1941-1942 Peru Pedagogian - issues 1-27

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. eorns to oaks r stop to think of the progress has been made since "Peru al School" first came to life 1867? An old building that had n used previously as a saloon the home of the institution ich 75 years later was to have s of music, administration, 'Physical science, teacher training and resarch. .

Jn 1867 stage-coaches and lumber nsportation across the prairie to llege . • . Students brought their n furniture to school, and wood ' ••• Most of the rooms were furn..ished with cookstoves, and the ocl)Upants cooked their own meals..•

• Mr. J.M. McKenzie was principal of the college, teacher of mathematics, chemistry, natural science and Latin. He ·also pertormed many of the duties of a custodian of the building . • • Mrs. (.,. :is. McKenzie was preceptress and . ;teacher of rhetoric, grammar, geography and history •.• How many people know that P.S.T.C. will be , 75 years old this spring?

Life goes on at Peru



ways • • • of course, a new mens · dormitory stands where three years ago was a wild growth, of tlJnller , • • there are guinea pigs in the cage where the bobcat once reigned • • • by the way, wnatever ......ppened to that move to get a new

Peru students are learning to fiy heir own 'planes ... there is a derease. in. male, registrntion •.• letters are received from former students, now draftees, or engaged In defense work • • . Uncle Sam has employed Severn rtandley, Ja<:,,; Gabus, Ray Bauman, "Red" Daugh. tery and others . . . Wonder if something could be done about sending each one of them a PED every week? .••

Anybody else get a stiff neck looking at the northern lights the other night? • • • Very pretty, · nature's spotlights sweeping across the sky•••


Ask Red Dean

tell you the

story of the king bf the forest and the little mouse . . . 'Tis rumored that he tells it better than anyone else . . • Freshman jokes are getting a little old now-but who was that freshman who didn't know what "P.S.T.C:' stood for on upperclassmen sweaters"! ••• '"llon·t worry about me, Mumsy," one · freshman girl wrote home, "You · know I've always wanted to. go to

· a girls'

school." ..•

cafeteria-IO Result is a

shion parade as a line Qf midht-snackers en negligee awaits d for thought . . . Overheard.uttered threats that Percy Hardg and George Griffin are about .ue for a spanking from freshmen. • • Some freshmen girls have ached an agreeable compromise reoperating the elevators at Morgan ••. "You can push elevator button outside," one l says to the other, "and I get push the one inside:' . . . Sepber .. • 1941 .. • Peru ...



Peterson governs women's council

Student committee promises 'biggest and best' Homecoming Thomas Dean announces plans for event "I think I can promise you the higgest and best Homecomlm; we have ever had," said Thomas Dean, president o~ the Student Ad· visory Council. Plans are underway for the annual event which will be held October 11. Music will be furnished by Elcion Worth's orchestra, jll~t back from a &uccessful southern tour, at the dance on Saturday, Oct. 11. The pep rally dance music on Friday night, Oct. 10, wil! make i:se of the new public address sys tern. A Homecoming Queen, to be cho · srn from upp~rclass girls, will b~ crowned rn the athletic field during the game, and wlll reign over Homecoming festivities. · A band concert will be given on the decorated athletic field between one and two o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Alumni will be guests at a banquet to be served at the cafeteria. The campus will be decorated In the trad!tional blue and white colc·r scheme.

Rehearsals please

band director

Wanted ... Musicians, music, instruments, everything for a first-class college dance band. We can even use some professional adVice. A large bonus Is offered to anyone influential In obtaining a dance engagement for us. If we ever get some musicians, music, instruments and a dance job, everyone is invited to attend. . ·l (Signed) Doc Sandin

-Students hear music program

Members of the newly organized women's dormitory council chose Ferne Peterson as president, Gr.ace Muenchau, 'vice president and Betty Cole, secretar;y1-treasurer. ieven new members elected to the council at a previous meeting are: Mary Horton, Lavara Oakley, Joyce Stark, Christine Wilkinson, Betty Cole and Margaret Mansfield. Barbara Beal is the seniorelect member. Others remaining from last year are: Ferne Peterson, Grace Muenchau, Harriet Maxwell, Edith Will-ey, Rogene Rose and Margaret Beezley. Later two girls will be elected from the freshman clas:i to represent them on the council.

Eds top coeds in freshmen tests Although women in the fresh-

man class outnumber the men

G. H. Steck, R. T. Benford ano V H. Jindm of the music department presented a program before convocation on Friday, Sept. 19. "One-Two-Three," by Albert Hay Malotte, was the first number sung QY Mr. Steck. He followed with "Love is a Bubble," by Frances Allitsen, . "Song: of the 'Fleat · Mossotirgsky 'and '.'My Journey's End," by Fay Foster. Piano selections interpreted by Mr. Benford were "Scherzo '.n E Flat Minor," Chopin, and "Go1nwog's Cake Walk," Debussy. Violin solos played by M:r. Jindra included "Rosary,' by NevinKreisler; "Lullaby," Max Reger and "In the Patria," Riccardo. Mr. Steck and Mr. Jindra were accompanied· by Mr. Benford.


"I am very well satisfied and pleased with the personnel and attitude of the band this year. It is very encouraging to see the spirit that keeps the band members coming to the 7 a. m. rehearsals," says Prof. V. H. Jindra, ba.nd supervisor. There are 48 band members plus the drum majorette, Betty Lou Berger, of Nebraska City. The !n~trumentation of each section 's complete. New drllls and formations are being taught by Warren Darrah of Tabor . The band's first publlc appearance will be made at the Apple Teas, guidance talks, parties, Festival in Nebraska City on Sept. · i>sychological examinations and 25. Pans are being made for the campus tours were features of a band to accompany the football week of orientation for freshmen team at some of the out-state which began on Monday, Sept. 8. games. Greetings were extended to the Two new instruments, the GLOCKENSPIEL or bell lyre, have been first year collegians by Prof. Grace Tear, freshman class advisor and added to the band. With new Westgeneral director of Freshman Week, polnt uniforms and new drllls, Mr. Dean !nice Dunning and Dean J. Jindra believes that the new band A. Jimerson. Thomas Dean, reprewill be far ahead of previous bands. sentative senior student, welcomed freshmen. A day of psychological examinations, group singing led by Prof. G . H. Steck, and advisOrY talks by Miss Tear and Prof. S. L. Clements followed. With Vincent Dreeszen as presAt 6:30, freshmen were guests ident of the mens dorm council, at a surprise party on the dormithe men began their activities for tory lawn. Hosts and hostesses from the coming year. Clair Callan is the senior class were Maurice Anvice-president and Fred Drexler, derson Vincent Dreeszen, Bertha secretary-treasurer. Clayb;rn and Corinne Whitfield . . New members elected to the On Tuesday guidance talks by council are Victor Evans, Walter department heads began th& day. Marshall, Melvin McKenney, WenIn charge of organizing freshman dell Handley, James Sandin, Donclubs at 10:30 were Dick Clemald Dean, Reuben Panders and ents, Camera Club; Clifford Hard· Lloyd Sehnert. Jack Snider and ing·, Art Club; Helen Mastin, Learn ".7eorge Atwood retain their posito Dance Club; Mae Jane Young, tions from last year. Peru Players; Nina Kane!, ScribRules concerning dormitory beblers Club and Lois Wagoner, Perhavior were stressed by the house mother, M:rs. Ruth Russell. sonality Club.

two t-0 one, the men gained most of the honors in the freshman examlnat:lon.5 given in the auditorium, Sept. 8. Nine of the 16 in the upper 10 per cent were boys. Jn order of their rank, the top group includes: Deruils Wehrmann, Wabash; Shirley Jimerson, Peru; Mildred Fehr, 0akland, Iowa; David Beatty, Adams; Walter Mar~ . 1all, Beaver City; Mary Barkley, Papillion; Lowell. Faust, Syracuse; Richard Monroe, Bmchard; Doro~ thy.. Durfee, Falls City; John Kean, Verdqn~ , Jean Graves, .Council Bluffs, Iowa; Wilbur Snow, Auburn; Geraldine Ludvik, David City; Wayne Sayer, Nemaha; Lois Zwiebel, Papillion and Charles Rogers, Peru. Dr. P. A. Maxwell stated that the test given this year was more widely used by colleges in general, rather than in t~achers' colleges. The national rat: ngs of the 400 colleges that took the tests have not been announced.

rnMBER .12

Pate speaks at first convo The purpose and value of a college education was discussed by President w. R. Pate when he spoke before the first college convocation on September 12. "Those of you who are here have come because you want a college education," said President Pate in pointing out the fact that for the first time in 10 years there are more positions available than there are applicants, and that many o:f the jobs are open to young people of college age. In discussing the purpose of an. education, President Pate ··quoted:educational policies and beliefs· which have existed since the time: of Plato. "It is evident that orw•s; definition of education depends o1'f one's philosophy of life," he said. The speaker stressed the fac<; that it is especlally important for college students at the present time to learn clear and logical thinking. "Real thinking is a difficult process," he stated, "and most people go through life without doing much of it." The student must learn to distinguish .prlopagajnd.a from truth, he warned, and added, "We are too inclined to believe what we hope is the truth." "Most of the beliefs .we have we 8Ccept as a matter of social or family inheritance;" said President Pate, "and these are seldom changed by facts that are acquired in later life." College is one place where straight thinking is va1ued and emphasized, he pointed out. President Pate concluded by expressing to the members of his audience the hope that the year would be one of enjoyment and profit for them.

Week of activities introduces first year collegians to campus /ife

Dreeszen to head men's dorm council

The annual tour of the campus took place on Tuesday afternoon. Each group was conducted by sophomores who were honor students last year, including Jean Bond, Evelyn Christiancy, Clifford Harding, Virgie Lee Johnson, Donald Lienemann, Richard Pascal , Bess Ray, Evelyn Slagle, Lois Wagoner and Helen Wylie. Accompanists for soloists at Freslunan Talent Night were Prof. R. T. Benford and Janet Harris. Ushers were upper-class honor students. The use of the library was explained to freshmen by Miss Grace

11.\fary Petersen on Wednesday. This was followed by the Deans' programs and by a discussion of freshman study problems by Prof. R. D. Moore. Guests of Gamma Chi, girls club, were freshmen girls at eight o'clock on Wednesday evening. Results of freshman tests were discussed on Thursday by Dr. P. A. Maxwell at eight o'clock, and ai 8 :30 freshmen registration began. A tea for freshman girls given by Y. W. C. A. members, and entertainment of the men by Y. M. C. A. concluded the week's activities.

Peru singers tryout attracts largest group in chorus history Tur once enough men turned out for chorus! ' Seventy-five members make this one of the largest groups in history. Prof. G. H. Steck, director, says, "It is the best bunch I've had for a. long time." Peru Singers will continue to sponsor the Sunday Musical. The

annual trip hasn't been planned as yet, but there probably will be one, according to Mr. Steck. The chorus practices are at two o'clock on Mondays, three o'clock and four o'clock on Thursdays. Men will meet at one o'clock on Monday and women at nine o'clock on Wednesday.


• • • • • •

Rpologies to Resop

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc Meredith Jimerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Nina Kanel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Editor Ralph Locke ............................. Sports Editor Virginia King, Ellen King ................ Proof Readers M. Florence Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adviser

• • •

ONCE UPON A TIME there were two College Stu· dents. As Freshmen, they were required to undergo cer· tain initiatory Processes. One Freshman, a meek retiring sort of Person, de· cided to make ail little Trouble as he could. He willingly carried out all the Commands of the Upperclassmen, and rushed to obey their slightest Whims. As a Result, he devotd his entire Day to dusting the Furniture of the Upperclassmen, to polishing their Shoes, and to running various Errands; and as a Reward for his Services was frequently and severely chastised via the Paddle Method. The other Freshman was of a bold, more aggressive nature. He even dared to be a little arragant, occasionally questioned ·the Wisdom of the initiatory Pro· cesses. As a result, he devoted his entire Day to dusting the Furniture of the Upperclassmen, to polishing their Shoes and to running various Errands; and as a Reward for his services was frequently and severely chastised via the Paddle Method. MORAL: You can't Win-or, The early Worm gets the Bir·r-rd.


• • • • •

WITH THIS ISSUE, the PEDAGOGIAN enters its twenty·sixth year of publication. Evidevces of editorial inexperience in this year's PED may be due to the fact that Rose McGinnis, last year's editor, is retiring after a long and faithful year of editing. A new staff will record for posterity 1941-42 campus affairs. . . Pauline Stark, who was to have been co-editor, will not return to school this year. However, with the help of Nina Kane!, assistant editor, and Ralph Locke, sports e·di;or, the PEDAGOGIAN staff hopes to carry on.

Reporters: Catherine Adams, Ruth Adamson, Jean Bond, Josephine Boosinger, Hazel Bouse, Elaine Brier, Elaine Briley, Doris Brinson, Merlin Broers, Alice Cleaveland, Helen Dahlke, Rex Floyd, Sidney Johnson, Josephine Kelly, Doreen Meier, Richard Meyer, Irene Nispel, George Nor· ton, James Ray, Helen Rhodes, Patricia Rockwell, Bette Scott, Genevieve Steuteville, Mary Stevenson, Mary Ellen .Thomas, Laurella Toft, Lois Wagoner.

Moore announces cast of Homecoming play

Cat Claws • • • •


By Gosh

If you don't believe it, you can uk Doc Sanclln about this one: "Let's hear you count to 11," suggested Sanclln to a freshman, "you know-11 men, as on a football team."

. . "We had enly six men on our

team." was the reply. Whose voice was it that caus-


ed the little party in Atwood's

room to break up so hurriedly the other p. m.? And then there was the one about the owl who got all dres· sed up to call on his lady love. When he was ready to go, however, he discovered that it was raining. Sadly he went back into his house, saying, "Too wet to

woo." Wonder who the frcihman was who said, upon viewing the lobby of the mens' dorm, "Is this my room?" Definition of a courtship-just one fool thing after anotlier. That freslunnn whp shined his own shoes with an upper-


polish went



Lil' Abner tells campus low-down th~h~~a!o~h~· zhe \~~":~~ in letter to Mamm~ and Papp~

doesn't have? Don't they havt tall-dark-and-freshman , football players up there, too?

are the jive diggers. Kirl\:'s cartoons of the broken Ege's great Sure wished you were here. fall a~e gonna line the wall. Sofnethin' about this atmosphere It \\ill iiure seem good to ain't like it· was baclt there under have my frens, Wooer Rachow them shady trees. Even Daisy Mae and Marrin' Dallam with me ain't the same no' more. No\\' she's when time comes for that dash. gone citified and's callin' herself I don't see why ever city has Thelma Mayfield. Course I knowed to have a Sadie. Here all of us her, so I passed along the word hoys were really believin it was and everyone's callin' her Daisy. all off. We'd heered tel that Wal, Folks, I've got to hurry along, she got her a man so Pat-er but I'll try to mention a few other wasn't gonna have Sadie Fulfriends in my experiences. ton day, but it was nothin' doLast night I woke up horriin. She hadn't remembered the fied (Miss Muenchau teached rules about how to hold your me that one). It felt like the man. There's one gal who could whole sky was gonna fall down. really beat her ~ing, but The wind was blowin so hard Brier's Locked her heart SQ she ~nd the bushes were all quiverwon't be in the chase. in'. Then I knew it was a dream. Well, Folks, I've got t-0 eo now. I was ilreamin' I was in Phys- I've already seen a lot of guys somethin, and Whiz was talkoutside just waitin' to catch some ing from behind Odlaug's lip of them cute gals they've got in scratcher. Peru. Don't be surpriSed if I bring There's gonna be a dance in the me a freshman girl home with Steffen Hall tonight. Shifflin' Per- me. They're all kinda cute an stuff. cy and Hula Brinson are the stars, Affecshontly J;mt Moore Hog-Caller is a runLil' Abner ;ner up. Jindra and Gene Autry Dear Mammy and Pappy:

Looking back

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

TO'THE FRESHMEN ... to you wistful individuals of the green caps, we extend greetings. Though your pride i~ humbled hourly, do not be discouraged. Find solace in the thought that those jaded upperclassmen weren't born that way. Don't let their new'--found dignity deceive you-they really were freshmen once like yourselves (or at least a reasonably accurate facsimile.) Although your path upward on the road to higher ed· ucation may seem somewhat rocky at times, keep this thought constantly before you-someone will shine your shoes for you someday.

ONE YEAR AGOA marching band with formed members was organized by Prof. V. H. Jindra. Jim Crawford was student director. A pep rally, preceding official football game, constituted the convocation program on Sep• tember 20. The college · pep band, with cheer leaders Mary Groven• burg and Jerry Garber kept stu• dents in a rally atmosphere. Casting of the Homecoming play, "The Petrified Forest" was com· pleted. Mary Olive Richardson was to serve as student director. FIVE YEARS AGOPlans for a campus recreation center were proposed by the Mens Club, and Jim Perdue was made chairman of a committee to in· vestigate possibilities of such a plan. Eliza Morgan parlors were bright· ened by new green and red modern· istic furniture, and a new radio.

Alfred Landon won by a margin The psychological drama, "Ladies of seven votes over President in Retirement," will be presented Roosevelt in a college straw vote by the Peru Dramatic Club as the for the presidency of ·the United ::mnual Homecoming play, Satur- States. day evening, Oct-Ober 11, at elght o'clock.


A series of Pink Teas were held An English mystery drama, the in the dormitory recreational hall play featured Flora Robson, in the when the Y. W. c. A. Big Sisters Broadway showing. Beatrice Ful· entertained their Little Sisters. Enrollment was 501, half of ton \Viii appear in this role. which were freshmen. There was Virgil Lee· Johnson and James a fifty per cent increase in enroll· Sandin as student co-directors will ment of men. direct th!S cast: The annual Louise Mears Medal for Geographic Research in Nema· Lucy Gilham . . . . Dorothy Hanks ha County was established. The Leonora Fiske . . . . . Vivian Fogle award was to be given each year Ellen Creed . . . . . Beatrice Fult-On to a senior who completed an origAlbert Feather . . . . . . James Howe inal investigation of some phase of Louisa Creed . . . . Alice Thomson Nemaha County geography. Emily Creed . . . . . . Hope Carter Debate is i!Jcluded in the 194 ~ Eister Tl1eresa . . . . Dorothy Arm1 ollege curri~ulum for the firn; strong time since 1939, according to Prof. Prof. Robert D. Moore, director, R. D. Moore. Mr. Moore hopes to enter his potential orators in believes that the members of the state debate contests, and invites cast exhibit more ability than any ' ny interested students to parti · cast he has had for four or five cipate in tryouts to be held at a iatcr da:te. years.


• t .,

Um nI

ra I

By Grace Muenchau Peru, Nebraska, September 18, 1941

Dear Faye, At the height of indecisionGee, your letter was swell! Mrs. Marsh asked about you a.t break1\'IcCardle, with two diamond rings on her left hand. fast, andi I was glad I could give lier first-hand information. How are Ted and Perk? They were married about the ffrst of August, weren't Jirom our ran-mail ... they? I hope you're keeping up contacts with PeruYians in Washington. Dear Editor: Let's see, there's RUTH CRONE, SYLVIA UL.'IIBR, NEDRA JANE SHAFER, Please put in a good word for TED GRAVElS, and DORORTHY PERKIXS GRAYES-any more? Tell Beech-Nut. them "Hi!" for me. Love, You had the right idea when you described the campus in the fal1. It's as pretty as ever, but we really miss all you gra~.rntes. Quite a numRose McG. ber of upperclassmen have taken jobs outside of schodls or have begun If you don't get another thing teaching without the degree. JANET HARRIS is teaching music and comout of Education 70&-remember, merce at Brock, and PAUIJNE STARK ha.5 accepted a teaching position don't park within GO miles of m her home town at Reynolds. where you teach. NEIL GOOD, Jody's brother, is in the Naval Air Corps stationed at Jaeksonville, Florida. He has been there since the middle of June. FRANK \LARSON left 'today! ,for Omaha t-0 attend U. of N. Med. School. ROSS - - - - - RUSSELL is employed in Douglas Aircraft in Los Angeles and is attending night school at U.CLA. He's been out there all summer-which

Art notes

Iva Pierce, a former president, remin~s me of s~me more Callfornl.a-claimed Peruvians. MARY PAR.. KEt JS also working at Douglas, and JOE FITTRELL is with the Lockof the Art Club, VISlted the cam- heed plant.

pus on September 13. Miss Pierce, LEONA BERTWELL told me this morning, that she and FLETCHER a science and art major at Peru, {,'LJNE were married August 27, and that she is going to Benkelman soon has been teaching at Maplet-On, to li'ie. Fletcher is music teacher there. "BUS" SCHUETZ has gone to La.Porte, Indiana, to work as an acJowa. countant in a large grocery store. HUBERT HUNZEKER is in the Navy Another former Art Club preil.- and I believe DON ROSE is in the Army-just a minute-no it's the dent, Miriam McGrew, who teach- Navy, and CHARLEY PARADISE is in the Naval Air Corps. es art and English in Lincoln, has LEROY REDFERN has a good teaching position near Flint Michil·een transferred this fall int-0 the gan. He was business manager of the Peruvian last year, wasn't he? new high school building there. We miss LANTZ, MILLIKAN, GEBERS, and lots of others, But we Y.M.C.A., Tuesday, Sept. 23 ------- 6 o'clock -------- Scout Cabin have a keen bunch of freshmen so they make up for their loss. Write me soon and breeze down from Washington whenever you can! President and Mrs. W. R. Pate .Oonvoqation, Friday, Sept. 26 -~ College Band -- Coach Wheeler Love, vacationed at Corpus Christ1, as Grace Drama.tic Club meeting, Sept. 26 ---------------- after convocation guests of their daughter.


On campus,


Peru gridmen will tee off against Doane eleven Locke

ust wanes, September adand the Ad building is subto the attack of 410 collemadcaps. Battered coins are ed down on the line-a !,ew ful sighs and then the rmh is Peace and quiet is restored rarily, as far as upperclassare concerned. What is all ?? Registration, of coll'.·se. !

W. A. A. plots program; New members welcome

gistration!-and with it we Into 1another whirl of campus , With its 8 o'clocks, convocas, coking dates, exams and last not least we sit in on another rts parade, displayed by the Bobcats under the guidance their able tutors Al Wheeler and

over the Wheelergrid combination, we te several new faces among ose we are familiar with from t years. Working their way to the upper ranks are, Yocum, e transfer, Nesper from Lanam, Hawks of Elk Creek and two

·,·Looking over the veterans rethe names in the backfield. Pairing off at the halfback posts are Fireman Henderson and "Rabbit" :Hutton-on down the list we see such notables as Callan, Dean, Stark, Young, Atwood and Jack Handley. the rugged ford wan, a loud.series of squawks wisecracks atte:;;ts to the fact at "Cowboy" Linder is in there ating up with Tecumseh's Keith

son hanging around. Pegging the ·pivot post we see a bouncing gen~ by the name o.f Ronhovde. WingRex Floyd

Topping the :::eccnd ranks with their bids for sbrting 2,ssignmer::ts are others, suc!1 as Hines, Whiz Jen· LivingBill Ege and

Only four evenings hence, a well packed bleachers will watch tl!io squad bear the Blue and White colors into a contest for grid supremacy over the Orange and Blark that will be ·oorne by the mighty Tigers of Doar.e. Here's .one fellow that just can'i: wait!

Commenting on eye-sores-my atetson is doffed in tribute to the ollege for the complete change ught on the clay tennis courts, h of the campus. New nets, hauled backstops, re-surfacing general repairs have accomhed wonders.

Prep. Opens at TalmagePeru Preps grid opener is slated Friday afternoon, as the Bobns tangle with the Talmage at Talmage. ch Harold Fisher has spent weeks grooming his profor the game, and his outfit s to be ready for action: g from the starting lineup be Alumni Dean Smith, WillRedfern, Neil Slinker and k Rogers, all of whOm saw In last years inaugural.

By. Elaine Brier Womens ened the of sports September

Athletic Association op. doors on another year for all co-eds Monday, 22.

Phyllis Davidson, sponsor, conducted a short meeting, for the purpose of extending a welcome to old and new members. All girls enrolled in college, with interest in athletics are urged to join this organization. The program will call for the fol1owing sports: Hit Pin, Basketball, Volleyball and Ping Pong. Other minor sports will be offered, in addition to the regular sched· ule, throughout the year. Quoting "Davy," "The purpose of WAA is to provide its members with recreational hours and participation in an active campus organization." Points earned in ~ponsored events of the program offer Peru co-eds their only opportunity to earn a letter-sweater in college. The points are to be obtained by participation in the various sports. a required number being the means by which a sweater is earn~. In addition to the sports tournament, WAA sponsors social gatherings which are soon to get under way.

Baseba II & Profs ! ! ! ! By R.qlh Locke Music or a Baseball?? That ques- to hear Steck pour it on!" tion is a uni versa! topic in the A "working agreement" between music hall during these the first them now depends on the outcome weeks of school. of the National League. Should Involved are those two otherwise the Cards break through, Steck will mild-mannered gentlemen; Steck acquaint himself with the uses of and Jindra. The friction all arises a fiddle bow, under the supervifrom such a trifling thing as the sion of a gloating Jindra. With the differences in favorites in the tight Dodgers staying ahead, Jindra will National League pennant race. The meekly submit to the cultivation St. Louis Cardinals are Jindra's of his voice, guided along the team, and loudly he sings their scale by Steck. praise. Steck, on the other hand, Worse yet-If the Yankees sweep follows the dizzy doings of the the World Series in four straight Dodgers, irritating his staff memgames It is passible that President bers no little bit. Pate Will have a double suicide on Quoting Steck: "I felt bad enough his hands. when my Chicago White Sox failed Another angle is that, that the in their bid to oust the Yankeea in the American ieague, but this campus takes. It is all very annoymatter of my nice daffy little Dod- ing. Why should two such nice gers losing to that Gas-House Gang people let a sport ruin music classis enough to send me back to that es? Who ever heard of coming to class with the only preparation asylum!" Lending an ear to the laments required is the daily baseball of Jindra, you hear, "I told this scoresn The fellow that brings a bird, Steck, that the Yanks were a portable radio to class should major cinch in .the American, and I in the department! The only solution appears to be vaguely mentioned that the Cardinals would play in the Series- that National defense will have to Well look at those darned Cards- call in all the players of both teams. Then it would be back to breaking their necks, and still losing. It's worse than being marrieJ the sharps and flats!

'Cats tune up for '41 pigskin parade Wednesc:lay, September third, Coaches Al and Art greeted the football squad that will take the field for Peru during the 1941 season. Since then daily workouts have been .the proving grounds for these men, each trying for his particular position. The progress has been marked. With the toughest stages of conditioning over, attention shifted to the more attractive job of working together in team play. Now, just a few days away from the opening game, the squad has advanced to the stage where only finishing touches need be applied. Saddening the outlook for the Bobcats, are the absences of lettermen Lantz and Chandleralong with rough and tough Buck Dougherty who now does chores for Uncle Sam. After considerable delay, Rex Floyd has returned adding another vital cog to the machine that will vie for NIAA honors for the third consecutive year. New blood has been sparse, there being a disappointing shortage of freshmen. However, those matriculating this year, appear to be good prospects; namely Yocum of Humboldt, Hobbs, a transfer from Hebron Junior College, Nesper of Lanham, Hawk, an Elk Creek lad and Allan and Handley of Nemaha.

Bobkittens list 22 grid candidates Coach Harold Fisher has been working steadily to get his Bobkittens into trim for the opener against Talmage. 22 men answered his call for gridmen, among them 16 lettermen.

Prospects for the season are good, but like the Bobcats, their schedule includes games with topflight teams, that ,will have a de· cided edge on them. Auburn, Nebraska City and Rock Port a.re the three red-letter dates on the Prepsters slate. A victOry · over a.ny one of these will high light the year,

Sports of yesteryear • By .James Ray TEN YEARS AGO-

The Peru Bobcats bogged down in mud, as they dropped their 1931 opener to Maryville Teachers by a 12-6 count. Despite the treacherous footing, the Show-Me-Staters attacked through the air for both touchdowns. Hatcher rammed one over from the two yard line for Peru's only counter-wallop. FIVE YEARS AGO-

Marysville Teachers dropped the Bobcats cleanly for a 24-8 setback, winning on the strength of superior football. T11e Nebraskans held an 8-6 lead, but the Missouri lads ran wild the last quarter to march to victory.

Peru Theatre Tuesday · Wednesday September 23-24

For freshies only

Admission- 20c • lOc

Friday evening the curtains spread on another season of football, as the Tigers of Doane invade the Oak Bowl to accept the bid of the Peru Bobcats. Doane, always a strong contender, is out this fall to avenge last years set)lack at the hands of the 1940 crew of Wheelermen. Pregame statistics indicate 1that a. well-matched contest is on deck. Peru fans will be treated to a fine opener, as the Bobcats take up where they left off last Novem)ler with an unbeaten record. A victory for the Blue and White would serve as an excellent impe· tus for the 1941 campaign. The schedule facing the Wheeler· Jones machine is a tough one. Such teams as Chadron, Kearney and Washburn of Topeka appear on the list of engagements, and the road to a good year will be a rocky one indeed! For the ,Bobcats, a team of lettermen will be on hand to fire the opening shots into the Orange ranks. After that, the ·results will depend on the ability of the reserves to come through. The Tigers have both a good starting lineup, with reserves three deep to enable them to send shock troops into the breach. · Whatever the outcome, a close game is in prospect, and grid followers are expected to turn out in force to witness the proceedings.

By ''Bugs" Norton The sole purpose of this article boys in Blue. Even in the huddle is to introduce the 1941 crop of and in their shift to position, all is Freshmen to Peru football. The folorder and machine-like precision. lowing will set forth in black and As for action, there ,will be plen· which the simple rules for conduct ty of it. It is a fans delight to witness ball-carriers Henderson and enjoyment at their first evening's entertainment in the Oak and Hutton on running plays. Bowl as the renowned Bobcats Stark is something to see, too, as meet the Tigers of Doane. he cracks the line when those precious inches are needed for first Absolutely essential, is item number one. You must know the Color downs. If you like blocking, fill SQng. At the opening kickoff and your eyes with some of Dean and after each touchdown by Peru, the Callan's work on offense. The line play will be good too. custom calls for spontaneous reacRoberts and Linder are hard boys tion in the bleachers. All arise and sing out to the boys in the field, to stop. Mason and Rachow are lilrn bulls in a china shop-'nd the strains of the Color song. HalfMason also is the lad that layF hearted efforts are not tolerated-so Freshies, you·d better hit it, and out those lengthy kickoffs, ac:d boots the points. hit it strong! Floyd and Smith are rugged The marching band wfl! probably ends, both have speed to spare. be there, and with it the cheering section. It is customary for stu- Ronhovde flips the ball from cendents to sit all in one section, and ter, and does a. job of line-backing. On passing plays, watch Handcheer as the Cheer leaders call for ley line that apple to his man. All them. Pew ball teams ever get anywhere without the backing of their in all you can sum it up by saying-watch those fellows-and youfellows and foilowers-the Cleve'll like it! land Indians for example. Support do your share-so out with it, and is needed-you are relied upon to let the sore throats take care of Things to take note of are the themselves. teamwork and coordination of thr



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un•"" unouounu•



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Annual mixer features games, dancing, ice cream Inventive minds have developed an electric mixer to stir up cake batter, but two radios were th,; only electrical appliances used to mix the members of P. S. T. C. at the annual get-together held in the gym on Friday night, Sept. 12. Approximately 2251 stud€1llts and professors appeared in their "Sunday bests" to ·play games, dance to records, eat ice cream, and then wait for a· convenient and inconflpicuous time to leave. The "funnies" became a reality to college fans when each of four groups presented a "funny" family. Blondie a:nd Dagwood were there, complete with Baby Dumpling, cookie, Daisy, her four daughters and Elmer. There was plenty .o! romance in the air with Lil' Abn~r courting Daisy Mae in his usual torrid manner, and Popeye and his pipe "pitching a little woo" with Olive Oyl and her gUID. Several dances, designed for getacquainted-with-y o u r-neighbor purposes, were led by Phyllis Davison and Nona Palmer, with a little encomagement by Arthur Jones. A. V. Larson was the other faculty - member on the committee, and the students selected to help were Bob Ashton, Dick Kingsolver, and Grace Muenchau.

YWmembers hear Dr. Thomson speak Candle light and soft music greeted new and old members at Y. W. C. A. Tuesday evening, September 23. · 'Tuning in on the Y. W. C. A. spirit," was the subject discussed by Dr. Bertha Thomson. Immediately following the talk, Alice Thomson sang "Prayer Perfect." Grace Muenchau directed the entire group in singing ''We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder." Devotionals were in charge of ;M:ae Jane Young and Harriet 'Maxwell was the pianist. Nina K.a111el, Bertha ClJtyburn and Josephine Boosinger planned the program.

Rally to introduce new cheer leaders At the . first pep rally Friday, Sept. 26, Doris Brinson, Dorothy Hanks, Tod Hubbell and Freddie Drexler will make their debuts as Peru's pep pounders by leading the rooters in thundering yells. The cheer leaders were chosen by a faculty committee. On request of this faculty committee, Prof. R. D. Moore is training these pep directors. His technique was gained through cheer leading at East Central State Teachers College. According to Professor Moore, one of their main objects is to plan more care:tiully the activities of the pep rallies.

Hubbell directs YMactivities Heading the Y. M. c. A. cabinet

for 1941-42 is Tod Hubbell who was ele~ted

at a meeting in the mens hall Thursday, Sept. 11. Working with him will be Bob McAlexander, vice president, Carl Worth, secretary and . E1don Reutter, treasmer. Prof. A. C. Clayburn spoke on the "OrigiJJ and Development of the Y. M. C. A." Newcomers were welcomed by Bob Williams, who spoke on membership of the organization. Dixwell Lathrop, Hastings freshman, told of his affiliations with the Y. M. C. A: at Hastings.

Freshmen display musical ability Freshman musical talent was displayed on Tuesday, Sept. 9, when the following program was presented at eight o'clock in the college· auditorium: Voice: Alice Thompson, PeruOne Fine Day, Puccini; The W,inds in the South, Scott. Bette Riley, Dawson-In MY Garden, Firestone; Dedication, Franz. Trumpet: Max Boyd, Percival, Iowa-Somewhere a Voice Is Calling, Tate; I Am an American. Guitar: Richard Monroe, Burchard-You Can Smile; Ridin' Down the Canyon. Piano Solo: Carol Copenhaven, Dubois--Becond Mazurka; Dark Eyes. Voice: Donna Lee Marshall, Nebraska City-The Lilac Tree, Gartlan; Calm M the Night, Bohm. Lorene Coatney, Peru-Morning, Speaks; Ho! Mr. Piper, Curran. Flute Trio: Mary Shirley Jimerson, Betty Kennedy, Leonore Larson-Intermezzo, Provost; Three Blind Mice. Voice: Wallace Cleaveland, Omaha-Sailor Men, Wolfe; Water Boy,


Bureau places aII '41 graduates Every 1941 graduate of P. s. T. C. has been offered a position according to Supt. S. L. Clements, head of the placement bureau. Although some changes may have been made since the reports, a partial list of placements follows: Ross .Adams, Sidney, Iowa; Christine Alger, Odell; Unadean Armstrong, Wann; Graydon Ashton, Union. Katherine B'artling, Herman; Phyllis Benson, Grant, Iowa; Irene Bentzmge'r, Honey Creek; Calvin Frericks, Dunbar; Edra Formanek, Swanton; Carolee Garver, Nemaha; Marjorie Gillam, Decatur, Iowa; Mary Grovenburg, Humboldt; Janet Harris, Brock. Lois Hays, Fairfax, Mo.; Norma Jean Hays, Sidney, Iowa; Neva Hinton, Filley; Walter Huber, Tecumseh; Ernest Huegel, Nebraska City; Ruth Johnson, Deloit, Iowa; Ludvik Jun, Julian; Dean Karr, Shelton; Bernice Klindt, Arlington, Iowa. Inez Longfellow, Nemaha; Mildred Longfellow, Arapahoe; Ruth Ludington, Nebraska City; Erma Meier, Julian; Margaret Meier, Hastings; Louise Meier, Kellerton; Iowa; Melba McClune, Wales School, Emerson, Iowa; Jack McIntire, Auburn; Ruth McDonald, Butte; Nadine Morehead, Humboldt; Bernice Neddenriep, Brock; Gertrude Nicholson, Humboldt; Ross Organ, Cumberland, Md. Ross Russell, Table Rock; Marcelle Redding, Eagle; LeRoy Redfern, Mt. Morris, Mich.; Muriel Reuter, Hooper; Mary Olive R!ch-ardson, Humboldt; Hora¢ Rzechak, Hampton; Emma Rosicky, Garland. Elvera Schacht, Sterling; Edward Short, Nelson; Anna Loi.iise Short, Auburn; Jeanne Spier, Papillion; Ruth Stoneman, Diller; Paul Blair, BoiSe, Idaho; Martin Bausch, Salem; Delphine Bucher, Henderson, Iowa. Marjorie Chancellor, Endicott; Fletcher Cline, Benkleman; Calvin Colgrove, Cook; James Crawford, Shelton; Phyllis Dammast, Nebraska City; Mabel Drake, Peru, Iowa; Donna Duerfeldt, Elkhorn; Margery Evans, Sergeant Bluffs, Iowa; Clara Eyre, Wisner.

