1937-1938 Peru Pedagogian - issues 1-30

Page 1





Joel Punches


SECURE POSITIONS Ali ·of the graduates. :of the June commencement and .also those who completed the four-year. course at the conclusion of the summer term have been placed. Many requests for teachers from school boards and superin,endents could not be filled because all qualified for the various positions had already contracted. The following report is to location or teaching position of the graduates. 1 me first list being the June graduates: Dorothy Allen, primary, Scoiia; Alice E. Auxier, Cortland; Iola c. Barnts. 8cotia; Ruth Chatelain, Lewiston; Ronald M. Clark, Culbertson; Luena Look, rural, Richardson county; Mrs. Leona Edwards, Lindsay Con., Seward County; Mildred Palmer, Rosemond

Overcommg a six point lead, the Peru Bobcats inaugurated their '37 sea- Con., Seward County; Jane Hackett, Shayler,. Ia.; Evelyn Johnson, Burr; son to gain a 6-6 tie with the Maryville Evelyn Jones, Bellevue; Henry J. Kel(Missouri) Bearcats. logg, Humboldt; Friel Kerns, Taylor; The lone Maryville counter came early in the second quarter after a v.elmer.. Kinnett, Lewellen. Vivian Lambert, Oxford; Wayne twenty-five yard run by Moore put the Laverick, Wilcox; Charlotte Miller, ball on the three- yard stripe. HowLiberty Con., Morrill; Dorothy Mayever, the Peru defense held for three strick, Bayard; Gretchen Miller, Hamdowns before Brewer flipped a pass to burg, Ia.; Floyd Nincehelser, Daykin; Cox for the touchdown. They try for Dorothy Parker, Hubbell; Merrill Penpoint failed. ney, Scotia; James Perdue, DeWitt; Peru evened the score in the third Leo Petri, Tobias; William Pluclrnett, quarter when Velvick intercepted a graduate assistant, Iowa State College, Bearcat's pass and ran forty yards for Ames, Ia.; car! Wendell Reddini, the counter. Peru's try for point also 1'hurman, Ia.; ·Grace Reiff, rural, failed. Gage county; Arthur Reynolds, GarThe rest of the game was spent see- 12.nd; Wayne Riggs, Burwell; Josephine sawing back and forth, with Peru hav- Rogers, Bick Creek, Ia.; Geneva Saating the edge of the battle. hoff, DeWitt; Gerald Tyler, Webster; Game captain Punches was out- King, Crab Orcrard. Placements and a~sig11ment~ of tile standing in the line play, while Majors starred in the backfield by turning in August graduates are: Warren Adilms, a brilliant job of backing up the line. Springview; Theron W. Atkilison, RoTwenty-seven men made the trip, but salie; Paul V. Aue, Elmcreek; Pauline V. Aue, Hazard; Robert Badam, Little few substitutions were made. Sioux, Ia.; Harriett Besst, Decatur; Joe The starting line ups: Peru Position Maryville Hall ............ LE •.•... Zuchowski · Nelson . . . . . . . . . . L'I' . . . . . . . Mol't 1 of!s Bri'dgewat er . . . . LG . . . . . . . . . . N'ic kel Mort ............ C ....... Richards Punches (C) ... RG ...... M. Rogers Bari:;as . . . . . . . . RT . . . . . . . . . . Irvine Greathouse ..... RE . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cox Velvick . . . . . . . . RH . . . . . . Kurtridge Shields ......... L!i •..... W. Moore Stark .......... QB ........·:' Brtwer Majors ......... FB •........ Bernau Officials: Wolf, O'Sullivan, Lee.



Burnham, Sidney, Neb.; Pearl Carsch, Ashland Park, Omaha; Robert Christian, Shickley; Mary E. Dalton, Shickley; Delia Ernst, Hastings; Ruth I.

Howe, Sutton; Cecil Johnson, Honey Creek Con., Salem. Willes Ludington, Barneston Con., Gage County; James F. Larson, Farnam; Mrs. Flornnce Mack, Clinton ward, Lincoln; Mildred Parli, Humboldt; Lowell Pittinger, superintendent, Keystone; Catherine Proteiger, Newon, Ia.; Calvin Reed, graduate assistant, Nebraska University; Anna M. Sherman, Silver City Ia.; Florence A. STUDENT ADVISORY Taylor, McCook; Joseph M. Thornhill, supervisor, Children's Home, Lincoln; COUNCIL PICKED Peru's Homecoming, set for October John M. Tynon, Corning, Mo.; Blanche Zajicek, junior high school, Beatrice; 16, this year, is being looked forward Kenneth Young, Chapman. to with great anticipation. The student advisory committee will be in charge of campus decorations for the ENROLLMENTEnrolled in Peru State Teachers Colgreat event. The personnel of the council consists of the following group: lege are four hundred and forty-three Erwin Juilfs and Maxine Metcalf, sen- students. In the freshman class there iors; Gordon Gilbert and Glema Miers, are eighty-five men and one hundred juniors; Ralph Hopp and Martha Cilf- and thirty-two women. There <tre ton, sophomores; Wayne McGinnis and thirty-four men, and sixty-seven woLorine Schacht, freshmen. This com- men in the sophomore class. Filling mittee was chosen at class meetings the ranks of the junior class are thirtyFriday after convocation to act in be- three men and thirty-five women. Enhalf of the student body, in planning rolled in the senior class are twentythis and other major events of ~he nine men and twenty-two women. One school year. special sudent, a woman, makes the A play, "Through the Keyhole", has number one hundred seventy-eight been chosen and will be given by the men and two hundred and sixty woDramatic Club the evening of Home- men. Five new students, enrolling recoming, and after the play a college cently, bring the total present enrolldance is the next feature that has ment to four hundred and forty-three been planned. The football game students. with Wesleyan is scheduled at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Jean Crook, a former student at Peru, is secretary to the superintenThose students who failed to get a dent of schools in Nebraska City this directory Monday can obtain one at year. Miss Crook will be remembered The Pointer office the first of next' •'or her outstanding work in the play week. "Cynthia Ann."

New Peru College Song 1 Written by Steck 1~~ .

A desire to give Peru a song to stand beside the color song, led Professor G. Holt Steck to write the following song: PERU LOYALTY We sing a song for old Peru, We sing a song for Blue and White We sing a song with hearts so true. We sing a song that echoes thru the night. On the campus when the day is done We'll be singing for the victory won, For the college varsity, For the Boys in Blue. Rah! Rah! Rah! Fight, fight. fight, fight; go, go, go, go That's what we do. Sing, sing, sing, sing; yell, yell, yell yellFor old Peru. Rah! Rah! We sing a song for old Peru, We sing a song for White and Blue, We sing a song for friendships true, Among the hills of old Peru. -G. H. Steck.

HOME COMING PLAY CAST CHOSEN "Through the Keyhole," a comedy in three acts, will be presented as the Homecoming play this fall, under the general direction of Professor Moore. A sophisticated, subtle type of humor prevails in this comedY, with plenty of laughs for all. The play is well balanced giving each actoi· or actress an equr>,1. chsnce to prove his or her ability. Mary Kathryn Hanlon is the assistant director. The stage and lighting effects will be in charge of Charles Parnell. The cast, chosen through try-outs, is as follows: Genev1eve · Van Camp . Maree w·11· 1 mms Gran dma T'ierney . . . . . . Glema M'iers


Peru Program Carried Over KMA Every Week PROF. MOORE TO CARRY

J'ieru Talent Shines In First Broadcast

ON WITH PERU PLAYERS Professor Robert D. Moore is predicting a busy year in the field 0f dramatics. He intends to carry on the policy formerly used, in that he will continue to sponsor the Peru Players, Dramatic Club and Alpha Psi Omeg<:t. Three major productions are to be given this year: a comedy, a fantasy and a mystery. Work has been started on the comedy "Through the Keyhole." Th ere were approximately forty people present for the try-outs for this play an d a1mos t ha If of this number were b oys. "Outward Bound," a fantasy, is being considered for the next production. Peru Players, the freshman dramatic organization, is to be under the supervision of Glema Miers. who has as her assistant Doris Prichard. The DDramatic Club is completely reorganizing the costumes and properties which belong to the club. Each costume and property is to be invoiced and classified. · Robert Weber is the student supervisor of the make-up work for this year. The class plans to meet once a week after it is organized. The annual MINK Dramatic Festival will probably be held as usual this year.




Jerome Snyder, Student Director

At 8:30 Tuesday, September 28, Peru college gave birth to its latest achievement-a radio program. The program broadcasted over station KMA of Shenandoah, Iowa, was from 8.30 to 9: 00 p. m. The broadcast, which will be a reguar Tuesday night affair, was made possible through the efforts of ~ixten­ sion Director Stuart Baller; the Alumni Association, who purchased the necessary equipment for the campus, and 1tion KMA who donated the half hour.

The program for September 28 was: Cornet Solo · · · · · · · · · · · · . . Neil Good Violin Solo ........ Mildred Knoflicek Male Quartet · Evans, Gilbert, Miller, and Mooney ·interview ............ Goach Gi!keson Auburn Coach Ralph Higgins Girls' Trio . Hazelton, Coatney, and lli.rris Violin Duet . . Renner and Knoflicek Chorus .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. College Letter Home .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. Skit

Introducing the faculty members on the campus this year, we find Miss Marjorie West of Unadilla (scarcely "new"), Miss Florence Martin of Falls City (not yet "on the campus") and Mr. Rober t Moore (mos t recently of An auditioning committee of ProGreat Ben d, Kansas. ) fessors Clements, Jindra, and Moore William, the butler .... Robert Weber Miss West can hardly be called new has been selected to audition everyJoan, the French maid here, since she has formerly served as thing before it is allowed on the air. Grace Mary Hnizda Assistant Registrar to Miss Irwin. She The purpose of the committee is Lo Archie Van Camp . . Harold Prichard has also taught here summers in the insure Peru a high standard of talent Mary Tierney . . . . . . . . . . Ruth Wilson commercial department. However, she at all times Anyone interested in Jim Tierney ............ Dean Karr was not on the campus last year, being broadcasting should make application George Allen ........ LeRoy Redfern in Iowa City obtaining her Master's to either Stuart Baller or Jerome 'Ialent in this cast, new to the Per'! , Degree from the University of Iowa, Snyder. stage is Grace Mary Hnizda, Ruth Wil-1 and is thus new to many Peruvians. The committee is endeavoring to son, Dean Karr, and LeRoy Redfern.· Miss West is a Peru alumnus. present a variety program. They feel When "Through che Keyhole" W~R Miss Martin, who will obtain her that a program of this sort will give a~l presented at the University of Minne- Master's Degree from the University departments of the college an opporsota, it is reportedt that two hundred of Chicago this fall, has been elected tunity to participate in the broadcast and sixteen hearty laughs were enjoyed to take over the position as associate Throughout the year neighboring high by the audience. professor of English. Miss Martin :s schools will be given a chance to prealso an alumnus of Peru. sent their unusual talent. Mr. Moore and Mr~. Nabors were The technical part of the work has JUNG PLAYED roommates in college, so it seems only been handled by Professor Lindstrom, WITH BLUEBIRDS fitting that Mr. Moore should. take over while the announcing is being done by Leota Jung went to Chicago Septem- Mr. Nabors' position. Mr. Moore r~­ ierry Snyder of Arapahoe, who is stuber tenth to play as first baseman on , ceived his Master's Degree in Speech dent director of the broadcast. the Syracuse Blue Birds softball team Education from the University of in the national tournament. This Ne- Wisconsin. With Mrs. Moore and their braska team secured the right to enter one year old son, Mr. Moore is living COLLEGE MIXER the national games by winning 'the in the Gilbert house, formerly occupied ENJOYED BY MANY state championship. by the Benfords. Howard Dean acted as master of The Blue Birds won their first i;ame ceremonies at the annual college mixer by defeating the Wisconsin champions, LARGE CROWD ATTENDS which was held in the gymnasium iFribut lost the second to a Cleveland YMCA FRESHMAN TEA day. September 17. team. The latter game was broadcast by the Columbia system. Playing hostess to over fifty peoMiss Jung was a member of a group ple the Y. W. c. A. honored the freshof fifteen not including their mauager, man girls at a tea, September 15, held two coaches and three officials of the in the Music Hall from four o'clock unOmaha Bee-News, which paper span- til five. sored the three-day trip. Violin and piano interludes were preThe team worked out every day in sented by Vivian McKimmey and Luspite of rain, and in the meantime at- cilie Renner. j;ended a big league game between the Maxine Jarvis, president. headed the Chicago Cubs and the St. Louis Card- rEceiving line, which also included: inals. It was then that Miss Jung ob- 'Miss Weare, sponsor; Doris Prichard. tained the autographs of Phil cavar- 1Mary Lizabeth Werner, and Mary Eletta and Clyle Shoun. Jen Slack.

The numbers on the program included a violin .duet by Mildred Knoflicek and Lucille Renner, accompanied at the piano by Vivian McKimmey; several specialty numbers by "Bing" Evans, accompanied by his sister, Margery; and a reading by Mary Elizabeth Murphy. President Pate and Mrs. Dunning led the Grand March. after which many enjoyed dancing under the colored floodlights. Later in the evening refreshments were served.

•THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PERU BELL RINGS

f he p efU ped ag0 gian ------------------------ublished Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents. ADVERTISING RATES Locals, 10 cents per line tisplay 20 cents per inch. -----------------------fAFF ditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norman Littrell [ake-up Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harold Prichard ports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J unus McGowan ponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Gilbert Brown

tEPORTERS ;dith Willey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Lizabeth Werner 'irginia Trively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Sheely 1argaret Saville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ralpha Randolph lllie Purucher ................................ Gladys Nofsger ~uth Crone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barney Barisas 'ROM THE PERUVIAN STAFF

TO OPEN PROGRAM Once again grads of Peru can hear the bell that has called Peruvians to classes for 70 years. For the bell is being used to open Peru's weekly broadcast over KMA. The history of the bell is one of tradition and service. The first bell used on the campus cost $3.00 and cracked during the winter. So the students of Peru had a chicken supper to raise money for a new bell. The girls cooked-and the boys picked and i'led. After the feathers had settled they found they had made $6. However, subscriptions raised the fund to $125 · and the bell was bought from Meneely and Company of Troy, New York, in 1867. Today, in 1937, that same bell peals forth at stated interals. The bell that nnounced your fathers'. your classes 8.nd will be announcing for your posterity is now on the air. So now, at the sound of the bell-it will be 8:30 p. m. every Tuesday night. PERU FACULTY ENJOYS SUMMER VACATIONS

Welcome to Peru campus, Faculty, Upperclassmen and Fresh- '!'his is a typical presentation of the rnn ! This year promises to be one of the biggest years in Peru faculty's summer: Some stayed. Peru was quite cool istory with increasing interest in school affairs and the new adertising scheme. It is one year that you will want to keep in your this summer and Miss Ahlberg kept the home fires burning. Miss Pet.(ersen iemory of happy college days. pauses from throwing fuel on the blaze The 1938 PERUVIAN will be the best memory book that you long enough to attend Gilbert CC;Ok's an obtain. Pictures of classmates, records and pictures of football wedding at Des Moines. Tt seems tilat here was a genJral nd basketball teams, snapshots that will be representative of the nor.them migration of professors. Then, ntire year-all athletic, dramatic, musical, and other events of the too, some members of the faculty ~oU·· chool year will be included in your annual. stantly harbor the iratemal instinct. Dr. Brown habitually goes north to fish And it is your annual. The PERUVIAN has been recognized This summer Dr. Smith and Dr. Maxor years by the Interscholastic Press Association as an outstand· well couldn't resist following their ng year book, and the reason is because the PERUVIAN is the brother in education. Miss Tear wr:nt vork of the entire student body. Have pride in your annual and north. but not to fish; she had somewhat of a busman's hcllday of reading upport it. and wtiting. Of course some had to be different: Miss Clark went east to visit her neice )EDAGOGIAN AIMS at Hartford, Connecticut. Mrs. Ma~·sh In this, the first issue of the Pedagogian, we, the staff, wish tc journeyed to Califqrnia and became one in the ,microcosm of Hollywood's >resent to you a perspicuous view of our aims. Bowl. The Haywards registered quite a The aim of this paper is to present your activities, both social bit of interest in Yellowstone. md scholastic, in a manner that will interest you, the students, the There is the very energetic type of individual. Mr. Baller, as he said in :acuity and the alumni. his Syrian accent, "worked." Care will be taken to see that each and every department re· Having received inspiration form the :eives complete cooperation in any undertaking. There will be no students last fall, Miss Glosser, assistliscrimination as to departments. Each will receive the space anc\ ant reference librarian, went to the Universiy of Denver School of Librarittention that it deserves. ianship for ten weeks to study. Miss Marsh spent about half an hour of this summer's time converting her name to Mrs. Brown. JN THE AIR

Hot Air Dormitory character analysis: Work- . for-the-night-is-coming type complains of lack of mail. Pl~y-for-the-.dawn.,ls- . coming type complains of la-Ok of male. ' Lost: Small fur neck~piece. Evening scouting parties return same, and no q·.iestions asked. Nominatii>n for m.oat. independent: manner of walking. on. the campus: hat of Phyll!s Burke's.. How often people's names don't flt Examples: Marfill, Hardy, and Pugh. All girls who wish to hook Sheldon grab a south corner -room; these· occupants seem to have· a better chance. Found: Small fur neck p!ece--0n Steck's upper lip. Transportation problem: In Peru truckin' isn't-as popular as it might be. Whenever we look at Geraldine Cordell, we think of the library. We ·understand that this place is so dead since 'the boy-friend left, that they don't roll up the sidewalks at night because it makes too much racket. Advice to love-lorn: This ls a fish story--0f one getting caught on a line. People are tell!ng people that they are going to take ·people to Minnesota game whereas operator 97¥,, reports that ;UJ tickets were sold for said game 'way back in the Dark Ages. Put yourself next to him, girlie, but not so close.




"Good Food Promotes Good Health"

Caters to After Theatr~ and Dance Parties NEBRASKA CITY




THE MARDIS STORE Quality Foods in quantities as desired, and the prices are low! The. light housekeeper will find o.urs an economical and satisfactory . place to trade.

LEAH.Y AND RAINS Flats Fixed Wrecker Ser.vice Phi>ne 8.6


LOOK COLLEGIATE With Haircuts from Bob Knapp (The· Students' Barber) Next to Collin's Rooming House

LOOK YOUR BEST HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED BY Peru Cleaners & Tailors We Call & Deliver Phone 62

STUDENTS AND FACULTY W~ appreciate ~our trade and ·hope we. can be of service to you in DRY GOODS, GROCE&IES and MEATS, SANDWICH SPREADS, and FRESH FRUITS~

L. D. Redfern

Peru is now facing the "bug a-boo" of the present era-a crit· Soft water shampoos. Ardyth's ical public. For the first time in the history of Peru, John; Publid, Beauty Shop. Phone 22S.-Adv. :ts a whole will be able to spend a little time with Peru each week., Large Crowd at College Dance They will get to know Peru as we know it. The first all-college dance of the It is up to Peru to show that she is a school ,that can present 1937-38 school year was held in the Music hall Saturday evening, Septemfrom her campus, talent that will hold the public interest. ber 25, with a large crowd attending. This is our "Zero Hour"-our chance to spread the name of The college public actdress system was Peru over the middle west. We can do it if-the college as a whole used for music. stands behi1~d the members of the radio committee. J. P. CLARK PERUVIANS Work has already started on the "1938" Peruvian, your college year book. A !Ong year of labor confronts the editors and their staff. You can lessen their burden if you will pay for your Peru· vians and have 'your pictures taken NOW.

PHILO-EVERETTS Everetts There were about fifty people present at the first meeting of the Everett Literary Society, held last Thursday evening. A very entertaining program was given. Both Ray and Roy Kellogg played harmonica solos. Mary Murphy gave several character sketches from "Idiosyncracies." Everyone then joined in playing relay games. Mrs. Dunning led the group singing, which proved to be one of the most popular features of the program. Dixie cups were served as the final touch to the evening's fun.

Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Offiee Phone 109



Ice Cream



First with the Latest Nebraska City

Philo. Ralpha Randolph and Bill Platenberg were elected Thursday night at Philo meeting to fill the vacancies of treasurer and Sergeant at Arms. oth .. ei· officers are: President, James McAllister; Vice-president, Mary Lizabeth Werner. Secretary, Carter Johnson. Each member was called upon to give an impromtu selection. "Hiss the Villian Dsama" was also presented with the following cast: Little Nell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . John Collin Poison Pete .......... Carter Johnson Grandma . . . . . . . . . . James McAllistP-r Sound effects ........ Margaret Vance

Skelly Service Station Let Us Check Your Battery For Winter Driving

Jewel COAL

Drive More Miles with Skelly WALTER KIZER, --- Manager


The Most Economica!Fuel to Burn

Peru Lumber Company

Taxi and Transfer PETE HOLDORF, Mgr. Ruby's Beauty Shoppe, all new equipment. Phone No: 9.-Adv.

Meets all Auburn buses & trains


;tch the Bobcats Battle--DOANE rEP SQUAD TO PEP



Peru High School proved too powerful Friday, September 24, for Shubert ZIKE'S and pounded out a 14-0 victory. Both teams fumbled a great deal, but Peru had a fair line and three good - - - - - - - - - - - . blocking backs running ahead of Polston. Polston scored both touchdowns on short plunges. Shubert presented two of the finest high school backs in this part in the Williamson brothers. Between them these brothers accounted for threefourths of Shubert's tackles and practically all the· yardage gained. Peru's passing attack was fair for FREE the first game-but Shubert never attempted · a pass until the next to the Hair Analysis last play. This superior passing was a chemical and mechanical big factor in Peru'.s victory. (If your hair reveals the on for best results. Prescription Perman42 CANDIDATES Lotions come in 14 FOR FOOTBALL TEAM lotions for the 14 ili•


int you with our disrk, we are giving all ent Waves for Auburn, Nebr.

Club Style and




Cat's Cage

By Junius "Caesar" Mccowan Nice Going Bobcats! Although the score indicated a tie game it was a moral victory for you, and for the school. Last year when Maryville came to Peru to do battle they brought with them about sixty, (60), (LX), men, Last year the score was 24-8 in Maryville's favor. This year you had to play on their field, play some of their veterans who participated in last year's victory and play with only two weeks practice behind you. To me it looked a sure defeat, and I know plenty of others who MISS MARTIN FINISHING felt the same way. In spite of all this you fought your way to a tie game and WORK ON DEGREE a moral victory. Miss Florence Martin was elected at Congratulations coaches and players! the September meeting of the NebrasBobcats vs. Owls 'ka Board to fill the chair vacated bv This Friday our Bobcats play Doane Mrs. Brown, Professor of English. 'However, it is a requirement that ev- on the Peru field. Last year the game 'ery member of the faculty now em- ended in a 0-0 tie-may this year find ployed have a master's degree. Miss the 'Cats on top. Martin had not completed some adDoane has upon their campus a bell ditional work required for her degree. which makes the awfulest sound to a She estimated that it would take her Bobcat ear. (That is if the Doane team approximately to the end of November wins. If the Doane team looses the to finish. the work, so she is attending bell is not rung.) the university of Chicago and Mrs. The Bobcats are ready to do their Brown, formerly Miss Marsh, has share of keeping the bell quiet-now consented to teach the classes until it's up to the student body to do their her return share. Let's "Watch the Bobcats Battle."

The essential punch the Pep Squad's girl drill team inserted between halves during the basketball games last year, is to be doubled for this season's athletic events, if present plans for a 64girl squad can be completed. The thirteen veterans who returned tlfr yearselected the new recruits at the try-out drill Monday evening. Single demonstrations are to be given at the football games, the girls are substituting warm white jerseys and matching skull caps for the thin shirts of last year.

With 42 men reporting for football practice, 12 of whom are lettermen, Coaches Gilkeson and Baller are looking forward to a successful grid season. The lettermen reporting are: Mort, Douglas, Punches, Bridgewater, Nelson, Barisas, Mosley, Hall, GTeathouse, Shields, Greene and Floyd. Other men from last year's squad who have returned include: Stark, Platenberg, Majors, Vacek, Boyer, Velvick, Purucker, Sheely, Knapp, ShelW. A. A. ACTIVITIES don, McCormick, Saale, Halterman, Scholl, Evams and Boatman. w. A. A. Hit Pin The outstanding freshman candiIn addition to past. members of W. dates for positions are: McGinley, Cal- A. A., many freshman girls have aplan and Wehling of Odell; McHugh, peared at the gymnasium promptly at Pawnee City; Gesman, Omaha; Gor- 4 every evening for Hit Pin practice. den, Dunbar; Johnson, Degar; Falloon, The Hit pin tour)lament will be held Falls City; R. Adams, Peru; Miller, sometime in November. Corning, Ia.; Ritter, Talmage; GoldenZelda Carmine is acting as sportstein, Elk creek, and Short, Arapahoe. leader until the ;i:egular leader is electEach of· these men is showing grear ed. promise in his respective position and in all probability will be championship material. W. A. A. Party Approximately 90 girls assembled at the W. A. A. cabin for a marshmallow roast last Wednesday night. The purCORNHUSKER SCHEDULE pose of this party was to acquaint freshman girls with the activities ·Of the organization. At Lincoln

Friday, October 1, will be the first home game for Peru. The game, which will be called at 8: 00, is with Doane College of Crete, Nebraska. Doane started its season with a smashing 52-0 victory over Regis. While Peru was battling Maryville Bearcats to a 6-6 tie on the same week end. On the basis of these scores, the sports writers have ventured a prediction of another 0-0 tie for Friday night's game. The score last year was 0-0. However, Pedagogian sportsters predict a one touchdown victory for Peru, with the score being 13-7. Friday is your first chance to live up to this year's slogan-"Come and See the Bobcats Battle". So Come-Look -and Yell for Peru.

Coach-Something the players ride )n. Dummies-Anyone of a number of things. Grid iron-Used to make ships safer. Quarterback-Refund you get in case it rains. Spinner-Almost out of use since model "T's" are out of circulation. But they used to start 'em that way. Punt-A joke of some kind-usually catchy. Some droppy them. Pass-A free ride to someplace. Block-Used with the tackle. World Series Fever Tackle-Used with the block,Handy Old king baseball is being shoved o.ff to lift things. the sporting page by the fall prince, End-That's what we're coming to. football. However, it is not quite ready See you next week. to go into hibernation, as the world series games are yet to be played. The way things look now, the two teams to C. C. A. Reorganizes vie for the crown will be the New York Father Adam Szmydt called a meetGiants and the New York Yank's. ing of the c. C. A. Wednesday, and a Ah yes, these are the days when the discussion of the Catholic student's radio does double duty and skipping duties to his church and fellowmen classes is in season (Freshmen who took most of the allotted time. Offichave Psychology u~der Dr. Baker in Jeers of the organization will be elected the afternoon, be sure and know the Tuesday evening, September 28. score.) Arter all is said and done and the the umpires have been called "bum" for the last time, I think the Yank's will be on top.


Coaches Now-Players Last Year October 2-Minnesota October 16--0klahoma October 3-0--Indiana November 6-Kansas November 20----Iowa


in Circulation"

Away October 9-Iowa State October 23-Missouri November 23--Pittsburgh November 27-Kansas State

Three short talks were given by old members. Zelda Qarmine, president, spoke on "The History of W. A.A."; Vivian McKimmey explained the point system and the rules for playing Hit pin, which will be the first sport taken up this fall. Blanche Freeman discussed other activities of the club. Transportation to and from the cabin was furnished by Miss Davidson, Miss Palmer, and Miss Mason.

Wayne Riggs, Robert Christian, Amos Sullivan, and Art Reynolds, football lettermen of '36, are all coaching teams of their own this year. Fine records have been made by teams coached by Peruvians and with such men as above as coaches more will follow.

September 24--Shubert October 1-Sterling October 15-Coin, Ia. November 12-Bumboldt.

Definitions: Goal Post-Something the '49ers were looking for. Soft water shampoos. Ardyth's Pig Skin-Boarding house fodder. - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ Beauty Shop. Phone 223.-Adv. Used to soften the rocks in beans.

Away October 8-Elmwood October 22-Nebraska City October 29-Table Rock November 5-'I'almage

eru At Peru


Doane 8:00 p. m. Nebraska Wesleyan 2:30 p. m. HOMECOMING

Kearney Wayne

8:00 p. m. S:OOp. m. 4t946

Sept. 24 Maryville Oct. 8 Midland Nov. 12 Hastings Nov. 25Tarkio Games at Peru

Admission 50c Tax Sc




Mr. Larson, head of the industrial arts department, is working on a detailed drawing of the Peru campus. This drawing will be sent to the newly created State Planning Board whose luies are to plan where and when improvements are to be made for all four state teachers colleges in Nebraska. Mr. Larson says the drawing is being made to a scale of fifty feet to one !r:ch and will include all sidewaErn, ;ocial Committee Functions The college social committee which roads buildings, principal electric line, ··er mains and tunnels. ilans the college dances and other so:ial activities carries over for the win- The Planning Board is composed of ;er term from the past summer and five members appointed by the Gover.ncludes the following: Frances Hardy, nor for a term of ten years. ·elda Carmine, Eleanor Nieman, John ffeck. Rober Mooney and Howard Dean. .Professor D. J. Nabors, former intructor in speech education at Peru, ; now head of the speech depa1tment t East Central State Teachers College, tda, Oklahoma, which is his alma 1ater. Professor Nabors came to Peru n June, 1931, and was a very popular lramatic supervisor of dramatics on he campus for the ensuing six years. -


Peruvian Staff Selected The 1933 Peruvian editor, Frederick Wolter, the business manager, James McAllister, and the newly selected staff will begin work on the yearbook next week. Those recently appointed were Blanche Freeman, William Mooney, John Heck, Norman Littrell and Ray Zellogg.

Math Club Elects Officers The Mathematics Fraternity, Alpha Mu Omeg·a, elected at its first meeting of the year, held Monday eening of last year: President, Evaline West; Vice President, Louis Pascal; Secretary and Treasurer, Verda Gingrich. These officers will serve for the first semester.

Baptist Young ..Peoples Union Meet

Music Notes Large Voice Class Thirty-seven students have indicated that they wish to sudy voice under Mr. Steck this semester. 1'his is the largest number of voice students to be on the Peru campus for a number of years. Mr. Steck says, "The biggest thing in the music department is that thirtyseven people wish to study voice-that ·aasn't happened for about ten years."

The Baptist Young People's Union had a hayrack ride Monday evening, September 20, followed by a watermelon feast in Major's pasture. It was attended by a large number of new members, many of them college students. Sunday afternoon the group "retreated" to organize and to plan the program for the coming year. The following officers were elected: president. Dorothy Snider; vice president, Elaine Shafer; secretary and treasurer, Jane Chandler; advei;tising manager, Louise Matthews; deputation chairman, Pete Holdorf; chorister, Gladys Nofsger; pianist, Ruth Sutorius.


'Captain Courageous' THUR., FRI., and SAT., SEPT. 30, OCT., 1 and 2

Chorus i\,uditions The new system of no formal auditions has brought ninety-three students into the chorus. From this number those not caring to go on will eliminate themselves merely by dropping out. This plan is similar to the one used in athletics. All are given an opportunity and the chorus will be chosen from those wishing to continue: The new procedure was adopted so that there would be fewer possibilities of losing valuable material because of faulty auditions.

D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebraska City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Glasses fitted. Phone 144.-Professional Card.


Y. F. C. A.

Large crowd at Y. M. C. A. A large crowd attended the first meeting of the Y. M. C. A. on Septem-FREEber 21. The program was. a series of talks by: Erwin Juilfs on "The Value A "CLENE" Shampoo-that new of the Scholastic Curriculum in Edushampoo that contains neither -0--cation"; Harold Prichard on "'.l'he Valsoap nor oil, yet lathers freely iu Former Peruvian Visits Campus ue of Dramatics in Education"; Wilber CONVOCATIONS hard water, leaving your hair so Philip Hoyt, son of the late W. F .. Shields on "The Value of Athletics in lustrous and softHoyt, a past head of the Peru College A pep rally, with Professor Steck as Education," and Jerome Snyder on Hello folkses! (with all due apolo- chemistry department, has been a two- master of ceremonies, and the college 'The Value of Music in Education." With Each of band, under the diretion of Professor gies to Tizzy.) Can anyone of you week visitor on our campus. MRS. MONTGOMERY'S After graduating from Peru, Mr. Jindra, furnishing the music, and Freshman Girls Guests at Y; w. c. A. guys tel! me which 3 seniors fainted STYLED FINGER Hoyt went to the University of Iowa, Mayre Beth Tangeman leading tht when they saw the directories being Freshman girls were special guests WAVES and is now an electrical engine.er for yells, was held at convocation last t th f' t y W . passed out Monday? John E. Fast Ci. of Chicago. Monday. Coach Gilkeson was called a e irs · · c. A. meetmg held Montgomery's · Tuesday, September 21. Heard in the Hill Store. His avocation, however, is music, and upon to say a few words about the op- A 1 b . Very disgusted gentleman: "Give he studies violin at the University of ening game with Maryville Friday 1319 .T St., Auburn, Nebr. .arge group emg present, get.ght acquamted games were played. his female two milkshakes-one for nl Chicago. each face." A ;kit in charge of Norman Littrell, After the scripture, talks were given on "The High Spots of Y. W." by Mary with Gerald Fichter, James McAllister Seen on Sunday Lizabeth Werner and "Financing Y. COATNEY HAS ANOTHER and Dean Karr as players, cleverly prePetunia Piirli and Dickie (L. D.) ARTICLE ACCEPTED W." by Mary Ellen Slack. "Give Me Armstrong & McKnight dicted the power of the freshmen ovTurner going east down the dorm steps. the Courage to Live," a poem, was read Attorneys Mrs. Dunning congratulating the D. The article "On Some Blood Protozoa er the upper classmen in 1947. by Jeanne Plasters. ERNEST F. ARMSTRONG E. Joneses. I of Reptiles and Amphibians" by Robert Joel Punches, game captain for the .JOHN P. McKNIGHT Retriever FTeeman and Bashful Bert L. Roudabush and G. Robert Coatney Maryville game, was called upon hr Frozen Malted .Milks lOc at Hills Nebraska Auburn, galloping down to the village's mos.t appeared in the July issue of the comments. · Drug Store.-Adv. "Transactions of the American Micropalatial, air-conditioned cinema. Joyous Jerry gazing gleefully at scopial Society" magazine. Art Exhibit Planned Dr. Coatney and his co-author, RobBeaming Benny and ignoring interne ert Roudabush, from the department The hearty brush weilders of NemaTone blissfully. FOR FRESH of zoology at Iowa State College at ha county along with local Peru artists Have You Seen Ames, have been studying these para- are dusting off their finished products Snag-tooth Sheely? sites for three years. This article is for an art exhibit to be held on this Buck Benson truck? campus, the first week in October. Howard Hero-of-the-Haram Deans' the third in a series of five articles. PHONE 170 Over fifteen non-college students are girls? expected to mail in their water colGr The fello that gave "Hon" Hill the diamond? Directories Out Early landscapes and still lifes before SepBlue-Ribbon Nelson (now reduced to The Peru Student Directories came tember 28. for showing with the ori- ' 225 lbs) out Monday, September 27. The old ginal pictures made in the art classes We Deliver Free Bellowing Barney the battling bruis- students found them to be a delightful last year. Further instructions are posted in ·~:l".8#...#...#"llllll~~'"l.:1.1.1:~~:1.1'· er who plays right tackle? improvement over last year's issue. The Jittery-Joe who avoids dates because new students were also pleased with the art department and upon the lithey distract his mind from his studies? the small and very handy booklet. brary bulletin board. Eenie, Meenie, Minie-that's all Some of the changes that have been - - - - - - - - - - - - - olkses-they ain't no momade are that the books are smaller, give more information about the faculty, have a list of Peru churches, have Investigate our special MURPHY TO HEAD and pleasing cover, and have a list cf DORM COUNCIL five blank pages for notes, have a new DOLLAR-A-MONTH Student Headquarters for Mary Elizabeth Murphy was elected leading merchants in and near Peru. Life Insurance Policy. E~pecially president of the dormitory council at Everyone was pleased to learn that GOOD EATS adapted for students; he first meeting of the groi.ip this the direcitories were available much year. Glenna Miers was chosen secre- earlier this year than formerly, and Fidelity Old Line ary-treasurer. they probably will be consulted through ~· ~w~... ~,. ~..,,.. ,....,, .illff1' .;t<#;"' ~,. W'.&.'W' ~,- ~..,,.. ~" ~r ~,- ~,- ~,. ~,. ' ll Insurance Co. ~~ "' -~ -~ .~~ ~~~~· ...~ ,,{&>",,~ -~·~ .,~ "~"~ ,,~ ,,~.,$,~ ~ The new council is composed of the out the school year more often than :~ ~ following members: Mr. Webster's famous book. Clarence West, General Agent ~' ~ ~ -~ Ruth Ann Hill, Zelda Carmine, Dor-----117 No. 8th St. Nebraska City is McKimmey, Julia J0an Plasters, AnFilms Developed, 25c roll, at Hill's.~ ~ ~ ~· ita Searle, Marjorie Stevenson, Lucille Adv. ,. Rn~ner. Louise J\'!'!1.''\ i•'1S Ri:•il Orone,

Twitter bones

Bread Rolls and Pastries

The Peru Bakery


Earl's Cafe


---------------- '~

Majorie Evans. :Vii!rlred Knaflicek. , Mary Elizabeth Murpi1/. and Glema Miers Button Freshie Once more the old familiar sight of green caps and "Buttoning Freshmen" adorn the college campus. As part of ·nitiation the caps will be worn till homecoming. ; The sale of these caps is a tradition 1 tarted by the Phi Lamba Alpha fra- i ermty. Joel Punches, secretary-treasurer of the "P" club, who is in charge of the sale, said that a few have not purchased caps. He expects to make a final drive the latter part of this week. Tek tooth brushes, 50c value, 2 for 51c at Hill's.-Adv.









