s •t
r -bras -ka hr~<; f!
For all those intere ·. activities and work of •• lege. Thus, this, the XXX • tVOlume takes its place in the 1 e of accession.
LtJ h\ob\ -?+-\3~"5
\C\4 \
1llen's4-lall 路
ln111emoriam The man whose name will be forever linked with P. S. T. C. . . . whose life was anchored solidly in eternal principles-sincerity and kindness . â&#x20AC;˘ . from whom we d erived inspiration of far-reaching character and lasting importance ... who gave freely his time and energy toward a better Peru . . . whose great reward must b e commen surate with his services . . De an Delzell.
ore word If the 1941 PERUVIflN brings to y our m ind thos e contacts of s chool w h ich you d eem mos t v aluable in the s chool y e ar of 1940-1941. w e will not have worked in vain. continued.
To this end, our work has
May y ou b e glad to take this b ool<
into the mids t of your frie nds and s ay, "I was a part." If s uch is the c a se we will b e conte nt fo r it has b een our ev ermos t thought to give YOU a boo k which you will call YOURS.
You lolle d on the c::xmpus in e arly fall- ch eered the te am to victory-
Thrilled to the "NEW" band-caught your man at S::xdie Hawk!n s -Boosted the Wheelermen-
Studied at the Library- and finally the gre at day of "FAREWELL" came. P'lgc Seven
l LIBRARY- Scene o f Academic l:no wledge gathering and socia l rnee~足 ing place.
TRA INING SCHOOL Where student:; get the firs t rea l ti nge o f "teaching .
GYM Horn e of th e Champion s- where rea l BOBC AT S are " turned o ut. "
A D MINISTR ATI ON- Th e hub o f the schoo l whee l.
ontents flCflDEMIC
In which we show a bit of the inner workings of the college-faculty-classes-training school... ....... I 0
That side of college life which is FUN and WORK --SOCIAL and INSTRUCTIVE--Organizations both Greek and otherwise ..... .. ... ..................................... 58
Whether it's fall. winter or spring-there are PERU teams gleaning victories in the field of sports .. .... ....... .................................... ......................... ..86
That to which every student belongs-whether it's the gang getting cokes-going to games- or out for a good time ......... ..... ...... .......................... ... 106
-------cad em ic To those members of the faculty, classes and Training School this the first section of the 1941 PERUVIAN is devoted. May you stop to consider a moment the time spent in the pursuit of ACADEMIC lmowledge, t h e contacts with professors and students in the classroop and the first "teaching" in the Training School.
Dean of Men, [. A. Jimerson
Ffl.CULTY. helmsmen of an aged and able cargo ship, main tains a s teady twelve knots whi l e we apprentices get our sea-legs.
Dean of Women, lnice Dunning
We're a green and mutinous crew, and once aboard we 're on for the ride. 'f/ e rock the boat and heckle the pilo ts a:;d don't realize what they 've steered u ~, through until it's " land ahoy." Summer. 1940, our flag was at holf -mast for beloved veteran Dean W . N. Dalzell. We wistfully dropped anchor and wavod good-bye to Ralp h Sellhorn, C. J=l . L;lldstrom, Charles Zeegm iller, Harold Fishe;路 and Mildred Ca tterns. Midyear , Clinton Sharp, E. J. Rawson, and S. T. Fleharty stepped i nside the pil ot house, and Frances Harvey, back from a year 's furlough, spun yarns of overseas. To the faculty, they mend the l eaks, bols ter the crew. Guided by them, each a new crop passes sh ip inspection. O UR FACULTY- CHART AND COMPASS
Pnqc Twn lvc
PRESIDENT W . R. P.A.TE . . . has an illustrious family tree . . . attender of educational con v entions . . . causer of stampedes a la convocation dismissals . . . prexy of and for the students, and come in to talk it over if you're in need of help. MRS. INICE DUNNING . . interested in traveling . . champ crocheter, croqueter and par ty -g i ver .. . enjoys reading . . . sponsors Gamma Chi .. Dean of Wome n. J. .A.. JIMERSON . . . crack hunter and fishe r . . signer of multitudinous excuses and disher-outer of "no-no's" . . . must be don e, and he does it with a flourish ..
De an of Men . NORMA. C. ALBRECHT . . super meal -planner and cooker . . . getter -upper of convocation programs . p l ays beau tiful second-fiddle to "the boss," Mr. Hayward . . . Assis tant Regis trar. B.A.RNEY B.A.KER ... Interested in safety education and medicine encourager of students with problems .. . p lays tennis and volleyball w i th finesse.
Professor o f Education. ROBERT T. BENFORD . . . humors a piano in fine style .. . drawer and pain te r of pictures for fun writes articl es for educational magazines ... composer and arranger of classical music .. Ins tructor of Piano a nd Organ. ID.A. M.A.E BRACKNE Y lover of household beau ty . . . traveler of this country and abroad ... concocter of enticing repasts . . . a ssis ta nt Profess or of
H ome Economics. .A.RTHUR L. BRADFORD . speech "user" a la perfection . . . coiner of "deligh tful" phrases ... senior class sponsor ... exceptionally well read . .. has requirements for the slightly absen t-minded professor . . . Head of Eng-
lish De-partme nt.
RUTH G . BR.A.NDT . . .
expertl y handles youth i n the difficult age . . admires Kea ts a nd Shelley has a yen to travel . . is a mosier at the art of understanding . Principal of Jun -
ior H!g h School. C.A.STLE M. BROWN ... small, impeccable dresser .. works earnes tly at pounding law into "young peop l e's" heads . .. quater of Consti tu tional phrases . . sportsman and ex-lawyer . . .
He a d of H!s tory and o ther S ocial S c!e nce s Department. .A.. B. CLfl.YBURN . writer o f a geog raphy . .. in teres ting lecturer . .. digger -upper of budget events . . v itally interested in young boys . . . is Scout Master supreme Profe ss or of Ge o-
graphy and G e olog y. H lbrecht Benford Bradford Bro wn
Bak er B rackn e y Brandt Clayburn
Paae Thrrteen
Clements Davidson
D>ddcl Faulhaber
S. L. CLEMENTS .. progressive teacher and leader ... admirer of talent in others ... directs a "mean " band ... lover of students; proof: he married one .. . Superintendent of Training School. PHYLLIS DflVIDSON .. . drives a Ford named " Hank" .. . is a sincere advocator of "you can do it if you try, now get to tryin' " ... asks quarter from none ... apt seams tress ... supermeal-setter-cutter from way-back ... Director of Phys ical Education for Women. NORM.fl DIDDEL ... endowed with talent, enjoys finding sa me in others .. . would like to see art in other land s via travel ... soft-spoken .. . d istinctly a type . . . owner of far-reaching memory . . . flssoclate Professor of flrt. MflRIE FflULH.flBER ... avid read er . . enjoys the stage and opera ... has watched this institution grow and thrive .. . feels personal interest in each forward step of local educational march ... .flssoclate Professor of English. HflROLD FISHER ... keepe r of the books ... would-be exterminator of writers on (not of) published literat ure . . keeps ba ll of photography rolling in idle moments. flssistant Librarian. S. T. FLEH.flRTY . . . Ex-basketball star . . interested in athletics ... latest modd of teachers on campus . . . wears big apron and tackles the toughest of them in the "chem" line ... Profess or of Science . BL.flNCHE G.flRD . . . probable originator of well-know 'happy' smile ... ex-missionary to fapan .. . domes tic hor ticulturist on small scale ... loves children; result: handles them w ith a 'way' ... Supervisor First and Second Grade Teaching. ELM.fl GOCKLEY . . . extensive traveler ... business woman a Ia superb .. . friend in need and deed . .. aptly secretaries the prexy . . giver-outer of orders . . . " host" at table of registration . .. College Bursar.
Paae Fo urteen
Henmngse n Ht!e m an
FR.RNCES HaRVEY .. recently returned from teaching in England ... speaks with true Lone Star Drawl . .. hates felines ... loves to go anywhere anytime Supervisor of Junior High 路 School. E. H. HaYWaRD . .. course untangler extraordinary .. . friendly advisor to all ... talks intelligently on 'most any.thing ... believes in 'do it right, thoroughly, and w ell o r don I do it at all' . .. Registrar. MaRGflRET HENNINGSEN ... uniformed 'Santa' to the infirm .. . sports an honest-to-goodness-I' m-glad-to-see-you smile . .. throat-swabber, doctoreru pper a Ia wicked .. . disproves the 'here today gone tomorrow' ism ... College Nurse. MRRY HILEMaN ... writer of articles .. . has flare for crocheting ... wants to travel 路 路 路 owns p leasantes! manner west o f Mississippi ... enjoys radio and children . . . . Supervis or of Third and Fourth Grade Te aching. aRTHUR LORN HILL . . . musically inclined .. . deep, masterful voice .. . has a head for figures . .. can d o with numbers that which they can 't do themselves . . . figured in World War activities .. . ex-Peruvian sponsor ... Head of Department of Math. C. a. HUCK . .. advocator of 'life is a mathematical process' . .. turns wood and turns out art .. . likes s po rts and music ... jovial mein . . . hunts when he can ... hoes a 'mean' row in his garde n ... ..A.ssociate Professor of Math. V. H. JINDRa ... tall artist of the bow and string ... has talents that would turn Nero to shame ... faultless attire ... "slick" in uniform ... enthusiastic sports lover .. Director of Band and Orchestra. aRTHUR JONES ... "now the re you have a problem" theorist ... big little man . .. says, "play fai r or don't play" ... has one-eleventh of Peru football squad '59 in the famil y . . . has b ig ideas and lots of 'em . . . a ssistant Dlrector of Physical Education.
P age Fifteen
Kenton Kirk K onig Lors on
PE.flRL KENTON. cook. flowerg rower, and traveler .. . interesting, attractive .. . teaches to learn . .. works crossword p u zzles . . . likes a n outing . . . flssistant Professor of Fore ign Lang uages. EMILIE KIRK . . . plays the piano . . has 'gone places' in art and travel ... has taught a little music . . . main interest is Mr. Kirk . . . p refers her friend s to be of the conservatively pleasant type . . . . . flssistant Professor of Art. SELMA believer KONIG . . well-traveled in perfection of detail . . . delightfully intriguing accent .. . . musically in clined . . . enjoys d ogs, words, and d riving . . . Professor of Mode rn Languages. fl. V. LARSON ... eng ineer at heart .. . achieved p:::>sition via hard way ... builds with lines or lumber . . . knows people . . well-read .. . e veryone's friend ... Profe.:;sor of Indus trial Arts . C. R. LINDSTROM proud of education as a career . . has worked
Li ndst ro m
M cCollu m
his way up . . . active on the campus ... helpful in a pinch . . radio has h is interest plus concom itant ski ll . . . . flssi s tant Professor of Indus tri al flrts . ELIZflBETH McCOLLUM . . in terested in folk lore and litt le child re n . . has a delightfu l 'way' with people . . was ac tive in dramatics e ditor of her
college annual twice ... owner of the wordiest wink on campus ... Director of Kinde rgarte n. GENEVIE MARSH . .. ex-private secretary ... works monthly on anti-Marconi interests, i. e., official take r-inner o f radio rent, also official taker-outer of radios of anti-rent payers . . . gives crumbs to birds and black marks to the deserving .. . general checker-upper .. Dormitory Assistant. FLORENCE MflRTIN . . . ExPeruvian editor ... 'studently ' elected object of '40 Peruvian d edication . . . fun-ly active on campus cavorting .. . reader, riter and rhythmist . .. Assis ta nt Professor of English.
路路: ./ 路路 ~
Ma rsh Martin
Paqe Sixteen
r .(
ISflBEL MflSON .. classical music lover .. re ser ved . . artistic nature . .. likes modern n ovels . . apple of a student's eyes . . Sup-
M athew s Maxwell Miller
ervisor of 5 and 6 grade teaching. L. B. MflTHEWS . ... e xample of ' li ve and let live' ... says "give me peace (and quiet) o r give me death-no discord " . . respected friend-of-the-masses type . colloquially , a real guy . . . .
Principal of High School. P. fl. MflXWELL . . writer. publisher. research-er, and educationa l what -have-you belonger to 'leventeen national societi es ... spor tsman and K a delpian sponsor . .. He ad of Department of Education. WILLlflM MILLER . . Pho tography !or fun. pedagogy for p r ofession .. . marr ied young . .. has soft-spoken voi ce .. . put the volley into volleyball . . . succeeded via H . Alger-i sm ... flssistant Professor of His tory and Other Social Sciences. ROBERT D. MOORE ... Oklahoman in accent and conversation runs on triangular race track of drama, sports and pho tog raphy Peruvian sponsor . producer o f campus hits tha t hi t . . flssistant Professor of English and Instructor of Speech Education. T. 0. ODLflUG . Biological l ecturer of the rapid genus ... could r euphol ster a frog with only slight damage .. . ~mall. efficient. fr iendly ... associate Professor of Biological Scie nces. NONfl PflLMER .. . d irect in comment, efficient in instruction, complete in subject-dispensing . . . rememberer of ex-students advisor ex traord inary . .. swim s. drives. dances .. enjoys life because it is life . . Professor of Commerce. MflRJORIE PflRRIOTT .. . the smi le behind the counter . adds a wicked column . . chief relie v er of students' funds . . cuts a 'salty' stencil . .. bowls in infr equent spare moments ... Bookkeeper.
M oore
Page Seven ieen
R u~se ll
S e egm iller
GRflCE PETERSEN ... likes to write-stories, essays, plays . . . mildly musically minded in spare time ... enjoys symphony .. . ruler over all in the library . handles a book like a friend .. . Librarian. ERNEST RflWSON ... ex-Peru studen t ... sower, hammere r, and putter-together of furniture and what-have-you . . . quiet .. . aide to Mr. Larson, replacer of Mr. Linds trom . . . flssistant Professor of Industrial flrts. CflLVIN REED ... con s tan tl y in 'puzzled" s tate . has more kinds of puzzles (and can work them) than the college has students .. correct and clipped in speech .. interested in healthful, helpful activi ties for children Supervisor of Junior High Teaching. RUTH RUSSELL ... housemother supreme ... has "if you can' t be good, have fun" attitude .. . handles situations that would make Hitler cower . stands on a " you can have everything but our housemother" pedestal .. . Matron Men's Dorm. CHflRLES SEEGMILLER tall and lanky ... good-fellow-all-'round ... slow, genuine drawl . . vitally interested in his students' activities ... has worked-out with Don Budge on the courts . . . flssociate Professor of Physical Sciences. CLINTON SHflRP . . owner of Lou'siana drawl knows interesting facts about a ll his students ... likes athletics . . . directs the concoctors of chemical solutions, experiments, and odors . . . flssistant Professor of Physical Sciences. G. HOLT STECK . . arguer on 'what is good music' question ... philosophizer at large . . teacher in spare moments ... ex-athlete ... "pop" to all, father to four . .. Instructor in Voice and Public School Music.
GRflCE TEflR . . . collector of antiques . . . owner m "Susie " the cat . .. writer of Verse. articles, and stories ... has traveled extensively .. . thrower of seven cardinal principles at innocent freshmen . . . Professor of Education. WINSTON B. THORSON . . . lecturer of the rare specie ... pu ts history through the hoops with the best of them ... specializes in the Modern French 'era ' ... talks with "know " . .. likes shows, licorice and his wife ... flssociate Profess or of His tory. J. W. TYLER ... has been in education since way-back . . . worked his way through college ... raises chickens and a garden ... optimistic and witty .. . a 'Liontamer' of the whizzarootype, Director of Rural Education. EDNfl WEflRE ... likes people ... enjoys classics ... keeps herself busy between home and school duties . . . joiner of n ational organizations . . . n eed le-director of training school sewer-uppers . . . flssistant Profe ssor of Home Economics. MflRJORIE WEST . . . a keeper o f books unparalleled ... gives meaning and place to business figu res ... cou ld get a balance out of a bankrupt ... fri endly . . well-traveled .. preparer of super " mmmmmmmmmm " meals . . . flssistant Professor of Commerce. fl. G. WHEELER ... champi on trainer of champions .. . could teach the discus to Venus ... medicine man of the "get in shape " kind . .. requires nothing he can't d o himself ... thinks consonants on end of w ords trivial and unnecessary . .. Director of flthle tics and Physical Education. J. M. WINTER . . . grower and planter of all from algae to banana trees .. . makes the ' w ' stand for work in the campus WPA projects ... has a real smile of his own and two mimeographed young copies in the flesh . . . Th orson
Professor of Biology, Head of Department of Science. Tyle r
Pn oe ~a n C"Ie P n
CLASSES--That aggr egation o! some 570 PERUVIANS in search of " Highe r Education " Divides themselves into : Class of '41 - Awaitin g and gown day.
the cap
Class of '42- Separated from the whirling world by one b ri ef year. Class of '43- Filled with two years of l earning, put green caps aside and take on th e appearance of s tudents. Class of '44 - Sever home ties , and enter o ur midst 255 strong, to qualify as schola r s. T hey choose from the field of scie nce, Eng lish, his tory, Physical Education , Foreign Ian g u a g e s , Speech and D rama, Education, M u sic, and Art. With this year we add another field for th e ever expanding individ ual- C. P. T . P. for those who are flight minded.
W ere you the re when c o nvo- MI:J~--.;" cation was "m ugge d? "
We become '"lobbyist s '" bet ween classes in the "' A D ."'
SENIORS Senior Class officials Cecil Walker, President; Ernest Huegel, V ice-President; jeanne Spier, Secretary-Treasurer.
SENIORS with the p roblem of job-grabbing and "cinching" th e degree o n their minds r u sh through the task of being "last-yearers" and m ake plans for Homecoming '41 . Mids t th e duties of teaching, Philosophy, finishing courses, and t hat stray course that " just has to be gotten in" they find time to sponsor the underclassmen in activities of all sorts ranging from Social Danci n g to the dramatic trend of Peru Players. They see that their ow n Honorary fra terni ties and organ izations run with a well-oiled sound and when that last day ro lls around th ey sq u i rm a b i t a t the prospect of " ole' World" staring them in the face, but stra ighte n their shou l d ers a notch an d start out on their ow n . ROSS B. fl.Dfl.MS, Peru, Nebraska; Ind ustrial Arts, International Relation s Club, Eps ilon Pi T au. M e n' s Club, P Club, Footbal l. Basketball, Track----EUGENE L. fl.NDREW. Peru. N e bras ka; Indu s tria l A r t s. F o o tbal l . T r ac k . Y. M . C . A., Men 's Club----GRfl.YDON R. fl.SHTON, Lorton , Nebraska; Physi ca l Edu ca ti on, Y . M. C A. P Club. F o otba l l. A. Foo tba ll. Tr ack. Basketball, Men's Club----J. JEROME Bfl.RNELL. W a hoo. N e bras ka; I ndus trial A r t s. Y . M . C Track , Ten ni s. Bas ketball----Kfl.THERINE Bfl.RTLING. Neb raska City. Nebras k a; C o mm e rce . Pe r u Sing e r s . Y . W . C . A., Commer ce C lu b, Sigma Tau Delta.
Page Twenty-two
A shton
Bar n e ll
Bausch Craw ford
Benson Dam mast
Bla i r Dunlap
Bouse Esmay
Cline Evans
Mfl.RTIN fl.. Bfl.USCH. N ebraska Ci ty, Nebraska; C ommerce, Peru Singers. Y . W. C . A., C omme rce C l ub, Sigma Ta u D elta----PHYLLIS BENSON. Ewing, Nebraska; C om m erce. Social Committee, PERUVIAN. Stud en t Advi sory Committee. Comm erce Club, Y . W . C. A ., W . A . A., Sigma Tau Del ta, Kappa D el ta Pi, Gamma Chi. A lpha Erudito ---- Pfl.UL BLfl.IR. C lay Center, Nebraska; I ndustrial Arts, Y. M . C. A .. Men 's Club, Track, Basketball, Epsi lon Pi Tau B. Ffl.YE BOUSE, Dunbar, Nebra ska; Comm erce . Club, Learn-to-Dance-Sponsor. Y . W . C A. PERUVIA N. Alpha Erudito. M at hematics C l ub, Gamma Chi, Kappa Del ta Pi , W. A . A .. Sigma T au Del ta, Dorm Coun cil---FLETCHER CLINE. A uburn, Nebraska; Mu si c, Band, Orch estra, Dance Band.
Jfl.MES CRfl.WFORD. Tabor, Iowa; Music. Orches tra, Band, Dance Band, Kappa N ebraska City, Nebraska; Ma themati cs, Kappa De l ta Pi. Mathematics Club, W . Lfl.P. Tecum se h, Nebraska; Engli sh, Kappa Delta Pi, Dramatic Club, Sigma Tau C i ty, Nebraska----Mfl.RGERY EVfl.NS. Shuber t, Nebraska, Mu sic, Alpha Er udito, Sponsor, Y . W . C . A ., Gamma Chi, Piano Trio, Dorm Council.
Delta Pi ----PHYLLIS Dfl.MMfl.ST. A . A . Y . W . C . A .----LLOYD DUNDelta----PHILENfl. U. ESMfl.Y. Fall s Beta Beta Be ta . L earn -t o-Dance-
Page T wenty-three
Eyre G o t tula Good Handley
H a uptman H o rto n H uege l R . j ohnson
A . j o hn son )un K arr L a mb e l e t
L ambert L a r son Lav i gne Mcintire
E . M e ier
L. M e ier M . M eier Mils t ead
Page Twenty-lour
CLAR.R EYRE. Omaha, Nebraska; English, Dramatic Club, Alpha Psi Omega. Gamma Chi. Kappa Delta Pi, International Relations Club, Sigma Tau Delta----MELVIN PAUL GOTTULA. Adams. Nebraska; Industrial Arts. Commerce Club, Epsilon Pi Tau, M en's Club, Football, Basket ball, International Relations Club. Y. M . C. H.----NEIL GOOD, Peru. N ebra ska; Sci ence. Lambda Delta Lambda, Beta Beta Beta----SEVERN HANDLEY. Omaha, Nebraskn; Biology, Beta Beta Beta Men's Club, Football, Track, Basketball , Golf, Dorm Council.
SARENE HAUPTMAN, Peru. Nebraska; Commerce. Kappa Omicron Phi. Sigma Tau Delta, Kappa Delta Pi, Orchestra. Band. Commerce Club, Y. W . C . A.----RAY HORTON. Solem. Nebraska; Social Science. Civil Pilot Training. Basketball. Football, M en's Club, Y. M. C. A.----ERNIE HUEGEL. Dorchester, Nebraska; History, Men's C l ub. Football, Basketball, Track----RUTH JOHNSON, H amburg, Iowa; Elementary Education, Commerce C l ub. F. T . H., Gamma Chi, Y. W. C . A.
ANSELEM JOHNSON. Peru. Nebraska; Engli sh. Dramatic Club----LUDVIK H. JUN. DuBois. Nebraska; Mathema tics, Men's Club, Football, Track. Basketball, Tenni s, Mathematics Club----DEAN S. KARR. Hamburg, Iowa; Eng l i shDrama tics, Sigma Tau Delta. Alpha Psi Omega. Student Advisory Council, Men's Dorm Council, Editor PERUVIAN ----WOODROW LAMBELET. Brock, Nebraska; Hi story, Commerce Club, I n ternational Relations C l ub. M en's Club, Alpha Erudite. Y . M . C . A.
