1938-1939 Peru Pedagogian

Page 1



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Cheer Leade;s Selected At Pep Rally Convocation

Midland Game, Kyes' Dance Peru Faculty Personnel Featured on Program Has Six Changes

Breathes there a Peruvian with soul several changes have been made in o can't get a thrill from so dead Wh " Peru College's facufty. Dean Delzell Homecoming at Peru College? There and Miss Clark have retired; Professor ain't no such animal," declare me~­ Bath is taking additional work elsebers of the Student Advisory Commitwhere, and three new members, Profestee if the plans they are whippmg msor Robert Shuler of the Biology Deto ~hape for the weekend of October 8 partment, Myrtle K. Peterson, Nurse, can be correct criteria. Followm~ a and Calvin Reed, Supervisor of Junior traditional schedule, but determined High Training School Mathematics to make the occasion one to go down have been added. in the annals of Peru as a memorable event, Chairman Boatman and· lns workers are planning decorated houses, a festooned campus a riotous ma _s of color in the stadium, and recept10ns, rallies and dances. Doa. Rose, vice chairman, announced that the pre-game Pep rally held on Friday evening would start at 6: 30 p m. A dance will follow the raJiy. . On Saturday the stream of Alumm I will be steered into the Administration Building for favors and badges. All decorated houses will be judged the morning. At 2:30 Saturday afternoon Midland Dean w. N. Delzell convalesces in Warriors will whoop across the Bobcat gridiron. From 5:00 to 6:00 p: m. the Arizona. .Alumni will be entertained at an mDean Delzell has been a part of and a formal reception in the Music Hall. booster fo:< Peru College since 1905 Professor Moore's well-coached cast will present "The King Rides By" be- August 11, 1938, the state board grantfore a Homecoming audienc1" at 7:30 ed his request to be relieved from ac-

Tear, Maxwe 11 , Dunmng · Are Problem Children ! h d


Ttllcher Maxine Randal a a grea deal of trouble with "Johnny" Maxwell and "Isabelle" Tear when the monthly Kappa Delta Pi meeting last Monday evening was : turned into a



Sat., Oct. 8, Set as Date For Annual Homecoming

Saturday evening. 1'rom 9:30 to 11:45 Cliff Kyes and his twelve-piece band will swing into the groove at the gymnasium. Over 2,000 . post cards are being printed with the Homecoming sch~­ dule and are to be given away to Peruvians.



tive duty and made him Dean Emeritus. He will be greatly missed by the [;!:'.'.'· ··' horly Tn nll



departure of the "Grand Old Man of Peru" will be felt. His popularity was not only great on the· campus, but throughout the county. It was Dean Delzell who organized the commercial department and placement bureau of

275 Freshmen Shove

Mayre Tangeman, Doris Starkebaum, Horace Rzehak and Mary Grovenburg were elected cheer leaders at convocation Friday morning when students and faculty· members joined in a huge pep rally prior to the Maryville game. Under the genial direction of Professors R. B. Moore and: G. H. Steck, the rally was given a humorous tinge. Yell-leader Steck and wise-cracker Moore were instrumental in producing from the crowd rounds of applause. Coaches Jones and Wheeler spoke to the group, and the latter introduced Game Captain Mosley. The band was under the direction of Florence Neve and Robert Weber.

ENROLLMENT BREAKS ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS, Over 500 Students On CoUege Roster If overflowing classes, shortage

textbooks, or standing room



The Student Advisory Committee has begun to swing into making plans for a bigger and better Homecoming. With the election of Freshmen class representatives and the appointment of Mary Lizabeth Werner to the vacancy left by Gladys Nosfger, junior representative, the council membership Is complete. The roster Includes: seniors, Harold Bmtman, Nemaha; Maxine Galbraith, Fairbury; juniors, Mary Lizabeth Werner, Nebraska City; Don Rose, Auburn; rnphomores, ~~ary Olive Richardson, Fairbury; Doon Karr, Hamburg, Iowa,; and freshmen, Allan Morris, Auburn; Ila Mae Heinke, Nebraska City. Officers for the' current year were elected as follows: Chairman HMold Boatman; Vice-Chairman, Don Rose; Secretary - Treasurer, Maxine Galbraith.


This year a 40 per cent Increase vver the Bnrollment of la.st year'.; number swells the 1936-37 figure of 214 upperclassme:1 ond 196 freshmen to 2'f freshmen and 231 upperclassmen, a total of 506 students attending Peru College. The Training School also boasts an attendance increase, resulting in 61 students in the Senior High. school, 76 in the Junior High school, and 102 •n the elementary grades, making the total 239.

Y. W. C. A. Roll Tripled

Peru. It was he who first directed Cabinet Is Completed field and extension work. In 1S05 he The Y. W. C. A. introduced itself to took a temporary position in the Mathematics Department. Larg·ely the freshmen Thursday of Freshman through his charming personality dis- Week through an afternoon tea. played in extension work, he has Mildred Knoflicek and her violin, helped Peru College to grow. He will Leora Libhart with her presidential

Striding into the auditorium at four o'clock Friday afternoon September 16, Prof. R. D. Moore was arrested by the eager gaze of a iarge group of asplrIng young actresses and actors. The gioup had collec~ed !n answer to a call for try-outs for Homecoming Play. The play "The King Rides By" was written by Lee Owen Snook. and 1s of the Little Theatre variety. It is a roP.'antic play in the highest degree, but is at the same time human. On the side of romance is Jove, wealth, social rank, royalty, dash of crime and a full measure of adventure. On the human side ls Jove of another sort, loyalty, tr-JP..~m1ce, generosity and wisdom. These two opposing elements are well blended. After a battle of line-reading lasting for two hours Prof. Moore dismissed the group until final tryouts on Monday.

The talent night program disclosed top notch performers. Those who entertalned were: Lawrence Freude, Janet Harrls, Maxine Shersted, Ernest Ulmer, Maryon Thomas, Majorie Kennedy, Dorothy Ewin, Doris Starkebaum Herbert Knutson. Campus social problems were the topics of Wednesday morning. The boys indulged in a bit of society as guests of Y. M. C. A. on Wednesday evening. Thursday was devoted to a continuation of the topic, "What does it mean to major or minor in various departments?" Miss Davidson, Mr. Wheeler, Miss D!ddell, Mr. Jindra, Dr. Smith, Dr. Konig, Miss Kenton, Mr. Clayburn, Miss Brackney, Dr. Weare, and Mr. Benford were the speakers on this program. The afternoon was given to the organizatlon of the Freshmen Class and the Y. M. C. A.. tea for girls. Friday morning's program was In charge of Mr. Moore and Miss Tear. At convocation, President Pate addressed the student body with a special welcome to the Freshmen. At last acquaintance with the rest of the student body was made at the mixer held Friday evening. Monday, September 19, this class of

"THE KING RIDES BY" IS HOMECOMING PLAY Numerous Students Attend Try-outs

typical modern schoolroom. spend the winter in Arizona. It seems that "Johnny" would not Having taught in Peru since 1898, rbserve the q.iestion marks in his read- Miss Clark is also known known by ing li'sson and "Isabelle" protested vi- Peruvians old and new. Many studolently. ents have been helped by Miss Clark's M:Iss Randall asked "Johnny" t• "Student's Aid to Caesar." Latin is spell "problact" backwards, but the to her as English is to others. Miss question was forgotten. "Johnny" de- Clark hopes to spend the winters ln manded a aennrnon nrst. Peru. A short recess was held, during John A. Bath was appointed to the which relay races on newspapers fur- Extension Division of the University ni;hed enjoyment and exercise. How- II of Nebraska. He began working on ever, playground supervi~or Ruth Su- his Ph. D. Septem~er 5, at the Univer·· torius, refused to name a winner be- . sity. After graduatmg from the Traincause the children became unruly. i ing school, he received his A. B. from "Nellie" Dunning refused to stay in! Peru State Teachers College in 1932. line and made the teacher very! One year later he took his Master's by pushing those ahead of IDegree from the University of Neher. i braska after which he taught at GardFollowing a r.eading les~on of tongue 1 ner before coming to Peru a.s Su~ert WIS : t ers and a "backwar d" spell·ng _ visor of Mathematics in Jumor High. 1 bee, the ch 1.ldren were qm·te rea dY f or '. Professor Shuler comes from the l unch . ,,...h ..., ey a t e h ot dogs, pot a to University of Nebraska. · He took his · h· pink lemonade and ice cream A· M· in parasitology and Ph · D· m c ips, physiology. Professor Shuler spends cones. part of his leisure time in photography

dlelight program. Th y iswnext c ATuesday's ·ff! ct b. t e ·f II · ·· · 0 cers anp ca·dmet th 0 for e Libh owmg L t v· year are: ·ct t resiL en., eora ar ; ice-presi en ' aura Baum; Secretary, Eula Redenbaugh· Treasurer, Evelyn Freeouf; Fellowship

Monday afternoon after approx!matelv twenty people who were called back to final tryouts had made minute changes from "sweet-young-things" to characters for whom life began at forty, Prof. Moore announced his cast as follows: Edmund Dorset-Frank Summer,, Oke. mah, Okla. Simmons-Thomas Chinnock, DeWitt. Loranda-Helen Margaret Larson, Peru. Cecily Dorset-Betty Kathryn Colr, Falls City. Captain Ross Wheatley-Edwin Argabright, Coln, Ia. . Deborah Winchell-Gwendolyn Warrick, DuBois. Hal Standley-Horace Rzehak, Beatrice. Baroness Von Eschenback-Mary Olive Richardson, Fairbury. Valeria Dorset-Nancy Ellen Jones, Peru. Cash McCord-Dean Karr, Hamburg, Ia.

The vacancy he fills was left by Professor Coatney. Miss Peterson comes from Nebraska City. She thinks that the students are very cooperative and she enjoys the work very much. Miss Peterson takes the position left vacant by Miss Ruth Ahlberg, who is on leave of absence. Professor Reed is not a newcomer to the campus as he was a. graduate of Peru College in '37. He received his A. M. at the University of Nebraska

Chairman, Wilma Parnell; Creath·<! Leisure Chairman, Dorothy Ann Coatney; Appreciation of Fine Arts Chairmen: Music, Katherine Bartling; Art, Rita Russell; Dramatics, Glema Miers; Publicity Chairman, Virginia McCoy; Program Ohairman, Musa Wagoner; "Y" Room Chairman, Enid Stofferson; and Candy Chairman, Leona Simmuns. The aim of the Y. W. C. A. is to fill adequately its place on the Peru cam-

Stuffi-Harold Dallam, Peru. Katherine Wells-Mary Lou Harvey, Arapa bot. As student director Prof. Moore ha appointed V!rginia Trively of Plattsc mouth, who has g:ained much experience in this line from Peru Players and Dramatic Club work. Along with the more experience players of former years the play will Introduce seven new faces. All newcomers are well prepared· to carry. on

two hundred seventy-five enrolled as students in Peru College. The results of the tests were made known. Those who rated first In both the achievements and the psychological tests were: Worthy Argabright, William Brooks, Marta Garber, Hubert Hunzeker, Lynn James, Bond Kennedy, George Leslie, Ruth Marshall, June Modlin, Luella Oldfield, Marjorie Prine, Doris Starkebaum, James Steele, Margaret Stiers, Geraldine Stoner,

last year.

pus as a Christian organization.

the tradition of the Peru stage.

Lorraine Ulmer and Druscilla Webster.. \




A watermelon feed at the Dutch oven was attended by fifteen member3 of Sigma Tau Delta Monday evening. p;ans are underway for a delegation. of fifteen or twenty members from. the Phi Alpha chapter to ~~~md the national convention to be held al Saint Louis, November 25 and 26. This Will be the first national convention to be. held for six years.

welcome, Rose McGinnis voicing the freshman response and Professor G. H. Steck'J songs comprised the Y W c. A. greeting to the freshmen girls. There are ninety-four paid members, three times the number of'i~irls enrolled last year. Laura Baum with her committee of six girls directed the successful membership drive. Maryon Thomas sang, • 'Evening Prayer" for the devotions at the year's first meeting Tuesday, 8eptember 20. Each commission cha.irman gave a brief summary of the character of her commission. Pep songs and getting acquainted activities concluded the evening.

Two hundred seventy-five Freshmen gave the faculty ample opportunity to make Freshmen Week a success. This, the largest class ln the history of the college, assembled September 12, to receive the greetings of Miss Tear and Dean Dunning. Their first week left nothin~ desired for entertainment. The progrnm was planned to give the Freshmen assistance in selecting a r.ourse and to make them thoroughly acjualnted with the college. September 12 was a difficult day because the Freshmen examinations were given. However, the surprise party In the evening gave the day a delightful ending. On Tuesday the faculty explained what It meant to major or minor In various departments. Professors Ware, Benford, Winter, Palmer, Maxwell, Larson, Steck, Brown and H!ll outlined their respective departments for the Freshmen. Professor Tear told what in general a Freshman should consider when deciding as to his major line of work in college. The Dean's program dealt with the social problem on the campus. A tour of the campus lessened that lost-my-class-room information so necessarily sought the first days following registration. The leaders of the groups were honor freshmen of last year's class: Frank Larson, Ruth Volkmer, Edna Mne P~ter,0n R.0>·' Russel, Lorene Schacht, Helen Winkleman, Faye Bouse, Bernice Bletcher, Keith Gibbs, Musa W~goner, llary Olive Richardson, Margery Evans, and Cheryl Kirby, Mis:! Branson and Miss Petersen welcomed the Freshmen to the Library.


the campus do not serve to hint of Peru College's pepulatlon increase, a gllmp· e Into enrollment statistics should.

Acquaintance Made With Peru Faculty

Recognition of the old members and initiation of the new members by can-


The Peru Pedagogian


ELECT MEMBERS AND OFFICERS ALUMNI TRAIL 1 Glem'1 Miers, who last year WllS ~r BY ALICE DEVORE 1eretary of Lile dormitory council, 1j chosen president of that organization ------------~-=lat 1111 tlrst meeting last Tuesday eveFormer Peru students arten\llng ""' l . W · th University at Ames, Iowa, are: \VU- l nlng. Mary Lizabeth erner. is e liam Plucknett ('37) ,·Frederick \Vatter, new vic:e-:esident and MarJone Hull, ('38) Huston Kingsolver 1'35), Will!s I secretary- easurer. t· th . Wirth ('38), and John Dustfn, who Ne'i!< tMIDbers represen mg ell' rel i>JXCllre clllsses are Kathryn Knouse, attended Peru in 1937-38. '1 th w · · . , . . . , senior; Mary Llzabe erner, Jun10r, Wayne Riggs ( 37) 1s coachmg thlS i and f.lcs.hmen, MWJ Lu Harvey and year at Wahoo, Nebraska. Last year i Norma Helmick. he taught at BurweU, Nebraska. New members chosen from third Luena Cook, who graduated in '37, fioor are Hazel Buchanan and Eleanor is teaching a rural school near VenanNieman; those from second fioor, Marbo, Nebraska. jorie Hull, Musa Wagguner and Vi..rLouise Matthews and Jean Wagner ginia Trively, and Laura Baum, chosare attending the University of Nebras- en from first fioor. Verona KJone was ka at Lincoln. Both girls graduated elected senior-at-large. from the Training High School and Four members are retained from last attended Peru for two years. year: Glema Miers, senior; Rmh James Delzell,who graduated in'29,si Crone, junior, and both sophomore r<·now head of the Manual Arts Depart- presentatives, Marjorie Evans and ment in the city schools of Denver. Mildred Knofiicek. Registrar E. H. Hayward '29 has The officers will soon be installed at .been elected chairman of a reorganiza- a candlelight ceremony . tion committee for the Alumni Assaelation. It is hoped that some plan will be worked out to present to Alumni groups during Teachers' AsTHE SCOREBOARD sociation, which will be the last of f. You do it, We'll chalk it up. October. -----------~~--___,.._


'i:;hed weekly by the Peru State ·:·c~< hers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered cit the Postoll'ice at Peat, Nrbraska as second class matter. :·::no )Cr year. Single copy 5 cents. ,\DVER'fISING RATES f''splay :on rents !Jer inch.

T.ocals, I 0 cents per line

I .

A emi~~cly new staff is editing the ~ Y~

Boo,: of '39. Helen l\farhas been chosen the new Ed!t;:;r-i11H:hief; Dorothy Ann Coatney. Art Editor; Maxine Galbraith. Feature Edltor; Bert Hall, Sports Edi-



tor; Mary Lizabeth Werner, Copy Editor. Business Manager is Robert Weber, Faye Bouse and Mildred Knofiicek are stenographers. and Glema Miers is bookkeeper. New additions will be made later to the business manag·ement as they are needed. Professor Robert Shuler has been helping with the photography. A snapshot contest is going to be started before Homecoming. Prizes will be awarded for the be-t pictures submitted. These prizes will be made up of free tickets to the local theatre. Plans for the new Peruvian will become more definite after the National Scholastic Press Association Convention which will be held November 3, 4, and 5 at Cincinnati, Ohio. Miss Larson and M:r. Weber plan to attend the meeting.


STAFF Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ruth Crone Assistant Editor ........................ · · · . · · · · · Stella R-0gge Sports Editors .................... Norman Littrell, Bert Hall Adviser .................................. M. Florence Martin REPORTERS Edward Arnold Alice DeVore Clyde Hunt Ella Hurlburt ·wildred Knoflicek Jean Koeppel Wilma Parnell Genevieve Parriott Gladys Anderson

Bernice Doty Dean Karr Robert Mason Franklin Summers


Y ou've heard a large representation of the faculty say that . many varrntions · · with so h , ow can we h ope t o b e d'ff 1 eren t?. H ow . ' . · (~ver, ;is you are launchmg on the sea of ~our coll.ege career, we do wish you to remember that beggars can t be crmsers. Say to yourself, "Navy there's a chance for me." We wish .you smooth sailing and gobs of luck.

S!'OOKWRITING ON THE FALL Andrew Jackson asked a friend the day after his inaugun1tion what the people thought of his message, and received the· reply, . "They say it is first-rate, but nobody believes you wrote it." Said , the seventh President of these United States, "Well, don't I de· st>rve just as much credit for picking out a man who could write


Leota Davis is teaching music at Bayard this year. She graduated in '33, and has spent several summers in Peru studying violin. Homecoming, the Alumni Association will spon°or an informal reception for all graduates al)d friend3 of the college. It will be \Jeld after the game in the music hall. Lowell Lewis ('36), who has taught at Ponca for two years, is coaching at Cozad, Nebraska. Clayborn Mort


Students Enjoy


Campwork and traveling provided unusual 1•acations for six Peru students this summer. Edna Mae Petersen, Genevieve Parriott, and Sidney Timmons each did extensive traveling westward while Marjorie Harris, Evelyn Freeouf ,and Harold Boatman spent vacations working in the East. During the eight weeks Edna Mae Petersen was gone she visited a number of national parks, Boulder Dam, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Tiu Juana, Mexico and Catalina Island.

Profitable Vacations

We dunno wot you want You dunno wot you'll git So, let's us git together And make this thing a hit. -Yeah, we mean this column. YOUSE GALS AND GUYS what can read and write, please just disregard this space; we'r.e caterin' to the masses this year. But ti·uthfully, wat \"ould y snu if ,, - 011 , you saw-


it?" Now, one hundred ten years later, a Pearson person at the University of Kansas g'ot his hands smartly ( !) slapped with and by a re1er as he reached Jor his Phi Beta Kappa key because of



the expose that he had been smdents in eight colleges.


, ·..

reams of




emes or sixty

Since it happened, we have been consistently following the newsparers, but as yet haven't heard any "naughty, naughties" being gi'1en the sixty "Andrew Jacksons.''


have all heard of the animal that stood in doubt between two We st3cks of hav. and starved to death. Bert Rdl, of the Halls of Fame, was confronted with the op•


portuP ;'. :n lead b ll oot a team or .


one d two maior sports, Coach of the high school P ecld!mg · Ed1tor. · S o when as k ed if · h e w1s · h ed to .



hurnedly race with copy to the Pomter office a few times wee,k, he, unJil:e the aforementioned animal. .hllt similar to some wash"d by a weJ:.advertised soap, said, "I do not choose to run."


Howe-ver, we are glad he is supporting us on page three, and hope that we do as good a job otherwise have done.

as we know he would

HOME ON THE RANGE That's what Peru is going to be October the eighth and ninth

This partic!.!br sto;e, ::iccording to the Student Advisory Commit!cc, will be supplied with gas, wired for electricity, and fired with wnocl, so that they will be triply sure that everyone wiJI have a hot time in the old town those days. Watch the gory football battle that will make the Midland team hdians, in fact as well as fancy, and each and every time they sprawi, yell, "And another redskin bit the dust."

ElJROF1EAN EVALUATION Diel you hear Hitler's harangue over the radio just before schooi sta;·ted? It was estimated that 1, 976,31011z tubes were burned out by the heat of his argument. Ccfident'.llly, our back-bone felt like ticker-tape when we heard those resounding shouts of "Heil, Hitler!" But we've been

36) is teaciing Manual Arts at Jack- Weber without Knofiicek? 1nville, Flofida. No green caps on the campm.. w. E. Sugden ('35), superintendent Hutchie without his paddle? of Dewitt P..ublic Schools, has written Mrs. Dunning with nothing to do? to Mr. Clements recommending the Marg. Evans without a thing to work of Jack Hazelton ('38), pep band worry about? No windrow of dirt down the middle director of last year. He said, "I want to remark particularly about Hazel ton's of the road in front of the dorm? Spec. Nel~on down to a size 46? work. He has taken hold of the instrumental music, and the class work Benson on the football sqmd? in the manner of a veteran. He took Cordell with Sheldon? the band to Crete to play a concert at Henderson <Margaret E.) without the county fair Wednesday of this her shield? week. He has accomplished wonders Olga Novak without a hat? in two weeks with the band." Nellie eating at the dormitory?

Edna Mae said she .especially enjoyed the Fire Falls in Yosemite National Park. She then finished her vacation by spending three weeks in Minnesota. Genevieve Parriott spent three months enjoying the beauties of Callforni·a, s'w ·mmi'ng in the Paci'fic ocean, 1 and gazing at movie stars. When she was visiting the Hall of Justice, she was embarrassed to find that she ·had taken an elevator marked "Prisoners only." Miss Parriott also visited Reno, Salt Lake City, Denver and Cheyenne.

Although Sidney Timmons saw a gTeat deal of the state of California, Fisner am; Graves I he i\'as not favorably impreosed with Head Class ; it. However, Sidney thought that utah ' "' · · The Freshmen Class, after heated Not a coed was studying ~ was !lne. especial1Y Salt Lake City. ..cpampaigns, Thelecdted GHarold Fisher, --.Just ask the office girl. "Sid" also enjoyed a visit to Estes 1 eru, and · ea ore raves, Peru, as S Park, Colo. their president and vice president for AND NOW TOO-DUNCF-g 2t out\ andb't pieceh of•. pencil, and A summer resort was the vacation the year. Both are graduates of the your , , dpaper . , · I ;i. e .1 o a wee 1 0£ c ec1.• m up. headquart~rs o: Marjorie Harris 'lnd. Peru Training School. other officers What Don Juan was looking foi- Evelyn Free ur. After visiting two 0 named were Don Nauman, Beatrice, ward with the greatest anticipation· weeks at Jamestown and New. York, treasurer; Dean Stuck, Auburn, seer-;- to a lat,, "egistering stu .. S11e di<i, the girls left July 6 for Chautauqua, tary; Alan l\forris, Auburn, and Ila come, despite what you might have New York where they had jobs as Mae Heinke, Nebraska City, represen- heard-and we do mean. Clifton, waitresses in a large hotel. Besides tatives to the Student Advisory Coundon't we? tr.e er.joyment of boating and rn·imcil.


PASSING THOUGHT T'was the hour of study And all thro' the dorm.


ming the girls were privileged j;_o en .. LIFE'S DARKEST MOMENTS OR .io.r C])€ras and to see and heiu· scierWHY PEOPLE QUIT COLLEGE al noted artists of the musical world, MANAGES CAFETERIA No more lecture or tours for freshies. including Gladys Swarthout and AlMiss Anna F. Wright i" the manager The campus gals can't make the bert Spaulding. Mrs. Thomas A. Edfreshmen "button." and dietetian of the dormitory cafeison was also a frequent visitor at ter.ia. In this type of work Miss Very little traffic on the new six- tr.is resort. Both girls had an exWright has had a great deal of expert- mile road-hitchikers take note. cellent time and plan to return there ence. She received a diploma from Youse guys and gals that want to . 'lext summer. know: the Lewis Cafeteria Training School at Work did not keep Harold' Boatman Washington, D. C. and her A. B. de- The art of keeping score. l':om enjoying his v~cation at Cedar gree from Simpson College, Indianola, Just hang aroun'\ cur Scoreboard : Lat.e. Indiana. The lake and other Iowa. Preceding four years' work as Next week we'll have some more .. scenery was very beautiful, he reports head of a sorority cafeteria at the -----: Harold also enjoyed some very fine University of Nebraska· she was in FACULTY PARTY spet!'ches durin~ l'i~ stay. charge of the nurses' dining room in A dessert party held in the Music the Bryan M. E. Hospital in Lincoln. Hall last Wednesday evening opened· PUGH, RICHARDS WED She has filled the rnme position for! the year's social events for faculty two seasons in the Estes Park Y. M. members. On>me Pugh, Peru, and Mildred C. A. dining hall. She comes to Peru Professor C. R. Lindstrom. act!nl' R!d:iards. Riverton, Iowa, were marfrom Valley City, North Dakota, where town crier, announced refreshmei1ts Saturday evening, September 17, she has been manager of the cafeteria which consisted of apple pie, ch~, bf Rev_ J. 0. Timmons at the Baptist for two years. tea and coffee. Both attended Peru last ·--·---After refreshments the evening rear. ?.fr. Pugh has been outstanding tleYenty-six stude!1; ,; rcport2d f jj' spent In dancing and playing Chi~ in athletics. He plans to finish work Chorus Thursday afternoon. There checkers and bridge. for his degree this year. were fifty-three new members. The ANNA WRIGHT

watching the situation since, and think that; perhaps, our hearing group is lacking in tenors; otherwfae was faulty: Didn't they say, "Heel Hitler!" it is a well-balane<id chorus.


Get your favorite fountain d:!sll or· drink at Bill's.-Adv.

Listerene Tooth Paste 2 tor 26cHills Drug Store.-Adv.




N. B. C.

The last broadcast of the Peru Hour was pres~ntcd by the faculty members. 'I'he prog:·am included a violin solo by Professur v. H. Jind1·a, an interview with Coachr,G Wheelt'r and .Jouc:l, VOCll

solo by Prof1)S$Cl' G. R





an educational talk bY Dr. P. A. Maxwell, and a piano solo by Professor R.

Gene Hertz, Misner; Lewis Calahan,


Skidmore; Gerald Fitcher,



at Giltner; Alfred Paul, commerce at Humboldt; Delia Merrit, rural school near Nemaha; Leslie Oppenheimer, Coin, Iowa; Ray Kellogg, •commerce at Howells; Avis Culbertson, Mancos, Colorado; Gladys Nofsger, Verdon; and Minnie Taylor, substitute at Nebraska City.

P:\HK INTERESTS T. Benford. K. M. A., the station through whic:1 Peru broadcasts, is going· basic N. B. C '·c- Ma:·iorie we1! have some swell tlle twenty-sixth of September, 9:,ild thus, N. B. c. programs will pre«de times togeth~r wl'.en the Laum 'Bradas well as succeed the Peru Hour. This ford Neal p~rk is finished." This i' will not only increase the number in · !ie te1~p11~n° conversation which was the audiences, thereby advertising th~ verreard one day last week. college more widely, but will also at"Just think," the college girl contract a J.~'.(5ner class of listeners. Thrrefore Jllere is a possibility of a talent ·:,_ued, "we'll be able to have all kind· · s~out listening to the program. f o:itlngs. for there are prnvisions in The n•"xt prog1·c r•1 li,·.o not bee:1 le- "'.' ~h · 1t2r house for them. There arr fnitelv decided r:s y::t. :Mr. Gi.hwt, ._ :-c~ Butch ovens "-nd a fireplace in the dlrector, thought it would feature 0 11c 1 t~r house and two more Dutch frc,;hmeo talent. Eomecoming an. :ons in tJ .c l'orl;'.:e~:-;t; corner 0: IL· nouncements will also be made. · !: Tn: y will be just the thin(; for - ._,_,,, t d t l f · Ab 1 • ,·r,.as -~ an s ea' nes. oui l'l•.ic.; t.o eat? Oh yes, they have abks, about seven I_ gue:::s. 'lhe w0r1, I ART NOTES

Greatly extended activities return of Ruth Crone, Thomas Chin·




noock and Mary Lizabeth Werner give


Speech and Dramatic Director Robe


D. Moore high hopes for a successfu


debating season this year.


Several other students have indi cated an interest in debate and b the time the class begins, there should be at least twenty students enrolled, There are already two standing in .vitation tournaments, one at Omaha \ and the other at Kirksville Missou Teachers College.



,/{; ,


. ,v~



Many tournaments will be attended during the season if enough debate interest Is Indicated wlt:Oln the college.




j ______ ................ ----------The Lincoln Artists' Guild has announced an exhibit and contes,t wh;.ch uny resident or former resimay enter. Water dell ":: of ""braska ,. . color, pen and ink, charcoal, and pencil drawin~s as well as etchings and block prints are acceptable. ing date is Octolfer 15.

Electric Shoe Shop


Following the Kiwanis Club supper at the Baptist church Tuesday evening Dr. W. T. Miller of the fa.culty was introduced, and spoke interestingly of the U. s. constitution, its origin and its interpretation:

The talk was en-

joyed by the club. A new member, Dr. '.?n are certainly transforming the 1 H. C. Dallam, was introduced to the


The clos-

re8 of ground. \1, I rn it ls all fin.~,ned: club, hey will have a man-made creek <ha!. i iriginates at a water c~·;e. How wer SECOND DANCE OF THE SEASON'hey made? One of the men told m0 i Saturday night the Music Hall ret · canst n1rno1: · '(sounded to the continuous beat of -.hat the '·one use d l:l ·:ac. z.ecured from a qu~.rry nea•· flud . d th e );urn. ; rythum as a large crow en1oye

Miss Petersen Entertains

J.P. CLARK North of Skelly Station Phone 109

Fifteen of ;~ibrary Staff


__________ ,,,,_

Miss Petersen entertained all

the ------student a~sistants of tbe library at a C. G. KINGSOLVER New England Supper at her home, BARBER Friday evening before the Maryville "It pays to Look Well" game. The menu consisted of Boston Under Barnes' Pharmacy Baked Beans, tomatoes, peppers, pickles, carrots, Boston Brown bread, cider, pumpkin pie, fruit and candy. Those attending were: Miss Branson, Miss Glosser, Eula Redenbaugh, Roma Jean Rethmier Ardis!; Cl1rist!an, Robert Weber, Marvin Schacht. J ay Trn-xel Edw1· n Falloon ' Glenn ~ ' Yont, Enid Stofferson, Meredith Jimmerson, Alice Devore, Thomas

JAMES BROS. Modern Barber Shop Your patronag·e appreciatect

"The pJare is velT pretty now sii;c-~ · second dance of the season. Music was Dean and James Lambert. :. great many trer.s, s~rubs and Re - furnished by the electric phonograph

Any Peru students intereste~ ask. ors of all kmds haV" been p!an·r·' Miss Norma Diddel for more iniorma- il1fost of cht. llcr"·( rs are i'1 hloom rtn\\ tion. • .uppooe it will b2 a temp1,,ttiw o scme students fo des~roy them, bu' Miss Nonna DiddPI announces to , 'hink if they just realized how they koda1' fa11s in!Pre:o:t~d in enterinJ a 'l.r-2 ruining the beauty of t,h~ !1:""snapshot contest, please see the bulle~ tey would be more thout(htful. tin board in the Art Department. "O, another thing that altracted m There are divisions for both college attention today, whi:n [ was do'.vn students and faculty members. to watch the project ~hr. workmen hart made, were the two lily pools. Walks Art students, have you a suitable p!c- 1f stone are all around them, of course, ture for the Homecoming Art Exhibit? similar walks are all over the park. Plans are underway for an exhibition "Oh, goodness, I'll be late for class · t I'll ,, L of campus scenes, Peru landscapes and b t · · ;f I don't run, u 1usc wa1 ce registration day scenes made by Art you'll be just as enthusiastic as I ::tm majors. and minors. Former Pr-ru "'hen you see it. Bye."-M B. students are being asked to submit scmes from their present residences. Miss Norma Diddel requests that all pictures entered be nine by twelve inches in size. Pictures are to be signed on the back with name, address and date. All entries must be in the Art office by October 1. 1•

under the Lindstrom.



The Mardis Store


The Y. M. C. A. gave a wiener roast "A Mighty Good Place to Trade" SERVICES TO BEGIN EARLIER to the Freshmen boys Thursday, September 15, at the Dutch Oven. Announcement was made Sunday Th e f orty-fi ve boys a te wieners · as listened to an explanat1'on of nl."ght that the union evening service~ they · ' at the churches would begin a half work of the Y. M. C. A., and betwe2n hour earlier, starting with next sun- bites exchanged names with others DR. GLEN H. JODER day, September 24. The young peo- present. Surgeon and Physician pie's meeting will be at 6:30, and the Milstead Corner regular services at 7:30 for the fall Tuesday evening, September 20, the Res. 39 Phone Office ~3 and winter. This change is made a first regular meeting of the Y. M. was little earlier than usual this year. , held In the Music Hall. At this meeting the group enjoyed a very interest----Ing talk by Professor Thorson con- !"!lfillfil§'iti!'J~TuJ[!j]fg]ii;Jf1t'il!lilll[jj]'@li'J!!l!filllll!fili:O;'. Ruby's Beauty Shoppe.-Phone 9.Ad. cerning the present European situation. ~. i5i We appreciate The Y. M, at present is under the !"' guidance of Gordon Gilbert p nd11ig ~ your business the election of officerr. ~



)(I rw;





!iii li'li

Outweighed 2Q lbs., to the man, tile i;i Prep gridsters pnved t.o be a vincky, !1~ , ;:.crappy squad lest Tuesday aftemoon i~J as the·; ~C:U<Jl'td Off to scrilnn.g, !J r~


W rzere your rn one.v buys 1



squad of c:illege reserves. WAGON TONGUE




Room Number 122 Eliza Morgan. Augusta and Olga are two little Mi~s­ sus As a matter of fact some fresh men cail them "Prisses". . But Augusta can't ·'Susie que" !).nd Olg11 canStould they? What ct:::es the Mawn kid have ov'.:r the other Training School teachers? 'Tc•.in't right. Bright sayir:t; of the. week: '·C;i.;~

·' <'<1 C:~J i:F' r-:or Iur 1·:i2:·


Debate Prospects Good


who received certificates last year are:

Radio Stat~on KMA Goes Basic



"Aw Shucks!"

Receive Positions

Moore Reports





1 t.r_:..:,:


PEE~J ------1






it ~:e )(

:ii_.1 ·~ .'>_. ~ A> ~,·-~·-:'!>.:¥:DC::: [§

WELCOME FRESHMEN Your Patronage Appreciated THOMAS Under Dr . .loder's Olficr

-«' '-*r~*,.~'~*""i:"'· ~·*~,-r,+;t...""~

p'.:l!'t.; ..





All the latest steps



:#"·"-.•-....... ,~:,,


rnr:t~~~~1:t'ffi.l?.'~~~:f;t~~[Frn1~):'1 1 llt, !~ BALLROOM DANCING

Reasonable Rates


~ ~ it ~I

Gilbert Purucker

1~ !l;;

106 Park Avenue

P @i

*,.-;;: .. r \~~:l_fjf4:fi:~m1rgilfj~JifilgJ~~~fg]~[g]~

consu 1t Gcjrge Mort. Glad to "Pe: Hardy, B3r:sas. Parker, 'Dip" Nie-

cL" J.Vi



Make our place your heaJ quarters LUNCHES



Pres. W. R. Pate

Earl's Cafe


Complete Bus Information





FIRST FALL BROADCAST I~~~~;~~~ ~~~iE~s HOMECOMING PLANS . Band Supports Team 0 GOES ON AIR TOtilGHT Itu~: .~~d;:~st :h:eeli~~.i: prti::es:ai;~. INSURE BIG _REUNION At Game with Doane an their annual next spring-enter the Play Football Game Frosh Talent Fea.tured IPeruvian snapshot contest now! . And' Dance Scheduled. Group Boards Bus Pate, Boatman Will Speak Make 'em casual, make 'em clever, The first program of the fall session make 'em candid!! Of Peru Hour will be given this even- see your favorite movie in. the local theatre. 1 ng. How? By entering the Peruvian reported as exceptionally Talent is snapsh 0 ( cont est an d coming off with

The student Advisory Committee ls appealing to the Fairweather Gods to Influence the atmosphere for Homecoming, October 7 and 8, for elaborate 1 materlaliz'i'ng have boosted pans, now , the enthusiasm for the week end to a

good with the addition of several per- one of the four rrizes: sonalitles who will face the microphone 4 tickets for first prize-make it a for the first time in Peru. movie foresome. ,I 3 tickets for second pr!ze-tak<i your two best pals. :; tickets for third prize-take your girl <or boy) friend. 1 ticket for fourth prize-take yourself! Why wait? Dust off you: leciSt' a .. ~i act today!!! Contest closes October 16-ln time of the to include those Homecoming snaps! t Gordon Gilbert, director Watch l'.•:L"ian bulletin bou.i fnr broadcasts, announced the following fllr' her information. program: Janet Harris . ; . . . . . . . . . . Piccolo Solo "The Wren" Sylvia Ulmer .. . . . . . . . . . . .. Alto Solo L "The Sleepy Hollow Tune" President W. R. Pate · · .. · · · " .. · Two Awards To Be Made . . . . . . . . . . Enrollment and Address Lawrence Fruede .. Piano Accor!lian At Commencement Time



"Connecticut Yankee" Prof. R. D. Moore announced at the Harold Boatman · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Dramatic Club's first meeting Friday ...... Homecoming Announcements morning that each year two senior Mervin Keedy · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Baritone members will receive a trophy for the "Deep River" . · most outstanding work in the club. A · of the Air Ruth Crone · · Pedagogian committee wlll select the mo~t valuable . Saxophone . . J une M 0 dim ·············· ··· boy and girl to be the recipients of Fant asla"Scenes that are Brighter" t!:ese trophies. Pr~sentat!on of awards Mti be made during comme11cement week. Twice each year, student~ will be given gra_duated awards at a special ceremony. The Dramatic Club voted to admit, as apprentice members, persons wishing to join, but who lack the required See "The King Rides By" .The Homecoming Play · number of polntB or total memberl!hip fee. When tbese apprentice mamberB Can a man Jiving wibh his second secure their necessary points, they wife successfully have his first w!~ as a week-end guest in his home· may become active members of the club. All play-cast persons must either can a bogus prince steal the hearts be members or apprentice members. of several ladies and still not be disThe studmt director or commltttee c:>vered? chairman mu~t be an active member. These questions will be answered at All committee chairmen will remain 7:30 Saturday night, October 8, when permanent throughout the year. The the Homecoming play, "The King activities of the club lie in the hands Rides By," is presented. of the executive committee composed 'I'he first act gives a preview of of Mary Lizabeth Werner, chairman, what is to come, when Cecily (Betty L2Ura Baum, Ruth Crone, Gale Carter Kathryn Cole) retires in spite of the and Dean Karr. Bill Saale, Ruth protelits of her husband Judge Dorset Crone, Gale carter, and . Dean Karr. (P'rank Summers). He thinks she Bill Saale, Ruth Qrone, and carter should be ready to receive Baroness Johnson are in charge of the sale of Von Eschenback (Mary Olive Rich- t,]1e Homecoming play tickets. ardson), his former wife, and Valeria <Nancy Ellen Jones), his daughter. Dorm Council ln!italled A ,,., di h • WI.th Lil (HeJ.en Margaret Larson) .11.t • .... an· elig t Service employed as the maid, Simmons Fifteen g!rls were Installed a'S mem~ (Thomas Chlnnock) as the butler, b f th d ~ 1 ·1 I ·t ers o_ e orm tory counci as Gash McCord (Dean Karr) and Stuffy Wednesday evening in the recreation (Harold Dallam) as guests of honor, hall of the dormitory.


a notorious troupe of gangsters are reunited at the home of Judge Dorset. Can they be content at merely castin~· envlous glances at the "sparklers" of the ot),er guests? Whep. the Baroness starts her campaign of "Va1er!a f or Queen, " what· does Kate' <Mary Lou Harvey), Lhe scheming reporter, who· knows it all, think about it? Deborah (Gwendolyn Warrick) . is too marvelous for thinks the prince words, but her art'\ent lover, Hal, (Horace Rzehakl thinks he's the bunk! When Captain Wheatley (Edwin Argabright) announces to the assembled group that the King is dead and the Prince is now King what happens? If you want to know the answers to the above questions and spend an enjoyable evening don't miss "The King Rides By."

Mrs. Inlce Dunning first gave a sho1t summary of the gfrls' responsibility to each other in dormitory life, after which &he presented to President Glema Miers the candle of leadership. Miss Miers resp0nded in behalf of the council, pledging fa!t h , cooperation and service, and calling upon the candidate~ to make these pledges with her. Miss Miers then presented the fol· new1Y ms · t a11ed members: Mar]owmg . . Hull, Verona Kl one, Eleanor Jone Nieman, Laura Eaum, Katherine Knouse, Virginia Trively, Ruth Crone, Mary Lizabeth Werner, Musa Wagoner, Hazel Buchanan, Marjorie Evans, Mildred Knofiicel~, Mary Lou Harvey and Norma Helmick. Following the installation ceremony, a short council meeting was held, durIng which plans for the coming fall formal were made.


Glema Miers, as last year's president

For Trip to Crete Almost the entire band took leave of the Peru campus Friday afternoon to

of Scholarship Club, welcomed 75 memattend the Doane-Peru football game. bers at the first meeting of the or- The mode of transportation was the new high. ganization Monday evening. Over half Training School bus and two or three Friday the attractive blue and white of these were freshmen. cars. The members left about three badges went on sale to be purchased Following community singing led by o'clock. b" those students, who will be admib, Supt. S. L. Clements, a short business At the football field they comprised ted to the dance after the rally on meeting was heJd . . Off'icers for the the majority of the Peru cheering secF·ri· day October 7. They, also, will be t d ff' year were elec e . New o icers are: tlon, as well as furni$hlng band music given a hand-decorated cane to swing Kathryn Knouse, president; Ross Rus- for everyone. at the game, and may dance to the sell, vice president; and Laura Baum, The band ls Quite large this year. music of Cliff Kyes and his band after secrtitary-treasurer. There are ~ome old members back as the Homecoming play Saturday night, A short program was given. Ernest well as many new members enrolled. October 8. Ulmer played a piano solo, and June It boasts of four good piccolo players Dean Karr Ila Mae Heinke, and Modlin played a saxophone solo. These which is quite extraordinary. Mary Lizabeth Werner, who !ire dewere followed by a talk, "Making the The members of the band are: corating the campus, have promised Transition from High School to Coloomething novel in the way of trimTrumpets and cornets: ,. lege," by Leona Simmons. Robert Weber, Humboldt; LeRoy mlngs. Don Rose has arranged a Redfern, Peru; Jack Colglazier, Falls "whizz" of a pep rally with the help City; Bob Ashton, Lorton; Maxine of the cheer leaders; Mary Olive RichHanel!ne, Brock; Bonita Jewett, Beavardson, Dear. Karr, and Allan Monis er City; Dean Slagle, Falls City; Neil have drawn plar,s for an att:a~t!ve Good, Peru; Stanley Sailors, Falls gymnasium ~nd goal post d~~o.:.,.Uons; City. while Maxine Galbraith and Harold Council S:!'lected Trcmbones: Boatman have gathered up the mlllion



For Coming Year. and one official "tag-end" du ties. Mrs. Dunning has supervised the de'I'he walls of the music ha'tl ran,~ corating on the canes, a traditional with gales of girlish giggles when 110 duty she has carried on every year. girls attended the Gamma Chi party More than three hundred invitalast Wednesday night. t!ons have been mailed by the comPhyllis Benson had charge of the mittee to the alumni, both graduates program and some very entertaining and two-year students. games kept the girls laughing. "Rules

Fletcher Cline, Auburn; Helen Hard-


ing, Humboldt; Bond Kennedy, Brownvllle; Florence Neve, Omaha; Clarion Smith, Peru. Baritone: Etta Neunaber, Auburn; Mary Lou Harvey, Arapahoe. Bass: William Chapin, Falls City; Hubert Hunzeker, Peru; Mervin Keedy, Auburn. Clarinet: Wllllam Dustin, Auburn; William F'ankhauser, Humboldt; Charleg GabuB, Peru; Genevieve Gelck, Auburn; Agnes Harrison, Malvern, Iowa; Sarene Hauptman, Peru; Jamee Lambert, Stella; Roy Lively, Falls City; Fawn Lowry, Dunbar; Charles Paradise, Auburn; Doris Weller, Dunbar; Frank Larson, Peru; Herbert Stutheit Cook. ' Piccolo and Flute: Marie Chehey, Maywood; Monte Jean Gaines, Curtis; Janet Harris, Fairfield; Joan Good, Peru; Merritt McNeal, Watsoo, Mo. Saxaphones: June Modlin, Beaver City; Holly Osborne, Auburn; Warren Routh, Carbon; Iowa; Maxine Weber, Cook; Cori>:me Whitfield, Peru; Luther Hutton, Auburn. French Horn and Alto: Maryon Thomas Peru; Nancy Ellen Jones, Peru; Abbi~ Brandt, Unadilla. Bassoon: Wilda Goings, Peru; Marjorie Harris, Fairfield. Drum: Herbert Knutson, Loulsvllle. Accord!an: Lawrence Freude, Dorchester. A few high school students, who are members of the high school band, also went to Doane. They were: Leona Bertwell, French Horn; Isabel 'I'ynon, Bass Horn; Llll!e Mae Collins, Drum.

Perfect." The three points of the Y. W. Epsilon Pi Tau to Hear triangle made, the old members fillDr. W. E. Warren of Ohio ed in the sides. The new girls lighted Ep&llon Pi Tau will initiate its new their candles from the president's taper members Friday, October 14. The and formed a triangle inside the first feature of the evening will be an ad- one. dress by Dr. William E. Warner, naCandle fiames in two triangles t!onal secretary of the fra.ternity. Dr. danced and fiickered as the girls sang Warner is from Ohio State University. "Follow the Gleam."

MRS. GILBE~T BROWN'S WORK GAINS RECOGNITION The name of Mrs. Marian MarshBrown is · becom lng very outstanding in l't I l f 1 erary c re es o Omaha. She has been elected president of the writers' group of the A. A. U. W., and has had several works published. Quite outstanding is the fact that her feature "Boys' State", concerning an organization of training for cit!zenship, has been published In the "Christian Science Monitor''. She has also had other articles and feature st0ries published.

MISS ANNAWRIGH·T-ANNOUNCES '\for Nice Girls" .was the title of a story OPENING OF CAF'E'.l'ERIA read by Miss Benson with words supM!ss Anna Wright was greeted with plied ·by the Interested audience from 1\pproval when ehe assured the dorm!- little cards that were passed around. tory girle Thuraday evening that there. The rules proved to be very funny but not very practical. A newspaper rerea11y IB t o be a caf e.t erIa . Although the dishes have not yet lay race WIIB held and evidences of arrived, she predicted that the girls "house mald'e knee" was plainly visible as the glrfs scurried acrOl!l3 the will be pushing their own trays floor on newi.papers. around by Saturday evening. Each girl has now the responsibility After this strenuous exercise, cider of balancing her own diet. With the was served by the refreshment commitstrenuous work and play done on this tee. Members of the refreshment comcampus; an optimum state of health mittee were: Kay Samuels, Ruth &Jud-.and efficiency ls essential. ers, l\Illdred Knight, Hazel Buchanan, Foods that should be eaten daily Luella Oldfield and Leona Simmons. include: At least a pint of milk, two Margery Evans provided mus~c on servings of whole wheat products, three the piano for dancing after which .servings of vegetables (one raw), two president Ruth C:;one called a short servings of fruit (one raw), and at business meeting for the election of least two servings of protein as found council members. The following peoin meat, eggs, cheese. Of course, pie were elected: Barbara Beal, Ruth this dietary ls to be filled in with Sutorius, Winifred Hall, Mildred Willone's own particular food likes. lams, June Frans and Helen WllburgMiss Anna Wright also gave the er. prices of various dishes. According·to Gamma Chi spent Thursday evening the suggested menus distributed at making porn-porns for the canes that each room, the board need not be any will be the favors at the Homecmn!ng Hlgher than it has been in former game. years, with the added advantage of "pick and choose." Recognition of Members Peru is the last Nebraska state teachers college to install a cafeteria. Is Theme for Y. W. Program The cafeteria is open to the townsEach of the ninety-six faces were I · h y people as well as to the entire college. J al1g t at the . W. candlelight recognit!on service for new members last CHANGE IN LIBRARY RULES 'I'uesday night. Leora L!bhart and the This change library until 9

year has brought another In library regulat!onr The Is now open from 7 :5o a. m. p. m. This means that the library does not close at all during the day, which ls a decided advantage to many students.

old members with lighted candles Jed the ceremony of dedication, Interspersed with group singing and a solo by Maxine Sherstad. The girls trio: M='"Jorle Harris, Lucille Hazelton an·d Dorothy Ann Coatney sang, "P1·ayer 0



Master's degree in English languag and literature from Ohio Universit last sumrµer. Her present teachi position is at Chester, Nebraska. Peruvians teaching at Shubert t ?ublished Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. year are Bernard Barisas ('38), Dori Ent:rrcJ ~t the ·~ostoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. '°'I no per year. Single copy 5 cents. Bright ('30), and Georgia Nussh2,um who last attended Peru in '38. ADVERTISING RATES Four cf the five Locals, 10 cents per line When we used to think of the state while the other man laid four one Julian sch 0 ols are Peruvians. Display ~~ cents yer i:wh. of Kansas, we dubbed it, to ourselves, dollar bills in her mother's hand. are: George Kuhl ('36), supelintnn as the zero for locale of adventure ":Por your trouble," he told her. dent· Wayne Wilson who attende stories--lmt that was long before Betty The family accompanied the bandifs sum~er school last' year, and wh STAFF Garver told us her encounter with to the yai·ct as they hesi:~t:d in frum teaches high school commerce; Luciil Editor ......................... · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · Ruth Crone honesl-to-i:osh bank robbers and G- of the Garver car. Hutt, who received her elementar Rogge men. "We'll ha.ve to hammer the motor cer t"f' . '36 , and who 1· s m • cha!· Assistant Editor .. · · · · · · · · · · • · • • · · Ste i lcate m ............ ·; . N L'ttr 11 Bert Hall Betty lives outside of Sabetha near somewhat to make sure you won't be of t.1 ~ g.·1·,·1.mmar room·, and Donn: Sports Editors ................. · · · orman 1 e • M rtin the Kansas-Nebraska line. The Gar- going any place." Armstrmg, who received her two M Fl Adviser · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • orence a ver family were living their daily It might have been the family's hor- year oiploma in '38, and teaches in t bread-and-butter existence - when rifled faces or the pleading ot Betty's primary room. REPOR'!'ERS zingo! entered thrills enough to last little sister, Jeanie, not to "break our Lucille Wielage, who attended col E<lwt\rd Arnold Alice DeVore Bernice Doty them twenty years-all occuring with- car" for at the suggestion of Mr. Gar- lege here in '34, recently became th CJ.vde Hunt Ella Hurlburt Dean Karr in a few hours on an ordinary after- ver, they merely removed the dis~1:ilm- bride of James Keil!. Mrs. Kei!l h Mi!dr~d Knoflicek Jean Koeppel Robert Mason noon. tor cap and climbed into the dur.tor·s been tr:aching near Dorchester, whe Wilma Parnell Genevieve Parriott Franklin Summers It all began when Mr. Garver noted car. her hnc•·:11 o is high school 'oach. a large and shining car leaning in' the The older one at the wheel looked ,• .1111 1'.rnon ('37) was h: aD an to 1 ur Mary I,;zabet.1 n erner ---.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,...........,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,....., ditch near his farm, and like all good at his companion's bared head. "We'll moilile accident near Dan.berry, Ne Kansasans he stopped, hoping to be of borrow your hat," he announced, plac- braska, rec•~11tly. He help. The occupants of the car were Ing M:r. Garver's hat on his head. That about his ftlc-e but two, well-dressed men who were appar- felt wml:d later show up clearly in the sufiiciently c·1 resume his d11.ilrs a HOMECOMING GLAD-HAND ently unhurt, until, as he drew nearer, Associated Press pictures. coach at Lebanon. the younger one climbed out holding "What's going to become of your Keith Klein, graduate of the Uni We remember so well when we were freshmen, and the arrival his left wrist. car in the ditch?" asked Betty's father iversity of Nebraska last spring, of. each alumnus was accompanied by a rush of upperclass students Then suddenly, Mr. Garver felt the "It isn't hurt much and brand new." a. campus visitor Wednesday. He a who were screaming . like banshies. To us, this whole matter of hair on his neck slowly rise for the "Would you like it?" asked the tended Peru in '33. xz x younger man. older man held at his belt a gun, levelElmer Clarey, junior of last yea welcome was pretiy silly. ed straig·ht at him. He heard his or- "Sure they would." 'I~1e man at the der crack the still summer air. "Get wheel produced a bill of sale and sign- in a subscription for the Pedagogian. But now we ere the upperclassmen. in your car, mister. You're driving us ed the car over to the Garver family. Elmer is coaching six-man foot-bal to Denver." "It's all yours now." this year. Oh, boy! Just three more days and we hope to be seeing Car· Mr. Garver gulped and climbed in. The bandits conferred a few sec\lnds, Recent promotions of Peruvians mxchael, ~1rnt foo~ball whiz of '35; Blanche Freeman, Gamma Chi They bumped over the road with Bet- then finally threw a hotel key at the the teaching profession are: Lowe president of !<l.st y0ar; }.,fer} Peek rec:ord representative student ty's father doing a bit of mental gym- doctor. "That's a key to our room in Cross ('36) to Technical High schoo of '3t 211 d '3S, Ehine Shafer, who put out Peds that packed plenty nasties. Kansas City. There's seventeen thous- Omaha; Louise Neff ('29) to Fawne • d ent at N ebrask a c·ty· City; and Leonard L. Pate, who stud d prn.:.L: Cb:de~ Plare, county supermten i , "Thls car won't make it." He offered and dollars ·there. for A dyou th in payment d · h M d M "Art" R Id th the mileage figure to Colorado and the of your services.' n ey roare up ied here in '34, to Butte, as superinten .hd B •cd Bo'.\ d'e Punc es pair; . r. an rs. eyno s, e year the car was built. the road. dent. priHc.ip,: ·:: .0f a s:uinped and sealed colleg& romance, and many, After a few more bumps the bandits "If they don't get those two for rob- Jane Orme, Fem student last year m::iny '.)~:11:ts. agreed. "Turn around. We'll go baek bery and murder," mused the doctor is at St. Catherine's Hospital in Om ro .woor hoo.;.<e. Better rest anYWay. as he walked with Mr. Garver into aha taking nurses' training. -~t;~ W~~ ~ th.l'Ee daJ'$ and Sabetha, ''They'll g-et them for kidnap- Ruth Lytton, who attended Per .· I; '• m:. pmg fil.nce you drove them across the last year ,and Luceen Maag who at '~M: far?" Mr. Garver wanted to state line." tended Peru in '36-'37, are studying a We all recall the publicity Sheriff Vansant Bminess College in Omaha. Pie;«: tolerate us, freshmen; we just have to yell when we wel· lmo-w. come tl:B gracs. "New York. From a certain bank in Sylvester of Plattsmouth received when he cornered the robbers not long -afNew York." "We stopped at Topeka", the older ter, and how they were hung in KanWAGON TONGUE one said. "That's where he lost his hat sas but Betty surprised us with her PERU PROGNOSTICATION and got that lead in his arm. It seems last statement: "Course a mob of Gwe went after a certain letter anrl. we Men drove out as soon as they heard, Observations: We r:nn2mbcr when we were in high school, a ho~ remarked, met too many people." sprinkled a teJTible old red fingerprint Freshie men dating. sanders notic "It ser.'"",' ~o rre th::it wr;; look upon war situations as very remote The car nosed into the farmyard. powder an over the house, bawled me And by the way, why aren't the Par 't' . d f 'l t th t • E mix p prob "You will walk ahead of us just so out for washing the dishes, thus eras- rish house boys wearing their gree propos1 wns an a1 o see a any ma1or uropean ·u • f 11 d. . Ing the prints suspecting· us all of 1 , '.. . • U . d S Th th . ar. Fo ow irect10ns perfectly. I , caps? Are they "tuffies"? aq,y ever;·:,iaJy will involve the mte tates. at means at it knew a man i·n Topeka thi's mornm· g being In league with the bandits (and • . Halladay seems to have a certai ·won\. be '8orn,cbody else's' war, but that Mary and Shirley will be who didn't do as we dir·ected and now we had called the policel, had a man ' red head falling all ovrr herself gettin the W'.)rl'.en ldt );ome weeping, and Bert and I will be the fellows he can't follow any directions. Stay policing the house with a tommy gun down to the tennis courts after I~ « • , 'W~r +'~,'c rnp .... wond ennt,. . ti" in front just a little and don't try any- -(just as though we were going to thr·ee o'clock. 5omg thing rash, and we'll get along all make a break)· Looks like Ingham is in circulatio 1 h..: e~0 li:;:e chess laughed. right." "They had big, black cars all filled again. I wish I were a turtle, lfo~w1ver, w.:: walked to town one afternoon last week 'and "I'm no fool,'' said Farmer Garver. with guns, but they treated us like het-.rd }lide:r\ heehaw coming through radios in house after house From the kitchen window, Mrs. Gar- dirt. You know, I guess I prefer band- A slow letargic turtle. ver wondered at her husband's rude- its. They don't look half so tough and I'd pull my head within my shell, o;<oup;.~d by college students. And last Tuesday night Roosevelt's ness in coming in the front gate ahead they at least act like gentlemen. I And tell the world to go to heaven. telegran ·ms dis;:u$sed throughout the dorm. of his two guests, but she was more gt.teas the moral to the story is you A person doesn't realize how man amazed when she saw the gun the can't believe every thing you read friends he has until they start wan Perro· 't's )ust as well we've started to wonder now. "guests" pointed and heard their de-: about bad men 'cause some of them~ ing to come back to Homecoming It mands for food. aren't really bad." ; also time for the "Welcome Al~n "I've only coffee and sausages and i to be white-washed again. HEED NOT ALL YOU READ eggs on hand," she fluttered. I Things we wish would happen: ''That will be fine," murmured the ALUMNI T. RAIL . An aeroplane would fly over Per We r"member soon rifter Robt. Taylor hit his home town that a r~bbers, surprisedly smiling and ~itBY ALICE DEVORE just once. , much-rc<:d movie ma~azine appeared with a dramatic article relat- ting cl.own to the spandy table far en/1 The new road open for Homecominl 1 ing Bobl.i/s welcome by an old friend, who (according to the au- ough away for a quick draw. Win the rest of our football games 1 , d h f • h Meanwhile Mr. Garver with a gun Ri.chard Turner ('38) is teaching i. Lights in the dorm until 12 P .m. th ) ~:. .a:-:.;, ~.'.·:=~'.i. o_,., ~:1e run- o·wn pore .o his • om_estead, with ou~- in hi< ribs, 'called 1·nto ~~betha for· ~-~ d .,.,..,~ ,., . " v~ ~ music at Jamestown, Kansas. In a: We're glad there is such a thing str ~cc.he ' <· '''"" .·/ ,,::m<l and tears creatmg their own gutters down doctor, who upon arr1·vm·g found a soft- 1 tt t u. v H J. d h t 11 f e. er o m ..c. . .. " m r~, e e s o . practice teaching. It seems good his d1rt·st2.ined face. spoken gentleman, telling the won- 'his work. He says. I ha'ie around 30: se~ a suit once in a while. , ders cf New York to Betty's four-year- in the older band. There are 32 be-: Some of the boys are wonderinrr j This story was a source of amused contempt, and movie magaold sister, who was on his lap. ginners in beginning band, so by the· Jones· bark is as bad as his bite. "' i/ zine sdes thereafter hit a new low in our town for it was common The wound wasn't suious but the end of the year I should have a 50- The tie salesman was in town !al knov:ledge t:hat this said "old friend" and family were wealthy and doctor needed serum for th~ preven- piece outfit. Believe it or oot, but I week and sold two dozen ties. Tti cult.:,..cd. tion of lockjaw, and this was obtained have 25 violins in my struig Collins House, alone, got thirty-thr~ T' . . by a trip into a Sabetha drug store the more astonishing It seems that McHugh spent abo,! 1 .:rn mo\';tl> a detective magazine boastin° a high circulati'on con- with the older bandi"t. that ~•~ bo•~ ""' *'"'-~ '.I.ft .,,.... ~" ~" '"""' an hour arguing with Glosser trying j rained a y-v nbo'1t two "thugs," who robbed a New York bank, The men kept well out of s1<;ht of actu:Uly ~ ~ ~~ : get out of a 75 cent fine. It seem kidEappcc' ;~an""s farmer, browbe~t his children, spoke "slum- 1the scho~l ;;>ls whJrh left Betty 1 car mea,n.i; ~"' 'also, he had spent 15 minutes the nigl is:1" £. - , .. £rom ~i:e corf er of their mouths, and flashed artillery ~er house. about that time. Coming ~ ~ .Slacliael Adam- , before winning· the aforementioned '. all OV·:'!" the ~lace. mto the kitchen she noted her moth~ ~ Sunday. Sep- cents playing "Africian Chess." er•s ashen face and the halfw~ $, ~ hil!ne in Tabor, Mooney and Handley went to Ni ~or ~', corr;ction. of the episode ';e a~k you to read the story as/' cups filled with murky liquid. ~tion, she has been braska City the other night, contrac wr, tte11 oy IViary Lizabeth Werner m this week's Ped. We feel th t, Sensmg that these men ~ ed severe colds, and were sick the ne: 1 t • • • al· than hanC:some motorists, d 1't · is P-en.y exc1tng without addmg all the haberdashery of un h th to • ay. h8 . . w en ey rose go, •M Happy landings tret • one jerked tbe teliiphcmibafit:' Nip and Tue 1

The ?eru Pedagogian


Peru Co-ed Says Bandits More Polite Than G-Men By Mary Lizabeth Werner








-.::_..-·-o··-·. -----..,,,.


Watch the Bobcats Battle Peru Eleven Edged Out In 12-13 Game With Doane I PERU PREPSTERS LOSE I SECOND TILT OF SEASON A vastly improved Bobcat team lost Greathouse, Campbell Make Touchdowns

bata heartbreaking Doane game 13 to 12 In a thrilling, hard fought grid fi ld 1 t F ·d af 11 Friday night at Crete. Fumbles, inter- tle on the co ege e as n ay ternoon, Coach Bert Hall's Prep gridsters showed great improvement over their first game even though the final whistle found Prep on the sh ort en d


Peru Prep star. Brownie stole the show last year when he iatercepted a Maryville pass to tie the score 6-6. 51-Johnnie Greene of Tecumseh is back for another crack at slamming the line.-Johnnie hits hard and often. 48-Jerry Ogg of Peru is another letterman. Jerry lettered in '34 and returned to school last year. 59-Keith McHugh is from Pawnee City-one of Bob Punches' boys. Mac lettered last year at a blocking halt. 44-A freshman from Ohio named Campbell ls sending shivers up and down the college coach's back. Murt is a plunger of the pile-driver type and he ls bunt to take it. 55-Henderson, former six-manner from Anderson, Iowa, gives promise of becoming one of Peru's best backs. 42-Hutton, 4uburn boy, seems to be the answer to coach'a safety worry Hutton is a sure tackler and a shifty punt returner. 14-Young is the fourth ot what looks like a great quartet in a few years. Young ls a blond from Adams. Come watch these boys drive through Midland Saturday. This ls your H th . omecom1ng- ey W111 be out there battling for you. On to Peru for Homecoming.

of a 12 to 7 score. Wayne Pugh, Prep's fleet, hard running full, intercepted a Nemaha pass on his own 23 yard line in the early moments of the game to score on a 77 yard run. Ray Coulters, scrapCaptain "Spee" py guard and game captain, successference and headsup ball featured the f~lly converted a place kick for the explaying of both teams. tra point. Peru chose to kick-off and the ball The prepsters staved off a Nemaha sailed to Deane's 10. The ball was attack which had them on their own handed. to Sloey on the 15 and he re- 5 yard line at the half. versed his. field for an 85 yard touchIn the third quarter Nemaha indown dash. Doane's kick failed and tercepted a pass on Prep's 30 yard the score was 6-0. line to set it up for a touchdown in From there on the half was all Peru the next two plays. Nemaha failed to ~!th the Tigers stiffening wheneve; convert for extra point. the Bobcats advanced within the The score remained 7 to 6 in Peru's Doane 20. Late in tli.e second quarter favor until the last half of the last a Doane line-play resulted in the ball minute when Nemaha filpped a deep, p~pping into a bewildered Major's weak side pass to clinch the game with arms. Tom set out for the goal-line, a five point lead. but ·was spilt on the Doane one yard Pugh, Nincehelser, Brown and Maline after a 54 yard gallop. Campbell son were outstanding performern In scored 6n the next play and Sheldon the Prep backfield. While Grafton, went in to kick. B~nny's kick was Clements, Coulters ..and Hartley did a straight, but was blocked by a Doane fine job on the line. player. Nemaha's halfback Hanley and fullThe second half was again all Peru back Chandler wer~ the spark plugs as far as yardage and first downs went. for Prep's opponent. Their line was ·Peru made 4 first downs in a row and w.ell represented by tackles, Green and cqntinually pushed 'the ball into Doane Lesley and guards, Smith and Rhodes. territory. Once the Bobcats lacked NEMAHA PE~U a first down by inches on the Doane 8. Millho1:1se . . . . . . RE, . . . . . R. Grafton i A j'eru fumble on Peru's 20 com- Green . . . . . . . . . RT. . Dick Clements blned with a pass inwrference gave ·A. Smith . . . . . RG.... Joe Hartl€y Doane 1ts second touchdown. The s. Whitton . . . . . . c .. . Oscar Smlt'a kick was good. Rhodes . . . • . . . . LG.. . . Ray Coulters Her. ierson came into the game for L. Lesley ...... LT .... Edgar Lyons Peru and slung passes to Greathouse. T. Chandler .... LE.. . . Dale Kamen Finally "Big Mansion" gathered in a, H. Smith .. .. . .. Q. .. . Roger Mason long one and fell over for the Bobcat's w. Hanley .... LH .. H. Nincehelser second score. Sheldon's kick was low E. Whitton . . . . RH... . . Bob Brown and wide. w. Chandler . . . . F. . . . Wayne Pugh Doane froze· the ball in the dying Peru substitutions: minutes of the game a_nd the whistle Glen Palmer, Ed Umland and Lloyd 1. blew with Peru on the short end of Redding. a 13-12 score. Peru's line was far superior, with Greathouse, Floyd, Purucker, Boyer, THE BOUNCING BALL Nelson, Mosley and Mcintire all sharBy Naiman Littrell ing tackles and blocks. Campbell, Majors and Hutton appeared best for the Bobcats. At Doane: Lineups: PERU

Breaks and head-up Tiger football gave Doane the game. However, I

Floyd .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . left end ,still insist Peru w1!l win half of Nelson (captain) . . . . . . . . . left tackle its games. Fans who saw the Doane Purucker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . left guard game will agree that Peru was a Mcintire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .center vastly improved team. What Is more, Boyer ................... right guard the Bobcats will continue to Improve. Mosley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . right tackle Lack of a passer hurt Peru, but HenGreathouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . right end derson seems to answer Coach WheelVelvick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . quarterback er's prayer. Majors .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . left iulf Band and Fans:. Greene .................... right half It was great to see the band and so qampbell .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. fullback many Peru fans at Doane. Thanks for the backing-you saw a crowd-pleasDOANE Dutcher .. .. . . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . left end ing ball game-let's keep on Backing Rivett . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. left tackle and Battling with the Bobcats Moore ........ -. . . . . . . . . . . . left guard Homecoming: Belka .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . center The sign needs a coat-and the Tobiska (acting captain) right guard Freshies need some signs. Let's make PollaHI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . right tackle this Homecoming the biggest and best Balley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . right end !in years. For many, it is their first Ramsey .................. quarterback Homecoming-but for upperclassmen, Sloey .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . left haif it is a chance to get the old gang toMeene .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . right ha;lf gether once more. Reeves . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. fulll~ack Peru Backs: 45-Tom Majors-last year's HomeMiss Norma Diddel has received de- coming star, will be in there cracking tails for the National Wildlife Week the Midland line Saturday. Tom Is a Poster contest which is open to non- senior and lives on a near-by farm.

professionals and students.

58-"Brownie" Velvick is another

- - Midland Kingsolver. Other members are: Har· Mason, Clark old Mason, Charles

Ardist Christian Elected W. A. A. Sports Leader

With the election of Ardist Christian Rogers, Jack Ce!ka, James Hanlon as sports leader the W. A. A. have and Ross Russell. again become organized. Many of last year's super-athlete besides some new white hopes met last Monday and be- .j ART NOTES gan practice for their first sport, hit .j pin ball. ,,,__T_h_e_fi-ft_h_a_n_n_u-al-Am--er-lca_n_Ar_t_W_e---.;ek All girls in need of exercise com- will be celebrated this year, November bined with p~easure are urged to come 1-7. Each year the celebration has to the gym and join the game. achieved a greater success in its mission of making the American public WORK REVEALED conscious of the great influence of art. BEHIND THE MICROPHONE In 1937 many schools and colleges of Nestled between two N. B. C. pro- Nebraska observed the week in various grams ls the Peru Hour, Peru State's ways. most recent bid for fame and recogniFor this year they have announcea tion. Once each week is heard, via the an innovation which will be of real ether, Peru's most talented students, interest to art students-an art consport talks educational speeches and test for Nebraska among full-time encampus ne;,.s. With these, all the stu- rolled students in colleges, universities, dents are acquainted, but few realize teachers colleges, and junior colleges. what goes on behind the scenes. It Is not necessary that the student On the technical side of the broad- should be enrolled In the fine arts decast the Peru Amateur Radio Club pre- partment in order to compete. Rules sides. Regularly the members of this for the contest are posted on the Art organization care for the monitoring Department bulletin board. and equipment, and work out details of thb bell signals. Dress Up for Homecoming-Phone Presldrnt cf this club Is Richard Ardyth's Beauty Shop.


Friday-Saturday, Oct. 7-8


Midland Warriors Vs.

Peru Bobcats PLAY: Saturday, 7:30 p. m., "THE KING RIDES BY"


7:00 P. M.-Rally and Dance.

• • • SATURDAY 2:30 P. M.-Peru vs. Midland. 5:00-6:00 P. M. Alumni informal. reception in Music Hall. 7:30 P. M.-Play: ''The King Rides By". 9:3°"11:~5

P. M.-Dance: "Cliff Kyes".

Alumni Register, secure Badges and Favors, A203 before 6 p. m



achievement of state medicine may be a few years in the offing, the germ ls planted and it is now only a matter of waiting for the incubation. But state charity is not something that can Discc1ssion Involves be practiced only to tide a people over an emergency. Once a man believes Future Teachers the state will not let him and hi• Dr. B. K. Baker addres,ed the faculty family suffer, he becomes a permanent and student body. at Friday's convoca- charge upon society." tion on "1'he Main Problem." . 1 Dr. Baker developed several other Dr. Baker stated: "The re 1a tive Y f pbases of the main problem, that of rapid increase of people, who are 0 the problem of living standards, our h 0 low intelligence, and of those w are 1 crime sources, and the close associacmotiona1.lY unstable, is our man Betterment tion of our public education system to problem. The Human the problem. Fo@dation of Pasadena, California, m2.kes this statement: 'Births among He stated: "Volumes and volumes families living on public charity are have been written upon the subject of ofton 50 per cent higher than births low salaries for teachers, but very



self-supporting families.' If a . lly inclined oerson were mati1emat ica 1 .1e could determine the date at which half the pGpulation would be on relief, or could even fix the date at wh'.ch ninety per cent of the populatio11 would bs on charity. The ever 1 l·nc1·eas1·ng.· . .•n 0n ., '· . ."ula"n 1 which cann~t. arni iY'.Jl not work to support itself when discu2sed in relation to the main problem ta'.:?s on a di.fferent meaning.

"A lar'.2.·e· no!1 s£>1f-sust::dning· popula-

tion is a threo. t to intern8U.ona1 peace li2,tions befo: e us confronted with a large nci:-IJnducini;- population have ust1 d. \'' O methods of solving the , rJroblem. 0:12 has been through war. W2 r.c9.r a :;r~ 0 ;; de?! about over-popIn cir: ~·ensc of the word a nation is oc::et over-populated. There· ari::2s '.L Ju:·:::e grotip of neople unable to en rn a. ll ring, in a certain social settip, but in reality the country is

lit.tic is said about the incompetence of the teaching profession. If an intelli-

gent study were made of the services rendered by many present day teachers and the salaries they receive, there could only be one conclusion: that tnany teachers are paid too much. "High school requirements for gradua.tion are l\ phase of public education th'.Lt is changing and demands the attention ef school officials. When pupils enter high school who are not intelligent enough to gain any ·value from a study of geometry, physics, and foreign languages, then it is good sense not to have such pupils waste their time trying to master their content. Since pupils cannot learn tlm.e rnbjects and are not required to take them, then it is evident such subiA :;,s cannot be required for graduation. If c·olkge students We«·e not admitted to ,,ollege 11ron the completition of flfteen or sixt~en units of high schcol t ,. s ut:~fo, s11d were not ""t' on, mltted withou. t examination, the high school require-

not over-popu!ated. In order to esc,aoe s1-:p!Jo:·i":!1g these unintelligent people in o certain nation, colonization wa.: reso:· t.~d to as a SBcond solu- ment problem would not concern our tion. In rrtscmpting to ftnd colonies colleges. If the less intelligent people hr the wrplu'. pof>u:ation, a nation are the ones who are reproducing


June Modlin, Beaver City; Maxine 1· Have You Noticed Who: Sherstod, Talmage; Evelyn Bieker, -it is that sets and teases tunes out 1 Auburn; Jeanne Winkleman, Nehras·1of the parlor pinana? 'I'hem salty se- al and must guarantee to stick ka City; Olga Novak, Wilbur; M'.arjorle: lectJ.ons sure do mean a gob of pleasure him even though he makes a f Presba, Valley; Maryon Thomss, Peru; I fer the whole dern dorm crowd. (males change. (She really should be Doris Starkebaum, Falls City: Mary : included) mathmatician as well, you know-1 Grovenburg, Auburn; Virginia Trtvely, Say Fellers-We're goin' a 'huntin'! 3, 4, 5, 6, Severn.) PlattrniOuth: Etta Neu'.1.aber, Aub!;rn Coach Wheeler told we-uns in a real Information leading to the capt Maxine Galbraith, Fairbury; .Maxine man-to-man confab some plenty im- of the desperado wot engaged in e Randall, Omaha; Roma Jean Reth- port.ant dope that we-uns think you- morning gun-play somewhere in 't (th d melr. Crete; Mary Mathews. Brown- uns ought to know. Ya remember a vicinity of neutral tern ory e o ville; Marjorie Trenholm, North Platte; little over a week ago when we got Wonder if he has a couple of sm 1fartha Clifton, Rock Port, Mo. "took" on the ol' home gridiron? If :cr.eens in his pocket? . Tenors: ya do, well, just ferg!t it! Now fer · "Mr. Burke," who proposed a m John Blankenship, Auburn; James that huntin'trip--Oet out your trusty 1 ger of the Ped and the Lincoln S \ steele, Nebraska City; William Dustin, .44 and load her up with every last bit couldn't remember which paper Auburn; Edwin Bentley, Humboldt; of loyalty and respect and jam it down was representing, the Star or the Jo Graydon Ashton, Lorton; Burton Ev- with yer ramrod Of spirit. Alm at our nal. ans, Shubert; Jack Gabus, Peru. Bobcat eleven and then Let 'Em Have Happy Huntin'! Bass: It! An' take it from an ol' timer, ya


Mervin Keedy, Auburn; Bond Ken- can bet yer bottom dollar we'll bring

encouraging. I always my ya gotta ~#llllllllm**El!!!!l!l!ll&EeLm!llllll!IB....,.!!8:!2&&mllllmPAWllJl!llQ# keep an open mind-and speakin' of minds-just you mind this: Ya know we all been awful wrong-'course I know it looked like we was in the !!ii ljjj right, and maybe we was-then. But r;:1 @ no we ain't-she ain't no priss!e,


(freshmen, note l and if ya don 'L helieve me, just you go in and watch "Tead1" Dav1dsoD_'8 foot-fl!ngin' flous- ! ies catchin' those hot and fast ones. Outside of a busted toe, a sprained


war. Other i:atinns with the same 1 population proc cm aiso may be looking for coion:es and especially for '' ·n0se r;ch :,, :ni:.~1.1:,n,sonrces. While ~ , pcp:11a1;ion . . '//fff. re~.1.\cr..~ ~·.oe some, it iw•e!t ao'''''."'. :duc:c h a nation the C'<,;nent tJ:cJ is. rcsponsiUe for the 1rnr. While a large non-self-custai.ning population is. a threat to international peace, it. is also a threat to internal or national peace. The nation w'.th ,.~·Gh a ;iopuiation becomea a fertile field. hr the demag·ogue.

c~~,~~~,'.:~,·re~:;:ti~:,.~Q-'r:s~!~~ :: ::~a~h~e~~~::~t~hop7e!:~~


cius nR

~~ M



JAMES BROS. Modern Barber Shop Your patronage appreciated


The Mudis Store "A Mighty Go()d Place to Trade"

-------·-----DR. GLEN H . .TODER


Surgeon and Physician


Res. 39

Milstead Comer Office 33 Phone

~S~~ODiEY ~ .·

:eelr_sobc:1:nt: SHCOE F•ag0gue shculJ riss to power, what • " , · · !II I'" I : would be thP result'? OnA rhing would vanquJs!'..ed by the intellectually mtd!I I J b .. 'Jere?» ~:mM~cJ;iL~'LlI.4[.jfjJ;.J.JI'.!JJ!JPPr,;.m be •o rnbsidize hb constituents at the ·--- -·----ex;-ense ot the p1·oduc'::''" cla::s. There OVER SO COMPRISE i> :10 way for man to live except by the sweat of his b!·ow. ~fa man tives CHOR LS PERSONNEL anc1 doesn't work he exists by the About eighty tried out for chorus. grace of ci1arity or robbery. The de- With an increase in the tenor section, r:ia.g-05<.ie, thr9ugh his dole or relief the group should be a well-balanced ~ystem. dest:·:jys the moral fiber of cne. The personnel includes: the non-p!·oducing: cbss. and in ad- Sopranos: dit!on draws a number of honest, inMildred Knoflicek, Plattiimouth · dustrious people, i:,to the class of the Winifred Hall, Tecumseh; Geraldln~ ~Jvernmcn' :::pporf.ed. This latter Eads, Auburn; Marjorie Fraser, Auc'?r• U\'d' Jn!:ri~:·:.' condltions sup- burn; Lucille Duey, Brock; Alice DeWelcomes !)Jits itsc;:: 0uc :'· d'shonest which Vore, Peru; Ramona Handley, ShuALUMNI gro·.;os u;icn :,ny relief system virtually bert; BP•!· ' Chyhurn, Monroe; Bcnlcompels them lo acrepr aid ~;nee the .ta Jewett, Beaver City; Mary Modlin, One room available for relief allotment may amount to very Beaver City; Willa Rathbun, DeWitt; sleeping, or apartment. n1;arly as much as can be earned Joan Townsend, Falls City; Dorothy thrnugh hone:t effort. Once the Ewin, Omaha; Annetta Slagle, stena'; Have you made your moral fib~r of a people is destroyed. Madonna Adee, Imperlal; Augusta reservations for Homecoming they hold :m effective weapon tor S:OCker, Auburn; Elfrieda Dahlgran, Meals? ma).-!ng mo!·e and more unreawnable Sidney; Mary E. Collln, Peru; Shirley demands; that is, a revolutim, since Barrett, Syracuse; Edith Wright, Beafr.ced with the refusal of their de- trice; Pauline McGlll, Seward; Mary ma;1ds, the;r emcUons may carry Lu Harvey, Arapahoe; Ferne Peterson, H. C. DALLAM th0m 'nto P:ob hysteria. Then che Geneva: Helen Margaret Larson, Peru; threat of re\'olu'ion b:ccomes a reality.'' Maxine Aufencamp, Julian; Eleanor DENTIST Dr Ba 1:e, ~uoted figures to show Hemphlll, Beatrice; Marjorie Harris, PERcJ PHONE 32 trc growir,v: d~m:inds for· charity, the Fairfield; Leora Libhart, Topeka, Kanl11cc~s.c L1 fe'bc: rr:hdectn;;s,;, and tl:e sas; Katheryri Bartling, Nebraska City. hospitals and Al.tos: not my purµose to Lucille Hazelton, Peru; Wilda F'ul1\s: for charity," he ton, Wymore; Lorraine Ulmer, Dawsi.id. '·A:l I c.Qre to do is to call attt>n- son; Janet Harris, Fairfield; Enid :ion t0 tl;: i'tl iousness of the situation. Stofferson, Harlon; Helen Harding i::o,riai Wt'1k is a fairly new typ~ of Humboldt; DOris Weiler, Dunbar; Ev~ cha!ll:.' 1or many communitie:., b1.1t the Bundy, Springfield; Sylvia Ulmer, idea is rapidly spreading. While the Dawson; Miriam Reel, Nebraska. City;





become involved ;:1 inthnational most, who is going to be left to attend . · · k high school· in the future, not men- ankle, a sore instep, and a few mansled a"•po"-'tlons i" looked to me from my tion Of·~ 1ha:t the "- ,,.,. ' '" ' college JVill receive? iiogrJ<le seat, that them gals was havin' a purty df'rn good time. ' ·"People who are intelligent enough ---·---·---- ___ -----·------to profit from in academic college ed- ~ ...>I.iDLI:aiD!Jf3!>M,;!'!I..im.,,[,it;l'lt~t~'. ' ucation are not bearing enough child- ~~ CA.LL 65 ~ ren to ~qua! their number because of ·~~ TAXI, EXPRESS and . economic burdens. · St!l! another rea- ~ BAGGAGE .· son why academic college enrollment c will ctecllne, if it maintains its stand- (, I .• ~: ards, is the fact that all children born ~rttJt!:~ ; to intelligeRt parents wll! not live to -----·---' the age of eighteen. Neither will all S .; .; desire a college educall<n. ervice With a Smile ~c· "The dcrns;,;ogue rises to power up~ RIGHT A WAY '"Since they are !nstrwnents for QI - -


Soft water Shampoos at

home the bacon. How's about it? Beauty Shop. Phone 223. Gonna string along? You All Remember how Mary's little lamb followed her to school one Electric Shoe Shop day. Well, wot we wanna know is, where did Mary go after she led all these J.P. CLARK 1 k'm' l'ttl b ct own h ere t o goo d -oo i e 1ams North of Skelly Station Phone 109 ·our campus? Could it be that she had a date with Howard Dean? Or was ·--···-·--·------·-·-------~ill she a brunette? Wanted: THE SCOREBOARD One sturdy, roving elevater. Must C. G. KINGSOLVER We'll chalk it up. be in good condition and must have a. BARBER glass front. Note: See male kitchen Under Barnes' Pharmacy Hi, Bookwonns, and the rest of us! help. "It pays to Look Well" Wanna know sumpin'? Well, that's nedy, Auburn; Paul Sims, Dodge City, Kansas; Holly Osborne, Auburn; William Fankhauser, Humboldt; Lawrence Freude, Dorchester; Warren Routh, Adams; Charles Sanders, Beatrice; Gordon Gilbert, Brock; Herbert Stut' ! coo; k Ch ares I G a b us, p Pru: R oy ,;et Lively, P:il!8 City.




• •

• •



• •

Reasonable Rates

Gilbert Purucker 106 Park Avenue



Homecoming Festivities Prove To be Big Success


115 Frolic to

Folk Songs


Seniors, Juniors, Sophs. Hold Election of Officers

1 At Y. W.-Y. M. Party , About 115 students attended the Y. W. and Y. M. dance party; last Tuesday night. those who played their parts most satBefore the dancing began the Y. Russel, Hurlburt, Boom, Play, Rally, and Dance Mooney, DeVore, F. Larson isfactorily. She sympathetically and M. held an election which was neBecome Class Presidents and effectively presented the characEntertain Peruvians Werner Exhibit Sketches cessary because all of last year's o:ffiterization of Lorando, the pseudo maid, In spite of man-eating mosquitoes, At class meetings held *sterday cers did not return. Sidney Timmons Homecoming activities , included a who was drawn between love and the Homecoming activities, and interested morning William Mooney, Alice Dewas elected to be the new Y. M. presirally, two dances, and a play~besides rancorous memories of false promises. dent and Marvin Schacht to be secre· children, Bertie Boom, Mary Lizabeth Vore and Frank Larson were elected the Midland-Peru football game. An inconsis~nt mixture of baby talk, Werner, Rita Russel, and Ella Mae senior, junior and sophomore class Homecoming spirit soared to a new southern accent, and sophisticated tary. Hurlburt have sketched pictures for presidents respectively: high last Friday evening when a huge drawl was the drawback of Betty 1he girls made a choice of the comthe Homecoming Art Exhibit. Their missions in which they will work for crowd of students assembled upon the Kathryn Cole's otherwise satisfying sketches include four r.ampus scenes campus for the pre-Homecoming rally. representation of Cecily Dorset, the the year. Gordon Giibert, Pete and Helen Hol- done in crayon and on~ p?ncil sketch Last year's lettermen were presented second wife of Judge Dorset.. dorf, and Leora Libhart taught and of an· our.sta~ building. sweaters by Cbach Wheeler. Each Probably the most effective initial demonstrated the folk dances. The sunset colorings in the picture athlete was givn a cheer. The assementrance on the stage was made by of Mt. Vernon Dining Hall and the Instead of concluding the meeting bly was well supplied with torches Mary Olive Richardson, who carried at eight, as planned, the "swinging" gardens surrounding it are very pleasmade by the freshmen. The marchthe presentation of the Baroness Dor- continued until the Peru broadcast ing to the eye. Miss Norma Diddel ing band then led the group to the set-Daguerre-van Eschenbach to the started. said that this was the first time one of dormitory and from there to the busiher students has drawn the building WILLIAM MOONEY end of the play with the slight aid of ness district. A huge pile of boxes from this angle. Other campus scenes Gordon Gilbert, last year's junior a string of "cracked lee." furnished fuel for the ·bonfire. The Although 111, Dean Karr gave his CAPERERS CONVALESCE were of the Infirmary and its lawn, a class president, presided at the senior student body surrounded the blaze view of the Administration Building meeting at which Mildred Wllllams and short speeches were given by mem- usual gratifying performance-this AFTER COUNCILS' COURT and Auditorium from the east and one was elected vice president; Glen Yont, time as Cass McCord, the bogus prince. While Werner warily withered wonbers of the football team, alumnj and corner of the Music Hall. The outstate secretary, and Maxine Aufenkamp, Naturalness was the outstanding dering worms ·and Crone cautiously Coach Jones. Many cheers and numbuilding scene was of a modernistic treasurer. bers bY the bana were fo]Jowed by a characteristic of Nancy Ellen Jones' cackled, covered by colorful canopy, rural school In Jefferson County. part as Valeria Dorset. the Dormiteers viewed a bit of ~anity snake dance around the ·dyiRg, embers. Edwin Argabright as Captain Ross and sanitation at the Kangaroo Kourt The group then returned to.,the camWheatley, Gwendolyn Warrick as De- which ended freshman initiation last 1tegistrar Selects Committee pus and danced in the GY!'n: In accordance to the action taken by A large number of Peru grads were borah Winchell, Horace Rzehak as Hal Thursday night. honored at the Homecoming dance Stanley, Harold Dallam as Stuffy, and Judge Glema Miers and a jury of tqe college men at a meeting Septein. last Saturday night in the College Mary Lu Harvey as the reporter, Kath- football fans brought the culprits to ber 26, E. H. Hayward selected the nominating committee for the Men's ryn Wells, kept the action moVing. justice. · gymnasium. Club. They are William Mooney, Pantomime by the players was quite One of the worst worms was Janet The music, furnished by Cliff Kyes chairman; Glen Sheely, Bert Hall, good, especially in so far as several ALICE DEVORE I:{arris, who had stated her desire to and his orchestra, was ip.ade up of Leroy Redfern and Donald Dean. This Severn Handley, as vlce preslcrent, members of the audience at times "grimly chew off the ears" of Mary novel arrangements of o~d' favorites, as de!J€nded upon it exclusively to· grasp Lizabeth Werner and Ruth Crone. commit'ee will nominate two cahdi- will assist Frank Larson in heading well as the latest dance ,:iits. the thread of the story.• Mlss Harris aimost lost her hearing dates fur each of the respective offices the '38-'39 sophomore class. Marjorie Most appreciated qy P"ruvians were All, if any, bad criticism should not !ng her ears was completed. crone o~ the Men's Club. These candidates Evans was voted the class' choice for the arrangements ~f the college color be directed at the actors, for Lee owen until the sanitary measure of wash- >'1!! be elected by the men by a poi:.i:.- secretary, and Wayne McGinnis was song and a pep song eomposed by Snook, the author, left his drama 1 elected treasurer. An additional office, concluded caulifiower wasn't consum- lar vote. Prof. G. Holt Steck. ~omewhat impausible. Members of .the that of chairman of the social commitable. A large ball, suspended-from the ceil- audience were so ingrossed in detenn. tee, was created, and Phyllis Benson Arrested and found guilty on "gening, was broken open ·and: a shower ining how Cass McCord (Dean Karr) Dramatic Club Begins Year iwas elected to fill it, two boys and two ' of balloons came down on the heads of was to report to Edmund Dorset eral principles," Enid Stofferson, Rose By Making Many Changes igirls are to be appointed by her to the dancers. <Frank Summers) from South Ameri. McGinnis and Virginia McCoy were A new ruling gives more students a . ~erve on the committee. "The King Rides By" was the three- ca every month, and SIJ€culating on sentenced to push a tennis ball along chance to become members of the the floor with their noses. act Homecoming play~ that was pre- Valeria Dorset's (Nancy Ellen Jones) Meredith Jimmerson was .asked Dramatic Club. Anyone except freshsented by the Dramatic Club last- Sat- sense of humor saving her from a men may become apprentice members questions about "Llfe". urday evening. As a whole, the drama faucet.like love, that they missed the upon payment of a semester's dues. Suanne Shock and Ila Mae Heinke, was below par of others that have continuitv of the play. They may then work for points to bearrested on charges of wearing makebeen directed by Professor Robert D. SIJ€Cial credit should be given to come active members of the club. SevMoore. Virginia Trively, who was assistant up, were requested to give a demon· stration of a well-known dance step. eral apprentice members have already Frank Summers did a good job in director, Belen Margaret Larson, who Wilda Fulton was sentenced to give joined. character work. Those, who were im- designed the set, stage and assistant a description of her ideal man begin- Another change ls that of permanpressed by his portrayal of the whim- stage manager, Robert Weber and ning every word with an "h". Miss ent department chairmen. Robert FRANK LARSON slcal Judge Edmund Dorset, were Fr&nk Larson, pro!J€rty mistress Laura Fulton stated, "He hust have ha hine Weber Is stage manager and Laura pleased to discover that his part be- Baum, and the Little Theater otches. hlsique." Baum Is property mistress. The othRobert Snyder Announces came more and more the nucleus as t~a. The most noticeable hitch In the ers, as yet, have not been selected. the comedy proceeded. Dahlstrom House won fitst place and proceedings occurred when Judge Mary Lizabeth Werner is the '38-'39 Kappa Delta Pi Program Thomas Chinnock, as Simmons, had the plaque for the best house decoraMiers' mustache failed to be of the chairman of Peru Players. More than Kappa Delta Pi members are enthuthe difficult task of switching from one tions. Parrish House was given honorsoup strainer type and "Judgie" got 80 freshmen have joined this group. siastic about the many planned acti· extreme tO the other as to type of able mention. thirsty. Members of the newly organized vitles for the year. character. Despite the fact that he Dramatic Club council are: Carter Mary Grush, membership cha.lrman, A list of prizes and an announceceased acting when he "gave stage," Personality Club met last Thursday Johnson, Glema Miers, Laura Baum, reports that 70 percent of those eligihis performance as a whole was good. ment of the New York World's Fair night at which time the members playGale Carter, Ruth Crone, Mary Llza- ble have pledged the fraternity. IniHelen Margaret Larson was one of poster contest has been sent Miss Nor- ed games to help them make acquainttiation is to be October 17. beth Werner and Dean Karr: ma Diddel. Posters must be about the ances. The following officers were "Specific Problems of Nebraska EduEach month the club will have one New York World's Fair of 1939 and Its elected: president, Evelyn Hacker; vice cation" is the theme around which the theme, "Building the World of To• president, Ardis Plager; secretary, Lu- business meeting and one social meet- year's meetings are to be built. Kappa ing. morrow." Delta Pi feels that there Is a need to c!lle Sherman; treasurer, Lucille Duey. Complete rules and information may Tuesday, October 11, 1938. a void the often abstract and even trite Miss Ida Mae Brackney is advisor and be secured from the state Department Hazel Buchanan and Maxine Weber The noon hour at the training school generalities used in discussions of edu8:30 p. m. of Education in Lincoln. All entries are upperclass sponsors. has become more than just an hour in cational problems. They are, thereGordon Gilbert, Announcer. must be judged before October 31, Learn to Dance Club met last Thurs- which to eat lunch. The hour has fore, emphasizing specific projects. William Frankhauser ........ · . B::tss 1938. day night in the Music Hall. They been converted into an hour of re- Among those concrete subjects are Per"The Big Bass Viol" were given informal instruction in creation. If the students don't know sonnel Guidance, Curriculum Revision Mary Alice Vanderford . . . . . . Violin Upperclass art students, do you want i:!ancing by upperclass sponsors, Good how to dance they can learn at this Vocational Education, Adminlstratio~ "Mighty Lak A Rose" time. The class is being instructed by of· Schools and Professional Organfaa .. an art ch1b? If you have four or more row Soper and Stella Rogge. Maxine Sherstad . . . . . . . . . . Soprano hours credit you are eligible for memtlons as the state teacher's organizaOfficers elected for the club are: Miss Isabel Mason. "When I Was Seventeen" bership. Old members and prospective president, Doris Otte; vice-president, The band has very few of its old tions. "Giannina Mia" new members are urged to read the Glenn Young; secretary-treasurer Lu- ·experienced players llack this year. Superinrendent W. A. Schindler of Janet Harris announcement on the bulletin board ciile Schlaeder. The club is spon~ored However, the clarinet section is prob- Tecumseh is being asked as a guest speaker for November 11. Monte Jean Gaines outside I 305 . by Miss Florence Martin. ably the best balanced. Marie Chehey . . . . . . . . . . . . Flute Trio As for Jong range anticipations, KapThe seniors have elected their offi"Dance of the Reed Flutes" cers for the coming year. They are: pa Delta Pi is looking forward in Febfrom the Nutcracker Suite The 1938 Five States Exhibit will The first meeting of the P Club was president, Roger Mason; vice president, ruary to a trip to Warrensburg, MisRuth Crone .. Pedagoglan of the Air open at Joslyn Memorial in Omaha, ~eld Monday night, October 3, in the Mary Frances Redding; secretary, Le- souri, to meet six other chapters of ·t November 27, 1938, at 7:30 p. m. Art .:rym. The following men were ~lected Warren Ro uth .. . .. . .. .. .. Ban one villa Mason; treasurer and news re- Kappa Delta Pl. "Shortin' Bread" exhibitors are from the states of Ne- a~ officers: president, Glen Sheely; This year's officers include: Laura porter, Leona Bertwell. "Chloe" (Song of the Swamp) braska, Kansas, Iowa, Colorado and vice president, Delbert Nelson; and As an educational feature the high Baum, president; Robert Snyder, vlceMonte Jean Gaines . . . . . . . . . . . . Viola South Dakota. secretary-treasurer, Tom Majors. Arschool people listened to Hitler's presidentand program chairman,; Ruth Second and Third Movements Information on media, ~ntries and rangements were made to present a Sutorius, secretary; Clara Dunn, reof shipping may be found by reading the P Club convocation program November speech over the radio, which they have corder; and Alice Ulbrick, treasurer. 4 in the assembly. Handel's "Concert for Viola" nctices on the bulletin board of L 305. ·


Peru Hour

' ,,;rf_:=:-~y~~lz51TRI PlUtu



The Peru Pedagogiart

-----------1 ley Remmers, Maxine Metcalf and sev~ :;! 1. ern Handley and Rachael Hunt and ' IJ

NAT'L HEALTH CHAMP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A few days ago we made a statement about champions being trained, not born, but we hereby take it all back because here is the exception to our statement-under our own roof, practically, a modest champion who doesn't Locals, 10 cents per line watch the calories go by, who refrains DispIay 20 cent s per ·meh . _ _ _,::.________________________ - from milk baths and who doesn't even own an electric horse. STAFF , , ·. ;;: .,. . Eighteen-year-old June Modlin, Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents. ADVERTISING RATES

· R th Crone Editor - ...... ; , .... , . , .. ' , . , .. , ... , • • .. • ... •. • . . . u 'st . t Ed1'tor Stella Rogge A ss1 an · . . ....... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · • • • • • • · • - E. d... · N n L1'ttrell Bert Hall , Sports ·.. 1tors . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . orma Adviser .... , .. :....... , . , ............... , . M. Florence Martin

ALUMNI TRAIL BY ALICE DEVORE !,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _




Geneva Miller is teaching seventh and eighth grades at Carbon, Iowa. She is principal of the school there. Miss Miller received her two-year diploma August, 1938. The grads took possession °f tl1e campus during our most recent alumni event. A near-record crowd of 10 rul



athletes who returned

are: the brothers Gaines, Punches, and Loken; "Bus" Moore, Wayne Riggs, Bob Carmichael, Wayne Weare. "Swede" Hertz, "Eutsey" Harris, Rosc·ne Tolly, "Slim McCorrr.J('k'', "E·1d" Uicgins, D. "'· Bnnch, (~··isham You:tg, Melvin Ethin:;ton, Duane Sams. An alumnus was heard to remark that Peru would have had a larger attendance for Homecoming, if it had

freshman, standing five feet six inches, weighing 130 pounds and wearing a Peruvians came "1)-ome". not conflicted with the Nebraska-Iowa Elsie Wallin Miller ('29) holds tl1e game. Homever, the Midlancl g".me size sixteen like a professional model, · " long distance record of this Home- \"as the only availablr, date. Coacl1 is our theory-upsetter. " Last September June was named as coming. She came by plane from Che. Wheeler is attempting to plan next yenne, Wyoming, Friday, and returned - tb 11 h d 1 t 1 th the healthiest girl in Nebraska, and in year's too a sc e u e o remec Y e Monday. Her husband is employed at situation. November her family in Beaver City the airport in Cheyenne. REPORTERS was thrilled to hear of June's successB · e Doty Dorothy Snider, two-year graduate Edward Arnold Alice DeVore ermc ful trip through a stiff clinic in Chi- of , , and baritone horn player in the Ercrett's Officers Meet 38 Dean Karr cago, where she walked away with the college band the past two years, also Th ree orr·1cers of 1as t year's Everett Clyde Hunt Ella Hurlburt Robert Mason National 4-H Health Championship. t rave1ed far - to attend the Homecom- Literary Society met at the home of Mildred Knoflicek Jean Koeppel We proceeded t o brass t ack ques- _ mmers _ _. _ Mr· E r p K- k 1 t M d Frank Su Wilma Parnell Genevieve Parriott tioning in our interview with Miss mg festmt1es. She came 400 m1l~s :;_ me 1e - 1r · as r on ay evefrom Atwood Kansas where she 1°0 ning to discuss and make plans for Mary Lizabeth Werner Modlin. "What's this about your not _ t h, ' the coming year. t i · f th t ts?" primary eac er and grade school mura mng or ese con es sic assistant. Officers present were: president, "I drink lots of milk, eat moderateBert Hall; secretary, Roma Jean Rethly, but I never go into any extensive D ollf the al~mni who registered, D. ~- meier,- and t1·easure1·, Eula Redentraining.'' , a am, Stemauer, was the oldest gracuate. He graduated in 1926. baugh. ''Do you still have the medals you CONGRATULATIONS, COMMITTEE Forner Peruvi.ans now attendin5 won?" other college wl1o were here are: Fritz . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - nr h" f I h h d' th t v"'e are t e sort o peop e w o, w en we 1scover a a person "It was just a few ribbons," June Wolter and William Plucknett of answered. FRESHMEN CLUBS · b b l' · · • th d t'll Ames State· Louise Mathews Jean , or group d oes a goo d JO , e 1eve m givmg em more, an ~ I "How about the way you felt when _' ' · " · • Wagner R1chg,rJ Peck Jean Arm- I · h h h b · you won. Were you pretty thrilled?" ' _ ' more to do. That's the way we feel about t ose w o ave een m "A d t t . strong, Harold Pnchard, Charles Parn w11 a are you s udymg 111ere Miss Norma Diddell will advise the . " nell and John Bath of Nebraska Uni-charge of Homeconung. estly, Of course, it isn't so much- versity. Art Club with the assistance of Rita and it did happen a long time·ago." Russell After October 13 1't fi t Richard Turner, music director at , s rs "What hobbies do you pursue?" we meeting which will be in L 301, the First, however, we wish to congratulate thein on the success· wanted to know. Jamestown, Kansas, showed the true organization will continue to convene Peruvian spirit by bringing his tromful culn;irlation of their work on d~corations, dance, and rally. "Athletics of all sort." on the second and fourth Thursdays bone and helping the college band at ,,. •nd what are you studyil)g here of each month. the Peru-Midland football game. Secondly; ~ wish to express the hope that they will not be· at Peru'!" Familiar couples were: Jean Wag·ner For the second year Roy Lively j, # come a "Homecoming Committee' but that they will throughout "I'm taking science. I'd like to be and Jack Heck, Mary E. Murphy and :he upperclassma supervising the Koa laboratory technician." Gene Miller, Nancy Jane Kehoe and dak Club. Mr. Robert Shuler, who has ~he year be in reality, as named, a Student Advisory Committee. We thanked her for the interview. Bob Bhnkensbip, Lucille Renner and made kodaking bis hobby for a long "Say you don't mind if the campus Joel runches, Wilma Lichty and n_ J_ time, will be tbe advisor. Under this For 'as an intermedia~y between student and administration, knows you're really and truly a health Duey, Rnt.b Hanlon and Rex Wiison, able direction the group will meet as well 'as faculty,)t f~lfills a function that no other group on the champ?" Maxine Jarvis and Alfred Paul, E12.inz October 13 in S 104. "I'd much l'ather they wouldn't," Dodd and Bob Badham, Mearle The first meeting of the Scribblers c.ampus. in its entirety, accomplishes. conflrled June . Shoehotham Hnd GeargE Gros. Club will be at the home of its advisor "O. K,," we i:romised. "We won't soehme, Dorothy Ann Coatney a11d Mrs. B. K Baker, October 13. MerSo being a Simon Legree type, we suggest that if matters print a word of it!' Fritz Wolter, Jean Armstrong and ritt McNeal and Evelyn Slayton will aren't too pressing they might investigate the possibilities of Prof. ---Burton Evans, Louise Mathews am: help in this year's work. G. H. Steck's proposal that a telephone arrangement be made be- Prizes of $100.oo, $75.00, $50.00 and Gale Carter, Mildred Parli and Dick Mr. Robert Moore and Miss Grace tween Peru and the city where the Bobcats play football. so that, $25.00 will be awarded in this contest Turn~r, Ardist ?hristian and Dean Mc- Tear will announce the upperclass after paying a small admission, students may hear play-by-play which closes December 15, 1938. Full Cor:n1ck, Phyllls Benson and Bernard sponsors for Peru Players at their descriptions of our out·of·town games. details will be found on the bulletin Bansas, Donn_a Armstrong and Jack J first meeting October 13 in the AudiHazelton, Maxme Aufenkamp and Wi- torium. board in the Art Department. 0

Or maybe (other circumstances permitting) they might in· vestigate the possibilities of numerous students' proposals that some kiJ?-d of a light be placed by the steps between the library and the street. That is, of course, unless someone in interested in






students breaking their necks as a means of keeping them from Last week when the mountain range doing it. . of road material lay along College Avenue, Professor Steck lodged bis car R. C. on center. In a provoked state of mind he climbed out to sur'l'ey the situation. A sophisticated s e n i o r on the eormitory la w_n suggested; sotto voice, "Say, Pop Ste~k, this is an oppcrtune time to 'sit and think' and WHO DO YOU KNOW? maybe you'll get an inspiratio:i." A freshman confused the words Years ago the customary formal greeting was a kiss on the dexterous and dextrose. After 1:learhand. Finally it filtered down to a hand shake· Some day a royal lng the matter he remarked, "And ambi-dextrous means befag equally 1>dute may be just "Hi, kid." clever with both hands;' doesn't it? You know, like holding the hand of a "How do you do" is o. k.-at least you knQw the greeter won't girl on either side of you at the pic-


make a touch but this underworked "Hi" needs more exercise. A t:ire s~ow and s~ueezing both at- thP, girl once kept up her scale work by singing ''Hi" in different nght time and with equal emphasis." pitch to everyone she met. They let her be reporter for column because they thought her so friendly.

a musical

Women's Athletic Ass'n. Active in Hit Pin Ball

If any sprained toes are in evidence Now "hi" comes in very hand·, these days. Some girls feel that on the campus this week they probably belong to a member of the W. A. A. the campus is no man's land. It is a shame the place is datingEvery evening for the past week the bureauless. Mathamatically speaking, if all five hundred-four girls have been meeting in the Gym ~ludents greet thirty-five fellow students, 17,640 "Hi's" will have choosing up sides and really playing. been emitted. Later teams will be chosen and practices for the tournament will be held. M f h "H" ,, A steak fry is being planned to be .any o t ose I s are enlarged to become fullgrown con· held at the cabin in the near future.

versations. Last year some of these conversations were started by the girls and some by the boys. This year however the reverse ..._!Miss Grace Petersen and Miss Ethel ' JU osser attended the forty-third anseems to be the case. nual convention of the Nebraska Lilbrary association in Fremont last S.R. ·Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

I ~;;:;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;=;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;~=



Watch the Bobcats Battle Bobcats Roll Over Midland to Feature Homecoming Oversized Miaget Hutton

Sparks Peru Attack

Peru earned its victory


and Peru led 7-0. ..~



Early in the second. quarter "Lucky" Tommy Majors intercepted a Midland pass on the Midland 40-yard line and ran to the Warrior one-yard line. ' .. .fl! ' This was practlcaMy the same run Tom pulled at Doane. It was a beautiful job of running and stiff-arming, plus good blocking that allowed Tommy to go to the one-yard stripe. On the next play Tom piled over into pay dirt. His kick was good and Perif led 14-0. Late In the second qu~rter, a :break found Midland pushiilg- through. the Bobcat reserves for a touchdown. McLain blocked the kiCk. Score Peru 14, Midland. 6. The second half was drab, with both teams tiring from the springless ground and hot sun. Peru finally pushing down to "Warrior" hunting grounds and shooting Greathouse an arrow pass for a touchdown. The game ended 21-6 with Midland heaving passes.

Kearney 56-Leonard "Big Mansion" Greathouse of Ord needs no introduction. Leonard is a 3-letterwlnner and is looked on as the best end In the state, tall and rugged, he is both a fine offensive and defensive player.


boys cliarging low and hard and play!r1g I rnd~ up ball. Ever;' game the

team looks better-a working, concrete tribute to their coaches. Campbell is more sure of his decisions; the line ls charging faster and the backs lire blocking and using their blocking.

THE BOUNCING BALL Tue Blue and White rolled bver the By Norman Littrell Midland ilOal three times Saturday and a large Homecoming crowd watched the Bobcats add three extra points Congrats: to defeat Midland 21-&. 'ro these Freshies who worked and Midland won the toss and kicked to made Homecoming a grand affai.r. UpPeru. Tue Bobcats tossed a pass to on you ftll the bulk of manual labor! Greathouse, and "'Big Mansion''ran to ?.nd you entered into the spiri;; of j the Midland 20 where he fumbled. Th~ things with all your being. We thank Warriors tried the line and then kick- you and we know the grads appreciat-1 ed to "Little Boy" Ifutton, who brought ed your efforts. the ball back ·into Midland territory. This little five.five, 146 pounder, was a continual pain all afternooa to the Midland team. The Bobcats had to march twice to the Midland 10 befbre they could score. A fumble robbed tl'l.em, of the first score, but they came liack to send Murt "Piano Mover" Campbell over for six points. The try-for point was good


47-Leslie Gump o! Nebraska City is

LESTER MOSLEY so Boyer, Hutton and all the rest-· Let's "Kleanup Kearney and Klien." Peru Ends:


43--Fioward "Hardnose" Dean former Lincoln Hi star is a Bob~a: 2-lett€rman This is Dean's last .1'car at Peru and his cool-headed playing will l'e remembered for years.


a freshman end who promises great Boyer and Hutton: things. He is a past master in makPersonal relation caused us to be ing pass snatching look easy. Watch pleased when John "Beanie" Boyer this boy next Jear. \lias chosen as game captain for the Hcmeccming tilt. Everyone oil the Rex Floyd, Beatrice, is a tough end. campus respects and enjoys John. He He plays an aggressive game, and ls a is a personality. You should have seen sure tackler. Rex was a backfield star him (some other lettermen as wem at Beatrice last year. putting on first his new sweater and Allison Dougherty, Dawson freshie, tllen his jacket. (By the way this new is new at football, but the red head jacket award is t1'e !Jest looking aw1rd seems headed for a letter next year. JOHN BOYER ll'e n.i·1e et er sr-en v·nf~;·: ed Oil a:: Phooie Dog! athlete.) Augusta Stocker Entertains To those who dabbled in green paint. Luther "Little Boy" Hutton proved Perhaps they didn't realize just how himself In the Midland game. He folMiss Augusta Stocker entertained unsporting they were-I hope so. lows interference in grand style and ten friends September 30 at a picnic Freshies had done a fine job on the can take It. Little Boy looks like a dinner ir, Peru honoring Miss Maxine sign, whoever destroyed their work coming all-stater. However a back ls JOHN GREENE Bock, whose wedding was October 8. should have known the sign would only as good as his line and blocking-have to be done over. Homecoming ~s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not a time for F'rrshie- U. C. preJudice-it is a time for Peruvians to welcome grads. We hope the dabblers are satisfied, because the campus is satisfied and disappointed that there are some poor eports either in or near Peru.

Game Captain Boyer, Delbert Nelson, Leonard Greathouse, Tom Majors and Luther Hutton looked best for the Bobcats. Lineups: PERU

Floyd . . . . . . . . . . LE . . . . . Bundgaard Organ . . . . . . . . . LT. Schmeckpepper Boyer (AC) . . . LG . . . . . . . . . . Hintz Mcintyre . . . . . . . . c . . . . . . . . . Meader Purucker . . . . . . RG. . . . . . . . . Pi~chke Mosley . . . . . . . . RT. . . . . . . . . . Colone Greathouse . . .. RE . . . . . . . . . . Oberg Velvick . . . . . . . . QB. . . . . . . . . . Brock Hutton . . . . . . .. HB ......... ' Greene Campbell . . . . . . HB . . . . . . . . Glisman Majors . . • . . . FB............ Hill Pe~u substitutions: Greene, Adams, Gump, Henderson, McHugh, Ogg, Nelson, Sheeley, Mort, H. Dean, Hunzeker, D. Dean, McLain and Blair.

TOMMY MAJORS Homecoming:

First Year Team Ties

Pawnee City C. C. C.

What a game! What a crowd! It would be impossible to mention all of the er.'s tbst returned, but here are <>. few of past years: Eldred Douglas, Joel Punches, Ethinc,ton, Bu,i:e l·&r' ris, Wayne Riggs, i:I. Loken 81,d. far' into the night. Grads to the right and grads to the left-grads who made hiskry (!,lld have become tradition. Yes, it was a grand Homecoming. l\t.idJand:

Peru's second team journeyed to Paw. nee City Thursday, October 6, and tied the Pawnee City C. C. C. team 6-6. The Bobcat reserve team, made up mostly of first year men, outplayed the three c team, but lacked the quarter-\ backing and experience to have the needed victory punch. Plans are for this team, the bulwark of the. next few years, to play Dana college at a 1ater date. The starting lineup for Peru was: ends, Doughtery, Kellogg; tackles, Hunzeker, McLain; guards, Fisher, Relf; center, Hughes; backs, Kastner, D. Dean, Young and Blair.





a~~d/Evenm in World's






You do it, We'll chalk it up.

[ le_,- - - - - - - - - - - [ The freshie girls just didn't look .!....-----·-------- natural last week-sans make-up. Whoopie-Whee and a couple of Neither did "Bubbles" Hughes taking WDsn't that a humrlinger of his punishment.

yea bo's!

Freshies are a "necessary evil" In the opinion of many people. Initiations are a help Power to our fightin eleven. We'll folEspecially when you hit them below iGw ya down that grassy field co victhe belt. mn» tet's g0! Just who is Randall after-;-Ring, Milstead or the male population at

a tussle on our ol' gridiron last Satm···

day? Zowie! We just can't get over it.

Student: Wbere are you teaching? Oh, yes, Jet's see, that's about three miles from Punkville. Well, do you like it? Yes, I imagine it does seem funuy to have to work' for a change. rm ,lust looking forward to gett.infi a r.well job like yours. Well, see ya lo."

large? Is it authentic that "Hutch" really fell off the slippery slide some nights back? The football fello\vs had better watch out. You know the wasps aren't really ! down there to give them timt certain

er. 'Bye.


New teacher:

'Tis said that the mosquitoes are so \arge on the ath. field that they are banking their wings to get through the

Phew! This is worse

than teachin' !

Etha beth, are shown as they attended the Braemar Highland • 2-James H. Fay, winner of the Democratic nomination In over Rep. John J, O'Connor, last remaining member on President l-,~.ffr·be.afljlfl and bare-chested young men of the Labor Service corps march into spades on their shoulders for the mass demonstration during the Nazi con·

These Were Once Two Crack Trains

Oh, my own little goodnessL Ain't goal posts. it a dirty trick to make Homecoming a Nomination of the week: Phyllis Benson as future Dean of Women and time of year when all the old couples Phyr. Ed. Director. get together? Sorta leaves some of A couple of fellows in a certain house us out in the cold. Gosh, but think were almost killed by "Horse Bites" of the trouble on hand if, two gals tl1e other night. came to see ya,-both of 'em an.::ious Sad but true, "Bob Mason was the to see all the points of interest. 'Pears to me like it 'ud take a purty powerful only man left Wednesday night." Girls beware: "Hot Shot" Montzingo man to cope with that there situation. But I could be wrong. After all Dean is underlining all the girls names in the directory that he has dates with, doesn't live at our house. trying- to set a new record. Well, freshies, you are now vested Pools on the World Series are out with the dignity and importance of a full-fledged college student. 'I'ry to again. Congratulations to those who held numbers 4 and 9 on Wednesday remember how kindly you were treated and be as sparing with next year's and Thursday respectively. See Mcintyre for the perfect imitacrop. tion of Jones and Wheeler conducting Wonder of wonders. Did you ever a class. It is by far the best we have try t-0 get four people in one coupe~ ~een, heard, or dreamed of. Times a wastin' Well, two of our little freshman g8Js Nip and Tuck. • bad the best. time Sunday. Only - i~ t~ EiW.fYGOO on the rot:th : :5'1&! cl' the dorm. was lookin' oct the I - - - - - - - - - - - - window admiring the view-and whatElectric Shoe Shop ta view! Do be discreet girl>. It isn't every day that we find a saxophone J.P. CLARK player and a singer (and company) in North of Skelly Station one small coupe. Phone 109 Music Maestro, Please Keep on a runnin' Wagon Wheels. Keep on a runnin' Wagon Wheels It's not very far, So please take your car. And we'll drink a toast to the Wag·on Wheel.

C. G. KINGSOLVER BARBER Under Barnes' Pharmacy "It pays to Look Well"

'S all and 'S 'nufI.

Two crack passenger trains crashed head-on In the Imperial Valley desert, California, killing 12 and injuring scores. This aerial v:ew of the wreck sprawled in ghastly contortion in. the desert shows the Argonaut, which was en route to Los Angeles. The engine on the right was pulling the Californian.

VI on1en in International Spotlight










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OCT I 21 SET AS DATE -FOR Y CARNIVAL Penny Concessions Offered or ,Students' Enjoyment

Ethel Barrymore Colt Will Appear Here Nov. 8 Jitney Players Will Give

• . 'b .All. c 11 Carni· 'Anderson's "Both Your Houses There ·w111 e .an - o ege The Jitney Players, with an outval, Saturday, October 21. T'nis carstanding cast featuring Ethel Barrynival will be sponsored by the Y. M. c. A. and Y. W. C, A. Admission is more Colt, Douglas Rowland, Pendlefive cents. All concessions will be a penny. Tickets will be on sale Monday daring float periods and will continue to 9e on sale the remainder of the week. Tickets may also be. secured from anyone of the tiqket committee.

ton Harrison, Bettina Cerf and Harrison Gresham, have been booked for a performance of "Both Your Houses," November 8, at 8:00 p. m.

Interspersed with g.ames and dancIng, which will comprise the , largest .prrtion Of the entertainment, there will be special numbers by students. The concession committee inc1udes: ,John Collin, Clara, Dunn and Dorothy

current tour of twelve weeks which takes them into twenty states for a total distance of over eight thousand miles. If he travels the fastest who travels

This season marks the sixteenth anniversary of the Jitney Players having been founded in 1923 by the late BushConcessions will be sponsored by the nell Cheney and his wife, Alice Keatfral;ernities and the various organiza- ing. tions on the campus. The company comes to Peru on their



JOHN NEIHARDT READS Epsilon Pi Tau, National Industrial HIS POETRY AT GONYO. Arts Fraternity held their annual ini-

tiation services last Friday night. Gives Half Hour Recitation Preceding the services the members attended a banquet, which was held Of "Song of the Messiah" In the Mt. Vernon Dining Hall. Tables Although short Of stature, John G. were arranged In the form of a tr!- Neihardt, Poet Laureate of Nebraska, angle, which Is the emblem of the club. ' was full of energy, enthusiasm, and Immediately following the dinner, inspiration as he read part of his lnitatory rituals were performed in great epic, the interlude telling o! the the faculty room unae: the supervision death of Chief Sitting Bull, taken from of Dr. William Werner, professor at the "Song of the Messiah." He also the Ohio State University. Candidates read two other short poems, "Easter" received by the fraternity were Paul and "Let Me Live Out My Years." Blair, George Mort, Joe Vacek, Ernest Sigurd Neihardt, his son, played Galloway, Ben Sheldon and G. H. "Fantasia Impromtu in C Sharp Carter. Minor," by Chopin and "D Major Dr. Werner, founder of the fraterni- Waltz" by Tchaikowsky, on the piano. ty and national secretary, later adDr. Neihardt is a perfectionist. His dressed the meeting. He ctes~ribed the life work has been shaped into :five ETHEL BARRYMORE COLT growth of the moveme!).t in the United sections, each or which he calls a song. States since 1929, its glowing import- These are the titles in their order: and more decrepit, the better he liked ance as an organization and listed the "The Song of the Three Friends;" them. number of chapters in this country. "The Song of Hugh Glass;" "The He became a member of the Dotroit Guests of honor were President W. Song of Judge Smith;" "The Civic Theatre under Jessie Bonstelle. R. Pate, Carl Gernesky and c. H. Car- Song of the Indian Wars·,"" The Song

alone, Ethel Barrymore Colt should go sale of tickets is in far, for this sill!). pr,incess of the thea- This was excellent training and his ter of Thomas Jefferson High School, of the Messiah." All are finished and charge of P.:se McGinnis, Kafa:;~n ter's royal family has chosen as her career prospered. Within a year he Council Bluffs, Iowa, and R. M. Ham- published except the middle one, and Knouse, Mil:iam Ree!, Marvin Schacht medium for attaining stardom not New was offered the position of leading mer, instructor at Abraham Lincoln if nothing happens that will be comand Dea~ Karr. k h h th , is High School, Council Bluffs, Iowa. pleted in less than a year. Yor , w ere er mo er s name man with the Detroit Players. In the Alumni present were R. D. Sillhourn, As a boy he lived with his """'"d still magic; not Ho11 ywood, wh ere fall of 1928 he left Detroit behind him o·- . Prof. V. H'. Jindra, Students uncles John and Lionel add lustre to principal, Auburn Junior High School, parents in western Kansas. Later, his pl"""rs' tro'""' and went to New York to try his luck Araird Stites, instructor, Nebraska City mother, who was a widow and not well t he films, but a trave""" Are Guests of .Auburn Club ..._, ....,~.,,.. i playing one night stands from Port- 00 Broa'.iway. Blancl\e Yurka, recog- High School and Bernard Barisas, in- off, established a home in Wayne, Ne· The Auburn Women's club land to Portland. nizlng his unusual talent;;, engaged structor at Shubert High School. braska, when that town was barely en.terta~ed· ~t Thursday afternoon Douglas Rmd&nd, Mm G'<llt's lead-, him &Sa member of her repertory corn· This chapter of the fraternity is the out of the frontier stage. by Prof. v~ctor .H. Jindra, Monte Jean Ing man. 15 an unusually accomplished pany. For seven years he has been a third one created in the United Stares. The urg.e to express himself in verse Gaines, Marie Chehey, Janet Harris I and ~e young actor. He was born ruember of the Jitney P!ayer:;,,playing Prior to its affiliation in 1932, the In- began at 12, and the early models and Ernest Ulmer. The program Detroit, Michigan, and showed his widely diversified roles, end "critics dustrial Arts honorary fraternity was were volumes of Tennyson and Brownwas: I aptitude for the stage at a very early eveiywhere have slligled him out !or knowned as Kappa Sigma Alpha. Ing bound in paper. This, he says, "Juba Dance" . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Dett age. He made. his. ftnt appearance as sr~al prruse. One searnn he was They were absorbed !nt-0 the national was not a matter of choice, but necesP1ano "The Cheshire cat" in "Allee in Won- with ~ LeGalliene in "L'Alglon," organization and a charter was s!~y, and he got those by saving soap Ernest Ulmfr derland", In the Children's Theatre at both in New York and vu the road granted at Kansas (J!ty. wrappers. :"Mazurka" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mlyns,rsk\ the age of eight. Throughout his early tour. This feason he is agairi as~o- Regillar members that attended At 15, he was reading Virgil in the Violin school years he followed his dramatic elated with the Jitney-Players and will were: Roy ·Lively., Thomas Majors, original. At 30 he took up Greek all Monte Jean Gaines impulses, playing Shakespeare and a be seen here as Solomon Fitzmaurice John Horton, Harold Boatman, Pro- by himself because he had to know "Mountain Echoes" . . . . . . . . . . Andre variety of romantic roles. At seven- In "Both Your Houses." · fessor A. V. Larson, and Professor c. Homer and Aeschylus, "as they really - R. Lindstrom, sponsor. are." 1 · Flute and Vl'olin teen he decided that he was through "Both Your Houses'" is the first Between times he held many posiMonte Jean Gaines and Prof. Jindra with these youthful roles, and began Pulitzer prize-winning play, written by tions. He paid for his schooling by "Concerto" · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Handel playing "character old men", the older Maxwell Anderson. Louise Meier Becomes Viola ringing class bells. H& was a farm Early Elmentary Club Pres. Monte Jean Gaines hand; a marble polisher, a hobo, a "{::ollege May Go to the -Rats," With an occasional· reminiscence of school teacher, a janitor, a lecturer. "Dance of .Reed Flutes"' ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tschaikowsky Says Roving Cub Reporter itaffy-pulls, excursions, and hot choco- He thinks one of his most valuable Flute Trio .......... late parties, Mrs. G. M. Pryor Of Peru gifts has been this habit of knowing Peru State's own Pied Piper, Propeople. Ga!nes, Marie Chehey, Janet Harris spoke on 'Ways o! Making Money," Marie Chehey fessor Robert Schuler, led ye roving A few minutes before he attended a Extravaganza is the word. The all- Monday night, October 10, at the first report~r o1I and down to see the rats, luncheon given In his honor by Sigma. girls' formal is the occasion. November meeting ~his year of the Early Elemen11ne sunny afternoon this week. He led Y. M. C. A. Has Meeting Tau Delta Friday noon, in Mt. Vernon 12 is the date. tary Club. Mrs. Pryor is one of the Dining Hall, he was interviewed. The aims and objectives to be ob- the way, 'way down back stairs to a true Enthusiastic co-eds alias senoritas charter members of the club. At this time, he said that he began talned during the year was the tOiilc den. 'I'here, in all their marernal are planning a Mexican Fiesta for this Preceding the initiation ceremony work on his cycle In 1912, "I got my f discussion at the Y. M. C. A. meet- beauty, were the rats. There were year's fall formal. The college Gym- new o1Iicers for the coming year were Ideas for ,my :first material when I lng Tuesday evening. President Sid- four cages, each housing a "hooded nasium will adopt the southern atmos- elected. They are: Louise Meler, was six years old. It came into my ney Timmons conducted the discussion. hybrid" rat. phere as the rancho. president; Miriam Reel, vice president; mind from stories my rather told me, This formal is open to dorm girls, Shirley Barrett, secretary-treasurer; of things I used to hear from the In· At present there are ten old rats and eight baby rats. The babies are about residence girls, alumni and friends of and Dorothy Ewin, song leader. Miriam dians, and from seeing the Missouri one-half as large as one's little :finger. the college students, and thus, it Is Reel and Margaret Williams were e.p- River. I don't believe in a person gothe first all-girl formal in Peru. It poinred to investigate the possibilities Ing out in search of local color, nor did The adillt tats are white with black TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18,_ 1938 is planned that at least 125 couples of the club selling hosiery on the cam- I say, 'I'm going to write. an epic'; it 8:30 - 9:00 p. m. heads and tails. will participate in the evening's fun. pus. happened conversely. Peru Geron-(Larson, Llbhart, ClifSammy Venice's orchestra will A get-acquainted name game was "I don't think of myself as a wri'"r," ~n, Trively, Bentley, Gabus, stut- Professor Schiller explained that used as a mixer. "" be the feature of the evening. This he went on, "I think of myself as a heit, Steck) rats are exceptionally clean animals group was organized by Omaha Uni<Continued on page 4) Thy Heart So Mild . . . . . . . Brahms and their care Is very simple. Their versity students who boomed to pop- Controversial Train Removal Now is the Month of Maying.... food consists o! pellets, much like illarity at the Chermot ballroom. · Is of Interest to Peruvians · " " · · .......... " .... · .... · Morley those fed to chickens. These pellets Glema Miers is the general manager Charm Me Asleep . . (Suabian Whether or not we shall continue to Folk Song) Arranged by Brahms contain all the vitamin necessary for of the affair and is assisted by the have a train is still a matter of quesTuesday, Oct. 18 a well-balanced diet. A bottle of wa- Gamma Chi and :Dormitory Councils. tion. October 5 the railroad appeared Stardusters' Trio-(Ha!fris, Hazelrer is wired to the side Of the cage with its attorney and officials from Y. M. C. A ................. 7-8 p. m. ton Coa tney) Jmaha &nd Chicago at the State CapYY. W. C. A. · · · · · ........... 7-8 p. m. Goin' Home-Dvorak with a tube reaching down into the Men's Club Officers :to! before the State Ra!lway Com- C. C. A.................... 7-8 p. m. Prayer Perfect-Stenson cage. "They seem to like this method Are Nominated mission, asking that it be allowed to Broadcast · · · · · · · ..... 8:30-9:00 p. m. iolin Solo-Mildred Knoflicek of obtaining water much better than Wednesday, Oct. 19 Two Guitars . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horlick At a meeting of the nominating discontinue the motor from Nebraska Midnight Bells .. Henberger-Kreisler to drink from a pan,'" says Professor committee of the Men's Club Monday, City to Beatrice. Gamma Chi ................ 7-8 p. m. edagogian of the Air . . Ruth Crone Schiller. October 10, candidates for the Club's The railroad stated that it is losing Thursday, Oct. 20 prano Solo-Leora Libhart Some of these rats will be used in the offices were nominated. They are> money on passenger and freight ser- Freshman Clubs ............ 7-8 p. m. Friday, Oct. 21 God Give Me Flower . . . . . Tottehee Physiology and Hygiene class. The Howard Dean and Delbert Nelson for vice. Representatives from all of the The Janitor's Boy . . . . . . . . . . Wolfe main purpose of having the rats Is for president; Leonard Greathouse and towns along the line were present to Football Game at Kearney. Monday, Oct. 24 A Brown Bird Singing ........ Wood use in an experiment Professor Schuler Bert Hall for vice-president and Sev- contest the case on the grounds that eru Geronplans to conduct concerning the pitui- ern Handley and John Mcintyre for they woilld have no such service ex- Kappa Omicron Phi ........ 7-8 p. m. To Maelzel ............. Beethoven tary gland. At the age of twenty-two secretary-treRsurer. The college men cept one freight every other day. The Scholarship ............... 7-8 p. m. Farewell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brahms days the rats reach adulthood and it will cast their votes by ballot. Election State Ra!lway Commission took the Pi Omega Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 p. m. Thy Mouth, Fair Maid, Is a Rose- is then that they will be ready for ex- will be held at separate convocation, cast and will announce a decision Pi Gamma Mu . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 p, m. Monday, October 24. later. Crawdads .................. 7-8 p. m. bud Red .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . Bleck perimentation. Ann Coatney.






Peru Hour



The Peru Pedagogian Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per y€ar. Single copy 5 cents.

Looals, 10 cents per line

"' ......



" •.. It Looked as

ADVERTISING RATES Display 20 centl; per inch.

Mouse Gives Low-down On rneru Broadcast

Editor ....................••••... , •....••._. . • • . . . Ruth Crone Assistant Editor ........ , . , ... , .. , ..... , .. , • , ••• , Stella Rogge Sports Editors ........•. , . , . , , .... Norman Littrell, Bert Hall Florence Martin Adviser .............. ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · M· • ·

if Marx Bros. THE SCOREBOARD You do it, we'll chalk it up

Were on Holiday," He Squeals.

It l].as been predicted within ten - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - years television will be as common as

Say, if you wanted to write poems



Users Favor Installation The new cafeteria is now In full "swing" The hand$ome enuipment of chromium and black, the pastel-topped tables, and the new dishes make hungry students long for meal time. Miss Wright, in charge of the kitchen, prepares the salads, which are very popular with the girls. Miss Hanaford, whom everyone remembers from last year, still has charge of meat and vegetable cookery, while Mr. SMner does the baking. It is very popular as was evidenced by the opinions stated by all of the girls interviewed. Laura Baum: "The selection and foods are swell, but something should be done about the congestion in lines." Kay Samuels: "The best eating place I have seen in a town. of this size." Maxine Galbraith: "I think it's swell, Betty Kathryn Cole: "I, have a but I don't like waiting in line." hard time choosing balanced meals." Susanne Shock: "A great improvement." Eleanor Niemann: "The grandest thing that ever happened to Peru." Wilda Fulton: "After the girls have found out that they can't all eat at the same time, it'll be o. k." Doris Starkebaum: "The best .mashed (Jotatoes."

the five-cent cigar. But 'twill be and couldn't, that would be bad, if you many a year before such things as wit-! wanted to write poems and did-well, nessed by Swiftly, the studio mouse, that would be verse. last Tuesday during the Peru BroadPrayer of a cafeteria lineman: cast, became what one might term, Please give me a chance "common." To start at the head. REPORTERS Edward Arnold Alice DeVore Bernice Doty we were interviewing Swifty around Give me a place; his diggings with Swifty, as usual, talk.- I've earned my bread. D ean Karr· Ell a H urlb urt Clyde Hunt I've worked, and I've slaved Mildred Knoflicek Jean Koeppel Robert Mason ing a lot with his feet up on the trap. On tired aching feet, Wilma Parnell Genevieve Parriott Frank Summers "Well, boys," he squealed, "as long So let me be firstas I'm pressed, I'll talk. We went on the I gotta eat. Mary Lizabeth Werner · ht th! t air last Tuesday ab•Jl; e1g - · r Y, 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ same as usual with Crone coming in If you were broke and couldn't date, puffing and late. GorJon G!lbert 'vas YYou'd probably study too. ON WRITING EDITORIALS fumbling about the microphone-try- I guess ya' can't do both at once · ing out his mi, mi, mi-you know. He Like r tried at first to do. Did you ever try it? It's really quite interesting because it began to ask Prof. Robert Moore about When r saw all these freshie gals, I spruced up my good looks, 1iresents sci many probl~s t{) the one writing ( ?) them. First, putting his voice in a lower register, there is al~ays the diverting problem of trying to find necessary and somebody came b~ck :it.h: "As And now I know from experience . wrlt' g th long as it's a cash register, it might Ya can't mix gals and books. thiugs to do so that one may put 0 ff ' f or ~ sh ort t ime, m .e .not cost his voice so much." Then one editorials with a reasonably clear conscience. Secondly, there is of the fellows on the controls remind- What senior dignitary forgets his i!lway;s• the problem of developing near or far-sightedness so thnt ed them all that money talks. While gentlemanly decorum and calmly · h a reasona bl y cl ear con· all this was happening, about one min - rushes hi~ glrl to ti-ii: dorm door seven one may fail to find the pen and paper wit d t w minutes after qulttin' time? <N!neALUMNI TRAIL science. Thirdly there. is the problem of walking about blind- ut<) before the actual broa C'l. ar- fifteen is the time. in c~se you'd likQ to BY ALICE DEVORE folded on the ca~pus. so that one won't have material to .write ren ~ou~h bega~ ~win,ging, out on that know the hours, Mr. Pres.) /. about' wfth a_. reasonably clear conscience. Fourthly, there is the. class1~. Shorte~m. Bieed. lllmer was Nomination of the week: -------------'problem. of attempting fo prevent the editorial from being a chat- at _the !llano, 3azzmg. her up a bit, Wayne Weare ('36) is home for a ter column which we have failed to do with a reasonably clear while Mr. Benford did a hula at the Bob Halladay as Peru's most strug- month's vacation because of the sugar conscience.' Fifth, there is the problem of cajoling and coaxing p:>nci: sl:'arpener anj Mr. Moore in_ a gllng young man. The affair Is en- beet harvest. He teaches in Windsor, someone to read it and by that time you may well perceive our strR!1ber's hat truci: !J all around tne tirely local. Out$lders b~ware 1 Colorado. •conscience is neith~r reasonable nor very clear. . . "'" m C'ood, sane, seller and hones• Dormitory Theatrica: l\;,ws William Fulton Davenport ('27), But after four weeks we have solved the first problem: We people, too, they are-but that ain't Hit of the week: Mouse produces Peru, and Betty Madeline Lee, Nebraspend the time reading other college editors' editorials, and Jeanne all. They just got ~tarted before the mew version of "Midsummer's Night's ka City, were married September 23. Bate of the Kearney Antelope we think is tops. There's a woman broadcasL. The mmute Ross Russel Scream." Author's note: Mr. Mouse The ceremony was performed by Revsignalled that the Peru Hour was on . the Methodist . --yes, we sa1'd "woman " , a f ter our own h ea rt• . topped any Barrymore performance erend J. Laverne Jay m the air the whole bunch began 1!.gam. · ·•. ' . . . .. MW . ~ou can name, and co-star Beckman parsonage at Auburn. 1 A DEBATABLE PROPOSITION ..SUeh 'Palltomfhe. 'WbDe this fel ::: earrled out sound effects with direct- Superintendent D. H. Weber ('24) of , singing, 'Big Bass_ Viol', the w 0 e ness and precision, as well as volume. Humboldt, writes that he is very well "They've" done it again. Every year about this time, in fact, studio cast was gomg through antics . pleased with Peru teachers. He says " ,, · • helping him reach the low ones. When Suggested Peace Treaty. , . . "they" do it. Then as soon as we read about them domg tt, we Maxine Sherstad was sin in about News had reached us that one Mr. that Alfred Paul ( 38)_ 1s domg fine 'n<1 · m th'ng g as if .McHugh and a guy named HI'tier work in the commercial department a Iso rea d o f a II t·he oth er sch ooI s around us d 01."6 so e I • And her "gondola of dreams" it glooked . · · di d · ·hi · here we sit very calmly very unexc1te y, omg oot ng or very the Marx Brothers were on a post- have been slmglng d1ce over t he 8u- this year. . Last. year he was especially ' , . . , pleased with the results of Virginia little about it, when really there is no very good reason why we man's holiday, the way they went .deten area We re with you. m.tler ol Johnson's ('37) teaching. · · b • splashing around the room And that boy. Somebody has to stick "llth the shouldn't be domg somethmg a out it too. · t u de dog you know Mrs. John Rethmeier visited her · · h d fly that rode up and down on Jane n r- , . What we mean 1s that "they," P1 Kappa Delta, ave announce , . . daughter, Roma Jean, last Sunday. ., h. t' I d b te question through Harris eyelid-it was the left one I , We can take it. Our Peru delegate Mrs. Rethmeir was a sophomore at 1'II b th h t e propositwn t ~ w, .. e h~,1J.na ed a fk . ·g t • think.:...offered 'em a little competlticn. wasn't the Hull show at Nebraska Iu~_the country. on t say, g , t soun s I e a Cl ar sore They didn't know whether to let him City, but a great many of our stoo- P;:~ti!h~:~r::::; ;~~-married to Rayn ian. ·• · ride, be blown to bits if he happened to dunces went in anticipation. What mean, also, is that Maryville to the southeast of us has move a bit, or flit him down. mond Witte, October 5. She attended over twentf on its squ~d, Hastings. to th~ west of u~ has scheduled "You know, boys, that gang of broad- :Not~: Those who couldn't afford an- Peru in 1936. They will live near Una~· debate with an English team which will be held 1ll less than a t k t th t all . th ,_ tic1pat10n went anyway.) dilla, where Mr. Witte is a farmer. . f . d cas ers ep a up evenmg- a, Pe U"ia t he 1 t'f I i mon~h, Kearn~y a httl~ west by northwe~t o us organize ~umer· is, until Russel signalled that they Scores of the week: r ' n eac rs are P en I u n ous squads with captams so long ago we d almost forgotten 1t, and were off the air. Then their faces Phillips Nebraska City. Warren Stephenson 66 the same is true of Chadron to t~e northwest of us, Wayne to the dropped, something in that atmosphere Coryell 70 C'23) is head coach. Others are: Lenn north by northwest of us, and Midland to the north of us. had died ,and they all mournfully Loken ('35), Merrit Whitten ('33), Debate to the north and south of us. D e b ate to the east and west shuffled home. But then and there, I Wanted·· Coffin for sign painter. Mary Ellen Slack (two-year graduate /; V f Deat.h wa/k ed p eru. Can't be read. of '38), and Sarah Jane Whitten, who of us. And into tie alley o made up a resolution, if every Tuesday matriculated in . 1926 What is more she doesn't even have an excellent excuse. She evening is like that one, I'm cornering Did you ever stop to think Dagmar Peterson, who last attendLas a good coach, but he can work with nothing. the market on all the front mouse What gossip columns are for? one ed Peru in the summer Of 1938, has Speaking of I. Q's and heads, we have many elaborately furnish· :holes." Well, this one here has just gone to Hannibal, Missouri, to work. ed apartments on the campus. thought: He shoved several gaily colored handMr. and Mrs. Ralph Thacker were We have personalities. T · th sc re bills toward us. "I'm passing these out o give you guys e o · ~any of us aren't holding a watch, but we still have quite a bit Monday night. I'm figuring on standBatter up! on the campus last Tuesday looking for old friends and viewing the campus. of time on our hands. · 'd I f II d' • .J b ? Ing room. only by seven o'clock. You Mrs. Thacker was formerly Miss Effie Di you ever hear a coup e o co eagues iscussmg a ue ate. k 0 th , th to W A. A G' I They're as excited as any football player ever was while recalling n w, er~' s more an one way \ · • · ir s Austin, music director here from 1909the double reverse so-and-so pulled on X-State. We may be the skin a cat. . Have Many Practices 1912. Mr. Thacker was athletic direc' k'd . . l'k th Of course, you can't believe every- I tor from 1910-1913 goat,. b ut we re not i dmg; it gets one l e at. th' t 11 The walls of the gym echoed wlth · . k 1t · over f or a I'1ttIe wh'l I th • · .<1.. mg a mouse e s you. ---Th m 1 e. n e meantime, you m1i;.ut en· shouts and laughter as the W. A. A. gage in a little debate with your roommate on the proposition Re· ATTENDED KIWANIS CONVENTION girls held daily practices of hit pin MRS. I. DUNNING TELLS solved: Concerning debate, as I fan or louse? I ball The teams have not yet been OF EVERETT'S 999 YEARS Dr. F. E. Ware of the faculty went I · 'd I t k Sports "When I joined Everetts 999 years to Cedar Rap1 s, owa, 1as wee , 1. chosen for • the tournament. • • NOBEL NOMINATION .. t . leader Ard1st Christian reports that at ago," was the topic of Mrs. !nice Dunwh ere he attended the d1s net conven. . . , We admit that the professors have their faults.· Sometimes they tion of Kiwanis International. He least two weeks more of practice will mng s talk to the mem~ers of Eve~ett . • . be held before the tournament takes Literary Society at their first meetmg forget that we are carrying twelve hq11!1S or so besides their course r~ports a large number of representa- lace. last Thursday night in the Music Hall. · N everthe Iess, I'1st en, tives present' and a fine meeting. He P 'Ihe girls have not had their p1cmc . . She welcomed · or th a t we are no t capabl e of ommpresence. the new members and. . th enjoyed the trip very much. I d II £ rea ers, a two o you. W e h eard o f someth mg at happened last yet but hope to have it in the near told about her experience when she week that we are sure was no brilliant exception. future. first entered Everetts. As this little one-act playlet begins we see three students, who The 1938-39 N. Y. A. allotment for Mrs. Emilie Kirk, spensor of Everetts, because of financial reasons, have decided that college for them is Peru High School students is eighteen Superfex Oil Heaters at Dex. Why told about the plans for the year's work, to be no more. Just before the curtains close we preceive a member dollars per month. No s'tudent may experiment.-Adv. after which President Bert Hall welcomof the faculty writing a check that kept that trinity of names from earn more than six dollars per month. ----ed the new members and wished them being scratched off the registration list. · Six students, each to earn three do!- Due to ill health Miss Evelyn Slay- a pleasureable year. But the odd thing about it is no one knows just how it happened Jars per month, have been approved. ton left the Peru campus to recuper- Edna Mae Petersen introduced the -not even the trio. That is, of course, except the faculty member These students will work twelve hours ate at her home in Salem. She will games, after which refreshments of and you and me. each month. ! not return until next semester. dixie cups were served.







Kan Kearney

Watch the Bobcats

rats ate us? I kinda get things mixed, WESTERN ART ASSOCIATION but I swear a fellow with a mustache ASKS FOR PERU EEHIBITS Remember, the Peruvian Puts Ear to Ground said he didn't want me if the rats te ad b Is Your Yearbook "Aw, gee whiz, Ma, won't we ever be ' tified? The fame of the pot ry m e Y THE BOUNCING BALL Monday at convocation you were , ., didn t. Was I mor Peru students has reached the West. By Norman Littrell handed sheets of paper bearing the able to do nothin but crawl? "I know now why there's many a slip ern Arts Association. A request to excaption "Make this 1939 Peruvian Ma Snake wriggled impatiently ,stuck between the library steps and studying. hibit some of the slip-painted pottery at your book!" Remember those, Maybe out her tongue and snapped her tall. Those floors were so slick I nearly the spring meeting has been received FRUIT BASKET UPSET: you threw it. away. Maybe you rushed "You jest listen to what a day of high- doubled back on myself. by Miss Norma Diddel. This Is the Upsets featured this weekend in past without getting one, but most er edjecation done for Junior." " 'S funny how fellows picked up cream-colored bisque ware with the college circles as Wesleyan nosed Kear- likely you read it through and began "Well kids, you know how tired we their feet when I strolled under that red and black design. ney and. Midland downed Wayne. thinking! That sheet was your invita- get of our home work. I've had my ear table. Hey, Ma, can you climb the Unfortunately there is no pottery Wesleyan let the Antelope outplay, tion to share in the planning, building, to the ground for a long time. other rungs of a chair to success? class this semester and work af the out-yard and out-down them, and and buying of the 1939 Peruvian. Start night I was tuned to K. M. A. and I "I told you kids I had a nice figger. class second semester will not be fin· then the Plainsmen came back to win planning now to tell us you expect to heard about a campus o! a thousand }lveryone in the library dropped his ished in time for the exhibit. If there ·6-0. The victory makes it tough for buy one. vie ask for no promise, no oaks · b00ks to look at me · are any students who have had the Peru-Wesleyan gaining ~onfidence and deposit now, only your assurance o! "Next morning I lifted my head, "Things happened so fast the only course and wouJd enjoy making Kearney smarting under an unearned support. looked around and what'ch thing I saw? thing I can remember is flying through 'a piece for this exhibit, please see Miss defeat. The 1939 Peruvian, your yearbook, ls Yes! Columbus ain't got nothin' on the air, 8'.°d I. lit in the grass. I felt Diddel before the last of October. Midland seemed to find itself and announcing a series of contests for the me-only I didn't get my head chopped like bawling-Just no use trying to An opportunity to do some of this took advantage of the breaks to whip best snapshots with a show tl9ket oft' in the end, and he did. I decided amount to. somethin' by pickin' up work wtll also be given students who Wayne 14-12. We feel sorry for Wayne given each week ' for the best picture. t o make a persona1 t our 0 f my ct•-,,,.,overy· some higher learnin' . · have not had pottery making. The '-We lost a game by point after touch- When you send your films to be de"After all, Ma, you can't expect a fe:"Well, if I g?tta be ~ snake in the necessary materials and instruction downs, but then those things are part veloped ,ask for extra prints to be made low to be a sn,ake in the gt·ass all his grass all my life, I might as well get wilJ be furnished by the Art departof the breaks of the game. The defeat of the best pictures. Then simply J'f 1 e. Bes1'des I'm growlng up-aImOSt a at my home work·. which will be posted on the bulletin in this case should hinder Wayne for write your name on the back of snap- foot Jong, and my colors are "in" this "Now don'cha think this 'tongueing' ment. a few games. The Wildcats just can't shots which you think good, and drop season. ls slick? How's about that third loop Art students are being urged to con· understand how the Warriors did' it. them in the mail slot of the college "I slithere d-£ort a sh 0 win' Ou "' t 0 a in my back ' or do You think this sider the organization of a chapter o! KAN KEARNEY: . postoft'lce. Announcements of the good lookin' gal. She didn't see me would give a better line?" Kappa Pi, the national honorary art Peru goes to Kearney this week- prize winners will be posted on the wink. The next thing I knew a siren fraternity. the history between Petu and Kearney Peruvian bulletin board every Monday cut the air. I lifted my head to see Pepsodent Antiseptic, 50c size, 3 for In a letter to Miss Norma Diddel, ls one of bitter rivalry. : Pei:u reams immediately after convocation. where the fire was and found that the 51c at Hill's Drug Store.-Adv Miss Marie Ryan, national organizer spanked Kearney for years; .then Peru's C . I T girl was screaming. I see now why terested students may read the letter d p Klein om, owa, earn ART CLUB 1 star began to fade an °~_.t . Outweighs Peru Prepsters they call 'em sirens. -ur ·at..om s!ln lapisuoo a1sno1las siua mounted a rising Kearney "'.11'elope. Bucking a squad much more weigh- "I was so dislllu.sioned_ I forgot my- Art Club held a meeting last Thurs- -pn~s Illild ~1llj'.) PB}f!ro 'kI 'Bdd'!!X lOJ Pop became famous for · hi~ end ty than themselves, the Preps' grids· self, Ma, and stuck out my tongue at day night in L 301. Officers were elect- board in the Art department. sweeps-and disfamous for. his 59-0 ters did well to hold the Iowa plmigers her. Then I got goosepimples up and ed as follows: president, Lucille Duey; victory over Peru in 1936. Iq ·1937 his to a 7 to O: score last Friday afianOon. down my back. Didn't go bad with my vice president, Edith Wright; and sec- Page & Shaw Box candy, 25c to team handed the Bobcats a 13"0 lick- The game was played at Cain. Iowa. color scheme-sorta polka dot effect. retary~treasurer, Lorraine Ulmer. $2.00 at Hill's Drug Store.-Adv ing-but this is 1938 and the ~beats ~ lack Of ~ on the part The reason I got 'em was something The group decided to use as their 1 are on the glory trail. ·' ·1 of the ~ fi.\S· the dominating grabbed me by the nap of the . neck. first objective the problem of block Ex-governor and Mrs. John H. More: Par!ick and Morrow of ~arner. factor .in the ~ tor Coin," states Honest Ma, I just had to stick out my printing. Some landscapes were head were campus visitors Friday. should offer Peruvians who attend tte!eoocll Berl Hall. t-Ongue again and squirm too. drawn for this purpose. Mrs. Morehead was formerly Minnie game plenty of bigh chm ~-! The game with Nebraska·Oity will be "Didja say, Ma that we ate rats or Student advisor is Rita Russell and Weisenreider who attended school in Peru's line will out·play Kearney s pla~ under lights at 8 p. m. at Peru Revlon Natl Polish, all new shades the faculty advisor 1s Miss Nonna Peru in 1884. Mr. Morehead also at,!ne-so the Antelopes will Pfobably this Friday night. Coach ~all is ex- at Hill's.-Adv Diddel. tended institute here. try loping around ends and tossin.g pecting an improved team to m a r c h - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - passes. In our opmion, this game. is 'out on the field at this game. 'I'he Newith Peru's ends and backs, they are braska City game will evidently be a i!(llllllllllllllA~"llll~~v-11111111.1.. ~ gaining experience and improving- .tough tussel, for Nebraska City was 'the question is, "Are they ready to beaten by Peru last year. square accounts with Kearney?" Snake in Grass




TOM MAJORS "OUR GANG" MEETS Tommy Majors of Peru will be acting captain when the Bobcats tangle ·A very pleasant meeting of the girls with Kearney. Coach Wheeler says of "OUr Gang" of the high school that Tommy's injury kept him out of class of last spring was held Sunday early play, but now he is coming afternoon at the Jewel Good home. around in good shape. As Tommy is These girls have ·been together, most a crowd favorite, we believe fans will of them up through the lower grades agree with Coach AI-Tommy is going and high school and have had many now and the team ls going with him good times together. Most of them for a victory over Kearney. are still in school here. Those present PREP BOBIU'l'TENS . were Marion Thomas, Betty Ann The Bobkittens having tough Dasher, Nancy Ellen Jones, Corinne luck. They. are a bunch of small Whitfield, Jean Koeppel, Joan Good!d, game fighters-give them your sup- Janet Harris, of Per•J, Ruth Me . ey, ort. You may see them defeated, but Omaha, Burtis McMahon, Lincoln Pou won't see Bert's boys outgamed. and_ Dorothy Blythe Bath, who lives Y south of Peru. Mrs. Good served dePERU TACKLES · liclous refreshments or tee cream and 61-Delbert "Speck" Nelson-Speck cake. came to Pel'u from the sidewalks of JUiian. He had never played football, Films developed, enlargement free, but soon learned to shove his 220 free, 25c, at Hill's Drug Store.-Adv pounds around in approved fashion. \This is Speck's last chance-keep an eye on him. If he played like he did NEW ROAD NEARS COMPLETION against Midland-then the Bobcats No longer will Peruvians have to travel a narrow graveled road of hills, are tops ! ! 62-Lester "Mose" Mosley-red-head- thrills and possible spills to return to ed tackle from Ong ls the answer to a their dear Alma Mater. For unless coach's dream. Mose ls getting to get some unexpected determent should ocinto conference team's hair-first he cur, the new oiled highway will be tackles them, then he flicks a few bas- completed this week. kets and he ends up the· year with a The distracting whir of machinery will no more disturb the concentration . little track. 71-Wilson McLain, is an Auburn of Peru's ardent students. Nor will the boy, who had never played football till he came to Peru. Mac blocked Midland's try for point and he looks like tops for next year. 60-Ross Organ from Edgar is another promising tackle. Experience is all that is lacking and he is getting that this year. the motorists pleasure. ~ Let's help the Bobcat squad KAN At last the seemingly never-ending KEARNEY ANTELOPE MEAT this task of road building is nearing com- ~ pletion. Peru will have a much im- ~ week. proved outlet to the state highway ~: Box Stationery, lOc up, at Hill's and, it is hoped, a better inlet for ~ young people to come to Peru. Drug Store.-Adv ~~




New Low Price

~ ~







~ ~ Leading Magazine Subscription



~ ~

I ~~

Subscriptions on any newspaper ~ ~;1~~E?:Z:: ~ or magazine taken - you save money. ~ :~~;:'"!":.r=i~~ ~ JACK BROWN, Phone .140 ~ ~ ~ Peru Poi'nter, Peru, Nebr. ~






THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN N. Y. A. AIDS PERUVIANS PHILOMATHEAN SOCIETY A business meeting for old members People talking on the campus, was called following the social hour. chairs scrapping in the neighborln!;: Eighty-six Peruvians receive N. Y. HAS HILARIO US PARTY Officm elected f0r the fht semester JOHN NEIHARDT READS classroom, students scuffiing In the A. monthly allotments ranging from are: -.iesident, Vi;ginia 'I'rivcly; vice HIS POETRY AT CONVO. 1 h Ye-o-o-ow! Fiendish LeRoy Redfern hall-al! these were forgotten as e six to fifteen dollars each. . . president Mai-:ine Pershing; secretary, · t'im to his !1st of Gale Carter; ' I am with writers, I feel .~earned forward. "What makes me Wh This makes a total of $600 paid each had added ano ther v1c treasurer, Faye Bouse; maker en . Id · th 1 1 · You get what 1 mean, wost willing to be in this wor is e month by the federal government murdered. This time it was a oya :;ind serge::mt-at-arms, William Ring . .no kinship. 'otherness' of things. I think thlt ·through Peru State Teachers College. Philomathean attacked in the darkened The members voted to have a booth don't you?" (awareness or achievement of universal ,students receiving such aid are classi- east room of the Music Hall. Speedy at the Y. M -Y. w. Carnival. Car"Yes. Mr. Neihardt, do you keep consciousness) is the highest-more fled under one of the eight various . . dm' ·stered to the ner- ter Johnson, Elizabeth Glosser, Rita t 't ?" than writing a masterpiece-and the departments in which they work: <D Justice was a mi _ Russell and John Collin were appointregular hours o wn e. fl" . young man who was probab1y "Oh, yes! From eight to eleven- rarest." Clerical work in the college o JCe, m vous . ed to serve as the committee to detert ~ollege departments, for the entertainillegally sentenced to serve lOO year:; m thirty ·in the morning. I dread wri t ti b th case detective mine the type of booth and to plan for ment committee, extension depart- the. peni en ary Y e . . re~ ing after lunch." FROSH. START ACTIVITY ment and for the Dean of Women, (2) This was all part of the hilarious P 1 The Girl Scouts played baseball in "Do you have any pet peeves?" WITH PARTY, MEETINGS construction (apparatus and equip- initiatory meeting. Of the PhHornothean the Junior High Auditorium Friday "No' I believe that a poet is like any t h ment) for industrial and other de- Literary Society Thursday evemng. . I f t he should be a The date for the freshman par Y -as 'th littl help evening at seven. In place of throwother man. n ac , . November 5 Committees partments (3) departmental service Elizabeth Glosser, WI a e little above personal idiosyncrasies." been set for . la t (classroo~ assistance, bibliographies from absent-minded Professor Ruth ing a ball, the pitcher asked questions have been selected from the c ss a . . t . . d the highest score m concerning first aid and scout laws. '!We understand that when you large. General arrangements are in and assisting supervisors m the tram- Su orms, receive Scout Mistress Alice DeVore acted as were here before, your son gave an charge of Nancy Ellen Jones and her ing school), (4) ground and building the number test. umpire. hour's program of classical music, but assistants. Madonna Adee and Ross maintenance, (5) art <work in art, Rose McGinnis, Ernest Brod, FredThe one o'clock high school study that he wanted to be an aviator_ Has Monzingo. Theodore Graves, Eldon music, and dr.amatics departments), (6) erick Gebers, Elvera Schact and an hall listened to a broadcast by Roy he ch-?" Clark, Dorothy Ewin, Nadine Naeve laboratory assistance, (7) recreation anonymous young man won the valu"Oh, y'es, indeed. He is wrapped up Edward Reynolds are on the decora- (intramural sports and playground able pictures of George Washington 'Chapman Andrews, archaeologist. His ifi his. music. He has studied under tion committee. Corrine Whitfield, work), (8) miscellaneous, given as prizes in the hand-shaking topic was "New Horizons." some very ~amous teachers. Yes, Joan Good, Bob Ashton, Harold DalRequirements for students to keep marathon. Certain members of t!~e Friday afternoon Professor Calvin Bi!j,.Ur~ plays very well." Jam and Herbert Knutson are in their work are that they maintain at club were heard to confess t Reed, Bill Chapin ancJ_ the eighth grade "Whom do you consider the most out- charge of the refreshments. Plans for least a grade of c, and that they must the pictures were somewhat sticky and abandrmed their school work and went standmg poet in America, today, Mr. the program will be ma de bY Chai'r - carry three-fourths of a normal col- were inclined to adhere to the p11.lm of on a picnic. The plan was to mix pleasure with business and · organize Neiharll~?" '.. man Maryon Thomas and Floyd Sch- lege load. the hand. , "All of them are lyric poets, minor nert and Lililian Boz. carter Johnson told the new mem the class. But pleasure seemed to · poets_ Npw I don't mean that in a debers about the club and Miss Pear1 take all the time. rog.atory sense," he quickly added, PERU PLAY~S WAGON TONGUE Kenton gave a brief history. Mis s "but in ,,p.' descriptive one. You see we A group of 80 people met In the auKenton stated that while Philo wa s are living in a period of breakdown ditorium last Thursday night to disThe Juli after Homecoming and be- once a debating and dramatic society Pheasant collectors at Dex. Buy ' Kleen-Bore Ammunition.-Adv and poetry is an outcome of that cuss plans for Peru Players. Officers ~ween teachers' convention may be it ls now a social organization. social' and· economic breakdown. As elected were: President, Nancy Ellen worse than that b"'ween ThanksgivElizabeth Glosser served dixie cups a result dictatorships are inevitable. I Jones; vice president, Bill Boy.er; sec- ing and Christmas '"if possible. and ' after the program. lli C h (JIJI..>IJI..;!..>I-.iQvI-.JI.;IJI.;IJI.;IvI.JI0I.JI0J0~JI.;I0I,) woi,.'t fight them." retary, Mary Elizabet o n; For further infonnation concerning ----(Continued from page


"You won't?"

treasurer, Janet Harris. 0


the little brown dog, consult Eleanor

"~~· r~:~'tr~~eist;~~: t~e~~:~:; th: ::~~PD~x:i~~~:~ fa~~!:a~d;r::c~! Ni::~· has


.... You get what I mean, don't you?" "Yes." And he ·Was gone. Mr. Neihardt gave a talk on "What is Poetry?" at one o'clock in Prof:essor G. W. Smith's class, which was attended by many others, not students. After opening with the remark that

to be completed this year. A make_-up box and new one-act plays exclusively for Peru Player's have been p~rchased. Classes in make-up, a~tmg and choral reading will be orgamzed. Professor Moore furi11er stated that at the end of every play given within the group, judgment will be m!.de as to its'





IC~~::z~;:~~=ct~':'D;~--;::I ~ PARTY SUPPLIES \,A

blouse got that no other blouse on the campus has? ~ Dear, dear, th1nk of knowing two princesses at the Apple Festival-Margie Hull and Phyllis Burke, who was ~ here last year. We hear that they are running a ~~ full-fledged dating bureau at the Reiff



tions, and ideas, faster and_.faster, in terse sentences, iUilstrating his remarks with pantomine. "Essentially poetry is not a literary form; it is a psychological way of looking at the world. Science is the opposite; science deals with fact." Going more into details, he said: "There are different levels of awareness . . .. The world as we experience

Cooperating with Professor Moore and the group leaders in planning the-' organization is Mary Lizabeth Werner who acts as student advisor of the entire organization. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served. KODAK CLUB Twelve members were present at the first meeting of the Kodak_ Club Thurs-

I(?) authority (?) Fonnula for being a football star: No wine, women, nor song. Example: Lester Andrew Mosley. Did Chinnock really work at Safeway's, or is his bush coat an honestto-goodness mail-order job? What is this world coming to? The



~ ~ M. · C. · MEDLEY "

Hollowee'n Napkins Doilies Cards




Masks Crepe paper for Decorations






C. G. KINGSOLVER BARBER Under Barnes' Pharmacy


"It pays to Look Well"

,1: -~



Gale Carter, Frank Summers, Carter Johnson, Horac!l Rzchak, Dean Karr and Thomas Chinnock, then turned the bui1ding into. a beehive Of activity. It was decided that each group leader will present two sketches from famous plays at the next !Jleeting of the club.



true statement, "You should be a Upperclass group leaders, Phyllis the dormitory last Tuesday about nine ~~:::-3"~2'~":'.Xt~;;;::::;;;~~: :J ~ human being-as good as one as pos- Benson, Lois Jackel, µan Olive Rich- forty-five p. m? sible-before you tell the world any- ardson, Arqist Cl'µ1stian, Glema Miers, What lab. assistant gloats over his l:'.K~;;JI~1.:i~".:~CTC-~TC~~~:~::~-,. thing." "Now let's .get at it this way," he said, as he drew up a chair and put one foot on it, "What would YOU say that poetry ls?" After a little discussion, he preceded to give an impromptu talk for fortyfive minutes,.giving philosophy, defini-




he had dealt with poetry for forty- merits and the best one .will be given House now. five years, he made the philosophically some suitable award. Was that a skunk that walked by


Sorvioo With a Smile





FLOWED11~1 )(

sI i

Flowers for all


JAMES BROS. Modern Barber Shop Your patronage appreciated HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY








We Grow Our Own





The Mardis Store

library is so full of freshmen, the upper mugs have to study in the park. Ross Organ studied one night last Nebraska City, Nebr. week-Alice was at Sigma Tau. "A Mighty Good Place to Trade'' Was it Sweeney or one of his stud- :~~~c7C:r~;,~-::r~~---;:~-----"""'"'''-" '".:'iEJ -ents that fell asleep in his class the other day? Electric Shoe Shop Be with you next week, Nip and Tuck DR. GLEN H. JODER J.P. CLARK North of Skelly Station Surgeon and Physician it is subjective." day night. Plans were completed for Dux at Dex. Get 'em with WinPhone 109 Milstead Corner Paving the way, giving his definition, the construction of a printing box. chester sheels.-Adv Res. 39 Phone Office 33 and expanding upon it, he spoke more Fach member was called upon to deand more energetically, "In any poeti.; scribe his camera, experience in the Y. W. C. A. Begins state; self is lost .... Poetry is a way field of photography and what type of H.C.DALLAM Many Activities for Year f)lF,g;lfilll!lllJllllllllllllllllllllllll!lll!llli]J-;(1~[fil_'lfoo,r,'r;_11:!; of achieving a wider awareness of this programs he would prefer _ to h.ave BALLROOM DANCING world, man's relation to it, to each during the year. The Y. W. C. A. spent the major porDENTIST other, and to the cosmos ... I have Robert Shuler, faculty ad,visor of tion of their meeting l,ast Tuesday All the latest steps PHONE 32 PERU never seen a crowd, rough-neck or the club, gave a short talk on the ·d!f- evening discussing the All-College Carsophisticate, that won't sit an hour ferent fields of photography. nlval. : ,,,. listening w poetry. Poetry doesn't CRAWDADS Y. W. pins are being ordered by -at least thirty girls. The pins can be ob- ~·~ '·.:i.~ ~~~ ::~q:;,,~lf-~'f Preach; it doesn't preach at all. Poetry Reasonable Rates ~ "It Pays to Look W e II" as you hear it is philosophy singing." Crawdad Club met Monday night in tained with or without the guards. it ~ [g] He then told of an incident when an the Gym pool with twenty members A committee of five, with Genevieve ~ The Old Reliable Barber Shop acquaintance said, "Are you a socia- present. Eugene Andrews is the Parriott as chairman, is responsible for it Where you always get the BEST r. [if Gilbert Purucker ~ i:,\ upperclass sponsor of the club and Mr. th e curt ame · d cozmess · Under Dr. Joder's on-ice list or a communist?" of ·th e YW . . room ~ \ ~ ~: .i:: The new curt ams · received · t heir first Jr WM 106 Park Avenue Mr. Neihardt replied: "My friend, r, Arthur Jones is the faculty advisor. · • THOMAS



~~ ~~



':.':::=r-~·~':'~~;.~':~~-=-~~~ i

hate to have you call me -names. I am


service at the Alumni Y. Breakfast dur-

"I don't llkE) to write, and I never did. It's kind of a slow dying to finish one of these things, but you love it." He said that he had lived near the Indians for thirty-seven years, told how he had received the name, Flaming Rainbow, and of when he, his son,

visor, Mrs. B. K. Baker last Thursday evening. A group discussion . . was held in wh'ich each member gave oral reports as to the extent of their reading and writing accomplishments. Mrs. Baker concluded the meeting

mission activities this year. The Fe!lowship group made treasure maps in order to steer a stra1'ght course to the1·r goals. The appreciation of fine arts group is divided into three divisions: Drama, Music, and Art. Next Tuesday evenl.ng, the Mus1·c un1't w1·11 have the

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reven!.een days of which Black Hawk to typing, form and other necessary in view of this season's forthcoming PERU LUMBER CO. had spent relating his vision. essentials. Saturday afternoon radio operas. ~-'~'W'ffT?'fi'1!11&':r~~llf?'~ ~~lZ·~~~




Peru Graduate of '14 Appointed Yesterday


Ted Shawn'a Dancer~ Appear Here Nov. 12




·MEN'S CLUB '38-'39

T·ed Shawn and his men dancers Over 100 girls attended the Gamma vrill present, "O, Libertal", an Amni- Chi meeting held in the Music Hall can Saga in three acts, in the College last Wednesday evening. Hazel BuchJ. Mcintyre Elected Auditorium, Saturday, November 19. anan introduced a new variation to Secretary·Treasurer This internationally known group of the game, "Going to Jerurnlem", by At a separate' convocation held Mondancers has been upon the Peru cam- having each unsuccessful girl ten· her day, October 24, Delbert Nelson, Bert pus before. However, such is the cali- name and rooming address. Hall and Jack Mcintyre were elected bre o,f their dancing that to see some The last half of the hour was spent of it again is a privilege for any dance to the Men's Club positions of presiIn dancing and playing jackstraws. lover. No other dancer of his generdent, vice president, and secretaryPartners for the dancing were obtaintreasurer respectively. ation has approached Mr. Shawn in ed by the circle-dance method; outhis ability to be steadily interesting of-dorm girls forming the inner circle to the public. Year after year he has and dorm girls, the outer. Eleanor come back bringing an art which has I continuously grown and has remained Nieman played for the dancing.

Fflls Vacancy Left By Dean Delzell I

burg and Auburn, instructor for three summers at Peru State, assistant and At. a meeting of the State Board in instructor at the University of NeLincoln yesterday J. A. Jimerson, pres- braska, and commander for two years ent Superintendent of Schools 9,t Au- of the Second Training Group at Camp burn, was elected Dean of Men at ·Peru Dodge, Iowa. He is a member of four educational State Teachers College to fill the va-

completely fresh. This in itself is amazing. He has dedicated himself utterly to his vocation. Mr. Shawn's men are kept at the highest degree of physical fitness. In the periOd of training they spend a long morning of practice. In the afternoons they perfcrm the laborious chores provided for them: Chopping and sawing wood, repairing roads, pillng stone and repairing and mending costumes and props. TJJ;s is done in the early afternoon and is followed by another practice in the studio. All , this is required so that the men will be in condition to perform the movements of the dances. Jess Meeker composes all the music.




SCORES BIG SUCCESS Sheldon and Cordell Crowned I\.ing, Queen

J. A. JUvIBRSON cancy left by the retir.ement of Dea!> organizations, National Education Ail.Emeritus Delzell. sociation, Nebraska state Teachers Mr. Jimerson has completed all the Association, American Association of work for a degree of Doctor of Philo- School Administrators, Phi Delta K?,p~ sophy at the University of Nebraska pa, and is active in Kiwai;is and Amerincluding residence ~ours, language. ican Legion. requirements in French and German, His popularity is proved by the numexaminations in the major field of be.r of major offices he has held. M~ny School Admin!stration and the minor, of these are state positions and a list Educational Psychology. He has the of them shows the great diversity of research completed, the material as- his interests: President, District Null".sembled for his dessertation and ex- ber Two, N. S. T. A.; vice president, N. pects to receive his degree in January, s. T. A.; president, Auburn Kiwanis; 1939. ch~,irn:an, Nemaha County American Before this work he received his A. r:ed Cross; Maj;;r Infantry Reserves; B. from Peru, his M. A. from the Un.i- vice p:·esident, Nebrnska Wild Lif~ versity of Nebraska and attended co- Association; me!l".ber of Planning Comlum:bia ·University one summer. 1 mission; chairman, of the Mai)or ComHe is well qualified for the· position mittee on Public Relations; and presifrom the standpoint of experience. dent, Nebraska Schooimasters' Chb. Besides having taught in rural and Mr. Jimerson has two children. The village ·communities, he has been a olifer, Meredith, is a freshman at Peru. h,!gh school principal, superintendent ,of ;chools at Shelby, Edgar, Stroms- Y. •W. C. A. Commissions


DELBERT' NELSON All the officers are outstanding football players. Delbert Nelson is a 200pound tackle from Lincoln who ls also Monte Jean Gaines gave four vio- vice pres1'de.nt of P Club, men's athlin selections at convocation Friday, leti'c 0·rgani'zati'on. October 21. The numbers were: "Ca~ vatina", by Raff, "Orientale" by Cui, "Sun of the Puszta", by Bela, and "Mazurka" by Mlynarcki. The last was her encore.

Marie Chehey Plays Piano Accompaniment


1fiss Gaines has spent three years practicing two of these selections. Marie Chehey, Miss Gaines' roommate at Eliza Morgan Hall, accompanied her on the piano. Rev. B. c. Parnell began the devotionals with this line, ''Some people forget we are working with God." He read a portion of "Stradivarius" ·by . George Eliott, before closing with a

BERT.HALL Bert Hall, co-sports editor of the Pedagogian, fulfills a major campus position as coach of the Training School. He is also ' president of the Everett Literary Society.

