1927 - The Peruvian

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ARTHUR C. LINDAHL Eclilor-in-chiif

RICHARD T. HARTLEY B11Sines.r M (/J/(tger




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The measure of a nzan 's greatness is not the weult!t he possesses, nor the honor he receives, /Jut the service he renders to humanity. "Not to he m£nistercd unto but to m£n£ster, ''said the Great Teacher. ESTHER A. CLARA

As a symbol of SERVICE, this, rhe 1927 PERUVIAN, is submitted. For sixty years Peru State Teachers College has strive n her utmost to develop mcneal, mora l, spiritual, and physical charT o strive even more acter in her graduates. diligently in this endeavor is the sincere desire of her administrators. And rhus, in assembling this volume, it has been our privilege to record within these pages the high ideals of SERVICE which the institution accords society through her various collegiate activities. May this Sixtieth Annivesary PERUVIAN serve to create a fonder regard for O ld Peru and her Service to Humanity.

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To those w ho , b y uns tinted g ift o f care and sacrifi ce h ave mad e it po ssible for u s to lea rn the way o f Truth a nd S e rvice, and who , by virtu e of the te nder care thus besto w ed have a ri ght to expec t a full m ea sure of S e rv ice in re t urn, w e do with immeasurable re spect dedicat e this Sixtie th Anniversary V olume , the P e ruvia n o f 192 7.



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Here heaven's white and azure mingles with the soft green of the trees



MT. VERNON HALL H ere many lo ng to linger


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LIBRARY Here our ideals are given shape

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GYMNASIAM H ere we are thrilled by g lori ous victories

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her best






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CEMETERY HILL Here we are wont

ro stroll

\'</. R.


A. B.

T he g raduating clas~,s o f 1927 constitute the largest group that ever gra duated fr om Peru. This is an enviable distinction, one in which you as graduates, no d oubt, take g reat pride. This distinction, however, p laces a greater responsibility upon you rhan upon any preceeding class, for f rom a large class, in the aggregate, large retu rns are expected. And what are the returns expected of you? Nothing less than the earnest effort 路w make o f you rselves the best teach ers possible, that the boys and girls wh ::> will be pla ced ;n rou r charge, in the years to come, will be inspired to become useful members of society. A s: mple purpose, yes, but the p u rpose which produced such men a s Socrates, Aristotl e, Pesta lozzi, Horace Mann, and Woodrow W ilson ; for the s:mplest thi ngs of li fe- friends hip, love, character, are, after <J II , the greatest. Bur to be a grea t teacher you must be wi ll ing to g ive freel y of your time, you r talents, vou r love, you~self.

If vou d:> this, you r success will he immeasurabl y great and you r life

rre-emincntly worth while.

I cove t for you such a life.

W. R. PATE, Prc ,idcnt

Pc~ge r


W. N. D elzell Dean of M e n and Director of Extr~Hion

!nice Dunning, A. B. Dean of Women and Preceptrr rr

R. D. Overholt, A. B. Reg istrar


C lara M. D unigan A ssistant Regist rar


Page 18

Elma I. Gockley J;ookkccpcr a1ul S ecretary to the Pn•sidc11t

Irma Casey, A. B. Office A ssistallt

B. K. Baker, A. B., A. M . A ssociate Prof essor of Ed ucatio11

Chloe C. Baldridge, A. B. Professor of Rural Ed ucatio11

E. C. Beck, A. B., A. M. Professor of Eng lish

Mae Miller Beck, A. B. Supervisor First and Second Grade Teaching

R. T. Benford lnstmctor in Pian o and Organ

Maud Berry, A. B. Professor of Rural Education

l 'agc 10

Anna L. Best, B. S ., Ph. M .

Associate Professor of Euglish aud lu sl ru ct ~r of Speech Educatiou

Ruth G . Brandt

Priucipal of }zwior High School

Libbie A. Branson, A. B.

Assistaut Librarian

George W. Brown

Associate Professor of History aud Sociology

Emily Burton Super visor Fifth and Sixth Grade Teaching

\'<1. R. Carter, A. B. Associate Professor of Biology

V. E. Chatelain, A. B., A. M. Professor of History, Economics a11d Sociology

Esther A. Clark, A. B., A. M. Professor of Foreign Languages

A. B. Claybu rn , A. B., A. rvi. Professor of Geography

S . L. Clements, A. B., A. M . Superiuteudc11t of Trainiug School

A. Crago, A. B., A. M . Professor of Educatiou aud Director of Research aud Pcrsom1el

Price Doyle, B. S. Director of Co11scn路atory of M 1Hic all(! Professor of Public School M tHic

I ', , ~~ c. -' ;

Marie H . Faullnbcr, A. B., A. M. Associate Professor of English

Lon R. Graf Director of Physical Education for M c11

Arthur L. Hill, A. B. Professor of Mathematics

1\. E. Holch, A. B., B. Mus., A. M.

Professor of Biology

Page 14

W. F. H oyt, A. B., A. l\1. l'rofessor of Physical Srience

C. A. Huck, A. B. Associate Professor of M athematic.<

Anna Irwin, B. S.

Associate Prof essor of Commerce and In structor of Palmer Penmanship

V. H. Jind ra, A. B. Director of Band and Orchestra and In structor of Violin

/ '<tg.t• .? )

Emily Johnson, R. N. School Nurse

Pearl Kenton, A. B. A ssociate Professor of Fvreig11 Lan guages

Cecelia Kettunen Professor of Art

Paul E. Kurnink, B. S. !lssistant Director of Physiccl Education for M Cl1

A. V. Lars路n . A 路路 Supcn 路isor of Mauual Arts

Elizabeth McCollum, B. E. Director of Kindcrgarteu

N ona M. Palmer, A. B. Professor of Commerce

Grace M. Petersen, A. L3. Libraria11

Devona M. Price, A. B. Supervisor of ]rmior High School Teaching

Frances E. Root, B. S . Director of Physical Education for Women

C. A. Spacht, A. B. Principal of Senior High School

Grace T ear, A. B., A. M. Prof essor of Principles and M ethods in Edu cation

/ 'age 28

Kathryn M . T owne, B. S .

Professor of H ome Economi.-s

Sara B. \XIare, A. B.

Supervisor Third and Fourth Grad~ T eaching

W . 0 . Willhofc, A. B. A ssociate in English and History

STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION The Peru Srare Teachers College is a consrirutional inscirucion, having been made so when the new constitution for Nebraska was adopted in 1920. It is under the control of the Scare Board of Education. The members of chis board, with rhe exception of the Scare Superintendent of Public I nstruction, who is a member ex-officio, are appointed by che Gove:nor, subject ro confirmation by the Senate. The Board at present consists of rhe following: H onorable T. ]. Majors, Peru, President, Term expires 1933. H onorable Dan Morris, Kearney, Vice-President, Term expires 1933. H onorable H. E. Reische, Chadron, Secretary, Term expires 1931 . Honorable F. S. Berry, Wayne, Term expires 193 1. H onorable E. Ruth Pyrtle, Lincoln, Term expires 1929. Honorable Dan V. Stephens, Fremont, T erm expires 1929. Honorable Charles W. Taylor, Scare Superintendent, Lincol n, Ex-officio. A governor of Nebraska once said that Thomas Jefferson Majors was the G eorge Washington of Peru. Truly he has been the fa ther of our g rand old institu tion of learning.

Every building on the campus stands as


contribution of his efforts in behalf of the school he has

loved so long and so well. Born in Iowa over four score years ago, where he spent his early childhood, he came to Peru in early youth where he lived with his parents until the call came from Lincoln for volunteers. At the age of eighteen young Majors answered tha t call. H e served this country throughout the C ivil Wa r and at the close of the struggle CoL. THOMAS JEFFERSON he was sent ro western Nebraska, Colo rado, and Wyom ing ro rake charge of a division of soldiers to put down rhe Indian uprising. In 1866 he returned ro civil life and as a reward fo r rhe services to his country he was chosen ro represent his home county in rhe first Stare Legislature of Nebraska. In '(his legislature he was a potent factor and leader. Ir was rhis legislature which chose .:he location for rhe State Capital, the State University, and rhe first Scare Teachers' Training School of N ebraska. Through his leadership Peru was seriously considered for 路.:he location of the State University until a compromise measure was offered by making 路.:he Scare N ormal at Peru and che Scare University at Lincoln. For several years the school at Peru was rhe larger school. In honor for his services he is regu larly chosen President of rhe Scare Board of Education and each time when his term on che board expires he is reappointed-he rh e governor Republ:can or be he Democrat-a reward merit for the faithful servi~~,:S he ha~ rendered rhc Scare.

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PERU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Of/ir<'r:< ~ :ttlt'nrd

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Or. McKenzie'.< H om e. 18'70

These Prcsidcnrs have guided the destinies of Peru Stat.: Teachers College smcc 1867:


AL UMN I HOME The Alumni Association hls recently pu:chased the old Martin prope rty just norrh of the campus, one hJlf block facing College Ave., leading north from Old Norm:! Half. This is the first m::JVe coward the building of an Alumni H ome. For years the Alumni Association has been collecting fees and keepin~ the rese rve on interest until now chis exce llent property has been purchased for cash, :md cnou~h money left to begin improvements. The present old buildings arc to be torn d own :md -c hc place marked and made ready for the new Alumn i H ome.

Attendance Since Peru Became A College Year College * 1920-1 92 1 188 1921-1922 245 1922-1923 260 1923-1924 288 1924-1925 380 1925-1926 467 1926-1927 5 14 *The year before Peru became a coll ege.

Secondary 121 182 145 164

Tor:~ I

170 146 133

550 6 12 647

309 427 405 452

Note-T he above figures d o not include Summer School :tttend:mce. The summer school attendance for 1925 was 655. The summer school :mendance for 1926 was 802.

Bachelor of Arrs D egree, 1926 (Lirt collti11ued from / 926 Peru-vian) Gus A. Bade Forrest G. Bell Millard D. Bell Mrs. W. S. Bostder Walter E. Buettgenbach Lorenc W. Buising Roy C. Busch G . Vaughn Casler Vera B. Cook Earl L. Craig Mary Cruikshank Roy A. Dahlstrom Daniel Boone Dallam William Lloyd Dallam Muriel B. Ellis Elsie E. Eskew Frances F. Eskew W. Merle Fisher Hal W. Glasgow Lub Rebecca Graham



Clarence W. Gra ndy Lois Elizabeth Gregg Emil E. G runwald Otto Wa lter H ackman Viola Ganzell Hackman C ubert L. H alf Mary Sutton Harrison Robert D. H a rrison Mary I sabe l Hardey H erbert Hilgenfeld Ralph W. Hunter Raymond E. Hunter Alice J ones Marion Livingston Mabel M . McGinnis Richard Madden Arthur R. Maj ors Anna Myrtle Maxwell Mary F. Meserve J ere Cornell Michl

Zelia M. Miller Einar G . Nielson Ward E. Nippert Emilie Novo tny Dorothy D. Parriott Mildred E llen Pate Tulian E. P ool kenton A. Poynter Devona M. P rice Ma linda Roubinek Samuel F. Rowley Carolyn H . Russell Kate E. Russell Noel B . Seney Floyd J. Stephenson Rae I. Swartwout Leona Leib Tyson Irene Veal W a ldo 0. Willhoft Roscoe E. Wright



PERU'S PROGRESS With this issue of the Peruvian, commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of Peru State Teachers College, it is fitting that a resume o f some of th e incid ents of these sixty years be recounted.



It was in 1865 that the first seep towards making Peru an educational cente r was ::~d足 vanced, when the citizens of chis prairie community mer to f ormulate plans for rhe con~rruction of a school building. Dr. J ohn Neal, Major \'V'il liam Daily, Rev. Bu rch and Mrs. J. M. J.\llcKenzie were instrumental in purchasing the land for the site of the new building. That site is now occupied by Me. Vernon Hall. With the willingness of parri ors, rhe citizens of rhe comm u n ity gave libe rall y to the cause of rhe new sch:Jol. Brick was obtained from the local brick ya rd. Rock, labor, cottonwood lumber, land, and oth er building material was freely dona ted and soon a crude but respectable structure was opened for occupancy. Dr. J. M. M cKenzie, prominen t in ed ucational endeavors, had been persuaded to sever his connection with a private school at Pawnee City and take charge of the newly constructed school a t Peru. H e and his wife constituted rhe faculry. At this time the territorial legisla ture began considering si res for rhe location and construction of state schools. Through rhe efforts of Col. T. J. Majors and M ajor \'V' ill iam Daily, who were members of rhe legislature, rhe state in 1867 accepted the offer of Pe ru 's school to become rhe Nebraska Stare Normal, as ir wa s found impossible ro locate rhe state university here. With an appropriation of $3,000 the bu ilding was improved. In 1868 the Philomathean Litera ry Societ y was o rganized. The original charter hangs in the Faculty Room of rhe present Adm inistration building. Dr. McKenzie re linquished the presidency of the school in 187 1 and the p residents who succeeded him are sh ow n on page 31 of this Peruvian.

Pag e ''

In 1870, the fir st graduat ion e xe r ctses w er e he ld . A bo uld er o n th e campus marks the S!)Ot of th e ceremonies. D uring the years 1872-1873 the main buildin g of th e ca111!)US, ' ' O ld" Normal H a ll , was co nstru cted. Thi s was ded icated D ec. 23. 1873. I n 1885 ma ny improvem e nts \\"ere a dd ed and th e e ntire building enlarged to acco mmod ate the ever-increas in g s tudent bod y . H owev er, this state ly stru cture has been s lashed by the scythe of Tim e, a n d seve ra l build ings now serve the purposes fo r whi ch on e o nce sufficed. In 1875 the Everett Lite rary Society wa s o r ganized to serve purposes s imil ar t o those of the Phil o mathean. Both contributed tha t soc ia l leavening that is so n ecessa ry to the vita lity of a co ll ege campus. In 1886 the laborato ries w ere re -eq uip ped, lighting syst em s ins talled . a lib rary co n ?~ruct~d, and_ a_ brick obse rvato ry built. thi s latter o n the pre se nt_ site o f th e T . ]. Maj o rs I rammg Bmldmg. The Y. M. C. A . a nd Y . \V. C. A. also beca m e act ive organi zat io n s on the campus. In 1896 the sys tem w as re-o r gan ized in s uc h a wa y that an extra year was r e qu ired for g raduation. The summ er sc hool sess io ns, h er etofore irregu lar, became a reg u lar feature of th e school year. 1900 sa w the first g ree nh ouse. the enlarg eme nt of th e at h letic field. and a n ew chape l bui lding . In 1909 a new library wa s er ected and th e o ld li brary rem o delled into the S ci e n ce Hall. Then a m o dern brick buil d in g was constru cted t o se rve as t he Adminis trati on building. The o utstandin g additi on t o the Peru campus was com pl ete d in 1 ~1 5. when th e $ 100,000 T. ]. 1vl ajors Tra ining Buildin g wa s dedicat ed . H e re the collq.{e s t udents are thoroughly trained in actual exper ie nces in tea ch ing, with t h e most m ode rn equipm ent a nd facil iti es. Jn 192 1 the o ld chapel bui ld in g wa s r e m o delled. Th e gy m wa s p laced o n th e grou nd tloor and a large S\\"imm ing poo l constructed in th e ba se ment. To provide for co nvocation and a semhl y programs. a ne w aud itorium was e r ec ted in 1922-1923 on th e site of the 路'O ld"" Norma l Hall. A note\\"or thy change took p lace July I , 1 ~2 1. The Nebraska S tat e N o rma l Sc h oo l became the State T eachers Coll ege of Peru , gran tin g A. B. _d eg rees fo r the co m p lc tHm of a four - year col lege course. This has placccl P e ru on a hq~ h c 1路 plane 111 th e_ ca u se of education. and has helped to in cr ease the e nrollm e nt far above tha t of any prcvH >lt S yea r. vVith the many impr ove m e nt s that have be e n m a de w it hi n t he las t three years . coupl ed with the assurance of a ne\\' Sc it路 nc c H a ll. th e co ll ege will continue to t路xpand under the guidance of P r esid ent Pate.

Page 34









'I -.'•

A. L.


A (h iser


WALTER H. ALFS Shickley Major-Manual Arrs Minors-Biology, Chemisrry

Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., up" Club

CARRIE J. BLOSS Lincoln Major-Education Minors-History, Biologv Giris' Club

BESS C. BROWN Brock Major-Home Economics Minors-Latin, Physical Education Girls' Club, Y. \XI. C. A., G. A. A., Philo, T ennis Club, Women's Glee Club

MRS. VERYL CAMERON Madrid Major-English Minors-History, Latin Girls路 Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo. CECILE L. CHAMBERS Ashland Major-Elem. Education, Mach. Minors-Biology, History Girls' Club, Philo, Dram<~ric Club, Women's Glee Club, Early Elem. Club.

Pctgc 36

MARY E. BEECHER Beatrice Major-English Minors-History, Biology Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A.


Major-Botany Minors-Phys. Science, Geography Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, ~ B P, Dramatic Club. HOWARD C. BRUNSDON Peru Major- Botany Minors-Chemistry, Geography. Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., "P" Club, Philo, ~BP. OPAL YOST CARTER Peru

Major-Biology Minors-English, Geography Girls' Clu b, .lA fl , ~BP.

GLADYS Y. COL WELL Odell Major-Phys. Science. Minors-Biology, Zoology Gils'Club, Philo, ~BP .

ORVILLE CONKLE Peru Majors-Biology, Geography /Vlinor- History Men's Club, Everett, Y. M. C. A.

MILDRED E. COW AN G11nnison, Colorado Major-History . Minors-Phys. Educ., Soci;tl Science Girls' Club.

WM. FULTON DAVENPORT Peru Ma jor-Biologv Minors-History, Chemistry Mcn"s Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, ~ I ll', Tennis Clu b, Deb;~tr.

MARY PORTER DODSON Wilber Major- Music Minors-English, Language Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Women's G lee Club.

VERDA H. FRARY Peru Ma jar-Commerce Minors-English, History Philo, Dramatic Club, I [ Omega


FRANCIS J. CONKLE Pcrrt Major- Manual Arts Minors-English, History Men's Club, Y. M. C. A .. Everett, Men 路s Glee Club, Peruvian. Class Presidenr. V IVIAN D . COREY Shc11arrdoah. l oll'a Major-Mathematics Minors-English, Social Science Y .W. C. A., Everett, ~ .\ II. MARGARET DAHLSTROM Peru !VIa jars-Commerce, /VI usic Minors-Education, English Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A .. Philo, \XIomen's G lee Club.

MARION DODDERER V crdon Major- Mathematics Minors-Music, Arr Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Women's Glee Club, Peruvian, "P" Club, Pedagogian, Coach H . S. Athletics. GLENN FRARY Peru Major-Manual Arts Minors-History, Phys. Educ. Men's Club, Y . M .C. A., "P" Club, Philo, Pedagogian, Coach H . S. Arhletics.

EVERETT F. FULLER Pew Majors-Social Science Minors-Bioi. Science, Phys. Science. Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, ~13P, Tennis Club, Dramatic Club

MARGARET D. GIBERSON Lincoln Major-English Minors-Latin, History

D . A. GANZEL Albion Major-Education Minors-History, English Men's Club

EFFIE G. GILMORE N ebraska Cit y

MILDRED T. GRAF Peru Ma jar-English Minors-History, Phys. F.du. Girls' Club, Philo, ~T~, Dramatic Club.

WALTER W . HANSEN ]olmson Major- Biology Minors-Phys. Science, History Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Everett, ~13P, Dramatic Club, Class Treas.

HARRIETT HARTLEY N ebraska City Ma jar- Biology Minors- Phys. Science, History Girls' Club, Philo.

Ma jar-Language Minors-English, Mathematics Girls' Club.


Major-Home Economics Minors-An, History Girls' Club, G. A. A., Philo.

LUCILLE E. HARAJIAN Peru Major-Latin Minors- Mathematics, History Girls' Club, G. A. A., Philo, ~ Alf Tennis Club, Peruvian .


Major-Biology Minors- Phys. Science, Geograph y Men's Club, Philo, ~ BP, Peruvian.

Page .18


LEON W . HEFTIF S tockham

Majors-Phys. Science, Social Science. Minor-Biology Men's Club, Y . M. C. A. FRANK B. H ILLARD Peru

Major-Mathematics Minors-Chemistry, English Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., C. C. A., "P ., Club, Everett, Men's Glee Clu b, Peruvian. PHILIP HOYT Peru

Major-Mathematics Minors-Biology, Phys. Science Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., "P" Club, Everett, Tennis Club, Orchestra, Band. HELEN M. JONES Nemaha Ma jar-English Minors-History, Phys. F.duc. Girls' Clu b, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Everett, Dramatic Cluh, Tennis Club, Pedagogian, Class Sec.

PERRY]. ]OR!\'

Ma jar-English Minors-History, Bioi. Science Girls' Club, Y. \XI. C. A., Philo, ~Ail.


Major-Phys. Science Minors-Bioi. Science, Social Science Men's Club, "P" Club, Philo, Class Vice-President.


Major-Biology Minors-Eng lish, History Y. W. C. A., 1BP.

ETHEL]. JONES Nemaha Major-Education Minors-English, History Y. W . C. A., Dramatic Club, Women"s Glee Club.

H ARRIETT D. JORN Verdon Major-Early Elem. Educ. Minors-Art, Speech Educ. Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo.

V erdon Major-Mathematics Minors-Phys. Science, English.

Men's Club.

Page ~9


Ma jar-English Minors-History, Biology Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., "P" Club, Everett, Dramatic Club, Men 路s Glee Club, Pedagogian, ~BP .



Major-Social Science Minors-Latin, English Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, ~A fi, Peruvian. ELSIE MARES Peru

Major-Commerce Minors-English, Art. G. A. A., Philo, ~All, Tennis Club, Orchestra, n Omega n . CHARLES C. MEL TON Waco

Major-English Minors-History, Phys. Educ. Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Everett, Pedagogian ,Class Presidenr.

JOHN E. O'NEil Dunbar

Major-Phys. Science Minors-Manual Arts, Bioi. Science. Men's Club, C. C. A.

W.ajor-History Minors- Bioi. Science, Geography Men's Club ARTHUR C. LINDAHL N ebraska City

Ma jor-English Mi nors- H istory, Language Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, ~.'!'~, Orchestra, Band, T ennis Club, Pedagogian, Peruvian. Class Vice-President. MARION E. MARSH Peru

Major-English Minors-Latin, History Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Fverett. ~ A ll , 2Tt:i, Dramatic Club, Pedagogian. MARJORIE M . M ILLER Beatrice

Majors-Music, English M inor- H istory Girls' Club, Philo, j, A ll, :::STt:i, Dramatic Club, Orchestra, Women's Glee Club, Peruvian, Class Secretary. HAROLD 0. PETERSON Peru

Major-Bioi. Science Minors- Social Science, Geography Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., P hilo, :iBP, Dramatic Club, P eruvian .

Page '10

LEONE PIERCE Bartlett, Iowa Major-Bioi. Science Minors-Phys. Science, English Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., ~ 11 P, T enn is Club. ARLENE B. RITCHIE Stella Ma jar-History Minors-English, Geography Men ·s Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, J. .·\ I I , Dramatic Clu b, Orchestra. Band. LEONA SPARKS Tccumreh Majors-English, Math. M inor-H istory. Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A.. Eve rett, J. A II , ~ T J. , Dram<~ tic Club, Debate, Peruvian.

SARA B. WARE Pawnee City Major-Education Minors-Geograph >'• English Girls' Club.

LAMBERT W ILLIAMS Peru Major-Phys. Science Minors- H istory, Manua l Arts Men's Club, Y . M. C. A., Philo, Dramatic Club, Pedagogia n.

GLADYS 0. PIERCE Bartlett, Iowa Major-Bioi. Science Minors- Phys. Science, English Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A.,. Philo, ~

B P.

ROBERT F. PROKOP Crete Major-Manual Arts Minors-Biology, Historv Men's Club.

HILDEGARDE M. ROWLEY D e Will Major-English Minors- Latin, Biology Girls' Cl ub.

CRAIG E. THOMAS Shickley Major-Manual Arts Minors- Math., Biology Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Everett, T ennis Club, Dramatic C lub. I NEZ RAE WELLS A lexandria Majors-Commerce, English Minor-History Girls' C lub, Philo, ~A ll , Tennis Club, D ramatic C lub, 1I Omega 11 .

ERNA WOITZEL Greenwood Major-H istory Minors-Mach., Arc G irls' Club, Y. W . C. A., Everecc, ~A U, Orchestra, Peruvian.

FRI EDA WOJT ZEL Greenwood Major-English Minors-Latin, Spanish G irls" Club, Y . W. C. A., Everett, Llr\ II , ~T ~. Dramatic C lub, Debare, O rchestra, Peruvian.


Peru Ma jor-Chemiscry Minors-Bioi. Science, Mach. Men's Club.

CLASS OF 1 927 The members of che Class of 1927 look back upon thei r past fo ur ye'\rs with ming led pride and joy. H ow much like a cycle of history has been the d evelopment of chis class! . As freshmen, wich vase numbers, they faced che p robl em of organiza tion, were ushered tnt~ the mysteries of college life, each one seeki ng co fi nd chat course from which he would denve the most benefic. Then as sophomores, though slighdy reduced in numbers, chey were among the peppiest on the campus. They recall che diligence with which chey dug dandelions and cleaned u p rhe campus; che pride chey felc in che class play, "The I ntimate Strangers"; t he void they caused by their silent d isappearance on May 5th; a nd the crowning event-the FreshmanSophomore banquet. Then came the critical r:me of deciding wh ether they should reap the benefits of the past two yea rs or gain more by remaining. Wich much regret, most of the comrades went forth into cheir profession co teach others chat they, roo, might attain the fruits of real wisdom, bur chose sophomores have been loyal co Peru and have sent back many ro replenish the ranks. As juniors, still fewe r in number. they found plenty of room at the top a nd how glorious was the sensation of realizing that rhey could grow in whatever fiel d they had chosen, o:o unlimited bounds. And now as seniors, we have had gained in numbers and have became the largest dass rhus far co receive degrees from chis college. Who knows so well as che seniors the treasures scored in che library? Who has d elved more whole-heartedly into athletics, music, and arc and fo und more pleasure than the se niors? And now we venture forth co prove che worth of Peru State T eachers College.

Page 42


E. C.

BEc K,

A dviscr

JUNIORS flagc 4 1

LILLIAN L. ALFS Friend Majors-History, Education Minor-Music Y. W . C. A.

WARREN D. BAILEY Elmwood Major-Manual Arts Minor-Social Science Men's Club, Philo.

FRANK P. BOGLE Peru Majors-Mach., Phys. Science Minor-Bioi. Science Philo, Band, Orchestra, Y. M. C. A., Men's Glee Club, Dramatic Club, Men's Club, :::::13P .

ELMA BRINKMAN Pawnee City Major-English Minors-Speech Educ., History Gi rls' Club.

LEWIS M. CART ER Hebron Major-Social Science Minor-Phys. Educ. Men 路s Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, "P" Club, Men's Glee Club.

CARL E . BARDWELL Council Bluffs, Iowa Majors-Social Science, Ma nl1al Arts. Minor-Phys. Science Men's Club, ~AU, Y . M . C. A.

KATHRYN H. BEHRENS Yutan Major-Early路 Elem . Minors--Art, Music Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A ., Early Elementary Club. ANNA MARGARET BRECHT Falls City Ma jor- History M inors- Com merce, Social Science. Everett, D ramatic Club, G irl's Glee Clu b, Peru vian. EVANGELINE BYRAM Decatur Majors-English, History Minor- Latin Girls' Club, Philo, Omaha C lub, Girls' Glee Club, Pedagogian.

BEN M. CHURCH Alexandria Major-History M inors- English, M anual Arts. Men's Club, Philo.



Major-History Nlinors-Latin, Education Y . W. C. A., C. C. A., G. A. A.

Major-Art, English Minor-History G. A. A., Philo.

ROLAND L. EDIE Pawnee City

HELEN EPLER ]rclia11

Majors-Music, Biology Minor-English Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Everett, Rural Leadership Club, Girls' Glee Club, Crass Treasurer. GLADYS GROSSOEHME Pent

Major-Early El:m. Ed uc. Minors-Music, English Y. W . C. A., Philo, Orchestra, Girls路 Glee Club, Early Elementay Club. EVERETT HEYWOOD Pent

Major-Phys. Science Minors-Math., Phys. Educ. Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., " P" Club.





Majors-English, History Minor-Bioi. Science Y. M. C. A., Men's Cluh, Philo.

Ma jor-Bioi. Science Minor-Phys. Education Men "s Club, "P" Club, Everett, Class President. JESSI E A. GIVENS Cortland

Major-History !'viinors-English, Biology Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, .l.-\ lJ.

JOH N HANSON Shickley Major-Manual Arts Minor-Biology Men's Club, Men's Glee Club

L. GRACE JOHNSTON Alliance Major-English Minors-History, Bioi. Science. Girls' Club, Y. W . C. A., Philo, .l A II ,.::::T .l.


WILLOW KISSACK Lead, South Dakota

Major-Early Elem. Educ. Minor-Art Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Dramatic Club. SELMA E. MOULTON Wymore

Majors-Early Elem. Educ., History. Minor- English Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Everett, ~All, Debate, Class President. HARVEY A. NEUMEISTER Nebraska City

Ma jar-English Minors-History, Social Science Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Evererr Debate. '


Major-Early Elem. Educ. Girls' Club

OLIVER C. ROGERS Peru Major-Biology Minors-Geography. Soc. Science Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo.

Page 46

JAMES M. MERITT Perrt Major- English Minor-Bioi. Science Men"s Club, Y. M. C. A., Everett. WARREN NEDROW Stella

Majors-History, Bioi. Science Minor-Mathematics Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Everett, Dramatic Club, Class Secretary FRANCIS D. PARISH Elmwood Major-History Minors-Soc. Science, Geography Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, Dramatic Club, Men's Glee Club. A. CHRISTINE RASMUSSEN Omaha

Major-Education Minor-English C. C. A., Everett, Omaha Club, Early Elementary Club.

CARL A. SKEEN Elmwood Major-Music Minor-English Y .M. C. A., Band, Men's Glee Club, Pl1i_lo, Peru Peppers.



Majors-Math., Latin Minor-Biology Girls' Club, Y . W. C. A., Girls路 Glee Club.

Majors-Manual Arts, Math. M inor-Phys. Science Men's Club, Men's Glee Club.



l'vla j or-Commerce


Majors-Bioi. Science, History Minor-Geography Men's Club, ~BP.



Majors-Math., Biology Minor-English Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A.


Majors-Early Elem. Educ., Bioi. Minor-English Early Elem. Council, Everett, Girls' Club. WILBERT L. ZORN Fails City Majors-Biology, Phys. Educ. Minor-History Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., "P" Club, Philo, Dramatic Club, Class Vice-President.