166 enroll in freshman clubs

YWcabinet breakfasts at Neal Park

Six freshman clubs with a t-Otal enrollment of 166, were organiz.ed Tuesday morning, Sept. 9, after pep talks by upperclassmen. Learn to Dance Club has 105 members. M. Florence Martin is the faculty sponsor, and upper classmen will be chosen as assistants. Peru Players and the Dramatic Club, has 36 members. Personality Club should be something different this year with a number of boys enrolled. The other clubs are Camera, Art, and Scribblers Clubs.


Town and

Bacon and eggs cooked over an open fire at Neal Park was a feature of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet meeting on Sunday morning, Sept. 14. Members were accompanie~ by Miss Edna Weare, sponsor. After breakfast a short devor,i 'nal service was conducted by Nina Kanel. The remainder of the hour was then spent in discussing p!B.ns for the coming year. A Sunday morning breakfast will be a weekly event for the cabinet which includes Grace Muenchau president; Nina Kanel, vice-presi~ dent; Mary Horton, secretary; Dorothy Teachman, treasurer; and commission chairmen, Mary Elizabeth Jensen, Mae Jane Young, Bertha Clayburn, Harriet Maxwell, Bess Ray and Josephine Boosinger.


Barbara Beal, editor of the Pe· ruvian, and Nancy E1len Jones. business manager, have announceci the names of staff members who will assist them in publitation of the 1942 Peruvian. Dick Clements will be staff photographer, and Maurice Anderson will edit the athletics section. Mary E. Jensen will act as art· Pditor, and Reuben Fanders, Corrine Whitfield and Virgie Lee .Johnso!! will be copywri tsrs. Additional members of the staff are Grace Muenchau, stenogra!lher; Dorothy Teachman, bookkeeper; Jimmy Hewe ar.d Freddie . Drexler, advertising managers.



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By Nina Kanel From a lineup of upperclass : charm, a Queen will step forth on 'Saturday, Oct. 11, to reign over Homecoming festivities. Student vote at convocation the preceding Friday will determine the heir to the royal crown. Until then-your ti/ ' s. guess is as good as anyone

• Senior eyes at preliminari.es, focused on two likely prospectsBarbara Beal and Ferne Peterson. "Barb" to a confidential-like inquiry as to what she would miss when she graduates, replied, "The kids." Tall and slender Barbara is already a member of royalty, having made her debut in May Queen Kay Bartling's procession. Editor of this year's Peruvian, she is also senior elect on the dorm council, prexy of the math 1lub, secretary-treasurer of Alpha Erudito and an~. perclass sponsor ,of Learn-to-Dance• club. Dancing, as all Wednesday hour dancers know, heads her favorites list. "Horseback riding is fun, too," she mused. She still manages to find time for commerce, her major, and minors in English and mathematics.

• In the process of correcting a

pile $f training school papers,, petite Ferne Peterson laughed and said, "My pet peeve-losing good sleep grading papers, I guess." But we believe her when she says that she likes practice teachiJJ.g -lucky kids! The diminutive "Pete" confides she has "interests along different lines." "Oh, I mean scrapb~ks-all kinds," she added. President of the Dorm Counc_il, her calendar also marks Kappa Omicron Phi meets. study is divided between commerce, her major, and minors in English and mathematics. Comenting on Homecoming, she chatted, "I'm more interes.ted than ever, cause then I can entertain so many people I like."

• "Doesn't something just get you!" Doris carnahan's black eyes sparkled as she explained why she likes Peru. She's one of the Junior choices. As to being nominated for Homecoming candidate, she says she was very, viery . surprised. Dancing, soap carving and painting are all "Carnie's" . hobbies. Besides these and W.A.A., Y.W., Gamma Chi and dorm council meeting·:. she gives time to commerce, art. and English. Asked for her pi:t peeve, she thought for a minute and then with a toss of her black hair, returned, "People with their noses in the air-when it isn't natuw,L I love Peru's friendly spirit!''

• Agile, sports minded Elaine Brier Is the junior's other bet. "Being nominated was almost as much of . a thrill as playing on the county championship baseball team last summer," she admitted. An active member of W.A.A. (have you no: ticed her sweater?) F.T.A., Y.W., and Student Advisory Council, she lists tennis arid swimming as other favorites. Besides Phys. Ed and Home Ee., she is minoring in English. When asked what she'd miss most when she left Peru, she · replied, "Davy." (Continued on page four)



Girls plan fall formal

Classes elect '41 officers

November 15 is the date that hll.S been set for the Girls Fall Formal. The Dorm council is completing plans for this occasion. Committees appointed are: . Dance Program Committee Joyce Stark-Chairman Margaret Mansfield Decoration Committee La Vara Oakly-Chairman Rogene Rose Margaret Beezely The council has also been perfecting Homecoming plans. Harriet Maxwell will head the committee hi decorations. Mary Horton and Christine Wilkinson will help her. Edith Willey is chairman of the committee to prepare the initiation rules for the freshmen girls. Betty Katherine Cole. and Grace Muenchau also serve in this group. Betty Berger and Mabel Newton have been elected as freshman representatives on the dorm council. Installation of new council members was held on Sept. 22 at 10 o'clock.

Wischmier to head future teachers Marjorie Wischmer will head Future Teachers of America this year. Her assistants include Ardis Carmine, vice president; Kathryn Scott, secretary and Audrey Zastera, treasurer. The second Monday of each month has been set as the regular meet. ing date.



Men triumphed in the senior class election held on September 22. Officers are Rex Floyd, president; Bob Ashton, vice president; John Rhodus, secretary and trearnrer. Holding the gavel at forthcoming junior class meetings will be Reuben Fanders, who was elected president at . the meeting on Sept. 22. Wayne Buhrman was elected vice president, Carl Wirth, secretary and Doris Canahan, tre-asurer. By unamimous vote, the junior class decidea to continue the custcm of giving the seniors a prom. Selection of a date was left to the officers. Electing Richard Clements president, the sophomore class held its first meeting on Friday, September 19.

Christine Wilkinson, vice president; Genevieve Steuteville, secretary and Virgie Lee Johnson, treasurer, win assist the president. Wallace Cleaveland of Omaha will direct the affairs of the freshman class this coming year. Other officers are vice president, Shirley Jimerson; secretary, Alice Thomson, and treasurer, Earl Banks. Class representatives for the .. student Advisory Committee are Lavergne Cowell and Walter Marshall.

YMholds picnic The Boy Scout cabin was the scene of a wiener roas.t given by Y.M.C.A. on Sept. 3. The affair was attended by 20 men. Tod Hubbell led a discussion on "Christianity, living or dead."

CR Rapproves civilian pilot training course for Peruvians Powell to instruct future pilots The Pern Flying Service, selected to conduct the civilian pilot training course at P.S.T.C. has been made an approved flying school by the Civil Aeronautics Authority. George Ireland, civil aeronautics inspector, and L. E. Tyson, ~tate Aneient Peru history was reaeronautics engineer, described the viewed by former Peruvians set-up as "far above the average,'' when Miss Charlotte Burch visand comparing well with that of ited the campus on Sept. 26. large cities. Situated on flat bottom land, Miss Burch, a graduate of the near the Missouri river, the 90class of 1887, was named for the acre site is in the final stages of original preceptress, Mrs. Char- being made level. A fencing crew is enclosing it. When completed, the lotte B. McKeniif-. field, except for a runway- at the. Miss Burch has retired from approach to the hangar, will l>eher position as principal of the seeded to alfalfa. The hangar, now nearing com- training school of the University pletion, is 60 by 90 feet, with floor of Utah. She is now living at space for nine instruction plants .. Santa Barbara, Calif. The guest A classroom with facilities for of Mrs.. William Davenport, she showing motion pictures will be was accompanied by her niece, used in conjunction with the science hall on the college campus Mrs. Olevia Burch Thody, daughter of Leslie Burch who was a for teaching ground work. Students will study mechanics under supermember of the seccnd class to vision of M. L. Powell, flight inbe graduated here. structor, and Clinton H. Sharp, of the college faculty. Peruvians recalled that Miss Two planes are used in instrucBurch's father, Rev. Hiram tion. One is a 75 h.p. Piper CruisBurch, organized the Fhst Proer, the other a 60 h.p. Piper Cub testant Church in Nebraska. trainer. Members of his church held the Each student must have a minchicken dinner which paid for imum of 35 hours of flying time, the bell which still hangs in and a minimum of 72 hours of ground school. Students are placed what is now the gymnasium. in units of 10. Miss Burch, wh& was born in Instruction in air navigation. Peru, informed friends that s~e meteorology, civil air regulations, recently visited Mrs. Charlotte general service of air craft and Halvorsen of SanDiego, Calif., theory of flight is given. A new daughter of J. M. McKenzie, Wright Gypsie air-cooled engine of 90 h.p. has been purchased for first principal of the college. study, along with three parachutes• Peru's airport has been achieved largely through the efforts of the Community Club. The town board co-operated by donating land from a village-owned tract usually leased for farming, Tentative plans have been made for a dedicatory program sometime in the future. Dance platform and favors: Walter Marshall and Bob James. chairmen; Bill Fankhauser, Kei~h Hannah, Max Jackson, Don2'ld Lienemann, Dick Lathrop and Arnold Hector. Advertisement: Elaine Brier, A pep rally featuring a 48-piece chairman; Mary Stevenson, Lor· band, a drum majorette, and four raine Safranek and LH!ian Havel. new cheerleaders, was presented to Tod Hubbell, chairman of the field decorations committee, and students at convocation on Friday, Walter Marshall, chairman of the Sept. 26. Prof. R. D. Moore, as Master of convocation committee, have not Ceremonies, introduced Tod Hubyet announced their committees. bell, Doris Brinson, Freddie Drexler, and Dorothy Hanks, who led ·the audience in yells. Coach Al Wheeler gave a chalk talk explaining various plays to be used in the game against Doane on Sept. 26. Football players were introduced by Coach 1~rt Jones, of Bob Ashton at the piano. Anyone holding a scholars!iiip to with the assistance of freshman an:y; college is eligible ror membet- boys. The band closed the program ship. A motion was passed to restrict those appearing on the club's with the pla:ying of the Color page of this year's annual to act- Song. ively attending members.

Visitor recalls Peru history

Homecoming plans feature alumni reception, pep rally, play, dances, football Just anothe1 weekend in Peru, you say? No Sir! not by any means, if the promise of good times are any assurance! And judging from information given out by the Homecoming committee, there '\\ill be plen~y of first-class entertainment. A full weekend of festivities gets unde,way Friday morning. Oct. 10, in convocation, when a special program will be presented along with a rally. The rally spirit will be continued Friday evening, as students, grads and faculty members alike join hands in the most completely detailed rally ever plotted for the bobcats. Bonfire ceremonies and pepbalks will be featured in gie evening, followed by the rally dance. Saturday morning, a reception will be held for alumni on the campus. In the afternoon, the Homecoming crowd will watch a football game between the Peru Bobcats and the Kearney Antelopes. The coronation or Homecoming Queen will take place between numbers by the marching band .at the intermission. "Ladies in Retirement," the Homecoming play will be presented on Saturday evening under the direction of Prof. R. D. Moore. Eldon Worth's orchestra will

start off the victory dance in the gymnasium after play. With the weekend like that, every Peruvian should be well entertained-sports, rallies, dances. dramatics, music and a coronation-what more can you get anywhere? Thomas Dean heads the Homecoming committees which a' e as follows: Campus and gym: Joan Good, and Lavergne Cowell, chairmen; Mary Elizabeth Jensen, Meredith Jimerson, Rex Floyd and Rose McGinnis.

Band entertains at first pep rally

Scholarship club members greet twenty-nine freshmen eligibles Twenty-nine freshman eligibles were welcomed into Alpha Erudito Monday night, Sept. 22, by President Wayne Buhrman. According to program chairman Dick Clements, the meeting on Oct. 27 will be Freshma.n Night. Lois Zwiebel, Percy Schmelzer and Mildred Fehr are the committee in charge. Dick Clements had charge of the entertainment, with the assistance

Officers for the corning year are Wayne Buhrman, president; Dick Clements, vice president; Barbara Beal, secretary and treasurer; S. L. Clements, sponsor.

Tentative plans have been made for the first Sunda:y' Musical on October 19. Prof. G. Holt Steck plans to give his yearly recital at that time.





The freshman wonder what it's all about-this rush of

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

IWho's new "My co-workers have been m courteous and friendly, and I enjoying my new work here a gr deal," says Prof. Paul C. Sweetla who will be an instructor in mathematics department. Mr. Sweetland has his A.B., and his ~.S. degrees from Hays State College, Kansas. Si his graduation, he has taught th years in the high school at Rand Kansas and four years in the j ior college at Garden City, E:an He is a member of the nation honorary physics fraternity, Sig Pi Sigma.

activitiy and preparation and talk of "George is coming back," and, "Won't it be good to see Susy again!" They may even be slightly bored as upperclass conversation is monopolized by talk of something called HOMECOMING. What is it anyway? They suppose it must be importantcommittees are appointed, plans are made, and decoration committeemen hang about on lamp posts in the process of winding streamers and beautifying the campus. It is all very MYSTERIOUS. r~

i1e mystery deepens, freshmen are warned, as the day of Homecoming arrives. An endless stream of cars comes into Peru. Strange people come and go all day amid cries of "Susy, you look wonderful!" and "George, 10 years hasn't changed you in the least." To the uninitiated, it's all a little wearying. Freshmen are asked to vision a day ·when, as sophomores and juniors and seniors, iliey will unite to say, "WELCOME-WEL. COME HOME!"

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Clasa Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc Meredith Jimerson . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . Editor Nina Kanel ............................ Assistant Editor Ralph Locke ............................. Sports Editor Rex Floyd ...................... Assistant Sports Editor Virginia King, Ellen King ................ Proof Readers M. Florence Martin ........................... Adviser Reporters: Catherine Adams, Ruth Adamson, Jean Bond, Josephine Boosinger, Hazel Bouse, Elaine Brier, Elaine Briley, Doris Brinson, Merlin Broers, Alice Cleaveland, Helen Dahlke, Rex Floyd, Sidney Johnson, Josephine Kelly, Doreen Meier, Richard Meyer, Irene Nispel, George Norton, James Ray, Helen Rhodes, Patricia Rockwell, Bette Scott, Genevieve· Steuteville, Mary Stevenson, Mary Ellen Thomas, Laurella Toft, Lois Wagoner.

Cat claws ... e

"R little learning"

• • •

"A little learning is a dangerous iliing," said Alexander Pope in his "Essay on Criticism." Students in search of :i: ·."·<hi;1 and higher education must be counseled by the fact that too little knowledge may cause intellectual arrogance and a feeling of superiority. It may even interfere with the power to reason, since rea· soning and the functioning of intelligence is emphasized by understanding and comprehension. Narrowed perception, then, would tend to destroy purposeful thought. I

Real intellectual awareness must be accompanied by humility and a growing realization of learning's wide horizons.

Trials of physical exams revealed by slightly reluctant examinee e By D. M. Boy, oh boy, am I healthy! I've just been over to see the nurse and the doctor-by tht way it's a new woman doctor this year-and they gave me the official o.k. It was sort of a iong proce8s though. I worried for days before I knew nothing was wrong 'Nith me-physically, I mean! It all started registration d3y. "Davy" gave me a little slip of paper that said I was to be at the infirmary at exactly 2: 10 on Septei1.ber 24. It also gave me notice that if for some unkr:own or known reason I didn't present my humble self for an examination of my anatomy I'd be out four bits. I made up my mind right then that I'd be there and nothing could ever stop me! It didn't. The h~ur of my appointment came. I steeled myself for the ordeal, brushed my teeth for the third time since dinner, grabbed a clean hanky, crossed my fingers and loped across the campus and into the infirmary just at the correct moment. I was greeted by a cute little freshman girl. I looked at her and thought, "Well, this isn't going to be so bad!" Then I was mortified nearly to tears. She got fresh with me! She asked me take off my shoes and 0weater. I thought the shaving powder on my chin would surely explode, I blushed so. However I did remove my size elevens from my dainty feet. She put me on the scales and I discovered I weighed a little more than last year-I still believe those scales are off. I got measured too, and do you know I'.m nearly 6 foot 6 in my stocking feet. Sure hope

B:r Gosb

ru::connng to tile ooys, the

I'm through growing, I'm taller

spirit l'>f the game of hearts didn't leave with Dunlap and Cline-the games are wilder

than ever... Some of the upperclassmen have been wondering .when the next board meeting will be held• • . Collqe man-"Your roommate was shocked at the way I kissed you last night." College girl-"How did she

see us?" College man-"She didn't, I showed her"... What group of boys is trying

to find anorner rou:e to the campus instead. of going via the main entrance of mens hall? ... How did "Bomber'' Griffin, "Torpedo" Harding, and "Barber" Rohrs get those nicknames? ... The only time you'll see a blushing bride these days is when the groom doesn't show up ... Vejraska even has stooge Rkhard Monroe carrying love messages to Elda. Poem of the week: Rockabye baby · In the tree top, Don't fall out, It's a hell of a clrop••. Seen and heard-Hubbell sound asleep and snoring in the library ... Sehnert dating a.round •.. "The Color Sonl('-first on the freshman hit parades ... Mr. Clayburn, it is rumored, asked Mason what is raised in a certain section of the country. "Trees," answered Mason. ''Wbal kind of trees?" pursued Clayburn. "Big trees," was the reply... What upperclass fella says, "Here I am talking about myself when it's you I want to talk about me?".•.

than most of the fellows on the campus now. Then the nurse took over. She made me remove my stockings and I had an awiul dread I was flat footed. I wasn't. Next she examinecl my teeth and started to look at my tonsils, but I didn't have any. Then she held my hand to take my temperature and ·pulse. Mv pulse stepped up quite a bit with her holding my hand. She tested my eyes and lhrn cr<rne the real shock. "Go in to that corner room, strip to the waist and see the doctor," she ordered. I wanted to· argue, but finally gave in meekly. It was pretty cold without my shirt. I was a little embarrassed too,-a woman doctor and all, you know. After I got started it wasn't so bad. I never had my blood pressure tested before and it really felt funny. The fifty running steps the doctor had me do wore me out. My heart wasn't as good as it Sigma Tau Delta will honor its should have been, but how could it be? Golly, there are some purty alumni members at a reception during Homecoming on October 11. gals on the campus!" My posture was only fair. I got President Nancy Ellen Jones anorders from the doctor to stand ounces that the first meeting is in front of my window every mornscheduled for October 13, when a ing and take 10 deep breaths. book review will be featured. That was all, and I put on my clothes and left . only one "Sifting Sand," Sigma Tau's maghour after I arrived. Really fellas, azine of prose and poetry, will be it isn't nearly as bad as you'd think on sale a few weeks before Christand after it's all over you know mas. you're a healthy guy and Uncle Sam will never turn you away as a A November feature of the fra"draftee," if that's any consola- ternity will be an lniation bantion. quet.

Sigma Tau to honor alumni on Ott. II

Accompanying Mr. Sweetland t Peru were Mrs. Sweetland and thei two children, aged three and fiv No stranger to the Peru camp is Mr. Ernest Brod who is the n supervisor of mathematics in junior high school. Mr. Brod graduated from Peru with honors in 1940. In August of this year he re· ceived his M.A. degree from the University of Nebraska. While at· tending the University of Nebra he was elected to Pi Delta Kappa, national honorary educational fraternity. Mrs. Brod, the former Mary Duerfeldt, attended P.S.T.C. in 1930 and 1931. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brod have taught several years in Nemaha County and have been active in educational organizations.

Training School notes


Patricia Hill, a senior, represented Peru at the Nebraska City Apple Festival. The band gave a concert in Nebraska City at 2:30 on Saturday, Sept. 27. Newly elected officers of the sophomore class are Donald Lavigne, president: Ellen Thon.son, vice president; Mary Jane Comstock, secretary and- treasurer. Having participated in the AkSar-Ben marching band contest for the past three yea.rs. the band has been invited to attend the contest . there again this fall. The second supenisor's meeting was held Thursday afternoon. Committees appointed are as follows: Curricular revision with Principal L. B. Matlieivs as chairman; Visual aids, led by Dr. W. T. Miller: Health Progrl!m, headed by Miss Ida Brackney; and, Student Conduct in the ])alls, Prof C. A. Huck, chairman.


School to purchase public address system The purchase of a public address system to be used at College dances, football games and other campus activities is under investigation by the Student Advisory Council. The committee appointed by President Tom Dean is now collecting data on various systems, and recommendations will be made as soon as the companies have submitted their specifications and prices.

Alumni trail

e By Grace Muenchau Peru, Nebraska, September 18, 1941

Dear Jan, Gee, Pm sorry we didn't get t.ogethir for more than five minutes last Sunday, but I'll scribble some recent gleanings for you, Orpha Stroh and I were waiting for the mall last night an<l She told me her brother, ALLEN STROH and GRACE MARY BNIZDA were married last August 12. Orpha! said Allan is superintendent and coach at Palisade. By the way, did you know JACK ASHTON is in the Army and GRAYDON ASHTON Is coa.ching at Union? That isn't far from Weeping Water, where "CEC" WALKER is coach and other Peruvians are ELIZABETH GLOSSER, D01'1'NA LEE BAKER, and OLGA NOVAK. HUSTON KINGSOLVER, representative student in 1935, was married August 9 to Margaret Yovorsky of Belle Plaine, Iowa. Huston, .Dick's brother, you know, is completing work on his Ph.D. in the biology department at Ames. He passed his preliminary examinations last June. His wife, a graduate of rowa University is secretary to the head of the biology department. Mrs. Joder, then ANNA BEST, was a member of the English and dramatics department of P.S.T.C. They;'re limng in Cheyenne, Wyoming, now. Remember JEANNE WINKELMA.t~ who edited the PED a couple Of years ago? Well, she and ERNIE GALLOWAY were married August 12 at Omaha. They're living at 620 Arthur St., in Holdrege, Nebraska. 'Wlell, Wilma and the gang are ready to eat so I must dash-do fire me a line. Tell me where Marj and your other Peruvian relatives aJ:e, where they hang up their hats, etc. Your ex-roomie, Graee

On campus

l'.M.C.A. -------------------------- 7-8


Y.W.C.A. -------------------------- 7-8 ------------------------ Tuesday C.C.A. -----------------·----------- 7-8 ------------------------ Tuesday Hour Dance -------------------- 6:45- 7:45 ------------------ Wednesday Freshman Clubs ---------------~--- 7-9 ----~----------------- Thursday

Midia.nd game

(there) -----··-··-- Oct. 3 ----------------------- Friday




most am ;reat land, the


B.S., Fort >ince ;hree • Ldall, junGsas. .on al

d to ;heir five.

By Ralph Locke


new the was no rs

Du1930 3rod em:tive

:ress ices, lPUS

by The ient ia.ta ien-


ampus sports chatter now turns Bobcats and baseball-and at1dance will dive this week, being tomorrow-Yep! you guessit! It's the Yankees and Dodgers the world series! Confidentially ·s co;·ner is backing the Yankees five games. Any takers???

From the by:itanders angle, it no problem w identify one of e football boys. All you have to is look for the letter sweater and

From the Auburn notes, we see that "Rowdy" Jack Mcintire's Auburn Bulldogs won their first two starls. The schedule calls for Falls City next week-and they are one of the toughest elevens in the state -should Auburn take them, well -Mac could be mayor of the burg, and there would be no complaints registered whatsoever!





last and LEN rphai and 'eepare marston, )logy rune. Id of and Wyouple ugust :aska. i-do itives

Comments on Peru vs. D~ane-I :;till contend that Peru has I' ·b.est coaching staff in this par' or e country, barring no school ... $0 that is the "MOUSETRAP"a~ does it work! ... That blocking made the football field look like a bowling alley with eleven pins-and Peru was really scoring the Strikes ... The Bobcats operate more as one unit, than any team I've ever watched-the surge of that line is something to see ... Row in . . . . . . did Mase ever hang on to that interception??? ..... The World-Herald. ought to get an eyeful of this, and then pick some, body else over Peru ..... Pinkie and Handley are really two improved running backs! ..... Hendy is really going to town this season . . . And Hutton is still a "Rabbit"-they just can't seem to hold onto him , .... Floyd will be alktate, or else ;;hey don't pick them right ..... i:lcart is finally coming into his own-he's c:acking that line like a bliczkrcig ... Was that ever a d£eam game-Peru gains 195 yards ''" ~he ground, and Doane gets only ~5 ... 'Mason has an average of 1.000 on his conve!·sions so far , . . Now I know why they call him "Butch" ... Ronhovde's play at center is even better than predicted . . . Time is short, so I'll sum the rest of it by saying-Perty Salty, Gang! Keep it up! ! !

Recognized as the finest coaching staff in the-state, these two sports mentors - Al Wheeler and Art Jones a:re building another great Bobcat grid machine this fall. Since taking over three years ago, this coaching team has continually drawn aces from their sleeves as they guied Peru to five championships in three sports. Last Friday night they sent their club on the field against highly favored Doane-and they escorted that same team to the showers two hours later, with a convincing 34-7 victory under their belts-such is a sample of their ability.

W.R.R. wants co-eds Listen you gals-and this means you! Why haven't you been t~ming around to the gym in the afternoons? Don't you· know about the sports program sponsored by Wl':.A? At present, there is a hit pin tournament in the offing, under the direction of Phyllis Davidson and sports director Doreen Meier. There are no strings attached to becoming a member in this organization. All you have to do is attend, and enjoy yourself. Any girl in school is welcome to join, after earning her points in the sports program. The hour to appear is at five o'clock at the gym. "Davy" wishes to encourage more coeds to participate in this program-and this is your chance.·

"Buck" Dougherty

lL• Sports of yesteryear By James Ray

10 Years Ago-The Bobcats fought bitterly, as they went down before the Nebraska "B'' tema 13-7. The game was played in the Oak :Bowl.

5 Years Ago-Peru took advantage of breaks to hold Doane to a scoreless deadlock, despite the fact that they were outdowned 8-3. 1 Year AgoJi:n Mather led the way to 20-6 win over Doane, as he personally cracked pay dirt twice. Callan, playing in his first Peru game, in. tercepted a pass, and scored Peru's third six-point counter.


Midland next!!! Fresh from an opening victory over the Doane Tigers, the Wheel· erman now prepare for an invasion of the Warrior hangout in Midland college. The Warriors are no pushover by any means. Scanning the files for last years record, lt is seen that Peru had trouble all evening as they claimed a 14-0 triumph. Six times the Warriors charged the end zone with a first down to their credit. Six times the Bobcats rose valiantly to ward off the blowsaccomplished only by perfect teamplay and cooperation. This season, Midand is stronger than last year, while Peru is not above last years level by any stretch of the imagination. Reserves are lacking to fill in when the going is rough during the entire evening. Graduation and claims of the draft have weakeed the Boocats. This contest is the second htll'dle for Peru as they fight uphill for a repetition of last year's State Championsdip. Probable Lineup for PeruLE .................... Floyd LT . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. Rachow LG .................... Linder c . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. Ronhovde RG .................. Roberts RT . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . Mason RE .................... Smith QB

.................... Dean

LH . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . Henderson RH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hutton FB .................... Stark

Orchids to Stevy This weeks bouquet is passed to Miiry Stevenson of the art department. The new head for this page is the product of her handiworkStevy-my hat's off to you!

Former Bobcat lineman, was the "rough and ready" type. Known for "Ri Blondie!" now does chores for Uncle Sam. Was just one of those fellows "caUght in the draft."

Cheerleaders in debut at first rally An enthusiastic display of school spir.it was in evidence for the first time this year as . leaders Brinson, Hubbell, Drexler and Hanks made their debuts .at the pre-game rally Friday evening. Pep talks and the color song, with added cheers for the Bobcats spread among. the student body a flame of unquenc,hable fire that kept them shoutipg encouragement to the boys in blue througout the Doane game. The success of a teiuh depends not a l.ittle oh th~ 11.tt~tU.4~ Qf, itS backers




tesday tesday; tesday 1rsday



"Underdog" Bobcats crush vaunted Tigers 34-7


rethe ati,ska1 ppa, fra-


Until April 15 . . . Conmrn;,10n obligations cease .ur men when they are oonscripted into military duty . . . Now these new advantages are offered by the same reliable servic.a whose facilities and experienced guidance are ~onstantly at your command. Nebras. ka and all neighboring states our field.. ~ £~.· .....--- L · Write today. .. . . . . . . ~/,~



~r~:t t!l.lbf~~-~~elli~

rallies are for that purpose.

STATISTICS Peru Doane Yards rushing __ 195 25 Yards passing ____ 25 64 In!ercepticns __ . __ 6 2 First Downs ____ 14 4 Yds. Penalized __ 25 15

LEADING SCORERS Hutton --·---------------- 12 Stark ------------------ 12 Henderson ---------------- 6 Mason ------·------------- 4

Prep edges Ta Image cops opener 7-6 Peru Prep's senior lineup had their hands full Sa.turday night, as they battled uphil to topple Talmage in a hectic 7-6 struggle. Talmage scored ln the first half, and were holding the Kittens in check until Bob Brown cracked the line for 'ix points in the third period. Hunzeker split the uprights for the extra point and the victory. The Fishermen trek to Nebraska· City this weekend where they will oppose Ne.b. City Hi. Cc2,ch Fish8r stat.es ''Our passing and blocking n~eds a lot of wo"k, and if we don't i:nprove in those departments, we will be i ·for a long sessicn Friday night. Nebraska Ctv also won their opener, defeating Hamburg, Iowa, 12-6.

nex Floyd

Blocked punt costs Peru a shutout victory Coach Al Wheeler threw everything but the waterboy at Doane Friday night as his Bobcats routed the Tiger eleven 34-7 for their first victory of the 1941 season.

Breaks costlyBarring the opening m:nutes of the game, when breaks cost the rampaging 'Ca ts seven points, Peru completely dominated the action of the game.

'Cats were great! ! ! The Bobcats were great-man for man, down the entire line-up, blocking was sharp and relentless-paving the way for pastmasters Henderson, Hutton, Stark and Handley to run the opposition ragged with their speed, power and elusiveness. Scorers for the Wheelermen were: Henderson with a single counter, and with two each were Hutton and Stark, a0 Mc:son converted on all four of his attempts.

Resume Resun:e of the game is as follows: Mase booted kickoff into end zone . . . Doane failed to gain from twenty, and punted to Peru 40 ... On first offensive thrust of game, Peru had a pass intercepted, and ran to the 36 . . . On third down Doan Tigers completed pass to 'Cats six ... Peru held with valiant goal line stand . . . Callan's kick out of end zone blocked, and Doane recovered for touchdown ... Conversion made it 7-0 Doane, v.rith only 5 minutes gone . . . After that the story is only repititionFor the remainder of the game Peru carried the mail all over the place ... Henderson scored at the opening of the second period as he da< hed around end for 17 yards, crossing the double stripe untouched . . . Hutton .scored in the same quarter from 20 on a single reverse around the left end . . . At end of half, Stark powerhotF his way through the Haylett line, plunging 3 ya1 ds for lhe score. In the'. i<r.:.\;on scored on a s:.,: ·; ing 12 y;r(!~, 2r: ... r.::- r;· ' ·r Lis outstanding performances were rew-as the whole squad for Peru played heads-up football. Game Captain Maurice Linder rates a hand for his fine work in the line, along with six who were oeside him on every play. New men turning in their initial games for the Bobcats were Hobbs, who shone as he played his end position. Yocum, a Dog-Patcher, played a lot of ball in the line. On down the list, James Ray, Jerry Livingston, Hines, Atwood, Ronhovde, Young, Oakman, McNally, Smith all played outstanding lJall. Tre reserves gave ample proof of their ability as they relieved the first-stringers.

Starting lineups PERU Floyd Rach ow Roberts Ronhovde Linder Mason Smith Dean Hutton Henderson Stark





DOANE Weber Zajicek Hallas Kohel Melichar Holt Rzaldovsky Biglow Jaurez

Mooberry Gerner



Dorothy Hanks stars with band at Nebr. City Apple Festival •

By Genevieve Steuteville

Down the lane surrounded by red, white and blue flares marched the P.S.T.C. band at the coronation ceremonies of the Apple Harvest Festival in Nebra,ska City, Sept. 25, in which several Peruyjans participated. A smoke-screen from the flares almost hid the group, but the blue uniforms preceded by a drum majorette dressed in white added a touch of color as shadows of .the marchers were cast in the smoke. The audience ~tood to sing the national anthem. The south end of the land was closed by a huge make-believe apple from which officials of the Festival proceeded. Mary Grovenburg, 1940 Queen and former P.S.T.C. student followed. Eighteen Duchesses in pastel colored formals succeeded her. Then came the visiting royalty-Kings anj Queens from the Ak - Sar - Ben, Hamburg Peony Festival, Humboldt Fair and Kass Kounty Korn Festival to be presented to Quee'1 :Mary. The guards of Royal Road. in eluding Nebraska City high school pep squad and bat-0n twirlers. marched out of the "Big Apple." Sixteen princesses including Patricia Hill, of the trainng school, and Dorothy Hanks, candidate from P.S.T.C., saw Eileen Chriswisser of Nehawka, crowned "Queen.'' The abdication of reigning Queen Mary and the crowning of the 194t Queen completed the ceremony.

Actors rehearse Homecoming play "Ladies in Retirement," drama in three acts, goes into its second week of rehearsal. The cast will make its bow to the Hcmecoming audience, Saturday, October 11, at eight o'clock.

(Ed. Note. The opinions express.ed in this article are those of the

writer and do not. necessarily reflect the editorial policy of the PEDAGOGIAN. Any answers to the comments made below will be printed in the next issue.) We of the co-educational branch

of Peru State Teachers College, hereby set forth in black and white

a few not-too subtle hints concerning tbe male population of this college. Below are but a few of many comments that breeze about the halls of our residence. How are chances, noting a bit of improvement? The scene: Men's Dorm, 7 p. m. on any Wednesday evening. At one side of the room stands a cluster beautiful wall flowers, bored stiff. Lurking in the shadows, is a milling crowd of overgrown, blushing boys. We wonder why their mothers allowed them to come to college. In the meantime, a very small group of men and women are dancing contentedly to the canncc music. Does that look collegiate??? What's that?? He dances smoothly! Oh, just rumored. Well, maybe so, but I'm from Missouri! Why do men come to dances if they don't participate? If the freshmen ean get around, what ails their so-called superiors -the upper-classmen? Hour dances are ordeals rather than fun. · Fellas, where are your manners that college men are supposed to possess? If you can't dance, at .least prove it to the girls. Better take a tip and change your ways. The fall formal you know, is drawing near. 8-0 start right now and mix with the crowd. If you don't some imported swain may beat your time. Speaking for the coed, we want continue the hour dances-but! ! We want to see some of you apronstring wall flowers mix with the rest of us. After all, those dances are for recreation and pleasure. Why come there to do your suffering?

"Faith for Christian Living" was the topic discussed at Y.W.C.A. Tuesday evening, Sept. 23. Christine Wilkinson led the discussion, and special music was provided by Harriet Maxwell 'Yne opening song service was conducted by Grace Muenchau and devotionals were 1n. chafie of Mae Jane Young. Plans were announed for for a joint Y.M. and Y.W. meeting out of doors on Sept. 30.

With its setting !n an old house on the Marshes of the Thames Estuary in 1885, "Ladies in Retirement" is a curious mixture of psychological analysis and mystery.

