gtrl s ' Club I seP. \ democratic f e ll owship. It plans to 8 :15 p. m .. Philo Ope n Session- We shall re:;; t, and faith we need itone of ~he. large fact.ors in the I supply much-n eeded s ocial opporWe'll sleep for a quarter or two de~oc ratt zat lOn of the ins titution , I tunities for all th e girls. And the Musical Play. 1 i Till another year' s duties and pleassoctall~ and sc~w last ically. The ir e,;tal>lishme nt of the point system Saturd ay, Ma y 24. 8 :3.0 a. m., Cla~s RE- uni ons and 1 ures first bll?. co ntnbuti on . t h e Point is a fin e, progress ive ach ieve ment, Picnic Brea kfa ~ts in No rmal ' · ~ Shall f'et us to w·n·k a ne w! System, ts epoch-ma king. ! enough in itse lf to ma ke the club Woods . E. L Rouse. ' w11rth w hile . Her e's luck to the room we a re leav11 :00 ·a. m. , May Day Cere mo- 1 am s ure th e G irl s ' C lu b will Abba Willard Bowen. ing; ni es. I secure for us:I I con s ide r th e ado!Jt ion of the May peace and co ntentment reign 1 :30 p. m., Open t\ ir Concert, l. E ffic ie ncy. p o te ntiality and point sys te m by th e g irls club th e here, Peru Sate Norma l Band. those who follow be g ifted May unity combined for b e tte r sch oo l l>tggP.st thing of the school year. 2 = 30 p. m. · Ivy Day Exerci ses. service. The cun:;ci e ntiou s s tud e nt can With wi sd om beyond any p eer, G 8 :30 p. m., Senior Class Play. 2 They' ll have real lig hts in th e Counreate r sc ho o l d e mocracy no w kn ow whe n he r part in the Sunday, May 25 _ ci l, and less inrlivid ua l ''idi otocracy." school activities is don e, and can ' 1 J :00 a . m . ,chapel, Baccalaureate Wise people sha ll have th e Aoor, 3. Large r atte nd a nc e, better refu se a ll other duties . mon by Dr . .E. N. Tomp kins of ~ch oo l sp irit, a n d s ti II greater AI ice Hanth orn. T rin i ty CJhurch, They shall work al l nigt h at a meetMethad is t ing loya lty fo r old Pe ru. The Girls' C lub has abundant ly jusLin coln. Anrl s till be calling fo rmore. W. N Delzell. tfii ed its ex is ten ce thi s year, thru 3:00 J1. m., Union Mee ting of I cannot loo hi g hl y comm Pnd an one a c t-th e wo r king out of th e all Chri s ti a n Orga ni za ti ons. Then let's all be t rue, stron g, and organ iza ti on whi c h ts e pochmaking point syste m for stud e nt activities. Monday, May 26 . loy al, And all s hl'lre th e praise and the Ninth Annual Fes tival of Mus ic. in our co llege life. Its IEa rl e rship Thi s , ~oge th e r with it_s other acis so sane a nd w h o leso me, it-< aim , compl ts hm e nts , makes It one of the 10:00 a. m . , Oratnrio, "The b la me, . nt'te d t ' . . most worth-w ni le orga ntza ti ons in M . h .. And let no one work for mon ey, So d f'fl an prac tea 1. tt s ess ta . And let no one work for fam e, me t hod;; sn df'mncratic, that it will 1 t he schoo l. l :30 p. m .. Reunion of the \7-/ or ld Bu t each for the joy of working, bring-. al>~ut r esu lts '.Alhich no ot he r ! ~ ____ A. Crago. War Vet e ran s . And each in hi s hea r t for Peru, organtzal ton cou ld acco m p lis h . 3:00 p. m., Artists' Recita L Then g i rl s of the present ancl future Rose B . Cla rk. The Recital of May 7. 8 :15 p. m., Grand Concer t. Shal l b less the work that we do. I consider t he Gi lr s ' Cl ub to The f orces of t hree promising Tuesda y , May 27. ha ve the g-reatest pos:; ibiliti es of young mus i cal . ar ists we r e com10:00 a. m., Prelude Conce rt. hin ed to prodnce the cha rm ing r e_Co mm e n~em e nt Addr ess by Hon. any stu d ent o r,l[a nt zation init i aterl f'ince I tiave het- n on th e campus. c ita l prese nted in th e chapel, May J. W. Crabtr ee Thru it s infl ue nce th e soc ia l and 7. Elfie H e mingway and Cla ra 12:00 m . , Alumni Lunch P.o n and Beck contrihuted pia'Tlo numbers, Induction of Class of 19 19 into scho last ic sta nd a rd s nf the whole anrl Haze l Pa r so n seve ral groups of Alumni Association. school may b P. arlvanced. 1 hope songs. Mi ss H e mingway ·played the bovs wi ll adopt a s imilar syssy mpathPtically the f'Ugges itve and Word has juRt reach ed us telling tern . F. C. J ean. e moti ona l " S und ay Morn~ng a t of the dea th of Miss ~dith Brown Whatever w e work f or and feel Glion," by Bandel , a nd dt splayNI of Verd on on April 4. She atrespon,;ible for we learn to love. a~ _ad eq_u,ate technic i~ ~?jric~' s l tend ed srhoo l her e in 191G-17, a nd ! The Gi rl s' Club w ill mP<l ll much taxtng Staccato Caprt ce. Mtf'S wi ll be r e m embered by ma ny of to t he schoo l . because t he girl;: Par~on's progr am was well selected, , th e taculty and fo r me r s tude nts. wi ll form a d t>e p f' r afft>ction f o r her group of Schubert son).!s being SAY iT WITH FLOWERS their Alma Mater as th ey work h e r mos t not;-1 b le contribution . TEACHERS WANTED . The 3:20 t ra in gets to togeth e r for h er g-re::tter g-ood. M iss Pa r so n' s voice is a rich and For all depa rtments of school work Peru at 7:28 Lva Maud Du n n. v ihr:~nt mezzo-soprano. t he uppe r School officials arc clectinl! now. The P e ru G ir ls' C lub . if h eld to r egis te r be ing espec ia ll y ful l and Maximum of Service at a MINIMUM FRESH FLOWER$ ALL TH E 1 its prese nt d em oc r a ti c id ea ls and I fi~e. Mi ss Beck c_harmed and sa t- COMMISS ION RATE Commission _ __ TIME - - purposes, is in my juogment. ?ne i!>fied h e r many fn e nds _by the cl ~a r 4 percent. Write for Literature today of t he m\)S t con!" trucri ve anrl pratse- evi d e nce<> of he r ma turmg and d tg - HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY worthv e n terrri ses t hat h as b ee n 1, ni fied art. S he p layed nob ly th e I Cedar Rapids, lowil. Phone B2234 Linco ln, N ebr.
fou·mrtafin Peltlls New Stock Just R eceived at
Barnes' Pharmacy
R~member when i n Nebraska City it is ')n ly
One B IOL k Nnrth
Y()u r
J ' OU .
bu J'
give th em except
A Good L un ch or ~plendid .Meal
Jewel ry,
Spectacals and Fountain Pens
Sold aud Repaired
Stat ionery and School Supplies
Philo aMd Seal Pins
-- ·---
An old rel iabl e bank with
watc h ~s.
Reliable Jeweler
Peru, Nebr.
assets of over
have seen the whole t h ing
Girls Club Party. Peru, 27 April, 1919.
me ! After th e Mav po le dancP. th e chatte ring, bu hb l ing- cr nwcl was fina ll y d iv id e d into gr oups accor ding to the b irthday ~eason Being a winte r baby , I found myse lf in among- the ici c les. We went hunting . across the !'now fieldR, two huntPrs. each with a pack of we ll-
Susan Dear:- I am chuckling ye t over one qu est ion in your le tte r: They have just arrived and "Do you do anyth ing bu t studv at you will be as p leased as we Pe ru ? " · Th e b est answer would be wet·e when we saw them to t e ll you, he f ore I've harl t i m e t n for ge t one d e ta i l, about t he party The sui ts a•·e shown in the new box effect wh ic h our new ly o r ga ni zed G irl s ' at1d Russian b louse models, which a r e · so ... Club gave last night i n the trainpopular now. a n d the othet·s i n the regulaq mg- sc hool build in g . By t h e way, train ee\ dogs. An d ~u ch a quantity tion belted style ~ we' re di stinctly proud of the sa m e of animals a s th ose dogs foun t. to Girls' C lub-but th at's anothe r bark at! The n we wanric>red i n turn in t o sp r ing , summc>r a nd s t ory. The c oat~ at·e fashoned f rou1 the 11ew ~p d ng Do you r e call how you u sed ot autum n . I n f'pr ing's fl uwery home fabr i c~. Many a r e sh u wn in the C<1pe aud t hri ll when th e pos tman handed we bo wed to the May qu ee n a ncl Dohnan effects . you one of those tiny enve lopes played s in gi ng gameR. Su mm er with your n a me on i t , that m ea nt was a leaf y grel' n bower, where we jus t o ne thing-? You opened it, jumpPd ro pe a n d played "London and-yes, th Pre it was : "Won't hridge" and "I see you." Au t um Dresses for ever.v occasion you come to my pa rt y? " We ll. had a fearsome tl e n, full of P pook~. I've just pastE>rl my i n v i tatio n ·i nto black cats , w i tches and ghostly m.v mem ory h ·J ok. T h e very same torturt!s. Bnt no ch i ld turn ed wo r ds ; anti f don't h e lieve the back. becau!'e we all had to kn ow
Priced $22.50 to $50 .00
Priced $12.50 t o $40.00
Priced $15.00 to $60.00
Cleveland Stores
most g·ro wn-up g- irl o n the campus w hat the fortun e teller wou ld telt -or on the facnlty-missed that us . They wPre proph ec ies wo rth old thri ll wh en s he read th e m. while, I can t e ll yon. Ever.ything for Ever·y hody at the t· ight price That was th e first step. But be With e ver ybody back in th e hig fo re t he lig-ht>; wi nk ed last n ig-ht room agai n , clever charad es we r t! we'd all fnll nw P.d "t he long-, lo ng gi ve n by t he rlitferPnt g-roupe:. a trail" awa y bark i nto our child- June weddin g amo n!! thf'm , with hood . the lo ng- brichli vP i l m::tdP of kn ot] .iust couldn 't g-et my h air boh- t ed h andk e r('hi e fs. Aft er tha t bed and my big- bow on ri g ht, so every little g- irl and hoy wa;: m a de I was la te I f 11 lloweri the mu ~ ic happy with a big ire l'rc>am con i' , and slipred into th e high schnol and a Mav b::tf' I< Pt fu ll o f J.1P::tnntc:. room . A bout twe nty li ttle g-i rl s Some> so ng-s al l tng-Pth Pr -ancl w hPn DON'T FAIL TO ATTE~O in white we r e g-a.vl:v clancingaround \ th e Jpac\ Pr stru ck up " Goocl NiJlhl , a May pole wounrl in b l ue a nd Lncli ('s, " then~ st:>t> me d nnthing t o whire · And I r ul ,bPd my eyes a s do hut to st a rt f or hom e . tho we I took in th e c rowd of chi ldre n wPr(' n't half r eady . I'll venture ~ ~ watching . th e m. Th e curls a nd / to say that no on 0 of u s w h o found th.e bobbed. h~i r and th e pi g t a ils , h Pr way hack into c h , ld • ond last 1 1 w1 t h huge nbbon ~nw~ . t he ~ash l's n i_!!ht wil l ev<->r forg e t th E' fir "t anrl the r uffled :<k1 rt s up to th e 1Gtrl ' s C lu b p a rty . You'd hE>rtPr kn <>es. The d o ll~ a nrl rh e toy c om e down and h e one of ns in larnb=--a f e t ching- pict u r e , 1 ran / S Ppte mber. Tlo Pn you ran g-o t o The B i gge~t Value!"i we have eve r· offe r·e d tt•ll .vou. J ust t hPn I caug·ht s igh t th e n r xt o nP wi.t h nw. l of a n ac!orabl e little J flc k iP. in h i~ DPvnte dl .v . hlu P, l<i:-:::: ing- th e li ttl e g-irl nE>x t l\1 a · ~· J a ne . I h im; and wlw n a b ig- t1oy of twe lve sa 11 n 1ered 11 p ;.~ nd o fft:' r ed me ~o m ~-' New O fficers =- ~ = ~s "'b'n*.m<~ 10CJ r 1 -=c:-= 1c·and y bea n ~ out nf h is pocket. 1 On i\1f!\' 6, th e h i1.1h st·hnfll acfem ·
W esscl's Soa1s & Co.
Ready-to-wear Week
We are selling Silk coats worth up to $37.00 This sale $15.00 Men's woo l suits up to $45.00 lflhlas sale $24.75
Wessel's Sons &. Co.
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hot d r inkS
for every
occasion in appropria te a rra n ~e .ment s-·Our lt:a din~ s pecial ty at all Seasons of the year.
of all kind :; We al st' ha ve
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G. · E. BERTHOLD ''Th e l•'lor ist''
kne w I was at a r e::tl c hild 's p;l r ty , hl.\' r oom was th e Pee n<-> o f a li ,el~· / ag-a in 1 clar pn 't t e ll ynu_ w h o th e j e n1 h us i;l:;t_ie club rr~et.- t tng whic·h j boy ~as . -exa m s ar e com1 ng , and • rP~nlt Pri tn th e 1-'lt'c lt nn of the f ol1 don t want a flunk n11 tice . Bu t lowinl! officer~ f o r 19 !\.l -20 : tlwre were orh Pr s . Oh . and I Li nn i t:' H. il•P k e r. pr es 1d1-nt; T il lie m us tn ' t fnrl!e t t he tal l Indian gi rl . , Sa lzma n, vi c~ pr e~ i rlent; H ore black braid~. ht>a cl~. p a pp nos(' doll L e wi>'. f'('CI't:'la r y; Bar ba r ::t Scoville>, an c! a ll. H ow 1 w 1··h yo u r o ulf1 • treasurer. •
At all limes
N eb ra ska C ity, Ne br.
Ec-t ts
Patronize the Mal' Festival
Next Monday
Sahins' Educational Exchange FOUNDED 1893
A.M. M . OORNON, Ma t1a2er , The ~ost wid_ely patronize? , bl'cause the most re li a bl e Teacher' f: Ag- •.ncy tn th e Mtddle West. 1 erri tory from th e Mi !'S i!'sippi river to Pae1fic Coast. F lynn Bldg, Des Mo i nes, Iowa.
~el linn "'
F'• -.. h er ' -.. D rug Store
Season Ticket $1.50
P E H.lJ, N E BRASK A, TU ESDAY, J UNE 3, 1919 .
ti v P an d th e norm a l schoo ls w il l b e de nt o f th e Girls' C lub, p rophes ied T HE MAY FESTIVAL. The fo r ty-n int h a nn ua l co m- cr owded in t he next few yea rs. a .g rea t fut u re no t on ly f or t he c lub Repr ese n ta ti ve voices in Peru, mencem en t exe r c ises of t he Pe r u P er u was b enefi t ted in many ways but f or Per u. hoth in town a nd school , ha •1e deState Norma l School we r e unus ually by the v is it of these t wo ex-p r esi - 1, Presiden t Rouse was called upon clared the May Fest iva l one of our well attended. It see med to t hose d ents. Al l were so rry t hat b usi · \ t o close t he info rmal prog ram w ith m ost wor thwhile enterpr ises. The who have bePn attendi n g these · Del'S e ngagements detained Mr. a few words to his children. H e ninth an n ual May Fest ival was H ayes. We tru s t t hat he may be spoke of the schoo l's being made voter! by common consent the most w i th us o n other occasi ons. stronger by each class. Not only br i lliantly successfu l yet given . the stude n ts r ece i ve strength from From the openi ng ar ia in the morn A lu mni Luncl. eon and Induction of t he f acuity, b ut t hey g ·tve !;tr eng th i ng's oratori o to the fi na J c h orus 1 C lass. to t heir Instructor s. in the even ing, the day was one of T he bes t tim e , the best eats, th e Th us closed one of the most keen p leasure for every listener. be,; t c r o w d. th e best talks and t he eventful al um n i gather ings i n t he The only pity was that threaten ing bes t laugh s wen'! had last Tuesda y hi story of t he organ izati on. A weather deterred m any f r om drivat t he a lumn i lunch eo n and the u na n im ous vote of thanks was given i ng i n, so tha t the audience was i ndu c ti 11n t:>xe r c ises w hi c h f oll owed Mrs. JeC~n and Miss Bouche r and r e latively smal l. But it made up th e commenc ... me>n t prog-r a m . Every - t heir co-worker s f or the splendid in enthusiasm what it lacked in bori y wa,; happy · The spet:>c hes re past. numbers, a nd earned t hat proud co uld not have been more appropr ititle invented by Schauffier, ' ' creaate no r mo r e e n t h us iastical ly r e· T he "Gym'' P arty. tive listeners. " ce i veri P e ru enthu!; iasm was bubHurrah! Hur r ah! So ~a ng the The noble musi c of the " Mesbl i ng ovN from t he ti me the t wo gym gi rls at 8:20, Wednesday siah" was interpreted i n the morn hu ndred loya l P er uvians enter ed even ing. Uid we have a good ing hv the festival chorus and the th e hig-h schoo l g-ym nasiu m which t ime? Certain ly ! The gym g irls solo artists. Mrs. House sang the h'lrl been so b~aut i fu lly decorated a lways have a good time tog e the r . sopran0 ro les with much tend e rness hy t.he hi gh schoo l ::tu de n ts a nd After a few minu tes of r eg ul ar and heauty in t one and sentiment. OUR PRESIDE:NT. P r ofe~sor Cr ago, u nder t h e di rec- dri ll work, we had a ser ies of li ve- Mi se:; Week g-ave sympathet ical ly exerc ises that t h P numhe r of par - tio n of M i;;s Bo uche r, u nti l the last ly games and c harad es , in wh ich and w ith i nsigh t th e: contra lto ents anrl p erso na : frie>nds of t hi s, sc hoo l ye ll was g i ven. seve r a l g r o u ps •,eem ed nat u ra lly to so los. "He was d esp ised" b ei ng !'ma i ler class was equea l to the· M iss D u n n i n he r most g r ac ious 'fa ll in . " "dre>ss r ight," "do wn no table among- them. Ern egt Dausu a l attenda nc e . Dr J A Beattie ma ne r presented th e c la!;s of 1919 t he cen ter 0 n fours" and "fa ll vis as tenc:r a nd L oui s K r e id ler as A co mm i t tee was c hosen ba,:;s !'Oloist i llum inated thei r r o les rrce ivf'd a sp l,.,ndid ovat ion at t he to the Al u mn i A ssoc iation . L eN or:~ out. " hano.Js of the rlass and th e ir friE. nds Snyrle r pledged t he c lass to see t o ente r tai n Miss Ho ll t•y for five w i th mean ing and beauty. The As u-,ua l he brought an im:pirin~r t hat each sen i or wou ld have a new m inutes. It m u st have r eq uir~d choru:s is s maller than usual. and mes~age Al l were s t r uck wit h stu rl ent n Pxt fa ll to take h is or \ a str ong ima gi nation t o app r Pci ate ,;hows espec i a II v the effe~ts of the the k<>e n ana lvtira l t r Pa t ment o f he r p lace. . a nd enjoy thP "fo ur chosen. a r t- wa r in the m e n 's sections. But the the e d uca ti o nal proble ms pas t . J . w. c,-abtree, ' 87. in beha lf ! ists" vf'rve and warmth with whi ch the presPnt, and fu t ure. Few men can . of the Alumn i A~sociation, wel- l We filed d nw n t he C'l'nter of the ~horu.;es we r e sung- w on praise !'peak fr om a rich<> r e>xper i Pn re \ corned the class of 19 19 i nto th e flo or and r Pce i veri delic ious r ef resh - f r om audience and from visiting than he, a nd verv few i nrleed C<~n j associati o n. Ho t h hi s talk and that m Pnts. Th e rrs t of the f'Ve ning artist". hnl d a n audi f' nce as we ll of Dr. Beanie will bt-' long r e rn e m- as spent in music an d danc·ing. Ma r ce lla C:raft in the afte1 noon Ex P r es irl e nt J w Crab! reP I hert'rl h.v I hn~l-' rn·sen t Col. T . •J. The gymna~ium clu,:~es have ap- recital creatPd the semation of t he wa- arrorrl e>cl th e ~a rTH" h Pa rty .ova - 1 Ma j a r s wa s n n r t o he raug h r n •J p · p r eciatrd th e patience, untir i ng- day . Essentia lly magnetic in perrion Jn hi ,:; u!'nn l pla 1n. !"tr aq! ht ·! p inll wh !:' n he wa,; call f'd up" n w rth: pfforts and Pntnu-; ia s ti c wo r k of so na lity and ma n ner, !'i he added t he 1Conti nue d on l"cllll' l h PnJ::-1'. 1 fnrw::J rd .:ryle h P showP ri that Prlu-, ou t notice, f nr he demon>tr <~lea ou r instructor, Miss Holley.