Major-Home Economics Minors-Chemistry, Phys. Educ. Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Philo.

DORA WOODWARD Gr1ide Rock Ma jar-Kindergarten Minors-Home Econ ., Phvs. Educ. Y. W . C. A., G . A. A., Philo, Tennis Club.


Major- Early Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Early Elem. Club.

Page r

Page 48


..... ,,'




,. "







W ALBURGA ADAMS Nebraska City Commerce Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Everett, ll Omega ll.

LAURINE ANDERSON Auburn History, Biology Girls' Club, Philo.

HOWARD BATH Brownville Science, Mathematics Men's Club, "P" Clul:>, Philo, Peruvian.

GRACE BEVINGTON Reynolds English, History Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Everett.

BASIL BOYLE Verdon Social Sciences Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, Dramatic Club.



CLARINE ANDERSON A ttbran Mathematics, Biology Girls' Club, Philo.

RUTH BARTLETT Ellis Early Elementary Y. W. C. A., Early Elementary Council

RUTH BEHRNS Nehawka Rural Education Y. W. C. A., Rural Leadersh ip Club.


HELEN BLOODGOOD Beatrice Early Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Everett, Tennis Club, Peruvian, Early Elementary C lub.

LILLIAN BRADY Pertt Commerce Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Tennis Club, Orchestra, Band, Women's Glee C lu b.





Geography, English Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., P hilo.

Falls City

Physical Education, Manual Arts Men's Club, Band, O rchestra.



Social Science, Biology Men's Club, P hilo, D ramatic Club, Y . M. C. A., Men's Glee Club, Tennis Club.

Dearbom, M issouri

Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A.



Biology, Science, Geography Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Everett, Dramatic Club, Women's Glee Club.


English, Hisrory Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G . A. A., Tennis Club, Everett.


English, Biology Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Rural Leadership Club.


History Girls' Club, Philo.



Science, History Mens' Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, Tennis Club, Dramatic Club, Debate, Orchestra, Band.

Language, English Girls' Club, Y. W . C. A., Philo, Women's Glee Club.

Page 51


History Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, Men's Glee Club.


Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Women's Glee Club.


Commerce, Language Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Dramatic Club, Omaha Cluh, Men's Glee Club.



Education Philo, Debate.


English, Mathematics Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Everen, Dramatic Club, Women's Glee Club.


English, Biology Girls' Club, Y. W . C. A. PAUL E. COLLINS Peru

Physical Science Men's Club, Philo. Men's Glee Club, College Quartet.


English, History Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A. GRACE COREY Shenandoah, Iowa English, History Y. W. C. A., ~T~, Peruvian.


Art, English G. A. A., Philo, Dramatic Club, Peruvian .

Page 52



Physical Education, Biology [\l ]en 's Club, Tennis Club.


Latin, History Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Orchestra.


Science, Ph ysic<ll Educ<ltion Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., "P" Club, Philo, Dramatic Club.

SELMA DIEHM Sterli11g Earl y Elementary Girls' Club, Everett, Women's Glee Club, Early Elementary Club.

DOROTHY DEARING Allia11ce English, History Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, ~T..l , Dr<lm<ltic Club, C lass Vice President.

LUCILLE DICKINSON Alliance Commerce Gir ls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo.


E. MAUDE DISBROW Arapahoe Education Girls' Club.

EDITH EVANS Shubert Earl y Elementary Philo, Orchestra, E<1rly Elementary Club.

Science Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo.

HELEN DODSON Omaha La tin, Biology Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Om<lha Club.

ADA EYRE Nebraska City Biology, Science, Language Girls' Club, Everett.

CHARLES FOWLER Elmwood Biology, History Men's Club, Y. M. C. A, Philo.

AMZIE GRASS Waco Mathematics, Biology Men's Cluh, Y. M. C. A, Everett, Peruvian.

EDNA HALL M alvem, lon'a Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Everett, T ennis Club, W omen's Glee Club.

ELEANORE HARAJ IAN Peru English, Larin Girls' Club, G. A A., Philo. Tennis Club.

Page 54

CLARA FLETCHER H am burg, I alVa Early Elementary Gi rls' C lub, Y. W. C. A, Earl y Elementary C lub.

RUTH GILLISPIE Auburn Early Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Rural Leadership Cl ub, Women's Glee Club.

LEILA GRAUL Alexandria Ea rly Elementary G irls' C lub, Early Elementa ry Club, Y. W. C. A., G . A. A., Philo, Tennis Club, Women's Glee Club. W ILLARD HALL Nemaha Physical Science Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, Tennis Club.

MERNA HARRIS Stella Commerce Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Philo, I I Omega II .

MARI E H ERRON W atson, Missouri


English, Historv Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Oramaric Club.

Mall'em , Iowa

English, Science Girls' Club, Tennis Club.

JOY HINRICHS N ebraska Cit y


Science (Pre-Medic) M en's Club, Y. M. C. A., Men's G lee Club.

Pawnee City

Rura l



Early Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Early Elementary Club.


Commerce Y. W. C. A., Evererr, Dramatic Clu b, Omaha Club, Peruvian.


FREDA IHRIG j ohn son

English, Larin Girls' Clu b, Y . W. C. A., G. A. A., Philo.

Bronau gh, Missouri

Language, English Girls' Club, Y. W .C. A .. W o-

rnen's Glee Club.


1\!Iarhemarics Girls' Club, G. A. A. EVELYN J ANSSF.N Beatrice


Page 55


Science (Pre-Medic) Men's Club, Philo, Dramaric Club, Peruvian.



Mathema tics, Bio logy, Scien ce M en 's C lub , Y. M. C. A., Philo, Dramat ic C lu b, M en's Glee C lu b.



Geography Men's Club, Dramatic Cl ub Men's Glee Club.


English, Biology Girls' Club, G. A. A., Tennis Club, Dramatic Club, Class Secretary.



History, Science M en 's Cl ub, Y . M . C. A., "P" Cl ub, Eve rett, Men's Gl.:e C lu b, C lass Treasurer.



Omaha Physical Ed ucation, Engl ish Girls' Cl ub, Y. W. C. A., G . A. A., Tennis C lu b, Philo, Band .


Manual Arts, Physical Education Men's Club, C. C. A., " P" Club, Everett.


H ome Economics Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., W omen's Glee Club.


Ornaha Early Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Philo, T ennis Club, Early Elementary C luS, Pedagogia n .

INEZ LANDIS Mal~'em, Iowa Elementary G irls' C lub, Y. W . C. A., Rura l Leadership Club.

Page 56




Early Elemcntar}' Philo, Earl y Elementary Council, Y. WI. C. A.

Early Elementary Girls' Club, Y. \XI. C. A.. Philo, Early Elementary Co~ncil.




Elcmentarr Club, Y. W. C. A.


Early Elementary Y. \XI. C. A., Early Elementary Club.


NORMA LIVE:\:GOOD M orri/1, Kau sas Soci:tl Science, Mathematics Y. \XI. C. A., Philo.


English, latin Gi rls' Clu b, Y. \XI. C. A., Everett. RUBY McCORMICK S y racuse

GEORGE A. McELROY 8/auchard, I owa

Geography, History Y. WI. C. A., Philo.

Manual Arts, Biology Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., " P" Cluh, Evcrctr. LUELLA McFARREN N ebraska Cit y


Early Elementary Gi rls' Club, Y. \XI. C. A., Philo, Tennis Club, Dramatic Cluh, Omaha Club.

Mathema tics, Latin

BESS MAHAN Omaha Music Y. W. C. A., Philo, Oma!Ja Club, Women's Glee Club.

MILDRED MASON Salem Commerce Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., n Omega fl .

EFFIE MEISBACH Syracuse Elementary Y. W. C. A., Women's Glee Club.

LUCY MILLER Edgar Early Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. ~路路 Early Elementary Club, PeruVIan, Pcdagogian.

MARION MORGAN Omaha Elementary Girls' Cl ub, Y. W. C. A., Philo, G. A. A., Omaha Club.

Page 58


T ccu111Seh History, English Men's Club, C. C. A., Evcrerr, Tennis Club.

DOROTHY C. MEfER Wymore Early E lementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Evcrert, E:trly E lementary Club.

DOROTHY MYERS Auburn Elemen tary Girls' C lub, Y. W. C. A.

MAGGIE MORAN Hard)' Elementary G. A. A., Philo.

GENEVIEVE NICHOLAS N ebraska City H ome Economics, Physica l Science Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Everett, Dramatic C lub, Tennis Cl ub.

FLORENCE NOERRLINGER Crab Orchard Art Girls' Club, Philo.

VERNA PANSK A Elmwood Mathematics, Latin Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A ., Philo, Peruvian.

LESTER PARRIOTT Peru Manual Arcs Men's Club.

RUTH PHILBROOK Clark s Early Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Early riementa ry Council.

LA DEAN NICKEL Elmwood Early Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A.. Early Elementary Council.

EVELYN NOXON Omaha English, Mathematics Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Omaha Club.

CHARLES B. PARKS Auburn Hisrory, Geography Men's C lub, Y. M . C. A., P eruvtan .

ESTELENE PETTIT Bozeman , Montana Commerce G :rls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Everett.

DOROTHEA POLING Nebraska City Commerce Philo.

OPAL POOL Verdon Elementary

Y. W . C. A .

Paj!.C 59

LESLIE PRIEFERT Reynolds Manual Arcs, Biology W!en's Club, Y. M. C. A.

FRED RICKERS Dunbar Manual Arcs, Biology Men's Club, Y. M. C. A.

CLIFFORD ROBERTS Brownville H istory Me~'s Club, Peru Peppers, Pedagog•an, Peruvian.

FLORENCE RONNAU Syracuse History, Science Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Philo, Tennis Club, Dramatic Club, Women's Glee Club.

MARGARET SAMPS001 Crab Or(hard Elementary Girls' Clu b, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Philo, Rural Leadership Club Women's Glee Club. '

CLEON RH OADF.S Nemaha Mathematics, Socia l Science Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, Dramatic Club, Band, Men'-; Glee Club, Vice President F~eshma:l Class.

WILLIAM RING Hcbro11 Mathematics, Biology Men'!' Club, Philo, Y. M. C. A., Pe~u Peppers.

ESTH ER ROGERS Mart ell Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Women's Glee Club.

MARGARET RY.A.N Dawso11 H ome Economics Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., C. C. A. ALBERT A SCHINDLER Nebraska City Latin, Biology Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Phil?, Rural Leadership Club, T enniS Club, Women's Glee Club.

DOROTHY SCHWARTZ Omaha Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Rural Leadership Club, Omaha Club.

ARNOLD SELK Pl;•mouth Physical Education, Biologv, Science Men's C lub, "P" Club.

LORETTA SHEEHAN Salem English, Social Science Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., C. C. A., G. A. A.

FORREST B. SHRADER Pial/ smouth History, Biology Men's Club, Y . M. C. A., Philo, Peruvian.

E. LOGAN SIMPKINS Reynolds History, Biology Men's Club, Y. M . C. A., Fvrrett.

RUTH SCHINDLER Nebraska City Mathematics, English Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Rural Leadership Club, Tennis Club. ALENE SELK Plymouth English Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Everett, Tennis Club, Dramatic Club, Women's G lee Club, Peruvian, Class Secretary.

LEORA SETZER Peru English, Physical Education Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Philo, Dramatic Club, \XI omen's Glee Club.

FLORA SHEIK Crab Orchard English, History Girls' Club, Y . W. C. A., Everert.

VIRGINIA SIMMONS Bradshaw Commerce Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Tennis Cl ub, II Omega II .

Pag e' 6/

SHIRLEY SKADEN Waco English, Latin Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Everett, Dramatic Clu b. MYRTLE SORENSON Plainview Early Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Dramatic Club, Early Elementary Council (President), Women's Glee Club, Peruvian.

WINONA STAND LEY Peru Elementary

CLARA STITES Brock History, Biology Wcmen's Glee Club.

MI NNIE TAYLOR Nebraska City Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., E<trly Elementary Council.

Page 62

EVELYN SNYDER Nemaha Home Economics, Physical Science Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, \Xlomen's Glee C lub.

HELEN SPANGLER Stanton Home Economics Girls' C lu b, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Everett, Tennis Club, \¥/ omen's Glee Clu b.

CECIL STARK Elmwood History Men's C lub, Y . M. C. A., Philo, Men's G lee C lub, Colege Qua rter, Peruvian.

HELEN STRATTON S teinau er Early E lementary Girls' C lub, Early Elementary Council.

J ESSE B. THORPE Waco History, Biology . Men's C lub, Y. M. C. A., Everett, Dramatic Club, C lass Presiden t, Peruvian.

PAUL TIGARD Dorchester


Marhcmarics, Science Men's Club.

S tella

Elemcnrary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A.



Early Elementary Y. W. C. A., Philo. Earl y Elementary Council.

Falls City

English Philo.



H istory, English Y. W. C. A., Omaha Club, Debare.


Science, Manual Arts Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Everett. MARION WARNER Neb raska City


Manual Arts Men's Club.


Manual Arrs Men's Club, "P" Club.


Elementary NAOM I W H EELER

G irls' Club, Y. W. C. A.


English, Arr G irls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Peruvian.



H umboldt Elementary Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A.



WHITTFMORE Adams Biology, Physical Science M en's Club, Ph ilo, " P " C lub, Dramatic C lub, Men's Glee C luo, Tennis Club.


Language Y. W. C .A., Philo. MAXINE WILLIAMS

M ound City, Missouri GERTRUDE ZABEL


H ome Economics Dramaric Club.

Art Girls' Club, Y. W . C. A.. G. A. A., Philo, Peruvian.


Page 6-1



N o NA


p ,, L l\I FR.




C. C. A., G. A. A., Rural Le?.dership Club.



Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A ., C. C. A., G. A. A., Women's G lee C lub.


Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo. FLOYD ARMSTRONG BrownYi!le

Men's C lub, Y. M. C. A. RUTH BATEMAN Beatrice

Girls' Club, Rural Leadership Club


Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Omaha Club, Women's Glee Club. GERTRUDE R. BENT Z Nebraska City

Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A. MILDRED V IOLA BENTZ Nebraska C ity

Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A. LOYE BLACK Brock

Girls' Club, Women's Glee l.lub.


Rural Leadership Club.

Page 66

ELSIE BOATMAN Ne maha Rural Leadership Club. CHARLES BOYD Salem Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo.

MADONNA BRADY Peru G irls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Evererr, \XIomen's Glee Club.

MERNA H . BRANDT Nehawka Rural Leadership Club.



Men's Club, Y. M. C. A .. "P" Club, Philo.

Brock Girls' Cl ub, Women's Glee Club. VIOLA H. BRORKENS Talmage VIOLA M. BROZ

Girls' Club, Wome:-~'s G l.:e Club.

Wilber Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Rmal Leadership Club, Women's Glee Club.

DOROTHY BRUMFIELD Omaha G irls' C lub, Y. W. C. A., Omaha Club.


Elmwood Men's Club, Y. M. C. A.


Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Men's Glee Club.


Girls' Club, Rural Leadership C lub LEOLA P. CARTER Dou'glas

Girls' Club, Rural Leadership Club.



Men 's C lub, Y. M. C. A., Everett, Dramatic Club, Men's Glee Club.

Tecum ~e h

Girls' Club, Everett, Y. \Y./. C. A. FLOSSIE L. CHAMBERS

FRANK CHAPIN Nebraska City

Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Tennis Club.

A shland Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Dramatic Club, Orchestra, Women's Glee Club.

ANNE T. CHRISTEN Nebraska City


Girls' Club, C. C. A., G . A. A., Rural Leadership Club, Women's Glee Club.

Girls' Club, Ru ra l l.eadership Club. HERMAN CLARK Ve sta

M en's Clu b, Y. M. C. A.

Page 68



Rural Leadership Club. ETHEL COATNEY Falls City

Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Everett. FRED ]. COLE Peru


Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Omaha Club.


Girls' Club, Y. \Xl. C. A., Women's Glee Club. LOLA C. COOPER Peru

Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Early Elementary Club.


Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo. AGNES M. COUPE Rulo

Girls' Club, C. C. A., Rural Leadership Club, Women's Glee Club.

FLORENCE COY Farragut, ! alva

Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Early Elementary Club. ELEANOR CRANDELL Omaha

Y. W. C. A., Omaha Club.

CEDRIC L. CRINK Malvem , Iowa

Men's Club, Philo, Dramatic Club, Men's Glee Club.

ELLA CROOK Nebraska C it y


Girls' C lu b.

T emmseh

Men's Club, Everett, Dc~ace.

DARWIN D . DAMON T cc ttmseh


Men's C lub, Y. M . C. A.

T ecumseh

Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Women's Glee Club.


Y. W. C. A. RUTH DARWIN Virginia

Girls' Club, G. A. A.

FLORENCE E. DAVIS N eb raska Cit y


Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G . A. A.


Girls' Club, Rural Leadership Club.


G irls' Club, Y . W. C. A., Rural Leadership C lu b, Women 路s Glee C lu b.

Page 70




Girls' Club, Rural Leadership Cluh


Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, Tennis Clu\ Debate.



Girls' Club, Y . W. C. A., Rural Leadership Club.

PaJlln cc City

Girls' Clu b, Y. W. C. A. TILLIE A. EICHNER Gretna Girl~' Club, Rural Leadership Cluh


Girls' Club. ETHEL C. FISH Shubert


Girls' Club.


Gi rls' Club, Y. W. C. A. ALICE M. FLYNN Pleasan ton

C. C. A.

MILLARD M . FOWLER Nebraska City

Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, Pedagugian.


Y. W. C. A., Women's Glee Club ELBERTA FRENCH Douglas


Girls' Club.


Philo, Dramatic Club, Debate, Women's Glee Club.


Girls' Club, Y . W. C. A., G. A. A. JOSEPH F. GIBBLE Verdon

Men's Club. JEROME GIBSON Blanchard, Iowa


Men's Club, Y. M. C. A.


Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Rural Leadership Club. VERNA C. GLANDT Omaha


G irls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Omaha Club.

Long Beach, California

Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Everetr. HOWARD HALL Palmyra

Men's Club, Y . M. C. A.

Pa.e< 72



Girls' Club, Rural Leadership Club \'<!omen's Glee Club. .


Girls' Club, Y. W. C. .A. . , PI 11路1o, Omaha Club. LORREEN HARGER Shubert

G. A. A., Ru ral Leadership Club. MYRLE L. HARMON Brock

Men's Club, Y. M. C. A. JOHN HARMON A ubum


Men's Club, College Qu:utet.


Girl's Club, Y. W. C. A., Omaha Club.



Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A.


Girls' Club, Y. W . C. A., Women's G lee Club.


Men's Club, Y. M. C. A. MARGARET L. HOFFMAN Burchard

Y. W. C. A.

MILDRED HOPPOCK Farragut, Iowa Girls' Club.

HARDIN R. HOWORTH T ecrmzseh Men's Club, " P" Club, Everett.

DOROTHY V. HUGHES Auburn Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A.

LUCILLE A. HUGHES Fairb11ry Girls' Club, Women's Glee Club.

RUTH HUTCHESON Brush, Colorado Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Eve~ett.

HARLAND HEILIG Tecumseh Men's C lub.

FRANK D. IVERS Peru Men's Club.

WINONA JOHNSON McPaul, Iowa GLADYS M. JENKINS Blue Springs Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Rural Leadership Club, Women's Glee Club.

IRIS JONES Nemaha Philo, Dramatic Club, \'\! omen's Glee Club, Peruvian.



T ecrmzseh BESSIE JUN

Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Everett, Dramatic Club, Orchestra, Band, Cbss Secretary.

DuBois Girls' Club. NELLIE KALBERG


Y. W. C. A., G. A. A.

Tecrmzseh Men's Club, C. C. A., "P" CluS, Everett.


Burchard Girls' Clu b, Y. W. C. A., C. C. A., G. A. A., Philo, Dramatic Club, Women's Glee Club. HILDA KLINGER



Falls City Girls' Clu b, Y. W. C. A., Orch::stra, Women's Glee Club. ALLAN R. LICHTENBERGER

BradshaJll Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Eve•·ett. MILDRED E. LOVITT

Filley Rural Leadership Club. MARJORIE LYNN

Shenandoah, I OJlla Y. W. C. A., Orchestra, 8:1nd, Women's Glee Club.

Page ;-5

MONA L. LYO~ Harrison

Girls' Club, G. A. A. DELBERT L. McCONNAHA

H arlington Men's Club, Y. M. C. A. BLANCHE K. McDOWELL Salem


Gilrs' Club, Y. W. C. A.. G. A. A., Rural Leadership Club.

Virginia Girls' Club.





Men's Club, Y. M . C. A., Philo, Dramatic Clu b, Debate, Class President.


Hamburg, lolVa Girls' Club, Y. W . C. A., Early Elementary Club.


Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A ., Dramatic Club, Women's Glee Club.


Endicott Girls' C lub, Y. W. C. A., Philo. ROBERT C. MAJORS Peru

Men's Club, "P" Club, Philo.


Girl's C lub.



Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo, Debate, Women's Glee Club.


Y. W. C. A., Philo, Omaha Club, \Xlomen's Glee Club, Early Elementary Club.



Girls' Club, Philo, Orchestra, Wo路 men's Glee Club.


Girls' Club, Y . W. C. A., Omaha Club, Women's Glee Club.

CATHERINE A. MILLER Stockham Girls' Cl ub, Y. W. C. A ., Early Elementary Club.


Men's Club, Y. M. C. A.



Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Philo.

South Omaha

Girl's Club, Y . W. C. A., Philo, Omaha Club, Women's Glee Club, Early Elementary Club.


G. A. A. GRACE MORRIS Nebraska City

Girls' Club.


Ear ly


Page - -




Men's Club, Philo, Dramatic Club, C. C. A., Y. M. C. A.


Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., C. C. A., Women's Glee Club.

GERALD P. NA VIAUX Nebraska City


Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., C. C. A., Debate .

Nebraska City

Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., C. C. A., Rural Leadership Club, W omen's Glee Club.



Philo, Women's Glee Club


Girls' Club.






Bartlett, loJVa

G irls' Club, Y. W. C. A.


Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A.


Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Rural Leadership C lub, \Y/o路 men's Glee C lub.

Page 78



Men's C lub, Y. M. C. A.. P hilo, Tennis Club.


C. C. A., Rural Leadership C luh, Earl y Elementary C lub. BART ON REDFERN Pem


Men's Club.


Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Everett, \Xlomen's Glee Cluh.



Men's C lub, Y. M. C. A. Philo, Dramatic C lub, Orchestra , Band, Class Secretary.


Men's Club, Y. M. C. A. MARGARETTE RHODUS Peru


Philo, Women's G lee C lu b.


Girls' C lub, Y. W . C. A., G. A. A., Philo, Rura l Leadership Club Debate. '



Girls' Club, Y .W. C. A., Omaha Club, Women's Glee Club, Early Elementary Club.

Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Ea rly Elementary Club.

• 1

ESTHER S. RINNE Steinauer Girls' Club, Y. W . C. A.

SUSAN ROY Frci/I01ll

. Is ' Cl u b, Y . W . C · A ., Tennis G cr Club, W omen's Glee Club. EDNA E. RUYLE Beatrice Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Everett.


Girls' Club, Women ,s Gl ce ClubBIRCHEL SALES Missouri Valley, Iowa Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Dramatic Club.

EDA SALFRANK Farragrct, l oJVa


Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Early Elementary Club. \

B:crchard Girls' Club, Y . W. C. A., C. C. A., Everett, Rural Leadership Club, Women's Glee Club, Class VicePresident.




CLAUDIA G. SHADDUCK 0111aha Girls' C lub, Y. W. C. A., G. ('; A., P hilo, Tennis Club, ,o~I:e Club, Orchestra, Women 5 C lub.

Holmen•ille Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Dramatic Club, Women's Glee Club, Early Elementary Club.

LAWRENCE A. SHUMARD DeWitt Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Philo, Dramatic Club.



Girls' Club, Y. \'<1. C. A., Philo, Early Elementary Club.




Girls' Clu b.

W eeping Water

Girl's Club, Y. W. C. A. HARRY H. SOPHER Pem


Men's Club, Philo.

W eeping Water

Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Everetr. ALTON SPRINGMAN Palm-yra


Men's Club.


Men's Club, Y. M. C. A. JOE STANDLEY P em


Men's Club, Y. M. C. A., Everetr.

Men's Club.


Auburn Girls' Club, Rural Leadership Club. BEATRICE M. STOfT


Girls' C lub, Y. W. C. A.

Omaha Girls' Club, Omaha Club, Y. W. C. A. JUNE STUDY


Valparaiso Rural Leadership Club, Women's Glee Club.


Gilrs' Club, G. A. A. ALTA E. TANEY Otoe

Girl's Club, G. A. A. EVA TAYLOR


Girl's C lu b, Omaha C lub.

Unadilla Girls' Club, Rural Leadership Club. FLORENCE T A Yf.OR

La Platte Girls' Club, Omaha Club

Page 82


Calhan, Colo. Y. WI. C. A., G. A. A., \Xl omen's Glee Club. LEONE VANDERFORD Peru G irls' Clu b, G. A. A., Philo, Women's Glee Club.

ROSA D. VAP D elllccse

Girls' Club, C. C. A., Rur:d Lead路 ership Club. ELIZABETH C. VAP Deweese Girls' Club, C. C. A., Rural Lead路 ership Club.



Rural Leadership Cluh.

Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., D. C., Omaha Club, Philo, Ea rl y Elementary Club. \XI omen's G lee Club, C lass Pr::sid::lt.

V IDA G. W ARBOYS D eweese





Cl u ~1.


Men's Cluh, Y. M. C. A .. Tennis Club.


LET A WENDELN Burr Girls' Clu b, Club.



Girls' Club.





Girls' Club, Rural Leadership Club, \Y/omen's Glee Club.


Htt111bo/dt Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Rura l Leadership Club, Women's Glee Club.

SARA ] ANE WHITTEN Nebraska City

Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Everett.


Attburn Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A. DELORES L. WOLFF

Auburn Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Rural Leadership Club, \X! omen's Glee Club.


Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Ea rly Elementary Club. WILBUR D. YOUNG Adams

Men's Club, "P" Club, Philo, Men's Glee Club.



Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., Early Elementary Club.

Auburn Girls' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. A., Philo, Early Elementary Club.

HOWARD E. ZOOK T ecrtmseh

Men's Club.

Page 84




Col. T. ]. MajoTJ Trai11 iug Bui/diug

THE HIGH SCHOOL How much more fun the Senior High School! assembly room has proved at first somewhat skeptica l

it is to be a senior in the Junior High S chool than a freshman in Having g rades seven, eight, and nine as one unit in their own very p opula r, especially with the ninth grade sru d ents, who were about rhis plan.

There has been an unusua lly fine spirit in both the ] unior and Senior High Schools the past year. Special emphasis has been given to the real objectives of secondary education, namely: hea lth, vocation, worthy use of leisu re, ethica l cha racter, good citizenship, worthy home membership, and command of the fundamental processes. Much has been accomplished toward attain ing these idea ls through our student cou ncils, physical t rai ning program, class organizations, clubs, and other forms of extra-curricular activities as well as through t he regular subjects. Ove r one hundred college students have g ained t heir fi rs t reaching experience in our high school th is year. T he wholesome attitude of h igh school students towards the student teacher is very commendable. T he co-operative attitude of the students in keeping th e buildm g and class rooms clean and attractive is appreciated by those in authority. Mr. Spachr, Principal of the D emonstration H igh School, has accepted the su pe rintendency at Bellevue, Nebraska for next year. We shall miss him greatly. He has been la rgely responsible for the many improvements made in the Senior H ig h School duri ng the past three years. Our sincere good wishes go with h im fo r even greater success at Bellevue.




Football, Basketball. LENORA BERNARD

" Tf1e boy with the patent leather curls."


Girls' Club, Rural Club, C. C. A.


''Irish? E very inch of her."


D. C., Rural Leadership Club, Girls' Club President, G. A. A., Tumble Inn Club. '' Gone are the days, when I called my heart my own."


Football, Class Play. "Get out of the way; I' m almos: late to class!"


Football, Basketball, D. C., Sen路 ior President, Class Play. " Fair and War ."

pon,erful, a God of


D. C., Student Council (Presi路 dent), Editor-in-Chief H. S. Peruvian Scaff, Senior T reasurer, Basketball, National H onor Sociery. " H e wins all: honors, smiles and a wt'fe."



Football, Class Play. " Hi s name deceives his looks."


D. C., Girls' Club, G. R., G. A. A., Class Play, Rural Leadership Club, Chorus. 路路 Y 0 11 bet 1 I'm from Nemaha!"


D. C., Girls' Club, G. R., Class Play, G. A. A., Rural Life Club, Chorus, Student Council, (VicePresident second Semester) . " Dodge tourings are m y favorites."

!'age 86



G irls' tary , 2nd Play,

Clu b, G. R., Senior SecreStudent Council (Reporter Semester) , Debate, Class D. C., Tumble Inn Cluh.

G. A. A.. G. R.. Girls' Cluh. Dehate, Class Play. D. C., Chorus, T umble Inn Club. " lvl odcsl i11 mm111cr a11d a willi11g helper."

"Cicw!r a11d attraclil'C. Also l'cry actil•e."



Fonrball (Capt.) , Scudenr Cou!1cil , Class. ,Piay.


G. R. (President), Senior VicePresident, Student Council (Secretary 2nd Semester) , Girls' Clu b, Class Pla y, Business Manager of H. S. Peruvian Staff, D. C., Tuml· lc Inn C lub. " Bci11g earnest a11d si11cere make rt p her career."


" A jewel , star and a cJptainrhrcc i11 o11c."


Football, Tr:~ck, B:~skerba ll . ' 'Tall. fair, blrte-cycd mzd ~q uare. "


G. R., Girls' Club, Class Play, D. C., C horus, Student Council, Tumble Inn Club. " H eiv,htened and habits."

in ideals, m anners


· -.


G irls' C luh, C. C. A ., Rura l Leadership Club. ··Did vou ncr sec ~uch a .~lc>om cfllt ~e r ? "


G irls' Club, G. R., Chorus, D. C.,


" Forget all your troubles; it IICl'er pays to froJVn ."



Peru G rl ~'


Ru ral



Football, C lass Play. '' Q uiet a11d doem 't say m11 ch, but ca11'1 he play football?"

··A " idcal ,·chao/ma'am."


G . A. A., Swimming Captain, Gilrs' Club, Y. W. C. A., G. A. " S teady girls! We're gonna hear something now."


Girls' Club, G. R., Rural Leadership Club. " Renowned for her winning smile."


Football, Basketball (Captain), Track, Studenr <Zouncil. ..From way down Souf."


G . A. A. (President), Gi rl's Club (Secretary), G. R., D. C., Tumble I nn Club. "She can beat the alphabet. She has the last word in pep."