Band makes debut Sept 25

Ellen Creed, living as housekeeper and companion to Leonora Fiske, retired actress on the Thames marsres, asks her employer to invite her under-privileged sisters for a week in the country. The sisters arrive, are discovered to be mentally unbalanced and refuse, after stretching their stay to four weeks to be put out. When Miss Fiske orders them back to London, Ellen calmly strangles her employer and turns the house over to her kin. The Fiske body is walled up in an old bake oven and for months Ellen explains the dissapearance by reporting Miss Fiske on a world t-0ur. Albert Feather, her nephew, becomes suspicious, finally breaks down her defenses and threatens exposure.

• By Allee Ann Clea"ffland

Flickers ..• (Continued from page one)

Kicks .•••

Y.W. reviews °Christian Faith"

8-0phomore nominee Joyce Stark says she had a funny feeling when she found herself up for Quee:i candidate. Alli wrapped up in the approach of Homecoming she said enthusiastically, "So many friends will. be back." When asked why she likes Peru her eyes twinkled, "I have an interest here," she laughed. Dancing, swimming and horseback riding are interests. An early elementary major and art minor, Joyce includes Gamma Chi. and W.A.A. on her calendar. Her weakness-chocolate. Not exactly foreign to Peru's royalty is Virgie Lee Johnson, who served in Queen Kay Bartling's court last spring. "Do you have a baby picture I could have?" she asked wben queried as to her hobbies. Between her work in Tri Beta, Y.W., Alpha Erudito, Advisory Council Committees, and as co-director of the Homecoming Play, she majors in English and speech. "Of course, why shouldn't I be thrilled at being. nominated?" she asked.

J.P. CLARK Electric Shoe Shop

Lustily singing the color song, the band entered Nebraska City on Thursda_v, Sept. 25, to play its first. per,,formance of the season_ The band members, who have been out practicing every morning at se'l"en a. m. for two weeks, had !heir chance t-0 prove that practice makes: perfect. With mlli!ary precision. they stepped of! llie!r f-0rmations. Every mem.ber marehed 'l'Vith assurance, as ns proved by the applau,se that ended each maneuver. The fleld ms darkened, as the band marehed be~n red, white and blue ~ thetr shadows silhouetted on the rising smoke. As it reached the dais, it st-Opped at attention while !he audience sang the ··star Spangled Banner." The crowd remained sLanding until the band marched off. Alumni and students have much to look forward to with the band leading in Homecoming celebrations.

"PSTC students w!ll continue to chew Beech-Nut gum, and you can quote me in neon lights," says Rose McGinnis. Be<Jch-Nut will receive verbal blue ribbons when Rose distributes samples to eds and coeds in her third year of Beech-Nut advertising on the campus. Victims of mental languish await the arrival of samples at intervals throughout the year.

PERU BOWLING CLUB Ladies Welcome at All ·nmes 11en Han.Ion, Mgr. M. G. Heiier, owner t~i!!l!lil[gj~~~~


The marriage of Alice Trayer, formerly of Falls City, to Sgt. Mervin Keedy of Chicago, occured on September 6 at the Lakeview Presbyterian church in Chicago.





Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plumb, ' taught in Marion the last ~.' are now located at Orafino. Plumb was formerly Wilma ~ well, a Peruvian. -~

Mt ;,;,

. Mrs. Keedy received her twcj year diploma here last spring arid is now employed in a publisher's office in Chicago.



farther-lo()k your best'

Haircutting A Specialty

Modern Barber Shop

Mr. Keedy also has attended Peru. At the present time he is weatherman at Chanute Field Rantoul, Ill. '



Why Pay

Skelly Service Station Skelly Oils and Gas \Jomptete Line


Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Ph()ne 40

• Whether It Be School Supplies ELGIN WATCHES Diamonds SILVERWARE BAND INSTRUMENTS or Jewelry Repair Work


Headquarters for Cleaning!

l"aitori11g, with hundreds of woollens on display under the expert supervision of Mr. Cejka.

Peru Cleaners and Tailors

You will find our pnces as low as current pn~'=S permit. We invite you to compare.

Chatelain's Jewelry

On the East Side of Main Peru Phone 62

Phone 112



STRNDARD OIL FILLING STATION Now is the time to have us check your car for winter lubrication and antifreeze. COMPLETE STATION SERVICE Just Call 110 WALT KIZER, Owner

Students! Teachers! You Can Open a PA Y C C!teckeing Account at t!te-

Bank of Peru This service is tailored to your requirments to re· duce check chargs and exchange expense. Come visit with us about it. You'll find this a friendly bank.



Town and

Safeguarding Your Deposits

College MEET

For Dry Goods and Groceries

Complete fountain sevice, magazines, and accesories for college reauirn11e11ts.


Shoe Repairs Of AU 11-mas





In Peru

Rexall Drugs Peru Phone 3

Y oti will enjoy shopping in the fi-iendly atmosphere at Redferns From the hill or from the town you will appreciate the values at Redferns. We stock nationally adver· tised items. Whenever there are bargains we have have them. Remeber . . .







of a

men's dorm each evening. For

.ENE-At random you may seany· section of Men's Hall re· two prowlers could chance m·eet. Two dark figures cone silently along a dim corridor he hour is well past ten p. m. e two prowlers hesitate as they s-they are those two card deright


'>"T. V." cocks an eyebrow at Doc Doc winks-they move on 3.t a ckenea pace-in opposit~ dir. ns. The present scene is ented five minutes later in room 104. The room is blue with smoke. Here we find our two friends of ·the hall, together with two others: a Mr. Ralph Locke, and a Mr. Panders (Rube). They are seated about a square table' in Rube's room, •a traditional room, time honored and much revered among the gentlemen of the Mens Club. "Watch that skunk, you saw how he went for that. He's trying for a Coup," warns Ralph. The cards fall and the game proceeds. Doc plays on, confident, laughing in the faces of the others, who sit determination upon

• "T. V." holds that fatal ca.rd and on the next trick goes above Sandin's seven of clubs but the others can do ·nothing, save Rube who places a lowly three of hearts and "T. V." has sacrificed. The Coup is stopped. "You lousy Son (CENSORED)" screeches Sandin. Relentlessly the blasphemy streams forth and even the temperature of the room rises. Tradition is indeed in evidence, reminding one of the Cline-Dunlap era when vocabularies as well as wits were matched in this mos~ extraordinary pastime.

• "T. V." resumes the game. "Let's smoke the Biddee," he announces leading a low spade. (For your information the Biddee is the queen of spades counting thirteen points.) Rube takes the trick and catches the spirit. "Let's smoke again," he cries leading the ten of spades. Sandin gives off with a sickly smile for his spades are fast dwindling, all save the · Biddee. "You scum," he says. Once more Rube leacis a spade, "Smoke the Biddee is my policy,'' he says. Sandin's fist comes down on the table, which shakes in the knees. "Why you low down, filthy trash, of all the ..... . tricks (NOT TOLERATED IN THE ORIGINAL EVEN IN "ESQUffiE") "You've poohed your thirteen (CENSORED) points you've forced upon me." And so Doc vows vengeance which will be made good In double measure. That last play ls Rube's downfall fer he has incurred the wrath of the mighty Sandin, who was tutored by those past masters, Fletcher and Dunlap. No man "Poohs" upon him without tasting the bitters of defeat.

• Far into the small hours these fiends bend over their cards heaping their abuses one upon the other. And that, dear readers, is your Introduction to the Gentlemen's Club which meets week after week to fulfill the traditions of its founders.






Band marches Debaters prepare Freshman dubs begin year for forensic year with election of officers at Midland Berger leads parade Three new flag bearers in blue satin, gold braided uniforms., with white overseas caps and white boots, accompanied the band to the Midland game on Oct. 3. Betty Jane Scott, Dorothy Leonard and Betty Jean McArdle marched with the drum majorette, Betty Lou Berger, and the band. The band members are as follows: James Sandin, Robert Ashton. Murvel Annan, Rollin Hall, Max Boyd, Tony DeMaro, Melvin McKenney, Walter Marshail. William Fankhauser, Fred Drexler, Kerah Baker, Willard Hunzeker. Wallace Cleaveland, Nelson Shimoneck, Mason Colbert, Kenneth Rohrs, William Berger, Ralph Clevenger, Ralph Hays, Dale Howard, Ralph Evans, Donald Cacek, Bfair Williams, Arlin McAndless, Wayne Sayer. Mildred Fehr, Janis Baker, Shirley Schuldt, Isabel Tynon, Donna Steffen, Lola Ya.tes, Barbara Dressler, Carrie Ellen Adamson. Doris Brinson, Rita Berlett, Audrey Zastera, Jean Handley, Jean Bond, Marjorie Weiler, Mildred Mason. Patricia Carmine, Eleanor Hall, Wilma Miller, Gretchen Kiburz.

Council installs new members Members of the womens dormitory collllcil were installed Monday evening, Sept. 29, at a candle light service in the recreation hall. Dean Inice Dunning spoke on the ideals and standards of the dormitory and introduced Ferne Petersen, president. The council gave its pledge of faith, cooperation, and courage. After this, the president presented the other officers and council members.

The debate topic of the year has beer; selected by the National Associaiion of Teachers of Speech. It is, Resolved: That the federal governmenc should regulate by law all labor unions in the United States. Prof. Robert D. Moore says that this will very likely be the topic for the 1941 season at Peru. It has yet to be approYed by the State Forensic League, however. The debate class is compiling a bibliography on labor unions at the present time in preparation for the topic. In the past week the class has ;eceived instruction in parliamentary law. Dean J. A. Jimerson has 'l>!sited the debaters and discussed correct parliamentary procedure.

ffieier to guide Gamma Chi girls Gamma Chi girls elected Doreen Meier president at separate convocation Monday, Sept. 30. Those who will assist in carrying out this year's plans are vice president Shirley Schuldt, and secretarytreasurer, Jean Hoagland. Retiring president, Grace Muenchau presided over the meeting. Following group singing led by Mrs. Dunning, Alice Thomson sang, "I Turn to Thee." Grace Muenchau also led the devotionals. Election of Gamma Chi council brought the meeting to a close. The second event took place Thursday evening, October 2, in Mrs. Dunning's apartment. At this time the council made plans for the coming year. The events will include a special convocation each month, a Modern Melodrama program, Halloween party, Christmas tea, and a "Smooth Susan." • October 8, at 7 o'clock in the music hall will be the first Gamma Chi get-to-gether.

Student board announces program for Homecoming Fulfilling their promise for the "biggest and best" Homecoming in Peru hstory, the Student Council has completed plans for the coming weekend. The program provides for two, full days of activities, beginning with the rally and dance Friday evening, Oct. 10, through the victory dance Saturday evening. PROGRAM Friday, October 10: 7:00 p. m.-Rally followed by a dance in the college gymnasium. Saturday, October 11: 11:30 a. m.-Alumni Luncheon. Plates 40c. Make reservations by Friday noon, October 10. Use form below. 1:00 p. m.-Hlgh School Bands on the athletic field. 2:00 P m.-F'OOTBALL-PERU vs. KEARNEY. Tickets 50c including tax. 3:00. p. m.-Reception for Sigma Tau Delta alumni-music hall. 7:15 p. m.-Play, "Ladies in Retirement"-College auditorium. Reserved seats 40c, Use form below. 9:30 p. m.-Dance, "Elton Worth and His Orchestra"-College gymnasium. ALUMNI: Register and secure badges in A 203.


Worth tunes up at uictor~ dance




(Make. your. reservations at once)

(Make your reservations at once)

Reserve ..... plates· for me at 40c.

Reserve ... , .seats for me at 40c.

Name ............................ .

Name ........... ., ............... .

Address ........................ , .. (Mail to J. A. Jimerson)

Address ......................... , (Mail to R. D. Moore)

eElton Worth ... Elton Worth and his orchestra, who will pla.y at the Homecoming dance on Oct. 11, have just returned from a three month's .southern tour, where they . were featured in several of the leading ballrooms and clubs in Texas and Lo11isana. The orchestra has had engagements in ballrooms in the middle west during the past four . years, including Peony Park at Omaha, and the Turnpike Casino at Lincoln. Among many others, the orchestra ha,~ appeared at prom and party dances at the Universitv of Nebraska, Iowa State C~llege and Drake University, Elton Worth himself is featured pianist and vocalist, and conducts his band from the piano, The organization also features Tad Fellows on first saxophone while Joe Dennis handles tenor saxophone .duties. The band is reported to be of the club and room style, music usually soft.

ffiens Club elects Hutton prexy New president of the Mens Club is Luther Hutton, who was elected at the men's separate convocation Sept. 29. Assisting the president are Clair Callan, vice president, and Bob Ashton, secretary-treasurer. Dean J. A. Jimerson addressed the group, stressing the rules and traditions of the campus, and asking that they be up-held by the men.

Grid theme prevails at library party Library staff members were entertained by Miss Grace Mary Petersen and Mr. Harold Fisher Sunday, September 28, from 3:30 to 5 at Miss Petersen's apartment. Games suggestive of the football season were played and ice cream footballs and fancy cakes were served. Fall flowers and the college colors were used in decorations.

Tear directs groups Freshman clubs began their activities Thursday, Oct. 2, under the supervision of their sponsor, Miss Grace Tear. Learn-to-dance combined business with pleasure when they elected Nelson Shimoneck, president; Janet Reagan, vice president and Lucille Weber, secretary-treasurer. Upperclass sponsors demonstrated dance steps and members were taught to respond to rhythm. Merlin Broers, Rex Floyd, Wayne Buhrman, William Fankhauser, Doris Brinson, Barbara Beal, Beatrice Fulton, and Hope Carter are upperclass sponsors, and Miss Florence Martin faculty adviser. Stressing ideas of the Personal- · ity .°1ub will be Betty Kennedy, president; Marjorie Moore· vice president; and Margaret Bryan, secretary-treasurer. Miss Ida Brockney is the advisor and Lois Wagoner, upperclass sponsor. Peru Players, dramatic organization, opened their meeting by electing Valois Hall as the presiding officer. Leonore Larson was elected vice president, Shirley Jimerson, secretary and Donald Gacek treasurer. ' Camera Club met under the direction of Richard Clements. Photographic assignments were made for each member. E. H. Hayward is faculty sponsor.

Frat outlines plans for year Kappa Omicron Phi made plans for its year's work at a meeting on Monday evening, Sept. 27. The organization is headed by president, Mary Horton; vice presdent, Althea Nispel; secretary, Monna Lee Morelock and treasurer Betty Kathryn Cole. ' Dresses for the Red Cross will be made by the girls at the first regular meeting. Plans for an extensive study of period furniture were discussed. Ten of the eleven members of the fraternity who returned to the campus this year are senior girls.

YW YM combine for Estes rally An improvised camp fire on the floor of the music hall auditorium was the scene of the Y.W. - Y.M. meeting on Tuesday evening, sept. 30. Weather conditions made a change in plans necessary. After a supper of weiners, buns, pickles and potato chips, the group seated themselves in a circle on the floor and Mary Horton and Bill Fankhauser led the group in singing favorite Estes songs. Brief reviews of the trin to Estes last June were given · by Nina Kane!, Bess Ray, Bertha Clayburn, and Dorothy Teachman. Mae Jane Young gave a short story for devotionals. Nina Kanel was gen~ral chairman and the foods committee included Grace Muenchau, Wilma Miller, Marguerite Townsend and Dorothy Teachman.




Editorially speaking • • • I have been asked to be guest editorialist. I find myself possessed with thoughts which battle grimly for pre-eminence. When a young one asks an old one to say something, what does the youth wish? Some have insisted that youth seeks only flattery, compliments, and encouragement. I think this only partly true. Youth and age, not because of the years but because of their human nature, enjoy most reading and hearing those things which complement and coincide with their own beliefs. Youth and age have so much in common and are so desperately in need of each other; yet, they avoid each other like one avoids contagious diseases. Why does this abyss separate two age levels which could be of such immeasurable help and comfort to each other? Why is it and what is it? It would appear that a college campus would be an ideal place for the two to join in a crusade for human development. What keeps us apart? Why do students and faculty avoid each other as people? Faculty are seldom seen at college dances other than in the role of chaperones. Are we desirable only as officers, guardians, or sort of hazards which it is necessary to avoid in order to reach the "green" of youth's hopes? . So few faculty accept invitations to student parties that it has, upon occasion, been considered not issuing the invitation. .How can age be a guide to youth when it.knows not where youth is, what it thinks, how it lives, or where it is endeavor· ing to go? In nearly every village, town and city of the world today, age stands and cheers its youth as it marches by. Marches by to die for ideals age has so smugly lost sight of. Is it the destiny of youth to pay with its life for the follies of age? You see, my mind is filled ·with questions which I am unable to answer. This much I know: If the lethargy of youth commits it to live in shelter of the trees of life which age has cultivated, then it must take its chances when the lightning strikes. (By G. H. Steck, guest writer)

Looking back

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Ten years ago-

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc Meredith Jimerson . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . Editor Nina Kane! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Editor Ralph Locke . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Rex Floyd ...................... Assistant Sports Editor Virginia King, Ellen King ................ Proof Readers M. Florence Martin ........................... Adviser Reporters: Catherine Adams, Ruth Adamson, Jean Bond, Josephine Boosinger, Hazel Bouse, Elaine Brier, Elaine Briley, Doris Brinson, Merlin Broers, Alice Cleaveland, Helen Dahlke, Rex Floyd, Sidney Johnson, Josephine Kelly, Doreen Meier, Richard Meyer, Irene Nispel, George Norton, James Ray, Helen Rhodes, Patricia Rockwell, Bette Scott, Genevieve Steuteville, Mary Stevenson, .\fary Ellen Thomas, Laurella Toft, Lois Wagoner.

Rules of the game . .. "I'm not going back to college this year," a student was; heard to say. "There's too mµch going on in the world outside. Of course,'' he went on, "I don't expect to settle the war situation single-handed or anything like that. Bu~ I -:ant to get out 1and do things. I'm tired of sitting on the s1de-lm~s and watching all that's going ·on around me. I want to get m the game." "Why go back to college?" is a question that is asked nowadays by more than one doubtful collegian. You've got to admit that these self-styled "bench-sitters" do have an idea there. But in bewailing their idleness and uselessn~ss in this time of world stress and misery, they are forgettmg some important things. . . What good are potentialities, no matter how prom1smg, if undeveloped? What good is a faculty for learning without intellectual self-discipline? . . . . What good is an ardent belief m certam theor!e's and truths without emotional temperance? · . . What good is a knowledge of philosoph~es and socia!t prejudices without the ability to view all thmgs tolerantly and with a broad mind? College teaches all this to a student and much m~re. It uncovers hidden resources in an individual that he h11nself was not aware he possessed. The college student learns that Aristotle was right ';~en he said "Learning is accompanied by pain." The acqmrmg of kno~ledge is not always a great adventure. ~ut. a. kind of mental organization results from this self ~d1sc1plme, the importance of which cannot be over-emphasiz7d. . . A student learns to temper the fervor of his conv1ct10ns through a lev.eling contact with the boy across th~ h~ll who says he's a Communist, or that classmate. who ms1sts the world is a biological phenomenon and nothmg more: . A student with four years of college study behmd him has earned a diploma it is true. But college has done m~ch more for him than to' reward him for four years of learm~. It has taught him a social sense, has exposed latent tal, ents, has paved the way for the expression of a vital, re· sourceful personality. . . There is time enough to find out what 1s wrong with the world. You can't get into the game of life without doing a little·. bench-warming first. And there's no better time to learn the rules of the game than while you're waiting. College will teach you the rules.

Cat claws • • • • By Heck

Five years agoFaculty members repeated their summer school play, "Lady of Let· ters," in the college auditorium. Bohumir KJTL celebrated conductor with his Symphony Orches· tra, appearet: in convocation. Miss Esther Clark, fifty yeax,; a Y.W.C.A. member was honore·l at the Y.W. meeting in recognition of her long devotion to the organ!· zation.

Donald Tyler. son of Prof. J. W. Tyler, and a former Peruvian, is teaching a cla,ss in physics, one in chemistry, and two classes in biology at Abilene, Kansas.

News item-The Sunday evening meeting Qf the "Joe Doakes" club highlighted the week. The llSllal heart g;unes and Hol;r1 Roller convmitions were a!sQ in order. \Ed. note. Will someone please explain what all that :means?) ••• Ver.lion number 1,000,000-Q. "Who was that man I saw you with lasi night?" A. "That was Illl man-that was a fresh-

man."•.. Since tut week's PED-much discussion on the gender of the nwn ''wall-flower."... Willie-"And will you make the man put a lot of chocolate on my sundae?" Grandpa--"Sure, I'll have him goo the limit for you." ... We have it on good authority that new-comer Hobbs, who gets letters TWICE DAILY from 'an off-campus belle, is neglecting his correspondence... What upper-class girl was spanked the other evening for dating a freshman fella? ... And speaking of spankings, Griffin and Harding finally got what was coming 1o them, we hear... Rumor has it that blonde Phyllis Delong is coming in for more than her share of freshman initiation. .. Notice to .members the faculty-any decrease in attendance will cease when the World Series is over... A certain freshman executive is reportedly "unavailable" for upperclass board meetings... Dr. Winter should be interested to note the discovery that a Bee likes Bugs. • . Wonder what sort of "mail" Eliza Morganites are after when they storm the postman every evening... Bet you neYer knew till now that there are no Insane asylums in Arabia, for there are nomad people living there.


Training School notes -----

The Dramatic Club Homecoming play, "Cock-Robin," will take ad· vantage of the psychological. effect of different colored lights, which is one of the latest theatrical devel· opments. Autumn decorations· [ormed the background of the first Fall Har· vester Fonnal given by the women.

Art and penmanship work that was sent to the Nemaha County Fair by training school students has been returned. The prize money totaled $15.40; the students recei'ving $14.40 and the art department a dollar which was the amount received for winning first place among Class D schools. In penmanship there were two superiors, five excellents, 19 goods and 15 fairs. In art 26 superiors, 38 excellents, 70 goods and 23 fairs. The mediums used for the art work were pencil, charcoal, water color, show card paints, pastels, chalk, fresco and finger paint Craft work included textiles, woven purses, cushion tops, book binding, black prints, ash trays and paper weights.

Gerald Tyler is to be st;;tioned at Biloxi, :Miss .. lrt tile instructioz:al Cepartment. of tlle Army.

One year agoNew blue uniforms in West Point style have been ordered for the marching band. They will make their first appearance in uniformed style at the Homecoming game. Queen of the 1940 Apple Harvest festival at Nebraska City was Peru's Mary Grovenburg . Plans for a Private Civil Pilot Training Course for the fall of 1940 have been made.

Alumni trail


By Grace Muenchau Peru, Nebraska September 6, 1941

Dear Ginger, Did you come to the Doane game? I looked for you, but didn't see you. I saw several Peruvians there. MR. and MRS. RUSSELL WALLACE (formerly MARGERY A?\"N KINSEY), DICK TURNER, DEAN I\ARR, DORIS WEILER, MELVIN GOTTULA, CALVIN FRERICHS, MARCELLE REDDING, DELTON GOERKE, and GRACE BOEVINK. Some accomodating person gave me DON ROSE'S address. He's ai 2nd class Yeoman, U. S. Naval Destroyer Base, Legal Dept., San Diego, California. 'That's quite an address, I'd say! l\IR. and MRS. HUBERT JOHNSON, or rather "Winnie and Hoots," have a baby son, named Stephen LeRoy. They are living at Somers, Iowa, where "Hoots" is coaching a second year.

Corinne and I were talking for a minute yesterday and she said ROSS and MARYON ADAMS were coming over from Sidney, Ia., for Homecoming. Ross' football team lost its first game to Glenwood, but defeated Essex, Ia., 26-0, so that's something. Did I tell you they have a little girl, Lanette, who was born last summer? "Whit" said, too, that another Peruvian, the former JEAN KOEPPEL, now Mrs. John Burdette, ls living in Sacramento, California, where her husband is employed as mechanic in the army air depot. Barb tells me that BETTY BROWN is in nurses' training at Missouri Baptist Hospital in St. Louis, and that JUNE MODLIN is working in Wichita, Kansas. s,HIRLEY BARRETT and ARTHUR GROVERT were married recently. I guess they're li'ving in Lincoln where she is attending the Uni. versity of Nebraska and he is employed at Donley-Stahl. Clem told me about a couple of Training School visitor& this fall'Peruvians BURDETTE COWELL and JAJIIBS PERDUE. Cowell will get his M.A. in Phys. Ed. at Minnesota U. about Christmas time. He has a leave of absence from Wheatland, Wyoming; Perdue is a salesman with the Row-Peterson Book Company. He works out of Lincoln. BLANCHE ZAJECEK has a good teaching position Jn the Madison, Wis. schools. Seems like she used to teach at Beatrice. She's done graduate work at Nebr. U. and at Madison. :I can't remember when she attended Peru but I do know she has her degree. HELEN HALL, another girl in her clai;s, was granted her degree in August, 1939, and is now teaching in Milwaukee. She taught in Lincoln before she went to Iowa U. on an assistantship to get her M.A. DR. ROBERT S. PATE (34) was married in August to Louise L. Foster, a graduate of Stephen's College and Omaha University. Dr. Pate goes to Kansas U. as math instructor. Mary brought me your letter today. I'm really glad you're coming for Homecoming. We'll have a roomful, per usual, but there's a space for you reserved. If you see ELVERA SCHACHT at Sterling, or CAL COLGROVE at Cook, reniind them of the H. C. date, will you? Informatively yours, Grace

On campus


l:'.M.C.A. ------------------------- 7-8 ------------------------ Tuesday Y.W.C.A. -------------------------- 7-8 ------------------------ Tuesday 1, C.C.A. -----------------·----------- 7-8 ------------------------ Tuesday ~.our Dance.-------------------- 6:45 - 7:45 ----------------- Wednesday

Freshman Clubs


7-9 ---------------------- Thursday

Homecoming ---- .. -------------------~-------------------- ___ Oct• .10-11

lg i· ;t is





Wheelermen bow to inspired Warriors 16-13



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Doane Owl spokeAn interesting version of the Peru-DoaEe g1mc was published in the "Doane Owl," student publication of Doane college. The opening paragraph is a typical example of the contents. Quoting the "Owl," '·After the wreckage was cleared away last Friday nigrt, the scoreboard at the Peru Field read 34-7. The Peru Bobcats had just finished mopping up the field with eleven men from Doane."

'Thacky & Thadie"-

Football highlights Homecoming for 19 successiue years

Over ...

Football has been on the Homecoming program since the annual festivity began in 1922. That year, a game between freshman class and the Wj}homores was played before the entire crowd of those first few who met for that historical day when Peru held its first annual Homeco.'11i:.g. In 1923, a game with Midland-state champions-was scheduled. and the second annual Homet'tlmers saw the Warrior score the points that were made against the Peru team all year-and-there were 30 of them.

Hastings College battled to a loss with Augustana to the tune of 26-7. Ye Bobcats don't indulge in the sport with either team but wat~h the Broncs-they can play good ball ... Hastings, by the way, carries a new coach this year, "Newt" Kyle, formerly with Tarkio Owls ... Luck to you, Kyle ... Jack Mcintire, Peru center of the last previous seasons, is hitting great strides with his Auburn Bulldogs. having topped Tarkio, Mo., and Sabetha, Kans., and went down before Falls City 7-0.. (' Looking back to a week ago and while scanning the papers, one, "The Doane Owl" comments on the Peru game. Their· write-up of the game has proven the sportmanship that college holds ... as stated, "Peru's football team has just finished mopping up the field with eleven men from Doane." A truly great admisslon. The writer goes on to state "Peru's main strength lay in the great superiority of its blocking." Thus. this writer hails the reporter who handled the write up of the game so very well. Past week's scores: Wesleyan and Tarkio battled to a scoreless game. Midland and McPherson, that Kansas college team, returned south with a 19-0 defeat. In our conference Kearney drubbed York 51-0. Kearpey has power plus, watch these boys. . . Wayne took the Wesleyan gang 14-0, but took a long 60 minutes from the University of South Dakota and lost to this strong team 13-0. While speaking of Wayne their prep team is hitting hlgh in six man football. Chadron tripped across Nebraska to meet the always tough Maryville ville, Mo. teachers to lose 27-6 ... More of this weekend's grid bouts, Kearney o>'ffi' Has/tings 18-0 at Kearney. . . Wayne State smears Wesleyan 32-7 at Lincoln ... Doane 37, York 6. . . Culver-Stockton 13, Tarkio 7. . . Emporia teachers 20, Washburn 12 ... The Red and White came through with a 14-0 victory over the Cyclones of Iowa State. And the Yanks are still in the lead. . . . More next issue ...

Since then-1923-the single word, "HOMECOMING," has meant to students and grads alike, a delightful weekend of dancing, social functions, rallies, a play-and all that topped off with one of the top grid games of the season. The traditions have carried on down through the years. Now, on the eve ef the twentieth annual celebration, the spotlight again falls on football. The contestants are Peru and Kearney, who will vie in a battle in which the stakes are top chances for the NIAA flag.



The athletic realm here in Peru has been treated to a rare bit of hum of lately, by those two lisping gentlemen of song-Atwood and Roberts. It is a shower and locker 'room treat to hear their rendition of their favorite, "Sacky and Sadie were lovers." Rumors say that pressure is going to be applied to have them up for an entertainment feature in convocation!

Real spirit ! !





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Speaking of school spi:·it: It would have been a revelation to Peruvians, had they seen the snake dance held by Midland students, , following the Midland win over Peru. If Peru had to lose that game, l'm glad it was to Midland-they worked hard for that victory ... That boy Hobbs played an awfully nice game at end ... Stark is still going great guns-his line-plung·ing was great, and on defense he and :Ronhovde were great line backers. . . . Tackling was fierce-I counted three- men in Orange carried off the field, and several badly shaken. ... Cowboy Linder and Butch Roberts are a great pair of guardsthere were few plays that gained though the center of Peru's line. , .. Too bad Hutton lost his balance on that 45 yard pass, it looked like he had another touchdown! . . . Mason played the iron-man role this time- he was in there every second of play in the game. , . . ReVoe Hill more than lived up to advance publicity-and how! . . . That thin screech over the public address system was supposed to be an announcement that the score was 9-7 in favor of Midland. . . . "Sacky" Atwood did chores for absent Bob Smith-and he did a fine job! ... In closing, I'd like to point out to Peru fans that Kearney is plenty tough, and the 'Cats will need support-How are chances of a nice big rally Friday evening??????

Bobcats will attempt to smear gaudy Kearney record Saturday W. R. R. notes By. Elaine Brier

Mary Elizabeth Jensen and Phoebe Anderson were elected captains for the coming hit pin tournament. Teams will be organized soon, with team practices getting underway a~ soon as the drawings are made. The autumn picnic is to be held soon. The WAA cabin, north of town will again be used for the occasion. The call for new members still holds. All girls interested are urged to get in under the wire at the earliest possible moment.

Prep holds 'City' to scoreless tie Coach Harold Fisher's Bobkittens held Nebrasjrn City to a scoreless tie Friday njght on the Nebraska City field. It was a harl fought ball game all the way through. Nebraska City came dangerously close on _three occasions but the Peru defense held. Peru Prep plays a strong Tecumseh eleven here Friday afternoon at 2:30. Tecumseh has a well trained team coached by a former Peruvian and a good game ls expected.

Pop Klein's Antelopes will bring

a gaudy record into the Oak Bowl Saturday afternoon, as they squr,re off against the Bobcats in the top event of the 20th annual Peru Homecoming. Boasting' a large, well-balanced squad, Kearney has power, speed and a clever shade of trickery blended into one of the most effective offenses in the state college circuit. Their offense is equally rugged, which is borne out by their progress thus far this season. In three previous engagements, the Klein Crew has piled up well over 100 points compared with a total well below 20 for their combined opposition . Peru, on the other hand, has a small roster, albeit that is laden with dynamite, down to the bottom man. Each gridder is groomed specifically for his position, and it is noted that the Wheelermen appear to be a stiff trial for any small college in the Midwest. Their record, including a win and loss, is not as impressive as that of the Antelopes. The tilt will be the first conference tangle for both teams, and the outcome will have a. signifcance bearing on the final NIAA standings, as both are early-season favorites for the title.


at home to dine or snack at

Five years ago-The Midland Warriers scalped Peru 13-0 on the Peru field. Robert Christian's line play and Toby Chamberlain's long kicks were the standouts of the Bobcat team. One year agoPeru Bobcats won a 14-0 decision over Midland on the home field. After being outplayed in the first ha)f by the Warriers, a determined Peru team came back to score twice.

THE COFFEE SHOP Kittie Rhodus, Pro!/. ~

cease for men when th'l' are conscripted into military duty ... Now these new advantages are offered by the same reliable serviC1> whose facilities and experienced gUidance are constantly at your command. Nebraska and all neighboring states our field. Write today. .

By Rex Floyd

J.P. CLARK Electric Shoe Shop Shoe Repairs




i Sports of yesteryear


Faff ~INROl.Wttr. FQR""COltflt Until April 15 . . . Commission obligations

eA'( !

Peru NJ.A.A. title hopes rest on outcome

The State

By James Ra.y

Skelly Service Station

PERU BOWLING CLUB Ladies we1eome at All Tlliles

.tJe'1 Han»n,

Skelly Oils and Gas vomp!ete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone 40

'Unk' and 'Hendy' score, Hill leads Midland The Peru Bobcats ran into a warm reception in the Warrior stronghold in Midland Friday night -net result: Their first loss in two years by a 16-13 score.

Peru started fast The Wheelermen got off to a fast start, as Henderson scored .in the first period on a reverse around left end. Mason's conversion ran the score to 7-0, and it looked like Peru was on her way. Twice more in the first half the Bobcats shoved the pigskin goalward, only to be denied by a stubborn Warrior defense.

Field goal fails As the intermission gun was ready to sound lliason attempted City field. It was a hard fought ball a field goal from about 30 yards out, but the ball carried wide, and the score remained 7-0.

Break on kick-off In the second half, Midland got a big break on the opening kickoff, as it was downed on Peru's onefoctline. The punt out was bloclrnd, and an automatic safety ran th~ score to 7-2. Midland received Peru's free kick, and ran wild, with ReVoe Hill carrying the mail. They wound up a 60 yard march with a 17 yard dash through tackle to score. ReVoe scored his seventh point, as he converted. Midland led 9-7, and soon they had another 7 points added on another sustained drive downfield, Hill again figuring in the mixed attack.

Peru rally short Peru rallied in the final quarter for a touchdown, Mason's conversion !ailing short after being partially blocked.

'Cats take to air The remainder of the game was played in the air, s.s Peru threw pass .after pass in an attempt to go around the rampant Orangem.en.

Headquarters for Cleaning! l'ailoring, with hundreds. of woollens On display under the expert supervision of Mr. Cejka.

Peru Cleaners and Tailors On the East Side of Main Peru Phone 62


Homecoming-THE BANK OF PERU Extends a Cordial Welcome


M; G. Heuer, Owner

Member FDIC




·.Biggest weekend' of the year to feature decorations by Homecoming committee •

By Elaine Brier

Attention students! !-Keep both eyes and ears open for the first iilgns of the big weekend on deck. They will be on the campus, and put there by the decorations comm.ittee. Joan Good, head of the committee, speaks highly of the plans already laid for making the campus a gay and festive ~entEr of Homecoming activities. Do you suppose you will be one of t.he first to see the new flags !lying? ~ Oh yes! Another tip-be on the lookout for the scene that IS going to take form between the music hall and the administration building. Rooming houses are also upholding tradition by decorafng. A prize will be a warded to the best decorated house. Th0 co:nestants will be judged by a special committee. This committee consists of Mrs. Emilie Kirk, Dr. Winston Thorson .and Prof. A. V. Larson. Invitations have been sent to Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska high school bands to participate in the

VVeather changes Lutheran's plans Eighteen Lutheran students assembled at the training school Thursday evening, Oct. 2, for a social evening and picnic dinner. Previous plans had been made to hold the meeting at Neal Park, but due to 'the rain, the plans were altered. October 16, is the date set for the next gathering, when Irene Nis.pel and Lois Fulton will be in charge of the social arrangements.