~.~ ~ ~

and NOTIONS Radios, Stoves, Refrigerators Stop and Shop at Forsyth's


DR. GLEN H. JODER Surgeon and Physician Res. 39

Milstead Corner Office 33 Phone

Shampoo and Waves PHONE 157







Beautifully Engraved





Free w·

~ '~


~~ ~~ ~

~~~ ~



. · hase ith each stat10nery pure l-25c tube Sheaffer's para-lastik 1 ·big 50c Bottle Sheaffers Ink

Ch ate Iain's Jewelry DOWNTOWN.


~ ~










~ ~~

~ ~

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~~ ~





Peru Loses To Doane In First Home Game Large Crowd Present Peru 0-Doane


The Doane Tigers kept their '37 slate clean by defeating Peru 12-0 Friday night on the Peru field.

Promises Many Laughs Homecoming Play The play "Through the Keyhole" will




\Peru-Doane Game Announced By Steck

be in college auditorium'. .Homecommg evenmg, October 16. 1



'Ihe play was first presented by the -,-.-~---~------University Of Minnesota Theater in I M . . . ' 1 Broadcast Pleases A D 1 R'l d' t f 'h ' ' us1cians. rave Ra d'10 A u d'1ence l n34 " . . ae 1ey, 1recor o. ":elTo Nebraska City· play, reported that the play was the . Professor G. Holt Steck J'oined the most popular of the season and 216 A group of students ·from the music ranks of rndio announcers when he general laughs were counted before department, who were featured on 1 had hardi Y gotten un der way. Tuesday· night's., broadcast, were ~n- l1roadcasted a play-by-play description the Pay . ·t· f of the Peru-D.oane football game FriEar1 M. Pomeroy, dramat 1c cn 1c or tqrtained :i.t .the Nebraska City Rotary day night. the Minneapolis Tribune, said: Club, Vl'.ed11esday noon. '. 'Through the Keyhole' has a great Th.e. male, quartette, which is comReports are that the reception of the deal of general laughter inherent in posed of Bill Mooney, Burton Evans, broadcast, which was carried over stalines, characters and situation. The Iiowaid. MH!er and Gorden Gilbert, '.ion KMA, was very good and Prof. author has provided significant mate- sang three numbers. steck did a noble job of narrating the rials with which to make this play inTwo vkllinists; Lucille ·Renner and c~ame. Says Steck "I got a big kick gratiating to the funny bone. It pos- Mildred· 'Kinoflicek; played two num- .mt of it." sesses real entertainment value." bers; and to complete the prpgram the Dm;ing the intermission between Mr. J. H.. Sherm.an, dramat.ic c,,ritic Igir...l.s' t.i.·i.·o.....:. co.n,si.s.tin.,g...of. Dorothy Coat- !calves Sports Announcer steck inter· d cwo Doane boys and several •f or th e Mi nneapo11s Star, sa1 d : Th e .ney,, .Marjorie Harris and Lucille Ha- viewe play is a reputable and diverting piece. 1·~~lt6ri; sang two 'sorigs. ·· · Peruvians. The names of the Doane ,It hits the 'bull's eye' of approval. The I Mr. Ball~i', Who· Wit~ Mr. Hayward :net result was an audience 'howling'." Iaccompanied the students; gave a short: : Mr. William F. Davidson, the author, ! speech conr.er~ing the collee'e at. Peru. has an excellent wit, keen sense of hu- ! Mr. Riller said, "We were royally remor and his dialogue is unfailingly 1 ceivect and entertained." ' I'.vely. .T~e play is suffusing in tone, The same ·gi'oup of entertainers plans yet the1e 1s no offensive dialogue. to inake a trip ·to ,DuBe>is next· Satur1 The play revolves about the actio!'ls ; day where they will give both an afof seven young people and Grandma : ternoon and evening program. Tierney in the Tierney home. Among · Howard 111iiler Is' in charge of the 1 the characters are: a foxy old Grand- DuBois program. G. Holt Steck mother, a charming young actress who i Loys were Got obtained but among ~he poses as a French adventuress, and an ! l'eruvians interviewed were: Mi3s aggressive though an attractive girl· Cam pus Welcomes Phyllis DaYidson, director of physiral who is bent upon marrying Jim Tier- 1 Return of Delzell education for women; Zelda Carmine ney. Dean Delzell, after being confined to lU1d Maxine Metc8.lf, W. A. A. presihis home for .several months by a pro- c:ent and vice president respectively; longed case of atthritis, caused a hap- l e@ard Bell, training· school coach; py surpl·ise to the· faculty and student and Howard Dean and Bob Halladay, basketball lettermen. body' when he ·a.ttended convocation ·last Frida.y .. He .ha~ now been ~t his Steck was assisted by Dean, Halladay The flower exhibit held in the art· de- office pa1t-t1me fo1 several days. rnci Doane·s field secretary, Glen w. 1

r' : '

Girls Club Council Banquet At Dorm


· I

Last Thursday evening at six o'clock the Girls' Club Council had a dinner The Bobcats, led by Game Captain Mort, lived up to their fighting name at Mt. Vernon hall. Besides the officby making it anybody's ball game up ers Blanche Freeman, Marie Wienke, to the final whistle. and Vivian McKimmey, who were Doane's first counter came early in elected last spring, the council is comthe second quarter after a pass from posed of Mllry Elizabeth Murphy, NetBuck to Norton was good for 25 yards, tie Kamen, Anita Searle, Mildred Wilputting ti;ie ball on Peru's 10-yard line. Iiams, Clara Dunn, Wilma Lichty and Four plays later Sloey found himself at. I Merlyn Wittler. They had as their the bottom of a twisted mass of Cats guests the :chairmen of the girls' room· pay- d'Irt . ing houses, Maxine Aufenkamp, Pearl and Tigers w1'th the ba 11 m The try for point failed. Richards, Lorraine Dall, Lucille Smit,h In the third quarter Buck again flip- and Helen Wilberger. Furthermore, the first pare of each grams of the club for this year. It \'ms decided that every Wednesday evening fr0m seven to eight would be Girls' Club Fun Night, and that this would replace the regular meeting 1vh·ich has been held at convocation time. At the second meeting of each month instruction will be given in bridge and dancing. Faculty ladies will take George Mort charge of each table of bridge, and titudent volunteers will teach dancing. ped one of his bullet passes, which was Furthermore the first part of each taken by Cherry on the Peru 10-yard meeting will be devoted to some speline. Two plays later Buck went over cific subject. 1I'hese will include a standing up for the final tally. · Again style show of. self-made clothes, and the try for point fai\ed. beauty talks and demonstrations about Peru made their best bid of the game , facials, headdress manicures and pectin the closing minutes of the final icures. . quarter when it was second down and · ·t · · d d October-2() the meeting will deal with goal to go as he game en e . t" tt t' 1 1 th t f lunchPunches and Mort were outstanding e ique e, par icu ar Y a 0 eons, dinners and teas. partment, upstairs in the library, Wedin the line play, while Stark and Shields turned in brilliant jobs in the October 21 t.he council will give a nesday and Thursday of last week Peru backfield. formal tea snd invite as guests all tht' brought twenty-five bouquets from Sloey and Howard were outstanding girls of the college and faculty ladie,,, Peru gardens. Later a Halloween taffy pull and Some of the flowers were placed on · for Doane. apple bob will be held. exhibit by members of the faculty. Starting line ups. Among those who contributed were: Peru Position Doane Miss 'I'ear, Miss Albrecht, the Tylers,. · • Ha11 .. .. .. .. .. .. LE · .. · · .. · · · M"erle , Physical Condition ':he Maxwells, Mrs. Dunning, the ClemNorton Mos1ey · .. ·.. LT "........ Of Peru Women Good ents, Miss Palmer, and the Delz.ells. Bridgewater . . . . LG . . . . . . . . . Howard The purpose of the exhibit was to . _ Mort (C) . • • . • • C ........ · · · Moore The required physical examination show the tvpes of flowers grown in The Dean has taken it. upon himself Punches . . . . . . . RG . . . . . . . . Tobiska has proved th<lt Peru college women Peru gar dens, · t o sh ow p1easmg . ar- to. be •the unofficial . , historian . . ... . , for the . Nelson .......... RT .......... Pollard this fall are the healthiest students rangements of flowers, leaf sprays and "Bcibcats."The little talk he gave on lhe Greathouse . . . . RE ........... Cher :y that have been examined in recent seed pods and to show that costly Doane game of 1924 is a chapter from Velvick . .. . . .. . RH .. . .. .. . . . . Clark years. vases of pottery glass or silver are bis "History of the Bobcat Battles." Shields ........ LH. · .. · · .. Kristufek Doctor Glen Joder said, "Nutrition- not essential for ~rtistic bouquets. I Loyalty ~o ,the "Bobcats" may be t;;e The display tables were arranged in ·reason for·,h1s sudden return of heaLn. . Stark · · · · · · · · · · QB · · · · · · · · · · · · Sloey ally speaking this group exceeds preMajors .. · · · · · · · FB · · · · · · · · · · · · Buck vious college groups. ,In general their some instances 1"y the contributor and Officials: Adams, Nelson, Jones. physical condition is excellent." in others by art students. The unique D~rmf(qry Councillnstalled For a play by play account of the It has been found from the total display showed some bouquets .in mixMary· Elizabeth Murphy was installnumber of girls examined that 94 per- ing bowls and others in tea pots and g~me see the sport page. cent had been vaccinated for small- pitchers, as well as those in regular ed by Mrs. Dunning as president of the dorm council Tuesday night, Seppox, 82.2 percent immunized from diph- vases and baskets made for flowers. tember 28. Miss Murphy then installed theria and 5 percent were immune Mis_s Diddel allowed art classes to Baller Travels Far from scarlet and typhoid fevers. study the exhibit and comment on the the. other . members of the council in In Extension Work an impressive ceremony. Miss Ahlberg said, "We find defects flowers and their arrangemerit. FolThe ceremony was he)d in· the ReLast spring Coach Baller made quite ige, seed pcds and even weeds were that are not noticed by the people an extensive trip over this part of themselves. Posture, teet, and teeth used in many bouquets to instruct fu- creation hall of Eliza Mo.rgan and all Nebraska, representing the ext.ension defects · are the rriost prevalent, but ture teachers that bouquets can be dormitory _girls were. present. department of the college. He went teeth are receiving better care than made attractive with simple, ev~n >· ··' as far west as Hebron and spoke in usual. The eye and ear tests are to humble makeshifts. forty different high schools. "I hope that all the people who have be g·iven later 'in the quarter. We may On some days, Coach Baller took find a number of people who need flowers will contribute to a similar exdifferent groups from the colleg-e, such glasses and are not aware of the fact. hibit to be held in the spring," said as the girls' trio, for a program.. The Our purpuse is·to make people aware Miss Diddel. la,'rgest group ever taken ' by Coach of the defects that they possess so that Baller was the college orchestra. They PROGRAM FOR. OCTOBER 12: they might be corrected before serious went to Wilber and presented a splen- damage has been .done. Male Quartette ··Rosary ". '. . '. ..... : .. : · Girls' Trio did program. Coach Baller had the These physical examinations are re- To Sing Over KMA job of driving_ the high school bus that ~ards, Hazelton, Coatney quired by the North Central Teacher's day, and he says he hopes never to After hearing the first broadrnst College Association. Clarinet Trio Me.~riment Polka duplicate that experience. KMA became very much interested In ~lanll:enship, Lively, Hazelton The largest number of talks given in the college male quartette. It is unBra:hm's Waltzes ....... : Piano one day was six. 'I'he most miles travderstood that they will be invited to Large Crowd. Attends Robert Benford elect in one day was two hundred. sing at the KMA Jubilee program '. t • Coach Baller found that the thing Second College Dance Slaenandoah in the near future, and Cello Solo Marian Johnson which is outstanding about this work A large crowd attended the second that the boys' expenses for this trip String Trio _ Knoflicek, Johnson is the intense desire of the majority all-college dance of the season. held in will be paid by KMA. This quartette McK.immey· of the pupils to go on to school. He the Music hall Saturday evening of is composed of Burton Evans, William. · "violi~· ~,~lo ... ·: . .Victor .Jindra finds that the major problem of these last week. Music was furnished by the Mooney, Howard lNfiller, and Gordon Letter Home Robert Weber students is financial difficulties. college public address system. Gilbert.



Flower Exhibit Sponsored . By. Art...0epartment·:






Broadcast Program




•• ,:




•• i


Prof. C. R. Lindstrom of the Indmt1'ial Arts Department was the local .r.chnician r.ncl gave the station iden·c.Eication ;,t regular intervals.

Y. W.

C. A. to Sponsor

Oratorical Contest A cash prize of $2.50 is being offered iy the Y. W. C. A. for the best original Jration on peace given in the Music '.iall auditorium at seven o'clock Tues.lay. October 12. Thi" is the second :ear the Y. W. International Relations :;roup has sponsored a peace oration contest . There will be two judges. Dr. Castle Brown will judge the speeches according to content. Prof. Robert Moore will judge the speeches on oratorical qualities. .The oratiom; mu:;t be fiv2 minutes in length. Every organization on the campus is invited to send a delegate to represent it. However, anyone not chosen as a delegate who wishes to participate in the contest as a "free lance," is urged to do so. The contest last year was won ily Ruth Crone.



TEACHER ELECTED Mrs. Albert, who did her graduate work at the University of Nebraska, has been selected to teach English 100 this year. The practice of hiring a graduate is a new policy at Peru. The reason for the change from student to graduate is that the English department feels that English 100 students need special instruction. A student teacher, it is ~lieved, does not have the time necessary for the special instruction.

\THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CASUAL COLLEGIANS Talent-scouting around and about we award the g,rapes this year to OLYMPIA CAFE Hazel Vanier for that "star is born" ·smile; Leona Simmons for a Martha If infantile paralysis affected the "Good Food Promotes • L1blished Weekly by the Peru State '. ·eachers Colle¥e, Peru, Nebraska. Raye cleverness; Kate Bartling for that brain only, Peru would be immune. Good Health" subtle refinement usually found in Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska aS second class matter. It's a funny world-We don't admire Vassar candidates; and Margaret Wil~I.OD per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents. the shine on girls' noses, but we surely Caters to After Theatre liams for that bouncing ball personalADVERTISING RATES like the glitter that permanently re and Dance Parties Lollala 10 centa per line lty. Display 20 cents per inch. sides on Barisas' shoes. ' · Order of One in a Thousand Medal --------------------,----~ for individualistic Gerald Fichter, ~he Suggestion: '!'heme song for the NEBRASKA CITY one and only senior who responded to morning melodies of Crooning-Crone STAFF the man or mouse test, and wore his and Rhythm-Renner, "Let's Gall the · - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norman Littrell freshman mothbally green cap, about Whole Thi11g Off." Make-up Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harold Prichard the campus, unafraid. Oddity: Someone told us to put this Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juniu5' McGowan Open letter to Dr. Winter: Let's get in. A moony individual got a thick - - - - - - - - - - - - Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Gilbert Brown together and corner the market on coat of verneer. The idea of mixing banana splits. Yours truly, Daisy Ice planets and paints ls pretty good .... Cream Company. we don't get lt.-Could they' be puns?! C. C. BURBRIDGE Summer Shadows: Bea Mill: "I do." The boys can always discover ju;t REPORTERS • . Caesar Mccowan, over the Falls City how much their girl is talked about by Edith Willey · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mary Lizabeth. Werner airwaves, "I want to be a telegrapher." HEATING PLUMBING counting the number of receivers tlley Virginia Trively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Sheely Jean Spier, "I'll have a year in Paris." hear go off the hook when they call Margaret Saville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ralpha Randolph Standing room only around the Dorm her on the dorm telephone. PETRO-NOKOL Ollie Purucher ................................ Gladrs Nofsger radios on Sunday night, on account of B • all these palpitations over that lil' ras- Nomination for Hall of Fame:Eval!ne Ruth C rone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barncy ar1sas ca1 Char1es Mccarthy. (Curiel West, Mildred (Kreisler) OIL BURNERS In vulnerable Impressions: Steck Knoflicek, Robert (Graham) Weber and Leota (B.) Jung. To the Freshman class of 1938, Dean Delzell may be just an~ looking l!ke a small black organist pullother name. But to the upper classes he is a friend and counselor ing softened tones from his super- Think of the army of torch-singers · - - - - - - - - - - - melodious white key-like chorus. Leotta that will be on the campus the night - - - - - - - - - - - - -and to the Peru alumni, the Dean is Peru. Jung back from .the soft~ball adventm·e before the Wesleyan game. What could be more symbolic of Peru than a man who for saying the girls' team got to see Chi- Nobody has, as yet, stolen the thunthirty-two years has been a part of the faculty of the school? What cago's hot spots only when it rained. der of a co-ed, who hails from Iowa, tradition can stand beside a man who has aided thousands of boys Pritchie, at bay, still standing pat on and is taking the campus by storm. THE MARDIS STORE to shape their careers and helped them over the first fttw hard his fight for dramatic club reorganiza- How you can tell there are Freshmen tion. The band blasting people out of in the crowd: Quality Foods in quantities ali jolts of post-college life? desired, and the prices are low! convocation seats wtth a torrid trom- 1. Schamblings at five A. M. Dean Delzell has his campus· heroes-not one but a hundred. bone troupe. The light housekeeper will find 2. Appearance of immaculately dressHe remembers them when they came to Peru as freshmen. Today ours an economical and satisfaced persons at breakfast. tory place to trade. he remembers them as men of the world-and he knows where Kiwanis Convention Draws Peruvians 3. Ten minute earliness to class. Four members of the faculty attend4. Comparatively quiet study hours. they are and what they are doing. ed the state convention of the Kiwanis THANK YOU If the profs don't stop assigning the It is interest of this sort which is typical of our grand Dean-- club in Lincoln Saturday. From a rework, most of the blocks around this Dean Delzell. port issued Friday this convention place will be whittled down to toothpromised to be the largest in the last picks .... chips off the old block, and twelve years. what-not. Peru Homecoming is your chance to aid in lifting Peru to a Those who represented the Peru higher plane. For at Homecoming time there i11 opportunity for club were Dr. Maxwell, Mr. Clayburn, everybody to participate in activities. Mr. Clements and Mr. Baller. Do your part now-there are many things to be done, such tl9

Hot Air

The Peru Pedagogian

house decorating, campus decorating, and the making of souvenirs. So now is the time to ~et in the swing and make ready to welcome a large crowd on October 16--a crowd that will have come to "Watch the Bobcats Battle". This year's Pedagog~:m follows the trend of Hastings and Nebraska City papers in presenting a new style .of hea,Miee writing to the Peru campus. This new type of head has been used in the past by the Midland College paper with great success. · The new type of head, called free head-line writing, is being used by the Pedagogian because:

Coffee Shop

LOOK YOUR BEST HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED BY Peru Cleaners & Tailors Phone 62 We Call & Deliver





Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Office Phone 109


Bus Cafe

1. The new style is easier for the writer. 2. The new style gives the writer a greater chance for expres· LOOK!


3. The new style is easier on the type-setter. 4. The new style removes the .stiffness found head. ··-· .. --- ..

in the old type


Youse Guys and Gals


Have your furnace cleaned and checked before cold weather

We have a complete line of keep this confidential about Finney. FURNACE PIPE-Anything to He told the kid sister he was going to fit your needs sue her father because when he asked Gal. Pipe Fittings Soil Pipe her father if he'd have him for a sonin-law, he kicked him. Pinney says it DECK'S HARDWARE pert near broke his heart, but we'uns : saw it all from the back tence and her '........---------------' dad didn't come anywhere's near Flnney's heart·! As fer the .gals who have a spare Drink Coca Cola in Bottles minute this week, wm youse teach LinCOOL AND REFRESHING dy a new tune? "Trust In Me" ls a right nice song, of course, but every Nebr. City Bottling Works morning at six ls kinda early and the gals in room 33 think a change would add that there "certain sumpin' " to the serenade. CHAS. WILLS So-so-be angel chU!uns-youse ' guys and gals YOU ••...• Taxi and Transfer

Yowsah. WHY does it lightning? Wall-we reckoned ye's never guessso--live and and learn from the little wise woman, Nancy Steck. Sez' she to brother Louie, who also wondered-she sez, '"Cause, silly-so's it can see where to thunder." Which makes us try to recollect when Mistah Howard Dean last saw his way to a shave-'cause lawsy,Benny B's chin and cheek are sur" a-gittin' raw and rough. Listen youse ~;uys, can't o:ie of ye lean Dickie Turner an alarm clock so he can git jarred out of his .after dinner snooze earlier than 9 o'clock on Sunday evenings? Marjorie 'l'renholm CORRECTION Meets all Auburn buses & trains she gits mighty tired and lonesome just · waitin' until 9 o'clock rolls around, so Through an unexplainable blunder pleeze loan him one! of an unthinking reporter, It was an- I If youse will-here's a bit for .list nounced last week that the art eXhiblt · you'ns an' me an' the gatepost. We held this week would display work heard Benny say to Geraldine, Ifrom art classes of previous years. "How's yer roommate?" Sez's Ger-1This ls an error since only work comaldine, "Oh Mildred's not so good--tlhe pleted outside of any art courses wm Complete Lubric*ion Service was up after one last night." be shown. Benny: "Oh, then she must be tired." Gerry: "No, she went to bed when the lights went out." -Elvira Schacht not Lorene Scha\:ht 10 roint Service Check-Up Benny: (getting tangled up) "But was elected by the freshman class to you just told me she was up after one.'' the student advisory council. Gerry: "Yes, Benny, yes-Bobbie Windell was the one she was after!" Latest hair styles. Ruby's Beauty SERVICE STATION JI Now 'specially youse guys should Shoppe, Phone No. 9.-Adv. ------------





Walter Kizer

ONE CUSTOMER TELLS ANOTHER Whe11 your Radio Stutters or Stops. See Bill Bishop, Campus. When In Nebraska City-Stop in. and see THE NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC and ZENITH RADIOS. Special Personal Radio . . . . . . . . $9.95 in colors KNOLL ELECTRIC SERVICE Across from Grand Hotel Nebraska. City "We Repair your Radio"






Sun. Mon. Tues., Oct. 10-12


~ ~

~ .~ ~~

',~ ~



~ ~ ~


Auburn T~e Lost Horizon

Nebraska City T~at Certain Woman

With Frank Capra and Ronald Colman

Bette Davis and Henry Fonda in

' ~



Paramount Theatre


.~ ~




Joe E. Brown in

Fit For A Kin 0S

~.:._.411lr411lr.411§f'.411§f'.<lfil1F.411§f'.~·.~,••~••~,.~" ~- ~,. ~" ®'/' ~~" "W' ~" ~·

'lfltY-. -AllY"&Y .&IY.{Jf/11'.lffiY.&l"'.i~·.,~w .~1>· "~ "~ .,~ ·''~ .,~· .,~ "~ .~


Watch the Bobcats Battle--MIDLAND

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r:==~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! . Moore is hit by Nelson for no gain. Cat's Cane Pla,y-By-Ptay· Account Moore fumbled, recovered by Peru. 6 Peru drew 5 yard penalty for off!Iowdy all you sports fans. We're side. Stark failed to gain. Majors Of Peru-Doane Game going to try something new in this hyar

CALL' US TpDAY Radio Laboratories PHONE 311 AUBURN, NEBR

First Quarter Game Captain Mort won the toss and chose to receive and defend the south goal. Howard kicked-off to Stark who returned the. ball 25 yartls to the Peru 30. Stark picked up 2 over center. Majors booted to Sloey who returned 25 yards to the Doane 40. Sloey ·made 2

over center. Sloey makes it 1-10 on Peru's 49 before stopped by Velvick. . 1et e. Kri·st·ofek. no Buck's. pass. . mcomp . t B oam over ccn er. uc k dropped ba•k .., FILL UP WITH ~ pass an d was thrown for ta · 13 .yard · loss Kiistofek fumbled on next play PILLIPS 66 · · the ball was recovered by. Greatand ZEKE'S hcmse. Start picked up 20 around !__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ right end. Majors hit center for :;o ·ain. Shields lost 2 yards on lateral -------------:- g St k to Hall pass. incomplete. pass. ar Ma· ors unted out of bounds on Doane J F' . Pt d ten for Doane. 18. 11 s an ]''; , f b' fumbled on first play with STUDENTS' SUITS " ,s,u e • Mosley recovering on the Doane 17 By Merit and Club yard line. First and ten Peru. Style and Quality Stark's pass to Hall incomplete. Buck spilled Stark for yard loss. SPLENDID VALUES Shield's pass to Stark incomplete. Shields atteinpted field goal was $32.50 $25.00 $22.50 short from 25 yard line. Deane's ball on their 20 yard line. WESS EL'S Clark made yard over tackle. Buck picked . up 4 yards on an end around Nebraska City reverse. Sloey picked . up 4 yards around end Greathouse· making the tackle. Norton kicked to Stark, who was stopped on the Peru 40. Stark · quick-kicks out of bounds on Doane 18. SHOES Sloe:,: picked up_. 8 yards off tackle. Clark lost 7 yards on same play. Doane E and S BOOTERY kicked to Peru-Stark returned 5 yards to 50 yard line. Barisas in for Mosley. Nebraska City Peru takes time out. stark pieked up four yards-Stark to Greathouse goo d for yard. Shields picked up yard. Majars punted to Doane's 15 where Sloey is nailed iri his tracks by Barisas. DR EDGAR CLINE First and 10 for Doane on their own 15. Punches spilt Clark for no gain. AUBURN, NEBR. Speedlin in for Clark, Platenburg in Office Phone 164 Res. Phone r,9 for Shields, Gesman ·for Hall, Doane penalized 5 yards for too much time out.· Buck's pass incomplete. Gesman nailed Buck for no gain. Norton punted to Stark who is forced out on the AUBURN HO',fEL P?}rU,40. First and ten for· Peru on .the Modern Rooms Coffee Shop Private Dining Room SUNDAY DINEER 12:00 to 1:00 Auburn,


Peru 40. Stark picked up two yards over tackle. Cherry hurt on play and Belka came in for him. Doane took time out. Doane recovered Majors' fumble on the Peru 40. Cherry comes back into Doane line up as quarter ends. Peru-0, Doane-0.

second Quarter Mosley, Hair and Shields come into the Peru line-up. Clark for Belka in .thf': Doane line-up. Expert Haircutting Buck passed to Norton who was spillOur years of experience in styled by Stark on. the Peru 10 yard line. ing and waving of all types of First . and ten for Doane. Clark made hair, assures you a becoming a yard throug·h tackle. Clark hit the hairdress line for another yard. Clark carried tl1e ball on the next play to the Peru tl1ree-yard stripe. They went over m MONTGOMERY'S ; next play for the touchdown-the try 1319 J St., Auburn, Nebr. for point hit the cross-bar. \ Peru-0, Doane-6. '-------------Doane kicked ,off to Peru. Shields


punted to Kristufek who was stopped for no return. Hall stopped Buck for no gain. Sloey picked up 3 around end. Clark made first and ten on reverse. Kristufek to Sloey incomplete. Speedlin quick-kicked to the Peru 15 yard line. First and ten on Peru's 15. Majors lost a yard at center, Majors kicked to Peru's 45.

Peru meets Midland at Fremont Fri-

day of this week in a game which should be a battle from start to finish. strip. Each week we will run a picture Midland should furnish plenty of of a football letterman who returned competition, having· tied Yankton Collhis year. · lege of Yankton, South Dakota, 6-6 What say we start off with Eldred and defeated Maryville (Mo.) Teachers Douglas? 6-0 last Friday.

"Doug" is one Th following is a list of Peru-Midof the seniors of land game scores of past years: Midland Peru _the squad, having 1919 ......................... 0 6 lettered two years 1920 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 15 at center for the 1921 ......................... O 14 Bobcats. What he 1822 ......................... 30 0 lacks in size he 1923 . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 7 makes up with 1926 ......................... o :_;__Jilii· skill and power. 1927 .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. O 20 He's never outstanding, but he is in l931 ......................... 6 13 on every play. 1932 .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . 7 13 "Doug", may this, your last year, be 1933 ......................... o 13 a great one. 1934 ......................... 0 13 1935 ......................... 13 13 Tiger Jinx, 1937 ......................... ? Every team has a jinx. Doane seems to be ours. But, 'Cats, you played a swell game and that old Peru spirit OSWALD-OSWALD VISITS DORM was always showing.

Sloey tried Greathouse's end and wast . thrown for a yard loss. Peru time ou · . Velvick hmt. Clark made. 6 yards .before being stopped by Shields. MaJors 1'nte1·cepted pass and lateraled to Velvi ck, which was good for. 22 yards. First and :en for Peru. Sh1el~s lost a yard. Stai k picked up 4. Stai k swe~t end for 12 yards. Doane drew 15 ya1d f h' F t nd ten penalty or roug mg. irs a . for Peru on the Doane 25. Sloey mter. , D , 8 yard cepted MaJors pass on oane s t d 10 f Do m line. Firs an or ane ' Deane's 8. on fake kick. Sloey made 12 yards Half ends. You didn't give up and we've still a MAN ABOUT TOWNPen1-0, Doane -6. winning ball club. Ha voe reigned for several wild minWe will all be there Homecoming. Third Quarter utes last week on the first floor of Doane kicked to Peru. Majors reEliza Morgan hall, when Martha Wilturned to Peru's 35. Shields failed. Dressing· room Comments. son bumped into man-about-town, OsStark failed. Shields picked up 5. Playerswald-Oswald, swaggering down the Doane was off "side on next play. First "When we get rnme effective block- dormitory hallway. and ten for Peru. Majors made 3. ing, we'll have a winning team." Her cries of help brought Lucille RenShields failed at the line. Majors kick"It just wasn't our night." Iner, Laura Baum and Frank Buck ed out on the Doane 31. Buck kicked "The reserves looked awful good." Crone, who in attempting to ·lasso the to the Peru 40. "I still think we have a good team." male intruder drove him under the Shields slipped through for 4. Stark Coach Gilkesonbed of the amazed Rachel Hunt. picked up 2. Velvick lost 2. Majors "Too much Sloey on the Doane ball Eluding &even more wild women, Ospunted to Doane's 20. Sloey returned club." wald-Oswald, remembering Robert 25 yards. Doane ti!1if) outj. Buc!<l Taylor and others, dodged into the failed. Clark made five. Punches Speed. lobby only to come face to face with made both tackles. Kristufek failed Bridgewater claims he made the long- office girl Marie Wellensick who emDoane penalized 15 yards. Norton est run of the '36 _season. It was a run phatically helped him throug·h the punted to Stark on Peru's 35. /of 90 yards, but, dogon-it, he didn't door. St.ark failed. Peru drew a 15 yard . catch the Kearne:i: Kantelope who was Today the girls are wondering how penalty. Stark failed again. Peru ca1•rying the ball. ·· · a frog came in ·possession of a skeletime out. Majors punted to Sloey. ton key and the bets are ten to one Doane off-side-5 yard penalty. Clark !<oise. he couldn't reach the keyhole, anyway. plunged for 5. Shields batted down a Our new cheer leaders, Finney and pass. Buck to Cherry good for first Tangeman, were well supported at the W. A. A. Activities and goal on Peru's eight. Buck made game. It really sounded swell. Early this fall, W. A. A. sweaters . 5. Buck plunged for _a touchdown. What's better for a school than a will be presented to eight girls who had The try for point was wide. fighting team and a supporting crowd? earned them by June 3, last year. Peru-0, Doane-12. !Keep it up and we'll go places. The following girls will receive Platenburg returned the kick-off lo the 25. Platenburg failed. Shields made 2. Majors punted to the Doane . ked .t o Pl atenburg on 32. Doane k1c Peru's 45. Velvick made a yard. Platenburg failed. Quarter ends. Peru-0, Doane-12. Fourth Quarter Barisas, Pugh, Gesman, Knapp, Douglas, McHugh, Boyer and Purucker came in for Peru . Shields kicked to Sloey. Doane drew 5 yard penalty for roughing. Buck punted to the Peru 40. Peru fumbled and Doane recovered. Bridgewater hurt. Peru time out. Knapp for Bridgewater. Peru penalized 5 yards. Buck lost 5 yards. Kristufek lost another. Gesman recovered Doane's fumbfo on Peru 40. P d 7Q lateral Shl.elds to a 35 Yards · Pl terubma eg dn for Peru a en urg oo · · failed at the line. Platenburg failed at the line. Platenburg swept around end for 2. Doane time out. Meyerle hurt. McHugh picked up 3. Peru failed

returned to 16 yard line. Stark around end for 18 yards. First and ten for Peru on their own 34. Shields failed PLUMBING HEATING to gain. Stark picked up two yards. WELL WORK Shields hurt and Peru took time out. Shields to Hall incomplete. Doane offP. M. Wilson ( side. Shields failed to gain and Peru twice. Shields made 3 and Doane took the ball on downs on their own 4 yard . \ lost the ball on downs. Deane's ball, line. .____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . first and ten on their own 35. Doane made 20 yards around end. Greene in for Platenburg. Doane failed ])Yorton kicked out on Peru's 39. Shields to Gesman incr.implete. Shields made 2. Greene failed. Adams for Punches, Douglas for Mort. Doane IT'S THE RITZ BROTlIERS AGAIN IN prnalized 5 yards. Shields kicked over the goal. Doane first and ten on their own 20. Doane off-side. First and 15. Floy.:!

Auburn Theatre

Life Begins In Colleg~

for Shields. Adams spilt Buck for no gain. Norton kicked to Floyd on the JOAN DAVI~ TONY MARTIN GLORIA STUART Feru 40. FRED STONE NAT Pl ~ON DICK BALDWIN F!Gyd to Gesman good for 50 yards JOAN MARSH DIXIE iAR JED PROUTY ancl a fir~t and ten on Doane's 10. Floyd twisted for 7 and the game endSun., Mon., Tues., '!to.her 10..;.13 cd second and goal on the Doane 3 yard M. G. M. NEWS REEL 1 line. -----------------------------1 Final score, Peru-0, Doane 12. WITH


sweaters: Zelda Carmine, Vivian MeBooing. Kimmey, Doris Prichard, Blanche Peru has been known for a good Freeman, Maxine Metcalf, Lilith _many years as a clean cut school. Don't Pierce and Eunice Bergman. spoil our record by booing the players or referees. Anita Searle posses the only W. A. A. sweater on the campus this year. As a member or tne crowd who witnessed the high school game, I would Arlene Heinke was elected sport leadlike to offer an apology to Sterling. er for hit pin Tuesday evening, SepSuch incidents have happened in the tember 28. biggest of games-and there is not one instance when the disagTeement was Steck Talks on Students settled by booing-. Let's make booing flies in zupe. OK? "What Is a Student" was the subject OK! of the talk given by Professor Steck, which was featured at a joint meeting Midland. This Friday our team plays the Mid- of the Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. held last Tuesday night in the Music hall. land Warriors. at Fremont. Mr. Steck brought out the fact that Last year the game ended with Midstudents should try to think problems 13 land on the long end of a -0 score. cut for themselves rather than take Win, lose, or draw-'Cats, come the point of view of the text-books home with your heads up. We'll be from which they may be reading. proud of you. The meeting was opened with a few Get 'em Bobcats. hymns sung by the entire group. Er-win Juilfs then read the scriptme, See you next week. which was followed by Howard Miller


Tarkio Tennis Match

singing "A Dedication." This was the first joint meeting of the current school year.

The Tarkio tennis team defeated ueru's tennis team in straight sets on the MEN'S CLUB HOLD MEETING Peru courts. The score of the match, ·ivhich was played Monday, September At the first meeting of the Men's Club, held last Monday at convocation ;: 7, was 3-o. Peru's team consisted of: Robert time in the Music ha:ll, Coach Glen Mooney, Merritt McNeal, Jack Hee\;:, Gilkeson was the principal speaker. He William Mooney Bob Halladay and gave some good advice to the men of the school in his remarks. Orval Rodgers. President Pate introduced Joel Punches the new president of the Men's Peru Prep-Sterling Club to the group. President Punches Lack of players caused Sterling to in a short speech said that he would forfeit their football garrie with Peru. try to be all a good president should The game, played Friday afternoon on be. the Peru field, was won by Peru by a The club was honored by the presforfeit score of 2-0. ence of two authorities on the Maryville game-"Snag Tooth" Sheely, who Lost on highway 67-a white silk presented a "worm's-eye view" of the scarf. Will finder p.Jease return to game and "Slim" McCormick, who Miss Palmer.-Adv. gave a "bird's eye view" of the game.

THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN ~~~~~~=~--~·~···~we-~-=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~


Brown Teaches

Twitterbones /iin Omaha and Peru j Education rides the highway!


That's what they're saying about ambitious, Well, here's your Uncle Twit again! young Mrs. Marion Marsh Brown who i\nd-like the band leader said to the !travels about 420 miles a week, teaches 1st cornetist-"Hi ya, Toots!" 2L claso:es, and maintains a superior Your old uncle h1s been go.ddh1g standard in all of her courses. around quite a bit lately for such an Last summer Mrs. Brown contracted o'.d codger--and folks say I don't look ;.o teacl: nii;ht school business English a day over 45-but have you heard \ ~.nd creative writing classes this winthese? , ter at the Y. M. C. A. in Omaha, on 1., . h At the DanceI r.1e mghts when er husband condur,ts 0 "No, I can't dance very well, but I · -·· -·· c:~1r .es there. Later, when it was have pretty brown eyes!" discovered that Miss Martin, Mrs. 1 "Guess man means much to Met- Brown's ::ll::ccs:;or, would be delayed calf." : several months in taking her position .,, p . h d d . 'on Peru's teaching staff, Mrs. Brown "Oh, yes, ,,,__,._ ric ar , your ancmg . . . . · t t · ,,, . lcS p·e-va1led upon to contmue teachmg 10 oo, 00 expressive· Peru English students until Miss Mar1 "Why. MI·. Carr! You look so young Ln's anival. to be a Dean!" I 1 i\ (b ;1y drive either to or from OmaOne female doorkeeper to a ditto-·' ha was the only solution to this edu"Zelda, let me hold the money box this cational puzzle, so Mrs. Brown, who time. Or don't you want to dance wi!;h either rnjoys riding, scenery, her work 11im either?" ~or being "at home" in two places, has And the other night your old uncle · successfully undertaken the double got re:.tl brave and v.:ntured up to tile ':c.et-up. dorm. ;


At the Dorm-

Music Notes


Jean Sn1'er On Way to France

Marge Evans merrily munching morsela at the G. C. Council dinner. (N. I' B. She is on the dorm council.) 1 Han Key Ho explaining that Iler n:1,pe is not Keyhole. Eva Grace 'facketc providing parties ..:1: , J: :. !'·Cl', ~tudent and member of with pantry-pilfered particles. ,],(; ca:npus v10lm quartet last year, i ::::Eccl lo Frnnce September 15 in the NO'fIC:C3-(Smuil nciJces may be comi;any of her aunt, Mrs. Frank Kutp:aced in tl!is column for Ge a line. :;ukin, and her cousin, Frank. Campaign notices given special attenBefore leaving, she dined in the ti on.) Rainbow Room at Rockefeller Center, .. Frosh! F·inno for fin:megans ! Elect l:\ew York. I I'iuey for prr~ideut ! i The party had formerly intended to

An idea is born-"Freshman Singers" might profitably be organized from the new freshman vocal prospects as a preparatory step to joining the varsity ''Peru Singers." This idea is being considered in hope that it will aetract more freshman male talent to the singing group. Band and Orchestra Prospects Good Encouraging-that's the word for the outlook of this year's band and orchestra work. New material includes: Mildred Knoflicek of Plattsmouth, who llas won several superiors at state and M-I-N-K contests; Marian Johnson of Omaha, also a superior ranking individual and a host of other excellent musicians. A trio composed of Mildred Knoflieek, violin; Marian Johnson, cello, and Vivian McKimmey, piano, is scheduled to make its debut on the air soon as the college trio. A concert by the orchestra and band as a budget event this first semester is being considered.

Out-Dorm Girls Initiate Freshies Freshman resident . . girls were strangely silent when quizzed about initiation after effects this week. 1 The bold ear of the press shall never i know the sufferings of the "kewpie- : faced" upperclassmen's stooges, who in i spite of the paper soldier hats and green ribbons imposed upon them, scrubbed, cleaned and played valet :n the humblest manner for their lordly masters. September 29, the persecutions were wound up in a gala torture party at the Pate apartment house.







A Final Tribute With Clark Gable and Lionel Barrymore THUR., FRI., and SAT., OCTOBER 7-8-9


Scene: Measurements class. Characters: E. West, teacher, and H. Dean, student. Historical background: Maxwell wasn't playing tennis, he was attending a Kiwanis convention. Properties: 'h dozen rotten tomatoes, 3 cabbages, 1 dozen rotten eggs. E. West: "Did anyone prepare an answer for the first question?"




Sarcastic people remind me of potatoes. They are full of eyes which see nothing but dirt. One act play in one act.



Jean ·Harlow in

Gran'pa Grumpy

Below Barnes Drug Store

H. Dean: (holding up hand) "I did, Curtain How's about giving fifteen yea-bo's for the new cheer leaders?



TWO !\JORGAN PICTURES teacher-I don't know."

Two pictures of Miss Eliza Morgan 1·1a ve been presented to the dormitories. . ·nese pictures were unveiled last Tuescby nigH immediately following the instailation of the dormitory council members. Miss Esther Clark gave a short talk m which she spoke of the naming of For Sale-Higgms' Hotel pups. Breei board the President Harding. However, :.he two dormitories and the character unknown. See J. Punches. Ithe propellers of that ship had to re- and personality of Eliza Morgan for whom, of course, the one dormitory was Coming Attracti011s-F:.tir Fairbury ~paired, so their reservation was cannamed. fJ-ail free tor tun. Call for "Gracie" celled and they obtained first class room 318, E. M. Hall. , passage on the S. S. Normandie on an Mrs. Dunning explained the presen1 'l -t f tation of the pictures and then unveilNotice to Hill store Patrons- unw:;ua1 Y sma11 passenger 1rs o 840 . . th N d. h ld ed the two pictures of Eliza Morgan. We guarantee to remove fingers from! F•or some t 1me e orman 1e e 1 ll t , t· l' d j One is a hand portrait and was pre1 vending machines within an hour. See 1 ·1c ransa"an 1c mer spee recon, Bob We]?er for reference.-Lynn Craig. :md habitually makes the trip travel- sented by Mrs. Harvey Hess of Hebron, , \n:; thirty-one knots an hour, but Jean who is a niece of Eliza Morgan. This We'll make no bones about it-we'll ·\':rote, "We must be bad luck to pro- picture is to be hung in Mount Vernon twit or else! Twittle doo ! ; rcllers ,, for two propellers broke, and Hall where Miss Morgan lived fdr ----o--they are making the journey at only thirty-one years. twenty-seven knots. The other picture, which is to be Jean, who has changed the spelling hung in Eliza Morgan "Hall, bears a to "Jeanne," seemed to be particularly ~~pp,ertpla te mscnbe~_: In memory of . d by th e sh'rps, marble sun •• ante B ankensh1p. impres&e room, the extraordinary lighting of . Donald J. Blankenship, son of Har'lte dining room, the very recent mov- iet and John Blankenship, the latter C. C. A. Elects Officers ing picture shows, and the French of whom was caretaker of the old Miss Ollie Purucker was elected pres- waiters. However, the ship is not well Normal Hall, negotiated the presentation of this picture in behalf of the !dent of the C. C. A. at the meeting· of air-conditioned. Blankenship family because of the Tuesday, September 28. other officers \ Miss Spier was asked by a ship's deep friendship which existed between elected were Edwm Falloon, v'ce pres- I official to throw the dice for a game. their family and Eliza Morgan. !dent; Edna Peterson, secretary, and; and later to draw numbers for Bingo Mary Beckman, treasurer. ·with Gertrude Michael, the movie star. The next rn,_~tliLg of the C. 0. A. will Liane of the Frenchmen knew how to T. K. Wilson Now at Gunnison be October 1~. A debate is sc·1cctuied play. T. K. Wilson, a member of the Peru which should be of interest to all of A number of celebrities were aboard faculty last year, is now teaching at the members. the s:-1ip. Amon1' them were Gertrude the Gunnison, Colorado, State 'I'each11/Iichael; Detroyat and Doret, the two ··rs College. SAD SOUND! THE GURGLE you French flyers, who entered the Canahear when your straw hits bottom Of I dian races; the world's ping-pong DR. F. B. LORANCE our Ice Cream Socl!l and Goober Whip, Ichampion; a famous lady magician, Office, 1006 Central Vave a11t.! you can always order another. i Prances Maddux; a New York night 1 Hills Drug Store.-Adv. 1 club singer; two well-known dance Phone 373 teams, and Frank Bishop, a concert Auburn . pianist from Michigan, who will soon Convocations \make appe?_t ances in England, BelA second pep rally held sway at f;ium and Germany. Jean saw all of convocation Friday, October 1, with them and talked to same. . Dean Delzells appearance making it I One evenmg the Kutsukm party had Investigate our special seem like old times. 'a table next to the dancing floor in The college band played ::cveral ce- the main dining salon. Soon some ofDOLLAR-A-MONTH lections under the direction ;;f the stu~ ficers entered with friends, and sat at dent director, Jack Hazelto.i. the neighboring table. One of the Life Insurance Policy. E~pecially company was Gertrude Michael. Aft~r adapted for students. i\!ayre 1'augeman introduced to :he the first dance, as Jean and her escort student bed:; ,.the New Bag of Wind," 1 wu,, leaving the floor, Miss Michael Fidelity Old Line Clark Finney, who is her assistant stepped on her foot, for which she Insurance Co. cheer leader Iapologized. It is characteristic of Jean Cl:uence West, General' Agent "Points in Watching 1 Football 1 she wrote, "Guess I should have 11'1 No. eth .St. Nebraska City Game" was discussed by ( \.Ollknher autograph my toe." son. '\ Jean plans to study violin and Gecrgc Mort. captain fo1 ,,.:furae.......... Peru football game, gave a few wnrds of comment on the approaching game. she was hungry, so went to lunch FOR STYLE, QUALITY, AND ooe, and thus missed seeing the FIT IN SHOES Browns to Lincoln of Liberty as they departed. HO MEYERS Mrs. Gilbert Brown with her hus- Sh!:t a'dded ffJ•m sorry I missed it, but SHOE STORE band, attended the Minnesota-Nebras- Ithen it will look twice as good when I Nebraska City, Nebr. ka game in Lincoln Saturday. come !:melt."------

Peru Theatre


A "CLENE" Shampoo-that new shampoo that contains neither soap nor oil, yet lathers freely in hard water, leaving your hair so lustrous and soft-


Dear G. G. my problem is a serious one. I am just too popular. What shall I do? And can you tell me the name of the freshman girl they killed last year during initiation? They did kill her, didn't they? One of the girls said maybe the boys were fooling me. Just call me M.

With Each of MRS. MONTGOMERY'S STYLED FINGER WAVES Montgomery's 1319 J St.,

Dear M.: Squirrels always gather nuts in the fall. Why don't you take a long walk in the woods? We can overlook the freshman when he goes to the wrong classes; but when Pascal goes to Girls' club,it's a sure sign he needs glasses. Bridgewater tells us that they are patroling the cemetery now. But how would Bridgey know? It's easy to smile when you're in style, And life is rosy and sweet But the girl worthwhile is the girl who can smile When her partner dances all over her feet.

Auburn, Nebr.

Armstrong & McKnight Attorneys ERNEST F. ARMSTRONG JOHN P. McKNIGHT Nebraska Auburn,





Surgeon and Physician Res. 39


Milstead Corner Office 33 Phone


And We Will Deliver

Fresh Baked Goods To Your Door

The Peru Bakery '



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With each Stationery purchase 1-25c tube Sheaffer's para-lastik 1 big SOc Bottle Sheaffers Ink


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Ghatelain's Jewelry ~ ,~




~~Aw ~--.,~~·.,,,.w·~~··.~--~·.,~-w·.~~·~--.,~·~· ~· ~,. ~-- ~~-- ~,. ~--.~· ~ ...w-......~ . .~.~V.~.~-,~-~ ...~ ...~ ...~ . .~ ...~ ...~.iAW !\~



Homecoming Promises To Be Huge Success Good Time Is Promised to All


Grandma-Glema Miers Furnishes Spice for Play

Carnival, convention and county fair "You can learn more through a keyspirits rolled into one gala bombshell hole than through a college and have of hi!iarity and good fellowship, will less to unlearn afterwards, " blandly be fitting for the annual Homecoming observes Grandma Tierney when, in the Home Coming play, "Through the week end, according to the "menu" Keyhole" she is caught eaves dropping. Erwin Julifs and his ambitious student 'Ihe story of "Through the Keyhole" advisory committee have dished up. depends a great deal on this spicy old ,Maxine Metcalfe, decoration chairman, has planned a campus decoration scheme with a new twist which will even encircle the Bobcat's cage with festoons. On Friday, October 15, to raise the pep-temperature, a rally will be held around a bonfire after which there will be dancing in the Music Hall. On Saturday morning, from 9:00-

Glema Miers

12 :00 the stream of alumni will be lady who Satuiday will be played by Gltma Miero. She is a self-rel\anL guided to the faculty room for regisg:·!ndmothe;, unperplexed and unintration and reception by a welcoming timiclated ty the mischiefmaking of committee. the younger generation because she has At the Wesleyan-Peru struggle, which seen grander sinning in her own piopromises to be a real ticket's worth, neering day. loyal Peru fans will don cocky blue Of course all the wealth of witticisms feathers and proudly display metal which the HomecC'ming play contains footballs as chest badges. Before the rnuld not be unloaded on Grandmothgame, the dramatic club, with the un- er. The brother of a husband-hm:iting disputed initiative it is famous for, will girl advises her not to go about with present skits of a surprising but vastly that "Mrs. Martin-Johnson look in amusing nature. her eye." Altogether the genul;~e At 7:30, curtain time for "Through laughter inherent in- the lines, the the Keyhole", a well-selected cast, har- characters mid ·situition:s combine! to boring several new-comers to the Peru make a play of real entertainment valstage, will jump through a superbly ue. directed hoop to what sounds like reasons for placing a solid platinum feather in Professor Moore's talented hat. State Examiners Visit Campus After the play, around 9:30 in the The State Board of Examiners visitgymnasium, workman Dave Haun, wili ed the campus. Thursday of last week. swing his baton and hot-lick it with his The purpose of the visit was to inquire super torrid accordian. For a climax as to the provisions Peru College has to the evening mike-conscious, Jerry made to meet the requirements of the Snyder will interview the old grads, new Nebraska Certification Law which . . · t ffect Sep., t 1 1938 . through the Courtesy Of KMA goesmoe Backslaps are in order for Erwin The members of the Board of Ex Juilfs, Maxine Metcalfe, Gordon Gil- aminers are: B. E. McProud of Wesley. Ra1ph .Hopp, Mar- an Uni·versi·ty, Lm·coln, chai·rman,· A. ber t , Glema Miers, tha Clifton, Wayne McGinnis, EMra A. Reed, University of Nebraska, LinSchacht and all the rest aiding in any- coln-; H. F. Martin of Midland College, way to plan one of the biggest, most Fremont; and W. A. Rasene of the eventful Homecomings ever held on state Superintendent's office, Lincoln, this campus. Secretary Ex-officio.



Rally- Campus Dane/


~c Hall

6:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m.

SATURDAY,OCTOBER16 Game--Peru vs. Wesleyan Play-"Through the .Keyhole" Dance-Dave Haun

2:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m.

ALUMNI: Register, secure badges, in room A203, Administration Building.


Classes will recite on October 15, 1937 The welcome extended by the A1ma as follows: Mater of Peru grads to those who re- 8:00 classes meet 8:00 dismiss 8:25 turn for Homecoming this week end is 9:00 classes meet 8:35 dismtss 9:00 truly exemplified in the poem whtcn 10: 00 classes meet 9: 10 dismiss 9·.35 President Pate quoted in his radio 11:00 classes meet 9:45 dismiss 10:10 speech of welcome to Homecomers · 1:()0 classes meet 10:20 dismiss 10:45 2:00 classes meet 10:55 dismiss 11:20 If I could paint a picture 3:00 classes meet 11 :30 .dismiss 11 :55 And paint it in colo~s true, 4:00 classes meet 12:00 dismiss 12:25 I would spend my time in work sublime Painting Old Peru. WORK PROGRESSES I would paint those hills and vall!"ys Those fields with their go)den ON SIX-~ILE ROAD sheaves, The right-of-way difficulty, which The little ~quirrel with his swish and has been holding up the construction swirl, work planned for Highway 67, the six Those beautiful iiuturnn leaves. miles of road connecting Peru with Highway 75 and 73, has been settled Those kings of the stately forest, and work preparatory to hard surfacMonarchs of ages past, ing the road is now in full swing. Those rugged hills, those rocks and The basic surveying has been comrills, pleted and men are now working on Those friends that al way:; last the west end of the road pulling stumps and cleaning hedge fences in We mix our earthly colors order to widen the road; and In placing And call our colors good; But the God above with a heart of love and replacing culverts. Makes colors that no man could. Many of the picturesque hedge fences will have to be cleared out as the limHe has taken the rarest colors, its of construction are to be 80 feet The g~ms of Jieavenly blue, wide. The main road bed ls 28 feet And painted a picture in naturewide with uniform slopes on ooch side. God bless it, Old Peru." It is interesting to note the extensive planning which was necessary for the road. The set of blue prints, held Peru Granted in the Industrial arts shop for the six NYA Appropriation mile road are comprised of 135 pages, Peru State Teachers College was three feet by two feet, of careful comagain granted an appropriation by the putations. National Youth Administration this year to assist students to attend college The first section deals with specifiin 1937-37. However, the number 0f cations on the amount of material to jobs assigned the College for the cur- be moved and the material to be used. rent year was decreased on ac.gQJ,ID~ Qf A section of eleven pages shows the the decreased appro!J1'iation from plan view of the entire road_, showing Washington. There were 38 jobs allo- every tree,· post, old culvert and hedge cated to Peru this year while there fence. Just below the plan view is a were 79 last year. The general requir- graph showing the percentage grade ments for eligibility are much the same for the old and new road bed. At one as last year. These 38 jobs have been place in the road where previously there had been four hills, there will be distributed among 69 students. The but two. The main part of the book work performed by these students is is given to cross-sections of the road classified and described under the folat intervals of about 50 feet. lowing major types: Clerical (typing. secretarial, filing, It is remarkable to see the exactness and completeness with which this type etc.) Construction (apparatus, models, of work is carried on. Mr. Larson says the plans will be equipment, etc.) Departmental service (classroom as- kept here for a week, after which time sistance, bibliographies, visual aids, they will be returned to the county etc.) clerk. Those interested should make it a point to see these prints before they Library work. ReproducJtion (printing, mimeo- are returned. The road will not be paved, but will graphing, etc.) Ground and building maintenance. be covered with a bituminous mat. This is a composition of bitumin, a tarry Research and surveys. substance, plus sand and gravel. '.!'he Home economics <sewing, nursery result is a water proof road which is schools, lunchroom). Art (posters, music, play production) in most respects equal to pacement. Laboratory assistance. Recreation. SINGERS TRAVEL

Amateur Radio Operators Hold Meeting at Peru



TO DUBOIS The girls trio and Howard Miller went to DuBois Saturday, October 2 to furnish music at the Fall Festival beIng held there. Mildred Knoflicek very ably filled Dorothy Coatney's place, the latter being away at the time. All accompaniments were played t>y Mr. Benford, who took the students participating, in his car. The group performed during both the afternoon and evening and were well received by the audiences.

Broa~cast Program

Features Pep Rally Grads Respond to Broadcasts The radio program presented Tuesday evening, October 12, is being broadcast from the auditorium. It is in the form of a pep rally, and everyone is in-. vited to attend. The band is being featured this week. President Pate is extending a welcome to the Homecomers. "Rusty" will be there in person. Yells and pep songs will give the students and faculty an opportunity to participate in the program. This should prove to be one of the most enjoyable broadcasts of the year. In response to Peru's radio bro;J.dcasts, several telegrams, and many cards and letters have been received. Most of these letters are from alumni of Peru, who are glad to have the opportunity of hearing the old bell pealonce again. These letters are filled with favorable criticisms and helpful suggestions as to how to improve the programs. Everyone in connection with the production of these programs is very much pleased with the splendid reaction on the part of the radio listeners. Here is a partial list of people who have helped contribute to the fan mail, together with several excerpts from their messages: Harry Sopher, TYrone, Oklahoma. Marie Carper, Syracuse, Nebraska"Your program was grand. Everything came in just swell." Gretchen Miller, Hamburg, Iowa"Youan are doing a ·great tlilng for Peru in broadcasting." 'Ihomas F. Collin, Alton, Illinois. Allen N. Stroh, Plymouth, Nebraska -"Everyone likes to see his alma mater expand and grow, and I can think of no finer way than by broadcasti11g." Rex. Wayman, Albany, Missouri. Mrs. Fanny Moore Smith, Riverton. Iowa. Luceen Maag, Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shumard. Las Animas, Colorado---''Ke,)p up the good work-we'll be listeni;v: " Ji:7elyn Jones and the Freemaus, Be!levue, Nebraska. James Perdue. DeWitt, Nebraska"! was very much interested and just as much pleased with your broadcast tonight." Florence Taylor, McCook, Nebraska.

SHORTHAND CLASS VISITS COURT The fact that part of the commerce department went to court ls not so disturbing when explained, because they didn't go to sue and prosecute but to look and listen. Groups of the advanced shorthand class attended District court at Auburn last week. Miss Palmer said, "It is worth while for anyone to visit court and see court

"WGZVZ calling CQ-calling CQ, CQ WGZVZ Peru, Nebraska calling CQ160-CJ."-called the amateur operator.s at their last meeting of the Southeastern Nebraska mdio club held last Wednesday night in the industrial arts building. This organization ls composed of licensed amateur radio operators and also tho.;e that are aspiring to obtain licenses. Operators attending the last meeting came from; Rockport, Mo.; Craig, Mo.; Auburn, Howe, Nebraska City, Nemaha FOURTEEN STUDENTS


and Peru. If at any time you hear these c;ill letters on your short-wave set, you will be listening to the Peru sending station. The U. S. Government has strict regulations concerning amateur stations. A log has to be kept recording the time and purpose of calls. Your sending set must be in such a condition that it will not interfere with others trying to get receptions.

James McAllister, business manager, and Frederick Wolter, editor, of our annual yearbook, the . Peruvian, are planning to attend the National Scholastic Press Association Convention. This convention is being held this year in Chicago from October 14-16. The representatives from our campus intend to leave Wednesday afternoon via train, and they hope to glean many helpful ideas and suggestions for our 1938 Peruvian.

REGISTER LATE Students who registered late, and whose names do not appear in the directory' are: Senior, Mary Dallas Harris; Sophomores, Merritt Jensen, Jack Mcintire, John Greene and Faith Mann; Freshmen, Claude Gesman, Kenneth Gorton, Margaret Williams, Stanley Rutter, William Witty, Madeline Schnieding, Marian Johnson, William Zurbrick and Eugene Miller.

routine because you never know-you may have to go to court to defend yourself or act as juryman." The p!an, of course, is for the stenographic students to see the court reporter at work.


THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN A vivid historical novel of the adventurous Prince Rupert who fought recklessly against Parliament and his brother for his uncle Charles r. There is a rental charge of 10 cents Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. a week for this book. Entered at the Postoffiee at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. Watch for next week's list. $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents.

The Peru Pedagogian

ADVERTISING RATES Display 20 cents per inch.

Locals, 10 cents per line

STAFF Editor ....................................... Norman Littrell Make-up Editor . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . Harold Prichard Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Junius McGowan Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Gilbert Brown Bill Bischof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Business Manager REPORTERS Edith Willey .......................... Mary Lizabeth Werner Virginia Trively . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Glen Sheely Margaret Saville . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Ralpha Randolph Ollie Purucher ........................ , .. . . .. . Gladys Nofsger Ruth Crone ......................... , . . . . . . . . . Barney Barisas ELDON HAYWARD The most "looked-up" man on the campus. If you ever need anything or have a complaint, do what everyone else does-see the registrar, Mr. Hayward. For six years Mr. Hayward has been smoothing the waves before the ships of Peru College students. He "got in shape" for his position by two years of service as assistant registrar.

Dorrn Council Organized Six Years

Glen Y ont Heads Betas Beta Beta Beta elected officers at their meeting last week, as follOW3: Glen Yont, president; Mary Grush, Secretary; Marie Wellensick, vice presldent; Dr. Coatney, treasurer. Seven topics of scientific and research value are offered by the Na-

The Dormitory Council, the law·· making body of the dorms, is now in its sixth year of org~nization. Following the inclination among the girls that they might assume greater responsibility and enjoy more fully the feeling of service to their sisterhood In the halls. The Dorm girls voted for the organization of a council which was started in the spring of 1921, and is still functioning. 1he purpose of this organization ls to create a sense of unity and fellowship among the women, to promote and maintain the highest standard of college life, and to regulate matters of student conduct in the residence halls. The members of the council include two representatives from each fioor, plus two representatives chosen from each of the four ranking classes, by the ~·esident body, plus one senior elected by the council at large at their first

tional fraternity, on Which any member of the local group ls elegible to enter in a contest. Cash prizes w!ll be given the three best essays. Announcement of this contest was made at the neeting.


The "Children of Strangers" are a mulatto colony, descendants of the

French, who live in



Short Orders at all Hours We CJ\ter to Parties

;~: ;:;::;:o~;;e

(In l."Nu for 41 Years!

Nebraska City

Welcome Alumni

Nebr. City Bottling Works

The Model Barber Shop

Earl's Cafe PERU, NEBR.

Don't Let' Em Fool You -THERE IS BUT ONE REAL-



Barnes Pharmacy



Peru Cleaners & Tailors We Call & Deliver

Phone 62 Coffee

J. P.CLARK Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Office


c. Colline FOR





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Home Cooked Meals



October -17 -18-19


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NeH1b'grhaWski~ae cani~ty : Han~some

With Dick PoweU and


2 Blooks South of Fair Groumls


~~'I .IB"IQ~~:~.Q':l.T'l.H~~~T"...'8:~Hg_~E~~A~l.:Tl~R~'A~E~. .:l.~ ,~ w:i l'-~l"~ ~




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Auburn, Nebr.

Chatelains Jewelry



1100 J Street


G. E. Berthold


welcome Alumni




Drink Coca Cola in Bottles

10_9_ new to books hope be two books listed Prince" above. by Margaret ---------P-h-one-able haveeach eachweek. week We a list of to three "The Strange books with a short review of each. Irwin. "The Years" by Virginia WoolfThe chief character is time itself. .~-----------------------What are we? Where are we going? No one can put his thoughts into words; all drift about the fringes of the subject. A philosophical novel of today.


Fall FloJVers

Welcome Alumni




W.A. Wolfe HOMECOMING 912 1-2 Central Ave Saturday, October 16, brings to Peru THE DAY of the school Auburn Nebr. year-Homecoming-the day when grads and friends come hun· ~------------· dreds of miles to exchange greetings once again. The students on the campus are going to be judged. Can we stand with the class of '09 or '30? No, of course not-(according to ' the members of the class of '09 or '30)-but we can demonstrate to all of the proud grads that we are partially worthy of carrying on the traditions of Peru. Remember-Homecoming is your day of tomorrow-Grad's Day, so make this Homecoming the way you will want your future Homecomings.

They form a BOOK WORM MENU · !caste midway between the whites and !negroes, with their own inherited cul' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - Iture and customs, and their own class Attention students! New books are pride. This story is one which is gento be had in our college library. It is uine and moving, with distinction, that the intention of this paper with the is eminently readable. aid of the library staff to p1int a list of There are no rental charges on the



Caters to After Tlzeatre and Dance Parties

Meets all Auburn buses & trains

I !country of Louisiana.

We Welcome your visit back to

"Good Food Promotes Good Health"

Taxi and Transfer

TO THE PEDAGOGIAN OF THE AIR We offer our congratulations and our aid. We realize the ability \ of Miss Plasters to reach those who are out of touch with the Ped· 1 agogian and we wish to co-operate with her in every respect. We ask the students of the campus to aid Miss Plasters in bringing the high lights of the campus before the microphon.e. Good luck-Pedagogian of the Air.




We all are conscious of the way Mr. Hayward seems to be in everything, but we can't realize the many small things he does fo1· the student body. The home life of the Haywards is that of a young married couple imbued with the spirit of living. So nei:h..".~·-we should also pay tribute to Mrs. Hay.yl!r.!L!-:;:;:..Jrar··sniiifng face and courtly grace that Mr Hayward presents day after day to the campus.

Soft Water Shampoos. Ardyth's Beauty Shop. Phone 223.-Adv.

Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians, Ted Healy, Priscilla Lane




Wine Women and Horses

coMING ocT, 24-25-26



High Wide and Handsome


Randolph Scott

'------~~~--~-~ -~---~~--...~-~~---~~~-~-~-~-'' ~ff'~A~~~~~~~~~~'W~~:~:~~~~...:~:~:

Watch the Bobcats Battle-- WESLEY AN Midland Slos~es to Victory Over Peru CALL US TpDAY Radio Laboratories PHONE 311


Leota Jung announces that she plans to keep up her practice on track this year; also she plans to enter several track meets in the spring. Penalty and Pass Miss Jung is noted on the Peru camGive Warriors Game pus for her outstanding achievement The Midland Warriors defeated the in running and high jumping. She rePeru Bobcats 13-0 at Fremont, Friday ceived state wide recognition last spring. Her hopes are high for the night. future. The g·ame was played on a sloppy field making g·ood football out of the question. Midland's first tally came in


the second quarter after Peru received


a 15 yard penalty, putting the ball on the one yard line. The Warriors scored


on the next play and tried crashing the line for the extra point, but failed.


$2750 50 Others at ...... $22

WARMTH Without Weight

Wessel's Nebr.

Nebraska City


Res. Phone 49

Expert Haircutting Our years of experience in styling and waving of all types of hair, assures you a becoming hairdress

Montgomery's 1319 J St.,

Auburn, Nebr.

Phone 222



Again in the third quarter Midland . scored, using the air route. It was a J long· looping pass that was completed 1 for a touchdown. Midland passed for the extra point. The Bobcats were led by Game Captain Douglas. Starting line-up for Peru was: Greathouse R. E., Barisas R. T., Punches R. G., Douglas (C) ,C., Adams L. G., Boyer L. T., Hall L. E., Stark Q. B., Shields H. B.; Majors F. B., and Velvick H. B. Peru substitutions: Mort, Nelson, Bridgewater, McHugh, Greene, Sheeley, and McCormick.

Tarkio Defeats Peru's "B" Team


nounce it will drlll at football games, but will form a cheering section. The veterans will select only 19 more girls, instead of the so previously chosen, to make up a 32~gir! squad which will march between halves during the basketball games-they believe.



P. M. Wilson



By Junius Mccowan

Welcome Alumni

Forsyth's Store

This Saturday our Bobcats play the Wesleyan Plainsmen and the game

To transact the business of the fresh- promises to be a good one. man class for the first semester the Last year Wesleyan won in the last two minutes of the game on a pass. I following officers have been elected: President . . . . . . . . . . . . LeRoy Redfern don't think they can do it again this Vice President . . . . . . . . Frank Larson year, and I am going to be there SatSecretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Finney urday to see the battle. Treasurer .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. Paul Miller Won't you join me?

Wm. E. Crownover, Syracuse, above, Social Chainnan . . . . . . . . Ross Russell recalled the other day that he played fullback 011 the first Peru College grid team of a half century ago. He un- Pep Squad Organizes earthed an old picture of the team, It isn't a habit-merely circumstanwhich was organized before the Uni- tial pressure making the Pep Squ:i,d versity of Nebraska had football. change all of its 13 minds and an-



wes 'eyan

Peru Has Won In Five Contests Peru


Wesleyan in the Homecoming


Saturday, but here




scores that everyone may not know:

Letterman The Peru-Wesleyan football history Bernard Barisas lettered at the posi- began in 1909, the first game ending Jn tion of tackle on the Bobcats team of a 5-5 tie. For the past nine years the scores have been as follows:

Peru's seconA<> team was defeated by the Tarkio second team 7-0 on Tarkio's gridiron last Saturday afternoon. Peru's starting line-up consisted of Sheldon, center; Knapp and Sheely guards; Boyer and Saale, tackles; Boatman and McCormick, ends; Floyd quarterback; Vacek and Purucker, half-backs; and McGinley, fullback. Bernard Barisas Other men who saw action were: Callan, Seward; Evans, Falloon, Gold- '36. "Barney" likes football and is always trying to improve hii; style of enstein, Ritter, Johnson, and Huguel. playing. On the field "Barney" is somewhat handicapped by poor eyesight, and once he tackled a player COACH BELL who wasn't carrying the ball. (HowevHAS FINE RECORD er it was a spinner and nobody knew Leonard Bell, former Peru student, the dif.) Well "Barney" there are five has taken over the coaching reins at games left in your Peru career, let's the Peru Training School. see you go! Coming to Peru from Beatrice, in 1930, Mr. Bell was a student here for Champs. two years, after which he left to tear,h And how I was right in one predica country .school near his home. The tion, I said the Yank's would win the fol!Gwing year he went to Holmesville World Series and they did. consolidated school for a stay of two To th<ASe who don't know it the series years. Odell was his next position is won by the first team winning four where he also stayed two years. games. 'l'he Yank's had little trouble His coaching· record is quite out- winning, taking four out of five. standing, he having coached at Holmesville, a two-year district bas- Thirteen ketball championship team, and while Again Midland and Peru see "13". at Odell having lost but two football iince 1931 neither team has been games in· two yearK His last year's able to score more than 13 points, but team was district champions. one of the two teams have had 13 for A desire to finish work on his degree a final score. is the reason for Mr. Bell's return. He To date there have been fourteen expeck to complete this work in the games between the schools. 13 have coming summer school. He is major- been won, one game was a tie with the ing in industrial arts. score being 13-13. Mr. Bell, when asked what his hobby Also, since 1931 both teams total was, said, "taking care of my daughter scores are divisable by 13. Marylin Lou and when I am not with Take it away Mr. Ripley! her I am out looking for my pet d·11;, which seems to attract more peopJ.;." Homecoming


IHomecoming Finds

Everyone knows that


AUBURN, NEBR. Office Phone 164


Dtitoh Lorbeer, former Bobcat coach, now a scout for the Beaumont, Texas baseall team, writes from Clearlake Highlands, California of his extended auto-tour through the west and far west.

Year Wesleyan 1928 ...................... 27 1929 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1930 (2 games) . . . . . . . . 0-0 1932 ...... .. ....... ...... 7 1933 ...................... 0 1934 ..................... 26 1935 ...................... 13 1936 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1937 ...................... ?

Peru 0

7 0-7 13 13 32 0 0


Wesleyan's record so far this season is as follows: They were defeated 2719 by Augustans. College of Sioux Falls, S. D., a week ago Friday, but defeated Simpson College of Indianola, Iowa 12-7 Friday.

BOBKITTENS KEEP GOAL UNCROSSED Keeping theii' goal-line uncrossed ls ger.1 ing to be a haLit with the Peru Bobkittens, J"> is shown by t)1eir latest conquest in which they defea;c<i Nemaha 13-0. Nemaha, tl1t under~dog-, held Peru until Polston hegan his plungin:; wa)'S late in the second quart.er. Fisher scored the other touchdown for Peru. Chandler, Raines and Handley starred for Nemaha. The Lineups: E. Adams ........ LE .... Bill Cha:idler H. Hundzeker ... LT ... Wyman Przor R. coulters ..... LG . . . . . Ed Whitten w. Pugh ......... C Sidney Whitten J. Hanlon ...... RG .... Rus Shivel~y c. Gaddis ...... RT ...... Bob Green G. Grafton ..... RE ..... Bus Johnson R. Leahy ....... LH ... Neil Chandler H. Fisher •...... RH ... John Lambert T. Sherman ..... FB .. Dwight Raines J. Polston ...... QB. Wendel Handley

A fonner Peru stud•:Dt, Dorie Jones, is on his way to California with several companions.

Dorie has been et!lp;cyed by the Government as an inspector on the river work near the Rockport District, but as that is now complete, he is seeking other employment. While in California, Dorie expects to visit Bob Benson also a former student. Benson will be remembered for his outstanding playing on the Peru "Bobcat" football team. Bob Benson is a brother of Phyllis Benson now attending Peru.

LOOK COLLEGIATE With Haircuts from BOB KNAPPS (The Student's Barber) Next To Collin's Rooming House

Alluring Styles in Shoes For Fall-at

Homeyers Shoe Store Nebraska City


Nemaha County Abstract Co. - ~ Blankenship, President William l ed from Pete 197 1 his Masterne 44 Auburn, Nebr.

A faded picture, yellow with age, .was unearthed by W. E. Crownover .of Syracuse a few days ago. The picture, Peru State Normal's first football team organized ,in 1887, is shown above, with Mr. Crownover, who played fullback, third from the left in the bottom row. The bearded gentleman in the center ; 0 the rear row was the ,referee. Mr. Crownover doesn't remember the names of many of the men in the picture, but he'd like to have them if any otie,knows who they are. This Peru football team was organized 50 years ago, before the University of Nebraska had a football team.-News-Press Engraving. .




;THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN . -..........-"""'",....,,,"""".,,.,.,._,.._..;__


Well folkses! I'm disappointed in you. I hear tell that they's them as thinks Twitterbones' puns_ are lousy-incidentally maybe that's what ails our football team too. Quick Henry !-the twit!! All of which goes to prove maybe you're right. Today your old Uncle has a surprise for you in. the way of stuff that makes gossiP:,columnists famou&-and dead. The first one to turn a complete list of the correct answers to the Pedagogian will receive one dollar in cold, hard (to get) cash. It can't Happen Here-or don't you? What promising senior lad, with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth was secretly married just before school started? What do you know about a certain red-headed student who has entered school under an assumed name?-and why?


The following article, re-printed from tht Falls City Journal, is about a former Peru student, on the campus during 1934-3B. Mrs. Ogle will be remembered here as Edith Mitchell. While attending Peru she received the Kappa Deta Pi mention as the freshman student most likely to succeed professionally. She held a scholarship from Falls City and played violin in the college orchestra. Falling from a load of corn fodder, Mrs. Forrest Ogle, 20-year-old bride of a few months, was fatally injured yesterday afternoon in the Dawson vicinity. Mrs. Ogle tumbled from atop the load of fodder when the car driven by her husband negotiated a corner at the Bethany church, five miles south of Dawson. Hearing his wife's body strike the ground, Ogle immediately stopped his machine, picked her up and carried her . mto Rev. D. H. Sill's parsonage. Dr. Ernest Lennemanna was summoned from Dawson and he announce•:! after an examiation that Mrs. Ogle had suffered a broken neck. The accident happened about 4 o'clock and three hours later, Mrs. Ogle passed away.

I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

Who owns the green sox left hanging on the mantle of the dorm fireplace?-and where is he now? Can you describe the smug looking upperclass girl who is wearing an extra special good looking diamond around her neck on a gold chain? What faculty member has a two- The victim was the daughter-ofID. headed brother? (We exempt Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mitchell of Falls City. Heck from all suspicion). Her father said today that she had Having gone as far as space and the been r - 'ing on top of the fodder mereeditorial board will permit, your old ly as a ark. He explained that she had Uncle bids you fond farewell with the been l 1rn and reared in town and that hope that this will have died down she was greatly enjoying living on a sufficiently by next week to enable him farm. to come to visit you again. The accident occurred between the SAD SOUND! THE GURGLE you hear when your straw hits bottom of our Ice Cream Soda and Goober Whip, tut you can always order another. Hills Drug Store.-Adv.


PLEASURE REAPING-Faculty ad- Y. w. and Y. M. Meeting upperclass spon- Features Oratorical Contest



Freshman clubs are being organized last week and this. Miss Tear, who started the freshman club movement several years ago and who is general adviser of the clubs, is working diligently getting them started. Advisers and upperclass sponsors have been se.. lected, and officers of the clubs will be announced soon. Following are a list of the respective clubs and their sponsors. Clubs meeting Thursday at 7:00 p. m.KODAK-Faculty adviser, Mr. Huyward; upperclass sponsor, Roy Lively; Meet in Sl04. PERSONALITY - Faculty adviser, Miss Brackney; upperclass sponsor, Marcella Karpisek. Meet in Tll.O. SCRIBBLERS-Faculty adviser, Mrs. Baker; upperclass sponsors, Marjorie Harris and Norman Littrell. Meet at Mrs. Baker's home. FINGER PRINT READING-Facul-

Fidelity Old Line Insurance Co.

Gil mores'

Clarence S. West, General Agent 117 No. 8th St. Nebraska City

A Dependable Store Dry Goods, Women's Wear and Millinery


Below Barnes Drug Store



Auburn, Nebraska

Welcome Alumni Peru Lumbc r Go.

& McKnight


Attorneys ERNEST F. ARMSTRONG JOHN P. McKNIGHT Nebraska. Auburn,


C. P. Murphy

DR. GLEN H. JODER Surgeon and Physician Milstead Corner Office 33 Phone Res. 39



Auburn, Nebraska

Candy Kitchen



Auburn Theatre



The Busy Bee Cafe

HEIDI WITH JEAN HERSHOLT Arthur Treacher Helen Westley Pauline Moore Thomas Beck Mary Nash Sidney Blackmer


· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---·---·-·-·

The story loved by millions the whole world over ..... . A PICTURE TO HOLD FOREVER IN YOUR HEART SHIRLEY TEMPLEY in

4 days Starting Oct. 17,18.19,20



Life Insurance Policy, -Especially adapted for students.

Admission lOc & 25c


I Auburn



Welcome Alumni


The Peru Bakery







William Brr.uy, Jerome Cowan Thelma Leet:s, and a Hundred new fa~es!

Interesting things happened behind the scenes at last T.;esday evening's broadcast. At the most inopportune time, Miss Knoflicek's violin string broke just a minute before she was due to go on the air. However, Mr. Jindra came to the rescue and loaned her his violin which was tuned and ready to go. Hanging out the sign, "Do not disturb," the editor of the Pedagogian of the Air, Miss Julia Jean Plasters, fell asleep immediately after her part of the program. Broadcasting must be very tiring when it is possible to fall asleep in the studio while a good program is going on about you.






Investigate our special

of 1937



Latest hair styles. Ruby's Beauty Shoppe, Phone No. 9.-Adv.


Office, 1006 Central Ave. Phone 378



Soft Water Shampoos. Ardyth's promenading, a h!larious Beauty Shop. Phone 223.-Adv. story game led by Mrs. Dunning, a report of the outline of programs for FOR STYLE, QUALITY, AND Girls Club this year by Blanche FreeFIT IN SHOES man and dancing, made the Girls Club HO MEYERS meeting, Wednesday evening, October 6• a true "Night of Fun." SHOE STORE Nebraska City, Nebr. One night monthly is the present allowance for the cluQ:s "Fun Night." Gamma Chi ls the name -Yoted to replace "Girls Club" as the organization title. THE MARDIS STORE

New Faces,

M. R. Ingersoll, Prop. 1112 J. Street Auburn WE INVITE YOU

Ulll J St.,




This evening, Tuesday, at a joint meeting of Y. W. and Y. M. the second original peace oratorical contest ls being held. The following organizations were expec_ted to enter representatives: C. C. A., Y. W. C. A. Everetts, Sigma Tau Delta, Freshmen, Philos and Dramatic Club.

! Circle

OCTOBER 14-15-16

Grend Central Barber Shop


qirls Club Frolics

Peru Theatre

fun Behind the Mike

A "CLENE" Shampoo-that new shampoo that contains neither soap nor oil, yet lathers freely in hard water, leaving your hair so lustrous and softWith Eallh of mt& :MONTGOMERY'S ft'fLID ftNGER

Meet at Miss Petersen's home. ·CRAWDADS-Faculty adviser, Mr. Baller; upperclass spon8or, Ray Ke!logg. Meet each Monday at 7:00 p. m. in the pool.

ty adviser, Dr. Ware; upperclass sponsor, Elizabeth Glosser. Meet 2 and 4 Thursday at 7:00 p. m. PERU PLAYER&-Faculty adviser, Mr. Moore; upperclass sponsors, Glema Miers, and Doris Prichard. Group leaders are: Gerald Fichter; Gale Carter; Ardist Christian; Virginia Trively; Louise Matthews; Jeanne Wagner; Vivian McKimmey, Marie Williams. Meet 2nd and 4th Thursdays in Auditorium.

farm of Mrs. Ogle's husband and that of his father, John Ogle. Born in Falls C'ity November 25, f916, Mrs. Ogle received her diploma at th~ high school here -in 1934 and attended Peru State Teachers' college during the 1934-'35 school term. She was married last April 21. Surviving besides her husband and her parents are two sisters, Mrs. Francis White. Stella, and Miss Lola Mitchell, at home, and a brother, Roy Mitchell, at home.

So the managing wheels of the backstage machinery would run smoothly, business, advertising make-up, staging Funeral services were held Monday and properties committees for the with the Rev. Sill officiating. Interhomecoming play. "Through the Keyment was in Steele cemetery. hole", were appointed at the Dramatic Club meeting of Thursday, October 7, by president, Charles Parnell. Teachers Association The group decided, also, to present a Meets October 28 skit before the Peru-Wesleyan game, The Nebraska State Teachers' Assowith Gerald Fichter chairman, Dick ciation will begin its meetings on OcSlagle, Gale Carter, Eleanor Hemphill, tober 28, this year. Faculty members M. E. Werner and M. E. Slack, making of Peru State Teachers' College will atthe necessary arrangements. tend sessions of the convention and The rest of the meeting was an inclasses on the Peru campus will recess formal program of skits and blackouts, planned by Jean Plasters, program accordingly. Classes will not recite chairman. rom October 28 till November 1.

I viser, Miss Petersen; I sor, Martha Wilson.

Opposite the Training School

H. U. Landolt 13 PHONE 78" -·-.

Peru, Nebr•



ome 73 l'.Ph Scott

"' ~ ~~ ~







eru Homecoming Spirit Unchecked By Rain DECORATIONS BEDECK ENTIRE CAMPUS Cheery greetings, hearty handshakes and back-slapping prevailed this week end when the "old grads" came back once more for Homecoming. Although the weather was inclement, and the attendance thus somewhat smaller than usual, everyone that came had the 'usual enjoyable time. The campus was festively arrayed in streamers and penants; Peru's blue and white mingled with the yellow and b.rown of Wesleyan. Those who st.syed at the Dorm were very 1)1Pa$ed to see the li'l'hted welcome 5l~r; abow t!,e steps of Eliza Mo~gan Hall One of the oustanding features, proved to be "Coffin Corner" This was situated in the center of the campus, and was in the form of a graveyard for Wesleyan. There was a tombstone for each player on Wesleyan's first team with a suitable epitaph for each one. Here is the lineup in "Coffin Corner": "Dead End". Wotipka; "Tickled to Death," Ellis; "Caught Off Guard", McNickle; "Coffee Cooled", Critchfield; "Expired", Breasch; "Kicked Off,'' Lay; "Gone Wit!J. the Wind," Williams; "Quartered and Halved," Davies; "Deceased," Bradley; "Passed Out," Burroughs; and "Death Penalty", Ralston. The Bobcat, the college. mascot, was not frogotten either. His cage was gay!y decorated with the letters P. S. 'I'. c. in blue and white. Friday night an enthusiastic group of students and alumni led by the band marched to the business section of Peru, and held a pep rally. After yelling and singing around the big bonfire. the students and former students went to the Music Hall to dance. It was~necessary to transfer the dance to the gymnasium in order to accommodate the large crowd. The alumni registered in the college office Saturday morning. Although many failed to register, there were 68 names in the book. Some came from as far as Chicago, Illinois. About onehalf of the 1938 graduating class was here, but there was only on~ representative from the class of 1897. This was M. A. Sams, who now lives in Lincoln. Saturday afternoon at the football game between Wesleyan and Peru, golden footballs dangled from everyone's lapel and blue feathers protruded from everyone's hat. Many came through the chilly downpour wrapped in cellophane, and others sat huddled together with blankets on their shoulder to watch the muddy struggle. The rain did not dampen the school spirit in the least, and the peppy crowd was overjoyed when Peru "got Wesleyan's goat." Saturday evening the Dramatic Club presented the comedy "Through the Keyhole," which furnished real enthusiasm for everybody. The climax of the Homecoming activ!ties was reached when many went to the gymnasium to dance to the muof Dave Haun and his orchest!'a

es eyan Calendar Committee Reorganizes Schedule Due to the fact that the daily schedule has been reorganized, the Calendar Committee found .it necessary to curtail some extra-curricular activity hours and has arranged the calendar as follows for the regul~rly scheduled events: First Monday Night in Month 7-8 Alpha Mu Omega. 8-9 Tri Beta, Music Club. Second Monday· Night in Month. 7-8 Kindergarten. Primary Club, Epsilon Pi Tau, Lamba Delta Lamba. Third Monday Night 7-8 Alpha Psi. 8-9 Kappa Delta Pi. Fourth Monday Night 7-8 Kappa Phi, Scholarship club. 8-9 Pi Omega Pi, Pi Gamma Mu. Every Monday Night 7-8 Crawdads. First Monday 10:30 a. m. W. A. A. and "P" club. Second Monday 10:30 a. m. Meeting of all classes. Third Monday 10:30 a. m. Preshman Council. Fourth Monday 10:00 a. m. Separate Convocation. EVery Tuesday Night 7-8 Y. M., Y. W., 0. C. A. Every Tuesday Night 8: 30 to 9 :00 Broadcast. Second Wednesday Night 7-8 Gitls' Club, entire group. Third W~dnesday Night. 7-8 Residence G~ls. Every Thursday Night. 7-8 Freshman CluiJs. First Thursday Night 8_9:30 Dramatic Club. Second Thursday Night 8_9:30 Philo and Everett. Second. Frid:iy 11:30 a. m. Dramatic Club bt1~iuess meeting. The · calendar of special events will be made up when the committee meets again October 20.

DORM INITIATION NOT SO SEVERE "Dorm initiations ain't what they used to be." That was the opinion of the alumni upon looking over the limitat!ons laid down by the "unmerciful" council members for freshmen girls from October 12 to 13. The unruoghed martyrs, attired in unbelted print dresses struggled with suitcases in the dorm and were ordered to keep complete silence upon the campus. Some braids appeared but made a hasty retreat. A few girls ate bread and gravy from Chairs while others mounted ladders to vocalize. The annual date night was well attended by the man-hunting females with their booty. Kate Bartling start~d a green wave surging over the crowd by triple threatening the rest of the contenders w1th prizes, 'I'urner, Nelson and Dean. Kangeroo Kourt was eliminated this year, so in its place the Freshmen of .. fered a program of songs and dance, a Margaret Williams interview and !m!tations by Margaret Henderson. J?byl!is Benson acted as master of ceremonies.

Elizabeth Bartling, Katherine's sis· ter, is attending the University of Nebraska. William Plucknett, who was gradu- Mildred Speedie, graduate of '36, ls from Peru last spring, is working working at the Lincoln School Supply his Master's degree at Ames. Company ,as secretary.



Bobcats Defeat Wesleyan In Homecoming Game

Editors of the 1938 Peruvian, Frederick Wolter, editor, and James McAllister, business manager, cut short their stay at the sixteenth annual MAJORS PUNTS meeting of the Collegiate Press Asso- Miller·K orb er ciation, held at the Medinah Club, in Marriage Announced PERU TO VICTORY Chicago, to begin their work on the Miss Ardith Miller, daughter of Mr. Behind the great kicking of Tommy coming year book by covering the and Mrs. Burdette Miller of DavenMajors, the Peru Bobcats Satur~y homecoming events. port became the bride of Chester defeated the Wesleyan Plainsmen 7-6. Doctor Ware who accompanied Wol- Korber, son of Mrs. Ella Korl;~r cf The game was played in a constant ter and McAllister, remained in Chi- Deshler, Saturday at 9:00 a. m. at the rain and was well attended by the cago to attend the remaining sessions home of the bride's parents. Rev. Homecoming crowd. of the convention. Charles Mccorkle officiated. The Peru started goal ward early in the Objective of the Collegiate Press house was beautifully decorated with first quarter but lost the ball on Association CQJlvention is to give some autumn flowers.. downs. Not to be· denied the Bobcats views on the modern trends in year The bride was attired in an ensembook editing. ble of golden yellow with brown acWolter, when asked how he had pro- cessories. She wore a corsage of flted by attending the convention swainsonia and dwarf marigolds. said, "There were very interesting and A breakfast for nine followed the profitable round-table discussions. We ceremony. The table was centered had a chance to inspect the outstand. with a bouquet of geraniums and ing r.nnuals that were published last white clematis. Mr. Korber and his bride left after ret..r." the breakfast for a brief trip. They McAllister said that he had obtainGAME CAPTAIN SHIELDS ed several new advertising plans which will make their home in Superior he hopes to use this year. "I was quite where Mrs. Korber is a typing instruc- started sending Platenberg through impressed by the sky-line scene at tor and dramatics coach and M:r. Kor- the large holes the line was opening. night," was "Mac's" reply as· to· what ber ls manual arts instructor and bas- Plat's driving knees pounded to the ketball coach. Wesleyan 7 in a series of first downs. he thought of the "Windy City." Mrs. Korber Is a graduate of the Platenberg was injured in the phy University of Nebraska and a member that put the ball within striking distof Phi Beta Kappa. Mr. Korber ls a ance. graduate of Peru . Normal where he Game Captain Shields then took ovbelongs to Phi, Lamba Alpha frater- er and crashed over· for the touch .. nity. down. Stark plunged for the point that later meant victory. "Thru the Keyhole," a Dramatic Wesleyan came back by looping a Club production, which was said to Sigma Tau Delta long pass which was good on the Peru have caused hundreds of hearty guf- Holds Book Review 8. 'lwo downs later otto swept Peru's faws, reached only half that number Books, books, and more book;;, blg- left end for the touchdown. The try when presented to a Peru audience, ma Tau Delta had a book-review last for point failed. October 16; however, due to an excel- week; planned to publish another The half ended 7-fl as the hea v;r lently directed cast the play was pro- magazine; and discussed forming !l downpour continued to fall on the nounced a success. reading club. The meeting was the spectators. Glema Miers, as a seventy-year-old regular monthly one, held in the MuThe second half turned into a kicksnooper, gave a convincing perform- sic hall. ing duel with Majors keeping Wesleyance as Grandma Tierney, and was Marvin Schacht gave a review of the an back on their heels. responsible for the majority of laughs. book "My Ten Years in a· Quandry" by Peru .booted on first down and WesIn ~pite of the play's grandmother Benchley. Mrs. Dunning, Elaine Shadomination Grace Hnlzda In the per- fer, Marjorie Stevenson, Marie Wien- leyan returned the kick on second son of Joan the French maid, neatly eke and Charles Parnell gave a round down. Wesleyan got the breaks of the walked away with every scene, ignor- table discussion on the much discussed game when they blocked a punt-and ing the competition of veterans Weber, novel, "Gone with the Wind" by Mar- when one of Majors' punts slipped and Prichard and Williams. Miss Hnizda, garet Mitchell. Dr. Smith gave a went out of bounds. using an accent Maurice Chevalier short review of "Northwest Passage" Peru, however, was able to knock could call his own, portrayed a cnarm· by Kenneth Roberts. down the barrage of passes that Weo· ing bit of foreign evasion with a sub- Miss Marjorie Stevenson was pro- leyan let fly whenevert hey got ;vithtle touch of artistry. gram chairman, and the refreshment in scoring range. Clearer diction than any other committee was under the direction of Punches, Douglas and Greathouse member of the cast was displayed by Eleanor Hemphill. were outstanding in the hard-charging blonde Ruth Wilson in the role of This year's magazine to be publish- Peru line. While Platenberg, Shi.elds, heroine Mary Tierney. ,ed by Sigma Tau Delta, may contain and Majors dmninated the backfield. Robert Weher inaug1lrated a new .pther material than verse, of which it Otto and Bradley led the Wesleyan type of role for himself, a jump from has been made up previously. This attack. straight comedy to a male lead, Ex- magazine, "Sifting sand", was estaperienced Mr. Weber made a smash blished two years ago by the frater- First Class Rating hit by discreetly dropping a vase n!ty, to further interest In writing on To '37 Peruvian which wouldn't break and carefully the Peru Campus. · 'I'he 1937 Peruvian has upheld the ad libbing to carry the play on. Forming a reading club was also awards given a long line of year-books Harold Prichard and Maree Will- discussed. A separate club may be before it by receiving first-class honor iams became excellent chizzlers as formed within the fraternity to meet rating for colleges with less than 500 Gheir roles demanded. the d'esires of those wishing to broad- enrollment. One of the highest aT1J.e cast of characters was as fol· en their reading. mong the first class books, it was givlows: This year's officers are: Mary Dall- P.n 740 points. Forty points more than Grandma Tierney ...... Glema Miers as Harris, president; Marjorie Steven- the minimum first-class standard. William .............. Robert Weber son, vice-president; Charles Parnell, Due eredi t should be given to Miss Joan . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Mary Hnlzda secretary. Johnson, Mr. Burke and the members Genevieve Van Camp.Maree W!Jliams of theit staff for their successful book. Archie Van Camp .. Harold Prichard GERALD FICHTOR Mary Tierney .......... Ruth Wilson HEADS JUNIORS SENIORS ELECT Jim Tierney .............. Dean Karr Gerald Fichter was chosen to lead JEROME SNYDER George Allen ........ , LeRoy Redfern the. junior class at a meeting of the Jerome Snyder was elected president The black and silver modernistic class after convocation on Moll\lay, of the senior class at an election of set was designed by Charles Parnell October 11. officers held Monday morning, Octoand painted by Helen Larson. Mary other officers elected were: ber 11, after convocation. Katharine Hanlon was student direc- Eleanor Niemann . . . . Vice President Other officers elected were: Leslie tor and Gerald Fichter acted as bus- Maxine Galbraith . . . . . . . . . Secretary Oppenheimer, vice president, Ray Keliness manager. Willis Wirth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer logg, secretary-treasurer.

Throughlhe Keyhole Enjoye~ By Homecomers


The Peru Pedagogian

Werner Wins Y. W.C.A. Oratorical Contest

Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Winning Essay Entitled Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. "No Short-cut to Peace" $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents. Mary Lisabeth Werner won the ADVERTISING RATES oratorical contes~ sponsored by the Locals, l!f cents per line Display 20 cents per inch. International Relations Group of the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y. W. C. A. with the following oration, "No Short Cut to Peace." STAFF There is no short cut to peace. You Editor ....................................... Norman Littrell and I shall die looking over a world Make-up Editor .............. ; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Harold Prichard saying, "There is no slick, swift scheme Sports Editor .............................. ·Junius McCowan that will bring peace." Perhaps, some Sponsor .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . Mrs. Gilbert Brown day the world will achieve a central administration controlling whatever Business Manager . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . Bill Bischof force is necessary for international government in the form of international police, and different nationaliREPORTERS ties will have surrendered not all their Edith Willey .......................... Mary Lizabeth Werner sovereignty, but one useless and disVirginia Trively ................................ Glen Sheely astrous item in it-the right to exerMargaret Saville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ralpha Randolph cise violence. Ollie Purucher ................................ Gladys Nofsger How close are we to this political Ruth Crone . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. Barney Barisas Utopia? The bird of war having nipped Europe, let's look at the stauchness and accuracy of the slingshots of HOMECOMING PLAY that continent. A Chicago correspondent for a newspaper just back Each year the Dramatic Club goes out on a limb and sponsors from Berlin, observed recently that as the Homecoming play. Year after year the plays have been suc· a whole, Europe wants peace and secessful-a tribute to the Dramatic Club. curity. But each nation has its own definition of the words. However, he It is our opinion that the Dramatic Club is making a monu· found greater courage and less pessiment for itself through the fine work which its members present rni~m in Lh~ nations across the sea. to the campus. Toe general opinion is that military · :a~Jt~res Dr.~ lW'.J ~~ary to enfor:.:' Professor Nabors was the "man behind the scenes" for six ;eacc, so rearmament is generally ac · years, and we feared his absence would retard the fast growing ceptrd. organization-but lo, a dynamic Professor Moore stepped in and is '.!J,e Spa.ni·•h conflict is demonstrntgoing ahead from where Professor Nabors le.ft off. So it's still ing how difficult it is to win a war rapidly. In Germany, there is nu real "ever upward" for the Peru Dramatic Club. push for war beca:rne Hitler want.s the fruits .1f victory without the expense. The general staff in Ge,.many FRES HIE believes in winning a war in three A word that makes first year girls think of "Roses are red'' months, so usually declares war in and causes boys to "Button". August when the harvest has be.sun, A word that upper-classemen and grads speak of with fond the conscripts many, ~.nd the we~\her fine. Since Germany has just finish· smiles. ed harvesting the poorest of four meA word that designates lowliness-yet honor. diocre crops. shortag·i of food supply A word that is symbolical of years of tradition. will keep Germany from starting anyYou Freshies of today may deem your lot hard, but in years thing this winter, at least. to come you will chuckle as you recall incidents that happened What of Italy? Mussolini believes during initiation. You will drag out the old green hat and tell Hitler to be a cheap German imitati.on of an Italian masterpiece, yet he plays Junior of the time you greased the flag pole just before Homecomvisiting fireman to Hitler who holds a ing, mutual contempt and suspicion for You will chuckle as you tell of how you were picked to sing the Wild Man of Europe.


it is scattered over the earth in the person of its citizens, markets, inPHILO-EVERETTS vestments, so any sat!on fighting any war calls it a war of self defense. Defensive war is the sp!lling of the blood Philos Hold Fair of men to defend an economic inter"Whoo-gie, ee,- hogie-ee, hogie"est in Asia or a market in Europe. The that's just the music of the most arevil of war may be uprooted by enacting legislation which equalizes the tistic hog, generally known as Gale . d Carter, who was awarded a championburdens of war by draft mg money an . . . . t ·1 b ship ribbon at Ph1lomathean Literary ma ena s as we11 as men; y pass1ng , Soc!eymeemg t t· Th d · urs ay evening, a tax law. which will comb the last October 14. vestige of profit from war." The duck having the longest fei>othIt is essential that we have larger ers, the hen with the lightest foath~ education on the causes and results of ers, the cow possessing the largest war. and acknowledgements of the uthoof, -all these and more were ater futility of the ends sought by war. warded ribbons at this make-believe War is futile. We entered the last 4-H fair. war to end the menace of Germany. We pushed peace treaties on spiked After the evening's prize winners helmets-treaties unread before they were exhibited, a taffy pull was fl were signed: We conquered Germany. sweet stretch before adjournment. Oh, yes, and now Germany, after a few years, marches again armed to the .teath. How efficient war is! We saved the world for democracy. We guaranteed the credit of the Allies with war. We've been gypped-hopelessly cheated. The glorification of war must be chucked for a deep-seated indignation against the brutal imbecility of confiict. We are no longer old-fashioned enough not to know a modern war on a large scale rn:eans universal con.Script!on. universal regimentation, a tolalitarian state leading to a dictatorship-that means curtains for Democracy. The greatest single enemy of Democracy today is neither Communism nor Fascism-IT IS W.AR. ~-----------­



Investigate our special. DOLLAR-A-MONTH

When bigger and better B men are made, Heinke w!II bumble 'em. A lot of nonsense now and then is relished by the best of men. We'll take mustard. Irma Dopp: "Why don't they make men out of cellophane; then I could see through them better?" Most popular extra-curricular act!vity: Bench-warming. Suggestion for nick-name for Trentholm: Skipper-because she has water on the brain. For Christmas, why .doesn't someone give Bertie Boom a scarf-or· whatever they call those things they put on cars Nomination for a star: Boatman. He comes out and shines at night. Advertisement for the oratorical contest: Mythic quote. Profes5or Heck "All history references are scrap books."

the dorm girls or of the time you were asked to demonstrate The world shrugs realizing if the proper inducement came along. both "Buttoning" for a group of girls. Yes, class of '41-the Freshies' life of today will become part would let each other down promptly. Ital~ .does want form~! ~nd legal recof the fond memories of tomorrow. ogmt10n of the Ethiopian conquest, which she won't get in spite of friends in Geneva. Mussolini shouts at home ERWIN JUILFS his meddlings in the Spanish volcano Overheard: "She's like Venus: Beau, It is our purpose to pay tribute each week to someone who is is to save the world from Communism.\ tiful and dumb." The Spanish War is of Fascism fight- There's always the type of fellow who advancing Peru. We will do so through editorials. ing social justice Britain realizes punctuates "good-night" with a coma This week we pay tribute to the power behind Homecoming the dangers to her imperial interests Day. The student who so masterfully handled by the occupation of Italy in Spain, B. Y. P. U. HOLDS and also, that Santa Claus isn't re- ANNUAL BANQUET the chairmanship of the Student Advisory sponsible for the recent piracy epl- The annual B: Y. P: U. hoiiiecomCommittee-Erwin Juilfs. Erwin, a senior, is sodes, so is continuing a reaarmament ing banquet was held in the Baptls t the blonde you saw hurry-scurring everywhere proyram. The pop-eyed dictator still Church Saturday evening. Ralph laobrs under the delusion that non-agbefore ,and on Homecoming Day. A sample of gressive countries are weak and divid- Chatelain acted as toastmaster. Miss DOnna Jane Delzell was n Erwin's work as chairman would show steps ed and won't strike back so he plays warded the prize· for returning the games similar to those of 1914. The to see that: a program is planned, souvenirs are powers primarily interested in peace greatest distance. She came one hun dred and ninety-five miles to tie· pres secured, decorations are completed, a band is secured and a rally will no doubt call his bluff a little ent· at the Homecoming: banquet. is planned. On the side Erwin works in the library. more frequently to stave 'Off war. The program was as follows: The way America can stay out of Songs ............ , .. .. . .. .. .. .. All Mr. Juilfs is also an important member of the radio staff. war, then is to keep the world out.of Welcome ............ DOrothy Snider war. War may be hindered if we pass Response . . . . . . . . Genevieve Parriott an ironclad law James Pope has usgTrio . . . . . . . . . . . "Beautiful Dreamer" "To Varich" by Jacques Devalgested "to the effect-should any adRuth Sutorlous, Gladys Nofsger ' An idealistic, romantic comedy. A ministration fail to keep the United Virginia Trively. BOOK WORM MENU Russian general and a. grand duchess States out of war, the first persons to Talk .................. Rev. Timmons be killed would be ten senators, chosen are delighted to get positions as serby lot, ten representatives, and one- KAPPA OMICRON PHI Students! Again we bring to your vants in a banker's house. Th~y wue half of the president's cabinet." It ~ttention a list of three new books. wearied of living in poverty in Paris. doesn't seem so foolish when we con- HOLDS INITIATION AU· books in this week's list have a sider the millions of boys who would Kappa Omicron Phi home econom "Escape to the Tropics" by· Desmond be done to death in a war. Let mill- ics fraternity ·.held their fall init!at!on rental charge of 10 cents. Next week Holderidgeions of our citizens declare themselves of new menrbers In the ·Training we will list some books which are free An account of how two young peo- unwilling to be used as common fodStltool building Saturday morning nt of rental charge. ple gathered together their savings der. ten o'clock. "Crucible'.' by Ben Ames Williams-- and went off to the Virgin Islands, to But the cry is, "What if our nation Eleanor Hemphill, Ruth SutoriouS, The story of the testing of a Boston live with greater content on a fraction .was attacked?" Wouldn't so auhyer and Maxine Ailfenkamp ·were advanc family by the father's arrest and con- of what it cost in New York. Later was attacked?" wouldn't you share in ed to active . membership. Jeanue viction, on circumstantial evidence, of they bought a boat in which they vis- war when it might be a war of self Wagner was tn!tiated a8 a pledge. murder. The strain upon their loyal- ited other islands in the Carribean. defense, Idaho's senator answered tha~ The group then came to the Moun t ty showed each member's character as Holderidge tells the story with great question like this: "No nation exists Vernon dining hall where they were each one reacted to fear and scandal. gusto and contaglou~. enthusiasm. within its geographical boundaries- served the initiation ·dinner.







Everetts Initiate New Members Thirty-seven new members were initiated into the Everett Literary Society. Thursday evening, October 14. Mary Ellen Slack, president and Ray Kellog, vice president were in charge of initiation. A short program was presented ty Howard Miller and Ed Nell Benson. Mr. :Miller sang two songs: "Thoughts" an! "On the Lone Prairie." Miss Benson played a violin solo, "Berceuse from Joslyn". by Goddard. Miss Margery Evans accompanied both soJoists. Plans were made for a hay rack ride next Saturday night. Hot chocolate and wafers were served at the close of the ;neeting.

Life Insurance Policy. E5pecially adapted for students. Fidelity Old Line Insurance Co. Clarence S. West, General Agent 117 No. 8th St. Nebraska City



Skelly Oil Co. Walter Kizer, Mgr.

DR. F. B. LORANCE Office, 1006 Central Ave. Phone 378 Auburn

Armstrong & McKnight Attorneys ERNEST F. ARMSTRONG JOHN P. McKNIGHT Auburn, Nebraska

CHAS. WILLS Taxi and Transfer Meets all Auburn buses & trains

Drink Coca Cola in Bottles COOL AND REFRESHING Nebr. City Bottling Works

Watch the BobcatsJJattle··KEARNEY Graf Sends Regards To Gilkeson

iPem Prep Defeats Coin In Fast Game

Peru· Wesleyan

"Tell those Bobcats of yours my heart is with. them everytime they don those · moleskir\s.," is the way former COIN CROSSES .coach Lon Graff expresses his loyalty, PUNTS FEATURE PERU GOAL LINE in a .letter to Coach Gilkeson, Lon's MUD BATTLE Coach Leonard Bell's Peru Prepstel's successor. In the punting duel between Peru r:Jlfeated Coin (Iowa) 21-6 here Fri- Lon is at present coaching football and Wesleyan, the Bobcats averaged oay. in' Glendale, California. 5Q yards. The Cats booted 18 times for a t0tal yardage of 895 yards. Peru's goal line was crossed for the Judg1·ng fro th·s tat t "the . . . m . 1 s emen, Wesleyan booted the ball 85-0 yards first time in 13 games. team has a fighting spirit and they in 19 tries for an average of 45 yards Coin's lone touchdown was scored fully appreciate .the fact that football per punt. in the second quarter when Whitmore, is a game where physical contact is Peru tossed three passes of which aided by good blocking, ran 30 yards permitted," Lon seems to be carrying only one was good. The total yardfor a touchdown. on work quit characteristic of his age from passing-12 yards. WesleyPeru scored two touchdowns in the former Bobcat fighting spirit. an threw 15 passes of which 10 were He ends his letter by asking Coach incomplete and one w.as intercepted first quarter, one when Polston got b Pu h t t 1 d f w 1 Gilkeson to "give my regards to all my Y nc es, o a yar age or . es eyaway for a 60-yard run, and the other old friends." · an from passing-42 yards. an end run with Fisher carrying the Peru fumbled twice and recovered ball. The ball was put in a scoring once, while Wesleyan: fumbled three position for the second touchdown aftimes and recovered each time. ter Polston intercepted a pass and I H.omecommg . H earsays 1 Peru was penaliz·ed 5 yards, and ran 55 yards before he was downed en I by Mary Liz Werner f Wesleyan was penalized 15 yards. the five-yard line. Fisher scored the I The Plainsmen gained 80 yards by


Game Statistics



:~~aP~~~~~ ~:::r t:e !~~n~.uchdown

. Peru's third touchdown was scored in the third quarter by a pass from Polston to Adams. Polston went through the middle of the line for the extra-point. Final score: Peru 21, Coin 6. A.dams ......... RE....... Anderson Hunzeker . . . . . . RT ........ · · · Fax Hanlon ........ RG .. : ...... Annan Pugh ........ · · · C · .. · · .. · · · Lucas Coul¥r ....... LG ........ Nelson Gaddis · · · · · · · · LT · · · · · Boardman G ft LE t ra on · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Sm! h Morris ........ RH ...... Marifold Leahy ......... LH ....... Lanison Fish FB Wh't etr ......... QB . . . . . . 1 more Pols on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gibson Substitutions: Peru, Kennedy, Sherman, Flau, Clemens, Umland, Dallam. Coin: Reed Potter, Boardman, Jamelon, Carroll. Officials: Place, Rothert, Dillon.


·---------------' Alma Mammy at last ...... and me for a frozen malt ...... guess who . . . . Hey look, Gessman, this is Kelly. . . . . . Evvy..... . Janie . . . . Ginney ...... Balloons . . . . footbaJ.ls . . . . feathers · · · ·nice fresh tickets · · · .. All together now g"~ls what' the matter • ~ • s with our alumni ...... Hello, don't look now but could we !Dorrow your co:w for just a second? ...... Pull up a pudd.le and sit down ...... I got'8. wring out my hat .... Look, Greathouse is being piggy, he wants to play with the ball by himself...... Here, little boy ...... I'll trade yoµ this nice, shining megaphone for yoUr umbrella ........ Whatta set! ...... Yup, this Grace Hnizda woman is really stealing the show ...... Hot darn, they're playing "Josephine".. . . . . Wow another pair of sued shoes bites the dust ......... . No bacon n eggs, Mr. Gilbert, just tomato juice.


Milam Greenhouses ****

Platenberg ..... RH ........ Ralston Stark . . . . . . . . . . FB • • . • . Burroughs Substitutiqns: Wesleyan - Ripley, Rister, Menke, Axford, Brugger, Smith Price, otto, Harrington, Magnuson, Lewis. Peru: Greene, Mort, Majors, LH>man, Adams, Barisas.

A letter from D. J. Na~ors, former member of the Peru teaching staff, now .at Ada, Oklahoma, where he is WE USE FRESH FLOWERS ONLY the head of the speech department in ne East Ce(rtral Teachers' College, to Jharles Parnell, gave some intere~ting GUARANTEED SATISFACTION information about Mr. Nabors' new position. Auburn Nebraska With the president of the college - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - abroad, Mr. Nabors says he has pretty much a free hand in the direction of his department. He has two assistants to help him with the work in the



The C~mpus Sho.ps ("Cat-a-comer" N. W. of Girls' Dormitories)

SCHOOL SUPPLIES Most Complete line of Fresh Merchandise at Lowest Prices Meets Requirements of All Instructors.

FOOD Here is where you'll find your Friends eating Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner-Sandwiches, Ice C~~~m, Pop, Candy, Etc.

Keara:ey Koming I T0Battle Bobcats

:--/-CA_T_S_C_A_G_E_I 1 By Junius Mccowan Letterman Delbert Nelson, better known as "Spec", lettered at the position of tackle during the seasons of '35-'36. I 'Spec'never i;1lay1 ed football before coming to Peru and has shown great im!'lrovement durinO' the past two y;ars. Coming from Julian, in the heart of the "hard work" part of the county, "Spec" weighed only 198, but since he had a government job during the past summer he came back to Peru weighing 235. He is the heaviest member o! the "Beef Trust" but not the slowest. "Spec" old boy, get that 225 pounds in gear against Kearney this FriJay and make up for the sound spanking we took last year.

rushini and lost 20 yards. They stabbed at the line 37 times and were Conference Game held for r\O gain 12 times. Their long- This Friday the 'cats play their firot conference game when they meet est gain was 13 yards. Kearney here at Peru. Last year Peru gained 100 yards from the line Kearney's war cry was "We want sixof scrimmage and lost 23 yards. The ty"--Peru was very stubborn and only Cats tried the line 31 times and were 11t ld for no gain 6 tunes. Platfnllerg·s gave them fifty-nine. Kearney's prospects are very good 15 yard gallop was the longesz rnn. Peru made 6 first downs to Wesley- thii year but if Peru beats them you can bet there will be some Peru felan's 7. The starting lineups: lows wearing white sweaters ar()und Wotepka next year. Hall · · · · · · · · · · · ~T... v Ellis Give 'em au you got Bobcats and Nelson . . . . . . . .u • • • .. • an Bridgewater . . . LG , •.. , . McNlckle win, loose, or draw there will be no Douglas ......... c ..... Critchfield kick coming. Pun h RG L c es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Y Mosley ........ RT ........ Brasch Victory. Greathouse . . . . 'RE· . . . . . . . ·Williams some ca11 i·t "luck," others ca11 it Shields (GC) . QB .......... Davis football. It was football that won SatVelvick . . . . . . . . LH .. ...... Dradle)' urday and you deserve the credit,


Complete selection of corsages, table boquets and funeral designs.



department. Mr. Nabors plans to do one comedy play ·and one play of a more serious nature during the semester, with a variety show, which is the equiva~ent of o~ Colle~e Parade, to be given sometime durmg the year. At present a greater emphasis is being placed on debate than on dram_a?i.QS. Sponsoring the Morace Mann Trainmg School debate team, which has been state high school champion, and supervising the Little Theater group. which is used as a filler for the Alpha Psi Omega frat.ernity, are some of Mr. Nabors' additional duties.

Epsilon Pi Tau Holds First Meeting

team. Keep in stride and Kan Kearney. Facts. Football is one of the oldest outdoor sports. Augustus Caesar saw football played. President Theo. Roosevelt helped to make football rules to keep the game from being ruled out. The rules were to make football safer. The term "gridiron" originated from the way football fields were marked off. Fields used to be marked off in squares ten yards in each direction. President Woodrow Wilson played football and later coached a university team. Football was once a game of kicking-and it was against the .rules of the game to run with the ball. The first running play was a mistake which had to be apologized for. William Webb became excited in a game and ran with the ball. The center of a football team used to pass the ball with" his foot. Blurr. · >''F Barney says he is going to take his glasses along to the bench some day so he can see the game.


~e you next week.

AHLBERG, MORT WIN PUPPIES The "Duchess of Windsor" although Miss Ahlberg's rightful property as the result of a raf!le will continue to i:eside at the Craig Kennels. Thus the tte for one of the bewildered pups raffled away for ten cents a punch by the Craigs, has been dished out by lucky Miss Ruth Ahlberg, owner 1;f the Duchess. The other Scotch terrier, owned by winner George Mort, has been sent to Mr. Mort's home town until he, (the dog is nameless as yet) "gets over his howling stage." More than 300 chances were sold on the animals.

Epsilon Pi Tau, industrial art fraternity, held its first meeting of the year Monday evening of last week, in the industrial arts building. An outline for the year's activities was made up, this being the main topic of business which was discussed. Bernard Barisas was elected chairman of the activities committee. Plans are under way for a reception D. D. stonecypher, M. D., Nebraska to those eligible for membership in the City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Glasses fitted. Phone 144.-Prof. Card. • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . : organization. Cosmetics, Films, Peru Views, Stationery, Items for Room Decorati(ln, Gifts, Etc.

Phone 12

PERU PROMISES PLENTY OF FIGHT FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! that's what it's going to be Friday night when the Peru Bobcats, who by the way seem to have grown a new set of claws, meet the Kearney eleven, who are l'lnder the direction of "Pop" Kline. You should remember him from last year's basketball game. This football game should be a hard fought game, as the Bobcats will attempt to atone for the slashing 59-0 defeat of last year. The rivalry between the two schools plays an important part in every contest, as it seems to date back to "away back when". Kearney has won two games this year defeating McPhearson, Kansas, and St. Regis, Colorado. They lost to Hasting 13-6 and tied Wayne 7-7. Glance over the following results of clashes of years gone by and with a little reading between lines you will see reason for the fight next Friday. Let's. all be there to help the Bobcats fight! fight! fight!. Year . .. . . . . . . .. • Kearney Peru 1926 . . . . . . . . .. . . . 6.......... 34 1927 7.......... 19 1928 0.......... 21 1920 0.......... 45 1930 (No game) 1931 ... .... ... ... 0.......... 20 1932 .. . ... . . . .. . . o.......... 19 1933 . . . . . . . . .. . . . 0.......... 13 1934 ............. 0.......... 7 1935 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6........... 13 1936 .............. 50.......... 0 1937 ............. ? ......... .

Fowler Buys Interest In Peru Pointer After six years of teaching among the Santee Indians in Santee, Mr. Millard Fowler, former Peru student and Pedagogian editor, returned last summer to manage the Peru Pointer printing office which prints the Peru college paper as well as the Pointer. As evidences of his. good work in the Indian country .. Mr. Fowler brought with him contracts to publish two Inlian monthly papers. from the Rosebud country, as well as contracts for other job printing. Mr. Fowler in his six year stay among the Indians acquired a fair understanding of the Santee Indian language which especially qualifies him to do printing for the Santees. One of Mr. Fowler's outstanding accomplishments in printing among the Indians, was the publication of "The Niobrary Deanery's Episcopal service !look of Common Prayer." The book is bound in blue leather with a large gilded title, containing both English and Dakota prayers. Mr. Fowler has an excellent coaching ncord also, his team has won it~ dJ~­ trict basketball championship .for. four years, going to the state finals l!l '35. One of his former players is now playing with the Haskell Indians. Discontinuation of the private school system, under which Mr. Fowler was employed, was the cause of his leaving the Indian country. The government is now establishing day schools for the Indians on the reservations. Mr. Fowler obtained his printing equipment from the school in ':'!l1ich he ;10rk~rl. While attending Peru, Mr. Fowler served for three years on the Pedagogian staff, holding both the position of editor and business manager. "I don't mind teaching, but I guess I am Just a printer at heart," said Mr. Fowler, when asked why he did not seek a teaching position. Herbert Graves, who attended Peru in 1934-'35, and '35-'36 and was a member of ·the Pedagogian staff is taking a business administration course at Fresno, California this year.


H ' At h omecommg mosp ere i -I At RaII y Broadcas t Personality

CUTE SAYINGS train off the track. OF FRESHIES Martha Wilson-worked in !ibrar.1 at TWITTERBONES Some of the "stranger t.han fiction" Falls City. remarks freshmen answer In the space 'Tis the morn after Homecoming Club met Thursday, on the Freshman tests, have been Marvin Schacht-met a drunkard. And where ere Unk!e ·1ooks Shades of the "Rosebowl enthusi- October 14, and elected the following gleaned by the usual · .inquirin·~ ie- I Glenn Yont-v!ewed a six hundred His friends are all sleeping asm" rattled away for tuner-inners of officers: Grace Paul, president; Allee porter, with the following results: I pound snake at State Fair. surrounded J:iy books. Peru's October 12 pep rally broadcast. Jeffries, secretary; Stella Rogge, treas- Q.-What year was the signing of Ho hum! a string of week ends like -For the first time in this campus's urer. the Declaration of Independence? -------------RICE & THOMAS that wou!O. reduce your poor old uncle broadcasting "history" the auditorium, Miss Brackney is the faculty advls- Ans.-1918. tc a mere bone, but. wasn't it .fun see- overflowing with cheering students, er and MarcellaKarpisek is the upper- Q.-What document changed the 1 Barber Shop Ing all the old couples like: served as a broadcasting room to air class sponsor. Civil War from that of preserving tr;e WE INVITE YOU DOWN Normie "Grantland Rice" Littrell the Hazelton directed school band and -nation to a war for abollsh!ng slavery? Under Joder's Office and Mick Lammers. the cheer leading of Mayre Tangeman Math Club Works Puzzles Ans.-The Constitution. Kelly and "Cammer-dog" sweenie. and Clark Finney. Q.-By what document were the unMath Club had its second meeting of Helen .and "King" Kingsolver. St udent director Jerry Snyder pre- the year last Monday night . explored lands of the New World to be .Viv and Goergle "Towhead" Lytton. sented the men's quartette vocalizing divided?· Lorene and "Hero of the Harem." the color song, a .Wilber Shields and The meeting was in charge of Louis Ans.-The Declaration of IndependDR. GLEN H. JODER "St bo t" R y ld Coach Tolly of Humboldt interview on Pascal, who presented mathematical ence. Surgeon and Physician Hos and earn a e no s. puzzles before the club. (N. B.-to be wed in December) football prospects, and the ramblings Q.By what treaty did Germany surMilstead Corner "Hon" Hill and "Hon" Kerns. of Rusty, who appeared in person. A short business meeting was also render to the allies at the close of the Office 33 Ret. 39 Phone Elaine "Ma" Dodd and Bob "Pa" President Pate addressed the alum- held. World War? Badham. ni, welcoming them to the HomecomAns.-The Peace treaty. unexpected events: ing events. Early Elementary Q.-Who was the President of the We won the game! Julia Plasters gave another review Elects Officers confederate states of America? LOOK YOUR BEST Perdue and Galbraith (1 hr. 15 min. of. events as the editor of the Pedago- Musical games furnished the spice Ans.-Peary. late.) gian of the air, and the program was of the program at the meeting of the Q.-Who was the distinguished EuHAVE YOUR CLOTHES Benson barged 'bout by Barney. signed off with the girls trio singing Early Elementary Club Monday. ropean who visited China In the 13th I CLEANED BY L. D. Turner stuck in car-one block the color song. The following officers were electe1 century? Peru Cleaners & Tailors from dorm.-until z::m a. m. Coach Baller supervised the broad- for the ensuing year: Ans.-Jul!us Caesar. We Call & Deliver Phone 62 The way your friends went "sniff" cast and Erwin Juilfs handled the Lillian Humphrey . . . . . . . . . president Q.-Who was the outstanding and looked at you with a queer gleam sound affects. Bertie Boom . . . . . . . . . . vice president statesman of the 19th century? in their eyes when you cut-up on the Frances Hardy . . . . . . sec'y-treasurer Ans.-Adolph Hitler. ALPAGORA dance floor. The social committee is headed by Q.-Who was the hero of the battle HISTORY OF DORMS Bertie Boom, and her assistants are of New Orleans? TOP COATS All the Indians at the game i!1 BROUGHT TO LIGHT Ans.-Joan of Arc. blankets, feathers, and war paint Wilma Lichty, Marie Wieneke ai.d WARMTH which ran down their necks in How many people on the campus Hazel Buchanan. Without Weight streams. know why the dormitories are called Mrs. Howard Miller_ gave an inter- Miss Grace :Mary Petersen served a buffet supper to the library force at her Mount_ Vernon and Eliza Morgan? esting talk, and representatives from The way the dorm seemed so de- Because Homecoming and the things each class spoke on what the Early apartment Thursday evening. She was Others at ...... serted Sunday morning. · it brings with it put people in a his- El ementary Club has meant to them. assisted in serving by Miss Mary Dallas So your oll uncle leaves you now Harris. with just one suggestion, the reward torical mood the story shall be un-During the remainder of the evening, mentioned in last weeks issue is as wound: Art Exhibit following the meal, the guests told of 1 yet. unclaimed. Wqen the school was founded the Brings Out Talent Nebraska City Nebr. their most exciting experiences of the dormitor~ was calle~ Mount Vernon Using only leisure hour products, summer. ·They were as fellows:· · Hall. This, however, is not the present artistic Peru students and a few resi- Bob Weber~a trip to Missouri in a I day Mount Verno~. Th~ o~iginal ~as dents of Nemaha County, exhibited home-made trailer. I a smaller red bnck buildmg which pencil crayon, pastel and brush work Alfred Paul-rescued a kodak first, 1 CASUAL COLLEGIAN DR. EDGAR CLINE .1,______________ I stood where Mr. Gilbert's home now in the art department of the college then rescued the lady. stands. _recently. Pease• of the same Pod: Ruth Wilson Eula Redenbaugh - spllled salad AUBURN, NEBR. It was nan:ed for the hlll on which . Head drawings, still lifes, animal and starlet Alice Faye. dressing down a lady's back while servArt Buce from Suttgark, Arkansas. the campus is. located. The hill in I pictures, landscapes studies and figure ing a dinner. Office Phone 164 Res. Phone r,g where we thought REAL hillbillies turn had received its name from the drawings made their appearance. cemetery which at a later date was One of the most striking sketches Libbie Branson-a trip to Auburn hung out, quoth he never climbed what with "Charlie." moved to the present Cemetery Hill. was a pastel landscape of a drab he'd term a man's hill until he came Ethel Glosser-saw Ibsen's "Doll's to Peru.-Which statement shows Bob The first Mount Vernon, a rather farmyard, including an unpainted :aouse" produced in Sliver City, Colo. J. P. CLARK crude old building, burned to the barn with a white horse accented in Burns must be under the thumb of the Erwin Juilfs-viewed comet from colground in 1897. The fire was caused the foregrnund, painted by Elrwin Electric Shoe Shop North of Van Buren Ohamber of C'om:merce. lege observatory. by one of the small stoves by which Juilfs. Post Office Eventually-Why not paid stand-ins Leslie Oppenheimer-Ran a tractor each room was heated. o serve time for those individuals who into a four-foot ditch. Phone 109 In 1898 the new Mount Vernon Ball, are campused? Pat Harris-just missed knocking a the one now standing, was opened. For Our Album: The closeup• of The story of the other dormitory is hrilled Georgene Little receiving a much more simple, it having never sufboithday gift all gold ~~nd sweet smellfered from fire and the. like. ng. When the new hall was built it was Quick-like-a-Mouse Impulse: ·ro decided that it should be called Eliza Several string ensembles have been push the letters T and J away from organized. A string. quartet consisting Morgan in honor of the proprietress Majors on the Training School front. who served in this school from 1867 of Mildred Knoflicek, first violin; LuRecommended for evenings lac (ing cile Renner, second violin; V. J. Jinto 1898. n hiliarity: Mary Ellen Slack's wild dra, viola and Marian Johnson. cello. nte1rretation of Miriam Wiw;·1ow·s So today there stan•1 Mount Vernon is doing fine work. stag-at-Bay dance. Hall and Eliza Morgan Hall,colloquial- The violin quartet made up of Ed Open letter to the Public: ly known as the "new dorm" and the Nell Benson, first violin; Helen Mar· · "old dorm." We have invented a "device" for garet Larson, second violin; Marjorie watching football games, a boon to Trenholm, third violin and Mary candid camera hounds and nearslghted Girls Fun Night Alyce Vanderford, fourth violin plans ·~lllllllllll.l..~"'4:.q:#.~:6"'6.~f people. It is a portable grandstand Features Instruction to make an appearance soon. which ls suspended about three f€et A second violin quartet consisting of above the players. The floor of the Beware men-for "How to make Evelyn Anderson, Mary Mathews, Helobject is glass, and there is plenty of Love", a merry game played by the en Wilberger and Elaine Shafer is oom for bean shooters should the girls attending Fun night, Wednesday progressing rapidly. plays need to be speeded up. All we evening, October 13, made the girls need now ls hanging room. Please sup- well educated on the subject. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS SAY IT WITH OURS The piano ensemble und"r tl1e diport the cause. We of the Inventive Bridge instruction was also given, rection of l\1r. Benford has been orFLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS anagrams were played, and trucking Mind. ganized again and is doing fine work. ~ny season of the year cpsages and funeral designs our Example of Blue-Ribbon Diction: (some call it dancing) was enjoyed. 'I'hese young people receive much sight specialty. So practice your social accomplishDoris Prlchard's bit on the October 5 reading· training and learn to accomFROM THE GROWER TO THE CONSUMER ments, men, before you dare to venbroadcast. pany well. Should anyone need an acture out again. WE GROW OUR OWN Individual which simply does'nt hapcompanist see Mr. Benford, who will be Nebraska City pen: One who can nonchalantly wait glad to supply the same. !It the lirary desk for a book without Everetts Elect New Officers. twittering paper, reaching for a maga- Meeting after convocation Monday, Piano Classes Planned "' · . . . . zme or browsing in a blank portfolio. Octobe~ 4 t~e Everett Lite:ary Society There has been some inqtiirys made { II .I.III llll...$"6.:#.:6"'1.'.l"H.'.l'.I'.~~% Add to "People who Shouldn't Grad- elected. Lomse Mathews, ~1easurer and regarding· piano classes, and Mr. Ben- ~ ~-uate because of letdown after they're Kellogg as vice president. Other Iford requests that anyone interested gone": Blanche Freeman. officers elected last year are: Mary El- see him as soon as possible to get their 1









$2750 $2250 Wessel's

Music Notes

Place your orders early

for your Hallowe'en party

The Peru Bakery

Bertholds Greenhouses






\en Slack, \)resi.den: a~d Jean Wagn\Or, work started. A nu.mber have already secretary. Mrs. Kirk is s\)onsor oi t'ne si.gnecl tor t'ne Glasses. \~



Rev. :a. A. Talyor, who has taken the place of Rev. Harris at the Methodist Church, was introduced to the stu-

McMahons Move to Lincoln


Pate at Con-


~ ~



Alice Auxier Tests Theory ~ One of the outstanding Peru Singers, the who was graduated last year Miss "

:~~:ew~~m~~k:~~~!i~~~~et::~, ~~l~ ~~~~eryA~:~~i~e~p;:n~o~l~l:!stln~o~~~~~:i ·~ ~~ Shortly



Following the devotional by Rev. move to a new home purchased from Taylor. Mr. J. w. Tyler spoke on the Mrs. McMahon. values of extra curricular activities. Mrs. McMahon is moving to Lincoln where the younger children will enter Catherine Lima, graduate in '35 is school and Wilma wlll become a stunow a private tutor in Chicago. dent at the University.



Oc. tober -24-25-26



High Wi~e an~ Handsom·e

N. ebras ka C1•t y

Varsity S~ow


'~ ~




~ ~ ~ ~~

practiie at Hickman this year. 'I'he With Dick Powell and grade school pupils there are being Fred Waring and his Penn· taught the fundamentals of music at ~ WITH mENE DUNN sylvanians, Ted Healy, ~ regular daily periods. This will mean .: AND. RANDOLPH SCOTT Priscilla Lane ~ that high school music students will ~ ..~ have a better :'.oundation. ~111111.1.l.1"'#1~~:'6:~:1.~~:~~~~:.~



Kearney Antelopes Defeat Fighting Peru Bobcats Blocked Punts Prove Peru's Downfall Blocked punts caused a stubborn band of Peru Bobcats Friday to lose to a superior Kearney Antelope football team by a 14-0 score. Time after time Kearney drove down the field, only to be stopped by fumble or a sudden holding of the Peru line. Majors would then kick Peru out of danger and Kearney would repeat their gain. Kearney's first touchdown was the result of a long march down the field. Lewis scored from the Peru 3. The kick for point was wide. The half ended with Kearney leading 6-0. In the second half Kearney was unable to score until Hale blocked one of Major's punts. The ball oozed from player to player before Hester fell on it for a touchdown. The try for point was again wide. A little later Harwager blocked another of Majors' punts, the ball bounding through the end-zone for a safety. Final score, Peru 0, Kearney 14. Although three of Majors punts were blocked, Tommy did a grand job of punting. Hi~ kicks averaged 40 yards and he coffin-cornered a 35-yd boot on the Kearney 8. Peru's second stringers staged a belated rally with Majors heaving passes and McHugh hitting the line. They marched 60 yards in six plays. Adams, Punches, Greathouse, Douglao, and Greene looked best for Peru. While Hale, Lewis, and Morrow were cut;;landing for Kearney.

NOTICE There will be no Pedagogian next week due t.o Teachers Convention. The next issue of the Pedagogian will be November 9.

PERU TO HAVE DEBATE TEAM Debate will be put upon Peru's map this year, but neither the map nor the work will be of the "relief" type. A debate class, in which the fundamentals will be studied will begin this week. In from· four to six weeks, tryouts for positions on the team will be held. One does not ha\fe to be a member of the class, nor does he need to have had any previous experience to take part in debate, and all who are intensely interested will be allowed to participate. Several trips will be made, and a few tournaments attended. Debate will be under the direction of Professor Moore. Due to the past success of Mr. Moore in coaching debate, and to an increased number of students interested in the subject this year, Peru is looking to a prosperous season in this field. THIRTEEN JOIN ALPHA MU 'OMEGA

New Certification Law Affects Peru Students Affecting vitally every aspiring teacher, the new certification law passed by the last Nebraska Legislature will go into actual enforcement in September, 1938. The new law takes the privilege of granting teachers' certificates out of the hands of the colleges, and places the duty of certification upon the shoulders of the State Superintendent. That means the applicant must be recommended by the faculty of the college attended, to the state normal board, which in turn recommends the individual to the State Superintendent for the granting of the certificate. Another new principle included in the law is the absolute necessit:y: !or practice teaching by rural school teachers working for the general elementary certificate earned by 30 hours of college work. Beginning next September they must do three hours of practice teaching. This will requil'e a new '·~t up on the Peru campus, as rural students have not been required to do practice teaching heretofore. Junior high school teachers of the future will be granted a "three year" senior elemeritary certificate for ~ hours of college work and three hours of practice teaching presented. All universities, state and denominational schools in Nebraska will abide by the terms of the new legislation. Of course, this law will not affect any student already working for a teaching certificate before September, 1938.

PERU MEN PLAN FOR FORMAL Hurrah! Peru men are at last going to have a formal. Plans are under way to have the formal sometime next semester. This will be "step-one" in the men's attempt to "menize" the school. A letter from the Dean was read at Men's club, in which he urged the men to "Back Baller in the field work." T'he Dean said: "I doubt whether there ever was one single advertizing scheme that was so effective and far Elaine Eddy was elected president reaching as this broadcasting scheme instituted by Mr. Baller." The letter of Peru Players at the meeting held continued giving a bit of advice. "keep Thursday night, October 14. The other the dormitory and the ladies rooming houses parlors purely social and not lounging places on Sundays. Much is to be gained in the social con tacts." PERUVIAN PICTURE. TAKING TO START. Picture taking for the 1938 PERUVIAN will begin the first week after vacation. It is most important that students have their pictures taken as soon as possible, as the time will be definitely limited. Be sure to watch ,for announcements concerning picture taking. Plan to make a deposit on your 1988 PERUVIAN when you have your picture taken.

Classes will recite on October 27, 1937, prior to dismissal for Teachers' convention, as follows: 8:00 classes meet 8:00 dismiss 8:25 9:00 classes meet 8:35 dismiss 9:00 9:10 dismiss 9:35 9:45 dismiss 10:10 1:00 classes meet 10:20 dismiss 10:45 2:00 classes meet 10:55 dismiss 11:20 3:00 classes meet 11 :30 dismiss 11 :55 4:00 classes meet ,. O~ dismiss 12:25 Band to Go to Hast:..1gs The band is making preparations to the Peru Hastings football at Hastings, November 12.

Training School Band Features Broadcast The Training School Band, under the direction of Superintendent S. L. Clements will be the feature of this week's radio program. Tuesday evening's program is the first of a series in which the neighboring high schools will be asked to partlcipate. The program is as follows: BandEducational NewsBandPedagogian of the AirBandLetter home-Rusty· Band-

Teac~ers to Hear National Spea~ers Convention Success .

Seems Evident Nebraska teachers will have the privilege of hearing distinguished laymen and professional leaders, nationally and internationally known at the convention of the Nebraska state Teachers Association, October 27-29. Mrs. Mary K. Beard, historian, author and lecturer of New Milford Connecticut is one of America's outstand. ing woman leaders. She has had wide experience in social movements and has studied in Europe and the Orient. DORM PLANS Mrs. Beard will give lectures at the FALL FORMAL conventions in both Omaha and LinFairy-godmothering the dormitory coln. fall formal on November 6 from just Another well known lecturer is Dr. an annual affair into a skyrocketing Will Durant. He is a philosopher, aurcund of revelry is the intention of thor, and traveler of Great NecH:, New determined Mary Murphy and her am- York. Dr. Durant will deliver ad .. bitious council members, now working dresses in Omaha and Lincoln on the upon party plans, usir.g 2s a them~ a subject "The Crisis in American CiYmusic-box night club. ilization." Committees appointed are as fol- - Major General Smedley D. Butler lows: invitations: Anita Searle, Margy of Newton Square, Pennsylvan\a, is Evans, Ruth Ann Hill; Dance pro- former commander in chief of the grams; Julia Plasters, Mildred Knofli- U. S. Marine Corps. While holding cek, Margy McKimmey, Doris Prich- this position, he was decorated twenard, Zelda Carmine, Mary Murphy; ty times. He will speak on, "War Is a Refreshments; Lucille Renner, Ruth Racket." Crone, Louise Mathews. Students who are prospective teach': ers, as well as teachers now in the Alpine Theme Selected field, will find varied material of interest presented at the convention. For Out-Dorm Formal The Peru State Teachers College Reception in Omaha is to be at the Fontenelle Hotel on Thursday, October 28, from 4:00 to 6:00 p. m. In Lincoln, Friday, October 29 from 4:00 to 6:00 p. m. ~Peru students as well as faculty and alumni are invited to attend.

COATNEY GIVES LECTURE ON SEX "Better late than never" seemed tc be the theme of the Y. M. C. A. meet ing last week in which Doctor Coatney gave a lecture on sex and se~ problems.

Peru to be Well Represented On 193 7 Conv·ention Program Peru State Teachers College will be following scenes: Indians, two pioneer represented on the programs of the families, a drouth, a blizzard, a prairie Nebraska State Teachers Association ;fire, a tornado, and two grasshoppers at both Lincoln and Omaha when the which have survived the cold weather. The song is: meetings are in session October 28 and 29th. Supt. S. L. Clements will give Our home is in Nebraska, a demonstration of· an instrumental That's the state we love, class for the music section meeting We love her hills and prairies And her blue skies above. October 29 at Omaha. The fourth grade of the Training Across the grassy prairies, School and their teacher, Miss Hile- Indians roamed long ago. man will go to Omaha Friday morning The pioneer's covered wagon to give a demonstration for the Ele- Followed the trails you know. mentary section at the Central Club. The later is the culminating activi- From rich soils of Nebraska, ty after a study of the history of Ne- Corn and wheat crops grow; braska. The program has been plan- While out in cattle county ned and written by the children with The western breezes blow. the help of their teacher. We grow up in Nebraska. l!'he program will consist of: large We learn our lessons in school. maps, simple panel discussion, short We will try to do our best, dramatizations, brief dances, indivi- To keep Nebraska rule. dual reports. and a song composed by The piano accompaniment will be the pupils with the help of their stu- played by Mrs. S. L. Clements. dent teacher, Miss Vivian McKimmey. There are ten girls and five boys in The dramatizations will incluae the . the class.


Among the Peru graduates who a1 e appearing on the programs at Lin~oln are Supt. Ely Feistner, Hampton; Supt. M. E. Boren, Eagle; F. E. Bowers, state department of education; R. H. Knapp, graduate student, Uni. of Neb.; Mark Delzell, graduate student, Uni. of Nebr.; Supt. C. R. Gates, Granrl Island; county superintendent, C. H. Rhoades, Seward; principal Dr. o. W. Hackman, and Supt. M. C. Lefler, Lincoln. Peru graduates on the Omaha program are Supt. R. L. Klaurens, North Bend; Prof. Mary L. Hilema:i, member of the Peru faculty and rnpervisor of third and fourth grade teaching will present a discussion cf "A Child's Story of Nebraska," it the elementary section meeting Fridal. County Superitendent, Mrs. Genevieve Clark of Jefferson County, former president of District No. 1. supt. A. J. Stoddard of Denver a Peru alumnus will address the general session of Dist. 3 at Norfolk on the subject of "Schools and the American Scene."

"Sifting Sands" To Contain Prose

"Sifting Sands", the bi-annual pub· lication of Sigma Tau Delta is to bi issued again this year with the differ· ence that it is to be not only a book ol poetry, but that also it is to include f few short prose compositions. The deadline for all contributions tc the first issue is November 8, and thE magazine will be put on sale in thE fore-part of December. This will be the fifth issue of "Sifting Sands." .------------CALENDAR SCHEDULE

November 1-10:30 a. m. W. A. A and "P" Club 7-8 Alpha Mu Omega 8-9 Tri Beta and Music Club. November 2-7-8 Y. M. C. A.; Y. W C. A. A. 8:30-9:00 Broadcast November 4-7-9 Freshman Clubs. 8-9:30 Dramatic club. November 5-8:00 Football game. November 6-Dorm Formal.

"Present ~". by Noel • · ard. · -; Noel Coward, the Engl1Sh actor'•and · ht ................. in this "'"" ttt playwng , """"""""""' ~ selective book his early years of strugPublished Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. gle for financial independence, and Eiitered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter.. his ultimate success. The book close&' · $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents. with the great night in London when the royal family came to see "CalvalADVERTISING RATES Display 20 cents per inch. Locals, 10 cents per line cade." The books on this list are free of rental charges. STAFF

The PeruRedagogian

Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Norman Littrell Make-up Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harold Prichard SIGHS Sports Editor ............................... Junius McCowan .. By Alpha. Sponsor . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Mrs. Gilbert Brown lfosiness Manager .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. Bill Bischof Echos Praises and compliments still come in for the Homecoming play. "The best Homecoming .play I've ever seen REPORTERS on this campus".· .... "Everyone knew Edith Willey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Lizabeth Werner their line" ...... "What an attractive Virginia Trively ....................... ·. · · · · · · · Glen Sheely stage! So simple and in such good Onie Purucker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G Ia cl ys N of sger taste" bl ...... thus, ·the sayings of the pu JC ran. Ruth Crone ............ · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Barney Barisas The play was a success because. of ============M=a=r=ga=r=e=t=S=a=v=i=ll=e======== the combined efforts and cooperation of Alpha Psi Omega and the Dramatic RUSTY'S CREATOR Club. The committees worked well and the chairmen are to be commendMary Elizabeth Murphy of Thurman, Iowa, is the "script ed for their fine attempts and, better writer" for Rusty and also the originator of Rusty. still, their fine results. Murphy is president of the Dorm Council and a leader in W. "Thank You" A. A. She also is the W. A. A. reporter for the The chairman of the property committee was Helen Margaret Larson. Pedagogian. Working with her were: Ardist ChrisStudents on the campus will long remem- tian, Jean Wagner, Virginia Triverly, her the quips that serious senior Murphy pull- Eleanor Hemphill, and Louis Mat, ed. ,(Bef~re she became a wasn t serious.)




·~ playssan lmPQrtant part; ' Elmer .•Larson of .Lincoln visited his I wil'.'bli ditfleult ta produce.·but it. will•. brother, Prof. A. V; Larson, from Fribe"wnh the work and time spent· .on ·. day till Monday. it. Watch for future announcements l3oun " about· "Outward d..

Peru Thaetre

Blandes Blossom On., PJrll. Campus


"Come And Get It"

Fair-Headed Girls Dominate CoRege "Blondes preferred-by force" is the slogan of the men of Peru's campus Carefully computed statistics show that light-headed co-eds are gaining a strong foot-hold over the forme r supremacy of their darker sisters Whether this is from heritage or hair dye, we cannot ascertain. Perhaps, you haven't noticed that this fact Is true. That Is perfect!y logical for there are two types o f blondes. In one classification we have ~iscovered many who are not sure int 0 which category they themselves be long. For example, Martha Clifto n often· has asked your correspondent which color her hair most resemble d -that of Margaret Williams or Oeraldine Cordell. The other type Is sure that they are blonds because It said so on the bottle.







28 • 29




COAL Pe-ru Lumber Co.

"I noticed the prepanderance of blonds," Mrs. Marsh, girls' dormitory assistant, mythically quoted, "because there were so many people's names I couldn't remember; there were 80 many blonds this fall that they all looked the same to me." Also, did you ever notice how blrds of a feather (coo-coos) and "fems" of a similar hair complexion go togeth· er? One always notices the hom esweet-home countenances of room. rates Blond I Trlvely and Blond II Nofsger whenever they are togeth er. Someone suggested. that they get in each other's hair, but we know tllCY couldn't for there isn't room. This article leaves red-heads out in the cold, but their love usually takes f th t careo a. .

of the diligent searching and relentless hunting of this com• mittee such elusive things as the tea set, tea table and the very attractive scarf were brought to life. Some of the town people cooperated RUSTY very nicely with us in supplying one Robert "Bob" Weber of Humboldt, Nebraska, Rusty of the of the sets of furniture used. The air, is one of the best known persons on the campus. Bob's ability owner asked that his name be kept as one of our great dark secrets so all to portray characters and his fine voice have · "Thank you" Alpha can say is, · A made the character of Rusty one of the main merchant during the busy r~sh · h~ur loaned us his delivery truck m which features of Peru's broadcast. to haul certain articles because of the Bob, a junior, has performed in three failure of the trucker hired by Mr· Homecoming plays and has taken leading parts . "engagement" Moore to keep his · You ' Finger Printing Club Elects Officers l . we had The Finger Printing Club met . ast in many other Dramatic Club presentations. no doubt, remember the ram · t·une ? Well , it was Thursday evening. and elected offlcers. at Homecommg He is one of the Dramatic Club officers. t have a covered truck 'Ihey are: Clark Rogers, president; Bob is a member of the Peru Singers and very necessary o ·ture hauled in that Paul Hollenbeck, vice president., Frank because any furm . won-.s m the library. rain would certainly be nicely moist Larson, secretary-treasurer. by the time it arrived at the auditor- Plans are being made .to bring in ium. So we say hank you,. Mr. car- several speakers to speak before the '37 PERUVIAN man, for the use of your delivery members On the art Of finger PrintIng. The 1937 Peruvian easily was a first class book. We are ruck." proud of this fact and wish to give credit where credit is due. To the dormitory we say, "Thank Dean Delzell Confers with C. C. A Miss Virginia Johnson, editor of the book, was and is one of Dean Delzell, faculty adviser o! the you a thousand times" for things the. most conscientious workers that it has ever been our pleasure lo«ned by the girls and for things bor- C. O. A., had a conference with the president of the club Friday. Plans to meet. It is no wonder she pushed her book to a superior rank- rowed from the dorm itself. US· Ed Nell Benson, Doris Prichard, and for the future of the club were disc ing. J. William Burke, the business manager, would lazily tell us Julia Jean Plasters were responsible sel. for the make-up. Mrs. Moore was a to put credit where credit is due. So we credit Mr. Burke with valuable. member of this crew of art· Charles Mason the advertising and thank the students of 1937 for their response ists who did such a nice job of make- Gives Demonstration to the book. Before two of the Peru College art up. The rest of the 1937 Peruvian staff was composed of: Blanche Gerald Fichter was chairman of the classes, Charles Mason, senior in the Freeman, Ruth Howe, Marjorie Lammers, Charlotte Weder- business committee, Mary Ellen Slack, Peru high school, gave- a demonstraMary Liz Werner, Dick Slagle, and tion on cartooning last week. quist, Jack Heck, Ray Kellogg,. William Mooney and Frederick Vivian McKinney were responsible Recently a large dally paper in St. Wolter. for the advertising and smooth run- Joseph, Missouri, bought a series of Ji.IS ning of the ticket sales. cartoons. over all of these various commit- The public schools of Peru have furTO THE TRIO AND QUARTET tees Mr. Moore aiad Mary Kathryn .nished Charles' only training. After We, the students feel that Peru's trio and quartet are part of Hanlan held various conferences and graduation he hopes to take advanee us-the student body. We are justly pronJ of the fine quality of discussions about their functions, per- cartoon training and· to realize his sonnel and so forth. So by the co- ambitions to become a finished cartheir presentations and enjoy che pieces that they sing. operation of everyone concerned a very toonist. For this reason the student body and the Pedagogian stand successful play was produced. Charles is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ready to aid "seven swell fellows· and girls" to overcome obstacles New Talent Lloyd Mason of Peru. and climb to the top-perhaps Peru's broadcast programs may Talk about your new talent! Wliat pave the way. did you think of that Karr boy's actJohn Beatty, ·of Peru, and a. Peru ing? He's from Hamburg and Alpha student last year, is employed as bookGood luck, trio and quartet-remember we are backing you. is willing to bet he will go far in dra. keeper in a large laundry in Hunting~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - matics on this campus. Remember, toi:i Park, California, at present. Mr. ant of an Italian petty nobleman and he is only a freshman. And I think Beatty has taken an Interest in fly• an American· woman. The book proves he is plenty good. Another freshman ing. Having experienced his solo uight. BOOK WORM MENU that Miss Millay can write lively dia- who did a nice bit of acting was none He is now working for the 24 more other than our LeRoy Redfern a real hours required for a license. ~------------'- logue rich with poetic Imagery. Peruvian and freshman class preslScholars, especially students of Engdent. Don't you like his manner of Faculty Dames Entertain lish, please take heed. The library "And So-Victoria," by Vaughn Wil- speaking? That sort of slow droll way The Faculty Dames entertaine d the staff has taken the time anl trouble kins. of his when he said his line made a faculty men at a dessert supper Mon· to prepare a variety of books for this Surrounded by plots and counter big hit with Alpha. day night, October 11. week's list. You will find a book of plots, Christopher Harnish fights his New Play The supper was served in the Home poetry, a novel and an autobiography way to a clearer and more peaceful December 10 is the date set for the Economics room with Mrs. Brown, reviewed. Try one; you might like it. way of life after having cleared the next play, "Outward BOund". This Mrs. Hayward, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. "Conversation at Midnight", by Ed· way for Victoria to mount the throne play, you will find, Is entirely different Smith as hostesses. na St. Vincent Millay. of England. "~d So - Victoria" from "'Ihru the Keyhole". Tense dra· Following the supper the group atSeven men meet at the New York should be as widely popular as it is ma, tragedy and mystery fill out the tended "Dodsworth" wMch WB.5 playhouse of a liberal, agnostoc descend- entertaining. three acts. It is a play in which char- llig at. the local thfaf.re.


J. P. CLARK Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Office Phone 109



Barber Shop WE INVITE YOU DOWN Under Joder's Office



Skelly Oil Co.


Walter Kizer, Mgr.

DR. F. B. LORANCE Office, 1006 Central Ave. Phone 378 Auburn


Armstrong & McKnight Attorneys ERNEST F. ARMSTRONG JOHN P. McKNIGHT Auburn, Nebraska.

CHAS. WILLS Taxi and Transfer Meets all Auburn buses & trains

Drink Coca Cola in Bottles COOL AND REFRESIDNG Nebr. City Bottling Works

Watch the Bobcats Baffle-- WAYNE IPeru Coaches


c AT s.



1 ._ _ By J_un1us_.M_cco_wan--!.I

Game. Statis,tics

Six-foot tall, with a. southern drawl (or maybe it's just a lazy drawl) is le~terman Wilber Shields. Webb. a junior, is on his way toward his third football letter. He is one of the work-horses of the

Peru's Passing Only Bright Spot The final score of the Peru-Kearney gume was 14-0 and these figures tell you why. hearney ran the ball 51 times to gai11 345 yard1: or an average of 6 yards every time they tried Peru's line. Kearney lost 24 yards from scrimmage and was held for no gain 6 times. Kearney passed 9 times of which two were intercepted and the rest were incomplete. Peru was pena)ized 10 yards. 'I'otal yards gained by Kearney, 355. They made 1g first downs. Peru ran the. ball. 33 · times to gain 107 yards and lose 39 for an average of 2 yards per try. The Bobcats were held for no gain 6 times. Peru also passed 9 times, having only one pass intercepted and completing four for 67 yards. Kearney was penalized 55 yards. Total yardage for Peru 190. The Bobcats made 5 first and tens. Peru averaged 40 yards on their punts although three of them were blocked. Kearney averaged 38 yards on their boots. Kearney fumbled "9 times of which Peru recovered four. Peru fumbled four times and recovered all but one. Lineups: Peru Position Kearney Greathouse LE CGC) ... Shoop Barisas ........ LT ........ Gerdes Punches (GC) . LG .. .. .. .. Hester Douglas .. .. .. .. . c .. .. .. . Gillispie Bn'd gewat er .. . RG .. .. .. .. .. Ha1e Mosley . . . . . . . . RT . . . . . . Ellermies Pugh . . . . . . . . . . RE . . . . . . . . . . Beck Shields . . . . . . . . QB . . . . . . . . Parliek Stark .......... LH .......... Lewis Velvick . . . . . . . . RH . . . . . . . Morrow Majors . . . . . . . . FB . . . . . . . Fafahey Substitutiom: Pern -· Grre:1e, Nelson, Purucke:r, Hall, Mort, Platenberg, Adams, McHugh, McGinley. Kearney-8mith, Mitchell, Harwager, Larson, Wilmont, Romart.


Coaches Glen (Gilk) Gilkerson and Stuart (Stu) over business.


S1rong Wayne Team Here Nnvembef FIRST PERU-WAYNE GAME IN 1919

Our football .team does not play this week but me.ets Wayne here Friday, November 5. Peru-Wayne football history began in 1919. Scores of . the games played in the last ten years are as follows: Year Wayne Peru 1927 ................ 0 91 1928 .. .. .. .. .. .. CNo game) 1929 .. .... .. .. .. ... 0 39 1930 ................ 7 7 1931 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 squad and is m on every play. As 1932 ··············· 7 13 Gilk would put lt-"Webb is a good 1933 ··············· 14 14 boy." 1934 ··············· 0 12 Webb, who hails from Talmage, is 1935 6 ··············· 13 president of the "P" Club. 1936 ··············· 0 6 1937 ················ Durn Whistle Ya know "Slim" Mc. almost got to play Friday night? Well he a!moJt Convocation Program did and rn bet he would a almost By Training School Band held 'em single handed, I betcha, lf The Traing School Band under the talk the whistle, that ended the game, had- direction of Superintendent s. L. 1 n't of stopped .his progress. Clements furnished the program for

- - - - - - - - - - - - - By Ima Sub )I I'm one of the guys who play on the I W. A. A. 1 benchPeru Prep continued its winning J Tha'ts a position what's a cinch. ways Friday with a victory over NeBut if I ever get the chance Ill ' braska City. The final score was 7-0. W. A. A. Plays Hit Pin ' t a ke the 'new" look ofI my pants. Beginning last Thursday, Hit-pin The game early developed into a practice has been held from seven to It's getting awful cold to praciicewild battle with both teams presenting running attacks that bogged down eight each evening, rather than from Makes my fingers feel like cracked ice, four to five. The tournament sched- But when "Gilk" says "o. k. boyswihin the 20-yard lines. go up!" Peru's touchdown came in the sec- ule for next week has been postponed I'm frisky as a collie pup. and quarter when Polston fiipped a in order that those people who are inpass to Grafton. Fisher plunged for eligible may get in a sufficient num-. ' the extra point. ber of practices to enable them to Yep, three long years on the benchThat makes this a sure cinchplayPorter and Beatty were outstanding R M t' IF I ever letter by chancefor Nebraska City. egu1ar ee mgs on Monday rll have to wear it on the seat of my The starting lineups: 'I'he first Monday each month at pants. Peru Position Neb. City 10:30 is the time which has .been set Grafton . . . . . . . LE . . . . . . . . . Dukes aside for regular W. A. A. meetings. Charge Gaddis · · · · · · · · 1 T · · · · · · · · · · Miller Subject of First Meeting A salute to Ross Adams for the footCoulter ........ LG ..... Livingston Whether or not we shall have a re- ball style .of sharglng he displayed in Pugh . . . . . . . . . . . C ....... : Beicher creational swimming hour, Is one of the Kearney game. Keep it up Ross Hanlon ........ RG ......... Beatty the subjects which will be disc·1ssed and you'll go places. · Hunzeker . . . . . . RT . . . . Stepllenson at the first W. A. A. meeting. · Adams · · · · · · ·., RE · · ·. ·. · ·. · Ryder Question Polston ...... · · QB .... · · · WHUams Y. W. C. A. Paint What was outstanding at the footLeahy HB · . · . · . · . · . · . · . · . · . Psomr1~tehr And Discuss Religion ball game, Morris ........ HB



convocation Friday morning. They were assisted by Dr. Paul Maxwell who sang "I'll Take you Home Again Kathleen." The girls clarinet class also added variety to the program. A number entitled "Sky Rocket" was dedicated to both the high school football team and the college team. School yells were lead by Mayre Tangeman and Clark· Finney. Rev. Timmons was in charge .of the devotionals. Woman's Club H 0 Id M t' s ee mg The Star Dusters, a trio comprised of Marjorie Harris, Dorothy Ann Coat· ney and Lucile Hazelton sang three selections; Ed Nell Benson played a violin solo; Mrs. Dunning gave a review of the book "Gone with the Wind," and Lillie Mae Collins sang a vocal solo, for the program of the Women's Cub meeting, Wednesday afteinoon, October 20. Mrs. Cox Visits Friends.

Mrs. John Cox of Hollywood, Cali·11 Religious discussion and finger Answer. . fornia, visited with Mrs. Mar.sh SunFlsh er .... · .... FB T , .. .. .. ourvi e P 1 Bl d Wh1t Sub~titutions-Peru: B. Falu. painting occupied the girls attending eru s co ors, ue an e. day. Is your name Bell? If it is, hasten Nebraska City: Preston, Gray, N. the Y. W. C. A. meeting of October 19. Mrs. Cox was house mother at the to the gym and report for action. For Flau, Conley, Kite, Steuteville. Elaine Shafer's Religious Fellowship Tough Ames girls' residence during the first Peru records show that Bells, Williams group pondered upon their reasons for From where I was standing it looked semester of last year. and Moores have lettered more often going to church and how to answer to me as though Mort and the center She is now living in Hollywood with than any other family names. Kappa Delta Initiates the excuses of the stay-at-homes who of the Kearney line were putting on a her. daughter, Mrs. Jessie Ames and Of over 400 letters that have been Nine New Members "disliked the preacher" or "were bored show like pro wrestlers. Gee Mort, grandson Larry Ames. The latter of given out by Peru since 1907, 331 have Kappa Delta Pi formally initiated by the service." was it real, whom is studying m,lusic and voice been granted to boys of assorted nine new members Monday evening, Zelda Carmine, assisted by Lillian there. names. The remaining letters went October 18. The initiates were: Ruth Humphrey, instructed the creative Refreshments. to the Bells, Williams, Moores, Jones, Sutorius, Jeanne Plasters, Helen Leisure group in the ups and daubs of They weren't serving wafers and tea Millers, Smiths, stevensons, Schneid- Margaret Larson, Ruth Roberts, Alice painting with fingers. Overjoyed at the football game but the Peru Kappa Omicron Phi ers, Carters, and Cooks. Each of the Obrick, Laura Baum and Anna Louise with the results of their efforts the players did get coffee at the half. Entertains Members above names have had at least three Short. group intends to mix more creations Surprising how a little bit of warmth Kappa Omicro Phi, home economics fraternity entertained Monday everepresentatives letter at Peru. . James McAllister resigned the vice during the next meeting. will go a long way. ning, October 25 in honor of all girls A glance over the list of winners presidency of the fraternity and G!ew. P. A. who are taking home economics finds names starting with almost all ma Miers was elected to fill the vaKindergarteners Dine I'm on. relief now that cold weather courses. The. Hallowe'en motif was of the alphabet. The letters missing cancy. The treasurership was resignhas arrived. It froze the valves on used in decoration. are Q, X and U. Letter s leads the ed by Erwin Juilfs, and Laura Baum At Miss McCollum's Miss Elizabeth McCollum entertain- Bill C.'s horn-Relief! Bridge was played. and prizes given list with 49 names, while G and B tag was elected to serve as treasurer. to the. winners. Rrefreshments. served right behind with 41. At the close of the meeting, pumpkin ed at a six o'clock dinner Tuesday, the student teachers of the kindergarten Logical were orange sherbet, cocoa, and. chocThe fighting Irish are abundent in pie and cider were served. department. The dinner was servej Gilk. olate cake. Peru history, but only seven Macs can be found that lettered from 1907 to Yeast Glo.-perfect faoe pac 50c.- by candle light. If Peru was on the 2 yard. line; Verona Ktone. and Margaret. Saville 1937. Hills Drug Store.-Adv. The evening was spent socially with· fourth down, and · goal to go, what were. In charge of . the program. and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! M i s s Dorothy Snyder playing the, would you do, John, on play "34"? lunch. piano accompaniment for group sing- John Boyer ing. The group listened to Peru's I' slide down the bench so's I could Make-up Class Enjoys Themselves broadcast and then completed the see the play better.. "How to grow old in five minutes" evening with a game. of bridge. was the theme of the first demonstraThe guests were: Ruth Watkins, Not Bad tion in make-up class; and as a result Margaret Vance, Dorothy Snider, Ed ~arrett, one-armed player from of the second demonstration fifteen Marie Wieneke and Nedra Pidcock. Georgie. caught four passes in a single game? people made fifteen other people "look Complete selection of corsages, table boquets and funeral like clowns," in a true sense of the Sam York, Centenary, kicked 172 word. designs. LADIES CHOICE field goals without a miss 0 925 >. Robert Weber assists Mr. Moore in Jim 'Ihorp, Carlyle, scored 198 points conducting the c1.ass whi ch mee ts evFEATURES DANCE . WE USE FRESH FLOWERS ONLY ~ry Wednesday at 5:00 in the AudltorTag dances and "ladles choice" m one season. <1 912 > (with Barney Barlsas In great de- In fact that's almost as good as Pe- !um. GUARANTEED SATISFACTION mand) were featured at the all.college ru holding Kearney to fourteen points dance Saturday night. The dance was Friday night. D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebraska Auburn Nebraska held in the music hall and a large City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. crowd attended. Films developed 25c roll at Hills.Adv Glasses fitted. Phon 144.-Prof. Card. NAMES IN PERU SPORT HISTORY

Milam Greenhouses ****

**** ****



w ITT ER s 0


-Fr-ie-n-ds_!_R_o_m_a-ns-!--and people


Peru Singers l~eals fro1 Told By Steck s


!Personality Club Is Popular. OR STILTS? The Bright Young Thing entered the clothier's shop and approached the counter. "I want to get a present for an old gentleman," she said. "Yes, mam," replied the clerk. "Something nice in ties?" "No, he has a beard," the girl explained. "Hmm," the clerk murmured thoughtfully. "Perhaps a fancy vest might be suitable?" "No, it's a long beard," came back the answer. The clerk sighed wearily. "Well, how about carpet slippers?" - London Answers Mag· azine.

Formal goe~rsage orders taken Increasing enrollment by hops and · by Norman Littrel and Gerald Fichtor C<>rssges delivered night of hurdles, the Personality Club is be- Call 26. the fonnal.-Adv. coming one of the most popular freshman organizations. DR. GLEN H. JODER At the October 21, meeting Mrs. Emilie Kirk was guest speaker, introducSurgeon and Physician ing the group to the general topic, Milstead Corner Office 33 Phone "Personality." Res. 39

the country! !Shakespeare-I think) Theory of Group This kind of weather really makes \' oiced by Director Unkie want to go dramatic in a big It has been asked "Just what is the ;~a,y, but there are too many other im·function of tlle Peru Singers? Who portant things on the list. may belong? Is another tour being First of all, I don't mind letting planned?" Murph take all the credito for writing this (Sometimes I think it's as bad as Mr. Steck, the director, answers: HOME PLANNERS you do.) but I distinctly resent her "The Peru Singers are dedicated to VISIT WEARES LOOK YOUR BEST trying· to put one over on me at the tl"le proposition that Peru State Teachers College is an educational instituThe class in home planning and HAVE YOUR CLOTHES dance with this diamond-on-a-chain CLEANED BY furnishing last week inspected the business-So sorry "my fine fat friend" ti.on, 8, place of higher learning. It is our .function to provide college men better luck next time. Peru Cleaners & Tailors construction and remodeling which is and women an opportunity to become We Call & Deliver Phone 62 Did nay of you see ? - - ? under way in the house recently puracquainted with good music. Our ret Gracie Vanier shouting "who?" a Ihcarsals are desig·ned to instruct in archased by the Weares. MOST IMPORTANT a letter from her mother after read-1 tist.ic interpretation of the best in muThis is the first of a series of houses ing "I'll bet you can't guess who was , sic. ALBERT RICHARDS in Peru whiCh will be visited by the llert for dinner today." ·'We do ::wt court. the applause of LEATHER JACKETS class in the near future. Ed Nell Nat-Supposed to Truck on and the public, nor seek to entertain. We Careful study of the plan and conthe Dance Floor Benson enjoying her.. clci court the interest of those given to J.,AMB FUR JACKETS struction of the houses which are visself at the dance. . enjoyment of the finer things in life. 95 95 ited ls made by the students. Hero of the Harem and····· .guess I We do believe that a high standard of To$16 Miss Weare is the instructor of the who? No .. · .. · Benson. music presented with integrity and 75 class. Genson and...... guess who? No, conscious adherence to the common ALL WOOL COATS .. .......... Barney. Liws of taste and culture will be welBARGAIN DAYS Hatchet-face Punches setting in the comed liy all alert, clear-minded peolobby Sunday night telling all the peo- ple. Monday and Wednesday "We believe our thesis is sound, for 1 ·Nebr. ple "I went home this weekend ...... Nebraska City ONLY to see my mother." How about thl\t each year for the past six, we have Regular $3 b\d invitations to sing in more comTurner? Mr. W.-I'm tired of looking Guaranteed Oil munities than it has been possible for around, I think the last house will Blondie Harris' freshie friend Permanent Wave suit us very well. Let's take it. The prevalence of fellows in the lob- us to accept. DR. EDGAR CLINE Complete "We have been very proud of our Mrs. W.-Just a minute, Hubby by these days (for further details, see dear, we have not asked the cook personcll. Included in our group last sign on front walk) AUBURN, NEBR. year were five members of Kappa Del- how she likes it yet. Carmine and McKimmey trucking a ta Pi; three presidents of college ortrunk to the depot all by themselves. With Apple Sauce Office Phone 164 Res. Phone r,9 Phone 222 1319 J St. Auburn ganizations; the president of the stuThe park orator was getting all StuffI dent council; and five of the eight worked up. Myste;ry - "Maidens l'v1iss Meat" nominees for representative students. "I tell you," he rattled on, "this starring Gessman"'lhe members were majoring in fif- country is gradually going to the Our question for this week-What teen different subjects. Fourteen stu- dogs. We are spending .more than promising (very) Freshie girl now has dents of the group are majoring in we can afford. Soon there will come lovely dates to the formal? music; five each in mathematics and a time when we shall be bankrupt. Goodby gals and guys. science; four each in history and in- We shall be like the prodigal son; dustrial arts; three each in commerce we shall have to eat the food of A Real Store swine. After that what shall we and chemistry; two each in home eco- do?" nomics, early elementary, social sciHe passed and glared at his audi· ence and dramatics; one each in rural, ence. During the silence came a DRYGOODS, WOMEN'S WEAR, elementary education and French. voice from the back of the crowd: Porty-one percent of the members "Eat the pigs, of course, matey,'' it were from farm homes. Ffty-six per- said. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS cent were working an average of twenFAREWELL PARTY Irked ty-eight percent of their way through GIVEN MRS. CHARD Jones pulled into the garage with college. , Aubusn Nebraska Miss Bertha Hanaford of Brownville, "Last year Peru Singers sang to ov- a grinding of gears and brakes, and asked to see a decent second-hand who has recently been working in er 5000 people, in twenty-seven differ- car. Falls City, began her work as chief ent communities. A welcome and a "Getting tired of the old bus?" cook for the dormitory Saturday, Oc- larger audience has been assured in asked the garage-keeper as he ran tober 30, taking the place of Mrs. eacl1 of these communities. One illus- his eye over the relic. "Yes, every time I park her some Chard, the former cook, who was forc- tration will suffice to evidence the ened to give up the position on account tlrnsiasm with which music well pre- copper comes running after me to of ill health. Mrs. Chard wiJ.I make sented is received in Nebraska. In Wy- make sure I've reported the accident. "-Philadelphia Bulletin. her home with her daughter in Oma - more in 1936 the church was comfortSAY IT WITH FLOWERS SAY IT WITH OURS ha. ably filled. In 1937 it was packed; FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS The Reason A farewell party was given in the standing room was gone and the win"Well, Pat," said the foreman, Any season of the year cosages and funeral designs our recreation hall of Eliza Morgan Hall claws were opened so that those unable "I'm sorry to see you go. Aren't specialty. Saturday evening fmn seven to eight to get in could listen in parked cars." the wages satisfactory?" FROM THE GROWER TO THE CONSUMER "The wages are all right," refor l'vfrs. Chard. Lloyd Gessman gave WE GROW OUR OWN turned Pat, "but I have a guilty feel· a short talk before presenting an el~c­ E. L. Hanson of the Peru Theatre Nehraska City tric heating· pad to Mrs. Chard from gave the local Boy Scout troup a treat ing all the time." "About what?" asked the foreMonday evening. After their regular man. the kitchen force and waitresscG. Stella Rogge, Mrs. Gilbert; Gladys meeting on that evening, he invited all the time thinking I'm do- H.:6:1.:6.:1.:1.:~~AW.,..~:.~"8."8.:'1.:l:l:l:~:,,.l:I~., Lottman, Fay Bouse, Betty Garver and them to attend the play in a body, at ing"I'm a horse out of a job." Marjorie Harris participated in the his expense. Needless to say the boys thoroughly enjoyed the treat. program that followed. OHMY!


$9 Wessel's





New Dorm Cook

Is Miss Hanaford

Bertholds Greenhouses

Place your orders early

FIT, FINISH AND WEAR in our Quality Shoes

for your Hallowe'en party

Homeyer's Shoe Store "The Howe of Good Shoes" Nebraska City Nebr. II


1PJ1Rmr~nrm~ ~1G Good Presswork, Good Typography, Good Paper We seek perfection on each order we print. An order here does not mean just so much paper and ink hut a happy combination of the printer's craft and









Let us do your



Pryor Garage Phone 77

The Peru Bakery


cording Machine own Peruvians

State Accountant C lzecks Peru Books





Music Box Formal Enjoyed By Many

In spite of poor weather conditions, W. H. Pausing, state accountant Herbert R Reimers of Hunl:loldt, ~ith Herman B. Grabau, assistant ac- Nebraska, liolds the honor Of being work on the six-mile road is rapidly countant, from the office of the state the first to purchase a 1938 PERUVIAi\f taking new form. About a mile Of the Decorations Please auditor, are here this week auditing l\'.r. Reimen has been a supporter of highway has already been cleared of Need for Recorder Dorm Girls and Escorts brush ancl stumps, preparatory to the all books which have to do with reSeems Evident the PERUVIAN for many years. "The Music Box" was the sign over grading which began the early part of ceipts and expenditures in Peru State Others who have purchased books • A number of individuais wd c!1u,. the doorway of Mt. Vernon dinillg hall are Erwin Julifs, Eleanor Hemphill, last week. had the thrill of hearing how Teachers' Colleg·e. that invited over 60 dormitory girls Since the process takes place only Ralpha Randolph and Ralph Scholl. sound to others Thursday, NovAt present the work is being done by and their carnation-in-lapel swains to r 4 with the aid Of the sound every second year, it will take about crews assig·ned to do various jobs; one their annual Fall formal last Saturcrew is clearing brush and moving clay night. eer making recordings on the ten days to cover the auditing. When the report is completed, it is filed in Campus. back fences, another crew is placing Tl:,e night club theme was extended culberts, a third is hauling material, through the decorations, which conPeru has need for such a recordiag the office of the state auditor and also and a fourth is grading. sisted of colored spotlights, liberally ~i~chine as it offers opportunity for with the State Normal Board. The Central Power Company has distributed notes and staves, cello~!letter study of voice and is a decided The state accountant has charge of auditing· all state institutions where removed 144 poles from the limits of phane circles, a floor show, and four 2·'.help to teachers. M-0-D-E-L Is Theme money is received and of all the construction. People living along the e:ye-winking barmaids. "I am beginning to cram now on Of Interesting Speech county treasuries of the state. highway are permitted to use the Frederick Wolter a la trumph~t. . television; we will see a great deal of M-0-D-E-L was the foundation upon road, but have to detour frequently Lucille Renner and Mildred Knoflicek 'tt in the next five years," said Mr. T. which Mr. Ray Hickman, athletic around a newly placed culbert and -operating on one violin, and ::W. Keller, recording operator, about Etching Exhibit Coach at Wayne Teachers College, built sometimes they arc delayed for sev-1 •·tile fascination of his type of work Proves Interesting his lecture given at Friday's convocaeral hours while a culbert is being and the importance of constant study "Etchings" and "Lithographs" were tion November 5. placed. when he visited the Peru College placed on exhibit upstairs in the The speaker was introduced JJy 'l'he dang·erous narrow bridge will •eampus last Thursday. Mr. Keller Library by the Art department from Coach Gilkeson, who said that Mr. be replaced by a larg·e concrete culmakes installation in five mid-west November 1 to 5. Hickman had a fine well trained footbert. However the old bridge as yet · states for the Universal Recording The purpose of the exhibit was ball club and that the Wayne team has not been taken down as the bridge Company of Englewood, California. twofold: (1) to g·ive art students a has shown the finest sportsmanship in is still being· used by the people Of the Mr. Keller has done recording work all of the games played in recent chance to examine genuine or original vicinity. for nine years. The· type of record works of different artists, (2) to show years.· and machine that he uses is also used The lecturer took the Word Model Lindstrom Lectures Mary Elizabeth Murphy In making moving pictures. Cinema the students the effect of different color combinations which are being and used each letter to build up his On Rural Situation "Goofus," and Stella Rogge giving an technicians make record disk sound used for home decorations. talk. He said that: excellent pedicel version Of "Knock tracks as well as film sound tracks oi ·The "rural situation", with Illinois During· the exhibit, the afternoon of M-stands for Moderation and Knock" were the features of the floor each one of the acts so that the clias an example, was the topic which show. November 4, Miss Diddel, art teacher, teacher's colleges practice it more rector can play back the scene imDr. Dave Lindstrom used for his talk Bar-maids were Jane Chandler, at convocation Monday. mediately. Before this instantaneous gave a lecture on the differences be- .than any other schools. tween etchings and lithographs, and O-stands for opportunity. Students Dorothy Snyder, Betty Garver, and type of record was developed, it reDr. Lindstrom is from the Rural Geraldine Eads. quired three days before it could be explained how each were made. She hardly realize what an opportunity Sociology Department of the UniverCouncil members planned and manalso explained the differences between they have here at college. You will released. genuine and orig'inal works. get out of college what you put into sity of Illinois and is the brother of aged the affair, which lasted until •This gentleman, who has seen talkThe collection was arranged around it. Your opportunity is determined by Prof. C. R. Lindstrom of the Peru twelve, and was chaperoned by Mrs . ing pictures grow from their infancy, campus . Dunning and Mrs. Marsh. . the wall of the room and on bulletin the preparation you make. and who has made several of the first Dr. Lindstrom stressed the importMusic for dancing was furnished by boards with slips of paper or metal D-stands for desire. From babyinstallments of "talkie" equipment in ance of educating the farmer with a "Music Box." plates telling who owned the picture, hood and all through life, we have Kansas and Nebraska, has also travartist's name if known and other in- desired tempered with mc.deration. If the aid of organizations, social gath.eled .from Oregon to Virginia doing formation known about the work. you desire a thing bad enough to go erings and libraries. He stated that KUHL AND STITES this type of work, and has put recordfarm p€ople do not continue their ed- TALK TOE PI TAUS All pictures with "Public Works of after it, you will succeed. Ing machines into use for WOW, ucation far because the schools do not George Kuhl and David Stites reKOIL, and Fost er May ,s field woi·k. Art" metal plates under them were William Green said 'The desires we turned to Peru to address 60 indusgiven to the college by the govern- follow today will determine what we give them agricultural training. He said, "The people who farm trial arts students .at the Epsilon Pi ment in 1S34. '.I'hey are the work of are tomorrow." POETRY CONTEST unemployed artists. E-stands for earnestness and should be the people who want to, Tau annual get-to-gether party, held Are you poetic? It isn't spring, but not the people who can't do any- Monday night in the music hall. Other pictures were borrowed from trustworthy. If you are both of these, perhaps 175 dollars prize money will thing else." "Teaching Industrial Arts in the people in Peru or belong to the Art de- you will not fail. give you the desired inspiration. partment or to the college. L-stands for love, kindness, loyalty The University of Illinois extension Rural School" was the topic of Mr. Galleon Publishers. Inc. 381 A"e. or understanding. Many people have department is attempting to form Kuh!'s address, he gave many helpNew York City are holding a contes~ suggestions to the beginning an appearance of outward goodness community units and to get organi- ful and offerinp: . the above prize money Y. M. and Y. W. Listen zations in small towns acquainted teacher. The group enjoyed Mr. while they are not good inside. Love for poetry which must .not exceed ~l~ To Darrel Randall with the rural situation so that they Kuhl's \lescription of his attempt to your neighbor from the inside, out. lines and must be submitted by No'1. introduce industrial arts in a near-l:ly Darrel Randall, senior student from Mr. Hickman ended his lecture with will work to improve it. 22. Dr. Lindstrom used Illinois for his school system. Wesleyan College, spoke on "The a few words of appropriate verse: The 1or try collected will be publish·· Student and International Relations" Mr. Stites presented an interesting I watched them tearing a building example because it is in the heart of ed, January 31, in a volume of Modern before a joint meeting of the Peru Y. talk on archery, bringing wth him an the rich agTicultural district, and his down ,American Poetry of '37. M. C. A. and Y. W. c. A., Tuesday, excellent display of his collection of A gang of men in a busy town with department has made a careful study November 2. of the state. bows and arrows. a Yo-heave-Ho and a lusty yell, Entertainment was furnished by Mr. Ranrhll traveled 5,000 mih.> They pulled a rope and a side wall Dr. Lindstrom used slides of graphs Tri Beta Initiates throughout the east this summer, fell. and pictures flashed on a screen dur- Lester Reutter who presented a readNew Members ing between laughs, Frank Larson and participating in a peace tour and I asked the foreman "Are these men ing his talk. Roy Livley who played a clarinet duet Tri-Beta, the international biologi- speaking before many young peoples' skilled, the kind you'd hire if you ancl Howard Milfer who sang several ~ fraternity, initiated Ida Mae Hen- organizations. While taking a train- had to build?" Peru Appropriation numbers. lWlg as an active member, and Jose- ing course in Chicago, he was granted He gave a laugh and said "No in- Figures Posted •·lhJne Shackleton and John Co)lin as interviews '·ith Senator Gerald Nye, deed! Just unskilled labor is all I President Pate reported at a recent Ul!OC!ate members of the organizotion Smedley Butler and other notables. need. faculty meeting that the biennial ap- ALPHA MU OMEGA li, a meeting Monday eeening, Nov. Stressing the need for the co-opera- "I can tear down in a day or two that propriation for Peru State Teachers DRAWS CROWD Alpha Mu Omega, the mathematics :in the faculty room. tion of cducation 8 l institutions •:1 which has taken builders a year td' College is 4,500 dollars more than it fraternity, is "packin' em in." .After the . formal initiation, the regard to peaceful international relado." was fifteen years ago, and that the At the meeting Monday night, Nov. ;rwp joined In an informal discus- tions, Mr. Randall, stated the difficul- I thought to myself as I went my way. student enrollment has increased 1 all except five members were pres: • of biological current events. ties of passing legislations to take the Which of these roles have I tried to about 75 per cent during that time. ent. ~\·Vary Grush· and Marie Wellensiek profit out .of war when people weren't play The following table gives the exact The hour was spent in a ciphering 0~ coffee and doughnuts. educated to war's racket. Am I one who works with care build- figures as presented: match ,of which Frederick Wolter ;:. Quoting Mr. Randall: "The Unitfd ing each day by rule and square? Average was the undeclared champion. States today is the most fortunate na- Or am I one who walks the town con- Years Appropriation Col. En't. Several of the initiates who had College Calendar ' tion in the world, according to our tent with the labor of tearing 1931-1933 $355,634.40 558 not presented their initiation problem . Nov. 9 ...... 7-8 Y. M.; Y. W.; probability of being invaded. There down? 1923-1925 $280;0()0.00 332 before, did so at this meeting. c. c. A., aren't enough ships to bring over the 1925-1927 $330,000.00 492 8:30:9:00, Broadcast million men needed to even start in- Jean Spier Writes 1928-1929 $330,000.00 565 Broadcast for Tues. Nov. 9. ~ Nov. 10 .... 7-8 Girls' Club vasion, much less the supplies and From Paris 1929-1931 $374,352.00 519 , (entire group-munitions. National defense, then is · "Hope I can really think Of all I Male Quartet19·31-1933 $355,634.40 558 '.:;J!iov. 11. ... 7-9 Freshman Clubs merely protection of a citizen in Asia want to write, as I have been to so 1933-1935 William Mooney. $284,500.C'P) 541 8:00-9:00 Philo and Everett or interests in Europe rather than our many interesting places," writes Jean 1935-1937 Gordon Gilbert. $284,5DO.OO 489 . 12 •... 11 :30 a. m. Dramaown shores. College people should Spier from Paris, France. Each time the money is appropriatBurton Evans. tic Club business meeting realize that and become thoroughly She, also, said that one soon forms ed the state auditor divides it into Howard Miller. ball-Humboldt high school acquainted with not only interna- the tea habit there, for dinner isn't eight equal parts for quarterly use. Dramatization of Horace Mann Everett party tional policies but social, domestic served Jmtil eight. While they are Thus, of the S5,562 dollars given for 1I 13 ......... College dance Violin Quartetand economic policies as well." eating, they can usueJly get America this three months, 88 per cent will be 15, ......... 7-8 Crawdads; Ednell Benson. Mr. Randall offered assistance in very clearly on the radio. One even- Ispent in salaries.. Of this percentage, Alpha Psi Marjorie Trenholm. starting an International Relations ing she was particularly surprised to 86 per cent will be paicl as stipencls 8-9 Kapp Delta Pi Helen Margaret Larson. Club on the Peru campus by anan;;;- hear the announcer state fhat he was for the faculty ,ancl the other two per 10:30 a. m. Freshman CounAlice Vanderford. ing to have sent by the Carnegie En- broadcasting the Mirmesota-Nebraska cent, or 800 dollars, will be for those Auburn High School Group ell meeting dowment Fund, books and pamphlets game from Memorial Stadium, Lin- not described as being on the faculty Rusty ~-----------· Jof that nature. coln, Nebraska. payroll.

Wayne Goac~ Hickman Talks At Convocation

... /

•.THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN Lindahl and Lambert Williams were / Kodak Club Holds Meeting editors. These Peds contain such head- 'I'he members of Kodak Club spent linnes as: Peru Defeats Midland the evening developing eight nega44-19 ! tives at their meeting Thursday, NovSelma Hedblom and Hugh Terry ember 4. Some prints were made and Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. TRIBUTE PAID TO were editors in ~925-26. developed also. The entire process Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nfbraska as second class matter. CHIEF OF OLD In 1924-25 the editor, Merritt was explained and studied under the $'1.00 per year, Single copy 5 cents. Norman Littrell, the busy PedagoWhitten, replaced in March by Edward direction of Roy Lively, who is upperADVERTISING RATES gian editor this year is preceded by a Matejovsky, now the superintendent class sponsor of this organization. Display 20 centir per' inch. Locals, 10 cents per line line of similar loyal workers for our - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - college publication. 'Ihis line of eitors at Mulligan, Nebraska, had an abund.dates back to 1921, when the first ance of news to print, for Peru was Mier Again Leads STAFF "Peru Pedagogian,'' replacing the tking history-Gilkeson played foot-, Scholarship Club Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norman Littrell "Normalite". made its lasting appear- ball and 'II s the sports editor. Scholarship club re-elected Glema Make·up Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harold Prichard !J.nce. The mai ging editor in 1923-24 was Miers as president at the meeting Sports Editor .............................. Junius McCowan · Elaine Shafer, who is still on the George R. v\Tilly, now a principal at held Monday night, Oct. 25. Sponsor .................................. Mrs. Gilbert Brown campus was last year's Ped editor. Wilber. These Peds are decorated !.ly The other officers are: Merlyn Bu Elaine's abiiity as an editorial writ;;r amusing advertisements of formal Wittler, vice president and program siness Manager · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Bill Bischof caused quite a stir on the campus. dresses picturing low shirred waist- chairman; Clara Helen Jeffries, secUpperclassmen remember Josephine lines, uneven hemlines and long retary-treasurer. REPORTERS Rogers ,the 1935-36 editor. She is strings of beads. -----------Ed' h now teaching $Ocial science and dra- George Medsker was the editor in J. P. CLARK . It. , ille~ .· · .' · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mary Lizabeth Werner matics in Iowa. Looking through old chief in 1922-3. The headlines here: Virginia Tr1vely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Sheely· Ped's, one notes a catchy column call- Peru 43, York 0- "Them were the Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Office Ollie Purucker ................................ Glad}'8 Nofsger ed "Dustpan" written by-Aw Heck, days." Phone 109 Ruth Crone ................................... Barney Barisas nuff said. Paul Wilcox heads this line of ediMargaret Saville The man for whom the Dorm tors as he was editor-in-chief of the ==....,==:;:;;;;;============iilili:=c;miliiiili-=a::.= girls wait so anxiously-Francis 1. first "Peru Pedagogian". appearing in Harris, now a senior was the indus- October, 1921. Then the reporters "IT PAU TO LOOK NICE" MEN'S FORMALtrious editor in 1934-35. wrote articles pro and con about RICE & THOMAS Peru is cl:iang·ing to a school for the male species. The: Bobcat is Wilma James, now teaching was "Roberted Hair." An article on formBarber Shop even now growling out plans for a formal to be sponsored by the the editor in 1933-34. ing a "Bobbed Hair Club'' stated that WE INVITE YOU DOWN men of the college, At: last the men of Peru are advancing. M. Florence Martin. soon 10 t~l;:e it would consist largely of freshmen Under Joder's Office This advancement is due to cooperationd>f the men. The old her place in rern's English DepG.rt- members because the sophomore girls bars .betw.een· athlet~s and ~ow "P" clubers ·are being. torn down; ment was the Ped~:;ogian e6iLO\' ln were not so keen about making appli- \ If this attitude persists; r~pid progress can be expected of Peru 1932 _33 . crutions for teaching· positions with the KINGSOLVER for Peru men· means rapid progress for Peru. Let's all cooperate. Merna Brownson, served as Ped undignified looking bob. Yes, indeed, ''Time Flits" for even editor during the 1931-32 term. BARBER SHOP JEROME SNYDER Iva G. Pierce filled this editing girls with bobbed hair now read their Feds in a dignified manner. Below Barnes Drug Store Jerry, student manager of the broadcast program; is our con· position in 193-0-31. It is interesting ception of. an ideal husband. (Jerry thinks he must have become to note that these Peds had a column a hubby for he practically lives with· radio worries.) headed "Chapel" and printed only CLUBS nice society columns such as the DR. F. B. LORANCE i "Peru Pulse." Office, 1006 Central Ave.

S;urvey Made of Pasr Ped Editors

·rhe Peru Pedagogian





During the !tl'st semester of the 1929-31 term, William Okrent was the editor. Marie Parker during the second semester. William Okrent taught at Hamburg, Iowa after graduating from :Peru, and is now doing social work in New York City.

Geraldine Corclell Demonstrates Hair Dress

Using Grace Paul as her model ,eraldine Cordell illustrated moder~ arms of hair dress at the meeting of Personality Club, Thursday evening. Having received training at a beauty The embryo of modern gossip col- chool, Miss Cordell gave a profitaumns "Dere Fowks'' appears in the ole as well as interesting demonstm1928-29 term's publications, edited by tion. Don Keister, now teaching in Grand Island, and Joe Jones, who received his Ph. D. from Stanford in 1934. He ROLLINS is now a faculty member or the EngHOSIERY lish Department at the Universi.ty of

To prove th.at Jerry fits our ideal we must delve into the fields of mathematics and prove the problem geometrically. Problem: l's Jerome Snyder of Aprapa'hoe the ideal husband of Peru's broadcast program? Proof: Jerry fits our ideal in that he is: conscientious, hard working, well versed in many fields of education, intelligent and thoughtful of the little things. Anyone can see the big things-it's the· e~ceptional person that sees the small odds and ends. Conclusion: We believe that Jerry's fine traits are assurity of Texas. success in the broadcasts and in his future work. In 1927-28 Elton Reinmiller was

Star Brand Shoes Are Better AUBURN, "{EBR

Say HWith Flowers









Peruvian Pictures





1938 - PERUVIAN "Mary of Scotland" by Maxwell Anderson"A dramatization of the life of



Nebraska City

From the negative that you are having made for this purpose you may order Photographs for your own personal use. APPLICATION PHOTOS

6 for 50c

Two for One


$3.00 - $4.50 ~ $5.00 to $8.00 per doz.

$2.50 Bring a Friend and Get Another Wave for Only

Special Cift Photos for Xmas


8 x 10 Oil Tint in frame ............. $2.50 5 x 7 Oil Tint in frame .............. $1.60 3 x 4 Oil Tint in frame .............. $1.00 Minatures Gold Frame ............. $2.50

Includ,es Shampoo, Haircut and Wave.

DOROTHY Alli Beauty Shoppe


Phone !57 f



- - - - - - - - - - - - -

15 for $1.00



1.y turns over to her the or-de.rl. of. the~ famJJy life for the next twenty years.

The story is concerned chiefly with Hannah's philosophy of llfe which infiuences the lives of so many people. .

Monday and Thursday Afternoon

Bert.hold Greenhouses

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - Mary Stuart. from the dark night Students, a variety menu is again when she landed on Scottish soil until the time of her Imprisonment in offered to you. Lift the covers and see what's there for your mind to nibble Carlisle Castle. The idea of Mar:r at. You will find in this week's offer- which the drama conveys is of a charming a book on physical science, one of ~ng woman, every inch a queen, fight. nd th. f fl t· Th mg first for her throne and then for drama a ano er o c 10n. e h lif ,, It 1 ·ti b k "Whit B ,, h s written in a fh swiftly fi con.co, ·e anners. asa er . e. ta! h f ts b t th movmg manner, with spots o umor 10 0 ren c arge . cen ' u e in the interludes from tragedy. other two are free of rental charges. "White Banners,, by 11oy · d a. no·ug"Atos, Men and Stars" by Roger D. las-Ru.ShWhen pretty, incompetent Marcia "The author combines ability as a Ward allows Hannah Parmelee ·to writer with a thorough knowledge of step into her kitchen she unwlttinghJs; sub.Jee. t. Conse.quently, this book. is exceptionaJJy good reading for any scientific layman desirous of keeping up with the rapid advances of phys!cal\ science."



are giving four show tickets for the four best snapshots turned in to the PERUVIAN office. We want your shots of students, facul· ty, campus, and every kind that will make the snapshot section of our annual representative of the college year. Make a deposit on your 1938 PERUVIAN at any of the float periods or at picture taking time. RESER-VE YOUR ANNUAL


"A Mig·hty Good Place to Trade"


noon when nearly twenty students visited the PER.:UV/AN office and "watched the birdie" for G. E. Pet~rson, the PERUVIAN "I wish I were a kangaroo photographer. Despite his funny stances FALL IN LINE! have your picture taken for the year book. I'd have a place to put the junk The time is every Monday and Thursday afternoon from 1:00 to MY gal brings to the dances.'' 4:30. Have your picture taken early-avoid the last minute rush. During the 1926 -27 term. Arthur c.


The Mardis Store


editor. He graduated from the Agricultural College at the University of Nebraska and is now teaching at Scribner,. Nebraska. This prize poe n, their ANNUAL. A.record.,1mmber of pictures were taken on the again timely, was found in that year's opening day of PERUVIAN picture-taking last Thursday after Ped's:

LL FALLIN LINENOW JS THE TIME for all loyal students to come to the aid of


Phone 378 Auburn



"~ Auburn

L ~

Peterson Studio Nebraska





has been. written about that problem. 'I CAMPUS SHOP , One of the most interesting ideas / J ITS RE"''fODELED iV. CASUAL COLLEGIAN I TWITTER BONES The American Association of Uni- Alpha has ever read concerning this is Crowds, coming in for that midversity Women of Peru were enter- brought out in our play, "Outward tained at the home of Mrs. B. K. Bak- Bound." The play is developed by - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - night smack after the games, has r'was the night of the Formal er at a one o'clock luncheon satur- the theme that a ship carries our The plug hat for the pun-of-the- necessitated the remodeling of the tmd all through the house day, November 6. Mrs. David Simms souls away from life to the "other year goes to clever twitting Kay Sam- "Campus Shops" cat-a-corner from . Nb k th uels who wondered if the slogan for the dormitory. till the creatures (?) were stirring of Hast mgs, e ras a was e speak- shore.'' People on that ship do not . h kn h the foot ball game, "Kan Kearney" "'hi'Jo students \"oro a\"ay for teach!\nd quick like a mouse-Unkie saw, er. Th e arrangement s were m c arge ow w ere they are going or that vi "c " " of Misses Brackney, Faulhaber and t!.ey are deRcl. There is no class dis . might be more appropiate "Chile Kan ers convention Miss McCulley had the William and Trenholm walking one . , Kearney.'' Woo! Woo! change made. The new lay-out 1·ntj nct10n; a. 1 are one ·class. ifter the other in just-alike formals as Tear. Mrs. Simms spoke on the subject On board is a couple who have Suggested problem for Elizabeth !ludes an additional large room they Song-of-India-ed in at the grand "The Mediterranean 1007." She )las committed suicide. They are "Half- Glosser's fingerprint fans: Separate equipped with seven tables and four march. Barney-did-it and "Hon" Hill enjoy- made eight trips abr6ad and has stud- ways", because they've taken their the exactly alike ginger smears of the chairs to a table. This room has the iel in four round table discussions In own lives and they can neither land Dionne girls. "chat and nibble" objective, while the lng a quiet (?) game of cards. Geneva, Switzerland. nor go back. "Outward Bound" is a You can tell 'em every time. Just front part of the store will have as its McKinney and' Pat's Papa. A fall color scheme with brown, ye!~ play not to be taken lightly and a look for the chin on-ground attitude- objective the "cash and carry" idea. Nan Kay Ho and Wendellbelle. low and orange predominating was great deal dP;,ends upon charact<'riza- ther're the harassed debaters grieving 1 Finney and Friend with faces full used. The waitresses were attired in :::.n over labor problems and the c. I. o. HARAJIAN & DALLAM I of gum. dark dresses and peasant aprons. The cast will be announced next What two well-filled org·anizations - DENTISTNeta in net. The four course luncheon was week. are going hayseed next week with a Office Ph1me 32W2 Meier meriting much mention in served by Hazel Vanier, Evelyn Slaybarn dance festival? Dr. H. C. Dallam, Res. 196 aquamarine satin. There comes a moment in the •e ton, Faye Bouse and Etta Uunaber. Literary Societies Dr. N. S. Harajian, Re. 32W3 of every columnist, when he is m le Mrs. Marsh looking extra special To Give Dance super-joyous by news tips from on anwell in dusky-roll lace. I Joining forces in the role of host, Gene Miller batting at the oddSIGHS Philomatheans and members of the om}mous sender. The mails brought I DR. GLEN H. JODER ook!ng dugisary hanging in the center Everett Literary Society are enter- these, complied by one whose type. . By Alpha 1 writing is unfamiliar, but whose sig·Surgeon and Physician of th e room "to see if it was really '--'- - - - - - - - - - - - - taining the faculty at a "barn dance," Milstead Corner quartz." Play try-outs and radio skits seem to with promises of sweet fiddling and nature reads "Snoopy Sue". She's Office ~3 Phone Res. 39 The Mt. Vernon screen door falling be big news this week. Friday after- lusty calling, Saturday evening No- delved out this information. "Janitor work done cheaply . . . See Beckman on everyone who walked through it noon approximately fifty people tried vember 13, in the Music Hall. Those and Buchanan."' (Providing much amusement for out for the next play, "Outward in charge of the reels, hoedown music What caused all the mixup on third?'~------------­ Staley.) Bound." Of this fifty, eighteen were and invitation arrangements are: LOOK YOUR BEST Could the sign on Margaret HenderBaller and wife pursued by people. selected to go through a second try- Mary Ellen Slack, Hubert Johnson. son's door have had anything to do HAVE YOUR CLOTHES Snyder breaking up dishes. (excite- out Monday. After this second try- Josephine Schackleton, Mary Liz with it? New members for Who's Who. CLEANED BY ment probably). out, the cast will be selected. Next Werner and James McAllister. -Hazel "Carl Sandberg" Buchanan. Peru Cleaners & Tailors Much glitter, much glue (floor) week Alpha will announce the cast of Dorothy Roberts- "Come up and see We Call & Deliver Phone 62 Mrs. Dunning many corsages, many carnations, characters for "'Outward Bound." my itchings." Thanks Pal. Has Visitors much punch, and many people on the Rustyporch afterwards. Such being the way Two radio skits were rehearsed Sat- Miss Elsie Lord Piper, assistant dean of all formals. urday morning for the Tuesday night of women at the University of NebrasSunday - So soon? broadcast. "Rusty" has developed into ka, called on Mrs. Dunning, Sunday, 2:30 a. m.: All girls leaving (?) a "full-grown drama'' involving Rusty November 7. She was accompanied or Omaha immediately after the for- and his struggle with society at Peru. by her aunt, Mrs. Louisa Piper Dobbs BE th~ first to try our NE\V SHELTON MACHINE ..... ma! returned. This week the cast of characters is as wife of Judge Hugh J. Dobbs of Los Angeles, California. About noon everyone wake up and follows: SHOPE OIL ................... $2.50 Charles Parnell Both women made enthusiastic inprepared to go on a hike. In the dorm. Boarder 1 OIL OF LAVENDAR .......... $3.75 Lester Ruetter quiries about the Philomathean Literrental rates on boot pants went 11p Boarder 2 Thane Cook ary Society of which Mr. Dobbs was two points in a half hour. Boarder 3 RILLING MACHINE WAVE .. $5.00 Mary Kathrine Hanlon president and Mrs. Dobbs, secretary, Higgins Rote! arrives at dorm. Girl 1 Vapor Marcel Machineless Wave $5.00 Ruth Wilson ·1hile they were students here at Peru. equipped with shotgun (N. B. the gals Girl 2 Louise Matthews The Dobbs were graduated in 1871. all went.) Girl 3 All hair shampooed in soft water. Girl 4 Grace.Mary Hnizda Mrs. Dobbs' father was J. B. Piper, a Monday, Henry Dean Karr very early settler at Auburn. Phooey ! ! ! ! Rusty Robert Weber G' bye, Phone 223 PERU, NEBR. Unkie. This skit promises some entertain- STUDENTS ADVISORY COUNCIL ing moments and Alpha welcomes Council Petitions for Rink ELEANOR NIEMAN ILLNESS Rusty's new friends and sincerely At a meeting immediately after conMiss Eleanor Nieman was called to says to them, "Good · 1uck." From vocation Monday. The Student AdvisOmaha Tuesday evening by the ill- week to week try-outs will be ~eld and ory Council signed a petition to the city officials for a skating rink again ness of her mother, Mrs. Nieman, the cast of characters will change. who under went a major operation Rusty is the· only Character who re- this winter. Wednesday. Miss Nieman who re- mains the same. All the others are to urned Thursday reported that her be taken by different people every Mayre Tangeman left Monday to take a teaching position in Atlantic mother was improved. week: City, Wyoming. Horace Ma.nnQuality Foods and Earl's' Cafe.-Adv. The second skit practiced Saturday NOTICE morning concerned a history of Horace I am planning to leave town NoMann, telling how he decided to deAnita Searl Heads vote his life to making universal edu- vember 24, and be away until Sunday, Symphonium Club Anita Searle was elected vice presi- cation possible. This playlet is in November 28. Please• make your apdent of the Symphonium Music Club commemoration of National educa- po:ntments acr.ording1y.-Adv. ARDYTH'S BEAUTY SHOP. at its meeting Monday evening in the tion week. The cast follows: Horace Mann ........ Lester Reutter : -----------Music Hall. ALBERT RICHARDS Plans for the coming year were dis- Mr. Barret .. .. .. .. .. .. . Thane Cook LEATHER JACKETS cussed. It was decided that the pro- Charllotte .... Mary Kathryn Hanlon and grams for this year would be the Mr. Carter .......... Charles Parnell J.,AMB FUR JACKETS study of the music of various countries. Membership Drive: 95 95 A try-out for D. c. membership held Gillan's bulk chocolates at Earl's Thursday p. m. was the opening gun TO Cafe.-Ady, in a drive for membership in Pem 75 Dramatic Club. Prospective members ALL WOOL COATS .. were required to develop a skit includOriginal Contributions ing action and words and to do some At Sigma Tau Delta Original contributions formed the interpret!ve reading. Nebraska City Nebr. program at the Sigma Tau Delta Former and present members are urged to pay tiart or all of their dues meeting Monday night, Nov. 8. as soon as possible. Let's build the Those who contributed are: Anna Dramatic Club into a live and thriving:----'-----------, Louise Short, Norman Littrell, Marie Wienche, Miss Ruth Ahlberg and Dr. organization! Robert Weber is the 908 Central Ave. treasurer. (That information Is given THE LATEST W. Smith. in case some of you older members A business meeting was held. IN LIFTS Nebraska City have an extra dollar and would Uk,' to phrt with all of it ) For an after show lunch, stop· at SAFE Outward Bound Earl's Cafe-Adv. Have you ever wondered what it is to be dead? 'What happens to our 'soul NEW EQUIPMENT INSTALLED Let us do your Ardyths Beauty Shop has this when they leave our earthly bodies? week added a new 24 heater Shelton How are they transported to Heaven GREASING Permanent Machine and a new Mey- or Hades .. These questions have hern and ers hair dryer along with her Fred- food for thought for many years. MuCih

Mrs. Baker Entertains A. A. V. W. of Peru






Pre-Holiday Season Pemanents



$1 Q $16 $9 Wessel's


Ready to Wear


encs dryer that she recently purchased. A new dresserette and facial chair are also being added. This new equipment will aid the shop with quicker and better service. Chicken Dinner every Sunday at Earl's C'afe....:.Adv.

Apparel Shop


Office Phone 164

Res. Phone r,9

Pryor Garage Phone 77

Bus Cafe



Plattenberg to Appear In "Outward Bound"


Peruvians Attend Writers Guild



Dramatic Club Initiates Announced

Philos Hear Clements Lecture on Peace

Members of the Nebraska Writers The following have been accepted as Guild including Mrs. Baker with, probationary members of the Dramatic Harold Prichard, Evelyn Slayton, and 'Club as a result .pf try-outs last week: Lenore Harris, the latter, a former Grace Hnizda, Ruth Wilson, Dean WAR SOUVENIRS :::AST FOR PLAY student of Peru State Teachers Col Karr, Laura Baum, Lawrence Weston, SHOWN STUDENTS lege, _as guests; Mrs. Joder with. Mrs. Lucille Hazelton, Alice Devore, Carter S ANNOUNCED Select Contributions 1 Superintendent S. L. Clements spoke Dunnmg as guest; and Mrs. Gilbert Johnson, Ed Nell Benson, Hazel Boi+se, The cast h,as been selected for out- For Sifting Sand at the Everett Literary Sbciety, ThursBrown, with Mrs. Marsh as guest, at L 'R R df D Ar tr vard Bound, the next dramatic club Th;e deadline for contributions to tended a semi-annual meeting of the e oy e ern, onna 1:18 ong, day evening. His topic was, "My Exiroduction, as follows: Sigma Tau Delta's magazine, "Shifting Guild last Saturday at the Hotel Eileen Johnson and Martha C!Jfton. periences During the World War." .frs· Midget · · · · · · · · · · . . . . r.o·is Nash Sands", was November 8. The initiation date for the new Fontenelle, Omaha. Mr. Clements is very much in fovor ·8 -s Cloed · w·11· • members of the club has not been set '.u · en Banks · · Mane I rams Dr. Smith states that approximately During the morning meeting, talks · of peace. He emphasized the fa~t Inn · · · . · ... · · · · Grace Mary Hruzda 70 per cent of the work handed in was we1f;:; given by members, who had been rom Prior · · · · · · William Platenberg· done by students, while the remaining in some foreign country during the Anderson Talks l:enry · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Dean Karr 30 per cent was contributed by the past year. They spoke about their re- At Convocation .1"inis.ter Duka · · · · · · · · Lester Ruetter faculty. actions to the countries and of their .J.ngley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gerald Fichter Approximately fifty selections were literary aspects. Homer W. Anderson, superintendent lcrubby, steward .. Thomas Chinnock 1 submitted, the majority of them being There was luncheon at noon, at of schools of Omaha, spoke at convo!:xan:iner · · · · · : · · · · · Charles Parnell 1· poems, but including also a few pi-..ise which Dr. Addison C. Sheldon, Presi- cation Friday, Nov. 12 • ::in "Problems 1 ThlS play, which was written by ·selections of the essay and short-shoi·t dent of the Guild, spoke on "The Lit- of the American Youth." >utton Vane'. is a fantasy. 'I'.he scene story type. Contributions came from erature Crop of Nebraska." Supt. Anderson stated that teachakes place m a room that suggests Imembers of all four classes. Probably The poetry section in the afternoon e:s must acquaint children with voca- that teachers in the scnou1s of our nahe smoke room of an ocean lmer. some thirty selections will. be used in included original poems read by Allan tional facts because young people tion should teach peace to the pupils. The characters are a group of souls the magazine, these being judged most May of Auburn ,and the Hon. J. must know these facts to make a wise He showed various items from his 1utward bound on the Stykes. They worthy by the Sigma Tau Delta edi- Edgar Howard of columbus. choice Of occupations. collection of World War souveniers, lo not know that· they are dead, and torial board. Following th~ there was a section He outlined the three major prob- which he collected .while in France. lre somewhat surprised to discover No date has as yet been set for the on article and fiction writing. Mrs. lelllS which youth is facing today as A shrapnel was one of the items of hat the ship has no captain, no crew, publication of the magazine. Maude Smith Delavan who wrote follows: selection of a vocation, get- interest. It is a piece from a bomb md they know not where they are l'The Rumelhearts of Rampler Ave- ting training for the vocation and se- and has sharp, uneven edges. When •oina curi'ng · b ft · · th t · the bomb explodes·with terrific .force '~,.,,. . . !STYLE SHOW nue," her first book, whicll was puba JO a er recemng e ramThese different nt.rsons pe t ing these shrapnels are thrown in all di. ~· re r SQn: PROVES SUCCESS iished without revision by the first · rarious types of peo~le found all ov- " . publisher to whom it was sent, spoke Throughout his speech Supt. Ander- rections. 'r the world; one might find himself Did you really make it yourself?" ·at this meeting. Later in the after- son emphasized the great need for vo- A hand shell (grenade) which Is lepict~ on the stage. Among others, -was the question most heard at the noon, Cenethe Thomas, sister of Dor- cational training in high schools. fired by a fuse and thrown from the h~s~ mclude an oltl lady, a young style shoW sponsored by Gamma Chi othy Thomas talked. "The boys and girls of a communit,y hand when making an advance also ruruste~, a business man, and two at its meeting Wednesday evening, At the dinner held at the FontenellB today will re its men and women to- attracted interest. ialf-ways, a young man and a young November 10. that evening, Miss Tear, who was a morrow, so the community should be Since he had had some experience Jn voman, who have kept a suicidal pact. The girls modeling self-made director on the executive board, had willing to give them preparation for a c~binet making. Mr. C~lements. was as 3e~aU!~ they had no right to take clothes were: Blanche Freeman, who a part. vocation," stated Supt. Anderson. signed to a stat10n which repaired air:he1r hves, they are forced to sail displayed a housecoat; Anita Searle, Continuing, he asserted that since planes. He gathered bits of wood 1ack and forth between the two shores a blue 3Weater; Marcella Karpisek, an there is no efficient placement service from the fallen planes, from which he vithout ever landing. attractive smock; Roma Jean Rethprovided, even in vocational guidance made a pair of candle sticks. The At the end of the first act Tom asks meier, a blouse; Edra Formanek, a plans ,the teachers should act in this wood is from the planes of France, lcrubby, ''Where-where are we sailing [blouse and Mrs. Dunning, a dress. ·. · capacity'. . E~plaining this statement Germany, and the United States. He 'or?" His answer is, "Heaven, sir, and These self-made clothes were attrac: Supt. Anq~1'.~Rll. pointed out that no also !ii;.~~~~....~~~ tell, too. It's the same place you see. ltive, becoming, 'and well-fitted to their one knows the ability of the graduates Uruted"b0--~e. It is a large cirowners. . Honors Bestowed of a school as do the teachers cle with the head of a huge wolf .on it. )ART IN BOOK Before and after the style show, in- On Knapp and Larson tilemselves. A German airplane is entering the )FFERED TO PERU ·formal dancing to the music of "Marg3 Paul Knapp and Helen Margaret Lar- In conclusion he showeJ that the mouth of the wolf. Evans and Her Piano" was enjoyed. wn were honored .at convorntion teacher has a problem in getting to Some propaganda leaflets are also The American College Year Book of F\iday, Nil"/. 12, '7.'llen they vit•rc o·iven know the students' abilities and capa- in h'is collec t'ion. 'I'.h ey were dropped ifew York is issuing a publication this "' o A · t ·t b CHANGES MADE tl1 e Kappa Dell:a .Pi awards. cities. n mencan em ory Y German rear having within its pages the phoplanes. Their purpose was to put ographs and citation biographies of ! AT CORYELL PARK Mr. Knapp received the award, usufear and discouragement in the minds ;he ten students on the campus of I Peru students who visit Coryell park al~y presented at comm~ncement, for Peru Observed of the American soldiers. 'very college or university in the Unit- in the future will find that various bemg the most outstanding freshman American Art Week Mr. Clements also showed snap d States that will accept their solici- changes have been made. of last yeal'. .This award is given with shots of villages in France. atlon. Ten new shelter houses, a fountain, the provision that the holder be pre- American Art Week was observed last one student will be chosen from and a new suspension ·bridge have sented the official Kappa Delta Pi week New. 17, 1937 in Peru by the ex · i'f he becomes a member of b'b't· ,ach of these schools as being the been built. A new shrine building awar d pm ,1 i ion of a great number of etchings. Speech Class nost representative as to 0 ) most which will house a stone from Jeru- the organization. American Art Week is a significant Has Banquet epresentative, (2)best athlete, (3)most salem and the bell from .the Baptist Miss Larson, now a junior, i;ras p1·e- movement throughout the United The Fundamentals of Speech class, ikely to succeed, (4• most distinguish- . church of Brock, has also been erect- sented with this pin because she like States under the leadership of the taught by Professor Moore, enjoyed a d appearance, (5- scholastically dis- ed. Mr. Knapp, receive't:l the othfi' award American Artists Professional League, dinner at "Nellie's" Monday noon, .inguished, (6) distinguished in jour- New walks have been laid and the in her freshman year. Incorporated. The object of this move- November 15 . lallsm, (7) most attractive, or (8) best electrification of the park is now ment is to arouse wide-spread inter- A program followed, the theme of iersonality. complete. Faculty Ponder est 1? contemporary. visual art, by which was the racinG shell and the Omaha and Hastings Colleges have A program was held Sunday n.fter- Summer Question showmg the people m each locality, four oars-representing a speech and .!ready complied with their request. noon, Nov. 7, to dedicate thes .tddi- The following question, of interest every year, throughout the first week its four requirements. -------tions. Mr. Fred Gilbert of p; .u was to Peru students as well as faculty in November, what their own artists Gale.carter was toastmaster. .,.,,_omiii Worth Conkle, former Peru studeni one of the speakers. members, was discussed at a faculty and art students are doing. as Chinnock, Phyllis Benson, ... Melvin f 1919, and Sigma Tau Delta member, meeting Monday afternoon. "In view Gottula and Marshall Swalley ga~·?. vho is now a successful playwright liv KAPPA DELTA PI of the public services to be rendered PHILO'S DECIDE entertaining speeches discussing the ng in Iowa City, Iowa, will have an- HOLDS BANQUET by this collef;e, the teacher need.s of TO GO SCOTCH four requisites of speech,-skill, perither production staged on Broadway I Sup~!rintendent Anderson of the the state, teacher certification reserverance courage and will. .his winter. ,The play "Prologue to Omaha city schools, and Mrs. Ander- ciuirements ~·.nd certain financ1R."t c...::" Not because of a depleted treasury :Hory" will be produced sometime l::e- son were guests of honor at a lunch siderations, would it be a sounc' poli· did the Philomathean Literary SociBROADCAST FOR .ween now and Christmas, according Ieon attended by members of Kappa ('./ to reduce the length of th0 sum ety g·o "Scotch" at their meeting of TUES. NOV. 16. o_ word re~ently received by Mr. Con~.-1D~lta Pi and of the faculty at the Dor- mer session to nine weeks?" November 11, instead, it was to wetTheme Songe s mothe,. .mitory fr\.'L Fr-iday noon. Dr. Castle Brown was principal c?me new member~ into. the organizaGirls Trioj Sup( Anderson discussed the meth- speaker, and President ,pate and Mr. t~on by a candlel!ght 1mt1at10n serHarris _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:.___ ods he uses in interviewing· teachers Tyler led the discussion. Vice and to celebrate the 700th anmCoatney College Calendar ! ifor il'Y>itirns in the Omaha schools. Dr, W. T. Miller was chairman of versary of ,the. fella who said ScotchHazelton Nov. 16 ...... 7-8 Y. M. C. A., Y. IThey hire no one who has inadequate the meeting. men weren t tig~t. Pedagogian on the AirW. C. A., c. c. A. preparation or no experience. . They Mary Katharme Hanlon reviewed Julian Jean Plasters have a plan whereby the college grad- p Pl W h Maxwell Anderson's play, "Mary Piano Duet8:30-9 Broadcast eru ayers ate Q f " . uates mny serve as internes to r.e- "Wh L · y ,, . ueen Scotland. The group sang Neimann, McKimmey ' . en ove is. oung 'highland 1 d' 'th b . . . Nov. 17 ...... 7-8 Residence Iceive experience. These internes A one act comedy was presented at I . me o ies w1 agp1pe imiInterviewGirls' Club !each half the time and observe half the Peru Players meeting Thursday tatwns. Ralph Higgins, Auburn; jthe time. Some of the personal traits night entitled "When Love Is Young»" I Ice cream suckers served as refreshDean Higgins, Tecumseh; Nov. 18 ...... 7-9 Fresbrilan 1which are considered are personality, 'I'he play was directed by Ardith 1ments. The meetmg closed after the E. w. Hayward Clubs Idress, and quality of voice. No teach- Christian, and the cast included Jes,r.. f'n:le:nbers practiced quadrilles for the Baritone Hom Solo-Nov. 20 ...... C.ollege Dance !~r i8 considered for a position who is Winkleman, Shirley Barett, Horace Philo-Everett barn dance, Nov. 13. Dorothy Snider cv~r 35 years, ar•.d all teachers mu~t Rzehak and Helen Wederquist. Educational NewsNov. 22 ...... 7-8 Kappa Phi 1 ,rec,re at the age of 65. A short business meeting was held Kappa Delta Pi Male Quartet-Scholarship Club I S;:iecial music wa.s furnished by Hel- and the earning of points was ex- Talk on Knowledge Evens Crawdads en Margaret, Larson. plined. Kappa Delta Pi, the educational Mooney 8-9 Pi -Omega Pi fraternity ,met in the Music hall MonMiller 10 a. m. Separate ConGet your College Stationery at Miss Gockley who wa& ill several day evening. An informal discussion Gilbert vocation Chatelain's-Peru's School Supply !days last week with the flu, returned on "Knowledge" was led by Elaine Rusty------------~ Headquart.ers.-Ad·1. to her work Tuesday. Shafer. Theme Song.




.K.·.appa Del.ta Pl'



Awards Annourrce'O






The Peru Pedagogian


Editors of Peruvian Have fine Record


Book Worms, here is the treat for Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. which you have been waiting. ,;r'hree From Hannee '08 very good books are offered this week, Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Ni>braska as second class matter. To Wolter '38 free of charge. All that is needea is $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents. .h da the time, the place and the book. Take Year aft er year Peru has publ JS e ADVERTISING RATES year book that has been a credit to '.n your choice from a biography, science Display .21} cents per inchi Loca, Is lo cents per1e. ' 1 the school. In l908 the first Peruvian and travel, or fiction. was published under the editorship cf "Beckford" by Guy Chapman. . k WoIt er J. A. Hannee. Today Fre denc STAFF "Fuseli thought him 'an actor but no is the editor of the thirty-first PeruL'tt N 1 ell gentleman;' Disraeli admired him as vian. Editor . · · ·. · · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · orman . r d· 'the man of th e greate st t as t e; ' wh'l 1 e The editors of the Peruvian have Make-up Editor .......... ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·•· Harold Prichar ·Charles Whibley hailed him 'a courte- come from farms and cities-from Sports Editor .............................. Junius McGowan ous gentleman, splendid in prosperity, wealthy homes and from the other Sponsor .................................. Mrs. Gilbert Brown brave in adversity.' As for William side of the tracks. One and all they Advertising Manager ............. , . , ............ Wm. Bischof Beckford himself, he said, 'Not one - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - animal comprehends me.' " Of such a REPORTERS man is this book, interestingly detailEdith Willey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Lizabeth Werner ed, glowingly narrated. v· . . T . 1 GI Sh I "Animal Treasure" by Ivan T. Sanirgmia nve Y · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · en ee y derson. Ollie Purucker ...... · ... · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Gladys Nofsger "Ivan T. Sanderson has written a Ruth Crone ................................... Barney Barisas fascinating book on the animals of Margaret Saville Africa without once telling about stop- I · ping the charge of a lion, rhmo or



_._,..--~- ..~

goriHa with a high-powered rifle. This

Horace .Mann's last commencement speech ended with-"I beseech you to treasure up in your hearts, these my parting words.: Be 'ashamed 'to die, until you have won some victory for h_uma~~ty." ': '' 'ij We wonder if Mann's words fit today. Do we know what is a victory for humanity? Aren't there two sides to every fence? A moving picture show called "Winterset" brought to the screen the lives of two people who held different ideas on the same subject. Each went through life seeing only his side of the question. Are we doing that?

alone is an accomplishment of some Editor Wolter merit." This book is more fascinating have used the Peruvian as a stepping than most naturalist's expositions be- stone to further their career. It cause of the ease with which the nar- Imeans something to say, "I edited the rative recounts his extraordinary Peruvian." periences. It is interesting to note that men "Green Margins" by E. P. O'Donnell. dominated the field until war timeThe river is majestic. The land is then Vivian Teich of Bancroft became thin and hollow. Islands float about. the first girl editor. In the last five Hurricane waves roar over the levees. years four girls have been editors, 'f · withthemen In creating a victory for humanity, what would happen 1 it Flocks of pe11·cans sa1·1 by wi'th a dread - of book.handling the business end ful roaring. Men wrestle alligators, back-fired? Should we quit struggling and urge our youth to let hand to claw. The honor roll of Peruvian editors:



things go as they will? . This is the scene of "Green Mar- Year We do not challenge Mann's statement-we merely wish to gins", a tale of livlllg people, seen in 1908 point out the necessity of knowing how your victory will affect hu- the lusts of hazards, of their callings., 1909 'ty A Literary Fellowship Prize novel. 1910 mam • 1911 The cry of "Make the World safe for Democracy" still~d the 1912 quavering dissenting Americans in the World War. When victory I 11913 was won,...__had humanity won? MUSIC NOTES/I 1914 So before we, the youth of Peru rush into the battle of life to 19l5 further ·humanity, let us stop and consider, look into the future an d "To Tecumseh we will go"-says the 1916 balance the pros and cons. · ' Listen to others, hear thei~ side. Ask yourself, "Am I doing · ,correctly~th e way 1t · w1'11. a d vance h umam'tY? Or 1°S there this l d ·. · l d?" h too. muc : persona · esire mvo ve • . . . Judge for yourself-we believe you will fmd.the .teaching pro-


Peru Singers. director, Mr. Steck, "to 1918 sing at the 1"irst Presbyterian Church, 1919 December 12 · . . ·. .. . 1920 Mr. Benford lo wr1tmg t..he mnsiv0 1921 for. Miss McCollum's Christmas page- 1922 a!.t. 11923

fession a fine place to start your victory for humamty.

Mr. Benford and his Metl1odi3t 1924 choir were rntertained at the home of 1925 MRS. GILBERT BROWN . the Reverend Tay~or Wednes~ay cven- 1926 Freshmen know her as Mrs. Bro':"'n---;-upperclassmen- as M.iss ing, November .3. 1927 Marsh. But in either case, the feelmg 1s the same..,,-.the. feeling 1928 that here.is a teacher that it is most interesting t? study under. Roy Hoppock, who attended school 1929 Mrs. Brown took over the duties of sponsormg the P:d, and here in 1933, visited in Peru recently 1930 has continually been the driving force behind the weekly issuance with his bride of two weeks. Mr. m,p- 1931 PoCk has been in the navy for the pas~ 1932 three ~ars, but his term of enlist- 1933 ment has expired and he is now b9.ck , 1934 in Nebraska. 11935 Get your College Stationery at \ 1936 Chll.telain's---Peru's School Supply 1937 Headquarters.-Adv. 1938

Name Residence Then J. A. Hannee ........ Auburn Glenn Jankins ···.···.Stella Varro Tyler ...... ,. .Auburn C. K. Lanpher ...... Gresham c. A. Anderson ,. .... Wahoo Chas. A. Novak ,. ...... Lama C. Ivan Winslow .. Beaver City A. Roy Scott · · · · · . ·.Palisade Joseph W. Boyd ... Trenton El · mer E. Wilson ........ Peru Earl Harlow , .. Bern. Kansas Vivian 'I'eich ...... Banc:roft Dorothy Roettger • • • Elmwood Amy Adams ............. Oak Herbert Kelly .. Nebraska City Richard Madden Pawnee City

At a freshman class meeting Monday Miss Tear introduced the new President, LeRoy Redfern. He, in turn, presented the other three officers to the class. Chairmen for three committees . . :'.or aparty were elected. Mar]ory Evans. program; Phyllis Benson, food; Clair ca;um, ar~~ngements. , . , .the preswents of the various fresnman clubs gave reports.

~,i~·irs. G1'lbert

Bro'vn • Entertains At Omaha Mrs. Gilbert Brown entertained the following: Elma Gockley, Isabelle Snyder, Edith Davenport, Marion Overholt Parsons and Mrs. Marsh,· at a noon luncheon at her home in Omaha, Friday, OCtober 29. Pink roses and pink tapers in crystal holders were used for table decorations. Mrs. Marion Overholt Parsons is the daughter of the former registrar of the Peru College. Tvliss Virginia Johnson was elected as the English teacher at Humboldt, Nebraska last Tuesday, November 2. She is filling the vacancy created by Miss Sylvia Kotouc, who resigned to be married.

J. P. CLARK Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Office Phone 109




Zenas Teich •...... Bancroft . - - - - - - - - - - - - Roy Chamberlain Brownville DR. F. B. LORANCE Ralph Hunter .......... Peru Office, 1006 Central Ave. Arthur Lindahl ... Nebr. City Phone 378 Daris Bunch , ..... Falls City Wilbur Schindler .. Falls City Auburn Edwin Rector .. Bartlett, Iowa S. Elay Coy .. Farragut, Iowa John Bath , ...... Brownville Dorothy Harkson ..... Davey j_ M. Florence Martin Falls City Alfred Knapp ...... Nemaha Adele Penterman .... Lincoln "A Mighty Good Place to Tradeh Virginia Johnson ,. .. Omaha Fredrick Wolter .... Ohiowa

The Mardis Store


SayH With Ffowers of your school paper. But now, we are soon to lose her; We admire the fact that husband and 'home mean more to her than does teaching school, but we will miss her.


Peruvian Pictures




Humor and drama flow from her pen, and she is able to express herself in either verse or prose. She is witty and a good conversationalist-around her one finds peace and contentment.

Berthold Greenhouses

Monday and Thursday Afternoon ~

No one can describe the power to make friends-it is just 1 Nebraska City Nebt: there. No one can tell the why of the friendship of English majors ·~--------------' ~ for Mrs. Brown. It is just naturally that way. We thank her and say, "Good luck, Mrs. Brown."

Two for One

CONGR;ATULATIO NS The last home football .game of '37 is a thing of the past- but its memories linger on. The season was a losing one in team competition, but a winning one. in school spirit. This year's football team was welded together. We do not take · i<>Sue as to whether they were poorly coached or just. didn't have the "stuff". Instead we point out that they played for the fun of playing-and that's what football is for.


Back of the team were the students- once again the hills of Peru echoed to cheers. Memories of '37 will stick in your mind-. the bonfires the, night before Homecoming-cheer leaders in blue and white-rain-nippy weather -passes-long runs. One and all I' they signify a happy season. Now, Bobcats in the stands, move your cold limbs to the '.\armth of the gynasium and watch the Bobcats Basketball Team







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Peterson Studio Auburn



tch the Bob··catsBattle--TARKIO f '~>,'

j.gs Wins Plru Fumbles

UndefeatedPeru Pre~


[ 1·


, \disposition, is more than I can see.

c AT s ·c A G E

l\FinisWell dear readers

(if I have done) Basting's Broncos defeated the Having undergone the final test giv- 'I By Junius Mccowan I any) that is aoout all the damage I .Bobcats 20-0 Friday afternoon .•n en by Humboldt, the Peru prep "Bob-1 &asting's field. kittens" came to the end of their footGeorge Mort ea1:~ed his letters in can do this week, so I guess I will . Humboldt Presented ball season retaining their claim to the 1football at the position of center, and close for now. Nope wait a minutewas the nustakes of . the Peru boys A d M' N b . . •hi·s abi'li'ty at thi·s posi'ti·on i·s tt here comes Finney and he lookS as . rnot an iss e r. championship for another year. \ . pre Y 1er than the supenonty of the A l d'd well understood by opposing players. though he has some news. Yes he has. ncos that made the score so large. Humboldt's MR. ARNOT and MIS& . sp en i record has been esta- ·1 Our largest center swears up and u made costly fumbles in .:i:ast- NEBRASKA seemed to attract the blishel by the "Kittens", as they have down he played three quarters of foots territory, which paved the way tor most attention at the football game bee~ undefeated for th: last. two i ball in high school with a broken leg. 17 straight wms, to i > touchdowns. The Hastings team Friday as the undefea.ted Peru Prep yeai,s, ~ record of He also says that one of his pals was ) made two out of the three extra. team upset the previously undefeated make it more sweet, they have been 1 pronounced dead, and 18 minutes nts. Humboldt eleven 13-0 on the college scored on but twice: Once by Coin, I later the coach brought him back to field Iowa ,who after a. series of passes ad>- : >ame Captain Punches played his · vanced to Prep's 24 yard line and from ,• life by useing artifical resiprat!on. 1 Then to top it off, the same center lal fine game while Greathouse and ARNOT, flashy Humboldt quarterback, led the team and. ·MISS NEthere sent an _off tackle for a touch! th fi t· ,jors also turned in good perform . h.te· t d down, that spoiled the record, and sec- 1 says e rst lme he ever threw the 1 BRASKA . clad m w i swea er an · . Mndn.. .i. javlin he threw it 186 feet but broke :es. d th h ond by Talmage, usmg a cross-buck 1 ---.,, M ov 1 1 1e e c eers. · after a kick-off and going SO-yards for ~ George has two handicaps which his arm in the act. 1 'bout broke my l'he starting line-up for Peru: sans, The first half seemed to be Peru vs. a touchdown. 'hamper him considerably. They are jaw trying to swaller that one. E. Greathouse, R. T. Nelson, R. G, namely, lack of speed and a pair of For more dope- on the "dope" see nches, (Cl, C. Douglas,. L. G. Bridge- Arnot. Arnot carried the ball, kick d d t kl d b t . Peru's record ·for this year consists Finney. ter, L. T. Mosley, L, E. Hall, L. H. e an ac" e - u his passmg was of beating the following: bad knees. George is the slowest member of the. beef trust, but one of the G'bye please. ll'k, F. B. Majors. R. H. McHugh, unsucessful against the Peru deTable Rock 0 Peru 32 B. Shields. fense. Coin 6 Peru 21 toughest to try and make any ground over. Substitutions: Pugh. McCormick, Peru threatened to score in the sec- Nebraska City 0 Peru 7 Basketball Practice 1yer, Barisas, Ada.ms, Knapp, Mort, ond quarter with a short pass over the Shubert 0 Peru 14 George has one more year of college Started Monday Nemaha 0 Peru 13 competition left ,and we sincerely ll'Ucker, McGinley, Greene and Mil- goal line, but the pass was fumbled. Basketball practice for men who are The first half was an even battle Talmage 6 Peru 31 hope the 1933. season finds him back not out for football started Monday. rwenty five players made the trip ,with Humboldt's Arnot .and Peru's Humboldt 0 Peru 13 at Peru giving all he has for the BoiJ- The basketball schedule for the seaclud!ng "Brownie" Velvick who was ·Polston figuring· on practically every "A fine fighting spirit-and team work cats. son bas not been completed. Howevtr, bl t l b f h. . . d •play. The half ended with the ball enabled us to establish this fine record Lester Mosley earned his letter at definite dates have been set for the iaulde 0 Pay ecause 0 is mJure in the middle of the field and each o er for the Peru Prep team" said Coach the position of tackle and his style of following games: · • team with the same number of first Bell. playing has been improving every November 23-ln1ra-Freshman game downs. year. Lester is also a member of the Dec. 3-Freshman Varsity game. :e Skating Rink Peru scored its first touchdown in Dec. 10-Game between Varsity A !ans Near Completion the third quarter, with Polston carry- Peru Football Team and B teams. See Train Wreckage Plans for the ice skating rink are ing the ball on an end run. Fisher hit The two games last named ·mn be iaring completion. the middle of the line for the extra Enroute to Hastings, the Peru footbuclgel c·vents. ball team saw the remains of a The dikes .have been removed and point. freight train wreck about four miles 1e bottom leveled· making the rink Score: Peru 7-Humboldt 0. rice as large as last year's with the With good blocking by the entire west of Fairmont. At that time it was FACULTY ENJOYS illle amount of water. team and exceptionally good ball car- not known whether any persons .were OLD TIME DANCE hurt. There is still a great deal of work rying by Polston and Fisher, the PrepsIt is believed that a loose pin in a u --• , . Only the Big Apple was missing at 1 be done, however, and the commit- t ers were able to score a second touchi:mrro. tru k d th f t d · t l'noSg\'~ the Philo-Everett barn dance, Novem- · e is trying to get government help on down in the last qu'1rter. Fisher tried c cause . e rame 0 rop m 0 beef trust and the opposition finds b 13 · i h f th f ·ddl f t . f t the wooden ties ,and this threw 23 . to h . d d ''M ,, er , given n onor o e aculty 1e proJ·ect. This ha~ not bcPn deft- th e nu e o he 1me or he extra cars from the tracks. /h im ve1"'' ug· \ m ee · oss a1so . who either participated in or: watched Je}y settled. point, but was unsuccessful. h n ear left for Peru and may it 0 'Ih 1 · n th as e Y · demonstrations of every sort of dance The game ended Peru 13-Hume cars a.y sig-sag, 1 e e be the best ever. · teeth of t d " from the double shuffle and fandana saw, some cars .s 90. on eni• "Mose's'' good mture and his free go to the quadr1·11 and polka. () ~ your College Stationery at b0 ldt • su~port e.d by other cars. Ra1ls were and e~sy! style have won him many " . ,, . HUMBOLDT ~'s-Peru's School Supply twisted mto almost perfect arcs some . . . . t t 1 ff t Hot old time fiddlmg · and c.alling Gra:fton ' friends, while his earnes s y e o oo . Yokum LE ~.-Adv. snapped into lay amid shattered . . th t by Ben Mcimnch kept dancers on the Gaddis ' ball brings him respect from e bes . Hendrix LT wood and debris of the wreck. Five. th t t •go, whlle those exhausted from partKrofta LG Coulter ton trucks from the cars la.y half- tackles and ends m e s a e. ner bouncing were refreshed by punch Pugh Hands offKent c buried in the soft ground some disand wafers. Frank Hauser RG Sherman ta.nee from the on·gi·nal bed of the Warning all you big· burly brutes Robert Weber's father, from Hum· Hunz.eker tracks. from the athletic department-RT Cerno Hlavak Adams stay away from the Freshies bulletin bolt, one time Everett president adBoukal RE Polston board. That board was bought and dressed the group. Julia Jean PlastPhone86 QB Arnot ers presented a reading and Mrs. H. Frankhauser RE Leahy 1 W. A. A. paid for by a frehman class and is Dunning consented to l'""". group . Morris meant to be used for Freshies only. """". J, Jenkins I.JI Fisher HIENKE FREEMAN Quit it nowsinging. Chandler CB Slack . Benson Well dear readers, there is very lit. Those "behind the throne" deservFeferee-Place. NEMAHA COUNTY Christian Carmine tle ath dirt this. week, but I will give ing back pats are: Hubert Johnson, Umpire-Rathert. ASTRACT CO. Randall Metcalf you what I have. designer of the block print invitations, Substitutions: R. R. Blankenship, Pres. Jung Devore Do you know that John "Banie" Mary Ellen Slack, Mary Lizabeth We, Bumboldt-Butcher, M. Jenkins. '< Bes. Phone 197 Prichard Barrett !Boyer picks his nose at footba11 prac- ner, James McAllister, Jean Wagner Peru-Hanlon. Offiee Phone 44 Auburn, Nebr. Meier Wienkelman tice? Well he does and one day the general arrangements, Ca~'ter JohnFirst downs: Peterson Searle coach asked him to pick him out a son, John Collin, Alfred Paul, ushers, Peru-12. Murphy McKimmey touch down. Mrs. Emily Kirk, sponsor of the Humboldt-10. This is the line up for the w. A. A. Joe Vacek ripped the lower porEveretts and Miss Pearl Kenton, Final Score: Drink Coca Cola Hitpin tournament now being held in tion out of his football pants and al- sponsor of the Philomatheans. Peru-13. in Bottles the gym each evening. most took cold from the draft. Humboldt-o. So far one game of the tournament "Spec" Nelson and his gal have fal- Margaret Vance left at the COOL AND REFRESHING has been played. It was won by Free- len out so, boys shop early and avoid end of last quarter to take a position Nebr. City Bottling Works Prep Defeats man's team. 'I'o win the tournament, the rush. What's the matter "Spec" is November 15 as music supervisor for Talmage Eleven four Sarpy county schools between the one team must win two of three games. football about over? Peru Prep spoiled 'I'almage's Home- Elaborate plans are under way for Miller and Gessman have been play- Omaha suburbs and Bellevue. coming, when he Bobkittens plaRt- the Farmer's Formal to be held Fri- ing "Prairie Football." That's the InMORE MILES WITH ered a 32-6 defeat on a light Talmage day night. Put on your worst clothes, 1dian style of football, where the sig- Dick Slagle and Louis Pascal· took examinations at Nebraska City a team. The game played Monday No- hitch up the horses and drive over. It nals are called by waving blankets. week ago Saturday for appointments vember 8 was an interesting game to may be your one chance to really feel Swell GuyANTI FREEZE at home on the dance floor. 'Ihree cheers for Coach Gilkeson. to the United States Military Academy watch. ZEKES Talmage scored their lone toucri- Red Cross Life Sav'.ng instruction How he managed to keep his cheerful at West Point. down on a 75 yard retlll'n of a kick- will be given at 4: 00 p. m. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday beginning ("THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END ! ! " 1off. I November 15. Tests will be given afW th d bt hi ter eight hours of instruction. e ra er ou t s. Y. M. C. A. Goers Peruvian picture-taking >vill soon be at an end. And that, we Hear Rev. Taylor Lnow, is true. "God's Influence on Man", was the DID YOU GET Only three more chances this year are left to have your pie-· topic of the Rev. Taylor's lecture to CLAYBURN'S GOAT? the Y. C. C. A, group which met last Anybody that calls Betsy Clayburn ture taken. We would gladly extend the time, but Mr. Peterson, ANN SHERIDAN Tuesday night in the Music hall. a tin can depository will hear from the PERUVIAN photographer cannot be here during the month IN Gordon Gilbert led the group in the owner Gerald Clayburn, because of December. The only other time available is a mere week dursinging of several songs, closing the Betsy is a goat with personality. ing the month of February at the beginning of the second semester; meeting· with the group repeating the It seems Gerald, eldest son of ProThere is no time to lose. Sign the sheet in the lobby of the Ad 2nediction. fessor Clayburn, has wanted a goat for years and years so he saved up· his building today. WITH Get your College Stationery at pennies for a real, live, blue-eyed In a few months the search for teaching positions will begin. €f~lain'~-Peru's School Supply nanny. An application picture may mean the difference between a person· ""1.rtets.-Adv. But Betsy isn't just an ordinary nal application and regrets. PERUVIAN pictures make the best goat. She's from Lincoln and is a application pictures that money can buy. Why not save money by Culbertson of Long Beach, real aristocrat. Although she's just a having your pic.ture taken for the PERUVIAN, and using it as an '~ ·the campus Novem- youngster, she already read and re~ was a viewed Emily Past's ]look, "Today I application picture also? am a Ram.'' 1938 PERUVIAN


Peru· Garage

r Flats~ :r!!!:~ervice

P•illips 66

eru Theatre

hn Quinton

0utplays Hum·bold·t

THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN Vice-President, Eleanor Neiman Secretary, Maxine ·Galbraith Treasurer, Willis Wirth Sophomore Class ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - readers, the paper is publlshfug a President, Frances Hardy "First couple up and 'round to the complete llst of officers of clubs, fraVice-President, Frances Staley right of the ring." ternities, and classes on the campus, Secretary, Carter Johnson Such were the sounds, and sundry as follows: Treasurer, Martha Wilson which greeted Unkie when he poked Tri Beta Freshman Class his inquisitive nose into Slack and Gies Yont, president President, LeRoy Redfern Werners' (the roommate presidents of Mary Grush, vice president Vice President, .Frank Larson opposing organizations.) Barn dance, Marie Wellensick, secretary Secretary, Clark Finney Saturday night and saw! Lambda Delta Lambda Secretary, Clark Finney Davidson and Dr. Coatney promenWillis Wirth, president Treasurer, Paul Miller ading in great style. . Glen Yont, vice president Chairman of Social Committee, The caller shouting, "Swing it. Why Evaline West, secretary-treasurer Ross Russell dont you swing it?" at Neta and Bob. Alpha Mu Omega Personality Club The faculty fairly putting the stuEvaline West, president President, Deta Cary dents to shame in the old-fashioned Louis Pascal, vicepresident Vice President, Grace Paul two-steps, Verda Gingrich, secretary4reas. Secretary, Alice Jeffries Mr. Baller shouting "I won't dance Kappa Delta Pi Treasurer, Stella Rogge -don't ask me." Vivian McK!mmey, president Upper-class sponsor, Marcella Annocuncement: The committee asGlema Miers, vice president Karp!sek signed to report on the outcome of last Mary Kathryn Hanlon, secretary Advisor, Miss Brackney week's celebration of PERU PICNIO Laura Baum, treasurer

- - - - - - - - - , INDEX TO OFFICERS AT YOUR DISPOSAL T W IT T E R B 0 N E S For the convenience of Pedagogian



Interval at a high school football

Johnson Goes To Omaha

i game:-Hearty pelting by Juniot high

Marion Johnson left college Friday to begin work in Omaha. She has secured a position as comptometer operator in Omaha. She will also teach music classes in the St. John's academy where she has taught before. Miss Johnson won distinction through her cello playing during the short time she was on the Peru campus.

hi5tory students cf assorted nuts at Jack Heck who simpiy used chI!d P~Ycl!ology and ate :'.,e missiles. Frv mah hide! Snoopy Sue came thru. this week again and she wants to know-quote-What Soph missed Biology class because he needed a haircut? Who was the red head with Barney the other night?



D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebraska Nose, Throat. Glasses stted. Phone 144.-Professional Card.


City, Nebr., Eye, Ear,

Get your College Stationery at Chatelain's- Peru's School . Supply· Headquarters.-Adv.

Office Phone 32W2 Dr. H. C. Dallam, Res. 196 Dr. N. S. Harajian, Re. 32W3








Surgeon and Physician

Milstead Corner I CASUAL COLLEGIAN i Finger Print Club WEEK has not yet reported. Results Scholarship Club Phone Office 33 Res. 39 President, Clark Rogers will appear in the next issue or be Glema Miers, president Vice President, Paul Hallenbeck posted on the bulletin board. Merlyn Wittler, vice president Those gastronomists tired of com- 'I'-------,,-------Secretary-Treasurer, Frank Larson mon comestibles should hear the chopChlldrens Comer Clara Helen Jeffries, secretary• Upper-class spomor, Elizabeth Unkie's f.tory for this week is about treasurer licking narrative, "Little Mantrap" LOOK YOUR BEST Glosser the little Higgins Hotel boys. You re- Gama Chi penned bY Dr. Smith, -author-fisherHAVE YOUR CLOTHES Advisor, Dr. Ware member, we've mentioned them be Blanche Freeman, president man extraordinary. CLEANED BY fore, I believe. They're an organizaMarie Wieneke, vice president Peru Players Along the topic of corporal puni;!"iPeru Cleaners & Tailors tion something like Ku Klux Klan.) Vivian McKlmmey, secretaryPresident, Elaine Eddy ment and methods of inflection: we Call & Deliver Phone 62 My story has two names, you can us~ treasurer Vice President. Lester Reutter Mr. Clements received blows wiLh a the one you like best. "How the Hig- Alpha Psi Omega and Secretoo:y-Treasurer, Helen Wed- razor strap fringed on the ends. gins Hotel Came Through-with one Dramatic Club erqulst Lilac branches were used on ~Tax Exception." or "Independent Joe or CharJes Parnell, cast director Upper-Class sponsors, Glema Galbraith for real stringeroas. Hasn't He Heard Yet?" Doris Prichard, stage manager Miers, Doris Prichard Let Odd Mcintyre have his mem · Anyhow, it seems that the dorm lobMary Kathryn Hanlon, prompter Advisor, Prof. Moore ories of thimble whacks on th~ head LISTEN! LOOK! STOP! by is no longer packed with the fellows Robert Weber, business manager Crawdads from his grandmother, Anna Louise 1 of this particular organization because Sigma Tau Delta Short's father had a better idea. He President, Bill Donahoe SEE THE 1938 of a pact. If one fellow breaks up Mary Dallas Harris, president used the scaring "process. Dramatically Vice President, Clark Finney with his girl they all do-and they're Marjorie Stevenson, vice president selecting a branch £.uitable ·for a good Rzehak sticking to it--of course, wlth the aCharles Parnell, secretaryUpper-class sponsor, Ray Kellogg hard larrup ,he would put lt down forementlon,led exception, Well, the treasurer gracefully, test its flexibility for t!:e Advisor, Mr. Baller formal is over anyway eh, fella:;? Early Elementary Club benefit of those tear-stained f10•3 Stop and Shop at Forsyth's Kodak Club Last night a little old lady came upLillian Humphrey, president watching from the window, then , Phonel88 Peru President, Edwin Falloon on four girls in the hall flt the dcrm, Bertie Boom, vice president march boldly to his waiting v'ctim, _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _! Vice President, James Lambert and they were wringing the,1· hands Frances Hardy, secretary treasurer only to administer weakly, aHemic Secretary-Treasurr, Doris and going on at a terrible rate, so the Everett Literary Society taps in places it didn't hurt. Schnepp little old lady said, "I wouldn't cry Mary Ellen Slack, president Bravisslmo for Jerry Snyder's intro Upper-class sponsor, Roy Lively like that if I were you." But the girls Ray, Kellogg, vice president ducing that hot Auburn swing'tct.'G r;n Advisor, Mr. Hayward replied in unison "You can cry as you Jean Wagner, secretary November 9 hookup which we thought Peruvian please, This is our way." Louise Matthews, treasurer wo1 thy of three hOsannahs. "Good Food Promotes staff: I thank you. C. C. A. Editor-Frederick Wolter Good Health" Ollie Purucker, president Busine$ Manager-James MsAIIlsEdwin Falloon, vice president Sigmau Tau Delta DR. EDGAR CLINE ter. Caters to After Theatre Edna Peterson, secretary Other £faff Members: To Have Banquet Mary Beck.man, treasurer '· and Dance Parties AUBURN, NEBR. William Mooney, Blanche Freeman The Sigma Tau Delta semi-annual Philomathean Literary Society John Heck, Norman Littrell, banquet will occur Monday evening, James McAllister, president Office Phone 164 Res. Phone r,9 NEBRASKA CITY Ray Kellogg, Ruth Lytton. November 29. 'I'he fifteen initiates as Mary Lizabeth Werner, vice preslMary Elizabeth Murphy-president well as present members will be enterdent Glema Miers, secretary tained by the following program: Carter Johnson, secretary Ruth Ann Hill Speech of welcomeRalpha Randolph, treasurer Zelda Carmine President Mary Dallas Harri~ Kappa Omicron Phi Doris Prlcliard Respanse-Mary Lizabeth Werner, Eleanor Hemphill, president Vivian McK!mmey Vocal Solo-Leora Libhart Ruth Sutorius, vice president Jean Plasters Address-"So You Want to Write a Verona Klone, secretary We appreciate your business and guarAnita Searle Play?" Professor Moore. Mary Matthews, treasurer Marjorie Stevenson antee you honest weight and first class goods. The music will be furnished by the Mary Dallas Harris, corresJ}ondlng Lucille Renner '!tring quartette, comprised of Helen secretary Ladies-we have a fine lot of silk hose-ail Louise Mathews Margaret Larson, Marjorie Frenholm, Maxine Aufenkamp, distaff ~ ~,\,'.• Ruth Crone &l Nell Benson, and Mary Alice Vanreparter the latest shades; handkerchiefs, and everyMarjorie Evans derford. Margaret Saville, program ! thing m staple drygoods-also mens' hose, ~ Mildred Knoficek chairman Pi Gamma Mu Maxine Metcalf, guard etc. Y. W. C. A. DISCUSSES Joe Halterman, president 1 Epsilon Pi Tau WAR PROBLEM Alfred Paul, vice president i'' r1\ \ Ernest Rawson ,president },.!, Symphonium Grasping current happenings by the Bernard Barisas, vice president Eleanor Nieman, president throat, Ruth Crone's International ReRalph Scholl, secretary-treasurer Anita Searle, vice president lations group inspired by the Japanese William Platenberg, sergeant at Burton Evans, secretary-treasurer capture of Shanghai discussed the arms Peda.gogian Staff present needs of the United States re- W. A. A. Editor, Norman Littrell garding future wars, at the Y. W. c. Zelda Carmine, president Make-up-Editor, Harold Prichard A meeting of November 9. Maxine Metcalf, vice president Sports Editor, Junius Mccowan The group came to these concluBlanche Freeman, treasurer Reporters: sions: that might is not always right Doris Prichard, secretary Edith Willey and the pen is not always mightier Leota Jung, point recorder Mary Elizabeth Werner than the sword. They believe for im- Y. W. C. A. MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS Virginia Tri vely mediate use a United States boycott Maxine Jarvis, president Glen Sheely First with the Latest would not be effective, and handing Doris Prichard, vice president Ollie Purucker over of requested territory would do no Mary Lizabeth Werner, s'ecretary Nebraska City Gladys Nofsger lasting good. The discussion concludMary Ellen Slack, treasurer Ruth Crone ed that "what we need right now Is President, Gerald Fichter Barney Barisas less wishbone and more backbone." Men's Club


Forsyth's Cash Store

Zenith Radios


Olympia Cafe


~ Students and Faculty - -


~\ I,

~ (~


~:,· · ;·




~ L. D. REDF ERN ~ t;;.::::rz:~r:c;;~;::::c:~:c::~~::::1~;:::;~;;.:::~*'::::::~;:::;~~=:c:7*;;:::s~*. Thomas Clothing Co.

Elaine Shafer led her group, RellPresident, Joel Punches gious Fellowship in a comment upon Secretary, Bill Platenberg questions of the following nature: P-Club Does science conflict with Bibllcal President, Wilber Shields teachings? If you were called upon Secretary, Joel Punches to explain God to one who did not be- Y. M. C. A. lieve, what would you say? President, Alfred Paul The Creative Leisure group under Vice-President, Gordon Gilbert the leadership of Zelda Carmine con- Secretary-Treasure,r, Erwin 'Jluilffs tinued painting activities. Senior Class President, Jerome Snyder Get your College Stationery at Vice-President, Leslie Openpeimer Chatelain's-Peru's School ~upply Secretary-Treasurer, Ray· Kellogg Junior Class Headquartm-s.-Adv.

For Good Eats


$l65 Wessel's


Nebraska City





lunches and Soups

Bus Cafe



Public Speaking Class 1'.Holds Class Banquet · Interesting Talks Feature Program A Public Speaking class banquet was held at the Tea Room, commonly known as "Nellie's," Thursday . noou, November 18. Guests of Professor Moore and the Public Speaking class were President Pate, Mr. Hayward and Dr. Smith. Between courses, group singing, 'ed by Virginia Trively was enjoyed by everyone.



Dramatic Club Changes Discussed


A reorga,nization committee, appointed by the Alpha Psi Omega, com posed of Harold Prichard, Robert Weber and ~1arie Wieneke, met last Tuesday and discussed plans for discrganizing the present Peru Dramatic

Today is cold: old Sol has retired But not to sleep; He Is shaking his feather bed, J<>reeing the delicate feathers Which sail lightly to earth Iii forms of snow fiakes.


In its place, members of Peru Dramatic Olub would become pledges of the Alpha Psi Omega fraternity. This new aiTangement would save a great deal of time and duplication of effort. It was considered last year, as a possibility for the near future, but no action was taken on the plan.

Thickly they fall, carefully, daintly Dodging each other-the heavenly feathers; When the bed is shaken, its contents emptied, Old Sol, who retired early this morning, May appear to gaze on a world White with snow, freshly laid and deep. "Oh, snow! How grand!" were the exclamations made by the excited stu.dents Of the ca:n1Jus last week with the season's first snow storm. Thursday morning snow suits, boots, stocking caps and ear m11ffs appeared on the campus in considerable numbers. Snow togs were not the only sign that winter was upon us. With the snow there cam11 Peru's inevitable slic.k side walks and the accompanying tumbles. People walked as if there were eggs, instead of snow flakes, beneath their feet. Now and then there was "one down and ten to go," as some one's shoes failed to find solid footing. Every one is looking forward to more snow and cold weather. "I can hardly wait for ice skating", "Do you remember our coasting parties of last winter?" "How soon do you suppose we can coast?" are the eager questions heard on the campus now. Yes snow Is fun. People will enjoy the newness of it for three winter mon,ths;then wlE came tllp longing fOJ.1 spring and away with the snow.

Ralpha Randolph acted as toa~tma'.s­ ter and mtroduced the various !:.',t'l'1- Poem Collection bers on the program. Given to School Ruth Roberts spoke on the "B. B. "Gems from Poets' Pens:: a collecPart of Life". Incidentally, the "B. tion of poems, was presented to the B." stands for "Being Bored". Peru State Teachers' College recently Choosing as his subject his favorite by Myrtle Maxwell class of '26, whose indoor sport, Glen Sheely spoke on contributions form a part of the book. "Sleep": He pointed out the possiMiss Maxwell was a member of Sigbilities and impossibilities of indulg- ma Tau Delta and was outstanding ing in this popular pastime in local when she was on the Peru Campus rooming houses where the musical side because of her writing. of life is over-emphasized. This particular book, "Gems from Grace Mary Hnizda provided "food Poets' Pens," an anthology from for thoughJ" in her discussion of Hollywood was published this year in "What are We Missing in Life?" Los Angeles and contains eight of As her contribution to the program, Miss Maxwell's poems. One of these, Ruth Wilson gave a splendid interpre- "Autumn Thoughts," shows that she tation of the reading, "In Prayer enjoyed her years in Peru. ' Meeting." Miss Maxwell is now at Vermillion, "Giving and Receiving" was the South Dakota. theme. of Gladys Nofsger's speech. The book is to be placed in the colThis subject proved to be especially lege library. timely since Thanksgiving and Christmas will soon be here. Many people talk much but say Y. M. AND Y. W. C. A. nothing. "Nothing' was Robert Sny- JOIN FORCES der's topic and he said a great deal in "The Facsist influence in Brazil and his speech. its effects"on tlie ·United States'.' 'V;as· Elaine Shafer's witty speech on the topic the International Relations· "What Is this Older Generation Com- group dlscussed under the leadership ing to?" concluded the program. Miss of Ralpha Randolph at the joint Y. M. Shafer briefly discussed the problems and Y. W. meeting last week. lhe that affect modern youth In "brlng- members talked of communism and lni up problem parents". fascism, and their influence in Europe The committee in charge of this and now in Brazil. banquet was: Elizabeth Glosser, Erwiii Juilfs and the creative leisure chairman; Ralpha Randolph, Ruth group displayed some excellent pictures Orone, Louise Matthews and Virginia made of circles. If they had had more Trively. scissors and time, they assured the Y. M. C. A. that they woulal have displayed some other interesting pictures. Football Pictures "Education is the best weapon for Shown Men's Club fighting high divorce ·figures" decided Football pictures taken of the Peru- the fellowship group and their leader, Harvey Entertafos Hastings game, to be used in Coach Elaine Sh~fer. Gilkeson's football hospital, were However, they agree that a national Methods Class Miss Frances Harvey entertained the shown to the Men's Club, last Monday divorce law should be enacted. at their regular meeting. Reports from the groups concluded members of her observation and. methods class at her apartment, Monday The football men were shown the the meeting. evening of last week. pictures last Wednesday in the trainBert ;'Hall, Arlene Heimer, Mary El: . ~~:~~~~ough the courtesy .)f Convocation Program len Slack, Esther Halliwell and Jack Heck were the guests. Mr. Baller took too reellJ of the Feature~ Book Week National Book Week, the 18th of its The evening was spent visiting. Hot game, while a Hastings newspap(;r kind, was featured at convocation Fri- chocoiate and date bars were served took four reels of the game. Good blocking and hard running day, wheP Ethel Glosser, reference li- by the hostess. b:y Hastings, and poor ball handling braria:r .poke on books for children. "Rec. ng is adventure, and reading by Peru told the story of Peru's defeat. YES- ! THERE IS A SANTA habits of the, child. will show In the CLAUS! ! ! You will agree with ::idult," stated Miss Glosser at the bethat when he brlngr, you that College Calendar ginning of her speech. long-awaited photograph of Him Nov. 23-7-8 Y. M. C. A., Y. w. She continued saying that until reor Her for Christmas. If you cent years little attention had been C. A., C. 0. A., 8:30 broadcast. have your picture tat.en for the paid to children's Uterature. She . 1938 PERUVIAN during the Nov. 29--6:30-8:30 Sigma Tau proved this point by showing different month of November lt will be a Delta banquet; 7-8 crawdads. editions of books in which the newer simple matter to have prints ones had far more illustrations and made for Christmas gifts. Nov. 30-7-8 Y. M. 0. A., Y. w. larger print suitable for children. A last minute .rush to have C. A., C. C. A.; 8:30-9 broadcast. Leslie Oppellheimer a~ted as master pictures taken for the 1938 of ceremonies and introctuced Jerome .. Dec. 2-7-9 Freshman Clubs , PERUVIAN has left a good Snyder who played two short piano 8-9:30 Dramatic Club. many students."out in the cold." solos. ,Mr. Peterson has consented to Dec. 3-Faculty Fun Nite, . take pictiires from 6.: 00 to 9 :00 Ware Demonstrates to Club Freshman Basketball Game. Monday night to .· accommodate It may sound contradictory but Dr. Dec. 4-Resldence Girl's Forthose who wish to have their F. E. Ware gave "dark" and "cold" mal. picture taken this year. Sign the light demonstrations at Fingerprint sheet in the lobby of the Ad club Thursday night. Dec. 6-10:30 a. m. W. A. A, building before 6:00 o'clock MonThe demonstrations were by way of "P" Club. 7-8 Alpha Mu Omega, day evening, if you wish an apvariation and the rest of the meeting Crawdads; 8-9 Tri Beta, Music pointment for that night. was spent in the discussion of civll CJ.ub. fingerprinting as opposed to criminal 1938 PERUVIAN. fingerprinting.


Galbraith And Dean Chosen At W. A. A. 'Ball NOTICE

There will be no Pedagogian issued next week, due to vacation.


Winters Entertain At A. A. U. P. Tea

COLLINS HOUSE FOOL FARMERS There were no cows to moo, but the Milk ~11aids and Cow Hands were in a joyous mood at the W. A. A. Farme1"s Formr.l Friday nig'ht. Several attractive "women" entered the ball shortly after the dancing started, but it was soon discovered

Dr. and Mrs. Wmter entertained twelve faculty members belo~ging to the local chapter Of the American Association of University. Professors, at a tea at their home Thursday afternoon, November 18. Miss Diddel was tile speaker of the program. Dr. Konig, convener, will be in charge of the next meeting of this orMaxine Galbraith ganization. Rumors have it that Dr. Konig intends to demonstrate her that they were not women at all; instead they were the boys from tlie prowess as a cook. Collins house dressed in girl's clothing. Diddel's Paintings The main feature of the evening Being Exhibited was the selecLion of Milk Maid and. One of the water colors painted by Cow-Hand. Maxine Galbraith, with Margurite Diddel, (while she was in her sunbonnet, milk pall and freckPeru last suminer) is in a traveling les, was choaen for Milk-Maid and exhibit which is being shown in Alamosa, Colorado the first two weeks in November. A water color painted by Norma Diddel (when in Colorado last summer) is being shown November 1 to 15 by the Enid Artists League in Enid, Oklahoma. This picture is in a traveling exhibit. ·-·:...~.,,...,.._.,,,:,~~-.-·~·-·-. ··.·~~~ ao~~~:t:'lm~ •""'


• <._.,

- ---

Howard. Dean. clad in boots, bandana, borrowed cowboy pants and shirt. and

was explained by Mariam Thomas. Mr. Clements talked. on the fine spirit of Steck Organizes the past and present football teams Ceron Octette of the Training School. "'Ihe Geron,". undel' the direcClon of Jack Hazelton acted as toastmaster. PTofessor Steck has been organized. The Geron is an octette comprised of: RESIDENCE GIRLS Helen Margaret Larson, Leora Libhast, COMPLETE PLANS soprano; Virginia Trlvely, Martha Plans for the Residence girls' For- Clifton, alto; Herbert Stutheit. Promal are going forward and by Decem- fessor Steck, bass; Edwin Bentley, ber 4 the rn usic hall will be turned in - Jack Gabus, tenor. to an "Alpine" scene. Helen Margaret Larson, former dec- Trio Sings at Kiwanis oration chairman and Clara Bright, Dorthy Ann Coatney, Marjorie former refreshment crairman, have Harris, and Lucille Hazelton, the coltaken on new duties and tu'ned their lege trio, sang two selections at the chairmanships over to Nedra Pidcock Kiwanis meeting last Tuesday evening. and Eleanor Hemphill. The selections were: "Lady Moon" and "That Old Feeling". COLTON WRITING They were accompanied by Prof. R. 'I'. Benford. FOR PERU POINTER The first of a series of four 'l.rtkles dealing with scientific discoveries in PERU BROADCAST the area around Peru, was published in last week's Peru Pointer. PERU HOUR Ray E. Coiton, of the University of Nebraska, is the author of these November 23, 1937 articles. He opens nk articles with an Orchestra Concert allegorical description of whe,t tranProf. V. H. Jindra, director. spired in what is today the peographi1. Connecticut March. cal center of Nemaha County. Classes will recite on November 24, 1937, as follows: 8:00 classes meet 8:00 dismiss 8:25 9: 00 classes meet 8: 35 dismiss 9: 00 10:00 classes meet 9:10 dismiss 9:35 11:00 classes meet 9:45 dismiss 10:10 1:00 classes meet 10:20 dismiss 10:45 2:00 classes meet 10:55 dismiss 11:20 3:00 classes meet 11:30 dismiss 11:55 4:00 classes meet 12:00 dismiss 12:25

2. Morris Dance from Three of

Henry VIII-German. 3. In a Monastery Garden-


4. Violin


net Mildred Knoflicek, soloist. 5. Hungarian Dance-Brahms


The Peru Pedagogian


People, see what is being served toPubl!shed Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. day. one of the dishes has been Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. switched, from a book of science to one ~1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents. of drama. The Menu goes like this: ADVERTISING RATES biography, fiction, drama. Feed your Display 20 cents per inch. Locals, 10 cents per line mind free of charge.

era. This plant has large perforated eaves. All these and many other plants snd. flowers are to be seen at the greenhouse. Why not go see them for

Tropical Plants Grown In Peru Greenhouse


LEMONS AND FIGS ON PERU CAMPUS Get your College Stationery at Flowers and plants of all sizes and Chatelain's-Peru's School Supply descriptions, not only from America, He:1dquart.ers.-Adv. but also from several other countries, "Marie AntoinetteH by Stefan :Sweig. can be found in the green house here ' - - - - - - - - - - - - The author depicts Marie Antoin- on the Peru campus. Dr. Winter estiMUSIC NOTES STAFF ette as an "average" woman "whom mates_ that there must be from 250 to 1 Editor ....................................... Norman Littrell the drama of the Revolution forced 300 different kmds of plants m the Candles in the windows, lighted Make-up Editor .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . Harold Prichard into playing an heroic role-an or- greenhouse, and most of them are troChristmas trees, an atmosphere of redinary woman caught up on extraor - pica! plants. Sports Editor .............................. Junius McGowan dinary circumstances and burdened Last year only one lemon ripened in verence and tranquility; then the robed Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Gilbert Brown with a more than ordinarily feeble the greenhouse. This year there are choir. humming softly, ascends the Advertising Manager ............................ Wm. Bischof husband.'' Recommended to the read- four lemons which will soon be ripe stage. Watch for further notice telling ers of the Pedagogian for recreation- !land ready to eat. These lemons are a when and where. REPORTERS al readmg. specimen from Texas, and each one To comply with the demand for Edith Willey .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. Mary Lizabeth Werner "Northwest Passage" by Kenneth is about four times as large as an or- extra singing activities, Mr. Steck is 1 ldinary lemon. Think of making a planning a boys' glee club and a girls' Virginia Trively . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . Glen Sheely Roberts. glc.e club. Langdon Towne's two ambitions Iwhole pitcher of lemonade with the Ollie Purucker ................................ Gladys Nofsger were to paint the Indians as they Jmce of one lemon. Ruth Crone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barney Barisas really looked, and to follow Major The banana crop matured shortly Re.gular Meeting Margaret Saville Robert Rogers, American ranger com- latter school began this fall. Each Held By C. C. A. mander. The racing narrativ~ will !stalk bears only one bunch of bananas, c. c. A. held its regular meetini FREDRICK WOLTER1 make the reader's blood throb m his 130 as soon as the fruit is ripe, the Thursday evening. Rev. Adan "Fritz", the wizard from Ohiowa, is this year's editor of the veins. It is rich in humor and su~- sta!ks are cut down. Several new Szmydt gave a lecture based O'l-Peruvian. pense, rmnance a1l'.l adventure. Do Iba nana trees have made their appear- w hether learning declined during the The entire campus is used to seeing the short, stocky figure of not miss it. It is a whale of a book. Ian ce since the last stalks were cut. dark ag·es or if it remained the same "The Petrified Forest" by Robert I A dding to the collection of edible 01· increased. Wolter's scurrying hither and thither. Chemistry students are After the lecture fru its are the figs. The crop of three F more conscious of a keen analytical mind that corrects their pa- Emmet Sherwood. ather Szmydt answered questions The scene is a desert gas-filling sta- \ or four dozen figs will soon be ripe. ancl settled points under discussion. tion and the Petrified forest refers , Th e Diffenbachia is an interesting The club is planning a party to Le both to the actual fore~t adjacent and Itro pica! plant. It resembles a spotted- held after Thanksgiving. to several of the characters. A dev- Ileaf Calla lily. The native tribes of erly written play, an excellent story. the Amazons use it, together witil Get )'OU!' College Stationery at One of t,he best "llhows" of the New :se veral other plants and herbs, to Chatelain's-Peru's School Supply York stage season. It has also been lpo ison their arrows. No one knows Headquarlers.-Adv. filmed. exactly what part the Diffenbachia ds to the poison except the witch Rodney Parker visited the Peru - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! I ctors of the different tribes, who Campus Tuesday, November 2. ncoct the mixtures. CASUAL COLLEGIAN co A recent addition to the "house of Prnfessor Steck made arrangements pers-for in his spare time "Fritzie" is a lab assistant. - - - - - - - - - - - ' - 1 1 g 1ass ... is the Keynote. It is a small at the Kansas University for graduate "Fritzie" has a flair for art, as you can notice on all Peru· I We still like Bob Burn's poem per- lea ctus which has rounded stems cov- study a week ago last Thursday. vian announcements. The beautiful creatures that originate in the taining to Thanksgiving: ei·ect with ribbed tubercles. This Wolter mind will long be remembered by those who have '37 an· Get your College Stationery ~l t No trees Ip! ant is a native of Texas. It is used Supply nuals. No bees ·as a stimulant and narcotic among Chatelain's-Peru's School November. J t he Mexican Indians, who also employ Headquarters.-Adv. This flair for originality is the potent factor in our predicting as a mild intoxicant in various Those really· weren't "longies" so ilit '1 still higher ranking Peruvian for the '38 year book than those of remonials. HARAJIAN & DALLAM: nimbly displayed by Strawfoot Galce the past. braith at the milkman's Masquerade The Croton tree is a small East In- I - DENTISTLook alikes: Duke of Winson and Pro- Idian tree, the seeds of which produce Office Phone 32W2 THANKSGIVINGfessor Maxwell.. \a viscid, acrid oil which is sometimes Dr. H. C. Dallam, Res. 196 Ha Ha-We caught them Y. M. C. A. fu sect in medicine and is, by itself, very Once again the calendar is turned to the month of November Dr. N. S. Harajlan, Re. 32W3 \ oisonous. --the month wherein we celebrate Thanksgiving as a national gals subtly changing the annual Japa- Ip nese sale to Chinese Christmas sale on Another unusual plant is the Crown holiday of gratefulness and thankfulness. Thanksgiving is second 1 f Thorns, which grows wild in Palesaccount of. the boycott. ° 1 only to Christmas in making the heart glow with the warmth of J. P. CLARK Nice combination-John Collins and I.tine. Legend has it that this is the contentment. ginger Trlvely. Around and about the jP!ant from which the crown of thorns Electric Shoe Shop North of On the very first Thanksgiving, people were truly grateful and art departme~t watching Diddel's 1\1•as made for the head of Jesus. Post Office There are many nodding violet-blue rejoiced in what they did have, not in what they didn't have. Is daubers painting pitcher wit pawder 1 Phone 109 owers which closely om· resemble that still our attitude, or are we inclined to think of Thanksgiving puffs.-Scat our cats! Quote Eleanor Nieman- more good Iviolets. However, they are not violets as a time to eat "turkey and all the trimmings"? May we give people have birthdays in November. iat all, but Saintpaulia, a small genus thanks this year in the same spirit in which the Pilgrims gave Kay Sameul's cute lined snowshoes.1°f African plants. "IT PAYS TO LOOK NICE" thanks on that first Thanksgiving. Mr. Moore believes a butler who is The flowers which add the most RICE & THOMAS olor to the greenhouse are the BouThis Thanksgiving will be a splendid time to stop and think fired shoulij be. called a "rebuttaler." le ainvillaea. This is a tropical AmeriBarber Shop The recent gap in atmosphere and ac\g of all the good things which have happened to us during the year. WE INVITE YOU DOWN tivity because everyone is doing with- can woody vine with brilliant purple Let us express our gratitude for all our blessings not only on Under Joder's Office out. Ruth Crone who is convalescing ib.lossoms. Thanksgiving Day, but also every other day throughout the year. in Beatrice, I One of the most attractive blooming "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with Open letter to some of the numerous !ants is the Hibiscus, which has a large, sh0wy, pink flower. praise: ~e thankful unto him, and bless his name."-Psalms 100:4. blondes-we can't fathom why this KINGSOLVER man Nunzio Lazzaro has escaped I The Christmas cherries are very beautiful at this time of the year. In female clutches so long. There's plen-1 BARBER SHOP fact, they look almost good enough to BOOK WEEKty of cause for drawing a head on 'i eat. Last week was Book Week in the United States. Did you 'lm Below Barnes Drug Store Representing a genus of tropical No one seems to know what's appro- , read a book? Check over your reading since you entered college American climbing plants is the Monsand .see how many books you have read that are of your own plate to say about Mrs. Brown, a I "regular fella" plus charming lady choosing. The list is probably small. whose classes are surprisingly shortDR. F. B. LORANCE It is a common fault of students to bury themselves in refer. Mayhap a bit of wishing her goodluck Office, 1006 Central Ave. t nee books. After a time, such books become boresom~ and a and thanking her for the contacts. Phone 378 struggle to digest. Tired of books, the student turns to other re· - - - - - - - - - - - I Auburn 1 creation, forgetting that browsing through the pages of a book you FLOWERS FOR ALL enjoy is the best way to forget yourself. OCCASIONS After an evening with one of your 'favorite books, you will






iI I




I 1




I Say It With Flowers I

find your perspective as to reference books better. Such books will be more interesting and facts will "soak in" without hours of boresome repetition.

Dorothy Ann Beauty Shoppe

offers an exceptional value in all WHAT IS EDUCATION?Education is the systematic development and cultivation of the mind and other natural powers. It is the harmonious development of all our faculties which continues not only through school but through life. It is acquired through acquaintance with the great minds both past and present. It requires the use of the intellect in forming intelligent conclusion relative to humanity and life from material gathered from many sources :-social contacts, books and experi· ences. To be truly educated one ·must have the ability to make social and economic adjustments to society and life in general.

OIL SANDERS PERMANENT for $3.00 complete. If Perm:inents are gcit on Mon. 'I<ies. Wed. A FREE EYEBROW ARCH along with it. Here you ;;et the type of PERMANENT for your texture hair. PHONE 157 fJr appaintment. Auburn,




Gre'9nhouses I Berthold Nebraska City I


The Mardis Store "A Mighty Good Place to Trade''


Coffee Shop Nebraska City


Watch the Bobcats Battle--TARKIO Greathouse Chosen ~II-Conference End CATS CAGE LEONARD GREATHOUSE was seBy Junius Mccowan .ected as an end on the N. I. A. A. all ~onference team. He was the only J,eo11:ird Greathouse earned his first Peru man to rate a first team position letter at the position of end during .n the N. I. A. A. selection. the '36 season. He BARISAS and MAJORS were selectis the rough and ;d for the second team and PUNCHES ready type o f md DOUGLAS received honorable Player; who gains nention. the respect of op-

7rawdads Plan <'or Water Polo Plans are under way by the "Craw'.ads" to give the Peru students some ea! sport in water polo. At the last meeting members were iven the fundamentals of the game •Y Ray Kellogg, sponsor. The ball is •eing purchased by assessing extra lues. C1ark Finney and Robert Donohoe ave excellent diving exhibitions. Donohoe Elected ::::rawdad President "Nominations are now in order for >resident", said Ray Kellogg', sponsor )f the freshman "Crawdades" swimning club. "Hutch", the first to th~ floor, vas recognized by the sponsor-"I nominate Barisas" was stopped ll his first attempt at college politics, vhen old "meanie" Kellogg informed 'Hutch" that Mr. Barisas was a !ignified senior, and ao punish:nent 'hutch" would be du '):ed till "wa~er­ ogged." "Hutch" making no furthe» nomina · .ions, the results of the election were ~s follows: William Donohoe-president. Clark Finney-vice president Horace Rzellak-sec.-:treasure1·. Plans wexe discussed by the club as .o the possibility of taking dues to iurchase a water-polo ball.

Earl's Cafe features TURKEY

DINNER Thanksgiving Day

posing players by showing them h o w football should be played. His aggressiveness and talent gained him the position of end on the all-state team this year, a position which is one to be proud of. "Greathouse" has two seasons left for college competition and, if a person can judge the future by the past · e to be great improvement, they promis ones. Bert Hall also earned his letter at the position of end. Bert looks best while playing offensive football due to his blocking and pass catching ability. With Jong easy strides Bert goes down ~he field, feints a half Ollt of position, cuts k and with baC, easy, lazy motions snaggs the pass for another nice gain. Peru fans will probably see Bert playing his last for the 'Cats in '38, as he has but one year left. The Tarkio game will end the Peru football career of five seniors. Punches, · Dou)Jlas, Stark, Bansas and Pugh will be donning the blue and whl.te for the last tinle. Only football players realize the fE.eling this occasion holds. 1

Gilkeson Talks To Omaha Teachers Coach Gilkeson prest •. ;ed a talk on "New Thoughts in Physical Education" to the physical education teachers of the Omaha public schools at Central High cafeteria, Thursday evening, November 18. Mr. Gilkeson spoke on the greater emphais that is being placed on health education in connection with physical education. The physical education teacher of today needs to be able to teach health. Next, Mr. Gilkeson spoke on new ideas in regard to physical education classes in meeting certain standards. That is, in the future it is the plan to introduce fewer activities and raise the standards, rather than introduce many activities and lower . the standards in each activity. In conclusion, Mr. Gilkeson spoke on the new national curriculum of physical education. This curriculum has been recently developed, and is the result of nine years of research on th part of outstanding leaders in the field of physical education.


Thanksgiving Day Game Last For Five Seniors TILT WITH TARKIO OWLS TO END BOBCAT SEASON Thanksgiving of 1937 will find five Peru Seniors climbing into their togs for the last time. These men are: Douglas, Pugh, Stark, Barisas and Punches. It's a sad thought that they will become part of Peru's pastyet it is men like these that have given Peru its great reputation and tradition. Today the college pays tribute to you seniors who have had an active part in Peru's athletics these last few years. We present the football Seniors of '37:

Joel Punches, the tre1gh t train gone stream-lined, hails from Wymore. For four years Joel has filled a guard position on Peru's team. His work is not of the flashing type-it is the steady type. You can 'have your picks but we'll take the fellow about whom his teammates say, "Gosh, it sure is easy to block with Joel at your side."

W. A. A.

L _ _ _ _ __


Eldred Douglas, he of the fighting heart, hails from Tecumseh. Doug weighs only 145 pounds, yet he was i;iven honorable mention on the allconference team. He is a center.

Freeman's team was victorious in the hit-pin tournament last week, winning 2 out of 3 games from Heinke's team. The scores were: Freeman Hienke Wednesday .. .. . .. .. .. 22 11 ,.Larry St.ark, our bounding rabbit, is Monday .............. 14 25 Wednesday . . . . . .. . . . 18 15 from the tall corn state. Larry is the Red Cross Life Saving instruction fastest man on the squad. This is his first year on the squad. will be given Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week at 4 p. m. J Beginning next Monday and continuing for three nights each week, volleyball. practice will be held in the Orval Pugh, the graceftil antelo11e gym. There will be 15 practices in all. To earn 100 points in volley ball a from the hills of Peru, is a home town boy. Orval, an end, ha:; played three person must: years for the blue and white. He is (1.) Attend 8 practices, and also a basketball and tracl' letterman (2.) Two team practices, and

have seen large men leave the gridiron after the final whistle-stop·(3.) Play in the tornament. look back-and with the back of a rough, dirty hand w:.pe the "dust" out Organic Chemistry of their eyes. They are glad to be in 1 l Most Difficult the showers where they have a ega excuse to h:ne a wet face. Yes, only What is the most difficult college

Kinney Visits Peru Campus Ray Kinney, regional director io:· the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. was on. the can11ius Tuesday and

Bernard .Harisas, cattle-king from the south Omaha ranches, is an ox of a fellow. Barney is the original pep])E:l'-uper of the team. Next year the team will miss those hearty rejoinders

of Bernard's. Barney was placed at football p!:J.yers realize what the last subject? Wednesda:.:, No'.'Crtber 16 and 1?. :\Ir. tackle on the second all-conference game means. Organic chemistry. Kinney, wl10 h9s just returned from team. so to you Punches, DDuglas, Stark. This is revealed in a it~dy made by China to take over the position held - - - - - - - - - - - - - Barisas and Pugh, I dedicate this the Bureau of Education Surveys, by Charles Hulac last year, met numMORE MILES WITH sport page for the work you have done New York City. bers of both the Y. W. C. A. and Y. Haskell Indians for Peru. The Bureau found that the use of M.C.A:. for conference and the discu3- Here In February college outlines and other supplemen·· sion of campus problem:;. AccompanyOne of the more Important games on ANTI FREEZE Well, team, the football season is tary aids to study was in direct pro- ing Mr. Kinney were his wife and the Peru schedule this season will be about over. On the record> the sea- portion to difficulty in the subject e:x- small daugllt2:·. played here with the Haskell Indians. ZEKES son looks something like a failure, off perienced by the stu~ent, an~ that the F'€bruary 22 . the records it has been a great one. numbe.r of students m orgamc chemis: Miss Ruth Johnson is leaving· for This team is from the Government You have h::td the fun of pJaying foot- try usmg college outlines far exceect Chicago, November 26 to attend the Indian school at Lawrence, Kans. ball, have tasted victory and defeat, that Of any other course. 4-H Club National Convention. She and have had the fun of taking some According to the study, science cours- was chosen as a deleg·ate froni. Iowa Peru broadcasters will have an opnice trips. es as a group are a major source of as a reward for taking· first place in portunity to improve their technique SHOWING difficulty with history, particularly an- home efficiency in 4-H work, for her when a new book entitled "Broadcast Wind up the season fellows by 'I'AK· cient, ~edieval and European not far state. Miss Johnson is a freshman in Speech-NBO's Handbook for AnMERLE O'BERON ING THE TURKEY OUT OF TAR- behind. Study of Shakespeare's plays Peru this year. Her home is in Ham- nouncers and Speakers" goes on sale. KIO. rates "hardest" of the English litera- burg, Ia. Her school residence is the A committee headed by Dr. William BRIAN AHERNE ture courses. Robinson house. A. Neilson, president of Smith college, The Intra-freshman basketball The subjects most baffling to stu- Miss Mathilda Barisas, class of '34, has made an extended study to com-INaame which was scheduled for today dents, in order of their difficulty, as and sister of Barney Barisas, has re- pile this handbook-the first of its ~as been r.ostponed until the Friday reve~led by th~ ~urvey, are: orgamc cently been elected to teach the sixth kind. It will contain correct pronunafter Thanksgilng vacation. chemistry, statistics, physics, general· grade in one of the ·Blair public ciation of "catchy" words and names This game has been postponed so b~ology, history of the .middle ages, schools. q,s well as much other information that freshmen who are now Jut for history of Eur~pe, Amencan govern- For the past two years Miss Barisas which will be of value to radio anTh"Urs., Friday, Saturday football may take part in th8 1Jaskct ment and Engllsh literature. has been teaching the third and nouncers or anyone who speaks over ball game. Students questioned during the stu- fourth grade at Creighton, Nebras- the air. The varsity A and B team game dy stated that the college outlines sinl- ka. oV. 28-26-27 Wednesday evening. plified their work by giving them a t Wl.11 be pl"yed ~ Get your College Stationery at Get your College Stationery a picture of the course as a whole, in Dec. 8. advance, of the leld to be covered and Chatelain's-Peru's School Supply Chatelain's:-Peru's School Supply 'Headquartel'!l.-Adv. were espeeially valuable for review pur- Headquarters.-Adv. poses. Faculty members, while generROLLINS ROLLINS ally opposerl to their use in cramming INTRAMURALS HOSIERY HOSIERY for exams, found them useful as manPeru's basketball season is now in its initial stage-but only a uals around which to build lectures, small squad can be kept to participate in varsity competition. This class discussions and in encouraging means that over fifty men will have to play disorganized sportsstudents to do supplementary reading. or no sports at all. In the past, one round _of intramurals has been played-but SHOES FOR THE FAMILY Residence Girls Meet that has not been sufficient. The purpose of athletics at Peru is Residence girls held their regular to develop teachers and give students healthful recreation. This Star Brand Shoes Are Better meeting Wednesday evening. Reports cannot be done 'when the majority of the men are given but one were made by the different committees month of competitive sports. PHONE 622 pertaining to the residence girls' for .. Why not start intramurals this semester? Give the men of mal which will be held December 5. Peru a chance for competition, enjoyment and health.

Phillips 88

Peru Theatre

"Beloved Enemy" N

Hills Shoe Store




tory examinations: tank. towns do not have tanks. Pumps are Pheasants are a poor class of people Looking back the history of the used to obtain the necessary pres~ure who lived in medieval Europe. Peru tank we see that some 13 years in large towns. Music Nutsago a use was found for the tank thr.t -:This completes the list of uses .for One day Mr. Jindra looked up into was not a very pleasant use. An i8 our water tank. the heights and seeing Stutheit quer- year old boy attempted to hang himied. "How's the weather up there?" from the top, but the rope broke "You ought to know," answered and he fell to the ground. "lll DR. GLEN H. JODER "Stoodhigh". health," said Billy Vance was the most Surgeon and Physician Foreign Slant.:... probable cause for the incident. Milstead Corner And it wasn't a freshman either who The other day "Doc" Wolter and Phone Office 33 wrote on a test paper to Dr. Konig: Roy Kellogg were seen climbing slowRes. 39 Every one has the ability to write if ly to the top. It was thought that - - - - - - - - - - - - - he would only "imply" himself. they were going to commit suicide and, - - - - - - - - - - - - - English-Don't Believe Itsome kindly soul notified Otto the "The story "Elmperor Jones" deals cop. Otto came as fast as he was able. with the negro Brutus Jones trying and while 'Doc" and Roy were decidto rid his sole of the fears of his past ing from which side to jump, ignorJife." ing the frantic cries of the crowd not "Jim Kendall in my opinion was an to jump, Otto collared the youths and "Good Food Promotes uneducated gentleman with very ill asked them what was the big ldeaGood Health" manners." well the story ends that "Doc" and "The similarities and differences that Roy were just going to take a few Caters to After Theatre I can point out between "Haircut" and candid camera shots for next year's and Dance Parties "I Can't Breath" are some similari- Peruvian. ties were, both was humorous and the Then of course the tanl' is always way he tens both stories makes you used to notify people at a safe disNEBRASKA CITY .want to know what next is going to tance what town they are coming to. happen, a great amount of the opinion Perhaps this is how the name of of the characters was similiar the "Tank Town" originated, as large differences were I think was the dramatic conflict was set up differently'. D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebraska "Jim Laird was a drunkhard". City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Educational Oddities. Glasses stted. Phone 144.-·ProfessionAs a reason for individual differ- al Card. ences: "They hereditate differently." Two green summer freshies were LOOK YOUR BEST overheard by Miss Tear. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES "Where ya going?" CLEANED BY "Eng!lsh". Peru Cleaners & Tailors "Where at?" We Call & Deliver Phone 62 "Cellar o! the library." Weber In the LibraryCl LL From the library comes the sad, tear-ful (like in careful) story of why DR. EDGAR CLINE Fashion and fit keep step in Bob Weber didn't care to tum around Cross b31 Lawrence Wllbur the footwear you buy at to the public after he caught his AUBURN, NEBR. trouseJS in a. basic spot on the stacks. HOMEYER'S SHOE STORE Office Phone 164 Res. Phone r,9 Nebraska City, Nebr. piness. (Cause of attack unknown Get your Coilege Stationery a~ and unjustified.) Chatelain'~-Peru's School Supply Happy Thanksgiving: HeadquarGers.-Adv. Unkie.

Quality of Mercy •• •"



Olympia Cafe

COAL Peru Lumber Co.


Drawn for the American Reel


I l!