r.at in n nf th e ~ t a l P mn s t .df'al. l a rg~- that th e pr e~ent d ::r y yo u th had bet h· with m an ' s r <> l ~1 tion s h 1 p wnh h ts ter wear the fu ll armor when he fellow m e n. Eri uca ti o n, if it m ee ts comes to do "repa r tee battle" w1th th e rl e mand of th e dav. mus t be t he "Old Daddy" of th e Alumni. thor o ly d e m o<"ra tize d. One mus t R KPIIy gavP a s ho rt talk to he erluca tf'rl not that h e m ay be l' th f:' c l a~N and t o ld of the bn ~ iness hP. rt e r rrPpRrt>rl t o m f'et s e lfis h e nd s m e n's ap prec i at ion o f th e ''l~ 'er · . " hut t h a t lw bf' pquippt>d t o r en d e r / Professo r Greg!£ was g t ven a ~e rvire to th P IH ~ f o rtunate. In r oya l wlct>ome wh e n calll'd upon to 1he pa -: t a u t nrrac.v ha s dominated ::;ay a parting w o rri to the c· lass .. erl ucatlon a s i t ha,; the churr h . H e spo ke of hi s fourt ee n years of I sncieh •. and g·rwPrnlr•r nts. The servic ~ in th e sc ho oJ I he had lea r ne d han d wri ting is upon th P wall and to lrwe ~o w e ll. He ask!:'rl th e a lum autocrary ' s d oom is s Pa le d . A ll ni to grer"t him a lw::tys aR a Perurducati o n wort hy of t he name mus t vian . F ra n k Ha ney, 'Hi, a nd Clyde he t ho r oly rl e mocratized. Mr. H u tchi nson, ' 11. r e pr esented ~h~ Crabtree s poke of l:~.rger possibili · so ldier boys and what Per u a H dune in t he great W o r ld War. . I ti es f o r t he normal s choo s . e h fi L pres t Mrs. Bo ne kempe r, t e us .. thinks sa lar ies wi ll be mor e att r ac-
Schil l and AVENUE ~TOUE to contact wit h the Infinite, and Viola Stanley as members. After I FOR Entered at tb( l'ostofiice nt Peru, Ncb h · h d b 11 ga me Bone 'j 0 d h 1 · braska a s second clas~ matter. our duty to know and become et- 1 t at we a ~ a · . • epen ft ~ :""' t tt t lOner}', ter ac.(ua intecl w1th him. kemper and WJtwer were captams Fnuntain Pens Published Weekly by the Peru State Nor mal and Graham was "ump.' ' At the Schoo l Suppli es 50 cts. per year. S ingle copy i> cts The May Pole Dance, enc( of the 9 th inning t he score Confecti onery, Fruits, Bread CookIf ever Ju piter Pluvious is ap- , was 8 to 8. It was Philo time ies, Meats, Groc.,r ies and prec iatecl for hiii absence, it is on when the game was over, so we j Vegetables the morningof Class Day, when went to Philo together and later • H. U. L t\NDO LT, 1 ~he bea ut;ful ceremo_ny of crown- ~ went home , tired •and sorrowful to I Phone n Peru . Neb. mg the May Ql.1een 1s pprformed. think it was the end of our "jug. " 1 Thi s yea,· the day was perfP.ct. l Oh, yes ! We liked the cream the campus was never lovelier, the and bananas so well that Mary May day dance never more com- Fleshman suggested a J. U. G. sundae at both drug stores. So now T il E J!OITOIHAL STAI: F-S ECO~O SE~l E!'TEII plete. Ed na Salzman n . Editor in ·Chief At the signal from the heralds, we have a special di ~h ther e. Try Edward :\1atcjnvsk_v A~~ociatc Ed itor two long line-s of white-r•1bed one. It will satisfy that J. U. G. - - -- IN- Cecilia Peterso n A ~soC"iate Ed itor ma idens, bearing flower chains. longing. L auren ce Ro use [lu slllc~~ ~l an agcr . advancer! from the east toward the ' ------=-----~~-=-== Raymond Huffer . .-\ss t flu s incss .v l 'gr I f · 1· h th . . • · ea y pav1 1on w er e e q ueen Emma Wood1e - Asst llusm<·ss :VI g r 1 STUDENTS - - - - - - - - - - -- - -1 was to be crowned. H ere they took IIEPO ilTI NG S TAF I' Phone 25 : their station on either s irle nf the I When you neen Cutl ery, Flas hlight Phone 25 Ethel A uuerson . Clau de h·cr~ 1 May pole, out I ining the area where W. W. MARDIS Bet t)' Laulllnn Helen La wn:nce 1 Batter!· "'S or the ceremonies were to be conduct~ LeNora Snyde r Grace Litt le 1 Groceries, Furnishing Goods, Men 's - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . eel. Then, with a noble procession Anything in the Hardware iine and Boys' Shoes The Baccalaurea te Program. j of hera lds, attendants. train-be'a r Ca I I In Our Leaders: Va lley Li ll y Flour, 0 n S un d ay, May 25 , th e b acca- ' e rsa nd fi ower gir ls. the beautiful Barr ing t on Hall Coffee laureate program for the class of Queen of the May, Alma Schneider, and you will always find a full li ne
THE PERU NORMALITE that it is our privilege to come in- Schmitt, Katherine
Peru State Bank A Good Bank
A Good Town
1919 was given as follows: , came forth t o be r.row ned and to at Peru Nebraska I Processional 1 r_eceive the ad oration of her sub- M , ackpranu s ~a r~ ware , _l_s_t_d_o_o_r_s_o_u_t_ h _P_ e~_·u_s_ta_t_e_B_a.,...n_k_ State Normal Schoo l Orchestra Jects. Song-"Onward Christian j After the i moressive cor ona ti on Soldiers" Audi ence · scene, two lovely fai r ies, Margaret Invocation Rev. P. B. Cope Elder and Dor is F'rye, flittt"d out 1 Stands fur the bt!St 111 Vocal So lo Mi ss F lossie Hapke a nd da nced ·be_fore t he q ueen . . Then Scripture Reading, Rev . S L Boyers came nymphs Jn syl va n green In the 1 GJ.VD / toilet pre pa nHiuns Class Sermon Dr. E. N. Tompkins exquisite dances, the Pipes of / ~ Face Cr eam Face Powder Song-"America The Beautiful" wan. These were followed by the Ta lcum Powder Audi ence !May Pole dancers in garmantsof Ynur Friend~hip . Hair Tonics, etc. Benediction Rev. S. Mil ler de licate rose, who performecl the Appreciated. ' .-Recessional ancient ceremoia l danc:e wit h wonState Norma l Schoo l Orcheslra ~ derfu l char~ and grace. Th e lo:e- 1 ~~v. Dr. E. N. Thompkins of the ly pageantty was. concluded w1th l Tnmty M. E. Chur ch of Lincoln the long processiOn of the queen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ delivered the baccalaureate sermon. anrl her s ubject s back to the f orest His theme was basecl on Isiah I from whi ch they came. 5:2, and 'suggested a wealth of J, U, G. Notes. ''Dia you go to that J. U. G. j good th ings. He portrayed vivid ly the necessity of f e ncing one's life picnic?" "No, I missed it. What ! with a stone wal l fro m the evil in- 'did you do?" I fluences to be met ever ywhere in "B t> tter say what didn't we do. life. He showed wherein the Fin;t thing we di d was eat supper, ground must be prepart.>d and the 'cause it waR s ix o'clock and we stones removed, liking it to the were a ll hung rv ." " What did yo u removal of obs tacles th at ri ~e in have to eat?" ' 'Sandwitch t!s, pick our way in the dai ly path we tread . les, olives, pota to salad , ice cream , Aga in, he made cl ear to us that eookies, raspberry j am , an' lots of we should sow well, for it mat ters things. And Miss l'a lme r treated not how we prepare t he fi .:lld, if we us ho bananas. We had lots of ice sow poor seed, the harvest wi ll be cream; why, · F lorence Wittwer ate li kew ise poor. And after we reap, three soup bowls full. it is our dutv to g ive t he f r uits of Then we appointed a committee i t\ 11 wor){ !-ifltisfactory ~ .c. prl· ces our har vest to others, that t hey to start the old jug ro lling next rea so11ab le may thereby benefit !yea r . . Some good f olk on there, 1 One of the fine portions of the ' too. Ruth Lawrence, Glady Eads, sermon was th e ref <!rence to the and Alma Griffen are cha irmen · man wh1 ha1 never fd t th e pres-~ w.ith Alice Glagow, Willodene Tailor and Cleaner Peru, Nebr. ence of God. It w:1s br oug ht out Douphin, Almira Amende, Ada
When Down Town
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Why your Cleaning, naturally, why not?
Dry Cleaning, Dyeing, L ad i es' and Gents First Class Tailoring.
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- - - - - - - - M. -E. GOOD
New Goods in Shoe Line are now in Come in and see thean A MONTH OF MUSIC out. S he missed some of t he traJZ"ic May has been a notable month implica tions in "Songs My Mother mus ically for Peru. Six recitals Taught Me," a'?d a bit of the given by the ciepartments of piano, breathl ess intensity in "Less than voice and expre!':sion; the annua the Dust," as is a lmost inevitable orchestra concer t; finally th e May in a young singer; but her radient Music Festiva l, these have rendered expression of joy in vari ous songs the last weeks of thP. schoo l year left not hing to be desired. He le n Lawrence opened the afterkeenly pleasurable to the music lovers of t he sc hoo l and t he town. noon program of May 20 with The Recital Serie~. I N e vi n' s appea ling "Gondoliers," f oll owed by a Chopi n waltz, both In .the . ~<eries of rec i ta Is · · d e 1·lC a • . there has p 1aye d w1· th a n app rec1at1ve been ev1dence of genu me talent, / cy w h 1c ' h prom1· ses goo d t h'1n gs f or a ndof in tensive work doneu nd er i M' L , · 1 f ture I SS awrence s mus 1ca u . and di!lcriminat ing 1 H e le n Gregg-'s doub le number intelligent guidance. The first t wo have been was most pleasing a lso, showing reporte~ in pr~vi~us issues of t ~e bo t h poise and musical feel ing. Nurma h te. L1m1ted space t h1 s ; Juanita H illman in the conclud · week permits only bri ef comment ing double nu m,ber, brought. out upon th last f our, comment far l di scr iminatingly the co ntrast bebri efer t ha n t he ir excelle nce merits. tween the rustic gayety of Kreis1 Monday, May 2, the program was ler's • 'Schon R•.>smarin" and the presenteci by Gladys Knapp and whi msical brilliance of " Arlequ in" Nina S hubert. p iani s ts. and Helen (Chem inade ). Mi ss Fern Ferree's Todd, sop rano. Mi ss Knopp's fo ur reading was an important par t of numbers WP.re played with poise, the afternoon's pleasure. She . h t ec h nl<'a . I E'XCe II ence. Th e showed ski ll a nd control. joined to an d w1t · d , a real insight into a chi ld's thinksense of r h yt h m was pronounce d ' F d k 0 1 an th e moo wor in sen s a n- ing and feeling, in "The King's itul. espt>cia ll y goo d . M iss T o dd Great Victory" and the char mi ng sang sevPn lovely songs in a de I i- , Tagor e poems. Her humor in the cate h1gh sopra no of exqu isite 1 interpretation of '' The Shet-up qualitv , with imagination and a I, Posy " was del icio us. c ha r mi ng- g race of s implicity. "The 1 The fina l recital of the series f T Coo l Wi nd" and "Songs o wo was g iven May 2, by L enora Wing. Lives" stood out as espec ially a t - The program comprised some rarely
The program of six numbers was varied , and i ts value enha nced by the interpretatiive sketches preced ing Miss Fuller's cello solo, Saint Saens, "Swan," received wellmerited applause. Chr. Bach's "Crad le Song-,'' a string quintette. was of unusual char m, and the audience enjoyed to the full Mrs. Phi li p Rous~'s rendition of the so · to part agamst the mellow background of the quintette. Mi ss Carpenter's idea ls of precise mus icianshi p and sympathetic interprelati on were reflected in the ensemble numbers, which deserve much Haydn's "Children's praise. Symphony" aroused not only amusement but the genuine interest and pleasure due its rea l musi cal merit. Dr. House contributed tlie " Factotem" aria fr om t he Barber of Seville, wh ich he sang with a humorous abandon that captured his nudiencP.. Philo Open Session ,
advi ser, Miss Burley, have just reason to be proud of t his last program of the year. -- - -Y. M . Breakfast. On May 19, a delightful breakfast in the woods was g iven to the Philathea class of t he Methodist Sunday school by the y. M. C. A. class. Th is entertainment was the result of ·an efficiency contest between the two classes. After our breakfast of buns, wenies, and coffee, t he only three faithfu ls of the "Y" class, Prante, E. Landol t and Madjocisky, entertained us with songs and stories. ' 'What's the matter with theY. M. c. A..?" They 're all right. Who's all right? TheY. M. c. A.
TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials are electin2' n ow. Max.imumof Service at a MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 percen t . W r1'te f or Lt'te r ature today · HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY C&dar Rapids, Iowa. - · - - - -' A- -
A ~arove with a shower of pink roses aga inst a background of g reen forest, close by the gates of dawn, formed the s tage setting; and nymphs in flower dresses, North western Teachers geocy "imps" (A.pollo' s heralds) in ani For entire west and Alaska mal disguoses, butterflies with gos- THE LARGEST AGENCY FREE samer wi ngs, Aurora the dawn REGISTRATION goddess, Appollo, the day god , and Wr ite immediately for circu lar the Voice of Spr.ing calling, "I Boise, Idaho come I come" were the actors in tractive. ovely compositions, among theml the charming · little musical play. M iss Shubert showed her hand !- Ch · • de ful "Ballade Opus opl n s wo n r ' "In Flower land," given at Philo ing- of tone ih Sai nt Saens' we11 ' 23 " and Greig's "To Spring." known ' 'Swan." The climax of he_ r Miss Wing's playing has gain_ed open session on Friday evenmg, May 23 . It is impossi ble in the space performance was of course t~e b1g in definiteness and rhythm durmg Mend elsso hn concerto. This de· the year , and is, as always, charac· allotted to ment ion t he characters 1 mand ed both techni ca l power and : teri zed by ease a nd facility. The h d a nd parts ind ivid':'ally as t ey e · an insig ht into a CP.rtain ~lassical l MacDowell conceato in D minor !';er ve. T he songs and choruses. type of musical expressiOn. In composing the second ha lf of her the light grace of the butterfly both aspects it was tinely played . prog ram, is wonderfully ric h in dances, the teasing curiosity of The recital of May 6 was given poetic s uggestion and breadth of "the imps" and pretty fright of ! _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ by Miss Florence Ha pke, accompan- idea, worthy of being heard ma ny the nymphs, Aurora coming thru SAY IT WITH FLOWERS ied by Miss Beck. The de li ghtfu l times. the grove in her many colored The 3:20 train gets to program of twe lve Sl_mgs _was the Orchestra Concert. robes, and Apol lo clothed in purple cu lminat ion of a year 's work, and I · 1 d d aci nng thru the Peru at 7:28 . bl Mi ·s Hapke's I The Normal School Orchestra, mornmg c ou sa v 1 s C silveb bars of sunrise, each was FRESH • • • was a d m 1ra Y sung. FLOWERS ALL THE . d Owe rful soprano is rich and vi- under the dJrectJOn of Miss a~penTIME P . ~ d _! t r gave one of the , st delightperfect in itself ad all umte to 110 1 brant, ht>r hJgh note::> ful 1 an me i e , h t ts yet heard in produce the joyous meed of the . h f I f d m and fu l ore es ra ca ncer . 1 low. A dellg t u r ee 0 h . f May 9 play springeime a nd mormng. 0 · 1 · gJDg · th r u · ' Peru ' on t e even m g ' · Phone B2234 Lincoln, Nebr. spontaeity mark~ her s w oth the members of Phi lo and the1r
Fountain Pens New Stock Just Received at
Barnes' Pharmacy
RP.membe r when in N ebraska City it is only
B 10 ~k
anything you c9uld
C locks,
Jewel ry,
Spectacals and Fountain Pens
give them except
Sol d and Repaired
)OU r
Stationery and School Su1>plies
Philo and Seal Pins
A Good Lunch or Splendid Meftl
Pt>rn. NPhr.
RPliahi P JpwPI <>r I
STATE :: BANK An old reliable bank with
PPrll. Nohr .
assets of over ~300,000
The May FestivaL
(Continued from First Page.)
charm of the actress to the exquisite beauty of voice and artistry. They have just arrived and The ensemble was rav ishing i n its you will be as pleased as we effect. · Miss Craft cannot complain were when we saw them of anythi ng about Peru's enthusi The suits are !"lhown in the new box effect asm except t hat it kept ner singing. Her ge nerosity in vo lunteerand Russian blouse model s, which are !" O popular now. and the othet·s in the regula· ~ ing to sing "Hear, 0 Israel" a t t he tion belted s tyle , even ing concer t (and it was wonderfu ll y sung) endearerl her stil l more to an a nd ience that wi II no t for get hPr. The coats are fashoned it·om the new spring Mr. Davis' me llow tenor is of fabric s. Many are s hown in the Cape aud beautiful qua li ty, and the evening Do1man effects . program dee pPned the impr ession made in th e morning, by Hhowi ng hi s versatili ty and power of interpretation. Mr. Kr eidler's keenly Dresses for every occas ion inteleetua l style of singing, lacki ng noth ing of dynamic or durtive quality, yet fo rmed an interesting contrast with Mr. Davis. Miss Week gave i n the even ing progra m a so ng -group i nteresti ng for its subtle mood-portraiture, a bit Everything for Everybody at the right price baffl ing perhaps to some of us, as sung. Miss Gertrud e Kinscel la, accompanist for Marcella Craft, was truly an artist who was i n so ul-sympathy with the great soprano. F'inally, but i10t least among the Kayser Silk Gloves White, Black day·s artists. Mr. Le Roy Carlson a nd Culored of the Normal School faculty won 85c $1.75 enthu!>iat~ic pra ise f or hi s large j share in the success of the day. · His acco m pa nying in th e "Messiah" was notab le . Not less so was the rl elieacy and insight shown in the accompaniments played later. And the MacDowell "Sonati Tragica" m ovement, contributed to the afternoon r ecital, was a noble and bE>autiful thin g , played with a brearlth a nrl genuine f eel ing that gave it its full value in the und erstanding of thE' audience.
Priced $22 .50 to $50.00
Philip and Doll y Glandon, the twins Raymond Carter, Gertrurle Clark Crampton, a wealt hy yacht builder Worth Conkle McComas, a solicitor Lee Long Peter Snyd~r Bohu n, a lawyer Gaylord Chase Walter, a waiter Alma Mosiman The maid Jo, :mother waiter
Carl Mackpran~ Carl Mackpr~ n <T
Stage Manager Fo P r operty m istress J esRie Miner U nder d irection of l va Maude
_ __ Junior P icnic On Werlnesrlav at 6:30p.m., the juniorH and t he ir beloved rlass arl viser, Prof. F. C. Jean, with Mrs Jean and the guests of the juniors the fre~hmen, assembled in f ron t of t he chapel 100 percent strong Led by our r edoutable knight Gay lor d Chase, we braved the ter ror s of an unknow n path thru deep woods, over gullies . t hru canyons and u p caver nous side of the al most nnsurmountable cliff to the lovely sunbathed plateau, wher e we proceerled to enjoy t he games, tete a·tetes, etc., that folks indulge in while the cooks of the co mmi!lsa r iat made the coffee. spread out the lur:~h. etc. When the order eame to r nast weinies a nd partake of 'JUr provis ions. t he ravenous throng devourerl all th e we ineis and buns i n sight and call ed for voluntPers to go in to t wn and bring ont a gigantic s up ply; wh ich arcorrlingly a r riverl in an incred ib ly s hort time a nd was hugely enjoyerl. Toast. ... d marsh mallows and brick ice cream com pleted the repast As the s hades of eveni ng fell the loyal . loving. tru e hea rtet:l juniMs congregated in a great rl ee p c irclP arounrl thP glowing emhers of the fire and delighted t he fancv anrl "You Never Can Tell." imaginat 1 on.;; of thP assembled Nehra.,.ka Cit', Nebr . Thal is a fact. we can not tell in kn ights and larlies wi t h ra r" t ~IP~ th P. Hpace allnrted to us, the good and song!' of love. adventu r e. joy things in the senior class p lay. The j vic tory and mi r t h provoking glee "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS THE Fr\ Y ' "grouchy'' ol d husband find his qui te to . the rle lipht of ::~1 1. The high ·minded wife. those blessed humori stc: nn thi ~ occas:on wP.re in is t he place to g Pt twins. the Sol per -inte llectual Gloria , fi ne f orm and e ven as the days Fresh cu t flowers for every . . . I who let the fine young d enti~t steal co me and go still in memorie~ · halls occasiOn· tn appropnate arrangeof all kind s her heart, the solicitor and the re·echoes the la ug hter animated by ments--Our leading spt!cia lt y at ~ We al~<• have wonderfully just judge , th e wise their genius. As the hou rs waxerl I waiter, and t he maid. deserve the a nd waned the invinC'.ib le junior all Seasons of the year. 1 highe~t pra ise for their arti stic class sp ir it g r ew and grew nnril I G. E. BERTHOLD At all times efforts. MuC'h cred tt is due the it threatener! to leap over into the II ''The l•'lor is t'' Pr·ompt ~er·vh:e slage managPment, and las t but senior class spirit of 1920. Nebraska City, Nebr. P ledges were marie mww and not least we must co mmend the Gnod Eats splendid wo rk of Mills Dunn' ~ wonderful hopes anrl a>=pirarionc: coaching under the most adverse trooped i n to mingi P wi th the condi ti ons. Follo wing is the cas t: memorie-< left. h.v th.e gone hnt Sahinst Educational Exchange Valentine, a dent ist, n ever to be f o rgotten da.\ ~ of the FOUNDED 1893 Dona ld Overholt ju ni ors of 19 19. A. M. M. OORNON, Managet· Mrs. Lamfrey Glandon Th e echoes of t he goodn i ght~ anrl The most widely patron ized, b£>cause the most r eliab le Teacher · ~ Helen Robinson good byes wi II not soon cPaFP to re· Ag ..mcy in the· Middle Wes t. Territory from the Mississi ppi river to Glor ia Glandon, her oldes t daughte r echo i n the hearts of the juniorsPaeific Coast. F lynn Bldg, Des Moines, Iowa. He le n F'ulle r the seniors of U:l2 0.
Priced $1 2.50 to $40.00
Priced $15.00 to $60.00
Glcvcland ·S tores
Wessel's Sons & Go.
Phoenix silk Hosiery 1.10 1.80 Wayne silk ffos iery 1 .10to2.75 Silk W aists 3.75 to 15.00 Silk UnderweGt.r 5.75 to 8. 50
Wessel's Sons & Co.
hot drinks
I ce Cream
Dunn .
VOLUME XIV. The Summe r S C'h oo l Mixer.
in Peru to climb thi s hill to see the beauty a nd grandeur of the view of the surrounding hiils and valleys. 1 To the north a n d east lies th~ grand vallev of the Mi ssouri with its thousa nd s upon thousands of acres of green f ertile lan d. The old ·Missouri m ea nd erin g thru the. midst of the vall ey, t h e blue hills of Iowa a nd Missouri in the far ' d i::;t ance, i s a v iew that once seen will never b e fo rgo tten. To the west and sou t h the scener y is even mhre beautiful. The wooded hill s a nd the rolling fie lds, with here a nd there an orcha rd and a farm home, the N orma; buildings "at:hing: co r n s and bu ni on s.'' and aftor whl'ch the ' fi t d' t J' ng wortl1 to the school du~,·ng b ~ m agm cen a u 1s e r I •• _ cr ow nin g the hill to p, make a eauth e g ues t s were r<:~pidly p laced at N 1 h tiful setti ng for the vi l lage of Peru ease by their CGtptivating manners. ence wa~ e nt ertai ned by the ormad : t e s ummer. · Orchestra, a lad ies quartette, an : nestled amollg th e hil ls. Very nume rous wer e th e damt.y Miss Dunn of t he expr ession depar-l Gounties Represented This Summer. Ai tr: ~ fo.t of Pike's Peak to t he gues ts who radiated t he vario u s tm"nt who r ead "Ta ki's Career." I Fifty-two counties of N e braska b f I f h ~ ' 1 sou t ll ~ s the eauti u arm orne colors that delight u s when we i Indeed it will occasio n no g r eat , are represented in s ummer school of CoL Thos. J. Majors . To the vi e w the ladies ; and wh at th e men J s urprise if an y numhe r o f her de- / thfs year. Rirhardson and Pawnee south and east li es th e old town of ~acked i~ numbe rs they s up piierl \ li g hte d litseners immediately dis- : rank first, outs ide of Nemaha coun- Pe ru, and the site of the old boat In qua llty . U nd o ubt~dly m~ny play a fan cy "to career" and seize . ty, each with twenty-six r epresen- landing. preceptresses loaned t~Jelr pres,; m g i the first opportunity t o d o so due to : tati vPs. Gage takes sr,.ond place This hill is or: Jy one of many the iron s and truly th e hal,r m at~re!'ses / th e mag ic spel l s he wove about : with the t ota l of twenty-two, _and beautiful hill s around Peru. had p r essed each !!e nt. e man s best / th e m. Saunders and Otoe tie f,~r th1rrl. 1 We • are p 1ease ci 11 t this p o int to 1. Sturh mts from South Dakc•ta , 1, Commenceme nt Addresses' t rousers to a quee n ' s ta s te. M. , . d ·nte Much appr eciation . 1!:1 u e . . I SS , express our JOY • • the ns l'ty ~ nd Kansa~. Iowa, Arizona, Oklaho m a, 1 Some of our worthy faculty 1 1n 1 · Shi vely of the phy:ur.al rra1nmg . h h . . h M · Hanthorn and Misso uri are also in atten rlance . me mbers have bee n delivering com . zea 1 Wit W IC ISS • . , de par t m 2 nt v. ho ha s be e n E:'ngaged , .d f tl y W C A r arli - T he large r ep r ese nta t 10n from the l mencement addr esses in diffe r ent . F 1 P• e~u t>n l o 1e . . , 1 • • h 1n Y. W. C. A. wo r k at Camp un. fl . 1ate s a n ;n nence th a t. 1·5 the very d1ffcrent counties and states s. ow l parts of t h e state the past week. s to n th e pas t tw" yea r s. Sh e dr- 11 ce nter o f sue h sue.:~"essful en t erpri · ses that Peru i :; becoming more w1dely · 1 Pre~idtnt Rous e was in Falls C ity rP.C t t'd th e gam E's. "lemon , lemo n, . h . , lar li ne as marked known t hr uout the cou ntry as one ! fu r commencement exercises F rid ay. 1 lemo n " : 'J e rus alt:'m anr:t J e rich o." ! along . er pa drnt ut.o n a nd term ina· of the !earl ing Normals for the l1 Professors Greg~.r, J ea n, and · , . · the ong 1n . ura 1 • • • an d " ra u gh i n~ . hat ' 1n suc h a man- . f t h'1s par t 1. c uJ~r mixer . A ll , tram1ng· of teacherR. Bro wn have abo bE.e n address1ng . . • .. 1 t 10 n o " , . ner rhar th e ryp1cal Amenc·an _FP irJt , . wa\' r ess is t e d in this ; 1 g raduates at Dul:!o1s, York and . _. wh o 1n any . , P , P'k , p k , · h h of f orming new a :s• oc!at 1n ns a no , e nc1p;.~vo r ;.~re t " becongratulate d •, erus t es ea. - !Table Rock. Weknowt atw er-. I
The var ious r e li g- i ous n r g-a n iza•' t ions. v iz.: th e Y . M C . A , Y. W. C. A ., Ep i s coJ:)RI Guild; N ormal Ca t holi c Associat 1on ancl t he Luth eran Association, held a r!:!cepti<>n and get -acquainted social on Saturday even in g , June 7, 191 9, from 9:00 to 11 :00 , in the T. J . Majors bu ildin g. The rece pti on room was i charmingly decorated in pink and whi re stn~a m c rs, gar la nd s and ; wr eaths of roses . Th-e receiving lin e wa& constitut· [ ed o f ve ry f asr inating lad ies a nd · ft t' 1 tl h m d Th e La nd scape as s~en fr om ''Joy Hill " -which is reached by a j ourney 10 ue n 1a gen eme n w o see e i thru "Lovers' Lane." to hav e n o ac4 u a intance with
acqua ~ n . an " ese
leap ed on apa_ce . l anrl rmlv thi s be prop he tic of many Th e hill in the northwest part of , e ve: each_ pr?.fes~or wen t, t~e ed ~illl-!' . Profes:;o r Delze ll like to~- I I ' h f I and w o rthy occas ions in lj town is know n to all Peruvians as catJona l lmpu:at10r1 was g iv en m · ? W II ( f' lgo I U · d . t' niav Jerus -t lem and J e nc r.o. e · w h 1. c h t h e re 11· ,.,0' 1·0 u ~. or "'O'ani za ti ons I Pike' s Peak · It is well worth the , th e smcere a n. co nsc1en 1ous . way I, II s H h e d oes I h . ·h I iII man i f Ptit th e ir ! t im e a nd e ne r g-y of every student . tha t cha r act el lzes Per u t each m g. IJa in ty r el're ; hmenrs wPr e s~rverl. oft e ~c.: no w .