Confetti, crowns, candy and crowds 'prayer. were prevalent at the Y. M. c. A. and Miss Gaines is to be commended on KAPPA DELTA PI Y. W. c. A. All-College Carnival which the variety of her selections, her tech- INITIATES STUDENTS

was held in the Music Hall Saturday nical cleanness, accuracy in presentaTen new members were initiated innight, October 22. Geraldine Cordell tion and her good sfa,ge presence. to Kappa Delta Pi Monday, October and Benny Sheldon were crowned Before Miss Gaines was interviewed 17, at eight o'clock in the Music Hall. King and Queen. we believed that there were a few girls They were: Clara Bright, Ernest Brod, Concessions and dancing were the in the United States who were indiff- Ruth Crone, Alice Devore, Leora Libchief attractions. The concessions erent to Robert Taylor, but we never hart, Patricia Lundy, Calvin Reed, 'Were sponsored by various organlza- expected to find one at Peru. Howev- ]\1arvin Schacht, Russell Sommers tions. Kappa Omicron Phi made er, .this exception is true of Monte and Virginia Trively. candy which they sold from a table Jean Gaines. Following the initiation service Clara 'decorated with imitation red and white Miss Gaines attended grade school Dunn and Alice Ulbrick gave the hiscanes. Early Elementary Club held in Peru and high school at Curtis. She tory of Kappa Delta Pi. Programs for ·open house in a tiny booth called the has been intensely interested in music the year were distributed. The top!c .Curiosity Shop. almost since her primary days. When for this year's study is "Educational The Bingo stand y.ras in charge of she was a junior in high school she Problems of r1e.bra&ka." 'the Philomatheans, and a Gamma Chi met Marie Chehey, another student of During the business meeting plans member told fortunes. Novelties and musie. They became, and still are, were started for a luncheon after the ·hot dogs were sold by the Y. W. and very good friends. They both won Kappa Delta Pi convention, the Friday the Y. M. . music scholarships to Bethany College of Education Week. This year's reA telegraph set used to send greet- at Lindsborg, Kansas. gional convention was also discussed. ings to friends within the hall was one Monte Jean achieved superior rating of the most prominent activities. at the National Music Contest at Dancing played a big· part in arousCleveland, Ohio, in 1936, after, of ing the carnival spirit. Half the audiTuesday, October 25, 1938 course, having won district and state torium and the west room were used 8:30-9:00 p. m. meets. for the dance. Multi-colored streamshe doesn't wish to teach music, Trumpet Solo . . . . . . . . LeRoy Redfern Have Wagoner in Charge ers were hung May-pole fashion to although her aims are purely prof es- Stars in a Velvety Sky.. . . . . Clarke the walls. The Y. W. C. A. meeting last Tuessional. She does not confine her ef- Gypsy Love Song . . . . . . . . Herbert day night was in charge of Musa Wag- After the crowning of Geraldine forts entirely to violin as she also plays (From "The Fortune Teller") Tuesday, October 25 oner. The group sang hymns and was Cordell and Benny Sheldon, a fioor the viola, bassoon, flute, piccolo and Musical Readings ........... . Y. W. C. A. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 7-8 p. m. entertained by a saxaphone solo by show was announced. Lawrence Freude saxaphone with almost equal perfecProfessor Robert D. Moore Y. M. C. A. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 7-8 p. m. June Modlin. Leora Libhart conduct- played two selections on his accordian. tion. Tenor Solo . . . . . . . . . . . . Burton Evans The Stardusters' Trio sang "Dinah" J.ttending Peru is rather a tradition Thou Art So Like a Flower .... C. C. A................... 7-8 p. m. ed the business meeting. 3 9 3 Broadcast .............. : o- p. m. A major portion of the evening was and "Music, Maestro, Please," as ar- with tl:e Gaines family. Besides havShumann ranged by Marjorie Harris. ing brothers and sisters in college The (~: een-Eyed Dragon ..... . Wednesday, October 26 · spent with work in the commissions. here before her, preceding her marNeumann-Charl~s Table Rock at Peru Prep, football The Creative Leisure unit, under the riage Miss Gaines' mother attended Morning .................... Speaks direction of Dorothy Ann Coatney, Rev. B. Parnell Stirs game. school at Peru State. Pedag·ogian of the Air .. Ruth Crone knitted and weaved. Katharine Bart- Y. M. C. A. with Talk Thursday, October 27 Last Tuesday evening at seven o'Miss Gaines' favorite sport is swimBaritone Solo . . . . . . Gordon Gilbert N. s. T. A. Recess .... October 27 _30 . ling headed the music division of the Fine Arts Commission, which spent clock the Y. M. C. A. held a meeting ming and her favorite pastime is read-1 The Wreck of the Julie Plante .... O'Hara Friday, October 28 the evening listening to opera records. in the Music Hall at which Reverend ing. She thinks the cafeteria is a good Wayne at Wayne. Laura Baum read a review of the play, B. F. Parnell talked on, "Christian thing and that an ice cream soda has Without a Song . . . . . . . . . Youmans A its good points. She likes to listen to Piano Duo . . . . Eleanor Neiman and Monday, October 31. "Beyond the Horizon", by Eugene Principles in the Aflsociation." Marjorie Prine Crawdads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 p. m. O'Neill, for the drama section. Wilma brief discussion was also held con- a good symphony orchestra on the Kappa Phi ............ 6:3G-9 p. m. IParnell led a discussion in the fellow- cerning aims and objectives of the Y. radio and cares very little for Gracie La Carillon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rlnguet M. C. A. Allen. (Polka Brillante) Scholarship Club . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 p. m. ship group.



Peru Hour


The Peru Pedagogian Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peni, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 centli.

Homeland Discussed By Peru Freshman

Locals, 10 cents per line

STAFF Editor ..................... , , • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . Ruth Crone Assistant Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • . • . . Stella Rogge Sports Editors ........ , ........... Norman Littrell, Bert H~ll Advi;er .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . M. Florence Martm REPORTERS Alice DeVore Edward Arnold Ella Hurlburt Clyde Hunt Jean Koeppel Mildred Knoflicek Wil_ma Parnell Genevieve Parriott Mary Lizabeth Werner

Bernice Doty Dean Karr Robert Mason Frank Summers


MIDWESTERN MERIT Two summers ago a clerk in a small midwestern town drug h h d store heard a caricature of a dried apple, whic was perc e pre· ' ously'·on a stool ask for a tutti-frutti ice cream cone. The Carl k d . dissimilarity jangled in his mind. Substanti.al business. men as c for vanilla children for chocolate, and frivolous society women I.1atightily r~quested tutti-frutti. The idea came to him like moon· light through a keyhole. A woman, upon w h om a d ress h ung as though it were on a rag doll, 'and the heels of whose shoes w~re Whl'ttled until she looked almost bow-legged, was not the sort of Ill· . . •f • • · dividual to ask for somethmg as bizarre. as tutti· rmttl ice cream. Perhaps there l's someth1°n 56 to' .what Anderson 56 1'ggl1'ng h1'nts be• , h' "D k L h ,, ti t th hind lightly hand-covered lips m is ar • aug ter - ia ere may be a mutual drawing together of two unknown people. Any. way before many minutes had passed he had heard of her dreams, her bopes and her~ ambitions-all vanished now in a dusty cloud. l\.s she licked the ice cream from the edge of the cone, she told of how· she and her husband had diligentiy struggled with their fields · 'l fl · J'k h L'ttl for twent:rfive years now to fmd that s01 hymg away 1 ekt e £1· e Lame Prince's carpet. As she clutched at t e counter to eep .tom · l1°pp1°nd from th, tool, ~. he excitedlv sfated that all her relatives ' !" , ., · • 'th b 'ldi £ th • £ and friends were choked with dust; e w. Dgs o . e1r a~s were covered with it; the wheels of their businesses clogged by it; · And h ' their throats parc~ed because o f ~t. er s was too. .. In only three thmgs had she faith: The hope that the fertility. of their land would return, the future of her son, and a few poppies that bloomed by her fence. As that clerk saw her get into a car that resembled more a mhtch ha h box on spools, the thought flitted through his mind t t t ere were millions of other pe""'le that were in exactly her situation. 0


came seriously ill a week ago last Saturday. Mrs. Dunning, Mrs. Marsh and Elizabeth GJ035er WPnt to see him at the Shenandoah Hospital.

He had been operated on for appendicitis but after the incision was made, it was discovered that a knotAmerica. From Chicago they went to ted intestine and gangrene were the Omaha where they now live. real causes of his illness. His condition The food was very different from i; slowly improving. that to which they were accustomed. 'I'hey thought bread was cake and considered it extravagant to have it Larson, ·weber Depart every day. For Press Cr,nvention "We couldn't get used to drinking Helen Margaret Larson and Robert as you. We drank wine here. It was Weber are planning to attend the prohibition too. You Americans can't ,Collegiate Press Association Gonvendrink wine like the Italians; a couple tion held at Cincinriati, Ohio, Novemof drinks and you're crazy·" ber 3, 4, arid 5. This convention is a The family cam€ to America in 1928, t· d thr d mee mg an a ee- ay course m before the new immigration law, so publication of collegiate yearbooks, because her father was an Ameri9an newspapers and magazines. MoJ\e than citizen, Lillian automatically became 500 delegates representing 150 schools one too. met in Chicago last year for the conWhen asked if she would like to go vention. back to Italy to live, Lillian answered, The convention is sponsored by the "Not forever. America has bound me University of Cincinnati. Speakers with hoops of steel. There is somewill include E. Ross Bartley, former thing you can't get away from, some Associated Pnss correspondBnt at the great attraction." White House and former secretary to Vice President Dawes, and Raymond Clappe:·, who is a Washington columnist. ! ALUMNI TRAIL The guests at this convention will BY ALICE DEVORE be shown the city of Cincinnat~ and )_ attend a banquet and a dance. They -------------' In a full column writeup, the Oma- also will be guests at the University ha world-Herald praises the coaching 'of Cincinnati-Ohio Wesleyan football b l t B km Mi L d Mr w b results secured y He mu roe an game. ss arson an . e er ('30). An excerpt reads: "The answer will !Bave 'I'uesday evening, November to the long winning streak of the Ord, 1, and will return Sunday, November Nebraska, football teams is the coach, 6. Helmut Brockman. This is his fifth year at Ord. The first y€ar he had a better tha·1 average record Tllfn NOTES he \vent to town. "In 1935 Ord won five and tied three. N xt th te o · ht of e year e am w n eig. The mice and the ratsseem to be nine, tying one. Last year Ord won getting their share of publicity of all nine games. late. Before they fade, or are chased "Brockman is 30, a graduate of Peru ir,to oblivion by cats', dogs, rabbits. or Teachers. He coached first at Edgar, Nebraska, and had success. Soft-spok- whatever these reporters think of nBxt, I would like to run this story about a en, dark and handsome, his patience is mouse, probably not too distantly reas long as his legs." lated to the one in the Mu.sic Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Speece have The other night while he was on

By Genevieve Parriott.


Display 20 cents per inch.

Wayne Lindberg ('38) la~t Sunday Ireceived his first visitors since ne

" 'Gratia, Senor' is much more gracious than, 'Thanks, mister,' isn't it?" asked Lillian Boz, who was born near Venice, Italy, and came to America when she was eight years old. In her opinion Italian is more musical and romantic as a language than English. English has a characteristically practical, business-like tone; however, very beautiful prose is possible. "When you think with a language you have it-I think in English." Miss Boz admits she could express herself more fluently occasionally if she could use an Italian phrase or two. However, now she writes Italian with more ease than she can speak it. She keeps in practice writing to all her relatlves in Italy. Just as there is more chivalry and courtesy in the Italian language, so

is there in the conduct of the people.

t d "We learn respect for our paren s an teachers. Gurtsieyl.ng by the girls, and lifting the hat by the boys is nev-

er forgotten." As to education, the first thing Miss

B. 0 ~ mentioned was the "grand univer.:

sities-but you pay for everything, . she added qu.ICkly. b . "If I were m Italy, I wou1d e gomg . b .d to a ~onven.~l learnmg to ;~ r;ic er. My ~n Y possi e carBer wo~ t r ssmakmg". Woman's du~y ~ t~ ~a~~· be~r children, and ~or~ . the ~ · 1 It is the man whho doa " n th P. P akz~ and the woman w o ,oes a11 P. wor . Lillian has been Jn Naples. Her im. f t it th t "t presswn he c yt was a 1 wfals dirty. "The marke p1aces are aw u . A . . lllng milk leads his goat from mantoseh d milks j t e "gh house ouse an us . nou for each customer's demand." She bel!eves the "hot sultry climate" is re' sponsible for their carelessness.



"Yes, I keep informed about Musso" l!ni's government. My grandfather thinks the unified Italy, although not vy complete, is a good thing for the naBut there were many things that clerk did not know. tion." She explained that the small He didn't know that droughts have been recqrring for some fifty city-state organization befor(l Mussornillion years and that twice every century we shall haye droughts !in! caused continual bickerings S<imiwhich will cover some hundreds of thousands of sq~are miles. Iar to our Civil War. Other. countries


announced the arrival of a daughter, Walta Jean. Mrs. Speece was formerly Marjorie Arn, received her twoyear diploma in 1932.

Recent placements among alumni It is well to talk of drought's past and future, but it is much more would come in and take advantage of are: Lorene Norton ('35) to Fairbury

worthy to cite the drasticity of that present situation. The Chief of thAe sut~n.ir:fiee. d Italy is a di"ffi"cult i'deal to the U. S. Weather Bureau then said that that droug,h.t would un. country, realize because of t he cl!vers . itY of doubtedly take its place as the worst in the history o f th 1s and as one of the worst in the history of the world. It was t h e language, patron saints. and customs third drought within six years, so it is little wonder that there h ad which each city or srr.all town has. been a billion dollars' worth of economic damage caused by lack of Many of tlle people arc• illiterate Jn rain. Since 100 billion bushels of wheat had been burned away the Italian language, understanding that year, the Department of Agriculture reported the smallest only their own dialect. world wheat surplus in nine years. Portions of North Dakota went "What I have said is perhaps provinirom July, 1935, to August, 1936, without rain. Contrast was strong cial. I lived in a small town about for in Southern Texas twenty-eight people drown because of flood the size of Peru. We had a c11bin in · where I 1earne d t o and two million dollars' worth of crops, livestock, an~ other prop- the mount ams · our erty was destroyed. At the same time the U. S. granary was drink milk. ,.vVe had one car m parched. town-the baker's truck. We were That drug store clerk should have gone to the railroads yards proud of it. In Italy o:Jy the very . h have c11,rs ,, at night and watched the long cattle trains slide furtively into the ,,·ic /ards. Every car was filled with gaunt looking steers and cows. Impulsively Ullian exclaimed: "You Some were so weak from lack of food and water that they fell to have the, ideq that all Italians are th e1r · k.nees every time · · JO · Ite d. Thi s was th e b etter quaI'ity; dirty, have so many children, t and eat th e tram the rest of the cattle were bleaching under the merciless sun. spaghetti." There are two ypeli s iin . . Italy: The southerners who ve n D. own m the Powder R1.ver co.untry the waterholes had long ag. o their· hot cli"mate as i"f. 1.t were a para• l ried up; the Morm. on crickets. had ea.ten the last spear of grass; di'se, and the northeners who 11·ve the range was nothmg but a brown crmkly mat. Cowhands urged more with industry as we live in Amerthe cattle on for a few more miles to the nearest shipping point. .ca 1 'I'h tI d d k I th h h d I d M . e ca t e staggere run en y roug t e ust c ou s. any "We have our own culture-somefell ?ver and died be~ort; they reache~ the yar~s. In this heart of thing to be proud of. ... a rich backthe cattle country, drmkmg water at filling statwns cost five cents ground." gl a ass. Her first impression of Americans After a picture such as this it seems only probable that there was their kindness. When they went would result a vast number of people who would change their resi· ashore in New York they were hungry, d ence from the Dust to the Rose Bowl. However, of the quarter of didn't know anyone, could not speak a million families that were burned out in three years, only thirty-· English, and were terrified by so many two thousand refuges left to migrate as had their land. cars and people. We need not go into history to see a presentation of that spirit A man seeing their distress took which ~o typified our pioneer forefathers. Today within our locali•. them to a restaurant. Lillian still t~ is heroism and courage that deserves only the best pqsterity' can 1 glows over the memory of that food as give it. Surely we can learn something from those, who when the she told of how much they had to eat. substantials and foundations of life were whirling about their · The first week in Chicago they could h~ads survived by clinging to the little things-to children, to pop· not sleep; they were so homesick for pies, to hope. Italy and terrified by the newness of

High School, Ida M:ae Heywood 1·25, to C11lbertson. Rober~ Punches, r35) to Seward, and Virga Bugbee ('33J to E: dicott. Marguerite Robinson, summer school student of '38, was a campus visitor Wednesday Of last week.

his rounds, he came to an over-turned bottle of which some of the contents had spilled on to the :floor. The mouse sneaked up close and decided by the smBll that it must be "good stuff", so he took a few swf!,!lows, raised up, looked around and with a characteristic "hick" decided that one could not have too much of a good· thi"ng, so he took a few mor,e swallows. This time he stra1"ghtened up, an·d wi"th another, "hick" staggered back a little, squared off, and said, "Now-bring on yer blashted catsh." The thing I like about Peru is that they never leave any unnecessary signs hanging around. Of course, that l"ttl 1 e pos t er 0 n the bullet·m board abou t "The K"mg Rides By" was J·ust an oversight. Overheard from a campused coed: "1'hey can't do this to me-but they are-". I see where Walter Winchell says, "A date with a peach is often fruitless." h Don't look now, but I suspect t at severa! instances bearing out that very truth could be cited 'way out here wh ·n th m"ddle "'est some ere l e i " . Best description: She's responsive.

The N. S. T. A. program for this year has been pulished. Peruvians are active. In Lincoln the Pem ret>.eption will be held in the HoM Cornhusker, Friday from four to six p. m. In North Platte a Peru luncheon will be helo Thursday noon at the Hotel Pawnee. ·Many Peruvians are serving on the Official Directorie~ of the districts. At Lincoln (District One:) W. A. Schindler and M. c. Lefier, formerly Sch001 R . 0 f th T ini · e ra ng ' ex D. Bai1Y, F. L. Seviers and Mrs. Genevieve Ci:u'k. At Omaha (District Two): S. L. Clements, and A. B. Gelwick. At Norfolk (District Three): John Weath- She's elegant. She's exquisite. She's erhogg, and Rex Gay. At McCook irresistible. And she's not expensive. I always say: ._District Five): E. L. Craig, N. L. Tyson, Asa B. Wolfe, R. R. Lichten- What doth it profit a man if he terga, Charles c Parricla :;.· ,c: Jessie gains the whole world and leaves a Cleveland. At Chadron (District Six): rich widow? A girl in the dorm is worth two out E. L. Rouse anct Julian Poole. w;th another fellow. Peruvians on the program at Lincoln Overheard on dorm steps: "I think are: Rose Mikulas, Ruth Place, M. E. I'll stop going with him-before I get Boren, and H. c. Filley. Those sched- typed." uled to appear at Omab.a are: Dagmar ART GUM. B. Marids, R. D. Sellhorn, Alice Sorens~n F.elyn Gllken%on, Clay Coy FOR RENT - Light Housekeeping and H. L. Klaurens. Ma11y others are rooms or slJl'!ping rooms by the C'1 tile programs at Ncrfolk, McCook, .· night.-Ardyth's Beauty Shop, Phone North Platte and Chadron. 223.-Adv.



Watch the Bobcats

against Wayne wm tell more about Peru's chances. Bobcat Centers: Jack Mcintyre-blacked-headed JIU! from Nebraska City looms in the future as one of .Peru's great centers. Jack's only weakness at the present is I passing-experience should give him THE BOUNCING BALL this needed attribute. By Nonnan Littrell George Mort-from Edgar will be a four year man. George's bad knee ls kteping him out of active service this I called the play this week, but I'm ·"ear-but he and Mac manage to pesv sorry r did. Peru's l!ne did outplay ter the team with thPir smart-cracks. · the Kearney line-but inexperienced Dale Hughes of Ord is a freshman

Speedy Kearney Antelopes Defeat Fumbling Bobcats Long Punts in Second Half Keeps Peru Team· at Bay Old Lady Luck swooped down on the . football field ltga!n-jlut "pld man in· · experience was at Kearney ' first, so O. L. L. :!lapped her wings and sped away. Encouraged by such good fortune, the bounding Kearney Antelopes


Wallop Wayne Bobkittens Take On Nebraska City Team By Wayne McGinnis Friday night, October 21, saw coach warren Stephenson's purple clad boys from Nebraska City sweep down on th~ local Prepsters for a game of thrillpacked sport called football, and here is what happened.

toward the end o! the season I look

to see Prep rising near the top as its Sophomore and Freshmen gain valuable experience.


Talking about Freshmen players-a good game was played by Bob Brown. In Bob Prep has a boy that will bring it to the top in future years With help from equal capable !ootballersOscar Smith and Nlnehelser . Praist> also must be given to the Nebraska City puP.ter, Hiskett. His punts averaged around 38 yards, the best or which was the .one he placed out on the one yard line "coffin corner" midway in the third quarter.

The Purple's g::m:.e captain and right guard, Beatcy, won the toss. The result was, Nebraska City received and receive they did. 11'.f! pigskin newr left their graps until they had smash· sped away !rcim the Peru Bobcats Fri- backs co3t the Bobcats the game. A of promise. The problem of beating ed the inexperienced Prep team to • day, October :ll, to win the Kearney famous coach stated a few years ago out two sut:h centers as MC;rt an<i shreds, marching sixty-five yards for Between the halves the Nebraska Homecom1ng tilt 13-6. that every first year man on your reg- Mac is all that.keeps Dale from being a touchdown. Siniple off-tackle plays, (J'ty band :lPd chee~1ng Equad displayThe game opened With Peru kicking u1ar squad will cost you a touchdown. a leading renter Jn I' ebraska coll!~ ' center plunges, and other power plays ~:I a laudable perform<ince. off to Kehey. Kearney ran several Peru is realizing that. circles. were used by the Stephenson's men on To the Prep fans: Don't be discourplays then fumbled. Boyer recovered Peru went into the Kearney game the goalward march. aged. We have a green ball club, for Peru in Antelope territory. Two too keyed up-the feJJows found the RUSTY GOES ALONG Five consecutive first downs were which under the commendable leader0 plays netted el11ht yards, but the breaks agai'.lst them and tried too hard. ON KEARNEY TRIP rolled up by the Purple and Gold boys ship of Coach Hall Will in time have third play, the pass from center Mc- They showed their p0wer when they on this march which terminated in the Purple and Gold coming out on futyre w~ b&d. Campbell recovered relaxed in. the second half long enAn unopened letter to our reader of the touchdown. top. Hiskets plunging for but !ailed to make first and ten, so ough to tally. what-have-you-got? Myers duplicated the performance to To the Nebraska C\~y fans-you have Velvick kicked out on Kearney's 10-- Our purpose is not one of criticsm, DEAR FOLKS: make it 7 to 0. a g0od ball club, .i,1:i it WO\Jldn't surKearney' 'ran the ball to the 15 and but like anyone else we have our oplnprise me to see you give Falls City a d · Well now, I didn't do much at the Shortly afterwards a Peru fumble, tl~Ii kicked. The ball bounce away ions. first-the early breaks went game-but someones gotta keep the which was recovered by Nebraska City, good game this year. from. Hutton and he tried to pick it up against Peru. Second-a few decisions was the leading factor in the latter's gn the run. He fumbled and Kearn.ey could ha·ve been called either way- bench from blowing away. tally. extra Cafeteria Select'o recovered on Peru's 12. They mad e a our boys accepted the decisions With We le!t Peru at 3 p. m. Thursday second . b kThe tryb for R the Coulters I n d then on the second pomt was ro en up Y ay ' I S d st . d te :tlr an n, an ·good grace. A referee ls there to call With an the kids and the bands send- Jean Prep guard who broke through to mprcsses tu ents try pun~hed the ball over. Tue place such cases-anyone can tell the ob- Ing us off. We shoved up to Lincoln block the kick. ' History! That's what we· bring you 7 kick spilt the goal. Score -o. vious decisions. Third-Coach Wheel- with "Butch the Bussie" doing a good this week concerning the new ca,!eA prep bright moment faded quickly dd Peru was :tlusterated by the su en er ls some scout. Fourth and last- job. We ate in Lincoln and started for teria, which ls ti;" talk of the campUB in the second quarter when Pugh got chan11e o! events, but received the with no intention o! hurting hls feel- Hastings. The country out there is this year. The ftr~t meal was served klckoff and came back up the field. The Campbell laW experience in just like Peru's only there aren't any loose, but after a few yards gain, sl!p- Sunday noon, October 2. Dormitory ped on a twist away from a tackler teams see-sawed back and forth, with quarterbadclng. But ¥urt ls learning hills out there. Also, instead of reach- and fell to the ground. girls had watched with interest the Keiirney ialnini on their punts. Peru and every game he gains confidence. Ing up to shuck corn. they bend over to d erection of the thirty-0ne !oot counter puntini beln(I,, very weak. Kearney Remember that Murt-yotl are as g<:Cd to pick it. The third uch 0 "!_:anitetoasB a chre- Of stainless steel. The fifty tables . ,,_A trllows are tried a field iOll1 and m1ssed . · Then · · as the other ~-w.i.c we got to Hastings o.k.--Only Hutton sult of a pass !rom """"'e ef f ou th - :finished in golden oak With fonnica the Bobcats came up the field. How- plug!ng for you and we are giving YC'U and Red Dean g0t lost over Organ's er after Metz, husky 1 t e~ or gh'e tops in ten striking colors provide a ever a called fumble on a pass by our trust and support. There are four brown dog Anyway we stayed NebraskA City club, had block Pu s cheery mealtime atmosphere. Campbell gave the Antelopes the ball games left; it ls your good fortune to at the Hotel Clarke and everyone went punt and recovered. other equipment consists of: Large on Peru's'°· · Parilick made four yards quarterback Pe.n1 through three vie~ to bed at 10:30. We. got up and ate The try for extra point was no good. wall refrigerator for salads, etc; urn plus l!i for pl!lng. A short pass to tories out of those four. YOU CAN a breakfast Friday-after that we nll Later in the second quarter saw Ne- .stand of stainless steel; tray section the 5 and two line plays made the DO IT. · went to a hamburger joint for break- braska City turn loose another phase and silver compartments, stainless score 1a-o. The kick was no good. Here and There: fa~t. l'he City Clipper proved a 3well of an aerial attack, the result of which steel; water cooler, ltainless steel; Peru came out the second half a thr !in en way to spend one's time-one gua : was a touchdown pass from Boucher to dish storage cabinet electrically heatdift'erent team. They kicked to Kear" In the ~dland g~e, teelin emAt doing quite well on one trip. (She Ryder. ed; 150 boltalite trays; electric doUgh· . . stood out m Peru s grea e. · ii d ney and as usual lost in an exchange . d . t sure was pretty). Anyhow, we ate din- The try for the point agam fa e · nut kettle; electric balcini and mixKearney two o! these again omma • d Pr · r h of punts. However, on c1ose epfaccomp is - Ing equipment; caah registering ma· . the second ex- ed the play-Spec Ne1son and Gilbert ner at noon, and then the fellows play- A.s the, quarter . th change o! punts, a fumble gave Peru Purucker Grea . thouse, st andout m· the ed some pitch. Boyer won the bii; ed its initial firstdown o e · game,t chine; and complete set of new dishes. th'elr golden opportunity, and they Midland . · ·game, played his usua1 :fine game, so I will need some money. and the score had Nebraska Every day an averaie o! 450 meals · . . City ou Started a drive from Kearney's 40. b t • .. .. d d b "'el (Dad it wasn't my fault, I. was to 9 m front with a 25·0 margm. are chosen by hunfl'l'Y students and · game u was ove·~··<i ow~ y .- • Two pll\YS at the line picked up five son ~nd Purucker. · •· flrst, but got a poor decision). The second half was composed of teachers. :S:omecomlng 910 meals or six yards, but a mistake on the Purucker blocked a Kearney punt We passed the rest of the time real football as the ~repsters vowed were served dally. third lost ground. A pass to Mosley and was general trouble for the An· wr!th13 on Clarke Stat-pao"'r and then ''They shall not Pass. Many student! have various eomwas good for a first down on the went to Kearney. Henderson and Prep threatened midway in the third ments concerning !ts overation: Dale Kearney 15. Tht Bobcats made first got mad and made the fur or Campbell not. seeing any jackrabbits. quarter when Pugh punt.ed on four "Bubbles" Hughes says, "This would and ten and then on the fourth down hide fly. Parlilek hlmself told Spec It was Kearney's Homecoming-so we down, Myers, Nebraska City quarter: be one swell place to eat if yo~ didn't Campbell crashed over into the dia· to quit being a thorn in the Antelope gave them the game. In return, they back, fumbled over the oval for thv see the same girls every day. 1 tri · -1 nd Major's kick was · , · let us attend the dance for five dances. prepsters. Geraldine Cordel! is tempted to spend gona s pe a · captam s side· . Pugh made it first and ten on the too h no good. Score 13-6. Mcintyre backed up the li~e in. :fine E;ther the ~obysttewere lucky,thor Pelse 48 after Ka.men had plunged tWice for B::ii: Je~~~:~~ou can S!l ve money." The rest or the game found Kearney shape and Boyer played his rel!able Kearney ha:, e r dancers an eru . bb d d dan· a total of eight yards. - Geraldine Eads thinks the girls are holding Peru and even getting a chance game. John JSn't a ft.ashy player, but --cause everyone na e It goo At this point the Prepsters attack shoWing good taste their choice o! at a goal when Henderson saved thebe ls generally in the way ~f an en- cer. b d d d Pugh was forced f d day by downing the ball in the end' emy play. Howard Dean rose to the Lots of girl stags swarmed the Bob- togge t opwn, ant th ball b k in oo!ns. J h " l'k t h i gob ek Cit ac aga grid , o nson, I 1 e he c o ce zone Good punting nulllfled every t ip and handled all of th~ plays on cats, so the Cats swung out onto the o pun . heru N · . . . however w en e ras a Y was pen- of meals.' Peru gain and the game ended Kear- Ills E-nd in the fa5Jnon that madJ him ftoor With Mcintyre leading. Mac led . d fift ds f h' th F All i te th f t th t . pos- 0 conference end two years ago. Mos-· with his chin, and took the count-kick alize ent apprec a s h e f ac Ilka ney 13-6 'With the Antelopes m hieen h -yar Itor roug :.ng e h aye h ' : . . er, w c was qu e a common ocs e can ea w enever s e ee1s e session of the ball. Jey's ankle slowed him, but his catch and the Bobcats danced on and over · d . th . t . te t' of that beautiful pass didn't look like Mac. However, Purucker saved the currenceth urmtg de six Y mmttu ks. ll eavmg. Kl nEe mi Lineups: d b 1 1 th d Prep en s age a pass a ac , a erona one, name ono cs ma1 PJlRU Pas. KEARNEY it. ay Y g v ng e ga s an guys an !n vain as Nebraska City held. Pugh jor, says, "It's really a good idea, but Jreathouse RE Stegeman Peru's backfield played heart ou~, ~yeful of sWing. in t~e '.'Pook" fa.sh- punted a "whizzer" out on the 12, I think more Of the students need !.{osley RT Ellermeier but wasn't in the class w:th Kearney s ion. After Pook's exhibition, came the and the quarter ended. courses in foods and nutrition to help RG Hester large and speedy , :xper1enced men. tag dance. Boyer and Sheeley found The fourth quarter had Nebraska them choose balanced meals." Soyer McClure Captain Majors looking the best of the me a swell dancer and I had the next . u· t ·fl t d bf 0 !rlcintyre . City comp mg wo rs owns e ore Margaret Henderson, "The lovely dance (after the tag) when Coach up bl d b Redd' Sml. th Bobcat's light backs. LG E'uruoker a fum e was recovere y mg, thing about it ls that the only meals ".•!son LT Harwager Wayne Homecoming: and left. I remembered Mac, so I up p p' Jert tackle I pay for are the ones I eat!" ·•~ d 1 ft Sh 1 ' 'ft re s a · Dean LE Larsen October 28 finds t'he Bobcats at an e ee ey s gi · Nine men came in for Nebraska City, Leora Libhart, "It's the best con~elvick QB Parilek Wayne. Last year the Wildcats bested We went flack to Ha&tin~s anJ ~ among them being Meade, 210 pound tribut!on that has been made to the i!Utton HB Taylor Peru in a scoring spree 24-20. This snack followed by bed. At .he cracs: tackle. campus since I've heard about Peru." :::ampbell HB Wiimet year promises to be a return crowd 0.f daw~ the opera.tor ~hon.ed,, and A few plays of insignificance brought Stella Rogge says, "It's a swell way lfajors FB Marrow pleaser as Wayne and Hastings went l!sped, Good mornmg-its 6 .45 and ·about th~ end of the game With Ne- to make the inside o! your pocketboOk Peru substitutions: Floyd, McHugh, 26-14 With the Broncs on top. so up with the chambermaids and a- braska City the victor 25-0. meet up With the inside O! your stomilenderson. Indications would be that Wayne way to breakfast. For Nebraska City Hiskett and .ach!" has an offense and little defense-but Coming home, we went thru Wilbur, Boucher were best offensively, with Bertie Boom: "It's o. k., but I eat IIG?il TAU DEL T-. PLANS don't believe in such signs. Anyway but tht·y w:.-:JJn't let us S"-" to see Game Captain Beatty and G. Living- too much." rB.IP, NOW:MBiR 25, 26 I pick the Bobcats over the Wildcats- Spec's relation. And now you see ston starrlng in a strong line. Ruthelouise Souder, "I l!ke to watch may the fur fly. WALLOP WAYNE. what a football trip is like, mine folks. For Prep-Wayne Pugh as usual was what other people eat." If present plans materialize, the · Of course, I could have told of Boy- the mainstay on offense, and Ray Caul· It ·n Hastings at Peru· . 1tett1bers o! Sigma Tau De a Wl go · b f er's black eye, Purucker's punt block- ters was in there on every defensive W. A. A. Elect Captains o St. Louis, November 25 and 26, to This ganie will be played e ore Ing, Littrell's waterless run, SP._ec's play. W. A. A. will elect their captains for 0 l;tend the annual convention. ~I- anot~er Ped. crmes .~t w ~er~!oe: tackling, Dean's end-playing and so Just ~ little word of praise to a guy the hit pin tournament October 25. 73 llotigh the number of persons gomg Hr.stmgs beat ~.~a~ne, - " ~ on-but I dilll''' tnm{ you wonld be that well deserves it-Bert Hall. The tournament ending the, hit pin 101 es not been estimated, probably as 26-l4. You n'. ~an t~I!, ut . , interested. Love, Prep is lucky to have such a great season Will be held the week following :i.any as care to go Will be accomo- afraid it's Hastmgs m a mp and tuc" ti (or a tie). ·ri::.c Bobcat &!lowing RUSTY. personality as Bert as its coach, and vaca on. ated.


m g s ·,









.... -·;,, ..








WAGON TONGUE The Gamma Chi meeting last Monay morning was a very busy one. DID YOU SEE Mar!Jin Engdahl's '!ans for the formal were discussed name with the group of girls who were nd general business handled. Roto be examined by the nurse the othierta Cowell 3 s vice president officiater night? He didn't go because he d. f01·got his towel. ']he club accepted the resignation of Famous ·words by famous Beatrician: "Don!t blame · me, coach, I wasn't even in the play."

PHYLLIS BENSON of their president, Ruth Crone. Miss Crone's resignation followed a suggestion by the Extra-Curricular Administrative Committee that she withdraw from one of the major offices which she held. Accordingly, Phyllis Benson was eleGtcd to fill the Yacancy. Miss Benwn is a memlier of the Student Social CJmmittee. Plans and prepartion for the Mexican Fiesta formal are being carried out by several committees. The program committee consists of Margery Evans, chairman, Stella Rogge, Florence Neve and Dorothy Ann Coatney. Stella Rogge and Marybeth Beckman are on the invitation committee. Ma~­ garet Henderson is chairman of the decoration committee, of which Edna Mae Petersen, Phyllis Benson, Erma Meir, Hazel Buchanan, Alice Devore. Mrs. Dunn, Irene Westerman, Irma Vosoba, Margery Evans, Helen Wilberger, June Frans, Patricia Lundy, Rose McGinnis, Nancy Ellen Jones, Rita Russell and Wanda Pavlat are members. Thus far the Star Dusters' 'I'rio, Burton Evans, and Maxine Shersted are schedule.d to be on the program

Nominations: For the neatest man: Dean Karr True to first love: Maxine Aufencamp Winter's worst gripe: Bandana headwear Two in a pod: Spec and Trenholm Hill Store pest: Winnie Hall Jolliest faculty member: Ethel Glosser Red Riding Hood: Gwen Warrick Notice to faculty: Test requires four hours cramming. on earth." Four times four equals sixteen hours Dean Delzell's address is ~02 East for sixteen hours credit. Supper over at seven-up· at six. Seven o'clnck Fifth Street, Tempe, Arizona. to six o'clock equals ten hours. Ten minus sixteen equals minus six hours. Moral: Don't all give tests on the same day. The end, 1 Philomatheons Convene Nip and Tuck. Planning Initiation Printed in Oct. Issue Ideas fiew Wednesday evening in Journal of Geography Well Organized Frosh . Miss Pearl Kenton's apartment when "A Visit to Reindeer Land" written Virginia Trively, Gale Carter, Maxine Clubs Convened Thursday b", Prof. Mary Hileman, supervisor of Pershing, Faye Bouse, Carter JohnPersonality Club At a business meeting of the Per- grades three and four, nas been pub- son and Miss Kenton began to discuss sonality Club, last Thursday evening, lisht'd by the Journal of Geography, m plans for the Philomathean year. October 20, committees were chosen its October issue. The article disSince the society now has but one for the revision of the constitution, so- cusses the work done by the children meeting each month it· was decided to cial affairs and planning programs. in the third grade last year in their reduce the dues. Formal announcement It was decided that a Mk on make- study of Lapland. of the new dues will be made at the up would be given in the near future. next meeting. The social meeting was direc . t ed bY Chinese checker boards are being No longer wi'll there be a variety of upperclass . sponsors, Lo1's Macomber made by two N. Y. A. high school boys. i·ru·atory forms. The officers have deand Maxine Weber. The members These boards will be used for the new cided to have a committee write a forwere entertained by pianist Grace recreational noon hour. ma! iniatory ritual to be permanent. Muenchau. A committee has been chosen, two The committee members will be selectThe remainder of the evening was from each grade in high school, t-0 ed from the officers with one possible ·spent n a group dtscussJ;on on person- draw up rules for the noon hour re- excepti-0n.


Art Association Requests

Peru Painting Exhibit Not only has Peru's Art department gained recognition in the west, but now word from the east proclaims that its fame has.reached there. Miss ~ro:­ ma Diddel received the following note: "Paul Goward of School Arts Magazine informs us your students ne very proficient at pottery painting. Could we be so fortunate as to receive some of this work?-B. C." "B. C." is the signature of Betram Cholet, educational representative of the Charles M. Higgens Co. HP. is arranging for an i;xhiVt of ar: work cone with Higgens American Drawing Tnks. Projects and exhibits will ue shown at the conve:;tion of buth the Eastern and Western Art Associations. A list of suggestions is posted on the bulletin board in the Art department.

bo: .::;:',,,';'~:n~~;'.:~:n :'. •llty tral" ~:,.";;;;.:"'-.,,' :-:io;~,~::cl:!~':;";,,,"':',:: Tho wlnnm of tho w.1'1>0t oon- 11-~---, ~ :~~';!~~:; ,,;~ ::::;"; ~~·"'m:!: ~"!.:':,,~=;;::".;,0;"'W:::'. !:",::~~0':,~°';;;,,"',;:~s;:,,~: PARTY SUPPL~S I 0



: : ':;;'.


Ethel Barrymore Colt Enacts Drama Here Monday evening, Nov. 8 the Jitney Players will entertain us for the first time. They will arrive sometime during the afternoon, unpack and set up their compact and flexible scenery on the boards of the Auditorium. At ei15ht o'clock the lights will go on and they will present for your enjoyment •·:soth Your House~" by Maxwell Anclerson.

last Monday night. Amid the yelling, water fights, a11d general splashing of water, twenty-five Crawdads had their regular weekly meeting. Learn To Dance Club One hundred sixteen freshmen commenced. work on their P. D. degree last Thursday evening in the Music Hall. "P. D." incidentally means "proficient dancers." Efforts are being concentrated on mixing rhythm, relaxation and correct posture with foo1work. Assisting student sponsor Stella Rogge in making this a live wire organization are the following swingsters: Marybeth Beckman, Erma Mejer, Hazel Buchanan, Kathryn Knouse, Edna Mae Petersen, Goodreau Soper, Roy Kellogg, Dean Karr, Ernest Horacek, Bernard Goerke and Melvin Gottula. Margery Evans plays the piano, After practice the group had a business meeting. Doris otte, president, rfad the names of those people who had been appointed to serve on the

"Both Yuur Houses" is a sensational expose of Washington politics-it tears away the false masks that hide the bureaucrats smug, self-satisfied little souls, and shows them ip. their true light. The story revolves around a young Lochinvar who comes out of the west to attempt to clean up the House of Representatives as a member of that large and unwieldly body of legislators, save taxpayers money, m.1.d social committee.. They are: Doris bring idealism and integrity to a hard- otte, chairman, Jack Colglazier, Betty ened and cosmopolitan capital. Cole, Glenn Young, Jl.:Iorris Linde1·, Lucille Schlader, and Grace MumFOR RENT - Light Housekeeping chau. Rose McGinnis was selected to l'Ooms or sleepi>.lg rooms by the be assistant treasurer and Irene Westnight.-Ardyth's Beauty Shop, Phone erman assistant secretary. 223.-Adv. Professors Grace Tear and Florence Martin as sponsers also attended the Message ft.ashed on the screen of a meeting. London cinema theater: "A five pound note has been found in the stalls. Will A. A. U. W. NEWS the owner please form a line outside The A. A. U W. Creative Writing the box office tomorrow night?" group will meet Thursday afternoon Love is a gross exaggeration Of the difference between one person and evb ery ody else.-Bernard Sh aw. A peach complection-yellow and f r and uzzy. Happiness is like jam; you c1n't spread even a little without getting some on yourself.

mores. The rule.s made at a committee meeting Friday specified that ninth graders may .come .and dance, seventh and eighth graders may. watch or pl::ty


baum second, Ernest Heugel third, and Jane Christensen fourth.' prizes. As there were some very good pictures it w~ ,.,,as difficult to choose the winners.


games, but not dance. The Noon Hour committee will play all records, and """" """""""""""""""""" girls should dance with a boy when- c PLUMBING, HEATING,

;~~::::;dtoev:n :~l~he T~:c;e~~:i~::

I fu~ "11,J

and ELECTRICAL work.


Hollowee n Napkms Doilies Cards Masks





Crepe paper for






also state that the Noon Hour commit::;--:~;;;:ctf~C'TC'C;~tYf~"!JT~T$~ tee will announce ladies' choice and Pl'.JI"MJUJDPDmh;;t3fJ1Jf3MJQM:;JI'IIJ men and ladies tag, and only after i,,;LiI)IMIDM.::M-iti1>M>it>m44"1i.L>~ ~ Service With a Smile ~ ladies have asked and a boy is left


r--~~:«"""'"'"'"''""""~"'--_,,,.~"---·~~---<>;~ ~


:a~1:;e;s;o~e g!~~:~:i~:c:!i~;n~~;S'-""~A·Y""~-~~l""""'T·M·-w-~""""IT-=H---~.,,.,,F-L~-0---W,_,,~E-R-~S ~ ~::; !:u~~i~:~~:s;~r~~n~~;.ra~:~~ . ~ Flowers for all

are to be played on the stage only, no one will be permitted to stand around th music box except the Noon Honr committee, and alumni of '37 may come and dance. at noon hours were also included. The eighth grade ·c1ass organized last week and elected officers. They are: president, Harold Knople; vice preslden, M2rvin Brown; secretary, Dorothy Stepan; and treasure, Verda Hauptmann.


Ma . Ca . MEDLEY ~



C. G. KINGSOLVER We Grow Our Own


BARBER Under Barnes' Pharmacy


"It pays to Look Well"

Nebraska City, Nebr.

Electric Shoe Shop

A Hallowe'en party for Wednesday, October 26, is being planned by the high school social committee.

Bill Ossiaan, who supervises W. P. A. recreational activities in ,this territory, spent some time last week going thru the timber west of the· Training school, investigating the possibilities of constructing a toboggan slide there. The training school children are unaniat 3:30 in the Administration building. mous in wishing that this projec:t will Fifteen members of the A. A. U. W. be carried out. Landscape Gardening group met at the band home of Mrs. Tyler Tuesday evening. dThe Training . 't t' School t ti .hastere ceiv. Mi·o. T• !er resented the "History of e. an mvi a wn par cipa :m a La ds Y GP d . ,, d Mr J d high school band contest sponsored by n cape ar erung an s. o er . "C01 . 1 G d ,, ' the Falls city Chamber of Commerce oma ar ens. to be held in connection with their anKing snakes are Immune to the ven- nual Horse and Mule show at J)\alls om of other North American snakes. City on October 28·






CLARK North of Skelly Station Phone 109



'Modern Barber Shop Your patronage a.:ppreclater!





......... ·~


The Mardis Store

DENTIST Office Ph 32 Res. Ph. 196

"A Mighty Good Place to


~··~·~.)!.~ ::!,.\~ ~A:;;.~lf.~~




Surgeon and Physician

"It Pay-:; to Look Well" ~ The Old Reliable Barber Shop . IJ ~ Where you always get the BEST ~ ~ Under Dr. Joder's Office ~ ~ WM. THOMAS ~


Res. 39

Milstead. Corner Phone Office 33






Structure. Will Be Finished Sept. 1939


on Thursday, November 3, survey- ' ing lines were run for the new Men's Dormitory at Peru State Teachers College. At a meeting of the building committee of tJ:ie State Normal Board, plans were furthered for the completion of the dormitory. The general contract was awarded to Ernest Lokahr & Sons of Llncoln. The contract for heating, ventilating and plumbing went to L. L. Kinsey of Dawson, while the electric work was given, "to the Henry W. Miller Electric Compan::)' of Omaha. The structure will. be; built in the shape of an L, the 19ngest dimension l.leing east and west., The L will be at the east end, and will extend toward the south. TI;e buil~ Ifill fr9nt both to the north and to the south, and



EIGHT PERUVIANS BATE Nov. 18 Set As Date STUDENTS 'WHO'S WHO' For Ted Shawn Dancers




-·Tonigiit;""TlieSday: No'VeiliberB: the Jitney Players with Ethel Barrymore Colt and Douglas Rowland will present "Both Your Houses," Maxwell Anderson's 1!.rst Pulitzer Prize winliler, In the College Auditorium at B:OO p. m. The play, brilliantly witty and timely, is about what goes on under cover in the government In Washington,

Based on Scholarship Character, Activity Alice .Dev .'re, Bert Hall, Meirs, Robert Weber, Ruth Crone, Gordon Gilbert, Norman Littrell, anO. Helen Margaret ~on are In order for congratulations tor selection . or their biographies to be Ii5ted In "Who's Who Among Student~ in American Universities and Colleges for 19~8-39." The 1938-S9 edition contains the j'lriit participation of teachrns eoll!!iell anct thus, Peru students.

This nationally known group, )laying its sixteenth season, is lrought to Peru by the Peru 3tate Teachers College Budget ;ommittee.

The rigid requirements were based on character, leadership, (in extra curricular activities) scholaxshl.p and potentialities of usefulness to business: and society.


Not only is thJs appointment an honor but it renders the students valuable service. Recogn.ltion 1s theirs not only through life, but also when they apply for positions upon graduation.

there will be main entrances on both From Nebraska City fronts, with two oh the south. Project Is Moved The building will be- three stories and basement. The east 3->td ;,est length The National Youth Administration The purpose of this book ls to serve will be 153 feet, and.the length of the has opened a residence for girls at- as an incentive for students to get the L, total north to south, ~ill be 123 ~~ tending Peru College. The project has Ji most out of their college careus. It feet The width both of the main per• "'e , offers a means of compensation to · ' ' been run.n.!ng for Sl:lll'.le time a~ "' - ! d tion and the L will be 46 feet The its stu ents for what they have already . . . . ' : . l bra.ska Ci!;y, and ha.Vl.llii ~ d Th ·-"·ti to th bruldmg will have a gable roof, ill- ! . . this lace. one. e recomm=w> on e stead of flat j work the.."t. w. m~ to Mp daY j business world is desirable. It gives The lower. floor of the building wml!The ~ WM opene.:l QO ·access to a standard Of measurement be devoted to student, wli::in ~. mommg. ec for students comparable to such agenIt will oontain lounging ·.and sWd.Y 'I'M pi.W ~ made for tbls proj t ctes as Phi Beta Kappa and th€ rooms, game rooms, ll.lld tor other ae- 'by Dan Houston of Nebtl!Ska Qi!;y, Rhodes Scholarship Award. tivities going with student union work. regional supervioor, and ~ GladYs Those honored Pentvillll.6 constitute These rooms will be open not only to Shamp of Lincoln, state director. :Mr. the leading junlors and eentors on the those rooming at the dormitory, but to. Houston was in Peru early in Oct:<Jber campus. all men students of the college., One 10oking for a building, but did not com- )A!iC; DeVcire, Peru, 15 president vf will not ilave to room at the dormitory plete arrangements till la.st week. The the junior class, member ot Sigma to have lihe benefit of this feature, and moving of the project was eom~leted Tau Delta, Kappa Delta. Pl. and vke there will be no fees charged for those Saturday. The building being used president Of W. A. A., member of who take. advantaie of them. belongs to Mrs. 0. F. Neal, we are in- Scholarship Club, ('!Jnn;s, and PraTll:e three upper stories will con.lain formed, and has been leased till next matlc Club, as well as leader of 1.J-.e rooms for students, and the donnitory· July. ,.. Girls' Soouts af tke Tralrimg School. will house 150 boys. There are now The plan is to be worked in connecBert :Erall, Omalut, 15 eoaeh of the more than two nundred. mell. in the tion with lhe domestic science depart- Bobkittens, _ls eo-SJl(rll! editor ot. ·the colle11e, so this will not take all the ment of the college, we understand, Pedagogian, prestdent Gf Jlverett Litmen if they care to room then:.. and the girls will be 11iven employment erary. Sbctety, mern~ of p Cltlb, and T11e dormitory, which will cost $189,- and the pay received can be applied on vice presic1.ent ti uen'e elt1b. 000 will be completed by September 1, their expenses. The girls are to be Norman Littrtli. Nebraska Ci";" lOOIJ. selected from six counties in this· im- manages tne Peru · Colle11e rootb,ill mediate Vicinity, and ten girls are al- team. is C<M)JO'!'ts tdftor Of the l'edaready enrolled there. The present gogian and president of Sigma Tau Big All-Girls' Formal plan is for the girls to remain for a Delta. Boasts Exciting Plans period of two weeks each. Bert Hall, Om.aha, is coach of the The project here is under the di- Bobkittens, is co•sports editor cf the Rapid progress for the Girls' formal is reported by the committees. rection of Miss .;Edna E. Mauel, who Pedagogian, pr.'1'.dr11t of Eve:·~:t Lt· The favors have been received and are nad cnarge of tne same work in Ne- erary Society, niember of P CM<, .md exceptionally clever as are the dance braska City. Miss Mauel is a gradu- vice pres1'dent of Men's Club. oords. SO far about one hundred girls ate of Peru, clas8 of 1930. Norman Littrell, Nebraska City, are planning to attend. manages the Peru College football




. . ,._,_,.,,.,.


team, ls cc-spor~ editor of the PedSOPHOMORE SQUADRON agogian and president of B!gma Tau Films developed 25c. Enlargement SAILS STRATO~PHERE tree. Hill's Drug Store.-Adv. "Contact" was the theme word at the Delta, Glema Meirs, Seward, presldM over Sophowore party held in the Music the Dormitory Councll L'l president., Hall le&t Saturday night. is a member of the Peru Yearbook A huge red arrow directed the enstaff, exeentlve council at the Dr11TUESDAY, NOV. 8 tAusiasts to the "Airport." A pale matie Club, and Kawa Delta Pi. · Y. ¥. c. A., Y. W. c. A., green light, which may have bee~ c. C. A............... : .. . 7-8 p. m. caused by the high altitude, filled the Helen Margaret ~on. Peru, is editor of the Peruvian Yearbook, member Jitney Players ................ 8 p. m. main auditorium where dancfug was of the Peru Geron, Kappa Delta Pi WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9 in progress. Squadrons of am.all pasteand faculty assistant. In the Speech Gamma Chi. ............... 7-8 p. m. board airplanes were strung from the departm~nt. · :Broadcast ................ 8:30-9 p. m. ceiling with a large ''Wrong Way Coz· Robert Weber, Humboldt, mana.ges THURSDAY, NOV. 1() rigan" being the center o! attraction. both the staging for the Dram.at\<: Club Freshmen Clubs ............ 7-9 p. m. The east end of the Music Hall was and the Peruvian YearbOOk. Philo ... , .............. 8-9:80 p. m. marked "Hangar" and used as a cloak . Gordon Gilbert of Brock manages, Everett ................. 8-9::w p. m. room. A game of bridge was also held direct~ and announces the Peru radio FRIDAY, NOV. 11 there. broadcast. Football game at Wesleyan Mrs. A. V. Larson, wife of the class Ruth Crone, Beatrice, edits the PedPrep Football game at Auburn sponsor, gave the dancers a lesson on agogian, i5 former president of GamDramatic Club Business performing .the Virginia Reel. ma Chi, a member bf Kappa Delta Pi Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 :30 p. m. This was followed by a mad dash and Sigma Tau Delta, broadcasts th~ SATURDAY, NOV. 12 down the "Runway" to "Propeller Inn" Pedagogian of the Air, is a member of Formal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 p. m. where refershments of pumpkin pie, the Dramatic Club Council and DonnMONDAY, NOV. 14 whipped cream ,and ccffee were served. !tcry Council. Class Meetings ........... 10:30 a. m. Crawdads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 p. m. The little theater is the scene of Nearly 40 members of the college Kind.-Primary Club ........ 7-8 p. m. more dramatic sketches. than the AuEpsilon Pi Tau .............. 7-8 p. m. ditorium so Prof. Robert D. Moore band are planning to attend a concert Lambda Delta Lambda ..... 7-8 p. m. moved h'.s office to backstage of the given by the United States Navy Band Sigmi> Tau Delta Banquet 6:00 p. m. little th1iatre. This makes it more in Omaha, Thursday, October 10..


Company Gave Repertoire At Majesty's Theater London

MUSIC ANO MELODRAMA Ted Shawn and his Ensemble of IMen Dancers, that recently achieved AMUSES AUDIENCE Ia

brilliant success at his Majesty's theater in London, will give a per"Little Nell" fonnance at 8:00 p. m. on November Convocation-goers were expecting IB, in the College Auditorium. anything from ah earthquake to a deThe program which Shawn will prem~nstration Of rifle practice when the sent covers a wide range of subjects P Club took over convocation Friday, bridging the gap from the barbaric November 4, but were more sur- splendor of Aztec civilization to modern prised when William Mooney, a.s mas- rhythms and abstract themes. Bitter ter of ceremonies, trotted out a flve- tragedy, religious fanaticism, romanpioce orchestra plus a "melodramer." ticism, humor, satire have all gone

P Club Presents

Cecil Walker's Cornshellers played with Russ Wallace, trumpet; Warren Routh, guitar; Lawrence Freude, piano; Gilbert PUrucker, Ws beating; and Walker, himself, on the drums.

into the choregraphic patterns of Shawn's most recent dances based upon phases of American history. The entire program is made up of dances created by Shawn to music by Jess Meeker, 11.ccompanist for the group.

ProfeBSor Robert Moore presented the prologue of the drama emphasized that he was not responsible for anything connected with the play. "1'he Pas9ing of Little Nell," or "Handsome Harry comes Through" was a ·sta,r.k, gripping tale of a sweet, young thing's (Red-wigged McHugh) adventures in the big woods. Countess

The evening's entertainment wi!! open With the fearful story of the slaugh-ter Of Moctozuma's chieftains; the fanatic rites of the Penitentes: a labor motif of Mexican peons working in a sugar refinery; a solo dance by Sl!a wn as a Spanish Hidalgo and finally a dance of the "Forty-Niners". The "Jazz Decade", which concludes this section of the program, is done with humor and satire. The third and bst group is termed Futuro and is conrnos· ed of eleven dances on abstract the;11cs.

four numbers

No A Count was portrayed by "Spec" Nelson squeezed into a dress in some mysterious way. Glen Sheeley was Handsome Harry armed with a flit gun. Chief Sock-in-the-Wash wa.s characMr. Shawn has contributed much to teri?.ed by Howard Dean with his deepdyed henchmen, two bucks, Severn education through the medium of the dance. He has gained recognition not Handley and Gilbert PUrucker. Lester Mosley, , Ong; Tom Majors, only through this dancing but thrcugh Peru; Delbert Nelson, Lincoln; George (Continued on p. 4; col. 3) Mort, Edgar; John Boyer, Bridgeport; and Howard Dean, game captain, were presented as seniors who were playing their last home game. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9, 1938 8:30-9:00 p. m. Announcer . . . . . . . . . . Gordon Gilbert LOUISE MEARS MEDAL Peru Geron . . (Larson, Libhart, ClifDISPLAYED IN OFFICE ton, Trively, Bently, Gabus, StutThe Louise Mears' Medal for Geoheit, Steck.) graphical Scholarship is now on dis"Thy Mouth Fair Maid is a Roseplay in the college office. bud Red" .. (German Folk Song) Each year Miss Mears offers this arranged by Bleck. medal to the student preparing the "To Moelzel . . . . . . . . . . . . Beethoven best thesis on the Geography of Ne"Fairwell" . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Brahms maha County. Educational Talk . . . . . . Calvin Reed . The annual presentation of the a- Readings .. Professor Robert D. Moore ward carries with it five dollars in Piano Solo . . . . . . . . . . . . Ernest Ulmer cash. "Seranada" . . . . . . . . . . . Moszkowski The award is the contribution of Miss "Minute Waltz" . . . . . . . . . . . Chopin Louise Me.ars who is a former member Pedagogian of the Air . . . . Ruth Crone of the college faculty. She is now In- Baritone solo . . . . . . . . . . . G. H. Steck structor in Geography at the State "Three Salt Water Ballads" Teachers College at Milwaukee, WisFredrick Keel's musical setting to John Masefield's three poems. consin.

Peru Hour


The Peru Pedagogian

Publl8hed Weekly by the Peru State Teachers Collea't, Peril, Entered at the Posto:fflce at Peru, Nebraaka u l!eCOnd clw matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents.

National Art Fraternity


Display 20 cents per inch.

Loeals, 10 cents per line

STAFF Editor .. ·"'°" ...................................... Ruth Crone Assistant Editor .......•••..•.••.•.•.••.•••••••.. Stella Rogge . N. · L' tr U B t H II Sports .Editors · · · · · • · • • • • · • · • • • · · • orman It e ' er a Adviser .... · · .... · · · • · · · • • · · · · • · • · · • · • · · • M. Florence Martin


Edward Arnold . Clyde H~nt

Alice DeVore Ella Hurlburt

Mildred Knoflicek Jean Koeppel Wilma J;:arnell Genevieve Parriott l\fary Lizabeth Werner



, 'MISS UIDDEL'S WORK SHOWN IN LINCOLN Nebraska. Reje<;ted by Vote Mlss Norma Di'dde1 h as t wo of h er works on exhibit at the showing of the Lincoln Artists Guild now being held in Lincoln. One is a crayon study entitled, "The Flatirons; Boulder, Colorado". The other is a rose vase entered in the pottery division. By means OJ signed ballots Peru art students definitely rejected this week the proposal to organize a chapter of Kappa Pi, national art fraternity. Results of the balloting showed, however, that some form of an art club was desired.

Bernice Doty. Dean Karr Three. different art club organ!zaRobert Mason tion plans were before the students. They were asked to cast their votes for Frank' Summers the one of the following that they most desired: Art club, Kappa Pi, or a branch club of the American Federa,.on of Arts.

WORLDLY WONDERING . There is a new globe in Eliza Morgan Ball's lounge. It really is a v~ry good looking thing, but probably the most interesting fact is its very newness. It is so up-to-date that there are no black lines . . . . confinmg a more gaily colored portion once defined as Austria, and "Ethopia" has been granted an Italian appellation. .' We wonder how long it will be before that sphere is definitely dated. We are speculating about how many years! or centuries it may be that the same space that is now given will be awarded to the~e so-called United States.-or how long it will be before map makers will put out, with each fifteen dollar.globe, an adjoinin,g ont inscribed with the general topographical effect of the planet :is perceived by Vice Admiral Purred.


The majority of the students preferred an art club similar to that disbanded in 19-36 or a revival of the old club: The Art Club constitution was on dis~lay at the ballot box and possibly influenced several in its behalf. The American Federation of Arts was a c!Os~ second. With it are the privileges of a. subscription to the American Magazine of Art, two traveling art lectures with slides to illustrate and two traveling art exhibits each year. Since the results of the latter two were so close, a meeting of the eligible students will be held in the near future to definitely decide the issue.


Thi(l1 is a wonder world · A wonder, wonderful world A world: We have so much

Helen Margaret Larson, and .Robert Weber experienced many thrills and So very, very much for which to n:uch excitement when they awoke Be thankful. Saturday morning to find the hotel in And you and I have a great deal which they were staying on fire. Miss (It's Mamie's cut; Charley's bid) Larson and Mr. Weber were rescued For which to be grateful particularly have you noticed 'without injury.

the leaves that have FALLEN? No, Not those from notebooki,

The .Hotel Gibson in Cincinnati at which the Peru delegates were staying caught fire early Saturday morning . ·1'ne fire was· on the same floor that Helen Margaret and Bob were staYing. Luckily for them the fire was confined to the same room it originated in. At that the guests, clad in night attire, were forced to crawl through corridors to safety 'because of dense smoke. Saul E. Towery, occupant of the room where the fire started was forced to leap from his window to escape the crackling fiaines. The drop was 18 feet and Mr. Towery's feet were broken in the fall.

(You clever creature) But those from trees~ All colors of leaves Rust,

Yellow, brown, Red, orange, beige leaves. Beige, oran,ge, red, Brown, yellow, . Rust leaves. Red leaves.

Elsie Densmore.

BY ALICE DEVORE We went over the other day to Sammie Spooks and as usual, he was sit- /,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ting on his picket fence and crabbing. "I'll never hold up my shroud again," Miss Evelyn Brecht was married to he vowed, "And after me getting a Ben Logan Sisk of Atlanta, Georgia, h tin r JiS t ,, October 30. She received her deFee aun g JCe e 00 · in 1933, and while here was a member We asked for the low down. of Sigma Tau Delta and Kappa Delta "Give an ear-I was flying by the Pi. She has done graduate work at Music Hall last Monday night .... " the University of Michigan, and this "October 31," we added. fall went to Atlanta, Georgia, to teach "Oh, you newshounds! Well, anyway, music, after three successful years in I remembered hearing about the Kap- Humboldt. Mr. Sisk graduated from pa Omicron Pi party ...... " Western University at Bowling Green, "National Home Economics frater- Kentucky, and has also done graduate nity." work at the University Of Michigan. "Do you want me to tell this?" He He teaches instrumental music in Atl t wh the 1·11 ak the1· ho e put his hands firmly on the place an a, ere Yw m e r m· where his hips ought to be. Miss Virginia Pope of Auburn, who "O. k., 0 · k.," we soothed. "Don't was a Peru student in 1937-38, has been get sore, Sammie-go on." confined to her bed for several weeks "I stoppped. thinking I might get a with a severe attack of rheumatism handout or some fun. I went through but is now showing some improvement. the wall and took one look. Look.·" Miss Edna E. Mauel is directing the he held up a shaking sheet. "I'll nev- N. Y. A. residence, a project which is er be the same.' being supervised in connection with "Shame, shame," we told him. the Home Economics department. She "I've been haunting for 6000 years graduated in 1930. but never have I seen such-such .... I took one look .... everything when During the 1938 Teacher's Convenblack .... Somehow I woke up next tion three Peruvian reunions were held morning. It was the first time I've in Nebraska. ever been scared. I'm still wobbly. The Omaha reception was held in Say, where you going?" But we walked away having lost all Hotel Fontenelle, October 27. There respect for Sammie Spook, vowing were 99 present. Some of the older he'd never get rid of any mother-in- :actuates were Mr. and Mrs. R.R. McGee, of Columbus, ('07 and '11); H. C. laws for us. That party was just a half and half Meents, Omaha, ('19); Alta Morgan, one with fortunes and games and jack- Omaha, ('18); Kate Meyer Mulick, o-lantern cookies and sherbet. Of Omaha, (1890); and Ida Meyer Polcourse, Martha Clifton and Miss lard, Omaha, (1893). Dean Delzell Brackney dressed in half sport, half sent .a telegram which r.ead, "Congratown clothes, Miss Weare as night and tul.atwns from a hon:esick Bobcat in da Mary Mathews as winter and Arizona:, where the wild bobcats grow. y, God bless you " summer, Betty Cole as Harry Laue;: · · l!nd Captain Kidd, Cathryn Erfl'.meyer , 134 were present at the Lincoln reas east and west, Eleanor Hemphill as .ception, October 28. The graduates formal f\lld informal and Edna Mae there were younger, most of them havPetersen as man and woman couldn't ing not graduated earlier than 1931. have had anything to do with SamA luncheon at Hotel Pawnee, Octomie's evening. ber 27 was the setting for the Peru reGlasses Repaired, Prescriptions fill- union at North Platte. Roy Trenholm ed, broken lenses duplicated.-Chate- ('30) and Mrs. Veryle Weaver Cameron ('27) had charge of arrangements. .Jain's Jewelry.-Adv. Bobcat favors were presented by Chloe Pate ('30) and Alice Kamenska ('36). SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS Mrs. Kate Gilman Woolsey of North CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN Platte was the oldest graduate. She Spirits of literature and ghosts of received her degree in 1899. Leslie the campus mingled and cavorted at Oppenheimer,· Lisco, of the class of the Halloween meeting of Scholarship '38, was the youngest graduate present. Club last Monday night. The friendly Dean Delzell also sent this group a spooks cooperated in a game of telegram of greeting. "Ghost-o", the Halloween version of Friday Oct. 28, Peruvians dined toBingo. gether at the Student Union in Lincoln. They were: John Bath ('32), Vivian McKimmey ('38), Doris and Harold Prichard ('38), Charles Parnell ('38), Elmer Hertle .f'31), and Wilma Parnell, who attends Peru at present.

Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Foresman have . been transferred to Lincoln where he Watches, pens, glasses Repaired.- is head of the Child Welfare Bureau Glasses Repaired, Prescriptions fill- Chatelain's Jewelry.-Adv. at the State Capitol. She was Louise 1 ed, broken lenses duplicated.-Chate- Hot Fudge and Butterscotch 8mdae, ("Bobbie") Sonderegger and graduat1 lain's Jeweiry.-Adv. ~ . -Hill's Drug Store.-Adv. · ect in 1932.

uo !\'

~} ~() ry ,\)

·'17 ~ \ ,..,1\1:'. ;I

I\ \'







then Floyd




Watch the Bobcats Battle Wesleyan



Dana punt

which Gump caught for a touchdown.

The Peru "B" squad, composed of 14 Young kicked one of the points. The jinx is still with us. Friday By Norman Littrell freshies and 4 upperclassers, swept Then came the highlight of the night, November 4, the Hasting's Second Conference Game Ended over a smaller Dana squad 48-0. 'Ihe game. There was one second to play Broncs took advantage of a break to Jerry Ogg: game· was played on Dana's Home12 to 0 in Favor Wayne. defeat the Bobcats 12-7. with Dana in possession of the ball, coming, Saturday, November 5. and in re Coaches the behalf Of On Hastin.gs 3·umped into action early in - A fightin,g, Wayne Wildcat team their passer circled back into the end A strong wind blew across the field t he first quarter, and passed to Richen- spect to Jerry, I wish to say that we defe t d Pe u 12 o s t d otb zone, and threw a forward pass which defer for the first score of the game. regret that Jerry was not listed with ae r - . a ur ay, c o er and a few snow flakes dropped on the · · th · 1 t 2.a, before Wayne's. large Homecoming was complete on the Dana 15. Kid The try for point failed and Hastings the Semors P1aymg eir as game. small squad .when Peru kicked o,ff to "Thief" McHugh calmly knocked the was away 6_0_ Inspired by the score, Ogg is a Senior and is a letterwinner crowd. Dana. Dana's punt was blocked and pigskin out of Dan-ish hands, caught "lhe first quarter was nip and tuck ·Peru started a goalward march. The Hastings pushed Peru around till late and Hastings was his final home game. :the pill and ran for a score. "Tow·out of Gump's in the second quarter. A Peru rally Fans who saw Jerry perform Friday witll Peru running up 3 first downs to high wind blew passes , head" Young kicked the point. was started my Hutton's 30 yard punt night will agree thn ~ he never should Wayne's 1. The second quarter found fingers, and stalled a touchdown until While the entire squad looked good, return and the Bobcats moved goal- bm•e l•&ea neglected. You playe'i goorl Wayne.'s fast ball squad driving harder Captain Ogg went through for a touchward. A pass to Mosley brought the ball Friday, Jerry;· keep it up at.Wes- ·and watching for the brea.k. That break down. Young bucked over the extra Young, Ogg and Gump stood out. · · t Others making the trip were: Severball to the 3 yard line as the balf Jeyan and Tarkl0 . came when Majors tried to lateral to pom . . son, McLain, Blair, Smith, HendP,rson, ended. Thus Peru's jinx took another Hastings: Campbell and Wayne recovered in Bob- Peru kicked off to Dana and on reD. Dean, McHugh, R. Floyd, Sanders, :ally. The old jinx is still there-but there cat territory. ·Two plays· at the line covering the ball swept down the field Fisher, Relf, Organ, Kellogg, Hughes In the third quarter, Peru's line be- were some highlights in that game- failed, but on the third down Wayne till Young plunged for ·the score. and Sheldo'l. ~an moving the Hasting line, two first must Campbell get better and better as slipped a pass and Fox stepped over Young's kick was good. A pass from iowns brought the ball from Peru's a signal caller-Hutton came back into the goal line. ·Bradford's kick was Henderson to Floyd accounted for the lO to the 45 where the ball popped out his own-the reserves looked good and wide. Score, Wayne 6 Peru o. •third touchdown, and Henderson ran . New Rilling Machinless Wave.if Campbell's hands. 'I'he ball soared Mcintyre stood out like a sore thumb. The· second half opened witli w~i. 'for the fourth. Young kicked both Ruby's Beauty Shopppe.-Adv. nto the air and was caught by Gar· ki ck - kicking to Greene who fumbled. Wayne points. By the by, did you>see McLam's Watches, pens, glasses Repaired.·ison who ran 45 yards for ·a score. Ogg scored· in ·the second half and Chatelain's Jewelry.-Adv. off? It was his ·first attempt and · he recovered and drove ov¢r in rnbsequen . . \gain the kick was no good. sure obeyed orders. plays for a touchdown. Bradford's k.. Peru kept pushing the Broncs back, D ~··•••••••••••mmllllll!lllll!!!B!llll!llllllllllllllllllllllmll'. was partially blocked. $core Wayne 12 iii mtil finally Hutton took a short pass ana: ~ n the fourth quarter and tap- danced The "B" squad really went to town. Peru o. iis way through Broncho-land for a Young and Gump looked very good. Wayne, Who had only made 3 firs 3-0bcat sco~e. Majors bucked over the Young bids fair to· become with Hut- downs t1P to ~his: point, caught L >oint. Score 12-7. ton, Campbell and Henderson one of Homecoming spirit and the victory McLain kicked off for Peru and Peru Peru's greatest backfields. I believe feeling and started clicking on end ecovered. It looked like Peru's golde:i that Young should rise to the t® of sweeps and backs. Murray raced 70 •pportunity, but an intercepted pass these four-however, he and Render- yards only to have ..the score nullified topped the rally. The game ended I son have bid the f~ to come.. by a holding penalty. The rest of the 1ith Hastings running into the line. Kld Y:cHugll's "'lltiek:f fingers" were game was all Wayne with Peru threat.'he game, which was played on a brought 00: ilt the cpe-n in the Dana ening twice. Once when Henderson mddy field found Peru outdownlng game. He Just up and took that ball caught a pass with a four-man lnterb.e Broncs 13-11. aftY from a Dana baelr-&ich goings ference only t-0 be tackled after a 20Peru's line was as usual outstanding, on. Anyhow, it was a play that would yard gain, and the other time when •!tll Mcintyre, Nelson and Mosley Jf:l.a,ke "Believe It or Not". One sec~ Greathouse scampered into the clear in possession of the only to have the. pass on the wrong earlng the brunt of th e a tt ack. Camp- ond to go-Dana . ell quarterbacked his best game of ball-a forward . pass complete. . .. , · .... M. H h b th ·b II Pe u c r·es side and out of reae;h. 1e year and Hutton and Ogg found c ug orrows e a r so · .· . . . • 17 points (In reality folks it was a . Peru passed 10 times-3 behmd the lemse1ves. The fine sh owmg of Bob· ' ' ·. it reserves looked good for next ye'ir~f sWell piece of work by McHugh.) line, two passes were complete for a iuad. . total of 30 yards, four were inter- \ Wayne. cepted, and four were incompleted 2 ineups: ' I have been asked to have President Wayne passed 4 ti!nes and completed 2 eru Pos. Hastings Pate pounce upon a married faculty of them. · 1ean (G.C.) •.. LE..... Richendefer man who ran around the halls of a elson . . . . . .. .. L'I'.,....... Dutcher Wayne hotel-dressed only in pajamas. Majors kicked 9. times and averaged oyer . . . .. . .. LG ~ . . . . . . . . Burton We are not one to critize; but we heard 40 Yards from the .line of scrimmage. [clntyre . . . . . . . . C........ Blakeslee it from a center, who heard it from He had one boot of 65 yards, but as a uncher . . . . . . RE . . . . . Swearingen an end, whose roomie talked to a whole his kicking was nullified by Fox's :osely . . . . . .. . RT . . . . ... . . . Cramer tackle, who roomed with a backfield punt returning. ougherty . . . . . . RE . . . . . . . Brubaker man, who talked to a scrublady, who ampbell . . . . . . HB. . . . . McLaughlin saw the small· gentleman in question. A man gazed indredulous:ty ·at a ·utton . . . .. . . HB. . . . . . . . Garrison Tsk-such goings on. huge mounted fish. Finally he said, :ajors .... , . . . FB . . . . . . . . . Calvert Wayrn; had a grand Home.coming- :"The man who caught that fish is a :cHugh . . . . . . QB . . . . . . . . Peterson float>, invited bands and everything. liar-'.' ,~\ ---~----· Peru substitutions: R. Floyd, Gump, We als0 ~a:tl· th9 displeasure of hearing ~~--~~~~~~~~--Floyd Henderson, Greene, Sheeley, thei~ vict9ry bell peal. ~i • ' . . : ~ •\ \: • ' i • ' ~ ,"1\.i:, I t ' ort, Hughes, Organ, Severson, Greatmse, Fisher, Adams, Velvick, McLain, Personal Remarks: Jung, Ogg. · I like the "B" squad's pep-they really seem to enjoy the game of footT. A. A. Has Steak Fry ball. Our "A" squad lacks chatter out SATURDAY-2 P. M. TO 5 P. M. t Cabin, October 26 there-chatter is a method of uniting i\ Fully Tested and Approved by Underwriters Laboratories Last Friday, October 26, the , air a team. We do rave unfty....,.but I beound the W.A.A. cabin was filled lieve chatter would help us. th a breath-taking aroma as last I still believe Peru i~ as good as ars' members held a steak fry. Baked any college team in the state. By the PRECISION BUILT, LIKE A WATCH: HIGH SPEED 1ples and toasted marshmalloWs by, ch<:~k over scores and see what a MOTOR THAT RUNS ON A. C. CURRENT SELF!re also enjoyed. The trip to the mix-up exists in the college ci"rcles STARTING. ONLY •• ---- __ ------------ ___·_-----bin was made in cars. this year. :By arrangement with the manuOther W A. A. events include the Next year will 1lnd Peru with a facturer of this $15.00 nationally lection of teams and practice for the powerful team-tackle was the sore advertised genuine MASTER DRY SHAVER we are positively limited c-pin tournament which is .being spot as Spec and Mose graduate. But lo 50 only. Will shave yo11 as Id this week. The teams are: (1) · Severson, Organ an McLain look as if close. as the best razor blade, no Anderson, captain, N. Anderson, they could fill the bill next year. matter how tough your beard. Get yours immediately. ·ckma:n, Benson, Bouse, Carnahan, Guards: tnn, Hackett, Henderson, Randall, bbetts, Winkleman and Modlin, (2) Not. enough spa~e to tell much: CHROME- PLATED HEAD, PLASKON UNCONDITIONALLY CASE, INC.LUDINC .HANDSOME CIFT Christian, captain, Brier, Coatney, John Boyer-a good dependable n:an BOX. NOTHlNC ELSE TO BUY. meron, Davis, Goings, Heinke, -a senior. !Gill, E. Meir, L. Meir, G. Miers, Gilbert Purucker-next year's all· You'll get the thrill of your life when for itself. WOMEN, too, will l{elconie Y?U use the Elgin Master ·Dry Shaver. the Ideal· aid to personal dafutiness. terson, Pershing, Steiner. state-a jw1ior. Just plug In socket and shave - No This Master Raxor will be sold for the







Easy Terms

M. M9 Fowler, Agent

Peru Pointer Office ••













SCOOP! Sensolionol OUer ., Houos ii







Glen Shelley-little, but oh, my!-a :i:J. the preliminary to the college senior. :ne Friday night, two teams of Netska city Midgets under the given Ross Adams-watch out foes-a mes of the Purples and Whites, had sophomore. :losely contested battle. The Whites Harold Fisher-former Peru Prep ally emerged victorious 14-13 in the star-a freshmen.

t few minutes of play.

Claude Relfe-coming along-e freshman. ~atches, pens, glasses Repaired.Charles Sanders-Dana first chance ,i,.,lain's JeweJry.-Adv. -a freshman.

water, blades, soap ·or brush. Will pay·

99 •


regular $1 S.00 price after this sale.





6-0 FROM T. .ABLE ROCK_· "Dick". Clements Stars 1n Prep's Ffrat 1938 Victory. Sometime during th¥ season, the spectators witn~ss a team, whieh ls enough to have an 'enthused follower along, employ a team of twelve mlfil!bers. Prep used the same principal Wednesday in defeating Table Rock 6-0 as famed old "Lady Luck's" spirit joined the Pre~sters in the fourth period to help Dick Clements smot)1er a Table Rock fumble for the only score of the game. The first three quarters of the game were "nip and tuck"· and somewhat monotonous as the two teams employ. k'mg game, ·Wa.I'ting f or the op_ed a kJC ponent to make the first mistake. · Seldom was the monotony brokeP., but there were several boys who. grab~ bed the spotlight for a tickling moll),ent. For example, there WM Roy Grafton·~ nice :;nagging of a tlip in th e second period. "Legs" Kamen Wll.'i lugging the ball well during this time. also. The boy present in the charmed. cir,cle next time was the game 140-powi\! halfback, Bob Brown, who intercepted a Table Rock pass in the closing .minutes of the half. For a third time the dullness. _was smashed when in the third period, Prep, sparked by the two freshmen halfbacks, Brown and Nincehelsor, and aided effectively by Kamen threat-

Wesleyan-Peru Teams ·uT.i-ns, Men·· About Equal "''• swlnA.

gvic0toutrya~tLlntarcv·.elnd PF're·ru1'daByoinbcaatn weilf-1 his books and texts on the danci as a


•experienced boys in line for a. suc-:- day afternoon. cessful closing of the season. The first quarter was all Talmage as Playing honors go first; to Dick Cle- the Bobkittens were forced to wait ments, who was the star in the cli- patiently to uncork a pass attack in the

second <.11.1,ar~er which featured Oscar Smith, who. supdenly turned into a sticky fingered pass snatcher, and terreally deserves praise for his hard, mlnated in his scoring Of the touchclean playing. His defensive playing down. · :was ·sensational, his efforts in ball lugging gives . promise of successful Wayne Pugh turned in an overdue dlsplay Pi'ep seasons in the future. . · ·pf lessons in ball carrying durJng the third periGd. "Eattler" was Next honors go to Glen Palmer, whose play in the line was under the smacking the Talmage line with an adequate supply of leg drive Friday; section labeled excellent all through several times Puih plowed While the game. Glen's punts also covered Carrying two anct three tacklers. many a good yard. That kind ~f spirit wins ball games. max of the afternoon.

a boy that

"Kats Mason" preformed well at quarter, and one of the Fridays (maybe it's. next Friday "Kats" will hit his. ,pace. The rest of the Boys: Ray Coulters, Roy Grafton, Sears, Heartley,-all played real ball.

(Continued from page one)

. CLASS SHIES WRITTEN EX \underlying cau., for the g<lOd record, WITH GOOD ATTENDANCE Supt. Clements replied. that he .collld see no reason for an mer.eased mter]Jo longer wlll you see a dark streak flying across the campus toward the Tr&l.ning School at 9:59% a. m. No longer w!ll you hear those excited littl.e squeals and murmurs when the tarCly one slip:, into his seat in T202 at 19:01. Why? The perfect attendance record of the Classroom Management 204 class has been shattered. Just what do Supt. s. L. Clement's classes have that no others do? This summer a small 304 Management class had a perfect attendance record. This fall a 204 Management Class of thirtyfive members strove to reach the goal but fell short PY three weeks. . I:n a moment of weakness during the

0 creative art. Books he has written ln!ort to down. the Wesleyan Plainsmen. elude, "Ruth St. D~, Piop.eer md The game promises to be a battle royal, Prophet," "The Amer:l.!lan. Ballot," and as both teams have only fair records. "Gods Who Dance." In addition he Wesleyan has the edge 6-0. hs written lnnnmerable newspaper Wesleyan has 12 lettermen anct a articles, and recently a monograph on tonner University of Omaha star list- the Fundamentals o! Dance Educae<;! among its players. However, as at I tion. An able speaker, he has addressPeru freshmen have been crowding ed audiences at more than 200 colleges into 'the spotlight. Ralph Bowmaster, and universities, been guest pastor in 125 · pound quarterback and Bill Wil- various churches, and broadcast over helm, 158 pound end are a dangerous practically every major radio stati9n fre~hman passing team. Two fine small In t,he United States, Canada and backs will clash when Bowmaster meets England. Because of hi~ tremendous Peru's speedy Hutton. contributions in the field of the dance and breadth o! his lea.ming",· ~ringN:elson and Mosley will be outbulk_ed by Bob Br_o_wn 200 pounder and fie!<;! College, the I:ntematil.onal Y. M. · A. Co11. ege ii.t . """" """ I.,'"•, "....!llis., 5ecood week of the fall terin, Supt. Gerald Gardner, 250 pounder from. C. uvun~,,e O!n.aha. Among the ends is listed conferred upon-him the lt.otlorazy de- Clfln.ents rashly announced that there WU_Iiams, who spent his freshman year gree of Ma1Ster of Pllymcal llueation, would be no written assignments or ·at . Peru. and for the past two. :rumme~. Pea- teMI as long as no one was absent. Litbody .Institute. at. Null.ville, Ttnn., hM ile did he believe that class of 85 Wesleyan's recorcj. todate inclu.des regarded his YW.'.k so. ~llly ihat he could maintain its attendance for more defeatll by Midland .Augustana_ 21-0, Maryvll!e ns invited te IOllduei a ~· ltlere. tkU! a month at the most lll-l!l and 19 6. The PlainsOf the eivllt Y•Ulli men. wh1. ,aah D.ill't think for a moment that the men have defeated Kearney 6-0 and -• A·-•· .,,.,. d Oh 1 Th l up the ifO~ ~ yea,r. alUnc.e mem- in'll"""'-'"" "'u.u.e · , no. e c ass York 14-0. Comparative scores offer '· dl i · d int di · mm!tt · lie .... d Yue o ad scuss1on little help, for while Maryville beat bers last year m w . ~7, · . ~t k tco h Id ees hi everyone ht o · wor t'o .o d ·1 s Peru 33-.0 and Kearney nipped the. of the itroup took .parj; hJ. the now fa- an in th a1tsy :aobcats 16-6-yet Peru downed Mid- mous performance Jn llOiton dl.\ling own t b f e con th rovers1ab1 ques Mr 10ns C' th.e winter of 1933 when Shawn with PU . e ore e group Y . .emen . land 21 6 - · the young men of his group and a few In fact the instructor feels that posPeru ls ,Primed for this game-so members of his classes in dancing at sibly more and better work has been .·; get .out the b~d.and the fans, anc the Springtlek! Y. M. c. A. College gave done this year by the members of the travel to. Lincoln Fri~ night to the first entire program of dances giv- class. Believe it or not, but the stuwatch .. the• Bobcats pounce on Vfes- en exclusively by m<m l.n an American dents actually indicated duri!:g this leyan Plainsmen. theatre. time by ballot that they desired eitho.r

ened the Talle Rock goal, slipping in- PERU PREPSTERS UPSET side .the twenty-yard line twice. Both threats stopped however, and the gold- TA;l:..M~GE TEAM 12-0 en opportunity didn't appear again By Wayne McGinnis until Clements covered the pigskin On a field that at times bothered near the close of the game. the players of both teams, '!'he Peru Prep Bobkittens scratched their way Honors this week must go to Coach to a decisive lZ-0 victory over Talmage Hall; who is gradually gettillg his in- Hii4 School on the College field Fri-

Secondly, to Bob Brown,

Ted Shawn Men Dancers

by aiding in a victory over the Auburn Athletes. Pugh ended a sustained Prep drive by ripping through for six Table Rock's best on offense were points. Herrick and ·Hall. On defense, Haruska, left end, played a good game. other boys playing good ball were senior guard, ~Y Goiters, who led the Cecil's Cornshellers ' Prepstm defensively. Palmer,. the Jam for Frosh Jitterbur~s freshman boy, was ~oing good both as over· 175 freshmen gathered in the ball carrier md in the line; Coach High School Auditorium last 81.tur- Rall proTidlng the Prepsters with p, day night for their party. play Wlliell ll.118 Palmer coming out of . f d i P ovid•-' by the line to ea,rry the ball. "Leis" KaMus1c or anc ng was r ~ Cecil Walker's Cornshe!lers. Vocal mm waii i<ltni iood 1R spots Friday, interpretations were given by l(aryon l!J'l!t I believe De.le has been aaving Thomas and Warren Routh. enelVY !oc the .4.uburn game. I look for Dalt to llurst _loose. and be. a bill' factor The room was decorated with aut.- tn a Prep win. Grafton was in there at umn leaves and shrubs. timea also. During the intermission Of the dance community singing was led by Doris Now, for just a few pleading words starkebaum. to .a, iw.me bunch of fellows, the PrepsRefreshments were served consisting ters. of ice cream, cake, grape punch and Come on gang! Show what you feel mints. !or :Bert Hall. in your hearts by giving him a victory over Auburn. I know Order your Corsa.ges for the formal you can do it if. you play four-quarters from JOHN COLLIN, representing of hard "head up" ball ,and I also Milam Greenhouse.-Adv. know how bad your coach would like a third victory. Glasses Repaired, Prescriptio\19 fillBow. out in glory, gang! ed, broken lenses dupl!cated.-Chat~ .. Talnlall'e presented a capable ball Iain's Jewelry.-Adv. can;ier Jn Smith while . Myers stood Fresh Box Candy 25 up. out In the center of the line on de-Hill's Drug Store.-:-Adv. fense.

'MAXWELL, TEAR ELECTED Peru faculty members of the Education Department carried off honors at th~ Conference of College Teachers of ~ducation held in connection wit1'. Section II of the Nebraska State Teachers As;:,1c-:.ttion at Omaha, 0(;~ ber 26, 27, and 2~. Dr. Paul A. Max-,.:ell was elected president and ProfessOl' Grace Tear, secretary. Teachers of education from Cre!ghton University, Municipal University cxf Omah•., ~ and P·eru Stat·e Tea•her• v " ,.._._ vlll


lege conferred for the purpose o! 01!ganizing a ~ection of teaehers Of &dtreation in District II. They have decided to plan for a sectional meetmr next year at which time they will l!ti:I-< dy the probl em of organlz!.n g Ml tae teachers of education in Nebra~ 11),.; to a state society.

------------C. G. KINGSOLVER BARBER Under Barnes' Pharmacy "It pays to Look Well" --------------



u c 0


C. C. BURBRIDGE in "flig;i~~~~J~J~~J~J~~~






'------·----_ __JI Is it true that we had a vacation last week? If we did, it didn't last long enough.



Flowers for all Occasions MODERN BARBER We Grow Our Own

Halloween g-hOs~ IUJ.d goati hiove left ior greener pastures, we hoPX. Attendence ~ l». 11\0it classes . tnis week. Time -wu noi heavy on Nebraska City, Nebr. their hands but sleep 'lfllB on tlte!r eye- ~~TI~J'.:§_~>;::::r~>C~ m1s. ·


The Collills ...._, couldn't atay awake until two o'tl<i,e~ when Ben left L11e campuil to do 11il,e.lf "priT-et-" Halloweening.

The rats in .fue ca(et~ a.re setting mouse. traps for. the .. JIQl.c.e. ih:nployeei take heed. ·



to announce


Hubert Woodie will attend the chair formerly attended by John James.

Electric Shoe Shop

Yours for More Busines!!

J.P. CLARIC North of Skelly Station Phone 100


Weather 1111M.!$: 1. A not.lc!lbly larger gallery for the tap danc~ class. 2. Busine.ss was dull 11t the dorm Thursday night. This:: bad . weather .scares them off, gir~. The world came to an end for about ten minutes Sunday nJ.iht. Girls cried,


The Mardis Store

DENTIST "A Mighty Good Place to

Office Ph 32 Res. Ph.196



men prayed and Winnie liall .wiShed for "Hoots". A hasty &'OQ9..,niil>J •kjss proved a bit embarr.assing for the principals, the night before vacation. 'Nuf's 'nuf, The Shadow.

~·*.i "·~:4> :!,.\-~~'I :i.~lf.~4..,:§': .,~· . "It Pay-:; to Look Well" ~ rhe 01.d Reliable Barber Shop ~ ~ Where you always get the BEST ~ ~ Under Dr. Joder's Office ~ ~ WM. THOMAS ~




est thill fall for he was using no new methods.. In fact he informed the re- •· porter that he ..thought it ·was an in- :~i dication of better health on.the part of •t the students. ·

A1J or. them were atb.lites In school a final test (if the attendance were or. college. · They represent practically perfect at the end of the course) or every .section east o! \be Rockies. the privilege of writing a lengtby disQUSSion paper. Barton :M:µmaw,· who has several When asked if interest might be the solos on the prol'I'am, has been with Shawn for six years, Joining his compi\ny after .. a. per.forilUUlce 1u the LewFREE TRIPS !.shon .Stad.l.µm · llie . si,unmer. Of·. 1931: ABROAD He W!>i bo.rn in. Penneylyania but. was And Liberal Commissions re!U'ed. in ~ta,. . Florida; ... where he to energetic faculty members went to scheot La~,~e:atttrlded: ihe · and students with social contacts. conser,vatqcy !j[ la:usi~ ..at . RoUln& Col" . Di~nified connection with leadlege, leaviI/i' ,thei;e to. joiu. Slla.:wn's • ing travel organization as company, ORGANIZERS The lncli'\'idl.l,aUn~ests ,pf t.b.$ .. tth- . , State fully your qualifications ers were. lllallY .. ap.'1 . varied.... Fred: ' and interview will be arrang·ed in Hearn was preparing for a iiw.Siness your city. career, Frank Overlees, was born In P. 0. Box 988 Oklahoma and educate(! in MassaChicago, Ill. chusetts, Wilbur McCormick was a member of a Spring.fie.!~ Mii.ssach1i1, setts, college wrestling team, Harry ;t::WWW:itil;it;ili;itiI!IlI;iI,il;!WWQI;il,J_ Coble fonner!y took au aoll!ve para m PLUMBING, HEATING, the University pf North Carolina's national!y known.· · dranut; oraamzatJon, and ELECTRI<::AL work. John Schubert ls 1>he YOUilieit mcnber and Frank and Jorua Delmar, i-

Keep it up at the Auburn "go" this dentical twins, have appeared Friday, Pugh, and finish a brilliant Broadway musical shows. cai:eer as a purple and gold footballer






Surgeon .and Physician Res. 39

Milstead Corner Phone Office :13



ROWLAND SCORES HIT Ill POLITICAL PLAy ~. Production Features E. Barrymore Colt

Douglas Rowland appeared with Ethel Barrymore Colt in the Jitney Players' presentation of Maxwell Anderson's Pulitzer prize play, "Both Your Houses," Tuesd ay, Novefiber 8· MrRowfand portrayed vii/idly, Solomon Fitzmaurice, an old, frock-coated politician-philosopher who fails to get hi.s ., · ··cut' in washingt on a.1a1rs. Miss Golt played Marjorie Grey, her father's secretary· . · ··· Miss Colt, is a slim girl witlrdark hair pushed carelessly off her high forehead, and speaks rapidly in a clear voice. Apparent:ly unharmed hY OO· phistication, Miss Colt smiles frankly, her face lighting up with enthusill...<;ID as ~he talks about her players. "I first became inter"'IW in them -. about four years ago," she said, "when I acted with them on a short tour." ~·Miss ·colt· acted fo~ the first about' seven years ago. Her first play was "Scarlet Sister Mary,'' in which she appeared with Iler mother. Her fai'Orite play is, "There·s Alv,ays Juliette" She has acted in motion picture shorts but as far as going in for a cinema career-"Well, I'd like to Jearn one business first," she declared with a laugh. "It's hard enough trying to learn to act." She is interested in music and singing and "crazy about football and all kinds of sports." "Mine is a sporting family," Miss Colt said, "We go to every important Eport event." The actress is an ardent swimmer and high diver. "I've thousands of hobbies and interests," Miss Colt admitted, "but the theatre takes most of my time." Her capacity for work is enormous. She writes, adapts, and directs some of .the repertoire of her beloved Jitneys. Of course she enjoyed playing with "Mother", but, with a bit of a tomboy strut, "It's kind of fun being. on your 6wn too." She intends standing or falling as a~ entity, not as part of an American theatrical tradition.




36 Philomatheans

DEBATE ENTHUSIASM SHOWN BY STUDENTS The debating season definitely started with a meeting of twelve interested people Friday, November 4, in the Little Theater. Professor Robert Moore, the debate coach discussed at this meeting the c;uestion, the amount and source of material to be assimulated and mast· erect and the debate schedule. This year's debate question has to do with government stimulation of business. It is better known as "pump priming." Professor Moore has received severa! invitations to tournaments, but the schedule is only tentative. rt will depend largely on the sustained interest and efficiency of the debaters. Besides the practice debates, plans are being made to attend three major tournaments before the state tournament. next spring. ".The interest shown and the available material to study is ·quite superior to that of last year, "Professor Moore commented today.

Take Pledge Thursday With solemn step 36 candidates for initiation in the Philomathean Literary Society walked down a candlelit aisle Thursday evening to receive the pledge from Virginia Trively, presient of the organization. The candi· dates were initiated in groups of six. Those initiated were: Shirley Barrett, June Modlin, Paul Blair, Doris otte, James Lambert, Ruth Johnson, Frederick Gebers, Ralph Lyon, Jane Christensen, Ernest Brod, Mary ModJin, Ernest Huegel, Rachael Gonzales, Dean Karr, Merritt Jensen, Mary Elizabeth Collin, Norma Helmick, Enid Sofferson, Evelyn Damme, Bond Kennedy, Marjorie Prine, Robert WilIiams, Lynn James, Charles Wright, Herbert Knutson, John Lawrence. Frank Summers, Thaine Hale, Bill Boyer, Dorothy Fischer, Rose McGinnis, Betty Cole, Nancy Jones, William. Frankhauser and Harold Dallam. Under the direction of Maxine Pershing, vice president,, the new members presented bhe program. a piano solo Those wishing to participate include Marjorie Prine plaved Lillian Boz, LeRoy Redfern, Dean entitled "Polish Dance." June ModI\::arr, Frank Summers, Thomas !in gave a reading, "David GarChinnuck, Mary Olive Richardson, rick" by T. W. Robertson. William Steila Rogge, W~da Fulton, Norman Frankhauser accompanied by Lawrence Freude sang "Bells of the Sea." Flau. .Maxine Pershing remi'nded both old




enc1 'SA.1 ·T 1GONYO.

SIGMA TAU BANQUET GREETS NEW MEMBERS Fifteen new members were lnit!at· ed Into Sigma Tau Delta, N;ational English fraternity, at a banquet held Monday evening in the Home Economics rooms. They were: Associate members, Eleanor Niemann, Russel Sommers, and Alice mbrick; pledge members, Marybeth Beckman, Faye Bouse, Winifred Hall, Margaret Henderson, Merritt McNeal, Gladys Majors, Edna Mae Peterson, Mary Olive Richardson, Roma Jean Rethemeir, Eula Redenbaugh, Leona Simmons, and Jean Winkleman. Advancements to active membership were Helen Margaret Larson and Melba Obernolte. The formal initiation service was held after the program. Miss Florence Martin spoke on "Grey Robert Frost." The greeting to new members was extended by Pi-esident Norman Littrell. The respouse for the initiates was made by Alice illbrick. Helen Margaret Larson sang, "In a Luxemburg Garden", accompanied by Winifred Hall. Th e menu prepare d by th e Home Economics department was as follows: Mixed cocktail and Melba toast, cube steak a la quin, riced potatoes, creamed peas, stu ff ed tomato solad, hot rolls, ice cream, wafers and coffee.

and new members they needed to review by giving a "pop" physiology Dean ]. D. Jimer,1on i test. Begins Work Monday


Harold Dallam, Rachael Ganzales, Ralph Lyon and Frederick Gebers were starred in the impromptu pantom!n,e "'he Lamp Went out· directed by Bertie Boom. Harold Dallam as the "'Getoneyet, romanticaily aero, .,.,,_ UUi proposed to Agatha played by Bud Ly9ns,,,,whp.,,W.lliS«dresse!h-in- iJhe., latest Parisian creation. At the crucial moment the lamp (in private life, Rachael Gonzales) went out Jeavinv the young couple cooing sw' et noth: ings by the light of the mr;,1.1 which Was impersonated by Frederick Gebers.

Kappa Delta Pi Sponsors Tecumseh Superintendent "Peru ls still going forward," ·said Wilber_ A. Schindler, a former Peru g,:aduate,. now Buperintendent . of T~·' cumseh schools. "This is shown-in ·the transforming of the old Science Hall into the Music Hall, the construction of the boy's dormitory and the splendid l:ard surfaced road now leading into Peru," he continued. Mr. Schin.dler was a.ppearing in con- I. l Fr d

300 IN ATJENDANCE ~~~;;:~elt~ ~ :~n~~!ei~~a~e~~c~:

tion Week. "Education is a child of democracy and it is only in a democracy that every · child has a chance for education," he stated. Through government assistance various c.ourses are greatly bene5.ted, but courses such as the SmithHughes would be better adapted if there weren't so much of that governmental assistance, thinkS Mr. Schindler. Also he thinks the teacher retiri;ment plan does much to protect not only the teacher but the younger students as well. The broadening of the tax base is another point to be considered for, says Mr. Schindler, "the spot ls not so white when you look at it from the educational point of view. '

Mr. J. A. Jimerson assumed his duties as Executive Dean, Dean of Men and Director of Extension of Peru State Teachers College, November 14. Dean Jimerson will be granted a Doct or of Philosoph Y d egr ee d unng · the current year. He may do som~ te~rhmg .Jn the Educa,tion d~partment Jn .addition to his <iuties as Dean. As soon as the Jlmersons can find a hom·e to move into they will make Peru their residence. It may be neeessary for him to drive for a while from Auburn.



''Da ff od'l 1 s-we know them. A bunch of daffodils-men dancers-phooey!" And we got away with it until we started expressing our opinions to otht d w1'th ers. Then an argumen t st are t th tl ·ct a press agen on e o ier s1 e "Ted Shawn Dancers," he began, "is · t he the only male group of dancers m world." "Bosh l" we replied. "Do you know the Shawn Dancers have been applauded all over America and abroad?" "It doesn't mean a thing," we say politely skeptical. "They still must be sissies." "What "f the rigid physical training the Dancers go thi'0<1gh in preparation for the tour?" "What training?" "-the Spartan regime for physical and mental discipline set up by Shawn on his farm at Jacob's Pillow in the Berkshire Hills, Massachusetts. The

Dean Jimerson made his debut on men cut down trees for cabins, build the Peru campus by an introduction roads, dam streams, cultivate gardens, to the student body at Convocation do all the work around the farm ex-

.AT ·'EL RA. N. CHO. PERU'~//·.

Monday. cook.morning but Sunday there is A. J. Nebelsick, former principal of cept "Every the Auburn schools, is advanced to work in the studio, four hours of exSammy Venice and Band the superintendency to fill the .vacan- ercise designed to loosen and strengthProvide Music for Guests cy c.aused by the resignation of Mr. en every muscle. Here, by the way, is One hundred fifty-four senors es- Jimerson as superintendent. work more physically strenuous than corted their senoritas to "El Rancho sawing wood, digging ditches or runPeru" last Saturday evening at eight ning a marathon. Lunch at noon outo'clock. The occasion was the Span- N. Y. A. RESIDENCE doors is combined with a sunbath. ish Fiesta, this year's all-girl's fprma!. PLANNED FOR PERU "What about isolation and solitude? Senorita Geraldine Eads welcomed The National Youth Administration, No visitors except on Friday afternoons the guests, who were next received t.y which is providing emIJl.oyment for and rising at six and early to bed. Senoritas Miers, Benson, Cowell and girls 1n this section of the state, has a What about the chilly mountain pool Hull and Senora Dunning. residence in Peru. Girls from six .coun- these artist-athletes bathe in from Gayly colored blankets, bright Span- ties: Nemaha, otoe, Richardson, John- May to October?" ish charms and motifs, soft lights and son, Cass and Pawnee now reside there. "Ath.letes?" we query. the music of Sammy Venice and hls The object of this project is to give "Sure. All the members of the enOmaha University band made the girls who cannot find work in their semble were former American college party one Of the most brilliant and own community a means of earning and university athletes, wrestlers and "There are three practical aspects of One Of the largest SOCial events Of the money. Their wages and expem:es are football players, ardently trained by teaching", he commented. "(1) Your year. paid by the N. Y. A. There are two Shawn until each is capable of perresponsibility as a teacher; (2) teachSenor Lawrence Freude opened the groups of twelve girls each. One group forming Important solos as he is also er problems in relation to the. community, and (3) what a superintendent floor show with an accordian solo, comes for two weeks, They leave and ready to submerge his individual qualC. C. A. TO ENTERTAIN which lent a true Spanish atmosphere. the other group resides here two we•ks. mes into group numbers." c. c. A. will meet tonight at 7:00 expects of a teaeher." Senorita Carman Miers, an out-of-town Each person works 55 hour.; in his p. m. in the faculty room. Plans will Mr. Schindler would expect· his so- guest, performed an acrobatic dance allotted time. be made for a party to be held the cial science teacher to discuss all the 'with the grace of a professional, after The girls learn to cook, sew, knit first week in December to which "isms" but at the close of the unit which Senor Burton Evans, resplend- and embroider. They also learn leiTuesday, Nov. 15, 1938 members of the Lincoln Newman to bring out the superiority of our own ent in Spanish costume; serenaded sure activities such as dancing. The 8:30-9:00 p. m. democracy. "The public school must Club will be invited. "My Margarita," followed by his trum- college has given them two hours a "S Bl ,, · Announcer . . . . . . . . . . Gordon Gilbert protect our democracy, for schools are ugar ues as week to use the gymnasium. Pet arr angement of the children of democracy." · Sh t d Th · Piano solo . . . . . . . . . . . . Marie Chehey encore . Senorl.ta Maxme ers a err system of work is divided into =·· · te h Id b "Nocturne,· 0 11us 9, No. 2"-Uhopin nIS science ac er· wou e ex- followed with her version of "Celito stations as cook, marketer, laundress, ~ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 pected to teach science in such a way Lindo," which gained hearty applause. housekeeper and hostess. Each girl Readings · · · · · · · · Prof. R. D. Moore YM. c. A., Y. W. c. A., and as to not conflict with the religion of The last number on the floor show, a has a different duty to perform every Alto Solo · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Sylvia Ulmer c. a. A................. 7-8 p. m. the community. He also believes there Spanish dance done by six couples in day. "The Great Awakening"-Kramer Broadcast ................ 8:30 p. m is no place for an atheist in the school colorful costumes, completed a very This project in Peru is under the "My Heart is a Haven"-Stinel WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 system Of our country. unusual program, which helped conStardusters Trio ............. . direction of Miss Edna Mauel, who reResJdence Girls' Meeting .. 7-8 p. m. Mr. Schindler spoke about the value siderably to make the formal a success. Coatney, M. Harris, Hazelton ceived her degree from Peru in the THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 of a teacher realizing the importance A great deal of credit goes to Gleina summer of . "Little Chink-Heler: Wing 1930 Freshman Clubs .......... 7-9 p. m. of :nl, music and dramatics Jn our Miers, president of the dormitory coun"The Donkey Seren:ide"-Stotna~t SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 scl:ool system of '.oi:tar. Each te:icl1er cil and general chairman, the girls' (From the "Firefly") Ted Shawn Dancers .......... 8 p. m. must aiso see the importance of the club and dormitory council, Margaret DORM GAINS TOEHOLD Pedagogian of the Air . . Ruth Crone MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21 other t?acher's work. Henderson and her decoration com- The excavation of dirt was started Violin solo . . . . . . Mildred Knoflicek Freshmen Council ........ 10:30 a. m., under difficulties· 'lf a soar throat mittee and all girls who helped with Monday, November 14, for the site of "Aus der Heimat"-Snetana Crawdads .................. 7-8 p. m. and hoarseness Supt. Schindler gave decorations. Mrs. Dunning painted the Men's Dormitory. Power shovels ''Memories"-Czerwonky Alpha Psi .................. 7-8 p. m. his talk by stressing its practical as- the dance programs, and Robert Weber and trucks will be used to level the "Dark Eyes"-Transcribed by V1dlow. (Russian Gypsy Folk S.mi;:>. Kappa Delta Pi • • • . . . . . . . . . 8-9 p. m. pects. had charge of lighting. ground.

Peru Hour



~====~~~~~~=~~====~======~~~T~H~E~P~E~R~U~~PE~D~A~G~O::o-~~ I



The Peru Pedagogian Nebraska. Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers c ollege,d Peru 1 ~atter Entered at the Postoffice at Peru', Nebraska as secon c ass . . $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents.

Locals., 10 , c,e nts per 1·me ts~ er incp· _ _ ___:_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:-__ -~=sp=a~y~·~ce---n~· · P~--STAFF ' EDITOR ....... . .. . : ...... ' ...................... ·... ·, .... . .. R1J'l'H CRO'NE 20

B0 me



~ By Mary L l·zabeth

over Europe War drums beating Peruvi'- n back poi;::, ])·. ought a former ho-res ' ' w1 · .th m;-,.,gled .

haste to .~.merican s - ret and hapemotions of extreme reg piness. Miss Jean

attended Peru

dSpe:~l~~oa~ain last Mon-



- '


Edward Arnold -Clyde Hunt Mildred Knoflicek Wilma Pa.men

!'J: '. ,

1 r . ,~- ~.? " ' - ,• " ' '(\" • • I' . ' ,.., r";' 1 •· I ~'. 1-: (/;_.. .."·; I : fOj.:". ": '. 'i · ' /' · \ ·_. .. , ·... 'I · ·, :


Mary Lizabeth Werner Alice Devore Ella Hurlburt Jean Koeppel Frank Summers

-' ••

Robert Mason


He mentioned that Nebra'.)lka as a "\Vhite 3pot"


very black in r espect to education. He did not tell us that total expenditures or state government

( 1925 to 1937)


increased lO<i.5

declined 34.2 per cent. 'He

did not s ay that from data compiled by the President's A·1 visorx Comm ittee on Education that Nebraska's potential ability to :np~)ort education · rank~d sixteenth, but in actuality her position was twel ve places, lower. Supt. Schindler did not state that in 1929 the public educators of Nebraska, with the exceptio11 of those of Oregon, received the largest percentage reduction in the matter of salaries , nor did h e elabo rate on th e fact that the averag-c annual salary of

~eachers, s upervisors and principals in Nebraska. (November 1937 data) was $772-$Si 1 under the n l tionai average or tenth from the bottom. With the possibility of'

('35) .

w erner



~·Jimerson ·:-


the superintendency I' to come to Peru as t, At Wilber are four Peruvr' . WillY ('24), Mazy Dodso.n ('2' Snider, and Hervon Sllid€, MTbere are also a:Ullllli . 1 City. These mcluae: v. tra · bie · K ukl·al ( ,: zard ('25), I.t1b vada Long ('17) and M._ L, C.



ALUM~ NI TRAIL ..,. :BY .ALlv..., D"'"rOR.c.o .DIV


('35) :


Walter Watkins, who was " pus Vi.&'t 38 degree 1936-37 was a cam . lo i --list of all 19 November 10. He IS now ., Follotwing :~da their present place - day, south Dakota. -


-------- .




been superintendent at, Dill<. SulJe: elec t.e d Jefferson County ent. ('35)

River' on; ~ Mrs. Alton Wagner . w~ who were driving from N Thi . wa~ an Barisas, nee City; Leonard. 1B"'ll : L,ewis Callahan. t 0 MC1rray, Nebra:;ka..". . sh·e r . trip e unad1l a ., . 1 , ::1. County superint endent ot :, unusual coincidence since "We thur Brue Mo . Zelda Ca rmine, T1 S he haS been teach·n. home was very unexpected. Skidmore, ., 11 Glenwood, a ., county. d ating ft com- Evangelyn ·,k.' Alice D obbs, cumseh since gra u 'otn ~ were not given an authorative b advised D eyCorne Norfo_ Helen av • las Hampton, mand by the consul, but e · to leave Beatrice; · Eldred Doug ' Americans without business . Giltner; Blanche t ,, This allowed Jean just Gerald Flether, . .,.,,. .. s Mabel George, the coun ry. d uitcases p nca m .i three hours to get trunks an s Freeman, o ' . Gottula Hend- 1 BOOKWORM ME packed, book passage on the Norm:; San Juan, Texas; Omar ' die say goodbye and wind up le7. Smithla;nd, Ia.; Mary aff~irs but being a remarkable mana- Joe Halterman, Charl-=s Hanlon 0.\fr& A brand new bo©k which ' gar Je,an did it all in t_WO and a half ~ Kathryn ' ue ' New Mexico; ho~rs . . Leaving that day 1n a rush Thompson) Albuquerq D bra r y has on its rental shelf. · Arcadia·' Mary It is a tale of the acquittal C! was much wiser th an waiting until Frances Harns, Dewitt·· . Hinton. Jack Hazelton, • Rolfe by the jury for the mlllli!' trouble did break out and being re, stricted, as all Am.ericans might be ' Harns, John Heck, Hamburg, Iowa,. Jim Heck . a- young woman. H e returns to One Small suitcase. b g Iowa · Ida Hennm"', ur ' south' D aikota ; Gene his wife and family and life' '!I'm glad I'm back now that th e er ' H am Co nearly wr ecked because Of the < trouble is going on over there, but at ~~::.o-~'isne;; Ruth Ann Hill, Wy~ of his former friends. the time it just broke my beart." ore· St ella Hindernach, Columbus, "Acquittal" is an intensely Jean was asked to brush up the ~Ilia~. Humphrey, Weeping Wate~·; tic story which moves with "· highlights of her year 1n France and Maxlne Jarvis, Hayes Genter; Etrwm decision. rt contains many tf' Belgium. Juilfs, Scottsbluff; Ray K ellogg, How - uations and sharply contrast&i "! da e anyone to go to Paris and Uly~ses r ~ . t in '!'he food 1s so rich and ells·, Nancy J a ne Kehoe, a cters. no ga . so many sauces. Wayne Lindberg, Shenandoa they serve a lf h, K aIowa. n sas ;· Women , especially, enjoy t.!1' ·"I went to tne Chateau country- James McAllist er, Ran o • • m a n tale which . first appe~ the Lorraine in France. We summered Maggie McAlpine, H astings; ·D ean Mc- serial in The Ladies' Home J a week 1n the Pyr~nees Mountains, C'ormick, Thurman, Iowa; Vivian M c and went on a pilgramage to Lourds. Kimmey, Hampton; Howard Miller, It .is the second largest one in· the Eagle; Maxine Metcalf, Mandamin, A. CHRISTIAN GIVES PARTI' Ardist Christlan entertain~ world. There were stacks and stacks Iowa; Marie Nalting, Plattsmouth; girls at a party last .Mondar of pilgrims' crutches and canes. Mary Norris, Valley; Leslie OppenNovember 7, on the occasion ol "I started taking lessons at the con- heimer, Lisco; Alfred Paul, Humboldt; birthday. servatory from a Flemish instructor. Charles Parnell, University of Nebras These p r esent were: Elsie Their language is terrible. I soon · ka; Doris Prichard, Ogallala; Harold quit and ever since I have taken violin Prichard, University of Nebraska; Joel Lola Tl).ompson, Sarene Hno. lessons twice a week. My tea_cher's Punches, Fairfield. Ila Mae Heinke, Hazel Vanis-

~-r-a_e_m_e_a_n_d_S_a_r-·a-: h-: Lo:- run-:.e-~r:~

W e were privileged last week to hear Superintendent Schindler

while e;penditures for the public

A} ct


qenevieve Parriott ·Beunice riot:{ Dean Karr .


speak to u s.



ASSISTANT EDITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STELLA ROGGE ·in 1936-37 an studying . . lin in Eur- n1ents: gradua es day, has been VlO ka City; SPOR!I'S EDITORS .... : . NORMAN LITTRELL, WAYNE McGINNIs ope for over a year. l""t Frl· . .AnnStrong, ·Nebras Bernard t wo weeks ago ..., Deva. er ROkeby; "I got friends ADVISER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. FLORENCE MARTIN day," shehome said, "I mew eswom;ork City Carl Baltensperg Shubert; 'Ray Beamer, t P aw p, r-REPORTERS


Ralph Sellhom ( 24)

. Comes Jean r R . es lS e As W7ar S car .


(~. ~~~~~.~.

M Gxew



Di I

~ ~ey are: .RaJph Higgens


jeopardizing. his· reputation to some

degree our Convocation spieaker might have told. us that a tabula-

tion of maximum highschool safariets' paid in ~)! ci:ties of 100,000 and over population shows that the . largest c;ity in our state i'.s; in name was Joseph Von Boppel-truly Ern'e st Rawson, Preston; Wiley Rem- jorie Trenholm, Helen Marg1m: Ruth Roberts, Elk son, Dorothy Ann CO!'.tn :~ eighty-ninth positi'on, and with greater emphasis fr~m th·e viewpoint a marvelous musician. I was Just get- mers, Garland; ting so I could talk to him rather well Creek· Martin Rockwell Cowles· Ralph Alice Devore. "'f _authority he might have mentioned that 46 accred_ited highschoois when he was called into the service Scholl, Beaver, Iowa; ' Anita 'Searle, in this farm s t ate have dropped their courses in a,gr.iculJure. jiast two days before I left. Valpa;raiso ; Elaine Shafer, S tromsburg; Watches, pens, glasses Re · "My aunt ·h ad a ten-room apartment in Paris, but I :f·e lt cramped in Jerome Snyder, San Moros, Texas ; Chatelain's Jewelry.- Adv. Of course, all this may not be true, but if it isn.'t the Survey it. I like my Uncle's chateau in Ant- Larry Stark, Big Springs; Dorot h y I ',rap ,.... 111c. · w h'1c h pu bl'1s 11ed m · its, 0 ctober issue an article ·· by Mr. werp where I was most of the time." Stevenson, Gothenburg; Marjorie S te- I Fan11worth Crowder stating such "untn~ths", will probably find THE DEAD LINE When ask ed a bout int ernational af- venson, Mitchell; Minnie T aylor, subfairs, Jean replied : "Over there, they '>titute, Nebraska City; R ichard Turnitself involved in a terrific libel suit. Thus· far, we have h eard no er, Jamestown, K ansas-·, Vester VanSight s in Auburn: Tall, d.<think that Germany wants everything. rumors of s uch an actiG>n nor have we seen any more or less contra- They were so glad that war had been derbeek, Thedford; Marie Weinke, Te- Halliday escorting five fems. dictory to this article although these will. doubtless ap- averted. They thought Chamberlin cumseh; Evaline West, Ansley; M a r ee Small talk among fellows pear as soon as some s tatistics are mart$all~d. was wonderful." Williams, Clarks ; Willis Worth, Ames campus: "If they close the doo. "What about people of note-faces in University; Frederick ~olter, Ames going in through the windOll' Al:4suming that this is really the low-down, just how does this the news? Did you see any celebri- University. MarlYn Engdahl, the s·~: · :;ffect us? A large percentage of the students that come to this inties?" . Wayne Reed ('35) was elected Coun- husher- upper of the OollinS c;fitution becom e · instr1:1ctors and a great majority - of th.at.;~ teach "While I was waiting for my bag- ty Superintendent of Schools ·of Otoe caused a f::mall iiot when rt: :n Nebraska. (See this week's Alumni Trail iif you are s keptical. ) gage at the station I glanced up to County in the recent election. He has fellows discovered his feet Vi woman standing been Superintend ent at Palm · lish. In other word~, in one, two or three years, as the case may be, we see t a t very pretty yra . I Anna ,,... nex o me. recognized Marlene ~atharine Collins ('gi:i) of will find ouselves in the very center of this situation. 131 Society note: F amous Aluiut Dietrich waiting for her daughter who, IDast Lime Avenue· MonroVia C l'f by the way, is surprisingly plain. The ntiia, has retired after 42 year~ 0 ; ~~~= terbones received diamond SO night. A nd it doesn't b ehoove us to blame the circumstances on "dirty great Dietrich is shorter than I-bu t nuous Service in th politicians" or " dickering state officials", for we, to a large extent !was most impressed by her lovely hair. schools In th t e elementary The State Hairdressers• CtJOl a city. On retiring She was held in the dormitory s. will create the conditions under which we will woi;k. Our proble m You know she had a great deal or was i .g ven a far ewell D dinner by' th e morning . All members ate ... :s not to g o digging in the "White Sp_o t's cellar for refuse but rath- trouble getting her daughter from M onrovia -Arcadia Czechoslavakia. She offered $10,000 Club at which th uarte Teachers the dining hall at noon. er to obtain effici ent leadersh i'p and follow it to the plane where to anyone who could get her out. Los An 1 e Superintendent of The girls remembered their d. teaching is ranked, regarded and rewarded as it should be and as "Toscanni, 'Barbs' Hutton, and the master gees She County. act ed as toast- the fellows were minus gum. · is an other profession. English 'Sonja Heinle' were on the re- Monro~a. Will continue t o r eside in one danced cheek to cheel: c< turning boat." .,..... to head. All in all the Mexi '· ... ue Louise "What now, Jean,- what do You graphical A hiMears M edal for Geo- :vas a nice-er-blanket pRrtY· · want to do?" 1n c evement Which . WE LIKED "LITTLE NELL" "I g displayed In th ' is be- Jokes a.side, it was swell! always liked orchestra work:. to !De awarded t M: e college office, is Whose face as well as th. 0 However, it is difficult for a girl to get Miss Willi aree Willia.ms (' 3 S) "All work and no play make~ Jack a bad boy." Was red a certain Saturday r' Naturally, that _into a bigger one. My mother and I Clarks Willams, Who is teaching ~ Le; a controversial issue. (All pen~ons wishing to are hoping to go back to Paris n ext ' receive the m d dis cuss it see spring." time she Vis.its Peru e al the next Everetts I~ate J\~ cfot yre, Gab us, Brown, Colg laz ier and Floyd.) Another Peruvi · . By _<;andelight Service Superintendent aniselected A ny hoq, we of the Pedagogian staff feel that the st a t ement is FINAL FORMAL PLANS W lY.rr as County I.ni tiatory serVices were cat"· eatherfield, Wh s. Viola b~ a candle light ceren'lonY n• true. We b elieve tha,t burlesqu e and big wigs· can be mixed in r egard OUTLINED AT MEETING 0 h ere the sununer last attended L iterary Society Thursdav e Members of Gamma Chi met Wed school h 1 J the schedule of Convocation prog rams . rn?sday night to make final - as been teaching in B of 1936. She the Music Hau. A sh~rr arrangeThe new .,,,T rock t met· ""d · e ing was followed bY a If most of the students wit~ h to make this our ed,itoria l policy, mmt s for the All-Girls' Forma 1. M C<.;t rectory h i"ebraska .c.. ucau0 con · t· ef he time was spent With the b "i Th as recently b na1 Di- 'f sis lhg of games arranged f lease Slee a n ins urance agent as our former policy expilred las t June 1 ness meeting, but the remainderu~; inge~~ ~e so· p~... UVians, ~~n P~blishea. :ea Hau. Refreshment of ; n d was not ren ewed due to lack of puns. the evening was spent in inf ebrasJ;,:a high o a1e teach- Wiches B.nd hot chocolate "°ere <lancing. ormal thSeven teachers anctSchoois, listed. e Auburn Schoo1 su pervisors G!nsses nep . = aired. - Prescn·p•· s are Pe of ea ru a.J:u?llni. 1 : broken lenses duplioateo-~ am•s Jewe1 ...

I ---- ----------4




Watch the Bobcats Battle Tarkio STRONG AUBURN CLUB DEFE'l\TS PREPSTERS 20-0

Peru Gives Wesleyan 6-0 Win By Fumbles Dean, Nelson, Ogg, Mcintyre Lead P~·ruvians p.eru did it again! once more the fighting, never-say-die l3obcats fumbled away a foo;ball game-this tlJ:ne they lost to Wesleyan 6-0 Friday night.




THE BOUNCING BALL By Norman Littrell

I 1. 1



The Bobcats still have a bad case of .fumbles-and it cost them another game. The first three running plays of the game found Peru fumbling, Wesleyan fumbling and Peru making a b'ld pass from center. What did look good at Wesleyan was the fine showing of next year's team. The backfield combination of Kid

By WAYNE McGINNIS Friday afternoon the Prepsters fin!shed the season by losing to Auburn 20-0 on the latter's field. For the second time this season Coach Hall's inexperienced gridders stepped out of t.heir class to meet decis1ve defeat fac~ to fare; the other oci:a.sion was when the strong ~ebraska City club, whic'h later tled "Jug" Brown's Falls City teaih, emerged the victor 25-0. Peru's defeat might be labled too much Gale Gritz, because it was this slight built boy, who scored all of th~ Higginsmen's touchdowns. Gritz struck once in the first quarter, then crossed the goal line twice in the following period as Auburn used end



Come one-come all to the battle of Frosh Kittens vs. Mangy Bobcats! You have seen these fighters in seven football games and one play-now you can see them in a 4-act circus. The stage is set on the athletic field-the time is 3 :45, and the actors are to be costumed in football togs. The admission to see this circus of freaks and football thrills is only 10 cents or one d1J:ne---0ne-tenth of a dollar. Look what you will see for that wee bit of Uncle 8am's dough-re-me-an upperclass team playing their last game on Peru's field ·and a grand assortment of promising Peru players. Feeling is running high and betting is limited-with the uppers having a 2-1 advantage.


,,,. never played football 'till he came to Peru. Ross Organ: Ross is destined for great things; watch him. Richard Severson: Dickie, one of Ord's products, Severson could be one of Peru's great. Guards: Harold Fisher-Fish is a former Prep star and Freshie president. Claude Relf-weight and weight alone keeps Relf off the first squad. Sanders-Gusty Sanders adds lots of chatter and pep to the squad. I! he'd settle down, he would make the Mangy upperclassers plenty sick 'I'hursday. Centers: Jack Mcintyre-Mac is to captain the Frosh Kittens and will also call signals from his center position. Dale Hughes-Bubbles is another

him. Kenneth McHugh-Kid made history when he became a thief. He runs nicely and knows how to pick up interfer-

Wesleyan then gathered itself for a first quarter score, and did so by sweeping through Peru tackles on reverses. Burroughs scored for Wesleyan from the 8-striper on a reverse. From then on the game was all Pe- Peru Prep--Beri Hall: other senior who is ready to go. ru. The Bobcats pushed the ball down Peru ~ '11&$ sbi,fM into position ner ':-O. Gilbert Purucker-Pook should be the Wt time this :pear. Bert Hall, What with such boys as Brown, Nin- able to truck right through the infant to a fi rst and goal on the nine marker -and then bogged down on the two00\'U:h, llhmLld be coogratu- cehelser, Smith, Grafton, Clements. Bobcats. yard line. Then the BOOeats ~ on hlS ~- what looked like DeVore, Palmer, Redding, Slinker. and Glen Sheeley-Snagtooth, will be in Talmage should go places next year. A-"ed deei>unv •-•n w-1~,,_,...,;..,;,.•-'-•" """"'\Il Jn.•A a fair Lyons back next year it will be the there pitehing. Glen's shortness is an Water boy: Lloyd Sehnert. Looked a break and mw.ui ,,.,...,~""' ...,,...........,.,""""""""" "' an territory, only to falter on nearing sesSon. The Bobkittens were a heavy Kitt.en's time to return to the form asset in his wriggling through to make good at Wesleyan-has been driving J·unior high team, but not even a displayed by former successful Prep a five man backfield in the enemy hard. Assures Frosh of good support. the ten-yard Jine. A second half drive led by Jerry Ogg light high school squad (if you get ·elevens. camp. All kidding aside-this should be a ' and freshles Kid McHugh and Donald w_hat I mean). Yet, Bert worked·. out . Co.ac!l''H_· li announced early this ·R6ss Mams_:_Ross is a former fight- good game and it is your last chance "Duck" Dean found the Bobcats mak- some of the most outlandish brain week that sixteen of his boys had let- !ng Peru Prepper. to see the gang in action. Not only ing four consecutive first downs. A puzzlers for plays-which plays when tered. They are Colten, guard; KaCenter: George Mort-Captain Mort that but the fee of 10 cents goes tofiat pass to Dean ended with the combined with a fighting band Of kit- men, tackle; Pugh, back; Sears, guard; to youse. Georgie will be captain of ward the sweater fund. All year these red he~ds trying to blast three Wes- tens brought two victories and one de- Heartly, guard; and Mason, back, sen- the mangy Bobcats and is out to show fellows lla ve been out there p~acticing -let's help reward them. How about Ieyan men out of the way. He was in- feat. iors; Clements, guard; Redding, tackle; Mcintyre just what the score is. Jured on the play and had to be taken Intramurals: Grafton, end and Lyons, tackle; jun- Backs: Tom Majors-Old T. J. rides cheer-leaders and some yells. Get out from the game. This took the snap How's about getting the Intras start- iors; Smith, end, and Slinker, back, again-or something. Tom is a senior your green caps freshies-perhaps you out of the team and the attack bogged ed early this year, Jones? The boys sophomores; and the freshmen were and should be in there driving hard. can rule for a day. See you Thursday down again. would like a double round robin of represented by Brown and Nincehel- Elmon Velvick - Brownies' quick at 3:45. Burroughs, Gardner, Williams, Wil- basketball-it's the only chance for a ser, backs; Palmer, tackle, and Devore, kicks and accurate out-of-bound kicks helm and Price looked best for Wes- lot of the fellows to keep in shape and l'ent.er. Bhould heckle the youngsters. WERNER TO PRESIDE leyan. to keep in basketball form. Right af- Football season ls over for the Prep- . John Greene-Johnnie is still both- OVER DRAMATIC CLUB Howard Dean, acting captain Nel- ter the last football game, why not sters and basketball practice will start ered by injuries, but we look for some son, Jerry Ogg, Jack Mcintyre and get the ball bouncing? We are wait- next Monday. hard-driving this Thursday. Officers were elected at a brief meetfreshmen Dean and McHugh were out- ing for you to act. Everyone can't be Jack Floyd-Passer Fioyd should ing of the Dramatic Club after Convostanding for Peru. on the varsity, but 80 to 100 boys al- "Show Must Go On" bother the infants a lot. Jack has cation Friday, November L They are: Lineups ways do participate in intramurals. Revealed in Radio Work been· handicapped all year by an in- Mary Lizabeth Werner, president; WESLEYAN PERU So let's give everyone a break by hav- Last Wednesday afternoon came jury. He has just gotten into shape. Ruth Crone, vice president; Virginia · 1 · J G d · Trively, secretary-treasurer; Glema Williams ........ le ......... H. Dean mg lots of ball p aymg. the routine duties of every Peru broaderry 0 gg- era! , with the accent th G t Gardner ... , .... It ...... (ac) Nelson Another thing, how about a cheap cast. Members of the Radio Club set on e er-or is i ? Anyway Jerry Miers, treasurer. R~ston .... , .. , )g. . . . . . . . . . . Boyer trophy or banner to be awarded to the up the equipment, everything was in has been outstanding in the last two The Club voted its approval of acBrasch .. , ...... , c ....... Mcintyre winning team? 'I'he trophy of course readiness-but a trial to reach K. M.A. games. He ls a senior and should be cepting Tue responsibility of presentVan Ells ...... , . rg ........ Purucker would pass from year to year with say failed. What was the trouble? a thorn in the Frosh team's side. ing a play for Convocation in the near Lay . , . , ..... , . . . rt .......... Mosley I three !:gs in succession for permanent With the systematic preciseness of Keith McHugh-Mac is going to town future. Ripley ......... , re ...... Greathouse 1possession. Professor C. R. Lindstrom with the in the game, Watch and see. Due to the fact that other activiPrice ........... qb ........ Qampbell A Golf Story: assistance of Richard Kingsolver, Waterboy: N. Littrell-Norm, this is ties, holidays and the like persist in Burroughs , , ... , . lh .......... Greene Here's a golf story taken from the Ross Russell, and James Hanlon, his chance to run without spilling any crowding out the regular meeting of Davis .. , . , .... , rh . . . . . . . . . Young· Golfing News: there began a detailed checking of water. Credited· with longest runs of the club, they will make up for this by having their meetings for the most part otto ...... , .. , . fb .......... Velvick "A legend about a golfing willow the apparatus. Minutes hurried on the year. Peru substitutions: R. Floyd, Se\·0r- tree k being told by members of the and stretched into hours. Finally, af- And now for the freshies or Frosh off the campus. son, Organ, Adams, Sheely, Dougher- Wild•;·ood Golf Club, in the Metro- ter three hours of work, a broken con- Kittens. Ends: Les Gump, Les is a ty, Gump, Ogg, McHugh, D. Dean, Ma- plito.u district. nection was discovered. Then it took former Nebraska City star. Glasses Repaired, Prescriptions filljors. "It is related that once upon a time but a few minutes to fix the trouble, Rex Floyd-Rex hails from Beatrice. ed, broken lenses duplicated.-ChateR member sliced into the grove of and at eighty-thirty the well-known Tackles: Alllson Dougherty-Red had ,Iain's Jewelry.-Adv. W · A. A. Chooses oaks t?rdering the tenth hole and that Peru bell was heard ringing over the )(. ~ )( )( )( Coatney Sports Head in hacking his way out, he broke his radio. From the picture you are now having taken for the 1939 The super-athletes of the W. A. A. clul!J on the trunk of a tree and the Peruvian you may have photos finished for your own perended their hit pin tournament Mon- head flew off and against one of the HEAR YOURSELF AS sonal u~e. day n1ght and practises for their new branches of a young willow tree. The OTHERS HEAR YOU sport, volley ball, began today· sharply broken end of the shaft Remember Xmas will soon be here and a wonderful time You will find that this opportunity ' Dorothy Ann Coatney was elected wedged into a branch of the willow. of hearing yourself in a scientifically to remember a good friend with your Photograph. sports leader for this quarter at a "Tice clubhead, shaft and branch, in made record, true as to tone and equal Some of our prices are: business meeting Monday, November time, became grafted together, and to the best radio recording, will be one Minitures ... , , . , . , . , .. , ..... , .... 50c to $2.50 6. At this meeting plans were dis- the weighted head gracefully bent the of the finest aids to progress you have 5x7 B & W Enlargements ... , .... 75c Un-Mtd. Gussed for an entertainment similiar young branch down into a perfect ad- ever had. Leading teachers everySxlO B & W Enlargement .. $100 Each Un-Mtd fo that which the W. A. A. spbnsors dress position for driving. When the where recommend it highly. for apApplication Photos .... , .6 for 50c 15 for $1.00 each year. However, no definite plans yiind blows the branch takes practice pointment see Prop. Steck. All the latest styles of :mounts and frames to fit all sizes. swing·s. were made. Initiation of new members will be "In the fall of the year wh:n the. oak On Bing Crosby's front lawn is this held Wednesday, November 23, with a trees shed .acorns, the g~lfmg willow Sign: "Keep off the grass. Remember has scmethmg to play with, and on h t t . f party at the cabin: , . w en you oo were s rugg1mg or rePERUVIAN PHOTOGRAPHER rare qccas1ons, when a member has cognition." Glasses Repaired, Prescriptions fill- been known to slice near the grove, At the Peruvian office every Monday and Thursday ed, broken lenses duplicated.-Chate- the willow has played the ball onto Watches, pens,' g!as....ti:1epaired.afternoon during November , the green, more than 200 yards away." Chatelain's JeweJr· ,, a we1, lain's Jewe]ry.-Adv. i!!llll.11!111!ll!ll!!lll!l~~~~iii:llillll~l!llllilllll!ll'lllJ!iiiilll!J1l!l!li!1l!l!li:OOliillilf e 3; Col. : a_






Two faculty members were on th e , In tit te Copnty Teachers s u program at Auburn last Saturday. Mr. ClemSeven Peru Players Groups ents spoke on "Oonstructive Classroom Give Parts of Famou,s Plays Discipline." Miss Mccollum gave two PERU PLAYERS Sketches were given last Thursday talks: "How. When, and Why,. th2 night of famous plays by seven group5 Indian Drama," in Lhc morning, of Peru Players, directed by upperclass "Recreative Return from Children's sponsors. Each was criticized by Literature" in the afternoon. Professor Robert Moore, woo acted as official judge. First prize was awarded to two outstanding plays. These were led by Thomas Chinnock and Carter Johnson. From this initial appearance, will be Recognition Given chosen the best actors and actresses. Senior Football Men These people will then be cast in three A pep rally Friday noon in th: high plays: One to be given before convo- school Eent the prepsters on their way cation, one to be given before a club· to the Auburn-Peru football game. meeting, and one for a regular Peru Coach Bert Hall gave a pep talk. The Players meeting. All will be of the senior players were given special reChristmas type. cognition. They were Wayne Pugh, Dale Kamen, Roger Mason, Joe Hart§(j_~J!~!lllli- . ley, Milfred Sears. Writing verse for Christmas cards ls A carload of high school students atsomewhat an avocation; but it can be tended the Navy Band Concert in turned into a profitable vocation ac- Omaha, Thursday, November 10. They cording to a report given to Scribblers were: Betty Kennedy, Elda Hamel, Club last Thursday evening by Nadine Camellia Comtelly, Leonore Larson, Naeve. Betty Collin and Burtus Kennedy. The remainder of the time was spent Football boys had their picture taken in an informal discussion of what each Thursday, November 10, for the 1938member has read and a review of 39· Peruvian. stories supplied by Maryon Thomas. The fourth grade exhibited articles Nadine Naeve was elected president descriptive of jungle life in Africa. of the club and Maryon Thomas secreThey also had an exhibit on "Safety tary. Miss Thomas was also elected First." newspaper reporter. Friday afternoon they gave a playlet


PRINT CLUB Designs for Christmas cards placed on block prints was the work done by members of the Print Club at their last meeting. This form of recreation required most of the evening, but a short business meeting was also held. Plans' were made for reproducing the prints. KODAK CLUB Robert Shuler, faculty sponsor, gave a demonstration of the various chemical reactions in reproducing film before a large number that attended a meeting of the Kodak Club last Thursday evening. He stressed that the procesio is not involved to such a de .. gree that amateurs cannot make it profitable. Officers elected for the coming year are Charles Pal'j.dise, president; Ferne Peterson, vice-president; Edgar Wiltze, secretary-treasurer. CRAWDADS The. fascinating game of water· polo combining skill with water holding capacity seemed to be the headliner of Crawdad activities. The water seems not to have dampened anyone's ardor because all old faces were presl)nt as well as some new ones PERSONALITY CLUB Timely discussion on makeup and hair dressing featured the Personality Club meeting a week ago. Geraldine Cordell led the discussion In a highly pleasing and informative manner. She was assisted in her demcnstration by Mildred Bolken. An above the average crowd in attendance came to the meeting ":hich is regularly held in t11e Training school building. LEARN TO DANCE Main efforts of the student instructors in the Learn to Dance club at their last meeting were directed towards ballroom decorum and increasing footwork of the members. New steps were introduced and tried while old steps were being directed again and again. A capacity crowd attended the meeting at which Eleanor Nieman played.

with setting In the African jungles. Punch was served to the visitors after 1;he play. ARMISTICE PEACE PLEA MADE AT Y. W.-Y.M. Money, which otherwise would have been spent for lunch, was sacrificed by Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. members Friday noon at a peace consecration service. The money will be sent to the Chinese students who. have been forced into poverty by Japanese invasion. Explanation of the purpose of the meeting and the cause was given by Gordon Gilbert and Leora Libhart. Special music during the program was furnished by a quartet consisting of Leora Libhart, Sylvia Ulmer, William Mooney and Gordon Gilbert. While the quartet sang, the members made their offerings.

NEXT PLAY TRYOUTS SCHEDULED NOV. 14 Tryouts for the· next college play which will be given December 17, will begin the first part of this week said Professor Robert D. Moore, Head of the Speech Department. What play will be presented has not been definitely decided, but it will probably be, "Moonshine and Honeysuckle", by Lula Volmer, or "The Saturay Evening Ghost", by Tom Taggart. They are both cleverly written and highly recommended. The play selected to be presented was "Moonshine and Honeysuckles" by Lula Volmer. It is cleverly written and highly recommened. WINS SIX GAMES IN A ROW According to the Omaha World Herald, Comstock high is making a fine football record. Coach Earl Dasher's club dropped the first game to Sargent, then won the. next six. The locals are expecting a hard tussle with Litchfield Armistice day. Earl is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dasher of Peru.

Faculty Dames Give Armistice Dinner Watches, pens, glasses Repaired-Friday evening, November 11, the Cnatelain's Jewelry.-Adv. members of the Faculty Dames entertained their husbands with an Armistice party and. dinr~er in the Auburn B:otel. War-time songs were sung and the place-cards and the favors given were suggestive of Armistice Day. The members of the committee planning the party were Mrs. Robert D. Moore, chairman, Mrs. R. T. Benford and, Mrs. !nice Dunning.

NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR HAVE SPORTS PROGRAM NEW YORK (sp ecial)-'I'he sports program of the New York world's Fair 1939, which makes special appeal to the "sand-lot kids" of this country, from whose obscure ranks have risen many of the foremost athletes of America, was made public by Grover A. Whalen, President of the Fair Corporation. Announcement was made simultaneously with the dedication by the New York Yankees baseball team of the Fair's court of Sport, an extensive outdoor area forming part of the setting of the exhibit building on Constitutional Mall, main avenue of the Exvosition, which ls to house the Fair's Academy of Soprt. The Yankees, who have just won their third Pennant in a row and are now about to entrain for another World Series, arrived at the Fair grounds shortly afternoon, accompanied by their manager, Joe McCarthy. They were escorted at once to the Court of Sport and there Manager McCarthy hoisted to the top of a flagpole the New York Yankees' Championship Pennant. This was the first sports flag to be officially raised within the Fair grounds.


completed the school courses are to be wards in a series of ceremonies at presented with certificates issued by which famous team coaches and manth Fair's Academy of Sport bearing agers and players are to be present. · the recipient's name and also that of Christy Walsh is a member of both the celebrity conducting the class. these Boards. Boxing classes, of which there are Eleven football players, chosen as to be six during June, July and August, members of the All-American team, will be conducted by Gene Tunney, are to receive certificates oh days yet Jack Demsey, Jim Braddock, Joe Louis, to be named in May, June and July of Tony Galento, Benny Leonard, Mickey next year. Ten baseball players, simiWalker and other fistk fav0rites ready larly selected, are to be honored on to go on at a moment's notice. designated days in the same months. The Fair Corporatlor feelr. that with Certificates for the graduates in the such representation from these four Fair's various schools of sport will be departments or sport, the youth of awarded during September and Octothis country will be attracted by the ber. In every instance, the presentathousands on every class day, and tions of certificates to the boys are that they will receive instruction, not to be made by some notable figure in only from internationally-known per- the indicated department of sport. sonages in athletics but in an unfor- Boys living in cities distant from gettable fashion. New York may not be able to attend Instruction in another form, but at the complete series of lessons; such the hands of an equally prominent out-of-town visitors may attend one "faculty" ls to be offered in the Fair's class only, or several classes, which Academy of Sport within the exhibit !will quaify them to receive a Student building. This will gJve to visitors a Sport Card. "close up" contact w; i;:i their sport In the Academy of Sport there Is to favorites, because famou~ athletes, be a focal exhibit of sports trophies coaches and star players of visiting and other memorabilia of national and baseball an l football teams and dis- international distinction, Among the ~inguished sports writers d!e to be cups slated for display are: the Davis introduced "in person" and interview- Cup in tennis; the Wightman Cup in ed on a platform in the Academy, am- '"'omen's tennis; the Walker C'up in p!Jfiers being installed to ca1Ty their ''Olf, the United States-Englan award·, Upon completion of the brief cere'" voices throughout the audiences. the Captain's cup awarded by the Allmony, the Yankees were luncheon guests of Mr. Whalen Jn the Board of The Academy is to be the scene of America Football Board; football's LltDirectors' Room in the Fair's Admin- the presentation of many notable a- tle Brown Jug, contested fc,r since 1903 istration Building. The Yankees have wards. One of the most important of by the Universities of Michigan and worn upon their uniforms during the these is the Annual Academy Award Minnesota and now held by the latter; current baseball season the emblem for 1938, a trophy to be awarded by Babe Ruth's famous uniform with the of the Fair, the Perisphere and Trylon, ballot to that person, amateur or pro- "3" on it he wore during his Yankee fessional, male or female, adjudged to career-, the certificate of "Iron Man" and they will continue to wear it while have "contributed the most to the honors presented to Lou Gehrig by playing in the World's Series. Inciwelfare of American sport" during the baseball officials; a section of the imdentally, the Chairman of the Fair's year. memorial Yale Fence, property of the Advisory Committee on Sport, Col. The winner is to be selected by Yale Athletic Association; the Sugar Jacob Ruppert, is also owner oI th~ members of the Academy of Sport, Bowl, annual award ~or the New Year's Yankees. composed of all the prsonneJ of the football game at New Orleans; the In the Fair's program of sports outAdvisory Committee on Sport, \'ihich trophies and belts won by James Bradlined by Christy Walsh, Director of is made up of sports personalities, and dock, Jack Dempsey, Gene Tunney and Sports, there are to be both outdoor sports writets, s, total. of nearly 200 other heavyweight champions of the and indoor events with independent leaders. Their decision will be an- world; and finally the World's Fair competitions staged elsewhere under nounced next December and the trophy Academy of Sport Award. private management but with the cooperation of sponsorship of the Fair. ls to be placed on exhibition in the Flags representing colleges, athletic Such events are to include the All star Academy when the Fair opens. A clubs and similar organizations are to . Le ague base ball game at t he date in 1939 remains to be seiectd for be flown from masts erectod MaJor ' on all si'des Yankee Stadium in July of next year, the actual presentation. of the roof of the Academy of Sport. the International Police Pistol Tour- In addition to this major award, Each flag, or pennant, ls to be flflown nament and others to be announced certificates are to be conferred upon from the main mast over the front enlater. one individual, representing each and trance of the Academy on an approProbably the keenest appeal to the every sport, .who h~s perf~rmed ~ ser-1 priate date and for one clay only. R~­ sports loving youth of America will be vice of s~cial merit to his .Par.t1cular presentatives of college or athletic orsport during the current year, m, for· ganizations are to be invited to attend through the Fair's School of Sport, example, Baseball, Football, Hockey, a ceremony designating their pennant the instructors in which are to be this ~asketball, Tennis and other competi- as "The Flag of the Day," which is to country's leaders in the fields of Baset1ve athltlcs. receive a suitable salute. ball, Football, Track and Field and Days of marked importance in the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boxing. duration of the Academy of Sport are cl"!"l.il"l.;!"!.;!.;I"!"!"l.;!JI.;QQI,;!.;t.;!.;I.;lvl.Jr.;PI The "school term" extends through- to be those on which the awards of c The Modern Barber Shop ., out the period of Fair operation, from the All-American Board of Baseball c Our Haircuts will fit your type 1 April 30 next to the following October and the All-American Board of Poot- c of personality. ~ 31. First in the curriculum comes ball for 19~8, and also the certificates ~ We appreciate your patronage ~ Baseball, in which ten classes are to to graduates of the Fair's baseball, ~ WILLIS JAMES, Prop. ~ be held. The list of instructors, which football and boxing schools. kI<'I<'I0l<'I<'l<'I<'lCI<'l<'l<'l<'I<'l<'l<'I<'lrl<'I<'Fitltl!'l<'f reads like a roster of imperishable m~ The All-American Board of Baseters of the game, are to be: Joe Mcball, founded in 1923, is made up of Carthy, Lou Gehrig, Babe Ruth, Bill Electric Shoe Shop newspapers writers representing each Terry, John Van der Meer, Burleigh major league city. The Boa,·d of J.P. CLARK Grimes, "Lizzy" Dean, Hank GreenFootball, established in 192·1, Is comNorth of Skelly Station berg, Jimmy Foxx, Joe DiMaggio, Bob posed of college coaches representing Phone 109 Feller, Mel Ott and others equally notable. Classes in baseball are to held all sections of this country. Each of · J J A t d Se t b these Boards has officially designated m une, u1y, ugus an p em er. , the Fair s Academy of Sport as the In fooa,nwc tb 11 l . . hi h thereareoe, t b · d . Se t b . scene of the conferring of the:r aH. C. DALLAM six c1asses urmg p em er and 0 ctober of next year, the "professors" DENTIST who are to tell their audiences of the Office Ph 32 strategy of th game, are: Jim CrowRes. Ph.196 ley, Mal Stevens, "Pop" Warner, Lou T.ittle, "Chick" Me':lhrm, Benny Friedman, Larry Kelly, Alexander Wojclechowicz, Marshall Goldberg, and others. 'Ihese "old mastere" of gridiron play will Instruct theil' classes in every"A Mighty Good Place to Trade" thing there is to be k!'own about kicking, pasing and everything else in "the Flowers for all book" about football technique. Track and field instruction ls to be Occasions given ir. May and June in six classes U!J,de.~ ~hi; expert tutelage of Lawson DR'. GLEN H. JODER We Grow Our Own Robertson, DPan Cromwell, Pete WaSurgeon and Physician ters and ."Dink" Templeton, Glenn Milstead Corner Cunningham and other r.oted star~ Res. 39 Phone Of" .;ce 33 At the 1m.tminatioi;i of the classes in Nebraska City, Neb1·. baseball aven!ng'ltball, boys who have )Jit ng.



The Mardis Store




wAENGINEER AnR1m, ~:z:si'~L;~:~OLS


oAcKmGE woRK


EPSILON PI TAU VOTES TO SEND NEWS BULLETIN At a regular meeting held Monday evening in the Industrial Arts building, members of Epsilon Pi Tau Speaker Discusses Will Supervise Project lnight in the Music Hall. Russell Arrive in Panel Jobs voted to ·send out a· news bulletin. Foreign Situation The appointment of D. R. Stewart 1 Somers spoke on "Administration in This movement was instituted last . "My purpose this morning is to try f Omaha as resident engineer on the' High Schools", Mary Grush on "A<i'year when a nine-page buH~tin .w~s /to show, in its proper historical pereral Public Work Administration ministration in Elementary Schools;" sent ?ut. · C:omm1tte.es for this years J spective, the significance of the recent the new $189,000 boy's dormitory a!; and Miss Grace Tear on "Adminisbulletm were orgamzed and plans events in Europe, and to point out why u, has been announced by the re- tration in Colleges" .. "She also, gave a were made to publish the paper in the situation created thereby is such nal director, R. A. Radford of Om- report on the Nebraska Laws of early December. This news bulletin a revolutionary condition," stated Proha. Mr. Stumt arrived in Peru hst Administration. Th·ese reports inpertains to Industrial Arts only, and fessor Winston B. Thorson as he is sent to all graduates . who were spoke in convocation Friday morning. •eek, and wm live heri; while 1he cluded all kinds of schools in Nemajors or minors in that department. As a brief review Prof. Thorson iking is uncte" construction, wh·.ch braska·. Helen Mar·garet Larson was chairman of the committee in charge. ill be the greater part of a year. traced the European diplomatic affairs since the end of the World War. The trees h<tve been removed from Group singing was led by Profes"After the war all the European &1ound for the building, and tile sor R. T. Benford. Refreshments were rk of excavation will start as soon served. states sought one basic end-security the grading machine arrives, it hav. . .. None of the states wished to upbeen shipped from Lincoln. The set world peace and hoped to gain e work of construction is sched- Dean Jimerson Thinks Mcintyre's Scoring Dash their security at their own terms to be complete by September first College Students Younger Highlights Fast Game without disturbing this peace," pointed next year. Behind the desk once occupied by Oh where, oh where ha:s my old cat out Prof. Thorson. Mr. Stuart brings with him a back- one of the best loved Peruvians the gone? Oh where can he be,' with his "There are three groups in Europe. ound gained as engineer on other un- campus :has known, now sits a man tail drooping low and his ears set back The two extremes and the middle-oftakings, to aid the board of educa- who has a great task facing himby the freshman infant kittens? the-way group," he contim1ed. He gave It all happened Thursday afternoon as examples of the two extremes, 1 and the contractors in ineeting Dean Jimerson. With the an-ival of Ted Shawn and A Administration Ickes' demand Mr. Jimerson, himself a former Peru at 3:45 when a pigskin soared .into the France and Germany. Fr:l.nce wished speed, which is necessary if the student, finds the young people of to- '.1is troup of men dancers th~ auditor- air and the first annual battle of the to maintain the exact terms of the !ding is completed by the time speci- day much younger, less mature than i:im was turned into a bee hive of ac- upperclassmen and the freshies be- Versailles treaty, while Germany . For the past eleven months Mr. his classmates. He believes that it is tnity Saturday afternoon. came a reality. wished to upset the terms of the t has be<m engineer on the new quite evident that ~ay's college peo- After the removal of baggage from From the time Kid McHugh ran 35 treaty and regain her power. The . school building at Auburn, which ple have not had the experience that the panel jobs (trucks or cars in which yards on the first play till Jack Mcin- middle group, he explained, was the just been completed, and the pre- the former generation of students ·had. they travel) ·One was not Just sure tyre. galloped 85 yards .in the final group which included Great Britian, us year he was on the state hospital The new dean, like Ralph. Waldo whether they were ready to unpack and quarter the l50 fans in the stands were Russia, and Italy. ant additions at Ingleside, Nebr. He Emerson, is contented in whatever he stay awhile or were all packed and treated to a fast, furious ball game. Prof. Thorson chose French dipalso superintending the building of does. After ~ tweive .years at ready '."° leave. The ~ and trun_ks The freshies received and shook the lomacy as it sought to maintain auditorium for the \1llage of Cook. Auburn l:Bgh Scbool, be tnnes to Peru were piled onto the middle of Lae thieving Kid loose on the fif'3t play. French continental supremacy as an An office building has been con- to ~ a dm'erent type Of work, stage and it was from this point that He was finally brou~ht down from be- example of the first extreme. France cted at the building site, whieb and believes be will enjoy lt a great all activity radiated. . hind by Jerry Ogg. The rest of the made alliances with all the new states be used by the rontraclors and deal. The stage WllS thought to be ln good first quarter found vicious tackling by created a!ter the war, Czechoslavakia, ir superintendent, Tony Aus:trum Not any speda.l changes in reguJa •. order t<• receive the dancers but they the kittens overcom1ng the power of Yugoslavia, Belgium, Poland and e the building ls being erecied M:. tlon will be set up, according to Mr. lmmediately started to ~gi> U:e the mangy cats. The first quarter Rumania. art will also have his ofiice in thi-' Jimerson. He may teach some classes, pro!)s and many ended up m their ended o-o. , . "Hitler's appearance on the scene ildfi1g, but this is uncertain. He wm not 11'\'e -0riglnjjJ pl.aces. 'I'he• 8'0cond- .quaa>ter found the weak in)933 as Chancellor Of Germany dls. king of the frosh., k'tt When a11 eyes were t urne d 1oftward k1c in the new boys' dormitory. 1 ens result· , mg turbed French supremacy because he to look for "battens" one was lead to in a determined goalward 'drive by the was determined to attain real security Dean Jimerson, who has eaten sev- believe the sky was being scanned for Marigy Cats·. The first drive was stop- for Germany." eral times at the college cafeteria, those mythical attackers from Mars. ped, but an intercepted pass set up He pointed out that year by year . thin!>~ that it is possible that there are f Hitler strengthened himself and one enty members of the Dramatic · Battens are long board affairs to the pins for the first score o the . · ' ·ous Thur.oda·; ~ " less s0cial contacts made under this which the "eye" (Curtains forming. game. ·The kick was no good and the after another Hltler's 'coups' deaIt b Went radio-conscl withering blows to French' security. rung at the home of Helen Marg· ·system · the back ground) are fastened after u:µperclassmen Jed 6~0 at the half. Mr. Jimerson's avocations are fish- the battens were let down and the The second half found the fresh- But this seemed only to strengthen · d h t· · d th fi Id ·th Kid France as most of the midle-of-thetatic was king as members pre mg an un mg. . . eye" securely fasteni;d to it the lights ies. smashmg own e e w1 way powers tlrew closer to her side. ""nd curtolns were all "trimmed" or McHugh sweeping ends and cutting· off ted impromptu radio skits from an ~ "Th th ez h i is ! · el'"·r,·ed u·p. tackle, Young and Campbell bucking en came e ec er s o rovised studio. With the audience STUDENTS PRESENT PLAY ' the line and Floyd and Duck Dean Se Ptember an d th e comp1et e success ·ng to the actors, a long silence in OF UNKNOWN SOLDIER Each me~ber of the troupe was reof Hitler's diabolically clever dlplonabbing passes. The drive was halted studio broken by the speech, "shul The second performance ..of "The Un- sponsi'ble for his own cost umes and only to have' Young intercept a pass macy," he contii:J.ued. He explained " after the failure of the soundprops. Each chose a spot nearest his the amazing back-down of France. He known Soldier Speaks" starring Bert to start another drive which was also ects man to function and the ac- Hall · · as the Unknown .Soldier · was exits and entrances to an-ange his be- stopped. A bad pass from center gave said that Fr ance saw every thing 8he s giving their own directions, b i longings so that they were easily a.chad slaved and toiled for every since given to the Peru Woman's Clu n the ball to the kittens on the ten and ening got off to a howlin start. cessible. After this was done the 1871 smashed to bits in those SeptemEliz::i ~Iorgan Hall's recreation room, they ..iJrove across with Campbell lugstage was found to be ready for the b · 1Y raismg · · ' After a brief intermission for the Wedneoday at three o'clock. ging th~ ball. Pvedfern blocked Young's er days withou t senous a . f i d k "ground cloth." This is a larg~ piece hand to stop it. The only explana1• d kick. nsumption ce creamld an ca 'C Dean Karr as the First Youth and 1 f h' d Of canvas which is secure Y taci::e tion possible is France's belief in overpar ty became an o - as 1one Doi·i·s Starkebaum as the Second down to prevent. it from "51vmg" . . The closing minutes of the fourth or quarter , Mangy ng fest. ll . hi found the Cats o';)en- whelming German superiority. Youth supported Bert Ha m S por- sli91;Jn[! during the dances. "The results of the Czech crisis," he trayal. Neil Good played taps. ing up with an air attack. Mcintyre The party was managed by M The dancers started making-up long intercepted th,e ball on his own and said, "are numerous. (1) .The disrup15 · beth Werner and Helen Margaret The message of the play is the before curtain time. The job of mak- sprinted 85 yards for a touchdown. He tion of tli.e Franco-Russian combinautter futility of all war, and this it ing-up was quite difficult because the was given heads-up protection by the tion (the last and most effective eletells in a masterful way tlirough an entire body must be made-up. Follow- khtens as the only two men having a ment in French security), (2) the .E. A. JOURNAL PRINTS informal conversation with present day ing the process of making-up the men chance to .get near Mac were snnw€d denial of any effective support from TICLE BY PROF. G. STECK limbered-up by various exercises. u;:der by white iersies. The try for the west for the Danube States, (3) youths, and the Unknown Soldier. In the Nebraska Educational Journal The performance was very well repoint fa!led and the game endod FrClsh the reduction of Italy to the position this month appears the first of a The purpose of the play is to make ccived as a whole. $hawn's dances as Kittens , Mangy Q;>ts . Of a distinct junior partner in the 6 12 men and women think creatively toies of articles on Music Education the &nperor, Hocendado de California, T;.1 e flne playL'lg of the frosh looks Rome-Berlin axis, but with her miliProfessor G. Holt Steck. This one ward a better solution than war to Soldier, Depression and Recovery were good for next year. Tackles and guard tary strength considerably increased "Whither Music Educa- problems and dm'erences among men very fine. The group was outstanjiing Were to be the weak spot of the frosh by economic resources of the Mmbinaand nations. . . in "The Forty-niners," the campus team-but that is where the uppsrs tion, (4) the almost certain Franco The play closes with taps which. scene and the suite of sport dances. were wronk. Linder, Sanders, Relf and victory in .Spain, (5) Germany as unwere played softly on a cornet some The suite of sport da.nces was especially Severson played good ball for the questionably the head of a great all'.distance away. well received by the audience. Kittens. While in the backfield those gregation of power and (6) France and The first performance of "The Un- The general opinion appears to be three new sensations of the Wes1r.yan (Continued on page 3; Col. 5) Tuesday, November 22, 1938 known Soldier Speaks" was given at a that the third act was lacking in va· game looked better and better. Kid 8:30-9:00 p. m. Y. W. and Y. M. meeting during Ar- riety and clear cut definition. McHugh, Donald "Duck" Dean and ouncer .... , .. , .... Gordon Gilbert mistic week. It was so well done that After the performance the set had Young promise great things next year. o solo .... , . , . Kathryn Knouse they were asked to repeat their per- to be "struck" (torn down and pack- The Mangy cats were led by Tom Tuesday, November 22 "All Wien", Leopold Godowsky formance. M.l This required some time. Majoro, Howard Dean, Captain Mort Y.M. c. A., Y. W. c. A., and te solo .............. Janet Harris Tuesday evening Y. W; members By a series of questions edged in and taeJdes Mosley and Nelson. C. C. A................. 7-8 p. m. "Nocturne" Opus 17, F. Dopppler · continued working in commissions. during the hanging of the set, during Mangy Oats Pos. Frosh Kittens Broadcast , ............... 8:30-9 p. m. dress ......... Dean J. A. Jimerson the intermissions, and during the pro- Kellogg . ' ... , , ... E· ........ R. Floyd Thursday, November 24 Introduction, President Pate cess of tearing down it was learned H. Dean . , .. , ... , , E. . . . . Dougherty Thanksgiving recess , ..... , ...... . Jin solo . , ... , ... , , . v. H. Jindra ALPHA PSI OMEGA that the group has added only fou~ Nelson , ...... , .. , , T., , , .... McLain Friday, November 25 "Dp.nse Boheme", Max Fischel Alpha Psi Omega, dramatic club new members since it was here last. Mosley ........ , .. T .......... Organ Football Game at Tarkio ...... .. (Bohemian Dance) fraternity, will continue to function. The troupe travels six months out of. Sheely . , ...... , , . G , ........ Fisher Monday, November 26 "By the Waters of the Minneton- Robert Weber, Glema Meiers, and the year, spends two months in Flori- Adams ...... : ..... G ....... Severson Separate Convocation . , ...... 1() a. m. ka" ... .. ......... T. Lieu.£ar.ce Helen Margaret Larson, charter mem- d2, and four momhs in their eastern Mort (AC) ........ O (AC) Mcintyre Crawdads ..... : ............ 7-8 p. m. agogian Of the Air .. Ruth crone bers decided this at their meeting Sat- c~mp. They are now headed for Flor- Greene . , . . B ...... D. Dean Kappa Delta P1 .... , , .... 7-8 p. m. urd;y morning. They also decided to ida and hope to be there by Christmas. Ogg .............. B ... , ... McHugh sc_holarship c_lub .......... 7-8 p. m. o Duo.. .. ......... , .. ... . B Y Pi o Pi 8 invite seven or eight people to join Al- The fellows said they got a week or Velvick .. .. . . .. .. . .. ·...... oung mega . .. .. . .. . .. . . . -9 p. m. . . . . .Kathryn Knouse, St eII a Rogge B C b 11 Pi G M 8 "The Sunflower Dance", Lemont pha Psi Omega. (Continued on Page 3; Col. 3) Majors ........ ,.. ...... amp e amma u .. .......... -9 p, m. 1


0~UR~~~!,~~~!~nK1~:, :~~~·:£::, ~=~ IN!~.~~!!,~,~!~~,~~





Peru Hour



The Peru Pedagogian

.Assembly . . vzoor Sees .' .._~I



Ualf Ml.le Mo1l JTob

ADVERTISING KATES Display 20 cents pet: inch.

Locals, 10 cents per line

STAFF EDITOR .. .. ~ .......... . . . .............................. . ... RUTH CRONE ASSISTANT EDITOR .. ! . .. · · ...... · · · .. · .. · .... · .. · .... STELLA ROGGE ASSIS'I'ANT EDITOR : .............. · · .. · · · · .. · .. · · .. · · .. · · THANE HALE . rroRS ...... NORMAN LITTRELL, WAYNE McGINNIS S· p 0 ...,,,., ""... 6 ED


:: ~~~tess'


husband <who had . the town place sand i.....,, helping lake) came home at 2:()j around a Next morning we bought all ~ Of marble that bas ~s we could obtain and began !<, 5,QOO square feet d people love t o take i'~1g pictures of the wreckage. to be scrubbed, an wr1·te on it. couldn't proceed u pon the- reillalt, ·15 and g d I their penc1 are 310 windows . .1 of o~ r oute we ha p anned <.:, "Oh, yes, thereta'rfr•g 250 ·. hoqrs .to ne1·ther could we get to New HaVelJ. h .......,.. panes in eac ' turned south to Worchester ,. · lks wash ." d that people be- . kwe t going over s1de-wa ' ~ Ben says he fin t~ey get older. At ep r ds and every way we could lit• come less neat as n.<i.p er to sweep in yath for 150 miles, until we ,.,..,.'.. b has more .,,pa ·-., least e . d rten H e h!gh school. than in kin ~rga . . ore Niantic. • · h!t also says he thinks t h a t girls are m During all that t r i P b ack we


p,ublished Weekly by the Peru State Teachers Colleiie, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postofflce at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents.

the mother and a ' k ca brea-k the storm made In~ ~~~:ei:~xcept when the Chi:nney f t to bed at ·eleven o clock .

arne ll P l W . By i ma

re feet of "There are 55,000 squa ' . · · g Schr,r.1 ,aT'.a floor space in o.his Tramm •··y" D~n I clau lt every ~"· , said Janicor fingering Mcininch while he stood " ·"1'. d .,. the hand-of his large dust mop . halls wh~n it is muddy I scrub the per which takes about three hours hall. . ·) to d0 my cieamng · "Where do I start ? Well let's start at one o'c1ock- what · Oh 'yes· P ·m. 1· start 'with the gyi~ and• lunch· room and wor k on .them 'till school's out. In the mornmg I havr. fourteen classi ooms and the assembly to finish before sch?ol start~. That assembly is no little JOb either . One day I figured out how far I walk when I clean it and I discovered that "le'" h was one- h aIf mi . Despite the fact that Ben says all .his time is taken up with .cleaning, he still has time to escort teachers to their offices in the morning and willlngly come up from the basement to' unlrck a locker or exchange a friendly greet1'ng. He keeps young by his gen!al asso !'iaUon with the students. · While the students are on vacations, Ben gives the Traiclng School a very good cleanlng. "Twice a year we have general housecleaning. At that time we scrub all the floors using 15 gallons of wax. Not ohly that .but I have


careless. t d in janitor- the same desolation a ong the Ii<· He is not only interes e .en _ huge trees up - rooted everywhere . ing but he has somewhat of a sci . lying ih tangled masses, electric f tifi~ mind. This is s~~;ninb~h:h~ufi~~ . telephone wires strewn all over , REPORTERS he has checked termi, ·th poison ancl road, and none of their poles s~ Genevieve Parriott Mary Lizabeth Werner Edward Arnold ing. "I mixed hon~{.. : e gave as the houses and buildings with every d~ •Beunice Doty Alice Devore iClyde Hunt it works pretty we ' of damage inflicted by the . Dean Karr Ella Hurlburt Mildred Knoflicek solution. h ld know mY- Niantic ,formerly one of the Pren "Pet peeves? You s ou ' 'd Robert Mason Jean Koeppel Wilma Parnell 11 as I do I don't like little t own I ever lai eyes UJJOn, pet peeves as -;'e 'tting o~ the top of a complete wreck. We looked foi Frank Summers to have phe?P e t~em down Another church steeple as we came over ~~~~~~==~~=~=~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ desks pus mg . . . . his chair . f th . thing is a person s1ttmg with . d . hill on the other side o e nver, THIS IS A PIECE ON PEACE propped back, it breaks the chau:s, an couldn't see it nor did we It sh o uld have been written last week. The excuse is weak but still another-girls wi~ing .~pstick on any of the unsightly piles of d:: . . d d the wall beside the mirror. . . w '' which marked the site of Niantic.: h A 1 1 F . ·/in cere: It was thought that riday, t 1e e event , rm1sttce ay an t "Thank you, Ben, for the m ervie ' steeple, and one complete Window 1 the sentiment:IS it involved would be remembered without the prickwe said. . . . a lot of shingles blown away by d an editor's pen . But some didn't . This is to those of you who "Oh, that's ' all right and ti ther: l~ storm, was the greatest damage raised your eyes for one agonizing second that Friday wondering anything else you want to know_ ~. ou our church. We held services ~ . 1s . tot h ose o f you w h o forgo t : j an1' to r in g, I'll try .to answer it, he Sundays since t he s t orm and . why t h e fl ag was out; t 111s . the Today ~e are gravely concerned with doing away with war said as he took up his mop to finish Sunday were the only church in ~ and with trying to make democracy a working proposition. We do third grade room. to h old services. A movement is t not know whether or not we shall ~ucceed, but we are quite aware - -- --- · underway to federate. That's par is in a Scandanavian an_d Nor"".egia.n the story of our vacation, and : that the soluti0n is in the hands of the succeeding generation. The d t nte1 community, and he fin s 1 very 1 - England's hurricane." part of the college, and particularly a teachers college, is a primary ALUMNI TRAIL est!ng. BY ALICE DEvORE one. William Burke ('3·7 ) is wor kin g ;n We are among the minority of people who are privileged to be Omaha at the Valvene Oil Company. in co llege , and in only one way can we fully show our appreciationHe is studying l~w at night school THE DEAD LINE Miss Julia Jeanne Plasters, of Peru in und erstandi ng that it is a . privilege and also, that it is a dramatic fame during the years 1934 thtze. re.sponsibility. It is a privilege to learn. It is a responsibilhy to re- through 1937, is continuing her dramaGilbert N . Cook, ·('34) obtained his B . l i the McHugb bo;ys went IJO!llf turn that learning to society in some useful, ~uperior form. tic' work in bm~ha. ·She appeared in D. fr~m Yale Divinity School in 1937. week-encf they wer-e each t o ~ilr Thus it is that no longer will it pay us t~ avoid coming in con- Maxwell Anderson's '"I'he Masque of He was married September 18, 1937, new pair of pants and a pwnp~; tact w ith the world as it really is, the world in which we are learn- Kings", which was presented at the and is continuing work on his advanced How's that for inducement? Playhouse from November degree at Yale while superint en ding a A rttl 1 ing and livi n g as :sjtudents and in which we will instruct and live a s Community e ladY on secon d W1'th a.ij 14 to lB. teachers. Here is our opportunity to maintain an attitude and to settlement house on the out-skirts of .cony room was frightened into c' develop idea ls that are real, · and are not the result of an extreme In the autumn issue of the "Ne- New Haven and acting as pastor of a ,ing it up when she read ta.st'"' braska . Historical Magazine" appears Congregational church at Niantic, con- ·column that "the boys would CO!!l social and emotional upheaval. an article about and a picture of Miss necticut. the window." We can watch on this campus an evolution-intere·s tin.g or not, Louise W. Mears. She . gra"duated from . H e wrot e: .. . . . A s you know, · s unThe outcome of the all-college li rlepending on the way you look at it, but nevertheleess, an .evolution ' Pera in 1895, and received her Mas· day, September 18, was our wedding ball game Thursday was a shock k -of the transition from the . purely academic curriculum to a more ter's degree from the Uniyersity of anniversary. We had planned almost over-confident captain of the up, . . . Nebraska in 1912. She taught geog1 socially useful educat10n. We, as students and teachers, must give raph here and now teaches at the a week's trip at the close of our sum- c assmen. Mcintire proved his .' eadership in a similiar evolution· which it is absolutely necessary Milwauk~ State Teachers College in mer work and before the heavy re- and it was good of the freshmen must take place in the curriculum in regard to information. Minnesota. .She gives awards for sponsibllities of. fall began. We left to pile up t .o o great a score. Dr. Samuel Johnson once .said that "patriotism is the last refuge geograpliicaJ research to both her upon th~ af.te~noon of our anniversary Official Walker seemed t:o be · t ·p d N b k u i for a trip which was to take in Cape tween two fires with persona.I fro of a scoundrel " ·but contrariwise through the influence which we a1ma ma ers, eru an e ras a n - , . · . ' . . . . . . . versity. She is a contributor to this Cod, Plymouth, Boston, Lexington, on both sides and a man-sized ol!ii shall a~qmre as .the ms tractors of the succeed mg generah(!n 1t is wise magazine and wrote "Hiils of P~ru" and the'., Mohawk trail, then down job t o handle. Congrats from ~.)r us to adhere to the ' principle that true patriotism lies· in another which includes early town and col- Housatonic Valley back to New Haven freshmen plus from the up~ · fi eld as wa<J. pointed out by a sightless Austrian delegate whose arm s lege history. The next day, which was my bi'rthday, men. ended .at the wrists and whos~ face was deeply scarred when he '$ .id PeruvianS' teaching in the Omaha saw us stuck in the mud and sand from Something must be wrong wlti: a few yea r s ago at the Gen~va Conference, "To dje for one's' country high schoors are: Mary · McNamara lO:OO a.m. to. 6:3.0 p. m. at an old tour- dorm clock. The door ls lockinl ('09), E . E. McMillan <matriculated in ist camp on Cape Cod T d early so far t oo many gu··Is were :. is very fine , but to liye for it, is a thousand times"finer." · owar even1911), H. C. Meents ('23), L. R. Hill ing a car came along and pulled us pused last week. · As long as we are quoting people we may as well reSltate what ('08). R. M. Marrs (matriculated in out. Tuesday we went out to Province Special note: Margaret WilliSllli Munro Leaf, creator cif Ferdinand, the bull, said' in a serious mood ('05), Moren Rasmaussen ('18), Bess Town, back to Plymouth, and on to one of those not campused. :n "Listen, Little Girl": "It is my belief that if yqu s cratch the Stir- Bedell .C'-06), Florence Brooker ('25) Boston. We stayed all night in BosMoSt popular phone number (l face of a good social-service worker or a good s'chool teacher yo1 and Gaynelle R. Fay ('15). ton, and saw some of the sights· by from the dorm: 61 . Reme~r,gl:~ will find a center fiber of h. onest idealism." ~lls City also boasts many Peru- noon next day W th · costs four cents every tiine a ti vians as high school teachers. They · · e. en w:ent through put t hrough. Laying aside all theories, sentiments, and emotional hodge- are: A. B. Gelivick ('11), J. s. Boswell Cambridge to Lexington and Concord So long forTlle now,sr.: podge,. but instead, viewing purely from a practical viewpoint it is ('23), G. F. Cummins, Mrs. Floy De- ,Af.ter leaving Concord we ran i'nto. Wald <matriculated '01), Mildred Jorn ram and saw some flood damage of quite easy to discern that our business illll to teach, that war is th e 1µost abhorring, filthy affliction which humanity is subject to and <'22), Loretta Sheehan ('28), Mildred the three days of rain in that section RECREATIONAL HOUR Shook <matriculated '21), Kenneth Great streams of water were runnin . that it smears a nd defiles every fine occupation of man-and only Pace ('25), Lula Grush ('22), Clara across the road at every low place w: DEVOTED TO SWrnDUNG then will there be hope for the future. A recreational swimminlr Gagnon ('24), Edna Brown <matri- came to. At 4:15 we were stopped at has been organized for Peru $• culated 1915) and Amanda Jorn. Gardner, Massachusetts by a police "I" A. D. Epley, w):l.o attended school in ;an who said we could go no farther- Eleanor Holms and Georgis ( · mans to meet from five to si1 ~ Paul Whiteman said last August-the sixteenth of last Aug- Peru in 1933 and 1934, is now a junior e gave us the address of a h at West l"oint Military Academy at where we could find h ouse days, Tuesdays and Wednesdll)'> s elter We ust , to be exact-that there are 180,000 American s,ong titles beginclass is open to all . girls !JO ' West Point, New York. He writes j ust made it to the h · ning with the word "I", an<l Supt. S. L·. Clcments1 said the other day wishing Peru luck in athletics. In this wind struck It ouse When the Pa$ed their Physical exaro1n.I' · was an awful pl : n class that he had received a return ed letter of application/ which interesting letter he tells of Army with an uncultured w ace, and have Paid a swimming fee. left at home used the word " I" thirty-two times. Although not adequ~te basis footqall games, cadet life, and even of alone with two bab1·oman Phyllis Benson, Maxine R" es and a h dancI ng with Arlene Judge, cinema Cul of dirty dish ouse::or pro.o f, the conclusion may b.e drawn that the Americar1-at--large actress. a=n=d::::::G:l:e:m:a::::::M:e:;i;r;s~a;r;e :po;;o;l;:::'? ~::gU¢ f · es. She was v riendly, but seemed a t I ery as. well a r1 th e campus h ero likes to talk and hear about hi.mself. 811 Peruvians are superintendents in what to do. r was k a oss as to Wha~ th~ ninth lett e~ of the alphabet h as that no i~ther lette r Nebraska. 42 of these are in our ter- up doors and Wind ept busy nailing u ha~ , I. thml~ 1s very qu estionable. I think that its conf inual u se is ritory and 39 in the rest of the state. Wind caved them ~ws as fast as the 1t CORRECTION Lffens1ve, d1sgr~ceful, hatefu l even loathsome and sc ur ~· ilous. I am Hartley Dunlop ('36) wrote to Mr time all roads . In a very short v_ery s ure t~rnt 1t sh o:vs an ext.re~e egot.ism and an ill/·b~ lan ced de· Hayward from Newman Grove telling. trees upr t. were b~.ocked by h u . . There are 4-00 Peruvians US! 00 ed and bl ~ire for pra1 s.e. I believe that 1t is· abominable to the rt:Jth degree . f h" k ' ge . o is wor . He teaches science and Nine more pe l own across them I n f act, 1t in. the "Nebraska Edueatl~ seems to be a matter of an I for an ·1 and a Ruth for is assistant coach. He speaks of his ·of refuge an ope came to this hous~ It ?trect ory" instead of 80 ns stsl~ Ruth. well-equipped physics laboratory. He before th hd began a drinking pa ·t m last week's Pedagogian. ey ad been there a half h I Y ,I our. ADVIS.ER

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. FLORENCE MARTIN

I----------------: I L.______________



anksgiving Ga . r Eiriht p in_e Final 6 eru Seniors Game

cat-Tarkio 11ds Owls

One Behind



By Norman Littrell


Thanks, frans for your support at tne class battle. We know you were pleased by the fin~ piayjng of both te!lm f. and surprised' by the fine show. A.It·d~st Christian's team reigned vic onous in th h . ing of the :frosh-or were you surwhich d e it Pin tournament prised? in . en ed last week. The followIt looked for a while as if the crowd g .girls were .n amed on the hit pin wai; going to get their money back bevarsity : M argaret Ande:rson Phyllis B ens"On · F ' ' aye Bouse, Rosalind Brier, cause of a tie score-but Mcintyre savFerne C'arn.eron, Ardi'st Christian, ed the day with his 85-yard dash. Dorothy Ann Coatney Ila Mae \Vhat impressed me in Mac's run, outHeinke, Erma Meir, J~ne Modlin, side of his fine work, was the headsEdna Mae Peterson, and Maxine u9ness of the frosh. Mac no sooner Ra'1dall. had the ball than he was surrounded T.:1e W. A . A. will il!it ;.ate new m 3m- by white-jersied players. Every .bluebe1"s With a nJr:nic at the cabin to- clad man near Mac was set on the night. The fo11owing girls wlll be- ground in no uncertain fashion. e seniors going into this game come memb•"rs at that time: Marga- Mclntyrc: · are primed for Owl meat for ret Anderson, Lucille Tibbetts, June Mcintyre's playing and h is run .were tey Day are: Modlin, Rosalind Brier Ferne CJ'am- the highlights of the game. Yet what ter Mosley-Red-head from ,Ong , eron, Nora Davis, Wilda Goings, Ila is more important is this-attention "ka. Mose is a campus favorite l\?:ae Heinke, Pauline McGill, . Louise coaches-Mcintyre . caUed sign!).ls. One of the frosh told me that it was the · genial nature and general per- Meier, and Maxine Pershing. The committee in charge consists best huddle he had ever been in. ·He ity. He is a . t hree s port ·man bea di~ cus thrower, in ti·ack and a Of A1ice DeVore, .Al:dist Cfhristian, said "It was quiet and we were just in and Dorothy Ann Coatney. Alice and out. I guess the thing was that rd in basketball. Devor e will lead the initiation ser- we had confidence in Mac." hn Boyer-"Beanie" will be missed There is a lot of truth in that-one vices. md Peru. He hails from way out . needs to have confidence in the sigin Bridgeport and it must have nal caller and Mac carries a ~ocky air n ther e that he learned not to hurof assurance. John is a track man, having letSuperintend-eht Clements: by heaving the shot. Pigskin bouquets to Supt. C')ements lbe'rt Nelson-'Spec' hails from who helped arouse interest for the n and Lincoln. He came to Peru Pep Squad 'Members game.' Last Thursday he pas~ed out no f ootball experience and has Organ ize for Season slips to his Management class and askFriday evening a number of the roved with each ga.m.e. 'Spec' is ed the 31 present to vete. on how they high · school students enjoyed a dance u1ar on the campus and is the thought the game would come out. a'.t the high schQol auditorium. Joe .n's Club president. Of the 31, a. went right and picked the lia.1·tley, Reba Hauptman, Ro_Y, Gra f' 1rosh; while 19 chose the upperclassom Ma.jors--Old T. J. is a Per u boy. ton, Elda Hamel, Neal Slinker and men-4 thought it would be a tie batis a great kicker and a :fine p lungDonna Steffan were in charge of..t:t:.e -tle. - The"'average score .was 15-7 in faJle will be missed- from next year's plans for the dance. vor .. of the upperclassmen. · Equipment for basketball was ·Eight Seniors: Jerry Oe-g-Jerry lettered in '34-'35 . checked out Friday. The Prepsten Eight seniors go into the Tarkio OWl d has overcome a weight loss t o have f our lettermen back this year. game. Tarkio ·ha-s a · fine squad this p back this year . His passing and They a.re: Roy Coulter, Wayne Pugh, year and have · always . given Peru a ng has been an asset this year · Allenby Velbrick a nd Roy Grafton. battle. I don't think Peru wiU win oward D~-Dean i s a former Others who show promise are Dale this game-I know the Bobcat will, eoln star and is a two-sports man Kamen, Dick Clements and Roger If you get the chance r come over and Peru. He is a guard on the b asket- Mason. The Training School children rel! squad. ceived their report cards Monday. Glen Sheely-Glen is another basket - These have their quarter grades . . and football le~terman. Although A very good exhibit of geometrical ort in staiture, he is a ca:pable biU designs is. di; played on the high school dler in basketball and a rushi~g bulletin board by the soUd geometry t of dynamite on the f9ot ball field. class. George M ort-George is a four-year Those whose desi~ns have, been ·41sin f ootball. He hails from ~dgar played are Ralph Hays, Dale Kamen, here he was an all state performer. Erna Steffin, 1sabel Tynon, Jean Vos. M'lf . -ord Sears Leona Bertwen, berg, i • a nd Richard Kingsolver. • I Ina Jane Good, fifth grade broke WASTE BASKET two bone.s in her left, arm while playing L - - -- - - -- --:-:'::--;-: Li. :-t=--::: to Tuesday. ' . Nl·emann, reading Ped: , s en . "H',.,,..,.t.h graders, P",,., this program f or tonight's broaclcl'..;.t -.the baritone." And Eleanor's a ~us~c F l!aritone solo by Gordon Gilbert. 'Ih'lt s f\nm I didn't knOW Gilbert play~d: y, • music tlle baritone." And Eleanor s a lll9.Jor too! . ki · We hear tell as how DP..a.n's loo r for a third. What did Henry VIII ~~ lha.t Howard ha.Sn't got? .Just . nu1re. But, after all, Ha.n,k didn't lect- them in a. couple of years. Dean needa is a little time. Max Randall: "No, I bought tl dlo myself. I want to keep it." further particulars see Miss Ra :nk,sgiving finds Peru facin the OWls. This game Will b; the me that Mosley ' Boyer ( , N e 1son, , Ogg, Dean, Sheely and Mort on blue and White togs. first played Tarkio in 1903 and 8-0. This is the largest score by Tarkio in the 20-game relalp. Peru topped t his by two in 1915 when Chey rolled to a victory over the Owls. Twenty have been played, and of the se 10 has w on nine-Peru h as won nd one has been a tie. The total are Tarkio 177, Pe~·u mo.