JAMES M. LAMBERT. Stella, Nebraska; Industrial Arts, Y. M. C . A ., Band----FRANK LARSON. Peru, Nebraska; Alpha Mu Omega, Beta Beta Beta, Kappa Delta Pi, Lambda Delta Lambda----DOROTHY HAYS LAVIGNE. Peru. Nebraska, Commerce, Y. W. C . A ., Commerce Club----JACK MciNTIRE. Nebraska City, Nebraska; Physica l Educat i on. M en's Club, P Club. Football. Basketball, Track.
ERMA MEIER. DuBois, Nebraska; Commerce. Alpha Erudi te, Gamma Chi, Kappa Omicron Phi, W . H. A .. C ommerce Club, Y. W . C . A. ----LOUISE MEIER. DuBois, Nebraska; Earl y Elementary Education, Art Club, Gamma Ch i . W . A. A., Early Elemen tary Clu b----MARGARET MEIER. DuBois. Nebraska; English. Ar t Club. Al p ha Erudi te, Gamma Chi. Kappa Delta Pi, International Relations Club----HANEY D. MILSTEAD. Peru, Nebraska; Bi o logy, Beta Beta Beta. M en's Club.
Pa oe T wen1y h v;:>
Organ Parn e ll Pe te r se n
R"Ichardso n
Rawson Russell Redfern Ro,; icky
Rzehak Samuels Schacht Spi er
S t oneman Thoma s T i mmons Wa l ker
Wellen s i ek W est W r ight Zurbri ck
Page Twenty-six
ROSS L. ORGAN. Edgar. Nebraska: Industrial Rr ts. Beta Beta Beta, P Club. Track. Basketball, football. M en s Club. Eps il on Pi Tau ..路- WlLMA PARNELL. Peru. Neb raska: Engli sh. Dramatic Club, Peru Players-Spo:1sor , Y . W . C . R . Sigma Tau Del ta . Alpha Psi Omega .... EDNA MAE PETERSEN. Plattsm outh. Nebraska; Ho me Economi cs. Kappa Omicron Phi. Learn-to-Dance- Cl ub-Sponsor. C . C . R .. W R. R .. Sigma Tcu D elta. Kappa De lta Pi. Gam ma Chi .... MARY OLIVE RI CHARDSON. fairbury, Nebraska; Engli sh Dramatic Club. Y. W . C . A .. Alpha Psi O mega. Kappa De lta Pi. Sigma T au Delta. lnternatio:1al Relation s Club. Dorn Counci l.
CECIL RAWSON. Peru. Nebraska: Industrial Rrts. Epsilo:1 Pi Tau....ROSS RUSSELL. Peru, N ebraska : C hemistr y. Alpha Erud ite. Alpha Mu Omega. Beta Beta Beta, Kappa Delta Pi, Lam!Jda Delta Lambda. Men's C!ub .... L eROY REDFERN. Peru. Nebraska: History-S ocial Science. International Relations Club. PERUVIAN. Men 's Club ....EMMA ROSICKY. Omaha, Nebraska; Home Economics, Dramati.:: Club, Kappa Omicron Phi, Y. W . C. A.
HORACE RZEHAK. Peru . Nebraska: History , Dramatic Club. Lutheran Club. Men's Club. PERUVIAN . Alpha Erudi t.J, International Relations. Y. M . C. A ..... EDITH KEITH SAMUELS. Excelsior Springs, Missouri; Elem entary Education. Art Club, Early Elementary Club. International Relat ions Club. Gamma Chi. Y . W. C. fl ..... ELVERA SCHACHT. Cook. Ne braska: Commerce. Comm erce Cl ub. Gamma Chi. PERUVIAN. Y. W . C . R., W . A . A.----JEANNE SPIER. N ebraska City, Nebraska; M usic. Orche stra . Kappa Delta Pi, Pedagogian. Si gma Tau De l ta, In strumental Trio.
RUTH STONEMAN. fairbury, Nebraska; History, International Relations Club, Kappa Delta Pi. Sigma Tau Delta, Dorm Co uncif ....MARYON L. THOMAS. Peru, Nebraska; Elementary Education, Sigma Tau Delta. Peru Singe r:;, Pedagogian, Y . W . C . A ..... SIDNEY W. TIMMONS. Per u, N ebraska; junior High. Track. Y. M . C . A ..... CECIL WALKER. De W it t. Ne braska; Physical Educati on-Industrial Arts, M en's C lub. P Club, Footba ll . Track, Basketball, Dance Band.
FRIEDA WELLENSIEK. Dunbar. Nebraska; Mathematics, International Rela ti on s Club. Y . W . C . A. ----JUANITA WEST. Humboldt. Nebraska: Engli sh-Co mmerce. Dramatic Club. Internationa l Re lation s Club, Sigma Ta u Delta. Y. W . C . A .... EDITH MAE WRIGHT. Beatrice. Nebraska; Elem en tary Educatio n . Art Club, Kappa Delta Pi .. --BILL ZURBRIC K. Auburn. Ne braska: Industrial Arts, M en's C lub, Pedagogian.
Pogo Twenty-seven
juniors take on s cholarly attitude as they approach Senior year . junior Cla ss Pr e s i dent T ed Graves ins truct s j ane t Harri s , VicePresiden t; and Grace Mu e nchau, Sccre taryTreas u r r: r in techniqu e o f m a naging a class .
JUNIORS Juniors mop brows with a "so far so good." years to live it down.
O ver being Freshmen and Sophs, they'v e tw o
Third termers slip into the groove they've niched. and wear his ties, and they've picked favorite profs.
They can call their bes t fr iends names
Peru scenery's old s tuff and Mom doesn't come to see it so often. revolutionary and the brightest boys d on 't whistle at blo ndes anymore. Realizing the four-year lark'll have to deve lop into something takes on a gradual hop-I'm-on-the-right-track seriousness.
Socks aren't quite so
p rofessio n ally,
Ffl.NNY fl.LBERTS, Filley, Nebraska, Early Elementary Education, Luth eran Club. Rlpna E r udi t e . Ea rl y Elem e ntary Club, Gamma Chi-UNfl.DEfl.N fl.RMSTRONG, A shland . Nebraska; English-Home E co n om i cs. Alpha Erudite BOB fl.SHTON, Lorton, Nebraska; C om merce- Music, Alpha Erudite, Men 's C lu b, Trac k, Basketball. Social Committee, Band, Y .M.C.A., Commerce Club-Bfl.RBfl.R.B BEfl.L. Watson, Mi ssouri; C o mmerce- M athematics. C o mmerce Club, Y.W .C .A .. Sigma Tau Delta, Mathematics Club. Alpha Erudite. Social Committ ee- JOSEPHINE BOOSINGER. Paw nee City, Nebraska; Home Economics, Kappa Omicron P hi, Y .W.C.A. Alberts
Page T w c n ly路 c:ah t
A shton
Boos inger
Brooks D. C lark
Bro wn E. Clark
Bucher Clayburn
Callan Cole
WILLIAM V. BROOKS, Bigelow, Missouri ; Commerce, Dance Band, Pedagogian, Track. Football, Sigma Tau Delta - JACK BROWN, Omaha, Nebraska; Commerce, C o mm erce Club, Men 's Club, A lpha Erudito-DELPHINE BUCHER. DuBois, Nebraska; Early El ementary, Gamma Chi, Sigma Tau Delta, Y. W . C . A., Early Elementary Club---- CLAIR CALLAN, Odel l , Nebras ka; Footbal l , Men's C l ub, Track. P Club.
C. DEAN CLARK, Burchard, Nebraska; Soci al Science , I nternati onal Relations Club, Peru Sing er s, Y.W.C .A ., Men' s C l ub- ELDON L. CLARK, Vir ginia, N e braska; Science, Lambda Delta Lambda , Tennis- BERTHA LORRfHNE CLAYBURN, Monroe, Nebraska; Education, Alpha Erudito, Y.W.C A. -BETTY KATHRYN COLE. Falls C i t y , Nebraska; Hom e Eco nomics, Kappa Omicron Ph i , Alpha Erudi to, Dramatic C l ub, Int ernatio nal Re lations C lub . Y.W.C.A .
Pag e Tw â&#x20AC;˘m ty n 1n e
JUNIORS Colglazier Collin Dallam Dean
Doughe rty Dreeszen Fankhauser Filmer
flau Goings Grovenburg Harri s
Horton jac k son james jewell
Jimerson )ones Kennedy King
Kingsolver Linder L ittrell Mo ngold
Paae Thirty
JACK COLGLfi.ZIER. falls City. Nebraska; Zoology-Chemistry, Beta Beta Beta. Me:1's Club-MARY ELIZABETH COLLI N . Peru, Nebraska; Art-Hone Economics. Kappa Onicron Phi, Gamma Chi. W.A.A .. Y.W .C .A .. Art Club, Stude:1t Advisory C omm ittee. f .T A.- Hfi.ROLD C. DflLLfi.M. Peru, Nebraska; Physical Science. Dramatic C lub. Lambda Delta Lambda. Men's Clu b. Sigma Tau Delta, Baske tball . Tennis, PERUVIAN . Y.M.C.A.-THOMB.S DER.N. Humboldt. Nebraska; Education-Physical Science. Internatio:1al Relations C lub. Social Committee, PERUVIAN. Kappa Delta Pi. Beta Beta Beta.
ALLISON DOUGHERTY. Humboldt. Nebraska; Industrial Arts-Physical Education, Men's Club. P C lub. footba ll. Track. Basketball- VINCENT DREESZEN. Palmyra, Nebra ska; Physical Science-Mathematics. Al pha Erudite. Mathematics C lub. Beta Beta Beta. Lambda Delta Lambda, M en's Club-WILLffiM FANKHAUSER. Humboldt. Nebraska; Music. Learn-to-Dance-Club-Spon sor. Band, O rchestra. Peru Singers. Studen t Adv i sory Committee. Men 's ClubWAYNE FILMER. Peru, Nebraska; Commerce. Commerce Club.
NORMAN C. FLAU. Nebraska C ity, Nebraska; Chem i stry. Beta Beta Beta, Lambda Delta La mbda-WILDA GOINGS. Peru. Nebraska; Junior Hi gh. Band. Orchestra, W.A. A. -MARY GROVENBURG. Auburn. Nebraska; Elementary Education. Cheerleader. Drum Majorette. Y .W.C .A. -JANET HARRIS. Fairfield, Nebraska; Music-English. Band. Orchestra. Peru Singers. Pedagogian. PERUVI AN, Gamma Chi. Ka ppa Delta Pi. Sigma Tau Delta, Dorm Council.
MARY HORTON, Salem. Nebraska; Home Economics, Sigma Tau Del ta. Kappa Omicron Phi, Y .W.C.A.-MAX E. JACKSON. Pacific Jet . Iowa; Chemistry, Alpha Erudite. Lambda Delta Lambda, Y.M .C. A.- LYNN JAMES. Sterling, Nebraska; Chemi stry-Biology, Beta Beta Beta, Lambda Delta Lambda. Men's Club , Track-ROBERT JEWELL. Tecum se h . Nebraska; Mathematics. International Relations Club, f ootba ll. Basketball, Track, Men's Club. Y .M .C A.
MEREDITH JIMERSON. Peru. Nebraska; Ar t. Gamma Chi, Art C lub- NANCY ELLEN JONES. Peru. Nebraska; English. Dramatic Club. International Relations Club, PERUVIAN, Gamma Chi, Sigma Tau Delt a. Kappa Delta Pi - MARJORIE KENNEDY. Peru, Nebraska; Home Economics, Kappa Delta Pi. Gamma Chi. Kappa Omicron PhiVIRGINIA KING. Peru. Nebraska; Commerce , Gamma Chi, Sigma Tau Delta. Commerce Club. Y.W.C.A
RICHARD KINGSOLVER. Peru. Nebraska; Physical Science. Alpha Erudito, Lambda De_Ita Lambda: M en's Club-;: MAURICE LINDER. Nehawka, Nebraska; Industrial Arts- Phy sical Education. Epstlon P1 Tau. Men s Club. Trac 路 Basketball. Football. P Club-JOE LITTRELL. Nebraska C ity, Nebraska; Biology- Industrial Arts. International Re lations Club. Men's Club-.RNNA LOUISE MANGOLD. Falls City. Nebraska; Hom e Economics. Luth eran Club. Kappa Omicron Phi . Gamma Chi. YWCA
I I''
Tht路 tv ont.""
JUNIORS Mar s hall McGinnis McNally Mor e lock
Muenchau Nickol s on Nispel Prin e
R edd ing R eutte r Rhodus Scott
Sehnert Shafer Smith Stark
S tra usburg Teachma n Traye r Vander Boom
Willey Williams Whitfield Young
RUTH MARSHR.LL. Beaver City, Nebraska; English. A lpha Erudite. Gamma Chi, Kappa Delta Pi , Sigma Tau Delta. Y.W.C .A.- ROSE McGINNIS. Humboldt. Nebraska; English. Ed i tor Pedagogian, Sigma Tau De l ta, PERUVIAN - WILLIAM McNALLY. Long Pine, Nebraska; Industrial Arts, Epsilon Pi Tau. Football. Track-MONNA LEE MORELOCK, Wat so n, Mi ssouri; Hom e Economics. Kappa Omicron Phi. Gamma C hi.
GRfl.CE MUENCHR.U. Alvo, Nebraska; Commerce-English. Alpha Erudite. Gamma C hi, Kappa Delta Pi. Sigma Tau Delta. PERUVIAN, Pedagogian . Dorm Council. Commerce Club, Y.W.C.A .-GERTRUDE N I CHOLSON. Falls C ity, Nebraska; Early Elementary Education. Art Club , Early Elementary Club. Y.W .C .A.-ALTHEA NJSPEL. Plym outh. Nebraska; Home Economics, Art Club, Lutheran Club , Gamma Chi. Kappa Omicron Phi-CAROL PRINE, Burchard. Nebraska; English, Alpha Erudite. Y.W .C.A.
1 MARCELLE G. REDDING. Syracuse, Nebraska; Early Elementary Education, Art Club, Early Elementary Club, Gamma Chi, Y.W.C.A .- LESTER REUTTER. Sterling. Nebraska; History, Dramatic Club-JOHN RHODUS. Peru. Nebraska; Commerce, Basketball, M en's Club, Commerce Club-Kfl..THRYN SCOTT. Sidney, Iowa; Early Elemen tary Education, Gamma Chi. F.T .A., Early Elementary Club, Y.W.C .A.
LLOYD SCHNERT, Crete. Nebraska; H istory, Tennis, International Rel ations C lub-NEDRfl. JAN E SHR.FER. Shubert, Nebraska; Mathemalics. Alpha Erudite, Commerce Club, Y.W .C.A.- BOB SMITH. Talmage, Nebraska; Industrial Arts, Epsilon Pi Tau , Football - PAULINE STARK. Reynolds. Nebraska; Com merce, Alpha Erudite. Gamma Chi, W.A.A ., Commerce Club.
THEODORE STRASBURG, Talmag e, N ebras ka; Physical Science, Alpha Erudite, Beta Beta Beta. Men's Club. Com •nerce Club, Y.M C.A.-DOROTHY TEACHMAN. Lincoln. Nebraska; English. Alpha Erudite, Gamma Chi, Sigma Tau Delta, Commerce Club, Y.W.C.A. - ALICE TRAYER. ~'ails City, Nebraska; English. Dra malic Club, Alpha Erudite. Gamma Chi, Kappa Delta Pi. Sigma Tau Delta, International Relati ons Club, F.T .A. -JAM ES VAND ER BOOM. Beatrice, Nebraska; Mathematics. Y.M.C.A.
EDITH WILLEY. Liberty, Nebraska; Mathematics. Alpha E1 udito, Kappa Delta Pi, W.A .A ., Mathematics C lub . Sigma Tau Delta, Y W .C .A. -ROBERT E. WILLIAMS. Glenwood, Iowa; Math ematics. Foolball. Basketball, Track, Y .M C A CORINNE WHITFIELD. Peru, Nebraska; Ear ly Elementary Education, Sigma Tau Delta, Peru Singers, Y. W.C A - ALWYN YOUNG, Adam s, Nebraska; Industrial Arts, Epsi lon Pi Tau . M en 's C lub . Footba ll, Track .
PnuP Th1·tv th ! '"''"'
tI I
Sophs ha ve th e ir o w n lop a n d ft :1 d upp e r class invad e r s. Pr cs t de:nl Bob M c A le x a n der and the co rps o f o ffi ce r s talk 1 1 o v e r - fa me ~; Sandin. T o d H u bbel. C h r isti n e A !g0r.;, E la i ne Bri e r. and Jack A tkin s
SO PHS SOPHOMORES w ith the new-found au tho rity a t being upperclassmen tak e on the lea rne d attitude and begin to show the campus who's who. They fi nd themselve s el igib le to o rgan i za tion ~ and with membe rship comes the duties of office and joy of sharing in the work a nd p lay of fellowship.
B. Adamson
R. Adam son A tkins A lger Atwood
BILL R. aDaMSON. Thurman. I owa; Mathe matics . Civ il
Pil ot
T rai n ing, Tenni s. M e n 's Club .
RUTH aDaMSON, Pe r u , Nebras ka; Engli s h . Peru Singe r sCHRISTINE aLGER. Oma h a. N e bras ka ; Elementary Educa tion. Gamma Chi , Y .W .C.A .
racK aTKINS. Bl ue Spring s, N eb ra ska; I nd u s t rial A r ts . M en ' s Club, P Club. Bas ketball . Tra c k . Y .M .C A . -GEORGE flTWOOD. Ashland. Nebras ka ; Phys ica l Educati o n . Beta Beta B e ta . M en 's C l u b . P Club, foo tba ll. Bas ketball . T rack
Page Thirty-lour
Ayres Bauman Bentzinger Boll mei er Bri er
Buhrmann Bundy Carmine Chance ll or Christiancy
Clare Colgrove Cowan Crump Daft
NORMR JERN BYERS. Beatrice, Nebra ska; Elementary Education, Gamma Chi. Y W C A . -RRYMOND B. BRUMRN. falls City, Nebraska; Physi cal Science. M en's Club. P C lub, C.C.A ., football- IRENE L. BENTZINGER. H i ckman . Nebraska; Junior High, Alpha Erudito, Gam ma Ch i, W .A.A. , Y.W .C. A. -WRRREN S. BOLLMEIER. Tecumseh. Nebraska; Special. Dance Band- ELRINE BRIER. DeWi tt. Nebraska, Elementary Education. T ennis, f T .A , W .A A.
WRYNE BUHRMRNN, Princeton, Nebraska; Mathemati cs. International rielations Club, La mbda Del ta Lambda, Learn-to-Dance -Sponsor, Y M .C.A - RUBY MRUDE BUNDY. Springfield, Nebraska; Ear l y Elementary Education, Art C l ub, Gamma Chi, Early Elementary Club- RRDIS CRRMINE. Elk Creek , Nebraska; Hom e Economics, Gamma Chi , W .A.A. -MRRJORIE CHANCELLOR. fairbury , Nebraska; Early Elementary Educati o n. Al pha Erudito, Early Elemen tary Club- RRDITH CHRISTIRNCY. Geneva, Nebraska; H ome Economi c s, Kappa Omicron Ph i. Gamma Chi , PERUVI AN .
RUTH CLRRE. firth, Nebraska; Early Elementary Education. Gamma Chi , Lutheran Club. C C A , Early Elementary Club- CRLVIN COLGROVE. Odell. Nebraska; Juni or High, Internati onal Re lation s C lub, Basket ball. Y M .C .A. -RUDREY BELL COWRN. De weese, Nebraska; English, Y W C.A . W .A .A. -MRDGE M . CRUMP. Hamburg . Iowa; Elemen tary Education, Gamma Chi , Y W .C .A.- MRUDE DRFT. Gri s wo ld, Iowa; Elementar y Education . Scn b blers Club, Gamma Chi , f .T.A , Y.W .C.A .
f'r,(J ..
T h t " v :tv.-
Deni son Drake D u erfeldt Fa:1d er s Fidermutz
Fleming Formanek Galloway Garber Gardner
Garver Gatz Gerd Gillam Haith
MARGERY DENISON. Walnut, Iowa; Elementary Education, Gamma Ch i. Y .W .C.A . -MflBEL DRflKE. Walnut, I owa; Elementary Education, Gamma Chi, Y.W.C.A.-DONNfl DUERFELDT. Nemaha. Nebraska; Elementary Education , Alpha Erudito, F.T.A., Band-REUBEN H. FflNDERS. Diller. Nebraska; English. Beta Beta Beta, M en's Club, Sigma Tau Delta-MARGIE ELLEN FIDERMUTZ. Humboldt, Nebraska; Eng lish, Gamma Chi, Y.W .C.A .
CAROLYN J. FLEMING. Henderson, Iowa; Elemen tary Education, F.T.A. Y.W.C.A - EDRfl FORMflNEK. Crete. Nebraska; Early Elementary Education, Gamma Chi, Early Elemen tary Club-BETTE LEE GflLLOWflY. Auburn . Nebraska; Early Elementary Education, Gamma Chi, W .A.A ., Kappa Omicron Phi, Y .W C .A. Early Elementary Club-JERRY GARBER. Brownville, Nebraska; Physical Education. Men 's Club, Cheerleader- MflRGflRET GflRD NER. Tecum seh. Nebraska; Home Econom i cs, Kappa Om icron Phi, Gamma Chi , W.A.A.
CflROLEE GARVER. Sabetha. Kansas; Elementary Education, Alpha Erudi te, Gamma Chi . Y W .C.A ., Do rm Counci l - VERB GflTZ. Falls City, Nebraska; Early Elementary Education, Early Elemen tary Club- GENEVIEVE E. GERD. Cook. Nebraska; Music, Early Elementary Club. Peru Sin;Jer s- MflRJORIE GILLAM. Shenandoah. Iowa; Elementary Education, Band, F T.A .- JEflN HfliTH. Beatrice, Nebraska; Industr i al Art s. Pedagogian . M e n 's Club. Track , Basketball.
SOPHOMORES MYRTON HB.LL. Fairbury, Nebraska; Indu strial Arts. Men 's C lub. Footba l l, Track- REBa M. HaUPTMaN. Peru . Nebraska; Elementary Education. Orchestra, Band-LOIS HaYS. Watson, Misso uri; Early El ementary Education, Gamma Chi, Y.W .C. A ., Earl y Elementary Club-NORMa JEaN HaYS. Peru, Nebr.:t.ol:a; Early Elementary Education. Orches tra, F.T.A., Early Elementary Club-NaNCY LEE HENDERSON. Rock Port, Missouri; Elementary Education. Peru Singers, Gamma Chi , Y.W .C .A.
MaXINE HERROLD. Seward, Nebraska; Learn-to-Dance-Club. Gamma Chi-NEVa HINTON. Beatrice, Nebraska; Earl y Elemen tary Education, Learn-to- Da nce Club. Peru Players. Early E l ementary Club. Gamma Chi, Y .W .C .A.JEaN HOaGLaND. Omaha. Nebraska; Chemistry, Alpha Erudite, Beta Beta Beta. Gamma Chi-ROBERT L. HOWE. Wymore. Nebras ka; Science. Band, Peru Singers. Track-TOO HUBBELL. H umboldt, Nebraska; Hi story- Soc ial Science. Pedagogian.