========= ======================
Sce ne \\- h ere -coal was first discovered In Ntb•
a~ k~:~ .
V 1-=:w - L,uKing- ~o u th from Nebr as ka ' s 1 a rge~t <'O <r l nflne.
Entered at the Postofficc nt Peru, Nebraska as secoud - cla~s ma tter.
Dependable ~tationery, Fnuntain Pt•ns School Supplies I Confect ione r y, Fruits, Brt>ad ~oo k ies, Mear~ . GrocPries and Vegetables
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal 50 cts. per year.
Single copy
H. U. LANDOLT, Phone
TIIEEDIToRI~L :TAFI,-suco:.:_n sE~IEST~ 1 .1 child Flnrenee Gnen . Margaret Alb•·rt HcriJe rt Ochsner II arnld L.vnch
study; and Mrs. Tait, of Ne- 1 Tennis Ed1tor-in·Cincl ' - Associate Editor b raska Ci ty, violin. - Tennis! Why Ousincs~ i\lunag ... r We a lso welcome th e ne w mem- ' body wantR to ..\sst flusincs$ \l'gr bers of t he faculty: Mr. Albright, I kn ow. • •All wo rk
of Beatrice, who teach es in the . commercial department; Mr. Only one percent of Amencan Groves, of Falls City, mathematics; 1 men .are_ college graduates, yet I Mr · Brooks • of .Nebraska City • from th1s one percent have come 1 who has history and political r. . o5 percent of our pres1dents, 69 1science· a nd Miss Shively, of Lin. j • percent of the JUStices of the su- coin, in the physical training dePower of Education.
Peru. Neb.
Peru State Bank
T. J. Majors Training Building.
A Good Bank
of course, eve ryplay tennis, you a nd no play made
- - - -IN- - -
d T
a dull hoy," and "Peg" Al- j' IJack bert, our president of last spr ing,·
thought that this would not do, Phone 25 Phone 25 F ·.J · h ailed a I CALL AT THE so nuay m ormn g !i e c 1 . f · t j · te · Squ ""'re f)e .. ... 1 •~tore meetmg o a 11 m e resr ec 10 nms. ~ ~ M Alb · h · r nght was c osen as preslfor bargains in · dent, H aze l Emmert as vice preslMt!n'~ Low preme court, 54 percent of our partment. dent and secretary, and Mr. Hayer vice presidP.nts, 62 percent of secA new line of Hosiery f or men, retaries of state, something like. 90 N.C. A. as treasurer. women, boys and girls. Abont twenty-four s igned up for percent of our ministers and most The Normal Catholic Asmciat ion W. W . MARDIS The clu b expects of our scientists, . philosophers and he ld its fin;t m eeting Sunday morn mern bersh i p. The home o f Red Pep sta tesmen. So in all nations. It ing. Afte r services a short busi- many others to j oi n, because an is the highly trained men who ness meeting was held. Following hour of t ennis will help one wonreally shape the destinies ·Jf na- is a list of officers for th e s u.mmer derfull y in getting hi s p sychol ogy tions, because they point the way session: Katherine Thomas, pres· or French, and i s guaranteed to 1j St 0.11 d s for the best i t1 in which the people foll ow.- ident; Lucy Ke lly, secretary and drive awa~ all homesickness: The . toilet preparHtions. Luther College Visitor. ...., treasurer; Esther Conway, pianist. courts wil l p~obably be 10 fine Face Cream Face P owder ·~• An ann ouncement will be made , shape by the m1ddle of next week. 1 Talcum Powder Summer ~c~.ool,, l9l9. during the week, stating a definite ·. . . (
Peru is coming back to her old meeting place. time e nthusiasm of the davs of "befo h th' wah." Th e attendance. Budget. is good, the new students who' Everyone is interested
Mar~ made a llttle Pie, 1t wasn't ver y good .
She gave it to the furnace man in the Who th ought i t kindling wood.
Hair T onics, etc.
F• h IS
have matriculated thus far is over Budget events. and this su mm er's
400, which is .th e best indication program promises to be one of the ....,.,._r_•--·---"'-="--ClWIOII-.-z:c~b::::!l:z..:ca::::a--------------·•
of future growth. There will be I best that Peru ever had . The atnearly 200 o ld students in atten- tractions for the s umm er include: dance. Recitals by Marjorie Maxwell, , It is inneed Rratifying to see prima donna, soprano, Chicag9; the unusually large attendance from Hungprfe rd, violinist, Chicago.; the alumni who are working for j Southwick, baritone, Minneapolis. degrees. In thi s day and age all Lecture by Governor McKe lvie ; 1 of our 15raduates should be Ianning Dramatic Club play; Boys ' and to return to Peru to secure the ! Girls' Glee Clubs concert; seven degree. I copies of _the Nor mal i te; two educati ona l moving pictures; Summer School Faculty. The Girls' Club. Pe ru is especially fortuna.te this summer, in being privileged to The Gi rl s' Club will not meet welcome back some teachers who during summer school, but 'will have served here on th e faculty . resume operati ons next September, before. Among these are Mrs. l whPn it will welcome new s tuden ts I•'ordyce, of Shawnee , Oklahoma, to its me mbership. who is t eaching hygiP.n e; Miss / Miss Unnie Reicker, th e pres.iRosseau, of Lincoln, who assists in dent-elect of the cluh, is in attendthe depa~;tment of geography; Miss a nce at summer schoo l, and will Lambart, of Fairbury , observation gladly talk over the rlub plans for and me thods; Miss Booth, of l next year w1th any new students Schuyler, publir school music; Mr . expecti ng to be her e for the schoo l L efler , of Lincoln. psychology and year of 1919-20.
Mandclson & Kennedy Nebraska City
''Let John Do It!'' DO WHAT? ·. Why your Cleaning., naturally, why not? Dry ClAaning, Dyeing, Ladies' and Gents First Class Tailoring. A II wo~k sati!-ifactory & prices reasoua ble
J. A. Tailor and Cleaner
~EJKA, Peru, Nebr.
The most complete stock of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear in the City · At Popular Prices .,.
For anything in dry goods, shoes, furnishings & g r·o~f. riP.~ At rig-ht prjces. Give us a Call.
Sahinst Educational Exchange FOUNDED 1893
A. M. M. OORNON, Manager The most widely patroni zed, bE-cause the most rel iable Teacher's Ag;ncy in the Middle West. Ter ritory from the Mif's issippi river to Flynn Bldg, Des Moines, Iowa. Paei fi c Coast. Y. W . C. A. Notes.
At noon Thursday the summer school enrollment was close to five What say! y. w. c. A. ! hundred. A number of schools are We hope the people of Peru were yet in session. It looks as tho the not greatly disturbed by the songs attendance wou ld be equal to that and cheers th ey he~rd Saturday of last year. . evening, May 17. It was on ly a i Mrs. Merle Byers of Dorchester merrv bunch of Y. W. g irls return- ' is a student in the home economics ing from a marshmallow roast on department this summer. She and the summit of Pike's Peak. The her little son are making their girls had .spent a jolly eveninsr l home with Miss Rulon, Mrs. Byers' around a roaring camp fire, t oast- sister. in~ marsh mallows a nd singin~ Miss Francis Walker, the school songs. nurse, has rooms at Professor OverAside from the exciteing adven- holt'"· Students wanting her ture which a few of our company i should call phone number 46. had with some ''terrible monsters j ============== in the woods," ev~rythi ng went 1 "SAY IT WlTH FLOWERS off splendidly anrl is an event that ~· - -·-will long be remembered by the F esh ut flowers for every r c part1 c1 pants. c,· rowdcd ou t l ost wc<·k )
A Wo:1ded Dell.
Y. M C A. dents. The Y. W. C. A. is very Th e Y. M. C. A . will hold its anxious that the large attendance fi rst meeting Thursrlay evening at may continu e· during the summer. 8 :30 in the high school assembly · Come to the rn Peting next Sundal roo m. Re v. P . B. CopP w ill lead. ~ and bring ann1her gir l with you. Evt>ry man on the eampus is urged to be present.
Have You Chosen It?
What is the lovelie~t spot on th e --1 campus! Choose th e place that Student Help Wanted. I Any young wo man !-'turlent who seems most bea utifol to you, and wishP.s t o heip her summer school write it u p. in a paragraph. for P.x penses p lease ca ll at the office j a s:v.mpos ium in next week' s Nor- - -- - occasion in appropriate arrangeof th e Dean of Wo m e n in the ad min- mall te. Glee Clubs. istration building. Office hours, Flau ...Knowles. The Girls' Glee Club tryouts ments-·Our leading specialty at 11:00 to 11 :55, Mo ndays, WednesFrom items in the da ily Papers were held Thursday of last wee'k, all Seasons Of-tlte- yiar: - - days and Fridays, ·a-nd' 4 :so· to 5:30 we learn that on Sunday at Lincoln and the fullowing new m·embers G. E. BERTHOLD dai ly. Mattie C. Ellis. Mr. Henry F lau of P(Jru, and Miss were admitted: Zayda Akins, "The Florist" Y. W. C. A Mary Mae Knowl es of Ruskin, were Western; Fern Williams, Superior; Nebraska City, Nebr. A large crowd assembl ecl for the 1 united in marriage. Pearl Lallant, Ruski~; Mildred Y. W. C. A. meeting Sunclay morn- / Mr. Flau is one of P.eru's ener- Fisher, Peru; Mary Lo1s Hall, Elk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ing. Miss Ha nthorn in a winning 1 getic young- .men. a solci1 er recently Creek; Maude King, Bradshaw; 1 and who lesome manner welcom ed I returned fr om France, and. a p.op- Cunstance Moore, Surpri!'e; Esther the students to the Y. W. C. A. i ular young man. The bnqe IS a Conway, Gresham; Fern Jones, Specia l mu•dc was furnish ed by I m os t excellent young lady who has Peru; Effie Hemingway, Panama; Miss Genevieve Gregg and Miss heen in school at the Normal for Lizzie Duncan, Nebraska Cit~ ; j · Mel· s!mer. The cha 1·rmen 1 the past year · We under s tandhthat Dean Rennett, Humboldt ; Moille !· ,,~1·1n me 1 · · to make their . orne Manrose. Riverton, Iowa; G laqys and adv1sors of the d1fferent eo m- 1' tl·.ey expect · . mittE~es were introduced anrl joined ' near Linco ln. The~r many fri ends Hall , Plattsmouth; Ruth Risk, Wahoo; Mrs. Cottle, York; Belle iil the wechme extend e d to te s tu- ! here wi!'h them happines!'. Edwards, Brownville. 1 Barnes' The Boys' Glee Club held its first m eeting Thursday night. About SAY IT WITH FLOWERS fifteen hoys were present·, which The 3 :20 train gets to is a good repre~entation considering the number of boys attending Peru at 7:28 school. Fro m all indications the FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE club will be stronger this year - -.- TIME - - than it has bee n for the past two CHAPIN BROS. I summers. The names of the mem- Phone B2234 Lincoln, Nebr.
I fountain Pens New Stock
Just Received at Pharmacy
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Rr.member when in Nebraska City it is only
One Blm.k North OF THE
A. 6oo4 Lunch or Splendid Mefll
anything you could give them except }OUr
bers wi II be pub I i shPd next week. Watch~s.
Spectacals and Fountain Pens
Sold and Repoired Sta.lioflery and ~chool Supplies
Citizens STATE •• •• BANK
Philo and Seal Pins AT
RPiiahle J ewe!Pr
Peru . Nehr.
An old reliable bank with assets of over
The Dramatic Club At Normal Chapel
By Rachel Crothers
''He and She''
Admission by Budget ticket or 50c
Where '19'rs Will T each . primary. Bratton con~o li dated; l da Following is t he li st of seniors Rey nolds, d e partmental, H ave lock ; 1 located up to the present time: H e len Robi nson , kindergarten, • Ma r garet A lber t, interm ediate, Havelock; Edna Salzma n, c omL yons ; Eva Allen , commercial, ! mercia!, Stanford, Mont.; Le nora I H olly , Colo.; Gladys Bai rd , depart- ~ S n.vcier , phys ical training, Davi l.l me nal, Fremon t; Pearl Bath, pri- City; P e ter Snyd er, s upe rintendent, J mary, Fairbury; Cla ra Beck, km- , Stamford;Aibert a Tay lor, primary, J d ergarten, Superior; Gertrude Fairbury; Eli nora Toft, home 1 Clark, kind e:rgarte n, S upe ri or; i sch ool m~ar Oak; Elizabeth Vance, Helen Dredla, k inrl e rgarten , .Hum- j ~ntermediate, ~utto~ ; Francis Wi 11boldt; Bel le Edwards, scien ce, 1ams , domestiC sc ie nce, ft:xeter; Thurman, l a.; Margaret Elder, I Li II ian Woods . d epartme nt, Omaha; / physical tra ining, Clarinda, Iowa ; J Lot.tie. Wymore, n or ma l training, 1 " "' Mar~ery Etter, departme nt of geo Ulysses; F lor ence Witwer , home /' grap hy, Co lum bus ; R uth Fj~ llin , . scnool near Sa le m . One 0f the b eauty spots n ear Peru. department of g e ography, Fre mont; I . --- :--- . j Dor s i Frye , phys ical training, j Ktndergarten Sentors Entertmned. i -======= =========;"========== = ===== Geri ng; Rosa Ga r man. conso lidat- 1 (r-ro m thc dosing d a~·~of schuol.l : Nothing was omitte d in via nd s to work below th e ninth g rade r eped, Douds, Io wa; El iza be th Gra- l What is that we hear ? W ish you . ~>atisfy '.h e appe tites of. he~lthy, resented that d one by th e practice ham, in termediate, A voca; F lorence were a kindergarte n se nior ? Well, happy g 1rl f;. Add to thts a fu ll t eachers. The ph•ce~ m::~d e hy Hapke, mus ic, Sy racu se; Florence of cnurs«~ it is nice to be any kind measure of p lea::ant hom e s ur ninth g rad!" boys seemed ef;pcc ia ll.v Jones , d epartme ntal , Omaha; Hazel of se ni or; but jus t a l ittle ni c er 10 round i ng~, th e ch C! rm of a genial co mme nd ab le to thof;e w ho knew Ki lg o.r e, high schoo l, Juniata ;Ver- be a kind e r£artun senior, fu r it is hllst e~s and the s pontane ity of a / t h e condit ion!' un d e r which they n !\ K r oj o i, d o pa•· t m c ntal. F'a i•·bu r y; to this d epartment the proud hunch of c le ve r gi rl ~. th en yn u 1were completed. · Ann e K r uger, in te rm ediate, Lyons; m other bring. b irth day cakes and have a m ental picture of th e atmos - 1 Special m e nt ion sh ould be made L ib by Kukral, hi g h schoo l, Hooper; other good ie s. Now and then thi s phe re that pervaded this not to be · of so m e of th e larger pieces. Bess ie Lauman, comm erc ia l, Osceo- social germ is ca ught by th e kin- f orgott e n socia l e ve nt. Those a t tract ing s pecia l attention Ia ; He le n Lawre nc<>, intt'rmed!ate. dergarten teach ers. Such was the - - -- - - - wer e a li br a r y t ab le by R ic harcl Humboldt; Lee Long , principal case Frieay, May 9. w ht> n Miss M anu al Training Exhibit. O verholt, a chair h.r E rn est Long·
Cla ra Beck entertained the k inderOne o f the m ost successful f'X hih - fe ll ow, a ma hoga n y piano bc•nch by garten $t'ni or s a nd trainin g t eac h- its of the yea r was th at of the work Creath Spick ler, a Morri s cha ir hy ers wi t h a sum ptuo u::, man y co urse i n n 'anual tr -a ining an d mec ha mcal J o hn Rt>df~:-n. a m us ic c a bi ne t :_.v s ix o'cloc K di nne r at hl' r ho me. rlraw 1ng di splayed in the ad mi n if; - 1 Raymond Hu ffe r, and a numbe r of _Col or sch e m~? Yellow a nrl white, tratinn buildsng rluring comme n cP- I cerlar c••t>,; t s . These all ~h o werl Wllh a touch of g reen Don't ask m e nt wee k . The ex ni nit i ncl urlt'rl ! vt>ry comme nda b le w11rk man ship a.n y mor e q.ue:; ti l• ns Yo u kn ow 1 work rlnne b•· the fifth . th anrl fini :o h. . . t J • SlX • 1 ' . t he Rt ck,;. a nd hu.v th ev do t! 11 og sl· s e ve nrh, e g hlh , n inl h, a nd tP IHh l fn e m ec h fl n •cal rlrawing- work - a lways nn a bi g. gt>ne rou s ~ca l e g ra •ltl·, and II\' No rmal cla><:,P.s. The I inclu!.le I lt:"•t~c r i ng, m ach1n e d ra\.\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 ing, p t' r s pPc tiv~, and arch it ec t ur a l hi g h shcool and a t hl etics, N nrth Loup; Donna Lowry , intermediate, Clarind a . l o.va; Glarlys Mar~ ha ll , hi g h l'choo l, Elmwood; Ve ronica McNeff. inte rm e d iate, Cent ral City ; Mar y Mutz. kind erga r t en, Bt>a tr ice ; H aze l Pa rson :;, pr i mary , wa k e fi e ld ; Hu t h p ass, lnt . . ... rmedtate, Hamh11rg, Iowa; Opal R eag-1n
! d r :JWIIl!( . To e wurk .v a:; n "illlv · a nd a cc u . atel v cln n ~o an<l t he wnr k was wPII up 111 ·t a n<.l a rc.l The pi c as ca ll e d fu r 1h a n umbe r of commt-nda li on.s a .:; to th e qual it y of wo rkma n , h i p .
. r- ·,.- :--.--~
Omn ~r c., tn e s:nall n u mb~cr of boys in sr_hon l, 1h e hruk<:-n .vea r and 1 ; othPr ob,.: LH <' II"!< to he ovt:'r..:ome , · Profes., nr Dady , Proft-SS dl' Lnomi ,; j and. th e' hnys de.s~" r ve a J! l l:" at de;, I , f •pra1se fur mak1nl! a dl ,.: pla.v of sud1 j vari e ty a nci - u c h wu rkma 1·1sn 1p.
Prof. Ov•rho 1t: - "N1 1ss Wi l, on. tn >Cho.JI ?''
' have .V• Ill a bl l! br utht>r II E rn ,_a W " "' n: - · · Nu
~ h.d " Pr •t . U vP rhu t l : - ' ' The n wn u I S i that .v uun l! f ·ll ow I S(:'e you w1d1 so
\ lll U CI1 '! ' ' I
Bird 's eje v ie .v o f N ebra ·~· a's mos t bea utifu l cam nus.
l'e r~ i st ... nC'.y will carry yo u any j wh e re, if yo u wi ll use e noug h of it.
The View From Memorial Trail. Peru's Good Railroad Connections. The firs t tim P. the writer cli mbed Who said I'eru had poor railroad the road which is now Memori a l ' connections? No one did who has Tra il was one St1 nd ay morning in given the subject careful and unYOUR OWN TOWN AND YOU. early June. The han ks a long the ! prejudiced thought. S ix days in If you want to live iJ? the kind of a town picturesque. wi nrl j ng ro a r! were J the week Peru has better railroad L ike the k ind of a town you like overhung with vines a nd wild flow- I connect ions north. south, east and You needn't slip your clothes in a 'grip ers. The woorl la nd echoed with i west than ninety percent of the And start on a long, long hike. the song of the bird s. and her e and 1 towns of Nebraska, and just as there one caug h t the flash of a blue good as lots of the towns for the You 'll only find what you left behind bird 's wing or the vivid r erl of a seventh day. Things are comFor there ' s not hing that's really n~w. cardinal. Pee ping out from the monly good or bad by comparison, It's a knock at yourself when you knock your townoak branches hung tiny bird and if this is true, Peru has fine It is n't your town- its YOU! houses. railroad connections. Then appeared a sce ne of wonThen why all this talk about Peru Rea l towns are not marle by men afraid ·and her railroad connecti ons ? derful bea uty-the fir st J!limpse of L est somebody e lse gets ah ead: Whe n every one works and nobody shirks, There are just two causes for the the Mi ssouri ni ver. The shining talk. Years ago Peru had poor You can rai se a town from the dead· wa te r refl ected the early li~ht ancl railroad connections. At that time mirrored the trees a long its bank . And if. while you make your personal stake the "talk-geyser began to spout Th e mass of frPs h g reen. foi I age Your ne ighbor can make one, too, and it became a habit ever since which £>over ed the hills contrasted · Your town wi II be what you want to seewith a large number of people. strong ly with thi s silverY backIt is n't )Our town-it's YOU! other cause is due to the lack The gr ound. E ach I i ttle bl ade of grass - G. A. Gearhart. of S unday trains whi ch would not sparkl ed with de w wh ile the song be used by over one percent of our sparrows gave the earl y morning good people if we had one, for the welcome. 1 reason that there is not a simple Another st1·iking picture is thel._____._.._..;,._ _-;...;..;....,_ _ ~_ ___ ..;-._;.;;;,,;,oo..-.-....;J more pleasant place on earth in s unset time in winter. The naked whi ch to spend the Sabbath than branches s ta nd out prominently 1 ri g ht here in our own communi ty. ag ainst the sno wy landscape. The Thi s is evidenced by the fact that wood ed hills g low wi th the flame thruout the summer months auto of • the weste rn sky.· A lit tle later parti es by the score visit Peru from the s tars a nd li g hts of t he villa ge a ll over south-eastern Nebraska, g leam out as one follo ws the tra i I to spend the Sabbath afternoons homeward. enjoying the bea'\ltiful scenery and T he t hird scene is Me mor ia l the coo l shades of the campus Tra il by mownl ight. The tree tops, woods. the sil very wate r, the overhang ing A:l the t owns in Republican valbanks, a ll are softPned by the ley can make direct connections witchery of t he !:'ummer moon. for Peru by transferring to the On ly the song of the whip-poor-.will Nebraska City-Peru-Beatrice and can. be ht>ard . As the deep calm Holdrege line, or via Fall s City. Around the Bluffs to the River of th e scene ta k e~ possession of one , The foll owing table of facts is the words of the poe t come to ther e is a lways a good breeze there '? street crossing by Strong ' s. Look s ubmitted, which shows that Peru mi nd : " .So me of us call it Beauty It's near to w~ter, t oo " down the street into the woods and has splendid connections with Lin"1 like t o loo k into th e q uadsee how t he blac k tree trunks a re coin, Omaha, Kansas City and Chi A nd others ca ll it God." ra ng le from the a venue a nd see the outlined agai ns t the green back- I wh.ich means good conecH eard on the Ca mpus. "Th is is a lovely campus, isn't great catht!dra l a rchr.s of th e trees. ~round. t!Onns with all towns having conit'! I t hink t he pre t t iest pl ace is was s ure ly a n a r tist who trim " B,Y the way, you new-comers ! necti ons with t hese large citi es: t he grassy slope north of the olrl / med th ose trees so perfect ly. The have n' t seen the pageant gr ounds Peru t :. Linco ln training bu il di ng. To see it best , r oll of the g round is beaut ifu l. too . yet, have you? Go down the street. Leave 7: 10 a. m. Arr. 10:30 a .m. you must sta nrl a bo ut halfway be- and the g rass is wo nd erfu lly well past Professor Hoyt's house, then 9:44 a. m. 5:40 p. m. tween the chapel and t he sci ence kept " I into . t he wood.s. You' ll find the 7 :28 p. m. 1:20 a. m. buil rl ing" "In m y opini on, u.e vi ew yo u .)ove1I est sur pn se- but I won' t tell •u :40 a . m. 5:35 p.m.