THE PURPLE AND GOLD Here 's ro the Purple, and here's to the Gold, Here's ro the hearr, and here's to the soul Of every fellow-worker of Bobkinens brave, Who help them and aid them their lau~els to save. " Tick" led them in football and seldom in vain, Now Harve y in basketball will add to their fame, As the Bobkittens fought on the gridiron cold, So they will on the gym Roor make victorious goals. Then be a friend ro your school and do not lessen the spirit, For in backing yom school, it remembers your merits. When your hair has turned grey and folks say you are old, Fond thoughts you'll still cherish of the Purple and G old.

!'age 8 R

THE SENIOR CLASS OF 1927 For three long years we , the class of '27, have labored with a problem, the prol->lem of filling each little storehouse with knowledge. Now in our fourth and last year, we find ourselves victorious over many lesser difliculcies, which in the past seemed overwhelming. Let us dwell a while on the past years. In September, 1923, we were enrolled as F reshmen in the Peru Demonstration High School. As tradition wou ld have had it, we were the usua l green bunch . But, as one can learn from historic examples, tradition has oft entimes been broken down. And it rook rhe Freshies of S eptember '23 to destroy that formerly established fact. As proof of ch:s assertion let us point out the wisdom we already possessed, when we chose for our adviser Mr. C. A. Huck, of che high school mathematics department. That year we had two representatives in football, and one in basketball, John J uhl and Carl Adams, the latter of whom won a lette r in both sports. Such was our pompous beginnmg. When we started our expdeition as S ophomores the outside world sat u p and took notice. For we now had three lettermen in footba ll: Carl Adams, H a rry Brunsdon, and John Juhl; and one letterman in basketball . A sta rtling record indeed, fo r mere Sophs! Then 1n all the main events of che school we actively participated. So ended the successful year

of Sophomorehood. Now as Juniors, let us first mention that our number was increased by several new ~tudems, all of whom proved a great asset to our class. In basketball were Harvey Sopher and Bob Briggs, and in football, Clifford Sulrzbaugh, John Gregory, Floyd Cole, and Raymond Jones. We sent a fi ne delegation to the Studen t Council, and produ ced an interesting show for Hig h School Night. Our Junior year could nor have been more perfect, for Harvey Sopher was elected basketball captain and John Juhl che football captain. Then in considering rhe class as Seniors let us first announce chat we were the smallest class in High School-very true-but Oh! how mighty. In certain events did you hear of Peru Demonstration High School? No. You listened to the marvelous tales of deeds perfo rmed by the Seniors of Peru Demonstration Hig h School. Let us begin by listing the lettermen that represent our Class in football: Captain Juhl and Carl Adams, che first and only four-year letter men in the history of the school. Then Paul Robirds, Har ry Bruns路 d on, Floyd Cole, Jim Bogle, H arvey S opher, and Marion Milnes. In basketball we had Harry Sopher as captain, then Bob Briggs, Jim Bogle, and Carl Adams as four-year men. On the Student Council we had elected the first semester, Lucy Majors, Virginia Milstead, Bob Briggs, Harvey Sopher and J oh n Juhl. The second semester Doris Duerfeldr, Lucy Majors, Robert Briggs, J ohn Juhl , Genevieve Fisher and Harvey Sopher were elected. With Clayton Swartz, captain of the debate team, there were also Genevieve Fisher and Florine Elliott. High School Night we staged a very successful program, the Moon Light Scrcnaders. Then the annual play that we gave proved a great hit. The Juniors en tertained by a picnic trip, and they su rely entertained us well. Then the S enior skip路day trip was one full of many happy incidents char wi ll long be remembered. At the last part of the term our beloved May Queen was crowned. Then came gradua路 cion exercises ;~nd the end of a perfect yea r. lr is with ioy mingled with sadness char we shall always look back upon chose happy years spent at P. D. H. S.

Top row: Kathryn W illiams, AEce Fuller, Everett W eddie, \\iilliam Mcininch, H arold Patrers:m, Miss Faulhaber (Sponsor). Second raw: Op:tl N :>ah, Clinton Cowell, Margaret Majors, J ohn Bath, Gladys \'\Iil es, Lucille Wade, Velma Vosberg.


Top roll': Leora Lealw, O :t:J Boellsrroff, Chest er Sedoris, Vera Hutchinson, D onna Jan e D elzell, Very! Applegate. S econd rOJv: Ruth Adams, Gladys Licht/, Maryland Ford, Ruth H arajian, Lou ise Rohrs.

·. CLASS OF 1928 1-::trl~·

rnorni n l-:" in 1!•:! ·1 ;1 gToun of thirt ,\ · -~·dx '' t·Xll':t - nrdinariJ~· in lt•l li to 1 1 t'I'U l)l'II HHl:-otJ'atiPII h ig-h ~t'htlPl. 'Th e:'>' ~tch i t•Yt • d tht.: i r :lin1. :ttHI :--:Jh•nt t ht• .Yt•:t l' in Yt·r·~· h:•r·t1 Wtn'){ t ir n 1 Ht~!·dhll' fot' ordi n :t r_,. ft·eshrnt•n) :ll o n g- \\"ith !-' IJ: t un.' · n :trtit•:-: and \':t l" iP ll ~ otht· r t•lltt• r t:li n nwnt:-:. An out:-:t:IIHling- t'\'l'Jll uf H i g-h SchPPI Xitt· w:1:-: tht• ~lu:-: i c l~t · \·u r· g-iv"· n hy lht• fre:-;hnlt•n. Tht• :-:uct·t•s:--: of thi:-: nunlllt•t" \\": •:-: ll l'n\' t•d I ·~· tht· f:t et tha t a f• •tt l'lh r l'q ll t'!·q wa:-: gh·t· n tt• :tt·f·unun ••rlalt' t hl' c.-rn\\"fl. ·rh,A ft't'•:-:hrn•·n Wt · rt· Wt·ll n·nrt·:-:~..· Hlt · d in at h l•· lit':', T nn1 1 -~ : til:'h;H'I' t n:lldng- t·egu l; l t' t 't•nll• r on th t• ha~l(t..'thall g,·nt"



frt·:-·dllllt'll !'Ullg"ht

Cll t l ':llh't•

lt•:l) l l.

Tl~t· los~ of : 1 few

nwrnl u..·r:-.; in ou r SnohnpHll' t • ,\"t'al· d id nut da t111h'll ou t· t•fft~rts PI' at·h h ·\·e .:\ eirt · us ;tt l lig- 11 ~l'hn ol :-\il t.• nt'n\'t·tl t!h.· ·tldl i ty ( 1 1' th e ~ o;lh t111Hit'f" :-:. tn l'll l t· t· t: 'ill ·n :t 1'11,\":tl lll:lll ll t'l". :"l•xt in nnlt·r <'fllllt.' :1 Cht· istnJas p:tt'l,\". To our t-:l't... :t l sut·urist.• i t \\·as dl:-:t·n\' t•l't•d that nollt' nf tlh• hat:-: a\·ailahlt• at tl11:-: part,\· would fit :\It·. l l tH'I\ . I n a h t.':ltt•rl r: ~t•t· l~t•twt·e-11 Spar)\ l' lng ;\uJniJt•r Unt· a n d Sparl\ l,., lug- ~ll11\1Jt·r Two, \\" i t h .:\lr. JJ ttl' l\ and .ltdln Bath :·:-: jot'l\t.',\"!', .l t •h n ':-:. na,.:- won. 11lt · llts .

TIH· snpllnii Ht l' t•:-:. w e t·,. llttt ltt ht• Stlt•t•l't•d at in ath lt · Lit·s. T tllll ){a i lsiJa el\ \\' a~ the s ~ a r a thh·tt·, ha\ ing- 111 his t'l't'di t lt·ltt•r :-: in fonth:tll. hasl\ t• thall and tra eiL <'l inton Co\\·e Jl 111:td" h·ttt· t·:-: in huth ll;tsi\L' lha ll and tnu·l(, I n t h t.: intt·r- c. ·Ja~s hasl(t•t h all 1oU 1'11:1JHt·nt tht· .sc•vhnn· ,, r c g-irl:-: t' llh'1'!! t..'d und e ft·<\tt·<l. l' nnn a .Jan(• l )l' IZt.:ll l' t'P l't•s t•nt ed th t.• :-:.ophnr11nn.· l'las.s ' · 11 t iH• fon•nsit• ~q\I : H l , ot ll d did justil'"' to h t..• l' :ll dlity a~ : 1 11 o r:ltor·. Th t· t·Did t·tn h - 111' so1·i ng" l" t•\"t•r cln,,·,. tht· t•ntil·t..· e lnss ''' :1 n i (·n ie :1 t Huvl\ t't·,·c l\ t·a r l ,\· ill tilt· l!121i s eason. Tht· ltt l ,\':-:: alnUst·d th e lllS t•h ' t•s hy splashing- g-h·t.·fully i n tht· cc ,ul \\":tten-=. Ji., lli rq.; fur ~unlish arHl ntht·r !Jig- g-anlt', and in unlt: a sh ing- a Yarit·d a~sc • t· t nH· nt nf llny i sh 111':1111\:...; ftt l' tht • t• J1 tt•l't:tii111H':l( of tht.• g-irls. Th(' Jl lht•l'l' \\' t •l't• n lt· n t y of e nt:-: to :-..:atis l',\' 1':1\'t•tlflti:O..: :Jp))l'lilt•S. ' l 'li t· rnns t ,. , ·c.·ntful , ·,:al· h:1s IIC't' ll the _,-,.:It' of l!12 ti - l !12i' . Th t· .J u ni ors h:l\"t· T'i~ f' ll tn 1ht·it· dignity. Tht· l'la:--:s i:-: :-:ti l l the lat' g"t•st in th t.• s(·hool. nUtllhe r i n g thirt,\· -:--:ix ·ll t ht· IH ·g- inn iug of th e St·t·otHI :-:.t•flH•Stt-r.

Tht · op<•ni n .~ l'\'t•llt n f tht• ,\"t·at· \\·a s a high sehool tnixer. i n whit·h th l.· lll'CtJIJith·llt J):ll'l. :\ f't•\\' d:l~' S ):ltt•J' il;t\'C.' Il iJtll't':-; J):IS(UI't• t'l'('t'i\'l'd i l t'iot n U:O..: c · l;~ss . \\"c-. t·ht~e · J.:lt· as \\'t' thin\\ Df t h t' n1illi u n:-: ( '.' ) of <:or ldt• burr~ that n ·a dil,\' gath<.·re<l, tht• tnany t tt iHI• It•s \\' t' hacl. anti tht• l'l'lllarl.::ahlt· stol'it•:-: that al'4tliJHI t iJ.,. fin·.

.J un ior:-: LPP I\ a \' i:-:it fl'f tlll th(' t tU l' clot h es so \\' t.. •l' t..· t·c·countl·()

A~ u :-:ual, lh t· .Junior c•l:1:...::-: HI'L·sen t t· d ratt· " :\" t•n u·rtainn wnt :1t lli gh St·hct lt) ~itt•. Tht• (') a ss w: ts ti';Jtl:-:l'ttnnl'd i n to tht· illtt'lli t; t·ntsin nf J):tl'l\,\'to w n. :111 <1 h e :-:i<lt.·s tonl ig- htt·ninglh t · : •uclh·tH't' on t ht• t11:1ny wt·i ;..:. ht~- nrn h leln:-..: :1nd sult.it.Tts t i t' th e d: t y, ,L!':I\' t• t.•nl:t ·\\'; 111\:...;, Sltll~ S .


l "(' : l ()ing-~.

, \ sl\ :1ting- pat'l,\' tc 1 :\l ajor:-:· l;tl;; c was tht· n ext ft':ttlll't• of tiH· ,\'t'(l r , tn ,,-lli('l! l ht · .Juui"r~ h:1d IH·t·ll in\·itl'cl hy tht· St·lliors. Alll1 11:-:t t' \'t•ry uair nf sl\cdt-s tittt·d th L· n·sptTth·t· ""' llt• r:-..: : ~ ~ :\thlt·tiC' :--:t;q·s <':ll ttt· to th e frnnt in tht· .J unio r ,\'t·a r . F ootl1a..ll lt• t tt· r s \\' t ' l' t· : 1wnnlt ·d ~ ~~tilsl , at· l c C' l iu to ll <'t~we l l. lltlo Bnt•llstorff. and ...-\ndn·w Po l sto n_ Hn il:·.:.l ta (' l\ 111adt · l v rt t·nd on thP :lll-souillt·:tstt"t'JJ St·l11':1sl\:t t• lt•\ ' t.' IL ('linton C'o \\'t•ll and T o tn l ~;ei l .shncl.:: ntaut· Tt~ t ll

1Ptt €' r:-..: i11 h:·tsl.::t•llt:d l. As ('(' tll t' r. ltailsha<'k w:1:-: g-i\'t.·n hnnol': t hlt• lnt•llli tl n on th t· :111-:-:ta l t· tt·:tnl. H t, t ll girls' and IH t,\':-;' tt':Jlll:..: 11f our (·Jnss \\· nn in tlH· int er-t· l :~ss high sl'h o ol touT·na IJu•nL lta il slla t· l\ and ( 'n\n·ll hl·lped l't•ru w i n tht' <.' I a ~:-; )l t'harnuion :-:hi p in tla· s t al t· ltaslH·tl,;lll t o UI'Ilt' .\" :1 1 L i ll t'et lll . In tr"clc t ht• .Jun int· t ·I : Js~ i~ \\"ell r c: Dres<.·nt (•d I t~· Tn n l H a i l s Both tht-st• rn t.•n JH' onti:-:t· to \\· in spe l' i~tl l•:tt·l;; :1s s nrinlt· r :IIHl Clinton ('o\\"P II :ts fit' l d tnnn. IHtnors n s tra('l\ Jl ~t· n. Andy Pnl s tn n is ('H ptain -t•l<.•l't of t lH-· l ~t 2S B nh l.;itll ·n :..:qu:Hl. Ill

t i H· ritt·d

S <" ltnl~ l stit. · standing. thP .Ju n i ors t'X t' P L'<ll'cl a ll o th~> l' s enio r thl' s!'ilolarship a ward h.'' a n i ndex ra t i ng of 2.::7 .


~c"h 1• n l

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CLASS OFFICERS .\l otr·it • F a ulhalw l·,

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Top row: Miss Kenron (Sponsor ) , Winifred Pettit, Irwin Williams, Lambert Collins, Oli ver Marsh, Myrl McAdams. Second row: Virgil Abel, Merle Swartz, Virginia T ynon, Marjorie Leahy, A llison C linebu rg.


Top row: J oe Monteith, Edi th G raftcn, Lewis Tobler, Louise Wey, Milfo rd Wey. Second row: J ohn Grafton, H ollis Hutchinson , Ada Brady, Katherine Landolt, Paul Landolt.

Page 92

CLASS OF 1929 "Not on the top bur climbing," is just the way the Sophomores feel. H aving this attitude in mind, we, the members of the class of '29, hope that we may establish by our thorough training here, a firm foundation, not only for our remaining yea rs in sc hool, but even throug h our entire life work, so that it will enable us to obtain the highest goa l poss ible. We are almost half way . In spite of the many difficulties we meet we are advancing rapid ly toward our goa l, Success. T o aid us in our work we elected the following class officers: President, Winifred Pettit Vic e Prt?sidenl, Virgil Abel Secretary, Byron Gordon T reamrer, Paul Landolt We are indeed grateful to Miss Kenton, who has sponsored our class through one of our hardest years. We were represented in the Student Council by the following: Irwin W illiams Merle Swartz Earl Applegate The spirit of our class was brought out on H allowe'en night, when we held a masquerade party in the little gym. Nearly every Sophomore turned out and the parry was a decided success. Some of the latent talent of the Sophomores was revealed when they staged a very teresting chapel program.


By applying ourselves studiously we hope to establish a xecord equa l to that of those who have gone before us.

T o p row : :\1<' •·1·· ~\\"; ll·tz ((: . H.) (< :. C. ) . l ·:s t h•·•· l lil"i;cr s o n ( 1: . 1: ) ( 1 : . l". ) . l' a lil •· •·in..\\. i l l iams ( 1:. 1:. ) H : . 1'.) . Ali <'<' Full<, ,.(< : . H.. ) (1 : . < '.) , :\1·11'.\"la n cl 1-'•>l'd (1 : . 1: . ) ( 1: . <'.), ll " ll i ,l l ut.eh i n son (( : . H.) (( : . ( ' .) , Ad;, Rl·a<l _ , . (< : . 1: . ) « : . C .) , ""ll~<· l·i n o· l. :~ ndul l 11 : . 1: . ) 11 : . < ' . ). :\! iss F a ul h:ll ><· l'. Second row : \\"i ni fn, <l Pl'tt il (<:. 1{.) ((: . 1'.), Du nn a .la no· llt·!zt· ll 11 : . 1: .) (1 :. ('.), L l•fl h ,\· (Ci. H . ) cc:. C.). l\b lxint· Sen r·~ (( i . H.. ) cc : . ( '. ). L u <·.\· :\ l:li ~·r~ ( li. 1 ~.) <• :. < ' .),


I{ U I

Third row :



(I ;

I :. )

(f ;.

( ' . ).

\ "i l'g iniu Tnwn ((; H..) «: . ('. ) , l·:s l il f" r ."\'in r·t· IH·I s •·r 11: . 1: .) lta \\'Snn (( ; , H .) ( <i . <'.). 1-' l c • r· i n~ · J•: J l icd t ((i . 1-! . ) (Ci . <'. ).

(1: .


J. il l i P


T op row : Lc, ui ~t· H11 lll' :-> (c ; , H . ) (( : . ( ' . ), \' t· r·y J .~\p J> !t·g':ttt· (c: . I{ ,) (f:. c ' , ) . l'n t h•·t·i n r· l !t•ig-g-:-.: (C; , 1{.) t(:. <'.). Ln u i~t · \\'t •.\' cr:. n.. ) Cfi . ('. ). l·:cl ith ( j J' : I I' tq fl ((i . H.) ( C :. ( ' .), \ ' l• l' ;t l lu t c· h in ~H II 11: H.)(<: . l'. ). \ 'i r gi11ia :';li l s ! o·ad (< : .H. .) (1:. 1'.). l { u t h ll ;11·j ian fl:. H .) 11: . 1'. ). i\l i ss l' •·n lo ll . Second 1·ow : L e n t d':l H L· r nard ( t :. H. ) (t: . t'. ) , c: l ad,·s \\'il l ·!-' ( t: . 1:.) cc ; . C'.). ll ax(· l 1-:: r i ,l!g~ ( c;, I! . ) u:. 4' , ), f ; (~ JH •\'iC\' t·• l·' i s h t·r ( ( ; , 1 ~ . ) (t:. ('.). l h• r~i s P u r 1\·l d l u: . 1!.) n: . ( ', ). 2\ l ildn·d \ 'an t· t· (t ; . H. ) cc: . ('. ). ( l·: n li l .' · l 't · l (·J'SOJ I ( t : . ){.) \f : . ('.) . Thil•d l'OW : l { tllh A da111 >< (fi. H.) (< i . 1 '.), ll a,,, . l :-511<· rtn:lll (<: . 1\. ) ( <:. ,. ) . 1 ··,., ., ,.., .~ ~ 11 ,· .t 1 - 1 · H : I ! ) H!. f'.). :\ J at· ~; t n~ L i\ l ; l i ii i 'S i t ; ){.) ( 4! , t '. ). 2\J :t l' i" rit· ).(·:11 1_,. f f ; , J : . ) ( f ; , 4 ' _).·

Page 94

Waldo W illhoft (Coach) Allison C lineburg Frances Snyder

G enevieve Fisher

Florine Elliott Clayton Swartz

PER U PREP DEBATE The H igh School debate season was opened February 25 a t T ecu mse h, by our negative team. This team consisted of Clayton S wartz (Capta in) , Genevieve F isher, a nd F lorine E lliot t. Bot h teams fo ught we ll and hard for one h::>ur and a ha lf. T he decision sto::>d 3 to 0 for Pe ru. The nex t week Bra tton Union's negative tea m met C layton S wa rtz, Al lis;m Clineburg , a nd Genevieve Fishe r on the home floor. The one judge gave h is vote to t h:.: affirmat ive tea m . t rio.

O n M a rch 16 A uburn sent their nt>gative team t::> ba ttle against the sa me affirmative Auburn displayed a sligh t superior ity in ease and pol ish, and received th e 3 to 0 d e-


Two days la ter the Pa wnee nega tive team fought with the Pe: u a ffi rmative, made Uj:: of C layton Swartz, A llison C lineburg, a nd F lorine E iliott. T he j udges unanim ::>usly d!'cid~d tha t the more effective deba ting was done by the a ffi rma tive . March 25 the P eru negative journeyed to Brock. T he former showed a decided superiority over the affirmative . However, t he decision stood 2 to I in fa vor of Brock. Peru la te r cl ear ly demonstra ted its superiority by defeating H umboldt a nd Pawnee, both o f wh ich defeated Brock. On A pril 4 the sa me affirma tive team that met Pa wnee was prepa red to meet H u mbold t. Humboldt put up a rea l fig ht, but lost 2 to 1. For the last debate the Peru negative team went to Syracuse Apri l 6. One judge was unable to attend , so the coaches agreed tha t unless the two va lid j udges voted for the same tL路a m , it would be considered a no-decision debate. T he j udges voted differently, leaving Syracuse tied with Pc:路u fo r second place in <he d ist rict, a n en via ble position indeed. Coach W illhoft is certa nil y dehnters.


he com plimented on his work with rhc Peril Hig h Schon!


Top row: Ruth Peery, Octo Boellscorff, Earl Applegate, John Juhl, Katherine Briggs, Genevieve Fisher, Katherine W illiams, Mr. Spachc. Second row: J ohn Bath, Margaret Majors, Lucy Majors, Robert Briggs, Doris Ducrfeldt, Virginia Milstead, Stewart Nelson. Third row: Ruth Adams, Merle Swartz.


Top row: Florine Elliott, Ruth Adams, Katherine W illiams, Virginia Tynon, G ladys '-Xf iles, Hazel Briggs, Ada Brady, D oris Duerfeldc, Maryland Ford, Esther D ickerson . Second row: Marjorie Leahy, Louise Wey, Louise Rohrs, Ruth Haraj ian, Vera Hutch inson, Winifred Pettit, Margaret Majors, Mildred Vance . Third row : Ruth Peery, Katherine Briggs, Maxine Sears, Leora Leahy, M erle Swartz.

Page 96


Top roJV: Duerfeldt, W cy, L. Leah y, Ad:tms. S econd row: M. Leahy, Scars, Briggs, Peery. Third ro)ll: Vance, Harajian, Ell iott.


l Adams, M. Lt>ah y, Harajian, Sears, L. L~ah y. Briggs. Wcy.

Top row: Tyn::m, Applegate, J . Th ::>rnhill, Williams. Secon d row: Vosberg, Railsback, Brunsdon, Milnes, BogJ~, Frary (Coach). Third row: Adams, Cole, Sopher, Juhl (Captain), Polston, Boellstorff, Graves. Fourth row: M. Th ornhill , Cowell, Clineburg, Stromquist , Robirds.

1926 PERU PREP FOOTBALL Issuance of the first call brought out twenty-six men. In this group were seven letter men: Captain Juhl, Adams, Brunsdon, Bogle, Cole, Milnes, and Railsback. The first game was with Brock at Brock. Peru won easily with a score of 27 to 0 and it was in th:s game that several green men won places on the team. Adams was next encountered on Peru 's field and defeated by the score 38 to 0. T he next week Coach Frary's machine journeyed to Tecumseh and by a desperate rally in the waning minutes of the game won 16 to 10 . The next week came the dark blot of the season. After a hard ride the boys played a listless game, losing to Falls City 27-0. In t he next game with Verdon the team redeemed them~elves with a score of 20-13. The next Wednesday Nebraska City, our old rival, came to Peru and was d efeated 10-0. T he Bobkittens then journeyed to Plattsmouth where they were victorious through a field goal, kicked by Rail sback, making the score 3-0. In the n ext game Peru battled with Pawnee for the southeastern championship on Pawnee''s fi eld. We lost the game 16-6 and with it the hopes for a championship. The final game with our old enemy, A uburn , was played on a muddy field and ended in a scoreless tie. This tie gave Peru 路th ird place in the southeastern conference. Three Peru men were placed on the m ythica l all-southeastern team. On the fire tea m were: Captain ] uhl, left guard, Railsback, right end, and Bogle, fullback; second team, Brunsdon, cemer ; and Adams received honorable mention. There were fourtee n lettermen : Captain Juhl, Captain-elect Polston, Adams, Brunsdon, Bogle, Boe llstorff, Co le, Cowell, Applegate, Milnes, Graves, Railsback, Robirds and Sopher. Much credit is due to Coach Frary, who made the team a success . Although many men wil l be lost through graduation, we expect to have a winning team next year with Polston at the helm .

Page 98



Standi ng:

Appl egate, Cowell, Railsback, M.il nes, Bogle, Frary (Coach) . Seated : Adams, Sopher (Captain) , Briggs.

BASKETBALL 1926-1927 Th e opening of th e basketba ll season found six letter me!l in un iform; Captain Sopher, Ra ilsback, Cowell, Briggs, Ad:uns and Bogle. The Bobkittens first met D unbar a nd smothered them 28- 10. The next two games were also on Peru's fl oor: Falls C ity was beaten 25- 14 and N ebraska City was de feated 24-8. In the fi rst out-of-town game Peru defeated Bratton U nion by a sma ll three points, the final score showing Peru 13, Bratton Union 10. T he next game, on Peru 's floo r, was with the fast P lattsmouth aggregation, and Peru was d efeated 14-20 a fter p laying an extra period. On the next T uesday th e squad went to A uburn and lost 11-1 2. But the next ga me fou nd the Bobkittens in good, fast work ing condition and Syracuse was beaten 24-19. In the next game against Nebrask a C ity, on Nebraska City's floo r, Peru lost 14-16. In the M-I-N -K T ourney Peru lost to Auburn in the s~cond rou nd 14-26, but won their consolation game against Ong 23-1 6. T he week fo llowing t he Ivl-I -N-K T ou rney, A ubu rn ca me back to Peru determ ined to win fo r t he third rime against Peru this season, but Peru won 29- 16. The Bobkittens next went to Fall s C ity where they obta ined a 32-1 6 v ictory . Peru then journeyed to Plattsmouth and lost 15-22 in a fast fo ught game. T o conclude the season the squad went to the State Tourney at Lincol n. There t hey defeated Gering 24- 11 ;n the fi rst round, H ebron 17-lll in the second round, Newma n G rove 28- 16 in t he third round and Bethany 19-12 in t he fi nal round, giving Peru the C lass D championshi p. Those who received letters we re: Captain Sopher. Ra ilsback, Adams. Cnwc ll, 1\pplcg:Hc, Briggs and !)ogle.

Page 99

THE SP ICE OF LIFE Helen Jones (in English): "Your last paper was very difficu lt to read. should be so written that even the most ignorant will be able to understand it." Clinton C.: " Yes, mom. What part didn' t you understand?"

Y ou r work

"Why," asked Mr. Clements," should we celebrate Washington's birthday any more than mine? ., Allison: "Because George Washington never told a lie." Maryland:

"Jack told me last night that I was the most wonderful girl m t he world ." He ought to patent that before it gets around."


Kathryn W.: " I wonder why a girl can't catch a ball like a man?" Alyce: "Ch, a man is so much bigger and easier to catch." 0 ,_ _



Tick J .: " I'm going to take my hat and go unless you give me a kiss." Lenora L.: "Take it!' ' Luke T obler: "Say, what would you be if you ate your mother's sister? " Mr. Spacht: " I don't know, what would I be?" Luke: "An aunt eater, of course." An interesting advertisement which appeared in the Pedogogian: Prof. Baker-"If the student who took my Physics notes from my brief case will return them before exams no questions will be miscorrected." Otto B. and Lucy M. at Kandy KitchenWaitress-"Will you have some Honey Moon Sundae?" Otto B.- "Why, yes, what is in it?" W aitress-"Lettuce alone."

-----oo--- - Motor Cop: "So you saw the accident, sir. What was the number of the car t hat knocked this man down?" Mr. Huck: ''I'm afraid I've forgotten it. But I remember noticing that if it were multiplied by fifty the cube root of the the product would be equal to the sum of the digits reversed." Ralph Chatelain (in history ): " In which of his battles was King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden slain?" John Bath: " I'm sure it was the last one."

--- --o•-- - Mr. Spacht: "Merritt, what would you call a man who pretends to know everything?" Merritt: "A professor." Mr. Majors: " How is it, young man, that I find you kissing my daughter? it. young man?., Bill Mc-"Great! Great!"



-----oo---- 1s

Lambert Williams- "There has never been an experiment to prove whether the earth solid or hollow." Stew-"It surely must be solid. I've neve r found any soft spot yet."

Page 100

THROUGH THE YEAR WITH THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL It was at the beginning of the school year of 1926-7 char our Junior High School was re-organized to include the ninth grade. Sixty-six boys and girls enrolled in the three grades - thirty-six in the ninth, fifteen in the eighth and fifteen in the seventh. Each class has had its history, bur a few glimpses will be given here. Most of the importan t happenin!!s and many of the interesting projects have been of interest and concern to the entire school. The united aim of students and teachers throughout the yea r has been to make "school a place to live." As a result of this it has come about that these students have made definite progress toward char preparation for social and civic life of manhood and womanhood. The college students who have chosen to do their reaching in the Junior High School have created whole-hearted enthusiasm and sincere interest on the part of their pupils, :1s well as worthwhile experiences for themselves. To these student reachers much appreciation ts gtven. This department is supervised by Ruth G . Brandt, Devona M. Price, Pearl Kenton,

C. A. Huck, Kathryn M. T owne, A. V. Larson, P. E. Kurnink, Price Doyle, and Y. H. Jindra. Through the entire year, Superintendent Clements has given support and encouragement to all that was attempted. Perhaps the most important all-school affai r ~f the year was the_ annual High School Night given on December 17th. Every boy and gtrl had an opporrumry to help. This was the on ly event of the year at which money was raised. While the field of extra-curricular activities has not developed as it will be, yet there arc several organizations and activities that have been important parts of our school life. Several happy social events will long be remembered. Ncar the beginning of the yea r :1 Jun ior High Mixer was held. That evening was one of fun from the minute the program began until the last extra doughnut and glass of cider disappeared. A very pretty party was given by the student teachers ro the ninth grade on St. Patrick's Day. During April, the seventh and eighth grade reachers planned an Easter parry for their pupils. And through the year, in this or char class, a social hour has been spent. The Student Council holds its meetings once a week. T en boys and girls, regularly elected by the s tudent body, comprise this council. Each social science class has its organization and conducts irs business sessions in commendable parlamentary procedure. The ninth grade Latin duh has given interesting pograms each month. Campfire girls, having chosen Miss Shirley Skaden as their guardian, are enthusiastically carrying on that line of work. Boy Scour work 路s under the leadership of Mr. Clayburn as scour master and Mr. James Delzell as assistant scour master. A number of ambitious boys have formed a pig dub with George Reinmiller sponsoring. The Junior Orchestra is one of the important activities of this year. A rruly fine opportunity has been afforded this year. Through the music department orchestra instruments have been loaned and class instruction given to any who wishes to learn to play. Almost half of the students are making use of this privilege. Tll_!~ugh chis, fine r appreciation and keener enjoyment of the Kansas City Little Symphony Orchestra was made possible. The year has been dotted here and there with thrills typical of real school life. There was the day they were vaccinated, the day the Aa~s arrived, the days they played football and basketball games, the day they heard President Coolidge speak, the day the posture awards were made, the day they had their pictures taken, and the :hys the Junior High Echo was published. The ninth grade as Junior High upper dassmen are leaving a fine record and a goodly amount of school spirit and will take to the Senior High School fine enthusiasm and high ambitions that will mean worthy realizations during rhe next three years. The Junior High will miss them. The Senior High will enjoy them.