ROBERT L. JflMES. Rock Port. Mi ssouri; Alpha Erudito- BaRBBRfl JaMISON. Syracuse, Nebraska; Elementary Educa tion. Learn- to- Da n ce Club, Personality Club. Gamma Chi, Y.W.C. A.- RUTH L . JOHNSON. Omaha. Nebraska; English- CaRROLL JONES. Columbus. Nebraska; English, Peru Players Sponsor. Alpha Erudite, Men 's C l ub, Y.M .C .A. -NINa KBNEL. H umboldt, Nebraska; Social Science-Hi story, Dramatic Club . I nternational Rela tion s Club, Scribb l ers Cl ub, Sponsor, Alpha Erudite, Gamma Chi , W. A .A .. Y.W .C .A .
Hall Hauptman
L Hay s N . I Hay s H e nderson
He r rold Hi n ton Hoagland R. Howe H ubbel l
R. L. James Jami son
R. L Johnsor. jones Kane!
Pane Thu ty
s~\- t' n
SOPHOMORES RDELa MRRIE K.RRL. Swanton, Nebraska; Elementary Education-MRRGERY RNN KINSEY . Shubert. Nebraska; English, Dramatic Club, Social Committee. PERUVIAN, Beta Beta Beta. Gamma Chi , Peru Players SponsorBERNICE KLINDT. Walnut, Iowa; Elemen tary Education-WILBERT KOHRS . Brock. llcbra:;ko; Mothe r:1ottcs . Dramatic Club. Lutheran Club, Men's C lub. International Relations Club- BOB W . KOONTZ. Au burn. llebro:; ko; In dustrial Arts, Track, P Club, Y.M.C.A.
HRROLD LANTZ. Tecumseh, Nebraska; Physical Education, M c n·r; Club. P Club. Trod:. Foo tboll - KRTHERI NE J. LEIGH. Nebraska City, Nebraska; Early Elementary Education. Art Club. Earl/ Clerncntory Club. Gamma Chi. F.T .A.. Y.W.C.A.-RRLPH LOCKE. Crab Orchard, Nebrasb; Industrial Arts. Pedagog tan. T cnn t:;. Y M .C A - INEZ LONGFELLOW. Ansley, Nebraska; junior High, Alpha Erudite. Sigma Tau Delta. YWCA - MILDRED LONGFELLOW. A!lsle/. Nebraska; Earl/ Elene:-~tar·/ Education. Alpha Erudite. Earl/ Elcme:-~tory Club. Y W CA .
EUGENE LURK. Harvard, Nebraska; Y.M.C.A.. Band, Orchestra, Men ':; Club. Bo;d:etball- M.RX M.RNIFOLD. Papillion, Nebraska; Band. Orchestra. Peru Singers-DONRLD M.RTHEWS. Humboldt. Nebror;ka; Bio log·/. Ba sketball. Men's Club, Y .M .C. A. -HRRRIET MRXWELL. Omaha, llebraska; Junior Hig h. Per sonality Club Sponsor. Pe•u Singers. Y.W.C.A.-ROBERT McRLEXRNDER. Beaconfield. Io·11a; Mathemattc.;, Alpha Erudtt o. M c:1'.; Club. Y M .C A . Basketball.
Karl Ki:-~ s cy
K li:-t dt Kohrs Koo:-~tz
Lantz Leigh Locke
I. Longfellow M Longfellow
Lurk Manifold Mathew s Maxwe ll McAl exander
Paoo Thtrty -cigh f
McCar ty McClune McDo nal d M eyer Miller
Mon eypenny Morehead Nedden ri ep Nelson N iday
Palm tag Parri sh Patr ick Pederse n Po tter
JEROLYN McCARTY. Au bu rn. Nebraska; Early Elementary Education. C.C.A.- MELBA E. M c CLUNE. Shenandoah. Iowa; Elementary Educa ti on , Gamma Chi, Orc hestra, Band . Y. W .C.A.- RUTH M cDONALD. Papillion, Nebras ka; Elem entar y Education, A l pha Erudito, Gamma Chi , Student Advisory Committee, Y .W.C.A . -ROBERT MEYER. Talmag e, N ebraska; Special. Peru Singers. Y .M .C .A - BETTY JEAN MILLER. Hamburg, Iowa ; Home Economics. Alpha Erudi to, Gamma Chi, Peru Singers, C .C.A .. Sigma Tau Delta, Kappa Omicron Phi .
LAVINA MONEYPENNY. Dorc h ester. Nebraska; Early Elementary Education. Gamma Chi, Early Elementar y Club - NADINE MOREHEAD. Shubert , N ebraska; junior H igh, A lpha Erudi to- BERNICE NEDDENRIEP. Brock. Nebraska; Elementary Educa tion, Gamma Chi , Early Elementary Club, Y.W .C.A . -DORIS LOUISE NELSON. Lincoln , Nebraska; H ome Econo mics; Gamma Chi , Y.W .C .A. -DOROTHY LUELLA NIDAY. Union, Nebraska; Early Elementary Educat ion, Gamma Chi, Early Elemen tary Club. Y .W .C. A
FERN PALMTAG. Omaha, Nebraska; Forei gn Languages, Gamma Chi. W.A .A - DORIS E. PARRISH. I mogene. Iow a; Early El eme n tary , Drama tic Club, Early Elementary Club , Y W .C .A. -PflT PATRICK. Tabor. Io wa ; English, Gamma Chi, Peru Players, Drama tic Club-EVA PEDERSEN. Lincoln , Nebraska; Early Elementary Education . Gamma Chi. Early Elem entary Club , Y W .C A . -DELZENE POTTER. Bartlett. Iowa; Elementary Education . Gamma Chi , Peru Si ngers, Y.W.C A .
Pa9e Th1rty nine
SOPHOMORES Reuter Ro berts Rudolph Sandin Scha e fe r
Schreiner Schutz S e ver so n Slagl e Stark
Steffen Stirba Tie hen Ti ll er Timmons
MURIEL L. REUTER. Syracuse. Nebraska; junior High, Alpha Erudite , Sigma Tau Delta, Gamma Chi , Orchestra. Y.W .C.A. -KEITH ROBERTS. Tecumseh, Nebraska; Physical Education, Footba ll, Trac k- PHYLLIS E. RUDOLPH. Eagle, Nebraska; Elem entary Education, Gamma Chi, W .A.A ., Y.W .C .A.-Jfl.MES J, Sfl.NDIN. Platts mouth. N ebrask a ; English. Sigma Tau Delta, Men's Club, C.C.A ., Social Committee, Dance Band. Band. L ear n - to - Dance C lub , Sponsor, Peru Players, Sponsor, Dramatic Club-Mfl.RCELLfl. SCHfl.EFER. Ta lmag e , N e bras ka; E lem entary Ed u cation, Kappa Delta Pi.
GILBERT C. SCHREINER. Unadilla, Nebraska; Biology, I n ternational Rela tions Club, Beta Beta Be ta, T rack, Y.M.C.A.- JOHN C. SCHUTZ. Steinauer, Nebraska; Commerce, Alpha Erudito, C o mm erce C l ub, C .C.A.- RICHfl.RD SEVERSON. O rd, Nebraska-9.NNETT9. SLfl.GLE. Stella, Nebraska; Early Elem entary Education. Ar t Club, Early Elementary Club, Y.W.C.A .- DONfl.LD STfl.RK. Bedford, Iowa; Physi cal Educati o n , M en 's Club , P Club. Foo tba ll, Basketball, Trac k.
ERN9. STEFFEN. Peru . Nebraska; C omm erce, Gamma Chi , Y W .C A - EVELYN STIRBfl.. Swanton, Nebras ka; Early Elemen tary Education, Alpha Erudite, Gamma Chi, Ear ly Elementary Club- ROSEMfl.RY TIEHEN. Daw so n , N ebraska; Elementary Education. Rlpha Erudite, Gamma Chi , C .C.A . -DOROTHY M . TILLER. Pawn ee City , Nebraska ; Early Elementary Education. Rrt C lub, Earl y Elementary Club, Y .W .C .R . Gamma Chi - LILLIE TIMMONS. Peru, Nebra ska; C ommerce, Per u Singers.
Sophs Kinsey, Gatz. and H e nderson show an upper classman Redding how to get your man and display evidence of success.
Ro bert s demonstrates
to stay at
r o路 I)'
SOPHOMORES Vejaraska Wert Wischmeier
Wager Wirth Zoste ra
LOUIS C . VEJARASKfl. Odel l . Nebraska; Pre-Dental-W ILMA E. WAGER. Beatrice. Nebraska; Early Elementary Education. Art C lub, Early E l ementary C l ub, F.T .A. Y.W .C .A ., Orchestra. Gamma Chi. W .A .A .
ROBERTA J. WERT. Elk Creek. Nebraska ; Elementary Education. Ear l y Elementary Club-CARL C. WIRTH. Louisville. Nebraska; Physical Science. International Rela tions C l ub. Alpha Erudite . Lambda Delta Lambda. Men 's Club, Y M .C.A.
MARJORIE E. WISCHMEIER. Burchard. Nebraska; Elementary Education. Gamma Chi . Early Elementary Club . Dramatic Club . Y .W.C .A .- AUDREY ELLEN ZASTERA. Louisville, Nebraska; English, Dramatic Club. A l pha Erudite. Gamma Chi . Band. Y.W.C.A .
Freshmen di spla路1 ability to hz fetch ing .. cats .. at Frosh party .. No Ou tsi ders:路 First se me s te r o ffi cers (seat e d ) T ony DeM o r a . Secretary; Jim H owe. Vice- Presid e nt; Willard Wilson. Presi de nt; Fred D r e xl e r. Treasu re r r elinquished sea ts to second se r.Jes ter o ffi ce rs (s tandi ng ) C lif ford H arding, Secretary; Bob Oakma:1. V ice- Preside:1t; Mel v in McKi:1n/. Treasu r e r; C harles Snyder. Presiden t.
FRESHMEN FRESHMEN amidst the g rim realities of being attacked fro m all sides find thems elves pushed hi ther and yon in the rush of renewed friendsh ips. Attention to the green element and pre administration for homesickness is found in Sponsored trips of the river hills and campus get acquainted parties. They toil long hours that Homecoming will have the thril l to GRADS that it always had. They find people of similar interests in Freshmen clubs and ma ke friend s with the upperclassmen via the paddle line and word " Freshie." Acord Bland Boevink
C . Adam s Boatman Bond
BERNICE ACORD. Riverton, Iowa; Elemen t ary Education, Alpha Erudito. Gamma Chi, Learn-to-Dance Club- CATHERINE ADAMS. Council Bl uffs. Io wa; Engli sh, Learn-to-Dance Club , Gamma Chi , Peru Play er s, Peru Singers. Y . W .C .P..
ROBERT BLAND. Shelby, Nebra.>ka; Math e mat ics-Ch e mistry DARRELL BOATMAN. Nemaha. Nebraska; Learn - to-Da nce Cl u b .
GRACE BOEVINK. Fi r t h. Nebraska ; Rural Educa ti o n , L earn -toDance Club, Band- JEAN CAROLYNN BOND. Dill er , Nebra s ka ; English. Alpha Erudito. Gamma Chi . Band. Learn - to -Dance Club
FRESHMEN Bressler Brinson Buell Car ter E. Chri stiancy Chri stensen
Connel ly Coupe Cl ements Custard DeMore Dermann
Dot y Drexler Duncan Ebers Epley Everett
DON BRESSLER. Au burn. Nebraska; Science- DORIS BRINSON. Peru. Nebras ka; Histo ry, Peru Players. Learn- toDance Club, Band. Student Advisory Committee, Gamma Chi-IDELLa L. BUELL. Murdock. Nebraska; j unior High. Pe rsonality Club. Y W C .A . -HOPE M. CaRTER. Plymouth, Nebraska; English. Dramatic Club. Peru Players. Learn-to-Dance Club. Gamma Chi- EVELYN CHRISTiaNCY. Geneva, Nebraska; Commerce , Alpha Erudite. Gamma Chi. Band. Learn-to- Dance Club. Comme rce Club- JEaN CHRISTENSEN. Avoca . I o w a; Ele mentar y Edu catio n , Gamma Chi. Peru Singers.
CaMELLia CONNELLY. Peru. N e bras ka; Commerce, Personality Clu b. Learn- to-Dance Club- EUGENE L. COUPE. N e braska City, Nebraska; Mathematics-DICK CLEMENTS. Peru, N e bras ka; Pre- Engineering, Alpha Erud ite, Camera Club. Band. Orchestra. PERUVIAN. Y.M.C.A. -VERa CUSTaRD. Omaha , Nebraska; Rura l Education. Learn- to -Dance Club. C .C .A .. Alpha Erudite. Gamma Chi. W .A .A.-TONY D eMaRO. Nebraska City , N e brask a ; Mu sic. Learn- to- Dance Club. Orchestra. Band. C.C.A.- DELORES DERMaNN. Talmage, N e bras ka; C o mmerce. Art C l ub. C o mmerce Club, Ca m era Club, Learn - to- Danc e Club. Gamma Chi .
BERNICE DOTY. Liberty, Nebras ka; Elementary Educatio n . Gamma Chi- FREDDIE DREXLER. Steele Ci t y , N e braska; Mathematics. Pe ru Players. Band. Dance Band. Y .M .C .A .- MaRY JaNE DUNCaN. Pe ru . Nebras ka; C o mmerce, Personality Club. Learn - to-Dance Club- JaNET L. EBERS. Se ward Nebraska; Comm erce . L earn-to- Da n ce Club . Peru Singers. C o mmerce Club. Y W .C.A. -TWI LDI EPLEY. Syracuse . Nebraska; C o mm erce , Pe rsonal it y C lub. Gamma Chi . C o m m erce Club- H . BURTON EVERETT. Ly o ns. Nebraska . C o mm e rce .
Paa c F oâ&#x20AC;˘ t y th ree
Fogle B. fulto:1
L. fulton Gill espi e G l a sg ow
Goodridge Gordon Gorth ey Gre fe Grotrian
E. Hall R. H all H a mel Hamilton H andley
VIVIAN C. FOGLE. Tecumseh . Nebraska; Early Elementary Education. L earn- to -Dance C l ub. Peru Players. I nternational Relations Club, Early Elementary C lub. Gamma Chi-BEATRICE FULTON. Corning. Iowa; Ru ra l Educa tion. Learn-to-Dance Cl ub. Peru Players-LOIS FULTON. M alvern, Io wa; Rura l Educa ti on. Gamma Ch i - ALVEEN GILLESPIE. Auburn, Nebraska; Commerce. Alpha Erudite, Scribblers Club. Learn-to-Dance Club . W.A.A . -LOIS GLASGOW. Des M oines, Iowa; Home Economics , Per son ality Club . Gamma Ch i. Learn-to-Dance C l ub . W. A. A .
MARGARET GOODRIDGE. Rock Port, M issouri; M usic. Al pha Erudite. Gamma Chi. Learn-to-Dance C l ub. Orche stra-ORRILLIA GORDON. Hamburg, Iowa; Ru ral Education. Learn -to-Dan ce Club. Person a l ity Cl ub. Gamma Chi - RUSS GORTHEY. Mur dock . Nebraska; C hemis try , Y.M.C A .- ROBERT GREFE. Lanham . Nebras ka; S c i e nce. Learn-to-Da nce C lub. Luther an Club-Mfl.RIE GROTRiflN. Cook. Nebraska; Ru ral Education, Perso nality Club. Lutheran Club . Gamma C hi.
ELEANOR HALL. farragut. I owa; Earl y El ementary Education. Learn-to-Dance C lub. G amm a Chi . Band. Early Elementary Club-ROLLIN HALL. Nemaha. Nebraska; Commerce, Band- ELDA M. HAMEL. Peru. Nebraska; El e mentary Education . Gamma C hi, Band, Peru Players-JUNE HAMILTON. Brownville . N ebra s ka; Early El ementary Education. Scribbler Club, Learn-to-Dance C lub. Gamma Ch i. Band- WENDEL HANDLEY. Nemaha. Nebras ka; Social Science, Learn- to-Dance Club. f ootball, Basketba ll, Track.
Page Forty-four
FRESHMEN BETTY Hfl.RPHRM. Brock, N ebra ska; Rura l Education. Learn- to-Dance Club, Peru Players. Early Elementar y Club. Y.W .C .A. -LERTRICE JEAN HAUPTMAN. Peru. Nebraska; Early Elementary Education. Learn-to-Dance Club. Band. Orchestra. Early El ementary Club- MARGARET HENKE. fall s City. Nebraska; Rural Education. Personality Club - GERTRUDE HORSTMANN. Talmag e, Nebraska; Learn- to-Dance Club. Gamma Chi-JAMES HOWE. Wymore, Nebraska; Hi s tory, Alpha Erudite . Peru Pla yers . Learn-to- Dance Club. Peru Singers.
EVELYN INGLIS. Burchard, Nebraska; Rural Education, Learn-to-Dance Club, Peru Singers, Gamma ChiROBERT R. JAMES. Elmwood, Nebraska; English. Learn- to- Dance Club-JEAN JOAN JELINEK. Crete. Nebraska; j unior High. L earn- to-Da:1ce Club, Band. Peru Players. W.A .A.- BETTY JENSEN. Irwin. I owa; H ome Economics. Personali ty Club, Ga::~ma Chi - VIRGIE LEE JOHNSON. Auburn , Nebraska; English, Peru Players. Scribblers Club, Gamma Chi. Alpha Erudite. Y .W .C .A .
JOSEPHINE KELLY . fall s Ctty. Nebraska; Peru Players. Learn-to-Dance Club, Alpha Erudite. Basketball, C.C.A.fl.UTHUR LOUIS KERMOADE. Auburn . Nebraska; Chemi stry. Learn-to-Dance Club. Peru Players-CLfl.Rfl. MARIE KRUGER. Nehawka. Nebraska; Rural Education. Personclity Club, Learn-to-Dance Club , Alpha Erudite-IRIS LAWRENCE. Brownvill e. Nebra ska; Commerce. Personality Club. Gamma Chi. Learn-to-Dance Club, W .A .A . DOROTHY LEONARD. Blanchard, I owa; Junior High. Alpha Erudite. Gamma C hi, Camera C lub.
Harpham Hauptman Henke Hors tman ). Howe
R. James Jeline k Jensen Johnson
Ke lly Kermoade Kruger Lawrence Leonard
Lindberg Living ston Link L um M ason
Ma s tin McArdle McKenny Meier E Mill e r
K. M i ll er M oe ll er Moore Morri s N e ff
LORENE E. LINDBERG. Shenandoah, Iowa; Home Economics, Learn-to-Dance Club, Gamma Ch i , Pe rsonality C lub - GERRLD LIVINGSTON, Nebraska City, Nebraska-PEGGY LINK. W averly, Nebraska; Early Elemen tary Educa tion , Learn-to-Dan ce Club, Pe rsonality Club, Gamma Chi-ECHO ELA.INE LUM. Verdon, Nebraska; Pu bl ic School Music, Learn- to-Dance Club. Band, Alpha Erudite, Y .W.C.A . -MILDRED MA.SON, Brownville, Nebraska; Rural Education, Learn-to-Dance Cl ub, Personali ty Club, Band, Orchestra, Gamma Chi. A lpha Erudi te.
HELEN MA.STIN. Auburn. Nebraska; Early Elementary Education. Learn - to-Dance Club, Camera Club , Early El ementary Club-BETTY JEAN McARDLE. Salem, Nebraska; Musi c. Learn-to-Dance Club . Peru Singers, P eru P layers, Alpha Erudite-MELVIN D. McKENNY, Auburn, Nebraska; Music, Band. Orches tra . Dance Band, Stud ent Advisory Committee, Track , Pedagogian-DOREEN MEIER. DuBois, Nebraska; English, L earn- to- Dance C l ub, Peru Players, Gamma Chi, Alpha Erudite. W .A.A .- ELA.INE MILLER. Harlan, I owa; Early Elementary Education, Peru Singers. Gamma Chi.
KATHRYN MILLER. Tec umseh. Nebraska; Rur al Education. Learn-to- Dance Club, Gamma Chi, Y .W .C .R. . YVONNE MOELLER. Dunbar, Nebraska; Ru ra l Educatio n, A lpha Erudite. L earn -to-Dance Club-MA.RJORIE MOORE. Weeping Water, Nebraska; Commerce , Learn-to-Dance Club, Peru Playe r s, Commerce Club. A l pha Erudite. Gamma C hi, Y W .C.A.-MARJORIE MORRIS. Stella, Nebraska; Rural Ed ucation . Learn-to-Dance ClubHAZEL LEOLA NEFF, Shubert, Nebraska; Rural Education. Learn-to-Dance Club , Pe ru Players
Page f orty-s1>:
FRESHMEN IMOGENE NIEMEYER. Stella. Nebra ska; Rura l Education, Luthera:-t Club. Y.W.C .A.- IRENE ELVER.A. NISPEL. Plymouth, Nebra ska: Hi s tory. Leor:-t-to-Dance Club. Luth e ran Club, Alpha Er udite, G amma C hi-ZOLfl. M . NOFSGER. Da vl son. N ebraska ; C ommerce, Lea rn - to - Do :-~ ce Club. Peru Players. Commerce C lub. Per u Singers. Tenni s. YWCA - GEORGE NORTON, De Witt , Nebraska: Mathematics-BETTY JO OFFERMAN. Omaha . Nebraska; Elementary Educa tion. Personality Club. Learn- to-Donee Club, Gamma Chi.