" My favo rite p lace is t he leve l stretch by t he o ld fo untain. I like it beca use it is leYe l, a nd one can s it t here in the .sha de and rest." "Believe me, my f avorite s pot, on a hot day, is jus t between the admin istration b u ild ing a nd the chapel. Did yo u ever notice that
ge t of the rive r, as you sta nd on 1you what. Go, a nd see for your- Peru to Omaha the wa lk in f r ont of the I selves." Leave 7: 10 a .m Arr . 11 :50 a. m. 5 1 :0 40p. m chape l, is the peachiest si g ht I The senior class is considerin g a 84 :30 p. m. know." bronze soldi er memorial for t he Peru "'ll : a.t om. K :40 p.C'1m. t A 4ansas or.0 "I've been in Peru a who le year./ campus as a class g ift to the ochool. Leave 7:10a.m Y 11 9 44 and I want to say that, summer or Mr. and Mrs Leo J e well, who rr. : p. m. 7 :OO 15 p.m. 7 :28 a. m. w inter. the prettiest vi ew of the are on the ir wedding trip, spent a (Co n t i n u ed o n F o urt h Pnge. )a. m. ca mpus is the one you get fr om the few days in Peru visiting r elati ves. : p. m. =
PerU State Bank
Ma ny ex-me mber s have f ormed ! man y extra -sch ool functio~s. It~sl 1 hi h school cl u bs. Mr. Cra btree th e only guarantee a g ainst t e g , . l nst rucEntcrcd a t t he Po~tnllicc at Peru, Nc· r ep orte d r ecent ly a m en s c lub m j "d"lg , an d t he " g ri nd . " braska as second.class mat ter. R ive r F a lls , Wi scon s in, org anized I ti on, c u lt u re, i nspira t.i on , and e n · 00 Published Weekly by th e Pe ru Sta te Norma l and dire cted by a form er "gl ee i t ertainme n t are m en t features, c lub ma n " of Peru. Sure ly we ~ bu t ther e i s need for co rrect. p r o- - -I N - - may count those a c tiviti es of pr ime ' p orti on . Eq u i libr ium assureR great- \ im porta nce since t hey t end t o- ' est p rofit. An a ll school pr ogram 1 ware! the c~l ti vation of a n oble and m eans just e no ug h of eac h e lement I _______________ · t t o gi ve pr op e r a nd p lea s ing ba la nce r e fi n1 ng a r . 1 P hon e 25 Pho ne 25 A ful l house is in i t self a cha: CA LL AT TH E Back's Budget Boom lenge fo r the best. S peake r s a n c ~ quare De a l ~tor e Th e bu rlge t p la n of finan cing enterta i ners court la r ge a n rl apprefo r bar ga i ns in schoo l eve nts is a we iJ .establi Rhed ci ative aud i e nces. T he bud~Zet
A Good Town
Men'~ Low pract ice a t P eru. It mee t s wi t h syste m gua rantees this kind of Editnr in-Chief d · th 1 1 · t . A A new line of H osi ery fo r men , A~~nci atc Edi lo r un a nim ou s response unng e hea r i ng t o a l 1t s attr ac 1ons. 1 r eg ul a r year, a n d is eq ua lly popu- l la r ge t icket hold i ng i s the most wo m en . boys an d gi r ls . T il E iiP I To utAt .~T .IF F . ""AnDIS Jar i n the sum mer sessions. The ce rta i n ind uce men t fo r lar ge a t W. W. ,,, " HcrLert Och~ner tf Rusi ncs~ 1\lanagcrs ))r esen t s umme r school is no ex- t~nd"ncu. llarold Lynch ~ ... .... S uc h consti t uency d oes T he ho m e of R ed Pep ce ption - i n fac t the r es ult at Fri- 1n ot need t o be a r ou sed . I t need s M u sical Pe r u. da.v's cha p el hour shows a sp le ndi rl ; r ather to be no u fied o f fo rthco mSan i ta r y Ba r ber Shop The t ra diti ons of P er u include .a s ubscri p ti on. j i ng events. It pa ys to a dverti se, 1 and Bath gen u ine in terest in mus ic,-mus1c 1 I n th e days w he n t he budget was bu t th e t icket holde r& are t he b est of t he bette r so rt. Mu ch of thi S 1fir iit in troduce d at Peru , g- reat a dve rti se me nts of t he · budget proFIRST-CLASS WORKMEN appr E'ci at i ve spir it can be t r ace d t o II effo rt was mad e t o a r ouse int erest g r ams . Baseme nt F isher' s the influe nce of th e g le e clubs a n d a nd e nt hus iasm f or "bud get cl a y." The p la n is s te Eipe d in d em ocracy . Dr u g S t or e orches tra, or ga ni za t i ons of w hi ch I nto t he " utter m os t pa r ts" of the T her e is one pri ce t o a ll a nd none village cha m pions of t he cause I a r e deba rre d. T h e v i llage a nd the t he school is j us tly proud. Y ou r P a tron age S olicited For t wo years or mor e a norm a l ca r r ied t h e message. No sto ne was 1sc hool s ha r e on l ike t er ms t he sch oo l orchestra of t wenty or mor e left u n t urned . t·ha t wo uld . ~ake 1 plea~ures of .th e h our. Ti ckets a~e pi ecE's h as playe d i ts part i n thP. c lear t h e m eanm g of th e sp 1nt of t ra nsf e rr ab le, ma king p ossib le t .1e1r ~--------------school life . The s tr ings section is co-oo er a ti ve enter pr ise a nd e nlist 1 most exte ns ive use. P r ofi ts accr u • always open t o those w hose p·layi ng th e la r gest possible subscripti on . ing r et urn to t he b e ne fits of th e
Florc:nce Grrcn . Ma rgaret Al brrt
C. P. SCO V(LL, Prop.
I 1
00 S
m erits a dmi ssion. A pe rfor m er of R ig ht nobly did t he pat ronage patronage. Th e b e s t i s o u r motto eq ua l sk i ll on an ot her inRtrume n t m eet each ca ll a nd t oday th ere Sundaes may have t o wa i t hi s turn , fo r ba l- •rema i ns no eleme n t of exper ime nt , P ro f . A. Crago and P r of. M. C. 1 and a nce of part s must be maintained . ~ in t h e bu dge t id ea. In terest a n<i Lefle r of Li n coln. h ave t r arled 'I By i t s p lay ing t he orches tra ad ds i e nt hu s iasm fo r it ha ve b eco me con - houses fo r th e per10d of th e sumSod as to t he pleas ure of va r i ou s events I s ta n t fa c t or s. It has bee n t r ied mer t e r m . Mrs Crago an d da ug h- , dur ing th e yea r, and th e annu a l ' a n d gener a lly appn,ve d . E ver y - e r , .Jea n , ha ve go ne ' to L i ncoln, a nd concer t is eag2rl y a n ticipa ted. D ur- , body ma kes plan s t o s u ppo rt t he Profe~so r Crago wi ll spe nd h i s Druggists ing t he pas t year Miss Carpent er ' budget w hen t he opportun i ty is "week-ends" t he r e. has been wor k ing to warcis a pre - g iven . Ther P. i s no conscr ip ti on. pa ratory or chestra, t o be or ganized The response is thor o ly vo lunta r y . soon, w it.h. ne w m e mbe rship open 1 I t i s appr oved a nd s uppor ted b e - l t o a ll proficie nt e nough. I cause it is busi ness- l ike. It t a kes . T he .M e n 's G lee C lub ~as orga n - ~ inve ntory of stoc ks ~nd ca lcul a t es 1zed m 1907 by Mr. O l1ver; the we l l i t s profi t s a nd 1t s losses. I ts g irls' oc te tte the fo llowing year by I cale nda r pr ovides a n a ll -yea r proDr. House. T he latt e r organ iza t ion g ram: Worthy even ts t ha t could I g re w in to t he G ir ls ' G lee Club some · not m a intain the mse lves ind epensix years ago. Bo th c lu bs have a n i de nt ly a r e am oly p rov i dt>d fo r a nd
Fisher Bros.
==-========-==::;: :===================
e nviab le s t ate-w ide r e putati on. , g ua ran t eed und e r t he b udget s.vsga ined by per~ormances ab road a nrl l t ern . The n too , it is econo mi ca l. . _ 1 r ._,..,.,.:a ·--=--1011·--·-~~-···-·----·-:. a t h ome. The Me n' s C lu b has a l- Cost is r e d uced t o th e min.im u m . ! ways mad e a to ur, u sual ly of a There is no bu r den to be bo rne "' I . F.T JOHN IT'' week. The Gi r ls' C lu b also has when patronage is ge ner ous. It given a t least one out of-town co n- fact t he r e i s no oth e r way to m a k e cer t each year until 19 18- 19. Last ad mi ssions nomina l a nd a t the same Nov£-:mber the c lu b was hono r ed by t ime present q u a li t y attract io ns., W hy your C lea n ing, natu r a lly , why not? Dry Clean i ng , Dye1 b e in g p la ced on t he ge nera l sess ion · Even t he p oorest stude n t , un de r j i ng , Lad ies a nd Gents F irst Class Tai lo r ing progra m of t he Sta t e Teal'h er s ' t h e budget syste ..,, ca nnot affo rd t o , 1 Assoc iation in Oma ha ; but th e deny himsel f the privil eges t h us A ll w o r k. l"a l i!"of tt dot·y & p ri c e s rea~unabl e "fl u" decreed t ha t the co ncert obtai ne d. Once isRueci , ticke t s should not be su ng. ad m it to a ll even ts and ther e i s n o J~ The f ru it of th e g lee club wor k need f or furthe r expe nditu re of Tai lor and Cle<1 ner is a wid ening and q ui ckenin g of \ti me a nd em:rgy. Peru . Ne h r mus ical inter e::;t t h r uout t he state. Stud en ts need to p art ic ipate in
Mandclson & Kennedy Nebraska Ci t y
. The most complete stock of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear in the City
At Popular Prices J
For anything in dry goods, shoes, furnishings & groc6ries at right prices. Give us a Call.
M. E. GOOD The Cash Store
Peru a School of Quality. Saturday, June 4th, Prof. F. M. This is evidenced by the fact Gregg delivered an address at that practically all the students the Nebraska Wesleyan University FOUNDED 1893 . have enrolled for professional work to the class of candidates for the A~ M. M. DORNON, Ma11ager which wil l lead towarrl graduation. ministry. The most widely patronized, bPcause the most reliable Teacher'!l Of the 425 s tude n ts who are here Mrs. F. C. J ean gave an address Ag.!ncy in the Middle West. Territory from the Mississippi river to for the first time , as shown by on £orne phase of home economics Paei fie Coast. Flynn Bldg, Des Moines, I owa. the matricu lati on fees, 90 percent I at the State Vocational Conference are doing collegiate work. There · at the State Farm, Lincoln, F riday, Eighth Grade Commencement. RP.member when in Nebraska is a lar ge num be r of alumni in ' June 13th. From Pawnee Republican. City it is only attendance, working for their A. President E. L. Rouse delivered In spite of the rain and bad roads a good sized audience attendB. degree, w hi ch indicates that . two commencement addresses last One Block North Peru will soon do her major work week in Scotts Bluff county: Fri- ed the eighth grad·e commencement . OF THE as a f our year Normal college. day evening at Scotts Bluff, and exercises at the Methodist church in Pawnee City Friday afternoon, The faculty are unanimous in i Saturday afternoon at Gering. BURLINGTON One hundred and fiftythe statement that Peru never had p f Abb B h · h · June 6. ro . a owen, w o 1s c aireight boys and girls of Pawnee a more conscientious, hard- workf th · 1 t' 'tt TO e 1eg1s a 1ve comm1 ee 1 man o ing as well as intelligent class of '! of th w · E.J t· 1 C( b county were successful in pass!ng A 6ood Lunch or u e oman s "uca 1ona summer school students as are in · of Nebraska. attended a meeting of the examination. Splendid Meal attendance thi s summer. The address of the afternoon was that committee of Lincoln, June given by President E. L. Rouse of - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 th. Countv Clubs. the Peru State Normal. It was "SAY IT WlTH FLOWERS One of the live features of the Professor and Mrs. Albright went one of the most practical and in· th e pas t 1s . th e to Lincoln . Saturday to consult summer sc h oo I 1n . . a spirationa l talks . .along. educational . . Fresh cut flowers for every throat spec1ahst. Mrs. Albnght lines· ever g1ven m th1s ,c1ty. • .H1s t I b . , coun y r u R. I AI rea d y movemen t s h ave b een has suffQred during the pas . t week subject was "Dem·)cracy s Cns1s. occasion in appropriate arranges t ar t e d among th e s t u d en t s enro II e d with a bad attack of tonsihti s. ments-·Our leading specialty at from t he different counties to Mrs. F ..M. Gregg •. accompanied RFM EMBER Iall Seasons of the year. organi ze clubs. Peru is fortunate by her ch !ldren, Otts and Helen, Auburt1 : Laundry in having so large a p ercent of the left Friday for Ohio to visit her G. E. BERTHOLD If you want attendance from counties outside / mother. They all were a~pointed DRY ''The Florist'' CLEANING, PRESSING & of the home county . So there wi II \a~ delegates ~o t?~ g r eat mternaNebraska City, Nebr. General Laundry Work be an unusually large number of tion~l ~ethod1st Centen_ary ConCall Phone 53 clubs ha ving large me mbership. , ventwn at Co lumbus, Ohw. ICall at the -Mark DeJzeH, Agt. There will be picnics, hikes and Mrs. G. C. Cast returned Wedat , Chase Barber Shop a fin a l round up known as the "big I nesday from Linco ln, with her son, Will collect Mondays. Basket 1 Chase's Shop for firs t -class work stunt," in whic h all the clubs join. I Carl, whom s he had taken there for • We are promi sed one of the medical treatm ent. We are pleasAgent fo r "Cieansine" "livest" summer schools we have 1 ed to report that the little fel low's dry r ub shampoo for ladies ever h ad. Thet e is ple n ty of "pep" l1 condition is improved. Her daug hhair dresRi ng. It does the this summer. Watch the clubs go. ter, Anita. however, could notre- LaGCS work without water. turn with her as she was suffering Faculty Items ~ from a light attack of chicken pox. A.. W. CHASE M iss Boucher spent Saturday in j Mr. Frederick McCon~ell of I Omaha. . Omaha was th e guest of MI SS BowMrs G. N. Hancock, of Plankm- en sever al days las t w'e ek. Mr. ~h ton, South Da kota. is vis iting her . McConnell has recently been ap- ~ 1 daughter, Mrs. F. C. Jean. poi nted assistant director of the Prof. F. C. J ean represented the Berkeley Theatre at the University SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Normal at the York County Teach- of California . His inter est in The 3:20 train gets to dramattcli was largely t he cause of Peru at : ers' Ins titute, Friday, June 6. 7 28 Dr. H. c. House gave the com - hi s trip to Peru at ~his time , as. FRESH FLOWERS ALL THE mencem e nt addrPss at the Ins titute he wi shed to be present at the Drafor th e Blind at Nebraska City, matic Club prog ram Friday even- -- TIME - -
Sabinst Educational Exchange
Tennis Shoes· h at t e Sh Oe
Conklin's Fountain Pens New Stock Just Received
Monday, June 9th.
H. U. LANDOLT, Peru. Neb.
Portraits Kodak Finishing
Watch~s .
Peru, Nebr.
School Pins -
Jewelry·, I
Barnes' Pharmacy
~TATE:: BANK Spectacals and Fountain Pens ~ Sold aud Repaired ·----School Supplies and Pennants AT .
Phone 56
Lincoln, Nebr.
Phone B2234
Fountain P ens School Suppli es Confectione ry, Fruits , ~read Cookies, Meats, Grocen es and Vegetab les
Phone 73
Reliable J eweler
Peru, Nebr.
An old reliabl e ban k with assets of over
Peru's Good Railroad Connections (Continu e d trom Flt·st
Chicago to direct 9: a. m . 5:01 p. m. to Peru Lincoln Leave 3 :UO p . m. Arr. 7:28 p. m. 5:01p.m. 1:30 p. m. 7:iOam. 12 :45 p. m . 7 :45 a . m "'3 :00 p. m. 10:55 p.m. 9:44a.m. Omaha to Peru Lea ve 4:30 Arr. 7:28 p. m. 11:30 p. m. 7:10a.m. 9:05 a. m. *3 :00 p. m. Kansas City to Peru Leave 11: 35 a . m. 7:28p.m. 8 :30 a. m. 5 :01 p. m. 11: 00 p. m 7:10a.m. Chicago to Peru 6:10p.m. 9 :44 a. m. *Monday, Wednesday and Friday. F or further infor mati on or explanation address Normalite Staff, Peru, N e braska. Peru
. Alumni Working for Degrees. Thirhv-three alumni are in summer seh ool working toward degrees. This numbe r is larger than t he number in any graduating class for the firs t quarte r century of the school 's history. A lexa nder, F er ne, Winfield, Kan. App legate, Amy , Peru. Barbee, Grace, Syracuse. Bloss, Bertha, Pawnee. Bloss, Matti e, Pawn ee. Br own, Eos, Peru. Burelle, Lil lie Jewell, Peru. Byers, Mrs. Merle D, Peru Carman, A llen L, Pe ru Clark, Ida, Brock Clover • Bessi e, Au burn
Cole, Pansy' Peru Craig. Mamie L, Peru. Cruickshank, Mary, Nebraska City. Doane, Floyd, Pe ru. Fordyce, S usan R. •. Shawnee. Okla. Gilbert, Grace, Peru. Gregg, Genevie ve, Peru. Harmon, Clarissa, Omega, Okla. Hoffman, Ollie, Bern, Karl. Jones Margaret,, Pe ru. Kel ly, Catherine, Peru. Kelly, Nellie, Peru. Kimmel, Louise, Oscedla. L am ba rt, Kath e rin e, Fairbury. McKenney, Lela, Peru. Muller, Irma , Nebraska C ity. N ea l, Louise, Peru. Pasco, Grace, Auburn.
sending twe nty delegates. H. J. Cottle, a member of the past year's cabine t, heads our delegation. Tile Nebraska delegates met ·at Lincoln Monday, and left there in a body for Colorado. The foll owing m e n r e present Peru: Haro ld Brown, H. J. Cottle, Lee Hemin2'way, Raymond Huffer , Lee Long, Edward Matejovsky, Richard Overholt., L oyd Pranfe, Leon Roettger, Lawrence Rouse Vf'rnon Simon, Roy Shaver, Pete r Snyder, Creath Spickler, Wm Swartzwelde r, Wm . Thomas, S. H . Weir, Ful ler Woodie. These mPn are not going to EstPs s imply for a pleasure trip, but rather for the bigger and better thing- of life as r ep rPse nted in the fol lowing objects of the conference: 1. To rrf'se nt as adt>quat ly a:: po!'sible th e claims of Jesus Chri!:>t 2. To pre~ent th e world' s neerl for His power and f or Hi s rr ogram. 3. To help to d etermin P. life work in the full light of the world's nead and in accord with the p rinci .' pies of Jesus. 4. To increase the efficiency of Chri stian ser vice in ou r colleges by a deta iled s t urly of th e bf'st known met hods of student Christian work. The high sch ool is Sf'nciing th e following to the Boy Conference at Co lu mbus: H owa rd Brunsdon; Mark Delzell , and Ster ling Sears. The boys a r e expecting to orJ?anize a s tandard High "Y" cl ub next fall. The inspiraticm and hig-h ideals ,vh ich al l these men wi II bring back from thPse two conferences wi ll mea n much to Peru in the coming years~ _ __ _ . Philo Friday evening at 9 :00 o'clock Ph'l . . fi 1 0 g Jves Jts rst summer program. ~e·e the pos te r on the bull etin board. The program will certainly inte rest you. Prese nt yo ur me mbershir car ds a t th e door. Philo had a bus iness mr eti ng Monday, Jun e 9. The followinl! officer s were elf'cted for th e ~ ummer: Olli e Hoffman, pre:~id e nt ; Erm a Wtlsr,n, sec retary; Alice Cot tl e, tr r asu rer; Don a ld Ov ... rhol l, !>ergeanl·at-arms.
ber the patienr.e of Miss Foster during the dreaded ''flu" days. Miss Holley, who taug ht physical We are sorry to see our teachers training is not to be in Peru next go, but we wish that all good luck year. We shall always think of and success may be theirs in their new undertakings, Teachers Who Are Leaving.
Dramatic Club Play. On Friday evening, June thireenth, the Dramatic Club presented fo'r a second tim e the play, "He and She," by Rache l Crothers. It was highly e njoy ed by everyone. Those who haLl :seen it on it s first presentation to ok as much pleasure or more from it than they did before. The part of Tom Herford, the young a rtist was played by Carrol Lewis, who was well suitE-d tu the role. His wife, Ann Herford, was represented by Bessie Lauman, Miss Harri ett Holley who fully unde.stood and felt her M iss H olley as a '' dandy'' teacher part. Pear l Bath, a s th e misun a nd tru e friend. May s he have der!'tood, independent, working a ll success in the future. g irl, played the part of Tom HerIt is always a tria l wh e n persons ford' s s ister. Daisy . Mi llicent, whom we have g r own to respect the wilfu l, spoiled and nf'gle<'tEd and love, pass ou t of our lives. little s ixteen year old daughter, was played by H e len Dred Ia. Pf'ter Snyder was the old-fashioned doctor, who knew the membe r s of th e household better thao th P.y kn ew the msel ve!'. Loyd Prante played th e part of th e hard working arti!:'t, assistant of Tom Hrrford . The part of Ruth Creel, friend of Ann H erf ord, was we II acted by Della Wea th e rhogg. The sy mpathetic, delig htfully Irish ma id was Ruth Pass. Al l were g lad for the opportunity to see this excel le nt cast in artio n. The audience ,.. as qui e t a nd tense during acts; while betwee n th e m, exr.e lle nt ente rtainMi ss Lena Harrington mf'nt wa" furni!'hed by the Normal Schoo l Orches tra. Thereforf', when Mi ss Lena M. ___ _ Harrinl!t On hacle us fa rewel l she Marri<Jges left friend s who were sorry to see F'ri e nrls i n Peru re<'eivP.d a nher go, hut who wish her ever y no u ncem., nt s of the marri a!!e of happin e~~ for t h e future. Mis" Huth Foley, '1 8. t o Mr. J .. Mi"s FostPr, our faithfu l nur~c>. Wi lhur Cla rkP. J u ne 11, at her is another w ho will not be Wtth us home in Pa wnee City. Other r ece r.t marria i!~-'S are Mr. Ve rn e C h :-~telai n . ' 14 , to Mi ss Ce lia Group, 'If>, and Mi~s Re na Tr~v i!', '18, to Mr . John T. Crowl<'y.