W~ll, well, what? You again? Happy Peru's Water Tank Hallowe'en! take off your mask and sit WEARE ATTENDS COUNCIL Has Other Uses down!-Oh, very well, then take off Miss Edna Weare, professor of home Peru's water tank has other uses vour face and sit down and I'll tell economics at Peru College, attended than merely holding water, so an invou about all the things I've seen this the Council of the State Home Econ- quisitive reporter dived (not into the week. omics Association in Lincoln, Satur- tank), but into the history of said People worrying over tests. day morning. Miss Weare is a member Some good early in the season of the council. basket-ball playing. Many merry milk-maids (?) meriting much mention. Galbraith losing her milk pail QUICK QUIPS immediately after getting it. Prich and "Ideal-H11sband" A woman once came to Mr. Hay· Snyder. ward's office to check on credits. The Vanier-J.ytton vs. Mooney-Donohoe. woman having gone to school quite Arriving late at the dance: some time· ago, it was taking Mr. HayGeorgia Mort ward a long time. At last about five Clara Finney o'clock Mr. Hayward, tired and eye Wilma Mooney sore from reading the yellow docu Roberta Mooney ments, reported to the woman, Wh'.l Billie Jean Donohoe had been patien::.\y waiting, that all Dellia Bridgewater l•e c'.luld imd wn·; une U'Cl"! hour Pauline True credit, to which the woman replied, to Garlenia Gilbert "Oh Mr. Hayward I would stay here Johanna Dustin all night if you could find one more Mary T. Jensen hour." New couples appearing over, the Boxes of 2S In the years gone by it was required week end: to read some books on education by W. A. A. Carmine and Dainty- Spencer, to graduate, However, one maid Mort. Your name printed on woman some 20 years ago, for some Blue Ribbon and Heenke. reason or other received her diploma each card Winsome Wilson and Casanova with out doing the reading. But her Boatman. conscience got the best of her :;re: the Bellowing Barney barging with Ben- other day President Pate received a letter from the woman in question. son as before. Hero of the Harem and-no, that ~e as':er' 1\J:-. Patf' if he could tell was last week,-Oh yeah!- Bart- her wh~i'e, she couU get the J:•ook, •;r ling. Trenholm and L. D. Turner, if she could read ,, ·:.•e other boot~ ro take ic.; phce. Dopp and Cammerdog. Thought while peering, spying, and In reply Dr. Maxwell recommended some modern education books In place listening In over dorm phones: McKimmey's sure Lytton Haliday of the Spencer book. English Quips see lots of her. The following statements were takWhat does Deta Cary if Gale CarMALBORO ter does get mad at her. en from English examinations written HIGH STYLE SHIRTS If Hoots Johnson develops serious by students of Mrs. :&own. Irony of faith. intentions toward his girl, he'll FOR YOUNG MEN Poet, Edna St. Vincent Millay, ls a have to get a fishing license. rRUBBNizED Seems like our best wishes should sonnet. Taking life for granite. be sent to Twitterbones Murphy COLLARS At the age of seven my parents and Stooge M!ller reported to be somewhat recovered from a vigor- moved to the farm. ous attack made by members of History Digs Nebraska City the Higgins Hotel gang upon their The following statement has occurNebr. life, limb, and right to pursue hap- red frequently in Professor Heck's his-



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Order No.v

The Peru Pointer

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t ~

~ ~

BOOTH THEATRES ~~· Nov. 27 -28-29-30

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"The Barrier" _ With -


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Professors Make Whoopie At Farmers Fun Dance


Heart Attack Fatal To Ralpha Randolph

Residence Girls Formal Is Well Attended

The college has lost a splendid friend and student by the sudden death of Ralpha Randolph Friday mornFrolicking Faculty ing, November 26. at the home of her FOOTBALL BANQUET parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ran- Peruvian Featured Casts Off Dignity WEDNESDAY NIGHT dolph, 2416 Buchanan Street, Topeka, In November N. E. Journal Peru Teacher's College professors A Peru directory? One wonders as The annual football banquet will be Kansas. Physicians were unable to appeared dressed as farmers and farmheld in the dormitory dining hall, ascertain the reason of death, although, they glance at the cover of the Novemers' wives and raised havoc with their it apparently was from natural causes, ssue of the "Nebraska Educational Wednesday, Dec. 8. classroom dignity at a faculty party presumably a heart attack. Journal." Tue honorary captain for the past which was held in the Music Hall last season will be presented, along with· Ralpha Eileen Randolph was born Upon examination, one discovers August 17, 1918 at Rulo, Nebraska; and that two of th,e articles in the magaFriday evening. other members of the squad. Under the leaders]Jip of Mrs. HayA large attendance is expected, as went to Topeka with her parents zine.we're written by Peru faculty, Miss when she was six months old. She Hileman and Mrs. Kirk. Another is ward, five major forms of activity were Coach Gilkcson announces that a was graduated from the Washburn about Dean Delzell. carried on. A relay was held in which prominent speaker will be. present. rural high school in January, 19'37. She . . · , . . . Tickets may be purchased for 35c was· a memb"Miss Hllemans contnbut10n ::;; Of the J esus Chri"st ,, .1s. enthe men donned overshoes and held each. Church of Latter Day Saints; the titled, "Little. Rain La~d. This is . a open umbrellas over their lady partS" T Delt p· Gamma Mu. and I play written by the pupils of the third 1gma au a, i d ·f th Tr · · ners. Whether Mr. Jindra co\l]d not Alpha Mu Omega fraternities; and was and fourth gr~ es o . : a!lll.ng get his overshoes on because of an Weeks' Foot Lecture vice president of the Philomathean School as their culmmatmg actmty undersized pair or the great distance Interests Students Literary Society. for Pueblo Indian urut: he had to lean over o do it, was not Besides her parents, she is survived The words and music to ~he song Dr. Weeks, a chiropodist from Omaascertained. ha, gave an educational and enter- by her grandmother, l'vI:rs. Eliza Ran- used with the play are also given. Th~ With half of the party under the taining lecture at Convo~a•ion Monday dolph, of Shubert, Nebraska. Funeral music was composed by one of t~e '31 leadership of Mrs. Dunning, and the service\> were held Sunday afternoon seniors, Evelyn Jones. The children morning, Novembe!i 29. others with Mr. Steck as their direcat Penwell's Chapel at Topeka and at have compilejl the words.' . ,, . ''The wearing of hose one half inch tor, a contest was held to discover Barada, Nebraska, M<indav, !'iovem- . "Art for Eve.ry 'Day :Livm~ , is the which group could give the best ren longer than the foot; of shoes with ber 29. Six carloads of Peri.P:ians at- title of Mrs. Kirks article. Pictures of dition of that classic, "Old MacDonald low heels, reserving high-heeled shoes tended the r,ervire at Barada to ;:ay the art exhibit held at the close of Had a farm." Mrs. Dunning's success for dress only; the washing of the faet their last respects. , the summer session are used to illuswas undoubtedly largely due to her just as thoroughly as hands are washtrate her writing. artistic waving of' an umbrella baton. ed, these are rules· to be followed for A summary of the work completed Dr. Smith yelled a Close second to foot health," declared Dr. Weeks. by the public school· art, design and Interesting were the points: Professor Bath in the hog-calling concolor theory and art craft classes from Men have not as good a chance for test for which the latter was awarded the body of the article. healthy feet as have womtjn because a large stick of candy. A tribute to Dean W. M. Delzell of this college, written by his life-lon~; "Walter, hurry up :md co!!le on; the their style of shoe has always been the MANY STUDENTS friend, J. w. Crabtree, is also of int~r­ dinner is getting cold", was che prize. same. The heci on the presep.t day .~hoe is PLAN TO ATTEND est to Peru students. winning cry of Mrs. Pate in the hogConcerning Dean Delzell Mr. Crabcalling contests brother, the hw,~and­ necessary for v; aiking on the sidewalk. A number of the Peru faculty and It is not needed on t sof.ter surface. calling contest. stude!nts plan to be in attendance at tree makes the following statements: Dr. Weeks presented in his lecture "Will Delzell stands out as one of the second annual convention of the many timely suggestions for healthier Nebraska State Physical Education the strongest and most loved men in DRA,MATIC CLUB feet, and facts .about foot structure. ' ssociation which is ta be held in. Lin- the state. His humor is Of no ordiHis illustrations of various character- coln, December 10-11. TO REORGANIZE nary type. It resembles that of Arteistic walks of people were most mus Ward and Bill Nye more than Me~tings a~e open to all persons in "Dramatic Club is a chance to learn, amusing. 'the state who teach, coach or super- that of modern blends. It has the and a chance to learn means a chance This talk was ~be first of a series to participate," said Proessor Robert of health lectures to be given as a vise any activity in the field of physi- same touch as theirs. "In his understanding of humble, D. Moore of his reorganization plans health course at convocation. The cal education. Here is a summary of the program: everyday people and affairs, he is before a meeting of the Dramatic Club curriculum committee is working out David Harum over again. His philoFriday, December 10, 1937. last Thursday evening, a permanent plan. sophy of life he must have inherited Afternoon Meeting The proposals include· that Alpha 2: :30 p. m.-sta.te Committee on from Benjamin Franklin." Psi Omega Psi Omega should be eleTeacher's Training vated to a purely honorary organiza- NIGHT SHIFTS SPEED Evening Meeting Jindra and Clements tion, and that the Dramatic Club UP SIX-MILE WORK 7:3Q-;.8:00 p. m.-Registration Attend Band Clinic should become the more active group Night shifts havei been added in or8:00 p. m.-Opening ses'sion Professor Jindra and Superintendent by sponsoring the plays. Basis for this der to speed up the work on the sixMr. Glen Gilkeson. President of Clements attended the Nebraska assumption, hEl said, was found in the mile road, in an attempt to keep the the Association, presiding. constitution and by laws of the frater- road open all winter. Bandmasters' Second Annual Clinic Address of Welcome-Mr. Charles nity. From all indications most of the W. Taylor, Stat~ .Superintendent of held at Wayne, N~braska, ;;rovemher 25, 26 and 27. The First Annual Choral The club and fraternity should work will be completed before the Public Instruction. Clinic was also .held there at the have two distinct sets of officers in first of January, and there should be P:resentation of Dance Numbers, unthis plan, and an associate sponsor no serious stopping of traffic over the der the direction of Miss Claudia same time. Among the Peru graduates were would be appoin'. ~d. road during the period of construction. Moore, Head of Dancing, University of Evelyn Brecht frO!J1 Rumbolt, Alice Mr. Moore further suggested that Improvements can be seen as one Auxier from Hic'.kan, Ruth Wyman each organization, \eru Players, Dra- rides the road, with the exception of a Nebraska. Address, '.'What Physical Educamatic Club, and Alpha Psi Omega, give : series of bumps where culverts have tion Should· Mrn.n to General Educa- from Dawson arid Forrest Corn from Columbus. one major production each year using been laid. Goming into the road from Both Choral and Band Associations solely its own members. the west, the first three miles are tion in Nebraska," Mr. E. L. Novotny, favored the abolishment of the, state A nominating committee for Drama- graded and ready for the mat. The Superintendent of Schools, Beatrice. 9:00 p. m.-Social Mixer and Dance music cotest. Musfo students will comtic Club officers was appointed com- Jrve going into highway 75 has been Saturday, December 11, 1937. pete in the: district contests. The winposed of Doris Prichard, chairmaP idehed and cut down to give the Morning Meeting ners will go to a regional contest, of Gale Carter and Ruth o:rone. . motorist as much of the view as possi. 8:3Q-;.10:30 a. m.-Registration ble. All grades are beiing cut to a min9:1Q-;.11:30 a. m.-Joint meeting of which there will be ten. Peru is in 1 , imum. Work will not progress as rapid- Nebraska State Physical Education the Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and College Calendar ly as they near Peru for the hills are Association and conference of Physical · East Colorado region. The regional steeper and more frequent. Dec. 7-7-8 Y. W. C. A., Education Director and Teachers of contest this year is to be held at Omaha in May, the national contest later The heaviest and the best type of Nebraska. Y. M. 0. A., 0. C. A. in the season. machinery of this work is being used 2 of N. S. P. E. A. 8:30-9 Broadcast The Peru high school orchestra dito help speed up the work. Noon Meeting Dec. 8-Football banquet rected by Mr. Jindra, and the high Short talks: Dec. 9-7-9 Freshman Clubs "Future Plans for the Nebraska school band,· under the leadership of 8-9:30 Philo-Everett Faculty Members State Physical Education Association," Mr. Gl~ments, are working on numDec. 20-Budget play Elected By Kiwanis bers selected from the national list. Mr. Glen Gilkeson, President. Dec. 11-Freshman party Several of the Peru faulty members "Future Plans for Physical Educaha ve been elected officeirs of the Peru tion in the State Department of In· Humboldt Featured Dec. 13-10:30 a. m. Class Kiwanis Ol~b. Those chosen were: struction," Mr. W. A. Rosene, Acting Nov. Broadcast meetings 30 Professor J. W. Tyler, vice president; state Director. of Physical Education.. 7-8 Crawdads . and E. H. Hayward, secretary. "The Relation That Should exist T'he Humboldt high schools' male ! Faculty members elected to the Between the Athletic Coach and the quartette was co-featured with Dr. 7-8 Kindergarten, Pri' board Of directors were: P:resident Physical Education Teacher in the Castle Brown, Elaine Shafer, Leora ary Club Pate, Dr. c. M. Brown, Dr. F. E. Ware, Public Schools," Mr. Thurlo Mccrady, Libhart and of course, Rusty on the A. V. Larson and S. L. Clements. Director of Physical Education for Peru hour, Nov. 30. 7-8 Epsilon Pi Tau Carroll Lewis, cashier of the Bank Men, Hastings College. The problem of parents who don't 7-8 Lambda Delta Lambda of Peru, was chosi;!n president of the Informal Talk-Major Lawrence M. understand or appreciate was disclub. Jones, Football Coach, University of cussed humorously by Miss Shafer. 8-9 Sigma Tau Delta New officers will be installed in Jan-l Nebraska. Miss· Libhart sang two songs, as did uary. (Continued On Page 4 the quartette.

Phys. Ed. Convention Attracts Peruvians



Alpine Scenes Impress Crowd 'I'he Residence Girls held their an· nual fall formal in the music hall, Sa.turday December 4. The auditorium was decorated in "Swiss Alps' style. Stars and a moon hung from the ceiling and the windows and walls were decorated to resemble snow covered peaks. Dancing and cards furnished the entertainment along with a short program. Tue program consisted of vocal numbers, Ed Bentley singing "Shoes", and the "Stardusters" singing "Veni. Veni" and "I Miss My Swiss." Several former students and a number of faculty members were present. Refreshments of punch and wafers were served during the evening. The music for dancing was furnished by an electric phonograph. OUTWARD BOUND IS. BUDGET PLAY "Outward'~Bound," the second dramatic club production this year and the first budget play of the year ,will be presented Friday night, December 10. Tue scenery in this play will be unusual in its simplicity. It will suggest, rather than represent the lounge room of an ocean liner. Everything In the setting is for the purpose of creating a proper mood and atmosphere for the audience. "Outward Bound" is one of. the most provocative plays ever to be produced in this country. There a1'• .Yer:v few written critiCisms of'~illis- play. It seems as though the audience are too much moved for utterance. Members of the Dramatic Club who visited rehearsals last week, have com mented on how well the lines are known, and how hard the cast is working to make the play a real sue cess.

SIFTING SAND GOES TO PRESS It was an ostentatious moment, Wednesday afternoon, December 1, when the .first copy of the fourth issue "Sifting, Sands," Peru's magazine of creative writing, went to press. T'he "rolling over'' of the maehine by Dr. Smith, sponsor-printer, marked the birth of another successful project carried on by the Sigma Tau Delta fraternity. The crew, laboring upon the publication, annoilnced definite plans of a 20 page volume with an attractive green cover housing both original poetry and prose\. Copies will go on sale before. the Christmas holidays !or twenty-five cents.


December 7 Theme song Brass quartette Turner Hazelton Wolter Good Dramatic Club Preview of "Outward Bound" Brass quartette Pedagogian on the Air Julia Jean Plasters Peru high school Girls Glee Club (Prof. R. T. Benford, director) Interview Coach Baller Brass qartette Theme song


The Peru Pedagogian


Convocation Goers Dr. Grummann, who for 30

years was affiliated with the Fine Arts Department at the University of Nebras·ka, and who for the past 6 years has been a director of Joselyn Memorial of Omaha, was the speaker at convocation Friday, December 3. Dr. Grummann told of the different STAFF movements which have been canied on in the field of art. Editor _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norman Littrell A classical picture was defined as Make-up Editor ............ _.. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. Harold Prichard one that is clearly defined. The period Sports Editor .............................. Junius McCowan of classical art began about 1776 and Sponsor .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Mrs. Gilbert Brown continued until the first of the 1 nineAdvertising Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wm. Bischof teenth centrury. T'he speaker pointed out ther fact REPORTERS that the reaction to classical art was . Edith Willey ......................... , Mary Lizabeth Werner the age of romanticism. This is the . · · T rive · l y .... _............... , . . . . . . . . . . . G len Sheell' art that concerns itself primarily with V irgm1a the emotions. The romantic p>icture Ollie Purucker · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Glad~:s Nofsger does not stress a clear outline, but has Most complete line of xm~s GiLs Ruth Crone .......... __ ............... , ..... , . Barney Barisas a dim outline. at Hill's Drug Store. Margaret Saville Up to the nineteenth century, nearly all the pictures painted were paintIN MEMORIAMed inside the artists' studios. But, with The Pedagogian, which is one of the voices of the campus, ex· the advent of realism the painter be- I gan painting outsid,_e, and thus color presses. to the parents of Ralpha Randolph our deepest regrets. Sights and Sounds: and life came into the pictures. We too, were fond of Ralpha. She was popular among the Fritz Walter demonstrating to Ma..'\: The manner in which the photostudents and was a favorite of the faculty. She was an honor stud Randall the tender art of "saucering grapher has taken some of the artists' and blowing" tea via the slurp method work was discussed by Dr. Grument without being a "book worm". ' ... Mr. Moore talking Creek Indian mann. He said: "Photography never lingo for the benefit of a tableful of takes the place of the painter or arSigma Tau Delta-ers . . . . The snips tist. T'he painter paints things as of dressmaker's shears cutting through they look, not as they are." much blue corduro for 13 new pep The speaker said that impressionsquad coulottes .... Arkaru;as Bruce ism is when the artist gives an idea of · "I came up h'ar to Nebraska to school the character of his subject, and excause I was just too lazy to go home." pressionism is when the artist expressIn the laguage of swing, here's how es something within himself . one would describe Peru's orchestra-. "It is his belief,' Dr. Grummann ~ Beautiful design,\ fine They are.~ ''.long underw_ear gang" stated, "that W'eJ are now in the midst j We think of Ralpha's smiling face as she danced at the Farm 1 pap~r stocks sincere \Ve.ii~ wll.o never fnsk theu- whiskers" but of a ren~arkal·le e·10lut1011 iowmd ' ers' Ball. It is a thought of a picture of a fun loving girl who was if they'd "woodshed it" it would really s·1rpler, fiver art•· written sentiments, and lc,ved by many. Knowing Ralpha, we know that the above picture get "in the grove." To us "agony aay Christmas-v colors is the· one she would wish us to retain in our minds. pipe" group is oke. God's and Aed- Art Department Plans ~ombinc ro m~kc otir QUOTATION THOUGHTSfem's "iron horns and Benson's and Future Art Exhibits Christmas Car-:1 ·While reading, we ran across two quotations that struck a re Turner's "push pipes" really "ride The art department of the Peru truly outsrancling this sponsive chord in our minds. The words are wonderful, but the it." Wonder why Vic McKimmey State Teachers college is making plans year. You'll fin.cl them .~•J scenes they recall are more potent. doesn't "sit in" on the "moth box" to hold several art exhibits during the be cards yot.: -,dl be real!\' for some "licks''~ ·There aren't many remainder of the year. Do. y,ou recall? proud to send. "Tis. a better thing I do than I have ever done before." "gobble pipes" but Parnell's "skin beat The first one scheduled, of handOf course you recognize it as the final speech in the "Tale of ing" makes up for it all. decorated articles such as tooled CHATELAIN'S JEWELRY Two, Cities." Who doesn't remember the sky-the words spoken From where we were sitting Mr. leather, carved wool, art metal and in the interpretation that only Colman can give such words? Steck, Saturday sounded like an old cloissonne will be shown in the art STORE buddy of Foster May's. "If I can find a rooms the week of December 6. The other quotation is longer: ! Peru, "Be gentle with them when their threats are childish-be toler- pencil" gag came through swell! Articles for this e'xhibit will be ant while you, can-for your least harsh word will return on you loaned by the residents of Peru and Peru students. in the night-return in a storm of cries • • ··" If you saw "Winterset", you will remember the scene in the In January the department plans to J. P. CLARK BOOK WORM MENU streets of a large town where Judge Gout gave the above question. have an exhibit of "prize work done by United States high school students Who can forget his hopeless quest to prove an innocent man Electric Shoe Shop North <>f has not been sent to the chair? in 1937." Post Office Students, you will find here the We ask you to take a few minutes off from your bridge playing The contest, from which the work is Phone 109 book you have been waiting to read. or studies and, just think about the above quotations. We believe Aren't we all in "Quest of Peace"? If c~osen, is: spon~red by the, "Scholas· ----·-such a procedure is worth more than five church meetings. For you saw "Oil for the L f Chin ,. tic ~mencan High School Weekly amps 0 a agazme", annually. in every one is a love for fine thoughts and sentiment. With . the film, you will want to read it 1 Students wh ·sit th· h"b"t will beautiful thoughts that are foll of meaning we all can glow and m now. Arel!l't we all "White Men" and I o v1 is ex I I "IT PAYS TO WOK NICE" respond to our finer selves. I have opportunity to see the superior ? women. . RICE & THOMA~' work of high school pupils. ROPED INBarber Shop "The quest for Peace" by Abraham During the early part of February Visitors to. the library are impressed by the sight of a rope WE INY!TE YOU DOWN the second of the series of out of town stretched across the basement steps. With eager voice they inquire Cronback. Uncle- Joder's Office Benjamin Franklin said, "There exhibits will be held. if the Bobcat is kept in yon dark cellar. But alas, we can only tell never was a good war nor a bad peace." This group will include etching,; them, that the rope is to prevent students from falling, when they Professor Cronback, well-known as a 1------------- 1 - ·------·------·-walk down the broken steps. Why should such a roJ')e be stretched in our library? Surely a lover of peace, has pesented an acKINGSOLVER count of the many elements which j little consideration and time of the school could be given to such must enter into a solution or the probBARBER SHOP a "black.eye." !ems of war and peace in that a symWe, along with others would-be "step-users" advocate repathetic understanding of these probBelow Barnes Drug Store FLOWERS FOR ALL pairing of the steps in the library. •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .______ ! lqms may be built up within young EX.AMINE YOUR CARD&OCCASIONS people and adults. With this underAre you, as a college student a creator, a creature, or do you standing these persons may contr1 lelong to another class? Examine your grade card closely! bute to the elimination of this M J" Are those marks of the precious species? Rest at ease then- scourge Of scourges. WE GROW OUR OWN I Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers Colle!l"e, Peru, Nebraska. E;utere.d at the Postoffice at Peru, Nt>braska as second. cla~ matter. $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents. ADVERTISING RATES Display 20 Cl'JltS per inch. Locals, 10 cents per line

Open letter to the dormitory girls.-Heard you hollering about hardships of life and stuff so decided to comb up some tales about former Peru coeds, that is, those of the rat-andpompadour era. Them were the days all right, all right,-chopping wood to cook with, studying by the fiickN'S of the oil lamp. Then when electric lights came into vogue in 1916 they were shut off at eight in the evening. Those girls wore raincoats everyday to protect their skirts from the dew on the high weeds growing along the path to school. That's when everybody bought his books to get premiurns-A choice of photographs of the bearded faculty or of the campus buildings. The most exciting adventure the girls experienced was the night the ,flying squirrel bumped about in their rooms, Y mental picture of you in such times makes me almost blow out a rib. Old Timer.

Art Speaker Interests

and block prints. Th:; colleclion Y.\'l be loaned by the "Prairie Prints" of Wichita, Kansas. The "Indiana Print MaKers" of Indianapolis will Joan a collec:ion cf etchings similar to that oI tlle "P:rairL Prints.'" The second group of etcl1ings will be shown here in April. An "Aqua - Chrematic" water colo:painting exhibit by American Artist:; will be held in the spring al:;o. In addition to these, a tc;;ti'.e exl1ibit is planned. This will inciucl: rarious pieces of hand-woven. c llanddecoratsd textile. Articles for this ec:hibit will be borrowed from Peruvians. Plans are :<!so being for each '.l!'' major who is a senior to exhibit J1h or her work in the spring. All college stuents are urged to ::ittend these exhibits. Later no~ices of exact dates will be publisllsd and posted.

CHRl5TffiA5 GRttrmGs 1



:-------------'---1 Sa:J It With Flowers


Berthold Greenhouses i

you are a c1'.)ator. "A" signifies that you have grasped a subject, "Oil for the Lamps of China" by thought about it, reacted upon it, made it your own, so that you can Alice Tisdale Hobart. give it out again with the stamp of your own individual insight upo.n it. 1 Stephlm _Chase went t_o China as a However if "B's" fill the greatest space on your card they · · an d· you give · 1t · out mean th at you' h ave t ak en t h e su b iect matter m again in the same form in which it came to you. What you say or write comes from the book rather than from you. You are a re· · h th · h h <'e1ver rat er an a giver; a creature rat er t an a creator. "If "C's" are your favorite this means t h e same as "B" except that the second hand information is partial and fragmentary rath· er• than complete. . But alas, if "D's" have flocked to your card, beware. "D" in· dicates that you have been exposed to a subject often enough and long enough to leave on the plate of your memory only a few faint traces which the charity of the examiner is able to identify. For the few students remaining in college who have collected "E's", the face that "E" denotes total failµre might Dfl iµteresting. Two "E's" usually bring a letter to your parents stating that if the college were to allow you to remain longer, under th~ im~s.si.ol!l: that you are getting an education, it would be receiving money under false pretenses.

young mmmg eng1:11eer m the employ oft an dAmencan 01! company · The .be t ~ ory cescri s s phen's struggles to he_arn lunesB ways, and to be loyal to is company. This is the most hu manly vivid book on China since Pearl

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"A Mighty Good Place to Tr3:k''




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Buck gave us her "Good Earth." An\~ utterly fascinating tale that both men and women will enjoy. I~ -·-----·-·--"Whitman" by Edgar Lee M.asters. This biography combines narrative psychological interpretation, and stucty of the poet's ideas in relation to the national background. Mr. Masters shows greatest interest in understand ing Whitman's emotional nature. The\ ~ most human and complete study of Phone 78 l'ERU, NB:tw · ;; him up to elate. ~~~~">~">-">-~-~-~-~<..0:



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Bobcats Battle In Basketball 1

December 22-Nebraska B. Here

II, I,

CATS CAGE By Junius Mccowan

January 8-Wesleyan Here 14-Doane 'Ihere 15-Hastings There 22-Alumni Here 28-Midland Here 29-Wayne Here

Greene earned his letter at pssi;i.J.1 of half back during his

year. He is particularly oflense and has a style f L:1e ball that usually nets

February 1-Midland There 4-Doane Here 5-Hastings Here 9-4:00 Nebr. B There 10-Kearney There 11-Wesleyan There 18-Kearney Here 22-Haskell Indians Herc 25-Chadron Here 26-Chadron Here March 4-Wayne There 19-games-12 at home


0 START NEXT WEEK [ntra-mural basketball games wi:l in full swing in the near Juture rhe purpose Of these intra-mm·ai mes is to afford those students noc rticipating on the varsity squad th•c portunity to engage in compecilivc mes and to encourage participa \i m wholesome active recreation. !IJl men are urged to take part ii' ;ra-mural games. Those wilo terested should consult the 1m bulletin board for information 5arding the formation of teams. ·own to Talk At EverettsDr. Castle Brown will speak bcfo1·e embers of the Everett Litcrar:· iciety, Thursday, December 9. A. ·musiclil prug?am has a.!sa mned by Roy Kellogg, pro•,r:11: airman.

, '. '"dY l::l\icKer and a hard On ::ass clefeu3e ne Lis t.cnitory weli taken l\:·.s two years Jett for i;c only a sophomore. His is calling bets, and if C:. <er readers care to make cc show just bet John that a dozen pan cakes in rm Lake the bet and make I believe you

J-roup singing was directed lJ· ora Libhart at the meeting of Y. \\' A. Tuesday night, November 30. lX · tionals were led by Wilma Parn;\'. pirit of God" was sung by Miss .rt, who was accompanied al mo by Professor Benford.

Wins Over Owls In Final Football Tilt

eel the following letter from Mr. Wulf: "I regret more than you might realize that I cannot accept the dates off erecl me as my working at Peru has always been most enjoyable. I will particularly miss your Wayne game." Every fan admires John Wulf for the way he handles basketball games and he will be particularly missed by Peru fans. He is a good friend of Peru's lettered at the ex-basketbal coach, "Dutch" Lorbeer. L1 1lback last year, but this ,LG'."?cl to position of guard. ccbout the fastest member Grummann Talks On Art Periods In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Grummann, of Omaha the art division of the I A. A. V. W. held a luncheon at the Tea '"oom, Friday noon. Mrs. Kirk who was in charge of the meeting introduced the spe1-ker, Dr. Grummann. "Pictures for the home and how to hang them", was the subject upon quite a whe_n. b,e once gets un~ w.hich .b.e .SPQke. Eighteen people atteMedtJie lunchl:as two years left for Peru eon. looks of things they will Finger Printers Meet--

t. W. C. A Wednesday evening banquet v,ill be held in hall in the dorm. The eaptain of the '37 season will ::.r::wncecl and the lettermen will i•:.~r8du-2ecl. Lets show the team that :•1;prcciate what they have done year and everybody go.

[n the group meetings, the ','\S})tCt ip Group under the direction aine Shafer, clisussecl the questio•; : Cc .ell Stuan Baller has some good Ir:shmen on the basketball whether or not we should be cu ' ::11is year. They beat the upperothelr's keeper. The Creacivc last week and from the looks oup, with Zelda Carmine supcrvisL;~. he has some real prospects in >rked on cleveT wall "hangings of .~0nahoe, Handley, Larson, Mcintyre, paper. . >;:.:miann, Miller and a couple of oth-


· what the meaning was. Come to find out one was hollering for hf;p. Fiddlesticks Here one for the collection of "unfunny jokes". A deaf and dumb quarterback got a fifteen yard penalty for swearing. It made him s_o mad that he Twenty~Four Remain broke three fingers calling the signals On Basketball Squad After the first cut in the basketball for the next play. Oh fudge. squad Dec. 1, the following men remain on the varsity squad: REFEREE WULF Donahoe Lurk SENDS LETTER Hanley Sheeley Probably every Peru basketball fan Mcintyre Moss'ly will rememge;r the officiating of John Ge~man Greathouse Wulf, popuar referee in Big Six and Huegal Dean Peru circles. Halladay G. Miller Bailey Mr. Wulf, most recently of Kansas Wehling McCormick City, is now vice president and secre- Walker Pugh tary of Publications Business Service, Greever Inc., Chicago, Ill. Due to his new loea- P. Miller Hall tion he will be unable to work Peru Larson Majors games this season. Velvick Witty Coaches Gilkeson and Baller receiv-

The Finger Print Club met Thursday evening, Dec. 2. Elizabeth Glosser, upper cfas~ sponsor, led a discussion on the . requirements to be met by an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation before he can enter the servie&. Round Robin Letters Entertain Peruvians

Bobcats Defeat Tarkio In Final Score; Peru 12 - Tarkio 6 The Peru Bobcats ended their '37 season by defeating the Tarkio ball club 12-6 Thanksgiving day.. The game was played at Tarkio before a large crowd ,and the weather was perfect football. Tarkio's team won the championship of Missouri this year, and it was a. "feather in Peru's hat" to eek out the victory. Bert Hall scored for Peru on a pass. Shield's accounted for six more points to win the game. Tarkio put up a good fight all the way and were in Peru territory con siclerably. Game Captain Punches played his usual good game while the freshman center, Ritter was playing a whale of defensive game Shields and McHugh were outstanding in the back field. Peru's starting lineup. Bert Hall LE Barney Barisas · LT Bridgewater LG Mort c Punches CG. C.) RG Nelson RT Greathouse Rill SHIELDS AB Majors FB Greene HB McHugh HB

FISH FINS FIND DOLPHINS EASY Finneys' "Fish Fins" out splashed Donahoes "Dallaping Dolphins" in a fast splashing g·ame of water polo, last Monday night at the regular meetingof the Crawdads. Captain Finney opened a scoring streak by receiving a long pass from Sponsor Kellogg for the first touch goal of the game. "Fish Fins" scoring f.ve consec!ltive ;.ouch goab before "Hutca". who was hugging the ;.:•;al fOt hold of a muffed ball and scored a touch goal for the one score of the "Dallaping Dolphins". Fii:J.al score being 10-3 in favcr of the "Fish Fins". Andrews was high point man for the "'Fish Fins". Rules of the game are simple. A team may take the ball under the water, hit it or carry it to the other side's goal board. Two points are given if goal board is touched by ball and one point if the board is hit by a ·thri!Wi.l ball: Visitors are welcome and Sponsor Kellogg assures that it will be wo.rth your while.

Epsilon Pi Tau Hold Meeting A special meeting was held by the Epsilon Pi Tau, industrial arts fraternity, last Wednesday morning at float periods, to noniliiate n~:iV-m~bers-tO the.fraternity. Members nominated were: Vester Vanderbeck, Tom Majors, Delbert Parriot and John Horton. Mr. Lindstrom, faculty sponsor, invited the members to an evening of entertainment next Wednesday nilfht at the Lindstrom home. Initiation will be held at the nei>t regular meeting in the industrial arts shop.

Kappa Delta Pi VoteThe nomination of Dr. Almaclr to the Laureate Chapcer of Kappa Delta Pi was fav0rably vot.ed upon in the short meeting of tlte local organization held aft.r~r convoc&tion Monday. Dr. Almack, of California, is a well known ecl!lca.tor and ai;thor.

K.adak Club to See Pictures Musicians Attend Tear-be-dewed promises of students Kodak club held their regular meet- Symphonium Club to write to one another are ·usually Representatives from . all musical broken. ing Thursday evening. Plans were made to have a motion picture party organization on the campus were presBut the inquisitive ears of the press on December 16. The club will meet at ent at the meeting of Symphonium have unearthed two groups of Peru the Training School where Mr. Hay- Monday night, December 6. college girls who were wise enough to ward, faculty sponsor, will show moThe progTam featured the college start round robin letters and stick by tion pictures taken on the Peru cam- octette, who sang a group of Christ~ rsonality Club Meets them-so far. pus during the past ferw years. mas carols. This group, under the Letter number one was started by Personality Club held their r?gular direction of Professor steck ls comyear tile Bobcats tied for the the hand of Edith Etmond who sent it ~eting Thursday evening and made posed of Leora Libhart and Helen championship with Wayne. to her fellow-Gage-county teacher, College Coal Truck ans for a Christmas party which wiE Margaret Larson, sopranoes; Martha B:il!er has McCormick, Pugh Hilka Helmrichs. Still Gronns Alon6 held December 16. 1 Clifton and Virginia Trively, altos; ~""lliclay, Bailey, and Dean returning as Next the letter gathers campus gosGilbert Purucker, guest speaker -_,Tar lettermen and from the looks If "OU. walk Jono·0 the pav·"ment on Jack Gabus and Edwin Bentley tenors; sip via Clara Helen Jeffries, who sends , " ok~ on "What People Should Know this promises to be a good the fat little robin to her former room- certain week-da.y mornings you will see and Herbert Stutheit and Professor 0 Steck, bass. X>Ut Dancing" and gave a short demate Flore;nce Paddoek, who in turn a queer look1"ng horseless vv h1·c1e• 1918 onstration of "trucking." Tarkio adds the experiences of an Iowa model, which is the college coal truck. 1 Stella Rogge spoke on "Dancing and Pen.; ended the '37 football sea.son in school teacher. If you waI_:i: ~ long tile pavement on .,.-------------~ ;rsonaiity" and demonstated two great style by beating The Tarkio ball To get the homey touch the little empty and rollmg smoothly along the MUSIC NOTES ethods of tap dancing. The Tarkio team was a good robin goes next to Mrs. otto Berthold pavement (more smoothly than it did •••••&mllllllllililml!B!li! ancl were undefeated until the'y (Evelyn Stuart to you, who is happily before the pavement was built at • 4mr1s;;;:.I .'. ll.ie Bobcats. Tarkio are the married and llving in Nebraska City. 1east) ' ancl 1·f 1·t is · gomg · · The Geron will sing Christmas songs sou th 1·t is 1 i : ci'f:'np.s of the Missouri Valley conferThis same little robin was jilted by loaded wi~h coal and p~lling slowly at the faculty women's meeting next . ~md wer2 a tough team to beat, Jean Spier-but who wouldn't shun a and steadily. The only time the slow Thursday, December 9, held at the bm. when the 'Cats click they can't be plain American robin to go merrily off and steady progress is interrupted is home of Mrs. G. R. Coatney. when "Andy" shifts gears. :'Andy" is to Europe. SHOWING In letter number two the school the most recent clrive'r of the coal Peru Singe~·s to Sing has two women athletes. Professor Steck and the Peru Singteachers h;m)' :tlmu~t full swing witi1 truck. Maybe he iS" the only one who is al:·eacly known but the one Louise Rishel, Reta Haney and Vir- knows how or has the nerve to try it. er3 \vill present a Christmas candlecoming up is none othe!r than June The truck is a G. M. C. (plug for light service in the Music Hall Decem-INginia Kubalek. Frs.ns. the tidy little lass from the However, these girls hear about life General Motors) and is equipped with ber 1, at 7 o'clock. It will be sponLov:n of Uni.on. at Ames from Miriam Rogers, wLo is solid rubber tires and kerosene lights. sored by the Y. M. and Y. W. organiPrans >eems to be well versed in the It was purchased in 1918 and took the zations, who will issue free tickets. enjoying colfoge there. manly art of self defense" and if you Then Peru news is scattered by place of several horses. Before the -With don't be!iew it, just start razzing the A brass quartette, consisting of Dick Gladys Nofsger and the girls can quite pavement was built the truck furnavr \'illen she is arom1d or just Mk nished many difficulties for its drivers Turner, Jack Hazelton, trombone; truthfully say, "A little bir1l told me." Cordell! because of t.he mud and snow on Neil Good, Fredrick olter, cornet, is Help Life Saving this. Week "these yon hills". organized and will appear on the Now that the weather is cooler the The old truck has served very faith- broadcast soon. Senior Life Saving tests are being football quartet has returned to the given Tuesday and Wednesday, I)ecem- fully in hauling the coal for heating dorm. Saw 'em the other night waving ber 7 and 8 at 4 o'clock at the gym· all tile buildings on tbe Peru ca:1,pus See our Xmas line all new gifts. their signals, but I couldn't figure out nasium. for the p:i:.~ nineteen ycan Hill's Drug Store


Peru Theatre Bette Davis

That Certain Woman Henry Fonda

Dec. 9--10--11

Thurs. Fri. and Sat.

THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN SIGMA TAU DELTA INITIATES TEN Fifty people attended the Sigma Tau Delta Initiation banquet in Mt. Verl!On Dining Hall, November 29. Mary Dallas Harris, president of the fraternity, gave the address of welcome to which Mary Liz Werner responded. Leora Libhart, accompanied by Jerome' Snyder, sang "Joy" by Charles Wakefield Cadman and an encore. The principal talk of the evening "So You Want to Write a Play", was given by Professor Robert D. Moore. Throughout the dinner the violin quartet composed of ·Ed. Nell Benson, Mary Alice Vanderford, Mildred Knofiick and Helen Margaret Larson played. Advancements to associate membership were Bertie Boom, Anna Louise Short, Eleanor Hemphill, and Nancy

t~~~at~~~~ =~teD~=:r~ R::~ Crone, Louise Matthews


One Time Ped Editor Sen~s Us Some Copy RECOUNTS EVENTS THAT STIRRED PERU IN '24 '25 You have all read the glaring notices,

"Blank Want


SITUATION WANTED J Johnson Back Man wants job buying second hand From Chicago furniture by bidding against' auctioneer. Experienced. See L. D. Turner. 1 Miss Ruth Johnson is back in school Well, thats all for now, Unkie has to I after a ten day trip to Chicago, where go try to find a not-already-asked she attended the 4-H club convention Dorm gal to take to the Football ban- as a delegate from Iowa.



While in Chicago she stayed at the


Auditorium hotel with the


from 41 states. There were also dele-


gates from Hawaii, Canada and Mex. co.

The following article is by Merritt Whitten, instructor of

The approaching marriage of Miss Nineteen hundred and twenty-four-' '25 saw THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN June Hoskins to Arthur Reynolds, which will •:ake place i >ecember 25, was publish: editorials urging students to announced a week ago Saturdri.y support athletics, a six page special e1 ening at a p~rL:i at the Hoskins edition in recognition of the splendid home in Haniburg, Ia. The guest list record of the football players, a two included Mildred Polk, and Lorene

Journalism at Nebraska City and was inspired by a write-up of

page extra recording the outcome of Otte, both well-known on the the first d:i,y splay of the district \:igh campus.

past Ped editors.

school basketball tournament held that Both Miss Hoskins and Mr. ReyThe convention closed with a "Viryear at Peru,.news of special occasions nolds attended Peru last year. Miss gina Reel" dance on the Orchestra in which big names figured. Hoskins is now a stenographer in the hall stage.

Bring Results." Now we of the Ped with a clean conscience can say-"Ped Articles Bring Response.'' ,


Alice Devore, and Melba Obernolte associates, and Hazel Bouse, Elizabeth Glosser, Catherine Hughes, Marcella Karpisek, Gladys NofsgeT, Margaret Savil~e. Dorothy Snydel", Viil:ginia Trively, Jean Wagner, and Mary Lizabeth as pledges. After the initltation service' in which Dr. Smith, Mrs. Dunning, Elaine Shafer, Marjorie Stevenson, Charles Parnell ,and Mary Dallas Harris officiated, a thirty-second silent memorial was held for Ralpha Randolph, who was to have pledged the fraternity at the time. The black and red color scheme was carred uot througly by the use of the frateral banner and red roses in black vases. , _______ Y. M. C. A. GOERS HEAR PRES. p ATE "Value of Y. M. c. A. Training To You Men as Teachers' was the topic of President Pates address to Y. M. c. A. last Tuo~day.

pionship to old Peru, 6-0. Glen GilKeson captained that team. Earlier in the season it saw Gilkeson leap into the air to snag a Wild-Horse Bitzenbaugh's 62-yard pass away from two Cotner players and fall over the goal •llle for a touchdown. It saw Peru athletes set up a world's record in consecutive basketball wins, the '24-'25 season closing with the forty-second consecutive victory;. It saw the Graffmen bring the state normal title in track to Peru's new cinder oval.


Miss Johnson visited the In0ernat' 1 h t . n t F' Id wna stock s ow, Ar ms I u e, ie museum, Medinah temple, Orchestra hall, Planatarium and the International Harvester Companys plant.

The delegates took a 45 mile trip Peru around Chicago and visited many points of interest.

"In 1924-'25 the editor, Merritt WhitNineteen hundred and twenty-four- law office of Nichols & Thornell at D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebraska ten, replaced in March by Edward 'Z5 saw the' formation of the pep Sidney, Iowa; and Mr. Reynolds is at ; City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Matejovsky, now the superintendent squads, "The Tomcats" and the Garland, Nebraska. Glasses stted. Phone 144.-Professionat Mulligan, Nebraska, had an abund- "Suds". It saw the pep organizations, al Card. ance of news to print, for Peru was 100 strong, banrr1t·t :.5 football men and making history-G!lkeson played foot- Gheir girl friends. It saw Peru re-entet Ludington to Wed ball and was the sports editor." the debating arena, saw the innova- Miss Melba Cope DR. GLEN H. JODER That one sentence paragraph found m tion of the Campus Olean Up, saw the Willes Ludington and Melba Cope, Surgeon and Physician a recent copy of The PERU PEDA- Peru catalog in the throes of reorgani- both former students Of Peru, are to Milstead Corner GOGIAN under the heading "Survey zation. be married during the Christmas holi 'j Phone Office 33 Res. 39 Made of Past Ped Editors" occasions When Merritt Whitten was the edi- days. Mr. Ludington is teaching in the the following which I submit for your tor of THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN he Barneston high school. approval and publication: looked with forebearance upon the THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN is cor- contributions that were sent to the Denney - Bested rect. Merritt Whitten did etlit THE 'Ped' by old grads-mostly because Marriage Announced Max Denney, student in '32-'33, and PERU PEDAGOGIAN in 1924-'25- their 'copy' seemed to imply, if not undeii Dr. E. C. Beck,-then Profes- ::mly state that Peru was at her acme Mary Rested were married Thankssor El. C. Beck. He got his introduc- when th;~ went to school there. He giving day at the home of the bride in tion to 'type lice', and his first whif of wondered thep if he would ever write Fairbury. "Good Food Promotes printers ink in 'Father Hacker's shop such copy. He no longer speculates. The couple will live in Kimball above the corner bank; where, after a where Mr. Denney is manager of the Good Health" laborious 'make-ready', a thundering Rested Store. job press rocked the bul'.ding and 'I Mrs. Denny has been teaching· at prin~oo the 'Ped' page by page. He T W I T T E R B0 N E S Wesleyan. has been associated with newsr.Titiug [ _ NEBRASKA CITY and print ~hops ever since. Quoting Mr. Pate, "Our nation was Last year' THE OTOEAN Oh lee ol ladee ·' .' .' Excels1·or ! !. ! SCHOLARSHIP CLUB built by a Christian peoplei, has re· ' high OUTUNES PROGRAM ma!ned Christian and will. probably school paper at· Nebraska City, pub- Twitter bones · conth'llie: to be Ghrlstlan. -· lished by his class in)ol.U'alism wa~ _ \l{,<J~_\l{C>O ! I've bee.n going on like The scholarship club 'bis plan~d its Pi ts. llk to· •-·l d . Christ'"n granted a11 "International First Place that ever since I climbed into my ski- program for the entire year including ren . e .u.u.; u e a. 'th th . h!ld m. , Award" bY Qm'll and ·s·cro11, interna- pants and snowshoes and t re ked over a picnic which will constitute the last err· c te i • . t rainin g a long w1 education, to give the child a good tional honorary society for high to the Residence gals Alpine formal. meeting of the club in May. moral basis on which to plan his school journalists. 'I"was right ,entertaining, with things Since< the club meets only once a future. The result is that education Norman Littre'1l, and Bill Bischof, like: month and, because of vacation, will editor, and business manager, respectA. Snow slide narrowly averted by not meet in December, the four tnd church activities go hand in hand ively, of THE PERU PEDAGOOIAN, quick thinking on the part of Ms. Dun- months left will be divided between the and the teachers are usually called got their first taste of journalism un- ning. No casualties. four classes r~'presented in the organiUpon to take an active part in the der Mr. Wh!ttens direction; as did Pee-Wee Coatney lQOk!ng very ele- zation. church affJirs. the present news editor of THe DAILY gant in black tafeta toppetl with a · January's program will be given by "Getting your Y. M. 0. A. training :NEBRASKAN, and the editor of THE white evening cape squired by the freshmen. February will fall to while in school will come handy wh0 n PERSHING RIFLEMAN (both Uni- Paul Sims. , the sophomores, March to the juniors you are called upon to do your bit." versity of Nebraska publications); as SWeenie and number 2368 .. and April to the seniors. President Pate's talk was concluded did Elizabeth Kelly, recent GOOD Ard Christmas looking like a vestAA # '&%WW--. by comments on the new law passed HOUSEKEElPING "Girl of the Month" pocket edition beside Slim. Latest Hair Styles. CHRISTMAS FOOTWEAR I by the Nebraska state legislature, who is now studying journalism at Roberta Cowell and Web Shields Phone 9 Ruby's Beauty Shop. i faking it unlawful for superintenEasy to Choose from our Columbia University, the first Hitch- making a very "tall. dark and handdents to request the applicants to list Specially Selected, ! cock Journalism scholarship in 11.er some "couple. the!f religious preferences on applicapocket; as did the circulation manager Quality Stock. · 1 HOT FUDGE SUNDAES Lucille Hazelton with Johnnie Green tion blanks. of The Nebraska Daily News-Press; --fille did a Gracie Vanier act only Try one today HOJ\IEYER'S SHOE STORE and as did a few others ,not forgetting with three men instead of two. Bring your friends to the Peruvians to Attend "The Home of Good Shoes" the present 'Ped' reporter and oratoriFountain at the Rexall Store Mildred W~liams and "Chubbie" \ Phys. Ed. Convention I Nebraska City, Nebraska cal contest writer Mary Elizabeth BARNES' PHAR!\1ACY (Continued From Page l) Mort. All in all, I think we'll have to hand 11:45-2:3-0-Annua.l Business Meet- Werner, or essay contest winner Fran!''WMilf' ces Hardy-or Evelyn stuart (now it to the Higgin's Hotel fellows, they ing Mrs. Otto Berthold Mary Jane Davis- put on a pretty good formal. They 1;.,:~-::1'.1:~-:~:1"1.:1:1"1.:1:1:1.:~~,1:1.:1:1,~~:~. 2:45-3:30-Group Meetings College Physical Education for son, and Helen Williams, who once did pretty w611 with the Pate Apt. wrote for The PERU PEDAGOOIA.N. party afterwards too those of them Men THE PERU PElDAGOGIAN is right. who could stand up under the strain. College Physical Education for Mr. Whitten "was replaced Jn March Women (He's a man. by Edward Matejovsky ... "-for two Rural and Small Schools Who's a man? Secondary School Education for weeks. THE PERU PEDAGOOIAN Punches! Punches! Punches! files will 5how that Mr. Whitten editBoys So much for the Alp&-the donn Secondary SChool Education for ed the 'Pei:!' not only •!Jrough 1924- '25, has gone game crazy it seems. The but through the summer of 25. The parlors were overflowing all week end. Girls ink on the August number was still All fellows arriving after '3 on Sunday 3:45-4:30 G\'fl's Basketbali-Miss Phyllis 'green' when he leift Peru for Falls afternoon had to bring their own City to marry a girl he met at Peru. chairs. Davidson, presiding. Demonstration and Discussion of The summer of '26 saw him back on GUESS WHO! A.ubbie doubbie the Rules and Playing, led by Miss Nellie the job, this time as teacher of jour- Collins house and if you'll drop by Eastburn, University of Nebraska and nalism under much loved and highly I'll take you to the show, all right Member of Examination Rules Com- esteemed Dr. E. c. Beck. Three submittee of the Women's National Offi- sequent summer8 found him as editor or teacher of newswrltlng in the colcial's Rating Conunittee. Men's Basketball-Mr. W. W. Knight, lege. THE PERU PElDAGOGIAN is right. University of Nebraska, presiding. "How the Present Changes in Bas- There was '"an abundance of news to ketball Rules Will Affect Play This print, for Peru was making history..." Nineteen hundred and twenty-fourComing Season," M:r. Dwight Thomas, Director or Athletics, Nebraska Wes- '25 was the golden age of athletics in old Peru. Nineteen hundred and twenleyan University. Discussion led by Mr. Frank Melenz, ty-four-'25 saw football and basketball Basketball Coach at Technical High and track history in the making. It saw through a blinding snow storm School, Omaha, Nebraska. Nebraska City Nebr. Nebraska's infant nonnal school, 4:15-5:00 Folk Dancing in the Public Schools. Chadron, lose the state football cha.m-

Olympia Cafe


Peru Lumber Co.










For Good Eats Try

Bus Cafe





Dramatic Club Pleases With "Outward Bound" :::HINNOCK STEALS mow FROM STARS

A telegram was received by President Pate from Miss Florence Martin to the effect that this Wednesday she will take over the teaching position to which she was elected last fall, and in which capacity Mrs. Brown has so far substituted. She has just cor.:pleted work for her masters degree al the University of Chicago. Miss Martin received high honors when she was graduated from Peru in 1934.


We went to Suttan Vane's Outward


3ound Friday, December 10, ably pro-


The fr2shman class turned out in full force to enjoy the freshman party

luced by Professor Robert Moore, for which was held Saturday, December i

peek into. eternity, and ran the gam-111, in the hig·h school assembly.

it of emot10ns as a result.

The entertaining program consisted

Her home is in Falls City.

The play was based on the simplest of a reading, "Red Head," by Geral>f plots, the story of the rebuttal oI

dine Cordell; a tap dance by Stella

ife, yet the versatility of the actors,, Rogge; and a cornet solo by LeRoy nade it as great a success as ha> ever Redfern. The rest of the evening was ieen witnessed on this campus.

spent in dancing.

Thomas Chinnook, as



Are you a keen observer whose photographic mental vision enables you at this moment to describe the statues ty were: refreshments, Phyllis Benson; or pictures in the buildings on this entertainment, Margery Evans; dee- campus? Perhaps a tannish blur is orations, Frank Larson; and arrange- forthcoming, or if one piece of art ments, Clair Callan. strikes some appreeiative note you may The party was chaperoned by Mi.;s recall a fine forehead and nose or a detailed form. Grace Tear, freshman class sponsor. Perhaps Miss Diddel is psychic enough to realize the need to make Pe-

The cast's "dark horse" was ethereal

The cotr.mittee chairmen who de-

the serve credit for the success of the par-

3teward-Bartender "Lost Young". He w.as the puck of Mid-summer Night's Dream, the Lob of Dear Brutus.I'he unfathomable played to per1<ction. 1Spontaneous-applause provoker Maree Willis.ms as the Mrs. Clivecen .. Banks had a Mary Boland quality we liked.



of a difficult role. That of Reverend ··· Frank Thomson. We knew what to expect from talented Grace Mary Hnizda, who po··· trayed Ann so vividly but DeanKarr as Henry, tnpped a;.: previous perform· ances with a professional sincerity. William Plattenberg, in the manner of Plattenberg drove the play alon;i; · with vari-colored moods-a chi.lling bewilderedness one moment and a green anger without legt to st2,nd on the next instant. He reigned as the theme, not suppressing the rest, bnt. suggesting the supernatural ·with the worthiness cf Peru's Academy Aw~:rd. The darkened set represented the ir · terior of an ocean steamer, with only the bottles behind the bar, highlight~din the gloom. The production staff included: s1udent director Helen Margaret Larson: Stage, Charles Parnell and Frank Larson; Advertising, Gilb~rt Jiuruckei' and Gale Carter; Properties, Elaine Shafer; Makeup, Robert Weber; House Carter Johnson; Ushers, Laura Baum Mary Mathews, Ruth Wilson, ·Donna Armstrong, Musa Wagoner, Eleanor Hemphill and Shirley Barrett.

would be advantageous. The argument against this proceedure is, of course, this extra pressure would thus be placed on the library force, and that additional help might be necessary.

MAGAZINE LISTS MISS CLARK'S POEMS Two of Miss Esther Clark's Latin poems, "Bene Hues" and Goodnight Ladies," will receive mention in the "Items for Hints" column of the January issue of the "Classical Journal," national language magazine.

The magazine does not publish poetry. However, a summary of the poems will be given and an offer made, ,,, anyone who wishes to secure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ' copies of the poems may do so by sending a stamped self addressed enPERU BROADCAST velope and a three cent stamp (to PERU HOUR cover cost of typing) to Miss Clark. !'Bene Hues" is re-printed here, as one does not need to be a Latin student to appreciate this poem. The other is a Latin translation of the old song, "Goodnight, Ladies."


Theme SongBariton Soloist-Howard Miller Educational Event-

Tell It In Latin

Starduster's TrioPedagogian on the AirJulia Jean Plasters Miller and Stardusters Trio with


Interview-Coach Baller Male QuartettStarduster's

Sed "Mi Sad I "An

CA Classical Short Short) Bene Reus tu Mare An, tenor is tu hi I se." Mare An tu Bene Reus, alto partis rite for mi."

l Sed Bene Reus tu Mare An,





Joel Punches Chosen As '3 7 Honorary Captain class. Charter members of the association were Miss Esther Clark, Miss Gashen, Miss Mattie Elli, Miss Hosmer, Miss Kelley, Mrs. Good, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Brownell, Mrs. Van Middlesworth. Mrs. Crabtree, another charter member, wil'e of the college president, in 1908 gave the photograph, now hung upon the east wall at the front of the auditorium.

l'His puppi et Mi dux, I no." Sed Mare An tu Bene Reus, ."I neu it tu, sum time ago."

Sed Bene Reus tu Mare An, "O canter se I amabo?" Theme SongSed Mare An tu Bene Reus, : . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' "I canto, Bene, anser no." Quartette-


period. The work stanils at the back of the auditorium, representing wisdom, with the helmet. of war, the robe of dignity, the serpent of healing and the shield and spear· 0f protecti4rn. soon after, st. George, by Donatello, was purchased and now resides in the auditorium. The Fountain of Innocents, another gift, is comprised of reliefs hanging upon the east and west back walls of the buildirig. About 1908, Demothenes, was given, for the men's debating group and in 19.09, $36.00 was taken from the club's treasury to purchase the photograph; of the colliseum at Rome, which now hangs upon the left side. of the auditorium's stage.·


"SIFTING SAND" WILL SOON BE ON SALE The Christmas issues of "Sifting Sand'', the Sigma Tau Delta publication of prose and poetry, will soon be ready for sale. This magazine will make a striking appearance. 'I'he covers are green with a clever design in gold. Copies <'f "Sifting Sand" are ideal Christmas gifts. The prase contributions include an essay by Bertie Boom, an essay by Prances Hardy, and a short-short story by Norman Littrell. Those who contributed poetry are: Elaine Eddy, Alma Smith, Marjorie Stevenson, Esther Ann Clark, Mary Lizabeth Werner, Grace M. Petersen, Elaine Shafer, Marlon M. Brown. Catherine Hughes, Charles Parnell, Jeanne Plasters, Grace Tear, Ruth Crone, Harold Prichard, Anita Searle. Norma Diddel.

The Fortnightly Art Club's purpose was to stimulate an interest in art, which carried out quite successfully. Dr. Paul Grummann, Dr. H. Powers, H. B. Alexanders and many others, besides local peopie, lectured on th~ campus. The group Of women, among other things, studied Italian painting, French, English, Flemish, and Japa- Original Contributions nese art; Gothic architecture; lecture; At Sigma Tau Delta landscape gardening; furniture; rugs; Dr. and Mrs. B. K. Baker entertainporcelain; homes and decorations and ed the members of the Sigma Tau modern sculpture. Delta, national English fraternity, at College groups perked up interest so their home Monday evening. did a little art purchasing themselves. Original contributions were read The library crew bought the plaster of during the evening. paris busts of Emerson and ShakesThose who contributed to the pro. peare in the reading· r.oom with the gram were: money collected from :lines. The class Miss Esther Clark-Poems. of 1908 presented a photograph of a Marie Wieneke-Play bronze relief of Shaw monument in Miss Grace Tear-Short Story the Boston Common. The picture now Virginia Trively-Essay hangs on the back wall of the audi- C'atherine Hughes-Play torium. Mrs. l!nice Dunning-Po,;ms Mrs. E. E. Good. . secretary-treas- Louise Matthews-Short Story urer of the" club, cheerfully opened the Mary Kathryn Hanlon-Play record of her minutes of the meetings ·Rrefreshments were served by Mrs. dated 1898-1923 for res.earch by the art Baker.



About one-hundred young men, with formally dressed young women clinging to thei arms, felt their way down the creaky Eliza Morgan stairs to the dining hall, where they honored the football team with the annual football banquet. Joel Punches was announced as being elected honorary football captain of the 1937 squad. Coming from Wymore, Nebraska, Joel weighed but 160 pounds in his Broadcast Nlanager freshman year, and played regular at Has New Office guard position, beside his 210 pound Haven't you noticed a new air of brother "Bob", '34. Le~tering four importance in the "Ideal Husband's" years "Joe" leaves an excellent record manner? He now has his 01vn office -Mister Jerome Snyder, Broadcasting Manager, Room 112, Music Hall. It now possesses a radio, all the broadcasting equipment, the script checkers and is the stopping place for the Ian mail. As soon as he gets a desk on which to prop his feet, the office furnishings will be complete. However, it is possible that the based on his desire to play. football change in the "Ideal Husband" may and his stress on fundamentals. be due to other causes. One rumor Senator Robert M. Armstrong was which has recently been flying around the main speaker of the. evening and is to the effect that the broadcasting stressed the importance of "mental manager has included a ring in his alertness and discipline. Christmas shopping. "C'ertain qualifications or essentials

ruvians art-conscious and thankful for their "blessings." At any rate, she has made thorough investigations as to the biography of the cold-figures lmd along with some other fact digging by the Art Appreciation class 306, it has been discovered that over $1200 worth of art pieces was donated to C. C. A. PLANS are petitioning suer. an issue. They Peru State Teachers colltge by the NATIONAL AFFILIATION believe non-resident students who 'Fortnightly Art Club, a non-college . . . d th At the regular meeting of the Peru dnve to Peru every day and conse- orgamzation, begun m 1898 un er c C. C. A. last week plans were made to , leadership of Miss Mattie Ellis. quently aren t on the campus at night, affiliate with the Newman Club, the Perhaps you've stared at the Parthe- nationa1 federat·ion of co11 ege c athol1'c do not have enough access to the Iinon frieze located in the auditorium clubs. brary. Als•) ·chere c.re .those people on ·tn· e si'de ·onn·e pre~s~nium al'ch. It · By this affiliation Father Szmydt with four o'clock classes who can not 1·s the work of the artist Pr. eidias, who hopes to encourage the Catholic stupossibly arrive at the library before oversaw the work of th Parthenon in closing· time at five o'clock. Futher- Athens. The frieze .c.ost. $200.00, was dents of Peru to take a more active more many people waste the hour im- gi·ven by the mem'"'rs of the Fort- part in C. C. A. affairs. t Chairman of the committee on he mediately before dinner under the nightly Club in 1905.""I.n 1907 these enpresent system who would use that ergeti'c ladies by me.alil.··.s of lectures . Christmas party,. which is going to be · hour in study if the library were open. and exhibits raised furtds enough to held on December 17, gave his report In view of these situations the council purchase the statue ot.· Minerva by · and further plans for the party were is sure an extra hour, from five to six, Sansoivino, of the Itali~n Renaissance discussed.

Gerald Fichter was cast as tLi:: BACKS PETITION "formed-myself - into-a-company . a Should the library stay open until long-time-ago" business man, Lingley. He coated his comedy with just the ex- six o'clock on week days? "Definiteact touch of pathos. ly!" is the hearty answer of members Lois Nash as the wistful cockney Mrs. of the Student Advisory Council who Miget showed great ability and Lester Reutter gave a convmcmg performance as a soft spoken young m1mstr-1', ,. . k Reverend \\ illiam Du e White-suited Charles Parnell paGeC: through his part like a veteran in spite



necessary in seeking a career can best be brought out by comparing the game of life to the game of football. As the athlete must train to play the 60 minutes of hard football, so must the individual going out into the world train to fight-maybe 60 years; As the athlete must play according to the rules be penalized, so must the individual going out into the world play according to the rules or be penalized; as football is a game in which teamwork is essential, so in life must an individ .. ual work with his fellow man;"· said speaker Armstrong. Toastmaster Frederick Wolter, called on "Stew" Baller to give a toast. Coach Baller brought out the point that a football man must' assume a responsibility and must bear in mind at all times, when he wears his letter sweater; Sportmanship, Honor, Fair Play, Clean Living, and a 70 year Tradition. Coach Gilkeson then piesented to the people those receiving letters for the first time. They were: McHug·h, McGinley, Adams, Velvick, Purucker, Stark, Boyer and Majors. Those receiving· second letters were: Hall, Barisas, BrWgewater, Mosely, Green and Greathouse. Third letters went to: Mort, Douglas, Pugh, Nelson, and Shields; Fourth letter to: Joel Punches. Those 'eniors having played their last game for Pern were: Barisas, Pugh, Star!:, Douglas and Punches. Coach Gilkeson stated that aside from a few bad beaks and a few boners he was satisfied with the results of the team. Entertainment was furnished by the girls trio, composed of Katherine Bartling, Blanche Freeman and Margery Evans. Eleanor Nieman accompanied them at the piano. Burton Evans, assisted by the trio, sang "Blue Indigo".


College Calendar Dec. 14-7-8 Y. M. C. A., Y.


C. A.,



C. A.,

8: 30-9 Broadcast. Dec. 15--7-8 Gamma Chi Party Dec. 16-7-9 Freshman Clubs. Dec. 20--10:30 Freshman council 7-8 Ctrawdads, Alpha Psi

8-9 Kappa Delta Pi


The Pe'fu






11_ _ _ _~


Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoft'ice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents. ADVERTISING RATES Display 20 cent'S p\lr ii'tch; LO'calSj 18' cllntS iier llhe

Best lines (to our notion) from Out"The Littlest Angel" is the title of , the operetta for which Miss McCollrnn 1viard Bound: Wil~iams-''This must be heaven; my corsets have never fit arranged the story and Mrs. R. T. better."

STAFF' Editot ....................................... Norman·

Benford composed the music. It will Chinnock-"They usually don't find be given at Christmas time at the out as soon, sir." kindergarten for the parents and Fichter-"In some dreams you can't those who are interested. go."

, .


The Methodist choir, directed by Mr. Make..Uj Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harold Prichard ,Benford will be entertained by Mrs. Sp1ol''ts Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juniris. M6Cowan c: C6atney at a Christmas party aftar S'pori-S-Ot . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mts. Gnb'trl B'rown choir practice Wednesday evening, 1\d ·· · · M B' '-"'f. December 15.



anager · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1 •




A piano ensemble recital, under the

Edith Willey .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . Mary Lizabeth Wern.'er direction of Mr. R. T. Benford, feaVirginia, Trively ....................... , . . . . . . . . Glen Sheely turing groups of two, three and four

pianos', will be given the latter part

Oflre Purucker .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Gfad}'s Nofsger of February. One number to be

l\uth Crone . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Barney Bari~s played is an original contribution by Margaret Savme Mr. Benford for four pianos. Watch tor further announcements.

WHAT I EXPECT FROM COLLEGEI expect to get a deeper meaning of life, a fuller understanding Members of the Peru Music faculty of the neeilFS: 6~ li .1rrn¥anity and how to supply those needs. I exp'eet have received and accepted an invitato becbm'e m'a'ster (>lf :thyself and to Iearn myself. I expect fo become ., tion to give a concert at the Auburn .

Women's Club meeting, January 13.

acqu&~ a:iii'd gain' an appreciation of the beautiful things of tliie World1 i!r'icl'udi~g t1¥e work of other great people. I expect to learn' "Playing the Cello", an original conabout & difS'c6Veriles' of other people and gain from their know~ · tribution bY Mr. R. T. Beiiford appears ledge, wMc'h th'ey passed on fo us, and in turn, I expect to pass i:n a new publication put out by the know~ilih on· fo' O'tlirer people so that they mic1ht .<Jiin through Gamble Hinged Music company in a 6 /5 book of "Fine Art Serles for the Pia-


m y ex#eri~ees~ antl discoveries. I expect to have a richer under· po" compiled by o. B. Silson. It is insrand'fng of my counfry, people, htngttage, and people of other i teresting to note that just across the counfries. ' page from Mr. Benford's contribution JAMES MekLUSTER~ Jimmie rs ffom Dunbar, Ne braska. There he prospered and gi:ew:_So his folks sent him to Peru. Here Jimmie has been a high~rantking ~tuclent in every way.

is a selection by the noted composer, , Joseph Hayden.




Hand' decorated articles such as ' tooled' leather, carved woi>d, art metal, Clo!Sorine and othei· craft work were the features of the art exhibit which was held Deeember •.7-8. such unusual things as turned ala' baster, Chinese cloison:ne, Papago and . Pima I':ridfali: baskets, Italian gesso i work, Merl.can mats, and a Russian . , oowF were in evidence. Jimmre fiolds many places of honor on the campU's, out lli's Many useful and beautiful articles fil'o§t ifuporfant is that of business manager of the Peruvian. This , were brought by the tacu!ty and stuposition calls for lots of hard work and a persoiilahty that WiJl · dents for this exhibition.

piews5e a litu:ndred pote:nti'al advertisers. We know tha't Jimmie ts· tWaf sort of a fellow.


Plattenberg-"We're all dead peopie." To that wavy haired man sitting in the audience a little uneasy perhapswe don't want to compliment his direction-that's not enough-instead we'd like to thank him, not merely for an evenings entertainment but for a thought that seems to stick. To those of the orchestra who reached for a gaspipe at the swing language last week-"long underwear-gang" isn't personal-it merely means an orchestra who has only classical numbers in its repertoire. For further translation see Benny Goodman. Lil drammerAn unemployed ghost number 76318: "Unaccustomed as I am to public spboking-" Curtain. ADD cute gadgets: Emma Rosicky's walnut shell buttons she hacked out herself. Queer this method of speaking"shorthandedly" as "I gotta get Sit and Pall" or "Gotcher Sosch?" "P. S. Art" sounds like a letter ending and after "English Lit" one wants to say, "1620." but this "J. H. Kerrick" and "Soft Fudge Oh" has us definitely in a dither. Burned people section seven: Those eight dorm girls who after the football banquet found their own candles on a dining room table merely sizzling stumps. We believe upon careful survey of dorm halls, truckin' is definitely here to stay.

GIFrS:-all prices. see them-compare prfces.-Chatelain's Jewelry.

"Chillblaine Chester" Jo "Frostbitten Freddie" Russel, " shoe Al" Mason and "Icicle Ike" ter fought in 90 degrees below weather for honors in a dog sle contest at a Philomathean me Thursday, December 9. Snowshoe races and fishing in! Bay of Whales were carried on wi ' major casulties. Elizabeth Glosser reviewed a on Christmas traditions to get group in the proper antarctic f i



Phone 1


Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Office Phone 10


--------------111! KINGSOLVER BARBER SHOP Below Barnes Drug Store

The M'ardis Store "A Mighty Good Place to Trade·'

Christmas Cards

, Y. W. G. A.

The annual football banquet went over with a bang. We wi'Sb to drank an those who had ii part in the pfannirig of the ban· quet. It shows a fine spirit when such a large crowd attends the fill'af honors paid to a team-especiaU>y whelll' th~ teaWi W"as rrot a winning one. We are proud of our footoalletif-and we are proud of you who backed them so well thro(lghout the year. .

PLANS MONTH'S ACTIVITIES Pi:eparing for a strenuous round of activities, the members of the Y. W. C. A. met Tuesday, December 7, to appoint several chairmen and many com-1 mittees to carry out a full program for this month. Wilma· Parnell was made chairman of ptepatafions for the Christmas candlelight setvice to be presented by Professor Steck's Peru-singers.

SIDE BY SIDEThe last Issue of the Ped carried several marriage's·, and nia:r- ' The association intends to continue riage-to-be n'otices. In a meditative mood we pondered, wonder· the annual custom of pre-chili-supper Cii:rolfng this year. Rita Rt\Ssel is gening how many such marriages ha ve sprung from romances that eral chairman of arrangements for this &U'dded on the Peru campus. entetj)rise, and Leora Libhart will take To us it is a worrderfol thought tha'f Peru s·eem'S fo1 6'e Cupid's charge of the singing. A Y. w. c. A. right hand man-especiaHy when sfatistfos show that college ro· •Christmas pageant will be given in mimce marriages are more satisfacfo'ry than are ordinary mar- •convocation, as u~ual, under the direction of .Tean Plasters. Property riages. Cha'irm'an will be Zelda Carmine, Sfoce' the day of the first co-educational school, there has Elaine Shaefer will be stage manager been a feeling that cqmpanionship between men and women' With Mary Ellen Slack and Mary Elishould prevail oh the campus. This attitdde' Ims· been orie of the zabeth Werner as general chairman. teadin:g fa'ctors in our present up heavel inv'6l'ved irl t'fi<b fight . Most. complete line of Xmas Gifts wOrh'en are making for "women's· righrs.'' The way that nature has beautified the Peru. campus and1 at Hill's Drug Store. hills; the cfose c6mpanlonship founa airy small school and the ' - - - - - - - - - - - necessity of enjoying quiet human relationships in place of wild' honkytonks, shows and recreati'on parlors have irU comhin:ed to create at Peru a remargable marriage '1b'ureau".


Dr. Castle Brown talked on "Educa•





OCCASIONS tional Movies" before a meeting of th~ Everett Literary Society, Thursday, There be a 'jun\()r'.:i;enfOi' party' ' Dec. 9. WE GROW O'uR OWN May 7, it wros cieer~ at tile iUhl<>r · The bra.ss quartet, composed of Tur· class meeftrig held a'ttef colivbcatfoi1; , ner; Hazclton, Wolter, and Good, pre. Monday; 1'.t. ·· sented severalf musical' numbers. app<iinted to de· The entire group joined in singing , A :Nebrasb City c\de as ti) tb.e tYl'ie of pfilty. "Silent Night.''

wm ·•

'teh. comiliit/ee was

Bert~old Greenhouses

If you want those beautiful Christmas cards

With Your Name printed on them. Come m at once. Only a few more days left if you want them in time to mail out.

Peru Pointer


Watch the Bobcats Battle--Nebraska B. December 22-Nebraska B. Here

Bebkitfens Outlook J_uniu_s M_ccow_an----'-1 Is Very Promising

cA T s cA GE


peru pep s.nua:d '1

lacks many things or does them incor- [ rectly and that "he wouldn't be con- . sidered an artist, I belive." However

Holds r, ·rst•·

he produces odd effects, and it must be 1 Pra:c·~·ic.e. admitted that he has done rema1J,.. f Captain Punches able well. The harp is the most difFIVE LETTERMEN SQUAD OF 34 .'Cats of Peru you have elected to ficult of instruments for forty-sll: REPORT TO BELL STARTS NEW DRILLS the p08ition of Captain one of the best strings are employed besides fiat, natFive lettermen are among members of ural, and sharP pedals. Mr. Marx Peruvians who ever attended college The complete pep squad of 34 here. Joe Punches' record is one to be the Peru Prep basketb8,ll squad now re- should be complimented for "you un- members met for their first practice proud of and can be used as an exam- porting to Coach Leonard Bell. derstand," she ended, "t1'lat Harpo Thursday evening of last week. Only The lettermen are: Fisher. Adams, Marx has had only one lesson." ple for any college boy. 13 old members returned to the group Joe, I am glad I was a member of a Grafton, Leahy and Pugh. February this year. Other promising material include:,.,.....-==-~-----"'----­ Peru team on which you played, and The costume this season will be ot 1-Midland There CHORUS HIGHLIGHTS I know that you will be missed next Coulter, Velvick, R. Mason, Dallam anc! blue corduroy culottes and white "bob 4-Doane Here Hunzeker. By Gladys Nofager year on the Peru "11". Best of luck in cat" sweat shirts. 5-Hastings Here Joe Punches is acting as assistant your future years and when ev,,r you The squad will be unable to appear 9-4:00 Nebr. B There 2:00 o'clock-there's the bus-push, get in a tight spot think of old ''44" coach for the Prep squad. at the first game of the season because 10--Keamey There fellers push-let 'er coast-jump in, Shedule for the season: and make the /ards you need costumes wi!l not be ready. 11-Wesleyan There she's going now-bump, bump, rattle, Dec. 14--Virginia, there. Slim The pep squad plans to have a new 18--Kearney Here bang! (At Johnson) Um-she's sure Dec. 21-Dawson, there. Dean "Slim" McCormick has earned and varied set of drills distinctively 22-=.Haskell Indians Here steamin'-suppose th[e bus will exJan. 7-Auburn, here. three letters in basketball by turning 25-Chadron Here plode-(Tecumseh' here's the Presby- different from those used last year. Jan. 14--Nebraska City, there. in good seasons at the position of cen26-Chadro;n H0re The g'irls in the squad are: terian church-concert over-sigh, sigh Jan. 21-Falls City, there. ter. His heigh" has been a consistent Klone, Lytton, Galbraith Devore, -Oh, eats-sandwichesfancy cookJan. 28-Auburn, there. March aid to Peru "under the basket" as well ies-plates and plates of them-coffee Vanier, Heinke,· Christian; Chandler, Feb. ~pen. as on the "tip-off." Slim is six-foot 4--Wayne There -f.l.ere's that man again-the one who Kamen,. Coatney, Barrett, ParU, Free1 Feb. 11-Nebraska City, here. four-inches tall and he claims that he 19-games-12 at home stays until you take "several"-the gals man, Peterson, Searle, Spielman, Feb. 15-Brock, here. will be a big help to his mother when on the couch who wished the lady Prichard, Sho,~otham, Nieman, SamFeb. 18--Dawson, here. he grows up. with the cream and sugar would no- uels, Slack, Miers, Werner, Beckman, Feb. 25-Falls City, here. PERUVIANS ON tice them they drink it black-new Humphrey, Randall, McKimmey, Cary, ALL STATE TEAM couples s'.·en strolling along T2cum .. Carmine, Wagner, Murphy. BEATRICE HARPIST seh's ·streets-Bartling and Mooney; The Peru College football team was FEATURED BROADCAST Dustin and Lyton; Beamer and Rothwell represented on the Lincoln NewsPHYS. ED. CONVENTION Francis Kaub, a junior in Beatrice meier; Turner and Galbraith;Blanken- ATTENDED BY FIVE papers' All Star N. I. A. A. team. Peru placed three men on the first team, two high school, was the harpist who play- ship and Trenholm-Did you hea~-· ed on the Peru broadcast of December gasket broke er sumpin-calling all For the first time a two-day convenon the second team, and several on thP7. Miss ~ub came with the Beatrice cars to haul singers to Auburn-- tion was held for Nebraska· Physical list of honorable mention. group who were the guests of the Peru smooth concert there-Bing's special Education Teachers last week end. Those on the first team were: GreatKiwanis. It was at this meeting that interest in third row ~econd from end. Miss Davidson, Coaches Baller a:cid house, end; Punches, guard; and Mr. Baller first heard her, asked her Frank Larson's eye on speedometer Gilkeson, Bert Hall, Anita Searle, and Shields, haifback. coming from Auburn -70-75-SOL-was Blanche Freeman went to Lincoln last Nelson and Bridgewater were selecJ:ed to appear on the radio, and can:cele l he in his airplane? · Jinny Vasey PHll8 1 Friday and Saturday to attend the for tackle and guard, respectively, on his basketball interview to give l:e/ car handle-half of. car body opens-I meetings. his time. She arrived at the Mnsic the second team. ·~ut . h If b f h Oh, what did I do, what did I do? .-:ib The highlight of the Friday night Hall a ml -• e ana a a e· ore s..q . , . . The foi!owing men received honorwas to go on the air.· Ordinarily the its a~ ambulance--all home safe be- meetmg was a speech by Supt. Novotable mention: Hall, Pugh, Mosely, Bariharp must be tuned when it is merely j fore. lights out but poor old collection ny, Beatrice on "What the Aclininissas, Mort, Douglas, Stark, Velvick, moved fro t th b. of tm and wheels and popped gasket trator expects from a Physical 'Educ~.Green, Majors, Platenberg, Purucker. m one room o ano er . e- , . , "t · t ld't t k ·t t' T h cause of the change in temperature, er sumpm -1 JUS cou a e i. wn eac er." and McHugh. "Slim" has but his season left for but fate favored the Peruvians m that Whitten With Peru Saturday morning a committee re· "the Biue and White" and he're's hop· little adjustment was necessary a.t ~hi; ported on the progress of .the sub- .. Seventeen Years ject matter of the physir,al education ing it gets him a white sweater with time. See our Xmas line all new gifts. For seventeen years Mrs. Lulu Whitstate bulletin which was written by a blue stripe. Hill's Drug Store Miss Kaub had never played he£ ten has pushed the dust mop over the the State Department of Public InPoor Chapin harp over the radio before, but had halls of the Peru ciormitories. She has struction, and which will be published AID THE RED CROSS Add to the casul ty list; Bill Chapin sung and played the piano at Kearcovered endless miles of dusty halls, soon. JOIN HERE NOW and his sprained thumb. Poor Willie, ney and Lincoln stations last year. l~aving behind her a dustless track. At a. luncheon Saturday noon there "JOIN HERE." reads a sign in the every thing happens to him. If the Her $1500 harp was obtained through She has seen students come and go. were four speakers: Coach Gilkeson of valves aren't stuck on his horn it's Lyon a:nd Healy in Chicago. The up- In her heart there is a wann spot for Peru, Coach MacCra:dy of Hastings college office. Beside the sign is a slip of paper on something else to spoil his day. Alas keep on the instrument is enormous. them that grew larger as they passed College, W. A. Rosin, acting Director of which anyone is priveleged to sign his Alack. It all happened when Willie Strings cost from thirty cents to a from freshmen to sophomores and on Physical Education of Nebraska, and name and walk away glowing with a tried to get his dainty size twelves to dollar eighty-five, but due to chemi- to seniors. 'Biff' Jones, head coach Of the Universatisfied feeling, provided he leaves take him away from the wall-but he cally treated gut and to Miss Kaub's Until 1009 when the "new dorm" sity of Nebraska. hit the wall, and now he keeps a string nearly prespiratio~free hands. She has was built she cared for the dormitory one dollar ith Marjorie Paniott. At the business meeting the followYou are right. This is just anotloer around his thumb to remind 'him not little difficulty compared to that which by herself. When the girls moved in- ing officers were elected: way of telling you where and how you to play so rough. Excuse me, the her teachers have experienced. to the Eliza organ Hall, Mrs. Whitten President Ruth Dramond of Universican contribute your ]?it toward helping string turned out to be· a splint. Depreciation on the harp is also was given an assistant. Her assistant ty of Omaha;. First Vice President, those who nee\'· help, that is, throui;h Whoops increased through travel. The rigllt- at the. present time is Mi·s. Vera Hays. Clara Rausch, Department of Physical Peru may not have won the chamthe Red Oro;;~. Mrs. Whitten remembers how en- Education, University of Nebraska. jump seat must be removed from a Peru's quota is $50 and at the pres- pionship in football but if you read coach to tmnsport it. Each time a ton thuiastic every one was during the Second vice president Kathryn Karthe sports pages you will see that they ent time Miss Parriott has $29. of pressure is on the strings through- summer while the new hall was being rick, superintendent of Physical' Edushould have because every body but f cation in Omaha Public Schools. out the trip. It is for this reason she built. two players either made the first, sec"It was interesting to watch the new .. Secretary-Treasurer, John Roberts, Werner Elected will decline the offer made her to ap1 ond, or got honorable mention on the P. D. C. Pi. ~-lent pear with the P. S. T'. O. Symphony building progress day by day," stated Director of Athletics, Wesleyan Uniteams. versity. next spring. It was very difficult to Mrs. Whitten. New Dramatic. ·club officers elected Doc Wolt appear with the Kearney Symphony M:rs. Whitten possesses many sterlat a meeting Friday morning after Ask "Doc" Wolters what he means because the performance was held ing_ qualities which has made admira- Y. W. and Y. M. CA. convocation are as follows: by "corn". It has something to db President .. .. .. .. .. Mary E. Werner with a swing or something. Maybe it's thirty-six miles from where she then tion for her grow in the hearts of PROGRAM FEATURES Vice President ........ Joe Halterman some of the old hens you hear on the resided, but the Peru engagement, those about her. She is honest, depen- PERU SINGERS which is twice as far, is highly im- dable, charitable and loyal. The Christmas Candlelight Service, Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . Marie Wieneke radio. probable. "I would like to if 1 were A sympathetic understanding is one by the Peru Singers and the Geron, Treasurer .............. Jean Wagner Ninth Hole closer," she .said. of her fine virtues that has made the directed by Professor Steck and sponWell dear readers I have no dirty Her first outstanding memory of a girls of the dormitory feel she is their sored by the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. digs to give anybody this week so I GIFTS-all prices. See them-com~ M. C. A. will be given Tuesday evemay just as well close shop for now. picture of a harp was that in i:J. pho- friend. pare prices.-Chatelain's Jewelry. Mrs. Whitten was born and reared ning, December 21. · Finney had some news, but I cut it tograph of the Lincoln Symphony, an!'! Amid the dim glow of the candlebefore the censors did. Ha, now I am since that t.ime she has wished to learn on a farm near Woodsiding. Prior to to play one. She has taken lessons in taking over the duties of dormitory light and the light of the Christmas one up on them. Lincoln and Kearney for the past housekeeper, she lived on a farm near trees, the robed members of the choir two years. This adds to the already Brownville. ICE SKATERS will softly hum "Silent Night" as a immense expense for it costs her five TAKE NOTICE All remember how excited and eager processional to the stage. Numbers dollars each week to take a lesson. '1ey !],re to leave the hills of Peru and included in the program are: Bach's SHOWING Ice-skaters, attention! The dike has She has been to Europe twice. She go home for summer vacation when Christmas Chorales, "Lo, How a Rose been completed for the skating rink in lived for a year in Edinburgh, eight the last day of school arrives. If they E're Blooming," "Adoramus Te" and Paul Muni the city ball park and water has been years ago, and toured Europe last would take time to glancei back at the Beethoven's "To God Eternal." run into the pond to soak the ground summer. The Geren will sing an interesting -IN THEupheaval they have left, it would and form a base for the ice. Men workgroup of Christmas songs. She said that her most interesting surprise them greatly. ed Saturday, December 4 scraping off I the weeds. This work was not com appearance was before Governor Coch- On such days of excitement Mrs. "O Holy Night" will be sung by I pleted, however, and more volunteer ran last year at Bayard. It was at Whitten enters calmly mto the scene Howard Miller with chorus accomhelp is needed for it. When this is fin- the famous yearly pageant of which of disorder with her band of twenty paniment. -With ished, the city will furnish the lights her father, a Methodist minister, ls helpers to bring the place out of Y. M. C. A. had a party in the gym· chaos and into a liveable home once and water for the pond. Skating will author and director. Gale Sondergaard nasium Tuesday even~ng, Dec. 7, inShe enjoys playing almost any se- more. be able to "cut a figure" in winter aclection. Keeping house is Mrs. Whitten's stead of the usual meeting in the Mutivities soon. Dec. 16-17-18 sic Hall. Miss Kaub was asked what her u- hobby. The most beautiful Christmas cards The "Y. M.'0r3" played volley ball, pinion was of Harpo Marx's ability on When asked how she liked her work 'THURS., FRI. AND SAT. in town. Buy while we still have a which all those pre>rm'.; ~njoyed . 'the instrument. She said that he she replied, "Fine, love it." ._..,•••••••••••~ J complete stock.-Ohatelain's Jewelry. __ BY

January 8--Wesleyan Here 14--Doane There 15-Hastings There 22-Alumni Here 28-Midland Here 29-Wayne Here


Peru Theatre

"life of Emil Zola"

i l


THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN This strain is now being grown in COLLEGE GIVEN was brought to this section of the country by the glacier of the Ice Age. the college laboratory in pigeons, DEBATE GLIMPSE It was found, a solitary, stranded, doves and canaries. 'I'his find is of Debaters Crone and Werner gav granite block, a few miles southwest of particular interest to people interestFriday convocation goers a glimps Peru. With considerable difficulty, ed in malaria because of the fact that into the future of the debate season. Ho hum! Lack-a-day! What'll I ORIGINAL COLLEGE the Philomathean Literary Society although previous attempts have been "There should be compulsory arbi get her for Christmas? Maybe I ought WAS IN MT. VERNON brought it to the spot where it is now made to grow malaria in birds as tration of industrial disputes," state1 to ask the Ouija Board, if Vanier and large as a pigeon, this constitutes the Peru State Teachers College was ori- located to mark the site of the first Miss Crone, affirmative. Lytton aren't using it. curiosity drove first successful work. ginally not in the town of Peru at all, commencemetnt, held here in 1870. "There should not be compulsor: Unkie to . make several trips to town Scientists have been striving to culbut was in the town of Mt. Vernon. A arbitration of industrial disputes, last week which netted the following tivate the malaria in birds larger townsite company surveyed and SOPHS TO HAVE Christmas notes: than the canary, as the canary does stated Miss Werner, negative. plotted a town callekl Mr. Vernon on KID PARTY SATURDAY Prof. I. W. Moore, debate instruc· The guy who gets the Yardley set At a sophomore class meeting held not have very much blood. The pia piece of land adjoining Peru on the. tor, acted as master of ceremonies. ordered from Bert's ought to smell southeast. Mt. Vernon obtained the immediately after convocation Mon- geon is the next suitable bird as it has, Prof. Moore also read "The Harp· well for considerable days to come. day it was announced tat a class Kid for its size, a great quantity of blood, post office, but after a feeble attempt Weaver'', a poem by Edna St. Vincm McKimmey, Prichard, and Murphy to make a town, thei attempt was party would be held Saturday, Decem- and can be grown under laboratory Millay. pricing masculine "stocking-fillers" in ber 18. Attendance will be restricted conditions. abandoned, and Peru obtained the post lots of seven. office and soon made a thrifty to Sophomores. Awaiting the completing of his new D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebrask2 "So you're going to give him a picanimal room, under the industrial arts City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat growth." ture? What are you trying to do, room, Dr. Coatney plans a more ex- Glasses stted. Phone 144.-Professlon· The Dormitory is located whe~e the 1\.appa Omicron Pi frighten his parents and little brothtensive work along this line. old Mt. Vernon cemetery usetl to be. Have Xmas Party al Card. ers?" The members of Kappa Omicron Phi The results of Dr. coatney's rebut in late·: years this cemeter; was Hint to the Gals. several prospecproved their candy-making abilitywhen searches on blood parasites of Nebrastive presentc-presenters have formed moved to Cemetery Hill. In the early days of Peru's history, they turned their meeting, Monday ka birds during the summer of 1931-36 DR. GLEN H. JODER the useful habit of asking the drug the Otoe Indians called this their evening into a taffy pull and Christ- has been published in the American store clerk "What did my gal like the Surgeon and Physician home. Indian Hill is an early Indian mas party. Midland Naturalist. last time she was here " \ Milstead Corner burial ground, and is the site of the Arrangements for the meeting were Collaborating with Dr. Coatney was Well, seems like we had another Office 33 Res. 39 Phone district school. When excavations in charge of the program chairman, Robert L. Roudabush of the Iowa State' !Circle dance and got some new couples; ·College. One-eye Bob and Little Lytton, Bill were made for the present school Margaret Saville. Gifts were exchanged at the close Examining some 86 different wild and Bartling blithely bounding to building, quantities of Indian bones were unearthed some six feet below of the evening. birds it was found that 1-3 of them "Outward Bound". were infected with one or more difGalbraith bidding Barney for the the surface. Peru was a stopping place for all CHRISTMAS TREE ferent species of blood parasites. Many radio-tuner-no freshmen allowed. When 1 n Nebr. City BE DECORATED of the birds found were new records Finney and Meier invading new terri- boats that came up the Missouri. At TO Last year the student council inauf N th or or America and five were spetory. Mort won fair Glema's invite the foot of CemetEJry Hill to the east, the idea of lighting up the cies new to science, these had to be for an evening while Finney found fair the docks and warehouses were locat- gurated pine tree in front of the library, to h d Fairburian fascinatin'. ed. Today, there is nothing left to add t o the Chr1s . t mas splrit of Peru, ame D c· t · tell the story of the barrels and barr. oa ney is now engaged in preEddy entertained fellow dorm-mates already suggested by the fine down· paring the results of his survey, made "~" th~ir friends with a new angle in reas of brown sugar that found their town decorations. durmg · th e summer of 1937, for publithe trucking-fad. "A la silk feet" or way here from the Louisiana caneThe student council was a bit late t' · th fields. In steamboat days, Main ca 10n m e near future-. the "shoeless shuffle." street extended to the river. this year, but at a special meeting held Greene and Hazelton finding the last Monday it was decided to carry NEBRASKA CITY public parting at the dorm at bit emThe most beautiful Christmas cards Lewis and Clark on their trip o! ex- on the idea. The work will begin as in town. Buy while we still have a '--------------~ barrassing. ploration came around the bend of soon as possible. Donna Armstrong stepping out with the river and camp~ here for one complete stock.-Chatelain's Jewelry. our sneezy-named friend-Horacek! night. There was one man, a member FACULTY DAMES CHRISTMAS FOOTWEAR Gesundheit! Latest Hair Styles. of the expedition, who died that night. HEAR THE GERON Easy to Choose from our curly Cordell finding a dance very They buried him in a hollow log. Phone 9 Ruby's Beauty Shop. The Geron, the college octette, sang entertaining-especially without BenSpecially Selec·,~d, Coronado, the Spanish exporer, a group of Christmas carols and Prof. ny. came here with a group of Mexican Moore gave two Christmas readings at - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - Quality Stock. Nelson and Dean doing "back to the Indians. In his notes,' (which have the regular monthly meeting of the "BIG MUDDY CHIEF" HOMEYER'S SHOE STORE freshman days" act by galloping a probably been destroyed in the recent Faculty Dames. Corn Sheller couple with their freshman frails. "The Home of Good Shoes" Spanish revolution,) he mentioned An efficient, up to date, maMrs. Coatney was hostess at this Dorothy Roberts, a much be-curled the buckbrush, dogwood and willow meeting held Thursday afternoon at chine built for those who use Nebraslrn. Nebraska City, blonde hula daupet from Mt. Vernon catkins, so it must have be~ in the her horn~.· improved and modern methods 2nd, threw herself ito ·her dance with spring of the year when he $ited of farming. such fervor that she th?ew her back here. Thie; sheller is quick and 100% Symphonium Has MILES MORI<.. out of joint. Coronado also spoke of an Indian Interesting Program efficient. Designed especially for All of which takes us right back to village three miles from Peru. 'I1l!is the farmers living around and A, number of new members were near Peru. where I started from-What WILL I last summer a group of scielntists from present at the meeting Of Symphonium get her for Christmas? (-if we're the State Historical Society unearthed Monday night, necember 6. H. RAY HAUPTMAN ZEKES a part of this city. They found many The program. arranged by Anita still going together.) Phone 201 G-bye-Unkierelics. The houses were forty feet 8earle, consisted of a group of Christsquare, and had a central fireplace. At mas carols which are favorites in foreach end was a food pit which was eign countries, presented by the Peru ~ GIFTS-all prices. see them-com- eight or ten feet deep. Last summer, Shop At The Geron, a Christmas reading by Jeanne pare prices.-Chatelain's Jewelry. while excavating, they found a whole Plasters, who was accompanied at the Only Exclusive Mens shoulder of buffalo in onei of these piano by Viv.Ian McKimmey, and group Store In Nebraska City RILEY INTERESTS singing of songs of the Christmas seapits. CONVOCATION GOERS The first settlers of Peru were a son led by Professor Benford. Speaking on the thirty-nine years group of forty-niners who were on of unusual progress of the Pillippine their way to Pike's Peak in search of Willis Wirth Talks Islands under the American govern- gold. They forded tM Missouri river To Tri Betas First with the Latest ment, Reverend Riley, who has been here and met a group of people comThe presentation of a paper "The Mia missionary stationed in the Philip- ing back from Pike's Peak very much gration of Birds," by Willis Wirth and pines for ten years, stated at Monday's qiscouraged. They spent the night group discussion of the paper formed convocation, December 13, that the here, and decided to make this their the program at the Tri Beta meeting greatest significance in the develop- home. Some of these settlers had held Monday night, Dec. 6. SEE OUR LINE OF ment of the country was the establish- come from Peru, Illinois, so they callPlans for the next meeting were disChristmas Cigars Cigarettes ment of a public school system, stand- ed this place Peru. Not to be outdone cussed but not definitely decided upon. Box Candies ing second only to that of tl;).e United by fate, they named the first blufi Pike's Peak. States. Coatney to Attend During the troublous times of the Indianapolis Convention He told of the high standards of the During the Christmas vacation, Dr. normal ~chool and university at M'.a- Kansas-Nebraska fight, a covered wahllla. In spite of the mixed racial, re- gon drew up on day near the depot. Coatney will leave for Indianapolis, ligious and cultural standing of the The man in this wagon had long flow- Indiana, where he will attend the 14,000,000 inhabitants speaking 87 dia- ing hair and bushy beard. He went convention of the American Asso9ialects, all education is conducted in around to the back of the wagon and tion for Advancement of Science, to threw back the coverings, and there be held December 27 to January 1. English. Dr. Coatney will read his report on In the early history of the Ameri- were two little negro boys. He hid the ca control 3,000 American teachers children in a cave for several days un- a new strain of malaria found, durwere sent to teach the Filipinos but til they could be safely taken farther ing the summer of 1937, in mourning today the number has dwindledaccord- 1 orth. This was the last trip John doves, pigeons and canaries, before the ing to Reverend Riley, to only li>O Brown made with escaped negroes, Society of Parasitology. Americans now teaching as 25,000 Fil- becau01~ soon after he was seen here, ipino teachers are now working part he was captured and hung. GIVE USEFUL GIFTS It is interesting to think that pracof the successful school system. MEN'S NECKWEAR tically all of our numerous trees have "I wish," commented Reverend Riley, Marlene Dietrich, Herb J.\larshall krown up here since the early settle55c and $1.00 "we on the islands could give thirsty Melvyn Douglas Nebraska some of our too prevelant ment. The large tree which has a I~TERWOVEN SOCKS rainfall. One year I was there we hhd cement wall around it and is between through the months of June, July, and the Tra!nlng school and the Dormi39c and 55c August, a total of 176 inches of rain, tory is called the "Council Elm". There a great destroyer of lives, property and 1J,re two almost. identical oak tree'S PLUS near Dean Delzell's home cal,led the Wheeler & Woolsey in crops." !•Twin Oaks". We like to think that HIGH FLYERS The most beautiful Christmas cards the Indians rested in their shade. Nebr. Nebraska City in town. Buy while we still have a It is tb.ought that the large glacial complete stock.-Chateiain's Jewelry, boulder, which is still on our campus.


w1 T T E R B 0 N E s

I Peru Not First Site

·~---l Of Teacher's College

Stop At The

Olympia Cafe

Phillips 86


Thomas Clothing Co.

Bus Cafe



Nebraska City

t I






Brna~cast Program

•tudents Enjoy Unusual roreign Language Party

reatures Peru Singers Candlelight Service Sponsored by Y. M.-Y. W.

French and German Prevails at Frolick 1'he foreign language group held its inual Christmas party, Saturday afmoon in the Music HalL The eme of the party was a night club t Christmas eve. A couple from the first year French lSS entered this fashionable club and dered their meal from the clever

Dr. Selma Konig

'rench menu which had been comiled by Harold Prichard. As the dinner progressed the guests 1ere entertained by the various classes. The first year German class sang lhristmas carols in German. 'I'he bird year French students directed a ;ame of questions and answers in rhich all took part. Alma Smith visualized the dream, "Twas the Night Before Christmas," rhich was given in pantomine by the econd year French class.

Due to ·Christmas


there will be no Pedagogian issued till January 11, 1938.

Gamma Chi Hears Report as to Grades

The Candlelig·ht service to be presented by Professor Steck and the Peru Singers will be broadcast Tuesday, December 21, at 8:30 o'clock. The progTam, sponsored by the Y. w. c. A., and Y. M. C. A. will be given in the music hall. Professor Moore will serve as narrator. The Chorus will sing the first group of numbers, in· eluding Adoramus Te by Palestrina, SHORTENED SCHEDULE the Chorals by Bach, and O Holy Night Books, pencils, notebooks and pen> by Aams. Howard Miller will be the will be on duty only half-time Thurssoloist. day, December 23. The Geron will sing the second Classes will recite as follows: group of numbers: Bring a Torch, The 8:00 classes meet 8:00, ti'.smiss 8:25 9:00 classes meet 8:35, dismiss 9:00 Coventry Coral, A Babe So Tender 10:00 classes meet 9:10, dismiss 9:35 and Netherlands Christmas Song. The choir will conclude the Christ11 :00. classes meet 9.:45, dismiss 10:00 1:00 classes meet 10:20, dismiss 10:45 mas program by singing: Lo, How A 2:00 classes meet 10:55, dismiss 11 :20 Rose E'er Blooming by Praetorius. Now 3:00 classes meet 11:30, dismiss 11:55 Let Every Tongue Adore Thee, by 4:()0 classes meet 12:00, dismiss 12:25 Bach, Cherubim Song by Bortnyanski Classes will be resumed on Monda;, and Beautiful Savior by Christiansen. Helen Margaret Larson will be the Jan. 3, 1933. soloist.


Informal singing of Christmas carols brought the Gamma Chi members together in the Christmas spirit at girls' convocation Monday morning, December 20. Mrs. Dunning read a Christmas sketcn after which announcements were made. Vivian McKimn<ey gave a report of the Gamn,a Chi Christmas party. This "dessert" having been served, Mrs. Dunning proceeded with th·) "solid coursf'." She presented ir..teresting statistics from the quarter grads reports. The 1 showed that 20 per rl'nt of the girls living in the dormitory were down lu one subject, and 41 per cent of the residence girls were down in one subject. More figures showed .the relationship of class to class, house to house, dormitory floors to each o'.Ler and the need for more study in all cases.

Y. W. PRESENTS CHRISTMAS PAGEANT Seven Sins knelt at the bluelighted manger Ios repentance and forgiveness during the Y. W. c. A.'s presentation of <l Christmas convocation, Friday, December 17. The setting was upon the outskirts of Bethlehem shown by a silhouetted city on a backdrop. White-robed Franr,es Hardy, playing Mary, was seated upon a gold platform, near which the Sins knelt. Crime was Eleanor Hemphill;Poverty, beggarattired Louise Mathews; War, was portrayed by "'•hyllis Benson, as a Ronmn soldier; Greed was Martha Wilson. clutching gold pieces; Cruelty, was Margaret Henderson who drove duskyskinned Elaine Eddy, Jean Winkleman, and :.lfaxine Galbraith before her whip; and Disease was represented by a cripple, l\iary Lizabeth Werner and a blindman, Eula Redenbaugh. After the transformation of the f th · t · f souls o e seven sms, a no o angels, Margery Harris, Lucille Hazelton and Dorothy Coatney appeared behind · a pink-lighted church window to s·ln':( 1 Christmas an;Jie~11s. • ··"' · Leora Lib1'tatT sang Mary's so1o wu. 11 Professor Benf~i ff~. accompaniment on the piano. The Sto;',v was read by Jearne Pi,t ;ters and Ruth Wilson. The prelud; wa~ r layed by violinists, Lucille Rl'. mer and Mildred Knoflicek. Ellaine Shafter, Mary Lizabeth Werner and Mary Ellen Slack, Co-authors of the pageant, staged the ;)loduct. 1 with the assistance of Jeanne Plasters Maxine Jarvis, Charles Pa ·uell, Ruth C'rone, and Zelda Carmine

Brown Gives Ideas On Christmas Spirit

Dr. J. Stanley Brown in his address Hoy Kellogg, disguised, enacted the to the Y. M. C'. A. group presented to lllrt of Santa Claus, while Louise l>Iatthews read the script which had some a new slant on the Christmas . ·t SPJil md been translated into French. · He stated that at this particular Maxine Jarvis produced the sound ti.fie of the year, some of our minds rtrects with her violin. Weeks before run m· th1's channel· of thought What the party Dr. Selma Konig wamed the shall I receive? or What shall I give? ~lasses, ''Don't give me a pancake instead of thinking of the real signitumer in this exchange. I have three ficance of Christmas and bearing in already." But Santa being busy got mind facts as: the birth of Jesus; His h.ls list mixed and left the decision of life on earth; and what He has done her gift to the French class. for you. From this class she received the He went on to say that some authors, largest turner that they could find and song writers and some members of the a sack of pancake flour. clergy have presented these facts in Charles and Wilma Parnell, fearing so colorful a' manner that, many are that Dr. S. Konig might not have en- left with the impression that Jesus ough turners gave her the smallest one was not a true-to-life man, but a mythical character. obtainable. Dr. Brown included in his talk Others faired better in their exchange because they had told Santa some of his iril.pressions of his visit to what they wanted instead of what they the Holy Land.

did NOT want. The table decoration was a Christmas scene imported from Germany and erected by Dr. Konig and Charles farnell. The men of the class served the refreshments of German cookies, candy and coffee.

Gamma Chi Enjoys Christmas Party

PERUVIAN WORKS ON COVER DESIGN The Old Lady who lived in the shoe

and had so many children she didn't know what to do, furnished a subject for the pantomine of the group who won first place in the nursery rhyme acting game at the Gamma Chi party held Wednesday evening, December 15, at the dormitory recreational hall. 'I'he "rec" hall was Santa's Toyland for the evening and the girls sang and danced under his watchful eye. 'I'hey played Christmas games; after which the trio, Blanche Freeman, Katherine Bartling and Marjorie Evans sang "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town." The girls sang carols and ate pop corn balls.

All-College Dances Add to Xmas Spirit

HECK GRANTED A Christmas dinner and a special LEAVE OF ABSENCE

treat from Mr. Gilbert are in store for the dormitory girls Tuesday evening, December 21. After the dinner there will be a most effective candle light processional. There will then be a short program, consisting of songs by the girl's trio EPSILON PI TAU composed of Blanche Freeman, MarINITIATES THREE . gery Evans and Katherine Bartling. Epsilon Pi Tau held a formal initiaThe girls will then exchange gifts tion last Monday night in the indusin keeping with the annual custom. trial arts building" Those initiated were: Tom Majors, John Horton, and Ellmer Clarey. Early Elementary Following the initiation, a short Met Monday meeting was held, discussing the posAbout 25 were present at the meetsibilities of visiting the high schools ing of the Ewly Elementary Club at Kansas City, Mo. Monday night. The meeting was attended by George The group formed in a large circle Kuhl. who in a short talk congratu- and sang a number of favorite Christlated the new members on their join- mas carols, accompanied at the piing the fraternity. ano by Dorothy Snyder.

Freshmen Test Results Given To 280 First Year Students JACKSON, WINKLEMAN

ringing peal so strong and clear RECEIVE GENERAL HIGH · ging to and fro emories of yester-year Results of the freshman tests were s so long ago. I given to 280 freshmen Monday morn11 ing, December 13. . ·\ Dr. Paul :Maxwell states, "The results are just about the same as they e v lien I, a student there have been for several years." thru each room and hall. In 1936-185 freshmen took the test; in 1935--176 and in 1934-193. ··~dered oe'r those scenic hil'.; This year a personal data blank was .~ the "Old Mizzoo" filled out by the students as a part of \. )ace, where nature thrills the test. It is surprising how closely \ about Peru. the scores on this test correspond to


AND BRUNT RANKING the scores which they made on their Lurk. other tests. Elementary: Richard Peck, Helen Dorothy Jackson, Helen Winkleman Winkleman, Evelyn Anderson, Philip and Betty Brunt received the highest Lurk, Clark Rogers, Donald Wehling, scores on the complete test. Frank Larson, Clyde Hunt, Betty The following people earned scores Brunt and Ross Russell. English: Betty Brunt, Dorothy Jackin the first five percent of the class: Psychology: Dorothy Jackson, Helen Winkleman, Betty Brunt, Thane Hale, Leona Simmons, Ruth Volkner, Alma Smith, Edwin Falloon, and Philip

Cover and cover design problems have been the question before Peruvian Editor Frederick Wolter and his staff. Present plans call for a new type of cover that will last longer and will give the book extra thickness. Wolter assures us that he has a design up his sleeve which is a "pip". Only a few snapshots have been turned in as yet, but some very excellent "snaps" have received, show tickets. These winter scenes make excellent snapshots. If you have a camera, be sure to take some pictures for the an nual. It will make you feel that you have done your bit in contributing :o the 1938 PERUVIAN.



A large crowd attended the first pre-Christmas dance, which was held Saturday night. This dance broke the '1dance-drouth'1 which has betn on the campus for several weeks. Plans to bring further aid to "dancedrouth" victiril.s include ,an all-college POEM PAYS TRIBUTE · dance Wednesday night after the TO RADIO PROGRAM basketball game with Nebraska B. The Jerome Snyder, the man behind the dance will be a Trophy Fund Dance. mike, receired this fine poem from Iv:L. 1A j)ms, Agriculture College, Lincoln. '.;y gave us a copy of the poem--sc pass it on to pou. Tuesday nite at half-past eight turn the dial round KMA and 'there await old bell's pleasing sound.




son, Richard Peck, Clark Rogers, Leona Simmons, Nellie Spiers, Thane Hale, Evelyn Anderson, Helen Winkleman and Ross Russell.

A leave of absence has been granted Professor Heck for the second semester of this school year to continue hi:; studies for a Ph. D. at the University of Minnesota. He will be replaced by Professor Winston B. Thurston of the University of Minnesota, who taught in Mr. neck's place both terms of last summer school when Heck was workinir on his dissertation.

Orchestra Party At Training School

The high school orcl~estra party, under the sponsorship of Professor Jindra, was h~ld Friday night, December 17, at the training school. Dancing and game$ provided entertainment. Popcorn, umdy and cookies were enjoyed by the members of the orchestra and guests.

COLLEGE CALENDAR Dec. 20-Freshman Cooncil 10:30 a. m., Crawdads 7-8 p. m., Alpha ?si Omega 7-8 p. m.. Kappa Delta Pi 8-9 p. m. Dec. 21-Y. W.,-Y. M., C. c. A. 7-8 p. m., Broadcast 8:30-9 p. m., B. B. Dawson there. Dec. 22-Nebraska "B" here 8 p. m., All-College Dance 0:30 .. 12 p. m . Dec. 23-Shortened Schedule Jan. 3-W. A. A. 10:30 a. m.. "P" Club 10:30 a. m., Alpha Mu Omega 7-8 p. m. Tri Beta 8-9 p. m., Music Club 8-9 p. m., Crawdads 7-8 p. m. Jan. 4-Y. M., Y. W., C. C. A. 7-8 p. m., Broadcast 8:30-9 p.


groups competed against each other in

The Peru Pedagogian

all the games of the evening.


MOST BIDDEPv FOR PERU'S MODEST: Ruth Crone. SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS: Those double Kellogg's even clap aADVERTISING RATES Display 20 cents per inch. Locals, 10 cents per line like. Sure sign of yuletide's approach is the sighting of the first or the Fuller men and the large percentag·e of STAFF Y. W. people hawking magic slates.... Hazel Bouse now holds title to the best Editor ....................................... Norman Littrell double pun of the week, sprung at an Make-up Editor . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . Harold Prichard opportune moment in a geography Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Junius McGowan class .... Why don't they install dry ice °Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Florence Martin to skate on .... for quick recoveries? Advertising Manager ............................ Wm. Bischof Three-weeks old Julius Catt scuttling behind the drinking fountain in the Ad building when the big bell clanged REPORTERS Edith Willey .......................... Mary Lizabeth Wemer Foreign languagers enjoying a tap dance routine by Dr. Konig. Virginia Trively . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . Glen Sheely We make a motion the faculty be Ollie Purucker ................................ Gladys Nofsger given better convocation seats-that Ruth Crone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barney Barisas around posts and wing section, beside radiator interference holds no charms. Margaret Saville Missing Links: The sophomore party .... new library SPONSOR TO SPONSORhours ... .last year's white satin bas-

(Jf Miss Martin. We are assured that she will aid the Pedagogian

and will carry on. HAROLD PRICHARD"The "bob·o-link" of the campus. Mr. Prichard; is well known for his sudden out bursts into grand opera (?). But seriously, Harold is one of the most progressive students on the campus. He is an apt student and is a leader in extra-curricular activities.

Last year's pageant was a presentation of Prichard's and Mr. Nabor's work; scores of plays have found Prichard in a prominent character role; and now as make-up editor he helps bring to you the Pedagogian. Harold is a senior and calls Falls City his original stage.


and nut cracking rela.ys provided much NEBRASKA CITY

of the merriment of the evening. Ralph Hopp was awarded the prize for tearing the best looting reindeer from paper. Ruth Sutorius won the prize for guessing the number of pieces of candy in a st6cking. Chocolate nut cake with whipped cream and Christmas candy were served by the host and hostess.

Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Office Phone 109






Barber Shop WE INVITE YOU DOWN Under Joder's Office


BARBERSHOP Below Barnes Drug Store


After ri1;iting a nur<ery school i·0 Lincoln recently, Miss Tear, Miss Dunn and M~.;·ge Harbridge were •;at,1"'~ lunch .when-skat our cats if Bess Streeter Aldrich didn't plump down at their table for a nice chat about her newest book! Our heartiest admiration goes om for Miss AHLBERG who has taken care of the wild birds every years she'< been here. She uses an automatic feeder, (a container filled with grain and suetl, which swallows over a bush .. el of feed per winter. Miss Ahlberg"s boarders ·are of the chickadee, bluebird, cedar waxwing, woodpecker, fiicker an~ sparrow variety, but her favorites are Pa and Ma Bluejay, who have H. J. STEINER resided in an abandoned squirrel's nest for eight 1\inters and have pulled up to the breakfast table every day. When asked why she took the time and effort to care for these fine feathered friends, Miss Ahlberg replied, "I love to do it -it's a hobby with me."


The- -Mardis Store -----


"A Mighty Good Place to Trade"





I 9)}3 7




Jewelrv Store



Berthold Greenhouses Nebraska City

i I


STAR-LIGHT-STAR BRIGHTChristtnas time is the time of candles. Candles bring to our Holdorfs Entertain minds the thought of flickering lights; the tales of how great men Members of B. Y. P. U. studied by fire-light or by reeking lamps. All of that is fine, but Mr. and Mrs. Pete Holdorf enterneed we, the students of Peru, strain our eyes to study. tained the members of the B. Y. P. U. We are not electricians but we do know that our present light· at a Christmas party Friday evening, ing syste~ is inadequate. The trouble appears to be in too small December 17, at the Baptist church. bulbs. We have heard through the college grapevine that a few Those present were divided into years ago the bulbs were changed for smaller bulbs-the reason groups of Reindeers and Elves. These given was economy. That is really false economy.


Phone 13



ketball suits ..... a cough drop on some of Peru's broadcasts .... people who used to sit in the donnitory parlor to ·hear the rac'.1c. Bucket of Tulips to Miss Martin, who definitely has something there, acco~cting to members in her classes, and is taking over the helm with real skill.

GOODWORKA month ago, two overcoats were taken from the Peru campus and a bad check was tendered a Peruvian merchant by the borrower of the coats. The administration swung into action but failed to capture the 1'1.ief. However, Mr. Hayward did originate a custom that we feel deserves high praise. Our registrar sent 75 letters to colleges in this part of the United States describing Peru's visitor and his actions. The response was gratifying a~d may form a basis for future relations between colleges for the purpose of apprehending campus crim· inals. We wish to commend our registrar on his praise-worthy work.


Hoop rolling, trucking, snow balling

Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, NPbraska as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents.

with new ideas and supervision. We feel that her new slants on news combined with the style we have learned from Mrs. Brown, This issues of the Pedagogian is the first under the sponsorship our past sponsor, will aid in your receiving a better Ped. Mrs. Brown, we thank you. Miss Martin, we know you can





atch the Bobcats Battle--Nebraska B. Reporter Runs Down ScarlelFever Scare




By Junius Mccowan

Peru Meets Nubbins In Season Opener

Orval Pug·h Orval Pugh plays guard for the Cats NEBRASKA "B" IS DISCOVERS REPORTS in basketball. He is a cool steady BOBCATS TRAMPLE 14-Doane There UNKNOWN QUANTITY ARE EXAGGERATED player who seems to get over the floor DUNBAR TOWN TEAM An untried Peru Bobcat team and "There's scarlet fever in school," ex- with very little effort. He passes with Coach Stuart Baller unwrapped his an unknown Nebraska "Nubbin" squad either har:d and makes a good percent claimed an excited student. of his field shots. At making free Christmas package to the college and square off Wednesday night in the This news caught the reporter's at- throws he is hard to beat. out popped 18 basketball men. Beneath Peru gym to open the currcm :Be;,,. February tention. It aroused her curiosity and the critical eyes of the first crowd of cat season. started her on the trail to find the the season they swamped the Dunbar I-Midland There The quality of Nebraska B is untruth of the story. town team 78~20. known, but from performances in Stuart used everyone but the water years gone by they will have a g ,0,, 5-Hastings Here An excited huddle had gathered on boy (Speck Nelson) in his· efforts to team. The large numb0_· u. ,_, __ ,, .. ,, 9-4:00 Nebr. B There Mt. Vernon second. "That's the place keep down the score-but to no avail. from which tJ drn ' v• ,_,, ,., 10--Kearney There for me to get the information I want," However the team played very ragged edge over the Cats. 11-Wesleyan There thought the reporter. basketball as a whole. Hi-Kearney Here Dashing to this mob she heard . The cats, based on their practices McCormick was outstanding in his 22-Haskell Indians Here "Nine cases in school-more coming with Dunbar, are a band of tall, good cool generalship and guarding. He 25-Chadron Here down all the time". also added 11 points to the total. He shooting, poor ball-handling players. 26-Chadron Heire was assisted in his defense by Orval However Wednesday will reveal a great "Did these cases come down in March Pugh, who played in a fashion that deal about their possibilities: school?" inquired the reporter. 4-Wayne There Second semester prospects will b0 broods evil for teams to come. "Oh yes," replied a student teacher, 19-games-12 at home Halladay outscored Greathouse to brighter when Mcintyre, E. Miller and "I had only six pupils in class this win high scoring honors. Bob gath- Dean will be eligible. These players morning." ered 14 points while "Little Mansion" have been working out with the team "How many do you usually have?" was being held to 6 goals and a gift and should furnish the spark for a "There are twelve of the sweetest championship team. toss. little darlings in my class." 'Ihe starting lineup for the NubbinsHensley and Gorton looked best for e Peru Prepsters opened their Bobcat game will be: Greathouse and "Well. this is not getting me to the This will probably be Orval's last the Dunbar aggregation. etball season last Wednesday FG FT PF TP Halladay, forwards; McCormick, censource of information," reflected the year on the Peru maples be ca use of Peru t by deafeating Virginia 29-16 at Halladay f 7 o o 14 ter; Pugh and Bailey, guards. reporter. graduation. Go to it "Orv." Greathouse f 6 1 O 13 "Ah! the dinner bell. The conver- Speed-Speed 1 sation at the table will surely drift The new ruling eliminating the cen- McCormick c 5 1 EIGHTY-TWO SIGN r and was never hard pressed toward the discussion of the epidemic," ter jump is causing much controversy Pugh g 4 O 1 FOR INTRA-MURALS retain it. thought the reporter. 4 among coaches and players over the Bailey g 2 O O dams a,nd Grafton :eel fr , , : ' "r,\; 3 Eighty-two boys signed up for incountry. 'The jump is used only at the Mosley f 1 0 Sure enough it did. 4 tra-mural basketball. They have been 2 0 1 Peru, while Fisher was outstanding "Didn't you hear President Pate an- starting of the game. After points have Majors g 2 grouped into house teams and the 0 0 nounce that if there is another case been made the other team takes t'ie Sheely g 4 prospect is one of a close season. ball out of bounds under its own Witty f 2 Q 1 College before Friday, school will be dismissed 9 1 Dahlstrom stags, defending chambasket and puts the ball in play. Donahoe f '1 l O ent refereed the game. December 17?" This new ruling makes. the game Larson f 2 0 0 4 pion~, seem .likely to lose their title .Sox Score: Then a meek homesick girl piped up, much faster, as have other rulings of Greiever f 0 0 0 0 to either Re1ffs or Parishs. "But supposing there is a case in the )>Eau PREP FG FT PF TP 0 the past few years. The players are J Hugo. g 0 0 0 At present the teams are practicing dorm; we would all be quarantined. Pugh, F ........... 2 0 4 2 worked much harder and their possi- 'Whelmg g 0 0 . bef?re swinging into action after the How could we go home then?" Drafton, F ........ 3 2 7 0 holidays. ble piays are fewer, but the crCiwd is P. Miller f 0 0 0 Adams, c......... 5 3 11 Sober through all the meal, home- supposed to enjoy the game more. 0 Lurk f 0 0 0 The team lists: Pisher, G. .. .. . . .. 1 1 0 3 sick girl number two gets the brillant 0 Dr. Naesmith, the originator of the. Velvick f 0 0 0 ~ Ieahy, G ........... 2 0 4 idea, "Let's pack our suitcases, then game, is much opposed to the rule, Faloon ~ 0 0 0 0 Dahlstrom Stags Ji Coulter, F ......... 0 0 O 0 if any one mentions scarlet fever we saying· that "it is now a game for race Aston, Greene, Bentley, Ritter, Shields, Dallam, F .......... 0 0 0 0 can make a dive for the door and be horses" and from the looks of things TOTAL 37 5 3 78 Seward, Grossoehme, Rockwell Lark 'I'OTAL .......... 13 3 7 29 quarantined out instead Of in." Douglas (Mgr.) ' ' he is right. 'Ihe few r.econds the team "A grand idea," thought the students got to rest during the jump was a big Dunbar FG FT PF TP icVJRGINIA FG FT PF TP 5 o 1 10 Parish House at the table. Clothes just fairly flew aid to the players, it also gave them a Hensley f 1 < Pisher, F. 3 0 3 6 2 McGinnis Bowen, Platenberg, Gesman, 1 into the overnight cases. 0 0 chance to work their plays. The bet- A. Gripinstroh f ,, .Mencl, F. . . .. . . .. 1 O 2 2 Miller, Paul; Kellogg, Roy; Davis, McStenson c 0 2 "Well", thought the reporter, "where ter coached teams had the advantage, ·· Russel, C. .. .. .. • . O O O O 2 Hugh, Purucker, Mccowan, Hall, HarWiebusch g 2 0 4 is all of this getting me?" and they should have had it. Campbell, G....... 2 0 5 2 ris, Stark (Mgr.). Gorton g 1 0 0 Then she decided to·see Miss AhlI think there should be a rule made Kozah, G. O O 2 0 Evans g 0 0 0 so there could be no more rules added O Reiff's Rough-Necks berg. Mittan, C. .. .. .. . . o 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 to basket ball. If something doesn't Well!nseck, g Armstrong, Callan, Hale, Wheling, Leming, C .. .. .. .. 1 O 2 0 One child in the Training School happen pretty soon they may just as R. Grip!nstroh g 0 l 0 Gibbs, McGinley, Cary, Huguel, HoraTotal . .. . .. .. .. .. . 7 2 8 16 has scarlet fever. However, she came well put a few hurdles on the floor Reese f 0 0 0 0 cek, Blankenship, Vacek, Floyd, Sheely down at home so there is not much and make a real track meet out of the (Mgr.) danger that other pupils were exposed. game. TOTAL 10 0 6 20 Cl<'FICIALS: Mcintryre, Dean, E. Alley Tom~ The reporter breathed a sigh of re- Bobcat-Nubbins Miller. lief. She thought, "I can go home and Ogg, Short, Johnson, Gordon; Parriott, 'Ihe Peru cagesters play the Nebrashave a merry Christmas after all." Littrell, Good, Johnson, H. ka "B" team this Wednesday evening Then she remembered that if school and the game will be a real one. Last Weare House RED CROSS EXAMS Dec. 23-24-25 Thur. Fri. Sa.t. had been dismissed Friday she would year Peru won one from the "B" squad Clarey, Pascal, Boatman, Scholl, SnyPASSED BY THREE not have had to take that history test. and dropped one. The ;,B,, squad wi!l der, Harold; Huchinson, McAllister Red Cross Senior Life Saving class Slagle, Heck, Bruce, Vanderbeck, Fal"Miss Ahlberg, how can every stu - be one of the strongest opponents the BARTON MacLANE dent unite to· keep this epidemic or any team will meet this year and a victory is being held in the college swimming loon, Sims, Sheldon (Mgr.) other from spreading or starting af- would rank the Peru boys high. Your pool under the supervision of Miss Dater vacation?" support at the games will be a big vidson who is an examiner for the Red Higgins House Dogs -INPunches, Sweenie, Knapp, Turner, If you know you have· been exposed help to the players and I know they Cross. Among those that have completed Lindberg, Lambert, Wolters, Rodgers, to a contagious· disease don't come appreciate it. Don't forget the all colback until your doctor Is sure your are lege dance after the game, (Hope it is the examination and will receive Life Majors, Velvick, Nelson (Mgr.), BariSaving Emblems are: Kenneth Mc- sas. completely recovered or that you are a victory dance). Dunbar U Hugh, Bernard Barisas, and Stella Collins House not going to take the disease. z -WITHThe Dunbar town team afforded lit- Rogge. If you are half sick, don't come Goldstein, Mooney, Bob; Mooney, In addition to several other require- Bill; Jensen, Merritt; Greever, Hanley, back because you will be entirely sick tle opposition to the Bob Cats last Friwhen you get here. Take a few more day evening·. The score was 20-78. ments, to receive a Red Cross Life Durst (2nd sem.), Donahoe, Soper, ANN SHERIDAN days vacation and completely recover. The Peru team looked good a.t times. Saving Emblem a person must be able Remmers, Troxel, True, Mort, Finney, Let's look out for the other fellow. but there was plenty of room for im- :to execute properly the following: re- Bridgewater (Mgr.). provement. The size of the score does ceive 8 hours instruction from examnot indicate perfection because some iner; disrobe in water and swim 100 of our house teams could have beaten yards; surface dive and recover sevDunbar. But when the Cats get un- era! objects from floor of pool; demREDUCED PRICES ON W. A. A. der pressure watch 'em battle. onstrate artificial respiration; break Xmas holds; and be able to swim with a subFOUNTAIN PENS-Yi OFF Well, dear readers, here's wishing ject 60 feet, using the proper apSwimming to be Held every one of you a very merry Xmas proach. CRISTMAS CANDIES. NUTS Until further notice, open Swimming and I hope all of your stockings are Assisting Miss Davidson were: Elplumb full of happiness, health and mer Clarey, Roy Kellogg, and Glema will be held from 5 to 6 on Monday and Tuesday. Both men and women are everything that's good for 1938. Miers. invited. Woll suits may be worn. No SEASON'S GREETIN\.S charges. (Take heed!) John Stahn of Lincoln, a former Peru Kappa Delta. Pi Meets. student has been elected coach of the Kappa Delta Pi, the national educa- Pep Squad Unifonns TO ALL OF OUR F~IENDS high school at Table Rock, and began tional honor society, met at the home Pep Squad uniforms are being made his duties Monday of this week. Mrs. of Dr. MaxweU Monday evening, De- and plans are under way for perforStahn, nee Dorothea West, will join cember 20. This meeting was in the mances early in the basketball seahim there as soon as a suitable house form of a social gathering, and games son. PracLice is being held ''Yery Wedis found. were played. nesday evei:ing from 8-9 in the gym, 3-Wesleyan Here


Peru Theatre

Wine, Women and Horses



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· TWITTERBONES Around, and 'round and 'round she ices and where she stops nobody mows. The wheel of Fortune spim md whether fair damsel will evc'r 1gain be cr•urted by this or that swain rests in th'" lap of Fate. The last stop netted: Piano-pounding Evans and Frosh Class President. Woman-shy Majors and Go-get-em Henderson. (Maybe Gilk was wrong for once.) Jerry and Benny-Dopp and Sween· ie-breaking up "for good" again. For GOOD? "Dutch" Hienke and "Don Juan" Donahoe.

Lambda Delta Lambda Listens to Worth

"We've had several snow storms. Skiing is the big amusement. I'm at"Why a Biologist Should · Know tempting to learn the art. And I get Chemistry and Physics", was the title a bang out of it-both literally and of a. paper read by Willis Worth at otherwise. "I have six well-behaved pupils. Lambda Delta Lambda Monday evening. You'd like my eighth grade boy-..he The meeting which was held in the wears a cowboy hat, checkered shirt, science hall was attended by six mfm- broad belt and boots. He's a honeyl:ers. " real man!

FAMILY TRADITIONS ENLIVEN CHRISTMAS With the approach of the Christmas season, the spirit of giving and ~eceiving permeates the atmosphere. Every family observes Christmas in its own way. There is usually a family tradition which is carried out from ytar to year.

"Sunday, Miss )llen (owner of the hotel) and Mr. Jim (her brother, and member of the school board) took me trout fishing approximately two and (>ne half miles from town. We hiked out and back. Jim chopped holes in the ice; then we stood over the holes with six-foot lines baited with beef steak. As we slowly pulled the lines up and down in th·~ water the fish would grab. You could see them play and take the fatal bite. I caught 18 and the quota for one person is 20, so I felt quite the "fisherlady".

EDITOR'S PROPERTY DAMAGED BY FIRE The editor's pants were on fire! Don't be too alanned folks, the edi-

"This Modern Poetry" by Babette DeutschFor those who are interested in the trend in poetry today "This Modern Poetry" will be welcomed. It is a book of prophecy rather than criticism, written with a descriptive vigor which supplants the earlier records of Untermeyer, Wilkinson, Lowell and Kreymborg. Criticism of Poetry. "Searching for Your Ancestors" by Gilbert Harry DoaneThe fascination of ancestor hunting is made apparent in this book, and the amateur genealogist is given explicit directions about sources and methods \n his research.

tor wasn't in them. It seems that the editor (see upper left-hand corner of page two for editor's name) wasn't in the mood to go to bed when his room-mate did. Now, this said room-mate cannot sleep with the light turned on, so the editor (2)ways thoughtful of others) threw his pajamas over the light and lefr his bunk-mate. When our chief returned to his room he noticed a peculiar odor. Making a quick survey of the room he left a- D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebraska gain, but this time he had his burn- City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. ing pajamas in his hand and was Glasses stted. Phone 144.-·Professionheaded for the bathroom. The fire al Card. was soon extinguished with water in the bathtub, but not without considerable damage to the editor's pants. DR. GLEN H. JODER Moral of the story: Don't use your Surgeon and Physician pajamas for a lamp shade. Milstead Corner Res. 39 Phone Office 33

It seems as though most people hang up their stockings on Christmas eve to find, when they arise Christmas morning, that Santa Claus has made "The nearest town of any sizes is 16a v.·sit to their house during the night cated 32 miles north of Atlantic City. and Iias filed the stocFings with such Probably I won't be going so often afgood ;;i:irgs as candy, nut:; oranges ter the snow starts for rea~. winter. If and sp!Jles Sometimes then~ is even I do go down, it will be by sled. The BOOK WORM MENU a small toy included in the s•" kin·,. mailman has already come through There seems to be a disagreement with a team and sled. 'Ihe country as to the proper place to hang the isn't much on modern entertainment; Book:wormers, you must be hungry stockings if there is no fireplace in nevertheless, the radio helps heaps. for this week's serving. .On the menu When ln Nebr. the home. Some say they should be People are hospitable and oh so very is fiction, a cirticism of poetry andhung over a chair near the stove; othkind. And the scenery is unsurpass- you name the last one. The fiction ers leave them dangling from the stair able. In short, I'm satisfied." book has a rental charge of 10 cents. railing. It really doesn't make a great 'Ihe other two are free. It just occurred to Unkie tother day deal of difference where the stockings "Flowers with Ivy" by Minnie H. that he has done very little comment- are hung, so long as they are in a perWeare and Collins Moodyin' on Ye Worthy Watchers of the fectly obvious place, for it must alA story of a mid-western college rnmpus-our Pedagogues. For in· ways be kept in mind that Santa Claus Hold House Parties The men of two houses on the cam- town, carrying three generations of stance: is a very busy man. Winfields from the early eighteenth NEBRASKA CITY Deacon Milore on his way home from There are a few familiar ones who pus entertained their lady friends at a League Convention with Ardent- wait until New Year's Eve to hang up house parties last week end. century to the 1930's. So simply - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . : does Mrs. Moody tell her story that Leaguers: Karr, Carmine, Carter, W111. their stockings. For some folks, Santa The Weare house gave its party Friiams and Reutter receiving sincere a- Claus comes on Christmas eve and day night. Dancing and cards fum- only after the book is closed does one realize the completeness of her patpologies from the waitress of the Bus leaves toys and playthings; on New ished entertainmem anJ I CHRISTMAS FOOTWEAR tern. This is an entertaining book. Cafe for admonishing them not to Year's eve, Kris Kringle comes and were served. Easy to Choose from our Rental Fiction. SPIKE the coffee and coke ordered- brings useful gifts, such as clot,hing. Due to the number of men at th• Specially Selected, after she learned who they were. There seems to be just about as Collins house, two parties we:~ he'd. Quality Stock. Miss Gockley conducting herself very much discussion as to the time the one Friday and the other Satiird v. "BIG MUDDY CHIEF" HOJ\IEYER'S SHOE STORE much like a Peeping-Tom and running presents should be opened as th·;re js Corn Sheller around a near-the-dorm house shout- to the correct place for suspending the An efficient, up to date, ma"The Home of Good Shoes" chine built for those who use ing "Mrs. Good!" early Sunday morn- stockings. Some people open all r.heir Methojdist Choir Nebraska City, ing. gifts on Christmas eve; others don't Have Christmas Party improved and modern method> open any of them until Christn:.as of farming. A Christmas party at the c. c. CoatMiss Martin and Mr. Bath swinging morning. When the suspe11s-; is too ney home was enjoyed by the MethoThi,; sheller is quick and 100% MORI\ MILES out at the Hop Saturday night. Miss great to ;vait until Christmas morn- dist choir members Wednesday evenefficient. Designed especially for Glosser and Mr. Heck likewise. ing, some families allow each one to ing, December 15, after choir practice the farmers living around and choose one present which he is espe- under the direction of R. T. Benford. near Peru. Merry Christmas Folkses!-and cially inquisitive about to open on Bingo and Big Business playing were H. RAY HAUPTMAN guess what I got her for Christmas! ZEKES Christmas eve. He must wait until enjoyed, after which chocolate santa's Phone 201 UNKIEChristmas day to open the rest. Oit- and his helpers (cake and cocoa) were ers unwrap the gifts from friends on served. Christmas eve, and on Christ.r>as Saville Has Article morning at their places at break!ast Shop At The In World-Herald are the presents from the members • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Only Exclusive Mens The greatest thrill in newspaper of the family. Store In Nebraska City work comes when you first brealt into Those who don't wrap their gifts at print in a big newspaper. This thn:l all usually find them hidden amvng AUBURN was rnJt) ~d by Pedagogian Rc1~0 1·ter the branches of the Christmas tree. Dec.23 24-25 Margaret Saville when an u;-ti~]e by "It is more blessed to give than to Thur-Fri-Sat. her was published in the 'i:iecember 17 First with the Latest receive," but isn't it a lot of fun to "SUBMARINE D-1" issue of the World-Herald. receive? -WITHMiss Saville's article was a personPat. O'Brien - George Brent ality sketch of Wesley W. Spurlock of DEC. 26-27'-28 Salem, Nebraska. Mr. Spurlock is an TANGEMAN WRITES '"!RUE CONFESSION" 87-year-old storekeeper who perform: ABOUT POSITION ''iith Carole Lombard for customers by demonstrat.'ng his Remember Mayre Tangeman, the Fred MacMurray and prowess as a headstander. peppy girl from Auburn who led the John Barrymore Miss Sa•ille presented her intrrview Peru yells this year? She obtained a and sketch of !<ill'. Spurlock in a man· NEBRASKA CITY teaching position in Atlantic City, ner that brought out the knowledge Wyoming at the end of the first quargained by a man who has been in buster. A. letter has been received from iness for 60 years. her by Marge Henderson, and know-

Geometric Designs: Lytton-Bridgie-Burke Dustin-Burke-Bridgie Wilson-Turner-Galbraith Bridgie-Gaibraith -Barney Barney-Galbraith-T·,1rner Dean-Btnson-Barney Benson-Dean-Growcock Dopp-Sweenie-Lucas Dopp--Sweenie-Kelly Miers-Mort-Carmine Mort-Mier-Finney Lytton-Mooney-Searle Gabus-WiEiams-Dustin (Now let that be a lesson to you!)



Stop At The

Olympia Cafe


Phillips 66

Booth Theatre


DEFEAT GOBBLERS "Cackle, cackle, cackle," said Miss Gockley. "Gobble, gobble. gobble," said Miss Mason. But in the end the cacklers forced ahead to win 17-7 in the peanut game at the C. C. A. party Friday even-

ing Peruvians



Thomas Clothing Co.

interested in

his chatty letter, here are some ex-

cerpts: "Here I am in Wyoming, and I like my position tremendously! "Thi~ little village is tucked in a pass of the Rockies along the Con tinental Divide. The natives live in

2:30 p.


New Years Eve New Years Day and Sunday SUBMARINE D-I with !'at O'Brien, Geo. Brent



log cabins-even my schoolhouse is constructed of logs. "I stay in a smaU hotel. There is , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a long living room filled with booking. FOR MEN'S QUALITY Games and dancing planned by the cases, ultra modern bath, furnace heat, electric lights, and home cookprogram ~ommittee: Edwin Falo·,n, John Green, Ruth Volkmer, Anna ing. So you see, I'm extremely comCLOTHES ANJ; Samek and Ollie Purucker kept the fortable. "People order commodities such '.IS clothing and luxuries from MonkeyIce cream and cakes were served by Ward (the sheepherder's Bible). I had the refreshment committee: Ruth such fun making out my first order. Volkm~r, Anna Samek, Marcella Kar- The catalog is "the" fashion dictionpisek and Ollie Purucker. ary of the We.st. Imagine me burning Miss Mason, Miss Gockley and Fath- mid-nite oil thumbing through the. volume! er Szmydt chaperoned the party.

party in full swing.


Wessel's Nebraska City








Peru Defeats Woodmen [n Season's Second Tilt Peru-Wesleyan

Peru used two teams te> wear out he Woodmen Accident Company team tere Saturday night. The Bobcats nsured victory in the last half and milt up a 52-39 victory in the closing ninutes of the game. Greathouse, by. benefit of a sleeper >lay, was high point man with 17 JOints. The presence of Mcintyre, )ean and Miller made a great deal of lifference in the playing. They give Joach Baller the prospect of two equal earns next semester.

Game Broadcast The Peru-Wesleyan game tonight, Tuesday January 11 is to be broadcast over station KMA. This will take the place of the regular Peru time on


m English Composition 101

10:00-11:50-Introduction to Education 108 (all sections)

The second in a series of health talks was delivered by Dr. K S. Harajian on the subject of teeth !tt convocation Friday, January 7.

English Grammar 215 1:00- 2:50-Elementary Accounting All 9: 00 classes except:

2()3 (10:00 section) (1)

English Composition 101

( 2)

General Art 103

Dr. Harajian quoted Sup't Sutton of Atlanta, Ga., to show the relationship between poor teeth and poor school work, and also how the care of the teeth will improve the health and character of an individual who has neglected his teeth. By the use of pictures the process of tooth decay was shown and the importance of tooth care was stressed. Dr. Harajian said, "There is a belief that baby teeth have no roots and merely drop out when the permanent teeth are ready to come through. This is an erroneous notion." He continuerl, "Baby teeth do have roots but they are absorbed and pushed out by permanent teeth. Therefore, it is important to take care of baby teeth until they are forced out by the permanent teeth because, if allowed to decay, the roots are not absorbed and remain as pegs to hamper the growth of the permanent teeth." Dr. Harajian said that the parsky which is used as a garnish should be eaten because it contains vitamins which are good for the teeth. He also said that fruits are helpful to teeth. He ranked toothbrushes and toothpastes as retarders but not as preven~; tatives of tooth decay. In closing, Dr. Harajian gave three points as the formula for having good teeth. They are as follows: (1) Early

(3) Introduction to Education 108 3: 00-4: 50-Shorthand 207 General Art 103

(1 :00


THURSDAY 8: :00- 9:50-AII 1:00 classes except:


English Grammar 215

(2) General Art 103 (1:00 sec.)



·········· ············ ············ ..........




52 For State Conference Invitations have been mailed to elevTP en colleges in the state by the cabinet 8 of the Y. w..c. A.annQuncing.tJie pre8 paration for the state Y. M. and Y. 4 W. conference to be held on the Peru 3 campus this year. Afthough the con6 ference dates are Marc)l 18 and 19, 3 the scheduling of nationally known 6 speakers and the arrangement of top0 ics and themes has made it necessary for cabinet members to begin pre>gram plans at once. student cab39 inets from Wayne, Midland, Central, Kearney, Hastings, York, Doane, Nebraska University and Chadron are expected to attend.

DEBATE TOURNAMENT On Saturday, February 5, an invitat.ion debate tournament is to be given at Maryville. State Teachers College. · Colleges will be represented from Iowa Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. Peru will enter two· teams of two de\lators in this contest. Each team will debate five rounds, alternating each round by arguing a different side ~ the question has to do with arbi~tion of industrial disputes. . Professor Moore plans to hold tryfor the debate teams on January He is going to chose three teams of members each at that time.

Parnell's adaption

and act called "'Der Dolch" is now beued by the University of Wis· in their German Service notes. skit was given last year in Peru e German party.

red Knoflicek, Lucille Renner, McKimmey and Howard Miller ted the program at the Tues·ca1 Club of Nebraska City, 4, 1938.

Application Blanks Given to Teachers Mr. Clements issued application blanks to student teachers Monday after convocation. These blanks require the students to state their first and second teaching preferences, and their special qualifications to teach this subject. Signatures of the head Of the department and supervisor of the subject are required to verify th information given. PERU SINGERS TO ENTERTAINThe Peru Singers have been engaged to present the evening concert at the Otoe County Musical Festival to be held April 8. Mr. Steck will be the com· mentator for the day. Mrs. Dunning In Hospital. Word was received immediately after the holidays of the enforced absence of Mrs. Dunning for an unr1etermined length of time. Shz is, at present, in the Alliance Hospi.tal. JINDRA TO ORCHESTRA CLINIC-· Professor Jindra has accepted an invitation to be a guest conductor at the orchestra clinic to be hek! at Holdredge, Nebraska, February 10 and 11. This clini" is the only one which has been organized in the state. Leaves of a ~ertain American plant will tenderize tough meat by wrapping the meat in the leaves.

Introduction to Literature 102 00:00 and Dr. Smith's 2 :OO section) Home Planning and Fur nishing 320 1:00- 2:50-All 11:00 classes exccp.'.: (1) Music Appeciation 311 (2)

Intoduction to Educaticn


(3) Shorthand 207 (4) Blue Print Reading 116 3:00-4:50-All 3:00 classes except:


Introduction to Educa. 108

(2)Home Planning and Furnishing 320 8: 00- 9: 50-All 10: 00 classes except: 10:00-11 :50-All 2:00 classes except:

m Introduct'n to Literature 102 (1) Introduct'n to Literature 102 <Dr. Smith's section) (2)

English Composition 101

(3) Introduct'n to Education 101 1:00 to 2:50-General Art 103 (9:00 section) Music ApPreciation 311 Blue Print Reading


See011:d Semester regi·stratiorrwill be January 24 Classes· will begin January 25 . ~============::::=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tri Betas Hold



10:00-11:50-English Composition 101 (8:00, 9:00, and 2:00 sections)

FG FT PF WOODMEN 2 4 Shuman f ·········· 2 1 2 Da·lison f .......... 3 2 0 2 Siligman c 4 1 Davey g 0 Trott g .............. 3 2 1 1 Morris g 0 1 DeJarnett f ......... 3 1 0 C. Morris g .......... 0 0 0 Aukrem c Total ........... 15 Referee: Higgins.


The Haskell Indian game will also be broadcasted over KMA.

Trott and Shuman, former Wesleyan ;tars, led the Woodman attaek. Vivian McKimmey To Attend Convention The score at the half was 17-16 Miss Vivian McKimmey, president Jf Nith the Woodmen leading. The game the local chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, 11as a trophy fund benefit project. is ma1'ing plans to attend the na· Box score: tional convention of the educational FG FT PF TP PERU fraternities which is to be held at At2 3 10 Eialladay f ·········· 4 lantic City, New Jersey, February 28, 0 17 }reathouse f ........ 8 March 1 and 2. 5 0 McCormick c ...... 2 John Dewey of educational fame will 1 2 Bailey g ············ 0 be one of the principal speakers .at 3 1 2 Pugh g ············ the conventie,n which will be held in 4 0 2 Mosley f ············ one of the largest hotels of Atlantic 1 6 2 Mcintyre f ·········· 2 City. 0 2 0 Witty c ............. 0 Miss Mary K. Hanlon ha8 been 1 6 0 Miller g ············ 3 named as !}lternate delegate. 0 0 0 Wehling g ·········· 0 2 0 Deang .............. o 0 Y. W. Cabinet Plans Total ........... 21


First Semester, 1937-38-January 19, 20, 21


The broadcast will start at 8:00, but the game will commence at 7:30. This will give tuner-inners a chance to hear the finish of the game, as the broadcast time is a full hour.



8:00- 9:50-All 8:00 classes except:


Greathouse Again Leads Peru Attack



dental care, (2) Right diet and (3)


Miss Clark's Book

Full of Delights Bartling Sings In Miss Esther Clark's book of poems Tri Beta had its own Professor Quiz At Y. W. Meeting alias Evaline West at its last meeting, "At Christmas Time" is found this beautiful one: Katharine Bartling sang two numJanuary 3. "Song of the AngeP' bers for those attending the Y. w. Winners of the battle of wits were In the soft Judea moonlight C. A. meeting of Tuesday, January 4. Glenn Yont and Mary Grush. Humble shepherds watched their Leora Libhardt conducted group Wayne Lindberg and Glenn Yont sheep; singing and Wilma Parnell led the deserved refreshments of cake ~and cofWhile the solemn hush of midnight votional service. fee. Wrapped the tired world in sleep. Members of the Creative Leisure group made colored paper cartoons Freshmen to Buy Suddenly a splendor brighter and the Religious Fellowship group Peruvian Pages Than the moonlight round them discussed "God and Science." shone; The Freshmen voted to buy two The nomination committee for next And the sleeping earth stirred only, · pages of the Peruvian and 'to give a semester's officers was appointed by Waking to the harp's sweet tone. convocation program next semester at President Maxine Jarvis as follows: their class meeting Monday morning, And they heard a voi'ce say-"Fear Elaine Shaffer, Zelda Carmine and January 10. Miss Tear, the class sponMisses West and Weare, sponsors. not; sor, gave them timely advice. Such as Tidings of great joy I bring. Attend Modern Language Convention not to worry about tests, not to come In yon lowly Bethlehem manger to class during test days and to enjoy Lies a Babe, your Savior, King!" Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith attended their vacation. the Modern Language convention iu Prof. Quiz Contest

Then the sky was filled with angels, Chicago during the Christmas holiChanting loud the grand amen: days. "Glory in the highest! Glory! They left Dec. 27 and returned Dec. For Convo Program On earth Peace, Good Will to men." 31. Elmer Clarey was appointed chairman of the committee to arrange for Sweetest ~cng of all the ages, the Junior convocation program to be And its echoes stll! we hea~. given next semester, at the Junior When our hearts grow warm and COLLEGE CALENDAR class meeting Monday morning, Janutender Jan. 11 7-8 Y. W. C.. A., Y. M. ary 10. 'Ihe committee members are As the Christmas time drnws near. Mary Grush, Jeanne Plasters and Bill C. A., C. C. A., Broadcast cf Mooney. Wesleyan game. This book of poems was published at The class voted to pay 50 cent dues the request of many friends of Esther next semester to finance the Junior- Ann Clark, a member of Sigma Tau Jan. 13 7-8 Girls' Olub. Delta, and copyrighted in 1934. Senior prom. It was edited by Anna Best Joder Jan. 14 7-9 Freshman Club and the cover and frontispiece designs Two Will Receive 8-9 :30 Philo, Everett. were by Inice M. Dunning. January Degrees :Mary D. Harris of Peru and Avis L. STECK TO JUDGE CONTESTSJan. 15 Hastings game there. Culbertson of Central City will receii•e Professor Steck has been engaged to A. B. degrees at the close fo the first act as judge at the "Mudecas" Music Jan. 17 10:30 a. m. Freshman semester this year. Contest to be held at Eagle, March 19; A two year diploma will be awarded at the Little Ten Music Contest, March council. 7-8 Alpha Psi, 8-9 Kapto Drothy Eckard of Pawnee City at 25 and at the Lancaster County Conpa Delta Pi, 7-8 Crawdads. the end of the first semester. test at Waverly, Nebraska, February Box Score: 19. Juniors Lay Plans

.THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN ing. The book surveys each aspect c national endeavor, from farming· t art, and from athletics to modern ar chitecture. (travel) Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College,. Peru, Nebraska. "Of Time and the River" by Thom Entered at the Posto:ffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. as Wolfe. $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents. Reporters Gather "Of Time and the River stand to the students. It resulted in several ADVERTISING RATES Campus Opinions out as the most original of noveli Display 20 cents per inch. fine suggestions: Locals, 10 cents per line WAR! The word on everyone's lips. and the one most likely to influenc The front page news of our papers and Harold Boatman-"Distribute anti- contemporary American fiction."·the goss:ip of nations. One word with ' war propaganda." so Robert Cantwell speaks of this re STAFF a thousand leads-aH of which led two Don Rose-"Refuse to enter into flective book. It takes Eugene Gran Editor ....... , ............................... Norman Littrell of our reporters off on the scent of the war activities." Roses answer was ty- through the years from 192() to 1925Make-up Editor . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. Harold Prichard trail of .Peruvian opinion on war. We pica! of the majority. five years of life, richly experiencec Sports Editor .............................. Junius McCowan present a Pedagogian Look-in on StuNumber 9-Do you favor the cen- deeply felt, minutely recorded. soring of war news? "A City of Bells" by Elizabet! 'Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Florence Martin dent Feelings. The Peru campus is against the OxMiss Edna Weare gave the campus Goudge. Advertising Manager ............................ Wm. Bischof ford Pledge; wants to let business in opinion when she said: Jo::elyn Irwin, dispirited because o REPORTERS China rest; favors armament increase; "I don't believe in strict censorship a wound received in the Boer War, es Edith Willey . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . Mary Lizabeth Werner wants freedom from war censorship of of the war news but I do believe it is tablishes himself in a small cathedra Virginia Trively . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Glen Sheely articles and are divided on the Ludlow a mistake to build up the Panay city in England. He is practicall~ Amendment. This is the amendment bombing pictures up to the level of forced to open a book shop in a tin~ Ollie Purucker ................................ Gladys Nofsger which would require a popular vote to propaganda as some newspapers and house in the city. He becomes inter· Ruth Crone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barney Barisas decide whetner or not the United theatres have done." ested in the writings of a former oc· Margaret Saville States would engage in war. Number 10--Should the United ·~upant, Ferranti, who has disappeared Students ~eemed posted as to war States maintain its policy of isolation? The tale comes to a joyous end. Re· conditions and showed by their a:<The answer was "YES" with no ' commended for those reading fol PEDAGOGIAN STARTS NEW SERIES swers that they have been thinking of voices raised in dissent. peace and delight. The Pedagogian takes this time (the closing of the semester) to the probl~m. Number 11-How great are the start a series of editorials and articles on student opinion. We Twelve quPstions were asked: chances of the United States being inDr. Coatney attended the ann~ intend to interview students on pressing problems of today-prob· 1. Would you be willing to take the volved in war within the next ten meeting of the American Assciatl~ !ems now affecting Peruvians or which threaten to do so. We wish Oxford Pledge? years? for the Advancement of Science, whi~ In Peruvian opinion war is merely was held in Indianapolis, Indiana, it understood that these researches are merely a presentation of Typical answers: a matter of a few years. The campus cember 27-30. Dr. Coatney reports Peruvian opinion-not an opinion of the Pedagogian or the college Bob Blankenship--No. of Peru looks helplessly toward a life they had an excellent meeting, and administration. Bill Platenburg-No. filled with the roar of battle. hopes to attend next year when Barney Ba~isas-No. Number 12-Do you favor an amend- meeting of this association will be 2. Is extreme pacifism as dangerous ment permitting a popular vote to de- in Richmond, Virginia. as extreme militarism? cide whether or not the United States WAR CLOUDS OVER YOUTH The answers to this question were shall enter wa.r?. Large stock· car d boar d and papera The first problem of the nation is 'the threat of War. The War vague with a difference Of opinion preThe question of the week-one which at the Pointer office. clouds hanging ov~r our nation mean only one thing to the youth vailing. caused reporters to back· up from of today-that you, you and you will be involved. The flower of Mrs. Marsh gave the most interest- wrathy words and stem voices. A question which has the people in it's youth i~ always cast upon the waves of war before any others are ing answer when she said: ~ DR. J. H. BREY "If war could accomplish anything, grasp. c~·lled. War is ever near our youth. A few of the answers: VETERINARIAN With this in mind our campus questioners have presented else· I'd say the United States should try Margaret Sa ville: "People as a whole I to stop the advance of the Japanese, where a few opinions of Peruvians on war. Here in this space we NEBRASKA CITY but since war only destroys I believe are too emotional to decide the ques~ Phone 13 refresh your memory as to other college opinions on war. we should try to stave off war. I tion of whether we should go to war. -~~~~~~~~~~~~! There seems to be no need to tell you that the Student Advocate don't think war within the next ten If the Ludlow Amendment were passed is opposed to war. Likewise in a flash of a twinkling neon sign years is impossible. We can eduGate the people would go to the polls against J. P. CLARK you can recall incidents of anti-military demonstrations in colleges the youngsters of our country w peace war one day and for war the next." Arthur Bruce: "It is hard to judge but the problem is gettin<; the other Electric Shoe Shop North of all over the nation. nations of the world tu stop drilling the United State's policy of isolation Post Office The question of R. 0. T. C. training has long been a sore spot war into their children." for we, as a country, don't need to Phone 109 to the pacifists and we find frequent attacks made by editorial Number 3-Do you believe' the Unit- go to war with. any nation but we ed States should protect its conces- must trade with the other nations. writers on the training. Do you approve of such training? That can be done by leaving our batsions in Japan and China? We ask you to read the few opinions of Peruvians we present The answer was empha:tically, NO!. tleships home. '.I'here is something to "IT PAYS TO LOOK NICE" and then stop and think over this editorial. Sit dowri and think a 4. Should the United states keep the Ludlow Amendment, it should be RICE & TH,OMAS ftw minutes-you may have to decide some day in a hurry. Army and Navy detachments in war passed. The people are well enough Barber Sho'!> educated as to the futility of war. zones? WE INVITE YvV DOWN The trend was "NO" with _a few re- The government could announce plans Under Joder's Office P ANAY TO MAINE replying in the affirmative. A typi- over the radio and the votes would be Times do change-we entered the Spanish-American War be· cal answer was Anita Searle's. She in by noon." Delbert Parriott: "The minute you cause of the sinking of a ship. The cry of "Remember the Maine" said: KINGSOLVER "It is a mistake to keep United pass the Ludlow Amendment marks became the battle cry of a nation. States' Army and Navy detachments the time when the propagandist begiiis Today we easily could be embroiled in another fray with the BARBER SHOP within a war zone. Its been twenty work." ~logan "Pay for the Panay" ringing in our ears. Instead we find years since the last war, but the next Below Barnes Drug Store a nation tensely waiting conflicting countries' next move. We one isn't that far away." Number 5-Do you favor increase or find Americans neutral in two conflicts now raging.· BOOK WORM MENU Be you a pacifist or a radical-you must admit that a. more decrease of armaments as protection

The Peru

Pedagogian Presents Peru War Attitude






cautious United States now exists. We somehow feel that it re· from war? STUDENTS, BE READERS The vote was for increase with viosul ts not from political views-h ut from a more thoughtful youth lent objectors on the decrease side. The way to a man's heart is not movement. They, the decreasers, argued on the through his stomach but through his grounds that other countries follow intellect. Improve your minds by reading the our lead. LET'S TAKE TIME OUT Hazel Bouse summed up the case for new books. This week's offering conW e take time from life's whirl to give you a few thought-pro· the decrease faction. rvriss Bouse tains a book of travel and two of voking lines. said: ~ fiction. A. C. Jindra, brother of V. H. Jindra, and a printer in Mount "I believe we have too much money "Finland, The New Nation" by Agnes spent on battleships and soldiers. All Rotheny. Morris, Illinois, contributed the following in the January 1 issue other nations of the world take the A most entertaining travel book of of the Rockford, Illinois, Register-Republic: United states as an example for how Finland. rvriss Rothen's portrayals of It was Ralph Waldo Emerson who said that "an institution is much to re-arm. The saying goes, Valamo Cloister and its monks are inthe lengthened shadow of one man." that everyone lives during a war be- teresting. The description of the complete al'.d for he reaches thl.rty years of age I After the Christmas holiday season, we are all facing a new · believe our next war will be in Jess thrilling isolation of the beautifd lake highway,-the highway of 1938 representing 365 days. The thought than ten years." region is excellent, as is her journey to that has occurred to me is: "What should the New Year spirit re· Number 6-What defense do you the far north. Her account of athlepresent?" I for one am willing to accept the lengthened shadow consider most effective-water, land tics is comprehensive and entertain-


The Mardis Store

"A Mighty Good Place to Trade"


Berthold Greenhouses Nebraska City


of Abraham Lincoln, universally recognized throughout the world or air? ------~··-­ :is the greatest of Americans. Mr. Lincoln said:~ The opinion varied with individual ,l:'N:~:l:'l...1~'6..,~"l".1.:#:#~:l:'N:l:I:~. tastes. No uniformity or margin "Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who knew me could be attained from the answers. ~Od BIHL .LV ~est, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I Number 7-Should the U. s. make ihought a flower would grow." greater preparation for war in lieu of DNDT00'1 D ~ LVHA\ The new Year spirit of "always plucking a thistle and planting a, foreign preparedness? Hower where a flower will grow" requires courage. for oftenThis question was similar to num. . . . ber 5 and the vote was "YES". times pluckmg a thistle is no easy task. In the words of Carlyle, Number S-What can an indivi"The courage we desire and prize is not th~ courage to die decent- dual student do to prevent war?

Bus Cafe

ly, but to live manfully."

A. C. Jindra.

A thought question and a challenge ·~:~~:~~"'.6'~::1".1.:l:l:~~::~::l:#:'#.:l:I:~""...~""..~~


Watch the Bobcats Battle



Peru. Faces Champion ~ esleyan~Aggregation


• l

gloves Wednesday, December 22, and



Plainsmen to Offer Stiff Opposition


Greathouse Gathers Twenty-five Points The Peru Bob1'ats donned husking


Tonight the Wesleyan Plainsmen. By Junius Mccowan 37 co-champions with Hastings of e N. C. A. C. teams, tangle with the RUSSEL DEAN BAILEY-

Bobcats, 1937 co-champions with flayne of the N. I. A. A. teams. i.··;•'..• •.·. While the Plainsmen have raced a;• to gain a lead in their confere~ce, Bobcats sit comfortably purrmg ~bout having beaten Nebraska "B" 42~ and Woodmen Accident 52-39. ~'. The Plainsmen took their lead by ~ating York 50 - 30, but have lost to ~aryville Teachers and were edged !~ut by Wayne 35 - 34. The main spark (;tor the Plainsmen seems to be Hedges. L Peru's sharp shooter Greathouse is !-Out to set a new record. However he ~is set up for his goals through McCormick and his other teammate's fine :passing. fe..;:



gave the Nebraska Nubbins a 42-29 shucking.

lettered last year at the position of forward and was a constant menace to

The tall Peru team proved too good for a smaller Nebraska B team in ev · ery departn1ent of the game. Both teams showed evidence of first semester play and did some fancy fumb · ling.

the opposition. Aways fighting for the ball, he managed to retrieve more than his share from the bank-board, and then with uncanny accuracy he would tip the ball to a team-mate. This season he has shown the same courage and should become one of the highest ranking players in the state. Off the court he is well mannered

Greathouse shot from ev~rywhere to gather 25 points, His performance indicated that Peru may have the spark plug so needed for a winning team. McCormick, Pugh and Bailey played their usual steady game. Elliot and Hulbert looked best for Nebraska B. Box

STUART "STU'' BALLER While the theme of the week is battles, we wish to pay tribute to one who is advancing the fighting Bobcats-Stuart "Stu" Baller, basketball coach. Coach Baller and his '37 team brought a co-championship to Peru basketball fans. This year he is headed for sole possession of the title. We think he has the material-and we know he is the man for such material. Beside his coaching duties Baller has become extension director. In this position he has introduced new methods of making Peru attactive to possible students. He not only interests prospective students but grads as well. For example, we present the Peru hour and the broadcast of football and basketball games.

BOBKITTENS NIP cAUBORN BULLDOGS Coming from behind in the last '(jUarter, Peru Prep defeated Auburn 19-18 in a fast game of basketball on '.the college floor last Friday night. 'I'he score was 17-12 in favor of Auburn at the beginning of the last quar-1 ter. Peru was able to tie it up at 17 all, and then Stuck of Auburn made a free throw to put his team ahead by cne point. Pugh, Peru guard, dumped in a field goal to give Peru the edge 19-18 with three minutes left to play.

New Window Gives Fine Gym View

Auburn tried desperately to tally in the last few minutes but with no sue-

At last the dream of



FG FT PF TP PERU 5 2 .......... 2 Halladay 0 25 Greathouse f ....... 12 5 1 McCormick c ······· 2 2 3 Bailey g ············ 1 0 3 3 Mosley f ············ 1 0 0 0 Sheely g ············ 0 0 0 0 Majors g ·········· 0 0 0 0 Hanley f ............ 0 Total ............ 19




FG Fl' PF TP NEBRASKA B 3 2 Wilson f ·········· 1 Campbell f .......... 2 6 2 Thenier c ·········· 2 13 2 1 6 g Elliot Basketball Squad ············ 0 1 0 Hulburt g ·········· 0 Cut to Seventeen 0 0 0 Fitz f ·············· 0 2 0 college The final cut of the basketball squad Yoffee f ············ 1 0

cess. and calm, his friends are many. coaches has come true-there is a new finds seventeen players left on the 7 29 5 Total ............ 12 Fisher was high point man for Peru Bailey has a season left for Peru window in the athletic office where a team list. Coach Baller has divided with six points, while Stuck led the (besides the present one) and if the doorway was fonnerly. This window these seventeen into three teams: scoring for the visitors with nine. new ruling doesn't kill hlm off, it STAGS STAGGERED is 6 feet by 3 feet and commands an tails, mediums and shorts. Peru Prep FG FT PF TE should be a great one. BY PERU TEAM !£ahy f . . . ....... 2 o 4 excellent view of the gymnasium. BeThe squad list: The Dahlstrom Stags (last year in· ~rafton f . . . . . . . . . . 2 o 2 4 GREATHOUSE HOTsides providing better ventilatioa for "' Hall Dean tra-mural champions) were a band of Adams c ............ o 2 1 Speaking of being "hot" did you the office, it will prove its worth when Bailey Halladay staggering stags when the Peru B Pugh g . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 o 1 4 notice the way L. Greathouse handled it is used as the vantage point of the Mcintyre squad finished with them in the pre· ; Fisher g ............ 3 o 3 6 himself against Nebraska B? Twenty- announcer during the broadcast of :~~~;iick Pugh liminary game before the Peru-Nebras}rCoulter f . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 o five points in one game is not to be ba~li.etball ~ames. Wehling 0 Witty ka game. The final tabulation was sneezed at, especially when twenty-four Donahoe Handley 32 to 10. of them were from the field. 1.0 19 ·Total ............ 9 Greathouse Leonard, if you feel like breaking a Prep Basketball Season Huegel Mcintrye and Dean starred for the FG Fl' PT TP record will you please wait until KearAuburn The Peru Prep basketball team won E. C. Miller Sheely "B" squad while Shields and Douglas 2 9 ney comes to Peru? 3 Stuck f ............ 3 the first game of the season Lum Vir- Majors led the Stags. 2 0 .Llewellyn f .......... 1 INTRA-MURALSginia 29-16, but lost the seCO"\d eame 4 0 0 'Blinkenship c ······ 0 Scratch pads at The Pointer ornceIce skates, hollow ground-Bill The intra-murals got under way last to Dawson 20-18 at Dawson, Decem4 0 is g ............. 2 Bischof. Phone 140-Adv. Sold by the pound. Thursday when the Dahlstrom Stages ber 21. 2 3 3 rs g ··········· 0 0 0 beat the Collins House in a good close ======================================~ 0 f ············· 0 game. Grady Ashton was one of the ~~~~~~~li=~-iiiii·~ii··!llll~-!llll~~~~~~-!llll-~-~O!li:O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ best on the floor and was high point Total .......... 6 6 10 18 man. For the winning team in conReferee: Aller, Doane. tests I pick the Parish house. Did I hear some boos?

istmas vacaton found Coacn eson traveling south to spend part is vacation in New Orleans, where attended the convention held by American Football Cbaches Asso·

NEBRASKA B COMMENTThe Nebraska B squad was not strong enough to lick the Cats before vacation and their best players were in Peru. somebody said the team that played the cats was the second "'B" squad, but that statement does

not hold water because some of those ch of the time was spent in "sit- boys that played will be on Nebraska's in" on round-table discussions traveling squad when they are eligible the outstanding coaches Of the next semester. ry. Pictures of the major games year were shown and discussed. SHINEY DURST"Shiney Durst", Peruvian of Ja:;c e in New Orleans Coach Gilke · nded the "Sugar Bowl" gam '• year, is in town working out for the h Santa C'lara played Louisi- golden gloves fights. "Shiney" has gor.e a long way since last year when he first starting boxing. In his last 14 fights he has won 12 by knock-outs. Well dear readers there is no dirt the Russel this week, not even a little dust. someone asked me if I was turning this into a dirt column. rm not, but that is TALK ON IMMORTALITYan idea. Grossoehme Jed a group disIce skates, hollow ground-Bill on "'Immortality" at the meetY. M. C. A., Tuesday, Jan. 4. Bischof, Phone 140-Adv.

Peru~.State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska Basketball Schedule


Jan. 11 WESLEYAN; here Jan. 14 Doane, there Jan. 15 Hastings, there Jan. 22 ALUMNI, here (Not a Budget Event)

Jan. 28 MIDLAND, here Jan. 29 WAYNE here Feb. 1 Midland, there Feb. 4 DOANE here Feb. 5 HASTINGS, here Feb. 9 Nebr. B, there (4 p. m.) Feb. 10 Kearney,


Feb. 11 Nebr. Wesleyan, there

Feb. 18 KEARNEY, here Feb. 19 YORK, here Feb. 22 HASKELL INDIANS here Mar. 4 Wayne, there



reading by compulsion explain that in your 200 word discussion on this slip of paper. Just takes a few extra minutes-heh heh-but it's. a Soutt.west Association Ruling you knm;. Thank you. The book? Oh, not ye;, Mr. Tubbs, we have a little personality trait detection test we'd like to know your response upon. It is an East Coast Association law. Please Mr. 'Tubbs, don't reach for the book. The Northei·n Lights Association is .interested in our reader's hea11ts, livers and lungs, now these few physical ·exam questions-S T 0 P ! Mr. rub~s-Puleez put down that haP.1mer.

-------------I, P. D. Q. Twitterbones, hereby resolve to give up all my former habits which tended to be either illegal, immoral, or fattening. (Thereby limiting me to only one indiscretion, namely, that of making gossipy and uncom. t ary remarks about any and a11. p11men of my friends-if any). Since Unkie knows FOR SURE of at least 3 unannounced marriages among our student body, he has begun to regard even his closest friends with great suspicion. Likewise, from all the rumored engagements, it ain't always in spring that a young man's fancy "light- Pedagogian Receives ly ( ?) turns to thoughts of love, etc") Letter From California The following letter was sent to the Topics that interest them! .. Howard Dean-"When I was in Pedagogian by Mrs. Nellie Cowell Pattison of the class of '27. Chicago..


Doris Prichard-"The Difference a "Grab-bag" and "Gimme-girl." Trenholm-My Engagement "Speck"-Trenhalms Engagement Girls-Peculiarities of Collins House fellows. Grace Mary-How long is January this year? Jack Heck-The power of mistle-toe. Ed Nell and Little Williams-How to win friends and influence people. Nancy Jane-The lousy puns in Twitterbones (I guess Unkie will have to twit.) Hazelton-Whether I can Winnie Johnny or not. Dorothy Snyder-Dormitory Food. Second Victory Dance After a good game. More people shocked. Finney with Glema, Finney without Glema. Last year's music. People truckin (?). Too many people. Bill and Kay. Well lighted, well ventilated. Until 11 :45. And so goodnight Goodnight! UNKIE


December Wedding Is Announced The marriage of Josephine Shackleton to Lewis Hamer took place December 4, 1937 at Hiawatha, Kansas. The bridal couple was accomps,nied by Eula Redenbaugh and George Johanek, both of Omaha. Mrs. Hamer is well known to· Peruv;ans, as she has studied here cmring the last two years. She will finish her first semester's work and will then join Mr. Hamer at Pawnee City, where they will reside temporarily.

CASUAL COLLEGIAN Impossible situation number 7341: A peek at the Christmas expenditures of some of the Peru Don Juans and noting the purchase of one of those sil-

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bell a daughter visited relatives in Denv Colorado, during Christmas vacath

FRESHMAN CLUBS ACTIVE DURING YEAR Freshman clubs have been activ; during this semester. These clubs are under the sponsorship of Miss Tear, faculty sponsors, and student sponsors. Club doings of last week: SCRIBLERS PLAN SCRAPBOOK The Scribblers' Club met at seven o'clock last Thusday evening at the home of Mrs. Baker, the sponsor. All the members were present. During the business meeting the club discussed the possibility of keeping a "Scribblers' Scrapbook" in the library, This book would contain selections by each member. Norman Littrell and Marjorie Harris ,student co-sponsors, were appointed to select the material to be used. Ways of earning funds for the purchase of club pins were suggested, and Evelyn Slayton and Betty Brunt were

Freedom of Press

A girl on second floor Mt. Verr was addressing Christmas cards J a1 ary 5. She evidently believes in sign "mail early and avoid the Chri mas rush." C. C. A. Bi<l Members Goodby

Anna Samek and Ruth Volkner, v are leaving at the close of this sern ter, were guests of honor at the re Jar C. C. A. meeting.

"Dear Peruvians: Although I have never been offi- appointed to decide the best means. cially appointed "foreign correspondOriginal poems were contributed by ent" for the Pedagogian, 1 know there Cheryl Kirby, Evelyn Slayton, Betty are many Peruvians, especially Dra- Brunt, and Me1Tit McNeal. At the previous meeting the followmatic Club members, who will be ining officers were elected: terested in a visit I had with Daisy President--Merritt McNeal Nettleton Taylor; former Peru inVice-President-Evelyn Slayton structor and founder of the Dramatic Sec.-Treas.-Cheryl Kirby Club. News reporter-Nellie Spers During the Christmas holidays our family attended a Golden Wedding Anniversary in Los Angeles-the bride and Mrs. Taylor both are cousins of my husband's mother. Mrs. 'I'aylor was delighted to learn that I was a former Peruvian. I was plied with questions by that lady and also by Mrs. Ilma Kennedy Bickle of Greeley, Colorado, formerly of Brownville graduate of 1910, and Mrs. Iris Bickle Reeder of Kimball, Nebraska, who attended school in Peru. They were interested in the many changes in the campus and regretted that it had been necessary to completely demolish the old Normal Hall which held recollections for each. Mrs. Taylor recalled holding classes there, and the use of the Everett Room for dramatics; also the construction of the Library with the "Little Theatre" as an inducement for her to remain at Peru rather than affiliate herself with Kearney College. She asked of many Peru people and especially of Dean Delzell and Miss Esther Clark with whom she taught. Iris Bickle Reeder remembered almost ruining her voice singing in the old chapel with it lack of acoustics.

'I'he band concert to be presented a budget event January 25 'Nill broadcast. The unique feature of concert will be the direction of band by various students . Professor Moore has been asked JU dge severa1 one-act pay 1 cont es t s.

will serve as judge at the Otoe Co ty One-Act Play Contest on Jam 20, and at the Little Ten Contest, J uary 21.

PERU PLAYERS GIVE PLAYVirginia Trivey's gToup gave a play, at the last meeting of Peru Players "Not quite Such a Goose." The cast included; Horace Rzehak, Marjorie Trenholm, Roma Jean Rethmier, Arlene Stiener and Lloyd Heim.

very lipstick ditties selling at $32:S.OO. Of course, we may be wrong. was. She dropped her joking and said The Newswriting class was uni:'.csimply, with tears in her eyes, "The cided about a trip to the printing of- happiest years of my life we:re spent fice just to squint the "type lice" but in old Peru." the eyes got it. . . . In her cottage at "Carmel by the That Michigan State tackle, Harry , "'....ea ,, Mrs. Tay1or mus t spend. many . . Spielman who in the hours basking, no t on1y m · cal'f · . .played . , Orange . i orrua Bowl at M1am1 is Dorothy s cousm-- sunsh'me but m · the warmth of memno less. And speaking of bowls those ories. Pasadena people are certainly bums I will close with this New Year's for selling Dale Bridgewater a R6sewish for my old friends-may they bowl game seat so far back he couldfind pleasure in their school memories n't see over the mountains. as I do in mine. To the young stuAnd now Plasters joins Hill and dents I wish that they will have the Hanlon for the symphony, Love and fore though;; to store away many hapthe Rocks. py hours to brighten future years. To .. Spectacular Desire number 42: To you all I wish good luck across the shoot a basketball into the broadcast miles from Galifomia. booth during the Wesleyan game. Nelle Cowell Pattison, Lil Drammer of the Future: Class '27. The scene opens showing a student I on this campus, Timid Soul number \ Correction 14,378 attempting to get a book at The Pedagogian wishes to correct the library. The desk assistant does the spelling of the name of Pr.of. W. B. the talking-: Thorson who is to take Prof. F. H. "Before you get your book, Mr. Heck's place during his leave of ab1'ubbs would you mind filling out this sence. 'Ibe name was incorrectly slip answering a few questions Just printed as Thurston in a previous fill in an "X" if it's for your own a- issue. musement, Mr. Tubbs, but if your ~~ '·-

Miss Mason of the training scl visited her parents in Kentucky ( ing Christmas vacation. D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebn City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Th! Glasses stted. Phone 144.-Profess al Card.

PERSONALITY CLUB PLAYSThe Personality Club had a Christmas party at the Training School shortly before vacation. The group was divided into three smaller groups, and each gTOup was given a stunt to do. The prize was given to those who enacted "The Three Bears." Various games were played for an hour.

Peru Theatre

Daisy Nettleton Taylor still retains that charm which endeared her to Jan 14-15-Friday and Saturday her many students. Her movements Franchot Tone Joan Crawford are graceful, her voice rich, and she IN has an attractive young face under BRIDE WORE RED her clipped silver hair. When I asked Mrs. Taylor to make a statement for the Pedagogian she January 16 and 17 t nTILD & ,~roOLEY s ruck a dramatic pose and said, "I n iv am being interviewed!" I promised her that I would not ask if she liked spin- Jan. 18-19 TUES. and WED. ach or what her favorite recreation A thrilling Mysery with



CRAWDADSEach Monday evening the Crawdads have been engaging in water polo ball.

Miss Lilith Pierce former Peru student visited her Peru friends this weekend.





Rev. Hanis of Silver Creek, I.hf fc mer Methodist pastor, •;isited at t home of his son and daughter-in-I~ Mr. and Mrs. Francis Harris. Wb in Peru last Monday Mr. Harris tc part in the ron1'ocation devotion and renewed acquaintances with ma of his campus friends.

DR. GLEN H. JODER Surgeon and Physician Milstead Corner Res. 39 Phone Office~

"BIG MUDDY CHIEF" NEW YORK-Portraying "the un· adorned truth," this statue will be dedicated to the constitutional right of freedom of the press in the ".Four Freedom" statuary group on the Central Mall of the New York World's Fair J.939. International Congress of genetics will meet in Edinburgh, Scotland the

latter part of August, 1939.

Corn Sheller An efficient, up to date, ma chine built for those who us improved and modern method of farming. This sheller is quick and lOOS efficient. Designed especially fc the. farmers living around an near Peru. H. RAY HAUPTMAN Phone 2(

Joan Maroh IN


"It's Clean if We Clean it" SERVICE AND QUALITY Peru Cleaners & Tailors

It's a business . \Ye take subscriptions on any magazine published in America.


Give us yoU:r renewal.



Wessel's Nebraska City






Peru-Wesleyan Game Announced By Dean


• Tuesday, Janual'y 25, 1!)38

Broadcast Features Bobcat Victory

Due to examinations ,there will be no Pedagogian next week. The next "Take it away Howard! Hello fans issue of the paper will be February 1. this is Howard Dean bringing to you a play by play description of the second half of the Peru-Wesleyan game with Peru in the lead 22-20."

College Auditorium 8:00- 9':00 P. M. To be broadcast.,,, over KMA


Program Poet and Peasant Overture .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. Suppe The Three Kings . . . . . . . . King Jack Hazelton, Student Dire~tor Trumpet trio: Frederic Wolter, LeRoy Redfern, Neal Good. Florence Neve, Student Director

Literary Societies Elect New Cabinets Joining forces to "out with the old cabinets and on with the new," Philomatheans and Everetts held a joint meeting to celebrate election night January 13. Another chapter in the hi5tory of Peru was started. The Bob cats" scored a double victory, for they not only beat Wesleyan but also won-over a bushel of fans, who wrote in and expressed approval of Peru's first basket ball game broadcast.

Carter Johnson was literally "swept into office" as president of the Philomatheans. Gladys Nofsger was elected vice president, Edith Willey, secretary and Martha wfson, treasurer.

Bert Hall was made head of the Everetts with Alfred Paul as vice presiThose of us that saw the game can dent, Roma Rethmier, secretary and imagine what a rapid fire announcer Eula Redenbaugh, treasurer. one would have to be to keep up the Guest speaker was Professor Moore clatter, but Howard Dean is to be giving the highlights on Oklahoma complimented on his first attempt at Indians ,with emphasis on the creek broadcasting. At one exciting point in Tribe. His talk was vivid with pictures thP game Howard found himself at lrss of the Stomp Dance and descriptions for words so he clamped his b.B.·tli of what goes on at lJ.. famed-Medicine over the "mike" and said "shucks, I Dance. can't find anything to say. Retiring officers for the Everetts Before game time "mothers little boy are: Mary Ellen Slack, president, Ray Delbert Nelson," better known as Kellogg, vice president, Jean Wagner, "Speck" was interviewed and some secretary and Louise Mathews, treasinteresting facts were revealed as to urer. Last semester's Philo officers duties of the student basketball man- were: James McAllister, president; ag·er. Time permitted but one other Mary Liz~beth Werner; Vice president; interview that of Coach Gilkerson carter Johnson, secretary; Esther who gave his version of the game and Flies, treasurer. the players' abilities.

Sigma Tau Delta Hear Contributions Sigma Tau Delta members heard the readings of original contributions at a meeting Monday evening, January 10. Louis Mathews presented her short story of a murder in the cat kingdom and adventures of a canine sleuth. Gladys Nofsger read her essay on "last minuteness" and Mary Katharine Hanlon hi:c .~'short play of the social and economic struggles of a boy who hanged himself. Dr. Konig gave her short story of a down-and-out civil engineer while Mary Lizabeth Werner read ~hort story on the blizzard of 88. "Br, for the Brute" a skit wi.th a library setting written by Miss Grace Peterson was enjoyed by the club. A short poem "On one Seeking Consolation" was read by Elizabeth Glosser. Mary Murphy presented a stream of conciousness version of a stenographer's thoughts. President Mary Dallas Harris announced that she was \eaving school at the close of the first semester so the fraternity voted to have vice president and Secretary Charles Parnell become vice president. Elaine Shaefer was elected secretary. The fraternity will hold its February meeting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Smith.

Pep Squad Learns New Formations It was to the rythmn of a tom-tom drum that the pep squad drilled last Wednesd'1Y night. The squad is learning new formations. Among them is a 1, letter "P" and "M" to be used at the Midland game, which is to be played here Jan. 28. Miss Phyllis Davidson is the supervisor of the squad.

PERUVIAN SNAPS FACULTY FACES Mr. Peterson, the PERUVIAN photographer, is now busy taking informal photographs of faculty members for the Faculty Section of the 1938 PERUVIAN. A wholly new and di.fierent Faculty Section is being planned for this year's PERUVIAN, in which informality will be· the theme. Organization pages for the 1938 PERUVIAN are being planned. Here, too, informality will be the theme. The staff is working on plans to include informal group pictures, as well as paneled groups, on organizatiol! pages. The beginning· of the second semester will bring with it a concentrated sales and advertising campaign. Various contests to create an interest in the book will be introduced. It is planned to have a PERUVIAN table in the faculty room during registration so that all those who wish can reserve their Peruvians at that time. Peru, Auburn, Nebraska City, and portions of Lincoln and Omaha will b~ canvassed for advertising during the next two months. The advertising Bt'Ction has been "pepped-up" so that advertising will carry a new life and interest to the readers. The theme of it all, from the business end, is to make everyone· concerned "PERUVIAN CONSCIOUS" andi to produce the best annual that has ever been turned out at Peru. REGISTRATION

Registration for the second semester will begin at eight o'clock Monday morning January 24. The doors of the auditorium will open at 7:45. With the exception of a few minor changes the schedule for the new semester is as published in the catalogue.

The Message . . . . . . . . . . . Broots Baritone Horn Solo. D.-rothy Snider, soloist Richard Turner, student Dirfctor

• Sanct11ary of the Heart with voocal refrain)-Ketelby Directed by Prof. R. T. Benfor:l


The Swiss Boy . . Paul de .Ville Clarinet duet: Hobert Blankenship, Frank Larson, clarinetists. Yankee Rhythm ......... Lake March .. Colossus of Columbia .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. ... Brooi.:s. Frederick Walte;, Student Director. (The numbers directed by Victor H. Jindra) --------------'

JINDRA PRESENTS BAND PERSONNEL The college band will give the January 25 broadcast, the personnel of the band:: Trumpets: Frederic Wolter, Neal Good, LeRoy Redfern, Leona Libehart, Severn Handley, Goodreay Soper, Clara 'lurka, Robert Weber. Saxophone: Maxine Weber, Mildred Hubka. Clarinets: Robert Blankenship, Frank Larson, Charles Gabus, Verna Parriott, Louis Mattllews, Alice Devore, Jeg,n "Vagner, James Lambert, :r:.m~.n Mcininch, Lucille Hazelton, Twiln, Mason, '.Erma Meier. Obee: : Roy Lively,

DRAM'\.TIC CLUB SHOWS.NEW PEP Stop the presses! A world record has been broken- The usually slow parlimentary procedure became a whirlwind when nine different types of business were disposed of and six com mittees were appointed in twenty-five minutes at the last meeting of the , Dramatic Club. Rejuvenation after the separation from Alpha Psi Omega seemed to be the motif of the meeting. Whiz-BangWon't-Weaken-Werner, the new President, took charge, after which the members decided that they would take charge, too-of some change. It was discovered that it costs the club twenty cents a player to make up individuals for plays, so the group decided to face the situation, and charge ten cents a head. The members did not feel that they should engage in the garter business and be a suporter for other campus g-roups, so th;y decided that a nominal fee will, also, be asked as rental for cost.umes used by other organizations. That took most of the time, but so·m rhe business rame and disappeared like snow on a defrosted windshield. A committee was appointed to draw U,l a constitution and by-laws, volunters were readily enlisted for choral reading a la Wieneke and for plays by Director Ficher, a plan was agreed! for the request of a co-sponsor, a celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of D. C. next fall was discussed, and the formalities at last passed which completed the separation from the fra ternity.

Peru Students .Judge Debates Assuming a debate judge's wig apparently isn't so easy according to members of Professor Moore's debate class who judged five rounds of high school debate at the Auburn High school at Auburn, Nebraska, Saturday, January 15. "Hardest work we've attempted in a long time," was the mass verdict of the student chairmen, "But it was a lotta fun." George Grossoheme,, Ruth Crone, Thomas Chinnock, Maxine Gailbrath, Mary Lizabeth Werner .and Professor Moore ruled descisions between Auburn, Plattsmouth, Sabetha, Nebraska City and Beatrice high school debate teams. The high school question this year deals with whether several states in the union should adopt the unicameral school teams won the majority of the system of legislation. Auburn high descisionns.


PASCAL APPOINTED TO MILITARY ACADEM~ Peru Senior Plans To Attend West Point Louis Pases.I, senior, has receh notice of his appointment to ·w Point Millitary Academy, West PJi N. Y. This notice was sent by Congre: man Lucky, who· made the appoi1

ment following Mr. Pascal's passi the qualification examination with 69.71 which was the highest score gh in the group. This was Pascal's first attempt at t examination and was taken upon t suggestion of Mr. Richard Slagle, w also took the examination, but was 1 quite so fortunate. "Guess I was just lucky all d' stated Pascal. "We just got in time to phone the bus driver to hi the bus for us the morning of 1 exam." When asked what in his opin'.on 11 the toughest part of the examinat.i Louis replied "Ancient History". Wb they expect you to know answers question lilrn 'What were the juncti< of the Athlemian Council?' you j: have to know the facts you cannot f ure it out. Mathamatical training ceived here at Peru was a gTeat h in overlapping the bad ancient histi grade.'' Mr. Pascal comes from Weston, Ne He started Peru in '33, majoring mathamatics and physical scien stayed out in '35 "jerking soda's" in father's drug store. He is a member of the Lamda DE Lamda, Alpha Mu Omega and : Scholarship club, In the years at Pi Pascal has received Freshman hon and Sophomore anct Junior high hi ors. In addition to these Pascal is · "'Ace" forward on the Weare house tra-mural basketball team.

Puppets and Moore Share Program Honors

Prof. Robert Moore shared hon with the puppets of Virginia Tri 1 and Louise Mathews in making Early Elementary club meeting an teresting one. Prof. Moore _spoke on "Speech the Kindergarten." Bassoon: The puppets gave a performance Dances Advance Marjorie :a:arris "Little Red Riding Hoo&" Trophy Fund Cause !"lute and piccolo: Games were played and Dixie c Nancy Jane Kehoe, Joan Good. An all-college dance was held in the were served as refreshments. Horns: music hall Friday night. Jack Heck, Leona Bertwell, Roberta The proceeds of the college dance go Klein, Nancy 'Ellen Jones. to the Trophy Fund which will be used COLLEGE CALENDAR Baritone: to buy sweaters for the boys who letDorothy Snider, Etta Neunaber. ter in athletics. The boys who lettered Jan ..... 7-8 Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. Trombones: last year have not yet received their Jack Hazelton, Richard Turner, sweaters, so let's support the college C.C.A., 8:30-9 Broadcas· Fletcher Cline, Florence Neve, dances and help the boys get the Clarion Smith, Phyllis Benson. swe1:1ters they have earned. Jan. 19~21 . . . . Semester exam: Basses:: Isabel Tynon, William Chapin. Bass Saxophone: Mary Alyce Vanderford.

Gamma Chi Has Social Evening


Merlyn Whittler was in charge of the John Fisher, Charles Parnell, Lillie games at the meeting of Gamma Chi Mae Collins. Wednesday night, January 12, in the Victor H. Jindra, director. music hall. The girls sang songs and danced Oscar Fiene and Melvin Workman, for a time and then held the regular students on the Peru campus last party in the near future were discussed. year are enrolled in. the Lincoln business meeting ,when plans for a School of Commerce this year.

Jan. 22, Alumni basket ball gam< Jan. 24 ............ Registratioi 7-8 Crawdads, Kappa Phi, Scholarship Club 8-9 Pi Omega Pi,

Pi Gamma Mu


The Peru Pedagogian Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents.


Faculty-Student Problem Interests Peruvians



Second Semester School Supplies

ALL SUPPLIES NEW-ALL RE· I. Q .._. _,.,1IENTS-BUY EVERYtional s!ig·hts? 'I'he teachers who very STAFF TOLERANT CAMPUS THING YOU WILL :NEED AT frankly discussed this question, fee l Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norman Littrell What is wrong· with the faculty sure they are not. Yet it seems that it Make-up Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harold· Prichard CHATELAIN'S I Sports Editor .............................. Junius McGowan student relationship, if anything? The would be only courteous for the stud I -SAVE MONEY! Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Florence Martin following statements are the facts ents to dance and converse with the Art Supplies-Paints-Papers Advertising Manager ............................ Wm. Bischof which two rather bewildered cub re- members of the faculty at these social -Biology Supplies-Chemistry porters extracted from member:; of gatherings. Teachers are asked t 0 Stencils-Notebooks- Commerce REPORTERS faculty and students for this weet's chaperone a dance, and then are no t Needs-Steno Books, Type PackEdith Willey ........... ·.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Mary Lizabeth Werner look-in-on Faculty-Student feeling. 'I'he even thanked by the students. The1·e I ets, Palmer paper-pens. Virginia Trively . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . Glen Sheely concensus of opinion is that there is seems to be something lacking in th e Iii Notebooks for Education Classes. nothing drastically wrong with t1 ' ' student-teacher relationship in th :s Ii' Music Notebooks. Ollie Purucker ................................ Gladys Nofsger relationship as it now exists, but th:,<; respect. \I Dictionaries. Ruth Crone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barney Barisas there are a few points, which if tl:cy Then, is it entirely the student fau It Filing Cards-packets Margaret Saville can be improved upon, will make for a that the relationship between teache rs I Mapsbetter faculty-student relationship. r,nd students are at times somewh a' 1111 THE STUDENT-TEAGER PROBLEM Mechanical Drawing-pencils. The first question asked is this: Do. strained? No. Some of the responsib The problem discussed by Peruvians this week is. two-fold· Athletic Suits. exams and student-teacher relations. We are prese11tmg to you you believe that the students and lity must be placed on the faculty, be- I, Bobcat Sweaters. views on this student-teacher problem but you will have to solve faculty have a close enough relation- cause the st14,dent does not feel it his SPECIAL FOR A SHORT ship? The first answer, cominrr from a place to make advances. Most of t he 1[ vour own exam problems. TIME ONLY ' I · There has long prevailed at Peru a feeling that the faculty is a teacher says: "I have taught in three students wish to be friend:ly, and ai'e fl·I• Good Gr.)de History paper .. 29c just waiting for the teachers to ma different colleges, and there is a nicer ke '11 smug group of people who use their degrees as a pinnacle to snub Good Grade Type Paper . . . 39c '1 the first step. relationship here between the faculty lowly students. In their turn the faculty have ~elt that students j! 25c Notehook Covers . . . . . . . 20c Some of the students seem to have have drawn away from them this feeling for no real r~aso? and ancl students than a: any of the other the idea that teachers in grading sh 011· .1 Embossed College Seal places that I have been." From a studso have tried in a bewildered fashion to combat the widemng of Stationery ............... 35c ent came this reply: "Yes, I believe partiality to the students who assO· the breech. 50c Bottle Sheaffer Ink there is a close enough relationship ciate with them outside of class. The WHO IS TO BLAME.· . with 25c Tube Sheaffer teachers' answer to this question is I here between the faculty and students. We believe that both factors are to blame at Peru. We believe !1 paste. Both for .......... 29c that of course they know and can un 1;, that the trend in the last few years has been for closer relations of Of course, it is not perfect, since there lill ., derstand better the people with wh l)J.11 are some students that have personal Buy where your money buys the two bodies. they associate outside of class, but MoreA less rigid recreation program and the necessity of student dislikes for teachers in general, but they do not let these friendships inNYA helpers has given rise to friendships between faculty mem· this cannot or will not be ironed out." CHATELAIN'S so, on to the next question: What fiuence their grading. bers and students. These friendships have broadened and st~­ reason can you give for this breach Since this is not only the first of the JEWELRY dents have come to realize that faculty members are h~m~n'. Said )'ear, but also, nearly the first of a (Down Town) faculty has been impressed t~at the stude?t of toda.y is similar to between students and faculty? A val'ienew semester, this would be an ideal the average student of their time. The difference m age and de· ty of answers were received, such as -·the teachers' lack of interest in af- time for the faculty and students to grees falls away and a friendshi~ becomes evident. . fairs outside of class, carrying class join hands and say: "Resolved, t ha~ The blame we assert rests with both-the upward trend is the difficulties outside of class, narrow each one of us will try his best to do work of both. What else can be said than-progress is evident. mindedness on the part of wme stud- his part towards improving the r elaSTOP, LOOK AND THINK. DR. J. H. BREY In this matter dealing with the problem of the faculty, we wish ents and faculty, inferiority compkx tionship which exists between the studof some students, students' lack of abi- ents and faculty on this campus." VETERINARIAN to impress upon the students a few points. lity to carry on an int~lligen~ converThe faculty members are our elders in wisdom and age. We NEBRASKA CITY Phone 13 should respect them for those reasons-and with such respect, we sation with a teacher, students takjng TOURNAMENT DAY another µerson's personal opinion of WITH THE JUDGES should show them extreme courtesy and interest. They are your an instructor and adopting i.t as bis friends-you can be their friends. Try it and watch the results. By Ruth Crone own, even when he has had no octual A glib reporter presents her opinion J. P. CLARK contaet wilh the said in,st1"1c',, .. and of a. day at the tournament. Accor ding PROFESSOR HECKtoo formal a classroom. to her, six judges from Peru went The Pedagogian voices the opinion of the school when it extends Electric Shoe Shop North of Students need to learn how to carry Auburn last Saturday to officiate at toa to Professor Frank Heck the hope that we shall soon see him back Post Office on a conservation. One teacher re- debate tournament. < n the campus with his coveted honor. Phone ,109 Some of the wise-cracks that penee know the students of Peru have enjoyed Professor Heck- marked: "A great deal can be gained by conversations held between people trated their vacuums, and the intelwith common interests, such as the lects of the rostrum are: teacher with the prospective teachers. "IT PAYS TO LOOK NICE" I'm so slippy ! . . . (As Prof. Moore Practical benefits from the valua- approached) My gosh, that man 011 RICE & THOMAS ble experience of the instructor, can that debate team is old enough to be Barber Shop be obtained through conversations on my father ... Well, one of those girls WE INVITE YOU DOWN subjects that are not brought out in isn't so bad ... What competition ! ... Under Joder's Office tpe classroom." Why that bunch of Senators 1vould Another instructor mentioned a pos- just go hog-wild ... We shall prove sible solution: "I do not believe I am . . . Animals of the American Acadewe hope he has enjoyed our company. KINGSOLVER impractical when I suggest a school my... You can have anything w The theme of this week in Pedagogian Look-In-On Peruvian calendar which provides for frequent reason that you want to eat ithin , and Feelings is student-teacher relationships. We believe that ProfesBARBER SHOP infonnal occasions, when the faculty charge it to the school ... (Galbraith) sor Heck is a fine example of cooperation between the two bodies. and students of a given department I'll have chili and a hamburger ... Below Barnes Drug Store The only difference between a student and Professor Heck that we associate themselves in conversation colassal mess ... unicam ... Those l.ave seen-is that Professor (Doctor-to-be) Heck studies. and discussion of scholastic· subject city slickers don't give a hang what matter. Students will speak frankly happens to the country folks .. . they BE "PERUVIAN CONSCIOUS!" GREATHOUSE LEADS and honestly when the classroom ro-.:- spent $250,593.49 for . . . CWernerl tine is abandoned. Subject matter be- Let's get out of here; they're r eading Next week will be the beginning of " BOBCAT SCORING The end of the semester finds the comes food for conversation and more their criticisms ... (Chinnock) I' E pronew semester. During this semester "A Mighty Good Place to Trad.e" Bobcats with five victories. Coach free mingling of personalities leads to tect you . . . so glad to have met ... the students of Peru become ,"PERUBaller has a bunch of sharp shooting the development of the personality. If extemporizin>; bad ... (Crone) I think VIAN Conscious", and toward thl' clo·,.o players who have out-scored the oppc- there is to be any vital pedagogy, the I'll take a Western Romance Ma gazine of school the campus will be covered student must become more than a home to the gang for a souven ir .. sition 251 to 190. with groups of students writing in Greathouse leads the scoring with name in a roll book, and the teacher thank you ... (Galbraith) Oh! look at annuals, comparing pictures, and iden69 poil~ts as well as collecting 32 field must become more than, a guy with that dog's ears. I thought he was goilir; I tifying snapshots of themselves and of goals to lead that division. Halladay degrees and what a line he can throw'." to take off for a minute .. . I j:;st their friends. This question was then asked: simply told them . . . <Werner) Oh, FLOWERS FOR ALL Do not wait until tbe last minute to noses out Mosley in free throws by Should we have more social affairs look at all the Neon signs in th e win·collecting 11 to Mosley's lO. where the faculty "let down" and frolic dow of that bank ... (Gross reserve your 1938 PERUVIAN! Do it OCCASIONS 13 oehme) Greathouse has averaged points with the students? Nearly everyone That isn't a bank, you dope. Th now so that you will not forget- and at's a be too late. There will be a PERU- a game, while McConnick and Halla- agreed that more social affairs should saloon ... That coach told me . .. 'I'he WE GROW OUR OWN have averagedi 11. be had where the students and faculty second-team was simply 1-o-u.VIAN table in the faculty room on day s-e-e -y Season scoring: join for a get-together, but some of ... Thanks I'm so slippy! registration day where you may reFG FT PF TP the students say they like to think of ----serve your 1938 PERUVIAN and sign Greathouse f . . . . . . 32 5 7 69 the faculty as being dignified and they Haircutting a speciality at Al·dyth's to have your picture taken if you hav.' Halladay f Nebraska City Neb1·. ········ 22 11 9 55 wouldn't like too much of this sort of Beauty Shop.-Adv. not already done so. McCormick c ...... 19 8 4 46 thing for fear that they might lose Second semester picture-taking will Mosley f .......... 16 10 10 42 some respect for their teachers. Howbegin on Monday, January 31 and wiil Pugh g ············ 6 4 10 16 ever, most of the students seem to continue every Thursday and Monday Bailey g ·········· 4 1 11 9 have the opinion that there should be following until February 14. Aftel' that Miller g ............ 3 0 6 a number of social events of the type WHEN U R HUNGRY date no more pictures will be tak ;n Mcintyre f .... .... 2 2 G of the Philo-Everett Barn Dance. - Stop at for the book. Have your picture tak- Handley ··········· 1 0 1 2 The teachers-well, they rather en! Be a pai:t of· your annual! Be Dean ·············· 0 0 2 0 wonder. They are invited to social afSheely ............ 0 0 "PERUVIAN conscious." 0 fairs, they accept invitations, and the" . Witty .............. 0 0 2 0 come and sit in a corner while the Large stock card board and papers students pass by oblivious of the at the Pointer office. Total ....... ; . . 105 41 59 251 teachers' presence. Are these inten· '~:~-:~:~~~:~:_~:_~:,.~:_~-:_~~:_~:~:.'#.:~~~·.:~~:_~ REPORTERS FIND



I 11

,: ,I



The Mardis Store


Say It With Flowers

Berthold Greenhouses


Bus cafe

THE PERU P. .!!.; LJ Au vu

i ,,_ "'

Watch the Bobcats Battle Tall Bobcats Nose Out Smaller Wesleyan Team PERU OUT-SPEEDS PLAINSMEN ATTACK


then called for time out. Peru played the ball from out of bounds. Pugh The Bobcats matched Wesleyan's passed to Bailey who made a spectaspeed with speed and more speed as cular one hand shot. Mosley folPeru took a 48-41 decision over the lowed with two more points. Wesleyan used the sleeper play to enable Plainsmen. The game, which was Price to score from the field. Bailey played Tuesday night, was broadcast made two more for Peru. Peru took over KMA. the ball from Wesleyan but Halladay Halladay and Mosley led the Peru missed. Buroughs missed but Davis scoring, with Pugh and Bailey standfollowed for two points. Mosley adding out on defense. McCormick was ed two more for Peru. Wesleyan out of the game as he was still reagain took time out. Mosley was cuperating from the flu. fouled by Price as he made a basket. Wesleyan-Peru pllay-by-play ac- Mosley made the free throw. Burcount: roughs made two for Wesleyan. SoudGreathouse controlled the opening ers came in for Hedges. Price made tip and sent the ball to Halladay who two free throws. Pugh made one from the field. Bailey fouled Price but worked the ball toward the Peru goal. Price missed. Pugh made a free Halladay tried a long shot which throw. Price swished one through. was I'..igh but he followed in to score Greathouse sunk a two pointed. Mosthe first basket of the game. Staten, ley made two points. Halladay made on a sleeper play, evened the score two points. Wesleyan took time out. for Wesleyan. Bailey fouled Hedges, Barrett came in for Staten. Price but his gift toss was wide of the basgarnered a bucket for Wesleyan. ket. Bailey received the ball off the Pugh fouled Barrett but Barrett bank board and passed to Pugh who missed. Halladay fouled Burroughs. sank a long over-head shot. Greathouse intercepted the pass from the Burroughs made the toss. Handley Greathouse Wesleyan team but missed his shot. came in for Halladay. made another basket. Halladay came Barrett fouled Bailey, but Bailey failed to make his toss. Greathouse back in for Handley. Mosley gathtook the ball off the bank board andi ered two points. Price sank a long m~de a beautiful one hand shot. one for Wesleyan as the game ended. Final score; Peru 48, Wesleyan 41. Greathouse was laying a strong deTime of game; 80 minutes. fensive game and was blocking many Following is the box score for the of the Wesleyan passes. Pugh made another field goal. Souders made a Peru-Wesleyan game. FG PF FT Fts. field goal. Greathouse was called for PERU 3 0-0 12 holding Barrett who made his gift Halladay f · . · . . . . . 6 1-1 11 toss good. Peru took time out. Hand- Mosley f ........... 5 3~ 0-4 s ley came in for Halladay. Souders Greathouse c .. : ... 4 2 1-1 9 made a field goal. Davis fouled Pugh g · · · · · · · · · · 4 3 0-3 6 Bailey who again missed his mark .. Bailey g .... · · .... 3 0-0 2 Sheeley came in for Pugh. Bailey Handley f · · · .... . 1 0-0 0 missed a field goal, but Handley fol- Sheely f · · · · ·.. . . . 0 lowed it in for two points. GreatTotal ........ 23 14 2-9 48 house, playing very hard, fouled Ph Davis. Davis made the try good. Bar- WESLEYAN FG PF Fr ret fouled Greathouse, but he missed Hedges f .......... 5 O 0-2 10 his shot. Staten fouled Bailey who Sounders f ........ 2 0-1 4 again missed his free throw. Bailey Barrett c . . . . . . . . . 1 3 1-2 3 fought for the ball off the bank Staten g . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 f-1 3 board and was awarded with two Davis g ........... o 2 2-2 2 points. Greathouse fouled Staten Price f . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 2-6 12 who made his try goodi. Hedges made Burroughs g . . . . . . 3 0 1-2 7 a long shot and Barrett soon made another. Peru took time out. GreatTotal ......... 17 8 1-16 41 house drove in for a set-up which was Referee-Adams, Omaha u. good, he was fouled on the play. The basket counted, but he missed his free throw. Price came in for Bar- Red Cross Exams rett. Halladay made two points and Given J>eruvians Pugh followed with two more. Hedges American Red Cross life-saving and made a long one. Pugh again tallied first aid tests were given on the Peru with an overhead shot. Halladay State 'T'eaocr.ers Co1lege campus thi$ made two points after a neat bit of week by Mr. H. Baker who also conpassing between Handley and Halla- ducted a life saving examiners training day. Halladay fouled Price who course. Stn-ients who qualified for the missed his shot as the half ended. first time and passed the tests were Score Peru 22-Wesleyan 20. Second Half. Greathouse again controlled the tip but the ball went out of bounds and Wesleyan took possession. Burroughs took a pot-shot, but missed. Peru took the ball off the bankboard and went the length of the floor. Greathouse was fouled as he missed the goal. Greathouse missed both of his gift throws. Hallaway stopped a Wesleyan pass and recovered the ball. Hallaway made the first basket of the second1 half as he made the net dance with a twopointer. Handley fouled Davis. bavis missed. Handley tried for a set-up on a fast drive, but the ball rolled off the hoop. Pugh fouled Price as he tried for a basket. Price made one of the two free throws. Greathouse made another of his overhead shots. Hedges sank a high one for Wesleyan

Maxine Metcalf, Beatrice; Stella Rogge, Hot Springs S. D.; Keith McHugh, Pawnee City; John Boyer, Bridgeport; Bernard Baiisas, Omaha. Those who renewed examiners certificates were Miss Phyllis Davidson, director of physical education for women; Joel Punches, Wymore; Roy Kellogg, Nebraska City and Elmer C'larey, Bellevue.

Doane-Hastings Trip i\1ade By Ten Men Ten players made the trip to Crete and Hastings last week. They were: Halladay Witty Greathouse Sheely McCormick Handley Bailey Pugp Mosely Majors.


Hastings and Doane Are Latest Victims The undefeated Bobcats swept Doane and Hastings into the waste basket lb.st week. Friday the Cats defeated the Doane team 53-48, and Saturday they measured Hastings 56-33. The return of McCormick bolstered the Peru team on their first road trip. Mac collected 22 points at Hastir..gs and 14 at Doane. The Doane game f9und Peru l:fanding Doane its first Nebraska defeat. the Bcbcats led all the way and chec';ing a belated Doane rally in the last half. Mccormic;( and Hallady collected 14 points a piece; as did Kristufek and Belka of Doan. Saturday night the Hasting Bronchos proved already saddle broken and the Cats breezed to a victory. McCbrmick and Halladay again led the scoring, while Marvel and Overturf were Hasting's ·chief threats. DOANE 48 FG FT PF Kristufek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 2 Reeves, f ................ 3 3 2 4 Belka, c ................ 7 0. 2 Cherry, g ................. 2 0 4 Sloey g .... , ............. 2 0 Norton g ................ 1 1 Reidf .................. o 0 o o Baker f .................. O 0 o Griffli_lls f .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 0 0 O Lidolph g ................ 0 0 21 16 15 FG FT PF

PERU 53 Halladay f . .. . .. . .. . .. . . Greathouse f .. . .. .. .. .. . McCormick c .. .. .. .. . . .. Bailey g ................ Pughg ................... Mosley f ................ Totals


:;Petu Faces "Has Beens" In This Friday's Tilt



,,,. ,,,.

4 4 6

o o

6 2

-1 3

2 0




1 3





HASTINGS · FG FT PF TP Richendifer ........ 3 O 3 6 Overturf . . . . . . . . . . 4 o 3 3 Marvel ............ 2 1 2 5 Trupp . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 O 4 4 Todd .. , .. .. .. .. .. . 2 o 2 4 Grant ............. 1 O o 2 Fuller . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 o o 2 McLaughlin . . . . . . . . 1 o 1 2 Hopp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o o o o o Hein .............. o o o Total ........ 16



This Friday finds the Bobcats completing the semester by frolicking with a team of "has beens." Said "has beens," from past experience, promise to give Baller"s boys a stiff workout. Friday night will be your chance to see those graduates whose name& are history at Peru. Seniors can ..become "young" again as they watch their old favorites sprint up an1i down the floor. For fun and enjoyment we advise you to attend the game between Peruvians of this year and Peruvians of other years. The graduates this year will find they are up against one of the strongest teams in Peru history. A well-balanced team; a tall team; a fast team and a. fighting team. So far this team has not met defeat. Sport writers predict one defeat during the season. Let's hope they are wrong-we want an undefeated season. From now on the team is at full strength, as Mcintyre, Miller and Dean will be eligible next week.


world-Herald. We are sorry Caesar is leaving m we will miss him. As is, Caes, ke on hitting the line--the Ped and c1 lege are wishing you luck.

TAKE OVER, CAESARThe style of basketball display at the Wesleyan game indica1 another white sweater year for t Peruvians. Handley handled hims1 very well for a freshman in colle competition for the first time. Mc aey, Hal-laday, Pugh, Greathou: Bailey, and Sheeley also played t brand of ball required of a champi1 team. SOME PUDDINGWho was it that said "if somebo1 would mh: McCormick and Sheel together you would have two perfe sized men"? What if Sheeley wm; PERU FG Fr PF lP get Slim's feet? Halladay .. .. .. . .. . 6 2 O 14 UP IN THE AIRGreathouse . . . . . . . . 4 1 9 "Slim's" main hobby these days McCormick . . . . . . . . 9 3 2 21 model planes. He built a spee· Bailey .............. O o 3 o little craft which was quite a delig Pugh .. .. .. . . .. . .. . O 2 to all the kids at the Christian hou: 11 "Spec" Nelson was almost ejected · Mosley ............ 4 3 2 o his ear when he threw the wing aw 0 0 Witty . " . .. .. .. . .. . 0 o accidently. Sheely ............ o 0 0 O LETTING THE CAT OUTHandley .. .. .. .. . . O 0 0 0 0 0 Well dear readers, I guess this Majors . .. .. . .. .. .. 0 about the last time I will be writi ~6 the "Cat Cage". I will miss it. I ha 10 10 Total .. · · .. .. .. 23 had lots of fun wiiting the lit script and I hope you have enjoy reading it. CATS CAGE Somebody has to work. We ca: By Junius Mccowan all be school teachers, so I am taki this opportunity to cram. If ever EDITOR'S LITTLE SAYthing goes well I may be back ni Junius "Caesar" Mccowan, our year, but that is immaterial a sports editor, has been a solace for aside from the point. your editor's feelings, Caesar always I believe "Ducky Wucky" Shee has had his copy in on time; is origi- will be the new sports editor and nal to the nth degree and is always am sure he will do better than ready to follow a lead. \ Please help him as you did me. Caesar wrote from the standNorman Littrell was the real e 1 point of an athlete. He earned his 1 tor of the whole paper. He cove1 "P" by playing full back on the '36 the sports, wrote many of the artic football team. His "Cats Cage" and and really did my work for me. play-by play accounts have given you have enjoyed the sport page t the Pedagogian through sports cover- year remember Norman was behi age. He has beell' quoted by the it all. So long.

Peru State Teachers College Peru, Hebra~ka Basketball Schedule


Jan. 11 WESLEYAN, here Jan. 14 Doane, there Jan. 15 Hastings, there Jan. 22 ALUMNI, here (Not a Budget Event)

Jan. 28 MIDLAND, here Jan. 29 WAYNE here Feb. 1 Midland, there Feb. 4 DOANE here Feb. 5 HASTINGS, here Feb. 9 Nebr. B, there (4 p. ti)..) Feb. 10 Kearney, there Feb. 11 Nebr. Wesleyan, there

Feb.18 KEARNEY, here Feb. 19 YORK, here Feb. 22 HASKELL INDIANS here Mar. 4 Wayne, there




That alumni and former students of Peru are enjoying the Peru Hour is Hello folkses! shown by the fan mail which Jerry I have a little news here that will Snyder, student director of the proprobably interest a lot of youse guys gram receives each week. that may have been hankerin' to put There are five alumni scattered somethin' over on the FAIR sex. Sun- over Nebraska and Iowa who, by day morning Unkie ventured up to the request, have been sending in their dorm all bright andi early and fc;1ind comments of the program of each that all the gals up there not only week. did'nt know what the score was, but However these are by no means they were willing to admit it. (verily the main part of the fan mail. things have come to a frightful pass.· For instance Luceen Magg, stur1. · 1 DID'NT YOU NOTICE THAT::: ent of last year ,writes from Omaha: The second victory dance seemed Oongratulations! I ce:rtainly enjoy awful!y quiet without the little Higgins hearing your familiar voices on the House boys? air every Tuesday night." The senior gals were sure relieved From Lincoln, M. A. Sands writes: at the general response to Jack's invltation to the crowd to invite them tc "We listen in on your program Tuesday night. Was impressed stay. (What if the crowd had'nt re- every by last night's performance." sponded Woo Woo!) Now lets have some puns about the Dorm dance-. The first I heard about it was w rn Renner dropped in and said they we1'e going to JOE-Knoflicek didn't know WEBBER they'd make it or not, but, Henderson Raid WILBER there if J can find him. SIMS like Metcalf and Searle were hostesses-at least 'Nita kept BOBBING in and out. Somebody right next to me said" I see Ruthie's r,Y'ITON Hienke take Donahoe," I did'nt quite get the answer, but it sounded like, "Yes, and is'nt it FINNY, there's Gracie with Shadow." Fritzy Wolter arrived singing, "Good evening FRANS!" and I heard Dick say "I saw Wilson this afternoon, guess I'll TURNER 'round and go with Parli tonight." Benson and Barney seemed to be on the ventilati11g committee and the BARISAS were terrific. (Editor's Note -So are your puns?) After it was over I heard Prich say "Oh yes, I had a JERRY fine time," To which Carmine replied, "Me too, MORT the merrier." EUREKA ! ! UNKIE.



Violins Featured Friday's Convo

Although Leonard Bell's Peru Bobkittens finally gained a 25 to 21 decision at Nebraska City Friday/ nig·h.t, Bill Ossian's N. C. H. S. kids perked up a bit from previous performances and the result kept a capacity crowd in Junior High gym on its feet during the last two quarters. Playing their best game of the season, Nebraska City started slowly but finished with a bang. Only the eagle eye of a stocky guard named Pugh kept Nebraska City from a victory. Pugh caged four f).elders when the Kittens needed them badly in the second half. With Adair,s <tnd Le~,hy showing the way, the Kittens took an early lead, saw it whittled into a 4-all deadlock at the end of the first quarter and tl:u. ' pulled away to a 15 _9 margin at intermission after Nebraska City once held

The more serious and lighter moods in the music of Lucile Renner, Mildred K11oflicek and Vivian McKimmey entertained convocation goers F'l iday Jan. 14.

The piano numbers played by Miss McKimmey were "Romanza" Mozart and "Nola" by Arendt. Prof. V. H. Jindra introduced the musicians and Rev. B. F. Parnell was in charge of the devotional.


Guaranteed Shelton Permaner'.s Waves-Ardyth's Beauty Shop.

a one-,point margin.

Refreshed by the rest period a rejuvenated Nebraska City quintet took to the floor for the second half. While the de·fense held the hard-driving Peru kids to four points, Eglsaer, Williams and Kastner began the overhauling process. Williams, celebrating his return to the lineup, contributed a fielder and a gift toss when Leahy fouled him. The pace quickened at the start of the final quarter, but stellar defensive play by both clubs kept the ·first four minutes scoreless. Metz broke 100~0 for a dribble-in to slice the margin to one point. Then Pugh began his game-winning spree, although it was a scoring duel between him and Carpenter, Nebraska

Check Requests For Teaching Combinations

Life is worth going on when one1. Notes at the Wesleyan basketball game certain faculty members yipping · and yazooing it up for the team. 2. Knows there is still some modesty left as long as Paul Knapp is about. 3. Has a teacher announce "Don':. worry about this exam-it won't dent your grade one bit." 4. Hears Louise Mathews· dog murder story. We'd like to take a toll of how many Peru students use the paper reduc·· tion method for study. That is-writing everything one must know on a piece-abbreviate to write on a smaller onec.....rand by the time the paper is down to a confetti size-viola! it is learned. Campus Types-springing up. 1. Pep Squad girls with slightly bruised knees-and we thought a.1 army marched on its stomach. 2. Historical Hysterical Geography students with "paint brush arm." 3. Skaters who carry clubs and chase a small pebble about. Professor Gerald Fitcher-possesion -one Dale Carnegie techniqued ,"hello". Professors Freeman, Metcalfe, Searle -possession-one dance for posterity entitled "Man going up mountainside." Possessors Renner and Knofliceknossessions-a couple of sweet and hot

The violin numbers played by Miss Renner and IVTiss Knoflicek were tht first movement of Bach's "Double Concerto" for two violins, Viela, "'Jig" and "Goofus".

D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebraska Jerry Snyder says that he believes City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Only the sharpshooting of, Lynn the Peru Hour pays because it adEglsaer kept the Nebraska City in the Glasses stted. Phone 144.-Professionvertises and !,:eeps the alumni int~r­ al Card. ball game. Lynn counted seven of tl.1 ested in Peru. nine Nebraska City points in the first The soundness of his belief is half.

shown by a letter from Reta King, now in Crab Orchard, Nebr., which said in part:: "I certainly have enjoyed your broadcasts. Almost seems as if 1 were in Peru again." All those who have taken part b the broadca8t should take spe~ial note of this letter from Mrs. Agnes Johnson of Omaha: "Congratulations on the fine program. The reception is very clear and each artist is to be commended on his fine performance." However appreciation is not limited to former students of Peru. J. c. Rapp, operation manager of KMA writes in behalf of the Earl E. May Seed Co.: "Please extend our compliments for the fine programs you have turned out." Also, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bartling of Nebraska City write, "We listen to the Peru Hour with great interest and pleasure." Boost the broadcast; it is making friends for Peru.

w 0 0


PERU LUMBER CO. Phone 48 DR. GLEN H. JODER Surgeon and Physician Res. 39

Milstead Corner Phone Office 33

BUREAU The professional solution to your teaching employment jlrob-

lems. 1000 per cent increase in teacher placements last year. Better PositionsIowa - Nebraska 927 W. 0. W. BUILDING OMAHA

"BIG MUDDY CHIEF" Corn Sheller An efficient, up to date, machine built for those who use improved and modern methods of farming. TI1is sheller is quick and 100% efficient. Designed especially for the farmers living around and near Peru.


Phone 201

City forward. Pugh sank a CO'''ler shot and Carpenter, came back with a free throw. Pugh counted on a long try and Carpenter caged an unr1er· basket attempt.. With the score 2123, Pugh caged his last bucket just before the game ended.

with the 7 different types of grease that are necessary to a

Shampoos-Ardyth·~ Soft Water Beauty Shop. Phone 223.-Adv.

Let us save on your gas bill.

As the end of the semester draws

near more and and more prospective • • • • • • • • • • • • • • We Serve to Save. teachers of the Peru campus are wondering what their combination of majors and minors should be. It is inTHUR. FRI. SAT. 20, 21, 22 teresting· to note what Prof. R. D. l'vLrSONA RENIE itz, director of th.; University teacher -INplacement bureau, has to say on t'ie Call for and Deliver "THIN ICE" subject. Through careful checking of staJanuary 23-24 tistics for the last school year ProfesWilliam Powell & Myrna Loy sor Moritz finds tha~ only about 25 per cent of the calls received by the bureau required the candidate to teacn just one subject, where as 29 per cent of them demmded that the candidate teach at least two different subGuy Kibbee - Cora Witherspoon 1, jects and 17 per cent of the calls three or more different subjects. ! What are the subjects most frei1s quently called for by Nebraska school board and superintendents? ___ ·¥¥_!- ' The combinations most frequently in demand today are first, English and "It's Clean if We Clean it" }!, music; second English and Latin; -= third science and athletics; fourth, SERVICE AND QUALITY mathematics and athletics; and fifth, Peru Cleaners & Tailors It's a business mathematics and science. Phone 62 We Call & Deliver "As a matter of fact salaries that were paid this year did not exceed We take subscriptions on any those of 1936," says Professor Moritz. "Those who secured appointment earmagazine published in America, ly received an advancement over that of the preceding year, but with adFOR MEN'S QUALITY Give us your renewal. verse weather condit1~ns and prospects of other crop failures . late elec-

• '~ekers." "sq 1 Possessors-Dorm girls-possessions-I tions were generally made with no noTransformers-and we don't mean the ticeable increase in wage scale." 1888 kind. Vivian McKimmey, Leora Libhart, Lucile Renner and Mildred Knoflicek LUDWIG BELLS ARRIVE The Ludwig tuned bells have arrived presented a program of piano, vocal for the rythmn band. Those who are and violin numbers at the Women's interested in rythmn band work see Club meeting Thursday afternoon January 13, at Auburn. Professor Benford.

Peru Theatre

Pryor Garage Phone 77


"0~~:.~:w::DING" 1 ~ NOT AGAME! "B~~SHOT"







Wessel's Nebraska City





Thirty-One New Students Register For Second Term



Bath Entertains

disease-syphilis," he stated. "The number of cases of this is three times as great as that of infantile paralysis, and five times as great as that of tuberculosis. It is easier to treat than either. "People hide their eyes at t!ie mention of sex, but there is nothing .ibout it indecent or vulgar, except for tne abuse of it, just as their is indecency in abuse of anything. Sex, itself, is holy, and sacred. "There are three venereal disea~es in Nebraska: soft ulcer, gono!Thea and syphilis. In the tropics there are more. One of these will not develop into another, but it is possible to have two or more at the same time. "If it were not in respect for the feelings of the survivors of the dead, syphilis would lead all diseases as a killer. It causes blincliness, deafness; it attacks the liver and the spleen; it causes many of ths so-called heart diseases and sofetening of the brain. "Every year there are fifty thousand of still-born infants due to the i'tffiiction of the parents with syphilis, and 100,000 who are blind or deaf. Eighty-five per cent of expectant mothers who do not have treatment have children who are in some way abnormal. "Syphilis can be cured," he declared. Dr. Zirnmeror concluded the lecture by showing a group of pictures of syphi!is.

Maxwell's Articles Appear in Print

A series of articles written by Dr. Maxwell have been published recently in educational magazines. He has written the articles on the problact The high school is following a method of solving action problems. A scheme this year in which each teacher preliminary study was made and pub·makes out his own report form. This lished in the October issue of Educaquarter they are being mimeographed tional Administration and Supervision called "Student Activities in Educainstead of hectographed. tional Courses." A sequel to this article, although it was printed previous to the above article in the September issue of The Journal of Experimental COLLEGE CALENDAR Education, was entitled "Solving Prob· Calendar Schedule for Week of !ems of Action: A Proposed ProceedFebruary 1 me for the Solution of Practical Problems." The third of the series, deFebruary 1scribing the method in which Dr. MaxY. W., Y. M., C. C. A., 7-8. well conducts his problact classes, will Broadcast, 8:30 to 9:00 p. m. soo~ be published in the Educational Midland there. Administration and Supervision. February 3 Freshman Clubs, 7-8:00 p. m. College Band Features Dramatic Club, 8-9:30 p. m. Peru Broadcast Hour February 4Eagle vs. Peru Prep, 3:00 p. m. Doane Here, 8:00 p. m. February 5Hastings Here, 8:00 p. m. All College Dance 9:30 p. m. February 6 W. A. A. "P" Club, 10:30 a. m. Crawdads, 7-8:00 p. m. Alpha Mu Omega, 7-8:00 p. m. 'I'ri Beta 8-9 :00· p. m. Music Club 8-9:00 p. m.


The College Band provided an hour concert for a midwinter budget event and a broadcast, last Tuesday, January 25, in the College Auditorium. The program included a vocal solo by Leora Libhart joined by a chorus composed of Professor Benford's music classes and accompanied by the band. Student directors displayetl the~ abilities by directing the band through Eeveral nun1bers.

While in Boston, he visited many historical places, among these were Bunker Hill, Concord and Lexington. He also journeyed to Yale University ·and to the Cemetery for Poets in cambridge, Mass. He saw the Annapolis Naval School and the army in "dress parade" at West Point Military Academy. · Mr. Bath traced his route on a large map of the United states.

SLUGGISH BOBCATS PUSH PAST MIDLAND Warriors Prove Tough for Peru A small but fast Midland team made the Bsbcats turn on the heat Fric,ay, January 28. The Bobcat quintet finally winning a 37-27 victory. Midland harried the tall Peru 1)0\Jad so had. tb,at Cpach ~aller W[!S forced to send in his second five. This five, composed of smaller players, secured a lead which they later turned over to the starting five. Bob Halladay led the scoring, with Mosley, Greathouse and McCormick all collecting a few. Acting Captain Pugh gave a fine demonstration of how a guard should play his position-otherwise the Bobcats looked like a band of wet Cats. Box score: FG FT PF TP PERU Greathouse f ........ 3 1 1 7 Halladay f\ .......... 4 2 3 10 McCormick c ........ 2 3 1 7 Pugh g .............. 0 1 1 1 Bailey g ............ 0 0 1 0 Mosley f ........... .4 0 1 8 Miller g .. , .......... 0 0 3 0 Dean g .............. 2 0 0 4 Mcintyre f .......... 0 0 0 0 WI·tty C ............. 0 0 0 0 Cowell f ............. 0 0 0 0 M . aJors g ............ O 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ TOTAL 15 7 11 37 MIDLAND FG FT PF TP Peterson f ...... '. ... 2 0 2 4 P. DeFreese f ........ 3 2 1 s o K. De Freese c ...... O 0 1 6 Smagary g ........... 3 0 1 1 Adams g ............ 0 1 2 2 Meaders f ........... 1 0 2 Schultz f ............ 1 2 0 2 i; Harriet g .......... Q 1 1 1 Brock f .............. 1 1 1

New Student Directory Passed Out Monday


Y. W. and Y. M. Goers

"Dutch" Lorbeer, formerly a member of the Peru faculty and head basketball coach immediately preceeding Coach Baller, was recently made the Withdrawals Find number one scout of the Detroit TigS~ _ · iILIS SUBJECT Thirty-two Leaving er baseball club. His duties take him OF HEALTH TALK New fares dotted the campus and to many parts of the country seeking many friends were divided as the Syphilis-the killer of mankind- out aspiring young players with pos-

man class are: J.V"us. Gladys Anderson, Peru; Edward Arnold, Verdon; Jerome Barnell, Columbus; Ed Cerveny, Reynolds; LeRoy Durst, Elk Creek; Leis Fey, Nebraska City; Maxine GeigH, Waco; Wilda Goings, Peru; Zelma Harshbarger, Humboldt; Sare11e Hauptman, Peru; Ellensena Jame~, Lincoln; Julius A. Johnson, Auburn, E. Leota Kerr, Humboldt; Ross Organ, Edgar; Virginia Pope, Auburn; Gwendolyn Reed, Auburn; Richard Sevec·Jon, Ord; Roberta Wert, Elke Creek; Willam Whiae, Beatrice; Roland Cinn.:i, Peru. The upperclassmen are: Mary Louise Acord, Riverton, Iowa; Paul Blair, Clay Center; Evelyn Dell, Beatrice; Kiel Eltiste, Johnson; Marlyn E·.>glahl, Ong; Clara Eyre, Omaha: Bernard Goerke, Burr; c. Ray Horton, Salem; Irene Jones, Red Oak, I;iwa; Ianey Mil>tead, Peru; Dorothy Mu!!en iumboldt. Those withdrawing at the end of the emester were: Dale Bridgewater, Hobert Clarke, Robert Davis, David Duey, John Dustin, Esther Flies, Elizabet•t Glosser, Ruth Hess, Clara Jeffries, P'.lul Knapp, Junius Mccowan, June Massey, Lulla Massey, Paul Miller, Onile·J Nincehelser, Elizabeth Nixon, Bessie Novotny, Delbert Parriott, Jeanne P~r.s­ ers, William Platenberg, Vivian Ra ,., Loah Risdon, Anna Samek, Jos;phine Shackleton, Wilber Shields, Eva Grace Hackett, Jennive Vasey, Anna Wiles, Evelyn Williams. Avis L. Culbertson and Mary Dalla; Harris were gTanted degrees, and Dorothy Eckard was granted a two .year diploma.


A travelogue was given at o joint meeting of the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday evening by Mr. J. A. Bath, supervisor of Junior high school teaching in the Training School. Last summer, Mr. Bath made an extensive tour of the eastern part of the United states, which included visits

ages of 12 to 21 years. Boys are admitted to this school by application. They have facilities here to train men in any vocation. When students have completed their course in this institution they are capable of taking a position in their special field. On being graduated the boys are given a wardrobe and 100 dollars. Radio City, which is located in New York, was of special interest to Mr. Bath. He told how the various radio programs were broadcast and how sound effects were developed. "Radio City Music Hall is the largest and most beautiful theater in tne United States," said Mr. Bath. He visited Washington D. C., the White House, the Capital, Lincoln Memorial, Mount Vernon, Washington Monument, the Smithsonian InstiBeaumont club in the Texas league, and busines manager of all th3 Detroit farms. "Dutch" has been an active member of the baseball world for many years. He began his march to baseball heights while on the college team at Hayes, Kansas. He was then bought by the Detroit organization and later was promoted to the position of player-manager of the Beaumont club. Success in this position boosted h.im, in 1936-37, to manager of the Sioux City, Iowa, and Molene, Illinois clubs respectively.

Y. W. C. A. Headed By Leona Libhart Leora Libhart was elected president of Y. W. C. A. for the year 1938 at an election Wednesday morning. Miss Libhart is well krtown on the Peru campus for her ability in the field of music. The other officers elected were: Vice Presdent .......... Laura Baum Secretary . . . . .. . .. Eula Redenbaugh Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . Evelyn Freeouff The officers named above and the new cabinet, which will be chosen soon, will be installed in an initiatory service at the next meeting.

Kappa Delta Pi p on der Kant T eory

BREEZE PAST WAYNE Peru Continues Winning Streak

starting quintet. Coach Baller used his players with freedom, playing his starting five a little over half the game and allowing most of his boys to see a little action. The Bobcats followed hard and shot often in the finest game they have played on this court during the present season. McCbrmick proved his value to the team by playing Lingen·· felter to a draw-both centers looked the class of the players participating in the fray. Greathouse garnered 19 points to lead the scoring while Halladay grabbed 15. Mosley injured his ankle early in the g·ame and managed to hobble for only 3 free throws. Cunningham and Retzlaff looked good for Wayne. Retzlaff managing to sink 9 straight free throws, but became nervous on number ten and missed. 'I'he game was broadcast over KMA. Box Score: PERU FG FT PF TP Halladay f .......... G 3 3 15 Greathouse f ..... , .. 6 7 1 19 McCormick c ........ 3 3 2 9 Pugh g .............. o 0 4 0 Bailey g .............. 1 1 4 3 Mosley f ............ o 3 0 3 Dean g .............. O O 1 Mcintyre f .......... 1 o 2 Miller g ............. 1 O 3 Witty c .. . .. . .. . . . . o O 1 Handley f .......... 0 O O Majors g ............ o o o Cowell f ............ O o o _ _ _ TOTAL 18 17 21 WAYNE F\} FT PF Cunningham f .... , .3 o 2 Marshall f .......... o 2 2 Ling·enfelter c ....... 4 1 2 Bradford g .......... 1 1 3 Retzlaff g ........... 1 9 3 Murry f ............ O o o t Wa more ............ 0 2 o Davenport ........... 0 2 1 H ,,1,. amterc~e , ......... (J () 2 Bader ............... 0 o o Ahearn .............. o o o JohnsoE. ............. 0 o o

O 2

2 Q


o o _ 53 TP

6 2

9 3 11

o 2 2

o o o o

TOTAL 9 17 15 35 "Would you ever tell a white lie?" The members of Kappa Delta Pi ponSwimming will be the physical edudered this and other weighty matters cation course given the ninth grade at their last meeting, January 17. The program was in charge of Glema boys this quarter. Miers and the discussion, a criticism of the Kant theory, was led by Elaine PERU HOUR Shafer. Kant would make no excepTuesday, February 1, 1938 tions from moral laws for individuals. What is wrong for people in general Theme song. to do is always wrong for each person, Violin Quartet no matter what the circumstance. Mildred Knoflicek, Lucille Wary silences were maintained by 11 Renner, Mary Alice Vanderfew but at times the argument grew ford, Marjory Trenholm. ardent. A short business meeting and a voEducational Event cal solo by Helen Margaret Larson preTalmage High School ceeded the discussion. Refreshments Ped on the Air-Erwin Juilfs were served.

The Peru Pointer passed out the student directory for the second semester after convocation, Monday. The revised edition was attractively made up with a brown cover printed with red ink. All the names of the students registered for the second semester were added, and the names of those dropping school at the close of With Miss Marjorie West as superthe J1rst semester were left out. Many Charles Parnell spent the week end other interesting changes were made visor the ninth grade pupils are beginning Business Training this quarter. with Robert Weber in Humboldt. in the book.

Violin Quartet Theme song.


The Peru Pedagogian Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents.



Editor's Splurge

------------First in Speech True to its tradition (w1e: fOlrget which one) the Pedagogian branches out and tries something new (for one issue). Other college papers have been allowing the editor to run a little chatter column. So ye Ped editor takes his pencil in his paw and scribbles a little to show you why we don't have such a column.

I activ'.ties and sudent publications. It 1s human nature to put off until

Itomorrow that which can be done to-


day. Even if you cannot afford a 1938 PERUVIAN, by all means have your pict1ll'e in it. So many find out what they miss by not having a picture in the annual after it is too late. Have your picture taken NOW! Make the 1938 PERUVIAN your yearbook. Be "PERUVIAN Conscious"!




Book Worms, this week your diet is again easily digested. It includes ·' discussion of English paintings, a book STAFF of Western history, and a book of Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norman Littrell fiction. 1be fiction book is the only . Make-up Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bert Hall one carrying a 10 cent rental fee. Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Sheely "Conversation Pieces" by Sacheverell SitwellSponsor ................................ Miss Florence- Martin Mr. Sitwell sorts out and appraised Thorson Interview the many lesser men of the English NEWSWRITING CLASS Proves Interesting school of painting. The book :ac:ui::2,; Eleanor Nieman Russell Bailey (All names and characters are not If you were a census taker and ask;. ·,; Martha Clifton fictitious-libel suits patched1 up in ed j:lim his vocation, he would tell you, many charming paintings Bertie Boom Melba Obernolte still in the possession of Enr;ld·, , · '11Anna Louise Short 1940) (Pat Copyright Pending) Bert Hall Ruth Roberts "Teaching history." If you were an Hubert Johnson Edward Short Grace Hnizda Among Peru Hills. interviewer and asked him his avoca- ilies and still hang in the rooms for Mildred Williams Jean Wagner Frances Staley Take it fr?m me: don't !iv~ on .a hill. '! tion, he would say, "Reading history." which they were painted. Ole man wmd thmks he lives m my Peru, therefore, may be considered This attractive book is packed with room. I got up the morn of our snow- fortunate in having for its new asso- interesting comment. Very readable. IN THE BEGINNINGless blizzards to go to my 8:00 o'clock ciate professor of history, Winston "The Sod-house Frontier" by Everett Dick. The beginning of the semester finds the Pedagogian facing a (new semester first morning). Any-way Thorson. Mr. Thorson, who has lived in Min"A social history of the northern difficult situation. We have to put out the paper with a new Class I got up and found my hair-oil was who have had only two days instruction. However, we believe frozen. Now I have just allowed my- neapolis all his life, attended the Uni- plains from the creation of Kansas 'ielf a long-needed hair-cut and am versity of Minnesota. He has been and Nebraska to the admission of the that a little more work by everyone involved has made this edinow wearing my hair military style teaching in the University of Wiscon- Dakotas." tion presentable. \very short). Well I finally had to sin while doing graduate work in hisIt is a picture, a record and an ango to class with my curls messed all tory. By autumn he expects to have alysis of one of America's big advenRAMBLING THOUGHTSover my head. Moral-I've forgotten completed the thesis required for his tures. A very entertaining book. · Since exams are past, we thought a ramble through the library the moral and I can't read my writing degree of Doctor of Philosophy. This "Beat to Quarters" by Cecil Scott work is a biography of Freycinet, a Foresterwould be a fine way to garner knowledge. So at random we picked when it g·ets cold-so let it blow. French diplomat of the late nineteenth A sea story of the British navy in. up thoughts and quotations from various books. We are sure it Basketball RamblesI'm writing this instead of attend- century. the early nineteenth century. Horn-· would be worth your time to just browse through the library-for ing to my studies. Played intra-murMr. Thorson said that one of the blower, the son of a country doctor is wok what we found in a short time. als the other night. Some football greatest differences he has noted be- a man uncert<1in of his powers, of his game up there in that gym. Mr. Boy- tween the large universities and Peru technical skill and of the admira:ion FAMOUS QUOTATIONS er ought to be issued a football suit is the cordiality of the people in a of his men, but when he is p~t on a The advice Talleyrand "'0 ave to you~E> Thiers was "You wish to for year round use. · sma11 college. He also remarked upon spec1·a1 m1· = 1·0n he shows what he is Peru's basketball team ranges from the difference in weather, the lack of worth in a brilliant manner. rise: make enemies. We are the young Guard." Little McCormick to Lanky Sheely- snow and the heavy wind which A vig·orous, masculine piece of fic"Twelve miles from a Lemon," was the way Sydney Smith dewonder how they range in mentality greeted him upon his a1Tival last tion. scribed his Yorkshire country home. -the same? Tuesday evening. CARD OF THANKS "Straws show which way the wind blows" was a saying of John Around the AdWe ,wish to thank all who helped Selden. Do you blow with the wind-or do you follow your own Ad stands for many things-sugar Ganus-Jindra Feud and so thoughtfully expressed their desires and ambitions? and spices-whoops, off on English Lit- Over Chicken Dinner feeling·s durlng our recent bereaveJean Rousseau wrote of France words which could apply to erature again. In this case Ad stands ment. Whether a farmer's shot-gun dul:.ed America, "In the North the first words are "Help me," in the for the Administration building. Now Gerald Fichter that Miss Tear's sign has blown down, Charley Gabus' desire for a chic!:on Juanita Fichter South, "Love me." wonder what the Freshies. will do? dinner or Mr. Jindra couldn't run f:.st Mary Adeline Fichter When asked if he would instruct his daughters in foreign Ian· The Adminis.tration sign has also gone enoug·h to catch the old hen hasa'~ guages John Milton said, "One tongue is suffi«ient for a woman." with.the bre,e. , been solved. Anyhow the band didn't get its chicken dinner Saturcby. Tucked in the back of a book of quotations, we found that old Second in troubleJ. P. CLARK Which I will be if I don't stop. Nevertheless twenty-six loyal bailil detective phrase, "Cherchez la femme" or "Who is the woman." Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Office St. Columba of Ireland made a law keeping cows and women girl (oh yes, I Phone 109 away from the island of Iona, "For," he said, "where there is a cow, even r have one-I hope) informs me rection of Professor Jindra while vi~­ there will be a woman, and where there is a woman there will be that I write a worse letter than any sions of drumsticks kept up the rhymischief." of her ex-(shal! we say friends.) She thm says that I often ramble in my writIt all began when Charley overslept "IT PAYS TO LOOK NICE" DID YOU KNOWing. Sometimes I think she is right the Wednesday JY..1'.r.in~; eight o'clock RICE & THOMAS That the first Arbor Day celebration was held on April 10, 1872 and so for that reason I have never practice. But the music loving Mr. Barber Shop in Nebraska? before and won't again write a column Gabus couldn't forfeit that hour so he WE INVITE YOU DOWN of chatter to fill the editorial page. czJled out the rest of the band to help That the first Waffle Iron Patent was number 94,043? Under Joder's Office Oh well! It was fun trying. him make it up catu:".!l"Y morning. He That the first newspaper cartoon was designed by Benjamin '"'~n 'Jy inspired nil 1ne i;1us1cians by Fran1din on May 9, 1754? promises of a shicken dinner served by The first Newspaner Serial Story was "Religious Courtship" Mr. Jindra, who was promised one by KINGSOLVER by Daniel Defoe in ln9? MUSIC NOTES Mr. Gabus. And thereby hangs the tale LOOK FOR YOURSELF of the college band's first Saturday reBARBER SHOP hearsal. Bedford Entertains Below Barnes Drug Store We are sure that you did not know many of the above fillers. The members of the Methodist Freshman Clubs Council Meetings Why not brush up for Professor Quiz and Robert Ripley by seekChoir were entertained at the home The presidents and upper-class \ - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . . , . ing out some quotations and facts for yourself? You will find it of Professor and Mrs. R T. Benford sponsors of all the fre•hman clubs an interesting study, as well as being able to stump your friends. Wednesday evening. met in council with Miss Tear MonJn fact we believe in browzing as one of the ten lessons on "How Stardust Trio Sings day, January 17th, to discuss their · The Stardust Trio, composed of Mar- work of last semester and to make new to Become the Life of the Party." "A Mighty Good Place to Trade·• jorie Harris, Dorothy Coatney, and plans. Problems of administration Lucille Hazelton, sang several seree- were brought up and programs of acPERU LOSES TO BLANKtions at the Kiwanis meeting Tues- tivity suggested. We don't want to scare you, but the above might become a reality day evening. 1'hey were acrompa.nl.ed During this second semester, freshman girls may belong to two freshat the piano by Professor Benford. this year. After all we have won only our first few games, and man clubs and the boys to three, if Peru Singers to Joselyn _ have yet to face ten tough teams. The Peru Singers have been Invited Crawdads is one of them. Freshmen Basketball is an uncertain game-a championship team, which to sing at Joselyn Memorial, ?.fay K who are planning to join an addiFLOWERS FOR ALL tional club or to try them out for the we have, may lose several games when they are cold. Peru has Spring Trip llfaterializing OCCASIONS first time, watch the bulletin board The spring trip for the Peru Singers ;ts' strongest team in years-a well coached squad of tall, fast play· is gradually materializing. Propo®ed iprone though it may be) for notices ers. Yet a good team may catch them on an off night and admindates are April 10-23. The b~t of when and where meetings will be WE GROW OUR OWN ister a sound spanking. problem now is to arrange ·ttie ootes held. You say "Who?" Freshmen! there's a club for every so the chorus can sing in the ooous Well there is : · towns at times which are oon'fen!ent hobby and two new ones in the makNearly 1200 miles will be cO¥ered in ing-a Reading Club and an Artcraft Doane-We had a tough battle at Doane, can we repeat? Nebt'. Nebraska City the 13-day trip. This i~ twiee the Club. Good times ahead! Wayne-Picked to be conference champs. mileage traveled last year. ------------------·------------· Hastings-Improving fast, as are Midland and Wesleyan. Baptists to Hear Geron e.:~~::#.:1:1:1::#.:-e::~~~~~:1.:1.:~v:1.:1.::~~:1.:1.: Then there is Nebraska B. We beat the Nubbins here, but now The Geron will sing Sund:ll.y eww'.ng we have to play at Lincoln. Can we husk them again? at the Baptist Church. The Sooth- 1 TAKE HOME A HAMBURGER F or news of future trouble for the Bobcats, keep your ears tuned eastern Baptist's Young Poopke's P.1Uly to listen for the sound of the war-whoop. Haskell is coming load· , will be held at that time. WE MAKE 'EM GOOD 00

Tl:: ;:v~::~ritic--My

:;~~er~o:x:~~e: h~;iru::::r~~e~~~l

The Mardis Store

Say HWith Flowers

Berthold Greenhouses


ed for Cat. YOUR ANNUAL? However, Peru has not been defeated yet. A fine coach, a How much interest do yl'.!u take in strong fighting team and a .yowling Bobcat student body should your school? That is a hard qtlllst.ion keep us undefeated. Win or lose-let's yowl with the Basketball to answer, but part of the a.nswer lies in the support you give to the student Squad.

Bus Cafe .. i


Watch the Bobcats Battle GILKESON'S ALUMNI LOSE TO BOBCATS Pu: ~Stumps "Dutc.i" Lorbeer Coach Glen Gilkeson, of the Peru Alumni basketball squad, found himself i.n n, quandry Saturday, January "~. E;oehind in scoring and was beL •' .·• " . bstitution. So he calmly col vec\ :; · impartially ordering his entire team. (They left Gilkeson on the bench to watch the water jug.) Referee Lorbeer sensed something was amiss, so with a stern and determined look on his face he blew his mighty whistle and counted noses. Lo and behold, there were only 10 players on the fioor-and five were blue class Bobcats. So, the game went on uilder the watchful eyes of Referees Lorbeer and Walker. Gilkeson shook hands with himself as his quick-thinking boys entered the game from their various seats among the spectators. Those who had hurridly sat in the pep section wished they had left their wives at home. However, their coach was grateful to see they were in the fray as soon as they could tear themselves away from autogra!}h seekers (in Peru?). For the first half the former stars showed their old fight, and held the Cats to a small lead of 7 points at half time. The second half proved to be a different tale. The Cats coming back \vith a very .fast type of game, which

soon began to tell on the older men. In order to stop the onrush, Coach Gilkeson cast hls entire squad of thirteen men upon the fioor but to no avail. The final score read, Bobcats 41, Alumni 27. After the game, lunch was enjoyed by those returning to see or participating in the game. Those alumni rturning to play were: Robert Punches, coach at Pawnee City. Wayne (Busl Moore, coach at Plainview. Robert Carmichael, assistant physical education director, Aurora. Homer Hatcher, assistant physical education director, Fremont. Chester Korber, coach at Superior Leslie Priefert, coach at Hubbell James Perdue, coach at DeWitt Melvin Ethington, coach at Fairmont. Roscoe Tolly, coach at Humboldt Wayne Weare, coach. at Hays Center, Kans. Tom Railsback, Peru Lenn Loken, Nebraska City Harvey Loken, coach at Nemaha Coach Glen Gilkeson, Peru.

This Week I

Bobcat Quintet to Face Doane and Hastings I Peru Fans to Have Exciting Week End

The week-end provides many thrills for those persons interested in basketball as the Bobcats entertain two of the strongest teams of the N. c. A. c. conference.

Durst Keeps Punching

Shiney Durst punched his way through the Freemont Golden Gloves By Glen Sheely I tournament and earned a position on the team representing Fremont at the Omaha tournament next week. Besides Pansies to Caesar winning his final match at Fremont First let me throw a bucket of pos- with a knock-out, Shiney was voted ies to Caesar Mccowan for a nice job the most popular pug in the tournament. of sports writing last semester. And now to get down to a bit of How About it? scribbling myself. Better stay in town and invite your So goes the Season friends in for the Doane and Hastings Another week passes, two more vicgames. tories chalked up, and Peru still has the only undefeated college team in the I . . state Th' ill b b Bobk1tten 16-Falls City 25 . 1s w e a usy week for . the boys with Midland tonight, and I The Falls City cagers put on a great Doane and Hastings here Friday and finish to hand the Peru Bobkittens Saturday nights, respectively. Mid- their second defeat of the season 25 land will be seeking revenge for last to 16 on the Falls City court January week's defeat and Doane and Hastings 21. Peru led at the intermission 11 to will bear watching, (especially Doane). 9. They continued to hold a two Reserves a Mile Deep point margin until the dying moments The reserve strength has been great-



Friday the Cats meet a powerful Doane aggregation. The Tigers boast a fine record of six victories compared to three defeats. One of the latter being handed them by Peru in an early season game. 'I'he chief threats for Doane are: Kristufek, forward, Belka, center, and Sloey, guard. The game promises to be a fast, highscoring, thrilling tussel. Don't miss it. Saturday, the Cats play a fast Hastings Bronco team. After getting off to a slow start in early season the Broncs seem to have hit their stride, and will undoubtedly be a difficult outfit to beat Saturday night. ly increased with Dean, Miller and Bobkittens 27-Eagle 25 Chief threats for Hastings ap!}ear to Mcintyre eligible and Buzz Cowell The Bobkittens presented a slow be Marvel, 6 foot 3 inch center and back in school this semester. sluggish offense as they defeated the Overturf, forward. Gilkeson and Football Eagle High quintet 27 to 25 at Eagle, Even though Gilkeson came forth January 18. Although Peru Jed most The seventh and eighth grade boys with a bit of new and novel basketof the game the half time score was will take chorus under Mr. Benford tied at eleven apiece. Bird of Eagle every Wednesday. The girls will con- ball coaching during the Alumni game, he is better known in connection wits collected the most points with 13 while tinue their chorus work on Fridays. football. "Gilk" was quoted by RobPugh of Peru was second with eight. Peru led 27 to 21


[ ert Phi!}ps in the World-Herald a fortrnght ago on the subject of abolishing· the huddle in football. For further particulars see the World-Herald or "Gilk."

of the game. 'Il1e last three minut~s

Falls City turned on the steam to score 10 points. Greenwald of Falls


city was high point man 1vith seven . pomt_s and Pug·h of Peru was runnerup :Vlth five. Falls City reserves scored a VJ~to.ry over the Peru reserves in the pre!Jmmary game.


4,/A(< s.~o::·-·

Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska Basket ball Schedule


Jan. llWesleyan, 4g.41 Jan 14 Doane, 53-48 Jan. 15 Hastings, 56-33 Jan. 22 Alumni 41-27 Jan. 28 Midland 37-27

Jan. 29 Wayne, 53.35 Hastings, Nebr., - Pictured are paced the Broncos to a co-champion· six lettermen and Coach Thurlo E. Don Overturf, the midget of the Bronco starters, ls ooiy five feet seven McCrady of the Hastings college basinches tall, but a f~.• sharp-shooting ketball team which will play at Peru forward who ~ paints. Bill college on Feb. 5. Trup, the thlld -~ returning Dick Marvel demonstrates the reach scored 140 poinlls ~ while Al attached to his six foot six and one- Hopp returns~- ·Ml. ~ guard half inch frame which made him aJJ- position after . . . lldl:ooI last state center last year. He scored 187 year. Mc~ ,_. :.Bn.rhaker were in 17 games last year as he both reserve~ iaU year.

Feb. 1 Midland, there Feb. 4 DOANE here Feb. 5 HASTINGS, here Feb. 9 Nebr. B, there (4 p. m.) Feb. 10 Kearney, there Feb. 11 Nebr. Wesleyan, there

Feb. 18 KEARNEY, here Feb. 19 YORK, here Feb. 22 HASKELL INDIANS here Mar. 4 Wayne, there

[TH E P ER U P E D A G 0 G I A N


How ja do! (courtesy Gracie Allen) What is so rare as a day in June?a snowstorm in Nebraska?-Peru winning the basketball conference title


I dunno who is taking Caesar's place

as sports writer but I do know we're going t.o miss him and :Us. (what are you gomg to do about it 1f I do say th· b d about you) column some mg a . · Advertisement: Build up your friends! Hire the "Three Squaw's" cheering section. They guarantee to give the genuine Peru Indian ye11 f or any or all of your friends, on demand or on sight. For references see: Mr. Dormitory Council Miller, Mr. Kappa Delta Pi Halliday and Mr. Alpha Psi Snyder. Lost and Found-If a certain Higgin's House dog will call at the desk in Eliza Morgan for certain personal p t I ft o one of the parlor dav roper Y e n enports, few questions will be asked. Changes in Location The Collin's house has 5 new Rats this semester. Mr. Dormitory Council has gone to 'the Dogs. The third floor Freshies have almost all moved to the first floor.

Freshmen Feature Scholarship Meeting ''The Minister's Call" a onJe act comedy, was the outstanding feature ·of the program presented by the freshmen members of Scholarship Club at its regular meeting Monday evening. t f th· 1 f lo'~sh:e cas or is Pay was as 0 1" Mamie ................ Phylis Benson A . J C"' dl nme .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ane uan er Mrs. Swan ........ Maxine Growcock Rev. Mr. Stearns .... Horace Rzehak A recitation, "Who Made the


Speech", was given by June Frans. Songs were acted out by various grotips.

- -1


I 1

Look Out FolksWhoa! Begin here! Read 'em and ·, weep: the advent of a new semester brings new classes, new people with difffferent faces, and a column that its propagator hopes will more adequately represent student opinions on this campus. Observed:



Peru Players Is Active Club

/ Robert Whitehand, of Iowa City whose short stories have appeared in rarious publications, among then: i "Best An1ori.~a11 Short Stories fol I' 1936," compiled by Edward J O'Brien. Competition information mav be I d f D k . .t • de· secure rom ra ·e umversi y 1 I partment of radio, Des Moines, Iowa! 1 1

I PERUVIAN CONSCIOUS [ ! f Peru Players, one of the. most 3·cFree Theater Ticketstive of the freshman clubs, provides its Last week Maxine Growcock and members with abundant opportunity Roy Lively received free theatre tickets to learn to act by acting. 'I'wo more groups--t:::o1oe oi .Lvr'se J\cattheW) anJ for snapshots they submitted to the J W . th 1 1 PERUVIAN. Each week the PERU- ean ar;iler-pu" or: err P ;>y< Thursday evening at the regular club i · VIAN gives two theater tickets for the I meeting. Louise's group portrayed 1 L'b C II SI' best snaps submitted during the week. a s 1 rary Cover Design Talk"Cold Water and Cash" while Jean's I • Ip The choice for cover design will be group "went to town" with "In the Pr~ve .Interestmg Spring A ! oung Man's Fancy". · 'Iowa1ds the last of the semester; made within a couple of weeks. AtThe president, Elaine Eddy, said that students are once again using the tractive d.esigns have been submitted library as a place to study by severnl cover companies, and somo- the club is planning a reorganization In accordance v,ith the . desire of of groups to take care of new memthing ne-.v and modern can be promis- bers, who will be coming in the sec- th e No r th c·entr al Associ·ati·on · to get ed for this yeat's PERUVIAN cover. ond semester. statistics on what t'rnes J,,., of books are. Interest Increasing Art exhibit .. .. .. .. .. .. no headboy checked out, and what percentage are The picture-taking for the second An Art collection of finger paintings, checked out by faculty and studeni···i _semester is in full swing. Many who fresco! work and one water color was respectively, a new kind/ of call sli indicated that they would have their on exhibit in the Art Department, a- must be made out by each student wh '. picture taken are still strangers to Mr. bove the library from January 25 to wants a book. Peterson's camera. The days remainThe new call slips are similar to t 2b. 1he rollection was borrowed frU!l' andfor pict\l':~ taking· are: Febr. 3, 7 Mrs. Frank Brnwr'.e of Omaha. form used at the University of Colou 10, and 14. do at Bouldei· Color"do Fresco! work is a dry color. It is , , " · At tl b · · f h d applied with a fr 't l.Jrush which gives ie egmnmg o eac ay, t Gehlin"_ Announces " :he effect of colo:·cd chalk. Finger call slips from the preceding day a Marriage Plans paint is a starchy paint applied to the carefully counted and arranged a The engagement of John Wm. Gehling, gTaduate of Peru State Teachers puµer, and the picture or design is cording to classes by the Referen , l'.rawn in with t.he fingers. Finger Librarian. It has been found t College in 1935, to Miss Fay Edna ps:nt is ·a·recently devised median for education, history and art books a, Early has been announced. The wedyoung children. the most frequently· checked out. F:: ding will take place Saturday FebruThe work was done by people ran.;- example, on one day, there were c!iec', ary 12 in Be·1erly Hills, California. ir·g from four yeacs of age to grown ed out 150 education books, 44 histo·. Mr. Gehling is employed in a seed professional artists. books and 28 art books, all on reserve; company at that place. , It has been observed that little rea


Alma (with that come get me look) Smith wearing a bright red hat that reminds one of a squashed pumpkin or of a certain part of a cow upside down -not the cow, either-Evelyn Freouff Bull-session-Female and Leslie (Junior) Oppenheimer in Unkie wandered up by tother day the "cl@rm" parlor-wonder what his and really goth the low down on lots big moment in Shenandoah would say - - - - - - - - - - - - - of things. For instance they think: -Also in the foursome, Grace Hnidza Mildred Richards is a good looking A FAIRY STORY and Harold Snyder-Blanche Freeman female who DOESN'T talk too much. By Ibid seeing Bill Mooney-Ben Sheldon's Nellie's Super-Service Station cercuddling Juliet having a big time in tainly needs some good stiff competihis absence-Stagging a daJ:'.Ce is great "Now is the time," Mr. Stec'.1; said, tion. sport when you don't "stag". "to talk of many things; of sugar c.na· Renner is certainly good-looking. Kid Stuff,' lolly-pops as well as 'Flapjack Fl, ops.' Modern dancing maketh maidens One hears these days of the forma- So with a lusty flip-flop, he turned a exceeding stiff. tion of another extra-curricular activi- s:•mmersault (mentally) and inviteGl Kay Samuel's little red radio is realty on the campus-which may gladden his Peru Singe:·s t'.l a "Flapjack Flop." ly a honey. the hearts of such advanced educators "Remember," daddy Flopper Steck Jane Orme can say some of the funas Prince Albert, et al-It travels un- said, to all his litt'e birds, "tais is niest things you have ever heard. der. the name of "Almagamated So- Dutch, so eqch must flop in his shein, '' Twitterbones is really a good gossip ciety for Putting the "Uumph" on the Now the altos brought the >ausage, column-says Twitterbones. End of Ones Boy Friends Kissess", or while th~ golden-voiced tenors brought Twitterbones is lousy-especially its the "Society for the Advancement of the syrup. the basses smoothed .their puns-says the campus. the Interests of Little Girls That Have way with butter and the director Heck writes Twitterbones. Big Rough Boy Friends"-like Gilk's flopped the cakes. Murphy writes Twitterbones. dormitory tackle, Speck-Organizers Alas, alack, with a flip and a ~\GIJ. Barney writes Twitterbones. of this worthy organization include the sopra'1ns and pinnists cried for Littrell writes Twitterbones. Katherine Bartling (representing Pe- something to do. So kind-hearted Crone writes Twitterbones. ru's UPPER crust) as president, Phyl- "Flopper" let the sopranos s ;t the Werner writes Twitterbones. lis Benson as business manager and table and the pianist; .vash tbe dishes. I thank you, Unkie. Marjorie "Babyface" Trenholm as mis------P. S. I write Twitterbones. College Basketball tress in charge of demonstrations.


ing is done excepting that which ' required. The largest total of books RADIO CONTEST be checked out on one day is 513. Drake university department of Tvliss Glosser states that the stude; radio announces its second annual body and faculty are co-operaf ' radio playwriting competion. Scripts ?ery nicely with the new system. may be submitted at any time until the close of the contest on March 15, Word from Mrs. Inice Dunning a 1938. Fifty dollars in cash prizes 8,re nounces that she has left the hospi t offered for the best original radio in Alliance and is at the home of h plays submitted . mother. She is recovering rapidly. DRAKE SPONSORS


First prize is thirty-five dollars, a second prize of ten dollars >1nd a third of five dollars. The competition is open to both amateur and professional writers of the United States. Scripts should play either 13 or 26 minutes. Edwin G. Barrett, director of the department of radio, in announcing the competition states: "It is our desire to encourage young writers to make a serious study of dramatic writing for the medium of radio. Certainly, progress has been made in this field. "Radio both limits and broadens In Full Swing the opportunities of the dramatic The second round of the intramural 1NTiter. I believe the truly great radio race was completed Saturday morning. play in the future may be performed:, The game scores of the second round not just once, but again and again, follow: ' by networks and individual stations." Dahlstroms 48, 8th Wonders 15 Winner of last year's contest was Collins 26, Rieffs 19 Stags 36, Higgins 27 Collins 31, Parrish 28 Higgins 31, Rieffs 21 Weares 26, Alley Toms 18

They say:That Maxine Galbraith would dearDEBATE NOTES ly love to date Neil Good-That Sweenie broke the rules again with his Dopp-That the Purucker-Harbridge Peru debators are slinging it and affair has budded-That Ml!dred judging debates in a revival of debat- "Bashful" Parli and "Good Boy" Turing at Peru. ner are doing 0. K.-And some wonJudges at Auburn der why it is that Orville won't make rI'homas Chinnock, Mary Lizabeth his presence felt in public-That EldWerne1' and Ruth Crone judged a l-0cal red Douglas is committed to matrioratorical contes.t of the Auburn mony-date: this late Spring or Sumschools on Monday, Januarz 24. mer-That Rachel Hut was pacing Moore Keeps · Busy the floor Sunday afternoon and eveProfessor Moore judged the sub-disning-we wonder! trict contest at Tecumseh Wednesday Normy (the honorable editor) Lit- Thurs. Fri., Sat., Fehr. 3, 4, 5. and a debate at Auburn Saturday. trell's new lease on life is explained by ROBERT MONTGOMD'f Marysville Beckons M~rj Lammers visit to our fair cityIN The debate team plans to particiBob Blankenship selects his courses pate in the tournament at Marysville, LIVE, LOVE, LEARN on the basis of the number of skips Missouri, February 5. WITH he can take, and the serenity of the ROSALIND RUSSELL Charades Entertainclassroom-the better to nap when

Peru Theatre

Alpha Psi Members Using the titles of plays in playing charades, members of Alpha Psi held a social meeting at the home of Professor Moore on Wednesday night,January 19, 1938. A short business meeting was held and a reading was given by Mary Hanlon. The reading was taken from the play " Mary, Queen of Scots.'' Refreshments of doughnuts and hot grape juice were served. The prs8ibility of t'<tending library hours to 6 p. m.; of stimulating school spirit by organizing some enthusiastic yells; and of having a varsity dance at the end of the year, were a few of the questions pondered by the Student Advisory council


present-Prof. Thorson seems to have FEBRUARY 6-7 GRETA GA.Rim impressed his classes, and also P<•~ IN Harris-Incidently, Prof. Thorson reminds one of Boake Carter. CONQUEST Some WonderTUES., WED., FEBRUARY I-~ 1. Why the chapel bell can't be rung WILL ROGEIS when a team wins a game. IN 2. Why some student doesn't see that DAVID HAREM the school body wants and NEEDS a cheer leader-We've got something~~-~$-IillllillliilllllillllllliJl*$ why not yell about it? ._ 3. Where M. E. Murphy got that monkey suit she dances around in. "It's Clean if We a.n 4. How D. Prichard manages Jerry when the big interest from home arSERVICE A~D Q'C.tLn'Y rives early Sunday p. m. Peru Cleaners & Parting shot: "Man is the only animal that blushes -or needs to.''. Bye, Sally.





Surgeon and Physician · Res. 39

Milstead Corner Phom Office

"BIG MUDDY CHIEF" Corn Sheller An efficient, up to date, machine built for those who use improved and modern method of farming. TI1is sheller is quick and 101}% efficient. Designed especially for the farmers living around ~nd near Peru. H. RAY HAUPTMAN Phone 20~


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BOBCATS AGAIN TRIP MIDLAND WARRIORS Greathouse Heads Scoring with 13 The Peru Bobcats added number rune to their string of victories Tuesday evening by defeating the Midland Warriors, at Fremont. The first half provei!l to be slow and rather sluggish with neither team howing much on the defense or of-1 ense. However, with less than five minutes remaining in the game the cats turned on ·the heat to outpoint he Warriors 46 to 32. Greathouse, led the scorers with hirteen points, while McCormick gathered 12 and Halladay 11. Score at half time Peru 24, Midland 20. " PERU FG FT PF TP Halladay f .. .. .. . . . . 5 1 1 11 Greathouse f .. . .. . . . 6 1 0 13 McCormick c .. .. .. . 6 0 2 12 Pugh g ............ 1 2 2 0 3 Bailey g ............ 1 1 3 Deang ............ 2 O O 4 Mosley f .. .. .. .. . .. . o O 1 o Millerg ............ o 1 o 1 Mcintyre f .......... ·o o 1 o Cowell f .. .. .. .. .. .. o O O O Totals 21 4 10 46 MIDLAND ........ FG FT PF TP P DeFreese .. .. .. . . 1 o 2 2 l:'eterson . . . . . . . . .. . . 1 1 1 3 Harrier ............ 2 2 3 6 ·smagacz ............ 1 2 0 1 Adams ............. O 0 0 2 Brock .............. 2 6 2 2 Schultz ............ 2 1 1 5 Echencamp . . . . .. .. 2 4 0 0 . 0 ' 0 Mier ................ 1 2 Larson ............. 1 0 0 2 Totals 13 6 13 32 TALMAGE STUDENTS ON PERU HOUR A group of students from Talmage Hig·h School journeyed to Peru. Tuesday evening and took part in the bT0adcast. The following numbers were presented: Opening-"Beautiful Savior", Girl's Sextette, Maxine . Shersted, Elenora Karspeck, Margurite Shersted, Esther Anne Meyer, Ethel Jaeckel, Marilyn Ritter. Accompaniment - Marcene Brehm. Little Prayer-Sextette. Cornet Solo-Clarke's Carnival of Venice, Mason McGee. Accompaniment--Margurite Shersted. Prayer Perfect--Girl's Trio, Maxine Shrested, Marguerite Shersted, Ethel Jaeckel.

COLLEGE CALENDAR February 8Y. W., Y. M., 0. C. A., 7-8 p. m. Broadcast, 8:30 to 9:00 p. m. February 9Girls Club, 7-8 p. m. Nebraska B-there. February 10Freshman Clubs, 7-8 p. m. Philo, 8 :00-9 :30 p. m. Everett, 8:00-9:30 p. m. Kearney, there. February 11Wesleyan, there. Dramatic 01.ub Business Meeting, 11:30 a. m. February 12Girls Club Costume Party February 14Class Meetings, 10:30 a. m. Crawdads, 7-8 p. m. Kind.-Prim. Clubs, 7-8 p. m. Epsilon Pi Tau, 7-8 p. m. Lambda Delta Lambda, 7-8 p.

MINK Debate Set For March 4 and 5 RESOLVED: That the several states should adopt a unicameral system of Legislation. This is the subject to be debated at the MINK Debate Toumament which is to be held on Peru's Campus on March 4 and 5. Thomas Chinnock of DeWitt is the student· manager of the Tournament Last year there were debate teams from most of the neighboring towns and this year it is expected that there will be a larger number entered. -----Added Library Hour P V l bl roves a ua e Peru students have been granted an additional hour to study in the library from five until six .P· m. After the Student AdVisory Council submitted the request to the president, a study was made of the hourly attendance in the library over a period of a month. Miss Peterson computed the following figures: 8:00 .................... 21.93 9:00 .................... 35.94 10:00 33.47 11:00 27.87 1:00 39.74 2:00 .................... 49.15 3:00 .................... 42.36 4:00 ................... 34.38 7:00 .................... 25.69 8:00 .................... 37.06 Before opening the library at that hour President Pate asked all those who would use it then to sign up, so that they ·.vould know if there were enough to justify keeping it open. Sixty-three indicated that they would take advantage of this oppor- · tunity. However, only twenty-five of those people had been in the library at that time by Thursday, but about fortytwo people altogether had been in both Tuesday and Wednesday. Others are finding that extra time unexpectedly advantageous. A num ber of appreciative remarks have been made about it. It is somewhat of an experiment to see how long that interest will last. In the meantime, instructors are expecting better prepared lessons. Christian Groups Plan For Conference "Listen!" "It's in the air!" Don't you hear " "Y. w. c. A. and Y. M. C. A. conference is coming!" Y. T. Wu, an eminent Christian youth leader, was the principle speaker in 1937. He had formerly served outstandingly for ten years in the Chinese Customs Service. Having been in this service that long he decided to devote his entire life to Christian service. Prominent mm _like Y. T. Wu give interesting talks each year. Instructions are given to the omcers concerning their work as leaders of the local groups. Peru State Teachers College will be host this year to the conference, which is held annually on the campus of some school in the state of Nebraska. Every Y. W. C. A:, and Y. Y.. 0. A. organization in the state is invited.


TUMBLING ACT "Stu" Baller Urges United Team Support Erwin Juilfs presented his rascals in a pep program at Friday's convocation, His rascals were composed of the college band under Jack Hazelton's leadership and the tumbling team of Flo and Joe. The band opened the program and were followed by a tumbling· act in which Flo (Clark Finney) from the W. A. A. and Husky Joe (Gilbert Purucker) from the physical education department figured prominently. With a ft.utter of feminine charms Flo introduced "Stu", who spoke of the basketball games of the week end. "What the boys do in the next week will in my mind determine just what kind of a team we have," he stated. "Denominational schools are giving their best wishes to Doane tonight for as yet no denominational college has won a game from a state college." "For the last four years," he continued, "Marvel 6' 6" giant of Hastings has competed with our own Dean McCormick, who stands 6' 4" in his own stockings. Last year Marvel, without a doubt, out played McCormick; at Hastings it was the reverse." Tomorrow night they meet each other for the last time. Why doesn't the student bodiY sit together and really back the boys up? Yours is a team that you should be proud of, in fact, it's the best club I've ever coached," he asserted. "Get in one section and make that auditorium boom." GILBERT NEW HEAD OF JUNIOR CLASS At the Junior class meeting January 31 Gordon Gilbert was elected cla>s president. He succeeded Gerald Fich· ter Who is now regi~tered as a Sedor. Harold Boatman and Bill Mooney were the other nominees. Willis Wirth, treasurer, suggested that members pay their dues of bOc as soon as possible. Freshman Board To Be Restored The Freshman bulletin board which for ten years has stood between the gymnasium and the Administration building was blown over by the strong winds January 24. Miss Tear assures the students that it will be back iI; its original prominent place on the campus as soon as new standards have been made. It is being worked on in the "shop" now. The Fl"eshmen have permission· to post their club rotices on the Administratio~ door for the time being.

PERSONALITY CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS "Do you rate? Are you afraid to rate yourself?" These were some of the questions fired at an interested Personality Club by its presiEient, Det'.t Cary, Thursday evening, February 3. Apparently club members were not, for each one proce~ded, under Deta's direction, to check up on his own posture, voice, dress, teeth, smile, :!isposition, etc. This occasionally painful but invariably profitable occupation was followed by the electio1\of a new set of ofiici<rs. These were: President . . . . . . . . . . Marquarette Dall Vice President ........ Maxine Weber Secretary . , ........... Lois Macombe~ ·ireasurer . . . . . . . . . . Hazel Buchanan This club is both a pleasant and. a profitable one. The new cabinet urge> regular attendance. Bath Makes Second Appearance at Y. M. Mr. J. A. Bath, Junior High Professor in the training school enlarged his views on Washington, D. a., and New York, when he made his second appearance before Y. M. C. A. Tuesday evening, Feb. 1. At his first appearance Jan. 25 he spoke to a joint meeting of Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. At that time he traced his route over twenty-one states which he toured last summer.

Laurence Emigh Sends

Regards to Alma Mater Laurence Emigh, a graduate of last year, writes Registrar Hayward from ~asadena telling him of his teaching position in the Mount Lowe Military Academy in Altadena, which is a boys private school with an enrolment of fifty-five. His work includes supervision, teaching, and meeting parents and prospects. He ls the Ranking Lieutenant, which is the equivalent of Pausing Says Peru a principalship in a public school. ¥1'· Emigh .sends best wishes to all Run on Sound Basis W. H. Pansing, Who !Wdtited the his friends on the. Peru campus. "· books of Peru st:ate 'i'eaehers College last fall, states that t1tls institution is being run on a ''sound~ basis." After Hastirtgs Game An all-college dance was held in the' With reference to the other state teachers colleges Mr. Pamlng sug- Music Hall following the Peru-Hastgested that "heat. ttpt power and ings game Saturday night. Members m. , rental expenses for the ~ hall oo of the faculty attending were: Mr. and Sigma Tau Delta, 8-9 p r. .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___;! paid out of income from ~ rather Mrs. Benford, Mr. Jindra, Mr. and than out of 1~~." Mrs. Steck, and Miss Glosser.


HIGDEN TALKS ON PODUNK TO OXFORD From Podunk to Oxford was the topic of an informal discussion given by Dr. Higden, a missionary from the Philippines, on Saturday afternoon, Fetiruary 5 ill. the 'Music Hall. Podunk is any place on the fom· crossroads where there might be a filling station and a hot-dog stand and where most people are raised and get their start in life. Oxford is the place where some of the narrowness of Podunk is lost, Dr. Higden stated that people really need the vital things that are received from Podunk although Oxford brings about wide tolerance and broadmindedness. Dr. Higden told briefiy of his life and education. Of special interest was a description of his trip to the Holy Land and Jerusalem. The political conditions and educational system in the Philippines were described by Dr. Higden. He told of the way a uniform language was brought about and learned by the Philippines. In discussing the religious problem he concluded that in small towns, the churches should be united so that the most may be obtained from them. Following the discussion the Y. W. served a tea in honor of Dr. Higden.

Table Service Class



BENEFIT STUDENTS Clements Has Done Fine Work in Peru Helping Peru students and graduates secure teaching positions with the full benefit going to each appilcant, has been the unselfish purpose of the Peru Teachers Placement Bureau for r.he r;ast twelve years. The present placement forms have reach0d a near peak in effici.ency which is quite apparant by the facv that practically rvery outgoing A. B. de,.ree stildent has joined the Placement Bureau; and by the fact that, OVBr a span of twelve years, membership inc?·eased to Dpr.10xim2.tcly two Jrnndred new members last year. During the past two years, there was a noticeable increase in calls for teachers over previous years. The outlook for this year's crop of out-going teachers should be encouraged, for at the present, every indication points toward more teacher-calls even than last year. Under the competent supervision of Mr. Clements, Superintendent of the Training school, the Bureau has located a high percentage of its graduates in good positions. Members of each year's graduating class receive first consideration and when a candidate is notified of a vacancy through the office, his credentiil.ls are sent just as soon as he indicates that it will apply. Due to li:r·ited office assistance, it is impossible for the Bureau to make up and send out credentials every time a candidate learns of an opening through some other source. However, when a school official desires them, credentials are sent out. Special "Request for Credential" blanks are supplied for this purpose. And as a last word, it is suggested that each candidate choose his or her references carefully. ~INK Dramatic Arts Contest to Be Held An announcement has been made by Professor R. D. Moore of the Speech Department that on March 25 and 26 the Dramatic Club wi.H sponsor the annual· M. I. N. K. Dramatic Arts Contest for high schools. This contest will consist of Oratorical Declamation, Dramatic and Humorous Declamation, Oral Interpretation, and One Act Plays.

Plans for the contest have been made by a committee composed of the following: Professor Moore acting as the' Chairman, Charles Parnell, Mary Lizabeth Werner, Marie Wieneke and Robert Weber. The committee states that they are expecting more schools to compete in the contest this year than in pr(;Vious years.

Has Breakfast Party Miss Brackney's Food and 'I'able Ruth Lytton went to Lincoln FebService class held a breakfast at 5 P. ruary 5 to take Civil Service examina. M. Wednesday evening. tions. Mary Matthews was waitress; Max~ ine Aufenkamp, hostess,; Verona Klone, PERU HOUR assistant hostess; and Mildred Parli, Tuesday, February 8, 1938 critic. A menu of oatmeal, chocolate, toast Theme Song-. with eggs, jelly and butter was served. Stardusters TrioMarjorie Harris "Spring Fever" May Be Dorothy Coatney Next Major Production Lucille Hazelton Professor Moore of the Speech DePed on the Air-Erwin Julifs par~ment .sta'.ed this last week that Dawson High Schoolhe rs consrdermg very seriously of proString and Vocal Groups. ducmg the comedy "Spring Fever" by Interview-Conducted by Robert Glen.n Hughes as his next major proWeber duction. Stardusters Trio-Stanley McGih was a ~sitor on the Theme Song. Peru Campus Saturday evening.

The Peru Pedagogian

Substitute Suggested For Corporal Punishment



ARTICLE PUBLISHED '.I "Olocks' Beauty Comes to Light"':I the title of an article written by MJl Grace Tear and published in ~ Christian Science Monitor for Satijl 0 Opinion Against Leonard Greathouse made the fol- day, J..anuary 29, 1938. I l'!j Physical Discipline lowing statement: In this discussion Miss Tear tells ~ STAFF Do you believe in using corporal pun"I believe that every teacher should a ve1:v interesting manner the storJ Editor ............ , .. , , , , , . , , . , , , . , .. , . , . . . . Norman Littrell . i.~ t . . di' . . become IY.'ell enough acquainted wi~h of her method of reclaiming the oriA · · JSu.men m so1vmg your sc1p1me . · ssociate Editor .... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bert Hall problems? If you don't what substi his students that ,he will know his ginaJ finish on a gift clock. sports Ed'1tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . you suggest? These and- likes and dislikes. He should mate A vivid contrast is made of th0 . . . . o'Jen Sh eeiy tutes would the things he dislikes interesting endrab, original appearance of this timeSponsor ................................ Miss Florence Martin various other questions made up the ough to the student that he would iJe- piece and its present b.eauty. Advertising Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Bischoff Pedagogian questionair that was givIn speaking of the possibilities concome interested and would forget the en on the campus this last week. REPORTERS things he used to do. Many students nected with these old clocks she closes Eleanor Nieman Look in on Peruvian Feelings: Russell Bailey do things that are disobedient t _, at- her article with this statement: "Many Martha Clifton Bertie Boom Melba Obernolte Most of those interviewed held the tract attention. This might be cor- now unused, could be restored and Anna Louise Short opinion that corporal punishment is rected by g1 vrng that sort of child find their places in rooms which are Ruth Roberts Bert Hall Hubert Johnson Grace Hnizda Edward Short rarely justified. However answers were a position in office, or some sut of furnished to recall to us the charm Frances Staley Mildred Williams given both in the \legative and in the leadership that would make at'; :n';;,)n of the long ago." Jean Wagner Lawrence Weston affirmative; some being very empha- come h;s way. Responsibility may be Pascal Demonstrates tic in their belief that corp_oral pun- ctevelopelJ in this manner." ishment was often the only means of For Alpha Mu Omega COLUMN JUDGEMENT solving a problem. I "How do you do it?" was the quesA gossip rolumn has been one of the features of the Pedagogian C'orporal punishment usually is more BOOK WORM MENU I tion in the mind of everyone at Alfor severa' years. Trusting these columns to reliable .persons of harmful than beneficial in that it so i pha Mu Omega Mathematics club mature j1 ,ment, the staff felt that having the writer's name ap· often creates a feeling of rebellion in - - - - - - - - - - - · - - Monday evening. Louis Pascal gave a Students, this week we suggest two talk which he accompanied by dempear wii .nnecessary. Consequently, the publication as a whole the child against the person inflicting novels, one of which is a historical nov- onssrations of some of the unusual the punishment. This was found to has ?' .ned responsibility for any indiscreet remarks printed be the prevailing attitude of those el, and a sociological study for you to geometric constructions. tiUnfortunately many of the comments m last week's who had experienced corporal, pun- read and enjoy. ·- ---· were entirely too personal, unkindly so in some instances. ishment in their childhood. Raymond Firth-"We, the Tikopia." Il BETTER CJ,OTHING ~I ThiS deals with the family life and N.1.t.,1bers of our group have discussed the problem of these col The questionaire received the bigi II, il lrinship on the island of Tikopia lying Keep you Looking Your Best umns thoroughly. To those persons who were ~ourteous enough gest response from the question of a in the east of the British Solomon II'/i to make their complaints to us, we apologized sincerely. The pa substitute for corporal punishment. ,I Peru Cleaners & Tailors Ji: Islands Protectorate. Peru :ii Phone 62 1,1 H per is yours. That some should feel the necessity of writing am· Some of the responses were as fol"Tlle Tikopia are a people with a :i/. Ii! lows: biguous notes signed "Miss X" is regrettable Your reactions tradition of hospitality, a respect for ¥i·!El---~c·-:ii'j·~~·-~-~~~~-~~--~~~· Mrs. Dunning, Dean of Women, bebirth and for wealth, a sensitiveness a9sist us in making this newspaper a purveyor of student thought. lieves that most problems can be solvto public opinion, and a realistic attiWe thank you for them for they are our guide toward improve- ed by appealing to the better nature of J. P. CLARK tude to social intercourse." ment. the child. If this fails, depriving the Heinrick Mann-"Young Hen:·:v of Electric Shoe Shop North of Our aim is to have a column which meets your desires and in· child of some pleasure that will in Post Office l·:avarre." terest. Any member of the staff will readily listen to you. You some way be in connection with the This splendid novel, written oris;inPhone 109 need not resort to "blackmail" methods, and we shall attempt to crime committed will usually be effec- ally in German, is based on the life of tive. She believes that the punishHenry of Navarre from his childhooc' refrain from that which may incur disfavor with you. ment should always fit the crime. She until in 1589, when he ascended the also believes that it is the sign of throne of J:<'rance as Henry IV. "IT PAYS TO LOOK NICE" CORPORAL PUNISHMENT weakness in discipline on the part '.'.f Mann has re-created the y0ur.g RICE & THOMAS a teacher that resorts to corporal punprince in such a manner that Henry i3 This week we give you a Pedagogian Look-In On Peruvian Feel· Barber Shop iohment for the solving of her probintensely alive to us. ings on an age-old pr()hlem-corporal punishment in the school !ems. WE INVITE YOU DOWN An interesting and gripping story. Under Joder's Office aµd home. , Mrs. Marsh believes that· corporal Maud and Delos Lovelase-"GentlrPeru students have a double interest in the problem: that of punishment :s sometimes necessary bl't men from England." that usually depriving the . child of In the years following the Civil War future teachers and future parents. some wanted privilege win solve the there appeared in Crockett count./, KINGSOLVER You as a Teacherdiscipline problem. Minnesota, a colony of English g; ' BARBER SHOP How will you handle discipline in your school? Will you use Anita Searle believes that no good try. They thought they could make a physical force to keep your children in line? These and other re- teacher or parent will have to use fortune by bean fa1ming. This is c.1e Below Barnes Drug Store background for the ~h~.rming ;1 ci y corporal punishment. She was espelated problems have confronted teachers for ages. In a few years cially emphatic in that it should nev- "Gentleman fl'om Eng!:i,ud." you will be face to face with these problems and will have to de· There is a rental fee of lOc for t h i s \ - - - - - - - - - - - - er be administered while angry. From cide for yourself. personal experience she said a good last book We do not advocate any stand for you to take. The trend of to· 'talking to' and appeal to her better Dunning Returns day is away from all physical punishment. That is a matter of no reason was far more effective. To Dormitory "A !Uighty Good Place to Trade" Virginia Trively does not believe consequence to us. Instead of considering the problem from ad· l'virs. Inice Dunning returned to Peru corporal punishment to be necessary. on Wednesday, Feb. 2. As symbols of vice given to you by your teachers at Peru-think of your reactions Depriving the child of some wanted welcome, she found in her room bouto physical discipline while you were in the grades. thing or privilege will come much near- quets of flowers from Gamma Chi, the This is a problem for you to solve-solve it the way you know er solving the problem. Dormitory girls and Kappa Delta Pi Roy Lively stated that on very rare your case should have been solved and the way your school board For the past several weeks l\1rs occasions it was necessary to resort to Dunning has been at the home of he1 may regulate such cases must he solved. corporal punishment but that a more mother in Alliance, Nebraska, recoverFLOWERS FOR ALL effective way of solving the problem ing from an operation. Students and You as a parentOCCASIONS would be to get at the bottom of the friends will be glad to learn that her As future parents you face a yet greater problem along the cor· trouble and then try to reason and health is steadily improving. poral punishment line. Can you afford not to punish physically appeal to the better side of the child. WE GROW OUR OWN The largest second semester enyour children? Can you afford to punish them? One student when asked for an idea rollment in years was reached when on effective substitutions for corporal Again we-suggest that you consider your school teachings on the Dorotlly Frink, South Sioux City and punishment told of a teacher who had question and your past experiences How did they help you? tied ribbons on 4th grade boys' heads David Duey, Brock swelled the regiNebr. Nebraska City stration figure to thirty-three. Aren't your children going to have certain of your reactions? because of mischief they had done. Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents. ADVERTISING RATES Display 20 cents per inch.






The------Mardis Store


Say It With Flowers

Berthold Greenhouses


We do not intend to take sides in this matter. We do say that He implied that pupils of this age are very sensitive to the approval or ridiit is a problem which you should consider now while you are in cule of classmates. school with the facilities to study cases and consider your own case. A ninth grade pupil ei..1)ressed his TAKE HOME A HAMBURGER Consider these possibilitiesopinion on the subject of corporal punWE MAKE 'EM GOOD ishment. It created a bitter attitude On the side of not punishing the child physically, we see the pos· toward the teacher in his opinion. >ihility of a child who will not listen to reason, who needs a good When asked what form of punishtanning. Should this child gro-\v up without the knowledge that ment seemed most effective to him, he 1e cannot rule everyone? Shall he become a burden on a teacher named suspension from class. The >Y trying to tell her what to do? suspension and consequent bad effect on grades had a sobering effect, it . ~~~:B."l:'a:'a:l.:'6.:'a:'l.:l.:'1.::~:#:~~:'1.:'1.::~::~~'.:'1.::# Say you spank, Junior. Does 'Junior forget or does he carry a seemed. r::2Zef•fLC:C~;C:::C.',.~':1:C:;:~;:::;~;::::~~;;:c:~:;:::;~;::::;;~;:;:::~~;;:::;~~ \rudge inside of him? Does he lose respect for his parents be One faculty member believes that :ause of the punishment? Does deep resentment rise in him to a little more use of the 'rod' would , be a good idea. Not to be used as a vard the spanker? . . common practice, but when the time Think these questions over; read the artic1e on P eruv1an opm· comes that it is necessary to use ct. ons gathered by our reporters; then add corporal punishment to When asked if the consent of the parDelicious Steaks Chops Sandwiches ·our list of considerations of the future. We part with the shot, en ts shouldd be secured before adminWill your mate feel the same toward punishing the child?" Think istering it, he said it was not nece,;1ow--avoid trouble later. sary.

Bus Cafe

~ Th~'i~sy ~

Bee Cafe