RICHARD PASCAL. Wes ton. Nebra ska: Mathema ti cs. Alp ha Erud i te. Basl:etboll. C.C.A .- JOHN E. PENNER. Beatrice. Nebraska: M a thematic;, Peru Pl a yers. Learn-to- Donee Club- SHIRLEY PURCELL. Omaha . Nebraska; Rura! Education . Learn- to-Dance Club. Alpha Erudite. Gamma Chi. W .A.A. -PHYLLIS QUICK. A shlan d, Nebraska; Rural Education. Lear:-t路t o-Dancc Club. Y W C .A - W. A. RRCHOW, Carleton. Nebra ska; Pre-e n g ineering, P C lub, Footba l l. Trod
IRMA RAWLINS. Thurman. Iow a; Rural Education-BESS RAY . Snelby, Nebraska; Engli sh. Learn-to-Dance C lub, Alpha Erudite. Gamma C hi. W A A . -HELEN RHODES. How e. Nebraska: Commerce. Learn-to-Da nce C lub, C ommerce Club- BOB RICHARDS . Aub urn, Nebraska; Pre- enginee ring, football. Trac k- RUBY R. RISCHLING. Milligan. Ncbra,;l:a; Comm erce . C o mmerce Club, Scribblers Club
Niemeyer I. N ispe l Nofsger Norton Olfc rmon
Pa sca l Penner Purcell Q u ick Rae ho w
Rawl i ns Ray Rhodes Richards Risch ling
Rodger !: Schuldt Schu tz Schwalenberg Scrimr:her
Solleder Stark Steuteville Tegtmeyer
Thoma s
L. Thomas M . E. Thomas M. Thomas V. Tiehen Todd
DORIS RODGERS, Reserve, Kansas; Commerce-SHIRLEY SCHULDT. Coun cil Bluffs, Iowa; Early Elementary Education, Personality Club, Learn-to- Donee Club, Early Elemen tary C l ub. Band. Orchestra- MARY ANN SCHUTZ. Steinauer, Nebraska; Home Economics, Learn-to-Donee Club, Gamma Chi, C .C .A . -LUCY SCHWALENBERG. Carbon, Iowa, Elementary Education, Peru Players, Per u Singers-ARDEITH SCRIMSHER. H amburg, Iowa; Early Elementary Education, Learn-to-Dance Club, Peru Pla yers
RUTH SOLLEDER. Thurman, Iowa; Elementary Education, Camera Club, Gamma Chi-JOYCE STARK. Reynolds, Nebraska; English, Learn-to-Dance Club, Peru Singers, Peru Players, Gamma Chi -GENEVIEVE STEUTEVILLE. Nebraska City, Nebraska; English, Peru Players-EVELYN TEGTMEYER. Nebraska City, Nebra ska ; Lea rn-to-Dance Club Lutheran C lub-JULIE THOMaS, Tabor, Iowa; English, Learn-to-Dance Club, Peru Players. T enn i s
LILLIAN THOMAS, Louisville, Nebraska; Home Economics-MARY ELLEN THOMAS. Nebraska City, Nebra ska; Early Elementary Education, Learn-to-Dance Club, Early Elementary C lub, G amma Chi- MARVIN L. THOMRS . Brownvtlle. Nebraska; Art , Poster Club, Learn-to-Dance Cl ub, Orches tra, Band-VIVIAN RUTH TIEHEN. Salem . Nebraska; Rural Education, Alpha Erudite, Learn-to-Dance Club--CONS UELO M . TODD. Omaha. Nebra ska; Early Elementary Education, Peru Players, Peru Singers
FRESHMEN EVELYN TRUNKENBOLZ. Ashland . Nebraska; Rural Education-BILLIE DEAN UTERMOHLEN. Verdon , Nebr aska; Earl y Elementary Education, Alpha Erudito. Gamma C hi, Early Elementary Club. Learn- to- Dance Club-JflMES ALLENBY VELVICK. Peru. Nebraska; Art. Art Clu b, Learn-to-Dance Club-LOIS WAGONER. Cedar Creek. Nebraska; Home Economic s. Alpha Erudito, Gamma Chi, Personality Club. Learn-to-Dance Club- CLARICE WAGNER. C ouncil Bluffs. Iowa; Earl y Elementary Education, Gamma Chi. Peru Players. Learn-to-Dance Club. Early El e mentary Club. Y.W.C .A.
FERN WALKER. Stella. N ebraska; Rural Education. L earn-to-Dan ce Club , Peru Players-MARYANNE WALKER. Dunbar, Nebraska; Rural Educa tion. Learn-to-Dance Club, Gamma Chi. Band- ELEANOR WELTY. Shenandoah. I owa. Earl y Elem e nta r y Educa tion-DWANE WHITE. Sup eri or. Nebraska; Biology, L earn- to-Dance Cl ub. Men';; Cl ub. Football. Basketball. Track-GLEE WIEDEMAN. Emerson. Iow a; Early Elem ent ary Educati on. Early El ementary Clu b. Peru Players, L earn-to-Dance Club, Gamma C hi
CHRISTINE WILKINSON. Humbol dt, Nebraska; Junior Hi gh, Learn-to-Dance C lub, Peru Pla yers. G amma C hi, W.A .A .. Y.W.C.A.-WILLARD WILSON. Wymore. Nebraska-LOLA YATES. Au b urn. Nebraska; Music, Band, Orche stra-EDWARD YORK. Libe rt y. Nebraska-MAE JANE YOUNG. Fairbur y, Nebraska; juni or H igh, Learn-toDance Club. Peru Players. Peru Singers, Y.W.C.A .
T runkenbolz Utermohlen V elvick
L. Wagoner C . Wagner
F. Walker M . Wal ker Welty White Wi edeman
Wi l kinson Wil so n Yates York Young
TRAINING SCHOOL THE TRfliNING SCHOOL Where first swaths are cut in the field of teaching. Students directed by supervisors get the first real taste of teaching after spending hours in preparation on theory and practice. Here college students have an opportunity to work out "pet ideas," to get the important teacher-pupil contact, and to pick up additional material in the art of teaching by actual contact with that field. This is not an extra ordinary institution but a place where actual pupils carry on the various phases o f high school life-athletic, ::Icademic, or music.
Brown, Steffen, Stepan, A dams H igh Schoo l ollicers.
Burch Hazelton Kennedy
Clevenger Ji merson Larson
C oatney ). johnson Lyo ns
Collin M. Johnson Osborne
Edmondson Kennedy Rogers
flNNfl BURCH. Glee Club, C lass Vice-President, Pep Club, Sen ior Class Play-RflLPH CLEVENGER. Band. Basketball, Seni or C lass Play-LORENE COATNEY. G lee Club, Voca l Trio. Mad ri gal Group, Pep Club, Senior Class Play-BETTY COLLIN. Glee C lub , Orchestra-GEORGE W. EDMONDSON. Madriga l Group, Senior C lass Play
WILDa HAZELTON. Pep Club, Band, Senior Class Play-MflRY SHIRLEY JIMERSON. Bond, Orchestra, Gl ee C lub. Social Committee, Madrigal G roup, Pep Club. Se nior Class Play- JflNE JOHNSON, Glee Club- MflRiflL JOHNSON- BE;TY KENNEDY. Band, Orchestra. Madrigal Group, Glee Club. Pep Club. Flute Trio. Closs President, Senio r C lass Play
RUTH KENNED路t. Pep Club-LEONORE LflRSON. Band. Orchestra, Glee Club. Madrigal Group. Vocal Trio, Flute Trio, Pep C lub Pres iden t. Senior C lass Play- EDGflR LYONS. Track-VERfl OSBORNE- CHARLES ROGERS . Football. Bas ketball , Senior Class Play
Poop rd ty one
HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS MAX ROGERS . Pr e s id e nt o f Noon Hour C omm itt ee-IMOGENE ROWEN. Gl ee C lub. Pe p Club- BELVfl SflYER. Glee C lub. Pep Clu b - JOSEPHINE SETZER. Glee Club. Pep Cl ub. Cl ass P lay.
MflYME B. SHERMflN, Gl ee C lu b. P e p Clu b-NEAL L. SLINKER. Footba ll. Bas路 Y. e tball - DEAN SMITH. Football. Bas ke tball. Social Committee. Madrigal Group. Senior Class Pla y-DONNfl STEFFEN, Band. Orches tra, Pep C lu b. High School P res id en t. S e nior Cl ass Play.
ARTHUR RICHflRD TflNNER. WILMfl WALKER. DflVID WflRNOCK. Madr iga l Group, S e nio r Class Play .
M. Rogers Sherman
Rowen Slinker Tanner
Sayer Smith Walker
It's a gala night as the s tudents of P.T.H. S. hold a .. Jam Session."
Pogo F1fty-two
Setzer Steffen Warnock
Trainers Give Their Vi c torious Champs a rea l " FEED"
JUNIORS FIRST ROW Bonme Arm st rong Jua:·uta Connelly. flo renc e G o c kl ey V 1:gintc Stepan , Lawrer.ce Good . Wll lord Redfern . Charles Henning. Charles McCall . Bob Brown . SECOND ROW: Verno Roge~s . Joy Weddle, June Weddle . Potnc10 Hdl , W llm a Walker , Btll Redding , Robert Walke~ . Duane Net=. THIRD ROW Beulah Spoor, Mdd~ed Eschen, Mary Buscorn , Jack Whtsl er. Raymond Scars , Grant Devore . jack Cejka. FOURTH ROW Arthur Clements . Wa~d Adorns , Clyde H u :1 zeke~ . John Ftshner. FIFTH ROW G u y G ~ofton . Jock Whufteld, Herbert Nmcehelse r , Bo nme Koep ;ce l. M tss Faulhabe r.
SOPHOMORES FIRST RO W Les te r Lanncr . G o rdon Palmer . Helen Warnock . Rosella Mecn tt . Esther Merntt. S!:COND ROW Mana Whts tler, Do ro thy Stepan . Fmdlcy Mason , Eldon Nmcehelse r. Ha, o l d Knap le , Ve r d a H au p tman . Wtlla De an Hall TH I RD ROW : N o t ma Jean Pa mott . Be tty Steran . Helen Freemon. C l ance Fl a u . Wayne C o tt ::>n , Marv tn B ~ow n . Ve rne Cotton FO URTH
RO W L outse Wa l ker . Phy l h s Kothl yn Benfo rd . Da l e Bl ankenRobert Anderson, Betty Jean
B n n~o n .
shtp . Allgo o d
AT TABLE: G eral d Claybu rn . Sayer. Irene MaJo rs , M oqone
Thelma Rogers.
FIRST ROW Glo yd Hays Dorothy V a sb erg , Samm y A nderson Norma Borton SECOND RO W M ary Jane C oms tock Mark C olh ns, Jo hn Le w >s Betty Adam s THI RD RO W Belly Losier Ma x M athew s Ru th Esch e n He n ry Sher ma n Gappy Ra llsb ach FO URTH RO W S•anle y Cameron A pplega te II elm
l u ntor
Pn)e fti ty th ree
FIRST ROW Eugene Hennmg, James Douglas, Donna Edmondson . SECOND ROW · Darvnn Hamel. R•chacd Good, Launne Clayburn, Donna Parriott. THIRD ROW Bill Edmondson, Jack Maxwell, Evelyn Stepan. FOURTH ROW· Wanda Jea:1 Algood . Verna Dixon Manon Hays. Nancy Steck. F IFTH ROW Karl Ogg, Mary Fishner. Ju nior Clary , Boyd Palmer. ROW !: Irene Filmer. Dale Vanderiord , Betty Vance, John C lements, Phylhs Owings. joe Reiff, Rex ROW II. Coatney , Billie Jean Miller. Marion Rodge rs, Arlene Allgood. ROW III: Ina Jane Good, Bill Sayer. Sam Bradford. Ferne Helms, Eileen McCall. ROW IV Bob Majors . MelVirginia v•n Comstock. Flau. Kathleen Whitfield, Eldon Allgood.
Parriott. Jimerson, Clem en ts, Connelly , Smith , and Palmer- --they watch . chart and g uide for the Trainers Page
BASKET B.RLL coach Fisher maps out winning plays lor players Ogg, Red fe rn. Clem e nts. V . Cotton. Slinker, Brown , Ro g er s, Hunzeker, and Smith.
ATH LETICS a t the training school under the apt tutalege of Ex-Bobkitten Harold F isher has retained its posi tion a t the top of the scale. In FOOTBALL the Bobkittens p layed a tough season of games to come ou t of the final pile-up carrying the trophy signifying tha t they had won their Confer ence- N emaha Valley Champs 1940- Basketeers forged forth with the spur of Foo tball champ::; and won second place in Nemaha County tournament and third p lace in the District tournamen t. Although not as successful as the football team the basketball team routed such teams as Rock Port, Auburn, and Tecumseh.
BOCK RO W C oach Ha rold F1sher. Ma cvm Br own , John T1shner. A rthur Cler.~en t s . John CeJka W illard Redle;n , C lyd e H u nzeker . G a:'l t D"vore. Paul Ogg , R1chard Tanner . Assistant Coach Phd L urk . MIDDLE RO W Gerald Clayburn . Gordon Palmer Herbert Nince!let~er , Charles !-lenmng , Charles Rogers , N"al Shn!<e r , Dec:> Sm11h . Jack Wh1stler, Verne C o tto n . Eldon Nmceh.,tser. FROIIT ROW John L" w1 s Ma : k Colhns . Ward Ad ams
TOP RO W : (L eft to Right) Bob Majors . Billy Jean Miller, Marion Hays , Shi rle y Ro d gers, Doroth y V osberg. Do nna Arm st rong. Verno Rogers, W ilda Hazelton, Nancy Steck , Sam Bradford. SECOND ROW 路 Pat ricio Hill, Leonore Larson, Betty Kennedy, La wr~nce G o od , Ma r y S h!fte y Jimerson , H dary Brad fo rd, Charles McCall, Paul Ogg. TH IRD ROW : Max Mathews, C larice Flou, Dole Vanderford, Irene Majors, Beulah Spoor, Phyllis Brinson , Richard G ood, John L e w i s, Marjorie Rogers. Ralph Clevenger. FO URTH ROW路 Ko thlyn W hitfield, John Clements, Gerald Clayb u rn, W illard Redfern, An h ur Clements. M onon Deck , L aurine C l ayburn, Dorothy Stepan , Donald Lavigne , Bonnie A rmstrong.
MUSIC TRAINING SCHOOL Training school MUSICIANS won additional prestige under the g u idance of S. L. C lements, Ben ford, and Jindra ably assisted by a staff o f college s tudents. They pulled down Superiors in all phases of music at the annual contests and walked away with honors at the fall .R.k-sar-ben. During the football and basketball season the band and baton twirlers added a splash to between ha lf shows and enthusiasm to the crowd and team during the games.
FRONT ROW David Worn och , John Lewis, Gor don Palmer. Dean Smith , Paul Ogg, Grant D e vore. F'IRST ROW Ina ]one Good, Josephine Setzer , Kathleen Whitfield . Nan;::y Steck , Anno Bu rc h, Bonme Armstrong, ]uamta Connelly . SECOND ROW: Lorene Coatney , Lounne Clayburn. Billie ]eon Mi ller, Monon Rodgers, M onon Deck, Belva Sayer, Ka thlyn Benford. THIRD RO W Kathenne Bartling , Director; Margery Evans. Accompams t . Betty Dee Colhn . Florence Gockley . Imogene Rowen, Bonme K oeppel. Robena Wngh t. Helen Warnock . W dhe Dean Hall , Belly Kennedy Mary Shirley )lmerson Leonoce Larson ]one Johnson Pa i ncia Hill
Poa . r.:' /
Betty Kennedy, Paul Ogg, Dtrcctor lean Spier , Betty Dec Collin , C harles McCall . Robert Walke r .
SECOND HOW Max Math e w s, Mary Shtrley )lmerson , Arthur Cle ments , Gerald Claybu rn . John Lew is.
Lcano'e Larson. Donna Arm st rong,
FRONT HOW: Kathlyn Benford. Patricia Hill, Phyllis B , mson. Gockley, Manon Deck.
Shirley Rodgers .
A rms trong , Florence
Page Fif ty-seven
rqanizations To those who put their heado; together in the name of ORGAN-
JZ_Z\.TION, this, the second section of the 1941 PERUVII\N is devoted. Activities which oHer valuable training opportunities, moreover
among to
ALPHA ERUDITO Under the d i rection of th a t man about scholars, the gen ial Superintendent S. L. Clemen ts, scholars dislodged the ir thinking caps and pu t their minds a t ease each fou rth Mon day with pleasurable hours a t th e Music H all. Members proved their v e r satility by accomplishing unheard of feats (mental and physica l ), - as cake and ice cream eating a -la M o ther Na ture when table ware was among thing s missing. The social high-spot of the year o ccurred when some 70 dance-minded gathered fo r a five-star evenin g. Officers assist ing P resid ent Bob Ashton, were Ruth McDonald, v ice-presid en t, and Virgie Lee Johnson, secreta r ytreasurer.
Acord Buhrmann Fleming )ones Leo nard
Ash ton Eber s Garber Kane! I. Long fellow
M c Ardle Muenchau Reuter
McClune Nispel Rzehak
Pa ge S1xty
Atkins Evans Harris Kelly M . Longfe llow McDo na ld Offerman Shafer
Beal Christiancy Jackson Kingsol ver Lum
Benson Clayburn James Kinsey Mason
D. M eier Pa scal J. Schu tz
M i l ler Purcell M . Schu tz
Bouse Clements johnson Krug e r M c Alex onder M o rehead Ray Stark
Stirba T eachman V . Tiehen
Tra yer U ter mohlen Wagoner
Willev W i rth. Zostera These a rc the gu i ding hands of A lph a Er udite. Upon them i s the burden and pleasur e of ma k ing the cogs go ro und in a wcll路oiled manner. S . L. Cl ements, facultv sponsor; Bob A shto n, Presi dent; Rut h M cDonald, Vice路Presi dent; and Virgie Lee Jo hnson, Sec . and T reos.
BETA BETA BETA Elected P r e s i d ent, Severn H andley; Vice
Presid ent, Jack Colglazier; Secretary, Jean Hoagland; and Treasurer, Dr. Odlaug to guide them throug h initiation, Pro fessor Q u iz programs, a nd scien tific movies in the intellectual line. On the leisure side there were s teak fries, formal ban quets, and discu ssion s. Boas ting a membership of 20, it's the only International Fraternity on the campus.
lt" s members o f Tri -Beta when the gathering is in the Lab. fr on t r ow: Ted S trasburg, fred Geber s. M arge Evan s. Middle Row: Reube n fenders , Vincent Dreeszen. Lynn James, M argery fin n Ki nsey, Jean H oag land. Back Ro w : T ed Graves , frank Larso n . Erni e H ill, George A twood , Jack Colqlazier, H aney Mil stead. Tom Dean, Dr. Odlaug. Leade r o f th e group i s Pres. Severn Handley, standing . PaqP S1xty onp
COUN SOCIAL SOCIAL council held bigger and bette r dances with the " r eal thing " by having the college orchest r a play for mos t of the dances. Studen ts enJoyed sw ingin' to the r ocking r hythm s o f Warren Swain. M eet i ng on occas i on thi s organ iza ti o n showed the "real st uff."
Members of the Social Council included: Benson, Ashton, Kinsey, Sandin, Beal, Larson.
Stu dent Ad visorJ Cour.cilors i:1 ses:;ion: Brinson . M il!ika:1, C oll i n. Kenney M cDonald .
Page Stxty-two
ST U DENT Advi sor y counc i l got o ff to a big sta rt bj ma ki ng everyone queen conscious and produced at H omeco min g a Grid Queen t o ru le over the activit i es of the gridiron and H ome coming dance. L ying dormant dur i ng the winter mon th s ti:e council wo k e with the fir s t si gn s o f spring to sponsor the M ay Fete f or the third consecutive year . Th e organiza ti on 路11as headed by Wi ll i am Fankhauser Pres.; Vice- Pre s. Phylli s Ben so n; Sec. and Treas. Dori s Brinson.
Fankhau s er.
Benson .
CILS MEN'S DORM M EN'S DO RM C O U NCIL started a campaign for more quiet. more sl eep and in general more good w ill among the fel l ows of the d orm. S e t ting themselves up a ::; a jury and judg e, offenders w e r e called in for dis turbi n g th e peace, un tidin ess, and for going "naval" in third floorer'::; r ooms to the tun e of "wa te r -m ark ." H ead ed by Erni e Huege l for the fir s t porti on of the year and lat e r by Vincen t Dreesze:o the counci l bought Pi ng-pon g tabl es and sponsored hour dances.
Men 's dorm councilors: Snider, Karr, Handley, Col lar., D reeszen, Dean, C olglazier, Dunl ap, Drexler, M illi kan . At wood.
G I RLS' D ORMitory rulers w e r e l e d by energetic Faye Bouse thro ugh su ccessful formals and squelched rulebrea k e rs. Thi s organizat i on too k charge of the alterna te week l y h our-dances and shook hands with the boys on the success o f the w eek l y affai r s.
Gir ls Dorm C ounci l : Prexy Faye Bouse, ) . Harris. Ka y F. Pe t erse n, R S toneman. E. Schacht . C . Garver, R. Rose , M rs M a rsh
Bartlin, E . Wi l ly, ll. M axv;ell. Grace M ue:1<.:hut. Dean Dunning , M . 0 . Richardson, M arge [van.路
COMMERCIAL CLUB Accountan ts, typists, and shorthand exp e rts foreg ath ered once mon th l y for th e purpose of advanci n g i deas and n e w mate ria ls in the teaching of comm ercial subjects . The year's acti v i ties w e re under the guidance of Sarene Hauptman, Faye B ouse, Elvera Schach t, and Erma Me ier. Mimeograph class members take a bit of instruction a Ia A. B. Dick representative. Le!t to right: Graves. West, Lavegine, Rhodus, Mr. Kemp, Bartling, Hauptman, Schacht, Karr. Shafer, King, Benson, Palmer, and Ashton.
A side from the u sual monthly meetings and activities, this o r ganiza tion with i ts members as th e basis carried on a mimeograph class under the tutle d ge of a r epresentative from the A. B. Dick Co. Men us, school papers, p rog rams a nd other fo r ms of mimeograph work was carried on by the class, w hic h las ted for nine w eeks. R shton Bartling Be a! Benson Bouse Bruns ::::::hris tiancy Connelly DeKalb Dermann Du ncan Ebers Epely Film er Gottula
Grave s H auptman Johnson King Meier Moo re
Muen chau Mordbrook Nofsger Rhodes Rhodu s Schacht
Schutz Shaf e r Stork Strau sburg Tcachman West
M e mbers o f C. C. R . met tw i c e month ly a s a study clu b. Speci al o ccasion s of the year included a d a nce in the fa ll and picn ic in th e sp ring. Office -holders in cluded Ra ymo nd Bauman, Pre s i dent; vice-presi. dent Nun zio Lazziaro, secretarytreasure r Be t t y Miller, and Mr. Jimerson faculty sp onsor. Rosc~:1ory Stukcnholt: Ma:~a:1 Stych Edna Mae Petecsan , Veca Cuâ&#x20AC;˘tard Ra~emary T1ehen Raymond Bauman . Betty Mtllcc , Ma'y An:1 SchL.t: josephme Ke ll y , Helen Wylie R1c!':acd Pascal , John Sch ~.: tz W ilbur Egc Wdrnc Bartunek.
Ross Adams M artin Bausch Paul Bl a i r M e l vin G ottula
R. V . Larson M a u r i ce Lind er
Wm . McNally Ross Organ
Ceci l Rawson E. j Rawson Bob Smith Clari on Smith Alwyn Y oung
Grade A mal es in the fie ld o f i nd u strial A rts, ans w e red roll call in the E ta chapter H ead man w as Ross O rqan, a n d assis ti nq w e re \'lee president , M art i n Bausch; secretar y - treasu rer, Ross A dams .
Dramatic Clubbers enjoy an evening with the "new comers.
Spon sor Moore
Dramatic Club activities were off with a bang and a whizz of g r ease pai nt as the H omecoming crows saw, "Petrified Forest" by Sherwood. Featuring v eterans, K insey, Sandin, and Karr, it introduced newcomers Dunlap, in a super b performance as Boz, W arr en Bol lme i e r, as Gramp; with Everett, Henderson, C. Jones, Hays, Drexle r , Busenbarrick and o ther s. For the first time Dramatic club threw itself open to all who were int erested an d invited them to a picnic at Neal Park which fea tured weiners, mar shmal lows, coffee, a nd e nte r tain ment for everyone. Wi th the leving of Prexy Miller for a ir-school, Vice-Prexy N . E. Jones took over the r ein s as the year's activities got into full swing. Answ eri ng the call to ini tiation banque t old ti mers h i ssed, booed and laughed a t the antics of the " numbers" or ini tiates , who had horse races, san g solos, gave techniques, and pan tomimed 'm os t any request' to prove themselves real spo rts for the "duration."