Homecoming program. This feature of the Saturct.iy program will begin promptly at one o'clock. Sigma Tau Deltans will receive alumni at a reception in the music hall, Saturday, Oct. 11 at five o'clock. Nancy Ellen Jones, president, invites all returning members of

the honorary Engl.Jsh !raternity, to meet with the 1941 grolJ,P. An alumni luncheo:1 will be held in Eliza Morgan recreation hall at 11:30 on Saturday. All fonner students and alumni are invited to Htend. Dean J. A. Ji!n<!rSOn heads the committee in ch~ of the noon get-to-gether.

'Ladies in Retirement' to combine murder and mystery for play-goers • By Ruth Adamson How would you like being murdered and having your housekeeper wall you up in an old bake oven? That's Vivian Fogle's experience of the evening in "Ladies i:1 Retirement," Homecoming play to be presented Saturday, Oct. 11, at. eight o'clock in the college audik; ium. Beatrice Fulton. as the housektepcl', Ellen Creed, has a mansized job handling her role. After all, it's not easy to do a si;ccessful murder only to be confronted with exposure by' that nasty little nephew of hers-Albert Feather. (James Howe to you.) Anyway, Miss Fulton handles her role with finesse and restraint. Hope Carter, as Louisa, the simpering old maid sister of Ellen, gives a clever perfonnance. Her exit on the "chop-chop~chop" line

will wow 'em. "Pete" Peterson will begin taking individual pictures for the Peruvian on Thursday, Oct. 16. The announcement was made by Nancy :Ellen Jones, business manager of the yearbook.

Actress Bee Fulton comments on her role· in Homecoming play "It'll make you feel awfully funny," warned Bee Fulton, as she commented on "Ladies of Retirement" to be given Oct. 11. Bee plays the leading role in this Homecoming drama, that of Ellen Creed, a housekeeper. "Boy, it's powerful. There isn't a line that doesn't give several possibilities of interpretation," she .stated as she picked up her book to illustrate. The most exciting moment of the play, according to Bee, is when she comes down the stair, and finds the bake oven door openthe oven in which she had stuck her companion, Leonora Fiske. As she is trying to figure things out, she sees the likeness of the old woman, whom she thought she had baked, sitting on the divan. "Her flaming red hair is enough to get you-but then, that's only the half of it!" she laughed. "Stage fright? Doesn't bother me," returned the actress. "Fainting, though, has me stumped. Mr. Moore is having a job teaching me how to fall." Hardly had I asked for her most thrilling moment th.an she respond.ed, "Landing a part in this playWhen I went to try out, I just hoped and prayed!" "The beginning of my interest in dramatics?" she repeated. "Well, in the sixth grade in Omaha, our class was going to produce 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,' and they asked me to help with the stage arrangement. That was the start. Then in the eighth grade, as Sunday School teacher (a smile broke as she threw in 'Yea, me.') at Glenwood, Iowa, I helped produce Christmas pageants.'' Junior and senior productions, and oneat\t play contests gave her more experience. "Of course, I want to go on with speech-especially from point of

Kick . ...

directing. Attending Josephine Dil-· len Gable School in Hollywood would be wonderful.'' Bette Davis and Ida Lupino take Bee's fancy and as for masculine character acting Charles Laughton is tops. "You already know my favorite pastime," Bee helped, "but bridge runs dancing · a close second," this learn-to-dance club sponsor concluded.

Allee Th-O!ruiOO, the other old maid sister, is petulant and canny through-out the 11!11y.. A little less simple than ~. her gestures and reaetl!Jn:s md!:t1ate severe distrust -of thOlre ab!mt her. You ~'t suspect that Dorothy Hanks !mens at keyholes, would rw? As Lucy, the gullible maid woo falls hard for Albert, Dorothy doos, alright for herse;f. :Dorothy Anmtn:mg, as the quiet nun, ~ 'I'beresa, is almost in violent eoot111.st to the others. Entirely ooU~ to the horror of Estuary Hoose, she warns Albert, ena~ him to eseape, and ;mwit.lil:lgly ~ the doom of Ellen ~

James Howe, ru; the perfect c:otd and Slle'ak-thie!, Albert J,<'eather, is t:Qllvincing, He ably performs his ~ es a breaker of '.learts and thoroURh-gomg scoundrel.

Marjorie Kellll.edy announced her marriage to Thomas Dean at a dessert party given at the home of Mrs. R. T. Benford on Tuesday evening, Sept. 3.0. As the guests arrived they were each given a corsage which contained the announcement of Tom and Marjorie's marriage on April 11, at Savannah, Mo. The guests were invited into the dining room where she served each a piece of a large wedding cake decorated with a minature bride and groom .


AVENUE STORE Opposite the Training School School Supplies and Variety, Complete Fountain Service with delicious pastries daily.

See us for meal tickets AND GROCERIES

Delivery Service

Sincerely, Apron-string wallflowers.

Welcome Homecomers. Help make this the best Homecoming yet. Lots of nice things are in store for you including a victory for Bob· cats over Kearney

We Prophesy

Chatelain's Jewelry

Phone 78 1


' <





~ '•..f ~




SPECIAL This ad is good for one bottle of Three Rose Hair Oil witheach hair cut, at the

THOMAS BARBERSHOP Under the Dr. Thompson office WM. THOMAS, Prop.








Pete Holdorf, Mgr.

Lo1>k no farther-look your best

Haircutting A Specialty

Modern Barber Shop KING

By Whiz White

You ask us . "Fellows. where are your manners-if you can't dance at least prove it." Look at it this way. Maybe we have tried to prove it, and instead of proving something we get something prored to us. AB for manners. you tell us we have no manners for standing on the sidelines while the coeds (as you call yourselves, and sometimes we wonder) hare manners when you dance with each other. For any hour dance knocking. that was meant as sarcasm. Next we see we are called apronstring wallflowers. We'd 'Nager a nail that if ·you asked the next ten people you meet, what they consider a wallflower. the a.nswer would be 100 per cent female. When you use the word apronstring, we'll grant you have something there. OUr mothers have taught us to stay away from things that look dangerous. In contradict;lon to our foregoing statements, we do think something shoul! be done to better our dances, but it can't be done by throwing slanderous remarks at each other. This was merely to even the score-perhaps now, we can work together toward a common cause.

H. U. Landolt




You're always welcome at the


Party announces Kennedy-Dean marriage

(Ed. note. Much student comment was aroused by the PED'S first KICK column. Whizzer White answers last week's columnist, and sums up the case for the men below. Do you have a KICK about something? Address it to the PEDAGOGIAN, drop it in the mail-box, and you may see it in print sometime in the future.)


Phone ... 48

corns to oaks know, this here writin' a for a .paper is quite some



I've started this one six or n times, and ever time that I

more respect for these her? There just ain't an ordinary guy to

Film pictures _, activities

unless it would be Shucks, m·

Ldinning with a rally and climaxed by a dance, the an· rn:::l Homecoming weekend provided a continuous round of · >1ity for old grads, students and guests.

The establishment of a..'l . . . .

y wants 'to read about nothing

Coopera.tive climaxed a joint.


Old grads return to Peru for annual Homecoming

tive meeting

Y.W. starts as climax to '

it up and start over I get a lit-


Finding the antelope was the problem confronting students at-

YM meeting stressing the ~,

tending the rally Friday night,

"See you at Estes next Jime."'

Plans for its functioni.ng

know Rube? Well, he's thinker, I always ered, so I goes up to Rube and ''"


says, Rube, I'm thinkin' on

ready been writ down be'.0r0 Since

I ain't never writ nothing before e.nd no doubt will never write no:thing again, I shur would like to think up something kinda fancy


• Well, Rube kinda looked at me out of the corner of his eye (like


does when he's thinkin') and he

says to me, he says, "Now you




the .regim;:

October 10. The make-believe ante-



meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 7, a~

should write about the common things and let the fancy guys write





After . Rube said that, I thoug:1t that I would find the most commonist thing that I could and then write about that. Well, I figured that you and me and all mid-western folks is common enough to make a good subjfct.

Yes, c'.r, right t12rt ~n Nebraska we got good peace-loving common folks. And there ain't nothing we want to do about it. The common, simple and plain things is the beautiful things. It's the common folks that try to go high-brow that make durn fools

of themselves.

When they say that the · people back east is laffin' at the hicks, they ain't laffin' at us common folks; they're a laffin' at the guys who think they ain't common



So what if you do go to a banquet and lead off with the wrong fork-an easterner would look just as clumsy on a threshin' crew.


Kearney, was

finally found at President W. R.

training school.

Pate's residence, and from ther·1

"The purpose of the ~Jl:i'li:ii is to keep discussion coa<;t.am:#I before members throughout year, and to make it finan~f possible for a large group to camp next summer," sa.id Nm:11. Kane!, who will act as chairrrui!l of this activity. To show the experience of the 400 students who attended the oonference in 1940, a technicolor mm . "Summer Camp at Est.es" was shown. This camp drew from seven states, making up the Rocky Mountain region-Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, utah, Wyoming, New Mexico and South Dakota.

it was taken down town and burned to the tune of Peru's color song. A rally dance without football players was held on Friday evening. Due to orders from Coach A. G. Wheeler, football uen were i,:iabb to attend the Homecoming rally dance held in the gym. Phonograph recordings provided music for the dance:·s.

Alumni luncheon , . , The annual alumni luncheon was held on Saturday in the reception room of Eliza Morgan Hall. Committee members were: Reception: Nona Palmer, M. Florence l\13rtin, Pearl Kenton; Decoration: Ruth Brandt, Mrs. Ernest Rawson, Mrs. Ernest Brod; Ticket Sales: Ernest Rawson, Ernest Brod; Music: S. L. Clements, Robert Benford.

Representatives from Peru Jase June were Mary Horton, Bess Ray, Dorothy Teachman, Nina Kanel and Bob Williams. Before the picture, ('.roup singing was led by Bertha Clayburn with Grace Muenchau at the piano.

Queen.. ,, Queen Ferne Peter'son

. ain't got ne business writin' about something fancy. Us common guys


OCTOBER 14, 1941

Committee plans Bradford reuiews production budget events of ~Ladies in Retirement' Gladys Murray Cottingham, interpreter of the drama, will present the first program scheduled by the budget committ~e on November 14. Miss Cottingham will be featured in the play, "Abraham Lincoln in Illinois." The month of December will bring Carveth Wells, famed lecturer, explorer, and international figure to the campus. He will appear Dec. 2. A Peru Dramatic Club play \vill be presented in December. The rlate has not yet been announced. An appearance of the concert band in January1 will be followed in March or April by the Curtis String Quartet. The group includes Jascha Brolsky, violin; Charles and Orlando Cole, cello.

class of the merely "occasional"

e By Dr. A. L. Bradford The Peru Dramatic Club's Homecoming production of "Ladies in Retirement" was worthy of note for more than one reason. In the first plae, it was one of the first college or university productions of this drama, which was only recently released for the tributary threa tre. In the seond place, the club's choice of the Percy-Danham piece, a comparatively difficult and expensive play to produce, a choice making. incidentally, no ob.eisance to holiday humor, indicates a serious concepton of the function of the college stage which, to this reviewer at least, is always a signal to stand up and cheer. And finally the verve and interest of the production itself, lifting it quite out of the

In this issue ... President Pa.te implicated in mystery of stolen effigy, pa.ge4 Freshman girls fa.ee charges at

Kangaroo Court------ page 4 Queen


The play, a psychological drama, tells the story of a womrn who ls long. burdened by her two old and mentally deranged sisters and who.>e personality becomes tragically disiocated as a result of her fierce sense of responsibility to her pathetic charges. As the play begins, Ellen Creed and her two old siste•·s are living with a Miss Fiske, quondam chorus girl and woman of easy virture, at the latter's Esuary House in the country. Miss Fiske, amiable and fond of Ellen, is so annoyed by her abnormal guests that she tells Ellen they (Continued on page four)

Gamma Chi has first party

Kappa Omicron Phi initiates five new pledge members Five new members were welcomed into Kappa omicron Phi at initiation ceremonies heid on Saturday morning, Oct. lL In a candle-lit room, President Mary Horton administered the Kappa omicron Phi pledge. M~m­ bers were presented with a poppy and the red and yellow ribbon. Pledge members are Joan GQod, Vada Gubser and Lois Wagoner. Advanced to active membership were Ardis Carmine and Betty Miller.

play. call for an enthuoiastic salute to Director Moore, the cast, and the technical staff..



Homecoming ____ , ---- page 2

Bobcats drop Homecoming game

to Kearney ------··--page 3

Truth or was part of Gamma Chi get-to-gether

consequences? That the entertainment of girls· at their first on October 8.

The consequences included a pillow fight, the imitation of a Model T car, a.nd the attempt by two blind-fold~d girls to feed each other Rice Krispies. The remainder of the time was spent in folk-dancing, led by Joyce Stark, Betty Doolittle, Wilma Miller and Margaret Goodridge, with Echo Elaine Lum at the piano.

Out of a car covered with blue and white streamers stepped the Homecoming Queen, Ferne Peterson, on Saturday afternoon. Attended by Barbara Beal and Doris Carnahan, Queen Ferne was annuonced by a fanfare from the band. The Queen was officially crowned by Rex Floyd, co-captain of the Kearney-Peru game. Four visiting bands were present at ihe game. At a concert 'Jefore the game. Far;·agut, Shubert and . Nemaha high school bands playeri and marched in uniform. i( The Kearney band marched dmV ing the half-time period. The Per\~ band went through its formati01:\ at the half before the coronatio1\, ceremony. (Continued on page four)

Tri-Beta meets Oct. 6 at lab Despite torrents of rain, members of Beta Beta Beta ventured to the biology laboratory Monday, October 6, for their regular meet· ing. Jean Hoagland presided at the business meeting. According to a vote of the members, all students who are eligible for membership shall be invited to join the organillation. A major or minor in biology and a B average are the requirements. Virgie Lee Johnson; Christine Wilkinson and Helen Rhodes have been appointed to serve on the refreshment committee for this semester. George Atwood, president, Reuben Panders, vice president and Jean Hoagland, secretary, will plan the programs. Ted Strasburg is historian and Dr. Theron Odlaug is sponsor of the organization.



No soap

• • •

Soap, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, is a chemical compound or mixture of chemical compounds resulting from the interaction of fatty oils and fats with alkalis. Facts you probably never knew 'ti! now about soap: That soap appears to have been first made by boiling goat's tallow and causticised beech ashes. That in the thirteenth century the industry was introduced from Italy and Germany into France, and the manufacture of olive oil soap established at Marseilles. That in England the trade flourished from the fourteenth century; during the reign of Charles I, a monopoly of soap·· making was formed by a corporation of soap boilers in London. That on the Peru campus there are four mens' and four womens' rest rooms, none of which are equipped with soap of any kind.


• • •

The inclusion of debate in the curriculum for the first time since 1939 was noted in a recent issue of the PEDAGOGIAN. Although oral controversy is as old as human conversa· tion, organized scholastic debating is relatively new. The first intercollegiate competitive debate was held between Harvard and Yale L'nversities in 1892, and interest in debating has continued to grow since that time. The value of forensic study can hardly be over-emphasized. The student of debate is trained in the art of clear and $Ound thinking. He learns to distinguish the important from the insignificant, and to arrange his material in logical order. The debater acquire'S fluency of thought as well as speech. Aad with the power of oral self-expression comes increased self confidence and assurance. Bec~rnse the debater must study both sides of a question, he must be broad-minded in his thinking. Although he may actually believe in one side, a recognition of the opposition's arguments should result in an open mind tow!lrd all contro· versial rnbjects. Training in research and the ability to make systematic analysis of a oroblem are ~ained by fhe student debators, as \Yell as a thorough knowledge of an interesting, timely sub· ject -·· .,~<t-_ - - "" Good sportsmanship· is le'llr'lled by the student through friendly rivalry with other debaters, and a necessity_ for co· operation with his colleagues. Most important to the debater, howeve;·, is the development of a rrlore forceful personality through "intellectual controversy·" ·-.?






Ferne Peterson thrilled at election as Queen e

By Nina Kane! crowned

secret until Saturday, Ferne laugh· Homecoming

ed, "I don't know. Already I've

Queen at the Kearney-Peru game,

told eight lies. It's really going to

Oct. 11, was the height of thrills

take some brain power to think

for Ferne Peterson.

up enough excuses to avoid the

"It w11s a g-reat thing trying to represent the spirit

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc

Editor Editor Editor Editor Rof\~me Rose .............................. Copy Reader 0• • "v"ir,,mia K"mg, Ell en K'mg .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Proof Readers \1. Florence Martin ........................... Adviser Reporters: Catherine Adams, Ruth Adamson, Jean Bond, Josephine Boosinger, Hazel Bouse, Elaine Brier, Elaine Briley, Doris Brinson, Merlin Broers, Alice Cleaveland, Helen Dahlke, Rex Floyd, Sidney Johnson, Josephine Kelly, D-01·een Meier, Richard Meyer, Irene Nispel, George Norton, James Ray, Helen Rhodes, Patricia Rockwell, Bette Scott, Genevieve Steuteville, Mary Stevenson, Mary Ellen Thomas,_Laurella Toft, Lois Wagonet\ --··-·-.

Meredith Jimerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nina Kan_t:I ............................ Assistant Ralph Locke ............................. Sports Rex Floyd ...................... Assistant Sports

!Alumni trail

of Peru-at

least I hope I did," commented "Pete." When asked about her reactions upon learning she was the student choice, she smiled, "Boy, I was really surprised-Why? Oh, maybe just because its something new for me," she said. Queen Ferne was attended by Barbara Beal and Doris Carnai1an. They were chosen by a vot•3 of the student body on Friday, Oct. 10, from a list of nominees including Elajne Brier, Joyce Stark and Virgie Lee Jolmson. On being _queried on Friday as to how she intended to keep the






Queen?'." Fen:e had a hand in "down to earth'' activities too, assisting in Homecoming decoration. "The kids really came through swell," she said. AJ; for her professional tendencies, lhey Jean toward teaching. "Oh, just say home ec," she added. English and social science are her minors.

Asked whether she would be glad when Homecoming was over with, she looked rather startled and answered, "Oh no! It's so much fun seeing all the old friends, and being so busy."


By Grace i\Iuenchau

October 11, 1941 Dear Mary 0., Oh, what a week! But then you know all about it, don't. you? In spite of our all-night gab fests last week-end, I can think of lots of things I forgot. to tell you. For instance, ARD and SLIM McCORMICK are in Sioux Center, Iowa, this year, where "Slim" ls coach. He ha,d another Iowa position last year, but I don't remember where. GERALD OGG, \'39) is teaching shop at Elkhorn, Wisconsin this year. Mrs. Ogg was formerly MAE CHRISTIAN, a sister of Ardist, Tom and Bob, all

Peruvians. I noticed DOLORES DERMANN this weekend. Guess she is going

to the LlncoL'l School of Commerce this year. She just attended Peru last yeRr.

Also saw KAY MILLER, GRACE BOVINCK, HAZEL SHINBAUM, KATHLEEN NOLTE, BETTE LEE GALLOWAY, CAROLYN FLEMING, ROSL"'\A and ELVERA SCHACHT, CAROLEE GARVER, RUTH McDONALD, ROSALIE TIEHEN, CHRIS ALGERS, MAXINE SHIBSTAD, MARILYN RITTER, HELEN and JO JANACEK, and heaps of others, but my mind is in such a maze of names I can't single anybody out. With the exception of a few casualties, Homecoming went over with a bang, don't you think? By the way, an ainnail from BOUSE p!'edicts a visit around Christmas time. That'll be keen, won't it? Sorry this is so brief, but you know how Sunday mornings are when no night precedes• Love, Grace

• • •

It's all over. Only a discarded badge or two and a few faded blue streamers remain as material reminders- that the P "biggest weekend of the year" has come and gone ... Peru· stevians prepare to take up the daily grind again. to Freshman girls comb out their pigtl\ils and begin wear· · 'l.ing matching hose · .. Freshman boys start dating . . . Pro· t~~eJsors warn students about term papers and coming exams. ~i~· .. The leaves start turning brown and red and gold as the tlJ.:1941-42 school year at Peru passes its first milestone.

B e in g


Rlumni list Alumni at luncheon were Rutl1 Stoneman, Diller; Clara Eyre, Wl>ner; Mary Olive Richardson, Humboldt; Virginia Trively, Cook; Mrs. Carroll Lewis, Peru; Mrs. Wayn~ Good, Peru; Dean S. Karr, Shelton; Frank C. Larson, Omaha; 1°" Margaret Larson, Emerson. Ia.; A. V. Larson, Peru; Libbie Branson, Peru; Marie Faulhaber, Peru; Nona Palmer, Peru; LeRoy Redfern, Mt. Morris, Mich.; Nancy E. Jones, Peru; Horace R:zerak, Hampton; Marguerite Robison, S>"acuse; Frances Harvey, Peru; P. A. Maxwell, Peru; Lavern Mathews, Peru; Mrs. Ruth Mathews, Peru; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tyler, Peru; Pearl Kenton, Peru; Ruth Brandt, Peru; Jesse Joy, Mrs. Dunning, S. L. Clements, J. A. Jimerson, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pate, Peru, Margery El-1Uls; Jeanne Spier, Papillion; Anna Louise Short, Auburn; Mrs. Reynolds; Elizabeth Glosser, Weeping Water; D. J. Tyler, Ida Mae Brackney, Selma S. Konig, Blanche A. Gard, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Bugoee, Peru; Jae" Brown, Omaha; Ernest Brod, Peru; E. J. Rawson, Peru. Alumni who registered were: Mr. ''


and Mrs. W. A. Schindler, Tecumseh, J. S. Lewis Tecumseh, ErP.est

"'""d. '?eru; Virginia Trively, Cook; Dean S. Karr, Shelton; Jack Brown, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sherman, Julian; Mrs. Evelyn Williams Sheely, Glen C. Sheely, Brock; Emma Rosicky, Garland; Ruth Stoneman, Diller; Clara Eyre, Wisner; Mary Olive Richardson, HumMldt; Horace Rzehak, Hampton; Virgil V. Bugbee, Endicott; Jessie Joy, Salem; Gladys Pieper, Salem; LeRoy Redfern, Mt. Morris, Mich.; .T2!mes Crawford, Shelton; J. D. Mather, Wichita, Kans.; Mary Ogg Delzell, Peru; Mrs. E. L. Clark, Augusta, Kans.; Eldon Clark, Augusta, Kans.; Edna Mae Peter1 sen, Genev+i.; Irene Westerman, Sidney; Phyllis Benson, Grant, Ia.; Lorraine Hobbs, Reynolds; Pauline Stark, Reynolds; Rachel Wieneke, Auburn; Ruth Brandt, Peru; Elizabeth Glosser, Weeping Water; D. J. Brown, Kansas City, Kans.; Calvin Frerichs, Dunbar; Cecil Walker, Weeping Water; Thomas Chinl•ock, Bellevue; Lester A. Mosley, Carleton; Margaret Winter, Geneva; Mr. and .Mrs. G. Gates, On'aha; Russell Henderson, Shubert; Mrs. H. W. Johnson, Salem; H.

On campus

Y.M.C.A. -------------------------- 7·8

Y.W.C.A. -------------------------- 7-8

Tuesday Tuesday

C.C.A. ----------------· ----------- 7-8 ------------------------ Tuesday Hour Dance -------------------- _6:45 • 7:45 ------------------ Wednesday F'reshman Clubs ------------------- 7-9 ---------------------- Thursday

Cat claws • • • $

By Heck

Definitely a de-glamourizi process-freshman initiation f women ... Is Goodridge carr ing a torch these days? ... 1 o'clock cafetering-the paus that refleshes... Caller. "I wonld like to se the Jud·ge, please." Secretary. "I'm sorry sir, b he is at dinn.er." Caller. "But this is important. Secretary. "It can't be helpe sir. His honor is at steak.'' What Pern coed, who had visitor in the form of a fianc discovered that she had th wrong diamond on and had send a freshman stooge ha for the right one? . . . Eve notice Betty Miller's nice pr file? ... Couple of the week Baker-Yates ... Fashion flash-Sanclin's ne orange hunting cap, said to be birthday present . . . Peru' upperclass fellas evidently be lieve that old one about "s the rod, etc." . . . Did B Scott mean that awful thr against any girl who looked Lil' Abner? ... Freshman Marshall must be serious about getting higher education-one day he went to Measurements class . . . Even Bing wore a Homecoming badge last week . . . Swell peopleAlice and Wally Cleaveland\ .• 1'1otice to PED readers-there is no mysterious Miss or Mr. X who ~nites "Cat claws" each week. Any complaints must be directed toward the 35 or so members of the PED staff. ... Carter evidently believed in staking out her claim early for the girl's formal ... Is that freshman girl really leaving school because she won't wear her hair in pigtails? .. , Of course you've heard this one. She was only an ()ptician's daughter-two glasses and she made a spectacle of herself.

Association elects Dunning to office Dean I iice Dunning was elected vice president of the Nebraskai State Association of Deans of Women and Advisers of Girls on Frtday, Oct. a, at :L!ncoln. Miss Grace Tear, freshman club advisor, also attended the <".·nfer-


W. Johnson, Salem; Ruth Ludington, Nebraska City; Melvin Gottula, Wayne Lewis, Verdon; Helen Janecek, Auburn; Hazel Palmer, Tecumseh; Lillie Ostrander, Unadilla; Jennie Ostrander, Unadilla; Mrs. Harry Linn, Peru; Mrs. Ernest Huegel, Nebraska City; Ernest Huegal; Keith L. Melvin; Blanche. Freeman, Auburn; Jeanne Spier, Papillion; Ruth Chatelain, Syracuse; Marjorie West, Peru; Helen Margaret Larson, Peru; Margery Evans, Sergeant Bluff, Ia.; Howard Hatcher, Tecumseh; J. Boyer, Odell; Phyllis Rudolph, Elagle; Phyllis Dammast, Council Bluffs, Ia.; Haney Milstead, Auburn; Margery Adams, Peru; Nor· man C. Flau, Nebraska City; Clara Marie Kruger, Nehawka; Milford Sears, Bellevue; Harry J. Kellogg, Norfolk, Va.; Anna Louise Short, Anr"'"" · F.laine Weichel, Plymouth; Leta Schacht, Cook; Mrz. J,,y Hauptmann, Nebraska City; Iva G. Pierce, Mapleton, Ia. Mary Iviorton, Nemaha; Maryon Thomas Adams, Sidney; Ro3S Adams, Sidney; Sherry Hauptman, Blockton, Ia.; Harold Lantz, Day · lon, O.; Robert Mason, Percival. Ia.; Marguerite Robison, Syracuse; Iris Allen, Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. John Lukus, Berkley, Calif.; Frederict Alle:1 , Auburn; Jack Mcin1;'0. Nebraska City; Harriet Ann Kingsolver Gilbert, Brock. ·





·'Cats drop Homecoming tilt to Kearney 13-7 Handley scampers around end 85 yards to score for Peru Over ...

There seemed to be plenty of "Bobcats <ff Yesteryear" around for the wee~~nd-those that I noticed were-Ross Adams, Jim Mather, Ed Short, Les Mosely, Jack Mcintire, Cec Walker, John Boyer, Jack Brown, Ernie Heugal, Buck Dougherty, and Bob Richards.

My thanks go to Tod Hubbell. Freddie Drexler, Doris Brinson and Rube Fanders for the rally Friday evening. Response was good at the rally, but what happened at the game the next afternoon??


s e ected :askai

Wo· Fri:-

club n.fer-

:ling:Xottielen lmer, Unaiilla; Ernmest nche. ;pier, !yrafelen :gery

1; J. olph, uncil AuNor}Iara !ford .logg, hort, mth; Jc.y Iva :ryon Ro3S man, Day· ~ivaL

mse; Mrs. "redIcin·Ann

Peru Alumni lj'fiem to be doing a.lright in the e-0aching field. Cec Walker reports that his Weeping Water lads have lost only one in four so far this season. Mcintire tells us that one may be played over on a protest. Ed Short, coachjng Nelson High, says that his gridders are green, but won their opener 45-Q-after that, Ed commen.ts that the story is a little different. Peru looked good to me-they fought hard, and owe no one apologies for their play . . . . Mason booted his sixth coriversion in seven tries . . . I sure hated to see Red Dean go out of there-he was doing a bang-up job as he usually does . . . Butch Roberts dior: 't lose any time triking off with that reeovered fumble_and his teammates were just as qmck to give him interference . . . WHY DIDN'T THE CHEERING SECTJON LET THE TEAM KNO\.V T'JAT THEY HAD A LITTL\E BACKING???? ... Ronhovde put in a full afternoon-he didn't 'lliS:i out on many tackles . . . Mason only · la eked 9 minutes being in there two full games wi'·hout 1 siJJJsli.tute-which is really an "IronMan- Stunt" for even a bi~ b0v ... Hutton was great-it s~en~d as though he popped or squirte:l up out of the ground when a tackler hit him-and he kept right on going! . . . That bird Blessing_ he should go in for the sideshowsI never saw such an ungodly exhibition of &uspended animation. . , . Summing things up, I think that the game was about the hardest and bitterest that I've seenbotp teams were out for blood ... At last I know what Tom Dailey refers to, when he closes by saying, and I quote, "Remember, fellows, it's not that you won or lost, but how you played the game.''

The State • By Rex Floyd

Kearney passes to victory BOB

Prep wallops Tecumseh 12-0 Coach Harold Fishers's Prepsters ran roughshod over the Tecumseh Indians Friday. afternoon, as they scored a 12-0 victory. B.Jb Brown was the 'Kittens big· gun. as he took over scorlr.g activities for the day. In the closing· 'minutes of the first half, he crack€d the line for 8 yards and a touchdc.wn. Hunzc.ker failed to convert. In the middle of the fim l quarter, Brown again s'.ruck pay dirt, when he plunged for six points from the two yard line. Cotton's placement for point rebounded from the goal post. Prep now has two wins, no losses and one tie for their season record. Lsst week they rn eked 27th in the state high school rankings, and now following their. win over Tecumseh they should pu-;h up sever2! notches.

W.R. R. notes By Elaine Brier WAA held their first regular business meeting Mcnday, October 6.

Vacancy of the Vice Presidency

1rns acted upon. Nominees for the position left cpen by ihe absency of Fern Palmtag are: Mary Elizabeth Jensen and Ruby Redding" Final eleccion is slated for the next meeting. Two hit pin teams have been chosen and ten practice periods are scheduled before the tournament starts, which is to get going soon. Practice pericds are under th•; direction of Mary "Liz" and Phoebe Anderson. Teamwork and organization a:·e stressed at these warmup sessions.

Chadron game co-captains .


week the Bobkit:e:1s in.n•(h 'Vit7 -:: E:ers camp: h: \Vc~ni~;r; Water in quest of the third ;vb .. P; ep will be rated odds-en fav:rites.


T~rkio and Peru freshmen will stage their ar.nual grid game at Tarkio on October 14. A return game here is scheduled for Oct. 28.

GAME STATISTICS Peru Kearney First downs ________ 10 12 Yards rushing ____ 273 L273 Yards passing .. ___ _ 26 38 Passes att. ---------- 10 8 Passes com. ---------- 1 2 Interceptions ____ .. __ o 1 LEADING SCORERS Henderson --------------. ·--· 12 Hutton --------------------- 18 Stark --.. ----·--------------- 12 Handley -------------------- 6

LYLE MASON, Junior All-State Tackle

Here 'N' There Information on the Chadron Roster shows that Coach Armstrong has a line of both weight and height. Having four boys over 200 pounds, and seven about the 180 class. Five boys, four linemen and one back have three years experience. But 14 of the squad of 39 hav'e ootlege football el(IJer'lence with six of these only the past season under their belt. Keep your eye on the average gained by rushing and compare the Peru line with the Eagle line. N.C.A.C. games found Hastings putting in a bid with a 52-7 victory over York. Doane stepped into the N.I.A.A. conference again with a tie with Wayne, Midland left the state competiton to down Western Union 7-0. Chadron picked a gold nugget from South Da.kota Mines 19-6. Nebraska powerhoused the Kansas Jayhawks 32-0 and the West Coast became a mixup when Oregon State topped the "T" Stanford Indians 10-0 on a wet gridiron.

Games this week Hunting season starts Thursday so watch the Bobcats do some traveling to the western end of the state to bag an Eagle ... On down the line giving the games to be played and the victor... Doane over Tarkio at Doane. . . Hastings to let Wayne go by ... Midland over Central, fa. . . . Kearney to invite Wesleyan to a beating ... ' a.nd Sterling Kans., over York.. . Tarkio has a large squad com-

Mason --------------. ·----- 6

-fHOOJ--<"":. ·····.~ -·~ .. ~. DP,.VfCI J .~ .tl ~tkttlit

Kearney 13, Peru 7. This game was probably more observed than any other game in or out of the state of Nebraska, outside the University of Nebraska game. Every player in every gridiron camp waited and watched for this initial game in the N.I.A.A. conference. This game was so important that it may decide the state championship. Peru being a marked team for the past few seasons has put them into the position of being "the gang to get." Kearney was so determined· to win that every power obtainable was thrown toward the 'Cats but only their passing attack, the only attack that could gain again against this line, was put to use. It has been the Antelope strong touchdown counters. Their offensive passing is tops and it will be their principle point gainer throughout the season. . . watch those passes and compare the points during the season...

The Kearney Antelopes finally gained the upper hand Saturday afternoon, as they came from bel•ind to topple the Bobcats 13-7 be~ fore the huge 20th annual homecoming crowd. .The Wheelermen appeared to be on their way after Handley made his 85 yard scoring jaunt in the second quarter. The tide turned in the second half though, as Kearney connected with their only two completed passes of the game -and both were good for 6 points. In the first half, Peru outrushed the oppositio~. decisively. Henderson, Hutton and Handley swept the ends with dashes and reverses, and Stark plunged well. First downs for the half were even at four all, but the Wheelermen had twice the yardage. The last half was different n ough-Kearney still failed to gain consistently, but their attack was well bolstered with punting.

Ri\LLY FAILED In the waning moments, it looked as though Peru might rally. Henderson, Hutton and Handley reeled off repeated runs that gain· ed-then passes were relied upon, and failed. Hutton snared the only successful Peru toss of the game, and ran it for 26 yards before be· hauled down.



Until April 15 .. , Commission obligations cease for men when they are conscripted into military duty ' . Now these new advantages are offered by the same reliable servi"" whose facilities and experienced guidance are constantly at your command. NebrasIm. and all neighboring states our field. ~:-: . Write today. , . . DAVI --·~• ·-< -


Bob ijenderson and Rex Fl!>ytl, above, were Peru co-ca.ptains for the Homecoming game. Both are scni(l!'S, and are strong corut.enders for alt conference holl!ors: Rex was forced to fue sidelines with an injmy, but will probably be ready t-0 go ~nst Chadron Friday.




Kearney passes for pair of touchdowns

UNK HUTTON, Junior Right Half Back

PERU BOWLING CLUB Ladies Welcome at All nmes Ben HaDl<fn, !Vlgr. M. G. Heuer, U\1'ner

Red Dean, Blocking back suffered a fractured _. collarbone in the Kearney game, and wil be out for the remainder of the season Needless to say, the R~d will be missed, for he was one of the vital cogs in the Peru grid machine. Dean is a senior, and has lettered three years in football.

posed of mostly freshmen which might help the new mentor, Ralph Ginn, in building a strong OWl team in years to come. . . Peru by the way sends its reserve into battle with the Owl reserves this Tuesday for a night game and a return game in the Oak Bowl on Oct. 28. See you soon.

SPECIAL This ad is good for one bottle of Three Rose Hair Oil with each hair cut, at the

THOMAS BARBERSHOP Under the Dr. Thompson office WM. THOMAS, Prop.






Bradford reviews

Upperclass girls discipline freshman womea at Kangaroo Court as Judge Cole presides .


Pale, brow-beaten freshman girls plodded wearily to the "Wreck" hall on Oct. 9. to face charges brought against them in Kangarbo Court. Every person has his weakness, but Riley's fondness for make-up caused fireworks. With a toothbrush, Betty scoured the fireplace. "Feet first" was the order carried out by Hall, DeLong, Stroh and Copenhaver in washing feet and faces. Until that night, bright red was the favorite color of Lydia Vosicky and Betty Dee Collin. P:ngers dipped in red ink did not seem to appear to the girls. Mouths filled with crackers did not keep three songbirds, Ludvik, Larson and Coatney, from swinging "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean."