- -- - - -
Shepher d , Augusta , Holdrege. Gift to Geogr<Jphy Oep<Jrtment Snell , Ralph, Br own ville. The gP.ogranhy r ec.: nt ly rece i ved Wo od , Valeda. Lorton . a very in teres t ing col lec t io n of Root, Mabel. Omaha . fnl'sil s and minerals fr om Southt:'rn . Fram•e and Aus tria Thru the Etghteen Men Le<Jve for Estes P<Jrk. l tl10ug htf u 1ness o f G us f">a\1e , a Pe ru is to be we ll represented Peruv ian .OV!:'t:~eas, thi s ve ry va l ua at the S tude nt Y. M. C. A. Confer - · ble contn buttO n to o ur co ll ect ion ence to be he ld at Estes Park, was se nt from Nice. Ma ny of the Colorado, June 17·6. She is send- fossils b elong to th e Car bonife rous ing e ig htee n men, wh ich is ahead Period. but are quite d ifferent of any othe r col lege in th e sta le from ou r local fossil s of t he sa me Mi ss Katherine Fos ter except the Univers ity, which is age. nex t year. We ll do ma n y r e mem-
Calendar. Monrla.v a nd Weclnesrll:ly , Orche~ tra. 7:00 to 8: 15 . Tuesday a nrl Thu r srlay , Glee Club s, 7:30 to 9:00. Mo nday a nd Wed n Psd ay , Choru!', 5 :30 . June 20, Philo. June 27, Sou th w ick Recital. Jul y II, Philo. Ju ly 18 , Recita l, Car lson and Dunn. July 9, Philo. July 23 , Con cf'rt.
Friday Nig· t, June 27!' !989 at 8:!5
Frederick Southw· ck, Baritone, dgct Bo<Jrd of Educu tion Meeting. At the meeting of t hP. Board of Education at Kearney las r wee k Pe ru was gra nt e d a n e w sc ie n ce building. An approp riati o n of $80, 000 was st-t a !>i d e f or its con- \ stru c tio n . I The building will bP a three story. morl t·rn b u ilding abo ut 65 hy 125 ft'et. In it wi ll he noo sed the physira l 8ciences , bio logical sc ienrf's, ?n rl th e gef'gr aph y wo r k. ! Thi s b u ilding ha s long hel"n n eeri Pd and wi ll be g r ea t ly appr ecia tEd by those who have had w work amids t ' th e inconv e ni e nces of the old ·, scienre building. \ An approp ri a ti oi1 was made f or 1 t he pu rch ase of a ne w tru ck. This will m ake it posf' ible f o r th e Norm al fore~ t o h<:H:rl le their ow n cl ra v- ; ing and oth e r tran::portation . The truck is provirlt·d with a n unload· ing de vice. l r wi II he driv Pn u pnn th e r oo f of th e new C(l<d bin Bv : t h e u •e of a s im p le leve r t h e lna rl is i m meclia rely du •n ped inlo t h e bin. The n~ w tr uek wi ll h avt> three and one-half ton capac·ity . I Wh e n th e pav,ng 10: rl11llt' it w1 ol he , po ~s1b i e to unload t WIJ cH r s a day 1
T~ck et
or 50c I
tion made vac11 nt by the r es ig na tion of Professor Gregg. Professor Crago holds hi s Mast ers' Degr ee ' in Educat ion a nd psy cho logy at the Un iversity of Nebraska.
President Geor ge E. Martin . Tne Kearn ey Norm a l as we ll as the state of Nebraska is to be congratulated i n t he selec tion by the boa rd of education of George E . Marlin for presiden t of the Kearney Normal. Mr. Martin is a man of s t erling wort h who has mad e a p lace for himself in the educationa l c ircles not only of Nebraska but of th e nation . He knows of the sch.101 co ncli tions of Nebr aska for he has labored in practica ll y every fi eld . of edu cation. Pe ru has a r ight to h e proud that Presiden t Martin i s numbered am ng her alumni. The NP.brak:~a S tate Normal S(' hnol ; ar e fortunat e in havi n g fn ur men w ho are willing t o conpl'ratc in mak in g the four norm2 l sc hools a unit for be tter trainin g of t ea chPr s . There is no doubt tha t th e ~tate w ii l see a great sc hool in Kearn~y u nd~r th e !'kilf ~l ma nagement. of Pres1dent Ma r t 111.
Supt Moritz's Visit. R. 0 Moritz, city supE;!rint endin r ush tin t-8. At th i s same m Pe t in g Prof. J · ~~ · / e n.t of !'ch n0 ls at Sewan.J, spent Sho ,1::>e . n ow a grarluate st u lenr 1n ! seve ra l clays las t WP~t k at Per u. the Chicago Ur.1vers ity , was e lecr· ! Supe r in tendPnt Mor it z ha s been e d supe 1 in tendenL of the trHin1ng 1 a promi nent l'C hnol ma n in N(' bras· schoo l of ou r Norma l. Mr. S ho u se : ka Jnr C:l numbe r of yPar. Priors ha!:' all nf t is wo rk fo r hi s Dnctor ' : > : to a s!' umin g hi s presPnt position he Oo> gree c0m1Jiet!:'d bnt hi S di s!'e r-. 1 wa!-l i nsiJ ~ Ctor n f No r ma l training in th e State Otpartme nt of Educatai ·Oil . Mr. Sho U"P ha:; had n ine t ion Mr . Moritr. g- racluate d fro m Yt-llrs ' txpe r ie nce as supe rinten · l Per u twenty·six years atr0. In t he d e nt "f ~cnoo l s in th e mi!Jrlle wes t I cll ur se of hi s add r e:.:ti before the anrl fa, We" t. H e h~ s been heHd o f 1 stud e nt~ at th e chapel hour, he th e erl uc·aiJOn d e ra rtm erll at Grar:cl j po in t ed out the s tatu s of 1he Fchcol l :;l~ n d CniiPge , <.nd a l ~ n at Bay lor •· rHI·~ CH A P~~L WALK" a QtlC:lrter of a century ago, a nd a lso Col le ge. Rt>l t on. Tex Mr a nd Mrs. stres:sed the changes t hat have takSh O USt' Vl·:: l 1t-' d J)e l u a J t w wt-t-ks 1 "" Th made a place f~t r thPm - 1' - . . The N or · A. Crago, who ha s had cha rge of e n place, not onl y in the way of ago. ey . r t h e Ias t expa ns ion a nd impr oveme nt at ty a nd towns- ' th l' s important pos lll nn . M thu Lraini ng schoo l fo selves w tth t h e f ac Ul . 1 l 1' t e t ends a welco m e t o r. .. f h t Pres1de nt ' rna e x year will be tran sfl'rred to th e de· Peru , b ut al so in the nationa l conpeople whom t ey m e . ·ust . S hou se a nd bE-spea ks a most ave r cep tion of t.d~;ca t ion. Rouse feel s that h e ha s f.,nnd J. a bl e r eception fo r h im. Professo r pa r tmP n t of psyc h01ogy a nd educ athe kind of a man h e wa nts for
IPeru state Bank
g ive n i t thi s spring ancl the great I Hun gerford in Con cert Jun e 16.' i mprove m ent in appea ra nce tha t A s t h e second of t he s ummers 1 Entered at the l 'o~tollicc at Peru , Nc- has r es u lt e d, but i t still holds enter tai nm e nt s t he burlge t c om braska a s secontl-cl&s:< 111altcr. · Ic.r greater possibi li t i es. In t he natur- m i ttee presented Samue l ::~. ungerPubllshcd Weekly by ti.Je Peru State Normal at beauty of he r hi Its, her sturdy ford , Chicago violinist, i n conce r t 50 cts. per yea r.
Single co py 5 cts.
·- - Fl .. rl'n cc Gr•·l' n . Editor in·Chicf ?llarj:!an·t Alb•·rt A~~ociate Ed itor -r 1m 1wno i!I AI, sT.H' F. llcrlJc nOchsucr/ llu s iu ~ss ~ I au agcrs llar .. ld Lyucto f
Biggest t~nd Best. Am e ri ca is so big a nd t he Am e ricans do so many big things that i t causes a larg-e number of Am e rica ns to r ate s uccess in terms of b ig . bigge r, bi gg(~s t, and n ot i fl t erm s of good , bet t e r, best. Because Peru has had t he larges t attenda nce for nine m onths in the year and for two months in the yaar she has second pla ce d oes n ot n ece;;sa rily m ea n P e ru is the b est norm al for nin e months in t h e year and t hat her s ister n ormal is the bes t f or two months in the year. Because Peru has ha d mo re g rad ua tes eac h year t han any other two Normals i n th e sta te does not
necessarily signify t hat Pe ru is the bes t N orma l. If in tim e so me other state n ormal in Nebraska sho u ld have mor e stud ents en r olle d during the year and have ' more g raduates a t the e nd of th e year than Per u , it wou ld not s ig nify t hat Peru' s sta nd ing as a normal had d ecreased. It is onl y when every faculty membe r a nd eve ry student of Pe ru is d o in g hi s best t o make the school th e best Norma l, when th e fa cult y , the stud e nts and the c itize ns of our town ar e j oined in a uniterl effort to r a ise t he s tandard anJ moral e o f th e school that we have a ri g ht to ~ay that we are a " I3ig School." .T he n umbe r is an impo r tan t factor but it is not a n all impor tant factor in judg ing th e bigness of a school. We s hou ld b e bi g enou g h to si n cere ly r Pjo ice in the prosperity of Chadron, Kea rney a nd Wayne . The r e is a g reat work fo r a ll four nor mal s to d o in s upply ing our great state with a s uflicie nt s upply of t rained teach er s. Our Ct~mpus. In t he forward-l ooking , expand · in g policy whi c h Peru is pursu i ng one featu re should not be ove r· looked . That is t he possibi lities of her campus . Everyone i s deli g hte d w i th t he ca r e th a t has been
A Good Bank
oaks anrl vin e c lad h ickori es, Pe r u Monday, Ju ne 16. - - -IN- stand s transcende nt among th e Ju dging ry h is youth Mr. Hunschoo ls of the s tate. No other in- gerford ca nnot have been long be- . st ilution ca n compa r e wi t h he r in f or e th e pub li c ; but the poi se and I thi s re~pect. What a line thing it th e fin ish of p vrfor n..anct- sugg€st- l wou ld be tf a ll th e::.e na t ural beau · e J a vetE: ran mus ic ia n . The pro- · Phone 25 Phone 25 · · I CALL AT TH E t ies a nd th e i mp rovemE'n~s tn be g ram of tw elve_ numb ~ r!' was thoro - ~ ~ q u a ,. t! I) e a I Store made could b e workcJ Jnto one l ly del ig htful 111 cho tre , arra nge f or ba rgai ns in unifi ed harmoni ou s plan ! T nen m e n L and execution. and won gen every tree, eve ry bu sh, ev c> ry walk erous app lause from th e large aurl i 1\h:~n'~ Low and ev ... ry building woul d Ctln Lri bute i t:; pa rt to th e ge ne ra l effect. N .l jarring object wou ldappearany where. Me n might come and men m ig ht go but th e bea uty of th e
A Good .Town
ence. Mr. Hungerforrl wisely ! A n ew l ine of Hosiery for men, g-a ve hi s hea rPr::l th e pleasu rP. of 1 womt'n, boys and gir lfl . r ecogn i t ion, by play in g· ch ie fl y ! W. W. ;'\ AROI'-' well - kno wn co n lpO~H io ns ; but he T he home of Rerl Pep i nclu .ed also two o r thr ee newer \ _ _ ______ - - - - --
wo.uld. go on fr~m gene~·a· j things of d ist im:~ charm an? inter · Schmucker'!'\ Mar~t!t tt on to generatiOn. lt s m sptrallon est, inte rpreted 111 a n unm ts takea - · ha~ would r ef resh anti charm the vi:>it· bly moJP.rn sp 1rit ors and bind th e students to the T h e prog ra m opened wit h Svend EverJ' '' i nd of me~ t schoo l with th e stronges t cor ds of sen's appealing '' Ro ma nce," and se ntime nt and affecti oR. t he contrast in g t he mes were sym - / pa th e tica ll y r ende r ed . I n fact the Then !'>ome 1hi:lt The New N . E A . i n tar preta t ion of the program as a Th e Nationa l Educa t i•mal Asso - whole showed no lack of sympa thy You like to ei:lt ciation w~ i c~ meet s in Mll_w a uk~e ~ -wit A ess the delica t e m e lancholy I June 30 fo r Its a~nua l ::;~:os1 o n wt! l brou~nt o ut in the second passage Si:ln ir ary BH rh er Shop be a hi sto ry makt ng o ne . At tht s of K r eisler's "Tambouria Ch i no is," and Bath mee ting · plans will be se t in mo· and tile d a in ty t e nd e rness of Czer ti on wh ich wi ll make t he associa- won ky's " Serenade." P erhaps t he FIRST- CLASS WORKMEN t ion a r eal f a ctor in National outstand ing feat ure of Mr. H unBasement Fisher's affairs. If the r eorga ni za ti on goes gerford's p layi ng , however, was Drug Store into effect which th e leaders ha·;e the eastt witb which he hand le d 1 planned , the asso riati oR wi ll be technical eomplexities. H e lef t Your Patronage Sol icited 1 mor e of a wor kin g f orce t han it with his aud ience the impr essio n has been in the past. of a yo ung m u si c ia n wit h prom ise • Mr. J. W. Crabtr ee, th e Siecr eta· of a brill ia nt future. - - -- - -- - - -- - - -r y of t he associati on . h as secured Mr. Le l{oy Ca r lso n 's a ccompa ni - j an increase in t he me m bershi p f r om men t s we re mark~:d, as always, by , each of t h e states. Ma ny of th elie ins ight and p erePption of the so lo- j fhe hest i s our muttnfnr states ha ve d oubl ed tht=ir member- ilit's id ea , and con tr ib u ted defini · l Sundi:les ship. It was largely t hru hi s effo r ts ta ly to t h e merit of a charming /• ~nd that a bill was introduced in con- progr am. Sodus gre~s to aid normal sc hools. It is Pre~ident Rotlse -a;tenc! ed a 1 ' with ju:::t pr ide that all loya l Pe r uvians r ejo ice in th e grea t wo r k meeting of the Board of Education 1 1 done by an alumnus and f orm er a t KearnE>y, J u ne lRt h. Druugist ... president of the sc nno l. A large de lega tiOn from Nebr as· ~ahins' ka will be in atte nda nce at theN. 8. A. Our Pr eside nt Rouse is t he FOUNDED 1893 state dir ector f or Nebraska . H e A.M . M DOR NON . Mana £!er will leave wi t h h is pa r ty Saturday , T he most wid el y patroni zed , bPcause the m ost r e li able Teach er ' ~ June 28. Ag- ·ncy in the !\'I iddl e West. Territor y from the Mississippi river to Pae1fic Coast. F lyn n Bldg. Des Mo ines. Iowa. Goa ts on the Campus - ------ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Whe n spea ki ng of goats we must ~"n~·~~::tJ:•••~-··-~.,•-e!l'll!a.._.__~--••••-t-•-• ll!:lllll.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _""! not t htnk of the huma n variety"L E T JOH N DO IT" no one mus t do t ha t f or fea r h e m ig ht be t h inking too much about himse lf-no , no; it is t he Angora t ype, wh ich is used in so many of Why your Clea n ing, natu rally, wh y not '! Dry C l(;'an ing, Dyeour fine p a rks and esta tes t o ea t unnd erbru sh , bri ers ad bram bles, ing , L ad ies and Gents F irst Class Tai lor i ng that we want lo he lp us to k eep All wur-1\. !0\ati~factoa· y & prices reaso 11 able our forty a <' res of ca.m pus eas t of t he quad rar· .d e free from und er gro wth. T l. t,; is a st~ggestion from one of ot:r r eade r s w h ich mi ght Tailor and Cleaner Peru, Nebr be worth whil e co nsi de r i ng.
Chi&ly Goods
Fisher Bros.
Educational Exchange
For an.vthing in dry goods, shoes, furnishings & groc6ri es at right prices. Give us a Call. Philo . Philo held its first sum mer m eet 111g last Friday eve ni ng, .June 20 . The size of the aUl.IJe nee ev inced the society's sple n did members hi p. The f ollow ing p r,Jgra m afforded a de lightful r c:! la x,lti on afte r the week'sschoo l wo rk: Ad dress, Miss
ivJ:. E. GOOD The Cash Store
Friday at 5 :30. Remember to RP.member when in Nebraska leave your name on the Y. W. City it is only hulletin board by Thursday noon. Leave your quarter with the comOne Block North mittee. Yo ur lunch wi II be r eady OF THE From th e way the kodaks are for you. There wi II be some body kept busy th er e shoul d be plenty of thPre to take you. Where do we BURLINGTON good s nap shots to be seen when go? We ll, come and you'll find TO Huffman ; pian • solo. Mi<s Hem- we get home. out. A Good Lunch or ingway, r ea t in\!, M i·H Pda-> ; Dance The eonferen ce is simply great. Faculty Items of the Dai;;i e.;, M isse;-; Patt erso n Splendid Meal We have five or six lectures each Miss Antoinette Sands spent th e and Bates ; reau1n\!. Mi s:; Feree: day hv so me of the greate:st men week-end with her fri end,. Edith ''SAY IT WlTH FLOWERS popular £ong s, M l:>~cs Gr egg, Wi 1• tha t ca be founrl: such as J . Stitt Dor t , at Aubu rn. on, Titus, Beck and Mt>l s~ n e r. Wi lson. Dr. J o hn Timothy Stone, Miss F lor a Crumley of Beatrice, Fresh Watch the bull etin hoard fo r t he cut flowers for every Dr. 1<ur tz, and others. who has been visiting Miss Rul on, po!lter an no un<'ing- " A High Old occasion in appropriate arrangeY. W. C. A. Notes. returned home last week. Time," July ll. l!i theY. W C. A. dead yet? Prof. M. C. Lefler was in Lin- ments--Our leading specialty at Estes P ark Not<>s. No. not by a ny means. We had coin Friday on business connected all Seasons of the year. The Estes Purk bunch from Peru another one of our interesting with the L i ncoln schools. is havi ng t he time of thl-'ir lives. 1 m ee tings S unday morning . Miss Ethe lyn Dewey expects to G. E. BERTHOLD Tht:: Nebraska de legat io n wa~ Mi ss Esther Clark welcomed the leave at the end of the week for ''The F lorist '' given.a spec ial ca r fr om Lincoln, H. S . g irl s in to t heY . W. C. A. Iher home near JaMesvi lle Iowa,. Nebraska City, Nebr. so we had plenty of r oom and bts in her usual wi nning an d whole- where she will spend her summer vacation . of fun until a ho ut three a . m. hearted manner. Cal l at the-- When m :>:>t of th e f e ll ows W(-'re Our t opic, My Favorite Song, Did Prof. Rose Clark mal<e her Chase Barber Shop sound as leep t he brakeman came was led by Miss Eva Allen. We t ri p to Pawnee Ci ty Saturday? along punching U !; in the ribs say- often si ng our hymns wit hout Did Mr. G. w. Br ooks of the for first·c lass work ing "Get up and m ove into the thinking of t he mi Fsion the com- history depar tment ru n hi s machAgent fo r · 'Ci eansin~" nex t car; thi s car is on fire. Did po~;e r v:·is hed t hem to. have. They ine to Nebrsaka City the same day? dr y rub shampoo for ladiee we m ove ? W ell, I say we did; are tru ly hP.art-songs with that Nay, veril y. It rained . We are hair dressing. It does the but it was only a hot box. · touch of natur e which makes the pleased t o note, however, that wor k without water. Leave it t o Spickler to find stuff whole wor ld kin. Thi.:~ was brot these kindhearted and t~ou gh tful l A . W. CHASE to ea t. At any s tatio n where the to our minds by sketches of pers0n- autoists are not depend mg upon trai n stopped fiv& minu tes, Spick , al hi st0ry of some of our most schreeching horns a lone to warn ~ ----.---------got some thing to ea t. familiar a nd beloved hy m n writers. the humble pedestrian, but have , PO!BShCS The ride fr om Denver to the Miss Gnckley t old us abou t Fanny placed other warnings uoon thei r \ . Park in the auto w ill not soon be J. Cr osby , the most prolific writer cars that he who runs may read- ~ LaCCS f orgotte: n. of Go:;pe l songs. Miss Hazzard "DODGE BROTHERS. " • ~h L ee Lo ng says he has hi s money's told of t he Mi sses Thrupp and ., ~ worth a lready, and things have Elliott. Mi&s Miller of Sarah Band Notice, j us t startP.d. Flower Adams, and Mi8s A lfs of Mr. Gould wishes to see all men Bi ll T hGl ma;z; has wonderful eves Phoebe Ca ry .. All _o f these talks who are in terested in the or ganiza- ~hoo ~hop out in th is c limate. He t hot he were both e n l1g hte nmg and s ug p:es· tion of a band a t the Chapel, Fri- ~ ~ CP could see a man on top of Long' s tive . Others took a n active part day evening at 8 o'cl ock. Peak, forty miles away . He also by te lling of the ir favorita hymns - - - - - - - _ _ _ •~saw a wago n r oad running to the and why they were favor!tes. LADIES & GENTLEMAN t op of some hi~;h pea l<. Miss Maude Clevenger . sa ng a Auburn Laundry S haver , Hemi ngway a nd Huffe r beautiful vocal pr~ycr wntten by If you want had some real exci te m ent on Sheep James Whi tcomb R il ey. . CLEAN ING, PRESSING & · T d when they We. welcome yo u to our meetmg I DRY Mounta 111 , ues ay, · . h · ch wi 11 were caug ht in a r eal st orm an d next Sund ay morn m g , . w 1 ·ss Gene r a l Laundry Work li htning st ruck a large tree near be conducted h y unr pres 1dent, ~ 1 Call Phone 53 g Marie Gibson. Come and blmg them. . Mark A. Delzell, Agt. fn ends. . t Each P. m. is g ive n over to your Girls , don 't fo rget the h1ke next Will collect Mondays. Basket a est. We had a g reat time up Some Roarin g R ive r yesterday. of the boys tried taking a bath in t he river, and they all dec ided it was r ea ll y co ld.
I l
Ten nus
at thC
Fountain Pens New Stock
Just Received
~c~li~m~b~s~to~d~i~ff~e~r:e~n~t~p~o~i~n~ts~o=f=i=n=t=e=r·lF==~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEWMAN · STUDIO AVENUE STORE FOR
Dependable Stationery,
Portraits Kodak Finishing
Fou ntai n Pens School Suppli es Confectionery , Fruits, !3r eaddCookies, Meats, Grocen es an Vegetables
Phone 73
LANDOLT, Peru. Neb.
w atch-:s,
Peru . Nehr.
Spectacals and
Jewel ry,
I . Fountain Pens STATE :: BANK
School Pins -
Sold aud Repaired School Suppli es and Pennants AT
Phone 56 /
Barnes' Pharmacy
Reliable Jeweler
Peru. NPhr.