It's try-ou t li me a s veterans Kinsey and Dre xl er ( middle) aid some recruits Paqe S1xty-s1x
Pro f. M oore demons trates the right t e ch nique to )ones and San d i n in th e n e xt s tep of a p l ay-rehearsa ls
CLUB De !Ia m -v ice-prexy-Cole-Sec.-Jones-Prexy-Dunlap-Trees .
At the January meeting held a t Pres. N. E. Jones' home. Mrs. A. B. Jode r spoke on her recen t trip to th e speech convention, telling interesting things about Radio City, and other p oints of interest. Plans were plotted fo r presenting a p lay at Pawnee City. The second play of the yea r was given April 18. "Saturday Evening Ghos t" introduced new players in major roles, Jim Howe , Virgie Lee Johnson, Clara Eyre, Wilma Parnell, Wilb ert Khors, and the artist of technique Carroll Jones. From the training school was borrowed Louie Steck. and Benford. The program o f the year's ac tivities for Dramatic Club was b rought to an end with the potluck supper sponsored in April and the Final Picnic sponsore d in May. So the " uppe r-crus t" o rgan izatio n w as rounded out for the year unde r the g uidance of Prof.
R. D. Moore and Pres. N. E. Jones; Vice-President. H. Dallam; Treas. Dunlap, and Sec. B. K. Cole.
It's TH E nigh t as the curtain r ing s on ano ther o f M oore':; Real producti ons this time PETRIFIED FOREST
C I u bs Under Miss Grace supervision.
Tear 's
n ewcomers find their niches . Learn - to-Dance continued to be one of the la rgest as 75 membe rs learned to step a n d glide in mutual c o mfort. M. Flo rence Martin's right hand men v,ere upperclass sponsors Rex Floyd, Edna Mae Peterson and Faye Bouse . .Adminis trative
included and
Sheeley. Peru Flayers under Prexy Mae Jane Young opened season with a hat party staged
auditor ium
footlights .
Wilma Parnell supervised groups un der Cole. Dallam. Sandin, Kinsey, Rezhak, Learn-to-Dance clubbers already to take that will make them social successes.
that step
Dunlap and C.
March Mary-0 Richardson d emonstrated make-up.
Mae Jane's o fficers were
Dor een Meier and Jimmy Howe. Camera Club made a dark room in the auditorium and headed by staff photographer
Th e "'dark room " o f the camera club w a tting for something to dPv"'lop
For Fresh111en oped film s and p rinted pictures. Mr. E . H . Hayward, faculty sponsor and snap-shotters learned what goes on when the camera clicks. Sribblers read and critici sed thei r brain children, l earn ed about manuscript p repa re-
I t' s a bit of horse-play b etween Peru Play ers Howe , Y ou ng, Dre xl er , and Sponsor Parnell .
Scribblers lis ten to a n " orig inal " and then proceed to di sect it lor inspection .
lion from Miss Tea r , and fea ture articles fr om M rs. J. A. Jimerson. Planning board included M rs. B. K. Baker, Nina Kane! and o fficers Gillispie, Rodgers, Rischling and Hami lto n .
FUTURE Purposes of the FTA: To interest young men and w omen in education as a life career; to acauaint teachers in training with the history and ethics of the teaching profession; to en-
TEACHERS courage careful selection of teac he rs, and to seek to bring teacher supply and demand intr> a reasonabb balance.
Dr. Baker Brier Collin Dol! Duerfeldt
Fleming Gillam Hays Johnson Kane! Leigh
Scott Tie hen Trayer Wager Wischmeier Zostera
Ruth Johnson ........................................... President Marjorie W ischmeier. ............................. Vice-Pres. Donna Duerfeldt. .... ............................ .... .Secretary Nina Kanel. ............. ................... .... ...... ..... Treasurer
Mary E . Collin. . ... ... Song Leader Marjorie Gi llan .. .. . .. ..... Parliamen tarian W ilma Wager . .. .. .... .. ........ .. ...... Historian Elaine Brier.. . .... .. ...... ... . ... Librarian
Back Row 路 Robert Williams, Ray H orton, Freddi e Drex ler, Dick Clements. Second Row路 Ralph Hays, Graydon Ashton, Paul Blair. Robert jewell, ]ame s Lambert , Bob Ashton Front Ro w 路 Sponsor, Mr Mathew s, Robert M c Alexander, Dean C lark. Sponsor , Mr Reed Page Seventy
Y. W. C. A.
Lef t
r i ght:
West, Faye Bouse. Mary Elizabeth C o llin, Nina Kane!. Grace Muenchau, Harriet Maxw e ll, Jose ph i ne Boosing er , Dorothy T eachman, Mary Horto n , j uan i ta West. Mac Jan e Youn g .
A Sadie H awki ns Day carnival wi th befitting orchestra tion, an i n spr i n g sing and satisfyin g wiener roas t a t N eal Park , and the annual Chris tmas pageant high-lighted the weekly meetings of Y. W. C. A. , with Mary E. Col lin, p residen t. At the end of the fi rst semester, Grace Muenchau held the reins of presidency; Nina Kane! accepted the rol e of V ice Presiden t from Mary Olive Richardson; Mary H orton was re-e le c ted sec reta r y and Dorothy T eachman succeeded Grac e Muenchau as Treasur er. Cabi net officer s for the second semester i nclud ed: Mary E. Collin, Mae Jane Young , H arri et Maxwe ll, Juanita West, Faye Bouse, Josephine Boosinger, w i th M isses Marjorie West and Edna Weare, sponsors.
In the glow of cand le- li gh t Presi dent elect Mu encha u takes the " ligh t " from re tiring Pres ident Collin.
Y.W.C .A. g::>es " ga l a " and sponsor s a Sadie Hawkins dance that drew the collegiate peopl e
100 %.
Page Seventy on e
GAMMA GIRLS An even hundred g irls r e sponded to Gamma Ch i invitolions to set an a ll - time r ecord membership. With G race Muenchau performing effici e n t l y at head o ffice, a variety of par ties provided social life each month . The Ch r i stmas season featured a fes tive tea for a ll faculty and student women. A Valentine Ball named costume pri ze winners - Phy l lis Ben son , Edna Mae Peters en, Ardis Carm ine. and Audrey Zostera. Add to its social func tioni ng, Gamma C hi m a intained i ts l oan fund with long loans for scho la rs hips o r " shorts" for em e rgency.
!t's tea time for a ll g irls invited by Gamma C hie rs. Jo n es and Collin serve with Neddenri ep, Den n i son . and Garver par taking . T o the :;trci:1s of the Piano Trio girls sip tea at the Gamma Chi af fair.
B AC K RO W Carolee Ga,ver, Huth M c Donal d, A rd1s Ca r mwc . A udre y Zos tera, M ary Colli n . M 's D u nmng, P h y l lis Be n 路 son , Ed n a Mae Pe tersen . Pau l we S tar k . Be tty M iller, V~rg1ma K 1n g. SEC OND RO W Bet ty Jen se n , Kath e nne M t ller, Dorothy Argab n ghl, j u n e Hamil路 ton . Bess Ray , G"rt r ude H orstman T w tldt Eple y . Joyce Stark. Ma rtha be ll M tn n tck , L ucille Jellryes , M arger y De nIson Ha , let M a x well FRONT RO W Lulle jane H we line, Evely n Snrba, Orrillia G ordon, Eve lyn Rogers A ilee T r ay er. Rut h Jo hnson . B ett y Of fer 路 man, Glee W tedeman . M une l Reu tter. l m o qene Ntemter . L ucy Schwalenburg . Dorot hy Teachman Grace M ue n c h au . M ar1e Grotnan
?-:I _. ,.
C HI CLUB Under the guidance of Dean !nice Dunnin g, sponsor of the all -female organi zation, janet Harri s, E rma Meier, and Edna Mae Petersen e xecuted th e duties o f vice-pres i dent, secretary , and treasurer r espectively. Further suggestions were dealt from the hands of council members, Ma ry E. Collin, Betty Miller, Pauline Stark, cmd Ruth McDonald .
Council for Gamma Chi clots ac!ln!les in fireside huddles such as this: janet Harris, Ruth McDonald. Betty Miller. Pauline Stark. Mary E. Collin. Dea:1 Dunning. Grace Muenchau. Edna Mae Petersen.
Prize winne r s a t the Gamma Ch i Costu me Bal l ore these: Carmin e . Zostera. Collin. Benson. Pete r sen.
It's anything goes at the annual all-girl party held by Gamma Chi
The international situation r eceived rou n d table t reatmen t under the direction of Dr. C. M. Brow n, sponsor ; Rut h Stoneman, Nancy Ellen Jones, Nina Kane!, and Vivian Fogel council memuers. Special o c cas i ons brcught firs t-hand poFRONT RO W : Stoneman, Fogel, Jones, Kane!, Dr. Brown. Next ro w . Golgrovc. H arding. W uth, litica l r eports from Miss Fankhauser. Mc C umber. C lark, Jewell. NEXT ROW: Richardson, Troyer. Fidermituz. L e 1gh. Gottu l o. Adams . Rediern. LAST ROW : G roves, Rzehok, Dr. Thorson . Mrs. Thorson. B . K . Cole. Mildred Pate , recentl y Clara Eyre. West. Knutson . returned from Japan, an d Miss Francis Harvey, who served as an exchange teacher in England . Though the youngest of campus organizations, International Relations C lub following of some 60 students.
commands a
Lambda D e l t a Lambda pursued electro d e m o n strations a nd matters on the scientific side at regula r monthly meetings led by Presi dent, Larson; Vice - Pres ident, Dallarn; and Secretary - Treasurer, Dreeszen.
PagP Seventy tour
Lorson, Cla r k, Sharp. Jackson. James . Bu hrmann
W ut h , D re'?szen . Da llam . And erson . K1 ngsolver
Kappa Omicron Phi serves tea with the Martha Washington cak e macie from the original receipt. Le ft to righ t: Ard i th Chri stiancy, Josephine Boosinger. Ferne Peter son. Sarene Hauptman. Nona Palm e r .
Headed by Marjorie Kennedy, Kappa Phi Girls perfected their skill in knitting one and purling two. The masters of the domestic arts attended the national convention at Williamsburg, Va.; toured industrial Kansas City; were hostesses at a patriotic tea which featured Marth a Washington's 40 egg cake. Assisting officers included Mary Elizabeth Collin, Vice-president; Emma Rosicky, Secretary; Edna Mae Peter sen Treasurer; Mary Horton, Guard.
~a re n e Hauptman. M1ss W eare . Ed na Mae Petersen . Mary Ho.ton , Helen Savtlle . Mary [hzabeth C olli n . Althea N1spcl
M anna L ee M oreloc k . Ardith Chnst10ncy. Onna Mangold , Marg a1et Gardner. Ma rja1 1c Kcn:1 cdy. Lmma Hos1c~:y . Bette Lee Galloway , Anna M angold . Ma rJane K ennedy , Betty M tller , Bet ty K Cole , Manna Lee M ore l ock , M argaret Gardner
Pag e Seventy hve
KAPPA B e al B e nf o rd B e n :.on B o u se Brad for d
Clarl: Cl e ment s Crawford D ean D unlap
Dunning Eyre Graves H arri s H auptman
H i l e man Jimers on )ones K e nn e dy King
Knut s on L ar s on Ludington Marshall Martin
Maxwel l M M eier Muencha u Ni s pel Pa l mer
Pa te Pet e r se n Reed Richard s on Ru sse l l
S pt er St one man T e ar Tray e r Wil l ey Wri gh t
Midnight oil and a strong determination n o t to cut classes on sunny afternoon.:; secured nevt 1:1embers for Kappa D e lta Pi. Round table discussion centered on th e slated top:c for the year. " T rends of Educa tion in This T roub l ed World." Continuing in the realms of Progressive education, Dr. Hobart Co rning,
They guide and chart the activities of Kappa Delta Pi- James Crawford. Rut!-1 Stoneman , V ice-Pres .. jeanne Spier, Sec . Trees., Mary Oli\路e Richardson . Pres., and Dr. Maxwell. sponsor.
Superintendent o f Schools. Omaha, was presented as convocation material. Spring found Kappa Delta Pi on hand to en tertain sophomore eligibl es for membership a t the annual N eal Park fou r star breakfast. Office-holders i n c I u d ed Mary Olive Richardson, president; Jeanne Spi er, vice-presiden t ; Ruth Stoneman secretary, and Crawford, T r easurer.
I t 's a meeting night for Kappa Delta Pi 'ers as Pres . M . 0 . Richardson and Sec . Stoneman lead those in attendance. Front Row: Ji merson, Eyre, King , Hauptman, Tray er, Mastin, Graves, Dr. Maxwell. Back Row : Nispel , Kenned y, Dean, Peter sen, Benson. K nutson, Clark, Dunning, Tear, Damm a sk, Will y, Spier.
• • •
ORCHESTRA Studying un obtrusi vel y while marching band claimed public attention, the college orchestra came to light D ec. 5, using the exotic " La Feria" and " Valse de Fluers" from Tschai kowsky's " Nutcracker Suite" in c::mvocation concert. Anxious that his instrumentalists becom e acquainted with much orchestral literature, Prof. Victor H . Jindra led the g roup through compositions from Bach to Friml. Wi th characteristic showmanship, Maestro chose a widely varied repertoire for spri n g concerts-Massenet's symphonic " Phedr e,"
Damarest's high l y disso nant " Sunrise a t Sea," the l yrica l " Vagabond King," by Rud o lph Fri ml, Sa franek's "Don Quixote. " a n d fea t u r ing wood winds. " Prae- l u dium." A mong many others wa s t he n o vel " Music al T ournamen t," i ll us trat ing typica l s t yles c h r o n o l ogically from Haydn to Gershwin, b u il t o n the "Surprise Symphony" theme . Theatri cal p r oduct ions found the pit orchestra on deck, and in Apr i l. Mr. Ji n d ra visi te d Nebraska tow n s w i th full orchest r a a nd ubiquitous keyboard a r t is t, Robert T. Benford .
FRO NT ROW : lean Spi er , Marga ret Goodridge, W illa rd H u n zeker. loan F lau,
Ph yl !J ~
B11nson ,
Ha c h e !
W1end :e .
SECOND ROW : Norma lean Hays, Evelyn Slagle. THIRD RO W : M uriel Reuter, W ilma W ager, Lola Yates, MJ!d red M ason , Shn l e y Leonore L arson , Kath!yn Benford, WJ!ham Fa nkhauser, W J!da Gomgs. FOURTH ROW FiFTH ROW
Murvel P.nnan, lames Craw ford, Ton y DeM aro, Ma rv m
Prof. Benford, Prof. hndra, D1ck C lements, Gretchen K 1burz. M elba
Paae Sovonty-e1qht
Rodgers. L eat rice
Hauptman .
M ary
Fletc h er
M cClu n e . Isabel Tynan
S h1 rle y C !J n e
)lm erso n ,
CHORUS In 1940-4 1 Perusingers and director G . Holt Steck kept on being different and getting away wi th it. Nobody " tryed out" for choir, and nobody " j oined," because the 70-odd singers r eporting in the fa ll weeded ou t themselves, I e a vi n g those who caught on eagerl y to Pop's "mixed up" arrangemen t, acquired the "alterna te listening habit" and sang because they couldn' t help it. Nobody rapped the stand for a ttention, but som ehow every singer listened when Pop said, "That lacks, like ~ pair of uncreased trousers :::md suggested ways to fix it. Sunday afternoon musical es, featuring soloists like B i l l Fankhauser and K ay Bartling, a l umnae Alice Auxi er Helen Margaret Larson :::md Ru th Chatelain , piani st, continued to attract capaci ty crowds.
FRONT ROW : Slagle . Miller , Howe . Hacris, Marshall , Sheeley , C l ark , Adams , Annan, Slag l e . MIDDLE ROW Hunzeker, A rms t rong, Ccaw iord, Bartling , Neuman , Max well , Rolfing , Peterse n . How e. Stark. BAC!C ROW Thomas. jo hnson , lnglts, ) e nkms, Young , Fankhauser, Ebers , Broers, McArdle, M eyer, Ad amson.
Complete success o f their November vocal clinic for high sch ool sin gers and teach ers encouraged ano ther in March. Pop and the gang toured Nebraska towns with repertoire that caugh t the public ear- li ke Shuir's moody "Red Ri ver i n the N ight," Bach choral es, Schubert's " Death and the Maiden, .. cleverly pin k -a -panked "Oh , Susanna" and gustily pa triotic "Ballad for Ameri cans," with baritone soloist Bill
Chorus ready to ta ke off on their annual spr inq tour to boos t th e . name o I mu s1c and P . S . T. C.
Perusingers frame mem o ries lor rockin' c hai r days sectional woodshedding Pop--philosopher, psychol ogist, artis t in red sweat shirt at Saturd:::ty morning rehearsals . and being one of th e gang to share a week of l i fe a Ia char tered bus.
Pace Seventy -n ine
lt· ,•
L·::d ....
1 ,...
' L .. :t James B1!ly B<.:rcer. I · ·· xlc: VIII·
.. :;-~
rr:!l t:hr: -!~C:
Sa -
Janet \'h!.o~n HunI tc k Clements
.;•·r. · ··
.J ::-:1an
S··cor. 1 !-lo·.-:
)em<.:s Sen·
"" J•·'ln ).:IInck . Me: · ._..,, Thomec. Macyannc V/ olb·: Hal ) h H ays . L nk1 Yat0s J a c k Sr11d •·t I". Pichcr Cline . 1.-ln : y G:ov.•nbc.rq
I lll"d Ho w
!!:abel Tynon
! fal l! tman. Mdd-
Ht· , n
.,. f lv! n:.;o:l Dons Bnn · roon Sh11 ley Sch uld t . L ., ·· 1 y n Chn s nancy . L• .• at:ICt ' H a u p t man
f" o"l" lh !io w i::cho Ela1nc L .:n M . :\·el Annan . T o ny Dc Maco Ma ry Sh~ti•~Y
)lmcr,;on . Joan I t:cy Zm: tcra .
rio .
C. OC'·
f3o..,v~nk . Jean lamer; C•awford.
Bo nd
rd ·ll
How Mclv1n Me· K"nny . Bob A ,;hton . l :lcanor Hall Grelchcn K1b t11:· W tlda Goings. ! •1 110 Hamd 1o n . Elda HntnL"I
BAND A stiff October breeze whipped three brilliant flags and for ty white plumes as the P . S. T. marching band stepped out for mid-game drill Homeco ming Day.
Uniformed in gold buttoned royal blue with tall shakos, eight ranks of p rancing musicians maneuvered behind champion drum majorette Mar y Grovenburg, making their debut as exp o nents of music-on-the-move. Early in September under the leader ship of Jim Crawford, s tuden t direc tor. th e gang turned out for pre-breakfast p ractice three times a week. Meanw hile, Prof. V i ctor H . Ji ndra a nd Pres. W. R. Pate burned mid night oil over columns o f figu res, a nd representatives of band outfi t ting compani es beat a path to Music Hall doors. Net resul t: 42 complete unifor ms. Band Flag Day members sold over thi r ty dollars worth of booster tags to he lp buy national. state, and college flags for the color guard. Marching season was climaxed by performance at the Peru-Chadron grid fray on Thanksgiving Day . In a concert season interspersed with pep:;tering at basketball games, M r . Jindra p resented an all student d irected program . March 10 the long 'n lean conductor, unifor med in disti n gu ished white, led m local concert numbers such as " Headlines," Ravel's " Bolero " and " Prayer a nd Dream Panom ime" from " Hansel and Gretel. " In Apnl. i t was off-campus concerts, and last flmg was a program for Ma 's a nd Po 's on Paren ts Day .
je . 1 J~ ''(
PIANO TRIO Musicians extraordinaire-Jeanne Spier, violin; Rachel Wieneke, cello; and Marj Evans, pianotoured Nebraska high schools with Dean Jimerson, extension manager to give enthusiastic audiences Mozart, Tschaisky and Kreisler. Their professionally delectable chamber mus ic "toned up" teas, banquets, conventions,
Pia no T r i o members who toured to w ns in Nebr aska were: je anne S pier , Viol in; M o r gery Evans, Piano; Rachel W i eneke, C el l o.
and Sunday afternoon musicales, and they helped culture the home folks Pa rents Day.
'"Pop"' caught in action o n a c hor u s
~ ehearsal
DANCE BAND No thing was too smooth o r hot or sweet for swing bande rs Crawfo rd, Sandin, Cline, Drexle r, Howard, Dunlap, Callan , and Maestro Warren Bollmeier. Swankly uniformed or d isguised as Skunk Holler Boys, they cut s na ppy rhythm figures a t college dances and off-campus hops. H ot- lipp e r s o f th e da n ce band are: Bi ll Brooks , Dun lap , H o ward , C al la n Bo llme ier, Drexler, Sandin, C raw fo rd, Cline and M cKenney Page Etghty -one
The executive board gives the initiates the once-over as they administer the final degree. Sigma Tau members in robes i nclude : Dr. Bradford. M. 0 . Richardson, Dean Dunning, Clara Eyre, M. Florence Martin. Jeanne Spier.
It's a riot in the print shop as the Sigma Tau publication board takes to chasing "type-lice" as they prepare " Sifting Sands" official publication of the English Frat. Left to right: M. 0 . Richardson, Clara Eyre. M. F. Martin, Dr. Bradford, jeanne Spier.
Twelv e new penmen, were inducted into Sigma Tau D elta . National English Fraternity, a t formal initiation ceremonies fol lowing banquet feasting. Features of the program included " The Illustration of Literature" by principle speak er. Miss Norma L. Diddel; welcome a ddress by President Clara Ey re; response by Janet Harris. Mrs. A. L. Bradford's rev iew of Lin Yutan 's "Moment in Peking" at the October meeting; the reading of o rigi nal prose and poetry; yielding to the pull of May wea ther . w i th picknicking in the park- high lighted the year's program. Officers, Clara Eyre, Mary Olive Richardson, Jeanne Spier became the official edi torial board in turning out bi -annual publications of " Sifting Sand," compilation of local chapte r brain-spraining activity. The pen proved mightier than usual fo r organization sponsor, Dr. A. L. Bradford whose " Ain't Nobody Perfect" became highbrow Yale Review copy . Additional short storying fro m the pen o f Harold Dallam received Liberty publication.
Bar tling Be n son
Paoc [iq ht y t w o
Be a ! Bo u se
TAU DELTA Bradford Fanciers King Miller Richardson Tear
Brooks Harris Knutson Moore Sandin Thomas
Dallam Hauptman Konig Muenchau Savi lle Trayer
Dunlap Horton I. Longfellow Parnell Spier West
Dunning Jones Martin Petersen Stoneman Whitfield
Eyre Karr McGinnis Re utter Teach man W i lley
Pooe E10hty threP
PEDAGOG IAN Kanel. PERUVIAN AND PEDAGOG!AN Floyd, Jimerson , Editor McGmms, Locke, and ? Work at " Putting out" the weekly " Ped. "
Tuesdays brought the journalistic efforts of faculty advisor, M. Florence Martin's tete-atattling reporters to mail boxes. At the top of the mast-head was Editor Rose McGinnis. Makeup pages brought furrowed brows to Nina Kane! and Maryon Thomas, while fre nzied punctuation was supplied by copy reader, Meredith Jimerson. Bill Brooks and Ralph Locke Pursued the occupation of s po rt's writers.