Because Janis Baker failed to wear one long and one short stocking, she was penalized by having to put all her hose on at once. A date in Peru resulted in Marjorie Weiler's being placed in the

"hicklsh and bers. Coort Kathryn COO!, Jey, co-judge; Muenchau, D.A. and ~ Wm:inoon, court marshal.

center of the group so that th~ girls might learn her technique. Marjorie Cowell, Betty Lou Berger, Donna Lee Marshal and Burrows were given lollipops for "good

Hubbell solves mystery of missiag Antelope as President implicated e

Ql1 of amaze-

By Reuben Fanders


Art Club elects Good president Joan Good heads Art Club this year with Mary E. Jensen as vice president and Ella Mae Hurlbert as secretary-treasurer. Election of officers took place Monday evening, October 6. Plans tor the year's program were discnssed. Miss Norma Diddel sponsors· this organization.

.!:'tllm the ranks

Students of P.S.T.C. were shocked

Old grads return ..•

Blue and white baiJoons swayed above the orchestra stand as Homecomers danced to the m·,isic of Elton Worth on Saturday evening. As the dancers entered the gym they were greeted by a big· banner reading, "Welcome Home," which hung from the ceiling. In the southwest corner were large painted figures of a Peru Bobcat chasing a Kearney football player. Joan Good, a member of the Student Advisory Council, was general chairman of campus· decorations. Commenting on the help she received, she remarked, "The kids came through just swell."

original verses.

and dumbfounded on Friday night when the effigy of the Kearney Not even hay fever excused Luantelope was discovered in the cille Weber from her sentence- kitchen of President w. R. Pate's removing a grape from a pan of come. flour, and using only her nose and As nearly as can be ascertained tongue. (At this point Judge Cole the antelope disappeared shortly lost both her equillbrium and her ·after its presentation in convocadignity-'as she fell backwards off tion. A freshman was supposed to ber pedestal.) guard this vaunted symbol of Silence prevailed when Dormitory Kearney's might, but it seems that Attorney Grace Muenchau pulled he failed to see the peril of the yards of green tissue paper fror beast and consequently left and ;Eudora Hagan's ear. Imagine her went to dinner. It was then that surprise to find a "hot dog" in her t.he theft occurred, for when the earl upperclassmen returned, the creature had disappeared. Searching parties were organized and throughout the afternoon the freshmen searched meticulously (Continued from Page One) but to no avail. There were many theories formulated in regard to Decorations on the field included the two goal posts which were the dissappearance. Many believed wound with each school's colors. that some practical joker had made Homecomers at the game clllJ.\ried 9ff, with the animal and that it blue and white balloons and wore , would be found upon a junk heap. Others believed that a spy from white feathers. the enemy camp had slipped into Lighted candles and bouquets of our ranks and committed this act azaleamums greeted alumni and of sabotage. present members of Sigma Tau At a -quarter 'til seven the rally Delta at the annual Homecoming was to start. J\1r. Hubbell was bereception at the music hall on Sataming worried for he had promised urday from five to six o'clock. that the antelope would be burned In the receiving line were Mm. at the rii:uy. He knew only too well A. L. Bradford, Nancy Ellen Jones, Pr. Selma Konig and Dr. A. L. that it would be impossible to pacify the mob of students then. THE Bradford. Music was furnished by Margaret ANTELOPE HAD TO BE FOUND. At 6:30 the students began to Goodridge with the violin. She i. was accompanied o::i the piano by gather at the gym. Most of them knew by this time that the antesU1Jcho Elairie Lum. to . At the tea table Edith Willey lope had been stolen, but refused to believe that it could not be found. · '')Ud Virginia King poured. Mr. Hubbell, not knowing what In charge of decorations and reelse to do, tl1en declared a search. sh reshments were Dorothy' TeachThe gym was searched first, and !:nan, Hazel Bouse and Betty Miller. then the girls dorm. :D~Ilcc,


Every place in Pem was then searched. "Every place? No, there were just a few places left-the presidential residence l !''

Buhrman heads Math Club


that is

silly:• But, as Hr. ~ll reasoned, "\\'EHAVIUB:l(IUiTELY NO RECOURSE-~Y OTHER PLACE HASB~~."

the presidential home. A chimt ~ "We want the anteloµ;:;;• ~n. President Fate, smprlsed, came to the door and the leaders demanded that he ell~ produce the imag·e peareably o:r the house would. be searched. ~dent Pate chose to have the home searched.


A delegation of three students searched the place. In a little cubby hole off ihe kitchen, hidden in a dark corner, the antelope was found. Triumphantly it was brought forth. An explanation was demanded from the president. but happily for everyor.e ·concerned, he was able to exP.lain "way the crime. "I did the best I could with the kind of antelope you gave me," he began, "I .tried my best to pet rid of the beast and I didn't do a very good job of it, but .tomorrow I hope that you will do a better job with the real antelc1Je." On the shoulders of two freshmen, in triumphal glory, the antelope went its "last mile" down town. As the fire burned low, the students began chanting "Beat Kearhty" and on the thirteenth time, the antelope was tossed onto i he hot coals. And so another chapter ;s written !:1 the history of Pem college--one of the most ~cJndalous ch'.11 tt·rs ever tn find Hs way int•) the annals of our institut.lon.

Mrs. Wheeler speaks to Sigma Taus

when President Barbara Beal handed in her resignation at the meeting October 6. New officers elected were Maurice Anderson, vice president and Bob McAlexander, secretary-treasurer. Prof. Paul C. Sweetland is sponsoring the club during Prof. A. L. Hill's absence.

"Embezzled Heaven," by Franz Werfel, was reviewed by Mrs. A. G. Wheeler at the meeting of Sigma Tau Delta on Oct. 13. Announcement was made at the meeting of the deadline for "Sifting Sand," which will be Nov. 15. Members were asked to encourage students to submit material for this publication, Plans were also made for formal initiation of new members on Monday, Nov. 10. Refreshments were served by Edith Willey, Dorothy Armstrong am Rose McGinnis.


Look no farther-look your best


Haircutting A Specialty


Modem Barber Shop

Former Vice President Wayne Buhrman









(Continued from page onel

rehabilitation at Estuary, stoically

must go. Ellen obsessed by the

leaves her imbecile sisters, to give

thoug·ht of their helplessness and by her obligation to them protests

herself up to the police.

unavailingly to Miss Fiske who goe'

role of Ellen gave a credible interpretation of a tragically neurotic woman. Miss Fulton's playing. was intelligent throughout "·and of especial interest to playgoers who enjoy the drama of abnormal psychology. Her Ellen she represented cleanly without emotional. effusion and she kept her securely the pivotal interest oi the play to the end. James Howe. as Albert Feather, revealed the command of technique in a major role of which minor parts in earlier plays gave promise. Mr. Howe plays with assurance and with obvious care for the play as a whole. Vivian Fogle bring·s to the character of Miss Fisk a bouncing good humor, and a minute observation o.f the crochets and mannerisms of human beings. Hope Carter and Alice Thomson as the feeble-minded sisters of Ellen achieved effective characterizations. They merit citation as well for what they happily avoided as for what they achieved. The temptation to excess which the parts present is great, and the line between success and failure particularly in the role of Louisa is thinly drawn. Dorothy Hanks is vivacious and altogether charming as the ingenue of the piece. Dorothy Armstrong successfully recreates Sister Theresa.

about preparations for a celebration of their departure. The sisters who have developed an anxiety about their future plead with Ellen to keep them safe at Estuary. In profound mental distress, Ellen tells them she has arranged to buy Miss Fiske's place so that they may remain. The sisters, satisfied, resume their meaningless actiYities while Ellen, now deeply neurotic, 'f;onceives the destmc!ion of Miss Fiske. Following her murder of Miss Fiske, Ellen's morale steadily disintegrates, her remorse ar'ld unrelieved emotional conflict being suspected even by her slster. To accelerate this process there is the appearance at Estuary House of Albert Feather, minor felon and cad. who insinuates himself into the favor of the deranged women and with the assistance of Lucy. :\fi'3s Fiske's maid, discovers El1en's crime. When Ellen, fearing for herself, demands that Albert, whom the police seek, go to Canada, he confronts her with his knowledge of her crime. His control orer his aunt and his concealment at Estuary are ended abruptly by the news brought by a friendly nun that the polie are sea:·chlng the neighborhood for him. He accep:s the money Ellen had earlier offered him and hurriedly departs. Lucy, who has overheard lhe conrersation between Ellen and Albert flees the house in terror. Ellen, discovered and now beyond hope of spiritual

lv\uenchau announces Y carnival date "The Y Carnirnl date is Saturday, Nov. 5,'' announced President Grace Muenchau at the YW cabinet breakfast Sunday morning. Oct. 5 at the home of Miss Edna Weare. A ger:eral theme was chosen, and committees were appointed. An invitation to a waffle feed at Miss Marjorie West's apartment Oct. 12, Homecoming weekend was accepted. All last year cabinet members are to be special guests. ,,J..,





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Water · Clock - Glasses Jewdry or Fountain Pen

• Repaired at Lowest Possible J<air !'rice

• New Lenses replaced in your Glasses at 25 per cent guaranteed saving to you.

Chatelain's Jewelry Save Money Downtown

Beatrice Fulton ir1 the difficult

The mounting of the play revealed imaginative and minute di-rection throughtout. Problems of tempo and mooti, rendered some'<.Yhat more difficult by the highly dramatic first act curtain. were well worked out and bathos comt::letely avoided. The play at moments suffered a loss of vividness because of inadequate speech volume, but on the whole the lines were easily understood.

J. P. CLARK Electric Shoe Shop Shoe Repairs




Skelly Service Station Skelly Oils and Gas 1.;omp1ete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone 40


Headquarters for Cleaning! J'ailoring, with hundreds of woollens on display under the expert supervision of Mr, Cejka.

Peru Cleaners and Tailors On the East Side of Main Peru Phone 62




· nn

tudent speaks It was a cold, nippy evenin the fall of 1935 that I t witnessed a Peru college

ball game. Many things




transpire during ·a lapse six years but not the Peru irit. Although the Bobcats re being beaten there w0s

.ot the faintest sign of excite· ent or gusto pouring forth om the cheerin~ section. his leads one to believe that re is within our institution inherent feature of lifessness and vapid attitudes. . his prevailing spirit might e attributed to: (1) an inorn feature of a teachers col· ege, (2) a losing team, (3) the


I am prone to discredit the two inasmuch as a

Peruvian gel high rating A First Class rating, . . . l score of 00-0, was given the H Peruvian by the Natiooal ~ ~stic Press Association. ~ to Nancy Ellen .imies, ~ manager of this year's ~ the Peruvian came wi"hln 10 ~ !Zif being All-American, ~d ~ . . ening section and the co!l:!r ~·~ theme were given one of me i-J~ est ra.tings in the contest. 'I'lle yearbook, of which ~ Karr was editor, competed ~ a;, class for schools of 500 to 1111» W was one of 25 schoolS rat«i ~ Class. There were nine All-~ can ratings awarded. The air view scenes of the campus were considered especlallj' good.

Lambda Delta Lambda elects Carl Wirth as president

YW looks forward ti annual carnival "Don't forget to bring back your

d. clothes from home," admonish~ Preslde::t Grace Muenchau at YW Tuesday evening, Oct. 14, in re!:errlng to the Y carnival to be he.'ld Saturday night, Nov. 5. "A }•$td-Times .Ball'' is w be the

Freshmen start new organization


Genera] chairmjan Harriet Maxnll has already begun pliinning me even<. The proceeds will be &med proportionately beween :;-;e two Y organizations-the YW dimends going into the "F.stes" fund. Reviewing the bock, "I Dare You" by William Danforth£, G r a c e Muenchau read, "The reason you aren't what you could be is beeause you haven·~ dare<l to be." Wilma Miller led group singing. Kile Jane Young presented the ~onal thoughts.

Sketch Club ... was added to the newly organi7l"d freshman activities on ThmsC:a:;, Oct. 16. Under the sponS-Orsh;.p of Miss

Norma D'Jedel and Jol'tn Good, upperclass adviser . .students are plan· rung roap carving, block printing and sketching.

'Persona1·1ty, •••

first y t


jeachers college should not be 1$11 exception nor d0&& Peru :elaim a losing team· Therefore .it would lead one to conclude that the fault lies wholly with the cheerleaders. Howe;er logical as this may eound I am compelled to dis·, agree with it and believe that


ss J-


something more basically ·is the cause of the discord. It an attitude of

and as far as we are con· cerned so be it. No interest

and a nonchalant manner possess the typical Peruvian. We fake no interest in raising the

0 degree of enthusiasm. Af. ter all the student body 1s composed of you and me. It is this group that must radiate


. the spirit.

• The next time you start to criticise the school morale pause and think awhile. What

am I


to improve it?

Have I boosted the morale


of the school by actively showing this institution all .the spirit and vitalitr I pos·


sess? Let's not criticise and


ondemn, but rather congrat·

ulate and praise.

• 1

We have a good college, a

.treat team and a great coach.

State superoisor speaks on purpose of N. Y.A. Hermann F. Weige, who has been active in the National Youth Ad· µlinistration since 1935 and is now Nebraska State Supervisor of thr.t movement, spoke to the studPnt body in convo<:.ation Friday morning, Ort. 17. '\What is the N.Y.A.?" is the question most freqw:mtly as'l:ed Mr. Weige. He explained that it is a system whereby. stiudents are given part time employment so that they may continue their education, and a means whereby those youths

Lutherans choose delegates to convention Eighteen Lutheran students he.d the second meeting of the year on Thursday evening, Oct. Hi. LaVerna Magneson and Anna. Mangold were chosen as delegate~ to attend the Fremont Convention Oct. 31 and Nov. 1. Afer the devotional service r.1;d business meeting the group played various games.

FT Rdiscusses sa.fety rules How many safety rules do you know? This was the question discussed at the meeting of the Future Teachers of America on :Monday, Oct. 13. Patricia Rockwell and Fanny Alberts were in charge of the discussion. Audrey Zastera was awarded the prize for the best pantomime illustrating safety. A hard times party is planned for Tuesday, Oct. 28.

Highlight ... of the Y.M.C.A. meeting on Tuesday evening, Oct. 21, will be a talk by Dr. Winston Thorson. The meeting will be held in the study hall of the mens dorm.

In this issue . • • Peruvian 11resents 11Ians fol' practical pedagogy, page 2


These assets plus your

cooperation should and could vive us again.

Who's who on campus, page 4 Phys and hy students study ''What Goes on Here In May Heart" ••••• page 4

Peru conquers Chadron, page 3


was the topic discussed at Per\$0nality Club on Thursday, Oct.

At t.~ next :neeting Mrs, J. W. Tyler will W'ak.

Peruvians fly for Uncle Sam

Peru Players . . .

Aviation cadet H. K. McHugh, a Peru C. P. T. student of 1940, Is

16. The dfseusroon was led by Doris F'iack and Jean Hayes. Games were under the direction of Dorothyi Durfee.

cut of school maJ find part time employment until they become more fitte<l and ready for a full tune position. "Work, -and varied work experience is a part of the value .received fr<'m an education." Mr. W?ige made this statement after explaining that there are 5q3 hii;h schools and 23 colleges jn Nebrash participating in this. movement, and that there are :wio high school students and between 1200 and 1300 college students in NY.A.

chose 'The InvisjbJe Clue," a cne-act piay by Willia.'11 Milligaci, t-0 be prnduced befo~e Thanksgivlng. IncJude<Lin tbe cast are: Valois mi.lJ, DoniJd Gacek, Phyllis DeLcmg, .Lorene C-0atney, Leonore ;.,a-son, 'Rjchard


,' son.

Freshmen plan 6 dance Dec. 6 A party and dance are scheduled by the freshman class for Dec. 6. Plans were made at the meeting on Monday, Oc~. 13. The following people will serve as chairmen Of a committee: JanLs Baker, arrangements: Betty Lou Berger, program; Mary Shirley Jimerson, refreshments and Wayne Sayer, room preparation. The second semester party will be held April 11.

Contests provide chance for artists Artists are invite<l t.o submit sketches of Nebraska or Iowa. scenes for publication in the WorldHerald. For each sketch accep~d for publication the World-Herald will pay five dollm·s. All artists residing in Neorask?, and former Nebraskans are invited to participate in the Nebra:k'l State Art Exhibition at Morrill Hall, Lincoln. Artists now residing in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado. South Dakota and Missouri are eligible to submit work to the Six State Art Exhibition at Joslyn Memorial in Omaha, Nebraska. The .. National Soap Sculpture Committee announces the 18th annual competition for small sculptures in Ivory soap for the Proctor and Gamble prizes. 'I'lle contest wm cl.ose May 15, 1942. Cash prizes totaling $2200 wiU be awarded In three classes- advanced amateur, senior, junior and special group and reproduction awards. Students intereste<l can see Miss Norma Diddel for further details.

a::d .C::hirl.?/ Jirr'"er-



Cat! Wirth heads Lambda Deltai Lambda this yeax as the result of an election of officers held Monday, Oct. 13. · Other officers elected were Maurice Anderson, vice president; Richard Kingsolver, secretary; and Harold Dallam, treasurer. · Invitations were extended to nine new members. Requirements for membership a.re a major or minor in the physical science department with at least 16 hours of "B" work. Plans for the program of the year include at least one meeting each semester which will present a scientific program, a cheniical show, and a social meeting eac'\ month in conjunction with a reg-_ u1ar business meeting. A committee was selected to, :write a paper in some speclillzed field .to be submitted for publita. ti on.

learn to Dance ....

C1ub n:et on Od. 16. Members ·~ continued their activities b:; practicing dance steps already learned. .)'!

Junior high aids national defense Don't. throw those test pape:s Ju.."1ior high school studen'.;s :ere ccliecting papers of a11 kinds to aid national defense. Newspapersj catalogs and n1?,gazines gatb-ered by the ninth grade srndents l»ave amour.ted t:::. more thrn 1000 ;;ounc:.s. Students ::ore not only to 3id the ::atioYial ·Ciefense progra:-11) l::ut a!so to gah1 e11ough money to b-..2~r· something useful f-)l' the junior high schocl. You rr.a:; cR"!l ~a::'"lcy· ?, way!

S;eck. 45 or the Tra.ining Schc-01, 1

248, to J1ave so:r:1eone come ior your papers.

now engaged in a primary flight oourse at Palo Alto Airport, King City, Galifornia. McHugh attended Peru two years and later became Airport Dispatcher for the Bring. ham Flying Service, at Auburn. He rntered !light training at King City in July. After being graduated from primary school, Cadet McHugh W.11 oontinue his instruction fc1· five months, which will lead to v.ings and a commission as Second Lieutenant ln the Air Corps Reserve. . 'The second part of his fl:ying mstruction completed at Goodelrow Field, basic flying school at &ln Angelo. Texas, Aviation Cadet Dei!on C. Goerke, '40, has been ordered to Kelly 'Field, Texas, whe~e l:e will enter the final 10 tnonthc of advanced flight training requir t'd w earn the wings of a flyin-: officer in the United States Arrr. 81 J<Jr Corp Reserve. ~

Miss Petersen reviews ·'l(abloona' by Poridns JV.Liss Grace Petersen reviewed "Kabloona" by Vicomte Gontram de Poncins, Wednesdav Oct. 15, in the library. "' The plot of the story, she explained, concerns the e:qieriences \if a French scientist who went to Northern Canada to learn about tbe uncivilized Eskimos.

Gamma Chi to present Wesleyan coed at women s convocation j

To appear at the specir,J girl's Monday mornirn;, Oct. 27, will be Virginia Crawford of Lincoln, senior from Wesleyan University. "The Value of Exira-Curricular Activities," will be her con~ation

t®!c. Miss Crawford appeared on a panel discussion at the Nebras.J;:a State Association of Deans of Wo· men held at the University, Lincoln, Oct. 3. "She's simply wor.derful-and oh. she has such a love 1y pe:·svnality,'· co:nme1:":.cd

Mrs. Inice Dunning, who heard her there, and who will bring the

speaker to Peru Monday morning. Wesleyan's coed is a member of the college debating sqad, and af. filiate<l with the Willard sorority. A luncheon will be held for her at noon in the cafeteria," state<l Gamma Chi President Doreen Meier. Club council members, Grace Muenchau, past president, and Ferne Peterson, council president, will attend.



tditorially speaking Book reviews, pro



Students who are too occupied in learning French irreg· ular verbs, Cr2 (S04)3, and the effect of humanism on Mid· die English literature to have any time for recreational read· ing, will be interested to note the schedule of A. A. U. W. book reviews. . Sponsored by the American Association of University Women, the reviews are presented twice a month on Wed· nesdays. Miss Mary Hileman, who is in charge of this activ· ity, points out that a great deal of work goes into the reviews, and that an effort j.,_ made to present timely, interesting books. This is the second year that the A. A. U. W. has had this fea· ture. So if you'd like to keep informed on what's new in the ·world of literature, station yourself in L103 at four o'clock, and who knows?-You may get so interested you'll want to take time out to do a little reading on your own.

Roll Call

The annual Roll Call of the American Red Cross begins ,l November 11 and continues through November 30. This is the only time during the year that the Red Cross makes an appeal, either for members or funds. The Red Cross today i$ engaged in a vast program of preparedness for emergency. Through its 3,730 chapters and 6,585 branches, this organization reaches every town and vii·

!age. The program has two purposes-to prepare the individual for any possible emergency; and to strengthen weak spots in our social structure which experience abroad has shown to be in need of strengthening, shoulp a real crisis develop, Because of the tremendous expiinsion of services this past year, thousands of new members are needed· College students .. have an excellent opportunity to take an active, humanitarian part in a worthy cause.

Dear Mom: Everything is super-dooper. The geezles at Peru are really

in the groove. I'll have to tell you about the boomer week end we had

a while ago. One night we had a shuffle in the gym and a sup· er-tooter named Elton Worth was there, and he really gave ~ out, but deadly. 1 to' :VIy roommate and I both put on our wing-dings and went · 'i:You know, Mom, I like her a lot, but she talks so funny. I :~guess I'm just not hep to her jive. The other day she told me fir(she went to a rat race with a hammerhead and had to send up th flares all evening. I finally broke her down to admit that what rshe rea:fy·meant was she went to the hop ·with a goop and had to s. o. s. the stags. Most of the crumbs around here are super, although I did go to the hour dance on Wednesday with a dark horse who threw a shoe, and the dance turned out to be kind of a driz. zle. But Mom, I forgot to tell you the big news. Last night J had a date with a real glamour-puss, and I think I've really found my big-time operator at last. I knov1r dad isn't especially chip-heavy right now, but could you marrn.ge to shoot a little of the green stuff to me?



Ralph Locke .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . Sports Editor Rex Floyd • " ................... Assistant Sports Editor RogeneRa&e " .................... ........ Copy Reader Virginia King. Ellen King ................ Proof Readers M. Florence Martin ........................... Adviser

On campus

A!pha Psi .......................... 7-8 .......................... l\Ionday Internati011at Relations ............ 7-8 .......................... Monday

. YWCA ............................ 7-3. .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . Tuesday YMCA ............................ 7-8 .......................... Tuesday

CCA ...•••••••••• , •••• , , •••••••••• 7-.8 •• , ........................ Tuesday

Fh-e years agoDr. Ware, instructor in the ph .. 1 ical science department, had ro 1 structed a device for compuli averages, on a principal similar that of t.fie slide rule.

Reporters: Catherine Adams, Ruth Adams6n, Jean Bond, Josephine Boosinger, Hazel Bouse, Elaine Brier, Elaine Briley, Druis Brins<>n, Merlin Broers, Alice Cleaveland, Helen Dahlke, Rex Floyd, Sidney Johnson, Josephine Kelly, Doreen Meier, Richard Meyer, Irene Nispel, George Nor· ton, Ja:mes Ray, Helen Rhodes, Patricia Rockwell, Bette Scott, ~·icn•e Steuteville, Mary Stevenson, :\fary Ellen Th&mas, Laurella Toft, Lois Wagoner.

Kirby Page, author and editor "The World Tomorrow,'' was to on the campus on Wednesday. was to speak at convocation and a joint Y.W. and Y.M. meeting.

Alumni trail


• Brkk

The ap ef eflh'.alr.r isn't dead Bed DQn carrying Feme"s boot,, ta his one goOd


1\t111.. • • • ~-Virgie

lee's kipi red sweater • • .


J&as a DeW" general gym student, we llelr-yes, she has l1ad to add the name "Wlute'' lo bet grade book ... Nomination fer the joke of the week: "I had a blind date who only had two teeth, so I took her to dinner." "Well, what of it?" ''The darn things met." Racl,low has less competitioa now that one of Ethel's friends

-freshies Larson and l\larshall . . . "Blne" gals over the 1reek end-the football widows . . . lfow did !Bea land that date with Lahodne:ls friend? . . . .He. "[ found this hair-pin in my pocket. Is it yours? She. "No, it's black. I use hr.own pins!' He: Hmmm. Guess my foun-

tain pen's


leaking again.''

Girls, don't w&rry If l\llltan Schultz hasn't asked yon fm: a date yet. You're probably nut on the "line." . . . CoWd you name a better loolting couple than Jerry-Dorothy?

Dear Madonna and Bert: We were terribly disappointed because you didn't come up last we but you doubtless know all the Homecoming news by now. I'm in the library reading the papers and I notice that ROBER WEBER, class of '39, is the new music instructor at Superior. He was Mesquite, Texas, for two years. GLENN YONT, of the same class, is sci ence teacher and ELEANOR LINVILLE aJso a Peruvian, is commer teacher. OORINNE BRISSEY is bookkeeper in the Ford Garage at Aubu , She, with


Peru every d~y. Margie and Gene were married last Christmas and are living in Californa. JULIA JEAN PLASTERS was married to H. W. Harrington, Jr., m: Omaha, Oct. 4. Jean was active in dramatics at Peru. ALIOE AUXIER; also a Peruvian, sang at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington w.ill live in Omaha. BILL DUSTIN and BOND KENNEDY are attending U. c. L. A. this. fall. Bond is preparing for Civil Engineering. He and Bill attended Peru in 1938-39. DORIS E. GRAY, instructor in the high school at Cambridge, recently wrote an article, "The place of exhibits in the teachino- of home::naking," which was published in the Nebr~ska State Educatio;al Journal. FRANK LARSON was here for Hom,ecoming . .He, ED FALLOON, and JACK COLGLAZIER are rooming together in Omaha while they attend U. of N. Med. School. In music appreciation class today, we were mentioning how many P2ru nephews Uncle Sam has (this was before "Pop" came in). BUCJK DOUGHERTY, "BRICK" LEEWELLYN, i'IBX l'IIANIFOLD, PAT HiE:N-. RY and BOB HALLIDAY at Camp Robinson, Arkansas; SEV<ERN HAND·.J.' LEY at Ft. Walters, Texas; DEAN GRASS at Ft. Benning, Georgia; NEIL GOOD, air corps at Jacks1111.ville, Fla., AllLENBY VELVICK at Randolph Field, Texas;l\IILLIKAN and BOLLMEIER are in San Diego in the air corps, I believe: BROOKS and SEVERSON are also members of the air corps. Well, kids, try to make the all-girls formal, November 15, will you? And drop in for a visit anytime. Love Grace

Janet Harris presents pointers on plans for practical pedagogy Dear Mere@h:

Unfortunately for the futu,·e c: our government's Red Tape Department, I'm teaching three t::ping classes. Incidentally, do yc u mind if I b!:ush up on the home row while I have this Royal at my fingertips? fff jjj fff jjj hep hep hep hey hey hey fff what a gay fgf day day day fur jug just lad had ask Dad had a jug jug jug· What fur lad? D3.d had ji.;g fu: fun what fun! Ask dad lad fm: 0 Just dad had jug no fun fur lad. Dad had a jug jug jug chug chug. Chugging 12 knots now !ad. What, knot? Knot, knot a thousand times knot. Dad hadda chug to get the jug, chug puff fft! Dad hadda m. ... Dad fft or jug. 1


take it au oack



Yo 11rself Thin Technique !el S!.:lt· cessful Pedagogy which ytiu pu:b-


Students and facuity of beard an unusal speaker in :Jerson of Tommy Ryan, ex-mid weight boxing champion of world. Mr. Ryan attribnted nis 1 ceilent health at ~3 to the kind , Jiff he had led. Baskets filled wtth crimson ( ;·el!o 1~· autumn leaves lent an of festivity to the colleg,~ gym f 'cf the wAA "date prom" Friday e r7ng.

Meredith Jimenoo ......................... \'&' • • • Editor Nina Kanti ............................ Assistant Editor

has gone to California ... New couple seen at the hour ttanre

• •

'Ien years Jgo-

Entered at . , Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Oan Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc

Cat claws • • •

• • •


Looking back

Puhli:Gltl"l Fe"kly by The Peru State Teachers Callege Peru, Nebraska

lished last summer. Just ~ liepartments are reaping the ~its (correction-- . . . oh ~ll. li't g<> in, will you?) of my pedl't.RJ, :and rm having more fun tha:l 1msooe cJncerned. Did I say something: cl-O>g dancing for May Feces ~soring the Socks for Slid!~ Qrcles? As is, there's not a carload, ana with one a~ the patch on my shirt, local. ~­ sters indicated, "Perhaps ~ ~long better with a pic.ookl, Ot'I knows?''



lee. lad line dug dig digger fed she go ago gold flat spat chat chase Mary She fed Jake line. Mary Chase led Jake Mary Chase. Mary gold digger. Jake fel fu:· rvrary. Jake fell flat. Spat. Slat. · dig digger diggest i'fuf ujnj edcd Do cdc? You can do go<'J\i work if you think you can. Can you do gl}(Xl if you think you're canned? It is well to think and act as well as you can. Can you can? It is well to think. It is well to can. It is well to think as you can. Can you· think well? Can youse think? Cari uthe ink. Can uthe inkwell. I can can you? I am canned r u bk di ds ps bi, dps. bi li:ds. bi, Ped.