Top row (standing): Mac Dunning, Joe Yares, Velma Richardson, Orne r Whitney, Carl Patterson, Andrew T ynon, In ez G ood, Louise Burbridge, D oris Vance. Seared:

Ernest Rawson, Thomas Parr~rson, Opal Grover, Helen Gilbert, Sterling Vander路 ford, Byron Cherry, Harriett Kingsolver.


Top row (standing) : Mary H anlon, Stephen Gaines, Harold Y ates, Ralph Medlev, Robert Pa re, Woodrow Williams, Sylvia Railsback, Marjorie Young, M abe l Graves, M arie Serzer. Seated: Ethel S hennan, Carrie Sherman, Lola Ha ys, Vivian Carlisle, Lora Majors, Jessie Graves, Deala Merrie.

!'age 10'2


Top row: Seated :

Wilda Pierce, Melba Cop~, Haney Milstead, Bernice Bray, Earl Sherman, Frank H ays, Pauline C owell.

H owa rd Rhodus, R~chard Sayers, Leora Stromquist, Eunice Burbrid~e, Fern Sheet z, Floyd Nincehelser, H oward Riggs.


T op row:

J ea n Crago, Wendell Fisher, Alice Parriott, Juanita Bray, D aisy Dahlstrom, Wand a Leah y.


R:chard Blythe, G ladys Potter, Irene Vanderford , Dorothy Sanders, Vera Good, Melvin Pugh, H arold Stoltz.


Top row: Seated:

Floyd Nincehelser, Daisy Dahlstrom, Wendell Fisher, .Melba Cope, Stephen Gaines, Miss Brandt (su pervisor). Alice Parriott, D oris Vance, Sterling Vanderford, Helen Gilbert, H aney Milstead.


D irectors- Ca rl Skeen, Phi lip H oy t. Pianist- Eunice Burbridge. Corn ets-H aney M ilstead, Stephen Gaines, H arold Stoltz, Richard Blyth e. Baritone-Sterl ing Vanderford. Tromhones-Howard Rhodus, Mel vin Pugh . Al to-Wendell Fisher. c:larinets-Woodrow W illiams, Roberr Pate . V iol ins-H elen Gilbert, Harrie tt Kingso l_yer, Otto Boellsrorff, Jean Crago, Opa! Grover, Lora M a jors, Leora St romqu ist, I rene Vande rford, Byron Cherry, D orothy Sande rs.

/'ag< 10路1

CoACH LoN R. GRAF Lon . R. " Little Knute'路 Graf has hec:1 head mentor at Peru since the fa ll ot 1923. Graf was a member of the fres hman foo tball teams of 1914 at Nebraska and tackle a nd g uard in the football team of 19 16 under " Jumbo" S tiehm. H e also starred in track work a t Nebraska and Westminster, and captained the track team of 19 15 at the latter sch ool. After d oin-; h:s bit for Uncle Sam, Gra f returned to his native Tecumse h, where he coached the championship American Legion tea ms of 191 9-20-2 1 and 22. The following fall he took charge of the Bobcats. I n the fo ur years at Peru , Graf has been the chief factor in the winning of th ree basketball tid es and one football champion shi p. M ore than tin t, Peru Ins a lways fi nished the season in either fi rst or secon d place in both sports. But t h ~ greatest stride 111 rhe G ra f regime is the developement of t rack.

CoACH P AUL E. KuTNINK At the opening of school last fa ll t he State Board elected an assistant to Coach Graf. This was Paul E. Kutnink. Coach Kutnink grad ua ted from the Emporia State T eachers College of Emporia, Kansas. While there, he made four lette::s in track, three of which embodied championship stripes, four lette::s in footba ll a nd three in basketball. H e has also taken summer work in physical education under Dr. Maroney, basketball coaching unde r C raig Ruby, and football coaching under "Gloom y Gil "' D obie of Cornell University :H Ithaca, New York. T his year Coach Kutnink has had charge of basketball and has assisted Coach Graf in football a nd t ra ck. His proteges finished the seas:m on th e second rung of the conferen ce ladder, bur next year, with a cou rt f ull of Vt'terans, Coach Kurnink should experience little d ifficu lty in rou nding our rhis g roup into a cha mpionsh ip aggregation.



"Bozo" Ring

Carl Skeen

" Tip"Roberts


COLOR SONG fling abroa d o u r collt-gc colo r;, To t hc fr ..:..: 1\ ..: braska !Jrecz ..:. lllcnd in g h cav·n s own white and azu r c \ ·Vit h the so ft gree n of the tt-cc s ! \ Vh ilc ou r loya l heart s an d voices \V ith pride and joy unite. As we s in g Per u's d evo tion To the pa le iJiue an d the white.

\\ "h ., rail " ' "" t·ail w ho ralt t·a il College Lc >lkge i': t· ill·as ka \\ · h" r a h w il o r a h w il " rail ,.a il Co llege C ollege 1'\t• bra,.. ka \Vhit c and blue \ V hite an d i> ln e \\'hat'~ the tna l t t'l' with Old l' e nt Blue and w il itt' 13lue and wh it e Teat:hers Co ll ege. s hl'· s all rig·ll t !

Chor u s \Vbile our !oval h ea rt s a nd voices \Vith pride. anrl joy unit e. A s w e s ing Peru's d ~ vo ti o n T o th e p ale b lu e a nd th e wh:tc.

Sa\· \\'ha t That' s w h at \\ ' h at's what That' ;; \\·hat they a ll ,.,ay \\ ' hat d CI they a l l ,..ay Heat - -- ------------- ! !:l ea l ---- - - '' - - - - -----! !! Beat

Thru ! h e vear~ of ~ ttl! an d shad"w ~I id the. s ce n cs we IO\·e so wel l. O'er o ut· h eart s o u r rleat· old t:IJior;.. Still wa ve the ir magic spe ll; And w h ereve r li fe s h a ll ca ll us \Vc'll su ·i,·c with all o ur tnigh t. T o uph o ld th e brave t ra ditio n s Of the pale h lue and the wh ite . \\'he n t h e cares of life o 'ertakc u ~. Minglin g fa s t o ur lock s with gray. \\'hen o ur d eareq h ope s forsake 1 1 ~ . F abc fortu nes fadc awa y. \\'e wi ll bani s h care and sa dn..: s~ . Bv ment' r ics fo nd and bright. Of .t hc Old :\chra ~ ka Co llege. A n d the pale b lu e a nd th l' whit e.

Page 106

Rah 1-' e -

l{ah Pe Rah l't· l< ay

R·tlt l'hh Ral1 ru - · Bob - cah H. ·t11 - - R·t11 ·- lhh rtt Boil · - cat;; J{ a it J{ It l< a h nt B<>i>cat s BUH CA T S '!'

T ea nt , Tcatn. ray ray. Te ant. Teant. t·a~· t·ay, \\ ' h" ,-;" ·· \\'Ito t·ay. T eant. · j·ealll. t·ay t·ay.





Captain Wilbert "Dutch" Zorn is a vete ran halfback. H e was playi ng his th ird yea r with the Bobcats and was doped to clo wonders, but the injury jinx kept him from his best form . In 1924 " Dutch" was a big cog in the Graf machine that took the state t itle ; in 1925 he was the unanimous choice for halfback; in 1926 he would have done likewise, butAs an offensive player the Nebraska Con ference has no better. He is fast, alert, :tnd shifty; he ca n throw a pass and snag one. As a defensive player he is a sure tackle, a valuabl e safety man, and a terror at intercepting passes. Captain Zorn will make Captainelect Gariss a threatening ba ll-lugger in 1927.


Bath-H alfback ll tl\\' :t l'<l

" llnl t"

Fort, Halfback H a \ ' Hlurul ... 1a li t-" F c• t·t \\·as 'a runn i n ;.:- nHl l l' l •• t :t.- 11 Pl'<'~lwl l in t lw 1),._ \\' ill hig' h Sl'h 1111 l. Th a i h t• ha ~ nn S UJH~ r·i n r· In t h t•

B at h.

Vt• l l• ran lta <" l.;: th: h l ae t·. i~ \\' .-11 }( Jt u \\' ll a :-: u n t_" u f tht·

h t·:-:t

hl o l' lit' J'!-0 a nd intc rft • l'l' IH' t.' n u· n in. thl.· :-;ta t •... :\lut·c t h a n t h a t, ht• t.'a n 1'11 1' 1'\' t lw h a ll an cl t·a n lh' n· Jit.'tl u pon to t ll :t l <t• c nn-

sis t t·lt l g-:dns . UI H ' ;t llll Y

\V:l Y

l_lt'" h : u.. . a n n l

!-: l:tlt.•

l \\' l ~ lln g

h i s t ' \11111ill J.: g" l':tl"!"" su a s to \\' :t l'd n ff ta e ld c rs a nd hI s s p t.·t• d n la l~ c s h in t t•\' t • Jt t t ton• t\f a l h l'l' :t t t o t ho· ll )l lj{I IIO' II IS' g-oal. " ll n h " ha s a n o th C I' Yt'll l', ~ tlf

!-: l a lt.~

S t •l l.

M cEiroy, Quarterback. 1: <·<~ l'g'<' A lu·a h am ::lll'l·:l 1·uy. th l' littl'-• S (•ute h IH•.Y f t"u lll B la n c.•h a r d . l u \\·a. 1:-:.

Maim, Fullback. Th at was :1n h CI'<·ul e all ta:--1< ass.,:: n t•d tu .. ~ p i li l··· ~ l a l lll of );lll' l'n ll;, lho· j11h .. r li ll i n ,; Bl t zh·' s sho,·s. .:'\1 a 1tn. ht•rt_'\lt tfn r l'\ a n e n d . \\'as tHu\' t.• d in t o t lh .' h at: l \. n,• ld . Jli s JI UII l illg' a n ti pl u n '.!illJ! h e liJ'-ld P L'I· u to Sl'\ t• r a t t.lt·~\· 1'\' L'C.I Vil' t n r·it·~. :\l :tlnt i~ anu l h t•r of t lu•st· t h l't ' l'·lt> l lt'\r n h ·n .

un t• o f t }H• Jnost f ea r t:'\cl quarlt\l'h ael< s i n :'\ ~ h r a~­ l<a. A !< a s a f t'ly h e ha !" fo• \\' S UIIC' I' i o r s. A !< a c n n l J:(• tH' I':l l _ht• h a!-> f C \\' t·qual s. 'r'hf• I tt! \\' w ill h ,•Jp "A h o•" those S t ' ll ~n t i ona l

l' ttl ~~

with p u nt

l't• l111' 1l H.

Delzell, Guard I h~a n I h'\ l 7. t•tl h a!-: gi \ 't_'\ Jl l \ \'o ~un:-- to t h l • Buh l'a t t·a u s(· an cl .J a r ne~ ..JiruJIIh•" is 1 h <' !<O:cond . .I i m nli(• earn('\ di r et• tly f r o rn l'<•I' U P I.C' Jl I ll l h<' coll ege tu rna l<t.· a Je t ter in hi :-l' r t·H hn ra n ~· ..,.ctr ancl a rt~­ ~u la r ,; u a r·d pn:-;itio n in hi H Hnp h utn o r c Y<' :H~. As ' I n· l ln hl<· g u a nl n <'l z<'ll it a~ n u .._~(JU a l s. and \\'ill p ro\' ( ~ a va l u a hl e <·o~ nn f ut Ul' t• t' )f' \'t ' llS .

Gariss, Guard


('Ugt•ll l h a~


hc,·n foot l .:t ll t lu·

I 'U




fa\·n r t--d in pa~t th n •c·

St-"n iu r·. c•a J• t ain f : a r i~s \\'i ll t 1·y tu tin wha t ht· c1icl as a frt·SI Itna n : hr·i nJ::' h:u• li a •·ha rtt p i 1•n sh i p.

A !-0


H iggin s, T ack.lc Ha l ph l l i g-,:::l n ~. 1!) ~ ;, va p ta ln, I ~ t h , . ,\ polln o f 1111· ~: I ' a r 11 m l' h i n e. 11 i ,:::g' i n ~ i ~ a h <•llutif u l S l ll' t' i II H' I\ o f p h y~ i <•a I l ll: tJth ttttCI. P'-•s plt tl th <• f a •·t that lu.> s )ll' ll t m u o·h or th e pn ~ L sf•asnn i n Lh t· ho s pi t a I. h tl \\· a~ n a nu·d " " 1 ho' ll l ~· tll ica l o· IC'\' o•n s. l ie h a~ h t•t· n r a tt• tl as t ht· t u u~ t p n \\'l• r f u l u fft•ll};i\·,. t:u·J\1 ,. I n lh t• ••n nf,•l't• IH'l'.



ll a l fl uh' l\

H ert z, T ack.lc TIHl ~:l nn t Sweclc•. Paul I h •l' t z . h a l l s a ~ a r o' lll'<'s(• n t a tl \'l' f i'OIH ~la ' \' t•r n. ln\\'il. :": n l onl y is ll t· l' t Y. a fo 11 1Lhal l ~ t :t l', hu t h o· a l ~" pl a ~·.4 '" ' ~ l<e lhall n 11 <1 h o • : l\' o ·~ t h e• ~ h o i i n II':H·I;, Ill:.;; \\' t•l g- h l , C't llllh int•tl ll' l t h h i~ ~ l ll' v !l. ~ lwu l d 11111 1<<' th o• h ug-o• Sl'alld i-

1 111

Bunch. Ccn:er llat·is B unt•h i:-- a f• n ·n Jt• r· h igh S(-.IH•HI I 'U tl tlill~ 1n a h· t o ( ~a p taiu ~~~r·u .

lh· t wirls a wi(');,.J! h:ll l f l't'lll l'\'ll lt•l' ' II HI h is :.! t l , , ,fld JH•u nd :-o t•an he· r u u ~­ h •J'l•(l intn l't•a l ~·· t'\' ic.• • · · t•n o u g-h a t lt•ast I n 111:t l\ t ' h i nt u n t• o f L1h • ou t :--tan c1i n g- p i \' ot n h.· n in Lh t · t•t. H l · f t' I' C I H' t.~.

( : h'l' UUIH' h

g-nofl ft•tlt i n


\\' tl

l !t :! 7 a rH I ht•

\ \' i l l 1nal \ t' li r s t :r n d 111111 .\ J) -><! :11 1'.

:-;,., .•

H eywood, E11d l lt•\" \\'oucl

1·:\'l' l't.'ll

l ' t't· P 's tar

i~ \\' hn

ha:-: t.•a r lll'd fot· th l't •t• suc·C'~s~i \' C Yl'4l rs spaC"t• itt tiJl' Ho l ~t·a t ll a ll nf Jo'an1 e. l lt·ywnod pl:<~· s <•nd. li t• is the u1·igoi na I Hulwa I. I f till' si LU:I tinn l':t li s fnl' il ht• c.·an t"':t s il y l:t kt• c.·a n· of two tn t•n, a n ti his :-.;u r·,. t ;u ·ldin:..: i s n nt• of th •• h t'i)!'hlt•!'olt ~ p o t :-.; In 11~:--t pl ayin~.

u f th l• I H O~ I playpt·s i 11 1h t•

O lh '

\' t• I'Sa t Il l·

I H· t' t h

th t• tn,· thi c a l l' h •\' t•n:-o. li e• is a ' t r i ph• lhrC'at 111:111 ll'ho <':l 11 v:ll' l',\' I h •· I> a l l t hroug- h (h t• t i nt• 1H' :t l'P U I H I t h"· t•n cl s. a n li h -: t·an p a:--:-- :rncl 1 ~1t· l< \ \' it It t h ,• lw:-:t.


IIH\' ian

<•a pta in -t' h ' (_'t A t· t h.u r • :a t ·i~s is nttt•d d o wn in llo lu·:t 11:1 n d as l he h E'S I g-ua r·d in th t'\ sta t e o f ~c­ l n~a~ l< a . ( :a 1· i s~ h as h ~t· n

t.' Oilt\• t 'l' I H't•

d o•IH'Ctl h \' t ill• t'ao· l I h a t Jt ,. w a s t ·fl t!S t' ll f , q· an n l l -

Carter, E11d

t•t•tl ft • I' I ' II C'(',

I ,ou i:-: fi'U II I



' a l' tPI'

h fg·ll

,., ,nH·:O:


u ti t

\\ ht•l 'l' t h e · ~ ).!l'n\\' fnut h a ll p l:trc · r·sl l .. hrun . " I ,11\li~·.. is 111• in t ht·


•·X t't ' IJI i on : ht· pia~ s ..!-0\\' t•t•t" t• tll l p u:-;.i t i••11,



shil't~ and lwad .' \ t•a t· s ltntrlcl l w hts ' ..: t t', it i:-: lt is f •H I I' I h .


~ t ·X l

h :tnnt· i·



Page IJO


Young, Halfback

Howorth. H alfback And ~It· I>'. ho·':< 1'••.1 llu r clin " l kcl" ho·aclo·d: ll.t\\'Hrth p lay:-:. in the • h:u·l, lh· ld . T\\' n Yt·ar!"' :tl ,,. ... It wol't h tl';lin ;,cl "H•·ll" tn lw tho· ll~ht l n~. shift~· p ia ~· e1· I ha I ho• I>'. Ho•ll'>'

,·,·al \Vl th

•·hun •·· ·

wi ll

c..· onl•'

th•· ~ ~ ·a s nn 11f 1 ~1:!";

\\' i I I• u I' " Bri ~ ha 111" Yuu n g is tHll~ t•f :-:.,.,.,.,·al f t·,·~ hllh ' U . lit• ha s ~hnwn hintst.:'lf tu '"' a "m•·an" ha ll 111).:1!•' 1' an ti t ht• :-:. .~a~<• n uf ':!i ~h .. ultl ~ , .,. " Ht·i,::-" s hinln~ a s a halfha e lt in th o• ~tal<'


t' tHI 1\•J"t"~JI('{l' ,

IV illiams, Center

Bruu sd::m , Tackle

I !o•l'l \\' ill ia 111:< !:-: u,,. third \\' illiant~ 111 tn:d~t· hi ~ h · tl t· l' a :-; a Hnht•at liJH•ntan . Lil-\t' hi:-:. hr•• lh · t•t·s t•o:H.·hin~ at \ ' :d en .. tin t• nnd llnldl't'J:"t', rh· rt i s a .squat play,~ t·. ha •·,l In IIIII\' <' ancl <liffi <' Ult In l-\ t• f• JI u\1 1 nf tht• pl nv. \\' hen Bt' l't h :t ,.,.:-; t h,.;.,. will ht\ an(ltlu•r \\'i lli:llll .S

In 1:•~ ·1 I t wa>' ll o\\'H I'<l J! r·uns(lun wh11 ht · lpl·<l hr·it1g' hat•l-\ a fnuthall tith· fr11111 l'h:1d 1·orr. In 1~•:!7 thi s ~:tn1t• Hrun sdun pla y ,.-c1 a s h •acly g ant e at t ;.dth· and l wl pt•cl tur n l.a c-1-\ hi!' ~han~ of foe.s. thnug- h ll<' fa il.-d tn clupli· t•: l tt· hi !' ll'il•l' 111' 1 !1 2 ·L

Hillard, T ack.le F1·anlt

",I;IO'It" Jlillarll \\' ith hi :-:. dt·grt•t· sprin..: and al s o with tlu:-:. thr•·•· >' ll'iP•'"· ll illarcl ha s lu.•t•n unc ,,f tlraf's lt ·ave·~

IIHt S I dt•Jl t>11fl:lhlt.• lin t: Jll t> U

II •• had a \\'nl·lcl nf •·X· J H'I'it• ll (' t ' ancl Jli Cnty nf dl'\'t•l' IIO'acl\\'nl'l<. lli ll al·ol \\'I JI

tU I' H

h :lll



g'fHH l

fpnl ·



l't•p ) :\C't•

hill L

Krejci, End

Brock11um, Tackle

··Big Jot•.. l ~ •·,• jei i s an t·nd and h e ha s ,.,·pry e n '· ch-· ntial 1\l'('t •:.;sat· y t o qual If ,· hi i H fut· th f" pos it ieltl. ' l'ht• in ju t·y j ln x has f o l ln\ved J u<' a nd a s a l'UII ~f\ flU €' 11t'e h ('o h :l!-> n nl y ont• fuo thall I <'I II• I'. Tht> hiE: f!nlwat ha f' lC•·I f'f' l' and all · I' OUilcl


athh~ tt •

'"'_." t·s.

I h itl g"!-' . t'H 11 ft'Otll hill ).

:l lH•

ha ~

l\\' tl

g n ·a t t 1 X. Jh:~.(• tt~cl


Majors, Fullback Hnht•t't " Bult" :'\lajnl'S ha i 1:-; frun1 Ht•hld ttt.~ ndtull . .\ JJ .. ~ulll l h.•:tslt • rn ~t.· IH':l.S .. I<a fu II ha.-1< In hig- h :.:, ·l tt~nl. " Huh" has ac..hh·d 111 h i:-:. fnu thall JH'n\\' l•:-.:.:.:. in <·<> ll • · ~c and :<lw ul<l mal<•• :1 val uah lo• Ro>bcat in ':?; .

Knapp, Guard H nh€'1' l iur.


\\' hC"'n

ln Pf'ru ht> : ti H H i l

is a


IOH! W lht• g-:lll1t'

St• l1 · ('H n h'

nnlhillJ.!' fonth a ll.

Yt'a r· ··Bnh" tn a th · hi >< h•tt('l' at g-nanl : h ; wi ll ('<l:lt'll L~· nn f' h l~h ~t·hntll tlt•x t yea t '.


l·:lnl\\'oJold. l':•·h l·n:-;l<a. !' l~ t'lli S :l)\\·ays to h<l\'t~ :l rt• prt·~ t • nt a t i ,.f' on t ht· Holwa t gT icl tllac· hlne. l!r·n c l<nlan was tha t n ta n t lli >' ~· ··a r·. llo• pla Y>' tho • ~: lin• · at ta"l<h \ anti ha s •· i ;: htfull~· l~<•t• n o·allo-<1 " a ll·>'lat•· tadde in '27." At :til\' J':tl t• " Hrnc•l' " ha ~ l h l't' t ' · l llnl't~

\ ' t •: \1 ':0..:


:H ...

t;lin lh i:< o· nd .

Pc1g<' i II


Ker11 er, Guard

Riggin s, Guard l tolli C' "Hii(' Higg-i n >< ;,. anoth t;_' I' athl Clt., fn))ll:\ l a J. \'\• rn. ''H.ig" lt._\ lt t., r C' d at th C' ~;u:url po:<itiun ancl h t•

ll il S PV <·r·ytllillg llla t go ~s to 111akt: a g--oo d lint·ntan: \\"t· ig-ht, shiflilh.."S!', otn cl c·o o l n c s::;:. lit· i s a ft···shrn:rn and has p h· llt\' 11 f tilll f\ to rn a li:t· ~noel.·

F r an k

K e rn e r·


Toft, Tackle an-

ot h e r of T c cuntst::a h's pt'i7. t• g r idstp r·s. Kt.' rll fl l' sh P\\' s gT t..,a t pnnni ~ (> a~ a gua nl to fill

r~aptain- t_' l t." <.'l

i ~s · sho<•s \\' ht.\11 tha t

h·a\'~.·s th t· Bnhl'at Jl t> has thi'C't• IHO I ' t•


\\' hi t·h \\'nrt h .


(;ar· Ill :In


\ ' C'a l'!" Jli 'H\'t: hi s


\Y t..• i r·

~U} h·t·iot·:




eatn e did


f l' t t lll ]·~ i l h ' l'

r..;r·oc k-

rn an ;u·e pn nto tt tH't ·d hy ('n;u·h <; t·at' l4 • l~t• t ht· II HIS{ ) j){t•)~ · p:til' t)f' fl" t..; Shll l t'l l I itt P JHt·n in t h t · <·unft •t' t· J H' t · . Tt •ft is •nit t11 ' ltl:t l.a• tht• Cn :H•ll ':-: pt' ttpht•t',\'

t'tt ll lt·

l l'U C'.

Edie, Halfback Oave11port, E11d B t- n na \' t•nport. tra ck sta r . i s tiH., fast (' ~ t r• n d in N{• hrasl<a . H t' has JI J:ts L (~ red tht• ar·t huz ~ 'l.i11~. a nd h a tTing injul"it"~ i :--: all s P t to ht • :1 ~t·t. · t~nd ( i i llu, snn.



t·:d ;,.,

" '"'' ' "

fnnn Pa \VIlt' t· C ity and l\ lln \\'11 as tht· Pa\\' llf>f• fly .... r·. ha cl hi s t rnullh~s in 1!12 7. 'T'Ill\ s p ee·ds t €' r \\':ls l\ ep t <'on· • inuous l y husy nun-:ingl lh.·I'C'ha 11 t

c·ha.rl r•yhut·:-:l':-:. R ut ht• w a s a lwa ys a ('nnstant t hn\at. for OIH't' lt·t l·~dh· past I ht• li r s t Jint• 11 f d t•r. \ns t• ;tttcl h t; \\'as o n h i:-:

Alfs, Gum·d \\';tltt·l'


A l f:-:

faith f ul

is t ypit..·:t l P t~ ru\· i ; tns.

I I "-\ 111 ug-g"t·tl a ,,.a:'-' n t t ht· .:..:. t't•:tl t·o ll t.." g't' g-; l lllt · f t•l' f• •ur ,.Pars and was t't· · w ;tnft.'fl hy ltt•ing- g-rante d a J, •l t t• t'. A l fs was : 1 ch ·J't•nrlaltle· lint · Jn:tn, :t ll:trcl tig-hl t• l',



Top row: Stewarc Jarrett, Unknown, Unknown, Henry M enke, Cha rles Piers::m , D·· Unger, W. R. Yorke {umpire) , Unknown, C aflin, H oll Jarrett, Charles Thom, Alex Stucky, G eorge D avidson . Seated: Unknown, Unknown, Will Crownove r, H erbe:·t Lane, Will Cla yp~1ol, Dexter D . Ashley (captain), Frank Childs, Unknown, George G ilmore, Robert O rd, J ohn Gilmore, Unknown.

FOOTBALL SQUAD, 1 887 The first football squad l!ver formed at Peru State Teach ~rs Col lege. In c h~ r da y the "ride 'em cowboy" style of playing predominated , and consequently a six-fLlOt three, t wohundred pound umpire {Mr. Yorke) was required to settle the fi ne points.

THE NEW---SQUAD 0 F 1 9 2 6

Top row: Howorth , Williams, Riggin s, A lf s, Kerner, You ng Second row : Kumink (coach), Maim, Brunsdon, Hertz, B rockman, T oft , Krej ci, G raf (coach) T hird row: D avenport, Gariss, For t, Zorn ( Capta in), B ath, H iggin s, H e yw ood Lo wer ro w: Delzell, McElroy, Ca rter, Edie, Majo rs, Knapp

FOOTBALL SEASON OF 1926 The B o b ca ts ope n ed t he 1926 sea so n b y h a nding the T ark io (~vl i ss ouri) S t ate T each e rs Co llege a 27 t o 0 dr u b b ing o n t he Mi s?_ou ria n s' gri d iron. T h e P cnt vian s w e r e ea s ih· m a s t e rs o f th e situatio n a n d olu nged th e line a n d ran the end s t o ,· ic t o ry. Bath . f.' ort. H ertz. Hig g in s a nd G ar iss s h owed u p in a ll- sta t e s t y le. Th e " Cat s" we r e n ext en t ertain ed a t foo tb a ll b y th e T a b or Co lleg e o f T a bor. I o w a . Th e l. o wan s nut up a r ea l fi g ht an d no t un t il th e fi na l whi s tl e wer e t h e B o bca ts s ure o f ,·icto t·y by the ir o ne po in t ma rg in of 7 to 6. After t h e a bo ve t es t of steel , t h e t eam o p ened the co n fe r en c;e sc h ed u le a g a in s t t h e s tr o ng \-Ve s lya n Coy o te s at U n iver sity P la ce , Linco ln . The injury ji nx h ad g o tte n ;t ~ w o r k. and t h e fir s t s t rin.g r ostrum was b a dly . defea ted. \.Yesleya!I .ran the e n d s , p lun g e d the l111e and pas sed t hetr w ay t o a 27 to 0 vtctory ove r the P er u v tan s . w h ic h . as it later pro ved to be. w as t h e o nl y re ve r se o f th e season . Smart in g u n d e r t h e n ice d rub bi ng ha n d ed th e m by the Coyo t es, the G ra fm e n to o k S\\· ee t re ve n g e on t h e ~1 i d l an d \ •Var rio r s o n th e P eru fi e ld t o t h e tunc of 7 t o u. T he g a me wa s p layed o n a muddy fi e ld and du ring a n in t er m itt e nt drizz le . \: e xt in o r d er . the B o bcats s w a m p ed th e Cotner B ulld ogs at Be th a n y b y t h e d ecis iv e ~ c o r e o f 25 to 6. The lo ne Cot ne r t a lly cam e wh e n L o w e scoo ped up a fu mb led ba ll and ~ cam pe red 99 yard s fo r a t o uch down . O n :\ ove mb e r 3rd th e a ir a ro u nd \ Vayne wa s fi ll ed with footballs. h ead g ears . a n d s now. hut t h e P e t·uv ians eme rged fro m th e fracas o n th e lo ng en d o f a 12 t o 7 cou nt. \ Va yn e's p a:;si ng attack didn 't seem to b e unde r contr o l. T h e Y o rk Panth e r ~ fe ll b e fore t heir s u pe rio r fe line b ro t hers a fe w day s la t e 1·. w ith th e ze r o p o rtio n o f a -10 t u 0 sco r e . T h e P e r u t ea m hit it s s tri d e and w as m e rc iless. T h e A n te lo p es from K earney g a llo ped do w n t o P e ru on N o ve mber 19 th . o nl y to h e se n t c:al lfl ping h o m e w ith th o ught s o f a 34 to 0 d r ubb ing at the claws C> f a n o ld t·iva l. · T he seaso n t· tHkd with the D o a ne game. T h e sc o re . 0 t o U. is in dica t iv e of v igor \\ ith w h ich t h e g a m e was fo ug h t. Th e s ummary s h o w ed 8 f1t·s t d o wn s a n d 1Ci2 yanl,;; iro m scrimmage fo r P eru and 3 fir s t clow n s and 37 y a rd ~ from sc r immage fo r D oan e . In t he fina l talh· fo r S ta te ho n o rs . P e r u ra n k ed s eco n d . C hadr r111 Sta ll' T ea ch e1·s Co lkge ha v ing C<•111 plt: i e d the sea s"n wit hou t a re ver se.