Every wee k it's a PE DAGOG!AN that sp read s the ne w s censor ed by the hand s and brai ns of typ ist, Long fello w; Editor, Rose M cGinnis; Worker deluxe, Ji merson; spor t s m inded Locke; and Sponsor who-takes-a -hand, Martin
Page f.1ghly -four
A be-candled cake commemorated the 25th year for Pedagogian on the Peru Campus. Featuring a few fi rsts the Ped sponso red its Editor to the N. S . P. A. convention held at Detroit in November and "fresh -back from convention" Editor McGinnis swun g the axe that secured the firs t up-to -the-m inute p ictures of campus people and things. The addi lion of shelves in the "news" ro om added a certain "bang" also.
Bus . Mgr. Redfern, Sponsor M oore , and Editor Karr get together to keep an even keel be tween the business side and t h e editorial side of th e staff.
1941 PERUVIA N s taff members chased peop le from one end of the campus to the other in a n e ffo rt to bring y ou a book that holds interest fo r you. "In season" they followed the foo tball team, bas ketball team, track team, and in general just followed. With th e addition of Dick Clements, super-le ns -snapper, and the
Speed-Graflex camera the realization o f Edi tors and Bus. Mgrs. from " w ay-back-when " was realized- the PERUVIAN now has its OWN camera. The s taff members worked lon g and hard to give you a book that 1s yo u rs. From n o w on out it is up to yo u.
Staf f members con fe r on t he la tes t. Bo u se, M cGin n is , Jo n es, H arris, M uench au, Dean, a nd D a ll am .
Ben so n, Chri stiar.cy , Schacht. K insey, and Rz e hak g et som e in side dope by bemg sta ff membe rs . Page F.1ghty fi ve
Mclntire-the all state center and honorary captain.
Wheeler gives the boys some "umph" in a
half-time chat.
"Bobcats Bag N. I. A. A. Title with a 26-0 upset." Those were the headl ines that topped all newspapers in the college circle o f football, when the Than ksgiving day post-season game between the Bobcats of Peru and The Chadron Eagles was held on neu tral sod at Ryder Park at Grand Island. Coach Al Wheeler and Art Jones gave the call to the summer tanned boys who s lowly turned to the early season workouts in the early month of September little realizing that an undefeated rank would be upon them at the close of the Bobcat season. Although Al Wheeler's iirst year on this campus met with few victories his record for th e past two seasons, '39-'40, can hardly be looked upon as mere happenings. The squad this year was, without doubt, one of the lighest teams that Peru State had had. It was wi th this light team including nine lettermen that coaches Al and Art started to bui ld . It was a job based upon hardship and many difficulties along with high spirits of Bobcatisman, hard wo rk, and clean ball. Coaches Wheeler's and Jones' Philosophy of the g ridiron sport is the basis for the de term ina tion of their tutored teams. On their teams there is no such thing as a first man for a posi lion, if there is a first man it is only with the fellow who puts himself there. On a winning team, or any team, it isn't the first eleven men who makes up the squad, it's the fellows on the ball club, the entire bunch, combined with reserve strength willing to light at any time fo r the bette rmen t of their club and for the victory of the team. It is the hope of all coaches that at any ti me there is an injury or any mishap of any kind the coach can look his boys over and feel tha t any one he calls for will do his best at the job assigned to him. This is the spirit that the boys coached by Wheeler and Jones seem to feel when their turn comes to battle the Bobcat way. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SEASON IN REVIEW: Snaps o f words of the happenings of the season that made the Bobcats the top team in the state of Nebraska . In the York game Peru d rove for a touchdown on their first play of the season-the holding of York when they had three downs to make a touchdown and when they were stopped- Floyd making a touchdown by recovering a kickoff behind the goalline. Sixty minutes of play netted the score of PERU 50-YORK 0. In the Doane game the PERU 20- DO.flNE 6 score wasn't enough, the pep sq uad had to show the tigers how a team should be cheered. It was the MIDLAND 0-PERU 14 battle that should never be forgotten ; Peru s topped the visitors five times when they had a first down and goal to go- Mcinti re, Organ and Floyd tackli n g on fourth downs to throw the Midland offensive back- Mason's perfect extra poin ts -Linder's injury in one of those goal line stands-Atwood's to uchdown on the clever End-around playFloyd blocking a punt and recovering to set up the first touchdown.
Pa<1c E1'Jhty o;ig h t
COACHES AND TEAM It was the conference opener and all the boys had to do was to get Mather in the opening to send him 35 yards on a touchdown jaunt-Dougherty making a touchdown as the battling Bobcats struck hard fighting themselves to exhaustion in order to conquer their fourth victim the Kearney Antelopes. Scoreboard read as a finale PERU 20--KEflRNEY 6.
The fellow s let the team know th e y 're b e ing backed up w i th reserve str e ngth.
Introducing Coache s of Bobcat s, Whee l er and Jones.
F IRST RO W , l e lt lo ri ght Lant z. Tecumseh; Rosenthal . Ste rling; Doug las. Hamb urg , Ia ; Smtih . Taimage. L t vtngsl o n Ne b r a " ka Ct t y . Shiedder , Wymore ; Stark . Bedford, Ia .. Handley . Nema ha; Floyd, Beatnce. L tnder , Nehaw ka . M c lnttrc Ncb :ask a Ct t y He n de rson , An derson , Ia .; Roberts, Tecumseh ; Dean , Fairm o n l; Adams , Peru . W tl!tams SECON D ROW Gorlhey . M u rdoc k , Ege. Falls City ; C olema n . Lo ng Pine : fun, Du Bo ts , W e y ers . Ea gle , Ro pe r S u mne r Has lmg s. Ia ; Wh tt t e n . Nemaha : A tw ood As hlond; Snyde r , Wil b e r; Mathe r . A ca p ahoe ; S trau ss Fa lls Ctty C al lan . Ode l l 'i o r lon , Sa lem. TH I RD ROW B roo ks. Bigelow , M o; Coddle , Roc kport . M o ; Beally . A d ams ; Ca rpente r . Ne b ra s k a Ct l y Hal l Fm rbur y Seve rso n . Or d ; Chan dle r . Nemaha : Oak man . A u b u rn; All good, Auburn ; O rg a n , Edg ar : Ro n hovde Ea gle M cC u tcheon G: a nd Isla n d W ttte. Nebraska Ct t y , Mason , W ymo re ; Roc kow Carleton; Whtle , Su pe rt o r TOP RO W Seh ne rt Do rche ster ; W a lke r . De Wttt; Co ach Io ne s and C oa ch W h ee le r. Anderson Ona ll u b et Petu Pag e [ ig h ty -n mo
N.l. A. A. STATE
CHAMPS When Tark i o came to Peru they found the Ole' Alumni watchi n g the Cats display their abi lity as being the best team on the sod that Homecoming day as the score tallied PERU 26--TaRKIO 0. Ma ther 's fi rst touchdown on Snider's reverse--Hen derson doing a job o f it by his broken fie ld running and his scorin g drives through tackle- The appearance of th e march ing band 's new uniform s--and the array of High school bands that marched on that warmish day.
ALLISON DOUGHERTY Junior, All-Co nference End Dawson
ROSS ORGAN Senior. All-S tate tackle Edgar
the waYNE 7 --PERU 7 game that left a bad mark on the boys on th e sq uad a nd the school
It was
CLAIR CALLAN Juni o r. quart e rback Odell
Soohomore , tackle Wymore KE ITH ROBERTS Sophomore. g uard Tecumseh
as a whole fo r it was this game that Dean received a bad injury on the first play of the game-the onl y tie game that was played in the sta te- Lantz's cracking the line to score for Peru- the hilarity of the team when Mason placed the ball between the uprights.
Paqc N 1nety
JACK SNIDER Freshm a n. right ha lf Wilber
GEORGE ATWOOD Sophomore, end Ashland REX FLOYD Junior, end Beatrice HAROLD LANTZ Sophomore. fullback Tecumseh
DONALD STARK Sophomore, fullback Redford
Revenge is sweet and it was the sweetest game Peru played during the year ended in PERU 22--Hfl.STINGS 0 for Hastings won the only team to set back the mighty Cats in the previous season. Peru's determination to start by taking the ball and driving the ball yard by yard in machine-like march to goal the first touchdown- Mason's beautiful field goal-Floyd's blocking of two kicks and great line play- th12 team's now famous goalline stands-Mac's clever thinking in his greatest game of quarterbacking- Robert's block of the last man on Mather thrilling run for a touchdown-Smith's outstanding ability at end- Organ's great playing until injury - and Handly lying down with the ball till the final whistle sounded. It was this Kansas trip that showed the Wheelermen could play good against some of the biggest and the best in football teams- Peru again making the goal line stands that baffled the Ft. Hays powerhouse team-ROSS ADAMS Senior. All-State guard Peru ROBERT HENDERSON Junior . right half Anderson
JIM MATHER Junior, All State right halfback Arapahoe DONALD DEAN Junior, right half fairmont
Pa ge N tnâ&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘t y on e
. I
. '
:' . . l.:. :··
F . ..... •
·,~ _ ~
M a ther gallops----6 poi n ts
MAURICE LINDER jun ior, r ight guard . "ehawka
RAY BAUMAN Soohomore, rig.ht guard Falls City
WINDELL HANDLEY Freshman. ~1ght half
Mason's touchdown on the never-fail -tackle-pass- Floyd blocking a field goal attempt to keep the sc o re tied PERU 7--FORT Hfl.YS 7- Mather's 65 yard touchdown called back . . . That East-meets-West game that had the city o f Grand Island yelling their lungs out, the PERU team DEFEflTS the str ong CHADRON Eagles 26-0 a nd se t the State Col l ege at Peru at the top of the list wi th no compet it ion fo r the highest honors a team can receive- an Offen se that cl i cked with t he wheeler perfection- Hende rson, Ma th e r and La ntz a ll d oing more than their share of scor ing - a power h o u se team o f light weights steam-rolling over th e hea vy Chadron o utfi t- interception made by Dougherty and At wood to se t up tw o touch downs of the game- freshmen Snider showing that the boys who subed could still help run up the scor es- i t was in this game tha t the credit of victory cannot be handed to any one man for it was a team of twenty -tw o p layer s that won th e game giving every ounce of fight and cl ean p lay to win the game of the year-This game was the last fo r tw o of the hardest and cleanest players on the squad, the boys who both made the State Teams without question, they a re, Jack Mcintire at center and Ross Adams a t g uard. These boys can be r emembered as the cogs of a g rea t machine that c o uld not have possibly got along without their ability as p layers and leaders o f the team. Th e ou tsta nding accomplishments held by the team were divided among its individuals: Jac k M c Intire, Peru 's grea t center, be tter known to each person as " Rowdy, " was chosen by ev ery coach a nd football player in the state as the m ost valuable man on the team and the best center in the state. Jim Mather, the boy w i th p hnty o f speed anywhere, lead the state in scorin g hono rs wi th
BILL C AU DLE Freshman r i gh t tackle Page Nmcly lwo
EVERETT McCUTCHEON Freshman, left end Grand I sland
a total of 61 poin ts. Jim was rated on the top eleven when the all-college teams were picked. Rosf> Adams, shared stal e honors a t g uard posi tion to make the tally three lor Peru Bobcats. Ross Org an, tackle , w ho can say that few plays have gone ov er his sid e of the line. The other tackl e who held up h is posi lion in top shape w as Mase Mason the heaviest man on the squad. His toe was a threat as well as a factor in ableing his teamma tes to get under the ball on his distant kickoffs. K ei th Roberts. second team all-state choice, fil led the bill at left guard. He was the figu re cog in the Peru offense and defense. " Buck" Dougherty is the red head who plays the hardest and toughest game of anybody on the squad. Buck was held up with injuries alter being honored with the all-state standing last year. The left end position was held by Rex Floyd, a three year letter-man who lov es the game. In the backfiel d Bobby Henderson second team all-state choice can be rated as l ops. His passing and brilliant running gave the Ca ts the a dded spark. Don Stark , ano ther bat tering ram of the Bobcats, is an Iowa boy who sh ows the N ebra ska b oys how to p lay footba ll. Maurice Lin d er "Cowboy" p l ays guard because he likes to meet the tough boys as soon as possible. George Atwood th e utility boy on the team who was capable of playing the halfback position with clever abili ty along with e i ther end at a ny time.
WILLIAM ROCHOW Freshman, l eft end Grand Island
BILL CHANDLER Freshman. right end Nemaha
BOB SMITH Junior, center and end Talmage
On down the line of blueblooded Bobcats who were willing to light when they were told and they did: Jack Snider, Bob Richards, Wendell H andley, Bob Smi th, Bill Chandler, Ray Bauman , Bill Rachow, Jerry Livingston, Red Hines , Duane White, Bi ll Caudle, Roy Scheidler, Bill Ege, Art Ronhovde, Bob Oakman. and Everett McCutcheon.
Page Nine ty-thr e e
Mascot of the team and always on the job- Danny Jod~r
The Bobcats get in some fast action during the Wayne game.
It was a scrappy Bobcat outfit that hit the season of '40- '41 with only two l e ttermen of the previous season and a few pas t season's subs Wheeler-Jones s tarted out w ith a handful of freshmen to start a season of rugged games. No victory of the N. I. A. A. nor a trip to the National Tournament at Kansas City but bit victories over the University of Mexico, Kearney, Wesleyan, Midland, Doane, and the strong Culver-Stockton five from Missouri. Jack Mcinti re, high poin t man on the squad was chosen as first guard on the all-state basketball team of the year. Hannah, the boy who r aised the hopes by returning the second semester, placed on second team at guard. Cec Walker, no doubt the smallest and the fastest forward in t he state, headed the list on the honorable mention team . " Chuck" Hiatt, Peru's great freshman forward, a long with Walker hit the Honorable Mention list. "Buzz" Beyers can be given credit for being the player who most improved himself during the season. Buzz started the season at guard but didn't find himself until he was shifted to for ward where he became one of the main cogs in Peruvian's teamsters.
When the stude nts start ou t on B-8 -BOB . yo u can be su re it's M ary and Jerry l eading with the greates t o! gu sto
Pooe N1 noty-four
The freshmen who became the basic drive on this year's team and the Bobcats of the future teams are "Art " Ror: hovde, White, Snider, Pascal. Morrisse y, Handley, Thompson, and Williams
Bobcats g et off to a good start in a game full of thrills and spills. - - - Wayne v s. Peru.
Two of these freshmen who could be given pages on their type of ball playing and on their spirit toward upholding the lighting type of Bobcat basketball are "Zeke" Grubaugh and "Slug" Pascal. These two boys played forward and guard respectively. Grubaugh hit the forward position the first day and held down the position the entire season, playing his fast accurate type of ball. His passing, dribbling, and accurate shooting will highlight his next three years at Peru State. Pascal fitted the guard position in top rank, playing the spot in top shape even after Hannah's return. Slup with his type of ball can easily be predicted to eventually step into the spot left by Peru's great guard Bailey.
JACK MciNTIRE Senior. All -State guard Nebraska City
CHARLES HIATT Freshman. cen ter Spalding
Other standbys on the team are Mason , Heugel, "Squire" Handley, Meyers, Mathews, and Dunn. With this te am the Bobcats became the objective of every team in the state, but returned the score for score games w ith a 50 per cent s tanding for the season. This year's precedent was upheld by ihe Peru basketeers as in past years by upholding the standard type of ball that the Wheelermen have p layed in the past seasons. This team was b acked by the whole student body who pushed the teams in v ictories or defeats.
CECIL WALKER Senior. forward DeWitt
O RTHELLA BYERS Freshm an. forw a rd G len wood Pnae Nmety five
instructs " Red", Unk, Morrisey, Weyers in the fine art.
It's some more of the Wayne " Special" tr e atmen t.
Peru 33--Tarkio 53
KEITH HANNAH Sophomore, guard Beaver Crossing
A green outfi t met the National Intercol legian Basketball champions on the Tarkio floor in fi rs t game of the season for the two teams, Tarkio s taged a second half ral!y to down the Peru Boys 33-53. The first half being p layed on even terms proved that Mcintire a nd Walker had played the ball s till tops in c o llege circles . G rubaugh, PascaL and Hiatt proved themselves Bobcats. Peru 52--fllumni 43 G rads return early in the season to receive a 52-34 beating by the near freshmen squad. Coach Dutch Lorbeer came to the campus to guide the alumni of Halladay, McCormick, Sheeley and Mosley to the firs t victory for the Bobcats. Peru 29--Sioux Falls 42 The Dakota Champs gave the local crowd a good example o f ball p laying when Sioux Falls Braves hi t the maples to have their s tar players Goodbarn, Hauk, and Aberle dominating the play. Highlighting the Peru playing was Walker, Hiatt, and Brubaugh in a much im proved Peru p lay. Peru$2--West Texas Teachers 67
CHARLES SN YDER Freshman. g uard G r and Islan d
Page Nmety-six
That tallest team in the world from down Texas way invaded the Peru campus wi th one of the classy types of ball coaches dream about. Although fighting a ll the way the 'cats proved taller teams could not out class them entirely. White, with his height proved valuable when he led the local boys with e leven p oi nts . W a lker and Hia tt kept th ings ho t w ith their of fe nsive and defensive p lays .
ART RONHOVDE Freshman. guard Eagle
Peru 34--Doane 21 Walker p o u red in points which l ed the a ttack against the Doane Owls in a game that was dominated by the Bobcats the entire game. The local lads bottled up the Doane offense repeated l y. Mcinti re, Pascal. and Wh i te were the bright spots in this encouraging bit of ball playing. RICHARD PASCAL
Peru 42--Unive rs ity of Mexico 39
Freshman. guard Weston
Before a large crowd of wonder ing fans the 'Cats swung along in stride to submerge the University of Mexico in Peru's first international game of the year . Beyers and Grubaugh speeded u p the attack of the even ing with Walker, Mcintire, and Pascal highlighting the standouts in the game.
Pe ru 42--Kearney 36 Kearney sought revenge in a battling game to open the N . I. A. A. co nference tilt of the year. I t was Walker 's accurate shooting and fas t breaking down the floor, wor king the ball to Hiatt and Brubaugh time and time again to catch the Antelopes off guard, feeding by M cintire and Pascal in true team work that g ave th e 'Cats their second straight victory.
Peru 53--Wesleyan 34 The fast stepping 'Cats again swung into action when they traveled to Lincoln to down Wesleyan Plainsmen in the early period of the game with Grubaugh and Walk er finding the hoop most of the tim e. A tightened d efense soon moved the game into a decisive victory. Mcintire and Hiatt again showed strong forces for the rampaging 'Cats.
MERLE GRUBAUGH Freshman. forward Ai n::;worth
Paoe Nmely seven
C o ach wi sh es the boy s " G o od- Luck" as th e y s h o v e off for s coring unlimi ted.
Peru 46--Midland 39
Peru 49--Doune 52
The sixth victory for Peru came to being when the Midland gang fell to the side in a close game. The lead was juggled back and forth many times during the game, but the Wheelermen headed by Mcintire and Walker soon put the game on ice with bucket upon bucket followed by the strong defense set up by the 'Cats. This made the team's four th win in s tate competition.
Before a mad raving crowd the thri llet of the year was produced when the 'Cats w ent down fighti n g e ve ry inch of the way in a long overtime period . Mcintire couldn' t miss the basket hoo ping in 22 points during the game. Hannah, Pascal, and Walker s tood the gam e at s tandards wi th top notch bal l.
Peru 27--Wayne 34 Down with their first defeat but scraping the Bobcat way, this was a loss that gave Wayne the lead in s tate competition. A cold 'Cat team was found to travel slow when the driving Wayne cagers begin to h it. Grubaugh and Mcintire kept the 'Cats b tlsy in shooting but couldn't find the basket. Peru 26--Culver-Stockton 25 It was again the type of ball tha t great Peru teams have played that again was produced whe n the Bobcats hit the maples on this evening. They completely outclassed the strong, fas t-stepping Culver-Stockton team. The second half found the 'Cats maki ng only th ree points after taking the defensive type of ball the rest o f the game. Pascal's one-hander in the last minutes of the game gave the 'Cats a one point victory. Walker and Mcintire showed good balL
Page N•nc l y · £llg ht
Pe ru 50--Wesle yan 25 A score was d o u b led whe n the Plainsmen journeyed to p lay on the local maples havin g the a ttack led by Mcin tire who again h it the loop from the free th ro w line and the cou rt. White and Gruba u gh functioned smooth ly throughout the game. Hannah took c h a rge of the defense. Peru 54--Kearne y 43 The pace was set fast in the con fe rence tilt that found th e Bobcats at the long end. R. final spurt in the last few minutes of the game showed that Mcin tire and Hannah hoopers had no t been made in vain. A rough ba ttle in which a total o f 42 personal fou ls were called proved to be true conference battle. Peru 33--York 41 A fast scoring barrage of the Y orksters set the 'Cats b ack to a disappointing loss when they missed the hurd le in the s tate basketball race. The Panthers s tru c k earl y in the game but Wa lker hit shots to close the gap, whi le Hiat t s h one a t the center s p o l.
Peru 32--Wayne 33 On a much too small court the 'Cats again met defea t at the hands of their conference competi tion af te r a second half basket barrage. The 'Cats hi tting was slow but it found Hannah a nd Grubaugh making honors at scoring for the W heele rmen . White and Walker along with Mcintire played top balL
Peru 40--Midland 31 Beyers and Wa lker sparked the offens ive game between the Warriors and a fast moving group o f Bobcats. Featu ring "Aubu rn Night" a packed gym of band and high school stud~n ts yelled long and loud for the 'Cats . Hannah stepped to the front w ith a great defensive and offensive game . Pe ru 48-26--Chadron 62-44 In a double a t Chadron, Peru d ropped two games giving the conference ti tle a tie between Wayne and Chadron. Throughout the series the 'Cats had trouble h itting the hoop, find ing themselves cold in the western Nebraska territory. The fi rst nigh t g ave Walker the highlight for high scoring honors. Hannah and Mcintire showed well at defense positions. The second night fou nd Mcinti re a t the head of the list w ith BeyEJrs playing top type of balL Peru 31--Tarkio 55 A repeat in victo ry for the Tarkio Owls moved into position in the last game of the season when Mcintire and \IValker spent their las t game fighting the Bobcat fashion. Beyers proved himself ready for the next year by playing top ball. White and Gru baugh saw good u sage.
DUA NE WHITE Freshman Superior
rr ~ ') ~
M ac, Hia tt and W alker in for the ir sha re o f utilityshow s a few trick s to the vis itors.
Hi a tt. B e yer s, and W a lk e r give d e m o:os tra tl on o f W h eel er coached tea m s Poae Ntncty ntnP
Coach W heeler sho w s jave l in hurtlers S . Handley, Mcintire the w h y, how . and when o f e xpe rtn ess.
With freshmen se r vice members l ooking on and g uided by Coach Jo n es. P. L u rk puts the "oompha" in heaving the shot.
A trac k team with o ut speed ste rs is like an egg w i t h no yolk. Fry, Hend e r son, S. Handley, Stark, and Sn ider l eap to the gun i n a fast get-a way.
sa ....---
lt's the going u p- going o v er -coming down techniq u e in hurdles wi th Re u tter. S nide r , and Atw ood .