t Chadron ~agles 20-14

Bobcats slip

~~~~-;::;---~~;~~~~ P.S.T.C. FOOTBAtl ROST~R FOR 1941 No.

44 41

Dean may be C!isabled ugh so that he can't do his bit the Bobcats through ,r.e iest of 1941 football season, uut you i depend on it, his fanry for


. e game of "Hearts" has not been

.ea!. ld ld

>y ,I[

f-. )-1.: ~;

at in of t?

ear the shouts, "No Felli!", "Rot", or any .of a half-a-dozen r unprintable quotations, you n lay your Jast dime that the edhead is right in the middle of . hings! Hunting season Ms moved in with the cooler weather, and once again the hills a.bout Peru are dotd with students packing their ns in search of game. From re· orts drifting in, there seems to exa desire to form a club for people interested in hunting. Plans 'suggested, provide for a cabin and an annual fall date for an organized hunt, along with other outdoor activities. All interested in such an idea can help the idea along, with signed notes and suggestions handed in to your writer at the Ped. office. After watching Aulmrn High trim Nebraska City up in fine st;;\" 83-6 in an action packed game last Friday, I can't but help but mar· vel at the manner n which Mcintire has introduced "Bobcat" football to the Bulldogs. Those kids really know how to play it. Peru Prep kept their slate clean ..Of defeats this week with their wln over Cec Walker's Weeping Water footballers. Coach Harold Fister rates a round of applause for his · work this fall. He sta:·ted out with a combination of ~:e~e!'a!:s an.d green material, to mould the::: intc the present Bobkit:e:: team. Tl:2 hardest tests are yet ~o come-:c:e Auburn and R-0ckpo:t games. but. to date the Fishermen have dcne fine work. Key mi:n in the Prepsters successess have been two linemen, Whisler ar.d Hennings, a tough, though small lineman. Both boys . are guards and really raise cain with opposing teams. Other standouts are tackles, Hunzeker and Cjeka, backs Cotton, Palmer and Brown.

Peru 'B' wins 26-0 .e

·~ d


The Peru "B" squad invaded an Owl roost hst Tuesday evening, and returned to Cat Camp with enough feathers in thei: claws to denote, a 26-0 win O'ier Lhe Tarkio ' reserve squad. Scorers for Peru were Banks witli. 12 points, Snider with 6, Young With 8.

37 73 39 38 76 31

49 83 36 46 82 57 72 81 80 52 53 55 54 48

74 42 79 .39


NAME Atwood Callan Dean Ege Floyd Handley Hall Henderson Hobbs Hines Hutton Linder Livingstf)n Mason l\'lcNally Nespor Oakman Ray Rachow Ronhovde Roberts Stark Smith Snider White Yocum Young





Class Jr.

G I:



Sr. Sr. So. Sr. So.

'! B I



.. 1'



!L Sports of yesteryear o Dy James Ray


A last quarter raily with "R:.is" Sa utter and Homer Hatcllitr spasking the spirited Bobcat otrmce led Peru to a 13-0 vic'.ory ·over Midland. FIVE YEARS AGO-

The Kearney Antelopes romped over Peru 59-0. This was the first Kearney win over Peru since the close of the world war, and helped a bit to offset that 100-something to 0 loss Peru smeared on the loop rivals. ONE YEAR AGOCoach Al Wheeler's Bobcats treated the 19th annual homecomers with a 26-0 win over Tarkio . Mather, Henderson and Dean starred in the backfield, along witt1 freshie Wendell Handley who flipped some all-important passes to fellow-townsman Chandler for neat


IM 1:1t li5

.m 161 189




D•VIJ ~19fl'M'll~i.!.~~· f~. . . -~ii,iilflJ,..._ ...f!,,' .



The WAA spotlight shifted to the out-of-town cabin this week as 15 faithful WAA'ers held a picnic here. Transportation was furnished by "Hank," Davy's faithful chariot. An hilarious evening was spent by the light of the campfii;e, as Genevieve McFadden led the group on a "Singing Tour" to far-a-way places. Eats were served in the come-and-get-it fashion with-plenty-for-all. Elnthusiasm ran high at the picnic, and another outir.g is _being dl:cussed for the near future.

Until April 15 . .. , Commission obligations cease for men when they are conscripted into mi!ita;ry duty ... Now these new advantages are offered by the same reliable servici> whose facilities and experienced guidance are constantly at your command. Nebras. ka and an neighboring states our fiel.d. ~.-~ .~ .. Wtite today. ~L!......_~


152 182


By Elaine Brier

.fijl_EN~OLLMEHTl~Q~~§tSJfJDE~J'S .



W.R. R. notes




E It E E B





:l s

l l




1'5 1SS 111

ta 170

So. Jr. Sr. So. Jr. Sr. Sr. So. So. So. So. So. Jr. Sr. So. So.

Home Town Ashland Odell Fairmont Falls City Beatrice Nemaha Fairbury Anderson, Ia. Reynolds Barneston Auburn Nehawka Nebraska City Wymore Long Pine Odell Auburn Shelby Carleton Eagle Tecumseh

Bedford, Ia. Talmage Wilbur Superior Humboldt Adams

Fr. Sc.

Prep trounces Weeping Water Peru Prep swamped Weeping Water high Friday evening as they scored at will to hang up a 37 ~o victory. Coach Fisher's gridders dominated the play all evening, as he cleaned hlis bench of subs to fill in for Prep-so lop-sided was the game that. Whitey Palmer was called in from the bleachers to fill in for ace tackle Whisler who was injured. Palmer's post-game com~

c-1ent was



LOW I're got

something to work for-only 7 more quatters to go for my fi~st le~te:·!'' Scorers for Prep were Brown with 19 points, Palmer with l~, 2nd Ninceheiser wich 6. Conve:sions were not felt important, so Fisher cent in Bill Redfern to practice drop kicks-incidentally Redfern failed both tries. Stellar men, Hunzeker and Clements were allowed to sit this game out to take care of their injuries. New men to get in beside "Flash" Palmer were Jack Whitfield and Guy Grafton who both did fine jobs. Co-captains for the game were G~ant DeVore and Ward Amams, both seniors. A point worth noting is that Walker's Weeping Water boys only made one first down in the course of the game, and that was against tl1e Prep ,subs.

'Cats prepare for attack against York On tap for this week end, the Bobcats look to York. weak sister of the NC'AC conference. To date the United Brethern's have managed to score nearll' every game, but have also failed to win a contest yet. The Wheelennen \\ill rely on their speoo and power for a win, while York's hopes for an upset will hinge on their speed and deception. Pa&ses are the chief offensive threats of the Panthers, and the Bobcats hope to overcome thatand should bring home another

Handley and Stark score for Peru Finke is Chadrons big gun Over ...

The State e By. Rex Floyd

Wheelermen staged a last-half ralley to win The Bobcats came· through with the u~et of the week last Friday

as they rOOked. the heavy c11ad.ron.

Across the StateTaking part of 'OVer the State' this week as Over the State with the Bobcats. The trip itself from beginning to end was dominated by the cut throat game of heart, the activities of the entire squad, headed by coaches Al and Art . : .

Crack of the trip took place when Hutton told Stark after being hit by a candy wrapper, "Stark, if you don't behave I won't take the ball from you on 25" . . . Thanks should be given to the Broken Bow Hi School for their hospitality and use of the Hi School football field ... Getting back. t-0 the team, they left Peru at 7 :50, stopped at the Hotel Yancy (they advertised in the Peruvian and Homecoming program) 12:15, on to J3roken Bow for a two hour practice, hitting Hyannis about '6:30 Tuith a bus full of hungry football players who will all agree that they· had the best steak any Nebraska beef could possess. On to Alliance where the team opent two nig(1t3 before and after the game. Rett::·:1 trip was spent by 22 players a::c'. a couple of coacnes ~asting eye.s over the Nebraska hill> for a pheasant or two guided by the expert shooter Mason (who did get one' and Callan and Roberts ·... by the was Jones also plr.yed . Fc·r tl1ose who might wonder what the team sang, the hit tune of the can> pus or of the hummers of the t.eam. "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire" stepped back occasionally to let "City Called Heaven" t.ake over. "Hi Neighbor" bid next.


'N' There

Not forgetting the tough Homecoming game between Peru and Kearney we view the Kearney squad with a bit of sorrow and effects of that game. Mike Shada, 172 pound fuilback. was injured in the game and will be out for. the rest of the football season. Alt>ng with this, Journey, the guard, a:,c Blessing, the left end, spent minutes of play in the Wesleyan g?c::1° on the bench.

Scoreboard Midland still leads t11e state without losing a g·ame v;ten tl1ey tripped over Central, Iowa. 23-13. Doane topped Tarkio, Mo., 20-6, Wayne worked hard to beat Hastings 7-0, Sterling,.Kas .. hit hard a~ York 44-6. Prep topped Walker's Weeping· Water team 37-0. The "U" lost their homecoming game to Indiana 21-13, and still keeping a:1 eye on the Ichabods 0f the W'.l.shburn team at Topeka. Kas .. we find the score reading 7 to 7 against both Pittsburg· T2ac:J.ers 2:~::' ',Vlc:1ita of Kan3as.

Games this week

Eagles 20-14. The win throws the NIAA conference in.to tne ,511aaow of a possible three-way tie for the circuit title. Should Chadron beat Kearney while Wayne rails to win a single league bout Peru, Chadron and. Kearney will be in a deadlock:; with two wins and a loss apiece. , 'I'he 'game last week end was a. hard battle for both teams. Peru counted first when the\• ran theiI' first offensive play of' the game after recovering a fumble-the play went for a touchdown with Wendell Handley cs:rying t'.1e mail' 45 yards arour:d end to score ..

Cats Play for BreaksThe rest of the game, Peru played for the breaks, while the EJagles, led by Finke marched consistently through the Peru weak side, piling up yardage '1.nd first downs. The half score read 14-6 Cha.d· ron's favor, but the Wheeiermien came back, with Henderson, Hutton and Stark, running wild to rack up two more touchdowns, and .rirason. converted both times. Stark wall the scorer both times the la.st haif, plunging for the scores after. the pins had been set up by all three of ?eru·s ball-carriers . Turnir:g in unexpectecty g·ood performances were subs .Smelzer and ¥lhite. who alternated at right e:1d. Vtni'.e fiiled io. or, offense.. G.!ld Sn:elzer plugged up on s~ered


de ... ~

co::siden.bly holPe:-u·s 7.'ea!-:: :s~de Ln tl12 l1st


so.:::e in2pired. pL.:ty.

Table Rock-Peru Prep ~cheduled for Wednesda}d '{,

Peru Prep will play Table Rock. Wednesday of this week in their next scheduled game. Coach Harold Fisher's Bobkittens will submit their records of no defeats to a. test without the services of several regulars, chie:l; :'fa:1zeker, Clem• ents and pcEsibly Whisler. Bill Redfern, who has been out with the flu, wiil be ready to go at h~ reguiar po.st at center. The game will be played. tl12re. \ I'll try a~·ah this week:


o;'e'· Hastir1.;s. r1Iidland will t.op \Ve:sley~l~:



Plainsmen's goes to

E·::?~~Lecordt;.g ~:etd, :=!had~on VV\1~.:ne

to ~,-lcto~·~r. K\'.:.1tney'3 honw·... coining \\:lLl be highlig~1Leci. 1~v . "J.,

victory ov~~· Ster:ltn~;. KaJ .. de:Jplte their win over Yo;:~: !.a:5t; ?eru v;iU use plenty ot t:·icks tn carry on t1e m·any defeats handed York. Nebraska sl1ou.ld carr::·

:.!;s Big

Six honor.3 ovei: i),fissourl ... n:o,tcl1


CLUB Lames Wele<>me at All ·nmes J:Sen Haru&n,

Picking the winners over the State last week and not missing a victory except Nebraska., darn it,





1\1, G. Heuer, owner



Peruvian writes

new book Dr. Verne E. Chate1am is the 11uthor of a new book, "Defenses of Spanish Florida. 1565-1763," published by the Carnegie Institution. Dr. Chatelain, whose home was in Peru, ·received hls A. B. degree !rom the State College ln 1917.. For 1everal years he was head of the history department ttom which position he resigned to enter the National Park service as chief hist.orian. Fve years ago he begim work with the Carnegie Institute. His recent pub!l.catloh 1S the result of a series of studies under..-taken in connection with St. Augustine historical program, started by citizens of St. Augustine and Florida to restore the first permanent European colony on the .lll!liinimd of United States. Tnis study was made in addition to preservatiion and restoration of historical st.es, buildings., etc., to show the development of certain aspects of American culture in relation to Spanish activitie5 in Florida. · Dr. Chatelan. now lives in 'Wash:lngton, D. C. His wife, Cella Group Chatelain, who asslsted him With ·his research and writing, was graduated frOmi Peru in 1915. ~ !Jave two children, Shirley and :Richard. '





Could be its site was once the part of Peru, but it has livenect up conSlderably since the girls "moved in." Now don't get excited, Don't get misled :ti you hear strange noises Under your bed. It's just imagination-we hope!! Of course, you know for whom the new women's hall was named. This honor was given to the first dean o! women in Peru, :Miss Eliz.a Morgan. · Her picture is hanging in the fe.culty room. dea~st

Members of Y.M.C.A. held a basketball game in the high school .-gymnasium, after the regular meet~ itlg on Oct. 14.

who's who


• •


Mary Stevenson "Two things that Peru and Harth r$rd have iri common ~re old · · Jrick sidewalks and big trees,'' obCerved a former Peru student to ,illss Nornia L. Diddel while on the Harvard University campus this summer. Miss Diddel was one of 20 chosen from 65 applicants from all over the United States to be awarded a Carnegie Fellowship ~-0 Harvard. This year was the firs1 time ,Carnegie Fellowships were given to members of Teaehers college art faeulty. The group of 20 awardees met each evening to discuss various art ·problems under the leadership of the director. of the Springfield, Mass., Museum. Every Friday afternoon they attended an illustrated art lecture. Saturdays were s,pent on ~peciall:Yl coducted tours to famouse art schools, and art museums, among which were the Rhode Island School of Design, the Worcester, Mass, Art Museum, Fenway Court and Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Besides this they could take any regular courses they · wished. :Miss l)lddel took materials and methods ¢ Medieval painting and history of Amerlca.n architecture. The 2,000 students attending were of all ages and nationalities; approximately 40 per cent were women; quite a number were refugee students. "The majority of students there apparently discus-


MARJORIE ANN WEILERi, Dunbar, says she came t-0 Peru because her sister liked it so well. A freshman, Marjorie is a commerce major, and in the marching band. "I'm the one who pounds and pounds to wake people early," ~he smiles. "But it's fun t.o handle drums." Encouraged to talk about her taste in clothes, Marjorie admitted a weakness for hairribbons, anklets, and plea.ted . skirts. · Asked if she minded being a freshman, Marjorie protested vigorously. "I like Peru. I like being a Peru freshman. It's so easy t-0 get to know people on the campus and I like knowing people!"

Freshman BE'!TY LOU BERGER appeared before Peru audiences as drum major in the marching band. Graduatilm from Nebraska City high school sent her right into newspaper work for a year before coming t-0 C-O!lege. Betty was a cub reporter for the Nebraska City News Press and "got a real bang out of it." Now an English major, Betty ·Lou confiftd a 5'nn( interest in journali!lm. Sile thinks she'd .. like teaching a f!'V or so before "breakJnt .Into print," however. As to her amblUons, Betty Lou says she ls craz;y to have a band of her own some day. When asked what she especially


Phys and hy class studies ~what goes on here in my hearf • By Genevieve Steuteville Love! Ah, what Dr. Odlaug does

framed ht Ms heart, ca.Use theft Just isn't room. With aur-

to you! For years I have thought

leks, and

of a heart as the thing that stops beatlllg for a. minute when you see your fa,vorite beau and then does the two step to the tune, "Are You Rep to the Jive?" But Dr. Odla.ug's got it all ~· He divides the heart into ndl things as auricles, ventritlles and valves. Ollly one thing we seem to agree on. When t PY that Ferne and "Red'' are .,._,,, • u t ell-Oh other it's eby llecause they both have "\!eml-Joonar" valves that contrel thdr hearts, or someth.In'. You call't win either. In pbys and hY class, you're something like the poor freshmen around here. If you don't answer questions ·you get it, and if you do answer, he just po~ another. Back to the heart, though. Dta't let any Schultz or Ball tell you he's got your picture Initiation of new members of the Early Elementary Club took place at the first regular meetiLg Monday, Oct. 13. Officers of the organization will be elected at the next meetin:;-. Nov. 3. Miss Elizabeth Mccollum and MJ.ss Blanche Gard ·are sponS<A"'S.


Pvt Jack Gabus passed his phy·

seal examination for appointment

On campus

Norma Diddel comments on t-O:;ummer art course at Harvard f ~~ ,


more serious topics than the average student;• observed Miss Diddel. The old part of the campus is called the "Yard'' and is surounded by a lligh. ornimental iron fence. All freshmen must live inside this immense yard. Each night the many gates are locked a.nd ]ate-comers must l?'xplain their business· to the gatek~pers in oraer to be admitted. "Harvard stmlents have such a vast amount of illustrative materJal with which to study,'' :Miss Diddel stated. Besides having an art museum of their O\ru, they have immense files where the student can obtain prints by nearly every artist of reknown or on any subject. For a class of twenty people two instructors and a proctor were provided. Every room in the art building is equipped with not just one slide but two fixed so they can be worked at the same time. The tests are three hours long. A proctor hands out the questions and a bluebook is given In which to write. There is no rewriting of answers. Besides seeing most of the museums and places of lnt.erest around Boston, Miss Dlddel saw the Mellon Art Gallery and the Dunbarton Oaks in Washington. In New York she visited the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan Museum imd the Cloisters.

~ e&'r\SS,

bancDes, nodes t&lere just "ain't

for aotbht." If any of Y01:I are having trouble with v.our h5rt,, like Rachow, you'd bet~ get a "kymograph." It will help you to "Keep an Eye on Your Heart" for lt gjves a clearer and more accurate picture of the heart, Dr. OdJaug el.aims. 'Tire R•rls Divided" ls the totth Atwood bears, but he's better off that way. It's hard mough to keep track of one heart. alter Odlaug gets hold ., you! "What G<>es on Here in My Heart" is the theme song of phys and hy students, but the answer should be "college failure" instead of "heart failure." Don't let this discourage your JoTe Ute, Odlaug can ha\'e his "lub-dubs," but we11 take our "Jove doves."· l'OOlll

Bradford speaks at English meeting Dr. A. L. Bradford spoke before ihe Department of Engli'ih at a meeting of the North Western Teachers Association on Friday, October 10 at Maryville, Mo. The subject of his discussion was "The role of the teachers of English in the world crisis." The meeting was held at the State Teachers College at Yia.ryv:\lle.

College purchases public address system A new public address system has been purchased by the college. Arriving in time for trial at the 'Homecoming rally dance, the system was used for Homecoming activities. TI1e address system w'JI be used for football games, public events and as a phonograph for ·~ollege dances.


Headquarters for Cleaning! raitoring,

a.~ a flying cadet at Barksdale Field, Shreveport, ID., Sept. 27. Gabus li'ill train as a navigator.

+ + +

likes about Peru, Betty md, ·I think it's the way peopre ha'l'l! of making you !eel at home. Peru makes you feel that eve:ryone'i your friend. Entomology is a pret!}' fascinating field, according to l.ESTER PETRI, freshman from Garland. Majoring in biology and minoring in chemistry he also rates botany as one of his interests. Lester expects to teach a year or two and then p in for research. He likes to browse over formulae and tquatlons.. Quizzed as to how he liked P. S. T.C., he replied, "It'll a swell place. A small college Is bound to be more interested in its students than a large one."

<From the World-Herald, Oct. 10) Tall enough, well enough, but too thin. This was the verdict of phyoical examiners at Fort Crook Wednesday, when they deferred from army service Dell A. and Dean L. Crouch, twins of Verdon, Nebraska. The twins are each oYer 5 f~t 16 inches tall but weigh only 106 and 108% pounds respectively. <The Crouch twins are former Peruvians.)






YOUR Watch-Clock-Glasses Jewefry or Fountain Pen

• Repaired at Lowest PossiblG Fair /'rice

New Lenses replaced in

Electric Shoe Shop Shoe Repairs Of All Amas

your Glasses at 25 per cent guaranteed saving to you.

Skelly Service Station Skelly Oils and Gas \Jomptete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone !O

Chatelain's Jewelry Save Money Downtown




with hundreds


Modern Barber Shop

Peru Cleaners and Tailors


Haircutting A Specialty


of woollens on display under tlze expert supervision of Mr. Cejka.·

On the East Side of Main Peru Phone 62

Look no farther-look your best



17 ~\H MAIN ST.


Student speaks something


what makes butter melt.


I want to write something

t's somewhat more importaJilt

n something about what make& r melt. Yes, I want to write thing about what makes salt



YW-YMCarnival attracts Ashton heads Freshmen star Phi Sigma Chi at Alpha Erudito 'hard timers' to festival Freshman talent was in display

say that salt pours

at the Scholarship Club meeting

t in dry weather. But you see,

M'on<lay, Oct.

's not quite correet. Fact is, correct. t is, salt doesn't pour well in weather at all. You see, in dry weather, farmers t quite grow the kinda crops could if it were wet. Now if

rs can't quite raise their corn d other crops, why of course salt Bob Ashton •••

• Well, if salt doesn't pour for the

fact that corn , and other crops ean't grow quite well enough to 111ak~

salt pour) then the colleges,

teem somehow to lose their susten-

New Phi Sigma Chi ~t is Bob Ashton, who was ~ M the Oct. 27 meeting of ~ a:imerce club. Assisting the ~t are Virginia King, vice ~t and Doris Carnahan, ~­ treasurer. Dorothy Teachman, adinr chairman, called on several in• dividuals to explain the work of the club to new members. A unique program is planned for the next meeting, which will be Nov. 24.

YM to show film

• NoW1f1 colleges s~ to lose their

11Ustenance because of the ,fact that t ~oesn~t even pour for the kids that can come. Do you begin to ~my


• What I am trying to say is sim-

. ply th~if salt doesn't pour for

Plans were made at the Y.M. meeting Oct. 28, to show .pictures of the Nebraska - Stanford, 1941 Rose Bowl game, , Rev. Himes of the , Christian Church, spoke on, "Religion and the College Student."

pour enough to support the sessions

:'Of shooting the bull that somehow

• J


, ......

And these sessions on the college sustain that certain necessary ingredient which makes salt pour


bull sessions.


The entire pro-

~m, including musical selections '$ud. games, was presented by freshmen. :Mildren Fehr, Percy Schmels and Lois Zwiebel were the pla11nfng committee. The musical program included pianc. solos by .Janis Baker and Carol Copenhaver, a, trombone solo by Billy Woods, and TOCal. solo and guitar accompanhnent by Richard Monroe. Bob Ashton and 'Betty KenRedy were the piano accompanJsls. Games were played under the direction of Lois Zwiebel. The next meeting will be a quiz


Rally features victory' yeU A pep rally featuring the new V for Victory yell was featured at Convocation on Friday, Oct. 31. Professor R. D. Moore was assisted by the college band, and by the cheer . l~e1s as l:)e introduced the riew yell. " ,. · · , Freddie Drexler introduced Coach Al Wheeler and Rex J"loyd, captain for the WaynePeru game, who spoke briefly.

Snow didn't dampen the spirits of students attending the Hard Times Carnival on Saturday night, November 1. Amid confetti and corn, the guests walked down the midway, played·· games, ate, sent telegrams, found out about their fu. tures, and danced. Betty Berger and Tony DeMaro were voted the "poorest dressed couple," Boxes of candy guaran-


Soloists appear at first musicale

The first Sunda~· afternoon musicale was hf.ld at four o'clock on OCtober 19. The soloists were Prof. R. T. Benford, pianist, and William Fankhauser, vocalist. The program was as follows: Hungarian Rhapsody, No. 9 - Liszt Liebestraume No. 2 .... , . . . Liszt Hark. Hark. The Lark Scrubert-Liszt Grand Valce Brilliant Op, 18 Chopin R T Benford Col Raggia Placido .. , , . , Handel The Sea ....... , .. .. .. MacDowell Debbil Foot ....... ,, .. , .... Wolfe :when Clilldren Pray ... , Fenner Blind Ploughman . , . , . , . , . . Clark May, the Maiden . , . . . . Carpenter William Fankhauser Waltzes, Op. 15. No. 1, 2, 8, 15 Btahms The Fauns .. , , . , , , , . . . Chaminade Polichinelle , .. , . . . Rllchmaninoff Santanna . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . Bryan R. T. Benford

Wesleyan coed speaks at girls' conoo on textra· curricular actiuities'

either the college kids that can't

"Too many colleges attempt to train for citizenship only by the classroom method," emphasized Virginla Crawford, Wesleyan senior, who spoke at girl's special convocation on Monday, Nov. 3. Continuing her subject, "Value of Extra-Curricular Act!vities, Training for Good Citizenship," Mlss Crawford commented, "Too many educators believe when seniors step out of graduati9n robes, they have somehow acquired good citizenship . . . but what the student body wants is a training i;round for good citizenship. Extra-curricular activities afford that training ground,

contemporary issues, we have ·the safest guard to our democracy." Miss Crawford has ranked high in debate, having won, as a sophomore, the National Extemporaneous Contest at Nashville, Tenn. La.st year she won the State Peace Oratorical Contest at Wayne, and was named the outstanding debater at the South Dakota Women's Tournament. Her other interests include Plainsman Players, Social Science fraternity, Y.W.CA, Purple Orchids, Willard Sorority and occasional ntdio announcing. Asked if she ever slept, she replied, "Not very much."

When queried after convo~ cation as to what phase of college life she liked the most, she laug-hed and said, "Extra-curricular activities." Specifically? "Oh, debate, oratory, and of course sorority, life." Speaking of her reaction on being asked to speak to Peru coeds, she stated, "I've heard a lot about Peru. But I was surprised that Mrs. Dunning even remembered my appearance on the discussion panel at the Dean's convention." Miss Crawford was honored at a noon luncheon given by members of the Girls Council in the cafeteria.

, Miss Crawford ·offered ex·


'.Now of course if Sa.it can't pour ' for' the campus sessions of shooting -the


which ,somehow seem

' ·· llO vitally sustaining, why of course ialt gets very, very lumpy a.nd pour at all. ••

Now tht moral is tblS-if bull lleSSions don't live, salt doesn't }lour. Now of course bull sessions

art't live unle96 fal'ltlt.l'8 send their lids to school And naturally, farm. ws can't send their kids to school 1in1ess they have wet weather. So, '.~ see salt gets very, very lumpy





dry weather and really doesn't

perimental evidence showing that extra activities do not tnwer the participating student's scholastic standing. ,Further examples pointed out that benefits gained there often prove helpful in obtaining a position. Enumerating specific values of out • of • classroom functions, the Wesleyan coed said this on the subject of the student press, ''mre students are handed a stick Of dyt\' amite and they learn how to haht'lle it without having it explode in their faces." On student lMng she emphasized, "Nothing is more important Utan learning to live with other people." The ability t;o make sound judgments abOut fellow men is the main value she attributed to participation in student government, she believes. Lastly, she stresed, "Forensics - student semte."' "Debate is the beating heart of democracy. As long as we haive debaters, who will discuss and weigh.

Mrs. Herrold reads Burns' poetry at AAUW-sponsored review Robert Burns' poetry was read by Mrs. James Herrold on Oct. 29 under the sr.~1sorship · of tbP. AA.U.W. A ~siilent of Scotland until she was 18 years old, Mrs. Herrold read several of the potms in Scotch dialect. "My home was Aberdeen," Mrs. Herrold said in an interview. "All the buildings there are made of grey granite and the ::t,.~;,,, i.::".: paved with it.'~·'" Memories ef Scotland were recalled by Mrs. Herrold as she said, "Seoth:nd is famous for its lakes arnl rivers. The waters are 'Vtll'Y clear. In the River Dee one can see the salmon

!Swimming: through the wat~r." ·'When tjuesUoned as to the differences in 111ng111age, she explained, "People ~ll. Scotland speak tl'w: same as we do here., ~.l: : had to do when 1 came to this conn try," sllC smiled, "was to learn different meanings for some of our same words. For instance, in Scotland when we speak of a 'homely' person, we mean one who is interested in the home:' J:i,:~., Herrold saw Queen Vic. toria and :.=<1wo ~d VU several times. "I saw Edwaru. 7".: :"hf"n he was Prince of Wales," she recalled. Mrs. Herrold is making her Peru home with her daughter, l\Irs. A. V. Larson.

teed t-0 have cost at least 15 cents were the prizes. Catherine Adams was awarded the door prize. Dance music wa.s furnished by the public ,address system.

Dick Kingsolver announced the music and the program, which


included floor show. "The third floor trio," Betty Berger, Betty Riley and Donna Lee Marshall sang. Acting as marshals, Reuben Panders and Dick Meyer patrolled the affair, "attempting" to jail the rowdy characters. Stands of all kinds were placed about the two smaller rooms of the music hall In the west room a bingo stand, a ring-toss booth, the refreshment stand and a tent with the sign "Men Only" furnished the fun. A museum, a telegraph station, the Bobcat Beauty Parlor, a trinket stand and the palmist were located in the east room. Harriet Maxwell was general chairman of the event. Mary E. Jensen assisted with decorations and poster advertisements. Those in charge of the stands were Grace Muenchau, Wilma Miller, Gertrude ,stoner, Mary Barclay, Lois Zwiebel, Lucille Sandfort, Edith Willey, Roberta Burros and Marguerite Townsend. Others were Nelda Lynch, La Vara Oakley. Korah Baker, Tod Hubbell, Max Boyd, Josephine Conradi. Norma Gess. Bertha Clavburn, Josephine Boosinger, Mars, Horton, Lucille Miller, Bess Ray, )Bill Fankhauser, Dale Jones and Oorothy Teachman.

Formal to feature Hawaiian theme Calling all girls! NOW is the time to ask "that certain man" to the girls' formal, Nov. 15. No one should miss this Hawaiian dance with Mel Pester and his orchestra furnishing the rhythm. The Hawaiian setting will be arranged by the decoration committee, La.Vara Oakley, Rogene Rose and Margaret Bee1,ley. Those ill charge of invitations are JoyeeStark and Margaret Mansfield.

English frat to hold initiation banquet fall

sigma Tau iiei\a's bahqnet will be held 0n Monday evening, Nov. 10, when new members will be initiated and present members advanced. Prof. R. T. Benford, after dinner speaker, has chtisen as his topic, "Music and Literature." The place cards are to be desig1i~.: ':J· .. Norma Diddel. Kappa ~;ii~~ Phi will serve the-'bh'ilr~t. ,,




:1.-.-'{ {l~)fi,,l1







Much comment in academic circles followed Lippman's severe indictment of modern education in his address to the national convention of Phi Beta Kappa at the University of Pennsylvania. The strong stand taken by this noted publicist is cause for serious reflection for all of us connected with education.

In summary paraphrase which does poor justice to his an:alysis, Lippman's contention is that within the last half century the lesser emphasis on the studies basic to Wes tern culture has de~rived newly educated men of "the ideas, the logic, the method, the values, the deposited wisdom which ·are the genius of Western civilization" and that "the. schools .have been sending out into the world m~n who no longer 1 understand the creative principle of the society in which they m~st live." The materialism and aimlessness of modern life, the weakening faith in democratic destiny, and the terrible •strength of alien ideologies are reflections of the lack in the Western world of a common body of principles and know· ledge, of a common moral and intellectual discipline. In no sense is it true, Lippman maintains, that the cultural tradition is not relevant to the twentieth century. The reasons why we have cast aside our classical heritage are because it requires for mastery more effort than we are willing to make and because it raises "deep, disconcerting issues of the nature of the universe and of man's place in it and of man's destiny" which we are afraid to face. The challenge to edu· cation today then, Lippman holds, is a thorough reconsider· ation of its funda1U'ental purposes and objectives and a bold step of, progress by going backward-progress by re-establishing as cornerstones the Greco-Christian religio philosophic tradition which is the original and the driving force behind that which is good and great iJil Western society. "In this tradition our world was made; by this tradition it must live; withqut this tradition it must die." Scientists, professional educators, technicians and specialists in many fields will differ, for a variety of reasons, with Mr. Lippman as to what constitutes the elements of present Westen: culture. But no one aware of the crisis in our society would deny the preeminent obligl!tion of the schools and colleges of the democratic world in the task of rededicationserious, meaningful rededication-to the basic precepts from which our way of life has drawn its origins, much of its sustenance, and most of its strength. The serious college student today is deeply conscious of higher education's obligation to him and is restive if it is not met. A student at Wellesley writes, "Many college ,students of today do not realize that because worlds can crash in minutes, they must anchor themselves to something permanent. All too many young people lack that certain inner richness which comes from the pursuit of knowledge for its mvn sake and brings poise and the perspective necessary for keeping calm in present crisis." And the student editor at the llnivers· ity of Iowa: "We have grovrn tired to death of smatterings of knowledge. We vrnnt to get our teeth into something perm· 'anent, something \vhich ties the present to the truths of a glorious past. We· want discipline in the job of living."

• • •

Memorial services for the late Raven Sherman, comic strip character, were conducte·d by students of Loyola University on the shores of Lake Michigan. The feud between "sidewalk airtists" of Kearney and Hastings colleges continues. Says the Kearney ANTELOPE, "The Hastings students came here first . . . They used the glue.doctored paint on our sidewalks . . We retaliated with good white dripping barn paint." The HASTINGS COLLEGIAN retorts, "As for glue'· doped paint, it does not exist in Hastings' decorating supplies." In re the retaliation measure a CO-LLEGIAN writer declares, "The venture was a flop. They were caught, ridiculed, sh9rned and threatene·d. Then they had to appeal to the ;>o'iice for help. What 1l success ! " ' Doane Players ..g:t·:6~ane College have begun re'h'earsal ot··;:~~pfay;~"You Can't Take It with You." ... A jW1ior at Hastings College· can quote more than 3,000 foot· ball game scores for over a period of 12 years, He has been featured in Ripley's "Believe It or Not." York College students are discussing the need for} .uens dormitory, or a cooperative house for col1eg0 men ... An innovation of this year's Home~c."d11g' at Midland was a one. day program vyhje,I; ,.__..;;placed the usual three-day affair.



• • •

(Guest writer, Winston B. Thorson)





Looking back

Published 1Feekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Ten years agoMonday night the mc:nbers of

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c

the Scholarship Club. enjoyed themselves at an initiatory and Hallo· ween party, Following some lively games and scngs, refreshments were served by Supt. a.nd Mrs. Clemea\3. The r\epression was not in evic'.ence at the Trophy Fm1d Dane~

Meredith Jimerson . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Nina Kanel ............................ Assistant Edi/Qr Ralph Locke . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . Sports EditM Rex Floyd ............. , ........ Assistant Sports EditfJr Rogene Rose ....... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy Reader Virginia King, Ellen King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proof Retfl:ders M. Florence Martin . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . Adviser Reporters: Catherine Adams, Ruth Adamson, Jean Bond, Josephine Boosinger, Hazel Bouse, Elaine Brier, Elaine Briley, Doris Brinson, Merlin Broers, Alice Glea\ieland, Helen Dahlke, Rex Floyd, Sidney Johnson; Josephine Kelly, Doreen Meier, Richard Meyer, Irene Nispel; ~e Norton, James Ray, ·Helen Rhodes, Patricia Roe~1,' Bette Scott, Geneyie"•e Steuteville, Mary Stevenson, Mary Ellen Thomas, Laurella Toft, Lois Wagoner.

held S::iturday night by the "P'' Club in the gym. Five years agoWilliam Platenberg has been selected for the title role in "Cyrano de Bergerac." The play is based on the actual experiences or· Cyrano de Bergerac and is to be given December 11 in the college auditorium. In a setting of red, white and blue, the Presidential Ball, given by dorm girls took place between the hours of eight and 12 o'cock Saturda.y night.

Student with tdatioe thoughts' discusses practical English e By

Elll.ine Brier

turns NEUTER oo


One year ago-

as her

I used to \ro:ider

father become PRikSE:'\T. Dur-

what practical value a course in Engll!lh could ~"Sfoly hold for a

ing the TENSE s'ii'Ull'.tlen that ensues, your oni!' d.11Jiee is to

no;: plan r.o teach

make the affair a SPLIT l>iFINITIVE and make yourself



student whc ;: in

iulun;, L-Ong and persis-

tently I would ii:·gue with my ir.&~ructc.rs .

.::o firn"iiy ;;,-as I ccnYinced

that I was right. :'v!y defensive points embodied the theory that

The White Hussars. a symphonic ensemble unde:· the direction of Herbert Petrie. was presented on October 29 b,. the budget committee. Fifty-two ilome economics stude::ts v;crc guests at a Thanksgiving part': ginn in their honor by Kappa Omicron Phi on Monday, November 4,

a PAST PARTICIPLE in the most convenient manner:·

Following tl1e beat of Maestro Warren Bollmeier, the college dance orchestra made its debut cf the 1940-41 season at the hour dance on Wednesday, October 30.

Now I"m asking you-is or ain't English practical? ? ? ? ?

ii a person could cpeak correct Eng-

lish, why should he take gra:nmar and go to all the trouble of analyzing What he was saying 0 My instructor hit upon an

!Alumni trail

o By Grace Muenchau

argument that stumped me,

Peru, Nebraska, October 31, 19~1

and I would like to pass it on t-0 others who think as I fonnerly did. Her version of Eng-