~~~~~~ .. ..--:.::::.::~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Watch the Bobcats Battle ARE YOU A GOOD SPORT?

Peru Plans Invasion of Three Enemy Courts

There comes a time in every man's life, and also



team's life-the time of defeat.


-- This Week


Doane up to 39 with his set-up. Greathouse




Cherry netted a free toss. Mosley got hot again . and hit two unconscious baskets. Kristufek made a gift throw and Belka broke away for a bucket.




HASTINGS UPSETS UNDEPEATED BOBCATS McCormick and Marvel Stage Close Battle Hastings handed the Peru Bobcats an unexpected defeat last Saturday evening to the tune of a 44 to 36 score. The following is an account of the turning point in th~ game: Time was growing short; the score stood 34 to 34; Halladay dropped in a field goal to give Peru a momentary two point lead. Overturf, speedy Bronc forward, im,.'llediately rang up two points on a set-up to offset the Cat lead; the score then stood 36 to 36. The crowd grew tense; a wave of tensity swept over both clubs; passes became wild and inaccurate. There was a rough house struggle to i;ain possession of the ball; neither team seemed to have control of the ball for any length of time; but out of it all the Hastings club emerged the victor by an eight point margin. Those Broncs responsible for the last minute scoring were Marvel, who tipped in two fielders; Overturf, 'who zipped a pretty set-up through the old hoop; and Grant, who hurriedly flip" ped in a final two-pointer from near the free throw line. A general survey of the game reveals that Peru attempted a total of 98 shots as compared to the 72 shots tried by Hastings. Free throws are included in this number of attempts made by both teams. OUt of the total, Peru took fifteen free throws and made eight; While Hastings tried .eleven and also made eight. Of the eighty-three field attempts tried by Peru, fourteen successful shots were made. Hasting's percentage was much higher, for the Broncs ma<le eighteen successful shots out of sixty-one field tries. The battle between centers Marvel and McCormick was a fairly even tussle. "Mac" came out of the game with eleven points to Marvel's ten points. McCormick attempted eleven field shots in the first half, while Marvel tried two. Attempted sh~ts for each was the same in the second half

INTRA.MURALS Dahlstrom's house landed on top with four wins and no .defeats, as midseason was struck in intramural basketball at Peru College. Each team has played four games and have three remaining, Results last week. Alley Toms 30,Elghth Wonders 13 Dahlstroms 33, Weares 13 Parrishes 27, Weares 22 Collins 30, Alley Toms 27 Reiffs 31, Eighth Wonders 19 Intramural Standings: Team G W L Dahlstrom ........ 4 4 0 Collins ........... 4 3 Reiff .............. 4 2 2 Higgin . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 Parrish . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 Weare . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 Alley Toms ........ 4 1 . 3 Eighth Wonders . . . 4 0 4

Pct. 1000 750 500 500 SOO

~: 000

CAT TALES By Glen Sheely

Peru's record for the year is remarkable and we are proud of our team.

There is no indivi·

dual star-four men are nearly tied for high point honors. Each of these four hover around the

PERU FG FT Halladay, f .. .. .. .. .. 3 2 Cats into a 3 point lead. However, Greathouse, f ........ 4 1 Reeves of Doane broke away twice McCormick c ........ 7 and added a free throw to put Doane Bailey g ............ 2 0 up to 5. Halladay plunked one in for Pugh, g ............ 0 0 Peru to even the count, only to see Mosley f ............ 7 0 Kristufek make a gift toss. Mos!~y Dean g· ............. o 1 retaliated with a bucket and the B< 'JMiller g ............ o 0 cats led 7-6. Mcintyre f........... O Kristufek then proceeded to make Handley f . . . . . . . . . . o () 4 free throws while McCormick drop- Majors g ............ O 0 ped in a field goal for Peru. Belka Majors g ............ O 0 broke in with a goal and McCormick Sheely g ........... O 0 made a gift toss. Halladay plunked Total 23 8 one in to tie the score, but Kristufek tossed a set-up through the hoop. Mc- DOANE FG FT Cormick eased another · one through Reeves f · · · · · · · · · · · · 3 and the score was 14 all. Kristufek f . . . . . . . . . 6 6 Belkac ............. 4 1 Bailey breezed in for a set-up, with Sloeyg ............ 1 3 Kristufek under-handing one through Cherry g .......... 2 the meshes for Doane. Mosley col1 Reid ................ 0 lected 4 points for Peru while Belka Ramsey ............ O 0 and Kristufek garnered 2 apiece for 0 Griffith ............ 0 Doane. Mose came back with anothBaker .............. 0 0 er basket only to see Sloey bring the Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 score up to 23-22 Doane. Total , 18 13 Grea ~house came to life and bat-

Valentines & Valentine candy. (adv) Hill's Drug Store

4 f)

3 2 2 2 0 0 0

0 20

14 1 0 1

0 0

0 0 54

PF TP 3 7 4 18 3


5 0 0 0 0 0


5 1 0 0 0 0 45

hundred mark-it takes team· ted cine through to send Peru into the BOBKITTENS TAKE work to score the 518 points the lead. McCormick gathered another and Peru led at the half 26-23. SECOND OVER EAGLE Bobcats have collected. Besides McCormick opened the second half The Peru Bobkittens and Eagle that, look at the total scores of with another bucket while Mcintyre basketeers demonstrated a slow deliPeru's opponents-a total of less added a gift toss. Kristufek hit for berate offense as the "Kittens" used than 300 points. Good defen· Doane, but Halladay jerked the .i~t for ten men in an easy victory, 39-21. The sive work is required to keep Peru. victory spelled the second defeat the teams to that low total. McCormick dropped 2 more pcints Junior Bobcats have handed the Eagle in and Halladay swis~ed another push- boys within two weeks. The student body has given shot through. Kristufek brought the Fisher of Peru showed fine floor work fine response and attendance at sco.re up 34-27 Peru. while Ronhoode stood out for the visthe games, as have other loyal Greathouse added a point and Bel- itors. Leahy of Peru and Ronhoode Peru fans. We thank you all. ka put 3 points through. Kristufek tied for high-point man with 10 points However we do admonish Peru came throug·h fast for a bucket, only\ apiece. students to watch their reactions to have Bailey nullify it with a neat At half time, Peru led 17 to 9. The . · l d' t y 1 'th set-up. Peru second team played approximateto o ff1cia ver 1c s. ow \Vt Cherry barged one through, Great- ly half the time holding· their own the Bobcats-do it with lots of house bucketed another and Sloey add- with the Eagle first five. vim but don't form a puckere.:l. ed a gift toss. Greathouse spurted alip to give your views on deci· gain and Peru led 41-35 till Cherry Films developed, 25c per roll. heaved a long one. Reeves brought (adv) Hill's Drug Store sions. Norman Littrell.

Bronchos Victorious Well, the Bronchos galloped home with a victory but they knew they had been to a ball game. The Bobcats played a hard game against Doane Friday night and Saturday night was just 'one of those nights when even the best college team in the state will fail to find the hoop. Busy Week But that was last week and there are three games to look forward to this week. The Bobcats meet Nebr. B at Lincoln, Wednesday; Kearney at Kearney, Thursday; and then go back to Lincoln to play Wesleyan, Friday. From the looks of that llst the boys will have a busy week. Look in the Gym If you would like to see some basketball games while the varsity ls out of town, all you have to do ls drop into the gym for some intramural games. No admission ls charged fer these fast (and sometimes furious) games, which are very Interesting if you overlook the refereeing by Purucker, Walker or Yours Truly. Home Games

PF 'Ji, 3 8 3 3 17

Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska Basketball Schedule


Jan. llWesleyan, 48-41 Jan


Doane, 53-48

Jan. 15 Hastings, 56-33 Jan. 22 Alumni 41-27 Jan. 28 Midland 37-27 Jan. 29 Wayne, 53-35 Feb. 1 Midland, 46-32 Feb.

4 Doane, 54-45 Feb.18 KEARNEY, here

Feb. 5 Hastings 36-44 Feb. 9 Nebr.

B, there

(4 p. m.)

Feb. 10 Kearney, there Feb.


Nebr. Wesleyan, there

Feb. 19 YORK, here Feb. 22 HASKELL INDIANS here Mar.

4 Wayne,





T E R B0 N E S

Un kie says

Looks like maybe my friend Sally Says is going to give me some good stiff competition (and yen verily, like Nellies' Super Service St· ion. I need it.) Undoubtedly my 2 mpt to respond to the situation [ see it will be about as entertai· ; as seven rainy days. However· ohould worry, ~o? You'll read it anmr J • Advertisement: If a certair, House rat will Call at the desk a1 .ill.iza Morgan for . persona1 proper ty 1eft on one cer tam . 0 f the par1or davenpor t s few. ques t·10115 ·11 b k d (Hi · h W1 e as e · ggms ouse h as failed to respond.) Odds and Ends I 'm gonna ge t me a Ped editor if

l\JNE NEW MEMBERS A careful study of the student directory reveal that there are nine new girls in the dormitory this semester. Maxine Geiger of Waco is a freshman Jiving in Mount Vernon. Lois Fey, Nebraska City and Ell.ensene James, Lincoln are freshmen roommates in Mount Vernon. Sophomores include Mrs. Irene Jones of Red Oak, Iowa and Louise Mulien of Humboldt. Donna Armstrong of Brownville, also a soph omore, movec1 to Eliza Morgan Hall from the Pate Apartments. The Junior girls, although entering at the semester, aren't really new, hav-· ing been Peru students last year. 'I'ney are Mary . Acord, Riverton, Iowa, and Clara Eyre of Omaha. The one new Senior girl is Dorothy

Frink of South Sioux City, Iowa, who he doesn't stop "touching up" this comes to Peru from Wayne. column every week. And, as a parting thought for this week children, if I've said anything I'm SALLY SAYS sorry for, I'm glad of it. Goodbye, Unkie.


Initiating his silver-tongued orators into their first big tournament, Professor Robert Moore took debaters, Crone, Chinnock, Grossoehme and Werner to Mary'i,rille, Missouri, Saturday, February 5, to compete with 30 college teams from surrounding states. Judges commented favorably upon the first team, Mr. Chinnock and Miss Crone, but failed to award them a decision. Due to al). unpredictable upset, the second team was not able to enter the toli.rnament, so observed instead. Omaha University received first place and Kansas University, second. Those colleges entered were: William Jewell, Wentworth Military Academy, Tarkio, Maryville, Kansas University, Omaha University, Washburn, Peru, Missouri Valley, Warrensburg. Mr. Moore" plans an extensive period of study and drill for his team. "It wasn't skill we lacked," he commented, "it was experience and we intend to get plenty of that." Peru's Streak of Wins Attracts Many Visitots The basketball games have been responsible for the many alumni and former students seen on our campus during the past few weeks. Thos3 returning for the Wayne game were: Superintendent Grandy and Irwin Williams, Milford; Melvin Ethington, Fairmont; Bob Punches and Merle Peek, Pawnee City; Delbert Miller, Exeter; Harvey Loken, Nemap.a; Lenn Loken, Nebraska City; Evelyn Jones, Bellevue; Boone Dallam, Steiner; and Chris Manschredt, Cook. Attending the Doane game were: Stanley Magill, Falls City; Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhl, Union; Mildred Filmer, Staplehurst; John Tynon, Corning, Missouri; Lenn Loken, Nebraska City; Elsie Jean Perry, Beatrice; Corinne Brissey, Auburn; and Darrell Railsback, Hampton.

ObservedCharlie Parnell studiously chewing his left thumb in the library· · · ·Pep squad drills cramp the style of many gents hereabouts···· Stella Rogge with Joe Vacek.·· .Carter Johnson sportLlg a pink balloon.·· .. · Eunice Bergn . an complicating Turner's situation.······ Gracie Vanier stepping with "Shiny' Durst· · ··Willis Wirth giving them the once over from the library entrance· · · · · · · · · · Maxine Metcalf and "Sq_uirt" Handley.



I Il / II

Dear Fellow-suffers: Band officers for the second semesHere are a few side glances 'round ter were elected at the regular meetabout the campusing Wednesday morning. Those elected were: Seats in Git & Pol class may be

Booth Theatre



* **

Questions: 1. Wonder if Lester 'Speed' Mosely is as good at croquet as he is at basketball? 2. How often do they clean the dorm fireplaces? 3. Wonder why the big Grandfather clock in the library isn't fixed? 4. Do you like spareribs? 5. Why will Sweeny date next?


Parting Shot: February 13-14 "Nature has given to men one tonNAVY BLUE & 001.J) gue, but two ears, that we may hear Scribblers Plan from them twice as much as we speak." With To Leave Record Bye, Sally. ROBERT YOUNG Honestly, they do! And it will be JAMES STEWAH proven to us before long. At their meeting Thursday night, February 3, Miss Eunice Bergman was a guest February 15-16, Tuesday W~ the freshman club in question voted of Maxine Metcalf over the week end. to place the cream of their scribbles Miss Bergman was a student here last WIFE, DOCTOR, in a book, which will be placed in the year and is now teaching the fourtl: college library. The officers of the 1 grade in Springfield, Nebraska.

firs~ semester were retained for t! 1e re- 1[ Lorena Davis of Syracuse and Rut11 mamder of the year.

DeLong of Nebraska City visited friends in Peru this last week end. Miss Davidson offers as her only Miss Davis is a former Peruvian. comment to the news of the week, that basketball practice for the girls Eldon McEllravy, football star from has started and all who can stand Nebraska, who was injuried so seriousthe bruises of scrimmage are welcome ly this season, attended the Wayneto try their hand at the business. Peru basketball game, January 29.



Hazelton Heads Band

President . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jack Hazelton Vice President ....... Dorothy Snider Secretary Treasurer · · · · · · · Jack Heck Training School Program The Training School students will give a vocal program Sunday afte!'noon, February 27. This program will be under the direction of Professor R. T. Benford. i\'1iller to Auburn Howard Miller and Jerome Snyder were guests of the Auburn Kiwanis Club Thursday evening. Mr. Miller sang several numbers and was accompanied at the piano by Mr. Snyder. Geron to Sing The Geren will sing at convocation Friday, February 18. Steck to Waverly Professor Steck will go to Waverly, Nebraska, February 18 and 19, to judge the Lancaster County Vocal Music contest. Peru Singers Plan The spring· trip for the Peru Singers is still materializing and at the present time looks very encouragillg. Several towns have responded and in their invitation mentioned the fa0l that they are planning to move the concert into larger auditoriums to ,,ccommodate larger crowds. The impression that the Peru Singers made last year signifies the fact that more peopie will hear the group this year.


1 I Take


They Say: That Steck is keeping Mr. Buer's 1.F. Mildred Parli and Arlene Hienke B. I. Agent registration card for a were week end g·uests of Arlene's aunt, souvenir .... Incidentally all students Mrs. Cecil Asa of Talmage. under Mr. Steck would do well to read his "Just Sittin' 'I'hinkin"' colmr>n in the weekly Peru Pointer ...... Sherry Hauptman is George Grossoehme'3 latest .... Margaret Williams spent a AUBURN laboratory period utilizing the Biology tweezerB to pluck her eyebrows ..... . Febr. 13, 14, 15. Lois Macomber has the sweetest smile HOLLYWOOD HOTEL on the campus .... That Charlie Gabus With.· received his chicken dinner in the form Dick Powell Rosemary Lane of a candy bar ... That Larry 440 Stark Hugh Herbert - Ted Healy was out of town Saturday night. Benny Goodman and his orThis week Dopp broke the rules and Sweeny dated Council Bluff's Pride and Joy-little Margaret ....... Ardist Christian's absence is explained by ear trouble .... The first semester directory referred to the 'Ord flash' as Leonard Golathoose .... Sally's nomination for the most popular freshman fellow i.> Ed Falloon. For the most interesting freshman girls-Jean Koeppel, Phyllis Benson, June Frans and Alma Smith.






Office Pledge Candles burned brightly Tuesday evening as the 1938 Y. W. C. A. offims t ook th e P1edge of off'ice at an m1· · tiatory service. The program for the evening in. eluded: P1·ano Solo ........... Margery Evans

ilad only at a premium by students Poem ................. Marie Wieneke registering late. "Are Ye Able" and "My Task" were The newest in pictures in the Dor- sung by Helen Margaret Larson. mitory-Mkkey Mo·1oe. Pledge of new officers. Noti·cedBenediction. The r et1·ri'ng· 0 ff1'cers of 1937 were·• People arriving at Y. W. C. A. ten President ............ Maxine Jarvis minutes before it was over. Vice President Doris Prichard The impulse of the modern genera········ s t M L' tion to move becomes evident in the ecre ary . . . . ary izabeth werner Murer · · · · · · · · · · Ma ry E'l Dormitor" halls between three .:tnd Tre= '1 en Slack· J k · f four o'cloc Friday a ternoons. Sectionalism in Prof. Steck's Mu,ic Appreciation class. Home Economics girls breakfasthg at 5 p. m. Found-Sophomore in college-Who doesn't know alphabet. seen! Miss Martin looking for news tips from third story window of Ad building. Complaint-First fioor Mount Vernon-Girls on second please refrain from jumping rope! Missed! The chapel bell ·Friday at ll.

Symphonium to Find Future Beethovens Future Mozarts and Beethovens are to be discovered! Maybe on the Peru campus? Original contributions are to be submitted at the next meeting of Symphonium. Plans are being made for a recital in the near future whereas the numbers .performed will be entirely original. Initiation of new members was held Monday evening, February 7. Those initiated include Florence Neve, Virginia Trively, Lucille Hazelton, Mary

Those seniors! "I know! Don't tell Matthews, Lucille Renner, and Leora Libhart. Those participating in the program were: Anita Searle, Blanche Freeman, Jerome Snyder, Helen Margaret Larson, Robert T. Benford, v. H. Jmdra, and G. Holt Steck. Several guest members were present at this meeting.

me! Let me guess!" Information! "How to write Jetters ?" See fresh~an girl on first fioor Eliza Morgan. Impossible-The mail-man arriving t th D ·th t b . bb d b a e orm w1 ou emg mo e y girls. LOST-Freshman! No guiding notices on the bulletin board. Murphy late to breakfast! Reason-She had to walk. Reference desk snowed under by North Central requirements. A posted advertisement - "They laughed when we got up to speak, they didn't know we did choral reading." Fooled-Internal revenue man cutting classes. Warning to desk assistants below! Your rivals above are apt to drop knowledge on thy head. "Winchell on the Peru Campus"The age of Innocence! Bob Weber craves excitement: "The only fire they've had in Rumbolt for years and then I wasn't there." Personnal-Barney: Please be on


D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebraska City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Glasses stted. Phone 144.-Professional Card.

DR. GLEN H. JODER Surgeon and Physician Milstead Corner Res. 39 Phone Office 33


MUDDY CHIEF'' Corn Sheller An efficient, up to date, machine built for those who use improved and modern methods of farming. This sheller is quick and 100 % efficient. Designed especially for the farmers living around and near Peru. H. RAY HAUPTMAN Phone 201


Majority Favors Usage Of the Class Outline ~to

take outlines on lectures." "In some classes it is absolutely ne.cessary to take outlines to recall maOne c6ect, who desires anonymity, terial." ;aid, "'They are useful if kept up to "Essay tests are the best and you date. They shouldn't be followed can't use them if you have memorized word for word and never changed. A outlines." student should never have to memThe persons in the discussion were: orize an outline." Miss Edna Formanek Bob Mason: "A mimeographed outMiss Madeline Schmieding line is a great help to me because I Miss Nedra Pidcock. ; can tell what my next lessons are Gilbert Purucker says "Of course you going to be and I also know what should have outlines, that's the only references to read. I won't use my way to get through the exams." He outlines in teaching except for refer- states also that he will teach how to ence." Bob thinks outlines help to im- outline but not compel it except on prove a students grades and he be- reference material." lieves that the outlines should be brief George Grossoehme remarks, "Sure so that variety and flexibility in the you should have outlines for history, course may be achieved. social science, etc., but it's all bunk The third student questioned said ~o have to take an outline word for that she does not agree that it helps word and memorize." and "Everyone a person's grade. She does think, how- should have outlines for references and ever, that when a professor depends fill in. I'll teach the fundamental entirely upon the outline of the course ideas of outlines." Marlyn Engdahl. "Outlines of the the class becomes boring. right sort help you to remember maMr. Thorson believes that the history outlines published in paper bound terial but nix on memorizing outlines booklets are helpful from the stand- word for word. Sure I'll teach how point of brevity and clarity of or- to outline." ganization. He says, however, that a Ross Organ, "Outlines are 0. K. student cannot depend on such an in the right subject." Bernard Goerke, "Outlines should outline to get him through a course, but that outlines are valuable in re- be emphasised but not over emphasised. view. Another student agrees with Mr. John Heck, "You have to have outCrider when he says that it's an easy lines in history, but it is easy to forget way for a professor to keep from work- a memorized outline. Class Outlines Help In Review

ing. "You can tell the professors with stale outlines by the little time they spend in their office and the library. Heck, with an outline I could just as good a teacher as any one of them." "What do you think of outlined college courses?" Responses to this question were varied, as the students dlscussed various phases of the ubsubject. Some students passed judgment on outlines in general and some gave their opinions concerning certain classes which employed the outlining method. Most students believed that there was some value to outlining and several people claimed that there was no satisfactory substitute for its use in some classes. Some quotations were overheard in a round table discussion on outlines were as follows: "You should not have outlines that you have to learn word for word." "Everyone should learn at least how

COLLEGE CALENDAR February 15Y. W., Y. M., C. C. A., 7-8 p.

m. Broadcast, 8:30-9:00 p. m. Brock H. S., here. Februar)' 111Residence Girls, 7-8 p. m. February 17Freshmen Clubs, 7-8 p. m. Dawson H. S., here. February 18Kearney, here. All College Dance February 19York College, here. February 21Freshman Council, 10:30 a. m. Crawdads, 7-8 p. m. Alpha Psi, 7-8 p. m. Kappa Delta Pi, 8-9 p. m.




Philos Carry Out Japanese Theme The Philomath!an society canied C>ut the Japanese theme at their meeting February 10. After a short business meeting Virginia Trively sang a solo, "The Japanese Sandman." Miss Gard, who had been a missionary in Japan for five years, lectured on Japan. Her talk was illus·· trated by colorful slides. After Miss Garde's lecture, the members were divided· into discussion groups and asked questions pertaining to the Japanese situation of today.

Peruvians Attend


"King Richard

"King Richard II," a play by William Shakespeare, was presented in Omaha at Technical High School on Wednesday evening, Feb. 9, under the auspices of the Omaha Drama r,eague. The company presenting the play started a year ago in New York and played for 171 successive nights before beginning this tour. A number of Peruvians were fortunate in having the opportunity to see this production. 'Those attending were: Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith, Prof. R. Moore, Miss Florence Martin, Prof. w. B. Thorson, Dr. Mrs. B. K. Baker, Marie Wieneke, Anne Louise Short, Charles Parne! ', and Harold Prichard. These people ' brought back enthusiastic reports ncerning their enjoyment of the 1 Dr. Smith's r >,ion was summarized in this stateml "I was agreeably surprised." He ' 'ted his point 1Jf view by explainL "Richard II was a less import J less promising play for moaern review and therefore he had been a little skeptical about the production of it. He also stated that he had r,;ained a different impression of several of the characters in the various scenes, as the interpretations they gave presented a new id'ea of what Shakespeare really meant. Miss Mears Writes About Miss Morgan A biographical sketch of Miss Eliza Morgan was contained in the January, 1938 issues of the Nebraska History magazine. The article, which includes a fullpage portrait, was written by Miss L011isp ..w, Mears of Milwaµkee. State Teachers College. Miss Mears is a former pupil of Miss Morgan. The Nemaha County Herald of February 3 has published the article for the convenience of Peru readers. .,

Historic Site To Be Re-established Soon --------------


TABLE SERVICE CLASS SERVES BREAKFAST The Table Service class, instructe'1. by Miss Brackney, served breakfast Wednesday evening, February .9. It was served English style by the hostess, Mildred Parli, who assisted by Mary Matthews. Jean Wagner was the waitress and Maxine Aufenkamp the critic. The menu consisted of: Grapefruit Scrambled Eggs Fried Ham Graham Muffins Orange Marmalade Coffee Social Committee Makes New Ruling A new ruling was made at the Social Committee meeting, Monday, February 7. The committee agreed that college dances should be strictly college functions. High School students are not to be admitted. All those who . are not college students are required to

Original Cabin Sturdily Built E. D. Bartling, prominent Nebraska City business man, has taken it upon himself to make another of the Nebraska sites of historic significance presentable to the public, by re-establishing the original log cabin and cave used by John Brown, an abolitionist set on freeing slaves, as one of a number of his underground railroad stations for fugitive slaves. The cabin is located on a quarter section at 20th street and 4th Corso. It was originally the home of Allan B. Mayhew, built in the year 1857. The logs for the cabin were taken from the premises and hued to perfection, as the mortise work will readily show. No nails were used in the construction and yet it stands today just as sturdy a building as the day it was built. It is 14 feet by 16 feet, and• is set upon a foundation of natural lime stone.

The quarter section upon which ii; now stands is the original site upon whio() the cabin was built; however, due to the fact that a mile and a half Miller Talks on of new highway is to be run directly Egypt at Y. F. C. A. in front of the cabin, Mr. Bartling Thoug·hts of the people at the joint has had it moved north 25 feet from its meeting of Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. building site. c. A. were turned back to Egypt and The original tunnel, sometimes rethe 16th centni·y when Dr. W. T. Mill- ferred to as John Brown's Cave, came er, professor of History and other So- into the cellar of the cabin from a cial Sciences, spoke on "The Develop- creek some 25 yards west. It was ment of Religion in Egypt." composed of three chambers, in wrJch He said that during the early years the fugitive slav0s hid, and connectof the century each city had its lo- ting tunnels just large ~mugh to per cal God. The God of the Nile and mit an individual t~ crawl from chamthe Sun God were conceived as being ber to chamber and from chamber to the. rulers of the Nile Valley. cellar. The Universal or Monotheism moveMr. Bartling's plans, however, do no ment developed later. This Universal consist of having visitors crawling God was a spiritual or immaterial through tunnels. He is reconstructinJ God. the tunnels to such an extent that Some characteristics of the Univer- visitors will be able to walk through sal Religion were: the concept of them quite easily. Due to the change righteousness, tmth and Ndgment; of the cabin's position, che tunnel from worshipers exulted in the manifesta- the cellar to the chambers will be new tion of God in nature; friendly, hon- but the chambers and the ,un:iel con est intercourse and a high type of necting them to the bank of tl;c creek family life. will be in precisely their original In connection with the high type places. have guest tickets.