Page 114





"Big J oe" Krejci, captain of the 1927 Bobcat cagesters and one of the cleverest basketball players in the state confe:ence, has two more years at Peru. Joe is a d ribbler with no -superiors and but few, if any equals. H e would put u p a bold [ront in any man's offense and is well capable of covering any defensive center's court territory; his uncanny eye, his ability to hit the hoop, has placed him among the leading scorers of the conference. Last year Joe made all-state center on every team chosen. This year, with compermon stiffer and the big Doane center running wild he was placed at forward on some seleccions and at center on others. All in all, "Big Joe" is recognized as one of the cleverest basketeers in Nebraska.


J>age 11 5



Da,'ctt port , Forward Be n "l:k nn y" Da \' Cilpo rt i ~ a u a ~­ ke tecr b u ilt o f a ll- s tate timhcr. H e Ita ~ t \\"o m o t·e ,·car s in w h ich t\ • hring hi s n ame ft:on t h o n o r able m e n t io n up to a bert h o n th e ti r:<t m ,·tlt' ca l tea m : Ben \\·ill a t tain th a t · en d . Hi s s p c.:c.:cl . clc\·et· fl o o r w o rk , and nea t d efe n s ive playi ng, ra nk s Da ,·t· n pu r t a m u n g t he n u tqa n d in g co n fe r ence fo r\\"ards. OHe n s i\'c.: d r ive ,; w er e w o nt to h e ce n ter ed d o w n h is la tt c• of a tt ack .

M a/ttl, Forward A cr it ic. it t a n aly~i n g t h e p la yi n g o f La w r e n ce " S pik e " :\l a ln t. cl cscrihed h int a s h c ing " a m a n d a nge ro u s u n der an y tea m ' s h ask t•t. " And :-'0 it i:'. " S p ikL·" ita s ju s t tini s lt e cl h is SL' Cond sea son ' s cotnp c t it it•n in t h e :\ t•b ra s k a con k rence: he is a su p lw m o rc . 1-1 i,.; dea dh· c·n· for t h e h a,.;k ct t·a nk s h int ,.;e co n cl t ~• l( r l'jc i in in cl i,·i d u a l tca tn sc t•n · a n d fo urth itt t h e co tt fc rc tt cL' . \\ ' hL' Il it cam e titll L' to ~ u ll n u t th e nw r e con s is t ent p la y e r s ttl the confer e n ce fr o m t h o se n o t :< P g o od. \ l altn wa s gi,·c n a ior \\·;u d posi t io n Ott th e my t h ica l q u in t s.

Brockma11, C c11:cr 1-lel n tit "B roc k" B r uc km a n i ~ :< tx fee t "t lnTC in ch e s o f tn 1t e r ia l t h at g oes to m ake up a g o o d b a s k et b a ll p la y er . l t f ~ ll t o t h e lo t o f .. Br oc k" to s u h:<t it u tc fot· C ap ta in J n c a t the ce n tet· pos it iot: a n d t hat is a juh hig e no ug h for t l ~ c he:-t. Broc k m a n pl a y s th e ga m t· frotll w hi s tle t o w hi s t le an d f rom t ip -o ff to t he fi eld goa l. H e ca n lca\"C' t h e flo u t· o n t h e ce n ter j um p . h e pl a y s a s hi fty. cl eve r fl oor g a ttlt' an d ca n h e cou n te d o tt to r in g u p hi s s h a rL· o f tltL· p oi nt s .

W aslcy, G uard

H ert z (Ca pt ai11 -elect ) , Guard l'au l "Sw ed e" H er t z. hask c th a ll cap tain -ele ct . is a fre s h m a n . .Ra n king a n tottg a few versa t ile g u a r d p er fo rm ers in t h e S tate co nfe r en ce. t hl' h ig S ca n d ina v ia n s h o u ld n tak e goin g p r et t y to uglt in hi s n ex t t hrt'L' yea rs of co m pet ition . H er tz Ita ,; n o \'q u a is w ltt· n it c e~nH·s to g ra ltb in g the ha ll oiT t h e ha nk h oa rd. a nd ht· ha s alwa~ ·;; p r o n·d to he a ha r r ier in tlt t' wav of hi s o ppo ne n t ~ . De ,.;pi te his ~ i ze . h e is a fa s t tnan o n hi s fet't a nd iig ur etl in u t-Te n s in• a ,; w r ll as dcfen ;; ivL' pla~ · th e p a s t s ea o;o n .

Ru s ~ L· l

" Ru s " \\'a ;; ln· i ~ atltlllte r out s ta ndi ng co n fer t· ncc -gu a n l. R u s · \\"(~ rk figu r ed h igh itt th e c lta m p in n s ln p t ca tn of '21• a nd itt t h e la s t o f t he 54 cnn s L'C ttl in · , ·ict o rie ,; a tttt C'x l'll la s t , ·ca r . \\.-a s k y is \\"lt at might hL· r a lk d " th e tr ip lt· t ltreat m a tt o f b asketba ll " in th at lt l· a lways h as a ha n k er in g t" ttttt·riere \\"itlt t h e p rogre s ~ oi h i;. o ppo nt·n t s. l-I t· r att d r<1p th e h all t h rou gh t h e hoo p fr o nt a ny a n gk o f t lt l' C(lltr t . is a g o tH ! d r ih hkr. a tt d tak es t h em in tlte a ir ,,·h en it f ;tll~ t<• h in t t<1 g et t lt t• h a ll fr o nt t it,· h a ttl.;;l) (•a n l.



Delzell .Rickers

Page 118

Sel k., Fonvard I f th e giant of till' S tall' conic-re nee ca n he rightfully known as " Hig h H arry " Kersenhrock. t!1en we co nce de the privi lege of tem; lllg th e mid ge t as heing "Low Arn o ld " Sl· lk . De ~ pite hi s low anatomical a r rangemen t . " Shorty" makes things warm fo r the o ppositi o n. H e com hines speed. acc urate passi ng. and a 1-{0ocl bas ket eve to counterba lance hi s inability t~ tussle with the b ighoy~; he's worth any coa ch',; lock l· r roo111.

I'V aymire, Forward Utarlic \\' a ym ire . w ho hruught cups hack to Doug la;:: in hi;:: high sc hool d ay,;, bega n hi s col lege athleti c carc(•r hy lc.~ u cri n g at Pe ru . \\'aymire ha:; a cleadh· ha:'ket eYe. a nd i:; de s ti ned to he i1eard fr o m- in 1928.

Melt on, Forward Charle s "Red" ~! e lt o n is th e lone se ni or on th e Bobcat team. ).! elto n played one year with Y o rk Colleg-e. then ;;aw the light o n th e way tu Dama scus and r egistered a t Peru . ~!elton is th e clean. fast typl' oi athle te who ma.kes fril' IHb. :\ ,; s uperin tendent at Thayer it is a good hrt that "Red" will ha \'1.' a haskcthall team.

Delzell, Guard

Rickers, Guard

Jam es Dc17.e ll \\' Ould follow hr o th l'l' i\'l ark. wh o he lped se t that w o rld',; n•corcl. Delzell is tht· heavy. alert type of _guard \\' ho s neaks d o wn the noo r to pick up a hasket when llppor tu ni ty o ffer s. Del7.cll has an l'\'l' 11 cha nce for li rs t ca ll in 192g.

f."r rcl "Frit7." Rickers. Dunhar ath klt'. has play l•d a stl' ;Hiy ga 111 l' gua rd ing- for two years. In 1923 he substitut ed for 13uising: in J Qlfl hl· suh ~titu t ed ior Ht•rt7.. f."ew suh,..titutl',.. en• r cantc a,.. ncar fill ing rq.!lllar " hoes as f."n·d Rickt·r~. I1J.27 coach at Hlut· Spring-s.

Page I Jl)

Top row : Kutnink (coach), Delzell, Rickers, Brockman, Melton, Graf (coach). Seated: Waymire, H ertz, Maim, Krejci (captain), D avenport, Wasley, Selk

1 926 -1927 BASKETBALL SEASON l'cru opc tH:d t h c bas k t:tha ll sea so n a g :ti n st Tark io Colleg-e : the game \\'a s playcd oil t h e P eru n or>r. Decembe r 18. A lth o u g h t he team fea tu r ed t h re e new men . it gave cv idt nee tha t "Peru ah1·ays ha s a ba s k e tba ll team." Peru II'On . .J.J t o IY. The r e t urn game played in :vi i>'s<>u r i ga1·e Tark io n o co n solati o n : Pe ru II'On again . .J i t o 27. luachc~ < ; rai a nd l( utuink had t he qu i11tct in guod cnuugh co ndit io n to o p e n \ h t· c<>n fnc ttt·l· ll' .t h 1·ic tori cs. Th c Ut•b cats squc..:zcd o ut a 25 tu 23 ,·ic tory OITr tv! idl a n d at Fren to tll an d t·an all'ay wit h a .Jr, t o 7 game aga in st Dana a t Blair.

Th e hllntt· ~chcdu k o t;c nc rl wi th a sm ash ing vict o ry over Mid land. 5 1 to 18. a nd b y a sa ti ~fy i ng g-tmc w ith \\.eslcyan. 33 to l.J. At Bc1hany the Bob cat s scor ed s ix point s tit<' fin•t m illl:t t· and took a game .J I to 16. T h en came Do:t11e. Th e ~c 1·c n footer wa s a point too mu c h, a n d P e ru los t th e first game nn th e home Anor. 25 to 24.

During th :: !\~I NK tournament the BoScats took an easy game from Cotner 51 I.J a nd a

~c·milla t : n g


colll est from York :lH to 2G.

Doa ne set the Bobcats hack in tn sccon d p lace with another rldcat: b u t i(rc jc i led lti~ t<"am right hack tP nos,· out Yo r k at Y o rk 2!) t<J 2X a nd to ll' hi p \ Vcs lcyan deci s ive ly.

20 t<> 7. In th<: .'\ . :\ . l'. t<>urnam t·n t at l..: an sa ~ C ity the l'crttl·ian s wer e elitHinat <.:d in t iH· , ,. ,·o nd round IJ_~· the chantpi\1 11 Hi llya r ds. ll'hi c h tl'a tll had as hard co ntpc ti tiun agai n s t l' l'r ll a~ aga i n ~ ! an,· team. But th e n. ll'h c n ()tlC co n s id e r s th e e n viable r ~co rd of thr ee <il'itat;, in (,.J c <onin ,·nct· ~allll' ' ( .'i .J of ll'hic h ll' en: s uccess ive vi c tories) w h ich l>e ru t ean t ~ !tan· hu ng LIP i<>r an~· tc·am itt t it~ ll'nr ld to try to excell . ll'hy 'dt oulrl a p er s on ll"onde r a t the· Hohcat~ gtnng !Itt· Hillyard ~ a rea l tu . sk?

路 l3aske(ball GhamP.ions

'Vit9inia , }febr.

Class "B" J{f.N-.1( (ourne_y

l ' ,,g,路 I ! I



l'l'ru l\ ish na Aub ur n Cor n ing Plattsm o uth Ber n






l'nu 1-0




:\uburn 1-0 Platts m"th l - 0~





S~-ract i ~c


()ng 1-0


t\ uhurn 2(l- l -l

l I A uburn 15- 1.<

( Pl't s m' th 20- lr)J


l · I. .-\ SS ll

:vi a 1VCTn ()ng Fall ~ Cit~·



])unbar I \\"ac.:" l :\ ehr. l. ity I I :-;tcrl ing Hu mboldt f Sl111h crt I Ta lm;q.!<· I l)l'nlh'tt I \11<11\ lhall<>ll I \·irginia I l o hn~on

l)a " ·,_r,n Elm n- r,.,d

Page 122


I f


f.a lb Cy 1-0

Fall,; Cy 32- 17 J :\cb. C y 25-13 1



Stl'rli n g 1-0 Sh nh crt lr1- IO




:\eh. l ·y 18- 17J

Hc· n lll' ll 11>- 15 1 \·irginia .25-S (

I r

I·~ lnt """"d 20- l .lj




f- a ll s Cy 15-1-1 )

V irgi n ia 2()- 13 lknn c tl

20- 171


I , -;.-" ;.. ;.. ' "-" 1I


\" ir gi n ia 2-1 -A j

Top roJll: Bogle, Milnes, Rogers, McElroy, Zorn, Bunch, Williams, Heilig, Cope, Sams, Dillon. Second roJV: Williams, Boyd, Gaines, Majors, Young, H oworth, Stahn, Thompson, Sales. Third roJV: Hertz, Bath, Krejci, Lichtenberger, Carter, Riggins, Gariss, Simpkins, Graf (Coach), Peterson, Grass. Fourth roJV: McGuire, McConnaha, Shumard, Church, Johnson, Steeves, Knapp, Davenport, H eywood, Gibble, Zook, Miller. Fifth roJV: Butler, Fuller, Fowler, Kerner, Kurnink (Coach), Kaltenborn, Caldwell, Selk, Dallam, Davenport, Beckord, Williams.

TRACK AT PERU When Coach Graf came to Peru he brought a recipe for making a track and a track team. It took him a year to get action on his track plans. In 1925 he saw the contract let for enlarging the athletic field and constructing a cinder track. A track spirit had to be cultivated; candidates had to be encouraged to work out for track. The first season, however, Peru won a telegraphic meet from Y ork 110 to 30, placed in the 880 yard relay at Kansas and Drake, placed second in a triangular meet at Hastings, lost a dual meet at Tarkio, and finished first among the reachers colleges at the state meet. By 1926 track had established itself. The few veterans and the willing freshmen were made into a more powerful team. Peru won a triangular meet from Midland and Tarkio, lost a dual meet with Hastings, and placed second among the teachers colleges at the state meet. " Little Knute ., sponsored the first M-I-N-K track and field meet held on the college track May 1, 1926; he introduced Peru and r.he Bobcats to the high schools of four sta tes. In 1927 the track meet was held April 30 with more high schools represented. In 1927, assisted by Coach Kutnink and better material, Coach Graf l~as hopes of awarding gold track shoes to h:s letter-men. Zorn, Williams, Davenport and Z ook brought back the 880 yard relay cup from the Hastings relays; and Selk and Fort brought back medals for fi rst and second in the broad jump. The 1927 squad features Davenport, Zook, Zorn, and Sams in the dashes; Williams, Heywood, Dillon, and Young in the distances; Shumard, Selk, Thompson, and Beckord in the hurdles; Hertz, Krejci, Kerner, Rogers, Dallam, McElroy, Selk, and Fort in t he field events.

Page 12)

Top row: Graf, Kutnink, Hertz, Beck, Rickers, Young. 2nd row: Majors, Riggins, Krejci, Maim, H oworth, H eywood. 3rd row: Wasley, Willhoft, Brockman, Alfs, Kerner, Williams. 4th row: Higgins, Gariss, Hilla rd, Brunsdon, Knapp, Delzell. 5th row: McElroy, Bath, Carter, Davenport, Kaltenborn, Selk, Zorn, Whittemore.

"P" CLUB Pe:路u Normal School became Pe:u State Teachers College in July, 1921. Since that d::<c Peru has made a remarkable record in all four sports featured on the campus. For inst~n-::e, the Bobcats have lost but seven C::mfercnce footba ll games and but th~ee Con[cC"1cc bsketball games since tint date. Basketball Football W. L. Tennis Chadron 3 0 w. L. T. Cotner W . L. 12 0 Chadron l 1 l Dana Cotner I 3 0 0 Cotner 6 0 0 Doane Dana 8 2 0 2 D~anc 4 l l G~and Island Florida l 4 0 0 () Hastings l 0 Hastings Hastings l 0 2 0 Kc=1ney 5 0 l Kearney Tabor 6 2 0 0 Midland 2 2 0 Midland Tarkio R 4 2 0 Wayne 5 0 Wayne 2 0 State D oubles Champions Wesleya:1 0 0 Wesleyan 7 l In 1926. York 5 0 York 7 0 State Singles Runner-up in 29 7 3 62 3 1926.

Track In 1924 P. S. T. C. started track. Since that date Peru won a dual meet from York, lest at Tarkio, and lost to Hastings. The team placed ,second in the Hastings-Peru-York triangular meet and first in the Peru-Tarkio-Midla nd triangu lar. In the 1925 track meet Peru placed first among the Teachers Colleges; and in 1926 Peru p laced second.

Pag<' 124


E. RooT, D irec tor


Top row: Mason, Vance, Graves, Vanderford, Kistler, Brown, Bloodgood, L. Harajian, Setzer, Harris, E. Harajian, Rhodus, Cowell, Whitney, Sheehan, Ahern, R. Clark, Harger, Murphy, J ones. Second row: McFarren, Davenport, Glandt, Crandell, Sampson, Simmons, James, Kalberg, Panska, Kelly, Prokop, Damon, E. Taney, M. Moran, Eichner, B. Clark, Mares, Byram, Ronnau, Root. Third row: A. Taney, Snyder, Shadduck, Davis, Aitken, Woodward, Carstens, Selk, Skaden, Rogers, J. Zabel, Nicholas. Fourth row: Brinkman, Adams, Spangler, Graul,Lyon, Miller, Ciochon, Morgan, Sogard, Richardson, Ihrig.

GIRLS' ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION The Girls' Athletic Association was organized in the fall of 1924 by Miss Ruby Damme. During the past two years it has been supervised by Miss Frances Root. T he purpose of the organiz~tion is to enlist the interest of as many college girls ::ts possible in athletics, both indoor and outdoor sports; to give them executive experience in handling the sports and in conducting the meetings; to foster school consciousness and sch:Jol spirit. During the year 1925-1926 many interesting tournaments were held, which included hitpin ball, volleyball, basketball, baseball, and tennis. Track and hiking lured many girls -, 0 parnctpate in our acnvmes. The organization was very proud of the swimming cup ;:hat was won in a dual meet with Maryville, Missouri.

By way of fostering school spirit the G. A. A. in 1926, with the able help of Mr. Huck, took entire charge of concessions at athletic events, the proceeds of which were turned into the swea ter and trophy fund. The new event for the year of 1926, which is to be an annual affair, was the Co-Ed Prom. What is it? Ask any P. S. T. C. girl! During the year 1926-1927 the same sports program wa s followed as for the previous year. There was at least a thirty-five per cent increase in the number o f g irls out for the practices in the various sports. The Co-Ed Prom this year was aGypsy Festival and in spite of the mumps epidemic it proved a huge success. The new event for this year was the sale of Christmas cards which aided greatly in enlarging the funds of our treasury. We路re getting bigger and we hope better every year.

Page 126


T op roJV: !'Vlason, M ora n, .Cowell, Root (Director ). Seco11d roJV: Woodward, Ciochon, Vance, Setzer, Aitken.


Left to right: Clutter, Harger, Ahern, Boatman, Lovitt, Kistler.

CO-ED PROM, 1927

G.A.A. Swratrr Winnrrs .J'.j?oof..-~irecfor


f..J(IIraj•an $ Skaden


.#. C'owell .Pt J"l.oran Pl_. ~ason



T op row:

Ha rris, Miller, Kistler, Jam es, Kell y, Davis, Root (Director).


Zabel, Nicholas, Whitney,

Second ro11': Graves, Shadduck, Aitken, Snyder. Vanderford , M organ , Ronnau, S pangler, G raul. Third row: E. Harajian, Bloodgood, Ahern, Lyon .

l'c~ ge



Mason , M organ, Scrze r, Skaden, \Xloodward, E. H a ra j ian, Van ce, Root.


Stand ing : Cowe ll, Aitken, Sr lk, Pa nsb , J ames. Skadcn, Root. Scarc-d: V:J ndc rford, E . H :~ r:Jj i<J n . L. H:J ra j i<~ n , V a nct> .

fl agc 1.!9

PHIOMATHEAN LITERARY SOCIETY In the 1926-1 927 period the Philomarhean Litera ry S ociety brought itsel f into prommcnce by the hig h qual ity of programs and social entertainment rendered. The Philomarheans owe a good dea l to their honorab le advisers V . E. C ha tela in, first semester, and R. T . Benford, se~ond semester. These two men worked unrireingly with 路.:he g roup during their terms as sponsors. Ralph Higg ins and C leon Rhoad es, presidents for the first and second semesters, respectively, spent much of their va luable time in the interest of the society. The program committee should be recognized especia ily for their part in making the Philomathean society a success. Without a doubt, some of the bes t programs ever recorded were given this year, everyone of which proved the worth of the societ y in educational and entertainment circles.

Page 111

Page 11!



Sarah ){anson

1'<~ ,1!. • .



I ;>

Page 134

Page 715

0' fiY .J{EART '' Left to right: Clineberg, Edie, Phllbrook , Marren, Nich::> las, Thomas, Eyre, Tones, .Hansen.

EVERETT LITERARY SOCIETY A capable and enthusiastic membersh ip, the faith ful leadership of Miss Bu rton, as adviser, and the splendid support of the facultv members have bee:1 the elements which led to the achievements and popularit}' of the Everett Literary Society th is year. The keynote of all activities of the organization In s been loyalty t::> the society and co-operation among its members. Each program has been planned and presented around some major theme. Every member has had an opportunity t::> p:rform, for these programs have bee:1 student presenta tions. Good times have not been neglected. The forma l initiation with its social h::>ur was the first of the enj oyable se:ies. T hen ome the Hall ow::'e:1 masquerade and the Christmas party, which met with equal success. Perhaps that activity of the Everetts which was received with the most pub lic approval was the presentation of "Peg 0 ' My Heart," by J. H. Manners. It was g iven under the directorship of Miss Marion Marsh, and the sponsorship of Miss Best, th~ dramatic ' nstructor. Genevieve N icholas, in the role of Peg, won the hearts of her listeners as we ll as the heart of J erry Ada ir, played by Craig Thomas.

Even Mrs. Chichester (Ada Eyre ) :ll1d

her Alaric (J oe Jones ) and Ethel (Margaret Clineburg) had accepted her whole-heartedly into their home befo~e the play lnd ended. Roland Ed ie , in t he pa rt : > f the treacherous Brent, came in for h:s sln re of her Irish wit, too. As fa r a~ Ha wkes, her lawyer, (Walter Hanson ) , Jarvis, the butler, (Harold Marren ) , and the maid, (Ru th Philhrook) , were concerned. they we re ever Peg's frie nds. This E\路erett production was a marked success.

Page 138

Page 139

cless1c Givens

Gcnf?vievc JlicholJs .,)?,.u.


GIRLS' CLUB During the year of 1926 and 1927 the College Girls' Club has sponsored many things 0 [ inte rest to the school. A recital, given by Miss Lois Hacker, in conjunction with t he G irls' Club, was the firs t event of the year. T he receipts from this entertainmen t were used for the p urpose of enlarging the student loan f und, which is a very interesting feature of the organization. The C lub has given a number of dainty and enjoyable teas. The hostesses have invited rhe faculty and differe nt departments to be their guests. Perhaps the greatest social event of the year was the Annual Costu me party which was held in the high school auditorium February 12. T he girls appeared in an array of dainty, grotesque or characte ristic costumes, and fo llowing the grand march, enjoved progressive hearts, rook and dancing as specia l fea tures of entertainment. A represen tation of this party was g iven in chapel to celebrate the eighth birthday of the club.

At this time the birthday cake was presented and eight cand les were lig h ted

thereon. The purpose of the Girls' Club is to bring the girls into closer re lationship with each other and to help them as a group to work togethe r fo r a common goal. T he dub promotes fr iendshi p and good fe llowship. In fact, it functions for the wei fare of the en tire rollrgr.


Page 142

Page 141

Higgins, Pres.

Zorn, Vice-Pres.

Delzell, S p:m sor

\V iiliams, S ec 'y


Page 144

Clark Trea s

Lindahl (Pres.), Clayburn (Sponsor), Grass (Vice- Pres.), Rh oades (Sec'y.), Larson (Sponsor), Shrader (Treas.)

Y. M . C. A. The Y. M. C. A. of Peru State Teachers College ts a union of the students and faculty members of the college for the following purposes: 1.

To lead students to faith in God thru J esus Christ.


To lead them into membership and service in the Christian Church.


To promote their growth iri Christian faith, especially th rough the study of the Bible and prayer.


To influence them to devote themselves in united effort with all Christians to making the will of C hrist effe ctive in human society and to extending the Kingdom of God th roughout the world. M EMBERSHIP ROLL

Ai r s .

\\"a l tt·t· A llC'Il. 1-'rfo' oPri<"l; A l'll lS I_ 1'01lg' , I'' I • 1\'Cl H e\"1;. 1·:. ('. · l h-n f"nr<l. 1{. T. H ohl>itt. H Pn Bog le. l·'ranl\ Hog-I P. \\'i ll i:tlll Hrn\\· n, ( : t' o. \\ p. 'Brun!'clon, II 11\\" ;1 nl Hut l (·t·. ·'"'" <'aP<'. ll an>ld ( ':tl'tt·t',

c ':t r0:x·.

L t•\\'is l.~ t-·s li f'

( .,,_ , .~ · . lll'l'ht•l'! <'al l f' t t. \\'a~· ""

<'h ate lain. H alp h <'hut·e h. Bt>n I ' Ia rl<. II a !'old l'larl;, ll <' r lll:ll1 ( 'I;L,\'IIlll'll,



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l':lul Fran , ~i:-;

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< ' r ag-o, A. ( ' rin lc t 't·dri c

I la rnon. na rw in I

)a \ ' t' llJHI I ' l.

llaYt·n p or t.

Ht·n Fult1111

llt-Jz,• ll . . la nH·s llp lze ll. \\'. :'\ . ll illt~ll . . l u hn 'llue·_, '" "' "" l·:lmt •r .. ·F'rl·d Ellil<. \\"illi:m

l·'owlt•r. C'h ar~ Jes

1-'uwl,.,·, :\ l ilian! l•'u iiPr. 1·:\· <· rl'lt ilii>Jt•, .J cH• ( j i h =-'1111 , ,J(•J"II I llt' t i nnfl . Fran l;; lill Ij

( ; rn f. Lon

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1n ~it~

lli nri('h~. . Jo,· ll nkh. :\ . 1·:.· ll ny l . Ph ilip lln .\ '1, \\' . F. .Jindra. \'. II . .l nhll!-'i JII, llnrn ld

.) tt ll t..'S,

. l ilt '

h:a I H·n lHn'll. \\':til t·r I' llH pp. l{nht•l' l

'''"'""· Ku t nill l\ ,\\'illi I 'au:llll ! La rson . :\ . \' . Li(.'h tt"Ji hc·J· g-t ·r. .\!Ian l.indahl. .\t·tlllll' ~lc ·< '11nn alt <~ . I )(-•lht' rt :\I<-<; ll i n•. !\I ~'!'I iII ~l (' t·:l r o\· , lit·o. Aht• ~ IP I! ~> II .' ('I! a r ll's 1'-1 illP r l•'l o\' <l

~~t • iJII I J il lt · J', ( ; l'III'J.:t · l{p is i ng-c·r·. :\ I ;t ri c•Jt

l {hna<h· s . (' l t·or t l {il'l.::t· r·s . F n·d

l Ung-. \\' illiotrn I ~ i t c· h it·. .-\ l'lt• t> lie· I ~ohvrt s. ('I i t'fot' d l~ ctg' e l'!-', t> l i\·er :-;;tl c·s, J:ir'<'IH·I ~llrad\ · r.


' ITt•s l

~llttlll: t nl. IJ:t \\ ' l't'll t. ' t ' ~illlJ)l\ins. 14ng·: tn S"ph~·r. II;~ 1'1'~·

Stahn .


t~ ll n

~ t ;t t• k,

t ' t •<· il S t tT \' v~ . lfH~'Ill fltltl S tt.•pht · ll~. I ~ :t ~-I IIi •lid

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\\'alt t· r llarn lllll . .JHhn

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ll a~s e lhlad .

l 'al"ish, I ':trl\s, ( 'IJ: trlt· S P:t tt · . \\' . H .

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t 'onl<: l t·,

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( 'opt· .

llill . . \ . 1..

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\\'i ll lloli'l,



ll:tl'o )cl

( 1.