TRACK BOBCATS took in recruits to find the success o r to fleet footed Mather and point-gleaner Greathouse o f the 1940 season. Mather who had taken 440-220-100- broad jump and run the anchor on the mile relay in the state meet the year before to shatter as many records a s events he was entered in was gone and a vacant place was definitely left in the track roster. Defenders o f the N. I. A. A. crown of 1940 the team had a reputa tion to live up to and another trophy hope before them. From the ranks of new blood came Hurdler Atwood, runner Fry, Higher Jumper White. Losing the first meet to Maryvi lle but conquering the Tarkio Owls in the next meet gave p romise that Track at Peru was not the lost art . Spanked by Wheele r- Jo nes, reliable team builders, tha track list grew s te adily throughout the season. The 1941 thinclads were backed by such staunch repeaters a s Ashton, Atkins, Stark, Henderson, Mcintire, Handley, Lurk, Walker, Mason, and Knootz.
Wa lk er hi ts the top i n a perfect vau lt r eq u iring grace and skill. M ason sets h is eyes on a g oal a w a y off a nd p r e p a res t o send the plat ter spinni n g on i ts way.
BACK RO W : W llliams. Ho rt on . P L urk . Beatty , Racho w . W heeler . Jones . W alker, Bl01r . C oleman, Roper , Ege s to n . Gorthy . Rawson. MIDDL E RO W Koon tz, H ector. Be y ers, Hiatt . Gebers , S Reut ter . L arson . W eyers, Douglas, Smtth . fRON T ROW 路 Mc K enne y , Sta rk , W Handle y , W H ut ton DeMaro, Ray , James . M acomber. fry , Snyder
H andley , Atktns,
M c i nti re ,
Atwood ,
M ason , Ha.th ,
Allg ood . Wh ttc
Ltvtna Oakman
L urk ,
Page One Hundred O ne
INTRAMURALS INTRAMUHAL BASKETBALL reorganized this year to give active participation to more fellov1s had the usual crash-bang type of ball playing. All fellows were classified and then divided up in to teams by the team managers. This gave each team a cert ain amount of talent and kept the games more on on even keel. Extending throughout the winter months the boys kept the gym ringing Vlith fast ball toting through the supper hour and late evening. After it was all over CHAMPS was team F composed of McAlexander, Norton, Chandler, M. Hall. R. Hall, Dreeszen, Gorthy, and Slagle. Intramurals were ably directed by Student Huber under Coach Jones.
The Chomps 路 McAl exander's Gong路 Long armed teams show the advantage by ..reaching .. f or it.
1 '
.., -and it 's two Points f o r a team and disappointment defenders.
winning for the
Now-now-am I Just a basketball acti o:~ .
seeing thingsfreak caught in
p CLUB P-clubbers: Front Row: R. Adams, H utton, Linder, Callan, Lantz, Atwood, Floyd, Dean , H enderson. Next Row: Robe rt s, W. Handley, Hannah, Chandl er, Stark, Bauman, Velvick, G. Ash ton. Next Row: Organ, Anderson, Beyers, Pascal, G r u b a u g h , Ronhovde, Hiatt, White, Sehnert, P. L u rk. Back Row: Coach jones, Walker, S. Handl ey, McIn tire, Coach Wheeler. Mac gets his " last " gold- foo tball from P.S.T.C. a la President Pate.
Membership in P club is the ambition of every loyal Peruvian athlete, because it signifies winning the coveted P in some sport. With competition in the fields of sport becom ing stiffer every year it is indeed an honor to be set upon as a goal. P-club sponsored the freshmen initiation, saw to it that the freshies toed the mark in the first few weeks at school. They promoted a feeling ol "good sportsmanship" among the fellows on the teams and people in general. When the stands began to fill up and seats were few and far between, you could count on a P-club member finding one for you. At Homecoming this group e lected Grid Queen Margery Ann Kinsey and proved their adeptness as judges of the fairer sex as well as judges of expertness in athletes.
The two fellow s who have watched the P-club men throughout the year Anderson, and Sehnert hang up jersey s and suit s while recalling the high points of the gam e .
The " big three "'- Walker , Mac, Hand l e y office r s fo r " the gang
Pa ge One Hundred Th ree
When o ff icers and sponsor get toge ther and plot beeeg things for W .A .A . you con be sure it's going to be o "whizz-a- r oo ." L eft to Ri ght: Bri er, Peterse n. Bou:;e , Carm in e, Benson. an d sp onsor Davey.
There ' s bound ia.>t
be :;o:ne Bner
action Ebers
get on
opposing teams in o game of boll.
When t he boys go out for ba s ketball vi;:tories the girls use the gym to sneak o
of practice on their own H ere they ore caught in the oct of gaining o few points.
A. A.
Through the net we g e t the thought that maybe the "ga l s" are tired out. but learn it's ju s t their way of p l aying a game-
Grand captain s, Bouse, Peterson, Carmine, and Benson set up the p lay for a "strike" W. A. A. season du ring 1940-'4 1. The play of the season allowed each g irl to run the diamond starting at "hitpin home", running to "basketball first", s tealing into "volley-ball second" and finally s liding into "soccer third." Each base offered a possibi lity of 110 points. "Time out" w as taken for cabin s u p路 pers, and Christmas banqu eting. Girls consider the biggest achievement to be the obtaining o f their o wn special room u p in the upper rooms of the gymnasium. This they will convert into a game room. Equipment will include archery, ping-pong, and shuffle board.
And now it 's hit- pin for a change-and som e body jus t made a hit.
Gab d e mons tra te that they too can go " afte r " the ball with midair leapsPalmtag, Jelinek, and Collin are posed r eady to do their part when the ba l l g e ts down.
Page One Hund !ed r ,vc
amp us who relaxed their furbrows at those times hen the orgies of learning are tucked away this, the final section of the 1941 PERUVIAN is d e vote d. May your memo pad b e filled with endless recollections of frie nds, good times, and ple asant associations in CAMPUS LIFE.
HOMECOMING - football fellows crowned GRJDQUEEN, MARGERY ANN KINSEY- good sport - humor ist- outstand :ng actress-co II egiate figure in reds and golds and plaids.
QUEEN o路 THE BALL on Homecoming night was ELVERA SCHACHT senior major in Commerce- that night glamorous in ro3e taffeta charm ing because she has a warm smde- is toll- is gracefulIS regal.
1- L I
\_ 111-
\ 1 1' 1
1- \
Mayle te regents for a day, as a result were-
1- \ 1- \ 1- \
11. .
cause we like her immaculate soph is tication- her vitality a nd her m o d es t di gni ty-
ERNEST HUEGEL- because he 's congenial and in telligent - spo n taneously I r i end lyconscientious i n lea d ership.
Re:路pres entative Students el ected these half-dozen " regu lars" REPRESENTATIVE PERUVIANS. - KATHERINE BARTLING. demure b l onde- sh ines as song- bird- stenographer- fou rth at bridge- prefers Stravinsky to Dorse y . DEAN S. KARR- 1941 y ear -book editor make-up artist- s tars in campus drama- concentrates best mid n igh t -wa l king - writes i n ex plicable verse PHYLLIS BENSON- dynamic li t tl e W A. A. e xecuti ve and Pi::RUV I AN staff memberequally handy with a Remingto n and a baske tballinvariably ta kes firs t pri ze a t cos tume parties
MCINTIRE-sportsman sp8cial- accumulator of ten letters in footba ll, basketball and trac k-has impressive following o f h ero-worshipers- affectiona te ly dubbed "Rowdy,"-slick at manual arts and eating cocoanut cream pie FAYE BOUSEambitious dorm prexy- superscholar- sports leader w ith a twinkly b r u n e t t e smilesmoothie on dance floor-shark at math LEROY REDFERN--Bus. Mgr. 194 I PERUVIR.N- d e 1 v e s into history a nd social science and relaxes neatly with a ping pong paddle - potential lawyer- argues politics- citizenship and major league basebalL
cleaning rooms. or maybe it was for the paddle line such as the fortunate ones in the first picture or maybe it was for upperclassmen's entertainment between classes as they lolled on the green. as the middb picture demonstra tes. the harmony among freshies
preme- Then there were times between classes when it
so nice to be rail-birds and sling words with the girl friend such as A!wood and Trunkenbolz. rolled
When cool fall weather around
games the band led by the color guard was out in full regalia and the team made many a romp to pay dirt to chalk up N. I. A. A. and STATE championships.
~ - .... :; \ R"1""..,..,Pr1 · ~p_~ r..!'r ' ..-_..~l cr0~N'd 'J,
~ ~~::-->.?~"2:-~~~-~':.:S,~~i'\"" -~\.}1\\ , ... , :,;.. -.1-t;,,.., .. ,.....,......,...,fl';,...,... _.01,.0 $.:?7<!?.
..HAJ . c-u
'!:"..E: c:;:, ••«::'9e 'I Cilt:, }uGd
-~.~ -pa::-c.de •,o necc:::-;e 9!.i&efl
at ·J:e .'.e.v.r-::::~a C!';
festival and reigned ~or ·hree de.·/"- -:.' -~'-'fAeme regenc·1 Freshmen o rganized and lead the most super-colossal pep rally the campus has seen !or moons and probably th e zenith of them all- fellows such as
Williams, Smith, Grafton , and Dougher ty ind ulged in a little horse-play before ser ious wor K - fulton shows enjoym ent a t her favorite pastime acti v it / w i th exper tness-
Life-guard Andy s h ow s the
etiquette as he dives to the coooool depths that are sooo comforting on a warm
day- The
college turned out hundred
Sadie Hawkins shin-digsponsored by Y. W. C. A.. --'member what you wore and what fun it was?Dramatic
across the line of "Petrified Forest" in a
fessional manner as the old-timers come back for a Homecoming spree and relive
days' -Freshmen
ole' Dorr:-1
Gals learn to become superior
through necessity of 9:15 hours-
There were lots of times Vlhen you dressed up, go t the gi rl friend, and tripped to
Sv;ain and h is Bobcats for an e ven ing of fun such as this g roup at
the Fresh-
men party wh ich w as exclusive-
gals were "turned in " for the
night you
called on
Mac and Lu for ea ts and drinks to r e vive yah after t he tremendou s e vening of toe -s tepping a n d
ing-then sometimes you ga n ged up for "Bull-sess ions" and
discus sed
everything i magi n able from A-Z-
Fanders, Drex-
ler, Doug las, and Schultz d emon s trates th e method.
Girls are not without their "sessions " when the men come in for their share of razzing or praise as the case may be-over popcorn Redding, Kean, Schoch t, G a r v e r , and Tiehen di.scuss the latest- w h i I e freshmen, the new blood of any college group, discuss "Life" and other subjects while drinking "delivered" cokes-over in the men's dorm li fe takes the form of a v ital Ping-pong game, as this doubtless at the rec hall table illustrates, or men sponsor an evening of Tiv e for the midweek get-together-
Girls k ep t the telephon e wires hot be tw een the Men 's dorm a nd . L iza Morgan ha ll when fo rm a l time approached for th i s i ndeed i s a gala af fa ir. s wi sh ing skirt s. cor sages. ba nd . so ft I r1hts. and so metimes the '" H o me- to wn e r 路路 ge ts down for the beeg n ight were you in ::onvoca ti on the morning R ed fern 1941 PERU VI AN bus. mg r . let little Art Jones pu l l t he w i n ni n g number out of the bag for the FREE PERUVJAN ?- o r did y o u d ecide to s l eep- Ela i ne the r e - ' member Mi ller w as
Do you recall that nig ht wh en you were initiated into a club -such as the gan g of " num bers" the dramat ic clubb e r s took in to amuse themselves, fo r the eveni n g ac ti vities a ll c:;orts of things wer e d emanded ::IS this " car- race" a round the tabl e shows- o r maybe you grabbed a hat a nd w i t h the A. A. U . W. members peeked at the " Art" on d isplay a nd d rank a cup of tea-
When the winter months came ::lasses were indust ria lly partaken of. fo r spri ng was looked for ward to as the time of leisure and relaxation- maybe it was
I t
in the Chern lab th at you spent your hou rs of learning or maybe you slipped into the Com mer cial departmen t and glean e d you r knowledge of the keys and what made them click deep in th e winter came ole ' semester exams to haunt you'member those
all-n ight
sions?- while the Campus-OfA -Thousand- Oaks
in snow- e n c h a n c i n g
beau ty of the trees. Gym, and the Dormfor
was the ti me
snow-boots- and
sui ts- and snow -balling-
Spring w as just around the c orn er when the Men's dorm was visited with the flood s, perhaps it w as the spring thaw that b rough t it all on-but Strauss and Lang illustrate th e correct technique in mopping a room a lo n g about midn ight-then too--couples began to blossom out such as Rzehak and Frau C larice or Handsome Vejaraska and dark-eyed Hamel
- W i th a glimmer of fr iendliness in t he e y es " Butch" rai d ed the d o rm cellar so tha t the hungry pack might quench the appe t i te- and g r oups were seen busily employed a t d oi n ' n o thin' but lazy-da zzy i t on the g r een when tim e would per m it- s uch a r c Seal , Pe te. Schacht , R ose " McGoon" and o thers-
Spring was sti ll on the rampage when the breakfast hour at the cafeteria was filled with hungry people and the urge to " hitch-hike" struck the gang on nice week -ends- maybe it was home, to Lincoln, Auburn, Nebraska City o r maybe just out for the lark- Girls took on a per turbed look as they got out the
for new
wrote for the
winte r of inocivitiy hod l eft its to ll- sooo what to do but go on a reducing campaign a Ia bicycle methods to the tune of l -2-3-4- ond prove (with
res u I t s
aid of course)
gong plain! y shows-
as this
But stop the clo ck Just a minute, i t's going so s wif tl y -
remember just a
minute the
fas t bas ketball squad paced by Mac and Cec-
o r the colo r s
at the fall games-
fl ying m
oh, i t' s so far away-
but r em e mbe r th e day?gathered
for a
the breeze
then the gang
quick hand of bridge-
or yo u slept i t out after a hazy night o f pro blacting or me thods o r practice teach ing
ass ign men ts-
path in N eal park that is so alluring durin g
spr i ng
mon ths-
beau ty of the dorm surrounded
by the
green trees swaying in the breeze-
g ree n lawn in fro nt o f L ibrary that is so i nvi ti n g - a nd a t the las t you too got a l u mp i n the throa t a s y o u marched th e p ro fession a l
a nd
r ece ssion a l-
a w hile a nd recon si d e r
' M e m b er
but s to p
May printed pictures and written words, coupled with memories that y ou hold, make vivid the years spen t in work and play at P. S. T. U.
I l
THE CAMPUS SHOPS ' ' Cat-a- f'o r ner" N . E. o f C irls Dorm
Ph one 102 . . . . . .
. . P ct路u, NdH'ask a Offe r a
1'riple H eader Fo t路 SCHO OL SUPPLIES that meet r equit路emen ts of all instructors and economy n eeds of all students and QUALITY de mands o f both. For beauty work unexcelle d and g uaranteed, visit th e m ode rn n ew CAMPUS BEAUTY SALON u n det路 o pe rators. F or
CAl'VIPUS SHOP "EAT BAR" is n oted among th e students on the Campus of "A T hou sand Oak s."
It' s hou secl ea ning when the gal:; move to the halls-H arr is. M eunchau. Beal and Bouse burn the midnigh t e rl.- Piano Evans en tertains Shafer. M orehead. Fulton. an d G ardner with the l a test in swing.
THE PERU THEATRE - offe rs -
High Class Productions of the Screen
At Popu lor Prices
We wish to take this opportunity of thanking the students and fa.culty for their patronage. E. Hanson ~ Manager _
Page O ne H undr<'ci T w<'n ly h ve
l'i[ KJLL J( l"fE~R·Y :\IEBHASKA
L et u s p rf' [Ut re I h f' 111 !
Everybody's out as the tea m put s on a beeg show.
For best in• Pianos • Banu a nd Orch es tnt Jnst t·um e nts • Radios • Pict m ·es and PicttJJ'e F raming
HOSP E PIANO CO. 1.''>12 Do u:..das St.
Omah a,
Peru Clean ers and Merchant Tailors
We are pleased to serve you with new clothes, and a ll dry cleaning. J. A . CEJI<A Phone 62
P er u, Nebraska
Photographs Record
Life's Most Important
I I I I I I I I 0
CL:Jinal Snnd UJiih.,!- - W' e take
this opportunity to extend to
all our fri e nds who are graduating or l eaving O ld Peru the
b e~ t
that life aff01·ds .
\Vhe n yo u arc in need of anything that we sell we wo uld appreciate your writinl! bac k for prices .
Hundreds of o ld g rads
have d <.>ne th is in the past.
In f a c t, one
fourth of our bu s in e ss is do:1e with former P er uvian :-;.
CHATELAIN'S JEWELRY (In business in Peru for 44 years.) The lwo Georges slop
ior a
pix durin g
hours-m iddl e names are Accommoda ting.
It Is the Hope of the
THEATRES AT AUBURN, NEBR. T hat the 1941 Seniors of P. S. T. C.
Days when we were carefree as the gang on the rail. "Red", Marge , Hope or joyce----"Buck" and " Red" wh e n the y painted the s trips----"Pop" who g ive s a bit of philosop hy to jim, jack, for " Red" ----the fr es hies when they went apple-pol ishing-those were the daze .
Best wishes to the class of 194 1 ! Again a 1\IOLLOY-MADE COVEH is u sed on the 19-H PERUVIAN. Yea1· a ft e1· yem· MOLLOY-MADE ('OVC J'S enthody that ext•·a Ineas m·e of qualit y tha t g uara ntees s taffs a ll ove1· the <·ount•·y the ultimate in appem·anee a nd dut·ahilitv.
Sheaff PI' Pf'n
'. 111 . 1!1• 11l .ll'll. llll• :!
19-1-2 s taffs can make a fitH' s tm·t h y spet·ifying ·'M OLLOY."
E. C. McAleer, M. D.
Ndu·as ka
L in(·oln , PczcrP O n e l! u nd rC" J T w P nty n 1n e
• It's got to be good to win twice as many customers as the next most popular brand!
T he T e z o:-~.· t h e Bo h c t.; thr· l t l:l C: - It gh i
.;h o ·tJ F~ r, _ ; !tt,, .-
t he: ,, dvo nto ge h tv r· f o nd '
o f h e ight me m or i e s
-()l fR SIIOES-
*Based on latest state ta x and inspection data
.\ H 1·: • D • B • F • P fl
At Standard Oil Dealers
l)~~ ~ ig-IH'II
fo1· ht•autY,
B II i t I f 0
P•·i1·t·d to ,.;uit tlu· pu1·,.;c•.
d II I ' • ~ Fit fo•· !'!IIJJfl~l·t. .-
HOMEYER'S SHOE STOR[ ""/"/,,, /J,.,,,,
of ( ;,.,.,/
.'i/""'·' "
to of
OMAHA'S Best !Popular !Priced J-lotel 200 Modern, Firep roof, Newly Furnished Rooms Cen trall y Loca t ed at 19 th and Farnam
Room with Private Bath Room with Private Toilet
• •
$2.00 1.50
• Guests you refer t o us wi ll not be di sappointed . We Guarantee Satisfaction.
'M ember Homecoming and all the ole' gang back- or "spic and spa n ."
CLIN~£f)N ~£E L\.CIIEltS Membe r
t he
fi r s t
N<ttional Association of T eilch er-s· Agen·:: i e'
C. E. COZZENS, M anag-er
Continuous Se rvice Und e r Sam e Manag e r W e place good t eac h ers in good pos itions. W e have a st r ong demand for t eac h e r s of H ome Economi cs, Commerc ia l , Musi c & M anua l Tr a ining. Man y good open ing s in al l fi e l ds. We T er ritory:
Pl ace M a ny P e r u
E ac h
Ill ino is, Mi sso uri , Kansas a nd a ll stat es north t o th e Canadian li ne.
C'nc lh.nd·c-d Thuty
O ll l'
The Peru Pointer Quality Printing Peru
It's a line up o f guys and gal s on a sunny dayHod, Bu len, Jerry, Mary, Harold, Nancy.
[~ and_ (/)Jlflli.ndah.ililij-
Shipments of Any Size
HOTEL YANCEY Grand Island, Nebraska "Specia l Accommodotions to Athletic Teams \A/hen on T our" Rooms af Popular Prices
Good Food Fire Proof Pacrc O ne
H ~ nd rcd
Th1:ty tw c
eomplete Service
F o r the [Jes t in
Plu m e 20
• Th e Mosf Beauti ful and D eLu xe of flaf Op ening Bindings
HAMMOND &STEPHENS CO. Fre mont, N e braska R nd
P<10<' Clnr HundtN1 Tht•ty -th re>r
Some played cards
M en's
so me sought the Library-oh - '
1}our (}uaranlee o/ Ouaitlj
Western Auto Associate Store
and P urillj
T h e Best fo r Less Ge t Our Prices Be fo re Yo u Buy Home Owned and Operated
N eb ra s ka
Peru Recreation Parlor
For Fine Foods
Pool and Snooker
Best Wish es to the Class of 1941
Grocery Company OMAHA
Phat•maev .,
Sc h o ol Supplie s, S lalinner·y, Cos nwtic,;, .\l a~az in es a nd Candy.
Bt•au ty S hop1w f or Yolll' Beauty. Pho n t• N o . :3 f or· appointmt•nl
Serve the Dessert Everyone Likes
GREENE'S ICE CREAM Congratulations to the Class of '41 Made at Nebraska City
In Peru Twice Weekly
Uncoln's Largest fa•mily Laundry
DR. H. C. DALLAM Dentist
Dry Goods Ready to Wear Millinery
Office Phone 32 Residence 196
Telephone 377
-Fi s hermen- Back row : Clements and Jimerson .
When in LINCOLN Shop at
CARSON NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation NI~BIIASKA
M. (;. Heuer, P•·o p.
Peru , Nt•lu·.
Ph orw I.
The Dress Shop with netc styles every week
Band !P.Clders Pr o f )indrq Clnd Dru m
M aJo r
M ary
Jwo Suggestions Jor ]Jour JYext !Party
LINCOLN CAPITAL Outstanding Jacilities 9n J he ~apital ~ity Plan to hold your next party or banquet at either the Lincoln or the Capital.
Both names are synonymous with the better social
functions h eld in Lincoln. Each hotel is equipped with the facilities and service to make y our party an outstanding success.
The n ext
time you dine out. try the supe rb food at either Hote l Lincoln or Hote l Capital-ideal places to treat your frie nds.
LINCOLN â&#x20AC;˘ NEBRASKA Paae One Hundred T h n t y-sev<'n
CiasS of 41 !
to thl'
CLASS of 1941
Academic Costumes [II
s·~~o: ~.~~~~~;~~.~ ~~;~;~;~~~: ~: ~~~. J
Used hy hund•·ed s of the nation's leading schools and
White Spot
Where P. S. T . C . Studen t s
PAUL A. WILLSIE CO. 20il S. lOth St.
Omaha, Nelw.
Find Ref reshme nt W hen in AUBURN
NEBRAS KA Phone 608
Green Lantern Del1cious Sandwiches Founta in Se rvice Mrs. Stover's Candies AUBURN , NEBR.
L.. D. Redfern General Merchandise Ph o ne 22
Peru, Nebr.
Si s ters from th e s am e family -- S tar k and Stark; Cameram e n 's d e light O il O h h o w did it h appen
A quiet night-Xmas thrills come wit h Y. W . C. A . pageant.