We want to k:D:ow more ab lllany air mail letters "which

Perkins receiv~. As scarce as men ~e aror It seems <iuee> that some giJ have her cap set f'::lr Freshm1 or Y-0ung.


Squad Members

Organize for Season The Pep Squad is orga; this year. A meeting of

as held Wednesday ever

ber 15. Appro~tely hf Year's squad is still on · 'l'ryPllts for new memberf





watch the game. If not-let's give Boyer, Nelson, Mosley, Sheely, Mort, H. Dean, Majors and Ogg a hearty wish for luck before you leave. Do your part by showing these seniors you .are backing them. Intra-basketball: Coach Jones and Spec Nelson are going to start basketball for the houses right after Thanksgiving. A trophy will be awarded and at least a d6uble round robin will be held. If you guys really want a good house tournament-ge~ behind Jones and Nelson, and elect a manager and captain. Last year Collins was the cham. Are yoti going to let them win a t rophy this year?

'Prof. W. B. Thorson Talks At Convocation (Continued from page 1) Britain have been surrounded and backed into their corner. As· a conclusion Prof. Thorson told what the western democracies could do to salvage themselves: He said, "They must r edefine and reconstruct, in dynamic terms, the economic and spiritual concepts which they . offer as an alternative to Nazi idealogy; . they must solve the tremendous problem facing democracy and they must redress the greviances within the western democracy which have been Hitler's most effective allies. Democracy must prove its right to live."


$100 Prize Offered For Peace Pattern Students, would you like to see· your classmates wearing clothing of a material that had an oll-over des,gn ·pla.nned by -you? It's a possibility, for the Organization for the Promoti~n of Peace is offering a $100 p1'1ze for the best all-over pattern bas·ed on the theme, "Peace." In addition to r eceiving a cash pri~e the winner will ha.·Je the honor of h ,,·tn t~ his design printed on Crown -tested rayon for the market. All entries must be submitted not later than Ja~uary 15, 1939. Anyone ~shing to enter should see Mlss Norma L. Diddel for complete information.


Dw·ing the intermission of the . allcollege dance held last Friday night in the Music Hall dancers cast ballots f~r names ·for ·tne dance band, pi:eviously known as the "Cornshellers." First prize went to Wiliam C'ramer for his uil.ique selection of "Cecil Walker ahd His Melody Masters." Free tickets will be given to him . to all dances played by the band for the remainde1· of the semester. Marlyn Engdahl'& title, "Cecil's Cyncopator s" won second. The dance, which is the last to be held before Thanksgiving vacation, was attended .bY .a _large crowd. Warren Routh assisted the band witl A Xmas Tip for parents-new band vocal interpretations of various selec- instruments at Chatelain's Jewelry.tions. Adv.

. ' -You Wi:l Need Application Photos Soon-

_Why not let the cost of the t aking .apply as a credit on your:' 1939 Peruvian. From these n~gatives that we take of you, you may order application photos, Priced at 6 for SOc - 15 for_$1.00. Call'at ' t he ·s tudio ana 1001{ ·over our styles of frames and M0imts fo r ybur 'Gift Photo for Xmas. During. December all sittings must be made at the Auburn . Studio. Gordon Peterson, Photographer.





He ·Makes His Ouota



ROSH CAMERA CLUB ~EVELOPS SNAP SHOTS Dancer's Party Plans Include College Band Members of the newly named Camera Club spent a very enjoyable meeting printing six rolls of film supplied by several of those present. A resolution was adopted whereby any person, upper-classman, freshman or faculty member, is invited to attend the meetings. Upon payment of fees, each is given the right to participate in activities other than membership and voting privileges. The motion calling for construction of a printing box was passed unanimously. Construction is to be car·ied on by members of the club and he cost is to be taken from the general fund. Noel Lundy was selected as the Club's reporter. LEARN TO DANCE 'The red letter night has been set or December 17. At that time many freshmen members of Learn-to-Dance Club will get a chance to show their alents as the annual fall party goes into swing. Cecil Walker's "Cornshellers" will provide the music. After making plans for this gal.a affair, the aspirants spent the remainder of the meeting by getting the real idea of dancing. Margery Evans, the piano player, gave her swing arrangement of the color song to which all danced and sang to close the evening's entertainment. PERSONALITY CLUB 27 members attending. Personality Club last Thursd~y rught _Jearned that personality 1s really d~splayed in part by the correct stylmg of clothes. Miss Dotothy Lavigne led an inter.esting discussion on this phase as to campus wear. Assisting her were members of the club acting as models. 'The program for the evening ineluded a piano solo by Grace Muenchau. Honor guest of the evening was Miss Grace Tear, general advisor of all freshmen clubs. As a contribution to. the club, she ·gave a talk on color combinations in relation to each individual's personality.

TED SHAWN COMPANY PRESENT 'O LIBERT AD' Ted Shawn With a company of eight presented the epic spirit of America in a dahce, "O Llbertad," Saturday night. All the music for the theme was composed and played by Jess Meeker. Act I. THE PAST 1. Noche Triste de Moetezuma 'The ~tee Emperor . . . . . . SHAWN The Bearer of Bad Tidings .... Mr. Mumaw Father Olmedo ........ Mr. Coble Bodyguard of Princes ....... . ~ble of Six 2. Lo Hermanos Penitentos ..... . Full Ensemble (Harry Coble as the Chosen One) 3. Peonage .... Messrs OVerlees~ McCormack, Delmar, Mumaw. 4. Hacendado de California. SHAWN 5. The Forty Nlners . . Rhythm in a Goldrush Camp-Full Ensemble. 'The opening scene depicted the fateful night when the invading Spaniards had invited a great number of that mighty Aztec' Emperor's chieftains to a magnificent banquet, in order to slay them treacherously. In an atmosphere of foreboding Moctezuma with his bodyguard of princes received the news of the disaster. He ordered the bearer of bad tidings to be used as a human sacrfiice and carving out the heart himself, read the omens of the god&-the unmistakable signs of the doom of his empire. Alone and grieving on his throne, he · heard the chant of Christian priests approaching. One of them, Father Olmedo, entered to present him the Cross to kiss. Meetezuma replied, "I have but a few days to live; and will not at this hour desert the faith of my fathers." Choosing this episode as the crucial moment of the impact of the European civil!zation upon the indigenous one, Mr. Shawn has created a dance scene of barbaric splendol and bitter tragedy. 'The second scene depicted a Good Friday celebration of a fanatic sect of iFran.ciscans;. while chrOMlogically out of order, it showed str!klng contrast the effect of the new civilization upon the indigenous peoples. Los Hermanos Penitentes, the penitent brotherhood, on each Good Friday lash themselves wit!). thongs into which cactus is woven, and going out to a lonely hill, crucify one of. their number. Sometimes the crucified one actually dies upon the cross; his shoes, taken from his feet, are borne to the doorStep of his parents, by which they learn the sad news. Peonage ls a dance based up01;1 a labor rhythm of Mexican peons working in sugar refinery-~being anottier re~ult of the Spanish dominion of Mex!CO.

As the peons exited there came " . . dash Consdentiousness hits a new high . . mg m a Hacendado de California" of in the individual 'in 8 o'clock American about 1830. Spanish grandees lived in Government class who be.lches when- regal splendor upon sweated labor. ever the Eighteenth Amendment is A row_dy "square dance" showed the mentioned. . , Forty-Nmers.celebrating aJucky strike. Big advertisement: The cafeteria Act .II. 'The PRESENT serving. delightful perfectly balanced 1. Campus-1914 .... Full Ensemble meals. Each. cilsh !kdding balance to 2. War-(a) Call to Arms-'SHAWN every selection providing tpe tray ing Of Propaganqa .... SHAWN d.oesn't tip and it all topples. (b) No Man's Land · · · · · · · · · · Our candidate: Claude Relf as the SHAWN and Full Ensemble fellow with the biggest heart; he seems (c) Return of the Hero · · SHAWN to have room for. 'em all. 3. The Jazz Decade · · Full Ensemble Weather report: Tuesday, light Gale (With "Blues" interlude, solo by and Chinnock winds: Wednesday, fair Mr. Mumaw) to Modlin; Thursday, Hale. 4. (a) Depression-"Modernism" . . Overheard at a football game: SHAWN "Get in there, fellows, and fight like (b) Recovery-"Credo" .. SHAWN you do at the tarle." 5. Dances: Olympiad-a Suite of Sports It took Kathryn Knouse six months to break herself of the Yiddish accent (a) The Banner Bearer . . . . . . Mr. Mumaw she acquired trying to teach Latin in Beatrice's Hebrew section. (b) 'The Cheer Leaders-Messrs The Guy who said, "Go Westerman, OVerlees, Schubert, McCormack •"- Hearn (c) De cathlon . . . . . . . . 1v.u. go west'', must have believed in sign Painters. I (d) Fencing ...... Messrs Delmar A dishwater topped girl from Peru (e) Boxing ...... Mr. McCormack (f) Basketball . . . . Messrs .Coble, was pondering over a choice of hair Heam, Mumaw, Delmar, overrinse in a store the other day. She lees looked at the blonde, then at the henna and said, "Dean is nice, but Benny has 6. Mobilization for Peace . . . . . .. . SHAWN and Full Ensemble curly hair," and bought dark brunette to avoid being partial. 'This act was usect to include period S'low long! from Just prior to 1Sl4 to now. On a ll co ege campus scene, a figure in solA Xmas tip for parents-new band dier's uniform appeared and sounded instruments at Chatelain's Jewelry.- "Call to Arms" transforming a college Adv. march into a martial one and sends

the youth of America to the battle fields of France. 'The soldier himself, sincerely fooled by patriotic propaganda, continued to spread the gospel of hate abroad like poison gas until he finds himself in the trenches. In No Man's Land the group represented abstract elements of modern warfare, which the Soldier experienced, as symbol of the millions who fought and died. After hostilities ceased, the Soldier, wounded and broken, still believed he would return to his native land a hero. But everyone wanted to fcrget. The Soldier unabl~ to ~ontact his fellow men wandered off, lonely and forgotten, to a veterans home to die, embittered, his last illusion gone. Jazz Decade was depicted by eight masked figures in the cheap rhythms which were aftermath ·of the war. 'This frenzy mounted during a period of false prosperity until youths were frightened by Depression. "Modernism"' was Mr. Shawn's satire on the most fanatic of the "modern" dancers. Slipping out of the horrid robes of Depression arid revealing a costume ~ymholic of restored wealth and prosperity, he danced to the latest popular rhythm of todij-Y and did "Another Waltz in Swing Time" indicative of Recovery. Decathlon in Suite of Sport Dances depicted broad jump, shot put, discus, the hurdles, javelin,· running events, high jump and the pole vault. The act ended with most amusing and typically American outburst:; of htrnor--a "March of the Veteram of Futi re Wars" in which infant sol •le ·s paraded with bags of poppy seed, asking for the bonus due them for the wars they may have to fight in years to come. Act III. 'The FUTURE Kinetic Molpai .. SHAWN and Full Ensemble ' 1. Strife 2. Oppositions 3. Solvent 4. Dynamic Contrasts 5. Resilience 6. SUc'lressions 7. Ur.ifol6ing and Folding 8. Dirge 9. Limbo 10. Surge In presenting his now widely known "Kinetic Molpal" Mr. Shawn offered this as one of the forms of dance of the American man of the future-an art creation definitely ahead of _the times, it indicated a direction in which America may proceed-the Athletic Art of the Dance as a field of creative endeavor for the American man. According to Gilbert Muray, the Mo!'pal was the ancient art form which included rhythmic movement, instrumental music, singing poetry and drama. Strife, Love, Death and the 'Things Beyond Death constituted the subject matter of the ancient Molpai. "But in its essence it was only the yearning of the whole dumb body to express that emotion for which words,

about to burst-not with pride but corn. 'Those ducks had nothing on us, we saw from the dirty winow of a local express the fringe of willows like the Nebraska City Train river's eyelashes, the Missouri itself Goes Off the Tracks hemstitched by man-made attempts to The state railway commi>;ion voted control its whims, roads wandering adat its session Monday to grant the re- venturesomely away into the woods quest of the Burlington Railroad com- like ribbons in the wind, and the rufpany for authority to discontinue' fies of bluffs still boasting the passenger motor trains Nos. 97 and 98 bronzed, persevering oak leaves. Islands between Nebraska City and Beatrice. of water in the lowlands preaching No formal finding or order has yet "We'd rather be big drops in a little been written, according to a statement little pond than little drops in a river." published in the State Journal, but (Like some students they'd rather :;Tow according to radio reports the trains stagnant than move on.) will be discontinued December 1. Always be naive enough to thrill to a cross-country hike in a train! If Various cities and villages along the you haven't made at least one solo line entered protests against discon- fiight (it's nonstop too) in the Puddle tinuance, and several hearings were Jumper Limited your experiences have largely attended. been limited. What a tadpole is to a frog, what 8 You'll laugh too at that two-byworm ls to a butterfly, what a wiggle-- four foot garden with a huge gre,,n tag is to a mosquito so is the Puddle cabbage its only accomplishinent. Jumper to a train. In fact it faintly You'll see a half-finished log cabin reminds one of that smaller portion surprisingly like Abe Lincoln's one-time of a wriggle that you set loose when residence. You'll be concerned about you accidentally cut a fishworm in the people who live in that over-sized two. barrel. You'll realize you're seeing Peru's tadpole train is to be no more the beginning of the mighty Mississipafter December 1. Here's a song to an pi lying listless and idle. You'll rock through the river-bank metropolises of unsung hero. A whistle like a boy's changing voice Lampertville and Minersville. You'll sent a dozen students to their suit· be introduced tci the Theory of Relacases and galloping from the depot. tivity. With sounds like those of an over- You've heard attempted explanaburdened tractor and still another tions of Einstein's Theory of Relativity wh"1stle, the Puddle Jumper Limited by the illustration of people walking · inquisitive and very red down a train aisle? poked an nose around the last bend and halted It's doubtful if you'll be enlightened puffing in front of the gll.y college in that respect since it's a difficult feat to walk down those aisles. But week-enders. 'The Puddle Jumper is really an you'll discover a relationship between over-am.bitious street car, with bene- yourself on a shining track passing fit of whistle. The ticket taker lives along with a beautiful and exciting true to tratlition since he boasts a world. You'll sense the insignificance Milwaukee goiter, a fortune in gold of flunking that Psychology exam or those problact difficulties. That should teeth and a love of teasing co-eds. It was my maiden voyage. Only once delight you!


have I even seen the famed vehicle and then only in action. That was a SIFTING SAND SHOWS handicap since !ts vibrations give one TALENT TOWARD VERSE a blurred Impression, which is slightly kst Friday wa~ the dead1ine for contributions to "Sifting Sand," ~xaggerated. Never has it seemed significant on Sigma Tau Delta's annual book of which side of the tracks one happened verse, humor, and short stories. In to live. Neither side is important. Be- this year's cor.tributions there are a ing in a train whose wheels attempt high proportion of useable material. to follow the whims of the aforemen- A large amount of the contributions

tioned rail is the dilemma. is faculty verse. Selections for "SiftRemember when you were a wor- ing Sand" will not be made until shipful high school kid dreaming of this week. Although it will be rah-rah college days and reading some time before "Sifting Sand" stories about hilarious students home goes to press, there are already for the holidays via crowded trains? nearly one hundred subscribers. The Puddle Jumper was over-flowing all right. True it was that girls sat in Kids-tell Dad about the new band the smoker. There was little drinking. instruments at Chatelains.-Adv. Oh some, we'll admit. But. only the . ;;x:JIJPI..>I..>I..>M..>l..>X..>I..>I..>l..>I..>L\l..>I..>I)l..>I..>~ dextrous could keep water m such tmy It The Modern Barber Shop 1· paper cups. (. Our Haircuts will fit your type If you can't be a duck there is al- ~ of personality. ) wa,ys. the train. Don't y~u vagabond- z we appreciate your patronage ~ h•;arted envy a gay, honkmg wedge of ~ WILLIS JAMES p o ducks pilgrimaging to a southern (. ' rop. ~ Me:nll" ~~~111 . their exalted position ·rrITTr!nrirlnnclrlrl<'l<'lnrlnrlrlrXrrirlrlrlrlt 0·ut t.0 ,~ and harps and singing were not thf in out. Tuesday· 'wtrihwllt, ~· " enough." out of the old Molpai have exBess Town, back to Plymouth, and Electric Shoe Shop come the separate arts of Drama, Vo- ~'25) Boston. We stayed all night ir. J.P. CLARK cal and Instrumental Music, Poetry or ton, and saw some of the sigh North of Skelly Station .and the Dance. But Shawn believes roeru- noon next day. We then went thr. Phone 109 that it is thr6ugh the dance, the out- slf'hey Cambridge to Lexington and Cone growth of the ancient molpai in kine- b<swell ,After leaving Concord we ran i.r------------....: t·1c forms, t hat America will reach its " De- ram · and saw some flood damage ~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~ t Jorn the three days of rain in that sectio;-1 ° --~~--------greate:;t art expressi1ms. H . C. DALLAM All of the dances in this production ~ldred Great streams of water were runninc · the ·jl1Ileth across the road at every low place we were created by Mr. Shawn with DENTIST . . . of ··Clara excep t'ion of "OJympiad-a Suite . came t o. At 4:15 we were stopped at Office Ph 32 J3port Dances." Mr. Mumaw created illatn- Gardner, Massachusetts by a police1 ·Res. Ph. l 96 the "Banner Bearer;" Mr. Overlees, · . nian who said we could go no farther. n 01 the "Cheer Leaders"; Mr. 1 Fitz-Simons, ? .m He gave us the address of a house iumor d_ the "Decathlon"; Mr. Hearn, "Fenct where we could find shelter. we cl-•ng"·, Mr. McCormack, "Boxing" andny a • .u~ writes just made it to the house when the p: "'"'·Landers the "Basketball" dance. In this wind struck. It was an awful place, arle FACULTY AT TEA WEDNESDAY Army with an uncultured woman left at home l~-----even of alone with two babies and a house- am Monte Jean Gaines, accompanied b· . ful of dirty dishes. She was very _:hty Good Place to TradeA Marie Chehey, played two violin solo: cmema friendly, but seemed at a loss as to gjlilJ[l; "Romance", by Svensen and "Liebeid h t t "t - - - - - - - - - - - 2 .d , b K . , ents in w a o do. I was kept busy nailing 111 1ei ,' Y reisler at a faculty tea la t up doors and windows as fast as th~ ~... Wednesday afternoon. our er- ill ie state. wind caved them in. In a very short ~ 1'LEN H JODER ; to Mr. time all roads were b'.ocked by huge'~ · · Kids-tell Dad about the new ba te . t in m and Physician instruments at Chatelains.-Adv. re 11mg rees, uprooted and blown across them. ~ ence and Nine more people came to this house ~ Dirmstead Corner 1 A Xmas Tip for parents-new biks of his of refugi; and began a drinking party ~ in Phone Office 33 instruments at Chatelain's Jewe!rfory. He before they had been there a half hour f;J 0


Mardis Store


· llllllJll.mmr


.I.N.K Music Contest ill Make '39 Comeback .. "Date is Set for Mar. 9, 10, 11" Says Supt. S. L. Clements The M. I. N. K. Music Contest, dis-

NOTICE M:ake a deposit on a 1939 Pe-

k this year, hurdling over obstacles annual snowstorms and financial tbacks with an entirely new program,: The date is set for March 9, 10, 11,

n:.vian during the month of December and you will get your name in gold free.

·'victual in group events, and tw<:ntye cents for soloist, will be charged is year. In an interview Friday, Superin~end­ t S. L. Clements said: "If there is a


'!'his saves you twenty-five Cel'.ts-the price you must pay for your name in gold after De· ~~F:bcr 23.


d to do

"Moonshine & Honeysuckle" "Moonshine and Honeysuckle," the college play now in rehearsal, should be a success. The author, Lula Volmer, is a Pulitzer Prize winner. She is author of "Sun Up" which was pro. duced here some tinH' before under the direction of Mrs. Anna Best-Joder. "Moonshine and Honeysuckle" was taken from a serial program that was !)rodur;ed over the ra(1io a few years ago. The cast of characters and players

~=t~s,c~:lyB~:~r~~e:a H;~:~~k~;



. . . 350 schools m Missouri, Iowa, . Neaska and Kansas. Each school JS to back an enrollment card so !he ' ges may be ascertained. YSTERY PLAY THRILLS HOLARSHIP STUDENTS Members of Seholarshlp Club en-

yedM~:d!~e::e:~~~~:Y ~~~: ::~~.e~:::~:· on~:n:'o~i~ ~~: ~~~ ~:~ ;~e:~~l ~~~~~e!~~~:= Clara Bright as the actors. Cored for the first time, they carried roles of husband and wife through appeared to be a threatened murplot to an anti-climatic end. Preg the performance Ross Russell traduced the cast to a "standing m only" crowd. Armed with a thought-provoking k of questions and determined to ertain if scholarship students were smart as they are supposed to be, rgery Evans put the members rough a course of mental gymnastics. na Simmons walked away with inidual high honors and the Club as 'Vhole still maintains its intellectual utation. appa Omicron Phi · tiates Klone, Nov. 28 erona Klone was initiated into pa Omicron Phi at the meeting onday evening, November 28 The edges were given an unoff~cial and ormal initiation that was very enaining for the members. Plans discussed for the next meeting be held at the home of Miss Edna ~~~~~~~~~~~~~


· . Tuesday, December 6 ·;M. o. A., Y. w. c. A., and .·~c. C. A................. 7-8 p. Wednesday, December 7 . oadcast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9 :30 p. Thursday, December 8 en Clubs ............ 7-9 p. o .................. 8-9:30 p. rett ................ 8-9:30 p. Friday, December 9 atic Club Bus. Meeting 11:30 a. ..;.A.A. Sports Revue ...... 8:00 p. . Monday, December 12 ·. Meetings ...•...... 10:30 a. wdads .................. 7-8 p. .-Primary Club ...... 7-8 p. on Pi Tau ........... , 7-8 p. a Tau Delta . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 p. kio Basketball there


m. m.

Conference at Y. W. C. A. Leora Libhart gave a large group of Y. W. girls a challenging review Of the two conferences she attended recently in Kansas. At Ka;isas University in Lawrence, Kansas, Dr. E. Stanley Jones led a student mission with the central theme of "Christian Cooperative Living". Dr. Jones has returned from India for a year for the purpose of leading similar missions throughout the universities of our country. He· is the author of many widely-read religious books such as "Christ of the Open Road." His magnetic l,)el'sonality supplements his religious philosophy that "Christianity is not a set of ideals but a power in the center of life."


NwIN··EFFECT ··· · 0

aJ· examination and informal initiation. The cast for the ·year has been selected and named the "Zeta Lamba Students May Receive Technical Trouble Cast" consisting of Helen Larson, RobSuperior Servi'ce W 1 p B d t ay ays eru roa cas ert Weber and Glema Meirs. Within the next few days Peru will Due to technical difficulties, the Peru The program for the year has been have an entirely new mail service, reHour which was scheduled to start at outlined and will start immediately af- suiting from the change of trnin sereight-thirty, was delayed fifteen min- ter Christmas holidays. vice m Peru. ·Instead of mail 11.rriVl:lg utes. This, of course, cut the entire at Peru in the m'ddle of the mor11bg, program to fifteen minutes and thus, Prof. G. H. Steck Gives ?+m.o people will now get their momthe talk of Professor Winston B. Thor- YMCA Educational Talk ing w~.a at about eight c/clock. The son had to be oOOtted. evening ma.ii wlll arrive at about the The program announced by Gordon The prospect of an educational and ~ame time as in the pas\:, between Gilbert, proceeded as follows: entertaining talk by Professor G. Holt four and five o'clock. Baritone Solo . . . . . . . . Mervin Keedy Steck brought the Y. M. 0. A. attend- Mail to leave Peru on the morning "The Disappointed Serenader" by ance to a new higil, with eighteen pres- route must be in the office before 7:15 Brahms. ent last Tuesday evening. In his t;lk a. m. and evening mail must be in bePedagogian of the Air . . . . . . . . . . Professor Steck compared life to a fore 4:00 p. m. Crone, Hemphill, Miss Palffier ladder. "To· 'get the· best from life 'I'he morning route wiH commence one must start at the bottom and worS: at Auburn, then to Peru, Brownville, Baritone Solo . . . . . . . . Mervin Keedy up. The ladder will be very crowded "O, Thou Sublim Evening Star" by but not many will be at the top." He Nemaha, and back to Auburn in time to make train 109 going north. The Wagner-(From Tann:hauser). also gave the proper aims and attriafternoon route will originate in Aututes to make the mos~ :Jf the teaching burn, then to Nemaha, Brownville, prcfession. Peru and back to Auburn. 110 Residence Girls In the business meeting it was deMorning Convene to Plan Party cided to order Y. M. C. A. pins. A Leave Auburn 7:00 a. m. There are 115 residence girls regis- pledge campaign was organized and a · te d bo t 110 0 f Arrive Peru 7:30 a. m.· tered tl1is semes r an a u definite time set for cabinet meetings. 'h "' nt t the residence Mail closes at 7:15 a. m. ' e.u were prese a There was also a discussion about Afternoon girls meeting last Monday, November sending a g;;spel team to hold meetings 28. in the Music Hall A'.!o ttrium. in different churches. Leave Auburn 4:00 p. m. Arrive Peru 5:00 p. m. Roberta Cowell presided over the Mail closes at 4:00 p. m. short business meeting. The girls Thie schedule may be changed when voted unanimously to have a Christ- Scotch Theme Prevails final announcement is made by the mas p.~rty and the date was set for At Peru C. C. A. Party Decel!'l:.er 21. Florence Neve was ap- "Hoot Mon" McGregor, announced post office department, and the corpointed chairman of the committee to the Scotch theme of the College Gath- rect information will then be posted in .plan it. olic Association party last Saturday the postoffice.

m. "HOT TIME" IS THEME m. OF WILSON HOUSE GIRLS m 'Itere was a hot time in the Wilson m:: apark18nts Tuesday, November 29, m. when a kerosene stove flamed up, J cau8"'.' ! a back bedroom on fire, burnt m. Iti:e >Guth wall, singed Naomi Sennett's m. i h<:ir, "~ared Maxine Lewis and Darlene m. 1 Barbn. called out the city fire departm. mcrt i>nd rudely interrupted Florence m. : Neve's potato peeling on the second floor. .



Wheeler and Jones Address Squad at Football Reception

Leora Libhart Reviews


for the first time the drama "The cial Moment" with Marvin Schacht as "The Minute Waltz."


PLAY GAST REHEARSES ''Speck" Nelson Cops DRAMABYLULAVOLMEH 1938 Football Honors Prof. R. D. Moore to Stage


. We also are planning a clinic ich will best meet the interests of ntestants and directors, taking on rm of special clinic for violin, piano d other instruments-possibly a le for orchestra, band and chorus there is a demand." he accustomary awarding of a epstakes cup in each class is being ntinued in view O'f the fact that rict contests are no longer permit-



Lizabeth Werner; Buck Gaddis, Dean Karr; Peg Leg Gaddis, Bill Saale; I Cracker Gaddis, Phyllis Benson; Tom Bevins, Gaii Miller; Annie Bevins, Madonna Adee; Peddler, Carter Johnson; Piney, Dorothy Ewin; Pink Freeze, "Nocturne" is Featured Clyde Hunt, and. Judge, Hubert HunOn Piano Recital zeker. Mary Olive Richardson is the Twenty-five college students from Small boy alibis of having a sprainstudent director and Professor Robert Nebraska, South Dakota, Colorado, ed r;,o;:1t wrist are no longer valid exD. Moore is the director. Kansas and Missouri met at Kansas cuses for missing the piano lesson. There are interesting compositions for The play will be given December 17. State College in Manhattan during Thanksgiving vacation. the k't hand alone, a fact proved by ProfesGor R. T. Benford, Friday, De- DRAMATIC FRATERNITY These young people were chosen as cembcr 2, at convocation when he INITIATES MEMBERS the Executive Council of the Chris"A~,. ~' played "Noct:irne", a l eft ~ y>IIDO Alpha Psi Omega, national dramatic tian Student Movement. solo by Scrlablne. The composition fraternity, will have initiation for new Musa Wagoner led the devotions at had the sound o! being a two..hand members December 5, five-thirty Y. W. C. A. preceeding the president's piece i>ut twen ~ skeptical eoold eas- o'clock. report. U1· see Piro!~ ~oro's right hand Students eligible for initiation are: There ls to be a Christmas sale in the ._ ...,,. '""'' ~ng ,,. Gail Carter, Dorothy Ann Coatney lobby of Eliza Morgan soon. This an~ ~ on bi& program were Dean Kan, Frank Bummers, .M~ nual Y. w. gift sale. ls to be managed "Qenram Dllhee" bJ ~n, "Wa1ta Olive Richardson, Horace Rzehak, by Kathryn Knouse and Rose McGinmD. ~t;" and~" both bY Cho- MaIY Lizabeth. Werner, and Virginia n1s. · · pm and "The in New Or- Triveiy. 1~,, from the «Louisiana SU!te" by Directly after the formal examina-

e large festival groups organized d directed by different high school ectors, and made up of the best


night. Decorations and programs of Scottie pups helped to carry out the Evans Furnishes Swing unusual scheme. For Dormitory Dance Dancing and -games entertained the The recreation hall of Eliza Morgan guests. Mrs. A. V. Larson directed the Dormitory, decorated with .Christmas de.ncing of the Virginia Reel. Retree and streamers made the Dormifreshments Of ice cream and cake sent tcry Open Housa a delightful yuletide the party-goers home well-fed. scene last Saturday night. Among out of town guests were John The dancers practicea their favorite Pyatt and Stanley Grumnicky of steus <,o the music furni.shed by MarCreighton University, and Elizabeth jorie Evans, wh.o presented a varied Ranza, a former Peruvian; who is program of popular hits in her own teaching at Brownell Hall in Omaha. skillful style.

The presentation of Delbert "Speck" Nelson, this year's honorary football captain, speeches by Coach Jones on "How to Stay Small in Ten Easy Lessons'', and Coach Wheeler on "The Value of Silk Hose" and the music of tne "Melody Masters" made the football reception last Friday an exciting round of suspense and merriment.

DELBERT "SPECK" NELSON 'The evening was made a great success by the music of the ten-piece college band, which is becoming more and more popular on the campus. The decorations, carrying out the football scheme, gave the affair a festive appearance. Harold Boatman, chairman of the Student Advisory Council, introduced the speakers, Coaches Jones and Wheeler, who both gave short speeches. Finally the climax of the evening was reached when "Speck" Nelson and Jae~ Mcintyre were announced ag choices tor the All-state team, and "Speck" as honorary captain. Let-

st:~::.ere iWarded to 23 members of the Light refreshments of punch and cakes appeased the appetites o! the reception-goers. Squad members who were awarded letters are: Howard Dean, Lincoln, Senior. Lester Mosley, Ong, Senior. Delbert Nelso;\, Lincoln, Senior. John Boyer, Bridgeport, Senior. George Mort, Edgar, Senior. Glenn Sheeley, Elk Creek, Senior. Tom Majors, Peru, Senior. Jerry Ogg, Peru, Senior. Gilbert Purucker, Omaha, Junior. John Green, Tecumseh, Junior. Leonard Greathouse, Ord, Junior. Elmer Velvick, Peru, Junior. Ross Adams, Peru, Sophomore. John Mcintyre, Nebraska Olty, Freshman. Merton Campbell, Oberlin, Ohlo, Freshman. Luther Hutton, Auburn, Freshman. Ross Organ, Edgar, Freshman. Robert Henderson, Anderson, Ia., Freshman. Lester Gump, Nebraska City, Freshman. Allison Daugherty, Humboldt, Freshman. Rex Floyd, Beatrice, Freshman. Keith McHugh, Pawnee City, Sophomore. Norman Littrell, Nebraska City, Senior.

Peru Hour Wednesday, December 7, 1938, 9 p. m. Announcer . . . . . . . . . . Gordon Gilbert Baritone solo . . . . . . . . Herbert Stutheit "In a Persian Garden"-Lehman "I Have a Rendezvous With Life"O'Hara Talk ............ Prof. W. B. Thorson Pedagogian of the Air . . Ruth Crone Violin Quartet - Vanderford, Ulmer, Matthews, Erffmeyer "Husitska" arranged by A. Harvey (Song of the Hussites) "On Wings of Song" F. Mendelssohn.




The Peru Pedagogian



I l


(EDITOR'S NOTE: The editorial I PubJ!shed Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. (Editor's Note: We present this col- sthtf of the Peru Pedag·ogian assumes E. .'\.lbir: Larson was re-elec Entered ~t the Postoffice at Peru, NE>braska as second class matter. umn as the united efforts of the News no responsibility for any.thing printed cou1ity clerk of Franr:lin Co $1.00 ·per year. Single copy 5 cents. Writing and Editing Class. Do you in this article). the recent election. He graduat like the idea?) This nonchalant, roving, raving re- 1933. Incidentally he was the .ADVERTISING RATES Some told me that Marge Evaru! porter, attempting to hit the high Democrat on the ballot that was Display 20 cents per inch. Locals, 10 cents per line can't wait until Christmas. Do you spots of highbrow collegiate life, was ed. _ _ _ _ _ _...:____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .know of any connection between St. rather startled last week to see '''hat i\ilargaret Kuttler who.last ·atte' Nick and St. Joe? appeared to be heavy bushes moving Peru in 1935 was a campus visitor STAFF We heard somewhere that '',Doc" this way and that. The peculiar thing Monday. She was completing s goes around asking, "Hutch ya sup- about it was that every one happened absensia work and plans to come EDITOR · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · RUTH CRONE pose Enid's doing tonight?" to be of the same general description school next semester. ASSISTANT EDITOR ............................... · .. · STELLA ROGGE Eleanor, Kay, and Betty Kathryn -stiff, hair-like bristles set on a back- Alumni at the Tarkio game ASSIS'I'ANT EDITOR ...................................... THANE HALE "Magor" out tonight, but Trenholm ground composed of some white sub- Thanksgiving Day were: Mae Chi SPOR!I'S EDITORS ...... NORMAN LIT'rRELL, WAYNE McGINNIS "Specks" to stay in.. Bartling usually stance. ian ('36) and Bob Christian ('37), Dean "Saunders" out about 9 p. m., but Rose Upon inquiry, imagine my surprise McCormick ('38), Lorene Otte, (two ADVISER ...... · ...................... · .. " .. ·" M. FLORENCE MARTIN will probably leave at "Severn." Dru- to learn that these were simply mus- year diploma in '37), Mary Lee Erwin, . silla almost "Rex" the place, but Su- taches upon the lean countenance of (two-year in '36), and Richard Turner · anne just looks ''Mooney''. big, brawny, brainy men. Not to be ('38). REPORTERS We've heard of first night, "Twelfth outdone and knowing how futile it Mr. Julius Gilbert, ('06) of DavenNight" and moonlight night, but not would be for me to have one, I decided port, Iowa, district agent for the Edward Arnold Mary Lizabeth Werner Genevieve Parriott untll lately "Confession Night." Big, the best thing for me to do (in order Traveler's Life fusurance, was a camClyde Hunt Alice Devore ·Beunice Doty bad boys of Collins House instituted to turn collegiate) would be to tell how pu$ visitor on last Wednesday. Hr, was Mildred Knofiicek Ella Hurlburt Dean Karr the phrase. to grow one, how to give it the great- accompanied by his two sons. Mr. GilWilma Parnell Jean Koeppel Robert Mason T'wont be long 'till the old question est paternal care, et cetera. bert is Gordon Gilbert's uncle. Frank Summers comes-What'll I get her for Christ- Never attempt to grow a mustache Miss Luena Cook ('37), who teaches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~ mas?-or will some break up until unless you have the prerequisite: near Vanango, Nebraska, writes of · after the big day? Namely, the face of a Gable, the hair meeting James Perdue ('37) of Fort Rumor has it that the so-called of an ape and the patience of a mule. Morgan at Denver when she attendTHEY SAID TO KEEP UP ON CURRENT EVENTS "Cof!ee Ohlb" meets more often than Better still to complete the process, try ed teachers' convention there. Miss so your editor took time out the other day to read the latest in world lm1 lither orpnlzation on the cam- to arrange to have black hair in or- cook has a very modern school just happenings. Here's some of the ideas that simultaneouslv went pl.IS. ~ it settles more prob- der to aYold using burnt matches, two- across the Colorado line, and enjoys through that ear-to-ear vacuu'in and that might have circul;ted in Jam. In-one shoe Polish, eyebrow pencil or her work immensely. Student opinion takes It that It is any other rather helpful coloring ma- Schuyler has five Peruvians teaching tlmt grey ma tt er of yours: te... A, · sure nice to come baclt to school to re- uw.. in the high school. They are: R. T. euperate from Thanksg:iviJI&' vacation. Usually there is quite a little space Fostnot ('13), Arthur Gilbert (matriTHREE BIG BUSINESS MEN i A talk on fire prevention might be under the nose left for no purpose culated '04), Hattie M. Pl'ochazka ('12), . . . appropriate and timely for a conYo- whatsoever so this can be used to Lucy Armstrong ('31) and Elton Reinof' the Umvers1ty of Omaha have organized a "flunk insurance cation program. support the bush or used as the roots miller (two-year in '29). company" and the idea so far has ha4 a bi~ following among two Speaking of football-why not rive o! the thing, so to speak. Let it grow w. L. Schindler ('29), Tecumseh students.. A twenty-five cent fine is assessed if the insured Norm a little credit? He's been a quite long and rave as it swells under high school superintendent, has been misses a class. faithful student manaier and a ri{ht the nose until-well, quite long. It chosen president of the Southeastern . . . . . sma.rt water boy. may take weeks, but remember, above Nebraska High School sports confer. Here is a pro~lem elose to h?me. Is it or 1s it not wort~y twen- How's this for eloquent descriptions all things perserverance always wins. ence. He replaces Superintendent M. !y-five cents to miss. a professors le~ture?. After thei Deans Hear- --"as dark as the library when the A delicate process now comes for the R. Shrader (matriculated in '12) of mgs on the schol.atic status otherwise know~. as the. quarterly lights are on"? precious bush must be trimmed. One Nebraska City. coach Merl Peek ('35! '.1.\jandary o~ C«.rtam P. S. T. ~· st~dents, certamly there is no ques- And to keep you guessing-what slip and the work of weeks (perhaps of Pawnee City is vice-president. These ·~on more timely. But here ts a tmselled thought: Why not con- campus professor has played football months) is ruined. The best method ;elections were made at the annual tinue to take the 'down' ~ourse, an~ then abou:t\ the middle ?~ Jan- with Red Grange? would, of course, be to see the barber rules meeting at Auburn during the t.ary ~ollect the five to nme dollar msured pay1:11ent after fa1lmg to We wonder .... who is the young lady at his convenience, but failing in this, iatter part of November. pass 1t? · Maybe that way we could keep the mstallment collector who turned down a bid to the Mill- procure a pair of scissors, a mirror from embarrassingly t~king away some of thos; nice bric-a-bra~s tary Ball ...... what's happened to sev- and a huge towel to wrap around the Get your Christmas cards and gifts that we gave for Chnstmas presents and aren t completely paid eral of the clubs listed in tht catalog? neck. The use., of the last is what you at Chatelains.-Adv. for·· .. · .... I wonder .. . . .. .. • ,, f or t emporary dej ection ..... · . know and what big sister would like ..,ause tthe necking parlor in the dorm tem- to find out. All utensils having been PERU CLEANERS&TAILORS DR. DAFOE porarily being turned into a gift shop. gathered, screw your face into a solemn We Deliver tells reporters that the quints will not appear at the New York's Seen: Dean J. A. Jimerson setting s expression and snip. very .delicately ~P Peru, Nebr. W Id F · h h f h d ~ h. . b . xh'b' good example for the lads by holding one si de, Ieave a strip, smp, srup, smp, Phone 62 or • air, e opes, or e oes not want t em to e e 1 1ted the door open for an arm-fi1Ied 1ass1e. and presto• there emerges a th;n line, Wear . Clean . Cloth~s • • . · · . . 1 1 •1ke curios1t1es. , , , r • Peru has all kinds of time: town somewhat resemblmg the handleilars - - - - - - - - - - - - Pardon us, Doctor, but what involved name do you give to that ~e, school time, dorm time, and my of a bicycle. elaborate cage that the five little sisters are housed in? Was there time. Now there are several shapes ;n oome mistake about the press notices that gave dazzling descrip- Well, vacation is over and most of which to Jet your mustache grow. tions of the modern glass used so that the Great American Public the girls know whether or not they Most strong men, hoping to be differ,·ould see them but that Marie, Yvonne and the other three couldn't are E Minus Ethels or A Plus Annies, ent, attempt little curlicues as it de:1 see the on-lookers? ·. Excuse us for inquiring, Dcic, b\tt why don't and a goodly number of them know velops. Some in an almost inane dei~ \11 you start a community clean-up campaign beginning wi.th tbe mid- now what the inside of the Dean's of- sire to receive the most benefits, allow wife's museum? And from where did a large percentage of the fice looks like I think it's very fine, It to sift down and very handily stram Ill 11· r:.oney come that has put the quints-and you--'-'way ciut of the n:yself. · their coffee or soup. Hence, the name red under blue skies? Please accept our apologies for asking, but Thought: "soup-strainer." !ti we just wondered........... When your work is hard Gentlemen, you have the process in a nutshell, given to you by one who is And the rewards are few, l(\ in the know, yet who has no bush unRemember the giant oak RUMANIA'S 'LITTLE HITLER' Was once a nut like you! der his nose. There are a number of people around I surely wish I could grow onet was slain and there is fear of internal war. '. i · · . . . . the campus who don't know a number Th mgs certamly look black, but let's view the s1tuat10n a little f h th uld lik to Get your Cbristmas Cards and gifts 1 · Iy. Wh en you t h'mk a b out t h e fact t h at it . too k okn peop N e w om t ey ewh more perspective k wo th ·1 · .I . lk ow. ow you a e e man o at Chatelains.-Adv. man a bout one h un dred m1 hon years to earn to wa on less than 1 k th· l'k B rt Hall ··t CRAWDADS • d h 1 h h f h lf ·f h · oo s some mg 1 e e , ol s ·?ur an not more t an two e_gs; t at. t e . ormer a o t e time at the west side middle table on the ,- Teaching essentials of Red Cross >.mce then ·he has been nomadic and lIVed m caves; that less than "d f th e 11raryan .b · d e1"ther life saYing work and methods form the r c l ··north s1eo ave. centuries ago, Columbus was thought unba anced because he b . ht te h wears a ng green swea r or has h·s 1 line of development for the Craw1Je!reved the world was round; that only one undred years after 1 d D h him dads. The course will be of an ex·1 · · b · h 'd h h f h s eeyes ro11 e up. o you ave l h at Ga11 eo vias put mto pnson ecause e sa1 t at t e rest o t e tted? W II • h0 ;, h ? tensive nature. .II' I t'niverse did not revolve around the world; that only six decades spoA th. unkne ' w :· the. f II . wh - - - - - - - - - - - - h h f '11' D ouhb. no about er owncampus is e wearing e ow i~ <i go t at .t ere wdereb a ew. md1 ion tirw T ofms t hBat d'd 1k n ' t t h'm k walks the ao ~::f,\ 11





E I L c0 AL l






v~1ce coud. h e carne . ha~roshs t e nver from r?o. yn,Von a light grey checked suit coat, a bow tie copper wire; an t at even wit m t e memory o some 11vmg, v est· d sl' ht t f d · h h h · b · an a lg amoun o excess poun 11 .g ouse was t oug t crazy because he was senous a out stoppmg G h? · · h " · d" Wh h' k f h' b · d age. uess w 0 • a tram wit wm • . en we t m 0 t IS, we ~gm to un er- Wonder why people like to stand bestand ape forf tween a brig . ht 11g . ht and a frose t d g1ass · that perhaps h kman · 1s a fellow who· has h acted d h hkeh'an h' qm~e a stretc - ta e it. any. w ay .Yo u w1s -ahn. t aHt t his t bmg hot dOO!' to bid fond good nights? J...OSing as a gent 1eman IS st1 11 a 1Itt 1e new to !ill. e as OUg !,imself some custom tailored clothes and shellaced himself with Wonder if the J:Ulll.Or of an approacha thin coat of civilization. He has already made some more or less ing Christmas marriage for a fa.eulty · to material thmgs · b e- member is the real McCoy? interesting beginnings in applying reasonmg s.des himself, but he's just getting to the business of perceiving the NOTICE operations of that one small organ inside his head that ultimately dictates everythin,O' he does. I am moving my business to the first " , . . . . floor of the Brady apartments, and will Maybe some day he 11 realize that this blustermg about with be ready for business in my new local ombs isn't all. it's ballyhooed to be. Per~aps the convi~tion will tion Wednesday, Dec. 7. One block seep th.rough h1~ cereb1ellum th~t th~ sc~appmg ~f, human life on the ;outh of my present location on the dung-pile o~,a dictator s,,sensat10nahsm 1sn t all its cracked up-and pavement. PHONE 223 . I do mean cracked up -to be. Maybe ..... ·, I wonder....... ARDYTH'S BEAUTY SHOP.PE

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SAM CUMMINS Falls City, Nebr.



DMEN IW.A.A. TO CORONATE I Their costumes will be white cotton EIGHT PERU . LETTEn ISPORTS REVUE QUEEN Isport shirts and blue corduroy coulFOR BASKET BALL ·willCrowning of a campus sports queen ettes. SIG M 11 be the climax of the W.A.A. Revue to be presented Friday night at eight Luther Hutton Stars Orville Pugh, '37-'38 Ace, o'clock in the Gymnasium. Each tickIn Peru's Final Game Will Join Second Semester '. The Tarkio Owls defeated Peru 9-0 Hopes are running high on the Hill et ls good for one vote. 'The list of Thanksgiving Day to end Peru's disas Coach Wheeler wheels his varsity nominees is posted on the gymnasium as.terous football season. Tarkio jumpbasketball squad through final work- bulletin board, and votes will be cast ed into an early lead on a first quarouts for the Tarkio mix. Eight Jetter- at the entrance. Tickets are on sale ter touchdown from a weak side play men returned from last year's squad this. week at two for' twenty-five cents, and kept the ball in Bobcat territory. and Pugh will be eligible the second until Friday at five o'clock when they 1 The Owls tried three field goals before semester. He has only one semester will be fifteen cents straight. All W. l Hall turned the trick. of competition left, so chose the sec- A. A. members are selling tickets. Peru's only bid came at the close SOLAN HILL ond semester. This colossal night of nights is feaof the half when Luther Hutton, Peru's A Sioux indian from Veblen, S. D., Lettermen returning are: Russel turing Eld Fawn and His Famous Men outstanding back of the year, took a five foot ten an~ w~s ~he only Has~ell Bailey (ranked with Kristufek as the Prancers, a strip tease act, a fan short pass and ran fifty-five yards be- .three s~ortman m 37 - 38· His . Indian two outstanding college players last dance, a faculty women's basketball hind little or no interference. He was nam: 1: Sw~epmg Wmg and his num- year), Bob Halladay (all conference game, and a faculty men's volleyball finally stopped on the Tarkio 8 where be: ';.He will be at Peru December 13 • sharpshooter), Jack Mcintyre, Glen game, each with W. A. A. members, as each owl was taking a second crack WlLh " 1e Haskell Indians. Sheely, Howard Dean, Severn Handley, high spots o! the evening. Other at the dancing cat. The half ended Leonard Greathouse and Lester Mos" sports exhibitions will also be presentafter one play and Peru never penec J Iey. ed. trated deeply again. THE BOUNCING BALL Coach Wheeler has cut his squad to The general committee in charge The defeat was number seven for By Norman Littrell I 21 and turned the freshmen over to consists of Alice Devore, chairman, Peru in eight games. The Bobcats' Coach Jones. Wheeler's squad con- Maxine Randall, and Glema Miers. only victory being over the strnn;; - - tains the nine lettermen and upper- Dorothy Ann Coatney has charge of Midland team before Peruvian Home- bpcc ~:dsonclassmen Majors, Falloon, Purucker, the advertising and Clara Dunn of the STERLING BIG BEAR comers. Lost to next year's squad are: Dow11 at the Christian House hangs Walker and Huegel. Freshmen in the ticket sale. Miss Phyllis Davidson, orLast year's c.ensational player and Nelson, Boyer, Sheeley, Mort, Mosley, the pic;skin that was used in the sq_uad are: Cramer, Grafton, Hutton, ganization sponsor, is general director. leading scorer. Five foot eight and full Ogg, Dean and Majors. Frosh-Uppers game. This football is Morris, Severson, L. Henderson and T. of fight he won the heart Of Peruvians Lineups: auto;r,\phed by members of the foot- Johnson. last year. Number :J. '.fo will show Tarkio Pos. Peru State ball sqq.ad, the coaches and President· Coach Jones is handling the "B" or Pep Squad Line-Up P.eruvians his basketball ability DeShaum , ....... LE ........... Dean Pate. It bears a white P and a '38 Frosh squad and has several games on Prepare for Action cember 13 when he appears with the Armstrong ...... L'T . . . . . . . . . Mosley Cwork done by Hoots Johnson-frte tap. He too has pared down his squad Results of pep squad tryouts whici1 Haske!! Indians. Chambers . . . . . LG . . . . . . . . Purucke~· act.). Said pigskin being symbolic of and now has 25 men reporting to prac- were posted on the Gym bulletin Tarr . . . . . . . . . . . . c . . . . . . . . . . . Mort Peru's football captaincy. tice every night. board, show that the following girls Saurbaugh ..... RG .......... Sheely 'Ihe vote for football captain met The first, game of the ye&r will find are members: Madonna Adee, Mary Wilson ........ RT ........... Boyer with the approval of both boys, coaches the varsity tangling with the Tarkio Beckman, Shirley Barrett, Hazel BuEverly . . . . . . . . RE ....... Daugherty and c::.mpus. Spec came t-0 Peru from OW1s at Tarkio December 13. Decem- chanan, Phyllis Benson, Kathryn If you wish to join the agency Schoonover . . . QB .......... Hutton Julian and knew nothing aboUt foot- ber 15 finds the Haskell Indians here Bartling, Faye Bouse, Gerldine Corwith a personal interest in your Lewis .......... LH ............ Ogg br.U 'He learned rapl<.l!y and made the against the varsity and the Malvern dell, Ardist Christian, Dorothy Ann successful placement and concase , .... , . . . . RH .......... Velvick squad. This ~ was his fl>'.lrth Ramblers will play a prelim with the Coatney, Alice DeVore, Clara Dunn, tinued advancemnt. Join the · Porter . . . . . . . . . FE.. . . . . . . . . Mlljors year at taekle fcr the Bhle and White. Frosh. Dorothy Fischer, Ila Mae Reinke, Maragncy working exclusively for Substitution: Tarkio-Shellstrom, Spec is W:e ~t of the "P" Th~ Haskell Indians promise plenty garet Henderson, Lola Ingham, Nancy teachers in Falk, Petersor., Hall, Rhoades. Bak-er, club a.'ld ~of the Men's Club. of color with Big Bear, last year's star, Ellen Jones, Ruth· Marshall, Louise Ivy, McCullough. Peru-Floyd, Beyer. Inte~:kli t(I note th.at for the last leading the attack. Last year's Haskell Meir, Erma Meir, Glema Miers, VerOrgan, Adams, Campbe1!, McH"~h, t~ y.n ~t of the Men's ~ad lacked experience, but this year's ona Klone, Mildred Parli, Edna Mae Young, Henderson. alro been the football cap- squad is virtually the same as met Peru Petersen, Willa Rathbun, Maxine Touchdowns: 1'amo-&hoomiver, mif Punrli>-s J:mvlng both last year-so anything can happen. Randall, Kay Samuels, Joan Townfield goal, Hall. honor; in '36 and '17. Peru and Haskell have met twice and send, Maryon Thomas,. .Hazel vanl.ff, -Football Odds-Ends each have a victory-this is the "rub- I:·ene Westerm~m and Jean WinklePROFESSIONAL· TEACHERS Maryville finished the season as one ber.'' ll'$Il; of the nation's 18 undefeated-untied Peru's schedule for the year: The pep squad has started practic~ 927 W. 0, W. Buildin~•OMAHA, NF.8RASKA teams..... Nelson was on Kearney's all- Dec. 12....:..Tarldo-Away and it promises some unique and ~ol­ "A booster for Peru graduates" team ..... Nelson and Mcintyre. were Dec. 13.:.:._Haskell Indians-Home orful entertainment at the basketball on Kearneys N. I. A. A. team ..... No Dec. 15-Shenandoah All-Stars games. Peruvian was a Midland's opposition Frosh vs: Malvern Ramblers team ...... Phi Lambda Alpha was Jan .. 6-"Doane-Away founded in 1930-"P" club to you ..... Jari. 10-Tarkio-Home I pick Duke over S. Cal. ...... Texas .Jan. 13-Nebraska "B"-Away Christian as top team in nation...... Jan. l~York-Away Oklahoma to nose Tennessee. ·Jan. 20-Nebraska "B"-Home Basketbali "38-'39: Jan. 27-Midland-Away Peru should go for this year-let's Jan. 28-0pen have the student body behind the team. Febr. ·3.:_Doane-Home Start out by watching the Haskell In- Febr. 4-Hastings-Home diam and their star Big Bear .whoop ]'ebr. 7-Neb.raska Wes.-Home it up in Peru's gym. This year let's Febr. 10-Kearney-Home have the student body behind the Febr. 14-Midland~Home -A#Wt#' S*@ team and helping handle Haskelites Febr. 17-Kearney-Away and future foes in good old victory Febr. 18-Hastings-Away style. Febr. 23-Wayne-Away All-State· Team: Febr. 24-Nebraska Wes.-Away ¥&65¥&&&£- I always like to get in trouble-so March 4-Wayne-Home here's my all state team. As manager or water boy I have seen all of Peru's NEW MEN GIVEN TRIAL IN ,games and have selected a Chadron PREP COURT PRACTICES player on basis of newspaper accounts,. Four lettermen are among the twenMy team is a personal one and is pick- ty-eightreporting dally to Coach Bert eel from a spectator's viewpoint-after Hall for Peru Prep basketball. all aren't the spectators the majority Wayne Pugh, Roy Grafton, Ray LEMUEL GREENWOOD who judge? Coulters and Velvick are the veterans Indian name is Charging Bull, six Ends: Riche~defer, Hastings and l.n Purple and Gold suits this season, foot two inch center from Rajia Ok- Bundagaard, Midland. whlle other men showing promise are ' Tacl:les: Colone, Midland and Ne!- Dafe Kame.n, letterman at Pawnee City lahoma, this is his second year on the son, Peru. last year, Oscar Smith, Neil Slinker, uad and last year he was third high ·cvrer. Number lO. He will appeai on Guards: Hester, Kearney and Mcin- Roger Mason :.Gid Richard Clemimt.>. the Peru court, December 13 with the tyre, Peru. <Mcintyre's defense rating There' is promise of hot arguments Haskel Indians. first team). over regular positions with only two Ce'1 1r,r: Blakeslee, Hastings. places on the quintet being conceded Quarter: Greene, Midland.' in permanent possession; those being Ministers and Reiff House Hall: Taylor, Kearney and Sloe, center and guard, where Kamen and Top Intramural Basketball . Doa11e. Pugh will rule those respective portions Intramural sports at Peru will reach Full: Bradford, Wayne. of the court. !l!Jli!ll@i)li)llfl)l!gl)!!)!ll!!l!lllll!llAAil!D!ll!llllttl!!~ll!llli!!ll!OO!!illillll®mt!fillLl!@llllfillj))lHlll)!illl!!ll!ilmID~ · new high this year under the direc- Extra back: Burroughs, Wesleyan. The Prepster's schedule is a tough -You Need ApPlication Photos Soonn of Coach Jones and Manager Spec Second Team: one this year; the Bobkittens lack exWh y not let the cost of the taking apply as a credit on your elson. Present plans for the basket- Ends: Dutcher, Doane and Wilhelm, perience which in football was cause 1939 Per.uvian. From these n<)gatives that we take of you, you all season are for a double round- Wesleyan. of a record but twice shined on by the may order application photos, Priced at 6 for SOc - 15 for $1.00. robin with ten teams entered. Tackles: Gardner, Wesleyan and b::ightness of victory. Call at the studio and look over our styles of frames and Pre-season predictions favor the Harwager, Kearney. Thus one must be skeptical when Mounts for your Gift Photo for Xmas. Parrish house, Park Avenue, Purple Gum·ds: Tobicka, Doane, and Chris- offerjng a prediction on what the kitDuring December all sittings must be made at the Auburn Alumni and eomns as favorites. How- tianwn, Chadron. Lem wlll and will not. do. Studio. Gordon Peter:s'on, Photographer. ever the dope has already been upset Center: Meader, Midland. as the two games played resulted in Quarter: Parilek, Kearney. DISCONTINUE SWIMMING HOUR the Ministers defeating the Basketeers. Half: Garrison, Hastings and Mur- The Girls' Recreational Swimming and Reiffs nosing out Collins. ray, Wayne. hour has been discontinued because of PERUVIAN PHOTOGRAPHER Games will be played at 6:00 p. m, Full: Morrow, Kearney. irregular attendance by those en· during floats and Saturdays. Extra back: Hutton, Peru. rolled.






GIFTS For the Entire Family

TOYS lOc and Up

You will find the largest assortment of Christmas Gifts we have e-"rer had. See our display before buying






LINCOLN DAILY JOURNAL N. Y. A. Girls Receive Dramatic Instructions $4 Year by Mail SCOREBOARD While the N. Y. A. girls Of Peru are 12c Week By Carrier You do it; we'll chalk it up indulging in various activities of athPeople paying 25c a week spend letics and recreational reading, they $13.00 a year. Times are hard and will also receive some dramatic experiYeah, it's true, that women can keep money is scarce. Everyone must save. ence. a secret .only it take more of them to The Lincoln Journal will help you. The 'The Dramatic Club will send repredo it, so somewhere we heard that Be.e-News suspension leaves but one sentatives to supervise the instruction. cupid had almost got Bob Williams other large morning daily in the state The first lessons will be given by Dean last week, but we guess it was just an besides The State Journal. It leaves Karr and Mary Lizabeth Werner. arrow escape. but one other large Sunday paper in The purpose of this is to give the N. The vacation was plenty easy on the the state besides The Sunday Journal Y. A. girls some useful and interesting cerebellum crinkles but there was a bit and 5tar. The State Journal has been information in dramatics and give the Y of anatomical transfer of strain. Which serving the territory between Omaha members of the Dramatic Club some noon. Kathryn Knouse, Monte Jean reminds me, or us rather, of food and a!ld Denver for the past seventy-one valuable experience in coaching plays. Gaines Stella Rogge Mary Modlin, that Professor Schuler is a .regular years. ' . ' '!<! Warren Routh, MarJorle Kennedy, ~d- teacher; he has asked a class to digest Get your Christmas Cards and gifts . . win Bentley, Fletcher Cline, Mar3or1e a ham sandwich and a glass of milk The Lincoln Journal sells for one to at Chatelains.-Adv. . three dollars a year less than any othPrine and Mane Chehey were among but he forgot to say when and where. er big state morning daily, and is ~~JJJJJJJJJJJ~JJJJJJJJJJ the guests. Ste J' dra Which reminds us of professors and priced as low as day late afternoon ~ The Modern Barber Shop ,Professon: . ck and m that Professor Moore's faithfulness and papers. With the Lincoln Journal you z Our Haircuts will fit your type ~ attend clinic. of personality. o attention are so centered on .our be- practically get the Sunday free, for ~ . Professors G. Holt Steck an~ V. H. loved campus that he kept one hundred the other big morning paper charges Z We appreciate your patronage ~ Jmdra were present at the third anAuburnites waiting while he gave nearly as much for daily only as The ~ WILLIS JAMES, Prop. ~ nual Nebraska Music Educators As"Moonshine and Honeysuckle" a bit Journal does including Sunday. By ~·rrrrrrrr0rrr~rrrrrrrrrrrr ~ sociation clinic at Kearney. Among more shine. The show must go on! mail in Nebraska and North Kansas, those in charge of the clinic were What do Frosh dancers feel that three months Daily $1.25, with Sunday William D. Revelli, Director of tj:Je $2.00; a year Daily $4.00, with Sunday Electric Shoe Shop University of Michigan bana, T. Frank baby needs? New shoes. $7.00. Or by carrier boy 12c a week Coulter, director of PUblic School mu- We heard that the Dramatic Club J.P. CLARK for daily, lOc a week for Sunday, 20c sic at Joplin, Missouri, Max Krone, w:ll present a one-act melodrama enNorth of Skelly Station daily and Sunday. The Lincoln Jourdirector. of Northwestern University's titled, "I Operated On My Father," or Phone 109 nal has openings for carriers on morna capella choir, Donald F. Malin, from "How I Opened My Mother's Mail" .... ing, evening and Sunday paper routes Lynn and Healy at Chicago and Ray- Thanks Bob. in many towns.-Adv. mond Jones, representing Ginn and An item we found in the Blue and GoldCo. or Chi~go. H.C.DALLAM ----Of all the things I'd like to do, DENTIST Art Exhibit Accepts I think it would be fun

MUSICAL ACTIVITIES SHOW GREAT PROMISE New violin quartet organized The newly organized college violin quartet, composed of Monte Jean Gaines, Marjorie Trenholm, M,ildred Knoflicek and Jean Spier are practising l ~gularly, and will soon be ready fot a performance. Professor Benford -entertains piano students. The college piano stuaents of R. T. Benford were guests at a musical tea at the Benford home Sunda after-

Seven Instruct Classes As College Assistants 6& students teach this quarter. Most )f them teach in the training school, Ghe elementary; junior high and high school;· but a few teach college classes. A list of the students Include: Cam· h. h h h ·t eron Sweeme, ig sc 001 c emis ry; Glen Yont, plane geometry; Howard t Rob t 8 d 1 Dean, Pane geome ry; er ny er, solid geometry; Kathryn Knouse, Caesar; Me lba ·Ob. ernolte, eIeventh grade . t enth grae d dl Eng !!sh; Mary Mom, 'Jfth Eng!!sh ; Laura Baum, twe • grade . . H t . El Engllsh; MarJone u11, ypmg; ·mer Velvick, swim•ning; George Mort, genera! shop; Gerald Ogg, general metals; John Horton, manual arts; Harold . 1 e1ect nc1 · ·ty; Tom Boa tman, pract1ca . ·vth grad.e woodwor kin g·, MaJOrs, s1"" Mildred Williams, bookkeeping; Maxbe Aufenkamp, home management; Genevieve Parriott, clothing; William Mo011ey, problems in American demo· ctacy; Paul Sims, ·American Hi,tory; Robert Weber, World History and orchestra; Florence Neve, orchestra and first and second grade music; Helen Margaret Larson, high school glee club, high school chorus and fifth grade music; · Gordon G~lbert, high school chorus and glee club and third grade music; Eleanor Nieman, high To take my doggone nose apart Office Ph 32 school chorus and glee club; Etta Mrs. Kirk's Pai,nting To see what makes it run. Neunaber, fourth grade music; Burton The tlrst time Mrs. Emilie Kirk sent Res. Ph. 196 Spec Nelson's r.egistration card had Evans, sixth grade music; Glema Miers, an entry to the Five States Art Exhininth grade English; Elizabeth Glos- bit it was accepted. "Still Life" is a name of father, "Poppa". Name of 11er, ninth grade English; Wayne Mc- water color painting and was one of the mother, "Mommie." Ginnis, seventh grade English; William 36 water colon; and pastels selected by Don't crab about the coffee; some- ~~~::C%:~?JT%•1'Zs.~ Chapin, eighth grade arithmetic; Rus- the ju<Jies to hang in Joslyn Memorial day you may be old and weak too. rell Bailey, junior high physical edu- in Omaha durini December. cation; Dorothy Ann Coatney, sixth There are more entries in the oil If a man has horse sens.e he should "A Mighty Good Place to Trade" grade arithmetic; Fl'lther We1lensick, painting section. other divisions are know when to say neigh. Flowers for all fifth grade arithmetic; MarY Alice water color and pastels, drawing and The public benefactor is the man Vanderford, sixth grade English; Ha- prints, sculpture and ceramics. Occasions who makes two blades of grass grow zel Vanier, fifth grade English; Maxine where one weed grew before. Weber, sixth grade geography; Leona DR. GLEN H. JODER We Grow Our Own Simmons, fifth grade geography; NetSurgeon and Physician THE DEAD LINE tie Kamen, fifth, sixth and third grades Milstead Corner a.rt; Thelma Isreal,. fourth grade spellRes. 39 Phone Office 33 ltli and reading; Musa Wagorrer, t~lrd Huntinr season has opened; don't grade spelling and reading; Elfrrnda shoot off the mouth. Dahl~n, fourth grade receSs and Soni of our blacldl.st:"Monday MornltI'ithmet!c; Olga Novak, third grade lnjr"-just another nightmare !n disrecess and arithmetic; Alice Trummer, guise. fourth grade r.eading and English; Sights we've 11een: Mildred Knofiicek, third grade reading 1. New clothes since vacation. and English; Inna Nispel, fourth grade 2. An assortment of snow boots but recess and social studies; Marjorie no snow. Trenholm, third grade rece~ and so- 3. Pep squad in swing again, or would c!al studies; Lois Macomber, second you call it swing? grade reading; Roma Jean Rethmeier, ~. People actually studying in the first grade reading; Mrs. Gladys Mac- library. In choosing Dougal, first and second grade reme- 5. Cal Reed, dark moment of the year, Elsln • , • you dial reading; Bertie · Boom, second dropping a breakfast tray in the cac:an be 1ure of grade numbers and reading; Mildred feterla. , . the quality 1 Polk,.second grade reading; Inna Herz- It was certa.inly strange to see the beauty/ style berg, first grade reading; Mildred Pur- usually calm and collected George Mort and accuracy. Ii, first grade reading; Mary Lu Har- going hay-wire over a misplaced twenvey, kindergarten; Hazel Buchanan, ty dollars. WELL FOLKSkindergarten; Rosa Lee Graham, kin- What is It "Reiff House'' Lurk has SANTA CLAUS IS COM ING TO TOWN dergarten; Marybeth Beckman, kin- over the women? They all want to dergarten; and Marjorie Harbridge, know his telephone number. He's just around the corner and will be here m THREE "WEEKS kindergarten. Wheeler's candid opinion of the two Student teachers in college: John o'clock tap class: "Quite the hot stuff." Our holiday merchandise is arril'ing and here you will Boyer, natural program; Delbert Ne!-· But you. know this opinion business son, natural program; Leslie :ty.rosley, and millions of others. find many little items to satisfy your gift giving desires. natUi:'al program; Glen Sheely, 'tumb- Famous. Sayings of Famous People: A Lovely line of Christmas Cards . . . . . . . . le to lOc each ling; Roy Lively, woodworking; Helen 1. "Would you mind going into the Margaret Larson, speech; and Mary Boxes of Fine Chocolate ............... SOc to S4.00 each juvenile room?"-Ethel Glosser. Olive Richardson, speech. 2. "You can't leave footsteps in the Perfumes and Toilet Arti tles .............. lOc to $7.50 sands of time and stay on the beatManicure Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc to $2.00 each Get your Cliristmas Cards and gifts en path."-Pop Steck. Monmoth Pottery . . . . . . . . . . . 25c to $1.50 each at Chatelains.-Adv. 3. "Now take your trend of thought Ladies Hand Bags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~Oc to $1.00 c:~cli when you wake up in the morning."-Men's Bill Folds .................... 49c to $2.00 eich Ashton, Harrison Win Bob Schuler. Dresser Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 to $5.00 each Dance Club Contest 4. "Now as I see it .... " Castle Brown. The blue ribbon winner's, based on 5. "Taking the world situation in Zenith Radio ..................... 15.00 to $200.00 each having made the greatest progress in brief .... "-Winston B. Thorson. Duo-Therm Stoves· .............. S37.50 to $89.50 each dancing, were judged Thursday night 6. "Honestly, I didn't see the lights Fountain Pens ............................ 25c ~o $7.50 in the Learn-to-Dance Club. blink."-any dorm iiaL Fini prize was won by the Bob Notes on intra.murals: PIPES, TOBACCOS, CIGARETTS, CIGARS, SEALS, Ashton and Agnes Harrison duo. Sec- The Basketeers need a basket to TAGS, TOYS, WRAPPINGS ond honors were awarded to Ed t?.ey- catch the ba.11. The Collins Boys expect to play a I nolds and Barbara Beal. Competent judges of the evening unique game or free:r.e-out due to the were · faculty sponsors, Misses Grace fire Sunday morning. No heat, no Tear and Florence Martin. Professor lights, no hot water. V. H.. Jindra was the guest of the Did you know Purucker was on the basketball varsity last year? evening.


The Mardis Store




Get your Christmas Cards and gifts at Chatela!ns.-Adv. at Chatelains.-Adv. Get your Christmas Cards and gifts











Y. W. GETS PHILOSOPHY ~~!:1:s ToA~~~~~AwoRK ABBIE BRANDrWINS W.A.A. Gives 11-Act Show FROM PROF. G. H. STECK no~:s:~ter:~~t:~b:~0:ont:;eSig::: NAT'L4-H CLUB HONORS Before Near-Record Crowd Tau Delta meeting Monday night in Abbie's Canning Captures "Not Freedom But Intelligence the Music Hall. Contributions were Miss P. Davidson Crowns Isands of the desert, the audience saw Championship in Chicago Of Speech Confronts People" given by Ruth Crone Mary Lizabeth . Prof. G. Holt Steck talked with the Y. W. O. A. girls about a "Philosophy for Living" Tuesday evening. After the meeting, "Pop" expressed a curiosity as to what the shorthand notes said that he said. Here are a few of his most quotable quotes: "Philosophy of life is simply a plan of life ... Psychologists say a man's character is best measured at play because a man is more himself then than when he works . . . A surprising majority of people begrudge the time they have to spend at their work. No wonder we are in a mess. "We wear ourselves out avoiding reality .... We have freedom of speech but do we have the intelligence to say anything? . . . 'Easier to do and die than just sit still and wonder why' (slightly "Steckifled quotation from somebody) and William Jennings Bryan's, "It's a weak mind that can't contrive a way to get what the heart

Werner, Winifred Hall, Miss .FJorence Martin, Mary Olive Richardson, Gladys Majors, Russell Sommers, Marybeth Beckman, Faye Bouse and Mrs. Inice Dunning. The program was in charge of Bertie Boom. Refreshments were served.

Abbie Brandt, freshman from Unadilla, is one of only two Nebraska girls to win blue ribbons in the canned foods' division of the 17th annual national 4-H Club Congress held In Chicago. Miss Brandt has been winning honors consistently throughout the nine years she has been in the Health, Heart, Hands and Head (4-H) busL ness. The projects she has taken include three years of clothing, two of girl's room, (winning first at the State Fair), one of cooking and three of canning. Last year she was awarded a gold Insurance Representative pin as the all-round home economics Tells About Investments . champion chosen. from the group parWalter I. Black of Omaha was the ticipating at the State Fair. She won · speaker in convocation Friday, Decem- fi r3t· wi'th six Jars of mea t an d would ber 9, "l love. the ;ife insurance busi- have probably brought home the bacon ness,'' he state·l, "because I liJre tc at the 4-H Club Congress in Chicago · t k · ding them ·h a d not c~raw p~cture:> ,.f '1fe ar;.d som~ of its jf a mlS a e m sen b d 1 many problems. ' is ·iecau ,:, nm een ma e. just ns amkus '.,; anyone of yo:J. l'J Abbie repeated her winnings this t •h gain useful ·suggestions whereby I may year in vegetables. They were sen "'


A. Christian Queen of Sports [ one of the seven wonders, the pyraWith sporters of every type and de- mids.

scrlption, tlie ·W. A. A. presented their The Melody Masters entertained sports Review In the college gym Fri- the crowd between events and then on day night. with the show. The daring debut of The first event of the evening wai; Gypsy Rose Lee and her strip.tease an active argument on who could play act was presented by Maxine Randall basketball. The W. A. A. girls against and lots of clothing, to start with. the fighting faculty fems. Time A game of aerial darts was next out was called so Miss Davidson could with Margaret Henderson and Erma keep the girls flt for the camera with Meier on one side of the net and Ardist her powder puff. Miss Glosser was the Christian and Ila Mae Heinke on the victim of an unsportsman-like display other. The paddle flippers kept the 1 by Miss Martin which ended the un- birdie hard in flight and Henderson settled argument. 'I and Meier won 11 to 10. w·t f · The next number on the program · l h a color ul flare 6f trumpet was brought straight from the lakes: notes the event was usered m. It was of Norway and was none other than ' the W. A. A. v~rsus the Liontamers in sonja Heme· and her brother, Tom. ' a fast and furious volley ball game.

The skaters glided smoothly except for The Liontamers "came out" with Dr. the fact that brother Tom had some Miller leading the procession on a bicdifficulty in keeping his shirt tucked in. ycle and the remainder of the team ·· dancing out chorus girl fashion. They :Vi~h a change of ~limate and . a 1 were all dressed for the occasion: Tarshiftmg of the scene to the burnmg R d . d k' Pr f Ty · zan ee m a 1eopar s m, o . !er wants." , "dolled up" in a clown suit, Mr. No one likes to be alone. Yet he in my profession and may be- the Congress and five out of six (tomaClements in double deck shorts, and tries to sell himself to the world even advance come more worthy of advertising my toes, peas, green beans, carrots and Registrar Hayward in black pleated when he is so bored with himself that clients." asparagus) won blue ribbons. he dares not be left alone ... We have gym bloomers and red bow-tie. The always learned to make bread before :Mr. Black said tilat he did not·pose She has been In demonstration . ' I I I . . . other members were equally costumed. we nave learned to make men." as an expert for it }m.$· been sliid that teams In both foods ·and girl's room . The volley ball was given a tremendLaura Baum led the devotions. An- "an expert i& a·fool aa..v from home." p~ojects at various fairs: Canning has Peruvian Spends Fo~ Days ous workout and the liontamers won announcement was made of the vesper "Life ~ is defined as eon- her greatest enthusiasm. At St. Louis Convennon rwith. a score of 16 to 13. service of both Y. W. and Y. M. to ~. ot a contract whereby, for a Her big ambition ls to earn h:r :~ As a delegate of Epsilon Pl Tau of After some super swing by the consist of a Christmas cantata pro- ~erl eQQOn ·~ the ~um, and butter .in a home eronO!ll.lcs · · Peru state Teachers College, :Mr. Roy Melody Masters, the Rhythm Rascals, sented 'by the Girls cooros. Tl<:kets rJM ~·(the ~) agrees to pay "PeFhaps a hom~. agent. position Lively· attended the annual convention~ ArdiSt Christian> Dorothy· Ann Coatwill be issued to all member$. the ~ (the ~ or hl:s bene- would be interesting. of the American Vocational Assocla-! ney, and :Hazel V!fil[er, tapped out M xican goods as well as Oriental ~"'Y a iixed. sum: upon happelling m Nm summer her 4-H work will be tion held In St. Louis November 30 to' three numbers. Sally Rand and Comwar:s are on display at the Y. w. gift a ~fted event or d~" confined to leadership since enrollment December 3. pany was announced next · and the sale in Eliza Morgan lobby during all Mr. Black gave severa~' Illustrations. in col!ege bars her from club competiThe convention was held in the Jef- crowd was asked not to peek. Maxine ·· fioat perlods and between 4 and 8 showil:ig tM value,, of 'the-· insuranee. tio11. ,· . . . , son Hotel. Approximateiy 2000 Randall, Ila Mae Heinke, Hazel Bucho'clock p. m. daily. policies. "4-H ls greatly beneficial lint· one; delegates were present.. The conven- anan and Glema Miers, dressed in In showing the reliability or Insur~ personal life .. The proper se ec ion tion was divided into several sections gingham dresses with bows in their aµce companies he pointed out that foods for the table as well as for can- including commerce, agriculture,· home hair, gave an (electric) fan dance as DEAN JIMERSON . in a recent survey of two hundred of n!ng is vahiable. correct methods of economics,. and · industrial arts. :Mr. the orchestra played "Alexander's tile brgest corporations in America preparing and preserving foods ai:e Lively was most Interested 'in the last. Ragtime· Band." ADDRESSES· EVERETTS interesting to know," she believes. Dean Jimerson was the speaker at that were established before 1909 onl Y Some of the most important of the The highlight of-· the evening was the meeting of Everetts held last one h~mdred twenty stobd up and the talks that Mr. Lively attended .were the arrival of "Ed Fawn and his Thursday night in the east room cf other eighty went under. 2.7 pet cent Alpha Psi Omega "Industrials Arts and Ind. Sociology" Famous Men . Prancers''. DaPcers the Music Hall. The topic was "Parli- was the average dividend paid to. theif Accepts New Members by R. A. Henderson, Director of Voca- Sheeley, M~jors, Hall; Nelson;· Mc~Ugh, amentary Law and Procedure". Ex- I stockholdets. tional Education, Detroit. "Art Metal De.an, Velvick, and. Organ sprmt~d · Dorothy· Ahn Coatney; of Perui Dean 1 ht! t th :fl amples were '~ven of the difforent Dur'...'1g t)J.e last ten years of ·forty and Jewelry· " by Harry Wood Direetor ig Y on o e ..oor and gave InterKarr of Hamburg, Iowa, Mary 1. ' t ti f yt'h' kinds of motions that may be made leadinP; insurance companies there of Indust.rial Arts and Vocational Edu- pre a ons o ever mg from how to · · Werner of Nebraska City, ·Frank d f tb 11 and the ·proce.dure in handling them. was less' than .85 percent of dividend ti India · Mr w · d ,, ance a oo a game· to a good old Summers of Peru, Virginia Trlvely Qf ca ?n, ·· napo1is. ·· · oo ga,e h 0 · roug · wrestling match. The crowd The remainder of the program con- Paid under that which h I""rt been prom-. Plattsmou.th, and. Mary · :ri:ene · Riel\- a very excell ent exp1anat·ion of ·d esign . d d d h t bt in b 1 h · was m ee appreciative .of their gracesisted of a piano solo by Winnie Hall, ised. Several companies paid more than was promised. "Getting life In.- ardsbn of Fairbury were the new me~- an ow o o a a ance, armony, ful art. "Prelude in C Minor" by Tschaihou· · 1 h · p · · 0m· ·1ni and rhythm. He also said, "Dilslgn suw.nr,;:; is ari individual matter,'' said bers accept ed at AP a si ega The clllhax of the program was the sky and, a vocal solo by Bill Frankti'ati'on Sunday eveni.ng, December 11i must be· studied so it coJTesponds to , r. Black. "There are three reai>ons coronation of Ardist Christian as M hauser, "Bells of the Sea." He was The Zeta Lambda cast· consisting of the use of the subject it is put." accompanied on the piano by Law- for cwning a life insurance. policy: Bob Weber, Helen Larson, Glema Mei~s The convention will be held at Cedar sports queen. The procession was rence. Freude. To protect your family, to create a R 'ds Mi hi t lead by trumpeter Reba Hauptman reserve and for a retirement Income." and Prof.'R. D. Moore, faculty adviser. api ' c gan, nex year. with runners-up Alice Devore, Ila The next meeting of Everetts, Dean Every man has seven out of ten comprised examining committee. Mae Heinke, Phylis Benson, June ModJimerson will continue his discus:;ior chanccs of living to be sixty years old. After passing a formal written ex· TALKS l!n, Clara. Dunn, and Dorothy Ann of Parliamentary Law and Procedure. Life insurance is for your protection; amination, the commLttee served REV. O. TIMMONS . ·Coatney as attendants Lois Ann MilMrs. Jimerson was a guest of the take advantage of it. three-course dinner, during which, ON "BELIEF IN GOD !er was bearer of the blue and white organization. members were called on for 3' minute Tuesday evening, December 6, Rev. crown which was decorated with Mr. Black Is a former school teacher impromptu speeches on humorous sub~,.· · t d t J. O. Timmons addressed the Y. M. symbols of the sports world. The proof Havelock and h as uuicia e . a sev-. J'ects. Following. this, t.he six. pledges · MISS DAVIDSON CHANGES ABODE ra1 b sk b ll · p C. A. The topic of his talk was, "Belief· c,es.sion crossed the gym to the south e a et a games m eru. we~e· d1'vi'ded· into two grou"'~ and ask' .,,,, !n the Higher Power." Rev. Timmon's wall where a blue and white throne Miss Phyllis Davidson has moved ed to present a scene from some well introductory remark was that the topic awaited the queen. As Miss Davidson from Brady apartments to the Burtis known play. Tarzan of the Apes, and was too large for one evening's discus- placed the crown on• Ard's head the Kennedy apartments. Ardyth's Beauty P. S. T. C's. Men's Dormitory , Romeo and Juliet were given. In~- slon. He treated the topic histori- Melody Masters swung into the color Is Progressing Rapidly Shop Is situated in the apartment vatiates were forced to illustrate the cor~ cally and maintained that while dif- song to give an end to the evening's cated by Miss Davidson at Brady's. The clatter and hum of the Diesel- rect movemehts of characters on ·the ferent concepts of God had been held entertainment. powered shovel Is gone from the Vicini- stage·, to portray a character using ii,t different times, yet God has. always All events were announced by Phyllis ty. For the past few weeks it has been only the greek alphabet for dialogue; been the same. He also stated that a Benson assisted by Reba Hauptman tearing away the Peru campus at the and to present with emotion 12 Jines proper understanding of science and and her trumpet. Tuesday, December 13 rate of 1500 pounds<1rernmou't!Mu1\ One from Shakespeare. The entire informal the universe today helps in ·appreciat- ~==~========~ .day it left, as slowly .aS it had,•come, examination. was made more difficult Y. M. C. A., Y. W. G. A., and Ing one God more. "It must have tak- ~=:~~:~;::~*-'~=~~;::::..cL~' · m a. o. A. .. ..... " .. . .. .. 7-8 p. m. after which the sound·was superseded by the committee's intentional .. por- en a greater mind to construct the ~'i NEW MAIL SCHEDULE I Broadcast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 :30-9 p. m. by that of the scrape of .spades and trayaJ of an uninterested,· unapprecia- universe than to constave it." l~ ~~j Haskell Indians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Here shovels in the hard clay. A varying tive audience. ii O t . ·1 1 th Ad I -----A discussion in which all members i 1.r; u gomg mai eaves e - ,l Crew Of 18 t o 2iJ: men have been digWednesday, December 14 t t' B 'ld' t . Gamma Chi .............. 7_9 p. m. ging the footings. (Footings are those participated followed. 1 I mirus ra ion m mg a 3: 45 p. ~!1 Literature Class Gives Puppet Show R Ti 1 d b 1 ! m and 8·30 p m " Thursday, December 15 odd looking trenches and. hbles.) These ev. mmons c ose Y an appea ! . . . . 1 Eac·h children's literature class gave to make thi's Chr1'stmas a tim·e when ~ Freshmen Clubs . . . . . . . . . . 7-9 p. m. /were finished Satu~day. . . !~ Incoming mail will arive at I" T0 d Tuesday if the weather and a puppet show Monday afternoon to each should realize that the Eternal i;,j the Administration Building " 16 Friday, December I ay, ' ·. ·the··metnbers of the other ·classes. ~I" about 9:00 a. m. and 6:00 p. m. ~l Nemaha High School .......... Here government inspection permit, the God was speaking to the world in the t · . t Christ. i Monday, December 19 crew will star pouring concre e. PERU HOUR Second class mail will arrive











I'' · ·

I !


Freshmen Council ·..... 10:30 a. Crawdads .. · · · .. · .. · .... · · 7-8 p. Alpha Psi Omega . .. .. . . .. . 7-8 p. Kappa Delta Pi ............ 8-9 p.

m. Thirty-two Ameri·can Colleges and at the Admiru.'stration. Building ~ Castor and Poleux,·. the stars kno.wn.· The Peru Hour this week will consist m. j at the usual time of 3 00 p m · · · " m. as "She Twins," are about 90,000,000," of a broadcast. of the Haskell Indian- universities are planning to offer courm. 000,000 miles apart. P. s. T c. basketball game. ses in driving efficiency. ' ll!f-::::::::.,..y:~~==~~~~~


. 17-Year Old.Senior Likes· Dormitory Bes.t.

The Peru Pedagogian

Publ!shed Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. , Entered at the Postoffice .at Peru, Nebraska as second cla8s matter. $1.00 per year. Single .co~y 5 cents.

By :Genevieve ·Parriott


Display: 20


A bright red "Please Do Not DisLQcals, 16 .c~ts per !lli.e '. turb" hotel placard hung on the room-

per inch. .



. .

door ot the youngest .se:nior on the campus. Dare a cub reporte:r venture in?

. I I




come out fr6in behind and win the game. It was a well-played game and while we lost we could see that Coaches Wheeler and Jones have been busy and that you can look ahead to .a good season next yeai·." In .closing, he said: "Thank you for the Pedagogian and best wishes for another success~~! year." November 22, Howard Miller ('38), presented rJs first musical program at Eagle. Superintendent E::~en said that "it was well-prepareci and wen received." Mr. Miller sang, "Invictus" by Huhn and "White Road Westward"

EDITOR · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · '· · · · · · · · · · ·' · · · · · · · '· · · · · · · · · '· · · · · · RUTH CRONE Eleanor Hemphill seventeen year old Miss Erma Howard, Peru student by Mitchell. ASSISTANT EDITOR ................................... STELLA ROGGE . ·f · t . th' k last year, of Shubert and Mr. Harlin From Claremont, Ca!ifornir., where . · . co11ege semor. rom Bea rice, m s ASSIS'I'ANT EDITOR ....................................... THANE HALE th d. t . t t in James of Verdon were married Thanks- he is doing graduate work in coun. · e orm1 ory 1s he rnces h g about · s !' d ·d d · 1 t SPORTS EDITORS ...... NORMAN LI'ITRELL, WAYNE McGINNIS giving morning at the home of Rev. e mg an gm ance an SOCJa s Uthe college. She likes the hills and and Mrs. H. D. Keefer which is dies in the Claremont College, Fred ADVISER · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · M. FLORENCE MARTIN trees of Peru next best. southeast of Auburn. Immediately af- Rohrs ('36) writes: Her first memory is of playing house ter the ceremony they left for a short "Dear Peruvians: Despite all the at school. There were always two visit in Lincoln after which they will California sunshine and Chamber of REPORTERS families and fighting with the other·, Jnake their h6me on a farm near Ver- Commerce ballyhoo I've been subjectfamily was the main object. don. . ~tl to these past two months, I can't Frank SUmmers Mary Lizabeth Werner Genevieve Parriott As to ancestry, Eleanor likes to hear Clarence A. Crandell ('35), who has forget Cornhusker~land, • and more Clyde Hunt Alice DeVore 'Beunice Doty her father tell of his family's coming been teaching at Friend, has been particula1·ly-Peru. Football results Mildred 9ofiicek Ella Hurlburt Dean Karr from Pennsylvania to Nebraska as pio- elected to the position of commercial are about the most tangible connection Wilma Parnell Jean Koeppel Rob~ Mason neers. The terrible blizzards and the teacher in the Beatrice high school. I can have with the college out here; ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ two-day round trip to Beatrice, a dis- Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Parish of consequently, I've followed the fortance of 15 to 20 miles, With grain are 2430 South 19 St., Lincoln, announced tunes of this year's ele1·er, as closely AW, RATS! her favorite stories. the birth of a baby daughter Decem- as the "Los Angeles Times" will al"The government right now ls prob- her 3, 1938. Mrs. Parish was formerly lPw ......... I plan to se( Lon Graf, About the 'first of the year Professor Shuler made a special trip ably taking too drastic steps in what Miss Amelia Schneider. Mr. Parish swell headmastet Of past Peru pigto Kansas Gity where he obtained both white and hybrid raf;;1 so as they are doing. Although it. is an ex- graduated from Peru in 1928. skir:s greats, next week. He's coachto conduct experiments in regard to the pituitary gland. For over six perlment, I think they have gone too Pansy L. McHaley (formerly McKen- ing in this vicinity now. Rumor tells week's he and t:wo assi'.s'tants worked isolating and .dating them, for far in carrying it out," ls Miss Hemp- ney), who graduated in 1920, and T., me that Glen Gilkeson is atten_c:IL1g the R. P. Stocker of Lincoln were ma~- University of Southern Califori:J~a, too. the nature of the experiment demanded tha.t absolute and exact se- hill's political conviction. gregation and statistic~ be kept.. During Thanksgiving vacation Her favorite food-"Ftuit of any ried in Humboldt Thanksgiving day. I'll soon check on that: Dean Delzdl kind, except I don't give a fig !or figs." Mrs. Stocker has been employed as isn't far away, either. Perhaps we someone unlocked the cages, thus allowing the males to devour the "My most thrilling experience? Rid- music supervisor in various Nebraska can stage a Peru Homecoming here in small rats, cross breeding and an entire· disruption of the whole ing on the ocean." A four-hour team- schools. Mr. Stocker is a prominent this land of beautiful girls, sun-SJ'.lked plan. er trip from Boston to Provincetown, Lincoln attorney', After a short trip giants, oranges, ea:thquakes, f!o0cis Massachusetts, with 1,649. other peo- to Kansas they will be at home in Lin- and fog. Now it is not our purpose to assume· a Pollyana expression, shake ple aboard-"every type of person"- coln. · "Until we do though, I'm in the our finger in someone~& face and solemnly say, "Naughty, nau,ghty," thrills her even now. She likes stand~ · Dorothy Hurd has had a picture market to receive some Peruvian· Ietbut it is our purpose to point out that people ofcollege intelligence ing at the rail of the upper deck, (no accepted for the Five States Exhibit ters here at 709 College Ave., Clareand experience should know more than to destroy two months' work seasickness involved, she reports) now on display at Joslyn Memorial. mont, Cal." with a flip of the wrist. but she also roamed the ship explor- Miss Hurd; who lives· in Shenandoah, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gilkeson are do, ing it. The water of the Atlantic was matriculated in 1934. ing graduate work at the University of ~et's )ook at it out~ide of the angle that it produced a waste of a bluish green with white foam break~. Thanksgiving day the Alumni Asso- Southern California. "Gilli:" gradu. "'f . . . · ing around the ship. Two whales made elation sent roses to Dean Delzell. In ated in '25 and Bcl~n (nee Humbert· in time, eu ort and money. When one builds a house of blocks for a answer he sent the following telegram: '35. They planned to attend Golum. J b ·b h fi h' h h'l d . .... .k k h .. their.appearance during the trip. >a y, a out t e rst t mg t e c 1 d oes 1s to noc t e structure She has known one celebrity.....Rol)! 'The beautiful roses sent filled my bia when they left Peru. oV:er. At that time the individual should inst~ct the child that ert Taylor. He lived in Beatrice and heart with gratitude and thankfulness. creation' is better ihan destruction. Suuch a procedure kl necessary her sister went to school with him. Gpd bless you all." · in the case of small children. What one should do with y01.rng men .Eleanor likes reading the latest nov- The secret marriage of Irene Weath. els. "T.ne Wall" by Mary Rob 9rts erfield (matriculated 1935) of Auburn DECEMBER BffiT:UDA'YS. and women .that do the same thing and even fail to apologize for Rinehart is a recent mystery. that she and .Kenneth .Soper (matriculated 1he havoc they have caused, is outside of our editorial jurisdiction. enjoyed greatly. 1935) of Fort Morgan, Colorado, which Name Date Miss Hemphill has "been around": took place August 21, 1938, was anEtta Neunaber ............... 13 As far. west as the Rocky Mountains nounc.ed Thanksgiving day. She has Horace Rzehak .............. 13 I TR~DITIQN IN EDUCATION twice, as far north as cailacta, as 'iar been teaching a. rural school in NeMaurice Linder ........... .' .. 13 I' Dorothy AntiSdel ... : ........ 14 ri as we know 'it, probaqly dates back to the time whe1.1 we were south as west Virginia and to the At- maha county. After January 1 they !antic coast. will live in Fort Morgan, where he is Edna Bohlken ............... i4 i/ one of the English col.onies, and with all due to respect to that counHer trips west included Estes Park .in business. Isabel Hays .................. 14 i try, it nevertheless, must be remembered that she wais\ probably the and a great deal of mountain climbing .. Alumni at the Nebraska Music Stella Rogge ................. 14 1 originator ,admirer and perpetrator of practically all modern ta- in Pine Cliff, Colorado: Education Clinic held in Kearney re~rold Rosenthal ............ 15 i; 'I'his summer's trip through the east cently were: Kenneth Pace ('35), Mrs. dition, if such a term might be applied. · Joe Littrel ................... i5 included Niagara Falls, concord and Pac~ (KathrYn Bergman, who receivMargaret Stiers .............. 17 'I Tradition, in any respect, is valuable. Its prized aspects are too Lexington with its Minute Man sta- ed her tw9-year diploma in 1937) of Kenneth Brown .............. 17 many to be mentioned in this brief space although we may uien- tue, a great many historical scenes in Falls City; Lloyd Perry ('34), Edgar Ross Adams ................ 18 tion its property of enabling us to appreciate our heritage as well and around Boston, the Old Man of Hunzeker <matriculated '32); Ruth William Brooks .............. 19 !I the Mountain which is: Hawthorne's Naviaux ('35), Sumner; Forrest Corn Gladys Majors .............. 19 a;~ the fact it helps us to enrich our present daily life. "Great Stone Face," and all the New ('33), Columbus; Harold Chatelain William Mallory ............ 20 i! But originality is highly important. Please remember that we are England states. At Washington, D. c., ('17), Fairbury; Raymond Trenholm Edward Arnold .............. 2G net speaking of fadisi' or extremist but rather of a middle course. the F. B. I. building interested. her ('30), North Platte; Lowell Cross Patricia Lundy .............. 22 :I ('36), Omaha Tech.; and Mark CranFawn Lowrey ......... ·; ..... 23 It is well to note that if we become so involved in tradition that we most. Delbert Nelson .............. 23 do nothing· but look into the past, we may su.cceed in uncovering Traveling is fun because of "the new ilall ('25), Central City. people you meet" She believes that a M. E. Boren ('25), superintendent of Dean Stuck ......... ; ........ 25 that which has gone by, but it will become as dead .in our hands. a,3 great patriotic feeling of love and re- the Eagle Consolidated. Schools, writes LuciUe Hazelton ............. 28 some the the languages in which it is written, spect for our country is a result of of attending the Peru-Wesleyan footFlorence Neve ............... 29 · "See America First." ball game with his wife and Mr. and Gail Miller· ................. 29 The discovery that really counts ~ the disclosure based upon the That red "disturb" sign originally Mrs. E. S. Krikac of Comstock. Mrs. Sadie Burnett ............... SO knowledge of the past and built with intelligent and genuine pro~ was a native of Geneva, New York, and Krikac .was formerly L~ne Pierce of Margaret Nussbaum ......... 30 gress. Such discoveries as applied in education will help the stu- is here because of Eleanor's hobby of Bartlett, Iowa ('26). About the game Maxine Aufenkamp .......... 31 dent to cope with the changing world of which he will soon be- collecting things from· places she has he said, "Needless to say we were discome a part. It will help him to take intelligent action in soc.iety. been. The room is reminiscent of a appointed that Peru was not able to 1t will help him to adjust himself to his environment. great many summer adventures. illTlfill.11;.\filgJllifilIDfillll.~ilillli'llirRammi!~;f:'><C::i Tradition and all it comprises may help one to tear apart a. poem A major in Home Economics, Eleanor or a classic piece of prose but original thinking will assist the in- says that if she could have one wish i~ would be that she could do graduate dividual in becoming a better conversationalist or letter-writer. work at Manhattan, Kansas, specialf1 Pictures Guaranteed ~ Tradition may help a judge to award a decision in a case of law, iz'.ng in ·demonstration. She thinks hut straight thinking can more nearly show twelve men and wo- she would like that type of work beWe take your picture, and [ men whether the defendant is innocent or guilty instead of determ- cause she likes people, thinks she can :gj finish it. We can make you nice I: ining how good his lawyers is. teach them things they need to know [;] ENLARGEMENTS at. a very ' and because "I. do like to talk." ~ reasonable price, suitable for ~ .·Tradition will help anyone to base his opinion on hope that his"I think we should get as much i;ut llli Xmas Gifts. I: tory always and unfailingly will repeat itself, but mo.dern instrucllli ~ of life while we are here, do the best llli We specialize in Children's if!· tion will aid him to base it on evidence. llli ~ with what we have, not want more." llli Pictures. i" llli ~ ·That women's petticoats were always of a multiple nature so That~s her philosophy. llli HANDTINTING a Speciality ~ ·here i&. no need now for less; that most of the Princes of Wales llli 1 t;ver have married commoners so there is reason now why one Get your Christmas cards and gift& :;hould; that the United States usually ha:& gone to war to protect at Chatelain's.-Adv. trade interests so there is no reason why she shouldn't in the near 'ill At Barnes Pharmacy future; are all as fallacious in them~elves as the concept that the Occasions do not make famous peo'ill ~ 'ill ~ ill Until Xmas f,jj horse and buggy always got mother and father home safely so ple. They expose the depth of charSAM CUMMINS ~ i ~here is no need now for automobiles. acter. Falls City, Nebr. ]lfill.j)[1j][gjililllJ[1j]lllJ[1j][1j]lllJ[1j]~il!:~~

:t .

I 11


I 3 Photos lOC I





T H E .PER U PE :0 A G 0 G I A N

Get your Christmas Cards and gift PERU OPEN SEASON -,·-· . 1 ::tan°:C~:&::~h~~:is~tiir;; f~~ ~:~Eo::E~~~sn~::S at Chatelains.-Adv. ·r·ON. IG·HT WITH HASKCll THE BOUNC.ING BALL l quite ·a 'regi.'Cma.1 division .No South- .. coach Bert Hall of!:'.er.u Prep high ~f~::t,...,t:Tl"'.:it~r-~~==:0'.~~:.!I ~ By Norman Littrell I · I eastern star rated on the first two school was among the co.aches present- ~j Haskell Indian Team · - - ,squads-Lantz of .Tecumseh being on ed at the annual Nemaha Valley I JQ L -- .



1 '.


Boasts Three Lettermen With three games before Christmas the third: . League. banql,let Monday night at Tai- rf War whoops and basketball hoops vaca,tion, Coach Wheeler has again Your Thanks: mage. ~ MORE DAYS will be in order tonight when the Peru switcl:cd his reserve strength· and has Give it to the w. A. A. for a fine The main purpose of the meeting I Bobcats open their home basketball a new list of 25 reporting to practice. . was for the selection of the past foot- ~~ to order your 1939 seoson by meeting the Haskell Indians. Fundamentals, with bal.l handling show. But don't forget. those fellows ball. season'.s 'best league players. ~Haskell's squad is their best in playir:g the leading roll, have dominat- who :vorked for nothmg-Ed Fawn I PERUVIAN years, yet boasts only three Jetter-win- ea pr,:ctice. The starting quintet will and J:us Prancers, and the orchestra. Voting by the coaches· honored: ~3 and get your name in ners. Leading the Indians g.re: Ster- be cllosen from Mosley, Dean, Bailey, Oh You Kiil: Ends-Neman; Shubert; Gruber, ~ ling Bigbear, Sioux Indian from Soutl1 Greathouse, Halladay and Mcintyre. Weeping Water; Millhouse, Nemaha; GOLD FREE :~·.·.· . ka- Others reporting to pn1ctice are: Rumor has it that things are going Tonsing ' Syracuse· 1 Da kot a; Lemue1 Grrenwood , Ch ic saw Indian from Ravia, Okla.; Sol- Sheeley, Pugh, Handley, Falloon, Hue- to happen in the athletic department. Tackles-Slagle, Shubert; Berg, Tai- lt~::r~~'D::C~~JiCT;;~}~;rr:;_~ on Hill, Sioux from Veblen, South Da- g.el, Purucker, Majors, Hughes, Mon- I remember an old poem: mage; Patterson, Weeping Water; kota; Irving Little Thunder, Sioux gingo, Young, Greever, Walker, T. I had sworn to be a bachelor, Kamen, Peru. from Parmelee, South Dakota; LeRoy Johnson, L. Henderson, Morris, Cra- She had sworn to be a bride. Center-Sid Whitten, Nemaha. Eastman, another Sioux and Randolph me:r, Nauman,. Hutton, James and I guess you know the answer. Quarterbacks- Johannes, Syracuse; If you wish to join the agency Lovejoy, Sioux from DeSmit, South Campbell. ' . . (She' had nature on her side). Ritter, Talmage. with a personal interest in your Dakota. coach Wheeler features a fast passNuff said. Halfbacks-Handley, Nemaha; Sail- . successful placement and conThe starting lineup: ing bail squad and will offer to Peru- Golden Goal: ors, Shubert; Root, Eagle;' Chandler, tinued advancemnt. Join the Forward, Sterling Bigbear, No. 3 and vians a faster quintet than was last Nemaha. agncy working exclusively for • h.1gh scorer. H'is '"'' T~di ,.., ,.;, 1ast years an year'" 2quad. Freshmen Morris, Cram- · I'm starting a Golden Goal quote of Full.backs- Reed • wee,,mg vva t er; · teachers in name is Big Bear. . er and Hutton fit well in this type of the week. This week-end I've been Pugh, Peru. I. Forward ' Irving Little Thunder, No ·pay h uld see ac10n t· th"1s week. . blue and have felt as deserted as a ---'----1 an d so 1, new to the squad .. Indian name is Basketball: smgle shoe. And so I offer two: Get your Christmas Cards arid g·ifts Little Thunder. • Peru fans should be able to enjoy 1. Every kiss has a crimson lining. at Chatelains.-Adv. Center, Lemuel Greenwood, No. 10, a great season. 'The Bobcats have a Mcintyre, Sweeny, Livey and myself, - - - - - - - - - - - - JOIN THE second high scorer last ye,ar. Indian good squad and should go places. give you nuinber 2: All other goods by name is Prairie Wolf. Coach Wheeler is using a fast type of Fortune's hand are given, a wife is PERU . CLEANERS&T AILO RS Guard, Leroy Eastman, No. 4, new ball and the speed offers plenty of .the peculiar gift of heaven. We Deliver to the squad. Indian name is Thun- thrills for you fans. Phone 62 Peru, Nebr. ·• der Bird. Freshies are having a hard time Get your Christmas cards and gifts Wear . Clea.n . Clothes 1 Guard, Rudolph Lovejoy, No . .6, an- crashing into the select circle and it is at Chatelain's.-Adv. I!\li.Zi;".:~~w·..~E~------ii other new m·ember. Indian name is doubtful if over one or two letter. This Pretty On Top. Will be the first time in years that Solon Hill, only 2-year. man, is not Peru has had such a situation. listed to start. His number is 7 and While talking of basketball, keep his Indian name is Sweeping Wing. your eye on the ~ sQuad. Come other Indian names on the squad to their ~5-w.u will see some good are: Prairie Dog, Buffalo Tracks, Crow, ball. Red Cloud, Laughing Boy, Brave Heart, Gets His OWn, Porcupine, Thunder Intramurals: . Goa, Loafing Hound and Yellow Snake, Lots of cmlit- t-0 .Spec and Coacb The Malvern Ramblers will meet Jones. They are pu.Wng on a grand Peru's freshmen in a prelimin&y intramural baSketba1I round-robin. You.. !ans whollke basketball· ·drop.....il;i:.. game. Thursday, December 15, will find Pe- Here's what you will see: usually, if ru facing Shenandoah All Stars fea- there are two games, one will' be· poor turing :"Slim" McCormick and "Bus" a11d one will be goo_d.: If ~<:>ii:· WiJl) 01 :, low the teams:. a' little you wili 'firi'd' . Moore, ex-Peru stars. which ones.can really play ,ball..:.: ! However,. te:l:ms ·who were· poor at Hanlons and Ministers the start are p.ow .coming into their 'Lead Intramural Basketball own. You know it is hard for. fiv~ · _Intramurals are hitting a hot place fellows to go Ol\t .and start playing to- · in the third week of competition. Slug- gether without ·any.. practice. A li~tle gish playing at the start of the season working together and they begin· to · . h.as given way to better .ball handling develop. Some of these so-cai!ed poor and smoother clubs. teams are getting better while others Hanlons, with Bert Hall in the lead- who started good have reached their itig role, and Baptist Ministers are un- peak. defeated up to date. Park Avenue lost The Ministers and Hanlons are now Saturday to Reiffs and Collins lost to leadinrr but I don't look for. either to the Ministers for both teams first loss. win tho title. If Collins ever gets set.Games this week "found Hanlons tled they shoUJd go places. COMPACTS beating Lindstroms, Park Avenue nos- JI.lore Basketball: Double Vanity Ing Prep Alumni by two points when Doane took a spanking from Kansas· REMH~GTON-:- PACKARD - SCHICK SOc to $1.00 Anderson cut loose fro\'J ·.he center in State. Sloey was Deane's whole show .. the dying moments, Reiffs beating ELECTRIC SHAVERS And tc.:king about spanking, that was Park Avenue and Basketeers losing to just what Fort Hays handed Kearney. TOILET WARE SETS Collins 10-8 and spanki!lg Dahlstro::1s Kec.rney scored 9. points. Kearney $2.50 - $10.00 w!ih Blair and Miller shcw!~g the wa:; nosed out Hebron Junior in an earlier Dahlstroms defeated Rei.ffs and the gan1e. Clock and ·Wrist Watches ........... $1.00 and up Ministers spanked Weare3. The highCOTY CREATIONS AND Footb"-11: lights of the games have been Andc:·GIFT SETS BABY SETS, all kinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c-$1.00 's toss and Hoots John~on's fre!' Majors, Moyer and Mac made the Jo:.;rnal's All team. hrow in the .last 40 seconds for the .Dolls and Stuffed Animals . . . . . . . . . . lOc. -$1.00 Talking about Mac, did you not.ice Harbigant & Palmer inisters one pointer over Collins. fi.·.·:i·":



Our Drug Store· is Just filled J.Yith welcome ChristmasGifts-Ranging inPtic.e from.10c. to $S. There are innummerable. Gifts at SOc . . $1.00. All Items are Fairly priced~ Store is open from morning to night tor your convenience. • • • •


•• ••

Leading boys in intramural so far e: Basketeers Dean and Blair; Mins Gridley and Timmons; Collins ck and Jenson; Dahlstrom's Ashlo:; thers; Floyd's Anderson and ugherty; Hanlon's Hall and Smith; 'ndstrom's J. Littrell; Prep's Fislm d Rhodus; Reiffs Turk and Weare's illiams.

on iYlcBrides All-State high school team Uiat Preston of Nebraska City was the fifth team center choice. He's Mac's cousin-Mac's brother was a ·lJigh $Choo! star-must run in the family. McBl'ide picked 11 teams on his first



fas Marjorie West ntertains Y. W. Cabinet The Y. C. A. cabinet combines regular business meeting and an y Christmas party at Miss West's ment last Wednesday evening. A .ness meeting, gift exchange and versation comprised the evening's ogram. Miss West served a lunch potato salad, shaped sandwiches, o and whipped cream. Those preswere: Leora Libhart, Laura Baum, Redenbaugh, Katherine Bartling, Russell, Dorothy Ann Coatney,


See OUR LINE of TOYS for the children


and holder ...... $1.98

• • •

MANICURE SETS Cutex , ...... Glaze ...... LaCross

• •

XMAS TREE DECORATIONS and ¥ma~ Tree lights . . . . . . . ... . 39c- $1.50 SCHOOL FRIEND GIFTS



to $s..oo




Occasioll:s We Grow Our Own , . .



Flowers for all

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~:y~:::~ ~::;h:'.e~~ir~~~~~ \BERTHOLD GREENHOUSES e.

All Prices


n, Wilma Parnell· and Miss Edna

EV ANS Cigarette



BILL FOLDS and Leather goods ....... : 25c up

Evening in Paris"


• •

Nebraska Cit}', Nebr... . . : K~JI~~~JT~Xi~~I~;



LEA,DS SANTA PAYS PRE-YULE . . · . ' VISIT TO PHILO KIDS GARD,NER F·A·MILY THOMAS AN0 M6NEAL Hugging favorite . toys, solemn-eyed, Philo "kids" bashfully REAU FORSO.Rt·BBlERS NEBR. IN 4-H CHAMPS sticky-faced greeted St; Nick and . his well-filled 1

Ten Years Participation Establishes High Prestige

pack 'I'hursday night· at· the Philomathean Kid Party. Santa Claus award-

Zola Gardner, Tecumseh, a junior at Peru College, should have been passing out five cent cigars last we.ek wben . · . · her sJSter, Margaret, won the 4-H Home Economics Championship trip to Chicago, but it was "old stuff" to the Gardner family who· have been hitting the bell in 4-H Club activities for )o, many moons, and Margaret's work merely topped off a family record Unbeaten l·n Nebraska. Zola's father, o. c. Gardner, has been in 4-H work .for ten years, serv-

ed the prizes for the .two cutest tots. to Harold Dallam and little Rose McGmnis, who became quite shr, at the pros~ pect of actually touching the old man. . . . Tri . Virgima · vely and Ruth Sutorms sang a duet, "Don't Wait 'Ti! the Night Be:ore Christmas", accompani~d at the ·piano by Kathryn Knouse, vO prepare for the arrival of St. Nick. The children were jubilant over the taffy pull, this being the first time for a few of the younger ones. An over-

dose of peppennint extract and contact with the floor gave some of the -ing on the ·county 4-H Committee sweets an unusual flavor. which chiefly has the job of hunting Maxine Perushing was in charge of up local leaders for individual clubs. the games for the evening. Much difZola was one of the first 4-H mem- ficulty was experienced in pinning the · Johnson c ount Y and w1·th · h er stocking on the fireplace while blind.bers m · t z Im h 4Hh d sis er e a, as won onors an folded. Due to a lack.of snow, cotton led 4-H clubs galore. snowballs were used m the snowball In 1937, Charles, Zola's brother, won race. The toys in Santa's sleigh were a free trip to Chicago for his crops jostled about in the game, Santa's judging, and in the national competi- Sleigh Upset. Wink'em!BJink'em furtion · he won the highest individual nished a quieter diversion. honors. Dorothy Fischer's huge teddy bear In 1936, George, another brother, was proved to be the most popular toy, named 4-H :a:ealth Champi9n, thereby those of Santa's even being deserted winning a free trip to the national 4-H for it. A minor casualty was averted Congress at Chicago In 1937 George when some wise little girls prevented and Charles won first in the state and a little boy from eating a soap ' toy a free trip to Chicago on a 4-H de- which he had mistaken for candy. monstration, but they were ruled ineli- At a brief business session the memgible for the trip because Charles, bers voted to let the decision concernjust the previous day had won another ing a Philomathean section in the Chicago trip on this crops judging. ·Peruvian be made. by the cabinet., _ --~ Zola said recently, on the importance of 4--H Club work: "We get not E arIY Element ary CI · ub . only education, experience and social D K' , . ecorates mdergarten contacts, but something which tends

Print Club ·Designs Block Prints for Christmas


The wedding music was furnished b G. ROBINSON & R. LIVELY · ARE MARRIED THURSDAY the bride's mother. Following the ceremony, a rscepti Miss Grace Ardyth Robinson and Roy J. Lively were married at 8 o'clock was held and refr.eshmerits were serv Thursday evening at the home of the by Misses Unadene and Leslie Ar strong and Ruth Ziegenbein. bride's mother, Mrs. Fred Robinson .

Mr. and Mrs. Lively will .m2.!rn the Two poems by Maryon Thomas and . The Rev. J. Omer Timmons of Peru an essay by Merritt McNeal were read performed the double ring ceremony home in the Brady ap2.r~::1:;nts · before members of Scribblers Club last before. only immediate relatives and a Peru. . . few friends. Mr. Lively is a senior majoring Thursday evenmg. 'I'he matenal was then discussed and cri.ticized ·as to its The bride wore a dark blue velvet Industrial Arts and music. At pres respective merits, style and form. dress and carried an arm bouquet of ent he is assisting in the woodworki During the business part of the meet- pink roses and sweet peas. She was classes. ing a constitution was presented to the attended· by her sister, Miss Dorothy members who voted to accept it. RObinson· of Franklin. Frank Larson, Get your Christmas Cards and gifts Members of Print Club spent last Peru, was best man. at Chatelains.-Adv. Thurs day. evenmg . . 1 block - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mak'mg t na lfillW~~l!!lliml1lillllllllllllllllllllll!fill.llfll!lilmllllllli'lllllllmllllr1lJl)ll!lffilm1rm'il1ii(IITT1'il1 prints. The central theme used in their construction was modeled -after the coming Christmas holidays. . All. prints are to be reproduced later on: appropriate cards for usage by each member. We wish to thank all students and faculty for their . Envelopes and cards made of drawmg paper were shown and the colors of •nk patronage and extend to you a very Merry Xmas. ' and paper to be used were discussed. All prints• will be prtnted this week for usage. Miss Norma Diddel, faculty sponsor,supervised the actual printing. Assisting her was Rita Russell, student sponsor. The next meeting of the Club will be December 23, at which time plans WINTER GREASES, OILS & LUBRICATION will be discussed for new projects and' HEADQUARTERS FOR ANTI-FREEZE the constitution will be revised !f nee-: essary. PRESTONE - ZERONE PERU PLAYERS SUPER PYRO Members of the Elementary Drama-4 tic Class presented a skit on actin~ • WILLARD BATTERIES-LEE TIRES principles before the Peru Players las~ , Thursday evening. To show the •difJ ference, the 10 members acted everyJ PERU, NEBR. PHONE 77 thing incorrectly and then changed1>td doing it right. · ' ~l!!lll.ll~l!!ll!!ll!!llttlittl~~JlID<l""l)l]""lfil!m!l~lilJmrn:@,gilllJlllJ!illlllil!'ll!i'll"""" ,.,, -"" · ·· """'""

Cbristma8 Greetings L. D. REDFERN


The decoration of the kindergarten ~o,i: Christmas tree and a gift exchange !!ill!!IL were· featured at· the· December meet~ lng of the Early Elementary Club Monday night. Betty Bent · was in: , charge of deeorating the tree. Ornaments for tbe tree were. made by the members during the meeting while they munched popcorn. In this state, almost 23 thousand In' the. absence of Dorothy . Ewin, ..boys and girls belong to 4-H Clubs, ' and if they represent about half that' Song Leader,, Mary ·Lu Harvey had )( nmany families, almost 11,500 families charge of the singing of Christmas ' in the state have youngsters in club carols. : During the business meeting plans ""Work, but in spite of their .great num- were discussed for a book:llxhlbit to be it ' l:Jer and keen competion, the Gardners of Johnson County .have hung up a held during the month and for the ll annual caroling expedition of the clu.b. · record. It Is the· custom of this organization 11 to sing at the homes of the children in it )( the '.§arly Elementary department. to emphasize the importance of higher

education Farm boys and girls go to high school, but seldom have the desire to attend college. 4-H work makes th.em want to go." Enrollment in the college of agriculture at Lincoln, ha.s increased steadily since 1934. This year ,the record has hit a new high.


You do it; we'll chalk it up •. 1


Flash! Columnist turns sports report,


Bill Fo1ds

Get your Christmas Cards and gifts : : at Chatelains.-Adv. )( )(








Lockets Compacts Clips

1 "

· ;.


'"" ,..,.....,, "'""' .,,,



The Mardis Sfare


· Mrs. Henrietta Faulhaber, 81, a resi- "' "A Mighty Good Place to .·Trade" ~ ' dent of Lancaster county for 78 years, ~~ ~ ·<died at 8:30 o'clock Friday morning at a Lincoln hospital after a short illness. """'"*~--'*~~~*~ :·Funeral services were held at 10 o'clock "1Monday morning at Hodgman's chapel DR. GLEN H. JODER ' and burial was in the Wyuka cemeSurgeon and! Physician tery Miistead Comer Mrs. Faulhaber was the mother of Res. 39 Phone .' Office !13 . Miss Marie Faulhaber, supervisor of English in the Training High School.

INSTRUMENTS Conn - King and


Lower Priced Lines Make the Kiddies Happy



I-=:::--:1 r

- Brief Cases


er for living. He is also doing imitations of Santa Claus in the near fuOur will fit type I" of personality. : it ture. Unfiash!, We appreciate your patronage it : Bert Hall really became well acquainted with the gym floor. ·Perhaps WILLIS JAMES, Prop. ,, it , he was trying to help dust for Mr. DeVore. Wonder if the skaters could do as well on the ice. Let's wait and see. This week's quiz: What was it that J.P. CLARK : ltitlt was up when it felt like it was down? North of Skelly Station Having Tarzan in the lineup gave 'Phone 109 it !! ·the Lion Tamers more courage. We ·' would like to have seen him battle the ltlt !. · beast whose skin he wore. That must ¢··#-Se ~ have been a real fight! ! ll The fan dance required considerable H.C.DALLAM · ·voltage. There were two longs and two ''DllNTIST · shorts but the number connected o. k. Office Ph 32 )!)I Congratulations to the Queen; Here's Res. Ph.196 :.·wishing her a happy reign but we . would prefer that it snow so we could I-... ~)?#.§-. f ii! .. wear the skates we got last Christmas. Crash. ~,,.,-_..~..,:;,~.--~ ':!...+;:."'!;~~· 'C








Bracelets Brooches Earrings


Buckle Sets vValdemares Lighters Cigarette Cases Brush Sets; Rings Cuff Links Electric Shavers•

Tie Clips






Electric Clocks

For the Whole Family. Give A Philco Radio We have Many Novelty';lOc - 25c- 50c - $1.00 Gifts. vite you to look here before buying.

Some thing for Everyone.

We in-


Chatelain's Jewelry Store Peru, Nebr. .Where, Prices are Lower Phone 112







N at'i Sigma Tau Publication

Peruvian Questionaire Reaps

Contains Works of Peruvians ' 'l'wo Peru students, Leona Simmons and Mary Lizabeth Werner and two alumd, Marjorie Stevenson and Elaine Eddy, have contributions in '\The RectPngle", the national publication of SiGma Tau Delta. All of the ~on­ tributions were taken from "Sifting San<f which is printed by the local chapter of Sigma Tau Delta.



Favorable Results from Schools Stop, read, think!-your PERUVIAN is something to put on a shelf and in Y.M. Members Stage 'Nativity' the future years take down to dream Christmas Singles Afford about-all the P,"Ot'd. times you hadOn Annual Program at Convo. Entertainment for Girls the 'people you knew and associater! I Christmas carols on the muted with-your instructors-ye~. but it has "Every year around. this time strings of violins, the deep darkness of another use too. We're asked to write a silly rhyme, 1 the auditorium and flickering candles The staff sent letters to high schools· But I'd much rather give three "rahs" preluded the annual Y. W. C. A. which receive Peruvians to see what And have a peek at Santa Claus.~ Christmas pageant at convocation Fri1 use ls made of them with the followThe w1iting of Yuletide Jingles was day. 1 ing results. Twenty high schools re- one of the features of the Gamma Two readers in choir robes standing presenting both small and large school Chi Christmas party last Wednesday behind the candles read the Christmas systems received the letters and all night, December 14, in the Muslc Hall. story from the Bible and the lines of but three ar:swered. . I Ten minutes were allotted for this the pageant. ESTHER ANN CLARK The questions and representative anpurpose after which the verses wert The curtain was drawn to reveal Officials Announce swers received were: (1) Do you feel exchanged and read to the entire Mary .at, the manger before a large ApPropriation Tuesday tkat a complimentary copy of the e;roup. The program was in char119 window. After the Madonna sang to 1281 Farmington Arenue It was announced Tuesday that Peru PERUVIAN presented your school by of Helen Wilberger and Patricia Lunthe Child, the Seven Sins, Crime, PovWest Hartford, Conn. State Teachers College had been allotthe administration is a good "adver- c~. erty, War, Greed, Cruelty, Disease, December, 1938. ted $42,000 by the government to be tisement" for P. S. T. C.? The anBlindness, came and knelt before the Margaret Henderson recite6 "Tho spent for campus improvements. swers were "definitely", "absolutely," "I To all Peru Friends Greetings: Mother and Christ. As the Sins arose Night Before Christmas" after many The new project which will be unknow of none better", and, says w. A. purified, a burst of light illumined an trnder r0assurances and with much Christmas comes with its urge der way in ~he ne.ar future, will include Huif of Humboldt, "Ours have the ear angel choir above the manger singing prompting from her mother, Mrs. Inice to expi·ess something, at least, any of se~eral possibilities, some of marks of hard use. What better way "Joy to the World,," "Hark the Herald Dunning. 'U e little girl proudly disof my many thoughts of you. I which are: an out-door theatre just could be used at the same or less cost? Angels Sing," and "It Game Upon the played a new red plaid dress and hair wish I could tell you what your south of the library and gymnasium; None!" ribbon to her audience. Apparently Midnight ·rnear." friendship meant to me all those improvement on the tennis courts (2) To what degree do you believe To the strains of the organ, the curSanta was pleased by her recitation happy forty years among you, north of the ca<npus, .work on banks that the students of your school use tain was closed very slowly. Its black for he sent Gamma Chi a huge box ot both in the loyal comradeship of around the football field, a rustic trail the PERUVIAN in forming their opinpop corn balls which Margaret was hangings framed a picture of the Nacollege life and in the al ways ion of P. S. T. C.? Sup't. F. J, Wells through the woods around the r allowed to distribute at the close ot tivity, then closed except for the piccordial intercourse of church of Bradshaw says, "It informs about pus and repair . of roads around the the evening. ture of the Mother and Child, and at and t-0wn. I thank you for it campus activities not fully illustrated campus. last enfolded them. all, and. no matter where I am, in the college catalog". Says Nelle Margery Evans played the piano for The Peru project was. Ilsted with the The hush of reverence that held the a great part of me belongs, and Gingles of Beatrice, "It does much to the singing of Christmas carols and tor Nebraska Oity dice of the W. P. A.. audience after the curtain was a trialways will belong to the dear acquaint the pupils in our schools with dancing. bute to the pageant's beauty and familiar · hills. the activities in your school." G. I. l Durinb the business meeting Roberta depth. KAPPAS CAROL, CHECK Merry Christmas and happy Pierce of DuBois thinks it presents · Cowell, vice president, discussed tho A few years ago Miss Hl.leman, Mli."1' AT CHRISTMAS PARTY New Year in the fullest meaning facts which are most helpful in decid- 1 type of pages the club usually prepared Lizabeth Werner and two Y. \V. C. A. F'l.ln was the theme at the annual of both wishes. May they bring Ing the college they are to attend. M. ' for the Peruvian. The members voted grrls who are now alumni, ·wrote tllis Kappa Della Pi party which was held to you every one your own E. Boren of Eagle, states, "Books are' that Gamma Chi should purchase the pageant and called it simply "A Christ- at Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell!s home Monheart's dearest desire. pretty badly thumb-marked by the ' customary two pages in the Peruvian. mas Pageant." This presentation is day night, DeCember 19. Still one of you, . end of the year.". j Suggestions were also requested for its third on the campus. Ar, 2aeh guest arrj.ved-at. the .party ... (3) In·your opmion do the students the type of birthday party the girls ESTHER ·A:NN CI..ARf{ ..... Marjorie Trenholm, Mlldred Knofli- the r::icture of some animal was pinned who plan to attend some college meas- ! desired. eek, Jean Spier and Monte Jean on his back. Unable to see it, .each ure the desirability of a college from "Le b Gaines were members of the violln victb was required to guess what kind the yearbook of that college? Such t's all e good And show no flaws, quartet; Rose McGinnis and Helen of an animal it :was by the remark.s answers as "They certainly make com'Cause it is time Margaret Larson were the readers; thB.t were made. parisons,'' "Yes, the greatest number For Santa Claus." Katherine Bartling, the Mother Mary; GOcuon · Gilbert, wit · h.. I;>rof . R. . T. of our graduates attend schools from Crime, Eleanor Hemphill; Powrty, Benfoi:d at the piano; led a group which we receive yearbooks," were . reCathryn Erffmeyer; war, Doris Star- sing. Pseudo-Germans -Frenchmen ceived. R. R. McGee of Columbus A. A. U. W. Places on Display kebaum; Greed, Helen Willberger; The major pdrlion of the evening says, "Yes". A. J. Nibleseck of Auburn Picture Books for Children Give Program, Eat ·Stollen Cruelty, Irma Nispel; Slave~. was ,-.:ient playing Chinese Checkers says, "It surely helps." "Der Wolf ist Tod!" chanted the Jean Winkleman, Alice Trayer and 2.':',d taking an intelligence test as ad(4) When you as a superintendent Have you seen the copy of the 1l.rst seven little goats in the fair tale of Irene Watkins; Disease, Mary Liza- µ1ini::c3red by Prof. Calvin Reed. rece1ve an application for a teaching , picture book ever printed for children the "Seven Goats and the Wolf" given beth Werner, and the Blindman, Eula hcireshments were served by the position in your school do you ever which is In our library? Neither had by the first-year German class at the Redenbaugh. The angel choir was llbote:;;;, Mrs. Maxwell. refer to. the applicant's college year- the inqui~itlve reporter until he poked German-French Christmas party Satcomposed of Marjorie Harris, Dorpthy Milcb:ed Williams was chairmap of book for information as to activities· his head mto the faculty room t-0 look Ann Coatney, and Lucille Hazelton. the ommittee in charge, which was urday afternoon. cooperation? Huff of Humboldt states, at the children's book display 6JlOnsorother feathers on the program Prof. R. T. Benford played the organ. comi;c~ed of Prof. M. Florence Martin, "I have on some candidates and would ed by the A. A. U. W. Bob Weber and Dean Karr were re- Ruth Sutorius and Prof. Calvin Reed. were short explanations of Christmas customs in other lands by thetwo-.year have on others if their book had been "Orbis Picus" by John Amos Comesponsible for the exceptionally realis- Allee Devore was the chairman of the German and French classes and a in our school." One admits, "No, but nius was the first picture book printed tic makeup and the effective lighting. refreshment committee. French Christmas carol by .the first- it sounds like a very good idea. I for children and the first edition came Y. W. C. A. Christmas Cantata year French classes. think I shall try it." Fred Duey of off the press in 1727. The library owns, MOTHER GOOSE COMES German Christmas lunch.was served Carelton says, I have in some cases." an edition printed in 1887. Features "Bethlehem" Theme TO LIFE AT PARTY K. s. Gaines. of Crab Orchard, says, "B thl h ,, Ch · t t t by the upperclassmen. The lunch conThe illustrations are very small and e e em, a ris mas cama a M~c:-.<:r Goose came to life last. "Yes,. if the year book is available." by Bliss will be presented by the Girls Thursday night at the home of Pro- sisted of Stollen, German cookies, (5) Do you feel it is worthwhile to a w.ould possibly give the modern child Marzipan and coffie. mghtmares Ve ti y Chorus under the direction of Profes- fessor Mary L. Hileman as the third college to send out a number of their , f tl · D'. n num bern ue sor G. Holt Steck tonight in the Music and fourth grade teachers spent an Gifts were exchanged with Theo- yearbooks each year to high schools?! requen Y found m the pictures. They dore Strasberg officiating as Santa to the numbered ds b I Hall Audit orium. evening as their favorite Mother Goose Clans. supt . H. E. Llttle of Doug1es wri·tes, "It refer wor e ow th t th . . t Sylvia Uimer and Leora Libhart Characters. stimulate1t a desire to enter college." e cu us gmng he child a pictorhave the solo parts. Professor Robert Thr, little guests were very unruly W. E. Snyder of Dewitt, "Very essen- !al re~resentation of the word. Ann. Moore, will r''ea.d the. Ohr'''is'tm. as about getting in the door. Little Bo DIRECTOR POSTPONES PLAY t'al" was the fact I . S. C'. Wagner of cor tl and' "Yes, other th t thmteresting b00k l feature itt Bible passages. Silent Night, Little 1Peep (Alice Trumer) kept wandering The play "Moonchine and Honey- it keeps the school before the students' · a e s wr · en in both Latin ,,. f rom the others-1ooking for any- su ckle" w1·11 be post pone d un t·1 . ," "O Holy N1·ght" , Ou 1 J an- minds." Nelle Gingles of Beatrice, and English with Biblical stories havTown Of Bethlehem "Come All Ye Faithful" in cantata ar- thing that looked like a sheep, but to uary 28. "Yes, it is an effective manner of ad- ing first preference. rangement make up part of the musi- her surprise she bumped into her twin Lois, Jaeckel, sophomore, of Ham- vertising the school." others say in In contrast to this were the modern, cal score. sister, Bo Peep, Erma Nispel. Jack burg, Iowa, plays the part of Gypsy in caps, "Positively" and "definitely." colorful, illustrated stories, "The Night The auditorium through indirect <Marjorie Trenholm) and Jill (Verona "Moonshine and Honeysuckle." Miss . You've been given the opinion of BeforeChristmas," "Nicodemus and His bl!Je lighting, silver stars and cedar Klone) apparently suffered many aeckel portrayed the character "the what people already in the teaching Houn' Dog," "The Traveling Coat" boughs will be representative of the bruises from falling down the hills of mystery woman" in "Tiger House" field think of a yearbook and how it and many others on display. Holy Night. Peru, but their twins, Elfrieda Dahl- ,and of Mrs. Feather-Stonehugh in is used. Remember it's not too late Immediately following the cantata, gram and Ruth Johnson must have "Sunset" by Slantsky which was p!e- to support and help boost your 1939 Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. members had non-skid shcies. Olga Novak as sented at the Hamburg high school. PERUVIAN to new heights and greatare going carolling. A chili supper at "Mary, Mary Quite Contrary," Doro- She has had experience in dramatic er gloryTor P. s. T .. G. the Weare House will be served to the thy Ar,n Coatney as "Pussy Cat," Rita readings. Tuesday, December 20, 1938 carollers. Russell as "Polly", Thelma, Israel and Ernest Horacek, a sophomore, from 8:30-9:00 p. m. Musa Waggoner, both dressed as "Sim- Wilber, Nebraska, characterizes Clem .JEAN SPIER GIVES ple Simon,'' Mildred Knoflicek as "Litin "Moonshine and Honeyeuckle". Mr. VIOLIN CONCERT AT MURRAY I · . ' jl Announcer . . . . . . . . . . Gordon Gilbert tle Boy Blue," Rachel Gonzai.es as Horacek played the juvenile leads in Last Friday night at the PresbyteriTuesday, December 20 ) Goldielocks," and the hostess hei;self "Laugh Clown" and "The Boomer" an Church in Murray, Nebraska, Jean Girls Choir Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., and Ias the charming old lady who lived in when he was a student in the high Spier presented a program of violin Selections from the Christmas Cano. o. A............ , .... 7-8 p. m. a shoe, enjoyed Mother Goose games. school at Wilbur. music. She was assisted by Jane tata-Bethlehem · · · · By Paul Bliss Broadcast .. , ........ , .. 8:30-9 p. m. Finally, the little people were given Clyde G. Hunt, sophomore, from Boedeker of Murray, who studied mu- Readings · · · · · · Professor R. D. Moore Wednesday, December 21 a chance to exhibit their best table Douglas, Nebraska, .plays the part of sic in Paris at the same time Jean did. Pedagogian of the Air · · .. Ruth Crone Residence Girls ............ 7-8 p. m. manners as the dainty cakes, pudding, Pink. He had the male lead in" When Miss Spier played DeBeriot's "Ninth Soprano Solo · · · · · · · · Leora Llbhart Thursday, December 22 tea and Chocolate Santa Claus's Jane Takes a Hand" and, also, has Concerto in A Minor," and for her With· Violin obligato .. · · · · · · .. tacation begins . . . . . . . . . . . afternoon brought the evening to a story book had leading parts in four other three- encore used a Hungarian folk dance, Mildred Knoflicek ~g?l Begins Tuesday, January 3 close. act plays during his high school days. "Sons of Pizta." "Gesu Bamino"-Pietlro Y?n












The Peru Pedagogian

Report Shows

850 Peds

Distributed Weekly Eight hundred and fifty Pedagog{ans are printed and distributed each week. Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. High schools account for 162 papers. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebra.ika as second class matter. County superintendents receive 22 and $1.00 per year. Single eopy 5 cents. six village and county newspapers also receive the Ped. The students of ADVERTISING £ATES ' P. S. T. a. each receive one as well as Locals, 10 cents per line eight Nebrask~ colleges. Dls,play 20 cents per inch. '.!'he purpose of sending the paper co l1igh schoo:s, county superinten.lents and village and county newspapers STAFF · is to infonn Southeastern Nebraska of EDITOR · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · ·-. · · · · · · · · .......... · .. · ........ RUTH CRONE the activities of Peru. The area coverASSISTANT EDITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STELLA ROGGE ed by these papers goes north to WaASSIS'I'ANT EDITOR ...................................... THANE HALE hoo and west to Fairfield and Superior. SPORTS EDITORS ...... NORMAN LITI'Rl!lLL, WAYNE McGINNIS Th,e Pedagogian staff is responsible for the exchange with the colleges. ADVISER ...................................... : M. FLORENCE MARTIN They may in this manner compare our paper with that of other schools. The colleges Peru exchanges papers with REPORTERS are: Nebraska Wesleyan, Midland, York, Tarkio, Missouri, Pl.Jrence, AlaFrank Summers Genevieve Parriott Mary Lizabeth Werner bama S. T'. C., Hastings, Chadron, Clyde Hunt Alice Devore ·Beunlce Doty Wayne, Kearney, Wahoo, Maryviiie, Mildred Knoflicek Ena Hurlburt Dean Karr Missouri. Wilma Parnell Jean Koeppel IWbert Mason The expense of the mailing list comes .from an amount given the school pa~~~~~~=~===~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~- per by t!ie budget committee. This VICTORY BELL amounts to 13% of each $3.75 paid by . . the students. _Our standmg now is .666. We have played Tarkio, Ha!Skell The mailing list is kept as small as Indians and the Shenandoah All-Stars so far this basketball season. possible because -Of the expense conAfter the preliminary upset our fellows came throu,gh nicely and r,ected with it and the desire t-0 gi•:e won both of the other games by quite comfortable margins. th~ students as much benefit as possible ~mm their contlrgent fee.


Looking at the Catalog We See: A A A A A A A A

Brod but no jump, Brown but no yellow, Cole but no fire, Fisher but no hunter, Frans but no enemies Goings but no comings, Good but no bad, Green but no red, A Hall but no door, A Hull but no half, A Hunt but no collar button, A Karr but no motor, A King but no Wally, A Knight but no mare, A Lyon but no sitting, A Major but no colonel, A Mason but no bricklayer, A Miller but no junebug, An Organ but no piano, A Paradise but no elevens, A Ring but no answer, A Rose but no daisy, A Sailor but no gob, A Saville but no barber, A Short but no coulottes, A Summer but no fall, A Halllday and a



Alumni Trati

. Jj



Miss Goldie P. Applegate died in ; Elizabeth Hospital in Lincoln on cember 1, after an operation for mli toid. She attended Peru from 19 through 1912. For the past eight~! years she has taught Latin in the hil school in Lincoln. I From Chicago, Phillip Hoyt writes; "Worth Conkle's ('19) pla "Prologue to Glory," has made qui a hit here in Chicago. All are el thusiastic about its true-to-life ai homely plot. At a time when we a treated to so much sophisticated drJ ma, this comes as a delightful chang Who knows, but someday we may fl it on the screen, the eventual climi of all good plays." Mr. and Mrs. Lay Conkle are t) parents of a six-pound baby girl, bo1 Saturday, December 3, at Madrid, N braska. Mr. Conkle graduated in 19! and Mrs. Conkle, (nee G!eraldir Walker) matriculated in '32. Peruvians teaching in the hig MERRY OHRISTMAS school at Humboldt are: D. H. Web( ('24), Virginia Johnson ('37), Alfri From Paul ('38), and Roscoe Tolly ('33). THE PEDAGOGIAN STAFF Alumni campus visitors during t1 Hooooo.ooooooooocdOooooooo week-end of December 9 were: Juni1 Mccowan (here last in '38), Catheril Preparatory to the gamesi they were discussed among the stu· ~*~~*~*~*~*'°' Houghes (two-year diploma in '3.8 dents and futures appeared in the Ped. During·the games the band 72 P. S. T. C. Students Use Gretchen Miller ('37), Alfred Pa played, the student body cheered and the team fought. But after State Normal Scholarships ' ('38), and Marjorie Meade (matricula th h p d rk . Do you remember the close of those ed in '36) . .. e game-w at. eru stoo 1 e a bashful schoolboy, standmg high school days, baccalaureate and You do it; we'll chalk it up From Ponca, Blanche Freeman ('3,: iirst on one foot and then the other, head down, finger in mouth, commencement services? Do you rewrites, asking for a 1938 Peruvian 1 . -~~~~~~ lace the color of what he painted the town with and modestly, oh, member how your heart almost stood show to her associates, since .she is tt Dear Santa.: 1'ery modestly saying, "Aw, gee, t'warn't nauthin'." still when the principal said, "I now only Peruvian in her community. SI: present Miss X with the Nebraska State Hazel wants you to bring her Big says, "How is everyone in :Peru? Fin . . l' 11 h·i Teachers '""'lle"e s·cholarship"? Bear-but please, oh, please, Santa, I hope." vv b · L oo k mg at 1t more 1tera y t 1s is what happens: As soon as In Peru this year seventy-two stu- bring me the referee!" Among the alumni at the Haske they leave the .gymnasium, fifty per cent of the students lose the dents are using such scholarships. The cannibal's theme song-The Indian basketball game last Tuesdll entire atmosphere, pausing only to remark1 "It was surely a stwell These schOlarships are granted by the Minuet. night were: Donna Armstrong, (twc game." We give about twenty percent of our Ped. space for write- Sta!e N-Ormal Boar~ to stl),deuJ;s o!. any A certaJn freshman girl wants to year diploma in '3:8), .Roscoe Toll ups, the state papers print a one-line notice ~ to what the score fully accredited four-year high school take «English Glamour" next semester. ('33), Darlene Rozene ('37;, and Geo was, giving us left-side preference and, if we're lucky a fifteen-line In Nebraska. Students are selected by We're beginning to think the story rge Kuhl ('36). Ralph <"Bud") Hig • h the superintendent or principal and about Ferdinand is a lot of bull! gins ('27), referreed the game. account o; t e game. About ten percent of the students. read the school board of the high school. These 'Tis truly amazin' how mntnal act- Four Peruvians teach at Bayard, Ne latter article and there the whole .bti~iness stops as far as .the student scholarships are not trs,nsferable. ivities draw people together. For braska, in the high schocl. They are body as a whole is concerned. You know this as well as I. The scholarship entitles the holder more recent infonna.tion consult the Mrs. M. B. Pearson ('30), Geneviev· to exemption from fees, the amount two assistant editors of this har' paper. Fisher ('32), Leota Davis ('33), and E And if you'll stop just a moment to think this through, you'll not to exceed $37.50 per year of nine An optimist is one who sees the W. Johnson ('38). Ml'. and Mrs. Glen Gilkeson ('25 all( realize th!~, too: That twice within the past week Peru has missed months, or $12.50 for twelve weeks of doughnut; the pessimist sees the hole! summer school, with the exception of Needed-a Lyon-tamer! '35) in a card to Mr. Hayward, say tha using her best means of self-advertisement and stimulation of school matriculation, dormitory rent, private Do you believe in clubs for women? they attended the U. S. C.-Notre Dam 3pirit. The bell was rungJ for neither victory. lessons In music or speech, breakage Yes, If kindness fails. game and plan to attend the Rosi charges or deposits on equipment to be "Ding" Bailey is one who got time Bowl game New Year's Day. Thel Many of us who used to hear it missed it. . It occurred to us that returned. for what looked like a sit-down strike. were also guests of former Coach Lo] notwithstanding all her fine traditiOns, Peru let one of her finest The scholarship is presentable to any Seen together recently: Graf at the Armistice Day game in thi customs slip. (I didn't say "costumes",) We alp'o are quite sure one of the four teachers co.lleges In Good and Gaines Rose Bowl. Woodrow W. Williams, (matriculat that there is a great deal to the fact that few will sing her prai~tes Nebraska which are located at Peru, Larson and Marting. Wayne, Chadron and Ke:arney. It Greathouse and Kamen. '31) of Phoenix, Arizona, has writte1 unless she does a little pin-pricking and plug;ging herself. (I was must be presented within two years Rumor has it that we all resemble to have his credits transferred to thi i.ot referring to the cuspidary art in the last phrase.) But aside following high school graduation and someone else and Mr. Grossoehme's University of Arizona at Tuscon, as h'l from all this is the important factor that the intonation of expires if the .student drops out of shadow is discovered. For reference plans to attend school there next se,i that bell acts as a m;i.jor means of radiating a spirit of unification school longer than one calendar year see "Joy of Living." mester. 1 unless the interruption in his course of Now there is.the one about the felCoach "Stu" Baller of Omaha Unf. among P. S. T. C. students. study is due to illness. The scholar- low whose addition was bad, he tried versity attended the Haskell India£ It may be that the negligence wa!fi due to the somewhat un- ship may be withdrawn for misconduct to add four roses plus one and it to- game here last Tuesday night. Th~ taled the air for him. Maybe he was- trip was made to scout the Indiani ~·i:rtunate season of our football team, but now that the new year will or failure in any subject. with whom Omaha University had a :oon be rolling around, ~t is well for us to remember that we, too, . This is the only scholarship offered n•t Handle~ with women. by Peru State Teachers College with When movies were not in the "picture" game the following night, as well a~ are turning over a new page in our athletic history. the exception of the Swenson Medal' And Reno was not in the news, to see his former basketball stars pla5 We have something to be proud of; let's ring about it. and Scholarship. The Swenson Schol- When beauty didn't come in a bottle, in their first home game. arship is an athletic award and has a And jazz bands didn't feature the Brock, Nebr.-The wedding of Miss monetary value until 1940. This award "blues"; Lulu Massey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR BELLS was given to Peru by Bert E. Swenson \Vhen nobody drank dated coffee Clarence Massey, Brock, to Harold Or wrapped things in cellophane, Quick, Manhattan, Kan., son of Mrl . Striving vainly to be original, I have hunted through two dic- ('49) and Stella Spilluer Swenson ('09) honor of their son, Bert Edward Ant! there were no nightclubs or cock- and Mrs. Henry Quick, took place Mon) 1to~ane·s1 and a usually reliable the,saurus trying to find a new way of tails, day. Rev. A. E. Haegan reading thJ saymg an old idea. Everyone of my 2,679!/z attempts have met with Swenson, Jr. And mail did not come in a plane- marriage lines. She attended BrocH ..: omplete failure. · The popular greeting of those times High School and also attended Per~ 8 High School Students Begin Was just Merry Christmas-and say State Teachers' College where she wa~ I guess it's just like the words that Noel Coward wrote, ".... $olo Practice for M-I-N-K In spite of the changes in Jiving a wphomore. :,\ his blood was the be~ grease paint"; or maybe Edna St., Vincent Among Training School students You can't beat that greeting today. :i Millay's, "Heroism is a private pact between a man and his destiny"; expressing a desire to enter solo events MERRY CHRISTMAS! in the M~I-N-K Music Contest are: New 4S Club officers are as follow~ or 0 gden Nash's famous; "But a i;,· oirl's will is a won't. ....." ·Perhaps Leap.ore Lairson, piccolo; Wendel.I President, Louis Steck; vice presid~n it re~embles the situation as when Calvin Coolidge spoke the terse Brubridge, clarinet; Mary Frances Jean Collin; secretary, Doris Ma' &entence, "I do not choose to run", or the more brief, more aged, Redding, oboe; Dick Clements, bariGockley; treasurer, Ruth MacDouga, Training School Notes more lauded group of words, "Love one another"-it is impossible tone horn; Leona Bertwell, French These officers were installed at tn By Wilma Parnell to express the des!ired wish more appropriably. horn; Isabel TynQn, bass horn; Beatregular meeting Wednesday morning, The training school band has vote.' So _particularly remembering that last quotation after what rice Hauptman, trombone; Erna Stef- Each child in the third and fourth fen, saxaphone. · grade ls keeping an individual neat- unanimously to give a Christmas Ve,' English Ambassador Kennedy said about refusi!\g to prophesiize a Special contest solos were ordered ness record. Every morning the pu- per Band concert for parents an' favorable outcome of the European situation after December 31 I'll last week and try-outs will be held as plls are scored on the following items·: friends the Sunday before Christmas;;' Clean hands and face, nails cleaned, Miss Marie Faulhaber left last week give, up my feeble efforts to be different and siay sincerely ~hat soon as they arrive. hair brushed, teeth cleaned, fresh for Lincoln where her mother dieJ1!_·.". you 11 find on any of the 100,018,763 cards that are1 being sold this ~ions do not make famous peohandkerchief, neat clothes, shoes shin- last Friday. . season----·· . .ed. It is possible to make a score of ple. They expose the dllpth o! char- 35 for the week, but a score of 30 puts Get your Christmas Cards a~ <f~ Merry Christmas and a_ Happy New Year.' act,er. · a child In the star class. at Chatelains.-Adv. ~ochc










The Elementary School Choir and the Girl's Glee Club assisted the Training School Band In presenting a; free Christmas concert in the high


Bailey c ............. o Mosley g ............ 3 Dean g .............. o Total ........... 16


TP TARKIO FG 8 Walts f .............. 8 11 Peters f . . .. . . . . . . . . 5 7 H. Lewis c . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Mitchell g . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 Ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 o McPherson . . . . . . . . . . . o O Padget g . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 4 G. Lewis g .. . .. .. .. . 1 O Total ........... 23

0 14 1 0 3 6 0-0 3 6 5-16 6 37 0-4 0-0

Fr PF TP 1-2 3 11 0-0 10 2-2 1 16



o-o 0-0


2 0

0-0 1 0 0-0 o 2 Get your Christmas cards and gift!! 4 7 13 50 at Chatelain's.-Adv.



Carol of the Shepherds. .. . . .. . . .. . . . Bohemian Folk Song Christmas Star-Old French Carol B. Girls' Glee Club Songs My Mother Taught Me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dvorak-Stickles When Jesus was a little Child. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tschaikowsky-Page Part III.-Band Maria, Mari-Novelty Concert March-~rr. by . . . . . . . . . . . . Alford A Bit of Harmony-Trombone ............. - . . . . . . . . . . Quartette Memories of Stephen FosterBrass Sextette-arr. by G. E. Holmes Old Vienna-Overture-K. L. King March of the Steel Men .. Belsterling

TEACHERS! If you wish to join the agency with a personal interest in your successful placement and continued advancement, join the agency working exclusively for teachers in


vice president of the Nebraska InterGet your Christmas Cards and gifts collegiated Athletic Conference, at a at Chatelains.-Adv. meeting in Lincoln, Saturday, December 10. Fred G. Dale, Wayne state Teachers College, was elected president, and Charles Apel, Kearney S. T. C., secretary-treasurer. Wayne was awarded the 1938 track championship and will be the scene of the 1939 meet on May 12, 1939.


We Deliver Phone 62 Peru, Nebr. Wear . Clean . Clothes

Jewel Coal

On Track PHONE 48


0 her, Dean Smith. 3

Flowers for all

CLINTON TEACHERS' AGENCY ~~~~~~~~ :::~ice ... CLINTON, IOWA C. E. COZZENS, Manager under same manager. 75% of each year's enrollment are former members. We have an espeWe place good teachers in good positions. Teachers like our Service. cially strong demand for. teachers of Home Economics, Commercial, Music, and Manual Training. Many good openings in all fields. Enroll now. We furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak., Minn., Wis,



Student Advisory Council Pres.-Harold Boatman V. Pres.-Don Rose Sec.-Treas.-Maxine Galbraith

Print Club-upperclass sponsor, Rita Russell; faculty sponsor Miss Norma L. Diddel A wide distribution of leadership is Pres.-Edith Wright shown in a list of officers in campus Sec.-'I'reas.-Lorraine Ulmer

. . List Shows Distribution Of Campus Leadership

activities. 75 P. S. T. C. students fill W. A. A.-Phyllis Davidson, adviser. a little over 100 elective offices. Pres.-Mrs. Clara Dlllll+ . V. Pres.-Alice DeVore A list of these positions include: Treas.-Verona Klone Kappa Delta Pi-Dr. P. A. Maxwell, Point Recorder-Erma Meier

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o tfil o to get the mail because he i's expect- say sk.ip, is · tha t he mus t study or c as the instructors call last minute l'f J,.. ing a check from home, or he may pai'ation for a test. Another reas become entranced by the beauties of nature and wander off for a long hike that he is coaxed against his 000000~0000000000000000000 judgment by the habitual type . into the country. This person is usualeither case the seldom class skippe What-A-Bad-Boy-Am-I.Mort and ly a quick thinker and can supply his probable misera.ble and cannot sl Pll-Back-'Em-Up Mcintyre band toinstructor with some excellent excuses. for worrying what he !:: going to gether to help Col!ins' House Rats The "seldom class skipper" is a per- about it the next day. steal other peoples's sleeping time. son who does not make it a pr·act1'se to Try Coco-malt. (F'rce 2.dv.) Gabus finally made class on time in intentionally stay away from class and American Government. Several peo- is usually sorry after he has done so. Get your Christmas C::·d: 01,nd g' pie fainted from schock, MacDougal The reason he may miss, or shall we at Chatelains.-Adv. congratulated him and Dr. Brown W!!,Qlil1!11llillffi!Jll!Jll!Jll!Jll!Jl1.fil!Jlll1~1!llfifil!J[lj][;j][l]~ITT1[jj]~lj(·rlfE1[;'1R:~ 1 ifll::i(1:;ii<'·i"D -,ljj][))J!1', completely lost his voice.

vampus C'1;atter

Overheard: I always say a prayer "P" Club-Coach Arthur Jones, ad- before I enter this class-"Now I lay viser. me qown to sleep." Pres.-Glen Sheely Meridith Jimerson just loves the raV. Pres.-Delbert Nelson dio program, "Dick Tracy," and "Little Sec.-Treas.-Thomas Majors Orphan Annie" runs a close second. Philomathean Literary Society-Miss Those holding "P. A." degrees might Tri Beta-Dr. John M. Winter, adPearl Kenton, adviser. se11_ Dean Karr or Mary Liz Werner viser. Pres.-Virginla Trlvely for helpful hints on telling bedtime Pres.-John Collins V. Pres.-Maxine Pershing stories. V. Pres.-Evelyn Freeouf Sec.-Oale Carter Rumor hath it that St. Nick has Sec.-Mary Grush Treas.-Faye Bouse been asked to leave a large order of Treas.-Dr. John M. Winter Sergeant-at-Arms-Wjlllam Ring golden circlets for Peru couples.


adviser. Pres.-Laur·a Baum V. Pres.-Robert Snyder Sec.-Ruth Suturious Treas.-Mrs. Alice U1brick Reporter-Mrs. Clara Dunn

Kappa Omicron Phi-Miss Weare, adviser. Pres.-Mary Matthews · V. Pres.-Maxine Aufencamp Sec.-Edna Mae Petersen 'I'reas.-Ruth Sutorious


Peru Players-Prof. Robert D. Moore, faculty sponsor, Mary Lizabeth Werner, upper class sponsor. Pres.-Nancy Ellen Jones V._ Pres.-William Boyer Sec.-Marf Elizabeth Collin Treas.-Janet Harris Personality Club-Miss Ida Mae Brackney, faculty sponsor, Maxine Weber, upperclass sponsor. Pres.-Jane Hacker V. Pres. Ardis Plager Sec.-Lucille Sherman Treas.-Lucille Duey


r-.. -

)1 )I )I )I )I )I )I )!

)I )I )I )I


Everett Literary Society-Miss Emi- Wonder what senior let a freshman beat him out of a date? lie B. Kirk, adviser. Pres.-Bert Hall Wonder wb'.o used a dorm window V. Pres.-Roy Kellogg for an entrance lately? Sec.-Edna Mae Petersen Wonder why the library policy is "no Treas.-Eula Redenbaugh light on the subject?" Sigma Tau Delta-Dr. George W. Wonder why Alpha Psiers groan when you mention initiation. Smith, adviser. Wonder who the sports queen sup- · Pres.-Norman Littrell ported Thursday night in basketball? V. Pres.-Bert!e Boom Wonder why the Peruvian business Sec.-Treas-Glema Miers manager doesn't display his pre-postDramatic ClukProfessor Robert D. mortem mask where more can see it? Maore, adviser Wonder why a certain freshman Pres.-Mary Lizallt!th Werner athlete can't wait to get home ChristPres..,.-Rutn. Crone mas? (another girl?). ' Stc,-Vh<glilla 'fr!vely You should have seen the proctor's Treas.--Qlema Miers face when she rapped on a door for


Y. M. C. A.-Prof~r L. B. Mathews, adviser, C11Mn Reed, adviser. Pres.-Siclney T!mm<>llll Camera Club - Professor Robert V. Pres.-Oordon Gilbert Schuler, faculty sponsor, Roy Sec.-M!U'Vin Scha.cht Treas.-Job.n GolUns Lively, upperclass sponsor. Proirr11m Committee. Ch.-Bert. Hall Pres.--Charles Paradise Sec~-Treas.-'-Edgar Wiltse Y. W. 0. A.-Miss Marjorie West, Learn-to-Dance Club-Miss Florence Miss Edna Weare, adviser. M. Martin, faculty sponsor, Stella Pres.--:t.eora Libhart Rogge, upperclass sponsox. v. Pres.-Laura Baum Pres..-Doris Otte Sec.-Eula Redenbaugh V. Pres.-Glenn Young Treas.-Evelyn Freeouf Sec.-Treas.-Lucile Schlaeder College Catholic Association..,-Dean mis.t. Sec.-Rose McGinnis Jimerson, adviser Crawdads-Coach Arthur Jones, fac- Pres.-Eclwin Falloon ulty sponsor, upperclass sponsor, v. Pres.-Edna. Mae Peter.sen Eugene Andrews. Sec.-Treas.-Macybeth Beckman Pres.-Edmund C~rveny Lutheran Club-Miss Marie H. FaulV. Pres.-William Boyer haber, adviser Sec.-Treas.-Harold Dallam Treas.-Ernest Stra1:1SS Scribblers-Mrs. B. K. Baker, faculty sponsor, upper class sponsor, Mer- Gamma Chi-Mrs. Inice Dunning, rit McNeal. ac!viser.

quiet and discovered Miss Wright entertaining Mrs. Marsh. "Dunking Ding," We mean Bailey versus Doughnut. Are yGU cafeteria eaters tak\ng advantage of the free gifts being offered for a 100 or so fudgcicle wrappers? Heard Zane .Grey mention that he still wrote "action stories rather than stuff reflective of mental indigestion." Famous Words by Famous People: Laura Baum: "Learning is begetting brightness; Teaching is upsetting figh tness." Maxine Pershing: "College life should make us ·smarter. Why are there no more like Carter?" Edna Mae Petersen: "The seat of wisdom for many a wench Is not book larn!n'-but a park · bench." Eleanor Hemphill: "If Santa's reindeer ever spill It will be on a Peruvian hill."

tirely a matter of personal opinion). Senior class-Dr. Frank E. Ware, ad- Pres.-Phyllis Benson viser Vice Pres.-Roberta Cowell There are two types of class skippers, Sec.-Treas.-Bertie Boom the habitual and the seldom. The first . Pres.-William Mooney time the crime is committed even the V. Pres.--Mildred Williams , Scholarship Club-Supt. S. L. Clemhabitual class skipper's conscience Sec.-Maxine Aufenkamp ents, adviser bothers him just a little, but the secTreas.-Glenn Yont Pres.-Katlu::yn Knouse ond time it becomes easier, and so on Junior Class-Professor A. B. Cl~Y- V. P!es.~oss: Russel until it becomes a habit. There may burn, adviser. Sec.-Laura Baum be several reasons why this indiW!dual Pres.-Alice Devore skips classes; he may not have his V. Pres. Martha Clifton lesson, he may skip to go downt_own How to Cut Class Sec.-Ernest Galloway In One Tea.sy Lesson Treas.-Dorothy Ann Coatney :SY JiEAN: KOEPPEL H.C.DALLAM Sophomore Class-Professor A. V. Nearly everyone has "skipped" a Larson, adviser. DINT.I8l' class at sometime during his sti;uggle Pres.-Frank Larson to get an education. Usually one goes Ofiice Ph 32 V. Pres.-Severn Handley to classes regularly until about, the

Res. Ph.196

Sec.-Marjorie Evans ·middle of the first quarter, at which ci:ir:e:o~~ Social Committee-Phyl" time school becomes old an.d tiresome -_-_-------,::;;;.!!--,;_~--JC-.;,;,;£;..:!!!-,.,;..;;~· Just like the toy engine you probably S"~·ll-'.j·~_,..,:A·::!A:;t-~-i-::..-~~•~ Treas.-Wayne McGinnis • · ~ .:got. ebristmas once, or maybe it -~~ ~* Freshmen class-Professor Grace Tear, was a, dol,l. It depends entirely upon I w adviser 'one'& sex whether one gets a, doll or Pres.-Haro)d Fisher an engine for Christmas. But to, get ~ "A Mi ht Good Place t 0 Trade~ V. Pres.-Theodore Graves _back to the subject of skipping or cut- ~ . g Y · ~ Sec.-Donald Nauman ting", either word: may be used (it's en- ~--*~--'*~~~--+~ Dormitory Council Pres.-Glema Miers V. Pres.-Mary Lizabeth Wer:ner Sec.-Treas.-Marjorie Hull



SMo Shop J. p. CJ.,A.RK

Ncdl Get your Christmas Cards and gifts

at Chatelains.-Adv.

Comb, brush and ·· mirror in smart, 1 gift box ·

T-be- MarJi"s St•re


ot l!lbllJ· ~·lot


Chatelain Jewelry Store

DR. GLEN H. JODER Surgeon and Physician Milstead Comer

Siatlon Jl,ils, 39


Ofliee !13

Where Prices are Lower

_ Peru, Nebr. )'.:l

Phone 112




FALL P. S. T. C. DIARY ·GIVES BACKWARD LOOK New High Attendance Record Marks Take-off of School Year September: Over 500 students at Peru, setting a new high attend<i.nce mark. 275 students are freshinen, and are toured around the campus. "The King Rides By" Is selected by Professor Moore for the Homecoming play and shows quite a sprinkling of freshmen who won the line-reading battle. A rarin'-to-go Student Advisory Council meets around a long ta·ble .to hatch out plans for Homecoming, October 8. Dean Delzell's chair is empty and retirement slip accepted. Miss Clark resigned. Professor Bath leaving for .Neorsska Gnlversity study. Professor Shuler behind Dr. Coatney's desk. Myrtle K Peterson and' Calvin Reed are added to the faculty. Students demand four cheer lea-der9 at convocation tryout. Wheeler and Jones looking toward a bright future. Bobcats are whipped by an experienced Maryville team as the season's opener. over 100 Gamina Chiers giggle at all-female frolic. Bob Weber beginning his whingeroo of a sales campaign with a snapshot contest. Gilbert announces first Peru Hour crowded with Frosh talent. Buttoning and green caps seen about. Advertisements and more advertisements flooding the malls as Peru invites alumni for the Big Day. Betty Garver retells her bandit-encounter story Questions of the month: ''Wby doesn't the new road open?" and "Where are the new cafteria. dishes?" Peru ts edged out by DOiUle. 80 surge into the Music Hall for chorus tryouts. Dr. fiakei; . speal>S, on "Main Problem." "Scoreboard wants an elevator with a glass front." Cafeteria's chronium shines. October: Homecoming: Splashes of sunshine, decorations, ·dance, play, and game. Success because Midland is tromped on. Dorm · council punishes freshies. Janet Harris ears endangered. Miers, Crone, and Werner, In beards, crossexamine. The Dramatic Club establishes a new policy. M'ooney, DeVore and Larson, are elected class heads. Reporter shakes interview from National Health Champ, June Modlin Diminutive John Neihart, poet laureate of · Nebraska, thrills· convocation goers with his selections from "Song of the Messiah." Much speculation over train removal. It can't be done. Dr. Werner, of Ohio, is guest speaker at Epsilon Pi Tau banquet. Rumor of Ethel Barrymore Colt's appearance is circulating. Shuler's rat experiment featured on page one as Ped reporter barges Into Biology. Everetts and <Continued on Page 4; Col. 2)





Examination Schedule

"Mathematics and Life" Serves As Theme for Con.vo. Speaker

I "Be not deceived, that while that liars do Idonot notfigure,lie, theis converse, not necessarily true",


First Semester, 1938-39---January 18, 19, 20

quoted Prof. c. A. Huck, ·or the college faculty, as, he spoke· before the student body at convocation last Fri(jay morning on the subject, "Mathematics and Life."

WEDNESDAY 8:0Q.9:50-All 8:00 classes except (1) English Composition 101 10:00-11:5(}-Introduct!on to Education 108 ((All sections) English Grammar 215 General Art 103 (2) Introduction to Education 108 (3) Fundamentals of ~ -6lish 100

1:00-2:50-All 9:00 classes except


Pro!. Huck spoke convincingly aa well as entertainingly, outlining first the meanings of the two terms, "ma· thematics and life." "Mathematics," he

3:00-4:50-All sectional of Fundamentals of Speech 152


~ ~~!b:!s s~~b~~:nc~r ~u:~7i~:. ~:~

THURSDAY 8:60-9 :50-All 1:oo classes except

Design and Color Theory 203 (2) English Grammar 215 (3) Public School Music 110 (1)

(8:00 and 2:00 sections) (10:00 and 2:00 sections)

10:00-11:50-English Composition 101 Introduction to Literature Choral Conducting 401 Music Appreciation 311 1:00-2:50 All 2:00 classes except

Introduction to Education 103 Introduction to Literature 102 (3) English Composition 101 (Miss Martin) (1)


3:C0-4:50--Chlldren's Literature All 3 :00 Classes except


': pressed or implied. It is a science of rigorous logical thinking in terms of realistic and idealistic thought the scope of which is without bounds." His I definition of life is, "the quality or i character which distinguishes an animal or a plant from inorganic, or dead bodies; the exercise of vital activities; that which exites or imparts spirit or vigor."


Prof. Huck then showed the relationehip which exists between mathema! tics and everyday life, Unfolding one by one the many fields in which it la 1 an outstanding factor.