lish in practical use was as follows: "You see a beautlfUl girl walking down the street; She is SINGULAR You in your &\!ill CASE are naturally POSSEs....q\IE, and \',ith DATIVE thought.s in mir.d you approach the SUBJECT. Ycur OBJECT is to make a VERBAL entreaty, and from then on things will run in the PLURAL pattern. Your COLLECTIYE efforts a.re successful and you escort her home. Here you have the misfortune to meet her mother, who is ACCUSATIYE, INTERROGATIVE and CONJUNCTIVE in her SALUTATION. In the meantime, you have adopted an 11\IPERATIVE attitude, and kiss the girl who

What she wore ... In English grammar class ... DOROTHY HANKS looked chic in a casual green relveteen suit with wood buttons and huge slashed pocliets. On the· debate ":inaiforiii '... VAL HALL appeared• in a flared skirt of teal corduroy and crisp white blouse edged with rows ~f lace a,t "~liar and cuffs. On the library steps . . . the masculine element scrambled to open the door for NANCY ELLEN JONES with her crocheted red wool tassel cap. Around campus . . . l\L\RGARET .GOODRIDGE is smart in her new three-piece suit ... ROSE McGINNIS Saturday ·· ;:;;zhts in a bright red corduroy dress :,.,.::.;~"ed with a fitted ba£que waist and a iull skirt. ... BETTY DOOLITTLE combines a black sweater and a bright plaid skirt.

Dear Benson, Thing.s are buzzing around Peru again after an all-too-short va,cation. Mr. Hayward kindly gave me the list of people who attended. the reception held during Tea.chers Convention in the Hotel Cornhusker in Lincoln. 70 guests were there. Dean J. A. Jimerson was in general charge of the Omaha. reception for alumni al Hotel Fontenelle. 80 Peruvians and friends attended. Mis.s Martin told me t.ha: )ffi. AND MRS. HAROLD E. BROWN of Richmond, Virginia. hare a new daughter. Barbara Jacqueline, bora October 12. Mrs. Brown is the former 3IARGARET WINTER, class o~ "35. Harold is an aviator on the carrier Yorktown. Garland is a very fort,unate school system, There are four Peruvi8Jl.'; who link up v,.ith the schooi. WILEY REl\fi1ERS, the rnperintendent, and his wife, the former :\'fAXI:\'E AUFENKA.'l\IP, WRINTA CHASE and EMMA ROSICKY also teach there. BETTY HAI'l'YIGA,'l, a former elementary education major at Peru, is -now emplpyed in the Douglas County Assistance Bureau. She was granted her A.B. degree in 1935. MR. AND MRS. WAYNE LINDBERG of Salem, New Jersey, have a daughter, Marlene Laura. Wayne is a former Peruvian and is a Du Pont chemist. Last Monday night on the "We, the People" broadcast, DR. E. c. BECK presented several lumber-jacks on the program. Dr. Beck founded Sigma Tau Delta on our campus and was head of the English department here. He is teaching, at present, at Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Wish you could be here for the Y Carnival tomorrow night. I"ll never ~tirget you, EDNA MAE ~ETERSON and ERMA 1"1EIER last year a1~ you came decked pertinently for the Sadie Hawkins theme .. The formal" .·is November 15, and we'd like to see you again. ,

Love, Grace

On campus

Monday--------··---------------Monday ------- _.. ---------------Monday ----------------·---------Monday ________________ ,__________ l\fonday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday


7-8 8-9 ------------------------ Tri 8-9 ----.-------- Kappa Omicron p

-------------------------- 8-9 ---------------------- l\'Iusic Clu ----··--------------- __ 10:30 a.m. ---------------------' W.A. --------------------,,-- 10:30 'a.m. -------~------------- p Cl ------------ __________ 7-8 ------------------Y.W.C. ------------ ,____________ 7-8 ------------------------- Y.M ..C.








ne Wildcats with 0-0 tie "HENDY" & "UNK" Will HEAD PERU OFFENSE ...

Wheelermen won

Over ...

The State e


My compliments to the few who .out last Friday evening-in my timation there was more spirit ·that game than I've been able to tice at any previous time thiG season. Let's get behind the boys and give them a. big sendoff to Topeka this week!

From Paul Ridings, Publicity dir·, ector of the Midland Campus we .·get the following. Midland has enjoyed the most ·successful season in football this 'fall since back in the early 20's. Her six st:·aigh'.; win: has the whole campus talking, eatiDg ood sleeping football, and with each out-cftown engagement, the Warriors are well sup~orted with a goodly representation of the student bely. ReVoe Hill is the big gun for them. His punting and ball-toting so far is tops. Little is also stiil continuing his feat of failng to Jose a yard lirom scrimage although h~ is second in line behind Ba be Petrow for number of times he has Jugged tre pigskin.

Here 'N' There Here's news to c1.1r conference about action taken in the N.C.A.C. Several college men from Hastings made a trip to the Doan campus to n:a.ke an unsuccessful a.ttempt to take Doane·s "victory bell" from Mt:morial hall. The boys howerer did do a great job of whitwashing signs on the campus walk. Guards were placed on the Hasting3 campus to no al'ail for no return was made. Great thing-college life Looking at the weekend sco~es we 'ee that Washburn. the 'Cats

Speed merchants for the Bobcal.....-th~ two backs, Luther Hutton and Bob Henderson will s:piearhead ~ Peru attack against highly favored Washburn Friday e\•enlng. Both. boys are strong contestants for

all-state ho_nors, Henderson hal'ing rated the honor last fall.

Cats whet their claws ;for Ichabod rendezvous

Game comments-ODIE GOOIEFrom bewteen snowdrifts it looked like Lyle Mason was doing plenty of damage to any propo'.ed assa.ult through Peru's line ... And at the same time it looked like Peru ha.cl a whale of an advantage on the line play-they never failed to gain By Elaine Brier all evening when they plunged ... Rex Floyd played a fiery brand of The hit-pin tcurnamem was runball-I was expecting him to get s off this weeli'°as 1Iary Liz Jensen·s blocked kick nearly every 'punt by team ccpped honers m ::11ree Wayne-but trying tha; on such a straight games. The victocy came ·field as they were playing en was a pretty difficult thing even for a II as an up::;et. as the Winners had fast man . . . I'm wondering if i'aEed to win a single con~.est h-1 Kosizek, No. 40, has iocking chair 1~1 p! cctice gzn1es frc1n tLe l::.::_e;s. ribs after his bencl1 rolling act??? 1'1:.c ct!ly ao;::'cl::s ei:cc~::~:ered t:: Callan's punt to the 6-inch line v:a ; tl12 cl1mnpions c: me ~n ·he f1r:: perfect-but it '.Vill never h: pprn gJ1r.E. The concest :an "" e:·:again on a dry field ... A::d r:C'.Y 1·1·2. inr.ing be"fo~·;:i Jens.en "s tribe to sum it all up, I still say th ~t ccu.lc'. JYJ.11 thrcl:gh witll \\in. baseball is my favorite sport f~or.'. Ba: ketball is next en proeither the players' or spectator3' b" arr1, tean1 captai:1s to anangle.

W.A. R notes


nounced scon. Iv1ore girls 1nterest~·:1 in this pari)culRr sport cre urged


By Rex Floyd

Cats tip York 48-6

to report for pl2v as u.~es get under way.

Peru had an easy time of it out· at York Oct. 24 as they p:·actically scored at will to trounce the little sister of the NCAC circuit ~8-6. Backs Stark, Henderson and Handley had a picnic as they fattened their scoring columns fer .the season with 30 points divided among them. The game was of little importance in state leag1ue standings as both Peru and York are out cf the title chase. However the wiri· boosted Peru's season record to 3 wins, · 2 losses and no ties.

W.A.A. held their reSU.:ar meeting Monday Nov. 3. Ruby Redding was elected vice president and Joyce Stark is the new :ports leader for Basketbali. WAAers held their aiter-convo mrnting Monday and elected their new sports ieader for basketball, whiCh is next on the WAl1. program. An announcement was µ:iade that Ruby Redding was the member that had been elec',e:i to fill the vacant vice presidents chair. Joyce Stark will be the '.ports leaner for basketball.



Stepping into the higher ranks of football next weekend, the Peru Be beats trek their 'way into '.h; schoolyard of the Ichabods of Washburn College in Topeka to do battle 11it:1 their football team. Washburn dropped out of the Missouri Valley conference last spring after a declin: in enrollment, but according to reports. their 1941 football team is the strongest one in recent years. Chief z,dvsnr.age the Kansans will ho:d ow:· the battling :cats will he ~n the scales and in their reserve force:. PerJ bas be?~; :1Jtably ·.Yeak in re,:nforc~,1::.:.:nts ail ~e:1-

:::•.--:n, but. their l·:.c:: of \\:::ight 1ns t?t:n r.~ad2 up to:· b~· the tc~nr spirit. For the fint g,ne in scv2nl

wee!:s the squ:-: d ,sill l:'e back to 3.:;-near-full-strenvth a>; it will be able to approach the rest of the year. Injuries have been a huge handicap to Coach Al's eleven. The team will be well-backed by stanch supporters if rumors flying about are true. The trip is not very long-about the same as the clistance to Fremont for the l\Iidland fraP-as, and the marching band L<> planning to be there for the kickoff.

AUBURN THEATRES STATEsunday - Monday - Tuesday Jack Oakie - Ann Sheridan

"NAVX BLUES" Cartoon Comedy and News


Saturday - Sunday Double Feature3 Musketeers

"Oklahoma Renegade" -plus-

"Charlie Chan in Rio" Cartoon Coming-



"Blossoms in the Dust" November 16-17-18

nex:, foe, 5fapped a 21-0 defeat. 01: Ft. Hays contender of the Bobcats in '4-0. This brings about a situation whe"eby the tean1 will be ab:e to campare their teams ·wit7.n :he unh·ersiir 3.fter tre Peru-Washburn game. The University lost to Kam·as State 12-6, Kansas State tied 0-0 with Ft. Hays .and Hays lost to Washbu111 21-0. You figm·e it out and watch the outcome Friday night.

Cam es this week Peru goes to Kansas at Topeka to play Washburn, Wa:p1e and Kearney are to play for top honors in the N.IA.A. conference a.t Kearney. McPherson. Kans., journeys to Chadron. Wesleyan ·at Doane. Hastings at Midland. and Wesleyan at York ithis should be re good game). t----~~~~~~~~~-

!l •Sports of yesteryear Dy James Ray




Tile Bobcats outyardecl Wavr.e ~23 yards to 31 ancl outdowned them 11 to 4 but the score still stood 6-0 in fa rnr cf the Wildc.ats when the hostilities ceased. Durlng the game Pe11u Imel first downs inside the Wayne two, but lacked the punch to put the ball over for those all-important points. Five years agoPeru State was ·idle as Peru Prep swamped Nebraska City 33-0 as they moved on through the season with a record of no loS3€s ancl unscored upon. Polston led th~ Kittens as he pa~sed fer 26 of tf.e 33 points the Prepsters made. One year agoHandicapped by a weight a.dvantage of 15 pounds to the man the Bobcats rose to the heights as they stalled the Powerful Ft. Hays team for a 7-7 tie. The tie kept Peru among the few teams in the nation ·~· «out a defeat.

battle of statistics The Wayne Wildcats were sub• jects of a very cool reception here in Peru last Friday night as they slid into the Bobcats, and slid back out with a scoreless deadlock as the result. The field was a treacherous bed of soft and very wet snow that

had fallen all afternoon, and was still tumbling down all through the game. Footing was something that was not to be found, and the condition of the field played havoc with the ball and the players hands. Frequent fumbles by both sides were common and punting was rescrted to as the only mews of pro-

tection. Peru gained the edge over the Viildcats in tl1e first half as she :·2cked up two first clowns against Wayne·s nor;e. In the third quarter Callan punted the ball towards the Cayne coffin comer-the ball co:ning to rest right against the flag marking the end zone. Cayne ~;ic\:ed out on her second try and ·the rest of the game was played between the Peru 40 and the Wayne 25.

PlayiDg for j:JUnt returns, Peru fottnd the field too boggy to get very far. although Henderson came close in the last !1alf as he ran clcwn the sidelines to be otopped by the last two Wayne men guarding their territory. Waynes offense was almost entirely in the air-and was completely a flat failure. Of twelve:.ttempts none were complete and four were intercepted. Peru's chief cirreat was line plunges with Stark lugging the ball. He averaged close to five yards per try for tlle g~ur..e. The tie forces Wayne to beat Kearney for the NIAA title in tli.at g:irne ccrrJne; up next week.

Prepsters face both Auburn and Nemeha Coach Harold Fisher's Bobkittens will play two games this week if the weatrer-man will allow such gcings-on. First on deck will be the widely heralded Auburn game, in which Prep will cl~'.rnr her supremacy aver Scmhea1;tern Nebraska. At present Fisherman are the only unbeaten team in this neck of the wc;ods, and Auburn stands as the chief threat to spoil their fine showing. On Friday Nemaha will furnish the opposition. with Prep rated heavy favorites.


WINTERIZE your car with .

STRNDRRD Now is the critical time for your auto, truck, tractor. Cold weather demands antifreeze, winter weight oil, battery checkup, .heaters. Let us look you over and save you money. A Complete Line at




Frat initiates five new members

Muenchau reviews conference before 52 YWCA members Folk dancing and carnival plans dominated the Y. w. meeting on Oct. 28. Grace Muenchau led 52 members group singing. Speaking of her a,ttendance at a Regional Y.W. <:enference in Lincoln Ot. 25, she $tressed the speeches by Ed Price -0! Kansas University and Frank Durand of Omaha University. After giving general information on the carnival, Harriett Maxwell directed the making of decorations for the dance. Members not dabbling in paint or cutting paper participated in folk dancing led by Bess Ray. The devotional service was held with candle light illuminating a huge white cross. Nfua. Kane! read a poem. Assisting with devotions were Mae Jane Young and Ethel Standford, who played violin music. "The first meeting of the Estes -00-op members will be Nov. 3," eta.ted chairman Nina Kane!. "Topics for Nevember meetings and chairmen for these are po5t~ on the dorm bulletin board," she concluded.


International Club hears Dr. Brown International Relations club began 1941-42 activities, with a buffet luncheon in the Home ewnomics rooms Monday • evening, Oct. 20. Preceding the busb1ess meeting, Dr. Castle Brown entertained the group with violin music. Betty Kathryn Cole, Tod Hubbell, Christine Wilkinson and Dennis Wehrmann were chosen as a council to plan the year's program.

Pussy-footin9 Notice to freshmen-you can discard those green caps any day now since you only need to wear them 'ti! it snows •.. Adl'llllCe dope on the date line-up for the girl's formal-Jerry Ludwig wfil Import an out-of-to:wntt ••• Virgie Lee Johnson will drag Jim Howe . • . Barbara. Dressler will be escorted by Balph Clevenger ... Betty Berger will trip the light fantastic db Tony DeMaxo... From a reliable source comes the news that Reuben Fanders at last has found the girl of his dreams .•. Imagine Bugs Norton's chagrin when he barged into lbe girls' rec hall expecting tfl find hour dancers, and finding instead, some lounging dormites. •.. They went for a ride and all she did was shake her head. After 63 miles she told him her nose was caught in the windshield wiper. • . The mystery of the week around mens hall is tow Andy can walk through locked doors Some of the boys didn't think he could do it •.. Can't imagine how Doreen scratched her watch crystal that way . . . Or~hids to the Student Advisory Council for getting' a teoord player you can

Swing session ... A dance band assisted by an array of college talent will present a program on Saturday night, Nov. 8, at 8 o'clock in the college auditorium. Tickets are on sale at 10 cents. Proceeds from the event will be used in the purchase of a piano for the mens. dornntory.

Training School notes Trainjng school classes have organized and are electing officers. Charles Henning has been chosen to head the senior class. Beulah Spoor wil act as secretary and Virginia Stepan holds the office of treasurer. The juniors elected Paul Ogg as their prexy and Marvin Bro:wn as vice president. Norma Jeanne Parriott holds the combined offices of secretary and

treasurer. Sophomire Donald Lavigne will lead his fellow-cassmen as .their president. Ellen Thompson is vice president and Mary Jane Comstock Js secretary-treasurer. A pep rally was held Friday morning, Oct. 30. Patty Hill and Juanita Connelly led the high school in some rousing yells. Virginia Stepan, Willa Dean Hall, .Arthur Clements, and Ward Adams represent the training school at the Good Citizenship contest. All of the four chosen are seniors with the exception of Willa Dean, who is a junior. For the past two years one of the Peru representatives has been chosen the highest in the county. and has-· been sent to Omaha to enter the state cc>ntest. Shirley Jimerson was county repre5entatlve last year and Dick Clements the year


Miss Elizabeth McCol!um entertained student teachers ln the kindergarten at, a buffet supper at home on Friday evening, Oct. 31.





Electric Shoe Shop


Mens dorm council

Do you wan: proctoring? That has been the issue of the week in the men's dorm. A meeting of the dorm council Monday, Oct. l3 finally decided the question. "We will have no procto1ing as long as the dorm council has jurisdiction over it," was the decbion of the dorm council. ' The council elected a committee to plan a program for convocation, Nov. 5. A vote 'was also taken to investigate getting a nickelodeon to be used at hour dances.

Skelly Service Station Skelly Oils and Gas Lomplete Line Leonard Tripp, J.Ugr. Peru Phone 40

Look no farther-look your best Haircutting A Specialty

Modern Barber Shop BILL


• • • llear..•

Be. "Do yo think rm stuck· ap!" She. "No., why! He. "People as good-looking as I am 11SUally are.''. . . Add formal dates-Donna Lee Marshall and Drexler, Stroh and K. BaJitt, Doolittle and Hobbs, Floyd and Carter, Carnahan and Bonhovd'l! and Oakley and Nespor • • . Girls in the band are grateful to "Daire" for the early breakfasts he serves them... Bas Uncle Sam converted the mens half Into an airplane factory? Reports Indicate that each room has an individual assembly line • . . And speaking of dorm activities, the boys are now having contests to see who can blow the bfnest and· purtiest soap bubble5 since Henderson introduced them to the little game. Diminishing-picnic enthusiasm . . . Hope that Byers-Cole break-up is only temporary ... "Turn about is fair play" was the lesson learned by Kenny Rohrs the other p. m.•.• Noticed Percy studying in the cafeteria line . . . And then there was the cannibal's daughter who liked the boys best when they were stewed ...

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Chatelains Jewelry


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Kappa Delta Pi at the second meeting, Monday evening, October 20. A Kappa Delta Pl, pln, was awarded Nlna Kane!. who was honored by this organlzatron as the outstanding freshman ln 1940. A brief history of Kappa Delta Pi was given by Prof. Grace Tear. l\1fiiam Fankrai.:ser, accompanied by Echo Elaine Lum, sanr two solos. Refreshments vrere served by the committee which ;i;as headed by Ma r.!orie Dean. Nancy Ellen Jones, program chairman, presented members with booklets outlining the program for the year.



Peru Cleaners and Tailors



Sweet milk Sc per quart Cream 20 cents per pint (Price · includes delivery) Charles Wills, Peru.

Carl Wirth, William Fankhauser, Jean Hoagland. Hazel Bouse and Nina Kanel were Initiated into

t j




• • • ster defines the word ''hand, as "pleasing in appearance." this thought in mind, choose lly your candidate for GRIDKING and cast your ballot he handsomest man on the all team. ·assist you in making a selec· a sketch of some of the "ellfollows. get off to a big start-LYLE ON from Wymore weighs in 215 pounds . . . has dazzling e . . • plays tackle. wish I could see more of Wensaid WENDELL HANDLEY'S r. She's not the only one, is girls? A sophomore from Nern' Handley weighs 158 . . . holds one of the back positi®s. AURICE LINDER, Nehawka, oted for a magnetic personality • weighs 170 ... is a senior .. s guard. !though the girls know that ORGE ATWOOD is engaged not in football, his dark handness and enthusiasm can't overlooked ... a member of the 'or class ... club's handyman. ctivities man REX FLOYD is d for his dancing • • . presit of the senior class • . • if tly encouraged, will talk for rs about California . . . plays ~

uard WILBUR EGE comes to from Falls City . . . weighs . . . the girls say he's "cute." "UNK" HUTTON was an AuHigh SchoQl star . . . a junr ... friendly .. , weighs 154 and ays back. BILL RACHOW is a sophomore ni Carleton . . . weighs 190 .•• own for generosity and good naui·e . . . tackle. Center ART RONHOYDE is from gle . . . attractive . . . crooner • . weighs 175. BUTCH ROBERTS, Tecumseh, as another high school star ... black cui'ly hair . . . engaging· in • • • a sophomore, he plays ard. Musician JACK SNIDER comes to eru from Wilbur. . . divides inrests between the ath field and

nd WHIZZE.R WHITE calls erior "home"... has the brightred hat on the campus . , . feet four inches tall . . . likes lanes, model and otherwise. .ebraska City's JERRY LIVINGON lives up to the title "best atured". . . A sophomore, he eighs 165 and plays guard. BOB OAKMAN is another Au. tall and dark . . .. and plays center pos-

Senior ALWYN YOUNG hasn't missed a football practice in four years . . . modest ancl unassuming • . comes from Adams . . . back.. End R.USSELL HOB.BS is a ansfer from McCook Junior Cole . . . good-looking . . . collcgte type . . . weighs 152. DON STARK is a. junior frnm wa . . . is distracting· influence n the girls in his classes ... eighs 170 and plays back. Sophomore PEARL HINES is tall

Anderson, fa. is proucl of BOB NDERSON ... senior ... weighs . . . Known for loyalty to his ds ... back. oach" RED DEAN from Fairweighs 165 • . • a senior . . . ular, coope:-ative . . . typifies beat spirit ... back. CLAffi CALLAN takes to the air, th on the gridiron and at the ort ... well-dressed ... sen... weighs 166 and plays back. "Old faithful" BOB S M IT H aims Talmage as his home town • • subtle sense of humor .•. eiglis 175 and plays end. Other men such as Yocum, Mey, Nespor, Grefe, Schmelzer, Parks, Lathrop, O'Brien, (Continued on page four)




Sigma Tau Delta pledges nine at banquet, Nov. IO More than 40 memben: d ·~ Ta.u Delta attended its flll -~ Monday evening, Nov. Ia New members who hln'll' are Vivian Fogle, Lillian BA•, Virgie Lee Johnson. Pattkla ad:~ well, Evelyn Rodgers, Bett~ ~· der, Mae Jane Young, A~~ tera and Doreen Meier. Those who have hem ~ to associate. mell)bershlp IQ Rid'~ bert. Knutson, Betty Milltt,




Kanel ad .....

Locke. Reuben Panders was ad~ active membership. Nancy Ellen Jones, ~ d




welcomed the J:l!W

members, and Virgie Lee gave the response.


Prof. R. T. Benford spoke on the topic, "Music and Literature." Wallace ·Cleaveland sang, and was accompanied by Betty Kennedy

CCA members hear Jerolyn McCarty C.C.A. members were entertained Tuesday, Nov. 4, by

a talk given

by Jerolyn McCarty, who is a member of the State Advisorj: Council of the C.Y.O. She. spoke on the duties of officers in relation to the Regional Chapter of the Catholic Youth. A short business meeUng followed under the direction of President Helen Wylie and Jose;:i:iine Kelly, discussion leader. Plans werz made for a skating party at. Nebraska City, Nov. 13.

Oakley leads YW meet "Do you want to be popular?" Then try a little harder to improve your pe1\SonaJity." This wa1; the thought brought out by LaVara Oakley ancl Barbara Dre<;,<;Jer in a short skit at Y.W. Tuesday evening, Nov. 4. Laverna Magneson led the discussion on "My place on the campus-popularity." The subjecl was discussed further in a paper read by LaVara Oakley. This was the first in a series of three meetings on the subject "My place in school, country, community."

Biologists join Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta initiated Irene Nispel, Bertha Clayburn, Wayne Parks and Robert Morris as new members, on Monday, Nov. 3. The initiation was a. candle light ceremony held in the faculty room. After the initiation, the members planned the program for the year. Refreshments were served by Virgie Lee Johnson and Christine Wiikinson.

Gridiron King • . . Who is the handsomest man ll?I the football team? That questfon will be answered when you ~st

you.r vote for Peru's GRIDmoN IHNG. Remember that your vote will not be valid nnless you use the ballot clippe,l from your copy of the PED. Votes may be dropped hi ballot boxes at the desks of both dormitories and in the college posi office. lfoting will close at U o'clock, noon, on Thursday, Ntrw. 13. A committee composed of Coaeh Arthur Jones, Tom Dean, president of the Student Coundl and Barbara Beal, editor of the Peruvian, will count the

votes. Cast your vote for GRID-



Science frat ha~ new members Lli.mbda Delta Lambda's inltiation ceremony took place Thursday, Oct. 30, in the physics laboratory. Geraldine Stoner, Althea Nispel, Willard Hunzeker, Hugh Lang and Max Jackson are the new members.

'Bobcats' swing out as Ashton presents Saturday jam session Bob Ashton's swing review on Nov. 8 highlighted such stars as Sandini, the great violin virtuoso, and his "Bobcats,'' Whistlin' Jim Howe, and other stars introduced by MaMe·r of Ceremonies Vic Evans.

Spooky spirit colors home ec party A Halloween atmosphere prevailed at the party given Monday, Nov. 3. by Kappa Omicron Phi for all home economics students. Arranged around the dimly lit room were fortune telling booths, A Palm reader was also on hand. Tlny fortunes were round rolled inside cupcakes. which were a part of the refreshmenls served by candle llght.

Thorson to reviews 'Men in Politics' Dr. Winston Thor~on will review, "Men in Politics" by Louis Fischer,: on Wednesday, Nov. 12, in room\ 103 in the library. · The book was published in May,! 1941, and tells of the author's life! as a correspondent. "Fischer is very capable of an-. alyzing the present Russian situation," commented Dr. Thorson, ''since he has spent so much time there, and married a Russian wo-· man. Most of my report will deal with the affairs of Russia as Fischer interprets them." The book review is one of a series sponsored by the A.A.U.W.

After the ceremony. the group went to the home of Prof. Clinton Sharp where refreshments were served by Mrs. Sharp. To complete their initiation, the new members have been required to carrj· wash bottles, and to write a scientific article.

Deadline . . • for contributions to "Sifting Sand," Sigma Tau Delt.a sponsored publication, is Nov. 15, at has been a.miounced.


Buhrmann conducts math initiation Harold Dallam, Richard King.solver, Herbert Knutcon, and Lucille Sandfort are new members of Alpha Mu Omega, mathematics fraternity. They were initiated on Monday, Nov. 3. Wayne Buhrmann was in charge of the initiation, and was assisted by Bob McAlexander in serving· refreshments.

The session was held for the purpose of raising funds for a piano for the mens hall. The program was as follows: "Color Song" led by Bob Ashton rind Victor Evans. Two numbers by the dance band. Flute trio, Shirley Jimerson, Leonore Larson and Betty Kennedy. Girls trio, Betty Berger, Be&\e Riley and Donna Lee Marshall. Saxophone solo by Dale Howard. Piano duets by Bob Ashton and Walter Marshall. · Solo by Victor Evans. Trumpet solo by Tony DeMaro. Guitar and vocal solo by Richard Monroe. Violin duet by Jim Sandin and Wallace Cleaveland. Trumpet solo by Billy Woods. Girls trio, Leonore Larson, Lorene Coatney snd Janis :Saker. Trombone solo by Wallace Cleaveland. Boys quartette, Bill Fankhauser, Victor Evans, Merlin Broers, and Brb Ashton.

Convo goers hear Mrs. Kennedy iUrs.





graduate of 1915, spoke at convocation Friday, Nov. 7, on her experiences as a canteen worker in France during the first Wor!d War.

Historic places in England visited by f,frs. Kennedy were Westminstrr AbbeY. House of Parliament, and Ben Jonson's favorite eating place. \Vhiie in France, Mrs. Kennedy met such Americans as General Pershing, and Mary Roberts Rhinehart. The speaker commented on the extreme joy of the French people when the Armistice was signed. However, it was not until the following July that Mrs. Kennedy was released from senice and was free to return to the United States.

Dancers to spend ~evening in Hawaii' .as guests at girls' Manua Loa Ball Have you ever wanted to dance under a Hawaiian moon to the strings of a guitar, with palm trees all around? Well, don't miss your chance to do this very thing at the Manua Loa Ball to be given by college women on Saturday, Nov. 15. Girls, bring a· guest and spend an evening in Hawaii. The dating bureau is always at. your service. Grace Muenchau, Joyce Stark and Betty Berger will assist in finding you a man for the affair. Mel Pester will furnish the Hawaiian music for the girls and their escorts. Yes, there wll be a floor show at the Manna Loa Ball. The girls trio, Betty Berger, Bette Riley, and Donna Lee Marshall, and other Hawaiian features will be presented. Committes making possible a night in Hawaii, include Betty K.

Cole and Betty Berger, who selected the invitations, and Barbara Beal, who secured the orchestra. LaVara Oakley, Rogene Rose and Margaret Beezley will be responsible for the Hawaiian atmosphere. The dance programs are the work of Joyce S.tark and Margaret Mans-

field. Mable Newton and Edith Willey ·will be in charge of refreshments. Ferne Peterson, president of the dormitory council, says, "The committees are doing everything possible to make it a success. It is really going to be swell."

Ballot for Gridiron King . • • Because he's the handsomest man on the football team, I vote for ..................................... . as GRIDIRON KING . (Ballot boxes may be found at the desks of both dormitories, or votes may be dropped in the college post office. Voting will close on Thursday, Nov. 13, at 12 o'clock, noon.



Gridiron King

• • •

College girl


IAlumni trail

"Generally sleep-inspiring," according to a reviewer, was the pruduction of "Yellow Jacket" by Cniversity of Pitts· burgh studenh. Something of an experiment, the play probably failed because >Vesterners can't appreciate Chine-se 1 culture, concluded the critic. Scholarships will be awarded to students of high rank in the Elementary Civilian Pilot Training class at Doane, according to the Doane Owl. The top ranking man in, the ground school in each unit of C.P.T. will be granted two hours of flying time, which is equivalent to $14 in cash. The second high man in each unit will receive one· hour of flying time. Long flannel night shirts in bright plaids are being made by home economics girls at Cornell Cniversity. The night shirts serve a double purpose-they can , he converted into housecoats for lounging. Ylidland students who want to "see as Ivel! as hear thei1· band" are considering the purchase of ne\v uniforms. The· or· ganization has only 21 uniforms for 41 members.

Song titles. are musical reminders of ~people you know' songs remind one cf



students and professo1 s. "Hey, Doc!" could b1rng re~ul~s only from James Sandin who woulc', probably turn, bow to his audience and start some snappy y~rn. You've all heard about Lile Iew girls who won'f; kiss on the first, second or third nights, llut just :isk Oakman about "The Lady Who Couldn't Be Kissed!" "Sweet Is the Word for You" was written "Especially for You," Dr. Brown. "I'm a Little Wabbh in d> Sun-

Dsr.'t ie: Dori:; Brinson·s French fool ycu. "Amour. E'cernal Amour" means "lore" to lile average college nudent. Ask Meier and "Men with Wings ...

R2nks about

H2,v2 you seen Jen-y Ludvik


i '-;~- by Jim Sandin. "Day Dream-


Milton Schultz. to himself: "Where Do I Go from You?" Aloud he sP)'S. "'What Did Romeo Say to Juliet' when he wanted to say 'Onl)· Forever'?" ''I'll Never Let You Cry" would shine 1vas n1eant for ~'Unc EuLto:1 b~ a gocd 111c~~o for Barney. for as definitely as Hutton ·;:;i.s E1eant i1e·s rn o· :·,'inal bll:cs chase:-. to be a football carrier. 'I"J T~t~1r:l: ;'There's Tl1Jt L-0ok in StudenL::-,-wtw s?iclj '·: Cc-..nL:. your Eyes L.@»ain.·· Could it. be Saw, I Ccnga'd ?'' Le am to Dr. ~JCe ''Tl!'~t Ivi:i.~1)2 Here 3,gain?n Rachmv membc:·s in unison-';:G~:.u.rd.·· ):JL,; spirit in her eyes. I-Iobbs' then1e ::iC'·ng. ··r :Found ::i. Thai "An Old Flame Never Dies" lvlillion Dollar Baby." has been proved by Lil' Abner. Joyce Stark might be dt~c;·ib:::cl "Never Say Love" to Myrt Hall. <:.; "G:10rL and Sweet." He believes in being "Footloose Asl' Barbara Beal what to do and Fancy Free." "When Your Lover Has Gone.'· You can take over now, Red a/ Pete. We'il "Stand By- For Further Clifford Harding is still looking for. HAn Apple fm' the Tc~cl12(i A~11:iounce~nents.'' 11

e By

their first trip to the United

G~ M~cllau

Dear Veda,

Well, this ts unusual! Mrs. Dunning merrtioned seemg you and your sist~r.

DARLE?<.'E SWEET, at Scottsbluff dun:ng vacatloo. Row is teaching this year? Dllrlem is teaching, too, isn't she? .Mr. lfml Mrs. GOODREAU SOPER were in the omcta! party that went &!!imore about the middle of October to wltn1""<:s the christening of a n.ew ship. Goodreau was a commerce major a.t !'em and has c. CMl Senlre position n Washngton now. J. T\'ILLL~'f BURKE, of the class of '35, is teaching hi.story and sciences in the high school at Council Bluffs, Ia. WAYNE O. REED, county superintendent of Otoe C%mnt;; is a candidate fer the state superintendency. He received his A.B. degree from: Peru -and is a brother of CALVIN REED, a former memiler of the Peru facultv. Mrs. RuTH DUMPHY of Victory Hill, a rural school, has been working on a committee to develop a course of study for beginners in Nebraska. Mrs. Dumphy is a former Peruvian. MARY JANE DUNCAN, mat. 'W, is moving to Oregon, where she plans to obtain secretat.i.al employment. KENNETH KNAPP, class of '40 writes, "I have been elected to teach mathematics, physical science and assist in coaching in the Grafto~. high school at Grafton, North Dakota." You know. I owe so much t-0 others for information for this column. Mr. Olements, Mr. Haynrd, Mrs. Marsh, Miss Tear, Mb :Yfartin ;u: Mrs. Dunning have been exceptionally helpful and they should be gir::· recognition. ElRAMUS VICKERS was in Peru last week. He is leaving shortly fci the Panama Canal Zone. Don't freeze out there in the sand hills, and write betweei; ox. st.orms,

LcYe, Grace

Could there be any truth in the rumor that thf! stndent soda! committee plans lo put a stop to jitterbugging at co I ! e g e dances? ... In ease you're interested, some combinations for the Hawaiian hop are C. AdamsHa!'ding, McArdle-Fankhauser, Miller-Gridley, Baker-ottcrsberg, V. Hall-Ashton and Rose-Reutter ... Rachow is again wearing his gold football . . . Noticed Yejraska calTying Hamel across some mud-puddles ... Bee FUiton is renewing acqaintanees "ith soldier and former Permian Brick Llewellyn ... Surprise formal dates-Doreen and Whiz, Ferne and Red, B.K. and Buzz, Jean and Bob ...

the Moon." was chosen for the get play to be presented Dec. 4. Rabbi Joseph York City was guest on the campus Monday, Nov.- 23. At vocation he spoke on the tions within Russia where he 25 years in a Russian church. His presence on the pus was sponsored by YW.C.A. Y.M.C.A. FIVE YEARS AGO Ronald Clark sang two solos, accompanied by Ruth lain, at the Philo meeting, Nov. His selections were "Smiling O'Day" by Torrence and World is Waiting for the Rise" by Sitz. An Armistice Day program held at the regular meeting of Y.M.C.A. Tuesday evening. Burnham spoke on "Phases Peace" and William Burke about "The Horrors of a War." ONE YEAR AGO Sigma Tau Delta iation banque: in the home ncmics :·oom of the training on Mo:1ciay evening. In cbservance of American ucation Wesk, Kappa Delta presented Dr. Hobert M. superintendent of the Omaha public schools. at convocation NO\'. 8. A party to be held Nov. a formal tea on Dec. 12 were C\'ents "cheduled for the 115 membe;·s of Gamma Chi by the council at a meeting on Nov. 6.

Don't miss

• • • Racllow is again wearing his Dorothy Briant is thanking girl friends for that "welcome home" gift . , . Fashion notesVic Evans red and yella shoes ... hunting caps ... Couples of the week-Reagan and D. Stark, I!ubbell and Lois Finnell ... Likely-looking candidates for GRIDIRON KING-Callan, Henderson, Stark, Atwooi:'i, Ronhovde and many oth.ers . . . Don't fail to see the ballot on the front page and cast your vote! Add formal dates-LarsonH u t ton, So!leder-Sehnert, R. J{ennedy-Howard, Riley-Jenkins, Untermohlen - Dean S mi th, Bryan - Berger, Good- Strasberg, Good;·idge-iUcAlexander, Fulton. Norton ...

next week's PEDAGOGIAN. The identity of the GRIDIRON !UNG. will be announced then, and a pie•, t ure of the "ham1somes;, man" will . appear.

Training school notes




Tuesday, Nov. 11

7-8 ------ .. -~--------------- Y.W.C.A.

:ruesday, Nov. 11 ---------------- 7-8 ------------------------- Y.lVI.C.A. Tuesday, Nov. 11 ---------------- 7-8 -----~----------------.----


Thursday, Nov. 13 -----· ------·-·---------------------- Scribblers' Club Saturday, Nov. 15 --------------- 8:00 ---------· ·----·----- Girls' Formal

>!ov. l. Prizes

for tl1e best co:\.n.!:·es

v:cnt to

Ju0.11ita Connel.Jr i:~·ho \\'8.;:: n1asked

as an Indian gd, and t.o Lawrence Good who appeared iE l'.\s g,randfather's wedding suit. A Terror Trip through varfous rooms in the building, circle dan and ping pong· furnished the eniertainment. Grinning puw.pidns, false faces in the windows and corn stalks created the Halloween atmosphere. Patricia Hill and Norma Jean Parriott, members of the refreshment committee, served sandwiches; punch and apples. Superintendent and Mrs. S. L Clements and l\Jr. and C'lhs. :R. A. Brinson were chaperones.

Ccmr:.1it.tees \Yerc:

On campus


Willa Dean Hall, \'irginb Stepan. Ward Adams and 11rihur C!cmenis repreo.enfrd the training school at t:Je You;ig ~~;~::>:.',; .::;;:r:e:;t iI Auburn on ":·~DY. I. They were chosen by Cle :student h~d;; . Tr:cining schod st.ucle;;f.s held a




Monday evening, Nov. 23. This

Peru. Nebraska Nin-unber Ht. 1941


i':thout a flaw. J'vicArdle's :a\·c:·i:r2 pastime: "Tak2 this Ring.··

Just as a J.1aunting n1elo~~Y l~ri~1zs thrills and chiils, so co ti:b cf

The Welsh Imperial North Wales appeared

Meredith Jimerson ............... , ........... . Editor 1'iina Kanel ........ , .................. . Editor Ralph Locke ......... , ................. .. Editor Rex Floyd ...................... Assistant Editor Rogene Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reader Virginia King, Ellen King ............... . M. Florence Martin ........................... ,.tJviser Reporters: Catherine Adams, Ruth Adamson~ Bond, Josephine Boosinger, Hazel Bouse, Elaine Elaine Briley, Doris Brinson, Merlin Broers, Alice a.,,eland, Helen Dahlke, Rex Floyd, Sidney Johnson, Josephiu Kelly, Doreen Meier, Richard Meyer, Irene Nispd, ~e Nor· ton, James Ray, Helen Rhodes, Patricia Rod.~, Bette Scott, Genevieve Steuteville, Mary Stevenson., Mary Ellen Thomas, Laurella Toft, Lois Wagoner.

• • •

® By Genevieve Steuteville


Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, in Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy

• • •