\\ ' i 11 i:lll l!', J.:lll lltc· !· l Z •II' H . \\ ' i ll lt•t' l

Page 146

Y. W. C. A. The Peru Y. W. C. A. was organized in 1906 with a com pa ratively small membership which has stead ily inGcased unri l t h:s yc:tr the h und red mark has been fa r passed . T he Y. W. was one o f the religious organizat ions of t he college contribut ing Student Friendship Fund.


t he

At the C hristmas season several needy f amilies of Peru we re made ha ppy through t he work of th:s organization. Th:s year we were fort una te 111 h:wing w ith us M iss Frances P erry, National Secretary of the Rocky Mounta in d ivision o f the Y . W. C. A. H er visits are always a source o f inspiration and help. We h:we de:ived bot h sp:ritual and socia l benefit from our meetings. W e have en· joyed the fe llowship and spirit of helpful ness which d omin ates among the wqmen of our colleg e. W e feel t hat the success of this Y . W. year hJs been b rought about through the un ited efforts and co-operation of the ent ire association . M EMBERS HI P ROLL Hu t h Ba rtl e tt :ll a<· :M i l le r B e e !< :II a t·ie Beeb e

:lla t·io n noclcl e:·c· t· ! nice Du n n in g

l'at hry n B t.'hrC" n ~ c i t"a <""c B e vi n ~ton

:.\ li lcl n : cl F le ll t in l': CJ:u·a F l etc- h c•t· :\ co lla F t·~· Ella Ga rt nt• t· J e~:--:io n i v c n ~ \"e r na G l a n d l Blma. Gocld e y rJe iia C t·a ul El iza be th U ra \"t'S E dna H a ll Sa r a h H a n son L o r etta Ha r J)St e t· ?.le rna Ha r r is G l ad ~·s H a r schbarg('r Selma H ed bl om i\Iar ie H e rron Dor oth y Hu rt Ruth Hu tch eso n E m i l~· J oh n son n lad y s .J C' n lot i<" L u c ill e J o hnso n t : ntce J o hn s t o n Ne ll ie K a l he t·g P e a t·! K e n ton H e l e n R u th K l umb L i bble Ku lo ·n l \\[ a rio n La m b In e z L a nd is

I lt•lc• n H loudgo o d Lilliatt Brady t.J a clunna 11rady \ " i o l <~ B r o z Do r o thy B rumfie l d Lou ise B u t t s R h e a Carste n s L o ui se Casebce t· :\fudge Ca.-;ey H e le n Ch:>sp R u t h C la rk E t h e l Coa t np ~· E: n id Colgla zie t· \"ant Co ndron .-\xi s Coo nro d Lo la Coopet· n t·acc Corey \" ivla n Co r ey 1\!t·s. A. C r ago J ~ l ean o t· C r a nde ll l\fil cl t·e d Da m o n Oo t·o th y D eat·ing C s t h e t· Di c l< e r son L u c i l l e Di c ki n son M a r y D o d s on Minni e D o man

~\!,· ina

J ~ IW k t•

L ula L i ch t P n ht• t·~ f' t" Paulin e L y lt.· :ll a rjo ri e L~·nn Ruby l\l cCo rmi el< Blanc he :.\f c D o w e ll L ue lla :lf c Fa tT en I

t' t..l n c

.:\l c l<\:ea n

r, uc ill e l\I c K eow n M a r g a r e t l\l aha fft>y l\!m·ie l :\I ajot·s D o r o thy M e ie r , , ·anna :.\Ie t calf Ca the rine :\fil le r L u c~· l\Iil ler :Il o n a :\I on t eith Th e l ma :\[oo r e \\[ a rio n :\!o r ga n G r ace 1\I o rri s Sel ma l\lo ul t o n C:en e ,· ieve .:"\i cholas La Dea n X icl<e l l':o na Pa l mer , .e rna Pa ns l\a c : n-\ce Pete rsen Ruth Philbrool< Dn is y Pie r ce G lad ys P ie r ce L eo n e Pie r ce O pal P ool f, ib b ie Pt·o lw p JO: th o l R eed

, ... l nm R id<aliaugh r : Iadys Hinehn n E><th e •· Rogen; F l ure noe R a n na u ~ u :-;an

H o~·

E dn a Ru ~· l c· l\I a t•gfll"(' t H y a n Fcl n a Sa'f t·an l< A le n e Se ll; C ia u cl ia. Shadd ucl; F l ora S h e i l; Hu th Sllf'l l e~· Shit· l e~· Skade n ·l\Iy r t le Sor e n son Helen Spangle r L eo na Spat·I<s Beatrice Stoft E lizabeth Stone Do rot h~· Schwart z Gt·ace T e ar Anl~·

T i n1tn e r n1a n 'l... o ,,· n e

J~nthr~· n

A lice T r o wb t·idge 1\f ild t·ed U nl<c l L eo n e \'a nd e r fot·d l':lma \"\' e d d ie .:"\aoml "\\"heel er A l hen a ' V h ltO e ld ' VIl m a ' Vhl twe ll C rna ' Vo itz<'l F r eicla " 'ol t zel

Page 148

Back row: Viola Brorkens, Elizabeth Stone, Eda Salfrank, Florence Coy, l'Vl rs. E. C. Beck, Susan Roy, Thelma l\iloore, Irene McKea n, Selma Diehm, Flossie Chambers, Lila Belle Y oung, Rmh Smedley, Mildred Fleming, Lola Coope r, Ruth Shelley, Elsie Wallin. 2nd row {seated ): Rmh Hutcheson, Johanna Zabel, Gladys Rinehart, Sarah H anson, Josephine Wright, Velma Rickabaugh, M yrtle Sorenson, Liela Graul, Bernice Hunt, Lul a Lirchenberger, Margaret Mahaffey, Cecile Chambers. Lower row (seated) : La Dean Nickel, Marion Lamb, Clara Fletcher, G ladys G rossoehme, Lenore Dappen, Chloteal Compton, Alberta Yates, Clara Lawrence.

EA RLY EL EMENTARY CO UNCI L The Early Elementary Council was established in P eru in the fall of 1926 with a twofold purpose: First, to promote a feeling of unity in the Early Elementa ry d epartment, and Second. to create social activity among its members. The club ha s proved a justification for its own being since it has successfully carried out its motives. During the school year several parties were given, of which the l\ibd M arch Hare party is typicaL Around Christmas rime rhc girls added co rhe general feeli ng of good will by ca rol singing with lighted candles. An Early Elementa ry Circus 1vas given in rhe gymnasi um in April. This oraganization has helped create a professional fe eling and attitude a m ong the g irls who a re specializing in kindergarten and primary g rades. Under rhe d irection of M yrr!r Sorenson, the president, the club has fu nctioned effectively and has proved its value as :1 campus organization. MEMBERSHIP ROLL. ! ~ut h Ha 1·t lt•t t . \ rl t• t tn I ;1,;1 t ltl:tn \1 r~ . ll t·lc·ll B• d dd1 t 111'11 •11 \ 'iol a

Hl nudg-•)••d Bn•rl\. t· ll~

t 'h:tllthf'l'~ Fln!':-:i (' ( 'h;trnhc · r~ l·:t Ill·! ( 'o:l I l l< ' ) '

( 't·(· il t •

( ' ltl c•lt •:l l

( '•H lllll4•ll

L• •la ('o• •Ji t •l' J.'lu l't·IH't' ('o\' '·•· lll l)';l ll;Jpj l t ' ll

H u1il




~t · lll!a

1\ it•hlll 1-:d illl 1·:\':111>' :I I ildr• ·d 1·' 1<-ll>illl!' t 'l :1n1 l·'l t· lt' h• · t· l·:ll:t c : :1 rtnt.·r l ,t·il:t f ir':l tl l

c :l :t d \- ~ c; r••l-'~·~~ · llnt• · I ,11i :-:. II a g- u t

Sarah J Jan ~n n H t-I·niep llunl


l ,hilltl'ttcdi.


l·~ ll t·n ~ ~ q·; t f {a i l ctf'OI t ' h r i:-: t in (' l {as tnus:-:t.·n

ft·is .lonf'!" l fq I'l'it•tt .J n r n

\'t· l n Ht Hi <' l\ahau g- h c; J..td, ·s Hin l' hat·t ~u:-:a 'n f{n y

llut r• hps"n J·:tlh·l .lt •llt •:-: \\' il lt> \\' Ki !<sat'l; Latn h

~l a rinn

.\1 _\Ttl e L a \\' t 'lara 14it\\Tt•ru· v I ~u l a l ~ i <' hlt · nht..' l 'g"t · r i\Tat·e~ l lo roth v ~1,\ i t ·r

1·: 1:-:it ·

l lultla ':-.1 i •·lw l \ 'a lhE'rin P ~I ill• ·r Th t•ln ta :\lttPI't• t :nH't· :'\Ttll'l'i ~ lrt· n c•

~ I C' K t• a n

Lc•ah :"\ t1l d P l.a P .-:nl Sit ·I;; ,· J L il t'<\

P;t ~ ('II

I·:rl a ~" I l'l'an!; I{ u I h :--;(w ll••) ' H 11 1h >; n w rll e )' R t-l S!'i f' Sna h i \' t't It• ~PI't> llSit ll ll ;, l f· n S t nltt P n l·:uni t•t· T n wl c·


:\l a rgart>t T ut·n t·t· l ·: l!<i!' \\-allin I ), tt·a \\'• " ttl "' " t'ci . J n~t' P h i lh' \\'ri g-Il l H ut h \\"u:-:t t· r· . \l l w r t a Ya1 e :-: .l nha nnn Z:JIH" I

.. Page 149


l" p n t:r Ph,•tr• \ 'f' ra D t· B(l~ r. 1}c, n K (-- i s teJ·, Ha ~· t ll on d l' lln·i r· lc J·:: t l ' l \\'a rll l<t · :\lildred !:S\\·an,.:on. L c• t:~ \\'t·nd c· 1 n ~nd nn\' : E fCi e \ \ "' hi PDl c . Anna C hri s t e n. \' e d :~ \\..allu· r. Oe l o i·e :--- \\"' ol f •·. Hut h H a 1 • · 11 1<1 11. :\la tt i E- T a yl o r, !Jessi e C lark. Tilli e IO: i C' h n e r. :\I i s s B a lrll'i <lg•· ( S p on>' o •· ) ::r·cl ,-.,w: Huth B e hrn s , :\Ie rna B r·andt. Kristina P c· nl<a\·a. ! Jor o th~ - Sc hwan>< . J·:ll;,<oolo C' lh \ ' a) o. P Par1 S t odd a rd. i·\ rl et U1 Boa tn1an. J=:l s ic- Boa tnla n. Hnsa \' a p, n nt <"'t · \\'a r h(lys nn\· :

E\· e lyn

\Yil sCJ n.

L o w e r Ph o t o Sc h i ndl e r·. \'i o la B r o z, AI IJc r·t a S c hindler·. ll eh' n Ep lt- 1'. lela S<'lll·• · JI•· 'L co la Can e r. B E' a trice A h e r·n. A l m:o. \\' e- nd <· I n. 2nd r O\\' : E st h e t· :\"in c:h E> l se r . Do r:-t C lutte r . .f aunita Cai'JH.' nlt- r , L P ta H oo lo;t«Jo l. Haz e l I )o t:-; •111. Lill i e R awso n. \ ' in:-inia ~ a \'iaux. Opal P o ol. :\Ti s:-; 13>~ 1 rlr·i clg-c (Spo n ,.;r!l· ) . ::.-d r o \\· : l·:sth f> r 11i c iH:>~·s on. :\l a t·~· Jand Ford. :\fi l dred r_,o\· itt. l\linni e D n 1nan. L 1n·et-·n llaq. ;"<-! . 1" . A gn(·;; C'o upe . Ell e n :"\or-a H ait o ra. L e n o r-a 13e rnanl . l'na \\'JJitn<'~-.

T op



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f ' Ll'R

Summer School Group, 1926

/-'age 150


I 'H..\ II{ \ 'ei Jlt>J" t; ran gL" ---- -- ~Lar j t>ri~ i\Iill e r

T ilt·:

Till 1{'!'1-:I·:.,T II

.\La darn

I.A .l

lh· l•·n 0':\' ei ll -- -- - - --- --- Shir l {· ~· !-;l<adL·n Hosco(:> Crosby --- ----- L arniJ t> t't '\'illianl!'-i Alic ia C t·n s hy --- - - - ---- ---- ~Iarir,n )lar~:-;h \\' ill C r l!shy - - - - - -- -- --- H a mi d P l'l e r su n Tirn Uonahue - -- - ---- - - -- - - ('raig Thuntas

!:;e r gt-a n t Dunn -- ---- -- -- l lar·old .luhn :-;fJn ~\'l ary J·:a:-;tw o od - ---- - .:\f a r ga n.::t ('Jine Uur·g )ln.;. Tn·nt -- - -- ---- --- Poro thy ])eantt g ~It·. Tn· n t - - -- ---- -- ---- - - -- Ha s il B< 1 ~· h: " ""'ani Sla nrli sh -- - - - - - -

Arl<-cn l' l {ill'hil'

l 'o ll ,H·l.:; - --- -------------- -- Fra nl.:; Bogle <iraC'I.:' :-itandi~b - --- _ .:\larg-:1n.-t :\lahaf(cy

( ' H nr :-;o:-,; C'(H'OA:>:l'T I" n



.la <" l< Pitl (.'h e r ---- - - --- - ( ; t·or~~· ] {e i llnlil l t· r· ~ lr.

.Jails lil'l<

--- - -- -- --- -

\\' a_,. IH:

C'at l t'll

~a n ey

.Jahsli c l\ -- ------ -- .·\\' t·r·y l <: aiiH: S H o h ert - --- - - - -- - -- - -- - - --- -- Fr·a n k Bogl e

.:\"itro (~J ise rin s l\i - -- - - - ---- - - ('t.. clri e Crinl\ .\lada Jll e (;Ji ser insl~i -- - - -- .:\lyrtl L' !-ir•n •n f;o n St ud l· nt l >i r ectuJ·, llan •ld .Johns o11 ~ { ' ;\' - {']'


\' o ll nll· l'

\\ ' ido\\' f'a g-l c - - - - --- - - - -- .\ lyr·t h · Sun:nson 1-'"ll T~>!ld ---- -- - --- - - -- - - \\'illia111 Knapp Enun y - - -- ---- ---- - - - --- _ .Joha nna %allt·l Bu d ---- -------- -- -- - - -- - - F r a11 ld in ,!OIH' s

l ·:li~ab t·t.h l·:rsl<in• · _ ___ ---- - J-: l s i <· \\' a ll i n l·;ctwaJd \\'a l t.·s _ _ _ _ - - - - -- - -- c; )t·n Jodt>t' Phi l ip :.\ l a~on _ _ ---- - ---- _ _ _ _ .Jot· ,)1J I1(: S

!-;h c·ri ff \\' l'l'l<s -- -- -- - --- --- - ·' ' " '"'" Dt'l;<cll ltuf'c· (';q:: ll- -- - - -- -- - - - -- ----- -- .l~>l· Jont: :;

]Joo lan - -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- --- Fran}.:; H ''J:;I•· llil't'l'lt·d iJ,· ~\ l is!'-i .\nna 1~. Bt·s t .