An old reliable bank with assets of over
Normal Cathol ic Association.
on many good social times
The Normal Ca th ol ic Association during thP. su mm er: Cass Co unty breakfast . is an organization of t h e Catho lic Wh at? Breakfas t. students who attend Peru Normal. It i s the • 'young peoples' society" When? Saturday a. m. of this church and hears the sa me Where'! In th e woods. relationship to it that the Y. M. Who? Cass County. and Y. W. have to ot h2r churches. "Come on, get up. th e a larm has · Pres1dent Cra btree was r espo n· 1·unrr "'' " was the expression used in sible for t he beg- inning of the Nur- 1a good ma ny room~ Saturda~ morn ma l Catho li c Associati on , in 1907. ing abo ut five o clock. Wl th th P. Pxcepti o n of one p er son who wasn'1 The organization was car_ri ed o n fortunate e nough to have a ca~s by Mi ss Elea nor Lally , a t eachPr Cou nty r oommate, and a s a r esu lt in the training scl) ool , who is now a rr i ved at th e m eeting p lace t en a mP.mber of the faculty of Chicago minutes roo late. UnivP.rs ity. At that tim e there The crowd . after a pleasant walk, were s ixty or more momb e rs and arriverl at th e ir de ~ tination. mass was rPad by a pri est fn •m Such a br eakfast Ge nuin e bacon Ne braska City for th e ir be n efit at eggs, huns. cook ies, fruit and the home of Mr. and Mr~. David coffee sati sfied the i r keen appetitP.R. Jack, as ml.lny times durin~< the Ta lk abL)Ut playing b'!se hall. a year a il th e weather permitted. Mr. fas t game they han with only a and M rs. Jack have e ve r si nee that few int e rr upt ions by SE Vl'r al losing time kindly given the f:tudents the their eq uilibrium. After the game u se of their home f,:r that purpose, the; retu rn ed ho me ho t an-I tired, thP. g irls takin g turns in a rran!!inj! but having had a good tim e . the tempora r y altar and the chairs. Cass ! Cass ! Cass! The crowd was neve r too large Yep! Yep! Yep! f or each one to receive a warn'! Cass ! Cass ! Cass! we lcome from Mr. ancl M rs. J ack. She' s got the r e p! The meeting-s on Sundays when She's fu ll of life! there i!'> not the opportunity of She ' s fu ll of pep! a ssisting at mass, have ueen held And She rl oes a ll thinJ{S in the· r oo m furnished by th e asWith a li vely Stl-'p. sociatio n in the Norma l Hall . These mee tings consis t 0f a short prayer and song service, and the transaction of the bus iness of the a ssociation. At present th er e ar e twenty- six Catholic stud e nts in a tte ndance at summer schoo l. Si nce !<" ather Weiss of Nebrasl<a City, is having a vacati on just n ow, t he S undav meeti ngs will be he ld in theN. C. A. room. Miss Kath erine Thomas of Paw·· TJ-I~ OLU NOWl'H S f t:PS" nee City i s pres ident of th e assohack t fJ ..;rh ool. A Letter F ·om Estes. c iatio n, Miss Luc.v Kell y of Ul ys ses is secr ~ ta ry an d tr ea~ urer, and P,,; tes Park. Co 'o ...Ju n e 19. 19!9 . We ar c h ea r inl! ~om " of rh e Mi ss E sthe r Conway of Gr esham is - Ot•ar F'r 1end - 1 t•dd you when lll' ·tnrl -«r l ~cl ur es nn th P vi ral qul'S· th e pianis t. Mi ss Mary Loui ~e Y.. !'terda .v we wP le ft tlwt I w·1ull 1 r v to le t I'll 1 t io ns o f tlw 1i m es Boetj e of the art d e partment is know ho w ·Ne W~-"re l!f' tl i rog- a lon g hua r rl Dr . Kurtz , J S t i 1t.; W1lso n. faculty adv iser. If vou co ulrl l'l' h(' rl-' wilh tH 1• 0 11 Dr. J oh n T1mothy S ro nfl a nrl J The No rmal Ca tho li c AsH1ciation A _.9RAGD~ S R J s ur ~ l y wo uld know th at the l~oys Cr~mLlhel l White. all of whorn.are j!r eatly appreciate~ th ~ sy mpath y (S ize of h ead i s much large r than ar e having- tlw 1 i rn ,.. o f th f' ll' l i vPs. 1 very wond e rf nl !"p ?~ l<ers Re~Hl f'~ and co o per a ti on of Pres ident thi s picture i ncli ce~tes. ) OnP. nf th tl hoys last n i v ht !'a trl l rhe l"ct urPs we h 'lV '-' co nfer e nces Ro use a nd th e e ntire faculty. P. S A. Cr 1.1go, .Jr., arrived in h... ha c! h i 4 mnnevs' wo r l h no w : and di scus~ion groups Linco ln Tuesday a m . J· nP 24. Yt>HP rda ~· p . m. Wt• tot)k a lo ng \ Y o urs t rul y. . H .) . Cottl e. Cass County weight 9 lhs. The fa th e r is doin g climh :md Jl'Ot caug ht in M r Pa l j C<liendilr. 1 . Wh e n th e mee ti ngs of th e county a!' we ll as could be ex pected . m" ontain . ·~torm and n ....· a rl .v f roze - j u~>'Inn rl ay an d we d nes• 1ay , Orch"s,. 1 clubs were ca ll ed last wee k. an heforewego t h -1c < 1oca mp . To- ! tr a 7:00to R: I 5 . Correct ion. ensthu s ias tic t"rowcl from Ca ~s day we ton k a lon l! tril1 up th e Tuesday anrl Th u r sdav , GIPe County met and orj!an izecl. Ma rIt was not the printt> r 's fault nor f{oa m in g F o r k l{tvt->.r whe rP we ~a w Cl ub '. 7:3 0 t o 9:00 g-aret Albert was e lec t ecl rref' ide nt, even hi R "dev il's " fault, wlw n the some l'l-'~.1 fall s lo thP. fl m we 1 Monda y a n d W l•dn e~day , Chnru s, J essi e Whal e n a s sec r e tar y , a nd sta t eme nt was m ade la~t w eek C<Jl1 atLPnrl t>cl the CPnf,• r Purp f r0 m 7:30 ! 5 :30 . Gadys Hal l as treas ure r. cerni ng- t he n umber of newstudents tn 12 :30 , ;.~nd I arn l.? lad t n n •port i Jun e 27, Snn th wick RPcita l. The m e mbe rs hi p numbered s ix - matricu la ted. The "4" came b e- th a t not one of th e p,..,. ,, bun ch has. Ju l y~. 10, 11, Art Exhibit. teen, and they a re fortunate il'l fore the ' '2 ", m a kin g s ·Jme d1 fft' r - m issed a si ng- IP mPet 111g f:O far. 1 ll , p h1. o. .J uy 1 having Professor Jea n as th e ir ad- en ce. We n ~ •v hav<t 253 who ha ve The meeting!-: a re !lo Vl-' ry inte re:3 t July 18, R ec ital , Carlson and viser. never b een E ' ro ll ed in P e ru b efo re, in ~ . that nobod y care~ to mi ss a ny D unn. Of course Cass a l ways does every 19 JJu l y 14 ' 11 R ·t 1 th ing up right and are by no ax we ec1 a . u y , means slow in doing things . They ov2r la st year. ence n ex t year when the boyil come J 1 C t u y 23 , oncPr .
i i
:~~~h e~~:>~en:~ap~~~:n~~:re~~: :fillt~:~· :;::ff::3s~~e~~~:~o~;;r~~·
r ,
War Lecture==
''How Paris and Civilization were saved." ''A )'ear with _Pershing at the front."
hy Rev . H
H. Harmon, of Lincoln • Th.1s 1ec t ure 1s . full of thrtlling, . . interesting and instructive fac ts, and will b~ glven Itt · the Chapel, Tu.e!-!day, July 8, 8:15p.m. Budget ticket or 50c. You cannot afford to miss this great lecture.
Ifirst great address since returning qual!-~from the war, it will he a rare
WAR LECTURE those he added the elements of H . . H. Harman, pastor of the h.onesty anfl sincerety. These First Chri stia church of Lincoln, t1es, he thought, under the guidis one of the most popular minis- ance of saneand purposeful thot, ters in our capital city. He is a w?u.ld be of inestimable worth. man of pleasing personality, a good D1v1dends are so great, said the voice and above all he has a way speaker, that no teacher can afford of getting hi s message into the not to mak.e these investments. hearts of his hearers. Uolike the usual per!'on who talks on war ex- ! CAPTAIN EARL CLINE. periences, Mr. Harmon not only ' Cnptain Earl Cl ine, the orator of narrates. he a lso interprets the things he saw In view of the fact that his year was soent !n serving the boys at the aetna! battie front, we may be sure that he has a message that w ill t.~rill and inspire us. Argonne Fores t and Chateau Thierry are familiar terms to him. He witnessed t he drive that fail ed . and he lped in a very practical way the boys who h<> lp' d to stem the tide. In s pite of the fact th at there was often a rough Pxterior to the American soldier, tht> lecturer was abl e to penetrate this and he gives us an amazing picture of hi s sacri•fice a nd devoti on . ->
Purely f rnm the stan .. pomt o history and its interpre tati on you are the loser if you fai I to hear thi s lecture which Px pla ins that epoch-making period of the Great War.
-- - -- ·- -
Dr. Beattie Speaks. Dr J A. Beattie of Lincoln addresseci the students and faculty at t he chapel hour Wednesday , June 25th. Dr. Bea ttie is always a welcome visitor at Peru, he having formerly been president of the Normal School here. He has a lways bPen active in promoting educati ona l cond iti ons in Nebraska. H e enjoys a wide and favorable acquaintance thru out the state because of hi s work in the interest of teachers. His message was appropriate and wel l received . He pled for a hig her degree of accu,•·acy and businessli kP.r -a"Ctitude in the teacher's ,4 ualification. To
THWICK _CONCERT privilege, for no more brilliant A large audience enj oyed the deman ever gradu~ted from Peru. lightful concert given by Frederick He hasalways been loyal toevery ]Southwick, Chicago braitone, June communi ty in which he has served, 27 . In introducing him Dr. House as he has been to his Alma Mater t old ua that he was an "amazingly and his country. It is not only good fellow," besides being a due Captain Cine but .jt. is due our- splendid musical artist. It was selves for every Peruvian to go to indeed the singer's attractive and Nebraska City to hear this brave, genial personality added ·to his extraordinary mellow, flexible the day at the Nebraska City cele- loyal alumnus . and resona nt voice, and his intelli bration on the Fourth, graduated ·- - - gent inter pretations, that won his from Peru in the class of 1907 He Just as We Suspected. audience from the start. was e lected principal of the Sidney Mis Leona May Roby of Red Mr. Southwick opened his prohi2'h school .:. t a sa lary of $75. Oak, Iowa. and William Reed of gra m with the alwavs popular After teaching in Siclney a few Au burn sur prised their fri ends Prologue to I Pap:liacci, which he yP.ars he ente-red. ·the law school at greatly by go ing to Kansas City, sang with sympathy anrl dramatic the State University. In 1913 he ~here they wer~ united in mar was e lected superintendent of the nage at the Baltimore hotel Mon fee ling. This was followed by a Geneva schools; in 1915 he was day, June 23, at four o'clock. The group of Shakespeare songs, among them, "Hark, Hark the Lark, in c hosen superintendent of the Ne - 1ceremony was solemnized · by Rev. bra~>ka City schoo ls. He r esigned ' Mr. Moore ·of that city. They re -. which the pianissimo effects were turned to the br ide's home at Red exquisite. The next group, old t o take up the practice of law in Oak where they spent several days fa shioned concert favorites, were N ebraska City. vi siting with he r father and other interpreted in a new way, which When .America entered the war, " request of the Governor of relatives and frienrls. M,is Roby lent them added interest. Among at th ' t he group of folk songs the echo Nebraska, he organized the Sixth attended school at Peru during the passap:e in "Tim Rooney 's at the Nebra"ka Regiment. When the Iyear 1917- 18 , and has been teachgov"rnment failed t0 accept the I ing in Myrna, Nebraska, .the past Fighti n' " especially pleased the 'services of the regiment, due to 1 year. Mr. Reed was a member of aud ience. The program closed wit h the draft law, Mr. Cline enlisted the S. A. T. C. organ iza ti on at th ree modern songs, "The Bitterin t he officers training schnol at Peru last fa ll, and si nce his di~ noss of Love," in whi ch the acFort Sne llin!l where he was given charge has been em ployed on his companiment effects were charm, ' . . father's farm near Auhurn . Con- ing; Huhn's dramatic "lnvictus," a ca ptain s comm1ss1on. After receiving his commission, gratulationl3.-Auburn Republican. which was sung with power and feeling , and Fay F oster' s stirr ing he was sent immedia tely to Camp Miss Jessie Todd and Mr. Paul war !'ong, "The Amer icans Come." Funston wher e he assisted in the 1 Kidd were married recently, and Mr. Southwick sang 'three numtraining until in the spring of ; are now spend ing the honPy moon 1918, when he was sent over with in sunny California. Mr. and Mrs. bers:' "Open the Gates of the Temhi s company, which became a part : Kidd were so well and so recently ple,'' by Knapp, ''Drink t o Me of the now famous Eighty-ninth known in Normal School circles Only with Thine Eyes." and "lnDiv sion. that their many fri ends in Peru victus" by request. He responded 1 Captain Cline was severely wil l join in a God-speed in life's to three em·ores, among them, I· "Dear Old Pa l of Mine" and a wounded from a machine gun bu I let Journey. · Carrie Jacobs Bond number. The while leadi ng his company in a Miss Ruth M. Collins of Malvern, whole program was one of rare charge in the Saint Mihiel drive. Ia., a member of the senior class, musica l p leasure, no small part of Due to a skillful surgical opera- 1919, was married June 26 to Rev. which was contributed by the intion, Captain Cline was saved for Harry J. Moore of Craig, Nebr. telligent a nd sympathetic r enderhi s country and Nebraska. Miss Collins was very popular and ng of the accompaniment parts by It will be a rare treat for any will be remembered as taking a Mr. Carlson. one to hear Captain Cline, but to prominent part in music affairs. all Joyal Peruvians who can hear N. E. A. is now in session. Be patriotic 1very day. him on him on the Fourth, in his
by the women, but t he rig ht is not complete. Th is !:!peci a l session wi ll Ente red at t he Posto ffiee at Peru , Ne- make possible the parti c tpation of braska a s s econ.d etas!< matter . all citizens, men and women, in Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal the ra tifica tion of th~ new state constitntion, the most important 5 0 cts. per year. Single copy 5 cts. and fa r-reaching consideration since Ne braska haR been a sta te. It will make complete the enfranchisement of women, whose votes may be depended upon, not only to preserve us a democracy in a political sense, but t o preserve us a nati on and as a people in a social Edito r in-Chief anrl mora l 11ense. f (., rcncc Gr. en .
Nl a rgard Albt·rt
A ~ ~ ocia tc- Edito r
Til l! U IOITO iliA L. STA FF.
HcrLcrt Ochs ner I Ha ro• ld Lynch f
B u s iu c,;~
1\l anagcrs
Our Cultured Audience. The best, t he very best yet-we must admit it. Peru has always as a rule been blessed with a cultured class of students, yet it seemed that some would forget. But thi~ summer our students do not f orget. At t he Southwick recital last Friday ni g ht, an a lmost perfect audi ence gave the strictes t attention thr uou t that splendid prog ra m, and at its elose cheered and cheered f or j ust one more treat. Tl.e Right of Suffrage. There id no de mocracy whose constit uency is "half slave and ha lf free." Suff rage is the guara nt ee t hat governme nt · ' of the people, by the people a nd for the people sha ll not peri sh from the earth." It has taken a long t :me to impress tlti s cardinal principal to a point where it can be recog nized as hav ing actual and practical appli cation. Really there is no arg umen t against it. On ly in the selfishness of the traditional and pol itica l past does one fi nd the answer as to how men have assumed and pe r petuated the guardianship of the ball ot . There seems little recognition of the fa ct that while men were "hunting, fishing, and sitting about," the women of the race were t eaching th ~:! art of industry , and were prE'ser vtng unto poste rity thru the ir la bor. sacrifice and devotion, the acq ui siti-ons of last ing worth. But a new day is at hand. In the United States of America the right of suffrage f or women is all but a fact. The statesman hails the day; only the politician looks askance. Governor Samuel MeKel vie is proceeding with state;;ma nlike vision in his call for a special session of the Nebraska legislature during the month of Jul y, in order that the right of suffrage may be extended forthwith to the women of the state. Already partial suffrage is enJoyed
Concerning County Certificates.
Foll owing a re the ch ief far:ts c oncerni ng coun ty certi ficates in t he new cer t ificai on law : 1. No third grade certificates. 2. Second g rade -Engli sh composition and book keeping are eliminated; no grade below 70, and a n average of 80; g o•ld for two years. 3. Renewal of second grade after July, 19. N o g rade below 75 percent, average of 85, presentation of a certi fica te show ing six college hours earned in college or normal schoo ls. 4. Fi rst g rade county cert ificates -Public school mus ic replaces phys ics in the f our additi onal subj ects ; no grade below 75 percent and an average of 80; good for three years. . 5. Renewal of first grade-No grade below 80. average ~5; upon presentati on of certitir.ate showing six college hours earned s ince issuance of certificate.
Peru State Bank
Pawnees on the Trail. The ne w moon was but two nights away whe n th e Pa wnees, two score in nurnbe r. fi led down the steep t rad to thP. Val ley of the Great Sw ne Seats, a nd t hl:'re held a - - -I N-- f~-a st . and a mighty powwow. Many- squaws had bPen hu w f or days pre pa ri Oil t he mea ts for the feas t. Ri g ht val ia n Liy did each Pa wnnee attack the via nds, till Phone 25 Phone 25 they d i sappt>arerl before the onCALL AT THE slaught . Square Oeal Store Big Chi ef Kuhl man with a band f or ba rgains in of aought.v w':lr r iors from t he home Mc:n's Low camp r ode fa r over t he pl ai ns in A new line of Hos iery f or men, he r fir ~ wagon, t o a ttend the great wo me n. boys and g irls. counc il a nd to lead in t~ l l t he feastW. W. MARDI' ing. The home of Red Pep Large is t he t ribe, and val iant. The Nemahas a nd the Cassites Schmucker's Market tre mble in the ir hiding !Jlaces when t he Pawnees take the tra i I t o the has counci l g rounds, and even the Gage Every kind of meatwarri ors shudd er to hear the tribal song of the Pawnees: ond Pawnee, rah, rah! Then some that Pawnee. rah , ra h! Hoo ra h ! Hoo r a h ! You like to eat Paw nee ! Rah ! Rah !
A Good Bank
A Good Town
Saline County Notes. Sonitary BHrher Shop The students from Saline county o nd Bath have orga ni zed a county club. The FIRST-CLASS WOR KMEN members a r e : fl or ence McAlpin. M a~g i e McAlpin, Margar et Strope, Base me nt Fi sher ' s Friend; Syl via Kresl, Helen Kuce- 1 Drug Store ra, Emma Otto, Mae Simbovsky, You r Pa tronage Soli cited Tobias ; Zada Akins, Emma Meyers, Mabe l Meyers. Ever ette Steele, Prokop, Anna Wester n; Anna Snauer, Wil ber. H elen Kucera was chosen president and Ewret te Steele, secretary and t reasurer . They are ve r y fortuna te to ha ve I" he best is our mnttu for Mi ss Burley as t he ir sponsor and Jefferson County Club. Sundaes advi ser . P resident , Fra nces E. l:ihE'a; second re tary a nd treasur er, Mi s~ House A letter f rom Pro. F . C. S mith. holder; eighteen members. now in Brooklyn, says " Ever y Sodas J efferson county is on the map ~h i ng go_ing fine he re We a r e h h "J ff ·" JUSt sta rtmg a new $ 100. 0 00 builrlf p o e ru, w en t e e :s g et t u- ing to hou:se ou r a utomobile school '\ gether there is some th ing doing . :Awfull y busy hut happy. We have Father Abrams, a thorobred Peruvian f or our county ~abins' superintend ent. All of our crowd are go ing to be gradua tes from FOUNDED 1893 Peru so me t.ime. "A J eff".
C. P. SCOVILL, Prop.
Chilly Goods ,
Fisher Bros.
Fducational Exchange
A.M. M DORNON, Manager
The most wide ly pa t ron ized, bE'cause the most re liable Teacher's Mond ay and Wednesday, Orches- A g ~_n cy i n t he Mi dd le West . Terri tory from the Mississipp i r iver to Paelfic Coast . Flynn Bl dg. Des Moi nes. Iowa. tra, 7 :00 t o 8: 15. Tuesday and Thursday, Glee Clubs, 7 :30 to 9 :00. . Monday and Wednesday, Chorus, "LET JOHN DO IT" 5 :30. July 9, 10, 11 , Art Exhibi t. July l 1, Philo. July 18, Recital, Carl son and Why your Cleaning , nat urally , why n ot? Dry Cleaning, DyeDunn. ing , . La di es and Gents First Class Tailoring . July 19. Philo. July 14, Maxwe ll Recital. A II work s atisfactory & prices rea son a ble July 23, ConcP.r t. - -Miss Edith Dort of Auburn spent the week-end with her fri end, Miss Tailor and Cleaner Marie Gibson.
J . .4. CEJKA,
For anything in dry goods, shoes, . furnishings & grocE-ries at right prices. Give us a Call.
Mrs. for Mil waukee, to a t te nnd the N E A
M. E. GOOD The Cash Store
· ·left· Opportunities Offered Peru PeopJe to Celebrate in Near-by President Rouse and family last Thursday for Kewanee, Illino is, Towns for a few days' vi sit with Mrs . Nebraska City Celebrntlon. Auburn Celebration. Rouse' s relatives. From thE> re Mr. and Mrs. Rouse will g o to Milwau(What her "Bill" says.) (What her "Bill" says.) kee to attend the Nati ona l EducaGrand M iIi tary Parade of the tional Association. Grandest cel ebrat ion ever offered returned soldiers and sailors of the in any county seat. Prof. J . W. Searson, former ent ire county. head of the Eng li s h departme nt of Four Bands -Auburn, Weeping Red Cross dinner for soldiers and the PPru N orma l, and now m a nagWater, Syracuse and Nebraska City sailors. ing editor of "School Se rvice, " SpE-aker of the Day government publication, will be LQcal movies. CAPT. EARL M. CLINE. in attendance at the N. E. A., Mrs. Airplane fli g ht by Army Aviator Searson accompanying him. Plenty of refreshmets. Geo. H. McKay. Miss Antoinette Sands, assi stant Two dare-balloon asc"e nsi ons. Two big free street attractions. in the commercial department for Base ball game Syracuse vs. Ne· 1 Beatrice Band. the past year, and who was elected head of the commer cial department rasbka City. Base ball, Johnson vs. Auburn. Free dinner to soldiers and saiof the Gering high school, has just been notified that the school lors. Fireworks, 10 p. m. board has voluntarily increased her Come and enjoy a big day with Come early, stay lat.e .. salary $25 a month. Blessings u prm such boards. May their tribe increase.
If you want DRY CLEANING, PRB:SSING & · Genera l Laundry Work Ca ll Phone 53 Mark W. Delzell, Agt.