(4: 00 section) Introduction to Education 108 (2) Fu,ndamentals of Speech 152 (3) Choral Conducting 401



"By the.mere touch o! a button we ,, can hear the melodious strains o! FRIDAY .1 music o! a world-wide famous Jrchesi tra of the bombastic, vltrolltie anathe8:00-9:56-All 10:00 classes eXeept (1) Introduction to Literature 102 ' mas of an astute politician as he dP.14:00-11<50-All 11:00 classes except m Introduction to Education 108 1 nounces his opponents for:not slav!sh(2) Bench Woodworklng 101 Iy subscribing to his point of view. (3) Music Appreciation 311 Furthermore, the manipulation of the (4) Shorthand 207 , dial may bring in reports from a nearby transmitter, or from a transmitter l:00-2i.iio--Genera.I Art 103 (9:00 section) !situated across the Atlantic ·Ocean. AU Fundamentals of English 100 (9:00 section) of this is · accomplished through the Bench Woodworking 101 use and application of some ·. mathe· Design and Color Theory 203 matical law. The· mathematical prePublic School Music 110 (1:00 section) cision is so highly. perfected that the Shorthand 207 slightest deviation .. may ·bring .in re3:00-4:50.....All 4:00 classes except (1) Children's Literature 103 ,' cept!on from two very remote points of the globe. l•bW!ll!lll!lll:ll!lll:ll!l!!:lllll!ml!l:rl.ml:rl.mlmllll&ml&ml!ll81imli!mlll'lilllll'lilllll'lilli!M!llml!l~ml!Ji!lilll!IID)(•~"":tIDl.ll!llm!!lmi!Iill:!JP-!ll!!llllm!l!!l!mBRllU!lll!l:l!llJ!jm "Who. cf you would .dare 'to .. foswr -----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-the thought of. salvaging. our .modern KAMEN UNIT APPEARS 1 means of transportation? ..Take, tor EV ANS SOLOS ON AIR BE' TUESDAY, JANUARY 3 example, the autamobile ·and. carefully IN NEBR. MAGAZINE analyze its construction. One could The Peru Hour January 3, Practically the whole Bulletin, of the Nebraska Council of Geography not even make the crudest beginning consisted of the followmg program: Announcer . , , , , . , , , . Gordon Gilbert Florence Neve and Clara Dunn Teachers issue number 2 for December in the construction, of an automobile 1 if it were not .for. the ~pplieation.' o! 16, 1938, was devoted to a unit on 1 Are in Charge of Festivities Tenor solos ........... , Burton Evans "Angels Ever Bright and Fair" White elephants with the donator's Switzerland prepared by Nettle Ka- mathematics in some form .or other. men. The unit was worked out by the Suppose the gear ratios were destroy. Handel sentiments attached provided much fourth grade In the training school un- ed, the camshaft would be rendered '"Preach Me Not Your Musty Rules" mirth at the Residence Girls Christder her direction during the third useless; the' transmission gears would Arne mas Party, Wednesday evening, Dequarter last winter. Miss Mary Hile- not. jibe, while. the:. differential. gea.ra "Charming Chloe" cember 21. Peals of laughter met man, who supervised the teacher, and might be out: of such proportions that Gennan such poetic expressions as: Professor A. B. Clayburn submitted the it would require the power ·or a· mogul Readings · · · · Professor R. D. Moore ."When your friends turn to enemies article. locomotive to propel a midget racing car." Pedagogian of the Air, ... Jean Spier And put a rope around your neck, The ideas and illustrations were • I Prof. Huck then explained. how Martha Clifton, Frank Summers, Just use this little knife purely original. The illustrations were Dean Karr and, Ruth Crone. And cut and cut, by "heck." reproduced in black and white but! vital is the·functlon of mathematics in Violin Duo .. Monte Jean Gaines, Jean Miss Kamen stated that the originals ! ;he field of .commerce and industry, "B. 0. they say ls very bad 'Mathematics," he .quoted, "bears the Spier were in colors. And hope that you will find same relation .to commerce that the "Suite Antlque"-Stoessel Included in the unit is a description 1 That after using Life Buoy Soap cornerstone does to the.,bulldlng or the "Movements ID Regandon" January 1-0, Tuesday of the method by which a portion of keynote to the arch." · You leave B. 0. behind." "Movements V-Gigue" the room was converted Into a SWiss Y. M. C. A.; Y. W. C. A.; Next the speaker told of the dependFlorence Neve and Clara Dunn were scene and a play which the children of· music upon ·mathematlc.s, dis· C. C. A................... 7-8 p. m on the committee In charge of the pro- wrote under N~tt!e's direction. Miss ence closing the fact that, up to the sixth Broadcast , ............. 8:30-9 p. m COACH A. G. WHEELER gram. Maxine Aufenkamp played the Kamen also prepared a children's Tarkio .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. Here TAKES MARRIAGE VOWS piano accompaniment for the singing page which consisted of a type of century B. C., music was a ·branch o! mathematics. Quite Interesting was January n, Wednesday of familiar carols. The accidental You guessed it, but here are the true work that may be done by the child his !llustrat!on that the productlon of Gamma Chi ................ 7-8 p. m facts! crushing -of an orange brought the without Instruction. a photographic copy of a sound· wave January 12, Thursday In a letter to Miss Hileman and Miss Frances Rudisill of Crouse, orange relay races to an abrupt halt. of a violin may be studied and deterFreshmen Clubs .. .. .. .. .. .. 7-9 p. m North Carolina, and Mt. A. G. Wheeler A large part of the evening was spent Prof. Clayburn, State Superintendent Philo .................... 8-9:30 p. m in playing, "Organ Grinder Man", a Charles W. Taylor said, "I like the way mined from an· equation. Everett .................. 8_9 :30 p. m were married December 16 at Kansas "Mathematics is closely related to all somewhat puzzling singing game. The you have worked out this unit." ·January 13 , Friday City, :Missouri. Following the cere(Continued on Page 3; Col. 4) last person "it" was required to serve Dramatic Business Meeting, 11 :30 a. m mony they took a trip to New Ori~. the refreshments. N. Y. A. Residence for Girls Nebraska City , , . , . , , , ... , , , , , . . Here Mrs. Wheeler is a graduate of the Moved to Fisher House Nebraska "B" , , . , ...... , . . . . . . There University of North Carolina and has January 14, Saturday received her master's degree from Co- Ogg and Christian Nuptial The N. Y. A. residence for girls has York .......................... There lumbia University; The bridegroom Unite Peruvians Dec. 24 Tonight's Peru Hour broadmoved from the Neal house to the' January 16, Monday I needs no further introduction as he is Gerald Ogg and Mae Christian were Fisher house, a larger home, to enable cast wil be superseded by a Class meetings , ... , , .. , . , . 10:30 a. m director of the physical education de- married on the afternoon of December the girls to carry on a larger project. \ play-by-play description of the Crawdads ................. 77-8 p. m partment. 24 by the Rev. o. J. Timmons at the The division also has a new super- i Tarkio-Peru basketball game. Klnd.-Prim............. , .. , 7-8 p. m They plan to make their home In Baptist Church. They were accompan- visor, Miss Luella Sellover. Their : Time of the broadcast has been Epsilon Pi Tau , .. , ........ 77-8 p. m Peru following Mrs. Wheeler's com- led by Ardist and Tom Christian. The former supervisor, Miss Edna Mauel, : extended to include the full hour between 8:00 and 9:00 p, m. Lamba Delta Lamba , , . , .. 77-8 p. m pletion of a teaching assignment at the bride graduated from Peru in 1936 and was transferred to the division at Sigma Tau Delta , ......... , 8-9 p. m University of Tennesee. is teaching at Cedar Falls, Nebraska. coln. --~----~~~~~--~---•









The Peru Pedagogian · PubliBhed Weekly by the Peru State Teachers Colleie, Peru, :Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebr~ka as second class matter. $LOO. per year. Single copy 5 cents. STAFF EDITOR .. ·.. : .. :·......... ·..................................... RUTH CRONE ASSISTANT EDITOR .................................... STELLA ROGGE ASSISTANT EDITOR ..... : ...... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THANEl HALE SPOR'I'S ED:tfORS ...... NOR~ LITTRELL, WAYNE McGINNIS ADV:::SER ...... ·.... .- ........·... , ................ M. FLORENCE MARTIN

¥¥¥+ ......,;sv·,,,.----

Alumni 1rail BY ALICE DEVORE

Lloyd Snider, (matriculated '34) passed away at the Bryan Memorial Hospital in Lincoln, Wednesday January 4. He has been director of Instrumental Music in Atwood, Kansas. While here, he was prominent in music, playing flute in the orchestra and Since this holiday season I wish joy to all band,and directing the Training School It seems no time to write an editorial Band. He had planned to return next so I call this.. year and complete work for his degree. VACATION VARlETY Since September, Herbert Graves, Foster May n:iade quite a broadcast scoop by interviewing the (matriculated '34) has been working in jail breakers they. were captured soon after their Chistmas Day the shipping department of the Rio dalliance. After hearing the transciption of the event, I went to Grande Citrus Fruit Exchange in Wesbed and had adream: It seerns, as though the Peru Hour was about laco, Texas. Prior to that he was with to og on the air. Gordon was giving everyone the high, high-si:gn the Fresno Bee, in Fresno, California. and the bell started· to ririg when three tough guys came in and Richard Slagle, who last attended announced that they were tuning the microphones and asked if Peru in 1937-38, has been appointed "Lefty" was there. Profes·sor Moore was the only one with pres- as first alternate for next year's class ents of ·mind enough to say, "Lefty who?" One of da mugs says, at West Point military academy. He "Why Lefty Benford." Professor Benford came out of the control took three years of pre-engineering bog.rd at that, took the piano key'• and unlocked their handcuffs. here and trained six weeks for the exAfter they bound us hand and foot on the floor, Ulmer tortured us aminations at Leavenworth, Kansas. by playing the "Color Song." Janet Harris, ("High-Flutin' Har- "Dick" was a campus visitor last Tues-ris," dey call her) who was to be ·on the program broke her elbow day. C2p trying to get to her feet I bemoaned the fact that I couldn't Joy Hinrichs, (matriculated '24) has descril)e de woiks. ?.Iar;ge Evans, who was at the foot of the class- accepted a position as county examiner -"-iest microphone, obligingly gave a pray-by-pray account of the under the state auditor. For the last proceedings. Den one of da mugs says, "Dat's\all right, sister, we'll ten years he has been Deputy County tip youse off an' let youse gab about howse we do it when we'uns Tr casurer of Otoe County. break s.tir .next time." Then everything when black ........ . Mrs c. A. Huck and Mrs. Albert We were quite aware largely from what people had told us and Dahlstrom of Peru entertained at tea minutely from what we had observed, that the world has been in honor of the Misses Daisy Dahlstrom (last attended Peru during sumturned upside down. But the big blow was yet to come! mer school '38), and Gladys Gross~For ages we belie.ved that .the culture o.f a nation rested upon hme ('29), December 28. Guests who the intelligentsia and the jus,t too, too click clique of society. I be- are Peru alumni were: Ruth Hanlon 1ieve that _Mr. Morgan, a member of the aforementioned circle, was ('36), Lavern Setzer ('36), Helen Matkind enough to make an annoticement of this fac~ during the dark thews Holdorf (last here summer depression· decade. Such a statement I ,do not riow challenge, but school ('36), Dorothy Cawthorne ShuI would like to have some ludicruous lexicogr:i.pher redefine, the mard (matriculated '33), Eleanor Maword "culti.1re." If it ·:mean::< what it seems to me, I'm sure that this jors ('36), and Nita Dillon Pryor, ('25). business of securing a "cultural" bacl~ground, for the succeeding A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul generc1.tiqn,' will be a very pleasant one. Wilcox of Kansas City, December 26. Before I continue, as vo11 say, it is probably true, of course, Mrs. Wilcox was formerly M?J'garet that never navirtg been baked in the upper crust, I have absolutely 'Thomas, who graduated in 1922. Mr. no idea about vvhat I am talking. But, listen, if you think for one '\Yilcox, who teaches Manual trainL11g minute, if given the chance, that I'd change positions with a Fifth in the Kansas City High School, al~o A.venue deblttante (who has one thing on the U. S .. Mint namely, graduated in 1922. that S:he's nbt in the red) from my peaceful existence with biology Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dahlstrom of Mebooks, Missouri River reveries and. frosted malted frolics-you're tusen, N. J., announced the birth of a right.· ·. · _. ·.· . daughter November 30, 1938. Both Mr. But ab'out this culttire busine_ss-:--you ask for proof. Didn't Mr. and Mrs. Dahlstrom graduated in 1926. Landon spread cultural American diplomacy all over Lima by doing She was formerly Emi.lie Novotny the Lambeth Walk at an official reception? ...... Didn1t Mrs. F. D. R. sponsor the Eleanor Glide ?--And didn't Brenda Frazier at January 3, a daughter, Sandra Jean, was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fitch her debut say, "Everybody here' is more interested in how of Holbrook, Nebraska. Mrs..Fitch was hot the mU:~ic is"? · Edna Maystrick ('34). The Home-Town-Boy-Who-Made-Good was voted the sixth Wayne Reed ('35), county superin'most' papular movie star. It is very interesting, that is, at least to tendent of Otoe county, was a campus visitor Thursday. .l?e,tq qiscp~_er that in his home town, Beatrice, his attraction at the Jerome Snyder ('38), music instruchox office is almost nil, which fact was inadvertently mentioned by tor in the San Marcos Public Schools a member oLthe local theater m;anagement to a non-conformist in San Marcos, Texas, writes about his teaching there He says: "First of all, wlumnist on:the local daily newspaper. Though I make no pretensions what:s;oever of being an excell- let me warn you of the pits and traps ent dramatic critic, if I were fo rate Bobby Taylor as an actor, I, too, that endanger the life of an instruwould place him in sixth positlion-from the bottom. But as an in- mental instructor. After hearing so dividual one,who has run the gamut of undeserved cheap publicity, many blue, white, sour, wrong, offpitch, pickled, and otherwise obnoxious "pretty boy" cat~call,,. and relation scandal, my vote would be A-1. I think Beatricians aren't a great deal different than other peo- bits of atmospheric disturbances, comple; the glamour of having a celebrity arise from their midst ha• monly known as music ........ I'm not 1-iecome quite tinseled and they would much prefer to spend their sure that I'm even capable of letting the world know anything about me. money for real entertainmentthan stinted loyalty. "I have in my music classes a grand The Man with the Sickle has passed on. But look what he has total of 85 or 90 boys and girls, apbrought us: A bigger and better national debt. ..... Jazzation of proximately 60 of which have had litjitter: jingles such as "Totti-Fruitti" ...... "Our Town" ...... Lima tle or no instruction. 55 of them are Conference ...... Ickes' marriage ...... Munich monologue ..... . from the campus school." Conversion of the classics, ''Martha" and "My Reverie" ...... Air- Jerry directs a high school orchestra planes smashed in California and Cleveland and airplane records and band, and a junior high orchestra smashed by 265-Mile-an-Hour Ortman ...... Sally Rand's Harvard and band. About the high school .harangue., .... Budge's; four-starred crown ...... Stokowski and band, he says: "My high school band Garbo gossip ...... and the loss and the recovery of the little red was a pleasant surprise to me, in spite and yellow basket. of the fact that it numbers only 20 all told. I have several of the sweetWell, here I go out on the limb and guess what will happen in est players T have ever heard in high 1939. "~fter ·all someone should go, you can't expect the poor hun- school organizations ........ My cornet gr7 f\·q~mels to perch outthere all alone. I say that Norm.1 Shearer section is exceptionally strong though w11l ,wm t~e Academy Award ...... Moody will be the F S. wo- not large; basses, excellent; but tromi,l);en s tenms champ ...... Peru· enrollment will increase 15 per cent bones and horns weak. ·····.An European war of at least .six months duration will start "I have been very fortunate-inas. · · · · · v~ally's it).-l~w .trouble .,publicly will disappear ...... Notre much as my school board has given me Da'.11e will be tacklmg top~' ...... George Bernard Shaw will have an $350 for new instruments this year." accident.··· .. A Nebraskan lad will write a hit parade parody. And in closing: "What's new at good It can't be spring...... old Peru? I surely would like to see . you all. Give my regards to my The Old man, awaiting "New Year" trucked down the ward friends." Singing, "Flat:foot flo~gie with a floy~floy." And I heard him exclaim as he drew out of sight We have used Radios that we will "I hope, I hope, I hope, it's a boy." ' sell cheap or rent.-Chatelain's.-Adv.



___:_ ___ ~~~ I*~*~*~*~*~



Franklin Summers . . . . . . . . . . 6 William Carey . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Jennie Ostrander . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Maxine Galbraith . . . . . . . . . . 10 Irene Westerman ........... 10 Helen Harding .............. 10 Geraldine Cordell . . . . . . . . . . . 11 John Boyer .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. 12 Irma Nispel .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. . 13 Glema Miers .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . 13 Cecil Rawson ............... 14 Margaret Saville . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Roy Kellogg . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. 16 Winston B. Thorson .......... 16 Frank Larson .. .. . .. . .. . .. . 17 Gerald Ogg . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . 17 Mildred Knoflicek . . . . . . . . . . 19 Mildred Bohlken .. .. . .. . .. .. 20 Glen Sheeley .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . 20 Phyllis Masters . .. . . .. .. . . . . 21 Elmon Velvick .. . .. . . . . .. . . . 21 Miriam Reel ................ 21 Nora Davis . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 22 Katherine Bartling ......... 24 Bertie Boom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Winifred Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Warren Routh .............. 24 Mildred Miller . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Wayne Filmer .............. 25 Elsie Hosea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 William Zurbrick ............ 26 Agnes Harrison .. . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Lillian Boz .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . 29 Margery Evans . . . . . . .. . . .. .. 29 Nedra Shafer ............... 31 Perry Miller ................ 31

You do it; we'll chalk it u ~~--!!:-*:,,:~~*,,.~*t'~*~*~

who saved the city of North from destruction or near destructi by fire. The smell of smoke collid with their noses. They follO\ved rolling billows and, behold: there was garage all bright and shiny with flam The question is whether to call "Fire reporting etiquette," by t Boyer Boys or "John and Bill on wh to do when you smell smoke." The pony express broke its reco The letter didn't get there until Sat urday. Overheard remark: "If they woul put lights on the cemetary, they coul call my home town, the Twin City." Song Dedications: McHugh: "Waterboy." Benson: "Wedding bells are break ing up that old gang of mine." Devore: "Organ Grinders' Swing."·. Spec Nelson: "You must have been a Beautiful Baby." Evans: "Here Comes the 'Bride." M. Henderson: "Wedding March." F. Cline: "Music Makes Me." · Bubbles: "The Open Road." Stutheit: "You're the tops." Parnell: "Don't wait until Chiistma to be good." Hale: "No, a thousand times no!" Walker: "Music, Maestro, please." Harvey: "It's June in January." ~~~~~~~~llE-~-..-..~-~··-~~= Wa Hoo! ---------------------------


The following names are those who /your picture taken and your nam have submitted negatives for their [does not appear below, please report to' picture to be placed in class and or-1 the PERUVIAN office before the end ganization panels. If you have HAD of semester! · Adee, Madonna Allen, H. Faye Brissy, Corrine Beckman, Stella Benson, Phyllis Buchanan, Hazel Boom, Berttie Bauman, Lorraine Brown, Betty Bouse, Faye Burgner, Jeanne Brown, Jack Blankenship, Gene Boatman, Harold Brandt, Abbie ·Burnett, Sadie Cameron, Ferne Chehey, Marie Chiistian, Ardist Clare, Dorothy Colglazier, Jack Corby, Darlene Cowell, Roberta Coatney, Dorthy Ann Carnahan, Doris Cerveny, Edw. Christiansen, Jane Clayburn, Bertha Clifton, Martha Dahlgren, Elfreida Dustin, Bill Devore, Alice Erffmeyer, Cathryn Ewin, Dorothy Engdahl, Marlyn Eads, Geraldine Evans, Burton Flau, Lorraine Freude, Larry Fucinara, Florence Fisher, Dorothy Falloon, Edw. Gaines, Monte Jean Geick, ·Genevieve Gilbert, Gordon Goerke, Bernard Galbraith, Maxine G!rush, Mary Goerke, .Dalton Gorthy, Irene Glosser, Eliz. Garver, Betty Lu

Harrison, Agnes Herzberg, Irma Horton, Juhn Hunt, Clyde Hora.eek, Ernest. Hacker, Evelyn Hall, Winifred Horton, Mary Helmick, Norma Heinke, Ila Mae Hurlbert, Ella Hemphill, Eleanor Hays; Mrs. Isabel Hull, Marjorie Henderson, Margaret Hall, Bert Harvey, Mary Lou Jensen, Merritt Johnson, Ruth Johnson, Hubert Jaeckel, Lois Jewett, Bonita Jimerson, Meredith Knight, Milclred Koeppel Jean Klone, Verona Lambelet, Woodrow Lundy, Noel Lively, Roy Lewis, Maxine Larson, Helen Margaret Linvingston, Jean Larson, Frank Majo;rs, Gladys McGill, Pauline McCoy, Virginia McGinnis, Rose Miller, Gail Morris, Ruth Monzingo, Raus Millington, L. Masomber, Lois Marting, Vera Mathews, Mary Modlin, June Miers, Glema Meier, Erma Marshall, Ruth Naeve, Nadine Nispel, Althea Nispel, Irma Neil, Ruth

Neve, Florence Novak, Opal Neubaue1:, Norina Nieman, Eleanore Osborn, Bernice Obernolte, Melba Ostrander, Jenne Ottesburg, Jirene Presba, Marjorie Perkins, Dorothy Parli, Mildred Petersen, Edna Mae Peterson, Fern Redenbaugh, Eula. Rosicky,Emma Rathbun, Willa Rose, Don Russel, Ross Russell, Reta Schacht, Emma Schacht, Leta Sherstad, Macine Schmidt, Marjorie Sims, Paul Sheldon, Miriam Shafer, Nedra Jane Starkebaum, Doris Sommers, Russel. Schwartz, Ruth Sinnett, Naomi Sheely, Glen Trively, Virginia 'I'angemen, Ma'rye Thompson, Loa Thorton, Betty Trenholm, Marjorie Trayer, Alice Trummer, Alice Ulbrick, Alice Werner, Mary Williams, Robt. Weber, Maxine Westerman, Irene Wagoner, Musa Wilberger, Helen ·Webster, Drucilla Williams, Mildred Warrick, Gwendolyn Vanderford, Mary Alicei; Vanier, Hazel Yont, Glen Young, Alwyn ,,!


Those who have not had pictures semester. Retakes may be made thenl taken and are still intending to do also. There will be no pictures ta,keiii so, will be given the opportunity dur- after February 10. ing the first three weeks of the second


Watch the Bobcats Battle - - Tarkio "FIGURES DO NOT LIE" SAYS PROF. C. A. HUCK


Peru Beats Doane 40-3 2 In First '39 Game

Friday night, January sixth, the fighting Bobkittens of Peru Prep won a thrill packed game that spelled drama with a capital D throughout its duration of play.

"Phog" Sheely's boys of the second team were not so successful, losing their first game of the immature season 17-12. Hayes starred for Prep, lea.cling the Prep scorers with six counters. Banks, Auburn forward, led the game scoring with eight markers. Phog says, "Don't be discouraged,

<Continued From Page 1; Col. 5) the sciences," spoke Prof Huck, "During early development of the biological sciences, biologists were loath to admit the existing relationships between the two, but the assumed mathematical independence on the part of biologists was nothing more nor less than mathematical ignorance on the part of the biologists. As the name implies, biology is the science of life. Life itself carries with it a dependence on mathematics. The nature of the vast majority of all forms of life .are of a geometric structure. The Mendelian principle of heredity involves a knowledge of ratio."

In pointing out the dependence of psychology on mathematics, Mr. Huck quoted from the Weber-Fechne law as a direct application of the fundamental concept of proportion. He also showed of the value of mathematics in computing intelligence scores, in the comiling of statistics and in interpretIng statistical date. The relationship between mathematics and architecture is of a very close

making the balancing a budget Ill known to all, and this, too, requires a working knowledge of mathematics. "The aesthetic values of mathematics are closely allied with our everyday afta!rs. The beauties in nature display the aesthetics of mathematics." In conclusion, Pro!. Huck quoted from Dr. David Eugene Smith's "Mathematics in the Training !or C1tizenship", "Let us now Imagine, if we can, that by some cataclysm there should be wiped off the face of the earth tonight every book on mathe· matics, every mathematical symbol of any kind, every written page or printed sheet upon which a trace oJ mathematics appears, and every machine for computing or recording numbers. What would happen? Every mlll in the whole world would slow down and every large concern would close until it could replace its accounts, its statistical material, its formulas for work, its measures ,its tables, and its computing machinery. Every ship on the seven seas would be stricken with blindness

a skyscraper, because the steel girders would have lost their numbers; Wall Street would close its portals, the engineering would awaken tomorrow morning to a living death, the mines would shut down, and trade would relapse to the condition of barter as in the days of savagery. It ls a picture that is so ridiculous that we smile at its very impossibility. But it is a real picture, ridiculous though it seems.a picture of the world sending forth s. O. S. for help, a hurry call for the return of poor old mathematics, the unseen guest at every transaction, the silent listener to every conversation, the patient observer of every motion, and the ceaseless, sleepless guardian of every thought and deed."

Learn-to-Dance-Club Plans St. Valentines Party in Fehr. The new dance step, introduced and directed by Stella Rogge, up~s sponsor, featured the first a!ter-vaca.tion meeting of the Learn-to-DaneeClub.

Mason rf ................ Grafton rf ............... Kamen c ················ Smith Jg ................. Pugh rg



1 3 1

0 2 0 0

Preceding the social hour we.a a short business meeting at which time plans were made for a St. Valentines' party sometime in February. Members decided that the next meeting would be as regularly scheduled. Mrs. mice Dunning was a guest ot the club.

0 0 2 2

without a cook book or a dress pattern, showing also the geometric patterns We have usM Radios that we will we have used Radios that we will involved in dressmaking. The worth of sell cheap or rent.--Chatelain's.-Adv.



sell cheap or rent.-Chatelain's.-Adv .

TEACHERS! Total ............ 12



Smith, Dawson center, was too much


A. A. SCHEDULE TOURNAMENT for Prep, scoring ten points in the see-

AFTER SECOND SEMESTER BEGINS saw battle which beheld Dale Kamen, Prep's 6ft. 4in. center, removed from, The W. A. A. volleyball tournament the game in the first quarter on perwill not be held until after the second sonal fouls. semester begins. Practice games are Sophomore "Ossie" Smith led the still being played. Prep attack with five counters. The seconds won 13-12 with the Gordon Hallenback, who has been whole team working semi-smoothly for in a c. c. c. capm in Humboldt since the win. last summer, has returned to school to DAWSON FG Fr PF

If you wish to join the agency with a personal interest in your successful placement and continued advancement, join the agency working exclusively for teachers in




Phone 62

Peru, Nebr.

Wear . Clean . Clothes



::::::::~~ ~";"-: // l:j~r:~!~·!., !~!,:!~!",!~!.:_!~ :!:!:. .!:g!:!:!,~ at!:!.~!f ~ -1 sJ~L!~~~!~}~~!S~:~~~;LEl~~ I !!!ilfil!~l!@iilimln"l"ill~!!QIDm:1Mlll)(!"llilll!l!#!l!!illD5!>lO!ll!l!lfi!fjMllff!!

921 W, O. W. lluilding•OMAHA, NEBRAS~A

-what is on your right hand?" Auxier lg ................ O Beckman: (before the map of China) Forbes rg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O "Fingers." Helm rg . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . O --PERU PREP , FG ~li3llliilim~llIDllllIDllllillilllllllll""i!lll:ll~:mill·! 1:1filiili Clements lf . .. .. .. .. . .. .. 1 Singing kites of China have Grafton rf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ;trlngs stretched across openings Coulters rf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O in the paper, producing the efKamen c ................ 1 feet of an aerial chorus. You Mason c .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . O will be riding high and singing, Smith C lg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 tqo, with a 1939 PERUVIAN. Pugh rg .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 2 m~ Velvick r~ ................ 0

2 O O


SAY IT WITH FLOWERS -!l!l!lll:lfill.lll.lllnlllllll)!illi)!!llulli:t~g!lll!llll!l!ll!!!i!!!il@ll!!l@!!l!!lOO!

0 Flowers for all Fr PF 1 O Occasions O 2 O 0 We Grow Our Own O 4 2 3 3 0 0 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. O O ~I~~~~£J~~~C~T~



We have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home nomics, Commercial, Music, and Manual Training. Many openings in all fields. Enroll now-


We furnish application photos 25 for $1..00. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak., Minn., Wis.



SANTA SLIPS PRESENTS INTO CO-EDS SOCKS Gifts Include Skiis, Skates Radios, Rings, License, Locket. Jn .. aroundcthe-dorm cruise just before }he eight · o'clock spri!1t for classes, this reporter picked up a tidy list Of gifts and rumors of gifts left bY. ·the·· chubby, bewhickered fellow whqm. don't beiieve in any more because ·we know it was the boy friend, who gave ·us what we didn't know we wanted untii we got it. .While we;re .on the subject of b. f.'s ~w.~ discovered 'one in New York whos.e hobby. is responsible for Marj6rie Harris' hand wrought locket. It'> styled after one purchased in Europe. Marjorie's has a blue sapphire set with an. unpolished Pearl.



Christmas greetings from a


in· Hawaii• addressed to Marjorie Hull, c\o Eliza. Morgan Hall was a 12inx12in. etching frcm the island. Scotland sends her regards through a charm of ..white heather in seed pearl witp a gold frame and chain to Dorothy Tv.son from a pen pal. ,, Wales ·.sends best w1'she• through another. pen pal of Rachael Gonzales' in a friendship album. Glema Miers wears. a tiny watch with a: second hand .and a crystal that magnifies the face to twice its actual size. Ditto her boy friend who is on the back side, if it weren't for w·hom you could see the works go 'round also magnified. Seven-foot skiis and those funny sticks with wheels on the ground, end stand in a corner io Enid Stoffers0n's room. (They won't fit underJ._ the. bed.) . Margaret Henderson wears a white zircon on ·that certain finger. Ditto Jean . Livingston and Majorie Evans. MaXine Randall goes them one better by: having a .gold circlet with a wedding ,set for January 26. May Christian tops the record with a marriage certificate and husband Jerry Ogg. "Nothing exciting like a diamond . . 0

just some clothes," many questioned maidens :;inswer. Just the ordinary run in (stockings?) clothes of all types were w~li received. An· epidemic of satin robes are on display almost any night.' , . . Shoe skates are taking an awful licking so. far, but .where there's life there's ... even if there 's no ice. Ev!i)yµ Hacker advises against an American eatjng. a. Mexican dinner in a .Chinese place as a result of her trip uov· O·' to ,.,.~1co.. ,iv~s .. right off the tree

a~en'.t..so.good either-not in San Diego at iea~t. . .· . . .Darlene corpey as a World-Herald Carrier got a Christmas present of a trip to Chicago. ,A.,littf'e s_ister .of the House of Pavlat gave Wan,qa. a .pink and very plump celii.tl~iq)ewpie. Radios went to Geraldine Cordell, D<lrpth.y· Fisch~r;.and Jeanne Spier. A back scratcher. (a good old Chinese custom) with a· twenty-four inch reach old Santa was just itching to give Jane Ha-ckett, so he. did. Heaps of lockets, but Mildred Moore's interest in the army is . shown by an iris'iiinia on hers. . . · Mildi:ed Polk announces possession oh a Lion Tamer. Not the volleyball variety, just a special kind of incense burner. · Doris Carnahan watches the minutes go" by with her new wrist watcher. ~e.~tie,Boom's, c.apned heat and Rose El1renberger's can of G. Washington coffee should get together. A friendship. key with squares carryin~ the names of "Jean" and "Grace" al( in naturai ·wood swing from Grace Muenchau's coat lapel. Mrs. Marsh has girls standing in line to use her .new bathroom scales. I swear it weighsJ1eavy ... or was it the Christmas candy? Miss Davidson asked for a radio for her car and received a garbage can. Moral:, Being a good child doesn't always. work. What you need around Chnstmas is a boy friend, and there are only about 350 shopping days until Christmas.

FALL P. S. T. C. DIARY GIVES BACKWARD LOOK (Continued From Page 1; Col. 1

noticeably absent. Peruvian finds out that Nebraska School superintendents rely on the Peruvian for teacher-selection. Dorm dug due to good weathPhilo's open season with many parer. OVer 75 students fill 100 campus ties. offices according to a Ped. checkup. Wagon Tongue expounded on lull afNo skating. No skiing. No sledding. ter big Homecoming. Purucker opens a ballroom dancing school. Peru Players, Kodakers, Crawdads, Scribblers PROF. W. B. THORSON are beehiving. J. A. Jimerson elected PROBES PEACE CHANCES Dean of Men as Ped. scoops the story. Professor W. B. Thorson discussed Much talk of Ted Shawn coming. Y. possibilities of peace and the underW. C. A. Carnival colorful as Cordell lying causes of the League of Nation's and Sheldon reign as monarchs. Gain- deterioration at Y. w. last Tuesday es and Chehey display talent at con- evening. vocation. Men's Club officers, Nelson, Mr. Thorson feels that had the ideal Hall, Mcintyre appointed. Lillian Boz League been established, peace would interviewed; she tells of Italy. Art Gum be the probable present condition in makes crack of the year: "I think I'll place of the existing pandemonium of stop going with him-before I get today's world. typed." Larson and Weber convention Marjorie Evan's piano prelude was goers at Cincinatti, escape a hotel fire followed by devotions conducted by successfully. Sigma Tau Deltians Wilma Parnell nd M w a usa agoner. counter with plans for a Saint Louis c9nvention. Kearney Antelopes defeat fumbling Bobcats. Phyllis Benson CHRISTMAS SCATTERED takes over Gamma Chi reins. FACULTY ON VACATIONS November: The faculty scattered for Christmas N. Y. A. house is .established vaca~ions with a general trend toward 189 000 t b. t d ' the South. Those going south for the o e spen . on mo em Men's Dorm. h o1i.days were: Mr. and Mrs c R . Hall, Devore, Weber, Me1rs, Crone I.un dst rom and their . daughter. Louise· . . Littrell, Larson, Gilberti . . 0. are rated A-1 Dr. en d Mrs. ,..., u. W. Smith and' Dr and' m scho1arsh1p, lea ershiy, character Mrs B K B k N Or! · · d t· ·t . · · · a er, ew eans· Miss an ac ivi Y and appear m the Bl h G d · ' College Students' Who's Who. McHugh faints, Shelley strug- tucky; Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. 'Moore, gles, Nelson cavots, Dean prances, Ada and Okemah, Oklahoma. Purucker " ,, , and Handley .perform at the However, th ere were some of the P clubs melodramatic convocation faculty who went north for their vaprogram. Prof. Moore moves to Little cati'on . Mrs. Marsh , ass1s . t'ant dean of Theater above library. J!tneys prese.nt women, spent some time in Minnesota Maxwell Anderson at his best. Miss and Professor H. R. Schuler chose Diddel's work is shown in Lincoln ex- Chicago for the ho!'1d hibit. Home Ee. crirls have half-andays. .,. half party. Broncos bust Peru footKAMEN ARTICLE APPEARS IN DEC. ballers. Ditto for Wayne Wildcats. NEBRASKA GEOGRAPHY BULLETIN Cecil's Cornshellers swing. Man-grabbing continues as formal date nears. Nettie Kamen had an article pubTed Shawn ads are strewn about the lished in the Nebraska Geography campus. Debate interest is rising as Bulletin for December. It is the acmore than nine study "pump-priming." count of a unit she developed last year Sigma Tau Deltians feature Prof. M. when she did student teaching in the Florence Martin at banquet. 300 jam fourth grade geography. It includes into El Ranch Peru which features illustrated material by Miss Kamen. senoritas, singing, somrbos in the •



Gym for the first time. Jean Spier rushes home from Europe as war birds hover. Wesleyan wins 6-0. Freshmen wallop the upperclass Mangles. Y. members fast at peace consecration service. Prof. Moore is puzzling over selection for new play. "Moonshine and Honeysuckle" looks good. P. W. A. sends engineer for dorm digging. Ted Shawn's troupe dance 0, Libertad, November 9 to a capacity crowd. Prof. W. B. Thorsen clears up foreign situation . for student$ at convocation. News arrives that the puddle- jumper will become a memory December 1. Learn-toDance Clubbers boost attendance to largest of any organization on the campus. December: Benford at convocation rests his tight hand at tlre piano-much to general amazement. Moore chooses "Moonshine and Honeysuckles" as his next production. Alpha Pslers quake at horrible initiation given them the fifth. Football reception reveals "Spec" Nelson as 1938 football captain. Le0ra Libhart reviews her trip to a Kansas conference. Peru gets a new mail service. Peru's final game with Tarkio is a 9-0 sad story. Pep squad is organized. "Ard" Christian reigns at W. A. A. Revue which offers skaters, strippers and sports of all sorts. Local girl makes good as Abbie Brant nonchantIy grabs off National 4-H Club honors. Roy Lively is sent as a Peru delegate to the National Epsilon Pi Tau conclave at St. Louis. Peru scalps the improved Haskell Indian team. Intramurals lead by Hanlons and Ministers teams. Dr. Konig's foreign language classes frolic at annual Christmas party with Stollen, cookies, Marzipar and coffee as menu-headliners. Y. W. C. A.'s Christmas pagaent is presented for the third year at convocation. Peru ponders over what to do with $42,000 allotment from Federal government. Miss Clark, lonesome for Peru, writes from West Hartford, Conn. A. A. U. W. places on dlspliiy picture books !or children.· "Ferdie the· Bull"

ve;~~e:as~r Mi~~dI=~ =~o~s ;:~:

oooooooooooooooooooooooo'll ll

Cement and Labor Combine


To Hasten Men's Dormitory With fine weather the dominating factor, the men's dormitory has been progressing rapidly. Forms ·are now being built for the north and east outer walls. They will probably be completed. today. In an average day 60 to '10 yards of concrete can be poured. This includes a grand mixture of ·350 sacks of cement and 525 wheelbarrows of gravel. Each mix includes two· sacks o! cement and three barrows of gravel. Brick work will begin the latter part of this week .


One of the alumni seen on the campus just before Christmas came back on business-a diamond from Ralph's. One of the college office members practises piano for relaxation. Jerry Ogg still addi:esses his letters: "Miss Mae Christian." Have you seen the "ducky" substitute Larson sent Marting in lieu of a photograph?

Those machine-gun like noises which burst_ forth from the gym around two Charles R. Bukley, Violinist, in the afternoon are merely the sounds To Return Here Next Summer made by over ambitious tapsters during Prof. V. H. Jindra announced that a military dance. Charles R. Buckley, Chicago violinist The best test score we're heard of who 1::st sm;1mer was with the college was received by Lorraine Bauman who faculty for two weeks, will return next made 68 out of a possible 66 points in a summer for a four-week period recent psychology test. Mr. Buckley's teaching as well as The eight o'clock American Govern- his concert performance were proven ment class is wondering how long Ga- last summer to be of. un:1sual qualitv bus will keep his New Year's Resolu- and it is with a great deal of anticition, "To get to class on time." pation that violinist-Peruvians look Famous sayings of famous people: forward to his next appearance on the Margery Evans: "Eddie-body who campus. hasn't seen my ring? Weddle down g;@l!Jli~\ll:~l&!~



sometime." Vera Marting: "Don it, I guess I'll have to be Frank, now." Horace Rzehak: "Gwen do yoµ get ~1 to Warrick around here?" Jerry Cordell: "They're Lyon when ; they say, I'd walk a mile for a Camp- :



bell." Burton Evans: "I'm eating Wheaties; ; I want my Armstrong next semester." ,And is or isn't Max Randall going to = be married? ll


0 A L




The Mardis Store )


This campus doesn't



have enough men anyhooo and then they all are getting married. Those of such a miserable status are: Ogg, Lively, Littrell, ~ Bausch, Brod (or is he), Mcinty:-2, Sweenie. Then we've heard thJ.t ~ Georgie is, too. ~{

I !

What second-semester freshma11 ~ waits for a junior before she goes w ~ 1

Newswriting class? 1~ According to the number of seniors CORRECTION attending convocation Friday, they ~ The list of Epsilon Pi Tau's officers must have celebrated more than t:13 J~;,j was overlooked when the roll of other rest of us. ~ campus positions was published in the What girl will be wearing a golden December 20, 1938, issue of the Peda" band this time next month? gogian. These officers include: PresiHow to tell Christmas around Peru: ~ dent, Roy Lively; vice-president, Har1. Nightmarish sweaters with w.orse ~ old Boatman; secretary-treasurer, John Horton; sponsor, Prof; c. R. 2. snowboots, and Lindstrom. snowboots. ~· ~ Wanted: An interesting person to ac- 'll ~iim!lll!l!lil~~liilllillll~~~~~lfili!lilii~~~ company girl reporter on a little trip Members of Playcast to chicago by way of Alexandria, Have Had Experience Egypt, until semester tests are over. Gali Miller, a freshman from Rulo, Song of the after-Christmas vacaportrays the part of "Tom Bevins" in tion: "Can't You Hear Me Snoring, "Moonshine and Honeysuckle." He had Snoring?" previous dramatic experience in "HobMort's car is his graduation present. goblin House," "Scarecrow Creeps" and Here's hoping it lasts that long. "Tillie's Tea Garden." He also, has Well, folks, it won't be long now unplayed in several one-act plays. At tu we can cram one semester's work present he is a member of the Peru all in one night and then wonder why Players. · Dorothy Ewin, a freshman from Oma- we didn't get through. Gee, from now on you'll have to be The Poor Cave Man ha, plays the part of "Piney." Miss Ewin played in "Little Women" ai careful whom you go with .... he might Had No Newspaper Omaha South High School. She has be married. To Advertise In. had a role, also in a one-act . play, Santa. was especially kind to our But You Have!! "Girls ·in Uniform." She, too, is a faculty members this year. Those member of Peru Players. sporting new cars are Larson (PonMadonna Adee, freshman from Cal- tia~1, Miller (Buick), and Clayburn 16way, characterizes "Annie Bevins" in (Pontiac). DR. GLEN H. JODER "Moonshine and Honeysuckle." Besides I hear that Bob is going to stop datSurgeon and Physician Miss Adee's previous experience in ing Mildred She has a birthday in Milstead Corner one-act plays, she played in "Red Hot two weeks. · Res. 39 Phone Office :l3 Peppers" at the Chase County High Incidently,-did you ever see anyone School at Imperial. with a better disposition than Mose? - - - - - - - - - - - - Phyllis Benson, a sophomore from Believe it or not, ice skating was ~·Jf~ '~~"- '.'.!o+~ ~~~~•~+.r Ewing, plays "Cracker Gaddis" in the swell during vacation. current Dramatic Club production. Ask Peewee if she ever spilled any Miss Benson is an apprentice member water. +: ~ ·of Peru Dramatic Club. ~ "A Mighty Good Pl? to Trade~ ; We have used Radios that we will f Kathryn Millington is now living tn sell cheap or rent.-Chatelain's.-Adv. ~ ~*-~*~~*""-~~~ the R. T. Benford home in order to complete this year of schooling in Peru. Her mother, a college student, Electric Shoe Shop H.C.DALLAM has accepted a teaching position at DENTIST J.P. CLARK Trumbull, Nebraska. '1; North of Skelly Station Office Ph 32 Phone 109 to Res. Ph.196 We have used Radios that we will sell cheap or rent.-Chatelain's.-Adv.









Alter Appearance of P.S.'T.C. Campus Buildings

Superstition Rides in Friday "the thirteenth" Program , Friday the 13th was a very appropriate day for the one-act play, "Swamp Spirit" given for convocation by Professor Robert Moore's elementary dramatics class. The haunting "Chloe" interpreted by Marjorie Evan's piano solo and the darkened auditorium gave eerie atmosphere to the play. "Swamp Spirit" was founded on an actual event in the pioneer history of southeastern Missouri. When Spain was a power in the new world, a man attempted to found an empire with New Madrid, Missouri, as it's capitol, but plans for the empire failed from lack of support.

BY ALICE peVORE Did you ever notice the old house just across the street north from the photograph studio? In it, you will see the humble beginnings of our college. Or did you ever notice the picture of a large house, hanging '.JD the east wall cf the college offlce? It is a piv ture of the present Mu~ic hall at birtL As it appears there, it was the president's residence. Then it became the library, with the addition of a wing. Later wing number two was addedafter a library was built-and the building became the science hall. After our present Science Hall was built, it stood vacant for a few years. Then it was remodeled to make the Music Hall of today. That building has served its purpose well.

The scene of the play was laid in the two-room log-cabin, home of Nathan Hanks in the Niggerwool Swap of southeastern Missouri in the early 1800's one night in late fall. Down through the ages, mankind has always fought an unending fight against nature. Many times nature has conquered him and crushed him under her feet, never to rise again. There, in that valley of the Missouri, man has fought such a fight against tremendous odds. Within this drama the forces of superstition and the spirit of the swamp itself, struggle against enlightenment. Predorninent in this struggle was the spirit of the swamp with death, plague, forbidding forests, and mysteries as powerful as its weapons. Frank Summers as Nathan Hanks, an early settler who believed his blindness was due to a spell cast by the swamp spirit, was as vivid as that of Mary Olive Richardson as Martha, his aged mother, who lived in mortal fear of the hideous powers of the swamp. Mary Liz Weiner, as Chloe, a mysterious girl whose personality wa.s held portrayed captive by the swamp Spi•i't u her superstition ridden existence superbly. Dean Karr as old Nathan's haughty son was a.n extreme contrast but still a lilave to his former life.

OILS BY ALUMNI WERE EXHIBITED Dorothy Hurd Joselyn Memorial Collection Shown During the week of January 9-13, 28 Jil paintings by former Peru students. who have taken 00 Painting 312 were on display in L303. Each person was

asked to loan one or more pictures completed during the course. Dorothy Hurd, whose work was recently on display at Joselyn Memorial in Omaha,


contributed a more recent paint-

The site of the Science Hall is where the first Training School stood. The infirmary was once the home of the head janitor. The gymnasium once served in that capacity as well as a chapel. A stage was at the south end, and seats for the audience at the north end. The gym, floor much smaller than now, had goals at the east and west. There was also a balcony at the north, part of the braces of which remain. At this time, there was also an outside entrance to the swimming pool, from the front of the gym below the center windows. This was filled in quite recently.



REDENBAUGH-BOUSE ARE Y. W. NOMINEEs; During the regular Y. W. C. A. meeting, the nominating committee convened and nominated the following people: "Moonshine and Honesuckle" 1's president, Faye Bouse, and Eula Red- 1 D . enbaugh \; vice president, Rita Russell! , roll Mountam Comedy and Mary E. Collin; secretary, Kathryn "Moonshine and Honeysuckle" the Bartling and Jean Winkleman; treas- forthcoming college production dlrecturer,Helen Wilberger and Ardist Chris- ed by Profesor R. D. Moore and stutian. Votes will be cast during dent director, Mary Olive Richardson, registration day at a desk in the will be presented on the night of JanAdministration Building. Dues will uary 28 at the college auditorium. be collected at the same time. If the Lula Volmer, the author, has been a. girl has already paid f6r the · second Pultizer Prize winner. The play was semester her membership card will en- broadcast in a serial and made a title her to vote. successful tour of the country after its At the Y. W. c. A. meeting last Tues- radio presentation. day, :Rachael Gonzales read a paper on '!'his is a mounta1·neer comedy pl ay the Chinese-Japanese war. Marjorie full of thrills laughs and a th htf l ' • oug u Hanis sang "The Old Refrain." blend of philos· ophy The. tain · moun There will be no Y. W. c. A. tonight peopie are brought to life with their because of the coming examinations. loves and hates, feuds and peaceful


life. These simple people of the moun-

SCHEDULE CHANGES modern tains live a life far removed from the progressing civilzation. Yet couldn't be matched when the second SECOND SEME"TED their thoughts and conflicts are vividly story was added. Have you noticed? . 1) n sketched by this brilliant author. The library was originally a one story building. Incidentally, the brick


GET DEGREES TWO, CERTIFICATES.' Five students will receive degrees on January 20, and two will receive elementary certlflcates. Those receiving degrees are: Marjorie Harbidge, Davenport, Iowa; Lucille Millington, Peru; Genevieve Parriott, Dawson; William Ring, Hebron, ar.d Lelia McK.enny. Mrs. Millington began teaching commerce the first of the year at Trumbull. Those receiving elementary certificates are Ellensena James, Lincoln, and Maxine Geiger, Waco.


New Courses Added, and Some Hours Changed Several changes in the daily schedule of classes for the second semester have been made, and they are swnm~:ized as follows: Courses changed from one hour to another: Artr--202, 311, 312 from 2:00 to 1():00 Foreign Language-3()8_411 from 2:()O to 10:00 Mathematics-115 from 2:00 to 1:00 Mathematics-216 from 11:00 to 3:00 Mathematics-404 from 10:00 to 11:00 Music-102 from 8:00 to 9:00 Music 204c-d from 9:00 to 8:00 Courses added: Art-lOZ. Lettering and Poster, Z:OO


The play cast has put in many hours of hard work to give this fine play a. polished portrayal. The play was scheduled originally for December 17 but was changed to January 28. For an evening of wholesome entertainment and stirring drama you cannot afford to miss "Moonshine and Honesuckle." The cast of characters is: Ernest Horacek .......... Clem Betts Mary Liz Werner .......... Ma Betts James Steele ................ Pa Betts Dorothy Ewin .......... Piney Hyatt Phyllis Benson ...... Cracker Gaddis Clyde G. Hunt .......... Pink Freeze Madonna Adee ........ Annie Bevins Dean Karr .............. Buck Gaddis

Art 205, Methods in Art, 2:00 Bill Saale ............ Peg Leg Gaddis Biology 2()5 (Sec. I), 11:00 Gail Miller · · · · .. · · · · · · · · Tom Bevins B. 1 (S II) 11 00 Carter Johnson .......... The Peddler 205 E~~~=~on 151, e~bs. 'and: Part. 3rd Q. Lois Jackel ............ Gypsy Carter Hubert Hunzeker ...... Judge H~wks 8:00 WHO'S WHO IN THE PLAY Education 15oa, Rural School Methods Bill Saale, junior, from Cook, plays 4 8 00 th Q, 153b, : Education Rural School Manage- "Peg Leg Gaddis". He is formerly a ment 3rd Q, 9 :OO member of Peru Players and at presEducation 3()3, Elementary School ent a member of the Dramatic Club. He has played in "Laugh Clown, Cmriculum 4th Q, 1():.00 Education 424, Philosophy of Eudca- Laugh," "Here Comes Patricia," arid tion, lO:()() "Kid College." Ed.ucation 150a, Rural School Methods Dean Karr, sophomore, from Hamburg, Iowa, portrays, "Buck Gaddis". 3rd Q, lO:OO Education 151, Observation and Part. Dean has played in "Who Wouldn't be 4th Q, 1():00 Crazy'', "Growing Pains,'' "Cyclone Education 101, Educational Psychology, Sally," and "Tiger House," at Ham1:00 burg high school. At Peru he has playEngilsh 355, Advanced Chlld Literature, ed in "Thru the Keyhole," "OUtward 3:00 Bound," "The King Rides By", and Foreign Language 101, Cicero, 9:00 "Swamp Spirit." Foreign Language 104, Vergil, 1:00 Hubert Hunzeker, freshman, plays History 101, European Blgd and Am. the part of Judge Hawkins. He played Hist., 9:00 in "Cat-o-nine Tails," senior play at Home Economics 320, Home Planning Peru Prep. and Furnishing, 10:00 Madonna Adee, freshman from OalMathematics 306, Astronomy, 8:00 loway, has the part of Annie in the Mathematfos 312, History of Mathe- current Dramatic Club production. matics, 10 :00 ' Miss Adee, as the other members ·ot Physical Science 112, Introduction to the "Moonshine and Honeysuckle" cast, Physical Science 1(): 00-11: 00 has had previous dramatic experience Courses Deleted and last year had one of the leads ln Conunerce 106, Shorthand, 9:00 "In An Old Kentucy Garden." Education 303a, Elementary Curricula 4th Q, 8:00 Education 3()3b, Early Elementary Curriculum, 3rd Q, 3:oo January 17, Tuesday

Paintings shown included still life studies, imaginary and realistic ,landscapes and figure sketches made by students who had registered for oil Philomatheans elected LeRoy Redpainting since 1934. Since the present fern as president for the second semesaddresses of some were unknown and t er, Thurs. mg · ht ' J an. 12· Other 0 ff'isome were unable to send pictures, it cers chosen were June Modlin, vicewas impossible to secure a complete president; Ross Russell, secretary exhibit by former members of the Nancy Ellen Jones, treasurer and Ernclass. -est Huegel, sargeant-at-arms. Those whose work was shown are In response to a request from the :'.JOrene Galloway. C36l Bayard; Lillian registrar's office that Philo prepare a li.'.!llphrey, ('38) Auburn; Erwin program for convocation, a committee Juilfs ('38) Scottsbluff; Winifred was apppointed to make plans for a , The Swamp. Splrlt played by Gale Maj.irs, (mat. '35) Endicott; Rachel program for convocation, a committee Carter sent shivers ~own the onlooke~s Albri~ht, ('35) Beatrice; Isabelle with Rita Russell as chairman . spines .as he came m to fulfill Chl~e s Snyder ('26) Beatrice; Vivian Haw- Other members were Grace Muenchau, premonition that somebody was gomg kin s Klli."l . ('3 5) , Juli an,. wayne sch af- Ernest Huegel, June Modlin and Marto d' ie. fer, (mat. '36), Chicago and Dorothy vin Schacht. Bill Dunn was the tobacco chewing Hurd, (mat '34), Shenandoah. Pie_.rst semester ·officers will be the (it was really paraffin) woodsman who tures by the' late Thomas Collin ('34) nominating committee for new candicarried the luggage. were also sho\•rn. dates for membership the second Margaret Henderson, assisted by semester. The subject of a Peruvian Jean Winkleman directed "SWamp page was discussed. Splrlt". Marie Chehey played the flute, TRI BETA .QUART,jT MAKE Foll.owing the business meeting the Robert Weber, and Gail Miller handled DEBUT MO:!'<"DA:~. . EVENING society was a guest of the E\leretts. the lighting. The convincing make-up Tri Beta held its meeting in the bio- Dean J. A. Jimerson spoke on Parliadooo by Professor Moore added to the logy laboratory last; Monday evening, mentary Procedure. Roy Kellogg gave effectiveness .of this play. The play January 9 The pnfgram was in charge each guest a copy of a Diagram of was given as a final examination of the of Evelyn Freeou± ;'wbo gave a. biolo,:ii- Parlimentary Motions which followed elementary dramatics class. cal application test to the members in G'regg's manual. the form of cross .iword puzzles. Dean Jimerson explained his preference for Gregg over Robert's Manual The quartet, consisting of Shuler, C. stating that the former contained no . . d Gabus, Chapin axj.d Ring, sang a numsub-motions. Philo members Jome ber of biological Iparodies, which were Tuesday, Jan. 17, 1939 Everetts in demonstrating the illustraexceptionally entertaining. tions for such motions as reconsider, 8:30-9:00 p. m. Refreshments bf hot dogs and the resund, expunge, commit, tabling, etc. Education 15(), Rural School Methods, Announcer . . . . . . . . . . Gordon Gilbert Observation and Part, S:OO traditional coffee were served by Will- One of the motions which he felt Clarinet solo .......... William Dustin Education 153, Rural School Health iam Ring. should be used more frequently was Vinetta (air Varie) W. E. Strong the commit. The commit is very helpand Management, 10:00 Concertino, c. M. Weber Education 153, Rural School Health ful for large groups in that it refers Peda.gogian of the Air .... Ruth Crone DEAN JIMERSON SPEAKS and Management, 2:00 AT PHILO-EVERETT MEETING motions to a committ ee. Foreign Language 209, Greek and RoViolin quartet .............. .. man Mythology 3rd Q, 1:00 Knoflicek, Spier, Gaines, TrenhOlm The Everetts met in the west room of FRESHMAN CLASS HEAR F<ireign Language 210, Teachers Latin Scene Champetre, Guido Papini I the Music Hall lMft Thursday night. REPORTS OF CLUBS 4th Q, 1:0() Minuet from Septet, L. Van Bee- / Philos were guests of the Everetts as thoven Dean Jimerson continued his discusA summary of each club's activities History 107, Survey of English History, of the semester was reported by the 9:00 The Tarkio Owl-Peru Bobcat broad-/ sion of parlimentary iaw. Home Economics 433, Home Managecast last Tuesday night was extended Everetts' Peruvian Pf~ge was discuss- presidents of the club. ment, 10:00 An April party was discussed and a .to 9:30 p. ni., a gain of one half hour, ed. Ila Mae Heinke, \was appointed 'through the courtesy of station KMA. chairelan of the commf1ttee to plan a party chairman appointed. The fresh- Mathematics 220, Mathematical AnalyPeruvians wish to thank KMA for program for the next 'meeting to be men also voted on the purchasing of a sis, 8:00 Matthematics 103, College Algebra, 3:0() Peruvian page. making possible the additional time. given by freshmen :mve'retts.




Y. M. c. A., C. c. A......... 7-8 p. m. Broadcast · .. · · · · · .. · · · · 8:31}-9 p. m. January 18, Wednesday

Residence Girls ............ 7-8 p. m. January 19, Thursday Freshmen Clubs ............ 7-S p. m. January 20, Friday Nebraska B .................... Here Falls City High school . . . . . . . . There January ;i, Saturday Alumni Basketb1 . . . . . . . . . . 8 p. m. Januar:r ..... , Monday Registration, Second semester .. 8 a. m. Freshmen council ........ 10:30 a. m. Crawdads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 p. m. Alpha Psi .................. 8-9 p. m. Kappa Delta Pi ............ 8-9 p. m.


The Peru Pedagogian Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postofl'ice at Peru, Nebr3$ka as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents.

EDITOR .................................................... RUTH CRONE GUEST EDITOR ................................ GENEVIEVE PARRIOTT ASSISTANT EDITOR ................................... STELLA ROGGE ASSIS/TANT EDITOR ...................................... THANE HALE SPORTS EDITORS ...... NORMAN LITTRELL, WAYNE McGINNIS MARTIN ADVISER ................................. · .... · M· FLO'°ENCE "' REPORTERS Fr::mk Summers Clyde Hunt Mildred Knoflicek Wilma Parnell

Mary Lizabeth Werner Ella Hurlburt Jean Koeppel Alice DeVore

Beunice Doty Dean Karr Robert Mason Genevieve Parriott

~.. ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8tudent cooperation durittg examinations . is something new and exciting. Enthusiasm reached a new high at 'convocation Friday during the performance of "Swamp Spirit." The news~vritino- class exam is this "Ped" with Genevieve Far:iott as Guest Editorb and Alice De Vore as As:>istant ;Ed'1tor. Did we flunk, Miss Martin? "What's the matter with Peru?" I According to an editorial of a 1937 issues_,of the "Ped," P. S. T. C. needed rn the worst way three things: a men's dormitory, intramural acti,yities, and milder freshmen initiations. ·The initiations were as mile! as\this January weather, from here I can hear the gono· and the referee's whistle pun'ctuating the cheers as an intramural game progresses, and the boysl dormitory is coming up! . Accorcling to 1937 standards the response of the cheer leading section to "\VHAT'S TfIE MATTER WITH PERU?" is "SHE'S ALL RIGHT!" By the time the cheer leader demands "SAY IT :''G."IN" ,., • we ' ve rea l'1ze d th ere are a· num b er of other th1'ngs we need this 1939 model. .



·.. Campus sentiment a~ expr~s~ed in the column Kampus ,K~iz give~ us the gong on school spmt and. suggests a Student Umon Building as the answer for invigorating us with "wim, wigor and 'witalitv." • · School spirit is a unifvin2' and dominating feeling of oneness." J v Necking and dancing seem to fulfill that requirement as far as indi\ridi.1al couples: ·are concerned, but what about us unromantic souls? l)erhaps we can do without the building, but we certainly nee? a recreational center where everyone can play together at somethmg 'he likes. . We might take advantage of what we have. Convocation could !Je something we wouldn't skip for the world. A rarsing of the roof with a group sin,g would. be something to write home about. More events like the W .A.A. sports: review, booster nights, all-college folk dancing in the gym, revival of May Fete, mixed sports recreatiqn in gym, including the swimming pool, are some ideas. There) was plenty of enthusiasm at the Tarkio-Peru game, but booing isn't the type of college spirit we need. The baby screams boo-hoo when he doesn't get his way; the poor sport adds volume and cuts it down to "b oo. " . . ht The ringing of the victory bell h e1ps. A fter t h e F riday mg · l1 t h e1r · victory a group stood un d er the be 11 and "d' , mg- d onge d" wit

Kampus Kuiz ~1Tf~;;JIJ~IC~~;;;1~~);;L.t~Jkill

What do you think this campus needs most?" Wanda Pavalot: We need a recreational center where Everyone can play together. All they do around here is neck-that's no fun! Geraldine Stoner: Freshmen need to build up a loyalty and enthusiasm for Peru · Merritt Jensen: More drinking fountains. "Mcse": Fewer flashlights. Bill Dustin: A whole slew of goodlcoking boys. Jean Koeppel . Lot more school spi'rit ·· · · Clem ~nts· Want good spi'rit and then " · want to do something about getting it. Elizabeth. Glosser: Huh? do we need anything? Gail Carter: A Student Union building. Gail Miller: Ditto. Annetta Slage: No exams. Edith Wright: More budget programs on the Ted Shawn order Lorraine Ulmer: Oh, dear! this is sudden! more good-looking boys Rita Russell: A Student Union Building. Bill Dunn: A Student Union Build-

in~arold Dallam: More funds and Jarger enrollment. Glenn Sheeley: Drinking fountains. Robert Snyder: The walls of the liurary are not conductive to study.. An interior decorator could improve the buildiPg both as to looks and light. Bertie Boom: New art building.

Eleanor Hephill: More and better budget events. Gerald Bowen: A student municipal building. Charles Gabus: New library, or present one fixed u_n to provide m0 re and better facilities. Nancy Ellen Jones: Free taxi to town. Nurse Peterson: ' A new recreation hall. Marjorie Prine: Not so many requirements so I could take what I want. Glenn Yont: A good set of students with lots of brains. Clara Dunn: A Student Union building. Ardist Christian: A gymnasium for the girls. Ernest Horacek: More school spirit in athletics and other campus funcvocal chords when they couldn't get to the bell itself, That's what t1ons. Ring the bell after every viewe mean! ...... that traditional college Rah! Rah! -G. P. tory, at home and away.

Recognized! A vote of thank~ to Coach Arthur Jones and "Spec" Nelson for f unpraised efforts and limitless time given by each to sustain a valued cause. They are combining their efforts to promote and direct a system of intramurals· such as has not been equaled in recent years. College men, who ordinarily would receive little if any healthfuR exercise are banded together in teams which at the present time are playing basketball. Games are scheduled for float periods1 and the competitive spirit runs high. Then, too, some man unsung for the varsity squad is given a chance to show his wares and not a few have worked part way up the ladder. Coach Jones and Mr. Nelson must be present at all games in order to make them function properly and it also falls upon them to look for boysi a little better than the average. Reports are fileclf of each game. At the end of the round-robin session, the winner will be given.a suitab_le trophy. , You can see these men have a job. -R. M Ho; Hum! Don't you ever stop . ro wonder why everyone begins to rush about wildly, why you can't find an ~:t11pty seat in the library, why the alarm clocks1in the dormitory go,,i;Jff from three a. m. until any hour before noon, and why everyone goes about with that pensive look? Well my not-too-wide awake freshman, you too, will catch this dangerous illness-too, too, shortly, For, wiith the end of the seme~ter, comes the chalking up of the fir~t page of your college life. But just a minute! Stop thinking about your grades Jong enough to wonder what you have actually accomplished. Maybe your grade card will show up a bright array of A's. If so, good enough, but don't let that be your goal. Instead, take inventory of your personal traits. Have you learned, in one semes:ter, that the art of living with others lies within the golden rule? Or' are you the type that believes in tootlng your own horn, so that you can drown out the rest of the band? Can you speak with the rnme friendliness to the most popular fellow in your class and the one who is shy and awkward? It takes a lot of "stuff" to give your personality a houseclean'.ng, but your college education should mean more than a few textbooks. our main object in life is to LIVE! To do so in the besf ;:iossible manner, you must adjust yourself to the world in which you intend to live. You say you're an A student? How do the traits which are YOU stack up? -M. K.

ALPHA PSI HOLDS FORMAL INITIATION Alpha Psi Omega will give formal initiation to new members at Helen Margaret Larson's home Wednesday at 6:30 o'clock. The informal initiation was held previously. 'The new members are: Dorothy Ann Coatney of Peru; Dean Karr of Hamburg, Iowa; Mary Liz Werner of Nebraska City; Mary Olive Ri.chardson of Fairbury; Virginia Trively of Plattsmouth and Frank Summers of Peru. The Alpha Psi Omeg·a fraternity will have full charge of stage management, cm:struction and desig·n for the play, "Moonshine and Honeysuckle." They also will start work immediately on the radio play to be given in the near future. -----Y. w. c. A. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE 'The Y. w. c. A. membership drive for the second semester has started. We hope to have a bigger and better Y. W. C. A. this second semester and you can help. 'I'he drive will be climaxed by a big party on Tuesday, Jan. 24. 'The dues for a semester are 50 cents and a membership tag will be given you when you pay them. Get one and be one of the crowd. 'There will be a Y. W. c. A. table in the Administration Building on registration day. If you have already paid your dues for the second semester, be sure to bring your membership certificate with you, so that you may receive your tag. For payment of dues, see Helen Wilberger, Marjorie Hull, Doris Carnahan, or Nadine Naeve.


Once upon a time there were two rats. They were very, very nice rats until they were led astray by Mr. Shuler during a physiology and hygiene demonstration. Having been on the water wagon all his life, Henry just couldn't hold his liquor like a nice rat should. Since he could not guzzle from a bottle, he was placed in a gla,ss bell jar and fumes of the beverage were sent into him. The rubber tubing that carried the vapor hung from the top of the "jug" and Henry leaned up against and clung to it with his paw for all the world like a traditional lamp-post Gus. At no time did he get "happy". Alcohol seemed to make him very tearful and sad. He constantly kept putting his paws to his .eyes and rubbing them down over his face. William Powell couldn't have done a better job of staggering. Finally Henry subsided into a deliberate and serious attack of hiccoughs. Josephine was given some chloroform. She danced on her hind legs excitedly at first with much the same vigor as Henry. That state of excitability characteristic to both drugs makes it necessary for you to be strapped to the table .before you are relleved of your appendix. Only a few utes were nee~ed to ma~e her drowsy and awkward m her motions. Alcoholic drowsiness was a great deal longer in arriving. Josephine was completely "tinder" and was taken out to reii:ain c@sciousness.

Scoreboard You do it; we'll chalk it up


The student body is building down

to a big Jet-up just as soon as exams are thing·s of the past. In the meantime Gabus' leap a la kangeroo lands him inside the door to his 8 o'clock on time ...... A gorgeous financee visits Peru with Howard Dean getting the credit ..... Dr. Brown knells, "The time is getting short, you young people .. ,, .. .... Red Dougherty hampers the opposition in the intramurals by wearing a bright yellow "what-you~call-it." ..... . A diamond is seen with Aufencamp ... . .... Fro£h shows big dress style: sleeve about the waist, however it belonged to the coat which Jay Troxell was wearing ...... President Pate sends a cake via U. S. Postal Service ...... Martha Clifton moves to 122 with Jean Spie: to make up for the recent evacuation . ..... Death claims rat in Biology 2()5's two o'clock, case of unintentional raticide d,1e to chloroform in an overdose ...... We see that Boatie has changed his Homburg hat for a hunting cap .. .... A vast improvement. He used to ACT like he was after something; now he LOOKS the part ...... Character acting hits a new high in the convocation play Friday ..... , .. Song changes title to "You might have been a beautiful baby, but look at you now." Oh, roommate, look-SNOW! , Where's my skates?

mm-\ I v

, Much later Henry "passed out," and was sobered up by staggermg around propelled by his tail so he wouldn't keep walking where the table ceased to be. It took a great deal longer for him to regain his normal equilibrium than for Josephine, Hope Henry didn't have toopuch ci a hang-over because he ce~ainly di6give a grand performance, _____________

ITraining School Notes The high school will folow the regular col.lege examination schedule on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 'The students are not required to be in school except when an examination is scileduled. 'The study hall will be open and all studen.ts who are in the building and are not taking examina1 tiom· ere expected to be there. j

Alumni 1rail BY ALICE DEVORE

Miss Esther Louise Hoyt ('25) is : head of the department of educ,, . at Westminister College, Techuacanr., Texas. She took her master's deg- c: from Ohio state University four yE::ccc ago, Her father was the late W. 1 · Hoyt, former head of the physiw; science department here. Louis Pascal ('38) was recently e:ecc· ed to teach science and mathematics aL Elba, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Friel Kerns were campus visitors during the holidays. Mr. Kerns, who graduated in 1937, has recently been promoted to the position of superintendent at Elba. Mrs. Kerns, (nee Rachael Adamson) graduated in 1936. They were in town looking for a candiuat.e for the position to which M:. Pascal was elected. Merritt Thornhill ('38) is now teaching in the high school at Duncanbridge, Missomi. Mrs. 'Thornhill, the former Hester McCoy (2 year '32) has been doing substitute teaching at the Peru District school during the illness of Miss Dorothy Whittmer (mat. '29) the regular teacher. Lois Carman was mari'ied December 26, 1938 to Dr. Harland Adams in Palo Alto, California, She attended Peru in 1927, and in recent y.ea:rs has been a member of the faculty at Stanford University. Ruth Sheldon Phillips (2 year ,35 ) gave birth to a daughter on January 7, at St, Mary's Hospital in Nebraska City. Rex Wilson ('36) tea1;her of science and coach at Cairo has an excellent basketball team this year. His team has won all of its games. He plans to do graduate work at Peru this summer, and to attend medical school next year. William Okrent (''30) spent the holidays in a hospital fo New York having surgical attention.1 Richard Sherm~:n ('37) has a suecessful basketball: team this season.



student teachers must follow schedule and some



cOEoJ.;e students, school will not be :,e'.d h the elementary grades on WecM0day, Thursday and Friday.

Pau1 Phillips from Texas has rolled in the Junior High school, The ninth grade English class :_p2ndi,1g this week in the study m·,c.macics. Each student will have opportunity to be in one of the

enis of the six

one-act plays being studied. These plays were presented Monday and Tuesday before the entire group. The two, the only, the original women on the street were featured at the Bobkitten's basketball rally at the last high school convocation. Several members of the squad were interviewed by Miss Jean Vosberg and ll/liss Betty Brown, concerning the outcome of the game with Auburn. It so happened that all of the boys were of the same >pinion-and this opinion proved to be correct. Remember save money! Buy your second semester school supplies at Chatelain's.-Adv. ------------He is one of a committee of three to arrange the basketball tournament for Holt County. Floyd Nincehelser is taking his master's degree in Physical Education at Peabody this quarter. He graduated from Peru in 1937. Henry Hoffman, high school principal at Harvard, Nebraska, is seriously ill with skull injuries suffered in a train-automobile collision at Hastings on January 5. Mr. Hoffman, who graduated in 1930, is recovering very slowly. In the same Hastings hospital with Hoffman, are his wife and baby son, whom he had left about five minutes before a train struck his car. She is the former Marguerite Deerson, who received a 2-year diploma in 1930.

atch the Bobcats Battle ...... Nebr. ''B'' 78 PAIRS CULOTTES

obcats Take Games From York and Nebr. reathouse High Scorer Both Nights; HalladayMclntire Shine--N ebr. "B" Here Friday. eru and York put on a scoring bee York Saturday in a game which nd 118 points bee( ~cored Peru . ing 65-53 to continue their win·~ g streak. tthe half score was tied at 27 all then on thngs were all Peru the Bobcats never trailing. · tathouse scored 24 points while 'naday collected 23.

it from



2 ()



4 0

23 0 24 0

1 0 0 2 0




Peru 36-·Xebraska "B" 31 eru's last hr•.'f power again brought ory and the Bobcats nugged Nebra "B" 36--31. It was the first de. t for the "B" squad who led at the 20-16. It ·w~is Peru's sixth vie-

HALLADAY ~;jjj®#==woo~ll,'!);=l)ill;""""~"""=""· "'""""""'~

TUMBLE WEEDS back in clear !if~r a mix-up weekend ...... ue certain girls who wonder why men like Mcintire are married .. .... well girls. that's the reason ...... did ya notice Freshmen Watkins, Fischer and Otte with Tarkio boys at . the game ...... what's the matter girls don't Peruvians pack umph? .... nomination for couple of the month McGinnis and Wiltse ...... Pun of the month Grovenburg's "You might trunk home" ...... crack of the week to Dr. Konig for her remark, "I don't like dogs" while she had two of them exci.tedly jumping up on her ...... for correct method to crawl under the bleachers see Janet Harris ...... Hoots better watch out after Winnie's speech "Women ~hould prepare for the home not business," .... Rogge seems to have adopted "Hale!.' H~le ! the gang's all here" between classes now ...... they tell about Benson leaving play practice to check out book, call number begins with H ...... will be glad to accompany girl reporter on week-end trip providing she further delay the trip by way of Cape of Good Hope .... .. get it? ...... Season's latest impersonation is' W. B. Thorson for further particulars see Sheeley ...... general opinion seems to be that a 24 hour will be here Wednesday the 18th ..... . It's not the I are's that count it's the ex-ams-do you believe in swamp spirits? ...... Knoflicek does .... would like to see G. C. put in his place ..... . Floy, fioy, whose got the fioys? .... ,. ask Hienke what a hull is ........ why must some love affairs always be onesided? ...... they say "give them an inch and they'll take a mile," but all Benny and Aferer are


ltllstate names like Rubino, Elliott. \. bert and Grimm meant nothing Leonard Greathouse who dumped 11 pionts to lead the scoripg and the game . Greathouse tied the ! re with four pionts in the last five . utes and four points in the last 'e minutes and Walker and Mosely ~red to keep Peru iii the victory \dle. FG FT PF TP u 36 2 1 2 2 4 2 5 11 0 0 2 0



Leading players are in my estimation: Jensen and Soper of CollinsJ ens en is one of the best ten playing and Soper is a dead -shot; Pa1Tiott, Rhodus and Fisher of Prep-without Parriott Prep would· never ha v~ s1aj'ed at the top; Hall and severson of Hanlons-Bert is tops in intramurals; J. Floyd and Anderson of Floyds-Anderson beat Prep in a last minute overtime heave; the Ashton brothers of Dahlstroms; Williams of Weares; J. Littrell of Lindstroms; Dean and Baren of Basketeers-with Collins the outstanding defensive team due to these two guards; Lurk and Falloon of Rel.t!s, and Dreezden and Johnson of Ministers. My first five would be: Forwards, Hall and Lurk; center, Sevtain scoring, Mcintire.butHalladay not some only led the also tossed of erson; guards, Jensen and Dean. the neatest passes seen on this court Attention Coaches: L"l years. He had that ball just where Nebraska City, Nebr. Why not let Spec pick an intramural iL ohould be when the time came. In :::o~'::::J'~:;:;::.~~:::;;•'t':Ct.~tr:t~ team to meet either the "B" squad or like manner Mcintire played a zre1t Bert's Bobkitt.ens in a prelim. Let this dPfensive game to hold Tarkio's star, squad practice a week together and Waits, to 3 points. you ought to see something. Can't you Greathouse scored 10 points in the visualize a real battle with Hall, Jen- last half and played a grand game of sen, Lurk, Falloon, Soper, Fisher, Rho- teamwork to establish himself once dus, .Parriott, Anderson, G. Ashton, mere in the minds of Peru fans. Mosley Williams, Dreezden, Dean, and Boren and Bailey also pbyed fine ball. or whatever selection Spec might make. H. Lewis and Mitchell led the OWls in their attack. Going up and up: Peru is back in stride again. Win or The game was broadcast over KMA lose this column 'is back of a team that by Coach Art Jones. If you wish to join the agency with a personal interest in your passes like Peru did in the Tarkio Box score: successfuJ placement and conFG. FT. PF. TP. game. Greathouse and Halladay put PERU tinued advancement, join the on a fine exhibition. Halladay and Walker ...... · ...... O O 2 agency working exclusively for Mcintire should attain all-state hon- Majors · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0 0 1 0 teachers in ors this year if they continue their Mosley .............. 3 · 4 fine playing. However, Bailey is back Sheeley · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0 0 0 O in stride again and should once more Halladay · · · · · · · · · · · · 5 3 0 13 become the best guard in the state. Greathouse ·. · · · · .... 5 0 O 10 Last year he and Kristufek were rated Mcintire gc · · · · · · · . . 2 0 4 4 JOIN THE as tops. Let's all get back of the Cats Handley · · · · · · · · · · · · 0 0 O O and help them ride to the state title Bailey · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1 2 1 4 ·nOFESSIONAL · T'EACHERS and a trip to Kansas City-it's your job Dean · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0 0 1 0 ~.' as well as theirs. Morris .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 0 0· 0 927 W, 0, W, BuildingeOMAHA, NEBRASKA



FG FT PF TP 3 1 11 5' 3 0 0 16 8 2 2 0 4 4 2 0 0 0 0 2 8 2 3 7 3 0 2 () 1 0 20 13 13

Intramurals are in the second round with Prep in the leading role. Data on the games cannot be gotten at this writing as the coaches are out of town, but here are a few facts until an arti'tt cle can be wn en. Prep has lost only to Park Avenue, while Park Avenue lost to Basketeers and Reiffs. Things the second semeste» will change with Collins coming up, Reiff g·etting better and Hanlon's ever a th1eat. ·


0 10 0 11 0 1 ................ 0 y .............. 4 eley .. ... . .... .. O TOTAL ...... 28


MADE FOR PEP SQUAD Tramp, Tramp, tramp the girls are marching ...... 32 of them dressed in blue corduroy coulottes and white shirts. The girls pep squad made its first performance at the Tarkio game. Revenge is sweet and Peruvians tastThree years ago the pep squad was ed revenge last Tuesday, January 10, organized under the direction of Miss when the Bobcats took a 46-30 victory from Tarkio. Tarkio had defeated Pe- Davidson. Drills are planned by Miss Davidson and her physical educat'.cn ru in the season's opener. The game methods class. The girls are arranged was played before a capacity crowd inaccording to height and drills are eluding over 200 Nebraska Citians here built on units of four girls. Practices in honor of Nebraska City Night at are held each Wednesday at 8 p. m. Peru. Each girl buys her own uniform. The The Bobcats showed last year's form coulottes are made by Mrs. William as they passed the ball and tossed bas- S:nith, who in the past three years has kets from .all sides. Teamwork was made 7f; pairs. the key to the solution and Tuesday night Peru looked as g·ood as any game that last year's championship SENW.ES DI:SCL'SS CLASS PLAY squad played. It was a team to be 1:12 sGnio:s dLcusscd tile possibility proud of-offensive power plus defen- cl' a senior class play Monday afte:· sive strength. convocation. The purchasing of anTarkio jumped into an early lead 1 nouncem8nts v:93 another matter of only to give way to Peru after ten / buJi:.•.::.:.:;. . minutes of playing. A last minute splurge at the half found Tarkio lead- r:<:~z;,,:.;;-: :~:,:::::~1z::::~~~=::~;::;~..§t! ing 15-11 at the half. The second half ·was all Peru with Halladay and Greathouse hitting from all sides. Mcintire and Mosley were Flowers for all removed from the game in this half Occasions because of personal fouls. Outstanding in the game was the We Grow Our Own work of "Swisher" Halladay and Cap-


Fads and figures: Here are a few more facts about Peru from 1921-38 as disclosed by my wanderings in records and tabulations. Peru's low average in this 18 year period was 16.7 in 1922 while the opposition only tallied 14.7 in 1923. The high number of points by a Peru team was in 1938 when McCormick and Halla-. day led the scoring of 854 points. The low was in 1921 with 151 points. Opposistion's high was in '38 with 673 and the low in 1921 with 132. Peru had the the most points 14 out of 18 of these seasons and were directed by five coaches: Speer, Graf, Kietnicek, Lorbeer and Baller. we want now is a student union...... Do you remember or have you heard think it over. of the fame of McCormick, Moore, -YOUR CAMPUS GARDENER Ethington, Riggs and others of Peru's



Total · · · · · · · · · · · · 16 TARKIO FG. Waits .. .. .. .. . .. .. . 1 G. Lewis ............ o Peters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o H. Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 McPherson .......... 3 Rankin . . . . . . . . . . . ... o Mitchell . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

0 0

0 0

0 0 2 6


2 1 0 1 2 1 13

2 1 0 0

0 2 3 4





2 4 2 31

Simmons, Melba Obernolte, Margaret Saville, Eleanor Hemphill, Miss Grace Tear, Dr. Selma Konig, Virginia Trively, and Miss Ethel Glosser. Preceding the program, a business meeting was held.

~~e~~e~~~ow ~ec~~~:e y~~u':e c~:~:~\i

Last year's game was a merry scramble and resulted in a victory for the young Cats. But this is another year -the grads are out to go to town. So come one-come all-to the battle between the old and the young. The Bobcat squad will meet NebrasRemember save money! Buy your ka "B" Friday, January 20 in a game second semester school supplies at which will find the Nubbins hunting Chatelain's.-Adv. for revenge.


0 2 6




"A booster for Peru. graduates"


3 '.'.



o 0 2






o 4 2 0


o Phone 8



We Deliver Peru, Nebr.


Wear . Clean . Clothes



Ten original cont1ibutions were read to see some of them in action. The g! 16 4 10 36 at the regular meeting of Sigma Tau occasion being the annual Peru Alumni ~; FG FT PF TP Delta, Monday nig·ht in the Music vs. Varsity game, Saturday, January ~ . . g] 4 0 'l is 8:15

~I ~~~l~ ~~~i~~~u~~~:it;e:cN::tdLe:~~ !~d ~ee :1'.~: i:e~1~~\~~~ ~:e






I ~






CLINTON, IOWA C. E. COZZENS, Manager We have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home nomics, Commercial, Music, and Manual Training. Many openings in all fields. Enroll now-


We furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak., Minn., Wis.


:LAS. R. BUCKLEY C b, TO BE INSTRUCTOR u s ruest Teacher Has Diversified Violin Experience Charles R. Buckley, who will be t1est teacher of violin in Peru during 1e summer session of 1939 comes to t1r campus with a splendid' record of chievement as violinist and teacher. His professfonal career began at the ge of fourteen, so he is a musical vetran, while still a young man. His arly training was with Ferdinand 1 lchaeffer, founder and conductor ' of he Indianapolis Symphony, from 1hich he secured his classical style and 1ackground. Subsequent training was taken unler Jacques Gordon, under wnom he ook the degree of Bachelor of Music, ind later Mischa MischakofI. In 19W Mr. Buckley was elected to !1e position of string coach at Univer:ity of Ohica~o. and has been active llso as a private teacher in Chicago. ie was nrst violin of the Zoellner :tring quartet. His students, as well ts being winners of numerous contests, ire members of major symphony or)hesths and have fine teaching posi:ions

Confessions BY DEAN KARR

Oh Boy! I'm a reporter I shouted as I received my first assignment as a cub reporter (salary nothing, responsibility neck deep). Why there's nothing to it, just look how 'easy it is in picture&--all you do is se~ somebody, scrillb)e a few words, and presto! you have a front page story ...... but have you tried it? Now, of course, all failures are based upon rnistake~my first one was that I'd never tried it. But then maybe pictures are misleading, they just don't show all that trial and error method used until you get a story slightly respectable and with the ear-marks of a little book theory. My second mistake came !n the nature of a late hour. I had a few facts all ready to put together when I glanced at a calendar and 'discovered a very fine feature at the local the'.1.1.er. Seven-twenty p. m. tickied the clock, just time to make it. oam:e ten-thirty-no article-deadline next morning. Well, it locks as though I had better settle down after numerous attempt5 v.:Lh little or no real advancement. I A.NNA IRWIN FUND thought perhaps it was due to the lack IS NOW AVAILABLE of a hat, a reporter always has a hat,The Anna Irwin Student Loan Fund why it's tradition-maybe the first illhich was founded by the Peru Chap- newspaper office was cold so the repor;er of the American Association of ter kept his hat on; anyway, you have University Women is again available to have a hat! I dug out a hat percht.o students on this campus. The fund ed it on my head. For some reason it is a memorial for Miss Anna Irwin, a didn't lend the proper atmosphere at [armer member of the college faculty. all. Now let's see perhaps the feet Seyeral years ago a young woman should be placed on the table a writing ;tudent on the campus lacked but one pad on the lap and then surely the ;emester of work but felt that due to. brain, would function. But success still nnances' she could not continue ller eluded me. That's right my tie was college course. Because she was very still straight, my collar buttoned. I deserving the members of the A. A, u. started to remedy this (remind me to W. contributed to a loan fund which have a button sewed on it socin) after enabled her to secure her diploma. a general dearrangement, a turn a· f t d Miss Anna Irwm was one o he in- roun the block, a; frosted malt, a chat strumental organizers of the fund. with my roommate, after waking him Since she was treasurer of the associa- up and a trial writing sprawled on the tion it was her duty to look after the bed and also on the :floor, I fought . ·t · f th f d ' t e un . 'I'm the hrough the paper and then came up adJnm!S enng o watch dog of the student loan fund," with the most supreme masterpiece of was the answer she invariably gave all time. It continued over the face when 'the club jokingly suggested bor- of one page. I viewed it from all posrowing from it. sible angles. Not a flaw could I seeMiss Irwin died in April of 1936. The of course-I made another mistake but next fall the A. A. u. W. held a memo- I won't go into that. Anyway I carrial service for her. At this service this ried my masterpiece up to the paper · office feeling much as theperson who fun d was " dedicated to her to be known has picked· out his best and most from Lhat time as The Anna Irwin choice lamb and offered it as a sacriStudent Loan Fund. Any woman student who has but one flee. Came Tuesday! The day of the pubsemester of work to complete in order lication. I could hardly wait tO get my to secure an A. B. degree or a two year diploma is"eligible to borrow from hands on the paper-silrely It would be on the front page, headlined in the the fund. Any amount up to $50 may boldest faced type allowed. be borrowed from one year at a low rate ,of interest. As the interest accu- My fever mounted four degrees and mulates the fund will increase. It is ~n ii:undst of air was lost as no article not necessary for the whole amount to am ar 0 me met· my .gaze on the be borrowed by one person. front page. Air continl!ed to :fl.ow and In order to borrow from the fund the ffevter to mount as 1 hurried faster and candid . as er from page to page until I fell ate . must present evidence of like the Zepplin must h o th t satisfaetory scholarship and character. t . t fil ht t · ave n a Thus far but two students have re- ragic 1as g ' bu still no article. ceived the loan. The club boasts that In agony, my knees began to give


SHULER PHOTOS , CampusChatter ALASKA SUNSET ooooooooooooooooooooooO"b'l!D


The campus is developing the baby habit of boo-hooing at games. Why don't we grow up? Boz Ring upon bumping into Jindra: "Watch out there little fellow." Seen from campus· at a dormitory window: Girl "tipping up" a quart milk bottle. Barney Barisas dropped in. on Pritchie and Parnell in Lincoln and was duly impressed, maybe, by Pritclaie's new white silk pajamas. Talk about cooperation: When Miss Davidson was demonstrating treatment for fainting, Ardist Christian was the guinea. pig by complying with the real McCoy. Thanks to Jane Hackett for her "group spirit". She received word of

College Activities Used As Kodak Subjects

News flash! Cub reporter breaks into biology teacher's sanatorium; escapes with firsthand information about first-hand hobby. Professor R. V. Shuler, when he was working on a thesis for his masters degree, found that he could save money by photographing illustrations, and thus began to take up this fascinating work as a hobby. Mr. ShUler did not begin to do his own developing until about two years ago, since then he has taken his cam- COMING ART EXHIBITS era with him on several interesting Apnl, Aqua Clu'omatic exhibit by . trips. Among his collection is a beau- A!nerkan artists. tiful Alaskan sunset. All of his work February, Watercolors of Colorado. ls done on a negative 1 by 1% inches which he himself enlarges. March, Needle craft examples borrowed in Peru. her mother's illness Tuesday afternoon Last November, four of J.\!Ir. Shuler's Ma but stayed to drill in the Pep Squad, pictures were exhibited at the Lincoln y, Peru College art class work. Tuesday night, before she went home. Camera Club at Morrill Hall. Fifteen pictures which were a part Presto! An Auburn blonde takes a "The reason I like photography," ex- of the Young America Paints exhibit trip and Don becomes a wilted rose. plains Mr. Shuler, "is that each pie- held last March in Radio City, New C. Gabus broke his new year's reso- ture when it is completed, is a unit York, will be shown in 1305 d\Jring lution: he was late to Government itself, and if well done, something of the week of January 16-20. This exhiclass Jan. 12--in fact he was so late which to be proud; yet there is a nev· bit of work by children will be open that he didn't get there at all. er-ending series of ideas upon which daily. fro. 10:00-12:00·. and. 1:00-3:00 What will Enid Sfofferson do with to work." except during the convocation hours. those skiis, when, it snows? A familiar sight at almost any col- Following this exhibit water color Shuler has been driving rats to lege activity is Mr. Shuler with his paintings will be on display. drink in Physiology and Hygiene class. camera, getting informal shots for How many students w:ill be suffering this year's Peruvian. He has so far from eyestrain at the close of the se- taken pictures ·of the Girls' Choir minute speech selected from a famous mester due to squinting at crib notes Christmas concert, the caroling spon- play. At the next meeting, each memconveniently placed on the floor dur- sored .by Y. w. c. A., as well as dor- ber is expected to bring a friend. ing final exams? mitory and out of dorm room pictures. Radio plays which were to be given Social tact: making people feel at The picture of the boys dorm as it were postponed because the radio home when you wish they were. appeared in the state papers was an- equipment did not arrive. Congrats to Ceo. Walker. Besides other result of Mr. Shuler's hobby. He Camera. Club directing an orchestra he has time to photographed the picture througl' ;~s Edwin Falloon addressed the regular make the "first five" and referee a. lit- glass front that is in the college o;1ice, meeting of Camera Club with an extie on the side. which is a very difficult task. ceptionally good and timely talk on The Dean had a big dog who follow"Camera Equipment." Permission ed him to college every day, which was ·1,·as given to memhe:s to give ~imagainst the rule. t i ilar taLlIB on photography that would At four thirty a.. m. two budding FRESHMEN CLUBS 11 be of interest to the group. freshmen lassi tt" n I '· A short round table discuss1·on of · es were ge mg we started on their term papers. Print Club . -- '. the possibilities of snow pictures being Wasn't it grand to hear the victory Preliminary sketches for the next taken on a Sunday field trip were bell ring Tuesday night? Sounded block prints were discussed and discussed. like 1't was m d f C · Officers for the second semester a e o rone-1-um. devised by members of Print C!'.lb last Do you suppose the library staff Thursday evening. This time they will be elected at the next meeting. knows when there is a test somewhere are to be reproduced on cloth. on the campus? During the business part of the DR. GLEN H. JODER When mother nature saw all campus meeting the constitution was ev· d Surgeon and Physician big plaid jackets, mittens, earmuffs, in regard to dues. No more Milstea.d Corner parka hoods, snow boots and snow will be held before the close of the Phone Office :13 ltes. 39 skates she laughed up her raglan semester. sleeve and gave us spring weather. Peru Players Whew! This studying way past the 0 l hour Cinderella. lost her slipper is a.w- Members f p eru Payers attending ~·•_, ~-.l/-~ ::!,~:6 ~-t::.o~~ ful the regular meeting Thursday were ~ ~ basketball team has surely been divided into groups of four. Characters wer th · to making 'em Owl lately-'I'a.rkio and e en given each by Dean Karr and Ma L' b th Doane may be the Owls but Peru is ry iza e Werner. Each it wiser. group gave a short' presentation of ~ "A Mighty Good Place to Trade" skits repr tin th ~ Swamp Spirit is going to ..et Arlene esen g e character drawn. .ir b Th b in ti ~*~*~~~~ Steiner-she broke a. mirtor on Friday e us ess sec on of the meet- _.- - - - - - - - - - - - the Thirteenth. ing was devoted to making plans f o r \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - The long and the short of it was ~h pldiray ttoi be given by groupg under \ H. C. DALLAM that· the Pep Squad's hemline· looked e ec on Of Dean Karr and RuthDENTIST like rick-rack because 16 inches from eloise Souder. Office Ph 32 the :floor revealed Glema's knees while Each member in order to earn his Res. Ph.196 Ma . , . . refreshment of a fugicle was asked xme s ankles were just m evidence. to give an impromptu serious one Don't write all yo11 know on those ~~;;:=;~~~~~::::==~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ exam papers.. Keep some of it for ~~~ teaching reference in years to come. I* ...






Remember save money! Buy your MADE AT GAMMA CHI second semester school supplies at "Pleasure before business" was the Chatelain's.-Adv. motto of Gamma Chiers as they reversed the usual procedure to play Organ CLEMENTS CALLS MEETING Grinder Man before holding the busi- Mr. Clements called a meeting of ness session of Gamma Chi Wednesday all students who expect to do student evening teaching next semester and of all who Margaret Henderson proposed the expect to teach next year after convosubject of Gamma Chi pins thus con- cation Monday. verting the club into a full-fledged so- Blanks for student teaching ass!gnrority. Members were asked to discuss ments were distributed. Mr. Clementi the matter among themselves and the explained the Peru placement plan and other members before a decision would distributed membership blanks. be made. Mrs. !nice Dunning discussed the re- Remember save money! Buy your volving loan fund and reported the fin- second semester school supplies at ancial status of the organization. Chatela.in's.-Adv.

The Mardis Store



~~ ~~..,~~~~~~

both girls have paid it back promptly away beneath then I remembered The time grows short, as also jokes, in spite of heavy family responsibilities ~h°1;~ few ·h~oi~ wo~ds: If at first you I hope all laugh and not one chokes; and in one case a very low salary. on succe ry, ry, again-that's But if you do as I suspect, right, I had never before tried it, may- You'll look me up to wring my neck! Any one interested in borrowing the be I was one who would profit by exmoney should see Miss Mary Hileman. perience then again maybe I had been disillusioned! NOTICE TO FRESHMEN ~ Personality, Print, Camera, Crawdad, ~ BIRTHDAY PARTY PLANS

ART CLUB ORGANIZES; BOOM ELECTED PRES. Students with four or more hours art credit met Monday afternoon to organize the Art Club. Officers elected were Bertie Boom, president; Rita Russell, vice-president and Mary Lizabeth Werner, secretary-treasurer. The members filled out blanks in • which they indicated choices of work for the semester, dues, meeting time and eligibility rules. Rita Russell, program chairman, is making the final plans for the semester's work. To be eligible for membership 15 points must be earned by January 27. The initial meeting of the second semester will be held on the first Monday of February in L305.

~ ::r~o~!~;::\::!b:~~~~le:t~\10~/~~ ~

them. Second semester freshmen me elegible for another club, you know.


Remember save money! Buy your second semester school supplies at Chatelain's.-Adv.


Shoe Shop

J.P. CLARK North of Skelly Station Phone 109

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CAMPUS BEAUTY SHOP 0 pen I•ng S ' af •' J an 14 t



Opening Specials ......................


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Regul;;.r $2.50 Oil Perm............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00

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End Curls . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 up



Operator 4 years experience.



All work guaranteed.





stairs in

t. ~

CampFs Shops




------------~ ~~~~~''c"':1;.'i.,>!!*"~'~*~~"iM'*~~~



JUNIORS ELECT BERT HAll, PRESIDENT Ernest· Galloway Becomes Secretary-Treasurer At a meeting of · the Junior Class after convocation Monday morning, January 30, Bert Hall was elected rresident to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Alice Devore, last


President . semester's presiden(. Thi5 corr.n·dcs a roster of six principal positions which Bert Hall now holds including coach of the Tra:ni1;g School Bo::>· kittens, vice president of Men's Club, program chairman of Y. M. C. A., president of Everetts; and secretary 6f P. Club. The Juniors also decided • that Ernest Galloway, who was secretary last semester, should be given the joint offices of secretary and treasurer. Class business was completed when the 70t(; carried to sponsor a convocation program. :asG ~·tar the clas> presented the show, "Flolir Shock." Lundy and Bright Give Kappa Delta Pi Reviews "curriculum Trends in the Nebraska Schools" was tbe topic discussed Monday evening, January 23, by the members of Kappa Delta Pi. Patricia Lundy and Clara Bright gave brief reviews of modern curriculum trends after which the group assembled in committees for further discussion. The group unanimously agreed that ~ome mathematics shpuld be required of every highschool student while Latin should be offered as an elective only. Opinions differed as to whether the curriculum should be constructed by specialists or by superintendents assisted by the classroom teacher. Glema Miers was chairman of the program committee. Refreshments were served by Maxine Randall and Leora Libhart. ELMA GOCKLE1: HOSPITAL Miss Elma Gockley, college bursar, was taken in Saint Mary's Hospital, in Nebraska City, January 15. She will be operated on as soon as her condition permits. She will be unable to return to Peru before two or three w1!eks have passed.

Calendar Tuesday, January 31, 1939 Y. M.; Y. W.; C. C. A.. 7-8 p.m.

Broadcast ...... 8:30-9:00 p. m. Wednesday, February 1 praqe Schcol Recital . . 8 p. m. Thursday, February 2 Freshman Clubs ...... 7-9 p. m. Friday, February 3 tDoane basketball game here Talmage Highschool at Talmage Saturday, February 4 Hastings basketball game here Monday, February 6


A. A.; P. Club .. 10:30 a. m.

Art Club .. .. .. .. .. .. 7-8 p. m. Crawdads ............ 7-8 p. m. Alpha Mu Omega .... 7-8 p. m. Tri Beta . .. .. .. .. .. . 8-9 p. m. Music Club . .. .. . .. .. 8-9 p. m.

Dramatic Frat Admits

6 Members at Inhation Six members were accepted into the



local Zeta Lambda cast of Alpha Psi Omega, nation{al honorary dramatic raternity, by secret formal initiation Y. W. and Y. M. Hold Wednesday evening, January 25, in the Joint Collegiate Party college auditorium. Those initiated Faye Bouse, sophomore from were: Dorothy Ann Coatney, Peru; Dean Karr, Hamburg, Iowa; Mary bar, replaces Leora Libhart, as Y. W. Olive Richardson, Fairbury; Frank C. A. president. The new vice presiSummers,, Peru; Virginia Trively, Plattsmouth; and Mary Lizabeth Werner, Nebraska City. Professor Robert D. Moore, director of the Zeta Lambda cast, and Dr. George Smith presided at the induction and Robert Weber of Humboldt, Helen Margaret Larson of Peru; and · Glema Miers, Seward, members of the local organi.Zation, assisted. FAYE BOUSE President


den: is Rita Russell, sophomore from Peru. Katherine Bartling, Nebraska




Peru Hour Tuesday, January 31, 1939 Gordon Gilbert . . . . Announcer Violin Solo ............. . Jean Spier, Nebraska City

_DRAMA SCORES HIT WITH PERU AUDIENCE "Moonshine and Honeysuckle" is Production of Club "Moonshine and Honesuckle",


Vocal Duets ............ .. Leora Libhart, Topeka, Kans.

stage adaptation of Lula Vollmer's radio serial, was presented by the Peru

Gordon Gilbert, Brock, Nebr. Pedagogian of the Air .. Ruth Crone

Dramatic Club before students, faculty and vidtors of Peru State Teachers College Saturday night, January 28. Prof. Robert D. Moore, assisted by Mary Olive Richardson of Fairbury, directed the play.

Vocal Solo (Soprano) .... Maxine Sherstad, Lorton, Neb.


TOTALS 512 NOW Second Semester Sees

34 New Students Here

City, takes office as secretary and Ar-

The number of students registered dist Christian, Peru, is the treasurer. for second semester work exceeds that PROF. ROBERT D. MOORE Determines Weakness To welcome the new officers and new of first semester by five students. SepDirector To give Peruvians a ringside seat to tember 1938 registration numbered 493 of educational evaluation criteria, Dr. E. students. January 1939 registration ''Moonshine and Honeysuckle" G. Johnston from the University of numbered 498. The number of all Michigan will be the speaker at a people enrolled all year reached 541 The well-chosen cast of the drama, meeting held in the Music Hall, Tues- i There were 35 students who withdrew which took place in June neac the day, January 31, at 7:l0 p. m. Dr.: at the end of the first semester and 34 Betts' c·,tbin "somewhere in the SouthJohnston is field representative for the : ern mountains," included: l·«)rth Central, New England, Middle ! new students registered who had not States, Western, Nortn Western <J.nd 1· been attending the college the first Clem Betts .... Ernest Horacek, Wilbur Southern Associations in the Cooper- ,I semester. Maw Betts .. Mary Lizabeth Werner, ative Study of Secondary School\ RTI'A RUSSELL For the first time in years the en- 1 Nebraska City ~ i Vice President rollment of the second semester ex- Buck Gaddis .. Dean Karr, H:;i.mburg In order to establish satisfactory\ ceeds that of the first semester. Dur- Paw Betts .. James Steele, Neb. City norms for their e'ftluation of second- Istudents the Music Hall was the scene ing the years from 1920 to 1925 this. Piney Hyatt . . Dorothy Ewin, Omaha ary school standards the North Cen-jTuesday evening of a hilarious party. often happened but in the last five Cracker Gaddis ...... Phyllis Benson, tral Association is making an applica- 1Those attending the party were divid- years it has been uncommon. This is Ewing tion of i~ criteria. to. two hundred. re-j ed into three groups representing the due to the fact that in the '20s the Jaws Pink Freeze .. Clyde G. Hunt, Douglas presentat1ve schools m the Umted colleges at Podunk, Minnersville, and were more lenient and a great many ' Annie Bevins ........ Madonna Adee, States in accordance to their size · · · ·· · students taught on two-year diplomas, \ Calloway locality. returning often in the middle of the IPeg-Leg Gaddis . . . . Bill Saale, Cook The investigation to find out just year for more col1ege hours. ITom Bevins ........ Gail Miller, Rulo what constitutes a good secondary Of the students that withdrew at the Peddler . . Carter Johnson, Hamburg end of the first semester four were Gypsy Carter .. Lois Jaeckel, Hamburg schocl was started in 1933. The specandidates for an A. B. degree, January Judge Bill Hawks .. Hubert Hunzeker, cific issues this investig?.t!on were 20, 1939. They were Marjorie HarPeru to determir}e the characteristics of a bridge, Davenport, Ia.; Lucille Millgood school, the means and methods All the parts were more or less to evaluate a school, to develop a ington, Omaha; Genevieve Parriott, characterizations and were creditably Dawson; and William Ring, Hebron. school into a better one, and to stimTwo of those who withdrew were can- portrayed. ulate growth in secondary schools. KATHERINE BARTLING didates for a one-year diploma. They Several factors deserve special menThe popularity of this plan was inSecretary were Maxie Geiger, Waco; and Ellen- tion: stantaneous. The North Central Association and the Southern and Mid- Brownville. Competitive games among sena James, Lincoln. (1) The costumes designed by their dle States Associations joined forces the colleges were the highlights of the The new second-semester students wearers, notably those of Dorothy to further the study. By 1935, Uni- evening's fun. who join the freshmen class are: WilEwin (Piney Hyatt) and Mary Lizaversities from Chicago, New York, The competition was based upon ma Mae Adams, Peru; Ruth Quinn beth Werner (Maw Betts). Harvard, Stanford, and Indiana had ability to balance beans on a knife Adamson, Peru; Lucille Bricker, Glenvolunteered their services. without the aid of gum, feather-blow- wood; Arthur cacek, Odell; Bill Cain, (2) The sound effects, mechanical Now. in 1939, backed by the six ac- ing power and originality in composing Omaha; Ruth Church, Humboldt; Bet- and original, supplied by Gale Carter, crediting associations, the criteria is a song, yell and a charade to describe tye Ann Dasher, Peru; John Fisher, assisted by Clark Rogers. ready for application. The aim of the the college. Podunk was. declared the Auburn; Ernest Hill, Stella; Phyllis (3) The realistic reaction, principally North Central Association !s divided winner. Hobbs, Reynolds; George Johnson, Atthrough facial expressions, of all parinto three phases: (1) to formulate the kinson; Jeanie Keating, Milo; Richticipants in the court scene when they criteria, (2) to apply and validate the Prof. Reed Collaborates With .ard Kingsolver, Peru; Darrell Lahodny, became listeners of the Bill Saale( Pegcriteria, (3) to use the criteria as a Beatrice; Ellen Malone, Palmyra; DonLeg Gaddis)-Hubert Hunzeker (Judge Dr. C. W. Scott on Research means of evaluating schools. ald Mikus, Missouri Valley, Ia.; Betty The criteria for determining when a Prof. Calvin H. Reed joined forces Thom, Virginia; and Gene Whitehead, Hawks) dialogue. school is not a good school and what with Dr. Cecil W. Scott of the Univer·t f N b k t k t t' t' 1 Tecumseh. (4) The rapidity with which cues to do about it will afford the means s1 y o e ras a o ma e a s a is ica "Sal c· f Those who join the sophomore class were picked up and the ease with f of finding the needs of those schools. research o ary as a ause o Teacher Turnover in Nebraska Public ·are: Jean Armstrong, Auburn; Esther which the audience was able to hear Highschools." This educational arti- Bath, Brownville; Luella Nicehleser the lines which were spoken in diffiProf. R Shuler Takes cle was published in the January 7, K11app, Nemaha; and Charles Steng- cult Southern dialect. Marriage Vows, Aug. 26 1939 issue of "School and Society." lein, Waterloo. Those who became members of the <5l The effective make-up and The :marriage of Professor Robert lighting handled by Robert Weber. Shuler to Jane Medlat of Mount MacThe article brings forth the reasons junior class are: Ann Rose Heng, Nefor withdrawal of teachers into three (6) Clyde Hunt's (Pink Freeze's) ulGregor, New York, was announced last braska City; Lloyd Johnson, Wahoo; categories: (1) Reasons related to saltra convincing line that they were week. They were maiTied August 27, Eileen ary, (2) reasons not related to salary, Kenneth Knapp, Nemaha; backward, backwoodsmen: "I want1938 at Golden Dale, Washington. Johnson Parriott, Peru; Kathryn RosImd (3) failure of reelection. Mrs. Shuler has an assistantship in zell, Beatrice; Jack Shock, Falls City; ed to ask if ye'd, ever he.ared tell of a the educational psychology department The statistics reveal that over one- and Irma Dopp-Sweenie, Springfield. devorce?" · at the University of Nebraska. She is third of the average · schools will be Those who join the senior class are (7) The set which was the fifth now working on her Ph. D. degree in needing someone to fill vacanctes left E. Lyle Laughlin, Auburn; Rollie Rig- complete scene which has been depsychology, having received her A. B. by teachers, over half of whom found gins, Fairbury; and Wayne 'Wilson, signed by Helen Margaret Larson. better paying positions. degree from Doane College. Julian. · (8) The work of Dorothy Ann CoatOn the other hand, over one-fourth The Freshmen who withdrew at the ney and Nancy Ellen Jones in obtainIl KAMEN-GREATHOUSE NUPTIALS of the teachers were not reelected. end of the first semester were Darlene ing properties. This included the IHELD AT NORFOLK SEPT. 6 The statistical information was gain- Barton, Peru; Betty Lea Bent, !)t)Witt; transportation of a small but complete ! Ann~uncement has been made of ed from research on the turnover Bill Boyer, Bridgeport .. Imogene Da-. arsenal to the scene of action. Ithe marriage of Nettie Kamen to Leon- causes of teachers in 100 representa- vis, Brock; Allison Dougherty, Humard Greathouse. The ceremony took tive schools. The conclusion of the boldt; Maxine Geiger, Waco; Maxine The play was well received and may place September 6 at Norfolk. article gave the factor of salary the Haneline, Brock; Forest Henderson, be favorably ranked with "Outward Mrs! Greathouse is at present em-1 major credit for Nebraska's teacher Howe; Ellensena James, Lincoln; Ed- Bound", one of Prof. Moore's campus successes. (Continued to page 4; Col. 5) ployed in Lincoln. turnover in 1937-38. Evaluation Criteria




The Peru Pedagogian . i:bllshed Weekly by the Peru. State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the· Postoffice at Peru, i~ebrP;ka as second class matter. $1.00 per yrnr. Single co~y 5 cents.

Any Day is a Funday




EDITOR ................................. : . ................. RUTH CRONE ASSISTANT EDITOR ..................,................. STELLA ROGGE ASSISTANT EDITOR .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. THANE HALE SPORTS EDITORS .. .. .. NORMAN LITTRELL, WAYNE McGINNIS Mary Lizabeth Werner .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. TYPIST ADVISER ....................................... M. FLORENCE MARTIN REPORTERS Delton Goerke Mary.Modlin Wayne Wilson Winifred Hall Mary Grush Jean Winkleman Mary Olive Richards

P. S. T. C. Students Tell of Varied, Unusual Incidents Engagement~At a tea given in her : . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . / home the engagement of Miss Doroth Jennings to William Stump was recent We got out our long white beards la would-be C'ornell; Mildred Polk ly announced. A June wedding is be and thumbed. through the past lives watching a premier~ of "Boy's Town"; il'.g planned. Miss Jennings graduate (private before now.) of some of the Barbara Beal playing poker for the in 1936. campus's far-from-oldsters to pull out first time in Browns' apartment when Attends school-Miss Alice Hull o tbe incident which proved to be the Brown froze; Wanda Pavlet helping Auburn, who matriculated in 193&, most fun for them. Stories came easi- the men brand cows for the first time; attending the Central Business Colle ly and frequently so we piled 'em into "Gwen" Warrick's first swimming adin Kansas City, Mo. Miss Hull,' wao stacks, shuffled twice and dealt out venture at Sun Springs; and Ferne a sister of Mary Margaret Hull, CONSERVATISM tLe:Se tales. Cameron's first train ride, to Chicago freshman on the campus, is taking Say, "He goes to coilege", to mc(3t people and the reaction is quite Carter Johnson's grea~est fun came .which proved to be with the Syracuse secretarial course. uniform. They immediately picture a coonskin shiek who spends at the venerable age of two. It seems Bluebirds Kittenball Club. Visitors-Mr. and Mrs .. George Rei. ninetv per cent of his time velliiw, "Rah, rah," waving .a colored he opened, in some mysterious manner Several dubbed trips as the most miller were campus visitors Thursda bann~r and spending his father's ~oney as fa:;t for as m:any dissipa- the yard gate, wandered out into ~he fun. Abbie Brandt's World's Fair one January 26. Mr. Reinmiller ('26) · ~ions a' possible. The other ten per cent of his <(:istence i'c: con- world and blissfully slept in a 200-acre included a boat ride on Lake Michicounty attorney of Webster Count sumed in trying to recover from the effect. cornfield while the entire population of gan; La Rita Davis's journey proved While in college here, he played t This analysis has become so widely accepted that it may be Hamburg worried and searched. hilarious at a Girl Reserve Camp at baritone in the band. He is anxio ranked among the cnceptins of the back-:ieat dri'ver, the henµeck- Roof-climbing and helping Crete Grinnell. Geraldine Stoner's trip to to have the Perusingers include eel husband, et al. milkmen proved to be a hilarious ad- Omaha for the Young Citizen's Con- Cloud on their spring tour. But recently, some brave, adventurous souls got the idea that v.enwre for Mary Olive Richardson, test; Leora Libhart's to the foreign Birth-Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gain something here didn't run exactly true to form. Maybe they ~tarted whc would say no more for fear the district in Los Angeles; Jean Spier's announce the birth of a son January to reason out this Veterans of Future \Vars business which tend- entire story might reach the ears of to Paris, France; Martha Clifton's to The baby has been named Frankl eel towtrd raclicali:1m in action but w1s essentiallv the Island of Macinaw; Ruth Mar; conservative in the press. Ellsworth. The parents, who live ideal. Or perhaj)S, the;' remembered that since the Charleston shall's to South Bend; Jl:lfrieda DalCrab Orchard, are former Peruvia Misdemeanors had their thrills for and the Black Bottom, b ..>~(1 h:cir ar.cl ~kirts have bt~comc longe:. gren's to Keokuk's power plant; Ferne Mrs. Gaines, who was Flossie Ch Doris Otte, Betty Bent, and Bonita An)'Wa)', one of these pio!1'eer spirit~ was a gentI eman, b y name, Herzberg's to Lake Michigan; Musa bers, matriculated in 1926. Her h Jewett. Doris's apple-swiping advenf h d Dr. Erlancl Nelson, who exactly· three weeks ago reporte t at a ter Wagoner's sky ride trip to Chicago; band received his degree in .1929. ture entitled her to a fireside talk from testing 3,758 students in 18 colleges he had discovered "not that Virginia 'I'rively's to the 4-H National Marriage-Kermit A. Slobb, ra the Justice of the Peace. Betty went radicalism attributed to the campu:1 of today, but to the contrary, convention; Ruth Sutorius' ocean trip engineer, and his school-teacher bri ·cl f on a watermelon-getting trip, and to our data indicate that these students are definitely on the s1 e o . . . . along the California coast; Doris Stardo this up right, arrived c:n the scene k . . · t ·n formerly Miss Madeline Nelson, ( conservatism." . · . kebaum's cree -sw1mmmg Jaun 1 triculated at P. S. T. G. '33) will s m a yellow pick-up, and was the only . . Ev F f' N What a surprise this turned out to be! All these 1ove 1y con· . Loms1ana; e1yn reeou s ew y oi·k r • • h . th b . k one m the group to make a getaway I . th e1r . F m1- February 1 from Los Angeles for Hif ceptions-or rat h er, misconcept10ns-were overmg on e . rm . . . . trip all were h'1ghl'ights m Hawaii, where Mr. Slobb will be a and avoid bemg on probat10n. Bomta ' d disa~ter, and think of all the literature that must now b e prmte d days nouncer-engineer for K. R. B. G. Jewett was asked to "please grow up" · and read to form some new idea of the typical college student. after she slid down a certain bannister A smash in the snow for ordinary the Columbia Broadcasting Syste One of the leaclinz mazazines didn't save or even help preserve individuals is a catastrophe. For The newlyweds were married Janua. v v • and knocked the superintendent over. this former caricatur. e for Mr. Average Citizen for about this time Clyde Hunt ii was one of the bigg·est 21 at Frnnont. ': ~ It might not be a crime but June a questionnaire to college people in New York, our most modei:n Madlin's most fun came during a re- evenings in his life. It seemed that a Marriage-The marriage of Mi city, resulted in the knowledge that they had voted two to one 111 hearsal of an operetta; they played bobseld hitched behind a car tipped Ethel Lueck (matriculated in '33) a iavor of waltzing (.in crinolines!) to shagging, that they favored over and made serpentine from Clyde's Alvis utley of Los Angeles, Galifcir postoffice behind the stage cerise, lilace pink and white against the modernistic steel gray ahcl Betty King was one of those people basketball sweat suit. It all happened has recently been announced. 1hat thev would rather live in Paris, Tahiti or Capri! th;.u in an between the halves of a basketball young couple will make their home .. · , in the Conant Hotel in Omaha, who Aineri.can ci'tv · game, bu.t not one knew why Clyde 2323 West Eleventh Street, Los Angel, · made the hotel people denounce senA bout this time Mr. A. C. throws up his hands in clic,may-if didn't "stand up and cheer". Position-Miss Alice Peterson ior sneak da..,v. he will accept facts. This is so unexpected!! He would have been Eleanor Hemphill ran. about on the James Steele "ho-ed" for the open Shickley is working for the State prepared better for the bombshell, though, if he had noted the boat at Providencetown, Mass., making road and took it last summer in Mm- 0f Indiana Insurance Company in Fortune Quarterly Sun·ey which \Vas takep over a year ~go and such a disturbance that the captain nesota. With the sky for a roof and coln. Miss Peterson, who matricula which revealed that the typical college student wants secunty, real bribed her to keep still for 20 minutes. woods for walls, James lived the life in 1935, was a commercial student h ~ security, more than he now desires fame or power or any other of Mary Modlin broke all sea speed laws of Robinson Cruesoe. Teaching-Miss Josephine Brissey the shining lights that are supposed to beckon to the Young Man around Gatilina Island. Marjorie Hubert Hunzeker treasures a meet- Auburn, who received her degree l 0 · I n t o 1'h e W or Id · _,omg . Prine went in for smuggling. The ing and dance with one and only Pri- 1936, 1·s teaching in the art departm 'I Suppose our typical predecessor does. accept some of .these ne_w place: Petrified Forest. cilla Lane of the mqvies and radio, ns of the Nort)1 Platte city schools. ~ ideas what can he do about it? Admitting that! our mterest 111 And all those were answers to the the "most fun he ever had" memory is Miss Brissey's second year· in t whether plains or plaids will be in style an~ in the Elean?r. Gli<le question, "What incident do you think Dorothy Clare and Charlotte Doo- position. is more than perfunctory, nevertheles'.! he might start by gmng us was the most fun in your life?" Tsk! little had their sport keeping house Death-Word has been received <ome workable ideas on how to balance the budget once out of every Dangers meant thrills for the follow- for Grandfather Doolittle. It seems the death of Miss Helen Epler ('20)'i . ten years or so, how to alleviate the ve~y poor of some of their ing: Faye Bouse took a trip off her their cooking was experimental adven- her home in Julian, January 19. troubles and the verv rich of some of their money and how to teach porch and fell head first into a rain ture. Epler suffered a heart attack th' our people to think 'by reason and knowledge rather than by pro- barrel. Elizabeth Glosser canoed on For a workday at the Hamburg years ag·o and it is thought that it paganda. Lake Erie for several miles when the highschool, each student was to get a tributed to her sudden death. CENSORSHIP waves were giants and shore far, far job for a day, and turn the salary ovMarriage-Announcement has b I attended a picture, "Dawn Patrol", and was completely carried away.. Fawn Lowery used to slide er to a fund for a promotion of a. made of the marriage of Miss Hel away by the incongruity of the short .that followed. For over an down the chicken house roof. Esther school activity. Dean Karr and a gir. Wheeier to Church Nixon. The ce' hour I watched planes, earth, munitions factorieSi and m<:n blown Wellensiek slid down too, on the student played garbage men and were mcny was performed at the parson to bits by bombs. Scattered throughout the scenario were lid-bits house roof, stopping just at the eaves getting along smoothly until they en- of the Presbyterian Church in F to the effect: " .... and why are they going to war? To be killed for trough. Kathryn Erffmeyer was countered a deaf customer. The old City December 24, 1933. The yo ' something they don't understand. And other chaps in future wars dumped out of a canoe in deep water. lady got from their conversation that. couple are now living on a farm n, ·,.rill go and be killed too." . Where the fun came, since she could- they were getting married, and were Auburn. Mrs. Nixon matriculated'~ I "Ot to the theater late so I didn't see the newsreel unt1J after- n't swim, was guessing who would pull held up for want of a license, so had 1937. ward."' And then after spending all this time watching a picture her out. Dorothy Perkins' fun came to haul garbage. The next moments Edgar Wiltse, a freshman from of which the main theme vvas to show the highlight on the waste of playing basketball on roller skates. proved both embarassing and funny. City, is in the Falls C'ity Hospital of humanity war causes, 'I saw a news short with running comment Elnid Stofferson's ski thrills came from we arrived Jt the middle part of the covering from an appendicitis ope by a learne.cl and sage incliYid{1al .known a8 H. V. Kaltenborn. This observation not participation. That stack. Space and time did not permit tion. He will not be able to returd' bit of photographi1c pastime was devoted to flashes of events as t?ey is, watching fearless Ben Sheldon fol- a description of Eleanor Niemann's college this semester. occurred in sequence in th.e September and October European cnsis. low some skis down Christian hill. freshman year; Dorothy Roberts' snow My sarcastic surrealism was raised when I heard from t~e depth ?f Ernie Horacek's most fun stories hike; Norma Helmick's figure eight; Actors. Have Scavenger the screen the words of this commentator as Chamberlam put quill came in doubles. It seems the old Alice Trummer's truck ride; Phyllis To End Scavengers , to paper at :i\I~nich,"-and he (Chamberlain) signed away his sister perfect setup ocmrred. Two men on :Master's on the stage; Kate Bartling"s A scavenger to end all scaven' republics." All the faith I had in the idea that the movie industry base and Ernie at bat. T'hat is at bat and Mary Lou Harvey's Omaha eve- was the idea behind the party atten,. might ::1ee fit to use its voice in rig·hteous propaganda instead .of war long enough to knock 'em home. Not l~ings, or Glema Mier's frat pin, but by fifteen Dramatic Club members " wahooes vanished and a glimmering of the realization reached me doing this once but again on a wild we did shake our headlJ!.at these three Sundny night, January 29. that those who are interested in promoting wa,· ;is a money-making pitch-at that, hitting a homer this retorts: Quote Margaret Williams: ilMmbers met in front of Eliza proposition are more than likely to be the same individuals who time. That was rather fun, but the "My heavens, I have fun all the time. gan Hall. Each group of four have the money they gained from the past wars (of which the \Var real yippee time came around Hallo- I think eating hamburgers is the most given five names of famous plays s' To Encl War is; the most memorable) in mediums such as the ween when our Wilber friend eluded fun and I can do that in Peru or any- as "Taming of the Stew," "Satur cinema, radio and newspapers which a1:e h\ghly useful as means of !Jeople, wire fences, guns and blockades where." Rose Erhenberger: "I ain't Evening Ghost," and Hellzapoppin"" drawing haloes about the heads of "heroes" of future manglings. A to accomplish a typical boyish prank never had no fun except when I order- were instructed to find and bring: vicious circle. Even a Senate investigation committee would be and was chased by a cop in a model ed a glass of apple cider and they gave articles personifying and explai hard pressed to prove this but the suspicion oi such a P.ossibility is T Ford-and Eureka! was caught! me apple brandy." Emma Rosicky: "I these titles. Carter Johnson, more than ju:Jtified. Doing thing·s for the first time offer- remember lots of times saying, 'I've Olive Richardson, Ernest Horacek Whenever I write of such things it never fails to occur to me ed fun for these people: Lorene Stites never had so much fun in my life,' but Thomas Chinnick won first prize. that a nineteen-year old junior in a midwes'tern state teacher.s col- receiving her first acting lesson from I can't remember when it was." most unusual presentation was the lcg·e is quite unqualified to talk at all learnedly of such items. rival of Rosf McGinnis as "Ab . . Surely I cannot say that I speak from authority nor from personal where there has been intervention the value of investments pro- Irish Rose." observation or experience. I cannot even tell you that I make these cected has been less than the cost of intervention. I sp,eak fur The party ended with a picnic ~,tatements after reading the written thought of some other eLlitorial those who optimistically believe that at some time the people of Neal Park. edifier nor that I draw my conclusions from :i. life time of dealing this world may be elevated to a place where they can olettle their Betty Kathryn Cole was progr: with human nature. grievances arouml a table inst :<.d of aroLttJl a l. lood-soakeG field. I chairman and Ardist Ch1istian But I speak for those who s·ee little of the so-called "glory" ' .1ieak for youth that must fight the next war that our elders~ Thomas Chinnock were in charge•; war. I speak for those who look at it practically and realize that statesmen, laymen and news commentatoril-throw upon our heads. the picnic.




Watch the Bobcats Battle ,.. 55-39 is Score Of Cats Win at Midland IPERU STATE HANDS

j••r&-~cX~l;~r~;;:::~ 1


Bouncing 13all By Norman Littrell

- Doane

PERU PREP DEFEATS AUBURN BULLDOGS Victory Makes Fourth For Hall's 'Kittens Sharpshooter Wayne Pugh

Ferne Cameron is Basketball Leader W. A. A. basketball will begin as soon as the volleyball tournament is over. Ferne Cameron is · spor t 1ea der sparked for basketball. All girls on the cam-

Mosley, Greathouse

Just Jottings:

Press Halliday, Top Man

Exams, new subjects and a trip outof-town all combined to make me lose Peru Prep into a 18-16 victory over Coach Higgin's Bulldogs at Auburn out on the inside dope-but here goes Friday night. this and that. Peru faces plenty of Prep jumped into a 7-2 lead at the fasi; opposition in the next few weeks. quarter with Roy Grafton leading the The college teams started slow-but Kittens. The lead was increased to a are really rounding into shape. No 9-3 advantage at the half. wonder Wheeler has such a worried Captain Meyers and "Lanky" Gadlook on his face-Jones is worried dis turned on the heat for Auburn in about catching up on his reading- the third and fourth periods. The "How to Bring 'Em up Alive." third period ended 15-10 and with Grads vs. Bobcats the prepsters failing to regain the earEvery year the grads come back to ly game speed, Auburn kept striking. give us an eyeful. This year they The game ended just in time to save seemed in good shape and played a Coach Hall's basketeers, 18-16. swell game. However, I can't figure The contest was the rubber-game of whether they are tr}ing to show the the series. Prep received the margin boys what will happen to them in a Lwo games to one. few years or not. I can't picture HalPrep's record now stands four vicladay filling out to become an Ething.t . . t tories as compared with three defeats. ton . J us t the same 1 is mce o see . d b , The second team regained its winsuc h a 1ot of gra s come ack to Peru . In th G · nmg ways 16-10. Art Clements and e ym. "Tuff " P Im h Heard at an intramural battle: SevY a er led t e Prep seconds.

Peru's heavy gun~ thundered at Fremont Friday night and the Cats


1 .



rolled out of town with. a 55-39 victory Alumni Show College Good Game, Score


Sport fans ·enjoyed a double feature Friday night, January 20, as Peru State drubbed the Nebraska University secona oui.ntet 60-37. Double feature game it was because the first half ended 22-22 and fans anticipated a repetition of the tight game won at Lincoln by the Bobcats 36-31.

V l)lley B:1Jl Tournament Climaxes W. A. A. Sports

pus who are interested in basketball are urged by Miss Phyllis Davidson to come out for this sport.

W. A. A. Plan Chili Supper February 2 is the date set for the W. A. A. chili supper which will probably be held at the W. A. A. cabin. The committee in charge consists cf Maxine Randall, Jeanne Winkleman, and Faye Bouse. BOBCATS LOOK FORWARD


HARD GAMES Busy days are ahead for the Peru Bobcats and happy days are ahead for Peru fans as the Bobcats are playing at home for a series of five games. February 3 the Bobcats meet the powerful Doane quintet. The Tigers are after Peru and the resulting scrap should be a lulu. Peru defeated Doane at Crete 40-32, but don't let that fool

Two athletes in the blue and white of Peru, named Halliday and Mcintyre, broke snch an anticipation into small fragments. The shattering was done by their mixing of 22 points with an endless march on the "Bee's" basket. In the second half Peru's giants scored 38 points as compared with the "Bee's" 15. erson: "Where's a blueprint of this Auburn-16 FG F'I' PF TP you about Deane's power. Keep your The final minutes found "Swisher"\ gym? I can't find the darn basket." McKenny, f .......... 0 o o eyes on m;·eves, Sloey, Belka and Halliday granting the crowd's merci- Also Halladay's and Walker's referring Banks, f ............ o 1 o 1 Dutcher. less cries for 60 points as he added. to the Reiff-Floyd game. Halladay is Richards, f ._,, ...... o o 1 o February 4 the Bobcats meet Hastnumbers 24 and 25 to his scoring total from Reiffs and Cecil is from Floyds. Petens f ............. 0 o <ngs. 1he Broncs have won 5 out of of the night. A ball shot out of bounds and Cec Gaddis c ............ 2 o 4 6 their defeat being at the hands of Best performers for the red boys of called, "Blue," while Bob yelled, Scott g .............. 1 1 3 Deane. Leading the Hasting's attack . L. GREATHOUSE Hnskert.own were Hulbert and Pireath- "White," they looked at each other Meyers g-c .......... 3 2 8 will be McLauglin, Grant, Richendifir, over the Midland Warriors.. It was ley. and exclaimed, "Jump." Totals 6 4 16 Trupp and Brubaker. The Hastings Peru's ninth consecutive victory of the PEiiU ro Fr PF TP All in all a vote of thanks to the fel- Prep-18 FG FT PF TP team is small and fast. season. ~y ............. 2 o 4 4 lows who do referee the intramural Grafton, f ........... 2 o 3 4 February 7 the Nebraska Wesleyan Midland was unable t'o cope With Walker •.•.•••..•...• 3 o o 6 games. Brown, f ............ 0 o o o Plainsmen come to Peru. Wesleyan Peru's highly wuted offense and the Halladay ........••.. u 3 l 25 Little Blue Book Coulters f .. .. .. .. .. 2 o o 4 has a fair team this year and is Hable Bobcats led at the half 32-16. Prom Dean ................. o o o 0 Notes from the book finds Peru has Palmer, f ............ 0 o o o to be a headache to the Bobcats. then on coach Wheeler substituted Greathouse ........... 4 o 3 8 had the most points, 15 out of the last Kamen, c ............ 1 2 3 February 10 finds Kearney at Peru. frequently, but Midland just couldn't Mcintire ............. 4 3. 3 11 18 years. Peru has seen five coaches in Smith, g ............ o o 2 o Hasting' defeated Kearney-but you stop Peru's barrage. Bailey ............... 3 o o 6 this period: Spier, Graf, Kietmrck, Slinker, g ............ 0 o o o know how Kearney plays against Peru. 2 7 This is the Bobcat's chance for fostAs usual Halladay led the scoring, Total .....•••••.... 27 6 11 60 'Lorbeer and Baller. Pug·h, g , ............. 3 but this time he was hard pressed by Peru has met Kearney 26 times since Velvick, g ........... o o o 0 ball revenge. NEB. B FG FT PF TP 1921 and has won 111 of the games. 'i'otals 8 z 9 18 The improving Midland squad comes to Peru February 14. ;Midland got off Mosley, Mcintire and Greathouse. Rubino ............... 2 o o 4 In the 18-year period 14 games have These four all collecting ten or more Van Buskirk .......... 2 0 1 been one point victories of which Peru to a bad start and then swept along points each. Werthman . . . . . . . . . . . O o 1 has won 10. Two point games totaled mco . . a t·ie with Doane for the N. C. A. Midland is tied with Doane for the Duncan .............. 2 o 5 8 but only 3 were for Peru. C. lead. N. C. A. C. title. Schulz .... : .......... 1 0 0 2 The number 13 was luck for Peru. School Supplies are lower priced at Box score: Hulbert · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4 2 4 10 Opponents stopped there 12 times and Cnatelain's. .uelivery Twice Daily. Midland-39 FG FT PF TP PitcarthleY • · • • · · • • • · • 3 2 3 8 Peru won all 12 games. Peru never Phone 112.-Adv. D. Draemel, f-c ....... 5 2 3 12 Uhlman .............. 1 o O 2 ~topped on 13. Meaders, f .......... 0 0 0 0 Total .............. 15 7 8 37 The number 33 appeared the most as Echtenkamp, f ...... () O O O The basketball stars of .past Peru it appeared 21 times. Larson, f ............ 2 O 4 O teams came to town Saturday night ~o Green, c ............. 3 4 2 IO give the present occupants of the Blue If you wish to join the agency Dahlinein, c ......... '.i O J 4 and White suits a hard game. The with a personal interest in your Brock, g . . . . . . . . . . . O O 2 O college won 48-41. successful placement and conBundgaard, g ........ 2 O 5 The last statement of the preceding tinued advancement, join the Campbell, g .......... 0 O 2 O parag-raph might not have bm1 presagency working exclusively for Minus two veterans, little Peru Prep M. Dhaemel, g ...... 2 O 3 4 ent had the stars been in shape and teachers in Peterson, g .......... 0 O O could have played fast ball throughout walked into a large lion's den at Falls City Friday night and were devoured Totals ........ 16 7 17 39 the contest. Peru-55 FG FT PF TP Fans talk of the great players who by "Jug" Brown's neat athletic combiHutton, f · ............ 0 O O O have achieved success on the college nation of five men, commonly called a Walker, f ............ 0 O O court, but Riggs tops them all. Riggs, quintet; the scores were 41-5 and 38-2. JOIN THE Had Dale Kamen, out with an inMosley, f ........... .4 2 l 10 whose speed was sired by lightning Hanley, f ............ O 0 O O <:ut of sound, was all over the court, jured back and Dick Clements been on PROFESSIONAL ·TEACHERS Halliday, f .......... 7 1 2 15 ECOring" thirteen points, and feeding to the trip Prep might have obtained a . ,BUREAU .. , Greathouse, c ........ 5 3 2 13 other players of the alumni quintet;. point totaling the teens and kept 927 W. 0, \V, BuildingeOMAHA, NEBRASKA perennial Southeastern conference Cramer, c ............ O O 0 O "Bus" Moore ably assisted. "A booster for Peru graauate>" 1 L. MOSLEY Huegel, g ............ 0 0 2 0 Peru's side was powerfully debated champs down within the thirty mark, m '*4 i'!Wi Dean, g ............. 0 0 1 by Halliday and Greathouse. Halliday but beyond those accomplishments ·r;-:::c:•::::::::".~~:::r~:::z~~:::.~:s:~-:t:=~~~t:::,~::::c:::~-::;::~~.::::::: i Mcintire, g .......... 6 1 3 13 scored 20 points and Greathouse 17 there lies no hope. ' Wnte us for a reg1strat1on blank. Get a good ~ Falls City so far this year had aver- fi1 Morris, g ............ 0 1 0 1 markers. pol!lition. We have served teachers for 3~ years. Bailey, g ............. 1 o 4 2 "The SW!sher" Halliday has scored aged 44 points against 13 for the op- ~ 68 points in the last three games. position, and no doubt is expressed by MERCY! HOW AWFUL! Peru-Alumni box score'. sportsmen in the khow that the club A member of Public speaking class in PERU FG FT PF TP will enter the state tourney without a advocating mercy killing was met with Walker ............... 1 0 0 2 blemish on their spotless sheet. opposition from certain persons who in \Mosley ............... 3 0 7 Falls City (41) TB FT PF TP looking into the future saw the possi- Halladay ............. 8 2 2 18 Heinzleman f ........ 2 o 2 4 bilities of something similar happen- Greathouse ........... 8 2 0 18 Reccet f . . . . . . . . . . . . O J. :1>.~!l!.~lQ:;,~2lJ(gjiilJl1!J§illlilllillJl!1JillllllJillJ'IT:1li!1llillJ§illJ:gjillJ!llI;J:illJilll;;J:115'!ll1illJillJillJl!1Jl!liflillj]illJflillj]!gj@)jl~lillfilll








i -~;~~~~:~~!~~.::::c~~D~i~~~~~1~2~~~:~~~'~;~~ THE SPEC1Aus1S7E0UCfooNAL BUREAU ~ :

ing. The scene is a hospital at 8:00 ,Mcintire ............. 0 1 3 James f .. . .. .. .. .. . a. m. A young Doctor is reporting. A Dean ................. 0 0 1 O Huettner f .. .. .. . .. . O nurse speaks. Bailey ................ 1 o 1 2 Hess c . .. .. .. .. .. . .. o Nurse: Good morning, Doctor GilTotal .......... 21 6 7 48 Bossom c ............ o 1 stead. We have a new patient. A cer- ALUMNI FG FT PF TP Mosiman Capt g .... 1 O tain Mr. Brown of Norfolk Drive. Riggs ................ 7 15 Johnson g ........... 0 0 Doctor: Mr. Drown of Norfolk Drive, Moore ................ 6 3 13 Hebstreit g .......... 9 2. eh? What's the diagnosis? McCormick ........... 1 0 2 2 Lovick g ............ O O Nurse: A sprained ankle, slight nasal Carmickle ............ 1 1 1 3 PERU PREP (5) FG FT congestion and minor bruises. Result Punches .............. O 1 Coulters f . . . . . . . . . . . o 1 of auto accident. Hatcher .............. 3 1 1 7 Mason f .. . .. . .. .. .. o o Doctor: Isn't he the man who is go- Ethington ............ O O 3 O Velvick f .... -.· .. .. .. o o ing to leave a $50,000 endowment to Total .............. 18 5 12 41 Grafton Cap. c . . . . . . 1 o this hospital at his death. Well.,-give Pugh g . . . . . . . . . . . . O 2 him the works. Call the undertakers School Supplies are lower priced at Palmer g . . . . . . . . . . . . o o and get me the Travel Bureau on the Chatelain's. Delivery Twice Daily. Smith g . . . . . . . . . . . . o o phone.

Phone ll.2.-Adv.

Slinker g ...........



0 O 1

o O 0

o PF 2

2 1



l J.~i






o o 1 o O


2 \l , ! lh 2 STRICKLY PERSONAL - HIGHLY SELECTIVE ; 1 ~1 M. E. SHUCK, Ph. D., Manager r:1 2 ~. 820 Sixteenth St., Denver, Colo. ~ 0 :;;:·.lli1'1'.1lll1l:!!!,mll1llillJillJillJillJillJillJillJillJillJillJillJillll!1JillJillJilll!l.!Jillllilil!1JlilililiilllillJ!gj@)jlillJlillliliflillj]illl00illlOO§!filjj)'.lJ:lfili~~ 20 O~ TP 1 CLINTON, IOWA C. E. COZZENS, Manager o We have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home Ecoo nomics, Cominercial, Music, and Manual Training. Many good 2 openings in all fields. Enroll now-


We furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak _"inn., Wis.




Fubllshed Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, NebrD;;ka as second class matter. · $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents.

You do it; we'll chalk it up :~*~*~*~~~*~

"CoodJe'' McHugh played hobb with EDITOR .................................................... RUTH CRONE a freshman girl's ideals when he won ASSISTANT EDITOR .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. STELLA ROGGE those penny tosses on the dorm steps. ASSISTANT EDITOR .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. THANE HALE Clayburn and his third degree took SPORTS EDITORS ...... NORMAN LITTRELL, WAYNE McGINNIS the gong when McDougal said, "You TYPIST .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. MARY LIZABETH WERNER get me so flustered." ADVISER ........ _.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . M. FLORENCE MARTIN a Physiology and Hygiene explanation has it that the head is a typical ~ 'T "·' REPORTERS body cavity.. Was the reference to the ~ i_,,. r~ faculty or student body, Miss BrackMary Modlin Winifred Hall Wayne Wilson Mary Grush Jean Winkelman Mary Olive Richards ney? Overheard remark: "I dropped that conrne because there was too much writing. It takes too much time to copy someone else's lesson.'' Eadsie's departure was a loss to dormitory circles. Her farewell blowout put the retiri~g hour a bit late. "Insomnia" Cramer, that walking dream from Hardy, believes more in quantity than quality on these Nebraska City triple dates

i'HIS BUSINESS OF WRITING EDITORIALS isn't all it's cracked up to be-and I do mean cracked. •First


thought that I would write a stilted, severe little dittv on booinoat • b haskethall games. That is, I was going to write such an article un-

til I talked to the referee at one ofr"our most recent victories. We g-ot to the subject of audible audience protest and he said that he

The Dramatic Club J:tas a prospective member. Bob Halla.day believes he could become a crackerjack of an actor in some of those s~enes in "Moonshine and Honeysuckle." That "Persian Pearl" that Dean "Stuckovitch, the Mad Russian," refers to in his dream~ bn't a los> love but a racing filly Does Severson get the "scoop" id<>a from living with Bill Mallory or listening to him?

thOt\ght Peru was very good in that re~pect; that both spectators and participants were good sports, but If I really wanted to see mob rule-and while he gave a detailed account, I, at the memory of my malicious thoughts, mentally blushed. Then I thought that I might i't:are up a little honest patriotism in favor of a student union. That is, I was going to write such an article until I talked to the President of Peru State Teachers Collr ge and discovered that the first floor of the new dorm ;as to be devoted to such activities. ~

It sounds like a sermon but the prep Alumni shouid have read about the h. ter severa more creations and disruptions of ideas about "Tortoise and the Hare" before they state economy and. ot_her myths this life<,aver came m.y way: played the "lowly'~ Lindstrofns 'f


We wonder if Casanova's dates are still bcing arranged by his initial sponsor, the S. for P. of C. to D. A. Gerald Bowen (Wrong Way Corrigan) of Peru, seems to have found more than one girl on a one-way street. FrOJll all reports f th e ·Learn to Dance Club's Brooker's Ball lifted the depression from everything but the club's pocketbook. Bert HalPs team is in a groove. Their one point lead when the final gong

"Nebraska ranks third among the states in productivity of eminent men in the fields of art and sciences~' . .

. . a..ccordmg to a d1s···c· overy·····m· a.de ten.years·ao-o b.v Dr. S. • b , · · is er of Indiana Umvers1ty. By thrs we do not mean that Ne);raska has produceq the third largest number of Famous Men'of all( the state:\ but it does mean that it has produced the third largest number in relation to its population.

-: y•,This ·h






sounds game.

This, we understand, is a survey of the "nation's intellectual '.radership."



The Peru Pedagogian

This is particularly interesting because the matter of

really insures



The excitement was intense, the what consti~utes an. "intellectual leader" has been long disputed. teams battled and perspired, the crowd ~h.ese men mclude those who are president of colie,ges\ and univer- roared, the referee yelled, "Time!" so ~1ties of more than ten hundred ambitious souls, superintendents of Margaret Williams said, "8:13," with::chools in cities of more than 600 hundred inhabiting. souls, deans out changing her facial expression. The dormitory flashes the lights so the boys will know when to stop saythe Natio~a'. Academy of Science or the American Academy of ing goodnight. Arts and Science. In other words, it has nothing to do with the A scrutiny of the crowd reveals Mary :1ccumulation of votes, friends, politics, titles. or property. Ellen Slack sitting with Werner at the of leading law and education schools and those who are members of

game-McCormick and Christian Greats Sims without Thornton-Joe Vacek for ~very•million PW'ibns, which is exceeded by Massachusetts and and Mildred Williams-K Eddy withConnecticut by only one 1fan. In other words, Massachusetts is Miers. Overheard remark: "Montzingo is producing three times as many Famous Men a'S either Nebraoka going through the alphabet but he has or Connecticut. It would be difficult to determine whether that passed the C's without asking me." n:tio is being maintained in these ten years. The Peru Hour received its biggest . . jolt last Sunday night. when a memA maionty of Those Listed were Nebraskan pioneei's who her of the staff sauntered into Eliza Vivacious Visher tells· us that our state produces


grap;::l~d wi1:h and matured under cond.itions that are a great deal Morgan re~reaUon hall and. perceived different from those that are present todav. I 17 coeds l!sterung to Charlle McCarthy.



To those of you who see Nebaska slipping in thi·'~ produ t' f . . ~. c 1011 o intellectual leaders, the~e 1s consolation-be that as it mav-that there may be other t . f F u • Ypes o · amous men that mean more. (Sacr1legel) · Once upon a f 1me ·we pr~sente d M r. Pound and Mr. Bryan whereas now we give to the world Johnny Goodman, Robert Tavlor Henry Fonda. '

Cole is going around crying, "Boo, hoo!" . What well-known sophomore girl who wasn't here last year and J'unior boy who was ·here last year will soon announce the purchase of a licenseand I don't mean fishing?


HEADLINING THIS ISSUE Page one: Students Union plans -Dr. Boucher's address-Peru Hour-Maryville debate tournament-Dr. Johnson speaks!. B. C. Essay AwardS'--Bouse ·announces cabinet-Miss Gockley improves-Pedagogian PollRandall ill.

Alumni 1raib~f: 'fl,

By MARY MODLIN Position-Miss Jean Harvey (matd?. culated in 1934) has a position as ~;j( laboratory technician in the office <>fi thf· medical firm, Obberman and Han..:J son, in South Omah~. Miss Harvey,t whn majored in science here, received '10 1~'*1 her technician training in Omaha ::Y

Teaching-Miss Lucille Erfmeyer ;,Ir Page two: Editorial-Alumni who took graduate work at P. s. T. c.A: Trail-Doing the Lambethin the summer of 1938 is now teaching ·.l:···· Scoreboard-R. Sutorius reviews. home economics at Fort Byron Illin- ;. uis. ':; Page three: Bobcats defeat Basketball team-Elmer C1arey (maHastings-IO rate W. A. A. varsi!y-Bouncing Ball - Bailey tr:culated in 1935) writes from Edi;;on, ;£~ leads against Doane-Randall's where he is manual arts instru•:tor, :t team wins-Bobkittens have that his grade s~h0ol basketball team 35-34 victory-Crawdads - Per- has had a successful sea&cn The team l won all of the six games they nave 1 sonality Club. played, running up a total score of 205 jArt Club reorganized - Band points tO their opponents' 38. Mr. · l'age four: Chatter Column- Clarey, who writes that he enjoys the 'f appears in _uniform-Jitterbugs Engagement - Announcement was have jam sessionS'--Y. W. inmade of the engagement of Doris .l Prichard ('38) and Jerome Snyder :~ ooooooooooaooooooooaoooooa ('33). li!liss Prichard at presBnt is teaching in the highschool at Ogalala and Mr. Snyder is -supervisor of music DOING THE LAMBETH in the highschool at San Marcos, Tex- • No longer do you need to check your as. dignity with your wraps when you go VisitS'--Jack Hazelton, a 1938 graduto a dance. You don't have to risk ate, was a visitor on the campus last nervous breakdowns or the self-hypweekend. Mr. Hazelton is music innotism of the jitterbug. Now you can structor in the De Witt city schools. conduct yourself with dignity in the Teaching-Now teaching in the primidst of a merry mood via the Lammary department in Gordon, Nebraska, beth Walk. The dance made its appearance is Miss Lillian Humphrey ('38) of Auwith London society not' long ago, burn. Miss Humphrey assumed her when a charity benefit was given in duties January 23. Birth-Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wignall the Cockney quarter. Society took part in the folk dances to break the announce the birth of a daughter, stiffness of class barriers. It is the Sheron Lou, January 29 at the Lutherfirst new dance which the British have an Hospital in Be'ltrice. Mrs. Wignall, taken up since the World War. Prince formerly Miss Naricy Ellen· Naviaux, Serge Obolensky saw this dance in <'34) is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs J. London and brought it to New York. H. Naviaux of Nebraska City. Visits-A visitor on the campus Wed~ It made its American debut on . the St. Regis Roof where .foe'Rines and 11esday, February 1, was Mrs. Viola Weatherfield, newly-elected Nemaha his orchestra were playing. Just because the Walk was taken county superintendent. She was formby the Cockneys from the antics of trly Miss v:oia: Rockemann, who mathe milder patients from a hospital triculated here in 1925. Supervisor-At the beginning of the for the insane, you need not fear for your own sanity. The dance is sim- second semester Miss Ruth Ann Hill ple, delightful, and utterly sophisti- 1'38) who has been teaching the fifth cated. Arthur Murray, America's fore- grade in Wymore, added to her duties most dancing instructor, describes the those of grade school music instructor. dance for you: ; Position-Miss Margaret Stappen"Partners march side by side, gentlemen to the left. Strut forward s back (matriculated in 1932), who is steps; swing the arms jauntily. Link taking post graduate work at the Uniright arms, walk around in a circle to versity of New Mexico, Albuqll'erque, the right 4 steps. has received notice that her applica"Quickly reverse, linking left arms, tion for a position as air hostess has ocen accepted. At the end of the seand walking 4 steps in circle to left. "Again strut side by side 8 steps mester at Albuquerque she will begin Partners sei;iarate taking 4 very short the hostess training course at llive steps walking away from each other in Field, Dallas. Upon completion of the a very small circle, ending by facing course, she will enter the employ of each other and slapping knees in time Braniff Airw<i.ys which has planes opto music. erating between Brownville, Texas, and "End with pointing thumb over left Chicago shoulder in hitch-hike fashion, and Hirth-Mr and Mrs Arvin Co.·1e of yell 'Oi!'" Remember it's important Dl!nbar :..nnounced the birt~1 C'f a so~ that you start on the first beat of the January 24. Mrs. Cone will be rememchorus and keep actions in time with oered rel P. S. T. C. as M's1- Clar~ music. A quick jerk of the thumb Lawrence. backward toward your left shoulder- Teaching-Miss Blanche Freeman Ol!-Lambeth Walk. ('38), who had been teaching in Ponca. r,ccepted a Jmition in the commercial department of the Wymore city schools Ruth Sutorius Reviews beginning January 23. Book for Ka,ppas "Foods, Poisons and Potents", was reviewed by Ruth Sutorius Monday, January 30, at the Kappa Omicron Phi meeting. H you wish to join the agency The group has been studying conwith a personal interest in vour sumer buying and research successful placement and ~on­ Thursday, February 3, the club, :inucd advancement, join the under the direction of Mary Matthews agency working exclu:;ively for 1 teachers in served a banquet for the Od Laer Club held in the Home Economics room.






"Doc" Micas has come to Peru, the heart of the apple country, to do a As reflected f~om ~ newspaper columnist, it's all in the way one little polishing. one look.s at the s1tuatron and if it is neces.sary that we stay on top Sanders hypnotized Lyons. (How's of the pile, all Nebraska has to do is to name its field. that for lyin'?) New freshmen motto: 1 The semester is over. Hurray! Hurray! No more work 'ti! the last of May. QUESTION OF THE WEEK: . No use looking at Jack Schock, gals. . . : We just found out that he already has YOUR BEST-Visit Ardyth's If a child were born of an English mother and a Yuc:mtisei hung his frat pin out of town. Beauty Shop. Call 223 Brady Ap't. JOIN THE ARDYTH ROBINSON LIVELY. fa~her on a French liner on the Indian Ocean bound from Alexan.i Th~ Saturday night dance took on -Adi I ~na,. Egypt, to Cape Town, the parents were drowned and the child the a~r of a d~ters' reunion with Zelda I is raised by a German fishmonger whose 'f . S d' . Carmme, Maxine Metcalf, and Blanche Why buy ordinary paints when you ' • W1 e is can mav1an and Freeman back on the campus can buy high quality DuPont produGts l~~~~~~~~~~lilifiilil1!ifill speaks Italian-what nationality is the child 9 • ' I HOOK AND LADDER! at no extra cost.-Peru Lumber Co.Ad .. '1



-- Kearney

Watch the Bobcats Battle BOBCATS THRASH HASTINGS 57-34


Randall's Team Wins

Volley Ball Tournament

Winning two games straight, Maxine Randall's volley ball team outplayed Clara Dunn's team for the volley Forward Dutcher bail championship. The tournament Is Forgotten Man was held last week in the college gym. "Ding'' Bailey led the Peru Bob- nasium. cats to their tenth consecutive victory The teams cf handall and Dunn, the Friday night. This time Doane was opposing captains, were as follows: the vict.im. 44-25 as a predicted thrillRandall, captain Dunn, captain er turned into a runaway. Cameron Masters After a slow start of the game, BelCoatney Stofferson ka, Deane's capable center, pushed a Brier Trively p?.i1· of buckets through the hoop to McGill Klone give the Tigers a 4-0 lead. Carnahan Christian The jinx was ripped wide open; it E. Meier Heinke wasn't long until "Little Mansion" L. Meier Devore Greathouse had a bucket. Hallady Goings M. Anderson finally started off right and Mcintyre, Muenchau N. Anderson who was playing a good fioor game D,avis made two gift tosses to give Peru the lead 6-4. Highest quality work at popular At this point "Ding" Bailey scored two free tosses to make it 8-4. Halla- prices. Ardyth's Beauty Shop. 223. -Adv day added a .half basket; Greathouse

Mosley Leads Scorers

Marching On The Bobcats took ten and eleven this ?lsts were swinging Saturday night as weekend as they marched on toward ~eru State easily disposed of Hastings state honors. Chief menace in the fu3roncos 57-34 before a large crowd of ture seems to be tonite's tilt with the 3outheastern Nebraskans. strong Wesleyan team. Wesleyan Where against Doane it was Bailey knocked off Baller's Omaha U squad vho starred; against Hastings it was this week. 'Mose" Mosely, playing the greatest Wesleyan features Tuesday night's :ame of his Bobcat athletic career, battle, whlle Kearney tangles at Peru vho led the Wheeler-Jones coached Friday, February 10. >0ys to victory. The big red head D~vid Stories: nade seven field goals and four gift In the olden days lived giant killers osses for a total of 18 points. galore-Peru delved into the past last Peru started fast and with "Mose" Week and produced the killer Lind:etting hotter ever moment, victory stroms of intramliral basketball fame. ~as never in doubt ..: 27-13 was the The story as told around the houses talf score and the Bronco was sufferis: "Once upon a time there lived the ng from repeated insertions of the boys of the Lindstrom house team who lobcat claw. played in Peru's intramural league. The helpless Hastings fouls being Now these boys fought hard but lack onverted into Peru points featured of experience and some tough breaks and Walker a basket apiece and "Ding" he second half. The highlight of kept them from winning Their per- scored twice to give Peru a total of 17 ourse was the attempted double centage was 0.000 in other words. at the half. nockout between the Hastings "Ice"One night they encountered the Meanwhile Belka added his third ruck" and the Cats center Greathouse champion headed Prep Alumni squad basket, Reeves willed one to the cause, rith the delayed intrusion of McCr!t:ly in a fearful encounter Jn Peru's gym. and Neutzman, former Nehawka ace. aking second honors. The battle raged for 28 minutes-min- sank a gift from Mcintyre to bring The first year Bobcats won in a utes packed full of fast breaks and Doane's total to 9. ralk 58-20 as "Tom" Johnson scored sizzling shots. The Lindstrom boys led The first minutes of the second half 4 points. "TP :at the half, and then .with the aid of the two teams exchanged points. Bo ' When this period was over Peru led Castings (34) FG FI' PF o 13 xer Durst st.ailed, only. to have the 27-17 and "Ding" had scored twelve rcLauglin F . .. .. . . 6 Prep sneak into a tie at the end of the 0 game. 0 0 frant F ............ 0 points. ~ichendifer C . ... . . . 2 1 3 5 ..,._ the ............__ • ..:_. The rest of the game was taken up .w """'......, com.,... an overeager 2 guard overran .toe Uttrell and h with the Bobcats gradually increasing 'ropp G . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 O 4 · 3 0 potted · 'the · winning · · basket . e the;~ l~". The game ended = ". -2~ :rubaker G. . . . . . . . O 0 with u """' >utcher G .......... 2 1 ands left.··'° .&a The large with the reserves finishing for both .mold G · · · · · · · · · · · O 1 rooters fuShed onto the floor t-0 greet teams. oundy F . . . . . . . . . . . 0 O 3 O the giant killers, while the giants In the prelim!nary the Freshmen drubbed the Auburn Tradm·g Post 0 0 2 clumped t.o their dark retreats. 'r ' amer C · · · · · · · · · · · 1 (ein F .............. 1 O 3 "Once more right had conquered quintet 34-10. Cramer made 11 points. 1 0 /olf F . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 might or Boasting doesn't pay." DOANE FG FT ·pp TP 4 20 34 15 Totals However, fans, don't sell the Prep Reeves, F · · · · · · · · · · · · 1 o 4 2 eru (57) FG FT PF TP short-they've got' a good teairt and Dutcher F · · · · · · · · · · O O O :alllday F' .......... 6 2 O 14 their only mistake wai;· in getting Belka C ............. 7 O 4 14 2 18 cocky. Prep and Reiff should battle Sloey G · · .. · .. · · · · .. 1 4 Cosley F .... · .. .. .. 7 o o 2 freathouse C . . .. . . 2 3 5 in the finals for the cup. Bailey G .. . .. . . .. .. . 1 O O 2 ailey G ........... 1 2 3 Kittenball: Neutzman C ........ O o 1 4 If you would care to see an intra- Gilliland F .. · · .. · .. · 1 3 2 CcintyrP G · · · · · .. .. o 4 o 3 ralker F · · · · · · · · · · 1 o 5 jll.Ural kittenball tournament see Coach Lidolph G · · · · · · · · · · O o o 1 ~an .G ...... · · .... 1 o 3 Jones. All managers of intramural Baker F .... · · · .. · · · O O O O 4 teams and other interested parties talk Kinsey G .... · ...... · o o o o (orris C .... · · .. .. .. 2 o 1 to coach. Your response will deter- Genner F · · · · · · · · · · O 0 :andley F · · · · · · · · · · o O O :utton F .... · .... · O O o o mine whether or not such a tourna- Ramsey G ...... · .. · O 0 O 0 [ajors G · · · · · · · · · · O 0 Q u ment will be held this spring. PERU FG FT PF TP Totals 20 17 12 57 swunm · Ing: Halladay F .. . .. . .. .. 3 1 1 7

With 18 Points

~ ~



Facts Worth Knowing Double Sunset-on the same day! 'I'he phy$icist, J. A. c. Charles, saw the sun set before his balloon ascension rise again as he ascended, then set. (1783). Insure a double sunset of memories by ordering your 1939 PERUVIAN now.

H. C.



Office Ph 32 Res. Ph. 196




Modern Barber Shop Our Haircuts will fit your type of personality. We appreciate your patronage ~ WILLIS JAMES, Prop. '


Finest Radio Entertainment At Amazingly


Low Prices!


,.. Po,· fin.e3t TOJct?pib.m, use the Philco Safety At-rial, match.":l and tun.d to tli•

SlXi', Only $8,

Mosley F . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 o 2 2 Greathouse c . . . . . . 5 o 2 10 Mcintyre G ......... 2 4 3 8 Bailey G ............ 5 2 o 12 Walker F ............ 1 o 2 Handley F . . . . . . . . . . o o o o rieanG ............. o o o o Morris C .......... .. 0 3 Majors G ........... O 0 0 0 Bobkittens Edge Out Hutton F ........... o 0 0 0 Mudecas Class "A" Champs 'Huegel G .. .. .. .. .. . o o O o Crawdads Talmage the Mudecas Class "A" Cramer F . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 crawdads started the second semes- tournament champion, bowed to Peru Johnson F . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 r by continuing work begun the first Prep 35:34 Friday night 'on their own Purucker c .......... o o o o mester. Eugene Andrews, upperclass court. onsor, is planning water polo games Oscar Smith, sophomore guard, scor- m~:.,r~;L-.&~~:::n;~

TEN RATE VARSITY SQUAD Ten women, selected as the most :oficient players in the W. A. A. voly ball tournament rated a position i the volleyball varsity squad. Those chosen were: Randall, Dunn, 1meron, Masters, COatney, Stotierson, t:tristian,, Heinke, N. Anderson, and Meier.

Coach Wheeler issues a call for swimmers. .Anyone interested see him. The first meet is with Beatrice at 3:00 Friday, February 1~. Seven swimming events and diving will constitute the meet. Come and watch the splashers.

td relay races for the club.

ed twelve points as the prepsters mark-


:~o~nh!:.;-::,.~;l~i;..;;r;:::_. Personality Plans for a party to be held Thurs.y, February 16 were the main topics an informal discussion at the meetof Personality Club Thursday, Feb5 ary 2.

cance because Prep had the contest well controlled throughout its entirety. Prep led 7-4; 15-10; and 2H9 at close of the first; second; and third quarters respPctively Varno the only dangerous barricader. Prep had to face as

second semester officers will probly be elected at the next meeting. ----Scribblers Doris Starkebaum was accepted as a

he slammed 21 points through hoop. The seconds Jost 22-13 Peru FG FT PF TP Grafton F .......... 3 O 2 6'

Philco Wkeless Rc1·0-rd Player. Play! records through. '~ur present radio ...ithout wir~ 1 r cunnectio11s to aet 1





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· ran v · t. oms, o. ~ BERTHOLD GREENHOUSES j.'... ~-="':~~::::::--:-;:.::::~~~=~:::::'~:::::::~:::::~:::~~'tI~:-4~ I . the r~-}~;!!::~:!..~~~~~~~~"':~·~~ '. THE FISK TEACHER('ii> AGENCY ' fMG "-~ '·"'"' ,_ -·' • -- · "' - · ~ 11


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Slinker F . . . . . . . . . . Kamen C . . . . . . . . . . . Smith G . . . . . . . . . . . . Brown G . . . . . . . • . . . . Pugh G . . . . . . . . . . • • Clements G . . . . . . . .


Model 5-1uho

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:rs~:;,~b~~a~e 2~ri::~s B~~~ ~~~~:~el~r Jwed the members several magates to which original contributions certain types might be sent. rhe club spent the remainder of l evening listening to the original rk of individual members. Maryon .omas read an original short story d Nadine Naeve ah.ct Doris Starkemi each read two -poems they had ltten.


Transitouc TH-'l-, a








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You can buy the "One Coat Magic" ~ "A Mighty Good Place to TradeA ~. Duco at no higher price than the or- .If d.inary Enamels.-Peru Lumber Co. Ad. ~*~~*~*~*~


CLINTON, IOWA C. E. COZZENS, Manager We have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home Economics, Commercial, Music, and Manual Training. Many good openings in all fields. Enroll nowWe furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak., Minn., Wis .



oooooooooooooooooooooooooa Dr. Boucher Makes


1npus,Chatter Ca oooooorrooooo6ooooooooooooo

First Peru Address (Continu.ed from Page 1; CoL 3) degree. It was just an adding machine proposition ..... Fortunately that period came to an end after the World War, Since then the courses have been improved, There is better. ii;istruction than ever before. There is better educational guidance. We have not, of course, solved all our problems, but we are doing a better job than we have ever done before.'' He voiced progressiveness in his statement, "We must give the individual student the best possible designed program for his needs.'' Proceeding in his talk on the history of curriculum he quoted Oliver Goldsmith, who wrote in the 'History of England in a series of Letters': "Chi!dren can never .too soon be treated a:s men. , . ,Those who are incapable of

We heard the dorm girls are supposed to keep their cheese in traps. Who · almost made a hit with a girl Rita Russell is sponsoring the re- from Talmage? organization of an Art Club that has lived before but needed some revision Rus is back, Hazel in or.der · to successfully· jive again. We wonder why a third-floor lass Bertie Boom is president of this re- was so upset over the prospect of having the Melody Masters play for the newGd organization. To be eligible for membership in this spring formal. club a student must have· completed Then we have a Hunt who looked for four hours college art and hwe turned coal. He wanted his love to keep him in some original work of art. Any work warm, done outside of an art class should be It was once said "that night shows presented. There are .28 people at stars and women in a better light." present eligible for membership, He: There is nothing half as sweet Aero-cromatic paint\ngs are to be as a kiss, on display in the college art departShe: No, but the dime store variety ment February 21 through 26. This is only five cents a dozen. display should interest all students Girls, please don't take that "gal who are interested in art, a5 well as a'vay.'' those who are not students who have What "A" English student thought some art interest. for awhile that he was going to have This exhibit crmes t~ the campus to take "dumb-bell English?" from De'uver, It is a differnnt exhibit A certain froshie couple seem to like than that of last year and according so well a venerable elm on the cam.to critics 'is superior, P pus. During Homecoming it wo.s a O'Hara, one of our best contempor- P.:mtiac coupe. ary American Artists, is to present a Ellza Morgan Hall is housing anothdemon·stration in wfi;er color at the er Hall .these days-we mean nights. art rooms soon, · If interested, watch The second offense rea])· means stayfor the date. ing in, we hear. Magnolias bloom in the deep south, but a certain ''Rose" takes on a bloom Newly-Org~nized Band Makes after spending a few days as far First Uniformed Show Tonight south as our own sunny Richardson The girls' :band .. has incre11sed its County. membership to 20, · Their costumes, to What r'¥'!-headed frosh was so exbe worn at the Wesleyan game Tueshausted after the Christian House day night, are blue and white boleros, game that he couldn't take his "latest" white b:ouses, and dark skirts, to .the freshman dance? Profs. Will Conduct Clinic The convocation committee does not Professors G. H. Steck . and V, H. know that a certain sophomore (the Jindra will conduct a music clinic for Baron) would love to tell his worldthe Dawson Highschool Tuesday, wide experiences to the entire student February 7. body. They will criticize vocal and instruAnd then there was a certain freshmental numbers in preparation for man girl who, after the play, tossed a the M. I, N, K. contest, com to decide which of two sophoPartial Itinery of Chorus is Set mores she would go with. The chorus tilp has been set for To Collins House individuals: Is it April 6 to 1'6. .Definite dat~ and polite .to follow couples and spy on time have been settled for '<;qncerts in them?· the following toWN.s: . How much studying will Burton do DeWitt, Superior, Stamford, Beaver this semester? City, Hays Center; Cambrid&e, Edison, Rumors fly that Yont will soon be Oxford and Holdrege, haunting the library more than ever, At least 10 concerts in other towns 'I'he dorm steps see!ll lonely and forare being arranged. lorn without. Greathouse. Gordon Gilbert is missing a lot of JITTERBUGS HAVE SPREE talent Can it be he )\asn't heard DURING PAST WEEK~Er-.'D ' Pete Clark, the crooning ,cowboy of the By Richard Severson Collins House? Led by Cecil Wall):er and his Melody Warm weather l'loesn't account for Masters, the student body experienced nearly as many claAsroom yawns as the afld enjoyed a full. weeR-end of d.anc- hot spots of -the night before. ing. I ·haven't seen the Fuller brush man Thursday night the freshmen started_ lately, but he must have been around. the ball rolling by staging their first Evidence: Leonard Greathouse's upper informal dance of the semester. lip. Friday and Saturday . nights the It's going "round the. horn" that students celebrated the twin victories Mooney held an initiation for that over Doane and Ha.stings by holding certain "fem" this week. In what stage of courtship is the victory dances following each game. The Saturday evening frolic- was es- Lambert-Harrison couple? pecially interesting because of the What two men would tie for the presence of a number of former Peru- honors (?) @f the most hated profesvians. returning for a day's visit and sors on the campus? to renew old acquaintances. Among What basketball player went to the these were Maxine Metcalf, Zelda freshman dance the eve before the Carmine, Blanche Freeman, John Doane battle? Bjork, and former Professor John Bath, Boom Becomes President; Over 28 Membership

Y. W. C. A. Initiates


N~; t~e:~d~~ light


teaching the young mind 'to reason I ."There· is just one point of view that say that it is irhpossi):}le.'; . ·I thirik is essential before a college A French · pr~f~ssor who visited student's education. really begins," he PrL11ceton for sii months hi 1923 sajd said in conclusion, "It is your _educathat "in things cif the mind the Amer- tion,, .. you can't c.heat the instructor ican student ls too docile!' ·This is a out of a thing," result of being trained to lea'rn rather than being trained to think, · In attempting to revise 'this dc;'.1·,· tion: "What is this education'bus.:ne . anyway?" Chancellor Boucher quoted an authority, this time say MacDonald, who said, "The cdc• · , cated man is the man with certa:i\' : subtle spiritual qualities.'' : In attempting to revise this d :«.L- : tion Dr, Boucher stated: "From ,,:1:- : dents, I have picked up three p:. ·.:;,_:: which I think put together the ~:cot Poor Cave Man · definition I have ever encoum. {-fad No Newspaper The educated person is one witil. knowledge, disciplined intelligern> ''~'d. To Advertise In. discriminating taste. You mv.i '."cl Eut You Have ! ! them all together, 1

Booster Peru Merchants and friends WelcomeYou to P,ERU



PERU BOBCATS VS. WESLEYAN U. Get a ticket from Peru Merchants Listed Below worth 15c · Adm1ss1on · · 40 c · towards admission Price.

Auburn Nite

l~ ,'·:' .~.-' : ~r,



Auburn Fans 25c




February 10



Per ~

of flickering candles, new Y, W.. C. A.. members '>l"~.,~J,..,J,...J,...J""-J~J""J""o....,,..,...,,.,..,.~.,.,.~~~[,i; took the pledge ·of. the organization Tuesday evening, .January 31, in the training-school auditorium, Y, W. C. Electric Shoe Shop A. membership now totals 87, The whole group, led by Leora Lib·:c~'.I'.D:C''.'.'.NIL."'S'~~ J.P. CLARK hardt, president, entered into the reNorth of Skelly Station Get your tickets from the fa/lowing Booster:.:: Goci.6, for. 15c sponsive initiatory service, New memPhone 109 bers lighted their candles by the flame KINGSOL'"ER & THOMAS PERU LUMBER COMPANY FOWLER PRINTING CC, of the president's candle and formed Barbers SKELLY SERVICE STATION M.L. WRIGHT, REPAIR S.IOP a triangle. Old memb~rs followed, EARL'S CAFE PRYOR'S GARAGE A VENUE STORE lighting their candles and forming a PERU CLEANERS&TAILORS · REDFERN'S STORE HUTCHINSON GRAIN CO. JAMES' BARBER SHOP circle, which enclosed the triangle, 0. D. MARDIS Groceries . BANK OF PERU RED & WHITE STORE We Deliver BARNES' PHARMACY J. P. CLARK, Shoe Repair Monte Jean Gaines, Marie Chehey, T. C. COLLINS, Meat, Groceries Peru, Nebr. COFFEE SHOP HILL'S DRUG STORE and Janet Harris, the fiute trio, play- Phone 62 DECK'S HARDWARE ed as a special number the hymn, "O Wear. Clean. Clothes GOOD'S STORE PERU GARAGE DR. G. R JO DER, Love that will not let Me go.'.' CHATELAIN'S JEWELRY PERU CLEANERS & TAILOR

First N. I. A. C. Garn

W.P.A. Grant Goes to Peru For Open~air Auditorium $34,000 Work Project Promises Cinder Botany Paths, Bleachers, Sidewalks, Terracine;, Remodeling


PEDAGOGI ---------~----------------·~·===··-·


An open-air auditorium on Peru State Teachers' college tampus and nearly a mile of botany paths through woods around the school are included in a $34, 000 WPA pr-Oject prepan~d by the state normal. board, Area WPA. Engineer Homer Gausman, announced Monday.