We ve Gone to Bat 1
for You P lanning a \Yc:<tf' rn Vacatio n Trip this summN ? Tlu· n :<t'e how li t tiP it w ill co:<t t o rid e t h e fa mo ll " ·· JJiesd . iners. ·· Fa:< t I hro ug h ,.;pn· icl' fro m Lincoln to Dt>n\'t•r, C h t• y t•rlltt'. Sa l t Lake Cit y, S an Fra nci:<t 't ), Lo" Ang1•lt ·:<. Tr:"·" l in ai r-l'o nditio nt>d conr furt nnd dicsel- pn wt•rt•d s m oo t hnes:<, and s nYe rnon<'Y, t oo. We wi ll g ladl y hl'lp :you p la n a bus tri p a·n y w hcre, un y t in H·.
Prompt Daily Se rvice to N e braska City, Lincoln and Grand Islandconn e cting with "DieseLiners."
Yes ... w e' v e gone t o bat f or th e m an a nd woman w h o d esire to b e business-lik e i n bi II - payi ng . . . y et, who f ee l they cannot m a intain a c h ecking account. N ow yo._. c a n open a Ch eck in g Acco u nt und e r our " PA YC'' (Pa y ·As-You-Check l p l an. Start w ith any a m o unt you please. E NJOY TH E SAFET Y, CONVEN IE NCE, ECONOMY AND PRESTIGE OF HAVIN G YO U R OWN CHECK B OOK.
E. E. Applegate, Local Agent
M embe r o f F ede r nl D eposit I n sur a n c r Co r por n t i0 11
P llt' Onf• H
. n~ l .. t' :1 f h l"'t y
NEBRASKA CITY "First wifh the Latest"
117Yz North 16th Street
Phone JAckson 5880
THE VIOLIN SHOP of Chris Nielsen dealer in
lfi.igl! ®rallc lliolins anll <Cellos RELIAB LE REPAIRING BOWS, S TRI NGS AND ACCESSO RIES
• MEALS Fountain Service Candy
Phone 65
Pa 0 ,
'lndrca f ort y
Conni e . D e lze n e. and M an rle g e l lo g e l h er lrie n d · l y harmo ny . Dean painti ng th e ti c k et booth " R e d " .
• • • An A lbum fill ed with Kodak pictures becomes a treasure house to be visi ted long after school days are ove r.
Kodaks are priced to fit every
poc ketbook.
• • • • • EASTMAN KODAK STORESr Inco 1 22 1 0
S tree t
Lincoln, Ne braslta
Page On e Hu ndred Forty one
People problacti:lg-to::J wea?. fo r
iden ti ficatio:-~-The
fr b nd ly peop le
·:~ ho ~: c r vr::
U ~?..
Ma x. Moe. Lu -
i.. ........ .... ........ . .. ..... .. .. .... ..•··· ........... .. ........ ........ ......1 •
AVENUE STORE Your patronage is a lways appreciated. It has been a pleasure to se rve you .
Lunches, Sandwiches
....J(t 'J
t!Jii " if wi/ It /{owl' r.1
We are prepared to design f lowers for a II occasi o ns
. ~
t! ! !
Schoo l Supplies
G. E. BERTHOLD ~Fl o :r:tst NEBRASKA C IT Y Phone 324
!.•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•-•..••..•..•.•..•..•..•..•..•.. . :.
Hot and Cold Drin ks Fountain Service
Ice Crea m
Groceri es and Fresh Meats
C. P. MURPHY Hardware and
Come in and visit us
H . U. LANDOLT P hone 78
Peru, N ebraska
Phone 463 a nd 353
12th a nd Centra l Ave.
! HILLS DRUG STORE We Feature National ly Adverti sed Drug s KODAKS and SUPPLIES Visi t Our Fountain - Our Fountainee r W ill Make Your Fa vo rite Di sh Ruby's Beauty Shoppe Phone 9
Call to donning time be fo re the beeeg opening game- Leader Wil son-leads with a wil l- Unk predictsVICTORY-Moore tells how (only li n k between student-faculty)-And then_ then. Pore Bob- parting is suc h sweet sorrow_ ...... g-o-o-d. b-y. .e ..
A Handclasp Across the Miles
C lass ' 1 1
H. L. Schwenker-Vic e Pres . a nd A ctu ary.
Class '15
Jos. Albin-Sec'y a nd Gen . Mgr.
Cla ss '10
Pogo One Hundred Forty-three
Compliments of a Friend
Gals keep the wire bul'; y with a line- to the M e n' s dorr.1. Col e, Horton, Emma , and Madge -
s,,ecitdists in-
Phys icia1n and Surgeon
Y t!tu•l1ool' s Arvtu•tls s ...,,plie s
• PERU, NEBR. Phones : Residen ce 39, Office 33
Seright Publication Bureau 27th &
Rando l ph L i ncoln, Sch oo l Service Dept .
aslca Cit~ " Newest Styles " -Exclusive But N ot E x p ensive PwH• One Hundtcd fo,ty lou:
N e br .
Se rved at The S chool Cafeteria Sanitation First Quality and Service Alway s No picnic is ('Omplet e w ith o ut carbonate d drin/;s Lon~!
Distan('e Phone 1 :17
4 14 C entra l A v e nu e NEBRA SKA C ITY, N EBRASKA Pho ne 102
Fair· Pr·i('f'-Acc m ·ate A<'counting Service C lt'an S tor(• and S toek 0. D. Mm·dis, Prop.
Phon e 2;)
Peru, Nebr.
HILL SHOE COMPANY ST AH HH AN D SHOES For all the Family Hollins Hos it>I'Y
AUBliHN, NEBRASKA P hon«> 622
PERUV I AN K arr and Redfern confer with A ll state Bas keteer W hitmore also on the Editorial d es k o f Wa yne - H annaksonian all the way
Pogo One Hundred for ty-hvo
Na.tiona lly Advertised Merchandise of Estab1ished Qua.l ity, Outstanding Style and Fair Price.
Nebraska City
I n stitution S i n ·: :e
Bill who holds lots of Y.eys-Dals trom who take s the mailBen the Trainers joy-
THE BUTTER-NUT FAMILY • Manufactured by
ltJ.ib.JzJUL ]n
I t 's the Patriot s on swing nigh t at the fall formal-
Olde st Establi shed C LEA NERS IN N EBRA SKA C ITY
Ru th McDonald put a glammer to midnight erl burning-
Dry Goods & Groceries Cold Meats
P hont> ;)2
OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO. " E veryth ing Fo r Sch ools"
P e nt , Ne ht·.
Page O n e l!u ndrod Forty-seven
Algers leaves a pleasant m emory-Jun and Harding " explore"-Santy awards Pre xy-Ham el puts " A " on
Attracllv~ F- A- R
Gal s go high- brow at afternoon teas-Along
C- W- E- L- L-
th e
top -
soa ring
eve r
upw ard
• E X P E R I E N C E =======================================~ LL
0 (,[)
Cffu: ~tat£ :Jou'l-naf (J\Lnting
Compan!J can 1-ofuE thE pwbt:m of pubii1-hing !JOU'l- annuaL. 111. :', lOu 7- Compan!J &ltabfi1-hEJ in A-111_~ --_:::>L.~=
786 7
na1- un E'"L on£ '"Loo
;~;~ : :::"' compfdE pub[L1-hing facifL, t L&1-.
(l_). ,
~ -ifJ!1}:J-
7.-Ln Lng
~~~ EJ
c , no to-cng'"LauLng
{rrtnm~ :·r.,~ .
Lincoln. Nebrnslw
g I
INDEX a Acord, Bernice________ ____ ___ 42, 60 Adams, Catherine. __ 42 Adams, Ross____ _ -- - 22, 64, 65, 91, l 03 Adamson, BilL 34 Adamson, Ruth _ 34 Alberts, Fanny ___ . 28 Albrecht, Norma C .... . !3 Alger. Christine . 34 Anderson, Maurice.. .103 Andrew, Eugene L. . 22 Armstrong, Unadean 28 Ashton , Bob 28, 60, 62, 64 Ashton, Graydon 22, 103 Atkins, lade . .34, 60 Atwood, George .. _ 34, 61. 63, 103 Ayers, Norma lean 35
13, 70 22 65 22. 63, 64, 82 109. 110 Bauman. Raymond. 35, 65. 92. l 03 Bausch, Martin - 23. 65 Beal. Barbara 28. 60, 62. 64, 76. 82 Benford, R. T ___ ·- 13, 76 23, 60, 62, 64, 76 Benson, Phyllis. 82. 110 Bentzinger, Irene 35 Byers, Orthella. 95. 103 Blair, Paul .. .. 23. 65 Bland. Robert .. _ 42 Boatman. Darrel 42 Boevink, Grace. 42 Bollmeier, Warren 35, 81 Bond, jean __ ........ _ . 42 Boosinger. josephine . 28, 71 , 75 Bouse. Faye___ 23. 60. 63, 64. 71, 76 82. 110 Brackney, Ida Mae. 13 Bradford, Arthur L. 13, 76. 83 Br andt. Ruth .. . 13 Bressler, Donald 43 Brier, Elaine_ _ 35. 70 _ ___ _ _ __ .43, 62 Brinson, Doris Brooks, Bill. 29. 81, 83 Brown, C . M. 13. 74 Brown, lack. 29 Bruns, LaVere 64 Bucher, Delphine 29
Baker, B. K. Barnell, Jerome . .. . Bartunek, Wilma.. _ Bartling, Katherine
Buell, !delia .. Buhrmann, Wayne Bundy, Maude
3S. 60 35
c Callan . Clair 29. 63. 81, 90 , 103 Carmine. Ardis 35 Carter, H ope -· 43 Caudle, Bill . 92 Chancellor. Marj ory 35 93, 103 C handler. Bill 43 Christensen. lean 35. 75 Christiancy, Ardith 43, 60, 64 Christiancy , Evelyn 35 Clare , Ruth 29, 64 Clark . Dean 29, 76 Clark , Eldon 13 Clayburn. A. B 29. 60 Clayburn . Bertha 43 , 76 C lemen ts. Richard Cl eme n ts, S L. 14 Cli ne, Fletc her 23. 60. 81 29. 64. 75 Cole. Betty Kathr yn 30. 61. 63 Colg laz ier . lack Co lg rove. Cal vm 35 . 74 30, 62, 73 Colli n . Mar y Elizabeth Connelly . Cornelia Co upe. Eugene Po qe One Hu nrlr " d r lft y
70, 75 , 81 43. 64 43
Cowan, Audrey Crawford, l ames Crump, M adge Custard, Vera
35 23, 76, 77, 81 35 43. 65
D Daft, Maude Dallam, Harold D ammast, Phylli s Davidson, Phyl l i s Dean, Thomas Dean, Donald DeKalb, Carolyn DDeMaro, Tony enison, Margery Dermann. De lores Didde l, Norma Doty, Bernice Dougherty, Alli son Drake, Mabel Dreeszen. Vincent Drexler , Freddi e
30. 70, 74 _ ~~ 23 14 30 61. 63. 76 · 91 103 ·
43 _ 64
14 43 _ 30 90
3 30 . 61. 63. 746 D 43. 63. 81 uerfe l d t. Donna 36 70 Duncan, Mary l ane 43. 64 gunlap, Lloyd 23. 63, 76 81. 83 unnmg, Mrs. !nice 12. 63. 73~ 76: 83 E Ebers. Jane t Ege, Wilbur Epley , Twildi Esmay, Phi lene Evans, Margery Everett. Haro ld Eyre, Clara
43. 60. 64 65 43. 64 23 23, 60. 61, 63 43
24. 64, 76, 83
F Fanciers. Reuben ~ankhauser. William aulhaber. Marie F~dermutz. Margi e Fllmer. Wayne Fisher, Harold E F'lau. Norman Fleming Caroiyn Floyd, Rex_ Fogle, Vivian Formanek. Edra Fulton. Beatrice Fulton, Loi s
36, 61, 83 30, 62. 74 14 36, 64 30, 64 14 30 36, 60, 70 84, 9 1, 103 44. 74 36
44 44
G Galloway, Bette Garber, Jerald Gard, Blanche Gardner, Margaret Garver, Carolee Gatz. Vera Gebers. Freddie Gerd. Genevieve GJ!lam, Marjorie GJ!lespie, Alveen G lasgow. Loi s Gockley, Elmo Goings, Wilda Good. Neil gooddridge, Margaret or on. Orrillia Gorthey, Russell Gottula. Melvin Graves. Ted Grefe. Robert Grotrain, Mari e Gro venburg, Mary Gr u baugh, M erle
36, 75 36, 60, 94
14 36, 75 36, 63 36
61 36 36, 70
ingli s, Evelyn
30, 60. 74 Jack son. Max lames . L ynn 30. 60. 61. 74 4S lames. Robert 37 lames. Robe rt L 37 Iamison. Barbara Ann 4S Je line k, Joan 4S Jensen. Betty 30. 64 Jewe l l. Robert 12, 76 Jimerson. j _ A . 30 Jimerson. Meredith iS Jindra, V. H . Jones. Arthur 15. 89. l 03 37. 60 Jo n es. Carroll Jones . Nancy Ell e n 30, 67, 74. 76. Johnson. A nselm Johnson. Ruth Johnso n , Ruth L Johnson, Virgie Lee Jun. Ludvik
83. 85 24 24. 64. 70 37 45. 60 24
44 44
14 30 24, 74
44 44
44 24, 64 , 65 61 , 64, 76
44 44
30. 94 , 114 97. 103
H Haith . lea n Hall . Eleanor Hall . Myrton Hall , Rolli n
44 H a me l. [!do 44 H am ilt on. Ju n e H a ndl ey , Sever:-~ 24. 61, 63. 99. 103 Handle:"{. W end e l 44 . 92. 103 H annah. K c11h 96. !03 74 H a rd ing. Cliffo rd 45 Har pham. Be tt·; H orn:;, Jane t 30 60. 63. 73. 76. 83 15 Herv e ·/. Fron c t:; . 4S H auptman. Leo tn ce 37 l-l auptr:-Jan . Reba Ha uptman. Sa r e n e 24. 64. 75. 76. 83 37 Hay s, L o i :; 37. 70 l-I ar;. Norma l eon IS. 62 Hayw ard. E l-1 37 H en derson. Nancy 91. 103 H e nd e r so n. Bob 4S Henke. Margare t IS H e nning sen. Marg a r e t 37 H e rrold. Maxtn e 95. 103 Hi ott. Charl e s iS. 76 Hil e man. Mar·1 IS Hill. C . A 61 Hill. Ern est 37 H inton. N e va 37. 61 H oogland. l eon 4S Hors tmann. Gertrude 24. 71 . 7S. 83 H o r ton. M ary 30 H orton. Roy 71 H o ward. D al e 4S H o w e. l ame s 37 H o w e. Rober t 37 Hubbell . T od IS H uck. C . A . 24. I 09 H uege l. Ern e.-; 1 !03 Hutton, Luth e r
K Kane! , Nina 37. 60. 70. 71. 74 Karl. Adela 38 Kerr, Dean 24. 62. 63. 83, 85. ll 0 Kelly, Joseph ine 45. 60. 65 K en nedy, Marjorie 30, 75, 76 Ke nton. Pearl 16 Kermoade, Arthur 45 King, Virginia 30, 64. 76. 83 Kingsolver. Richard 30. 60 Kin se y, Margery Ann 38, 60. 61 . 62.
Kirk. Emile P. Klindt. Bernice Knutson , H erbert Kohrs, Wil bert K onig , Selma K oon tz. Robert Kruger, Clara
85. 108 16 38 64. 76. 83 38 16. 83 38 45. 60
INDEX L Lombelet. Woodrow Lambert. Jam es Lantz. H arol d L arson. A . V . Larson. frank Lavigne. Dorothy Lawrence. Dorothy Leigh. K ather i ne L eona rd. Dorothy Lindberg. Lorene Linder. Maurice L indst r om. C . R. Link. Peggy Littrell . Joe Li vings ton. Gerald L ocke, Ralph Long fe llow. Inez L ongfellow. Mildred Ludington. Ruth Lu m. Echo Elaine Lurk. Eugene
24 24 38. 91. 103 16. 61. 65 24. 62. 74. 76 24 24 38. 64. 70 45. 64 46 30. 65, 92. I 03 16 46 30 46 38 38. 60. 83 38. 60 76 46. 60 38. 103
M Mangold. Anno Louise 30. 75 M anifold. Max 38 M arsh. Genevieve H . 16. 63 Marsh al l. Ruth 32. 76 M artin. fl orence 16. 76. 83 M ason. I sabe l 16 Maso n . M i ldred 46. 60 M a son. L yle 90 M astin. H elen 46 Mathews. Dona ld 38 M a thews, L. B. 17. 77 Mothe r , Jim 90 M axwell. Harriet 38. 63. 71 M axwell. R. A . 17. 76 M e i e r . Dor een 46. 60 M e i er. Erma 24. 64 M e i e r. Lo ui se 24 M eier, M argaret 24, 76 M eyer. Robert 39 M iller, Hetty Jean 39. 60. 65. 73
75. 83 46 46 17 62, 63 24. 61 46 46. 64 17 83 39 39. 60 32. 75 46 64. 71 73. 76, 83
Mill e r . Elain e M iller. Kathryn Mill er. W . T Millikan. Willard Mil stead. Haney M oeller, Y vonne M oor e. Marj or i e M oore. Robert Mon eypenny, Lavina More h ead. Nadine M o relock. Manna Lee M orris. M arjorie . . M uench au, Grace 32. 60. 63.
Me M c A l e xander. Robert M cArd l e. Betty Jean M cCarty, Jerolyn M cClune. M elba . M cCollum, Elizabeth M acomber, Harold M cDonald. Ru th M cG inni s. Rose M cintire. Jack M cKe n ny, Melvin M c Nally , W i l liam
N Neddenriep, Bernice Neff. Ha:.:el Nel son . Doris '\li cho lson. Gertrude Niday. Doro thy Ni eme yer. Imog ene N1 spe l . Althea
38. 60 46. 60 39 39. 60 16 74 39. 60. 63. 73 32, 83 24. 88, 95, 103 46, 62. 81 32 39 4f)
39 32 39 47 32. 60. 75 , 76
Nispel. Irene Nofsger, Zolo Mae Nordbrook, Claude Norton. G eorge
47 47, 64 64 47
17. 61 47, 60 26. 65, 90, I 03
Odlaug , Theron Offerman, Betty Organ. Ross
17, 76 Palmer. Nona 39 Palmtag , f ern 26. 83 Parnell , Wilma 17 Parriott. M arjori e 39 Parri sh. Doris 47. 60. 65. 97. 103 Pascal . Richard 12. 76 Pa te, W. R. 39 Patri ck, Betty Jean 39 Pedersen, Eva . 47 Penner , John 18. 76 Petersen. G roce Peterson. Edna Mae 26. 65, 73. 75, 83 63, 75 Peterson. f ern . 39 Potter. Delzene 47. 60 Purce ll. Shirley Q
Quick. Phylli s
R 47, 93. I 03 Rachow, William 47 Rawlin s. Irma 26. 65 Rawson. Cecil 65 Rawson, E. 47. 60 Ray, Bess 32 Redding, Marcelle. 26. 64 , 85. Ill Redfern. LeRoy 18. 76 Reed, Calvi n 40. 60 Reu ter, Muriel 32, 83 Reu tte r, Lester 47, 64 Rhodes, Helen 32, 64 Rhodus, John. 97, 103 Ronhovde, Arthur 47 Richards. Robert O live 26, 63. 64 Richardson, Mary
Rischling. Ruby Roberts. Keith Rogers, Doris Rose, Rogene Rosicky, Emma Rudol ph, Phyll is Russe ll. Ross Russell , Mrs. Ruth Rzehak, Horace
76, 77. 83 47 40. 90. I 03. 120 48 63 26. 75 40 26, 76 18 . 26. 60, 64. 85
s Samuels. Edith 26 Sandin, James 40. 62, 81. 83 Savill e, Helen 75. 83 Schacht. Elvera 26. 63. 64, 85. 108 Schae fer. Marcella 40 Schrei ner, Gi lbert 40, 61 Schuldt. Shi rley 48 Schutz, John 40. 60. 64, 65 Schutz, Mary fln n 48. 60. 65 Schwalenberg, Lucy 48 Scrimsher. Ardith 48 Scott . Kat hryn 32, 70 Seegm i ller. Charles 18 Sehnert, Lloyd 32 Severson, Richard 40 Schafer. N edra 32. 60. 64 Sharp. Clinton 18 Slagle, Ann e tta 40 Smith. Bob 32. 65. 93 Smi th, Coshus 65 Snider, Jack 63. 90 Snyder. Charles 96 Solleder. Ruth 48
Spier. Jeanne... 26, 76, 77, 83 Stark. Donald. . . 91. 103 Stark. Joyce ... .. . 48 Stark, Pauline.. ... ... . 32. 60, 64, 73 Steck , G. H . 18 Steffen, Erne...... .. . 40 Steuteville. Genevieve .... 48 Stirba, Evelyn.. .. ... . .. 40. 60 Stuckenholtz, Rosemary ... . . 65 Steck, Marian. ...... .. ... ... . . 65 Stoneman, Ruth. 26. 63, 74. 76. 77, 83 S trasburg , Theodore.. 32. 61, 64 T Teachman, Dor othy 32. 60. 64, Tear , Grace . ..... 19, T egtmeyer, Evelyn Thomas, Julie .. Thomas. Lillian. . ... Thomas, Mary Ellen. .. ... Thomas. M arvi n . Thomas, Maryon .... Thorson. Winston. Tiehen, Rosemary 40, Tiehen, Vivian ... Tiller, Dorothy . Timmons, Lillie Timmons. Sidney Todd, Consuela. . Trayer, Alice 32. 60, 64, 70. Trunkenbolz. Evelyn Tyler. J. W .
71. 83 76, 83 48 . 48 48 48 48 26. 83 19. 64 65. 70 48, 60 48 40 32 48 76. 83 49 19
u Utermohlen. Billie
49, 60
v VanderBoom, James Vejaraska, Louis Velvick, James
32 41 49, 103
w Wager, Wilma. 41. 70 Wagner. Clarice 49 Wagoner. Lois 49, 60 Walker, Cecil . 26, 95. 103 Walker, Gern 49 Walker, Maryanne 49 Weare. Edna 19, 75 Wellensiek , frieda 26 Welty, Eleanor 49 Wert. Rober ta 41 West, Jua n i ta 26. 64, 71. 83 West, Marjorie 19. 71 Wheeler. A . G. 19, 89, 103 White, Duane 49. 99, 103 Whitfield. Corrine 32. 83 Wi edeman. Glee 49 W i lkin son, Christine 49 Willey, Edith 32. 60. 63 76 83 Williams. Ro bert ' 路 32 W i lson. Willard 49 Winter, 1. M . 19 Wirth. Carl 41 60 74 W i schmeie r. Maqorie 路 41. 70 Wright. Edith 26. 76 Wylie , He l en 路 65
y Yates. Lola Young, Alwyn Young, M ae lone
49 32, 65 49. 71
z Zostera. Audrey Zurbrick Bill
41 . 60, 70 26
1 1 ~1 1 1 1 1 1~~~~11il~i~ ~~~m111 1 1 ~ 1 1 ~ 1 2470 00107 6182
J -~ol-ers