Will collect Mondays. Basket at Chase's Shop
RP.member wh en in Nebraska City it is only
One Block North OF THE
A 6ood Lunch or ·splendid Meal Call at the- - -
Chase Barber Shop
for first-class work Prof. Abba Bowen !;pent the Agent for · 'Cieansine" Y. W. Hike. ,I Ruth Snyder will Sh spend·11 the week ·e nd at her home in Omaha , b dry rub shampoo for ladies At six o'clock Friday evening a Fourth at. Pawnee. e sw1 ,e, where she went to mee t her brother b h •. hair dres!ling. It does the trong who has just returned from France merry group of Y. W. girls assem- greatly m1 ssed Y t e without water. work · bled on t hQ campus, each equipped girls. after two years o f war serv1ce. . Cl . with a cup and spoon. Formmg Sergt. John W. Sahlstrom, ass A. W. CHASE We hear that. Professo r ? rago_ I S in couple!! we marched past the of '1 6, of the medical bra nch of taking a ~p:c1al course m :h1ld •j new training building, halting only the A. E. F., has retu:ned .from s udy at Lm~o l~ under the C"ll~ec- long enough for a number of girls Fran·ce to hill home m M1laca, ti on of a spectalt st al ong that lme. to secure mysterious but interest- Minn. The instruction and the lab.oratory ing looking packages from the Some of the girls who are going are both of such high quail tv . that domestic science laboratory. We horne for the Fourth have been the Professor is nego:iating for then made our way down the road kind enough to offer the ba~k st-ats j t heir removal .t o P eru In t~e near t o"the athletic field. A cool so.uth of their conveyances to their pals I future. He thtnks the latest. ~c- breeze wall blowing making th1s a who are less fortunate and have no qui sition to the laboratory equip · delightful place for a picnic. Here means of g oing. ment; little John. wi II soon be able a circle was f ormed and we played Landlady :- It is r eported by to Say ' 'Papa " games and !;ang song-s. some one pas.!dng that you gir 1s - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. S E Be ntley and daughter, A delicious picnic lunch was made a great deal of noi se after Evelyn, from Er ie, Pa , are visit- served, consisting of sandwiches, the lights were out last night. ing Mrs. Be ntley's daughter, Mrs. p.otato chips, salad, fruit punch, Jane:-What were they doing F. B. Dail ey. Afte r about t wo ice cream and wafers. After some out at that tima of the night? wee~ they will proceed to Ca li- rousing cheers h~d been give~ ~e Don't Be a Knocker. f ornia, where th ey will make their scurried up the hill to the reclt~ , Hide your litt le hammer and try home for a time. but not until we had assured M~ss j to speak well of others, no matter Mrs. M. 11~. Loomis, of Welling- Riecker, the chairman of the social how small y u may really know ton, Kansas, is v isiting her son, committee, and her compP.tent ad- yourself to be. Don't d!sco~rage Prof ..J. H. L~omis. She expects viser, Miss Bowker, that we had this ne~ comer by ~:~ peakmg tll of spent a most enjoyable two hours. your netghbor. J I to remain here during u y, =======~=====
PolisheS LaCeS TenniS ShoeS at the Shoe Shop
Conklin'S Fountain Pens New Stock
Just Received
Barnes' Pharmacy .
Phone 73
Peru. Neb.
School Pins- Rings
Portraits Kodak Finishing
Spectacals and Fountain Pens
Phone 56
Dependable Stationery, F 0 unta i n P ens School Suppli es Confecti onery, Fruits, :Bread Cookies, Meats, Grocen es and Veg e ta bles
Sold oud Repaired School Supplies and Pennants AT
· ]. C. CHATELAIN, Peru, Nehr.
Reliable J e wel er
Peru, Nebr.
An old reliable bank with assets of over
Base Ball Game--Auburn vs. Peru--Athletic Field, 4:15 P· m. Wednesday. Admission Budget ticket or 25c Jaunt of th~ 20's and 21's. Did you see a big bunch of in-
LEST WE FORGET. That these dead shall not have died in
v~ in,
and that government of the people, by the people and for
telligent looking stu ·lents on the the people shall not perish from the earth. campus Saturday night, each carrying a cup? Every one passing knew that thev were j unoirs from the P.nthusiasm they P.xhibited as they fell into sing le file behind a leader bound for a picnic and a jolly good time. Down the hill they went, thru brush and arouncl trees to the athletic field. The long I ine that would reach from one end of the field to the othur, formed two circles and the games began. Oh, say! You should have sEen how Professor Jean enjoyed himself -as if he felt r Ppaid for his faithful servicas to the class. We are sure that any one who saw him run will never forget. him. One game followed another in quick succession . Each was played with a lot of pep and spirit. Then the eats ! You may be sure that the juniors showed just as much enthusias m there as in playing ga mes. How the eats committee did serve ! Don't aRk a junior how many sandwiches he ate, how much lemonade he drank, or how much ice cream he took care of, because no one could even estimate. Oh , yeR! Professors Jean and u. Delzell did their share. He couldn't have. gotten along without Mr. Delzell and Mr. Jean. The g ood time came to an end as every good time must. A last look at the preLty spot which nature had worked all spring to prepare -H,e beautiful dense foliage, dotted with firef:l i es. and the soft velvet carpeting of blue grass over the floor of the athl etic fi eld. The goddess of night drew down the dark curtain.:! as Billy Boellstorff was ringing the curfew bell on the hilltop. Out of the dark · ness came a lus ty ye II that echoed Students Still Registering. [literate. as shown by th !o' 1918 cen at its last sess ion in voting 30 000, and r~-ech o ed from the hIlls which Since the first matriculation sns, according to a cable just re- 000 pesos to extend the educational sounded sumethinl! like this: students have enrollerl from t he ceived by th e War D epartment sys tem so that ~ch ool s will be availJun. jun, rah, ran, .· allowing towns : Nebraska City , from Vice Governor Yeater at able to every child and youth in Jun, jun. rah, rah, WWho rah, who rah, lthe Philippines. Winfield. Kas., Auburn, PawneeiManila. City, Hamburg, Ia .. Lincoln, Lo· • ~f the estimated po:ulat~o~ of Between 191~ and 1~18 the to~al Jun, jun, rah, rah! gan, Ia., Dodge, Omaha, Unadilla, l lO, vOO 000, 10,000,000 are CIVIllz- number of chllclren m school InNormal Catholic Association Sterling, Talmage. Vu ·' on , Sidney. ed Christians, while 500 000 rep- cn:ased fr,lm 440,000 to 675.000. a The fourth meeting of the Nor- Io_wa. , Nemara . Walback, Madi son, re~ents t~e non_-Chri s ti an and so-J gain of 54 perc~nt m six years. mal Catholic Ai!sociation was held Riverton, la. , Wali.Jash, Avoca, called wild tnbes. The latter, The Philippine legislature, com· Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, with Broadwater, Fairbury, Platts- h?wever, a~·e included in the popula- 1posed entirely of Filipinos, ~o w a attendance of twenty-one mem- mouth, Superior, Stockholm, Cam- tiOn of which 70 percent are liter- supports 4, 700 schools, wi.th a bers. The trip to the St. Joseph's d en.. ate· teaching force of 12, 303 teachers. Cathedral at Paul was postponed It is pointed out that there is All instruction is in Eng li sh. All The Philippines until Sunday, July, 13. Further every r eason for the literacy of the the expense of educa tion is being Washington , June 25.-Seventy Philippines to be still higher with- paid by the Philippine government. announcements will be rriade in chapel concerning mass Saturday percent of the inhabita nts of the in the next few years, thru the Philippines over t en years old are action of the Philippine legislature morning. Patroni ze our adve r t isers.
Cla-re n. ee Flam me Re ben C. Hor to·-n Wi ll-!am. I. Ho·u.ston Ross Laird. Norm.a.n E. Lovel~ Mdr.ion ~~,~
1 '
14, 8:!5
Majorie Maxwell, Prima Donna Chicago Opera
Adn1ission by Budget ·t icket or 50c I
Captain E arl C line's Address . Those who .1eard Cap tain Cline on the Fourth at N e brasl<a City will ha ve a hroaderancl fairer viaw of America · ~ part in the g reat war. He gave a great tri but P to loyal American crtizen a nd !'O id ier and condemP ed the s lac ke rs , c itizen, soldi Pr and statesman, in no uncertain t er ms. He was recei ved w ith tremendous appla use by t he hundred:; gathered to hear and see h im a most perfect specimen of virile· manhood as he stood before that vast a url ience. Hi s str Pngt h of body and voice gave the li e to th l:' story "Dame Rumor'' has been te lling. If there was a g ray ha ir in the mass of r ich brown hai r . it must have been in h idi ng. Not a trace o f the bul let wound could be seen on t he top of hi s head He advocated a nat ion a l inte lligPn t prepared ness, and condPmneo those in charge of our nationa l :.ffa irs fo r not h eedi n~ the wa rn · ings so as to be prt>pared f or th confli r.l into which we were thrown He spoke of America' s rPjection of the Maxim machine gu n which Germany :~dopted and llsed with deadly e ffect on Ameri ca n boys , and the Lewis gun was r Pjected for the Browning gu n which came t o his division four months after the wa r was closed. w hi~h all mean t that England a nd France had to s uppl y our solrliers w ith arms. His whole address was free from sarcasm and abuse. lt was an hones t plea for intelli~ent preparedness to prevent o ur boys from being sent unprepared to fight our battles.
THE NEW PATRIOTISM. By Edgar A Guest. It isn't enough on the Fonrth of July .To send up a r ocket to break in the sky; It isn't enoug h, as we've all come to know, To hang out Old Glory and make a big s how. To stand up and cheer For the Flag once a year Is a ll very well in its limited way, But what we must do For thP Red, White and Blue Is to love it anrl honor it day after rlay. It im' t enough on the Fourth of Jul y
To t ake off you r ha t a s the Flag' s pass ing by, Or s tand when " The Star Spangled Banner" is played And cheer as the sol diers ·go past in parade. It is a ll vpry well Your devotion to tell On the F ourth of July by a· brilliant display, But the Flag that you love As it ripp les abo ve N eeds so mething of service fr ·1m you every day.
Philamatheaos, Notice. Friday , July 11, Ph ilo he r "High Old Time., Here is the order of events: 6:30, Picnic Supper . 7:30, Three Ring Circus. ,. 9 :00, '' Daddy Long ·Legs.
The tes t of you r love' s not the F ourth of July, Or the cost of the r ockets yo u send to the s ky; It isn 't the way t ha t you act once a year, Or the flags yo u display or the speeches you cheer; Tho you may he cor rect In the outward respect Which on certain occasiond you publ icly pay, The proof of yo ur love For Old Glory above Is the service you give hP.r, day after day. Time was thatt the Flag asked put little from us ; Men could be sa tisfied with thei r holiday fu ll; But the Motherland now needs our s trength and our prayer, We mu~t love and protect her and gi ve her our care. For all we hold dear Every day in the year We must g uard aga inst all who would bring her to shame; We must teach men the worth Of the best land on earth, We must live for her g lory and work for her fame. -Selected.
Meetings of Christian Organization s. Last Sunday morni ng th~ Christian o'r ga ni zations, consisting of Lutherans, Episcopal Guilds, Cath · plies, Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. met in the t.ig h schao l room. The topic was "The Wider H ori zon of Christianity," led by Mr. Cottle. The unity of the organizations was shown by the way in which the people responded to the appropriate songs led by Mr. Weir. A Psalm of uni ty was read as the scripture lesson. The big thot that religion is the love of God in the heart of man was supreme. But uni ty cannot re ign without the help of the individual as was brot out so well by M iss Kisler. Each person has his own beli ef but we are all wo r king toward one great end. This councry is free and people have religious freedom as Miss Boetje suggested. Today we have t he best oppor tunity for the working of all the organizations as one. During t he peri od of reconstructi on we have no time to stop and think what organ ization we are representing. It is our business to work as a unit to the best of our ability. The democracy of rel igion may be brot about as was shown by Miss Crink and Miss Barbee. The bi g ptoblem of the world iR union. This was the great t heme of the Estes Park Conference. Mr. Roettger t old us of some of the ~onderful t hings which he had heard at the meeting there. We hope to hear more from the boys about the conference. The meeting was fi lled with the good f eeling of t he organizations and all seemed a step closer to world uni ty.
- - - - ---
Before coming to Peru f ro m Bloomington, Supt. F. L. McNown shipped his goods to Basin, Wyo. On Saturday last he and his family left for that city. where he has been elected superin tend ent of the
L----------~--------··--------- 1 city
want noth ing mate ri al out of the Butler and Clay Counties A jolly crowd of Pnthusiastic war, but oh, we want the biggE'st Entc~·cd at tb~ Po:;tofficc at Peru, Nct hing out of this war that has ever stud•nt'l fr om ButiH a nd Clay brasl<a as second class matter. come to the wor ld. We wa nt peace counties me t on t hP Nnnpus TuesPublished Weekly by tbe Pe ru State Normal now and peace forever. • day eve ni ng, carrying mysterious 5U cts. per yt·ar. Sing-1<" cop_v fi cts. "The best . thing that has been packages . They stopped for their
Peru State Bank A Good Bank
- - - - IN- given us · and the on ly thing we able advisors, Miss Elli~ and Miss ha ve for that is t his League of Dunn. Nations We have no othr league A few min u tes later another of nations. We have on ly this package was addt>d, a chunk of one. We must take this one or no ice. which ever yone on t he street 1Phone 25 Phone 25 one can tell · what w i ll come. We looked at curiously. but each of the CALL AT THE have no midway point We have no picnic crowd chucklerl andl Of•ked ~qu i1 re Dea 1 Store purgatory. We have to choose wise. Then, on th ey went, up a for bargains in either heaven or he ll . We must wincling path towa rd the fi e ry sun M...,. Florence Gr.·en . Editnr in·Ch icf ..... 11 ' ..-··, L()W Margaret Allwrt A~~Mi:1tc Editor take it or we must r e.iE'ct it. set co lor s to Pike's Pe~k ' A new l ine of Hosiery f or me n, Til" Er>ITonrAr. STAFJ' . "Oh. men, we women, the moth What's the u-;e tu tell you what i women . boys and girl!<. HcrLert Ochsner 1 ers ot the race, have given every- they ate o r how much and what I/ r Du•im·:; ~ ~I 11 nngcrs llnrold L.v nch 1 thing, have t<uffered ·everything. they did . Suffice it to say that I W. W . 1'1 AROIS No articles acce pted after R o'cloci{ have sacrificed evPrything, and we they had a jolly gonrl tim e. The I T he ht:~me of Red Pe p Monda)• morning. come to you no w and say, 'Th~ lal't scPne of the la:>t act opened on ~ --------------time has come when we will no the same merry bunch seated ' SLhtnuLher'~ Market The Woman's Plc1ce. longer sit quietly by and bear and around a blazing fire toasting has Dr. Anl'la Howard Shaw demon. r ear sons to d ie at t he wi ll of a ma rshmallows and J i~ Lening to hair strated by her nob le life the fact few men. We wi ll not endure it. raising and hE:art rE'ndin g l'tories Every "ind of tneitt that woman has a plaee in the man- We w i ll not endur e it! We de- of which Miss Ellis and Miss Dunn aud agement of state and national mand that either you shall do contributed a goodly store. affairs. It is her place s he must s'nmething to prevent wa r or that If any of you have ever come Then ~otne that fill and ma n must continue to fill we shall be permi tted to try to do stumbling down an unknown path You like to eat hi s place. The noble men and something ourselves. ' " - Omaha from Pike's Peak in the dark you noble women wtll do greater work Bee. will know what a ro llci~ing time Sanitary Barher Shup than the nohle men have done. they had coming home. Finally, Doings at the Dorm William H owarrJ Taft and Anna and Bath the catchv songs died away in the Shiny fresh paint and plumbing. Howard Sha"'-were doing more for distance and everyone knew that : Spick-and -span p lastered walls. FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN th e League of Nations than he the tired but happy erowd had re- J New floors from top to bottom. a lone cou ld have done. We will ti~;ed. Basement Fisher's . I And, oh, joy! furniture just 0 <'P. ionall y be annoyed by the Drug Store Frlmore ... Saline Counties. suffr<\J(e tte and her lit t le brother, from the s hop for every bedroom! The Film 'lre-Scdin e Clubs, dub- , That's the way old Mount VerYou r Patronage Snlicited ".he lo rd of creal ion," but in final bed the "F'ill-Sal " Club, united ' concert the gentleman a.nrl lady of non hall wi ll be dressed up to welout land will control the destinies come the dorm girls back in Sep- forces to enjoy a JJirnic together Monday evening. By eight-thirty tember. ot our nation. Since April first the dormitory every owner nf a capaci nus a pper ite ' Dr. Anna Howar d Shaw Dead. has been in the hands of workmen had " hollered 'nuff," and joined "l', w York, July 4.-An im- under the direction of Superi ntE'n - the merry group in ga mes. If the The best is out· t1tollu fur The fine students from Filmore and Sa line passioned piE'a for s upport of the dent-of-Grounds Hays. SundHes old building has many merits. lts work as hard as they play, good League of Nations was Dr. Anna and Howard Shaw's last me!'Sal!e to the architecture is good, and 'the loca- fortun P await~ them . Supt. L. J. Bnnt>hal of Saline I Sodas women of America. In May she ti on among the great trees beauti - county is pl~nning a visit to Peru j made a !!peaking tour with former ful. The renovation no w going on this week, Hnd Supt. Margaret : President Taft and other ad voca tes is thoro, and with its good lighting Hougharvant of l<' tlmore county .' of the covenant. She was s tricken system, heating equipment up to will visit us in thP near future. wi th pneumo~ia at Springfield, 111. , date, and the new fi ttings and furwhile on her way to Omaha , to nishings, there will be nothing ~ahinst speak th ere with the Taft party. lacking to make it a model dorm iFOUNDED 1893 In the appeal to women. which is tory When lhe fall quarter begins. Nothing? Well, nothing but the entitiE'd, "What the War Meant to A.M. M OORNON, Mana~er Women, " anr:l which probably was girls, and when they arrive SeptemThe most wirlely patronized, b~>cause the most reliable Tearher'fl h er Iast work before I he relapse ber 9, gay days wil l begin again Ag ~ ncy in the Middle West. Territory fro m the Mt' ss t'sst.pp • r ·ver to 1 1 Paeific Coast. Flynn Bldg, Des Moines. Iowa. which caused her dea th WPd nesr:lay. under the old roof. _ _ __ Dr. Shaw, apparently feeling Calendar. :---•~•••--••·----~-~---~. . . . . .ez•·~~~~. .~. . . .~._. .._._. . . ., that the end of her own life was Monday and Wednesday, Orchesnear, wrote: tra, 7:00 to 8 :15. "LET JOHN DO IT" "Everybody must die some time, Tuesday and Thursday, G lee and i t does not make as much Clubs, 7 :30 to 9:00. d iff3rence, per haps, as to the numMonday and Wednesday, Chorus, ber of days we live as it rloes to 5:30. ~hy your Cleaning, natu rally, why not? Dry Cleaning, Dyethe manner in which we live in t he July 9, 10, 11, Art Exhibit. days we do live." ing, Ladies and Gents First Class Tailoring Ju ly l 1, Phi lo. Some of the most striktng senJu ly 14, Maxwell Recital. All work satisfacto1·y & prices rea~nnable tences in the appeal are: July 18, Recital, Carlson and While Mr. Wilson sa icl we want Dunn. nothing out of the war, I said in July 19, Philo. Tailor and Cleaner my own heart, 'It may be that we Ju ly 23, ConcP.rt . Peru, l''ebr
A Good Town
1--- -------- -----
C. P. SCOVILL, Prop.
Chilly Goods
Fisher Bros.
Fducational Exchang·e
For anything in dry goods, shoes, furnishings & grocE-ries a t right prices. G.i"ve us a Call. - - --
Faculty Items Miss Rose Cla rk spent the week e nd in Pawn ee Cit.v. Miss Iva Ma ud Dunn spen the week end i n Syracuse. Mi ss Ali ce Burl ey soent the F o urth wi th friends in Li cno ln. Professor Crago went to Linco ln to celebra te th e Fourth with hi s
We wi tnessed th e ba ll oon ascemion and th e firework s di splay. I wond er if Ruth Snyder had a good t i me over the Fourth in Pawnee. You wou ld t hink so if you haci hea rd her after she returned. Fra nces Seybert and Katherine Bi tner went to P tatt smo11th to spend t he Fou r th.
M. E. GOOD The Cash Store
On ly a few gir ls were disappoint- I LADIES & GENTLEM AN ed the 4th, because we di d want Auburn Laundry to go to Auburn that nigh t. Why If you want di d it ra in ? DRY CLEANING, PRESSING & Grace and Esther Conway spent the Fourth at Nebraska City. General Laundry Work Fer n and Koa Young vi sited Call Phone 53 home folks a t Havelock over the Ma rk W. Delzell . Agt. F ourth. Will col lect Mondays. Basket at Chase's Shop
fa mil y.
Mi~s Leah Bowkf'r of the d nmestic s~i e nce depar tme nt visited her
RP-member when in Nebraska
s ister in Teka mah Friciay ai1d Satu rday.
. C ity it is only
Prof. M C. Lefl('r, wi fe, an d ''Billy, " vis i ted Mrs . Lefler's brother, Roscoe Bla n kensh:p in Brock the latter part of th~ week.
One Blot.:k No•·tb O F THE
Our ·worthy reg is trar, R. D . Overhol t, and hi s fami ly motored to Nebraska Ci t:v, Friday On th e r eturn trip he chqse the r iver roa d whe n near Peru and thus avoided the d ust. Ask him for partic ular s. Professor a nd Mrs. J ea n spent the Glorious Fou rth on a hike to t he ir experiment fie ld . All was lovel v until the big rai n fell and then -wel l. it was r a th Pr dampening, but th er e was no du st to mar the jo~ of th e home coming . A feast of fri ed chicke n a t the even ing me'! ! made ever y thing" lovely ag-ain. however.
A 6ood Lunch or ~plendid Meal Call at the- - -
~j j
i.Laces i .·Tennis Shoes ~ jat the
jshoe Shop 1---------------------------
The Fourth at the Sh OO!i! Hou ·e A p ir:nic wa~ p lannecl bllt - bt .t t he . rai n spoi led it Oh, I gut-~s not. We had i c in the bo Jse. How we did ear. fri t-> d chiC'hn , cookies, ice cream ar:1d ma 1y other thiugs. Wasn't the le monad e goucl? No t like we would ha ve g-otten if we ha d g one to Nebraska City or Auburn, b ut it contai ned r ea l suga r and lemons. Oh, such a tim e! Wei:, th e rain did n ' t ·get anything over on us. 1
l Fountain Pens
Phone 73
LANDOLT, Peru . Neb.
New Stock Just Received
Moo nli gh t Scene on Ca mpus.
at Barnes' Pharmacy
STUDIO watch~s.
Dependable Stationery, F 0 un ta i n Pens School Supp li es Confectionery, Fruits, !3read Cookies, Meats, G rocPr•tes and Vegetables
foor fior,_+.elass wor k for ·•cJeansine•' d ry ll' Ub shampoo !for la<Hee hair d res~a ng. , !It do es the work wit hout watf'!l' . Agent
A. W. l:HASE !~ ______ _ l Polishes
M iss Abba Bowen went to Oma ha to m eet a br nt her jnst returm d from oversPa~ .service. He is an officer in the r eg u lar army. Anothe r br ot her. who r etu rn ed from abroad r ecen tly, has £One to Montana to r esume hi s prew;,r work in the forestry Rer vice.
Chase Barber Shop ,,
Portraits Kodak Finishing
School Pms -
Peru, Nehr.
Jew elry, !
Spectacalsand Fountain
Pens ·STATE ::BANK ...
Sold aud Repaired School Supplies a nd Pennants
An old reliable bank with
AT ~-
Phone 56
~loc ks,_
Reliab le Jeweler
Peru, Nebr.
assets of over
Peru Achiev~s Hi~h Mark at Festivnl (H . G. K. in Musica l America ) Peru, Nebr. , Jun e 13 - Th ... ninth ann ua l F es tival of Mu- ic of the Peru State Normal School wn!:' given here on Monrl a.v ~ n d was. as usual, held und er 1 h<> leader shi p of Dr. Homer. C HouH• of I heN 1rmal School f ac ulty. Th e morning conr·ert r m~isto r! nf a l'p lend i d pn•se n ta ti nn of "Th" Messiah,'' s un g hv a large community chorus. directed by Dr. H ouse, and accom panied hy Le Ro~· Carl8on. pianist. A ss i ~ting a rr is ts were Lill ia n Chase House, so p ~ no; Anna Louse Weeks, co ntralto; Ernest L. Davis, tenor , and Loui,Kre idler, bar itone. ln t he afte rnoon t he Artist's Concert was given by Marcelia Craft, sop ran o, accompa nied bv Haz ~-' 1 Ge rtrud e Kinsce ll a of the Univer · eity School of Mus ic ·at Lincoln. Miss Craft received an ovation when she appeared upon th e rl a tf 0rm, and later('.C:fte r her s pirited s ing ing of th e' 'Star-Spangle-! Banner." This s he ref used to accep t as a personal tri bute' modest !v turning and saluting th e huge flag wh ich hung- a t th e r ear of th e sta te: An arldit ion3 1 pleasant f eature of this prog-ram was the playing of tht· ror;;t move men't of the Macl.Juwlll "Trag ic" so n~ ta' hy L e Ro y Carlf;(llt, pianist. a mem ber o f th e fa c11fty at th e No rmal .
F OUN f AI N .