Everetts Install Horacek as President Everett's elected second semester of-


Pasquier Trio Mctl~es n r erit Ap,neara1ice Febr 20 r .

ficers _at their regular meeting Thursday rught, February 9. ·Ernest Hora-1 ..1 G eek was elected president; Kathryn 1 __ Roszell, vice president;Mary Matthev.'s,: r;:;r;:;;m;:;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;s;;;;~~i@ITTiT:liiilii:%TfiliWiiiliamiiiii'I The project also includes remodelJ.;ig c; lennls courts and terracing of secretary; Winifred Hall, treasur21·; i1 tlie :ii;'t bank east of the football field, and Bert Hall, news secretary. The program was presented by l' c Gaus'-·:an said. freshman membe·s with 113 1: 0 'l'hc open-air stage with a wooden Heinke as chairman. Dornthy Ew:•:, Adee and Herzberg cone ".ill be erected in a natural am- sang, "Lamour Tou Jours Lamuu: . . pitheater behmd the gymnasium, Wtn Costume Prizes Gausn,an said The application has Mary Margaret Hull gav~ a group of Wild guessing went on as ·g!ris and / been sent to Lincoln for approval. humorous readings. oys sitting in the dormitory parlor The W!lrk is a part of a $42 ,, 000 blanThe last number on the progr;-:111 "'' : watched costume after costume gc ket project approved for the college. an extemporaneous pl~y gl ven by i·; · down the stairs to the recreation hali · cf those present. Saturday night. The occasion was The stage wiH have a wood floor. It the Gamma Chi "'I'itle Ball." is estb1ated that 2,000 persons may Fifty-five girls attended dressed ~n view programs from a steep bank dilnteresting costumes, each represent- rectly );1 front of the proposed locaing the title of a song or a book. tion. Tlw prize for the most original reGaur,man said the application in. Christian and Boatrn2'n resentation of a book title was give,; ciuded 4,000 feet of cinder paths Lead in Two Fields Madonna Adee, who mas dressed "-S through the woods surrounding the Locked doors, sii·o:·n Ccl:i:;•'ttce', :eidi". As the "Gypsy Love Song" college. The trail will be known hushed names, s~ci n tahnlation:; ma Herzberg received the prize for! as a botany trail and will be built to saved t,;c names of the '.;fght EcEiorc the best song, title, give students a chance to study naThree French Brothers elected as nprc'>entat.ivc students! The group prizes were awarded to ture at first hand. Have Large Repertoire ll nolni!1•·1·> ac convoc,ition M.::uby, re,lJ .. Verona Klone anq Kathryn Rosze as A retaining wall and rock bleachers Calendar "Two Little Girls in Blue"; to Jean ruary !3, from the eyes of tl'1: pub.re At 8: 15, Monday, February 20. PeKoeppel and Corine Whitfield as will be placed around the college ten- until the Pedagogian could scoop the ruvians \Vill be 0ntc:'taJ.!.1ed by thre2 Tuesday, Feb:·uary 14 'Angels With Dirty Faces"; and to n1s courts. Dirt from the bank slop- story. brothers, Pierre, Jean, md · ~tienne uth Sutorius and Mary Matthews Ing work in the stadium will be used 1bose whose namEs appe'.c:'Cri ii:crc Y. M.; Y. W.; C. C. A .. 7·8 p. m. Fasqu:er, cc111prising a L'io \Vhich are tlm,es on nomination ballots were Broadcast "The Prioners' Song." The jud;,"1'::s to fill a dump behind the heating · , . . s21d w be the beo;c :u21-p:-ete:-.s of ere Mrs. Marsh, Miss Wright, and ill be b ilt Harold Boatman, Nemat.a, Howard .M'.id1and game here plant. A new road w u Dean. Lincoln; Gordon Gilbert, Brock; C'han1ber rnuslc ar:-:l ~l:e first en~·.e.nbh.! through the wooclB to a new dump- Delbert Nelson, Lincoln; Laura Baum, Entertainment consisted of danc:ng Wednesday, February 15 de<:oting i Lseif to \.he propagati~n of Tecumseh; Ardist C!n·istian, Peru; d musical games directed by Marga- ing ground. string trios. Residence Girls . . . . 7-8 p. m. B1ick sidewall!s on the main campus Helen Margaret Larson, Peru; Glema :et Hend~rson. Several table games will be replaced with concrete, daus~ · Mi'ers, · Seward. The brothers star·ced t[;eir nnsical e aJso provided by the program Thursday, February 16 education at the Scllool of M1::;k :it man said. The final part of the proTops in personality, good looks and ool boy regalia complete even to the Freshman Clubs . . . . 7-8 p. m. Tours, France, later con:;nuin2 cheir ject will be the trimming and grub- popularity were Harold Boatman, ttee. studies in ?Jris. Each or:e lab· b'""Two Sleepy People" was a favorite bing out of approximately 5,000 trees. Ardist Christian, Bert Hall, Omaha Friday, February Ii c:ime aJiiliace'.l with cne ol' the lead .. ong the girls. Eilizabeth Glosser as It is planned to plant 1,000 new trees and Phyllis Benson, Ewing. Kea2·ney game at Kearney iDg 01ch::~:.r~~s of I"'~tris: Jc:ln, violinist:, ane lfyre" made a hit' in her long on the campus. Harold Boatman, who received both Dawson Highschool here with iJ1e ?as;,_L~OLl.J G:"C~:·.;3lra, L·i.erre, lvet gown. Kay Samuels in full Rustic bridge on the botany trail nominations, is president of the StudWi10 plays vicl;:-... v,rii:h L-.e Lmnoure:..: ol boy regaliacomplete even to the will be built with timber from dead ent Advisory Council. Howard Dc:an Saturday, February 18 O!'che.;tr::i arLi E~:er11~::, ccilioc, wi·,,1 an interesting trees. is a member of the first string footFaculty Party the C::1Jnne C'Ol1'"'t-n As::;ociation ball and basketball teams. The direcchool Days." Construction is expected to last five hotographer Peterson took pictures months. WPA is . f urrus · h'mg 1a bor, san d tor of the Peru Hour, Gordon Gilbert, Monday, February 20 When ihei;· s'u:;:b were ended at the prize winners and the entire and cement the state other materials. was another nominee of the representhe Cc11s2:". a~u·::, ll"I211 ~~t h~::iL thev Freshman Council .. 10:30 a. m. up tative student. He also, is a member realiz( d tl12lr dre;·lln 10 Jorn1 a ,-,trin:). Crawdads .. .. .. .. .. 7-8 p. m. . Ref~eshments of sandwiches and of the Geron and Perusingers. Mr. trio, e:.ztidLg lbci.r debut at the Salle Alpha Psi Omega .... 7-8 p. m. Nelson is Men's Club president, and Dancing concluded Tree Yields Three Lemons; de As-: icu~~e:::'::; ir~ Pci.~-is Nfo.rch 18, Kappa Delta Pi . . . . . 8-9 p. m. honorary football captain of 1938. 1927, followed by several toms which J Tri Beta Enjoys· Punch Laura Baum was one of the women showed tllen the possibilities of inter938 PERUVIAN REAPS Members of Beta Beta Beta enjoy- nominees. She is not only a member national recognition. Then followed ORE HONORS AT CALIF. ed punch made from lemons grown in of the dormitory council but also a appearances in London, Milan, Vienna, dditional honors have been heaped the green house at a meeting held group leader for Peru Players and Brussels, assuring the trio an established repuation. Not only Monday, February 6, in the botany president of Kappa Delta Pi. Ardist the National Scholastic Press As- laboratory. '!'his year the tree pro- Christian's most recent honor besides European papers cbimed this trio riation rate the book as first class. duced three large lemons, a record this recently bestowed through the Marie Chehey Plays to be the most successful organization crop. Peruvian was her election as W. A. A. that toured the ccntinent Ior the last Pi;mo Accompaniment aving Company has asked the ·h138 Haney Milstead led a group discus- sports queen at the revue. Helen Mar30 years. New York and Boston eruvian office to send the 19?8 Peru- sion 011 the topic, "Socialized Medi- garet Larson is editor of the 1939 PerProf. G. H. Steck sang five songs at scribes deemed it a privilege to listen vian, faculty assistant in the speech convocation Friday, February 10. ·an to them for a display at the Gol- cme." to them. Gate International Exposition. department and a member of Peru The scngs were divided into three e book will be placed in a display Geron and Singers. Glema Miers is groups. The first group consisted of This season they played over 60 conAll-American leading yearbooks of A. A. U. W. Sponsors known as the president of the dormi- two love songs, the second of three certs including appearances in Hole United States at the Exposition Tea for Senior Girls tory council, member of the Peruvian songs by Franz Schubert and tl1e third land, Belgium, three concerts in hich will open this spring. The American. Association of Uni- staff, treasurer of Dramatic Club of two songs by Russian composers. Prague, in Budepest, in Berlin, in Engmember of three honor fraternities, Prof. Steck Q·ave a short account of land as well as many radio a.ppearrersity Women entert.ained the senior of each solo. h ilos Initiate 14 anccs. At present they are preparing· girls from the college and the training Alpha Psi Omega, Sigma Tau Delta the bacl:.~round , t Candlelight Service sc;1001 at a tea Jn the Music Hall and Kappa Delta Pi. Two songs comprised t11e first group. four new works which v:ill be present'!be glow of lighted tapers guided Tlrnrscay afternoon, February 9. An Bert Hall, the other man candidate They were "Pas.sing By" by Edward ed for the first time. e feet of 14 new initiates into the exhibit of designs from the Trapha- for most popular student, is coach of Purcell and ''I Attempt from Love Tl1e almost incrcclible unity or their ilomathean Literary Society, Thurs- gan sc'l1ool of Design of New York Citv che Bobkittens, vice president of Men's Sickness co Fly" by Henry Purcell. J playing and their ~._;:lll){Tnicntal ady night,. February 9. was 011 display in the Music Hall Au- Ciub, president of the junior class, The second group was composed of . Just1ne11t to each 01 r·12r rt::)UlLs in tlie ter a brief business meeting at I ditorium. program chairman of Y. M. C. A., sec- a series of songs, the music of which th rce \Vorkil1g, tog,, ther as one so ich newly-elected president LeRoy • retary of P Club. Phyllis Benson is \'!Ho 11Titcen by Franz Schubert. This Profr"sor Grace Tear president of splendidly th2t it lD.s hcc11 eomint:nt.. " ' president of Gamma Chi and a mem- group consisted of "The Inn," "Who is ization were given an opportunity the A. A· U· W ., extended a Welcome ber of the cast of "Moonshine and Sylvia 9 " and "Hark, Hark the Lai'k." ed upon by m<\ny· cdic0. ·T_r.....:.-, ...!!:enei·1·s show in competitive games how to the gl·oup after wh1'ch Mrs · J · W· Honeysuckle" the last Dramatic Club The words of the last two selections ally ccnccdccl that ll1i'~• ·:·.e:·'.•·,~~ique .. ·-· ~vler presented a h1"·'·or" of the 01· Lhe outcome of thei:· co1·1t1· 1uol mttsi1 · · ,, · ' - production. 1rere 1n1lten by William Shakespeare .. ch they didn't know about a clock ' • ganl.za'ion Dr Ko11'cr0 nd Profe "01· cal associat:on since cllild'nood . if their patriotism was properly .. ' • • ' "' ~ Next Monday, February 20, at conThe soloist concluded his program R. T, Benford playeci a piano duet and vocation, two men and two women with "Over the Steppe" by Gretchaneloped. Their rep2c·toire includes work; b\' ew initiates of Philo are: Maryon Professor Edna Weare gave an ac- will b~ chosen from the nominees and inoff and "The Flea" by Moussorgs!:'. Bach, Beethoven, Shubert, l'viozar;, mas, Irma Nispel, Wendell Or- count of the Traphagan School of De- one man and one woman from the all- He explained that "The Flea" was a Haydn, Boccherini, Purceli, Reg·er. ~ign and the exhibits on display. college popularity comest. ' Marie Chehey, Monte Jean satire on political parasites in Russia. Andreae, Sckolow, Akimenko, Hindees, Paul Sims, Jean Spier, Jean Following the program, tea was Members of the official counting This selection proved to be the most Dohnanyi, Schultess, Crns, Roppel, Bernard Goerke, Doris Weil- poured by Miss Tear. The table was committee were Professors Robert D. popular with the student body, land, Manuel, River, Francaix, MarNorma Jean Neubauer, . Bernice attractively decorated with roses and Shuler, M. Florence Martin and WinsProf. Steck was accompanied at the teau, Beck, Mihalovici, Stradella, Giber and Edith WriJiht. lighted tapers. ton B. Thorson. piano by Marie Chehey of Curtis. bons, Durante and Scarlatti.

















The Peru Pedagogian

Dramatic Clubbers Decide


---------··~-~~~A~SH~I~O~N~EX~H~I~B~IT~C~O~M~E~S }®

Alumni. 1ra1·1

TO PERU FROM NEW YORK.~' Direct from New York comes the ., fashion exhibit. which will ioe in Peru ·~ By MARY MOD'LIN from February 6 to February 20. 'Ihis :\] -----·-------------·-----------Position-Friends of Miss Ruth Howe exhibit from the Traphagen School of J' (37) of Barneston will be interested m EDITOR .................................................... RUTH CRONE !mowing that she has a civil service Fashion, New York City's on display ASSISTANT EDITOR ..................... , ............. STELLA ROGGE position in Baltimore, Maryland. at TllO from Monday at 8 a. m. until ASSIS'I'ANT EDITOR .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. THANE HALE Wednesday noon. The exhibit is Teaching-Miss Harriet McGill, who SPOR'I'S EDITORS .. , ... NORMAN LITTRELL, WAYNE McGINNIS matriculated in 1935, is teaching the brought here under the a.uspices of TYPIST .......................... : .. .. . . .. MARY LIZA.BEJH WERNER fifth grade in Tamora, Nebraska. This Miss Ida Mae Brackney. ADVISER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. FLORENCE MARTIN is Miss McGill's third year in this pos- The exhibit of style and chic is the ition. work of fashion students in the TraREPORTERS Practices law-Warren Calland, who Mary Modlin Winifred Hall Wayne Wilson matriculated here in 1935, is practicing phagen School of Fash!on. Many Mary Grush Jean Winkelman Mary Olive Richards law in Seattle, Washington. former students of Peru have won Miss Maxine Jarvis, who graduated prominence in the fashion world afin 1938, is teaching music and Eng- ter having attended Traph'.lgen. Ma.rlish at Hayes Center, Nebraska. Hayes garet Nilsen designed aml manufacDEAR LARRY MANE, Center, which is in the western part tures miniature mannikins, Tom Lee is of the state, is a newly-built town as with Bonwit Teller, Wiona. Steffens it was almost completely destroyed by and Eleanor Hill have become famous The first issue of the Peru State Teachers College Training fire some years ago. Near it is a in fashions as well as Draz, who illusSchool kindergarten newspaper came off the "press" the 31 of last newly-constructed emergency airport. trates for Rubinstien in "Harper's month. I received a copy and within it>~l pages found this poem by A recent visitor in Peru was Miss Bazaar" and "Vogue". '.I.fas Patsy J oder entitled "Quiet": Charlotte Wederquist, who matricu- The exhibit is a complete display of lated in IB35. She teaches grades in fashion and style. It contains a layout The fairies tip-toe. Sidney, Iowa. of costumes for all nations with illusThey whisper in your ear. Mrs. c. E. Barrett (matriculated in trations showing· the psychological They give you pennies. 1907) of Syracuse visited her daugh- 'iackground of changing styles. Smart Fairy pennies. oooooooooooooooooo0 o0 0 ool! 0 ter, Shirley, at Eliza Morgan Hall this hat designs illustrate the use of oriWhat are fairy pennies? last weekend. Mrs. Barrett will be re- ginality in designing hea~ gear. CosKisses, dimples and smiles.* membered by former Peruvians as tumes fo the stage were photographPerhaps, here, Mr. Mane, I should explain that I can't tell all Miss Ona Mae Andrews. ~'d and sketcted for the c;;hibit. The the differences between an Italian and a Spencerian stanza. What oooooo~ ooooo3 Joo oooooooool5 HARVEY T. NICKEL, superinten- school has a Theatrical Costume class dent. of schools at Alexandria, Ne- which last year designed the costumes ·I know about rhyme schemes, pentameter, iambic and the like is "Silence is a point to score on. Too much talk betrays the moron." braska, has recently formulated a test for two New York plays. limited almost entirely to the bare fact that I am aware they existt. Anonymous on current events entitled "In the Interior decoration has its share in I am not one of those individuals that go insane over various Doris Mae .sat in the library bliss- Spotlight of 1938". Mr. Nickel gradu- this exhibit. The plan and materials She ated from Peru in 1932. bits of modern poetic rhapsodies. I'm not ultra enthusiastic about fully day-dreaming Thursday. for a living room are showwn with went to her 10 o'clock art class at In a recent letter MISS LILLIAN samples of rugs and draperies. Pictures this type known as impressionism. The way I view it is that just 11 o'clock, and seeing all the students HUMPHREY (1938) writes that she because somebody by the name of Untermeyer or Deutsch places putting up their supplies asked:' has Marie Sandoz's nephew in school. show new and useful furniture. a halo on some "budding genius'" head, that is no reason for me to "What's the matter, don't we have In fact, Miss Humphrey, who teaches This exhibit will be of interest to all students because college women enjoy class today?" in the kindergarten at Gordon, stays break forth into hallejuhs. being properly and stylishly dressed. Play: "The Gathering of the Nuts." on a farm adjoining the Sandoz ranch The display also has its value to the I like the simple-poems• wi~1 some undefineable inner singing. Cast made famous in Miss Sandoz' book, student of art, designing and illusI like most of the old famous poetic works and many of the new- Cloud: Catherine Erffmeyer "Old Jules." trating. The students of Trahagen, Storm: Agnes Harrison and Eddie Guest isn't in that personal category. My favorite is SUPT. S. L. CLEMENTS recently who made the exhibit, have placed ldna St. Vincent Millay so I don't believe that you could say that Park Bench: Ila Mae Heinke received a letter from MR. J. W. first in the three leading fashion and . Tree: Hazel Buchanan CRABTREE former president of P. s. designing contests. my ta'ste is of the pulp variety. Shrubbery: Floriece Fucinara T. C., in which Mr. Crabtree said that Assistant Director: Mary Margaret he had never been able to find in any I'm just like millions of other people. Hull other college that school loyalty which I believe Emily Dickinson was voicing our thoughts when she Assistant Assistant: Darlete Corby Peruvians know as "Peru spirit." Mr said: For particulars see Director Doro- Crabtree, who is secretary Emeritus cf thy Clare or the Everett write-up. the National Education Association, "If I read a book and it makes my whole Hear that one girl now Insists that urged all Peru alumni to help spread body so could no fire ever warm me, I know it her boy friend asks if he might kiss this feeling and to take an active inher goodnight. Why all .the modesty terest in their Alma Mater. is poetry. If I feel phy,sically as if the top of "Pete", or do you like to say, "Yes''? Announcement has recently been my head were taken off, I know this is poetry. Miss Gabb: I'd like to know who's to made of the marriage of MISS EDNA Thes"e are the only ways I know it." be the speaker at the Gamma Chi SHAFFER of Humboldt and ARTH• No longer need you feel that insulaUR HANSON of Bradentown, Florida, To be getting on-soon after I read Poetress Joder's work, I beeting tonight. tion Is a luxury that only the wealthy can scanned a copy of "Poetry" of January, 1939. Within its1 pages I Mr. Wind: Do you think there'll be January 19. The bride, who has been afford. Zonolite-the fireproof, rotproof, teaching in Richardson County, mafound seven poems by the famous and illustrious E. E. Commings. any present who won't speak? all-mineral insulation- actually pays Wanted: Some of those blankets :iculated at Peru in 1929 The newl; Due to copyright laws I am unable to reprint it, but here is a more foritself in fuel savings! Insulate now, that were so much in evidence at weds will live in Sarasota, Florida, or les·s realistic take-off: with Zonolite, and enjoy year 'round games and otherWise last fall· Please where the groom is employed on the comfort as long as your house lasts! verbs to verbs take to any north room in dormitory police force. can to thaw out the girls. MISS DOROTHY SNIDER has givcan Maybe Doc's girl friend will stay in en up her position as kindergarten intoo adverbs too Peru more now. structor at Atwood, Kansa.S, and has tan Margaret Williams was campused taken over the duties of supervisor of tan last week, so she tried to get a date instrumental music in the elementary herbs two herbs for Jack with some other girl. All the grades and is directing the school g an coeds turned her down; they were band. Vacancies in these positions PERU 'ering afraid there was a catch to it. were created by the recent death of m tin The early· ringing of the 7:50 bell her brother, LLOYD SNIDER, (mak Monday saw a mad scramble in Eliza riculated in 1934). Miss Snider enDR. H. C. DALLANI ettle offishyness f Morgan-mad even if it was Blue tered college at P. ·s. T. c. in 1934. all Monday. Seen at the Peru-Nebraska Wesleyan DENTIST Nomination for the newest, togeth- game Tuesday night were former PeIt looked as though :":omeone was learning to type. Office Ph 32 all-the-time couple on the c:impus: ruvians, W. A. SCHINDLER ('29), Res. Ph. lll5 My exagg·era.tion is very slight, Mr. Mane. If you .'lUbi Faye Bouse and David Ziers. HOWARD HATCHER ('33) and SAM this statement, I suggest that you go to the library and look for Mcintire's consolation for going out LEWIS ('31) of Tecumseh; FRED on fouls early in the second half of ROTHERT ('28) of Auburn; and Ber....·~~-yourself. · But do a ballet dance on your way; anything elce-and the Peru-Wesleyan mix was the priv- nard Barisas ('38) of Shubert. particu!,arly an every-day lumbering walk-would be entirely in- ilege of sitting by his wife for the rest DEAN EMERITUS W. N. DELZELL appropriate. of the game. is more than anxiou to hear from a11 Our girls' band must have that ce<- Peruvians. His address is Temple, Ari- ' If ycu wish to join the ag~ncy After reading this creative cretinism, I found Miss Joder's tain something. Last Tuesday an un- zona. wil11 a pcrsGna! i:1lerc·.:t in your ·The fairies tip-toe. They whisper 111 your ear." even more beknown admirer treated them k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s·uc;..cs.-:ful p!:~cerner~t ~nd con1 r:··..:.< :id·.:z;n·~::~·1n~~1t. jo~::.1 the peaceful, soothing and understandable. crunchy candy bars. The week before ..~~·c~:::'.'.'~~:'.:T'5~.'.~~::,-,~-:~·:;''1$>;:·:::~ 1 agency working exclFs\ vely for teachers in Tell me, Mr. Mane, are my aesthetic senses nil, do they fail it r:a: other day Ben-' to function, am I and my fellows old-fashioned, has our brand of son was asked to discuss athletic jJOetic culture gone out of style or are we just incapable of truly Flowers for all heart. She replied, "There is no such valuing real poetic worth? · thing as an athlete's heart." Benson Occasions should know. I can't tell you how much your answer means to me. JOIN THE Rhodus and Vacek have been demUntil I hear from you, We Grow Our Own onstrating their magnetic personalities I remain, by shocking classmates in biology lab. If you wish to know the real value of GREEN GABLES 0IRLIE. jitterbug music or swing, just ask Bur"A booster for Peru graduate0" ~Nebraska City, Nebr. Reprinted by permission of the Kindergarten Star; P. S T. C:. ton Evans. rr~rt~~T~~~~:~1:~~1I.~~~~;r;~ 1J•iml'lllllliQB41'11411111._mlllllR*lllltt!.l'Rllli11111Blll ?ubllshed Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents.

To Stage Barn Dance Thoughts of a rousing barn-dance party in March delighted Dramatic Club members present at the business meeting after convocation Friday, February 10 Committee chairmen, who will plan the party are: Dorothy Ann Coatney, decorations; Glema Miers, properties; Betty Cole, refreshments. Points earned for participation in Dramatic Club activities must be turned in to Ginger Trively, Glema Miers, Ruth Crone, or Mary Lizabeth Werner by Friday, February 17. Formal initiation of new members is scheduled for the next meeting• ---- - Y. W. Officers Cabinet Retire After Febr. 7 Large attendance marked the Y. W. C. A. commissions meeting Tuesday, February 7. This was the last regular meeting under the leadership of the ·retiring officers and cabinet. Plans for the next meeting include a candlelight installation of the new officers and cabinet members.




~~ct:~ :~;;·the




Watch the Bobcats Battle -MIDLAND I•;SJ:Gf~Jtl~~~~Xie~~






Wilson of Kearney Nets 22 Points David beat Goliath Friday night as the' Peru State's "Peewees" defeated the Kearney "Giants" 52 _44 for their thirteenth consecutive victory of the season. Kearney was well represented in height. The starting lineup contained three 6 ft. 4 in. cagers, who were Church, Blessing and Wilson; a 6 ft. 2 in. athlete in Ellermeier; and "Shorty" Fieganbaum, an even 6 ft.

PREP CHALK UP ~~7:day P;s'. ....... ~;·2~~~3 ~~~P:6 Crawdads ~:c:n~:~nd semester BounCtng ~a// SIX.TH VICTORY. TUESDAY Greathouse, c ...... 67 officers at a business meeting. Thu:·sBy Norman Littrell Mcintyre, g ........ day evening February They a:·e: 1!

14 19-42 153 23 14 35 244'7 94 45

Number 13

Old number 13 fell before the Bobcats Friday night when the Cats defeated Kearney for Peru's thirteenth victory. Next Tuesday is Auburn Nite at Peru-let's show Auburn a good time by co-operating and being good sports. To Kearney Spe< jng of good sports, let's remembe.. Kearney. Kearney players were frl· more courteous than we have

ever been. They stood along with PeThe Peru starters worked well to- ruvians at the playing of our color gether the first half to give Peru a 29- song, ftnd while playing they took any 14 advantage. knock that, came along and smiled while taking said knocks. All this "Bob" Halliday potted good shots; . .


Hallsters Defeat Mosley, f .......... 14 3~ 16-30 94 27 William McNally, president; Ernest Blue Springs 5_1 Bailey, g .......... 14 24 12-44 62 22 Strauss, vice-president; William Mal2 6 With all members of the Peru Prep Walker, f ......... 11 10 4-11 24 7 lory, secretary-treasurer; Harold Thllquintet playing good ball, the high Morris, c-g ........ 8 5 3- 4 13 6 lam, news hound. school athletes defeated Blue Spring~. Handley, f ......... 9 4 4- 6 12 4 Under the guidance of Eugene AnTuesday afternoon 25 _19. It was the, 0 ean, g ........... 13 3 3-12 9 3 drew, upperclass sponsor, the Crawsixth Prep victory in nine starts. i Cra~er, c ......... 3 0- 1 2 O dads were instructed in the technique : MaJors, g .......... 6 1 0- 1 2 O of lifesaving. They practiced surface Coach Pole's boys, leaders of the i Huegel, g .......... 1 O 0- O O 2 diving and the method of approach· Southern Gage County Conference Johnson, f ........ 1 O 0- 0 O O ing a drowning person. possessed more height than Prep, but •·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the latter offset the handicap by play- !O ooooooooolS ooooooooll l!"O oooooooooooom ~ ooti ooooooooooo -~ ing a fast break type of ball. when ordered from the picture taken for the Peruvian.

Application Photos

For the opponents, guard Fisher was ; the leading player. He scored six ·


15 for $1.00


points and guarded effectively. i For Prep, the sc~ring was divide~. I Nebraska Auburn Wayne Pugh was high man with s1x· markers. Velvick played good bal1 ""l"'o"'o.,..o.,..o.,,o.,,o.,,o.,,o.,,o.,,o~ll~ll~ll~ll~o~ll~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~a~a~a~a~o~o~n~o~o~o~o06 on oooon ooon while he was in the game.


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batted down Antelope passes.


. eatnc:e 8 wmuners

Velvick, F .......... 2 Cl ts F

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T, Ir•

1 1

: f : :f 2

. ht for Peru. The Beatrice coach was ' ·········· Kearney's he1g so far had given very surprised that we were letting them the lone advantage of getting the such an excellent gym go to waste. HALLADAY GOES OVER

::!~i:: d~~n b:~:b~:~t slo:he~n;e~; ~~: :a:te~=:~~:k:!~.ur-swim- T~~,,H=~YEDm!~!~d the time they were in a position to shoot, the Bobcats were ready to bar the least goalward attempt off course. It was Kearney's turn ~the second half. Wilson, elongated point-getter for the opposing bean-poles, began sinking baskets from every angle. The Antelope ace chalked up half of Kearney's points or (22) markers for a satisfying evening's accomplishment:· Peru was definitely · off stride the second half. Their passes were wild; thefr shooting spotty. 'I'he victory was number thirteen in a string of consecutive wins, and what is of greater significance it started the 'Cats off right in the successful defending of the N. I. A. A. championship.

Top feature of the day, outside of ,,Zinn's dives, WllS the .fine performance of clockers Jlmerson and Chatelain. For further Information ask the Dean to expill.in the mysteries of a stop watch. Intra.murals:. 'lhis week s.l,lould epd the basketball games. At present Reifl's and Prep are tied for .the top spot. If both win their remaining game, a play-off will ~e necessary. Win or lose I believe the teams, improving the most throughout the year are Lindstrom, Weares and Basketeers. Comparison of play at the beginning of the year with current play will readily show that Spec's and Jones' efforts have not been in ~ain. Pep Sq.


:mci Band

The preliminary found the freshmen Peru i:, fortunate 111 havim; two coming out on the short-end of a 33- such ri:e organi·i:..~1~ J:~ as our P• p 29" battle with Red Oak Iowa's Junior Squad and Girls' Band. It takes a lot College quintet: time and practice to do what they do -let's remember that and really show Box Score: KEARNEY (44) FG FT PF TP our appreciation for their excellent Church, F ·········· 4 0 1 8 Perfommnces. And talking about fine jobs deservFieganbaum, F ...... 0 0 0 0 ing thanks-how about our college Blessing, c ········ 0 0 4 0 Ellermeier, G ....... 3 0 4 6 bana? We've wanted and Vianted a Wilson, G .......... 10 2 0 22 band-now we have one and refuse to McCall, G ·········· 0 2 0 2 pay it. For three dances each mem. tegeman, G ...... 0 0 2 0 ber got the sum total of a little over Johnson, c ········ 2 0 2 4 a dollar. Some system should be arLinda!, F ·········· 0 0 1 0 ranged to pay them-and to do that Hoag, F ············ 0 2 you, and you, and you (and I) will Totals ........... 20 4 15 44 ,P,ave to go to the dances.




0 0 0 0

3 1


0 0

0 0






~ i~.' ~~~~~.2l~~--!!~~"''J~~~~~;~~~,,~~4?~"''~U~~-1;:~,~~~,;.,.~ THE SPEC1Ausrs' EoucArmNAL BUREAU

his I


fourteen point ::er game average and ~ flq) MU lJ ' lh ; went over the two hundred mark m ~· STRICKLY PERSONAL - HIGHLY SELECTIVE 1'i ~ I scoring as he obtained seven field ~ M. E. SHUCK, Ph. D., Manager (ill goals against Kearney Friday night. 820 Sixteenth St., Denver, Colo. ~ Moseley jumped into a tie for third llro!f.l!!.lffi1~1llllfil!'ljj)jilllOOllll@illlffi@OOIDlllltOOIDll~lllilll!llilll!lllll~lifiill)l'lffiljffijliill!fo'iffil!if~@~' ,place as his evening's efforts were good 1i for fourteen points also. ~ Greathouse held down second place, adding twelve points to his rapidly CLINTON, IOWA C. E. COZZENS, Manager rising total. We have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home EcoMcintyre kept his three foul per nomics, Commercial, Music, and Manual Training. Many good game average intact. He started late; openings in all fields. Enroll now-not obtaining a foul the entire first We furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. half, but once started three came rapTerritory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak., Minn., Wis. idly. Mac has a iota! of 45 fouls for the 5eason. z ' ; '' ':>' ,f, ;;;;;;+'iii&&Af


I :piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiiiilimmmammmmaBiriiii





1 '


( •




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en w1


WHEN AND RECEIVE A VALUABLE PRIZE. We have an Old Clock at our store which has been in service for more than 40 years ; At 12 noon March 15th we will wind and start this clock and the person guessing the EXACT moment at which the CLOCK WILL STOP will receive a prize consisting of an Ensemble of dainty CHINA, GLASS and SILVER WARE. (service f~r six) \vith an advertised value of $40.00. To the one guessing nearest the EXACT moment the clock stops will be awarded a prize consisting of 45 pieces of Aluminum ware, with a retail values at $20.00. The Clock, and both prizes are now on display at our store. Purchases at our store will entitle you to guess and you may have as many guesses


you spend dollars.

The contest starts now and will end when the clock stops. No one individual will be awarded both prizes. NOW



Barnes' Pharmacy PERU '11(£ BROCK




Back Peru organizations. FG FT PF TP 7 0 1 6 2 2 4 4





·Aqua-Chromatic Exhibition ·o£1lfrglllal PROF. G. STECK GETS 1 ~iCATS WHIP YIESLEYllf Water Colors To Be Shown FAN MAIL ON ARTICLE Scoreboard IN TIGHT 46-37 GAME M4.NY STATES REPRESENTED ~ most imrortant water color exhibition of the year makes its showing herP. u•1der the appropri· ate title of "The Aqua-Chromatic Exhibition." Unique in the annals of Am~rican Art, the main point of ; which is absolute uniformity which i has been maintained throughouthundreds of original water colors , 1vere submitted to the Exhibitio.: by some of America's most famous painters, in which each artist has indicated in a series of squares provided on the front of each painting, the colors he used, by an actual orush mark. Thus the "suppo:;cd mystery" of the working me,hods of some of our greatest conce:nporary artists Is bared for public scrutiny. A serious research undertaking :1cclaimed by professional artists, this Exhibition is receiYing the cooperation of some of Amcriea's leading Art Institutions, ,;rnch as the Tiffany F'oundatiou NaUon<tl Assoch1tion of Wonien 'ril.inlus and sculptors, and ma:ny Museums throughoLit the country. The .tuncncan artist today ls showing ever-increasing interest in the permanency of paintings tlone with water colors. Practically every State in the Union is represented in these Aqua-Chromatic Exhibition showings.


modern, abstract and non-objective, comprise these present-day flne art showings. All Styles of Art

You do it; we'll chalk it up

N. E.

J. Publishes

Omaha U. Conquerors Meet Defeat from Peru 5


Education Series .'!' he influence of a recent series of discussions in the Nebraska Edcicational Journal 'Whither Music sducation" h as :n ad e itself l:nown through a number of fan letters received by the author, Professor G. H. Steck. In these articles Prof. Steck has ventured to show that the present highschool graduate is poorly qualified for further M)rk toward music teaching because of the inadequate ~raining offered by the highschool music courses. Students acquire a flippant attitude toward music as if it were something to "play at" rather than to enjoy and appreciate. Prof. Steck contends that children are urged to participate in many musical activities, are encouraged to buy expensive instruments and, as a result, reach no degree of efficiency in any one line of musical interpretation. In the forthcoming issues of the Nebraska Education Journal Prof. Steck will present a plan whereby music education may be improved to include an inspirational value to the pupils-through which students can be led to appreciate music because of the actual enjoyment attached. After reading the articles, the editor of the Educational Music Magazine published in Chicago, Illinois, states: "I believe that the message you are furthering should be brought to the attention of music educators over the entire country. What you say applies to a wider field than Nebras~a. From Chadron comes the remark: "Your article in the current Nebraska Educational Journal is worthy of high recommendation. Its thesis finds a hearty seconding from me."

Over heard remarks: "I'll get kickNebraska Wesleyan, conqueror of ed out of the cafeteria; I've got my "Stu" Baller's Omaha University quin· mules on" tet, was beaten in a tight contest here Just because Lurk can't see anvone Tuesday night. The scol'e was 46-37. Led by Price, 6 ft. 3 in. center, Wesbut a Hastings give ls no sign . the leyan played good ball chroughout and local fems aren't nice. was moving up on the ·cats as the THE C-MAN AT THE GAME contesc came to a close.

The appropriateness of the special title "Aqua-Chromatic" is due ' to the use of a series of colors that were carefully selected according to the "chromatic scale" thus limiting the artist's choice of his inThe fellow whose manners we've Coach Thomas' Wesleyan boys had dividual palette. This group connoted the most. Is Bill Saale; he prac- their guns loaded for 'Cat meat and sists of fewer but absolutely tices his Emily Post. in the first of the ball game it looked permanent and intermixable colors. Winkie has Mason and that's jar as if it might be a !on:;; evening for 110 During the arduous months of Writhey Helen Margaret is scoring Peru fans. At one t:1.:.ie Peru was preparation for this exhibition, the with Karr. dangerously behind 19~ 13. utmost harmony prevailed, both ID the relations between various Don Micus may be pre- M. D. ing . Suddenly the _Wheeler and Jones schools and styles of art repre-\ He is often, so we see, N. D. ing ooys came to llfe and it wns a parade of sented, as it was not subject t<> Ding's disposition tops the squad Peru baskets on out to the half which the usual restrictions of a jury He swears through his teeth: the ended 31-21, Peru. The attack was selection. This exhibition prove.i smile's a fraud. led by Jack Mcintyre a.o Peru scored the need for this type of educa Ingham and Keedy were with each 16 consecutive points before Wesleyan tional contribution to the "record· other. let the ball see what the inside of a ing of contemporary methods ana techniques" and free and frank dis Parnell came with Charles; he's basket was like. ' cussion of one another's styles, Sixteen points were scored the last her trother. schools and methods, all seeming half by Wesleyan while the 'Cats were Gridley took Shacht to see the shots. to realize that it, was the .des.ire Horacek was alone, he that way lots. scoring fifteen. Price of Wesleyan of the sponsors that the exh1bit10n was potting a one hand over head shot be a complete neutral unit even An embalTassing moment in a stud- 1from the side with regularity. though the ."everal. sections vary.A surprismgly high average o! ents life I Fouls slowed the game down as att~ndance was recorded in last When at a game you shout with strife j Wittwer (the Red) and Calvert year's showing sponsored by th~, Above the band, then you notice, at i1 caught each superfluous ur excessive same organization, confined to orlast, move of the teams. iginal oil paintings, and a degree' The band stopped some incriminating N.o Jury Show of genuine enthusiasm developed,! For Wesleyan; Price w:::.s the thorn Sponsored by the Research which makes possible this follow-! words past. piercing the 'Cats paw. Without the Laboratories of M. Grumbacher, up exhibition of water colors. Each'. lanky basketeer, the Wesleyan cause N. Y., and with the cooperation, of these water colors are unifor:tt; Another old game was· being tried would have been hopeless. of many of America's leading re- in size, each matted uniformly 1'1! The fellows who sat on the northeast For Peru; it was Halliday and Mcsearch color chemists, the findings wide matts, 22 x ·29", on a unifon.!l:; side of this series of scientilic studies sheet, 15 x 22", made of pure lin;>r.: Intyre each with thirteen points to Kept trying to get the pep squader's will be made avaihlble to artists paper, both provided gratis by th~: lead the offensive. On defense, needeyegratis upon request, as issued. sponsors. This paper has beea, less to mention, it was "Ding" Bailey. There is no entry fee and no jury. made for over one hundred yeara Unimpressed-the gals marched on by Box score: Both· the paper and the mats are according to strict specifications of She said her aim was to get Tucker (46) PERU FG Fr PF TP provided by the sponsorn without the time-honored Royal Water Col· But she got fooled; Tucker's no sucker. cost to the participants for the or Society of England, a non· 2 1 4 So with violets to make any romance Mosley, F .......... 1 purp01;e of nmintaining absolute commercial art organization, who Halladay, F ....... 5 3 1 13 Jell uniformity. 'J'his EKhibition II.as continuously have one of the artist 1 1 11 Jack takes over the heart of Cordell Greathouse, c ······ 5 been list~d bl' tlle Americ<m Fed- members inspect and stamp the Bailey, G .......... 0 3 2 2 Hatiou of Arb. Wasl1ington, D. C., name of the Society, as approval Mcint~Te, G ....... 6 4 13 rrs one of the :cccredited series of of the perfection of each sheet used. CAMERA CLUB Walker, F .......... 0 1 1 Art b~xhibiliur"' av:i.ilable without To further check on the. perAt the meeting of the Camera Club, Dean, G expense to ~! u:;ttrn1:.;, Art School:; mun ency of these water colore to 0 2 ············ Tuesday night, February 7, the mem- Morris, C and Art Org:miz:itions throughout later years, a carefully selected 0 0 a ··········· the coi.mtry. Many unit,1 will b<J \palette of Schmincke artist water Omaha sends:, "Your iast' article was bers discussed and voted that a pic- WESLEYAN (37) FG PT PF TP toured iii the various "traveloan" \colors have b.een indicated !or abso- a masterpiece. Your ideas and opin- ture contest between the members of Burroughs, F 7 ······· 3 showings nationwide for the 1938 lute uniformity. ions are superb. I read same with avi- the club was desirable. The closing Souders, F .......... 2 3 5 _Art Seasol\. · .. -__ date of the contest is March 23 and Price, c dity." . ·1 1='aimi1is.s Pric;ed Low ············ 8 2 3 18 the pictures will be classed in three Staten, G .......... 2 1 5 Fatnous Parti-clpan~s All ol' the .paintings are available groups: Pictorial, special effect photo- Davis, G 1 0 2 4 f>;:1•mg tl!l' noted a1'tists pa.rtici- \for pm«h::.c<: by collectors and it ············ Everyday greeting cards, 100 differ- graphy, and candid shots. The judge ;•atin;; in th(' many Aqna·Chrom:1.~ic was .1w1nc•sted that artists mark will be Prof. .tobert D. Shuler, the F:xhlbir!ons, an•: l'liot O'Hara, their· paintings at low figures,· 1n. ent designs.-Hill's Drug Store. Adv. PRINT CLUB faculty sponsor. The prizes will be nol(•<l art l'dncator, author of fa- orde;· to enable the American pubCompleting designs to be used In mon:; books on water color paint- lie '.:i <Lequire original works of film or several enlargements. printing blocks on luncheon cloths !ng; Alph;teus P. Cole, Prcr.'tl8nt :trt at 1011· cost. Peru Broadcast At the next meetin1r there will be a occupied the attention of Print Club of t 1w New York \Nater Color SoA nationwide radio broadcast The Peru-Midland basketball talk on "Enlar1ring" by Charles Para- members at. their meeting· Thursday c:et)'; Gordon Grant. famous ma- over N.RC., ~Y Joseph Cummings I game will he broadcast from 8: 30 dise, and a demonstration by Prof. evening, February 9. 1·inc ;J:dnter: Stanley Vv'oodward, Chase, famous portrait painter 1 Their constitution, which has been or,e er the five grei\Wst ·marine and Head of the Art Department, Shuler. to 9 o'clock Tuesday evening, painters in America; ll<lrTy E. Hunter College, N. Y. C., in con· revised recently, was re~d. Coach Arthur Jones will anMany new members were present at Ols~n. who won the Wr.:. C:hurch junction 1vith the opening of the ~his meeting which was the first this Osborne Prize for W:ct· 1 Color Aqua-Chromatic Exhibition a:t the nounce it. Painting; Clyde Singer, ,., · in his Grand Central Art Galleries this semester. Since the print-box was PLUMBING, HEATING, twenties, who won the :':·o·)O silver year centered attention on the part i1 near enough to completion to be used, medal at the Chico Art Institute; that a good origir.al water color and ELECTRICAL work. the remainder of the evening was Henry Pitz, noted illustr,,ror and: plays in the decoration of the home spent developin1r and printing pictures. , art educator of Pennsy\vr,::ia Mu-I and in raising the standards of true Facts Worth Knowing 1 seum School of Industrial Art; I art aocr~c" "·:: in America. The electric ray, living in the l Karl Yens, noted medalist of the I Atlantic ocean, shocks with a ~XJI~,~--"'-,,J: . ~~~~ West Coast; Carroll Bill, one of a!' This exhibit will be shown at Peru strength that will temporarily '·¥.;.,~.~:;£.::'.'>A:,.. >\'·~~§". noted group of Boston water color· . . . ists; Lamar Dodd, art educatc'r ,m the llbrary February 21-26 afte:· beparalyze the arms of a· strong recent winner of important R" ctr ds, ;ing placed on display in Denver Last man. from Georgia; Frank W. Applebee, lyear also Miss Norma Diddell, art You will be pleased as well as famou~ Southern painter and art shocked at the New 1939 Peruedue&tor; Mary Black Diller, whose professor, was responsible for an aqua~ "A Mighty Good Pfar<· , Trall.eh ; vian. interesting studies of the Amish :chromatic exhibition. Twenty-five ~ ~ people have brought her fame. American artists are represent~d \n 6""*-'"i.··tr*•'t._~.tr*~~'*~'.~~:r~*~.r, Kleening Tisues 500 sheets 21c.-a t Representatives of all schools are equally shown, conservative and ;'.he present one. Hill's Drug Store.-Adv.






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26 Schools Enter M.l.N.K. Music Contest Sunt. S. L. Clements · States That Eleventh Annual Contest Will Take Form of Clinic This Spring






Twenty-six schools ha,·e alreadv entered the eleventh annual M.

I. N. K.

PASQUIER STRING TRIO At present 26 schools have entered, APPEARS MONDAY it is expected that many more will


Music Contest which this year will be in the form of a

clinic and will be held in Peru, March


9, 10 and lL

have entered by March 3, the closing date for registration. Entries have been returned ~om .the following schools:

Council Bluffs, Northboro, Cbllege Springs, Iowa; Rock Port, Missouri; Plattsmouth, Humboldt, Falls City, Brownville, Liberty, Stella, Thomas JeflJerson Highschool, Talmage, Edgar, Superior, Hebron, Dunbar, Crab Orchard, Fremont, Nemaha, Verdon, Tecumseh, Table Rock, Davenport, Louisville, Auburn, Dav,:son, and Peru . . . . . This ye!j.!' the chruc idea 1s to be stressed. Saturday afternoon, after the cop.test is over, four clinic groups will be .organ:zed. Professor ~· T Benford will be m charge of the girl's, Prefssor G. ~· Steck, the boys' glee -club; V. H. Jmdra, the orchestra; and Superintendent Clements, the band.

Harris and Dustin Win Best Actor

and Actress

PERU PLAYERS Guest D.ight at Peru Players attract: over 50 persons to see the presentaions of two Peru Players group proctions, "Cleaning the Attic," and hree's a crowd" at the college auditorium Thursday night February 9. "Cleaning the Attic'." directed by utheloise Souder, included the folowing cast: oward .............. Harold Dallam ly Lightfoot ...... Rachael Gonzales

ancy . . . . . . . . . . Fawn Anne Lowrey In these clinics will be the best peragman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gail Miller fornters from each schooL They will "Three's a Crowd", under the direc~ i receive special help and instruction n of Laura Baum, was presented by I from directors in clltuJe of each secfollowing: tion. This will also ptovide the studeline . . . . . . . . . . Doris Starkebaum dent with an opportunity to particidie .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . Bill Dustin pate In a large group,



en . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ~anet Harris er ............ Worthy Argabright . Johnson .. .. .. .. . . .. Ga Miller Gail Miller performed the backstage rk for the two plays and Leona ons collected the properties.


Janet Harris was selected as the t actress. and Bill Dustin as .the st actor by a vote at the conclusion f the plays. Elizabeth Glosser took charge of he former group after the departure f Frank Summers, who has moved to alifornia.

The Scribblers Club elected o:(Iicers t the home of Mrs.B.K.Baker, faculty dviser, Tirt:irsday, February 9. MaryThomas was elected president, DorStarkebaum, vice~president; ·Nadine aeve, secretary and reporter. The members of the club discussed uvenile publications after the meet-

OLLEGE GIRLS FORMAL PLANS ET DATE FOR APRIL 23 At a house meeting Wednesday eveing the dormitory girls voted to hold formal April 23. Glema Miers, present of the dormitory council, said t it would probably be a joint formeld iil the gym,nasium for. both resdence and dormitory. girls. No definte plans have been made.

-Peruvians had the opportunity of hearing one of the world's best string

Announcer . . . . Gordon Gilbert Barttone Solo .. Prof. G. Steck Passing By-Purcell I Attempt from Love's Sickness to Fly-Purcell The Inn__,Shubert Hark, Hark, the LarkShubert Sylvia-Shubert Readings . . . Prof. R. D. Moore

Pasquier appeared at the college auditorium Monday night, February 20.

Starduster's Trio. Marjorie Harris, Lucille Hazelton, Dorothy Ann Coatney Stop Dat Buzzin'-Michell Blue Skys--Berlin

With their repetoire



classical music they delighted the audience by their coordination and sympathetic reactions to each other. This year they have made over 60 concert appearances in Europe and the United States. They are familiar to the American music via the radio.

Pedagogian of the Air . . Ruth Crone

18 Teams Enter For Annual Co·mpetition The M.I.N.K. invitation high schoo debate tournament is to be held ih Peru, Friday and Saturday, February 24 and 25. On these dates the contestants will debate the p;·opJsition, Resolve: That the United States should establish an alliance wi'.:1 Grea Britain.

"Divertimento in E fiat" of Mozart, their work comprising five recordings by itself..Then there are two novelty Toccata's, one by Francesco Durante and the other by Domenico Scarlatti which are reccignfa:ed as two gems of old music. '!'he trio has also made a recording of Purcell's "Fantasy No. 3." They were awarded the Grand Prix du Disque for their recordings of the Beethoven Trio in C minor. During the course of one of their tours of s.pain, the celebrated Pasquier Trio had the pleasure of having the great Pablo Casals, world renowned cellist, listen to one of their performances. At the end of the concert the master came to them and stated, "I like exceedingly that which you do. It is so simple. You should live only for your art."

At the present time 9 schools and 18 teams have entered the con: est, e::tch school having entered 2 teomo;. 'lhe schools entered are: Omaha Central, Omaha Technical High, Omaha Benson, Nebraska City. Fairfax, M'.ssouri, Plattsmouth, Lincoln High of Lincoln, De Witt and Auburn.


Flute Trio . . . . . Marie Chehey, Monte Jean Gaines, Janet Harris.

Thirty years ago, this French trio Swing Low Sweet Chariotstarted their successful musical career Starduster's Trio. together, until today they are rated as Flute Trio obligato the finest interpreters of string music. Along Tobacco Road-Greer Their superiority in their line was In My Solitude-Ellington evident in their interpretations of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Francaix, Sokolow, Hayden and Boccherini. -------------

groups ,..., present a pro- the "Adagio" of Boccherini, the or four numbers which "Munuetto" by Haydn and the famous

will have been rehearsed that day. superintendent S. L. Clements is .predicting a greater nu!Ilber of participants in this M. I. N. K. contest than there have been in any previous year. Professors v. H. Jindra and G. H Steck went to Humboldt February 1~ to give some pre-contest help to .the music students in the Humboldt Highschool. Arthur Schroepel and Helen Luhrs are the music instructors in the school.


trios when Pierre, Jean, and Etienne

gram of three

am chairman; .Lucille Sherman, se- I The contest was discontinued last retary; and .Lucille Dewey, treasurer. year f or severa1 reasons. T'.he maJor . Members discussed the advisability reason proba bly was due t o th e f act f changing the date of their meeting tha t f or t wo years m · succession · p eru ut reached . . no definite conclusion. was blocka ded by snow st orms. The

Thursday evening Freshmen dancg aspirants held their regular meetg at the music hall.· To the pulsatg rhythm of Marjorie Evans' piano laying the clubbers showed giant ides toward that P. D. degree. Miss rence Martin, faculty adviser, nsored the meeting.

Varied. Program

This trio is also outstanding through Saturday night will l:.e the highlight their recording work. They have re, ~.. corded with outstanding success the o. the w""""-end, when each of the "Beethoven Trio, No. 3 in C minor," fotir cl1nlc . .....;, · .

Personality club members had a mbination party and business meetg, Thursday night, February 16. At the busines meeting it was decidLast year Auburn was the victor of to retain all last semester officers. Class A, Humboldt, the winner of hese are: Evelyn Hacker, president; pass B and Johnson took home the dist Plager, vice-president and pro- blue ribbon in Class C.

Sprmxtg will tbe the central theme of h e ne mee mg.

Peru Audience Hears


All debate teams will gather for a general session in the cclle3e aud~torium at 9 a. m. Friday, February 24. The first round of debate will .1 begin promptly at 9:30 a. m. on FriC:ay. Every team will participate ln the first four rounds of debate regard. less of whether they win or Jose. No TRAINING SCHOOL BAND decisions of debates will be announced GIVES CONVO. CONCERT until after the first four rounds have The Peru Training School band, unbeen ccmpleted. der the direction of Superintendent S. L Clements gave a concert at the The teams which do not lose more regular college Convocation Friday, than one debate of the first four February 17. rounds will go into the elimination The program consisted of four band contest. The decisions will be announced after each round of elimination debate and the losing teams withdrawn.

numbers and one small group performance, a clarinet quartette. "March of the Steel Men" was particularly interesting because it was composed by an employee of the Armco Steel Company, Belsterling. "Dublin Holiday" by Buchtel, one of this year's contest numbers, was the second number. The clarinet cadenza was played by Wendell Burbridge. The clarinet quartette, composed of Wendell Burbridge, Gordon Hallenbeck, Jean Vosberg and Donna Steffen played "Gavottee Classique" by Gueris. The band's third number was "In Old Vienna" an overture by K. L. King. The program was concluded with a modern arrangement of "Maria, Mari!" by Eduards de Capua.

This process will continue until all but Orie team is eliminated. co;·!ege students will act 9.S chairmen for the debates and members of the college debate class as well as otlJ.er college students who have had experience in deb8.ting will serve as 'udges. Single judges wiE be used for all exCPpt the final debate;;. At the close of the tournament loving cups will be awarded to both the first and second place teams. These cups are of a modernistic design and the years and names of the contestants are engraved upon them. The winners of last year's tournament were Hastings, Nebraska, in first place and Geneva, Nebraska in second place. At the present time neither of these schools has entered teams in this year's tournament; due to the fact that Hastings is holding a deba'.e contest on the same date as that o the Peru tournament. The M.I.N.K. tournament is being sponsored by the Speech Departmen under the direction of Professor Rob ert D. Moore and student manager Ruth Crone.

Alfred Frankenstein, famous music critic, wrote in the San Francisco last year that it was held this resulted Chro.nicle of February· 10, l!.t38, "The Kappa Omicron Phi · 1600 high sch ool st udei:tts ·bemg · · m Pasquiers are something unique. I do Play Bridge at Party forced to remain on the campus. This not recall ever having heard a ~tring Miss Edna Weare entertained caused not only a financial deficit ensemble so homogeneous in tone." Kappa Omicron Phi, the Home Economics fraterinity,, at her home Wednesfor the M. I. N. K. committee, but Im.proper accommodations for the : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . day, February 15. The evening's entertainment consisted of bridge and a students as 35 of them spent' one night Calendar business meeting. The members voted in the Training School. to serve the Sigma Tau Delta ban"Rather than bring in three or four Tuesday, February 21 quet and instigated plans for a trip "high powered" judges, as you might Y. M.; Y. W.; C. C. A. 7-8 p. m. to Omaha. The trip would give an say," stated SUpt; S. L. Clements, "this Broadcast ........ 8:30-9 p. m. opportunity for the members to visit year we will }lave directors in a speciathe factories which would be of inlized field and have them judg'e less." Thursday, February 23 terest to Home Economics students and to study the buying facilities of a SIGMA TAU MEMBERS Freshmen Clubs ...... 7-9 p. m. larger city. READ ORIGINAL WORK Dramatic Club .... 8-9:30 p. m. Epsilon Pi Tau Wayne basketball game there Miss Weare served refreshments in Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith enter Issues News Letter keeping with the patriotic theme. tained Sigma Tau Delta members a Friday, February 24 Episilon Pi Tau, the honorary fratheir home Monday evening, February Highschool Debate Tourney ternity in Industrial Arts, has just 13. Parnell and Williams Wesleyan basketball game there recently published an issue of the DireCt "Three's a Crowd" The program took the form of a rec; News Letter. 1 Falls City Highschool here "Three's a crowd" is the name of ular meeting and original contribuIt is . composed of five major secthe one act play which Wilma Parnell tions were read by Norman Littrell Saturday, February 25 tions: and Mildred Williams, members of the Roma Jean Rethmeier, Alice DeVore Highschool Debate Tourney 1.-Campus notes college play production class, are di- Eula Redenbaugh, Mary Olive Rich 2.-Shop activities recting in the Training school during ardson, Eldna Mae Petersen, Eleanor Monday, February 27 3.-Editorial the noon hours each week. The cast Hemphill, Jeanne Winkleman, Mrs. B Separate Convocations . 10 a. m. for the play includes Harold Mason, K. Baker, and Leona Simmons. 4.-Projects Crawdads ............ 7-8 p. m. Charles Mason, Oscar Smith, Leatrice Later in the evening the guests call 5.-Field notes Kappa Delta Phi .... 7-8 p. m. Hauptman and Lenore Larson. Mr. Roy Lively served as editor of ed forth their memories to help them Scholarship Club .... 7-8 p. m. This play is part of a program which determine the correct author for fam the paper. Issues of this letter are Pi Omega Pi .. . . .. .. 8-9 p. m. is being undertaken to provide activi- ous quotations. At the close of th sent to all former students who have Pi Gamma Mu . . . . . . 8-9 p. m. ty for Training School pupils during meeting tasty refreshments in . color had either a. major or a minor in the the noon hours. ful valentine style were served. department.


The Peru Pedagogian ;:;_iuiished Weekly by the Peru State :.'e:'.chers c<\Uege, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru. ''rbraska as second class matter. $LOO per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents.

Alumni 1rail




You do it; we'll chalk it up "Jeepers Creepers, where'd you get tnat handle?" became the question of -~*~*"""'~*~*~*'~*~ .the week as reporters consulted DEAR READERS: MISS BERNICE BUSH, who matri.!!.TIITOR .................................................... RUTH CRONE culated at P. s. T. c. in 1934, is teach- friends, relatives and roommates as In searching for consolation I start. v est a, Nebr.· to the history of their names. ed to read "Tne Devil and ·1ne Deep" ASSISTANT EDITOR ................................... STELLA ROGGE ing grades one to four m . +h· ASSIS'l'ANT EDITOR .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. THANE HALE This is Miss Bush's second year m , 1s Friendship caused a lot of disting- but ai·ter read1·ng the author's name uished John Henrys. Typical examples anci :-Joking at the frontispiece, I broke SPORTS EDITOR ................................. WAYNE McGINNIS position . are: The Monte Jean in M. J. Games, into tears. You see, I too, have a TYPIST .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. MARY LIZABEITH WERNE'R ADVISER . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. M. FLORENCE MARTIN MISS MARJORIE TRENHOLM in- or Nedra before Shafer, Eula before conflict on one side-I am to write a forms us that her brother Raymond Redenbaugh, Margaret in Stiers and mild, unsarcastic, INTERESTING Trenholm ('3()) is preparing to give Edna Mae in Peterson. column, no digs and no .names menREPORTERS the "Elijah" as an Easter cant~Ja with Wanda Pavlat's story was unusual. oioned. On the other hand, the ScoreMary Modlin Wayne Wilson Winifred Hall his 150 voice choir at North Platte "My mother became acquainted with board is not explicit enough, few know Mary Grush Mary Olive Richardson Jean Winkelman an Indian girl under rather peculiar who the dirt is all about and some of where he. is music supervisor circumstances. At a church meeting our best items are whittled down and IT IS INTERESTING TO NOTE some plaster fell from the ceiling, solemnized that the campus prize gosthat Peru places teachers in western smacking this girl on the head. 'rnis sip sounds like an obituary. Nebraska as well as in the eastern part PEDAGOGIAN CONDUCTS POLL ON PEDAGOGIAN began the friendship. My name A recent attempt to be both speciof the state. Three of tbe five highWanda is a shorter version of the fie and gentle was the account of an Peru, Nebraska school teachers at Edison are former name of my mother's Indian friend." individual who in actuality made a Peruvians: Benjamin Burke ('32) who February 21, 1939 Arguments, debates, fights, mob rule dollar bet that she could break up her is Superintendent; Miss Elinor Linand family rows left these people best friend's romance last Saturday To All P. S. T. C. Students and Faculty Members: ville (mat. '34) who teaches home ecodubbed properly. night. The Scoreboard trespassed all In an eff6rt, not to publicize these pages, but to better them, nomics and commerce; and Elmer Clarey (mat. '35) who is in the manual Jean Livingston: Jean, after her ethics by mentioning the girl's name. four members of the PEDAGOGIAN staff, Mary Lizabeth Werner, arts department. At Curtis we find mother had tried to name two other Please, dear, readers, forgive us, we Stella Rogge; Wayne .McGinnis and Thane Hale, last week inter- three former Peruvians in the public daughters Jean. really did not intend to. offend anyClara Bright: Her mother won. one-we were just a bit flustered when viewed 88 P. S. T. C. students to determ\ne their views of the PED- schools: Earl G. Whipple (1938) who Dorothy Marie Clare: Her three we met the girl face to face and when AGOGIAN. Of this I write you today. is Superintendent; Harvey Michels year old sister insisted the new baby she turned her back on us, we again (1936) who is principal and grade be called Dorothy: Dne t~ the fact that opportunities to. conduct all-college polls school coach; and Miss Anna Louise had the privilege of seeing her face to in convocation is extremely limited it was possible only to question Short (mat. 1936) who is the sixth Floreice Fucinara: Her father won face. this struggle-naming her after his Now that the brickbat has been duly a representative group. This was done as impartially as could be. grade home room instructor. mother. f;.nrollment figures as to the number of men and women students Mrs. Arnold Fox ('34) who is now Sidney Wayne Timmons: Grandfath- slung, let us look at some very deserving bouquets. enrolted was determined at the assistant registrar's office and the living at Riverton, Iowa, is carrying er victorious. Miss Myrtle Peterson keeps looking . number of men and women interviewed was in direct proportion to on her activities as a 4-H club worker Perry Albert Milled: Ditto. more like a student instead of the col1 these figures: The staff questioned the students at random, ask- since her marriage. She is 4-H leader Victor Wayne McGinnis: Sister lege nurse. She is plenty adept at apfor the township in which Riverton is thought Victor was pretty. Parents plying the balm, notably the heart rng them to answer four items on an unsigned ballot. located. She. will be remembered by thought Wayne fetching. McGinnis: balm which does a great deal of good. The results were as follows: Peruvians as Miss Beulah Johnson, You guess. Seven Eliza Morgan girls received· who was so active on the P. S. T. C. Mary Mathews: Both grandmothers seven nasty anonymous valentines re1. Do you read the editorials? agreed. It might have been that they campus. spectively. Seven outbursts of laughYes 63% were both Marys. ter ensued. The girs so enjoyed the Sometimes 20% FRIENDS OF MRS KENNEI'H Famous people and literature weren't unoriginal and spiteful jokes that they No 14% FORSMAN, formerly Miss Louise left unfiattered. Seldom 2% Sonderegger, will be glad to know that Jerry Cordell was named after Ger- pinned them on .the wall where one . st at e. Sh and all might see them. The moral is; Frequently 1% she is again in her nat ive · e a!dine Farrar, the opera star. . always sign the anonymous valentines t urne d t o Lmand her husband have re Ruth B. Crone, was named after 2. What do you like best in the PEDAGOGI~N? 0 f coin where he is State Supervisor Beverly Baine, the I920 version of Nor- you send, it pays to advertise. Gossip columns 55% Welfare work, 'trom Denver. ma Shearer. Roszell and Sanders keep the BeaSports 19% Mrs. Forsman who grad~ated in 193~, Musa Wagoner, Musa in a book her trice home fires burning-for each othEditorials 8% is also connected with child' welfare father brought from Switzerland. er. Front page 7% work. J14ary L!zabet,h Werner, escapeil Features 4% Had you observed that Erma Meiers AMONG THOSE WHO are the first being named Annie Laurie by Scotch and Benny Sheldon bring the campus' Alumni Trail 3% to register for the M. T. N. K. music relatives. No answer 2% best looking heads of hair together? contest are: Jack Hazelton ('38) De- Lucille Schloeder, mother's favorite Boun.cing Ball 1% Sincerely, Witt; Kenneth Pace ('35), Platts- novel. General news 1% BRICQUETS. mouth; Harold Chatelain ('17), He- Bonita "Valentine" Jewett, Febru3. What do like least in the PEDAGOGIAN? bron; Lloyd Perry ('34) Edgar; Jack ary 14. No answer 31 % . ' Ashton ('35), Dunbar; Ralph Chate- "June" Modlin, -"What is so fair Y. W. Executives Honor "Would be" features 11 % lain ('29) 'I'almage; Mrs. E;atherine as?" New Officers at Party Advertisements 9% Bergman ':Pace (mat. '30) Verdon, and Patricia Lundy, after Princess Pat A game of',murder mystery was the Gossip Columns 6% Ruth Whyman ('33), Dawson. face powder. paradoxical amusement enjoyed by Y. Editorials 4% A 1'.'IRST SEMESTER GRADUATE, Dean Karr really should have been W. C. A. executives when old officers Bouncing Ball 4% (1939i' who has a government posi- called ;athrine according to all family entertained for new officers at a Sports 4% tion is Miss Genevieve Parriott who prediction. However when the doc- party, Saturday evening, February 18, Uninteresting news items 3% this week became farm security ad- tor said, "Boy", the household was st the Rev. Parnell home. Birthday column 1% ministration's home adviser in a two- thrown into an uproar. They gave the Refreshments of salmon sal!ld, Ritz Miscellaneous 1% county area with headquarters at Gen- new arrival the family name of his crackers, and cocoa were served by the eva.· Miss Parriott, who is from Daw- mother, Speec.e,__and because Katherine refreshment committee, Glema Miers 4. Do you read the convocation write-ups? son, taught at the Honey Creek high- would not do they substituted Dean. and Laura Baum. No 50% school .last year. She visited in Peru Horace ... Edwdi-d Rzehak's mother Leona Simmons and Musa Wagoner Yes 30% on Sunday. was responsible· for his first name. planned games for the party. Sometimes 20% AN INTERESTING POSITION is Before she was married, she had Miss Edna Weare, one of the· faculty Now that we have recei\'ed the results of these questionaires it held by Miss Elizabet!'\ Ann Ranza .charge of two boys, one named John, sponsors, attended. is our purpose to follow as closely as possible the wishes as ex- who is physical education director at .the other named .Horace ..John was · .. Brownell Hall in Omaha. This is Miss bad and Horace mce. Hopmg for the pressed ·by the student body for we do not feel that the PE DAGOd . th' ·t· best she named her son Horace .'OGIAN . h ll p f " . , NT . . , Ranza's secon year m 1s ,POSI 10n. , , . DR H C DALLAM 1 G 1s w o y . ro . lviartm s or orm1e Littrell s or my pa- She matriculated at P. s. T. c. in '34. Reporters were going top-ho when · · · per. This is YOUR PEDAGOGIAN. GERALD FIGHTER (mat. '35) now!Bertie Boom, came back with this: DENTIST coach at Giltner, writes that his bas- "Bertie is my nickname. My real name Office Ph 32 In only two respects do we feel that we cannot concur with ketball team has enjoyed a successful is a f~mily secret which I would reveal Res. Ph. 196 student opinion. Our contract allows for 100 inches of advertising, season having recently defeated their 1 only m one.of my weak moments and The other is the llper cent dislike of the Alumni Trail. It is well close rival, Chapman, 31-26. Ir am very 1strong right now." to remember here that about 850 PEDAGOGIA.NS are distributed R. I. NEWTON ('35) who until re-1 weekly. About half of these go all over Nebraska and neighboring cently was coach at Elm Creek has ANOTHER FORMER PERUVIAN states to people who, though they are interested in the present ac- accepted a position teaching in the who is teaching in Furnas County t; vi ties of the school, are more personally a wakened by news of higMhschoodl aMrt M0Hndamldin,HI~w1·a. 't it·s Mih"ss Evelyn Jonesd ('37)_ wtho is . r. an s. aro e11g wn e, eac mg commerce an music a CamIf you Wlsh to join the agency '.hose t.hey formerly knew. For this reason and because of your that they are parents of a boy, Joseph bridge for her first year. with a personal interest in your luturc mterest we shall perpetuate the column. , Lee, who was born December 22. Mrs. successful placement and continued advancement, join the 1Iay I add a pesonal note? 85 per cent-I'll even raise that- '.Heili.g, who will be reii:embered as Miss r:~'rI~IC~~~~~:~~ agency working exclusively for 1 teachers in 95 per cent of the things wrong in the PED are not faults of the Corrme Hester, matnculated here m; 3taff; they are my errors. Because oL this we should like to have 1901.1,. while her ~usband . graduated . you bra.vely pour your woes into my ears instea.·d of announcing here m 1933 · Their home ism Leona, Flowers for all them to your N. Y. A. worker for whose time the federal govern- Kans11s. ment pays while you preach, or pouncing on the adviser because ANNOUNCEMENT IS .MADE of the Occasions your name appeared in a more or less derogatory sense in the marriage of Miss Mary Dallas Harris JOIN THE "scandal" column. and Amon Sanders, Saturday, Febru- I We Gro}V Our Own ary 11 at Silver Creek with the bride's We welcome constructive criticism of YOUR PEDAGOGIAN. ,father, Rev. F. L. Harris officiating. The bride, who .Is teaching at Hinton, Sincerely, Iowa, received her degree from Peru Nebraska City, Nebr;· in 1938. RUTH. ' By MARY MOI?LIN







B THOLD GREENHOUSES [~~~l~:I~. .1i-Z!l"~"3:~~~1


Facts Worth Knowing Mix-up of our modern calendar was ordered by the emperor Augustus.

Largest Score in Cat History Chalked up in 14th Win



Caesar's calendar ga.ve


(Augustus) one less day than July (Julius) he gave August 31 days also and altered the calendar to its present month!y arrangement.



3 0

0 9



The intramural basketball warfare Prep tie for the O title so will have to play a special title 12 game. The Bask'eteers came up from the lower regions to nose Collins out of third.

21 is over. Reiffs and

"Bob" Dutcher couldn't miss Saturday night as Hastings edged out the Peru Bobcats 50-49. 1

············ 24 ............ ................ 3 .............. ·················· 70 ············ ················ 32 ··············

0 0 2 0


3 3

3 3 4

1 1


2 4


Held scoreless at Peru, the Bronco barricader turned loose a basket parade all of his own to gain revenge. After leading nearly all the game Peru found an opponent it couldn't scratch as Dutcher began his final scoring spree. Halladay resumed his high scoring activities to mark up 12 points. Mosley, the reliable, chalked up 13 for Bobcat scoring honors. It was only the 'Cat's third loss of the season against fourteen victories. Victories (15) and (16) will be waiting for the 'Cat claw w)len "Al" and "Art's" boys invade the enemy camps of Wayne and Wesleyan Thurs-' day and Fri.day nights. The Wayhe game will be a N. I. A. A,. conrerence contest. Box Score: HASTINGS' 1(50) FG Fr PF TP McLauglin, f . .. .. . . 3 1 7 4 Grant, f .......... 1 4 2 0 Richandifer, c ...... 3 7 1 4 Cramer, c . . . . . . . .. . 1 0 1 2 Trupp, g .......... 3 2 1 8 Brubaker, g ....... _. O 0 O 4 Dutcher, g ....... ;,, .11 0 3 22 Soundy, g ........ ,. O 0 o 0 Arnould, g .. .. .. .. .. o 0 o Totals 22 6 18 50 PERU (49) FG FI' PF TP Mosley, f ........... 5 3 13 Halladay, f ........ 6 OI 1 12 Walker, f .......... o 0 0 0 Handley, f .........• o 0 0 0 Greathouse, c . . . . . . 3 3 0 12 0 0 . 4 Morris, c ............ o 0 Bailey, g ........... 2 1 5 '8 Dean, g ............ 1 2 2 0 8 Mcintire,. g .. .. . .. . . 2 4 4 8 2 Totals 19 11 9 49 3 17 7 Everyday greeting cards, 100 differ5 ent


Drug Store.

nave an especially strong demand for teachers of Home Economics, Commercial, Music, and Manual Training. Many good openings in all fields. Enroll nowWe furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak., Minn., Wis.

"Forgotten Man" Dutcher Scores Eleven Points

iraemal, D. undgaard rreene eterson rock raemal, M arson !lllhein




en w1 oc 6UESS

WHEN AND RECEIVE A VALUABLE PRIZE. We have an Old Clock at our store which has been in service for more than 40 years ; At 12 noon March 15th we will wind and start this clock and the person guessing the EXACT moment at which the CLOCK WILL STOP will receive a prize consisting of an Ensemble of dainty CHINA, GLASS and SILVER WARE. (service for six) with an advertised value of $40.00. To the one guessing nearest the EXACT moment the clock stops will be awarded a prize consisting of 45 pieces of Aluminum ware, with a retail values at $20.00. The Clock, and both prizes are now on display at our store. Purchases at our store will entitle you to guess and you may have as many guesses as you spend dollars. The contest starts now and will end when the clock stops. No one individual will be awarded both prizes. NOW



• •

Barnes' Pharmacy NEBR. PERU ill••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'


PERU HAS 1ST DEFEAT BY NEBRASKA TEAM Antelopes Beats Cats By Three Point Margin


In a simple candlelight retiring officers of Y. W. C. ed those newly elected and Tue~day evening, Ftbruary

oooooH ooooooooooo

Miss llfa~·y l\fa:-garet "Cecil" Hu'! blushed for shame Tuesday night when\ presented a large box of chocolates by a certain youth. She had been exercising her vocabulary because he was ten minutes late in arriving for the Midland game. For information on "How to Make Hot Chili," see Miss Davids(}n.

Peru ·was handed their second defeat of the season Friday night a.s the Kearney Antelopes won 40-37 on their home· court. It was their first defoat by a Nebraska team. The 'Cats jumped into an ear1y lead, but with Ellermeier and Wilson sink'ing difflcult shots, Kearney held a A certain female member of the half time lead of 23-19. At the three-quarters mark it was Peruvian staff has an ardent cailer who often drives his 1939 Ford VS 37-27 with Kearney still in front. !n the last quarter Mosley anc right up under the Peruvi8'1 windo :v Those little recesses just inside the Greathouse led a tardy rally 'l'he library door, just about large enoug·h game ended 40-37. For the 'Cats-Mosley gathered 19 for two, are the most 11opular parking markers, while "Lanky Leonard'' stalls in the school. Greathouse obtained 11. We third fioor girls did appre~iate For Kearney-Ellermeier and Wii .. our valentines, Floriece. Such originrnn led the attack. ality ! Box score: One of Schact's latest is Timmons. KEARNEY (40) FG FT Pr TP Little grains of knowledge ,, Church, f .......... 4 Plenty of hard tests 1 Lindau, f .......... o Makes a college grade~ook Figenbaum, f . . . . . . 3 0 2 6 A prettJ lookb' mess. Mathews, f . .. .. .. .. . 0 0 0 We're all waiting for the Mather Ellermeier, c . . . . . . . 4 4 1.2 combination. 4. Ble~sing, g . . .. .. . .. . O 3 While the basketball game was in Wibon, g ........... 4 1 9 PERU (37) FG FT PF TP full swing many fans took their gaze 17 from the court long enough to ask, Mosley, f .......... 8 Halladay, f ........ . 1 3 "Who's the man with Libhart?" Alliteration: Wonder w}l.y WinkelWalker, f .......... O 0 1 11 man is so sleepy these days? Greathouse, c . . . . . . 5 Mcintire, g ......... 2 5 MacDougal says she often feels as 3 o if her heart would just stop beatingDean, g ............ O 0 0 it must be a dang·erous situation. Bailey, g ........... 0 2 We wonder if we could get Professor Moore to analyze the facial ex PERU DEBATERS HOLD PRACTICE WITH TARKIO pressions of those g!rls taking industrial arts. We think we might delve Members of Peru's debate teams into their· personalities if he would be Mayre Tangeman, Thomas Chinnock, so kind. LeRoy Redfern, Norman Flau, Stella Trenholm has trouble in adding. In aogge, and Mary Olive Richardson Math class she added two numbers were driven to Tarkio by Coach Rob- and still got a one. ert D. Moore last Tu'esday afternoon,. Another man on the campus. Jim where the teams participated in six Mather seems to have made a hit alpractice debates. ready with some of the cafeteria wait'I'he Peru teams met with a different resses. He is the seventh student from situation in that at Tarkio's tourna- Furnas County-'way out West- to ment they debated before an audience. enter P. s. T c. this fall No decisions were given as the debates f'he Baron now started sendh~ were for practice. valentines to his instructOrs.. This

Attend Meeting in Syracuse Mr. Calvin Reed and Mr. L. B. Mathews attended the county meeting of secondary school teachers held in Syracuse, Wednesday night, February 15. The meeting was lead by Mr. Cone, Superintendent of Dunbar Highschool. The topic discussed. at this meeting· was, "How may a school take the objectives of education and put them into practice." Three ways of doing this were discussed. 1. To take the objectives and list them on a threepoint scale for measurement. 2. Giving occupational information attitude tests. 3. Making a careful analysis of ~he courses offered in the schools and testing the results for benefits. The fundamental purpose of the organi·zati·on i's to measure and "take the temperature" of secondary schools according to objectives arrived at by re. · t 1 d at ports of th e ach ievemen s a rea Y tained by various schools Also, to put into practice theories of education for secondary schools. It is hoped by the organization that due to their success ·and achievements, graduate credit will be offered by the University of Nebraska for their work and effort.

Burning mouths and calls for water gave evidence that W. A. A. members were having a chili supper Thursday evenir,g, February 16 at the gymnasium. Three new initiates, Virginia Trively, Enid Stofferson and Grace Muenchau were formally accepted in W. A. A. Miss Phyllis Davidson, physical-education instructor, prepared the chili. Jeanne Winkelman 9:nd Faye Bouse were the committee i'1 general charge of the party.






COACH "ART" JONES who announced the Peru-Midland game on the Peru Hour February 14, 1939. The program is broadcast weekly through the facilities of K. M. A,. Shenandoah.

It might make things too

. 1 dramatic expression. Among the R~tiring officers are: Leora. L1bhart, i scripts submitted have been several president; Musa Wagoner, vice-presi- outstanding plays which have made a dent; Eula Redenbaugh, secretary; definite contribution to the study of Evelyn Freeouf, treasurer; Wilma radio drama in experimental fieldiS Parnell, fellowship; Doroth Ann CoatThis year in addition to plays runney, creative leisure; Katherine Bartning approximately 13 or 26 minutes, ling, music;· Glema Miers, drama; Virhour length plays will be accepted. ginia McCoy, publicity; Leona SimOfficial entry blanks may be secured mons, candy; Eleanor Hemphill, Y. by writing .the Drake University Deroom. partment of Radio, Des Moines, Iowa. There is no entry charge. All plays BOY SCOUTS OBSERVE must be in by April l, 1939.


Peru students o! the college and training school. observed the 29th birthday of the Boy Scouts of .AmeriElectric Shoe Shop ca dur;ng th(: week of February 8-1?. J.P. CLARK The B~·Y Scouts, under the leade!ship of Scoutmaster A. B. Clayburn, North of Skelly Station gave full recognition of the anniverPhone 109 sary in services and in making a window C:i&play in L. D. Redfern's store. Prof. Clayburn attended the Arbor Lodge P.istrict Meeting oL Boy. Scout> ' .\. ',\ held at .Nebraska City, February 7. :\ oday s The boys now active in the Peru , forgotten Troop are: Patrol leaders, Oscar Dean Smith, Ralph Hays, and Dick ClemMan Quit ents. Scouts: Gordon Palmer, Gerald Advertising Clayburn, Jack Cejka, Bob Brown, Ralph Clevengei;.~~1:e..2-~ers, Yesterday Arthur Clement£1 ~..~,~4\1!!,I,IlS/ Karl Ogg, Junior Cla!J';'~lllard Redfern, John Lewis, Marvin Brown, Lawrence Good, Mark Collin, Max Mathews, Grant Devore, Charles Henning, Eugene Henning. Associate Scouts and Assistant Scoutmasters are LeRoy ;;:;;p-.9J'}:~~e;; ,_ Redfern, Harold Dallam, Frank Larson, and Eugene Andrew. A. B. Clay- Ours is a product your skin loves to burn is Scoutmaster and the Troop touch-We're so close to you Committeeemen are: Rev. B. F. ParCALL nell, s. L. Clements, Pete Holdorf, L. PERU CLEANERS&T AILORS D. Redfern, and Carrol Lewis. WE DELIVER PHONE 62

~\ ~~ ~'\'

'" 't'


COACH "Al" WHEELER who has coached the Bobcats to 15 consecutive victories and who bas lead the strongest Nebraska college quintet so that they have hung up .833 standing thus far this season and have broken a 12-year record by chalking up 77 points in the Midland game.



Box score: PERU (l 4l

At a "Desert Patriotique" Mrs. In\ce Dunning royally entertained the

I ~

A vocal solo by Leora Libhart and ~ ..'f.-:. '->I-~ :!A~ ~A·::o~-¥-~¥~


The Mardt"s Store


guessing games formed the intertainment for the party. Zolo Gardner and • Verona Klone won first and second prizes as expert guessers. ~~ "A Mighty Good Place to Trade~ fJ Mrs. W. R. Pate, Mrs. Jimerson and Miss Myrtle Peterson shared the senior girls delight on being guests at ~*~*~*~*~~*the party.



Mrs. Inice Dunning visited relatives in council Bluffs, Iowa Wednesday of


DR. GLEN H. JODER Surgeon and Physician

this week.





2 3 4 4 0


Goulters, F . . . . . . . . . . O FACULTY SUMMERS Kamen, C ......... . AT PALM BEACH PARTY 0 Clements C .. .. .. .. 0 The faculty were enter1ained at Pugh, G ............ 2' 2 0 "Palm Beach" party Saturday night, Smith, G .......... 0 0 February 18, in the Music Hall. SumFG FT PF mer sp'orts such as croquet, "tennis" BROCK (22) 0 4 (ping pong) and dancing formed the Garber, F .. .. .. .. .. 2 0 entertainment of the evening. Miss Norton, F .. .. .. .. .. 0 Nona Palmer and Miss Isabel Mason Cook, F ............ O O lnstructed the gues.ts in the intraca, ·Ruttledge, F .. .. .. .. O O 4 cies of the Lambeth Walk. "Cooling" Green, C · · · · · · · ·· · · 0 2 0 refreshments of punch and ice cream Smith, C · · · · · · · · · · · 0 2 3 were served. Miss Marjorie Parriott Owens, G · · · · · · · · · · 2 0 1 and Mr. and Mrs. c. R. Lindstrom S1:odgrass, G · · · · · · · · 1 0 were the committee in charge. Hawley, G · · · · · · · · · · O 4


Senior girls, Saturday afternoon. In the ~ 0 Recreation Hall patriotic refreshments lJ 1 1 of flag colored ice cream, cake and hot ,~ chocolate were served by the hostess. ;.:~~,,~.;~.,.,.nn.,..,,~.,,"".,,t'"'JJ...,.,,1...,.,,..... 1.,,..... v.x""'. . I""'I"""'""'t"""t"""'""sr....,-il\itiIJ'"'"...,,,.n.,

Mrs. Mary Gilkeson and Miss Norma FG FT PF TP Albrecht were in Lincoln Saturday.

0 Clements, F Velvick, F ......... . Grafton, F ......... .


~E~\r:fsl~~~Ii~N~~~LS l,.M,~ c c BURBRIDGE



mascot Having· discarded Keith Miller, they have a small bank equipped dog. As ta the kind, yuh got me! Wonder why some gal doesn't grat that Lurk guy?



crowded. FROM BROCK FIVE The dorm girls were pretty well tied \IP with the Gamma Chi party so SopPasses and basket shots were wild er went to Nebraska City. for the Prepsters Wednesday night as The Harbridge-Haney-Hobbs com- Brock defeated the Training School bination reminds us that we like wa- basketeers 22-14. termelon, but when it's out of season Using a fast break, the jittery Prepwe'll take cantaloupe. sters were trying to find themselves Something attracts Lyons to the ca- throughout the game and .the cool feteria lately. And we don't think Brock boys took advantage of the mean food. ::ielpless attempt to paste defeat Hutch and Enid don't like to have the Hallsters. fiashlights in their faces. Let this be h t t It was a night wit ou a s ar pera lesson to all you who seek privacy formance. owens and Pugh, guards '1i the "upstairs" of the library for their respective clubs, each made "Sid" Timmons is at present the six points for high scoring honors. leader of the pack of wolves in front of Elvira Schact's door. "Phog" Sheeley's seconds won by a The Baptist Ministers have a new margin of 18-16.


for Radio Drama Scripts


time it was a big black one pasted on the b,ack of an over-due life cycle. Hanlon house boys should be informed that the P. 0. in P. 0. Kennedy does not stand for the good old game of postoffice. "Shiney" should have won. He had the cheerleader on his side. There is to be no night shift on the new dorm.


cer:mony,. The third annual Drake University A. mstall- \National Radio Playwriting compe~i­ appomted tion opens officially today according 16 m the to the announcement of Edwin G.

music hall. . · Barrett director of the Drake Univer1 Each retiring officer extended her sity de~artment of radio. The R. A. lighted candle to the unlighted one of\ Crawford Award, sponsored by the her successor, who then accepted t~e Valley Savings Bank, Des Moines, in lighted torch of Chri~tian leadership. I memory of the late R. A. Crawford, Newly installed officers are: Fay pioneer Iowa banker and former Bouse, president; Rita Russell, vice- treasurer of Drake University, makes president; Kathrine Bartling, secre- possible cash prizes totalling fifty doltary; Ardist Christian, treasurer; Wil- lars for the three radio plays judged ma Parnell, fellowship; Jean Keoppel, most meritorious. creative leisure; Maxine Galbraith, The competition, originated in Hl37 music; Jeanne Winkelman, drama; by the Drake radio department has at~la Redenbaugh, pub~icity; Leora tracted original radio plays from nearly Libhart, W. S. C. F.; Emd Stofferson, two hundred contestants in 35 states. candy; Elfrieda Dahlgren, Y. room. It is intended to encourage the serious vice-president is also. the program consideration of radio as medium of



! Drake University Offers


1tes. 39

Milstead Comer Phone Office :13


0 2





V , ,', 1


·'/ ..

• Zonollte has simplified home i?sulatlon. You can


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stop heat loss throu~h the attic, and do the Job

yourself-easily and quickly! Zonolite is li~ht and

safe to handle; pours freely, fills completely. It

brin~s yeor 'cound comfort and pays for itself In fuel sav: .. _ ,; ... o.rt ZONOLITING your home now!

o\ O·


4' 2

> I 0 Ii T l I l 0

6\ 2 4!


Peru Lumber Col)

Lincoln A P,ebate Squad Wins M.I.N:.K. Tournament Omaha Central B, Omaha Technical B, Omaha Benson A and Lincoln A Debate Two Rounds Among Selves to Break Tie

Lincoln A emerged triumphant in the M.I.N.K. debate tournament held · here last Friday and Saturday, F-ebruary 24 and 25. In the final round Lincoln's A team defeated Omaha Central by presenting the stronger arguments on the proposition Resolved: "That the United States Should Form an Alliance with Great Britain."

negative. them the villa, who won the



The boys whose ability won ' VOLUME XXXIV trophy were Ifomulo Soldedebated on the team which Midland tournament last




FRESHMEN CLUBS BEGIN Student week, and Robert Guenzel who has_ WORK ON NEHV PROJECTS been debating for only one year. Oma y;

ha Central was defended by Yale Richards and Leonard Lewis. These boys won the Missouri Valley conferAn unusual incident occurred in ence which was Richards' first importhat four teams, Lincoln A, Omaha tant debate experience. Benson A, Omaha Central B, and OmThis debate was judged by Dr. G. W aha Technical B debated two rounids Smith, Professor Winston B. Thorson, between themselves before two of Mr. ELdon Hayward, Thomas Chinthese teams could be eliminated. This nock of DeWitt; Mary Lizabeth Wernwa~ because of a contest ruling which er of Nebraska City and . made it necessary for ach team to have Lincoln and Omaha Central B are two defeats before they might be eliminated and the two teams that were successors to Hastings, which won last defated J·n the formei· of these twc year, and Geneva which was runnerrounds haid perfect victorious records up. preceding that time. Thus, the sevOf the entire debate nineteen winenth round _was continued so that twc nings were on the negative and twen~ of the same teams must be eliminated 'ty-four victories on the affirmative with the required quota of losses. Considering the. possibilities of differEighteen teams from the Nebraska ence of opinion of the many judges City, Fairfax, Missouri, Plattsmouth,, this leaves the question with no chance Omaha Technical, Hastings, Omaha for a definite conclusion.



Central, ?maha Benson .Lincoln and j This was 1939's contribution to the Auburn highschools part1c1pated .m the collection of annual M.LN.K. debates tournament. Two teams from DeWitt which take place in Peru. The busi·1 d · were schedulied but fa1 e to arrive. ness heads of the tournament were At the end of the first four rounds. Prof. R. D. Moore, director and Ruth which took place Friday, ten teams Crone student manager. were elirnint.ted. Judges were: Professor Winston B. Round one won Lost Thorson; Mary Lizabeth Werner, Ne-

Miss Norma Diddell Gives Printers Demonstration

Advisory Council Makes Plans For May Fete Athletic Department Starts Program As Speculations About Selection Of Future 1939 May Queen Begin

Tentative plans for a Mav Fete to be held ]1,:lav 24 are bein'' drawn up by the Student A~h'i' ory Council this ;non th. Thes~ plans place the athletic departr:;ent in charg·e of the program and use, members discussed two-tone authorize the selection of a May Queen by popular \·ofe of the prillts. Miss Norma Diddell, faculty students in the near future.

When long-plar:ned for print blocks failed to arrive in time for Print Club

adviser, exhibited some of her own work to the students. That the students might receive a variety of

The Pete will begin in the afternoon


suggestions, she showed lithographs, Tuesday, February 28 etchings, wood cuts and block prints. Y. W.; Y. M.; C. C. A..... 7-8 p. m At the next meeting each member Thursday, March 2 will submit a sketch of a two color Freshmen Clubs . . . . . . . . 7-9 p. m. block for approval. Saturday, March 4 Wayne game here. Peru Players had a party following Monday, March 6 their business meeting at the Music W. A. A.; "P" Club .... 10:30 a. m. Hall Thursday, February 23. The mem- Crawdads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 p. m. bers played bridge, Chinese Checkers, Alpha Mu Omega .......... 7-8 p. m. and danced: Marjorie Evans played Tii Beta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 p. m. Music Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 p. m. the piano. In a short business meeLing Mary Broadcast . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30-9 p. m. Lizabeth Werner callede for volunteers ------to sell candy Friday and Saturday. The proceeds from these sales will be used in the purchase of Dramatic Club paints. Elizabeth Glosser announced the time for tryouts in the new play, "The Miracle Merchant". This play will be given by a select cast at Noted Chicago Violinist the next meetillg. To Return to Peru Campus

Omaha Central A Nebraska City A braska City; Mary Olive Richardson, Lincoln A Fairfax · A Fairbury; M.ayre Tangeman, Auburn; Plattsmouth A Omaha Technical A Dr. G. W. Smith; 'l'llomas Cbinnock. Omaha Technical B Auburn A DeWitt; Ruth Crone, Beatrice; Mr. ·ElFuture candid camermen discovered Hastings A Auburn B don Hayward; Dr. Selma Konig; NorOtnaba Central B Lincoln B man Flau, Nebraska City; LeROy. Red- how to,,take; dl)velop, print· and enHastings B Omaha Benson A fern, Per1.l; Dean Karr, Hamburg, large. a picture in one evening at the Omaha Benson B Nebraska City B Iowa; Dr: W. T. Miller; Prof. Grace Camera Club Thursday, February 23. Round two Tear; Stella Rogge, Hot Springs, S. Professor R. H. Shuler, faculty advisOmaha Central A Dak.; J. A. Jimerson; Laura Baum, er, was the instructor for the group Lincoln A Plattsmouth B Tecumseh; Prof. Robert D. Moore; Dr. He explained each process in 'detail Nebraska City A Fairfax A Castle ~" Brown; Wilda Fulton,· Wy- from the moment he snapped th pieOmaha 'Technical A ture to the time he enlarged it. Plattsmouth A more. Auburn A Charles Paradise discussed the prin.Lincoln B Omaha Technical B . Chairmen arid timekeepers were: ciples involved in the enlargments oi Hastings B Omaha Central B Rutheloise Souders, Omaha; _Horace snapshots. Fairfax B Omaha Benson A Auburn E Rzehak, Pickerell; Markaret HenderProf. Grace 'I'ear was a visitor at the Nebraska City B Hasting·s A son, Auburn; Eleanor Hemphill, Bea- meeting. Omaha Benson B trice; Katherine Knouse, Beatrice; Round three Dean Karr, Hambutg, Iowa; Bertha Nebraska City A Lincoln A Fairfax A Clayburn, Monroe; Nancy Ellen Jones, Peru Broadcast Auburn A Auburn B Peru; Phyllis Parker, Douglas; DoroPiattsmouth A Monday, February 27, 1939 Lincoln B thy Fischer, Shenandoah, Iowa; BetOmaha Technical B Omaha Benson B Hastings A ty Katheryn Cole, Falls City; Louis 8:30-9:00 p. m. Omaha Central B Fairfax B Jaeckel, Hamburg, Iowa; Rosalyn Omaha Benson A Omaba central A Brier, DeWitt; William Zurbrick, AuAnnouncer . . . . Gordon Gilbert Hastings B Nebraska City B burn; Ylna Mae Petersen, PlattsRound four m0uth; Jeanne Spier, Nebraska City; College Orchestra ......... . Nebraska City A Eileen Ottersberg, Johnson; Wilma Auburn A V. H. Jindra, Directer Auburn B Parnell, Peru; Edna Bohlken, Brock; Omaha Central B Fairfax A Rachel Gonzales, Elmwood; Laura 'Lincoln B "Bourree in G Minor"-Bach Plattsµlouth A. Baum, Tecumseh; Doris Mae Starke'Hastings B Omaha Benson g baum, Falls City; Ruth Johnso::i. Ham"Symphony Minature No. 3"Omaha Technical B burg, Iowa; Elvira Schacht, Coolt; Johnson Omaha Central A Hastings A CathrJn Erffmeyer, Falls City; Marion Plattsmouth B Nebraska City B I. Movement Omaha Benson A Lincoln .AJ Weddle, Falls City; Abbie B•andt, linIII. Movement The first four rounds ended elirnin- adilla; Dorothy Ewing, Omaha; Bernice Walker, Blue Springs. Pedagogian of the Air acting Auburn B, Fairfax A, Fairfax B, Ruth Crone Won .. Lest Hastings A, Lincoln B, Nebraska City Team A, Nebraska City B, Central A, Platts- Auburn A ..................... 3 2 Flute Trio. Marie Chehey, Monmouth A and Plattsmouth B. 4 Auburn B ..................... 0 te Jean Gaines, Janet Harris. Saturday morning the eliminatiom Fairfax A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 4 '"I'hree Blind Mice"-Colby left the field to Auburn,A, Hastings B Fairfax B ..................... o 2 Lincoln A, Benson A, Benson B, Oma- Hastings A .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 1 s Orchestra ............ · ha Technical A and Omaha Technica1 Hastings B .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 2 "Norma" (Overtui:e) V. Bellini 1 B. Lincoln A .................... 7 The fifth round relieved Auburn A, Lincoln B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 Hastings B, Omaha Technical A and Nebraska City A .............. l 3 "In the Mystic Land of Egypt" Omaha Benson B from further debat- Nebraska City B .............. 1 3 -A. Ketelbey ing in the tournament. This left Lin- Omaha Benson A ............. 5 2 coln A and Omaha Benson A; Omaha Omaha Benson B ............. 3 ~ Central B and Technical B, but the Omaha central A . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ONE ACT PLAY coNrEsT results of the decisions did not give Omaha central B ............. 6 2 The American Civil Liberties Union any of the four teams two defeat[' Omaha Technical A . . . . . . . . . . 2 offers $75.00 for the best, and $25.00 which were necessary for elimination. Omaha Technical B .......... 5 2 for the second, best short-plays sub'I'he seventh round was a repetition of Plattsmouth A ................ 2 2 mitted to the American Civil Liberround six with Omaha Technical B Plattsmouth B ................ 1 2 ties Union Play Contest c.o. The One and Omaha Benson A taking the gong In the finals Lincoln A won the de'I'he fact tl1at seventy-five people Act Play Magazine, 112 West 42nd cision over Omaha Central B in a de- attended the final .debate of the Street, New York, N. Y. The deadline for ,entries is set for bate which did justice as a climax to [_tournament shows the incr~ase that midnight April 30, 1939. the tournament. Lincoln A upheld the .students and faculty have m debate.

anu is to be followed by 2,n ull college dance in the Ad·:~cJrJ

evening. The Student

Cou:1G:l is


-:1 out-


·; dance

side orchestra to play fu;· anJ at

·~he prc~.er:.·.; ~- .:ic

_: 0:·'· . ...ttffing

tte crc'.'.estras of Cliff Kye"-.



ter, Don Kelley and Chcs'.c,·nc d. Until two years ago this Pete w~.s an annual affair occu:tng e'lCh commencernent week. Two years ago it was stopped for financial reasons and a historical pageant directed by Pi-cf. D. J. Nabors, who was then Peru d:·amatic instructor, was substituted. Last year nothing was done to continue this Peruvian custom. Originally the Fete was financed by the Sophomore Class with the proceeds of their annual class play. 1n 1933 the class was unable to finance the plans and the other three classes contributed a specified amount to a May Fete fund. From 1933 to 1937, Charles R. Buckley, the noted violin when the custom was superseded by teacher who will give private lessons the historical pageant, all four classes m Peru during summer school, has had helped finance it. an article published recently in the As many alumni have expressed disnational magazine, "Violins and Vio- pleasure at the discontinuation of tb\s linists." commencement week activity, the adThe title is "Measurable Standards • ministration decided to revive it t'.:is in Violin"Playing". Following is a con- year. At the present time it is planned 1 cemnation of the article. to finance it with an all college dance "The well-known concert artists all which may be held in the near future. have certain qualities in common. For The plans are awaiting the ,approvmstance, they all play in time and 'n ;il of President W. R. Pate, who is attune. A great many· players, despite tending an educational meeting in an advanced knowledge of theories of Cincinnatti. playing and of the literature, are unable to play even a moderately diffi- DRAMATIC CLUB MOWS cult composition in time and in tune. PLANS FOR BARN DANCE I put this dc;w-i 2,s Point c-io. l of A hay-hay time is expected by the measurable standards: Can you play Dramatic Club at their barn dance in time and in tune in the correct to be held the last week in March. tempo? Thursday night Dorothy Coatney, "Point No. 2 is another measur2.ble standard: How well do you know the chairman of the decoration commit:ee, fingerboatd? The student should laid the initial plans for the dance by know the fingering for every note in appointing Madonna Adee, Harold the positions, certainly as far as the Dallam and Clyde Hunt to be on a seventh position. 1t is futile for committee in charge of the party. The students to attempt to solve intricate club is to be divided into groups of problems of fingering without first four to present skits. fach member having an adequate knowledge of the may invite one guest. Hay-making fing·erboard. melody will be furnished by a guitarist and a violinist with an honest-to-al:"Point No. 3: Can you read accurateing caller to handle the dancing inly? By accuracy I mean correct time structions. values, proper tempo, and faithful atTen choral readers gave the meeLing tention to tempo changes and dynaa very dramatic touch by their p:-e · mic markings. A good knowledge of sentation of several selections such as the aesthetics of music is a fine thing the "Highwayman." The choral re:dto have, but when it comes to petformers were under the direction of Laura ance we must all concentrate on the Baum. They were Edith Wright, Virbasic factors which are part of every ginia Trively, Elizabeth Glosser, Katl:artists equipment. "yn Knouse, Bertie Boom, 'I'he:1r-"Point No. 4: How 1r.:i::; ,~~ the works you have studied can you play rael, Wilma Parnell, Betty Katherine from memory? Memorization is one of Col, L~.ura Baun. the finest means of incicoSin'\ ~ccu·:V'.rginia Trively enumeratej the sum acy and developing the abiLy to cc:1 - totals of the points earned by the centrate on the music. It enables you members.



to really hear what you are playing, freed from the necessity of uevoo.r:g College Nurse Arranges Test most of your attention to the !Y'"te"l The county school nurse working page. through Miss Peterson, college nurse "A student may never become a con- has arranged to have a doctor froll' cer:- artist evon tho:1~;h he :~?~'·e:·s tho the Public Health Service of Lincoh fundamental stand::trds I have outlined. at the Training School next Monda: But rest assur~d, _he will never beco:ne lfor the purpose of giving the Schie: a fir~t rate v10llmst without m.:stermg test as a preventative measur eiem." against diptheria.


The Peru Pedagogian ; ubliohed Weekly by the Peru S~o.l2 '.'." ... ::0rs College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, J':rbras!'a as second c;ass matter. :Sl.00 per year Single copy 5 cents.

Miss Martin Reveals Love for Blue--.-NotMons.

i chat 1

Mrs. Dunning valiantly oiled skids but it seems new skids were ed so those empty rooms in Vernon are now home, sweet horn the principal mel~dy is "SI on Park Avenue." Pappa Bear and Goldilocks.


As easy to. get as a debutante at a barn dance or the hunk of steel in J!>'DITOR .... , . , ... , , . , , , . , , , , , , , , .. , ........... , ......... RUTH CRONE the hay pile might describe the effort ASSISTANT Bi,_ COR ................................... STELLA ROGG_E marks about the PEDAGOGIAN sponALPHA PSI OMEGA ASSIS'1ANT EDITOR ............. , . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . THANE HALE sor, Prof. M. Florence Martin, in the I ELECTS COATNEY PRES.·· SPORTS EDITOR ................................. WAYNE McGINNIS copy she proof reads and censors her-. Alpha Psi Omega elected Dor· TYPIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARY LIZABETH WERNE.R self. ADVISER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . M. FLORENCE MARTIN For the first time since she joined : Ann Coatney of Peru presi<lent in i meeting Thursday afternoon in the faculty in December 1937 this paper. was granted a personal interview REPORTERS Little Theater. At this election 'Mary Modlin with its sponsor. We came away with Karr, Hamburg, Iowa, was .made Winifred Hall Wayne Wilson many refreshing things about her. pr£sident and Kathryn Roszell was Mary Grush Jean Winke1mmi Mary Olive Richardson lected secretary-treasurer. She received her degree from Peru in 1934, attended Chicago University After the new officers were voted· PROF. M. FLORENCE MARTIN from '34-'35, taught in Sycamore, llUon the possibilities for a college par nois, in 1935, and began instruction in _____ - - - - - - - - - were discussed. The college para WHAT THIS COLLEGE NEEDS IS SOME GOOD LIGHTS the P. S. T. c. English department in composed of stunts in which all *~*~~*-~*~1;)~*... 1937. organizations wou1d take part. Radio play productions and the I. was talking to a friend oi mine in the library a few days ago Being a teacher of newswriting and sentation of Shakespearian dr and he said, "I flunk~d a history test yesterday because of these realizing the difficulties of lliterviewwere discussed. llig she made the process simpler· by lights. The prof. asked who originated that joke' (?) about 'Who You do it; we'll chalk it up beginning·: "I like blue-blue' because was that lady I saw you with last night?' and I put 'Roosevelt'. it is conservative, I guess. I have five -~*~*~*~*~*~*~ When I read my lesson in the library it was so dark how could I tell shades of stationery, all blue. I like Last week the Scoreboard's fan mail that it said, 'Raspputin ?' I was laughing at this merry sally when bir:ds out of doors, but can't bear to 'was doubled. This week even that DR. H. C. DALLAM I halted and looked a second time. Imagine my surprise to discover see them caged in. Would like more increase was. exceeded by two. A check DENTIST than anything r.ight now, a big rusty up of· pros and cobs revealed that exthat it wasn't my friend. 1 looked again and saw that it wasn't even Office Ph 32 Irish setter. I think cooking is fun- actly fifty percent of the fan corresthe library. Res. Ph.196 and oRe of the best ways to work off a pondence was patting us on the back bad disposition. Is that enough about ahd rubbing our noses in high esteem for. our column. '.The other half was So it seems to me that hiding your lig·ht under a bushel may be me?" all right but when they put the basket on the ceiling and decorate it When she was assured that it wasn't not so enthusiastic. In fact not at quite a beginning, the statement was all-to the equivalent of a kick in the with glass, a ball and a chain, that's a horse of a different colormade that the enrage school teacher pants. and a pretty dark horse, too. Again we repeat, please sign all the wanted to go to Europe, and the quesIf you wish to join the agency tion was asked, "Where do you wish anonymous letters which you send. with a personal interest in your Our finger print service is a bit faulto travel?" successful placement and con'I remember a friend of mine telling me this story. This time tinucd advancement, join the "Eastern Unitc<l States. Not just ty (?). We sent in for •dentification know it was a friend of mine because I 'ijas using Ever Ready bat· agency working exclusively for New York but all of New England- and got a picture and life history of teachers in teries. (Free adv.) Anyway, this friend tells of the time she first Salem, Boston, Concord. Here lies a baboon in a Salt Lake City zoo. went to Sunday School. The teacher asked if she knew aboui the birthplace of most of the Ameri- But due to our upsetting a version , Vloses. She immediately answered: can . Literature I've studied. The to a confiict, we are going to let you fartherest east I've been is· Cleveland know (secretly, of course) who writes -as a Kappa Delta Pi delegate. I've this column. Don't guess, it is not "Where was Moses when the lights went out? beeR .all over the west. My brother is Fulton, Crone, Dr. Brown, Cordell, McHe was downstairs eating sourkraut." in. school at Colorado State. Does this Hugh or Prof. Jllidra. A hint? My secret hate is men. I sound like boasting?" like tomato soup and wear the same And so I often wonder, too, what would happen it some one It is always rather foolish to ask colored tie every day. So with these the reading selection of an English points of circumstantial evidence gave a feed in the library. The possibilities are that he would be professor as time and .space would against us turn to page 4; column 3 to lil!!m!RB!lllilllllllllllimBllllllllll• left holding the bag-of peanuts. not permit mention of i;uch a list, but find who wrote the column up to the Miss Martin obligingly highlighted hei' last two issues. Warning: Do your buying early. There's just 258 more shop- list. About those mustaches the motto ping days until Christmas. "Robert Frost is my favorite author. was: A bush on the lip is worth two Of course, material depends on my I in the hand. mood; for humour I like Dorothy ParFlowers for all Glosser to Harvey, "You tell 'em; ker and Margaret Fishback." I'll hc•d the crowd back!" SHEARER GUESSING ON MY PART TURNED OUT TO BE Occasions The sterotyped pet peeve question Benson; "Will you shut up 'til I get 1 ALL WRONG received this surprising answr: "I don't thes~ oysters down?" We Grow Our Own hav any .pet peeves. Things. just don't Nomination: Mrs. Dunning as. m!s:\bout a week ago students of P. S. T. C. were called upon to seem to bother me." sionary to calm the oppressed. The evaluate something· the best psychologists can't even accurately Miss Martin quickly listed the things Park Avenue Apartment gals held a define-personality. This brings to mind my prediction in the she liked. We took those items which strike and it wasn't a sit-down strike. Nebraska City, Nebr. At little fireside ::c;;:~:;:::'.~::;:;~;~::::;;~":;-:·:::,..:::·Janu~ry 10 issue of the PEDAGOGIAN that .Norma Shearer would seem especially characteristic. (1) Hiking. ("I'm good for 18 be given the Academy Award only to discov.er last 'week that she miles.") iii1 was but one of the fin nominees and that instead Bette DaYis re iili (2) Walnut wood. 1)(1 ceived that co\·etecl honor. ~ (3) Nebras1'.a. fEJ (4) Stage plays with Helen Hayes. ~ (5) Poetry. Immediately came a lanclslicle of favorable notices for l\Tis ~ (6) Rocky mountains. ("Miss· Gock- 1~] lg) Davis. The American Institute of Public Opinion announced that she ley and I spent two we~is last summer was the movie-goers' original favorite for Scarlett O'Hara. (}l.Iiss in the Black Hills. Such fuR, thinking ~ ~I Shearer was third. j All one has to do to see hr portrait is to open with our Mdies · rather than our !)(\ ~ lil'1 the current issue of any popular mag·azine including American or minds.") ~ (7) Radio plays. ' @ Stage. On the heds of these announcements came the flat-footed, (8) Picnics ("Lemonade tastes twice bald-headed, bare-faced statement by a columnist of a wellknown as good with a grasshopper in it:"). maf;azine of the cinema that "it seems to be the consensus of opin(9) Symphonies and operas. ~ :on that Bette Da\'is is the most popular Glamour Girl vvith us ClOl · Atl~ntic Monthly, Harpers, l!li writers." ( Stanwyd: was second. Taylor \\'as first among the m~n Stage magazines. ("I never read the funnies. I suppose that sounds queer, 1i!1 with Jimmy Stewart as runnerup. Kelson Eddy and Jean Arthur but I just never have formed tte hab- ~ were unanimously voted the most unpopular.) it.") ~









The Perfect



(11) Stars. ("I don't believe in as- ~ But reverting to campus conditions, the situation has all the trologists or fortune tellers. If I'm symptoms of giving Midas, gold; or Henry, Ford~; or Carnegie, jr., going to do anything crazy, I'll do it ~ · of my own accor.d.'') @ Ll)ranes; or r\J. B. Shaw, strait-jackets. I wonder how many more @


people say, "Hello, Gordon"; how many more people think Bert Hall is just too, too; how many people call Glema :\Iiers to be. on pro- QUIZ QUESTIONS QUEER gram;:; how many more students ask Helen l\Iare-aret Larso;1 to be PI GAMMA MU-ERS FEB. 27 u A Professor Quiz fired questions on l .. va;·ious committees; how many more nice, marble pedestaL· social science and history to members have been erected for Phyllis Benson; and how many more votes. of Pi Gamma Mu at tlileir meeting, each of the c:mdidates would receive if a poll were taken next week Monday evening, February 27, in the Probably the an;;wer would simply be "many more." Administration Building.


~ @

lill il!J





l!ll "ll

'~ '

To the a\·aricious adole~cent the world may api?ear· to he a'1 ::.u· riferors apple bnt to the subservient student it has more t'me resembLtice c.f . u,:::- .~rapes-with thi·~ :is the exception.







Listen to the Bell Ring for ''1-


Peru Quintet IWns Away With 44~28 Wesleyan Tilt Mosely Throws Twice As Many Baskets AS Burroughs, Wesleyar.'s Leading Player a

·~~:ea~~~:r~::~~c:~ri:P: ~:~i~ i-~-';~-::-:1'-~-:-::;:-;;:-~-.--::~-;;:--,z-~-,-:":-';;J::-.,:;:~~-.;:,-;:-;~~--~-::t-:

Wesleyan Friday night 44-28. The 'Cats ran away with the game from the first period out. At halftime the N. I. A. A. conference boys were out in front 24-11. Mosely scored 13 markers to leat the vicious attack of the scratching cats. "Bob" Halladay returned to his old form while Walker and Huege! turned in good performances. The outclassed Wesleyn outfit was led by Bur.roughs. The Peru team fin-

B0unCl.ng na m ll ·

By Norman Littrell

~;::I~Jl.t:~#:IC~~::EC~JIC~J;)l And as to the mottos, the- Scoreboard's might well be: "You do itwe'll bury it." "Bubbles" Hughes' "Ode to a Pair of Brown :&yes" is a bit late for Sifting Sands.

ishes the season next week with Wayne.

'CATS DROP FAST GAME WITH WAYNE SQUAD The Bobcats were defeated by Wayne Thursday night 40-36, and dropped to last place in the N· I. A. I\. conference. Peru tiefi the count in the last few minutes, but Huntemer, Wildcat f:r!

~~:r::e t:::e.in rapid fire fash-

"Rusty" Bradford and Rembolt were best for Wayne while Bailey, Greathouse and Mcintyre starred for Peru The 'Cats made sixteen free throws, but the small co~rt hampered their connection with tit•d goals. WAYNE (40) FG FT PF 'IP Ahern, g . . . . . . . . . . () O 2 Bradford g . . . . . . . . 2 2 1 ~ ' 1 0 4 Wehrer, g · .. · · · · · .. 2 4 0 Huntemer g · · · · · · · · 7 () 15 Rembolt, c ...... · ··· 2 0 0 Tell, c ........ · · · · · · 2 4 0 Whitmore, f · · · · · · · ·


H PADDLERS VIE IN PING PONG BOUTS Ping Pong enthusiasts of P. s. T. c. will have an opportunity to e:thib't their skill and prowess in the tourney to be staged in the gymnasium Monday and Tuesday. To date the men, with 40 singles entrants and 16 doubles teams, have showri more interest in the tournament than the girls who have only 4 singles entrants and one doubles te:::m. No drawings have been made to date.

MOSLEY AVERAGES 12 POINT') The Bobcat's hard luck tour was featured by Mosley who averaged slightly over twelve points a g·ame. "The Redhead" neared th select 150 point circle as his total jumped to 144. The falling of "Swisher" Halladay's average also was a feature of the trip. Greathouse sconJ. well w:'.ile Mcintyre "The Rowdy" was quite unoffensive as he colle~ted but 2 fouls in the four pmec. N. I. A. A. Standings: W L Pt~;. Opp. Wayne 2 177 166 Miss Maxine Randall, who returned Kearney 211 229 to school, Monday, after recuperating Chadron 139 133 from an appendicitis operation was Peru 124 forced to return to her home in Omaha Wednesday night. Miss Marg-:i:·ct Saville W"' ~'." '·~n to ,;,i1;;n;;,,,J,llc'~lllJllll!1llliilllJ~Jl!\1:J;lgJlgji,";~:;J[gj[jjJ[jjJ[jjJ[gj[jjJ[jjJ[g the infirmary Wednesday n1orn. ~'.6 tmfFacts Worth Knowing

fering from a severe cold.

Abipones, a tribe of south American Indian,s wore in b'li'tle an armor of tapir's hide covered with a Jaguar's skin.

Hanlon jitterbugs jazzed their way The 'Cats must win to stay in the out to the end of a limb at a recent running for the title. FT PF TP jum session and the Dean sawoo the Wright, f · · · · · · · · · · 0 O ~ O WESLEYAN (28) FG 2 3 10 limb dl'. Marshall, f ..... , · . · 4 6 0 0 Burroughs, f ........ 3 , T t 1 17 6 15 40 A 1939 PERUVIAN will give () o as 2 Peru version: Thousands for cinder PERU 0 Woltemath, f ........ 1 (36) \j.FG FT PF TP double protection against fc:·· . n 4 trails, but not one ceht for light bulbs. M 0 2 7 Souders, f .......... 2 ;2 , 2 · ose1y, g · · .... · · · getting the school year '38- '39. 1 Gerald Bowen's theme song for this 2 8 2 Geis,f .............. o 1 Int 2 4 ·1 week is "Ramona." Mc yre, g · · · · · · · · 0 3 Price, c .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 il 3 2 2 3 2 Crucial gameBa ey, g ........... ' 12 100000000000001foooooo1rooooooo1ro1n:rolfuT000·1J1!no01pioo0ao Metzl er, c . . . .. . . . . . 0 2 th 4 4 o 3 4 ,The grune of the year will be p!ayeq. Grea ouse, c · · · · · · 2 Davis, g . . . . . . . . . . . . ll d f o 2 0 2 when ordered from the picture taken for the Peruvian. 1 O at Peru this 'Saturday. Wayne and Ha a ay, 0 Johnson, g . . . . . . . .. . 0 f ········· 1 o O 2 Application Photos 15 for $1.00 1 1 3 Peru will pin" for top ho.nors in the Walker, · .... · · · · · Staten, g .. . . . . . . . . . 1 W>J Boy.cl, g . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 o o 2 state. Here's to the Bopcats and Wild..cats. Let's. give both lOts of support. Auburn Nebraska PERU (44) FG FT PF TP; And, of course. Jong the Bobcat, .., .... ~~ ...,.;..T TITnT<! ' " " " " 1>.,,.,.,, 8 reign!, -f1.~'r,' ,.,_f\~ l:'V'T"l?A n'r.''OTOT\C'.! Walker, f . . . . . . . .. . 4 O 3 l 0 () ll 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 () () () 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0601JIJillfOO!> 01) 0 6 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 Handley, f . . . .. .. . . . O O O 0 o bltt'lmi~: In a battle,,, that went three extra Huegel, f .. . . . . . .. . . . O o O Off 8Pin on my pet-sports for periods, Riverton, Iowa, high edged 13 Mosely, f .. • • . • . . . . 6 l 2 everyone wanting to participate. Bas- out a victory over Peru 23-22, Tue ':iaJ Greathouse, c • • . • . . 3 2 4 8 ~ ketball is over and volleyball comes night. Halladay, c ......... 3 1 2 ~ next. Reilfs won the basketball trophy Ii was a small crowd that saw ..0::Balley, g . . . . . . .. . . 0 2 0 0 in an ext;J.tin~ p1ay-o1I game with Prep sie'· Smith, sharp-shooting sophomore Cramer, g .. . . .. . . .. 0 0 0 Alumni .. It was a good game all the tie i.he score at 22 all, seconds beforr; Mcintyre, g . . . . . .. . 3 O O way through. the gong stopped the regular period of Dean,g ............ o o 1 Superintendents should be bidding play. for anyone who can run a schedule Early in th game, Prep· had taken AFTER liARD-FOUGHT GAME like Spec Nelson ran this intramural the lead and had held an 18-14 advan- :l>J~c!l!1~!llJIID;;ill!,\!!,[g;§lg][jjj§'.iI[jjJ[g]§J~[jjjllli.'gj[iii[g]51J[jjJl)f;g'[jjJ[g;!llJif:J~Y.[g]tgl)'[g]?J:!jjJ;g[filgj§'.\I!iliii1'.iI':i PREP BOWS TO FALLS CITY competition. It was and is a fine piece tage at the three-quarter mark. [jjJ £ ~E~.1 ~ After fighting Falls City on even of work. Martin, opponent forward, took ~ l R\J i~ lD 9 II~ 1 [jjJ terms· for three periods Friday night, Here They Are: things in his own hal~ds from the lll STRICKLY PERSONAL - HIGHLY SELECTIVE ~ Peru Prep wilted in the fourth period Sticking my neck out-but here's my third quarter on out to win the game. ~ M • E • SHUCK , Ph • D ., umanager rg; 'd ;;i lll1 ; to lose 3Z-19. all-intramural team and honor roll of His two baskets gave his team the e ge ~ 820 Sixteenth St. Denver Colo. ~ 22-20 Just before "Ossie" shot .his ~. , ~ ... _ ' • (~ Hebenstrait, bloTud ace of the S0uth- scorers. . . ' : ~.!ll:;;Jl!ill:litJll!Jllll[jjJ[jjJ[jjJ[jjJ§lg][g](g][g][jjJ[jjJ[jjj~[jjJ[jjJ[jjJ[jjJ[jjJ[jjJ[1l:illJ~[jjJ[fillt[g]g]§[g][jjJ[g[gj[jjJ[jjJ§lg][gjgj~[1l:'l<1:S ~ = ~~ eastern champions, hit for 12 points to First, the scorers, who finished in left hand-side smker. lead "Jug" Brown's city cagers. Also the following order: N. Littrell, Wil- The game was then played on the a great aid to the 'I'iger cause was liams, Redfern, Lurk, G. Ashton, basis of the first field goal wins or any Heinzlem:an, round - shouldered for- Horacek, Larson, Dr~ezen, Rhodus, scorew ins in the three minute period. The excited Prepstrs missd setup afCLINTON, IOWA C. E. COZZENS, Manager ward, who shot five hoop-fillers. Hall. Add to this list Gridley, J. We have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home EcoFor Peru; "Ossie" Smith was the Littrell, Anderson and Falloon. Now ter setup in the trio of after contests. In the last period it was finally Marnomics, Commercial, Music, and Manual Training. Many good lealding scorer with seven markers. take your pick-or do you want a low openings in all fields. Enroll nowtin who sank a free toss to win the It was nip and tuck for three peri- scoring guar.d? I took three. game 23-22. ods, as the City led 4-3; 12-8; and 17We furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. The first bunch.: Forwards Falloon Over-vigorous Leonard Bell, last Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak., Minn., Wis. 14. of Reiffs and Hall of Hanlons. Cen- year's Prep coach, has a very successIn the last quarter, Hebenstrait ter, Lurk of Reiffs. Guards, Dean of ful team this year. His basketeers started pouring in the points to win Basketeers and Jensen of Collins. have to \date won 17 while losing but 3. the game for Falls City. The second bunch: Forwards,, Lar- Included in the '.'ictories a':e the three Bert Hall's boys were fighting hard son of Prep and Dreezen of Baptists. which made Bell'.:; boys champions of ~ ... '.\. throughout the game, but the all~ Center, Williams of Weares. Guards, tile F'>emont ~-Courty, Iowa, tournaruround shooting ab~ty just wasn't Fisher of Prep, Blair of Basketeers. ment. there. A survey 'of the season finds Prep There was no ·preliminary contes~ "Phog" Sheeley's boys lacked height; and ReiiI as ·the leading offensive held. consequently last 27-4. FALLS CITY (32) FG FT PF teams and Basketeers and Collins as the defensive squads. The offensive Box score: Heinzreman, f .. . .. . . .. . . . 5 O O teams lands on top. James, f . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . 2 O O RIVERTON FG FT PF' Full explanation of choices will be Wright, .f . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 3 Being ever anxious to give 0 Hess, c .................. 2 0 2 4 given on requst accompapni~ by posHosiman g . .. .. . . .. . . .. . o O 1 Martin,f ................ 3 1-C the best of service, we have reJohnson, .g .. . . . .. . . .. . . . O O 3 tage. Kuhns, c . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . O 2 4 placed our old nut shop for a Huettner, f .. .. . . . .. . . . .. O 0 Scoles, g .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 2 0 beautiful new, sparkling, white PREP (19) FG FT PF FRESHMEN WALLOP Ludwig, g .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 1 O 2 one. Velvick, f ................ O O o RED OAK FIVE 44-31 Moore, c ................. 0 0 0 Coulters, f . .. . .. . . . .. . . . 1 1 Dawson,' f ............... 0 0 2 Grafton, f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o o "The Peru freshmen obtained revenge It keeps the nuts hot, crisp o 2 for one of tneir two defats of the sea- PERU FG FT PF Kamen, c ................ 2 and clean, and we handle only o son by walloping Red Oak Junior Col- Grafton, .............. 3 Ol 2 Phone us for Ice Cream and Pugh, g '·· ............... 2 the finest qualities. Refre!!hments. Don't forget to \ Clements, f .. . .. . . .. . . .. . 2 1 Clements, g .. .. . .. .. .. .. O o o lege 44-31, Monday, February 20. order some Double Kay Nuts. 4 Schock, center, had a hq,t night as Kamen, c ................ 0 0 4 Smith, g ................ 3 1 MAY WE CONTINUE TO 7 I he made ·.eleven baskets for twenty-1 Pu~h, g .... · ·... · ; · .... · 2 0 8 Our Special This Week! I two points in obtaining half of the Smith, g . . . . . . . . . . • . . •.. . 2 1 2 3ERVE '.."OU? Peru markers Velvick, f .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. O O '.DURST LOSES DECISION 1 Huegel, spe~dy guard, made eight Coulters, f ............ ; . . O 2 2 , Y4 lb. 15c lb. 59c IN GOLDEN GLOVES FINALS 1 counters and guarded his man well. · Leroy "Shiny" Durst, Peru College's M noted amateur boxer, was a man withay and Mellett were bst for the Alpha Mu Omega Resumes -~ Act1·v1°ty Under Pres. Lundy ~ out luck in the Golden Gloves Tour- Junior college cage boys. I





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When Company Comes

Ideal Mixed Nuts 1

nament at Omaha last week. · \ PERU , FG FT PF Alpha Mu :omega elected officers Durst won Lis, pre-final fights, bu IHuegel, f .. .'........ ... . 3 2 2 for the remainder of the year at a SiJein the finals fighting with "Vic" Mar ' 'nes, f ...... : ..•. , . . . . 0 O ·c\nl meeling he'.d l\1c I :; ~f'.cr c21w,~ ker, lost on a 3-0 judge's I :ecisicc1. \ Hu;ton, f .......... , .... . cation. They. are as follows: Palr:c:a Marker, Scottsbluff· pugilist, repre- '<Cramer, f ................ 2 l i Lundy, president; Alice Devore, vlc:sentin.~ the Alliance team, appe::w:s t~: Shoe~, c .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . 11 O 3 president; Robert Mason secretarybe a 3mx for Durst. It was the west- }:l!Ioms, g ....... ., .... : .. . 2 1 1 treasurer. ern boy who beat "Shiny" last year in 1Purucker, g . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 1 The organization has been inactive a hot battle. Majors, g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 o 3 this year. I\

':,We Tome/""" Et1err Mlnutel,




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Gam'hUJ Chatter\ ~~T~E~T~:~:~TED?

scholar::hip Club's Program 1 At a meeting of the Scholarship Club y Monday, February 27, two members Have you ever been in a.hospital for By M'}RY Mor:::,IN June Modlin lf00Jll1501l 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the insane? Do you know what modern Give your mail subscription for t 6ave short travelogs. discussed her trip tc Ch'ca~·J to '.he This is Janie Fersen from the cam- medica.l practices are being u:cc1 to World Herald to Jack Brown, studen D. J. Nabors, former P. S T C. dra- National 4-H Convention. I.ec8- Li!> pus where people are short on time cure or partially cure insane pat'.0:;:_;? 10 weeks daily $1.00. Phone l4().-Ad natic coach, ~writes from Ada, Okla- tart told about her journey to Califor- and money but long on sympathy and Did you know that the St2.te of Neunderstanding. brasb supports more than 9,0CO peo1oma, where he is dramatic coach and nia last summer. Intimate notes from my little red ple who are inmates of this .Sta'.e's Geacher of speech, that he has 308 Ernest Ulmer played a pi~,no rnlo. scudents e'nrolled in his speech courses A trumpet solo was given by Supt. S. book. You'll never experience another penal, charitable and reform institu\>':>\. and that his students have won several L. Clements. At the close of the pro- scene like it girls. On Tuesdays, FTi- hons? ,\ \\ \,\ toners in debate tournaments. Mrs. gram all present took part in the garrie days and Saturdays about 10:25 all Do you know how and under what\ ~~'Today's you girls with rooms on the east, turn d't· t 1~abors is recovering from injuries suscon i 10ns hese 9,000 people live?) "Blackboard Charades". ·'Forgotten tained when she fell over a fioor furout your lights, and hang out as far You should, for your taxes support' nace. Jan is in kindergarten this as you can without falling out. These the>e institutions. I Man Quit MISS NORMA DIDDELL SPEAKS year and Jon will start next year. He young blades really make up for lost so that you might know what re?.lly·1 ON ECONOMIC BASIS OF PEACE Advertising concluded his letter by saying that he time when they reach the dorm steps. goes on in Nebraska's institutions, 'lhe hasn't found anything to equal the International Relations sl\:dy Alice Hale, how do you do.·· .it? Six Onaha World-Herald sent its crnck Yesterday group met with Miss Petersen for a o'clock is too early for the majority of photographer to 12 of the State's bigLion Tamers. ---. discussion of "Economic Bases of us. gest institutions. Now, you can really Peruvian · Trio. - Miss Madonna Peace" under tre leadership of Miss Things we can do without: see-in pictures-how insane patients Bradey ('30), Miss Ada Bradey ('33), d t · Norma Diddel. Our little· frien 8 he grey mice. are· treated, how the" live. You can and Mrs. Gladys Beebe Powell i.mat. , Garden group met Yawning from the platfmm. see what goes on behind the prison Landscape The '29) comprise a trio wbo until recently has been broadcasting over a radio at with Mrs. Carroll Lewis, who related Methiolate but not nurse. bars of our State Reformatory. . . · Convocation on Mondays and Fri- The picture ser1·es, dep1'ct1'nb" 11'fe i·n Washington, D. c. At the present, her persona1 experiences m securmg the trio has been singing for various "A Succession of Bloom" through- days. Nebraska's institutions, is running now . N a Stumbling blindly for the light but- in The Sunday World-Herald rotoentertainments in Washington. M1ss out a gar den season. Miss on · -. f th . t ~on when those pesky bulbs flash on gravure (brown) p1'cture sect1'on. Ada Bradey is teaching in the Peter Palmer gave some ur er ms ances 5 :3o a. m. ·fi t "Am · G d " at Don't miss next Sunday's WorldPan School, a private school for small of magm cen encan ar ens An open letter to Miss Coed. Herald. It's an amazing story wi'th p1·cchildren. Miss Madonna B: a~ceY ,s ' which h ave been endowe d an d ar e · ·t·mg publ'ic m · th e Dear Miss Coed: tures you'll never forget. So edu~aprivate secretary in the Federal ,,,d- open to t h e v1s1 . t f th U 't d St t Did you ever stop to think, in case tional. So. interestinll. You"ll sa", afministration Building. eas t ern par o e me a es. you think, that windows are as safe an ter seeing this entire series, that it The Esther Clark Creation Writing avenue of escape as they are an enBeatrice visitors-The following roup met in A 204. current events was the most interesting newspaper f t former Peruvians, who teach _in Bea- gof a literary nature were given for trance. ea ure ever printed. Your last picture was fair but you trice were on the campus Saturday: roll call. Mrs. Tyler briefly discussed are not working up to your standard. Miss Elsie Paret (matriculated in '32), the "Epic" as to structure· and purMiss Mildred SprngJ2 ,_J~,), :.~:". ose. Miss Mart.in gave points of in- Don't let your private life interfere x p with your art. Step being so temper- x Grace Young· (mat. 19131, and M·;s terest on the "Ode". Miss Tear mental with your leading man or he'll Eva Leeper (1938). talkeli on "Greeting Cards their mis' stop leading. Letter from alumnus.-Raymond sion, their form and their sale." Mis~ Trenholm, who is music instructor al Tear 1-.as had considerable experi- Your public likes you but they see :i ....... ~. ..... . 11 1 North Platte, writes that he plans to ence in this form of writing and hex you only at your best (minus house x)( coat and curlers). Take my advice and It attenJ.. Northwestern Universi cY nex, remarks were practical and informa)( always keep you1; best foot forward. )( summer for graduate work in music. tive. )( The picture of the week is: JimerThe March. General meeting will be Sidney p<1sition.-Mlss Gl~dys An· son falls at last. Bong! Bong! Bong! derson, who formerly taught at Kim- at tlle home of Mrs. Everett Goq,d Bong! (Six more and he would have x and will be g·uest evening. The Art ball, is teaching in the fourth grade a\ been out.) A four-bell picture. Many x Sidney, Nebraska, for her first year. group will present the program this of us have waited patiently for John year. She graduated from P. S. T. C. in Jimerson to fall over that fatal cliff 1936. in all his wandering about. It happened but as usual the hero emerges Jerome Snyder - In a recent Y. W. ANTICIPATES TRIP letter, Pat. H. Norwood, principal of TO WAYNE CONFERNCE unscratched, but the laugh is good. the TrainingSchool at SouthwestTexas Y. W. c. A. commission groups me' Recommended from his Psychology State 'Teachers College, San Marcos, for the first time under the leader- student. description can do justice Texas, tells of the succoss of Jerome ship of the new commission chairmen Confe~sed answer from a girl who to this outstanding oil range Snyder ('38) as music instructor. He Tuesday evening, February 21, in tlw has tried to grab that Lurk guy: "I value. You roust see it to appre• has a school band of 30 pieces which Music Hall. just can't grab him." date its many desirable features. 60 has increased from 17, and his - Redecorating the Y. room in· the • Built-in "Live-Heat" oven Karr has been hobb-nob.ing of late. .piece band has grown from 15 pieces. dormitory is the immediate interest of The neat cream-white and black ~ Five long-chimney burners How many rounds will the Goerkefinish harmonize with any plan Oldfield Graduates from Anrutp<1lis. the creative leisure group. e Removable burner tray Timmons fight for the prize of Schacht of kitchen decoration. Come in The music division is planning r. last? James Oldfield, ·Who matriculated a( • Oven he.at indicator and see this special, also a wide musical program including the teach P. s. T. C. in 1934, is in his senior year Mather and Macomber soUJ!.f, • Full-grate cooking top variety of other models, in· at the United States Naval Academ~ ing of the Y. song for a regular meet- tight together. • Handy end shelf eluding stoves with which ing night. at Annapolis, Md. He is a brother of "Live-Heat"Perfection portable • Reversible removable Miss Luella Oldfield, a freshman at Plans for attending the combined Did any of "Marg" Williams ancesovens give excellent results. Y. W.-Y. M. conference at Wayn' tors come over on the Mayflower? reservoir P. S. T. C. Hale says everybody was on a job Kenneth Pace leads 62-piece band. March 18, 19, and 20, are being made. over the week end, but he wou'.d like Falls City highschool's 62-piece band to know which ;ob. will present its spring concert this SCHACHT RECEIVES REINS evening under the leadership cf Ker.New man under the Schacht power neth Pace (1935). Mr. Pace was one of OF Y. M. IN ELECTION -Dalton Goerke. the first to enroll in the M.I.N.K. Mu- Members of Y. M. C. A. met in the What is the score in the Samuels sic Contest, which is sche.duled for Training School Tuestlay night, Febru- Magor cauplet? A little birdie tells us March 9, 10 and 11. ary 21. New officers were elected from all is not well. Scout week.-An active inte'rest in a group of candidates nominated at r Little brother Goerke beat big brothScout Week was taken by S. Clay Ge: former meeting. These new officer; er's time Saturday night. 60c SAL HEPATICA . . .. . . . .. . . .............. 49c (31), who. is scoutmaster at Elks, Ne- are: Melvin Schacht, presLdent;Merritt Dalton c2.:led tirst. Two more scali;ip.<: x 60c Alka SELTZER . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . 49c vada. His troop, which is just enter- Jensen, vice-president; ~arold D<1l- for Elvira. x ing its second year of scouting, has lam, secretary; and Jar1es Lambert. It seems that Handley and B. Magoe HALIVER OIL CAPSULES ........ $1.00 size 69c earned 101,990 of the 200,400 points treasurer. These officers will be in are quite young. Nothing more potent LUCKY TIGER HAIRTONIC . . . . . . . . $1.00 size 89c ll, needed to qualify for the President stalled at the next m:2ting. than milk can be given to such inANTISEPTINE ANTlSEPTIC SOLUTION 1 pt 49c Summerfield Award trocp. This is tl~E Following a brief business meetin~ fants. · JERGENS LOTION .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . $1.00 size 89c highest number of points earned by the members of the organizatior We've been waiting for the first x ARRID DEORDORANT .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . 39c any troop in Nevada. The Elks Daily played volley ball in the Trainin· Mather date. It happened Friday a:1c: x FLASH LIGHTS 2 cells complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c Free Press devoted an entire page tc School gymnasium. were we disappointed! x TOILET TISSUE, 1000 .sheets .............. 6 for ZSc the activities of the Elks troop dming It might at least have been someICY HOT VACUUM BOTTLES ............ pts 89c Scout Week. Coatneys Move to Stella one we know! 100 YEAST & IRON TABLETS ............ '. .... 79c. l SOc PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC ............ 2 for Slc Parker-Henderson nuptials. - An- The ninth grade .class will miss lit 25c LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE ................ 19c. nouncement has been made of the Dean and Elizabeth Coatney who are I WRITE THE SCOREBOARD. )~ 500 KLEENING TISSUES ...................... Zlc marriage of Miss Phyllis Parker and planning to move to .Stella with their ,)( --------· I Howard Henderson in the chapel of parents in the very near future. FEVER THERMOMETER, guaranteed accurate ... 98c '¥---"!··'f.~j, "·~~ ~..~~ ~7~'.b~ ...lf..~~~ the Methodist church in Auburn, $1.00 NORAL AGAR ............................. 89c February 12. The groom is a former Lytton to enter medical school.-· CHOCOLATE CHER RIES .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . 1 lb 29c P. S. T. C. student, and is associated George Lytton, who is now working LET US FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS, with his father in the H. B. Hender- in Los Angeles, plans to enter the NeCAREFUL, ACCURATE COMPOUNDING. son Motor Company. The yGung braska School of Medicine, at Omahrr I couple will live in Auburn. next fall. Mr. Lytton matriculated at ~ 1"~*...-'-""·q-* . o;:.'<.:~*~·-:v~~*~~r+r..:·,.r ' ·~I . P. S. T. C. in 1935. Tibbetts-Perdue engagement. - 'I'he engagement of Miss Raedeen Tibbetts - - - - - - - - - - - ;~ A Fine department in our store ..is the lj] and James Perdue was announced at Electric Shoe Shop DR GLEN H. JODER ~ a tea given in the bride's home, Feb!ll Surgeon and Physician J.P. CLARK ruary 15, at Fort Morgan, Colorado. ~ Milstead Corner Mr. Perdue, who is an instructor ~ e ALWAYS THE LATEST EQUIPMENT __ Res. 39 Phone Office 33 the Fort Morgan highschool, is inal ---N-o-rt_h_o_f_S_k_e-lly_s_·t-at-io_n Phone 109 ~ Phor;e 9 for Appointment Peru, Nebr. Peru graduate of 1937.










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P. S., 1.,. C. Game and Dance


Movie Star and Bride Drive From Auburn, Where They Are Visiting His Great Uncle, To Watch Peru Bobcats Whip Wayne By Margie Fraser

VOLUME XXXIV Wayne Morris, the' movie·actor. who, according


Fidler, seemed to have been lost from the face of the earth, fig· uratively dropped from the skies onto Peru College's campus Saturday night, March 4.. To be more explicit, he drove from Auburn, where he was visiting his great uncle, M. W. Morris, to attend the PROF. R. H. SHULER Peru-Wayne game. and to dance to the ADDRESSES Y. M. TUES. Professor R. H. Shuler spoke on swing of the Melody Masters at the "Mental Hygiene" at Y. M. C. A. Tues- victory dance immediately afterward. day, February 28. He concentrated He had arrived in Auburn about 5:30 chiefly in his address on how to study, a. m. Friday, March 3, and expected to how to arrange a schedule and how to leave the following day. Later he deconform with general campus acti~ cided to lengthen his visit twenty-four vities. hours. The organization postponed the He was late to the game because of installation of officers until the next autograph seekers. His car was meeting and discussed plans for the stripped in Auburn and pieces were Y. M. C. A. conference at Wayne cut from his coat. Removing the coat March 17, 18 and 19. at the dance, he peered over his shouldDean J. A. Jimerson will be the er and whispered, "Are you sure that speaker at the next meeting. 'Ihis my suit is all there?" meeting will be in charge of Principal He came to Peru College at the inL. B. Mathews. "The Philosophy of vitation of Coach "Art" Jones. The Secondary Education" will be the gen- screen favorite accompanied Mary era.I theme of the meeting. Grovenburg, LeRoy Durst and Mary Marvin Schacht, president of Y. M. Durst on this visit. C. A., is considering acceptance of an He whistles when he works-at dancinvitation to send a senior doubles ing. His wife thinks he dances very team to the Y. M. C. A. Tennis Tour- well. The band played "Blue Hawaii" nament at Lincoln, March 18 .. ~t his request. Mr. Morris was born in Los Angeles, Regular Peru Broadcast California, and was christened Bert Features Prof. Jindra and Sextet De Wayne Morris.. He acted on the Last evening, March 6, from eight- stage for three years at the Pasadena thirty until nine o'clock the regular Play House, where he was discovered Peru Hour was presented over t.he by a movie scout. facilities of radio station KMA. The He was asked, who was his favorite program, which follows, was an- actor and actress. His reply was: nounced as usual by Gordon Gilbert. "Mickey Rooney and J~e Withers. Violin Solos . . . . . . Prof. V. H. Jindra That's safe enough, isn't it?" "Romance in A" . . . . . . Lieurance Tu show to what extent actors go to "From the Cane Brake" .. Gardner prepare themselves for screen work. "Rosary" . . . . . . . . . . Nevin-Kreisler Wayne told how he developed boxStardusters. Coatney, Harris, Hazelton ing for his favorite role in "Kid Gala"Stop Dat Buzzin" ....... Michell had." He improved his technique under "Blue Skies" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Berlin the supervisi0n of a former world's Pedagogian of the Air . . Ruth Crone champion and now boxing is his favStardusters with flute sextet J. Harris, orite sport. Gaines, Chehey, Kennedy, Larson, 1he outcome of the Academy Jimerson. Awards pleased the cinema hero and "Nightfall" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. Liszt he said that he was sorry that it was "Swing Iiow" . . . . . . . . . . Spirik: .i impossible for him to be present at the Violin Solos ...... Prof. W. H. Jindra banquet when the awards were pre"Meditation".. . (Thais) Massenet sented. He holds Spencer Tracy's a.ct"Mexicania" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Music ing in higli esteem. To quote him: "I "To a Wild Rose" ............. . was sorry I was unable to see Spencer ............. MacDoY'ell-Hartmann Tracy in the movie, 'Boys' Town', but I think he's a grand actor." OMAHA OPERAS ATTRACT Mr. Morris has just finished a pieture in which he has another boxing PERU STUDENTS AND FACULTY Among the Peru students and facul"Th Kid f C " In th role, e rom oxomo. e ty members who attended the operas supporting cast are ,Joan Blondell, Pat presented by the San Carlos Opera O'Brien, May Robson and Maxie Ros1 Company at Omaha last weekend were: Mrs. !nice Dunning Mrs. W. R. his bride of two months, Pate, Professor R. T. Benford, Kath- was born in New York. She is a small arine Bartling, Rutheloise Souder. dark complexioned girl, reputed to be Leora Libhart, Martha Clifton, Jeanne heiress to four millions. From the Spier, Professor G. Holt Steck. Helen feminine viewpoint it is interesting to Margaret Larson, Mary Modlin and note that her apparel consisted of a Gordon Gilbert. red wool bolero suit, a black Persian 7hret: operas, "Madame BLicterfiy," Lamb coat and black low-heeled "Carmen", and "Il Trovatore", were pumps. Her plea.sing personality and scheduled for a Friday matinee and a eagerness to accommodate was espeSaturday matinee and evening per- cially prominent to the interviewer. formance. Mrs. Morris is proud of the fact that some relative 'way back was a TurMISS ELMA GOCKLEY RETURNS kish gypsy. She is proud of her Miss Elma Gockley returned to her famous husband and said, "Between home in Peru last Saturday after hav- Johnny "Scat" Davis He's Wayne's ing spent several weeks in the Nebras- best friend,) and "The Kid" they know ka City Hospital following an opera- every orchestra leader in the country." tion. She is not certain as to when Mr. Morris .was driving a blue Mershe will be able to resume her work in cury convertible coupe. the college office. • This was the first· visit he has ever paid to the birthplace of his father, after whom he was christened. He PERUVIAN OFFERS TICKETS said that he was having the time of his FOR ACCEPTED SNAPSHOTS life. 'Iheatre tickets are being 0£fered for snapshots for the PeruProfessor and Mrs. Robert Moore, vian. Snow scenes are greatly in Mrs. G. H. Joder and Professor V. H. demand. In order that progress Jindra. went to Tarkio, Missouri, Fribe made in this particular p[>::t day, March 3, to act as judges at the of Peruvian publishing everyone ' annual music and dramatic contest. is urged to h'.1nd in snapshots. These same four people were judges last year.







Y. W. SINGS SONGS AT MUSICAL MEETING Singing "Y" songs and swing versions of pep songs, Y. W. C. A. members entered into a musical evening at their meeting Tuesday, February 28. Leora Libha.rt led those present learning the Estes Song and in reviewing the "Y" theme song, "Follow the Gleam." The swing version of "Down By the Old Mill Stream" added the modern touch. Definite programs for the Y. W. - Y. M. conference at Wayne, March 17, 18, 19 have not been received. The Y. W. organization will pay the expenses of all new officers, cabinet members and last year's officers.

Y. M. C. A; Y. W. C. A;

C. C. A.............. 7-8 pm. Chadron Basketball game here ................ 8 p. m.

Wednesday, March 8 Gamma Chi (all) ...... 7-8 p. m. Chadron Basketball game here ................. 8 p. m. Thursday, March 9 Freshmen Clubs ...... 7-9 p. Friday, March 10 Dramatic Club Business Meeting .......... 11:30 a. M. I. N. K. Music Contest Saturday, March 11 M. I. N. K. Music Contest Monday, March 13 Class Meetings . . . . . . 11 :30 a. Crawdads ........... 7-8 p. Kind-Prim. Club ..... 7-8 p. Epsilon Pi Tau ...... 7-8 p. Lambda Delta Lambda 7-8 p. Sigma Tau Delta ...... 8-9 p. Broadcast . . . . . . . . 8:30-9 p.

1939 MUSIC CONTEST INSURES HUGE CROWD Officials Find Necessary To Secure More Judges This year's M.I.N.K. Ml!sic Contest enrollment is exceeding all expectations. So many contestants have entered at the present time that the contest officials are finding it necessary to get more judges than they had planned to use. The contest is scheduled for the coming weekend, March 10 and 11. Even though a 25 cent fee is being charged for each soloist entered, it now appears that there will be as many solos as there wel\,in the 1937 contest. In fact, some of the. events are already larger than in 1937. The clinic system, a new idea in Peru contests, holds the center of attention. The large number registered for each of the four clinic groups, band, orchestra., girls' glee club and boys' glee club, will make it impossible for one director to handle all the instruction. Therefore, the heads of each of the groups will use highschool music supervisors to help in the direction of the group. The heads of the clinics are Superintendent S. L. Clements, band; Professor V. H. Jindra, orchestra; Professor R. T. Benford, girls' glee club; and Professor G. Holt Steck, boys· glee club. Some of those who w1·11 help ar·e·. J. H. Rennick, Beatrice; Ruth Wyman, Schroepel, Pawnee City and Humboldt; Lloyd Perry, Edgar; Jo D'Andre, Fairfax, Missouri; Kenneth Lotspeich, Superior; V. G. Clements, Elmwood;


Calendar Tuesday, March 7



m. m. m. m. m. m. m.

ABBIE BRANDT COPS NAT'L CANNING PRIZE Abbie wins again! Abbie Brandt, freshma.n from Unadilla, was a.warded the blue ribbon for being the best 4-H Club vegetable canner in the United States at the Chicago National 4-H Club Convention. Her contributions were five cans of


Basketball Teai'1 Celebrates

45 Consecutive Victories An old saw goes, "History rep2ats itself," so skeptically old PEDAGOGIANS were thumbed thc·ough in an effort to compare Peru students of 'way far back with present products. Students were urged to buy budget tickets ...... to vote, yes, on the question, "Shall Peru have a S~u:lent Council?" ...... to submit snr,pshots for the 1921 Peruvian ...... That was when the Peru candy kitstcn adver1 tised seafoam goodie:: .....~.nd wa'stline~: ca.::r::: be~c\": tl:,; ~'..'.ps. . .the 'same yccx Peni trot:nced :-::0':·:1~y 3-0 ated every issue of the PED ....... . There was taik of a Ile>\ Aud:~or:um ..... girls wore "Dressy and Classy 2hoes"-three inches longer than the modern snow boots ...... 15 men and women tried out for debate teams .... The PED had a complaint box in the Ad. Building ...... Middies were "hot stuff" ...... A cement fountain gr:ced the middle of the campus ..... Oak Glen, the men·s se1.f-boardi11g dorm north of the campus, caught fire and several Mount Vernon girls, panicky lest the fire spread, packed their trunks.

asparagus, green beens, beets, carrots The Dramatic Club presented "Clarand ~pinach. She says she used no ence" ...... Peru won the state basketrecipe in canning-just a hot water bath. ball championship and 50 men celeAbbie was all state home economics brated the opening of the Y. M. C. A. den ....... Radio came to Peru and champi~n la.st year and won the Swift somebody heard his name over the state pnze for meat. . air from WOAw, Omaha!,! The Miss Brandt's ca.nnmg has captured F h t , b f . res man c1ass pu ou, a num er o first pnze . at every contest entered. the PED with a tribute to Miss Tear She was wmner m the county and at the state fair before her exhibits were on the front page· · · · · ·Also, a feature, -"If I Were Running This College--" entered in the national contest. ...... The sophomores did them one better by printing the next edition on slick orange paper ....... Convocationgoers approv:d of armament reduction ....... The Omaha Daily Be2 printed pictures of the Peru basketball team ....... Snappy jokes graced pages Supt. S. L. Clements of the PED instead of gossip columns. Enters Group M I N K · · · · "L;vers' Lane" to Joy Hill was pic· t db tured on the front page .. ···· .Certain Instrumental music was presen e Y men lost certain A::>ets so they went the Training School students, who are preparing to enter M. I. N. K. Music collarless and grew beards just to show d' certain people....... A cartoonist was on the 1923 PED staff .... · .. Dean Delintendent s. L. Clements was in charge zell's "got freckled" answer to reporters who asked what he did in early Walter Olson, and Harry Langley, Fre- of the program, which included num- d Th "P" Cl b and their mont; Kenneth Pace, Falls City; Mrs. bers by the brass sextette, flute sex- ays. · · · · · · e u Eunice Bergman-Pace, Verdon; Harold tette, baritone horn solo, oboe solo and ~~l~!h:~~e/~~:~t~a~highcla.ss" vaudeChatelain, Hebron; Ralph Chatelain, t<'rench horn solo. Talmage; Jack Ashton, Dunbar; Har- The members of the brass sextette A chap named Glen Gilkeson was a vey Snider, Wilbur; and Larry Greisel, \Vere: Reba Hauptman, first cornet; forward on the 1924 championship Table Rock. Arthur Clements, second cornet; Dick basketball team ....... The Girls Club Twenty more highschools have Clements, baritone horn; r5abel Tynon, presented "Little Women" with Marion entered in the last two weeks, bass horn; Leona Bertwell, French Marsh as "J 0 " · bringing the total enrolhnent to 46 horn: and Leatrice. Hauptman, trom- Prof. Jlndra featured a bow tie and schools preceding March 3. Entry bone. The sextette played one num- very-much collar ........ Miss .Marie blanks are still being received. · ber; "Memories of Stephen Foster." Fa.ulhaber's Peru High debaters be'.ct The following schools have entered Dick Clements gave a baritone horn Beatrice Highschool. ... The Ath. field recently: Wilbur, Douglas, Burchard, solo. Mrs. S. L. Clements accompanied sported a rustic bridge ......... Home Elmwood, Bellevue, Palmyra, Fremont, him on the piano. Ee. girls worked in large wh!t2 aprons Salem, Eagle, Fairfax, Mo., Beatrice, Mary Frances Redding playe:l an and bucket-shaped hats ....... Manual Nebraska City, Cook, Wymore, Thur- oboe solo and Leona Bertwell, r, F:·e:ich Trainers' concrete fiower stand had its · man, Iowa, Weeping Water and Paw- horn solo. Both girli' were acs~m- picture taken .......... Reporters said nee City. panied by Marie Chehey. "autoed" instead of "drove" ..... Opie Superintendent S. L. Clements finds The flute sextette was cm::psecl nc Read appeared on a program. that at the present time there is a three highschool and three colle:·r An editorial denounced non-sidewalk substantial increase in the number of [girls. The highschool girls we:e I. e:> users and recommended Shaw's "Saint schools entered in the group events. nore Larson, Mary Shirley JimersT Joan" ...... 3. E. Swensen ;;ave Lo Class A and B g·lee clubs and choruses and Betty Kennedy. The coliege giris Peru an annual athletic medal and show a particularly large increase. were Janet Harris, Marie Cheh2~· '.,:'l. scholarship ....... Journalism lof all Class C bands will be better repre- Monte Jean Gain.es.. Th.is group pre-1 things) was added to .the i925 currlsented than in any previous year. sented two numbers. One of them, culum ....... "The Comedy of Errors" Small groups continue to hold their "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," has been was produced ....... Foxy Grandpa appeal. Al.ready more schools have arranged by Ma.rjode Harris. "Dance was the· best comic strip and every 1 enrolled in string, wood-wind and of the Reed Flutes" by s:ol:.;:;~:.i wasjflapper said, "a. pplesauce" or "hot dog". brass groups than ever before. the second selection. (Continued on p. 4; Col. 2)




~:~ete;;id~~o:or~~~g~o~:~~~ti~.n s:~e~~


The Peru Pedagogian

\Asst. Editor Resigns Post

Campus Confesses _Low Down on Dates

As Notice Made of Absence .dshed Weekly by the Peru Stale -c < . ers College, Peru, Nebraska. students of P. s. T. c. regret the Entered at the Posto!Iice a•: ~"c: ''· '"c':::~~'.:a as second class matte;-. withdrawal from college of tre assistSl.00 per war. Single cop:-; o ee1icr-.. ant editor of the PEDAGOGIAN, -------~---~---------~-~-------~Roger R. Duffing. His absence is

.!!:DITOR ............................ , ...................... RUTH CRONE ASSISTANT EDITOR ................................... STELLA ROGGE ASSIS'1ANT EI!,ITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THANE HALE SPORTS EDITOR .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. WAYNE McGINNIS TYPIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARY LIZABETH WEi.1NER ADVISER ....................................... M. FLORENCE MARTIN

necessitated by the death of his mother. Boys and Girls Express Likes and Gripes The PEDAGOGIAN extends its sympathy to Roger in his hour ofl--need. But most particularly the PED- In the spring a young man's fancy tional ability were rated as desirable AGOGIAN extends its sympathy to turns to thoughts of love, but some- traits in Peru g~rls. Boys always go the PEDAGOGIAN because a great times the girls turn him down because for a good dancer. REPORTERS news story slipped from under the she doesn't fancy him. The m:i.in The boys' unacceptable points are Mary Modlin Winifred Hall Wayne Wilson noses of the rest of the staff while causes· have been unearthed and now more lengthy but not so unattainable. Mary Grush Mary Olive Richardson Jean Winkelman Duffing was on the campus. Not until lie before your eyes. The boys were The girls like good manners and neat - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..--.. - - - - after his departure did they discover given a chance to tell what four things appearance best of all. They like boys IS EXPERIENCE THE BEST TEACHER? by means of a note left for the boys they dislike in girls when on 2. d'.l.te that always find the seat and lead the · of the house where he stayed that his and what one thing' they admire mJst. g·irl at the theatre or an other public Where automobile accidents are concerned experience is the father was killed in the world War The girls did likewise. . The results place. Girls dislike poor manners such best tea<;:he~ onl~ w~en _it is som;bo:ly else's. experience. T.he e~peri- shortly after Roger was born in Eng- show that none of the requisites of a j,s failure to rise when the girl comes ence of losing his l!fe is wasiea on the dnver orpedestnan killed. land. There really is no excuse for the good dater could not be acquired eithinto the lounge to meet her date, not in an automobile accident. The ex:;cr'en:e of months in a hospital ?EDAGOGIAN missing this feature er by 'reading Emily Post or just a litopening doors or any other general ~ot or of weeks in ~ law com:t is cos'.l~ tuitio:r; for one's educat!on for his clipped British speech disting- tle effort to please. points of courtesy. 1!1 safety .. we wish to avoid these dire costs we must apply the uished his origin even though he came The boys expressed their dislike for Dance fioor errors such as lea vC'\penence or others. to oursell'es. to this country when a child after too much makeup more frequently A boQklet i':;ued by the Tra\'elers i\ews Bureau presents a com- traveling extensively through India than any other point. Best of all they ing girls, booking next dance during dance and just plain bum dancing Drehensive analysis based on o'ticial reports from the 48 states of and the Far East. liked a good personality. The way the gives girls a pain. t11e facts about accidents in which 32,000 persons were killed and Roger's life was surrounded by girl acts in public brought the next Discourtesy and lovesick swains are 1:1ore than a million \\'ere injured last year. The experience of the tragedy. Besides this bereavement he most criticism; boys dislike girls who tops in dating disfavor. Conceitness thousands who had to learn their lesson the hard way in 1938 brings has already lost one set of natural laugh too much, talk constantly, talk takes the cake for unaccepted characto light many interesting facts such as the follo\\'ing: parents in an Indian massacre in loudly, "cat", or show-off. ter traits. Exceeding the speed limit was responsible for 39.6 Texas. Inappropriate and untidy dress eDon't show up for an evening with per cent of the deaths and 25 per cent of the injuries. DeIf any of the PElDAGOGIAN readers vokes the boy friend's ire. He exthe one and only and ask her what to spite a decrease in fatalities in 1938 compared with 1937, see him on the campus tell him the pressed disgust for crooked stocking do that night. Girls detest boys so the percntage caused by speed went up. 76.3 per cent of ac~EDAGOGIAN staff is sorry. seams, anklets in the wintertime and independent that they wait until sevcidents occur on the straight-away. poor hairdress. en o'clock to call for a date . . \!most C)\% of the drivci·s inrnh·ecl in fatal accidents Not only the public impression, but Appearance distinquishes the popu\\'ere male and only 6 per cent female. But no one knows *~~1cO;::~*"O...~*'~*~*~*"'i the boys' private opinions are of imlar boy by his clean nails, polished how manv more male clri 1·ers there are than female clri\·ers portance. Critical, gold-digging girls shoes, appropriate dress and ties. nor how ;nan\' mo"e miles are dri\·en ]Jy men than women are taboo. Bored actions, jealousy, Boys who brag about other girls they so no swcepi1{.e; conclusions can be dra1~11. insincerity and stubbornness bring have dated are not apt to be bragged More than 84 per cent of the fatal accidents occurred in You do it: we'll chalk it up down disfavor in those tea-for-two af- about after the last date. clear weather and 77 per cent happened when the road sur...-,,.,,....__<J:*''O::·~*·<.·.~*~~*'O;:c!;*~ fairs between boy and girl. The loud, show-off, vulgar fellow face was dry. . · A conceited girl who high-hats oth- J'ust doesn't have a place in any girl's Close your eyes ::nd use your nna.giAfore persons were killed on Sunday _than on any other ers and makes herself conscious is nil life. nation. Nowday of the week while the heaviest injurv to!! came on Satas a date in the men's opinion. Pouts, poor sports, whose only enterur~!ay. Its a gr;at life if you don't weel~encl. More persons Can you picture: Bal>y talk brings choking sensations tainment is woo-pitching need not exwere killed between 7 and 8 p. n1. than at any other honr. Ruth Sutorious with her· hair -to the boy. Giggles and silly maneu- pect to break many hearts. InsincerDusk, darkness and fatigue are strong contribu tin,e; factors. mussed-up? vers cannot expect to land any male. ity hits a low in the fiatterer. Almost 43 per ce-;t of all victims of fatal traffic acciErma Meier in a red dress? Men don't like over-affectionate woNecking or talking in the picture dents were pedestrians. Almost half of all pedestrians killed Winnie without "Hoots"? men. Girl fri.ends wh.o smoke, drink_. show ruins everyone's opinion includwere either crossing between intersections or walking on Shuler without his camera? and wear fiaming red. nail polish are ing that of the girl friend's. . rural highways. Margaret Wll.llams early_ tor elaS"S? \a soilrce of grtf>e for''any inan. -Girls fall for fellows with good manDeaths from automobile aciclcnts during· the hours oi Margery Evans without a piano? But girls, here is why they love you: ners, who are thoughtful and have a darkness increased 54.5 per cent from 1930 thru 1937. "Spec" Nelson on a kiddy-kar? First, your personality; second, your great deal of personality. Sqme girls Police officials are quite likely to be skeptical of exHutch with long curls? subtley revealing the fact that you are think black, curly hair is most necescuses because they have found that 95.2 pe1· cent of all intelligent; and neatness taking third sary but they are very few in comparScore yourse1f: . . vehicles involved in fatal and non-fatal,smash-ups are in apSee h ow you ra t e on campus nei"s' " . place with good looks. A good .sport is is0n with those who like good sports, parently good condition with no defects noted. t · w ong a man's delight; one who has mtellec- neat looks, friendliness and those who Truck and taxi drivers are not the 1)er1)etrators of most All correc · · · .t.. · " ' none anret rong I tual curiosity for the things he likes notice the little wants and wishes of One-half correc .. 50 per ce wr . . . accidents. wms his ever-ready affect10n. Natur- girls. · (answers are at end of column) Age groups of drivers involved in accidents in d'icate t h at alness, common sense an d conversathe most dangerous ages are 18 and' 19. This includes well Questions: 1





over a third of Peru College students. It indicates that driving instruction in highschool i.s i'm,perative.

1. Who dates the two-hundred and I more pound football captain?


The figures deflate the eg·o of any incli1·idual w\10 be2· Does "Ding" Bai·1 ey dance.? lie1·es that because he is no longer a no1·ice behind the 1 " f · l 3. Bob Mooney's "ex" was whose E. K. Langevin, chief-photographer wheel he is immune to accidents. 9:i.l per cent o acc1c ents involve drivers with one \'ear or more experience. date recently? \for The Omaha World-Herald, and It is well to remember that energy increases progressinly as 4. Who was Hutch's proud succesKarr and Dunn Direct i whose interesting picture-stories have the speed of a car inceases, but ~hat the increment in energy [;n: sor? Highschool Play Cast appeared in many of America's largoutstrips the addition in miles per hour. Takn:; as its equivalent the 5. Have you forgotten who the est picture magazines, has scored ayeraEe shock limit of the human body, the clanger u111t. 1s matl.1e- blonde is that causes Bill Saale to v "The Tin Hero," a play by Charles another great photographic scoop. matically equal to the energy de1·eloped in an automobile movmg \;eep his mind on his steady? at 25 miles per hour, to a street-\\'iclth of actual stoppmg distance, 6. Can you estimate the percentage George, will be presented by the senior Recently, Langevin completed a tour to one "roll-over" in case of an accident, or to the fall of a person of Bud Lyons acceptances with the class of the Training School in the of Nebraska's largest penal, charitac.Jf a two-ston· house. This concept is couplecl ll'ith the known facl 1lternative? College Auditorium, March 31. ble and reform institutions. With his that the energJ of a moving bo<iy increases as the square of the 7. Do you know the why of HowDean Karr and William Dunn, mem- camera he recorded what is probably ard. Dean's pettfooat abstinancy? bers of the College Play Production the finest picture s tudy of l'f · Nespee d . . . · 1e m The cost of fast clri\·ing- is hig:i. An mcrease m average speed 8. Whose name is erroneous but class, are directing the production. braska institutions ever compiled by from 35 to 4S miles per hour will oave a little more than 6 hours of whose attentions to Roszell are cor- The cast of characters include: one man. time in each thousand miles clri1·en but each of the hours sarecl rect? Douglas Goodyear, a timid young man, 9. What all-around, both athleti- Richard Kingsolver; Mrs. Blanche costs about 65 cents. An increase in average speed irom 35 to SS This series, which concentrates on cally and figuratively, senior has never Goodyear, the mother of Douglas, one institution a week, is now appearmiles per honr jumps the cost of hours saved to about .$1.?0 each. :\ n illustration in the publication which I have prev10usly men- had a date on the campus? Leona Bertwell; Grace Goodyear, his\. · The Sunday World-Herald tioned is so apt that J \\'isli that I rnlg-ht take credit for it. It ach·ise:o: 10. Can you name five girls who sister Norma Jean Hays; Baxter War-· mg m . It that next time your club meets, or vou ha\'e a famlJy reunion, to list have an initial hold on matrimony? ner, t'h e pres1'den t of"T·h e Her os' Club,, , I: rotogravure Cbrownl . picture .sect10n. . the names of ZO oi those present.· Let them be members of .your 11. Did you know that the crack Harold Mason; "Bunny" Wheeler, who' shows you how msane patients are familv, relatives, close friends. Look well upon their faces for at ,,bout the Scoreboard· made by last is engaged to Grace, Milford Sears; treated; how they live. It takes. you the p~esent rate one out of that 20 will be killed or injured in an au- week's "Prattler" column may not be Mrs. Baxter Warner, Isabel Tynon; behind reformatory walls and vmdly ~omobile accident within the next fin years. It may be you, or reliable evidence? Annetta Conedale, the only female pictures life in Nebraska penal insti1rour mother or your closest friend. It may be a minor injury; it member of "The Heros' Club," Ernci, tutions. This series, without a doubt, Answers: ·ina\' Ile a crij)l)]ino· disfiuurino· casualitv; It ma\·.. be death. These Steffen; Adelaide Young, a friend of is the most exciting picture study ever b' ;-, ~ ,, ' figL~re are based on the la\\' of c\\'erages. Fortunately, you and your 1. Marjorie Trenholm Grace, Doris Good; Victoria Esmond,· released by The World-Herald. Every rt!atins and friends can encle that law mth no penalty- attached 2. Ding's a first rate hoofer. a· newspaper woman, Jean Vosberg; i Nebraskan, who contributes hi~ share to the occasion. You can beat the law of a1·erages by being abore the 3. Bert Hall's. Mille. Claudette Bordoni, a young i toward the support of these . mstituavera,,e in vour walking· and clri1·ing habits. 4. Jim Mather. He took Enid to the French woman, Twilla Mason; and . tions should absolutely see this senes.


l1nfortimatelv about four years ago I didn't know that. I look- Frosh date-dance. "Spike" Ryder, a champion swimmer, i : Order next Sunday's World-Herald eel at one of mv 'best friends not realizing that within four clays I 5. No. Kathryn Knouse. Roger Mason. \\'ould ne1·er h;ve the opportunity of seeing her again because her 6. Neither can we. 'today from your local World-Herald Iace wao so disfigured as a result of an automobile accident that the) 7. Howard is engaged. carrier boy or newsdealer. You'll never PRES. W. R. PATE ATTENDS 8. Whitehead. didn't open the casket at t I1e funera.I N. E. A. AT CLEVELAND forgive yourself if you miss this excitAcording to this law of avera:;es 24 student? now. enrolld a~, 9. Mosely. President w. R. Pate went to Cleve- ing feature. The big Sunday WorldP. S. T. C. will be killed or injured in an automobile accident before 10. Henderson, Glema Miers, Evans, land, Ohio, to attend a meeting of Herald costs only a dime. The supply 1945. I trust that we will be above the average and that this won't Livingston and Aufenhamp. the National Education Association. Is limited, so reserve your copy today. happen to you; that is why I'm writing this editorial. 11. You did? Thanks.


- - -

Watch the 'Cats Conquer Chadron

Peru Team Whips ~Tayne jf;;;;~j;;;'1fa// PERU COLLEGE COPS !~:_'.:,' ,~::!~~~~~MPIONS MOST All STAR HONORS In Fast Game· Saturday By Norman Littrell

~ICt:~'llfI~)JIC~JJJT~.'.JJTC~. .;'.JJ The final touch: Bobcats Defeat Wildcats By 20 ,Points This week ends Peru basketball hisTo Tie Up N. I. A. A. Team Standings tory participation for three performers. It will be the last time that Peru Bobcats won over Wayne's - - - - - - - - - - - - Peruvians can cheer Dean, Mosley and Wildcats Saturday night 55-34 in a REPORTER SPOTS FEATURES Majors. bruising battle. . i OF PERU-WAYNE GAME Howard Dean has given Peru three The win knotted the N. I. A. A. race. years of fine football and basketball BY ROBERT "RED'' MASON All four teams are bunched ha Ying a performance. "Hardnose" has alway·; 500 percentage. This year has pre-. Ye olde rovins, raving, beetle-brained been willing to do what he is told and sented one of the N. I. A. A. history's observer presents for your cri'ti'ci'sm a he knows how to do those things. Lack tightest races. play-by-play report of what goes on of weight kept him from being the The deciding faetor will be the Peru- behind the scenes of a basketball best end in state football. All of his Chadron double bill here Tuesday and game. Seated at the imaginary di- coaches will tell you he is a master of Wednesday. The 'Cats or the Eagles vision line where some men are single style and technique in both sports. must sweep the bill to win the cham- men and other men are doomed with Lester Mosley has won awards in pionship. dates, the picture opens with a pre- three sports. Mose is probably one of If "Lanky Leonard" Greathouse ana view of former games given by some the finest men to coach on Peru's "Bob" Halladay are clicking as they very learned young men. squad. He works hard and learns did against Wayne, the double victory Comes the time for the tossup with rapidly. Slow in actions but fast on the won't be hard to achieve. But the the Wildcats leaping and snarling, Jay- field or court seems to cover Mose's pace set by these two Saturday is hard ing for those sissy Bobcats. The refer- I actions. Mose will be heard of more to repeat. Halladay couldn't miss and ee lifts his hand, silence reigns, the during the track season. orange 'trees would have borne fruit ball goes high and he, poor fellow, Tom Majors, old T. J., reached the around Greathouse even in this cli- stands there in the attitude of a pro- peak of his athletic career last year in (mate. fessional boxer for who knows he football. Never will be forgotten that The game started out smooth. Rem- might get hit-accidentally! True to wonderful kicking performance in the bolt of Wayne scored first, but it was- home-form, the Bobcats start to lead Homecoming game of 1937. An injury n't long until Peru had a 10-3 lead so one blue-eyed itty bity coed turned bothered Tom this year, but he made with "Cece" Walker and Greathouse to her protector-like shiek and without up for his weakened kicking by better leading the attack. thinking said, "My, isn't number 21 general playing ability. Basketball At the half the score was 32-22 in good looking?" Needless to say he finds the chunky Majors a crowd favor of coach Wheeler's boys and turned Indian and grunted. favorite when he trots on the floor. Morrison, Wildcat coach, was searchOne out-of-town visitor kept the on- Coaches All ing for some boys who could produce lOOkers quite well posted as to how These three are just three of the points and some sweet fruit for his he liked tile referees. Very enthusias- many young men going out into the breakfast. tic, he was, too, 'With a decided prefer- coaching field from Peru. Here they It was the 'Cats sixteenth >ictory ence for the 'Cats on fOUl shots called. have gained knowledge of the games, a of the season compared with four Rising from his seat. in a John Bull- love of sporting competition and losses. like pcse he woUld wave his arms sense of wanting fair play and a deWhile the 'Cat victory produced frantically fighting for worthwhile sire t-0 help others enjoy such sports. only a four-way tie in the N. I. A. A. words. Then he would emit a series You, the fans, have helped to make conference, it gave the Wheeler boys of bombardments. "Why don't you Peru coaches what they are. Most of .get glasses ..... Here's mine .... I don't these .coaches are going to influence a first place in the mythical league. WAYNE ( ) FG FT PF need 'em .... What's the matter 'ref'.. great number of boys. Peru prides 35 Marshall, f .............. 3 3 1 .. Do you toss up a coin and call 'em?" herself that her coaches will have the Whitmore, f . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 3 The second half brings out a list of correct influence. 1 m'cknames for the Wildcats,· one reBack in highschool at Nebraska Rembolt, c .. . . . .. .. . . .. . 3 O Bradford, g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 ceives the name "Sea Biscuit" City, Les Gump and I had a famous Ahern, g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 and another, bless his heart, receives football coach from Nebraska. He


!~~:~~e;, .~


Halladay and B:u;ey Rere'.vc Positions on State Team

Led by lanky but not lucky Phil Lurk, Reiff House defeated the Prep Alumni 26-23, Wednesday night, Ftb. 'I'.he Wheelermen grapped the lion's 22, to win the championship. share of the Lincoln Newspaper's 1938It Y:as a thrilling contest that had 39 all N. I. A. A. basketball selections. George Devore rucming the college The Bobcats placed Bob Halladay of scoreboard and the Alumni shooting Hancack, Ia., and Russel Bailey of into a 14-7 lead at half time. With DeWitt on the first team, Leonard "B d" Rh d Greathouse of Ord on the second and u o us, diminutive forwar'J, leading the attack, Alumni l:c.cl littlr.; Jack Mcintyre of Nebraska City and diff.'cu!ty in the firsL pe,·:ods Lester Mosley of Ong on the honorIr. the second hail, able mention. ger Huege!'s inspire:! c2~:;: :e:· ::eg;in Halladay has been placed on an all hitting the hoop. star team before. He is a six foot one The singular form cl cagcs~e~· ls due inch forward and one of the league's to the wild g2me-·.vinning p2:·fc::·:nan~<' high scorers. th8t Lurk exhibitE~t. Usirig a on; h:md side s:1ot Lu1k hit foul· c.::;iL :cujve The entire selection includes: times to put Reiffs b'lck in th'.. game. First Team Lars0n shot a bucket to pusll Prep Bud Armstrong; Chadron, f ..... 6-1 Bob Halladay; Peru, f ........... 6-1 ahead but Horacek ancl Ti2le cc:,:1tered Louis Ellermier; Kearney, c ...... 6-7 to tie the score 20 up. It was l. :iff on Russel Bailey; Peru, g ............ 6-3 out. Rusty Bradford; Wayne g ...... 5-11 Th~ P:·cp :w:u ";:,1•; '..c::i;c:wd u:· the loss cf ~:;1cJus on ro:1is ~:.r.y L the Second Team Leonard Greathouse; Peru, ........ f. second half. With Fisher screening, Babe Marshall; Wayne, ............ f. Rhodus hit several angle shots and Harold Rembold; Wayne, .......... c. appeared to be in for a hot night, but Paul Blessing; Kearney, ........... g. referee Cecil Walker cut his performWilmer Planansky; Chadron, ...... g. ance short. This year's Intramural League was a fairly close race; Hanlons, Baptists Peru Tackles Chadron and Prep were the early leaders, but In Two-Night Tilt Coach Armstrong's Chadron Eagles the first two teams wilted as the race will invade the Peru Bobcat lair to- got hotter. The Basketeers and Collins night and Wednesday night in search moved up the second round of the race. of two victories. If the 'Cats or the Eagles win both games it will give them the N. I. A. A. championship. Peru must wateh "Monk" Bowman. Chadron's mighty mite; Dean Annstrong, brother of the coach; and Planansky, last year's N. I. A. A. guard. Chadron's N. I. A. A. record to date stands with two victories and the same number of defeats. In obtaining this recotrd, Chadron smashed the Kearney An elopes twice and later, received a d bl .;u e ~~at at the hands of the ayne i dcats.

~ ~:r~"herMi!::Ya:~ei~~ ~~~h h~:;;, ~~~a~dg~;:et !~~r:~~~~.o~ oi:o~tti~~~~·--~-,~---"."'-,::-::t-~-~-;;::-;:-r;;-,.,-_-;:-T:-t'.C.,-;--;~-::c:-,;:-~-::-.t:-,;::;;-.~


Tell, c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Wehrer, g ................ o

Salute Reins, the 1938-39 champion of intramural basketball.


O half rises from her seat to wave deli- our teammates also felt that knowing

shaped fists fm;iously. One of Everett Kreizinger was worth ~s ·much the Wildcat's meanie~ has blocked a as the victories we won. I believe that boys under Mose, T. J., and Howard Peru gentleman. "Kill him," she cries, will go to colleg·e or go out into the "Don't let him get away with it." And world feeling. the same way about their I am thankful she doesn't do the job coaches. herself because what jury could convict such a beautiful picture of innocence? To Bert Hall-

o o cate



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" >>, ,'BUREAU.:;,:

r ,


927 W, 0, W. B~ildingeQ~IAHA, NEBRASKA

"A booster for Peru graduates" Flowers for all FG FT PF PERU (55) 2 Mosley, f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Occasions 3 Walker, f .................. 3 0 Greathouse, c .. . .. . . .. . . . 8 o 1 DR. H. C. DALLAM We Grow Our Own Bailey, g . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . 4 o ~ DENTIST Mcintyre, g .. .. . . .. . . . .. 1 1 But what now ..... Hey !Biff! Bang! Office Ph 32 3 Halladay, f . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 5 Bam ! And om of the medley arises Res. Ph. 196 0 Handley, f .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . 2 a high in tellectu~lly minded-freshie Huegel, g ................ O 1 with grief and consternation written 1 was one of the nominees for most 0 Cramer, c ........... •· .. 0 all over his face. Amidst his gestula- popular boy. ! o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a-o o o o o ooo ooooo moo oo o o oo o o o o o o o 0 0 Morris, g ................ 0 tion I perceive him to be pointing to a Bert took a weak Bobkitten team 2 Dean, g .................. 0 referee. Futhermore he has distinctly and brought them into a fair season. when ordered from the picture taken for the Peruvi:m. seen one of our boys pushed roughly Breaks had a lot to do with his windown the floor. For the life of him '39 FOOTBALL SCHE:pULE ning, but breaks come to a. he can't understand why the referee HAS CHADRON GAME , well-coached and fighting· team. Bert's Nebraska Chadron, N. I. A. A. conference didn't call it blocking, traveling or team was well-coached and fought for Auburn team, will be on the Bobcat football something. Poor fellow, we are all him as well as for themselves, feeling so sorry for him when someschedule for 1939. Basketball found Bert with just a few outstanding men. He was and is i•z::::-:;;:..,;;:;::;;;-.;:z:;;::~;;::::c;'~":::::::;;;-.-....=;cc;''\i!efC:::~r::;~::::;~::'::-.::"*c'"''f) Chadron takes the place of Mary- one shut him up! •me Missouri 'l;'eachers College in the The game wears on and woe begone, very weak in reserves. Yet his team Write us for a registration blank. Get a good schedule.. The Chadron tilt will give one of our boys leaves because of the enjoyed a fair season. ~ position. We have served teachers for 3'i years. Peru a full chance at the N. I. 4. A. referee's consistency in calling fouls on Look for Peru to have a good year ~ ENROLL NOW ~ conference title. him. Immediately a mathematician next year, people. Bert will be back September 29 .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. . Doane rises to his rescue and demands a re- with some fine sophomores and October 6 ............. Midland, away addition of them. Likewise an English juniors. Good luck, Bert. !~ 302-304 Olivia Bldg. 1023 N. Grand Blvd. St. Louis, Mo. ~ October 14 .... Kearney, Homecoming major voices his opinion in a very (Editor's Note: All the material in the \_} ·"'<!lfl;~::::::"O£':::::~T:;:'*;;:::~~E:::;~.;::::~':::;:~::::;•':::~.~::::;~\i October 21 .................... Wayne lengthy account of vengenance·. Bouncing Ball this week was written November 3 ......•... Hastings, away Games over with Peru the winnah J.>y ·Mr. Littrell. Last week the first :l!IL~'.l!.~lfl11'.ll.'.l5!:<;,J>11!l!fg]§§ll!J[i](g][ll:lffifIT[g]'P.lf<'[jj]fiil[i][g][gJ[i][i][i][i][i]!llJi!l'[jj]iilJaKiGiJJffiil~g11!i[g]!llJ[i]Jllill:iilili1f, November 11 .......... Chadron, away by several touchdowns! So help me, four paragraphs were anonymous and ~ fliV!r';:Jl' A~EN~Y ~ November 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wesleyan Hannah, it was a ball game and now should have been placed in the Chat- ' [ November 30 ...... , .... Tarkio, away follow the victory bell pealing forth its ter Column.) ~ STRICKLY PERSONAL - HIGHLY SELECTIVE [i]

Application Photos 15 for $1.00



Teac. hers




TH[ fl('~K T[i:8'11.~H.:n~


r·m I u ' ~U.h


best efforts. And would you know my ~ M. E. S~lUC C\:, Ph. D., Manager ~ punch-drunk roommate wanted to SPLASHERS PRACTICE lll 820 Sixteenth St., Denver, Colo. :){ W. A. A. Basketeers know what class came Saturday night DIVES AT MEETING 1fk,C!!Jl;'ltJ~;•)!Jfg]!ll1if~[g]§l1J1(g]§iilJ[l;'[jj]fITr;:;fii]!XIF!);"°";' 11llltliillll~jg[i][g]tg;[gjjj]iilJ§f!fil!l[i]lllJ[g][i]lllJ:gi~[g][i][i]iil![gj~ On Verge of Tourney For the past month Eugene Andrews, *WiA4iiiiii\iiWIL'f Thursday evening's W. A. A. basket- besides dormitorialogy? I guess the 4 M**RMAMI~ 1 9 ball practice was the last one prior to game, or was it Wayne Morris, girls, upperclass sponsor of crawdads, has r).PNTO~' A~F, ~.,i"Y team selections and practices for thr made us all more or less a diffier-daf- stressed diving at the regular meeting ~ 11J ~~ ll\ llUJJ J\ lJ tournament. Ferne Cameron has been fier bunch of would-be students? But of the club. At the present time Bill CLINTON, IOWA C. E. COZZENS, l\'fanager sports leader for .the basketball season my roommate of all people. So long, Mallory is the member showing the We have an espec;'.ll!Y s~: ~:::; demand for teachers of Home Eco.greatest improvement. She reports that the two teams in the folks! nomics, Commercial, Mus~c, and Manual Training. Many good Relay races, which will begin next tournament are not bothered with new openings in all fields. EE::ll nowrules this year b0cause last year's rules Peru's "B" squad lost a fast game week, will be continued throughout We furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. to Nebraska City High School Monday the semester if the club members aphave been reinstated. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak., Minn, Wis. prove. The club also plans to play some night 43-32. The game was played at Kittenball will follow basketball in water polo games this semester. Nebraska City. the spring W. A. A. sports activities.