Prof. Jindra Attends Holdrege Music Clinic v. H. Jindra attended the Music Clinfc at Holdrege, February 10 and 11. A picture of Mr. Jindra appeared in "'I'he Holdrege Citizen". Concerning the Music Clinic '·The Holdrege Citizen" says: Mammalian Egg Film "Over ten towns and more than of family life during this pertod Dr. The tunnels and chambers will be J.Uterests Tri Betas 125 students he.ve already registered Miller brought out the fact that even walled with brick and limestone. The Tri Beta members and their guests for the clinic. Towns that will lake the King entertained his children him- ground around the cabin will be com saw an interesting film entitled "The part include Lomris. Bertrand, North self and held them on his knee. pletely landscaped. And "it will be Development of the Mammalian Egg" Platte, Kearney, Superior, Stamford, Egypt later expanded its territory ready for visitors early this summer. at the regular meeting on Monday eve- Arapahoe, Red Cloud, Curtis, and :ro;- putting Ethiopia and other lands unning, February 7. The film was ob- drege. der her rule. With this expansion, she Professor R. D. Moore plans to en tained from Creighton University. Some of the state's most outstand- spread her concept of a Universal God. ter his orators in another debate tour The fraternity will have as their ing orchestra conductors will lead the Dr. Miller compared the Egyptian nament at Cedar Falls, Iowa. The guest speaker at the next meeting music festival. religion with our religion of today. tournament will be held sometimes Professor Charles A. Bratte, who Of the 125 students registered 22 Most of our religious concepts, howev- near March 1st. Teams fro m six teaches Biology in the Nebraska City are first violins, 25 are second violins, el', come from the eastern countries of neighboring states will be competing. High Scl1oo!. "The ~rial Life of 11 are violas, 12 are cellos, and 12 Babylon and Arabia. Ants" will be the topic of his discus- are string basses, plus a double com sion. Tuesday, February 15, 1938 pliment of all reeds and brasses. Everetts Discuss Many of the students registered in Lessons on Manners PERU HOUR Dawson Featured the mass music clinic have won State Do you eat peas with a knife? Do On Peru ·Broadcast Theme Song and National honors." you shove your girl in front of you Students from Dawson Hll!'h School A concert was given on F:rid~i,y when going down a theater aisle? String Orchestra-Barcarolle, assisted with the Peru Broadbcast, night in which Mr.. Jindra directed Such problems as these concerning corOffenbach Tuesday evening by presenting the fol- two numb~rs, "Minuet in C"-Beetho- rect etiquette were discussed and il·1owing numbers: ven, and "Oedipus in Colonus"-Sac- lustrated by Miss Ida Mae Brackney, Educational Event-Dr. Miller Mixed Tripple Trio, chini. Dr. and Mrs. Castle M. Brown, and Guest High School-Humboldt Old Black Joe Mr. Kirk at the Everett Literary .SoMaster of Ceremonies-Robert All Through the Night. ciety meeting which was held FebruY. M. C. A. Elects Weber Mary Ann Kaen, Marjory Edwards, New Officers ary 10 in the Music Hall. Betty Riley, Phyllis Johnson, Wilma Members of Y. M. c. A. elected ofThe demonstrations given were very Cornet Solo-Chas Hynek Iliff, Maxine Kemist, Ronald Reim, ficers for the second semester Tues- ir.structive and informative. 'I'he matiBaritone Solo-Marvin HunBud Heim, Wirsell Witler. day evening, Febr. 8. The new offi- ter of introductions which is so often zeker String Quartet, cers are George Grossoeheme, presi- the bugaboo for many people was made Ave Verum-Gounod dent; Gordon Gilbert, vice-president; clear and shown not to be so terribly Flute Solo-Marguerite Hynek Aria-Scarlotti Ralph Hopp, secretary; John Collins, difficult after all. Ped on the Air-Erwin Juilfs Ernest Ulmer, Gwendolyn Rowen, treasurer. The musical part of the program String Ensemble-Serenade, MiRuth Heim, Dorothy Hendricks. Retiring officers are Alfred Paul, was fmnished by Margery Evans. She zart These numbers were under the di- president; and Erwin Juillfs, secretary. played two piano solos, "Memories," ' rection of Miss Ruth Whyman, Direc- Installation will be Tuesday evening, and a. new version of "In the Sh&de of Theme Song tor of Music at Dawson. Febr. 15. the Old Apple Tree."



The Peru Pedagogian


IY. M. and. Y. W. Will Hold


Alpha Mu Omega Elect Officers

State Conference Here

One, two, three, four more weeks until the Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. <Editors Note-This feature is the State Conference will be here. work of the ninth grade journalism The conference will be held March ADVERTISING RATES class. Members of the class are Le- 18, 19, and 20 on the campus of Peru Display 20 cents per inch. Locals, 10 cents per line onore Larson, Betty Kennedy, Betty State 'I'eachers C'ollege. There will Sears,,.. Vera Osborne, · Max Rogers, be eleven NelJraska col~eges rep1'€STAFF Clarence Walbridge and Charles Rog- sented. Editor . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Norman Littrell ers.) Miss Evelyn O'C'onner, Associate ReAssociate Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bert Hall Do you know how many words ap- gionaI Secretary of Y. W. C. A. and Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Sheely pear in the first semester Pedagogian Y. M. C. A. and C. D. Hayes were here ~ponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Florence ·Martin (exclusive of advertisements)? last week helping the local groups Advertising Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Bischoff If you don,t take a gander at these p!an the gathering. figures and see just how much printDuring Miss O'Conner's stay, she hacJ REPORTERS ed matter flows before your eyes in a an hour's conference with each of Eleanor Nieman semester of Pedagogians. Russell Bailey the officers. Martha Clifton In the 13 issues of the Pedagogians , The following people have been Melba Obernolte Bertie Boom Anna Louise Short there was a grand total of . 102,516 \chosen as committee chairman: Bert Hall Ruth Roberts Hubert Johnson words. Words counted were divided Prog-ram co-chairman: Alfred Paul, Grace Hnizda Edward Short Mildred Williams into three divisitions. (1) over 10 Elaine Shafer. Frances Staley Jean Wagner Lawrence vVeston point or the large heads over articles, necreation . . . . . . . . . . Zelda Carmine (2) 10 point or the size used in edi- IJ!:ats .............. Merle Shoebotham OUTLINE OUTLOOKtorials and small heads and (3) 8 point 'Banquet .............. Gordon Gilbert Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the PostoiTice at Peru, NPbraska as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents.


Second semester officers were elected at the rer;nlar meeting of Alpha M~u Omega Mathematics Club, Monday, Pebruary 7, 1938. The office::; are as follows: President . . . . . . . . . Rmh Sutorius Vice President ...... Harold Boatman Secretary-Treasurer . Maxine Randall The retiring officers were: President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evelyn West Vice President .......... Louis Pascal Secretary-Treasurer ... Mary Groush ------Happine~s is a .great Iov: and a much servmg.-Ohve Schremer.




outl~:i;r::i::.ou;;:~:~:~:g~::eL~:~~~~o~: :eer::~:nsF:~i~~: ~~esthe

size used in the body of arti-


~~~1~~~~ ::::::::.~~~~~e ~:~~o;~:: r~:~;::;;~~-~1

Keep you Looking Your Best toward outlines will be found on this page. Read the composite The over ten point group, which was Housing · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · John Collin · · d 'f .h h . . d the smallest in number, contained 704 Secretary .......... Eula Redenbaugh mterv1ew an see 1 you agree wit t e opm10ns expresse . Peru Cleaners & Tailol·s glaring words. This group was follow- Registration . . . . . . . . . . Wilma Parnell Peru Phone 62 National Interested by the ten pointers with 7,d34. We find the outline question one of national college interest- "i"en point type reached its total Living· up to past records of getting ·~.-~~~~~~~~~~~~ so we present from other sources a few facts, figures and ideas for through being used in editorials. l •- 2. lot accomplished in a short time, l==== ======= last group, the 8 pointers, proved a 'foe Dramatic Club held its regular J. P. CLARK your evaluation. problem to count as there were ap- business meeting after convocation on 1 1

Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Office Phone 139

proximately 93,978 such words. Priday, February 11. Mary 'Liz Wer-1 Outlines Aid GradesThe average issue for the semester \:er disposed of all pressing business 1 College outlines are a definite aid to improved grades in the contained 7,886 words. The largest is- ,,nd appointed another committee in opinion of students using them, a poll conducted under the auspi· sue was published on January 18 and 1.'er fast and furious fashion. ~es of the Bureau of Educational Surveys, New York City, shows. contained 10,107 words or 2,221 more The poll, covering a period .of several months, embraced 3,720 than the average. The smallest issue was published on October 12 and had ;1udents in 223 institutions of higher learning. cnly 4,811 words or 3,075 less than the By far the largest number of students reported grade increases c,verage issue. This gave a difference :rom fair to good, following the use of these study helps. A second of 5,396 words between the smallest arge group reported improvement in grades from failure to pass i!nd largest issues. ng. In a few cases, students previously receiving failing grades After seeing these facts, perhaps you will change your mind about the Ped·eported final A ratings. agog'ian being a small paper. For 77,000 The consesus of opinion among the students was that by stat or more words aren't to be sneezed at, ng the facts concisely, the college outlines simplified study,. en· Gspecially when someone has to count ·bled them to quickly grasp the essentials as well as get the most them. 1ut of the recommended text and auxiliary reading. The professors included in the poll in the main approved the Jeane Bergner visited Bertie Boom. in Omaha over the week end. 1se of outlines by the students on the ground of their value as a upplement to their own lectures and as a means of getting the Arlene Hienke visited Mlidred Parli in Humboldt this week-end. ubject together in a coherent and concrete way. Quite a few ex· ressed the belief that they helped the,student who might other· rise get lJ'st in an introductory course. "As great a help to the tudent as any one factor" was the opinion of a Baylor University rofe'Ssor. "A Mighty Good Place to Trade·' The poll was not without its dissenting votes. A student from Middlewestern school wrote, "Flunked. The outline would have een a great help if I had only read it." And this came from an focator at a prominent Eastern university. "It is not a pleasant msation to have a student come into your class with one of these itlines and use it apparently as a check upon what one is talking >out."-From: Bureau of Education Surveys, 868 General Mo· •rs Building, New York City. 1 '

New Spring Styles


The Mardis Store

nother's OpinionFrom Albert Crider, of Mount Vernon, Ohio, comes this 1morous, witty angle of our problem of the week. 'hat about it? All this talk about college outlines, and what a fine thing they e for the college student! Why doesn't someone say something about what they do for e prof.? I know one prof. who owes eighteen holes of golf a day to the ~t that he uses outlines in preparing for his classes. And, if the truth were known those outlines eased the way to iegree for many an instructor. Another young prof I know boasts a mighty fine Rumba and "ings a pretty mean Big Apple. It seems the outlines give him 1e to get out and "swing it." That same young prof swipes half of the campus queens right

der your eyes. Not because there is something special to him, t because we have to spend our nights plugging assignments for , profs who don't use the outlines. In common with many of my fellow collegians, there is the \gestion of the scallion in my Big Apple and there is something the camembert in my Rumba. My grandmother regularly es me ten strokes and whales the daylights out of me on the f course. Also, like many of my fellow collegians, I've had my on a cute little freshman-but assignments are beating my time. ' It's not too late yet for a student's New Year resolution. How ut buttonholing the profs to plug the use of the outline in pre· ing classes? If more profs used short cuts in dishing out edu· on, what a grand and glorious place this world would be.

-Albert L. Crider.



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Watch the Bobcats Battle Bobcats Take Two Out of Three Games Peru Romps on Wesleyan Club Peruvians crowded the Wesleyan gymnasium Friday night as the Bobcats and Plainsmen sparred in high school fashion. The Bobcats finally won by the large score of 42-23. The score was large when one considers that both teams had a night of "you miss and I'll miss." However, a first half splurge by Halladay and a

CAT TALES By Glen Sheely

At Nebraska "B"The boys had an "off day" Wednesday against Nebraska B. I believe that one reason was because the Ag College gym was as quiet as a morgue; the silence being broken only by the whistles of the referees and the groan : second half romp by Mcintyre result- of Baller and a few of us "subs." · ed in a victory for the Bobcats. Davis was outstanding for Wesley- But Look at Wesleyan. But what a contrast Friday night. an. The Wesleyan gym rocked with vhe Bobcats Eke Out spirit put forth by the band, students, faculty and other Peru followers. Win Over Kearney Pe:ru Bobcats clawed; out a iast Kearney Thrillerreal . minute victory over the Kearney Ante- The Kearney game was a lopes last Thursday night. The score thriller, especially for "Mose" ' who stood 40-39 Kearney, with seconds re- dumped in the final basket in the last maining when Pugh .plunked a long 10 seconds to put Peru ahead by one one that dropped in and out. But point. (Note: all other baskets had Mosley was there to follow in and to count too, in that ball game). Kearney will be here Friday night so you make the deciding basket. can expect another good game. T.he game, which was a nip and tuck affair, was featured by the brilliant playing· of "Ding" Bailey. "Ding" ding-donged 12 points through the hoop, beside playing his usual stellar game at guatd. Nubbins Catch Peru in Slump The Peru Bobcats were unable to pick themselves µp from their slump before they met Nebraska "B" and the Bees gained a 39-37 victory last Thursday.

Splash! Splash!

Several boys are reporting for swimming practice and Peru may have a swimming team. More about it later. Keep Following DurstShiny Durst is one of the favorites in the welter class of the Omaha Golden Gloves boxing tournament. He has worked his way to the semi-finals, scheduled for Thursday night, and will probably give the boys plenty ?f trouble.

"Gilk" Organizes Swimming Team Coach Glen Gilkeson, Athletic Direc' tor, has organized a swimming team in the college which will compete with other Nebraska colleges. The team, made up of eleven boys, work out from 4:30 to 6:00 daily. Members of the team are Bill Mooney, Bob Mooney, Keith McHugh, Clark Finney, Ray Kellog, Roy Kellog, Bernard Barisas, Joel Punches, John Boyer, Bill Donohoe, Elmon Velvick, Pep Squad Adds and Elmer Clarey. Color to Games Speaking of proper spirit, the Pep Squad girls really have something. At "Shiny" Battles Way the past two home basketball games To Glove Semi-finals . Many sport fans of Peru and va- they have 'strutted their stuff' and cinity traveled to Omaha, Febr. 8 and have added much t-0 the in-between9 to witness the opening: bouts of the halves period. For something new and different the Golden Glove Tournament. The feature for the local fans was Leroy Pep Squad is trying to work out a Durst, prominent Peru College student, flash light drill. If all goes well the win over three men to place him in drill will be used at the Haskell Inthe semifinals which starts Thursday, dians game. :F'eb. 17. Leroy Durst better known to the lo- Peru Players Play cal people as "Shiny" won two fights ! The groups of Gale carter and Viwith "knock-outs" in the second rounds ' vian McKimmey vied for honors simultaneously, and the third by de-, Thursday night at the regular meetfault. i Ing of the Peru players, when each Durst is a member of the Fremont ' produced an excellent one-act play to 1 Fireman team, which he won at Fre- the entertainment of the club and to mont earlier in the season. His home ; the profitable experience of the acis Elk Creek and he is managed by · tors. Armstrong of Auburn. He is known "Grandma Old-Style» was the inby his terrific right punch and is fa- teresting title of Gale's play and vored to win the 147-lb welter weight "Strength" was Vivian's production. class laurels at Omaha. He has the At the short business meeting at backing of the entire Peru College the beginning of the session, members and town as well as other vacinities. were instructed to watch for a notice on the door of .the Administration . Be good and you will be happy-but building as to when and where to pay you may be lonesome. their club dues.

BOBhJTTENS AGAIN SWAMP NEB. CITY Scoring· ten points before Nebraska .City tallied, the Peru Bobkittens handed the visitors a thorough beating on the Peru State College basketball court, Friday night. The "Kittens" led 19-10 at the intermission and went on to make the victory an easy one at 31-19.

-- This Wee/<

Peru Kittens the Nebraska B and Kearney game~ Defeat Nemaha Also thanks is due to Moorey Cool The Peru Training School quintet who called for the Wesleyan score. defeated the Nemaha High School basketball team Tuesday night 28-23 ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at Nemaha. The game proved exceedingly fast with many thrillers. Nemaha, paced by Raines and Hand- 1 ley, led the Bobkittens most of the ! game. A Peru rally at the start of the fourth quarter gained an advantage for the "Kittens". Near tlle close of the game the sharp-shooting of Adams iced the game for the victors. Adams of Peru was high scorer with 15 points as Handley of Nemaha collected seven.


Peru showed ususual strength ior a Class B school against a Class A delegation of good standing. The home quintet played exceptionally ·well on defense with Pugh outstanding. Fisher, Adams, Pugh, and Grafton scored about the same amount of Last week Nemaha won their conpoints with Grafton ,collecting the ference tournament at Johnson and most which totaled nine. proved to be as tough as their repuCarpenter and Metz were the high tation. Raines of Nemaha was voted scorers for Nebraska City. Kastner the second outstanding player in the exhibited the best floor ability. tournament. Aller formerly of Doane, now of Omaha exhibited a fine job of refereeThe Nemaha Reserves defeated the ing. An exceptionally clean game re- Peru Reserves 16-14 in a hard fought suited. game. R. Grafton starring for Peru . Box Score: PERU (31) FG PF FT Leahy ·············· 0 2 o Fisher ·············· 3 0 Adams .............. 4 2 0 Pugh ··············· 3 0 Grafton ············ 4 3 1 Christian ........... 0 0 0 Coulter .............. 0 0 0 Total 14 7 3 NEBR. CITY (19) FG PT FT Egelser 0 0 0 Carpenter .......... 2 0 2 Kastner ............ 1 3 0 Metz ················ 3 2 0 Martin .............. 0 0 0 Conley .............. 2 0 0 Fogelsong ·········· 0 0 '· Total 8 5 3


Peru (28) FG FT F Pts TP Robert Leahy ........ 2 o 4 4 o Hubert Hunzeker .... O O o o 7 Harold Fisher ........ O 0 8 Ellis Adams ......... 6 3 2 15 7 ayne Pugh ........ 1 2 3 9 George Grafton ...... 3 0 2 6 0

31 TP 0 6 2 6 0






OR BULOVA 1-3 off -

-The value of the new watch allowed for your old watch during February.

Nemaha (23)

FG FT F Pts 1 0 3 Handley ............ 3 1 3 7 Rains ................ 3 2 3 6 Lambert .. .......... O' I} 0 0 N. Chandler .......... 1 2 2 4 Johnson .. ........... 1 3 3 B. Chandler ........ 1

The student body owes thanks to the telephone operators who, due to the great demand for the results, call19 ed and obtained the final scores for 4

-Time is !\fan's Most Valued Possession.

CHATELAIN'S Jewelrv Store (Where your money buys more.)

Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska Basketball Schedule


Jan. llWesleyan, 48-41 Jan


Doane, 53-48

Jan. 15 Hastings, 56-33 Jan. 22 Alumni 41-27 Jan. 28 Midland 37-27 Jan. 29 Wayne, 53-35 Feb.


I Midland, 46-32

Feb. 4 Doane, 54-45 Feb. 5 Hastings 36-44

Feb.18 KEARNEY, here

Feb. 9 Nebr. B, there (4 p. m.) Feb.


Kearney, there

Feb. 19 YORK, here Feb. 22 HASKELL INDIANS here



Nebr. Wesleyan, there

Mar. 4 Wayne, there


Miss Evelyn Brecht, '33, music su- to Omaha the day she should have It seems that while at end with Mrs. Dunning. the u. she went to a table tennis tournament instead of her final exEXTRA! EX'I'RA! Huston Kingsolver, '3'i has received ams. so far she hasn't come back Censors at work in Peru! Twitter- a research fellowship for work on his from Omaha. Too bad, I wish the master's degree at Ames, Ia. bones censored! ! rest of you could have met her. I

TWITTERBONES I pervisor at Humboldt, spent the week- reg'istered.


The famous, widely read column, "Twitterbones," outstanding feature of the Peru Pedagogian was severally censored in last week's edition. The editorial board with surprising lack of foresight <verily, on most occasions ye editorial board is most foreseeing) undoubtedly deprived its large and greatly interested reading public of much worthwhile gossip by unhesitatingly removing the middle of aforementioned excellent column.

Mervin "Stub" Bjork, who attended Peru for two years, is now studying voice in Tacoma, Washington. · Mr. Joe Krejci and Miss Dorothy Evans, a former Peru student, were

cure and scalp massage Georgie tells D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebrask them it's just a joke, ha, ha! All the City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throa Glasses stted. Phone 144.-·Profession time everyone was only kidding. al Card.

Having taken courses under Dr. Baker, and having continued the study of human nature, delving deeply into research and all that, we modestly propose that we are capable and qualLook alikes (etc. to Mcintyre this ified to prove that the following chartime) acter aRalyses are correct: D. J. Duey and George Brent Dorothy Snider-sophisticated. Evelyn Oberst and Eleanor Niemann Gracie Vanier-the scholarly type. Harold Prichard and Edward G. RobKay Bartling-democratic. inson. Mary Kay Hanlon-Garbo-ish. Howard Dean-refined. The handsome new Collins Rat Dorothy Spielman-flustery. ,blond) you girls have been noticing· admits that he's p?,rtial to brunetesThere's always someone around w with on exception. That exception is

DR. GLEN H. JODER Surgeon and Physician Res. 39

Milstead Corner Phone Office :l3

married in Omaha, December 18. Joe, "BIG MUDDY CHIEF" a graduate in '29, will be remembered as one of Peru's greatest basketball Corn Sheller An efficient, up to date, ma['layers, and at present is a teacher in chine built for those who use the Sheldon, fa., jun'or college and improved and modern metl1ods coach in the high schcol. Miss Evans of farming. Week endwas a teacher in the primary grades a conquering coed who corners him blight a romance. On a motor trip Tl!H sheller is quick and 100% Friday night Unkie arrived at Wes- at Sheldon. at every opportunity. To protect him- one night, one of the fair had a perefficient. Designed especially for leyan to find it looking for all the self from further onslaughts, Swede in- ·feet chance to sleep on her escort's the farmers living around and world like Peru Old Home Week-with A daughter, Barbara Ann, was born sists that his name be withheld. (Re- shoulder. The other woman in the near Peru. Jack Heck as master of ceremonies- to Mr. and Mrs. Loken Monday, Feb- velation upon application.) party (married, of course, and unroI-L RAY HAUPTMAN Jerry r 1d Prich with the cowbell-past ruary 7 at Nebraska City. Mrs. Lomantic) showed an amazing lack of Phone 201 . t consideration by furnishing pillows. Peru..ans, Speedi'e and Bartlm·g-Ga- .ken was formerly Jeanne Slinker of En gdah! shows e1.ther poor JUdgmen bus' leading yells with excessive en- Peru. or great courage. In the absence of Well-'Snuff. -------------~ thusiasm ....... ,Kleptomaniac Devore our Golden Gloves boxer, E. is stepexploring contents of said worthy yell te~~s~n~a~a~i:o~~~ ;~! ~~:e:a~~~~ ping out with D's girl friend. ~;;c:ct~~:::;:~:::IC'C~"'.'E::Z-*'::;;;~~::c".~:~:r~~~:=~~":.~:~~~;:=·~"·· ·,, leader's pockets .. , .... Wesleyan band !;1 leader guest conductor .... the football- necticut are visiting at the home of her father, Dean Delzell. Her husThere's feudin' in these hyar hills. •1. basketball team won again, score 23band is on leave of absence from Georgie Mort, two other boys and FOR THE NEXT MEAL 42 .... Steck takes sightseeing tour .... Grosse Pointe, Miqh., and is divid- their lady-loves went hunting'. There , 1 Paul Revere Benson reporting score OUR DELIVERY BOY ing his time between the superintend- was another nature-loving group a- ~ at fellows houses at 3 a. m. (with bout a quarter of a· mile ahead of !·~ cowbell) .... Albrect drives home with- ency at Grosse Pointe and lecturing in , , will call at your door with a complete line of them so our hero, Georgie, ups and i,,.1.',' BAKERY Products including our out lights .... "You can see so much' Education at Yale University. He will fil'€s. Consternation in the distant '.~' 1 better that way" (no). probably remain at Grosse Pointe if • 1, group as one member falls kicking to SATURDAY-No dance-no date.. the Yale work is not satisfactory. Eo~h i~ Mr:· and Mrs. Brownell were former the dust. Georgie's Irightened fe- it .. no nothing .... except Bob Mooney. males tear their hair and bite their rf: NO BETTER BREAD i\ilADE - - TRY IT. 3tudents of Peru. 1''\ Sunday .... Navy Blue and Gold.... fingernails but Georgie says, "I didn't Lytton and Horacek.... . . Grace and Miss Anna Williams 11as 6~egun her like him very well anyway." When Engdahl (incidentally she's getting so teaching duties in .the schools ~t Elida, the girls are ready- for a new manishe can remember his name) .... Nancy Ne'.v Mexico, as commerce teacher and Jane and Blankenship ...... Galbraith n;,.1sic supervisor. ~.Iis~ Williams, who and Slagle . . . . Chubbie Mort and Ba- rect'ived her degr"~ in '36, up until the by Face Burke. . . . EdlY ;11 reads up on second semester was teaching in Brock. history. She received an exceptionally good in-


:i 0 N TIME 1


1 r'! 1


Potato Bread




Heard last week: ".'m awfuily sorry, crease in salary. I'd love to go, but I already have a date with that handsome Dick Tur- Lowell A. Decker, a graduate of ner .'' this college in 1932, writes Miss Palmer frcm Rapid City, So. Dak., telling Hello Steamboat and Sally! of his work as Head of the C'om-Happy Valentine Day Monday, mercial Departmmt cf that city. UNKIE. Since he accepted this position three years ago, the department has grovm approximately one-th\:( in enro:JALMUNI TRAIL menl, and it. was necessary to add another full time teachers. Fred Rohrs, class of '36, teacher at ~.! :. D, cker also dOc'i personnel work Ashland, Nel(raska, writes to Miss 111th ti?e Federal Ga ;-er !l>:C;!~ in th< Martin: "Just' a pair of stray ideas SUl'Y'.'Jlff. I'd Hke to dispose of through the colums of the Ped. First, I like your Baptists Headed newspaper. To me, it appears im- By Carter Johnson proved. Might I suggest an Alumni The Baptist Young People held an column as a means of additional im- election of officers Sunday evening, provement? Or would it be? Febr. 6, at the Baptist Church. Those "And while I'm in this thinkative elected were Carter Johnson, Presimood, I want to express my apprecia- dent; George Grossoeheme, vice-prestion for the weekly radio programs. ident; Sid Timmons, secretary-treasEspecially did I enjoy the trio's job urer; Virginia Trively, song leader; on the new song craze. I can't spell Maxine Jarvis, pianist; Helen Holdorf, the title. It rhymes with Mr. Shain, social chairman. if that'll help you. I'd like to hear more modern music on the program. Crawdads Splash "One thing more and my chest shall Splashing and choking with laughbe unburdened,-,-In Glen Gilkeson and ter, a group of college freshmen turnStuart Baller, Peru possesses as fine a ed Crawdad Thursday night and chascoaching faculty as any college in the ed one another back and forth across state, I submit. That disgruntled the colleg·e swimming pool. Here 'wolves' will not misuse them for prey, is a club that never has a business is a sincere wish I share with hunmeeting, but, in the words of the dreds of Peruvians and dozens of P Crawdad King, :Mr" Donohoe, 'TW'e club men. Sincerely, Fred Rohrs, '36." just go to have a snapping good time." Dorothy Brenner, who received her two-year diploma in 1933, has entered nurses training in Kansas City, Mo. Miss Brenner will be remembered by friends as being active in Dramatic Club. Carl Cunningham of the class of '30 was a visitor on the campus this week. Mr. Cunningham is connected with the Burns-Potter Investment Co. of Omaha.

Ask about our GREASE JOBS and Money-back guarantee


«oo,:-:::r~:f::;;~;::::c;;•t:-:::~:::::~~c;~:::·~.•·~::·... •.::::~>'-,:~·:~::-~'': '·~·i

D. A. Ganze!, class of '27, who has been superintendent of schools at Wilber for the past five years, is studying at Columbia University for his A certain female intending to transdoctor's degree. fer from the University to Peru went




40c merr

RAMBLINGS "The more the merrier," so they say. And speaking of So They Say reminds me (with apologies, etc.).... EdNell Benson: "I don't chase men." Coed, (who shall be nameless,) "Mr. Thorson has 'umph.' " Second coed, (likewise) "Mr. Thorson is a cute little job." Edward Short, "I have fourteen cows to milk every morning."




Peru, Nt"b.








BELIEVING THAT Valentine games 1 ·rH·E·· .eo· FOUN' a· THE PEDAGOGIAN were enjoyed \J attended a celeb:ration in Honor of is a laboratory for Journalism when the Early Elementary Club met Bill Kovanda at Elk Creek Tuesday. ·students, we have tried this year in the kindergarten room of the Train, . · · on the to keep something new before ing School Monday, February 14. evening, February 15. .B'll i is was plenty tough This week we After mak1·ng the1·r Valentines they frst basketball team at Nebraska. Lew our readers. Antelope meat Lewandowshi, assistant baske tb a11 have tried to introduce the had a Vale·nt1·ne box. Shirley Barwhen Peru tried to waltz their way were everywher•, coach at Nebraska; Joe di Natale, pub - "Rocket Head" to Nebraska col- i·ett was elected as the postman. to victory over the speedy ilni.elopes. as Gamma Chiers licity man for KFAB and KFOR; Iege circles. Candy hearts were the rewards of a The Bohcats started with a ]Jang and Rocket Head writing is writ· treasure hunt. Mary Beckman w.1s Id their "Kid Party" in the dor .ti· Barney Oldfield also of Elk Creek·, then almost found themselves in the play-room last Wednesday aft. r- columnist on radio, st age and sc:eRn in!!~ the lead so it can be used as the Queen of Hearts, as she found frying pan as Kearney rallied. The the head, this gives the reader a forty-seven. star for the Journa1 and Star; Fred n. A short business meeting was con- final score was 46-41. out seventy girls were present. Arr:old, a J.)umal and Star photo- smoother reading article with. brea k between heads. ducted to discuss dues. Halladay led off with a basket and Id h out t e o of them were dressed as little grapher; and Art Jones, who .has ;efa gift toss. Peru missed twice and Our efforts will not give you too ereed games here and a teach~r at , a few as boys and six as babies. 1 Pug·h followed in for a bucket. Halots and sailor hat completed the Nebraska City were also present. Mr. smooth ~ paper but. we feel that B. Y. P. U. members laday collected 2 more goals and then "Rocket Heads" will soon have e-uu of Phyllis Benson l45 Little Jones coached both Kovana and Sheely a free throw. Mosley broke in fast a place in the journalism worl d . were sleighed Fauntleroy. Somethmg happen- in high school at Elk Creek.• For that reason we are trying over the well-packed snow Wednesday and McCormick made a turn-around. to her dignity, when she was callto give you an example of this evening at their "get-together". Figenbaum ma.de a free throw for a sissy. Senior girl'> of new angle in the news world. Without the services of old "Dob- Kearney and Peru lead 14-1. azel Buchanan and Mary Beck- both the college AJexis McKinney, city editor bin" the group, consisting mostly of Gillispie shoved one down the hoop's upheld the impersonations of Jack and the trainers of the Alamosa (Colo.) Daily college students, headed by Rev. Tim- throat and made good a gift toss . . ~ill. K. d R th· V lk were honored at a tea given Thursday Courier, introduced this lead mons procured a truck to pull the Halladay countered with a free throw !Vlan Mc t1m~~Y ~n u oth~ afternoon, February 17 in the Art head to the newspaper field. His "bobs" and hit the trail north of and Beck broke loose for a set-up. as two oug iet~ ~~m kacross ~· rooms of the members of the Ameri- readers have endorsed the new town. .i:'lgenbaum scored 2 points and Mes, appeared w1. acd eyd.es and can Association of Women.. change and his staff has acquired After the ride, the party of twenty- Intyre retaliated with a one-hander. ng teeth wearmg age , 1scar . f' . 1 m • • • . As part of the program, Miss Grace a me sty~e wntmg sueh Ieads. five· returned to the Church and en- Peru led 17-8. . cloth:ng. H . th . Tear, president of the organization, ex- We hope our efforts will meet joyed a bowl of hot chili. Halladay made 2 more baskets and therme arns was ere wearmg . . .. .h I Beck got one. Housel made good a plained the vanous act1Vlt1es sponsored wit your approva . Professor Steck her hair a bow as wide as a ten- by the club. The Pedagogian will apprecifree throw and Johnson started his on hat. splurge v.-ith a swisher. Housel made Those present enjoyed seeing the art ate any and all comments on our and his Geron edra Pidcock was dressed in a long entertained at convocation, Friday, one from the side and the half enddisplay which consisted of paintings trial of these new heads. ed dress, looking like an c'dioned girl. ry Murphy, who .was wrapped in lanl:et, crawled in as the yom:gbaby. She fulfilled her roll as an t by playing with a toy and coo-

Zelda Carmine and Glen Sheely



by Nebraska artists. This exhibit was obtained from 'the Lincoln Artists Guild by the Art Study Group. According to the choices made by those attending the tea, the follow.. ing pictures ranked highest:' "Salvia",


February 18. In the Octet were Jack ed 21-17.

Bailey opened the second half by "potting one". Beck made one for Kearney and Mosley hit the net for . Peru. McCormick made a gift toss and as a participant Housel let fly from the side. Halladay got a set-up while Johnson barged painted by Miss Louise E. Mundy, an in the National e Dionne quintuplets, Martha Wil- Art instructor at the University of through for Kearney. Housel ruffled Lucille Renner, Wilma Lichty, Intercollegiate tournament to be held the net and Johnson one-handed Nebraska, and ."Dust", by Miss Gladys · · A d't · · K Ann Hill, and Martha Clifton in the Mumc1pal u I ormm m anfrom the side to send Kearney up to Lux of Wesleyan University. c·t M' · M h 7 t 0 12 ed with their beloved Dr. Dafoe, sas 1 y, 1ssoun, arc · 26. Score 28-26. The tournament consists of crack McCormick got two from the 'chariL eora Libhart other Dunning and Nurse Mars h "•earns, about 30 1·n number, chosen ty .line and Mosley slipped Halladay a hed over the fun~making, and introduced 1938 f1:om 22 states and promises.,to be the set-up. Grea~house over-headed one the best representative boy, girl cabinet members of the Y. W. C. A. height of basketball entertainment in through and Halladay plunked himbaby. at the regular meeting Tuesday night. the mid-west. self another bucket. Beck di; for e prizes wer'e awarded to "Tom The cabinet members are: Judging from the fine seasonal recKearney and Mcintyre broke loose for wyer" carmine, "Cherub" Lucas, Fellowship-Wilma Parne1l ord set up by the Bobcats it follows Peru. ose hair was arranged in long curls Creative Leisure-Helen Margaret that they will have a more than equal Beck hit again and Halladay retaliwith a bright red bow, and the Larson. chance to eliminate several teams be- The Peru A. A. U. W. atcd Beck replied with a swisher and tuplets dressed in long, white International Relations-Musa Wa- fore losing out themselves. is sponsoring Mcintyre made good two free throws. wns and large baby bonnets. goner The pairings for the tournament an exhibit of Water Color paintings by Stegemar)" t1it on,y to see it nulli. event of the evenmg . have not as yet been set up, but will the members of the Lincoln Artists fad as Bailey crashed in. McColl A big was the Y. W. C. A. Room Supervisorture show. Marie Wieneke, dressed Mearle Shoebotham probably be made known in the near Guild during the week of February 10 m1de a charity and Housel added two Publicity-Gladys Nofsger future. to 17. more gifts. McCormick got a hasket a clown suit, presented by means After the cabinet had been installLet's all help the, "Bobcats battle in Twenty-three artists' works are re- and Housel let fly from center. Jolma projector the baby pictures of presented. Miss Norma Diddel has ex- son sank a one-hander and the ball girls. Not many of them could ed the chairman took charge of the the National Tournament.'' group discussions. The squad will leave Peru on Sun- hibited three paintings. game was over. Final &core, Peru 46, recognized. "What constitutes a religious life " day, March 6. Three scenes from the proposed D. Kearney 41. Stella R\Jgge, a promising Ginger was the subject discussed by the Fe!Squad members: x. Bible home in Texas are exhibited. Peru-Kearney box score: gers, gave a special number accom- lowship group. Bob Halladay Orville Pugh Gladys Lux whose works were on ex- PERU FG FT PF TP 'ed by "Madam Marg." She was The Creative Leisure group decided Leonard Greathouse Dean McCormick hib1't last year has the largest num- Mosley f .. .. .. .. .. . 2 o 1 4 cored by loud applause. to take up knjtting and to read "And Jack Mcintyre Russell Bailey ber of paintings on display. Halladay f . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 21 The ice cream men, Dean and Mc- so Victoria." · Lester Mosley Howard Dean -------McCormiclc c . . . . . . . . 2 0 7 rmick, had the privilege of peeking Roland Cowel Gene Miller \ PERUVIAN CONSCIOUS Pugh g . .. . . .. .. .. .. 1 O 2 on the fun when chocolate ice cream Valentine Day Bailey g ............ 2 3 4 0 nes were served to satisfy the hung- , , s the theme Margare t Sav1'II e f th f 1 o '" Grea ouse ...... . 2 of the children. at Sigma Tau Delta's meeting, which was the hostess The cover design Mcintyre f .......... 2 2 6 was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. at a Valentine Luncheon held b~ the for the 1938 Peruvian has been se- Dean g . · · · ... · · · · · 0 0 0 0 Smith Monday evening, February 14. Foods and Table Service Class Last lected, and the covers have been or- Cowell c ....... · · · .. 0 0 0 0 COLLEGE CALENDAR The fraternity voted upon advance- Wednesday evening M1·11er f O O 0 0 · dered. The staff promises something ·············· <'ebruary 22ments of those members eligible and The Luncheon was served English distinctly new and modern in this Handley f ........... O O 0 0 for the acceptance of new members. style, which mlans that everything year's cover. The Peruvian staff con- Majors g · ·. ·. · · · · · · 0 0 0 0 Y. W. C. A, Y. M. C. A., C. C. Those voted in were: was served from the table. sidered designs from. seven companies Total 19 8 10 46 A., 7-8 p. m. Active: The table was decorated with a large that submitted color sketches. This KEARNEY FG FT PF TP Norman Littrell Anna Short valentine for the centerpiece and i:ed ear the Peruvian will have a padded Davis f .............. O O 0 0 Broadcast Gladys Nofsger Virginia Trively cupids for favors. I ~over. The padded cover has the ef- Gillispie f ........ 1 0 3 Haskell Indians., B. B., here. 4 Bertie Boom M:ary Liz Werner Assisting the hostess were: Assistant feet of making the book larger, even Ellenmeir c .. · ·.... 1 0 2 0 Alice DeVore Clara Eyre Hostess, Jeanne Wagner; and wait- though the size is the same as last Figenbaum g . . . . . . . . 1 3 February 24(New) Active: ress, ,Ruth Sutorius. Mary Mathews year's book. Beck g .............. 5 1 2 11 Freshman Clubs, 7-8 p. m. Ruth Roberts was critic. In the past Stegeman f . . . . . . . . 1 O 1 8 Pledges: The menu consisted of: Valentine it has been the custom to keep deJohnson f . . . . . . . . . . 4 O 0 li'ebruary 2511 Helen M. Larson Grace Hnizda Punch, Tuna Fish Timba!ls, Scalloped tails of the make-up of the Peruvian Housel g . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Falls City H. S., B.B., here. Laura Baum Elaine Eddy Potatoes, Jellied Beet and Celery Sal- in the dark until the book itself was McColl c ..... ·. . . . . O 1 2 The spring banquet, which is to be ad, Valentine Cookies and Vanilla Ice published: This policy may be changTotal 17 7 10 41 i'ebruary 26informal, will be held March 14 in Cream. ed this year. The new cover may be All College Dance the Home Economics room. exhibited in a few weeks. Remember!. The Y. W. C. A. and 'Ie Y. M. C. A. Conference is coming li'ebruary 28After the business meeting Dr. Smith Th e versa t1 The Peruvian Staff conducted some brain-twisting con- Bill Platenburg wants snapshots. Last week, Alice De- March 18, 19 and 20. Separate Convo~ations tests and Elaine Shafer, as man-on- who attended Peru last semester and Vore received a theater ticket for her Registration will be held on Frithe-street interviewed several people was prominent in dramatics and ath- prize snapshot. The week before, five day afternoon, March 18 and SaturCrawdads, 7-8 p. m. on pressing problems. letics has another talent to which he tickets were awarded. The staff gives day morning March 19. Kappa Phi "The Rectangle," official quarterly had not exposed the Peru students- theater tickets for each usable snapArrangements have been made to of the fraternity was distributed. The singing. News has reached the cam- shot submitted, and there is no lim- have meals for the guests served at Scholarship Club 7-8 p. m. three selections reprinted from "Sift- pus that Bill has accepted a position it to the number of snapshots that the the Dormitory. Pi Gamma Mu. ing Sands" were by Miss Tear, Elaine singing over a St. Louis radio station. one can submit. All snapshots not acA person without a purpose is like a Shafer and Marjorie Stevenson. He went to St. Louis February 13. cepted will be returned. ship without a rudder.


Gabus, Virginia Trively, Martha Clifton, Leora Libhart, Helen Margaret Larson, Herbert Stutheit, Edwin Bentley, and Professor Steck. Maxine Jarvis assumed the duties of Pianist. Using a fire-side arrangement, tho group sang some southern selections, "Nancy Till", "Ellie Rhee," and "The Old Home" all arranged by Louis Victor Saar. Other selections were "Farewell," "Czecho-Slovakian Dance Song," "Gh arm me As1eep, ,, "Th e Ma e1zel" and "The Heart So Mild," were sung. With Margery Evans at .the piano Helen Margaret Larson, vocalist sang "Come Down to Kew" and "Oh, Lovely Night." ------



The Peru Pedagogian


Publis)J.ed Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents. ADVERTISING RATES Display 20 cents per inch.

Locals, 10 cents per line

STAFF Editor ....................................... Norman Littrell ~Associate Editor .................. ~· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bert Hall

Sports r ,ditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Sheely M · Spons ,r · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Miss Florence artm Advertising Manager .......... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · William Bischoff REPORTERS Russell Bailey Bertie Boom Ruth Roberts Grace Hnizda Frances Staley

Melba Obernolte Bert Hall Edward Short Jean Wagner Lawrence Weston

Eleanor Nieman Martha Clifton Anna Louise Short Hubert Johnson Mildred Williams

A PERU YEARBOOK FOR EVERY STUDENT through the means of registration fees is the dream of Peruvian officials. Therefore, we present to you this week their view points and a Pedagogian .Look-in On Peruvian Feelings on the question of "A Peruvian for Everybody." Before ,yve undertook this problem we checked various angles. The Pe,ruvian cooperated by giving us figures they have worked out on the problem. Figures showing how much cheaper a year book would be if everyone bought the book. For this and other reasons we advocate the requiring of buying Peruvians when you register.

STUDENTS HAVE SHOWN BY POLLS that they desire a yearbook-yet always a great number do not buy books. In the same vein many do not have their picture takenyet they receive some space in the year book-at the expense of others. Why shouldn't students be required to buy a yearbook? They have to buy a contingent ticket-are football games more indica· 'tive of student life than is a yearbook? Are our past budget events -such as the Ted Shawn dancers-worth as much as a copy of the students' life in college? The White Hussars pleased us last year --but will their music ring in our ears ten years from now? Nobut a Peruvian will always be there to remind one of his college days.







WE HEREBY PRESENT for your undivided attention and thought an all-important question-the Pedagogian Look-in On Peruvian Feelings for this week. Should the Peruvian be left to struggle on in a constant light of uncertainty, in so far as its finances are concerned, or should it be included on the budget ticket? If the Peruvian is included on the budget ticket, it will necessitate an increase in the price of the ticket. However, it might be interesting to y0u to learn that approximately 315 students-and unhappy 70 per cent of the college enrolment-are annually overlooking an opportunity for a substantial money mving, throughout their college course. And the remaining BO per cent are giving up their chance to own a Peruvian because of a lack of available money, when under a · slightly altered arrangement, a budget ticket costing approximate! v $5.00 per semester would provide these people . with budget tickets, photographs, and Peruvians as well as save 70 per cent of the student body a matter of two dollars and a half. As statistics today will show, each student is now paying $7.50 annually for a budget ticket, and those who feel that they can afford it pay out $5.00 more for pictures and Peruvian. The total being $1Z.50 per year for the ticket, pictures, and Peruvian. The saving is readily seen in com paring the cost under the newly suggested arrangement and that of the present plan. Those interviewed were of practically a unanimous opinion that the Peruvian should be included on the budget ticket. Anita Searle: "It's a good idea." Barney Barrisas: "Sorry, haven't time to discuss the matter." Mary Slack: "This is a matter for the coming student body to decide. Under capable leadership, it would increase the prestige of the school." Mary Werner: "I am in favor of placing the Peruvian on the budget ticket, knowing that it will be beneficial to the student body as a whole, for the Peruvian is a part of school

Book worms, your menu this week contains two novels and a book of travel. There is a rental fee of ten cents for one book. "What Is American" by Frank Ernest Hill. What is American? "It is an old question. It has been asked by Europeans, it has been asked by Americans. It seems to worry us." Mr. Hill attempts to answer the question with unusual care and completeness. The author inserts passages of glowing prose, descriptive of the American land and the American climate.

COMPLETE New line of SAMPLES Peru Cleaners & Tailors Peru Phone 62

"Bryilhild" by Herbert George Wells. Rowland Palace, noted British novelist, is a man whose main purpose in life is to establish an imposing facade. His wife, Brynhild, stays in the background for seven year~ and then decides that she would like :,omr~hing of her own. A book that is easy to read and enjoy.


"The Rumelhearts of Rampler Avenue" by Maud Smith Delavan. This book is intended to provide many smiles and a few hearty .;huck· les-which it succeeds in doing. 'I'lle i Rumelhearts win the he1rts of all who 1·~ read of them. A lively story of a live- .1·, ly family. This book belongs to the 1 rental collection. 1





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Larry Stark: "The plan under discussion is very much on the order of large universities." He believes that, STUDENTS NOW if the plan can be worked out to satisfy the demands of a large system, ATTENDING PERU certainly it ought to be easy endo not realize how much a year-book can mean. Your friends ough to adjust it to a smaller system. Stevenson Vs. Shafer: Miss Elaine are here or they have just been gone a few years. You are too Shafer and Miss Marjorie Stevenson close to the college to miss it during your short vacations. discuss the matter from every an'.!~. Ask a grad about his opinion of a yearbook. Hear him tell of One feels that many could not afford an increased budget ticket, the other "They are Delicious" hc;w he takes it down from the shelf-hoists Junior on his knee-t'.links that if they can afford to come and travels back to college days. "There's John. Gad, he was a to school they can afford to spend 'l Ice Cream Pop swell guy. I r,emember when he and I got two girls from the J.mle more on the budget ticket for all dorm and explored the bluffs. Let's see-gosh I've forgotten those that they're getting in exchange. Sandwiches Meals girls' names-but I'll run across their pictures in the book. Look! Lillian Humphrey: "Personally, I'm in favor. However, it should be put Plate Lunches our 'Specialty' there's Mom-she was a cute little trick. Those were the daysbefore the student body for a vote. I 1 b izzards-why back in-". dislike the ccmpulsory part of it." Stella Rogg·e: "The compulsory part YOU TOO WILL of it invites bad feeling. "It would be compelling students to WANT TO LOOK patronize a school project, howe;·er, believe the budget plan for the Peru- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - back at basketball or football games-Farmer's Formal-Home- vhm constitutes a worth while sa~'ir•.; coming-Parents' Day-College Parade-Girls Club Party-grad- ior those who would buy the Per.l\ian uation-"P" Club-freshies-campus scenes and life. Then you anyway and it brings the Peruvian within reach of everyone. will wish for a Peruvian. You are not being asked to rise When you sit before a fire in years to come, you may be happy where you are and cheer for "Peruvian with your wife, dog and pipe-but you won't be content until you on Budget Ticket!" 1hink about it. can dream away a few hours every year by mooning over the Pe Talk it over with your room-mate and ruvian. As Jimmie McAllister would say, "Be Peruvian Con- your favorite faculty member. Do anything, but don't forget itl Opporscious Now-you will be later." tunity is seemingly pounding upon the gate. When you're sure it isn't an April Fool's prank-and it isn't-<lon't be afraid to rush out and let in a perHIGHER EDUCATION ' fectly grand idea to save a little money Higher education can be likened unto a man half blind walking and boost Peruvian which is Peru. along a pathway of beautiful trees and flowers but seeing only shadows and fog along the way; then a miracle happens: he sees Miss Margueritte Robinson, who attended summer school in Peru and is the path as it is in the full light of day with the shadows gone, and now teaching the second grade in Pawcleanness, !?rightness, and beauty confronting him. nee City, was a guests of Eveline




Bus Cafe

West, February 13.


-- Haskell

Watch the Bobcats Battle :Local Basket Fans Have a Rare Treat /

in store for them

tonight when Peru entertains the colorful Haskell Indians quintet. Tlle Haskell team has been chosen from a long string of high class teams to have a big game for Peru fans, as well as some high class competition for the ball team. It will cost the athletic department a large sum to bring this team to Peru, but it is hoped that all Peru fans will turn out and help the Bobcats battle to a vietory over the Indians. some of the boys representing the Haskell team follow: sterling Big Bear, 5 foot 8 inch Sioux from Yankton, south Dakota. Ellison Waters, Ponca, from Ponca City, Oklahoma. f:.penc1'1· Fire, Sloux from Th0mpson, South Dakota. Ben Shoemake, Cherokee from took. Oklahoma. John Granbois. Chippewa, Froid, Montana. Solon Hill, Sioux, from Veblen, Datota. ______

Fort Skiafrom South

CAT TALES By Glen Sheely

Looking it over 'I'he margin on the score Friday was more comfortable than the one at Kearney a little over a week ago, and the score against York, Saturday, was very impressive, considering York's victory over Doane the night before. Pep Squad Besides the ball team we have another snappy outfit performing on the basketball court. You're right-it's the Pep squad. Nice going, gals. Haskell Coming The Haskell Indians will be here tonight for the last home game on the schedule. Better be on hand. Wayne Trouble After tonight there are no more games till March 1 at Wayne. Wayne promises to be tough, having beaten Nebr. B, 43 to 40 at Lincoln, Saturday. And they tell us that Wayne hasn't been beaten for two years on their own floor. Durst Loses Shiny Durst lost a decision to Vic Marker in the Omaha Golden Gloves Boxing Tournament last week, but

The Alley Toms conpisting of "Jerry" Ogg, "Norm" Littrell, Olie" Johnsono, "Hoots" Johnson, "Neal" Good, John Gridley, and "Ed." Short handed the Dallstom House their first defeat Dahlstrom includes "Johnny "Green, "Doug." Dougles, "Phil" Lurk, Graydon Ashton, "Star" Ritter, "Rocky" Rockwell, and "Clear" Walker. Weare's




"Lou" Paspal, James McAllister, Ralph Scholls, '"Prof." Larson, "Boaty" Boatman, Elmer Clarey, "Hutchy" Hutchinson, "Arky" Bruce, "JaaJ>:" Heck, "Van" Vanderbeck, "Benny" Sheldon nosed out the hardluck Parrish House, in a feature game, by one point. "Larry" Stark, Gilbert Purucker, '.'Pat" Harris, Bert Hall, "Les" Reutter, Roy Kellog, "Vic" McGinnis and Bowen 'wear the· Parish colors. Parrishes, favored at the beginning have won, but two games Reiff's players are Clair Callan, George Armstrong, Paul Blair, "Joe" Vacek, "Len" Gibbs, Henry McGinley. Higgin's are "Browny" Velvick, "Oroo" Rogers", "Fritz" Wolter, "Joe" Punches, Cameron Sweenie, "Spec" N~lson, and "Dick" Turner. Intramural basketball came to a close last week with the following standings as posted: L· Fin. Team W 1st, Collins .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 2 .2nd, Reiffs ............... . 2 2nd, Stags .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . 5 3 3rd, Alley Toms .. .. .. .. .. 4 4th, Parishs .... ~ ......... 3 4 4 4th, Higgins .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 3 4 4th, Weares ............. . 7 0 5th, 8th Wonders

tl:J.ose who saw the fight said it could have gone either way. Back to basketball Peru has qualified for entrance in the National Intercollegiate Baske.tball Tournament to be held at Kansas City from March 7 to 12th. Drawings have not yet been made but you can bet there will be no "set-u!)s" in that tournament. Some of the best teams in this part of the United States will be


The Peru-Brock game Tuesday was featured By Personal Fouls and little else as Referee Higgins called 36 personals while the Bobkittens were gaining a 24-18 decision. The Peru boys gave the Brock lads 23 gift shots of which Brock missed 17. Adams, Pugh, and Frafton left the game after committing four personal fouls each. The Peru reserves were forced to play the final quarter. Fisher showed up best on defense as he had Gnly one foul marked against him. Ellis Adams was high point man with . nme point 0 ·~L'~h he scored the first half. The intermission score was 19 to 9 in favor of Peru. The Hawley brothers stood out for the visitors as B. Hawley prov~d the best on defense and L. Hawley was the high scorer for Brock with eight )Joints. The Peru seconds defeated the Brock seconds 10 to eight as Hunzeker >Was high point man with four points.

The number one Omaha favorite Golden Glover is LeRoy Durst, who even in defeat rated the most bountiful customer acclaim. The Peru College student, with the vicious right punch, lost the decision to Vic Marker in the welter-weight finals. This duel drew to!) applause all during the tournament. When the decision against him was announced, the boos were so raucous and so prolonged that the announcer vks unable to announce the next bout. "Shiney" Durst was handicapped, all through the Golden Glove tournament with a fractured bone in the right hand. This he received while "work-



FT PF TP 3 3 9 Halladay f · · · · · · · · · · 4 McCormick c . .. . .. .. 5 5 2 15 Bailey g . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 1 6 Pugh g .............. 1 1 3 Greathouse c . . . . . . 1 0 2 Mosley f ............ 0 0 2 0 Deang .............. 2 2 6 0 Miller g . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 2 5 Cowell c ............ 1 o o 2 neely g . . . . . . . . . . . . o 1 o 1 Handley f . . . . . . . . . . o o 0 Majors g ............ o 0 0 Total ........... 19 14 14 52 THE PREP FIGHTERS DEFEATED DAWSON IN A WILD GAME

in which 35 gift tosses were dttempted Thursday night. The Bobkittens wo!l by a 34-19 tally. Leahy and Fisher exhibited some fine defensive playing while Grafton and Adams collected the points for Peru. Adams scored 10 for high honors. Although 17 personal fouls were made by the Kittens and 13 by Dawson, Fisher of Peru and Jichen ;1f Dawson ware the only players forced from the v,ame with fonr each.. The Bobkitten reserves held the when the two teams Dawson reserves to two f.eld goals met on Peru's £16~~ Saturday night. Peru used reserves as they defeated the visitors 16 to 9. through most of the game as they Velvick and Kennedy of Peru and gave the Yorksters a 52-20 trouncing. Hiem of Dawson tied for high scoring honors with four points apiece. Peru jumped into an early lead and The box scores for the first teum from then on were -never threatened. game: Bucket after bucket added two points PERU (34) FG PF F'I' Pts to Peru's total and the crowd realized Leahyf ............ 1 3 3 5 it was merely a matter of score. Grafton f .. .. . .. . .. 4 2 9 York, a many-times-beaten team Adams, c .. .. .. .. .. 5 3 O 10 must have risen to a great height the Pughg ............ 2 3 2 6 night before they played Peru, for at Fisher g .. .. .. .. . .. . 4 2 4 that time they defeated Doane. Lack Christian g .. .. . .. .. . O o o of reserve power probably cost York Hunzeker f . .. . .. .. .. O o o its chance at exerting the towering Coulter g .. . .. . .. .. O o o Bobcats. McCormick, who saw little Velvick g .. . .. .. .. o o o o service, hit his old pace and collected Total 13 17 8 34 15 points. Halladay made 9 points DAWSON (19) FG PF FT pts and! Bailey kept his trust with his Lanning f. ........ : .. 0 3 o o fans by "taking a bead" and potting Tiehen f .. .. . .. . .. .. O 4 1 1 3 baskets. Fisherc ............. 2 1 o 4 Saindon and Quick looked good for Kinsey c .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 o 4 the York aggregation. Hudson g ..... : .. .... 1 3 3 5 Box score: · Hiem ............... o o YORK FG PT PF TP Auxier g .. .. . .. . .. .. 1 O 2 4 Saindon .. . .. .. . .. 3 2 2 8 Total . .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 12 7 19 Gaberman f 1 1 3 3 Overmi!ler c . . . . . . . . 1 3 4 5 Idaho is called "The Gem of the Tonkin g . . . . . . . . . . O O 2 O Mountains." Quick g ............ O ·1 1 It has been said: "Six hearty laughs ~terson ff..... · .... O 1 0 2 ompson ········ a day, then you can laugh the seventh Gale c .. .. .. .. .. .. .. o o O O one at the doctor." Total 6 8 20 20



Many Compliments Received on Broadcasts Professor Lindstrom, Manuar Art Instructor announced Thursday that many compliments are forthcoming i!l regard to the broadcasting on the part of the college, particularly the education talks. Many of the alumni listening in on our broadcast gave much praise· to Dr. Miller and have announced that they will be in the college for some History courses in the near future. Among· these is Ermond Moore of Weeping Water. Mr. Moore, who was here last summer and who is teaching now in Weeping Water has an Amateur Broadcasting of his own known as W9VFL. An Amateur Radio Club is being organized by Prof. Lindstrom in his Hig·h 'School classes. Members of the club are James Hanlon, Gordon Hollenbeck, Charles Mason, Clark Rogers, and Richard Kingsolver.









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ing out" in Peru before going to Omaha. His fight with Clair Dailey, Fort Crook fighter, was a fairly easy one, as he won the semi-finals the same evening. After the fight Daily remarked, "Well Durst, you won but I'm proud you didn't knock me out." The fight went to a three round decision.

Although Durst was defeated in the finals his chances of going to the Chicago, Tournament of Champions, represented. are very good. "Vic" Marker of Scottsbluff, his victor, expressed his doubts The Intramural of being able to attend. · basketball title T'he decision was lost 3-0, but the went to Collins with Reifs and Stags ratings of the three judges were, 59-58, 57-55, and 58-56. Marker was hurt in second place. the most during the fight as Durst's Collins' set a new high score against punches were much harder. the Eighth Wonders by defeating them 55-8. Donahoe, getting individual Several letters were honors with 17 poinst. The Collin's received this week by Professor Steck rooster includes "Billy" Donahoe, "Bill" from Alumni who were former meir,Letters Mooney, "Bob" Mooney, "Don" bers of the· Peru Singers. Greever, "Shiny" Durst, Merrit Jen- >vere from Roriald Clark of Culbertson, Ross Glover of Ulysses, and Mrs. son, "Wiley" Remmers, and Soper. The "Eighth Wonders' " are Gale Stephen Gaines, formerly Coleta Crink Carter, Carter Johnson, Loyd Heim, of Ashland. They stated they have Le Roy Redfern, Ross Adams, Ander- been reading the Ped. and express son, "Bill" Chapin, Junior Goings, M. their desire to have the Peru Singers give concerts in their towns Wirth, "Pug" Boyer and W. Wirth.

Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska Basketball Schedule

19 38

Jan. llWesleyan, 48".41 Jan


Doane, 53-48

Jan. 15 Hastings, 56-33 Jan. Jan.

22 28

Alumni 41-27 Midland 37-27

Jan. 29 Wayne, 53.35 Feb. 1 Midland, 46-32 Feb. 4 Doane, 54.45 Feb. 5 Hastings 36-44 Feb. 9 Nebr. 8 37.39 Feb.

IO Kearney 41-440



Feb. 18 KEARNEY, here

Feb. 18 Kearney 46-41

Feb. 19 YORK, here Feb. 22 HASKELL INDIANS here

Feb.19 York 52 20.

Mar. 4 Wayne, there

Nebr. Wesleyan 42-23


TWITTERBONES Weekly Review. by Unkie Hit of the weekMcKimmey's jaw. Bright sayings of this week: Mildred Hubka: I spent two hours this afternoon in the library looking for that psychology by Pintner, and never did find it. work. Joey Punches: Hey! If you're the of discussion and heart friends ex·· Fad-Radios in Dorm rooms. office girl, go get ah-,,Rh- Diddlefluf- chane-ed gifts. Alarmed-What over? over all the Miss Jane Hacket ~ fers for me. The evening was .sP. ent in playing alarms that are alarming everyone a- graduate of last year, and teacher at George Mort: Oh, the house is on games instead of the usual patrol m~et- bout six a. m. Schaller, Iowa, writes friends in Peru fire? Well, put it out and go away. lll"'S. Caught-G. H. Steck-Occasion, Ke- that her girls basketball team has had " Mrs. ~'letzer serv~d refreshments I'm going back to sleep. at th€! close of the party. hoe making her usual 11 :05 appear- a good season. Four of her girls are Pun of the Week The approaching ance at class. Kehoe, "They say you sophomores, one is a junior and one 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Severn! basketball tournament finds the Peru should never hurry, never worry, so, a senior. Couples of the Week Bobkittens paired against Shubert in here I am." The man who VITO t e-"The sha des of At the Kearney game were: Fritzy courtin' Coatney. the first round. If they emerge victorAlice, in wonder, lands Organ. ious, the Bobkittens will play the win- night are falling fast" didn't live in Thelma Arthur, Hiawatha, Kansas; Little Williams and "that Handsome ner of the Dawson-Table Rock game. Peru. Evelyn Brecht, Humboldt; Virginia Dick Turner." Peru is favored in the upper brackHeard! that a committee is to be Johnson, Humboldt; John Magor, AuHienke-Nitchel et, while Humboldt is expected to be appointed to buy lollypops for Peru burn; Beth Ranza, Omaha and Eva Hienke-Boatman, (Casanova.) the other team in the finals. Players. Grace Tackett, Omaha. Boatman-Clifton The first snow Learned by Wolters-The outside Beth Ranza Little Y. W.-Preacher Grossoehme of the winter covered eastern Nebras· door to the kitchen. Little Y. W.-Preacher's brother Tim- .!J;a with a white blanket Tuesday Yours, mons. morning. This snow gave the. Train- Till the sands of the Saharn grow the past week. Miss Ranza teaches Gibbs and Franz June ing school students their first chance cold. Bud & Toots. physical education an;d dancing at Falloon and Pajama-top Eddy to use their selds during the current Brownell Hall in Omaha to the pri(Hopp's pajamas.) year. The streets were blocked off Life is too short to learn by person- nnry grades· through to the senior Hunt and Stark (No?) and many took advantage of the fast al experience. high school. Last semester she also Blanche and Srnack-'em and run run. attended classes at the Omaha UniverBill. Several students were injured: Ed- Freshman Scribblers sity and made the all-star soccer team. Sports of tHe Week gar Lyons pulling some muscles in his vrnnt to write well De. Edis()n Pettit Gum Chewing shoulder and Gordon Palmer breaking but that isn't the pr()blem which has m::mber of the staff of Mount Wilson The winners: Callahan and date. his arm. been C()nfronting them. The question observatory is one of the co-authors Fights The Junfor Business before the meeting Thursday nigM of an article in the December publiDurst m Omaha training class under the supervision of was-"What does one write about?" c2tions of the Astronomical Society Benny vs. Cordell here. Ray Kellogg visited the Peru Bank M!'S. Baker, the club sponsor, and a of the Pacific on the subject of the Winter sports Friday afternoon. co-sponsor, Marjorie Harris, attempt- large solar eruptive prominence of Snyder and Reutter wash Sencr The class was interested in how the ed to help the members to a solu- September 17th last. Photography of Prichards handsome mustachio with different machines worked, and in how tion of their difficulty. Suitable sub- tte prominence was done at the Mcsnow. checks were cashed and deposits made. ject matter for both prose and poe- Math-Hulbert observatory. Mr. Pettit Drill The Boy Scout Cabin try was discussed and Scribblers left. received his degree from Peru in 19ll. Whose place in Pep Squad wa~. the which is being built by troop 325 of Mrs. Baker's home with a determindog taking' Peru, is nearing completion with only ation to produce. something r;;ally How come Finney didn't know tlle the mantle of the fire place and the worthwhile. drills? floor to be finished. All Freshmen similarly inspired are •rrack The cabin was built by volunteer cordially invited by Scribblers to join Halladay makes tracks home-fri~·bt- scouts who worked as the weather per- their ranks. The next meeting is ened by Mrs. Marsh. mitted. The boys wish to thank the scheduled for March 3. Personalities of the Week Kiwanis Club, the business men of the Mcintyre, the basketball player, and town and the W. P. A. workers who WIFE. helped to make the scouts' dreams ALMUNI TRAIL The brave faculty members who gen- :come true. erally give their evenings to chaperon- The dedication of the cabin is plan- Seven of the heads ing the dance. ned and will take place this spring. of the department of the Little Dormitory Council with black- The Ninth Grade University of Maryland by a recent mark. journalism class, under the supervision act of the legislature were brought The Cueball Collin Clan. of Mr. Littrell, visited the Peru Point- under the Retirement Act. Among Question of the Week er office on Friday, February 18, 1938. this number was Mr. Charles J. PierDid your Muscle Moll get that way i The class was interested in how type son, connected with the Zoology Defrom Modern Dancing? was set up to be used and enjoyed their p::irtment since 1916. By old friends THE END tour of the shop. Mr. Fowler explained fifty years ago, Mr. Pierson will be the mysteries of a newspaper to them r€membered as one of the graduates and traced the growth of a printed of the class of 1888. He taught in the MUSIC NOTES page. public schools and later went to the

DR. GLEN H. JODER Surgeon and Physician Milstead C()rner Phone Office 33 Res. 39

"BIG MUDDY CHIEF" Corn Sheller An efficient, up to date, machine built for those who use improved and modern methods of farming. This sheller is quick and 100% efficient. Designed especially for the farmers living around and near Peru.



21 :-28






; --1~-~-E~·~;~;--~;~: ~~U;~;I;~- _, --- - - ' .---~

University of California where he spe- ·~:'::··~~~c,T~'f':'c*"''''~:'iiil!ii'y:,··:":~<~::--::?i31>'::-.:~-,:-·::~'';c'~"--:-;.r1 cialized in Zoology. He was in classses Officers were elected .I here at Peru with Mr. Ellis Good. for the second semester at the orches- I JINGLE-JANGLE also Mrs. Ida Church Good, and J. tra meeting, Monday, February 7. I' Those elected were: · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " W. Crabtree. He came back to school I ~ President-Lucille Renner Dear Fellow men (and Women too): several years after graduation when , Vice-Pres.-Nancy Jane Kehoe Here is what we saw when we glanc- W. N. Delzell was in school. 1 Sec.-Mildred Knoflicek · ed around the campU&The Denver City scho()ls 1 ',·.· Treas Bob Blankenship "How do you like my haircut?" \ 1\Y if: Satur;;;:y morning rehearsals "Don't like it? But swim boys swim.!" published a bulletin · )'\ are being held by the college band. Will the students of ancient history not only recounting the many new These rehearsals are preparatory to the please consult Mrs. Dunning for Lhe provements at the Denver schools in- I!;. \!! ·Band Broadcast to be given March 1. seven wonders of the world? augurated by its superintendent ..A1ex-!i.'• NEATLY BOUND O:i A decided interest is shown by these The inactive boys at the Collins ander J. Stoddard, but it expressed in extra practices. house, a fire won't move them. glowing terms of the many good things 1i U l;J, The Pep Band A gentleman's manners slipped up he has started at Denver. Mr. St.od--1 d th dir t· f J k H 1 on hin1 He laughed at a lady's fall dard graduated from Peru in 1910. _; 1fi un er e ec !On o ac aze" t ..ss Anna Jenru·n2:S . I r... f'i, ton, helped to win another Peru vie- and he slipped next. w;. · tory when they attended the Peru- \ Observed-Jindra and his silent con- -ibrarian at Kearney is still doing 1·1· versations her efficient work the same as she did \ l ifi . .i :. • 1, Wes1eyan game a t Wes1eyan February 11. Right cars carried the band mem- / Wondering-Who reads the after in school in 1899. Miss Jennings went bers to the game. ) dark light signals· from first floor Eliza to Kearney in 1910.

Note B0 0 ks I,~

im-1 j












Professor and Mrs, Steck !Morgan? attended the Lancaster Music Associ-: Competition-Thorson and the noise ation Contest held at the Field House (of the machine shop-Which one will of the Agriculture College at Lincoln, 1 win? Thursday, February 17. Professor 11 Basketball roinded-McKlmmey ussteck was judge of the vocal groups. i !ng spoons for basketballs and musThe String Quartette ; tard jars for baskets. composed of Lucille Renner, Mildred Impulses-Everyone begins to Shh! Knoflicek, Mary Alice Vanderford, and Shh! when the minister rises at conMarjorie Trenholm presented several vocation. numbers at the meeting of the Peru Did you see? The girls go dashing




l~ I_ '

j,~ ~

1·kiss LaVerne Setzer coach of girls athletics at Meriden. Iowa, reports that her basketball team\~ has had a winning season. They !. l·.11:. were defeated only in. the finals at I, r · the county tournament February 12. The team was to go to the section- i al tournament at Ackron the past week. and if winning, would g0 from thei·e:'' to the state tournament at Des Moines. J This is Miss Setzer's second year at


~~man's Club, Wednesday, February : :~~m~~eenhouse to see the "bug :~:d~~ru ~~e ,3~~ceived








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An original one-act play by Miss Marie Wieneke ~~~~~~~~~~~

featured convocation last Friday, Feb.


the play, entitled "Entertaining Angels" was presented · by members of the Phi Alpha Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta. Miss Wieneke wrote and directed the paly. The play's first performance was successful through her own fine direction, the quality of the play and 'the superb acting of Glema Miers. The cast of characters included: Mrs. Rosa Kneipels-Glema Miers Grace-Virginia Tri.vely Anne-Mary Lizabeth Werner Mr. Kneipels-Norinan Littrell . Mary K at.hryn Han1on Ame1iaMrs. Walker-Elaine Shafer Mrs. Reagen-;Eleanor Hemphill

:~.1:1:~:~::..~:;~esEl~:~ ~

Vivian McKirnrney Kappa Delta Pi



THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN CONTINUES ITS POLICY 'of keeping new angles before Pe-


Twenty-six debate teams will use the Peru campus

ruvians by starting a series of three guest editors-of which 1Bert Hall of Omaha is the first. Miss Alberg's play 1

These students are chosen for "Morphine Sulphate, P.

R. N.

When They Compete

in the annual M. I. N. K. invitational high school debate tournament which . will be held on he campus March 4-5. Schools which plan to send representatives are Edgar, DeWitt, Auburn, Nebraska City, Hastings, Omaha Central, Omaha. North, Omaha Benson, Omaha South, Walton, Geneva, Lincoln, and Plattsmouth. Two teams will represent each school, with one debating the affirmative point of view, and the other the negative side. The Dramatic Club The propositioon for debate is RETime marches on SOLVED: "That the several states Meeting of Feb. 24 should adopt a unicameral system of toward the first · This issue of the Pe d agogian, featured the Dramatic Club's "Hi Jun- legislatures." Y. M. C. A. Conference contains work done by or under ior" and the guests (Peru Players) an"All the teams that are competing to be held on the Peru Campus. The the supervision of Guest Editor swer "Ya Man." The meeting was held are known to be good teams and the

president of Peru's chapter, left Friday, February 25, for Atlantic City, New Jersey where she will attend the Biennial Gonviention to be held in that city from February 28 to March 1. She goes as a representative from this fraternity. At Chicago Miss McKimmey will take the train known as the "American Administrators' Association Special." She plans to return to Peru Saturday, March 5.

their journalistic contributions to the campus-each of these stu dents is playing an important part in the struggle to advance Peru in the field of journalism.

As a Battle Ground

was read by Marie Wieneke at the maeting of Alpha Si Omega on February first. The play is one which is adapted to radio presentation. Alpha Si Omega decided to produce the play for the Peru Hour Broadcast on March· 9. Those taking parts will be members of Alpha Si Omega. At the business meeting the new constitution, having had its third reading, was adopted by the fraternity.

Murphy conference is to be held on March 18, Bert Hall, associate editor Thursday night in the college audi- competition is sure to be keen," said 19 and 20. . B . d torium. Professor R. D. Moore of the Speech Mrs. Lane-Gladys Nofsger Following is part of the letter which of th~ Pedag.og~an. ert is a ~A group in Choral reading, under Department. He also explained that The scene took place in an old tum- has been sent to the office at Topeka, 'vout 1ournahst1c student and his the direction of Marie Wieneke, gave suitable tropies will be awarded for bled-down house a few weeks before Kansas. From there it will be sent work at Peru has b een a potent severa1 se1ect'ions. · 1d d 1'""' ·~uey me u e : the first and second place t~ams. Christmas. · to all the organizations in the state of. factor in the advancement of the Many, Many We1comes, February Fair Student and faculty member~ will The setting of the stage was manMa1'd The Myster1·ous Cat An Inter Nebraska ' ' - do the judging. Members of the student aged by MarJ'orie Stevenson, Anna · :Pedagogian. t d "' tsh' Se F d Th Nebraska State Training Conference . . . . d rup e .00 ur ip, a ever, an · e body are invited to attend any sesLouise Short, and Charles Parnell. For the first time in its "career" Pe- · Besides his mterest m recor • Highwayman. The solos were taken Melba Obernolte and Marcella Kar. th h' t f Peru Bert has b M Li W M . w· k sions they desire-there will be no ru state Teachers College will don a mg e IS ory O • Y ary z erner, ane ienc e, admission charged. pis~k- were in charge of the costume~. hostess gown to greet both old and also been making history through Dean Karr, and Harold Prichard. -- - - - - 'Ih1s. play represented a true expen- new Y. M. and Y. W. cabinets, who the medium of the "P" Club A one-act play "The Finger of God" ence of Miss Wienke.. Miss Werner are expected to cross the welcome mat (f b 11 d t k I tt ' was presented. Those participating in Faculty Learns to 'and Miss Trively played the parts of March 18, 19 and 20 to attend the oot a an rac e erman; the play were: Bob Weber, Leslie OpMiss Wienke and her sister respectiveand the Everetts Literary Soci· penhiemer, and Helen Margaret Lar- Do "Big Apple" Nebraska Spring Training Conference. ly. We were indeed fortunate in secur- ety, of which organization he IS son. The play was a drama and di- with a one, two, three, puff, pant, six, The suspense element was pronoun'd ncted by Elaine Shaffer. seven, groan, hop-a-hop. ing as principle speaker, Dr. A. H. pres1 ent. A short business meeting preceeded The faculty· party, held Friday eveced giving the play added interest. Bosley. Instructor of Theology at the the program. ning in the Music Hall, started with A number of visitors attended the 'Iowa State Teachers ~llege at ceplay including Miss Wiencke's parents d F ll I E h D proper dignity and ceremony. The and brother. ar a s, owa. ac summer r. Bosley goes east to the Green MounMiss Wieneke received a corsage of tains to lecture at the Y. w. c. A. violets from Miss McCollum and a large conference held there, and his meschocolate cake !rom Mrs. Dr. Smith. sage is enthusiastically received by the As the Final grape juice, revived the weary, who The cast gladly helped dispose of the many groups who attend. Dr. BosBy Nipping Peru returned and tried some "truckin". cake. . . . ley started his brilliant college career In a Thriller The committee in charge of the Dr. Smith managed. the prmtmg of with a two-year course at Peru so Curtain Closes, the programs on the Sigma Tau print- we're rather puffed up with the idea which was featured by three over- party was composed of Mrs. C. M. tonight, upon a truly colorful season Brown, Miss I. Mason, Mr. J. A. Bath ing press. of bringing him back to his Alma time periods. The final score was 26-23. of basketball sucess. Peru took the lead at the start when and Mr. E. Hayward. Mammy. Ml\ch depends upon the outcome of The Girl's Club Because we want this year's conLeahy sunk a setup from the first tip this final game. If Peru wins, they Discussed Organization ference to have "yumph" we're jelly- they will become the undisputed cham- off. Peru held the lead until just be- A surprise party ~ng in preparation committee meetings fore the half, when Falls City tied it pions of the N. I. A. A. c011ference, and for next year, during the course of a ~ncessantly. up with two free shots. was held Tuesday the first team to defeat the Wayne agmeeting held Monday morning. "How As you know, the conference is planBoth teams had trouble with set ups. for Miss Maxine Jarvis, ex-president of gregation on their home floor in two to organize" for the coming year was ned to meet the nea!s of the new years. If Wayne comeseo-icrecei. DD Peru Prep missed enough to win, but JY. w. c. A. at the regular meeting of the main issue of discussion to which cabinet members, but we urged both Peru will be forced into a tie with the stayed in the game with some brilliant the organization. was added a light discussion as to the old and the new to attend-and shooting by Pugh and Adams. The Miss Leora Libhard, President of Y. "what could the Girl's Club do to bet- as many faculty members as possible- Chadron Eagles. Both teams feature great offensive score was tied much of the time, nota- W. C. A. opened the meeting with the ter the acquaintance between faculty for the discussions will hit at the power, averaging approximately 45 bly at the half, at the end of the sec- business of the evening being discusand students." heart of campui; problems and we ond period and at the end of the first sed. Wilma Parnell read the devopoints per game this season. extra period. At the end of the sec- tions. - - - - - - - - - - - - - want to attack them from every angle. Probable starting lineup. Registration fee is 50c, meals come at ond half, the score was tied at 2l to After this brief business meetino- the Wayne Peru $1.20-which includes the Estes :BanMarshall 21. Falls City had apparently iced the group played games under the ~irec­ Halladay \larch 1quet. Cunningham game but Peru made two. baskets in the tion of Helen Marg·aret Larson. Greathouse Leora Libhardt heads Y. W. this . Miss Jarvis was presented with a Lingenfelter last two minutes. McCormick Bell year and George Grossoehme is the Y. Both teams made a basket in the gift by the organization. Retzlaff Bailey first overtime period. This left the M. president. They send their hear- Pugh Theme Song Bradford score 23 all. The coaches went into a tiest welcome in the hope that you'll Present standings in the N. I. ~· A. huddle and called a 5 minute rest Kodak Club Clickset aside campus cares and spend an conference. March - El Capitan - Sousrc, period. When the teams started to The regular and official Freshman inspirational week end at Peru Spring Lost Won the dressing rooms, the crowd thought Kodak Club (not including those of ,Training Conference. We'll be eager College Band 0 Peru .................. 3 the game was over and started to leave; the student body who prowled stealthto make it that way far you.-Maxine Chadron .............. 3 Overture-Southern World they were recalled by the referee. Jarvis, chairman. ily about sniffing for candid shots) did 3 Wayne ................ 3 In the second overtime period, Falls some interesting work with indoor Chenette 5 Kearney .............. 1 City made a free throw but it required studies at their meeting Thursday "What is power?" two points to win the game, so the night, achieving desired lighting efPower developed \PERUVIAN Trombone Solo-My Heart At boys plunged into the third overtime fects by means of photo-flood bulbs Iis success; power undeveloped is failT'ny Sweet Voice-Saint Saure." The pictures in which period Falls City scored the loaned by Mr. Hayward, at whose Thus reasoned the members of Kap- in the PERUVIAN this year will, for winning goal. Falls City used a de- home the meeting was held. Roy Liveens; Richard Turner, Soloist. pa Delta Pi in their dlscusfilon of this the. most part, be informal shots show- liberate style of play with the forward ly, Ardyth Robinson, James Lambert, topic at their regular meeting held Feb. ing instructors, for example, in work- usually breaking out from the end line. Calvert Gridley, Clarion Smith, Edwin Educational Event-Dr. MaxConsequently, the referee had to en- Falloon, and Dr. Konig were present. 21. James McAfilster was in charge ing attitudes. well, Dr. Miller. force the 3 second rule governing 1 Members are anticipating an interestof the program. Alf the training school During the ~ meeting quest- Mr. Peterson got pictures of the mu- pivots in the free throw circle several I ing evening in two weeks, when they March - American Patrol tions that will be~ at the Con- sical organizations, the class groups times. intend to develop the shots taken vocation to be held in Atlantic City, and the basketball squad. Thursday. Meacham, Band The first Friday in February ls ArNew Jersey, were read by the presi- College music groups Bell dent, Vivian Mc1almney, and com- posing for the man were the band, the bor Day in Florida. In Arizona it is The summer school bulletins are bemented upon by ~ members. orchestra, the Perusingers, the string the first Friday after the 1st of Febru- ing printed and will be ready for distribution by the first of March. ary . .1 ~ ....llllm!d. quartet and the Geron.



~!~~l~~~yJ~~i~~~1~n ~:;~:~~:;i:::~~f~;





The Show "Heidi" \ was shown Friday afternoon for the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1) COO-PED-LING training school and district school By HEART 1I children. Published Weekly the PeruatState College, Peru, matter. Nebraska. I This i's your Coo-Ped of televisioll Entered at thebyPostoffice Peru, Teachers N rbraska as second class Immediately after dinner, instead $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents. of going to school, the children went 1 ADVERTISING RATES !bringing to you the low-lights of the to the theatre. The show started at I Display 20 cents per inch. Locals, 10 cents per line :Peru Campus. All information used in one o'clock and ended at three.

The Peru Pedagogian



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; t h i s filler is gleaned from the Ped of 'the Air and the Ped of the Press- Be pleasant until ten o'clock in the STAFF morning and the rest of the day will 1such information is ambig- .... ambigGuest Editor .............. ·~· . . . .......... · · · · · · · · · · Bert Hall er - such information isn't any too take care of itself. Editor' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norman Littrell clear but sift out what you can by Good Thoe Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bert Hall straining your eyes. BOOK WORM MENU Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Sheely: The Ped-Ling of television joins the Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss· Florence Martin :other Peds and pr2sents the slogan: Bookworms, your menu this week .. ~~~~~~~~E~~~~ · · M ana 0 er ...................,· . . . . . W'Ir , \dvertis111° 1 iam B'1schoff "sees. all-knows all-hears all-tells contains a biography of Paderewski 0 0 nothing." and two books of fiction, one of which i Flash-The definition of the week belong·s to the rental collection. REPORTERS . by "No-All Websting" Dunning: Quote:· . Eleanor Nieman . . ·t ~ Rom Sandau-"Ignace Paderswswi: Russell Bailey 'f '· Yumph-the masculme· of i · I "Musician and Statesman" M arth a Cl 1 ton Thought-while tricyclin"': Bertie Boom Melba Obernolte "Was: . . . A very mterestmgly written book Bert Ha)! Ruth Roberts Anna Louise Short Humpty-Dumpty a bad egg?" b t ·t. h h . a ou a grea man, a man w o as Grace Hnizda Edward Short Hubert Johnson ! To Guest Editor Bert Hall: - Not occupied two pinnacles of fame---preMildred Wiiliams mentioning names, but a certain bas- mier pianist of the world and preJean '', agner Frances Staley l ketball player, who is a Ped reporter, mier of Poland. Sandau gives us an Lawrence Weston wrote on a journalism test: Quote: A inner view of Paderewski's ambitions

The Mardis Store

I ~_T,odo' I





---- ·-··- -- -

morgue is a place where they keep old (and the realization of these ambitions.


editors. . . . very readable. __ ·-- - - · __ "" • w · - • ... • There is a moral m that-better dig , Rachel Field: "Time Out of Mind" I GET THE BEST ATHLETE it out, Bertie. \ Here is a tale that will cause you to that I knew to discuss, for your own particular interest and infor- Debate Notes: stop and think a bit. It is of the Fol"· · · o1·· ""'._,portsmansh1p · · ,, . We hazard a. guess that Professor family and of the unselfish love· mat10n, tI1e topic ,., . 1 l'!ne ' Moore has ove1 looked a powe. •i: 1 ae- of Kate Fernald dau"'hter of the When they said, "the best Athlete," of cours~, I knew t?en bate team-so powerful they can be housekeeper of ~ortune~s Folly. that it was up to me._ lt gives me great pleasure to discuss a sub1ect heard two blocks away. Such ·1 de- i Rachel Field has written a strong that l know so mucl1 about. bate team practices every day at ~ith- ·and unusual ·novel and one with· to serve you a There are two major divisions in sportsmanship; knowing er Christians or Higgins.. The htest many fine and dramatic scenes in it. delicious sandwich or how to be a good winner, and knowing how to be a good loser. topics are "Which is Heavier: Milk oi :Read it and judge for yourself. 1 Personally, l know considerably more about the former than Cream?" and "Who shall use for a [ Elswythe Thane: "Queen's Folly" hot cup of COFFEE I do the latter, as i have never lost a race in my entire career. good reference?" 111roughout four centuries the 'fhat is, except on two occasions, when I lost to a cuple of upstarts Newsy Nothing: i Brands were faithful to their home , , 11amed Jesse Owens, in the low hurdles, and Townes, in the The Otoean, Nebraska City H. S. ,and kept it as a shrine for a picture high hurdles. paper, wrote to our chief ed-via the ,of Queen Elizabeth which it housed. FRESH bulk candy . . means of their exchange column. They ,The story of why this picture was givOf these two races, I have this to say: The starters were ter· . . d 'f the papei· was the "Peru! t th fi t f th B d , · · · · . k d d h d mqmre 1 en ·O e rs o · e ran s, nam 0,y at all times. nbl.e, the hmsh Judges were croo e ' an t e c~ow s ~ere pre· Pedagogian" or "The Peru Pedagogian". Anthony, is very interesting and exStop in and take home pd1ced and though,, as usual, I .ran perfectly a?d m beautiful .fo~m A mere matter of the article "the". tremely exciting. A very readable his( as I always do), with rhythm m my ~very stride and exact timmg Many articles in the Ped aren't as im- torical novel. Rental Collection. some of your favorite on each hurdle,. l lost-lo~t by robberies!!! Even a spectator (he portant as "the" article "the" so the was my best fnend) admitted that I had been robbed. Everyone stubborn editor-in-question (which CANDY was against me those two races. Fans, starters, judges-every- title fits him better than editor-inbody ! But let us forget these two terrible unjust occasions and chief) refuses to change the title. J. P. CLARK -ATdiscuss being a good winner. I Moral: You can show an editor a In my opinion, knowing how to be a good winner involves two lead-but you .can't lead him to folPost Office l:ilftl\ . ~ \, 1C.t -E-Iec-tric-S-hoe-Sh-op_N_ort-ho-f things: modesty and fair play. Therefore, as you can see, it is a low it up-because if you try, it will Phone 109 very easy thing for me to be a good winner, because I am, natural- get him down on you. ly, a very modest young fellow. I never tell people that I am the Infamous people: g1 eatest hurdler in the world. I never tell people to look at my Gerald Fichter, prominent Peruvian marvelous physique, they can see it for themselves. And so, al- personality personified, partakes of though I am the greatest hurdler the world has ever seen or ever printed prominence by prying into will see, I don't know it. I am a very modest man! I print as one of the famous firsts. . . . ·. . . . 'prying into print as one of the . Another thmg m bemg a good wmner 1s know1!1g the ng~t i Quoting Mr. Fichter: rt has been my thmg to say to your opponents afterwards. Somethmg that will pleasure to be the first to pull all the . WHILE THEY'RE HOT make him feel that it couldn't be helped, such as: new noisless library switches ......... . HAMBURGER AND "Too bad, boy, but you were a little out of your class this 'dots represent sound camera taking HOT DOGS time," or i "Cheer up, maybe next time you'll meet somebody more \ bhnk soun~s of Victor Fichter pullmg your speed." Something like that, something that will console ;no15eless switches. -ANDthem, you know. :Ears or eyes? OUR DELICIOUS Now that we have new noiseless COFFEE switches-how about a good lighting YOU MUST BE SATISFIED WHAT IS THAT [system. !Animal Crackers: STRANGE POWER [ Such a noisless system needs now



--'l ·~~~~&~D~L~j~(C!~lfl'i~~f;'~



Eat 'em


Bus Cafe

that drives people to leap from bridges into cold, cold, rivers? onl'. ~ne requisite: A Somebodies AsTve often wondered, but now I think that I know. It's just such : sociatlon to tequre muzzles to be things as having-after spending hours perfecting the content and i worn by everyone entering the libra. 1e of my e d'1tona · 1 on t h'1s week' s quest10naire-our · · HY most worth y :ry · Such a rule would .put more men . "Ped" sponsor come dashing into the office with the startling news !to work a~d would reqmre another li"that the questionaire for this week is to be discarded!" !brary assistant to pass. out muzzles. t~;~:r~'.':::c~'.'::::z:*:::·L~o;':~:::c:z:*::::':~:::::~c::::z~~-::_-.;:·:~iif iBut dog-on-it, the rule would have to The bottom literally dropped out of everything, for I had my 'be chewed over and I'm afraid the editorial just ready to be typed-but true and spirited deter:min- Association for the Prevention of ation will out. With my left arm extended to the skies and my 1Dumb Animals might object. right hand tucked in my sweater (between about the second and Original: third buttons from the top) I made an honest endeavor to reassure Some people ad lib-others add lip. Miss Martin, sponsor, and Mr. Littrell, Ped. editor, in these few words:. "Fear not, my little doves. I may not know what it's all about, when it comes to editing the paper and things and stuff like i white, regul:ll' 5c •. that, but I would never, never leave you, under any circumstances, The Cat-o-Nme Tails :j,, '!1£15 &t;JC ;' in such a difficult situation"-that is to say, never-unless it gets is the title of the play selected by ~.·.'_:'l, ·~ "too" tought. Then, of course, you must realize .... that is .... a-ah. Peru's Senior class for their senior Soap Flakes 1 play. The try-out date for those wish-. Giant Size, Reg. 25c ing to take part will be announced ~· IT HAS BEEN soon. , _.\ A PLEASURE The junior business class visited the Imperial Mexican C Ree:ular 155c bottle · ~ .~~.:·· and, indeed, an honor to have been selected Guest Editor for this telephone office Monday afternoon. '11



This Week Specials + ~ Fairsex "'"' " "' '" 6'" 2Sc ~


Trainin~ Sc~ool Notes ~I R111ock Uaptha n ~.';.i:·


er suds

1"v bars.,~


I BJUl.ft2 1.,'.'·4..


week's issue of your Peru Pedagogian, Normie. I do sincerely hope that the paper will be to everyone's liking. In closing, I would like to leave with you this parting thought: Life's an easy road to travel if you'll only walk it straight i There are many here to help you in your little bouts with fate;


~n the clouds begin to gather and your hopes begin to fade, H you've only toiled in honor you won't have to call for aid. -E. A. Guest.

The class was under the supervision of .: Mr. Joe Halterman. )·.,: · The Girl Scouts 'i······ held their weekly meeting Friday at :Y: Patty Hill's home. The meeting proceeded as usual except that the group ~ was divided in half. One group 1,".1,. learned Indian signs while the other


drew maps of Peru.

Stftoe Wa•e VII

H •

10 12

v Lan d0 It &


Crocks :.:nd Jars 1.. 15 gal. sizes Solrl by the Gallon


·~:·.' ·








THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN Russell Sautter, '32

As the result of splendid perform- ] ances tliroughout the past season on , the 'court, which netted t11e Bobcats 15 victories out of 17 starts, the Peru basketball squad has earned the honor of being included among·st those selected to participate in the National Inter-collegiate Basketball Tournaments to be held in Kansas City,

coaching at Blue Hill; Melvin Ethington, '36, coaching at Fairmont; and H. J. Hofman, '30, coaching· at Harvard all report good seasons for their basketball teams.

CAT TALES By Glen Sheely

Peru vs. Wayne

Tonight Peru invades the Wayne Idaho is. called "The Gem of the court which seems to have some sort Mountains." of a jinx for visitng teams. Wayne has not been defeated on its own floor since 1936.

souri, next ·week.

'Twil be sad indeed if the Bobcats reach out a paw and scratch up Wayne's record-we hope. Big Bear

Big Bear mo. 3) was probably the show of the Haskell Indian game. Those Americans were a fine bunch of boys. We wish to thank lYir. Fowler of the Pointer for entertaining us with a big feed after the game. Peru Prep

The Peru Prep-Falls City game last Friday was probably one of the closest games that anyone in these parts has witnessed for quite a spell. Prep plays its first game of the class B tournament Thursday night at Humboldt.



Volley Ball

Russell "Ding" Bailey, guard

THE PERU BOBCATS SCALPED THE INDIANS from Haskell Institute On Peru's Gym floor . last Tuesday evening by the wide margin of 54-29. The game, which was broadcast over KMA, was rough and uninteresting from all viewpoints except one. That one crowd interester was Big Bear, diminutive Haskell forward, who led the scoring with 12 points and was outstanding in his floor play. Big !Bear was easily the outstanding player to perform on Peru's court this year and the capacity crowd was kept in laughter by his facial and body

For every win that they scratch out, the longer the cats will be entitled to remain. Good luck, team; be the first to enter upon the court of battle and the last to leave. 'Ihose pictured herein compose the probable starting lineup for the tournament g·ames. Equally important contributors to the success of Peru's past season and future standing in the tournaments are Howard Dean, Jack Mcintyre, "Buzz" Cowell, Lester Mosley, and Eugene Miller. Orval Pugh, guard McCormick got his second basket. Big Bear sunk a turn-around shot and Dean hit again for Peru. Greathouse macle the net hum twice and Miller broke away. Mcintyre flipped one and Plume plunked a long shot. McintjTe hit again to send Peru into a 54-24 lead. Plume went on a spree and collected 3 charity points while Big Bear finishecl the scoring with a field goal. Final score : 54-29, The Box score. HASKELL FG

Big Bear f ........ .. 6 Wright f .. , , , . , . , , . . 0 Greenwood c .... , . . . 1 Plume g ........... . Hill g .............. 0 Phaclapony f . , . , . .. . 2 Granbois, g . , . , . . . . . O gestures. Fire, f .. , .. , .. . . . . . . o The game opened with a bang· with Total . , . , , . . . . . . . 10 Halladay sending Peru into its usual lead. Bob tallied 7 points and Bailey PERU PG 2 before Hill counted 1 for the Indians. Greathouse f · · · . · . . 5 Hill then sunk a basket to make the Halladay f · · · · · · · · . . 4 McCormick c . . . . . . 3 score 9-3, Peru. Greathouse, Mcintyre and Dean all Bailey g .. .. . . . . . . . . 3 hit two-pointers and Peru jmnpecl in- Pugh g . . .. . .. . . . . . . 2 to a 15-4 lead as Hill made another Mcintyre f , . . . . . . . 3 Dean g . . . . . .. . . . . . 2 free throw. Mcintyre and Miller made gift tosses for Peru while Hill added one for the Indians. Cowell hit from the corner and Dean and Miller made a bucket apiece to send Peru into a 23-5 lead. Phadapony made the net swish and Big Bear growled one throug·h to push Haskell up to 9. The half ended with Peru leading 23-9. Greathouse and Bailey hit and Green hit for Haskell. Big Bear parked one from the center and McCormick made a set-up for Peru, Big Bear broke away to aclcl two more points. Bailey hit a pot-shot and Pugh glided through for a basket. Peru led 37-15. Hallaclay jun1ped up to gatber 2 points and Big Bear got a set-up on a sleeper. Plume made a gift toss and Phadapony a field goal.

Intra-Mural Volley Ball is in full swing this week. Parish house, with a good bunch of "spikers," will probably have the edge. Peru Pugs · "Shiny" Durst and "Kiel" McHugh meet tonight on a boxing card at a stag party of the Falls City Country Club. On the same card is "Ferocious" Finney, also a Peru pug who will bat- . tle Buel Keifer, 126-pouncler from II Falls City, Finney will have his hands 1\I full. Iii As to the Durst McHugh scrap-"T!ie I Kiel" will probaby take the count in the 3rd to satisfy the cash customers. It has be;~.-;i;~;·hearty laughs I Ii•: a day, then you can laugh the seventh !:i one at the doctor." 1 \:'


see our new stock of the latest Eh•lgi.us. 0ur expterience s ows t 1rnt a s artimed Elgin makes the gift 0£ gifts for wedding, oirthJay or graduation.

CHATELAIN'S (Where your money buys more.)

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Let us check up your car and give you an estimate be fore the last minute.


Pryor Garage

)j ~


t i,J Some people would rather be ng11 than pleasant. i'1

The man with the camera Mr. G. E. Peterson of Auburn, was busy on the Peru campus this week getting various organizations and groups in fitting poses for PERUVIAN shots. Mr. Peterson spent several hours last week at the gym. He shot Gilk and his swimming team one afternoon. Later he secured a )Sroup picture of the basketball squad, and individual shots of the I squad members

Gift worries! H.cr0's what we sugr;est. Come in and

~~~~_ ... ~·~s-~--==--~~~=·~~:~~~-'"'~-~·-~-~-·~·~A'F

Men's Club ~ Express Opinions :,·','.; in written forms which were submitted to Dean Delzell at the meeting held in the music hall yesterday dur- t,1 ),·:\ ing convocation time. f'~ Professor Moore announced that the Debate Tournament would be held 1'·'/ this coming Friday and Saturday, ~·~ March 4 and 5, on the Peru Campus. )'·.'\ He urged those who had had previous y·j experience as judges or as chairmen cf debates to submit ther assistance, if \'I, they felt that they could afford the

Sheely g · · · · · · · · · · · · 0 Handley f · · · · · · · · · · 0 Mosley f · · · · · · · · · · · · 0 Miller f · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2 Cowell c . . .. . . . . . . . . 1 Total .. .. . .. . . . .. 25

Your watch deserves a thorough in· ,;pection once a year, and it's a pre· caution that may save you money. Our experts will give your timepiece a thorough examination .. . ~ost-free. They will tell you fr~nkly if clean· ing, new parts ·or a<ljt•sttuents are 1ee<lcd ... and quote y. iu the most modest prices.


66" PHOE 77 Flags-Flares-Fuses and Clearance lights for Trucks.

" Phillips

! I .'


Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska Basketball Schedule


48-41 14 Doane, 53-48 Jan. 15 Hastings, 56-33 Jan. 22 Alumni 41-27 Jan. 28 Midland 37-27 Jan. 29 Wayne, 53-35 Feb. 1 Midland, 46-32 Feb. 4 Doane, 54-45

Jan. llWesleyan, Jan

5 Hastings 36-44 Feb. 9 Nebr. 8 37-39 Feb. 10 Kearney 41-440 Feb. 11 Nebr. Wesleyan 42-23 Feb. 18 Kearney 46-41 Feb. 19 York 52 20. Feb.

Feb. Feb. Feb.

18 KEARNEY, here 19 YORK, here 22 HASKELL INDIANS here


4 Wayne,




D. D. Stonecypher, M. :D., Nebraskz . Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat stted. Phone 144.-·Profession· Card.