A Treat Coming. I. a n earnestn e~s, an emot ion and an Krei dl er pos~e~Fes perso na Ity as . appreciati on tha t carri es his audi well a s distinct ly art i,;t ic vocal Everv studen t shnulrl ge t ou t his e nces with h im Miss D u nn is a powers. His group o f so ngs in· I progra~ ca rd a nd put a r ed· mark superb r earler ,. g ive,; herse lf unc i uci ed old Ita li an ar ias and morP. on Fri rla y, Jul y ) 8, for on that sparingl y tv her hear~rs, and never mociern songs, th e familiar "Tor- da te wi l l he g iven one. of the fi nest fails to plea >e. eador Song" fr om Car men, ., and musical programs of rhe s ummer The~e local arti sts ar~ p r eparin g the dramatic ' 'Danny DeevPr:• by j SChool sP.ssion. It is t o be a pia no a full new projlram a nd it wi ll be Damrosch "A n Old Fa!'h JOned ' and expres~ ion Tt'Cital by Professor . . t at that no one inter an arliStlc re ' Tow n" was added as ~ n ex tra num- j Carl:;on and Mi "~ Dunn F or the .I t d t. Ill· n hi s culture and ed . h · • Chor us ' b!:'nl"fit of new stu d t nts In . p er u '. t , es e . a a ber The 'Ha ll eluJa If d to mt' ss · ' 1ucatJOn. can a or from th e "Messia h " was s ung by may he sa id rhat Pr o fessor Car lw n The proceeds f r o m · th e r ecita l the chorus as a closing number Le is one of t he mos t promis ing youg wi ll be used t u put ~he M a~ Fe~ti Roy Car lson and H ~zel Gt'rtrude pia 1nsts in t he count ry. He has I val o n a s•• und fina ncia l bas il:'. Ki r.scell a acted as acrompa nists Th( "vening program was unusu d uring t he eveninK. allv in ter esting. Th e Community The Festival of Peru was a dec idChor • ~.contr i buted mater iall y to ed snccess this year. but thi s is not t 1e t 1j, 1ymen t of . t hP aud ience, surpris ing- when on<> cnn~iders the sinvi ~. a mong oth !'r things, g r;at amou n t of sp lendid mu'!:ica l it>lt>t' ions f rom Cowen's. "Rose a nd community w.:rk rl o ne at t h,.. Maiden." Thi s Co mmunity Chorus Noraml during the year . Thi s. t hP is•a u nique f eature o f t h P. a nnua l hardest year, musically spea king-, Und~r the direction of the a rt dep a rtment. P eru Festiva l, com hi ning, as it 1 of th e man y years a t th e col lege, does college f olk, . village r~si- , becau;;e of th e unsettl ed conditions rl ents anrl merchan ts Th e ar t ists among th e student hody, du P to war of th e day ea rnPd t he g en t>rous ' act ivities, was st ill unus ual in it R WPdMe"-da,· nfterr, •wn ftnd evening. all day commendation whi ch th ey r Pcei ved achi evP. m<>nts . Thun•dc~y, f1 ida' undl four o ' clo~k. during the evenni g . rt had no t A fine thirty-pi ece orcheslra was ' been plan nE'd to have Miss Craft n)ainta ined at the No rm a l during sing a~a in in th e evp nin g , but the year und er t he a lways €-fficient foll ow ing the aftPr noo n 's s uccess, d irection of N. Mau d Carpen ter. Fttc·uft _y room Adminisrrarion building. there we re such insiste nt dema nds The orchestra gave its final cenrPrt to hear her once more that she th e week pre_!!Pding the Festival . g-raciou::ly sa ng a~ra in. her offering A good band playing g ood music being , ' H ear Yt>, Is rael." from was a lso a part of th e musica l li fe Beftutiful pottery. interesting Japonese "El ijah " Mr. Da vi s !"ang most of the col lege, and th e new direchandh.:rtJft: ba s ket~, · bo~s. beods, trays • . etfect ively two groups of songs a nd tor succeeding Directtll' S mith who stencils, print s , tuwt!ls, t;lC. oper atic arias, being obli ged to is /n F.r ance, is Captain C. F. B<ck add 'extra numbers aft.:r each song. of the facu lty. Mr. Davis is possessed of one of t he The s ummer session at t he NorAn art shop ot your door. A chance t«_J do comparatively f ew r ea l ly ri c tenor mal always brings a great amount of your Christmas shopping early. voices, and he sang in an ar tistic good muaic, a nd during this session m anner. Followi ng Mr . Davis, Dr . House always ma intains -a Miss Weeks contralto of the "Mes- splendid chorus and gi rls ' and s iah " co ncert, sang a charming men' s g lee clubs. Good concerts group of French songs. She added by visiti ng artists are a f eature of P. S. Would vou like to hear a talk on Grant Schaefer'a " Cuckoo" as an the w inter and spring sessions, one pottery at the chape l hou~ on Thursduy. encor e. Mr. Kreid ler 's appearance of the latest vii stor s hav~ng
\Vhere? What?
'=------------------------------ I
was a
t riumph, as Mr. been MrA. Edward
linve•nor \\,Ketv-::~c::[ • !! tV•·
l -~~~
C ltntnc.-"ncement ~ddre~~. Thur!"da ' ,
24. 10:30, Nonnttl Chopel
TUESDAY. JU LY 15, 1919.
ARTIST'S RECITAL T hursday Night Prof. LE ROY CARLSON, Piano Miss IVA MAUD DUNN, Expression Report 'of Estes. Philo's High Old Time. J But there doe~n't t> nd th e story . ! by the banner which warned the Thursday ni1rht a group of our Last Friday ev r ning at 6:30 the / The ''High Old Time" was nnl.vlbysta~ders that Philo~ were out for Philomathf!ans gat he r ed in front of / hal f . ove r. A or ·H·es~i o n w•ls the. ti me of the1r lives. 1\ccom · boys gave a brief report on the the chapel and th en commmenced f o r me"afl• _.~ i th IStJmeltW1S ' . . h" ::! dP d panu:!d liv t11e bla re of Fl oyd meet ing at Estes Par k. Ha rold Brown to ld of the trip their eveni ng of "A Hig h Old j CC••ntinu•·<l "" "''''o n<l pai,c) to and from Estes. Mr. Roet 't Time." Header! hy the adv iser, discussed J. Sti tt Wilso n, e Mi ss Burley, th ~ cl~s s wen t troopsociali st who is of the Christ ,H'. ing dr.wn to th E' ath let ic field wbich Richard Overhplt told of th e hark· had heen transformed into a veritaer's w •rk for Ch rist, and how 'f. bl e circus g-rou •1rl. Am;d the ..:hout , R. Sw,·e t was g iving great service and the turmoi l t he su rging mas·., for thP cause . Mr. Simmonris t(lld at la;:t former!· into sma ll groups, o f a miner's wi ld life and t.?r\'Pr· al"ld sat down to d ,., vnur the contents sion an I how the world now knows of thPir baskets and boxes. Boding h m as Ra,vm onrl Robbins. h 1t c>Oift'e supoiP.mented the culina Mr . Weir told of the Indian ry pr e parati o n~ . 1 worker i n th e vi nya rd. How Cloud, When the1 r ravenous app"t if' S h· d t he Jnd 1an, had helped save hi s b PP O satisfied, Mr Cottll" annou nc tribe and ma ny a white man. Rayed th tt Mr. DE>Izell and M r. Lefle r I m 1nd Hutfcr 1n his orig inal way wert' to be ini riar ... d toto the f, :ur th tolrl of "Dad" Elli ott and his g-reat rJ ..,)!n-e of "Philornau,eanisrn " I! w,rk How ht' stood for democracy I mmediately th e r e was;:~ ~C'ramhle in th ~ school. to l!ilin the .h l t>a<'h " r~. hut '"' fe w ol t ; Mr . Cuttle told of Dr. Kurt z and 1 fa• thf u l.~ r ema io•d tn ::~,;;•s t th e h r ~ wonderful St' r mo n. How tt1 e g l::tdi Hlor • !n the <Hl-'0 '1 Th t> con· ; g r eaL scholar had :::pent yea·rs in hi s t ... s t whic h fo :low- d c . n~ i ..;ted ,,f j prepa ration for the g reat work. the ;:J rt of ;:Jr r >~nllin.r ,.. urpl u,; halht:~ meeti ng- was held out on b t1 i m ~ n ts u p •n o "'"' · - fi I! u •·. ~ t r o P . th • campus, wh rc h a dded a charm ping up the v1l t ~e. and rn::~k•n• a and 101t'rset to the meet ing . ra1.1td Jn uroe,v w ht,.: ne•l!nh •r aer ..!>s ' ' I Peru Leilds ,at Estes. the fi ld . Mr. Ot'lz.- 11 s troup prov- : t er 1 ha I :>ever a l rnort-l boys in ed to be th e s wi t'te r, hut t ve r v o roe , atten a ce at Estl-'s Pa rk Y. M. C. al!eed that Mr Le ti t! ranrl hi s s ci· ! A Conference than any other Ne· at t-! ' were m Jre ta:;tef ul and anist1C ; bra>ll<a college or even the State in th ei r d ress The next feature · Uoive r~ity . WesiP.,van, Hastings, was to have the summer cunle:'l ant,; . and the Un i had good de legat ions. with th e dome:-! iccll t'd ani mils Peru ranks third in attPndance arrange the msetve,.; for a gr,,up pic- . amon g forty col leges r epresented. ture. Wh en every rnemher ha d had · : The 8t<~te Uni of Ka nsas held first ' h 1 ,; noble lig- ure tmpl a nted in the place. se n ~ it 1 ve film, JVIi,.;,; Burley su m - ; ··, mon:!d the t r OJP t'J 1 he IC ~ c ream ; .Prof. B. H. Groves spent Sunday t reat. Such eats! Wrll any o ne j with hi :> family in Fal ls City. EDW I N L ROU~E. PRESID ENT. ever be hungry again: 1'
THE P E RU N OR,\\ALITE "l ives t" summ er s ch oo ls th at e ver
Philo's High Old Tim e.
I Peru State Bank
!Con tlnu P.d f1·um fi'lt·-"t Pal;'e.l lived 1 8 ntc rc·rl at thr P o~to ffi cc :~t l'cru . NcDoane ' s corn e> t a nd 1 he ir ow n mar- , of the Oma ha g irls !'a irl , ' '1 One br:a sk a as second t· l a ~s nwt tt· r have hee n to othe r co JJ pges, but t ial s te p, t he clan ma rc hed d o wn t o Published Weekly by lhc Peru State Normal neve r h:w e I be!:'n to a p lace wher e the Crys ta l Theatre, wh e r l' rhey j 50 cts. per y..:ar. Sing ll' copy :i cts I wor ked so hare! an d ye t had eo awa i t ed e n t r an ce . t o !'p e ~rl . ~ fe w 1 - - -- I N- - hours with Ma r y P1ckfo rd Jn Da d- ~ - mu ch f un a nd ro.val good times." dy Lo ng L e~s. " The we lki n rang N o w fur the big s t unt . with t he ir lus t y vo ices as th ey sa ng N. A. t he ir favont e son Q's- n ot omi tti ng In Q'ra tefu l accepta nce of th e the P e r u Col or Song. One~ ins i_de Phone Phon"" 25 25 k ind inv it a ti on e xte nd t>d bv the the th eatr e th e t i r ed b u t !'~ Ill s plr- j CALL AT THE s isters (If St . Be r n:url ' s Acad e my i te>d cro wd sa t ciown t o e nJoy J ean : 'I) I ~ a nd a l!io fi llt d w it h the thril ling We hster ' s de lig htful l i tt le st o r y !! • quttr t: e tt · lo re f or b a rga ins in t hot of e nj oy ing the g rea t c ~:- l ebra - of J u dy , t he orp ha n g i rl. Flnrc•nccG ro en · Erl it .. ri n-Chit'f ti11 n to th!-! f u ll est ex l·e n t, the morn- In spite of t he hea t a nd th erlus t , , M tn' .. I Cl\,. Ma rj!arc: t Allwrr - i\ ~~nc-iat..: Edi tor . f h F th f d dl · 1ng o t "' •o ur nu n a go o y t he wa it a nd the j a m. e vPr y o ne / A n ew li ne o f Hos ie ry f(lf m!:'n, 1'1! 1( I!II ITt lllfA L STAF I~ n umber of the N . C. A . studt>n ts on p r onounce ci tha t e ve n i ng t he e pi- 1 wo mt-> n. bo~s a nd g•riR. HcrlJcrt Och~ 1H' r I II . \I · . , . . H aru Il c l .. yn cI• f - - u~ uw~~ - ·" '·' 1- • rs l bu a rrl the7 .·1 0tra ln bnunclforNe- t ome of a " s ure enough h ig h old 1· W. W ,\'\A~ I> I ~ b r a~ k a City tn s pe nd th e clay . I t ime .' ' The home of Red Pe p I On - a rr iv ing th e s tud ents were No a rticles ncct•ptecl a ft..:r R n'cl.,cl< Monday morning'. Faculty Note~. ~---------me t by one of t h !-! i r fe llow mem ber s Mrs. R. E. A lb right 1s again in ; S c httltH.:k er'~ M t~ r"el who~e h •me IS in Ne braska Ci ty , Peru a ft er a short st 11 y a t a hospi A T nlk on Americnniz ntioo. hal" a nd we r t- condu cted to the ch urch, tal in L i ncoln . Sne is ve ry mu ch Wh at is t hP. r ig ht way t o Am e r i- whu,·e th ey had th t p ri v ilege of a t< imp r oved in heal th. Ever }' t. iud c,f mettt ra ni ze fore>i g ner s? Our state IPg if;te nd i ng mass. latu re di d i ts pa rt towurd ~oh· ing Presiden t Rouse was in Lincoln tttld Fo ll owi ng t hi s , break fast was th e pr (lble m by r estrictinQ' t he u ~E' on b u siness Friday . se r ved a t th e academy , wh ich seemThen !"!Ottle lhttt of al ie n Rpeech, thus a!'s umi ng t hat Miss Ma mi e Mutz sp ent t he week ed aa a mi g hty ftast , f or few wer e uni ty in la ngqage i R a funrlam Pn t~ l th e bi tes snatched befor e th P tra i n e nd at a famil y re un ion i n Li nco ln. · You like to ettt of c itize nship. C_o untv SupPrin t f' n · wh is t led . ana an ea rl y morni ng Her br othe r, Wa lter , has just re- j - - -- -- - - -- - -- -- d en t Boucha l of Sa li ne county , in a ride a lways whe ts up o ne's appeti te. tu rned aft e r 18 mon ths i n ove r seas , ~tlnit tt r}' Bttrher Shop chapel ta lk las t Wedn esd ay. di sand Bnth The sis-te rs were the n kind e no ugh ser v ice. H er sis ter, Miss Hop e i cussed con vinc ing- ly som e o the r t o sho w th e gir ls thei r acad emy, Mutz, was home after a n absence of m e thods in Am er ica ni zation . Mr whi c h was th e form e r ho me of t wo y ears . She has bee n t eachi ng F IRST- CLASS WOR KMEN Bouc ha l is himself of Czech rl e~cPn t in Roswe ll. N . M . A marri ed s ist e r . Colone l Ha yward, a nd a more beauBaseme n ! Fis he r' s an d speaks f rom PE'r~ona l ex per i- tifu l s t ruc t ur e s u rely wou ld be hard fr om _S outh Dako ta was p r ese nt 1 Dr u g Sto r~ · ence of t he Am er ica n ization p r o- to fi nrl . a lso. j cess. H e ins ists t hat we shoulrl no • Rol la nd W ickham , class of 1914, Your Pa t r on ag e S ·dici ted Of cou r se t he r es t o f the fore noon r e mind o ur f nr Pig-n bo rn citiz r>ns wa s spe nt onl y as fun lov in g g 1rJs well-remem be re>d a s a pla.ver of ( ~co th at they a r e Ge rm a n or Sca ndi na- ca n sp Pnd t he ir ti me, an d as t he basket ba ll and hase bal l, and h is . • v ia n or Bohe mi an. bu t th a t we d in ner hour ap proached , they once bri de , were in Pe r u se v!:' ra l ciays - - - - l'ho uld call t hem Am er i cans . H e mor e rna rl e t ht! ir wa y towa rrl rhe last week. Mr. Wickham was in thP I b elieves t hat i t is a wns t e of effo r t acad e my wh ere a most wondt" r ful secre t ser vice d ivis io n o ve rseas. ' t o try t o "ma ke ove r" th e olde r p ic ni c dinn er was ser ved. Ta lk He goes to s.:.uthe> rn Geo rg ia to . The best i s nu • ttlotlu f ur people, but t hat purposef u l t each - about eats, th ey s ur e had t hem! e ngage in Ci vil e ng in et- ri n~. j S u n d a e~ ing in t h e sc hools wil l he lp d o Wo rd s could no t ex pr ess t he qua li M r s . S. E. Be n tle y a nd ht-r ~ ttnd much t o establis h AmP. r ica n id ea ls ty of t he d in ner nor V t!t the way daug hter , Eve ly n. w ho ha ve hef' n ; Soda._ and standa r d s a mong t he y ou ng-r.r th e g- irls fP it whe n t hey co nsi de red vi si ting Mrs Ben t ley ' ,;- rla nghtP r, 1 f olk. t he mst' lves as thru. Mrs. F B. Da il e>y, le> f t Monday fo r Mr. Boucha l's ta lk was d irec t a nd Dur ing the afte rnoo n t he g l' n "r a l Los Ang eles. Cal , n Pa r w h ich city earnest , showing a l"t rong convicgvod time> waR ha d by a ll a nd oh! th P.y e x pect t.o make t hP ir ho me. ti on , a nd a n un usua ll y ri ch e x pt->r ih•1w tired bu t Yt> t how sad were ========~~~~=============== ence in t hi s sort of pa tr ioti c e nthey when th e hou r for leav ing dea vor . ~ahin· s' drew n ea r . But they fina lly did FOUNDE D 1893 ge t d ow n to t he d e pot and-we ll . The Big Stunt. A. M. M - OORNO N, M an Heer What i s t hi s " Big Stun t" g oi ng e ve ryone k nows or at least OUJl h t t o pleasure of wai ting t h ree knuw t he to be? What '! Don ' t you know ? T he most w irlely patr on i zed , bt-ca use t he m ost r e lia ble Tea chPr 'R Well, d o n ot miss i t F'l'iday ni g ht, hours f ur a t r a in. N ever t heless, Ag ;_n cy in th e MiddleWest. Te r ri t ory fr om th e Mi ss iss ip pi ri ve r t o t hP. r est was g r ea ti y app rec ia t ed Pae 1fic Coas t . Des Moines. Iowa. f or t he fifty-o ne cou nt ies and e i g ht after such a n exc1ti ng day. -· F ly nn Bldg . -----stat es r e p r esented by in dividual g r oups, or two or t hree coun t ie>s in Next Fttll ' ~ ~eniur, Jun. so me g r ou ps, i n p a ntomi me, song ior nnd t-'o~t Oradu n l~ "LET JOHN IT" a nd act ion, to represen t some hisGirls Atten1iu11. t or ica l event, th e I ife i n t hP home I mpor tan t mee t i pg t o complo-?te county, wi t h schoo l song s and ye lls, pla ns for putt ing t he New Pr octor or some na ti ona l lif e and its peo- Syst e m into opera ti on, whe n school Why your Clean ing, natura ll y , why n ot? opens in Sep te mber . Dry Cl eaning , Dyeple, yes, just anything f or some ing , La di es a nd Ge n ts F ir s t Class Ta iloring big stun t . A parade aro und the Chupel-·-11:30, Thursduy, July 17. cam pus , a nd t hen each co un ty w ill A II work s ati sfac to-r y ~ p rices reasonable Thi s conce rns all seni ors, j u ni ors " show off. " The n t her e will be a gen eral jub ilee, a ll co un t ies j oined & post-g-rad ua tes in Pe r u , wh ether in a t tendance a t s um me r schoo l or in a --_last fa r ewell good t ime. It Linnie Ri ecke r, not. Tailor and Cleaner wi 11 be t he climax of one of t h e Peru, l''ebr · P r es. Girls' club.
A Good Ba-n k
A Go o d T c wn
v 1LL,
Chilly Goods 4
Fisher Bros.
Educational Exchange
- - - - --- - ----- - - ------DO
J. A . C EJKA,
For an.f t hin g in dry g oods, shoes, furn is hin g s & g r oceries ::~ t ri g ht pric Ps . G i ve us a C rl.] l.
M. E. GQQO L A D I ES & G ENT L EMAN Auburn Lnundry
If you w<tn t DR Y CLJo:AN IN G,
G<-n Pr al Laundry Work Ca II Phone 53 Mnrk W. Delzell. Agt.
Will collec t. Mo n da y ~; Bas ket a t C ha!:e ' s S hop
! RP.n •err:ber
when in Nebraska
Ci ty i t is on ly
0 ne K m. k Nun h Ro ;e B. C luk. Geog•a p n,v.
F . B Da i ly , Man ual Trai n in g .
Oli' TH E
F. C. Jea n , Bio logi cal Sci ences.
BUR LI"-GTON TO A 6oud Lunch or
"'plendid Meal
lCa ll at the 1
C IHt!'le Barber Shop
! II
I IJ. Howa rd L onm i.;. A,;s rc ia 1e,
Abbii W i li >1r d Row e n . J?o r e if.' n L a ng uag-e>1 M od e rn .
H ~ ulo~ i ca l
Scien c·::.
for first class work Ag,., n t for ·'C ie a nsi ne " d ry r ub s hampoo fo r lad ies ha i r dr es~ i n g. l t d oes the wo rk without \\a • r.
A . W. CHA"' E
- - -- -
H a.rri e tt M . Wil bo rn , S ecr e tary to ! Pres id en t
ILaces :Tennus Shoes I
:at the I
!Shoe S hop I
·- -1
Con k lin's Fountain Pens N e w Stoc_k I Ju s t l{ eceived 1 1
C lara M. D uni )? an. Aesis: a n t Re11·isr r il f .
E lm a I. G •ckl e.:, Boo kk eepe r .
-~~-~~--=-----~ - ,1 .
r\ V
t: N U t-:
~ I U l~
·" 1: ~V ;\1 A r"J Sl UUI0
· "- t · 1 ) h::!, ' (· r • LI ~t h · t: . . l11 tv ller y . , •1:" u n l<ll ,r. ~-"·· n :;_ :-;chn•d ;:).r piJ I Ie" j Cnn f··CI I OI II ~" '.V, F r Jit f · , fl r ,.,<HI Cook-, · ~s. M t>a l s, G ruC rl eS a nd . Vege lab le.;
P h on e 7'd
Peru. N e b.
Pe r u, N e hr.
Spectacals and F ountain Pens ~uld
ar1d Repidred
S choo l S upplies an d P en nan ts
STATE :: BANK -- · -I ~ An old reliabl f'"' bank with
Re l iab le Jewe le r
Pharmacy _Barnes ___ _
J. C.
. Ph~ne 56 /
Clock s,
Sch oo l Pins -
PortraitS Kodak FiniShing
W atch ~s .
C. F. Be cK, Math e matics.
Peru. Ne br.
assets of over
$3(10', 000 00
Friday N ight~ \Jt1ly 18 9 ---V n (;ain ptls Cou r.:~y
repr~P.sent f ng Fa r ew~U
51 count if!§ Will join in th·c big
"Pow wow"
. J Matti e Cook E lli s, D ean of Women, Hi story.
H. C. H ouse, English.
Susan Harman, Associate, Englieh.
G. C. Cas t, Associate, English.
Esther A Clark. Fore ig-n La ng uages -Anci e nt.
W ft'. H 1 Yt , P i:~~: '!al Sc ie nces.
R. IJ. Ove rh olt. R•gi :;;trar.
El va E. ltul on, Lrb ra , icm.
Antoyn ~ti e Sands. As~ i s t a'l t Commercial Department. Mami e R. MuLz, P uhl icSI' h oo l Ar t
Mary Tyn nn, A~si sta nt Li brar ian .
G. A . Cr os th wa i t , Associate, P hysical Scie nces.