''.' H E P E R U P E D I'. G O c; 1 cl •· ~~~~~~~-~--~·"~"""-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.....:.-· --·---'----~--·--!______ ------------- -- -

campus C/Jatter

17-Y ea:r Old Peds

Alumni 1rail By MARY MOf':,IN ----~--- Sees Many Peruv:ans-In a rece:lL letter, Luena coo1' of Venango, teils oL seeing a number of former Peruvians recently: James Perdue at C. E. A. in Denver; Mona Monteith, who is married and living in Grant; Larry Stari: and Barton Redfern at a Venango-Big Springs .basketball game; and Lay Conkle at the ·South Platte Valley basketball tournament. Miss Cook L teaching in Colorado, a sllort d'.stance from Venango. Cornell and Hughes, Write-Evan~cline Cornell and Catherine Hugl1es who are teaching in Glenwood, Ic,c: .., write that· they enjoy the PEL3 , ___ ;, year. Miss Cornell graduated in 19;'.: and Miss Hughes matriculated in lO:J, Visits-James McAllister ('38!, · who is teaching at Randolph, Kansas, vi~ted his parents in Dunbar last weskend. Accompanying him were four ci tiis students.

Show Campus Change (Continued from p. l; Col. 5) ...... Colonel T. J. Majors celebrated his 84th birthday. The basketball squad chalked up 45 games without a loss .... A college wedding was held in Mount Vernon Hall, third floor ....... A list of those who went home for the weekend appeared in the paper.. ... , .President w. R. Pate and Superintendent Clements matched their skill in a swimmim meet ..... , . The 1926-27 PED sported one editor and five reporters, two of r hi ch were "Van" Byrnm and Mill~rd Fowler ...... Enrollment 111t 450. . . . . . 2even "JUSt marned" Peru couples were charivaried by stude1lts ..... The theater was showing Harold Lloyd's '·Kid Brother" when Peru debaters !icked Kearney and Cotner ....... Peru '"ennis teams "''Oll thi·ee college meets. · · · · · · Tte Alumni in May bought half " blcck north of the campus for a ~EW building....... Everets and Philos gave plays nearly every meeting..... · "Sun Up" was the APril Play .... 1he College Chorus gave "The Holy City." ..... ,T he 1928 PED office was four fl'ghts up in the Gym.

Why didn't Nancy Ellen J,mes offer any suggestions for the PEDAGOGIAN uo~ll 'L po or is eRoy Redfern perfect? You might ask Gabus who the AuDid you notice Dr. Konig leading the burn gal is who's been cutting Margaret's time. Christian House boys to class t::rc.1gh the drifts south of the Music Eal! Tuesday morning? There once was an oyster A bump on the head didn't seem VJ We hope some of those good looking 'Way down in his bed, hurt Winkleman's disposition. :::he is debaters were enough impressed with Who glanced at the spoon still smiling! our campus during the M.I.N.K. to While he jokingly said: want to make P. S. T. C. their head"To heck with these scoopers We c·eally appreciate the way ·che quarters during their college days. I'm staying here m bed." campus engineers cleared the wacks Surprise! Koeppel arrives on time Tuesday morning so ttat we conld g'.:·; Margie Henderson said that her little ·yellow book stated "the gentleman for Grammar class. to classes. It was a lotta work. should precede the lady when there is Couple of the week: Bill Mallory Things we have seen: no usher." We girls second the moand Helen Stoddard. Hcnderson's clever "Injun toppe_-." tion. Fellows, please take notice. How many girls have heard Normie New uniforms for the girls behi1~:! "Words fail me" muttered the freshFlan's new problactic approach on the the cafeteria counter. man as he failed' the spelling exam. dating situation? Doris Starkebaum in the chemistry Did you hear about the three little According to information passed out girls who got lost Sunday? Monte and by the Scoreboard's best friend and lab. closest relative, the celebrated baboon Lola Ingham's prize possession: A Marie should not find these Peru hills disconcerting, but of course .Catherine in a Salt Lake City Zoo, we find that photograph of the better half. Peruvians think that mud thrown is a Hoots' and Winnie's touching fare- doesn't live in the sandhills. reputation gained. · wells, Then there is the story of the ProdiCarter and Hobbs in a tender moDR. GLEN H. JODBR g-al Son of the Collin's House, McHugh, ment. who found the swine but no shucks, Surge on and Physician Neal Good, speechless.' an d so re t urned home at two a. m. M ilstead Corner singing "There is a Tavern in the Snowdrifts as high as a barn .... Res. 39 Phone Office 33 Town". well, almost. I George Leslie didn't even show up th e d'Jrect ory. Now he has new fields alone at the Learn-·To-Dance Club's to conquer in Lincoln. Date night. We understand he has Nomination of the week: .Suanne substituted "Women" for "War" in Schock. She even has Mooney attendElec tric Shoe Shop Sherman's famous three word speech. ing church. Just one more name to P.CLARK The dormitory's latest couple is the list of great reformers. North of Skelly Station a~cilla Webster and Ed. Reynolds, Campbell has been reaching the Phone 109 At last Monzingo has broken down. dorm so early that many people think He's been a woman hater since he he has moved. rated his last PED notice-but he took Lounge-Lizard Troxel has turned Hobbs to the Dane Club party. down librarian jobs for the much pre- !Jl,;Ql..>I.JI,;)I,;I.;I Who would ever have thought that ferred position of Grand Guardian of ' PLUMB ING, HEATING, ' Frank Larson wou:cl become one of the main library doors. '') and ELECTRICAL work. those perpetual dorm step Romeos? What number is Jerry Bowen's Dear Mark Anthony: We like new and fresh material. If you can keep ' I latest? from solely being a publicity agent for Anyone hearing of good swimmers ' ~I./.t/I> your house, continue the good work.




Engagement-The engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Gwendolyn Decker ahd Mark Muliins was ELEANOR NIEMANN IS PATIENT recentlY. announced. Miss Decker IN EMANUEL HOSPITAL AT OMA.HA has taught in Edgar for the last t11,·e, Double trouble is confronting Elea.years and Mr. Mullins is teaching ;i; nor Niernann, senior from Brock. Wahoo his second year. The forme. .hree weeks ago Miss Niemann lei. matriculated in 1932 and the latter is Peru with a high temperc1ture and ina 1933 graduate. fected sinuses. She has recently been Plans to go to summer school- taken· to the Emanuel Hospital in Miss Marjorie Coatney, wllo matricu- Omalla with pneumonia. Her condllated at P. S. T. C. in 1935, is planning tion is very serious at the present tim~ to go to summer school at Colorado State College of Education at Greeley Diddel Exhibition Show"., this summer. Miss Coatney teaches countain Scenes in Color in the elementary school at Kit CarMiss Norma Diddel and Miss Marson, Culorado. pret Diddel displayed their talent in

an exhibit of water colo_rs in the Art Rooms February 28 and March 1. The pa.intings were done by the Diddel' while they were in Colorado last year They did approximately 20 paintings cf mo1:mtain scenes in the vacinity of Denver. About an hour and one-half v:as spent on each painting.


'' '

Plan to Attend Peru-Miss G!adys Nofsger and Miss Louise Rishel, who r,earn to Dance Cluhare teaching near Verdon, plan to 2.t·"Girl dates boy; boy dates girl" w~i~ tend P. s. T. c. next ye·lr. T1l•'Y are :.he general theme of Learn-to-Dance former Peruvians. Club's Date Night Thursday, March 2 Marjorie Evans furnished the swine; Attends Uni. Engineering SchD0lmusic, Maxine Sherstead sang V.':C Ralph Hopp, who is attending schoc;l at the University of Nebraslrn. is n:iw :clos in a program which also fe::ctworking in the engineering library :·cd an exhibition of. roller skating by there. He is enrolled in the college ct Curt Tucker and an accordian solo bj' engineering. He matriculated at P. I,av:rence Freude.

r~·'f.§, . . >1-:,,~_\-;,:">,·l»~'l-j;~J?-j)~~

15 games played and is playing in the i' sectional meet at Fremont this week- ~\


Th eMar d"IS St ore ~''




We Have a Complete Stock

Every student making applications will find that it is profitable to be BUSINESS-LIKE in presenting your letter requesting a position. REMEMBER-your letter is speaking for you. NEATNESS in writing stationery is as important as neatness in your personal appearance. ALSO there is a correct size for business stationery, social stationery and formal stationery-just the same as there are correct clothes to wear for various oecasions. APPLICATIONS are a business proposition. WHY NOT use business stationery. OR DO YOU APPLY for a position in a formal evening dress? LET US SHOW YOU THE DIPFERENCE.

Let Us Show You Samples

Fow ler pr1n • tlll • gcompany .,

~!Peru \I

end: . . Circular mentions Peruvians - The I~ "A Mighty Good. Place to Trade·· . latest circular put out by the Profes- 1~ (' sional Teachers Bureau



in Pebruary. Riggs has Good Basketball year- VSRU CLEANERS&TAILORS PH:ONE Gi Wayne Riggs('38l,who is coach at Wa- WE DELIVER hoo, hr.shad a successful basketball season. His team has won 14 out of

100 full sized typewriting sheets 100 Business Size Envelopes

picture of Wendell Redding (1937) D.nc1 uu:de reference to Wayne Riggs. Mr Redding is from Syracuse. .. Birth-Mr. and Mrs. 3. P. Conkle ·nnounced the birth of a daughter, Alice Elaine, March 4 at Iowa City, ·:a. Mrs. Conkle, who will be rem2mbered by Peruvians as Miss Virginia McNeal, received her degree from P. :3. T. C. in 1932. Mr. Conkle, author of "Prologue to Glory," matriculated 11ere in 1916.

Ours is a product your skin loves to touch-We're so close to you CALL


Mail Order Prices BusinessSationery

Peruvians Injured As Car Hits Bridge Campus visitors during J\ll. I, N. K- Jean Winkelman, Leora Libhart, Mr. Campus visitors during the M.I.N.K. rnd Mrs. Parnell and Belva Parnell debate contest were Miss Martha Tu- were bruised and Jean received a cu' bach and Miss Mildred Oberst who en the forehead when the car in tPach near Falls City. They are form- Hhich they were riding struck a narer P. s. T. c. students. row bridge one and a half miles wes' Teaches at DuBois-Miss Anna May of Peru during the snow storm MonSandin of Plattsmouth is nrw teaching day evening, February 27. English and dramatics in tbe DuBois They were returning from Topeka. highschool Miss Sandin graduated Eansas, where Jean Winkelman was from Peru College in 1937. the guest of Leora Libtart.

S, T, C. in 1933. Marriage-Announcement WD.s recently made of the marriage of Miss Mae Wielage (matriculated in '34) and Tracy Shaw at Dorchester, February 26. Mrs. Shaw is teaching in the elementary school at Coin, Iowa. Wins Championship-Mss Carmilla Hoskins (mat. '33) writes that her highschool volley ball team won the Little Ten Championship this year. Engagement-Tte engagement of Miss Margaret Winter ('35) and Harold Brown of Chester has been announced. Miss Winter is instructor in English and music at Chester. Mr. Brown received his degree in engineering from the University of Nebraska

Clipping from Prof. Moore's Scrapbook: The more you study The more you know, The more you know The more you forget, The more you forget The less you know, Why study?

going to Beatrice High.



Attend Wesleyan game.- Alumni seen at the Weskyan game in Lincoln Friday night. February 24, were: Anit.a Searle, Blanche Freeman, Alice Au:der, Vivian McKimmey, Mrs. Leonard Greathouse, Harold Prichard, Charles ?arnell and Charles Place. Visits Peru-Miss Laverne Setzer, ·who teaches at Reserve, Kansas, spent the weekend in Peru. Miss ·Setzer graduated from Peru in 1936.

I tell them to come to Peru instead of

Phone 30


~>f;*,..~*-i..~*~*~*~*""'r' --------------·-----------------------~-----


P.S.T.C. Plays Host To 2,000 at Music Contest


Committee of Six, Ten Judges, One Hundred Students t\.dminister and Direct 1939 Contest nad Clinic Which Achieved Highest Standard In 11 Years

1,422 contestants attended the vieve Gerd, Cook; Doris Porak, Humeleventh annual M.I.N.K. Contest and boldt. Clinic which was held on the campus of Peru College March 10 and 11. Students of the College played host to over 2,000 people including the directors, supervisors, parents of contestants and drivers ·of the cars. Piano Speaking of the general trend of the Highly Superior: Charles Hinman. quality of music played, Supt. S. L.. Libeny: Paul Scott, Wy,nore. Superior· Clements, general director of the C:inic J··an Schulz, Stella; Sarah Ruse, MaJ . and Contest, said, "The quality of the vern. Iowa; Gordon . Roberts, Blue music performea in this rontest was Springs; Given Row, Davenport, Iowa. on a generally higher level than any Excellent: Echo Elaine Lum, Verdon; of the others. Most of the directors Alice Slayton, Salem and Kathryn commented on this high standard." Henderson, Beatrice. The Saturday evening Gala Concert was eliminated because of the weather. Because of elimination, those attending did not hear a program which was to include an 80-yoice boy's glee club, a 150-voice girl's glee club, a lOO-p 1.e'.'e orchestra and a 200-piece. band. Saturday afternoon the Clinic featured a band of 100 and an orchestra of 75 instruments and a girl's glee cl~b of 50 to 60 voices. Supt. S. L. Clements directed the activities of the band; Prof. R. T. Benford, the girl's glee club; Pref. Victor H. Jindra, the orchestra.

Boys Low Voice Highly Superior: Malvern, Iowa. Superior: John Swearington Falls City; David Rolphe, Northbor-0, Iowa; Bert Pace, Burchard. Excellent: Maurice Wallen, Palmyra; Dwight Sliger, Rockport, Mo.; Jim Power, Auburn. Girls High Voice H;ighly Superior: Ma1garet Mansfield, Hamburg; Iowa. Superior: Eva Joe Ray,. Burchard: Alice New Pon, Fremont, Wilma Row, D!tvenport; Mareuerite Sherstad, Talmage; Maxine Bliss, Humboldt; Virginia Trumble, &ag'.I!; Eliene Martin, Beatrice; Margaret Prlgga, Wymore. Excellent: Donna Jean PhilllP6, Tecumseh; Peggy Wiles, Plattsmouth; Betty MeArdle, 8alem; Olive Hart,

The four purposes of the Clinic were: (1) To enable participants to get professional instruction from the directors, (2) to give people from the hlghschools a chance to get together, i3) to give highschool participallts the thrill of group playing, (4i to have the Liberty; Becky Evans, Falls City. men in charge interpret the national Comet contest music for the directors. Highly SUperior: Bobby Olmstead, Rudolph Tomek, HumJudges included: Russell L. Wiley, Fremont; Director of Band, University of· Kan- boldt; Robert .Stasenka, Wil,ber. SUperior: Arthur Raver, Craig; Edsas; William G. Temple, Director of Glloral Music, University of Nebraska; win Westfall, Nebraska: City; Richard S. W. Altstadt, Director of Instru- Newcom; Arlington; Boyd McDaniel, mental Music, Holdrege, Nebraska; Northboro, Iowa; Dorothy Everett, Poland Miller, Director of Music, Tar- Weeping Water; Allen White, Plattskio College, Tarkio, Missouii; J. H. mouth. Excellent: Willard Redfern, Peru; Rennick, Supervisor of Music, Beatrice, Nebraska; Walter R. Olsen, Band and Paul Stewart, Edgar; Gene Dixon, SuOrchestra Director, Fremont, Nebraska. perior; Ruth Stratton, Pawnee City; Kenneth Pace of Falls City, S. K. Lot- Robert McShane, Louisville; Phyllis speich of Superior, Art Schrepel of Jean Fisher, Cook; Roberta Jeanne Pawnee City and Lloyd Perry of Edgar Roberts, Sterling.





Dr. Brown Accepts Call From Carnegie Foundation Peru College Again Receives Annual Accr~ditment

Head of Social Science Department Receives One of Fifty Invitations to Leaders In U. S. Educational Institutions

. President W. R. Pate recently returned from Cleveland, Ohio, where he attended meetings of the American Association of Teachers Colleges and the American Association of School Administrators.

, 1

This was the ·mid-winter meeting of the National Educational Association and was attended by about 15,000 superintendents, principals and other school authorities. This meeting was in session from February 26 to March 2 iriclusrvely.' However, President Pate found it necessary to leave Wednsday, a day before the close of the meeting. Two outstanding speakers on the program Pr-0f. Dr. George D. Strayar, Professor of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University and Mr. Jan Masaryk, former minister from Czechoslovakia to England during the between Czechoslovakia and Germany.

accepted an invitation from the Carnegie. Foundation

'!'he first meeting was that of the former Association. This meeting is held annually for the purpose of making reports and accrediting the teachers colleges in America. President W. R. Pate arrived in Cleveland Friday morning, February 24, in time tp attend the first session of the two-day program which began at nine o'clock. Peru State Teachers CCollege as well as the other three similar Nebraskan institutions were fully accredited by this Association. The American Association of Teachers Colleges' meeting was brought to a close Saturday, February 25. On the following Sunday the meeting of the American Association of School Administrators began.

Dr. C. M. Brown, head of the social

\ science department of Peru State, has for


Peace to attend a session on international law at Montreal, Canada, during the month of August. Tl1is is the third JT.eeting to which Dr. Brown has been invited, but it will be the .first meeting whicl1 he has attended. He could not attend the two former meetings because of previous committments. Dr. C. M. Brown


DR. BEADLE Of N.Y.U. TALKS ON SAFETY Speaker Tells Students None are Accident Immune

Only fifty invitations were issued to the leaders in this field in the colleges and universities of the United States. These men will participate in a round table discussion led by people of international prominence in the field. The Endowment will pay all the expenses of transportation for the delegates. This International Peace Endowment was founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1910. Mr. Carnegie set aside a fund of $10,000,000 in five per cent bonds, the income cf which was to bro used in the abolition of war. The Endowment is divided into three divisions: Intercourse and Education, Economics and History and International Law. The last division is under the direction of James Brown Scott who has served as secretary of the Endowment since 1911. It is in this division that Dr. Bi'own will work.

Dr. Beadle of New York University the explanation of the definite position which the instruction of safety maintains in our present day school system at convocation Monday, March 13. "Safety and efficiency go hand in hand," said Dr. Beadle as he explained that the reasons for the many deaths connected with new inventions came from the lack of adjustment. The adaptation of safety to new inventions is too slow for practicability and accident deaths are the result. When eleThis division of international law is vators, automobiles and railroads were attempting "to aid the development of new, the death toll was directly due to international law and its acceptance the lack of safety. Insurance com- among nations." Mr Scott and his acpanies capitalize on this fear of acci- sociates in this field hope to form a dents. plan for the settlement of internaIn answering the question, "Is there tiona! disputes by courts and laws ina place in education for safety?" Dr. stead of war. Beadle brought out the idea that safeProfessor Brown is expecting a letty in education must extend beyond ter containing explicit information merely the awareness of precaution, about the meeting from Mr. Scott in but to actually utilize the knowledge at the near future. hand. Too often school students know without a doubt which side of the


Professor Dr. George D. Strayar Clarinet talked on the subject, "Changing ConThe Contest and Clinic was planned Highly Superior: Carl Glen, Auburn; ceptions of Education Administration." and administered by Supt. s. L. Jack Reinhold, Fremont. Mr. Ja,n Masaryk spoke on "The DiClements, Prof. R. T. Benford, Prof. Superior: Bonnie Beinholz, Daven- lemma of Democracy." Mr. Masaryk Victor H. Jindra and Prof. G. H. Steck port; Eva June Burow, Humboldt; said that our free public schools and with the aid of over 100 Peru College Robert James, Falls City; Helen Os- free religion make our democracy; students who contributed their ser- wold, Superior. they are the things which dictators vices. Deans J. A. Jimerson and Inice Excellent: Audery Ellen Zastera, don't have. Dunning gave their time for contest Louisville; Dorothy Hinze, Hamburg, President Pate met many fo1·mer work also. Iowa; Doris Westfall, Nebraska City; w d 11 B b Peruvians at the meetings. Prominent 145 season tickets were sold to studen e ur ridge, Peru; Lavelle · th t ents. This shows the finest coo=ra- Giles, Table Rock; Nemaha, Donna m e ac ivities of the Association "" J D were two Peru graduates, Dr. Joy Mor- road to walk on when asked, but apply- MUSIC AND HAMBURGERS 1 tion that the Committee has ever re- ean eurfeldt. gan, who is Editor of the National Ed- ing that information to practice is a PROMOTE PHILO'S FUN celved from the Peru College student Boys Medium Voice matter. ucat·10n Magazine, and Alexander d1'"'erent .u body. Highly Superior: Lionel Foley, North- Stoddard, Superintendent of the DenThat safety is definitely embedded Devouring 33 piping hat hamburgers, The Committee gave a complimentary boro, Iowa; Neal Houtz, Falls City; ver Schools and Superintendent-elect in the educational system is the rea- Philomatheans ended an hour of enof the Philadelphia Schools. He is a lization of the hopes of safety officials. ·joyment Thursday night, March 9. A dinner to the directors at the College JUnior Sloan, Weeping Water. Superior: Richard Boyd, Nebraska former President of the National Ed- Many colleges offer safety education in program of music had been arranged Cafeteria Friday. Friday evening certificates were pre- City; William Ham, Stella; Bellevue, ucational Association. their curriculum. by the committee. Miss Maryon sented by Dean J. A. Jimerson. Jack Dial. A detailed account of the values of Thomas sang two solos accomp~.nied other former Peruvians and Peru safety education is printed \n the a t t he piano by Madonna Adee. Violin M. M. Fowler donated the directories. Excellent .· Robert J en kens, Hum. was the fi rst time t ha t the parti- boldt·' Gerald Heim' Dawson,· Alb ert graduates who were present were: _M. November issue of the Research Bulle- d ue ts were P1ayed bY Jeanne Spkr 'I'h1s cipants were given a list of all the Pabst, Tecumseh; Stepahn Devoe, C. Lefter of Lincoln, Nebraska; Supt. tin from the N:E.A. office. The 1940, and Monte Jean Games accomparEed contestants. Plattsmouth; Marion Wulf, Eagle; C. Ray Gates of Grand Island, Ne- Yearbook is devoted entirely to this by Marie Chehey. Jeanne Spier also a violin solo. The Annual Ml.N.K. Music Contest Albert Allen, Nemaha; Kenneth Gan- braska; Supt. R. R. Magee of Colum- movement. was held in Peru March 10 and 11. ! zel, Dunbar; Roy Parker, Auburn bus, Nebraska; Supt. J. R. Overator of Dr. Beadle defined safety as "a conFollowing are the judges decisions Boys High Voice Palo Alto, California; Supt. John W. servation of all that makes life worth 1 . , - - - - - - - - - - - - Saxaphone Highly Superior: Robert Hopkins; Sahlstorm of Elmira Heights, New while along with the usual idea of ac- · Calendar York; Supt. Milerd D. Bell of the Highly Superior: Wilbur Brown, Au- Nor thb oro; cident prevention." The old idea of Tuesday, March 14 burn; Thelma Henry, Pawnee City; Superior: Mazyin Hunzeker, Hum- school district of the city of Ladue, safety first is obliterated in the new Y. M.; YW.; C.C.A. 7-8 p. m. Boby Lee Meyer, Superior. . boldt; Robert McSpadden, Hamburg, Missouri, Saint Louis County, Missouri; set-up of living. Today we are living, Wednesday, March 15 Superior: Montie Thompson, Belle- Iowa; Maurice Shirley, Weeping James F. Hosie, Professor of Education, the speaker stated, in a planned or Residence Girls ...... 7-8 p. m. Columbia University, who is a Peru Garen Boltjes, Davenport; vue; Floyd Meyer, Beatrice; Dale Wa t er; controlled world and safety first would Kearney Chorus Howard, Tecumseh. John Bush, Tecumseh; Frank Dun- graduate and former professor in the only serve as an excuse for hibernaThursday, March 16 Excellent: Edwin Hanna, Table bar, Dunbar. English Department at Peru State; tion. The modern sense of the word is Freshmen Clubs ...... 7-9 p. m. Ex ce11 en t : R a lph Stava, Plattsmouth; and Dr. Samuel Brownell of Wichita, that safety is a precaution in advenRock ; Ed ward Lempke, Sterling: VerSigma Tau Delta Banquet nell Niemann, Cook; Janice Ryder, Ne- Robert Bathro, Bellevue; Charles ~r~~as, who is a former resident of ture. Advancement today would be assisted Prof. Wiley.


braska City. :t;>owell, Falls City; Louis oestman, Girls Low Voice Auburn; Emerson Harlan, Salem. Highly Superior:Gertrude Bickel Viola Rockport, Missouri; Jean Tucker, Fre- Superior: Sue Newell, Falls City. mont; Betty Winkler, Elmwood. Excellent; Margaret R. Heim, DawSuperior: Merilyil Ritter, Talmage; son. (Continued on p. 4; col. I" Donna Belle Judgkins, Eagle; Gene-

President Pate said, "It is really surprising to note the large number of prominent leaders in tbe field o:(·education who are. graduates of Peru. The number is exceptionally large for a school as small as P. ST. C."

curbed if safety first was the word. An accident can happen to anyone and that fact should be impressed upon every student. How to avoid an accident is the task of present. day safety educators. To know what safety is is the first step.

Monday, March 20 Freshmen Council .. 10:30 a. Crawdad ... , . . . . . . 10:30 a. Alpha Psi ............ 7-8 p. Kappa Delta Pi ...... 8-9 p. Broadcast ......... 8:30-9 p.

m. m. m. m. m.

THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN ent of schools there. He graduated j ing into private mail or else from P. S. T. C. in 1909. ·postman has been bribed. Curtis Grades Have Good YearNote to the girls of old Peru , .:L:ished Weekly by the Peru St:ite '' c:;: hers College, Peru, Nebrnska. Harvey F. Michels has had a success- to .ensnare a man and retain By MARY Mor:,IN Entered at che Postotlice at Peru. ~·iPbtaska as second class matter. ful basketball season with his Curtis Think of 400 different ways to $1.00 per vcr. Single copy 5 cencs. Landolt has successful season- Paul grade school basketball team winning "You're wonderful". ·------·-···-----------·· · - - - - Landolt has enjoyed a sucecsful year nine out of ten games. Most of the Nomination: Boatman as the J!,'OITOR .............................................. : ..... RUTH CRONE as coach at Pilger. His football team games were against highschool fresh- pus, most sure that he is his girl's ASSISTANT EDITOR ................................... STELLA ROGGE" scored over 300 points to its oppon- men and sophomore teams. Mr. and-only. AoSI81ANT EDITOR ..................................... THANE HALE ents' 2. His basketball team won their Michels is an alumnus of 1936. Mikus is making dating history. SPORTS EDITOR ................................. WAYNE McG.£NNff 5ectional meet but because of a techSlack Attends Chadron Game-Miss I present he is boy friend No. 1 d TYPIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARY LIZABETH WER,NE;R nicality was barred from the state Mary El_len Slack is a former Peruvian his gift of twelve American . B ADVISER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. FLORENCE MARTIN basketball meet. Mr Landolt is a grad- who attended the Chadron game here Roses. uate of 1933. last Tuesday night. Miss Slack, who Most interesting combination of REPORTERS Attends Opera-An alumnus of Peru teaches the fourth grade in Nebraska Bert Hall and Madonna Adee. M2.F' Modlin Winifred Ha]) Wayne Wilson · seen during the San Carlo Operas in c·1ty, purehased a s·cottY dog wh"l 1e Mose surprising rumor: Th at M Mary Grush Mary Olive Richardson Jean Winkelman h · th Sc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - · O m a h a was Lowell cross. ('36). Mr. ere. had a date to disapprove e Cross is in the music department at Becomes Lab. Technician in Chica- board's question about him, but Omaha Technical. go-Miss Lucille Brooks is now a stands up for the Scoreboard very Reelected-Gerald Fichter, commer- laboratory technician ih Michel Reese phatically. cial instructor at Giltner, writes. that hospital in. Chicago. She is assisting a Most unpredicted break-up: Mar, he has been reelected for the next resident doctor in research work. Hull and "Doc" Routh. I FEEL POETIC school year. Mr. Fichter received his Miss Brooks matriculated at P. S. T. C. Weekly Broadcast Again degree from P. S. T. C. in 1938. in 1933. noes on Air, March 13 Gaines Comes to Chadron-Peru Tilt Plans to Attend Summer SchoolThe weekly Peru Hour went on . Anna Louise Short, who is sixth grade -Kenneth Gaines, superintendent of air last Monday, March 13. Gar · teacher at Curtis, plans to come to schools at Crab Orchard, attended the ~· d Gilbert, director, announced the r rien ship is like the swiit, sure stroke oi the master's hand, one Peru for summer school. Miss Short Chadron game, Wednesday night. He gram which included: Brass sextet,t iouch and its beaut1.· remains inclelible,·it's like the sound of a robin matriculated in 1936. received his Peruvian sheepskin in '29. Hauptman, A. Clements, D. Clem ., on a January clay, a sweet note in the crisp bleakness, it's like swift Wants '14 Class Reunion-Miss I. Tynon, Burdwell, L. Hauptman.·.'' *~~*~*,...~*~*~*~~*~ steam escaping from a train at dawn; something effer,·e:~c1'nt. beau· Mildred_ King, who is in the _home "Memories of Stephen Foster" { ·r ll · l . , .k l l l. , , economics Holmes +: U y expenenccc : 1t S li ·e a O\"C Y woman s<•;11et 1mo· t0 ,Je art-1 . department . at the Umvers1· . • • ' ·" ty of Mmnesota, wntes that she 1s mFlute trio, B. Kennedy, M.S. Jimer mired, never whollyurrderstoocl: it's like a mother's voice, at times terested in bringing about a class reL. Larson .... "Dance of the compelling, often tender Laughter can be tossed to fools; only union of the 1914 alumni. You do it; we'll chalk it up Flutes" from the Nutcracker Suite>i' friends deserve the tears. Appointed to Nat'!. Sports Council- ~~·~*~*~~*~*~£*~ 'Tschaiowski. } Frank Kerner of Deadwood, S. D., College Man's Platform. Violin solo, Katherine has been appointed to the National To walk out on any college girl who "Violin Concerto" by J. B. Accolay); Sports Council of which Grantland takes fifteen minutes to power a nose Pedagogian of the Air-Ruth Cr· Rice is chairman. His basketball team that wasn't shiny in ti:~ .. Girls sextet, Collins, Coatney, was slated to win the sectional meet To tell a girl how she re:i::y :c:: . Kennedy, M. Deck, L. Larson, E. with only one game yet to be played. her roommate's borrowed cicJL'S me! .... "Mistress Marguertia" Mr. Kerner graduated here ;in 1930. To have a really satisfactory blind Arthur Penn. Instructor Expects to Attend Sum- date.. Trumpet trio, R. Hauptmen, I FEEL PUTRID mer School-Dorthy Snider, who is To take a girl to a basketball game Clements, w. Redfern .... "Tru instructor of mus;c at Atwood, Kansas, who admits she knows nothing about tee'rs Three" by Clare w. Johnson.•, is planning to attend summer school at it. Rilling Machineless, Kooler .Pe ~ P.S.T.C. Miss Snider matriculated in The boys at Larry's Inn recently re· nent Wave. Ruby's Beauty Shoppe' i932 ceived letters simultaneously addressed -Adv. • Visits in Peru-Judge E. L. Meyer, of as follows: the Northwest Judicial District with "Screwloose" Lundy. Ours is a product your skin lov ". I noted in the new:ipapers that the results of a nationwide sur- headquarters at Alliance. was visiting, ''Without IDs.Marbles" Horacek. touch-We're so,.clos~ ..-to you \·ey show that Commentator Kaltenborn appeared appreciably in Peru this week. Judge Meyer was j "Andy" (the Card) Gump. PERU CLEANERS&T AILO ahead in popularity roll which also included Edwin C. Hill, Lowell principal of the Alliance schools when I "What a Man," Mlkus. CALL ' " PHONE Thomas, Boake Carter, Paul Sullivan, Bob Trout, \\'alter Winchell, President W. R. Pate was superintend- 1 Apparently someone has been prv- WE DELIVER

The Peru Pedagogian

Alumni irail




Gabriel Heatter, Dorothy Thompson and John in the order mentioned.


B. Kennedy, ranked

It all brings to mind the old saying that what the Great American Public doesn't know ·won't hurt it. And it makes one fervently believe that the public believes everything that does happen to come its way via the ether waves and the cinematic sound track. It


makes one recall the good old clays of Father Coughlin-'way back when.·

rt .~

Perhaps, it is my insane de,;ire to be different, but I earnestly ··ontest the so-called supremacy of anyone that uses public property -in this case, the air vva\·es-for propagandic gossip instead of pub;ic good.

In my private opinion (I say this for purposes of libel) he has misused most of his power and privilege as a legitimate voice of the people and to the people. Here's one college editor that will do everything· that comes her :mall way to brush an nsmper from his popularity pedestal.

i I

A Point of Interest.

As long as l've stoppd beating around the mulberry hush, per1 11aps, here's another wee point uf interest. A c01wersation with a. referee of one of our home games in the not-too-distant past bronghl forth the statement, ··--College plays about the dirtiest of any


team at whose games I have ever been an official." \Vithin t\1C> weeks it so happened coincidentally an article appeared in this ccr-' t:,in school's paper by the chairman of the athletic board. I quote:' "---Colleg·e believes in ckan sports, all of them that help to develop character and make manly men." I read 61 lines all on this ':iame general theme and immediately realized that any written crlitoral ovinion on the subject would be a run on tlangerous ground. So I'll just lea1·e it to you, clear reac\er,-all three of you-after gi ving· you these superficial sentences to decide whether the referee was a blow-hard without a whistle or the ath. chairman \1·as a neurotic un the newspaper.

lt may not be significant that this aforementioned schciol lost all of its games this season. And, personally, I don't e\·er remembc1 Peru findi1~g· it necessary to use such naive positive publicity.

r..1....: .:'<)v! WlDE.

("'IUNTRY . t : , 1 1-J·:·;- A COP " .' ·~;:-;;T. NOW · ,l\ ''CY >-'IE 00! 'ffe

I .,




l, '


Peru Gets N.I.A.A. Crown Third Year I

'Cats Win 2 Crucial Games From Chadron53-28, 32-44




SAYS NURSE PETERSON About 200 college students have been given the Schick test to test immunity to diptheria, according to Miss Myrtle Peru Slated to Battle Peterson, college nurse. With High Point, N. C. If the arm of the student turns red j and swells it shows that he is not imCoach Wheeler and Jones with 10 . mune to the disease and should take players left for Kansas City, Sunday, 1 the diptheria inoculation, lVliss Peter1 March 12 to participate in the Na- sen stressed that another Schick test tional Intercollegiate Tournament. should be given some time after the The first opponent for the Bobcats inoculations to make sure that the will be High Point, N. c. If victorious, students have become immune.


Lester Mosley, Howard Dean and Tom Majors Play Last Peruvian Game When the Bobcat Clips Eagle's Wings as KMA Sports Commentator Broadcasts The 'Cat claw was clipping Eagle I wings Wednesday night, March 8. as I Peru State's Bobcats won their third 1 l!if:-:':::::r~~::;z;~~~:::;~;;:::;~;::::;;:~·~; consecutive N. I champi0nship.



Bouncz.ng n, ©all


By Norman Littrell Chadron was the victim to the tune of 53-28. The defeat put Chadron in IJii'::::::;;~c;:::I:*":~::::~~;-:;~zx.-.::i the cellar. It was the last home game M0siey, Dean a.nd Majors.

t~e Peru team will tangle with the wmner of the Trinity University of [ Waxahac1e, Texas-Holbrook College .of Manchester, Ohio, game in the second round. Players leaving on the trip were Bob Halladay, Leonard Greathouse, Lester Mosley, "Ding" Bailey, Jack Mcintyre Cecil Walker, Seven Handley, Howard Dean, Ernest Huegel and William Cramer.

for On the jQb:-

The Bobcats were led by "L~.nky Leonard" Greathouse, junior centc!« 'Cat Other athletes leading the scratching were Walker, Bailey and Dean. "Howie" Dean finished his career as a Peru Bobcat playing· his best ball of the season. Peru shot the first basket and never was behind throughout the contest as the quintet led 8-3 early in the game and were ahead 31-16 at the half.

There are quite a few thankless jobs on tlie campus. Probably Lloyd Sche-' nert has had one of the hardest of these jobs. Schenert has stooged for Coaches Jones and Wheeler in basketball and Schenert has done a grand job of stooging. It's gTand for the Coaches when they know they have a conscientious and faithful worker to take care of minor matters. It is surprising how many odds and ends pop up in a season of basketball. Someone must take care of these-and at Peru it has been

For Chadron, Clark was the leading player. A superb pivot man he passed the ball around nicely meanwhile · ,sconng · leading h is t earn m w1'th 11 Lloyd Schenert. 1 markers. Evans also played good ball 'i Th C h for Chadron. ' e oac es,. the team and the Ischool owe a lot t-0 Schenert. His part The game was broadcast over KMA has been as import.ant as any member by Ralph Childs, sports commentat-0r. of the squad excepting the first seven. rt was the last scheduled game for :·Goodluck and congrats, Schenert, on the 'Cats and the team made it the your gOOd work. eighteenth victory against four losses.! 1More thankless jobs·Box score: I · Chadron 128) F.G. F.T. P.F. j Talking of such ~bs bri.ngs int-0 mind Bowman f. . . . . 2 1 1 ! the painting of signs. The athletic deArmstrong f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 2 partment . wishes to thank Mary Liz Clark c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Werner, Helen Margaret Larson and Evans g . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . 2 3 2 Rex Floyd for the cooperation in sign Planansky g .. .. .. . .. .. .. O O 3 painting. 0 1 Carmin g .............. .. Don't forget the most thankless of 0 0 Floyd c ................ .. thankless jobs, the cheerleaders. Hood g .................. o o 1 Peru (53) F.G. F. T. P.F. Check over activities on the campus. Halladay f .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 2 3 1 See how many people are doing jobs and receiving no or little credit. You Mosley f .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . 3 1 2 will find plenty. Walker f .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 4 0 1 Greathouse c ............ 7 2 Off to K. C.r 1 Deang ................. .. 2 3 Once again the Peru Bobcats emMcintyre g ............. . 2 3 bark to K. C. This year, however, Peru Bailey g ............... .. Huegel g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O 0 0 will go on a. different basis. This year Majors g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 Peru is one of the seeded teams. This Cramer c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 should change the set up so Peru will Handley f .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . O O 0 go at least thru two rounds of the tournament. In :past years Peru has PERU WINS AGAIN always met others, the winner or the Peru defeated Chadron 32-24 in the pre-favorite. Who knows but what first game of the N. I. A. A. crucial Marshall and Peru may tangle again series Tuesday night, March 77. this 'year? That should bring out the crowd. The Bobcats played their worst ball before a home crowd in the first half. However, in the second period "Cec" Walker touched off the bomb that shattered the Eagle to the four winds.






P Club Decides Against Adoption of Letter N P Club meembers decided not to follow· the suggestions of Kearney's K club and substitute N for individual school letters at their meeting Monday, March 6. Under the Kearney plan all state normal schools would have the

same numeral.


Dr. Hanis of Falls City, who is connected with the Public Health DepaJ·tment, has been givina the Schick tests and serum in Peru :ach Mondav Dr, Joder also plans to give diptherl~ inoculations.


Leonard Greathouse, Bobcat center, won N.lA.A. scoring honors this season as he led his teammates to their third consecutive championship in the sport of basketball tossing. "Big Mansion" had a 12 point lead over his nearest contender, E!lermier of Kearney State. He totaled 70 points. Only six times in six games was he called for fouling, fewer penalties than any other regular player in the con-· ference record. Greathouse is a 6' 2" center from Ord. He has one more year of intercollegiate comP,Ctition.

Fresh nuts they are hot-all kinds. Hill's Drug Store.-Adv ~.::·-~ !:·, ,;.' :·~·,~~ ~:i~;;~_:::~r~~;:r[g;;~1:m~~X!1RKRITT\Lg}rgl~ffi]'.; ~

I Last year the team was eliminated I ~ in the first round in a wild scoring [~ <67-60) game ..


The Last Week






Cameron is also the basketball sports CAMERA CLUB DEVELOPS leader. The players on the two teams are: one: Phyllis Benson, captain. Ardist Christian, Dorothy Ann Coatney, Betty Garver, Ila Mae Heinke, Erma Meier, Louise Meier, June Modlin. Team two: Ferne Cameron, captain, Marybeth Beckman, Clara Dunn, Pauline McGill, Mary Modlin, Irma Nispel, Ruby Redding, Eula Redenbaugh, Lola Thompson. ~7eam



If you wish to join the agency

Camera Club members developed and i printed pictures Thursday evening, i March 8, m the zoology laboratory.: Ruth Neal, Noel Lundy and Edwin. Falloon printed their snapshots while the other members developed their own. Prof. Robert Shuler devc:oped photographs that he had recently taken on the campus.

with a personal interest in your successful pbcemel'.t and continued ~dnncemcnt, join the agency working exclusively for teachers in




Bob Halladay

SAY IT WITH FLOWERS , Flowers for all

"A booster for Peru graauaLe,'


Office Ph 32 Res. Ph. 1%

Greathouse and Halladay


Films developed. Enlargement free. 25c. Hill's Drug Store.-Adv.

i i

Herald First Team Has

Peru definitely became the state's best '38- '39 college league basketball team when it defeated Chadron Teach~i;s in two consecutive games last ruesday and Wednesday nights. Peru State leads in number of -games won, number of points scored, least number of defeats and fourth from the top in number of points allowed opponents .. Final standings: W L Pts. Op. Peru ........... 11 602 507 3 497 475 Wayne ········ 10 4 387 355 4 Doane. .......... 6 6 512 533 Kearney ........ 8 466 494 7 Hastings ········ 7 448 446 7 Wesleyan ········ 6 537 581 8 Midland ········ 6 500 531 4 Chadron ········ 2 471 548 0 13 York

~ ~

of Elgin's Famous 75th Y. W. C. A. CONFERENCE 1gj lit• 1 1 DRAWS 15 TO WAYNE ;.-'.•,• Fifteen women have registered fer li'J Anniversary ,. . !~ ~ the Nebraska Y. W - Y. M. Cabinet ; [~I ~ T rammg . . conf erence at Wayne, March I· ~ fi:I SALE ® r~ 17, 18, 19. They are: Faye Bouse, r~ Good until March 18th ~i Ardist Christia!/, Enid Stofferson, ~ ~ Elfreida Dahlgran, Jean 'Keoppel, ~.: Trade in your old watch 'i'J I ~ Jeanne Winkelman, Wilma Parnell, ~I . iill Eu! R d b h 1 11'111 1c yon can get this op- 'ill a e en aug , Musa Wagoner, iii; !lil Virginia McCoy, Evelyn Freeouf, Laura ~ )Ortt1 't t 0 0 ~ Baum, Doris Sta1'kebaum, Miss West ~ : l11 y oavc. ~ . w .~ (Where yo.ur money buys more) l'lJ and M1ss eare. '"' f!i! Leora Libhart is in charge of arrangements for sending the women ~I delegates to the conference. Benson, Cameron Lead i"! (;) Commissions discussions formed the W. A. A. Basketball Teams Phone 112. '~ To captain opposing teams in the program at the Y. W. meeting· Tues- I day, February 7. Maryon Thomas has basketball tournament this week W. t~~~[gj[~:g][g;~§E}[g](g]~lg]~~rg]§j:gj~~ A. A. basketball players elected Phyllis been appointed Music Chairman to Benson and Ferne Cameron. Ferne succeed Maxine Galbraith.

PERU BECOMES TOPS Slow caref].\l ball handling and OF NEBRa COLLEGE FIVES several long shots was the Eagle type of attack. Box score: F.G. F.T. P.F. Peru (32) Halladay f .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 1 Mosley f .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. 2 O 1 Greathouse c . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 O Bailey g .......... · · ... · · 3 2 1 Mcintyre g ..... · · · · .... · 2 2 3 Walker f ..... .' ........... 4 O 1 Chadron (28) F.G. F.T. P. E. 0 Armstrong f .... ...... 3 2 2 0 Bowman f 0 4 Clark c ·················· 4 2 4 Evans g ................. 0 1' 0 Planansky g ············· 0 1 0 Hood g ·················· 0 0 Varmire g ···············




Bob Halladay, 6' l", forward from Hancock, Iowa, was the third ranking Peru player in the state teachers college scoring line-up. Halladay tied for seventh place with Church, a forward from Kearney. Bob .hung · up a grand total of 41 points. He was awarded the other forward position with Greathouse on the All-Nebraska College Honor ream and received a similar rating by the Lincoln newspapers.





we have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home Economics, Commercial, Music, and Manual Training« Many good openings in all fields. Enroll nowWe furnish application photos 25 for Sl.00. Territory: Iowa,I!L, Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N, Dale, Minn., Wis.

'.!.'HE PERU PEDAGOG Superior: Falls City; Nebras.ka City. 1 ooooooil a oo61l Brass Sextet Superior: Pen1; Superior; Humboldt. Excellent: Beatrice. Y

>. S.. T. C. Plays Host


il oil oo ooooo~-~I your alarm clock on that side.

ESSAY CONTEST OFFERS Evelyn Hacker sat on a dorm cot TRIP TO N. Y. WORLD'S FAIR and, looking at the light in the ceiling, With the cooperation of outstanding IContinued from p. 1; col. 2J asked. "Have the lights gone out yet?" leaders in our national life, New York lf'O~ Baton Twirling City alumnae groups of the 23 national Violin Russell Bailey Highly Superior: . Auburn; . Council Didn't it seem swell to have all the women's fraternities have just anHighly Superior: Esther Lew Henex-Peruvians on the campus last weeknounced an essay contest devoted to a erson, Beatrice; Virginia Clark, Paw- Bluffs. Superior: Beatrice; Rockport, Mo.· end during the M.I.N.K.? It surely ,ee City; Kathlyn Benford, Peru; consideration of America's so-called proves the loyalty of old grads. ilargaret Goodridge, Rockport, Mo.; · Excellent: Edgar; Falls City. "four freedoms"' in 846 colleges and Bob: Does she have her own way? universities of the country, according ;atherine Dennison, Falls City. Drum Group Mac: Does she? Why, she writes her Superior: Lois Constable, Wymore; Highly Superior: Auburn. to information received from Miss diary a week ahead of time. \hirley Ann Smith, Blue Springs; Ted Boy's Glee Club (C) Sophie P. Woodman, chairman of the Rose's theme song is "I've Been Sav3runson, Louisville; Marilyn Hunt, Dunbar: Hig·hly Superior. Fraternity Women's Committee for ing Myself For You." ['ecumseh; Donald Nelson, Fremont; Cook: Talmage; Superior. the New York World's Fair. Recently dissolved partnerships; Mlie Lee Triggs, Dawson; Ethel S'.lnBoy's Glee Club (A) Information on the essay comest Marj and Doc; Samuels and B. Magar. ort, Humboldt; Bob Bergt, Schuyler. Superior: Auburn. may be obtained from the committee's Parler wooers had their styles Excellent: Paul Harvey, Auburn; Excellent: Falls City. headquarters at the Hotel Beekman cramped last weekend. The place was "ee Copple, Eagle. Girls Glee Club Tower, 3 Mitchell Place, New York, ,ever-run with youngsters. Oboe Hig·hly Superior: Falls City. headquarters of the National PanSpirits effervesced after WednesHighly Superior: Nancy Sporn, Superior: Auburn hellenic Fraternities. day's victory. 3uperior. Excellent: Plattsmouth. [ A trip to the World's Fair, with a If Soper is going to spend so much Superior: Mary Frances Redding, Girls Glee Club one week's all-expense stay at the time in Nebraska City he might just ?eru; Doran Damitz, Council Bluffs. Highly Superior: Cook. committee headquarters, the Hotel Cello Superior: Nemaha; Eagle; Talm:ige. as well patrcnize its business men, esBeekman Tower, N. Y., is the first pdze Highly Superior:. Rachel Wienke, Excellent: Table Rock. pecially the City Cleaners. We also in the contest. Second and third prizes find that he likes everything about her Auburn; Doris Rogers, Council Bluffs. Class A Bands are cash awards of $25 and $15 rebut her name. . "Sue" . does sound a Superior: Frances Sigemore, Rockp'.}rt, Highly Superior: Pawnee City. spectively and an all-expense stay of little like a breach of promise suit.... Mo.; Helen Slagle, Falls City; Dorothy Superior: Falls City; Auburn. ; one week at the Beekm.an Tower, not Mort thought there was a circus in Hendricks, Dawson. Class C Bands \including railroad transportation. In town so on the way ba.ck from NeExcellent: Betty Jean Webb, LouisExcellent: Talmage; Table Rock. the areas adjacent to New York $100 braska City he stopped to let the eleville. ' first prize will be given in lieu of the Class B Bands phants go by. Girl's Small Vocal "Ding" .Bailey has one more round trip transportation to the Fair. Superior: Peru; Humboldt. We hear that Lurk seems to be lookHighly .Superior: Auburn, Humboldt, year of college basketball but he Winners will be given special recogniExcellent: Wilber. ing forward to spring and June. A HastEagle, Wilber. made the bell ring this year to tion at "Panhellenic Day" at the Orchestra (B) ings minister is going to tie the knot. Superior: Nemaha, Talmage, Belle- Highly Superior: Dawson. equal two normal seasons of World's Fair. McHugh's newest nickname is vue, Peru, Wymore, Cook. competitive sport. He plays the This essay contest is based on quesSuperior: Wilbur; Peru. "Label" because he sticks so close to Excellent: Dunbar Elmwood, Weepguard position, is from DeWitt tions which have been submitted by Excelient: Humboldt. the bottle. ing Water, Sidney, Ia., Malvern, Ia., and towers about 6' 3". He reGeneral John J .. Pershing, Dean VirGirl's Glee Club Class B Highly Superior: Tecumseh; DawMargie Fraser was aching to talk to Dawson, Salem, Tecumseh. ceived honorable position on the g'inia Gildersleeve.. Dr. Hans Kohn, Wayne Morris so sl!e turned "Ped" French Horn All-Nebraska College Honor Hans Kaltenborn, Mrs. Vincent Astor, son. reporter. Highly Superior: Jack Snider, WilTeam and a berth on the first Mrs. A. Barton Hepburn, Dorothy Superior: Humboldt; Peru. Eyes are sometimes deceiving', but team according to Lincoln newsber. Thompson, Sumner Welles, Mayor Excellent: Rockport; Bellevue. we saw Margaret Williams in a TalSuperior: Joan Flau, Auburn, Leon papers. Fiorello La Guardia and others. Chorus Class C mage car with a Talmage swain. Bertwell, Peru and Don Boyd, Sup- Highly Superioi·: Eagle. We spotted some new couples ~t the MARYON THOMAS PRESENTS erior. RI.;I..>tJI..;I,;tolJJ,..)I,;IJIJI.JI,;I,;TJI-..>l.JtJI,;I->l.;I-.>IJX.Jl~ Superior: Cook. Chadron games: "Ca:!" Gridley and 'i POEMS AT SCRIBBLERS Excellent: Robert Sandfort, HumExcellent: Talmage; Dunbar. Lois Maco~ber, Herbet·t Knutsen and Maryon Thomas read two original PLUMBING, HEATING, IC boldt, and Thomas Womack, Beatrice. Boy's Glee Club Class B Anna Baltensperger, !Vfaurice Martin poems at Scribblers Club meeting and ELECTRICAL work. ~ String Bass Highly Superior: Tecumse~ rnd Ginger '.'i.'riveJy, 'Bob Williams and Thursday night, March 9. Mrs. B. K. Superior: Frances Harr, Humboldt. Superior: Humboldt. Arlene Steip.er. Baker selected one poem for publicaExcellent: Beulah Alfrey1 Louisville Excellent: Daws,on; Bellevue. 1 To insure getting up on the right I tion. Merritt McNeal read an orig·inal and Carroll Griffiths, Dawson. Mixed Chorus Class A rn,;I,;l.JlJlJl-.>I.Jl./tJI.;I.JlJlJ.[Jl,;I,,,>f..,X,Jl,nvtJmJ side of the bed every morning, place , story. Bassoon Superior: Falls City. Superior: Eunice Elyre, Humboldt. Excellent: Auburn; Plattsmouth. Baritone Horn Highly Superior: Dwight Davis, Blue Y. M. C. A. INSTALLS Springs, Russell Leger, Burchard, OFFICERS MARCH 7 Robert Merrill, Edgar. Y. M. C. A. installed new officers a: Superior: Barbara. Dressler, Nemah:;i.; Virgil Riensche, Cook; Dick Clem- its cabinet meeting Tuesday, . ,March ents, Peru; Maxine Hoffman, Wilber, 7. These officers are: Marvin Schacht, president; Merritt Jensen, vice-presiand Ellis Dovel, Pawnee City. Excellent: Everett Parminter, Sterl- dent; Harold Dallam~ secretary; and ing; Ivan Burmeister, Louisville; Do- James Lambert, treasurer. After the installation services both ran Tegue, Brownville. old and new officers joined in a Bass Horns round table discussion concerning the Highly Superior: Pawnee City. Viayne Conference. Superior: Beatrice; Burchard. Elxcellent: Louisville; ; Burchard Council Bluffs, Sidney, Ia. Relay races high-lighted the CrawCornet Quartet and Trio dad Cli.!b's meeting Monday, March G. Highly Superior: Wilber The members formed two teams for Superior: Falls City; Peru. the races. The winner then raced Clarinet Quartet Eug·ene Andrews, upperclass sponsor. Highly Superior: Pawnee City. Superior: Auburn. Excellent: Nebraska City; Falls City; DR. GLEN H. JODER Peru. ~o


2,000 at Music Contest





Mail Order Prices BusinessSationery 100 full sized typewriting sheets 100 Business Size Envelopes Printed With YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS

Surgeon and Physician

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Milstead Corner ].>hone Office


Every student making applications will find that it is profitable to be BUSINESS-LIKE in presenting your letter requesting a position.

Electric Shoe Shop

REMEMBER-your letter is speaking for you. NEATNESS in writing stationery is as important as neatness in your personal appearance.

J.P. CLARK North of Skelly Station Phone 109

ALSO there is a correct size for business stationery, social stationery and formal stationery-just the same as there are correct clothes to wear for various oBcasions.



Theatre tickets a.re being ci.fered for snapshots for the Per;1vian. Snow scenes are greatly in demand. In order that progre.os be made in this partkular pp:-t of Peruvian publishing everyone is urged to hlnd in snapshots.

APPLICATIONS are a business proposition. WHY NOT use business stationery. OR DO YOU APPLY for a position in a formal evening dress?

r.·.. ,..~ .... .:i.;;.::!A~~7 ~:<>~...~~-¥-1,.

Fowler Printin°S Company


: The Mardis Store . . ~~ "A Mighty Good Place.to Trade" ~lp eru ~

n ~


Phone 30

Let Us Show You Samples






Peru Wins Fourth Place in Nat'/ Meet; Wheelermen Beal '37 & '38 Champions IT . H' . p~:!~ ~;~c~~~g~ 1~~ b~~~;gh rounce 1ghP01nt, Trinity, Warrensburg I


school pupils to become teachers in Nebraska?" Professor J W. Tyler and Roy Lively upheld the affirmative to this question in a panel discussion at Kappa Delta Pi, Monday evening. Professor Mary Hileman and Mary Grush, argued for the negative. Professors Marjorie West and J. W. Tyler, and Ruth Crone were the committee in charge of the program. Refreshments were served by Patricia Lundy, Clara Bright, and Maxine Randall.

College ten hold their own among nation's better basketeers; Glenville beat 'Cats by making top score m tourney's history .-\t the ;\' ational Intercollegiate 1 Tournament held at Kansas Cit\·. '['. · '·I h 13 t o 18 ·me 1us1ve _.-. .1 1~soun, .1 arc P. St t T l d f 1• em a e eac 1ers e ea tee f·Jigh Point, North Carolina, a favored l'cam; won from Trinity CJllege; and swept on to a sur· prise attack against Central State Teachers College of \Varrensburg,

SIGMA TAUS INITIATE TEN NEW MEMBERS Prof. McDonald Held Reads Browning's Work

Missouri, national champions in




and defeated them

in the quarter finals. Teams were represented in the tournament from coast to coast-north and south included. All these teams are runnersup ln their respective conferences. The Highland team was seeded or high point team having lost but four games this season. Their six ~oot seven inch center boasted a per-1· sonal record for the season of two J hundred eighty points. .

Peru's Bobcats, worn out from the breaking ball of three preceding games, felt the sting of defeat as San 1 Diego of California defeated them 49-29, in the semi-final round of the National Intercollegiate Tourney at Kansas City, Friday night.


The NJ.A.A. champs were cold and after 15 minutes were behind 21-8. The h'.\lf ended 23-11. The crowd were highly partisan for the Peru club, and a great cheer greeted the 'Cats as they came out for the second half. San Diego was not to be denied however and continued to score at will while they bottled up the WheelerJ ones athletes. Jack Mcintyre led the Bobcats in scoring with 10 markers. Peru's next opponent was Glenville, W. Va., for third place. San Diego was · tu take on, Southwestern college of Winfield, Kansas for the champion-

Training School Seniors Have St. Patrick's Dance Senior highschool students enjoyed a St. Patrick's Dance in the trainingschool assembly room, Friday evening, March 17. The committees in charge of the dance were: Tickets and chaperons, Hamel; program, Donna Steffin and Ray Coulter and Roy Grafton; decorations, Ernest Steffin and Elda Neal Slinker.


PERU TO GIVE CONCERT Returns "Singing Lesson" To Perusingers, March 15 Kearney College's a'capella choir of 54 voices gave a concert in the auditorium Wednesday night, March 15. The following program was presented under the direction of D. R. Appelman: O Watchers of the Stars ........ Cain I Beheld Her . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Willan From Heaven Above ... Christiansen Ye Are Not of the Flesh ....... Bach 0 Praise Ye the Name of The Lord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tschaikowsky

Phi Alpha Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta National Honorary English Fraternity ,advanced six pledges and initiated ten new members at their COACH A. G. WHEELER second semester banquet Thursday evening, March 16, in the home ecoPeru's win ~day allowed her to : Walker and Mcintyre were elim'inat-, ship. nomics room of the Training School. Margaret Henderson, Eula Reden- compete further ' in the t-0urnament. ed on fouls during the second half. 1 Peru State's Bobcats won fourth (The Choir) The N. C. team boasted a conference place in the National Intercollegiate Two numbers baugh, Mary Olive Richardson, and Trinity University of Waxahachie, Jean Winkleman were advanced to Texas, and the Alfred Holbrook Col- championship and the A. A. u.. title Tournament at Kansas City Saturday CRuth Grosshans, Alto) night as Glenville, W. Va., defeated the Serenade . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Shubert act}ve membership. Winifred Hall and lege of Manchester, Ohio, met Tuesday. for the Carolinas. wilted basketeers 73-49. Gladys Majors were advanced to as- Peru played the winning teap.i. of these When I Think Upon the Maidens, Head Wednesday, March 15, the basketeers Peru was completely done up after sociate membership, New members are: two colleges at fonr-fifteen p. m. Wed(Maynard Yost, Tenor) , of Coaches "Al" Wheeler and "Art" five games of fast-breaking ball in 6 active, Kathryn Knouse; associate, nesday. Selections . . . . . . . . . Madrigal Singers Before the games Monday evening, j Jones progressed into the quarterfinals Phyllis Benson, Ollie Mary Purucker; Passo.pied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delibes pledge, Marie Chehey, Dorothy Fischer, there was a parade of four hundred 1 of the National Intercollegiate TournaItalian Street Song . . . . . . . . Herbert Monte Jean Gaines, Sarene Hauptman. athletes including all 'teams plaYing in ment held at Kansas City when the (Mary E. Thornton, Soprano) Irma Herzberg, Marjorie Prine and the toun;ament. The effect was strik- Bobcats defeated ·Trinity College of, The Lute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Skinner ingly colorful. The auditorium which Waxahachie, Tex., 48-42. The game was! Jeanne Spier. The Old Ark's a-Moverin' . . . . Cain McDonald Held, Professor of Speech seats fifteen thousand, is reputed to the only overtime thriller of. the tour- i Were You There? .......... Burleigh and English at Tarkio College,, Mo., be the most striking west of New ney that far. The game was 40-40 at i Roll Chariot Roll ... : . . . . . . . . . . Cain paneled lights, which the close of the regular playing period. was the guest speaker His subject York. Its ' Echo Song ................ Di Lasso gradually blend in changing shades of In the overtime period Coleman of was, "Do We Live Again?" I Won't Kiss Katy ... Aschenbrenner Dr. George W Smith, Mrs. Inice color, played on the m~ny different Trinity sank his only basket of the Say Thou Lovest Me . . . . . . . . . . Cain Dunning, Norman Littrell, Glema college colors represented in the game to send the Texas quintet into the , (The Choir) Miers, Bertie Boom and Melba Ober- parade. The largest team present was lead, 42-40. Mosley tied it up again. ! nolte officiated at the initiation. Nor- from west Texas Teachers' College With only a minute to go, Bailey sank j The director inserted into the proman Littrell, president of the local with ten men averaging six feet four another; Mosley made a free throw, gram's repertoire the numbers which chapter, was toastmaster at the ban- inches in height. then another bucket and Huegel threw he found appealed most to singers quet and Margaret Henderson replied The teams competed for the a charity toss before the period ended when at leisure'. These pieces were: to. the fraternity's welcome to the James A. Naisninth Memori\).l. Trophy 48-42. ''Yearning", and "Mamma Don't Allow," mitiates. honoring Maude Naismith the deceasThe next opponent for the Bobcats ~s sung by a male quartet. As a violin duet, Monte Jean Gaines ed wife of the founder of basketball, was Warrensburg, Missouri Teachers The Kearney choir was on its anand Jeanne Spier played "Aria" and and is emblematic of inter-collegiate- College, defending champions. nual concert tour, coming to Peru "Gique" from the Stroessel Suite. basketball championship of the United The half time score was 19-18 in from Wilbur. Marie Chehey accompanied them at States It is a permanent award to the favor of Trinity. The group arrived in Peru Wednesthe piano. ' winning team. day afternoon. That evening both the One of the first questions Mr. Held 1j Peru continued on its march to the Kearney singers and Perusingers had asked was, "Are we doing the best we Peru State Teachers College and championship of the National Interdinner in the cafeteria. 1 can with wJ:iat we have?" Quoting High Point, North Carolina, were in- collegiate Basketball Tournament at After the concert a dance was held Thomas Mann he said, "One should vited to the National Intercollegiate Kansas City, Missouri, by eliminating in the Music Hall for both musical orbe afraid to die until he had done! basketball tournament last week. Peru the defei;iding champion, Central Teachganizations. Marjorie Evans played something for humanity," and then I was not a favorite. Hight Point was ex- ers College of Warrensburg, Mo., 45-31 the piano. expressed his own opinion, "and I pected to eliminate the Bobcats in the Thursday, March 16. The Kearney singers stayed overCOACH ARTHUR JONES think we can all do something for first round. It was the Bobcat fast break that night as guests of Peru students. hhumanity." My talk concerns one, Peru Teachers upset highly-1avored won the game. The 'Cats had the fast- Breakfast Thursday morning was who has done something for humanity. High Point, North Carolina, 55-46, est break of the tournament Thursday nights. No team can stand the pace served in the cafeteria, after which the This man was Robert Browning. Monday, March 13, in the O!J€ning night and Warrensburg couldn't match unless there are at least 10 athletes of visitors boarded their car and two Mr. Held vividly described the Bay-, round of the National Intercollegiate the speed, nor the Nebraskan's attack. £qua! ability on the club. buses and proceeded on their way to !or Browning: Library, which is the Tourney. Jack Mcintyre, Leonard Greathouse, The West Virginians sported a 10- Grand Island. largest Browning collection in the It was "the .wildest, High-speed Russell Bailey and Lester Mosley alter- point lead after five minutes and inThe Choir Personnel was: world. Dr. A. J. Armstrong, head of I court battle of the eight games played nated at hitting for the winners. creased it to 22-8 after nine. The half SOPRANO the English Department at Baylor : in the opening round," said the World The crowd was decidedly for the Peru found the 'Cats behind 42-26. Adams, Lois . . . . . . . . . . . Cozad University, Texas, is the founder and IHerald's sport writer', who was cover- team, especially whea last year's champs Mosley, "The Red" contributed 21 of Aspegren, Mildred . . . . . . . . . . Hildreth builder of this large library. It con- ing the games. were on their way to defeat The win- Peru's aggregate ,but the real hot shot Duering, Josephine ......... Kearney tains 7,500 works worth 250.C.OO. Ex- · In the first 11 minutes the two stood ners had a 27-19 lead at the half. of the game was Gilbert Rhoads, who Henline, Vivi~m ............ Kearney emplary of the interest in Browning at 15 all. The half ended with Peru "Rowdy" Mcintyre led the Wheeler collected 28 counters, of the Eastern- Hipple, Mary ........... Bloomington outside of England are the books in carrying a 30-27 lead. In the second boys with 14 counters. er's total. Hollingsworth. Marjory . . . . Kearney this library printed in 38 different half the lead changed nine times. It was the third victory of the tourney The 73 points scored by the West Keens, Shirley .............. Kearney languages. Peru had a margin of only four points, for the Peru team and conquest num- Virginia club set a new record for tour- Kahle:-. Norma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sutton One of the stained glass windows buL with three minutes to go, Howard ber 21 against 4 defeats nament scoring at Kansas City. Kramer, Velma .............. Omaha depicts the story of the "Pied Piper of Dean, Bailey and Handley, put the The semi-final opponent of the 'Cats Box scores are on page three mid- Merrick, Bette .............. Kearney (Continued on p. 3; Col. 1) game on ice with three quick baskets. was San Diego State dle column. (Continued on p. 2; Col. 4)









The Peru Pedagogian

Alumni 1rail

: ·ublished Weekly by the Peru State ·1 c>achers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Pern, Hrbraslm as second class matter. ~1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cents.


Reelected-Miss Corinne Barnts · - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0930), who teaches grades three and four at Loup City, has been reelected .t;'DITOR .................................................... RUTH CF10NE with an in11t'ease in salary. ASSISTANT EDITOR ................................... STELLA ROGGE T d l · akes Hus'ban 's P ace-Mrs. Wayne ASSISTANT EDITOR ........................... · ... · · · .. · ·. THANE HALE w·l . t k" h f h i son is now a mg c arge o er SPORTS EDITOR ...................... · .... · .... · WAYNE McGINNIS husband's commerce classes at Julian TYPIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARY LIZABETH WERNER h'' h h b d . tt d" p S T . . . . . . M. FLORENCE MARTIN Cw. lie er us an IS a en mg . . . ADVISER · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mrs. Wilson was formerly Miss Vivian Lambert, who received degree from Peru in 1937.



Serves as Fair~ury Principal-Miss Katharine Lambart (1924) is principal of the Fairbury highschool during the leave of absence of A. L. Biehm C1922l, who is· studying for his doctorate at You do it; we'll chalk it up the University of Wisconsin. Prokop is New Pres. of ConferenceA. F. Prokop (1933) of Clarkson was Vote now. Enter your candidates for recently chosen to be president of the honorary campus offices. We want you newly organized Mid-State Highschool to express your gossip selections. . ... Conference. Write your answers opposite the Visits Campus-Miss Wilma Lichty number of the question, address them was a campus visitor Sunday, Mardi 12. She is teaching in the grades at to the Pedagogian, in care of Column Hbney Creek and supervises grade Department and drop them in the music. She has been reelected and is College mail box, ·


beginning to work on a grade school Vote your honest-to-goodness opinion. Application Accepted-Rex Wilson, operetta. You need not sign your name. who is coach at Cairo, has received 1. Who is the most beautiful girl? (If word that hls application to enter the Kearney Choir Visits you think she is dumb, write "fooey" College of Medicine at Ann Arbor, after the name.) I- wan~-to-be-your-honey - applicant's Michigan, has been accepted, Mr. Wil- Peru To Give Concert 2. Who is the best ladyki!ler? (Continued from p. 1; Col. 5) father's inccme tax receipt to see if he son graduated from Peru College in r. E CRITICIZE3. What boy looks best ori the dance is mus:cally inclined, which is just a 1936. Porter, Mary Lou . . . . . . . . . . Danbury THE PEDAGOGIAN conducted ~ nice way of sayin~ if he ha& (bank) '16 Editor Visits Campus-Joseph Thornton, Mary Elaine . . . . Kearney floor? 4. What couple scrap the most? poll-as we hope you know-on the re- notes amounting to do, re and mi of Boyd, editor of the 1916 Peruvian and Vandenburg, Ardes ... St. Joseph, Mo. considerable proportions. now an attorney at Superior, was on Wendell, Mary Ann ............ Axtell 5. What is the mushiest couple? quirements that the students like in the Peru campus during the M. I. N. K. Wescott, Elaine .............. Gibbon 6. Who sports the worst sarcasm? one whom they date. Going one stei: After she has determined the weave Music Contest. He brought a car of 7. Who has the goofiest hobby? AL'I'O further the publishers of 'Who's Who· of his suit, has looked up his family )What is it? tree until she can see something swing- contestants including his son to the conin American Colleges and Universities test. Adams, Dorothy Mae · · · · · · · · · · Cozad 8. Who has the largest swearing ing: from it-and I don't mean Benr<:i issued a questionnaire to each of those Goodman-she makes a formula which] Supt.. Reelected-Wilbur Schindler, Codner, Blair .................. Axtell vocabulary? students which its directory would in- looks something like this thru the fuzzi·- superintendent of the Tecumseh Freeman, Pauline . . . . . . . . . . Kearney Frey, Mildred ............ ·: .. Jensen 9. Who is the campus' top-rating clude. One of the half a hundred ques- ness which my mind's eye· is beginning schools, was recently reelected with a Grosshans, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sutton bookworm? to collect by this time: ar376huOgtmithi oubstantial increase in salary. All tions was something like this: ''At what Hansons, Charlene .......... Kearney 10. Who has the most beautiful legs? nk yourenuts 24f6h is to a6 as illadm!t Tecumseh teachers were also reelect11. Whose line is most insincere? age do You expect to marr "9" Th•· Lantz, Marcella . . . . . . . . . . . . Kearney 0 ' • '· img of fy89 is to xyz. If he comes out ed, among whom is Miss Marie 12. Who is the best-dressed boy? University of Omaha got into the spiri1: higher than .00000()0001 she wires her Wieneke, a 1933 P. S. T. C. graduate. Lockhart, Rel.en Louise .... Kearney 13. What girl looks most like a fashof the occasion and the coeds there anMiller, Mary Evelyn . . . . . . . . . . Omaha nounced that they favored marriage at 2.cceptance because the last 25 suitors Presents Unit--Niss Rose Wanek Norma, Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shickley ion plate? . t were below this and she's beginning to (1922J presented a unit on "Selection Robb, Mary Alice .......... Kearney 24 years of age to a man earmng a get scared-and a little tired. 14. Who is the handsomest boy? (If least $32 a week. In general they will and Use of Illust!'ative Material" at Sargent, Ellinor ............. Kearney you would like to date him write not marry if they have to live with in By that time I've started putting t'.p the district vo0c.~ional homemaking Speakes, Marjory . . . . . . . . . . . . Exeter "yea man" after his name.) laws or p~rents, do not favor working fuel for next winter. conferences whic.: were held February ,Stalnaker, Daurice .......... Milford . Who is the most mysterious 15 outside the home unless financial GOnin Kearney, ·Sidney, Norfolk and Lin- Swanson, Lois ............ Loup City ditions make it necessary and believe coin. Vasey, Arlene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cozad male? it is their duty to aid their parents in WE COHER Appointed to John Hopkins- Miss TENOR 16. Who is the most avid woo-pitcher? case of need. Qualities desirable in s Credit for this· g·oes to Jones, who Evaline West who is teaching mathematics and sc1·ence at Ansley, has an Coover, Don .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . Kearney husband are physical fitness, financial t I · th H t 17. Whose mannerisms are the most . l" b'l't' h t o- 0 d . h t . - wntes a spor s co umn m e as mgs sppomtment as research assistant to Jacobson, Howard . . . . . . Dannebrog ie la ii L ones Y. c arac er, am Colleoe newspaper. This weekly l!terarv L t Log Kearney heckling? . . ~ . " Dr Robert Hegner at Joh H k" . ancas er, an ......... . b1t10n, sense of humor, generosity. 1 effort is known as "Goal Dust" and ex· ' n op ms m IL dd Joh Kearney 18. Is the topic of blanket parties · ·· d · ·1 ' l'k d Baltimore Mr The appointment u en, n .. · .... " .... · 1 good disposition an simi ai es an presses the view of nigh onto a millwn ' · · M0 r Clayto .. .. . .. .. .. .. . Bladen permissible in parlor conversation? dislikes. . which is effective m October, calls for ey, n college editors. :·e::earch with malarial parasites, were: Nelson, Donal_d · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Ogallala 19. Do you think the information I'm telling you all of this because "Last week we apologized to Kearney similar to that in which Miss West was Neustrom, Willys · · · · · · · · · · Kearney dealt at bull sessions has incriminatspring is just around the corner. Spoftsmen for an error. This week we interested while attending s. T. c , Taylor, Jay · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Berwyn ing effects or is purely for entertainwill apologize to Hastings readers for Speaker at Association-A speaker .at Wimberley, Jerome · · · · · · · · Kearney ment? Now far be it from me to advocate our mere existence. It seems that in the Nebraska Association of County' Yost, Maynard · · · · · · · · · · .. · · Sutton 20. Do you believe in love at first banishment of all the new marriage BASS sight? courses that are being offered in our the last issue of the campus rag we Superintendents in Lincoln was c. H. up-and-numbing univer.sities but I gave athletic letters to unlettered men. Rhoades of Seward County. Mr. Anderson, Perry ............ Fremont Don't gripe if your choice isn't sefind myself at night laying my head on omitted golfers' names from golfinr; Rhoades received his A. B. from Peru Sell,. Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 r d focted; support your candidate and . Cary, ....J..a... -ck.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kearney vote now! my very fiat pillow and praymg that lists, insulted some, lied to others, and in 1933. our Amazonian gTanddaug·hters won't I in devious ways acted like the curz we Team Wins Second Place-Richard Ehly, Reiney .................. Sutton Tippecanoe and luck to you, be faced with debutantic dating deli- \are. The worm, however,. has c0m- Sherman, who is cor.ch and science in- Graves, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carlton \ Jack and Jill. . As I sm . k m . t o unconscwusness . 1 pleted that proverbial mot10n concernnums. ·t t t' h b · structor at .Chambers, was recently Gross, Everett .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ord -and it is blissful unconsciousness by !ng i s ro a wn and we ave a argam. reelected. Mr. Sherman ('37 has had Hollingsworth, Jerry ........ Kearney 1 the time 1 get there-I vision a young Upon receipt of a hundred correctly a successful basketb~ll season: his Keiss, Harold .............. Kearney PERU PROFESSORS FAVOR man having proposed to this 1980 dream filled questwnaires such as the one be- team havmg won second place 111 tile. Neuman, Floyd . . . . . . . . North Platte "ST AR SPANGLED BANNER" ..Ni"cholson, Budd ........ Boston, Mass. of loveliness. . She lowers her eyelids in iow, we have agreed, my assistants and d1s:rict tournament. . The professors in the Music De'09 Graduate Lectures in Mich.-Dr. Smi"th, Ear"" . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stromsburg~ false deceptiveness (The eyelids are I, to our being painlessly destroyed with partment are very much satisfied with false, too) and tells him that she will the next shipment from the dog pound. F. L. Kein, who is chairman of the Wallace, Di.ck .............. Kearney the present national anthem. They But before we join the city stray dogs agronamy department at the Universigive him her answer in a couple of Wimberley, Wallace . . . . . . . . Kearney agree that it would be very difficult to months-after she has· brushed up on in hamburger form, please answer the ty of Nebraska, was recently in East adopt any new song. "Human beings following questions as truthfully as Lansing, Michigan, g·iving a series cf her calculus, Half A. Stien's law of lectures at Farm and Home Week a DIRT COLUMN BIOGRAPHY are creatures of h.abit. How many relatives and the blue book, which by ltOSsible. · people could refram from standmg this time feels just like it looks. '·What's your mental age, if any, program similar to Nebraska's Organ- SHOWS NEW INNOVATION; when they hear "Star Spangled Banized Agriculture. Dr. Kein graduated ; "Way back in 1933-34 the prize col- ner," even though some other song had As soon as he has jumped into his a11d how long have you been a griper? fi·om P. S. T. C. 1.n 1909 . airplane she jumps out of her glass Did you ever try to please five hundred Stroh Reelected at Hubbell-Harry· umn was the Kampus Kappers. Their been declared the national anthem?" dress tCinderella's slipper doesn't have i500J readers and still stick to facts? Stroh was recently reelected to teach motto ran like this:: "You can fool said Professor G. H. Steck 7 anything on her) anc;, putting' Dn a · culcl you like to try? Will you call off at Hubbell. Mr. Stroh matriculated at some of the people some of the time Mr Steck added further that the your mad dog if we nm your picture on P. s. T. c. in 1934 most of the main obJee · t·10n t o th e presen t an th em rubber apron on the way, makes a high an d a 11 of the people · dive for her santi sanctorum, which has the front page? (This always works; Represent ative Student Gets Lieense time, but the rest of the time they i·s that the mus1·c 1·s \!Tritt.en too high . t ure DuP on t the camera and 449 others are the only -Miss Patricia Casey has been noti- will make fools of themselves." The for the masses to smg. He suggests a11 t he aspec t s of a mmua . bl oo d , sufferers.) Have you ever thought of fled that she has passed the state ex- same year sported four other col- that 1·11stead of changing the song we 1a boratory. Here sh e t ests h is . . . . 1 . sh e h as obt ame . d , by cu tt·mg h.1s I gmng out news mstead of forcmg re- amma . t·10n necessary t o g·e t an em- umns, The Scratch Pad, Macaroni trai·n voices so that the'.'-' will be able wh ich . finger when they were making sand- po:ters to beg for it? Why don't you balmers, will be associated with her Medley, Last Week and Here and\ to sing it. wiches earlier in the evening. (They'll ca.ke journalism if you are so sure you cne of Nebraska's 33 woman em- There. "One of the objections is that the can write better than we can? still be making those ham-pineapple balmers ,will be associated with her The Dust Pan catches All the music to "Star Spangled Banner" is horseradish three-wreck affairs even 40 '·Anyone in possession of his good father in business in Johnson. She ·was. College Dirt was the sweeping hit in an old English drin.king song. So is years hence.) She ascertains the amount disposition by the time this is read may a representative student while attend- 34 _35,s gossip history. It ran com- "America" and many other songs we or value of blueness found therein. enter in our "Is Shuffleboard Hard on 'ng P. S. T. C. enrolled as a special petition with Last Week and Plumb sing. There have been several atWhile this is boiling in a breaker, she Anemics" essay contest which had a student. Sprouts. tempts to change the song, all of calls the insane a:~·lum to find out from shell~1cked minnow as its first and last Six Supts. Receive Same Jobswhich have been unsuccessful" dethe funny, ole thing that made out the prize. 9uperintendents who have been re- The popularity of the Dust Pan ex- clared Professor R. T. Benford. elected and who are former Pruvians tended into 1935 - 36· It was assisted in He added, "As for its expressing ·nclude: II. E. Filley, Stanford; Floyd its mission of scandal spreading by war-like sentiment, great songs are I 1i~<Nll<Jll<J;g]ll<Jllllll<J([qii;mJ~liili'l.<;§()j]!lljc)j]ll<J'.1!Jilll~]irilliJ!ffi Miller, Pierce; Paul Combs, Valley; A. Davidson's Diggin's in which Bertie written only as a result of a great Gamma Chi Selects '!!I PERU HOUR !~ R. Majors, Odell; Otto Fabian, Abie; Boom was nominated as being the amount of enthusiam. We must admit Shield Sorority Pins proud possesser of the prettiest hands that he have our greatest patriotism ~li Monday, March 20, 1939 ~ H. T. Nickel, Alexandria. Members·of Gamma Chi selected a h~;' 3..30 _9.. 00 p m. l:;I Become Officers of F. C. SA. Club- in school. 1nd enthusiasm during war time. I ~ pin for the organization at a meeting ~j Announcer . . . . Gordon Gilbert lf:i Officers of the newly formed Furnas In 1936-37 the columns were Chit- believe it would be difficult to find a held Wednesday evening. The pin [iii !SJ I'°' Tenor Solo .. Dr. P. A. Maxwell 11~ County School Administraqon Club Chat and The Innocent Bystander. more suitable song." chosen is a small shield surrounded by tlii "Last Night a Nightingale Awoke ~ include A R Lichtenberger, Beaver 1937-'38 saw Twitterbones remain a '"Star Spangled Banner' is ideal and laurel leaves with the Greek letters, 11€1.:, tllJ City, president; and H. A. Sims, Wil- mystery as to its detective proctivi- music", said Professor V. H. Jindra. ,_., Me" l!ll Gamma Chi, in the center. . ~11 ,,., sonville vice-president. The former ties until the end of the year and The "In order to have a good national an2<1 ?ed of the Air . . . . Ruth Crone graduated from P. S. T. C. in 1931 and Casual Collegian and Hot Air gather- them it must be inspired, and "Star Phyllis Benson and Bertie Boom are ~ Just Sittin' and Thinkin' the committee in charge · of ordering ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. H. Steck ~ the latter graduated from the Oo!lege ed the College dust as it unfailingly Spangled Banner" was certainly in-. settled. spired." the pins. [l][l][l][l]m[l][l]fjjj[l]ii.lJmfjjjfjjj[jjjfjjjfjjj!1lJl!filiJfillfilll!filiJl!l i::! 1931. Mary Grush

Mary Modlin Winifred Hall Mary Olive RichD.rdson

Wayne Wilson Jean Winkelman










II ""'----~----~v--d•-.z-._=.,,...,.,.___ ,,_,.__ Sigma Taus Initiate Ten New Members (Continued from p. l; Col. 1) Hamlin" and another is a replica of By Norman Littrell the "Guardian Angel." A framed, life-size picture of Brown- 11!':::::=:"*':··:':'.~:-::-:~::-::;;•c·:~~::l ing painted by his son, Robert Barrett, To t~e Paper$ ' Browning, hangs on the wall. Mr. Held . It Just s;ihappens that we are gloatshowed a photograph of this picture to I mg. All Y' . we have tried to get the the audience. A :Persian rug more state paper co give Peru a little publithan 150 years old covers the floor. He i city. On the whole, Peru, like the said, "I tell you these things because i other state teachers' colleges, was the minute you go into the library jlaughed at by those who have the s.ay you feel an immediate reverence ... i so Now these papers have to notice Perhaps the thing which is the most I Peru as Peru's record in the National sacred is the lock of hair which was j Intercollegiate Tournament is very, cut from Browning's head after he very impressive. 1 Next year we hope that the state 1 di.ed."

(48) FG F D 0 an e 0 w l St a ff · · FT::--:::-:-TP · L". .P • .I<'.\ Mosely f .................. 4 1 3 Picks All-Star Team Walker f ................. 1 0 1 Halladay and Bailey Halladay f ................ 5 1 1 Receive High Ratings Handley f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 "Well, basketball season is over and Greathouse c · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4 it comes the time of year when the 1 Mcintyre g · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3 4 different papers begin their all-oppon-[ Dean g ................... 0 0 ent selections ,so here goes the Doane Bailey g .................. 3 3 Owl's selection of the Tigers' all-opHuegel g · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · O o ponents during the past season. This 8 12 includes only teams played in NebrasTotal .......... 20 TRINITY <43 ) F.G. F.T. P.F. ka and excludes at least one mig·hty 4 fine player from Kansas State UniverTurner f · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 5 1 Coleman f · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · O 1 lsity. 1/ 2 Byers f · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1

McPhail f · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · O Waller c · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4 Wakeland c .............. 0


4 4



When Katherine Cornell played in "Barretts of Wimpole Street" in Waco, Texas, she wore, from Dr. Armstrong's collection the brooch Browning had given ~s. Browning on their first wedding anniversary. Basil Rathbone also wore Browning's little finger ring when he acted the part of Browning in that city. "The biggest thing about the Browning Collection, I should say, is

Curry g · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Wheeler g ............... 5 L kh d o oc ar g · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 'l°idwell g · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · () Total .......... 17 Ofl'icials: Barton and Bell.





• 11 l/ BOunclng a


I 1

that this man who has gathered it; that Browning had the something in his writings that carried others above themselves. And if some of you in. your writings could do such a thing, what would you leave the world!" Speaking again of Browning's ability,

colleges get .the publicity they deserve. Do you realize that Peru lost to Kearney Stat Te h d th t w e ac ers .an a ayne State Teachers fimshed second to Peru in a state ratings. Surely Nebraska and Nebraskans should be proud of her state college teams. On To K. C. Peru has been practically deserted this week. Loyal fans hasten to Kan~s City to back the team. And then

~~s~"~:~ ~e loy.al,psen: ~el~gra~

to ru is rou 0 er earn. ut more than that we are proud of Peru You fan b k d 1 · f t s ac e a osmg 00 ball squad w·th all · N i your vigor. ow ou are backin a . . b k tb II Y g wmnmg as e a squad with that same fight. Win or lose-Peru backs her teams.




co~ious;_ ~eant

beeom . .

I~:tw~,~:ton~'t ;:~v t~t






Warrensburg (3l)

F.G. F.T. P.F. Shriek f ............. , .... 3 0 1 Taylor f · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

~~:ciettf·:::.::::::.'.'.'.'..'.'~ ~ ~

Gibbs c .................... 2


Erma Meier is the newly-elected sports leader for kittenball, the W. A. A. iourth-quarter sport. , T~urn~rn.ent play will take plac: th.is week to b1ve the women the oppo1tumty to improre their team work.

Y. W. AND Y. M. PREPARE FOR WAYNE MEETING To aid in preparing Y. W. and Y. M. delegates for the discussion groups at the Wayne Conference, Y. W. and Y. Forward · · · · · · · · · · · · · Halladay, Peru M. members talked on four topics at Center · · · · · · · · · Richendifer, Hastings their joint meeting Tuesday evening, "' 11 13 , a t ti1e Music · Ha11 . L01s · ...T.i,,,...1vai·d . . . . . . . . . . D. Dremel , M"d' i .• 21LJ 1viarc Guard .................. Bailey, Peru Hight led the discussion on "Reinterpr t t"10115 . R r . ,, F k L Guard . . . . .. . . . . . . Peterson, Midland ea or e.ig:on, -ran· arson on "Personal Attitudes Toward Con"Now the reason for picking the fiict", Eula Redenbaugh on "World above members: We might begin with Affairs" and Jean Winkleman on Halladay as his fine play against "Personal Relations". Doane was a constant menace to the Marvin Schacht, the Y. M. presiTiger guards due to his elusiveness and dent, had charge of the aevotional excellent basket eye. He continually period. was hacking awa t th D d / -------- ----fense and manag~d ato sl~p ~:neso~~ ~~rgr:c::i~"'"' 1 ''i>mi:t?.:~i'illil<Ji)(JITTJ!~i;;JITTJ[ij]litJ[iiJ1ill11ll[ij][))][f


bea'.ltiful shot. He :1ot r.nly shcne or-JI The Lat W k the ~i s ee · Bobcat's defensive. 'I ~' "" f ~I · ' F1 ".Unanimous choice at guard was ~!1 o J:, gm s amous 75th · 1~ B. ailey of Per.u, although not one seer- I ~I '~ mg threat, he was probably one of the 11¥! Anniversary best ,1f not the best guard, The Tigers j f~-·~.1 b 1-oJ umped up against all season. His ~j SALE ability to hold the Tigers in check i @ easiUy won him a berth on this team. i, [fr Good until March 18th " Th ·t · 1[:lj .. '. ere i is ,you might have: I~ Trade in your old watch some ideas of your own'. bbut as far as ! ~ we can see the team picked is tops.! [!li while you can get this opMaybe we missed someone, but as far i ~ as outstanding play against Doane is: Ii;! :)ortunity to San.


0 fensively but was a mainstay in



0 1 Cirrin'ne. c · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · () ';' Glennor; g · · · · · · .. · · · .. · .. 2 l:t i j.·.:, Richardson g . . . . . . . . . . . . . () 0 2 '~ ~ 2 0 2 Heller g · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · [gj Blaine g · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · O O O [)j] Total .......... 14 @ 3 13 PERU (45 ) F.G. F.T. P.F. ~ ~ Mosley f ················· 2 4 3 l:;J @ () Huegel f ·················· 0 0 ~ Halladay f ················ 1 0 0 lg Walker f .................. 4 1 3 ~ Greathouse c ............. 2 1 3 \31 Cramer c .................. 0 0 1§ "'J concerned, we believe the above meni ~ (Where your money buys more) ~ Mcintyre g ·············· 6 2 4 Dean g .................. 0 1 tioned would be hard to beat." 0 Bailey g .................. 2 0 0 By, "Doc" T'obiska of Doane Owl Staff , ~ § l1lJ Total .......... 17 11 12

he said, "He would use his writings to express the inner person. rt has·. been The Victory Bell said that. Shakespeare made characters I heard a bell ring the other night. It came out of nowher.e but its meslive and that Browning made them think. We find that he could give in a sage was beautifill music to Peruvian very few lines what another wrter ! ears. Peru had won another gamewould have to write pages and pages !had advanced in the tournament. I t d .,..",, knew about the victory, yet a thrill o escn..,.,. , th h Mr. Held read "My Last Duchess," roqg me when I heard that "Incident of a French camp," an exerpt from "Andrea Del Sarto" and t .That bell meant ~ictory; it meant "Rabbi Ben Ezra" b · Bro\1111ing. ms 1' people. would e further Perp well-controlled and ) expressive voice it something deep in . d th ht ones reitlizat:ion that we Seniors have broug ht ou t th e mearung an . oug 1 i ch f. tim PERU (29J of Browning with exceptional clear- Isu ew es left to hear that bell.

I I:. I


Erma Meier Becomes

W A A Sports L eader


~~;;JillIDFJlilllI~i1lb,!I!·; 1,_

FG FT P.F · · · · ·

:ing :::; ; ::::::::::::::::: ~ ~


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Phone 112.


~ ' §



~:' ii!_llcJrnE.E:lIE:ll'lJ;§igj;1rn1Jllll:IDltl:§ITTJ[lj][jj][gjlllJ;g][g~

ness. . ebell will 0 Members of Kappa Omicron Phi. · ry • Jill s. Peruvians H li1l 1 • !!ii . . · are already looking forward to next al1iday f · · · .. · · .. · · · · .. · 1 1 3 &} \ home economics · fratermty ' selected -year's state'·· championship team Wa Ik er f · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · 1 2 2 "" · lllJ ! the menu and servll,d the banquet. The · · Greathouse c ............. 1 1 2 )( MON. MAR. _ § 1 I 26 27 menu consisted of fish canapes, breadCramer c ......... »"!' •••••• o o o ~j If you wish to join the agency ed pork chops, pickled beets, . · glazed N at'l Tourney Proves Mcintyre g ............... 4 with ·a personal interest in your 4 it 2 sweet potatoes, creamed ~s and · · "LOVE FINDS l1ll successtul placement and con0 1 carrots, orange salad, rolls jelly, Saint ounder Was Right Dean g · · .. · · ' .... · · ...... O tinned advancement, join the 1 . .. ~ Bailey g .... · .... · · .... · .. 3 ANDY HARDY" § agency working exclusively for Patrick pineapple sundae and coffee. 1 Basketball was created for the phy- Handley g ................ o o 1 i: teachers in . The servers were attired in black j sical misfits. Some players at the Total .............. 11 7 14 it I P ~ 1 dresses and white organdy aprons. . tournament showed that its founder SAN DIEGO (49 ) F.G. F.T. P.F. it n lace of Red and black, Sigma Tau Delta was 'correct. Harris f .................. 2 GREAT WALTZ" ~ 3 3 1 colors, featured the color scheme for 1 on the Murray (Ky.) state Teachers Preisler f [))] 2 1 0 the table deconition. Red roses and I five was James Hurley, a guard so color Phelps f §§[gj§lllJITTJ[jl;'i!JITTJm§llllii;J~§rg@§\ID~[:;mif; 5 0 JOIN THE 0 sprigs of green fern placed in black blind the varied hues of opponents' uni- Delauer f 0 0 0 ················ vases completed the color motif. The forms mean nothing to him. He doesn't Echle c .................. 8 0 3 1 large black vase at the speaker's dare pass until he sees the receiver's Thompson c ............... o 2 • : ' • •:: ' ' •• • 3 table bore the Greek insignia of the face for fear of handing the ba!l'ito a Hodgetts g ............... 1 927 w. Bui!ai ng•OMAHA, NEBRASKA 0 2 organization. "A booster for Peru graduates" foe. Allison g ·················· 1 4 0 Flowers for all Mary Lizabeth Werner designed the Hurley's captain is Gene Bland, twice Total ............ 19 11 10 place cards, which pictured a suitor of all-Southern Intercollegiate A. A. Occasions the nineteenth century kneeling at the guard despite the loss of three fingers PERU (49) F.G. F.T. P.F. feet of his lady. DR. H. C. DALLAM on his right hand. The handicap made Mosley f .................. 9 3 2 We ·Grow Our Own The" following committees were in it extremely difficult for him to shoot Dean f . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . O O O DENTIST charge of banquet_ preparations;: but he's a leech-like defensive player Walker f ................. 1 1 3 Office Ph 32 Program and Printing and .the "feeder" to his bombarding Halladay f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 O Bertie Boom, Virginia Trively, Rus- mates. Res. Ph. 196 Greathouse c ............. 2 0 0 Nebraska City, Nebr. sellDecorations Sommers c 1 · first !:ound game agaiP.st Huegel c ................. O O O _ _________ _ _ _....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ind Murray's '.C"~c"-'"'.liilllii'J-'"~~---·,.....,..,, ...~~~--·-~





i I I


················· ..................



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Bu.8£iltr - · ·. 0


Jor an o lege of Menominee, Mary Liz Werner, Helen 'Margaret Bl d · d

La;~~~~t~~!fr~~n~all Margaret Saville Melba Obernolte

Mich., Mcintyre g ............... 2

~:s~o:;~i~€:J~:e~:::~~oT~~:~:h~~~~ ~;::~g~:

, the Thoroughbreds ahead for the first .

Mary Olive Richardson Prof. V. Jindra Attends Nat'l Music Conference Professor V. H. Jindra left Saturday for Detroit to attend the North Cen-



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time and they went on to win.

t 21 7 12 To al · · ...... · .. GLENVIyLE (73) F.G. F.T. P.F.

gation from Detroit. McCarty claimed w be only cager to play without a guard for his spectacles. The lenses are a special non-shatterable kind and the

Rhoddes f ............... 13 M;,cMillan f ............... o Lilley c .................. 9 Davies c ................. o


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o ~A

?j "1 ~

position. We have served teachers for 3R years. ENROLL NOW


1023 N. Grand Blvd.


St. Louis Mo.

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famous violin teacher. They continued Bob Vent0:,.11ere .was born with 1 Lamp g .................. () the trip together. deformed left arm :t-1 e72ltheless he was j Total .. : ......... 32

O 9





M. E. SHUCK, Ph. D., Manager 820 Sixteenth St., Denver, Colo.

7 ~I



';o~ ct:m~u~i~ :~~ s~~~eve~~o~as~; ~~;a:fco~~eeges~~:~h~;tD~~~:~:. ~~. ~~: purpose of education?" An ext~nsive program of section meetings, clinic·; anq concerts is being presented. An outstanding feature of the program ,took place Sunday, when thosP attending the conference were guests of' the regular Ford Sunday Eveninv Hour radio program. l14r. Jindra will stay in Detroit• for the entfre week's program


IHNDL c . . EY AMERON WIN PADDLES • coaches say \>'.'"'s<eyner, a freshr::e:-i IN INTRAMURAL TOURNAMENT with a remarkably accurate one-hand push shot, will be an outstanding player. In the finals of the P. S. T. C. ping And just to prove basketball isn't all pong tourney Severn Handley defeated brawn, take the Westminster college Gale Carter two straight games. Both team of Fulton, Mo. The grade average players featured a steady style of play, of the six regulars is 91 per cent with .try,ing to force the other into error. Sid Payne, an all-conference center, In the women's singles finals Faye topping the erudite athletes with a 93 ~ Camerson edge out Clara Dunn in a \average. bitterly contested battle.



_ _ l!Jg






We have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home 'Economics, Commercial, Music, and Manual Training. Many good openings in all fields: En;-oll nowWe furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak .. M:inn., Wis.




KIRBY PAGE SPEAKS TO DELEGATES 24 Peruvians Attend Y. M. - Y. W. Conference Kirby Page, author and ie8turer, addressed the delegates to the Y. W.-Y. M. Nebraska Cabinet Training Conference at Wayne, Ma1'ch 17, 18 and 19. He is the author of the books. "Must we Go To War," "National Defense" and "Living Courageously", Speaking at three different sessions, Mr. Page stressed as his key work "Mutuality, the big word in religion." Christians should strive for (1) mutual concern about God and man (21 mlicual endeavor (method of production) and (3) mutual sharing !method of distribution.) He does not conform with the idea of competitive individualism and nationalism This competition precludes the consolidation of power among a few individuals or nations. When these people achieve power, they take privileges. Confiict is the inevitable result, conflict between the privileged

PERU HOUR FAN K.AIL LACKS HELPFUL ELEMENT "The fan mail is not what we would like to have. It is inadequate to a,1 ex'cen t t'na t we 1,1aven 't enough nnstruc· .. · · t ' · Live crrnc1sm o 11e,p us improve our program. We do appreciate the mm.nien:s tha,t have come in. "We have often wondered if the pie~ram were radically changed if it would create more comment and increase our fan mail. We have talked about keeping the program strictly classical and semi-classical, and air,c lmve . discussed thaving· more popula?' d se 1ec t 10ns presen e · But we believe, that the rank and file of the audience would rather have something of a co.'.1 · structive nature We believe tha; if we

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o walked into Barnes' as walking out.

Cam'1>UsC'L·atter y fj QQ

"We need, I think, somethim; that will motivate some constructive thinking. After all, the principal reason for the ':J;·oadcas~ is to adve'·tise 1he sc!Jcol anr\ it should be in th:<t "eme i·epresenJ:,;tivc of the things thaG w2 1n•e to offer here. · "I amsorry lhat all the prog:·0s;; S~"ms to have ccmc from the music md dramatic. departments. I wish some other departments would pa~tici­ pate and offer something for l)resentation on the programs. Surely other departments on the campus wou;d like Work sessions ,discussions and .a W. to rnter something that wou'.d be apS. C. F. service Sunday morning com: preciated and enjoyed by a certain ::h;;s of audience . I have often wiohed pleted the instructive program. that I could turn a program ~ve,· tv a The Estes banquet was served in the '"'spe ,i· e Cr:partment fro:n tiaic Lo college cafeteria Saturday evening c;me. Say, fer instance, hav·; the m8,with Eleanor Smith, president of -the jC;rity of th~ vrogram come f1cm the Hastings Y. W., as the toastmaster. science department for one broadcast. The Wayne State Octette entertained and then from the history department ~with "Lindy Lou" and "Quartette from for one broadcast, and so on through Rigoletto." the various departments of the cam-

Phil Lurk and Miss X in "Marriage Answer to a Biology examination Business." Strictly a one belle feature. questions: "Name the classes of Verte- Ours is a product your skin loves to touch-We're so close to you Hanlon Huskies in "Dawn Patrol" brates." Answer: found on tl!e paper A high-fiying picture with lots of kick. of a music student: "Whole Chord, PERU CLEANERS&TAILORS Half Chord, and Lost Chord." Two snorts and a bad headache. CALL "Going Places" featuring Wayne A lot of folks who don't have any PHONE &2 WE DELIVER McGinnis. He never gets started. A push get places with a little pull. farce in more ways than one. Chapin is looking for an art student Elvira Schacht, Sid Timmons and to paint the following sign: ''Fresh, Cohorts in "Straight, Place and Show." ripe tomatoes sold here!" Running neck and neck at the mile He had a heart of gold and a backpost A five star picture. bone about the same color. Campbell and Roberts in "Hold that Highlight of the week. Dr. Ware's Coed." Most serioc:s romance of the desk top was plainly visible Thursday year. Worth seeing. morning. "Label" McHug·h in "Two-Lip Time.'' In technicolor or 1'.pstick. The main > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! actor gets well p ~~nted. Picture is modlin fair. Two main actors also appear with "Inc-:nnia" Cramer in "Brother Rat." Not so good. The resemblance of any names in this horseplay to names of P. S. T. C. students was toroughly intentional, but we refuse to be held responsible. There's a lot of things done on this campus that no one seems t<> ..know a.nything about. Now just the other n\ght we saw an open air production in "Drunk with Glory, (?)" in which the plot was carried out and the actors in. Scenes like these are great to bring your spirits up- and your last meal with them It won't be long before the May pole and a lot of other folks get trimmed and the boys begin to gambol on the green and gamble with it. Instructors will be begin to wonder if that complexion of ivory isn't more than skin deep. Some people will absorb the moonlight and some the mo011.shine. Scme will climb Cemetery Hill while others won't make the grade. It won't I surprise anybody if everybody is just a I little sprung mentally this spring. I One moonlight night your shadow found himself down in the boys' donn and shadow insists that it more closeIf you're thinking of a mailing piece, you'll be interested ly resemb!ed a co-eclucational .school. in seeing some practical "case histories" we have where the The only reason this is a lousy pulling power of envelope-carried mail is compared with that world is because there are so many lice in it. of self-mailers.



pus. I think that in that way we could better satisfy the listeners. I hope that next year there will bbe some sort of a change of this kind, and that the broadcast will be better than it has ever been before." "In a week or so we intend to put on two one-act plays that are adapted Lo radio. There will be a program by the seniors next week. The college orchestra and college chorus will be presented in about three weeks. From then on the programs will be more or less a repetition of the best work that has been put on before. Here is a ~lace where fan mail is vitally import/:cnt, because if we don't. have commmts on the prof"rams we don't know what is best liked by the majority of the people and unable to choose a mons, Merritt Jensen, Professor Clay- repetition of what !'ias been used that burn. Former Peruvians there were: will be the best received." George Grosshoeme, Mearle Shoe- -Gordon Gilbert. botham and Elaine Shafer., ~[g;'ffiil!J~9lllJlll'fiI[g)[gjlllllllllllillll~~il!ii!li~rl;JlllJlllJlllllllJfii'lll1! Words spoken by a college swain: Calendar ~ "At least the girls have found a nev f}f Tu 2sday, March 21 llli means of €Xpression Now, it is 'I Mason, Vel vi ck, Conelly !1Zi lllll have other plans' rather than 'I have [>i' Y. M.; YW.; C.C.A. 7-8 p. m. 11l Send Art to New York '~ @ another date'." igj Wednesday, March 22 Ill!

· on Mrs. WI·11·iam K'irk 1au ded praise the deserving heads of three highschool artists, Charles Mason, senior; · k Jumor; · · All enby Ve1v1c., an d Cam1·11 e Connelly, junior, for their works that are to be shown in New York City at the Young America Paints Exhibit. The three pictures will also be a Peru contribution to art at the World's Fair and from there they will go on a!l

11l l1ll! •"'- . A. [g]

·[1!1 11l [;;Jl lllJ

~ I


~ ll;J ~

u . w . part Y . . . . . .

ex~~~~~~: t:~so~;eru::; c~~;tr~rtist:l ~

Marj. Hull

7 p. m. "'! l1ll Thursday, March 23 l~ § Freshman Clubs ........ 7 p, m. Ill! Friday, March 24 l1!1 Ir.I MJ.NK Dramatic Contest § Saturday, March 25 ~ I M.LN.K Dramatic Contest illi Monday, March 27 ~

Sep:trate Convocations lO:OO a.m. lllJ Crnv:dad .............. 7-8 p. m.





Murals Materialize


Soper and Sue in "I'm from the City." A guaranteed hit and walkaway,

an_d unprivileged. F'rom the trend of Mr. Page's speeches, it was thought that he favors a government with "mutuality", a socialistic government achieved by the mutuality of all the people. Dr. J. T. Johnson, president of Wayne, gave the address of welcome to the representatives. Chuck Schwiezo, the Y. M. official in charge of the Rocky Mountain section, ·responded. Evelyn O'Connor is the Y W.. official in charge of the Rocky Mountain section.

Films of Estes and Wayne wei;j\ shown. Pictures, taken of the Wayne homecoming parade on the day when Peru and Wayne mixed in football, represented Peru in a coffin. Wayne fans carried posters painted with '·Beat Peru." The Wayne Y. W. and Y. M. officiated at a tea in the president's home Saturday afternoon. Those people from Peru attending the conference were: Faye Bouse, Marvin Schact, Ardist Christian, Musa Wagoner Wilma Parnell, Eula Redenbaugh, Elfrida Dahlgren, Enid Stofferson, Doris starkebaum, Mary ModJin Jeanne Winkelman Laura Baum ' Virginia McCoy, Miss ' Edna Weare,' Helen Holdorf, Peter Holdorf, Calvin Reed, Harold Dallam, Sidney Tim~

o o o o o o 0 0 0 Q 2 2 2 2 9 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2

eight most famous m<>vies <>f the day with criticism most unique as iriven by ~ the infamous Jesse James. Here we go: "Hurricane" featuring Don Rose, LeRoy Redfern, Norman Flau and the · faculty. A lot of hot air turned loose for debatable purposes. Famous for its whirlwind finish

~ music lesson she wouldn't expec~ to ge\ that' kid a popular song to practice, would she?' "Perwnally, I enjoy popular music, but I soon get fed-up on it. Music wii.h little weight is not very <.'!leniting. E is, to me, Just like a ficti'm &tory, or comics, or bedtime stories, wliich are so light they command :· 00 little hought.


At Art Club Meeting Coeds in housecoats and bedroom The Art Club will work on and disslippers scrambled toward the Gyrr. cuss ideas for the painting of murals Thursday night in mad haste to clang at their meeting Monday, March &. the victory bell. Each member of the club is to subIla Mae stays in week nights. Don't mit ideas on the project. The best of tell u" "t's still the home-towri fiamef the murals submitted is to be chosen <;rene Whitehead, when asked, saicl for use on the walls in the art rooms. he didn't have any girl. Sorry, Gene. The club hopes to work out a rough but your shadow looks very similar to draft of the one to be put on the wall. Roszell. Any member of the club may submit a Came the quarter and the students 1 mural. The subject matter of the rceivei:l messages edged in black. mural submitted is left entirelv, to the Thorson .says, "It's a good thinll: club member. The member ma" sub' tourneys aren't held every week." Oh mit one representing any phase of art, b t p f h b t th u ro · w o cares a ou e Spanish-\ any phase of college life or any scene. American War when you can see Peru) Members are: Bertie Boom, Rita b ttl Tr' ·t ? I a e mi Y· Russel, Dorothy Coatney, Mary LizaM~n~ a man has made a monkey out beth Werner, Mary Collin, Louise Mier, of himself reachmg for the wrong Lola Ingham and Shirley Barrett. li'mb. College students who have completed "Brigham Young" Mason is strongly four hours of college art are eligible in favor of Mormanism if we may to join. judge by his latest three way romance.

Dear Hanle No, 1 am kilot ti'ed to nobody. My mamma says when I am older I kin go out with a boy. I have never went with one yet. I have hemmid 2 dozen dishtowels and have made two quilts and 5 rag rugs. Them are for my God-knows-when chest. When I git, mebbe 2 yrs. older, I kin think about knots. Flossy. Tod"'·' Mai·k r-,, Anthony presents

use classical music we will be given 3 oays, When a fend mother gives a kid better rating It, is just as Mr. Gieck




We have no axe to grind-we can print either kind-but would like to find the most effective plan for you. We can also show you what are the standal!tl envelopes, of all shapes, sizes, types and stock. The use of a standard envelope often saves money-and usually saves time. Let us show you the "cast histories," and talk mailing pieces with you.


DR. GLEN H. JODER Surgeon and Physician Res. 39


Milstead Corner Phone Office 33

litl 1

[~; f ~I

I --

--------------- I

Kappa Phi ...... , ..... 7-8 p.m. :;;: j Electric Shoe Shop I 78 Showcard paints for his rea.listic pJ.c- lr.•1 Scholarship Club · · · · - p. m, .:.,; w,·~. '. ~ Pi Omega Pi . . . . . . . . 8-9 p. m. _ J.P. CLARK 1 ture of sequoia trees. The pi8turc, Broadcast ......... 8:30-9 p. ;11. I North of Skelly Station which he titled "Valley of the Giants", ,, . ;ff:~ij!]l1lIBJJ;i~llilllJlllllllJlllJllllill:[jj]i1.lJlllJlllJ!iJi!!lifllllllitli!lillID Phone 109 was painted from his visual reaction MISS GLOSSER ENTEltT111N:s I' Blue was used as the dominant CCI<)!'. :3TAFF BEFORE DEPARTURE --- -------- --------------'Ihe Young America Paints Exhibit Miss Ethel Glosser entertained the · originated last year and is to be an 1ibrary staff at a party Tuesday night, I r~· -~-,,, >!-:.,, ···-· \ ·:,,. ~,,, .a. ~,·>f-J,","!J_,,)f-;,,;.· !,


annual showing of original artistic work of the younger generation. The requisites _for the exhibit are that the pictures be original and be made by a medium of the Binney Smith Art Company..




The Mardis Sf ore

March 14, i.n her apartment. After an ~ 3Vening of playing Chinese Checkers ;I ~ and eards, "kid". refreshments werr? ~ \' served by the hostess. Miss Glosser ~ "A Mighty Good Place to Trade'' leaves soon to continue her librarian. ('I training at the University of Denver. ~*~*~*~~~~




Peru Lumber Col)


Auburn, Rock Port, Cook Again Win l)ran~atic Cups ~~'v. ~;n~~/-Jn-.:

l oh L.nnt:al


fol' the second conse~uLive year AuLc:r:1, Het::~o:.:i; Rock For;, Mis3:url,

"ontest · ;: :::':::.: Lnd.rm2.;1, Roel: Port, ~c




'"L c!:cJ Windows", exc2ll-,



.1c. P'.ays ··ove:·~c12s)),

of Classes A, B and C respectively in M. I. N. K.



and Cook, Nebraska., we:·e the wi.rmc;;rs the


~.;cLools Regist2~·



Flr',·,·J·._;a:.· ROUNDS IN MEET

,,Llc ~.vsc-n's ".. ' :. r-.-:Iarri~:g2 Proposal". which was held in Peru March 24 and ;ccd. Randc1ph, Kansas, presented 25. During the two d:t::s of the Co11.'.:k; Fedder" and received excellent. test 21 schools from four states regis'T'ano-eman. Flau, Redfern, .:·,:c:2·:s Ge8:gc D. Wilner and CharChinnock Better '38 Record tered. '. L L ..is "elected an all-star cast . :.1 .he B Cass piays. The member.; In the state intercollegiate debate George D. Wilne= of the University of :t the cast and parts they played tournament at Nebraska Wesleyan Wichita, Kansas; ivere as follows: Virginia Anderman, University, Lincoln, March 23, 24 and Charles E. Ellis of who played the part of Hetty in Rock 25 Peru College won five rounds 0 BellePlane, Kansas, ort's play, "Overtones"; Nancy HenThomas Chinnock of DeWitt and Leand Mrs. A. B. Jojerson, who characterized Margaret in der of Peru, Ne"Overtones"; Charles Jones as Timo- Roy Redfern of Peru, the Class A braska. Prof. Wilchy in Bellevue's play, "Locked Win- men's team, defeated Wayne, Kearney ner is well known dows"; and Merlin Gustafson as Neal and York. Mayre Tangeman of Auas a contest judge. :n Randolph Rural's play, "Sky Fod- burn and Norman Flau of Nebraska City, the Class B Team, defeated Charles E. Ellis is a der." Wayne and Wesleyan. former student of In Class B Bellevue won 15 points, Peru's Class A team debated nine Prof. Wilner. Mr. cawson 20 points, Louisville 16 points, ·s ·s a graduate R. D .. MOORE rounds, the Class B team, seven rounds Elll 1 New Market 14 points, Rock Port md drew a bye. Of the University of Withita and has 26 points and Randolph 23 points. d t t received further training at the Uni"Resolved: That the Unite Sa es versity of Southern Calif01,·nia and The Class B trophy ¥las awarded to should cease to use public funds for Northwestrn University. At the pres- ~eek Port. Miss Della Douglas, the t h e purpose of s t·imu la t'mg bus'ness" i ' . in . Rock Port coach, received the trophy, mhich is the 1938-39 national debate ent time he is Coach of Dramatics " when the awards were presented at promsition, was debated at this tourBelle Plane, Kansas. ,..v.


Perusingers Plan to Cover State With Concert Personnel Includes Twenty-Five 'Who Start Season April

2 at Shubert

hools entered were classed the close of the Contest Saturday · nament. The Sc March 25. The schools entering teams in this according to enrollment. Schools with Schools enterm·g u·1 ClM• C wert: · t t · """ intercollegiate ournamen were. an enrollment of 175 and above were Uni B "Ard c k . Bratton on, urcm1 , oo . Wayne St.ate, Kearney S. T. C., Yori; placed m Class A. Those haVJng ~ Holmesville, Liberty. Nemaha, Salem, College, Wesleyan University, Chadron enrollment of 76 to 174 competed m I Sacred Heart, Stella, Table Rock and 1 State Doane College, Hastings ColClass B and those having an enroll- I Fortescue, Mo. · lege, 'Peru s. T. C., Midland College ment of 75 or less completed m Class Cla;ss C awards were given to the and Omaha University. C. Entries were rated as fair, good, following: Wesleyan University won the tourAS THEY APPEAR excellent and superior. In the indivi- Oratorical Declamation 6 nament Keedy Bartling Gabus Libhart Gilbert. Harris Fankhauser Hemphill dual contests a superior reeeived five Claude Vogel, Holmesville, superior; isvans L..'lrson Lively Modlin Eva1is Aufenkamp Dustin Harvey points, excellent four points, good (Continued to Page 4; Col. 3) STUDENTS SELECT 16 Cliftcn Steele Galbraith Karr Ulmer Bentley Trenholm Hazelton three points and fair, one. One-act FOR MAY FETE HONORS plays received ten points for superior, Eight girls and eight boys received Perusingers will start' their spnng seven points for excellent, four points the nomination of their f.ellow class~ Mary Mathews forigood and two for a fair rating. concert season Sunday, April 2, with mates for the honors of May Queen Etta Neunabar A trophy was awarded the ~hool in and Prince at the May Fete to be held recitals at Shubert, Falls City and each class which received the highest Sylvia Ulmer May 24. Stella. number of points. Individual certifiMarjorie Evans The student Advisory Council recates weree given to all contestants The reg·ular tour will begin April 6. Lucille Hazelton quested that each cln.ss select .its most Chorus of 53 Voices who received an excellent or superior Marjorie Trenholm popular candidates to rule the spring The group of about 25 singers will Sings Varied Repertoire rating. Maxine Galbraith festival. The seniors presented Maxine travel by chartered bus. In the Class A Contest students reThe itinerary that has been arrangDoris Weiler Galbraith and Marjorie Hull for the Doane College's a capella choir and ceiving certificates were: Janet Harris feminine throne contenders and How- ed as follows: madrigal club will present a concert Oratorical Declamation Roma Jean Rethmeier ard Dean and Harold Boatman for the Thursday, April 6, Talmage and Julian. Tod Hubbell, Auburn, superior; Carl Friday, April 7, Dawson, Humboldt and Prince. TEN ORI: Mcintyre, Farragut, Ia., superior; DeWitt. Juniors offer Margaret Henderson, Bill Gridley, Humboldt, excellent. Martha Clifton, Bert Hall and Ernest Saturday, April 8, Diller or Chester Burton Evans Dramatic Declamation Galloway. (tentative), Edwin Bentley ·Virgie Lee Johnson, Auburn, superior; The sophomores would place the Sunday, April 9, Superior. Harold Slagle Betty Heine, Fremont, supenor. crown on the heads of either Shirley Monday, April 10, Beaver City and OxJames Steele Humorous Declamation Barrett or Katherine Bartling and Dean Karr ford, Shirley Mae Hess, Fremont, superior; Frank Larson or Severn Handley. Jack Gabus Tuesday, April 11, Cambridge and AraElaine Andrews, Auburn, supP.r!or. The frosh enter Madonna Adee, pahoe. Oral Interpretation Mary Govenburg, Don Nauman and 3ASSI: Bette Jane Scott, Humboldt, excelHarold Fisher as candidates for Queen Wednesday, April 12, Hayes Center. Gciclon Gilbert Jhursday, April 13, McCook and Ediient. and Prince. Ch2_rles Gabus Both Auburn and Humboldt won a The student body made its choice son. C1c:rks Sanders fair rating on one-act plays. Auburn from these nominees at convocation Friday, April 1~. Holdrege and Stam· Vv1llam l''ankMuser won first with a total of 20 points : March 27. ford. Mervin Keedy wU'e Humboldt placed s~cond witil 14' Another feature of the May Fete is t'.l',urday, April i5, Overton. Re;· T_/·:c;'.~· pints in the Class A divislJn. Mh;s 1 the big college dance which is to be Cr.J·;ert Grid 1.e)' · Sur.d~.y, April 16, Har.iptcn, York and fu:;c Eubbert. the Auburn D1.;:na".ir held in the college gj'mnasmm. Ulys"·es.







l:ciru. Clr.ss B certificc.tes v:c:·e l\W:'.cd2d


· . Masonic Rites Feature Dorm Cornerstone Laying

A c:ncert nuy also ~oai:.e





the following: CRARtEs I. SAGER [ The cornnstone of Peru's new men's Tte Peru Chorus has been invited to Oratorical Declamation dormitory will be laid by the Grand sing D.t Joselyn Memorial April 30 at Bob James, RockPort, Mo., excellent; n the Peru auditorium Tuesday, Lodge A. F', and A. M. of Nebraska. 2:30 p. m. This is the fourth coi1seMontie Thompson, Bellevue, excellent·. March 28, at 8 P. m. Thursday, April 6. The ceremony will cuLve year they have received such Jeanne Harris, New Market, excellent. The chorus of -53 voices, conducted :Je held at 2 o'clock p. m. Dramatic Delamation i by C<1arles I. Sager,. will sing nu.'Ubei·s The 10cntractors hope to have the an invitation. Maxine Blakslee, New Market, ex- i by Brahms, Moussorgsky, Rachmanm- first ;i,r,or slab poured by Friday. 300 The personnel includes: cellent; Virginia Anderman, Rec·: off '.mcl Bach as well as several by wns 'Jf ocncrete have already been Port, Mo., excellent; Montie Thomp- modern composers, . . poi:red into the first section. The club S0PRANI: son, Bellevue, excellent; Jeanne HarThe women's chorus will smg two room alone required 120 tons of conEe!en M. Larson ris, New Market, excellent. numbers, as will the men's chorus. crete. MJxinc Aufenkamp Dr?:·.1atic Declamation the madrigal club will sing two I All three contractors are now workEleanor Hemphill • I M:ixine Blakslee, New Market, e::- groups of selections. i >ng on the dormiiory. These contract- Leora Libhart cellent; Virginia Anderm~n. Roel' The Doane singers will 3 ~riw Tues-1 ~;·s are Ernest Rokhar and Sons of Kathryn B:irtling Pert, Mo., excellent. day aflernoon .. The:r entertainment I L:ncoln, the general contractors; H. B. Mary Modlin Humorous Declamation l:en. will be similar to that. given the Miller E!ectrict Company of Omaha; Mary Lou Harvey Bcty Anderwood, Reck Port. Mo., Kearney Choll'. A dmner will be held and L. L. Kinsey of Dawson, who has Miidred , Polk excellent. in the Doane group's hon:,c Tuesday ,harge of the plumbing, heating and Maxine Shers'cecl evening · · After the concen, a dance I ven t'l B)nita Jewett Original 0 ra t ory i a t'10n. v.rginia Lyons, Dawscn, exc3llenl:; is being arranged for Doane and Peru At the present time 44 men are emMarjorie Harris Roland Lindahl, Randolph, Kansas, singers. pioy'ed on the p:-oject. Of this num- CONTRALTI: excellent. They will remain overnight, rooms ber 10 are carpenters, 10 masons, two Martha Clifton Oral Interpretation being provided in the dormitory and electricians, two plumbers and 20 Virginia Trively Beulah Alfrey, LouisviJ!e, excellent; in rooming houses. common laborers.


Faye B0use Reviews

Way1:2 Conference at Y. W. Fe ye Bot:se, president of Y. W., gave

a q:iic:; re·;iew of the Y. W. - Y. M. NeL-~s!rn. Cj'1b'net

Tr:::ining Confer-

ence at Lhe Y. W. meeting in the Mu•;ic :fall Tucscl:1y evening. March 21.

a t'.. e re view and the devotional ,;er: .cl, w!•ich v:rcs led by Bertha Clay' l::; members divided into com.i: :~<c :.1



De' G·c1tc:; to lhc ccnl'oren:e reported



ll!.; :.: encl cl [

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Lro::c ·•;o: \: se:;sions at a joint Y. W.-

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c~ic1:~'. 1~:ceting held after the

An E:cc;:c:· sunrise serl'ice is being: p:mmed f c:· Wednesday, April 5, to :2ke foe p:ace of the regular Tuesday





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fhe Peru Pedagogian ublished Weekly by the Peru State Teachers




Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. ~LOO per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents.



100 Students Tell

Why They GO to College Peru College Differs From Oklahoma University


.................................................... RUTH CRONE

ASSISTANT EDITOR ................................... STELLA ROGGE :PORTS EDITOR · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · WAYNE McGINNIS TYPIST ............................... ·. · · MARY LIZABETH WERNER ADVISER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. FLORENCE MARTIN tEPORTERS 'hane Hale

Mary Modlin

Winifred Hall

llary Grush

Jean Winkelman

Mary Olive Richardson

Wayne Wilson

This world is full of shocking things-and I don't mean elecric chairs or curling irons. Every week it seems something pops lp that sends magnetic tingle thru our celebral tissues and puzzled ·urrows across our foreheads.


*~* But last week seemed to be the acme for unexpected statements.

Over 20 per cent of the student body -109 campusters to be exact-were interviewed by members of the PEDAGGGIAN staff to discern why the average student goes to college On the whole the resul.ts were discouraging, for with the exception of a few inteliigent answers, the reasons given were somewhat vague or showed lack of thought. By far the largest number expressed their desire to go to college because they wished to prepare themselves for the teaching profession. This was the reason given by a little less than onethird of the students in the poll that agreed to give no names. About 19 per cent of the campus expressed the desire "to learn". This group was but a few votes ahead of those who wished to be "financially independent". Nine of the students came because of parental or general family probings. This minor group was preceded

)ne after another t,hey 'came tumbling over our unsuspecting heads. } REGISTRAR AND MRS. HAYWARD fere are a few: ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON

Early Elementary Club Holds Party March 20 Members of the Early Elementary Club visited Alice's Wonderland Monday evening March 20. Guests were met at the door by the Mad Hatter (Arline Steiner) while the Dormouse (Doris Carnahan) slept peacefully by.

The evening was· spent in playing smtable games and contests. Prizes by those who came to take pre-courses were won by Miss Blanche Gare!, who· of various kinds .. Of these, those who was able to go the highest-with the desired to become doctors were far in national debt, and Dorothy Ewin, who the lead with artists, singers, mechanwent the lowest by placing a pin in cal engineers, agriculturalists, aviathe crack in the gymnasium iloor of tors and chemists trotting pantingly the Training School. Before leaving, in the distance. the guests were instructed to find the To-develop-culturally, to - havepills by which they were enabled to a-good-time and to-participate-ingrow tall again. athletics groups each included about Ella Mae Hurlbert was in charge of 4 per cent of the student body. the program. Refreshments we1:e Other answers given were: . "Wondered what it was like", "I wish I served by Agnes Harrison and Miriam knew", "To get a degree" or "To g·o Sheldon. witn the beautiful women." An answer never voiced by any Peru I .. College interviewee was the principal , Visits Parents-Miss Lydia Mae purpose of 313 out of 333 University Wheeler 0937), who is teaching at 1 of Oklahoma freshmen women, "to iKennard, wisited her parents in Nemake friendships". They ranked "to maha last weekend. learn how to study" and "to become Half of Peek's Squad Lettermenmore self-reliant" in second and third Coach Merl Peek (1935) has had 14 places respectively. Far down in lettermen in a squad of 29 reporting eighth place was the husband-hunting for spring grid drills at Pawnee City. motive. Mr. Peek was a 'representative student at P. S. T. C. two consecutive years.

Alumni Trail

Four Sisters-Miss Erma Mier and Miss Louise Mier, who are now attend-


I wonder if they get in the last word, too. *~


The Boys' ,.\thletic League of New York set out to discover

the likes and dislikes of nearly

50,000 boys and girls between the



3. A suney of purchasing power of l'. S. college ~tudents re~ently disclosed that college 'men spend millions of dollars annually ::in their hats. In about 200 colleges men spent $1,064,856 a year .1n their hats.

Other interesting statistics on the



1·erious items of clothing, toiletries and equipment. The men spend ::iver

$9,000,000 a year for their suits, ~4,500,000 ior tuxedos, o\·er $1,000,000 for ties.

~2,000,0CO ior shoes and over


However, the study covered only 200 college campuses and does not, therefore, present a complete picture for the country at large. Conspicuous by its absence as well as thousands oi others was Peru State Teachers College. ~~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11lll!il~~

mercial department while attending P. S T. C. The young couple will live in Housten where .the groom is employed 4. The New York Dental Co11\'ention submitted this one: ~tudents who have positions are 1s a ca~inet maker by the SpringHard food causes tooth decay and not soft food as has been believed. M1ss Leona Simmons, who will teach street Millmg. Company. And children suffer serious psychological after-effects when they in the elementary grades at Verdon; I Harold Boatman, who has been elect- Ours is a product your skin loves to are encouraged to "act brave" in the face of pain. ed superintendent at Staplehurst; and touch-We're so close to you


Four Students Peceive Positions

Bowen's Basketeers Chalk Up 554 Points-Coach Chet Bowens' basketball team of Coleridge High was one of the high scoring teams of northeast Nebraska. His cagers ~on 15 out of 21 games played and .scored a total of 554 points. Mr. Bowen is a 1937 graduate. PERU CLEANERS&TAILORS Harris Reelected at Arcadia-Recently reelected at Arcadia is Francis CALL "Pat" Harris, who will have complete PHONE G.2 charge of the social science program WE DELIVER - - - - - - - - - - - - - in that school.


Miss Lois Macomber who will have the primary room at Brock. Also teachThe new scientific ideal is a nation of crybabies eating clunked '.ng at Verdon will be Miss Eleanor doughnuts. Hemphill, who has a position as home i economics and English instructor.


Nine Lettermen Inclutle Two Seniors, Mosley, Dean


Coach A. G. Wheeler announced Sunday, March 26, .that the following nine ~eru basketeers had played Greathouse Nets 284 : the desired amount of time to obtain For Second Place : a letter. The winner's of the P's sig. nificant of N. I. A. A. championship Bob Halladay, forward on the Peru: are: Leslie Mosley and Howard Dean, Bobcat quintet; scored 129 field goals : seniors; Leonard Greathouse, Bob and 37 free throws for a total of 295 Halladay, Russell Bailey and Cecil points in 27 games to lead the 1938-39 Walker, juniors; Jack Mcintyre and · Peru State basketeers in scoring. It Severn Handley, sophofnores; and Al wa.s the "thin man's" second straight , Morris, freshman. year leading the scorers. Greathouse won second honors with 284 points; Mosley hit the bucket for 49 TRACKSTERS APPEAR . d M Int fin 213 count ers f or thIr ; " c yre - FOR PERU'S SPRING TEAM ished strong obtaining 200 points; "Ding" Bailey made 139 for fifth; A panacea for Peru State's track while "Cece" Walker rang the bell with team is desired. That is the conclu84 markers. At Kansas City Jack Mcintyre added 20 fouls to his persona! record to bring his season total to 90 in 27 encounters. The list follows: fg ft pf tp g Name pos.


Another sucLessful season of basketball has ended at the State College of peru. Many Were the thrl.lls of the contests. Just a few notes on a season which produced 21 victories and 6 defeats follow. Prospects were bright as the bask-

eteers practised under two new coaches at the first of the season. Fans wondered how gTeat a loss McCmmick and Pµgh would be. Would the Halladay of 1939 be the Halladay of 1938? Would Greathouse be in . ? W0 uld th id aso 1 sion to be derived from inspection of f orm · e m -se n s ump of last season continue to harm the the enthusiasts pounding the circuitous lanky boys' playing? These were just cinder track in the natural bowl. a few of the questions that entered . 49 athletes have reported to Coaches the minds of the Peru partisans. : wheeler and Jones for membership on Came the first game and Tarkio . the 1939 track team. panked the home boys 50-37.

Halladay, f .... 129 37 31 295 27 Leon. Greathouse, c .122 40 43 284 27 • Ten lettermen ar~ among those reLester Mosely. f ...... 88 37 51 213 27 I porting. The owners of the coveted Jack Mcintyre, g .... 74 52 90 200 27 i P's and each athlete's pet events folRussel Bailey, g ..... 55 29 40 139 27 1ow: 1 Cecil Walker, f · · · · · · 38 8 38 8: 25 1 Leonard Greathouse, jump; Russell Howard Dean, g · · · · · · 7 8 16 2 26 Bailey, jump; Cecil Walker, pole vault; Severn Handley. f . . . . 7 5 11 19 20 J h C0Ir · t B0 b H 11 d Allan Morris, g-c . . . . 5 3 8 13 15 · / n Er m, sprm ; ta a ay, r~ William Cramer, c-f . 1 1 ay; nest Horacek, sprin ; Bert Ha , 2 . · hurdles; Jack Floyd, 440; and Lester Ernest Huegel, g . . . . 0 2 4 2 12 · ht Mosley, we1g s. Thomas Majors, g . . . . 1 O 2 2 8 Glen Sheely, g . . . . . . o o 1 11 Jhe schedule includes:


National Tourney Wins Bring Bacon to Peru


April 7, Maryville at l"eru ATTEND RADIO MEETING , Ap~il 15, Hastings Relays c. R. Lindstrom, J. A. Cejka, Ross ; April 20, Tarkio at Tarkio t Russell, James Hanlon, Richard iKng- ' ApJill 27, York-Doane triangular a solver, Jack Cejka, and Clark Rogers Peru attended the Radio Club meeting in May 5, Open Nebraska City Sunday. May 13, State meet at Wayne.


Gives Interview on K. C. rip Greatho 11se ""

Peru wasn't worried long. The Haskell Indians rolled out of town with their tomahawks trailing the grnund because of a 45-26 defeat as the Bobcats marked up the first victory of the season.

Tournam~ Officials Select National Squad

"Ellermeier would hold down the ,center position on the first team," writes a sports reporter on the Kear-·

'·Ding" Bailey, 6 foot 3 inch guard on Pey Antelope naminp· the most prom- the fourth place winners in the Interinent members of teams with wl1ich collegiate Tournament held in Kanthe Northwest 'Teachers played the sas c·.!Ly, was awar ded a position on pa:;t season, "and Blessing would have the second team of the National Interthe guard slot on the same team. collegiate Tournament All-Sto.rs seGreathouse, from Peru, and Marshall, lected by tourney officials. from Wayne, as forwards, and Mosley The folloll'ing· players were selected:

I~~:a~~u. would make up the rest of the

First team: · Forwards: Philps, San Diego State; "Wilson, Kearney forward, should Tucker, Southwestern. place on the second team," he conCenter: Echle, San Diego State. tinues. "The other forward position Guards: Romano, Glenville State; should be held by forward Bowman of Hinshaw, Southwestern. Chadron. Bailey, from Peru, and Second team: Brandford of Wayne would place as Fcnvards: Davies, G1enville State; guards and the center positioE Bailey, Peru Teachers. should be held d b own Y Armstrong Center: Lilley, Glenville State. from Chadron." Guards: Bratches, South\\'estern; Allison, fa1.n Diego State.


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Senior Receives Honor After Scoring 213 Points

I ~



The Shenandoah All-Stars were Felicitations are in order for Leslie i !! next to be scratched by the 'Cat. The Mosley, alias "Mose", "The Red", !~! \ \' c h;i vc the correct pascore was 46-38 with Alumni "Bus", "Moseley" and "Mosely". The 200- f~1 pn and envelopes for your Moore and "Slim" McCormick failing pound athlete has been elected honor- i~ U:'C. and while l'RICE isn't to stop the Wheeler-Jones men from ary captain of the 1938-39 Bobcat bas-''"' the important factor you scoring victory two. ketbal! team. .~ will [incl our prices Peru went on to win 12 more vie-

This is Mosley's last year

It has


tories before they were halted. In or- been one of which he can be proud. i ~· d D b t 2 th T L t ~• er, oane was 1.ea enl 40-3 ; e ar- as year "Big Les'i played his tackle 'W'








~g1 ~ ~J



iEi '~1

School Supplies at


kio game was revenged, 38-26; The well and this basketball season he hit Husker Nubbins felt the sting of de,~ wiil save you money his stride. His hard driving for set- ;R feat, 36-31; York was walloped 65-53 as ups produced 213 points in 27 games ;:: Halladay and Greathouse sank 47 for t'h" d 1 . . . Ir P ace among squad scorers 1 pomts; the Nubbms '!'ere badly beat- i and he finished fourth in N. I. A. d en 60-37; the_ Alumru were taken, 48- conference point-makin. A. Phone 112. 41; the Wamors were scalped, 56-39; g Doane met their second defeat at the hands of the 'Cats, 44-25; Hastings PERU HOUR was beaten, 57-34; Wesleyan was takMonday, March ?,,7, 1939 en, 46-37 and Peru was on its way to 8:00 _ 9:00 p. m. its third consecutive N. I. A. A. chamAnnouncer . . . . Gordon Gilbert If you wish to join the agency pionship as Kearney was ousted 52-44. ! Selections from the Motet with a personal interest in your Peru reached its highmark in scoring for five voices successful placement and continued advuncement, join the as Midland was defeated 79-56 with <U '1esu, Rrices!ess fi'reasure" .. agency working exclusively for five men scoring 12 or more points. J s B ch teachers in · '· a Kearney won over the Bobcats to Perusing·ers G H Steck d1" ·.. . . . , '· stop the winning streak at 14. The Pedagogian of the Air ..... .


~.~.·~ :jjj





~ ; ""

@fil"~~~ill.illrifllf@ ~iQl!Rll:i!J~I:il:JI!::E::t1:.!Ji1i:l1liJ!JEl1!lilll~!!ll§!lll:ilJ!~

"I believe that if the team had been , "Was this trip your greatest thrill as fresh as they were the first part of as a Bobcat?" "No, the greatest. thrill I've had the tourney, Peru would l:lave won th e h . hi t K while at Peru was starting my first Jntercollegiate c amp10ns P a an- football game as a freshman." sas City last week." This comment "What was the daily program emwas made last Wednesday, March 22 · ployed while at K. C."? by Leonard Greathouse, 6 foot 1 1- 2 "We w•ould usually get up about in center of the Peru basketball N. I. nine-thirty eat and go for a walk, reA. A. champions and fourth place t'·m and play bridge. We would eat \\inners at K. C. Greathouse, if he u at twelve, take a short walk at two, continues his present pace, will grnduate with letters, failing only to play bridge at three, rest at four until score was 40-37. Hastings won 50·49 Ruth Crone 11 time to eat. We would always eat :md Wayne won 40-36. · fillj]fg]fg][g]fg][filg][g]fg][g]\giJl]lfillli[g]fg]igifg]fg]fg][g]lllJ[g]fg]~ letter in basketball his freshman year. three hours before game time." The Blue and White stopped the losThe elongated athlete has won many JOIN THE "What do you like about Coaches ing streak at three as they won over c;;~:;:c;~;::;J;;;~;::::~".::::;;:~;:::=~ athletic honors while at Peru; among Wheeler and Jones?" Wesleyan 44-28. ,.,F;ES~~~.H~~'i;':~'EAC which are selections on the N. I. A. A. "They have numerous good points, Defense of the N. I. A. A. title was team and State team in basketball and .l'' ~ "·' <BUBEA'U » but I believe that I favor the way they successful as the 'Cats defeated Wayne 927 W. O. W. Building·O~AHA,'NEBRASKA football. Flowers for all "A booster for Peru graduates" As to the best team at Kansas City treat you when you make mistakes on 55-35 and took both games of a double the fioor, and, of course, you do make header with Chadron 34-24 and 53-28. ,J 4M4Q@ J Qi Greathouse thought that Wayne UniOccasions From then on ti1e news is fresh. All versity of Detroit had the best club. errors." His reason was that the team had 10 "Who was the most valuable squad 'Cat fans know that Peru defeated We Grow Our Own DR. H. C. DALLAM member this year in your estimation?"' High Point, N. Car., Trinity and Warmen of equal ability and there' xe 1 ''I'll take Bailey. The big boy had plenty of reserve power. rensburg, the past champ, in order beDENI'IST a great year" fore going down before San Diego and ' Office Ph 32 The Bobcat center favored Gibb~ of "How's chances of the team going to Warrensburg; Lilley of Glenville, W. K. C. next year?" I [ \___R_e_s_._P_h_._I_9_6_ _ _ _ __ Va.: Phelps of San Diego, and Tuck"Fine! As yoir know we lost Mosley, er uf Southwestern as the best players Now the season is over. But this Dean and Majors from the squad and of tbe tournament. _.,_ ~ • -~-__ these athletes will be sorely missed, y~a~ P~ru has ad~ed something very , ~~=:;;~--::=~=:=~~~~~:::-::~-:----"""~- , , ... _ d1stmctive to the history of Peru State ~ · ~/,.. ~- _.:..0--_, ~·-" > ~ '4• "In regard to the floor," Gre~rhouse of course. 'I'here is the obstacle of volunteered, "it was a well constructed basketball. They have done something us for a registration blank Get a good winning the N. I. A. A. championship never performed before by a Nebraska' pos1t10n. We have served teachers for "l'i years. i'. court of two by fours placed side by next year before we think of any state teachers college; they have ij ENROLL NOW :<. side. The footing was safe, but it was tournament." somewhat hard on the feet if JIOU "What is the greatest honor bestowweren't use to instant stops. My ed upon you while a participant in of opinion as to size cohere with that of a through with victory. 302-304 Ol!V!a Bldg. 1023 N. Grand Blvd. St. Louis Mo. i' Peru sports?" member of the Texas team who said, ~··,,,,- ..~~~)':c-;~2:~~:r:1:-~~:;::::;;;;:~;;:cz~:::::~::;,~:::,,;~~=•::,~;::;c~c..,.;~ "I appreciated selection as an end "We've been shut in a cracker box all on 1937's All-State football eleven the ON y E E this year and this gym is just like tl '.e most, I believe." L THR E VET RANS :!1!J~<il1·'5!!1lr'llillli&_lt@i9~Ei§§J§§§§lllJ§illll!il§illJ[gllii[g]§§J!l1ll§l1':§@1Iir,'~1I!El§rgi§:;;:§'.ll'lir:r.i~ wide open prairie' " 1 "How about the crowd? Is it true "Who were the greates;, players ENHANCE HALL'S HOPES 1 1 played agamst ln Nebraska? Lettermen Wayne Pugh, weights. ';] I ~ 'that Peru was a favorite with the "The greatest players? It's hard to I ij, STRICKLY PERSONAL - HIGHLY SELECTIVE 1::1 Dale Kamen, Jumps, and Allenby Ve!:: M E SHUCK Ph D M l!i' fans?" discriminate between vatious ace ath- . . . I ;;1 • : , • ., anager '.~ "No, definitely not if you speak of letes. I believe Belka of Doane is tops v1ck hurdles, will be the only expen- ~ 820 Sixteenth St., Denver, Colo. ~ the tournament as a whole. The only on my opponent five with Waits of enced performers back when coach . 1"':l.E;;!l,ill.!~.~lll!§§§fg]§§Iil1§11lJ~§§~llf'IYJ\:}~rgJ[W,1:[gjg§rg'§Jii§!ITIBilllJ[jjifg]fg]l!iJ[g]iif[lj][gl~ night we were favored by the crowd Tarkio, Ellenmeir of Kearney, Bless- Bert Hall of the Training School starts j BIA>NW?'!"'!""i" was the Warrensburg game. Against ing of Kearney, and Remold of Wayne track training this week. · WI Hig·h Point we led the whole game and running close." the crowd, always for the underdog, faSeveral athletes have been warming CLINTON, IOWA C. E. COZZENS, Manager vored our opponents. The next contest up the past week, but there has been We have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home Ecoboth teams slumped, so the crowd did- - - - - - - - - - - - - - no scheduled· work for the boys to do. Modern Barber Shop nomics, Commercial, Music, and Manual Training. Many good Nothing definite is known concernn't favor either team. In the San DiOur Haircuts will fit. your type openings in all fields. Enroll nowing future meets as yet but Coach ego game when we slipped behind, the of personality.




B RJHOLD G· R·EENHOUSES • ~~~~v~l~ur~/~~ ::!~:~a~i~~'te~~lle- ,rr~~-~=~:~:~C2i:;~~~.~;;... :-·c~ 'l

Tea/lthers Wri~e "'


I ::!~~:~ ~~:msso~~d ~~~e na~~~: ~



11 ·1















crowd cried for the opponents, to pour it on, and likewise the crowd favored Glenville."

We appreciate. your patronage WILLIS JAMES,


Hall hopes to make connections with Syracuse, Nemaha, Shubert, and other schools.

We furnish application photos ~;; for Sl.00. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo:, Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak., Minn., Wis.





C1inpu:j(-. > ·<dl.~.O.QIUJUl.9.Q




Doarte Co\le;;c tc2."::"',,

\ se" ers u1d st.age hands.


Q Q Q o O O o o Q..Q..2_

There will probably k a L;t of ''I> ter in Peru this week, so m~.ny Cc\'}l'ter grades are beiow th:: "C" ~fve .. Me smart boy; Me like to dance; Me dance too fast; Girl friend no Lke. She say, "You clumsy; You join dance club." Me go to club once; Me very good student; Me clumsey no more; Me paralyzed.



Tr~. D~u1Ce

f''.Cflf!"in~· l\:'LT.:·~.K. ./~



d::u~cr \'/~';

e·.~:>nts ))~·



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: r~1:·.:-s·:1. and the Pe~·u D:·mn2'ic c:ub · '.":-:r LL; conLeS~·o.n s :n ·10 rvr. ~. ?·J. :._',... ~ . :1:::m~·~i::: ~i.r~s c:::-.1 e:~ ::>~. ti:·cLy :~l­ '. e1·ncon, Iviarch '.:5~ 7. ~>:s. In cc .~he

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·ionz 0.ll.s, Rut.h Marsh !l arid '':I-:io'm~: '..dee. Gale C::iri·er and Erne:< icor::t~:~c ~e~' ~d r_)n i_h __ i:ve·.~,:rJ~:·2: ::,:1r11i'.ec. Marjorie Evans played t::c :)bno . c:· tbncing. 0

What does June Modlin do-go eeny I ceeny? She talked to Carter all afLrnoon, we:i.ring Cramer's baske~:b:tl!, : rnd g·ot a letter from her home. town I J;Jy friend the same night.

·- :: __ :-,e College's acapella choir "In the spring" .... etc. One of t!1e r:ew ccuples just sem is Agnes Harrison and John Rhodus. i.0ttcrs. Enid was the big moment of the Ecb Snyder aEd Rn.1ph Sommers Wayne Conference as far as a certain e·.'~: a~v;ays checkers. illandsome University chap was conEctly Cole would make up her m:nd. Convoca.Lion-goers would give Pres. cerned. Won't McGinnis 1.Not Rose, but Vie- .'c:tc, Gecrge DeVore and Mr. Grossetor l ever break down and ask a gal l1111e rdng votes of thanks for coop:. ::Lien in recent bell-1:i11ging episodes. !or a date? bir. Grubb wouldn't sit witl1 his lnck Bud Lyons struts around with a

which will present a concert this evening at eight o'clock in the auditorium. ---- - - - - - -


Special for April & May R ~ EDUCED PRICES ma Mier, Rutheloise Souder, Dean igi all a Regular onPermanents Kan. Mary Olive Richardson and Vir- @

Auburn, l\.ock Port, Cook Again Vvin Dramatic Cups 1Continued


- -- --- - ·-- ~ Werner, Helen Margaret Larson, Gle- I'-

from Page 1; Col. 2J


:)c:rothy Lipps, Cook, excellent.

Trively. Prof. Robert D. Moore acted as general contest chairma:1. Carol Motiit, Burchard, excellent; Members of Alpha Psi Omega, Peru Margaret Curtis, Hoimesville, excell- Dramatic Club and Peru Players as 1vell as many other college students ent. J1''1.lnatic Declamation



1~" ~:

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a 1I 2,,., for appointments B d ' ra Y ...par t ments 1st. floor



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ccumo1ous Dcclamatfon acted as chairmen, doorkeepers, ticket j; ;,t:l@'g::i<11'J:l£[jj][gj'.lli!1iJlllJ!lJl[jj][jj][g][g]illJi!lJ[jj]lllJ[jjj@~ sweet and sophisticated sixteen-year- .o Lis fellow cafeteria-eaters. Vernelle Niemann, Cook, excellent. p'.d whenever he can get to Nebraska Neil Good would sa.y, "Hello". )r;giual Oratory City. Greever and Gridley would date. Arlene Walker, Holmesville, excellMotto' for the week: Don't judge at All Pernviarn; would g_et $1,500 a year ent; Genevieve Gerd, Cook, superior. jobs. tirst slight. Oral Interpretation Claude Vogel, Ec:mesville, excellent; Brooks is thinking of having an Genev;eve Gerd, cook, superior. "unfair to cupid" sign put up in the BENSON'S BALL TEAM Only two :;choc's in C Class ratWINS W. A. A. TOURNEY Lbrary. P. S. T. C. certainly "stepped off" by In two hard-fought battles, Fhyilis : l 2.· J~: good i,1 the play division. not choosing Sid as one of their cheer- .Benson's ba:;ketball team edged out _aok p: -:sented ke play, "The Pamleaders. For particulars, inquire of ?erne Cameron's squa.d to win the i: ;rec: I '.1·ling" ar.:1 received an excelldelegates to the "Y" conference at W. A. A. basketball tournament thi' ..1t l'a .. :ng; Table Rock presented Wayne last week. .ast week. :wamr Spirit" and received a rating We wondered how long it would take These 32-minute games, which were f exce~.2nt also. 1 Stofferson and Handley to get togeth- cefereed by Miss Phyllis Davidson, An all-star cast was chosen from 1 er. 'They make a nice couple, don't .vere closely contested as shown by ::' 1.\(SS C and was as follows: Marjorie you think? Lhe scores of 24-22 and 26-21. "'he(. y ~s Mrs. Roach in the play preSuggested song titles with proposed Seven players were selected for the sentcJ. ':; Salem, "Are You Listening"; authors: "Spring Time Forever", Rob- i1011orary Yarsity team. They a.re: \m · ! ::iffitt as Jane Stevens in "'The erts, Campbell; "Lost in a Dream," Phyllis Benson, Ferne Cameron. L·ci- _:st ;'~ '.:'.ohtest" presented by BurchOne and all; "Alone with Our Mem- ist Christian, Dorothy Ann Coatne::. ed Connie Gibbons in "The Pampered ories," dorm sofas; "Smoked Out", Palil;ne McG\ll, June Modlin a'.ld ard; Dorothy Gustavson, who portrayAmerican History class. Erma Mier. Darling" presented by Cook; Eldon The new light on th dorm steps Niemann, who characterized Dudley seems to have a disillusioning effect. FOODS CLASS SERVES F:eld in "The Pampered Darling"; Hobbs has such a time with names. FORMAL DINNER TO TEN Maxine M. Lawrence as Mrs. Wilson in But then Karr and Carter do sound a Ila Mae Heinke was hostess at a for- "Darkness Before Dawn" presented by little alike. ma! dinner given by the members of F'crtescue, Missouri, highschool. .. Nomination for the cutest couple on ':he foods class Wednesday evening. The final results in Class C accordthe campus: Bill Dustin and Janet Red and white carnations were used as '.ng to points were: Cook 28, HolmesHarris. table decorations. Guests present iille 20, Burchard 15, Table Rock 16, A swell guy: Burton Evans. The :vere Miss Ida Mae Brackney, Miss I Uberty 9, Salem 7. Nemaha 5, Fortessongbird graduates this year and it's JBlanche Gard, Hazel Buchanan, Doris cue, Mo. 5, Sacred Heart Academy, ~bout time he received just praise. Weiler, Lola Ingham, Lois Macomber, Falls City, 4, Bratton Union 4, Stella If you're thinking of a mailing piece, you'll be interested in seeing some practical "case histories" we have where the Nomination for most far-fetched re- Jean Armstrong, Edna M2,e Petersen 4. mark of the past month: Margaret 1 nd Anna Rllten'2.perger. ':':he Class C trophy was presented pulling power or envelope-carried mail is compared with that William's, which is said to have gone ~aturday n'ght to Miss Gertrude Rainof self-mailers. like this, "Most pretty girls are con- COATNEY ENTERTAINS lorlh, Coetch at Cook. Nebraslm. We have no axe to grind-we can print either kind-but ceited, but I'm not." :\L.PF.!A. PSI O!.l'l:E'G:'. The ger::ernl contest committee inwould like to find the most effective plan for you. We can We wish: Alpha Psi Omega members 11,et r;'.ucled Robert Weber, i\!Iary Lizabeth also show you what are the standal'tl envelopes, of all shapes, 1 sizes, types and stock. The use of a standard envelope often James Montgomery Flagg would che home of Dorollly Ann Coatn2y draw Luella Oldfield or Jeanne Spier. J.'uesdaYJ evcnirn;, March 21, for a sc- ~ll_.[.;ll-.1X..iL.>LY~T--I..KJllWT3[7fJLTJI~~JM,)~ I s:wes money-and usually saves time. Let us show you the "case histories," and talk mailing pieces .tviaxine Pershing and Carter John- cial evening wllich was spent in ph:y- ~ soµ wouldn't take their astronomy so ng Chinese C.:eckers. Prize.s were gi :PLUMBING, HEATING, ~ -.!rh you. Wheeler would be on the ra-

dio more often. Mrs. Brown would appear bound at least once a month.

enR!~:·es~'.~:~Dt~~1;e ~,~~n~r:•a:~~~"~"; ;i·~·~ ~ an.~ EPEC~i~I CAL

:ocoa were :•2 ...;~.:\ c,:1ci tLe aun.; Peru- 3:iint :?a::·;ck s d ::,; w:::· playing.

More people would see the fruits of Dr. Winter's efforts in the greenhouse. 'This season they'd turn off the campus lights at nine p. m. Marjorie Parriott would give a talk on "Style with Economy". Canipbell and Roberts would find some quiet, very secluded nook. Emily Post would write Bert Hall for some pointers. They gave medals for kindness so we could give one to Prof. Hileman and another for never-being-grumpiness for Kay Samuels. We could all have blue Packard wnvertible coupes like the one we saw in front of the dorm Sunday. More Peruvians were as conscienti)US as Laura Baum. Someone would take the boards cff the openings in the birdhouse in tte formal garden. More Peru Hour listeners would write Gordon ·and Prof. Lindstrom deserving

GIVES ORkNTA!L :rvI.rs. Inice





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:.t the coEege. c::t.:r':2.·1:ec1 f"·lc t:.'b-.2 an orien'.::.l p,,,·ty T:1:::d:::;· c··::1i:: .: March 21, r~t Le:· ~~p·.:rt:i.-:n2~1t. ·111:·; f~,u:s


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Milstead Corner Phone Office



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-;·s:,t:.111e, ~.nd carrying a b:·~ght cc:!'...il''. ::.rasol. Des.se~·L · ccn::istin.3 cf ~. '.eel rice. rl1':t:_;:'.rcoi:s. ~nd C?:l;_djc-:~i





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North of Skelly Sca:icn Phone 109


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. ~e,_:cs \Vere repr2se:.Jt~tt V·C ci' c(.2~1·· · hrcbbs:?. w1·2:ch v.rith Lllc p~2cc c.~:· -~ md miniature parasols furthered the oriental theme. The room was lighted by Chinese lanterns and candles .



Y. W.-Y. M. Plan



Sunrise Easter Service A joint Y. W.-Y.M. Eal!ter sunrise Service has been planned by Wilma Parnell and Lois Hight for Wednesday morning, April 5. This will take the place of the regular Tuesday meetings. The organiZations extend an invitation to anyone wishing to attend the service. The group will meet at the Music Hall at 6 a. m. PERU, NEBR., TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1939 NUMBER 23 After a short devotional pe!'iod, Y VOLUME XXXIV W. members divided into their res- --------------------~-------------------~ pective commission groups at the Y Quints, H. Finn Appear W. meeting Tuesday, March 28, in the At Learn-To-Dance Party IJI ~ Calendar Music Hall. The Dionne quintuplets and Hucklel~Y 1 Tuesday April 4 berry Finn featured Learn-to-Dance . ~ lJ r! il Club's Spring Frolic Thursday night, Y. W.; Y. M.; C.. C. A. 7-8p.m. March 30. Ceremony Will Occur Thursday, April 6 The requirement for costumes called At Dorm Next Thursday out a motley array of farmers, newsLaying of cornerstone of new boys, sailors and gypsies. Some of the The Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of dormitory .. .. . .. . . .. . 2 p. m. best costumes were designed and worn Nebraska will be in charge of the Evening's Program by Vera Marting, Ferne Peterson, June ceremonies for laying the cornerstone Madrigal Club Varies Monday, April 10 Modlin, Drucilla Webster and Barbara of Peru's new $189,000 men's dormitory Beal, who arrived dressed as the quints. at 2:00 p. m. Thursday, April 5. .A, Class Meetings ...... 10:30 a. m. Fifty-three Doane students, their Crawdads ........... 7-8 p. m. director, Charles I. Sager; and their Peru graduate, Millard Charles Lefler sponsor arrived in Peru at foi.!r-fifKind.-Prim .......... 7-8 p. m. will be the Acting Grand Orator. Mr. last Tuesday afternoon. 'Ihey Epsilon Pi Tau . . . . . . 7-8 p. m. Lefler graduated from Perl:! in 1910, came in two buses and two cars, havLambda Delta Lambda 7-8 p. m. was principal of the Training Schoel ing driven from Leavenworth, Kansas, Sigma Tau Delta . . . . 8-9 p..:n. from 1910 to 1915; Assistant Superinthat afternoon. Broadcast ........... 8:30 p. m. tendent of Lincoln schools, 1918-19; and Superintendent at Lincoln since At five-fifteen the Doane group and Perusingers met in the dormitory par12 T. C. Seniors Give 1920. lor. Each Peru student was given the "The Tin Hero", Farce The following rules governing the


Jewish Rabbi Speaks To Convocation-Goers Dr. J. J. Ogle, a Jewish rabbi, spoke on the subject of "The Talmud" at convocation Friday morning, March 31. He received his M. A. from the University of Cincinnatti and his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska. He selected the Talmud for his subject because, "It is with something of that purpose in mind, with a purpose of enlarging horizons that I bring to you this morning a brief and rather sketchy discussion of that huge complex of literature that goes under the name of 'The Talmud'. "What is that collection of books? Have you ever heard that name? At the best it is only a vague name to you. It is a curious literature. It took roughly about a thousand years to put together; it began to be assembled long before the cannon of the Old Testament was complete. "To many persons who know little about the inner life of the Jewish community, it is often assilmed that




PERU SINGERS SING · for the dinner. Between courses the T·HREE CONCERTS SUN, gro,i!p sang and Marjorie Evans played. Many in the cafeteria at the time stayed to listen to the impromptu concert. The evening program began at eight o'clock in the Auditorium. The numbers sung were: Ave Verum CQrpus Byrd Choir Ich danke dem Herm Schuetz Madrigal Club Brahms Motet, Opus 29, No. 2 l. Create in me, oh, God, a pure heart 2. O cast me not away from Thy countenance 3. Grant unto me .the joy of Thy salvation Choir A Child's aong..Moussorgsky-Schildler Women's Chorus SU:mmer ls a-com.mg in - John of

Organization Begins Season At Shubert 'Ihe Perusingers opened their concert season Sunday at Shubert, Falls City and Stella. The 25 singers appeared in the Christian Chilrch of Shubert at 11:00 a. m. After the concert, dinner was given in their honor by Shubert church members. At 4:00 p. m. the group sang in Fall& City.. at t.b.e First Presbyterian Church. The third concert was in the Community Church of Stella at S:OO p. m. The Peru organization was served a light lunch following the program.

once the Bible was finished, all literary and cultural effort among the Jews ceased. The Old Testament, the most familiar part of Hebrew literature, ls only a tiny fraction in the total bulk Fornsete their literary efforts. The literature In these delightful, pleasant groves - Dr. W. T. Miller, Miss Nona Palmer, that "brew up after the Bible takes up Purcell Miss Isabel Mason, Mrs. Genevie just as much space as the Encyclopedia I thought that Love had been a boy - Marsh, Prof. A. V. Larson and Prof. Britannica. Byrd G. Holt Steck took the singers in their Patapan Burgundian Garol Sing we and chant it Morley Madrigal Club Fi.refiles Russian Folk SOng Say Thou Lovest Me Cain Our Master Hath a Garden . Arr. by Cokey Praise to the Lord - Christiansen Choir After the concert a dance was given for the chorus. A feature of the evening was the Doane barber shop male quartet. The group stayed overnight. At 11 a. m. they started in the snow for Nebraska City and Omaha. They were to sing in Omaha that afternoon. The personnel of the choir included:. Margaret Anderson, Crete; Phyllis Ba_ughman, Indianola; Myra Bevens, Seneca; Madalyne Boesiger, Firth; Barbara Carter, OVerton; Wilma Carsten, Hallem; Katherine Costlow, Lusk, Wyo.; Margaret Creswell, Hubbell; Carolyn Doane, North Bend; Anna Finch, Cambridge; Dorothy Bae Gibson, Fairbury; Gertrude Greene, )Broken Bow; Joan Korab, Topeka, Kansas. Jeannette Larson, Sidney; Rachel Loeffler, Yutan; Jeanne Logan, Beatrice; Madeline Lum, Verdon; Virginia McCammon, Indianoli:.· LaRaine McIntosh, North Bend; Jean McVicker, Albion; Owen Middleswart, Bridgeport; Evelyn Munro, Crete; Gleda Munson, Cozad; Helen Mundil, Linwood; Marjorie Parks, Ashland; Jean Peterson, Bertrand; Lois PUgh, Nebraska City; Elizaheth Ross, Nehawka; Marion Schrein, Crete; Lucille Sed!::..~ek, Crete; Jane Shambaugh, Madrid; Ruth Shambaugh, Madrid. Barbara Skokan, Niobrara; Patrici-







"But the Talmud had a profound meaning to the Jewish community. As that literature grew and finally became complete, it offered to Jews scattered through the world a curious set of compensations. First of all, through that literature, they were able to exI-fain the history of themselves as a people from the time of the Babylonian exile until the year 500 A. D. "It became a great project in adult education. It was the ambition of men across the centuries to spend every minute of their leisure reading it, absorbing it. As a matter of fact, it occupied so profound a place in their life that they pictured ParacllSe in this fashion; a great school house where God sat at the head of the table with a folio of the Talmud spread out fore them and teaching them, expounding its ideas to the righteous men called to their reward. "Let's look at this literature, see what makes it up, how it came to be written and its great purpose. "When humanism started and fl.ourished, it was said this answered all the spiritual problems. In other times that literature was regarded as some evil; that reading it seduced men to ruthless action; that it was filled with black magic ,and time and time again collections of the Talmud were exiled to fire for public burning. It was regarded as a secret literature. "It is far inferior to the Old Testament. At the same time it is not a secret literature. It is secret in this sense: that the essays of Montesquieu might be secret to you if you don't know French. The Talmud is secret in the sense it is written in scholastic ((Continued on p. 4; Col. 2)



name of two or three Doane singers whom he accompanied to the cafeteri~


j•iAASONiG .lnER PLANS i ol'nu


cars. Those making the trip were: M · Soprani: Helen M. Larson, axme . L Aufenkamp, Eleanor Hemph111 , eora Libhart, Kathryn Bartling, Mary Modlin, Mary Lou Harvey, Mildrej Polk, Maxine Shested, Bonita Jewett, ~farjorie Harris. Cont ra· Jt'1: Martha Cl'ft r on, v·1rg1·n·a l Trively,, Mary Mathews, Ett a Neunabar Sylvia Ulmer, Marjorie Evans, Lucille Hazelton, Marjorie Trenholm, Maxine Galbraith, Doris Weiler, Janet Harris, Roma ean Rethmeier. Tenori: Burton Evans, Edwin Bentley, Harold Slagle, James Steele, Dean Karr, Jack Gabus. Bassi: Gordon Gilbert, CMharl:s Sanders, William Frankhauser, ervm Keedy, Roy Lively, Calvert Gridley.

an Storie, Omaha; Betty Sutton, Omha; Louise Shepherd, St. Paul, Minn.; Raychelle Thunnan, Trenton; Gweneth Tresidder, Coleridge; Winifred Tully, Alliance; Babara Varner, Omaha; Margaret Winter, Western; Dorothy Swancutt, Broken Bow. William Ackerman, Sidney; Robert Case, Kilgore; Ralph Cassel, Fairmont; Rainold Fra!l :k, Crete; Kenneth Gartner, Lincoln; Milton Glass, Omaha; Richard Ha.ff, New Orleans, La; .Robert Howe, Wymore; Walter Hur,ter, Ralston; Ivan Johnson, Madison; Alfrecj. Kucera, Crete; John Penny, Tabor, Iowa; John Porter, Chicago, Ill., Ellsworth Schultz, Crete; Kenneth Shupp, Wheatland, Wyo.; David Speedlin, Crete; Dale Tresider, Coleridge.

laying of the cornestone will be observacts ed by the Grand Lodge: by The Corner Stone was Stone must be cut from ·t the gram e, marble or other natural ston.e N>i ceTraining school in the College Audi- ment or manufactured stone can be torium, March 31. used. Corner stone must be of suffiThe cast of characters in order of cient size to allow inscription and for appearance were: Mrs. Blanche Good- cavity, dimensions of which are given year, Leona Bartwell; Grace Goodyear, below. Thickness of stone will be govLillie Mae Collin; Virginia Ferguson, erned by the thickness of the walls. Norma Jean Hays; Victoria Esmond, The stone for. this occasion was selectJean Vosberg; "Bunny" Wheeler, Miled by President W. R. Pate. ford Sears; Adelaide Young, Doris Inscription G-Ood; Annette Coverdale, Erna StefThis inscription to be placed on the fen; Douglas Goodyear, Richard King- front side. solver; Mr. Warner, Harold Mason; Mrs. Warner, Isabel Tynon; "Spike" LAID BY THE Ryder, Roger Mason; and Mlle. ClauGRAND LODGE A. F. & A. M dette Bortoni, Twilla Mason. OF NEBRASKA As a central character Richard King(APRIL 6), A. L., 5939 (A. ·D. 1939! solver as Douglas played the part of a M. W. (Here Give Name ) young and extremely modest and reGRAND MASTER. tiring young man, who is suddenly The Cavity thrown into the limelight by the exThe cavity for the reception of the aggerations of his doting mother articles to be deposited must be in the (played by Leona Bertwell), who be- bottom of the stone and of the follow11'eves hlill' to be .a her·o s1·mply because ng dimensions: Length, 17 in.; width he saved a young French girl (Twilla 7 in.; depth 8 in. caution the workMason) from drown1·ng wh1'le he was men to cut this · cavity square so to "The Tin Hero" a farce by Charles George and Dean Karr and William presented by the senior

in three directed Dunn, class of

summering in France. Douglas, the young man in question, cannot swim a stroke. He saved the young girl by howing out to her in a leaky row boat but he forgot to mention this detail to his mother. By the time his mother gets through embroidering the story, he has become a hero, a champion swimmer and upon his return to America, he is forced to live up to all this advance publicity. At his wits end, he secretly learns the art of swimming, first bi a correspondence course and then with a swimming instructor. He is forced into a swimming contest; he is forced to make addresses on the art of swimming; in fact, poor Douglas is forced to do everything that goes against his reticent nature Judging from the response of the audience the play enjoyed a fair measure of success and brought a large toll of laughs.

allow box to be placed in without difficulty. Lewis holes must be cut in top of stone. A copper box for the articles to be deposited must be of the followinb" dimensions: 16 3-4 in. Jon"b·, 6 1-2 in. wide·, 7 1-2 in. deep; with lid to be soldered after deposits are made. Articles to be Deposited The following articles will be provided by the Grand Lodge from the Grand Secretary's office:

, 1 Copy of Laws of Freemasonry in Nebraska. 1 Copy of Laws of Royal Arch-masonry in Nebraska. 1 Ccpy of Laws of Cryptic Masonry. 1 Copy of Laws of Grand-Commandery K. T. Copy of Proceeding·s Grand Lodge, 1 ti.. F. & A. M. 1 Copy of Proceedings Royal Archmasonry in Nebraska. 1 Copy of Proceedings Grand Commandery K. T. in Nebraska. Mrs. Gilbert Brown Wins 1 Copy Rules and Regulations and Prize for Short Story List of officers of Nebraska Masonic Mrs. Gilbert Brown, former P. S. T. Home. C English professor,received first 1 Copy of Roster of Nebraska Veterprize for a short story entered in the an Associations. A. A. U. W. contest. The story was 1 Copy of the Law of the Grand entitled "Martin Versus Martin." The Chapter, 0. E. S. in Nebraska. award was based upon good characterization, logical ending, use of good Other deposits to be furnished by psychology and the faict that the stQrJ lodge or other organizations interestwas well told. ed. Last year Mrs. Brown won second\ One Holy Bible to be furnished by prize with a Christmas play, "The I and deposited in the name of the Brightest Star." lodge; by-laws of Lodge, Chapter, She has been notified by the Exposi- Chapter, Council, Cammandery A. A. tion Press that one of her poems, S. R. and Order of Eastern Star; Ros"Hyacinths," has been accepted for the ter of the officers. members of Lodge, World's Fair Anthology, (Continued on p. 2; Col. 5)



'.l'H.E i?El'tU Pi!!f)AGOGIAN

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=======~-~~~~~ Masonic Order Plans To Lay Cornerstone (Continued from p. 1; Col. 5) Chapter, Council, Commandery, A. A. 1-'ublished Weekly by the Peru State 'lenhers College, Peru, Nebraska. s. R. and o. E. S. Entered at the Posto:ffice at Pem, Nebraska as second class matter. If the building is an educational, ~l.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents. charitable or governmental one: Names of the officers or officials. By Mary Lizabeth Werner Names of the teachers in the schools. Names of all the students in their .t!.'DITOR .................................................... RUTH CRONE , own signature. ASSISTANT EDITOR ................................... STELLA ROGGE The old answer, "Get George", to the suckle" brought him an unusual job The committees in charge of the SPORTS EDITOR .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. WAYNE McGINNIS queries: "We're having a play .... " -that of keeping up the circulation arrangements from Peru Lodge No. 14, TYPIST ................................... MARY LIZABETH WERNER "We need a electrician .... " "Who is in Bill Saale's "Peg leg" by turning. A. F. & A. M., Homer L. Matthews, W. M., are as follows: ADVISER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. FLORENCE MARTIN striking the set?" "who can slap make- massU~$Se. To the layman, M.I.N.K. Dramatic General: Frank E. Ware, E. H. Hayup on quickly?" vanished into the beyond in 1935 when a freshman; stage Contest management might seem a ward, Tom Railsback, J. A. Jimerson, REPORTERS struck, changed that answer to "Get headache but Director Weber declared Cecil Coatney, Don Redfern, Carroll Bob" by whirling into campus dramac it the most fun. Lewis, Fred J. Gilbert, B. F. Mcininch Thane Hale Mary Modlin Wayne Wilson Winifred Hall tics and chalking up a record oi being "When professional troupes used and w. R. Pate. Mary Grush Jean Winkelman Mary Olive Richardson stage manager of over 21 major cam- technical dog-putting-on around us, Invitations: C. Grant Kingsolver, pus productions. Charlie Parnell and I soaked up all Ben F. Mcininch, L. B. Mathews. The second week Bob Weber was in their state manager said, his eccentri- Reception: H. A. Taylor, Don RedPeru he joined the Dramatic Club, cities and such to use during the high- fern, Frank Heywood, Lee Redfern, earned a Dramatic Club pin in his school productions in the M.I.N:K. Oscar D. Mardis, W. R. Pate. SOME COl-LEGES freshman year and smashed all re- Seriously, there is twice the show Decorations: W. W. Barnes, Wm. P. ~lave within their employ men who do little but look after the cords by making charter membership backstage that there is out in front, Kirk, A. L. Hill, Louis Atkins, Rayextroversion of the school and publicize it. Not one of these, Peru in the local chapter of Alpha Psi and I'd rather see ;: from thl'Ct angle, mond Redfern, Ben F. Mcininch and depends upon its organizations and products to fulfill this function. Omega, National Dramatic's fraternity. even if the burden of tlir show falls on Sam Majors. Music: A. V. Larson, A. B. Clayburn, From one viewpoint this is highly desirable for it weaves within Bob's full deep voice and panomimic your neck during t'.1.~ final performability, make him an exceptional actor. ance." R. T. Benford. and S. L. Clements. the schc,ol a greater loyalty and a greater unification of effort to He has played a milkman in Hickory Stage work doesn't take all of Bob's An invitation is cordially extended show the best. Dickory;" .the lead in One Sunday af- time and interest. Business manager. to the citizens of Eastern Nebraska, ternoon;" a preacher-crook in 'Post of the 1939 Peruvian, he directs the Masons and friends. The ceremony • Of late we ha1·e heard a great deal about the glory of our basketRoad;" a bulter-aviator in "Through highschool band and orc;1estra; p1ays will be impressive throughout. ball team and their success with making people Peru-conscious. the Keyhole." "That's the play I had drums, piano, cornet and baritone and 500 tons of concrete and steel are 2'! ow there seems to be a tendency on the part of human nature to to drop .the vase three times before it still has time to go to the college. He being virtually poured into the cont;ike practically any statement made and view it adversely. Realiz- broke, ever since then I have been de- wants to teach instrurr.entai music or struction of the building this week, acing this, I can but point out that my opinion of the Bobcat quintet moted to stage manager," he said delve deeper ir.to stndy of 'ue st:tge. cording to a report by D. R. Stuart, When fired at with :L number of Resident Public Works Administration i.o the highest and that is a squad of which I am justly proud. But modestly. However, this wasn't true as Bob was more personal questions, Bob rallied Engineer to Regional PWA Director, it is also my contention that there are many groups and individuals designing sets, m::naging plays, lead- with the following replies. "I like both R. A. Radford of Omaha. that do as much for the college, although perhaps in a different man- ing scene shifters, doing make-up and swing and symphonic music . . . Have This great mass being required to tl('r, as the N. I. A. A. champs. the like Jong before this. Peru Pageant not pet peeves ... Would call for water- fill the forms for the column, beam saw him in full c:;arge of moustache melon above all other foods if on a anl slab construction for the first floor. One of these groups is the organization which will start clay pasting He worke:i two hours on one desert Island. My favorite actor is Much of this concrete will be exa'ter tomorrow as a harbinger of good-will, the Perusingers. Their beard alone. "Headed for Eden" give.n Lionel Barrymore and I admire the posed in the ceilings, so that great skill repertoire is difficult; their appeal 011 the whole is to a different type last rn<11mer prov;d2d Student Director work of Wallace Beery. I'd like to and care are required in the erection of intellect, but it is just as strong. ::rnd Ivic;r. Weber with lighti~g, set de- travel to San Francisco above all other of the forms. . . . " . ,, signing and building jobs. Being stage places to see in addition to other 'Ihe rugged type of enduring conMr.f Lh1tt~efll struck a trule' note 1111 his BouEncmhghBall. when hhe Imanager for "Moonshine and Honey- things, the 1939 Peruvian displayed." struction chosen by the Board of Eduspo k e o t e · orgotten peop e ' on t 1e campus. ac as given muc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cation and approved by the Public 1c the school-more, should l say, than the components of the instii grade school five won first honors in Works Administration will be evidenctution realize, appreciate or return. The list is unglorified and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the Dakin tournament. This season ed by the exposed spandrel beams

The Peru Pedagogian


Sel- Down Striker

Shows Versatility

would probably include: · '·1 c:cruoo: ' k ec1·1tor an cl b usmess · 1. 'I'l1e I)· cru1'ian mariagcrthis year Helen Margaret Larson and Bob Weber. They give up · · anc[ ot J1er mterests · persona 1 c1ass ac 111eYement, time to pro cl uce a11 American.