~ t ran gl· r


'l' llt·:

~~~ ~· t· ~

_ _

-- - -

_ __


.lt·:-o: S(· Th i H'JH..":

:--\1 tJ (lt·tH


Jin·ctl , t', ( ·ra iJ:..:" 'f'h ,Hnas


.\i :I I' J..{:tl' (· t II H' .

.JIH • ,) l tfl l•S

l 'Ji lli•IJUI'g

f; lt· n

.1 t~ rlf•!'

by .:.\J1ss

A nna

L. JJ e~ l

III·: AI { T 01•' A <' L OW:>: ( '. J'. A.nd (· n :;u n ( 'l11\\'11 _ - - - - - --- -- -- - -- -- - Ha s il j ;,,_,· lt: t'oltiiiiiJillt- - --- - .:\lilcln·cl ' 1'. ~;r af ll ctrl 4..· q u ir1 _ _ -- -- <' l t' I JJ I .l{lt cJ<td f"s t: y p s~· - --- - --- -- Fl os!" it-· ('hanJ IH· t·s ~t.l ul •· nt I lir(·<·1 ur. ~ t · llt· ( 'uwt·ll

Tit!·: ~1-:qt · r·:r , I •,·n·i,·al \\'i lrl• ·

S h, · jJ it T'I' Iol ' )\~.


.H o b (· r·t

\\ 'il l \f· ~


( JJJ't· (' t•·d

:>: I·:T \\.i l rlt· \\'atTvll

.\ I iII ig-a n

- --- -- - - -- - - - -- --- .Jt·s:-;e 'l' horpe - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --- - -- l·: n·l'l'll F uller

Go b

- - - - -- - IJt·r~. -j,· aJ

IJn·a e h e r ---- -- ---- ----- - \\' ar·r·( ·n :-.:l'dro\V


I J,\ ;\'!; 1·: I { l{i e h ard I IUg'llf·s A\·e ry l

_ _ c ;,.n r·g-\·

.fa r· !< -- · - - ~1 1' . !:ax Y.:.l ud(·lll


J {t\ i nn dll<·t~

\\'a _,· n•· l'a th •ll ) l j J•f'f' (IIJ',

fo'J'i l•fl:t

\ \. nj(zf•(

:->T .\T IL)~


T ill·:! H A~~~ \ " I~H l:; .-\H Y ,\li cl' l{ i h:y

B. Ta rid n g ton I h ·rl wrt -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- --- .IIL'rlJ<' rl Ca~:H.) ~· :'lin<. \\"im<tt·acl ---- ---- -- -- :'llat·i ,• ]·I e non ~ I t·.


- - ----- -

Lawr -..• n C"c Shutuanl

Anita _______ - ------ -- -- ------ A h .• n e S•·ll< l 'arolinc ------ --------- - :\laq.:an_ • t J..:ill e t..) ll Hog-('r -- -- -- ----------- - \\"arren ~ e ctro\\" :'llai<l ---- -- - -------- ------- i>au l ine Lyle <~ hauft"c·r - --------- ----- - -- H<•he l"l Knapp .~t tHl\'nt Piree tnt·, L e ora !'; t.l lh l' l' t)\"l·:wro~


( il"r:'lt·nhur·gllarrivt -------- ---- - ------- r:uth :-;h ,·lle~· ll t•ll\" -------------- ---- - - :'l l uri e l :'llajor:-< :\1aq.ian_•t --- --- ------------ l~t·tlna -~p_:u·l\!' ) la g;..;-il· ----------- ----- - ~laxllh..' \\ tlltatn s Studt·llt J)irel'tor. ll• •t·nthy llurt

F l ura - ------ --- - ------------ H ele n J-o n es t ; e ,.al<l -------- -- - --- -- -- 1-lal"old l~ete r son .J a nt.· ------ ------~---- ------ L. eon a ~ pa rk s Totn ----- - ------- - -- -- Latn b ert \Yilliatn s ~ o ra ------ --- ---- -- -- -- - Cc•L"i l C h a mbe r s ::; t uclt- nt llirectul". L amhe n \Yilliams

A :'I ! AT 'l' I ~ H O F C'HO IC'E \\' . F a r n w l 'ho t'hl· Bn•IH -- - ----- ---------- Jris J o n t-~ .\lr:-<. Rre nt ----- - -- -- - --- - - r-;,- ,. ,·ctt Full l' r .h •nni (" Bre nt -- - --------- J..,ou isl.' Ca !-ie bC'l'r llt · nt·~· Bre nt ------------- :'l f ~T i in i\IeG u i r e A tllll :'ll arg art"l. ----- - - --- (',•c il c• Cil alll b e r s .\ l an·ia .Br.- n t -- -- ---- - -- 1-'l ot"(•IICf" l{o nnau ~ tud e nt l l iq•c tor. lh.•lt..•n .J u tH:s

:-;t"IJH!·;:-;:-; r-:11 111•::-; 11:1·::-; <'ool\ and I :l a!->pt.._•ll ll t·nz·ietta

---- ----- - ----





llunsa n~·

L o ui se C :u-;t.: IJl•Ct' l'

!-;t l '})IJt•n - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - -


Jant t..l ~ U e l7.t.., ll

i\ lal1 e l -- -- -- - ---- - ---- -- Fl n r L• n(•c Ronnau ~tu dt..•llt J)it·...•(·tot·. Clt•t) Jl Hhoad e~

t 'H OOI\: :-5 A~P A LAD\" l·:uc;e n e Pill o t ~lillt: r ---- --- ------- )lari on Qua l'IH• nbuf'h Lucill e -- ----- --- ----- Jo: \'an gC'Iine Brya111 l\lr!". Sin1n1~-\'aJh: --------- Hh e a Car ste n ~ i\ li ~ s .Jon p ~ -- ------- ------ \\~anna )fetealf P nliCl' ln spce to r ~--------- -- - - .Jne B uth.~or ::;tud e nt Dil"e t"lnl". Ha:-<il B n ~·l e T\\"0

:-5 PJ-:AKI~<i

T O FATIII•:R ( ;r·o t' g'(' A d e ~l' Plit n u~ P i cl\ e t·ing - - ------ .Ja rttt.'!" nc b~ t· IJ l .. u c ll a J•iekc-ring ---- ---- .:\1 ~· rth-. S nt't' n:-:on C'a t·oli nt> J, ic l \l'l'in ~ __ __ :\[ar;;at'(' t :_\laha fff' y l·:dwanl '\\r . ~ingf' r -- -- ----- ---- .J ot• .Jo n es Pt·nf't·ssor Bl i s~ ---- - - -- -- Jl a t· old Jn h n son Stud e nt Di t·et"lnl". :'l l al"g ;ll"<' l :\[ahafCe ~·

Til t· Tnl"l -- ------ - - -- -- - --S ll i g g- f.. t's

-- - ---- - - ----- --

B il"<·hel

\\. illia tn

::;alt->< J(napp

,\!he n --- -- --- ---- - - La\\Te n c e S huma rd Hill ---------------------- - - -- F r e d D u e ~· F' i r !-'t Pt·it.•!-'t ----- - -- -- -- ---- l : en-tld :--;t:"•c o tHl Pri t:· ~t -- - --- ---- - - ---- .J o hn Third Prit·>< t -------- - -- - - :'I [ ~Tiin i\l Kltesh --- - ---- - --- ------------ .J oe St u ch·n L I li n •<: to r. .Joe .Jone s


111:\"T T O

l\[ull i s

Dill o n eG uirc Butl e r


:-\i cll o ls() n

Alli <> rt ----------------- - Ha lph Chatt• l a in l t'Pn e - - - - -- -- - -- ------------- .J o ~· :\fi c k ~ l LaiTY-- - - - ---- - - - - - -- ------ n o rnl h~· Hu rt l ·' l n ------- --- -- - ----- - - -- 1-ial"old .J o hn,.,o n Sttzdl.. llt l ) i t"t'l' to t·. t." t.:•cl t· ic C r ink

111 ::;

.1.-\P .·\~I·;::;r-;

\\" I F l .;

(iri ~ \\'(lld

IJ I•:t' l•:l \ " !·:ItS \\"i llialll l'. D e i\f i ll,, l •'lnl':l ---- ---------- - - -- D o t'lllh~· D t>at' ingAnt os -- - - -------- -- ----- -- --- <il e n .To cler Phil ----- ---- -- --- ------- -- --- J o e• .Jo n es Stud r• nt I Ht'l'l' lo t·, l)o z·o tll y l h ·a z· i n g

:'li t·. H alle mhurg - ------------- l'ec i l Sta r k C' lli c l<a San - - --- - - --- - - 1\:ath n ·n Hohr>" ~\ l t·s. <:ar·dt- n - - - --- --- --- --- - F a n c es l( e lly (Ja n lC' S --- - -- - - - - -- ----------- - .Jne Bu t l e r l·:liza - - ---------- ------ I•" Jossi e C' ha n1b e r ~ l)

S tu ch·n t

D it·t·C"tot·,

:\f a rj o J· i~·

!\f i l lC'I'

,,.S UN-UP" Left to rig ht: Kna pp, Ddzcll, F. J ones, N edrow, Z abe l, J . Jones, Sorenson.

/'agel 54

1926 CONFERENCE TOURNEY M il hoff-J'talm -;Doubles Champs.


;Defeafed ))ana-6-3, 6-3; York6路.3: 6-2; .floane-2-6, 6路4,6-3,6-2. tfhilremore-Sin~les runner-up defeated Cofner-6-2,5-7,6-3; J(as11n~s-6-3,6-3; los!' ro


J>eru-0 j?eru-2

Tarhio-3 Cotner- 0

'Wesleyan- 6-3.6-4, 9-7.





Jleru-5 j>eru-6 j?eru-3 j?eru-6 j?eru-J

192.6 Tarkio-3 ;Dana- 0 J)ana- 0 J1asn n9s-1

Tarkio-4 Tabor-0 Tarkio-4 Tabor-0

.:J?eru-7 j?eru-5 f'eru-4 j?eru-4


9eru-5 Tarkio-1

j?eru-Z 1f.ofJlorida-0 .fleru-6 Cofner-0


f>ap,c / 5~

SI G MA B ETA RHO Professio nal Biological Fra temit y Charter !II[ e mbers

Edward J. Bath Forest G . Bell, A. B. M illa rd D . Bell, A. B. W. R. Carter, A. B. Wm. F. D avenport, A. B. W m. Grossoehme, A. B. A. E. H olch, A. M. Roy E. Rodock, A. B. S. F. Rowley, A. B. J. V. Simon, A. B. H onorary M embers

H arvey J. Cottle, A. M. F. C. J ean, Ph. D. David F. Costello, A. M. F G. Meserve, A. M. Richard O ve rholt, M. D . Paul Reeves, A. M. Carl Rosenquist , A. M.

E stablished at Peril } Ill)' 9, 1926 . Alllmni !Vl e mbers

Mrs. M illard D . Bell , A B. Maurice Boren, A. B. Katherine Borne, A. B. Bernard Bostrom, A. B. D ale Bugbee, A. B. Elzada Clove r Atlanta Cole, A. B. Sarah Coleman, A. B. Mark D elzell, A. B. Merle Fisher, A. B. Alton Hair Ida H eywood, A. B. Milton Landolt, A. B. S terling Sears, A. B. Mrs. James Simon, A. B. 1'-:onnan F . Thorpe, A. B. Harland Whitwel l, A. B. A sso ciate M embers

W. F. H oyt, A. M.

Page / 56

Active M e mbers

Frank Bogle Wm. Bogle, A. B. Howard Brunsd on, A . B. Mrs. Opal Carter, A. B. Barton C levenge r, A. B. Gladys Colwell, A . B. Eve rett Fuller, A. B. Jessie Givens Walter Hansen , A. B. Richa rd Hartley, A. B. !'!Irs. Haze l Holch, A. B. Robert Knapp, P.•. B. Harold Peterson, A. B. Glad ys Pie rce, A. B. Leone Pierce, A. B. O liver Rogers Bartlett Vance Cretoria W il es

CAL ENDAR Ocr. 11. Fall banquet and initiation at domestic science parlors. N ov. 1 Program : Prof. A. E. H olch on "Forest Centers of North America." Nov. 10. Farewell parry in h:mor of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Simon, at the home of Prof. and Mrs. A. E. Holch. Dec. 13. Program: Barton Clevenger on "Experiences with the Plants and Animals of \Y/ashing ton," and Leone Pierce on " Louis Pasteur and the G erm Theory." Jan. 10. P rogram: Prof. W. R. Carter on " Land Bridges and Animal Distri bution." Jan. 10. The new keys of the fraternity appear on the campus. J an. 19. Farewell pan>¡ in honor of Barron C levenger at the home of Prof. and Mrs. W. R. Carter. Feh. 14. Program: Walter Hansen on "A Trip Thru Yellowstone National P~rk,'' Fverett Fuller on "Some Scientific O bjections to the Natural Selection Theory," and Fulton Davenport on "A T rip to California." Mar 14. Progra m: Wm . Bogle on " T he Life and W ork of Lamarck," and G ladys Pierce on "Symbiosis Among Plants and Anima ls." Mar. 2 1. Lectu re by J . E. \'<Ieave r, Ph. D ., of the Carnegie Institu te and facul tv of the University of Nebraska. Fraternity reception fo r Or. Weaver. • Apr. 11. Program: G ladys Colwe ll on "Protective Coloration," and Richard Hartley on "The Biology of Termites." M ay 9. Program: Pa pers by M rs. \ XI. R. Carter and Mrs. A. E. Holch.

Page 157

Phi A l p ha c h aptt- r o f Sig m a T a u D e lta w as est a bli s h ed at P e ru o n :\1a y 2·1. 1 9 26. by C . L. Cl a r l<e. f r a t e rnitY counse l. w i th the f o li o win g ch a rt e r

E . C.

B eck (fo unde r ). C ha telain. :vr a ri e Faulh aber. ! nice D unn ing , Russe ll Kin g , L o n G ra f . \Yal do \ V i ll ho ft. :\iari o n :\1a r s h. R ae Swart wout. Jre r :Mi cke l . H"v C h a m bedlain . :\1a r-

\ ".

i o ri


L i , ·in gston .

E n1e l ia

:-\n\·otny .

I> u r i n g th e y ea r s i x Lt>e n o t he r rne tnbt: r s ha ,.t t. ee n a dd ed. i nc luding o n e associat e m e mbe 1·. :\irs. :\f agdali ne C r af t H a dke. f-' h i AI p h a c h apt er w a!" ,.,. prest-n te d in tach i ssue of the frate i'nit,lllaga zi n e d u ri n g t h ~­ .vea r~. e<, nt r ib u t i o n s b e ing m a d e· h y :\·I~T t lc:vraxw c-11. 1·:. Beck . l n i cc· 1lun n in g- an d Fried a \\.oi t "'' 1.


T he <-ha pte r ad•> P ted th e official F 1·esh ma n M edal <>f the f rate r n it ~·. a n d this meda l will be g-ive n .... a('h yea r~ to t h e f n· :·d1 J IIO.H1 \\T ili n g thcIH·St C0 1HPOSi ti o n fo r tha t ''t-H r . T he m edal co n st i i u t es 0ne o f the a n nua l :1\\':l r d~


Page 158

the en ) l {· g (•.


1926-1927 PROGRAM O ct o b e r ~ ~ - I n it i a tion . Addr ess h ~· Prof. 1':. C'. D l'C k. .'\ f, v l· Jn ll{_· r 1 :~ -Co l. ·r. .J. :\f a j<I!'S a <ldi·esse d c h a ptt· t· o n " :"e bras k a J nd i a n s .'' .:'\t>\E' Jll h (• J'

2 -t -

I nitia-

t itJil cli n n(•J'. Ci· ra ce .l t> hn s toa:·H111 i s tress. H.t':-;pon s(·:-;. .:\fa r iu n l\I a r s h . A r th u 1· Linda hl, :i\Ia rj o r i e

t on.

~fi ll e r.

First National Fraternity at Peru State Teachers C ollege

l h ·e<· n t h e r ('l l r·i st nl a:-;

20-0t·i g inal

pc '(-' 1 1"1 ~


T a llo.; h:'-· L Po na Hparl{ ~ a n d \\"a l d o \Villhuf'L .!a nu a r~· 17 llinn e 1· It n n or i n g l\'T a t:;"<h.. Je n e C r a ft 11adl<e . Whu ;; pu k e

o n " P ageantry.''

PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH FRATERNITY To prom ote a mastery o f written expression, to encourage worthwhile reading, and to f oster a spirit of good f ellowshi p amon g those specializing in the English lang uage and literature.

_ F<' ht'll >L r ~- 2 1- PI <> t nt ~o: hL CJI'iginal pl o t s PI'esc· nt t· d h .\· F I' i e d a \\'<>itz c- 1

a nd ( ;race Cor e ,·

~lar·e h 2 1-C'l t~~ldt• F"u r -

cl yet.:', assn P ia t(· (.. c]it ,, r of Outd o"r L ife. ad d r0 SSN] e h ap t t· r· o n " ~p ee ial F'eatu r .- \ V r iti n g. " .A p r i I l !l P J'C'shnla n 111 gohl. T~ en na S par h: ~ pr~ t..· ­ ~<·n tc· d p lan s f en· a fc~a­ l ~l i'C-' . Sto r y. i\ I r ~ . Lon f rl 'a 1 l't""~Hl a 11 orig inal OJlt •-

;~ ~:(l' J~~,~~~~ .. " O n t· a n rl O n <~ . ;\f H,\ '

nlf· :11H l

2:;---0utdno r t·•• uninn.


DELTA ALPHA PI Delta Alpha Pi is an honorary fraternity having for its purpose that of promoting the highest educational ideals and fraternal spirit among its members. It is strictly a professional organization. Membership is determined by quality of preparation and of professional attitude. It is in accordance with this aim that the programs are planned, both professional and social meetings being held throughout the year. The organization is young but it numbers among its members a large number of succt>ssfu l growing workers in the field of education, both in public schools and in advanced courses leading to higher degrees. We are proud of our alumni members. We fee l that they are carrying on the ideals of progress, leadership, and service held by our fratern ity.

Paf!.e !59


Page 160

FORENSICS AT PERU J •~urr• n sic :-; nrt.• tht.") o l ch · st coll egia l( \ acth·ity u n t h e l'e ru t':lll lJH I !-' . 1·:\'v n l>l:· f o n -· J !-!S~ t lH· J' t• existed a stron g- d t> hating orgHuiza tion, t' l llllPOSL'cl 1 ) f <: n l h ·gt• llJ t.·n. e <•llt·d th t- ._.iPe r••n ian J>e b a tin g C'lulJ. l n I SS~• lh t" gi t~ l s. n o t tu bt..· outdntlt.· in thi~ aq.;unll·n t ath·t~ s p ort' , u r g a nizt-· d in to the :\lh t.· ni;Jn S (H.'i t:> ty . It i;..; ' lt' tltlll d tht.•St.· t W I • 111:1jo r organixations th; • t dt:l~:lli np; h; ls dt..•\.._• l ouptJ :1 ncl u ro:-;Ut.- l't~ d in P (· t·u . 'rh t..•st.:· ::;;o Pit_• l it..~ s ,,·~,_·r e aeti \'t• \\'ithi n th e rn s t: l\'t ·~ f o r O\'C>r a S('lll"t' of ,\'t..'Hl's. ll n\\' t·\· vr·. ;1ho ut th t• ht.·~inning- of th v 1\\" t..· nlh• t h <'t•nt UI' .\' l' r•d't·s:-::ur t:t..·or g t· Pnz· t f' t". :111 t..• n t husi:Jst of" d e ll:1t e . urgPd th;-J t t iH_. fi r• l d h i.' hro: Hh·tH:•(l. ('on:--: t• q ttt·ntl~· . he ~l.'IH·d ul t· fl l 'l't'\1' :--: lin·H intt-·1' t•ttl l t-'J,:;'i:l t (· d P lt:tti n .~ tll:l tt.:h. I n tu rn. :\ lr. St·:lr~un. now l 'r·•d\·~~or of l•:ng--li~h in tht· ( ' ni\' t..• r·sity of Xt~ l,r a:-; l~a. fn lh•w e <l thi:-; ~a n u · idc->a a n<l l a t er. :1 ~ '-"P<H·h ,,f Pt·ru·:-- ftll't' t':-::. de \ "t·l n n t·d il f uJ ' ther. Jl t-· i s oftt•n quott..•d a~ ha,· ing s ;lid. "!lad l tny c• dlt·gt· l ift · to J h ·t· a lg-a i n . I wnulcl drop an~· t hrt·t• s u bjt:C t:-; frot l\ t he r t- g"U I :tr t·o ut·:-::v ht•fur\· l woulcl ~.dYe up t II \· j oy:-:, !Itt • t·n ntl iC"ts. t lh· dl:-'ft·at s . and th t' triuntph s o f dt •h at inl!. " J)r·. ll tt USt' , now l't•of ~c•s:-::u r of 1-:ng--li :-:h in th e l'n i\· t• t·s it\' nJ' ~ l :lr~· l :l rHl, !" \lt't' t\ l?'dvd .-.\ Jr. ~\':ll'sun. a nd tl t·h:t t l' t•ontinu(•tl t n pros p er u n der h i~ n ·gillJt'. · J)ur·in~ tht• \\' tH' Id \\' :-~ r rh·hating- was t·ontinu t·d , ,,. l' r o f l':-;:-:n r I. 1: . \\'ilsnn, :1 1 pn•s t·nt l 11·afl nf t iH· l•: u g- l i:-;h <l e pat·tn l l' ll l in l h t· l 'itl:--.:J,Ul'g" '1 \·; l <: h l'n.- t'o ll l'g"". It wa~ in 1 ~12 1 th :l t ~~~ · lt:t t i n g- \\';Is : ti lt t\\'~· tl t o ht•('Oillt· c lt~rt ll: lll t nn I' C" l'll·~ c:J tllll\1!-". llo\\' t: \·vr. i n 1 !12 -1. I 'J'oft... ~Sol ' A I IJri g-h l l't'\" i \'t•fl it a n d s ince th:tt 1i nh· u ndt• r th t.' din·<·t i~tn tt f l ) t·n fi.'~Sot' (' hat P l :lin. l '• ~ r·u ha ~ Oll C.' t· ll lnl't· h \·Pil lllt' ( ' lin g- lh: l · oppttnent~. \\'ith 11o llc:-; i t · qll · ~· . un th~· pl at fo nn. T c1 lll f' n tinn a i\·w n f l)c•t·u 's na:-; t tlt·ll:t tt•r :-; su , •:ll\~ \\' c• ll f,,,. lht· \\' o t·l~ of !'ttl't' Hsi c..·:-: in t lti s Xt• hra~l.:a t•n ll l'g'l'. J ~~~· i\loq;an. ·a e unnin ;...: l't· t·u d t ·hal<~ t· of n 1an~· d ;t~· s ago. is n o\\' t ·d itttt' ~~r tltt· :\'a ti on:tl Ecltu: atit~na l A s :-; e~ eia t ion ,Jo u rna l. 111 l'a t·1. h t· i:-; l h• · hi g- ht·:-. t ;o-;al arit•d t·cl i to l p f {-·rlu(':ttinnal uuh l ic•;J ti t~ n s in t h t· l 'nitt•d ~ t:l l t- s. l'l~· cl ~c• i\loo r t·. anothl'"l' <lt · ll:l l l· r n f \' qll:t l ra n l.:. i:-; n o \\' Pr. ;:\ l tllti' C, P t·of'esst~t' 111' l·:d uca t i o n: II I 'sy (• h t 'd ~tg-y : It ( 'c •l'H t• Jl (' ni \"t· r ~i t y.. Th c•n t ht• l' t• i:-; \':l l'l'n Tylc· t·. nn t·nthu s ia :-:ti(· :t r ;.!"\lt'l' f o r l'l' l'\1, \\"hu now t·: tnl<~ :1~ tH it• nf :'\:t · ht·asl~ a ·~ l eaclin!_.!' <ll lul' llt'~· :--;. l·:arl t' lilll' . n:tst t' t!lllllWIHh ·r of : I ll :\ ll \v l' il':lll L t• g"itlll , •., ~t. Ht' g"t•1J t n l' t ill' l ' n h ·e r:--;ity o f ;..:t'hra:-:1\.a, :tll d a llll' ll\h(' r o f l.i n t••dn ':--; g- n ·:t tt·:-:t Lt\\' lil'lll , \\ ' t•tl his Jir~ L l a UJ't· l s tl t · hat i n ~ f n t· l 't·ru. Xt~ r l':lll \\'~ · t l \'t• rlt ~t d\ lh\· f :tt·t that l't · ru ·~ IJI't·:--=t· lJl t· ••:l c·h o f d t.."lt:t t •·. Pro f <·~!'tH' \'. 1•:. ('h : J tt •l: tin . \\':1!-' :1 lllt·lllhP r ,, f l't•of t·S~tll' \\' il :-=otf :-: d t· h:Jtin g· t••: Jill ill ft •l'JJlt' l' .\'t•: trs . .-\nd t h t• t't· an· t' H\Ill t lt·s:-: " t ll t•r :-; . fo r tht · li:-:t app t•at·:-: t i • J, ,. wilht~ u t ht ttJ IHI :-:. So \\'it h lht • p:1:-:t 11 : 1\' ill g' l :1id tht· fuuud : J tic •ll 1'111' 1h t· pn· !" t ' lll. l 't·ru 's lt~, t :-:IHd~ :Jrc· t•\' t• ll ,·, ·t uL1~· in ;..:- t rut • \H t'nnn. Jo' Hr in t •· l"t •:--=t i~ :tnd ;tl\\':1 .\ ' :-; 1! :1~ h t·t·ll p ;tt':llll••unt in t l li~ f..:Tnllp. ; j•,, fig- Itt !'t tl' \' i\'ttH·~· \\' ith l't ·:O·' J'' ''' t f ttl' lll tll t •l' ll;ts t • \ ' •· 1' l tt• t 'll 1',-t·u ' :-: ~~~~~· : 111


Oirec tcr. V. H. J indra Pianist, Edith Evans Trombones, Fran k Bogle, Ralph C!ntelain, Baritone , George Rcinmiller, S axophone, iVl arj orie Lynn , Cello, Erna Weitzel, Clarin !!t. Joe J ones Conz!!t s, Lillian Brady, Arthur Lindahl, V iolins, C laudia S lnd:lu::k, Marj orie Milier, D oris Rice, Phd~p H oyt, Gladys Grossoeh me, J oy Mickel, E lsie Mares, W inifred Pcr:it, Hele;1 Klumb, Freid:~ Woitzel.


Left to rig ht: V. H . J indra (Dire::tor), j oe j o:1cs, Phil ip H oyt, Ra lph C hate lain , Frank Bogle, George Reinmillrr, Cleon Rhoades, Marjorie Kistl er. Lil lia n Brad y, C'\rl S keen, Arthur Lindahl, Duane Sa ms.

Page 166

PI OMEGA PI Delta chapter of Pi Omega Pi was organized at Peru State Teachers College April S, 1927, at which rime rhe charter members were initiated b y M iss R unI H ug IlCS, a member of Beta chapter at Maryville, Missouri. The aims of the organization arc to encourage, prom ote, extend and create interest and scholarship in Commerce; ro aid in civic betterment in colleges; to encourage 'l nd ~ osrc r high ethical standards in business and professional life; and to reach the ideals of scrvtce as the basis of all worthy enterprise.

It is the purpose of Delta chapter t:> promulgate the ideals of this organization on. rh.is campus; to foster and encourage fellowship among all commercial reachers; and to atd 111 the establishment of similar organizations in other reachers' colleges. A student who is maj~ring in Commerce is eligible t~ me~bership in. the ~raterni~ when he has fifteen hours m Commerce with grades avcragmg mnery, provtded hts grad in other subjects average at least eighty-six.

Officers President, Merna Harris Secretary-treasurer, Virginia Simmons

Vice Preside11t, Elsie Mares Historian, Mildred Mason

Charter Members Walburga Adams, '29 Verda Hauptman Frary, '27 Virginia Simmons, '29 Merna Harris, '29 Inez Wells, '27 Mildred Mason, '29 Anna .Irwin El sie Mares, '27 Nona Palmer

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CL lJB This organization has been a viral factor in rhc religious life of the college since it~ organization in 1914. For many years meetings were held in private homes. Since September, 1923, the group has met in the piano studio of t~e Auditorium Building. Inasmuch as there is no Christian Science church in Peru, the purpose of the club is to provide a church home for those who wish to grow in the understanding of Christian Science, and to welcome all others who may wish to attend rhe religious services. Students, faculty a nd townspeople arc numbered in the group which meets : egularly e~ch Sunday at eleven o'clock. The order of services is rhar found in the ma nual of the Ftrst Church of C hrist, Scientist of Boston, Massachusetts. There have been occasional trips to attend :;ervices it~ churches of ne.i ghboring towns and each autumn the group a ttends t~e <t~mual C:hristtan SCience lecrure delivered under the .wspices of First Church of Christ Sctenttst, Nebraska City. The club contributes regularly to various church funds and has from time to time 路nade gifts to the ~ollege. T hey have placed in the college library copies of the Christian Science rcxt-b~ok , SCI~nce ,and. Health with Key ro the Scriptures, other books by Ma~y B~ker ~ddy, and Stbyl Wt!bur s Ltfc of Mary Baker Eddy. The Ch ristian Science Monttor .s ava tlable daily upon the the newspaper racks for reading and reference work. The facult y sponsors of the organization arc Miss Grace Tear a nd Miss Clara M. Dunigan.

!11 these S!lcceedmg pages are recorded: The eight stltdmts most represmtatit;e of Pent State Tearhers College. chosm b)' 110te of the st11dmt bodJ'路 The Mf1J Q11een, chosm by the 111m of the Sophomore class. The record of biiSiness Jinm who hctve helped make thir book possible. A11d lmtl)', the odds cmd mcl.r of ct college cciiii/JIIS.

Pllp.C 169

Page 170

Page 17 1

Page f71


' =""

Saturda y. M ay 21st 111 .


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ln;.: •· l :t!'!'•·!' :ll t ht · Jt .. nh · .. f th•· l 'n·:.: itl• ·111. Sunda y, 'May 22nd. 111 :::u : 1. 11 1. B:HT:da un·:a 1,. ~ .. .. , it·•· :11 t ·,dlt•J!"t' .\ u di t •tt·iunt. l 'l"lll't":O::-:it• n :tl c '••l h ·J.!t· tlr t· h,·:-:t r :t. l l r nlrt- l l oly, l l~tl y . l l t~l .'". lll\' t w:tticlll l~ t· \·, J! . .\. Tr+~ W III 'i d;..:t· . .:'\1 11 :-:ic• .\l t·lt':-: l ; lt· c· t 'l u ll. ~c·riptt t rc· r· ·: tcling1:,. , .. I L ,\ . Trn\\' -

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F rid a y , M ay 27th. Ill :uu :c. 111. -

C ommen cetne n t

E xercises.

J•l'tu·,·:...:siunal ( 'n llt ·~ · · tl n · h ,~ :.:t r n . 111\' ot•a tiu n - ltt' \ , l:t•n t ' . l:ultltitt. :O. I ush· - =-'e n inJ' t' l:t :-::s !'tr ing- (.)u:lr t •· L ( ' tttHi ll t•ll t.' \ ' 1\h' lll Adtl l't·:-:~ l·:tl \\': 11'tl :--:.t•: ith· l'. l 'h . l l.. c ;1' i111\t• 11 \'ttl I ··~· · ·


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lnlllll i Lun• ·lt•·, , n

CALENDAR SEPTEMBER \<Ve il . h ere we: arc: all rc.:<•ch· fo r a ,·ca r o f frc, lic. F lea Ka lt c.:n b o rn rc 111arks .that it ~,·i ll tak e: hin t m o re eveni n gs t han u O>t.:a l to g c.:t :...:q uaint c d with t he new g irl s un th e cam pu s. 15. Convoca t ion in tro du ced t o u~. l n. \ Ve sc.:cm t o h e gett in g 11<:x t teo t hing ~ . 17. H oop- la for th e mixt·r! \\'e f111<1 cout a bout t' a c h o t h er. 18. F re s hm e n take: a day off to s un·ey th e: v illa ge. l 'J. P ocr v;cathc r hu t most o f the Fro~hes a nd un c o r two of t he ot h e r s s t art righ t b y going to c hu rch. . 20. T h e mi gh ty se ni o r s tt·y t o l o~·d It ovct· a ll a nd it works onlv on t h e Frc s ht e~. . :.1. Philos a n d f<:H r c tt ~ ga n g CJ t~ ce agalll._ _ _2_ O h tha t wa s th c rcaso n ! P htl os a n d 1-.v c.: rctt ~ . . f . '\\' !11 C !I1 bCr S htp~. . com p e t e ot 11~ . T hr ill s for so n tt· g trb . 23. Ex t ra ! Dor m r;11 d <;:d 1· t OC.:~. ·in: r ~c c.:nt s to bt• pop-7 J . ' I"cn n .t:-.. <•t nd !llO''<IUi • 25. Dow n t h e trac k to 1 1tc.: 1 13.


u lar . . ·d trtck in g the ir n1ll ct· s kat es Girls arc n o t 1cc < f' thcn t h OlllC. I \ 1 o th e r ~ t oo. ) a n< ~ e n< tn g Rah! Rah! Rah! Ju s t a littl e more z ip. F r e s h m e n! ( r tH Band bl ossom s out. Li s ten s w e ll. Everybod y "·ants to br eak in to the Drama tic C lub . S huck s ! \\"e th ot chapel wa s n't allowed o n Thur sday! 2!J.

27. 28. 29. 30.


2. 3. -1.

5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11.

M iss Be st ma~e s a h it. A nd why shouldn't s h e: Fres h me n mix t hem s~ l ve s . Th ey see m to b e the Pe ppt es t clas s in sig ht. . S u nd ay school. rt \·e r . a nd s leepmos tl y s leep. S t ill good fo r a n ot h er week. Ca ll for debater s. \ Ve are comi ng, F a t her Verne, etc .. etc. C leon Rhoades ha s an a nn o un cem e n t. S mp risc ! \ Ve_ a;e_ p leasant ly e nterta in ed b y viO h n ts t J indra. Ta b o r is n't so h a d on the grid iro n . h u t \\"C are good · Philos thro w a party. New crack s appear in the wa ll s of lit tle gv m . H ikers s till a h le t o be ab o ut. · J e~sc Th orpe wavers in a nn o un c-

Ill g. 12. ~ lib rary is no pla ce fo 1• a dog. ( \\"arning t o ch em. st ud e nt ~. ) 1-1. :\ eu mets ter n nnmages th e cit\· for a ca t : o ther Ever ett s arc a l ~n m ack foolis h. l:'i. D o n Q goes ove r b ig at Au c(i to rium. 17. \\' eary 0 • • o t y e t. I X. Quackenbush gets out o f exam s by m erely h aving a n opera t ion. l lJ . Branc h Ri ckt-y is goo d. L o tta d a t es for a study ni g h t. 20. Paddles ge t h o t in conta ct w it h Fres hm en. 2 1. Som(' of the d o rm girl~ b ecome ac qu ai n t ed w it h nail s. ha mm crs. a n<l the p h ysio logy of fnotha ll s . 22. Drama tic Clu b str ut~ it:; s tuff. Do rm initiati o n !! 1 ! ) ' H omecom ing ' .\ n d ,,f cour se rain! Rut w e wtn. 7-0. 24. \ ' io la page ~ Cleopat ra fu r J. T h orpl'. 25. Tbc hed in .\ 1nt' s room d o cs h a ,· e a habit n f fal li ng d o wn! 2.!} _ Cood work . i>l.>y~ ! P er u 25. Cotn er f>. .ll. Hall owl' 'cn ~ h t nanigan s. l·:vtn t h e h <'d in " .) .j" ge t ~ th e s pi ri t!


!'age 174

2. 3. (> .

X. <).

10. I I. 12. 1:'.

J<J. 20. 2 1.

Indian l'ag,·ant h~· ( ;i rb' l'luh ~l· n·l·~ tl'a. :'II r :< . Bl'c k ·~ prlll l'gl':'. R ay! l'nu 12 : \\.;t y n c i. :\ il'\\' nf u :< ~till ho lding l hl· ftlrl. Th e "Thundl'ring Hnd · rl'lurn :<. P<>l'll'd a benedict! I·:di.: de n i.::< n·p"n"!! \\·,. han· f,·,·d,; al l un·r the pla ce. Dr. \\'in,; lip :' Jl<'ak:< in cnnn >catinn . Fl ags appl·;•r l'\·e ry \\'lll're. O h . ~-,·s. Armi:<t ice Day. C. :\ . .-\ . Hit-l'in Ball Tt>lll'11l'Y· \'urk 0: l 'nu -HI. Bul> kitlett:' \\' ill o,·,·r Plat :'111 Dilth. to o. Peg fa ll:' for Crink in tltl· ];h rary. ~l·rr>nd quarter. alrl'ady ! ]Jl'I'U add:< annthl'r ,;c:t !p to hl' r h,•lt- - \\.l· 3-1 . Kl'arnl'y 0. \\'i n tn is hl'l'l'. T he fir~t hig :< no\\'. \\' hitt l' Htore lind ,; nut that Ki,;,;ack like,; her


(; r a=--~.

22. 2-1.

25. .21>.

28. 30.


A ndre \\' T. R o_, .. ~t u d.:nt \'ol un tecr. speak,; at CO ll\'UCa tiOll. Peru Prep. ""· .-\uhurn turn s o ut to he a ·; ie. C hick e n. pumpkin p il·. cranbcrril·s. 'm•\'c r ythi n g ' Pnu dcil·at,; Doa n e 0 -0 ! \\' hat a piece oi luck! \\'e get to go to sch ool a ll day. \\'e cl i scon~ r Bri gh am Yo u ng ',; nationali ty. Knun get,; library tine for k eepin g col lege hun){)r tl'l l minu te,; o,·er tim e.

A rt (;ari:<s . captain -elec t of 1927 Bob cats.


3. -1. 5. (>.

i. 8.

10. I I. 12.

I .l. J.i . 17. I X. J'J.

20. 2 1. L.l.


;"_ncl . h ere 's th e Orphcum! I f Plo zu, ghc ld s ho uld sec us! " S un-up" in L incoln. :0.1i,; ,; Be,;t chaper o ne:; Arl <! nc a n d j oe. A fc\\' of us go t o K. C. t o sec "The Mira c le. " The rest of us stay plll. F o rt mak es All-State halfback . ?v[u s ic ( ?) by the hand a t com ·ocation. Dugs again ,;cck library. Hl')' \\' Ood . \\'here a r t thou? D oyle int rodu ces C hri ,;t m a,; caro b at con,·ocat ion. \'. \\·.h ea r,; ahnu t Pas:< io n !'lay b y Mi ss Tear. Dorm see m s tu he o ,·cr -r u n In· "tht· hoys" a lth o it is a ,;t u dy n:gh t.. Found: A good p laco: to ,·i~it - - tht· library. Butl r r. l;r<l\'<:~. Bloodgood. There·~ o ne Bihk \'('r:'e S hirk" \\'t llt't iorge t in a hurry 1 .·\bt' lt'an;,; fr on t sad exp eri e nce not Ill eat ~o t11uch " f d t>r n t fudge. S lightl y cool today. H e nr.1· Field ~a~·~ fa ir an d warmer. C ur l~· L'lark st ill kn•ps h i,; C<'at rollar turned up. Big doings at Hi Sc h t>PI 1\itt' . "Tumblt'\.''l'Ctb" hlo\\' aro und on audi tori um :'Crt't'll. An d l' eru -1-1 . Tarki c' .W . Dorm e nj oy pt•acdul en ·n ing, s in ce urdl'rs ior d a tes see m to h an· i>l•t• n p lan·d el,;t·\\'hrre. " :\ :\! o th er "i l'hoice" h .' · tlll'llthns "i th e Dramatic Club at con,·oca ti <> tt. l'nnk le t On·ilil'l goes t o chu l'l·h in h npl':' of se l' ittg ~a nt a l ' laus . The tapirs "i thL· day an·: Fin·<; ru t,: train ,;rheclull':<: " H '"' . long d, , \\'L' stay:




4. S.




10. II.

Sam e old s to rv- train crowded. l .ook what happened! J;•rn-Doddc rer. Alf~- Kah m. :tnd Gibson-Turnbull an: the new al lian ces. No parti cula r chee r show n in getting hack into the harn ess. - - - - (name withh e ld ) cont ribut es 2(, more pennies t o library! Bobcats claw up the Syracuse Legion 57 t n '.1. J oe J o ne s tries ea ting tht: drin kin g c up ~ at F oo tball dinn er. Vi sit t o Tarki o nt"ls Bc•hcats 43. Tar ki o zr,. Br rk goes 0\·er c:-:tra big a t Faculty Ban quet.