Warren D. McMalon



since graduating at Peru in 1927 has taught at Plattsmouth and Grand Is-


W. A. A.


'H;;l~l;-;-LLO~!;-;---------- land, and secured his Masters Degree at Iowa State. He is now one of ten -._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.! Definitions Icommercial . · teachers ln South High Bitter-Experience Note: . Phyllis . Davidson and :Mrs. El. Miss Rudy Vallee is stuff that "Heigh in Denver. Among his other duties he Ye Rambler has discovered that if don Hayward motored to Omaha Ho, ever~body this is." , Ihas supervision of one practice teach- you censure .a censor, sooner or later Tuesday to see a group of dancers Mosqmtoe stuff that "Wham! I got er each semester from the University will censure you. headed by Doris Humphrey and Chas. you that time-ok no!" of Denver. Y Is it Weidman. · A Dr. Smith examination is s'n'f • That , ... 1!David Stites '31 b kWilla tb Rathbun can quote so The afternoon lectures were bv Dor1·5 that you go to saying, . ' man as e all rules? , "Lord of Hosts be with us yet ! who is now teaching Manual Training That Bob Mason talks in his sleep? Humphrey and Chas. Weidman, who " d m the Nebraska City Schools, brought That Georg·e Mort has s gave short talks and demonstrations on .o many I mo dern dances. The rest of the Les t We forge t , . Lest we forget an la B oy Scout Troup to the campus to /girl-friends? Let's see C' .ne ou mu ermg. t k · , one m owa. tt t "The Lord of Hosts was with us a "e tests. at the swimming pool, Wed- in Nebraska City, in Peru-oh, !TI"! group of. dancers gave demonstrations not 'necday mght, February 23. That Elaine Eddy gets to ring the of techmques both for men and woFor we forgot for we foro-ot" !Arthur Longfellow bell at the basketball game? men. They also gave selections from Best Wish'es ' o . Istarted teaching in the commercial That Dickie ("Chubby") Turner is one or two of .their dances. The eve. . ·department at Ansley Nebraska Mon so fiickle? mng was straight dancing. Miss Davidson states: "I enjoyed it our h eart1est best wishes to Mr. dav F b ' ' · Handley who by this time is undoubt- · : ' e rnary 21.. Mr. Longfellow re- Thrill-of-the-Week: Quentin very much, it was wonderful! Mrs. . . ce1ved his degree m July 1923 d d'd F l' edly convalesmg from his appendicitis ' an I ee mg one of these San Hayward, who accompanies the dancgraduat~ work the second s t h d operation of last week end For furtbemes er of ea s. ing class here, was very much inter· ' .last year. er reports consult Bob or Bill Mooney. I Funniest Sight: the ested in the music." Dreams iMrs. Marion M:trsh Brown The faculty trying· truckin' and



~~~ cens~r



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...:


After hearing these Unkie has de- Ivis:ted her mother and friends on the cided to invest in a dream book- Fern campus, Wednesday, February 23. analysis might prove valuable. i!V!iss Genevieve Nenas Nita Searle dreamed that Bob teaching in District 44 at Elk Creek Mooney and Bert Hall lived across !Nebraska has enrolled with the col~ 0 · department. from she and Blanche, upon third and. le 0 ·e's ext ens10n one day they disappeared. After many Mr. Elliot Martin days of search ,they happened to died suddenly at his home in Oakturn on their radio one morning and land, California. Mr. Martin was born heard :the :folowing announcement:. in Peru · 1 1872. His father was Mr "Bert Hall and Bob Mooney, Peru1 Perry J\11..rtin, a former member 0;


State. college boys who are workmg thell" way through Heaven, are now reported to be trockin' at the 'Trockedaro" (whatever that may mean).


·Big Apple. V.:iit a Minutet Maybe it was Clark Finney at the Haskell game trying to tear his hair. Wait a Minute! 0 rchids . To Peru students for their cheers for the Haskell game. It was good sportsmanship to match that of the game little Indians. Conquest

Corn Sheller An efficient, up to date, machine built for tl10se who use improved and modern methods of farming. Tllb sheller is quick and 100% efficient. Desig·ned especiallv for the farmers living around. and near Peru.

Davidson reports that a group Is plannmg to attend the convention I of American Physical Education Association the latter part of March. Miss Davidson hopes that W. A. A.




Big Bear '.11ade himself popular with ICollege Women. from many re-braska before going to California as a marks that have been overheard. An all-c~ege dance was held in I teacher. He served as deputy super- Off the Record the Music Hall Saturday night. Memmtendent of Alameda County, and Freshman Boy, "Th~y're putting in bers of the faculty attending were: Mr. faculty.

Elliot graduated in

ru Theatre


1895, then taught three years in Ne- the coeds, Jndgmg

evening buying shoes from Tommy 'friend to teachers and stude'nts. Majors who was selling them for the At the state meeting W. A. A. in the elevator shaft on third. of the County Superintendents there Queer thing about Tommy's shoes, were found a large number of connno matter what size you put on, they ty superntendents among the prominfit. ent Peru alumni. There were also oth1 Things Pd like to see them do for 'er educators who were connected with awhile. the meeting.

Phone 201

THURS., FRI., SAT. VI. convention held at Ames, Iowa l\IARCH 3, '1, 5, April 22. Ths is a national organizaPAT O'BRIEN 'tion, in full the Athletic Federation of IN

It seems that Zelda Carmine spent an 1'Was known as a liberal educator and a a new dump-waiter."


and Mrs. Larson and Mr. and Mrs Hayward.

Histery Teacher, "Chocolate ithecream, oboy-oboy-oboy!" English Teacher, "You didn't even look at me. I guess I don't have any 1 magnitude." Unidentified Voice, "Say, was Florence Nightingale an opera singer?" Heartbreaks

I'TS LOVE I'M AFTER Connecticut is called "'I'he Nutme: State" because its people were humor- MAR. 7-8 TUl<:S. & WED ously said to have been so enterprising WILLIAM BOYD as to have made nutmegs out of wood, IN and then palming them off on unsuspecting purchasers. HILLS OF OLD WYOMING


Ruth Sutorious.-bellow at the top 1 M. C. Lefler, Superintendent of the Edwin Falloon announces that he is of her lungs. ILincoln Schools a:nd retiring general in love. Eleanor Nieman-get as far as Santa chairman for the past year; c. Ray Harold Snider wears nail polish. Claus. ,Gates of Grand Island, general chai;- Harold Prichard refuses to part with Verona Klone-become aggressive man for the coming year; J. A. Jimer- the mustache. and domineering and bat people down son of Auburn; and Mrs. Genevieve Oh, well, 'snuff. when they didn't do what she want- 1 Cross Clark, County Superintendent of ed them to. . ,Jefferson County, and chairman of Jam es McAllister 1 Maxine Metcalf-be intentionally the Major Committee on Professional led finger printers rude to some one. I.Welfare were among the alumni pre-' into plans for a course of study 012 Unkie-Make "Twitterbones" the .sent. th e chemistry of finger printing at their meeting Thursday night. Excolumn it used to be before it changed ' Coaches editors. '1.Gilkeson and Baller and the basketball periments will be conducted and inG'bye, :team in playing the various teams a- dMdual research done. The study Unkie 2nd. Iway from home meet many alumni and will occupy the remainder of the se----lformerstudents. AttheKearneygame mester and future meetings will of ,-------------~ they saw Kenneth Young, '37, who is necessity be held in the chemistry Jal 1 teaching at Chapman, Nebraska. Mi·. boratories. ALMUNI TRAIL By Mildred Williams


I. Miss

will send a delegation to the A. F.


Surgeon and Physician Milstead Corner Office 33 Res. 39 Phone

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special interest to .FARM-};:-ERS and thell' fam1lles j;~,-

e Be our guests at the showing of this new all-sound alltalking picture presented by Republic Steel Corporation.

"Steel - Servant of the Soil" A complete picture-story of the manufacture of modern steel products and how you can get the most efficient use of steel on your farm. It

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:~~~s~~~c~t~:~ ~~al~h:n~e~~u~; ;!:~: ~~lli:H~a~ra~j~ia~n~&~D~al~la~nr:'.!1::::;;:::z; I p eru Lum ber company

I Young plans to go to the University of


;,=~~S':~;;0: .~:;·.:,~'. 1:~ P:i:t~~:~~:·,:~r~


ten to the Pedag·ogian from Chet H. Oft whom are working in Grand Island. Bowen, princpal and coach at Coler·· he ten idge, Nebraska. He says: "I am very county superintendents of Nebraska glad to see an Alumni Column in the who are graduates of Peru, the followPedagogian, and I know that .all of ing have served ten years or more: the readers who are old Peruvians will Mrs. Katherine K. Lee, Banner Connappreciate it very much. I. want to ty; Alpha G. Peterson, Cass County; second Freddie Rohrs suggestion that and Mr. Wilfred E. Voss, Dakota Connthe paper is much improved. . ty. The remaining· seven of the ten "I have been 'Enjoying the Peru graduates are now county superintenprograms over the air very niuch, and dents are: Mrs. Hanna Gilmore, Fillthe feeling that it will help in the more County; Miss Lulu B. Day, Gage progress of the school as it gives so County; Mr. Theodore A. Frye, Grant many of those interested and unin- County; Mrs. Genevieve C. Clark, Jefterested a chance to keep in touch with ferson,County; Miss Lovinna Zimmerthe achievements of the school. ,man, Nemaha County; and Mrs. c. H. "Being up here in Wayne's territory Rhoades, Seward County. with several others from Peru, we Don J. Blankenship are proud of the fine record of the class of '25, recently secured his Masbasketball team, and will be on hand ters Degree at Iowa State and is now when they play their final game at teaching Commercial subjects in BuckWayne, hoping they give them a fine nell University Junior College, Wilkesdrubbing. (barre, Pa. "I want to say that after be;ng ''1 Mrs. O. M. Good contact with men of other schools, I of Lincoln is find that you have the best physical visiting at the home of Mrs. w. R. education department in the state, Pate. She was bookkeeper at the and I hope, ·along with all of the oth- college preceding Mrs. Mary Ogg Deler P club men that they remain for zell. a long time at Peru and continue to turn out good teams. Sincerely, C!het He who achieves success does so beH. Bowen." cause he has prepared for it.

Dr. N.

~ ::,::.·:~ ..


Harajian, res. 32W3



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40c MR"t1

COMPLETE New line of SAMPLES Peru Cleaners & Tailors Peru Phone 62




1sentative of the American Association of University Women; 3. The Conservation of Sight; and 4. Teacher's Colleges and State Legislatures. . . Of especial interest to Peru gradues1dent P~te Attend~ ates is the above mentioned talk by Educational Meetmgs · Dr. Adams, who explained that all interview with President Pate con- Iteacher's colleges are considered ining his recent trip to the eastern eligible for membership in the Arner· port ant educa - ican Association of University Women t t o attend t wo im al meetings disclosed much of in- until .!J- 3-year study of Teacher's colst to Peruvians. lleges is completed and the results ret Atlantic City on F• ,ruary. 25 and ported by the Association's appointed was held the ann&. meetmg of the I committee. This study was begun some erican Association of Teacher's j eighteen months ago. The decision of lleges, the association which accre~- I the association in regard to the ip.all standard teacher's colleges m clusion or exclusion of teacher's colerica and is recognized as the na- leges from its ranks will not be availal accrediting agency for teacher's able therefore for over a year. es. The general topic under disThe second meeting atte!'!ded by n the first. day was "T~e Pro~- President Pate was that of the Arnerof Defimng a Modern 'Ieacher s ican Association of School Administraege. In regard to this topic, .th: Itors. Several graduates of Peru asowmg questwns were studied. [sisted in the programs of this meetat is the essential nature of a ling. Former Supt. of Schools, Fredcher's college evolving curriculum?; . erick M. Hunter of Lincoln now ChanWhat is the essential nature of a cellar of All State Schools of Higher her's College instructional staff?; Education of Oregon took part in the at is the essential nature of a pr·ogram. Superi·ntendent c. Ray er's college administrative staff? Gates of Grand Island presided dur· What is the essential nature of ing a part of the session. A. S. Stodacher's college student body?" dar.d, Superintendent o{ Schools, Deper this question the problem arose ver, Colorado, was on the prw''.:_,i. whether a teacher's college should The list of Nebraska superintendents · j assisting in an executive position at open t o a11 st udent s or wh e.th er m1g·ence tests should be given to the meeting is completed with three ld be freshmai~ to eliminate those I.more names: M. C. Lefler, Supt. of poorer scholastic abil!ty. Schools, Lincoln, a Peruvian; Supt. The second day of the meeting· saw \Homer W. Anderson, Omaha; and S. study of Extra-c~mpus relationships, IA. True, former Supt. at McGook, now der which was discussed 1. Our Stu-1Supt. of Schools, Council Bluffs, Iowa. · and T.eacher's Oragnizations; Can Thus closes the two most important ress del!vered by Soy Elmer Mor- ·educational meetings of the year to n, Editor of the Journal of the Na- !school administrators and teacher's nal Educational Association, and a college administrators. :u graduate); 2 Our Wom:en··stu- President Pate is p1anning"to""at~· ts and the American Association of tend a third great meeting-that of iversity Women. (delivered by Dr.1 the North Central Association-next herine Rogers Adams, the repre- month at Chicago. [





Professor R. T. Benford Relates History of Hymns At Y. M.-Y.

w. Meeting

Professor R. T. Ben.ford, instructor in Piano and Organ.spoke Tuesday evening at the joint meeting of Y. w. c. A. and Y. M. c. A. on "The His· " tory of Church Music. Italian church music was written in counter-point style at first. Counterpoint style music was sung in a manner similar to that of the round of today, related Mr. Benford. The Chant type of music was developed a little later by the Italians. The early churches had a cho~ which did all the singing. The audience took no part in the services. These choirs were made up of men only, as women were not allowed to sing in the choirs. He stated that Henry Parsell was the outstanding English hymn writer. Oratorials, Masks, and Cantatas were among the English types of church music. Mr. Benford explained . 1s received . th'is name behow ora t ona cause the place where they were sung was called an Oratory. The Oratory is similar to a small auditorium. Trained groups usually sing the Oratorials, Masks, and Catantas. This does not mean that a person with an ordinary voice cannot sing these. They can if they are in a groupthat practices• singing these types of music. Today the hymn is used in the churches most. Mr Benford said, "Each hymn has its own style." Hymns have a purpose in the church service. He brought out that this purpose is to give the audience a chance to participate in the service. .... concllinis speech M.r. Benford gave the .story of the writing of two hymns;l~lest Be The Tie" and "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus."

To .



Vivian ~cKimmey returned Satur-1 ten o'clock on Sunday morning. ImY mornmg from the Kappa Delta mediately she strolled dovm the faconvention in Atlantic City, New d . h mous boar walk to wmdow s op and rsey. . . When asked about the trip she smil- enJOY new sights. and said, "I saw everything" and did Being elated and anxious to see everything." erything worth while ,she ..took a 35She left here on the train, Friday, mile sight-seeing trip that same day. hich took her to Red Oak. From The trip i.ncluded such interesting ere she took a fast train to Chica- , scenes as the famous Linwood Animal On the special train from Chi- Cemetery, Abescon Light House, elao to Atlantic City, she seemed to borate homes, and the district in Ope the only lady passenger. Being cean City where new buildings are fliendly she found interesting people being erected because of a large fire. to talk to and make her trip pleas- Her roommate during the convenant. tion was a girl from Illinois. "It seemShe arrived at her destination at ed like I had known her all my life." said Miss McKimmey. They attended COLLEGE CALENDAR everything together. March 8The 'Kappa Delta Pi meetings were Y. M., Y. W., C. C. A., 7-8 p. m. held in the hotel where she was stayBroadcast, 8: :30 to 9:00 p. m. ing. Monday morning began with a. March 9business meeting. In the afternoon Girls Club (entire group) 7-8 Dr. Paul Hanuns of Harvard Univerp. m. sity gave a talk.

hands with the distinguished guest. Elda Vettoria, metropolitan dramatic soprano provided entertainment with her beautiful singing. That night a group of the young people went ori a jaunt of their own. They visited all the hotels and high lights of the city including Paul Whitman and his orchestra. Miss McKimmey had the pleasure of accompaning a former professional opera star at a luncheon on 'fl:ecipes; day. Convocation was dismissed in the afternoon. This gave she and her friends the opportunity to shop and indulge in one of the cities notorious fish dinners. In the evening they went to the ice carnival in the Conventional Hall. The performers included Gretchen Bu-

March 11Dramatic Club Business Meeting,ll :30 a. m. All College Dance March 12W. A.A. March 14Class Meetings, 10:30 a. m. Crawdads. 7-8 p. m. Kind. Prim. Clubs, 7-8 p. m. Epsilon Pi Tau, 7-8 p. m. Lambda Delta Lambda, 7-8 p.


Sigma Tau Delta, 8-9 p. m.

Hast1nos . w· ' lllS M I N K Et • • • T Debate ournament



Twenty-four Teams Entered in Contest

Edgar-Ray Werner, Paul Stewart, Merton Grossman, Jack Jones, Margaret Strauser and Frances Ramsay, The Hastings debate team defeated coach. the Geneva affirmative team by a 4 Lincoln-Georg·e Blackstone, Bob to 1 decision in the ninth and final Weil, Leslie Durst, Romulo Salderilla, round of the MINK debate tourney. Gene Bradley, and G. A. Kvasnicka, Hasting advanced into the final round coach. Hastings-Nick Duvas, Jerry Scott, drawing a bye; Geneva by defeating Hewett Fine, Carrell Rogers, and Har-· Omaha Central 5 to 2. old Siekman, coach. Nick Duvas and Jerry Scott were the Geneva-Roma Biba, Margy ThcimpHasings debaters, coached by Harold son, Harry Johnson, Katheryn Shoan, Siekman. Roma Biba and Margy and Leona Hurlbert, coach. Thompson were the Geneva team, Nebraska Clty-June Peterson, Norcoached 9Y Leona Hurlburt. man Flau, Richard Bloomingdale, 'l'wenty-four teams met on Friday, Keith Wardrip, and Verdelle LagesMarch 4, to compete in the annual M. chutte, coach. I. N. K. invitational high school dePlattsmouth-Harriett Case, John bate tourney held on Peru's campus. Bestor, Robert Woest, Homer Barton, The proposition of the debate was Re- and Milo W. Price, coach. SOLVED: "That the several states Omaha North-Roger Owen, Robert · 1 syste m of Turner, Justin Priesman, Richard Thosh ou Id a dop t a umcamera legislatures." mas, and Mary Elizabeth Hamilton, On Friday, the preliminary rounds coach. were held. Each team debated four DeWitt-Dale Weibil, Max Kilmrz, rounds before the decisions were post- Glen Kreuscher., Paul Kankson, and W. ed. Those losing two decisions were E. Sugden, coach. automatically eliminated for the re- Omaha Benson-James Wolfe, Warmainder oI the tourney. ren Whitted, Faith Hansen, Katherine By Saturday twelve teams remained Townsley, Marry Louise Morton, and in the tourney to compete in the fin- Mr. Burkholder, coach. al eliminations. Those teams were Hastings B, Geneva A, Auburn A, Lin- Mr. Clements Becomes coln A and B, Omaha Benson B, Oma- Prof. Quiz at Meeting ha Central A and B, Omaha North A Why do jumping· beans jump? Is and B, Om~ha South B, and Platts- the Statue of Liberty made of copper? mouth A. Who is number 14 on Peru's basketball In the first round of the finals Au- team? burn A, Lincoln A and B, Omaha Ben- 'Ihese questions are typical of those son B, and Plattsmouth A were eli- given Monday night to five members minated. In the second round no one of the Scholarship Club by Professor was eliminated as those losing were Quiz, who is knO'll'll in Peru as 11:r. entitled to another loss. Clements. The winner of the conIn the third round Hastings defeated test was Patricia Lundy with 440 Omaha Central B 3 to 0. Omaha points of a possible 500, second place Central A won over Omaha North with went to Carter Johnson with 400 a 2 to 1 decision. Geneva drew a bye. points. The other persons in the disGeneva was the victor in the fourth cussion were Frances Hardy, Cliara round by defeating Omaha Central A Bright and Marvin Schacht. 5 to 2. The judging was done by members Frat Members Address of the debate team, debate class, fac- Home Economics Club ulty and qualified towns people. HarInteresting talks, immediately conold Pritchard and Mary Katharine cerned with the past, present, and fuHan.lon were in charge of the regis-1 ture of Home Economics, were presenttratwn. Dean Karr and Grace Mary ed by Miss Edna Weare, Miss Mari Hnizda, with the help and cooperation Matthews, and Miss Maxine Metcalf of Dean Delzell and Mrs. Dunning, at a regular meeting of Kappa Omi· were in charge of the housing accom- cron Phi, February 28. modations for the debators. Professor New members were voted into th Robert D. Moore and Thomas Chinook ,chapter during the short busines were directors of the tourney. meeting. Gold trophies ' will be sent to Hastings and Geneva as first and segond Professor G. H. Steck place awards. This year the trophies has been asked to judge the voe~ are to be permanent property of those selections at the Southwestern Iow winning them. In past years the win- District Contest to be held March ning team was allowed to keep the and 18 at Creston, Iowa. trophy only as long as they continue to be the winners of the tournament. Each of the ,thirteen schools entered Peru Hour

tan and other outstanding skaters from Canada, Sweden and Philad~lphia. After the skatmg they danced m .the two teams with the exception of Neworld's largest ball room in the same b 'Id' g braska City and Auburn which only During luncheon, Dean Walters of UAlt m · f th h Mi M entered one team. Those schools par1 . • ··'-ed he one o e 1unc eons ss cl the Umversity of Denver ~ r to K' d th t t t ticipating were Walton, Omaha Cen1 s ae t . f . '"''"" Afte immey an o er cen ra P1ay he piano or every~. r friends found it necessary to uphold tral, Auburn, Omaha South, Edgar, 1 Ithis she did much acoompamng. the education of these state when it Lincoln, Hastings, Geneva, Nebraska That night ..she at.tend~ the Na- was said that educational study dwin- City, Plattsmouth, Omaha North, De tional Educational .A.ssoctatl..on and dies out in the central states. Witt, and Omaha Benson. 1saw Helen Keller to whom .the N. E; Thursday she attended an exhibi- Member~ of the debate teams are 1A. presented a key. Miss McKJmme:1 tion of educational material. as follows. J said that Miss Keller was quite over She met people from all states. She Walton-Gervase Francke, Merle \come and did not talk plainly, but she enjoyed talking with the southern 'Lipe, Weston Turner, Frederick An:was thrilled to see tbis famous wo- people. Many would remark about derson, and A. C. Hurlbert, coach. .man. her living "way out west in Nebraska." Omaha Central-Harry Goohinder, On Tuesday she attended a banquet j In the afternoon she took a train Meyer Crandell, Paul Craunce, Yale at Hotel Chelsea where Dr. John to Chicago where she had a long wait. Richards, and E. B. Mortensen, coach. Dewy spoke. She and her roommate !Here she attended "Snow White and Auburn-Meredith Jimerson, Bob were chosen to escort Dr. Truman Lee the Seven Dwarfs," after waitmg in a Hemin.gsen, Tod Hubbel, and A. J. Kelly of Harvard UniYersi.ty. After 1long line to buy a ticket. Nebelsick, coach. the banquet a reception was gi.Yen She felt that her trip had been Omaha South-Jerry Kozlik, Joe in honor of Dr. Dewy. Miss McKim- very profitable, but she was glad to Strand, Merwyn Grossmcker, Earl mey .bad the prtvllep of shaking return to school. Ring, and C. C. Striniple, coach.


March lGFreshman Clubs Freshman Clubs, 7-8 p. m. Philo, 8-9 p. m. Everett, 8-9 p. m.






Bell Theme Violin Solo-Mildred Knoflicek Radio



.Alberg, Produced by Alpha Psi phate,p, R. N." Written by Miss pmega. Violin QuartetEducational EventViolin Solo-Mildred Knoflicek Ped. on the air Theme Song· Bell

THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN \of the paper, but the Pedagog'ian Vacancies are being received every should continue to use it." day now, and the requirements for Miss Albrecht: "I like it. It's a va- teachers to take part in extra-curricuPublished Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. riety-pecple like variety. It shows lar activities seems to be requested on Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. clever writh1g." nearly every vacancy. $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents. Eldred Douglas: "They're all ri~':',t Vacancies have already been receiv; I l.•elieve they should go ahead and us~ ed this year from se\·eral towns who ADVERTISING RATES Chief Objection Was them Th<;y·rc much easier to read-- have not been in the habit of sendDisplay 20 cents per inch. Locals, 10 cents per line Lack of Uniformity know what article contains." ing their vacancies to Peru. Do you like the "Rocket" heads used Tom Majors: "At first glance, I did- This would indicate that the demand STAFF in your paper? Would you like to see n't like them, after awhile, o. k." 1or teachers this spring will be very the Ped use the head in the future? Marie Wienke: "I like the new head- good. Editor ............................... , .. . .. .. Norman Littrell These and other questions were asked lines for the continuity they give. It Associate Editor . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . Bert Hall students and members of the faculty. is different and unique, and the Ped- Miss Esther A. Clarke Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Sheely The chief objrc,t\011 was: that, ''the agog'ian should continue to use it for Honored At Faculty Tea ~ponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Florence Martin heads aren't unifmm." Those il: fa.· awhile. People like changes and I he- The faculty g·ave a tea in honor of Advertising Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Bischoff vor of the head 2.greed that it gave: lieve a college newspaper can be used Miss Esther A. Clarke, Professor of you all the information in one sen- !effectively for trying out new ideas." Foreign Language, Tuesday, March 1, tence, and that it is a good change 1 Harold Prichard: " I don't like the that day being her birthday. REPORTERS from the old style of writing. i new headlines because you can't tell Mr. Hayward acted as the man on Russell Bailey Eleanor Nieman The new "head" was introduced iri !whether you want to read the :uti- the street. He asked Miss Clarke Bertie Boom Melba Obernolte Martha Clifton a paper in Colorado; however, Peru is I cle or not. I don't believe the Peda- ! about the campus as it wits in the ear:y Ruth Roberts Bert Hall Anna Louise Sh<?rt the first in the state to print a paper \ gogian should continue using them, I days of Peru State Teachers College. u~ing it. All comments were duly ac- \however they were better done this "Formerly, there was one building Grace Hnizda Hubert Johnson Edward Short Frances Staley Mildred Williams cepted whether favorable or unfovor-1time than before, and if they are well which stood where the Science Hall is Jean Wagn~_r able, and given below for yom own done the Pedagogian could contmue now," said Miss Clarke. "This buildLawrence Weston persu:ial interest and consideration. using them." ing housed all the class rooms offices Reports from readers: Dr. Winter says: "Extraordinary! and other departments." Bob Mooney: " I don't like the heads Streamline-like this gas pipe and Miss Clarke related that the libra1''0R THE LAST TWO WEEKS because they don't look uniform. I chronium plate furniture." ray was formerly a frame building we have presented the "Rocket Head" for your approval. Now we think it could be used in larger pa- Ruth Crone: "The headlines are very which stood where the Music Hall is are anxious to "get a line" on your reaction to the heads. Those who pers. I wouldn't like to have it all good. They are easier to read and at present. The upstairs of the buildthe time because your mind stops when saves time. With more practice it ing was used for the entertainments were interviewee! on the campus should give a general conception of there is a change of type." could be used. Seems to be a pretty of the campus. Peruvian feelings on the campus-thus covering one field of~ea.ders. D.. J, Duey: "I like the idea. It· good fad." She said many of the men who atHowever, we have no way to contact those who read the Peel. in saves time in reading and adds to Ernest Horacek: "Unique and all tended Peru and now hold high offiother towns. We would appreciate letters on the subject from grads, the attractiveness of the paper. I that sort of stuff. You have to look ces were in her classes at one time. don't think it would work in large twice though to see what you are Greeting cards from all the faculother colleges, high schools, and friends. What is your OP.inion of papers because you could not learn !reading, but will be easier when one ty members were brought by a mesthe "Rocket Head?" subject matter without reading the gets used to it. It improves the ap- se!'lgei:. whole story." The table was decorated with snapWE ARE AWARE THAT OUR WORK 1pearance of the paper-something difMarlyn Engdahl: " I like them be- ferent-and should be continued." dragons and pink candles. has not presented a perfect picture of "rocketing" to you. However cause I like new thing·s. Variety is George Mort (eating candy):: "Ya. Doughnuts and coffee were served for the spice of life anyhow. Colleges are -They are easier reading but hard on refreshments. we believe that time would allow us to give you good rocket heads. The difficulty of turning from the old label heads to smooth-fl.ow- experiment stations, and the studer..t the looks of the paper. Ped should should be well enough educated to go ahead and use these headlines-try ing heads has been a great problem. Our minds fail to express them J. P. CLARK quickly understand new type heads. new "up and coming" stuff. A jourselves readily in the new styles-clue to the practice of writing other I am afraid a large paper wou1d have nalism class should know and try Electric Shoe Shop North of 1 types of heads. trouble, because the :wc;rage reader has [these new ideas." Post Office We also found difficulty in watching· capitals in sub-heads. Of the mind of a six year old child and I Miss Brackney: "I like it. It's so Phone 109 ten caps appearing in sub heads-all arose from force of habit and many of them would probably wonder much easier to read. Since it is so what the score was." easier to read, I think it should trainin,g. Martha Wilson says she likes the be continued." HOWEVER WE FEEL THAT OUR WORK heads and thinks they should be used l , extensively. has not been in vain, and that we have not been too cfumsy in our Helen Margaret Larson: "I like rock- Supt. Clements Submits encleavor. et heads because they give the paper Encouraging Report To '38 Spring Graduates Our purposes, from the first, were to give you something new a certain style which it lacked. Also Superintendent Clements, Chairman a1rd to give our staff valuable experience and an insight to journalistic easy to read. Different. Mig·ht not of the Placement Bureau, reports that , trends. We cannot see why one should be forced to read the same give thought of article, though. Don't on March 1 this year there were twice . ii think it improves appearance, espe- as many paid up members of the Place- 2 thought tw,ice before he approaches the continuity of the article. cially. Would like to see Ped con- ment Bureau as last year. It has been The new head fits journalism because it promotes rapid reading. tinue using· it. I think new ideas should It gives a smooth continuity and an easily scanned article as well as be tried in colleges. Don't think it necessary to add additional stenographic help in order to keep up the cor- . inviting a complete reading of the article. would work in large papers." respondence. As yet, you are not accustomed to the change. For that reason Leslie Oppenheimer: "I think they we go back to our old style for several weeks. Your reaction will be are very good. I would like to have j~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~ them used extensively. Think that our guide to later editions. since the students are here for the purpose of learning, they should learn I \. Perhaps it would be of interest STU new methods. It is easier to read but to serve you a COO-PED-LING • 1to know that tonight the yowling al- the appearance of the paper isn't improved." Come in 1 By HEART 'most N. I. A. A. Conference Champs delicious sandwich or 1 play their initial game in the Kan- Woodrow Lambelet: "Now you have . your watch deserves a th~r?ugh in· - · · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' sas City tournament. Their oppon- to read the whole article to find what : hot cup of COFFEE c<pection once a year' and it s a pre· Coo-ped writes once more (me & 1 ents seem to have . MARSHALL.ED it is all about. I like the heads bet- f 1 caution that may save yoi.: mo~ey. Buck Benny) their forces and built themselves the ter than the old ones though." Our exl}erts will give your tunep1ece thorou~h examination .. .cost-free. [reputation of being the outstanding Joe Punches: .. "I think it is wifi tell you frankly if clean· a good idea for colleg·e students to : team of the tournament. new parts or adJl'Stments are try out new ideas especially bei . •. and quote y,)U the most It's a bad break but at least they prices. can MOSLEY down. MILLER round cause it gives them experience. It ' awhile, stare at a GREATHOUSE or would be a good idea for large :1e'.':s';ift wDrries! Here's ,,·hat two, and have considerable of a HAL- papers to use the head. \~-e su:~ETtSt. Cvme in and Maxine Metcalf: "I like the headLADAY. ,,~ 0 ,;_t new stock of th.e btc-~t Ehi.ns. Our expen· li11es very much especially for !heir . The game certainly won't be any shows that a star· continuity. It shows signs of pro-PUGH sh over, but if Jack and Dean timed Elgin m<1kcs the. gift gressiveness It catches the eye. Hard ,,f ~if ts for wedding, birth~ . can MAC their usual number of basor graduation. t to read at first but is becoming ca3ier. , . . 1kets we might jus BAILEY win like A college paper is an excellent pttce · However Coo-ped will ~ot waste this lwe did out at Wayne. ;pace in the manner he mten~ed-heB Anyway, if we lose we can always to try out new ideas." saving that. See next energetic, erron- lfigure "You're a better man than I Alice DeVore: "We have to be progressive and therefore, I like the new •ous, energy-expending edition of this fam," Gunkha DEAN." your money buys more.) :aptivating, collossal, colorful cJlumn I headlines. It saves time in reading; 'or further delerious details. and is easier to read. Let people get , . · limitation: The Kod~k Club used to it. I can't say that it improves i '~ Last years Cat Chat: Is Planmng a Trip the appearance of the paper, though, ~, FRESH bulk candy Question of the weak: What do you 1 to Petersen's Studio at Auburn to s~u- any more than the. other headEnes." KINGSOLVER .ake-Melpa Kalt? ~dy his equipment and methods. Al.· " at all times . Mrs. Dunning- remarks: "We must acBARBER SHOP This years Twitterbones: Ithough no date h~s been set for the custome ourselves to it. It gives one Stop in and take home This mightn't be so-I only told it :expeditk,u as yet, 0he idea was cls- rather a shock at first, but the PedaBelow Barnes Drug Store ;hat a certain high jumper and a Icussed :it some le118 1;h at their reg 1.1hr gogian should continue to use it." some of your favorite oothall player might be that way-- i meeting Thursday night. Five fresh- Laura Baum: "Oh! I think they're. CANDY •bout each other? !men i:iterested in phot_ograp~~ v.~re swell. 'I'hry are much easier to read 1,.11 Following is the reason for this ap- 1 pr•:~ei:1. Each memrer is antic1patmg learance: Pardon us but Murphy-did- a profitable expeumce in addition to "lots of iun." t.

The Peru Pedagogian















~;:;g~ ':f: ~ ~:p_h;':elun~ t'.dy; EARL~S C

(Please have Murphy on our soles: vill say the student body-we hope. It is the law of life that you have to Harold Boatman:. 'o. K. _ ve hope. Ed note.) make good or make room. ritzy. It does not improve the looks I~--~

The Mardis Store






"'A :\lig-hty Good Place to Trade"


eruvians Defeat Wayne o Cop N.I.A.A. Title Bobcats Eke Out Two Point Win Over Wayne Boasting a clean slate for several · years on 1·ts home court, ccessive e Wayne aggregation was forced to te the effect of speedy Bobcats pering over its court to carry off 48 to 46 victory last Tuesday eve-






. b cl . 1 Goodmorn111g oys an gir1s. 0 ur . · · cl "Th 1esson for this morn111g is ent'tl 1 e e. Camera Does Not Lie" and our text will be the Sunday World Herald Sport ·page.

g. he win netted an undefeated ding for the Peru club in the te conference. eru poured it on in the first few onds to tally six points. The Bobscore mounted to 18 and then to in the next few minutes, and with ven minutes left of the first half play, the Wayne club called for Somethl·ng seemed to be

Question I-Locate in the picture and identify briefly: 1. Napoleon Baller 2 · Floor-mop Mosley ·3 Assorted-shoestrings MsCormick 4· Prissy Bailey 5· Hypnotized Dean 6· Moose-Mug Majors 7· I-eat-raw-meat-and-I-like-it-tough Miller 8. Herculean Halladay ically lacking in the Wayne boys se . first few minutes, but. what- 9· Dago Sheely r it was, they certainly found it 10 Little Boy Handley ring their called time out. '.I'he 11 Fishface Falloon ayne club hawked the ball from that 12 Sleepy Mcintyre e until the final whistle of the 13 Pouty Wehling st half and maintained such a '14 Innocence Cowell irited attack upon the Bobcats that 15 Pensive Pugh 'th a sudden flurry of baskets, they 16 Generalissimo Greathouse effectively cut Peru's margin t@ Answers . one-point lead-20 to 19 at the half. 1. Napoleon Baller-The one with



appeared to two doctors, father and son are presented in this interesting CAT TALES novel. By Glen Sheely Alan Hart tells the story both of the town and its people with warmth Peru Prep won an easy victory in the and vigor. consolation finals after losing to Daw- "You Can't Take It With You" by son in the semifinal round of the Moss Hart and· George S · Kaufman · Humboldt district tournament. Hum"You Can't Take lt With You" is 1 boldt won the championship by de- a play which could easily become silly, feating Dawson 31 to 22. The Peru- but it never does. In the living- room . t of the· unconventional Sycamores we Odell final consolat10n score was 29 o fincJ. a haven for hobbies. Each mem~:rn off to battle ber cf 1i1is most icteresting family has 'I' . ht t 7 40 P t M h 11 omg a : ern mee s ars a College of Huntington, Va., at Kansas City. Marshall has a very good record and is one of the favorites in the tournament. Nebraska Wesleyan is the only other l')ebr. team representeel in the Kansas Ci.ty tournament. "~ru Prep Third Peru Prep defeated Odell in a consolation game in the Humboldt Class B District Tournament. The award



a different hobby and each hobby ol'.tdoes tiJe other for originality. The one and 0nl:1 norm.1l Sycamore, Alice, is a sten:Q"rapher. and in love with hEr boss' son, Tony. As a boy, born on the .Pennsylvania border in 1770, Mike Fink was an Indian scout, a marksman and wrestler, then he won fame as a boatman, and later turned to trapping. The legends which grew up around him are recounted in the book. "Mike Fink" by Walter Blair and F. J. Meine.



-ANDfor third place was a cup. Peru was defeated by Dawson in the semi-finOUR DELICIOUS als. COFFEE Falls City Mix YOU MUST BE SATISFIED Shiny Durst kayoed Kid McHugh in the second round of their bout at Falls City a week ago. "Ferocious" Finney proved to be rather "mild and mellow"" against the southpaw Bud Keifer from Falls City. Finney was defeated by a technical knockout. Peru Scrubs r:i;lICZ~:::C~)JIC~'tI~:;::;:;;;::~1:rc•'2:1'.~::SCZ•:tI:(~.E1Cz~5IJ!t,

Bus Cafe


T!:,,~';~:fil:'"N;:,~~:",,~ "!'.;: :",,;",;;:";:.,,':: :;"th':;'~:''~:~ ,:;:,ru,,':'cr:~·:~~,u';ia,':::,":.:~ ~.;1.':, m





"sfied with leaving the ball in the onents hands for any length of e-consequently, therj; was never great margin piled 'up on either m throughout the entire second

picture the paper.-Ha_s a wife. 2· Fl~or .. mop Mosely-The one that 6 was .l11Ches taller than anyone else on. account of the way ~e wear_s his hair-carrot top-no particular 111terf. est in females as individuals-yet. · Mc · k·-es, the game was fast and it was 3· Assor t ecl-sh oes t rl11g c ormic eel, too; each of which typifies a could be taller than. Mose if he wore ly exciting game on any court. his hair that way-if you have dif·

Bob Halladay and "Slim" McCor'ck tied for high point honors. Bob opped in five field goals in the first · the secf ancl t wo f ree throws m half for a total of 12 points. "Slim" peel a couple of fielders through the p in the first half, and added four

never practice but have won i'their only game of the season. Tihs team defeated the Johnson town team 94 to 34 so they can't be so very bad. Track Gang A few boys have checked out track suits and are scamperng about the gymnasrnm getting in shape for the coming track season.

~ere~t c~lors


cl honor of dropping in

the last ket which ultimately proved to be winning basket of the game.









11 ~

known as "Hero of the Harem"-female interests too numerous to menti.on· 6. Moose-Mug Majors-husky look" ing chap in the pictm-e-female interests diversified, if any. 7. I-eat-etc. Miller. The one with the gleam in his eye. He's standing ri.ght next to Mr Napoleon known 111· intimate circles . as Mr. - Dormitory Council. 8. Herculean Haliaday-the great big boy who made more points than any


p ryor G.ara ge "


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~ "\ •'


George S. Kaufman, the author of Iii ·'


so many screen and stage plays has ~ collaborated with Moss Hart to tell you why "You Can't Take. It With ~ You." If you are an admirer of redblooded, two-fisted muscle men you ~0 w1·11 find that "Mike Fink" fits the H bill. His escapades are to be found in his biography by Blair and Meine. The rental novel suggested this week is the story of two doctors in a Pa- ~·l




'' Alan fl


and \:•,

~... ;.J

H ~,·. .,\


I i'



;Wayne (46) FG FT PF Pts 9. Dago Sheeley-The first one on growth of a Pacific coast town as they the first row-really kuite handsomt Lingenfelter 4 3 2 11 'GiESli:Vf t in everyday life-may be referred to Marshal ............ 2 5 1 9 as .Mr'. Telephone Office. 'Cunningham . . . . . . . . 5 0 4 10 10 Little Boy Handley-looks very Retloff .............. 3 3 3 9 young-had serious appendicitus opCalyert ............. O 0 0 0 7 eration last week end-now fully reBradford ............ 2 3 3 0 covered-female interest-goodlooking Whitmore ........... 0 0 0 senior. 9 Total ........... 16 14 13 46 11. Fishface Falloon-Surprise? He plays basketball toow ! (So seldom do Halladay and Bailey we have a dramatic athlete)-female Selected for All State interests diversified. Selections made recently for the 12. Sleepy Mcintyre-He never lookJan. llWesleyan, 48-41 first and second teams of the N. I. eel that way before except in Cit. and Jan 14 Doane, 53-48 A. A. basketball conference found Peru Pol. (8 a. m.) female interest: wife. well represented on both teams. Bob lN. B. They both used to go to school Jan. 15 Hastings, 56-33 Halladay and "Ding" Bailey stepped here.) Jan. 22 Alumni 41-27 into forward and guard positions re13. Pouty Wehling-looks like he spectively on the first team. wanted to be somewhere he wasn'tJan. 28 Midland 37 -27 Leonard Greathouse was picked for really a handsome chap out side of Jan. 29 Wayne, 53-35 a forward position on the second team, picture-no domestic interest apparent Feb. I Midland, 46-32 while "Slim" McCormick, Orval Pugh, at present time. and Lester Mosley received honorable 14. Innocence Cowell-unusual picFeb. 4 Doane, 54-45 mention at center and guard positions. ture-just got here second semesterFeb. 5 Hastings 36-44 Sharing· honors with Halladay at girl maybe I dunno. Forward was Armstrong of Chadron. 15. Pensive Pugh....-known to some Feb. 9 Nebr. 8 37-39 Lingenfelter of Wayne carried off the as "Little Orval"-the graceful one of Feb. 10 Kearney 41-440 ' honor of first team center. And, at the bunch-gal friend good looking-Feb. 11 Nebr. Wesleyan the guard position, Retzloff, also of no talk much. Wayne, shared honors with Bailey. 16. Generalissimo Greathouse-(on Feb. 18 Kearney 46-41 (Gal-Kamen) Feb. 19 York 52 20. Remember this-you can't put it Notice over by "putting it off". G-bye, Unkie


. Our bread is priced to yon at the same price every day. We have not had to resort to price-cutting to sell our product. It's quality, is our salesman.


Ask our salesman for our Saturday Specials.



'~, ~.;

PHONE 170 .\.'.'.l"

:-:'DTC~"'ZI~C:I~~:tT~itT~~Tl'C "'f;"?c;~'.73~17!:~~?-:c~~


2~~~.. -------- ---~:!I ,,,:11

Peru State Teachers Co liege Peru Nebra~ka Basketball Schedule



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Point · ·



1r+:~b=~~ot~~:d b~~a~-;;~:~~et~:~

nu1LLIPS .~.~ r11

;i11·{ .


FG PT PF Pt aday ........... 5 2 O ~ 9 ey ............... 1 O 4 Cormick . . .. .. .. . 4 4 2 1; gh ................ 2 0 osley .............. O 2 O r~ean ............... o 2 o ~ ; /'.Mcintyre . .. . . .. . . . .. 4 0 2 !Greathouse . .. .. . .. . 3 , 2 2 8 l~ller .............. O 0 0 0 other fellow on our team this year. cific coast town. "In the Lives of Men" \Cowell .............. O O 0 0 Female interest (when he is awake); Total ............ 19 10 13 48 Kappa D.elta Pi McKimmey from At- Hart. · City. !antic Nineteen years of the



of shoestrings sitting in Nap Baller he ron row will cau~e more people The opinion is that Baller looks like 1" to look at you-Has girl-vest pocket Napoleon in the picture of the basket- I~ edtion· · ball squad appearing in the Omaha :1·1i 4· Prissy Bailey-example of hO\~ to World. Hei'.ald. Maybe he is a "Na/set t,~r a picture-excellent po~ture-- poleon"-the way he has led the tj nevrif looks so self possdsed 111 ~v- basketball team to victory. 11

-throws to two more fielders i eryday life-no female interest that we second half to make his total e- know of.

~~ t~~~kof:ei:n:;;~-~:~·the




Feb. 18 Kearney 46-41 Feb. 19 York 52-20 Feb. 22 Haskell 45-29 March 1 Wayne 48-46 Peru 739 Opponents 588



ALMUNI TRAIL By Mildred Williams


M. D., Nebraska Training School Notes DR. BOSLEY TO ADDRESS; City,D. D.Nebr.,Stonecypher, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat.


· 1

Glasses stted. Phone 144.--Professionthe Sioux City Golden Glovers. The Cat O' Nine Tails al Card. ,_____________,! boy won his first match at Chicago. Be sure and plan now to see the Peru Grads-S. uperintendents . Senior class play "The Cat N1'ne I II i: , by Mildred Williams . !J I In the Election Report No. 11 issued Tails" which will be presented this Former Peruvian Now Mr. and Mrs. E. Toft February 26, 1938 by ··the Nebraska spring'. 'I'he following have parts in DR. GLEN H. JODER Mr. and Mrs. Einer Toft of Grand State Teachers Association at Lincoln, the play: Prominent Theologian Dr. A. H. Bosley, Instructor of TheIsland were week-end guests of Mr· the following graduates of Peru were Surgeon and Physician Mr W D n Mrs T ft d M Hubert Hunzekar-Henry and s. · . u n. · o an . rs. the superintendents 'or· teachers reportology at the Iowa State Teachers ColMilstead ·corner ft 11 b Harold Dallam-Fox Dunn are sis ters, Mr · To Wl e ed either re-elected or newly elected: lege at Cedar Falls, Iowa; will be the Res. 39 Phone Office 33 nmembered as a graduate of 1830 John A. Jimerson, Auburn; C. E. Harold Fisher-Mr. Gordon speaker at the Y. W. C. A. and Y. and one of Peru's star Lotball men. Clark, Gretna; Benjamin W. BurJ;:e, Elllis Adams-Jimmy M. C. A. conference to be held on The ~ear of grad~ation, he was elect-\ Hamlet; F. L. Sievers, Hebron; Paul Bond Kennedy-Jacob ' the Peru State Teachers College camed high school p~mc1pal and coach at combs, Pilger; C. H. Adee, Randolph· Joan Good-Miss Smith Shubert. He bmlt the strongest ag- w. A. Schindler, Tecumseh; and R. G. Nancy E. .Jones-Theodora pus, March 18, 19, and 20. "BIG MUDDY CHIEF" gregation of football players that Henderson, Maxwell. Mary E. Collin-Betty Corn Sheller Shubert has ever had, and the true Betty Dasher-Mrs. Gordon Dr. Bosley attended Peru State An efficient, up to date, maand loyal Peruvian that he was, he "L Mabel Bath-Bridget Teachers College two years. He then chine built for those who use saw that all these stars came to Peru G ittle Nell" a Truly Marion Thomas-Peggy went to the Nebraska Wesleyan Uniimproved and modern method~ 1ripping Melodrama who proved to be stars in college "Drama" was the key-note of the The production staff is as follows: versity and was graduated from there of farming. work as well as they were in high Dramatic Club meeting held in the Director-Marie Williams in 1930. Thi-; sheller is quick and 100% school. Music Hall Auditorium March 3. The Assistant Director-Corrine Whitfield During the time he attended wesefficient. Designed especially for Friel Kern Successful lime light of the evening shown on Business-Margery Adams, Wilda leyan, he did some preaching at Johnthe farmers living around and A letter was recently received at the "little nell" melodrama. The vil- Goings; Stage-Thomas Shelman, Geo- son and Talmage, Nebraska. near Peru. the office from Superintendent Wor- lain Pritchard twirled his mustache as rge Grafton. He won the state championship in H. RAY HAUPTMAN thington of the Elba Consolidated Glema Miers, "his proud beauty" tear- Property-Ruby Redding, Nettie An- the debate tournaments for two years Phone 201 School. In his letter he reported that fully awaited rescue by her galloping drews, Mildred Longfellow. and took part in the National Debate Friel Kerns was unanimously re-elect- hero, Carter Jolmson. The emotion- Costume-Sarene Hauptman, Ardela Tournament one year. ed after a very successful year of ser- wrought audience hissed the villain Hayes. In 1934, he received his Doctors device with a very nice increase in sal- and cheered the hero. Electricity-Charies Mason. gree from the University of Chicago. ary-.. Mr. Kerns is a graduate of last Faculty characters came to life as ·s While attending the · University of . Club members impersonated ound-Harold Mason ' James Han- Cl11· ca g·o, h e received · year. Dramatic a Fellowship in Loyal Peruvian them in a guessing game. impromptu lo~, M:rle Umbland. the School of Divinity there. Mar. 10, 11, 12, Thurs., Fri., Sat. Superintendent William B. Money, skits were cast by giving each one in Kiwams Club He was ordained at the First Metha loyal Peruvian, is completing his the audience a typed part to portray. The Peru Kiwanis Club is giving out odist Church in Omaha, Nebraska in CLAUDETTE COLBERT fifteent,h year at Cl:ofton. Crofton Butlers, gangsters, cowboys and others blanks to the children (up to the tenth September, 1934. IN has this year, as a representative at wandered about on the stage speaking· grade) asking if the child~en can At this time, he accepted the posiTONIGHT'S OUR NIGHT Peru, Miss Lucille Renner. and exiting as the mood struck them. _think of any suggestions for· making tion of Director of Religious Education o ·'





Peru Theatre


Mrs. Winnie Delzell Fram Preceding the program a business Peru more interesting for children. at Iowa State Teachers College. A letter was recently received from meeting was held and though shrouded These blanks ask what the children He has been called upon to speak M:\RCH 13, 14 Mrs .. Winnie Delzell Fram, who gradu- in secrecy, the plans for intiation of do in their spare time and what they at many .places during the time he ERROL FI,YNN ated from Peru in 1909, from. her home 'new members at the April meeting would_ like to do; what clubs they w'ish has been m I~wa. Among _these are: IN at Tempa, Arizona. She reported a pronused to be very umque and dy- to Jorn and suggestions for improve- the Y. Conference which is held at PERFECT SPECIMEN recent Nebraska reunion picnic held namic. ment. Asilomar, California; the Chapels at at Tempa in which over 150 former The heavy out-go of dramat:c in- There were 124 blanks gathered from the University of Chicago and at Nebraskans were in attendance. Mr. spiration called for the heavy-in-g;o of the training building. Some of the :rin.ceton University; the large l\IARCH 15, lG TUES., WED. George Hansen of the class of 1912 eats-dixie cups, cookies, and candy pupils wished to learn to drive some -~huiches of the east; and the Y. W. ANNAPOLIS SALUTE was the former president of the Ne- bars. to swim and others wished a 'roller- C. A. National Conference held in the ,' braska organization. Mr. Hansen has skating· rink or contests. Green Mountains every summer. always been a loyal Peruvian as has The Kiwanis plans to aid the chilMrs. Fram. Mr. Leo Faunce was eMUSIC NOTES dren in securing those things the chilCLEAN UP YOUR CARS lected president of the organization dren desire. for the coming year. She also re- "Holy City" To Be Presented Scouts on Over-Night Hike -Forported that a large percentage of The combined choirs of the Chris- Troop 325, Boy Scouts of America, those in attendance l <.d graduated or tian and Methodist churches will pre- took a short over-night hike last Friattended Peru some .... : in the past. sent the "Holy City" by Gaul, Sunday day. The boys went to the cabin diRalph Carson-Chemist evening March 20. It will be under rectly after school was out. After Ralph Carson, who attended Peru the direction of R. T. Benford and cooking their supper, they played for two years during 31-32 and 32-33, will be held in the Methodist church. games until dark. has recently obtained a position with Helen Margaret Larson, Howard Miller Girl Scouts Meet the General Chemical Company in St. and Gordon Gilbert will be the prin- The Girl Scouts usual Friday meetLouis. After attending Peru, Mr. Car- cipal soloists. Mr. Benford will be at ing was held at the Standly residence. son went to the University of Nebras- the organ. Watch for further details. The girls who had flags learned their ka and majored in chemistry. On first Piano Recital signals. All work must be Satisfact1wy going to St. Louis, he had a position Wednesday evening, March 23 , pu- Later a business me_eting was held Prices Right with Proct.or and Ga.mble as chemist. pils of the piano ensemble group assist- and it was decided to have a pa1ty at Bes1d~s his work with the General ed by other members of the piano de- the W. A. A. cabin nex~ Friday. Chenucal Company, Mr. Carson does partment will give a piano ensemble chemistry research work of his own. recital. At this time two pianos will '1RC~=---====--=-~~·····'0···®~"'"" M. Working on Masters be used, featuring two and three peoHarajian & . " Miss Manon Dodderer, who receiv- ple at a piano. The program will be DENTISTS ed her degree in 1927 and who has given at a later date. Office Phone 32W2 ..-::::~:::~~:::::~~-..:~::::~::::~",~~::c:'.;f$i';:::~it'l!•<::~~~:::;~:::".~"':':·:::4': been teaching at Tekamah for seven !History of Church Music Dr. H. C. Dallam, res. 196 ; y·: years, is now working toward her mas- Prof. R. T. Benford gave a talk to Dr. N. S. Harajian, res. 32W3 i PRESERVE YOUR EDUCATION 1 ters degree at the University of Ne- the joint meeting of Y. M. and Y. f braska. Tuesday evening, March 1. His topic Mr. H. Filley-Supt. at Stanford was the History of Church music. It "IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" 1tr',: \ Hubert Filley has recently. been e- also included a brief resume of hymns if: ;·








Dalla~1 ··~



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~~:~ ~:e~;a~~e~n: ::g:::nf~~! =~ ~:~~~;.manner.in

which they should

~ ~






college in 1934. Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth Entertain Under Dr. Jodel°s Office :,, Mr. S. L. Clements-Chairman The members of the Methodist Choir '-' Superintendent S. L. Clements of were entertained at the home of Mr. ~*~*'~*~*~*'~*'"'! the Peru Training School and a mem- and Mrs. w. A. Forsyth after their re- !l••••llll!lllllillilllllllllllmBlllllll. ber of the class of 1912 has been chos- hearsals Wednesday evening. en chairman of the Nebraska District Miss Knoflicek-Soloist No. 2 Music Contest Committee. Tue Mildred Knoflicek played several contest this year will be held at lections on her violin at the Second Fremont, April 1-2. district Judicial Bar Banquet at !Plattsmouth Wendesday evening. She Miss M. Gorder-Phy. Ed. was accompanied a.t the piano by Miss Martha Gorder, '36, was to be- Jerome Snyder. gin teaching straight physical educa- Peruvians Hear Omaha Choir tion the second semester at Pueblo, I A group of Music students accomColo. panied Professor Steck to Omaha SunOld Faithfuls day evening to hear the Choir of St. Raymond Moore, Plainview; Lowell Cecilia's Cathedral. The program, COMPLETE Lewis, Ponca; and Chet Bowen, Col- which consisted of Liturgical Music of eridge, all graduates of Peru, "watched the Catholic Church, was under the New line of the Bobcats battle" at Wayne, Tues- direction of Winifred Traynor Flanday, March 4. agan and was given in Josleyn MemoSAMPLES Nice Going, "Looper" rial. Those attending from Peru inPeru Cleaners & Tailors Lowell Lewis of Ponca reports an eluded Jack Hazelton, Wiley Remmers, Peru PhOM a excellent year with his basketball Howard Miller, Maxine Jarvis and team, having lost only two games this Maxine Galbraith.




;i I:


Il,? ·.

·~ ~

N0 t e B0 0 ks )~' l'







I~ I











IJ\Aythical State and N.I.A.A. .wards Conferred on Peru

Action Revolves Around Small College Life With an authentic college atmosphere bringing many surprises and unusual situations, "Spring Fever" promises to be a hilarious comedy. The play is to be presented April 8. From the fifty that appeared at tryouts Professor Moore chose the following cast: Howard Brant, a senior at Brookfield College-Gerald Bowen. Ed Burns, a chemistry student-Dick Slagle Vic Lewis, an art student-Lloyd Heim Lew Herron, a journalism student-Mary E. Slack Mrs. Spangler, the landlady-Leona Simmons Anne Prucell, Howard's heart interest -Marva! Lucas Vivian George, Vic's heart interest-Ruth Wilson Henry Prucell, Anne's father, a rich manufacturer-Gilbert Purucker Phoebe Prucell, Anne's mother-Lois Nash. Maude Corey, Howard's spinster aunt -Mary Olive Richardson Professor Virgil Bean, of the Zoology department-Thane Cook Dr. Dixon, President of Brookfeld College-Bernard Goerke. Though this is the first major part for most of the cast they are all very competent and promise to give an exceptionally fine performance. The entire acti0n of the play takes place in the living room of Mrs. Spangler's rooming house. It is at BrookfiQld college, a small co-educational college in the east, on the day before commencement. Marie Wieneke is the student director.

McCormick and Pugh . Finish Bobcat Career

I Wayne came with high high hopes i and a great reputation only to be

plastered 53-35 in a game broac'cast The Bobcats, mythical state over KMA. and N. I. A. A. conference Peru again tripp~d Midland, this champs, closed the curtain on time by a score of 46-32. Greathouse, their fine season hy dropping a Halladay and McCorn;.i~k all hit for the Bobcats. 67-60 game to Marshall college in , The tast Doane aggregation offered the National Tournament held at plenty of fight but couldn't match the Kansas City. It was Per:i's rip-roaring Bobcats who won their secthird loss in 19 games. ond over Doane 54-45.


PROGRAM Y. M.-Y.W. Conference 8'riday, March 18 !>.fternoon: 4:00-7:00 Registration 7:00-9:00 Recreation 3:00-4:30--Work Session 4:30-6 :30--Recreation 6 :30--Estes Banquet 7: 30--Recreation Sunday, March 20, Morningg 8:00--Breakfast 8:30--Worship Singing 9:00---W. S. T. C. Dedication 11: 00---Church

SIGMA TAU DELTA HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET Country Editor Was Speaker of the Evening Initiatory servces of Sigma Tau Delta were held at 5:30 Monday evening in the Music Hall. Advancements to active membership were Bertie Boom, Alice DeVore, Clara Eyre, Norman Littrell, Gladys Nofsger, Anne Louise Short, Virginia Trively and Mary Lizabeth Werner. Ruth Robert was initiated as an active member while Elaine Eddy, Helen Margare Larson and Grace Mary Hnizda were initiated as pledges.

Two members of the squad are senThe next game found Peru in a Saturday, March 19-Morning iors-"Slim" McCormick and Orval! slump and an inspired Hastings team 8: 00--Breakfast Pugh. "Slim" has been the key of played over their heads to out-fight, After the initiation the Spring Ban 8:30-Worship the Peru team throughout the year- out-game and out-score Peru 44-36. quet was held at six o'clock in the 9: 00--Speaker the a vcrage person usually not realizUnable to get going after their iniTraining School. The address ~f we! 10: 0'0-10: 15-Recreation ing the tremmidous value "Slim" is tial loss, Peru dropped a hard game come was given by Marjorie Stevenson 10:15-12:00--Work Session on defense as well as on offense. to Nebraska B 39.-37. and the responce by Ruth Roberts. 12:30--Dinner Orv was the p!a3er who calmed the Then a hard-fought game at KearAllen May, editor of the Nemaha Afternoon: rest of the team. His calm, deliber-1· ney gave· the Bobcats a last minute County Herald was the speaker of th 2: 00-3: 00-Speaker ate style of play fits well with Baller's 41-40 victory with Mosley following evening, his topic being "Journeys ir typ 3 of game. Beside being such a through to score in the final seconds. Journalism". He told of the chang fine defensive player, Pugh was al- "Ding" Bailey led Peru's attack. ing style of newspaper articles. ways a threat on his long shots. The game at Wesleyan turned into Girls' Debate Team Music was furnished by the String t1uartette composed of Helen Margar Orv's gracefulness on the fioor made "drop-the-handkerchief" and Peru won Awarded Fourth Place him a favonLe with the crowd. 42-23 with Halladay and Mcintyre :.,Ieeclng the greatest minds in Ne et Larson, Eaine Shafer, Charles Par Peru opened the season by spank- showing the way. braska colleges, two Peru debate teams nell and Dorothy Snider. The program chairman was Bertie ing the Dunbar town team in a prac· Kearney Antelopes fell again to attended the Annual Nebraska InterBoom; menu, Eleanor Hemphill, Mary tice game. Then the Bobcats plung- Peru and Peru led the N. I. A. A. conThe .scoi·e "'as college Forensic Association meet held Lizabeth Werner and Virginia Trively ed into action by husking the Nebras- J.el'"nce. ' " 46 _41 . ka Nubbins 42-29. Greathouse sho\"<ed York failed to have enough reserves at Kearney March lO, ll, 12. Ruth were in charge of the decoration. Crone and Mary Lizabeth Werner, the way with 25 points. and lost 52-20. The third game found the Bobcats The colorful Haskell Indians led by made up the girls' team, and received Y. W. C. A. Discusses defeating the Lincoln Woodmen 52-39 Big Bear provided color and broadcast fourth place in the women's division. p ro bl em of R e 1ig10n . • via the . sleeper play route. Great- but little else. Peru taking a 54-29 de- Hastings College won first. house again led the scoring. cision. 'I'om Chinnock and George Grosso"Should we teach religion in schools Wesleyan proved a tough bunch Wayne and Peru clashed in the final heme, Peru's men debate team de- and how should it be taught?" Such when Peru tried to play without· Mc- game of the regular season and the feated Wayne College. Omaha u. won was the question discussed by the Re Cormick. 'I'he Bobcats finally count- Bobcats scratched out a 48-46 win first place in the men's division. ligious group at the regular meeting of ed a 48-41 victory. The game was T:wn came the Ui 't2tion to KanSchools represented were Hastings, Y. W. C. A\'lTues.day evening. broadcast over KMA by Howard Dean. sas City and the 67-60 loss to Mar- Wayne, Y_ork, Omaha University, During·,,_:_ "iscussion it was brought Peru took to the road and added shall college. Doane, Kearney, Midland, Wesleyan out that some schools in Iowa have Hastings and Doane to their list. Now the suits are stored until and Peru. elective religious courses which work Hastings lost 56-33 and Doane toppled next year-who knows what next year Debate Coach Moore felt very en- out quite successfully. 53-48. will bring? Coach Baller can look couraged with the results in that the The group decided that the success Gilk's alumni provided plenty of fun forward to the return of Dean, Miller, competing teams had attended six or of a course in religious training would Peru Players Urged but little basketball as they lost 41-27 Mcintyre, Cowell, Handley, Sheely, 'seven tournaments this year, were al- depend upon the community. to Join Choralers Midland gave Peru a thrill and onlv Greathouse, Halladay, Bailey, Maj()rs most eight year debaters and thus The Creative Leisure group were Peru Players are urged to join the the fine playing of Halladay and Pugh and Mosley-and that is som2thing to much more highly experienced, and taught some beginning stitches in knitChoral Reading Group of the Dra- gave the Bobcats a 37-27 victory. look forward to. were represented by at least three ting. matic Club. 'I'he regular meeting =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to five teams apiece, Thursday, March 10, was the occasion The recipe for pepetual ignorance is: Y. M. C. A. Makes Plans for the voicing of this earnest inviIf I cannot do great things, I can do Be satisfied with your opinions and For Remainder of Year tation to all those interested in Choral small things in a great was. content with your knowledge.-Elbert \ Reading to join the active group, Clarke Hubbard. I Plans for the remainder of the year which is planning to meet every WedI were made at the regular meeting of nesday afternoon from five until six. Y. M. C. A. Tuesday evening. Not Too Late for The play presented at this week's It was decided to base the majority meeting was, 'I'he Angelus, produced More Good Snap Shots. of the programs upon th 'rommissions by Gerald Fichter's group. The next three weeks will be the as represented in the Rocky Mountain The vice president, Lester Reutter, busiest in the school year as far as region. Plans are being made to carpresided at a short business meeting. the PERUVIAN staff members are con- ry out several of these commissions Students Approve Other comments: cerned. They will be working con- during the coming year. Saturday School VIVIAN McKIMMEY: "It would be stantly getting various sections of the Shall we extend spring vacation un- nice for those who live farther away." book ready to go to press. This conCOLLEGE CALENDAR ti! Tuesday, and make it up by atFRANCES HARDY: "I think it is certed effort is necessary because of Symphonium Meets tending school the following Saturday? terrible to come back on Easter." Negro music and original contributhe plan to bring the book out early. March 15 tions were the main feature~ or the Just from occasional inquiries, i!t MILDRED PARLI: "I would have Y. M., Y. W., C. C. A., 7-8 p.m. Cover design program at Symphonium Mond~y was found that 47 people, as well a3 to work at home on Monday, so I am The final choice of the PERUVIAN night. Those submitting origh~l conBroadcast, 8:30 to 9:00 p. m. not in favor of it." cover has been made and the covers tributions were Etta Neunabe;-, Vivi- the Peru Singers, were enthusiastically in favor of an extra day. However JUNE FhANS and MARGERIE have been ordered. The design for the an McKimmey, R. T. Benford anJ March 16 HARRIS: (Enthusiastically) "Yes," cover was chosen several weeks ago but Eleanor Niemann. Those taking part there were a few dissenters. Professor Steck and me,mbers" of "Wouldn't that be wonderful!" Residence Girls,7-8 p. m. then the color combination and other in the program included the Stardusthe Peru Singers especially ·view this details were still to be worked out. ter's Trio, The Male Quartet, Marjory plan as advantageous. As they will "BARNEY" BARISAS: "No, I wouldMa1·ch. 17 n't like it. I have to work on SatEvans and Eleanor Nieman. Faculty section be on the chorus trip at this time, urday." The faculty section of the PERUVIit means that one day less will be Freshman Clubs, 7-8 p. m. AN is all set up; it goes to press this MRS. MARSH: "I am in favor of · issed. week. The pictures of faculty memTHE PERU HOUR "It sounds like a good idea," was it." March 18 bers are all informal photographs. the general response of Doris Prichard, MRS. DUNNING: "I am in favor nf Y. M:-Y. W. Conference From the campus of Delbert Nelson, Margaret Henderson, what the students want." She was Class panels ~ thousand oaks March 19 Maxine Jarvis, Zelda Carmine, Margery particularly in sympathy with tho~c Next week will see the organizaY. M.-Y. W. Conference ;Evans, Mildred Hubka, Patricia Lundy, who would be deprived of most of Victory Broadcast tion of class panels in full swing and Clara Yurka, Neva Mittan, Doris Car- Easter Sunday because of the distance the training school section on tl:le .Starduster Trio March 21 r.ahan, Maxine Randall, Clara Bright, they had to come. press. ard Martha Wilson. :Sand Freshman Council, 10:30 a. m. Snap some shots "It makes no difference to me," said DR. SMITH: "I would be in favor 0~ Crawdads, 7-8 p. m. Male Quartet Maxine Metcalf and Nettie Kamen. it." The snapshots section is still being Alpha Psi, 7-8 p. m. Wilma Lichty, Ruth Ann Hill and MARGARET SAVILLE: "I think it made up and the staff still has thea"Stu" Baller and squad Kappa Delta Pi, 8-9 p. m. David Duey dislike the idea of having is grand! It's so unusual to spend a ter tickets to trade for shots that they whole Sunday at home." school on Saturday. can use.




Extra Day on Easter Appeals to Peruvians


fhe Peru Pedagogian

Dr. Robert Coatney Appointed Consultant Dr. G. Robert Coatney of the de'ublished Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. partment of biology at the Peru NeEntered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. braska State Teachers College has :·e$1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents. cently been appointed a consultant ADVERTISING RATES with the U. S. Public Health Service, Display 20 cents per inch. Locals, 10 cents per line in the division of malarial investigations. In this capacity he was called . to Wa~hington, D. C. last week to conffAFF fer with Dr. L. L. Williams Jr., chief B:ditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norman Littrell of the division of malarial studies of Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bert Hall the National Institute of Health. Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Sheely After the meeting in Washington, M · Dr. Coatney visited the School of Hy8ponsor . · · ... · · · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Miss Florence artm gi'ene and Pt:.'.·l1'c Health at c'.n' Jol1Es · Advertising Manager ............. · · · · · · · · · · · William Bischoff Hopkins University in Baltimore, and the ::;cpartmerit of Preventatii·c MediREPORTERS cine and Para,,itology at the UniverEleanor Nieman si~y of Chicago. Russell Bailey Martha Clifton Bertie Boom Melba Obernolte Anna Louise Short Ruth Roberts Bert Hall Grace Hnizda Hubert Johnson Edward Short BOOK WORM MENU Mildred Williams Frances Staley Jean Wagner I, Patience, I, Richard and I, JohnLawrence Weston ny have done it again. This time their ~ book takes place in Hollywood where LEGAL HOOKYthey met Paul. Muni, Clark Gable and Do you like to play hooky? Do you like to walk around with Walt Disney. There has been somo your gal or loaf with your pal when others are sweltering in school? question as to the true authorship of the book, some insist that it could n&t You do-then you will want to go to school, April 23. be written by the children. Read the The Pedagogian Look in On Peruvian Feelings this week takas book and see what you think. It is a peek at your opinion of legal hooky and suggests school on Sat- in the rental collection. Richard Curle has edited a collecurday instead of Monday April 18. This would give us 4 1-2 days tion of the letters of Robert Brownof Easter vacation: Thursday afternoon, Friday, Saturday, Sun- ing and Julie Wedgewood which should day and Monday-4 1-2 days of spring, all in a row. What's your be very interesting. vote on the subject? Would you make a "Faithful Wife"? Sigrid Undset's book of that name might giv€ you some helpful hints. PERU'S BOBCATS "Of All Places" by Patience Abbe. Peru has just seen the climax of her greatest contributi6n to fame The Abbe children, Patience, Richard this year-her basketball team. The record alone is enough to imand Johnny, have finally reached Holpress anyone who will look at the figures in years to come-3 de- lywood and in this book disclose their ideas of the "Movie Kingdom", along f ... ats against 16 victories. with many notions of what should and But to us who are here and have witnessed the games; we will .should not be done with our lives. remember the gameness and the fine spirit shown by the Peru Here is an example: "We get 25 cents team. In defeat or victory-they had their eyes straight ahead- a day for lunch at the school cafeteria. marching on to work back to the top or to keep on top. That spirit We spend 15 cents and Johnny and J, Richard save 10 cents a day so I have is what Peru is proud of. saved 27 dollars and Johnny 15 dollars. p

Inter-column Dream Contest Ed Falloon saw a magazine with RAMBLINGS streaming, scremning headline "Half Wit Fal!oon." Tsk! Tsk! Ed of a people! Bitter Experience Note Well-'snuff. As far as the spe11mg . m · th's 1 co1umi1 is concerned, the motto of Ye Rambler is "The Worse, the Better." Math Di>:cussion Funny Sights Led By Glen Yont Bob Mooney kicking a sack full of "Teaching Mathematics in bricks placed beguilingly on the side- Schools" was the subject discussed walk. Glen Yant af the regular meeting Erwin Juilfs and Verona Klone Alpha Mu Omega, mathematics fra throwing itsy bits of clay at a hole in ternity, last Monda,y evening. the ceiling. First one through g·ets a Verda Ginrich presented the pro candy bar. (Juilfs won.) of a proposition and Professor C. Bert Hall blushing at compliments Huck talked on the properties of on editorials. nine point circle. Sacldest Event: i Harold Snyder slept through lunch) ~~~~~~=""'~~~~~~ time last Tuesday. J. P. CLARK So They Say: Electric Shoe Shop North of J,une Frans, "An infant is an adult Post Office that isn't grown up." Phone 109 Benson, (you g·uess which one) "That music gets on my goat." Philosopher, (in discussion o.f ornery pupils) "It's too bad everyo1ie can't KINGSOLVER teach before he goes to school." BARBER SHOP Misguided dorm girl, "They buy the gravy in great big barrels." Below Barnes Drug Store 'Goodreau Soper, "Now in my home town ... · ....... " Information Wanted: Who put that phony dime in the Methodist collection a week ago? None of you dear children, we hope.

The Mardis Store

Opinion: The blonde Swede thinks Auburn is a pretty nice place. Can you figure that out?

"A Mighty Good Place to Trade"


Publicity: Engdahl doesn't like to have his name in the paper-says he gets en- li'j ough publicity by way of his own l:i1 let alone having it published. Iii ·1·'1



Ii lj


FREE Life Membership to PERU SENIOkS


most favored line. Suits from of all pure wool fabrics in our

Just received greatest variety

\1 1,1

(;iven during March i:nly


, Hundreds of Vacancies Now in Iowa & Nebraska · Write to Professional Teachers Bureau 927 0. Bldg. Omaha, Nebraska

As important as the team was the large enthusiastic crowd ever on hand to urge the Bobcats on. The now-famous cow-bell clanked not only at home, but also in enemy buildings. Peru support was evident in each and every game. Few boos were uttered on Peru's court-the few that were heard were quickly hushed. Respect for the eleven men on the floor seemed uppermost in Peru minds. As an organ of Peru o,inion, we want to congratulate Peruvians on their Peruvian showing.






Be Good to This Old Man The chances are that :rou will ha vv to live with him for fifty or sixty years from now, and it is not too early to begin to show proper consideration to the old man who will move in and take possession, using your eyes and ears, your hands and feet, your h ~ 0 rt and stomach, your mind and memory, just as if they had always belonged to

ly impaired vision because you strained yours by reading in an improper position, under the wrong kind of light, for too long at a time. If so, that's just too bad, for an old man has plenty of time to think about his poor J::ewth.


He may be untidy about the 1 ouse. In his manner of eating, or in the care of his person and clothing; that will be most unpleasant and embarrassing to his grandchildren, but it will be too late to change his ways then. Perhaps he can be a "horrible example" to them, but who wants to live ·for that? Worse yet, he may be untidy about his thinking, ideas always dls· organized and never where he can find them when they are needed, s0 that he must forever borrow from other people. He may have such b:.d habits as exaggeration of misrep1:osentation or dodging the issue, all of which are likely to make him unpopular, but you'll just have to p~t up with the old codger. He may be physically weak, with a

for hours at a time, but what e!se can you expect when he didn't learn any crafts or take up any hobbies in the years when his fingers were more flexible, his muscles more adaprttble, and his mind more hospitable to new ideas? It's too bad, because those interests cr.uld make him a much happier m:.in to live with. If he is inclined to fuss about everything-the food and clothes provided 1 for him, the house he lives in, your relatives, and the world in general, you'll just have to "grin and bear it." Old men are like that unless they get wise to themselves before ~l'ley make habits out of their everyday thinking.

Eat 'em

ple may dread coming to see you be· cause this troublesome old man is around, but I don't know how you'll get rid of him then. His memories may bother you, tn·}. The company he kept with books :mu thoughts .and dreams and companion,; when he was fifteen will show clearly when he is the other side of :fifty, in spite of all you can do. He may not be the sort of person y ; t want to have around, and you r:.L/ find yourself entirely disgusted with him. Perhaps it will be easier tor you to treat him with respect then if you start now to be good to this old man!-The Target.







Basketball Tournament lReiffs Lead Battle Planned by Peru Girls Of Volley-Ballers _ After a rather slow start the volley Thew. A. A. ~lrls are not to be out-,ball season is at its height with Tu;iff's done by the boys m basketball. The leading the parade. After four enboys have held their tom:naments, so gagements they have as yet to taste the girls are going to hold one too. defeat. Weare's and Parrish's are They have been practicing for some close behind with two wins and one time and have now chosen th'eir cap- loss. tains and teams. The team standings: Mrs. Dunn and Arlene Steiner were Team G w ~ chosen for captains and each chose Reiff's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 her team. The teams are as follows.: Weare's . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . 4 3 Mts. Dunn, captain, Arlene Heinke, Parrish's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Marjorie Harbridge, Maxine Randall, ath Wonders . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 Margaret Anderson, Irma Meier, Betty Higgins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 .1 Garver, Jean Winkelman, Phyllis Ben- Collin's .................. 4 ~ son and Marie Jurg·ens. Arlene Stein- Dahlstroms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 er, captain, Dorothy Ann Coatney. Alley Toms . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . 4 3 Mary Acord, Helen Wederquist, Helene Cox, Edna Mae Peterson, Lorine Schacht, Roberta Klein, Esther Bath and 25 Men Check Out Suits .. Etta Neunaber. Track Season. Gets Under Way The tournament starts Monday night. Come out and watch Peru's During the past week many boys have checked out track equipment fo: star girl athletes. the coming track season. Stock soared as to the number registering !or tracK but their feats are as yet tmknown. The rooster includes many ALMUNI TRAIL high school freshmen stars as well as By Mildred Williams the veterans of last year. Thank You, Mr. Nickel This bit of news was sent to supt. s. L. Clements from Harvey T. Nickel, Supa'intendent of Schools at Endicott. "What Jefferson County Thinks of Peruvians:

Bobcats Lose Ft"rst Ga'm·e In Nat1ona1Tournament •

Marshall (Va) Proves Too Fast For Peru A battle of high-scoring teams, Peru and Marshall (Va.), found


points being looped through the baskets and Peru dropping a


verdict last Tuesday. The game, which was a first rounder in the National Intercollegiate Championship at Kansas City,

was the favorite of the crowd.


Marshall used a fast-.breaking offense which proved too speedy for the Bobcats. Peru retaliated with their usual "dead-eying" from the foul line and

follow-ins. The loss of McConnick, due to an ankle injury, was a serious handicap to the Bobcats. Rivilin, Marshall forward, led the scoring with 23 points and presented a brand of ball-handling and dribbling The lettermen reporting are Bert which clearly showed his right to be Hall, hurdles; Leonard Greathouse, called the f'Hank'' LussiE(to of the weights and jumps; Richard 'I'urner, small colleges. sprints; Orville Pugh, high jump; Lurry Stark, dashes; Lester Mosley, weights; Russel Bailey, hurdles and COO-PED-LING hig·h jump; Dean MrCormirk, weights. By HEART Upper classmen ~hat failed to let1er but show great possibilities are Jlltarlyn Engdahl and Benny Sheldon, middle distanrc; Cecil Walker, pole vault; Harold Boatman, middle distance; Gilbert Pururker, weights; Bob Halliday. 140-yard rrill and Wayne Lindberg, distance runs. ·. Those checking out suits are:

"At the Jefferson County Class B and Class basketball toumament held in Fairbury, January 28 and 29 seven teams were entered. Of these, six were coached by Peruvians. "When Supt. C. 0. Clark of Steele City as Chairman of the Activities Committee presented the three win- Paul True, Gerhard Goldenstein, ·ning coaches (each class winner and /John Collin, Merrit Jensen, Cecil WalClass B runner-up) the thought struck ker, Leslie Oppenheimer, Ernie Harame-all four men on the stage are cek, Clfde Hunt, Vester Holman, James Peruvians. Cecil Caulk of Reynolds; Wallace, Ralph ?choll, Wendell Hutch- s Th R used to si<;nal Carl Ludington of Diller, and Allen inson, Ben Sheldon, Bert Hall, Richard coop:· e omans " Stroh of Plymouth and as previously Turner, Erni;st Hueg.al, Paul Blair, "thumbs down" for death-Europeans mentioned Mr. Clark are Peruvians. Ross Organ, Keith McHugh, Gerald now either signal "Hands om and up" or they are dead. Time stands still. "Further reflection on the matter Ogg, Lawrence Weston, Marlyn EJngMost parents teach their children brought to light the fact that three of dahl, Jack Floyd, Wayne Lindberg, not to point-but in Europe everyone the four remaining coaches are Peru Larry Stark. points-and with the whole hand-tsk, vians: Virgil Bugbee of Steele City; tsk. Floyd Nincehelser of Daykin; and Duane Sams of the Fai.rbury Reserves. Only my own Coach Hoffman is a graduate of the University of Nebraska. "How is that for Peruvian News? Harvey T. Nickel Olass of 1932".

Prof. Moore Judge at Douglas Play Contests

On Tuesday, March 8, Professor R. D. Moore judged a one-act play contest at Douglas. This was the second half of the Otoe County School MasMiss Wheeler to Washington ters Club Contest. Mr. Moore stated Miss Ariel Wheeler of Syracuse who that Douglas was the only school to attended Peru during 34-35 writes that receive a superior rating on their play. she has just received a Civil Service appointment to a stenographic posiue. Mr. and Mrs. Swamon are maktion at Washington, D. C. ing their home with his brother durRe-election News ing the. flood~ Good word comes from Ashland tiiz,.c all the Peruvians are re-elected Weare has good ye~ for the coming year. Among t.1'.e;;e Wayne Weare, graduate of 1936 and v1ere iormerly th popuJa;.· campus basketball coach at Yates Center, Kancharacters Fred Rohrs '36, coach w. sas, attended the Peru game at KanL. Zorn, '28, and Steven Gaines '34. sas City. He reports a good season Mr. and Mrs. Gaines were both loyal with his basketball team. Peruvians. They have three fine sons. Nickel Given Publicity 'I'he youngest is named Fred in honor Harvey T. Nickel, class of 1932, Suof Fred Rohrs. perintendent of schools at Endicott,

Peru vs. Hastings in Svvimming Meet at Peru The Peru swimming team left early Monday to meet the Hastings team at

Greathouse led Peru's attack with Hastings. This meet will consist of 20 points while Halladay and Dean straight swimming events. tallied 12 and 8 respectively. On Friday, March 18, at 2:3(} p. m. Box Score: a return mec t will be held in th~ Jo cal MARSHALL (67) FG FT PF TP pool. The meet Friday will consist Rivilin ............. 11 1 23 Bauld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 only of diving events. From all reWilcox ............. 4 2 2 10 ports the local boys seem to be prett>' Morelock .. .... .... o 0 o ta11dy from the spring-board so don't 1 Watson ............ 9 0 2 18 miss it. Admission 25 cents. Augerman .......... 2 0 4 4 Those making the Hastings trip were: Polletti .............. 1 2 Ra~ Kellogg, Roy Kellogg, Elmon Vel0 0 Cunningham . . . . . . . . 5 0 2 10 vick, William Mooney, William DonaTotal 32 3 12 67 hoe, and Coach Glen Gilkeson. PERU (60) FG FT PF TP Halladay . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 O 1 12 Miller · · · · · · · · · · ·... 0 1 1 Mcintyre o o 2 ··········· Greathouse . . . . . . . . . 9 2 2 29 McCormick .......... 2 3 5 Mosley . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 o 4 Bailey ............... 1 o o 2 Pugh ................ 1 0 1 2 Cowell .............. 2 o 1 Dean ................ 4 O 0 'I'otal 27 4 10 60 Officials: Hinshaw and Bell Half Score: Peru 31, Marshall 32

Courtesy is like an air cushion· there may be nothing in it, but i~ eases the jolts wonderfully. Sometimes a fool rushing in where angels fear to tread, finds somethinothat makes angels regret their lack o; initiative.

ALWAYS READY to serve you a

g'ian will now pass in review. Last year-do you remember? Time stands fast as Coo-Ped reviews: The Peru Pageant of 1937-written by Professor Nabors and Ha.rold Prichard . . . . the MINK track meet with Lincoln showing the way-. the state college track meet with Rig-gs starring.

delicious sandwich or hot cup of COFFEE


May Queen Evie! Jones .... Campus Sweetheart Williams ... Wolter to head Peruvian. . . Riggs elected football cap. Cute capers at the Hobo Ball ... Maxwell and his shadow ...... College Parade . . . Montana basketball team .... White Hussars ... Parents Day ... Winslow Dancers. Coeds in World-Herald . . . Marsh weds · · · Jung Jumps · · · Singers travel · · · MINK snowed in. Remember: Scotty says, . Campus Cop, Cat Chat, Dram-etts and shower Drippings.

Stew good to keep: America has often be~n cal1ed the melting pot. The present situation finds Europe the fire, the Atlantic the protesting water and we are in the pot. Lets hope the water keeps putting; cnt the fire.

The way it goes: Yes things happened last yearthose good times are gone-but remembered. Thought of the Night He who pitches woo in the winterwill be a whow of a wooer in the Review: spring. Glamoroµs, grave, grand, g'lorious And in the same vein: "Woe is ne glimpses gathered gratefully from who doesn't say whoa to woo whm

FRESH bulk candy at all times. Stop in and take home some of your favorite CANDY -AT


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~r~e~v~io~u~s~p~n~·n~te~d~pa~g~e~s~o~f~t~h~e~P~e~d~ag~·o~-~e~x~a~m~s~c~o~m~e~.~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~--~~~-~~-~-"~~--~~~,~~-~-~-~=;;

has recently been given a lengthy write up in the Lincoln papers concerning the unusual current events test which he has devised to determine if his students can identify happenings and people in the news during the year. The test contains ninereen divisions concerned with events such as big Au:1.ier promoted news stories, government, literature, Miss Alice Auxier, gTflduate of last horses and racing, leading screen proyear, was elected principal at Hick- ductions. man: She was previously teaching MuMrs. Fred Ashton of Kansas City, sic and English there and will r,on- during the basketball team's stay the;·e, tinue with her music work. called at the hotel one afternoon and

Imler on Campus

Gene Imler was a campus visitor this week. He is planning to enter the navy as one of the flying squadron. He is now going through the prelim·inary examinations. Mr. Imler attended Peru during 36-37.

Swansons Move Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Swanson have recently moved from Washington, :C. C., to Los Angeles. i'lfrs. Swanson was the former Phyllis Papez who received her two-year diploma in 1933 and who is a niece of Mrs. Kirk. Her husband is a Federal auditor of Internal Tu;ven-

drove several of the boys around the city, pointing out the places of interest. Mrs. Ashton was formerly Gladys Brooker. Although she attended Iowa State, six of her sisters attended Peru. Mrs. Ashton is a cousin of Miss Bertie Boom, a junior at Peru at the present time.


Nursery stock and shrubbery of all kinds 1Sc 3c 1c

Peach trees Grape Vines Cumberland Raspberries Eldorado Blackberries Latham & Chief Raspberries

2c 2c

H. E. Patterson Peru, Nebr.



j' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;;~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~:::=~===:~~~~~===£ THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN

High School Trophies Won

I TWITTERBONES I In Various Activities I



The Training School has won many awards in various high school com- Since you were all so appreciative of petitions. some of these trophies are last week's undeniably excellent effort kept in a trophy case, others in the to entertain you with Little Twitter- auditorium. bones, I have decided to continue in The following articles were written a similar vein this week. Having no by training school journalists, the 1 1iqual to the most flattering picture, trophy case article is by Leonore Larhave chosen instead, the first lO peo- ! son and Betty Kennedy while the certipie who came through the door. We'll fication article is by Betty Collins. name them in order: . , _ ':::'wenty-nine trophjes are in the case BABYFACE BURKE-the Cbllms in the training school building, theoe house consolation kid-nice frame and, awards were won in music, basketball, clothes to go with-male inter~t-Col- · dramatics, football and track. lin's house or Joe Vacek. . \ Eleven trophies were won by the LITTLE LITTON-Chubby llttle Peru-Prep basketball team and conrascal who has dated most of the ell- sist of four cups, two silver basketballs, gibles on the campus. Specialty-da'.- three basketballs and two plaques. in' them fellas as is mad with their Musicians · are represented in the current crush. No noticeable interest case by 17 awards. These awards, with in any of 'em. the exception of two cups, are ribbons COMPANION KEY-the little· Samand badges. These awards were won uels gal who accompanies the aforeat the Omaha district contests and at mentioned females on their frequent Peru's MINK cont ests · The ban d, walks. orchestra and glee clubs are representTWO-MILER LINDBERGH - frequents dorm stooge for Mrs. Dunning- ed in the trophy case. Track and football each have a place out for track-either does real estate in Peru Prep's niche of fame. Track's business on the side or else some peo- greatest contribution being a trophy pie are putting something over on him. for winning the relay at the MINK in Female interest-forsakes Dorm for 1929. The latest football trophy is tf.J.e Park Avenue Apts. conference trophy for 1937. ARMSTRONG - Aloof, attractive, Do you know what has a corner in :he harbors Highcollar Halladay in frame auditorium? In the southeast corner is on dresser <How about that VW? The placed all the ratings received by oronly one you have is of George). Add chestra, band, girl's glee club boy's embarrassing moments: "Surprise: Mr. glee club, mixed vocals, small woodwind Turner." Male interest in cleaner man. gtoup and damatics from the MINK BLUE-RIBBON NELSON-Now reduc- and Omaha district contests. These ed to 225 lbs. Greatest claim to fame awards are frlim April 21 and 22, 1933 outside of his size) is the fact that to March 20, 1937. The latter is a drahe never fell for a woman. (Get him, matic rating. '!'here are 23 certifica'l'renholm !) Interest in Lindy's real tions in all.



estate. OUR TALL FRIEND CLAREY-in· 1 . . teresting fellow-causes gal friend to Miss Klone, Hostess . be late to modern dancing class invar- At Fo~mal Dmner . iably-Red Cross examiner-one of our The girls of the Foods and Table few engaged numbers. , Service class held their first formal HANDY HECK-ideal fella-plies dinner Wednesday evening. A color cute girl with much attention, flowers, scheme of green and yellow was carand even remembers her birthday. Per- ried out by the hostess Miss Verona haps if were admired publicly by more Klone in the five course menu and tagals would do much toward raising the ble decorations. standards of Peru chivalry, if any. . 'I'he table was attractively centered WOMAN-HATER WOLTERS-some- with Talisman roses and yellow can'what weakened-insists that his prin- dies. The class members: Mildred P2,rciples are the same however-they say li, Mary Matthews, Margaret Saville. he's really makin something of t~ Miss Brackney and their guests Loui..'e year's Peruvian. Matthews, Maxine Metcalf,Miss Weare, Ding-DONG ENGDAHL _ strange Arlene Hienke, and Melba Obernolte fellow-no inclination to harbor girl were attired in !ormals. girl friend's other fellow-good dancer -one time Pride of the Collins House -doesn't talk much-no chance-chatDEBATE HIGHLIGHTS tery female. BY WERNER G-bye, UNKIE Male Quartet Takes Over Junior Convocation The Junior Class prevailed upon the male quartet for entertainment Friday morning at convocation when the expected program failed to materialize. The quartet, Gordon Gilbert, Howard Miller, Bill Mooney and Burton Evans with Margery Evans at the piano voiced four selections, "The Long Day Closes," ;,The Camp Town Races," "Lassie O'Mine" and "In Victus." Dr. Fred M. Gregg Was Retired Recently Dr. Fred M. Gregg a former professor in Peru state Teachers College, who was called to Wesleyan in 1919, was retired recently. Dr. F. M. Gregg

Highlights of the recent debate trip as seen through the local stereoscope: T):le National Debate girl champ who refused to shake hands with our girls and the bottle of olive oil they wanted to shampoo her with ......... . Former Peruites-Harry Stroh going to Kearney-("You from Peru-Heycome back here!") Jack Snyder, Bob Rose-(toots ni the swing band) ..... . The hefty winner of the after dinner speaking contest with a girdle theme .......... Among the things we never knew before ...... G. Grossoheme maLing a waitress stare with the following order-his own original dish-"Pancake fried in strips of bacon-pour in a little macaroni-mix and pour sor·· ghum over all" Chinnock quote-I'm extermely preJ\!diced against girl de-

and Dean w. N. Delzell came to Peru bate teams. unquote. Now writing a at the same time which was the fall of book on the "Power of a Smile" or lSOS. "When one isn't expecting it.".. . . . . . . Fred M. Gregg began his career on (with a special preface by Grossoa northern Ohio farm. In early life heme entitled-"It Snuck up on Me at he moved to Jackson county, Kansas, a Y. W. Tea." Mr. Moore running but soon returned with his parents to away with the crown for the most Ohio. Here he alternated farm duties popular coach-(course we may have . with 11ehool work to secure his funda· been prejudiced) Ruth crone meet mental education. ing everyone who ever heard of BeaIn the fall of 1905 Mr. Gregg began trice and same girl finding a queer hi·s teaching at Peru state Normal in. glass contraption on the campus the Physiological Science department grounds. Werner being a model child and assisted in Education. Later he and keeping well in the grounds of

::~i,,:_en complete charge

Everetts and Philos Hold Joint Meeting The Everett and Philomathean sociheld a joint meeting in the mu'sic hall, March 10. 'l'he first fifteen minutes each held a separate meeting· to discuss business problems. The Everett's heard their secretary and treasurer reports. Then it was decided that there would only be two more meetings-the next one to be in the form of a party and have election of officers. The last meeting is to be a picnic, to which each will donate 20c. The motion of eliminating Everett's and Philos' was made to be discussed next time. Miss Redenbaugh ~ties


. D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebraskai '!City. Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat;l Glasses stted. Phone 144.--Profession~i ~Cu~

~ J ~





Surgeon and Physician Milstead Corner Res. 39 Phone Office 33


asked for donation of money for cur- Peru Singers Peru Singers are making plans for tains for the meeting room. It was decided the Everett's would contribute an exchange of concerts with the T'\r- . kio Choir. No defir.ite dates have $5. beeu t"C~t .. The Philo's held a candle light iniMaterial has been purchased and tiatory service during which Lester will be made into collars for the choir Reutter, Doris Carnahan, Musa Wag- group. This will add considerably to onner and Merlyn Wittler were taken into the society as new members. Pos- the appearance of the choir.


Corn Sheller An efficient, up to date, machine built for those who use improved and modern methods of farming. This sheller is quick and 100% efficient. Designed especially for the farmers living around and near Peru.


sible dates for a convocation program ~ijijijijijijijiji'jijijijij~ijiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiijijij were discussed. I MX244ZAW4444 Whn the business meetings were over both groups assembled.in the middle room of the music hall where the Everett's had charge of the program. The program consisted of a talk on the French anthem by Dr. Konig followed by a talk on Japan by Miss Gard. She h,ad several articles from Japan which she passed around. Mrs. Kirk followed this talk by giv-


ing a talk on Moiora. She, also, had several interesting articles and pictures which- were passed among the group. She played several records illustrating the type of music. The program was ended by Eleanor Nieman playing several patriotic numbers on the piano.

16 an


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tiful Douhlc·X models to choose from I? on extra-easy terms ••• as low as • • • DOWN

Benford to present recitai R. T. Benford will present members of the piano classes in a piano ensemble recital, Wednesday evening, March 23, at eight o'clock in the music hall auditorium. Minuet A l'Antique-Paderewsky



Serenade-Moszkowski \ Ruth Ann Hill; Eleanor Nieman; Maxine Metcalf; Anita Searle. Faust Fantasia-Gounod

$30.00 Allowance on your old

Polish Dance-Scharwenka



Dick Powell and Hugh 1\-Iiller









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MARCH 17-18-19


Harajian & Dallam DENTISTS Office Phone 32W2 Dr. H. c. Dallam, res. 196 Dr. N. S. Harajian, res. 32W3




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.Letterheads 8nvelop§S

e;/Jill Heads GiveUsTuur Orders for P1inting




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BARBER SHOP Under Dr. Joder's Office


Ruth Ann Hill; Anita Searle; Maxine Metcalf Artist's Life-Strauss-Chasins Jerome Snyder, Robert T. Benford Spanish Dance-Moszkowski Eleanor Niemann; Maxine Metcalf Jazz Study-Hill Jeanne Humphrey; Vivian McKimmey Watch for the date of the children's recital which will include pianists and violinists. Jindra as judge Professor Jndra acted as judge of the instrumental section of the Shenandoah choral elimination contest Friday evening.

(~ : 1

*~ if,~

~ ~!, ~ 1




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Large Attendance at Peru ~0:i~0~:::st\~:;t~~:shmen [Training School Students State YoF.C.A. Conference th:ec~~e~h:::s~~:s~ff~:1~:: e~:.~~~~e::, Enjoy Skating Contest Freshmen:


Banquets and Lectures Featured on Program

'I'he glorious weather for the Y. W. and Y. M. conference was rather unusual but immensely appreciated by everyone. Late Friday afternoon and evening many representatives from different schools began to arrive. All were exuberant and ready to solve problems and exchange ideas. By Saturday morning 153 people from 12 colleges had registered including Peru members. Peru's cemetery hill seemed to be well known to all schools, because it was the one place that conference members were eager to see. Many came prepared to hike and view the picturesque country. Mixer Starts Conference

Mt. Vernon Scene Of Estes Ba~quet

Mt. Vernon dining room was the scene of an Estes banquet Saturday evening. The dining room was decorated with pine and spruce branches and pussy willows. The banquet was attended by 153 conference delegates. During the meal the members sang their school songs. The brass quartette, composed of Neil Good, Frederick Wolter, Richard Turner an" Jack Hazelton played two selections. Due to the illness of Howard Miller who had been scheduled to sing for the banquet, Gordon Gilbert sang in his place. He sang "I Love Life" and "Without a Song." An announ~ement explaining the plan which has been organized to employ Y. W. and Y. M. officers at Estes Park this summer was explained by Charles Schwiso of Topeka, Kansas. He told of he work being done by the summer service gToup in the settlement houses of New York City. · " ''I'hy Will Be Done'-To undershnd more fully and to deepen the implications of these words for personal and social living is the purpose of the Y.

After registration Friday evening a Conference mixer was held in the auditorium of the Music Hall. After a series of integrate marches the conference members did circle dances. Fiddlestick, cards and other parlor games were provided for those who did not dance. Zelda Ca1mine and George Grossoe conference at Estes each summer" was hme were in charge of all the recrea- the theme of George Gr~oehme's tion during <:he conference. !speech "What I 1'xpect at ~tes." 1 Housing Problem Solved Phil Guild of Topeka, Kansas, gave The problem of housing the confer- a short talk in which he said there ence members was solved by Mary El- was something abm;t Estes which Jen Slack and John Collins. Dormitory could not be said in words. The spirit girls sha~ed their rooms with 59 Y. w. of the camp helps you to know yourself-you can't know others until you girls. imow yourself. Mr. Guild explaint'd The boys were housed ip the C. C. ! that there are small groups with whom Coatney, Parnell, Pate, Delzell, Lee, you think, talk and live over what Lewis and Russell homes. I happened at the services. The pines, Aill the con~~rence delegates ate hilsides, and streams each contribu,e their meals_ in the dormitory dining to molding your character into sorneroom. Thell' meals were served a half thing bigger than it is now. hour later than the regular meals for Chuck Coffern of Hastings who has the dormitory girls. gone to 1'tes four or five years in a Mearle Shoebotham had charge of Model T used as his topic "What I the meal arrangements. Gained from Estes." He told not only



Peru Placement Bureau Receives 98 Vacancies On Wednesday of last week the Placement Bureau sent out sixty-eight different sets· of credentials which is more than has ever been sent out in any one day. Up to the present time, there have bem vacancies reported from ninety-eight different Nebraska towns.


Y. M., Y. W., C. C. A., 7-S p. m. Broadcast, 8:30-9:00 p. m.

dancing· and playing cards.

WednesdayPiano Ensemble .Recital p. m.


ThursdayFreshman Clubs, 7-8 p. m. FridayM.I.N.K. One-act

what he had gained but what he had left-the mountains-the moon and his shirt which he left on a mountai 1 as a flag. Two things gained from Estes an. the opportunity to meet men with rare. abilities such as Rabbi Sacc, Howard Thm:nan Ki,.t.y Page, and Allen Hunter; and the pleasure of living in God's country. Frances Scudder, student of Nebraska University who is regent secretary of the Rocky Mountain Y. M. and Y. W. region was toast mistress at the banquet. Following the banquet the delegates went to the Music Hall auditorium where they were taught folk' dances by Wendell Williams, Emporia, Kansas, and Dan Wilson. The latter part of the ,evening was spent in social



SaturdayM.I.N.K. One-act play conteot. MondaySeparate Convocations, lO:Oil Crawdads, 7-8 p. m. Kappa Phi, 7:00 p. m. Scholarship Club, 7:00 p. m. Pi Gamma Mu

Class Dinner Held To Honor St. Patricb' Day A Saint Patrick's Day dinner w s held by the Foods and Table Servi e class Wednesday evening. A color scheme of green and yellow was used by the hostess, Jean Wagner. Assisting the hostess were assistant hostess Maxine Aufenkaill.p, waitress Margaret Saville, and critic Ruth Sutorius. A menu was served consisting of: Olive Egg Canapes with Stuffed Celery Stuffed Peppers Asparagus with Egg Sauce French Fried Potatoes Clover Leaf Rolls Preserves Wafers Coffee


Leroy Redfern; vice-president, Stella Rogge; treasurer, Rita Russel; secretary, Mearle Shoebotham. The party for April 2 was discussed. Sophomores:: Plans were made for a convocation program on April 29 to be sponsored by the sophomore class. Gladys Nofsger and Donald Rose were elected as members of the Stndent Advisory Committee for next year.

Amid thrills and spills more than The play "Victoria Regina," starring fifty Peru children displayed their skatHelen Hayes was given at the Paramount Theater in Omaha, March 15. ing talents in a roller-skating contest Those from Peru who attended are: sponsored by the 'Kiwanis club of Peru. Races of speed and the relay races

Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Brown, :M:iss Grace 'Tear, Mrs. Marsh, Prof. V. Ii:. Jind.·.1, Dr. J. Stanley Brown, Prof. W. B. Thorson, Miss Florence Martin, Miss Elma Gockley, and Mr. and Mrs. :M:illard Fowler. Eelen Hayes, in the characteriza, lion of Queen Victoria frcm youthfulness to old age, was very i:npr~.:::;ive. Other contributing factors to the meFourteen One-Act Plays cess of the play were a strong GupportAre Listed on Program ing cast and the excellent costumi:1g Twenty-three high schools have en- and scenery.

were performed on the straight strip of sidewalk in front of the Training School.


The 25-yard race for boys 10 or u.1der was won by John Clements. Girls, by Kathleen Whitfield. Quarter-mile for boys 11-12 old, Gerold Clayburn. Quarter-mile for girls, Helen Warnock. Half-mile for boys over 13, Glen Daniel Palmer. Quarter mile for girls ever 13, Juanita Connelly. Relay for boys and girls 10 and under: Lorene Claybur;i Belva Parneli Kathleen Whitllc]d John Clements ' Relay for boys and girls over: Grant Devore He'.en Warnock John Lewis Marjorie Rogers Figme skating was held on the tennis courts near the athletic field. In this contest the skaters were judged by the gracefullness of their skating and .the number and quality of the figures they could skate. The awards for the boys went to: Eugene Henning, first. Daryel Brown, second. Gerald Clayburn, third.

tered in the M. I. N. K. Dramatic Arts contest to be held on Peru campus March twe11,y-fifth and sixth.



contest will be made up of one -act plays, oratorical declamations, dramatic declamations, humorous declamations, oral i;1terpretation, and

Over fifty enter Different events

Victoria Regina Draws Large Peruvian Crowd

New Building at Peru Possible for Housing Men

Ol iginal

orations. In the one-act plays there are four- I The program hour at the Kiwanis teen entered. ln the other events there Club Tuesday evening was given over are ni.neteen .oratorical decl8mations, to the discussion of the subject of a boys' dormitory as it affects the town eighteen dramatic declamations, twenand the school. The committee on pubty-two humorous declamations, tbirlic affairs sponsored a program in tten 01:al interpretations, and twelve which people both in and out of the original orations. school, were asked to express their Those schools competing in Class A opinion as to its effects on the school are Geneva, Nebraska City, Auburn, and the town. Pawnee City, Tecumseh, Lincoln Junior . High, Benson High of Omaha, and · S. W. Hacker pres1_ded over the proGlenwood. In class B, are Wilbur, gram, and the followmg speakers made short addressrn: :rvr1·s. Collin, representDawson, Farragut, Humboldt, Rockport, ing the rooming house people, W. W. Oakland, and Louisville. In class C Barnes, W. H Hutchinson and g_ L. are Hubbel, Bratton Union, Stella, Elk Deck, representing the business men, Creek, Julian. otoe, Salem, and Cook. and supt. s. L. Clements and Prof. G. In the girls' division Lorene ClayMiss Drake and Miss Ramsey of the R. Coatney, representing the faculty. burn and Jaunita Connelly were tied Speech Department of Wayne State Most of the speakers took the position for first prize. Second and thrid pface> Teachers College have been secured as that what was good for the school went to Kathleen Whitfield and Ms.rjudges. would be, in the end, best for the town. jorie Rogers, respectively. The contest is being sponsored by the One or two saw the other side, and Lorene Clayburn and Juanita Con~ramatic Club and Alpha Psi. They believed that it \~ould not be best, at nelly the Sonja Henies of the rollrr announce that season tickets, that will the present time, at least, to provide · skaters of Peru were asked to d1spla} be good for all sessions, may be pur- more housing facilities in Peru, yet their tricks before the Kiwanis clut Tuesday night. chased. for forty cents. their position was not radical, anj Mr. Clements was in general charg; Following is the program 'of events: the discussion at no time took the of the contest. Coach Baller, Rev. Par Class A Division form of a debate. It was simply an nell and Dr. Harajian acted as judge' hiday, March 25 expression of opinion backed by the The boys and girls' committee of Ki 11:00 to 12:00, Registration in faculty individual speaker's reasons. wanis club is planning kite flying "·"· room. The meeting of the club next Tues1:00 to 3:00, Oratorical Declamation, day nighC will be at the Methodist tests and 4-H exhibits to be held 1 ' · Humorous Dedamation, Dramatic De- church, ancf will be committee meeting er in the spring. clamation. night. ' 2:30 Draw for oral interpretation in



faculty room. 3 :30 to 5 :30, Original Orations, Oral

Kenton and Faulha&er Give St. Patrick Party

Interpretation. 7:15 to 10:00, One-act plays. 10:15 Presentation of Class A awards. Class B. Division Saturday, March 26 8:00 to 9:00, Registration in faculty room.

People with such names as Patric!;: O'Leary, Rosa O'Grady and Mamie Donohoe attended a St. Patrick's Day party given by :M:iss Marie Faulhaber ai;id Miss Pearl Ke~ton at the Kennedy Apartments Thursday evening, March

9:00 to 11 :QO, Dramatic Declamation, Humorous Declamation. 11:00 to 12:00, Original Oratory. 1:00 to 3:00, Oratorical Declamation. 2:00, Draw for Oral Interpretation in faculty room. 3:00, Oral Interi:retation. 6:30 to 10:54, One-act plays. 11 :00, Presentation of awards. Class C Division Saturday, March 26 8:00 to 9:00, Register in faculty room. 9:00 to 11:00, Humorous Declamation. J 1:CO to 12:00, Dramatic Declamatior.. ,1:00 Draw for Oral Interpretation in faculty room. 1: 00 to 5: 00, one-act plays. 1: 00 to 2:00, Oratorical Declamation. 2·:00 to 2:30, Oral Interpretation. 2:30 to 3:00, Original Oratory.

17. The fun for the evening was started by the guests trying to out-do each other in telling jokes-Irish and otherwise. Finding a point to some of them was a bit difficult but with enough concentrntiO'l it was claimed tha' it could .be done. An informal grouping on the floor around a race track was another event of the evening. An exciting race was yun by various participants such as the snake, the rabbit and Mickey Mouse. Refreshments in keeping with St. Patrick's Day were served. The guests were Elaii;i.e- Shafer, Mary Elizabeth Murphy, Doris Pritchard, Charles Parnell, Pat Harris, Marjorie Stevenson, Ruth Roberts and Mary Kathryn Han· lan.


THE PERU HOUR The College Orchestra will give a concert in the College Auditorium Tuesday, March 22 at 8:00 p. m. The second half of the program is to be broadcast. Program Symphony in C Major -Beethoven (a) Adagio molto Allegra con brio (b) Andante cantabile con moto (c) Menuetto (d) Adagio Allegro molto II I Jean de Paris OvertureBoildieu-Isaac ''Adorntion"-Borowski Violin solo, with orchestra Ed Nell Benson, soloist Tales from Vienne WoodsStrauss Oedipus in ColonusSacchini-Francko


The Peru Pedagogian -~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents.

Training School N'>tes

Peruvians Disapprove Austrian Annexation

Ninth Grade Party The ninth grade ?oys and girls had a St. Patrick party Monday afternoon. The journalism class and Miss Werner's class gave skits and then all joined in playing g·ames. After the games, refreshments were served consisting of ice cream, cake and candy. The theme carried out through the party was Spring-with March lambs and lions predominating.

g·et into trouble. She believes that the U. S. Armament Increase United States should constantly inFavored by Number Display 20 cents per inch. , Locals, 10 cents per line 'crease her armaments. There is no doubt that the question this week is interesting to Peru stuJAYNE CHANDLER believes that STAFF the Austrians - were forced into this dents. In fact, the discussion someEditor ....................................... Norman Littrell times amounted to screaming. The union and will gain no advantages. She various points of view' may be a great believes that other countries should put Associate Editor .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . Bert Hall surprise to some of you-or maybe you a stop to German aggression, peacefulSports Editor . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . Glen Sheely feel that way too. Almost everyone ly, if possible, and approves of war ~ponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Florence Martin disapproved of Austria's annexation by only as a protective measure. Jayne Girl Scouts Plan The Girl Scouts held their weekly Adverti~ng Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Bischoff Germany but agreed that other cou:.- thinks th~ United States should intries should keep out of it; that it is. crease the1r armaments. meeting at the home of their sponsor, REPORTERS on1Y GermanY's and Austr1'a's business • RACHEL HUNT does not approve of Alice DeVore. Plans were made for Russell Bailey Eleanor Nieman WILLA RATHBUN does not believe Austria's annexation. She believes the Mother's Party which will be lrnld that the United States should keep out this Friday in the Junior high audiMartha Clifton that Germany should have J.nP.excd Bertie Boom Melba Obernolte torium. Anna Louise Short Austria, although she thinks that sinr:e of this trouble and that European na-. Ruth Roberts Bert Hall Austrians areGermanic,they may bene- tions should try peaceful means of· Football and Track Grace Hnizda Hubert Johnson Edward Short · Spring football and track draw Bobfit from this union. "Other countries stopping German aggression. She Frances Staley Jean Wagner Mildred Williams should keep out," she said, "TJ1at's thinks that Austria wiU gain some ad- kittens every night. At present 26 Lawrence Weston what started the World War." She vantges, such as the strengthening of boys are working· out in football unibelieve~ that this situation will not a weak government, but that there will forms, while others are warming up affect the United States if they d.on·t. be more disadvantages. Germany is ·for .track. WORDPOWBR Footballers are working on fundastep in whefJi they shouldn't. T:1e U. getting too much power, in Rachel's opinion. mentals with blocking and tacklh,g The power of the common word is the greatest miracle in the S. should rwt increase armaments, acworld. It seems strange that 26 letters can be so combined that cording to Miss Rathbun. BOB BLANKENSHIP regarded Hit- predominating'. Present track work is-merely prelimJEAN WINKLEMAN thinks that ler's absorption of Austria as one step they can hold sway over the entire world. inary work before the season opens. Germany:s annexation of Austria is toward Nazi control of all Europe. He , It was our pleasure to be among those who heard Allen May o. K. if they can get away with it." believes that indirectly, "it will tend Plans are for active and earnest work of 'the Nemaha County Herald and a prominent pod give a lecture The United States has adequate de- to make the United States more im- to start next week. to Sigma Tau Delta. fense, so armaments should not be in- perialistic." It was Bob's opinion that England will not proceed against Ger- Steck Judges Contest The subject of Mr. May's talk was "A Journey in Journalism." creased. She believes that Engiand and France should. not interfere. since man expansion alone. Possibly they Mr. Steck acted as judge of the It was interesting-especially so to those whose ambitions lie on would act if the support of Russia and vocal groups at the Music Cont~st h~lcl war would be the inevitable result. tre journalistic side; to those who are preparing for the launching France was secured, he indicated. He at Creston, Iowa, Friday and Sa· ,U" RALPH HOPP "I really don't know could see no advantages to Austria in of their dream row boat on the wide sea of news writing-hoping day. a thing about it." Ralph approves of German control. Bob regards this to return sailing in a yacht. the annexation of Austria if the Aus- present situation as worse than the sit- I:'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But the spell of Mr. May's fine talk faded into a distant tenth trians approve. He believes that other uation preceding the World War. He J. P. CLARK dimension ~hen he started to drive the points home by quoting nations should put a stop to German believes that the United States should an original poem. The tension of a group listening to a master aggression before Germany gets too be prepared this time. Electric Shoe Shop North of powerful. He thinks, however, th8,t Post Office piece prevailed in the room. war should be averted. Phone 109 The poem was beautiful-it shone out in his speech like a gold Miss Larson Reads 10 MARY KATHERINE HANLON does nugget among fools gold. All looking interesting-but one fuller not believe that the annexation of Aus- Y. W. C. A. Knitting Group of meaning and:value~ tria was right, but she recalls such ac- "And.So Victoria" was read by Helen ADVERTISING RATES


Simple little words put together-Common words placed in tivities on the part of other countries verse pattern:-26 letters joining and re-joining in a manner to hold which have been condoned. She says that since Hitler has been said to be an audie1,1ce spell-bound. improving conditions in Germany, he But after all-i~ it the word? Or is it the theme that make~ may do something for Austria. She ihe speech or poem great? Perhaps they both have a place in the feels that other nations haven't been making of free-flowing language that carries a punch. But we be- fair to Germany since the World War, and that there has been too much prelieve that it takes a combination of words, theme, speaker and judice against her. Mary Katherine writer to give words that indefinable something-that element also believes that Austria wouldn't that grips, influence and sways men in romance, war or every-<l iy have submitted to annexation if a life. majority of the people hadn't been Words-merefy 5 letters out of the alphabet-but the rcord of willing. the past, present and future is told by those five letters. EUROPEAN UNREST Peruvians this week are being questioned as to their European condition feeling. Thousands of words flow from great writers Dn the situation every day. We do not propose to question •heir learned sayings. In fact the situation seems above the scope of all mt specialists. To America we can see only one view--the disrest in Europe s caused by some force. We do not say we know that fore~, but ve give for your thought this quotation: i

Equality cau;es

no war. Solon. .. Wee Witty Wisdom Bits:


A deaf husband and a blind wife Are always a happy couple.-Don.

M:argaret Larso nto the Creati.ve .Leisure group at the meeting of Y. W.


BARBER SHOP C. A. Tuesd2,y evening. Tl-.t other members of the group continued with Below Barnes Drug Store their kntting .. The Religious group talked about the different topics they would like to diScuss during the remainder of their meetings for this year. At their business meeting, the membec:> decided to share expenses with "A Mighty Good Place to Trade" the Everett Literary Society in pm·cllasing new cmtains for the room in · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' CLARA EYRE considers the annexa- whicl1 these two organizations hold tion apparently desirable to Austrians their meetings. since it was a comparatively peaceful move and because there has been no- Live as though you were to die tostreet fighting because of the annexa- morrow; learp as though you were to tion. She believes that Austria will live forever.-John Friske. MANY NEW SAMPLES be better organized politically and ecomost favored line. Suits from nomically. France and England naturof all pure wool fabrics in our ally fear Germany's increasing power, Just received greatest variety but they should keep out of it. AVON COSMETICS DORO'I'HY SNYDER disapproves of I PERFUMES PERFECTION PRODUCTS the annexation of Austria'." but believes that the United States and other naExtracts - Cleaners - Polish tions should not step in, because they'll Every article carries the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval This story is true, clean and free aµd gu!rantee. from all soft-soap. Phone 111 evenings 5-7 p. m.

The Mardis Store

Tailor Made Suits

· Y. F. C. A. News




He that would the daughter win Must with the mother first begin.

The first Y. M. C. A. was founded in England in 1844. The first Y. M. in America was in

When friendship goes with love It must play second fiddle.

]~~=~~~~: Y;, w;;;;,A


How dry are you?



1ili•1&••••••••••I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The story of the bath-tub is really The first cigar lighter had patent :.0, a scream. Adam Thompson of Cincin- number 121,049. Fi nati had the first tub in America. The


brake had patmC




tub was mahogany and was lined with Power of Press zi~& :y Bones: sheet metal. It was 7 feet long and 4 Coo-Ped quotes for benefits of rivals · :nowing how lazy the average per- feet wide and weighed 1,750 pounds. and enemies. 1'~ 'd "F h t'l ls, Coo-Ped has gone out and gath- (No wonder gals resent being called a N 0l tub) On December 20, 1842 Mr. to i some valuable information.

~f.~!§§::~~~ :~rr:::·:.




Credit Accounts Solicited.



Higher test at the price of



pap:~s :~~ ~:~~ o~r fe~:e~e t:::s~


PH ILL-UP WITH PHILLIPS "Gum and .4 cid Tree" ~

~ ' '

Give us a ring


J1~! Pryor Garaoe ~ S :1

oo-Ped presents a rip-roaring roamreview of rambling reckless racy 00 the '" " ,llections gathered from several ational seclusive sources. Without neighbors tattled. Political feeling Another original: ~ ,1 Iler sophistry-Coo-Ped toddles for- grew and Virginia laid a $30 tax on all Lessons come and lessons go 111 l. bath-tubs. And day by day-the less - I • know. 1t~

We call for and Deliver

Phillips 66



\·i ~'

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~~----""~-~~~---~-~~>...--~~. .-..~z. . ._.,~~....-...~»...r~~. . . . . . .~~~~


~--=--~~~~~~~~~~.!-,~~~~~~~~~~~ Peru Swimmers Drop

I l

I I~ _B_y_M_il_fil-ed~W-il-lia_m_s~~-I I


CAT TALES By Glen Sheely


·:r.·gh School inspector Filling the Gap V!llcem Jana, class of 1915, is now The gap between

basketball and si;ate high school inspector lor South track season is being · filled by intramural volley-ball and swimming. llir. <>vans eitcted Principal Landon :t;vans, wno ai;tended Peru 1or cWO years, l1as oeen e1ectee1 prmipa! tor nexL year witn a suostantial at Hayes Genter, ~e-

Visitors G<,pcam and lVirs. n.obert Bstill from n .1mwmo, ·iexa:;, are v1s1tmg ac e nome or ner parents, Dr. and 11/lrs.


Six Meets Planned For Peru Tracksters

First Two Splashes

Swimmers Splash The swimming team journeyed to Hastings last Monday and Hastings returned the visit Friday. In buth meets the Hastings boys seemed to have a little more experience and practice than our splashers. Anyhow, the boys made a good ~howing considering the small amount of practice they've had. The swimming team is the first one that Peru has had. It should receive the support of the student body because it is on its own.

The Peru college swimming team sufPeru's track season will swing into fered two defeats last week, both be- actuality when tryouts are held March lng administered by Hastings. 28 for the Maryville meet. ~n tMobndaty Pedru invkaded tHhastings Present plans call for four dual, on Y o e urne bac by e score one triangulm· affair and one relay of 46 to 17. Roy Kellogg scored the meet. only first place for Peru by winning 1 March 28·-Tryouts the 100-yard back stroke event. 1938 Track Schedule: Results of Monday's meet. April 4-at Maryville 50-yard Free style-Won by Foote, f,pril 16_Hastings Relay Hastings; second, Velvick, Peru; third, April 22-wesleyan Donahoe, Peru. . . April 29-Tarkio l~-yard Free Style-Won by Lambe, May 6-at Doane Hastmgs; second, Roy Kellogg, Peru; May 13 _Wayne & Kearney 1 third, Gordon, Hastings. 100-yard Back stroke-Won by Roy Kellogg, Peru; second, O'Neill, Hastings. W. A. A. Breast stroke-Tie for first between Creighton and Foote both of Hastings. 220-yard Spring-Won by O'Neill, Birthday Party for Cabin Hastings; second, Ray Kellogg, Peru; The W. A. A. girls are planning to third, Gordon, Hastings. have a birthday party for their cabin 220-yard relay-Won by Hastings, sometime in March. 'I'he date has not (O'Neill, Gordon, Ralston and Lambe). definitely been set. Watch your W. A. Medley relay-Won by Hastings A. announcements. (Ralston, Creighton, and Foote.) On Friday a return match was held Bad Break in the Peru pool. This was the first Mrs. Dunn, one of the captains of meet of this kind held in Peru in sev- the girls' basketbal.1 teams, met with a era! years, and it was witnessed by a bit of misfortune in one of her team good sl.!Zed crowd. practices last week. So far she has Although Peru lost by the score of been unable to participate in the games, 47-19, the races were very exciting, but it is hoped she will be ready for and for the most very close. the starting of the tournament, March summary of Friday's meet. 21. Come out and cheer for your 160-yard Free style-Won by O'Neill, team.


April 5 Deadline For Sifting Sands The deadline for copy to Siftinr Sands, Sigma Tau Delta publlcatior has been set for April 5. This issue, which will be the spring issue, will contain both prose and poetry. All contributions must contain less than 500 words.


· b. rtaraJian. vapcam l!.Sml is m ie memcai corps anu nas neen i;nm':rreel w l:iawan. Mrs. J:!;still was i.ne rmer Mary BarnJmn anu gr,tc.c<.o.o". Track Coming Up om Peru m 19~:!. Several more boys have checked out track suits and Gilk is putting the Caroline WE AIM eaver, botll Leacners in L11e Bxetcr o,quad through ,Jhe paces in prepar?.tion for the coming meets. TO h001s, were marned oaturday anerGirls' Tournament on, Marcil 1z at the Gnristian PLEASE There is some tall{ about a girl's urch parsonage ai; Auburn, Nebrasbas\>etball tournament. Better keep it . J.Ylr. lVliller received his degree We Serve the Best in mind because a girls' tourney .would '5. provide some good old ,battles. J a Little Chiid"College vs. Faculty ; , by M.rs. Brown What do you suppose would happen, rs. Marian Brown, former student if an all-college volley ball team were FRESH bulk candy faculty memoer, has recently won pitted against a mighty faculty club? nd prize on a p1ay entered in che A. at all times. We, the interested sports s'Pectators, Hastings. Watch- the birdie w. contest of Omaha. The play realize that the reason any two teams lOO-yard Breast stroke-Won by The W. A. A. girls had their picture Stop in and take home 1 entitled "And a Little Child." play is to determine just what has been Creighton, Hastmgs; second, Foote,· taken March 17th for the 1938 Perusome of your favorite asked above. However, we feel that Hosting; third, Wm. Mooney, Peru. vian. at trying to predict the outcome of a 100 yd. Free style-Won by Ray KelCANDY tland with a good increase in sal- "great" sports event is half the fun logg, Peru; second, Lambe, Hastings; Trifles make perfection; but perfec. He has been teaching science ancl. of any game; so, in our own little way, third, Gordon, Hastings. tion is no trifle.-Michael Angelo. -AT we shall attempt to draw for you a 100-yard back stroke-Won by Roy Not failure but low aim is crime.1 t on, Hasmental picture of what we think might Ke11ogg, P eru; secon d• R as lege Meets Requirments of N.. C. A. occur, if such a situation were to be- tings, third; O'Neill, Hastings. Lowell. resident Latham of Cedar Falls, come an actuality. Diving-Won by Foote, Hastings; The greater the man, the greater a, spent Tuesday inspecting the colwe snall presume that the starting second, Donahoe, Peru; third, McHugh, ~th~e=c=ou=r~te;s;y-~T;enn;;y~s;on;·,__ _ _ _.l,!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ ~ for the North Central Association. lineup would be as follows: Peru. 200-yard Free style-Won by O'Neill, visit was a great help to those in- Ail College Club: . . . . . ... Hastings; second Ray Kellogg, Peru. sted. He spoke very flatteringly of "Ding" Bailey, Capt. 120-yard Medley relay-Won by conditions of the school. Bob H<illaday Hastings. (Ralston, Creighton, and Wehling u well represented Foote. Howard Dean alph Noerrlinger and Homer HatL. Greathouse Glema Meiers had charge of the pro. of Fremont; Earl Hurst oi AtkinGrevers gram for the regular Kappa Delta Pi ; and Roscoe Tolly of Humboldt, all COFFEE- COFFEE-COFFEE 1 meeting held Monday evening, March uates of Peru had teams entered 'i:i Faculty C1ub: E. H. Hayward, Capt. 21 Vivian McKimmey gave a detailed State Tcurns.ment at Lincoln. B. K. Baker r~port of her trip to the :Biennial Co1, Our Sandwiches are the Best oks Brothers Stride to Success W. D. Albert yccation held in Atlantic City. 1907 the two Brooks brothers R. 'I'. Benford Elaine Shafer was crairman of the . ; duated from this school. Th'oY You must be Satisfied G. R. Coatney refreshment comwi~'.•~. 'th have continued their education A. L. Hill 'ce leaving here. W. G. Brooks wtnt The game, as one might see it: 'o the public school work and w.is BONG!!! 'perintendent at Nebraska City, later There goes the whistle . for that · · rintendent at York then was elect- great volley ball classic between the I • to the same position at Burlington, all-college volley ballers and the l , where be has remained until Mighty Faculty Club. The college year w!len he was elected pre&i- boys start it off with a beautiful serve t of the Wesleyan University at to the faculty Club's back court. Art mington, Illinois. F. D. Brooks is Hill takes the serve-and so on ....... d of the education department at






Bus Cafe

Parrish and Reiffs

In Tie for Title

p City Principal The Parish house team proved too thur Reynolds, a graduate of last much for Reiffs and Reiffs lost 25-34 has been elected grade princip<il in the final volley ball game Thursday Loup City. He has been teaching night. 'I'he victory put the Parish team into a tie with Reiffs for first 'tor place in final standings. The two k Snyder spent the week end in teams will play for the championship . He attended Peru for two years, sometime this week. Weares nal:!bed third place and the is now enrolled at Kearney. dark horse of the meet- the Alley vian of '34 attends Toms held down the cellar by forfeite University ing all their games. illiam Hauser, '34, is attending tbe This week intra-mural track starts. ersity at Lincoln and teaching in Each team must enter five boys. pre;i high school there. Final Volleyball standings: Team arold Peterson, Walter Kaltenborn, Rothart, all graduates of Peru, the "three musketeers" who Coach eson sees each year at the state etball Tournament. Besides these ds" this year Mr. Gilkeson also d with Robert Punches, Merle Pawnee City; Emiry Priefert, any; Leslie Priefert, Raynolds; lving Ethington, Fairmont; Keith , lvin, Syracuse; Ronald Eddy, He. n; and Helmut Brockman, Ord.


Parrish · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . · • • 6 Reifl's · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 6 Weares · .. · ...... · .... · .... · 4 8th Wonders ................ 3 Collins · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3 Higgins ................ · .. 2Yi Stags ............ · .... · .. .. 2 Alley Toms ...... · .... · .. · .. O Re-election earned Irwin Williams, '33, has been reelected with a raise in salary at Milford, Nebraska.

PERU BAKERY CHATELAIN'S (Where your money buys more.)



WAR SITUATION TALK HOLDS CONVOCATION Bosley Says That W,,ar Is Mass Murder The student body, including the training school, forgot to make their usual amount of noise and forgot how they liked to wiggle and squirm during

in peace, because I believe in God. I believe there is a ower in this world which will make us clasp hands and hearts. We are living in a world where it is possible for a man to dedicate his life in this thing, and when they do they win be progressively strong. 1 believe in peace, Jiecause I believe in Christ.1 Brotherhood is brotherhood and it is never slaughter of brother. I belie:re '.n peace, be.cause I believe in man, because man :s that aspect of the un\ · verse who is uniquely fitted to contact that higher power. War lies behind; Peace lies ahead. Choose ye this day which ye will serve."

Dead Line for Names Gold Set for March 28


The way to get your name in gold oh your 1938 PERUVIAN is to make the complete payment on your book, plus 15c on or before March 28. Don't

l D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebrask City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Thro Glasses stted. Phone 144.-Professio Plans for a scrapbook of Scril)bler al Card. contributions to be placed in the col- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I lege library are nearing completion. Three selections from the work of each DR. GLEN H. JODER Scribbler Scrapbook Is Nearing Its Completion

wait until the last minute! Buy your member, together with contributions book now. The PERUVIAl'f office is from Scribbler grads now teaching throughout the state, will constitute open every afternoon.

Surgeon and Physician Milstead Corner Phone Office 33 Res. 39

When the 1938 PERUVIAN COJl,IBS the main body of the work. OUT DURING THE FIRST PART or Mh. Baker, the club sponsor, euconvocation programs, when Dr. Boslev May, there will be a scurrying for tertained the members in her home of Iowa State Teachers College adilresssome secluded spot where the book Thursday night, March 17, at" which 4'? "BIG MUDDY CHIEF" ed them on the question of peace. may be examined. The dedication of meeting Evelyn Slayton, the president, Corn Sheller the book, the new faculty section, the delighted fellow members with several His speech started off with an as• An efficient, up to date, ma·snapshot section, the repre5entative specimens of original poetry. chine built for those who use tounding statement: : "Drinking is 111 students section, and every section and Peruvians are eargerly anticipating improved and modern methods right in the abstract, but it's hell in Dean Delzell Presents page of the book will be exammea eag- the opportunity to read the scrapbook of farming. the concrete. We want peace." View About Citizenship TIM'~heller is quick and 100% erly. and enjoy for themselves the work of Dr. Bosley feels that the real issue Those young men who attended the That three and a half may look efficient. Designed especially for this worth while Freshman club. which we face at the present time is to the farmers living around and Y. M. c. A. meeting last Tuesday eve- mighty big to you now, but you will get down to the roots. The attitur.e near Peru. never regret it when the books come toward the war is inevitable. There arc ning, March 15, to hear Dean Delzell out. And when they do come out, H. RAY HAUPTMAN A man has· no more right to say a three gro'1ps of people which believe speak on citizenship, felt that their wouldn't you like to have your book Phone 201 rude thing to another than to knock that the war is inevitable. They are time had been very profitably spent. handed to you with your name in gold him down.--Dr. Johnson. as follows: It was just 47 years ago that the stamped on the padded cover? The First Type-Those which are partly Dean joined our own Y. M. organiza- letters are nearly a quarter of an inch partial of human nature who almost tion. To quote the Dean "We pick up in height, (see Bulletin board) and believe the negr0 Green Pastures is the papers and what Citizenship do we stamped in capital letters. The name the truth. That type has a very sim- find in this world- To be a good citi- will not only personalize your book, zen we must dedicate and consecrate but make it more attractive. When ple equation-man-war. oum~lves to the Great Master. We you are writing in the PERUVIAN, Second 'l'ype-We are living in a have a great citizenship all over the just look for the gold name on the capitalistic situation. 'strongly privil- world. our citizenship is based on our cover, and you will know whose bool' eged class will control wealth. It attitude toward life." you are autographing. means that the few people who are Thirty years ago the Dean was offersatisfied will lead governmental situa- ed a trip to Europe which he accepted. 1 tions." Confiict is to be accepted and He said the trip took him through Personality Club Plans pursued. If a government is going to London, Paris, Liege, Berlin, and Rome Discussion of Manners endur.e we must satisfy the necessities beside many other interesting cities of Marguarite Dall, President of Perover night. Ours would fall over night." E.'urope. sonality Club, urges all members. to Third Type-This type says, "We At Liege he visited the large fort sit- turn out for the meeting on March 31. believe that the present situation in uated there. This fort three times The club is planning an interesting disthe world cl).n end in nothing but war. forced the turning back of the Germ·1n cussion of Table Mam1ers as well as a. Prejudiced and jealousies are our armies at the beginning of the World party! Madame President is snre you ' ~Ui.11.s.P...T.Ofl: war. It was six years later to the very world." would find the meeting both p~easan t 1 hour that the German armies made "Those who believe that war is in- their first thrust upon the fort. It w \S and profitable. S NEW! evitable for these three reasons do a young telephone girl in a tower at everything for it; they vote large bud- the fort who warned the Belgium army Benford Writes Operetta G~VES YOUR HOME gets for war. The only course left to of the attacks. The girl was one of "Mrs. Melody Entertains" is the you is to believe that you're standing the first captured by the Germans name of a childrens' operetta that Mr. If war is inevitable we've got to get and also to be sent to the firing squad. Benford has just completed writing. Whe,, you paint your house with the this nation ready for war. Peace parThe Dean said, "I sometimes wonder It was written with the idea of corre·· new white Du Pont House Paint, you ades are slowly, but surely, being what kind of citizenship we are think- lating melody, rhythm, and harmony ccm be sure that it will stay white! For frowned on. We find ourselves locked ing about when good people like I saw as being necessary for a well rounded 1h:s fin~ pain! contains titanium, the whit· in a struggle. We might as well get in Germany, France, and Italy go to piece of music. The child gets to see <:d p:gment known. And through its our people geared up to it. People war for the purpose of killing one an- how they all work together and how m;ique properties of seif-deaning, to· a composer might possibly start a comblame historians-so do I, because his- other." d;;y's dust and dirt me washed away by position. Along with the composing torians have to tell the truth. tomorrow's rain. Available, too, In idea it also features rhythm band inThose who believe in supreme inkvcly, durable colors. struments and how they are used. evitability of war feel that they must Blarney Castle Theme The present plan is to have the be loyal to their country. The Chris- Amuses Student Teachers sr ARTS WHiTERgrade children produce it during lhe tian feels that his supreme loyalty is ST A YS WHITER Per Gal. to God and not his country. Hitler 'I'en girls were confronted with the first week in May which is National has not learned that concentration sign "Blarney Castle-Walk ln" Wed- Music Week. camps do not mean much to a relinesday evening, when they ed to Miss Hileman's hot:>.ewere for invita St. . .. gious person. There is an unparalleled revulsion Patrick's f\.;y party. Those same tm to war in all its phases. Hysterical women in the street urging their men on. beWar is a System of Mass Murder. MARCH 25-26.. . .Friday-Saturday A Miss Hileman gave the party for ~ We know what war is, there are too her student teachers and had a~ her Fred MacMurry and. Frances Farmer : many hospitals fitted with patients entertainer. Mrs. Hill, who demonstrat- IN whom the war did not quite kill. There ed some of the styles of hair. The girls EXCLUSIVE ~ are too many facts for us to be diluted ·.vere free to ask any questions concern'· : by war. ing. the hair, nails or skin and Mrs. ~ People may say that war is inevit- ;-mi answered them satisfactorily. MARCH 27 -28 ~i

\le£P w~ ~tr~ ~ !w~~IJ~~-~

~@ll!J~~ ~~~~ij





Peru Lumber Company

Peru Theatre


~~:.~~~:::,:sh:: :~~ns:p~:~~e


able, but they aren't deceived nor are · A vety deli<;;htful luncheon was servyou-they know what they are going ed consisting of: into. War is a vast and vicious conPigs in blankets 1 scription. There is another reason why peace is impossible. We're beginning to want to know why war started. British · · t on knowmg · why ther e st at esmen ms1s is an understanding between U. S. and u. s. says there is no understanding. Schools are under susp1c1on by thoughtful people. What are we teach· are ing? What kind of a contribution we making? Get ahold of the rea1 evidence on these matters. There are an increasing number ,f persons who believe in pacifism. There

I 1



~ ),j

Green beans Potato Salad MARCH 29 30 Tuesday-Wednesday Biscuits Jelly Pickles . Irish pudding Tea RONALD REAGAN Candies IN T'Je group played games, to! d f orSARGEANT MURPHY tunes and s'lng some of the old Irish


Ti c~c present were: Do 1ma Arm-1· ~~~i'.i~~~~~ii~~~~ strong, Frances Staley, Marie Weilen- llll Haraiian & Dallam sick, Nettie Kamen, Glaclys Lottman, DENTISTS Mrs. Jones, Hazel Fous~, Grace Mary Hniz:ia, Helene cox. Mrs. Hill, Miss Office Phone 32W2 Ga!'d and Miss Hil~man. Dr. H. C. Dallam, res. 196 · res. 32W3 Dr. N. s. Hara3ian,

are an increasing number of persons One cannot always be a hero, but who say if you want peace you've got .one can always be a man.-Goethe. to pay for it." In conclusion Dr. Bosley gave his If your face is your fortune, Old own reasons ·for believing in peace. Man Time will soon bankrupt you.-The sincerity with which this was given Barton McLane. was felt by the entire student body and

~ Ir·J ~


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fa=~~~ I believe in peace-I believe ty~~c~~:c~~:l~:~:~ment is the morali- ~~*~~*~~~ L.~JIC~IC~JI:L~JI~~~:f·~I:Ii~"?2i~~:'C






' i



Auburn, Rockport and Cook Victorious In M. I. N. K. Dramatic Arts Contest One hundred tV)'.enty-seven contestants Representing three state8 iegistered Perhaps the future John Bar· rymore was on Peru's campus last week-end when the M. I. N. K. Dramatic Arts Contest was held Friday and Saturday, March 25 and 26. One hundred twenty-seven students and their coaches were registered, repre· senting three states.

Hayden Walker, Glenwood. Good: Starline Whittmore, Auburn; Kathryn Crawford, Pawnee City. Class B- Superior: Elizabeth Clark, Farragut. Excellent: Margaret Loennig, Humboldt. Good: Ruth Crownover, Rockport; Alvin Hetrick, Oakland. Fair: Helen McNeely, Dawson; Harold Wheeler, Louisville. Class C-Superior: Harlan -Hazlewood, Hubbell. Excellent: Enid Tnkersley, otoe .. Good: Christine Williams, Bratton Union; Samuel Hedrick, Stella; Eileen Hendricks, Elk Creek. Fair: Winfield Lageman, Cook.

Repeating last year's performance, Auburn High School, with 20 points, won Class A sweepstakes. The Class B trophy went to Rockport, Missouri, with 22 points, and the Class C trophy was won for the third time by Cook, with 22 points, becoming part of their permanent collection. Dramatic Declamation: Class A- Superior: none. In Class A, Tecumseh was second Excellent: none. high with 15 points; in class B, DawGood: none. son won second place with 17 point:;; Fair: Drudence Buffington, Glenin Class C, Elk Creek and Stella tied wood; Betty Barkerfi Pawnee City; for second place with 12 points each. Carlene Hohensee, Auburn. In determining sweepstakes points Class :&-Superior-Virginia Anderfor individual events, 5 points were giv- 1:ian, Rockport. en for superior; excellent, 4 points; FxceUent: Gladys Spenser, Oakland; good, 3 points; and fair, one point. In Good: \'csta Everson, Humboldt; one-act plays a superior rating was PJwlli$ Johnson, Dawson. given 10 points; excellent received 7 'Fair: Henrietta Simonsen, Louispoints; good, 4 points; and fair, 2 ville; Alma Livingston, Farragut. points. Glass C-Superior: Maryellen RobCoaches bringing contestants from inson, Elk Creek; Eldon Niemann, Class A schools were Faye Robbert, Gook. Excellent: Russine McQueen, NorthAuburn; Mrs. Alton Wagner, Tecumseh; Merritt Whitten, Nebraska C'ity; boro. Good: anet ~agan, Bratton Union. Edith Davenport, Pawnee C'ity; and Fair: Mary McClain. Stella; Mariam Ne! B. Kalskett, Glenwood_, Iowa. From Class B schools were Edna Dowhower, Hillman, Otr.e. Lohisville; Margaret Ann Mills, Far- Oratorical Declamation: . . . . . . . . . . Class A-Superior: Bert Smith, Auragut; Altheda Swift, Dawson; Virginia Johnson, Humboldt. Those from Class bt-.rn. C schools were · Howard Spieknald, Excell ·,nt: BiJ1 Pitstick, Nebraska Otoe; Zetta Lockmon, Stella; Marie City. Good: Lorrance Buffington, GlenJenkins, Elk Creek; Gertrude Rainforth, Cook; Eunice Ganfield, Bratton wood. Union; Isabel Rankin, Douglas; CamilFair: Claude :M.arshall, Pawnee City; Marie Pinkert, Tecumseh. la Haskins, Salein. Class B-Superior: Carl Mcintyre Judges for the contest were Miss Farrogut; Virginia Lyons, Dawson. Ramsey and Miss Drake, of the DeExcellent: Jack Vieth, Oakland; Bob partment of Speech, Wayne State 0 James, Rockport. Teachers College, Mrs. Glen Joder and Good: none. Mrs. Robert Moore. The ratings of the ·individual events Fair-Ellma Ruth Wittwer, Humbaldt; Earl Tempelmeyer, Louisville. were as follows: Class C-Superior-Robert Kimsey, Humorous Declamation: Stella. Class A- Superior: none. Excellent: Erwin Goldenstein, Elk ,Excellent: Jean Blessing; Tecumseh; Creek; l!}•,igene Latimer, Northboro. Good: Dorothy Leppi, Cook. Fair: Maynard Kempke, Otce.

COLLEGE CALENDAR TuesdayY. M., Y. W., C. C. A., 7-8 p.m.

Broadcast, 8:30 to 9:00 p. m. WednesdayThursdayFreshman Clubs, 7-8 p. m. FridayAll-college Dance SaturdayFreshmen Party MondayW. A. A. and "P" Club, 10:30

a. m. Crawdads, 7-8 p. m. Alpha Mu Oemega, 7-8 p. m. Tri Beta, 8-9 p. m. Symphonium, 8-9 p. m.

Original Oratory: Class A-Superior: none. Excellent: Todd Hubbel, Auburn. Good: none. Fair: Wilbur McNeely, Glenwood. Class B- Superior: none. Excellent: none. Good: Norma Fae Helmick, Dawson; Mary Meister, Humboldt. Fair: Donald Whistler, Farragut. Class C-Superior: none. Excellent: none. Good: Evelyn Damme, Cook. .Fair: none. Oral Interpretation Class A-Superior: none. Excellent: JoAn Van Home, Pawnee City. Good: Lorrance Buffington, Gle 1wood. Fair: Dean Thompson, Nebraska City. Class B-Superior: Meaulah Alfray, Louisville; Gladys Spencer. oakland. Excellent: Vance Cox, Farragut. Good: Betty Jane Scott, Humboldt. Fair: June Hosenyager, Dawson. Class C-Superior: none.

Excellent: Helen Winker, Cook. Good: none. Fair: Jean Van Deventer, Stella. One-Act Plays Class A-Superior: Tecumseh. Excellent-Nebraska City. Good: Auburn. Class B-Superior-Rockport Excellent: none Good: Dawson, Louisville. Class C-Superior: none. Excellent: Douglas. Good: Salem, Cook. Fair: Otoe, Stella.

DR.G.R.GOATNEY RESIGNS; ACCEPTS GOVERNMENT POST Family Will Motor to Columbia, S. C., in April


ISifting Sands Assur{;d ; Of Spring Alumni Issue 1

Will "Sifting Sand" this spring?

be published

100 subscribers have made the an-

swer "Yes1" With this many promised sales Sigma Tau Delta has sent out a hurried call for contributions, for the deadline date must of necessity come April 5. Poems, essays, short stories, and brief skits (none over 500 words) will be welcomed. Alumni members, especially, have been invited to send their contributions to the local chapter. Block print illustrations will make the 24-page publication an even more attractive booklet. Orders for copies can be placed at any time with Marjorie Stevenson, president of Sigma Tau Delta, or Dr. G. W. Smith, head of the English department.

College Orchestra Makes Fine Public Appearance The Peru College Orchestra made a splendid shoWing when they presented their Spring Concert Tuesday evening. An hour program was given, the latter half being broadcast. Many cards <md letters have been received co1.:i.. !:menting the group upon their a1:>.l!ty and talent.

Dr. G. Robert Coatney, formerly professor of Biology at Grand Island col;f~e, later pro~essor at W~s'.i;·;un Uni., and for the past five years protesrnr of Zoology at Peru State Teachers College recently resigned to accept a The personnel of the Orchestra inposition in the Malaria Division of eludes: the United States Public Healtr. SerViolins vice. fu:ildred Knoflicek, Plattsmouth The Coatne:<4') plan to leave by auto Lucille Renner, Crofton about April 15, first to Waslliug·on, Mary Alyce Vanderford, Peru D. C., and from there they will jour- 'Marjoiie Trenholm, Sidney ney on to Columbia, S. C., where Dr. Helen Larson, Peru Coatney will be stationed in the Ma- Ed Nell Benson, Omaha laria Division of the United States Mary Matthews, Brownville Public Health Service, and also in the Evelyn Anderzohn, Farragut, Iowa State Hospital at Columbia, S. C. Elaine Shafer, Nemaha. Throughout his entire career as Professor of Zoology at Peru, Dr. Coatney has devoted much of his time to an extensive research of malarial parasites of birds, and has published rnany of his findings. His latest article appeared in the 1938 March issue of The American Journal of Hygiene. ______

Lois Macomber, Beatrice Helen Wilberger, JuHur ~'iolas

Charles Parnell, Peru Lucille Hazelton, Peru Cellos Dorothy Snider, Wilber Geraldine Eads, Auburn Louise Matthews, Brownville Bass Viols Peru Players Watch Florence Neve, Omaha Ri"chard Slagle, Falls City Woman Grow Old Lillian Mc!ninch, Peru A woman grew old Thursday night Isabel Tynon, Peru before the eyes of an astounded group Flute of Peru Players, when the Magic Pow- Nancy Jane Kehoe, Humboldt er of Make-Up was presented in a Clarinets demonstration by Dean Karr. Elaine J?.obert Blankenship, Auburn Eddy was the surprisingly Willing vie- Frank Larson, Peru tim who was transformed from youth Bassoon to middle age and finally to senility Marjorie Harris, Peru beneath the expert hands of Mr. Karr. French Horns A rapid fire of explanation punctuated John Heck, Peru his work as he enlarged on this busi- L~ona Bertwell, Peru ness of powdering, rouging, and lining. R~berta Klein, Burchard Plans were also made at this week's Nancy Ellen Jones, Peru club meeting for next quarter's stri;ig Cornets of plays. The group leaders remain Neal Good, Peru as they were before-Virginia Triyely, Leroy Redfern, Peru Gale Carter, Gerald Fichter, Maree Severn Handley, Auburn ,. Williams, Jean Wagner, Louise MathTrombones ews, and Vivian McKimmey. Fletcher Cline, Auburn Clarion Smith, Peru Two pianos were featured at the Percussion Piano Ensemble Recital given in the Robert Weber, Humboldt Music Hall Wednesday night. The Lillie Mae Collins, Peru numbers presented included eightPiano hand, six-hand and four-hand ar- 1Robert T. Benford rangements. Director Several people from out-of-town at- Victor H. Jindra tended the recital. A reception, following the program, Before the roller skating contest was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. which was held at the Training R. T. Benford. Those entertained in- School last Saturday, several students eluded Mrs. Dunning, Dr. Konig, Ruth figured that it takes seven times Ann Hill, Eleanor Nieman, Anita around the walk surrounding the Searle, Maxine Metcalf, Vivian McKim- building to make a mile. On tMs b11sis \ney, Doris Pritchard, Jerry Snyder, wme skated over ten miles as a warmRobert Mooney, Severn Handley and ing-up exercise before the contrst started. Bob Halladay.

GONKLE'S PLAY IS LATE HIT OF SEASON Parents Are Proud of Son's Good Work Dr. E. P. Conkle of the dramatic arts faculty at the University of Iowa has recently written a play called "Prologue to Glory" which has scored a success in New York City being produced by the federal government w. P. A. theater project. The play has its setting in New Salem, Ill., and centers around the love affair of Abe Lincoln and the half-legendary Anne Rutledge, who died in her youth. Keith Wilson, columnist of Spotlight and Reel of the World Herald says concering the play "I think 'Prologue to Glory' is one of the finest, because it is one of the simplest and truest and most reasonable of our biographical dramas. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Conkle, parents of Dr. Conkle, now residing in Peru, related last Sunday evening that "Worth graduated from Peru State Teachers College in 1919 and from Nebraska State University in 1921. He was given a Guggenheim fellowship in '30 and spent the year '31 in London, where he spent a lot of time writing." "Worth's previous work," his mother added, "was given too much unfavorable criticism by TIME magazine, but this time, they weren't so bad. They liked it except for the fact that the:; thought Lincoln's life in the pla, was sentimentalized and too "BoJ Scoutish." Nevertheless, Mr. and Ivlrs. E. G Co11kle are proud and happy paren;~ today, because of the fact that thet son has achieved the success of havin1 written a popularly recognized "lat1 season hit." "And," Mrs. Conkle concluded witl a twinkle in her eye; "part of our boy' play is going· to be broadcast nex Thursday evening at 7:00 o'clock ove Ru~y Vallee's program."

Catholic Club Plans To Visit at Nebraska Plans have been made by The Cat! olic Students organization for all mern bers to attend at least one meeting < a similar club at the University of NE braska at Lincoln during the semeste Marcella Karpicek, Edwin Falloo John Greene, Ruth Volkmer, and Ma ine Geiger have attended such a mee ing.

PERU HOUR March 29 Bell Theme "Creation'', Beethoven, Chorus "Cradle Song", Tschaikowsky, Chorus. "Hospodi Pomiliu", Lvowski, Chorus "Now Is the Month of May", Morley, Geron. "Thy Heart So Mild", Brahms Geron. "'I'o Maezell', Geron "Death and Maiden",


Chorus "And He Never Said a Mumblir Word", Krone, Chorus Theme Chorus under direction of P:ro G. H. Steck.


The, Peru ~edagogian Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single' copy 5 cents.

The Pedagogian Look-in On Peruvian Feelings for this •week is

enrollment would increase becauJ school spirit brought about by t~ dorm would advertise the school. Pe~ ple who operate boarding hou~s no~ would have to have some other mea~ of making a living.

\ It should be manag·ed like a fraterniROBERT WE"BER: Yes, I'm in fav~ \ ty-having a housemother; or it could of the dorm. I would certainly live ·be managed like a Y. M. C. A. it if they had one. There should ~ for .Peru Students" BERT HALL-Yes, of course, I'm a house mother with the dean of med STAFF and the response to the question very much in favor of a dormit9ry for in charge. A Men's Common is nee~ Editor .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . Norman Littrell has indicated that such a ques· the young men of Peru. A dorm for sary to a dorm and the type of me~ the men would mean a greatly imthat come if you have a dormitor) Associate Editor . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . Bert Hall tion is foremost m Peruvian proved living situation for them, and v.•ould pay the fee. The enrollmenl Sports Editor . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . Glen Sheely minds today. that alone would be reason enough for would increase and I think that t11 ~ponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Florence Martin Pedagogian roving reporters nosed advocating such a beneficial move in men's houses would have to clean ~ Advertising Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Bischoff into a conversation between Edw11 their behalf. and give sanitary, comfortable livlli Falloon, Jerry Snyder, Lester Ruetter I\ Perhaps, a new dorm for the men quarters-something they don't havi REPORTERS and Ralph Hopp. The conversation would work a severe temporary hard- now. .~ Russell Bailey Eleanor Nieman turned to the subject of a dormitory ship upon the present boarding and IRMA DOPP: "I am in favor of and revealed that these four were rooming houses, but even so, it is the Bertie Boom Melba Obernolte Martha Clifton strong for a dormitory. They thought student's welfare with which the men's dormitory, although I think Ruth Roberts Bert Hall Anna Louise Short such a building would aid the school school administration is immediately would be rather hard on the roomi~ Hubert Johnson in appearance outwardly and inward- concerned. Therefore, it is logical to houses around here. It would be ~ Grace Hnizda Edward Short right to charge the fellows an ex~ believe, that once the student's have Mildred Williams ly. Frances Staley Jean Wagner fee and put it on the budg·et ticket." .·~ When hig·h school students come to been taken care of properly, those afLawrence \Veston (Editor's Note: The Pedagogian doe; our contest they could be housed in fected in the town will, in time, renot claim that the above is THE opin~ a building which would appeal to gain a normal status of well being. DORMITORY PUZZLE A men's commons-there should be ion of the campus. Such an opini1 them. These students would have an incentive to return to Peru-for the»' no question, whatsoever, when a mat- would require a popular vote. Hrjw~ As usual, the question on Peruvian tongues is some phrase of could see that Peru is progressive and ter of such vital importance as recre- ever we do believe that the abov~ the dormitory problem. Theories, ideas of every sort and just desirous of aiding students. ational facilities for men is involved. state.nents are indicative of Pe,·uvia~ merely talk fill the air with dormitory expressions and fill Peru Harold Prichard is highly in favor Supervision, placed in capable hands, feelings on the question. We bre~ minds with wild and distorted ideas. We shall try to give both of the building of a dorm. He feels might very well be handled by either from our ~sual stand of silence to urgi\l that a further consideration of th~! sure that the enrollment would be in- a lady or a gentleman. sides of the question for you to mull over and add points. question be taken up by a committe~ OMAR GOTTULA-Yes, a men's creased enough so that it would pay c:. students and faculty. ~Ve hav~ Keeping up with the Jones's for the dorm. He a_lso feels that the1· ~ dorm would be a drawing card, because u:oed a rocket head 0n t.his artic]('--fo~ many men hesitate about coming to Is Peru merely intent on keeping up with her sister colleges-? is a great need for a recreational cen- Peru, on account of the present hous- the sole purpose of attracting· ?Ollr at~ ter for men. tention. This quest:on of a dorrr.itr,~ Is that the reason behind the cry of the dormitory backers? To a ing facilities. Bill Mooney when asked if he ~ A dorm without a recreation room is your problem.) certain extent we believe it is. thought it necessary to have a men's would not meet the demands of mei1 Peru should be ahead of the pack-not following in the foot· dorm, replied: "Very much so. It would students. steps of others. Why can't Peru and the other three colleges get mean better living conditions in gen- My arguments for a men's dorm J. P. CLARK together and figure out these problems-or is Peru an outsider? eral and make college life much more would be these: that the student body interesting. A man should direct th.:: Electric Shoe Shop North of would be b.etter organized; and that Can Peru afford a dormitory? It will take years for said dorm dorm. I dor.'t think regular hours Post Office a dorm would serve to provide an imto pay for itself. , ~hould be required. proved social life. Phone 109 Then there is the reaction of the boys; they are afraid of hav· Barney Barisas ]Jas his doubts as to My argument against a dorm wculd in~ rules laid down like this-"All boys must be in bed by ten whether a dorm would be a success in only be this: that few men students ,:: o'clock-freshmen must be in the dormitory at nine." Such a plan Peru. He thinks fellows would live in are here during t)1e summer term, and it for a while just for the novelty of a dorm, then, would be too expensive KINGSOLVER cannot work with a bunch of boys-or can it? it but it would soon b"ecome unsatis- to operate. There are many other points against having a dormitory. factory to them. BARBER SHOP As to the effect that a new dorm However we have neither the space nor the inclination to con· Gordon Gilbert: "If there were a would have upon the present houses, Below Barnes Drug Store tinue on the "con" side. You add your own "cons"-we will jump men's dorm I would certainly stay in I think that on one hand many of it. The sponsor would depend on the to the "pro". them would close up, but those which person but logically I thin~ the Dea11 would stay open would have to modWhat Peru needsof Men should handle it. The room- ernize in order to compete with the Peru needs a men's dormitory. The need is evident in the in"' houses would cut down, but ;n dorm. ti;e the enrollment would increase so LLOYD HEIM: "I'm very much in scarcity of bo_ys that come to Peru-We must build up the school. that they would build up again. I am favor of a Men's Dorm. I would stay "A Mighty Good Place to Trade" A new dorm would add to our campus and give us a new build- very much in favor of a men's com- in the dorm if they built one. I think ing constructed along modern. trends. mons and would be willing to pay the the dorm should be supervised by the M. I. N. K. contestants and state conferences could be held at txtra amount." Dean of Men with cooperation of a John Bath: •;rm definitely in faHouse mother. I think they should Peru with no discomfort to anyone. A uniformity in food and vor of a men's dorm. I think prob- have a good recreation hftll where shelter would be established-. The men of Peru could organize ably that it would have an infiuencc they could spend their leisure time as the dorm girls have. The present system of various cliques to draw more fellows to Peru. For a profitably. It would surely increase would break down and large dances and parties would take the sponsor I would prefer a single man- the enrollment. The poorer rooming place of the present small scale system. an extra faculty member who wouid houses would disappear and the better We could ramble on-but the "pro" side, too, must be for your give his major time to personal wor;, ones would be improved." approval and consideration as well as 1the "con" side. We have of the boys. The rooming houses that MERRITT McNEILL: "A dorm are poorly equipped would disappea~ · would be all right. I would stay in merely scratched the surface. You dig to pay dirt and solve the J think it would be all right to charge the dorm. I think the Dean of Men question-it is your problem-Peru's problem. an extra fee for all men for a men's should supervise it. It would probably increase enrollment of men in the commons. ADS - ADS - ADS MARLYN ENGDAHL: '"I wouldn't college." Ads often add up to keeping a newspaper on its feet-the PcJ~. like a dorm reg·ulated like the girl's, GLEN SHEELY: I am in favor of if it were, I would be very much op- the dorm and would probably stay in gogian is no exception. Without the advertising done in our ipaper, posed. If they would regulate it so it. I believe the Dean of Men or a we would have to take a bigger slice of the budget for publishing that the freshmen could get it at 11 :00 house mother should supervise. I the paper. and upperclassmen at 1:00, on weeJ; would be in favor of the Men's ComFor that reason we urge you to patronize our advet·tisers. Tell nights and Saturdays and Sundays un- mons and if a contingent charge was WE AIM them you read their ads-tell Peruvian advertisers YClU read th~ir limited, I would be highly in favor cf made men would be more apt to TO take advantage of it and enjoy it. TI1e it." ads. In other words help those who help you by helping Peru. GERALD FICHTER: ""If I were tc PLEASE different activities that could be in- attend Peru in the future, I would ~~~~~C.i'~-,:!&i.·mgtrtz:! Varied Topics Interest troduced into this group that would wish to become more familiar with all "\"\' e Serve the Best boys than has been possible in the 11 Joint Y. F. C. A. Meeting interest boys as well as girls. . j past and this could be accomplished During the meeting letters from Eve! Personal Relations, Labor Relations, by a dorm uniting all boys. I am MANY NEW SAMPLES I and Creative Leisure were the topics lyn O'Conner, Ray Kinney, Charles highly in favor of a men's commons. most favored line. Suits from for discussion at the joint meeting of Schwieso and the Kearney organizaBOB MOONEY: I would not stay 'n of all pure wool fabrics in cmr · i FRESH bulk candy Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. Tuesday tion were read. the dorm if they had one but I would I Just received greatest variety · I The results of the conference were evening. be in favor of one. I think the Dean at all times. given, proving that it had been a prof: should be the sponsor. Ralph Hopp gave a talk on Personal itable one. · t f " Stop in and take home Relations in which he carried out the Now a feminine's viewpom o. ,.1e situation. Blanche Freeman says, "A "big sister, little sister and big brothl some of your favorite Under the direction of Mr Bath and dormitory would be a drawing card i er, little brother" idea. Larry Stark a fine jumping pit hi.\S for men. I think the average feL · v '! CA.'.'\DY Laura Baum discussed Labor Rela- been constructed bY junior high scllool who comes to Peru would pay this ex, tions in which she brought out the re- boys at the north end of the high tra amount. A dormitory would pro· -ATlations between the A. F. L. and the school athletic field. T'his will enable vide jobs fo: more boys and wcL.ld C. I. 0., and the fact that organizations the physical training classes to prac- improve living·· conditions in genc"·al. for teachers were being develcped. tice a number of track events witll ,.<t A union room would be a helpful allPHONE 62


Display 20 cents per inch.

Locals, 10 cents per line


"A men's dormitory




The Mardis Store





Tailor Made Suits

I I l



John Collins spoke on Creative Lei- wasting time going to the colleg8 ath- dition to the college-a room that sure. In his speech he told about the ~etic field. would be open to both boys and girls.




ALMUNI TRAIL By Mildred Williams


I Peruvian Mirror Sixteen of Peru's faculty have either attended or received degrees from Peru. Turning the pages of the past issues of the Peruvians, we find that: John A. Bath received his degree in 1932. He belonged to Kappa Delta Pi, Alpha Mu Omega, Y. M. C. A., Men's Club, Philo, Dramatic Club, and was editor of the Peruvian in 1932. Glenn Gilkeson was football captain the year he graduated in 1925. The Peruvian for that year says "Glenn Gilkeson, all-state end and cap_tain, has been a clever and reliable end for three seasons. He played eight fine games of football in 1924. As a captain Peru has had few so popular,, "Gilk" was a member of Philo, "P" Club, and Men's Club.

Carson City Coach Has Fine Record

Medical Missionaries 'Dr. an\( Mrs. 0. W. Hasselblad have been. accepted by the Foreign Mission Society for service as medical missionaries in foreign service. Dr. Hasselblad attended Peru in summer school '26. They have a baby daughter, Marva Elaine. Talm~ge Places Second Ralph Chatelain, '29, music director at Talmage entered twelve events at the Mudecas Class C school contest held at Eagle, March 19. Twenty-one st hools were entered. Ten superior ratings were won placing Talmage second in the finals. Rokeby won first place entering eighteen events. Other Peruvians there were: Miss Ruth Chatelain, Lewiston; Alice Auxier, Hickman; A. c. Holeman, Superintendent at Talmage; Jack Ashton, Dunbar; and Morris Boren, Superintendent at Eagle, who was chairman Dean Delzell "ranked as the best base-


Interests Peruvians



"The required credits shall ~'.1clude Certification and entrance requirements for the four Nebraska Teachers not fewer than eight units earned in Colleges were altered at the State grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 in the fields of seven of those eight tournaments, run- Board meeting held Monday, March 14. English, foreign lang·uage, mathematics, nerup in two district tournamenk, The colleges will no longer possess natural science and the social studies. · Ul1 nerup in one state tournament, and authority to issue certificates. These Of these eight units, seven shall be state champions three times. will be granted Jly the State Superin- grouped in the following manner: a "1 hat's a record mighty few coacl..es tendent of schools upon the recnm- major of three units in English and and schools can boast over a four mendation of The State Board of Ed- two minors of two units each. Th~ Y< ~1·s periotl." ucation when the student is awarded minors shall have been completed in The Reno Evening Gazette has the an A. B. degree, a three-year, a two- grades 10, 11, and 12, except that one following to say concerning· the Car- year, or a one-year diploma. Formerly. unit of a foreign languag·e, or one unit son team. "It was the third straight the certificate came directly from the of mathematics or both, earned in year that Carson had taken home the State Board of Elducation upon rer,om- grade 9 may be used in completing the trophy cup, and fans and fellow men- mendation of the president and facul- minor requirements." tors doffed their hats to George Mc- ty of the school from which the stuFormerly 15 units of secondary ·sork. Elroy of Carson for an outstanding dent was graduated. seven in English, foreign languag·es and coaching job. "Mac" has been tutorKearney, Chadron, Peru and Wayne mathema~1cs, and two in so.cl<:tl sciing the Carson cagers for the last sev- State Teachers Colleges have been ence er naturai' science, were required. en years. Three of his teams have authorized to set up the machinery for Several states do not have such rigid won state honors, and the Senators graduate work so that teachers may requirements. Furthermore, students were runners-up four years ago. earn credits necessary to renew cer- from technical high schools do not al"Only one other school has ever won tain types of certificates issued undel' ways have the nine academic units and three consecutive state basketball titles .the new Certification law. so are refused admittance or are forced

Freshmen Brighten Track Squad Prospect


:~::~:;:,~::~:!:~~'.=! iri~;:;;:~~~!::;::: to the trophy case. This is Coach Wolfe's first :;ear at Ord Registered Pharmacist Henry Feistner has recently passed the state pharmacy board examinations and is now employed as a phar-


Lettermen include Stark, dashes and high jump; Greathouse, high jump and broadjump; Pugh, pole vault and high jump; Turner, dashes; Bailey, hurdles and high jump; Hall, hurdles and 440.

Our Sandv.riches are the Best

You must be Satisfied

Lindberg, a senior, looks very good as a miler, with Hunt a freshman coming along in good shape. Cowell, freshman, is very impressive and will be right in there on the 440 and 880. Miller, another new-comer, must be considered as a hurdler and for the

Bus Cafe

dashes. Promising pole vaulters are I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ McHugh, Walker, Halladay and Mdn- ~=

~~~~id:~:~:" t~:~:t~

a prospective e

Monday, March 28, will find the boys on the field putting out everything they have to win a place on the team fo;·


and fishing in the creek. "FishesTheir .Journeys and Migrations might suggest places where the fish are biting best. , You may never get a chance to see


With six letterman and several promising freshmen working out each evening, Coach Gilkeson has prospects of a good track team this year.

M. C'. A., and other extra curricular ------------~ the first meet to be held at Maryville, activities." "In spring a young man's fancy April 4. Campus Visitor turns to thoughts"-of playing hooky

Leo Petri '37, teaching at Odell was a campus visitor Saturday. Keithe Wolfe-Coach of Winners Keithe Wolfe, graduate of '31, and teacher at Ord has a winning junior

new academic stipulations fc/r students entering· the four State Colleges for' the first time:

Is Peruv1·an McElroy

George A. McElroy,. '28, coach at Carson C'ity, Nevada, has just coached the Carson C1ty high school basketball team to its third consecutive championship. McElroy was quarterback for the Bobcats for three consecutive seasons-'25, '26, '27, and in his senior year was described by sports writers as the "headiest quarterback in the state." The Carson City Daily Appeal summarizes the record of the Carson high school basketball teams as follows: "The record of McElroy's C•-1"'son high school teams the past four years: "1935---Runnerup in both district and state tournaments. Miss Pearl A. Kenton majored in "1936-Runnerup in district tournaEnglish, Modern Languag·es and Home Economics. She belonged to the Junior Home Economics Club. She was granted a degree in 1121.

. ball pitcher in school. He was a leader in the class of 1912 and an active member of the Philo Society, band, Y.

INew Certification Law

eading Nevada Coach



111~ A new line of






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TWITTERBONES A Fairy TaleOnce upon a time there was a little old man named Unkie. And it seemed that this little old man had sort of a sixth sense for gathering gossip. In fact, sometimes he knew more about people's private lives than they d;d themselves. Anyway, it seemed li'.~e such a shame to waste this talent that he decided to write a gossip column. Now Unkie had always heard 1,h2t gossip eoumnists were funny looking old fellows, so he bought himself a pair of false whiskers which he called "Twitterbones" and he always wore them when he wrote. He had a lot of ?fun and made rots of people angry at lots of other people and at the same time made lots of other people very amused. His whole attitude seemed to be, "If I've said anything I'm sorry for, I'm glad of it." And all but three times he was. But one day he felt like he ought to apologize to three people, Joey Punches, Speck, and Ruthie Lytton. So he did. Then came the day when Unkies' false whiskers got a bad case of dandruff and began to fall out. 'I'he poor old man was sorely perplexed. He said, "What shall I de? My whiskers are so sparce, people can see right through them; I gues I can no longer write my gossp column, for I ca~'t write without my whiskers." SO he stopped writing it, and was very unhappy about it all. G-bye', MURPH. (Ed. Note-We believe you will agree when we say that we think Murph has done a swell job this year. We thank you for your colwnn, Mu.rph-and are willing to shoulder any blame that might have arisen.-

Moras L. Shl,!bert of Falls C'i.ty, who: .,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 was granted his A. B. Degree in Aug- i 1 CAT TALES ust '34 has been experimenting with By Glen Sheely crops which require little or no culti- I vation. · \



The first track meet of the season


\Iwill be at Maryville next Monday. As I \ we go to press tryouts for the meet I have not yet been held. However, the


new crop has sprouted such performers as Miller, for the hurdles and Extra! Extra! dashes, and Walker and McHugh for Coo-Ped de,lved into a hidden, covthe pole vault. eted~ thought-provoking, side split"Shiny" Durst, Floyd McHugh, and ting", witty little book of odds and ends collected by one of our .prominent Pe- Frank Johnson all of this campus, are ruvian personalities. Virtually, this on a boxing card at the Tiehen gym person's entire prevailing life has been in Falls City tonight. given over to puttering prudently and With the assistance of Bert Hall we promiscuously in this pregnant field. take you again to the imaginative volWe give you some excerpts from a proley ball game being played between the fessor's collection of thoughts. Mighty Faculty Club and the College All-Stars.

Success stories: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · There's always room at the tor>-but the elevator doesn't run that high. Minds are like parachutes-they only function when open. It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out-it's the grain of sand in your shoe. It is better to fall down on a job than to lay down on it. A mosquito never waits for an opening-it digs one. A square peg doesn't fit in a round hole-but a square deal fits anywhere. cash is the Jack of all trades.

has the entire crowd on its feet. With the score now standing 22 to 21 1 in favor of the faculty the college club has just time enough to serve once more-in a last effort to tie the game and possibly win in an overtime period. The crowd stangs in tense quietness waiting and hoping-some just waiting. Both teams are set-they realize that the outcome of the game hinges upon the success or failure of this last serve. Here it comes-it's a beauty, clear into the faculty back court-"Shorty" Clements tips it up to "Stu" who sets it up for Capt. Hayward who, in turn drives a whizzer irectly over to Howard Dean. Howard wasn't to be caught napping, though, and he gives the ball in a beautiful tip set-up to Greathouse who then drives a hard one at "Bobbie" Moore. Bobbie gave out a grunt and a heave and up the ball went in a fancy loop to Georgie Smith who applies a little more English to advantage in setting it up for "Wally" Albert. With a scientific wallor>-that is hard to explain-Wally breezed a killer across to end the game in a 22 to 21 in a preaching mission. victory for the faculty. Services will be each evtning· at 7: Boy, what a game. It was a good You are cordially invited to atte game from every respect-it was clean, fast, and hard played. D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Neb1 This is your legendary announcer City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Thr signing off and wishing you all a good Glasses stted. Phone 144.-Professi day.-Yours Bert Hall. al Card.

Following we have the concluding episode of that great volley ball classic -college vs. faculty-continued from last week. If you will recall, last wee·: Arthur Hill was just in the act of setting up ·a play for Barney Baker, when we were so rudely cut off. Barney took the set-up nicely from Art, and whipped a little psychology en the ball to Bob Halladay. But Bob was set-"I haven't been taking psycholo~Y for nothing," Bob laughed, as he ~uick ly returned the ball back acros~ tl'e net. Bobbie Benford, resenting this Steck and Jindra Judge Contest Professors Steck and Jindra judged kind of c]).atter aimed at his teammate, fiared up with such a note of the Little Ten Music contest held at furor that there was no returning the Humboldt Wednesday and Thursday ball.


The serve then went to the facult,· boy who quickly raked in a 6 poim lead. With a sudden turn of the scoring tide, the college boys volley over 8 points to gain a 2 point marg'in

l)R. GLEN H. JODER Surgeon and Physician


To succeed: start at the bottom-and the half. The fast pace of this first half seems wake up. to be taking its toll of faculty boys, Violin and Piano Pupils Sex-tsk-tsk for substitutions are coming pretty fast To Present a Recital A man thinks he knows, but a woPupils of the violin and piano de- man knows better. now. With the substitutions made, we partments will be presented in a reA caress is better than a career. now find Georgie Smith has replaced · A ·1 6 · Bobbie Coatney, "Shorty" Clements has Cl.tal , wednesday evenmg,, pri , m A'Woman is know by the company · h 11 dit · · taken over Barney's position. the music a au orium. she keeps-waiting. · · t t t· "Stu" Baller has gone in for BobThe fo110wmg is a en a ive pro- The bonds of matrimony are worthgram: less unless the interest is kept up. bie Benford, and "Robin" Moore has ·ano H d J d Arthur Hill's place pretty well covered. Pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . owar o er The world's greatest water powerYellow Dandelions-Wilson. woman's tears. Captain Hayward and Wally Albert remain in the game ang continue to Piano .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. Fred Olements A woman is as old as she looks, but do fine work. Ki.t Kitty Kat-Wilson a man isn't old till he stops looking. Entering into the second half, we By the Sea-Wilson A woman's promise to be on time find the faculty boys seem to hs.vc Violin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wendell Reiff .carries of lot of wait. things pretty well under control. Lightly Row-German Folk Song Women, generally speaking, are gen"Shorty" Clements bats .a mean Piano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patricia Benford erally speaking. serve but the college boys were on the Lullaby to a Russian Doll-Wilson Definitions of this er thatalert and quick to return the volley. Sandman is Coming-Cramer Traffic light-A little green light that However, their volley was answered by Piano ............. Laurine Clayburn turns to red as your car approaches it. a "sweet" little drive by Georgie Smith Over the River and Through the Father-a kin you love to touch. which netted the faculty another valWoods-Santa Lucia Minute-the crutch on which the uable point. Between the good servViolin .............. Marilyn Standley hour leans as it limps into eternity. ing of '"Shorty", Capt. Hayward, and Dance of the Midgets-Collin Skinflint-a man who marries a "Stu", and the English that Georgie Piano . . . . . . . . . . . . Billie Jean Miller scrub woman so he can get a paU for and "Robin" have been putting on Floating 1h the Moonlighthis beer. the ball, the faculty has succeeded in Crammond Bridegroom-a bachelor who gives up piling up a 14 point lead on the colPiano .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. Ansel Clayburn good quarters to take a better half. Pedestrian-man whose son :s in legians before they finally relinquish Organ Man-Wilson the ball. Violin .............. Laurine Clayburn college. The college club -has the ball now, Puppet Show-Trott Bachelor-A man who never makes but time a wastin' and it looks like the Piano . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . Elda Hamel the same mistake once. the faculty boys have played "whole Three Bears-Colbreath Flirt-a "hit and run" lo,er. hog or none" with the ball too long. Violin .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. Charlotte Pryor Marriage-Not a word, but a sentence. In other words we are now witnessing Minuet in G-Beethoven the dying moments of this great sportDaisies College cheer-a check from home. ing event and as each moment passes Violin ................. Max Matthews Just a few proverbs-the crowd grows more tense with excitCava tina-Schmidt Beauty is only sin deep. _ ment. Piano .................... John Lewis A myth is as good as a mile. The faculty still maintains a lead, Pride of the Regiment-Crammond People who live in glass houses- but it is being rapidly cut down by a The Storm-Pitcher shouldn't. last minute rally by the collegians. In Piano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betty Kennedy A word to the wife is never sufficient. fact, their rally is so spirited that it Water Lily-Rink The early bird has to get his own Thistle Down-Preston breakfast. Violin .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. Petty Hill A word to the wiseHungarian Dance-Twin Marriage is a great thing. No famiPiano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marion Deck ly should be without it. Blue Ribbon-Engelmann On a test-Jubilee Dance-Krieg A "U" boat is a boat you own. Piano Duet: Marion Deck, ·Betty Ken- (Original Apple-sauce drippings) nedy If Jonathan Black Twig as a young Waterlilies man takes unto him the delicious apple Violin .............. Kathlyn Benford of his eye in time she will become a Ave Maria-Bach Gounod crab. (2) Then there was the brick' layer Circumstances are beyond the conwho told his assistant, "If at first trol of a man, but his conduct is in you don't succeed, trowel, trowel his own power. again."

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"BIG MUDDY CHIEF" Corn Sheller An efficient, up to date, machine built for those who use improved and modern methods of farming. TllL sheller is quick and 100% efficient. Designed especially for the farmers living around and near Peru.





raining School Orchestra nd Band Win High Honor MARY E. MURPHY

"Spring Fever" Catching The Interest of Many




Typical college couples-moon-light. OF SCHOLARSHIP CLUB .. I brainstorm chemist&--€Xplosions, and A minature Monday Morning Convowould be artists models await an au- cation Program was presented by the dience for the production "Spring Fe~ junior members of Scholarship rnub

ver" which will be presented on Fri.. Peru high school music groups IS THE GUEST EDITOR day night, April 8, at 8:00 p. m. nt to Fremont Friday and Saturday OF THIS WEEK'S PED "The production is shaping up very . '.· participate in the District II music This edition of the Pedagogian is un- nicely," stated Mr. R. D. Moore, direc~ntest. There w~re approximately der the drection of Guest Editor Mary tor of the play, "and will be a very hiIOOo students and instructors at the Elizabeth Murphy of Sidney: Iowa. larious and entertaining play." several high schools have shown ~ntest. ' I Editorials, make-up and the general The Peru groups in the contest were content of the paper is her work •)r much interest in the play and are. bringing groups of students to see it. ~and, orchestra, french horn quartet work done under her supervision. Upon several requests Mr. Moore has ind saxaphone quartet. Pe~u also made special admission prices for any ~nt two soloists. high school gToup that is accompanied The band played "March of the Steel by a high scl10ol sponsor. 'I'he udmis~en" by Beseltring, "'Jesu, Joy of ~ion will be twenty-five cents earh. kan's Desiring" by Bach, and "Witch ,



at the meeting of the organization Monday evening.

AMUSES FRESHMEN Many Unusual Articles Are Sought and Found Approximately 100 freshmen turned out Saturday night, April 2, to enjoy

their second party of the year. The Willis Worth filled President Pate's evening's entertainment included, first place in making the announcements of a scavenger hunt, next eating, and last the morning. but not least dancing. Anna Louise Short (Miss Tear) suggested that a bulletin board be erectcJ The first scavenger hunt to be tried for freshmen only. She told about in many seasons by the Peru college the one they had in Wichita and how students turned out to be very sucmuch good it did in guiding the fesh- cessful. The freshman used the idea to men. start off their hilarious evening.

Mildred Williams (Miss Diddel) urgCaptains were chosen and they seed everyone to visit the Art exhibit, lected groups of 9 or 10 persons. Each Miss Marie Wieneke is assLsting M:·. consisting of "Mickey Mouse" paint- group was given five er six articles to ~f Endor" by Hildreth. They. received Moor~ with the direction. Robert We- ings which are. now on display in the bring in for example: "The Marshall's !higl'Jy superior ratmg. The orchestra phyed "March Classi- ' ber has been placed in charge of ti,e art rooms. signature", "Dicky Baller's picture," ~ue" by von Weber and Bizet'e "Instaging, Eleanor Hemphill in charge "Different colored stockings," "an orAlice Uhlbrick <Mrs. Dunning) called f;termezzo". 'I'he orchestra received of properties and costumes, Gale Cariginal menu autographed by Mrs. Higthighly superior rating. Murph is well known on the cam- ter will direct all sound effects. ,,,..,.,,.~_...-~- a meeting of the residence girls in which "Elsie Robinson's ColU'mn" would gins." They were given one hour. to ~; Twila Mason's E fiat clarinet solo pus both in school and social activiaccomplish their feats. Marvel Lucus's be the chief theme of the program. ~received superior rating and Wilda ties. She is a member of the Dramatic group won first prize which was a box !Goings' bassoon solo received superior Club, Everetts, Y. w. c. A., Pep Squad, Carter Johnson (Dr. Smith) gave an of candy. irating. Gamma Chi and Sigma TaU' Delt.1.. announcement concerning "Sifting Corrine Whitfield, Mildred LongfelThe presidency of the dorm cou•.l '.i! Sands." He read a selection written After the hunt refrt:s!m1ents of punch, Dixie Cups, cup cakes, and \1ow, Inez Longfellow and Erna Steffen rests upon Murph's shoulders and her by Miss Tear· which had appeared in mints, were served. icomprised the saxaphone quartet. prowess in writing has been d"mcna previous issue. McCormick and Pugh ;:This group received excellent rating. strated in her "Rusty" skits and her Alice Devore (Miss Glosser) read a The lunch seemed to revi'.'e the tired · Leona Burwell, Maryon Thomas, l "Twitterbones column." Are Chosen Co-Captains list of new requirements which had "fr~sh" in short o:·der and the re:.Nancy Ellen Jones and Verda Haupt-'. 1 Twelve members of the N. I. A. A. been sent by the North Central Asso-1 mamder of the evemng was spent m ;.man comprised the horn \ championship basketball team were ciation. These reqUirements consisted dancing to music from Professor Jintet This gToup received a supenoi dra's radio and recording machine. presented with gold basketballs Mon- of such things as; having all the girls The following committee> were recontest, the band was direct-l·NEARING day in Convocation. Awards and fit- sit on the east side and all boys on the west side of the reading room, sponsible for the gre~ success of the ed by Mr. Jerome Snyder and the or- 1 ting speeches were l\lade by Dean Delsigning slips designating with whom party. . chestra was directed by Mr. Richard I, y earb ook F ea t ures zell. you would walk home after the library Turner ...Supt. s. L.. Cl~ments s:rved I Arrangement committee: Dean McCormick and Orville Pugh, was closed and other such requirements. as chairman of the distnct committee. , Informal Sections .d I seniors this year, were chosen by the Ross Russell, chairman, June Koepel, The small groups competed Fri ay ! Your Peruvian is rapidly taking Others appearing on the program team as this year's honorary co-capKenneth Wirth. and the band and orchestra competed 1 were: Verda Gingrich, Miss Ahlberg; tains. Dean made a very short speech Saturday. Peru was classified in class i shape on time. Laura BaU'm, Dr. Konig; Ruth SutorRefreshment committee: Mary Alyce c. However all four divisions, A, B, I Last week the faculty and class about the prospects for next year and ius, Miss Weare; Glenn Yont, Mr. Cle- Vanderford, chairman, Margaret Dall, c, and D were grouped together for !sections were under control and this thanked the fellows for their cooperaments; Marvin Schacht, Dr. Brown; Dean Karr, Eugene Andrews. solo and small group competition. j week the staff has finished work .'· n tion this year. Pugh, in still shorter and Glema Miers, Miss Martin. speech, seconded the remarks made The National High School Music these sections and also on the tramEntertainment committee: Keilh As a special feature the faculty preby McCormick. Contest will be held in Omaha the ing school and 'Sports section. . sented a musical nU"mber on Rhyth•'l Gibbs, chairman, Stella Rogge, Phyllis first week in May. The. highly superiThe Peruvian this year features inCoach Baller was also.presented with Band instrU'ments. Benson. or rating qualifies the band and the formalness on every hand. For the a gold basketball and nominated by orchestra for this contest. first time basketball action shots will Dean Delzell as the "best basketball be included in the book; ne wfootball coach in Nebraska." Poets Produce Poetry shots will be shown at intriguing The following players received aFor Sprin<> "Sifting Sands" I angles; full page division pictures will wards: More tha; fifty Peru students, fac- attract your attention and a sparkliq.g Howard Dean, Lincoln, Febr. ulty, and alumni have submitted con- series of campus life pictures will aLester Mosley, ong, Nebr. tributions to Sigma Tau Delta's spring muse you. edition of "Sifting Sands." Dr. Smith The faculty section is informal and Bob Halladay, Hancock, Ia. Names Revealed Monday is president of Symphonium, secretary has extended the deadline for contri- includes pictures of faculty members Gene Miller, Lincoln, Nebr. of Gamma Chi, and takes part in EvWhen Final Ballot is Taken butions to Tuesday noon, April 5. as you know them-plus facts you proberett Literary Society, piano Ensemble, Roland Cowell, Peru, Nebr. Work on the book was started Sat- ably don't know about your pet prof. Which four of the popular and W. A. A. Leonard Greathouse, Ord, Nebr. urday. The Peruvian, Pedagogian, Young Jerome Snyder from Arapahoe, Neeight nominees will be chosen as Severn Handley, Auburn, Nebr. Peoples 'C'!ristian Associations, counbraska, has majored in music and and the most representative stu· cils and girls club officers arc a1, inGlen Sheely, Elk Creek, Nebr. mathematics. He has done fine work dents? All are energetic and formr l. Orville Pugh, Peru, Nebr. as director of Peru's broadc~st. is presCOLLEGE CALENDAR Advertish1g this year will be larger active seniors well known on the ident of the senior class, and is a memDean McCormick, Syracuse, Nebr. 0 than eyer-glance ,t the P•m1via11 Tuesdaycampus. ber of the band, Alpha Mu Omega, Russel Bailey, DeWitt, Nebr. board for a list rf t:FH w11: patronize Y. M., Y. W., C. C. A., 7-8 p.m. Vivian McKimmey from Fairbury, Men's Club, and Symphonium. Jack Mc!nytre, Nebraska City, Nebr. Nebraska, has majored in music and Peru. James McAllister .claims this Broadcast, 8:30 to 9:00 p. m. Fredric!' J. Wolter from Ohiowa, Nesection will be bigger, better and far mathematics. She is president of Kap- braska, has majored in physical sciWednesdaymore interPsting ,;hm e1er hcfore. pa Delta Pi, a sponsor of Peru Play- ence. He is the editor of the Recital, 7-8 p. m. Top all this off with the striking new FIVE ESC!\.PE INJURY ers, and a member of Dramatic Cluh, Peruvian, Beta Beta Beta, Lambda Delcover and the "gold name" idea-what Y. W. C. A., Pep Squad, Piano Ensem- ta Lambda, band, and Alpha Mu OmeThursdayWHEN CAR OVERTURNS a book for only $3.50. ble, Alpha Erudite (Scholarship), Garn· ga. A 1937 Plymouth sedan was practiFreshman Clubs, 7-8 p. m. All of the above new attempts are ma Chi fgirls club), Alpha Mu Omega James McAllister from Dunbar, NeDramatic Club, 8-9:30 p. m. making this year's Peruvian the most cally demolished, and five girls badly Eymphonium, and W. A. A. (athletic braska, has majored in chemistry and expensive Peruvhn. An appeal has shaken up when the car in which they association). mathematics. He is business manager Fridayb~en made by Frit.z Wolters and James were riding struck a soft spot in the Blanche Freeman of Bellevue, Neof the Peruvian, sponsor of FingerBudget play, 8:00 p. m. McAllister to all students-"overcome road Thursday afternoon. Th~ ocw- braska, has majored in commerce. She print Club, and is active in Dramatic ing, 11:30 a. m. this added expense by buying a 1938 pants of the car included: Norma is president of Gamma Chi, treasure of Club, Philomatheon Literary Society, Dramatic Club Business MeetPeruvian." Knapp and Eda Allen, former Pera W. A. A., and belongs to the Everett Y. M. C. A., Alpha Mu Omega, Kappa. SaturdayLiterary Society, Peru Singers, Peru- .uelta Pi, Lambda,Delta Lambda, and students, Ruth Lytton, Kay Samuels, All-college Dance W. A. A. Tournament Over vian, and Symphonium. Men's Club. and Hazel Vanier. Maxine Metcalf of Beatrice, NebrasJoel Punches from Wymore, NebrasSteiner's Team Winners MondayHazel Vanier SU'ffered from shock ka, has majored in home economics ka, has majored in physical science The W. A. A. girls have finished theit Sigma Tau Delta, 8-9 p. m. basketball tournament, which was won an~ a dislocated vertebra, and Eda Al- and physical education. She is on tne and mathematics. He was voted tl', Crawdads, 7-8 p. m. by Arlene Steiner's team. Now the !en had both shoulders wrenched. The Student Advisory Council, guard of most valuable member of the football Lambda Delta, 7-8 p. m. girls are starting to play soft ball pre- girls were taken to Dr. Joder's office Kappa Omicron Phi, and a member of team for World-Herald publication Epsilon Pi Tau, 7-8 p. m. paratory to a soft ball tournament. All for treatment and Hazel was taken to Alpha Mu Omega, Gamma Chi, W. A. purposes, elected captain of the foocKind.-prim. clubs, 7-8 p. m. A., and Pep Squad. ball team, president of P. Club, presigirls who are interested in this game the Infirmary for the night. Class meeting·s, 10:30 a. m. Anita Searle from Fort Crook, Ne- dent of Men's Club, and participated are welcome to come out and get their Maxine Metcalf and Verona Klone brought the girls back to Peru. braska, has majored in English. She in swimming. basketball, and track. practices in for the tournament.











Eight Nominated as Representative Students

THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN sor. Many small schools do not ha debate as an activity."

The Peru Pedagogian Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents.

Peruvians Favoring Stage Various Questions Lead


Locals, 10 cents per line

Display 20 cents per inch.

STAFF Editor ....................................... Norman Littrell Associate Editor ........................... : .. . . . . Bert Hall Sports Ec1itor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Sheely Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • iiss Flore~ce Martin .Advertising Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William :(3ischoff REPORTERS Russell Bailey Bertie Boom Ruth Roberts Grace Hnizda Frances Staley

Melba Obernolte Bert Hall Edward Short Jean Wagner Lawrence Weston

To Heated Discussions Which should be stressed, debate or dramatics? Which will bring greater prestige to Peru and which will ha.ve greater carry-over into future life? 1hese were a few of the questions fired at Peru this week as Pedagogian reporters tried to ascertain the feeling toward dramatics and debate. Heated discussions came from those inter,viewed-but in the final analysts

I think that some money should be taken away from dramatics and g~ven to debate. I would rather attenl a debate. C'ollege people are much betr.;r in debate than in dramatics. If a school is to help your brain, then debate sh,ould be· stressed. Dramatics would benefit the greater number but I believe in quality rather than quantity. The dramatic club would have enough activities if they would just 'give shor.t plays among their own own groups at their meetings."

GENEVA MILLER: "Debate wou have more carry-over into later life it would enable on to present th point of view in a more convinc· way. Dram~tics would advertise interest to the general public. Dra tics would give more people a ch to participate as debate takes only few people." ELAINE EDDY: shoould be laid on dramatics. It is belief that dramatics would be be supported and attended by the s dent body as a whole. "Debate would probably do more

Eleanor Nieman Peruvians are for emphasis to be laid MILDRED HUBKA: "I like debates advance the school unless drama, Martha Clifton on dramatics. They believe that C!ra- and plays too. If a debate team is were put on an inter-collegiatr com matics has tr.ore carry-over, is mo :e good enough I think debate would keep Anna Louise Short interesting to watch and gives more up the interest of the school but I be- tition basis, then I would say dra ics would c' o L1•Jre Hubert Johnson students a chance to participate. lieve dramatics would be better. I E;chool's reputation. Mildred Williams A Pedagogian Look-in On Peruvian think dramatics would benefit the most

PART I-IN WHICH MURPH SPEAKS So I'm supposed to write the editorials? Ha! Ha! Me, write editorials?-! don't write editorials, I write gossip columnsOh Il\)! I don't write gossip columns either, that was last week. Mayb~ I don't write anything-Who knows? Maybe I sing-me--mi -mi -nope, surely I don't sing (Heav· en forbid). Maybe I write Poetry. This is a verse. It is written . . b" d' I h h h m 1am IC 1meter. t as a r ynie scheme. T e rhyme scheme is A.-B.-C.-B; (I made it up myself) I write In verse What could Be worse?

Feelings: ROBERT WEBER: "Debate and dramatics are about as comparable as basketball and fqotball. Would you stress one of these over the other? Of course not. They are two different things and are equally important. They are related· in that certain personality· requirements are necessary to both, but to stress one at the expense of the other is not even an intelligent question for discussion. Both are necessary and of great importance."

students. Dramatics is more true to life. I wonld rather see dramatic;, stressed. I think if debate is stressed they should give one play each seme~ter to give stu~ents the opportunity to act." MRS IRENE JONES: "I would prefer that dramatics be stressed in the speech department as I believe dramatics has more carry-over into later life. If one learns to appreciate good acting he can always appreciate it."

MARIE WIENCKE: "I think that equal time should be devoted to debate and dramatics in both the curricular

GLADYS LOTTMAN: "I think dramatics shou;.d be strt:ssed bec:mse it ineludes more than just speech, it includes make-up and stage craft. Drama gives the performer more opportunities to develop his originality. I would much rather attend a play than a debate. Dramatics would keep up the reputation of the schol because mor? people are interested in dramatics than in debate. The majority of people understand dramatics because it is mvre on the elevel of every day life and it solves muny of the problems of l·~e I should expect speech, expression, an1 gestures to be taught in the dramatics c'epartment if speech were str.i.1,:;:d."

and extra-curricular activities in the speech department. If one is stressed at the expense of the other, the deIsn't it pretty. Oh, you don't think so? Well, aren't you queer? partment will become one-sided rathe: than giving a well rounded program 1f Very well then, if you insist I'll write the editorials now. activity." PART II-IN WHICH SHE WRITES AN EDITORIAL MR. BENFORD: "With my own knowledge of the two I would say that The results of this week's "Question: of the week" leads one to dramatics would help the reputation wonder. "Must there be a diffff erentiation made between debate of the school. Dramatics give an opand dramatics?" Why could they not be considered under the portunity to a greater number to parone heading, Dramatics, with Plays, Debate, Choral Reading, Pag. ticipate. As to the carry~over value of these two, if one is seeking a political eants, and such things as sub•divisons? career debate would have the greatest Surely there are. enough· people on the campus interested in value, but dramatics would probably each of these activities that one need not be stressed at the expense have more value in ordinary conversa of the other. They all require different types of ability and per· tion." sonality, and Mr. Moore has already proved himself very capable BOB WINDLE: "I think the college should put a little more emphasis on of handling them all. debate, but I sti!I think debate shouldLet's not say "Debate will put our school on the map" or "Dra· n't be stressed as much as dramatics. matics will make us famous" but, "Peru is widely known as the Debate would probably help the reputation of the school more, because they school with the excellent Dramatic Department." do not have dramatic contests like PART III-IN WHICH SHE STARTS STOPPING they do debate for colleges. I s:ippose dramatics would benefit the greatSee, I did write an editorial, even if it doesn't sound like me. er number. Debate would ha1•e the I guess I'm just not the editorial type. Maybe all the people in greatest carry-over especially if one the world could be divided up into two types-the editorial type were taking a law course. 'I'he s·.. l100l and the Gossip-Column type. Oh you don't think so? Well, what should try stressing debate for a year or two, but the dramatic department would that make you if they could be? should give plays and even give some It was a good idea anyway-you migh~ do a cartoon on it if over the radio." the printer could print a bird. "This is a picture of a Watch-bird MAXINE METC'ALF: "Debate offers watching the Editorial type." "This is a picture of the Watch-bird the chance of oral expression and this watching you." "Have you been the Editorial type this month?" would be of greater advantage to the students. So much of the dramatic Well, Normie, I've had a grand time ramblin on here, and thanks activities aren't comparable with what a lot for the opportunity. As for the rest of you, I only hope you you can see in a professional way. I enjoy reading this one-tenth as much as I do writing it, and if would rather attend a debate than i\ the headline comes out on the last page, think nothing of it, it's only, play. Dramatics would probably benefit more students but debate will ha V3 MURPH. the greater. carry-over values into later life. I believe that choral readin; could be worked in effectively in the Grand Festival .......... DeLamater dramatic activities." Orchestra And Band Frerich Horn Quartette . . . . . . . . Leona BLANCHE FREEMAN: "I would

Give Firie Concert

The concert given last week by Bertwell, Maryon Th6mas, Nancy the (\l'chest~a and band was V'€irY Ellen Jones, Verda Hauptman. greatly appreciated by the very atten- Band:: March of the steel Men .. Belsterling tive audience present. Proceeds from Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring .... Bach the sale of tickets amount to a little Witch of Endor ............. Hildreth over $38, which will make it possible for the organizations to participate in Saxophone Quartette . . Erna Steffen the district contest -to be held in Fre- .Mildred Longfellow, Inice Longfellow. mont next Saturday. Corine Whitfield. The orchestra was directed by RichMr. Kruse, who teaches music in ard Turner and the band by Jerome Nebraska City, was present for the purSnyder. The program follows:: pose of offering constructive criticism Bassoon solo . . . . . . . . . . Wilda Goings which might help in later preparing the contestants. Orchestra: Choral . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. Schumann :March Classique .......... VonWeber Spring special on all permanents; n termezzo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bezel Ardyth's Beauty Shop, Phone 223.-ad.

ELAINE SHAFFER: "I don't think that one should be stressed at the expense of the other. They are both important. I enjoy seeing a play more than a debate because I don't know enough about debate to appreciate it. It will depend on how each is carried out as to which will benefit the school the most. Both debate and dramatics are valuable for gaining poise, but debate develops originality and logical thinking more than drama does. Dramatics will benefit the greater number. Yes, I would like to see debate stressrd. If debate were stressed the dramatic club should give the regular homecoming play and some other events st.ch as a budget play.

WILMA LICHTY: "I think it wo be a good phn to stress debate f year or two. I would expect the matic department to put on two productions a year and carry on l"eru Players. Debate would give more prestige with other schools. Mi people go out for dramatics. It is m entertaining. More talent and in lect are necessary to participate in bate." RUTH should be stressed, but dramatics a wider appeal. I like debate bee it is a study of the question, gives thorough knowledge of a current ject, gives practice in logical t ing, and expression of those ideas tense debate work would help school immensely to establish it with other schools. Dramatics benefit the greater number but de has breater carry-over value in I think debate shoud be stressed a while but it would take more th year or two to conclusively show provement." MRS. MARSH: "I personally am terested in debate. You learn a ·' 'deal in it. However, you learn a deal in both so they should be equ ed. More people would come to school for dramatics because more ple are interested in. acting. The greater value in debate, but there more calls for dramatic teachers. would like to see debate equally str ed with dramatics. Dramatics been a wonderful activity on the c pus, and students get a great deal pleasure om cf it.

Ch<1> tJ!];> ICi\ED

JANE OHANDLER: "I think dramatics should be stresed because it affords more opportunity for participa- '" ti~!J,. More people enjoy dramatics ' than enjoy debate. Dramatics has a greater carry-over value because it would help a teacher to a greater extent in her w0rk. More drama is \1eard in every day life over the radio a1 ·.rl one ~ees it in practically all entertainments.

MARGARET SAVILLE: "An understanding of plays and readings and how to coach them is of more value to prospective teachers than debate berather attend a play; however a first cause, regardless of the size of the rate debate team would be more scho- school or its location, there are a certain number of plays given each year lastic and would help the reputation of that the teachers are required to spon the school more. Dramatics would benefit the greatest number but debate would have the greatest carry-over KINGSOLVER value. It would be a good idea to stress debate for a while, as an exper:BARBER SHOP ment. I think that they could. put dramatics. into the Play Productio 1 Below Barnes Drug Store class." MARY ELIZABETH WERNER: "I think they ought to spend a lot more money on debate than they have bee·J. More people can be in dramatics and it gives people a lot more experience "A Mighty Good Place to Trade'' but I be)ieve that debate has much more intellectual value than dramatics.

The Mardis Store





·----------....,! (Extra! Extra I Fire! Fire! COO-PED-LING I Actors Save Auditorium By HEART I "~o! Look at the smoke!" I

Coo-ped turns to various topics and gives a review this week of curious information .you should know-a study of history. Coo-ped doesn't wish to stint anyone and has no set severe stipulations to follow-however we have suffered S9· vere stricture and can visualize many people in the act of sternutation at this column. However we pass over all obstacles and present our weakly bits ,_1f this-er-that. Time turtles on-with Coo-Ped· Historic Scene: The Lone Tree, an immense cottonwood 4 feet thick and very tal:, which stood in Nebraska, almost in the center of the continent-or to be exact 1 mil.; off. rt was the lanJmark and resting place for Califonia go·cl seakers.

shouted Mary Kathryn Hanlan, pointing to the hazy atmosphere that was slowly enveloping the stage in the auditorium. This commonplace remark did con&iderable to break the moqotony of the play try-outs that were being held in the auditorium Tuesday evening ir which Harold Prichard, Marie Wieneke, Grace Mary Hnizda, Laura Bau , Dean Karr and Mary Kathryn Hanlan were taking part.


CAT TALES By Glen Sheely

The first track meet was held yesterday at Maryville, Mo., and now the coaches have a better idea of who can do what and how well they cah do


The following boys made the trip to Maryville: Turner Hall Miller Floyd Horacek Lindberg Stark Bailey Cb well Greathouse Ogg Hozelton McHugh .. Walker Mosley Nelson Collins Bowen

Various guesses followed as to the possible source of the smoke, like: "Maybe the janitor is burning trash on the lawn!" This solution not seeming exactly plausible, an investigation was made which revealed a smouldering fire caused by a defective wire. "Get a blanket and we will put it out," screamed one of the: braver byThe gold basketballs you saw prestanders. sented at convocation yesterday were A mad search for a blanket imme- the first ones that Peru has had for diately took place. Billy Vance ap- several years. peared upon the scene and proved himThe balls are made of lOK gold and self a hero of the hour by quickly have "N. I. A. A. Champions" and the producing the fire extinguisher. In a players names engraved on them. The very short 1ime, all was well, or '.lo year "1938" and· a blue letter "P" least oetter. stand in relief on the side of the ball. Play try-Juts were once more re· sumed out not without a few casual remarks such as: "Well, if WE hadn't been here that might have been oeri-

A monument now stands there on ous!" which is inscribed:: "On this spot stood the original Lone Tree." Original Contributions ..•ore History: Read By Scribblers The cost of finding· America is estimated at $7500. Columbus's sailors An especially interesting meeting were paid $2.45 a month, Columbus held Thursday night, March 31, at Mrs. $320 a year and each captain $192 '" Baker's home, saw the reading of original contributions and the discussion year. of a variety of ideas which might well Historic Rock: be employed in the writing of poetry. Talking Roel,, a post office in PickMerritt McNeal, Elaine Eddy, and Mar· in's County, Georgia, got its name jorie Harris all presented selections, thusly: "S'ome one discovered a large from which were selected those worthy stone upon which was painted 'Turn of publication in the scrapbook-to-be. me over.' After minutes of tugging and pushing, the feat was accoplished. There was painted .the commanc, 'Now turn me back and let me fool BOOK WORM MENU someone else'.'' State 49 The State of Franklin existed in the United States from 1785 to 1788.

Home Problems People

Aufenkamp is Hostess

Breakfast in Class

At Buffet Luncheon

Some people get all the breaks. At least so it seems when an eight o'clock class turns into a breakfast hour. That is just what happened for a part of the Home Problems Class Wednesday morning, March 30. Margaret Sa ville acted as hostess and Paul Sims as host. A yellow and white color scheme was used. The menu consisted of grapefruit, scrambled eggs, bacon, coffee cake, and coffee. Reversing the order of events, the other half of the ~!ass held a bre'.lkfast Thursday, March 31, at 5:00 p. m. The hostess was Mrs. Isabelle Hays and the host, Bill Saale. A menu of grapefruit, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, ham, 111uffins, jell;r, and coffee were served.

Maxine Aufenkamp was hostess at a buffet luncheon held Wednesday evening, March 30 at 7:00. The guests were members of the Food and Table Service class. Ruth Sutorius was th9 waitress. The following menu was served: h2.m timbales, pear salad, biscuits, jelly, relish, fresh strawberries and jello, Marquisette crackers, mints, nuts and coffee. Miss Tear was an interesting speaker in the fourth grade Monday afternoon. She told the children about her trip to Switzerland and showed some Swiss pictures and articles from Switzerland to the class. I

r n - =~~-~~,,

Two convocation periods have been devoted to the nomination and elec Lion of those sudents considered representative leaaers on Peru's campus. Blanche Freeman, Vivian McKimmey,

Tailor Made suifs MANY NEW SAMPLES

Maxine Metcalf, Anita Searle, James Mc_Allister, Joel Punches, Jerome Snyder and Frederick J. Wolter have been nominated by the student ·body. In

I think all of us are plenty proud of these awards and we wish to thank everyone who did his part to put the grand spirit behind the team all season and help Peru win the state championship.







Phone 109

Miss Margaret Saville had as her guests Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Tipton of Greeley, Colorado, and Mrs. Florence Donily of Evans, Colorado.


Our Sandwiches ai·e the Best

You must be Satisfied

Here are real values-buy now

Bus Cafe

Medicinal Atomizers

50c 75c $1 00 ' · McKESSON Cod Liver Oil 100 size79C

MINERAL OIL extra heavy .. qt 89C

"Oh, Promise Me"-Kenneth Horan FRENS Sanitary Napkins ...... · 17 C Here in is contained the story of Rn KOTEX .................. 2 for 39c important family of a little town in Michigan. Through "Pappa's" posi- Caldwell's SYRUP PEPSIN 60 size49c tion in the Republican party the fami· ly is always saving the nation. The $1.50 Monclair Alarm Clock $1.19 book is written by the younger of thi; MILK of MAGNESIA full pt. . . 29c two little girls who remember with amazing detail the manners, clothes, McKessen TOOTH PASTE 25c sz.19t: furnishings and political expressions Anteseptine Mouth Wash pt. . 49c l Mrs. Bride-I'll take a few of of the "dear dead days so recently left your beets if they are live ones. behind.." Hind's Honey & Almond Cream 41c Dealer-Live ones, ma'am?A charming book. Mrs. Bride-Oh yes, I must have HOT WATER BOTTLES 39c An An1erican Doctor's Odyssey live ones. I heard my husband say he has no use for dead beets. Victory Heis•;r. lOc Dexter Milk facial Soap 2 for 15c This book is a thrilling story of adBells-Bells-Bells: venture, told by a man whose chief 50c TOOTH BRUSHES guar bris. ~9C An interesting and romantic subject work has been in health education and -just try and visualize the romance EASTMAN CAMERAS ...... 98c !IP the eradication of disease. There is a Peru's bell has seen. combination of glamour, shrewd wis- Films developed roll ........... ·25c The oldest bell in the United Stalf::s dom, fact, fun and inspiration packed hangs in the rectory of East Haddam, in this most unusual book of Victo Barn Paint ......... gal. $1.25 Conn. It is dated A. D. 803 and was Heiser's experiences · in the United brought to America as ballast. 0 Ifs Candid Camera The famous bells of the Bastille now States and abroad. 16 shots ......... · .. $5.00 repose in a private house in Jaris. 'Ihese two books belong to the rentThe Bell of St. Patrick is preserve~ al collection. in a shrine in the Royal Irish Acadef'1Y "Time Out of 1ilnd"-Rachel Field Special discount on all Fountair. at Dublin. It io dated A. D. 557. Nat Fortune was in love with music Pens and wanted to become a composer. Big Ben, the largest bell in L mdon, is a bah; beside some bells in China His father was determined that he become a ship-ovmer as three generations and Russia---QU6 of which weight 319 of Fortunes had been before him. The tons. episodes n Nat's life are very compliS & H Green Stamps Good Night: cated and tragic. Lives there a student with soul so dead The story is strong and unusual and KUBY'S BEAUTY SHOP Who never to himself has said: very readable from cover to cover. "To heck with studies, Latest Hair Styles The unselfish love of Kate Fernald, "I'm going·to bed."-Bethel Collegian. daughter of the house keeper at ForPhone 9 for appointment Spring special on all permanents- tune's Folly, is an interesting element Ardyth's Beauty Shop, Phone 223.-ad. in this romantic tale.






on Lee Tires 4.40 4.50 4.50

x x x

21 .. .. .. .. . . .. 5.99 20 ............ 6.39 21 .. . . . . . . . .. . . 6.60

4.75 x19 . .. .. . . .. .... 6.80 5.25 x 17 . . ' . . . . . 7.88 5.25 x 18 .............. 8.15

Phillip's '66' Oil in a good 2-nozzle heavy can 5 gal. can and all


Pryor Garage We




Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Office

KLENZING tissues, 500 sheets ... ·23c

i. 11


and SAVE "Oh Promise Me," no that isn't the song sung at a wedding but the title of a book recommended by the Book Worm. "An American Doctor's Odyssey'' and Time Out of Mind" are two other dishes which your friend B. W. found pleasing to his palate.






most favored line. Suits from I/' of all pure wool fabrics in our I.I! J us t received greatest variety

the 1938 Peruvian will appear pictures of the two boys and two girls receiving the highest poll in the final vot-

Most o{ us don't have a "dollar-and- ing. a-half" watch and chain but until we get one we can wear the ball hanging from the blue and white ribbon.


111 ;1 1

call for and Deliver

Phillips 66


THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN Shuitliff at Marine Hospital Marcellus Shuitliff, who attended PeALMUNI TRAIL ru for two years, 1931-32 and 1932-33 is By Mildred Williams now taking his internship in the Marine Hospital at Seattle, Washington. "Marley" married a nurse in the hosBrecht Has Fine Results pital and they have a baby daughter Miss Evelyn Brecht, class of '33, mu- Sandra Jean. sic supervisor at Humboldt, has directed her pupils to ~markable results. Peruvians at Conference At the Little Ten Music Contest held At the joint conference of the Deat Humboklt, March 24-25 at which partments of Elementary School Professor Jindra and Professor Steck Principals, Industrial Arts Teachers, officiated,~ Humboldt was awarded and superintendents and Principals thirteen superior ratings. These win- heid at Lincoln March 25-26 the -folners will be presented over the Peru ·1owing Peruvians were reported presbroadcast at an early date. ent: Superintendent Lefler, Lincoln; suTwenty-four entries were made at the District Music Contest held at Fr2- perintendent Jimerson, Auburn; Ralph mont April 1-2, and of these, five Seihorn, Auburn; Superintendent Floyd rated highly superior, ten rated rn- Miller, Wilcox; Superintendent Barton perior and the.remaining nine received Redfern, Big Springs; G. W. Deubler, ratings of excellent. Principal of Athens School at Auburn; Harold Peterson, North High Omaha; 'Ihe five highly superior events will H. G. Meents, North High Omaha; be entered at the National Regional Floyd Chase, North High Omaha; RayMusic Contest which will be held in mond Schriener, Kearney; Melvin Ethington, Fairmont; Superintendent C. Omaha this year. R. Gates, Grand Island; Paul Aue, Elm Miss Brecht was recently reelected with an attractive increase in salary. Creek; Emery Priefert, Lncoln; George She plans to do graduate work to- Kuhl, Union and David Stites, Newards her master's degree this sum- braska City. mer at the University of Michigan. Peru People Prosper Ben N. Church of the class of 1929 sends greetings to the school. He is located at McGill, Nevada. In his letter he speaks of Raymond carter, a boy who was born and raised in Peru and received his degree here in 1919. He has been a prominent teacher in the Ely schools. He recently accepted a position with a consolidated copper company which is quite a promotion to him financially. Frank Godwin of the class of 1928 is coaching at Furnley, Nevada. Mr. A. L. Carman, ·v7, another native Peru man who last taught as Superintendent at Brownville, is now Superintendent at Yerington. Another Peruvian, a Fairbury boy, Harold Mccreight, who grnduated in 1929, is doing excellent work at Ely, Colorado as science teacher. ,John Foster, '36, better known to the more recent Peruvians, is doing the ba11d work at McGill. John was married last summer and, they have established their home at McGill. He is a very popular band master.

Petersen's Studio Visited By Kodak Club A trip to the Petersen studios in Auburn to learn more of how a real studio is conducted, characterized this week's meeting of Kodak Club. Roy Lively, James Lambert, Clarion Smith, Eva Jane Bunday, Doris Schnepp anr\ Lorainne Flau, constituted the inter~sted members of the expedition. 'They were accompanied by Mr. Hayward, their sponsor and his wife. Mr. Petersen explained the operating of his large camera, illustrated the developing and printing of films, showed how enlargements are made and how negatives are re-touched and pictures tinted. The club received !:oth in:formation and inspiration from their trip.

Sisters re-elected at Tecumseh Mrs. Alton Wagner and Miss Margaret Clark, sisters teaching in the Tecumseh .~chools, have both been reelected with increase in salary. Mrs. Wagner received her degree in 1935 while Miss Clark has attended during 32-33 and several summers. Pike to Pawnee

Peru Singers Plan Spring Concert Tour

Doane Players to Dr~:11atize Mrs. Joder's Latest Play Mrs. Anna Best Joder of Peru announced that the latest one-act play, entitled "Bola's Learnin" will be dramtized by the Doane Players of Crete. The play is to be Mrs. J oder's entry in the one-act Folk-Lore tournament to be held at Cape Girabeau, Missouri on April 8 to 9. "Bola's Learnin'', which depicts the life of Missouri river people, is done in the style of one who knows her river people. Mrs. Joder is editor of Player's Magazine which is the official publication of National Collegiate, Player:::. Among her many works are. included "The Perfect Gentlemen and "The Shadow." "The Perfect Gentlemen", recent country and district winner is now entered in the Texas state tournament.

The first project of the club was a publication which was circulated among various high schools. Members of the fraternity wrote the artcles and published the pamphlet. 'The articles dealt with Peru industrial art doings -both present and future. Monday, members of the fraternity visited Southeastern Nebraska high schools for the purpose of seeing how work is done in industrial arts departments in small schools.


See Phys Ed Demonstration


Daughter born to McMullens A daughter, Nancy Del, was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McMullen of Stella Wednesday, March 23. Mrs. McMullen was formerly Velma Fulton who received her two-year diploma in August, 1931.


Dramatic coach,,s, who were either former students or alumni, b·ctnglng students to the contest were. Mr~. Alton Wagner, '35, of Tecumseh; Merritt Whitten, "33, Nebraska City; Edith Davenport, '29, Pawnee City; Virginia Johnson, '37, Humboldt; and Mlss Camilla Haskins of Stella who attended during 1933-34.

son. There will be no fees and group formed may choose their sports. This opportunity for fun wholesome exercise is


the Peru branch of the A. A. U. W. Come Wednesday April 6 at 8 o'c

Surgeon and Physician

Res. 39

Milstead Corner Phone Office 33

D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebr City, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Thr Glasses stted. Phone 144.-Professi al Card. ------------"BIG MUDDY CHIEF" Corn Sheller An efficient, up to date, machine built for those who use improved and modern methods of farming. This sheller is quick and 10(}% efficient. Designed especially for the farmers living around and near Peru. H. RAY HAUPTMAN Phone 201





Let us check your car-Complete Service-Washing '.lnd Epsilon Pi Tau Completes

Peru Theatre

With the· cooperation of Peru people Thurs., Fri., Sat., April 7-8-9 and students transportation was provided for the group Sunday. A Burlington bus will arrive next week to take them on the tour. PRISONER OF ZENDA It is the desire of the singers to represent their school well and return APRIL 10-11 from their trips with colors flyiug. Barbara Stanwick Y. F. C. A. Members Discuss IN STELLA DALLAS

The German-Austrian situation was Tues., Wed., April 12-13 the topic of discussion at the joint Stuart Erwin Tyrone Power meeting of Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. IN Tuesday evening. George Grossoehme gave a discusSECOND HONEYMOON sion concerning the situation within Ruth Hawxby Married Ruth L. Hawxby of Omaha was mar- Germany. He told how the ammunition facto.·ried to M. L. Knouse of Omaha at tl.ie Tabernacle Christian Church at Lincoln, Saturday, April 2. Mrs. Knouse had attended Peru three years, tbe last year being 35-36. Former Peruvians at Contest

nasium directed by Miss Phyllis Da



Present War Situation

Miss Davidson took Maxine Metcalf, Zelda Carmine, Ruth Lytton, ·Katherine Bartling, and Edna Mae Peterson to Beatrice, March 25 to see a physical education demonstration. With the exception of one number, done by the senior high school girls, the program was presented by grade and Junior High students. It inclucJ.ed games, tumbling, folk dancing, and modern dancing.

Attend Convention

Peru Singers are coming to the front Two Major Projects with a winning group. Epsilon Pi Tau the industrial a1ts As in any game they are anxious fraternity, has undertaken a vigorous to win the favor of their audience by campaign this year. The fraternity is under the sponsorship of Professors a large score. After intense training they are start- Larson and Lindstrom. ing to make trips to surrounding towns and are planning to leave on their r tour April 10. They sang before a very appreciative audience in Auburn Sunday afternoon and Brock that night.

Dale Pike, who has been with t,he governmrnt soil conservation work at Syracuse, 1'as been transferred to Pawnee City. Mr. Pike attended Peru in 32-33 B.nd 33-34. Mrs. Pike, the former Roberta Flatt, a student of Peru, and baby son, Billy, visited Mrs. Dunning one afternoon of last week.

recreation group in the college

and each Wednesday evening there

Gilkeson and Davidson

Coach Glenn Gilkeson and Miss Phyllis Davidson attended the convention of The Central District American Physical Education Association held at Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 30 to April 2. Miss Davidson returned urday night and ·Mr. Gilkeson, who was detained in Omaha by illness in the family, returned to Peru Monday noon. Miss Davidson stated that she gained much from the interesting programs presented. She saw many demonstrations of different types of work by the University of Minnesota and by the Minnesota high schools. "I heard many good speakers from prominent educational fields," said Miss Davidson, "and I received a number of new ideas and saw numerous people I knew." "The last night an ice carnival was held in the big arena and I saw some wonderful skaters, including the famous Canadian skaters. It was swell; I have never seen anything like it before," stated Miss Davidson.