Alu,·mni· 1raz·l

they have won all eight games played, girding every floor and into which ev- -w1·nni'ng from Daykin 47-4. One play- ery concrete joist and beam is frameed er scored 72 points in three games, l' and anchored. By MARY MODLIN playing only about one-half of each 1 In addition to the 'on the job' payroll, the production and delivery of all Contest. Five Tecumseh Teachers Receive these materials calls for many more Gets Position at Farragut-Dean 2. The debate squad, that used perseverance, hard work, alert McCormick, who 1s now coachmg at Same Positions-Tecumseh teachers, pay envelopes at the rate of two and brains and agile tongues to make a credible showing in the N. I. F. Thurman, Ia., has a position as coach who are ex-Peruvians and who were one-half men for every man at work A. meet. and manual arts instructor at Farra- . recently reelected are: Margaret Clark, on the construction site.


3. The professors, who judge and criticize contests. An example gut, Iowa, for next year. His six-man Thelma Barnes, Rachel Viers, Howis Prof. Robert D. Moore, who made 53 contacts for the school in football team won its conference ard Hatcher and Margaret Hervey. the last three months. title winning nine games out of 10 Three Brothers-Miss Mildred Will- ~HIPS OFF THE OLD BLOCK played. 16 of 20 games were won by iams, who is now attending Peru Coll4. The l\II.N.K. Contests, which are just as fine as the dressed his basketball quintet and they won ege, has three brothers who are form- Things I Never Knew Before: skins they seem to represent. their sectional tournament. Mr. Mc- et Peruvians. Milf?rd. Williams w.as Henderson, Routh and Benny play 5. Every professor that publishes an article or conducts ex- Cormick is a 1938 .graduate. recently reelected prm~ip.al .of .the Mil- .t~nnis a Ja Ritz Brothers. Ask quesperiments. Five Peruvians Reelected at Hum- ford schools; Harry W1ll!ams is super-' tions in chemistry and you answer· ·em boldt-Peruvians recently reelected at intendent of schools at Paonia, Colo- yourself-the long way. 6. Gordon Gilbert and Prof. Lindstrom, who not only put Peru Humboldt are Alfred Paul ('38), Miss rado; and Woodrow Williams is attendcm the map, ,but on the air. Louise Scholl (mat. '34), Miss Juanita ing school at the University of Arizona. Auburn on Saturdays is teriffically West (mat .. '32), Miss Marjorie Briggs He is also playground supervisor at the pale blue and white and professorish. Of course, this list is not complete; no roll could be. That is the (mat. '33) and Miss Doris Trimble Arizona Sunshine School, a private Glema Mier's brother thought civiessence of the forgotten part of the problem. May such a register, ('33). school for young children. lization hadn't hit this college but afhowever, serve to arouse us from peaceful acceptability of the bene-McAllister Places Second At M.I.N.K, '31 Graduate Becomes Arlington ter a visit he remarked: They do wear fits we gain by this work of others, the duty that passes unrewarded, A 1938 graduate, James McAllister, Supt. -Recently elected to the super- rather moden clothes down thee, don't unnoticed except should, perhaps, we let fall some note of unretiplaced second with his dramatic intendency is Luther Patterson, who they?" cent remembrance. students in the M.I.N.K. Dramatic is at present s1,1perintendent at RisSurounding school boards judge a Contest, which was held at Peru Col- ing City. Mr. Patterson received his lot on the appearance of the feet ... lege last week end. This is the first LiegrFe from Peru Ccllege in !9Jl. run-over heels-no go. A FRIEND-just came 111 year that these students have had any Rohrs Writes From.'California-In a A large scale greasy April Fool joke After I had finished probing thru my personal problems, . an idea dramatic training in their school at H·rent letter Fred Rohrs (1936), teils blew up after a doorknob experiment. came to me like moonlight thru a keyhole: I doubted that after two Randolph, Kansas. o£ rt ving clinner witf. Mr. and l\i:i. A. A. U. W. smash a precedent by months, when el'errnne has scattered for the summer-or forever- ··Whipple Becomes Elwood Supt. Ea1:1 Ulen Cil.keson. He wrote, "Peruvians appreciating those who paint signs for ' . . f cl G. Whipple superintendent of the on tl:e coast have followed with prirle them. that I shall remember that the h1.o-hwav to a per ect ca ence con· . ' Peru's swell basketballing BolJc,1,!s; " ' . Curtis schools was recently elected to The college harb::>red a student who sists of the following chords: 1, Il, V7 and I, or that a calyx IS the the superintendency at Elwood for the Pspecially hus Lon G:af, former Sob- confessed he'd never heard of Chinese ,epaes consiclerecl collectively, but I'll wager I do remember the coming year. A 1938 graduate; Mr. cat coach." Mr. Rohrs will be at the Cl'.eckers. time we short-sheeted the beds enmasse. Whipple has been in his present posi- Brinewood Hotel in Est'es Park, ColoRental of a hay rack and horses is rado, this summer. I'll remember the time--1rnt mixed on her elates and had two tiontion for· five years. impossible, no matter what the offer. v '17 Alumnus Lectures in Washingat the same time. and the picnic we had at the river· · . and the Mrs., H. w; Hall Visits Campus-A ton-Verne Chatelain, who is doing Rosalyn Brier takes the gold cupSunday visitor in Peru was Mrs. H. W. historical research work at St. Augus- cake for looking swankiest in riding time-twelve-fifteen to be exact-the D ean came to our room to Hall of Elk Creek. Mrs. Hall,· the habit. th 1 1 1 off h' la1'm u11cler tl1e t k"cl cease e c ammer anc 10w,erervone s a·" · JS c former Miss Vera Way, is 'a 1913 tine, Florida, gave a lecture in WashVery few Peru girls can'y books with \wcls ... and when we called a different member of the gang at graduate. ington, D. C., Tuesday, on "The Span- arms at sides which health books ret wo- h our 111 · t erva Is a 11 mg · l1t so eac h cou lei scan a re q n1' r eel reading ,26 Peruvian Makes Appearance _ ish Influence On American History." commend for growth. b oo k 1)C fore morn mg· · · · ancl th e t.1me we rang tl1e 0 ld cl'111 ne r bell at Mrs. Joe Jones, who has been visiting Mr. Chatelain, whose home in in th ree a. m. ancl once w l1en--h acl a I1ear t a ttack a 11d w e tl1oll "'o·ht she relatives in Tecumseh and Auburn, Washington, D. C., is a 1917 graduate. ·· Ours is a product your skin loves tc was going to die. I believe it will be the so-called little, inconse- was on the campus Tuesday. Mrs. touch-We're so close to you quential things I won't forget. ,Jones, formerly Miss Johanne Zable Eleanor Neimann Returns After Illness · · 1 amen 1 • • · · b ana· t (mat. '26) ' lives in Austin '· Texas ' Eleanor Neimann returned to school PERU CLEANERS&TAILORS I could find the ten pnnc1pa can c1t1es t h at import . · tl St t ' Y a bo I 1 ut l oulcln't even have become Iwhere her husband is an English in- Monday. She has recently recovered CALL nas m led, ~ ehsman s . eh.r ho<, ) I' \]V f . cl 'f I h cl , . structor at the University of Texas. . cqua111te wit some wit w om ve )ecome nen s 1 a n t: from an acute smus attack and pneu- WE DELIVER PHONE 62 have come to college. I Stroh's Five Win First at Daykin-\ monia. A. N. Stroh's (mat. '33) Plymouth


LETTERMEN SELECT ALL-STAR OPPONENT The lettermen of Peru's basketball t earn h ave se1ect ed· an All -0 ppuncnt team for the 1938-39 season. The Process followed l·n obta1·nm·g the team members was to ask each letterman the best players he competed against all season. Players of r.e,ims met in the Kansas City Intercollegiate Basketball Tourney were not considered. The basketballers ar~: Forwards: Waits, Tarkio; Dutcher, Doane; Feaster, York; and Bowman, Chadron. Centers: Belka, Doane; and Remold of Wayne. Guards: Evans, Chadron; Planansky, Chadron; and Blessing, Kearney. LION TAMERS TOP INTRAMURAL PLAY With Training School Superintendent S. L. Clements batting the ball down the opponents' throats, the Lion Tamers top the volleyball circuit. 'I'he Baptist Ministers and Reiffs, Intramurals basket:ball champs, are tied for second with only one defeat. Reiffs were defeated by the leaders and gained· their high post br defeating the Ministers. Each team has played six games and· has but four to go. '



' MISS ETHEL GLOSSER 1 Prof. Shuler Receives LEAVES FOR DENVER Fellowship Chicago U. M\ss Ethel Glosser of .the library Prof. Robert H. Shuler received a staff left Peru Friday, March 31. to fellcwship to tr ' University of Chi, attend school at the University of cago, physiolog: department, yesterDenver School of Librarianship. She day morning, April 3. He will begin plans to complete her work this quarhis studies toward his Ph. D. next fall ter and will then receive a Bachelor's at this institution. He expects to conDegree in Library Service· in early . June. Miss Glosser, who ls now 'on a I tmue work there fur two years. Prof. Shuler received his B. S. deleave of absence, plans to return to gree from Hastings College in 1935 the campus and resume her work here &nd two years later sec1md his Masin June. ter's degree from the Univf:rsity oI Nebraska. ·SIX PERUVIANS HEAR He applied last February for this IGNACE PADEREWSKI fellowship, which is valued at $SOO. A group from the college music department attended a conce~t given by Ignace Paderewski, the famous pian- Hazel Buchanan Undergoes ist, in Omaha, March 30. 'I'his is said , Operation in Omaha to be his last concert appearance because of his advanced age. Hazel Buchanan underwent an apThose who went included: Prof. V. pendectomy at the Emmanuel Hospital H. Jindra, Prof. R. T. Benford, Marie in Omaha Wednesday. Chehey, Monte Jean Gaines, Jeanne Spier and Ernest Ulmer. Since the Marlyn Engdahl Suffers auditorium was entirely filled they severe Bums were seated _on the stage, very close to Marlyn Engdahl received severe the great artist. burns on both hands Monday, when he carried a burning stove out of the Miss Ruth Chatelain, who is teach- Collin's House. The gasoline stove exing at Lewiston, spent the week end: at ploded when he attempted to light it home. Ralph went to Lewiston for Monday morning. her Friday evening and he and Mrs. Chatelain returned with her Sunday. Miss Winifred Pettit, Music instrucMrs. Gilbert Brown of Omaha spent tor at Blu~ Springs, spent the weeek the week end with her mother, ·Mrs. end at the home of her parents, Mr. Genevieve Marsh. and Mrs. Frank ·Pettit.

~~ I'




Players Disregard Kansas City Team




160 ATHLETES SIGN FOR TRACK TEAM CCoach Wheeler Says Prospects Are Good

for our

"I believe the Bobcats have the material to develop into a team which



could represent the Blue and White capably this track season " This was · the voiced opinion of Coa.ch A. G. Wheeler Saturday, April l, after the "H_usker-Minnesota" intersquad meet Fnday afternoon. The master-mind of Peru sport circles in commenting on Friday's meet, said, "Although some of the events' times were not so good, you must realize the handicap that the wind and rain provided for the boys, and think of the time which could have been knocked off had not these conditions prevailed." Over sixty thinclads have signed for the outdoor sport now. Representing Pe111 in the various events are: 100-yard and 220-yard dash: Henderson, James, Smith, Collin, Horacek. 440: R. Floyd, Ashton, Hughes and K. Miller. 880: J. Floyd, Organ, Hughes, Young. Mile: Hunt, Blair, Adams, Timmons, Campbell. Two-mile: Unknown as yet. It wili probably be Hunt, Hutchinson, CampCharles Parnell spent the week end W. R. Pate left Monday for Chicago bell, Timmons. High hurdles: Hall, Fisher, Nauman, with his parents. He is attending the to attend the N. E. A. meeting to be Huegel. University. held there this week. Low hurdles: R. Floyd, Fisher, Hall. Polevault: Walker, McHugh, Mcintyre. Shot put: Bailey, Lurk, Nelson. Discus: Mosley, Greathouse, Mcin-

~~ ~ ~





Peru Lumber Co. •Jt];g:~~~t'.)~:' )~~:~J~~l)~f!:~;;~l[g][g)Lgjfg!ITT!l~J[g;[mg]~~[H]'.gj[[(

11;1 [gJ [g]




IE' ~j

New Stock of


[);] [gj










now ior your daih.··


ll'I E.·~erci:;es. i:;J

11.'l [gj








Javelin: Handley, Greathouse, Mc-\ Intyre. 1~ PHONE 112 Broad jump: Greathouse, Hutton, I~ Henderson. ~ High jump: Greathouse, Organ, Hal- !€! _ ~ ~ 1 d L J h ij)§:gjrgj[gj[;J1'.;tl"Jftlll:l';]i:;:g}§teJ!l';]l';]l"J!;iJ~Ig;lllJ~ a ay, . o nson. pl!l•••••BlllllllillllBB 1






GERON SINGS BACH, BRAHMS ! ON WEEKLl'. PERU HOUR The weekly Peru Hour was broadcast last night, April 3, over the facm- J ties of radio station KMA. Gordon Gllbert announced the program of which the major portion was composed of selections from Bach and Brahms by the Peru Geron. Prof. Robert D. I Moore read and Ruth Crone commented on the campus news.


APRIL 6, 193g:;....2 :00 p.




If you wish to join the agency with a personal interest in your successful placement and continued advancement. join the agency working exclusively for teachers in


March from Masonic Hall to Building Processional - College Band ....... . ........... Prof. V. H. Jindra, Director Music ~ Building during seating of Grand Lodge "Onward, Christian Soldiers" .. Led by Peru ............ Singers and CQllege Band Request for Laying of Cornerstor,te ...... __ .. .. .. . .. . . :Mr. Edgar Ferneau President, State Board of Education Acceptance ...... M. W. Walter R. Raecke

Trying of Stone by Square, Level and Plumb Consecrating Stone with Corn, Wine and Oil ........ , ... , . Grancl Lodge Officers

SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Flowers for all Occasions

Perusingers - "'I'here is Now No Condemnation", Bach .............. .. ............ Prof. G. H. Steck, Director Decoration of Stone by Flower Girls, Daughters of Masoon'$, with Music "Barcarole" from Tales of Hoffman, Offenbach, by College Band, during the Decoration Prof. V. H. Jindra, Director

We Grow Our Own

8L. THOLD GREENHOUSES Nebraska City, Nebr.


" ' BUIEmu.


f : •


w. o.}V. Buildini'~OMAHA, N~BRAS


"A booster for Peru graduates"

®™™' --------------DR. H. C. DALLAM DENTIST

Office Ph 32 Res. Ph. 196

'~%..,,".:TJ;';:~"tC'['.Z:. .;;''':'.'::~··~-·-:".-~':-··-:::~

Grand Master of Masons of Nebraska Scripture Reading and Prayer ....... . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 'I'hos. R. Barton Acting Grand Chap1ain Perusingers-"Jesu Priceless Treasure", Bach ............ Prof. G. H. Steck, Director Grand Ma.ster's Address to Grand Treasurer ~nd Response Reading of Contents of Coppe~ Casket ................. M. W. Lewis E. Smith Grand Secretary Deposit by Grand Treasurer and Grana Secretary Delivery of Working Tools John Latenser. Jr., Principal Architect Lowering of Stone and Raising of Flag Grand Honors with Mus;c by College Band ...... Prof. V. H. Jindra, Director

Return of Working Tools Atchitect Grand Master's Declaration Laying of Stone

to Principal of Proper

Proclamation of Grand Marshall and Bugle Calls Perusingers-"If By His· Spirit," Bach . . . . . . . . . . . . Prof. G. H. Steck, Director Introduction of Acting Grand Orator .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. W. Millard C. Lefler "My Country 'Tis of Thee" (All singing) .. Led. by Perusingers and College Band


i ~; ~ ~



Benediction . . . . . . Acting Grand Chaplain Return March to Masonic Hall ..... . .. Led by Perusingers and College Band

CLINTON TEAGHERS' AGENCY CLINTON, IOWA C. E. COZZENS, Manager We have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home Economics, Commercial, Music, and Manual Training. Many good openings in all fields. Enroll nowWe furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak., Minn., Wis M1¥¥£¥MfrH


'!'HE PERU PEjDAGOGIAN 0 0 0 0 oo0 oooooooooooooooo~a o were Going· (s) to Doolittle Good life. No matter where a man might ,,.,hcre(n) so we cast out our Burnett go, he could depend on the same cus-

Ca mpUJ Chatt er

and caught a Whitehead, but the Hull cf the boat sprang a leak and we were forced to Bailey out. It was Hard(ing) to Boyer up the boat but at last we Damme (d) up the whole so it wouldn't.leak. The Sailors became angry and Schacht me. My Lovely Witte I will Carey straight to Paradise, where it will bother you no Moore. Senior Class Play.

Prof. V. H. Jindra Attends Nat'l Convention

tom, the same type of social structure and idea. It did something more. It Q Q Q 0 0 0 Q o o 0 o Q Q o Q Q o Q Q Q o o Q o. g·ave .to men who were often leading a 0 0 A guy that the Seniors forgoc when dog-sort of life, something to live for. they nominated candidates for Prince It brought them in contact with their of the May Fete: Paul Sims. past and helped them to remember its Do Larson and Marting really fight a greatness. It gave them something to lot? look forward to in the future. It gave them confidence. After seeing Wayman's wife, we "And so they lived immersed in the· wonder if single blessedness is such a book, in its dreams and hopes. Indeblessing. pendent and superior to outward diffiThe snow clinging to the trees was Dr. Ogle Tells culty, secure in the sense that the beautiful, but snow clinging to wood- ALout 'The Talmud' dream of a good world would yet be en benches (according· to couples) was a fact in human society; with the book, (Continued from p.1; Col. 1) not at all beautiful. Hebrew, but the secrecy involved is the they lived and survived." Stop digging brow ditches fems. A secrecy of an unfamiliar language. And certain handsome man isn't on the _·m happy to say that the Talmud, point of marriage. He's free, white, which was translated into German a ,md doggone near 21 but we're sorry, few years ago, is now in the process of A number of boys have been studyMusic in the schools today is no Martini sing, in order to be in Chicago gals, he isn't lurking for any gir~s ... eing translated into English. And so 0 ,n the course of a few years, that lit- ing the rules which were posted last longer looked on as a fad or a frill. 1for the Chicago Symphony concert. so we've heard. · th K' · Cl b Recognition of its educational value is Josef Hofmann, the famous p1·an1'st Ethel rnosser, librarian, is ~ living .;;rature will be available to anyone Monday governmg e 1wams u , , .rho is cur:ous enough to dip into it kite-flying contest to be held Friday quite complete. Today's problem is I who was the guest soloist. r x.~mple of the word "swell." of this week. Several plan to enter the what part of music should be curricu- Mr. Jindra attended this symphony Lola Ing ham's favorite song is rnd see what it is all about. contest if they can get their kites lar and what part extra-curricular." with Philip Hoyt, who formerly at"Penny Serenade as played by Keedy. " "What was the .purpose in the ready by that time. This is one of the most important tended Peru College. Philip Hoyt's As We See Them (With Apologies to the 1935 Peruvian) .ninds of the men who created it? The Miss Mccollum was out of school trends in music edcation, Professor father was the late w. H. Hoyt, a A. Accommodating .. George Devore ;mrpDse was this: During the time of the first part of the week with a bad Victor Jindra found in his recent at- science professor here for many years. of flu Mrs. Ulbrick took charge of tendance at the North Central Educa- While in Chicago, Mr. Jindra saw B. Blithe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janet Harris ;he first exile the men were looking tors Conference, March 19 to 24 at Gera Graham, a graduate of Peru. c. Cheap . . . . . . . . . . . . Cafeteria Meals for a way to make their group and its the kindergarten in her place. Detroit. She is playing the violin in a string standards continue to live." D. Displeased . . . . . . . . . . . Prof. Shuler The Training School band has reAccording to Prof. Jindra, the great- ensemble at the Y. W. C A. Hotel. She Dr. Ogle gave examples of the work (with test grades) ceived an invitation to participate in E. Energetic . . . . . . . . . . . . Ernest Brod a.nd interpretations of the Pharisees. a marching band contest in Omaha est emphasis of the convention was is taking voice lessons at the Chicago F. Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . College dances ·A new class began to appear in Jewish the latter part of April during the placed on the fact that music does Musical College, to which she has a G. Gracious . . . . . . Meredith Jimerson society-men who were concerned with three-day Golden Spike Celebration to not exist apart from education. This scholarship. Mr. Jindra heard the enwas expresssed in answer to the ques- semble play, and says it is a fine string H. Harmless . . . . . . . . Dormitory mice adapting the prophetical teachings and with providing a means by which the be held in connection with .the pr:mier tion, "How can music best serve the group. I. Iluminating . . . . . . . . . . Dorm steps 01d codes of the Bible could be re-in- showmg of the new motion picture purpose of education?" J. Jovial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marie Chehey . . th thi'cs "Union Pacific." The prizes are to be ose e · . . "Th d t f WERE DINNER HOSTS K Kindly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr Smith terpreted . An d brmgmg into daily life was the class called the awarded by Cecille B. DeMille, Barbara e mo ern rends o music educaPresident and Mrs. W. R. Pate en· L. Likeable . . . . . . . . . . Madonna Adee Pharisees It was the job of the Phari-1 Stanwyck, and Joel McCrea. tion", Prof. Jindra stated, "are toward M. Maddening . . . . . . Thorson's test Th ·h · f th J · more and more actual participation in tertained six tables at a progressivi sees to translate the ethical principles ..... e i_ own c arr.pions o e umor N. Noble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neil Good · h B b 1 t t music, instead of merely the apprecia- "passe" St. Patrick's dinner on Thurs· 0. Obedient .............. Bill Dustin stated by the prophets into the simple 1g C. '.l.SS • • Basket a 1 ournamen tion of music which someone also is day evening, March 23, decoration; were the C1v1ts, who won over the and favors being suggestive of thi P. Peppy ............ Horace Rzehak facts and the simple relationships of \ Musketeers, in the finals on Monday performing." name. The directed conversation be Q. Quaint . . . . . . . . . . . . Suanne Shock human life. . .;.fte:·ncc1, by a score of 14 to 4. The "The amount of inspiration I gained "You could not untangle a t raff 1c ·v1'ts ·· e1·e led by Ca.pta1·n Gerald is really immeasurable. I was privi tween courses pertained to the des R. Reserved . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betty Cole Ci S. Sentimental ...... Burton and Jean snarl if all you had was the Gold1"n 'lay'·u 'n Mark Collins Findle Ma leged to listen to remarkable talent criptive character stated in the invi tation. Many laugh11ble and interest 'l'. Tomboy . . . . . . . . . . . Phyllis Benson Rule. There must be many regula- ~ u r ' ' y, , son, Mr.rvin Brown, and Harold among all ages ,of school children and ing experiences and possibilities c ·U. Useless ............ My roommate cions, specific rulings as to how r.,en · older musicians," he said. v. Vivacious .... "Pee Wee" Coatney· should live together Knople, who played the Musketeers to . . pa.sse events were revealed. The gues1 · - st :1d ;till for the championship. The One of the h1ghllghts of the convenenjoyed Chinese checkers ·for ente1 W. Windy ............ Charlie Gabus "While the. codes of the Old "!:'e'ita-, '.1u~::~L-~rs' team was co~posed of tion was the original pantomine. X. 'X'citing . . . . . . . . . . . . Chorus trip ment recogrnze a number of offemes: :::ap:ahc Gordon Palmer, Ward Adams,. "Song of the City," given by schoools tainment following the dinner. Hig Y. Ye uthful .......... Edwin Brecht that might b.e ~urlished by t~e eC1:ec~-1 Charles Henning, Donald Adams, and in Detroit. Grade· schools, highschools, and low score and traveling prizes wei given to both gentlemen and ladies i Z. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . You try to find one t1on of a cnmmal, the Phar.sees ft lt: Guy Grafton. and the Wayne University there porclosely contested scoring. Sherstad had fun Tuesday night. that the hope of society was not to\' . trayed the founding settlement and . . . . , Mrs. Steffen and Mrs. Coulter chap' B Two dates. One for the concert and destroy its cnmmal members, but ia,ll, . , t development of Detroit er if ossible to create repentance and , eroned the high school students S . · . FACULTY ATTEND COFFEE one after the dance. ' p . . . ·Patrick's dance in the high school asTuesday evenmg, Prof. Jmdra listTwo dignified upperclass girls who reforrr.. And so while not tampermg . . ened to the Wayne University band The Misses Elma Gockley and My . . . . d sembly last Fnday evemng rarely get campused are enjoying the with the Biblical law that pemnt.t.e . . . concert which he says was one of the tle Peterson and Mrs. R. T. Benfo . The chemistry class will be m ' dorm this week. The Geron even met at execution, they set up so many legal h bl th' best he has ever heard Also that were hostesses at a faculty coffee hE · Chorus gave in the music hall Thursday afternoc the dorm. Thursday so Martha restl·1·ct1·ons about those laws that it c a_rge of an assem. Y .program .1s evening the Chrysler Male Clifton could practice. Of course, it became in the practical sense com- \ Fnday under the dl!'ect10n of Miss a program. Members of this chorus . 'bl e t o pu t a cnmma . . 1 t o \. Mary Grus h . would have been a little difficult to get pletely impossi SPEND NIGHT IN CABIN are employees of the. Chrysler Corpora. , Mr. Hall has started track pr~c- tion. the whole chorus in the dorm so Elea- death. The boy scouts, under Mr. Clayburi ! t1ce and Mr. Sheeley is .coachmg k1tnor Hemphill could vocalize. "The traditions that made up the \ tenball for the boys who are going out Tuesday af'..ernoc.n the marching leadership, hiked to the scout cal We are wondering how Sanders is Talmud were for many years never for track. band section was held. The chairman about three miles west of town Frid going to cover so much territory this night. They remained over night 1 committed to writing. Men rather Mr. Lindstrom and his college class was G.T. Bennett of Red Oak, Ia. One summer. What with visiting Omaha, committed them to memory. Across a of the addresses made was by Paul C. turning Saturday afternoon. Doane and points west he is goin to period of at least 500 years it was for- in safety education are working on a Dawson, of the Thomas Jefferson This was the first overnight hike be mig·hty busy-if he keeps an his bidden to write down decisions. It was plan to teach hig:1 schocol people how highschool, Council Bluffs, Iowa. His the spring, and a bounteous hunti promises. feared that if they were committed to tu drive cars. EzJ:i1 in ·iv1aua· in the subject was "The Importance of Detail stew was enjoyed. Games were pla.; Things people remind me of: writing they might become fix~d and class plans to tak;; me l:?.igh schoo)l in- in the Marching Band Program" Mr. until late Friday evening, and Sat Ernest Heugel, Rock of Gibraltar; at figid. It was only when m~n discover- dividual and o::'.v, J1. ·'ms in driving Dawson was on the Peru campus for d~y morning advancement tests w lea.st, Galbraith finds him steady. ed that students in the lecture halls during the 8:00 to 9:000 hour in the the M. I. N. K. Music Contest. Bob Halladay, London because Ben- were taking notes to refresh their morning. Details have not all been .; .; .; .., o.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;..,.;.;.;.; .; , An outstanding orchestra to which son keeps him in a fog. memories, that teachers consulted worked out but probably something Mr . J'm dra had thG opportunity to I 11 PLUMBING , HEATING , Donald Greever, a lamp becausf: he · m · to classrooms ' on - will be done along this line. They listen was the John Adams orc:1cstra ~~ and ELECTRICAL work no t es before gomg is so true to his flame. . l'k f a wr1·tten plan to give the lessons on the athletic 1y th en was th e d1s 1e o of Cleveland, Ohio, composed of 80 George Leslie, a mansion; nearly field until the students become profi- h:g:hschool students. U :ext overcome, aro n d 200 . .~ . 1 1 always empty in the attic. · cient enough to drive on the roads. , "What makes it up? Included withThe Baldwin - Wallace College' 1 Jean Koeppel, history instructors beThe Junior high school students at- capella choir of Berea, Ohio, gave a \ ™'™'tJt.;X.;!.;!.;t.;!.;t.;t.;r.;t.;!.;t.;:t :n that huge literature is an encyclo.cause they know so much abo!1t the tended the high school convocation pedia in its range of interest. Stenoconcert Wednesday morning which Mr. J rast. program which was in charge of the graphic reports of court room discusJindra considered outstanding. One DR. GLEN H. JODER Kathryn Roszell, ::i m'li;net; the chemistry class. \ ~in~~~~~ ~~~m~~~~ latest attraction was Horacek. Surgeon and Physician handed down by legalists, lecture notes Bach Motet which the Perusingers are l~ow that the Spanish War is nil CarMilstead Corner from the classrooms by students and Y. M. C. A. Officers Decide using this season. ter and Cramer can take up arms and Phone teachers as various principles and To Conduct Magazine Sales The clinic groups Professor Jindra Res. 39 Office 3 go Modlin around the dorm; Sid and their applications were worked out, a Y. M. c. A. officers discussed n:agaattended gave a practical analysis of Leora can help calm the race for history of the folk from the time of zine sales at their cabinet meeeting the problems relative to the play;ng of 1 Schacht and Shell; and instructors v,ill Tuesday night, March 28 The or- the instruments as well as giving for I - - - - - - - - - - - bomb a lot of hopes at the zero hour the exile until the year 500. "It was the great ambition of every r,anization is planning to sell periodi- their listeners finished performances. {?). Electric Shoe Shop One Bright Sommer day when I was child who grew up in a Jewish com- c:,Js for teachers to tho,>e ;tudents The pedagogical side of how the in- 1 J.P. CLARK Dunn Dustin I thought I'd Hale my munity to have ample time to study planning to teach. Marvin Schacht, strument is to be played was em- . North of Skelly Station Neunaber and we'd go for a Hunt. We ;hat book. The prestige of a man in Y. M. president, expects these sales to phasized. Phone 109 Parker (d) the Karr by the Wiles of .1is community did not rest with his protect the students from corrupt sale 'The instrumental ensembles were the Brooks. Hearing a Russell in the material success, his political influ- polic'.es. The proceeds of th.e sales 1 part:cularly interesting to Mr. Jindra. ____ - · - - - - - - - - - Redferns we knew a Lively Lyon was ence, it rested entirely with his skill will be used in local and regional Y. I He heard, among these, an outstand- , '!':. ing flute quartet and a brass ensemble. f!!."f~ '·"I-> ~A:;o ~~'I :..~.lf.~ Lurking in the Oldfield. With my and his knowledge of that great litera- M. C. A. work. Armstrong I Rose with my gun and ture; and over the world across a pe· · Further discussion centered on the The judges read their opinions aloud, • giving. the audience even more valuable I~ the Schacht rang out with a Boom. riod of perhaps some 12 or 13 centur- work of the y; M. conui:J.ittees. The joint Y. M., Y. W. sunrise ideas m the diagnosing of musical re Alas, only a King Fisher fell to his ies in. every community ·where Jewish "A Mighty Good Place to Trad Grave (s). Wright then we saw a Folk are scattered, provision was made Easter service at six o'clock Wednes- weaknesses. day morning, April 5, will take the He left the conference before it wr.s ~ Young Boatman. We asked him to for study of the literature. "It regulated and organized Jewish place of the regular meeting tonight. adjourned and missed hearing Nin~ ~*~*~*~~*~-j Adee us and Hall us a Short way. We

J. J.

Training School Notes








I------------I 1


I ::============:= Th M d" Sf e ar








Biologist Disapproves Ads In Convocation Talk Apr. 14 By Doris Starkebaum "If you feel the need of a reducoid, a bracer, a cathartic or a pain-killer, go to your physician," advised Professor Shuler of the biology department, during the Firday morning cQl1vocation hour. "Don't buy druL;-counter prescriptici.ns (quack patent-medicines) lest you find yourself in worse condition than before." Having made a survey of "Modern Drug Advertising" as presented throug·h newspapers, magazines, and

Calendar Tuesday, April 18 Y. W.; Y. M.; C. C. A. 7-8 p.


Wednesday, April 19 Residence Girls . . . . . . 7-9 p. rn. Thursday, April 20 Freshman Clubs .... 7-9 p. rn .. Saturday, April 22 M. I. N. K. Track Meet Monday, April 24 Separate Convocations. 10 Crawdads ............ 7-8 Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 Pi Gamma Mu . . . . . . 8-9 Broadcast . . . . . . . . . . 8 :30


a. p. p. p. p.

rn. m. rn. rn. rn.



Their Manners Vie With School Children's



11 1J

At an Easter sunrise service interFrank Larson' gave a report on spersed with music and poetry, about 50 Y. w. and Y. M. members partook Hadioactivity and Transmutation of of communion Wednesday morning, Elements at a meeting of Lambda Delta Lambda Monday evening, April April 5, in the Music Hall. A .quartet of Sylvia Ulmer, Leor~ 3.

'.)uy s~NIORS PRESENT [ ~~:e rn:~:~~~~;wndep~:~~or/ ~1~::~~: SiGM;\ TAU PROGRAM p~~~~~~g 0


Radioactivity is Topic At Lambda Delta Lambda

Libhart, William Mooney and Gordon Plans were made to hold the Gilbert provided musical background. nual steak fry in May. Doris Stakebaum and Bert Hall read

radios today. Professor Shuler is qualified to expound upon the evils of [~rl

and cosmetics. Among his references is the popular research book entitled


at the cornmm1ion



the Rev. H. A. Taylor and the Rev .. B. [ m~raf,:l~i~l:\l ~:f:'fr. F. Parnell presided at the service. Of·· i UlllDl.miiL~ i L. I L ficers of Y. W. and Y. M. ushered the

Teaching Preparation Undergoes Change


The University Committee on credited Schools 1

fllU· tq,1

~ [Lu~

has recelltly


lished a list of new standards for accredited highschools.

The. following

ctand87d relating to the pre::iaration of highschool te2chers is of interest to all students.

Rockies' and of a recent school-bus tragedy due to the supposed carelessness of the driver," Mr. Shuier de-

tion. This was exemplified in the Pulitizer prize winning dramatic work known as "Our Town." It startled sophisticated Broadway theatre-goers and play-attending ingenues alike, for the chores and pleasures of Gro·;er Corners, New Hampshire, was portrayed without scenery except for a few tables, chairs and step ladders to indicate the town's geography. "Our Town" has enjoyed a successful run on Broadway and very recently was released for amateur production.

cal drawing and home rnec anics or any of the cornmor taught industrial arts si; jects. Representative art should i elude representation, deem tive art, art appreciation a art history. "(d) Music should iHclude mu methods ,voice, harmony a orchestra or band. "(e) Agriculture should inch agriculture and methods agriculture and may incl1 six hours of natural scienc" "(f) Horne. economics should elude foods and nutrition, t tiles and clothing (all 'II some laboratory experien home management, child veloprnent and family r1 tionship, basic design home furnishings and met!: (Please turn to p 4; Col. 5)


,----------------------------·-----~· ooooooooo~-o ooooooooooooooa

The Peru Pedagogian Published Weekly by the Peru State Teachers



Alumni Present College with Gifts


Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second class matter. " $1.0G per year.

Single copy 5 cents.



.1!."DITOR ............. : ...................................... RUTH CRONE ASSISTANT EDITOR ............ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STELLA ROGGE ;The shiny white fount is covered with dust, SPORTS EDITOR ................................. WAYNE McGINNIS TYPIST . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . MARY LIZABEI'H . WERNER But sturdy and staunch it stands, 'Twas never permitted to cover with ADVISER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. FLORENCE MARTIN rust From use at Peruvians' hands! REPORTERS Little does the class of 1936 realize Thane Hale

Mary Modlin

Winifred Hall

Mary Grush

Jean Winkelman

Mary Olive Richardson

Wayne Wilson

that the beautiful fountain presented by them to the college is stored away in its original crate in the Science Hall.


However, less abused are the severOne hundred sixty-four years ago tonight a gentleman did a al gifts of previous classes. Let us go, comparatively short act that threw into obscurity all of the other for example, on a tour of the 1939 offices: of his life· Even though he made etchings, gold and silver campus to see what remain as memorials of Peru alumni. ware, took part in an expedition againn Crown Point helped throw Beginning at the athletic field we the cargo at the Boston Tea Party, and was major of infantry in the could add our footsteps to the hun'.\1assachuse(ts militia and lieutenant-colonel of the artillery, Paul dreds of thousands that have trampRevere goes down in legend as the gentleman who mounted a horse led upon the gift of the class of 1924 on the evening of April 18, 1775 and galloped through the country- ···.that of a cement walk from the street to the bowl. side from Charlestown to Lexington warning the Minute Men that Dropping down a block we could the British were coming. enter upon the college grounds Today, over a century and a half later, Revere's escapade has through the portals of the north enall the hoof-marks of an adventure, but from the practical viewpoint trance whcl:J. bear the inscription it looks a little like Laurel and Hardy horse-play for, with the ad- "Class of 1915". This gateway seems vent of Gar Wood, Howard. Hughes, Alexander Graham Bell and to gve the campus an atmosphere of privacy, of being set apart from the Marconi, Paul is just ~o much coffee-Dated. workaday world. Within an hour after the British Cabinet met last week radio Scattered over the campus are the listeners throughout the world knew of the latest progress of Euro- many clectroliers donated by the pean affairs via the wordl< of a network London correspondent. class of 1914. These lamps furnish 1• e l'ight, but a goo diY por t·ion f This is why many believe that the scientist shall replace· the l"tl · ht 0 f Peru's diplomat as a peace-maker. They think that the world in genera 1 S' nt·im en t , fo r the sig


is \)assing throt\<zh an adole~~ent period whereby most. nations are ~

Suppose such a seeming Utopic scheme does result, that such

a friendy mutuality shou'kl at s:ome time exist. Then shall the socalled twentieth century destroyer of religion, science, be proclaim· er! the perpetuator of Christian doctrine. Then shall what has appeared to be th~ recent antagonist of Godly aspiration become the warranty of the do-unto-others law, first orthodox principle· LIFE IS JUST A BOWL OF TUNA Harvard Freo:ihman Lothrop vVithit\gton Jr., son of a one-time ~ Iarvard football captain, started the goldfish swall(Jwing fad. At Chicago University John Patrick broke the records by eating two a:-id one-half phonograph discs. Three weeks later a Franklin and


Advice, good or otherwise, received at Everett's Thursday night included: Mrs. Dunning: "Stop beating around the bush."

Mrs. Kirk: "Act like Mae West." light-dotted campus is a romantic one Phyllis Hobbs: "Don't stay out too giving a sense of security and peace. late." just in front of the new freshman Vera Marting: Don't be so indebulletin board is the drnking founpendent; g·ive the boys a break." tain, gift of the seniors of 1911. All students: "Don't study for final Perhaps we might be startled by exams; you won't pass anyway." the ringing of bells. This system was contributed by the classes of 1927-28- Wesleyan elected their campus 30 and the Philomathean Literary "grouch" and "snob" recently. What . Society, whose joint efforts secured are your nommations for Peru's? $'f00 for that purpose. Something new seen at the show: In the library we would see the ele- Jeanne Spier and Ralph Chatelain. tric fans so thoughtfully provided for So many people go to church these successive students by the classes of days! Could it be the real thing or 1931 and 1932.; likewise we would no- new spring clothes? tice those presented by the class of Wouldn't the doctors be astonished 1935 which are in use in the audi- if everyone could recover from a torium. heart attack as quickly as Cramer Ending our jaunt at the entrance d'd? to the rose garden just south of the "Bubbles" Hughes was quite imauditorium we could rest a few mom- pressed with an N. Y. A. girl. ents upon one of the rustic seats and Jean Koeppel seems to enjoy the observe the fountain about which the cokes Mikus buys for her at Hili's garden is built. This elaborate fixIf you would like a severe mental ture is the means by which the class test please answer the following y_uesof 1929 chose to remain in the minds tions honestly. Do you ever wonderof later classes. Wh Y vaca t'ions are so short?.


familiar enough with thefr neighbors to know that they exist and that th.e husband's mother~in-law has· come to visit, but they are not acquainted sufficiently to nnders:tand that the relative is really . a nice, .old lady an1d 1not at all the type so often depicted in newspaper :.cartoons. They think that with the improvement of transporta~i'on and communication and their greater availability to the masses and the corresponding decrease of the s:ize of the world, there .shall mature a greater understanding between peoples, a surer ;:,.cknowledgement that human nat\jre is a universal, not a racial ~haracteristic. They believe that all persons love and work and swear and sweat, no matter what color of slr.:tn is over the laboring muscles, no matter in what language the words are spoken.

Campus Chatter

Nine Grads Receive Teaching Positions Nine more Peru college students have accepted teaching positions for the coming school year. John Boyer will be English, so~hl science and agriculture teacher and coach at DeWitt; Lois Macomber will teach the primary grades at Brock; Earl Hearst was elected superintendent at Crab Orchard; Lester Mosley takes charge of manual training and coaching at Table Rock; Jerry Ogg will teach manual training, mathematics and be coach at Exeter; Marjorie Harris will teach home economics and music at Taylor; Hazel Vanier has the elementary position at Edgar. Rural school teachers elected are: Delores Poor at Loup and Elizabeth Wiles in Iowa. - -PROF. MOORE ACTS AS PERU HOUR M. C.

All these gifts have been dedic<.-t.ed Why classes are so long? to the comfort and enjoyment of fu- Why girls wear silly hats? ture generations and made possible Why lessons are so hard? by Peru students whose interest and Why loafing's lots of fun? affection for their college has stimu- Why the grass is turning green? lated them to leave something where- Why the birds begin to sing? by they could show th1·s fee11·n g of gra - If you have answered all of these ti'tude 1·n a mater1·a1 way · questions, ""es", "OU need not worry ' ' for we can assure you that you are normal. However, if you have answP. S. T. C. Students: erect any of the questions· negatively Here's Something to Hear it is a sure sign you are asleep and Four representatives of the youth of d t nee o wake up. Spring is he~e. today will discuss the question, "Can Enid must be a stoic. At least. the We Depend Upon Youth to Follow loss of Hutch on Sunday night failed the American Way?" at Town Hall to Greever. Thursday evening, April 2.0. The When and 0 when did Horton get speakers will be Joseph Cadden, Exetl;ose nice new gold numerals? cutive Secretary of the American Many a couple yelled "Leslie Alone" Youth Congress; Roswell Perry Rosenwhen they were in the spotlig·ht Frigren, past President of the United day night. States Junior Chamber of Commerce; Richard Wright, winner of a GuggenMrs. Robert Shuler spent the week helm Fellowship for his liter,ary abili- in Peru visiting her husband, Prof. ty, and Barbara Allen, Editor-in-Chief Robert Schuler, and friends. She reof the "Vassar Miscellany News." turned to Lincoln Thursday to reApril 20 this year has been chosen sume her studies at the University. as Peace Day. In past years there have been peace strikes on many college campuses, and there are peace PERU CLEANERS&TAILORS meetings scheduled at a large perCALL centage of the colleges for that day. WE DELIVER PHONE 62 Mr. Cadden is the winner of the 1938 Gold Medal and $100 award presented annually by "Parents" Maga- ~:lllf1r!l]i~§l<•:1!llllilll'lllllllllllJlllllllJlllJlllJlllJlllllllJlllJlllJlllllllJ[gjlllJi?


! SCHOOL pjlls It

Marshall student failed to cro!ss the fish line with three down and Professor Robert D. Moore acted as to him during the evening. Mr. Rosento go if he. wished to defeat Clark Uni's Joseph Deliberato, who master of ceremonies for the Peru zine." The presentation will be made : swallowed several book, line and sinker swim. Hour broadcast last truesday. The to him during the evening. Mr. Rosen-



Thus, the Goldfi.sh Bowl replaced the Sugar and the Rose ac- program consisted of a play coached by Ruth Crone and Mary Lizabeth ljUariurns in American tho~ght. Werner, named "The Man With the Off the coast of South Africa a trawler pulled and tugged at Blue Eyes" and adapted for radio his net. Its contents, he discovered, included many species of from the works of Guy de Mauppsant. fish with which he was familiar, plus a Hunchback of Notre Dame The cast of charactei:s consisted of speciment that had been officially declared by scientists to be ex- Gilbert Purucker, Ernest Horacek, tinct SO million years ago. Betty Kathryn Cole and Mary Lizabeth Werner. Simultaneously a new song hit came to the surface. It bore The rest of the program consisted the lines, "Want :iome sea food,mamma?" and "I eat my fa\'orite of instrumental work under the direcdish, fish". tion of Florence Neve. The group was Future teachers, weary of observing and practicing their pro- composed of Marie Chehey, flute·, fession, took recess to watch a school of fish figuratively flip their Monte Jean Gaines, viola; Jeanne tins on the Peru depot steps in the highest water since 1891 ..... . Spier, violin ,Lawrence Freude, piano; P0peye had trouble with mermaidg .... Eleanor Powell said she Mary Alice Vanderford, violin. Proriidn't mind the role in "Dancing Coed"-unless she has to swallow fessor V. H. Jindra played three violin a goldfish to prove it's an authentic picture of college life .... Dorm solos: "Fransquita," by Lehar and and G~.mma Chi councils seriously considered having a Deep-Sea Kreisler; "Song without Words," by Goens; "Romance in A," by Lievformal· rance. The Pedadogian of the Air was Ish ka bibble. What do I care if fillet of sole tastes like sole or presented by Ruth Crone. the Isaac Walton League throws open the Shedd Aquarium; what Mayre Tangeman and Gale Carter, if the Northwe:s't:ern Association does require a shark riding test members of the radio script writing l1efore candidates can secure their A. B.'s-I'll still go merrily on and speaking class, will be directors for my way with water on the knee singing my scales and, ho, for tad- Ghe next play, "The Necklace." Try1,,oles and bayrum ! outs were held Monday afternoon. SAYING OF THE' WEEK: Yes, sir, all they want to pay me is. out for 1650 dollars.


gren is an attorney living in Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Wright is the author of the prize winning novel, "Uncle Tom's Children," and will enter on his Guggenheim Fellowship in ·about two months. At present he is a re-write man on the staff of the "American Guide" of the Federal Writers' Project in New York. Miss Allen, a member of the Class of 1939 at Vassar, represented her C8llege at the National Student Federation broadcast on "Peace." The discussion will be heard over :,America's Tcwn Meeting of the Air," broadcast over the coast-to-coast Blue Network of the National Broadcasting Company from 8:30 to 9:30 p. m. central standard time. George V. Denny, Jr., President of Town Hall, will act as Moderator. NOTICE


•... -.':.··


At the end of the year you .~;~".!'




will want one of these: IlllJ School Seal Philomathean Everett i1JJ

I I I~ I § I I




i;:;: ~


~ ~ i1l



llll lllJ llll


~ l<>I

~j I~;






This is a beautiful Pin; de- ~ signed by the C1ass of 1921 ')l and maintained as the st:lnd- ~ ard Degree pin. Ill



Fraternity Jewelry Pi Gamma Mu Alpha Mu Omega K~:ppa Delta Pi Nat'! Honor Society h Oters




Prof. R. T. Benford wishes to withdraw the statements printed by the i Pedagogian in its March 21, 1939 issue I§ concerning the national anthem. Ac-\ cording to subsequent reports from 1 June Modlin's vacation at the Prof. Benford, the statements were ! ~ but I'm going to hol<I skating came abruptly to an end arranged in such away "they might be @ when she received a broken arm greatly mis-construed" and therefore, ~ from one of those spills. should be disregarded. ·@




~ ~~

~ ~ ~


~ ~ ~


!~ ;

~ 1 ~ ~




1RE PERU PEDAGOGIAN .... -__.:,_../


Peru Neglects Hastings Relays Because of Wet Wea th er The Peru Bobcats had to pass up the Hastings Relays because of wet weather Saturday, April 15.



Bailey, Fisher Win Places In Dual Meet

Coach Wheeler would have entered a football relay team and Leonard Greathouse in the high jump in the ·Leonard Greathouse starred f~r the hlays. Bobcat tracksters although his team bowed to the strong Maryville club Flying Dutchmen Sink 99-39 Thursday, April 6. Crawdad's Armada Greathouse grabbed first place honWhile upperclass sponsor Eugene ors in the broadjump with a leap of Andrew whistled "Anchors Aweight", 21 ft. 6'!/, in., tied for first place in the McHugh and Sehnert, The Flying high jump with 5 ft. 9\, in. and grabDutchmen, defeated McNally and bed a third in the discus with a throw Vacek in Crawdad's "Tug 0' War" at of 117 ft. 8 in. the club's meeting Monday, April 10. Other winners for Peru wen1 "bing" It took ten minutes for the winners to Bailey, who cinched another "P" with pull tll.e "Armada" over the high a push of 39 ft. 2 1.:, in. the shotpu t. water mark. The 6 ft. 3 in. athlete also wo11 third Eugene Andrews hopes to have a rewards in the hig'.1 jump with 5 ft. large number of entrants in the water 5 in. polo games beginning next week. 'I'wo Harold Fisher, freshman. came teams. "The White Swans" and "The through in fine style with seconds in Ugly Ducklings" are being formed. both hurdles races. These games will be continued through Phil Lurk, altitudinous sophomore, the rest of the year. surprised watchers with a hoist 38 ft. 8% in. in the shot put. Rex Floyd showed up


Hatchermen Provide All-Around Power Coach Hatcher's Tecumseh High thinclads had too much all-around a):Ji.lity for Auburn and Peru Prep in a trangular meet held at Peru Teachers College Thursday. Best marks were made by Koontz ir;- the mile run (his time was 4: 51 J:¢linutes) a.'hd Wayne Pugh in the shot put with a heave of 42 ft. 2% in.

Of the


first-year quartermiler won second place. I " Cecil Walker tied for second a'.ld third places in the polevault. Peru Tracksters Loom Maryville's margin was provi.ded by As "if" Cinder Squad dash and distance men. Peru stayed. well up in the field everits. How do the various track teams of McLaughlin, who ran 60 yards for i Nebraska's smaller colleges rank in a touchdown against the Bobcats last comparison with each other this seafall, and Ostrus and Yurdler started' son? This question is a .prominent · co11ege sport crrc · 1es a t th e presone m for Maryville. ent time. Summary: A minute bit of observation allows 120-yard high hurdles: Ostrus IM) the editor to write the following cinfirst; Fisher (P) second; Hall (P) der scribblings. third. Time: 28 seconds. First, take a glance at the colleges 100-yard dash: McLauglin \M) first; whose material will be measured. The Barton (M) second; James t.P) third. Stnte Normals are Wayne and KearTime: 10:6 seconds. ney at the top and Chadron and Peru 2201y.ard. dash:. Barton \Ml fu:st; as defending champs_ The Church . Burton <Ml second; Halladay1 (,.!) schools are Hastings; perennial winthird. Time: 23.6 seconds. ner of cinder honors, Wesleyan, York, 440-yard dash:· Reita! 1:MJ firs!.; Doane, and Midland. t'loyd (P) second; Baker CMl Starting from the top I select Kear'7ime: 55 seconds. as the outstanding cinder club of the 880-yard run: Mead !Ml and Reital (M) tied for first and second; J. Floyd (P) third. Time 2:12 minutes. Mile Run: Mudd CM) first; Turner (Ml second; Hunt \P) third. Time: 4:58 minutes. Two-mile run: Long (M) first; Turner (M) second; Hunt (P) third. Time: 11:32 minutes. 880-yard relay: Maryville \Burton, Weary, King, Barton). Time 1:36.5. Mile relay: Maryville (Reital, Baker, Chapman and Weary) first. Shotput: Bailey \P) first; Lurk (P) second; and Carter \M) third. Distance 39 ft. 2% in. Javelin: Goslee (M) first; Bernau (M) second; Handley (Pl third. Dista.nee 172 ft. 6 in.

mythical "state league." Reasons for such selection are: Ke~ey has too much speed in the track events. While not so strong in the field events, thin clads such as Rutan, who crowds the 10 second mark in the hundred, runs s, fast 220, and broad jumps over 20 feet consistently, must be consid.ered. ·Other Antelope standouts are Patterson in the hurdles ~nd Meyer,. Marrow and Bartunek in the dashes. Hastings cops second place. The Bonchos are not as strong as usual, but r believe they have the fi"eld meii men to take the N.C.A.C. title for the formers. Third honors go to Wayne if "Rusty"


Bradford continues to do his tricks at the Wildc;at school. Broadjump: Greathouse \Pl first; York gets the nod for fourth. Coach Curess (M) second·, Reno (Ml . third. Neal Gallant's "Black Horses" have Distance: 21 ft. 6~1 in. athletes to end the Hastings winning Discus: Irvine (M) first; Carter streak in a manner such as the Corn(M) second; Greathouse (PJ third. busker teams have been stopped this Distance: 119 ft. 10 in. year. McLaughlin, Quick, Rees, and High jump: Greathouse \PJ and last year's Goehner High star, LawOstrus (Ml tied for first; Bailey third. rence Gassman, have "it". Height: 5 ft. 9% in. Down in the lower division, the Polevault: Reno (M) fast; Walker ··if" club. if Peru's Bobcats set a faster (P) and Darr (M) tied for second. pace. It is possible they may top this Height 11 ft. bracket or even go higher in the rankings. If not they will hit the bottom. Wesleyan, weak again in the field


If you wish to join the agency with a personal interest in your successful placement and continued advancement, join the agency working exclusively for teachers in

The results: Tecumseh: 65 points. Auburn: 45 points. Peru Prep: 38 points. Events: 100-yard dash: Grites (Al first; (T) Halverstadt (T) second; Lantz


Peru Players Wat ch Class Exercises ·11 Play Production class presented three plays to Peru Players in ~he Auditorium'. The plays were part of a class assignment in wbich each member of the class has to select, cast and direct a one-act play. Laura ·Baum directed a cast of college students in "Two Men of the B~nch", one-act comedy. Her cast ineluded Janet Harris, Doris Starkebaum, Bill Dustin, and Gail Miller. Mildred Williams and Wilma Parnell directed "Three's a Crowd", which is also a comedy, using high school students Oscar Smith, Leonora Larsen, Charles Mason, Leatrice Hauptmann and Ralph Hayes as their cast. William Dunn used college students in all the roles for his one-act comedy, "Miss Fanny's Bomb". His cast consisted of Bernice, Walker, Betty Garver, Russel Sommers and Max Jackson. Ruth Crone, Mary Olive Richardson and Mary Lizabeth Werner will present their plays Thursday, April 20. All the plays w~re part of a dass exercise.

third; Banks (A) fourth. Time 11.2 seconds. 220-yard dash: Halverstadt (T) first; Banks (A) second; McKinney (A) third; Morrissey (T) fourth. Time 24 _ seconds.' 7 440-yard dash: Oakman (A) first; Answering "sure 'nu:ff" to Professor Lantz (T) second; Scott (A) third; Robert D. Moore's Play Production Lyons CP) fourth. Time 58.6 seconds. 880-yard run: Lewellyn (Al first; Koontz CA) second; Gaddis (A) third; Maddox (T) fourth. Time: 2:19 minutes. Mile run: Koontz (A) first; Parker CA) second; Sears (P) third; Roberts CT) fourth. Time 4:51.5 minutes. 880-yard relay: Tecumseh, first; Peru second. (Auburn did not participate.) 11t 120-yard high hurdles: Kelley (T)

Members of the May graduating

classes are

reminded that

the degree or diploma fee must be paid to the bursar and the health blank with the certificate fee of one dollar must be filed with the registrar's office


May 1.


Lincoln High Defends Championship This Year Saturday, April 22, the M.I.N.K. track and field meet will be held at Peru College. The preliminaries will start at 11:00 a. m. and the finals at 2:(}0 p. m. This meet is always one of the outt d" t f th t d s an mg mee s o e s ate an promises to ·maintain its high stand-

assignment: "direct a one-act play", ing this year despite its conflict in students Crone, Richardson and Wer- date with the York Invitational meet. ner will display their directing aInvitations were sent to 250 schools bility along with acting talent Thurs- and replies are supposed to be received day night, April 20, in the Auditori- by today. Already about 10 schools ium. have announced their intentions of "Ricters of the Sea'', directed by participating in the meet. Ruth Crone will have the following· Lincoln is the defending champion. cast: Lois Jaeckel, Betty Kathryn r;olt; Bill Dunn, Gilbert Purucker, YES, THEY'RE REAL 'Corrine Whitfield, Edith Wright, Mar- \

garet Henderson, Virginia McCoy, first; Morrissey CT) second; Kamen Ruth Marshall and Ruth Crone. CP) third; Velvick (Pl. Time: 18.4 seconds. "Sparkin", a comedy, under the derection of Mary Lizabeth Werner, will 200-yard low hurdles: Velvick (P) be created by the following charactfirst; Kelly (T) second; Halverstadt ers: Mary Olive Richardson, Hubert <T) third; Blocker (A) fourth. Time Hunzeker, Nancy Ellen Jones and 25.6 seconds. Alice Trayer. Field even ts: Shot: Pugh (p) fil'st; Kamen (P} , Mary Olive PJchar;dson will direct second; McKenney (A) third; Kelly Thame Hale, Gale Carter, Mary (T) fourth. Distance: 42 ft. 2% in. Lizabeth Werner in "Across the ·Pole vault: Morrissey (T) fim;; Border". Roberts (T) and Kamen (P) tied fer second and third; Grafton (P) fourth. Gamma Chi Entertains Night-Club Fashion Height: 9 ft. 2% in. The Wednesday Night Swing Club, · Discus: Kelly (T) first; Kamen (Pl featuring Eleanor Neiman and her ten second; Pugh (P) third; Lantz <T) fourth. Distance: 109 ft. 5 in. fingers, was host to a large gToup of Broad jump: Pugh (P) first; Mor- Gamma Chi members Wednesday rissey (T) second; Lantz (T) third; night, April 12. Dining and dancing Palmer (P) fourth. Distance: 19 ft. were. enjoyed. The Nig·ht Club presented an en11 % in. High jump: Ka.men (P) and Mor- tertaining fioor show. Maxine Sherrissey (T) tied for first and second; stad, as the blues singer, crooned "My Kelly (T) third; Roberts (T) and Buddy" and "Now It Can Be Told." Pugh (P) tied for fourth. Height: Dorothy Ewin represented a "hotcha" singer and dancer. She performed 5 ft. 3 in. Javelin: Little (Al first; Kelly (Tl "Darktown Strutters' Ball" and "Nosecond; Lantz (T) third; Koontz (A) ·body's Sweetheart Now". The quinfourth. Distance: 142 ft. 7 in. tuplets, Barbara Beal, F.loreice Fucinara, Faye Bouse, Bonita Jewett and Druscilla Webster, recited nurMAXINE RANDALL WEDS sery rhymes and sang. Stella Rogge JOHN WACHAL OF OMAHA tapped. Maxine Randall, a former Peru stuMargaret Henderson was the prodent, and John H. Wachal were mar- gram chairman. ried Monday, April 10, at the First Lutheran parsonage, Nebraska City, Nebraska, with the Rev. Theo Schuldt performing the ceremony.

Juliette Marglen, Hollywood beautician, is a fingernail expert. She should know her business, as her own nails are between three and four inches long, and she seldom even chips one.

Miss Louis~ Matgews, junior at the University of Nebraska, visited on the campus la.st week. Miss Mathews is a former Peru student and a sister of Mary Mathews.

The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Randall, Oma.ha, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wachal, Omaha. The couple are making their home in Omaha where Mr. Wachal is employed; 'Mrs. Wachal was a senior in col- ,---------------------~ 'rege at the time of her marriage. She :l~i!ft;;J~,l!J~l!fll!J!lli!lli[ill!J!lli~llllllll~lllllllillllllllll!i[ill!J!lli[ill!J!llilllJllllllll[ill!JlllJlllillllllllllllllllllllllll[ill!Jllll:l!ii'.l!'!11

events, must build up here before they attended Peru her sophomore, junior l!ll come through. ~nd all but seven weeks of her semor ; Doane, led by "Red Jack" Sloey and year. ~



~ ~




his pole vaulting, may make the N. c. (~"""'~*':<W~""'''~""c''~"''"'::~ A. c. race one of those last-event win- __,,, -~---~' -~"-~= ''r'""~- -·~-'-'"'' -M""'


ners. Chad~on,

weak in the field, and Midland, with general feebleness, are at the bottom of the heap.

M. E. SHUCK, Ph. D., Manager 1, 1'i~ 820 Sixteenth St., Denver, Colo. ~ 1 FLOWERS i1£~~ll!.@[ill!J!lll~llli!lll[g][ill!Jl!i][g][lj][il][ID~lllJ[ill!jlllJ[lj]fjfiljj~[g][ij liJl!lli!lll!ll[gj~[ifliiiliJliI~v

Flowers for all 0ccasions




We Grow Our Own


Office Ph 32 Res. Ph. 196




Nebraska City, Nebr.



CLINTON, IOWA C. E. COZZENS, Manager We have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home nomics, Commercial, Music, and Manual Training. Many openings in all fields. Enroll now-

Ecogood '

We furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak., Minn., Wis.


'!'HE PERU P~bAGOGiAN ---'---·~--

Thurman, Iowa, this year, has ac- y. W. Discusses Dating at Farragut, Iowa, At Commission Meeting next year. Y. W. held a commissions meeting 1 Tuesday, April 11, in the Music Hall. I . The fellowship group discusseu "datUm. Committee ing", with the program for the(· next Sets New Standard nieeting listing "engagement". The (Continued from p. l; Col. 5) music group is studying some of the of teaching homemaking edu- c:JIDposers such as Schubert, i:3t.rauss cation. and Bach. "(g') Physical education and athA joint Y. W.-Y. M. Estes Rally is letics should include· general scheduled for April 25. physical education, methods in teaching physical educaJEAN LIVINGSTON MARRIES tion, theory and practice of Jean Livingston, a member of the competitive sports and play- freshman class, became changed Mrs. grounds, hygiene and the or- 'Rolland Neff, April 7 at a marriage ganization and admisistration ceremony held in Fort Dodge, Iowa. of physical education and The bride and groom, both of Falls athletics. City, Nebraska, plan to make their "(h) Argumentation, dramatics, home at Fort Dodge as soon as Mrs. journalism and speech to have Neff finishes this year's college ;vork. appropriate college courses iri the respective subjects. Eng·- '1 LARGE CROWD ATTENDS l!sh credit may be used m DEDICATION OF DORMITORY completing the 12 hours. i A large crowd was present at the I

i cepted a position

Collegiate Gastronomes Challenge Professional





A teacher of a single special subject shall meet the minimum requirement in th2J. subject, without necessarily having 12 hours in the field." Blowes" Blows

dedication services conducted by ~he Grand Lodge for the new men's dormitory, last Tuesday afternoon. c. Ray Gates, superintendent oof schools at Grand Island was the principal speaker. The entire program as presented ',y the lodge was carried out in a most impressive manner.


Though Donald M,1lcahy, left, of Brockton, Mass., junior at Boston college, swallowed 29 live goldfish to set a temporary record, and John Patrick, right, University of Chicago student, consumed three phonograph In Freshman Party records, they are still rank amateurs. Hadja Ali, center, can swallow a walnut, a frog, a bullet and a fish, Major Blowes and his Amateur i and without regarcI to the order in which they go down, return them to the surface in any sequence he desires. Hour provided the program for the ARE HOSTS AT TWO BRIDGES Los Angeles medical men proved that he could contrd his abdominal muscles. 1

freshman party held in the Training School auditorium Saturday night, Professor and Mrs. Robert Moore April 15. The class president, Harold entertained for couples at a dessert i!][jj][[j][jj][jj]ilfilll[[j][jj][[j]l!!iilfilll[g](gj[jj][jj][[j]LllJi!Ji~l!gj[,~,gjiiJ:i;J . . . , . , Umversity of ,Nebraska. Among Teachers Association, reports the fol- Fisher, posing as Mr. McAnee, intro- bridg·e Friday evening. There were them. was A. L. Biehn, formerly at lowing gradu:.tes of Peru as being re- duced the troupe over a "national" four tables. Mrs. Moore was hostess Fairbury, now a graduate student at :'.eclcd ;n their psitions: A. R. Lich- hookup. . again on Saturday evening to four By Mildred Williams the university. Mr. Biehn received a tenb:rg2i', '31, at Boover City; . L . I tables of ladies at a desert bridge. The MaJor, awrence Freude, m. . illl!lfil1ilfilllfil11lillll[[j]fil1[jj][jj]ilfilll[jj][jj][jj][jj][jj][jj][jj]fil1[jj][jj][jj][jj] diplcma in 1922. Epen~e;· M. Lege:·, '24, Burchard; Rex t1'oduced each of his amateurs in .turn. I Pnzes wer.e awarded both evenmgs. Speich To Get ·l\'l. A. Arranges Teacher Training ::C. Cay, matriculated in 1918, Creigh- . t t ·,,p t . . Fnday evenmg Professor and Mrs. R. F ll'S o appear was e uma Pmch. Virginia Speich, who graduated '!'Conference ~on; F. I. Kerns, '37, Elba; L. M. Pit- b tt ,, D th E . T. Benford received the prize for high 0 om, oro Y wm, who sang score, coach and Mrs. A. G. Wheeler from Peru in 1935 will receive her HaiTy H. Reimund, district educa- '.engcr, '37, Gurley; Lloyd E. Mccann, two numbers, "The End of the Lolly1ron second high score, and Coach and master's degree in history this spring I tional adviser· for the Nebraska-Kan- '35, Lorenzo; W. A. Schindler, '29, pop" and "Dark Town Strutter's Bail". Mrs. Art Jones received the gift for low from the University of Wyoming· at sas District of the Civilian Conserva- I'eccnseh; Louis Pascal, '38, Elba; After her debut, Herbert Knutson score. Saturday evening Miss Grace Laramie. She plans to come to the J tion Co~ps, is making arrangements Vester Vonderbeek, '38, Thedford. played a piano solo in the best Tear was awarded both the high and University of Nebraska next year to' for a Teacher Training Conference to New'.y-2:ected superintendents re"Paderru.ffsky" style. A reading charbegin work for her Ph. D. be held at the Universityy of Nebraska, :~ort:d are L. L. Patterson, '31, Arling- acterizing New England folk wac chair prizes, and Mrs. R. T. Benford M:axwell Becomes Sutherland this summer. The conference will ton, no.v at Rising City; Earl Whip- given by Doris Starkebaum p'.:v:ing the received the award for second high Principal concern three problems-tests, voca- pie, '38, Elmwbod, now at Curtis; and role of "Matilda Snodgrass." Luther score. tional guidance, and the conference Earl Hurst, '31, Orchard, now princi- Hutton followed immediately with an Paul Maxwell, superintendent Of method of teaching. pal and coach at Atkinson. imitation of Clyde McCoy, schools at Staplehurst, Nebraska,, has Crabtree's Article Appears In been elected principal of the high '32 Graduate Becomes W. P. A. First to get the gong were the N. E. A. Journal Handy-Andy Sisters, Madonna Adee school at Sutherland, Nebraska, with Supervisor J. W. Crabtree, Secretary-Emeritus ·and Doris Weiler, who attempted to an increase in salary. Mr. Maxwell A project is being sponsored by the Teachers College of the University qf of the N. E. A., Washington, D. C. has sing "Comin' 'Round the Mountain." matriculated at Peru in 1931. Nebraska in co-operation with the written "A Tribute to Another Ne- Later in the program they returned to '30 Alumni Has Champs Frank Kerner, '30, coach at Dead- Education Division of the Works Pro- braska Educator-Ira Lamb" which sing "Sweet Sue" and "Dinah" sucwood, South Dakota, had the state gress Administration for the purpose appeared in the Nebraska Educational cessfully. Perry Miller and Ernest "'"'"' o"' "':m>:.t>t"'tJI4>!Jl"'t"'M~ championship basketball team for of supplying high school teachers of Journal for April. Another article Ulmer concluded the program by por" PLUMBING, HE.ATING, ~L South Dakota this past season. Nebraska with information not local- written by a former Peruvian, C. H. traying "Hiram and Si Slokum". Perry ., and ELECTRICAL work. ~ Receives Position At Greybull, Wyo. ly available. L. M. Hauptman of the Rhoades, County Superintendent of Miller played a harmonica solo while Harvey Micke;s, wno h>:h been class of '32, has been appointed pro- Seward County, Seward, Nebraska, is Ernest Ulmer accompanied him on the· 0 teacliing at C~rtis, has been elceced ject supervisor. entitled "Physical Education for piano. . i ~. I I . . IJ ~ ~ ~ to tea.ch junior high school sciimce at One bulletin prepared by this pro- Rural Schools." Mr. Rhoades received Lawrence Freude planned the pro- 'i\rJVMJl'-'l"'I"'M"'l"'X"'I"'I"'l"'t"'l"'l"'l"'t"'I"I"'IUil'; Greybull, Wyoming. Mr. Mickels re- ject contains a list of sources of free his degree in '33. gram. ceived his degree from Peru in Aug- or inexpensive materials. Another Sugden Sponsors Four Annual The rest of the evening was spent DR. GLEN H. JODER ust, 1936. contains sources of visual education Contests dancing and playing various card Supt. Kuhl Is Reelected materials, including charts, exhibits, Supt. w. E. Sugden, '32, of DeWitt, games. Cecil Walker and his "Melody Surgeon and Physician Superintendent George Kuhl of maps, motion pictures, photographs. as president of the Saline county Masters" furnished the music for the Milstead Corner Julian '36, has been reelected with an posters and slides. A third, lists High School Conference is sponsoring dance. Res. 39 Phone Office 33 increase in salary. Wayne Wilson three-act and one-act plays in the a soft-ball tournament, ·basketball Refreshments of cherry pie a la who teaches in the Julian high school non-royalty and low"royalty class as tournament, one-act play contest, mode, salted nuts and pop were served. ccr11m. erce departmc!lt also has been\ being reported satisfactory by Ne- . and music festival this year. reelected. braska schools producing them. A Daughter Is Born to Wignalls Electric Shoe Shop Trys to Locate '87 Class fourth bulletin contains suggestions BffiTHDAYS Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wignall, Beatf h I bl 'h 11 J. W. Crabtree <,; the class of rn::7, or sc oo assem y programs. 'I ese rice, are the parents of a daughter J.P. CLARK Madonna Adee .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 Secretary-Emeritus of the N. E. A. and bulletins may be secur~d by addre.ssNorth of Skelly Station born recently. Mrs. Wignall was Eva Bundy .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 19 former president of Peru State Teach-1 ing Mr.. Hau.pt.m.an a. t th.e University formerly Mary Ellen Naviaux, a teachPhone 109 Ruby Redding .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 19 ers' College, writes that he is trying to Extens10n DlVls10n m Lmcoln. er in the Virginia High School. She Anetta Slagle .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 19 locate the addresses of all of the Knapp Plans for Ph, D. is a graduate of 1934. Ben Sheldon .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 members of the class of 1887. He is Robert H. Knapp has recently com- Lowell Lewis Has Charge of Meeting Gordo:i Gilbert .. .. .. .. . .. .. 26 carrying on correspondence with sev- pleted his dissertation for his Ph. D. The District 4 meeting of the InWilda Goings .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 26 era! of them. There were seventeen degree at the University of Nebraska. dustrial Arts Teachers was held at Minton Campbell . . . . . . . . . . 28 members in the class of 1887. It is entitled "A Survey of Practices Cozad recently. Lowell Lewis, a 1 John Mohr .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 Klaurens Leaves Profession and Trends in School Provisions for g-raduate of '34, was in charge of the Eileen Ottersberg . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Aftri ten years as superintendent of Individual Differences-1928-1938." Mr. arrangements. schoo!s at North Bend,, R. L. Klaurens Knapp, a graduate of Peru in '27, Peruvians Visit Relatives Ovel' Easter is leaving this profession to enter the will take the oral exa1!1ination for his Peruvians visiting friends and relainsurance business. Mr. Klaurem is a degree on April 27. graduate of '29. Grads Receive Mention in N. E. A. t;ves in Peru over Easter vacat:on inMcCoy and Evans Visit Campus Journal elude Miss Laverne Setzer, '36, ReMrs. Olive Evans McCoy of Sier!Peru graduates are frequently men- serve, Kansas; Miss Ruth Hanlon, ing anQ Dorothy Jean Evans of Te- tioned in the Nebraska Educational '36 · Hartington; Rex Wilson, '36, Cairo; Irwin Williams, '33, Milford·, I cumseh were recent visitors on the Journal. Listed on the State Execuaqd Miss Mildred Filmer, '37, Shickcampus. Mrs. McCoy received her 1.wo- cive Committee are E. L. Rouse, ley. year diploma in 1925. Chadron, former president of Peru Former Student Is Initiated State Teachers College, and R. R. McCcTmick Visits P. S. T. C. Into Frat. McGee, Colum):>us, '11. Slim McCormick, Bobcat basketball A new class of fourteen were mi- 12 Former Peruvians Receive star of '36, '37 and '38, was a campus __ tiated into the Omicron Chapter of Same Positions visitor. during Easter vacation. Phi Delta Kappa on April 4, 1939 in Election Report No. 111 for March, "Slim", who had successful seasons the Student Union Building· of the 1939, published by the Nebraska State in both football and basketball at

-====================;;.....;;;;;;=====================:. I . Alumnl '1faZ/J l I



The Mardis Store

Peru Lumber Col)


Six Undergraduates Become Councilors Pershing, Dustin


'"()' P171·ftI:.·t ·~.



Galloway, Lurk and E. Petersen Are Students' Choice

As Adyisors

VOLUME XXXIV The three undergraduate classes elected a new Student AdYisory Council after convocation Monday, April 10. Each class selected one ooy and one girl to serve on the council year. The six students cilosen a.re: June Modlin and William Dusti'.·'··· ·"' ii-sh-

from Auburn, is majoring in music. He .s a member of Perusingers, Band and on,hes;tra. Edna Mae Petersen of Plat.tsmouth is a major in home economics. She is an active member of Sigma Tau Delta, Kappa Omicron Phi, Gamma ..; h'1, c . c . A., p ep Squad , w. A. A.,

men; Ed na Mae Peters~n and Phillip sophomores; ,u;d :\iaxine Lurk, Pershing and Ernest Galloway, Juniors. These councilmen will not begin work until next yea:· ·r hey are all

Everett Literary Society and is an upperclass sponsor of the Learn-To Dance Club. Phillip Lurk holds the Peru scholarshlp from Harvard. He participates in basketball a.'ld track and. is majoring

new members and will replace Maxine <11 physical science and Mathematics. 1 ·th Ga lb ra1 , Harold Boatman. Mary j Maxine Pershing, mathemaUcs ma· Lizabeth Werner. Don Rose. Mary jor from Ashland, participates in Olive Richardson. Dean Kar:» Ila :Mae I Kappa Delta Pi, Philomathean LiterHeinke and Alan M.on:s. this year's ars Society, w. A. A., Scholarship 1Club, Gamma Chi and. Alpha Mu Advisory Council. June Modlin, freshmen choice, is Omega. from Beaver City. Sile is 1·ice-pesi- Ernest Galloway is secretary-treasdent of the Ptulomathemi Literary urer of the junior class, and is a memSociety and also belongs to Gamma ber of Epsilon Pi Tau. He is an inChi, W. A. A., Band, Peru Players and \dustrial arts major from Auburn. Learn-To-Dance club. She is registerThe other two members of the ed as a special student, Council will be selected by the freshWilliam Dustin, scholarship student f t men c1ass 0 nex year.






List of Positions Filled





0ccupatio~ 411· :..--------------'

dents are taught some theif can do at the institution... work is done by the inmates under out$ide supervision. Women. taught sewing, emboidery, lace-mak~ Ing; rug-making, basket-weaving and other suitable arts. They make about $600. ann.uall.y from the sale· of thes·e· goods. Other inmates cook and care for the greeiih.ouses, grounds and


buildings. The older girls also care A number of corrections should be for the smaller children. Each girl has a ward. I ,'. made in the list of present Peruvians A picture show is helcI once a week ·.who have teaching positions for the for t t · t f th t ; . I en er ammen o e occupan s, Weber and Neve Lead com.mg school year. and a dance is held twice.a week. Class C Superior Groups John Boyer will teach English, _ The school gave a program in hon50 The Peru Training School band, . or of the visitors last Wednesday The orchestra and brass sextette received Witt; cial science ~d act aswillcoach at De- program consisted of m)lSic ·· by· the Lois Macomber be primary . . orchestra and small groups and dem-· superior ratings at the District t:Wo grade:s instrucror at Brock; Lester onstratlons · . · by the physical education Music Contest held in Fremont. April Mosley will OOlfCh at earl:«>~ ..and classes 21 and 22. 1 teach manual training; Mar)One Har· The band under the direcLion of· . h ·ta· d d · Morons and otlfer hopeless cases are , ns as an e1emen ry gra e an muRobert Weber was the onlv one of the . T t T .J Og .: also cared for at the institution. These 11 seven Class ~ bands ent;,.ed to be sic pOS1 ion a· ay1or; erry g W1 cases consist mainly of the creton, teach manual. arts, mathematics and rated superior. The orcliestrn. di- be coach at Exeter; aMry Mathews mongolian, Pidgeon and hyper- and rected by Florence Ne;e, also was the· will go to Taylor as home economics micro-cephalic types. In general the8e only superior among the three or- and music instructor; Hazel Vanier types are content merely to sit and do chestras entered. ilas an elementary grade position at nothing. Their one enjoyment is the The ratings were: Edgar; Delores Poor will teach in the little attention shown them by the · d t Lo Cit Eli doctors, nurses or visitors. They selBand, orchestra, brass sextette, · el ementary be h w grahases a . up h y; ·- dom live to reach 21 years of age. superior. za t i1es a rura1 sc oo1 poSltion in Iowa; Roy Lively will have Glenwood employs 250 people as Flute trio, excellent. the band and orchestra and teach nurses, teachers and caretakers and Oboe solo, Mary Frances Redding, manual training at Table Rock; Max,- has. about 1800 inmates. Galbraith has a commercial posiexcellent.

French horn, cellent.




Bertwell. ex- coach at Thurman, Iowa; Lorraine Bauman will teach in District 25 in Richardson county near Falls Cornet, Reba Hauptman. good. City; Marjorie 'rrenholm is to be the Trombone, Leatrice Hauptman, seventh and eighth grade teacher at good. · Melmo; and Glen Sheely has been Violin, Patty Hill. good. : elected coach and principal of the Clarinet, Wendell Burbridge. aver- , Brock highschool. age. The superior rating of the band. orchestra and brass sextette qualifies ::\IARY LOU HARVEY IS .NAMED these groups to compete in the Na- :JIAY QUEEN'S l\>lAIN ATTENDANT t1onal Reg10nal Comest to be held at · ·· · · · Colorado Springs. Colorado. in Ma;· Mary L-0u Harvey, red-headed sophForty-five contestants made the. rrin omore from Araphoe, has been chosen in the band bus and fifteen other~\ main attendant of May Queen Marwent in cars. jo:ie Hull, it was made Known yesterErnest Ulmer and Mrs. S.. L. Clem- 'day. Sh~ wil~ assist in the festivities ents played the piano accompani- which will be held May 24· ments for the soloists and snrnll In a campus election. Harold Boatgroups. man was chosen· as Miss Hull's escort Supt. S. L. Clements was the general and Martha Clifton, Virginia Trively, chairman of the entire contest ,a liary Grovenburg, Madonna Adee, position he has held for six consecu- Maxine Galbraith, Shirley Barrett, tive years. Katherine Bartling, Ernest Galloway, Bert Hall, Howard Dean, Frank Larson, Severn Handley, . Don Nauman and Harold Fisher as the other atAnnouncing tendants. The 1939 Peruvian


-the most outstanding,


beautiful, most complete, large~t

yearbook ever to be seen on

the Peru campus.

1939 Peruvi-

ans will be out in three weeks. You must order your copy immediately!


PLAN PROM FOR MAY 6 Plans are being made for this year's Junior-Senior Prom which will be held in the Music Hall May 6. The committee in charge has as its members Marjorie Trenholm, Martha Clifton, Gale Carter, Ernest Galloway and Bert Hall.


-':""""--------------------------:-------------PI GAMMA MU VISITS Calenda,r FEEBLE~MINDED HOME Members of Pi Gamma Mu, · the Tu~Y,.. AJll'.il.25 honoary social science fraternity, Y. W.; Y. M.; C. C. A, 7-8 p. m. sponsored. by Dr. Castle M. Bown, Thursday, April 27 visited the institution for the feeble-' . . . Personnel Includes min.ded at Glenwood, Iow0 , Wedn.e.sDramatic Club , ...... , 8 p. m. " Thirty-five Students day, April 19. Freshman. Clubs .... 7-9 p. m. 'l'hree peru alumni are now teach-1 Friday, April 28 Following tryouts which were held ing in the school at the institution. Faculty Dinner Monday and Tuesday of last week These teacl:)ers include Evan!leline Saturday, April 29 Professor Robert D. Moore cast 36 Cornell , '$~. Catherine Hughes, twoGamma Chi Spring Formal students in Thornton Wilder's play, year, '38, and Mrs .. L. C. Comber, nee "Our Town." Ruth Crone, a junior Vesta Lewis. Mo11d;iy, May 1 from Beatrice, will act as student W. A. A.; "P" Club .. 10:30 a. m. Inmates between the ages of three director for the play which will oe Crawdads .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 7 p, m. anc~ twenty-one attend classes dally. presented later this spring. Alj:lha Mu Omega . . . . . . 7 p. m. The curriculum is similar to that of The cast of characters inciudes nine Tri Beta . . . . . . .. . . .. . . 8 p. m. ordinary scho.ols to the sixth grade principals: Broadcast .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 p, m. level. Besides the usual subjects, stu-

.: '~.By Peruvians Is Long

Sousaphone. Isabel Tynon, excellent. tion at Tobias; Tom Majors will teach Baritone. Dick Clements, excellent. mathemat1·cs manual tari·n 1·n and be




Thomas Chinnock .... Stage Manager Gale Carter ............... Dr. Gibbs Mary Olive Richardson .. Mrs. Gibbs Ruth Adamson .......... Mrs. Webb Dean Karr ............ George Gibbs Madonna Adee . . . . . . Rebbecca Gibbs

Pavlat and N~lson Win Sigma Tau Delta Prizes·

Gerald Bowen ........... Wally Webb June Modlin ............ Emily Webb Ernest Horacek- ........... Mr. Webb

W d P t t th t ti k an a · av1a won wo ea re c ets by rating a score of 500 on the questions Reg1'strar Eldon Hayward popped at her on the "Prof. Quiz" prbgram sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta at convocation Friday, April 21. Delbert Nelson ran. a close second, winn1ng one theatre ticket , w1'th .a score of <t75. A package of Wrigley s Spearmint gum rewarded the other four participants, Bill Dustin, Jeane

Others receiving parts were as fol-

men, 870. Two faculty· members, Professor Florence Martin and Dr: G, W. Smith, and the Dean of Women, Mrs: !nice Dunning, judged the contest. Norman Littrell, preB, i.den.. t of Sigma Tau Delta, timed .the questions. Virginia Trively passed the hat to the participants to draw their questions. "Prof essor Quiz · " fi red fi ve t ypes of. questions: General information, cur-

Play practices have begun under a system of scene rehearsals as a means of avoiding any ·1oss of time. As only a few reading copies of the play are available, parts have not been given to all members of the cast. However, as soon as more pJav books arrive all ' parts will be assigned.

lows: ClYde Hun t , B'l 1 1 Saale, Bill Dunn, Max Jackson, Gail Miller, Calvert Gridley, Delton Goerke, Hubert Hunzeker, Carter Johnson, Anselm Johnson, John Lawrence, Paul Blair, Norman Flau, Claude Relf, Wendell Orwick, Harold Dallam, Gilbert Purucker, Kathryn Roszell, Rutheloise Souder Betty Katilryn Cole Mary Llza' . . ' Winkleman, Gale Carter and Bertie beth Werner, MarJone Pfme, Dorl$ Boo · · · m•. · Mae Starkebaum, Janet Hams, W1lThe total scores were: Women, 1190; ma Parnell and Alice Ulbrick. ..

PE.R.·U·.T. .·.CE·L··EDftl'JE rent events, local color, entertainment .. . . U I\ and reasoning. The first four types NAT. l·O:N·AL M' us·1c·:. w··EEK counted 100; the last one,. 200. .


Schedule Has Recital Chorus, Orchestra Concerts

Those who. planned· the program were Prof. Martin, Alice DeVore, Virginia 'I'rively, Norman Littrell, Dr. Smith and Mr. Hayward. Four persons are· to recei ye copies of "Sifting Sands", th.e local Sigma Tau Delta. publication, when it ls released. These people, Marjorie. Harris, Ella Hurlburt, Alice DeVore and Gladys Majors, each submitted at least three questions which were .used on the program.

N. S. T. A. NAMES PROF. LARSON GROUP PRES. Prof. A. V. Larson was named presi· dent of the Nebraska Industrial Art; instructors at the Nebraska Stat1 Teachers Association meeting at Lin coln Saturday, April 15. 0. C. Olson of Kearney was name1 vice president, and the post of secre tary- treasurer was to be filled at th executive committee late Saturday af ternoon.

The week of April 30 to May 6 is Natjonal Music Week. Peru will ob'serv.e the event with three musical programs. In the other election Harry BurkE Professors V. H. Jindra and R. T. superintendent of .schools at Kearnei Benford will present their private was elected president of the superin pupils in a recital at the Music Hall tendents and pr'.ncipals. E. M. Ston1 Au~torium Tuesday, May. 2, at, 8:00 principal of the Scottsbluff hii; p. lll· About 25 grade school children RI'J!A .RUSSEL. GIVES school, was named vice president, an _will, play violin and piano numberi;. Y. W, FASIIl,ON. TALK Van Miller, Overton superintenden · Wednesday e. ven1'ng at" e1'ght o'clock i t er.s .on ,\Vhat1 to wear. at a tea, Po~ the College Orchestra. will play its given by Rita Russel at the Y. W. was reelected secretary. .spring concert in the Aµditorium. Spe- commissions meeting, Tuesday evecial. solos will .be presented by mem- ning, April is, µistrui:~d. ai:id reviewed Peruvians Prove Loyal bers of the orchestra and Professor the women as to their correct tea en- To Another Music Art;.st G. Holt .Steck will sing. . semble either as hostess or as guest. Perusingers will give a concert The different commissio.ns engaged A number of Peru professors an Thursday night in the Auditorium. in a variety of work. .The Fellowship students went to Omaha Wednesd< Thi~ will be the first opportunity .for group talked about engagemei:its, the night, April 19, to hear a concert gi1 college ,studenl;s to hear the pr~am Music group abo\l.tthe life j!.nd works en by Mischa Elmon. Mr. Elmon used 011 the chorus trip. IOf the composers, Bach and 'I'schai- one Of the greatest of present-di All these .events will be free with kowsky and the Creative Leisure group violinists. the exception of the chorus concert, 1measured parts .of the "Y" room in The program included sonatas 1 which will be a budget event. · lthe.dor·m.itory in preparation for re- Handel and Beethoven, "Nocturne decoration plans. E Flat" by Chopin; "Hungarii Y. M. c. A. members played volleyr::ance" by Brah:ns; and numbers I ball. during their recr.eationl hour in The college chorus, returning froni Lalo and Vieuxtemps. the Training School gymnas~oum Tues- their recent tour, visited the state Those attending were Misses Phy! day ,night, April 18. L. B. Mathews, legislature in Lincoln Monday. Frank Davidson, Pearl Kenton, Professor ai prin~ipal of the Training School, ca~ .Sorrell ,representativ~ from thi~ dis- Mrs. R. T. Benford and Kathry tained one team and Calvin Reed the. trict, invite~ them to C()me to the Professor v. H. Jindra, Catherine El other. ~thew's team won the series front of the hall and sjng: pet:ore the fmeyer, Monte .Jean Gaines, Ma by defeating R~'s men in the fir$t house group ,Ju,$ before it ·~ atjAlyce Vanderford, Ernest Ulmer a: and ,third games. noon. Jmme Spier.




The Peru Pedagogian l

ublished Weekly by the Peru State 1 eachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nt>braska as second class matter. $1.00 per Y€~r. Single c0py 5 cents. - - - - - - - - - - - - - __________....;______ l!.'DITOR .................. , .......... ,,,,,, .......... ,., .... RUTH CRONE ASSISTANT EDITOR ............................ , ...... , STELLA ROGGE SPORTS EDITOR ................................ , WAYNE McGINNIS TYPIST ................................... MARY LIZABETH WERNER ADVISER .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . M. FLORENCE MAR'I'iN

Ib~t':/~on't Har~is me or they'll get you for Larson (cey) ."


What should I have done? Yous, .'I'he large number of Peruvians that . Lorn Love. Rave you ever ·wanted to go 'on a ·ai~ys greeted us impressed me ... Dear Laarn and Love: And ;last but not least our bus driver, Since it was such a swell night why spree· while school ·was ih sessio.!!? Jack. Martin. didn't you ride home in the rumble Hay.e you ever just wari'ted to get away A memory, yes, but there is always seat? With Love, from everybody and everything? Have· tomorrow. When do we leave? Know! Edgega Lore you wanted to see · new places, new Spring comes again and with it anfaces and new things? ·wen ye Rov- oooooooooooooooooooooooooo other new couple-Rhea Nispel and ing. Reporter did just that ... packed l r": J,., Norman Flau. But as yet, they haveup and left tor an eleven-day jaunt n't reached the "together-all-thewith the chorus,. .So help me! . 'Y If yo.· u have never lived in·. a sure- 9 .q '.o. 9 o o o o o o o o· 9 9· o 9 9 9 9 9 o o 9 o o 9 time" stage. Dear prof, I'm so awfully tired,




Jottings Of A Trip



uam1lUS tJatt er

case. (so to speak) you have missed Th'~t Winkleman and Galloway ro- And prof, I'm so full of "resign"ment. some vital important part · of your ma,!].ce is really the true thing. A real I know all I got is spring feverREPORTERS life, especially if you can travel with si,gn ;that spring is here. But please, let up on assignments! Thane Hale Mary Modlin Wayne Wilson Winifred Hall a group of twenty-five college stu- .Bill Mallory says that running the Correction: Marj Hull isn't an active Mary Grush dents at .the same. time. Words are mil~ and women don't mix. member of Y. M. as stated in the Ped Jean Winkelman Mary Olive Richardson unable fo express what I \Vouid like ·Girls are girls, and girls are girls, last week. She's only an associate; to say about that trip but I have a and· girls are girls but, boy, where did she associates with Y. M. members WHAT HAS IT GOT few jotting·s that might be of interest that Smith fella get that bea-u-ti-ful once in a while. Last week the House, Ways and Means Committee made public to· you. For instance:· Clifton's horse- creature? Who were happiest when the chorus 'he incomes of 50,000 professional workers and executives whose hair ... could anyone sleep with that . ··. rs: it hard for you to· imagine why kids came back-the ones who had salaries were over the $115,000 mark in 1937. As a. result bread- blissful (??) tickle only a horsehair BeFt was appointed chief. mail-picker- been away or the one-and-onlys who winners got a .chance to see how the upper crust lived. The 20 can give under. t.heir nose;, :Jan's and upper on the chorus trip? Pop really stayed here? dougfoes.t salaries went to two M-G-M executives, three Loew's, Bill's sweet potatoes, those haunting had·. his head working when he select(To the Tune of America) Inc. executive;:, [)residents of International B. usi'ness "'achi'iles melodies ... bridge, when - played on ed•·.him to fill that position. Jean's <To be sung deeply and slowly in a iv1 Corp., Bethlehem Steel Corp., U. ,S. Rubber Product. Inc. and top of a suitcase with tne bus hitting lette1'.s never failed to reach his destin- basso profundo voice) :\ merican Tobacco Co., William Randolph Hearst, Mai·. Bowes., a 45 per,· and d Sharks, B tl Harvey, Do "Pop",d ation. st l' B t Newswriting 'tis to me tLeatre executi\·e, Fredric March, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Sanders an en ey... ane an er mg o tcher consistent1y comes Claudette Colbert, Joan Crawford, Carole Lombard, William Ulmer's .date: .. the 'ooys getting an i~ one o'clock Government one or two 'Nigh on to lunacy; ')owell and Clark Gable to the tune of from approximately 1., 300,000 insight into dorm life. The dance .at illinutes late. His excuse is, "My girl Of thee I rave. L 289,0000 dollar bank notes each. · a Crete cafe the dance at the Doane fri~*d is always so late we barely make Another day or so campus ... Dewitt, and Evans exclaim- it' to . the Training School for her one Of thee I surely know Will send me straight below In this group of upper bracket salaried "executives and profes- ing, "They must have killed this cow o'c!o~k." years ago for this HAM," and all the . One grown-up boy hasn't forgotten Into my grave. sional workers" there is no sign of an educator or a doctor. Even a to throw paperwads or their sub- "Bring 'em back alive" Orwich, Joe measly five-digit recompense for those in the teaching field is quite Singers exclaiming, "Boy what a bed" txtraordmary-at least unusual enough that coupled wwith politi- ... Marj and Pops love )etter,s ... Lib- stitiltes. Glen Yant was almost Louis of the Weare House, is seriousc:>! factors the Univer':;.ity-of-Chicago-President · Hutchins caused hart and Gordon found a Doane .prac~ ca'ii~ht aiming a chunk of wet mud ly thinking of changing his pugilistic profession to one of a Lyon Tamer. quite. a mercenary mess when he refused the S. E. C. )ob becat;se tice room just the thing for presen- (ciay) at a fellow art student. tation of "A Mom.::nt Of Darkness"~.. ' Y o11· ought to have seen Max GalPi-Gamma-Muers left for Glenit pare! only two-seventh as much as his Windy City administrative Aufcnk:Jnp's Eas~er Basket, ... At De- bi'a:lth'S happy smiles at Doane. No, wood Feebleminded institute Wednes, st. Witt Peruvians Hnizda, Boyer, Hazel- she· didn't rate with a Doane man, day and returned after they found the Edna St. Vincent .Millay once wrote that: ~on, B:ciley, Chiluock, the Str6hs, ·!cause Ernie was right on deck. And place overcrowded and 2,000 on the Sugden, Crone, Rathbun, Bent, Arth- when she got that Tobias hiring cJn- waiting list. "It is not at all necessary to call a spade a spade; ur, Fix, helped to sw.ell .the crowd ... ·tract she was literally speecllleos. Facts worth knowing: "Botany it is only more dignified 'Why ·· · m · Trail" was substituted for "Bridal _ do bus dr1·ver's open doors at· · Forll1 ula for recogmzmg sprmg rnilroads?" Perus-ingers Know;; .Su- ·:Peru: At least 15 men lollmg on the Path" because it was feared that stuTo do so . . . a spade is a spade no matt~r what you call it!' perior: Perusingers 'free. for· the eve" ·campus and 15 more blocking even dents would get the wrong impression. so l~t's go digging into thi" subject somewhat further. ning wc~e showwal'd bound. B. Evan's the·'tiniest lane up the library 5teps. Things I'd Like To Do-Someday: · t l' h I f h A T A and Keedy's "G·o ahead, G1'lbert" ... Dear·_ v~owl·. Take a drink from a fountain in I ,e t 1·t s cle1gn o g rmpse at t e ot o t e • verage eacher. · c•ui cording to the "Monthly Labor Review" of December, 1936, 847,120 Beaver City, and Clifton had to have 1 ode of my pupils has me flqored. He the Science Hall. teachers in elementary and secondary schools received an average signs to guide her around ... Thanks, :iµsi•ts that every time I breathe, a See a bobcat in the cage again. salary of 1,227 dollars. Incidentally, New York and the District of Boys ... Hemphill and Keedy found ml)n idies. What should I do. Walk down the campus steps in Columbia were the only over-2,000-clollars white spots and Nebras- mutual interests ... Madlin's '. home •· · ·· A. B. Sent. front of the library without falling. · h 1 · ~5 town ... The s1·nge1·s found the sh..ow ,_M,' dear A. B.·. Jump in the middle of those mud l<?. was m t e owest wage group with an under-/ 0-dollars yearly """ ;1rer'age. The l\Iarch 17, 1934, issue of "School and Society" tells us thrown open to them and ·a· swell . \:Wiliy don't you use a mouth wash? puddles by the road in front of the that the rural teacher in Nebra.<;ika earned less than half as much as dance at the cafe ... Snow ... Cam- . :G.Jad to be of service. dorm. her city cousin and that Nebraska was nineteenth from the lowest bridge ... Bow~ing alli'es ... Big houses , . Know! Edge gaLore. Get to the point where I could pass · D Mr L tests without cramming. education pay rung. An article in the "School Review" of October, and tales of the terrible flood of '35 .. , .·:ea( . ore: 200 1932, went further and stated that in a summarv• "we have once more Aufenkamp and Modlin run into 10:30 a watt bulb, just to . . , ,I and my wife are on the outs, each seeStudy how itwith feels. demonstrated for us the reason wh;·· it .is difficult to retain first-class hour ... Rayes Center, God's cotintry .~it)l the other. She says I take her •.te Say just what I really think and live •:,en teachers: in most secondary schools; their incomes for the worki on top of the world ... few trees ... a too:.much for -.granted. Please Wl 1 are below the 'comfort-and-savings' level essential to a professional ;cowboy ... Jan and Bill got lost ... :Edi~. rig.ht away with a solution. L0Abec~1~~~in red-head has worked out !llarried man" and this closely fitted with the remark that "Reed son: Home Ee. gals showed Singers a With hopes: f a system to satisfy all who wish to see College has recently published a bulletin . . . demonstratin£ that realb feed ... Holdrege: Harvey made. D ·I · Imin Need. her new formal. It's hanging on exd teachers' salaries have continuouslv decreased while the cost sta or Gilbert. Was rebuked ...... ear mm Nee : J.. livine- has increased", which appea;ed in the. M;rch 17, 1934, pt!])- Singers on same stag·e as Philadelphia , ;You should help your wife. When hibition in one of those empty third floor dorm rooms. Ii cation of "School. and Societv," : · Symphony ... Sanders' ship · came in sl;te. the dishes, wash the dishes You might ask how many heard the .1 ·t washes h The year before Mr. Ma;rer received about 1,300,000. sheke!Q. j.n a couple of days late:: .Invasion of w1 l:) , er. When she mops up the • 1-' "Secrets", "True Story", "Screenlarid" floor,: mop up the floor with her. early departure of the Home Ee. g·irls. :'nematic currency, the average schoolmarm wa~prodigiously work,;. 111g- for 128,000 puerile pennies. This offse:t in the previous two and others ... Girls concluded . only Affectionately, ll!l:!l1;0J[jjJi"@iru1lllili§l15Jlililill§I!l:'.1l:::lll!li:gJi1lliiflili§§,~, years 29 per cent of the total decline of the depression and it is with difference between Cunningham and ';~·; Know! Edgega Lore. 11" e•: . . their hose was that Cunningham :oear Nol Edgega: &i · ~ tr terest not void of amazement that one reads in the "Monthly couldn't run f t h t 0"k ·· · _'!lb..·. e teacher says I have too li'mi·t- @ '1 Jl f;,-t.~ Labor Review" of ten months ag-o that this was in snite of the fact · as .enoug eep up lilJ ·;,: that in 14 states the averae-e saiary· paid was more than 200 dollars ... "Girls, quick .the nail polish" .... e<k!J.' vocabulary. Can you send me i1ll ~ , Stamfoi·d: Pop, starved for excitement, defi.n. itions fol' 'the words: Catarrah, i1lJ At th d f h i~. ower in 6 than it was six years before and furthermore that Ne(gl e en o t e year you ~ I 3 'raska was the E. l:cond from the bottom of this list with a decease of knocked the table down .... Overton: etching, tropic of cancer and liver. ~ will want one of these: ~ 305 dollaru. Streamlimrs greeted by Singers fa5l- ,, ., "• . . As ever, i1lJ § ed to stop for inspectfon. roared." ",. .Hanle ~ School Seal I~ : On~e befor~ we stated that "our problem is not to g~ diggi?~ i.1:!i ,thr~ugh at about 100 per ... Ulysses .. ~ My, d<;a1' Hank: · ~ Philomathean @~ .ne Wh1~e Spots c~Ua; for refuse but ra~her t~ ob~am efficient last night ... no nickellod.iah, nothing .Satar.r.all. is a musical i:lstrument i1lJ Everett ;:, lladersh1p and follow it.to the P.lane teachmg is ranked, re- but sleep ... Garland and Mr. Remin Spain. An etching is a ~arded and rewarded as it should be . . . mers, Wille" to us'ns ... Lincoln the tickl)sh feeling. The· Tropic of cancer illl SENIOR PIN Ill! Obviously until that time comes the teacher must look to other snow ... theJ Legislature, Singers iri~· is' a'ni,,;e disease. The liver is an in-~ This is a beautiful Pin; de;ignificant factors within the profession that will provide satisfac- troduced, motion made that we sing, f~~~al organ. ~ ,;igned by the Class of 1921 1 trry ci;impensation. · . · ,: Pop at the Sergeant-at-arms desk. ..· • Yours trl!lY, ~ and maintained as tile slandA Fortune Quarterly Survey, now over a year old, disclosed the Thingk I'll ahvays r~member: Bert's Mr. Lore. ~ rird Degree pin. Si '::ict that above everything college students wanted security~so marvelous singing ... Marj's playing ... Dear Know! Edgega Lore: ~ 11ey desired to enter one of two fields, civil service or teaching-. letters from home and school. .. Tren." Son;ie ti.me ago I wrote to you about :~. FraterniLy Jewelry llli ·{ere, then, unless these practical collegiates are rhisii1formed, is one holm's letter with latest gossip.:.· tpe. saliyary .glands. What did you )i: illi ·,ward for the instructor: Mental and social, if not 'humble but Most faithful roommate, .. about them? Pi Gamma Mu 1uite rational economic certainty. . . ' vasion of Pop's "Esquire" ... the giint Yours, '~ Alpha Mu omega ~ There is satisfaction in the knowledge that the eulogy of the edu- in his eyes when .he got what he Acl Renal. .. Kappa Delta Pi ~ :ator is that he i'& directly .causing a rise of literacy and even thoue-h wanted from us ... his raised mustach~ bear :Ad: ·~ N~i''l Ti"onoi· soci'et" :g: 1 enderg·asted Kansas City was of the highest in this respect, on the ... h's hearty laugh ... excerpt from a '1 couldn't find a thing. They're too l "hole such an elevation results in increaed acumen of the people, card: "I'd like to Steck a pin in all da~n. secretive.•.~:, !,e demolition of the hocus-pocus mist from plutocratic or prole· the Perusingers, they're .too darn Live~ Yours trul~, b ~ arian bias. ly. Wait and L~cille lf thEiy aren't. . ... : · . . Know!. d~ COME IN AND PLACE f~ There is delayed but adequate remuneration in the testimonial I'm mad because I got a Clifton my Deax .Mr. K Edgega Lore: l).Q YOUR ORDER NOW! !lil nat the teacher is inherently responsible for so!peone's personal or chin. I'm Gordon s.end a Bill to tlie .·I ,fo.ok a girl to 'a d~~~;,in my coupe. @! ~ ublic success. (Frequently the two are not synonymous.) "Doc" 'cause he was the one who .She.. was. a· beautiful gfr!; the night i~ Ill! But most of all there is proper retribution in the fact that within Bentley my dashed ole chin in the f~st '.~a~. p~rfect and l was fast ,falling into ii~ CHATELAIN'S ~ good teacher itl the cental fiber of honest idealism. place. We Aufenkafnp. by a Steele what . innocence is, that first night. i.'., ~ So if you are contemplating teaching as a career, you'll have to Karr on this chorus trip for prot~c- I l?st the key and asked my friend, 1\~1 JE\VELRY ~ 1 lecide whether ye'll take the high road or the low road. But first tion from Dustin sand, er something. Jac.K 1 ;to take her home. Now she is ~ \g] ccure mental peace by determining which i;i really which. Maybe I'll Mary Lou if you're good, gofrig with him. 'r,1ij]!illl!!Jlll]~ill!lfill]!ifill][!j]jjj]lg]ij!@lll][jj]!ifill][jj]!ifillj:gj!ifillj"f ~





SCHOOl Pllls











Spie1:~ In~ firi~.out


i~ Ot~ers











'·Dutch" White belongs to the club of coach pessimists.

Mather Nabs Two Firsts,

Humboldt Duet

Just as the meet was getting under-

Ties for Another Event

Breaks Two Records

way Saturday, April 22, "Dutch" was

told that "it is a snap for your tracksTarkio: 74 points. ters today, 'Dutch'. You have too ·"Dutch" White, Omaha Tech's capaPeru: 62 points. much all-around strength." .ble track coach ,was given one of "What do you mean-all-around'I ark10, one of the tra.cK powers of strength? The boys that I was count- those "coach surprises", Saturday, the state of Missouri, def ca ml the ing on were baaten out in the qualify- April 22, as his boys won the M.I.N.K. ~rack and field meet out-lasting HumPeru Bobcats by oniy 12 po!nts in a ing round. That is most of them. My duel meet on the Owl's field Thursday, boys will get beat out." boldt, its nearest rival, 44 % to 23.

. .



"Dutch's" boys won.

April 20.

I'm wondering what would have happened if Tech's "best boys would have honors in the iOO- and 220- and qualified" and also who "those best moreover, tile Ar~ipahoe boy jumped boys" were since Samson, Baker, and 23 feet 5 inches to tie for first in the other of his aces were bringing in broad Jump. · points throughout the contest. James Mather dashed o:r with


other 'Cat thinclads came though also. Rex Floyd c::v;ht'(i in with first honors in the quarU.>!» Tal: Rnss Org:m· won the half. Leonccrd Greathouse tied for first in !Jii; e,·ent. the hit;h jump. "Rowdy" Mdn"r, l't!'.d<'d ,goccl seconds in tile cbcus and Javelin. Harold Fisher mrnecl in :mother good performance with seconds in the hurdles. "Ding"' Bailey earned a second in tile shot. For Tarkio it was Dinsmore <ond Porter. Sophomore Dinsmore's time 0

Thursday, April 27, Peru State Teachers will play host to Doane and York of the N. C. A. A. conference in a triangular track and field meet. York didn't' do so well against the competition at Wayne Satuday. But ::e athletes of Neal Gallant have a

Three records were broken and one was tied during the meet. Humboldt's duet of Bill Arnot and Orville Yocum broke two and tied one of the records. Arnot dashed the 220-yard distance in 23.2 seconds tying the mark held by Beal of Omaha Tech, and broke the broad jump record with a leap of 21 feet and 10 inches. The1 old broad jump record was formerly held by Hickey, Abe Lincoln, Council Bluffs, whose mark was 21 feet and 3 %, inches.

Field Events:-

New Armada Conquers Shot put: Won by Sampson, Tech; In Water Polo Games Pugh, Peru Prep. second; Baker, Tech, The Armada, which submarined third; Winter, Jackson, fourth. Disthe Tug O' War last week, rose aga tance 44 feet 4 inches. to conquer Midshipman Harold Dal Broad jump: Won by Arnot, Hum- am and his pirate crew in a wat boldt, Ham, Stella,. second; Nisley, polo game Monday, April 16. Tech, third, Dziedzic, Sout'1, fourth. The fast game of keep away, whic Distance 21 feet 10. (New meet record.) the two teams played with a wat. Discus: ..yon by Yocum, Humboldt polo ball, lasted for half an hour. M1 third; Thompson, Jackson, fourth. Dis- Nally and Sehnert were behind tl tance 130 feet 5. (New meet record). eight-ball most of the way but final High jump: Won by Robinson, Ash- submerg·ed victorious. True to tl land; Morrissey, Tecumseh, second; laws of piracy, the buccaneers we Trombla, Jackson, third; R. King, forced to walk the plank. Waterloo, fourth. Height 5 feet 8. Next week the water polo Tourrn Pole vault: Tie for first between G. will begin under the supervision King, Waterloo, and Bruckner, Tech.; Eugene Andrews. Taylor, Bellevue, Lanning, Dawson, Matney, Tech, Robinson, Ashland tied Prof. R. T. Benford Is for third. Height 9 feet 6. Syracuse Music Critic

Javelin: Won by Sampson, Tech; Prof. R. T. Benford was the mus Thompson, Jackson, second; Yocum critic at the Otoe County Music Fe: Humboldt, third; Sullivan, Bellevue, tival, which was held in Syracu: fourth. Distance 162 feet 6. April 14.

Yocum broke the discus mark with a toss of 130 feet and 5 inches. 'I'he triangular meet victory for their high:ight of the season, having nosed out old record was held by Bill Pfieff, a present Cornhusker of Lincoln. His Wesleyan and Doane. mark was 124 feet. Doane hasn't impressed so far this season. Ralph King, Waterloo's Class D champion of the high sticks in the Leading the Yorksters will be Max state meet last year, broke the third w~v~~~~8: in the high hurdles. Quick who should win firsts in the record. His time in the 120 high Mile: Tied by Brown, Stevenson, shot put .and discus and place near the hurdles was 16 .2, one-tenth of a secMoore (T). Time 4:57.6 minutes. top in the high jump. Others to watch 'ond under Smutz's time of last year. High hurdles: Won by Dinsmore CTi; will be Gassman, outstanding fresh- The Pawnee City ace is now doing second, Fisher \PJ; third, Wilson tTJ man at York; Rees of York in the good work in freshman track at Nem1le; Baker, N.C.A.A. record holder in braska University. kime 14.8 seconds. the sticks from Doane and the redShot: Won by Porter 'T ! ; second. Samson of Omaha Tech and Arnot head. Jack Sloey of Doane, poleBailey (P); third, Lurk <P1. Distance vaulter. tied for high scoring honors with 14 40 feet, 71•" inches. pointers; each winning two firsts and 440-yard dash: Won by R. Floyd If "Little Hoss" Mather is eligible a second in the events. (P); second, Ashton tP>; lhi!'d. Gil- for the non-conference meet. The dope Orville Yocum, Coach Roscoe Tolly's bert (TJ. Time 54.8 secohds. should favor the Bobcats. lanky athlete, has plenty of time to Pole vault: Won by Wilson CTJ; secbreak his own discus mark; he is only ond, Hall (T); third, Dinsmore lT). a sophomore. Height: 12 feet 3 inches. Another record was broken by old 100-yard dash: Won by Mather tP.J; King Sol. Neither the contestants nor second, Cotner rTr ; third. Henderson the fans could have wished for a more (P). Time 10.1 seconds. ideal day for a track meet. High jump: Tied by Padget 'T.J; How they placed:Wilson (TJ; Greathouse tP.J. Height: Omaha Tech-44 14 Christian, Pershing Vie 5 feet 9 inches. Humboldt-23 For Club's Presidency 880- yard: Won by Organ IP J ; secWaterloo-13 ond, Stevenson l TJ; third, BlankenAshland-8'¥. Nominees for 1939-40 W. A. A. of- Omaha South-7 ship (P). Time 2: 10.5 minutes. Discus: Won by Porter (TJ; second, ficers have been posted on the Gym- Lincoln Jackson-7 Mcintyre tPJ; third, Mosley (P!. Dis- nasium bulletin board. The election Dawson-6 %, tance: 130 feet 3 inches. cf these officers will be held at the Tecumseh-6 220-yard: Won by Mucher \P); sec- Monday morning meeting, May 1. Peru Prep-5 ond, Cotner lTi; third, Hornced \Pl. Those nominated are: President, Ar- Stella-5 Time 22 .4 seconds. dist Christian and Maxine Pershing; Havelock- 5 Broad jump: Tied for first. Cotner vice-president, Erma Meier and Enid Auburn- 5


(T) and Mather tPI; tlmd. Great-1 Stofferson; secretary, Margaret Anhouse (PJ. Distance: 23 feet 5 i11che;;. Two-mile run: Tied by Brown. derson and Pauline McGill; treasurMoore, Teachout \Tl. Time 11:11 er, June Modlin and Jeanne Winkelman; point recoraer, Phyllis Benson minutes. 220 low hurdles: Won by DlnsMargaret Henderson. more (T); second, Fisher lPJ; third, Gilbert (T). Time 25.1 seconds. CORRECTION Javelin: Won by Padget lTI; ccconf.', There was an article last week preMcintyre (P) ; third. Handle'.,· \PJ dict.ing how the various state colleges Distance: 181 feet 9 inches. Mile relay: Won by Peru !Durst, would place in track. Instead of readMiller, Ashton, R. Floydl. Time 3:432 ing, "Chadron and Peru, defending champions". the article was supposed minutes. Half-mile relay: Won by Peru to credit Kearney and Wayne with (Fisher, Hughes, Henderson, Horaced! . .;uch honors. Tilnc: 1:38.1 minute. -----






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"A booster for Peru graduates"


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Falls City-5 Bellevue-3 %, Ta!mage- 3 Table Rock-':lz The Events:100 yard dash: Won by Greenwald, Falls City; Arnot, Humboldt, second; Bridges, Tech, third; Dziedzic, South, !ourth. Time 10.6. .220 yard ct.a.sh: Won by Arnot, Humboldt; Dziedzic, South, second; Ham, Stella, third; Jackman, fourth. Time ·23.2. ('Ties meet record.) ·. 440 yard dash: Won by Gibson, Qmal].a Tech; Smith, Dawson, second; Hardimann, Tech; third; Lien, Tech, and Miller, Table Rock, tied for fourth, Time 55.1. 880 yard run: Won by Williamson, Pawnee City; Morrissey, Tecumseh, second; Sullivan, Bellevue, third; Rice, i!!OOlfil@l~l!llliIDlJll!lmll!lmli!@ll!lll!lll!lll!l!ilJll!lll!llll:mlil:ll!lll!l[ii][jj][i5J[ii][jj][jj][jj][lj]:gJrg~


T~~;~ f:::~h~~m~Y 2~~:~tz, Auburn;


Pederson, Talmage, second; Elwonger, i\, STRICKLY PERSONAL - HIGHLY SELECTIVE °'.1wson, third; Pinson, Jackson, fourth ~ M. E: SHUCK, Ph. D., Manager Time 5:55.5. I~ 820 Sixteenth St., Denver, Colo. 200 low hurdles: Won by Tittering- OO.l!l.!lll!ll!.~llllllilllllfili!l[g[jj](g](jj]lllJ§[ii]fiiJ[jj]ll!lll!lll!lmlil:mll!lrgrg~ ton, Havelock; King, Waterloo, second; Clark, Tech, third; Robinson, Ashland, fourth. Time 25.5. 120 yard high hurdles: Won by R. CLINTON, IOWA C. E. COZZENS, Manager King, Waterloo; Baker, Tech., second; We have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home EcoRobinson, Ashland, third; Dogasta, nom!c;s, Commercial, Music, and Manual Training. Many good Tech, fourth. Time 16.2 (new meet openil:lgs in all fields. Enroll nowrecord).


880 yard relay: Won by Tech; Humboldt, second; South, third; Dawson, fourth. Time 1:37.6 .

We furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak., Minn., Wis.


Plan to Attend May Fete, Wednesday, May 24 New


Highschool Seniors

or judgments he would agree with. \ These s1t.uat1011s are grouped under 4 [ A test entitled "Judgments Char- hea.dings: Health, with 100 judgments, 1 acteristic of the Social Competent Personal Economics with 75, .Family I Person", was given to the Senior High i and Commumty Relations with 70, 1 school pupils March 14 The best and Social-Civic Problems with 125 ' measure of the decisions or judgments judgments. The Senior Highschool of an individual is what he actually did al'.11ost as well .on the test as was does in the various life situations done oy children m typical schools, which he encounters. However, it\ but did not do nearly as well as chilwould be impossible for an individual dren in so-called '·superior curriculum to ·meet a wide variety of situations in. schools". Their performance in com1 a short time and it would be impos- 1 parison to others may be summarized sible for a single observer or cooperat- as follows: ing set of observers to study all of his The columns headed "typical school" ccnduct. So in this test a measure [ c,;1d "superior curriculum school" inis attempted by giving the pupil des- dicate the grade (year and month) ol criptions of a variety of situations and \ children of these s9hools who made a asking him to indicate what decisions iI score equivalent to ours.


I. Take Judgement Test

I I I ·1

Peru Grade

Typ. Sch. Grade 10 years 6 mo. Health ................ 10 years 5 mo. Personal Econ. . ......... 10 years 5 mo. Family and Com. Rel. .... 9 years 5 mo. Social Civic Pi·oblems .... 10 years 1 mo. 11 years 6 mo. Health ................ 11 years 5 mo. Personal Economics ..... 10 years O mo. Family and Com. Rel .... 10 years 5 mo. Social Civic Problems ... 11 years 5 mo. 12 years 6 mo. Health ................ 12 years 4 mo. Personal Economics ..... 10 ;·ears 8 mo. Family and Com. Rel. .... 12 years O mo. Social Civic Problems .... 12 years 2 mo.

Pictured abow is the architect's drawing of the latest achie\·ernent of Pres. \V. R. Pate as Peru State's builder, the new men's dormitory. L'nder the college supen·ision of 'Pres. Pate Eliza J\Iorgan Ilall and the Science Hall have been constructed and the Music Hall has been rejuvenated. He has been responsible for the campu:c: land'cape and the more recent plan of botany. paths, athletic field impro1'ernents and the outdoor theatre.


;j]ilJjif;jl!;jfilfcWml!l]mfil!llllf11'1iJl;jll]~:ll]iJ1•R,lijlilJ~·'lT:;J of Miss Gwendolyn Decker and Mark

Alum nI' 1r al'l

Bo"t any p a th s




Mullins, April 5, in the home of Louis Nature Stude'."'.'.S




There was wide variation in the test performance on intelligence tests am results. They ran from below sixth on reading tests. This was especiall: grade level to above highschool gradu- noticeable in the highest and !owes

and pedestrian have ation "level. scores. Peru classes showed progression Home advantages seemed to im Y ;·epL:cc::l the hc::c; the air-mail has from one year to the next with the prove test performance and several in 3 u~ :rs.'cled the pony express; and the exception of personal economics in the dividuals who have been forced to tak lDll!Ji1!Jl1!J[gl@[!;;g;ill)fij]lllJ(g;[ljjlllJ[g]!ll:illi[g]lllJl!lJ[g)[g]ii!Ji1!Jllllllll Aux:er Secures Seward Position"llan-L:ilt botany paths will soon take eleventh grade, and. very sJig·ht gain home responsibilities and make varie• Miss Alice Auxier, who at present is \he piace of the trails in the Peru in it in the twelfth. adjustments seemed to do better 01 music instructor at Hickman, has a wood3. There was some correspond~nce be- the test. music position at Seward for next Next fall, when visitors and students tween performance on this test and year. .Miss Auxier received her dewisl: to study Peru's woods which ~~~~~~~.."'.'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gree from P. S. T. G. in 1937. surrcu~d the athletic field, they can W. P. A. workers have transplanted SENIORS ONLY I Prnfe~sor Nabors Has Good SeasonAnd It's Still One Morith Before jo it 2t a minim.um of physical dis- 1500 trees in the woodland on the: Dear Seniors: 1 Professor D. J. Nabors writes that June-Announcement· was ... made of comfort. There will be no more bram- east side of the athletic field. These on a 2,500-mile trip his debate team the marriage of Miss June Lorimer of bles and briars to walk through; no trees will replace those that have died. I'm sure that it is only a mistake o lost only one debate in three tolll'na- Bartlett, Iowa, an.ct Everett Malone more poison ivy to hinder one's pro- Native ash, American elm, hickory and your part as you have been so en ments, winning the Grand Eastern Ker:n, April 12. The young couple will gress, for the W. P. A. is building a linden seedlings were planted. grossed in looking for that job, bu Women's Debate-7ournamcm at Rock be at home at Culllertsori, Nebraska, botany trail. The kindergarten class of the do you realize that a lot of you ha\"e Hills, S. C. Professor Nabors, y, ho is aft~r May 1.. Approximately three-quarters of a Training School plans to select a part n't reserved your PERUVIAN fo dramatic coach and teacher of speech L. Evans Receives Rising _city Sup- mi'ie of cinder paths will snake through of the path on which they may grow lG39 as yet? Surely you are not go at East Central St8,te Teacher;J Col- erintedency-Landon Evans, present the woods. Rustic bridges, which flowers native to Peru. lege at Ada; Oklahoma, was formerly music instructor at ·Hayes Center, has will span the gullies, will make the One of the rustic bridges has been ing to lea\'e the school in which yo dramatic coach at P. S. T. C. been elected superintendent at Rising woods more accessible to visitors. A completed and part of the trail is hare been. the teachers you have ad Reelected for Rural Position-Miss City for next year. signboard will mark the entrance to cleared. The paths will probably be mired. the students you have mingle with. danced with, studied with an Roberta Wert, a former Peruvian, has Maree Williams Directs Successful the trail. completed by next fall. been reelected to teach '.n a rural one-Acter-Miss Maree Williams, who All underbrush and poison ivy is known for nearly four years withot school near her home at Elk Creek. is .dramatic coach, and ::Ex{glish in- 1 being cleared from around the path "Three's a Crowd," a one-uct 1 an annual which will insure you man.. :a one-act by laborers. About 30 spec'es of trees . . . p.ay. happy moments some day when v~ Tibbetts-Perdue Nuptia:s - Easter structor at Clarks ' directed. '·· .,.,... . . was given to semor 111gh school and 1 , . ' 1 . ' are iee1mg 1ow and wonder if you wei Sunday, April 9, Miss Raedeen Tib- play, "A Moment Of Da*ness", which grow beside the trail. Each of fhese, . . betts and James ?erdue were :narried won top ranl:ing in)l).e'state contest\ species' ~vii! be labeled for identifica-1 JUn'.or h1gh school students Tuesday really meant to be a teacher. I hor . t1on pmposes. mornmb0 at 9.00. you'll pardon this little reminder, bi at Saint Paul's Episcopal Church at at Columbus. I don't want anyone disappointe Fort Morgan, Colorado. Mr. Perdue, May 15 when tilat line forms to tl" who is a '37 graduate, is a :nember of right. the highschool faculty at Fort Morgan. GOOD DEED DOTTY. 'furner Receives Same Post at B

Decker at Liberty. Mrs. Mullins is teach;ng at Edg·ar and her husband who ;s teaching ~t Wahoo, has bee~ elected principal of the junior highschool there for the coming year. Peters is Reelected at Douglas-Miss Evelyn Peters of Talmage has been reele.cted to teach in the elementary grades. at Douglas. She is a former Peru student.


Sup. Cur. Sch. Grade 8 years O mo. 8 years 8 mo. 8 years O mo. 8 years 1 mo. 9 years 7 mo. 8 years 3 mo. 8 years 8 mo. 10 years O mo. 11 years O mo. 9 years O mo. 10 years 5 mo. 11 years O mo.


'Oscar' Grades 'Oomph' Behind Students' Kisses

Jamestown-Richard Turner has been reelected as music instructor at Jamestcwn, Kansas, with a subst:mtial increase :n calary. A:unm.us Celebrates Fiftieth A:mive::sary-Mr. and Mrs. Oscf:.l' Vanier, who live at F,1irbury, celebrated cheir fift. 1 h wedd.ng anniversary E'.1ster 2unday, April 9, at their hom~. Mr. Vanier, who is a former Peruvian, :.s the gra..'1dfather of Hazel Vanier, a Peru student. CocfJcr and Si1ellenbergcr MarryThc marriage of Miss Donna Viola Cocper and Ed Shellenberger, which cccurred April 13 at Sidney, Iowa, has been announced. c\1rs. Shellenberger, an ex-Peruvian, is teaching a second term in the Minersville District School. The cou:ile will live on a farm six miles south of Nebraska City. Re8ig·ns Position Because of HealthMrs. Amos Sanders, formerly Miss Mary Dallas Harris, who has been h>Jme economics instructor at Hinton. Iowa, has been forced to resign her teaching position because of ill health. At present she is in St. Mary's Hospital at Columbus. Decker and Mullins Are Wed-Announcement was made of the marriage

DR. GLEN H. JODER Surgeon and Physician Res. 39

Mils'.cad Corner Phone Office


Electric Shoe Shop

]. P. CLARK North of Skelly Station Phone 109


.,,_¥Ji :.!.--t::::t

~..:--1 L)~-¥-::0~¥·,·

~ The M~rdis Store .

It comes under the heading of recreation as these University of Richmon.d students, l~:argaret Harris and -le Kenneth Bass, submit to a test in the dynamics of kissing, which can be tested with great precision by the Iii "A Mighty Good Place to Trade·· machine Donalcl Murrill is operating. The machine is the invention of Dr. R. E. Loving, a faculty physicis' ~ at the Virginia school. He calls it an oscolometer, but the students have named it "Oscar." I .i.r ~*~*~~*~*~*""'

!over .1so C~uples Attend ·t All-Girls Spring Formal Blue and Silver Dominate Moonlight Sonata Color Scheme

By DEfu'i KARR The peace and calm oi Saturday characterized by old clothes,



TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1939


I Peru Faculty IA b H


heads covered b)' kerchieis, slacks and anything goes, gave way TWO DAYS IN OMAHA Saturcla)' niEht to Pern's Ja.:b and ias,;ies in all their glory as they

F'ourteen members of Kappa Omi-


swung· to Da\'e lhun and his Orchestra at fhe "}foonlight So- cron Phi, the honorary home ecod~ · ~ !. nomics fraternity, spent Friday an 1·orma nata", the girl's ::iprmg . Nearly 150 couples were present to Saturday, Apnl 21 and 22, m Omaha . . where they visited several industries. enjoy the event which 1S looked for! th Miss Edna Weare, sponsor o e orward to weeks ahead of time. The t' d p · · al L B Mat gamza 10n, an rmc1p . . color scheme was blue and silver. The thews drove the group to Omaha. band stand was a "thing of beauty" The girls ate breakfast on a train, covered with blue gauze and sprinkled che "Challenger''. After breakfast with stars, crescents, and silver dust. they visited the Jerpe Commission Prof. Steck Directs Light catching the bits of silver dust company, where they watched the emMusical Program sent tiny sparkling threads of light in ployees separate, pack and freeze eggs. all directions. Above the heads of the The Wilber High School Senior 'l'hen they visited Northrup Jones, dancers a silvery moon reflecting the Class and their principal. Mr. G. R. oakery, and the "Dream House" at Orrays of a blue spotlight shone in all Willy, were guests of Peru College at chard and Wilhelms. They lunched of its heavenly glory while variedConvocation Friday, April 28. 'Ihe colored Japanese lanterns gave a fes- at King Fong's. in the afternoon the class was on the school's annual Sen- tive air. group visited Boy's Town and Joslyn ior "Sneak Day" and came to Peru The guests entered through blue- Memorial. from Brownville, where they crossed star flecked draperies to be greeted by Saturday, they visited the Omaha the river on the ferry. They arrived Charlotte Pryor and Mary Louise Hen- Crockery Company and the studios of in Peru in time to hear a musical pro- derson dressed in blue net silver spang- WOW. The chief buyer at Kilpatrick's gram under the direction of Professor led dresses. They had charge of the gave them a talk on textiles. In the G. Holt Steck at convocation. afternoon the group visited St. Joseph's dance programs. This program consisted of three Eight girls, Glema Miers, Kathryn Hospital and the World Herald offices. parts, a violin duo, tenor solos, and Knouse, Laura Baum, Marjorie Hull, 1hey returned to Peru Saturday night. songs by Peru Singers. Zola Gardner, Leora Libhart, Eula Monte Jean Gaines and Jeanne Redenbaugh, and June Modlin stood Spier played "Bouree", "Aria".. and in the receiving line. Arlene Steiner "Gigue" from Albert Stroessel's Smte I took the invitations at the door. Grace for Two Violins and Piano". Marie I Muencllau, Phyllis Parker and Ingrid Chehey was the pianist. 1Johnson served at the punch stand. Burton Evans, tenor soloist, sang COm.fort was to be the keynote of Almost 154 Dancers two numbers, "Charming Chloe" by dress as the girls in full skirted dainty To Participate German, and "Green Eyed Dragon" by prints and nets mingled with satins





Charles. He sang his second number, ed ~. !loated in the sea of loveli"My hobby is putting on May Fetes," ·especially for the Wilber students ne.ss with light suited and white ~o'.l:- stated Miss Phyllis Davidson, the head ter they had been introduced to the'. ed ~ Each man present had. his ;;it the women's physical education decollege students by Dean J. A. Jimer- · o'\Wll nomination for queen ~f the oall partment, crossing her fingers on both son. His sister, Margery Evans, ac- but glimpsed here .and there.~atherme hands. "Well, of eourse, my real hob· a t the P!ano. n~n •- w""•a companie d hun , _ . . "" '""' net toppled With blr.ck by is tennis. I play a lot in the sum11oar~" in the arms of "summer The Peru Singers, direeted by Pro""°6 ' mer. May Fetes keep me too busy any tm" clad Whltehead-Mary Grovenf essor Steck, sang five numbers · . other time." · d d "Th E h So ,, b IAsso burg OO'!lie sprinkled white net and me1u e e c o ng Y . <::1-e talked little about herself. "Af"H d' p ·1 "' t. d·t· - l h bo:mr Durst-Walt Zink 'With May ~-ospo i om1 Ul , a ia 1 1ona c ant , • . ter all,, she insisted "Readers would . Ch h b L ,.. • Queen Marj Hull clad m deep wme J ' ' of the R uss1an urc , Y vovs..." • . rattier hear about the May Fete than · 1 arrangemen t s of "Deep Ri ver ,, taffeta-Margaret specia . , Henderson m strap- about me,,



and "Swin Low Sweet Chariot" by g . . Huntley, and "Rest", by Wilhams, After convocation, the Wilber students toured the campus with their

less white net lifted at the hem to . . . . . show a bit of dQ..i...., red wore a wrist She 1s trammg approximately 135 ~....,, , , , corsage of white daisies and carna- dancers m 20 different dances to 0°0

tions as she stepped. to the mike-Dorquamt , m colonial dress principal, Mr. Willy, a former Peru-, Othy Coatney . , 1 e and bl ac k Wlth. u P swept hall' vian, acting as guide. Principal points : 0 f wht of interest seemed to be the dormi- i and a black throat ribbon-Barbara tories, Gymnasium, and Athletic Field.! Beal a vision of "Deep Purple"-:-8uThe class left Peru at noon and: anne Schock and Martha Clifton drove to Nebraska City, where they I ch~rming i~ :ust alikes M red and visited Arbor Lodge, before going home', white-Mart1m gave Boat1e a scare through Lincoln. until she turned around-there in back at the waistline reposed her cor: sage-Janet Harris in pink organdy GARDEN PARTY TO BE ! with white-suited Dustin-Black haired THEME OF PROM Ulmer in pink danced with a so-handA garden party with decorations of some stranger-blue clad Evans arrivcrepe-paper sweet pease, real blossoms ed with Monzingo-Dean's brown net and flowers, plants from the green- gowned girl friend had a perky brown house, and trellis work ls the theme of bow crowning her blonde loveliness-:the Junior-Senior Prom to be given blue net over pink held by Merl Peek by the Juniors, May 6. turned to reveal Florence Martin-MiThe committee in charge decided up- kus topped his out-of-towner with an on formal attire. They will do the orchid-a blue gown red ruffle topped decorating, plan the program and pre- : made Buchanan stately-Erma Meier pare the refreshments. u1 a dainty print cut with a square


,...------------1I Calendar Tuesday, May 2 YW.; Y.M.; C.C.A..... 7-8 p, Wednesday, May 3 Orchestra ...... , ... , . 8 p. Thursday, May 4 Freshman Clubs ... , 7-9 p, Chorus ,, . ,, ,, ,, . ,, . ,, , 8 p. Saturday, May 6 Junior Senior Prom Monday, May 8 Class Meetings , ... 10:30 a. Crawdads .. .. .. . .. . 7-8 p. Kind.-Prim. Club .... 7-8 p. Epsilon Pi Tau .... 7-8 p. Lambda Delta Lambda 7-8 p. Sigma Tau Delta , .. , 8-9 p, Broadcast ... ,, .. . .. .. . 9 p.

m. m. m. m.

m. m. m. m. m. m. m.

neck with swain Sheldon-blue topped white net was Cordell's choice-Enid Stofferson in blue taffeta matched Hutchy's suit-Dorm Council Miers wore aqua green t~ffeta-Jeanne Spier appeared in a Paris gown of mixed lace and net topped by a short down jacket-Gamma Chier Benson, squired by Halladay, wore a print as did the fair lady guarded by Mcintire known to him as Mrs.-Mrs. Larson in pink satin, Mrs. Benford in black topped wine flowered silk, Miss Paimer in green organdy, Mrs. Dunning in blue lace, Mrs. Jimerson in black and white, Mrs. Steck in pink, Mrs. Smith in a flowered material, Miss Peterson in blue silk, Nurse in flowered organdy added to the faculty section-Y. W. Pres. Bouse was attractive in a blue (Continued on Page 4 Col. 3)

used in the fete. About 30 more 5tudents will appear in the procession, which is also under Miss DHvidson's direction. Many of the physical ?cl.ucation classes are participating in the fete Miss Davidson's playground supervision group will do the mayp<:lc dance Her folk and tap dancing classes are preparing several numbers.

t Au urn

Dine ote




The Peru faculty held a dinner at the Auburn Hotel at 6 :30 Friday night, Apr1. 1 28.


Mr. and Mrs. Ferneau of Auburn were special guests. Mr. Ferneau 1s a

Appear At Plattsmouth, Omaha, Nebraska


member of the State Board of Educat' ion. The. men~ consisted of tomato juice cocktail, swiss steak, creame_d new potatoes, spring salad, hot b1scmts, ice cream, and wafers. Mrs. Emilie B. Kirk and R. H. Shuler were the committee in charge.

Peru Singers making their last outof-town concert tour for the year gave performances in Nebraska City, Omaha, and Plattsmouth, fast Sunday, Professor G. Holt Steck's group sang in the Methodist church in Nebraska City during the morning church services. Alumni attending the services included Wayne Reed, Maxine Metcalf, NEW YORK PRAISES Ruth Ann Hill, Eileen Fey and Lois WILDER'S "OUR TOWN" i Fey. The singers scattered after the "One of the finest achievements of concert. some eating in Nebraska City the current stage, Mr. Wilder has at the homes of friends lit is the home town of Katherine Bartling and transmitted the simple events of a James Steele! and others driving to human life into universal reverie. He Plattsmouth (Ginger Trively's home has given it a profound, strange, un- townJ. worldly significance-brimming over The concert gi'·~n at Joslyn Memorwith compassion. 'Our Town' has es- , ial was a part of the regular Sunday caped from the formal barri_er of the afternoon programs sponsored by the modern theatre mto the qumtessence society of Liberal Arts of the Memorof acting, thought and speculation. A iaL beautiful evocative play, a hauntingly Peru Singers sang at 2:30, their probeautiful play"-So says the New York gram being 1·aried by a group of four Times concerning the play 'Our violin duets played by Monte Jean Town'. Gaines of Curtis and Jeanne Spier of


This play so well praised by New York papers will be presented by the Peru Dramatic Club the last week of school. The cast as well as the directors, has been working in practices during the past week to make Peru's presentation of the drama live up to the. favorable criticism which was gi'ven it m' New York.

Nebraska City accompanied at the piano by Marie Chehey of Maywood. Burton Evans of Slrnbert, accompanied by his sister, Margery Evans, was vocal soloist. The Geron sang; and "Jesu, Priceless Treasure", the 1 ~Bach motet, was given. The chorus 1 concluded their program by singing· "Death and The Maiden", "Rest",

"Our Town", which is really Grover's "Deep River", and "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot".. . Alumm seen at this concert were I J8ne. H:1cket~, Jean H~rvey, Elizabeth Ri i tlmD, Ranche Freeman, La Vida Knox, Lucille Renner, Dorothy Galaher and Margaret Vance. A number of the chorus heard the ug:m re~it 0,l given at the Memorial by T. s. BAND ENTERS i1·iirtn Busi1 who was assisted by the GOLDEN SPIKE PARADE W:1 y1~e Figh School A Cappella Choir. After eating a six o'clock supper :H The Training School band went to Omaha, Saturday, to enter the Golden the Methodist cturch in Platsmouth,

Corners, New Hampshire, begins in the year 1901 and ends in the year 1913. The play is unusual in that the minimum of scenery is used, thus taxing the ability of the actors to the ullest extent.

Spike contest. Mary Grovenburg, a the grcup gave the last concert of the Peru college student, acted as drum day. Among the alumm seen at this Sandin, Jane major. Mr. Cnarles A. Grovenburg, I1 concert were Anna May • . t d . t . . th Q}kes, and Zelma Diehm. Auburn' has ass1s e m rammg e . . Peru people takmg· cars mcludecl drum corps. Miss Isabel Mason, Miss Nona Palmer, The band was entered in Class D, Mrs. Genevieve Marsh. Mis:; Myrtle The compositions of the modern which is for schools with enrollments Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. A. v. Larson dancing class are all original. Some under 375. and Ralph Chatelain. of the musical accompaniment is also original. Miss Davidson is working out some numbers with groups not registered ii1 Physical education courses. W. A. A. girls will build pyramids. Costumes, which were designed by the Home Economics department, are The Peru Alumni Association plan-1 Union rooms. This floor will contain being made by NY.A. residence girls. ned to arrange for rooms for alumni in two rc2ding rooms, a club room, an The senior class will have charge of Peru's new men's dormitory at a meet- c:ccivities room and a game room. A the ivy-planting exercises follow.ing ing held in Lincoln, April 15. powder room and a men's coat room the coronation of the queen. One of the rooms, which is to be set will be built on either side of the en.Miss Davidson explained that there aside for visiting alumni, will serve as tnnce to the game rocm. As yet, the is no special theme for the fete. It is a lounge and ls to be furnished by furnishings for these rooms have not meant to be a demonstration of the the Association. It will contain dis- been decided on. work of the Physical Education de- play cases of books written by alumni, There will be a Student Lounge on partment. works of note of graduates in other each of the other three floors. one "If you really must know something fields, a copy of each years 'Peruvian,' large room, directly over the club about me personally," she added, "this pictures of outstanding graduates, and room, on the main floor will accomls my eighth May Fete." possibly painting done by alumni. Up- modate students and their visitors. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 to-date information concerning gradu- Two smaller rooms will be furnished ates and their positions will be avail- on the second and third floors for the Only 19 PERUVIANS of the able in this room. same purpose. The rest of these One, and possibly two other rooms floors will be used for student's rooms. 1939 vintage are left. Don't be on the .main floor, will be used as The second floor of the new donnidisappointed May 15-get yours sleeping rooms for the alumni. At tory is almost completed now. The least one of these rooms will be furn- first slab will be" poured this week, and now! Only a week to order ·shed by the Association. Graduates the window frames, which are at the your 1939 Peruvian. 50c deposit llJ2.y have access to these rooms any- building site, will be placed soon. time they are near Peru. The front entrance is being built will hold it for you. Almost the entire basement of the of .Bedford Limestone and is almost dormitory is to be devoted to Student completed.

New Dormitory to House Alumni Lounge Room





The Peru Pedagogian .'ublished Weekly by the Peru State ;-2:tchers


/Alumni 1rail






B:ntered at the Posto:ffice at Peru, NPbraska as second class matter. Any alumni who have items of inculation. so far this month, April 3 terest to present about former Peru" .... 6,748, -49-50-" No, it isn't is high with 346 books checked out; vians would help the column by sendspring signal practice on the gridiron, while March 27 found students calling ing such articles to the editor. J!:DITOR ........................... , . , ..........•........... RUTH .CRONE but your librarian checking up on the for 391 references. Blue Mondays see Miss Glosser Enjoys Colorado-AcGUEST EDITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JEAN WINKELMAN bocks checked out during the month more books checked out than any oth- j cording to a recent letter, Miss Ethel ASSISTANT EDITOR ................................... STELLA ROGGE· of l\ifarch. Dust fails to accumulate in er day, with Wednesday running a Glosser, who is completing her librarian training at the University of DenSPORTS EDITOR ................................. WAYNE McGINNIS 'Ye Olde Booke Shoppe', more .com- c1ose secon d · You ver, is enjoying her stay in Colorado. " .... Quiet, Please .... 53, TYPIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARY LIZABE:TH WERNER monly called the Library, for the 500 Part of her time, she spends in 1niting owe a ten-cent fine ..... 54 .... '. ADVISER ....................................... M. FLORENCE MARTIN students averag·ed 250 calls each day script and assisting in the rehearsals In the spring a young man's fancy last month; approximately one book to for a local radio broadcast. She has lightly turn from thoughts of books. REPORTERS every two bookworms. also attended Colorado's legislative January totals of 8,580 are high; Febsession. Recently,, she was fortunate " .... Are you being waited on? .... ruary is second with 7,369; March rhane Hale Mary Modlin Wayne Wilson Winifred Hall in seeing the Crown Prince and Prin51 .... "What do students read the holds third with 6,700 tallies; and cess of Denmark while they were in most? Education books lead the field Mary Grush Mary Olive Richardson b.pril has only 4,591 copies checked out Denver. with 1,277 volumes checked out by on its 21st day. students and faculty. 580 social sciTolly's Track Team Second-Roscoe ence tomes were read; 435 books ·on "Wrong call number ...... 55 ...... ". Tolly ('33), coach at Humboldt, saw the fine arts left the stacks; 343 liter- Yes, the faculty reads too. They have his track team place second in the M. FINAL EXAMINATION ature references were asked for; while, checked out the grand total of 94 LN.K. track meet here Saturday, April strange as it seems, Peruvians find books and magazines and almosf one- 22. Final examinations don't begin for O\'er two \\·eeks. but the truth stranger than fiction and called third of this sum is listed' under curAshton, Peters and Webber to Teach newswriting class took theirs early. Tl1is entire issue of the Peru for 370 history books and only 323 rent magazines. at Dunbar-It was erroneously stated Peclagogian comes to you throush the courtesy of the members of 'best sellers'. Language books are the " .... Look up the number in the card in a recent edition of the column that the class who turned in and produced all the copy, wrote the heads, least used, only five were checked out c1talogue.... 56 .... Due in two weeks Miss Evelyn Peters had been reelected . ... 57, 58, 59. . . . . . In the reading to teach in the Douglas elementary checked proof. planned the make-np, and even succeeded in getting during the month. " .... In the magazine section .... 52 room .... 60 .... At 9:00 in the morning. schools. Miss Peters will teach at Duntl1eir fingers a bit inky at the press. . ... ". Examination months called for .... 61. ..... Blue ca1-'··· 3erve .... 62 .... " bar. Jack Ashton ('35) has been reHow does it feel to spend the entire week-end out of town, extra work on the part of the librari- Yes, 6,762 books cht. · d out in the elected for his third year as principal Ruthie? \\' e wouldn't know. ans, who checked out 8,500 copies dur- month of March. Bu.· then, it's just at Dunbar, and Miss Mabel Webber ing' the month of January. The high another month in 'Ye Olde Booke I.Mat. '31J will return to teach in the day for the men.th was reached on the Shoppe' and another score marked up primary grades there. 11th with a score ·1' 542 copies in cir-1111 'Ye Olde Tally Sheete'. C. Greene Elected Denver Superintendent-Charles E. Greene, former THE EMPTY CAGE superintendent of the Training School ~ou~ answers to your riddles. Between the auditorium and the green house is a deserted has been elected to succeed Dr. A. J. Dear Mr. Know!, Stoddard ('lOJ as Superintendent of L\.ge. Only a year ago that was the personal address of the school My English teacher just asked me to the Denver Public Schools. Mr. Greene mascot, our Bobcat. Last May he left us. He had spent his life make a sentence with a direct object. ras been an administrator of the Den0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q..QJLSLQ;..9.Jl.JLilil.\lQ Q Q Q Q Q What shall I do? of almost 15 years in loyal o.en·ice to our school. ver Public School system for 16 years. YOlll'S, 0;:~ cI the things we wonder most Now for a year the college has paid tribute to the dead. His Dr. Stoddard will become SuperintenI. M. Waiting fnr has been properly presened, his name spoken in reverence. In- ::neut ;, why those with the same dent of the Public Schools at Philadelphia., Pa , August 1. r:ames don't get dates together. For Dear I. M., c:eecl the students haYe truly mourned his passing. The college ~till \·iews an empty cage. The memory of the ~:1stz.'.lcc, there's Bert Hall and Winnie Tell her she is attractive. Direct Pel'u Grad Wins Honors-Allison rlall : ~aurice Anderson and Nettie object-a grade. Clineburg \ '34J graduate student at b(>lOl'ed mascot grows dimmtr. What do you say students? Let's h.ndci'S . :1; Edwin Argabright and Yours truly, the University of Nebraska was hon]. 'vV. •.rec; ..~:·gabright; George Armstrong Know! Edgega Lore ored at the .eleventh .annual Honors :::cnvccation, April 18. Mr. Clineburg ..nd "0: :cdean Armstrong; Marg·aret Dear Mr. Ghost Writer, Henderson; and Bob Henderson; HuPlease send me a grade "A" term was in the uppe1' 10 per cent of his bert Johnson and Ruth Johnson; paper on Universal Peace. If it is any :'ass sctols.stica!ly. Wayne McGinnis and Rose McGinnis. good I will send check. Alumni Association Meets-At a CAMPUS JAYWALKERS, NOTE There's usually a reason if you can _Yours, meeting of the board of directors of Despite the fact that Peru's location should enable it to ha\·e only find him. Imata Lo>s the P. S. T. C. alumni association held ~t Lincoln in conjunction with the A lot of students seem to be going Dear Miss Loss, tile most beautiful campus in the state, no one could look at the Please send me the check. If it is '1'ebraska School Principles and Sup2:-makeshift fences which protect the lawn and say that vve. take around singing their spring melodies '.lr their swan songs as the case may any good I will send you the term pa- intendents meeting, the resignation of ad\'antage of the situation. Dean Emeritus Delzell as Executive be. Among the most famous of these per. Yours, The truth is the campus is getting a bit run clown around the ditties are Althea Nispel's "The FlatKnow! Edgeg2. Lore Seci·etary of the association, which C'>rners. This is not the result of natural phenomena, but rather Foot Floogie with the Flau, Flau"; Dear Know! Edgega Lore, was presented before the board, was the combined forces of a natural inclination of laziness on the part F'rieda Wellensick's "Don by the old Being a !over of sports coul cl you :10t accepted. Since Dean Delzell is Freude's please SEind information concerning inactive, Dean J. A. Jimerson was apof the students and a geometric law. Too many of us seem to think Mill Stream"; Lawrence pointed corresponding secretary. Ten"Ewin Me"; Alice Trayer's "Say it in the greatest race in the world. one step across the grass >aves wear and tear on the sidewalk, and . tati\'e plans were made for establishFrench"; Ruth Marshall's "No other follow that inclination whenever \Ve see a chance to pro\'e that the love could Filmer heart after looking ment of Alumni headquarters on the Delemn& D:n:; sliortest distance between two points is a straight line. It is scarcec at you"; and Mary Grovenburg's "Say Dear Mr. Ding, P.S.T.C. campus in the near future. ly necessary to note the result, for barren corners of the campus over again that thou Durst love me"; The human race is the greatest race An alumni dinner is being planned for but then, everybody's singing "Oh no, in the world. It is the only race wl1ich Commencement Week. Officers of silently attest that haste makes waste. isn't the cpring-it's love in bloom". \s never over and which no one ever tre association are: President, S. L. Any one who cares for P. S. T. C. surely cannot begrudge the Now 1rom our book of logic we find won. Each succeedii1g generation is Clements; Executive Secretary, W. N. few seconds time that are lost keeping to the sidewalks. 1 ; .1at a tall member of the bass sec- 1 nevi relay; the travel around na- Delzell; Corresponding Secretary, J. A. no one with a col!e,<~·e intelligence would deliberately sully one of the tion of Peru Singers is being accom- ture's course neck and neck and usual- Jimerson and Treasurer, L. B. Matthews. things he should be most oroucl of. panied. at the piano and elsewhere by ly end up tied. Yours, Know!. Mrs. Westbrook Is Dean-Mrs. Mae \Vhy not make those makeshift fences unnecessary by taking a certain piano player. Then, there's ~ cthing like the school of experience The new "Who's What" has just Yates Westbrook ('22J is Dean of Woa little personal pride in ot;r campus! T. H. l!ays Dustin. He ought to know. He come out and Lo! Phil Lurk is presi- men ?.nd director of the dining hall at 'mew the number of benches too. It's jent, vice-president, secretary and Northland College at Ashland, Wis. amazin' how noisy some councillors treasurer of one bachelors' club and llfoAllister to Attend Summer School may become and yet insist on 'Sil- Delton Goerke holds the sam~'· offices -Jarr.es McAllister, who teaches in THREE CHEERS the hig·h school at Randolph. Kansas. ence' when they, themselves, wish to Qf another such organization. study. •::ill attend summer school at P. S. T. ~l.00

per year.

Single c0py 5 cents.

CaJ1zpus Cb, after




JGATS GRAB SECOND IN QUINTANGULAR Greathouse Scores 13 Of Peru's 43Yz Points Peru State ·s cindermen pulled seccnd pla~e 01:t, of the bag Friday, April 28, as they ec'.ged out We:Myan's Plainsmen 43~~-32%. York won the meet with 59% points; Doane and Midland brought up the rear with 30 and 8"" counters respectively. York pulled out into a big lead early · in the meet. There wasn't a chance for the other schools to catch the men of Coach Gallant. For the Bobcats; "Lanky Leonard" Greathouse scored 13 points as he turned in two good performances. The , tall athlete high jumped 6 ft. 1 in. and ' broad jumped 22 ft. 4 in. Other first were obtained by "Fresh: man" Fisher, who hopped over the hurdles for a first in the 220 low hurdles, and the mile relay team composed of "Shiny" Durst, "Bub" Hughes, "Graydie" Ashton, and Rex Floyd. Peru placed in other events as foilows: "Ding" Bailey copped a second and P'.11! Lurk grabbed a fourth in the shot. Ktith McHugh vaulted for a t.hird in the skyward jump. Greathouse, Mcintyre, and Mosley · obtained second, third :lnd fourth hcnors in the discus. "The Rowdy" picked up a third in · the javelin also. Rex Floyd ran fourth in the 440. Hutton came through t;o tie for sec, ond, third, and fourth in the high jump. Organ and Durst finished third and fourth in the half. Clyde Hunt finished the two-mlle with third place. Peru's 880 relay team came in third. For the other teams: M. Randall, Wesleyan ace, won the . 220 in 22.4 sec. and the 440 in 51.7 sec. York's Ma.x Quick, high point man of the afternoon with 14 markers, won the shot and discus, placed third in ; the broad jump and tied for second, ·• third and fourth in the high jump. "Red Jack" Sloey, Doane, tied for first in the vault, won third in the shot, second in the javelin and fourth '. in the broad jump. Paul Baker, Doane's N.C.A.C. champ : hurdler won the highs in good time ' and retired because of a sore foot, passing up the lows. Jarvis Cobe of York won both of the distances. The events: Pole vault-Tie for first, Sloey, ,; Doane; Feaster, York; tie for third, McHugh, Peru; Gifford, York. Height : 11 feet. Shot-First, Quck, York; second, : Bailey, Peru; third, Sloey, Doane; fourth, Lurk, Peru. Distance 44 ft. · 51/z in. 120-yard high hurdles-First, Baker, : Doane; second, Haberman, York;



On the .


By MACK McGINNIS It's probably a 'good thing for Peru that two of the Wesleyan aces were !~ft at home. Burroughs, N.C.A.C. conference champ in the 100 yard dash, has also thrown the javelin 189 feet this year. Carl Randall, brother t;o Merle, is a good half miler, winning second. awards in the N.C.A.C. meet last year. Don't be surprised if Phil Lurk wins big points for the 'Cats in the vault ~ome the State Meet. Several very versatile men parti~ipated in the meet last Friday. Jack Sloey, Doane N.C.A.C. pole vault champ, won points in four events as did Max Quick of York. Peru's Leonard Greathouse scored heavily in three events, and Merle Randall of Wesleyan jjd well in three events. I see good things for Peru next year .1 track. All those who scored points in the various events, return except Mosley who graduates, and Hunt who iS getting a two-year diploma.

Peru Cagers Awarded


Basketball Medals

RAmo BROAncAsT l\lEET1xG

Lettermen of the Peru State Teach-


Each member of Alpha Psi Omeg:

ers College basketball team, nine in !Jro<idcast a selection from oi;e rooi: Pugh, V el vi ck Star

number, were honored with presenta- co the next

For Coach Bert Hall

tions of basketball awards in convoca- ;neeting Thursday night. tion Monday, April 24.

The Peru Prep track club, led by Wayne Pugh and Allenby Velvick, won second place with 38 1/:o points in a triangula't meet at Dawson Thursday, April 27. The home team won the meet with a total of 50 counters. Shubert brought up the rear with 33 'h markers. Pugh won first honors in the javelin, discus, and shotput and tied for third in the broad jump. Velvick won first rewards in the low hurdles and broad jump, won second in the 100 yard dash, and third in the 60 yd. high hurdles. Other prepsters coming through were Bob Brown in the 440 yd. run with third; Milford Sears with third in the mile; and Dale Kamen with second honors in the 60 yd. high hurdles, third in the shot, and third in the discus.

Those men awarded with the medals are Honorary Captain, Lester Mosley and Howard Dean, seniors; Leonard Greathouse, Bob Halladay, Cecil Walker and Russell Bailey, juniors; Jack Mcintire and Severn Handley, sophomores; and Al Morris, freshman.





Ligl1ts wer·

curned out during the broadcast ti :;ive proper illusion. The program included readings b:

Kathryn Roszell and Helen Margare Larson. Dorothy Ann Coatney, Rob· ert Weber, Virginia Trively and Ruth· eloise Souder presented a rndio dra· ma. Professor Moore tap danced anc Mary Lizabeth Werner gave a mono· The medal is in the form of a bas- !ague. ketbal!. On the front is inscribed at The fraternity decided to have 8 the top, the conference name, N.I.A.A.; at the bottom, the word, champions. picnic at tl1e next meeting and givE In the middle is the date 1939 with the dramas in natural settings. Virgini3 Trively, Dorothy Ann Coatney anc letter "P" separating the numerals. Mary Lizabeth Werner were placed in Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Parnell went to ~harge of this meeting. Elimwood Tuesday to attend a Christian Church convention.

Pop and a popcorn feed closed the evening·.



FOR STATE MEET Coach Bert Hall took six boys to the Auburn Meet Friday, April 28. to give them a chance to qualify for the State Track and Field Meet to be held May 11 and 12 at Lincoln. Wayne Pugh had a field day and qualified in the shot, discus, and broadjump. Dale Kamen qualified in the discus also. -Besides Pugh and Kamen, t:r,e following boys participated in the meet: Bob Brown, Allenby Velvick, George Grafton and Milford Sears. ' All of the boys lettered.

"The Perfect Gentleman", a one-act play, by Anna Best Joder (Mrs. Glen H.l of Peru, will be presented by Weslaco, Texas, high school at· the state contest in Austin, May 3, 4 and 5. This production is one of eight plays to appear in the state final. To reach this state final, Weslaco won the county, district, and regional contests. Sigma Tau Delta first produced "The Perfect Gentleman" in the summer of 1936. --------------

Softball Teams Vie In W. A. A. Tourney w. A. A. softballers are completing ;heir fourth-quarter sport with a tournament between two teams, of .vhich Pauline McGill and Erma Meier ire the captains. Those players forming Pauline McGill's team are: Margaret Anderson, ?hyllis BellS-On, Ferne Cameron, Betty 3arver, W!lda Goings, Enid Stofferson 1nd Lola Thompson. Erma Meier captains the following players: Rosalind Brier, Nora Davis, Clara Dunn, Ila Mae Heinke, Louise Meier, Irma Nispel and Ruby Redding. PROF. BENFORD ELECTED TO WRITERS' GUILD Professor R. T. Benford was recently elected to membership in Nebraska Writers' Guild. Requirement for membership in this honorary group is a certain amount of published material for which pay has been received. Mr. Benford is qualified for membership by his original compositions for the piano.







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Bailey, Doane; tie for fourth, Knotchpol, Midland; Bartley, Wesleyan.Time

22.4. 880-First, Hicks, Wesleyan; second, Bergen, York; third, Organ, Peru;

::~~~n~ass~:~ ~;,~k~e~~urth, Ballard, fo~·~· =~1::~~ c:'.e ;~~~;




Discus-First, Quick, York; second, ond, Panzer, Wesleyan; third, Hunt, Greathouse, Peru; third, Mcintyre, ?eru; fourth, Witte. York. Time 10:31.

We Grow Our



THE PERU POINTER i*:t!~•~:~~JI~~~::Crf:~~~:;~~~:-::~~::~::::1~~-":~::::0 ~:,,

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.~g~:£:,:~~:~~;~ ~~?z:~~ ~~~~1L4~3~~g~J~~l.~~:~~~J Ekdahl, York; fourth, Knotchpol, Midland. Time 10.2 sec. Mile-First, Cobe, York.; second, ond, Berg~n, York; third, _Hicks, Wes)eyan; fourth, Panzer, Wesleyan. Time '5 min. 45.5 sec. 440-First, Randall, Wesleyan; sec'ond, Bartley, Wesleyan; third, Crone, iYork; fourth, Floyd, Peru. Time 51.7 ·sec. High jump-First, Greathouse, Peru; 'tie for second, third, and fouth Mc,Laughlin York; Quick, York; Hutton, ;peru. Height 6 ft. 1 in. 220 low hurdles-First, Fisher, Peru; isecond, Habermim, York; third, Slater, '.Doane; fourth, Schultz, Doane. Time ?27.l sec. · 220-yard dash-First, Randall, Wes:1eyan; second, James; Wesleyan; third,

Broad jump-First, Greathouse, Peru; · second, Ballard; Midland; third, Quick, York; fourth, Sloey, Doane. Distance 22 ft 4'12 in. 880 relay-First, Wesleyan (Staten, James, Bartley, M. Randall); second, York; third, Peru; fourth, Doane. Time 1:37. Mile relay-First, Peru (Durst, Hug·hes, Ashton, R. Floyd) ; second, Midland; third, York; fourth, Doane. Time 3:38. ------------DR. H.



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'!' H'E PER U PED A G 0 G I A N

Lucille Wllite-Ronald Grubb Mrs. Rex Wayman-Mr. Waiman AND HUNT INDIANS Clara Bright-Not registered Betty Thornton---Paul Sims Memters of Scholarship Club held Betty Brown "rnncis Boren Elaine Shafer-A. N. Holdorf a picnlc at the Boy Scout cabin Mon- Hazel Buch· .•-Fred Gebers Ba1·bar~ Schmidt-Dick Peck day, April 24. Doris Carnahan-Jack HenJerson Dorothy Robert-Allan Witte Maxine Pershing· was in charge of Marie Chehey-Bi!l Fankhauser Winona Pearwn-Howard Dean all arrangements. Supt. S. L. Clem- Dorothy Ann Coatney-Fritz Wolters i.:'u;;'.c Department Presents Concert Helen Jean Porter-Maurice Martin ents, the sponsor, gave them the use Geraldine Cordell-Jack Hoagland Mary Parker--Luther Hutton /:.. t IvlL'3.'.~ ffall and Aucli .torium of the band bus for the occasion. Jane Christensen-William Brooks Olga Neve-La\\'rence Freude On the way out to the cabin the bus Ardist Christian-Dean McCormick Maxine Metcalf-Severn Ha11dley Li 0L::e1w.ncc of National Music' Ch()rus To Sing Concert caught on fire. Dick Clements found Martha Clifton-Harold Boatman Betty Jean Miller-Gerald Johnson Weck, Lhe Mu~ic Department is pre- On Peru Campus a short in the engine and pulled out Mary Collin-Merritt Jensen Ruth Lytton-Bud Lyons :enting two concerts a11d has preProf. G. Holt Steck will dilect Peru the offending wire. Later, he was the Nora Davis--Laurence Anderson Nancy Jane Kehoe-Bob Blankenship ::~: ccd a ·stucLnt rcci.t:•.l Professors 0;r,g0rs .in a program at the Auditor- one to recognize the cabin. Clara Dunn-Bill Dunn Jeanne Humphrey-Don Rose G. Hu'.C Sleek. V. H. JirnJm ::< i R. T ,.m 'llrnn:day, May 4, at 8 _p. m. At the cabin the picnickers scattered Margery Evans-Raus Monzingo Dal'lene Howa:-d-.John Lambert Numbers wm be chosen from the in search of Indians at the Indian Dorothy Fischer-Wendell Teachout Betty Colegate-Don Nauman Mr. following concert repertoire: i.Jurying grounds but found none. Monte Jean Gaines-Neil Good Mrs. Jack Mcintyre-Mr. Mcintyre Lunch was served in. relays. It con· Maxine Galbraith-Ernest Huegel Brnford will pJo.y Mendelssohn's "ConThe Geron Helen Harding-Robert Moritz slsted of hot dogs, lemonade and fruit. .Detty Garver-Max Jackson certo In G Thlircor" at Ll'1e or.::hestra Chorals by J. S. Bach Catherine Gal.braith--Ernest Horace!' Mr. Clements furnished pickles and Genevieve Geick-James Lamb.ert co!1cert Thursday. To My God of Love Evelyn Stuart Berthold-Otto Berthold fudgicles as a special treat. The pic- ..:zabeth Glosser-Wayne Lindberg :n 1.'le.ivenly Love Abiding Fi·:rnces Eardy-Charlie Gabus f'r·, v:ite l.'U!lils Give nic ended with playing ball and the Joan Good-Joe Littrell I Call to Thee fli:lizabeth l\fay-Tbeodme Strasburg \"i<![n anll Piano Recital Wilda Goings-James Kastner How Fair and Bright the Morning trip back to town. Elaine Eddy--Prof. W. B. Thorson Prlv::cte pupils of Prof. R. T. Benford Mary Grovenburg-LeRoy Durst Scar Mrs. Robert Shuler-Prof. Robert and V. E ..Jindra gave a piano and Y. W. AND Y. M. RALLY .Janet Harris-Bill Dustin The Hand of Death I do not Fear Shuler v:olin recital Monday, night, May 2, in Marjorie Harris-John Neil Now Thank We Ail Our God FOR ESTES MEETING Mrs. Peter Holdorff-Peter Holdorf! U:c Mt:sic Hall 2udiLorium. The numAgnes Harrison-John Rhodus 1VIiss Florence Martin--Merl Peek bers were JHJ[, :J.!T~nged in program :i p::y Songs by .Johannes Bra)lms At a joint Y. W.-Y. M. Estes Rally Sarene Hauptman-Robert Williams 0n!y You Must Love Me Helen l\!Ieie1·-Huston King;;olrer icnn unt.l ihc night of the recital. held back of the Training Schoo!Tues- Lucille Hazelton-John Greene I Shall Never Frown on Thee Louise Matthews-Gale Carter day, April 25, three Y. W. members Ila Mae Heinke-Bud Stonecypher 0: chcstra To Appear Gypsy Dance Jean V/agner-Jack Heck talked about the Estes conference to Norma Helmick-Edward Arnold Kn Public Concert God Keep You Dear Drucilla WebsLer-Harold Fisher be held at Estes, Colo., .June 9-19. Eleanor Hemphill-John Brooks Ne'er Can I Forget Prof. V: H. Jindr2. will present the Betty Cole and Musa Wagoner cov- Margaret Henderson-Dean Niemann Corinne Whitfield-Ellis Adams colege orcl1estra in a concert WedWhere the Rima River Flows Marc;:ue.t Williams-Jack Gabus erect items of general information and Marjorie E. Hull-Walter Zink nesday, lVlay 3, at 8 p. m. in the Audi- Single Life Is Not Heaven's Will .Jean Winkelman-Ernest GallrmT,y reviewed the leaders of the conference. Lola Ingham-Gilbert Purucker Burt,Jn Evans, Tenor torium. Edith Wriglll-Ernest Ulmer Helen Margart Larson told some of Bonita Jewett-Floyd Magor The progrnm will be as follows: Angels Ever Bright and Fa.ir . Handel R:.:lh .Neil. M)'l'ene Knight, Mmtlm her interesting experiences at Estes. Marjorie Kennedy-Gail Miller If With All Your Hearts.Mendelssohn OverLure. "The Secret Marriage" .. \V~umcr :~ncl Alda l\:IcComas were A trio, Kathryn Millington, Kathlyn Margery Ann Kinsey-Keith Evans . . . . . . . . . . . Cimarosa Air from "Comus" . . . . . . . . . . . . Arne present witb escorts. Benford and Verd::t Hauptmann, from Verona Klone-George Armstrong College Orchestra :Jharming Chloe . . . . . . . . . . German . IVI&ny out-of-~m\·n guest::: !nvited by Concertc IX . . . . DeBeriot .2ometimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steck the Training Sc'..;;Jl, sang the swing Mildred Knoflicek-Robert Weber Peru :student:; and the dormito!'j' Jeanne Spier, violinist The Green Eyed Dragon .... Charles version of "Dov.;1 by the Old Mill Kathryn Knouse-Bill Saale I ccuncil attended the formal. Tho~e Patricia Lundy-Ernest Strauss· Sela de Concert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... The Peru Singers Stream." ! who were registered at the E;Eza Mor .. .. Roy Lively, oboe soloisL Jesu Priceless Treasure, motet .. Bach Leora Librz,rt Qlld Gordon Gilbert Virginia McCoy-Roland Cowell go.n office were: Ill not Complain Schumann Echo Song ........ Orlando di Lassc .ed ,he group in singing. The devo- Pauline McGill-Ernest Hill MconLght Schumann Death alld the Maiden . . . . . . . . . . . . ';ior:~'.ls were hand'.ed by Bertha Clay- Anna Mangold-Edwin Wenz Ruth Marshall-Wayne Filmer Ti:e Crystal Gazer .......... Knmer ............. ._.. Franz Schubert burn. Mary Matthews-Ed Falloon My Johann . . . . . . . . Greig Hospodi Pomilui . . . . . . . . . . . . Lvovski Erma Meier-Benjamin Sheldon Leora Libhart, vocalist Rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vaughn Williams '.59 CCJPLES ATTEND DR. GLEN H. JODER Louise, Meier-Bernard Goerke Ccnccrto [11 G Minor . . Mendelssol111 Evening· Fancies . . . . . . Edvard Greig GIRLS SPRING FORMAL Surgeon and Physician Glema Miers-Merle Miers R T. Benford, pianist Deep River . . . . . . . . . . H. T. Burleigh <Continued From Page 1) Milstead Corner Mary Modlin-Ralph Chatelain Ballet E:;-yptian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greig My Lord What a Mornin' ........ . polk~, dot-Rex Floyd escorted a BeaRes. 39 Phone Office ~3 Ruth Morris-George Weik College Orchestn H. T. Burleigh tr;c2 girl gowned in white silk set with Althea Nispel-Norman Flau TLe concert will b:; ';r2e tJ the pub- Swing Low Sweet Chariot ....... . .'hines ,Jnes-Nauman chose a cute .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Fred H. Huntley olaci< tressed girl in printed silk- Florence Neve-Roy Kellog lie. Doris Otte-Tom Christian Shirley Barrett in black net topped Mildred Parli-Dick Turner with a white jacket was the apple of Electric Shoe Shop ll\[!lj§S.rn§tf,]tf.[1j]a"[gjgthtmli!}!fi;J[1j]t@fi;Jfi;J[1j][1j]fi;Jklij}[gj[gj[1j][gj[gj \ Wanda Pavlat-Gailer Martin r. .J. Major's eyes-Dorothy Roberts Edna Mae Petersen-Claude Relf stee1· we'll steak you to another chance. .n pink net and satin drew· :the afJ.P. CLARK Ferne Peterson-Donald Dean North of Skelly Station ~cY,IJQPIJI;ifJIJMJJ.;IJmJ We won't egg you on till you lose your Iection of white coated CampbellDorothy Roberts-'Murton Campbell bacon so let's be friends 'till. we meat Webster and Otte in prints were atPhone 109 Rita Russell-Willis Wirth .Just because life started from a cell again. cractive as was Peterson in a dusty .s no sig·n that it should end up in one. The march .. of time: Springtime; pink with braided straps and belt- Kathryn Roszell-Gene Whitehead Today, we present for your approval swingtime; clingtime; ringtime; time. Teacber Heck a,nd blue-laced-gowned Kay Samuels-Warren Routh ;he mo;;t famous of our Broadway roIt's easy to. blow your own horn Jean Wagner brought back another Suanne Schock-Bill Mooney n~mees and one-::i.ct plagues. -vhen you're out on a toot so here's familiar couple as did yellow organdy- Ruth Schwartz-Bernard Morris Nedra Jane Shafer-Truman Sallors P.G.T.C. thumb 11·aggers in "Dust of wtere I toot iny horn as I blow out. gowned Louise Matthews and Carter Leona Simmons-Hugh Shaub lle Road". A great battle royal to HENRIETTA ditto Severn Handley with Maxins Rutheloise Souder-Vernon Rice ;2e if persererance or grit will win Metcalf in a black and white stripedJeanne Spier-Charles Meloy gown-Phyllis Hcbbs and Vera Marting mt in the end. Tbeme song: "It's a Students Broadcast Doris Starkebaum-J. R. Galler ong, long trail a winding." arrived in gleaming golden satin-ac Play, "The Necklace" Enid Stofferson-Wendell Hutcl1iso!1 CrcrQ!d Bowen is the shining star "The N'ecklace", a one-act French Mary Matthews danced past with Ed Ruth Sutorius-Herbert Knutson There is germs in them thar dresses, n "Tl;e M211 from the Lowery." Solo- play, by Guy de Mauppasant, was pre- Falloon bits of ·1ace and net in pink Maryon Thomas-Ross Adams suits, blankets and curtains. Call us, st sings, "do, re, mi, Fawn," during sented during the Peru Broadcast last were seen-Margaret Williams in blue Marjorie Trenholm-Delbert Nelson en t.he whole family will be healthier. he production. Monday night. The cast was as fol- with a band of pink roses in her hair Virginia Trively-Ross Russell "Ei::; Brother's Girl," starring Delton lows: Matilda, Lois .Jaeckel; Mrs. For- was Jae!' Gabus' prize while Charley PERU CLEANERS&T AILORS Sylvia Ulmer-Irwin Weddle }oerke. Maybe better to forget the resterre, Ramona Handley and Hem; welccmed flowered white silk gowned CALL Irma L. Vosoba-Sterling Bottcher ::ull thing. Loisel, Gilbert Purucker. Gale Carte. Frances Hardy home from the rank of Ferrol Adams-Don Mikus WE DELIVER PHONE &2 Phyllis Benson in "Vacation Daze" and Ma.yre Tan~,eman directed the teachers for the evening-Coach Hall Charlotte Wederquist--George Mort .r ··1 Take a Halladay." Theme song: play. held Madonna Adee in light blue net Where is my Wandering Boy , ToMusic for the play was furnished caught at the waist by two blue rib-

Peru College Observes National Music Week


lcca·ine Brissey-Loren Tbompson







~ao~e t~; ~~~s~~~~/o~; ~:~a;~1sb~~


by Je"nne Spier m1d Mary Alice Va!> Marling stars in the farce, derford, violins; Mente Jean Gaines, C>and Larsony". A perfectly Frank viola; Marie Chehey, flute; and Laur:id charming one-::tcter. ence Freucle, pia:-o. They wer.e deed· Webster highlights the Hamlet pro- ed by Flor~nc~ Neve. ucticn, "Mohr Trouble". One time The remainder of the program r·)nl:.en the howl oI tlre Can_adian Husky sisted of tl1e Pedag·ogian of the Ai:· nd the Western Kiote mingle in a with Ruth Crone, reporter, and a vio· ively serenade. !in duet by Jeanne Spier and Monte Geoni·e Leslie and Phillip Lurk in Jean Gaines. The Chal'ge of the Flashlight :i;lri- ! .. The orchestra plays, "I'm For- EPSILON PI TAU FRAT :a Breaking Bubbles" as the spot- INITIATES NEW MEMBERS c.:tit is switched on. Laurence Bausch and Gerald Og·2· Dick Severson plays a major role in were initiated into Epsilon Pi Tau at Nhom Cupid Sch~:cht". First major its last meeting, April 24. Jlc since production of "Madam Plans were made to visit several In:cckel and Mr. Hyde". dustrial Arts departments in the OmCecil Walker i;1 "Gunga Din". A aha and Council Bluffs high schools '.'.'.Ure bound to le::tve a high water May 11. The gTOUp will visit Thomas arlt in the cafeteria. Jefferson high· school, Council Bluffs, Maxine Galbraith sings, "The Hue- Iowa ...'· Mr. C. H. Carter, a Peru alum" ~l Song" il1 the new pairmount fea- nus, is instructor: Council Bluffs .re, "The Earnest Plea". They ~ill also visit .South and Techni '. I vcztl these plays are very good as· cal high schools in Omaha. l ham actors muscle in to beef .on t~e. The fra.ternity wil'. hold a steak fry b.. We a!!ow no horse play m this May 8 and elect oft'lcers for the comL1d10 so mutton your lip if you can't ing year. ·v~ra

at ,

bons-blonde Virginia Trively wore 1mr-Dl!!!!!!!!ll!lllllllil!lllllllllllRlllllRl!lllRB11111.lRBmiU~mii&i!.1\11Rliiilllillllll~ 111 iilue iace laced with pink ribbons- I i!i!+!M "!!t!MW'*t1!1illliilill!ilb\'JiUllll.iliMi!FW' f Jean Winkelman in beautiful borca blue taffeta-Crooner Evans' little red:1ead, Jean Armstrong, looking attractive in a strapless blue gown-Kai Bartling in a dusty blue with a jack2t sprinkled with star dust--. Well, g'irls, it was a swell dance and llthough the boys have all withoul doubt tried to express their thanks may it be said again. "Thanks for everything" and some day (really the day will come) the men are going to stow you their dea of a Men's Club ia11ce, but until then-Thanks. The following is a list of Peru girls and their guests as turned in at the office: Jean Armstrong-Burton Evans Maxine Aufenkamp--Wiley Remmers Shirley Barrett-Tom Majors Katherine Bartling-Charles Sanders Laura Baum-Robert Snyder Barbara Beal-Neal Slinker Marybeth Beckman-John H.orton Phyllis Benson-Bob Halladay Faye Bouse-Harold Dallam


Beauty Information


Call Fern's Beauty Shop Lo:~ated up :tairs at the

Be kind to your Hair.