12. Peru Pr ep. 28. Dunbar 10. l.i. \\'e under~tand that Library E con o my quiz put a dampt:r o n ent hu sias ttl. 14. Bobkittens put th e FALL in Fall s City! 15. \\'c sec "Th e Unknown So ldi er'' in auditori um . Bobcat s treat Dana t·oug hl y . J(). E mer son E ssays fini shed. A relief for library crew. :7. Sig ma T au De lta banqu et in ho no r of fvl ag-dalt:nc C raft Radke. JR. Term papers. e tc .. e t c .. come t o th e front. 19. Per u Prep a nd Ne bras ka C ity tangl e . Kitt e ns 24: N . C. H. 21. \\'arrio rs scalped by B o bca t s. 51- 18. Library lines ga lo re to day. 22. \\'e ll. well. look wh o's here' Be n Church. w~ arc sure. 24. Reg-istration makes m ost of us g r o uchy hcfot·c tht: day i~ o\·cr. Severa l ne w facPs appea r. \\'e slevan meet s her \ Vater loo- Pcru 33. they 18. -r:l . . 26. F o rt i ~ beginning to wo rry ove r class du es collecti o ns. 27. Spike Maim buy~ some new sta mp s to match his pink stallonery. 3ti. \\' e Jea rn . c \·e ral thin gs at the Pr o hibitio n Debate at :VI. 1·:. ch u rch .

10. 12. ] .~.

J-1. l.'i .

17. :X. f ().

.!.2. )'

_, ) ,

24. 2.'i. 2 ( 1.

.D .

J. 2.

O nly 27 m ore da ys to thi s month! U nfa ir! Rhoades gets Pres ide nt P ate to make hi s a nno un ccllle nt! 3. T error! The " Crims o n Cocoanut" ! Bogle gets mu s hy. S. Peru Pr ep wi pe s the gym floor w ith Syracuse . r,. Antzie fo rgets his d inner. Studio us: \V e don't think ~o . R. 1vl cNa ry-Hau ge n debac le is aired for t he first tim e. Of course Pe ru won. 9. Kan sas City Li ttle Sympho ll\· 1s a dj ud ged wo nde rful. · \\'eeps. Doane 25. w e 24. Bu t Henz sh o w s H igh Harry a li ve ly ti me . (;iri s · Cl uh party shows off some s nappy costumes . The s now brings back th e dehatf'rs with o ne vi ctory a nd t wo d efeats. Oh ,.0 11 s weet \'alentin e! Jimmi e puts his surprises in good hid ing. Dra;11 atic Club hies off t o Dunbar. Shumard tries for KF!\F and finds YYYY. .\II t\ K T o urn ey ope ns. Cotner 14, P e ru 51. Thrn· champi0 ns e m e rge fr o m M I N K fracas. E s kinw l 'ies d isappea r in a hurr y . And sti ll we ha ,·en 't de ci de d whether th e farm er need s he lp. r\ t a ny rat e. Omaha l i win~ t ill' decision. Soph s ha,·e quite a ti111 e keeping the lions de n 11l lt•d at con\'n ra t in n. B uth·r join th e Fol lies. Tiger s take Bobcats into ramp. 49- 17. B o b c at~ nihhle York. 29-2El. :\nthing happ~:n ed t oda y. F i,.,. n r <ix llluntps and nne n r t 11 " <·nlarg<"rl ton-il<. .


Page ]76


:\larch Ha r l' l'art\· h ,· Earll· l ~ k t n e ntan· l"o u tu.: il. l'l'rU. tr;.t n tp s ~.n \\.t•s kya-n


ag:n n.


Try <Juts f<>r ··S un-up ... 3. "" F ather a n d Dad"" hv P ll <' <>f taknt( ;ay :\I c l .art·n . . -l. Tl·n tpl·ra t url· s ri s,· in ··S ut t- u p·· t r~· o u t s. 5. R<wk h o ld s sway at th e dor m . 7. Kn: jci gl'ls :\11-Statt·. :\ lal m and Hertz - - r u n st·cond. \\ ·a~ k ,· and Da,·cttp or t a l"'' COilll' in fo r lh >tll-lrS. l) f-"or s h :: ml·! i-ll·rh (asev s t u t'r s t he ha llot hox at \". :\l. e lc.: c tic; n. 10. So usa visits E\"\: re t t De n. :\ l ump s ~ t i ll 111 ,· oguc. I I. C ..\. A. Gyps~· P n ,m. S lick L ook ing dat es. 12. l'knty o i taknt com t·s tn the ~ u rfacc in tht• "( ;on d o liet· s." 13. S h o rty and Bess arc ~ e c n t oge t h ::!r. 1-l . B . B. h oys ha\·e quite a trip to K. C. A. C . Tourm·y. 15. S 01n e h od y h a d a birt h d a y a t d o rm . Ice c r t' alll is sen·ed un nfficially. 17. S t. Pat r ick pay s us a ,-:sit. S hirley d ocs a good joh on God win' s car Margaret l"li n l·hurg play s ho u sc wife un camp us w a lk s . 18. .:Vl idland iarc s badly wi t h Peru in :\l c "ary-1-!a u gen tussle. I ~· Harold j o h n son ri n ds o u t wh a t a s yno n ym is. L et"s as k him. 2 1. Priefert take s time o ut for an lwur" s res t. Let" s see : tod ay is :\J o n ci:ly. the day a it e r the n ight before. 22. " S u n -up" progressing in fine s ty~ e. :\ rea l s tage s u ccess is p r o mi sed. 23. \Ve h ear so me up-t o-d a te ne w s !ro m soc tal sc te n ce departm e nt of Jr. H . S. 2-1. Ki t chen Sy mph o n y b r oa dcasts fr o m EYCr~tt s tation BLAH. 25. Ill aryv ill c. M o . de ha te r s s h ow P e ru fo r enst ca n s a h o t ll n te. 26. Buffaloes a n d Indi a n s a pl e n ty in ··Th e L as t F r o n t it•t·." 28. \V e un d e r s tan d tha t o nly s u p e r ior sc h o lars hip warra n t s th e a wa r di ng_ o f a ,·ar s ity sweater. How come tha t a nd - - - - a nd are sport tn g S\\ eate r s? 30. B e nford en te rta in s on t l·e new KtJJ h e G r a nd. \\"omen 's Club O\·e rflows t o w n . 3 1. Quartet (College 0 ) serenade s d o n n w it h ·· swee t A d e lin e."


A1 Ia" '! "S u n-~.p"" goes over b ig. bigger. bigge s t. (Check your c hoice).


In ter vi ewers report t h ::~t so me of the Fre s h men had a g ood time :t t t h e party.


"O s t r ic h '" C lub m a k es it s in itia l a ppearance o n the campus.

-l .

Prep deb a ter s hring h o me honor " in d e lnte \\"i t h Syra c u se . You arc n o ,,· to he en ter tai n ed h'" Pro fe ssor D oy le. a ccompani ed at the pia no l;y Professor Be nfo rd. R e p o r ted th at Elizabeth (we d o n" t knnw whic h o ne) ju st ha d a ll>th b irthda y . Page A nania s.

r•. il.

9. I 0.


1.1. 1-1.

""The \" o lg :t Boatman·· 111 o ur n1 id s t. ~ \ \ "h a t' Again ? No. ju s t () tl CC. DtH"ll1 raidf,~:.t S ;3.'"' " S T' '" ~ o r "ere nad e. H o- 1-l l> ! Broc kman in gah>shl'"· .:Vl a jor,; in a s tra ,,· toppe r . B r igh an 1 with hi s ki t ty. et ceter a . on di s pl ay. Tag d ay fnr St ude nt Fric·ndsh ip Fun d . It r ai n s li ;;hwonn,;. Poor day to sta rt ;;pring ,·acation. hut we dnn" t tnind.

Page P I

Hastmg :. meet ne t s Peru a t r op h y. Cars will get rambunc tious. wun't they. Cln·ist inc? 18. And now we mu s t return. Aha ! \ Ve a lw ay~ did think th a t Butlt-r. l ' artcr. and C hurch looked s u spicious, espec iall y wh e n they gang e d togeth e r. 19 . Basil is chosen for th e S h o w-Off. 2 1. Cec il Stark bribes th e c urta in-m an on his act. " 11i ~ japane ~e \Vifc ." 22. \Vhy ha1·c a K. C. Symph o ny w h en rour hand and orc h e~tra ha ;-. tiH· nt lwat ~~· 1·er al inches: 2.1. ~\ f cGuirc and Heilig ca t in re lays. Ba ~ kcthall Dit tt t<· r well t· n jeoyt·d . " Plea se open your song h ()ok :-: til page 51J. I t h ink ,,.,. kneo11· thi ~ <>til' h y thi ~ titn,- . -? J. (\Vhy no. thi . is n't S u nd a y : it' s :VI onclay COII I'<•ca ti l ort l. 26. ).[osqu itncs arc wor"c than had in P e r111·ia n .,fTice. 27. SteCI'CS in an argum e nt. ).l a th c mati cs: :\ope -Tra c k ~ 1 1 28. Kcw d o rm furn iture arri1·es. \Va s Lic.: h t e nht·rger' ;-. influ,·nct· re " p"n " ihk ? 29. "Sauce for the G oslings" hy S<:n i iJ r ~ . JunicH·-Seni o r l>inn LT ca n ' t loe ill·at . .),)_ :--II:\K Track ).f eet fill s t<JII' n with high ~clw"l ~ twh·:-- . T<·llni ~ T t·am d t~t'" itM· Ii h o n or by winn ing in fin e s tyle:.



MAY I. 2. .J.

II. 12. 13. 15. 16.

18. 19. 20. 2 1.

22. 23. 2--1 .


- :l .

26. _r ;_

Ralplt C hatclai11 caught hanging :O,Iay ha,..k 1·t,.._ :O,•I o n n poly on th e tenni ,., t.:llut·t:-. a t S:.JS a . n1. llc c.: k sprout;. reel hair and ,..111111'" u p ~unw "i the b uys at t:O ill'<JC.:a ti on. pnn·in g th e ecluca ti<ma l aim of IJelta A lp ha l' i. J. Ba ..; il make s fir s t needle o n t h e K n itting tt· a n t. ri. High s chool se nior s k ll <>ll' th ei r l inc:s pr t· tt y ,,·ell in "Hwwr Br ight ." 8. Acti 1·ity on Cemete r y llill i n cn.-a;-.t·s. Only c,nc o r tw o m ore Sunday;; lcit. 9. f7otn· cnupl cs o n the ca n tpu~ hn•ak. ::\" iear - t h ('y'll make up. En g li :-: h departm e n t offe r s s pecial courses in Ca m p u ~try. f7 n•d !\lkn t· nr"ll s at o n c.:t•. Be n Oa1·enpo rt caught g o ing- to a 7:50 c la!-s ! A nd thi ~ is Frid a y~ H orror s. wha t a combination! Pe a s fu r dinn e r at <l(Jrm ! Cong-re ss is lib era l with ~('c d tn th e ~p r i n g. President Pate ins is t s th a t th e re be not hing g-reen t)n the campu~ l' XCt•pt the g-ra s~. Freshme n. it's you r m o 1·e. S leuth s r e port tha t Jick j o d e r had a birthd a y and ~ ~· nt a H·lt-gt·am nf C<lltgrat u la ti l>ll t o his fo lks. Dramati c C lub initiati o n is hard o n t he nell' m e m ber s . Flunk in CtHTi cul um- Flunk in :---f at h - Flunk in H is tory . \\'h u ~ay;-. ign 01·ance is b liss? Th e Seniors drag thei r best manners out of the t\\oth - hall cnn t ainl'r and g- 0 the th e Fa c ulty R ece pti o n. Bill B ogle clap s fo r th e b acca la urea te mus ic. A n yll'ay. ht· e n joyed i1. Last r aid em the dorm hy Car ey . Sc:lk. :.rcGu ire &. C o. Hiclcl <:n talems brought t o lig ht at th e Phil o -1 ~ 1-Ne tt joint me e ti n g. •'ophomo r es throw q uite a line in "T h e S ho11··off. " Just a few more days toge t h e r: con s l'qucnt ly. la n g ui ~ h i ng ltH•k >< loetl\'l'C' tt son 1c. :\11 ).l nt h c r C oo!-c let lon ~t· ll'ith l.oui:--t' Ca~d•t•t• r chid in ><tiga t n r . C lass Day ~tuff i~ not ~c> dul l ~ Til<· (; rand Finalt' of a Perft·n Year '



-Just as You Want it -Always Ready Catering to the needs of young folk /or over 40 years.

TUCKER AND SHEAN JEWELERS Diamo nd s . \ iVatche s, Fine jewe lry. C locks. Ste r ling S ilve r. C ut Gla ss, Expert vVatch R epairing. Let u s fig-ur e w ith y ou o n your C lass P in s, Rings and Trophies


E.yes Examin ed Free. Eye Glasse~ a nd Spec tacl es. Fin e Opt ical Repa irin g

STATIONER S S tatio nar y fo r office and h o m e-Compl e t e l ~quipm c n t for Schoo ls and Co ll eges 1123 0 Street - Lincoln, Nebraska


~~PERUVIANS" on your

60th An ni versary

K ~tmb e r




Linco l n. Nebra ska

Page 179

Carson National Bank Auburn, Nebraska

Capital, $60,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 .\ HPiiahl<路

Br~ n king

ln st it 111 ion

WELCOME AND BEST WISHES to all Grads and S tu dents of our o!d Alma Mat e r I ra Crook. Vicc-Presicl<:nt ( Cla ss o f 1911 ) j osep h Al bin. Secre tary (Class .. r 19101



MONEY H ot路se u pkeep cos t s m o re t han t ru ck upkeep. The g o vernttl c.: ttt pro ved thi s i n inv estiga tion s co ndu cted t hr o ug ho ut many parts o f th e C ni tcd S t atc.:s un all types of farms. .'\. verage savi ng in farm lab o r per year by the u se of a mo t o r truck is $32-l. By r eaching bett er m a rkets a t g r eater distan ce. fa r mer t ruck o wner s ca n frequently increase their profits. Lo ss clue t o s t o ck s h ri nkage is grea tl y reduce d t hro ugh ha uling by Ford trucks. De terio r at ion of c ro ps is a lso reduce d b y hav ing tru cks at hand ready t o tra ns po rt them t o m a t路k e t jus t at the right t im e.


Good Things To Eat Ice Crea m - Cold Drinks Confections Expert B aking


Fay Bakery


U. A . \\.chs t er. Prnp.

f>age 180


EVENTS OF THE YEAR And n uw the li tct·an· c·d iwr t ll u ~t have hi,; f un -to cuu c h in hi ,; o wn word s a re,; um e of th e vear' ,; h igh- point ". O i co u rse·. it is a known iact that everybody remem IJ,·r s c lear ly wl!at ha~ ha ppene d du t·ing the co ur,;e oi thi ,; ,;c hoo l year. hut to ha,-e the acco unt hcf~>re you in pr int will facili t ate matt er s a hundr ed year s hence. The a nnual :>-li~cr is t h <' fir,;t cvt:'ll t of im porta n ce. Ga me ~. cha tter. a nd a cla s h of t he t•ducational in the wa,· of a6t h t:tic e n tertai nme nt th o rough ly mi ~e<: about thr ee hundred ,;t ucl e nts \'Cry nicely . - Tht· Soph o m ore,; l;acl a good tim e. Th ey ,,.c,·e iamiliar with Peru h ut not l <)O nt uch ~o. Th e F r e,;h m e n d i ~pl ayed a na i\-c he sitan cy which was a ltoge th er c harming a nd cle li g h tiuL Th e Juni ot·" \\'l' re iew in numh ct·-,;o m any being P e ter Ruggs . Th e Se ni ors were t he yca,; t that leavened t he \\'hole loaf. H ot Hecoming in Peru! .-\ perfect \\' hi rl oi activ ities wa:< n'l ea ,;cd under t he direction " i the Senior class; iun nigill. ,,·elco tHing o ld grad~. \\'inning t h e hig game from Nlid l:t nd. a ncl anothe r mi ~er in the big g ym. Of cou rse it ra ined! Thl• fall Orph eutll \\·a,; the s ignal ior sin gers. ~lancer s . Yio lini s<:::. c omedian~. proper ty 1n c n . elec tri cian~. ancl I\1is,; Best t o fall t o \\'Ork tn ea r nest. Th e b ig paraclc \\·as well r eceived. The F no t hall Dinner ,,·as like a hundred ot her di nner>'. Therl' wen: t oas t,;, gay talk. a nd g oo d food. It \\'a,; dist in gu is h ed h y o ne un iqu e p r ocedu r e . Every man o n the 1927 tca tll pledgee! h im,;elf to persuade H o b B a t h t o r e turn next year. D r . Alexa nder. fro m the Un i,· ersity o f 1\'ehraska. de li vered an ill ·"~\ra t ed lec t u re on t h e new state ca pit o l. The fac t that l\'e hr a~ka i:< de,·e lopi n g a new type of ar chi tec ture typica l of the p r a iri e coun tt·y made u s rea li z e th at he 'M iddl e \\'est has some contribu t ion to m ake to the Fine Arts. Through the cour t esy of t he American F ederation of Arts at \Vas hi ngto n. D . C.. t he portrai t of L incoln . "\\'i th Malice To\\'ard 1\'onc.'' by \'o lk. \\'as o n exh ib it ior >'c \·cra l day ,;. T he bas ke tb all dinner \\'a s a masc uline ga theri ng. Shop ta lk was co ndu cted by Capta in K r e j c i. Cap tain-elect H er tz. Presid ent Pate. a nd Coach K utnink. Th e Kan"as City L itt le Symp hony. und er th e baton of Director De Ruhert is. ,,·as t h e largest mu s ica l attraction in l~cru thi s year. T\\'o appearance~ were mad e h y the o rganization- a matin ee f01· the lo\\'cr g-ra ck pu pil s and a c l~ ssical co ncer t in th e e\·c nin g for the adult". 1 t \\'a s a rare t r eat \\'hich c \·cryone appr ec tated. Th e Jun ior-Sen ior dinner \\'as und oub te dl y th e c t·ow ning social eve nt oi th e ,-ca r . A cozy hungalo\\' nestled a m ong shr u b bery and tr ees. an d \\'as s urr o und ed hy a \\'hit c picket fe n ce and holly hocks in th e backgTott n cL The li ttle gy m wa s a ruqic garden hy t h e ;;ide of the ho use h y th e roa d \\'ith a founta in. float ing po nd l illi e~. m oss and t·ocks. a ceiling ~f s mil ax. th e e ntir e sce ne bathed in the diffuse d rays of crepe<! light;;, a n d h e ld with111 hou nd s by a n t,; tic \\'i ll o\\' fence. Da nc ing g ir ls . mu s ic. flower s . a n d ligh t h ea rt ~ m ade it an occasio n to be long reme mber ed. This \\'it S th e fi r"t J u nior-Sen io r D inn e r in t h e hi s t ory of Peru . bo th as a Norm a l School or as Teachers Coll ege. lt ha s se t a prec:e d en r \\'Orthy to be fo ll o\\'ed .

Nebraska State Bar Association Essay Contest T he 1\'eht·aska S t ate Bar Associa tio n offe r s to t he q ud e nt s of l\'eh raska co lleges each year (beginnin g in 1925) a questio n to he ana lyze d- a quest io n deal in g \\' ith the Co n ~t i t u ­ tion o r th e co ur ts. L ocal contes t s arc held in the vari ous colleges and the \\'inning rompositio n s s ubmitt ed to th e S tate Bar Associat io n for the sta te co nte st. Both t he 1925 a nd 192o priz es of $ 100 \\' ere won by 'vValdo \ 'V illh o ft o f Peru S t ate Teacher~ Co llege . In_th e !oca l con t es t o f 1_927 o n the question "Ho\\' a nd to \V hat Ex t e n t Arc th e Righ ts and Lthc rttcs of the lndt v tdua l Protecte d Under t he Fed eral Cons t itu t ion ?" lirs t p r ize was awarded to Margaret Gi be r son ; se cond prize to lnez \-Veils. and t h ird nriz c to 1:3en Churc h. The res ul ts of th e Sta te co nt est \\'ill he !Htblis hcd in t h e 1928 PE-RL· \-I Al\' .

Swensonian Scholarship Award B<'rt E. S\\'(' n so n. '09. and Stel la S pillncr S\\'en so n. '09. ha\·e g-iven to Peru a n annual athl et ic sch o lars hi p and med a l in nH•mor y o i their son, Bert E dward, Jr. Ju nior s and se nior s ar(' e lig ible. a nd a st ud en t may r eCl' ive the a\\'ard b u t once. Elig ih ili t,· is based upo n sc holars h ip . c haracter. va lu e tn ~chou! t ra dit ions. and t he wi nnin g of an e-mblem or schoo l le tter in at least f\\' C> diffe r e nt snor ts. A t the tint <' o i t h e a\\'ar d in 19-1 0 a n d thereafte r the awa rd \\'i ll car r y a ~chol;u<h i p val ued at $ 150.00 he~idc,; the an n ua l 111cdal. 1925 medal a \\' ard<' <i to Ma rk \ V. Delze ll. 1'!2(, 111ed a l a\\'ar d ed tn l ~arl 1.. L'raig.

Page /81

R eady-to-W ear



C lothin g

Dry Goods




Patterson's Cafe Meals a nd Short Orders I ces and Confection ery



Auburn Feed Store and Bottling Works


Let Us Clea n Your Clot hes The Modern W ay J'l: o Od o r

On e D ay Serv ice T ry U s

V ictor F eeds of A ll Ki nds Ca rbona ted D r ink s

FOYT J ess Brooks, P r op.

The T ailor and Cleaner

A uhurn . N ebraska

F . M. MERRICK, Optometrist

F . M. & L. C. MERRIC K

Auburn, N e brask a

Lincoln School Supply Company P ub lis hers o f EIJl ' C AT l Ol\r\ L S U PP LI ES C o u nty

- =-路-Pho n e 25

! 'age 182

Aub urn, Nebrask a

S upt> r in te nde n t S up p lie s a S pec ia lt y

E,路e ry t hin g- fo r

1008 " Q "

S c lw n ls

Lincoln, N e braska

It's All Right t·o bny some k :nds of coal if yo tt wa nt to cha r g-t• ttp sclln •· of your e xpense to nlr , ·sic:al cnltnre PX<• J·c ist•. T il <· 111an ,,·I to wants Lo wo rk 11p muse](' b,v shak ing- 11p his graft• o r fll l'l lft<' c' ol'tt·n: tltt: man w ho IHIIlts to k<·rp in train ing- hy Cill' l'_\'ill g- ottt hPaps of h e><:, ..,. clink <· rs nig-llt· a nd mo 1·ning· can d o it--but n ot w it h

Old Ben Coal l t burns do\\'11 to " el <·an ash t h<tt t it<' y n11 ng-s t c·r c<ll t <'<liT,\' o111 11·ithout st raining a li&!·amP nt .

Old Ben Coal Corporation Producers and Sh ippers of



1845 Ill in o is :-.l crchant s Ba nk Building C HI CAGO

198 1 l'ark ,\,· c. Box 25 1 LI NCOLN . NEBR.







Paul A. Willsie Omaha. 1\ie bra ska

Smith Building

HILLYARD CHEMICAL CO. Ma n ufacturing C h emi s ts The Home of

SHINE ALL The N at io na ll y Approved !.iquiri C lea n ser

St. J oseph , M issour i

Page 784

College Book Store LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Jobbers and Retailers in College Text and Reference Books and Book s of Higher Education


Order Your Books Through Us

We have one of the Largest Stocks of Text and Reference Books in Americ:~.

THE AGNEW STUDIO A. Forsberg. Ph otographer






Try The Rexall Store FIRST

Fur J{ cpairing

Stationery . Schoo l Sup plie;: . l'a r k t:r P e n s and P enci ls-Ca ndy.


Suits :Vla<l c at

Our S t ock is C o mpkt e-\\"c carry fro111 a Mild Laxati n· to a C lap o f Th u nde r.

eH· r yt hin~

J. CEJKA Merchant Tailor l'nu . .'\ c·h .

l 'ap.c / fi(J

Ph o ne 1,2

......-........ BARNES PHARMACY

AVENUE STORE Quality 111erchant!ise Uur Oll l· big aim i~ to gin· \·nu a littk tnurc fo r yu11r IIH•lll·y tlla11 ~·<>t t C;!ll get cl~cwhc n: . . . Try <Jitr Lilt.: oi J7atJC\· Statio11en·. F()lllltaill l'e11~. l'ellc ils . H ~.:lllillgt< m l'urtaiJic Typtwritns a11;l <J tlwr ( ·oik.g<: Supplits. \\.hen l<,o killg iu r snmcthi11g tu La I. Our Lu11ch t ;oods. Fr~.:sh Fruit~. Ca11dics. ( ; ruceri..-~ and :vi eats will plca,;e you.

The little sto re \\·ith tilL· big i>us i11eSS .

H. U . LANDOLT, Prop. [hones 73 and 78

Perrc, Nebraska

Citizens State Bank P eru, N eb raska

36 Y cars of H elpfrd Efficient Service

ASSET S $450,000 1·:. F. ( ;uod. I 'rc·~ide tll 0. :\1. Cond. l·ashicr

Carro l Ln\·is. A,;st. Ca ,;ll ier .\nna I' a r ley. Asst. Cash ier

1 0 0 ct I





A modem, well kept drrcg store which ext ends a welcome to every strtdent.

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f 'c1J!,C }.'18

Commercial Printing STATIONERY, PROGRAMS, CARDS, ENGRAVED STATIONERY, ETC. We make a specialty of printing for facu lty and stu dents, and 3re equ ipped co do first class work. Satisfaction is a lwbby with us.

The Peru Pointer (cl\路er the bank) PERC . .'\EBRASKA

FOR CLASS OR CLUB PINS AND RINGS Loving Cups, Trophies, Medals, Charms, Favors, S ee

JOSTEN'S The J os ten ~l anufact u ring Co .. M aste t路 ] e\\"elcrs Factory: 0\\"atonna. :\1 inn. Branches : Olllaha. Dallas. and :\{inneapol is .

The DAVIS SCHOOL Service \\路. T. D.\\.IS. 'Oh. Mgr.

PLACES TEACHERS IN THE BETTER POSITIONS 138 North 12th St. Lincoln, Nebraska



Page /IJI

Your Success---' Is Our Success





THE MlLAM GREENHOUSES We Specialize in Corsage Work Let us kn o w your wishes . and we will try our hc st to plea~e vou. \\'e most r espectfully solicit your patronage when dc~ iri ng Ao\\T r~ ff;r any and all occasions.


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WISH NOW'S We C arry Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Florsheim Shoes

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Millin ery, Stamped Goods, Embroidery Threads Don't for get w e cany a Ill O~t COillplctc linl' . Abo Pointex Hos ie ry .

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DAVE WISHNOW Auburn, Nebraska

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c5tudents o/ r:eertJ (!!allege


(3ome to Nebraska City and picnic in beautiful Arbor Lodge State Park, and vis it the muse um


Nebraska's early history, which thousands of people from everywhe re visit annually. The citizens of Nebraska City join with the Chamber of Commerce in extending a hearty welcome to come and spend the day and P.njoy the many scenic spots in and around our city. Just a twenty mile drive from Peru, (all gra1'elled )



Pa!!,c 198

THE COMEDY OF ERRORS Tn one wh o ch a nn•s back to Old Peru . \\'here o nce the dainty buffalo played tag: I'h c scl'nc has shifted t o another art . J7o r little dear s no w s tri\'\: to ch c\\' the rag. f\nd thus it wa s that o ne ~ l·t off in j l' :\'. l)ct e rmin ed t o return the: man\· mi les. ,.\nd ha,· ing- b cggcs her L':\'KEL fo r a GA I NES. l'rc parc:d to BOBBITT niT in the m ean


LI ~S.

\\'hil c: ,,·a nd cri ng in among the Ql' .\ C K1~ !\ Bl- S H , Sh e: hear d a lillk 1.:\~·1 13 hl ea t out in pain, .\naughty \\' OL F E had Hl' RT its littk H A RT. And left it n n th e G R .-\ SS to cry in ,·ain. fn tm cdiatc: h · the: EYRE wa ~ fi ll ed wail;;, · I·:nDEARI N<._; and PI ER CEi ng wa s scream. The li ttl e ma id wa s fain t o turn CH:\SE. It ,,·as no t fai r to do th is . she

with ea ch and did

DlEH~ I .

St> picking up

1 he•

L .-\ ~I B in hc:r ~li m


She hurr ied wit! \ it hack intu the FORT. The BL;TLER opt.:ned u p a C A S E (a)BEER. foo t· t he LA:\113 that r est ed u n the 0 :\\'ENPORT . . jus t then a SH ! I ~ K e<utte swiftly PO LIl\G in. And thre ,,· him se lf into th e ::vr ORR I S chair . Hi s fac e w as KL U MB. and h e w as \ ' Al\ DERBEEK. You s ee hi s HART had gin n h im th e EYRE. !I IOUJ'.iT \'t-:R l\0!\ . wh o '"as his maid so fair. l lacl g o ttl·n l'UY when hl· had t ried tu K I ~ I S T ER.

:\ nd threw a t him his C R 1!\ K Ill'\\' dia tnond R I NC .-\ s impl e cause- -his sm ack had r aised a blis te r. Bu t a s this S H I EK did raYc a nd \\·ildly TEAR. A B U!\C H began t o gath er o n hi s beak. 1t grew and gTe\\' unti l it wa s a BOYLE. \\'h ich. \Yhe n he ope'd hi s m o uth wo ulcl e\·cr sq ueak. Th(• <lut

dt~ l' l llr

ordnl' d th a t hl· takl' a ll :\T H in th e 1'() ( 11 . al ttong the s kn ckr IH : Fll. The ~ IIII ·: K. whn knl'\1' hi s Hl.O<>llc;()()l), wa s STARK tnad .\nd ntad c inr \\'l' S T I ~ R n1eaclo ws at h ig h S ) l<'Cd.


left t he: little maid..:n with her LA.\ I B. And s in ce th..: FORT \\'a~ g-etting FU LLER G R :\ \ 'ES. S he Dl E}l:;Vl ed ~he mu~t TE RRY not the \VILES. And wit h he r LA .\ 1 B de parted in a H.-\Y S.

Th e trees were BR0\\'1\ and covered with R EDFER. -s : The GRASS \\'as ~Ze t t i n g SAGE and darkly g-reen : T he sun \\'as throw ing oft a tho u sa nd SPA RK S : Ind eed it was a most pecul iar scene . Th ey sca1·cely had h ut reach ed the ncares t KE R!\E R .-\round \\'h ich stre tc hed t he BE E C HER y ello w sand. \ \ ' he n Pl unk !! T he,· ~I ET(a)CAL F th_a t \\'a s danci ng , · .-\ H I~ RR Ol\ standing near \Yas playi ng hand . ~ .·\

L \' 0 !\ watch ing fron1 a nearby :'vlAR SH Bl'GtlHe so filled \\'ith 111 irt h he did rejoice .·\nd clappin g all hi s feet . he ROHRS al o ud. " It' S KEE:\," he ROHRS. "lt's j u st all \VR I C H:T . \\'ARBOYs." The litt le maid t h en dropped th e b leati ng LAMB . A nd C HASEin g s\\'ift ly. hu rried on her way. L'ntil s he came to the P .-\ RKS. w here DUEY R I CE gre\\'. So tired she was s he took a KNAPP straigh t\\'ay. O n \\'aking her first th o ughts \\'ere fi lle d with frig ht . The .\I OORE s he t hought. the .\f OO RE s he w an t Nl THEISA little .\1 ,\ Ll\1 to keep her pl easa nt cmnpa nY. She did.acl.\l E IER. and LO\Tl'T for a S \Yi s~!

A-WARE o i t hi s desire for a YOUNG frien d . S he soug ht a littl e POOL. ancl th e re did FISH . But tho ugh s he waited long and patient !~ ·. The Cl'RRE!\T c nl y brought along a dish . Ju~l

then (\\' O laci.; \\'h o had heen o ut a Hli l\Ting. \'O Ul\c; SA:\ I PSO:\ and :\DAivl S they 1\'Crl· b\· nanH· . t'anH' t 'A R E Yi ng a {' , \r' l·: o i man.1· Ht· c_;H ES . . "\\' t• S.-\\\'Y ER." wa~ thei r cry. " .\nd th(l ught you ~ a mc."

Pag e 199

McKNIGHT CLOTHING CO. ,\LJfH.i RN. N EB RA S KA .,.---------------~


he cover for T this. annual was created by The DAVID].

MOLLOY CO. 2857 N. W es t e rn Avenue Chicago, Illinois


&~ MoUo:t MGdt Cover bun • thh


btrd oll.tf.


Where do we


A \\ 'e ll l{l'prl'SL·ntcd T o w n

Jay's Cafe Jay

\\' il l ian ~-; .



- ~:---

Farmers Grocery

P r np .

Auburn, N ebraska

Waco, Nerbraska

AUBURN An d T he n

Bennett Theatre and Confectionery 0. R. Ben ne tt. Ma n ager

Page 20()

f>ag,c 10 /

creJ E are pleased to refer you to the illustrations in this publication as samples of our photographs___.J


.. JUST FOR FUN L eona S park ,; ldur ing O n1 aha Cui and Peru deba te): \\ere pro du ced fr o m th e ,;heep raise d in th e \Ves t.

Baks and bale s o i cot to n

- - -o--F lea: "H o w i ~ it you a rc ah\·ay;; o u t when I call ? Edn a Hall: J m t luck. I guess.

- - - 0 -- Ctlll\' Crsatio n OYer heard at dorm d urin g di nner o n e• d ay: ·· I just got ho ld of a te nd er piece o f m ea t." " l mpo!<sihl c !" ··y e!' . I just hit m y t o ng ue."

---0--\ ' irginia Si mm o n;; (a t :< u ppt:t· tabl e) : l ~t llli ce: \ Vh y no t ; V irgi ni a: I' m not in wat e r.

I ca n't

~ witn .

- --0--P a ul He r t z l to th e b uys aft er one o f t he gam es ): l\o . ha\'c it he re in thi s handkerchief.


didn't lose m y fro n t tooth.

- - -0- - Ca tlctt :<ay " hi,; s t o ma c h 1s up:<et. so no w he starts hi :< n1eab \\·ith t he de ssert.

- - -0- -Roll it• Riggin s m;uk hist o ry t he day th e foo tball s w ea te rs were d o led out. a neckt ie!

H e wore

- - - c1- - -

j udcr : ivl y g irl is fur iou,; wit h me . S ta r k: 'S n tatt e r ; jodcr : l was an ho ur lat~ las t ni g h t and s he had been rea dy io r at lea st fi yc m in u te s.

- -- 0 - - Th e o nly o bj ec tion Tip Robert s has to college li fe 15 that h e can ' t s ta y 111 bed lo n g e no ugh for th e la mp chimn ey to coo l o ff.

- - - 0-


Ru ;; H e nd er so n say s t ha t a r oomm a te is a pe rso n wh o never ha ~ a n y th ing of hi :< ow n a ncl \\'110 designat es all yo ur possessio n s w ith the w o rd ouR.

- - -0--:\l cE lrPy: Rh llacks:

Rh oades. I t oo k you r g irl ho m e to ni g ht . I d o n't ca re : that 's her tough luck.

- - -0--l 't· g : L ou it· :

pra yed fur you las t n i!,(h t. !'\ext ti m t· t elepho ne.

- - -o- -EX l-'OSURE S - Card rece ive d at 1 l arc s bouse addressed to ivlr~. (; co. Rcimnilkr . l .ct t cr reccin~ d a t d or m addressed to H erbert Casey. care of Mt. Ve rno n H a ll.

- -- -0 - - :vl i s~ Pe ter se n and Mr. H o lch di sc ussing t he re la t iYC ab ility o f !?'i~l s t rain ed in colle g-e t0 cook in a way s uperi o r to th osc w ho hav e no t had s uch tra ttlln g.- ( Mr. J in d ra ;, n int ert·qed l i~t c n er - i n) : c,·ttecl cook to JlrC J)a re ,_-o ur meal s? J\m,·. :vi r. H o lc h. w o ul d n't yo u ra t I1cr !Ia\' "~ ·,ttl "Citt ~ ~I r. ll olch: Y,·~ . hu t I wou ld wan t to cln th t• ed ucati n g-. - - - ()- --

1'-er n n yt ,kt· n n

tlt C' ~

t a, n•ntt·n b "i a ""i t -ho ikd t' gg ,; patte r d nwn h i,; n •:< t l :

That' ,; Ollt' g"ll<'d

G/11 lE WERE HAPPY to Lt/ be selected to print this Annual. We are happy because we were able to help the Class, in 1nany ways, to realize a drean1 ---'a desire to give to its n1en1bers a better annual, and one that carries with it a feeling of pride and satisfaction in a work well done____, a work that fosters no regrets and will ren1ain a pleasant n1en1ory.

Monarch Printing Co. William M. W rightman, G enera l Managc:r


Crecttors and M allltjctrtl!rers i of Beclll tijlll ClctSJ Alllwct!s (


路 for Schools COUNC IL

Page ! 11路1


Colleges :

BLUff S,



BURIED TREASURE On the wind-swept beach o£ a lonely desert isle, the pirates buried their treasure; hidden until they should re· turn for it. On the beautifully illustrated paE,es of your Annual are ensraved everlastins memories o£ your school days. Always there to unfold to you paE,e upon pase of priceless sems. ARTCRAFTS service builds you an Annual o£ individuality, beauty and. quality with economy. ARTCRAFTS ENGRAVING CO. "ANNUAL SPECIALISTS" ST. JOSE.PH, MO.


.... Page 206

... ... .. -.""' ,.;·-..



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