Peru women are invited to jo









"Spring Fever" Delights Large Peru Audience Three-Act Farce Well Pres-:::1ted Peru play-goers were



tertained Friday evening by the presentation of the play "Spring Fever," a farce in three acts. The play was light, fast moving', and the wit, spontaneity, and bouyancy of the speech and action of the characters combined to make it most amusing. There was a judicious balance of youth and maturity in the cast which afforded ample opportunity for a wide range of characterization. In the setting of Hrs. Spangler's rooming· house, with loud explosions every now and then from Ed's "Stinkum Stinktorum". each member of the cast caught the spint of the play and gave an impressive interpretation. • Ed Burns, a balmy chemistry student, who was always concocting a substitute for dynamite, was effectively portrayed by Richard Slagle. Ed kept the nerves of all present on the jump. At the same time he did a good job of keeping .Lou Herron's heart beating abnormally. Mary Ellen Slack, in the role of I,ou Herron an enterprising journalism student, dashed hither and yon trying cominua1ly to bump into a good news story ar d parking herself wherever she couid find a typewriter. Many obser· vers wert of the opinion that it was Lou who kept the tempc of the play going as it did. n.oward Brant's Aunt Mau(k, who had financed his way through college, arrived unexpectedly from California and complicated the already muddlej situation. It was Aunt Maude, however, who finally saved the day for How~rd with her romance with Profess:1r

Benn. J.vhry Olive Richard~cn portrayed Aunt Maud_. w th the confidence and sureness th?,t romes with a thcrough understanding of the role. Mary Olive's "never die" will and clever way of getting what she started after added nmch to the merriment of the play. 11oyd Hein\ interpreting creditably the role of commercial artist, provided many laughs when he mistook Anne's father, Mr. Purcell, for a Russian Bolshevik model. As a substitute physician and as Vivian's sweetheart he was equally mirth-provoking. Gilbert Purucker, as Henry Pu :cP!l

=============~ COLLEGE CALENDAR

8:30 to 9:00 p. m.


Girls Club 7-8 p. m. Thursday-

Shortened Schedule FridaySaturday-

Sp1ing vacation SundayFreshman Council 10:30 a. m. crawdads, 7-8 p. rrl. Alpha Psi 7-8 p.m. Y. M., Y. W., C. C. A., 7-8 p.m.

Kappa Delta Pi 8-9 p. m.

A diagnosis was made of the illnesses of 20 people who were the guest of

cell was the part of Mrs. Spangler, proprietress of a typical college rooming house. Leona Simmons brought into real life the snoopy and somewhat illiterate landlady'. Dr. Dixon, president Qf Brookfield, was continually looking for the endowment with which to start building a new science hall. Bernard Goerke in this role exhibited continual fear that the money would escape his eager grasp. Thaine Cook, as the eccentric "bug-oiogy" professor, 'was a ln.u:;:".• provoker when he snared Howard's Aunt Maude-or did she snare him? Director Robert D. Moore succeeded in securing good acting on the part of a cast composed largely of freshmen. Miss Marie Winck.e, as assistant director is also deserving of commendation. The accurate timing of the sound effects (principally explosions from Ed Burns' laboratory) can be credited to Gale Carter. Red Cross to Pay For Two Operations The Nemaha county Chapter of the American Red Cross has some money at their disposal which is to be apportioned out to the different schools in he county for tonsilectomies. Each chool is to be allowed two such operations for worthy cases who can not finance their own. Dr. Joder will remove tonsils of two pupils in the Trainng School.

Several Peru students have received positions for the coming year. Others have been


but have not yet ac-

cepted. Among the seniors reporting elections are: Howard Miller, music and English at Eagle; Wylie Remmers, history, social science and coachmg at Garland; Maxine Metcalf, home economics, English, and dramatics at Overton and Evaline West, mathematics and science at Ansley. The Peru Placement Bureau is continuing to get a good many vacancies, and up to the present time, it has been necessary to make over more than three li:nrn as many sets of credentials for students as last year at this same time. If he still has his appendix and his

tonsils, the chances are that he is a doctor.

Peruvian Singers Start Spring Tour

Mrs. Inice Dunning at a Hospital pJ.rty given Saturday evening in the ReGreat!on Hall of the dormitory. Epsilon Pi Tau Members


Concerts Are To Be

Given In Many Towns When the guests arrived, they had 1 Visit Manual Art Shops The Peru Singers, traveling in a their temperatures taken by nHrse' Mr. Larson and Mr. Lindstrom, char- Burlington bus, journeyed to Rockport with candy thermometers. ter member of the P. S. T. C. chapter and Tarkio, Missouri 'I'trnrsday evening lnvalids and semi-invalids gave their of Epsilon Pi Tau, national industrial where they presented concerts. Due to arts fraternity, took eleven student IJad weather they were forced to stay members of the local chapter on an ovcmi:~h: in Tnrl·to, returnir\~ to Peru inspection trip of industrial arts train- Friday.

They prrsented a concet·t iP ':s;'acuse Friday evening· and returned to In the past two years this group has Peru that night. Sunday morning they left for their visited shops in the larger city schols of Omaha and Council Bluffs. '13ome spring tour. Arrangements have been of the boys in these shops exhibited made for them to sing in the followwork that merited national recognition. ing towns: April 10-Shubert, Falls City, BeaThe purpose of these trips is to acquaint prospective teachers with actual trice. April 11-DeWitt on-t:he-job conditions as far as teach1;pril 12-Hastings ing is concerned. April 13-Superior Those making the trip were Scholl, April 14-Franklin Clarey, Boatman, Barisas, BaltensperApril 15-Stanford ger, Majors, Lively, Hortan and RawApril 16-Culbertson son. April 17--Chester, W:1111ore The trip included stops at Hiawatha, April 18-Dawson. ··· Kansas, Falls City, Salem, Honey The Singers plan to give concerts i1 Creek, Humboldt and Bratton Union. several hi~·!J schools that are not menSpeaker Appeals To At Humboldt the fellows talked to Rostioneu !1ere. coe Tolley and at 'Honey Creek they Students' 'Common S~nse' se,w Cecil Johnson. Both of these men Those making the trip include He! en M. Larson, Maxine Aufenkamp "Horse Sense and Rattlesnakes," are Peru graduates. Gladys Nofsger, Leora Libhart, Wilma was the subject of a talk given by Mr. Much interest was shown in the Lichty, Helen Jeffries, Kathryn Shirk Herbert Ford, s~iperint.endent of the Falls City high school shops. These Kathryn Bartling, Edwin Bentley, Bur Nebraska Anti-Liquor Leagn in t1Je shops are quite complete. Some of the ton Evans, D. J. Duey, Jack Gabus audtitorium yesterday, the studerit boys were building a garage for a Ralph Scholl, Ray Beamer, Rober body during the convocation hour. ,, townsman. They furnished their laBlankenship, Gordon Gilbert, Wiley Dwelling on the 'danger to life, men-\, _bor free so that they might gam expeRemmers, Herbert Stutheit, Harold tality, and various internal organs of;~ rience. Two of the items turned out Snyder, Howard Miller, Charles Par the human body as the result of the by the Falls City shops were hay racks nell, Richard Turner, Lloyd Heim use of poisonous alcoholic beverages,_ ; and wind chargers. Charles Gabus, Martha Clifton, Fran Mr. Ford explained that "the students Mr. Larson and his group stopped in ces Hardy, Virginia Trively, Maxine themselves must decide upon the atti- Auburn on the w~y home and. w_ere Galbraith, Maxine Randall, Roma Jem tude they will take concerning the use shown the new high school b~ildmg Rethmeier, Ruth Lytton, Maidne Jar of alcohol, and the students theml2e\"es which is now under construction by vis, Marjorie Treriholm and G. no· must decide what to do about it." the 9ontractors. Steck, director. He suggested that, in deciding theyHoward Miller, Gordon Gilbert and the students-must consider two maln Easter Vesper Services LE'Ora Libhart are featured as soloist principles of importance. "First, the in nveral numbers. relation of alcohol to personal efficim1- Held By Y. W. C. A. Group cy; and second, the relation of alcohol, Easter Vesper services were held by Seven Initiated Into to public welfare." the Y. w. c. A. at their meeting TuesAs to the effect of a1.rohol upor:. perAlpha Mu Omega soml efficieney,experiments have prov- day evening. Seven new members were initiated The progTam was in charge of the '.d that it takes three-fifths of a secinto Alpha Mu Omega, honorary math ond longer to react to light tests than fellowship group. It consisted of the ematics fraternity at their meetineit does the normal person. Actual following numbers: The Palms-Leora Libhart, Howard Monday evening. cases reveal that alcohol affects the Each of the initiates had to work a Miller. normal function of the brain. problem, which had been assigned t All On An April Evening-Leora LibMr. Ford continued to say that "no him, and explain his work to the satman intends to be anything other th"-l'. hart. isfaction of the club. Olive Bough-Leora Libhart. a moderate drinker" but, as it is in After all of them had presented Must Jesus Bare the Cross Alone-t: .e greater percentage of the c'.\se,;, their problems they took the club Marjorie Harris ei<cessive usage eventually becomes hs.Jesus I My Cross Have Taken-Roma pledge. llit forming." Mary Grush gave a report concernThe worst effect of alcohol is that Jean Rethmeier. ing the methods that may be used in Christ Arose-Leora Libhart, Howof "grave social conduct." He adds teaching mathematics. that "bi-sexual drinking puts prop 't ard Miller. Cameron Sweenie reported on an Maxine Jarvis was the pianist for off guard and, as the result, social disarticle in the "Mathematics 'I'eacher'' the evening. Wilma Parnell read a ease has increased some 90 per _cent, entitled "Trends in Secondary Mathesince the repeal of the prohibition a- manuscript on "The Cross." matics." Each person present received a cross mendment. Gordon Gilbert presented some "This amendment", he stated. '1r2.y at the end of the meeting. "Brain Twizzlers" for the members to be compared to the boy choking a twizzle. rattlesnake-the remedy being to low- Indiana Artists Have Those initiated into the club were: er his grip 3.2 per cent lower" which Vivian McKimmey, Joel Punches, Alice Prints on View at Peru then resulted in the boy's dropi;.ing it Devore, Hubert Johnson, Howard Dean, There are 40 prints made by artists on the ground. Now many methods are Ralph Scholl, and Martin Rockwell. being attempted to subdue the rattler of the State of Indiana on exhibit in In his concluding statements. the the art department until April the Coatneys, Honored speaker was of the opinion that ha vin: 14th. The prints were loaned by the Guests of Tri Beta such an evil at large was decidedly· "Indiana Society of Print Makers." dangerous, and suggested that a "law Honoring Dr. and Mrs. G. Robert The prints are shown in Room 1306, against this evil supported by educa1.ed upstairs in the library. It will be op- Coatney, a dinner was given at the people is a proper thing to have." en in the mornings from 10 until 12, Weare house Tuesday evening, April 5, except during convocation and in the by the members of Tri Beta. There Due to spring vacation, there will afternoon from 1 until 4. Other times were nineteen present. The president, Glenn Yont, presented be no Pedagogian next week. The next than those listed can be arranged by edition of the Pedagogian will be April calling at the art office or telephoning Dr. Coatney with a letter of appreciation from the fraternity. Miss Diddle at 99. 26.


Through Placement Bureau


With Hospital Party

ca,e histories in burlesque fashion. Mr:. Larson won first p1ize in this game and J:virs. Joder won the consolation prize. After this the patients played Scrambled Whoopy, and then spent the remainder of the evening in playing bridge. Mrs. Joder was high point lady in bridge and Miss Florence Martin was low. A hospital lunch was served consisting of: Tomato Juice. Tea sened in ;nedicine bottles, Toast, Salad, Ritz, Grapefruit juice and Candies served in pill boxes. was done with considerable finesse by The room was decorated with Easter Lois· Nash. She seemed always to be Lilies and ferns. trying to pin herself on to her hns- · hand, who had an uncanny way of being somewhere else most of the time. contrasting the efforts of Mrs. Pur-

Four Receive Positions


~· Broadcast,

did an effective job of strugglinr; as Ed and Vic tried to tie him to a hat rack. That was, by the way, where all the difficulty began. Mr. Purcell w2s a millionaire. Good old Brookfield depended on his pocketbook; Ed Burns looked to him for a position as a chem i$t; and Howard Brandt (Gerald Bowen) saw him as his future father-inlaw. All seemed lost when he withdrew in a huff-all because of a misunderstandii!g: he didn't like to modE'l! Anne and Vivian played by Marva! Lucas and Ruth Wilson were very chrrming in their portrayals and in their success in captUring their men It was Anne who succeeded, with her persuasive "I'm dying," in obtaining her father's promise of a quarter of a million dollar endowment for d~ar Old Brookfield college. The snooty mother of Anne Purcell

Dunning Enterfains




ing facilities in southeast schools last Monday.



fhe Peru Pedagogian Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents.


Peruvians Keep Various

ADVERTISING RATES Display 20 cents per inch.

Reporters Find Odds, Ends "TUBERCULOSIS" IS In Purse and Pocket Tour THEMEOfFOURTH

Locals, 10 cents per line


Object~ in Compartments

\1iss A. Marshall

75, 85, 90, 91, 1l2-Nope it's not spring football, merely a reporter totaling the different items found in

"Flight" presented Editor ....................................... Norman Littrell Peruvian pockets and purses. Throughout the past ~eek, reporters I Harold Prichard presented his radio Associate Editor . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Bert Hall have sauntered up to mnoce~t purse drama "Flight" at the Dramatic Clllb Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Sheely or pocket stander-bys and qmzzed the : meeting held in the Music Hall on ~ponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Florence Martin poor souls as to their collection of odds · Thursday, April 17. The setting of the Advertising Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Bischoff plus ends. The resurt was that they 1 play was in a stage coach traveling found the 43 people "shook-down" had alo11g the eastern seacoast. Sound ef344 thing·s in their pockets of which ·fects of howl1'ng wolves torrents of ' REPORTERS 92 were different. rain and high winds were very effecEleanor Nieman Russell Bailey Among the objects one mig·ht expect ti. dy produced hv Mary Kathe'.ine Melba Obernolte Martha Clifton to find were such things as: Kleenex, Hanlon, Dean Karr. Leslie OppneheimBertie Boom Anna Louise Short powder puffs, erasers, books, combs, er and Lester Ritter. Those taking Bert Hall Ruth Roberts Hubert Johnson lipstick, tweezers, files, pens, pencils, part in the play were Harold P1ich8,1:d. Edward Short Grace Hnizda gum, keys, knives, handkerchiefs, let- Doris Prichard and Mary Liz Wer!.l.er. Jean Wagner Frances Staley Mildred Williams ters, mirrors, buttons, pins of all kinds, Radio Broadcasting test papers, chalk, matches, mentholaLawrence Weston Jerry Snyder gave some interesting tum, tie clasp, toothpicks, paper clips, information concerning sound effects rings and candy. and how they are produced over big Some of the unusual articles were: a broadcasts. The various signs used THE MYSTER1Y OF P. S. rabbits' foot, thread, a piece of film from "The Perfect Speciman", shoe- in radio broadcasting were demonstra"Words are the wings of action." Advertising words are ex· ted. string, piece of wire, art tools, sketches, amples of action in flight-may we suggest two words soaring sky- light plug, rock, solder, rubber bands, Peru Players as guests ward for Peru? Or lets have a guessing game and use initials- chalk, razor blade, marbles, rifie bulPeru Players were guests of the let, red feather, scissors, silk hose, how about P. S.? Dramatic Club. Members of both orcharcoal, thumb tacks, mascara, shoe ganizations were given a cMnce to horn, toy horseshoe, golf tice, whistle, have an ·audition' to test their voice WORSE THAN A CROSS-WORD PUZZLE: souvenirs, dice, gadgets from slot mafor radio. Impersonations and sk'ts chines, love letters, toy billy-club, SoPerhaps a new radio 'Now P. S. can mean a lot of things-lets give it a try. P. S.- cial security Card, a budget ticket were given. ' · a.r"'" a few w·eeks off star was born. poor souI--can t see any connect10n-exams "" bearing Lester Mosley's forged name yet. (for scavenger hunt), souvenir from ·----Denver, Colo., and one from WashingHow about Post Script? Lets see now, that comes at the end. ton, D. c., budget ticket without any Quarters over, can't hardly "kick" us out now-nope can't be holes punched in it and a pass on 2. RAMBLINGS railroad. Probably the most unusual i.,ost writing. was good old government pieces-maney being found in only 17 cases. Did you hear? . Surely somebody can help me-ah-a gentleman who is a bridge The range of objects in pockets was The day of the big snow, Margaret fiend suggests "Poor Spades". Well perhaps we can dig something from a girl's 31 to a boy's pocket full Williams trotted out of the Ad. Buil.dup with that. Nope its no use-Andy takes cart of all the cam1'us of holes. ing singing "Jingle Bells." Some disspades and he assures us there 's no dirt to be dug up at the pre;.ent time. r By their pockets ye shall know th.eir gruntled soul actually growled, "shudoccupations: clup!" For shame! It sounded nice. If at first you don't suc-suc-make good-try, try, ag.do it again Art student Lillian Humphrey-10 The same day a great clacking was -gosh we're so mixed up we don't know which way is up, Jet's try pieces of charcoal, 2 dozen thumbtacks, heard on the steps. What? Track practice on a day like this? Upon the dictionary-P. S.-Permanent Secretary, Post Scriptum, Privy eraser, pencils and scissors. ' II k Pole Vaulter, Cecil Walker-brooch, further investigation it was found that Seal, abbreviation for Psalms or Pieces-Guess we re rea Y stuc marble, paper clip, button, gum, comb, one of our wiser professors had provided himself with a pair of ice-gripping -even the dictionary won't help us. pen and pencil. shoes. Come the Revolution and we'll Electrician, Marshall Swalley-solder, all .......... . light plug, rubber bands, chalk, razor TRAINERS TO THE RESCUE blade, knife, nickle, toy billey-club, rock Successor and odds plus ends. Elaine Eddy to EdNell Benson Ah, we have it! If this P. S. sticker is so famous-someone Student Jean Winkleman-2 pencils, will know what it means. Not a college student (they wouldn't receipt case, pen, handerchief, eraser, Question of the Week. know); not a faculty member (can't show our ignorance),-in- 'l'lller, driver's license, half a stick of What does the J. stand for in J. stead will inquire of a training school pupil. gum, nail file, 3c stamp and thirty Omer? cents. Frozen Dandelions Time P. S.'s (passes slowly) by. Basketball Severn Handley-Golf tea, To Galloway this for his not-so-hot "Hello there Junior! Can you tell me what P. S. means-and locker key and budget ticket. job. of patching up his room-mate's no.t Post Script." Footballer John Boyer-2 toothpicks, . love-affairs. spearmint gum wrapper. "Brownie" Velvick evidently doesn't "Sure Toby-it's like this. On every campus there must be va· realize the great interest taken in him rious organizations, each bringing fame, honor and advertising to by more than one of the alleged fair Fingerprinters Study the school. Peru of course has its football and basketball teams ·sex. New Detection Methods as well as its dramatic and debate groups. Each of these aids in A demonstration of new methods of !'. Genius making aeroplanes out of words like, "Watch the Bobcats Battle-- fingerprint detection and indentificaThat's Engdahl. At least that's what see, advertising Peru through words that move people. tion was the theme of Fingerprint the g. f. tells him when she has nothClub's last meeting. Besides their ing else to say. "Now P. S. is that kind of a group-an organization,, that attracts sponsor James McAllister; Ross Rusthe attention of Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska people and sell, Clark Rodgers, Frank Larson and Ghost Story What little dorm girl ran out into gives those participating a chance to demonstrate their talents and Mr. Barnell were present, the latte! conducting the demonstration for the the hall the other night, afraid to stay gives them good practice. In other words it benefits Peru by bene· other members. Fingerprints of all the in her room alone because she had fiting Peruvians. club members were taken and classi- just read a spooky story? Answer: of fied just as a matter of precaution per- Lois Nash. "In case you still don't see, I'm talking about the bus-load haps? 'S Nuff. kids that left here Sunday-the Peru Singers."


LONG SING THE PERU SINGERSGolly and it took me all this time to1 catch on. Surely P. S. re· fers to two too divine words that are working for Peru-the Pern Singer organization. Peru Singers-the song birds from the cam· pus of a thousand oaks. (Plug for G. H. S. the singer :and J. S. the broadcaster). Peru's chorus is on the road-we are here to back them up. Their's is not to compete-their lot is to be judged by a critical knowing audience. Luck to you Singers from Peru-we are back· ing you-knowing you will have a successful, interesting chorus trip.



~I 1,1





Presents Statistics On Dangers of T. B.



"Tuberculosis, undiscovered, endangers you, your family, and your community" is the slogan to be stressed this. month as stated by Miss Alice Marshall during the health lecture given in Con-. vocation Friday morning·, April 8, in which she discussed the matter of eli-; minating and controlling tuberculosis. Miss Marshall is the Secretary of th Nebraska Tuberculosis Association and state Director of Tuberculosis Educa-. tion. "Since the dawn of civilization," sa Miss Marshall, "Tuberculosis h plagued mankind. The mummies Egypt show evidence of bone T. ing milk from cows infected with . Thus we know that people suffer with T. B. at least 3500 years ago. "People have known since 1882 t is infectious. Every case of T. comes from another case. Each pe son that a'1'es \"'I.th T B has nro"a · ' · · · " had the chance of 1'nfect1·ng at 1 111·ne ot'1er people" 01 • An explanation of the skin test 0·1·"en Th1's 1·s done to deter· b



whether or not the germs are pre in the body of the individual.

be X-rayed often to make sure t their condition is satisfactory. She stated that infection comes fr the person being· in a run-down dition. The main cure for the dL is rest. Miss Marshall also spoke to the school group. She left an unusu, fine collection of posters with R Ahlberg and they will bt displayed some suitable place soon. April Winter Stops

Y. M. C. A. Retreat Plans Unexpected "winter" weather fo members of Y. M. C. A. to hold t regular meeting inside Tuesday ning, April 5. The members had p ned a retreat at that time. Under the leadership of L. B. M ews a very interesting discussion held on "Personal Relations."

llti1k11 Binn ,.



Below Barnes Drug Store TRIMM IN'S





(Whm ''"' mo"'y b"Y• more.)


The Mardis Store


"A Mighty Good Place to Trade·'




!rlntramuralProgram Provide I _ _ _ _! Athletic Expression for All coo.PED-LING By HEART

Each Season Is Filled With Activity What opportunity for athletic expression has the average student who attends P. S. T. C.? A few years ago the answer would have been "little, if any", but today that is not the ca&e. With a well rounded physical education program for both men and women, Peru is taking its place in the Coo-Ped clocked in nothing flat as field of physical .education. time watches on-in other words CooIn the fall, Director of Athletics, G. Ped presents a column of nothing in Gilkeson gives to Assistant Director, no time at all. It may impress you to S. Baller, an outline program for the know that Coo-Ped has the first im- year's intramural activity. At the primature ever issued by the Pedago- same time, Mr. Gilgeson selects a stugian. We hope this meliorates the col- dent manager-one who can be trusted umn and makes it a melliflous piece of and depended upon to conscientiously work. manage and carry on the details of the program-who is responsible to :vrr. Time in: The fiest clock was invented by Pope Baller. 'I'o date, Larry stark, major'ing in the field of Physical Education, Sylvester II in A. D. 996. has proved himself an able and comHeidelberg Clock: petent student manager. Larry atThere once existed in the dome of tends to the actual activities of the the town hall at Heidelberg a very teams and sees that they are played olf famous clock. As the hammer struck smoothly and without confusion. Uneach hour; the figure of an old miln cler his direction are the managers of opened a door, walked out,.bowed, lifted each team entered. It is here that his hat and then returned to his niche those planning to coach gain most of A cock flapped its wings-father time their actual experience for futu:·e swung his scythe and German and coaching positions. French soldiers eng·aged in a mimic Miss Davids!m, Director of Women's battle. The clock was destroyed in Physical Education department, has a 1693. women's program worked out very much as Mr. Gilkeson's, with this one Drog of Geneva: The fabalous clock of Drog of Gene- exception: to the women belonging to va had a platform on which sat a. doc: W. A. A. points ale counted toward a shepherd and a negro. The shepherd letters-to the men, no individual maplayed 6 tunes on his flute-the dog terial awards are given outside the barked the hours--and the negro wou•d physical benefits derived. When old man winter puffs his hoary tell tht time if asked in French. breath out over this, 'the campus of Str.lsburg Time: a thousand oaks,' as he did last week, The Strasburg clock marks the years the gymnasium becomes alive with acand the leap years and contains 122 tivity. Last winter eight teams battled figures within its mechanism. An angel to a close finish, in the scheduled : o Ht i' hits a bell every minute; at the end of robin basketball tournament. Other 15 minutes he is replaced by another- activities include swimming in the at 15 minutes a child appears at a college pool in the basement of the door; at a half hour a youth appears gym, volley-ball, tumbling, boxing, and at three-quarters an hour a man and calisthenics. Facilities are available at the hour an old man totters out onl~ to any college student or faculty memto be swooped up by death. Then the ber. 12 apostles moved out and pass in silent As 'old man sunshine' casts rays of procession. At 6 and 12 the huge approval upon the campus, the spring cock surmounting the clock crows the season discloses more outdoor activity. time. On Wednesday, April 13, the intramur· al track meet will take place, beginninJ Striking 13: at 4:00 p. m. sharp. Immediately fol'I'here are two clocks· in Worsley, ·Jowing spring vacation, the hand·, .,11 Lancashire, England that never strike contests will be run off. The soft'0all 1 o'clock-instead they strike 13. tournament will follow the completion Bird Talk: Originally 8 pairs of sparrows were introduced into America in 1D50 to eat caterpillars. (Now we are thinking of importing sparrow eating caterpillars.) Basketball Fool's Gold: The varsity received g·old basketcalls-011ly to have thorn turn out as gi'.'l's basketballs m some cases. Original We Wisdom Bits: Many a beau brummel's waist line turns into an old man's waste line. His word was like water-both having to be dammed before backing up occurred. Coo-Ped Steals Another: School days-1-school days, Dear new fangled school days, Fencing, eurythmiss, and plaster art Taught with aid of. a Binet chart; I was a lad with a low I. Q. You were a maid with a minus two; Just what we learned we never knew But that is the new fangled way Quebec. Correction: Last week's Pedagogian contained gross exaggeration in the accident article in which five girls were involved. The true account of the accident reveals that the car was not demolished, nor were any of the occupants seriously injured.

of the handball contests, a,nd, with the completion of the varsity track sr.ason, horseshoe, swimming, and tennis champs will be decided. The program for women is not less active. Besides the regular classes 111' credit which include natural activities, swimming, dancing, hockey, tennis, and softball, tournaments are arranged in hokey, tennis, swimming, softball, JO!·· ley-ball and badminton. Those who are physically capable and possess ability find it to their advantage to participate in intercollegiate sports, and in this way overcome their physical education problem. Those, however, who are not so liberally endowed, physically, as ·others, find that they can participate in healthful recreational activity; and that they will find their program full, if they will just put forth the effort. Pres. and Mrs. W. R. Pate of the college left early Saturday morning accompanied by Supt. J. A. Jimerson of Auburn for Chicago to attend the North Central Association meeting.

11 1


" - I-











My idea of a devoted couple, Aufenkamp and Remmers.

Sights of the Week

It was a cold, icy day, but Gerald Fichter was happy. He went hippityhopping up the sidewalk past the gymn, toward the library. Whoosh! He slipped! With a deft turn of the ankle Record Indicates That Peru and flip of the hip he regained balance in mid air and landed on both feet. Will Have a_Fair Team l:'eru's own Fred Astaire. Peru tracksters were given a "feel" of Did you see Jay Troxel and Paul early season competition as they met Hallenbeck crossing the campus toMaryville, Missouri, Monday afternoon. gether the other day?


The result of the meet was •unoffi- Overheard cially aunnounced here as 84 to 49 in Mary Grush, "I'll have to powder my favor of the Maryville boys. hair and comb my nose." The meet served mainly to give the 'Hoots" Johnson, "I have· dishwacoaches an idea as to 'the type of mater hands." terial they had on hand, and incidentally, it served to show those boys par- Convocation Conversation ticipating what they could do and First, "What do we have today?" what they have to do in the near Second, "Tuberculosis." future to overcome present shortcomEqually Dumb ings. Ye Rambler hated to repeat tl1is The Peru team placed in the meet conversation for fear you won't beas follows: 100 yard: Richard Turner tied for lieve it. Honestly, we heard it with first. our own ears. 1, "Boy! That was a hot one!" 220 yard dash-Horacek, third. 2, (Deciding to pay attention) "What 440 yard dash: Larry Stark, first. was" 880-Run: Buzz Gowell, third. 1, "'I'hat radish." Mile Run: Wayne Lindberg,second. 2, "Aw!" Two-mile run: Wayne Lindberg, 3rd. Ho, hum. It is dumb, isn't it? 120 yd. high hurdles: Bert Hall 3rd. 220 Low Hurdles: Hert Hall, third. Snoop's Snoopin'.s Discus: Mosley, first, Greathow:e, Hi, Ho, September in the Rain, third. And April in the Snow-well I tried! Javelin: Greathouse, second. Now let's see-Oh, yes-it's morning Broadjump: Greathouse tied for 1st. Pole vault: McHugh and Walker tied ,-heck. for first and second. New Couples l

Intramural Track Me~t To Be Run Wednesday P M.

Rachel Hunt and?? Next!!! Larry Stark and Helen Larson Clyde Hunt and Kay Bartling "Hutch" and Buchanan

Rachel Hunt and Tom Majors Rachel Hunt and "Shiney" Durst Rachel Hunt and "Finney."

If the weather is permitting several: houses will be entered in an intrm:ciur· al track meet to be held Wednesday\ April 13. Ten different events will be ru11, startii:g at four o'clock. Rules for competition: 1, no man who has lettered in track here or 'l.ny other college is eligible. 2, Each ho1:se must enter at least 5 men. 3, no man may compete in over 5 events.

.. Facts The library is the noisiest place on the whole dern campusYou would never guess that it was a girl's dorm on week-ends from the looks of the parlor. People who remind me of each other: Alice Devore and Bewty Brunt. Questions: 1. Why doesn't Ed Falloon give the girls a break; or is there a "one and only" back home, Ed? 2. How. did you like ::v.·urph's editorials? 3. Which does Howard (Kit:g of the Harum) Dean like best blondes or brunettes?-now, you guess 'cause I'm busy. 4. How would Elaine Eddy look in ruffles? 5. Man to man, do you have a bid to the formal yet?-Oh well s'early yit -calm your-self! Good poem I read: If you'd still like to !mow me, My love when we're older, When you're dancing with me Don't look over my shoulder. Yeah Man! Well gotta go now and remember 'lil schoolmates, black horses ea.t just as mad: as white ones.I 1.1dsh you all a booful pink eastH egg and 'till then "I'll be snoopin'."

Rich folks, as a rule, hold poor relations with their poor relations. Youth sucl;:s the sugar coating and old age chews the bitter pill of life. The poorest hour is just before the pawn.

Fried Chicken, DINNER


-WITHIntramurals List of Track events: Dashes: 100-yd. dash .............. 4:00 p m. 120-yd. High Hurdles .... 4:10 p. m. 440-yd. dash ............. 4:20 p. m. 880-yd. Relay . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 p. m. 880-yd. run ....... '. ........ Undecided Field Events: PLAN TO HAVE YOUR EASTER DINNER HERE. P~le Vault, Broad Jump .. 4:00 p. m. I High Jump ............ 4:15 p. m. l Discus ................. 4:20 p. m. Javelin .................. 4:30 p. m. Points: First ............................ 5 ~11~~1..1.:1."1:~~1.:1.:1.:~~1..1.:1.:1.:1.:~:1.:1.:1.:e,:.! ~ ' ~ Second ......................... 3 Third .......................... 1

Strawberry Shortcake

Bus Cafe


New students who have for the fourth quarter are trude Hill, Des Moines, Ia.; born, Brownville and Crista Creek.


registerer! Mrs. Ger- % Holly Os- \ ~ Durst, Elk "~ \


For a student, fixe days make one ~ i< ' week.

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! Intramura1ProgramProvide I

1 ' - - - -

Filled With Activity

Coo-Ped clocked in nothing fiat as time watches on-in other words Coo· Ped presents a column of nothing in no time at all. It may impress you to know that Coo-Ped has the first imprimature ever issued by the Pedagogian. We hope this meliorates the column and makes it a mellifious piece of . work. Time in: The fiest clock was invented by Pope Sylvester II in A. D. 996. Heidelberg Clock: There once existed in the dome of the town hall at Heidelberg a very famous clock. As the hammer struck each hour; the figure of an old mitn opened a door, walked out, bowed, lifted his hat and then returned to ms niche A cock flapped its wings-father time swung his scythe and German and French soldiers engaged in a mimic battle. The clock was destroyed in 1693. Drog of Geneva: The fabalous clock of Drog of GeneYa had a platform on which sat a do;;, a shepherd and a negro. The shepherd played 6 tunes on his flute-the dog bRrked the hours-and the negro wou'd tell tht time if asked in French. Strasburg Time: The Strasburg clock marks the years and the leap years and contains 122 figures within its mechanism. An angel hits a bell every minute; at the end of 15 minutes he is replaced by anotherat 15 minutes a child appears at a door; at a half hour a youth appears, at three-quarters an hour a man and at the hour a·n old man totters out only to be swooped up by death. Then the 12 apostles moved out and pass in silent procession. At 6 and 12 the huge cock surmounting the clock crows the time. striking 13: There are two clocks· in Worsley, Lancashire, England that never strike 1 o'clock-instead they strike 13. Bil'd Talk: Originally 8 pairs of sparrows were introduced into America in 1850 to eat caterpillars. (Now we are thinking of importing sparrow eating caterpillars.) Basketball Fool's Gold: The varsity received gold basketcalls-orily to have them turn out as gd's basketballs in some cases. Origin:il We Wisdom Bits: Many a beau brummel's waist line turns into an old man's waste line. His word was like water-both having to be dammed before backing up occurred. Coo-Ped Steals Another: School days+-school days, Dear new fangled school days, Fencing, eurythmiss, and plaster art Taught with aid of a Binet chart; I was a lad with a low I. Q. You were a maid with a minus two; Just what we learned we never knew But that is the new fangled way Queooc. Correction: Last week's Pedagogian contained gross exaggeration in the accident article in which five girls were involved. The true account of the accident reveals that the car was not demolished, nor were any of the occupants seriously injured.



Athletic Expression for All Each Season Is What opportunity for athletic expression has the average student who attends P. S. T. C.? A few years ago the answer would have been "little, if any'', but today that is not the ca~e. With a well rounded physical education program for both men and women, Peru is taking its place in the field of physical education. In the fall, Director of Athletics, G. Gilkeson gives to Assistant Directm, S. Baller, an outline program for the year's intramural activity. At the same time, Mr. Gilgeson selects a student manager-one who can be trusted and depended upon to conscientiously manag·e and carry on the details of the program-who is responsible to :VIr. Baller. 'I'o date, Larry Stark, majoring in the field of Physical Education, has p.-oved himself an able and competent student manager. Larry attends to the actual activities of the teams and sees that they are played oJf smoothly and without confusion. Uncler his direction are the managers of each team entered. It is here that those planning to coach gain most of their actual experience for futu!·e coaching positions. Miss Davidson, Director of Women's Physical Education department, has a women's program worked out very much as ~- Gilkeson's, with this one exception: to the women belonging to W. A. A. points are counted toward letters-to the men, no individual material awards are given outside the physical benefits derived. When old man winter puffs his hoary breath out over this, 'the campus of a thousand oaks,' as he did last week, the gymnasium becomes alive with activity. Last winter eight teams battled to a close finish, in the scheduled :o ll• 1' robin basketball tournament. Other activities include swimming in the college pool in the basement of the gym, volley-ball, tumbling, boxing, and calisthenics. Facilities are available to any college student or faculty member. As 'old man sunshine' casts rays of approval upon the campus, the spring season discloses more outdoor activity. On Wednesday, April lS, the intramural track meet will take place, beginniu;s at 4:00 p. m. sharp. Immediately fol·1owing spring vacation, the hand ' '-11 contests will be run off. The soft'0all tournament will follow the completion of the handball contests, a,nd, with the completion of the varsity track sr.ason, horseshoe, swimming, and tennis champs will be decided. The program for women is not less active. Besides the regular classes 1 ir credit which include natural activiUes, swimming, dancing, hockey, tennis, and softball, tournaments are arranged in hokey, tennis, swimming, softball, JOI·· ley-ball and badminton. Those who are physically capable and possess ability find it to their advantage to participate in intercollegiate sports, and in this way overcome their physical education problem. Those, however, who are not so liberally endowed, physically, as others, find that they can participate in healthful re.creational activity; and that they will find their program full, if they will just put forth the effort. Pres. and Mrs. W. R. Pate of the college left early Saturday morning accompanied by Supt. J. A. Jimerson of Auburn for Chicago to attend the Nbrth Central Association meeting.



Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Office Phone 169

Rachel Hunt and?? Next!!! Larry Stark and Helen Larson Clyde Hunt and Kay Bartling "Hutch" and Buchanan



My idea of a devoted couple, Aufen· kamp and Remmers.

Sights of the Week

It was a cold, icy day, but Gerald Fichter was happy. He went hippityhopping up the sidewalk past the gymn, toward the library. Whoosh! He slipped! With a deft turn of the ankle Record· Indicates That Perµ and flip of the hip he regained balance in mid air and landed on both feet. Will Have a_ Fair Team Peru's own Fred Astaire. Peru tracksters were given a "feel" of Did you see Jay Troxel and Paul early season competition as they met Hallenbeck crossing the campus toMaryville, Missouri, Monday afternoon. gether the other day?



:~~~~u~~e~h~e:e:~ ~:s;ou~~~~·

favor of the Maryville boys. The meet served mainly to give. the coaches an idea as to the type of material they had on hand, and incidentally, it served to show those boys participating what they could do and what they have to do in the near future to overcome present shortcomings. The Peru team placed in the meet as follows: 100 yard: Richard Turner tied for first. 220 yard dash-Horacek, third. 440 yard dash: Larry Stark, first. 880-Run: Buzz Cowell, third. Mile Run: Wayne Lindberg,second. Two-mile run: Wayne Lindberg, 3rd. 120 yd. high hurdles: Bert Hall 3rd. 220 Low Hurdles: Hert Hall, third. Discus: Mosley, first, Greathouse, third. Javelin: Greathouse, second. Broadjump: Greathouse tied for 1st.

Overheard Mary Grush, "I'll have to powder my i1air and comb my nose." 'Hoots" Johnson, "I havt> dishwater hands." Ccnvocation Conversation First, "What do we have today?" Second, "Tuberculosis." F.qually Duinb Ye Rambler hated to repeat this conversation for fear you won't believe it. Honestly, we heard it with our own ears. 1, "Boy! That was a hot one!" 2, (Deciding to pay attention) "What was" 1, '"I'hat radish." 2, "Aw!" Ho, hum. It is dumb, isn't it? Snoop's Snoopin:s


Rachel Hunt and Tom Majors Rachel Hunt and "Shiney" Durst Rachel Hunt and "Finney."

Intramural Track Me~t To Be Run Wednesday P M. If the weather is permitting several' houses will be entered in an intrmnur· al track meet to be held Wednesday, April 13. Ten difierent events will be. n111, startir.g at four o'clock. J Rules for competition: 1, no man who has lettered in track here or ~11y other college is eligible. 2, Each hoi:sp. must enter at least 5 men. 3, no ma11 may .compete in over 5 events.

New students who have for the fourth quarter are trude Hill, Des Moines, Ia.; born, Brownville and Crista Creek.

most favored line. Suits from of all pure wool fabrics in our Just received greatest variety




The poorest hour is just before the pawn.

Fried Chicken, DINNER


Strawberry Shortcake I



Youth sucks the sugar coating and old age chews the bitter pill of life.


registered Mrs. GerHolly OsDurst, Elk

Tailor Made Suits

Questions: 1. Why doesn't Ed Falloon give the girls a break; or is there a "one and only" back home, Ed? 2. How did you like ::v.·urpb's editorials? 3· Wh'ic h aoes · I"iowar d ''K'mg · of th e Haruml Dean like best blondes or brunettes?-now, you guess 'cause I'm busy. 4. How would Elaine Eddy look in ruffles? 5. Man to man, do you have a bid to the formal yet?-Oh well s'early yit -calm your-self! Good poem I read: If you'd still like to know me, My love when we're older, When you're dancing with me Don't look over my shoulder. Yeah Man! Well gotta go now and remember 'lil schoolmates, black horses eat just as mad: as white ones.I w;sh you all a booful pink eastfr egg and 'till then ''I'll be snoopin' ."

Hi, Ho, September in the Rain, And April in the Snow-well I tried! Now let's see-Oh, yes-it's morning Rich folks, as a rule, hold poor reheck. lations with their poor relations.

Pole vault: McHugh and Walker tied for first and second. New Couples

Intramurals List of Track events: Dashes: 100-yd. dash ............. .4:00 p m. 120-yd. High Hurdles .... 4:10 p. m. 440-yd. dash .......... _.. .4:20 p. m. 880-yd. Relay .......... 4:30 p. m. 880-yd. run ....... , ........ Undecided Field Events: Pole Vault, Broad Jump .. 4:00 p. m. High Jump ............ 4:15 p. m. Discus . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. 4:20 p. m. Javelin .................. 4:30 p. m. Points: First ............................ 5 Second ......................... 3 Third .......................... 1

.. Facts The library is the noisiest place on the whole dern campusYou would never guess that it was a girl's dorm on week-ends from the looks of the parlor. People who remind me of each other: Alice Devore and Betty Brunt.

Bus· Cafe






Noise, Smells And Colors Prevail At "Y" Carnival Barisas and Crone Reign

Will ,Address Girls Club


As Chosen Monarchs



Gamma Chi council members

are tin and Mr. John Bath. When the votes had been cast and counted, the minute for the coronaBrndly prec-;ding her talk. tion of the royal couple had come. LeRoy Re•lfern played the bugle which Vivian McKimmey Will in!rodrced their arrival. Gilbert Purucker ushered them tq _the crowner, Present Piano Recital iGllph Hopp. Professor Robert T. Benford of the Ruth Crone was c~owned "King of

derartment of Music will preser.t Miss the carnival" and "Barney" Bnrisas, Vivian McKimmey, senior student, in :·uueen" and received the salute of "' a Piano recital Wedne;;d2,y evening-, "Ulng live the Queen.' Di.,ring the Floor Show the "~tar­ April ~7, at. 8:00 p. m. 'n the l\lur,ic du5t•=rs Trio;" Marjorie Harris, lJoroHall rnc".''..orium. l'vliss Ml'Kimme:;'s they Ann Coatney, and Lucille Hazel· prc•e rtU'l will include the following con; sang three numbers "Dinna", "Annie Laurie,'; and "Good Night Ladrumber~ ~e~." Stella Rogge did two tap dances. ,_,onata Pathetique-Beethoven Gordon Gilbert sang three numbers; 0rave-Allegro "The Wreck of the Julieplante," "Old Adagio Cantible Man RivP.r" and "Without a Song." Hondo Vivian McKt:.1mey accompanied both Rondo No. 1-Mozart 1\lllss Rogf·e and M:r. Gilbert. Mary Romanza-Mozart Elizabeth Murphy gave a reading cnValse Brilliant-Chopin titled "Tl'e Waltz." The remainder In the Bottoms-Dett of the evenin"r; was de'loted to di\ncmg. Prelude Messeni:;er boys from the "Western His Song Union" were kept busy throughou~ tl:e Honey evening delivering telegrams. A few Bar~arolle of the persons receivmg messages were: Juba Dance Miss Florence Martin, Miss J!,dna m.apsody No. II-Liszt Weare, Allred Paul :i.i:d Bob Blar.ken1!\Jlr. Benford at the second piano) ship.

SaturdayDormitory Formal MondayW. A. A.. "P" Club, 10:30 a. m. Crawdad, 7-8 p. m. Alpha Mu Omega, 7-8 p. m. Tri Beta, 8-9 p, m.


Guest-Cook High School

seniors Friday April 22. The play 11as a series of 1nJ'&Lerious screams, gunshots and falli.ng bodies; with no clue to it all except a tiny white elephant.

Trumpet Trio

Hubert Hunzeker, who eventually answered all q;.!estion marks as to the identity of the treacherous Cat, ·u~;iy took laurels in stage presence '.ml interpretation of character. He was 'he hypocritical, simple "minded Henry, man-of-all~work, who more than 01d Shakespeare justice in his quotations He o.ecured most of the laughs of th play, and it was not until the last fe1v minutes of the action that anyone ere dited poor, foolish Henry with bci1:g the clever villain. Nancy Ellen Jones, in the part o hysterical Theodora, furnished the re alistic, chilling screams that discom posed the nerves of the audience. Harold Fisher acted the part o James Gordon, with a worriecl bu calm attitude toward al! this murder

Educational Event Perusingers Theme

Peruvian Staff Labor The w,al covering of the book makes it very attractive. There are 48 con- Long Hours To Fini!\h

Per Cent of Seniors




Approximately twenty-five per cent of the seniois have already received elections. The average- salary so far received by the seniors is well over a hunclrcct dollars. Some of the ,:1JiO"G are n 0 t applying for posJtions which do not pay at least one hundred. To date only one of the seniors has a commercial agency to pay.

College Annual Early From all indications, this year's PE"" vIAN will be an

absolutely new

idea in college annuals. Pictures will tell most of the story. This year's l- "'"'UVIAN will contain over twice as ou& intent of the Cat; he serveci as a ., many snap shots as last year's edition. contrast to the jittery nen·es of hi When aske.d the probable date· when wife, played by Bettye Ann Dasher. Among the mystery solvers was th the PERUVIAN would be out, Frederick Wolter, the editor, said he could attractive care-taker's daughter, play no;; !mow exactly as yet. It was learn- ed by Mary Elizabeth Collins, who di, ed, however, that the make-up of the a !lttle sleuthing all her own, withou PERUVIAN was far ahead of other the assistance of the able, but mis guided Fox, played by Harold Dallam, college year books. Last week most Peru students took and Miss Smith, played by Joan Good. Since the villian ic always the least a vacation. The PERUVIAN staff did not .. They were submerged in the work unl.ikely character, the audience voted of getting the final details of the book for Ellis Adams in the part of the soi under control. The copy proof of the of James Gordon. Probably even the class section has been react and re- mild cl(] care-take~·, played by Bond turned to Lincoln for printing. The Kennedy, would hwe been a suspect, staff is now checking copy proof on had he not been disabled early in the ••• c faculty and sport sections. In its play by 2, suicide attP.mpt suggested by hands are proofs on every "cut" in the that master of hypnotism, th) Cat. The play showed evidences of ef!'i nook. cient directing by Maree Williams.

Harris, hist~ry and social science, Ar- Calls For Teachers caclia; M:sry E'Jen Slack, ·fourth g·rade ::l Nebraska City; George Grossoehme, Of Engiish, Numerous seventh and eighth grades at Odell; In the office of the Placement BurDorothy Snider, primary and music at Atwood, Kansas; Marie Wieneke, kin- eau there is a large chart which is dergarkn at '!:'ecumseh; Richard kept up to date showing the number Turner, music and coach at James- of calls for teachers and tr.e combinatown, Kansas; :1v:r.ry Acord, rural school tions of rnbjects requested so far this near Farragut, Iowa; Mary Dallas Har- year. It is interesting to note, for exris, home economics and English at ample, that thirty-four calls have been Hinton, Iowa; Vivian McKimmey, Eng- received for teachers of English, but Jish and music at Hampton; Dean Mc- the trouble seems to be that twentyCorn1'ck, manual training and coach three of them requested the teaching at Rexford, Kansas; and Jerome Sny-1 of music along with one other subject der music and mathematics at Edgar. in most CP 0 es,

Between acts, a pit orchestra composed of Peru high school alumni furnished music. The complete cast of characters follows: James Gordon, Sr...... Harold Fisher Mrs. James Gordon, Sr. . . . . . ... ........ · · .... · .Beety Ann Dasher Jimmie Gordon .......... Ellis Adams Jacob Webber ........ Bond Ke'.medy Hetty Webber ................... . .......... Mary Elizabeth Collin Theodora Maitland . . . . . ........ . .............. Nancy Ellen Jones Henry ............. Hubert Hunzeker Fox .................. Harold Ddlam Miss Smith ............... Joan Good

Wonders Of Liquid Air AstoundS Convo.••Goers


By Ed. Falloon

The Wonders of Liqui" Air as dem"' Mr. Shuler has his bachelor's degree onstrated by Professor A. W. Everman

from Hastings, and his master's from of the National Association of Assemthe University of Nebraska. He has blies at Los Angeles. was the most inbeen doing work on his doctor's degTee at the university, and has a year and one summer on that work. He spent one summer at Funday Harbor, Puget Sound, Washington, doing research work on his doctorate, as a part of his work at the university. Mr. Shuler began the work last week, when Professor Coatney closed his work.

Trumpet Solo


Red noses and rosy cheeks appeared Students receiving contracts are: from behind the curtain which con- EJrired Douglas, mathematics. science, cealed Dean Karr's "Beauty Shop." and coaching at Hampton; Francis

Miss Norma Diddel, Art professor, at- ine mystic fortune teller, Evelyn S!ayton, was there to predict your futended the Annual Western Art Asso- ture. Bernard Goerke had charge of ciation meeting in Milwaukee, Wiscon- the Bingo table which attracted many sin, April 20, 21, 22 and 23. Others at- tc try their chance at Vvinning one of tending were professors from Wayne, the ~rizes which was given the victor of each game. Wesleyan, Nebraska University, and Wilma Parnell and Mary I·lzabeth supervisors from the Omaha schools. Werner had charge of the e'\ts stand, The convention consisted of lectures, Musa Wagoner and Georgene Little of exhibits, teas, dances and luncheons. the trinifet stand. and George GrossoeMany fine and extravigent exhibits hme and Mearle Shoebotham of the were displayed along with the lectures. teleg-raph office. The Music Hall Auditorium was deeorated with colored crepe paper streamCOLLEGE CALENDAR ers, faces expressing many moods, and nve different colored balloons were Tuesdayhung from each ..ght. Y. M.; Y. W., C. C. A., 7-8 p. m. PROL. R. H. SHULER Broadcast, 8:30-9:00 p. m. TO PERU FACULTY WednesdayProf. Robert H. Shuler has been selected to fill the vacancy caused by" the Piano Recital 8:15 p. m. resignation of Dr. Coatney, and will be Thursi!a.yhel·e for the balance of the year.


Tails", presented by the high school

Bell have put out. Because of having ex- i perienced reip the magazine was com- c.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ pleted in lesc time than it usua!J>



Ped on the Air

Vocal Solo

am sure the quality of th1s number is J · I equal to t:1at of the other is:;ues we ,

tribui.ions, lour of which are in prose and 44 ia ve.1 se. 'I'he material used W8.s written by seven alumni, seven seniors, two juniors, three sophomores, two freshmen, anti three members of th,e faculty. Copies may be obtained in the Administration building and at the dormitory.


from the mystery-thriller, "Cat O' Nine

c. A. and Y. M. 1.9., is ready for distribution.

planning a dinner in honor of Miss

Freshman Clubs, 7-8 p. m.

Nothing of suspense


ed to faculty ladies, A. A. U. W. and campaigning was done for two sets "It is larger than any of the others women's c!ubs of Peru. All college girls of menarches: Ruth Crone and "Bar- we :nave ever printed. It also h<is the are welcome to attend the meeting. ney" Barisas, and Miss Florence Mar- illust···itiom as an added featu;·e. I

Attended By Diddel

Throughout Entire Play



gently?" c. A. carnival got mto fuJJ swing satIn commenting about thP work done Speciar invitations have been extend-, '\irday evening in the Music Hall. on this spring issue, Dr. Smith said,

We$tern Art Exhibit

Fir:e Acting Dominates


odor of popcorn and sandwiches filled by the local chapter of Sigma Tau Del-



April 26-

nn Chi in the Cbllege auditorium from sizes waved about in the crowd, and the ginal contributions published quarterly Her. subject is "Do We Buy I11telli- the air as the Y.



Miss Nadine Bradly, a member of . FOR DISTRIBUTION the editorial staff of the Omaha World Whistles shrieked lo·.1cJ. and shnll, I \Herald is to be guest speaker of Gam- 0auoons of various colors, shapes and 1 "Sifting Sand"', the magazine of oriseven to eight p. m. April 27.


teresting leeture ilf«ld by corivoc:1-

tion-goers this year. At least that seems to be the consensus of opinion among m.1st of the students and many of the faculty. Professor Everma11 cl!ptured the at· tention of the entire audience right at the start. And, b~lieve it or noi;, he didn't lose that attrnlion until he clo<ed his demonstration. • I have often regretted my speech, Almost to the second, Prof. Eve:never my silence.-Publius Syrus. man accompanied his iil~r,trati1no with

Cat o. Nine Tails .......... ? ? ? ? 'I'he production staff includes: Assistant Director Corinne Whitfield Business Manager .... Ma'.·g ,·y Adan:s Bi;siness Assistants ...... ., . .. . . .. . . . . . Darlene Howard, Wilda Goings Stage Manager ....... Charles Mason Stage Assist:mts . . . . . . Harold Mason James Hanlon, Merle t::·i:"Jland George c.r~afton. 0


ht a rapid flow of exp!unaliOl'S, I m1g be possible that his ::tmusing farial ex. "th pressions had so•!\ethmg to do w1 the numerous outbursts of laughter. Memories of things that seemed inlpossible at 10:59 Friday morning will haunt the students for some few days. Dreams will be filled wlth mercury hammers, brittle rubber balls, kero, ndles cranberr1·e8 that don't sene ra • break when stepped on and. flashes tl,al l!ta1k the passing of tin cans into ti:1 can eternity. '.'.'!1anks for the dreams Professor Everman, but let's just forget our doing the experiments-for at least fifty years. Llfe is sweet-and besides I don't beiiave I car. play wlth fire without getting burned.

Scribblers Ad3'udge Littrel's Short Story "Can It Be"-"Very Good" This week's meeting of Scribblers was devoted to the reading and criticism ·of Norman Littrell's short, short story, "Can It Be." Mrs. Baker held the llneeting in her home and led the group ~n an hour's study and revision of the ,contribution, which was voted extremely good by everyone present.

THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN Columns: Law Stndmt Sports-"Cat's Cage", Peru's Junius Mccowen. Allison Clineburg, a grnduate of AugCOO-PED-LING ust 1934, who is attending his first By HEART G0ssip ... tie ... "Twitterbones", Peru; Published Weekly by the Peri State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. ;1ear at the University studying law, "Co-ed Looks at It" Kearney AnteEntered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. was recognized at the Honors Convo$1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents. Coo-Ped presents an original collope. c. ti on for high scholastic standing held umn-and in doing so tries to pay Alumni-"Alumni Trail", Peru's MilADVERTISING RA'TES in the University Coliseum on Tuesday, Locals, 10 cents per line tribute to the hard-working college dred Williams. Ap1] 19. Mr. Clineburg had attended Display 20 cents per inch. journalists of our. state. Coo-Ped preNews-"Following the News", Hastwo summers at Iowa City, and has sents this week an ALL-STATE COL- tings' Mawice Van Kick. taught five years, the last being at LEGE NEWSPAPER STAFF. Special A'Y'.lrds: Bassett where· he was principal of the STAFF, Special C0l,1mn--"Ch"ff frcm Mills "\ All year issues of each paper hP,ve high ~chool. Both he and Mrs. Cline. Norman Littrell Edi.tGr .............. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · been carefully scanned and the work of Learning," Kearney. burg as in Lincoln. He is the son of Outstanding work-Wayne's "NebrasAssociate Editor ........................ · · · · · · · · · · Bert Hall weighed. We realize the result is mereMr. and Mrs. W. A. Olineburg of Peru. ka, the Black Spot." Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Sheely ly Coo-Ped's opinion-but so are all Happiness to a Brightened Home Miss Florence Martin the other all-teams. Winners of these ..... ~ponsor ....................... · ·. · · · · · · William Bischoff i>ll-State Awards will not receive gold A daue-hter, Janet Beth was born to Advertising Manager ..................... · · · scrolls nor will the boys receive any Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sugden at the BOOK WORM MENU rnrt of a Jetter or certificate- girls ho~pHal in Beatrice, Thursday, April chosen may si.;bmit letters to "Coo· Ped, REPORTERS 21. :lllrs. Sugden was formerly Eilen Peru Pedagogian" for the one letter If spring makes you long for camp- Wilson of Johnson. . Ele.anor Nieman Russell Bailey 0f de-merit we will issue. (Pictares Martha Clifton and phone nu'..1bcrs should be included ing uays you wi'.J enjo;y "The Trailer Melba Obernolte Bertie Boom for Pleasure and Business." Of if it is At Writers Guild Anna Louise Short with letter.) Bert Hall Ruth Roberts truth you are after you will find it in J\'.irs. GillJert Brown of Omaha, betHubert Johnson Edward Short Grace Hnizda Nine papers were considered J:y che .. Poisons, Potions and Profits." "Vien :ter known !o Peruvians at Miss Marion Mildred Williams All"State Bo'1rd. The~e schools. w0re: of Iron" is a novel in which characttr Marsh, has been selected to head the Jean Wagner Frances Staley THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN, THE development is emphasized. drama discussion at the Writers Guild Lawrence \Veston "The Trailor for PJei".!,ure and Bl.s· th;s Saturday. (Wayne) GO.LDENHOD, THE lChadron) EAGLE, THE (York) SAND- iness' by Winfield A. Kimbal! and W. MAIL AND MALE TROUBLE BURR, THE DOANE OWL, and THE Livingston Larned. WE>lLEYAN. Due to Wesleyan's clif"Camping days, streamlined by au.In years i:rone bv, there has been a deficiency in males at Peru. J ferent system, Coo-Ped has passed tomotive genius" are popular and can Now, plans are being made to can se mail tr~uble for both male and them by_ except w say that in alumni boast of a romantic background. female Peruvians. The set-up is th~ result of the' Uurlington's de- nevs they are tops. This book, written out of years of sire to discontinue the train service between. Nebraska City and Nomi"uees. for the Editor-in-Chief exrxrience on the highways and down Beatrice. job were: Margaret Cushing, Kearney; tile country :anes, and in the hills THE BEAUnJUL Maxine Wells, Chadron; Robert and vaileys, deals with the life on the NEW PATTERN IN The proposed plan will cause Peru to have three new worrie5: (1) Brome, Wayr1e .. Mary F. Taylor, Mid- road and what it holds for those who land; La-wrence Deever, York; Doro- wish to try it. The era of "a home on mail, (2) transportation and i 3) prestige. thy Ross, Doane; Martha McCord, wheels." is Jletc "Poison, Potions and Protlts"-·Peter Hastingc an:: Norm2n Littrell, Pe 1·u MAIL ALONE , ouldn't it be jolly if they could all I\'[ 11'811. Instead of the railroad handling the mail, star routes will endeavor get together at a banquet? What a lot The purpose of this book is to ex52 Piece to give us service. Star routes are fair in their service and g·iye of eds etting that would be. pose the exaggeration and sometimes Service for 8 Sports Editors featured some fa- even the harmfulness of the claims cheaper service, (but it will still cost 3 cents to send a letter.) How$29.50 ever the star routes will not be so speedy or so sure as is the present mous names. s. E. men in Nebraska made by radio advertisers for their proare: Barney Rapp, Kearney; Robert ducts. The facts are based on material sytem. Students living between Peru and Beatrice will find their OTHER SERVICES Sutton, Wayne, Alex Bundgaard, Mid- from Consumer's union' files and so as low as mail service especially slow. land; Don Kriterfek Doane, Kenneth are autfien""· $16.75 Mcintyre and Ralph Jollinsten's cul·cm of Iron" by Ellen Glasgow. TRA.l'-JSPORTATION Come in today umn, Hastirc· .:·; Peru's Glen Sheely ~ .ci The vein of iron which endows the Select your Pattern The transportation problem at Peru is at present none too good. Ji;ni>:s M:ccowan. characters in this book is courage. Terms helfully Arranged The new oiled road will be an asset to quick an l sure highway Columns that attracted attention Ada Fincastle fights her battles which are no Jes; difficult than those of he1 transportation, but everyone at Peru doesn't have a ':tr. were: "Twitterbones," Peru; "Colyurrt", pioneer s.ncestors, and where others are C:h1rdon; "Co-ed Looks at It'', KearThe bus service is of no value if one wishes to attend classes, defeater:, she conquers. however th~ return trip is convenient. We suggest tid whether the ney; "Pish and Twaddle", Wayne; Dorothy Cttnfield say of this: "Th~re "Around York C'ollege," "'I'he Registrain continues or not, a new bus schedule should be '.':orked out. is in it not a glint of Miss Glasgow's ter", York; "Tiger Tantrums", Doane; mellow hum.or-But the boo]( is no "Vox Broncs", Hastings and sports, PERU'S PRESTIGE alumni and news columns. more depressing than a beautiful grave The last point is that of prestige. It is a great blo,_ to Peru's adsymphony." vertising-to her students and alumni-to the town ,-~,0idents and to F<·r the m:tstanding work of the This is a forcefuI, inter~sting book for year Coo-Ped considered: Pen!'s Rocket those who wish to carry something with 1). rospective students. More than a blow to Peru i. the black-eve Heads u;c!land's ar111"·c1· ary and J ' •v.u ·· ' " them after having read it. given to Southeastern Nebraska. Not only are small cuwns partially make-up, Wayne's "Blaclc Spot". Clladisolated, but our only college in this part of the sL.c is ignored. r"n's editorials, East'.~g"s sport ac- Maxwell Reads Paper tirn pictures, :Kearney's A:P:i"I Fool ediARBOR DAY tion and Wcsleyan's alumni 'H'rds anct. Dr. P. A. Maxwell, head of tlle edu<Where your money buys more.) cation department, read a paper disstudent life pictures. Last Friday Nebraska celebrated its da)j of days-Arbor Day. cussir.g the place of research in the Coo-Ped presents the first NebrasNebraska City the home of J. Sterling Morton as usual led the nation ka All-State College Newspaper staff,· work of the teachers college te i.cher, in a fitting celebration to honor Nebraska, the Tree Planter's State. Editor-in-Chief-Mary F. Taylor, ed- mid the purpose and value of sabbatical leave before the· facuity at the Here at Peru we can easily realize the great beauty and benefits itor of the Midland-Nebraska's April meeting Monday. Dr. G. W. ranking college paper. of God's ,great work-trees. Spring came to Peru and with it' came Smith, head o.r the Englis!1 depa'.t:-?ent MANY NEW SAMPLES Editorial Writer-Maxine Wells, Cha - pr,:sented tr.e cli,;cussion of che paper. green trees. Once more the campus and hills took on the beauty dron Eagle Editor. most favored line. Suits from .that has won so many hearts. Associate i!:ditor-Bert Hall, Peru Pedof all pure wool fabrics in our agogian. KINGSOLVER Peru is noted for its beauty-for its playing upon one's emotion. Just received greatest variety No person has ever been able to tell just why Peru fosters so many Business Manager-Cyril Davis, Chad. ron Eazle BARBER SHOP. beautiful romances-so mariy great friendships. We believe the UP Sports Editor-Don Kristufek, Doane Below Barnes Drug Store secret lies in the green of Peru-in the green of stately trees and Owl. ti e ground's carpet of green. Columns: Sport-"Sport Wrappings", Kearney's Poems, articles, stories and son,gs have been written about the Barney Rapp.


Peru Pedagogian


WM.ROGERS &.SON rRwefuktLfCb/ale




Tailor Made Suits


l·eauty of Peru. But none pay as g·reat a tribute as when the grads uossip- _ -"n and Twaddle", Wayn~ say in one voice "Sprin:;: Oh, to be in Peru again.' Goldenrod . ... umni-"Down the Alumni Trail", Midland's Martha Johnson. Laura Baum_ Elected Freshman Council News-"Last Week," Doane's Clarence President Kappa Delta Pi .uiscuss Club Activities Kellner. Special Awards: Laura Baum was elected president of Miss Grace Tear conducted a meetColumn-"The Register", York. kappa Delta Pi at their meeting held ing last Monday of the Freshman club Outstanding work-Peru's Rocket Monday, April 18. Other officers elec- sponsors and presidents. After hearing l.eads. ted for riext year are: Robert Snyder, brief reports of the doings of the variStaff number 2_ vice president; Mrs. Alice 'v1orick, se- ous clubs, Miss Tear devoted the re- HJCUtQfl'-in-C:tlier-Margaret Cushing, cretary; Ruth Sutorius, treasurer; and maining five minutes to an inspiring editor of -«e Antelope, Kearney; "pep talk" to sponsors. She offered telephone number 28()91. Mrs. Clara Dun, historic recorder. bits of advice on how to make club Editorial Writer-Margaret Cuslling·s Maxine Randall, Mrs. _,_,unn, Minnie work more interesting and emphasized ·The Editor. Says." Taylor. Bertie Boom, R!);r Lively and the importance of increased effort to- Ar,sociate E·ctitor-David Stowe, 1 t1r~ Hobert Snyder were new members w •o ward that very end now that "these Midland. were initiated into the fraternity. moonlit evenings of early spring" held rlusiness Manager-James Barton, The for students a seemingly irresistible and Amelope, Kearney. Miss Ahlberg drove to Des Moines totally unaccwmtable attraction for Sports Editor-Alex Bundgaard, The to spend Easter with her parents. the great out-doors. Midland.

The Mardis Store "A Mighty Good Place to Trade"




Bobcat Cinder Pounders Win Close Triangular



Gilk's Tracksters Show Good Team Balance By edging the Collin's house speedteri out by a scant two point margin, he Higgins' house track team captured he intramural track championship. The meet was close from start to nish, wi~h no team havinG" a very arge lead at any time. Gene Miller, Higgins house star led .,e individual scoring with 10 points. ohn Boyer, 8th Wonder weight man

100-yard dash-won by Miller, H; Bob Mooney C, 3rd Gollin C; ~ 11.?. 440 1ard dash-won by Cowell A, d Ashton s, 3rd Floyd R. Timi) 55:6. 60 yard low hurL!irs-won b'i Miller , 2nd Vdvick H, 2· d Hazelton S, time :1. 88G-yard rnn-won by Lindbeq H, d Adams SthW, 3rd Holman 8thW,

4·10-y<m! relay-won by Reift's, srcBroad jump-won by Hazelton S. d Engdahl C, 3rd T<'loyd R, Distance High Jump-won by Halladay c, 2nd between Blair R, and Punches H,

. . ocuss-won by Boyer "··· .. , -··. cintyre C, 3rd Purucker l:', Distance feet 7 inches. Shot Put-won by Lurk &, 2na Boy PthW, 3rd Majors H, Dis'.1nce 37 ft,

ggins ........................... 2~ .lins . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 19 . .. . .. .. .. ................. 14 12 8

ALUMNI TRAIL By Mildred Williams

Displaying superiority in the mile, high-jump, discus and pole vault, the Peru trackst€rs raced to victory in a t1iangnlar meet held at Wes)eyan UJ'lversicy, iast Friday, will1 Dnane, WesJeyan and Peru particip"'ting:. The team was slowed down somewhat due to the absence of Larry Stark and Gene Miller, sprint men who w~re out with leg injuries. The final score read; !'eru, 55'.~; Wesleyan, 53; and Doane, 49%.

former Peru students. They are: Louise Scboll, Marjorie Briggs and Juanita West. Campus Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Wilcox of Kansas City were recent campus visitors. Mrs. Wilcox, the former Margaret Thomas, received her two-year diploma in 1922, while Mr. Wilcox, a teacher of Industrial Arts in the Kansas City schools received his degree in 1927.

Among the graduates of the ;Jass of 1911, we find that Henry Clay n., lkn, Falls Citian, Business visitor. John Majerus, formerly of Falls now Dr. Dallam has located with his family at Peru as a co-worker with Dr. City, who attended Peru in '31 was a Harajian. It will be interesting to th~ business visitor on the campus last members of the class of 1911 to know week. Mr. Majerus is now with the that the son of Loy Gilkeson (deceas- Fr~nkel Carbon and Ribbon Mfg. Co. edJ is the head coach at Peru. Arthur of Drn11er. Gelwick, who was one of the outstand. t d t · h Cockerill's Visit DeVores The Bobcats, placing at least one mg s u ens m t e class of 1911, is man in every event got oft' to a good n°w superintendent of schools at Falls JI/fr. and Mrs. Almond Cockerill and otart and maintained a safe lead, de-- l.iity. He is still the loyal Peruvian he taby daughter, Robin, of Wilmington, spite the final onthr~1si of the Wes'.e)'- a!'.vays wa~ and is now completing his California, visited at the home of :YI:r. an team. eleventh year as superintendent there. and Mrs. George Devore and alsJ with Leonard Greathouse, was hig·h point, Arnold Kuening has a PDSition as pre- other campus friends last week. Mrs. man for Peru winning first in the· dis- fessor in the State Teachers College in Cockerill was formerly Birdie Baldwin, cus and highjnmp. Cecil Walker, Peru Riversfal!, Wisconsin. Alpha C. Peter- who received he;- two-year diploma pole vaulter upset the dope bucket by son, is now in her nineteent.b year as . from Peru in 1923. winni':g first place over Doane's ace Superintendent of Cass County. She Ed 1r '· SI has made a remarkable success and w, d Pederson of the W~kefield, J ac" oey. Wisconsin, high school faculty is the A strong south wind proved to be a doubtless will stay Superintendent for c1ia1rman · of the Wakefield R·itary . t o the sprm · t ers o.n d a number of years. grei, t h and1cap club's crippled children committee dash men, slowing down their time Lovely Visitors which is in charge or arrangements for considerably. Aileen Kelly of Johnson; Inez Roel- a connty-wide clinic to be held in Speck Nelson, that dashing, daring, reques of Porto Rico. both attending- I Mw · 1933 ' '· · Mr · Pederson gra dua t ed m dutiful trainer,. probably had more to school at Duchesne in Omaha; Mar- and was one of Peru's outstanding do with the 0 1;cc01n.e of the meet• than o' o·a.i et Lonmre . d E . basketiiall players· . · mos~ people -.v11J e1er know. '4aLch, W'lb d p an t . . velyn Slcp1cka of ===~~~~~~,,_ , . ,. . . . i er, an a nc1a Casey of John.or this lad ·O uo 1.11s smfl' at the wm- son were v1s1 · ·t·mg fnends . on the earning trnkst with Tarkio, Missouri, next pus last week. All except Miss Rodre!'rir:ay afternoon. quez have attended Peru. Summary: Student Pastor at Sioux Falls, Ia. Track Events: Dr. Harold A. Bosley, student pas-

Principal at DeWitt .James Perdue, a grn0,iate of la year, was n campus visitor Satnoa .~pril 23. He is principal of the lei, school at DeWitt.

Chicken Dinne1



E I/SCAFE ____. .;.________..:;_..:;.::.::;

100-yard dash: won by Clark (DJ, second Burroughs (WJ, third Turner (PJ, fourth James (WJ. Time 10:6. 220-yard dash: won by M. Randall ",), second Burroughs (WJ, third Turner (P), fourth Horacek (PJ. Time

tor at Cedar Falls, Ia., State Teachen Collegf, has been elected to the FiJ·st Methodist Church at Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Bosley and family will go there the latter part cf May. H<" ha., attended Pel".i several summers.





State Highwa.y Man 440-yard dash: won by M. Randall Eramus Vickers, who received his deO (W), second Bartley (WJ , third Cowell gree in '36, was a recent visitor on the campus. Mr. Vickers is now working Wedne>day night witnessed the 0p- "::'), fourth Belka (DJ. for the state higlnvay department in ing of the first round of the intra880-yard run: won by K. Randall ural hand ball tournament, with (W), second Staten (WJ, third Skoc- Lincoln. g;,ins, Dablstroms, and Parrish's set- pol (DJ. fourth Floyd (PJ. Time 2:07 "Rutzy" Visits l'riends in Peru g the pace as winners. Mile run: won by Lindberg lP), secArthur 7-l'.arris who has charge of he first game of tne evening found ond Holman (P), third Johnston (W), the physical education in the Masnn e Dqhlstrom Stags trouncing the qth fourth Woltemath (WJ. Time 4:59. grade school in Omaha, was visiting onrers in straight games 21-2 ancl Two mile run: won by Garre! (DJ; friends in Peru recently. "Butzy" was -4. The Higgins' house team found second Panzer (W), third Lindberg granted an A. B. degree In August, e Weare team to be stiff competit'on (P), fourth Johnston (Wl. Time 10:42. 1935. d were forced to the limit to win 120-yard high hurdles: won by Bak- J;:;an Elected at M.inatare the i:n'l.Jl margin of 19-21, 21-9, 21er (D), second Hall (Pl, third Nye (W), Jean Bogge~s. who received her two. The Alley Toms and Reifl's tailed ·rime 16.4. year diploma last summer, has been anear and consqeuent.ly bor.h r;ames 220-yard hurdles: won by Hall (P), elected at Minatare as a teacher in e~e 1. feited. The Parrish vs. •)ollin second Nye (W), third ScllUl.tz (D), primary grades. ntest pn,ved to be a "slug fest'' with fourth Bartley (WJ. Time 28.3.. 1e Pi.rrish Club finally winning 21880-yard relay: won by Wesleyan Shift-Same Position, Different Place ' 21-19. Harvey Nickel, '32, Superintendent (.Otto. ·Harrington, James, Burroognsl The remaming part nf the t:Jurna- 'Ji: e l.~A. at Endicott, has been elected to the en' will be played oil' this week. The Fif·ld t•:cnts: same position at Alexandria. inner of the Dahlstrom-Higgh'!s ga'11e Shot put: won by Howani (Di, sec- H ·9gwi!l play the Parrish team for the ond Sloey (Dl, third Balley Cf>). foorth umboldt-Three New Teachers )l~mp!Ol!Sh!p. Boyer U:' ! . Distance 41 foot ooe and ' Three new •teachers in the primary grades at Humboldt for next year are Below is the list of players. one-half inches. Collin-Bill Mooney and Jack McDiscus: won by Gm~ {P), seeond Howard (D), third ~ \Pl, fourth Clements \lV-.1, mt~ lH !eet 11 inches. Dahlstroms-Cecil Walke: and EldJavel!n: won by Kmm!G: U>~ -.. ond Burroughs (WJ, third~ iPl, Weare-Ben Sheldon a'1d Ralph fourth Redmim (D). ~ l$'i fee:. choll. ten inches. 8th Wonders-John Boyer and KenIDgh jump· wm '1 ~ CP!, eth Wirth. Q.0000 tie ~ ~ Kl1:ml· Greattousc and felt {Df ~ ~ feet Dean



Slooy southeasterE Helglllt UI -~··"'~··.ll~B onference meets only a short time I way, Coach Leonard Bell is putting his! opafuls through the paces, The !YUNK eet is scheduled for April 30, and the

! I

·1rt '. ·.· • ';:· . . .