Gi1·e it an a'tl








Prof. Calvin Reed Talks


At Alpha Mu Omega 'lhe final meeting o: Alpha Mu Omega was neld Monday evening, May 2. After a trief bcis:ness meeting, Pro:::. Calvi::i Reed discussed "Recent trends in Curriculum Development in

Winslow Dancers Encore At P. S, T. C. June





The program for the summer budThe remainder of the hour was spent get events include Miriam Winslow in ciphering and in eating fudgcles - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PERU, NEBR., TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1939 NUMBER 2' and poster Fitz-Simons who will ap- For the ciphering match, the girls VOLUME XXXIV ~ar~M7;~~~~Tu~J~w~q~~~~t~~~~~--------------------------------------------

23; t.he Buckley Master Violinists, A. Huck read the probfom<>. The 1'rnult June 29; Milholland and Garcia, July was considered a tie. 11; the Fisk Jubilee Singers, July 20; and the Harding String Quartet, July 31. Miriam Winslow and Foster FitzSimons have been acclaimed in the east as America's newest and most exciting· partnership of the dance. Last A. A. Brooks Prepares year she planned with Foster FitzSimons, formerly a member of Ted Baccalaureate Sermon Shawn's famous company, to form one


of the most colorful partnerships in Scheduled for commencement week this field. A new repertoire created are a variety of school events. through a year's intensive preparation has met instantaneous success on the Baccalaureate and Parents Day are road. Believing that more dramatic Sunday, May 21. Dr. , Arthur A. and more exciting choreograpby can Brooks, pastor of the First Methodist be projected by combining the male i Church, Omaha, will preach the serand female elements in the dance, mon at the baccalaureate exercises. Miss Winslow has found that the powThe program for the service is: er and contrast of Mr. Fitz-Simon's Processional, "Tannhauser March," by blonde masculinity is as effective a foil Wagner ... , . . . . College Orchestra for Miss Winslow's dark exotic beauty as his art is for hers. Together they Hymn, "Come Thou Almighty King,'' offer a striking- union of strength and by Charles Wesley beauty in communication motion. Invocation .... Reverend H. A. Taylor . The Russian' Trio consists of Nina Mesirow-Minchin, pianist; Michel Wilkomirski, vilolinist and Ennio Bolognini, cellist. They play and reveal a fine ensen:ble, a nice adjustment of instrumental color and delicate and clean-cut phrrcsing. Mrs. Frederick Stock, Claire Dux Swift and others in . h . f d t Ch icago ave given a un o assure an annual season for this Trio. They received entlrnsiastic approval at the last Chicago convention of the National Music Supervisors.

Choral Response Anthem, "Ye Are Not of the Flesh," by J. S. Bach . . . . . . . . . . Perusingers Scripture Reading .. Rev. If A. Taylor Sermon . . . . . . Dr. Arthur A. Brooks Hymn, "I Love to Tell the Story," by Hankey Benediction ........ Rev. H. A. TayJo:· Choral Amen Recessional, ' "Pomp and Circumstance," by Elgar . College Orchestra

The interfraternity banquet will be Milholland and Garcia have only re- served Monday evening at six o'clock. cently returned from a tour of New "Ow Town," the Dramatic Club play, Zealand and Honolulu. The former, will be given Tuesday'. The May Pesa skilled impersonato and raconteur tival is Wednesday. The alumni dinand the latter, a lovely Spanish pian- 1ner and highschool graduation exerist, present a program of music ~d cises are Thursday. spoken word. These two people give a Dr. Walter H. Traub, pastor of the combination of music and poetry,' Kountze Memorial Evangelical LUthmirth and heart touches. "eran Church, Omaha, will deliver the The Jubilee Singers of Fisk Univer- commencement address Friday, May sity have a long and honorable tradi- 26. tion. Acclaimed by musicians as the Sunday, May 21, Peru students' parfinest vocal ern:emble of the , negro ents will come to. Peru· as Parents' Day race, they have held for seven decades guests of the college. an enviable position of international At one o'clock in the afternoon, they improtance. The present group of will tour the campus and buildings, Jubilee Singers, under the direction of and at two o'clock will met in the Mrs. James A. Myers. sings with that Auditorium for a Parents' Day proharmony, rhythm and blending of tonal quality which belongs peculiarly gram. to the Fisk interpretation of the spiri- "Dance of the Reed Flutes" tuals. The timbre and quality of their . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I'schiakowsky



voices individually and the perfection Janet Harris, Marie Chehey md of their ensemble is the constant a.ctMonte Jean Gaines mii·ation of eminent musicians. They 1 Welcomes by have the sincere indorsement of Wal- I President W. R. Pate, President of ter Damrosch. · j Peru College. 1

The Harding String Quartet needs I Phyllis Benson, president of Gamma ' no introduction because of its' distin- 'I Chi. guished org·anization to the music- 1' Delber·t Nelson, president of Men's loving public of Ame1ica. Founded in Club. 1933, under the name of the Kansas I City Philharmonic String Quartet. it Responses by . has become known as one of the finest I Mrs. Homer Mathews ·of Brownville of concert groups. r Mr. G. G. Gilbert of Brock. overture, .. "The Magic Flutes" by • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·, • • MQzart 1 TRI BET A INITIATES "Concert-0 in G Minor" by .. .. .. .. .. FIVE NEW MEMBERS ........................ Mendelssohn Five members were initiated into College Orchestra Tri Beta at a meeting held Monday "Presto" evening, May 1. The initiates were: "Molto Allegro e Vivae" June Modlin, Wilda Fulton, Edwin Professor R. T. Benford, pianist Falloon, Jack Colglazier and Noel "Ballet Egyptian" by Luigini College Orchestra ,,undy. "Echo Song" ...... by Orlando Lasso The following officers were elected "Death and the Maiden" by . . . . . . for next year: President, Evelyn Free..................... Franz Shubert ouf; vice-president Edwin Falloon; "Hospodi Pomilui" ........ by Lvovski and secretary, June Modlin. "Rest" ............ by Vaugh Williams Following the initiation' ceremonies, "Deep River" ...... by H. T. Burleigh Marie Wellensiek gave talk upon the "My Lord,, What a Mornin" . . . . . . . . genetical aspect of the Glenwood In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by H. T'. Burleigh stitution. "Swing· Low, Sweet Chariot" . . . . . . Refreshments were served by Evelyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Fred H. Huntley Freeouf and Mary Grush. Perusingers


___ .. ____



:------------...---::1 Calendar

Tuesday, May 9 Y.W.; YM.; C.C.A..... 7- 8 p. m. Thursday, May 11 Y. W. Tea ............ 5-6 p. m. Freshman Clubs . . . . . 7-9 p. m. Philo . ~........... 8-9.30 p. m. Everett . .. . .. . .. . 8-9:30 p. m. Friday, May 12 Dramatic Club Meeting 11 :30 a. m. Saturday, May 13 D:strict Meeting Teachers of Education Monday, May 15 freshman Council .. 10:30 81'.awdad ............. 7-8 i\.lpha Psi Omega ... 1 7-8 Kappa Delta Pi . . . . . . 8-9

a. p. p. p.

m. m. m. m.

Tuesday, May 16 '::. W.; Y. M.......... 7-8 p. m. Wednesday, May 17 Gamma Chi .......... 7-8 p. m. Saturday, May 20 Faculty Reception Sunday, May 21 Baccalaureate Monday, May 22 Inter-Fraternity Banquet .. ................. 6:00 a. m. Tuesday, May. 23 · "Our Town" ........ 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, May 24 May Fete .. . .. .. .. .. 6:15 p. m. Thursday, May 25 Alumni din~er .. : ... 5:30 p. m. Highschool Graduation, 8:00 p. m Friday, May 26 Commencement 10:3() a. m.

.___..,_....,....,__,....,. ------i

JUNIORS ENTERTAIN SENIORS AT PROM Clifton, ·Trenholm Plan "Garden Party" The juniors honored the senior class at the annual Junior-Senior Prom 11 Saturday, May 6, in the Music Ha Members of the two Auditorium. classes and their guests danced under subdued green lights in harmony with the garden ·party theme. Martha Clifton and MarJ'orie Trenholm planned and arranged the entire a:t:J;;i.ir. Gale Carter assisted with the decorations. Bert Hall, presidertt of the J·un·!Or cl ass •announced the program which included a violin solo by Mildred Knoflicek, accompanied by . Jeanne Humphrey of Auburn; swing arrangements by the Stardusters' Trio composed of Marjorie Harris, Dorothy Anh Coatney and Lucille Hazelton; a novelty act by Warren Routh; and a tap d b st 11 Ro mpa 'ed at ance Y e a gge, acco m the piano by Eleanor Niemann. As the guests entered, Leora Libhart pinned nosegays of violets ~d lilies of the valley on each girl. The men we_re give nboutonnieres by Charlotte Pryor and Ina Jane Good. Eula Redenbaugh presided at the table from which punch and cakes were served. Rose-covered trellises, baskets of flowers and lawn chairs added to the garden atmosphere.

l[. M. C. A. Keeps In Step


With Musical Times Y. M. C. A. observed National Music Week with a musical program at its regular meeting Tuesday evening, May 5.

NAUTICAL DINNER Baum Supervises Annual Affair

To open the meeting, the members sang two hymns under the direction of Gordon Gilbert, the song leader. Sidney Timmons then led the devotionals which consisted of biblical passages concerning music and prayer. Laurence Freude played two accordian solos, "Beautiful Blue Danube" and "Some of These Days". To complete this part of 'he program, Gordon Gilbert. accom-

"Deep Sea", the theme of the interfraternity banquet which is served in Mt. Vernon dining hall at six o'clock Monday, May 22, is being used in planning the program, the decorations. md the menu.

Each member of a fraternity, if he wishes, may invite a non-fraternity panied by Laurence Freude, sang a '.llember as his partner. solo, "Open the Gates of the Temple", Laur:i Baum is chairman of the and Herbert Knutson played a piano solo, "Park Avenue Fantasy". ·ianquet committee and Norman Litt:ell is secretuy. Other committees The pr,ogram was in charge of Vice President Merritt Jensen. 2l'e: Ve;·ona Klone and Ross Russell, menu and tickets; Norman Littrell, Cabinet members met after the proJohn Collin and Laurn B:lum. program. ~Tam; Tern Majors and Gladys, recepion; Mary Olive Richardson, chairman, Marjorie Prine and Melba Obernolte, decorations.


Vocal Sextet, Piano Duo,

Boatman Picks Attendant Sheldon The plans for the 1939 May Pete are progressing under the direction of Miss Phyllis Davidson, the head of the women's physical education department. The May Pete procession will leave the girl's dormitory at. 6: 15 p. m., Wednesday, May 24. It will cross to the. Music Hall, and then to the Gymnasium. From the Gym the procession wlll proceed to the throne which will be located southeast of the Music Hall. Queen Marjorie Hull of Palmyra and King Harold Boatman of Nemaha, will have ·as. their main attendants Mary Lou Haffey of Arapahoe and Ben Sheldon of Percival, Iowa. Other attendants of the King and Queen will be Martha Clifton of Rock Port, Missouri, Virginia Trively of Plattsmouth, Mary Grovenburg of Auburn, Madonna Adee of Galloway, Maxine Galbraith of Fairbury, Shirley Barrett of Syracuse, Katherine Bartling of Nebraska City, Cecil Walker of DeWitt, Bert Hall of Omaha, Howard Dean of Lincoln, Frank Larson of Peru, Severn Handley of Auburn, Don Nauman of Beatrice and Harold Fisher of Peru.

Duet Play At Convo. President W. R. Pate had scarcely completed his announcement that "The musical program is in charge of Prcfessor Benford,'' when a burst of phwo music came from behind the curtains at convocation Friday, May 5. The curtains parted to disclose Prnfessor R. T. Benford and three coeds playing a piano duet, "The Emperor's March'', by von Blon. At the conclusion of this number Prof. Benford introduced the group, which included l\.farjcrie Prine, Marie Chehey and Marjorie Evans. This group played three piano duets, "Processional March" by Ringuet. "Sprlng Song" by Henselt and "Rhapscdy March" by Liszt.


Marjorie Prine and Prof. Benford then played two piano duos, "Wedding Day At Troldhenhaugen," by Grieg and "AEa Tuica" by Mozart.

Ma!'ie Chel!ey and Prof. Benford coneluded the program with three more piano duos, "Romance" by Rubenstein, "Water Lilies" by Friml and "Lady Moon" by Edwards. They accompan:ed a girl's sextette composed of Marjorie Harris, Dorothy Ann Coatney, Lucille Hazelton, Lorene Coatney, Betty Kennedy and Leonore Larson 0!1 the last selection. The pro 0brnm was particular!)• well The Procession will also include six flower girls, two crown bearers, two received by the student body because it train bearers and two pages. The was given almost impromptu and beMay Queen will .choose these from stu- 'cause a sense of showmansl11p was used dents in the Training School. I m the presentat10n.

Approximately 135 dancers from Y · W · C · A · Makes Plans physical education classes are being F H · S · trained to take part in about 20 differ- or onormg emors ent dances. Miss Davidson's play-1 "Should a woman work after marground supervision group will do the riage?" and other such questions conMaypole dance. Her folk dancing cerning marriage were discussed by class the Virginia reel, square dance the fellowship group at the Y. W. C. and clown dance. A. meeting Tuesday, l\Iay 2. The modern dancing class has ereRita Russell explained the setting of ated original dances entitled "Canni- the tea table and the service etiquetL bal Death Dance," "Archery Dance," Lois Hight led the devotionals. "Machine Dance" and "Religious Committees for a Y.W. tea for senior Dance." The original music for the girls were appointed at tl1e cabinet "Cannibal Death Dance" was compos- meeting following the regular meeting. ed by Ernest Ulmer. IThey are: Dishes and Silver, Jean The top dancing classes are prepar- Winkelman and Eula Redenbaug'1; ing several numbers, one of which is Food, Ardist Christian and Wilma 1 Peru Hour Audience the military dance. Parnell; Tea Pourers, Leora Libhart Hears Stardusters Trio Costumes are being designed by the and Rita Russell; Kitchen, Enid Special features of the Peru Hour home economics department and are Stofferson, Lois Hight, Elfrieda DnhlBroadcast last night, May 8, were the teing made by the N.Y.A. residence g-ran, Maryon Thomas; Invitations, Pedagogian of the Air by Ruth Crone: girls. 'Ibe senior class is in charge of Jeanne Koeppel and Katherine Bartscrapbook readings by Professor Rob- the ivy-planting exercises following ling. ert D. Moore; and "Dinah", "Good- the coronation of the queen. The Y. W. C. A. tea will be held from night Ladies," "Deep Purple," and Following the May Pete the Stu- five to six o'clock 'Thursday, May 11. "Moonlight Sonata," which were sung dent Advisory Council is holding a Faye Bouse, president of Y. W., will be by the Stardusters' Trio composed of May Pete dance in the College Gym- the hostess . Marjorie Harris, Dorothy Ann Coatney nasium. Chester Field's Orchestra Y. W. and Y. M. will join the lase and Lucille Hazelton. will play for the dmce. J meeting of the year for a picnic.




~ducator~ Hold •

The Peru Pedagogian


fused about these extra "lab" perio1 It couldn't be because it is a "Bori

Essay Contest · . I· see by the papers a. aow fish is class. lFrom Wilson Spectacle of Wilson The formals sometimes start thin good for the brains, what kind of fish Published Weekly by the Peru State 'fo'.lcllers College, Peru, Nebraska. l'eachers Colleg'e, Washington, D. CJ we noticed that Knutsen squired i do you think I should ought to eat? torius to the orchestra concert. Entered at the Postoil'ice at Peru, NPbraska as second class matter. An essay contest will be sponsored Yours, $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents. by the Committee for the Celebration Then there is the fair "Bonnie" \I Miss Blank of a Century ef Public Teacher Edu- Dear Miss Blank, received two corsages-one fr, .!!.'DITOR .................................................... RUTH CRONE cation. Th~ American Teacher-YesJudging from the composition of "Boo's" mother and .one from h; ASSISTANT EDITOR ................................... STELLA ROGGE terday, Today, and Tomorrow will be your letter I should advise you eat a We call that rating. SPORTS EDITOR ................................. WAYNE McGINNIS the subject of the essay. The commit- whale. Overheard after the Perusin!'' TYPIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARY LIZABETH WERNER .tee is a part of the American Associaconcert: "There are times when 1 Yours, tion of Teachers Colleges. you a lot-and then the.re r Jtl Knowl Edgega Lore ADVISER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. FLORENCE MARTIN times". Apparently a cena.. re Any undergraduate student enrolled Dear Know! Edgega Lore, REPOI1rERS in a teachers college, normal school, or Do you think a woman believes you headed soprano and an Auburn ter Wayne Wilson Winifred Hall Thane Hale Mary Modlin education department of a university when you tell her she is the first girl don't always get along. Mary C:live Richardson Mary Grush is eligible to enter this contest. There you ever loved? PROF. R. D. MOORE'S CHOICE will be a first prize of $75, a second Yours, ORSON WELLES CONFIRMS MOTHERS ARE ODD CREATURES prize of $50, and a logical treatment of r. Wanta Know The excellent choice and selection Each of them will give i.;p 10,000 hours of her life listening to her relevant material and on literary val- Dear Mr. I. Wanta, children's senseless prattle without a harsh word in reply. She wil1 ue. The rules of the contest are as In answer I say "Yes," if you're the Professor Robert D. Moore of the di listen to a man slurp his breakfast coffee 15,000 times without a follows: first liar she has ever met. matic department has been prov· :1ervous shrug. She'll darn 20,000 square inches of her children's 1. Essays should be not more than Yours, The basis of proof is the fact that C hose with a murmur and she'll wash and iron 50,000 garments with- 20JO words in length. Knowl Edgega Lore son Welles, young theatre genius, t out going on a sit-down strike. She'll slaYe and sacrifice and \i•urk 2. If possible, they should be typed, Dear Know!, selected the New York hit, "C and worrv; she'll btar her familv shame and sorrow. But she won't double-spaced, with inch margins, on I think I'm in Jove but I'm not sure. Town", for production on his rac forgive f;rgetfulness. ~ one, side of white paper, 8Ih by 11 Would you please send me a defini- program carried over the N. B. C. ni Knowing well that the average American was becoming so busy inches. tion of love in order that I may know. work next Friday eveninr; at sev providing for his family and indulging in his pleasures that senti- 3. Pages should be numbered, and Yours, o'clock central standard time. ment was bemg pushed to the 1\·arhng wall, a Pluladelphian, Miss each one should bear the contestant's Spoonleigh 1he play, which is produced wi :\nna Larvis, established Mother's Day, hoping that for at least name his school class and home ad- Dear Spoonleigh, the least possible amount of seem one-three hundred sixty-fifth of the year the rushing citizen W(Jl' ld dress' at ihe upp,er left hand corner. Love is an insane desire on the part and properties, has enjoyed a sr; pau.se to commemorate his parent. 1 E . t b b ·tted t th of a chump to pay a woman's board- cessful Broadway run and at tl1e pn . ~ . 4. ntnes mus e su m1 o e that the students that go to Peru Colle,<"e without .d t D f th t ta t' bill for life. ent time is being shown in Kan1 1\.nowmg well · · " Presi en or ean o e con es n s parent.al sacrifice are tew and Jar between, what would I sug·itest? Yours, City. The play is a Pulitzer prize wi , ~ institution who shall be responsible for \\ell; I saw a lovely bouquet of American Beauty roses for two dolKnow! Edgega Lore ner. Jars that would remind her of vou each time she breathed their the selection of not more than two.es- Dear Know!, fragrance. There was a specially decorated box of candy for one says to be sent from any one mstituWould you please tell me the differMother's Day Candy and Gifts dollar that might recall for her your childhood love of the cookie tic:m who sqall be responsible for the ence between a joke and a nut? Hills Drug Store.-Adv. selection of not m:re than two essays / y u jar. ln one store was a lace handkerchief for a quarter. But particu. . . . o rs, brly I noticed a blue and white three-cent stamp that might bear a to be sent from any one mstitution. Just A. Askin Picnic Sketching Trip personal note telling her you didn't forget. 5. Entries must be mailed not later Dear Just A., To Be Held Soon MOST REPRESENTATIVE than May 20, 1939, to A.A.T.C. Con-i A nut and a joke are alike in that The College Art Club at their la About this time of year everyone is choosing most representative ;est, Sta;e Teacllel's College, Trenton, J they can both be cracked and differmeeting decided to have a sketchii this-and-that. . The Pultizer committee made selection of a poem, N. J. \ ent in that the joke can be cracked trip in connection with a social picn cartoon, editorial, musical composition, art work; novel, historical 6. Only one ess~,7 may be submitted again. All students are invited to attend wl writing and soon the Peruvian Yearbook staff will make known the by a contestant. . / Yours, have completed four college ]lours student body's representatives. Along· with choosing the most yel- 7. The participant will sign a state-\ . Know! Edgega Lore. Art and pay ten cents. The time ar bw pear, the deepest baby dimples, the Academy Award winner, the ment at the end of the es~y stating Why didn't Karr tell in detail what place of the picnic will be posted c c!ictionary with the most profanity, the state with the highest taxes, that it is entirely original work ex- the handsome men wore. the a \'erage American fingerprint and the typical case of. halitosis, cept for such parts as are indicated by/ Miss Martin explained to Mack Mc- the bulletin board in the Art roon it seems as though the experts should pick the Great American .1uotation marks. Ginnis that many are making fun of There are thirty-two people 0n tl Gesture. 8. It is requested that a bibliography sports department. Mack says to ?eru Campus who are eligibie to a If your editor were in the reviewing stand she'd let pass the hitch- ,f L1e materials. studied accompany mail a card and he'll try to satisfy the tend the picnic. hiker's thumb, the cockt;:iil drinker's elbow-bend, the masher's wink, the essay. Imany demands for adjustment. Don't the soldier's salute, the thresher's wheat-pitching hea\·e, the house- 9. The committee reserves the right write rriore than three cracks on the Graduation cardsi'1aicl's knee, the college-boy-eati1~g-goldfish-stancl, the i.)itcher's to reprint and circulate winning es- card, however. curve and cast a vote for the tip-taker's palms-up. says. Wonder why_Betty Brown is so ·con- Chatelain Jewelry. According to newspaper items this continental conundrum has · l 1 10 The decis10n of the juqges will be gone so tar t mt )eauty parlor operators now expect at least a 15 . I) ~. per cent tip. ersonally, I'l·e paid a cool six bits to some of those human steam rollers' work for which thev should be sued for defamation of caricature-if that's possible. • Now it is customary for waitresses, taxi-drivers, hat checks girls, fessor of Englisn. delivery and news boys to expect more from tips than they do in weekly pay. The only bit of leather goods a bellhop will carry for o o o o a o o a o a a o a a o o o o o I! o I! c t5o11 l1:ss than a quarter is your pocketbook. The situation s.ee1i:s so drastic that it ern1has com.e to the atten@ of coUege weaklv editors (Bless their souls! J and claIIY columnists. 1:' · fill One of the latt.er v~ntnr~cl ~he .story o{ the gentleman ''who pro- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o g Ro Ro o Ro o ~ posed a state law agamst tippmg, but_ before he ~ould get the m_eas- It takes Peru to bring together peo- ~ ure up to rnte he was ma wheel chair ~ro1? havmg h?t soup spilled }lie from Nebraska City and Dunbar,) il ! on his lap by clumsy wartres~es•. and drmkmg turpentme a bell ho1· towns nine miles apart. Probably Les ,::n1s!ake1; for gm._ . , . , Gump ,had not heard of Neubauer nor WHO ARE 1 he PEDACJOGL\N hereby is st~rtmg_ a No Tip IV eek. By. that Jack Stewart of Lowry. we mean absolutely no tips ot any kmd will be tolerated-that 1s, of . . ll ,. l · • · ~ . . . President Pate didn't even use a C(JUrse, llll ess yon have some hmts on news items. Any tips, mister? . . . SA YING OF THE WEEK: pmch of salt to .catch his bird. "

I ·

I i·his




j'\I Honor Those - -




It's a woman's privilege to make up her mind and her face as The owners of Peru's newest relic on REASONABLY PRICED GIFTS: often as she likes. four wheels don't like to crank so ~ Diamonds Sheaffer Fountain Pens - - - - - - - - - - . : . . '- - they just get out and push. !!I Senior Pins Fancy Stationery Diaries ' Manicure sets Rita Russel apparently found the "' EXAMINATION SCH ED U LE Autograph Albums '€ Lamps Second Semester, 1938-9-May 18, 19, 22 formal Wirthwhile. ~ Philco Radios Braclets Chains-Knives Thursday l!I Electric Razors We hear that Enid is going to get ~ Elgin watches Clocks Necklaces-Lockets 8·00- 9:50-All 8:OD classes married this summer; "Bubbles", too. llli B.ulova Watches Clocks · Kodaks 10:00-11:50-English Composition 1()1 (1:00 and 2:00 sections) 1 Et tu, Hutchy? ~ Leather Cases Bill Folds Reinmington Typewriters Introduction to Literature 102 (10:00 and 2:00 sections) In the Spring a young man's fancy Art Appreciation 31}6 -and where did perennial bachelor fill i:OO- 2:50-All ll:OO classes except:,Art Appreciation 306 McGinnis get that beautiful brunette's Adv. Dictation 208 picture? 3:00- 4:50-Public School Art 103 O :00 section) Dahlstrom men find Bentley a Adv. Dictation 208 ~reezy character from ''Gone With the Public Speaking 254 Wind." A case in which an ill wind Bench Wondworking 201 blows a lot of ego. Friday Send those graduates a card of congratulaIt seems as if Henderson and Webb 8:00- 9:50-Al! 1:00 classes except: Public School Art 103. tions to show them you are really interested in have hit a pretty big jolt on the bumpy fill fill Public Speaking 254 road to love. them. Such remembrances mean a great deal fill Bench Woodworking 254 For every dead mosquito in the hand fill to those young people at suer an important lill English Composition 101 fill there are two alive in the bush. time. 10:00-11:50-All 2:00 classes except: English Composition 101 Lyons has quit gambl}ng, he hopes. ~ fill Introduction to Literature' 102 He lost his shirt: Literally, dear read· ;;:(; S~1ect a Hallmark card h:-,m our compkt..- dis1:00- 2:50-All 3:00 classes except: Social Activities 132 ~ ers. fill play ol cards for Graci'ua\ion. 3:00- 4:50- Physiology and Hygiene 205 (all sections) The flowers that blOO)ll in the spring, lj 8:00- 9:45~All 9:00 classes except: Craft 204 tra la! And the lovely dancers gambol- fill Public School Music 110 ; ing on the green bring promises of '~ \ :00-11 :50-All 10:00 classes except: Introduction to Literature 102 a merry May Fete. ~ (Where Your Money Buys More) 1:00- 2:5-Crafts 204 Public School Music 110 (!\:00 section) . Mother's Day cards-lll 3: :OO- 4:50-Social Activities 132 Chatelain Jewelry.




Chatelain' s Jewelry

I Phone 112

Peru, Nebr.

1 1






(M. Randall, James K. Randall, Nichol); second Tarkio. Time-1 :34.5. Javelin-Won by Padget, Tarkio; second, Ather, Tarkio; third, Mcintyre, Peru; fourth. Handley, Peru. Distance -170 feet 9 inches.

Tarkio Takes First; Wesleyan Scores



Meier, M. Anderson,

Fill Other Positions


Peru State placed third in the Tarkio Triangular meet Thursday, Ma; 4, with 43 counters behind Wcsleyan's 5:; and Tarkio's 74 points. Leonard Greathouse, Peru ,ice, scored 10 points, M. Randall of Wesleyan was high man with 16 l-2 mark~r;, wllile Dinsmore, Tarkio sophomore, had 16 and Padgett of the Owls had 13 3-4 for a total of 29 3-4 counters between the pair. For the Bobcats, Greathouse won the only Peru first, which came in the broad jump of 22 feet and 7 inches and he won a second in the high jump and third in the 100-yard dash. Paul Blair, placed third in the mile. Fradie Ashton won fourth in the quarter. Phil Lurk and Keith McHugh tied for fourth in the skyward jump.. Harold Fisher and Bert Hall won second and third honors in the highs and tied for second in the lows. Ross Organ gained fourth in the halfmile. Jack Mcimyre gained fourth in the discus and third in the javelin and the long leap. The tall Lurk and "Ding" Bailey secured second and third in the shot and Russ Organ jumped for a fourth over the bar. Clyde Hunt had a third in :he twomile. In the mile relay, the Bobcat quartet ran second. Outstanding marks of the meet were: Tarkio's Padgett's 6 feet and 1 5-8 inches in the high jump; M. Randall ran a :09.7 hundred-yard; "Dinz.zie" Dinsmore had a :14.8 time in the highs and Wilson of Tarkio won the pole vault with 12 feet and 6 inches. Mile-Won by Franzer, Wesleyan; second. Hicks, Wesleyan; third, Blair, Peru; fourth, Brown, Tarkio. Time4:49.3. 4:40-Won by M. Randall, Wesleyan; second, Bartley,_ Wesleyan; third, Lauchte, Peru; fourth, Ashton, Peru. Time -:54.3. lUO-Won by M. Randall, Wesleyan; second, Dinsmore. Tarkio; third, Greathouse. Peru; fourth, James, Wesleyan. Time-:09:7. Polo vault-Won by Wilson, Tarkio; second W. Lewis. Tarkio; fourth. Lurk and McHugh, Peru. Height- 12 feet 6 inches. 12() high hurdles-Won by Dinsmore, Tarkio; second, Fisher, Peru; third, Hall, Peru; fourth Wilson, Tarkio. Tim~:lU.

880-Won by K. Randall, Wesleyan; second, Hicks, 'Wesleyan; third, Statem, Wesleyan; fourth, Organ, Peru. 'I1me-

2:C7.:. Discus-Won by Porter, Tarkio; second, Athen, Tarkio; third, H. Lewis, Tarkio; fourth, Mcintyre, Peru. Distance-126 feet 8 1-2 inches. Shot put-Won by Porter, Tarkio; second. Balley, Peru; third, Lurk, Peru; fourth, H. Lewis, Tarkio. Distance-42 feet 6 inches. High jump-Won by Padget, Tarkio; second, Greathouse, Peru; third, Wilson, Tarkio; fourth, Bailey, Peru Height 6 feet 1 ,5.-8 inches. 22-0-Won by M. Randall, Wesleyan: second, Padget. Tarkio; third, JamPs. Wesleyan; fourth. Bartley, Wesleyan. Time-:22.4. Two mile -Won by Brown, Tarkio; second, Panzer, Wesleyan; third, Hunt, Peru; fourth, Tarkio. Time-11:08. 220 low hurdles-(Two heats again~t time) Won by Dinsmore, Tarkio; second, tie between Hall and Fisher, Peru; fourth, Gilbert, Tarkio. Time-:26.3. Broad jump-Won by Greathouse, Peru; second, Dinsmore, Tarkio; third. Wilson, Tarkio; fourth, Handley, Peru. Distance-22 teet 7 inches. Mile relay-Won by Wesleyan (Hicks, Staten,, Bartley, K. Randall; second, Peru. Time-3:38.2. Half mile relay-Won by Wesleyai;i

On the Inside ;rgf~'.lJi~llll!1llllllillllllllllllill!lllllllfillfilillilllllll!ll!fill!llillllfil

All sport has body movement beauty. Baseball has many-the bat meeting ball in a timely hit, the high leap of the infielder for the power drive above his head, a good pitcher's throw to the plate. Football has many including the downfield block and the hip shifting of an open field runner. Horseshoes, also has its beauty. lhis I was reminded of while observing Ernest 3rod, Auburn junior, pitch ringer af;er ringer one day not long ago. To horseshoe enthusiasts: Don't play Brod unleS6 you can really "toss 'em around the peg." Since Dean Delzell's time Peru State athletic teams have been called the &!beats. Last year the athletic club mascot died. As yet it has not been supplanted. But it should be. For the larger schools, Army has its mule and Navy, its goat-to mention two mascots that are top rankers of publicity. Alhough a smaller school, Peru State should have its symbol, too. With Harry Johnson, radio station KFAB's ace man of sports and Gene Shumate, station KMA's announcer of b:::ll lingo, three weeks under way with the describing of baseball games, my guess as to the standing of the major leagues, come time for the world ser.es, appears late._ But better late than not at all, so here goes:

D. Kamen,


TEACHERS! If you wish to join the agency with a personal interest in your successful placement and continued advancement, join the agency working exclusively for teachers in

THE ENVELOPE It's easy: we can show you hundreds of different standard erwelopes-all sizes, styles, fastenings, and in a wide choice of paper. If you plan your booklet, foldet or other mailing piece to fit a standard envelope, you'll probably save money and time . •• and headaches. Starting with the envelope is but one of the many ways in which we can help you plan your printing to get the most ont of every dollar. Let us show you our new Envelope Specifier that lists all stock s!zes. Why not call us up .•. now'?


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STRICKLY PERSONAL - HIGHLY SELECTIVE M. E. SHUCK, Ph. D., Manager 820 Sixteenth St., Denver, Colo.



Chatelain Jewelry.


__ J]


Graduation cards-


Steiner goes to Salem, Iowa, as pri mary and music instructor and Mar: Modlin has been elected to teach grnd school music at Beaver City. ----Mother's Day cardsChatelain Jewelry.




Junior High Pupils Win




In the American League: For a mo- meeting which will be Thursday, May notonous fourth consecutive the Yan- 11. A few are already cut and will kees will win the pennant. My favor- be printed very soon. ites, the Boston Red Sox will keep on their road next season's first awards oy giving the McCarthy Club an inceresting race. Cleveland will gain third as Iowa's Bobby Feller wins twenty or more games. Del Baker's Flowers for all Tigers will keep fourth another year to maintain the first-di vision ranking <Jccasions of last year. Schoolboy Rowe will fiop in his comeback. Jimmy Dyke's ChiWe Grow Our Own cago Pale Sox will land fifth and Washington's Senators, without the CUbans, secure Sixth. The Browns Vic'ill beat out Connie Mack's youngsters for seventh.

Not that you care to know, but Joe DiMaggio will lead the American Leag·ue in batting. Don't be surprised :f Medwick comes through in the National. He was champ in the 1937 race, you know.


Ardist Christian, a first-semester senior, was elected president of W.A.A. for 1939-40 at their business meetin_g The other officers Monday, May 1. thosen were: Erma Meier, vice-president; Margaret Anderson, secretary; June Modlin, treasurer; Phyllis Benson, point recorder. In addition to her new office, Ardist Christian is treasurer of Y. W. C. A., candidate for the most-popular girl on the campus, candidate for .epre- Miss Grace Tear and Mrs. Castle sentative student, a member of Dra- Brown went to Omaha Thursday to atr:1atic Club, Pep Squad and Philoma- tend the Golden Spike celebration held there last week. .hean literary society. Erma Meier is a member of Alpha Erudito, Everetts, Pep Squad, Y. W. C. Mother's Day Candy and Gifts at Hills Drug Store.-Adv. A. and Gamma Chi. Margaret Anderson belongs to Y. W. C. A. and to Giamma Chi. June Modlin is vice-president of Philo, a member of Alpha Erudito, the college band, Peru Players and has a leading part in the 'latest Dramatic Club production. Phyllis Benson is president of GamI I ma Chi, a member of Sigma Tau DelII I to,, Alpha Erudito, Dramatic Club, Pep II I Squad and Everetts. II I

KANSAS CITY FIGHTER LeRoy Durst, Peru State's welterweight swinger of punches, knocked out 'Kansas City, Kansas' Mike Amayo, 147pounder, last Wednesday night at Falls City . Durst won in the second round of the main event of the Knights of Columbus First, in the senior circuit, I pick the amateur card. Cincinnati Reds to win. Reason: The oest group of starting pitchers that W. A. A. GOES any major league team has collected ON HAMBURGER FRY this year. Derringer, "Two no-hitter" W. A. A. members rode to their cabin Vailder Meer, '.'Bucky" Walters,. Gris- ,for, a hamburger fry Wednesday, May som and Moore are good any day. 3, taking hamburger, pickles, potato Gabby Harnett's Cubs are second chips, apples and coffee. as Bill Lee will repeat last year's winSome of the members hiked about ning of over 20 games. The ·St. Louis the woods after they had eaten. Ferne Cardinals will move from sixth posi- Cameron, Rosalynd Brier and Pauline tion to third in the rankings as "Mus- McGill made arrangements for the fry. cles" Medwick and Johnny Mize slug- Those providing transportation were gingly break the way. The Pittsburgh Miss Phyllis Davidson, Clara Dunn and Pirates will drop to fourth to fill the Irma Nispel. first division. Bill Terry's Giants will finish fifth as their meal ticket, Carl Freshman Art Club Makes Hubbell fails to come through. The Two-Color Block Prints Hub City Bees will end sixth as Lou The Freshman Print Club started Fette supplies a thin argument to the their two-color block prints. When leaders. Seventh honors will go to they are printea they will be for sale Brooklyn and eighth to "Doc" Pro- by the copy to people who are interestthro's Phillies. ed. Some will be printed by the next

In the "world-serious" the Yankees will win in six games over the Reds.


Score for Prepsters First Three Awards In the Class B Meet at Beatrice last A junior hi~l1 group composed o Friday, afternoon, Peru Prep scored Betty Dee Collin, Allen Velvick arn 4 points to place well back in a field Cornelia Connelly made posters for th of 19 teaip.s. state organization of the Americai Scoring the Prep markers were Dale Legion Auxiliary and won first, seco111 ,Kamen, who grabbed a secor;.:,in the and third places, respectively. Th high hurdles and . Allenby Velvick, posters were graded for appeal, origi fourth place winner. ··the low sticks. nality and neatness. Fifty points wer· . The Prepsters arrn=--too late for given for appeal, twenty-five points fo the early events in the meet and originality and twenty-five points fo Wayne Pug·h, Kitten ace, was there- technique and neatness. fore unable to participate. Diller won Class B honors, and STEINER AND M. MODLIN Lincoln, led by football all-stater How- RECEIVE TEACHING POSITIONS ard Debus, walked off with class A top Superintendent S. L. Clements report winnings. ed two more teacher elections. Arlen



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927 W. 0. W. BuildingeOMAHA, NEBRASKA

"A booster for P'eru graduates"

We have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home nomics, Commercial, ~usic, and Manual Training. Many openings in all fields. Enron· now-


We furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dak., Minn .. Wis.

• '"!' H E P E R U P E D A G 0 G I .\ '.'I.

Prof. G. Holt Steck

ORCHESTRA CONCERT ~S WELL -RECEIVED Listeners Enjoy Prof. Benford's Concerto

1_,,,,.·s acc')mpaniments. Mrs. Benford felt that she could not the 1 g·ive an unprejudiced opinion of performance but she said she was very much pleased with the concert. All of the solos were well received. concerto was given much favorable comment.

Mr. Benford's


The coilege orchestra concert WedOthers favorably spoke of !1 e::day night was one of the outstand- I ibhart, Jeanne Spier and Roy ing musical events of the year. The soloists. general opinion seems to be that the Credit stould be given to Mrs. entire performance was excellent and for the flowers and to Robert 0


Persons not wearing tennis shoes are asked to do their tennis playing eleswhere than on the Clay courts. To keep the courts in condition is in,;;ipossible when thoughtless students insist ;ipon keeping 'the cour 1« "w:ll-. lowed" with their leatl heels.

Leora Lively,


Marsh Weber 1'


~hat the stage setting added greatly to for the lighting effects. I Reduced Prices ON ALL Clce avc'.ience enjoyment. A number of students and faculty in- E. MEIER'S TEAM . Regular Permanents e:··; ewect gave the last number on the WINS SOFTBALL GAMES ARDYTH'S BEAUTY program, "Ballet Egyptian", most favBatting in seven runs each game, SHOP orable comment. Of the two straight Erma Meier's softba]] team outplayed orchestra selections, the audience,1 Pauline McGill's squad to win the W. Call 223 for Appointments 3eemed to like this characteristic piece A. A. softball tournament. The scores Brady Apartments 1st floor better than the first one, a classical ran 5-7 and 2-7. overture, "The Secret Marriage." ProFrom these two teams, nine women By MARY MODLIN fessor V. H. Jindra, the directo,, said were chosen for varsity berths: Phyllis lfome Concert Includes >:;[;rJ:c;,i;<:lt1ii;r;~:g;r:;:}<;rg:;I:l':I~lg][gj§§l!ii[lj]f1j]§[j][lj]f1j][j] tlia t this opinion i~ probably due to the Benson, Rosalynd Brier, Ferne CamGeron, Chorus and B. Evans it:umnus Wcrks In Maryville StoreDR. GLEN H. JODER fuct that classicai music is harder to eron, Clara Dunn,. Ila Mae Heinke, 1 LRoy "Bus" Webb is now working in Surgeon and Physician As their contribution to Music Week, 2 A[(; P s:ore at Maryville, Kansas. Mr. La1derstand anrl 1herefore usually !-.as Pauline McGill, Erma Meier, Irma Perusingers, under the direction of Pro- \Ve,Lb graduated from P. S. T. C. in 1933 _ a little less popular appeal to the Nispel and Lola Thompson. Milstead Corner fessor G. H. Steck, presented a varied audience. Res. 39 Office 33 Phone Five Peruvians Coach Teams At AulVIrs. Inice Dunning, dean of women, , DEAN EMERITUS W. N. DELZELL concert at the College Auditorium burn Meet-At the track meet at Au'ihursday night, j'(Iay 4. This WG•.i che sa'd that she considered this concert REVISITS PERU COLLEGE imrn :Friday five Peruvians had teams twenty-sixth concert which the singers 2ntered. Mel'le Peek 09351 of Pawnee 3xceptionally artistic and believed that With a few more gray hairs, but Electric Shoe Shop have given this season, as they recentCity, Howard Hatcher \1933) of Te- the school should be proud of the oth. erwise the same am1·able Dean, ly returned from an extended tour of J.P. CLARK cumsei1, Wanen Stephenson 0923) of r::ay the orchestra and soloists per- Dean W. N. Delzell returned to Peru Nebraska. fcrmed. She enjoyed seeing the girls in Saturday afternoon, May 6. North of Skelly Station .<ebraska City, Ralph Higgins (1927) Phone 109 On the program were heard the Peru of Auburn, and Bert Hall (1940) of Peru, formals and thought that the stage He appeared on the campus after Geron; Burton Evans, tenor soloist; coached the teams competing in the cetting was beautiful. convocation Monday, chatt1'ng w1'th and the entire personnel of Perusing- meet. Mr. Hatcher's team from TeMrs. Genevieve Marsh, dormitory the students and greeting old friends. ~-¥~ ~·¥"- ~~~ ~~~::o~A·~-¥-:r: ers. ·:c:sistant, said the concert was one of The Dean expressed a desire to stay ~umseh carried off top honors. The Geron chose their selections Coy Is Iteelected Science Teacher· at the finest she h :.d ever heard in "as long as they'll let me." He liked from chorals by J. S. Bach and gypsy Elko, Nev.-S. Clay Coy (1931) has re- Peru. She hesita~ed to give her pre- Arizona fine, but is very glad to resongs by Johannes Brahms. Burton ;ently been reelected teacher of science ferences of tl'e sc~o numb8rs, saying turn to Peru. ~ "A Mighty Good Place to Trade" ~ He did not go to convocation fear- ~ Evans sang Handel's "Angels Ever at the Elko County Highschool, Biko, they we:·e all so d fierent there was no 1 Bright and Fair" and "The Banjo ·evada. This school is participating in :i; por~;ui1y for cor!!p~riscn. She .<poke ing the excitement might not be best ': . ;rt'rn'.c•rly of en i 'Ying Marie Che- for him. ~*~*~*~*~~*~· Song" by Sidney Homer. an extensive building program that

Alu1nni 1rail

i The Mardis Store i* ...

Perusing·ers gave the

entire Bach -.vill prnv:de a gymnasium with a 1,500

mct~ -~~~ Prtccle~ Treasma" Th~ ~au~ ~~ct~ an ~drtortum lli~ ~~Bl!iil!iiBBm~~a~aama~aBmRB~BBm@Bmma~aama~11m•~•~~~~~~~~~~~ included a trio in which Helen Mai·garet ;,rill seat 1,200, a dormitory that will '5' ii' ~

Larson, Kay Bartling and Mart'.1a ,1ouse 75 students, a classi·oom build- IT Clifton sang, a quartet sung by Leor<L :n5 and an office and library building \} Libhart,

rvrarjcrie Harris, Margery (:(Jffibined.


Evans and William Dustin, and anolhcr Mr. Coy is one of 90 teachers selecttrio, which Sylvia Ulmer, Bm;Jn Ev:H\,'> •d throug'l'.out the United States tc ::; an d Gordon bGilbert ghavhe. th ' 0 ther num ers w 1c e cnorm: sang were: "Echo Song", "Death and the Maiden", "Rest", "Deep River" and "Swing· Low, Sweet Chariot." For an encore they used Lvovski's Russian choir chant, "Hospodi Pomilui". Singing on the program were Scp:·ani: Helen M. Larson, Maxine Aufenlrnmp, Eleanor Hemphill, Leora Libhart, Kathryn Bartling, Mary Modiin, Mary Lou Harvey, Marjorie Harris. Contralti: Martha Clifton, Virginia Trively, Sylvia Ulmer, Margery Evans, Lucille Hazelton, Maxine Galbraith, and Janet Harris. Tenori: Burton Evans, Edwin Bentley, Willbm Dustin, James Steele and Dean Karr. Bassi: Gordon Gilbert, Charles Gabus, Charles Sanders, William Fankhauser and Mervin Keedy.

Delta Kappa Gamma

Initiates Dr. Konig Dr. Selma Konig was initiated into Delta Kappa Gamma, national. professional women's organization, at its a:mual session which was held last week.

part'cipate in a national scientific r~:·~.·li ;tudy. Mr. and Mrs. Coy and their son ~' Edward will be on the University of !1ll Nebraska campus this summer where ~ [j] M:C-. Coy will work toward his masters' § ~I degree. [jj]

'27 Graduate Receives Columbus Joh f€li i!JJ -Miss Marion Dodderer has been elect- l\lJ sd music supervisor in grades one to § . at Co.um l bus. M'. SlX !SS Dodderer ~.I acl- I lg] a Jo.ted from JUI' college in 1927. ~ [r,]

Tynon's Team Wins At McCook-- § At. a recent track meet held at McCook, ~ che Lebanon team ,coached by John ~I , ::non i.193'7!, took first place. Grler...ns l\lJ p:aced sec:;lld E. L. Cra'g 1.1926) i" · l!ll tl~e or;ean,; highschool supermt1"nci.em. l\lJ Representative Slndeni Enrolls at l\l lowa Gradu:ite Sch<Yol-Merle Pee!,, [j] a .poach at Pawnee City, will enroll for [j] 5raduale work at Iowa State this sum- l\lJ mer. Mr. Peek graduated from P. S. l!ll T. C. in 1935. § [g1

Denna B:iker Gets Grade Positionl!.·Fss Donna Lee Baker of Weeppng Water has been elected to an elerr·rntary grade position at Johnson. Miss Baker matriculated from Peru State ill i 9:::t

Dr. Konig is the second member of Peru States' faculty to become a. memDr. l\Iadden Is Laboratory School Diber of this organization. Mrs. Inice rector at Pa. S. 'I'. C.-Dr. Richa.id Dunning, dean of women, was admitted Madden 11926) is now Director of the Laboratory School of the State Teach~wo years ago. ers College at Indiana, Pa.

B lg)


a ~




Whiter! Stays Whiter !





' MiAV M

re1'''t~ n.:.

?.i;n,~=~~oiillE~ :..r..1ir..n'I 11


BEGIN AT 6:15 TODAY First Part Will Include Ivy D''Y Program The i\Lly Fcte Procession will leave the dormitor)· at six-fifteen this evening as the college orchestra plays "Pomp and Chivalry" by Roberts. 28 Will March In Processional The pages, Kathleen Whitfield and John Clements, will lead the procession. They will te followed by the attendants in tllc 101lowi!1g order: Madonna Adee ... Don Nauman Mary Gro\'enbcrg Harold Fisher Katherine Bartling Serern Hmiclley Shirley Barrett .. Frank Larson Virginia Trively . . Cecil Walker Maxine Galbraith Howard Dean Martha Ciifton . . . . . . Bert Hall All the women attendants will wear formals of pastel shades. Flower girls, Patsy Benford, Janet Steck, Helen Connelly and Margaret Ann Ulbrick will follow the attendants. Directly behind the flO\\'et girls ;vill be the May Queen. Marjorie Hull

Palmyra, and her escort Harolcl Boatman of Nemaha. The Queen will be attired in a ft.owing gown of white silk net and a long white train. She will carry a bouquet of American Beauty Roses. The train bearers, Gertrude Ann Souder and Donald Jocler, will .follow the King and Queen. Next in line are the Crown bearers. Lois Ann Miller and Fred Clemcncs. The !\laid of Honor, Mary Lou Ha:-rey of Arapahoe and the Knighl of Honor. Ben Sheldon of Percival. Iowa. will follow the Crown Bearers. The Maid of Honor will be wearing a square necked blue flowered dress of redding coac style and carry a bouqui:r of Talisman roses. Queen Hun will be presented with a crown and Ille King will receive a scepter. Mooney Will Present Trowel The program will next h1clude Ivy Day Ceremony. The pre&".ntaUon of the trowel by the senior dent, William Mooney and ll10 acceptance of the trowel by the :ser:ior president, Bert Hall. Modern and Period Dances Wm Follow Twenty dances will be given by members of !V'lis:;; Phyllis Davidson's gym classes. The dances with the names of the participams are as follows: "Obiesmice Lo the King and the Queen." Music "Pondering" by Burleigh. Dancers: Jeanne Burgner, Dorothy Sarie Clare, Cathryn Erffmeyer, Marjorie Fraser and Nancy Ellen Jones. "Dance Macabre." Music "Dance Macabre" by Ernest Ulmer. The dancers are Bertie Boom, Corrine Brissey, Lucille Hazelton, Eleanor Hemphill l'viereditll Jimerson, Jeanne Spier and Mary Lizabeth Werner. "Military Routine" by Ballwebber will be given by the following· girls: Margaret Anderson, Leslie Armstrong, (Continued on Page 6; Col. 1)

:\farjorie Hull, "I felt like crying"


ER,iegchet1'veMP oroes1'pt1'eornusvians

IDon Mikus

Gets Note Dropped In North Sea Donald G. Mikus carrys on a lightbulb correspondence. June, 1938, he wrote a letter, placed in a lightbulb .. Audience Pronounces and dropped it overboard a ship in .I:' Jay a Success the North Sea. May, 1939, he received -Ia letter from Alfred W. Harvey, Nor'Ihorton Wilder's "Our Town" the iolk, England ,stating that his fnend. most unusual and one of the most sue- 'Ihomme Pederson, Provst Yyland, cezsful plays Peru audiences have ever Denmark, had recovered a lightbulb .vimessed was presented, Tuesday, containing a note from the North Sea. May 22. '!'he letter stated that the rescuer had The play's appeal was due to sever- written Donald Mikus, but was unable


Bcatimrn... went thruugh the floor



al factors.

Thomas Chinnock's sim- to read or write English and had made

pl~. effective manner. of bringing out an unsuccessful attempt to trace him.

The following placements have been the beauty of the lines of the stage




J39-'40 PED.EDliORSHIP Jean Wilkelman Becomes Assistant On Staff Mary Elizabcti1 Werner of Nebrnska City receired and accepted the posiLion as editor of t.he Pedagogian for 1939-1940. Her paths of activity

reported by Superintendent s. L, manager, Mary Olive Richardson's exDELTA'~ i1ave crossed those of journalism many Clements: Robert Mason, coach, cellent facial expression, Gale Carter's ~ times. When a treslmi::m in the Nemathimatics and Eng·Jish at Ander- fine movements, Ernest Horacek's fivebraska City highschoJl, she began he~· son, Iowa; Melba Obernolte, mathema- star performance as Edith Webb, Ruth writing for the Otoem1, the highschool tics and typing· at Dewuse; Stella Adamson's superb pantomime, Johnny paper. By the time she was a senior, Rogge, elementary teaching and music Yawrence's naturalness, William her sure-fire contributions won her Educational Frat at Brock; Elfrieda Dahlgren, grade;i Dunn's milk man· characterization, ;he editorship of that paper. five and six at Ellston, Iowa; Gordon and June Modlin as Emily with a Has N. ,E. A. Program She is hailed by her fellow students Gilbert, an all-music position at Mil- . touch of finesse which would have ,1s a wit. Miss Werner is a major in ford; Bernard Goerke, coach, com- been a credit to a Broadway perform- At a meeting held Monday evening, English and dramatics. She was electand manual training at Gres- ance; her gestures, voice qualities and May 15, members of Kappa Delta Pi ed president of Sigma Tau Delta, naham; George Mort, manua~ training interpretation of the role were ex- elected Ernest Brod president of the tional honorary English fraternity, and coach at Hemingford; .Ruth Sut- cellent. organization for next year. The other upon the termination of her presieconomics and commerce Scenery, properties were not missed officers include: Vice president, Ross dency of Dramatic Club. This 12st year as Stage Manager Chinnock shifted Russell; secretary, Maxine Pershing; she was a member of both the Peruscenes vocally. treasurer, Eula Redenbaugh and his- vian Yearbook board and the Pedag"c)-~IXTY Every play, no matter how well done torian, Russell Sommers. g'ian staff. \I nas some weakness. In this one some The program consisted of a discus- Another Nebraska City honer 0tudvoices were too young, some walkedlsion of the Nebraska Educational As- ent will assist Miss Werner. Jean f out of character, some parts over- sociation. Mrs. Isabelle Hays reviewed Winkelman was given the 8scic,Lrntplayed. But for an amateur produc- the history of the N. E. A. Ernest editorship as a result of her 11ork as Speaker Will Be tion, Professor Robert D. Moore assist- Brod discussed its aims. Gladys Ma- guest editor and reporter for the PedaDr. Walter H. Traub by Ruth crone edged well over pro- jors told of its accomplishments. Miss gogian this year. ...,fessional . performances witj:J. a "bril- Mary . Hileman discussed the teacher Miss Winkelman succeeds Stella. Wearing academic caps a11d gow:is, liant Pulitzer Prize winner." retirement plan sponsored by the N. Rogge as assistant editor. about 60. seniors, who are candide.tes The cast was one of the largest in E. A. Mrs. Inice~Dunning informed the Wayne McGinnis, sports editor, and for the Degree of Bachelor of Ahs in a play produced on the campus. W1·th members why they should i·oin the N. Prof. M. Florence Martin, faculty adEdueiitic>n either on May.26, 1939 or on the production staff about 75 persons E. A. when they become teachers. visor, are members of the 1938-39 PedAugust 4, 1939, will march in the line took some part in its performance. Helen Margaret Larson, accom- agogian staff that plan to return to of students on commencement day, Music between acts was played by panied by Marie Chehey, sang two the cmnpus next year. Friday, May 26 · Dr. Walter H. Traub, the college orchestra under the dlrec- solos, "River Boats" and "The LampPastor of Kountze Memorial Evangeli- tion of Prof. Victor Jindra. lighter". Many Visit Campus cal Lutheran Church, Omaha, will deParents' Day Following the program, a key was liver the commencement address. Peru students honored their parDR P A MAXWELL COPS presented to Ross Russell who, last The processional, played ·by the col• · · spring ,was adjudged the most out- ents at the annual Parent's Day exlege orchestra, is "Coronation March" PRIZE AT BANQUET ercises in the AtJditorium Sund0)', by Meyerbeer. Reverend J. o. Tim- Rows an d rows of banque t t abl es standing freshman in scholarship and May 21. mons will give the invocation. Burton rocked as fraternity members gathered personality. Following a flute trio consisting Evans, tenor, will Sing two selections, around to hear of the fishing prowess Group singing was lead by Gordon of Janet Harris, Marie Chehey and "Sometimes" by Steck and "Charm- of five professors who topped 'em all Gilbert and refreshments were served Monte Jean Gaines who played ing Chloe" by German. at the Interfraternity banquet held by Mildred Williams ,Alice DeVore and "lbnce of Reed Flutes" by Following· the commencement ad- Monday, May 22, in the Mt. Vernon Helen Margaret Larson. Tschaikowsky, President W. R. Pate, dress by Dr. Traub; the college violin Dining Hall. President of the College, Phyllis Benson. quartet with Mildi'ed Knoflicek, Monte Mary Olive Richardson and her President of Gamma Chi, and Delberr Y. W. C. A. GIVES TEA Jean Gaines, Jeanne Spier and Mar- crew of decorators provided proper atNelson, President of Men's Club, welFOR SENIOR WOMEN jorie Trenholm, win play "Scene mosphere with yellow fish place cards, After brushing and donning their comed the parents to Peru. Champetre" by Papini. Marie Cl!ehe:,. minature fish nets, blue water streamhats, pulling on their gloves, and Responses to the \\'elcome were given s the accompanist. ers, pond lillies, anchor-weighted hunting through stuffed dresser by Mrs . Homer Matthews of Brownville President W. R. Pate will conf P< de- candles and ship's wheels. drawers for their purses, senior women and Mr. G. G. Gilbert of Brock. and present diplomas. The B. E. Toastmaster Norman Littrell introand Y. W. members attended the tea The College Orchestra continued the Swenson, Jr. Medal will be awarded duced the following program: Violin given by Y. W. Thursday, May 11, :11 program with several numbers. They played "The Magic Flute" by Mozart duet by Jeanne Spier and Monte Jean honor of the senior women. announced. Gaines; Dr. Smith, "Davy" Jones, Dr. Pouring at the table covered with a "Concerto in G Minor" by Mendelssohn, The benediction will be pronounced Maxwell, Dean Jimerson, Prof. Moore lace cloth and decorated with a bou- "Presto" and "Molto Allegro vivace" by Rev. Timmon:s and the ~ollege orcompeting for the title of weaver of quet of iris, spirea and tulips were Rita with Professor R. T. Benford at the will play the recessional, the biggest fish story. Dr. Maxwell Russell and Doris Carnahan. Faye piano, and "Ballet Egyptian" by Liugini. "Priest's March" by Mendelssohn. won first and was presented with a Bouse, president ,was the hostess. The The program was concluded by the Dr. C. Brown, who is M~!'shall for sponge monkey. Gordon Gilbert ·and sponsors, Miss Edna Weare and Miss Perusingers who sang "Echo Song" by the day, will be in charge of the line Orlanda di Lasso, "Death and the ~~ch. ,,.,,~ ~·•istant 15 ., Prof_ wi·ns- Leora Libhart sang songs pertaining Marjorie West, were present. m""' ..,,.,, """ · to the sea. Maiden" by Franz Schubert, "Hospodi ton B. Thorson. Lemon for the tea, mints and cookies Pomilui" by Lvovski, "Rest" by Vaughn Leading the line ·of march \'·;Ji be The banquet ended with a film on were on the table. Williams, "Deep River" and "My Lord President Pate, gue,sts _and Deans. "Sea Folk and Sea Ways". Miss Edna Weare has invited the What a Momin' " by H. T. Burleigh and The facu!t{'in O~der of seniority Of Y. W. cabinet to her home for a break- "Swing Low Sweet Chm·iot" by Fred H. service at Peru will follow ..\J.ter. them, Educators Hold Meeting fast at nine o'clock Thursday, May 25. f Huntley. , come the candidates for degree~ .. for For District Two Teachers ' The parents were taken on a tour of three-year diplomas, for two-ye3.f di- The teachers of education of district c·ampus at one .o'clock. Special points of plomas and for one-year diplomas re- two met for their second annual con- EPSILON Pl TAU interests were the Industrial Arts Buildspectively. vention in Peru. Thirty educators at- CHOOSES VACEK LEADER ing and the greenhouse. Starting at the dormitory steps, the tended the dinner and meeting for the Joe Vacek, junior student from Pawline will march across the street to the day. The topic for discussion was the nee. City, ~as been elected ~re:~dent.:f I \fakes Place May 10 cmnpus, turn north, turn east past the measurement of the competency of Epsilon Pi Tau for the or comi g Twenty-three sophomores were inMusic Hall and follow the walk to the teachers. Prof. L. 0. Taylor, head of year: Ernest Galloway, junior from vited to the Kappa Delta Pi breakfast Auditorium entrance where i·un1·01· the Department of Education at the Auburn, and Paul Blair, junior from Wednesdav_ morning, MauJ 10. ushers will lead "'broups to ass1'gned sec- University of Omaha, was the main Tecumseh, will be vice-president and At seven o'clock a. m. the me1nber·s tions of seats. speaker. secretary-treasurer respectively. . of the organization and their guests Those who are candidates for de- Kathryn Benford accompanied by Initiation for new members will be. hiked to the Neal Park for the breakgrees on May 26 are: Isabelle Ander- Marian Deck played several violin held on Wednesday, May 24 • at l:l 5 lfast. Grapefruit, toast, bacon and (Continued on Page 3; Col. 2) solos during the luncheon. p. Ill· eggs were served.





The Peru Pedagogian i

ublished Weekly by the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, NPbraska as second class matter. $1.00 per yrnr. Single copy 5 cents.

IP. S. T. C. Students I ·Make Summer Plar1J1Js:

~'DITOR ........ , ........................................... RU'TI:I CRONE ASSISTANT EDITOR ................................... STELLA ROGGE W odd Fairs May Expect Many; SPORTS EDITOR .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . WAYNE McGINNIS Others Prepare for Brief Jobs TYPIST . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MARY LIZABETH WERNER. Or to Recuperate and Rest ADVISER .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. M. FLORENCE M.<\.RTIN · REPORTERS Sidney Timmons, "Go to school." the band at Columbus Nebraska." Thane Hale Mary Modlin Winifred Hall Wayne Wilson Corrine Brissey, "Work." Marie Wellensiek, "I'm going to sumMary Grush Mary Olive Richardson Roy Kellogg, "Work in Yellowstone- mer school." Gladys Majors, "I want to visit the as usual." GOOD-BYE Mary Olive Richardson, "Stay home." World Fair in California." Bill Chapin, "I'll be a life guard at Ludvick Jun, "I'm not saying." 'Way up here on my pinnacle of npperclas,manship I have Wendell Hutchison, "Work keening Crystal Beach, Falls City." spoken with some note of authority for·e\ghteen months. 'Way up out of work." Neil Good, "I want to work to earn money. I may even rob a bank." here from my editorial perch I have partially forced upon others Melvin Gottula, "I dunno." .Eua Redenbaugh," I'm going to work that opinion for nine months. But the remaining time of this so· Cecil Walker,, "I wish I knew." in Omaha·" Madonna Adee, "Go to summer called supremacy that remains for me is short. Besides "good-bye" Jack Gabus, "Get married and raise school.' t',ere is little left to be said. Hubert Johnson, "Go to summer kids." Margaret Henderson, "Going to ColoJ!1st a moment! Beforel'we actually say the farewells, let's at- school!' rado to my aunt's summer home. I'll tempt to look at this situation perspectin~y. Let's try to stand off Dale Hughes, "Get married." go horseback riding a lot. We'll go to Ral\S Monzingo, "Nothing." and see what's going to be. It's impossible, but let's try: Burton Evans, "Work on the farm." New Mexico to the big fiesta." You'll tell all your friends to be sure to write and maybe you'll.] Maurice Anderson, "How would I Mary Horton," Stay at home on the . ' . . v bl , know?" farm." even decide to ha \'e a reunion 111 ten •\'ears. 1 on pro 1)a . ,v won t Clyde Hunt, "Work." Keith McHugh, "Stay at home. Eat correspond for more than twelve months and by the time , 1949 Gale Carter "Work in harvest fields and sleep and go swimrp.ing." comes 'round you'll find there. are too many other things taking and go to the.California World's Fair." Roy Lively, "Going to eight weeks of your time to allow you to make the journey to see your old friends. John Collins, "Work. I may go to summer school working on my Master's school." ... rest of summer at home in Falls Of course there are home~omit'lgs, but for some it always seems Mayre Tangemc.n, "I'm going to City." school." Noel Lundy, "Ride a combine in the as thou!!h the train schedule isn't rig·ht, or perha1)s there are no wheat fields of our neighborhood." ~ ~ Bert Hall, "I may go to school.'" trains at all, or they have other .necessary engagements or Great- Claude Relf, "W~rk on a construction Robert ?enderson, "Work in NebrasGrandmother Hobbs broke her toe. Oh, there are millions of ex- gang." ka harvest fields." cuses ! And coincidenlally, it often. seems.Ji.hat those absent are the Alan Morris, "Work." Ted Graves, "I'll be in a C. C. C. Betty Garver, "Work and go to one of camp." ones you've missed the most. Winifred Hall, "Spend summer at the fairs." So it driits from year to year. You forget many things and so Ma!'y Grovenburg, "Work with the home." Faye Bouse may go to the. Regional Auburn Drum Corp." do they. The girl you sadly waved goodbye to from the dorm steps ·Don Rose; "Work and go to New Y. W. G. A. and Y. M. C. A. Conferbecomes merely an abstract picture in an annual. The boy you York." ence at Estes Park, June 9-19. promised to visit the following summer is recalled to mind occasion- Enid Stoffers,on. "I dunno-maybe Eula Redenbaugh received word this · h t he same surname 1s · mtro · cluce ·· cl .· ,-;,,. man·ner- .~:>:et 1narTied." week that a 11 y wl1en someone wit . she has been hired from · h Horace Rzehak, "Tour Europe on a June to September for work at Estes ism, a tie, a sunset or a song may serYe to bnug t em to your membicycle with Frank Larson." (??) park. 1 ory· for one or two minutes. But what is one or two minutes com- Harold Rosenthal" Go to school" L II Oldfi Id· · t th d · , . ue a e is gomg o e ~ra uapared to the life-time of mutuality you probably expected? Thomas Dean, "Go to California." tion exercises at Annapolis Naval AcaTheodore Strasburg, "Go to school." demy, where her brother, James, gradOf course, there is always the exception. Yes, you· know that Ease McGinnis, 'Tm going to do the uates. there must be the exception because you Yead about them in stories. least possible." Leora Libhart is going to California But that is why most authors write about them~because they are Jack Floyd, "Work in an amusement after attending summer school at Peru park." College. unusual. The only difficulty is that each person reading this will Wayne McGinnis, "Work on a news- Kathryn Erffmeyer is going to the thing he is the exception. paper-maybe." summer home of an uncle in northern Paul Sims, said that he would go to Wisconsin. And suppose you do meet sometime. Suppose you do sit across summer school and receive his degree. Alice Hale expects to .spent the entire a bed with one of them or across a restaurant table or across the ,, "Jewland" Goerke intends to go to summer in Los Angeles and San Franh · · l · k .ff y . at Peru. cisco. 0f 1 college counter a s oe store-it c oesn t ma e any c11 erence. ou 11 pro)Carter Johnson is p'.:mning a trip to Ruth Johnson will attend a Four-H ably feel eons and worlds away from them in thought and sym" oi:ie of the World's Fairs in August ... convention at Ames, Iowa, in June. pathy. pi·dlably the New York one. Mildred Knoflicek will probably be in Mary Modlin, "I'm going to Colorado Omaha doing stenographic work. So if you're expecting a fi.ity-year tie from college association, State College of Education." Dorothy Tyson is planning to attend you're doomed to be disappointed. Or forty years. Or twenty-fire Ernie Huegel probably will work in Four H Club Week Lincoln. This will he . . They are so small that the home town (Dorchester) elevator. the years. Or even two. 1, he chances are slim. · last week in May· ~ome administrators conservatively estimate that they are only one · LeRoy Redfern is trying for a camp Merritt Jensen, "I'll. sell ice-cream in job inDenver·-bound. Illinois. If he doesn't receive it, a Hollywood store·" in fifty for friendship and one in twenty-five for romance. he's Jeanne Spier, "I'll probably work in Now perhaps it seems odd to you that I should write this; I, who Allen Witte expects to get his start Detroit." have giYen more editorial,space to friendship than to anyother one in aviation. "Any place it's possible- Wendell Oi'wick, Wanda Pavlat, Elisubject with the exception of peace and teaching. But, you know, I probably Lincoln." nbeth Glosser and George Armstrong tnink most people have the wrong concept of friendship. They con- Ross. Adams: "It's off to work I go 1•:iJI join the lohg ii st of Peru C0 liege ceive of it as a I'll-wash-your-clishes-if~you'll-mend-my-hose sort of on my dad's farm." cmnmer school students. an affair. It isn't. It isn't at all. Such an understanding is merely Doris Starkebaum, "I want to go to Geraldine Cordell, "I'll attend the reciprocation that sometimes reaches a h\gh plane of so.cial com- Louisiana." New York World's Fair, the San Franmunism. Really, friendship is an abstraction; it is a process of Evelyn Freeouf, "I shall work at cisco International Exposition i.nd visit slicing off some of your personality and assimilating that of another Chautauqua, New York." in North Carolina." ii1dividual' s. The depth and constancy of the emotion probed deter- Marjorie Harris, "Ditto." Josephine Boosinger "I expect to mines the quality of the friendship. Musa Wagoner, "I plan to accompany work in Pawnee City." Freeouf and Harris to New York, if I James Mather plans to train until That is why self-conceit is so futile. Self-respect is a virtue you get a job." July 4 for the A. A. U. track meet at Janet Harris, "I am going to play in Lincoln. owe yourself; but self conceit is a vice you can't afford. The truly s.iperior individual is aware that he is such a composite of environ- Glema Miers, "Go to summer school." Ernest Strauss, "I'll probably work

nents, sensations and ideas that there is little of 'riginal.




Every time you talked to me, you\•e influenced me ancl the P'Yerse may be said to be true. That is why at this time when trunks are being packed, pictures are being taken, texts are being returned and autographs colle~tecl it might be well to take a little time from filling address books to ,mnder if in our daily college life the impressions we made were g-ood and the ideas we voiced were sound. Our stewardships to each other are almos: over. I think they , an be well-recommended. I hope so. Good-bye.

Since I am leaving Peru at the close of school I wish to take this opportunity to thank my customers for their partonage and hope you will . continue with FEERN'S BEAUTY SHOP, who will take this same location. Thank you,



Annual Magazine Appears May 11 Sifting Sands, the spring edition c poetry and prose written by Per students and faculty, is being distr buted. 45 selections written, 'by persons are included. 12 students on the campus ~ontr: buted 12 poems and three prose art' cles. Of the 12, three are freshmer Alice Trayer, Dorothy Teachman an Doris St,arkebaum. Three are sophc mores: Merritt McNeal, Leona Sirr. mons and Winifred Hall. Four are juniors: Ruth Crone, Mar Lizabeth Werner, Alice O'Neal UlbricJ and one under the pen name of Jami Royal. Two of the contributors ai seniors: Melba Obeniolte and ·Norma Littrell. Nine members of the faculty ha;; l:J poems and one prose selection put lished. Those writing are Marjori Albert, Joy C. Baker, Marion Mars! Esther Ann Clark, Mary Hilemar Selma KOnig, M. Florence Martir Grace Tear and Edna Weare. Alumi are represented by eight per sons, with a total of 13 poems. Iren Andrews, M. Edna Dalton, Oprrl J Glover, Virginia E. Johnson, Gretche E. Miller, Josephine Rogers, Lavern Setzer and Marjorie Stevenson sent i ar·t1·c1es. Two former students, Alma Smit. and Gladys Lottman, sent in thre poems. Percentages are as follows: % of Contri- % of Contri butions butorG students 38 7 ·· · 33 ·3 Faculty .......... 29.0 31.1 Alumni .......... 25.8 21'.8 Former students . . 6.4 6.G Ruth Chatelain Becomes Syracus1 Music Supervisor-Ruth Chatelain who is teaching music at Lewiston, ha been elected music instructor at Sy racuse for next year. Miss Chatelair is a P. S. T. C. graduate of 1937.

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'Maxine Polle, Sidney, Iowa; Roma hawka; Bernice Mae Walkef Blrn Jean Rethmeier, Crete; Dorothy Mae Springs; Gwendolyn Ruth Warrick





Roberts, Valley; . Kathryn Eulalia DuBois; Hilma Bertha Weber, Cook; Roszell, Beatrice; Leona Ada Simmons, Marian Anna Weddle. Falls City; Weeping Water; Rutheloise Souder, Elaine E. Weichel, DeWitt. Omaha; Irma Alice Sweenie, Springfield; Marjorie Alene Trenholm, North Those listed for one-year -Olplom 's

Peru Sermon Is Third For Speaker

Platte; Alice Marie Trummer, Omaha; at the end of the summer school are: The entire congregation stood as the line of march led by President Pate entered the Auditorium for the baccalaureate service and the address by Dr. Arthur A. Brooks, Pastor of ·the First Methodist Church at Omaha Sunday, May 21, at 10:30 a. m.

Mary Alyce Vanderford, Peru; Hazel Ferne Marie Cameron, Wagoner,.

President Pate, Dr. Brooks, Dean Dunnit!g, Dean Jimerson, Dean Delzell (resigned last yean and Reverend Taylor proceeded from the line of march to the stage. The faculty, the degree students and other students who are to receive diplomas marched to assigned seats in the Auditorilm1 sections. "Tannhauser March", t.he processional, "Pomp and Circumstance" and the recessional were played by the college orchestra directed by Prof, V. H. Jindra and with Prof. Robert T. Benford at the piano. Perusingers,' directed by Prof. G. Holt Steck, sang "Ye Are Not of the · ·6 ··-· · Flesh" for the anthem. They also Greathouse of Peru Ie11ped feet I. A. A. track meet at Wayne. Keamey sang choral responses to the invocation ?. 1-8 inches to eclip~;. an eig.ht-yea.1'- to~k the team ~hampionship with 83% and benediction which were given by old record of 5 feet u," mches m tl.e N. pomts, a new high. Reverend H. A. Taylor. The scrip! ture was read by Reverend Tay!or. The Ithe minority. Four are candidates for congregation sang two hymns, "Come, Sixty Seniors : diplomas next Friday: Zola Gardner, 'Ihou Almig·hty King"' and "I Love to Plan'Fol\;JJ~grees Tecumseh; Thelma Edith Israel, PerTell the Story." 2 (Contd. From p. l, Col. ) cival, Iowa; Lyle Elbert Laughl.ln, Two baskets of pink and while pe- son. York:. ~ Maxine Aufenkamp, Auburn; Esther Marie Wellensiek, ,onies stood in the middle of the linl.' Julian: Laura E. Baum Tecumseh· Syracuse. Two others who plan to · ' · · · an, Nern. ' aha; Bertie · ' have enough hours by the end of the of flowers at. the lront of the stage. n-rold' L. ·Boa,tm. Flanking to the side were pottert hy- lrene..BOOm, Offi. """" .:,&ii.ha; Jeanne Elizabeth summer term are Elizabeth Dubosquet drangia of lavendar and of bl1!.<' and Burgher, Falls City; William F. Cha- . Glosser, Peru and Lucille N. Hazelton, green. Foliage plants stood at the nffi, Falls Ci"'", John Wm. Coll!n, Peru; Peru.






... Clara


sides. Dunn, Louisville; Wil- Planning to receive two-year diploIn his introduction speech President Ham. John Dunn, LoUJS. · ville; Arthur I mas on May 26 are: Bertha Margaret Pate announced that this addrt"'.:S 1vas ""•rton Evans, Stella; Gordon French Anderson, Peru; Shirle.y Mae Bar1 the third time Dr. Brooks had spoke;1 ...... Gilbert., Brock; Mary Lenore Grush, rett, Syracuse, Marybeth Beckman, before a Peru congregation. Fal.ls.,City; Isabelle Majors Hays, Peru; ·Omaha; Hazel H. Buchanan, Odebolt, Dr. Brooks claimed his knowledge of EJ<>onor EJJ.Zabeth Hemphill, Beatrice; !ra. ,· Doris Katherine Carnahan,, Beatmany of the problems that ·young j 0.,_ 111l Willi'aiii" Horton; Salem; Verona rice; Elfried Grade Dahlgran, Rivermanhood and young womanhood are Qov}e K!one, McCool; Helen Margaret ton, Iowa; Rosa Lee Graham, Brock; "" facing today through his associatio 1'.l\rson, Peru; Roy James Lively, Falls Ernest Eugene Horacek, Wilber; with highschool, with college and with Oi.ty; Glad,?s Margu.erire Majors,. Clyde Gardner Hunt, Douglas; Ella university peop1e an d th • rougu · "' ·~ ""~ dioott'.; 'lllolilasJ. Majors, I>eru,Robert, Mae Hurlburt, Fairbury; Mildred three sons, . ·, Edward Mason, Brownville; Mary IMarie Knofiicek, Plattsmouth; Lois "J Olderog


But morning he did not speak to[•S you a father "This I speak as a minister of Jesus Christ." In those quiet, uneventful days preceding the World War "I saw treaty after treaty signed by the powers of the world. As we saw school building after school building, church after Ch\U'ch builded, we thought that we had entered into the Golden Age of human living." But "there arose across the seas the cloud and then the swrm of war. I saw democracy, calm, quiet, peaceful~ content arouse itself" to be "victorlollS' in an effort which we thought was a war to end war .... that now we would enter into an era of spiritual en:richment and. mtellectual the unfoldmg of the finest, the . est and the holiest of life. 'Aud then came the disillusionment. 'Nor:malcy' I ~hink we called it. . . , • . It 1s. but an openmg •), ~,oora·s Box which has brought to th:s wOtld. a .deal of trouble. We're face ~G fiW.! with problems that my genera!am dtd not face m then· youth. You .re . to face with problems tblt m generation of previous centuries h1d faetd. And yet I would say We are f«v; to face with opportumty, the most chal~ lenging, the most real that has faced any generation. "Now I am going to refrain this mornmg from d1scnssmg the proble.ms you will face. But there is one thmg I definitely purpose to do and that is to pomt. you to a power, a dynamic personal!ty tlU'o.ugh which you may be able to meet problems that come today, tomorrow or any tomorrow and rig·htly solve such problems regardless of their difficulty; regardless of their newness reo·ardless of their far reach'It





Marie J:arber, Brownville; Alice Marie Hale

Weber, Cook; Elizabeth Rae Wiles, Falls City; Helen Olive Harding, Hum .. Glenwood, Iowa; Margaret Gertrude boldt; Mary Margaret Hull, ·Auburn; Williams, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Julius Anselm Johnson, Peru; Alice Listed to receive the two-year at the Emma Kammerer, Falls City; Florence end of summer school are; George Elizabeth McCarthy, Nebraska City; Edwin Armstrong, Odell; Harriet Lor- Ellen Cecilia Malone, Palmyra; Ruth raine Flau, Nebraska City; Betty Lou Irene Neil, Union; Hazel Naomi NieGarver, Sabetha, Kansas; Irma Cath- veen, Adams; Harold W. Rosenthal, erine Herzberg, Clarinda, Iowa; Lois Syracuse; Stanley Sylvester Sailors, Maxine Jaeckel, Hamburg, Iowa; In- Falls City; Lucile· Margaret Schloeder. grid Louise Johnson, Emerson, Iowa; Falls City; Ruth Joy Schwartz, NeVictor Wayne McGinnis, Tabor, Iowa; hawka; Wilma LaDonna Semenec, Marjorie Mildred Prine, Burchard; Ashland; Lucille Sherman, Stella; Arlene Clarie Steiner, Emerson, Iowa; I Maxine Harriet Sherstad, Lorton; Lucille Eva Tibbetts, Pawnee City. [Helen Maude Stoddard, Auburn; MarTwo students, Maxine Geiger, Waco, garet Elizabeth Wheeler, Auburn. and Eliensena James, Lincoln, were I granted their one-year diploma on I January 21. T. C. COMMENCEMENT candidates for one-year diplo~as ·WILL BE THUURSDA Y to be awarded next Frido.y are: Irene An original pageant will be presented Mae Argabright, Howe; Lorraine Mar- at the Training School commencement garet Bauman, Falls City; Edna Margaret Bohlken, Brock; Mildred Lois next Thursday, May 25, at eight o'clock Bohllren, Auburn; Abbie Edna Brandt, p. m. Unadilla; Oscar Oswald Bretthorst, The program is arranged in four Burr; Sadie Luvlna Burnett, Daykin; Jane Elizabeth Christensen, Union; Mary Virginia CoonAr, Anderson, Iowa·, ''" Darlene Edith Corby, Springfield; Charlotte ·Helen Doolittle, Firth; La. Craig; . Dorothy Lorrame . Rita Davis, Ehlers, Weeping Water; Genevieve Mary Geiek, Auburn; Evelyn J. Hacker, Auburn; Elsie Lucille Hosea, Lib-


erty; Darlene Howard, Shubert, Betty King, Waterloo; Jean Elanor Livingston, Falls City; Fawn Anne Lowrey Dunbar; Margaret Jane Nussbaum, Verdon; Bernice Mae Osborn, Dawson; Jennie Marie Ostrander, Unadilla; Eileen Ottersberg, Johnson; Dorothy E<lther Perkins, Randolph, Iowa; Emma Charlatte Schact, Cook; Let Emm.a Schact, Cook; Annetta Lee .Slagle, Stella;, Ruh t Anne .stem · kamp, Weeping Water; Lola Bermce Thomp-

par~s. illustrating the idea of "Building a Life".

The groups are "Leisure,"

"Ideals and "Conduct," "Fitness" and "Education." The entire pageant is to be a portrayal of the actmt1es of t 11e school. All the orgamzat10ns and departments will be represented. Students participating· in the "leisure' group will enact different types of leisure activities, such as re~ding, dancing, \Hiting and playing games. "Ideals and Conduct" will isconsist of ainto panel discussion. "Fitness" divided three parts: Diet, safety and health inspection. "Education" will be a formal initiation of this year's members into the National Honor Society. Following the pageant, Principal L. " B. Mathews will present the class . and_ Pres. W. R. Pate will present the dip 10


Ell.Zabeth Matthews, Brownville; Micina, O.lai, Cal.itornia; Glema Emil Mae I !!! l.\iiers, Se.ward; William Charles i - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mooney, Omaha; George T. Mort, Ed- ! gar; Florence Marjorie Neve, Omaha; I Melba Rose Obemolte,. Wabash; I Mildred Elizabeth Parll, Humboldt; Orville Michel Pugh, Peru; Rollie L. Higg'ins, Fairbury; Robert Edward Snyder, Auburn; Ruth Elizabeth Sutorius, Humboldt; Robert Cameron Sweenie, Springfield; Alice O'Neal Ulbrick, Auburn; Rex Latrell Way~ man, Albany, Mo,; Robert Russell Weber Humboldt; Mildred Emily WilIiams, Peru.



Candidates at the end of summer are: Thelma Barnes, Tecumseh; John Elvin Boyer, Bridgeport; Ardist Christian, Peru; Dorothy Ann Coatney Peru; Roberta Jean Co.well, Peru,; Robert Howard Dea.n, Lincoln; Alice A.melia Devore, Peru; Marlyn L. Engdahl, Ong; Gerald W'Uill.Jll. Fichter, Farragut; Maxine ~nnia, ·Galbraith, Fairbury; Bernard L.,. ~e, Burr; Marjprie Hull, Pal. t;.;ftt"...,., Ruth Kn.ouse ' Beatrice·, mffn., """"<ll3ll Normim Merti,tt Littrell, Nebraska City· . ~r Mosley, Ong; Etta ~. .AW:lurn: Delbert Eugene Nel:wn Lin.eoln; Eleanor Lucille Niemium, .Bn!clt; Gerald Ray Ogg, Peru; Wendell Orwick, Mondamin, Iowa; Ev:<.M. SteWart Pilch, Auburn; EJJ.Zabeth Ann Bauza, Omaha; Glen Cullen Sb ly Richfield Idaho; Benjamin Ol:t' Sheldon, i>ercival, Iowa; Paul R. Sims, Pel'u; Mayre Elyzabeth Tangeman, Auburn; Marie Catherine Weilensiek, Dunbar; Wayne K. Wilson, Julian; Glenn Rue Yont, Brock. schl)ol, August 4, 1939


Four students received their degrees

on January 21, 1939. They were 'Lucile J. Millington, Omaha; Genemg iesu s. . · p i tt Dawson· William K. He told of a scene rn centunes ago, vieve arr o • ; like and yet not like the scenes of to- Ring, Hebron; and Le a McKenney day. "19 centuries ago a teacher W::tlker. (Continued on p. 4; Col. 3) Three-year diploma students are · . .


Ruth Vllnier, Gladstone; Musa Esther Fern Collins, Beatrice; Marta Eileen


Peru State Teachers College PR,ESENTS FOR


Charles Buckley, violin recital, June 29. William Bowers, Negro baritone. · The Russian Trio, violin, cello, and piano, June·23.

Miriam Winslow and Foster Fitz-Simons of Boston, dancers, June 7. Howard Millholland and Eva .Garcia, the spoken word linked with music, Ju ly 11. 'lhe Fisk Jubilee Singers, a panorama in song of Negro life, July 20. The Harding String Quartet, chamber music concert, July 31. Dramatic Club play.

THE PERU PEDAGOGIAN 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~-~~~~~~

ISu;;tyveb~r!lans Speech r, or Aiumm banquet

PUBLISHE·s 'lhe Alumm Association of Peru IEDUGA.TIONAL ARTICLE Stale Teachers College will hold a ban-


. . Dahlstrom-Timmons Nuptials-At the Baptist church in Peru, Friday night, May 12 the wedding of Daisy Dahlstrom and J. Omer Timmons took place. Rev. William Park of Omaha performed the ceremony. Mrs. Tim.mans is teaching in Odell at the present time. The young couple will make their home in Geneva., Ohio, after June 1. E. Bartling Plans Brazilian Trip.Elizabeth Bartling, who is an instructor in the high school at Bellevue, Nebraska, will attend the Eighth Congress of the World Federation of Education Associations at Rio De Janerio, Brazil, August 6 to 11. The cruise to the southlands includes stops at 15 ports with one and two-day shore trips. Farthest destination south will be Buenos Aires, Argentina, where a two days' stop will be made. Miss Bartling matriculated at Peru in 1932. She is a sister of Katherine Bartling. Mrs. Gaines_ Visits Daughter-A visitor on the campus this last week has been Mrs. E. E. Gaines of Curtis, who has been visiting her daughter, . . Monte Jeane Gaines. Mrs. Games is a former Peruvian.

quet honoring the sen10r

Prodigy Wins Honors As Young Soloist

guescs ~.t Mt. Vernon






Prof. Victor H. Jindra


Professor V. H. Jindra gave a shor violin concert at convocation, Frida] May 12. Professor R. T. Benf'ord wr• his accompanist .


Prof. Studies 204 Courses


lhUl.·sday evenmg, May 25, from five-1 thirty to seven-thirty. SUJ)t. D. W. Weber-,

Humboldt, has iJccu :selected as speaker. The program ·.':iii also include vocal solos by Roland Clark, Culbertson, and Mrs. Ruth Ehe!ly-Taskla, Auburn, and a talk by Cordon Giibert.

The program consisted of:

To Complete Research

"Waltz" -------------------- Huua!l! "Humoresque _______________ Dvora:


Dr. P. A. Maxwell, professor of edu- "Lullaby ---------------- Max Rege cation, has had an article published in "Creole Serenade __ Rae Eleanor B> 1 the February issue of Educational Ad- "My Little Star" (Estrellita) __ _ ministration and Supervision. 'Ihe -------------------- Ponce Cenco1c article is entitled, "The Teaching of

in Four :Cems Inice Dunning . and J. A. Education Mid-Western Jimerson are on the committee in States.'' charge of the banquet arrangements. The findings reported in this article were secured by means of '"interviews, approximately one hour each in length, !vi. ENGDAHL DIRECTS "THERE'S ALWAYS TOMORROW" with 57 teachers of education, and by the inspection of workbooks, text"'Ihere's Always Tomorrow"· was the books, syllabi and samples of tests emname of the one-act play directed by ployed by those teachers. Those interMarlyn Engdahl which was presented viewed included all but four of the in the College Auditorium May 11. teachers of education in the state uni1he cast included Clyde Hunt, Leona ·ersities of Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri Simmons, Ka.therine Roszell and and Iowa, and in the state teachers Hazel Vanier. This play was presentcolleges located at Kearney, Nebraska:. CHARJ,ES R. BUCKLEY ed as a class project for the college Pittsburg, Kansas: Maryville, Missouri; ··The. ,Peru College Department of play production class. and Cedar Falls, Iowa. 11/ius:c has officially announced the enIn all, 204 courses were studied, algagement of Charles R. Buckley, who though complete analyses were made will act as e:uest instructor at the Peru Dr. Brooks Speaks At Baccalaureate of only 187. 300 of the courses were in 2t'.'.te TeacL1ers College, June 4-30, !Continued From p. 3; Col. 1) the lower division of the undergradagain this. summer. ,Mr. Buckley's musical antecedents galllered around him a considerable uate college; 59 were in the upper dir~veal him as a boy prodigy, winning group of people and as that teacher vision; 54 were of the undergraduate,1 ational ho.hors as a young soloist. Af- went from continent to continent es- graduate "mixed" type; and 61 were ter a period of some three ye::,rs as a cc:blishing like g;·~ups of people, it strictly graduate courses.



T. Routh Receives Superintendency -Truxton Routh has been promoted to the superintendency at Dalton for the next school year. Mr. Routh graduated here in 1935. Joung virtuoso, he entered the master Dr. Clover Plans Ariz. Soj<>urn- class of Jacques Gordon, then conDr. Elzada Clover, professor of science cert-master of ·the Chicago Symat the University of Michigan, will p'.1ony Orchcstrr.. On Gordon's migraagain go to the Arizona desert this tion lo the field of quartet playing in summer to study the Indians of that the East, the. young artist sought out region. She will give lectures enroute Mischa Mischakoff, then concert masto Arizona. ~er of the Chicago .• Orcbestra. His '38 Grauate Accept Beatrice Job- work with Mischaoff ·excite~ much Marie Wieneke, who has been teach- 1favorable comment frpm this master; ing in the Tecumseh schools, has ac- in fact, the position assistant to him cepted a position in the Beatrice was made available. .At present, 1\1.r. schools for next year. Miss Wieneke Buckley divides his time between the gradu:tted last spring from P. s. T. c. University Df Chicago as the coacl1 of '37 Alumna Gets Advancement- the first violin,s of the Symphony Orchestra, and the strenuous and exAlphadean Campbell, a former Peru. acting duties as first violinist of the vian, is now assistant credit manager at the Miller and Paine store in Lin- famous Zoellner String Quartet, which organization is reputed to have played (;oln · in practically every part of the civi-




seemed that the Golden Age was soon to dawn. "But soon d::~t:rbance came, persecuticn and almc~L utter defeat" to "a p2opie whose hcp3s seemed to have died." And thell cne morning a per;on stood before these people, picturing tbeir failures and defeats and chem as a "little band fighting against all the world.' And he uttered note of c.ptimh;m, a note of cheer, a note of triumph-'If the battle's not yet lost, 1·icwry may still be ours.' "'l he first time r spoke from this place I spoke 'Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.' The second time I ~poke on his life on the

primary position at Beatrice. She is a former P. S. T. C. student. Davises Announce Daughter's Birth -Dr. and Mrs. Ben. F. Davis of New York City announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Ellen, May 8. l\l(rs. Dav_is, who w. ill be remembe.red as El M f sie ars ,is a ormer Peruvian. Dasher Get Positions As Comstock Supt.-Earl Dasher has been promoted, to the position of superintendent of

M. o. Richar.ds~n Heads 50-Year Old Club The Peru Dramatic Club elected officers for the coming year at a meeting held Friday, May 12. Hary Olive Richardson was elected president; Gale Carter, vice-president', Bett,.0 Kathryn Cole, treasurer; and Virginia Ti·i·"ely w·as i·eelec'ced seci·etary. The i·et.i'r·i·ng· offi'cei·s of the oi·g·ani·,


OTHER COLLEGES LOOK AT P. S. T. C. (From the Wayne Goldenrod) "Peru State Teachers



recently held another all-girl pprom. I "'"' attended by one hundred and fift: couples. The plan there is for an o the girls to unite and give 0:1e bi: dance, instead of several small one' This makes possible an excellen orchestra and a display of beautifu girls in pretty dresses-each in a quan tity capable of leaving· an unforget able impression. Let's try one here!" (From the Kearney Ant·clope) " . . Tuesday in front of the Clut House, he (Jack Snyder, '36-'37 Peruvian from Nemaha) swallowed twc l';" inch goldfish, four sow bugs, 3 1/: angle worms, three crickets and fiV( ant eggs and five glasses of water. ". . . Afterwards he recalled tha1 pie sow bugs ran around in his mouth the goldfish were luscious, the wcmn; not as good as the sow bugs, thE crickets Were a little rough, and thE ant eggs very simple ·. . . "At the last report before going tc press, Jack was in excellent condition . .

In this summary of his findings Dr. Maxwell said, "Probably the greatest opportunity for improvement in the teaching of education is suggested by the lack. of intergration that was apparent in the education courses. Although teachers of education have raised what appear to be valid objections to curriculum compartmentalism, the education field, itself, seems to be unduly compartmentalized." He ended his report . by saying that "it was gratifying to note that the faculty of

Why hurry to be an angel? Stop cleaning with gasoline at home. Death is permanent. Call Peru Cleaners. Jt'5 much safer.

one of the institutions was making· a PERU CLEANERS&T AlL@RS concerted attack upon this problem CALL with a view to the reorganization of PHONE 62 the education division of the curricu.- WE DELIVER

nigh plane. The third time I talk ,___--------------------------'--~ ,,bout that same central personality, @lll!llIDfillll~lllllllllilllllllllllillll!Jll!Jllllllllll!Jlllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'itiW.'ll,if:i:il'_ill''i: ll':: ~ ~ ::l?::><"" .,,_, ''~''-" Zcbout that same Christ. My text-'We ~ -=

Mr~~s~~~:~n ~;:~:·-:~~h:~ ~:~ldk ~~~~·fiv~t :~;n:~~ltey'~ st~~~ ;;e~1Je~1~~~ks

B::: ;; Day with Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. ents of past years now occupy promiJenevie Marsh. Mrs. Brown will be nent positions in major symphony remembered by Peruvians as Miss o:·chestras in the United States. Marion Marsh ,former English prof esThis summer marks the second apsor anci Peru State student. pearance of Mr. Buckley on the camFonner Kimball Teacher Goes to pus. His work here last summer Beatrice-Eva Lea of Kimsey who created a great desire by music studhas been teaching• in a primary posi- ents to have him again this summer. tion at Kimball, has been elected to a



incorporated the Golden

6p1ke Celebration into his address. "I ;;p0'2e a moment ago of the greao change we had witnessed. Just a few. weeks ago this was expressed in the Golden Spike Celebrations. It pro.. duced just the old, the garb that the women 70 years· ag·o wore .. It gave a little of its color but practically none of the spirit of those years. The life v

and problems of those year:i were so different than the life and problems of this day. The formulas are so different." People do not realize thi> great change. "The thing which I fear for tc.morrow is that we shall not r-c"lize ~ that we are passing out of an old into a new current of life, new visicn, new problem, new buildings to be erected.

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Clocks Necklaces-Lockets Clocks Kodaks Bill Folds Remmington Typewriters

£- "'"j



~ l!l~,~,


Diamonds Sheaffer Fountain Pens Diaries Fancy Stationery Lamps Autograph Albums Braclets Chains-Knives

~ll Manicure sets




., Philco Radios zation are Ma;ry Lizabeth Werner Life can not be builded, can not be Ill~ Electric Razors schools at Comstock. He is an ex- Ruth Crone and Glema Miers. ' sJlved according to the old blueprints " Peruvian. Elgin Watches uiat we used when I was a boy. ll!J Winona Dysart-Stanley Visits Camllll Bulova Watches pus-Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Stanley oflHall-Johnson Nuptials "If the problems we must fact to- ~ Leather Cases Wayne Were Weekend guests l·n Pei·u Winifred Hall and Hubert Joh.nson clay and tomorrow are different from lllJ last week. Mrs. Stanley will be re- were married May 5. Mr. Johnson will yesterday, if the formal applicable membered here as Winona Dysart. attend ·summer school and the fall then are not applicable today, may Her husband is head engineer at term next year. not the same thing hold true in reliWayne state Teachers College. gion? Maybe they have become outEx-Peruvian Becomes Fremont Phy. [Mrs. Clark, who is also an ex-Peru- moded and out-worn, maybe we have Ed. Director-Homer Hatcher· was re- vian, was formerly Dons Conwell. passed into a realm of larger vision." cently elected director of physical edu-11 Fonner College Empl!Jyee Visits P. The life surrounding Jesus was cation at Fremont. Mr. Hatcher, a S. T. C.-lVIrs. and Mrs. John Stahn much difierent than that surrounding former Peruvian, had been assistant and Bobby of Lincoln were week-end us. The civilization was a small vllcoach at Fremont previously. Peru visitors. Mrs .. Stahn, the former lage civilization; the system w;,s a Grossoehmes Visits Peru-Mr. and Dorthea West ,)vorked in the college simple system of farming and chepMrs. William Grossoehme and their office before her marriage. l:er6ing. I daughter visited at the A. Dahlstrom Oppenheimer Assists With Lisco "His life was devoid of the vast and E. G. Grossoehme homes this last Plan-The Lisco Public Schools have Icircle of experiences that are comwweek end. Mr. Grossoehme is a P. undertaken an extended pi·ogram of Imon to man. He never knew married S. T. C. graduate. · in-service training for their teachers. !life and the raising of children; he Ronald Clark Gets Mitchell Post- As. a part of this prqject Leslie Oppen- had no need of worry for security in . Ronald Clark, who has been teach-1he1mer visited the Omaha schools and old age. His people did not know 1 mg at Culbertson, bas secured an subsequently reported his observa- ·anything of the problems that are all-music position at Mitchell for next tions to the rest of the teachers. He pressing upon us this day so terrificalyear. . Iis a former Peruvian. ly.

\~-·-··· .-~, ':, ~



F .



Q., lMJzt{






~ lllJ




Send those graduates a card of congratulalions to show them you are really interested in · them. Such remembrances mean a great deal to those young people at suer an important' time. S.?1ect a Hallmark card !·cm our compktt· disr:!ay of cards for Gra6.1Ei(ion.






llll llll

i1ll llll iiiJ llll


\i ~

Chatelain' s Jewelry d~ .

(Where Your Money Buys More)

Phone 112

Peru, Nebr. · .



Peru Places Second in '39 N.I.A.A. Meet L. Greathouse Makes Over Thirteen Points Ord Junior Breaks High-jump Record, Wins First In Broad Jump, Places Second With Discus

REIFFS WIN INTRAMURAL WAR Mcintyre's Collins Place Close Second

Prof. Grace Tear Entertains Frosh Advi<

ROSS RUSSELL B-ECOMES HEAD OF L. D. L. Following a steak fry held in Neal

Miss Grace Tear ,freshmc.. class ad·

Park, Monday evening, May 15, Lamb- viser, held a tea for the freshmei da Delta Lambda elected officers for club council in her apartment Thun

next year. The officers are: President, day, May 11. Ross Russell; vice president, Frank Yellow and white dominated Larson; secretary-treasurer, Neil color scheme. A silver bowl of whit The Reiff House gang ls the king of Friday afternoon, May 12, Leonard iris and yellow tulips and yel!O\ Intramurals. Led by "Homerun" Gump Good; and Sergeant-at-anns, Clark Greathouse,added another honorable tapers in silver . candlesticks wer the roughhouse rowdies marched Rogers. performance to his long string of placed on the table. through Weares 4 to 3 in their semipraiseworthy accomplishments in the Frank Larson and Neil Good were The council consists of the clu final game earning the chance to meet athletic uniforms of Peru State. on the committee in charge of the presidents, student sponsors, grou Jack Mcintyre's Collins Yankees. The 6 feet Bz inches, 175 pounder steak fry. leaders and faculty advisers. cleared the high jump bar at the ~11!11llii!!!~l!!ll!!l~ The Reiff Housers slugged out five A million pats go to Coach "Art" runs on six hits off "Dizzy" Sehnert to --------------~--_.,;.____________ height of 6 feet 2 1-8 inches to set a new N. I. A. A. conference high jump Jones, director of intramurals, and top the Mcintyre clan of run-getters, record. The ofd record had stood for "Spec" Nelson for the kittenball tour- who obtained by three bingoes off one eigh.t years, having been set by Evans nament which gave the college men tally and from "Meal Ticket" Bowen. of Wayne, who jumped the height of an opportunity to show their ability. In prefinal games, two games re(If any.) quired for team elimination, Reiffs 5 feet and 11 % inches in 1931.

On the Inside


"Lank Leonard" added a first in the Numerous errors were of course lost to Weares in the first contest but broad jump with a leap of 21 feet 8Vz made, but a few players showing up came back in win six games and walk inches and placed second in the dis- well in field and at th~ plate were into the ultimate round. Collins ob1 cus behind Wayne's Lindahl to secure Lurk and Gump of Reiffs, Fass and tained four victories, one by forfeit, . t Mcintyre for Collins, MMher and Hall and lost to the champions to secure· a t ot a1 of 13 pom s. . I of Hanlons, Clark of Baptists and The 13 markers of Greathouse, add- Williams and Dean of Weares. their place in the finals. ed to 20% markers obtained in various Did You Know? About last season's In the closing game with the maother events, were sufficient to enable happenings in baseball. (Based on jority of the fans favoring Collins the thin clads of Coach "Al" Wheeler batter's exertions in 100 or more (:i.ccording to the ReiffmenJ Reiffs and "Art" Jones to cop second honors games and pitcher's efforts in 100 or scored in the second frame to lead 1-0. with 33'." points behind Kearney more innings.) Collins tied in the first of the fifth, Club's total of 83 1/:i m.arkers, which Did you know: That the St. Louis but in the last of the same inning they 1 was a new high mark m scormg. I Cardinals and the Pittsburgh Pirates made costly errors in. t.he field and Wayne, dethroned champ, was thll'd 1 ied the National League in batting "Babe" Lundy, pinchhittmg for Stengwith 31 and Chadron brought up. the 1ast year with team averages of .279 ? lien, Reiff's righ~ gardener, smacked a. rear with 28. I That the Boston Redsox led the Am- ~ouble to drive m two runs. Before Melvin Rutan, Kearney ace, was l erican League in batting with a per- the inning was over, one more .tally high point man of the meet. His ef-1 centage of .299 ? That . the World crossed the plate and the championsforts were good for 14\" points. IChampion Yankees stood siXth · in to-be led 4 to 1. They scored the MOUNTAIN WOODS Besides Greathouse's . record jump, j team batting with .274 ? final run of the game the next fram "'- h to make the final score read 5 to 1. t f the other efforts o men were =P o-1 That Ernie Lombardi's leading bat-. TO YOUR OWN HOME more Rutan's running of the hundred- 1 ting average or .342 was the lowest Reiffs won the basketball chamyard dash in ten seconds ad Lindahl's senior league leader's average since pi~hip and led the college teams in We all like to get away for a little discus throw of 130 feet and 474 Roush of Cincinnati batted a mere .321 volleyball also, thus proving that they_ vacation-but Oh: to come back to inches. in 1919? That Joe Di Maggio, the had the best collection of athletes of that heat-soaked house. Shot: won by Harwager K; Lindahl Yank's leading club .swinger last year, the Intramural League composed of Enjoy a permanent vacation from w, second; M. Morrow K, third; tied for eleventh place in Junior Cir- ten teams. extreme summer heat. Just put It't only an afternoon's Job to Bailey P, fourth. Distance 43 ft. 1 in. cuit batting with an average of .324? Zonolite Home Insulation in your spreadZonol!te betweenatticjoists. Clean, l!Qht bajls of Zonolite are attic, and notice the difierenc_e. Pait Vault: won by Taylor K; Kin- That Bobby Feller won ·11 games and Satiric and humorous sayings of the safe and easy to hllndle. Pours Cool, restful sleep on the hottest caid K, Stegeman and McHugh P tied lost 11 contests last season? That Scoreboard Mve been printed in exreadily to a complete fill. nights. And mothers-the children for third. Height 11 ft 2 in. Feller topped the pitcher's strikeout changes of nearby college papers, the· will be cooler, healthier, happier. High hurdles: won by Haas K, Hull efforts in both leagues with 240, but moot recent of which was the Tarkio Zonolite is good for th~ life of your P, Bulla K, Fisher P. Time :15.6. also led all pitchers in walks with Torch. house. It will keep you comfort· 100: won by Rutan K, Steinmark C, 208? That "Poor Infielder" Babe Bon- - - - - - - - - - - - - - able, summer and winter, for year .. Meyer K, Simpson W. Time :10. ura led the American League first Caster 'Of the Philadelphia American to come ... and pay for itself in fuel Mile: Won by Barnum C, Rembold basemen in fielding with a percentage and Mulcahy of the Philadelphia Nasavin~s. W, R. Rapp K, Keebaugh C. Time 4:37. of .993? That Omaha's Mel Harder of tionals led the pitches in games lost Find out today how little it wi:I 880-yard relay: won by Kearney the Cleveland Indians won 17 contests with 20 failures apiece? That Van cost to Zonolite your home. G~t ou~ JMeyer, Hester, Toops, Rutan) ;Wayn·~. while losing 10, pitched 240 innirlgs, Lingo Mungo of the Brooklyn Dodgers free estimate and demonstratior. Chadron, Peru. Time 1:32.8. gave up 257 hits, walked 62 batters, won only four games last season while 440: won by Steinmark C, Goodell struck out 102 stickers and had an losing eleven? That the Yankee Cll.lb W, Ingram K, Graham K. Time .51.7. earned run average of .383? 1hat Bos- stole the most bases in either league · Discus: Won by Lindahl W, Great- ton Redsox Pitcher Lefty Grove's ac- last year ·with 91 swiped sacks? That house P, Blessing K, Mosley P. Dist- hievement was cut short last summer it's time to finish like Lou Gering did ance 130 feet 4~' inches. after winning 14 and losing 4? That on Wednesday, May 3, of this year? Two-mile run: won by Rembold W, 20 TO ~"~ I· TO 15° R. Rapp K, Miller K, Hunt P. Time SAV:"o COOLll 10:33.4 Broadjump: won by Greathouse P; Rutan K, Hutton,P, Baker K. Distance A·LL.lllNllAL •FIREPROOF VERMINPROOF ROTPR·10t 21 feet 8?' inches. 220: won by Rutan K, Meyer K, Steinmark C, Bester K. Time :22.5. -----------------------Violinist 880: won by F. Rapp K, Bahmm C, ~L.~~J;JIJ:::~ZK~::::~:::::::;;;~:r.r~:::::;:~~:·::c:,.:~:·::: Organ P, Beck W. Time 2.04.4. ~Write us for a registration blank. Get a good 220 low hurdles: won by Bulla K, position. We have served teachers for 3'i years. Hall P, Haase K, Fisher P, Time :25.!i. Guest Instructor Peru State Teachers College ENROLL NOW Javelin: Won by Haag K, Johnson C, Cunningham W, Baker K, Distance 169 feet 10 inches. Mile relay: won by Kearney (God.,,,· 302-304 Olivia Bldg. 1023 N. Grand Blvd. St. Louis, Mo. den, Hansen, Johns, Thompson); ~.;u::t~I~~iC~:Clt~~'.l'k*:t::c:;.~::;::::~~:::;;~.;::::~':'.:'.:~':::~~ Wayne, Chadron, Peru. Time 3:31.2. High Jump: won by Greathouse P, Johnson C, Bailey P and Taylor K all tied for second. Height 6 feet 2 1-8 inches. (New record. Old record set i1 by Evans, Wayne, in 1931 at 5 feet i1 ll1/:i inches). i1











Charles R. Buckley


· T·eachers


June 5 to July 1

Registration for private lessons Monday,



Professor Robert D. Moore took a 1!!J group of students to Kansas City Sat-1 urday, May 13, to see Walter Hampton's production of "Our Town". The

Chinnoc~, 1·



For further particulars inquire of Victor H. Jindra

group consisting· of Thomas Gale Carter, Dean Karr, June Modlin and Hazel Buchanan. They were permitted to go back-stage and watch the players make-up. There they in- i: terviewed the cast. -!i!!llm!l:!!lill1!1lJ!lillllll!liitll!llmltilllllillii!lillllll!ll'Dlllllllllifll!lllli'l11!lilll.millllllllill:illill1!1lJ!lillll~!lllllllmiiJi

We have an especially strong demand for teachers of Home Economics, Commercial, Music, and Manual openings in all fields. Enroll now-




We furnish application photos 25 for $1.00. Territory: Iowa, Ill., Mo., Kansas., Nebr., Wyo., S. & N. Dale, Minn., Wis.

'.!.'HE PERU PEDAGoou,r;


)Dance Will Cl'max Activities Ti::e last dance of the year will be given by the Student Advisory Council m the College Gymnasium tonight. Wilda Goings, i.ucille Tibbetts, Musa Chester Fields Orchestra will start tl:e Wagoner and Lola Ingham. dancers ''swinging"' at eight-fifteen ;n "bcarf Dance." Music '·EsLralito" bj Lhe icy regions of the north pole. Pc-nee. Dancers: Stella Rogge, Dean The theme of the decoration is th2 ;Karr, Kathryn Knouse, Bernard Winter Glory cf the Arctic Regions." Goerke, Marjorie Trenholm, Ernest ~cc-cycles tanging from the walls and horacek, Edna Mae Peterson and ceiling, icebergs around . the iioor, , Glaude Reif, snow bails and the colorful northern "Tcetasky." Music "Where, Oh, iights back of the orchestra platform Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" will take one back a. few months to Kathlyn ·Benford, Ruth Eschen, Willa Ghe time w1:en the snow _was deep. A Dean Hall ,Verda Hauptman, Betty red-and-white north pole m tl~e cente1 MacDougal, Irene Majors, . Marjorie Jf the dance floor will be ohe Jutliogers, Dorothy Stepan and Dorothy ,Landing decorative feature. May Fete Ceremonies Begin At 6 :15 Today (C0nt'd. F1~om p. l; Col. lJ

Vosberg are the dancers. "Qu:ldrille" to the music of "Turkey_n-the-Straw" will be performed by 1.,·,orence Fucina.ra, Jack Brown, Agnes ttaiirison, Gera1d Johnson, Irma tsweenie, Cameron Sweenie, Elizabeth Glosser, James Lambert, Mildred Parli ,Ross _Adams, Norma Helmick, Luther Hutton, Irma Vosoba, Sterling Bottcher, Irene Watkins, Dale Hughes, Mildred Moore, Ernest Strauss, Rose McGinnis, Freddie Gerbers, Eleanor Niemann, Ernest Huegel; Winifred Johnson and Hubert Johnson. "Archers Seven" to the music of ''March of the Noble" by Keats will inelude Dancer, Berie Boom, Corrin 3 Brissey; Lucille Hazelton, Eleanor Hemphill, Meredith Jimerson, Jeanne Spier and Mary Lizabeth Werner. The "Black Face Medley" dancers are Dorothy Antisdel, Evelyn Damme, 'l'helma Israel, Leona Simmons, Alice Trummer, Lorraine Ulmer and Irene Gorthy. "The Skaters' Waltz" to the music of the "Blue Danube" by Strauss will be danced by Janita Connelly and Verna

Faculty Honors Seniors At Reception

~~:~~d by Marjorie Evans at the piano.

·~ ,,e faculty recepticn in honor cf the u:icr cb:os W'.cS held in the Music Hall lil:d:co:'ium 2::cturday evening, May 20, at eight o'clock. President Pate and the faculty of Peru College received and congratulated a large number of the seniors.

The hall was decorated with huge baskets of flowers in season. Refreshments of angelfood cake, punch and mii1ts were served. ------



SIGM Al TAU UnuTll?t·~~v Werner and Trively Receive Positions


Sigma Tau Delta held a steak Officers for next year were elected at the Neal Park Monday, Ma· In the re:eiving line were Senior at the regular mee. ting of Everett's Officers for next year were eleL Ma.r", L1·zabeth Werner will be Class· President William Mooney, Pres. .L,iterary Society, Thursday, May 11. W. R. Pate, Mrs. Pate, Dean Inice M. E:.il:l Redenbaugh was elected the president. Ruth Crone was elec· Dunning, Dean J. A. Jimerson and Mrs. new president. Virginia McCoy is vice-president and Virginia Triv: Jimerson and informally located in oth- vice president; Miriam Sheldon, secre- secretary-treasurer. er parts of the hall the other members tary; .Theodore Graves, treasurer; and The spring edition of the Rectan~ of the faculty met and congratulated Druscilla Webster, reporter. Ia national Sigma Tau Delta publi< the seniors. The meeting was held at the Dutch [ tion, was distributed. Huli, Boa'man Tell Reac:ions. As a backg'round violin music was Oven, where a picnic supper was Norman Littrell Bertie. _B~om. a When interviewed as to what her played by Marione Trenholm accom- 1served. Glema Miers are the retmng offlccr .e:..c.c·, v,c.s when her selection by .student ·1cte ' wzts announced May "~iffi"""'1""' _ · · Hull sai'd ," I f elt 11·k·e ' [g] '""~~bc&l&J&J&J!i5l!i5l!i5l!i5lllfillllilJIIDlllll!l&J&Jll]!i5ll!lJ!l1mll!ll!lll!lll!lllilllilllilllilll1lll!lllil'JliJlilil1IilllIDilllillllfilllll.lllilllilllillllfilfilil~llfillllilJOOll!l[jj]fjj'jg',rii11lllllilfll1!ltijjliiiiiilrn1)1if:::::r:<,)(l Queen Mar3one · - ··, crying. I just couldn't study for 'the l!ll ,·est of the day." J:f'~raj~'._;Boatman y.ras l!ll asked a similar questio.i\ and gave tl:e l!ll sunealistic reply, "I ·almost went l1lJ l!ll through the floor/' l1lJ


Farewell to Peru Students



lill l1Jl

Cam11usChatter ~ 'J:'


o OQ o o 1111 o o ll In Ramona's opinion,, parents sending children to school to get married should pick a place where prospects are better. Now, now what do you have against us Peru boys? Wayne McGinnis and Gerald Bowen seem to enjoy the company of Auburn highschool girls more than that of· some ·co!lege coeds. Examinations are tests; tests are trials; and that's where they get the ··trials and tribulations' idea in the final school week. 11 11 Q ll ll 11 :;i 1111 ll ll ll 11 ll ll ll

~ ~

I ~ §




~ l1lJ


Let Schacht, Dorothy Tyson, Hilma Weber, Marian Weddle and Elaine Weichel. Pyramids will be formed by Margery Adams, Nettie Anderson, Faye Bouse, Fern Cameron, Ardist Christian, Doris Carnahan Alice DeVore, Clara Dunn, Phyllis Hobbs, Verona Klone, Pauline McGill, Grace Mnenchau, Louis Meier, Glema Miers, Irma Nispel, Maxine Pershing, Wanda Pavlat, Hazel Vanier. The costumes for the dancers will be colorful. The modern dancers will appear in long, black, full skirts and back, right half tops. Some will wear half and half clown suits and others, lace bodices and green and redshirts. Those appearing in the military dance will wear white slacks and blue shirts and carry red guns.






~ ~




1939-'40 B 0 BC ATS, too!

l!1J [gJ l1ll

Rogers. "Irish Reel" liY Hillas and Knighton Maryo4 rules Adams with an iron ~ . hand but she can't make him weai· a [gJ will be danced by Lucille Duey, Betty . l!ll Lou Garver, Joan Good, Roasalee Gra- tie. . l1lJ . beth N'1xon, Raus and Dean should perfect then· \l!l ham DuElla Knapp El 1za . t1li ' A d: Pl M dating schedule by drawmg straws. &J Wilma Parne11 , r 1s ager, ary . !El Alyc Vanderford Corrine Whitfield The longest wms the .date. . . ~ e . ' . Sid Timmons is trymg mdustnously f~ and Ruth Ziegenbem. to return an· article lost· by a certain ~ "To the Dance" will be g·iven by woman. ~ Phyllis Ber,ison, Faye Bouse, Ardist Fass entrusted one of his two ties l!J Christian, Ila Mae Heinke, Helen Mar- to a gal. Now he owns only one. garet Larson and Mildred Knoflicek. . .' ': "Dancing Clowns" by Hillas and Dear Readers, This your Answer-Man Know! just· Knighton will be danced by Marybeth Beckman, Dorothy Elwin, Lois Jaeckel dropping a line. Th~ mail is a little ll slack this week. following fast week's ll and Edna Mae Peterson. "Soft Shoe Routine" by Ba!lwebber rush of pre-exam questldns' which I n will be given by the following girls: was forced to an~wer. 'I'!litt may be : Margaret Anderson, Leslie Armstrong, the reason why. rio orie asked for my : ii Wilda Goings, Winfred Hall-Johnson, iervices this week. Lucille Tibbetts, Musa Wagoner, Lola Well the school year has rundown Ingham, Arlene Steiner, Enid Stoffer- and I'm running home. ' ll son, Betty Thom, Sylvia Ulmer, Edith Your frie17d, ,: Know! Edgega Lore... ll Wright, Nora Davis, Cathryn Erff1 For real entertainment, have Sid; l!l . . F d N Meyer, Mar3one raser an ancy show you his orange-swallowing feat. ~ Ellen Jones. "" Warning: Don't, make him laugh af- lil l:l "The Maypole Dance" will be given terward. ~ by Lillian Boz, Abbie Brandt, Eva some of these freshmen are setting Jane Bundy, Bertha Clayburn, Mary records or something in show· attend-1 Grush, Helen Harding, Darlene How- ance these days. One Fa!ls city Jass ard, Florence McCarthy, Phyllis Mast- has taken in five in as many days. 1 ers, Mildred Miller, Ruth Morris, Maybe she is getting ideas ._. .'.for her le1 Eileen Ottersberg Maryon Thomas, _ lllJ 2


x~:~ne Spier threatened; to double her actual hours. on N. Y,. A while listening to the songs sung by members of the music methods class. Sanders insisted on "swinging" them. Vacation time is ::tlmost here. Wonder if the campus couples will spend. their summers like this: Will Janet work hard at Dustin? Will Jeanne walk in the Gall~y-way{ Will Kathryn go Saale-ng? W1';:;: Enid ask, "Hutchy doing to-: night?"


PERU MERCHANTS E. L. DECK & CO, Better Hardware





School Supplies, Food, Beauty Treatments EARL'S CAFE ·Lunches-Candy-Cold Drinks



[j Ii





DuPont Paints



.. Groceries-Luhches-School Supplies. Prop., RU. LANDOLT







Groceries & Meats M. G, Heuer, Owner

Quality Groceries and Meats Cash and Carry





~ ~ [~


Iii ~ ~

1g [~





Shoe Repairing


South of Skelly Station



[?5 :11



I~ l~

[l; ['

TheRexall Store


iE ~

"Dark Victory" Thur, Fri. Sat.


~ ~ [;::

I 1(1:


I Jg]


Will Maxine get a car to Carter lj(1 lJg]!l around? Will Perkins dig Graves? l1ll 11§1 Will Jones pick Red ferns? Jg] ~ Will Benson take a Halladay? [1lJ Will Roberts go to the zoo to see the ~ campbells? lill

.. Under Dr. J oder's office


PEERU GARAGE Diamond Tires-Johnson Bat-

DR. G, Ph

R ]ODER · 'a

ysm n

& Sur eon


~ ll':i





teries. Prop, Sam Kennedy


~ 1::1 ~

MODERN BARBER SHOP p; l1lJ i Miss Davids()n Heads Staff Little Miss Muffet ~ Jam es & Woodie \~ The May Pete production staff in- Sat on a tuffet llll ,.-, ~ PERU CLEANERS &TAILORS IS\ cludes Miss Phyllis Davidson director; Eating her curds and whey Jg] "" Miss Edna Weare, costumes; Prof. A. V. Larson, staging and pianists; Miss HUTCHINSON GRAIN CO. john Cojh, Prnp. [_1,. Burtis Kennedy, Eleanor Niemann and And asked, "Will you write in my ~ "" Ernest Ulmer. Peruvian?'' ~~j~"11.!ll;t1~~'tc~\1~1lllllfil!llllll1fill!llllllllllllllll~llfilllllfillllllllllllill!!llll!l'i!J&J@@llll~

~~:~a~a::~ ~~~~~~her




State Teachers Colleges To Charge Tuition in Fall I ~TUDENTS State-supported Schools

Also Suffer Salary Cut



A ctouble-edg'ed economy program •. CONVOCATION PROGRAMS designed to meet operations under f Each Wednesday t,he college bell anappropriations reductions ordered by nounces that another convocation pro- V_O_L_UME--xllnr-7-----------------------------,.;__ _ _ _ _ __ the legislature emerged Tuesday from I gram is to be presented for Peru stuPERU, NEBR., WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1939 NUMBEF 29



a finance meeting of the state college dents and· faculty. This summer has I board, June 25. Iseen the bell introducing a series of First,, beginning at the Septemberlfine programs which .been featerm, s·cudents at the four teaeher col-1 tured by a. talk by Miss Allee Veeraleges, will be charged a 5() cent per swamy. Miss Veeraswamy is a native credit hour tuition. , of Wellore, South India and told of i the life custo s d d'ti th t Second, fifteen instrucwrs will be I la d • m • an con 1 "11s or a dropped from the aggregate staffs of i n · the schools, other staff members with Other progr~ms have featured Miss saiaries over $1()0 per month will take I Esther Stnckler, Chappel, in a series salary cuts ranging between 7 and 8 /of marimba selections, and a violin per cent, and the A. o. Thomas high/ quartet under the direction of Charles school training unit at Kearney will be· R.. R. Buckley, composed of Jeanne discontinued for the next two years. Spier, Helen Margaret. Larson, Monte Can Save Ratings Jean Games, and Wmifred Pettit with Ruth Chatelain at the piano. By these steps, Fred S. Andersen, normal board comptroller said, the board believes standard ratings can be : . maintained under the $146,975 prop-'




supt• c1ements Announces Placement Locat1"on Report


Peruvians will hear with regret that - Miss Glosser has handed m her re; ~.1ati0n, while Miss Harvey, Percentage of Placements Thelma Barnes McClain, who com- ·Mr. Thorsr•n and .ii/Ir. Schuler ar~ tak· Runs Above Last Year pletes her degree this summer, was i11g a leave of a:bsence. married to William McClan of Auburn 1-'.ofessor Shuler, with a fellowship, S. L. Clements, director of the Place- in Jpne, and does not intend to con·v1fl go to th~ Ui:iversity of Ch·'t:a:;u 10 ment Bureau, reports a larger percent- tinue teaching. Roberta cowe!l of c~ntinue wor': on his Ph. D. He age of students located than at this 1 Peru became Mrs. Ross Gerber of Ne~ ·,,;Ii be replace-:! by Mr. T. O Odlan:;, time ·last year. Despite the decrease in braska City in June. Mr. Mrs. n :·ently of tlY Billings 0 ~1ytecl:mic number of available positions, there Gerber will make their horn€ in Ne. i·::,titution. B:llL .i;s, Mont.:nr.. illr. are but 23 seniors who do not as yet braska City. .. . . Ori•ang is Lak;:r; !1is Ph. D. ;:•:oi:'. Nr.·.v have pos1t10ns. Durmg August of 1938, Students receiving "I two-year diplo- Y-..:-!~ UniYersi~~1' this surnmr:or. A nn17 seniors were located. Mr. Clements ma have secured po~;i~ions as foDcws: tj•:e of South D~~ota. he h:v: taught expects to locate the remainder of the George Armstrong of Odell, grades 7-S, .m J\/Iontana 0~1e yeJ.~·. Ee 1~, 1~ a can11939 gtaduating class before the open- Hastings, Iowa; Shirley Banett of Syr- r,::3 visitor the l:::Jter part of June.


;hrLeyct a"egc·eust. ,,,, the legislature d.ecreed for.:·;. ing of school in Septem)Jer. acuse, 1st grade, Curtis; Evelyn Lutz, , Professor Thornun leaves tu enroll 'The last report from the Bureau grades 5-6, Edison; Margaret Williams i;he University of Minnes0L: co com011 Of the slash, $75,522 represented an Den ver S cene o f . G a th ermg . gave the following placements: Gladys of Council Bluffs, Iowa, primary, Ten- J>1ete thesis research on a Pb. D. de .. . amount solons said they expected Of A •AU Majors of Peru, normal training, Eng- B nant; Louise Meier of DuBois, primary :· · t-t. Mr. Philio H. OveimFyer, of ·th • •W • D el egates e co 11 eges to make up through tui- M' T lish, Dewitt; Alice DeVore of Peru, eemer; Mildred Knoflicek of Platts- ilJinncapolis, Minnesota. has been 8_ tion . char.ges. Floor discussion during c iss t . ear fattended t.he National English, mathematics, Morrill,· Flor- mouth, music, elementary, Alma; Er- lec~ed to fill che vacancy. Hr overtne sess10n, however, indicated the . onven ion o the American Associa- ence Neve of Omaha, music and math- ma Herzberg of Clarinda, Iowa, ele- r.1ic.;·e~· nas b~3..i te)cl1ing in :.he Hislegislators intended the tuition charges t10n of University Women which was ematics, Comstock; Alice Ulbrick of mentary, Elliott, Iowa; Musa Wagner tory department in the University of would start in 194.0 and run about $10 ,held at Denver in June. Miss Tear Auburn,· primary, Peru; Wm. Chapin of Hastings, elementai·y, Comstock; il'i•1nesota. per semester, per student. was the official delegate of the Peru of Falll! City, music, science, Trues- Dorothy Roberts of Valley, elementary Miss Harvey isn't stopping at the u. Andersen explained .the board decid- j branch of the orga.nlzation. dale, Iowa; Robert Snyder of Auburn, Brownville; Ingrid Johnson of Emer- S. shoreline, but will sail for Englancl ed it would be less ol a burden on 1 The reports of the social and cul- commerce, Jamestown, Kan.; Mary son, Iowa, grade 3, Elliot, Iowa; Mary to teach in the Training School of students to spread. the t.uition over the tural wor~ being done in the United Grush of Falls City, mathematics, blo- Alice Vanderf~rd of Peru, grades 5-6, Hereford, England. Miss Harvey is exlull two years of the b1enmum rather Stat~ Which meets the needs and in- logy, Poplar Grove, Ill .. Howard Dean Lebanon; Lucille Hazelton of Peru, changing positions with an English than the second year only. The av- 1 terests of each section of our country, of Lincoln, coach, m;thematics, sci- music and grades 5-6, Uehling·; Clyde professor, Miss C. M. Gatterns. This erage hour load for students, is 15 a j were inspirational. ence, Sargeant; Mildred W!lliams, of Hunt of Douglas, departmental Eng- unusual but interesting situation was semester, thus making the average The Honorable Frances Perkins, Se- Peru, commerce, Reserve, Kan.; Ruth lish, Dunbar; Marjorie Prine of Bur- brought about through the Union for tuition $15 per year. lcretary of Labor, discussed "Women In ~utorius of Humboldt, home eoonom- -chard, grde.7-8, Lebanon; Stella Rogge the Interchange of English-speaking Applies To Over 3,000 Public Administration." 1cs, Messena, Iowa; Glen Yont of of Hot Sprmgs, S. D., music, elemen- Teachers in New Jersey. Changes will not apply to high scrool The Honorable Dorothy Kenyon, Brock, mathematics, physics, Waco; tary, Brock; Maxine Weber of Cook, Miss Glosser has already left us, and pupils. Based on last year's enroll- judge of the Municipal Court, New Melba Obernolte of Wabash, mathe- grades, Dunbar; Elfrieda Dahlgran of is employed as Assistant Librarian at rnent, the tuition would apply to 3 York, talked on "How women Have matics, typing, Rising City; Robert Riverton, Iowa, grades 5-6 Ellston, the Agricultural College, in the Uni789 students but Anderson said the bo,ard Achieved As Citizens". · Mason of Brownvill111 coach, English, Iowa; Mary Modlin of Beaver City, versity of Nebraska. contemplates a slight reduction in Dr. C: S. Boucher, Chancellor of the~ mathematics, Anders1m, Iowa; Gordon music in grades, Beaver City; Donna registration this fall. I UmverSJty of Nebraska, spoke on "The Gilbert, of Brock, music, Milford; Ber- Le~ Baker, el~mentary, Johnson; MarWith tuition ex!J€cted to cover the Adjustment of Education to Reality." nard Goerke of Burr, coach, manual Jone Trenholm of NortiJ Platte, grades Thirty-five Girls Attend $75,522 budge 0 slash, the board in-! Other speakers were: Dr. Frank Lor- arts, Gresham; George Mort of Ed- 7-8, music, Malone; Arlene Steiner of National Youth Course ·tends to compensate for the rest od imer, Professor of Population studies, gar, coach, manual arts, Hemingford; Emerson, Iowa, primary, music, Salem, ~;I4G,975 reduction by economies American University Graduate Scl10ol ;Laura Baum of Tecumseh, fellowship, Iowa; Mildred Polk of Sidney, Iowa, Approximately thirly-fiw girls atcperation; such as salary reductions. Washington, D. c., who had as his University of Oklahoma; Eleanor Nie- grades 3-4, Rjverton; Delores Porr of tended the first meeting of the Nascaff cuts, and departmental reorgani- subject, "'Ihe Changing Social Pattern man of Brock, music, English, Otoe; Honey. Creek, elementary, Loup City; tional Youth Training Course . given zations. I of tlie American Community"; Miss Delbert Nelson of Lincoln, coach, Marjone Harris of Fairfield, elemen- this week at Peru State Teachers









it; I I i

Respective budget cuts ordered for Mary Barnett Gilson, Assistant Pro- mathematics, Eagle; Maxine Aufen- tary, music, Taylor; Hazel Vanier of I College. the schools from property tax accounts. fessor of Economics, University of Chi- kamp of Julian, home economics, Gladstone, elementary, Edgar; Lois The purpose of these meetings is to Appropriated Appropriated cago, "Community Programs and Na- T~ble Rock; Dorothy Ann Coatney of Macomber of Beatrice, primary, Brock; instruct teachers to be leaders of Girl by Legis. by Legis. t10nal Welfare"; Mr. Forbes Watson, P.eru, elementary, Big Springs; Gene- Leona Simmons of Weeping Water, Scouts. Girl Reserves. and Campfire 1937 1939 Chadron . . . . . . $ , $ q'.~.4lZ special a.ss.rntant in Fine Arts, Procure- vieve Parr~ott of Salem, home econom- elementary, Verdon. Girls. Mrs. Anderson is in chage of 272 650 Kearney , ~ , m~nt Dms1on.' U. S. Department of ics su~erv1sor of Filmore and Thayer Although there may have been fur-1 tte Glrl Resei ve G:·oup, Mrs McGill 325 670 Peru . . . . . . . . . . . 04. .4 the Treasury, 'The City and Its Arts"; Counties;. Glen Sheeley of Peru, man- ,ther placements they have not as yet in charge of the campfire gll'ls and 2 500 251 30 Wayne .......... , :; . Mr. Boardman Robinson, Director of ual trammg, history, Brock; Robert been reported to the Bureau. Miss Steinaur, the Girl scouts. 308 21 272 038 Total . . . . . . $1,181,216 $1 044 061 Art School, Colorado Springs Fine Art Weber of Humboldt, music, Mesquite, Difference between :hese ' tG~als Center, "The Artist as a Social Inter- Texas; Thomas Majors of Peru, coach, amounts to $136,975 cut A:-idersen said preter"; Miss :Laura Beam, Associate manuai training, Thunnan, Iowa; another $10,000 reduction is involved in Arts, A. A. U. W. Headquarters Maxine Galbraith of Fairbury, combecau~ of question over part Staff, ''The A. A. U. W. Arts Program. merce, music, English, Tobias; Mary Kearney normal's appropriation All technical sessions had panel dis- Mathews of Brownville, home economother factors. cussions, which brought to the con- ics, Taylor; Gerald Ogg of Peru, mani\nclhe:· meet:ng of Lhe board. An-' ventJon platform some seventy-five ex- ual training, coach, Exeter; Roy Lively One, Two, Three-Year Littrell, Norman de1oe:1 i'eported. probably will be hekL c::::;~ inD the various fields. ~f b~lls City, manual training, music, 'i Dij}lomas to Forty-Five Long, Ethel '': AcGUSL tJ 1;e up locse erids of the .. : e enver branch of the A. A. u. a e Rock; Lester Mosely of Ong, McLain, Thelma 1.u,1· p:ugc1;1; o:.::d co ;;·::msact business '" p:·ovcd delightful hostesses, and ~oach, manual training, Carleton; Thirty-eight seniors are candidates Mathews, Faye ;i:cp.:ra.ory to the opening of the new even furnished cars on several occa- John Boyer of Bridgeport, coach, so-1 for degrees this summer, while fortyMosley, Lester '"''0 .. ; , e::-r. s10ns. The first evening a "chuck wa- cial science, DeWitt; Harold Boatman five other students are candidates Nelson .. Delbert - - - · __ gon" dinner was given in Troutdale of Nemaha, superintendent, staple- either the three, two, or one-year diNeunaber, Etta ::ark .. 1he costumed hostesses served hurst; Eleanor Hemphill of Beatrice, plomas. Numbered among those to reNieman, Eleanor d1nner in western picnic style. A home economics, Engl!sh, Verdon; Lu- ceive degrees are John Boyer, Lester 'vVOOD PICTURE MAKING Og·g, Gerald .. ~wbcy band, stationed 011 rocks high .die Millington of Omaha, comm~rce, Mosley, Delbert Nelson, Howard Dean, 0HO\\ N BY CARTER Orwick, Wendell .. ;iove the picnic grounds, furni'shed lrumbel. Glen Sheely, and Gerald Ogg, all of Pilch; Eva S. A very interesting· demonstration of t wooden piccure making was given be- he ,music. The following members of the grad- whose names are familiar to Peru Ranza, Eliz Ann fore a im·ge group of Industrial Arts A,,ter the dinney, the guests were uatfj,g class, already placed were not sport fans. Mosely, Dean and Sheely Schaffer, Ruth ctudenfo, Tnw-,;dav afternoon by C ~a:en to the Park of the Red Rocks. seeking positions from the 'Placement were members of state college basketSheely, Glen H. Carter of Cou~cil Bluffs ' . , ere. m a natural amphitheatre of Bureau: Gerald Fichter of Farragut, ball teams. Sheldon, Ben · rocks, the Denver branch of the A. A. Iowa, ·coach, commerce, Giltner,· Hc1011 The list of candidates: Sims, Paul Mr. Caner is Industrial Ar t s m· U· W· depict.ed the lives of the pioneer Hall of Reynolds, elementary, Lincoln,· ' Degree Sorenson, Alice structor at Thomas Jefferson h1'gh women n th , i e pageant, "Yesterdav s ayne Wilson of Peru, commerce, Allsman, E. M. Tangeman, Mayre ScDool in Council Bluffs and those Women" · Anderson, Isabelle who have visited his stilOOI agree with w English, Julian; Clarence Ziettlow, suVanderford, Everett hHe visiting the University of Den- perintendent at Gilead·, Everett VanBoyer, E. John Wellensiek, Marie C. 1.1im when he says he has "a model ver ilI T school shop." . i i·,s ear met Dr. Holch, formerly derford, principal, Gordon· Ruth Coatney, Dorothy Wicinia, Emil an mstructor in Peru College. She Schaffer of Auburn, elementa;y BrokCowell, Roberta Wilson, Wayne The picmres are cut from mats buM also met three former graduates of en Bow; E. M. Allsman, superintendDavis, Ralph Yont, Glenn up with difterent colored wood venee:·s Peru College; namely, Iris Tobler '27, e;1t, Byron; Isabelle Anderson of York ' Dean, Howard Ziettlow, Clarence for ea~h. part of the picture. . : ~mes;, Rothert '30, and Donald Tyler Nebraska, high school, Colorado; Eth~ Devore, Ance Three-Year Diploma Afte1 the picture is cut with a jig- 31. •a" of whom are taking graduate el Long, grades, Lincoln; Faye MathEngdahl, Marlyn Glosser, Elizabeth saw, ews , grades, Auburn·, Al'ice s orenson .. the pieces are fitted together like 1, won; from Dr. Holch. Fichter, Gerald Hazelton, Lucille a Jig-saw puzzle, and .. glued to a board./ r Miss Tear accompanied Dr. and Mrs. of Omaha, physical education, OmaGalbraith, Maxine Laughlin, Lyle A. beautiful picture .is made after the I.folch to a Kappa Delta Pi breakfast ha_; Lela McKenny Walker of Peru Goerke, Bernard Eckard, Dorothy flm1s~'.ng process brmgs out the colorsl.which was served on the terrace of the grades, Omaha; William Mooney, i~ Hall, Helen Patterson, Ruth and .,ram of the different woods. :l!brary at the University of Denver. in business at Omaha. Knouse, Kathryn (Continued to Page :t)


77 581

Thirty-Eight Seniors Will Receive Degrees






3 .~



YO~V~~~1~~~~1 given you?

'.MRS, MG GILL ~PEAK~: ' ycm ha1·e giveri Peru-or so say the yhilosophers. Personally Peru ·•ON ·y . OUTH lEAhUL.un ~u1p given me a new·road alone- which I can traveL Perhaps that In the main it has given you what

WAYNE McGINNIS lw; M. FLORENCE MARTIN ruad is merely a detour.,--perhaps it is the main h~ghway across the Youth Training Course map of my life. I don't know and don't care as I am going to start Given For One Week riding into the horifon following that road-the highway of educaREPORTING, STAFF Lorraine Safranek Anna Louise Short tion. ' "Youth is such a lovely thing" is Ruth Nicholas Merlyn Wittler Glen Sheely lf l saw tit to walk that road, I would merely have to look at dominating note which rang throughMarg Hull Dorothy Gakemeir my side for comfort, for there will be trudging another gift of Peru out the speech. Mrs. McGill me«~r,tPrl Elsie Parret Ruth Patterson Eleanor Nieman -my wife. Two people traveled from the ties of home with its ever last Wednesday morning dlll·ing Phyllis Benson ollinillg light of love into the darkness of unknown Peru. There convocation hour. Mrs. McGill they n1et as boy and girl and swi'.ftly the light of love .grew brighter both the faculty and student body THE PEDAGOGIAN and outshone the loye .of paternal home-in its place came the !>urn- purpose and the importance of ing desire for their own home. Now they are ready to start the trek National Youth Training course It is not our purpose to apvlogize ,·or this paper-we haY<.: h;+cl along the road of ecltication as man and wife. given this week. a great deal of enjoyment in putting· out this edition and feel wt But one who ha:s attended Peru can't take the trip along life's The course will center its attention have clone quite well under the circumstances. We had to a:,;k sLnhighway with just one person. He will have to hire a bus because upon the organization and group work dents to write articles, and we had no org·anization as to the bting' he \\'ill neecl plenty of room to tra\·el along with the student friends that is to be found, in partic~lar, in of articles-yet we give you four .pages of whit~ and black. c:rcclit he has m,acle at Peru, the faculty members he has learned to respect each of these groups: the campfire should be given to the reporters and ~[iss I\lai'tin for their aid in as teachers and friends, the col'leagues he will meet at the road, Girls, Girl Reserves and Girl Scouts. giving you this to take home, wave, and say, "See what I got ior the pupils who will fill his heart as he travels the road, and in time The speaker stressed the importance my $4.50." H. H.-N. L. his own "spittin' images". of proper leadership and stated that In remuneration I have gi.ven Peru the main part of four years "leadership for girls demands an unof my life. l have left some of m:y thoughts and my being implant- derstanding of desirable objectives." NO IFS, ANDS OR BUTS-eel in the minds of students and faculty. I have left my name in the Then too, to be an effective leader, you \Vhen has a young man ever been or, 1Vhe:1 will he ever again annuals of those who have tried to do their bit for Peru. My place must "know the girls' mental as well he proYided with. such an opportunity, as this, t,> expound a bit has been small, but the feelin,g· of selfish satisfaction (for aren't we as their physical make-up." upon that most baffling problem ma:i has-"Woman". selfish when we do ti1ings because we enjoy the event or the glow The aim of group work is to provide we gain from doing the act?) has been great. ample opportunity for each youth to \Yhile I'm still free to do and say what I please, it is my purI'm afraid, that Peru has given me more than I have given Peru. "develop through active participation." pose hee to express, in a few ll'orcls, the inmost feelings of both l came with a battered car and I leave -with .an overhauled engine, a Then, going on, the speaker expoundthe married and unmarried men. The mafried men seldom e\'er say rrJad to tranl with maps and guidebooks to aid me, work and its ·ed a bit on the importance of friendanything about the other side of their wives' beautiful natur.e be- remuneration as the fuel, and my loved one as the light guiding the ship, and in so doing she emphasized cause, though they live in a land of freedom of speech and democra- rwl. I came in a coupe with only my local friends, and I leave in the fact that "friendship brings out cy, they've come to fear the wrath of the "Rolling Pin Reign." We a bus loaded with friends from the middle-western states. the best in the individual." In stat·who are. as .vet . free from the fears of the, "heaV)', heaV)', hangs ov\\'l· 1at have you .gamec · l from peru:' mg why the youth of today needs to er th)' head" rollinit pin, realize that ii we do not sa}· it nov\• we'll NOR~·r lv ·"'N LITTRELL be properly guided, she explained that probably neYer say it. So, though this may mean that I'll have to "during the growth of youth, life habtake up residence in the vacated Bob~at cage for prot~ction, 1:ere THREE MEETINGS HELD VITALIZED AGRICULTURE its are being formed." goes-1 <lon't know what. Anyhow, Just ren:ember, girls, "Sti~ks BY SIGMA TAU DELTA. TAUGHT BY STONEMAN The influential party back of the and stones mav· break A th reat ene d shower brought· th e Exciting much interest among rural promotion of this work is Mr. Phillips , mv· bones.· but words · . will never l . · harm f me, -· of course, I woulcln t want vou to be getting any )Jg 1c1ea rom t 1m Sigma Tau Deltrcs scurrying from the teachers attending Peru is the vitaliz- who has established the Phillip's '.1uotation. t· for th e speci·fic purpose Dutch oven to tl1e dormitory recrea- ed agriculture course taught by Miss Foun ct.awn tion hall for their first meeting of the . . of trammg leaders for proper and adeYou say· that )'ou're made of "sue:ar and spice and everything sCJmmer, a scra:n bl ed-egg p1cmc, . . on Stoneman. Miss Stone.man has taught quate leadershi'p of young people. u nice," while we're made of "snakes and snails and puppy-clog tails." June 12 . _ the class for ten summers and teaches Mrs. McGill stated also that the ::ow, that isn't th.e w~y I heard it because in. the beginning a Per- The second meeting of the summer, at Fairbury d.uri?g the ~inter months. entire matter is as y~t in 'an experisian poet once said- Allah took a rose, a lily, a dove, a serpent_ 'ield J n 26 in the Music Hall was A study of .vitalized agnculture shows mental stage and because of this fact i of all things), a. little honey, a Dea~ Sea Apple an~. a ~anclful ol ~ainl/ d~vot,ed to initiatio:i of' new I that it is not an additional school sub- she, as well as those whom she repreclay. When he looked at :\lmalgan-it was a woman.· Its no won- members. Pledge initiates were Doro-\ject; it is merely a method of teach- sents, is "anxious to make it a success," der a fellow can't figure you out, when he sees what really goes mto l'.cv Gakemeier Carol Gunlack Glenda ing. The students gain practice in not so much for herself, but for the your make-up. ,il.:lller, Thelma' Roqerts, Ruth ~icholas, ;tiointing out specific instances in which beneficial guidance which can be pro. a specified subject might be correlated ·ct d f th d f d 1 ., No that ·we're decided irom what the)'' re made tellows let 5 e.nd Hazel Pa1mer. New ac.1va mgm- . v1 e or e goo o men an women w · . ' b M .t R , . v·101 with each school subject. of tomoI·row. look into their minds and decide upon the attitude we shall take con- er;; were argun e 'lu'Ht, ;, cerning this "matter" as Professor Schuler calls it. One person has Weatherfield and Mrs. Irene Kucera. The course is comprised of two sec- And in c!osi:ig, she interpreted the sai·d, ''when an ass climbeth a ladder, you may find wisdom in wo- Louise Neff and Bernice Jack were in- tions, each closely related to the oth- importance of proper leadership in orman." However, for the sake of convenience, we'll say that the ass itl:t1-ed as new associat~ membets. Ad- er. These are: (1) theory, and (2) ganization and group work in these has actually climbed the ladder and look upon the situ.ab.on from v.•:«:ements in the fraternit.y wen methods. Theory includes shop work, few words: "We are either a stumbling · , f' 'tb PattersA~ to act1·ve an-' Ooro;h,, field trips, surveys, and readings and block or a stepping stone to the ·bO"S that ang·le. Here we find that one, Erasmers, sajs, "A wise woman '· ,· ' . v:~ · · , ' ., ' ' ' i~ twice~ a fool." Wh)• should he say that, you ask? · F:schter, Li!a:Pf)', and ElsiP Pa.nee ~o lectures on the projects which may be and girls with whom we work in group used in the rural schools. Activities work." 2.wiciate. V.: ell, take yourself for instance-here you are stuffing your lifter the in'.tiation the gr'.l't:> enter- are based on life situations of country cranium full of letters of learning, when you know full well that the eel into several tests of knowledge or boys and girls; hence the course is FACULTY MEMBERS TALK AT KIWANIS MEETINGS t.hing you really want is a good "hubbie." I don't mean. to say that quizzes. The highlights of the evening largely agricultural. ·the time spent in acquiring an education is too great a detriment, but wa~, the .spelling match whi~J1 ended For the methods division, students What do faculty members do in their you don't need to know the declensions of numerous latin words to i1 a tie betwee'1 Mrs. Bal:er and Jlv.J:rs. work out units based on agriculture. leisure time? Some of them have been cook up a batch of beans, and,besicles, who wants to come hoine Sr'.:mi. Not onlv did these two house- These units, following the three-year speaking at Kiwanis Club; the local after a hard day's work only to have his wiie rush in after a bridge wi·.'es spell cto·.vn erstwhile gr2.d<> and plan, consist of (1) living things, (2l men's club. party, toss him a can of corn and say, "I'm sorry, Darling, I must l:ig"" school teachers, but they also making things, and (3) growing things. During the summer the club has ha.ct hurry over to Mrs. J\Iagillienddies for a very important committee nu:nbered a fe•.v local faculty members This summer 0939) is the year for some interesting meetings. On June a1:1cng tl1eir victims after a prolonged "growing things." Units on corn, le- 6, R. D. Latsch, the lieutenant govermeeting." s;:;; ts. of diffic-111. words gumes, wheat, ·crop surveys, and weeds nor of Kiwanis, Division 6, and Dr. G. In other words, men are less interested in brain-women than iit The third mc'oting of the ye3r, held are worked out. Spenser of Lineoln, gave talks on the heart women. \Vhy, n·en back in Enripide's time, the men were !V:, nday, July 10, featured a program · Miss Stoneman says that she uses activities of Kiwanis Clubs. saying, "I hate learned women. J\fay there never be in my abode a c: Griginal contributions anrl a book the inductive procedure for teaching. On June 13, Dr. J. M. Winter, the woman knowing more than woman ot1g·ht to know." rev;ew of "Nebraska Coast." The material is supplemented by books, head of the Peru State Teachers Bio. ·' , bulletins, and lectures and readings. logy department, who is supervising 1 suppose, if you could get your education and keep all t.hat NEW MENS DORMITORY These give suggestions which enable the WPA campus improvement, gave which is above your husband's head a secret, that would prove to be IS NEARING COMPLETION the teacher to go out into the· rural an interesting speech. He discussed well enough- but, some 2ay, a kept secret would just kill a__ woThe men's dormitory is being c0m-1 school and teach by vitalized methods. some of the completed projects and man-and l have as yet to see a woman overcome from her efforts 1 r eLed on schedule, and will be readi' students also observe work in vitalized others wh~h are proposed., Arrong to keep a secret. Keeping a secret, with the woman, it seems to me, ''''!' use. by the first of September. agriculture done by a group of chi!- those completed are the Biology paths. is very much like, ''passing the buck." (I dare not say how well we Exterior work is up to schedule ac- dren in the training school. Demon- the transplantmg of trees, the landfellows keep a secret.) e0rding to Ronali S Grubb, the arch1- stration lessons taught by the in- scaping of tne Athletic fields and ten. Istructor also make up a part of the nis courts. Th" new men's dormitory Silence just isn't one of woman's virtues. Juvenal puts it in this ,ccrs superintendent. will need to be lanc'.s.;~ped. The ;1o:way-"Such a clatter of words pours from her tongue that you Lathing was started this week; she.et course. metal work is almost finished, and the . ·t h low back of the librarv is being 5.lled would think 'all' the pots and bells were being clashed together.'' . . . Shop work is correlated WI h t e · · . d The purpose for which is to have an i"~very woman knows. that silence is the best ornament that she can plumber has most of his . "roughmg-m" meth od s course. Artic 1es a~e ma e cement k out-door theal€r. On June. 20 Profes·· have and, get, though she knows, "A silent woman is always bet- done, Most of the fimshed . . that children would be ab1e to ma e ' fioors on second and ~hird are com- . . sor R. D. Schuler gave an inter:sti1r ter than a talkative one;" she still persists in having the last word. . .· . . . m a rural school. Articles such as " p,eted. The gables will be fimshed by 1 ·r . talk on amateur photorTraJ}~y. s1me . . . . :breadboards, bl l files servmg trays, . "Between a woman's NO, There is'nt room for a pin to go." iVIonday and shmglmg of the roof will I ' . . of his topics were: th~ advantages and lbook racks, and magazme ral}ks can d' d t f .. t And her reasoning is just as bad-she thinks a thing is so because begin. .. . i. . . be used for construction work in art, Isa van ages 0 mima ure cameras, she thinks it is so. Because of lack of available working I . . . enlargmg and conta·~t printin,,. ver. . . for fair work or for Christmas gifts .. "' space, la. ndscapmg will not be star . ted I . ' s:it1lity and So, as Bernard Shaw would state it, "you sometimes ha 1·e to . ' . ~~~~ . uses of r.ew t.ypes of film. Lnt1l the general contractor 1s done · . After his speech he a!10wen:d general answer a woman according to her womanishness, just as _you ha\·e ~nd the inside trimming is sfr,rted. Miss Stoneman, who has been teach- questions. to answer a fool according to his folly." When something ,goe-s hay- The entire lower fioor is to be used ing this course for the past teri sum- The Tuesday after July 4th the wire, you 111ight know that, when the cause is discovered, you'll find 1 ft r student union purposes and ·will lmers, spends her winters as a te~cher members of Kiwanis, devoid of 'burns, a woman in it somewhere. And where ''man has his will-wob·= open to everyone. The!·e will be· of the fifth grade in the Fairbury held another meeting. C. H. Carter, man has her way." lO. \V. Holmes.) ,.,,acting rooms for study and visitjng, schools. , the instructor of Industrial Arts at yet, for all this, some fellows like Richard Jefferies have said, ·1 club room with an adjoining kirclfen, In her class this summer are fifty Council Bluffs, Iowa, spoke on woods "a hearth is no hearth unless a woman sit by it." How that could be,, a game room and an activities room. girls and one boy. Miss Stoneman .is and the making of wood pictures. after seeing what several "men oi authority" have said, I'm inclined Work was begun last November 3 seen with her pupils as a co-worker, Frank Haywood, a native of Peru. to wonder a bit. In case any of you young ladies are so moved that upon the building which is being erect- not merely as a supervisor. Her direc-,, broug·ht some fragments of Indian potvou would like to "still'' get in the· ''last" word, you may address ed at the cost of $189,000. The general tion is made clearer by concrete ex- tery which he had unearthed on his your rebuttal to my faithful secretary, Bert Hall. I promise to ans- contract was awa"ded to the. firm of amples. She knows her plans will rrm-a neighbor of his just recently wer all replies pesonally. ORBET. .Ernest Lokahr imu Sons1_of Lmcoln. work because she has tried them. pnearthed a whole vase. u







T H E P !;ft U P :g D A <l () (}

tA N

A friendly spot, where neighbors meet. stay at the University would have In kindly ways, a spot made sweet THIRTY-EIGHT SENIO'S shown sawdust to Dawson as the Ara- ~By children's voices, fiinging out • WILL RECEIVE DI<'GREES pai/oe trackster had jumped 25 f&et 1 Their young heart's glee in laugh and (Continued from l inch while at the Bobcat camp last shout; Two-Year Diploma spring. Anderzohn, Evelyn

Steak Fry Features Summer Activities

The writer is confident that "Mat" could have placed high in the 100 mel!>'':::-1..-~::~r-~,,;::~~r ters also which was won in the time of Highlighting the surnmer's act.ivi10.5 by Bill Anderson of Altadena, California. ties has been the steak fry held by the college at Neal's P~rk on June 2il. In the beautiful settiH; of peacefti: l-ieal Tenn1·s.· ATTRACTIVE NEAL PARK Park Indians wh0oped, cowboys rode My nomination for Peru state's tenheir LUrdy steed3, vr1;c;;; rnr:;ed lll ADDS TO PERU'S BEAUTY : nis ace for summer term is Bob Halla3ong, and stomaches fought to handle day. Bob, when up on his game, has Nothing could be more pleasing to Che load of steak, buns. pickles, pop, s. scorching serve and a fair· backhand.· people coming into Peru than the ice cream, potato chips, and fruit Bert Hall, when he has time, is beautiful well-kept Neal park. Attracwhich picnickers gathered as they filed learning· how to play the racket swing- tive Neal Park lends itself readily to pas t t he cook shack. ing game. beautification, and Peruvians may "Wooing of Little Nell" Receives Top Billing

Me's Musings

Food wa.s wrapped in individual por"Ace-server" Winters looks up on his tions by a commiccee of girls; namely, game, and challenges the professors to Phyllis Benson, Marg Hull, Marjorie a contest one of these dog-killing days. Trenholm, Mary Lou Harvey, Elda Rawson. Eleanor Rawson, Virginia Football: McCoy, Lola Barrett, and Shirley Bar- James Mather, Coach Wheeler's rntt. Idream man, according to reports goThe steak was cooked by a group of ing around will be unable to particiimported chefs featruring Howard ; pate in next season's grid season. The Dean, Bert Hall Delbert Nelson Glen I htte1: bit of declaration came from Sheely: Norma~ Littrell. B~mard I Mather himself in a few sentences of Goerke, Bob Williams and Harold Dall- 1 conversational slinging with Leonard am. Greathouse during the AAU Meet. lThe only complaim received was Fill-ins: . Coach Wheeler's demand for a rare Bill Arnot, Humboldt ace of the past steak-rumor has it he had already three years, has passed up his home disposed of a well-done portion.) state to go to UCLA (California) to receive his education and take part 1·n F o11 owing the meal was one of the athletics or vice versa. Wish the :srandest, largest, and most entertainToll"-coached lad had stayed m· h!S. ing pertormances of the year. The top ' billing was given to the "P" club with home state and tried to be a loyal their stage hit of last fall entitled Cornhusker, which were his intentions "The wooing of Little Nell". Action until a job in sunny california land was fast and colorful with Glen Sheely changed his mind. In my opinion, Bill as Handsome Harry, the Pride of the would have done better with himself Plains, overcoming the obstacles 10 to have come to Pern State but what true love and gaining his lovely, dai.n- it your opinion worth anyhow, McGin-


ty Little Nell, the Rose of the Prairie. n!s? as portrayed by Delbert Nelson. Glens path was rough as he not only had to squirm from the clutches of the amorous Countess No Count Bert Hall, but also had to use his flit gun on the haughty Chief Rain-in-the-Face"Howard Dean and his two Phony Bucks. Bob Williams and Bernard Goerke. The play ended as all plays should with the hero carrying his lored one into the horizon, while the Countess

~~: l~~~i~~:i~ii:."kicking

their last" on


Leonard Greathouse:

one walks along the paths, he finds new delight awaiting him, lily pools, rock bridges, and new nooks of be1u?y. Severa! Dutch ovens and a shelte·,. house a~e provided for the convernence of picnic parties. Mr. Neal and family gave this land, a part of their former home, in memory of Laura Bradford Neal. It was dedicated 'on Easter Sunday, April 21, 1935. Miss Esther Clark wrote the following poem whica \•1as read at '.he dedic:ition ceremony. \ What is a Park A bit of naturP., ~et apart A1»cl added to bJ skillful art, To feast the beauty, loving eye And cheer the hearts of passers-by;

Miss Laverene Setzer left Friday for a trip west, stopping off for a few days in Kansas City, Mo., to visit her aunt and husband Mr. and Mrs. Albert Amman. She left Monday morning for Bakersfield, California, where she will visit cousins and will also visit an aunt and cousins in San Francisco and attend the fair. She plans to be gone a month and return by the northem route. Dr. and Mrs. Castle Brown and Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith spent Saturday in Omaha. Haney Milstead will go to Nebraska City Monday to be in charge of Skelgas sales and service for Vigen Appliance Co.

~' ;;;,


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s p,eru tate


held its fifty-first meeting last MonFollowing the play was a song fest day and Tuesday, July 3 and 4 at Newith Dean Jimerson leading the sing-

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Peru State Teachers. College was represented by "Lanky Leonard" GreatCredit for the steak fry and its rapid . house in the Junior division high J·ump always-movmg e1. ·ems. a.s well as the G . . t...' reathouse's efforts m the jump gave a way the crowd 01 01·er a irnndred was . . . 1 ., him a mark of SIX feet, which although h an dl ed sh ou ld go to Coach Art Jones . . - .. a praiseworthy accomphshment was who planned and mrected the event. \ ,wo ' . h es sh or t of f ourt h place, the ~ me ~ ·I last place to be given.


To loveprayer, that makes the world so fair.

Armstrong, George Flau, Lorraine Harris, Marjorie Herzberg, Irma Johnson, Ingrid Jones, Irene M. Prine, Marjorie Roberts, Dorothy M. Rog·ge, Stella Steiner, Arlene Taylor, Lenora Tibbetts, Eva Lucille One-Year Diploma Briar, Ruth E. Cameron, Fern Collins, Velda Cooper, Mary V. Garver. Betty Harding, Helen Hull. Mary M. Johnson, Julius A. Kammerer, Alice Livingston, Jean McCarthy, Florence Malone, Ellen C. Miller, Mildred K. Morris, Ruth N'eil, Ruth Nieveen, Hazel Rosenthall, Harold Sailors, Stanley Schacht, Emma Schloeder, Lucile M. Schmidt, Marjorie Schwartz, Ruth Semenec, Wilma Sherman, Lucille Sherstad, Maxine Stoddard, Helen Wheeler, Margaret

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co:~~~i~!~lt~:s:~::e~~i~[~~~~:~~~~ ~~

more the spirit of Peru had invaded a group of students.

What ls a park? A gladsome place T1 ;.It bears the signet of God's grace, And lifts our thoughts in praise and

Such be our park beside the road, Where we may drop the daily load justly be proud of it. And listen to wise nature say, Two entrances, each graced by tall "Pause here ·awhile, to rest and play." colonnades, greet one. Within is found a veritabfe paradise. Gorgeous May we, who enjoy the privilege of fiowers bloom profusely, tr~es offer this &reen haven, honor the lovely lady, cnol shade, shrubbery enhance the in memory of whom it was given and scene, birds sing entrancingly, and as ;he spirit in which it was given.

"Bus" Moore, one of Peru's all time ~~ greats of the court, has been selected take over the duties of Wayne Hill bi: at Shenandoah. Hill formerly was head coach at the town of radio stations, but upon his of a position elsewhere, "Bus" was to · move up from his assistantship to top ~ order man. Much luck to you, Bus! ..,


Green dell and high oak-shaded hill Whtt-e hungry spirits take their fill Of peace and joy and quiet ease And learn the steadfast stren~th of trees.





'~ ~



fal I TA." rm Beg1·nQ.




Rad Greathouse obtained the height


DO PRACTICE TEACHING of 6 feet 2 1-8 inches he secured at ~ Seventeen studem teachers doing the State Meet he would have won ..: fourth honors. The writer means t0. ~ practice work in the training school ·a , connote that Bobcat fans are to feel • for the past fire weeks. ha re had aii ~. · · confident that if the spring muscled excellent opponun:t.r to "catch up" OL • , ·. . athlete could have had the training ~ modern methons 01 mstruct10n. Now. 1 f 'lit' th t t however, the extra term is near!" fin- ac1 res .a. mos of the participants . . . . ; had at therr Command, he WOUJd have rshed for the traming school pupils. finish d "' th. ,, ·. .. no more an d 1·t·s "N o more penc11s . e m e money . ·~ ,, ' i First place honors in the jump went books, for the rest of the summer. It L St 0 . Those veterans of the teacl1ing pro-)c:ar: 6



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Monday, sept em ber 11


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s aep, fit. l • f.(•:f r@li:'h man t 81t s, 8


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~ t 12 F h I t r ti ities l~ th;e::~ at'~p~:ig~::- ;!~ ~-·. uep • . . .• re& man or en a IOU ac v ~.' foss10n who were seemingly unsatisfied 7 inches. on Tuesday, steers won ~ ~ with a mere fall term and came back in the senior division at the height Of tai: Q.e. pt. 13-R:edi•tratlon of all upperclassmen. ~ this summer for more.• are: Maud Fra- 5 feet a 1~a inches. ~ 0 l!t ~




I 7-8 1

zeur and Hattie Ziettlow in the kindergarten; Mearle Shoebotham, Elsie Jim Mather: Parret, Louise NetI, Adeline Shoemey- "Little Hoss" Mather, who was to er and Mrs. Gertrude Hill in the first have been Peru State's other contendand second grades; Alice Slagle and er,_ was knocked out of the running by Lenora Taylor in the third and.fourth; Wilma Heiser and Gladys Grush in the fifth and sixth; and Hazel Burke, Hi1da Slagle, John Boyer, Fred Brockman, Clarence Zeittlow and E. Allsman in the seventh and eighth grades. The car of



Sept. 14-Re!glstration of freshmen. ~ tiJ:

"Blue-Beard" Fate, as tough an opponent that ever swung a low blow, ~ Mather traded blows with a stick of wood and a result "Mat's" doctor advised the speedster to pass µp the meet. ~ Beyond a doubt, "Mat" would have i: Chatelain was had a good day. The broad jump in :~

the object of an accident a mile east of Brock, Tuesday, June 27. It hit loose gravel and slid into the banister of a highway bridge. The fender was torn and the front axle was bent.



~ ~:'




~ ~~ ~~

fit.opt. l5•Cla·&SI& berlln. Uv 6




the Junior division was won by Harwin Dawson, Husker from North ~ Platte, who leaped t)le distance of 23 feet 9 inches. The boy that Ed Weir -~ was anxiously (rightly so, too) to have



~ ~ .


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f:,;: '''l':.i<i#X'l~!J: 1til'J2'1!lllI~lf~~:J~lJ2ll~,,;~.;;1:l~@!lJ'.li]

Fred Cole, '33 coach at Blue Springs who is home in Peru for the s mmer. tr< is in school at Greeley this summer. j Helen. Gilbert is in charge. I ·ary Evaline West, '38 is to be an assist- JUVemle department of the city ant to the zoologist, Prof. Hegner at i Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Alie(' Auxier '37 who has been teach- John Hopkins in Baltimore, Md., this! Gerald Tyler is attend mg si. nmer

. • 1r .al·1 t't mnl Al ;:::fcif::i~lgJ~i:gjfi111~:rnllJJ'ilii1ll[gJl!!iill][jjj!llJ[jjJ[jjJ[jjj[jjj[jjJ[jjJ[!!

Milholland and Garcia Present Program at Peru Budget Committee Plans Seven Summer Programs

- ing at Hickman



will go to Seward next fal!·

koml!'ski violinist· and Enno Bologm-

Butler Harkins, '35 has given up 1 teaching and for the past year has Not all those legends about nums- ni, 'cellist, gave an interesting concert r B , t d f .aura aum, who graaua e rom Ibeen employed at a California airport. ter's sons are true," are the words of Charles R. Buckley, violinist and Peru this spring, has been awarded a I Miss Zoa Warden, '30 Mrs Eva Howard I. Milholland, former progiam coach of strmg ensemble, Umve10:1) iellowship to work on heu ·masters at . ' ' the Universitv of Oklahoma this win-1 Leeper, '3S, Mrs. Carl Aller, and director of the Pacific Division, Na- of Chicago, as guest mstructor m \'lO · ter. Mrs. Wayne Decker, formerly Mildred 1 tional broadcasting Company'. ana. now I lin during the first four weeks of the 'Sprague '37, all of Beatrice were visita famous actor and entertamer. Mr.· oummer session, gave a recital before a Itona.ld Clark ,'37, who taught music, ing on the campus last Thursday. Milholland appears with Eva Garcia· , c. y appreciative audience. <ct. Culbertson, will go to a similar po- i s. Clay Coy, •31 visited the campus at Peru on July 11 at 8:15 p. m. Gcliers appearing will be: The lb.rd- i"1t10n m Mitchell tlus fall. Irecently, He has been at Elko, Neva"Wish I could oblidge with some re- i11g Stnng Quar,Let, William Bowl'""· Esther Strickler, who taught music: · 1 da and will go to Longmont, Colo., as miniscences of a black-sheep, but 1 Negro Baricone, and The Fisk Jt! .L·(; , c Chappel will be supervisor of mu- i Biology instructor next' year. Mr. Coy never even ran away from home," · I muses the urbane six-footer whose vi- ;:;ingers. iic in Gering this fall. i~~~~~;actuate school at Nebraska this brant personali'.y is known to thousBorn of a singing race, and born to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Punches are at ands of radio listeners as "H. M." Ev- sii,g, M.r .. Bowers was brought up in Greeley this summer Bob is coach at! Mr. and Mrs., Leo Hauptman, '32 en though he was the offspring of a the Somh, where he early absorbed Seward. Mrs. Punches was formerly Ihave a daughter, Beth Ann born June "lergyman, ·t di"dn't cause any exci'te- u1e price,ess musical heritage of l)is Evelyn Slepicka before their marriage\ 27, Mrs, Hauptman was formerly c 1 !llent in H. M.'s family when he de- rnee. He studied in Knoxville College June 6. 1 Marie Lash, a graduate of Peru.







at Greeley. This fall he


IHigh teach general shop work at Fairview School near St. Louis, Mo. Lydia Mae Wheeler has


a history and sociology position Oakland next year.


Mr. Jerome Snyder is teaching regular college classes at San Marcos, Texas this. summer. Last winter he taught music in the training school at this Teachers College. Mrs. Snyder was f ormer1Y Dons · p nc h ar ct of Falls City

oooo II o o o 11 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 o o a

CampusChatter ggooogvooooooooooooooooooo You do it:

We'll Chalk it up!


The Doane trio-Kenny, Wendell, and Wickhorst h~ve caught the scent cf Peruvian airs cnly when Paul leaves his pipe at home.

Opal Groreer, elementary teacher in SIX NEB. CITY TOTS Hastings was visiting Helen Gilber'. COMMUTE TO COLLEGE A college career for six young Ne'::·aska City hopefuls is beginnin~· early, At least, they call it, a collet; career. Six pre-school age frilcLc· .. commute e::cch ~chool d'.cY frc:n Xe

An ex-convict condemned to death by consumption meets the man who


rail1'oaded him to prison for selfisi1 gains and takes a poetic revenge. Opening the summer school season of performers was the appearance of Miriam Winslow and Foster Fitz·Sim-

Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Redfern and Lef;oy and Mr. and Mrs. Evef·¢tt H: 'Gbad · were i!1 Lincoln, Thursday' attending :.lie comt of honor nr boy scouts beld at Minis Kuya camp, a boy scout camp. mons in a concert dance. Foster Fitz- Willard Redfern 'and Liviirencec Good _, Simmons joined M~ss Winslow as received their first class award. partner after !our seasons with Ted Shawn's Male G.\Qup, appearing in group and solo numbers on tranconMET DAUGHTER IN FREMONT Linental tour. He is a native Southn- Mrs. Grant Brady left Monday for er, born and educated in Atlanta, Geo- Fremont to spend the Fourth of July rgia. He studied at Emory University, 1·isiting at her daughter's home there.~ and later went to the University of ;:he met another daughter in Fremont, Horth Carolina to complete his stu-\Miss Medonna Brady of Washington,' dies in playwriting and dramatics. D. C., whom she had not seen for two : The Russian 'l'rio, composed of Nina years .. They expect to visit r;\~.ti~"e'~ .ill i l, ,.:. .; ,, , :,.. ,,~ Mesirow-Minchin, pianist; Michel Wil- Potter before returing to Pertt: ·.·· · l'ilowa1'd ivi:Ilhfffiand and Eva Garcia in



and the

~:t,e r.ie,lclle!·s' co~lege. 1112 fact that :.Ley are enrolled in the n:odl'] l:indergarten instead of highe!· curricular work makes no difference. It is college to them. The youthful "College students" are Tominy and Mary Hebard, Lou Stephenson, Nancy Pitzer, Carol Metz and Richard Cole. They are four and five years old. Tney are members of a class of 32 little tots attending Miss Elizabeth McCollum's model kndergarten classes which she conducts for teachers and othel' swnmer school students attending college. Miss Mccollum, professor of education and director of kindergarten, has her master's degree from Greeley, Colorado, and completed the major part of her preparation at the National College of Childhood Education at Chicago. She has been a member of the Peru college staff in her Spoken Word." present position for fourteen years.

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