I: '!·==·=·====::'!::'!::'!::'!::'!~ 3' ''' •

enference meet for May 6. Most reliable candidates are Pi~,,

~~~:c~.; ::~~!~~n ~4~~=g~1:110!;::~ and


m:i::onna Jane Delzell was

from Hastings for



49c Pt.




Graft0ll, high jump;

Especially designed lor ki1chens and ba•hrooms, you can use these fine finislies o:: walls and woodwork anywhere in tl:e hcus0: The Gloss is a full, rich gless; the Serr,;· Gloss has the popular soiiny !us!re. l1c;; are easy to apply, and dry !Ll a h~.rc) f;(, that laughs al S!'lld,;es, d~ii, ad di;i. J;; wash it to keep it a!ways lco!ciag L::c;~< and new.




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~--lllD,... ·llrl


j 1 199 j 1

lnTEnD TD We'll gladly check your car before you start on your summer trip. Wat er in the radiator-Water in the battery-Air in the tires-Check the level of the oil in your crankcase, and of the grease in your transmission and differential. These simple precautions guard a9ainst trouble on your~·

Let• do thim for 1,0'.I.

Pryor Garage

We call for and Deliver



THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN do it better and bigger~it's good for Wilber H. S. Band Is us-for those who hear us, and it's Featured On Peru Hour MUSIC NOTES good for Peru! au·1he Peru Hour last week presented ...,e Wilber High School Band under Operetta Presented Music Week Well, here I am again-Always turn- dience, the Peru Training school pre- .t'ractice Teachers Enjoy the direction of H. M. Snider. The ing up somewhere. Having escap~d sented a program of vocal music Sun- Clever "Hollywood" Party program included: The Music students of Peru Train· (very fortunately) with, nothing more day, April 24, at 2:30 p. m. in the high Miss Hileman of the Training St'hool March-The Connoisseur School will present two operettas d than a few threats, from the gossip- school auditorium. The students preing Music Week. May 1 to 8. te .. tertained her practice teachers hst · Ernest s. Williams. column bUsiness, I have decided to sent.ed the following numbers. Wednesday at an especially clever p<tr- Overture-Barber of Seville-Rossini The High School operetta, "Fete very obvious stick my nose into othty. as which theme was "Hollywood." Flirtations-Trio for Three Trumpets, the Fireflies" will be presented Fri Rhythm-Benford ers business and see if I can find out Clark. Lloyd Tachovsky, Brue Miller, evening, May 6. This will be directed Sig'l)S about the living room indicated (for your benefit, of course) what hap- My Song of Happiness-Benford Robert Stasinka. Mr. Benford, assisted by Vi \ the whereabouts of R. K. 0., Warner Grades 3-6, Inclusive penea to all of last year's couples. ,.I\ Two Little Japs-Descriptive PieceMcKimmey. Ruth Ann Hill and El \ Bros., Fox Studios, and others, and a correcL1ons, and information will be Fiddle and I--Goodeve nor Niemann will accompany· at large brown derby, conspicuously plac- · Skarrisin Raymond Coulter duly appreciated. ed, served to identify itself. Ketelicku v Iese pochod-A Bohemian piano. First of all, I seem to recollect a tl\.utumn-Marzo The Grade operetta, "Mrs, Mel It was discovered that the guests march by A. Grill, and dedicated to noise-in fact, a noise like a whis.tle Winter-Marzo when asked the question, "Would you Mr. Jindra and his mother who Jivps Entertains" will be presented Wedn on a steamboat. It wasn't a very imJunior Girls Glee Club day evening-. May 4. Larry Stark like to be an actress?" were unanimousin Wilber. pressive noise but it always sent my O Ask of the Stars Beloved-LaForge assist Mr. Benford in directing .t ly in favor of the idea. Blanks, fil\e~ March-True Blue-King. friend "Hos" dasrinb to the window--Betty Dasher out at random by the group with Dorothy Snider, whose father is the operetta. Maxine JarVis will be the ac. Vocal Duet-Gypsy Love SongThat's right, ''Steamboat" Reynolds Herbert r.umbers, names of flowers, etc. t'lrned. director of the Wilber Band, was in- companist. and "Hos" Hoskins, Now Mr. and Mrs. Both of these operettas were wri out to be Pe~«oPal Data Sheets, where- trrviPwed at ·the end of the program. Leonore Larson, Kathlyn Benford Arthur B.eynolds, Garland, Nebrask<. by Mr. Benford. The Methods cl in was rec0rded. not mere numbers bi:t · Give Me a Ship-Douglas !If you dcn'L get around to refer :u will have charge of preparations f age, weight. salary, r,nd m2.n.v other C. C. A. Group Visited them before next year, try I oup City.) Harold Fishnboth performances. items, lastly, n2me. T11e missPs Diam- Lincoln Sunday, April 24 Piano Due·t-· Mrs. Moonlight" should remind you ond Browns were in the majority, by Betty Kennedy, Marion Deck of another popular couple, because it Father Szymbt, formerly of Chicago College Band In Final Appearance some strange coincidence. There were Alice BJw:; Gown-Hammerstein was their acting that made it one of and now living in Nebraska City, spoke two tulip Diamond Browns, two Rose The College Band will make th Maryon '.Tl1omas the best plays ever given on the Peru Song3 My Moi::tt r Tau~t1t Me--D·1onk Diamond Browns, and one MagnoEa to the Catholic students at their regu- final appearance for the school year campus-Ruthie Howe and Burke. Chinese Lullaby-Riegger lar meeting, Tuesday evening. April 19. convocation Friday, May 5. They Diammd Brown. ttight now it -:wuld be hard to say Try-outs were then in order. Toy He answered questions submitted by present the following numbers: Girls Glee Club whether they were still going together Parade of the Wooden Soldiers-Jessel instruments composed the studio or- the group. In a Spanish City . . . . . . . . . . Haywar Father Szymbt took a group to Lin- Selection-Chimes of Normandy .. or not because Ruthie has a civil ser- Finale to "Lolita"-Benford chestra anc would-be actresses, rangvice job in Baltimore, Maryland, and ing in age from 2 to 72 (accorc!ing tc1 coln, Sunday, April 24. Those making ....................... Planque Mixed Chorus Burke is in Omaha. above mentioned personal data -shcels 1 the trip are Nunzio Lazzaro, William In a Chinese Temple Garden .Ketel disp 1. yed t11eir talents in the more Bischof, Edna Mae Peterson, May March ........................ Glo Ye editor of the Ped had a gurl last year and verily he must have put her I I thrill'ng ~cenes from Red Riding Hool!, Beckman, Jane Orme and Alice Trummer. JUST SITTIN' THINKIN' I Cinderella, Betsy Ross, eti::. in a ]Junkin she1! for he certainly haf G. H. S. I Geneva M)ller was chosen for the kept her very well (and how else cou'd voncert he do it). -Remember? ...... Micky I met a man on the street today and mlich-, ovtted screen test and was, of Y. M.' L. A. Members Hold he said to mE-"Well I missed your co\.. necessity cf course, generously daubed Pastponed Retreat i'he Chorus and Orchestra will pr Lammers. now of Fairbury. sent a joint concert at Joselyn Me I dunno Webber you remember this umn.' Said I "O'. K. I'll buy the cof- with m;.ke-up. Members of Y. M. C. A. held their re- orial Sunday, May 8 at 4:00 P. M. T couple or not but. they went tog·ether fee." said he-"No, I mean it, and I'll When the hilarity had subsided suf- treat in good fashion Tuesday evenOrchestra will present the following considerable last year and seemed to huy the coffee." It ended up as a ficiently to prrmit of eating refrcshing April 19. It was formerly scheduled numbers-. have lots of fun getting hambmgcrs Dutch treat. ments conoisthg of Jello with wS.'pped for April 5, but bad weather forced 1st Movement Military Symphony in windows with ropes and al! sorts of I've been west-to me it was way crefm, cake, pvnch. and candy $erved them inside. The time was spent in .............................. Hayd things-now you know, Webbef and out west. We even got to set our in tiny "brown derbies" were brougllt roasting marshmallows and wieners. concerto ...................... Viva! Renner ...... but it seem,3 they got watches back an hocE'. T'hat is all of :11 c·n individual t: hys, each one bcnc The occasion was well attended. Mildred Knoflicek mixed up this year and changed part- them but me-I !efl .nine in Beatrice. a fresh iris blossom. ners. S'funny about leav ::g that watch-I The girls report a "glorius time" at ELECTED COACH AT NEB. CITY Hero-of-the-Harem had a gurl last usually leave either .:iy slippers or my this, stil! another to add to the list of Last week Warren W Stephenson, year and he still has her too-If you razor strop, and wic:1out a word the -·]"Yer parties for which Miss Hileman son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stephenrnn don't believe it, she'll be at the form- hotel will forward them to me--espe- is locally fam;)US. of Peru, was eiected coach at Nebras- Jity, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Thro al Saturday look and see Ior yo 1 ;elf. cially if they're abou·, worn out. Here Glasses stted. Phone 144.-Profession-~ ka City. lV.ll. ~,ephenson is at present If you don't already know, her name I leave a very word:11hile time piece ..: · W. C. A. Hold Discussi.?n al Card. coach at Worthington, Minn., and is is Lorene and she teaches ·school over and they ask me fo:- instructions for On Race Prejudices tied up with a contract at that place. in Iowa. its dispossal! Do other races have the same feeling ..iDDLE: What couple were· secretThose Peru Singer~ are the grandest toward us that we have toward them? •-e will accept the Nebraska City job DR. GLEN H. JODER ly (for almost three days) married in bunch of kids' in any college. They This was one of the questions dis- Oi. Jy if he can get a release from his Surgeon and Physician the middle of last year and are now sang like they knew c10w to sing and cussed under the topic "Race Preju- present cor.tra('.t. That, however, he Milstead Corner brlives will be readily granted him. Mr. liVing in Culbertson, where he is teach- seldom caused me any worry. The dice" Tu(sday evening at Y. W. c. A. Office ::3 Phone Res. 39 ing music? Al\~ .VER: Doris Conwell trip was grand-beautiful weather- The gM£ found that there has been Stephenson is a strong coach, and the City is fortunate to get him. and Ronald Clark. grand reception ancl hospitality every race prr.judice for many years. If one Another couple not here now, but one where, and much tJ the joy of the goe:s back to the time of Christ they you all remember is Julia Jean and group and to my OW'l very deep gm- will Jin<i l1iscr!mination among the Bill. They started going together while tification many encore:; were demanded rac(·S. they were playing the leading roles in at each concert. "Uyrano de Bergerac". For further inSpeaking of weather I said it was formation look about for them at tqe grand-well it was-but we were snowformal -it's rumored that they'll be bound once-and came so near being here. stuck in the soft gravel on a new And then there's Blanche and Bert, road out of the Republican river valwho, from all appearances. spent al- ley that it wasn't much fun. When APRIL 28-29-30-hurs., Fri., Sat. most 1hree years stopping going to- an eleven ton load starts for bed rock gether. As the years rolled by they it's time to shift into double low gear. SONJA HENIE DON AMECHE went together less and less and pretty Good old Phelrs did and for five minIN soon they didn't at all. utes (it seemed) we traveled about a WE ARE NOW CARRYING A COMPLETE .LINE OF HAPPY LANDING 01 ce there was a gal who could call foot per minute. I never saw a paved 111AY 1-2, her fellow from the dorm to his room- road that was more welcome. Audience Enjoys Vocal

I Music Presentation I TWITTERBONES I I I Before a large an appreciative I




Peru Theatre

ing house without using a pho1ie. She just trotted over to the window and made a kind..of n0we 1 can't spell and pre~LY soon here he'd come running up the alley. But after it was summer a while, they didn't go together anymore, for no particular reason-Know who it was!--Sweenie and Kelley. What happens when two red-heads get together? I dunno, but you mi§ ht ask Jean Armstrong and Burton Evans. Maybe they got eng?,ged, who knows? -·•at's all for now .... se you later .. .. twosome.

We sang for two college audiences. FRANCHOT TONE At Tarkio, Mo., where we were detained .•.!YRNA LOY IN by the blizzard-what hospitality! MAN PROOF Rooms and breakfast in the dormitories, and not a penny would they ac- 11fAY 3-4, 'l'ues. Wed cept. Our hats are oft' to such spirit. Clark Gable Myrna Loy By the way the choir of Tarkio ColIN lege will sing here on the evening of FORLORN RIVER May 12. At Kearney we were once more royally housed and fed at no expense to us. What an audience-every song we ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ knew we sang-and then they turned Haraiian & Dallam back the clock-blind folded the deans DENTISTS and we danced and ate ice cream till, Office Phone 32W2 'Vell finally no one could decide who 1 Dr. H. C. Dallam, res. 196 Formal goers: See Littrell and Fich- could do the "big apple" the best so we tor for corsages. called it oft' until next year when the Dr. N. S. Harajian, res. 32W3


Speakers for Parents Day-Mrs. R"Pd Mrs. William Reed of Auburn, a graduate of twenty year·3 ago t'.1is spring, has accepted the invitation to be the speaker of Gamma Chi for Parents Day, held here on May 22. She is the mother of Gwendclyn Reed, a fresl-.man on the campus.

Kearney choir will be our guests. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The largest crowd was at Beatrice ~ Where more than. 1200 were present. ~'lf':li ~--'!-~ ~~~ ~..-::o~•~-¥-~ We all enjoyed meeting alumni. Many ~ "IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" ~ of whom drove many miles to see and ~ THOMAS ~ hear us. For such spirit we all felt ~ BARBER SHOP ~ truly complimented. ~ Under Dr. Joder's ·Office ~ Well I could talk on and on but it's time to turn in and next year we'll ~*~*~~*~*~*~



ALSO many fine used tires.

Many different sizes.








,...,,., ~





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SOPHOMORE SHOW FULL OF LAUGHS Werner and Crone Continuity Writers Big joke, ho, ho, at convocation Friday when the Sophomore class sponsored the program "Flour Shock," which consisted of seven skits, the work of continuity-writers Mary Liz Werner and Ruth Crone. Thirty soph· omores took part in the program. The first scene was that of a radio station where Dizzy Swish (usually disguised as Ruth Crone) was giving reci-. pes for marble cake and beans a la J=?ruce. This informational part of the program was cut tragically short by the discovery that th2 fiour was nothing if not plaster of Paris. A few minutes later the audience saw the poetic president of the Siftee-Wiftee Flour Company, Ralph Hopp, 2.t the unhappy moment when he discov~ ered the truth concerning the product of his company. A few minute< lat-;r "newsie" Jack Floyd informed us of the president's suicide leap from his ,o!Iice windcw, leaving his secretary, Jean Wagner, and assistant, Gilbc: t Purucker, unemployed. After the enactment of this tragedy, the curtain parted, disclosing a slow-talking, slow-moving hill-billy family taking life easy. In fact, property girl Frances Hardy, had to rush on to bring in the flapjacks (made of ;Siftie-Wiftee). The scene closed with unwonted animation with Ma (Buchanan) throttling Sis (Clifton) throttling Pa (Heim) throt}ling· brother (Saale) throttling Ma. In contrast to the preceding scene, the fast side of American life was next show:1. Bartender Don Rose wao discovered ent.trnlled by the close harmony of the Girls' Trio (Hazleton, Harris and Coatney) which sang "Tippitin." A fe\" minutes later playboys Carter Johnson, Thomas Chinnock and Dick Peck strolled in for a-hot dog. The members of the audience were made to realize the swiftness of modern life as they saw a hapless dog run across the room, emerging half a secend later in edible form between buns made of Siftee-Wiftee.



"Primping Week" is on for the Junior and Senior classes as they prepare for the Junior-Senior Prom, to be held Saturday night, May 7, in the Music Hall Auditorium. The "prom" will be a formal affair, carefully worked out by the Junior president, Gordon Gilbert; treasurer, Willis Worth and three committees, Those are: entertainment, William Mooney and Helen Lucille Larson; decoration, Harold Boatman and Benjamin Sheldon; refreshment:· Hazel Aufenkamp and Eleanor Hemphill. The Juniors are hosts to the Senior's in their annual farewell party. The evening will be spent mostly in dancing although other interesting entertainment is being· planned.

BOARD STARTS PLANS FOR MEN 1SHALL Architect Selected, Funds Appropriated The State Normal Board has announced plans for the new men's dormitory at _Peru. John A. Latenser, Omaha, has been selected the architect in charge of planning and constructing the addition to Peru's C?.mpus. $104,000"G<lf state school funds has been made available by the board. This amount will probably be increased by P. W. A. funds amounting to 45 percent of the total cost, since new P. W. A. funds have been appropriated to Nebraska by the recent federal "pump priming" bill. 'I'his would afford a Jiuiic'ing costing about $194,000. The building will add no cost to l ta:e taxpayer's bills. It will be patd £or out of revenue from its operation. Construction of the building will probably be delayed until the application for P. W. A. funds has been considered. Therefore, the date of completion cannot be estimated. No definite decision as to the loca-

Dormitory Girls Entertain NATIONALMUSICWEEK With Spring Garden Party PERUVIANS OBSERVE Local Groups to Give Operettas and Concerts National Music Week, which will be observed throughout the country May 1-8, has been heartily endorsed by President Roosevelt National Music Week is the idea of Charles Milton Tremaine, a little old man who makes no music but has been associated with it all his life. Mr. Tremaine got his start promoting pianolas for the Aeolian Co., later tried to make his own pianos, and failed. In 1916, deciding he was a better promotor than manufacturer, Tremaine formed his still existing National Bureau for the Advancement of Music. Four years later he put on a celebration which he called New York Music Week. Other cities copied this week, and in 1924 they united for the first National Music Week. Each community celebration is fairly autonomous, appealing to the national committee for advice, slogans, pamphlets. Otto for advice slogans, pamphlets. Otto Kahn gave $1,000 and became first chairman of the committee. When he died, David Sarnoff, president of R. C. A., succeeded him. As permanent secretary, Mr. Tremaine who is able to do most of the business, boasts that he never asks favors. Peruvians will observe National Music Week by presenting two operettas and a band concert. Wednesday evening Grades 3-6 inc. will present "Mrs. Melody Entertains" words and music by R. T. Benford. The cast of characters is as follows: Mother-Marjorie Rogers Babs-Billie Jean Miller Mrs. Melody-Laurine Clayburn EfJie Shat],} -Dorothy Vosberg Bee Flat-Marilyn Stanley. Ima Natural-Ruth Eschen Mr. Scale-John Lewis Do-Jack Maxwell Mi-Max Mathews so---Gerald Clayburn Mr. Scale and His Helpers-John Lewis, Jack Maxwell, Max Mathews, Darwin Hamel, Gerald Clayburn, Melvin O'Neil, Otis Bond, Henry Sherman, Earl Johnson. Chorus-Nancy Steck,John Straw,Mary Gilliland, Charlotte Pryor, Phyllis Wallbridge, Ina Jane Good, Eugene Henning, Carroll Palmer, Richard Good, Carl Ogg, Phyllis Owens, John Clements, Joe Reiff, Sammy Anderson, Robert Ware, Belva Parnell. Rhythm Sticks-Jean Collin; Phyllis Cowell, Ronald Burbridge, Dorothy Flau, Roland Sherman, Irene Filmer, Verna Dixon, Dean Presley. Jingle Sticks-Beverly Hauptman, Ro: bert Vosberg, Doris Ward. Cymbals-Louis Steck. Triangles-Dale Vanderford, Evelyn Steffan, Rex Coatney, Virginia Flan, Sleigh Bells-Kathleen Whitfield, Darre1 Brown. Tambourines-Joyce Goings, Betty Vance. Xylophone-Belva Parnell, Jack Maxwell, John Lewis. The High School operetta "Pete of the Fireflies" will be presented Friday evening·. The college band will make their final appearance of the year by presenting a program at Convocation Friday, May 6. The Perus\ngers and the Orchestra wilJ, observe the last day of Music Week by presenting a joint concert at J~so­ lyn Memorial Sunday, May 8.

tion of the building has been made by the administration. A possible location is the vacant lot north of the insrmary, across the street from Dr. BaTlle fifth scene took place at a meeting of the Society for the Prevention of lrnr's home. The exact umber of boys the dormlHusbands StroJiing Out. Members Louise Matthews; Gladys Lottman, tory will accommoda·e has not bee de· (whose husband was discovered to be ter.mined. Whether or not a school a Siftee-Wiftee victim) Martha Wilson, cafeteria should be !nduded in the final planr in another problem to te Gladys Nofsger a14d Virginia Trively listened more or less attentively as Col. settled. Georg·e Grossoehme Stal~, African big game hunter, lectured-until he dis- Aqua-Cromatic Display (Continued on Pag·e 4) Planned For This Month A water color painting exhibit sponsored by the research laboratory of COLLEGE CALENDAR M. Grumbacher will be sh,own in the Tuesdayart department this month. The exhibit known as the Aqua-Chromatic Y. M.; Y. W., C. C. A., 7-8 p. m. ~xhibition consists of a number of Broadcast, 8:30-9:00 p. m. paintings by American artists, some of whom are classed as professional. Wednesday"It is a group selected from several Grade school operetta hundreds of entries. Similar groups Thursdayof Aqua-Chromatic paintings have been shown at museums, art schools Freshman Clubs, 7-8 p. m. and other organizations throughout the Dramatic club, 8:00-9:30 p. m. United States. All the paintings are on hand made linen water color paper Friday15 by 22 inches. All are mounted in High School Operetta matts 22 by 29 inches in size. The paiting was done with permanent pi·;Satunlayment moist tube water colors. Junior-Senior Prom Any artists in the Southeast sect1 11 of Nebraska who would care to entc· Mondaya picture in a similar traveling exhibit Class meetings 10:30 a. m. next year may write l\i[r. Michael EnCrawdad, 7-8 p. m. gel 470 W. 34 New York City, for inKind. Prim. Clubs, 7-8 p. m. formation. Epsilon Pl Tau, 7-8 p. m. He who has a thousand friends has Notice of the days and hours when Lambda Delta Lambda, 7-8 the exhibit will be open to the public not a friend to spare. He who makes one enemy shall meet Sign:a Tau Delta, 8-9 p. m. w'll be posted on the bulletin board hin1 everywhere. ' - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . : outside the library buildins entrance.



Hundred Couples


Enjoy Social Event Spring was here Saturday night in its richest splendor. _The stars brightly shone, and a warm breeze gently blew gossamer formal gowns as the couples strolled about the dormitory lawn.

And Content Labels The dining hall was transformed into "The ;'life spends 90 per cent of the a spring garden with the many fiowers family income; therefore, she owes it and lawn chairs. Many beautiful corto the one who earns the money to sages were received by the girls and get the most out of the money." added to the aroma of a spring night. The Grand March started the eveNadine Bradley, Directory of the Woman's Department of the World ning of dancing· to the swing· of Dave Herald, who was the speaker at the Haun and his orchestra. The rainbow Gamma Chi meeting Wednesday eve- aray of charming dresses blended with ning, offered these suggestions to fol- the indoor garden. ·low if you wish to shop intelligently: Council members had charge of the Take the thing you want to match party and acted as hostesses to greet with you when you shop; Don't over- the guests. look clothing budget; When shopping At the entrance to the garden, Patsy for children, take them with you; Benford and Louise Lindstrom gave the Look for quality and take time to guests clever dancing cards which were find it; Anticipate family and friends' .i soon filled. judgment _(this is especially true when The excellent music was the main buying hats); 'I'ry on garments in the attraction of the evening. Many said


store, don't guess at sizes; Consider every purchase as final. Miss Bradley astonished the audience with this statement: "The women in the United States spent a hundred million dollars on cosmetics last year." Manufacturers make an immense profit from the production of make-!1p. The cost of the best face powder to the producer is eighty dollars a ton yet he sells a four ounce box for one or two dollars. Miss Bradley concluded her lecture "Do we Shop Intelligently?" by advising every purchaser to demand that manufacturers list the contents of each product on the label. Only after this has been done can w~ be sure that we are shopping intelligently. Philomatheans Entertain Everett Literary Society Approximately 35 students attended the annual entertainment of PhiloEverett Literary Socities April 28. The hosts, Philomatheans, slightly outnumbered their guests, Everetts, as Miss Kenton's group sponsored a successful affair for Mrs. Kirk's organization. The party opened with the business meeting· and the evening was then turned over to Gladys Nofsger. The theme of the evening was birds and many games were played based on the idea of the "feathered family." The game, which seemed the outstanding and secured the most cheers from the members, was "Birds Carrying Worms to the Nest." The group was divided and each person had to carry a bean on a knife to its destination. Prizes, animal crackers, were given to the best group performances.

that the evening was the most enjoyable one they had spent for sometime. One hundred couples attended the dance. Past members of the halls and faculty members were g·uests of the dormitory hostesses. Among the alumni guests who were present were Neva Dorsey, Wymore; Lorene Otte, Sidney, Iowa; Margaret Lorimor, Farragut, Iowa; Margaret Steinbrink, Falls City; Mr. and Mrs. (Lucille Dreebus) Jack Mcintyre, Nebraska City; Evelyn Brecht, Humboldt; Virginia Ann Poor, Humboldt; Ed Nell Benson, Omaha; Evelyn Jones, Belleview; Gretchen Miller, Hamburg, Iowa; Marjorie Lammers, Fairbury; Ruby Miller, Shenandoah, Iowa; Katherine Miller, Sheandoah; Wendell Redding, Thurman, Iowa; Wilber Shields, Talmage; James Perdue, DeWitt; Donald Blount, Meade; Fred Rohrs, Ashland; Harvey Loken, Nemaha; and Friel Kerns, Elba. Dale Nichols and Eddie Garner were with the orchestra. Refreshing punch was served throughout the evening· by Geraldine Eads, Gladys Lottman and Melba Obernolte. The pleasant evening is now only a glamorous memory. For some it is their last formal dance while attending Peru, but they and the others will never forget, W. A. A. NOTES W. A. A. members who would like to go to Lincoln for the Play Day, May 14 see Miss Davidson. Transportation charges are 50c each.


BellKappa Omicron Phi Elects Officers


Pawnee City High School-Guest Mary Matthews was elected president Trombone Solo-Junior Smutz Gf Kappa Omicron Phi at the meeting held April 25. The other officers Vocal Solo-Carol Jean Wherry are: Ma'-'ine Aufenkamp, vice-presiClarinet -Charles Thomann idcnt; Edna Mae Peterson, secretary; Rt:lh b1tcrius. treasurer; Eleanor Clarinet QuartettHer:1phill, guard; Jean Wagner, corresp0nding secretary, and Verona Grace McKee Klone, distaff reporter. Betty Barker Plans were made for Ruth Sutori•ts and Mary Matthews to attend the Ruby Sclrnmaker :·: ::i'c,1al Conclave to be held in SanEsther Calhoun ta Barbara, California during the second week in Ju~1e. 'I'hemeLouise Matthews, Edna Mae Peterso1;, and In12:rid Johnson were taken m Bellas p'.edges at the last meeting and wiJJ be f:)LTilally initiated in May. '-~------------

I 1


1 1.


The Peru Pedagogian PuJ;Jlished weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per _year. Single copy 5 cents. ADVERTISING RATES Locals, 10 cents per line

Display 20· cents per inch.

STAFF Editor .............. · · ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Norman Littrell Associate Editor .................. · · · · · · · · · · · : · · · · Bert Hall Sports Editor Glen Sheely Sponsor ...... '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. .... '.. ~;li~~ . Fl~rence Martin Advertising Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Bischoff REPORTERS Russell Bailey Bertie Boom Ruth Roberts Grace Hnizda Frances Staley

Melba Obernolte Bert Hall Edward Short Jean Wagner Lawrence Wes ton

Eleanor Nieman Martha Clifton Anna Louise Short Hubert Johnson Mildred Williams


Do you notice the difference? This week's PED. was planned and edited by the newswriting class. All headlines, makeup, news articles and editorials are the work of the reporting staff. T~ditor Norman Littrell has had a complete vacation ercept for the determination of matters of grave policy. In the event that too manv cooks han spoiled the broth, \\'e hope thavou'll forgive, forget a~cl 1-velcome "Normy" back next \\·cclc PET PEEVES

Are you one of the very few persons \Yho ha\•e only_ one pct peeve? Are you able to name it immediately upon being asked? Or, on second thought, are you one of the very many persons who have many pet peeves and can't decide just which one is the worst? Perhaps you don't like people who gossip, or maybe yon do enjoy a session frequently. Do you like to hear radios at 6 :00 A 1\I., or are you extremely irritated and wish that l\Iarconi had been a fiowerk ver instead of a "mechanical bug"? ·when deeply: absorbed in a long history assignment that just HAS TO BE READ before your next class, doesn't it give vou a "rhythmical feeling" to hear some'}ne in the room above yon suddenly break into a tap clans:e-or does it? How about slamming doors, singing before breakfast, or moving furrtiture while you're trying to sleep? Does your roommate leave his clothes lying around saying, 'Tm going to take care Jf these Saturdav. I'll clean the room this week too since you'n :leaned it the la~t four times"? Do yon build np great hopes and :hink maybe he's okay after all-that is until yon go to your room llld find a note: Dear "Roomie" I've just found a way to go home this week-encl so I'm grabbing it-See you Sunday nightB---But after all are \ve not learning to he \\·ith others? We can't tlways have things our way. Is there any better test for sel£-sacriice than being able to overlook others "queer habits?" l\faybe we ;hould have credit in an extra-curricular course-the one \Yho has he fewest pet peeves should get the best grade. (Or are grades me of your pet peeves?) :IARDEN PARTY

It has come and gone-that long anticipated dormitory formal. ,fonths of lying awake deciding whom to ask and what to wear1ver in one all-too-short evening. But is it over? 1\Iemories of good imes such as these live on fore\·er. This Men's formal was a good idea-while it lasted. But \Vhat :_ppenecl to it? Could the fellows have decided that the unclertak1g was too great? The girls have given you two !only parties crry year, parties which have required much of thought and hard rork. Don't you think it is your turn nov,·? UNK TRACK MEET

For the past several years the MINK track and field meet has een one of the outstanding classics in the state. In this meet high ~hool stars are featured from four states, namely, l\Iissouri, Iowa, ·ebraska and Kansas. The meet has acqnirccl a prominent name for self clue to the high caliber of competition afforded. Last Saturday approximately 250 athletes from some 30 schools irticipated in. the sixteenth annual l\IINK track meet held on the eru field. _While old sol showered clown his apprornl the boys atched ability in the several en~nts these boys \1·cre aimi1i.g- to m, and what's more these boys were aiming at records, and clnrg the course of the meet six of the long standing records were 1attered each by a good margin. The meet was run off directly on schedule and displayecl the hight degree of organization. From the results of Saturday's meet, and from the showing made · the underclassmen, we personally feel that the meet next year ould be bigger and better than ever.

Do You Have A Pet Peeve? We Do Mean All Of You If so, look for it In the Column Below

time and doesn't keep it to himself. Emma_Rosicky-"I am averse to gum chewers." Leona Simmons-"Some kind hearted mother telling her sonny what's going to happen next in the show." Anonymous-"Ha ! Ha! in letters." Roland Cowell "The rain is my pet peeve, because I have a hole in my shoe." Elmon Velvicl>:-"My pet peeve is having to walk three miles in the gumbo in the middle of the night." Lester Mosley says his pet peeve is being caught on the highway. Cecil Walker-"My pet peeve or chief gripe is these piepan hats the ._H. S. Plans Jr.-Sr. Banquet fair lasses of Peru wear." The Junior-Senior high school ban John Boyer's chief gripe is a pet quet is to be held Saturday night, M peeve column. 7 in the Training School building. wide variety of entertainment is bei planned. Those serving on the committees un der the Junior President Charles Gad COO-PED-LING dis are: entertainment, Erna Steffe By HEART Jean Vosberg and Ray Colter; decora tion, Roger Mason, Wayne Pugh, Die Coop-Ped is not a pusillanimous col- Kingsolver and Helen Rogers; refresh umn, nor is it inap:.iropriate or in- ment, Norma Hays, Twilla Mason, Milconsistent or inharmonious or nefari- ford Sears and Lilly Mae Collin. ous. It is a colu1rn net. only for your diversion, but also for the purpose of apprizing yoH of new thoughts. Once more we present that peerless sage of BOOK WORM MENU columns-Goo-Ped.

Breathe; there a man-or girl-with soul so dead (or with such an acute case of spring fever) who never to himself-or roommate-has said (or perhaps shouted): "This is my own, my very own peeve!" The answer is "NO!" Practically everyone has a pet peeve. They are universally cherished, these little annoyances that disturb life's flowing serenity. Shakespeare had a name for them-he called them the hundred natural shocks that fiesh is heir to". Hamlet was ready to "end it all' because of them, but Peruvians hava merely enjoyed confessing to interested reporters their special grievances and an elaboration on just why that particular thing gets in their hair. If you say "come" when you should say "came" or "seen" for "saw", or if you have insane laugh, hide your head, because you see Mary Kathryn HanIon's pet pain. Mearle Shoebotham gets very peeved when the person sitting in back of her in class jiggles her chair. 'l he flies in Mildred Knofiicek's soup are the girls who talk baby talk. Several are irritated by the uncivilized way in which Mr. Gilbert rings the dinner bell. Jack Hazelton is annoyed over the Flash: This week's plans dealt with dol~1n1·to1·y doors' be1·11g locked at Hl:30. chimneys-What do you know of Evelyn Freeouf detests chalk-screechers. Hazel Vanier dislikes having to get up for breakfast. Mary Liz Werned is irritated by people who don't appreciate the art of punning-. Further exaspirations are: Marjorie Harris-Chorus members who eat g·arlic should go way off somewhere, anywhere but where "Marj" is, because they make chorus almost unbearable for her in more ways th[ln one. (Even your best friends won't tell you). Professor Benford-He has so many occasions for impatience that he does not have a pet peeve. AnYw.lhl'xtteachers are not supposed to ~e pets. (Some do and some don't). Gordon Gilbert: He is a lover-of natural beauty. Consequent!", he be' comes enraged whn he sees ostentationsly red finger nail polish. People who leave the light ·on over the dictionary in the Eliza Morgan parlor don't realize how much am1oyance they cause Gladys Nofsger. She feels impelled to turn it off which not only wastes time and energ·y, but also causes and irritable frame of mind. Virginia Trively-She always seems pleasant and never angry, but she, too, has a source of irritation. Open doors cause her a great deal of provocation. She must be one of those few people who are not curious about other peoples affairs and desired privacy herself. Elizabeth Murphy-"My pet peeve is people who apologize. I think people should make up their minds and stick to it." Ruthie Lytton: "What is my pet peeve? It's people who leave the elevator door open-then I have to walk upstairs." Viv McKimmey: "My pet peeve is people who bang doors after tpe lights are out, and run up and down the halls singing. Why? Because Fritch and I have to bounce out of bed and bawl people out." Blanche. Freeman: "My pet peeve is waiting on people. It gives me the jitters.' Bertie Boom: "I have two pet peeves -people embracing in the parlor and peole who talk with their mouths full." Edith Willey-"People rattling packages behind me in the show." Mildred Hubka-"People who don't bring the wax to the dormitory on time." Margaret Henderson-"A person who always has a pain or aches all the

Steals: War's little Neils? Out in the woods. Ben't she afeared of b'ars Noo, she's on her bicycle and she handle b'ars. Second: I don't smoke and I don't bet I don't swear and I don't pet, I don't. I've never kissed a girl-not one, In fact I don't know how it's done; You may think I don't have mu fun, I don't. Thirds: 1. Cash is the jack of all trades. 2. A penny saved is a penny taxed. 3. There is no honor among thiev They are as bad as other people. 4. Every kiss has a crimson lining.

chimneys? Neither do we. Extra: Goo-Fed fan mail pours in. Latest response was charming picture, letter and telephone number from one of the winners in recent All-Staff. She was rewarded with a gilt-edged certificate. (Picture on display in Ped Office between the I10urs of 6 and 6, day or night duri!l?: the summer of 1940. She should be grown up then.) Behind the scenes-or in a doze with the editors. Wednesday: Nothing to do except \VTite editorials. Littrell "What to say this week?". Hall, "Oh, copy another one from the 1920 files." Thursday: Nothing doing. Halltrack. Littrell-sleep. Friday: Copy-Hall: "Copy cat.' Littrell: "Ye Gods, is that little bit the copy?" Saturday: Littrell: "Heads-copywhat a life". Hall: "What's the question of the week?" Sunday: Hall sleeps-Littl'el! worries. Monday: Print day; Fowler: "Get that copy down on time." Littrell: "Let's see, does this head balance that one? Oh-just throw the junk together. What? Oh, yes. Miss Martin. Yes, I checked the gossip columns. Alpine Pi Alfred, yes, we caught that it was N. c. Jones instead of A. B. Smith." Hall: I've got two articles to write. Can I write a column? What's this for? Do I get in the way? Oh, look, I dropped this bunch of leadmy, I sure am sorry I broke the machine that prints the paper. Can I go out for track now?" Martin: "Listen if you let another _such mistake go through, you're out." Littrell: "Thank heavens." Tuesday: Littrell, Hall and Martin: "Yes, we're sorry. No, it was a mistake. We'll run your story next week. Oh, you wish we would use your middle initial? What?!. the office wants us!"

Father Szmydt Leads· C. C. A. Father Szmydt of Nebraska C1ty again led members of the Catholic Students at their regular meeting, Tuesday evening, April 27. He submitted 11uestions which provoked general discussion.

J.P. CLARK Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Office Phone 109

f!ihr Mide Suits MANY NEW SAMPLES most favored line. Suits from of all pure wool fabrics in our Just received greatest variety


The Mardis Store "A Mighty Good ·Place to

R b h h I d every emem er ow you owe time Robert Benchley appeared on the screen in "Live, Love and Learn"? You will do the same thing when you read his book "After 1903-What?" Take time of!' from your last minute cramming· to read this book and also "The Go!<ien 8overcign." Robert Benchley: "After 1903What?" This is an. exceptionally good book of humorous pieces which touch on Mr. Benchley's love of Welsh community singing, parlor games, cocktail hour in tea shops, why we laugh and other interesting items. If you do not laugh all the way through "After 1903~What?", you may possibly . have a touch of "normal rationcina- : tion, or Crowther's Disease," full des1·bed n p ge 49 of th1·s book er o a · Lau1·ence Housman· "The Golden · Sovereign." This is a volume of short dramatic pieces by the author of "Victoria Regina." Many of the pieces relate episodes of Queen Victoria's life; others deal with the lives of Carlyle, Oscar Wilde and Parnell.









Tarkio Claims Win With 92-44 JY.!argin

'Five Previous Mink Records Tumble In Track Contest Lincoln High School

Wayne Lindberg proved himself adCindermen Take Meet !;mirably last Friday when he carried With more than thirty high schools t(llf a first in each of the distance runs represented on the field, the annuctl ~--the mile and the two mile run. '1~{ !:\~: His were the only two firsts accred:c MINK track meet, held on the Peru track, presented a colorful array of ~ eel to Peru in the meet, Peru vs. Tarkio. !; Under ideal weather conditions, and closely matched athletic competitors. [;running on the Peru track, which was Ideal weather conditions prevailed, and i{1n excellent condition, the Tarkio col- a good conditioned track encouraged the timber toppers, Smutz of Pawnee llege track squad easily defeated the City and Wittkowski of Fremont, to : Peru tracksters by a 9~-44 m<wgin. establish new records in the high Padgett, the Mound City >tar, garnered hurdles-time 16.3 seconds and in the t' 191/1 pc·in ts and was closeI:,· followed by Cotner of Plattsmouth with H :; . lows-time 23.9 seconds, respectively.


The Cass County athlete topped his Tarkio record in the broad jump by one foot and raised his state record in the Missouri College Athletic Union from 22 ft 5 in. Tarkio, M., college easily defeated Peru State Teachers college in a dual track meet Friday afternoon. Ideal weather' conditions prevailed. The meet score was 92 to 44. Padgett of Tarkio led the individual scorers with 19 1;1 points, followed by Cotner of Tarkio, former Plattsmouth, Nebr., :;tar, with 14 1-3. Cotner surpasse~his Tarkio record in the broad jump by one foot and shattered his own Missouri College Athletic union record by leaping 23 feet 11 'ii inches. Ll.ndbe1·gh of Shenandoah, Iowa, was

ALUMNI TRAIL By Mildred Williams

Echoes of Class of 1912

From the now famous class of 1912, Peru has Sanford L. Clements, the superin\cndent of the Training School. He is the proud father of the finest quartet of boys that could be found in any day's travel. Then his co-worker, G. Arthur Anderson, is now doing excellent work in Los Angeles, CaliforPrevious records in the broad jump, nia. The two began their teaching pole vault, and mile run- were also career under President Pate when he slashed. Nannen of College View off- was superintendent at Alliance. Eet the old record of Hickey of Abe 'I'he present generation thinlrn that Lincoln, Council Bluffs, held at 21 ft. Professor E. C. Beck, the "lire wire" Walker of Stella vaulted to a new who was head of the English Departhigh of 11 ft. 10 in topping .Schaffner ment here for a number of years, is of North Loup record of 11 ft. 6 in. stU the "livest wire." He is head of Previous time held in the mile by the English department of tlle Stat<2 Spangler of Plattsmouth was lessened Teachers College at Mount Pleasam, from 4 min. 45.7 seconds to 4 min 44 Michigan. seconds by Francisco of Lincoln. Mrs. Elizabeth Curry Hendricks, the Summary of Points: Lincoln 35; Pre- wife of Dr. B. Clifford Hendricks of rnont 21; Fairbury 9; and Pawnee the University was one of the leaders City 8'"· Fremont had two lO pt men in the class of 1912. Another leader, in Wittowski and Rohn; Shleich of George Hansen, is a successful insurLincoln and Schroeder of Fairbury ance man at Tempe, Arizona. each garnered 8 points. Other "live wires" of this class teach~ 100 d dash Won by Ludwick, -yar ing at Lincoln are: Marie Cross, Grace Lincoln; Schroeder, Fairbury, second; Brill, Lincoln, and Chandler, ~<e::iaha, L. Hooper, Bertha Lambert, Margaret tied for third and fourth. Time 10.5 G. Wilson, and Charles Mapes, principal of the Bethany schools at Lincoln. seconds.

outstanding for Peru, \vinning botl1 long distance events, the two mile in 10:31.8, the mile in 4:43.5. The summaries: 220 yard dash-Won by Schroeder, Hatcher Coaches Track Stars 100 yard dash; Won by Padgett (T); Fairbury,· Arnot, Humboldt, second; At the Thomas Jefferson relays held second, Cotner (T); third, Turner \P). Ro hn, Fremont, third,· Ludwick, Lin- at Council Bluffs, April 22, three new Time 10.4. rnln, fourth. Time 23.8 seconds. records were established. Two of the 440 yard run: Won by McPherson (TJ 440-yard run: Won by Fairbanks, record breakers were from Fremont second, Floyd (Pl; third, Adams (TJ, Honey Creek Con.; Dorsey, Lincoln, and were coached bY Homer Hatcher, Time 53.7. second; Mills, Lincoln, third; C. Will- grnduate of '33. Hemy Rohn made 880 yard run: Won by Greve (T); iams, Wymore, fourth. Time 54.5 sec. the record for shot put at 49 feet a iesecond, Floyd (P); third, Adams AT). 120 yard hurdles: Won by Smutz. ches, which excelled the 48 feet 3 ~nTime 2:7.9. Pawnee Ci1:.'; Wittkowsky, Fremont, che" recrird establis!1ed by Max Ec;\-.ert Mile run: Won by Lindberg (P); secsecond; Prather, Tarkio, third; Gass- of Benson in 1931. The other Fremont ond, Stevenson (T); third, Brown (T). man, Gc.elmu, fourth; Time 16.3 sec. trackster was Leonard Witkowski who ' Time 4:43.5. led the individual events with, first in (New reconJ;. 120 yard high hurdles: Won by DinsMile run: Won by Francisco, Lin- high hnr'.~ics, low hurdles and broad more (TJ; second, Hall (P); third, Wilcoln; Koontz, Auburn second; Steck, jLimp. ·12, «on (T). Time 15.9. ·iarkio, third; Stiers, Nemaha, fourth; Receives Honors at 'i\Jni. Mile relay: Won by Peru (Hall, Floyd, Time 4:44. Madge Peterson, who attended Peru Halliday and Collins). Time 3:41.7. 200 yard low hurdles: Won by Wit22D yard low hurdles: Won by Dins- tkowsky, Fremont; Fisher, Peru, sec- for one year during '35-'36, was among more (T); second, Hall (PJ; third, Mil- ond; Pestinger, Pavmee, third; Prath- those given honors at the University of Nebraska for high scholastic standler (P). Time 27 seconds. er, Tarkio, fourth. Time 23.9. ing. Miss Peterson was awarded the 220 yard dash: Won by Cotner (T); 880 yard Run: Won by Atkins, Blue second, Turner (P); third, Horacek Springs; Wooster, Fremont second; 01· scholarship offered by the American Association of University Women. She (P). Time 23.3 seconds. sen, Lincoln, third; Schneiber, Lincoln, is affiliated with Pi Lambda Theta Two mile run: Won by Lindberg fourth. Time 2: 13.3. sorority. (P); second, Brown (T); third, Holman 880 yard Relay: Won by Lincoln, (P). Time 10:31.8. Dorsey, Brill, Ludwick and Wiley. Time Will Work on Ph. D. 880 yard relay: Won by 'I'arkio (Cotl :36.7. Miss Joy Mickel, who last year was ner, McPherson, Dinsmore and PadJavelin throw: Won by Debus, Linawarded a scholarship at Bryn Mawr gett). Time 1.32.6. coln; Blue, Tecumseh, second: Robin· Shot put: Won by Porter (T!; second son, Ashland, third and Smith, TatKio, College in Pennsylvania, is now attending college there. She will reArmstrong (T); third Bailey (P). 39 fourth. Distance 171 ft. 4 in. main another vear to work on ter feet 10% in. Discus: Won by Rohn, Fremont; Pole vault: Won by Wilson (TJ; Mc- Schleicl1, .Lincoln, second; Debus, Lin- Ph. D. degree .• Miss Mickel atternJ.ed Peru three years, the last being in '29. Hugh (P) and Hall (P) tied for second coln. third; Blue Tecumseh. fourth. "'·~ ~d. and third. 11 feet 10. Shot Put: Won by Schleich, Lincoln; High ,jump: Won by Padgett CT!; Rohn, Fremont, second; Blue TecumWilson (T); Greathouse (P) and Bail- seh, third, 'I11iessen Fairbury, fourth._ ey (Pl tied for second and third, 5 feet Distance 50 ft. 5 in. 10. Pole Vault: Won by Walker, Stella; Discus: Won by Porter (T); second, Ennen, Lincoln, second; Smutz, PawPadgett (T) ; third, Lewis (T). 132 nee and Robinson, Ashland, tied for feet 9%. third and fourth, height 11 ft. 10 in. Javelin: Won by Padgett (T); secBroad Jump: Won by Nannen, Colond, McHugh (P); third, Mcintyre (P), lege View; Arnot, Humboldt second; 164 feet 9 in. Wittowski, Fremont third and Smutz, Broadjump: Won by Cotner (Tl; Pa1rnee, fourth; distance 21 it. 11 in. second, Greathouse (P); third, WilHigh Jump: Won by Nannen, College son (T). 23 feet 1rn. View; Lourer Auburn, Morrissy, TePERSONALITY CLUB Not every woman knows how to conduct a formal tea. Thursday erening, at her home, Miss Brackney enlightened the girls' of Personality Club on this subject of teas as well as the service of dinners. The Club was served tea in illustration of M:iss Br-ackney·s lecture as well as from hospitable motives. The "guest list" included Maxine Geiger, Lois Fey, Elda Ernst, Maxine Weber, Georgina Sinnett, and :Marguarite Dall.

cumseh, Chandler, Nemaha, and Mussen, Lincoln tied for second third and fourth. Height 5 ft 10 1~ in.

Promotion for "Short." Irwin Williams, '33, now teaching mathematics and science at Milford was re-elected as principal for next year, which means a decided increase FonnerCoach Pres. !lit ~al'f!llllil in salary. Hastings Re-elects Miss Grover Miss Opal Grover, '36, was re-elected at Hastings. She teaches reading annual meeting'. The coaches in the grades, and will receive a sal- all-conference basketball teams. ary of $1290 for next year. Edie received his degree in 1933. Campus Visitors Sup't. for Balance of Year Rex Wayman and Miss Helen HunFriel Kerns, '37 instructor in the ter of Albany, Missouri, were campus Elba High school, was elected superinvisitors several days last week. Both tendent for the balance of the year. are former students of this college. Miss Brissey-re-elected Brings 'Sneakers' to Campus School officials of North Platte re-eGeorge Willy, principal at Wilber, lected with an increase in salary Miss brought the senior class to visit on Josephine Brissey, a graduate of 1936. the campus, Friday, April 29. Mr. Alumni contribute to "Sifting Sand" Willy was an outstanding student and Seven graduates of Peru have selecathlete of the class of '24. tions appearing in the new edition of !\fore Alumni Elections "Sifting Sand", the local magazine of More elections reported from alumni the National English F;·aternity, Sigma are: Rita King, '37, re-elected at Crab Tau Delta. 'I'hey are: Opal Grover, '36, orchard; Donald Noyce, erected to Hastings; Laverne Setzer, '36, Meriteach manual training at Norfolk; Paul den, Iowa.; Virginia Johnson, '37, HumLandolt, '33, re-elected at Cortland; boldt; Josephine Rogers, 37, HopkinEu.gene Rarick, '32, coach and science ton, Iowa; Evelyn Brecht, '33, Humat Weeping Water elected superinten- boldt; Betty Pancake, '34, Shenandoah, dent at Pilger; George Kuhl, '36, coach Iowa; and M. Florence Martin, '3,l, and manual training teacher at Un- Peru. ion, elected superintendent at Julian; Fayette Horton, two year graduate, teaching at Salem, elected to seventh and eighth grades at Diller, and Miss Adele Penterman, ,. '36, re-elected at Plattsburg, Mo.

Coaches Bring Track Teams The following alumni had track teams entered in the M. I. N. K. Track meet held Saturday, April 30: D. B. Dallam, Steinauer; A. L. Biehn, Fairbury; Bart Vance, Dawson; Ralph Receives Assistantship Higgins, Auburn; Freel Cole, Blue Springs; Wilber Zorn, Ashland; Ralph William Plucknett, '37, has been Mason, Hickman; Dean Grass. Goehgranted a graduate assistantship in ner; Harvey Loken, Nemaha; Paul chemistry at Ames, Iowa, for next year. Landolt, Cortland; Homer Hatcher,

Alumni at Track Meet Fred Rothert, Auburn; Harold Peterson, Omaha; Kenneth Gaines, Crab Orchard; Stephen Gaines, Ashland; Fred Rohrs, Ashland; Merle Peek, Pawnee City; A. C. Holtman, Talmage; and Ivan Newton, Coin, Iowa, attended the MINK track meet held here Saturday, April 30. Excellent Basketball Season J. A. Conway, ,351 coaching at Spaiding, had an excellent basketball season this year, having won fourteen out of eighteen games. The team was eliminated in the Cedar Valley Conference and District Class C titles in the playoffs. Becomes Acting Superintendent Claude E. Matthews, '29, high school instructor and assistant coach at Logan, Iowa, has been elected as acting superintendent. Mr. Matthews was formerly teaching in the Woodbine, Iowa, schools before going to Logan. He will receive his Master's degree this summer from the University of Minnesota.


Rehired With Salary Increase Ora Ferguson, high school principal at Missouri Valley, was rehired for the coming year with a $200 increase in '









Fremont; Robert Punches, Pawnee City; Clarence Grandy, Milford; John Tynon, Corning, Mo.; and Roscoe Tolly, Humboldt. Broadcast from KOIL , Mrs. William Baldwin, the former Muriel Sug·den, who attended Peru for two years, takes part in the early morning program from 6 :30 to 7:30 over KOIL for which program her husband is announcer. Peruvians re-elected In the election Report No. IV issued April 25, 1938 by the Nebraska State Teachers Association at Lincoln fourteen of the elections were received by alumni of Peru. The superintendents re-elected were: A. R. Lichtenberger, Beaver City; H. V. Taylor, Elmwood; C. Ray Gates, Grand Island; Louis L. Decker, Liberty; C. W. Grandy, Milford; R. L. Klaurens, North Bend; A. B. Ritchie, Jr., Orchard; John Weatherhogg", Plainview; A. M. Gariss, Uehling; H. D. Bugbee, Union; and W. I. Kaltenborn, Waterloo. , Paul Combs, now superintendent at ,Pilger, was elected superintendent at Valley. Principals re-elected were: Carl Ludington, Diller and R. c. Majors, Sumner. -





. . . '~,

lnTEnD TD We'll gladly check your car before you start on your summer trip. water in the radiator-Water in the battery-Air in the tires-Check the level of tlie oil in your crankcase, and of the grease in yo~r transmission and differential.

These siznp,le



against trouble on your DiR• Educator dies Allen L. Carman, graduate of 1906, died at Palo Alto, California, April 21. Since leaving Peru, he has taught in Utah. Arizona, and in Nevada. Mr. ca1111an was superintendent oi schools at Yerington, Nevada, when he was forced to resign because of ill health.

He then ~em to Palo Alto, where his daughter is teaching.

WII CIQ ititmap.

Pryor Garage

We call for and Deliver PHONE 77





For the past several days, students emerging from college buildings at 3:00 p. m., have become conscious of drum beats in their ears. The direction from which these percuss~ons came could not at first be determined. One day a curious person strolled over behind the dormitory to satisfy an urge to get next to nature for a short while. On the training school practice field, the training school band was marching. Supt. s. L. Clements will take both the band and the orchestra to Omaha for the National Regional Music C'ontest May 12, 13, and 14. The band will march in a parade-hence the drill. They may enter the marching contest with Jack Hazelton as drum major.

un "

Stonecypher Discusses Seriousness of Infections

PERUVIAN BEFORE MAY 9 Bigger!! Better !! More Attractive!! There are just a few of the characteristics of the 1938 PERUVIAN. Those of the student body who have seen the covers of Lhe nrw boo!; llave been very farnralJiy ;mpressed-to say the least. This week clos&5 the sales on L)3g PERUVIANS. Unless j'OU reserve a book on or before May 9, you will be unable to obtain an a1111ual. There is

Dr. Stonecypher, prominent Nebraska City eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, this morning addressed a concovation of Peru students and faculty n.cmbers on the important subject of the relationship between the eye, ear, but a limited number of books unsold, nose and throat. so, "Do Your PERUVIAN Shopping 1 ';Early"! ! ! Dr. Stonecypher made clear the se- 1 • • riousness of ear infections and stated I All who have paid for their book tl:.at most e:lr infection found access i completely may merely walk .through to the ear tbrough the nose. He men- I the PERU:IAN ofilce. a~d receive the1~ tioned several serious di.·seases that ~ook, othe1s m~st wait m ,lme. Pay for were the direct result of ear infection. your book now- save :yourself that List2:1ers were interested in the his- agonizing wait (that line gets so long tory of the development of this special ar: d tiresome when you are anxious to branch of surgery as related by Dr. 2ee the new book.) Sto1wcypher this morning. The eye, Watch the PERUVIAN Bulletin ear, nose and ttroat specialists now Board for the remainder of the week. SNOOPY SNOOPIN'S ·receive: one year of special training in , Be sure that your name is on the list !.,.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.;. adcUi:ion to their four years pre-med I of PERUVIAN reservations. Now is the Flash! Story of the Week course and two years' internship. The time to be PERUVIAN CONSCIOUS. It was a gorgeous day and the wit development of schools for these speand brains of the Sophomore Class cialists in the United States was slow. KODAK CLUB were putting on a show for Convocation. It was a swell show 'til Charlie

Have you ever noticed what a quiet little kid Romeo Adams is? Phyllis Burke (When hearing somepne kidding about having a kite so big it was made with two by four's) "I didn't know two by four's would fly"--S'news to me too Burke. These !ife saving tests are sure 'damp' on some people's spirits. Things that puzzle Snoop: Whether Mr. Grossoehme has some or not. Something worth seeing: The girl's softball team in action. I think I'd like Harold Prich81'd to recite "Paul H<:';ere." You know this spring weathsr malrns me so light hearted I could quote po'try-but I won't-Yes I will too, sometime. Well gotta go now-but I'll be back. Bee ya next week and 'til then I" be snoopin."-By now, Snoop. "LITTLE SISTER" PLAN IS CONSIDERED BY Y. W. Freshmen girls entering colleges next fall may have a "Big Sister''. to show them about the campus and to introduce them to the other people if the Y. W. C. A. plans of Tuesday evening work out.

ments. 'I'he remammg members of the class attended the school Wednesday morning.



MUSIC NOTES Professor Steck attended the State Music Teachers Convention held at the Hotel Gornhusker in Lincoln, April 29 and 30. While there Mr. Steck spoke at two of the sessions. His topics were "The Relationship between Singin Voice and Self Expression" and "Vocal Methods for Choral Success." Recital Well Received Miss Vivian McKimmey presented her senior piano recital to a large and appreciative audience Wednesday evening. Her numbers were well interpreted and well received. Miss McKimmey's parents from Fairbury attended the recital.

STUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL ELECTED At the Junior Class meeting, which was held last week, Maxine Galbraith and Harold Boatman were chosen for the Student Advisory Council. This .completes the council for next year including Don Rose, and Gladys Nofsger from the Sophomore class: Mary Olive Richardson and Dean Karr from the Freshman Class. ----D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebraska Jity, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Glasses stted. Phone 144.-Professional Card.


Drum Instruction Several members of the Instruments class visited the Geo. Smith Drum School in Omaha Saturday. Mr. Smith is an instructor of percussion instru-

Surgeon and Physician Milstead Corner Res. 39 Phone Office 33

connected with nose and throat infect:on, the eye diseases very often find their origin in some other systemic disorder. Therefore, there is now a de.Bnite movement of eye specialists entirely separate from the ear, nose and throat men. As an example, Dr. Stonecypher explained that the cause of a common eye disease was lack of calcium in the system. STUDENTS PREPARE FOR RED CROSS EXAMS 927 W. O. W. BUILDING Twenty-five people are preparing for Senior Red Cross Life Saving. This\ OMAHA class is being conducted by Red Cross examiners on the campus: Elmer ~~~~~~~~~~~~i!llllil~ Clarey, Roy Kellogg, Keith McHugh, Joel Punches, John Boyer, Maxine Metcalf, Stella Rogge and Miss Phyllis Davidson. Instruction is being given this week. Tests will be given next week. Anyone interested is welcome to MAY 5-6-7 Thurs., Fri., Sat. watch. (};eorge Brent . Oliva DeHavilland


Peru Theatre








covered that five women can talk more MAY 8 and 9 than one man, even though he be a -warner Baxter

Joan Bennett l~cturer. IN The girls are considering starting the 'I'he foreign element was introduced "Big Sister, Little Sister" plan on the VOGUES OF 1938 as the audience was transported to a Peru Campus next fall to help the MAY 10 and 11 Tues. and Wed. Chinese laundry. Slackee, Maree Lizee Freshmen girls iron out their diffiBIG TOWN GIRL and Gale Cartee worked industriously culties. starching shirts with Siftee-Wiftee and The Religious group discussed "Mak- .singing "Tippi-Tong, tong, tong." Ray ing Choices." In this was included Kellogg helped to make big joke, ho,ho, What Influences the Choices one Makes. 'and music. H~ played "Song of India" "1~1-I; sc"-·-·-~=~~'"""'""2'"···-2~'""'~ Some of the influences mentioned were en his harmonica. Harajian & Dallam friends, environment, and reading maScene seven took place in the radio 'i DENTISTS terials. station where Dizzy Swish explained to Office Phone 32W2 "And So Victoria" was read to the tlie frnxious publi<o that it was all a Dr. H. C. Dallam, res. 196 Creative Leisure group by Helen Mar- r.1istake-that the plaster of Paris was 1 Dr. N. s. Harajian, res. 32W3 garet Larson while the other members fotmd in but one Siftie-Wiftee bag. It ="'·SS· · of the group continued with their knit- seems that Dizzy had been making ting. placques and had to have something to ~if~"~,._,,.~~~~ ~t'.b~~~-11-~ \, "IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" ~ A breakfast is being planned for Sat- carry tl1e plaster in, sourday, May 7. Merle Shoebotham, BerA baritone solo, "The Wanderer," was ~ T H O M AS (, nice Bletcher, and Margaret Saville played by Dorothy Snider between (' BARBER SHOP have been appointed as a committee scenes one and two. Leora Libhart ~~ f.(' ,, Under Dr. Joder's Office ' sang "God Gave me Flowers" to the ( ~ to plan the menu.


ALSO many fine used tires. COMPLETE LINE


Many different sizes.










S. P.H. S. 0.



' -


';•·~(j, ~ ~





--------~-· .....---~-~---






'39 Editor, Business Manager


To Be Announced

This week's guest editor is Elaine At Peruvian Banquet Shafer of Nemaha. Her return to the

Colorful Presentation

Y. M.; Y. W., C. C. A., 7-8 p. m. Broadcast, 8:30-9:00 p. m. Wednesday-

Kappa Omicron Phi.

Elaine is a leader in dramatics and the general field of English. Her ranking scholastically is among the upper part of her class, and her rating among her friencis is "tops." Elaine rose to her greatest prestig ! throug·h her editorials. Turn to page two for proof of her ability in editorial fields.

Jerome Snyder Recital 8 p. m. Thursday-


Freshman Council Crawdad, 7-ll p. m. Alpha Psi 7-8 p. Kappa Delta Pi



Charles Buckley, well-known Chicago

High School

violinist and teacher, for the Summer

Girls Trio and Male Quartett

Master Violin Class, June 6-18.

The Old Refrain-Kreisler

Buckley will give lessons to those de-


siring them. The fee for these lessons

Woman In The Shoe-Brown

will be $5.00.

Loch Lomand

This will include the

ensemble work that will be given.




co~d~~~~d ~e~~:~~ll~~~:~h::~ a:~ (::::~::;:~;::~:+:~::::•··::~~::::~~:::c~,.,::::~~~.:2'.:C.,.:::c~;y@;:~:1:

Exami·nat1·on Schedule





pr~gi 1.:~,1

·~ :~~h~~\~w~~~. ~e~f :rub~:~




.'uburn. '9,~' Rose Of ·"" The following concert will conclude the program: 14,

I First Movement from the Military ),! 1 Symphony . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. Hayden , ~/,:

man ... -~;.._, ..._.. ·~.··;~~ ""';.'5 ._ Concerto ln A~

,...,,, _,_ __,_

vueU1.0lrn :¥•. ·'.'',

..... Vivaldi


Mnd:mi ~

Oedipus in C~•.



I }!


~.',. I

!J¥¥ I

' I 11





announces the engagement


All-college Dance

Residence Girls Formal

The Department of Music officially

Some of the details of this clinic are learned from Mr. Jindra of the Music The Resi5ence Gi:·Jc will entertain Shortnin' Bread-Wolfe Department who says, "I feel that we their guests and faculty members at '.l are making possible a most interesting Battle of Jericho-Spiritual formal dance Saturday nig·ht, May 14. short course in advance violin mastery. There's A Gold Mine in tile Decorations are being planned to sugMr. Buckley comes to us with a backSky ground of splendid attainments, both gest a Hawaiian setting. as a soloist and as a teacher of proMarie Wieneke, chairman,. appointed When The Organ Played 'O fessional violinists. For some years he the following committees: Decoration Promise Me' ) has been identified with the Universi-Maxine Aufenkamp, Elvira Schacht, ty of Chicago Music Department and Evelyn Oberst, Helen Snyder, Ruth the unique methods of modern violin Valkmer; Invitations and Dance Proteaching he has employed there, will gram: Roberta Cowell, Rita Russell, DR. R. N. SPENCER become available to those interested Marvel Lucas; Refreshments:: Clara CHOSEN SPEAKER here. We feel that his presence here Dunn, Lucille Smith, Georg·ina Sinnett; constitutes a step forward, and cerProgwm: Mary A. Vanderford, Doro- FOR COMMENCEMENT Dr. Charles Durden tainly a great opportunity for the viothy Ann Coatney, Alice Devore: Dr. Robert Nelson Spencer, of Kan· linist who wants to grasp some of the Baccalaureate Speaker Favors: Florence Neve, Evelyn Clarke. sas City, has been selected speaker for modern 'short cuts' to violin mastery" A lovely spring day has been ordered commencement services. Dr. Spenc~r Was Child Prodigy for Sunday, May 22, when Peru stud- JUNIORS ENTERTAIN received his D. D. in 1931 from Dickinents will entertain their parents at the SENIORS AT PROM Mr. Buckley's musical antecedents son College and has been rector of services and program held in their churches in Kansas and Missouri for reveal him as a boy prodigy, winning Soft lights, cheerful flowers and muhonor. Parents' Day was instigated and many years. He is at present chaplain national honors as a young soloist. Afhas been sponsored each year by the sic made a rainy evening very pleasant of St. Luke's Hospital in Kansas City. ter a period of some three years as a Men's club and Gamma Chi. It has for the Junior and Senior Prom in the Mr. T. B. Hubbell, pastor of the young virtuoso, he entered the mr.ster annually been a highlight of the year. Music Hall Saturday night. Church of Christ of Auburn, has been class of Jacques Gordon, then concertInvitations are being sent from the Flowers and plants with white bases selected as speaker for the high school master of the Chicago Symphony Orcollege office to supplement those sent tied with blue ribbons, the dim blue baccalaureate services. chestra. On Gordon's migration to the by each student to his parents. lights and the blue and white streamfield of quartet playing in the East, the Baccalaureate services will be held ers gwcefully looped and extended a- Art Classes Plan Exhibit young artist sought out 1:1ischa :Misin the morning, with Dr. Charles Dur- cross the room created an atmosphere chakoff, then concertmaster of the For Parents Day den as speaker. Dr. Durden came to Chicago Orchestra. His work v.ith of refinement and romance. the United States from England in A feature of the tour of the campus Mischakoff elicited much favorable The faculty guests were Dr. and 1907. He was graduated from William Mrs. Ware. Mrs. Dunning, ·Mrs. Pate on Parents Day will be the exhibit of con:n:ent from .this master, in fact, the Jewell College and received his D.D. and Mrs. Delzell. the art class students. Th~ exhibit pos1t1on of assistant to him was made from Shurtleff College. He has been Thirty-two couples enjoyed the eve- will coi•.~icc of work done by the available. pastor of the First Baptist church of n1·ng of danc1'ng At present, Mr. Buckle" divides his · drawing, water color, oil paiting, pot, Omaha for the past eight years. He is Bettie Garver and Mary Acord as, time between the University of Chica.d d t t din lecturer on tery, clay modeling, crafts, and genconsi ere an ou s an g · sisted with the serving of punch and era! art classes. go as the coach of the first violins of Masonry. wafers. the Symphony Orchestra, and the 0 1 strenuous and exacting duties as first violinist of the famous Zoellner String Quartet, which organization is reputell the afternoon program. The major .... f,·.:.: part of the afternoon program is being Ii '. to have played in practically every part conducted by the music department. ~Y, Second Semester, 1937-1938-May 19, 20, 23 of the civilized world. All available Following an opening number by the k1 THURSDAYI time is devoted to teaching and coachmale quartet, welcomes will be given by !.':i ing. It is significant to remark that Pres. Pate, Blanche Freeman, .. 8:00- 9:50-All 8:00 classes except: English Comp. 101. five of Mr. Buckley's students of past dent of Gamma Chi, and Joel Punches, i 10:00-11:50-English Composition 101 (8:00 and 2:00 sec· ~. years now occupy prominent positions president of Men's club. Responses "·::<·l.,. tions) Introduction to Literature 102 (10:00 and ~I;.~.'. in major symphony orchestras in the will be given by :Mrs. William Reed, , , United States. H 2:00 sections) Voice Culture 301. ~1 1


Dramatic Club 11:30 a. m.

During Engagement Here

Tuesday, May 10-

Viva L'Amour


Freshman Clubs, 7-8 p, m. Friday-

To Organize Violin Class PERU HOUR

Guest High School, Bellevue

Next year's Editor and Business Manager of the Peruvian will be announced by this year's staff. Peruvian keys will also be awarded to those doing outstanding work in the Peruvian this year.

Barcarolle, from Tales of HoffGirls Club, 7-8 p. m.

'Charles Buckley Violinist, To Teach Summer Session

banquet will be served by the g·irls of

Gala colored costumes and well trained voices were the main attractions Friday night when the combined Glee Clubs of Peru High School presented "Tbe Fete of the Fireflies." The first act was set in a Gypsy camp where Lolita, CJ?ettye Dasher) queen of the Fete, fell in love with an American boy, John, (Harold Fisher) who had wandered into the Gypsy camp. John invited Lolita and her band to a garden party at his home. The second act opened with the b:cnd of Gypsies arriving at the garden party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winters (Harold Mason and Joan Good.) During the course of the evening, Mr. and Mrs. St. Johns, (Bond Kennedy and Nancy Jones) who attended the party, discovered thd Lolita was their own daughter who had disappeared thirteen years previously. Maria, the gypsy who reared Lolita from childhood, was played by Mable Bath. The story closed with a happy reunion of Lolita and her parents. Nicholai (Raymon Coulter) and Elaine (Mary Redding) very ably played the parts of the jealous lovero. Roger (Oscar Smith) played the part of a very clever American and furnished much humor for the audience. Meda, (Maryon Thomas) a friend of Lolita, calmly braved the stormy remarks of Nicholai and was ready with an answer every time Nicholai lost his temper. Those <inging in th€ chorus incJmlcd C. Whitfield, L. Larson, E. Hamel, N. Hanlon, M. Adams, M. Collin, v. Hauptmann, M. Baltsenberger, M. Deck, K. Benford, E. Klone, N. Anderson, C. Connelly, B. Collin, W. Wright, P. Anderson, 1. Coatney, R. Redding, C. Ve!vick, J. Good, N. Jones, J. Weddle, June Weddle, M. Harris, K. Bartling, I. Dopp, H. Larson, G. Nofsger, H. Fisher, F. Mason, B. Kennedy, E. Adams, H. Hallenbeck, R. Coulter, 0. Smith, H. Snyder, B. Chapin, L. Stark, G. Gilbert, R. Mooney, and F. Cline. The wo1·ds and inusic of the operetta were written by Mr. R. T. Benford. Vivian McKimmey was the assistant director and Ruth Ann Hill and Eleanor Niemann were accompanists. Student teachers and members of the Methods Class acted as assistant managers.


The annual banquet of the Peruvian


journalistic wars is an encore, as she staff will be held in the Home Econowas editor of the '36-' 37 Pedagogian. mies hooms on Tuesday, May 17. 'Ihe



TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1938


To Banquet


Lambda Dei'l:ll.


~~ ~ ::~

:!~:c:a~=d!!~~~a, I ll.:nn~ jamt ~ n mI


1 :00· 2 :50-All 11 :00 classes except: Art Appreciation 306, Anticipates R.e!axation Here D ramat1zat10n · · "I believe" Writes Mr. Buckle", an d p agean t ry 255 • ~i , "all H professional instrumentalists must have 3:00- 4:50-Public School Music 110 (9:00 section) Home means of relaxation. For some of us


Management 433.





8:00· 9:50-All 1:00 classes except: Clay Modeling 10; Public Speaking 254; Shop Maintenance ~10;


I ff\ '! !1,'.~j ~

the appeal of the great out-doors is all impelling. I have heard of the delightful country which surrounds Peru.

and trust that during my stay I shall have full opportunity to engage in my Public School Music 110. favorite pastime, walking and explor10:00-11 :50-All 2:00 classes except: English Composition ing the countryside. For a man of 101; Introduction to Literature 102. ~.'~ music, the hobby must be comp~0tely f,i diverting. Walking provides for n:e . 1:00- 2:50-All 10:00 classes except: Introduction to Lit· I:~ erature 102; Home Management 433. )Ji diversion, and exercise so necessary for I the maintenance of vitality. The de3:00- 4:50-Art :\ppreciation 306; Dramatization and Pag- ~ mands made upon the concert player 2-\\ of today require one to keep in top eantry ::i::i. !I!1J condition."






9:50-All 9:00 classes 110.

10:00.11:50-All 3:00 classes Culture 301.

except: except:


Public School Music ~

Father Sz1n dt Add

Y resses IA Catholic Organization

Art Crafts 204;



M:mbers of c. C',A. turned .out nearly 100 per cent 'Tuesday evemng,

M 2:;:ivt:'flCJ ay '·ll'fod e 1·m., .; 10 ; p u bl'IC S ch 00l 1MUSIC · llO H Szmvdt ,,,' May 3. when . • Father .. • . of I !!N"~ ) Sh '1 · p bl' , braska City led v.1th a .lectuie on (1 :00 secuon • op n amtenance 210 • u 1c : •· • . .

Speaking 2$4. '


Neper!1 I sonal. questions wluch the group had

•••RBMBBBBB•••••••••magW ~submitted heretofore.


The Peru Pedagogian Published Weekly by the Peru ·State Teachers C0 11ege, Peru ' Nebraska. tt Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska -as second class ma er. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents. ADVERTISING RATES Display 20 cents per inch.

Locals, 10 cents per line



Coo-Ped th~t O'oo-!'ed that peer of columns; h • news-waves takes monarch of t tl .. .0 send f©rth stringent steps and t1 ies t doubt a scinteila of humor. I have no . will be remembered m1lthat Coo-Ped d to youse lenniums from now. An d that boo-youse are a millepe~ ~~e that's no canard, members . o

Norman Littrell Editer ... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Bert Hall ~s~ociate Editor · · · · · · · ; · · · · ··· · · · · · · · · · ~',:ii~~ · Fl~~~nce Martin .:-ponsor ..... ........ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · canaille. lt For tops in humor read "Rooseve f . King" a magazine by Robert Pa:REPORTERS 01 ' · verse is ton and Charles King-then' Eleanor Nieman clever and their ads witty-you can t Russell B~iley Martha Cl if ton go wrong. Melba Obernol te Bertie Boom Anna Louise Short Bert Hall Ruth Roberts An excerpt: Hubert Johnson Edward Short Grace Hnizda "A new domain will be Ver-Maine Mildred Williams With feudal Baron's castles." Jean Wagner Frances Staley Everything is n amed and some fine Lawrence Wes ton definitions are given. , Court-body of men over ·70 who THANK YOU claim they are 62. . . rI "we"' an ex- R. F. D.-Farmer synonym for F. At the risk of violating the impersonal e d1tona staff member would like .to say "thank you" to the prese n t Ped staff D. R. Hoover-A vacuum cleaner (Free Adv. for her privilege of coming back to help this week. Geo1:ge the Sixth-K.ing of Englanel. .JUST IMAGINEGeorge the First-any pullman por-; you were a speaker, asked to talk to a group of prospective teache~s ter." about the "Menace of Measles" or the "Threat o( Tubercle BacilAnd it goes on and on-but read it lus." We will further imagine that you were asked to addr~ss these yourself. Coo-Ped as a critic is something adults on a Monday when they didn't feel happ)\ after .a mce Sunday. And when you were introduced as an at.~thor1ty come . to new; but being as we started, here enlighte~ these seeking after knowledge, th,e m~ltitude murmuret goes. ominously and a few in the back seat made their exodus, preten' - · Doctor Smith's (Sigma Tau) new ing to hav~ forgotten an important eng~~m~nt. Y ou, . course, "Sifting Sands" is a swell piece of.. hr- ve a lot of poise, would laugh and sa y, Bemg a physician, I a~13. work. The verse and prose is excellhere to tell you how to alleviate the source of such groans as I heat ent and well worth anyone's quarter. about the crowd." Or maybe you haven't so much poise, and would Fritzie Walter's new Peruvian is the flush miserably. But of course it couldn't happen to you. It only buy of tne year-you'll regret it if you happens to convocation speakers. fail to get one, as I took a fine picture The newswriting class and Bert Hall Anyhow, it's a nice thing to have a nightmare about some time. put out a fine Ped last week. Good work, claSS-.:.Bert always does fine work. While passing out favors-Mr. (Incidentally. we suggest a row of seats in the hall, so that the 'Fowlers-son and father (grandpa to Freshmen can depart without annoying the speaker. You under- -the staff) have done a swell jGb . in stand the difference between the Freshmen and the Seniors is that putting out the Ped. Their .c~pera~1~n ' · · have been them a gwdmg spirit the Seniors all sit on the front rows, so that t h e Semors Just groan and The advice Ped staff thanks and wishP.'>



GIRLS DISCU S~HER. school. She received an A. B. hi...~ I THE MODERN M Y. w. a. A., in ~930. -~ d's- Wnghtsman Concert at CoJlllllbi h Religious grou:@ of T e , tba.."Il h;;J,d a I . ht a ,, Tuesday . Frances Wng sman of Aublll'n , 0 by lV1 u le Shoe ~o le . on 'Mot her's Day tending school cussion · . at Columbia• ' •1• . g· b ut was recently presented in a. ,,_ ev.enm · d d a talk a o . "'"CElt In t his they inclu e the prob- a contralto soloist by the ~ i.i t College Conservatory of MUSic ~ 1 t a mother should do and wl. 1a t he modern mother has to mee Wrightsman attended Peru d~~-~ ems . group did snm -~ig Ui.i The creative Leisure . be- summer of 1936. curtams that are W work on ,the ne Vote for Oakes in_..g made~ Otto Oakes, '28, teaching at ~eatney has filed for county superin~I!dent. ' Andrew's Addition is Daughte.r A daughter was bom t.o Mr ALUMNI TRAI~ Mrs. Earl Andrews of Falls City,·~ Ala By Mildred Williams 3. Mr. Andrews is a graduate of 1932. 1 Punches to Seward . b t has made a Robert Punches '35, coach at 'n.."'•• Miss Katherme Lam er . e for herself as teacher nee City, was elected athletic direc1tr state wide nan: . . th Fair bury · at Seward. of normal trammg 111 e · h e r twentieth Son to Buehlers bio·h school. This is ye~r in her present position. A son \\'as born to Mr. and Mrs. o.A , B ·1 Sims who will be remembered Buehler of Alvo, Saturday, AJlli! 30 ' b "asiId timers" as one of Peru's most Mrs. Buehler was formerly Doro h~ Y o football players, held di.ffe!rent Doty. Mr. Bueh1er is a graduate ot famous . . pos1t1ons as t each e r of manual .arts , 1934. and finally was selected at Nosh, Mich- Recent Placements igan, . where he has b u ilt ~p a wonThe following students have re. derful organization. ceived elections: P.ace to Falls City Clara Eyre, Junior High, La Platt~. Kenneth P ace, '35, music instructor Marjorie Stevenson, English at at Lyons, is going to Falls C'ity as in- Mitchell. strumental music instructor. Leonard Bell, Principal, manual training and coach at Riverton, Ion. Atkinson Changes Dean McCormick, manual trainin~ Theron Atkinson, '37, now teaching at Rosalee, has been elected superinten- and coach at Thurman, Iowa. Ralph Scholl, manual training, dent at Pickrell. Beaver, Iowa. Wendell Redding to Green Field



Wendell Redding, teaching at Thurman, Iowa, goes to Green Field, Iowa as assistant coa ch "a nd teacher of mathematics. Mr. Redding received his degree in 1937. Armstrong Leaves Eagle Deva Armstrong, teaching at Eagle, goes to Nebraska City. Miss Armstrong has her two-year diploma, having received it in f925.

CLASS OF"l913 .

Henry Abrams, a native of Fairbury, who graduated in 1913, taught in Fair· bw·y and later was elected county su· perintendent of Jefferson county. He served in this ,capacity for a number of years and then moved to Oalifornia where he entered the public schoool work. Later, he came back to Peru Professor Heck Honored and received his A. B. Degree. He i3 Frank Heck, professor of History now meeting marked success in Los who is on a leave of absence this term Angeles. working on his Ph. D. at __St. Paul, MiSs Emily Burton is now in the Minnesota, WflS r ecently elected presiand bear it.) the year was just starting so Millard dent of the Nebraska S tate Teachers Northern Illinois State Teachers Col· lege. After graduation, Miss Burt-011 Historical Association. - - ·-- -- could show us the< ropes again. taught in the Lincoln Schools and Hertel to Lincoln Now for this weej{s lecture on things PARENTS DAY 'finally was called back to the '!Tainiug you ought to know: Elmer Hertel, head of the departmeut School at Peru, but later was offered A few days ago, an American Mother for 1938 was chosen from 1. Ink was first ma.nufactured in of Biology at Wartburg Colle~e. Vlaverthe Illinois position. the mothers of the nation as embodying all that an ideal mother 1825. • ly, Iowa:;has received an appointment Arta Draper, one- of the leaders of 2. A river of natural ink; e»ists in from the University of Nebra$ka. as an should be. We think that is a good ide a, but quite unfair, since 1~ant ia tile Zoology department. the classi of 1913, later married John Algeria. us.sis we each have a · candida te we'd like to have nominated for that Parriott. They now live near Hum· 3. There was an issue of the Bible Mr. Hertel, who r eceived his degree in position. Many of you were able to pay tribute to your personal boldt. They have sent three daughters called, "The Wife-Hater's Bible." 1931, will begin his work this sumrder. choice for American :Mother No. 1 on Sunday of this week. to attend school here. 4. The X on beer barrels originally South America Calls On the Peru campus, however, we play no favorites. We set Russell J . Hale was another leader meant an excise tax of ten shilling·sWalter Kaltenborn, now superintenaside our Parents Day on which we do honor to American Mother now they represent the strength. Mixed dent at Waterloo, will leave soon for in the class of 1913. Peru never had a and American Father No. 1. On that day you are given opporwith gasoline -it s0on reads "X m arks South America, where he is to take a more loyal student. Af, evidence. of WS tunity to invite the parents you think most likely candidates for the spot." loyalty his son, Thaine Hale, now at· position of teaching the children of fhose positions, and you can do a littl e campaig ning if you like. 5. Rig Verida is the oldest book in engineers. He will be located neai· tends Peru and is one of the leaders oi Of course, we have a progran1 and a tour of the c a mpus and prethe world. Lima. "Flea'\ received h is deg;:ee in the freshman class. Mrs. Hale wa.~ tend that we want our parents to see our college; we don't tell them formerly Aneta Fathing, graduate of 66. Animals to America came: 1928. so, but the important thing is that the college see our parents. We 1914. (a) Cows in 1624 know all about proud parents- but we don't mind admitting tha t Daughter to Wilhofts Joy E. Morgan, after graduation, was (b) Ca.mels in 1856 we are proud sons and daughters. That is what PaTents Day is for. Word h as been received at Peru that superintendent at Bloomington, aud (c) Horses in 173U Mr. a:rad Mrs. Waldo Wilhoft of Calton, dater at Quide Rock. He left Gulde (d) Sheep in 1609 California have a baby ·daughter. ~" Rock to join the army and to enter Very interesting-eh wot? However, Wilhoft received his degree in 19~, Now that it has rained and the underclass farmers and farmerthe stoi·y of how blotting paper came nnd was ~ member of the college factil- library work. He won national r~cog· ettes can stop looking h aggard o cer erops and n ext year's educanition and was sent throughout the to be, is j.nteresting-how-ever it will ty for one year. He studied law the1n. camps to organize and establish libtation, and now that quite a few of the Seniors have found that they keep. So here are our steals: and is now practicing at Calton. ries. After the war lie was chosen needn't practice park b enching for n ext year , it's time to think up I had sworn to be a bachelor, Campus Visitors I. editor of the National Educational a n ew w0t·ry. She had sworn to be a bride. David Duey, Brock, and Wilb r Jow·nal. He has built up the magazine I guess you know the answer. Shields, Talmage, former students, wete until now it is one of the largest of The Seniors can now start worrying about life. Such as, what (She had n ature on her side.) campus visitors on Friday of last wee)l.:. its kind in the U11.ited States. He is is it all about, and when we find out, what shall we do about' it? Daughter to Marold Davissons recognized as one of the leading ')(!uIn case they solve that, they won't ever need to do any more wor- A paper is a wonderful invention: A daughter, Mona, was born to Mr. catorn of the National Educational rying. The school gets all the fame, and Mrs. Harold Davisson of Seward. Association. The printer gets all the money. Everybody except Seniors, who are much too busy w i th other The staff gets all the blame. Mrs. Da visson was forme1/y Claire things, please note that it is time to start worrying about jud gment At their regular 'I'hurs. meeting the Chadron Eagle. day. Just as if you didn't know it already, sch edules have b een club examined and disc1.1$Sed selections 1. Hearts are like seals- made to be posted conspicuously about the campus as little subtleties to re- broken. KINGSOLVER of Mrs. Baker's poetry which have mjnd you of the evils of cramming. been published. Plans were also made 2. Man was created first. Woman BARBER SHOP was a recreation. for a picnic to be held next Tl:rnrsday. Those little ·posters are not intende d only as a means for you Miss Tear attended as a guest for 3. Never put off until tomorrow Below Barnes Drug Store to find out which hour of which day which of your tests cemes. th e very enjoyable evening. what you ca.n get someone else to do They were posted three w eeks early through an actual concern for today. your welfare, both physically and m e nta lly. You see, the seniors 4. AdVlce to June Brides : Never nnd college faculty have observed that the last four weeks of school say, "I do" when you mean "Adieu."z are picnic time. They will counsel you to b egin your spring c r a mJ.P. CLARK ming early so you won't have to miss an y picnics those last few College and hwnan life are short. We Electric Shoe Shop Norih of days- or so you won't have to hint to your parents on Parents Day Post Ottice that you have your worst test le ft for 8 :00 Monday morning, and should study the things that wm min"A Mighty Good Place to Trade" ister to our happiness and efficiency that you suppose you should begin r eviewing soon. Phoiae 109 now.

The Mardis Sfore



l' t



In 83\;2-4.7\;2 Victory All around strength carried the Peru track team to an easy victory over Doane last Friday. A steady drizzling rain and a high wind hampered the contestants, and slowed the time down considerably. Although the firsts were evenly divided Peru's consistent collecting of i;econds and thirds gave the Bobcats a safe margin of victory, Peru swept t~,e high jump, ~20 yard dash and 440 yard. ciash. Outstanding performances of the day were Roger Howards' 42 ft 2 1-2 in. put in the shot, and Paul Baker's 26.4 in the 220 yard low hurdles. Lindberg· of Peru and Sloey of Doane tied for high point honors with 11 points each. Summary: 120-yard high hurdles-Wan by Baker D.; Second, Hall P.; third, Sloey D. Time 15.7. 100-yard dash-Won by Clark D: second, Turner, P.; third, Mooney, P.; Time 10.6. 440-yard run-Won by Hallaqay, P.; second, Floyd P.; third, Collins P.; Time .55.5. 880-yard run-Won by Lindberg P.; second, Holman P; third, Phillips D; Time 2:12.9. Mile-Won by Holman P; second Lindberg P; third Fox D. Time 4:57. Two-mile-Won by Garrels D; second Lindberg P; third Holman P. 880-yard relay-Won by Peru (Miller, Mooney, Horacek, Turner). Time 1:37.2. High jump-Bailey, Stark and Greathouse, all of Peru, tied for first. Height 5 feet 7 inches. Pole vault-Sloey D and McHug·h P tied for first; Kristufek D and Walker P tied for third. Height 11 feet 1 inch.

I 1.,.--1-





I Sportsmanship Seldom does one actually see and experience things about which one often reads in stories. At the Peru vs. Doane track meet last Friday afternoon, however, I did see -something that I've never done more than read about and as a result it struck me as being tops in "Sportsmanship." It happened like this : With the outcome of the mile run well in hand, "Lindy", Wayne Lindberg to the ladies but just plain "Irc1nhorse Lindy" to his track mates, having lettered, dropped back on the finish lo take a second and give his running mate of the season, Vester Holman, a very likely distance man, an opportunity to get his letter-which, incidentally goes hand-in-hand with the taking of a first in any dual meet. This is the kind of attitude that carries one the farthest and is, therefore, something very worthwhile striVi.ng for. Halladay to the Front Bob Halladay showed up fine when he breezed through to an easy fint place in the 440 yard dash. "Gilk's" Way of Doing It With a grand display of "sportsmanship" on one hand and a dei" ,..;..c victory over Doane last Frit.iaji/ on the ·other, it is no· difficult matter to see that Coach Gilkeson is as much interested in the future as well as the present of each of his boys. Where there's cheer-there's 'Speck' The day wouldn't h~ve been complete without "Speck" to see the boys off. No, they weren't disappointed, for "Speck" was there till the last car left with a cheerful word and a display of horse-shoe pitchin' that would rush champion Mosley to beat. State Track Meet For this coming Friday comes the State N. I. A. A. Track meet at Kear-

Harri~ and Freeouf

1\1 ake Summer Plans Evelyn Freeouf and Marjorie Harris have plans for an unusual summer. They are going to a summer resort in Chautauqua, New York to wait tables. The camn is especially designed for the pursuit of culture. Lectures on science, history and art are supervised by the New York University. Henry Ford and the Roosevelts are frequent visitors to Chautauqua. BATH AND WILLEY SPEAK AT MATH CLUB Alpha Mu Omega, national mathematics fraternity, me€ for the last time this year Monday evening'. The program of the evening consisted of several talks by members of the club and the initiation of one member. Mr. John Bath, Supervisor of Junior Hig!1 School Teaching, spoke on the "History of Mathematics." He told about a plan which has been suggested several times by mathematicians in which our number system would have a basis of eig·ht instead of ten. This would eliminate the decimal system. The basis of eight does have its advantages, however, as eight is a multiple of more numbers than ten is. More of the most common fractions have denominators which are factors of eight such as one-half and onP,fourth. Edith Willey reported on the article "Geometry-A way of thinking" taken from "The Mathematics Teacher." Omar Gottula gave the proof to a geometric construction. Mr~ A. L. Hill, Professor of Mathematics discussed some miscellaneous matters.


Greetings and Sour grapes: Here is Snoop folks-the gossip "digger upper" with.the latest gossip. What three boys (by the names of Gerard Goldenstein, James French and Fletcher Cline) attended a high school party out at Tynan's farm last Tuesday night? It took Paul 'I'rue and Harold Snyder so long to make up their minds, one day, as to whether they should skip class or not that they were five minutes late when they decided to go. If anybody wants another storv about Pascars horse ask Dean Karr.. When Miss Davidson asked Betty Garver if she was at class the day before, Betty forgot herself and said, "No, I skipped." And much to the amusement of the sports class and Miss Davidson, Betty clapped her hands over her mouth and blushed a beautiful rosy red-think before you speak next time, Garver. Heard Kay Bartling changed her Miss Tear Entertains Freshman Club Council At Attractive Tea Miss Grace Tear entertained the Freshman Club Council and a few friends at a tea in her apartment on Thursday afternoon May 5. Tea was served between the hours four and six. A bowl of lavender iris was the center piece of an attractive and tempting tea table. Yellow candles and china completed the color scheme of lavender and yellow. Tea cakes, jelly tarts, daisy and rose-bud mints and tea were served. Jean Wagner assisted Miss Tear with the pouring.

mind at the last minute about whom she would take to the formal. Question: Who was smoking a pipe :n the phone booth at the dorm Saturday night? Say, I heard a freshman boy make a remark about what a punk gossip column was in the Ped.-Ouch, that's me, folks. My nomination for the cutest co!rnle on the campus; Severn Handley a~d Maxine Metcalf. I feel mean, folks. I'd like tu go round and try out everybody's "pet peeve" on them-thanks to someone for hunting 'em and publishing 'em. New couples I've seen around: Vivian McKimmey and Larry Stark; Bob Halladay and Phyllis Burke; Marj Harbridge and Dick Severson; Johnny Green and Alma Smith; Bert Hall and Mildred Williams. Say, did you ever hear the story of the deaf and dumb man who h'.'ld a nightmare and broke his knuckles on the bed post screaming?-neither did I. Well, that's all, folks.See you nei,:t week, and 'till then "I'll be snoopin." Snoop. Band Gives Concert At Friday Convocation

For its final appearance this year, the College band gave a concert under the direction of Professor V. H. Jindra last Friday, May 6, which included: In a Spanish City, by Hayward. In a Chinese Temple Garden, by Ketelby. Selections from Chimes of Normandy, by Planquette Between Band numbers Miss Vivian McKimmey and Professor Benford played a duo-piano arrangement of the Hungarian Rapsody No. 2 by Franz Liszt. This selection was ottered Mexican Fiesta Chosen because of so many special requests relnterfraternity Banquet Theme The world steps aside and lets pass ceived from those attendin"0 Miss A Mexican Fiesta is to be the scene the man who knows where he is going. McKimmey's recent recital. of the interfraternity banquet, set for Tuesday, May 26. The theme will be =======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

G!:~~~~~:p~w~~:;, s~~ie~;;;ec~~:~ ~~~t e~~~~ :~i!oo:he s~:~:::::~ ~~;~:s::.t !~oJ:ii ~e~~~::\~:i~~o~ ;:IC(~8C~~+12-:~z:r~;~~J!J:C~~;,;;c~;:[~~~~~;;c~22~ tance-20 feet 1 3-4 inches. Shot put-Won by Howard D; second, Boyer P; third, Sloey D. Disond Boyer P; third Bailey P. Distance 42 feet 2 1-2 inches. Javelyn-Won by Kristufek D; second Greathouse P; third Sloey ::>. Distance-165 feet 10 inches. Discus-Won ty Mc)sely P; s•cond, Howard D; third Cherry D; ciistance 122 '.eet 2 inches 220-yard run-won by Turner P; second Horacek p ; tlm· d Mooney P; Time :24. 220-low hurdles-Won by Baker D; second Hall P; third Holman P.

to by your fine support as enthusiastic, true Peruvians, your Bobcat tracksters will be sure to bear home many honors as a result of the day's games. BERT

motion pictures of Mexico. All the honorary fraternities are taking part in the planning of the banquet which will be held at 6 o'clock in the Mount Vernon dining room. Vivian McKimmey is general chairman of the banquet. Committees working under her are: Menu: Ruth Sutorius, Eleanor Hemphill. program: Doris Prichard, Willis '.Virth, Glen Sheely. Decorat'10ns: Mary Grush, Marjorie Stevenson, Ernest Rawson. Tickets will go on sale ne:;t week.

SCREWBALL 11 This is the story of. a news correspondent. He, she or it was assigned to "cover" class meetings at a midwestern teacher's college. After considerable prying, he, she or it disclosed the following facts: 1. The Juniors held the Seniors after a convocation and invited them to the Junior-Senior Prom. • 2. The Freshmen declined to call a meeting. 3. The Sophs. called one for a week ahead. Very few concerned, and few stayed at the predetermined time. "Chimes of Normandy" must have swept all earthly thoughts from their minds.






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Robt. Shu! ':r Reads Paper At Neb. Academy of Science Representing Peru at the 48th annual meeting of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences were Professors A. B. Clayburn, Walter D. Albert and Robert H. Shuler. The meetings were l;eld at How are you going to spend your Hastings, on May 6 and 7. Robert H. Shuler, recently appointed summer? This question is common to succeed Dr. G. R. Coatney of the among students everywhere. Som.;' biology department, read a paper on students wait until vacation, then de"Temperature-Activity Studies on a cide. Others have been planning all Jellyfish, Aequarea Aequorea." The winter on some specific course of abstract of this paper as published for action. those attending the meetings, read as follows: "Tracings of the movements of The Kellogg brothers of this camthe jellyfish were made by means o:!' PU$ have considerable foresight. They a springdriven kymograph and a light will spend most of the summer in heart lever. The specimens were k1::pt beautiful Yellowstone park where cool in sea water, whose temperature was breezes blow and·, one sleeps under raised or lowered by means of a water blankets at night. Almost every night both outside the specimen container. there is dancing. The fishing ls unexThirty-nine tracings were made at celled. Any sport you can name is at temperatttres ranging from 40 to 28 de- hand. Roy was out there last summer g-rees C. The results show an inter- and will meet old friends again. 'Ihis esting correlation between the move- will be Ray's srst year there. 11\ents per minute and the temperature. To top this off. Ray and Ray will be The optimum was about 17.5 degrees C; well paid. They have jobs out there. and 28 degrees C. killed the anin1als. However, these jobs leave them plenty but freezing did not." of leisure. Ray will be in candid The meetings were di\'ided into dif- camera heaven. f:rent sec.tions .representing. mathcma-1 Education_m_a_k-es-a people easy' to t1~s, physics, 010~o~y, ,:.henust1.-y, earth \lead, but hard to drive; easy to govern, [ sc1encrn, geogrnpny, ~d social science. but impossible to enslave. I

Modernize Now

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Federal Loans Are Available for

Heating Plumbing. - - Electrical Appliances Oil burners Air Conditioners Summer cooling Westinghouse Refrigerators Electric Stoves I have Full Particulars Regarding Loans \ Carefull Planning and Skilled· Workmanship







evening, May 3, with a very interesting

Patrolman Suggests "Common Sense" Driving

John Collin

led Y.



on . "Creative Leisure." discu~.sion Though the gTCup was small some

Men still die with their boots on, but Whiskers are coming back. But that's There will be no issue of the Peda c one boot is usually on the "gas''. gogian next week. The next issue not news. They always do. About the only thing left in this will be May 24. The trained man knows where he world that can be shocked is grain. How to prevent heat, insult the janiwants to go and how to get there. tor . Life is too short to learn it all in the Be sure you're right and then folMUSIC NOTES school of experience. low your knows.

o. H. Witt, former Peru student, Pa- very important points were discussed. Play at Plattsmouth trolman of the Nebraska Highway of The group decided upon two ways of

Lucille Renner and Mildred Knoflithis district, whose headquarters are ar."lyzing one's time: Use time in any ce k, accompanied by Jerome Snyder, located at Beatrice, spoke this morning way that will develop self-expression presented several violin selections at during the convocation hour on the and culture life; group time and bw.:u the P. E. O. meeting in Plattsmouth, organization of the Nebraska Highway a program ac~ording to that. Friday afternoon. The numbers that Patrol; the preventions of auto acciTuesday evening, May 10, and find 'I t'.iey presented included: l .ir.adon·--1''toessel members of the Christian groups in a " · · dents; tne common causes of aut o ac· No. ~ :\Ioskowski SuL~ for Two Violins .io;nt meeting. At this time the group cidents; the use of the fines; and the '.vm discuss the Estes Rally to be held Concert in A Minor-Vivaldi Largo benefits of the Patrol to the peo )12 c,f umie time durint; the summer. Presto the Stat'· of Nebra?' -'· -Knoflicek Organizing of ,he Patrol came as Snyder To Be Presented Chinese Lullaby the result of the passing of the LegisIn Senior Recital lative Bill No. 147, last May. The Ne: indra Judges "Little Five" braska Patrol is worked out on a "Mer- Wednesday Evening Professor Jindra acted as judge at it basis"-not a "political" basis as a Jerome Snyder, pianist, will be prP.- the ''Little Five". Music Contest at number of neighboring states. "Civil Service Exams", Mr. Witt continued, sented bY Robert T. Benford of the Humboldt last week. This contest was "determine each applicant's qualifica- Lcpartment of Music in a Senior started by Evelyn Brecht. The partitions both physically and mentally for Student Recital WednesdctY evening, cipants were grades 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. brroming a member of the highway May 1, u;, 8:00 p. m. in the Co 1lege Miss Marie Stroh, supervisor of music at Auburn, was judge of the vocal secpatrol. "Originally, 4;00 men applied, 200 of Auditorium. Mr. Snyder will present tions.


w11om were picked to take the exams.". "When the men are chosen," he added, "four things are taken into consideration · former vocation, reputation, c:ge (25 t.J 45 years), and height (minimum, 5' 10") ,"

Mr. W1tt enumerated a few facts such as the fact that there were twice as many killed in 15 yearn of peace in the United States than there were in 15 years that each family with three children loses one by auto accident; and that ganrsters _are responsible for only 1-6 as many deaths as compared to those caused by automobile accidents. Going , on, the speaker stated that "the most common causes of auto accidents are defects in roads, defects in autos, pedestrian, and the driver himself," and that the best preventatives he could suggest were the three "E's", education, engineering and enforcement. He emphasized the fact that the fines collected went not to the patrolmen, as many would have us believe, but rather to the support of the schools. The patrolmen are su)ported by money paid in on driver's Jicenses. He also explained that he would like to see everyone look to them (patrolmen) not as enemies but as friends. In conclusion, he gave the audience this quotation by Edward Young, "Be wise with speed. A fool at forty is a fool indeed."

the following program. Prelude VI in D Minor ........ Bach Grade Singers Present Papillons Op. No. 2 ............. Bach "Mrs. Melody Entertains" R0 ndeau Brilliante .. , ..... von Weber The grades of the Peru Training School presented an operetta WednesRomance · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Sibelius day evening. 1he words and muoic Consolation No. 6 · · · "' · · · · · · · · · Liszt of this operetta, "Mrs. Melody EnterSpinning Song· · · · · · · · · · Mendelssohn tains" were written by Professor B."~. LiGbestraume No. 2 · · · · · · · · · · · · · Lis?,t ford. A large audience enjoyed the Suite, Venezia · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Nevin performance. Alba (Dawn) Gondolieri (Gondoliers) Cazone Amarosa (Venetian Love DRAMATIC CLUB Song) INITIATES SIX Buena Notte (Good Night) Artists' Life . . . . . . . . Strauss-Chasins CMr. Benford at the second piano) the Music Hall on Thursday evening, Table Service Class




5. The candle light service was IMay conducted by the officers. Those taken

This closed the unit on teas which the Table Service class has been having the past three weeks. A menu consisting of iced-coffee, lemon cream sandwiches, hot mayonnaise puffs, banana sherbet, peppermint wafers and nuts was served

by the hostess. On April 27. a semi-formal tea was g·iren with Jean Wagner as hostess. A guest was brought by each member of the class. Ribbon sandwiches, daisy sandwiches, tea cakes, iced tea, and mixed nuts were served. The color scheme was yellow and white. Ruth Ann Hill was the hostess of an HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS informal tea held on April 20. Using a color scheme of pink and white, 11iss "SNEAK" TO LINCOLN Hill served cheese sandwiches, date Who started the first "Sneak Dai?" sandwiches, mixed nuts, mints, and tea. May 12-.13-14 THURS. FRI. SAT Twenty-four Seniors from the Peru The world moves. It probably finds it High School did not stop to do any EDWARD ROBINSON in wondering about the answer -to this cheaper to move than pay rent. Slight Case of Murder question when they took advantage of

Peru Theatre

the age-old custom and "sneaked" tu


the city of Lincoln, Tuesday, May 3.

Surgeon and Physician

Mr. L. B. Matthews, the sponsor of

Milstead Corner Res. 39 Phone Office

MAY J5-16 52nd STREET LARGE CAST TUES., WED., May 17 l8

~3 the class, went with them. Among the places of interest visited were: the Chamber of Commerce, t1ie li™~~~=~..2~ Edward Everett Horton in


Airport, Antelope Park, the ,Capitol, the Penitentiary, Miller and Paine's


Candy Factory, the Museum, and the Lincoln Journal and Star Building. Attending shows and doing the usual amount of shopping helpE d to make be day a busy one. And so, quite regardless of who may have participated in the first "Snca;~ Day," the class of '38 is unanimoWJ in its decision that the idea was a good one. D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebraska Jity, Nebr,, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Olasses Stted. Phone 144.-Professional Oard.



Hllle's the same type of Onish that Is used on nearly al! !he electric refrigeratortnow available for the walls and woodwork of your own homel It's the whitest white you've ever seen,,, and best of all, it slays white. Dries to such a hard,smooth film that dust a1:d dirt just can't get a foothold. Ask your pointer to. use DULUX Super-White. '

$1 23








MILDRED WILLIAMS PERU AND BERT HALL of Omaha are to head next year's Pedagogian


. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meyerbeer

gogian. Bert can take kidding and is always willing to do more than his share. Mr. Fowler. of the Peru Pointer, says: "Bert is competent, conscientious, cooperative and thorough. He is a good fellow to work with and will make a good editor. We thin!' a lot of Bert down here at the shop." Mildred Williams, of Peru, has been selected as the associate editor. Mil-

dred will also be a Senior next year. been commendable and she has snown been commendable and she has show much interest in evry phase of work connected with editing· a school paper. Mildred's work as alumni news editor has brought a great deal of favorable attention from Peru friends.

HELEN M. LARSON AS PERUVIAN EDITOR and Robert \Veber as business manager will heacl next year's annual staff. The chosing of these two outstanding members of the class of '39 assures PeruPeru of another high ranking vi an. Miss Larson, who is a daughter of Professor Larson of Peru, is a music



major and a member of the .Dramatic Club, Aipha Si Omega, Kappa Delta Pi, Symphonuim, Peru Singers and the orchestra. Miss Larson has been featured as a soloisL lJy the Peru singers. Robert Weber, Bob Lo the campus, ha\ls from Humboldt. The many tongued mot two fac~d however) Weber should be able to talk rings around prospective adverLisers. Bob has shown his prowess to Peruvian fans by appearing· in dramatic productions and his famous Rusty radio skit.


One Hundred Thirty-one Students Will March in the Procession

staff. Bert has been selected as cditorCOMMENCEMENT in-chief and Miss Williams wiH act as associate editor. Bert, who will be senior next year, is of Peru State Te.:i.hers College which will be held Friday, l\'hy 2'l at 10:~0. an Eng'lish major. He has been active in football, basketball, and track. The commencement l}r0gram will be He is a member of Phi Lambda Alpha, as follows: president of tl1e Everett Literary SoProcessional-"Coronation March"

ciety and associate editor of the Peda-

TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1938

ITWENTY-FOUR SENIORS FROM PERU TRAINING school will receive their diplomas Wednesday


Mary Kathryn Hanlon, Douglas. Francis Laurie Harris, Jr., Peru. .:(ack Hazelton, Peru. Nancy Jane Kehoe, Humboldt. Wayne Barnes Lindberg, Shenandoah, Iowa.


M.1y 25 at 8:00 p. m. in the college au-


The entire public in invited

ten years, passed away at six o'clock to attend. The following program has Friday evening, May 20, 1938. Little been arranged: h.1s been Bob's reward, but great has Processional-"Festival March-Train-

been his •ervice. Like 8 n Peruviaiis, ing School Orchestra. he v.:as born a Bobcat and died a Bob- Invocation-Reverend H. A. Taylor cat-eager and ready to contribute his Music-High School Girls Glee Club Howard Oliver Ivliller, Sterling. part to bettering the world. Songs My Mother Taught MeJ,.lfred C. Paul, Mahaska, Kansas. Nine years ago, George Hanson, Dvorak Wiley Remmers, Auburn. graduate of Peru in the class of 1921, Chinese Lullaby-Riegger Ruth M. Roberts, Pawnee City. sent form Tempe, Ariwna, a fluffy Martin Frederick R-0cl:well, Humboldt. lump of fur with innocent eyes and a Commencement AddressRtverend T. V. Hubbell,Pastor Church Orval Rodgers, Syracuse. pleasant grin to be enrolled in any of Christ, Auburn. Ralph El. Scholl, Julian. Jerome R. Snyder, Arapahoe. Vocal Solos-Maryan Thomas

( iliege Orchestra Invocation . . . . . . . Rev. B. F. Parnell Music-"Elege" ............. Massenet "I Love Life" ....... .' Manna Zucca Howard Mi~ler, Baritone Commencement Address .......... . .............. Robt. Nelson Spencer Bishop, Episcopal Church of West Lawrence J. Stark, Bedford, Iowa. In the Time of Roses-Riechardt Dorothy n. Stevenson, Gothenburg. No, John, No-Somersat Folk Song Missouri, Kansas City, Mo. Music-"Liebestraum No. 2,, .... Liszt Marjorie Myrtle Stevenson, Auburn. Presentation of ClassRichard Howard Turner, DuBois. Principal L. B. Mathews "Spinning Song" . . . . . Mendelssohn Evaline West, Pawnee City. Jerome Snyder, Piani~t Presentation of DiplomasEsther Maree Williams, Peru. Conferring Degrees and Presenting 1; President W. R. Pate 1 Jt viplomas .... President W. R. Pate January 21, 1938, degrees were grant- ' Awarding of State Board of Education Awarding of the B. E. Swenson, Jr. ed to: Scholarship. Medal Avis Lucille Culbertson, Central City. Benediction-Reverend H. A. Taylor Announcement of Scholastic Honors I Mary Dallas Harris, Peru. The Class Colors are Orchid and Benediction ....... Rev. B. F. Parnell The following people will receive 'l'wo J White and the cla.cs flower is Pansy. Recessional-"Priest's March" ..... . Year Diplomas during 1938: Hazel The Class Motto being "Not at the top, · · · · · · · · · · ·. · ........... Mendelssohn Belle Bouse, Lorraine Dall, Irma Alice but climbing." College Orchestra Dopp, Dorothy Laverne Eckard, DoroThose graduating are: Degrees of Bachelor of Arts in Edthy Mae Gorthey, Frances M. Hardy, class Wh!Ch Dean"t5elzell saw fit. Ac- Ellis W. Adams, Harold Clay Dallam, ucation will be granted to 58 stuCatherine Ann Harris, H. Lloyd Heim, dents, Tmo Year Diplomas to 27 and cordingly, Bob was duly installed as the Nettie Frances Anderson, Harold EdArlene Heimer, Arlene M. Heinke, Elementarf Certificates to 46. Catherine Elizabeth Hughes, Nettie mascot to Peru, and because- of his ex- mond Fisher, Margery Jean Adams. Those receiving degrees May 27 are: M K M 11 K . k w·1 treme youth put in the expert care of Wilda Verine Goings, Mabel Elberta ay amen, arce a arp1se ", i ma Billy Vance. Carl P. Baltensperger; Nebraska City. Bath, Joan Marie Good, Mary Eliza· Loree Lichty, Norman Merritt Littrell, Billy fed, petted, and watched over beth Collin, George Grafton Jr., James Bernard George Barisas, Omaha. Gladys Ann Lottman, Geneva CatherBob. Under Billy's attention, Bob kept Henry Hanlon. Sarene Hauptman, DarArthur Bruce; Stnttgan, Arkansas. ine Miller, Nedra Elizabeth Pidcock, Zelda Carmine, Elk Ci·eek. his ears washed, his claws trimmed, Lene Howard, Hubert Hunzeker, Nancy Maxine Helen Randall, Anna Louise Evangelyn Adelle Cornell, Lincoln. and slept the proper number of hours Ellen Jones, Cassius Bond Kennedy, Short, Mary Ellen Slack, Dorothy Elcb:ed Douglas, Tecumseh. every night. He was a very good Edna Mae Klone, Eva Mildred Long· Spielman, Frances Magdalene Staley, Blanche Freeman, Bellview. natural infant and even learned a few fellow, Harold Floyd Mason, Ruby Ruth A. Watkins, Mary Lizabeth Wertricks, such as walking across the ceil- Irene Redding, Thomas Montgomery Joe H. Halterman, Dawson. ner, Martha Louise Wilson, Marlyn ing of his cage and jumping to a cer- Sherman, Maryan L. Thomas, Merle John Perham Heck, Peru. Wilma Wittler. tain limb of a tree trunk when Billy Umland, Corine Fay Whitfield. Ida May Henning, Hebron. The following people will receive ordered him to. Ruth Ann Hill, Nebraska City. Elementary State Certificates: GerBut, alas, Bob was a genius and acLillian Humphrey, Auburn. trude E. Behrens, Glenn Donald Biggs, cording to popular belief all geniuses Fraternities of the campus Maxine Jarvis, Beatrice. Bernice Bletscher, Eva Jane Bundy, are eccentric. As Bob approached the will join together tonight Erwin J. Julifs, Cook. Laura Helene Cox, Arlene CUrtis, Mar- age of adolescence, he became grouchy in Mount Vernon dining hall for the Ray R. Kellogg, Peru. garuette E. Dall, Lovina Falson Dowd- and touchy. If anyone stood outside annual inter-fraternity banquet. Toast James Huston McAllister, Dunbar. Dean McCormick, Syracuse. ing, Kiel E. Eltiste, Elda Elizabeth his cage, and meowed the tiniest meow, masters for the occasion will be Mary Vivian McKimmey, Fairbury. Ernst, ';:Tune Elouise Frans, Letha Dot he became sulky and hid in the sha- Elizabeth Werner. Gardner, Gerhard Goldenstein, Ro- dows and moped. The more he brooded The banquet is to represent a MexiMaxine Metcalf, Beatrice. Mary Elizabeth Murphy, Thurman, Ia. berta Maxine Growcock, Eileen C. Gro- about his wrongs the worst he became. can Viesta with colorful decorations J. Leslie Oppenheimer, Farragut, Iowa. trian, Gertrude Agnes Hardt, Rachel If anyone merely stood in front of his and Mr. Douglas will show his colored Charles Ephriam Parnell, Peru. La Rue Hunt, Cheryl Ltitia Kirby, Ro- \cage and didn't even bother to meow, moving pictures from old Mexico. Louice Robert Pascal, Western. berta Hazel Klein, Georgene Carman 1.Bob lay and watched him with smoldThe program will consist of music by Doris Edwina Prichard, Falls City. Little, Marvel Lucas, Neva Rhea Mitcampus performers. (Continued on F'age four) tan, Velma W. Oberst, Floretta Irene Harold Clinton Prichard, Falls City. Palmer, Lucile Dorothea Panska, LesJoel Dean Punches, Yymore. ter B. Reutter, Mary Alice Polsfus, Ernest J. Rawson, Peru. Anita Ruth Searle, Fort Crook. Irene A Schrieber, Georgina Pearle E. Elaine Shafer, Nemaha. Sinnett, Helen Louise Snyder, Nellie Minnie E. Taylor, Nebraska City. Grace Speers, Dorothy Mae Trout, AnVester Vanderbeck, Panama. na Marie Weinert, Clara Alice Yurka, Ivfaria Patty Wieneke, Auburn. June Fay AmlStrong, James Wayne forth to the low strains of a recessionof college ceremonies -:cderick John Wolter, Ohiowa. French. Gladyce Ann Harding, Erma al. The final chord was drawn from and Peru Parent's Day On August 19, 1938, degTees will be Paulene Howard . Anselm Johnson, Eithe violins and the Baccalaureate s:rleen Mabel Lundy, Helen Martin, Isa- featured Sunday, May 22, Baccalaur- vice was at an end. granted to: belle Evelyn Mathias, Lois Gwendoiyn Ray Marvin Beamer, Pawnee City. e.:ite was held at 1():30 Sunday morning But Parent's Day had just begun! Nash, Mearle M. Shoebotham, Roberta Leonard E. Bell, Peru. Brushing a:ide for awhile the solemniand marked another step in the fareJeann Wert, and Norma Margaret Lewis B. Callahan, Tabor, Iowa. wells of the graduating class to its be- ty of the morning's proceedings, PeruWolfe. Omar Louis Gottula, Adams. loved Alma Mater. But, on this oc- vians made merry with their visiting casion, the eyes of our seniors looked parents. After luncheon and a tour of President Pate gave his The Residence Girls, guests forward rather than back. Dr. Durden, the campus buildings, students and last convocation speech Pastor of the First Baptist Church at their mothers and fathers flocked to and members of the faculty of this year to the student body Mon- spent an evening in Blue Hawaii, Sat- Omaha, drew for them a vivid sketch the audtoirium to enjoy the afternoon's program. clay morning, May 16. He expressed urday night, May 14. The Music JI.all of the struggles, the heartaches and Sincere welcomes from President his wish that this yea1's memories of Auditorium was decorated with palms, triumphs that were to come; offering Pate on behalf of the faculty, and them, at the same time precious adPeru were pleasant ones and that the flowc. l. a blue (cellophane) moon, and vice from his own wisdom and experi- Blanche Freeman and Joel Punches, students had gained socially as well as the spokesmen for the students, were pastel streamers to give such an effect. ence and from that of other men. educationally. President Pate urged followed by responses by Mrs. William Equipped anew with the determinthat the outgoing class should seqd The program consisted of two numReed, speaking for the mothers and to Peru students from their· home bers by the Stardusters Trio, "Star- ation to "know themselves" and to find Mr. W. H. Rose, as a representative time in their lives for God, for men, towns as former alumni have done. dust" and "Loch Lomond" and one and for the cultivation of all that was father, both of Auburn. Orchestral seMiss Albrecht has purchased a number by Edwin Bentley, "Roses ofj best in them, the black-gowned serious- lections and two violin solos by Milbeautiful new Buick. Picardy." faced line of young people filed slowly dred Knoflicek concluded the program.

Service of Baccalaureate One of the Most Beautiful


The Peru Pedagogian

Peruvian Day Came

Co-ped-ling says 'Goo-bye'

i'ui:olished Weekly by the Peru State Te'1chers College, Peru, Neb1;aska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraslm as second class matter.~ $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents.


Confessions of an Editor ADVERTISING RATES Locals, 10 cents per line The 1937-38 school year comes to D:sp!ay 20 cents per inch. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a close and my career as a Peru journalist also is '30'. I hope that we have STAFF given you what you wished for-our Norman Littrell aim has been to make the Ped a prov°'or . . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . t· t h Edl - ' Bert Hail mg ground for prospec ive eac ers as Associate Editor .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ivell as a paper for students and grads. ";:- ponsor ............................. · · · Mi'ss F• Jorcncc Martin A file of PEDS is one of the best ways to re-live your college days in those years to come. REPORTERS Eleanor Nieman B:tck in HiRussell Bailey Martha Clifton Back in Nebraslrn City High School Melba Obernolte Bertie Boorr Anna Louise Slwrt I decided to be a journalist so natBert Hall Ruth Roberts urally took a little journalism. MerHubert Johnson Edward Short Grace Hnizda ritt Whitten was my instructor and he Mildred Williams did an excellent job in laying down a Jean Wagner Frances Staley fundamental basis-but more than that Lawrence Wes ton he encouraged me and heiped me to realize how much I liked the work. ATTENTION: NEBRA~KA COLLEGE EbITORS: Member:; of my high school class have




and as we did. More than our boss, about 4:15 p. m. when Jimmie 'Mac' came back from Lincoln with the she is our friend. 1938 PERUVIANS. In a few minutes, Down at the Shopa restless, excited line of students had Down at the print shop where "type formed. This line "'as " 111,"1·11t,"1·ned fo1· lice" run around, one finds Messers at least an hour. Fowlers. You have taught us more by Sliotits of "bri·ng mi·iie too" \\·ere • · actual experience than four courses hurled through the auditorium window could teach us. We thank you for the at those for t una t e enough to be near experience and the help, and Bert the head of the li'ne. and I thank you for the fine suppers Today, as McAllister has maintainand the use of your car. ed constantly in his messages to the The class has done a grand job and press, the students are standing aromict we are proud of you-I thank yon tor doing as McAllister has insisted they all the cooperation and criticism. I would in his messa.ge to the press. especially want to thank Sheely, Cae- (Today is any clay.) sar and Murph for their help in columning.


arc •>rou s that enjoy competing . gailled fam8: John Gibbie with the Smal, 1 ·~e ras a co eges " P Pershing Rifiemen Harold Nieman against each other-cheers and jeers are .exc11 ange~ and alw~ys with the Daily Nebraskan and Mary happiness prevails. But when a larger school teps m and wntcs .fan Davison here and with the Omaha of ,;justifying existence", then a· different angle is introduced-an G~:tew~y~and others I have lost track aPglc of jealousy and haughtiness. . of, bu!; they too are probably using · d h D j that foundation Merritt gave us. h £ So we thank the other colleges or t eir stan on t e a1 Y Nebraskan's radical jibe. The jibe didn't hurt us-it hurt them Here in Peru. 1 And so I came to Peru to go two because it was so evident what was wrong with them. But it did ye~rs. But alas three things happened; help us-we were proud to honor our fellow workers and are m I got that way about a girl (2) proud of their companionship. We especially want to thank J.a~k I got that way about Peru and (3) I Hemphill of Chadron on his fine editorial. Witty, subtle, a v1v~d found my love for journalism inspired picture of a thoughthi.l person saying "Naughty, naughty, you big and guided by my favorite teacherMrs. Marion Marsh Brown. The three baby." me on and I found myself deeply involved in the Pedagogian. ODETOD.N.Mrs. Brown left and I found myself Once upon a time when Nebraska and all the other states were in that position anyone wishes-a dreams there lived in Nebraska a quaint little dwarf and a tall, chance to try out your ideas. Some of dark-haired movie star. Now this little dwarf and this tall, won· tbem clicked and we took the stand derful man couldn't seem to agree, so they separated and scttlad of trying to interest our readers not oniy by news, but also by novelty. in different parts of tb.e state. No one could fill Mrs. Brown's place, but a new place was created by Doctor AMBITIONS OF EACHSmith and Miss Martin. Dr. Smith Conscious only of his ambition to aid mankind, the quaint little has been an inspiration to Bert and I dwarf settled by the river and founded a town. Here the little and we are desirous that he ever be proud of our work. As for Miss Mardwarf lived a helpful and happy life midst the beauty of nature. tin, she was our boss-our boss who Tall, dark and wonderful visualized grander things-moved worked with us, muddled with us and to a city and imitated dwarfie in establishing a few buildings for what is more important thought 1vith fr1e benefit of needy children. Time passed and the two served their country well-however ,

1 "r

tall, dark and wonderful grew and grew till he became the supposed ruler of all of fairy land. Dwarfie hit upon a brilliant idea and bisected himself time and time again until he had established himself in various parts of the state. His ambition was to aid those who could not afford to travel the long distance and live in the expensive community of chief-of-fairies. And so-each in their own field, they grew and


grew. TIME WENT ONYears later the quaint little dwarf de;!ided to publish town Mary E. Murphy newspapers-so all through the_state, his sub-divisions started ' their work. Their aim being to serve their community and grad· mites. With this in mind, thousands of people enjoyed reading Five hundred invitations have about people they knew and liked. The paper became a part of been sent to fpnner Peruvians :nviting- them to attencl the Alumni the dwarf-his pulse. · But big, tall and handsome laughed and started a gigantic pa· Dinner, Thursday, May 26, at 6 00 p. per. Hundreds of people flocked to the chief-ready to be of aid m., in the Mount Vernon Dining Hall. in establishing a newspaper of the finer type. But no, the chief The program follows: had other plans-so he laid down his plaftorm to his overtaxed Toastmaster-George Kuhl people: Ccmmunity Sinying-R. T. Benford

1. Every position filled politically. Six Decadse with the alumni 2: Take a crack at someone else-it'll give you a rep. 1SBO's-"1'he First !'resident and First 3. Write about the big shots-who cares about the thousands Commencement"-Mrs. Ida Good. of unknowns.

4. Remember-our paper is tops--we say so.

5. A

clean-up will be held every other semester for the purpose

of ousting those who have a "nose for news" .. We want only report· ers who have "a taste for dirt."


The paper became a part of tall, dark and handsome-his in· tcstines (and not guts.) And so little children it's a long way from the time when these !'wo were together in their early schooling in life to their respective advanced educational centers. One had money and went to a , lace where he knew only a few hundred out of a few thousand-he wrote for those few. The other went to the beautiful river where he .knew 500 out of half-a-thousand-he wrote for them.

Wednesday, May 18 and found ~'ritzie Wolters and James McAllister dishing out annuals to anxious students and faculty. It was

1890's-"The First Preceptress and First Dean of Women"Mrs. W. L. Davenport l90G's--"The first Alumni Association" -W. H. Hutchinson 1910's-"Alumni Ties"1.920':;-"Looking Forward With the Alumni"-Glen Gilkeson. 1930's-Vocal and Instramental Music. Introduction Services for Class of 1938-L. B. Matthews. Following the program there will be c10ncing in the recreation room and cards in the parlor of Eliza Morgan Hall for those interested.


Tribute to those'I'hose-those-by those I mean the house mothers who have done so much for Peru. I have stayed at four houses and I am glad I have done so. Mrs. Warmen was my Freshman guardianto her boys, Kitty ranks as tops. Then I stayed with Jays, a short but fine friendship; then to Hanlons where the peace of a well-managed home prevailed-our w11nts were her commands; and the year at Christians, Ma and Spence are campus figures. They treat one as if you were thefr prodigal son -yet they are merely symbolic of the other fine house mothers and managers in Peru. Peru boys either swear with or at their house mother-and mostly with.



As· a final wind up, we present Foovians doings, What have foo been doing lately? f. o. o.

What two senior foos, 2 oophomore foos and one Freshie foo were entertained at a twelve to fourteen hour foo Friday evening? The featured event of the foo was showers from Jupiter Pluvius! f. 0. 0.

Have you heard about another senior foo who was entei'tained by the Parish Bachelor Bureau foo quartrt ':inging "The Farmer went to foo" over t.he telephone in a very loud fashion. f. 0. 0.

Conclusion Perhaps you quit before you got here -but then us old codgers must reminesce. I have left out my respect for Bert Hall. If you know Bert you won't need any written knowledge of his help, if you don't know him-you are missing one of the finer elements of life, the friendship of a clean unspoiled. serious youth. Good luck Bert in next year's PED. Thanks, Miss Martin, Mrs. Brown, Mickie, my house mothers, Dr. Smith, Mr. Fowler, Grandpa Fowler and all Of the Staff-I cons1·cter myself fortunate to have known all of you. NORMAN LITI'RELL A year's work ended Tuesday, when Peruvian

What senior foo is wearing a d'i 1mond foo belonging, for one and ·'llehalf years, to a junior foo? f. 0. 0.

What fine littl esenior foo has a ireshie foo who never comes to see her on week ends?


0. 0.

What senior foo refused to go out and bite a dog for this column? f. 0. 0.

What senior fellow is trying out for the next bobcat? Twill save him writing application letters for jobs. f. 0. 0.

What senior foo has hung his fraternity pin on the neck of a freshie foo -"till the week after school starts next year."

f. 0. o. staff members and faculty sponsors What senior football foo goes with gathered at an informal dinner. The a junior violin foo whom he thinks staff members and sponsors enjoyed would "make him a nice little woman." reading the first copies of the PERUf. o. o. VIAN to be released. Mr. Earle WilWhat dormitory senior foo has finson, the publisher of the annual, had ally chosen one of the three? brought the advance copies with hir:1 f. 0. o. lo the dinner. What senior foo accompanied by This year, the Peruvian is d~dicated sophomore foos spent from nine p. 111. to Mr. Glen Gilkeson Staff members to seven a. m. last Saturday going to who received PERUVIAN keys for out- Omaha to visit her boy foo there. standing service on the staff were Ruth f. o. o. Lytton, James McMlister, Frederick What blond senior foo with very high Wolter and John Heck. Dr. Ware re- grades took one swell little junior foo ceivel a key to express student appre- from the dorm to the show Friday riation of his generous help as q spon- night? sor for the past several years. ~elen f. o. o. Margaret Lamon and Bob Weber a;e What Foo-vian business manager to head the PERlTVIAN staff fo 1939. drank a great amount of foo at the At the dinner were Mr. Gilkeson, to Foo-vian banquet? f. 0. o. whom the book is dedirated, Mr. Earle If the foo fits-put it on! Wilzon, Lindoln, the publisher, Mr. FOO! Pate, the president of the college and Mrs. Pate, Dr. Ware and Mrs. Ware, Mrs. B. F. Mcininch 8,lJcJ d:::ugllt:el' Mr. and Mrs. Larson, D. Clayburn and Mrs. Clayburn, Miss Grace Te·ar and were in Nebraska City last Saturday. this year's stafl.' members Ray Kellogg John Heck, James McAllister, Norman KINGSOLVER Littrell, Ruth Lytton, Bill Mooney, Frederick Wolter, Hazel Boust, BARBER SHOP Blanche Freeman, .!11.Tary Elizabeth Werner, Nancy Jane Kehoe and Maxine Below Barnes Drug Store Galbraith.

The Mardis Store "A Mighty Good Place to Trade''

J.P. CLARK Electric Shoe Shop North of Post Office Phone 109




Bailey & Pugh

Longfellow to Hastings

have been very successful durin.rf winter months,

Arthur Longfellow, '23, who has bern teaching at Ansley will teach in the Hastings Business College this sum mer. He is going back to Ansley, however, in September.

and fairly successful in both the fall and spring seasons .. Dashing, daring,



were the Peru footballers this year. In every instance. win or lose, they were a plucky lot with a united endeavor to play the game hard b11t clean. Last fall's team was not a winning squad but they di~playcd a brand of football that was a credit to the team, to Coach Gilkeson and to tht school. Hig'l1lights of the season were the I'.cru vs. Wayne, and Peru vs. Wesleyan CE!omecomingl games. The former game was an 2xciting, nip and tuck contest. First one would lead and thrcn th:; ot·her, u!1tll ilte finai whistle which left Peru on the short end-the score b2ing-Pcru 20, Wayne 24. The latter·--Peru vs Wesleyan fHmHcominc;l-was a 60 minute mad scramble because the game was played in the midst of a steady rain. It was a poor day for spectators but a lot of fun for the boys. They had to do their own rootin' as well as their own playing. The score ended. this time, with Peru on the long end-Peru 7, Wesleyan 6. Five defeats, one tie and two victories sum up the results of the '37 season. Lettermen are as follows: Joel Punches (Capt.), Bernard Barisas, Eldred Douglas, Orval Pugh, Lawrence Stark, Keith McHugh, Robert McGinley, Ross Adams, Elmon Velvick, Gilbert Purucker, John Boyer, Tom Majors, Bert Hall, Dale Bridgewater, Lester Mosley, John Greene, Leonard Greathouse, George Mort, Delbert Nelson and Wilbur Shields. Basketball Coach Baller's basketeers came through to cop the N. I. A. A. basketball championship and Mythical State Titles. ·The Bobcats rounded the season off with 16 victories out of 19 starts. To two seniors, McCormick and Pugh went the honor of co-captaincy for the '38 basket season. Leonard Gre:J.thouse, .aob HallaJay and Russell Bailey were regular game starters and played outstanding ball in their respective positions. The squad includes: : Eugene Miller, Orval Pugh, Howard Dean, Lester Mosley, Bob Halladay, Jack Mcintyre, "Buzz" Gowell, Tom Majors, Don Wehling, Genn Sheely, Russell Bailey, Dean McCormick, Leonard Greathouse, Severn Handley, Edward Falloon. Game Results: Pern 42-Nebr. B. 29 Peru 52-Lincoln Woocl_men 39 Peru 48-Wesleyan 41 Peru 56-Hastings 33 Peru 53-Doane 48 Peru 41-Alumni 27 Peru 37-Midland 27 Peru 53-Wayne 35 Peru 46-Midland 32 Peru 36-Hastings 44 Peru 37-Nebr. B 39 Peru 41-Kearney 40 Peru 54-Doane 45 Peru 43-Wesleyan 23 Peru 46-Kearney 41 Peru 52-York 20 Peru 53-Haskell 29 Peru 48-Waync 46 Peru 60-Marshall Va. 67 Intramurals: Under the capable guidance of C'.oaern Gilkeson this year, the Phys. Ed. tLlt'-·a r,c,mplete I1''.''<1l!iUTa! designed and set up by Athletics, Mr. Glenn GilkeS0:1.1, every young man the futtdameri~ll~

indicated that practieally

Thirty-seven Years Miss Bertha Bloomingdale of the class of 1889 is completing her thirtv. seventh year at Grand Island. Leading Nebraska Educators



Two carload of WAA

Three Records Tumbled at the NIAA Track and

members attended

the play day, helcl at Lincoln, May H. Whitewell-Good engagement This was an an,nual g·et-together of

field meet Friday, May 13, fourth Greathouse (P), Distance 136 ft. 10 in. Javelin-Won by Bradford (W), sec-

despite a wet track.

Rusty Bradford of W.ayne won the ond Cunningham (WJ • Baker (K) • 79 f ee t · individual high scoring honors with 21 fourth Boyer (Pl· Distance 1 points, winning first in the low hur- Track events 100-yard dash-Won by Rutan (K), dies, javelin, broad jump, tieing for second Retzlaff (W), third Simpson first in the pole vault, third in the fW!, fourth Turner (P), Time n2. high hurdles and running on the winning relay team. Retzlaff of Wayne was second with 15V.1 points. The following records were broken; 220-yard low hurdles by Bradford of Wayne, time 24.5 seconds; Melvin Rutan of Kearney new 220-yard record at 21.8 seconds and Vay Godby cf Chadron tossed the discus 136 feet 10 inches for the third new mark. Bert Hall and Leonard Greathouse looked best for Pent. Summarie~:

Track events Shot put-Won by Harwager <Kl, :oecond, Lindahl (W}, third Boyer (Pl, fourth Morrow (Kl, Distance 42 feet



Pole vault-Tie for first between Houserl (K}t Wa1ker \P), McHugh (P), Bradford (WJ, Relght 11 ft. 3 in. High jump-Tie for first between Greathouse (Pl, Anderoon fK), Fritsche (Kl, Lingenfelter ('Wl, Heli;ht 5

ft. 6 in. Broad jump-Won l;y !'rad!0r-1 (Wl, scrnnJ Rutan \IO, tn!rd Greathoose •l'\ !ourth Ba'ztr !K:I, Dl&ti:mce 21 ft 9'::Z in. Discuss-Won by ~~· {Cl, second Lingenfelter !Wl. ~ BUl'r <Kl,

220-yard dash-Won by Rutan (K), second Retzlaff (Wl, third Meyer <Kl, fourth Simpson (WJ, Time 2l.8 (New l\<'COrd) 440-yard dash-Won by Simpson (W), second Thompson (WJ, third Colman (C), fourth tie between Stark (PJ and Palanansky (CJ, Time 55.7. 880-yard run, won by Jones (Kl, second Harris (W), third Barnum (CJ, fourth Kelly (Wl, T'ime 2.11.l. Mile run-Won by Barnum (CJ, second Rapp (Kl, third Mattley (WJ, fourth Lindberg (P), Time 4:48.7. Two-mile run-Won by Houser (CJ, second Lindberg (Pl, third Parker (Kl, fourth Rapp (Kl, Tim 11:05. ' 120-yard high hurdles-Won by Retzlaff (WJ, second Hall (P), third Bradford (W), fourth Haase (K), Time 15.7. 220-yard low hurdles-Won by Bradford (WJ, second Retzlaff (W) , third Hall (Pl, fourth Newton (Kl, Time 24.5 (new record). 880-yard relay..:_Won by Wayne (Simpson, Johns, Bradford, Retzlaff), second Kearney, third Peru, Time 1:34.9. Mile relay-yron by Wayne (Mattley, Thompson, Johns, Goode]]) second Chadron, third Kearney, fourth Peru. Time 3.47.8.

man, eligible to ~~tR. will have outward appearance, but the experitaken pa.rt in ~ activity ence gained by the Peru Splashers was ht:fare the ~luc>l'li1 ·,,_ 1- ~ rom- jVell worth it. In the future, experieP.re p!.eted gained will be used and victory should 1ltie. ~- -~ ~l('h acth1ties be the result. ~lg,


Members of the te 0 m include: Ray Kellogg, Roy Kellogg,


Mooney, Elmon Velvick, Keith McHugh, Elmen Clarey, .i:_ohn Boyer, and Billy Donahoe.


Several ·of the leading superintendents of Nebraska are Peru graduates. A few of the many are as follows: R. • H. Rennecker, Alma; J. A. Jimerson. Aubhrn; A. R. Lichtenberg·er, Beaver City; C. B. Redfern, Big Springs; Spencer M. Ledger, Burchard; R. R. McGee, Columbus; K. S. Gaines, Grab Orchard; William B. Money, Crofton; Clayton L. Wescott, Deshler; w. E. Sugden, DeWitt; Harvey Nickel. Endicott; A. B. Gelwick, Falls City; c. Ray Gates, Grand Island; D. H. Weber, Humboldt; M. C. Lefter, Lincoln; c. L. Artelsdorf, Memphis; M. R. Shrader Nebraska City; C. C. Thompson, Ord: Otto Kucera, Prague; G. H. Adee, Randolph; D. B. Dallam, Steinauer; Arthur Garvis. Uehling; Daniel MrSwan, Unadilla; Charles Newton, Virginia Consolidated; and c. H. Madden, Wakefield.

Track Peru's cinder pounders as a whole did fairly well by winning two meets out of five. At the outset, M[:.ryville handed them an 84 to 49 defeat.

IVfr. and Mrs. John Whitewell of

lhe girls fr~m all the colleges. Those Brownville have announced the enattending from Peru were: Margaret g·agemen t f their daughter, Beth, tJ Harlan K. Good of San Diego, CaliforHenderson, Phyllis Benson, Edna Mae Peterson, Vivian McKimmey, Zelda nia. The wedding will take place at Los Angeles, Tuesday Ma" 31. Mi" Carmine and Arlene Heinke. ' Good is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jule The day started at 9 o'clock. The girls first went to the gym on the Good of Peru, and is a radio operator t University cnmpus where they regis- a the U. S. navy base at San Diego. Both have attended Peru. tered and received a badge with a \V. A. A. :i!ibon. -::·;1,~se badges we: e of Collins still in Illinois different colors in order to divide the Thomas Collin, a graduate of '34, ~'iris into color groups later in the d~.y. has been re-elected with a raise at They were then assigned to their re- Alton, Illinois, where he has been inspcctive lockers where they got into structor in industrial arts and mathegym togs for the days sports. They matics. then went on a tour. Some of the Grad elections girls shot stubborn aad cni'iously mis· Elections reported for former stulead arrows into the targets (and dents and graduates are: E:llen Zink. thereabouts) until their wrists, :mns English and Spanish at Smnner; Caland sight seemed to be seri011sly imvin Reed, Superintendent at Endicott; paired. Theoma Mathews, primary at SharpsA group of get-together games orburg, Iowa; Winnona Boatman, interganized them into their color groups; mediate grades at Stella; Flora Dasher, (red, white, yellow, purple, navy or elementary at Scottsbluff; Virginia light blue). They played Nebraska Porr, third grade at Albion, and HP!en Ball, and kitten ball. Dinner was servMeier, elementary at Burchard. ed to them at the Student Union Building. Upon returning from their meal the girls bowled and played volley ball. THE DANCING CLASSES A climaxing picnic topped the Play OF THE DEPARTMENT


Day out at the University W. A. A. of physical eilucation for women precabin. Prizes wer . a warded for winsented a recital last Wednesday evening teams. Vivi~n McKimme,; being ning in the college gymnasium. The the only one from here who was on following program was presented: the winning team received a novelty 1. Irish Reel-Hillas and Knighton pin. Folk Dancing Class 2. Military Dance-Ballwebber 3. Sambo-Hillas and Knighton 55\e; Wesleyan 53; Doane 49\". 4. The Old Man-Frost Due to a cloudburst the night be5. Sailing-Dugan fore, the State N. I. A. A. meet, held 6. Waltz, "Sidewalks of New Yo&"Lawlor and Blake flt Kearney was run off on a track Tap Dancing Class which made one feel as though ne were 7. Two Square Dances running down a track covered with 8. Maypole Dance banana peelings. It was slippery, 9. Sport Group; Baseball, Swimming· sloppy, slimy and splashy but it was 10. Crime Doesn't Pay fun being a "mudder" race!.M; around 11. Daisy Bell, Three Compositionsthe track at a speedy, <;liding snail's Old Time Waltz 12. The Slave Driver pace. Wayne won the meet; Kearney took 13. Volga Boatman-Russian Folk Song Six Compositions second place honors; Peru came in third; and Chadron dropped to fourth 14. Goin' Home-Dvorak 15. Waves. place. Modern Dancing Class Wayne Lindberg, Leonard GreatThe class in Modern Dance, working house, Keith McHugh, Cecil Walker, in small gTOups composed all the dances and Bert Hall were outstanding perwhich they presented on the progTam. formers for Peru.

Evidently their first exp8ricnce toned them up a bit, and as a result th0y In as much as :Miss Davidson's car Saturday evening Miss Helen Marwent to Lincoln and carried off top was demolished in her recent colli- garet Larson gave a dinner with Miss honors in the triangular held on the sion with a rock truck, she has re- Martha Clifton, Miss Elaine Shafer Wesleyan track. Scoring result: Per~1 placed it with a Ford V-8. and Prof. R. D. Moore as guests.


Four Students Were Swept Into Peru's Hall of Fame:

The PED Staff Down at the shop

with the distribution of Peruvians. These four were chosen representative students of the 1938 Peruvian year. Several of the fra,ternities and societies have electe,d . their officers for t.he

coming,__ year.

:Some of t.he Fraternities .have'•decided -to wait until next year to elect~'' Follcwing is a list of the ofiiders who (1ave been elected: The man-of-the-hour is Fritz Wolter Kappa Delta Pi editor of the super Peruvian. His hobby seems to be drawing clever cartoons. President-Laura Baum We saw evidence of them on the Peru- Vice President-Robert Snyder vian posters and on the pages 46 and Secretary-Ruth Sutorius 47 of the annual. He is active in Treasurer-Alice Ulbrick Beta Beta Beta, Lambda Delta Lambda, Recorder-Mrs. Dunn Alpha Mu Omega, and Band. Fritz's Spcn or-Dr. Paul Manvel! outstanding work on the trumpet got Sigma Tau Delta him a job in Yellowstone park last ?resident-Norman Littrell summer. Hailing from Ohiowa, he is Vice President-Glema N[iers a physical science major. Sec.-Treas.-Bertie Boom Sponsor-Dr. George 'w. Smith Beta Beta Beta ?resident-John Collins \Tice President-Evelyn Freeouf Secretary-Mary Grush Treasurer-Dr. Winters Historian-Elmer Ol.ary



ence, Coatney leaves, M. I. N. K. Dramatics contest and Conkle's play captured the February and March spotlight.

Bob, the Bobcat, Peru Mascot Of Past Ten Years, Dead (Continued from Page One)

ering eyes which were rapidly losing April found Peruvians interested in the innocence. Alcllough there was no Kappa Omicron Phi has rung the last time Perusingers' trip, Spring Fever, health record on the grade books, Bob was this term. The school days After reading all the organizations Precident-Mary Mathews talks, freshies frolic, gold basketballs, learning. Ee learned too weli. He igwhich Vivian McKimmey belongs to it Vice President-Maxine Auferikamp of the term of '37-38 are past-but not! representative student nominees, Y. ncred people who pu!'l'ed to him, "Come i~ hard to decide when she has time Secretary-Edna Mae Petersen forgotten. In this brief space we carnival, Cat O' Nine Tails and Won- out, Bobbie, tum out in the nice warm to attend classes. She is in the Dra- Treasurer-Ruth Sutorius skim through headlines and try to ders of Liquid Air. sun." He intnsely disliked the ones who matic Club, Symphonium, Alpha Eru- Sergeant-at-arms-Eleanor Hemphill give you a glimpse of this year's acThe merry month of May featured crooned, "Here's your juicy meat. Yum, dito, Gamma Chi, Alpha Psi Omega, Corresponding Sec'y-Veronii'Klone ti vi ties. men's dorm, dorm and out-dorm for- Yum, Come out and eat it so I can Kappa Delta Pi, Piano Ensemble, Pep Gamma Chi It has been the purpose of the Ped- mals, MINK track meet, exams, Par- take your picture." He thoroughly Squad, Y. W. C. A., and W. A. A. Viagogian to present the news in 9.n in>.er- ents Day, commencements, baccalaur- haled-but respected-the person who President-Ruth Crone esting fashion-we have tried to keep eate, Junior-Senior Prom and the llowled. "What's tl1e matter with that. vian went to Atlantic City this spring Vice President-Roberta Cowell scmething new before you. We l1ave Peruvians. to a Kappa Delta Pi convention and Sec.-Treas.-Bertie Boom darned Bobcat? Is he afraid he'll get while there she did every thing from tried to bring about a few mild reExclusive of advertisements, the Ped- sunstroked? The blasted such and such. listening to John Dewey to seeing Snow Y. C. A. forms-we hope we have succeeded. agogian has printed approximately I didn't want to see him any11'ay. The year opened with the Peru foot- 212,922 words this year-we hope at White. While cooking· may not be her President-Leora Libhart Bob was stubborn--that w::1s the seball team meeting Maryville, and Jer- least 1,000 words interested you. hobby Viv can scramble some mighty Vice President-Lal,!ra Baum cret. But perhaps that was the reason ome Snyder starting his series of good eggs. Secretary-Eula Redenbaugh that all the Peru football teams fell in broadcasts. Jerry's work has been Treasurer-Evelyn Freeouf love with him. They liked his spirit FEDU'S SINGERS CLOSED complete and efficient-he and Stuart and fortitude, and they defended his Y. M. C. A. Baller are rightfully called "Peru's A SUCCESSFUL YEAR honor on the gridiron and basketball Pre~ident-George Grossohme Pioneer Radioers." when they presented their final concert courts with their last gasps. One year Vice President-Gordon Gilbert The first Ped featured Prof. Steck's Monday evening. They presented t.he a team even stayed up all night Secretary-Ralph Hopp new song; remember: "We sing a song following program: g·urading his cage from some tough Treasurer-John Gollin for old Peru"; new faculty members Omaha yeggs who threatened a kidThy Heart So N[i!d-Brahms ~·'' ' were mentioned (including Mrs. Nanap him. Them was the days. Thy Mout~ is a Rose Bud Redbors) and a list of last year's grads REPRESENTATION' OF German FoE' Song There has not always been d Bobcat teaching positions was given. Now is the Month of Maying-Morley as a mascot for Peru College. Back in The voice from "the campus of '' AWARD FOR THE YEAR Then the spotlight shifted to the To Maelzel-Beethoven 1921 Baldy Wilcox started agitating thousand oaks" identifies Jerry Snyder will be made at the Commencement Peru-Doane football mix which was who was elected as one of the repreApril is in My Mistress' Face-Morley for a name fer the Peru teams. He service, Friday, !\fay 27. broadcast by Prof. Steck. Dean Delsentative students. Jerry, who is from Farewell-Brahms wanted a real "he" name. He reasoned zell returned to his work and two picThe University of Nebraska annually Arapahoe, is a music and mathematics In These Delightful Pleasant Groves- that most teachers were thought of as major. Besides being a pioneer in ra- presents a Regent scholarshijl to each tures of Eliza M:organ were presented Purcell "she' and he wanted a· real ripsnortir:.' dio broadcasting in Peru he is senior college in the state. Eligibility for the to the dorm. rarin' masculine namesake for the Peru The Peru Geron Amateur radio operator:' met at Peru class president and a member of the scholarship is determined by character thought of ''bears'' bc1t that reminded Elege'-Jules Massenet band, Alpha Mu Omega, Men's Club and scholastic record. The winner and Peruvian editors journeyed to the White Roatj Westward-Mitchel him too mucl1 of the fut.ure teacher's and Symphonium. must be a graduating senior who is in Windy City. A fine Pep Rally broad- I Love Life-Manna Zucca hugs. He became pensive and dreamy; the upper ten percent of the class. The cast put students in the spirit of homefinally one night he jumped out of bed Howard Miller, Baritone siholarship must be used for graduate coming following· this came homecom- Creations Humn-L. Von Beethoven with his greaL inspirntion. "Fight like ing and rain with Peru defeating Weswork at the univessity. a bobcat!" He sprung it on the boys Jesu Priceless Treasure-J. S. Bach levan 7-6. Werner won the oratorical IJ:\. Thine Arm I Rest Me-J. S. Bach and they immediately voted upon it. Kappa Delta Pi will pses:>nt a certia~ard and Jerome Snyder was elected Thus the Bobcat became Peru's mascot. Hospodi Pomilui-Lvovski ficate. which carries with it the promise to head the seniors. Death and the Maiden-Schubert of a fraternity pin if the nolder of The Music Box formal, Darrel RanD. D. Stonecyphe:r, M. D.. Nebraska the ertificate becomes a member of dall's talk Clement's war talk, Knapp Echo Song-Lasso _,ity. Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Thro::i.,t. The Peru Sing·ers kappa Delta Pi, to the outstanding ' :,nd Larson's being honored by Kappa Glasses s:.ted. Pllonc 141.--ProlessionI Won't Kiss Katy-Arr. by freshman of the year.· 'I'he award is Ddta Pi, residence girls formal, proal Card. Aschenbrenner J.ased upon scholarship and: participa{essor's frolic, Hoskins-Reynolds marCradle Song-Tschaikowski Blanche Freeman, president of Gam- ;icn in school activities. Last ye:E the :.i:;i:;e, Farmers Formal with Galbraith Water Boy (Negro Work Song)DR. GLEN H. JODER ma Chi, member of Everett, Perusing- awarJ ·' 0 .c l':ven to Paul Kn·1,J;1) 2nd Dean in the title roles, the end of Arr. by Steck The names of students receiving Class ers, Pep Squad, Symphonium, Peruvian Surgeon and Physician the traii for five football seniors and Howard Miller, Soloist staff and W. A. A. also rates as Repre- Honors will also be read at Commencethe deah of Ralpha Randolph were the Milstead Corner All Through the Night-Old Welch sentative student. Blanche is a com- ment. To be eligible for Class Schostories during· the month of November. Res. 39 l'hone Office ~3 Sleepy Hollow Tune-Kountz-steck merce major who "hals" from Bellvue.· lastic Honors, a student must have December found .Joel Punches as Gordon Gilbert, Soloist She designs some of her own clothes- carried at least fifteen hours per semes-· football captain; Outward Bound Fireflies-Russian Folk Song that yellow dress with the brown em- ter, and have earned from .sixty-eight Qhristmas parties, foreign language Day is Dying-Christiansen to seventy-nine points during the year. broidery is her own creation. party, Professor Heck leaving for MinThe Singers. For Class High Honors he must have nesota and Peru starting a big basket~arned eighty or more points during Twenty-two sophomores ball year. the year. Honors which are ~only beHealth talks, exams, basketball wins, The Faculty Again .Served were invited to attend I stowed upon graduating seniors are the annual Kappa Delta Pi breakfast Maxwell's articles, second semester As gracious reception hosts the Peru Honors. To be eligible for honoring those eligible for membership news, rocket heads, guest editors, high :it the the annual reception .held in this honor a student must Lwe carried in the fraternity. The breakfast and school debate teams, Wienckes' one-act honor of t.he graduation classes on marble tournament was held Wednes- tile entire one hundred 1wenty-fivl~ play, President Pate and Vivian McFriday evening at 8:60 p. m. in the hours at Peru, carried at least fifteen day morning at the Dutch oven. Kimmey to Atlantic City, Hastings top- Music Hall auditorium. hours per semester and averaged fror.··. ping MINK debate tournament, TwitTwo games of marbles were played, Departing students received the :;ixty-eight to seventy-nine ,points per Mr. Clements being winner of the first, terbones' picure puzzle, basketball cordial greetings and good wishes of year. For Peru High Honors.the averchamps, Sigma Tau Delta banquet, and Dr. Maxwell winner of the second \ the faculty members as they passed age must be eig·hty or more points per game. Spring Fever plans, men's dorm news, through the receiving line. year. skating contest, Y. F, c. A. confer-







Chi1i.1es Clock i Rules Dorm Again


.MONDAY, JULY 11, 1938


name. Letting callers break · through the door while she relaxes is her verSpontaneous Applause ion of a good entrance. Inspires Percival s If someone didn't call for the laundry "John Percival is one of this country's it wouldn't be called for, so Wayne foremost interpretative artists," said Lindberg of Shenandoah, Iowa, call:i Mr. Lucius Pryor when an interview for the laundry. Wayne is better known The was soug·ht with Mr. Percival. for botany and two miles, buL shows a Peru audience showed their agreement new side as Hank, 1.he laundry man. Dorothy Briell is a stenographer for with this statement, June 16, by their Spinklewitz and Selznick, funiers, but ready applause. ''Mr. Percival?" better yet she is played IJy Dorothy Coatney of Peru. "Yes, you can have everything but Now Sturm's department store has my money. I'm safe in saying that for a clerk anyone would like to meeL. She is Peggy Walters played by Margarec Meyer of Dubois. "How to wear what and why" is the work of Virginia Ann Poor of Humbolt as Gladys Hermann, m:umequin. Lucille Hazelton of Pern plays u1e part of Nancy Lane, a filing clerk :it the orang·e Fiz?. company. Sob sister, news hound, and what have you is Glenda Miller of Rulo as Kat~ Roberts reporter on the Herald. Another stenographer, this time for a LaSalle Street broker, is Rosina Blandish interpreted by Maree Williams. Maree's employer is Wayne Wilson of Peru. He is Barry Richards to Mrs. Skipworth. And a million dollar baby, too, is Minnie Peters who clr,rks at wool· iymth. Meet Geraldine Russel of Te-

Mark This Summer Enrollment· Hits High


Miss Chimes Clock has returned to The students of the summer session her throne at Eliza morgan Castle to of Peru gave the first of their series of resume her reign. She was ill for sev- broadcasts of the summer over station erai months and at last submitted herPl ummer c oo ay KMA Thursday evening, June 21, at h 1 S S . ·[ se!I to a ticktockectomy. Rob't. T. Moore is transferrmg the '·Now you young· people who live 8 p. m. Their next broadcast will be living room of Mrs. Skipwo.rth's board- within Queen Clock's jurisdiction tBkP ","rd at the same hour of July 19. h t the ing house from Sou t·h C icago 0 care. From now on there will be no Gordon Gilbert of Brock, announcing college auditorium stage on July 12 · quibbling as to the time for ringing the the program, introduced a series of "Headed for Eden" presents all the dinner bell and closing the castle talks and musical numbers which very humor, pathos, personalities, excite- doors," Lieutenant Office-Girl said. ably maintained the precedent set by ment, and intrigue that are involved in iVliss Tick Tock has resumed her the splendid progmms given during this boarding house. former place as first assistant over the the winter season. Mrs. Eva Leeper of Beatrice plays province of Dorm Desk. The highlight of the broadcast was a . Mrs. Skipworth who runs the boar dmg talk given by Mrs. Eva Leeper, who is a house as all good boarding houses. teacher in the Beatrice schools. She gave should be run. a frank discussion cf the Beatrice Op-

SUMMER ENLIVENED Erma B. Harlow of Table Rock is BY BUDGET PROGRAM Imogene, a hulking maid who belies her


Who's Who in Peru Revealed by Mixer Telling your birthday-if not your ·your age-boosted the "getting acquainted business" at the Summer Mixer. "Birthdayers" of each month of the year celebrated their own birthday by putting on various stunts, the titles of which were drawn from a box. "Tales of a night shirt," "A Co-ed at Her Dressing Table," "A Pie-Eating

portunity room, a nev.· project of which she is in charge. Outlining briefly the purpose of the Opportunity room, Mrs. Leeper said that this plan offers the unusual child an opportunity to expand at his own pace. 'I'he teacher of the child recommends his promotion to the superintendent, who is consulted about the case. With the consent of the parent the child is given individual supervision in this specially graded room. The following program which was presented shows the interest of the stucic:nts and teachers of the college in the ccctivities of the school. Discussion of the Beatrice school

Contest" and the "slipper dance" among others created many laughs. Lucky Star ice cream cups, served by the committee, brought fort]/ exclamations of surprise as each Lucky Star was found. Later dancing in the music hall was enjoyed by a large crowd, including many out-of-town guests.

FRESHMEN UNDAUNTED BY STiff PSYGH EXAMS 11 Attain High Total Score of 1.00

In spite of all the tales of 1.he terri· · · · · · · · · · · · Mrs. Eva Leeper ble freshman tests, the group of this Water Nymph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hays Fairy Dreams ............ Robbinson summer was fearless and three stud1 ystem

cine, but graduated from the Engineering School of Harvard. When asked what type of music he liked to sing, he answered, "ClMSic:l, :;enu-class1cal, modern songs with "n art.istic touch but-no swing." "Opera? Thrilling, but in concert work a person has to be very change .. able to fit the different moods of each song. Then, too, there is the persona


touch of singing to an audience and the reaction that you get onlf in concert singing." "What kind of audiences do you prefer?" With a twinkle of amusement he recumseh. Evert Allsman of Byron is Henry pJied quickly, "T':1E' political d'.ing to Banks, a truck driver. say is a college audience. It is true When Thelma Barnes ol Beatrice has that I' do enjoy college audiences for a job she is a waitress, Marcella Tur- they are so respousive but to sing a ner. program of classical music to a musi-

the tests gained a place in the highest Trio 10 per cent of the class; this is a greater Mighty Lak' a Rose Can't Yo' Hear Me Callin' Caroline. proportion of the class in the upper Dorothy Ann Coatney, Lucille Hazelton, group than wa~ shown by the results of the tests of last Fall. The remainder Howard Miller. the results were about average when String Ensemble compared with former classes. Serenata Napolitana . . . . . . . d'Alessio The members of the highest 10 per .. Eunice Burbridge Naviaux, Ruth Naviaux, Mary Alice Vanderfort, and cent had the following l'lercentages: Leota Davis.


MinueLt;) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Bizet 2 piano duet by R. T. Benford and Jerome Snyder. Safety Council ................. . .............. Prof._ C.R. Lindstrom MYSTERY FEATURED BY FLEMMING COMPANY

Legerdemain, splritulism, conjurer, Bob Roberts is Kate's brother also cal audience gives one a real thrill." Indian magic held the Peru audience His program which was graciously spellbounct as PauJ Fleming and his Wiley Remmers of Auburn. That missing something is added by dotted with encores was as follows: company demonstrated their occult the police. Marlyn Engdahl oI Ong, To Anthea .................... Hatton power Friday evening. Handkerchiefs who plays Sergeant Kelly of the Chi- I Attempt from Love's Sickness to ·came from nowhere; a watch disapFly · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Purcell peared, and reappeared; Jack Maxwell cago Motor Cycle Police. More newspaper people, Lloycj Heim O Ruddier Than the Cherry . Handel was awarded a rabbit but when he un· 1 Lo ·e Song Lang of Dawson is Ken Howard, reporter on A n I ns 1 1 · ·· · · · ·· · · •• wrapped it, it was a bag of candy. The "Star." A. Balli•nuse Ballad .. Arr. b" Hughes . 'bl e and gra d uaJ growth of the rose , v1s1 the ·n Charles White James McAllister of Dunbar portrays K1 g ·················· bush was truly modern magic from "Limpy," a bit of flotsam. By a Lovely Forest ........... Griffes East India. Humbolt's Bob Weber turns direcLor Old Mother Hubbard, Vely-Hutchinson Mr. Fleming with the help of Mrs. 's assi·staiit. When I Think Upon the Maidens Fl........ . .. d emmg i·epro· u·c·e·d ·some o! the best as Mr. Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Head This summer play marks the opening so-called mind-reading. He also had of the new Max Factor malrn-up kit. Bon Jour, Ma Belle ........ Behsend spirits play bells, and tambourines The yellow lines has the interest ]('acl An Old Song Resung . . . . . . . . Griffes finally showing the audience his spirit. in this valuable equipment. The Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . Grant-Schaefer The magic ball, dancing cards, pluckThis play of seventeen characters Water Boy .......... Arr. by Robinson ing money out of the air and magic promises to provide an evening of sus- De Glory Road ................ Wolfe cookery held the audience breathless. pense and entertainment.

The question of the evening was.howoh how-cl'd 1 Mrs. Pleming get ln that black bag?·


Czech Students Stage Annual Get-to-gether

BY PERU AUDIENCE The Tatterman Marionettes presented William Shakespeare's rollicking comedy, "The Taming of the Shrew," at Peru Saturday, May 25. Since their rst performance, fifteen years ago, the various companies have appeared before approximately ten million persons giving 23,650 performances. Drama students and persons interested in seeing '·11ow it's done" were welcome back-stage to watch the puppeteers perform.

Thirty-five czech students enjoyed a picnic Sunday, June 12, sponsored by GET DEGREES THIS SUMMER Mr. and :Mrs. Kirk. Helen W. Davey, Al.lee Dobbs, Charles The group went to Majors' pasture Fowler, :Mabel Geotie. James Hecker, where the afternoon was spent visiting Stella ~inderach, Hema ensen, Harold and singing familiar czech songs. Johnson, Nellie Keney, Eva Leeper, There are approximately forty czech Maggie McAlpm, Belen Mullen, Marie students enrolled this summer. This is Nolting, Mary Nonls, Donald Noyce, nearly one-tenth of the entire college Dorothy stevemoo, Ellen Ubben, J. enrollment. Ronald Webb, Earl Whipple and Reba These picnics have .proved most en- Yeakle, who l'..i<11'e !ill been teachlng the joyable for the past two years. It was past year and M1i.! lil:l.l'li' In school workummi.mously voted that these gath.er-, ing on their ~ ~m retain their ings be !Mde m event. J,lQS.tloos next~-



Ethel Stevens 1.00 Thelma Ward 1.00 Vera Dejml LOO Alberta Herndon .99 Helen Revis .99 Frances Copenhaver .96 LaRue Bausch .95 Estella Seitz .95 Erma Vosoba .94 Victor Schmidt .93 Arlene Schroeder .90 Next fall, a new plan is to be tried, when the tests will be sent away to be

44 Students Apply for Degrees, Aug. 19. 'I'he largest enrollment since


brings 661 students to Peru's campus this summer. This is the largest enrollment since 1933, being a 15 per cent increase over the college registration of last summer. The Training School claims 153 of the 661 students. The kindergarten has 35 beginners; first and second boasts 35; third and fourth, 25; fifth and sixth, 25; and seventh and eighth, 33. Of the remaining 508, only 73 are men and the college has never functioned better. That goes to show that men are not necessary to a college although they are handy on a football team. The freshmen are the most numerous on the campus with 169. An unusually good attendance from near by counties represents southeastern Nebraska. Nemaha county leads with 85; Richardson county sends 58; Otoe, 43; Gage 40; Pawnee, 33; Cass, 23; Johnson, 20; Jefferson, 19; Saline, 19 Thayer, 13; Fillmore, 12; Douglas, 4; and Lancaster, 4. There are also students from Clay, Hayes, Butler, Sarpy, Red Willow, Dundy, Furnas, Washington, York, Adams, Blaine, Box Butte, Burt, Cheyenne, Dodge, Frontier, Grant, Hamilton, Harlan, Holt, Knox, Madison, Morrill and Scottsbluff. Iowa is first with the largest numper of non-resident students represented by a squad of 39. South Dakota, KaJJ.sas, Missouri and Texas have sent several students to Peru this summer. Seniors have made application for degrees to be granteci August 19. Thir·· teen have applied for a two year diplomas and sixteen have applied for an elementary state certificate. Those desiring a degree are Deva Helen Armstrong, Ray Marvin Beamer, Leonard E. Bell, Lewis B. Callahan, Helen W. Davey, Alice Gertrude Dobbs, Charles Clifford Fowler, Mabel Audrey George, Omar Gottula, Mary Kathryn Hanlan, Francis Laurie Harris, Jr., Jack Hazelton, Jim E. Hecker, Stella Viola Hindenach, Merna Anine Jensen, Harold Yayne Johnson, Nancy Jane Kehoe, Nellie P. Kelly, Eva Venus Cook Leeper,

tabulated· by machines instead of being Wayne Barnes Lindberg, Maggie Bell checked by the current Educational McAlpin, Howard Oliver Miller, Helen Measurements class. Claire Mullen, Marie Catherine Nolting, Dr. Maxwell says this plan will mean p1·d or1· ·th h 1 k sc ng WI muc ess wor ". Tl11s · 1·s a si ep f orwar d m . mo dern ed:Ucation. ra

BIG GROUPS ATTEND KAPPA DELTA PI PICNICS "Some people's baseball is a revelation; some a disallusion," quoted Mr. Clements, one of the baseball captain::, at the Kappa Delta Pl picnic. About 3:30 one hot afternoon thirty people set out for Waubonsie Park. There they played baseball and croquet. As soon as those tired, hungry players sniffed the cooking hamburgers, games were forgotten for the satisfying of hunger. New members were guests. Harps, mallets, and balls were used as entertainment at the Kappa Delta Pi meeting held at Dr. Maxwell's home ·Wednesday evening. After all had shown their ability in playing croquet, The following members were initiated Thelma Barnes, AJ!ce Dobbs, Lila Fry, Mrs. Isabelle Hays, Stella Mindenach, Mrs. Eva Leeper, Mrs. Lucile Millington, Ruth E. Nicholas, Ellen Oldfield, Grace Ricketts, Thelma Roberts, Geraldine Russell, .and Mildred Williams.

Mary Blanche Norris, Donald Clark Noyce, Leslie Opperheimer, Alfred C. Paul, Wiley Remmers, Martin Rockwell, Orval Rogers, Ralph E. Scholl, Jerome R. Snyder, Lawrence J. Stark, Dorothy R. Stevenson, Marjorie Myrtle Stevenson, Richard Howard Turner, Ellen Marie Ubben, J. Ronald Webb Evaline West, Earl Glen Whipple: Esther Marie W!lliams, Reba Geraldine Yeakle, ar.d Ruth M. Roberts. Those getting a diploma are Ethel Winifred Albin, Majorie El!zabeth Col!ins, Gretchen Delph Gidley, Ruth Ileen Graves, Arlene M. Heinke, catherine Elizabeth Hughes, Dela \Meritt, Geneva Miller, Thelma v. Ro'.Mts, Mary Ellen Slack, Luc!lle E. Smith, Dorothy Doris Snider, and Mary E!izabeth .Werner. Those applying for elementary .state certificates are Fanny Prisc!Jla Alberts June Fay Armstrong, Gertrude E'. Behrens, Glenn Donald Biggs, James Wayne French, Iola Mae Halcomb, Gladyce Ann Harding, Erma Paulene Howard, Eileen Mabel Lundy, Helen Martin, Isabelle Evelyn Mathias, Lois Gwendolyn Nash, Lester B. Reutter Anna Jane Samek, Mearle M. Shoe~ botham, and Norma Margaret Wolfe.

.·~ .;


The Peru Pedagogian


BOBCAT FACULTY PLAY I 'EXCITING KITTENBALL I The respect for the intelligence and

On Writing to the Folks

Too often students announce they are \ ALUMNI TRAIL going to write the folks a letter and I I Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. five minutes later they read something ~-----------t.Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. 1 . •tt Winte" who has 1een like this: ;1 argueri e . • . th $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents. "Dear Mother and Dad, teaching in Chester, Nebr., durmg e ADVERTISING RATES t 0 th Ohio State School is fine and so am I. Roomate past year has gone . ~ t h Display 20 cents per inch. h th mmer Locals, 10 cents per line fine too. Saw 'Snow White• Monday and University, where sh.e will comp1e e er - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - magician Friday. Got a toothache. M. A. in Englis 1 ~ ~u · . " Caroline Calder V!Slted here this STAFF Send five bucks. Love and kisses.

Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. Florence Martin Editor ................... : .. , .......................... , ........ Stella Rogge Assistant Editor ....................................... · · .. · . . Maxine Jarvis REPORTERS Wilma Hunzeker ............................... , ......... Beulah Livlllgston Edna Engblom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . Helen


Nellie Speers

Y THE REASON WH Here's our one and only Ped for the f 1rst . six · week's. Take it! Read it! Enjoy it! We wrote it for YOU as well as about YOU. H l 'k 't? d ow o vou 1 e 1 . . . th l If we hav.e some information in it that you don't thmk IS e rea 1 'McC " or have our name misspelled, or a special column up· .d doy ' . ll " kY. 't" s1 e own, we , s IP 1 . The Reason Why ?-May be our mind ;was upside cl.own too! for ' l d ho t write news articles feature articles, editor· we earne headlines w o learned to do the ' make-up of a news page ial< vecolumns to giv; you this Souvenir Ped. 11'was fun-l'vI ay 1't be fun (not funny) for you• . The Seven Seekers After Scoops.


HEIL SLEEP! GODDESS OF SUMMER SESSIONS One student plays tennis, another swims, another ta~es her pet for an airing. All these are doubtless very g?od av°':atlons .hut for t!le greater number of coeds, the most profitable leisure ,time ac· tivity one could possibly think ?f is sleep-:-and pl~nty of it. T his · 1s · evmce · d by the bobb mg heads m the library . ' and the snores that greet instructors in classrooms. Could it be the weath· er? Not impossible, but extremely improbable. "\Ve came here for a vacation!" Extra -curricular activities are our only chance for relaxation I .l -but sleep prevails. Why can't the Rowers that Be grant a specia degree, a B. S, (Bachelor of snores), to the .one student most pr?· ficient in the technique of classroom napp1.ng. H e. sha.11 have his name in coal black; blood re d Ietters shaII be wr1 t ten m th e haII of fame, and his statue, .(only slightly bronzed) shall grace the spot where Minerva once reigned. HOW'S THE PERSONALITY? ,,

"All work and no play makes !ack a dull boy. Are Y?U dull? From the amount of books published today on how to improve · it· woul d seem everybodY IS. · mteres · t d · kn your personality, e m OW· in.s5 how not to be dull. You students here tn Peru, are you becom· • • •• ng more mterestmg peopI e ? H you swim, are you swimming? If you hike, are you hiking? .. If you read, are you n·ading? If you paint, are you paintinJ!? If you dance, are you dancing? These are some of the opportunities on your campus. Are you taking advantage of them-or·-are you remaining dull? - - ·-- - - -

Those at home deserve better than week end. r that. Read your own letter over, if Ada Brady is spending a short imte you yawn don't send them. Try to en- with her mother wh 1·1e enroute to wesh tertain ;ith interesting, punchy, ·and ern Nebraska and Colorado, s informative letters. will visit during the remahmderbeeo t!on Miss Brady as n Here are some practicable and sug- her vaca · ho loyed in a· private nursery sc o1 P gestive hints we hope you can use. em . Avoid dating the letters. Then the in Washmgton, D. C. . d three Max Kerns who has receive same news can be repeated severa1 .· . t P . t was 01 times to give length and a hint of pop- years of trammg at .we~ ~: ause . given an honorary d1Sm1ssa1 c ulanty. . dis ders He has now enThe use of an extensive vocabulary of IIoptical d · three or year · course m . electri·and an impressive style will leave little roal eengineering ma at Cambr1.dge, Mass. doubt that you are a genius in the c J s 1 minds of all the neighbors to whom Bill Knapp, Wayne dRCghgs, t ~~ePerdue Bob Punches an es er r the Iet'.er ls ' s endin the summer in Contmu!ty m monetary touches can ber are P g be concealed in central paragraphs to Greeley, Colo. . at t Mary Dallas Harris 1s a counse1or avoid attacting attention to the l em. Harriett Harding in Louisville, By means of a good approach a sense Camp fte th Nebr of duty can be aroused. Then a r e · d M Willard Shumard are folks get in the habit of mailing some Mr. an Riverside Municipal cash with each letter they answer, employed at t Mr Pool Denver Colo. h1s summer. · mention of money can be omitted. ' ' t 'L An!m s Colo conservation of detail shoul be tact- Shumard coach a as a ; , ~· 0 fully employed. was a graduate of the class th · No letter should exceed twelve pages Mrs. Shumard was Dorothy caw orn except the one after final exams. 'I'his of Peru. . . leaves a bit of new material to add to Robert Carmichael visited the campus the conversation when you go home. last week. . we hope the folks notice the Im- Don Nelson, who hrs de1:ree last summer, ls now attendmg provement. . summer school in Greely, Colo. He is accomSCOOPIE SCRATCHES panied by Mrs: Nelson who was Haleen "No squat, No squint, No scoop" Gebby. p Donna Jane Delzell is visiting her There is a good coach in eru t Named Baller though all call him Stu. parents in Peru while she recupera es Amid regrets 'galore from an appendectomy. He will coach h~re no more Wl.lma Silence, who received her deB h is going to Omaha u. gree . m · 1934' may be seen on campus Is the best dressed man 0:1ce e:ery week. She is taking private . t till ish v1olm mrtructlon from Mr. Jlnctrn. on the tenms court, bu we s w Louise (Bobbie) Sonderegger, now he wottld sew red In the helJl so we Mrs. Kenneth Foresman, visited Peru would know they are not underwear. people in Estes Park this summer. Mr. The sturdy romance of Alfred a11.d Foresman is an Instructor at the DenMaxine ls a hang-over from last winU ·t ver n1vers1 y. ter . t d t ~oore: If you kr.ow any men srnd Kennet~ Stiers, now supe~m en en · at Rulo has filed as candidate for them over for the play. I need men 1 . t f RI ha d C Girl, who has caught on: Don't we all! Supermtenden c r son o. Margaret should keep Shields in Robert Pate, who.ls working on his front of her eyes. The Webb kind are Ph. D. In mathematics at Illinois Un:tops these sunny nights. versity in Urbana, III., ls in Peru tJ;ns Hats off to the gal who gave the fel- summer. low back his theatre ticket and made !t Glenn Frary, principal at Hot Springs, a one some two ways. S. D. is employed as a guide at Wind

~here ~





~=~e S~der



suavity of the faculty was strained into a palsy-walsy state when the college boys played Peru's Kiwanis at kittenball. Mr Clayburn held down the position of ca.teller on the Kiwanis team. Al-' though he started by "taking a waik,' he made some nice hits. i First base offered no Psychological probl~m. therefore Dr. Baker was able to keep •his mind on the game as first baseman Now Dr. Baker missed about as many. as he caught, but he :::~· . caught the important balls and m1sse those that made little difference, rea11y, At the bat, Dr. Baker proved that he his possessed power and accuracy as balls sailed through the air "with the .. greatest of ease. On around from Dr. Baker was Mr: Steck as second baseman. t t Steck's th t vivacity made him an asse o e eam. He made some good hits, especially one . h f the which looked like a ome rom takeoff. It went way up h1g~er a~d higher, then down into the m1t of Bill . Mooney m the fl~1d. Maxwell on third was one of the . tl d 1 er His most consJSten y goo Pay s. · batting specialty was a no one seemed able to up, a p1ob· !em ball. s. L. Clements pitched the last half of · the game and held the score to a rea- . sonable level. If he had any difficulty, it was in getting from home to first after he hit the ball. Miller copied Clements' one base hits. His sportsmanship was fine-and he got . . t oo. m, By the way, the boys beat the -. Kiwan~nis 15 to 6. . FORMER PERU PRESIDENT :UIED AT LINCOLN


~rounder w~ich


D. H. Hayes, president of P. S. T. in C. .; from 1910-1918 died at his home t d .

~~~~~ :~~d~~· ~:~ ~e~l~~s :o;~:~e

time, and death came not unexpect_edly, ·• Mr. Hayes was born in Salem, Iowa, on April 5, 1874. He attended Lincoln · Normal, received his A. B. and M. A. degrees from Wesleyan and then did graduate work at the Nebraska Un!·t versi y.. Before his retirement Mr. Hayes w• principal of the high school at All!ance, Nebraska, superintendent of the city schools at Alliance, and was presidep.t .ot the Peru state Teachers College. Later he entered real estate and insurance business with which he was engaged up to the time of his death.

A streamlined triangle is that of Whitney, Turner, and Williams with Cats Miller the object of affections. Woo, Woo. No pets allowed but Gertrude ls priviledged. She ls going to have a Knouse in her room next term. . Blll Cha~in's steady help keeps his min\i off h!S study. The world goes for most peopie, but for Doris Lovitt it goes round and round and round.

Cave, National Park this summer. Walter (Flea) Kaltenborn, a former student of Petu, writes from Oroya, Peru, South America, where he is employed: "We are high in the mountains !ibout 12,500 feet. The alti'tude bothered us a little at first we feel okay now. We ha~ a very nice trip coming down, stoppmg in New Orleans, ;Havana, Cuba, Canal Zone, Buena Ventura, Columbia, Lima, Peru, and then up here. .

Mr. Hayes was active in educational and civic organizations. He was affil!ated with the following: Schoolmasters club, the Nebraska State Teachers Association, the Nebraska Academy of Science, the National Education assoelation, National Association of Normal School Presidents, Nebraska State Board of Education by appointment of Governor Sheldon, North Central Assoelation of Normal School the Nebraska State Declamatory Union,

l:'OCIEI'Y NEWS In D Minor Snortzando ......... • •.. " •........ VOGUE OR HARPERS' BAZAAR The Awakening ·. · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · .......... Kehoe's guests assemble Peru campus clothing this summer is not the traditional linens, Allegro F F .......... Party underway sweaters and It seems to of-well-almost anything. Embell!shments . . . . . . . . Refreshments The dressy type of costume predominates, with cotton prints Interlude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interlude

Our home ls very modern, electric stoves, etc., and it is nicely furn)shed. There is a mountain stream running in front of our house, lots of trout in it, and a golf course on the other side. Natives do all the work. The Whites just take it easy. Our school is nice, a two room brick affair, with all Ameri-

a former president of the Northwest Nebraska Teachers association, dent of the Alliance Library Board, and state director for Nebraska of the N. E. A. Mr. Hayes ls survived by his wife, two sons, a daughter, and a brother.

can books and much equipment. We have only 11 pupils so it's very easy work our school is the highest American school in the world,- (12,500 ft.) there are about 90 American families in this camp, and several at Cerro de Paseo, Elections reported for former stud- (20 miles west of here), also several at ents are: Eileene Joy to intermediate Casopalca, north of here. We have

Mrs. Lena Givens announced the marriage of her daughter Leona to Mr Clarence Heaps. June 18. Mr. Heaps ls from Kansas City, Mo. The couple are now at home at 2437 N. 33 Ave Omaha, Nebr. Eileene Johnson was married to Delbert Parrlot Dec. 4. 'I'his marriage has

DID YOU SLAM THAT DOOR? Noise ! Bang! Thurump I Click! Clock I sp sp sp sp sp sp l I l What kind of noise do you make or are you the type of person who clap clap ciaps down the ball, slams the door and then yells, "For sakes stop that noise! I want to study?" If you are that type--stop !-think! Isn't the noisy fellow, who makes the most disturbance, the one who's always howling abo the other fellow? . Listen-Are you noisy when your next door neighbor wants to study? Are you typing, tapping or talking when everything else is quiet? Take inventory-Watch YOU!-then hear the hubbub decrease





coming formost as the mercury climbs. Sport shoes and anklets as well as dress shoes and hose are worn indiscriminatly. ./!.oes" seems to be the motto. Slacks for toWIJ a!: we! as tenms, hair curlers and no hose at all, even in public, and chi£. fons for class as well as party are to be seen in Peru. May the lack of masculine classmates be blamed? What do you think?.


Morendo .............. Guests depart More snorzando. All for one and one for none is the fate of Bill Stroh. Bill keeps his popularlty and umplresh!p simultaneously.

grades in Murray; Mae Christian to Cedar Bluffs; Georgia Boatman to Lucille Smith goes to Rock Port to Crab Orchard; Winona Boatman to teach grades 7 and 8. Stella; Ferne Williamson to Plattsmouth, and Ruth Bentzinger to GorGorthey a rural school don. in Dorothy Cass county.

Mr. Hayward has recently received a letter from LaVerne Setzer, who writes from Estes Park, Colo. In addition to herself she stated that the following Perµvians were employed in the park: Arlene Redding is to teach grades 7 Marjorie Coatney, Rex Wilson, Ruth and 8 at Springfield. Hanlon, Kenneth Young, Fred Rhors, Lloyd Perry, who taugh~ last year a t Gladys Ruddy, and J. A. Bath of the Alton, ~owa, goes to Edgar to teach training school !acuity. musl·c and mathemati·cs.


Evelyn Brecht has gone t o Ann Arbor, Mich., to do graduate work on an M. A. in music ·durmg · th e ensumg · year. She taught in Humboldt last year.

American movies here and a big club house with bowling, bllilards, e;c." Both Mr. and Mrs. Kaltenborn are teaching in this school. Robert Harris has been visiting . the friends in Peru. Robert is now m




been kept a secret until this month. Ruby Bevan and William Sauer were married this spring. Mrs. Sauer will continue her teaching in Rulo next year. On July 1, Naomi Meyer of Beaver

his army in Texas. ·crossing played a grbup of harp solos. Harold Gurske, a former Peru student Harp solos are a little unusual and t and Ivy Day Orator at the State Uni- progTam was particularly well enjoyed. versity, this year, is a candidate for She was applauded for several encore county attorney of Richardson county. numbers.




'38 P

science, Hamburg, Iowa; Joel Punches, na Jensen to Pickerell; Ralph Davis, Training School Band

BO& WI.LL CONTINUE ~ · .·GRADS HAVE SCHOOLS -coach, Fairfield; Lawrence Stark, (re- Peru district school, and George Kuhl ; 1· ··N' . r·1p s T G· Peru graduates of 1937-38 .and some ,.. leased at Blockton). Big Springs,· to Julian as high school principal.


Maxine llA:etcalf (released at Overton), 1 \ng 'positions for the ensuing Year. . ~ome economics and English, Monda1 · • ;. ' Jerome Snyder, representative stud- min, Iowa; Irwin Juilfs, Scotts Bluff; 1 Tak(;) Qver His e~t of last year, has been elected.' as Lucille Renner, who received her two16 Bob the Peru mas.cot for years, !Ji;:ector _of instrumental music at· ::)an Y.ear diploma, has been elected at has b~en mo~ntedi and returned to fue l\•'a1'·c'o···s,· .Texas ..P.. H. Norwood, former~ P. a·p·1.llion.. . • ., · i 1 ~ffice. Alth91ugh he wil_I rule. over Jhe ly ot'' 1Peru, is p;·incipal of the schooi Former Peru students who will new boys' dorm in. stuffed digmty he wbich serves as a training school. for change positions next year are: Anna will have two live bobcat successors. t.he teachers' college at San Marcos. Mae Sandin, to DuBois, Enid ColglaEvery school has it's fighting· name; other of the 1938 ?graduating class zier to Valentine as high school prinChadron-E'agle; Kearney-Antelope; \\'ho have received positions are: cipal; Josephine Rogers to Lake Mount, Wesleyan-Coyote; but Peru in 19271Lillian Humphrey, kindergarten, Weep .. Calif.; Florence Sixta to Columbus; was without a mascot. ing Water, Zelda Carmine, seventh Audrey Jarvis to Nemaha; Doris 'I'rimThe boys especially felt the need of a I grade, Tilden; Jack Hazelton musk, ble ·to Humboldt; Forrest Shrader to name, after being teased by boys from\DeWitt; Ray Beamn, eighth grade, Mondamin, Iowa, as superintendent; their schools about saying "she" when, Pawnee City; Evar.<;eline dornell, in- M. M. Clver to Percival, Iowa, as suspeaking of their Alma Mater. slructor at the feeble-minded institute, perintendent; Esther Ostrander to · 1 Glenwood, Iowa·, Jack Heck, social Unadilla,· Luc1·11e Huitt to Julian·, MerTherefore, the name of an amma .




. Training School Band gave t heir The concluding concert Saturday, July 9. They had given four previous concerts during the summer. Although this was the last program by the Training School, there might be a community

~f former years have found .new teach~

a J Two.'Live Successors , .

Gives Final Concert


June 17, a musical program by the violin department was given. Students from the master class studying here this summer played the "Piano Quintet" by Schumann. The group ineluded Mildred Knoflicek and Eunice Burbridge-Naviaux, violins, Monte Je<>.n Gaines, viola, and Dorothy BurbridgePhililips, cello. Ruth Chatelain accompanied at the piano. They were ·coached by Charles R. Buckley, violin'ist from Chicago. Mr. Buckley said that in the University of Chicago, they usually spent four months in practice on this same number before playing in public, although this group had spent only two weeks.

band org·anized to play for the rest of the summer. Marion Thomas sang several songs with the accompaniment of the band on a previous program and has now sung for the third time by request. Ori several occasions, during the absence of Mr. s. L. Clements, Jerome Snider and Jack Hazelton have helped to direct the band. On an average, the band has forty members, but nine members will be lost by graduation and two or three members are mov1·ng away.



that had fighting qualities was wanted to elude being called "she". Mr. Baldey Wilcox, then editor of the Peru Pedagogian, came to Dean Delzell and they began to work on some appropriate name. Some one suggested the name "Bear", but they decided that would not do for a school where the enrollment was mostly girls. One night Dean Delzell thought of the word "Bobcat." The next morning he submitted it to. Mr. Baldey Wilcox Mr. Wilcox wrote an editorial saying that our boys fougllt like "Bobcats.' 'I'here orig·inated the name Bobcat as the Peru mascot. Word reached an alwmni, :tvrr. Geo Hanson, who was teaching in Arizona He was an intense!~ loyal Peruvian, a member of the graduating class of 1912 and a classmate of Prof. S. L Clements. Mr. Hanson immediately wrote o Dean Delzell and offered to find a Bobcat for the rriascot. The offer was accepted. He caught two small bobcats in the hillsnot far from Tempa, Arizona. From that day "the tables turned" against Bob and his life wa sno longer that of a roaming, carefree bobcat but that of a prisoner. Before the animals could be sent, one died, leaving the other to live a mateless life. When six month old Bob arrived at Peru, Dean Delzell went to meet him at the express station. A home was made for the bobcat south of the administration building and later a fine cage was built for him. Bob was teased by some of the. small lads and after that seldom came out of the cage except at night or on Sundays. His life was all hardships. He would sit looking pltyfully out of the door ofhis home, and hopefully longing to some day to return to his native haunts.

PERU STUDENTS We Welcome You to Peru Enjoy yourselves while here. You will find Peru Merchants willing to help you with any of your needs~ We are all proud of our school and hope you have·a profitable summer. Fine Band Concert Every Saturday Evening .2 FREE ball games Monday and Thursday eve. Peru College team member oi the League Patronize the Following Merchants

and several folk dances.




We Deliver

Phone 1





A high light of the summer campus sports is the organization of six girls kittten-ball teams with about 7·0 girls signed up. T~e teams and their captains are: Rlnky Dinks ................ Patterson Alley Cats .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . H. Miller House of Dunning . . . . . . . . . . . Ritchie Dormiteers ................ McPherson Tom Collin's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turnbull 'Basement Susies . . . . . . . . . I. Anderson Promoter .................. Joe Jacobs These teams vie with each other several evenings each week on the field behind the dorm. Much enthusiam has been shown this summer in tennis. 32 girls are enrolled in two classes and many other students have made use of the five courts when it didn't rain. Swimming classes were twice as large as usual having an enrollment of 75 girls. Many beginners have progressed quite rapidly, having mastered three or four major strokes and learning some board diving besides the tricks of turning around and treading W(lter. Miss Davidson's playground supervision class is the third largest on the campus with 49 members. They have learned games for grades one to eight


















E. L. DECK.& CO.



















Umches - Fountain Serrice








The thirty-five children In the kinProf. Jindra's Rhythm Band has dergarten group .of the 'I'raining been exercising swing and sound for School were very busy the past four weeks, studying about Indians. -During quite a while without any actual dethis time a unit study within the acmonstration of the tactics used. So tivity program called "A Child's Day In Friday morning, the Band had charge An Indian Camp" was worked out. of the Convocation program to give a Each day, the children learned some chance to find out what it was all new story about Indian life. These stories, taking up the Indian life, from about. The idea of putting an organized Sun-up to Sun-down were very intereffect to rhythm was cleverly presented. esting. First, before the sun came up, the The combinations of sound were intricate definite, and interesting. A pro- Indian mother would hide the ashes of nounced lilt in the rhythm was conta- yesterday's fire, for if the sun should geous and soon everyone was keeping see it, he would die. She would take up her broom to brush away the ashes, time with the performers. Mrs. Eva Leeper was master of cere- then go back into the teepee,· just as monies to a program which swung from one number to another in animated tempo. The clear cut notes of the bells were featured in Listen to the Bells. Mrs. Nellie Miller coached this number. Elsie .Jorgenson led the harmonica section. Oh Suzannah and Almeda March gave the girls a chance to display the best points of a harmonica. Miss Jorgensen also directed the spectacular train number called The Train. Tho whistle has been heard for several days but its actual parti0ipation was very interesting. LaCzarine gave the band an opportunity for variety and technique. Delores Brehm directed this piece for fineness and tol'!e quality. A story of Santa's arrival, descent and ascent of the chimney, was the heme of Santa Claus Comes. Dorothy Wittmer coached this group. Evelyn Zajicek directed the o!own, Dance orchestration in its pronounce d time. The combinations required· close atention on accuracy and punctuality. Spark Plug was a popular member o~ he program. He is one horse that ls easy to feed. Mabel Webber and Stella Rogge, ogged in military hat and coat, tap danced.

George Grossoehme Reurns From Estes Conference "Thy wm Be Done" was the theme of the Y. M. c. A. and Y. c. A. conference at Estes Park, June 7-17, according to Mr. George Grossoehme, he delegate from Peru Y. M. This was carried out not only in worship service and by the main, speaker, but also in all creative and recreational puruits. ·. Just before seven a loud clanging noise in camp awakened eve~yone. The K. P.'s, having finished their breakfast


work, set about awakening. the conferees by banging on wash tubs, kettles, and whatever would make noise. Worship service was followed by the address from the main speaker. The rest of the morning was spent in attending interest groups. '"I'o hike up Teddies Teeth or to make a wampum belt was the question each afternoon, said Mr. Grossoehme. "It was fun fishing; It was fun on K. P. duty; it was fun attending the entert.alnments; but it was the most fun hiking and climbing Ypsllon and Longs Peak." The camp ls so situated that a person goes up and up and up to find thll conference grounds which are hemmed ln by snow-capped mountains. "It seemed a shame to have to leave such ln Ideal situation-there away from the world-soaking up inspiration that one an gain only by contacting dynamic personalities in such an environment s only nature can make. "What we gained was to come down from the mountains and to live the 1igh road on the plains." Leora Priefert became Mrs. Ira May, !l.pril 30. The couple are attending :>eru this summer. Margaret Shoemaker became Mrs. Marvin Drake July 2. Mrs. D:Dke was graduate of '35. "Jim" Drake at;ended Peru '32, '33 and '34. They wm :eside in Kansas City, Mo.

the sun began to come up. A sentinel would then beat on his tom-tom in honor of the four winds in order to wake the children, so they might come from the teepee to greet the. sun. Before any work was done, the winds must also be greeted, for the Indians believed that the winds had much to do with luck. They, then,


The pupils of the violin and

piano On the very warm evening of June Training 5, the Peru State Teachers College preschool gave a splendid program Wed- sented the Harding String Quartet. nesday evening at the Music Hall Au- The program started with the "Quarditorium, before a large and apprecia- tet in B Flat Major, sometimes known tive audience. The program concluded as the Hunting Quartet," which is the year's work, and it was very evident the fourth of the quartets which Mothat the parents of the children were zart dedicated to Joseph Haydn. This well pleased with the work which had great work was so interpretated by the been done. The children gave their group as to show the strongly personal number with ease and assurance. The and new traits and to show the repleteness with manifestations of Mozart's program proved most enjoyable. deep and strongly problematic nature Following is the program:· which even many people of today do Violin not seem t.o fully understand. May Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vogt The only quartet written by Mau Jerrol Wheeler · rice Ravel was the second number. This Piano Humpety Dumpety .......... Wilson "Quartet in F" is essentially lyrical in quality, the harmonic and melodic Busy Bee .................... Wilson Fred Clements treatment being apparent from the start. Tarantelle Th'is co1or fu1 music-c · hor ds • harPicnic Dance · th ·11 t Robert Ware momcs, ri s and remo1o passages fo11owmg · one another in a sparkling Violin departments of the


Little Sleepy Head . . . . . . . . Perlman Laurine Clayburn took up the work of the day such as Piano weaving, cooking, preparing the clay, Old Melody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Presser and the making of pottery. The boys John Clements were taught to listen and hear foot- . The Snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilson Steps' then to go forward to meet the Little Cello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilson friend, where the ceremonial was done Patricia Benford and the peace pipe was passed. They Violin . s H h were,. very hospitable to the friend. Sw1ss . ong .. .. .. .. . .. . .. o mann Corn was ground, a fire was built, and Happiness ................ Hohmann they all danced around it In his honMargaret Ulbrecht Boat Vogt our. Song ...... · .... · ...... · Finally, friend leaves, and as the Louise Lind,strom Indian children watched the sun fall, Piano .they had the ceremonial of the sun go- Music Box .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . Saperton mg down. Happy Fll,rmer .......... Schumann The Indian mothers could then be Robert Kelliger heard singing to their babJes, but sudSong Without Words ......... Paldi denly, there was a rustling of leaves as Lullaby Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carter the sunflower man came to watch Billy Jean Miller carefully what was to happen. He came Violin clothed in ragged clothes, shuffled Serenade .................. . Schubert about In the leaves and sang songs till Particia Hill the first peep dawn, for he must Theme and Variations ...... Papin! then go back again as a sunflower. Max Mathews As each new story was told, the kin- Dream Waltz .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. Vogt dergarten children worked on the Bonnie Armstrong weaving of a rug, and the new story Piano would appear in the rug, represented by Santa Lucia different colors. They acted out the Over the River various ceremonials using a real InLaurine Clayburn . dian peace pipe, and a tom-tom to Spirit of Chivalry ...... Burgmuller beat on for their ceremonial i!Dngs. Hippity Hop .............. Brown They made various Indian articles, Leonore Larson many of which are on display in their Clock Dance ............... Wilson room. 'I'he Storm ................. Pitcher One thing_of particular interest, which John L~wis the children had worked on, was a Violin beautiful sand painting with a rain- Romance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rubinstein bow. The chlldren were told a lovely Orientale ...................... Cui story about the painting o! an Indian Kathryn Benford


girl, who llked to walk in the woods and all the animals were fond of her. Many Opal Auxier and Cecil Johnson have signs of a symbolic nature could be ·been married since Aug. 1935. Their seen in the paintng. marriage was recently announced. Mr. The boys made shields out of pan Johnson received his degree in 1937. lids and painted· different signs to re- Both Mr. and Mrs. johnson will teach present the rain, mountains, sunshine, In Honey Creek next year. hound and fiowers. Then bows and arrows were made anct... dliferent. 'in- Ca.lyin Reed, Supt. of Endicott, is dian games played. attending the State University, where The children were taught to see the he will complete his masters in educabeauty and peaceful nature of the In- tion. dian rather than the warlike. They - - - - - - - - - - - - became much interested In how an In- Lov€'ly 1!1deed are the Chinese and dian child got his name, and many , Mexican rooms. The Ghlnese project 'Were pleased to acquire the different was camed out in a wry efficient man-. names of Indian chiefs ·'arid princesses. n~r. Lanterns as well as a i.<>.rge Many Indian books were used !or bri'.1;ht1.y figured umbrella whlch was references, for the children could learn surpended from the cd!ing in the cenmuch by looking at the pictures. Next, ter wrre made by th~ children to dethey will begin the study of basketry eoiate the room. Fans can also be and Indian bead work. sern hangi)~g here and there. A table . On Friday, from 9:30 to 10:30, the with a collection of various articles Junior High gave a program of music from China stands in one corner of and dramatization, followed by a social the room. hour. An atmosphere of Chinese conditions The seventh grade class, which was 'certainly prevails. taught by Miss 'I'rimble, has spent a The Mexican project also is remarknumber of days In study and lnvestiga- able. The straw-dummy cowboy riding tion of safety on the public highways. horse back is one of the favorites Jn Mr. Ziettlow and Mr. Allman have their collections. been teaching the seventh -grade class- A Chinese play "The Honorable es in arithmetic. Grandmother's Birthday" written by John Clements and Billie Jean Miller Have you been to the Training School was presented in the third grade. to see the 3rd and 4th grade Geography The fourth grade -had open home to projects? _ exhibit their Mexican Project.

cascade of sound, was an enchanting picture of light and shade. The barbaric · fina1e was a mast erp1ece · of rhyth mic · st rue t ure. Th e 1as t was a group of four tran· tians arranged by Markwood scrip Holmes, the second violinist. They are: Nocturne Op. 72 No. 1 ..•... Chopin In Old Vienna ............ Godawsky Music Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liadaw Navarra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sarasate These lighter selections lent variety to the well-planned program. 'I'he group .consented to play a Tango for the encore number. PERU INSTRUCTORS GONE FROM CAMPUS Faculty members Edna Weare, Frances Harvey, John Bath and ' Ethel Glosser are taking summer vacations. Miss Weare, home economics instructor, spent four weeks at Iowa City, I<'wa, where she atcended school. She returned July 4. Miss Harvey, juniorhigh school supervisor, Is at schoci1 at the University of California, Berkeley, California. She wlll return in August. Miss Glosser, reference librarian, is continuing h~ studies at the Denver Library school ~acation bound, John A. Bath is in Estes Park, Colorado spending the summer.

CHARLES BUCKLEY, VIOLINIST GIVES EXCELLENT CONCERT Charles Buckley, violinist, swayed a music loving Peru audience in a concert, June 16. Mr. Buckley, dressed in white, was contrasted against a back ground of black with soft lights from above. The effect added to the con'cert. In the opening number, Sonata in A Major by Cesar Franck, Mr. Buckley showed ability in handling classical numbers. Boulanger's Nocturne and Wianiaski's Romanza, 2nd Movement of Concerto D Minor were played with feeling· and sincere restraint. Old Castle by Nin and Danse Espagnole contrasted pleasantly with their lightness. Mr. Buckley's interpretation of Danse Espagnole gave that number d a ded meaning. <• Sea Murmers by Castelnuovo-Tedesco-Heifetz gave Mr. Buckley an opportunity to handle a portrayal of sounds in melody. The final number Ghost Dance by Levy produced a most sinister effect and was one of the best liked pieces. The lengthy applause proved that Peru enjoys excellent music such as that presented by Mr. Buckley. .PROF MOORE PU_ __ ·· TS PEP IN PUBLIC SPEA KING CLASS "The after dinner speeches were bad enought and the sales talks worse, but I'll dread most of all giving my · oration," was a remark made by a member of the Public Speaking Class. These three divisions are the high lights of the course and are therefore much discussed by the Public Speakers as well as many other students on the campus. "Have you heard about Stroh's speech on 'Disillusioned Women'?" "He gave it very ably and there was truth in it especially this summer, since the women greatly outnumber the men." "His after dinner speech was just a scream"-another talk on women. His theory of her beginning might be taken as an insult. "Man grew lonely, so Ge d took the crookedest part of him and made woman-She hasn't straightened out yet." Ah! fairer sex vouch for yourselYes. Af t er hearing the sales talks one repor t er dec1'ded that many summer Peruvians could work their way through college. Th ese among many other remarks came from th e iii , t 1 1 ·~ Amer!can oratorn of Mr. Mcore ,s pu blic speaking class.

Dr. M. C. (Marley) Shurtleff, who took three years pre-medical work at Peru. and at the University at Lincoln ----and four years medical stud:t at the medical school at Otnaha, has just D. D. Stonecypher, .M. D., lfebraska completed his interneship in the Marine )ity, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Hospital, Seattle, Washington. · Glasses stted. Phone 144.-Professional Card. He just rsturned from a business - - - - - - - - - - - - trip to New York City, and on his way to Seattle, spent the week end with relatives and friends in and near Peru In September, he and his family will go to Washington, D. C., where he will take up his duties in the medical corps of the U. S. Navy, as first lieutenant, junio;: grade, with a yearly salary of $3,200. --------------




Peru Theatre MANNEQUIN JULY 10 -11



We will make it possible for you to own a new watch and pay for it this fall in easy payments. See us before leaving Peru.

We save you money

July 14-15-16 Thurs., Fri.; Sat.



JULY 17-18




rev~1uvu11\1~ VOLUME



Numerous Students Receive Certificates

PUlJ, MmlA&A, .MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1938

1938 Sees Six Faculty Changes at Peru State ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

Forty-six A. B. Degrees, thirteen elementary state certificates, and twelve two year diplomas will be awarded on August 19, 19as.

Miss . Esther Ann Clark Retires After Forcy Years of Service. been · It was more than just a meeting of State the day For tae earnestness of its handclasp 1'

A. B. Degrees w!ll be awarded to: Deva Helen Armstrong, Ray Marvin Beamer, Leonard El. Bell, Lewis B. Callahan, Helen W. Davey, Alice Gertrude Dobbs, Charles Clifford Fowler, Mabel Audriey George, Omar Louis Gottula, Mary Katheryn Hanlan. Francis Laurie Harris, Jr., Jack Hazelton; Jim E. Hecker, Gene Hertz, Stella Viola Hindenach, Merna Jensen, Nancy J. Kehoe, Nellie P. Kelly, Eva Venus Cock Leeper, Wayne D. Lindberg, Maggie Bell McAlpin, Marvin Lewis Miller, Howard Oliver Miller, Helen Claire Mullen. Marie Catherine Nolting, :Mary Blanche Norris, Donald Clark Noyce, Alfred C. Paul, Wiley Remmers, Ruth M. Roberts, Martin Frederick Rockwell, Orval Rodgers, Ralph E. SCholl, Jerome R. Snyder, Lawrence J. Stark, Dorothy R. Stevenson, Marjorie Myrtle £tevenson. Merritt Joseph Thornhill, Richard Howard Turner, Ellen Marie Ubben, J. Ronald Webb, Evallne West, Earl Glenn Whipple, Esther Maree Williams, Reba Geraldine Yeakle. Elementary State certificates will be awarded to: Fanny Priscilla Alberts, June Fay Armstrong, James Wayne French, Iola Mae Halcomb, Mildred Helen Hubka, Eileen Mabel Lundy, Helen Martin. Isabelle Evelyn Mathias, Lois Gwendolyn l'fash, Anna Jane Samek, Bernice Johanna Schneider, Mearle M Shoebotham, Norma Margaret Wolfe. Two-year diplomas will be awarded to: Ethel Winifred Albin, Marjorie Elizabeth Collins, Gretchen Delph Gidley, Ruth Ileen Graves, Arlene M. Heinke, Catherine Elizabeth Hughes, Dela Meritt, Geneva Catherine Miller. Thelma V. Roberts, Lucile E. Smith, Do1othy Doris Snider, Mary Elizabeth Werner. Nineteen professional certificates, based on A. B. Degrees will be awarded to: Rachel M. Albright, Jack R. Ashton, Leonard Bell, Marie Bourke, Robert Carmichael, George E. Cowell, Lelia F1razer, Butjtler S. Harkins, Arthur Harris, Lenn T. Loken, Harold Luttman, Maggie McAlpin, R. L Newton, L. Lorene *1-ton, Merl B. Peek, Grace L. Ricketts, Minnie E. Taylor, Delbert Walker, Reba G. Yeakle. Also ten life professional certificates based on two-year diplomas will be awarded to: Dorothy Carl!sle, Laura M. Danczak. Ruth Graves, Bonnie Green, Marcella Karplsek, Helen E. Meier, Mark K Mullins, Janes Oakes, Ruth Patterson, Louise B. Scholl.

TOURNAMENT USES ROUND ROBIN PLAN Competition ls going strong on the tennis courts due to a Round Robin. tennis tournament, which coaches Davidson and Baller are holding in their tennis classes. Miss Davidson's class ls grouped mm twos for doubles because of the number of students in the cl.ass. Baller's group play singles_ Each team has ro play llll ~ teams Jn the class. The 'Rlmler of !he most games 1s the champion,

c:1anges during 19$8. 1.Iiss Esther Ann Coach Stuart c:.ark has be€n Baller goe.s tQ Onl11lla .University; Coach Glenn O!lkeson and·, Nurse Ruth Ahlberg have been granted a year's leave of absence to do graduate work.

lasts for aye. And it makes all friendship sweeter; Yes and life itself completer All the way.

lish courses under A. S. Cooke. The Midwest still held an attraction to her so she came to the beautiful spot near the Missouri-Peru; where she became. professor of classical languages. She regarded each student as a child of hers to be treated with the utmost patience and thought. The Christmas of 1934 and again in 1937 Miss Clark published a book of her poems which was bought by her present and past students. Miss Clark is now in Hartford, Connecticut, visiting her niece. A letter to Mrs. Dunning says that her plans are indefinite, but that she would like to spend her winters in Peru. Once a Peruvian always a Peruvian!

N1mIBER 30

4-H CLUB YOUNGSTERS GATHER ON CAMPUS College Group Give Evening of Fun. The third annual Southeastern Nebraska 4-H Club Camp met here in Peru, July 2sc29-30. Five counties that sent their members for a vacation of instruction and recreation were Johnson, Nemaha, Otoe, Pawnee, and Richardson. The welfare of the groups was managed by Owen Rist, camp director. He was aided by the camp supervisors, Helen Holland, Elizabeth Williams, Lewis F. Boyden, A. H. DeLong, Frank Svoboda, and Jason S. Webster. The classes consisted of lessons in Nature Study under Dr. J. M. Winter and his assistants, and crafts under A. V. Larson, C. R. Lindstrom, and Clara Ridder. The following is an example of one of their days filled with pleasure and excitement. 7:00-Flag raising.

Miss Clark knows Latin as others know English. Because of her desire to smooth the path for those dipping into the study of Latin, she wrote the Dr. Robert Coatney resigned as as- "Student's Aid to Caesar". sistsnt professor of 3iology last spring. She has an acquaintanceship with At the beginning of the second semes- mythological characters so great that ter, Prof. Frank H. Heck went to they might be her neighbors. When Minnesota to complete his Ph. D. in asked about this friendship she rehistory. He has received an appoint- sponds that as a child she delighted ment at Miami U11i":ersity, Oxford, 0. in running in cloud-shadows across 1\tiiss Esther .Ann Clark retires after fields, and that she thought of clouds Miss Ruth Ahlberg, college nurse, 7:l~Room ins~ection. as.people. Now she can fairly see Auwas granted a leave of absence from 7: 30-Breakfast. rora driving his horses across the sky. Sept. 1, 1938. to June 1, 1939. She has 8: 00-Craftwork. Miss Esther A. Clark was born on received a scholarship-from the Uni- 10:30-Kittenball game. an Ohio farm in a rural district known versity of Washington ac Seattle so 12 :41>-Dinner. as WLeat Ridge, in Adams county, will work toward a master's d1Jgre2 in 1:30-Nature study. where she spent a carefree nine years Public Health Nursing. Miss Ahlberg 2:30-Craftwork. in fields and along the streams-a recently won acclaim for her treatment 5: 15-Swimming. happy child, for she loved nature. of a suiphuric acid burn which was 6:15-Flag lowering. She finished ·high school at West 6: 30-Picnic. Union, then started for her college 7:00-Games. career at National Normal University, 8:00-College program. Lebanm, Ohio. Here she obtained 9:00-Vespers. her de~ree, a feat not so common for 10:00-Bed. a girl at that time. A. B. Clayburn presented a college She stopped to teach, first in a oneprogram for their entertainment. Jerroom country school. Then as ome Snyder and R. T. Benford played MISS ESTHER ANN CLARK now a teacher is her own jan:tor. Laa piano duet. Howard Miller sang having taugllt in Pern since 1398'. Tb; i:~r sh_~ taug~t in "town scnool." two baritone solos which were greatly free time will give her an opponumty 1 Miso Cla1k s next step up was that applauded. Marjorie Trenholm and to enjoy those hobbies that have al- taken when she accepted the position Stella Rogge did a lazy negro tap ways meant so much to her-poetry. on the faculty of her alma mater as dance. Mayre Beth Tangeman gave a reading, and walking. an instructor in the department of reading to the delight of all, and Haroid Johnson's one man band was well This poem set to m us i, c English. ' This wasn't high enough for such a received. by Evelyn Brecht l''as first used aml spirited young girl so she decided to Following this program, each county adopted October 12. 1331 as the song match wits with men and secure an presented entertainment for all the MISS RUTH N. AHLBERG of Sigma Tau Delt8.. It is typical of M. A. at Lebanon. others by songs, dances, readings, or Miss Clark's philosophy of life. Through her extensive reading she very severe. Miss Myrtle Peterson, R. skits. By The Way came across some books by Dr. L. A. N., of Union has been selected to fill As they all said goodbye, they added Side by side we walked together for Sherman whom she admired because the temporary vacancy. that they would be back next year. a while, of his works. Hence she· decided to (Continued on Page 3) Two good comrades of an hour or-a "take a chance in the cowboy state of mile; far off Nebraska." She spent one year But the whole day Ions was brighter, at the Nebraska University as a grad- ST ATE SAFETY FIL.MS .(ind its steady trudg'.ng lighter uate student and the following year ON CONVO. PROGRAM For your smile. at Yale, where she took advanced EngRadio listeners now take it for grantUnder the supervision of Miss Nor- ed that the P. s. T. c. broadcast hour Then too, a special warmer is added. ma Albrecht a variety of convocation is a good one and the program on July NEW LAB EQUIPi\IENT 26 gave their assumptions doubled AIDS RESEARCH WORK 'I'he material can be kept at any de- programs has been presented. Those indispensible "gadgets" which sired temperature on its electric plate, On July 15, the Gillette ensemble verification: Dr. Winter talks so much about are although its element is not adjusted appeared before the student body with Howard Miller-Baritone Solo. the very latest in Biological laboratory for toasting or frying. several different selections. over the Hills equipment. Heretofore, the slides for This new equipment will not only Convocation on July 18 consisted of None but the Lonely Heart observation have been purchased at facilitate laboratory courses, but will violin music furnished ,by Max Ma- Virginia Ann Poor-Campus News no small cost to the de)J'artment; now, add interest and pleasure to the work. thews, Charlotte Pryor, Norma Jean Mildred Knoflicek-Violin Solo with the new Microtome, the slides Hays, and Kathryn Benford. Romance-Svenson.


can be made from all materials studied, now and when t:1ey are needed. The Microtome slices the material so fine that a single section may measure 8-100,000 of an inch_ The fineness of the work depends upon the movements of the knife slide and the feed mechanism. Tl:,;; machine will cut section after section so that a group of slides mar be a successive picture of the material. The new ~pe is both Binocular, and mdl.micular. The double vision end allows both eyes to view the sullject in immml manner to relleve eyes.trfiln and a clearer view. Tben i:OO, the microscope is built on an ~ tO'i!<-ard the upper end. This j)ll?l'.lllts the operator to assume a naturnl position. A Biology student might be very comfortable in the laborato.ry these days_



Lieutenant Chrone, a member of the state patrol, spoke on "Safety EducaMany interesting units have been tion" July 22. At the latter part of completed on livestock, insects, poultry, the period he answered any questions and birds in Miss Stoneman's Vitalized the the students or faculty might wish Agriculture course. This course deals to ask. with the study of methods and shop On August 5, Alice Auxier accomwork, Vitalized Agriculture meaning panied by Ruth Chatelain presented a the vitilization of every school subject vocal program. Both of these girls in the curriculum. This course of' were graduated from the College in study employs the problem-project and lm with a major in music, the unit methods. ?.k LlOOs;trom, with the assistance Agriculture, as the basis of correl.a- Of L.ieute!ll'lllt Chrone and Mr. Petertion, has its advant11ge with the rural sen, showed the picture "Horse Sense cbild because he ls ::o well acquainted and Horse Power" on August 8. This with the subject. fitted in very well with the college as Much of the work is a shop labor- It is the first in the state to install a atory project in which many articles course of "Satefy Education" in its ·1m<lfi as cake boards, bill files, serv;ng curriculum. 1trays, book racks, magazine racks, hot Mr. Steck of the music department pad holders, and even what nots WBre presented a mi.Scellaneous program on made. August 12.

Mayre Beth Tangeman-Interview Prof. R. T. BenfordJerome Sn,yder-Piano Duo. Aragonnaise by Massenet Mildred KilofiicekHoward Miller-Violin and Baritone Duet Ave Maria by Shubert. Gordon Gilbert was the master of ceremonies which position he is to fill the coming year. Programs like this acquaint Nebraskans with Peruvians whose interest !Jes in teaching little Nebraskans and with the college itself through the persons who broadcast. Conversely, the students derive inspiration and enjoyment from the broadcasts. Back of these successful broadcasts is Jerome Snyder. Jerry will be missed a very great deal this fall because of his dependability and ability in performing and helping others to perform.


The Peru Pedagogian

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Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Posto:ffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5. cents.






Mary Kathryn Hanlon, 1938, was married to Charles B. Thompson on ADVERTISING RATES August 3, at Rockport, Missouri. They Locals, 10 cents per line Display 20 cents per inch. will live in Auburn until September, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . , . - - - - - - - - when they will go to Alberquerque, New Mexico. STAFF Stella Rogge On August 10, Catherine Lenna, who Following is the personnel: Editor Adviser .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ......... : .. . . M. Florence Martin attended P~ru In 1935-36, was married "Pat" Harris-a hustling, talking to Carl J. Ahlin. The wedding took catcher whose defensive work is suREPORTERS place at Union Church, Lake Bluff, perb; his hitting Is mediocre. Maxine Jarvis Elizabeth Glosser Ethel Albin Marjorie Bence

Alice Devore l'II!ldred Williams Bill Stroh Gerald Fichter

o' • " 0 f the end for some students and T od ay mar k s t.h e .b eomnm 0 • k lhe end of the begmmng for othe;s: Those wh? a~e leav1!1g loo back on this summer with a rem1111scence that is filled ;with hap· piness. Those who will be back, look forward to all the oppor· tunities Peru offers. The summer has been grand. It has been assumed that fewer students slept during classes than usual. Not fha~ the seats were t.oo uncomfortable for relaxation, but because the mstructors constd· ered the temperature and made the classes too interesting to miss any part of it by dozing. Looking back, the budget events, the convocation programs, the delightful social and recreational activities leave a very great deal to be remember ed.

Illinois. Raymond Schriener, who has been at Kearney high school, has been elected as head of the industrial arts department at Wayne State Teachers College. Mr. Schrlener received his master's degree from Greeley. He vis, ited on the cam us last week. P Raymond (Bus) Moore, 1936, has been elected as assistant coach at Shenandoah, Iowa. He has taught at Plainview for the last two years. Evelyn Brecht 1933 Is attending Ann Arbor, Mi~higa~, this summer. She has been t~achlng in Humboldt, but this fall will go to Atlanta, Geargla, as music instmctor.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Petersen of WakeJield, Michigan, are v!s1'ting her parents Mr. and Mrs .. c. C. .coatney. Mr · f Petersen, who received his degree rom Peru in 1933, has just J'eturned from Iowa City where he is working on his master's degree. Robert Christian (1937) will teach in Ewing next year. Last year he was coach at Shickley. Chester Korber (1932) who has been coach and industrial arts instructor at Superior for several years, will go to Boulder, Colorado, next year where he will be head of the industrial arts department in the city schools. Stephan Gaines, 1934, of Ashland will take his place at Superior. Lloyd Perry, 1934, who has been teaching music and mathematics in Iowa, has been eleCted at Edgar, where he will te 9. h the same subjects. LaVerne Setzer, 1936, will teach English in Reserve, Kansas, next year. SO BE IT! For the past two years she has been Man is of few days and full of trouble. He laboreth all the girls' coach and English teacher at days of his youth to pay for a gasoline chariot, and when at last Meridan, Iowa. She is in Estes Park, the task is finished, lo, the thing is junk and he needeth another. Colorado, this summer. He planteth corn in the earth and tilleth it diligently, he and his. Dean McCormick, 1938, who is going servants and his asses, and when the harvest is gathered into the to Thurman, Iowa, next year, has been barns, he oweth the landlord eight dollars and forty cents more than a campus visitor this past week. the crop is worth. He borroweth money of the lenders to buy pork Harold Prichard, 1938, will attend and molasses and gasoline, and the interest eateth up all that he Nebraska University this year. He was hath. awarded a 1ellowship there. He begets sons and daughters and educateth them to drink, J. Alex Stoddard, who received his smoke cigarettes an4 wear a white collar, and, lo, they have soft two-year diploma in 1910, will go to hands and neither labor in the fields or anywhere under the sun. Philadelphia as superintendent of The children of his loins are onery, and one of them b~cameth a schools at a salary of $15,000. For la~er and another sticketh up a filling station and maketh whoopee the past year, he has held a similar with the substance thereof. · position Jn Denver. He goeth forth in the morning on the road that leadeth to the James Perdue, 1937, will teach social city and .a jitney s~itheth him .so that his ribs project through his Science next year in Fort Morgan, ep1derm1s. ~le drmketh a dnn~ .of whoopee juice to forget his Colorado. Last year he was at DeWitt. s?rr~ws and..1t burneth out the lmmg of his liver. All the days of Corinne Barnts, 1937, who taught in his life he ~md~th no parki~g place and is tormented by traffic Scotia last year, will go to Loup City. c?ps from his .g?mg forth until he cometh back. An enemy stealeth Ivan Newton, 1935, coach at Coin, his car; physicians remove his inner parts and his teeth and his Iowa, for several years, will go to Elm bank roll; his arteries hardeneth in the evening of his life and his Greek where he will coach, teach manheart bursteth trying to keel? up the furious pace. Sorrow' and bill ual training, and mathematics. collectors followeth him all the days of his life and when he is Paul Landolt, 1933, who has been gathe~~~ to his fathers t~e neighbors sayeth, "How much did he teaching· at Cortland will teach In !eave. Lo, he hath left it all. And his widow rejoiceth in a new the Pilger H. s. next year. coupe and ~aketh eyes at a young shiek that slicketh his hair and Leonard Pate, who attended Peru playeth a mfty game of golluf. in 1934, has been elected superintenWoe is man! ~nd from the day of his birth to the time when dent at Butte. the ear~h knoweth him no more, he laboreth for bread and catcheth Enid Colglazier, who has been pr!n~~devil. Dust he was in the beginning and now his name is MUD. cipal at Elmwood, will go to Valenchange. tine as principle next year. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· Kenneth Pace, 1934, and Eunice Can you imagine! mood? Bergman were married during tlhe Wendel Orwich getting romantic? Frosh: The cf!w . first week in August. 'Mr. Pace will l'II!ss Davidson's tap-dancing class be head of the music department at all hitting the floor at the same time? Falls City next year. Jerome Snyder calling a cook Open season on romance ls pre- Mona Lyon, 1929, has been advanced dicted when the boys start eating in from the rank of instructor to asso"sweetheart?" the girls' dormitory. ciate professor in the Commercial DeMiss Hannaford getting angry? Peru having· a good road to the Edis: Are you using your tennis rac- partment at Madison College in Harrisonburg, Virginia. She was formerly pavement? 'quet this evening? assistant registrar at Peru. Donna: I'm afraid I am. Wayne Weare, who graduated in Dr. Smith: Take this sentence: Let Edid· Splendid' Then you w n't · · o 1936, will go to Windsor, Colorado, the cow be taken out of the lot. 'What mind lending me your new dr~ss. next year.

AMERICAN LANGU AGE 'ES FO·REIGNERS PERPLEX " What do you say forth and back or back and forth? We find that different people ~ay it differently. The ones that say forth and back insist that one must go forth befoi;e he can come back but the other group who say: back and forth have their argument too, so it seems that you will have to decide for yourself what form you will use. Are you sure that you know when to use the different words too, to and two They prove to be pit{alls for many people. Another odd characteristic· of the language is the spelling of words. Take for instance the words enough, through, though and philosophy. They are not spelled as they sowid. If they were they would be enuf, thru, tho, and filosophy. Another feature of the American language that often perplexes foreigners is the many words,we use.to express oiir selves. If we want to convey the meaning of agony, words commonly used are grief, pain, anguish, dolor, sorrow, Woe, tribulation, affliction, distress, hurt, misfortune and calamity. _In all probability you have by this time thought of many other oddities of our language, if you have, don't let it drive you fairly in. sane f or you are an Amencan too.

'Bob' Jones' Interpretation Enjoyed by Students · One of the anticipated pleasu the s.ummer is the budget e The programs this summer have on a high level, tending toward art and achievement. Credit Is Prof. A. B. Clayburn for the spl variety.

Howard Miller-who swings a "mean" Jeft wing has been fairly successful. Howard Dean-a truly great ball player, especially on the defense. He makes all the plays look easy around first base. "Swede" Hertz-although Swede weighs around the 200 poundmark, he gets around surprisingly well and wields a potent bat. . Wayne w_eare-a powerhouse. at the plate, who is capable of swattmg any pitch out of the park. Marvin Miller-a shortstop who has all the finesse and ease of a ballet dancer. His ·1ong smashes have featured the later games of the Bobcats. "Foster" May-a plenty good ballJiawk and the most consistent batter on the squad. Contributes his success to the support and rooting of his wifie. Harold "Ban" Johnson- a good fiychaser-also marrl.~d but he doesn't receive the k!ttenball support of his .marital colleague. Russell Sommers-a "heads-up" fellow on the diamond and a real guy 'n the cl::ssroom. "Bill" Stroh-On the team principally because his talkativeness peps up the other players. Hls personality so dominates his playing . that it is never noticed_ whether he is_ any good or not. (Editor's Note. Bill's plenty good.) Others who have played at times with the Bobcats are Martin Rockwell, Bob Christian, Bill "Wild Horse" Chapin, and "Charlie the Chuck" Fo~~

Tom Collins Dies After Appendectomy Thomas Coll!n died at the Uniyersity Hospital In Omaha Thursday, August 4, from an operation for appendicitis which resulted in peritonitis. He was buried in Sheridan Cemetery at Auburn, Sunday. He is 'survived by his parents Mr. and Mrs .. Albert Collin, a sister, Mary Elizabeth, and two brothers John and Mark who are at home. Tom graduated from high school in 1931, and from Peru State in 1934, having completed college in three years. He had three summers work on his Masters at the Unlvfilsity of l'II!ssouri. ms many friends will remember his diversified interests and abilities_ in college. He was a member of Epsilon Pi Tau; Y. M. c. A.; Philo; Art Club; Dramatic Club; Peruvian Art editor '34; and he was a good impersonator. Since graduation from college Tom taught two years at Rock Port, l'II!ssour!, and the past two years at,Alton, Ill., where he was re-elected for the co~!ng year. . 'Iom was very active in civic and church activities, having been SuperJntendent at Rock Port, Leader of Hi Y at Alton and he taught Sunday school at both places. MR. GILBERT CLOSES 25 YEARS SERVIQE For twenty-five years the dining hall has been under the capable guiding hand of Mr. Gilbert. The first ten and one half years he operated the dining hall on his own initiative; the last fourteen and onehalf years he has been employed by the state to operate it under state supervision. Mr. Gilbert carefully managed the dining hall from a mere e~tlng room with board floors and little equipment

"Curtain Calls" brought c calls for Bob Jones, Jr., in his I pretation of Shakespearean charac One of the outstanding points the performance was his rapid c from character to character. his interpretation of Shylock he t ed to Macbeth, Falstaff, Richard Richard, Duke of Glouchester, Hamlet, each in their turn with a swift change of costume before e in a sociable, informal manner. I econd he was off the stage. Af slight pause, the lights were dim then raised, and the character· present in all his dramatic intensl His costuming was very elabora that of Richard II especially brou forth many comments. The lighting was performed by Peru students Bob Weber and Fr Larson in a very capable manner. Bob Jones, Jr., received his train from his father, who started a Sha pearean school in Tennes~e. H the plays are studied on all t phases. Satisfaction in the presentation expressed by many.

Reverend Adams, conductor Adams Tours, presented films of Mediterranean Tour made last J uary, 1938. The pictures were ta with a camera equipped with chrome film, which takes scenes their natural colors. Three continents were visited, twel countries, and thirty cities, High spots of the tour included t Rock of Gibralter with its impress! fortifications, Cairo and the Spinx, the Pyramids, in Rome the c osseum and in Athens the Parthen Then they traveled eastward to f fill the cl.esire of so many-to visit t Holy Land. Reverend Adams deplored the f that so many sacrrd sites are c0vpr by Mohammedan rA'osques. With him, the· auJience visited m spots «ssociated with the life of Ohr Bethany, where JL'sus visited Mary, Martha, and Lazurus; the r to Jericho, where the good samarl found the man beaten by thieves; Garden of Gethsemane pictured ln its peacefulness; the Mound of Skull, barren and ugly, at the base which are found tombs; and the· Mount of the Transfiguration. Probably the most···impress\ve l;a1d of the program was the cont.rast oti1 the Dead s~a. and the Sea of Galilee. j "There's a sermon in the two'', said : tr.e Heve' rnd Adams "Everywhere we found the Maham_. .. medan influence", he further stated.~ "Christian. Sch~ols are few and sma!rsl In comparison. Reverend Adams concluded with moving pictures. ----

to the two fine rooms with equipment which hundreds of persons use each! year. All this improvement has been. made possible through self support:i under the management of Mr. Gllbert.l Mr. Gilbert's early training was in a boarding house, a hotel, a restuarant, and grocery stores. Three daughters, two of whom were born in Peru, have attended college in Peru, and will no doubt have many pleasant memories of their life here. Much credit is due Mr. Gilbert for .the benefits of low cost living for the girls of the dormitory.


FACULTY CHANGES MADE THIS SUMMER Gilkeson and Baller Are Leaving Peru (Cont'lnued from page 1) The gym will seem very. dtlierent this fall because the personalities that characterize it will be gone. Coach G!lkeson has been head coach and director of physical education at Peru for the past eight years. He is a

COACH GLENN GILKESON graduate of Peru, and came back to his alma mater after some years of successful coaching in high schools ar Nebraska and Iowa. He has nearly every summer taken special work in his line in some school specializing in physical education, particularly under the late Coach Knute Rockne. He is one of the best coachs Peru has ever had, popular both in the college and Wi-th the people of the town. \'. Coach Stuart "Stu" Baller, who has t>een so successful as basketball coach at Peiu, has resigned his position here to accept the position of basketball coach and head of Physical Education at Omaha University. His duties will

be to coaeh the basketball team and the frosh football .and direct the in-

tramurals. He was a well known figure in Nebraska athletics the past 14 years. He graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan in





Recent placements are:


Zelda Carmine, 7th grade at Tilden; Elaine Shafer, E11glish, Latin and draBy Fei!eral Government To Be New Coaches matics at Stromsburg; Erwin Juilfs, For many years, the Peru State Mr. A. G. Wheeler of Oberlin, Ohio, Junior high school at Scottsbluff; Teachers College has lacked the one r•Uld have ma de 1·t is to become head of the Physical Ed- Ruth Ann Hill, elementary grades at bUl·1d·mg that w..,, Wymore; Orval Rodgers, Riverdale. 'complete, the boys' dormitory. ucational department and coach of Dorothy Stevenson, departmental Official information of the grant of football and basketball upon Coach work in elementary school; Marcella $S 5,050 has been received by the Board Gilkeson's absence. Mr. Wheeler at- Harpisek, primary at Lindenwood; of Education of State Normal Schols tended Oberlin College, where he re- Maxine Jarvis will teach music from the Federal Government to asceived his Bachelor's degree, and and English at Hayes Center; sist in the building and equipping of Gladys Anderson, elementary grades the men's dormitory, Peru, Nebraska, Teachers College, Columbia Univeisity, at Sidney·, Iva Shubert, home economThe Board of Education officially acwhere he received his Masters degree. ims and English at Chester; Anna Mae cepted this grant at a meeting held in He has coached very successfully at Sandin, Dubois; Elsie Jurgenson, Dav- Omaha, August 11, 1938. Teachers College, Ames, Iowa, Am- enport. Mr. John Latenser, Jr., of Omaha is Teachers College, Ames, Iowa, AmRuth Wilson, rural school near Har- the architect and final plans will be herst College, Massachusetts, Columbia bine; Ethel Albin, 4th and 5th grades submitted at an early date. College of Pharmacy and North Texas at Table Rock; Reba Yeakle, 2nd grade COACH STUART BALLER The dormitory, to be constructed beTeacher's College, Denton, 'I'exas. at Hastings; Ellen Ubben, Paxston; hind the infirmary, will be able to 1924. In 1937 he was appointed to the Mr. Arthur Jones of Nebraska City Donald Noyes, manual training at provide rooms for one hundred men, Peru athletic staff. will assist Mr. Wheeler. He received Norfolk; Mary Norris, 6th grade at and will also provide rooms for phyHis success at Peru resulted in his his Bachelors and Masters degrees at Valley; Marie Nolting 6th grade at sical education and recreation. hoopsters tying for the N. I. A. A. title the University of Nebraska. He has Plattsmouth; Maggie McAlpin, 3rd If everything moves satisfactorily, the first year and winning the state also taken special plWsical education grade at Hastings, Mrs. Eva Leeper, the dormitory will be ready for occhampio~p in 1938. work at the University of Minnesota special room in elementary grades at cupancy January first. and Northwestern University. He has Beatrice. had experience at Elk Creek; Ne- Howard Johnson, elementary prinTHE WREN HOUSE braska; Nebraska City and the Uni- ciple · at Bayard; Dorothy Garthey, THE DORM GIRL'S LAMENT A little house versity of Nebraska. rural school near Weeping Water; Ar- Cold, unfriendly, silent thing "Rent Free" it said . . lene Redding, 7th and 8th grades at You hang on my wall, but never ring. Its sides are yellow Wmston B. Thorson has been elect- Sprmg . fi eld ; Luc1.11e Hu tt , J u11 an; Each day I listen anxiously And its roof ls red ed to succeed Prof. Frank Heck. Mr. Donna Armstrong, primary at Julian; In hopes you'll break my monotony. Thorson has about finished work on Merna Jensen, elementary grades at But you show no gratitude to me. a Ph. D. in history at Minnesota. '~No door or window Oh why do you leave me so alone, ·Pickerill. A small hole instead Robert H. Shuler is continuing as Stella Hindenach, elementary prin- You silent, unfriendly telephone? There's no chair or table the successor to Dr. G. R. Coatney in ciple at Columbus; Fern Sixta, primary But one roug·h bed the Biology department. He received at Columbus; Jim Hecker, Hamburg; Marjorie 'I'renholm, over the te 1.e\ his B. S. at Hastings College and his Iowa; Mable George, San Joan, Texas, \phone:: Guess who just got kicked Masters in zoology at the University grades; Doris Tr!mball, 3ni grade at out of college? No rent I said of Nebraska. He then continued his Humboldt; Charles Fowler, Akron, Ia.;.-~------~----­ But the reward is great Watching the wren advanced work at the University of Alice . Dobbs, elementary at Beatrice. Smith, Rockford; Jane Qakes, 2nd And his trim little mate., [Washington in Physiology and Pha- Roy Beamer, 8th grade at Pawnee grade at Plattsmouth; Charlotte ·vedmacology. City; Helen Davey, Norfolk; Lucille erquist, 4th grade at Sidney, Iowa. May 10, 1938. W. P. K. Wheeler and Jones

1938 Annual 1938 Bobcat Homecoming Football Schedule OCTOBER 8-9 •

September 23, MARYVILLE At PERU September 30, Doane at Crete October 8, MIDLAND At PERU Oct. 21, Kearney at Kearney ··Oct. 28, Wayne at Wayne November 4, HASTINGS At PERU Nov. 11, Wesleyan at Omaha Nov. 25, Tarkio a~ Tarkio Mo. "Watch the Bobcats Battle"

• Friday Evening Homecoming Rally \

Saturday Morning Judging of Decoration Saturday Afternoon Homecoming Football Game MIDLAND At PERU Saturday Evening, #Homecoming Play Homecoming Dance - Cliff Kyes and His Band -

The Biggest Celebration of the Year! Don't miss it!

P. S. T. C. Dormitory Installs Cafeteria

SALARIES DISGl!SSED The proposed cafteria is to be equipped by the Omaha Fixture a111 BY KAPPA DELTA Pl

the annual salaries received by their There are eleven universities and col- B. Y. P. U. INTERESTS teachers. New York ranks first; Ne- leges in our state. COLLEGE STUDENTS braska ranks thirty-ninth. It might It is surprising to learn that there On Sunday, June 6, 1938, a group of be logical to assume that since Ne- are 107 different vocational education braska ranks so low in this respect, she certificates issued by the State Board. young people interested in the sum- . would also rank in the lower quarter Nebraska ranks eighth in the United mer B. Y. P. U. program retreated to . in regard to per capita wealth, sal- States in Home Economics Gourses of- Major's pasture, where after an hour~ aries paid to other public employees, fered but is twenty-fourth in agricul- of games, the following officers were annual incomes, number of telephones, ture. There are eighty Nebraska high elected to serve during the summer. automobiles, or electric refrigerators. schools offering Smith Hughes agriOn the contrary this is not true. In culture and sixty-five home economics. Pres.-Gwendolyn Decker. fact Nebraska ranks near the top in A large majority of the high schools V. Pres.-Mearle Shoebothom. the number of electric refrigerators. offer manual training and also typing Sec.-Treas.-Gerald Fichter per unit of population. It is only in while many schools give quite a thor- Songster-Stella Seward. supporting our schools in the last few ough commercial course. Year by Social Chairman-Wayne Crom. years that we occupy such a low po- year music is assuming a more impor- Advertising-Helen ;Holdorf: sition on the scale. · tant place in the curriculum., No oth- The topics discussed during lhe Miss Thelma Barnes gave a discus- er subject is making rapid advance- regular Sunday evening meetings were sion of education opportunities in Ne- ment in fields of ,educational oppor- chosen from the theme "The Quest for·... braska. She stated that when we tunities, there is still much which she God." ·.. think of the low teacher's salaries and can do in order to come up to the level The Peru group had charge of the taxes levied for educational purposes, of many of the other staets. program of the Baptist Young. People's we wonder how Nebraska can offer Elsie Parret's talk on taxation as many educational opportunities as Rally held in the Little Chapel at brought out the unfair system of taxwe would like the young people of our Coryell Park on Sunday, July 30. The ing in accordance with land instead state to have. of ability to pay. A plan of revision program included a panel discussion Nebraska is doing a great deal to was outlined in which every person conducted by Peter Holdorf, George· widen the curriculum of the schools having taxable ability should pay Grossoehme, Helen Hall, and Naomi. but has fallen down in many respects. some sort of a direct personal tax to Meyer. Following the program, the Did you know that in 1934 Nebraska the government under which he is young people from the various:' had 13,829 teachers? In this compari- domiciled and from which he receives churches represented enjoyed a pieson, we rank 22nd in the United States. the personal benefits that the govern- nic supp.er together. Nebraska is grouped in the West ment gives. Tangible property should North Central States in giving statis- be taxed by the jurisdiction in which it tics. This group included the follow- is located because it receives protection, D. D. Stonecypher, M. D., Nebraska ing given in order of the number of benefits and services. Business carried Jity, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. elementary school students enrolled. on for profit in any locality should be Glasses stted. Phone 144.-Professio~Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559,496 taxed for the benefits it receives. al Card. Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . 425,518 Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417,729 Kansas . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 318,614 Nebraska . . . . . . . . . . 241,385 North Dakota . . . . . . . . 12S,143 South Dakota . . . . . . . . 124,824 One way which Nebraska has of extending educational opportunities to more students is by offering scholarships. In 1934, the University of Nebraska offered 250 but this number was topped by Iowa State with 548. In the State Superintendent's report of 1935-36 we find that Nebraska has 824 Standard Rural Schools. 'I'his fact broadens educational opportunities because it encourages better schoQl buildings, teaching equipment, and better prepared teachers. The 1936 Course of Study for Nebraska has also widened the field of opporttuniti!es because it exalts the needs of the child to embrace a philosophy of education whereby the everyday activities of the community and the state are definitely linked up with school. JRINGS YOU A WHOLI YEAR OF GOOD READING I Nebraska also offers opportunities for students to continue work above . _____ ....,..,..... .high school. We have four Junior colleges, two publicly controlled, those it at McCoolc and Scottsbluff and the two church controlled, Hebron College and Academy and the Luther College. it There are only fifteen states of the union which have less than four junior colleges. All the rest have more ~tt than Nebraska. There are also four teachers colleges, Peru, Chadron, Wayne, and Kearney and three pro{Reg"'4r Pt. for Chu Y__ I,, ,o} __.._ .. fessional and technological schools.

Nebr. Educational Supply Company of omaha. T]~e Opportunities Listed. equipment will be installed immediately after the close of school and the Kappa Delta Pi members were treatcafeteria will be ready for the opening ed to a very beneficial and enjoyable of school in September. program when Helen Hall, ·Thelma Girls rooming in the dormitory must Barnes, and Elsie Parrett gave talks board at the cafeteria which will be concerning the monetary situation of open to all students and faculty, both Nebraska Schools and the opportunimen and women. ties offered. From the success and popularity of During the evening Thelma Barnes the cafeteria in other schools, stu- and Mrs. Ethel Long were introduced dents are enthusiastic about this plan as new members. Thelma Roberts which will enable them to select their handled a farce association test with food from a large variety. Each stu- its humorous results. Cherry pie ala dent will get to assume responsi.bility mode was featured for refreshments. to distribute his own funds over a The theme of the evening dealt with properly balanced diet. Meal tickets salaries for teachers both present and will be for sale to aid in the students future. Miss Hall talked of the Nebudgeting. Ibraska salaries when she said that Students will be allowed to select a teachers' salaries in Nebraska are exleisure time for their meals as ~he ceedingly low. Teachers of course, are cafeteria will be < ren one and c. 1,e aware of this fact. But strange as it half hours ea.;h 1, &al. seems, many people outside the pro'I'he kitchen is being remodeled for fes~ion think that entering the teachthe cafeteria plan. cuunt,ers and ing field is an easy way to secure a tables are to be installed for the serv- comfortable income. Although there ing of food. The dining room is being may be a region in which this idea refurnish<;d with small tables for two would be true, Nebraska is certainly or four. The entire sea.ting capacity at not the place. one time will be one hundred eighty. The United States Office of EducaThe cafeteria will be open to faculty tion ~as compiled some statistics which and all guests to take advantage of show the deplorable condition of the this individual service. public school teachers salaries in 'NeMr. H. J. steiner ~f the Peru Bak- braska. The commission computed ery will bake for the cafeteria. Mr. the avetage monthly salary for NeSteiner has moved his equipment to braska and supervisors were included the kitchen to be considered in the to make the average as high as possible. Figured on a twelve months basnc·N planning of the kitchen. is, the average monthly salary for NeFor the boy's convenience, a loungbraska teachers is $64. In New York, ing room is being built from the room the average monthly salary is $202; which Miss Clark occupied. Here the $772 annually in Nebraska; $2,414 anboys can leave their books and coats nually in New York. while they eat. Perhaps is is a little unfair to compare Nebraska with New York. The commission selected four states simPERUVlAN'S SISTER ilar economically, to Nebraska. Each BRAVES RIVER RAPIDS Uate pays its teachers more than we Dr. Elzada Clover, former Peruvian do. One of the states-Colorado, pays and sister to Mrs. Mabel George, with her' teachers $476 each, more than Nefive other death defying adventurers, braska. trave!'scd 666 turbuicnt, rapids·fillecl During the period from 1929-36 conmi!es of the Colorado river. stant changes have been made in salHunting botanical freaks and arch- aries in the various states. Placing aelogical quirks hidden from modern the date at 1929 might at first thought civilization by precipitous cliffs and ,quggest that the changes have been endless wasteland, the venturesome for the worst. Happily, this is not ensix smiled happily as three frail home- tirely true. Salaries in five states of made 16-foot boats slipped out of the the ufiion are now higher than they lonely southeastern utah village, were at their 1929 peak. Rhode Island Green River, June 20. 'Ihere was no heads the list with a 15.8 per cent inward from them until noon, July 7 crease over her 1929 record. when the wire, "Party located. All The rest of the states show decreases safe!" came. ranging from 1 per cent to 28.3 per Th b rttl d h · kin cent. Nebraska has the distinction of ~Y e 1 e s~c nerve wrac g .reducln the salaries the most. How1 expenences as: losmg a boat; spendg ·n h"ll . ht th . ever, we have to share these honors 1 g a c i y mg a1one on . e river h t with Oregon, who has reduced teachbank ; an overt urne d era ft wh ich s o ers' salaries 28.3 percent sinch 1929. one of their number into the flood Since Nebraska salaries were low to stage stream; wild animals crying start with we can understand why we WEirdly at night; guiding frail boats continue to remain so low on the avover foaming rnpiC:s which ;ioun·:Lr; erage salary scale of the teachers of all against towering cliffs; watchino: a states. food supply dwil'dle to virtually noth- The states were ranked according to ing while traveling through an u.11init it~~~l!lOO!!!~~llW!Jillll!lfill~~OO~~~llillill~~~~ll!lltl~~~lilOO~ habited wildertc~ss. ·~ Ill On August 2 the Colorado River party emerged from the river at Boulder Dam, just 41 days after leaving and


ered two hitherto unknown species of cacti. The expedition was made up of Eugene Atkinson, University of Michigan geologist; Dr. Elzada Clover, University of Michigan, botanist; Don Harris, Soda Springs, Idaho, employee of the U. S. Geological Survey; Norman D. Nevills, Mexican Hat, Utah, leader of expedition; Miss Lois Jotter, University of Michigan, botanist, and assistant to Miss Clover; W. C. Gibson, San Francisco, artist-photographer.







I~ ~





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