You'll probably find her in a sweater and skirt, since this outfit has become as traditionally American as a cow· boy's boots and spurs. Chances are, she'll be wearing old saddle oxfords, and have a ribbon tied in her hair. When you see her, she'll be knittipg a sweater for the Red Cross, or managing a committee. It is true she may OC· casionally neglect her books to organize a club picnic, but whatever she does, she'll do it because she's interested in it. If you talk -with her you'll discover that she has some· thing to say, and says it with candor and conviction. She is interested in national politics, and considers seriously her choice of a candidate in campus elections. She can discuss _art and music, and knows what the new books are, even though she hasn't much time to read them. Though she'll insist she's not an outdoor girl, she'll admit that she can swim, and knows how to handle a tennis racket. You'll find out she likes children, and wants a home of her own someday. She'll tell you all this frankly, because fthere is no pretense about her. 'She's honest ... loyal to her friends ... she's the average college girl-

Looking .back

P11hlished Weekly by The Peru State Teacken Peru, Nebraska

This week the PEDAGOGIAN sponsors the ele::tion of a GRIDIRON KING. A ballot may be found on tLe: '::·Jnt page, along with information on voting. Next week's PED will appear with results of the· dection, and will feature a big picture of the "handsomest man." CAST YOUR VOTE NOW!


Jo:ephine Setzer, Wayne Cott and Floyd Hay:; ref:·c0hrn !'11 Patricia Hill. Nonna J::an Parrio Ellen Thompson; dc8oraticns: B Bro\vn) Faul Or;g. 8::un


entertainment, Clyde Hun2zek Kathl>'n Benford, john Lewis. Student teachers who assist were J chn Rhodus, Ferne Pet son, Mary Elizabeth Jensen, an Edith Willey.

Peru bows to Washburn heavies 33-7 ..----..~~~~~~~~~

ith Tarkio .Owls


Winding up the 1941 grid season, to Tarkio . where they engage the Owls in an Tarkio has had a poor season this fall, but many of her games )lave been with larger schools. The Bobcats have a good, fast team, but Jack reserves, and following the Washburn game, many of the reg· ulars may be restricted to the sidelines with injuries. Donning their moleskins for the }ast time will be seniors F'loyd, Hende:son, Si'Ylith, Callan, Young. Linder G!!d Mcl'Zal!y. Red Dean will still be out, his grand finale being against the Kearney An:elopes in the Homecoming game.

! Sports of yesteryear 1e

Hitmpin stars grace WR R·varsity

•cats '41 finale

Dy James Ray

By Elaine Brier

Hit pin stars in the t.mlllf'~~-­ completed last week thi'lt ~ ted to the varsity were: ~ • derson, Ruby Redding. ~ ~, Imogene Rowen, Virl!l.te' ~ Christine Wilkin:on, ~ r:oresn MEier GeneYie\'t ~it.~iM:I!~ and Mary Liz Jensen. With the passing of the quar~er,

;w AA


acti\tit.ies; to the basketball floor, schedule lists the cage ~ in line. Practice perioo:i; limited this year to two w~<:k. Trnm captains will soon.

TEN YEARS AGOPeru relied over Norfolk Junior Clilllegc 16-6 in the Oak Bowl. Hateller and Ha;ris fired the Peru at&iaek. f1VE YEARS AGOUastings aga!n p ovcd to be a Jinx. to the Bobcats as tb.e Broncos lirepped Peru 32-12. Halfback Riggs stole the show with a yardage total Iii! 24.i yards. Bobcat linemen who were outstanding were Reynolds, Douglas, Benson and Punches.

Three Bobcats end grid careers Friday

deck is cpen to all girts i1Jc:rssted in this particular

.. sports resume' • • By Ralph Locke

Midland-Kearney post-season date no go with Klein . A proposed game between Midland and Kearney, only two unlica:2n

nd; ial'. n-



College elevens met with cool reception in the eyes of "Pop" Klein, Kearney mentor. The idea is strongly supported by "Speck" Nelson and his clansmen in tl1e Warrior hangout in Midland. Grand Island's Chamber of Gem· merce is very enthusiastically supporting the game, and would like to have it, as was the Peru-Chadron NIAA title scrap last fall, in Ryder Park. Kearney's Chamber of Commerce also appears int~rested, and have appealed to Klein and his henchmen to reconsider their decision. Cheif objecticm to carding the Midland post-season fracas rises from

l\.f,idland's flat refusal to schedule the Antelopes this fall, despite

Stark bucks for 6; tmmot and Casey spark Washburn blitzkrieg Moore Bowl in Topeka was the arena last Friday ev~ning as the Bobcats tangled with the Washburn Ichabods, coming out on the chart end of a 33-7 verdict. The 26 point margin is the largest in many years for an opposing team to hold over a Peru team.

'CATS THREW SCARE The Wheelermen struck early for their 7 points, and at the same time displayed a spirited brand of ball that had the Kansans pretty much in a stew. However a 20 J)-Ound weight. advantage, man-forman dmm ti-.e lineup proved to be insumnce enough for a victory as Washburn p:·oved only too well in a nightm2rish second quarter. Four times the ball crossed the 'Cats goal. breaks setting up all but one of The last half proved much bstter exhibition of football. Peru stood up to these piano mowrs very well, :i:1d stopped all but. one scoring drive, although they were outyarded by a considerable margin.



· attempts on the part of Kearney bookers .. My personal opinions are ,in favor of Klein's decision, although I would like to see the game c-0me off.

Looks like Midland wanted pushovers ... I think that l'tiidland's schedule was a· long list of setups this fall, outside of their conference play which they had no choice in sdeeting. In case the game is played, I'm picking Kearney by three toue.hdow;;.;.

Grid King is current campus topic ·. . , Here in Cat Camp, current discussions drift in the direction of tl:: coming· election of the Bobcat Grid King, The election is sponsored b: .the PED, and the voting will be left to the student body the wee;: ending the '41 season. Ballot for voting can be found on the front p2.gc:.

RBviewing the game. the general story runs as follows: Peru received the opening kickoff as she did every one of the game, amt they came out 11ith their spread !orm~­ tion which is adapted '..c a passing· attack. Passes failed, and only once when Wendell Handley ekc:cd to run the ball. did Fe u gel 1 first dcwn on it in the first half. The 'Cats dropped into a punt fonriation. and the kick sailed cut of bounds on the 15, where Peru :·ecovered ~ fumble a few plays b:2r to set up their score. Handley put the ball o;, the 7 with a firsC c'.own. :tnd four plays later Stark pm the b81l on the goal line for a touchdown, and Mason nearlv kicked the ball out of the p2rk a:: he came

, hrcu;h

\Yi th

a perfect conversion.

Throvg-h the renuind2r of '.he first

''COWBOY" LINDER-;u::d e;uarter Peru playecl vijde

Peru-Washburn briefs .. ·

wing 2ncl spreJd l~rm8 tim:s in razzle dazzle styJ.e. Tl12 (:.l'.3.rter eEdec1 7.. 0

Pe~ u,

with the

punt en th:::ir


\~~:ts fielcL~~g

The second quarter p: oveci to be a wild affair a: ihe Kansas t00m



Until April 15 ... Commissi8n obligations icr me; when they are conscripted into military duty Xe;1>· tl1:se ;,ew advantages are offered by the same relir.t:c s2r•;i:-. whose facilities and experienced g·~icance are


Phone 100

Bcb Brown and

Frep·s finale will be played here next Friday afternoon against the Bluejays of Rockpo:t, Missouri. Both teams are well balanced, and an even match is expected.

c.s Ilic. tezcmmates set the pim t~p by cli'iring to the 15-yeard !in.' on power plaq and end s;;·eeps.

FLOYD BLOCKS KICK An attempted fi~:J goal was blocked by Rex Floyd, and it ap· p~.:,:·ed. lhat Peru \V'lS Ycry rcvch in ti'-:c ;ame.


then that the proceedings i:~lo their wiidest stage. Shc:·tfy a~·:e~· the kickoff, a Peru pur. -t ::loc-kcd, and in onls a few mi:1utes the Ichabods h2d bullul rbc:r ::::·ough ~o 7 ffi('·re '!.?5

2civa::c :('

pcints. Follcv:in.s the



an intercc:)Ld pa~s on the first play by Peru set up the pins for G D.1'.Jl'?, n1c:rkc-~. ~::cl. lllr: :::core llad run cut to 27- ~ ;:; rery sl1o:'t crdsr. Tlle gun sor1:1 ·:.cc~ c:-:cli:1g the llG

to 8G. L1 i o. ;,:or· cl th(· 1l:c ll):r.0 tP:,m, and the i'i«.': cimrns L'1J 6 to 5 in favor of Pe; u. The second half was a much better exam1.'Jr of gJ~ci Lotball, witn (he overv:l1elminr5 strength of Washburn telling all the timt::. The Bobcats play2d deL2rmined ball, and ~s a result the 0pi;rm2nts were forced to satisfiE:d whn only c:1e six-ply wallop.


cm~.: tar. ~l\"



STANDARD A Complete Line at

25- 1~.

cats for four touchdowns, taking advantJge of tl1ree ccnsecu'cive i '·eaks. Peru punted shortly after the quarter go-t underway, and Kayo Emmst, dirninuitive Washl:urn back got the punt and flag·ged his way down the sideiines behind excellent blocking to score. Conversion made it 7-7. and things still looked pretty good. Af'cr tl'le kickoff, Emmet soon scored again

, tlA



Verne Cotton hanging up a brace cf toucl:dmnY~ each, 2nd Brown addir:~ 0n extra point as he took a lateral from Nincehelser to tally the only point-after-touchdown of

littcra.lly strcde through tl1s Bcb-

CCff Wlivn •

'.\low ;~ the critical tinie for your auto, truck, tractor. Cold weather demands antifreeze, winter weight oil, , battery checkup, heateTS. Let us look you over and save you money.


Peru Prep tumbled out of the ranks of the undefeated high school teams of the state this week, as tlley lost a heartbreaker to Auburn 7-0. The Prepsters outplayed the Bulldogs in every phase of t,he game, yet they lacked the engineering to conjure a scoring play when they were in position to rap on the door to pay territory. Bob Brown filled in his usual role of leading ground gainer, as he piled through the liM time after time for first downs. Auburn scored on a fake reverse, Gritz going over for the ~core. Later in the week Neanha found that the Fishermen we; e still pretty tough, although tllc'' had suffered some bad breaks to ruin their perfect sc:a,on. The final score



.quit! I'll be d-··-d if they didn't score!".•. "Say, there is a ball club; look how they run to their positions, good coaching fhere, good ~pirit, that's the way I like to see a team work!!.!" ... "Well., come cm you I~ha­ ,bods! Hey! get him! Say! who was that, Handley again? Boy you havr, to hit him from all sides to put him down!" "Who's the big' boy? Mason? Lorcly, he's a tough baby! ... "Your line is light, but those guards are the toughest kids I've watched for a while-and that left end!, Floyd boy, he's all over the place!.'

.AJiiilillll!llllillilllZillliillillilliillll!llllii'llMllll..,•l ...... lllllliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~.


bail, using their single win:.;. c;oubie

Gam.e comments this week will be mostly those overh~;m:i i:o ~loe press box, as Jim Reed, assi0ta:1t sports editor cf tl1e Topt:l;a Daily Capital viewed the proceedings between the Bobcats and tlle lchabods ... When the 'Cats came out on the first play .with their spread formation-"G • D, what kind of football is that?" .. , "J-·--S, that rrns a good punt! Who dicl it, Handley??". , . "Look at thos kids, they ncv:;:·

From such recitals as those you can readily see that Peru was very much in that ball game, although the score w0uld indicate that thmgs went otherwise.


Prep splits pair of games

at vour command. Nebras-

] a 8!ld neighboring states OUr field. c-./;-~- --r;o.--L, Write t.oda.y ~k~

DAVIS SCHOOLSERVICI 6U Stue~ Bldg., Uni.In, Ntbmb

-- ,...,

Lmeups: pos. Peru Washburn RE .... Mor:ey Floyd .. Mov1ry RQchow RT ... RG. Gaither Roberts Bolduc Ronhovde c .. LG ... Kvasnicka Li;1det Lane LT ... Mason ...... Atwood LE. . . . . IvicGr~:th Young ........ QB ........ Ernmot Handley , . . . . . HB . . . . . Finninger Hutton '..... HB . '.. Isa'.LCS Stork FB.. iVIagistro Cfilcia.L': Noble, Nebr. , Referee; Kemper, Lake Forest, Umpire; Meyer Indian, Head Line'man; Fager. Emporia State, :Field Judge,

-Fresh Roasted Nuts, always fresh. Hill's Drug. Store.


Staff plans •42 Peruvian "We're really going to have to get down and dig to come up to the standards set by last year's }'eruvian staff. But I am sure we can equal their work, because the members of the staff are a grand bunch of competent, conscientious workers," stated Barbara. Beal, editor of the 1941-42 Peruvian. The theme will be kept secret until the books are ready for distribution. The book will be informal in style and the color scheme is decidedly different, according to the editor. The 75th anniversary -0f the founding of Peru State Normal School will be featured. "We plan to have the book out by May 15. To do this we will need the cooperation of all the students. If those planning to have their pictures taken would please cooperate with us, they would be doing their bit toward completing ·the book as soon as possible," says Nancy Ellen Jones, business man.ager. Snapshots representing campus and (lormitocy life can be handed in any time by anyone interested.'

Perusingers to make debut Sunday, Nov. 23· Perusingers will make their dcebut at a Sunday musicale on NoY. 23. Mr. Charles Sager, baritone. has been asked to sing. He is director of vocal music at Doane. The choir will sing: "Seraphic Song," Rubinstein - Gaines; "Creation's Hymn," Beethoven; "Jesu, Priceless Treasure," Bach; "Rest," Williams; "Listen to the Lambs," Dett.

Art Club learns basket making Art Club met Monday. Nov. 3. A demonstration on reed basketmaking was given by Miss Norma Did de!. In order to raise funds, reed baskets will be made by the club members and will be offered for .sale. Another project will be the sketching of scenes for entry in the World-Herald Art Contest.


Personality Club ... "What would you like to hear and taste before you die?" was the question asked by Mrs. J. W. Tyler during her talk at Personality Club on Thursday, Nov. 6. Choices varied from champagne to African pears, and from Swiss shepherd to the New York Symphony. Betty Kennedy and Jean Hays served refreshments.

Sketch Club .. Sketch Club began soap carving at their meeting, Nov. 6. This is the first in the series of projects for the year.

Learn-to-dance Learn - to - Dance club members on Nov. 6, continued to practice dance steps previously taught. Members also paid their dues.

• Gridiron King (Continued from Page One) Banks and others give you plenty from which to c'lloose. So don't waste any time in voting for your Results of the election will be revealed in next week's PED, and a big picture of the winning candidate will appear. Whether he has the longest eyelashes, or the nicest ears or the most attractive smile, he will be GRIDIRON KING-becausce you think he's the handsomest man on the team!

FTA·discusses safety education F.T.A. members met Monday, Nov. 10. in the music hall auditcrium. Safety education was the topic of discussion. Elaine Brier, Ardis Carmine and Audrey Zastera had charge of the meeting. . A s!:ort bc:s}ness meeting of the Peru Dramatic Club was held Friday, Oct. 31. after con\"Ocation. Plans were made to hold the regu!ar meeting the fourth Thursds.y of every montJ1. -Box Candy, just arrived, 29c lb. and up. Hill's Drug Store.

for entrance exam failures Too many boys try to do too much. This is one explanation by officials of the Civil Aeronautics Administration why 12 per cent of applicants for CAA pilot. training fa.ii to pass the entrance physical examinations. w. B. Barber, Supervisor of the 5th District, which includes Peru State Teachers College, has received information on a survey made by CAA pilot training officials in the more than 500 colleges now participating in the program. Although the rejections are relatively few, the reports of medical examiners .reveal that they could be still further reduced if applicants appeared for their examinations in a more rested physical condition and a different frame of mind. John P. Morris, director of the program, has suggested that supervisors can help all applicants by discussing these matters with them prior to their taking the examinations. Mr. Barber believes 'there are three principal reasons for failure to pass the physical examinations, ihe first being the tendency of the boy who wants to fly to crowd his

Epsilon Pi Taus go to convention Attending the national Epsilicn Pi Tau convention at Muncie, Ind., on Oct. 31. were Tom Dean. Jesse Smith, Cecil Raws6n and Mr. Ernest Rawson. Tom Dean in an inki·view said, "We mixed slght-5eeing and traveling. We saw the Ball glass factory. the Indianap<Jlis speedway, and also the home of l\Iark Twain, where we visited tl1e I!) mile cave that some of Twain's st-Ories center around.H A new member of the industrial arts fraternity, Tom was initiated at the convention. There were more than 400 delegates from over the entire United Sh1~es st tlle convention. according to Tom. The ronventfon-goers heard such speake:; as Dr. Bodie and Dr. Warner of Ohio University, Dr. Newkirk of the University of Chicago, and Dean 'Sayer of Kearney State Teachers College. Thcsce men lectured on Industral Arts in connection with many ph:ises of life. l\fr. Rawson's car was used to make the 675 mile trip .

sehool life with too much activity. The average b<Jy e:mnot work his way through col!ege. i;{\ out for athletics, belong fo the Glee Club, keep up the required scholastic standard and still fa.k~ the CAA pilot tiaining cou,,e. While the boy who will try to do all this is usually a high type. and his ambit.ion deserves commendation his body and mind will not stand the strain. Some curtailment is imperative. Second, many applica:its come to the medical examiner with a psychological complex. feeling that the examiner is a hurdle to '.5Ct over and not a starting block to help them get going._ This state of rr,!nd. added to the physical strain of a perlod of hard study, or of hard play in athletics, may result in certain manifestations of physical deficiency like double vision. Many such conditions are frequently transitory but this cannot be determined easily in an axamination. Third, a combination of many variables will prevent acceptanc•!. Most of these, Mr. Barber believes, are avoidable and he advises students to rest and relax thoroughly before applying for physical examination. -Ha.liver oil Capsules, lOOs, $1.19. Hill's Drug Store.

Sweet milk Sc per quart Cream 20 cents per pint (Price includes delivery) Charles Wills, Peru.

··················~····· ....................... ~


-Milk of Magnesia 25c ::ize, 2 for 29c. HUJ's

UO& 151

Skelly Service :il:U.ion

•• •• : CENTS

Skelly Oils 2H Ci:a.~ 1;omp1rte U. Leonard Tripp, )I~. Peru .Pb~ 41.!



Ladies welcome at Ml u Ben u~ ;J19:. t~r







Peru Lumber Co Phone



Holdorf, Mgr.



J.P. CLARK Electric Shoe Sh-0p Shoe Repairs of Alt .!\mas

Headquarters for Cleaning!

Buy Early While the Supply Lasts

Special $1.25

Chatelains Jewelry

l'aitoring, with hundreds of woollens on display under the expert supervision of Mr. Cejka.

Peru Cleaners and Tailors On the East Side of Main Peru






•• •n: • "OCT OF THE FOG" : ••: PERU THEATRE Tue. & Wed, Nov. 11-12 • •


M. G. He11tt,




-Films developed 2..."'c. 2 free enlargl"!llents. Rill's Drug Store.

People Wdng 25c a week papers, by delivery pay $l3.00 a year, and due t.o not not belng paid ahead can easily switch. They get their other mail through the postoffice. Thl? D!!i'iy Lincoln NEBRASKA STATE JOUR."'IAL can give two to ten hours later news out on rural routes and in many towns because it ls the onlv large state daily b~­ tween Omaha and Denver printing at night. in fact after 5 p. m. The Journal prints editions right up until train time day and night. The Morning Journal comes in time for mail' delivery the same day. Dailies printed on the Iowa line edit for Iowa readers. The Lincoln Journal :;ells for two to four dollars a year less than any other big state morning daily, and is priced as low as day late afternoon papers. By mail in Nebraska and North Kansas, eleven months daily $1.00. with Sunday $L75; three months $1.25 daily, $2.00 with Sunday; a year $4.00 daily, S7.00 with Sunday; 25c a month higher in other states. Order direct or through our office.

•••••••••••••••••••••••• REDUCED PRICE ON l\IILK

Wendell W. Hutcn!.rmm 'i!l"K prei;emed with the sll;·er imd gold bars of a LleuteM:rnt graduation from the Air vanced F1}ing School, Texas, Oct. 31. "Hu!eh ~ Peruvian. son of hfr. P. H. Hutchison of Anderson. fo11·R.


CCA suggests reasons (Press release from the Civil Aeronautics Administration.)






• • • I S VERY VERY VERINESS re was once an English comn student who wrote a very composition. (Such an ce actually occurred•) Its prominent fault was its very, ess. and it was very much very, , that is to say, it was very ultra, These very prominent fea(its very very, veriness and ultra ultra, ultraness) were so prominent that one felt like g, "Oh Rawthah!" or, "Deah " at the end of every one of its thah ultra, ultras. am merely trying to say that pupil from his nature shot the in very much affected and -falutin' diction. And so the ler was compelled to give the a failing grade for his · ver s , veriness. For she muchly disroved of his very high-falutin' ntin' of the king's good Eng-

l:, i'iEt>l:<ASi\.r:1_, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1941

Formal goers swing out at Manua Loa Ball e

owever he was very much ded in his prissy smugness by the e that he received. In fact he prevented from further hightin' flauntin' of a literary form. his teacher planked do~ an '," he could only gulp and say, •.. Oh Rawthah!" II UOTHE HE IN NOBLE TERl\IS There was once an English comp udent who wrote a very awkward mposition. (Such an instanc~ acally occurred. ) Its most prominent It was its "shoot-em-up" styie. d it was qutt.e, quite shoot-cm- · in nature, iliat is to say it was consummate case of knock-em·n-n-drag-em.out. These exmely prominent features (its oot-em-up-n-knock-em-down • n • rag-em-out nature) were so inor·nately pre-eminent that ·one felt like saying, "Take it easy pahdnah," or ''When you say that, smile," at -Photograph by Dick Clements the end of every one of its consum~ ately shoot-em-up paragraphs. I am merely trying to say that this pupil shot the bull in a very much murclerously murderin' styfo. And so rootin', tootin' was his shootin' that his teacher was comp~llcd to give the lad a failing grade. (All this for his rootin' • "CertRinly was a surprise," smiled look like me." tootin'-shoot-em-up-n • knock· em - the half-back and signal caller of Campus chatter of the Peru Ed .down-n-drag-em-out manner of the Bobcat squad, "as I was sure and Coed wondered which of the writing.) For she muchly disa- it would fall to one of the seniors Wheelermen would don 1he helpproved of most ill-nurtured mur- of the squad." Yes, Wendell .Hand- met of 'king' and the eqalpment derously - murderin' modes of ver- ley, halfback from Nemaha, was of 'pale blue and white' to be ;. bal expressionism. So thus the elected by the student body as the chosen as the ruler of the 'cason lad was demoted from his high Gridiron King of the '41 season. in the gridiron sport. Players joked and mighty manner of murderously This sophomore leaned on his el- and wondered, as ti1:s was too new murderin' men and the King's good .bow and laughed and went on to to think much about but as his (Continued on page two) (Continued on page two) say, "I don't think the King should

Gridiron King· throne taken ouer by Wendell Handley

Civilian pilot trainees tell impressions on making first solo flights 8 By Doreen Meier "Weather. is holding things up, but I have a swell bunch of boys and I'll keep them flying," said Mr. Kenwood, one of the instructors f!lr the Peru C.P.T. unit. Ten boys are learning to handle the planes and twelve are taking ground instruction from Prof. Clinton H. Sharp. Thirty-five flying hours are required and 72 hours of ground school is the minimum. Before a solo flight can be attempted eight hours dual instruction is necessary. Thirty-one hours of this instruction has been completed. Civil air regulations, meteorology, practical air navigation and general service or aircraft make up the requirements for this ground course. A test by the Civil Aeronoutics ; Authority will be given at the end of the ground training. Private pilots licenses are the goals. Those taking the course include William Shepherd, who has 13 hours. He says "It's a goOd deal. My biggest sensation .came in coming out of a spin." "A sweet course,'', comments Red »ean. Red has six and a half hours.· Red's thrill came with his


first spin, too. Louis Vejraska was the first to solo. He has 16 and a half hours and thinks flying b sweli. L-0uis'

thrill c2,me in watchil:g the plane's shadow on the clouds while flyin::; above them. To take his girl riding is Bill Berger's main objective. Making a flight with no harsh remarks from "Slim" gave him the most enjoyment. Bill says, "It offers basic training for flying." The thrill of taking off into a strong wind and having to turn to miss a tree was Clair Ca.llan's. "Stub" has 11 and a half hours and says, "It's a good opportunity for a person to learn to fly." Whizzer White has 13 hours. His greatest thrill came in looking into the front seat of the plane and seeing no one there. "It seems like a good chance for a commission in the army," Whizzer declared. "Affords fine opportunities for a person to learn to fly at the government's expense," states Buzz Byers. He has 11 and a half hours and says he was most thrilled the first day of flight instruction.

The biggest thrill for Wilbur r::ge came when he first s'Jlue<L Be lllill"li to look for ducks whil1: up,. lYi!l.;i:ir has rn hows a1ocl like it."

Clark Rogsrs thin"..s opportunity to learn others his thrill came in w1'""""'·'" with his first solo. He has eight hours. Listening to the wings creak while in a spin, affords Bob Williams his biggest thrill Some day he plans to have a plane of his own. "It's the best· way to learn to fly," declares Bob. The alternates, those two who are taking ground instn1ction this semester, but will not fly until next time, are Bob Smith and William Hunzeker. These boys wil act as fill-ins for the present unit in case of elimination of one of those now .engaged in fl~ing. Both believe ground school affords practical knowledge as well as knowedge of aviation. Instructor Melvin Powell says, "The boys are progressing very nicely after getting started.''

By Nina Kanel

From a thatched roofed "Hawaiian hut" floated the music of Mel Pester as couples danced in the soft blue light be· neath palm trees at ,the Manua Loa Ball on Nov. 17. Around the bottom of the orchestra stand was a border of paper flowers on a green background. Two life-sized paint· ings of hula-hula girls emphasized further the Island atmosphere. Placed on a green mound, they stood out against a blue star gilted background. A huge silhouette picturing the silver moon shining down on the silver palms and lake covered the east wall. Giving the effect of a;. "terrare" was green and yellow lattice work of crepe paper. Gay colored streamers beginning at the entrance met at the goa~ baskets.

Wheeler and Jones to speak The schedule of speaking engage-

ments this

week for Coaches A. G. Wheeler and Arthur Jones begins on Tuesday, Nov. 18. Both will be

guests at the Randolph High School football banquet at Randolph, Ia. The Randolph football team is undefeated this s< 'rnn, and has an average of 50 and a half points for each game. On Tuesday, :t\fov. 25, Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Jones will go to Auburn, where they will be guests at the high school football banquet sponrnred by the Auburn Kiwanis club. Coach of the Auburn team is Jack Mcintire. '41. who starred in football, basketball and track at Peru.

Campus visitor recalls football history The man who first suggested the site for the present athletic field was a visitor on the campus on Nov. 14. He is l\Ir, Ben B. Hurst, a graduate of Peru, now of Rockport, l\Io. "We practiced on the lawn of Mount Vernon dormitory," rec.ailed !Ur. Hurst, "and our games were played on a lot in the flats ·beow the depot." In 1900 school authorities refused permission for the campus practice, so the footballers played in the· street, according to Mr. Hurst. Possibilities in the present si(e of the athletic field were cvidnil. to Mr. Hurst, who was interested in civil engineering. \Vith the SHJ)P"'!':, ::{' Ah u1-..,.~::·~~ ~ J. l\1, Howie and E. A. Whitnack. and !Hr. George Porter, he wass instrumental in getting the site approved by the Normal Board.

King leads YW panel "My Place in the country-Patriotism" was discussed in a panel at Y.W.C.A on Tuesday, Nov. 11. In the panel group were Virginia King, Marjorie Prine and Dorothy Teachman. The theme of patriotism was carried out by Mae Jane Young in the devotionals, and patriotic songs were sung.

Streamers also hung from the ceiling as well as from the punch table, presided at by girs in Hawai-· ian costume. Received by Ferne Peterson, j>resident of the dorm council Donald Dean, Gr:tce Muenchau' Wayne Buhrmann, Betty Katherine Cole, Orthello Byers and Mrs. Inice Dunning the guests received bright colc;red leis, and dance programs. Betty Berge:·, Donna Lee Marshall and Betty Riley sang during the intermission accompanied by Bob Ashton. Rex Floyd led the formal goers in the "Conga." Glimpses here and there noted the "sparklers" on Virgie Lee Johnson's black velvet gown . . . on Doris Doris Brinson's silver bodice over . her bright red skirt . . . on Jody's white blouse . . . blue skirt and velveteen top of Hope Carter's with its. swishing fullness. . . Sandfort's green top . . . Doreen Meier's red jersey ... \vl1ite jersey of Simms and Witte filmy net of Baker...... Carnahan Taffetta of Riley. . .. . Ludwik in black chiffon with silrer. ..... Tomm?·s real lei in shades of pink from Hawaii for the evening ...... Willey \rnrc navy blue with red carnation...... pink carnation corsage of Sara Weider matched her skirt ..... Blue of Fehr's net .... . Muenchau with selver sparkles .... .. Scott in black silk crepe with low V neck ...... Kay Adam's pink ...... Dorothy Briant's red and white velvet wrap ...... Coatney's hooded red tunic ...... Max-well's white evening coat ..... fitted velvet bodice and plaid .skirt of Helen Mastin ...... Mrs. Wheeler's gold sequins on blue ... .. Ruby Grouse's back jersey topping taffeta skirt. Commenting on the formal, gen(Continued on page twoJ

Perusi ngers If'\\;,.,. ~Ul

Guest performers at the Sunday musicale, Nov. 23, sponsored by Perusingers, will be Erelyn Christfancy, pianist, and Margaret Goodridge, violinist. The program is as follows: "Seraphic Song" Rubinstein-Gaines Perusingers "Tango in D" . . . . . . . . . . . . Albeniz "Prelude in G Minor" Rachmaninoff Evelyn Ohristiancy, pianist "Kol Nidrei" (Hebrew melody) Bruch "Hungarian Dance" . . . . . Haesche Margaret Goodridge, violinist "Creation's Hymn" . . . . Beethoven "Jesu, Priceless Treasure" . . Bach "Rest" ........... , . . . . . . . Williams "Listen to the Lambs" . . . . . . Dett Perusingers



Football banquet, pro

• • •

The football season at Peru is closed. The boys have checked in their equipment, and are taking advantage; d a well-earned rest. They've worked hard all season-out the're through hot weather, cold weather, mud and rain. Injuries have crippled some. A few seniors have played their last game for P.S.T.C. Many students feel the need for some expression of appreciation to coaches and players· Some favor a banquet, others a dance. One thing they agree on-it should be a student. managed function. At the pitesent time. however, it seems to be one of those things that evryone discusses but no one does anything about. The call is out for some public spirited campus organization to promote such an affair. Student support is assured-leadership only is lacking.

Editorially speaking

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, >lelm1.ska, Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single

Pussy-footin9 e By Heck Dorm


people were either narrow-minded

Diller, Mis irleas cf his own; as to what consti!utes "good" literature. He discusses such books as

o:· immature. "This book is one for adults. not children."

"Grapes cf Wrath" and "Tobacco

do such writers as Steinbeek and Caldwell write as they do? Do they·

Road" with candor. Univers0ny is the prime requis-

But, why is it, he was asked,

"Decidedly not," was the reply, "To write good literature an author must have unusual, intere:ting characters and set-ups. - Good

stimulating, and must stir the read-

writing should not be discr~dited because it lnppens to reveal some

er's emotions." ·when asked if he thought sociological literature was effective in making people realize the need for improving social conditions, Reuben shook his head. "No," he said, "it would rnund nice if I said so, but I guess I'm too much of a realist for ilrn t ! The average person regards books like 'Grapes of Wrath' and 'Tobacco Road' as entertainment. He can even laugh at the tragedies portrayed. I've never been able to laugh at ignorance." When pressed as to what he thought of libraries over the country banning suc!l _bQoks, . ~eub~n answere~, "i ·think it's a bit out of order. After all, this is a democracy and people have a right to have access to good literature." When reminded that some people regard "Grapes of Wrath" as harmful to its readers, Reuben stated

Training schoof notes

have warPed personalities?

ite of good literature," he believes. "All good literature must be tr'ue in its interpretaticn of life. It must be well-written, vivid, mentally

evils of society.'' When asked for the reason as to why people refuse to take sociological studies seriously, Reuben responded, "Most people hate to face reality. We are all prone to be idealists. We are too fund of being so wrapped up in our own petty concerns that we are not big enough er able enough to effect any changes. much less recognize the need for changes." When reminded that some books on sociological subjects were considered dangerously communistic, Reuben made this forthright state~e;t: "We are. so fi::;;:·f:11 r.f communism and we are so sure that it is a most dangerous issue that we balk attempted reform. If such evils as the social w1iters reveal were corrected, communism would be a minor issue."

On campus

Wednesday, Nov. 19 ________ Book review, Miss Tear, "Random Harvest" Wednesday Nov. 19 ----------------------· ·--------- Hour dance, 6:45 Thursday, Nov. 20 ------------------------· ·------------


girls of fin!! fllllll"' Eliza. Morgan. They're never h>Jme •.. Who will winMason or Barney? ..• Much enthm.iasm o'l'-er last week's swing seSllion. "I.els have another one," is oomm:mt m-0st frequently ho.an!. .. Any tmth in the rumor that Dn1 Slark 110 longer carries :i totl':h? ••. Aud what's this about il.&b K11-11tsm's new girl'! ... llriae Jane Young is to receive Mrthday greetings ~ia telephone fr•,m califcrnfa on ~ov,, 21. •. Understand the game of hearts isn't conf'"med to the

that it was his opinion that such junior

Kappa Delta Pi held its regular m;;cting Monday, Nov. 16. The !'rate: nity dee~( eel to send its presi· dent, Virginia McNeal, to the Kappa Delta Pi convention at Washington, D. C., to be held in February. FIH: lEARS

ONE YEAR AGOThe Marching Men of Song, a male choral group, was presented here by the budget committee.

• flickers ...

Freshman Clubs

Friday, Nov. 21 --------- -- ----------- .. ----------------- Faculty Party Sunday, Nov. 23 ---------------- -------- .. --------------- Musicale, 4:00 Tuesday, Nov. 25 _--------------- .. ---------------- Bobcats-basketball

Training scl10ol students, members of the faculty and sfudent teachers met at 11 o'clock on Tuesday, Nov. 11 for the first aII trafrring school assembly. The program presented by Miss Ruth Brandt was dhided lnto three parts: a recognition of Armistice day, twc special musicl\i group 2,nd a gE·t-acquainted sing. In reccgnition of Armistice day, Supt S, L. Clements led the stbool in singing· "God Bless Americ:i." Norma Owings P'esented a poem and Mthur Clements kd the pledge and salute to the flag. The graup then joined in sin~ ".\m-


• • • mens dorm. The gi1'h like it too . . . Speaking i1f Ute game, ask Red Dean's roo~~e what he rnid fn his sl~ the other night ... Butch is reportedly- tn:-ning into a big game hunter • . . A reliable source indicates that Remer Fish wood, !.urppy - go lucky freshman, has llis eye on the girl of his dreams.•• Why did Pop Steek's tenors clesert him last Tuesday niglli? ... Bathtubs are· an inno,vation on second and third flnors of the girls dorm ... Are yow one of the 5() human guinea pigs --chosen to report on colds~·

• Manua Loa




An all-college dance was held at & o'clock Friday night in the muc.ic< hall. The group danced to l\Ir. Jindra's radio victrola.

• •

'Grapes of Wrath' discussed by Fanders in interview on sociological literature Fa nrlers,


Meredith Jimerson ........................... , , lilitf/1' Nina Kane! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AssislaElf Ralpb Locke ............................ . Rex Floyd ...................... Assistant Rogene Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . Virginia King, Ellen King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pro-t>f 1e...,.,,,....~ M. Florence Mttrtin ..........................• Reporters: Catherine Adams, Ruth Adamson, Jeu, Bood, Josephine Boosinger, Hazel Bouse, Elaine Brier, Elaine Briley, Doris Brinson, Merlin Broers, Alice a~b:nd, Helen Dahlke, Rex Floyd, Sidney Johnson, Josephine Ke.Uy, Doreen Meier, Richard Meyer, Irene Nispel, Georg_e N<!rton, James Ray, Helen Rhodes, Patricia Rockwd.l, Bette Scott, ·Genevieve Steuteville, Mary Stevenson, Mary Ellen Thomas, Laurella Toft,' Lois Wagoner.

Hundreds of copies of the PEDAGOGIAN are sent out to high schools in the Middle West. It is hoped that Peru alumni will see that a copy of the paper is placed at the disposal of their stu.dents.




student publications. High school students who have access to these publications should be guided in deciding whether or not to go to college, and in A:he choice of an institution.

By Ruth Adamson

hooking back

Pu/dished W eeklJ' by The Peru State Peru, Nebraska

An effective medium of advertising for any school 1s its




(Continued from Page One-)· era I chairman LaVara Oakfey re·marked, "Now I can looll: at peu-ple and not have them foe!' like running ... The kids worli:ed sweIT" even the fellows-Bob McAiexand.er; Max Jackson and Eldon- Reutter came to our rescue as flldd'er climbers." Doris Carnahan designed the silhouette and Janis Baker amf XfarySt2vrnc.cn did the painting. Frelpim: with Eght deccrations was BettJ" Berger. Others assisting were Luc'.lle Sandfort, Marjorie Wlscfmreii:r_ G:Etchen Niburz, Norm~ Ge-s, L~­ tha. Gardner, Bette Schneider and. Genevieve McFadden. In charge of the cleanup was the dmm council_

(Continued from Page One) English, by the gTade that he received. In fact he was pr.evented from further flauntin' of guns and double-barreled syllables. As his teacher planked down an "E," he thrust out his chin and quoth in calm and noble tones, . . . "Sister, wh.~n you do that, smile."

III CASE FOR FREUD There was 'once an English comp student who wrote a very awkward composition. (Such an instance actually occurred.) Its most prominent fault was its sexy, love-life nature. And it was quite sexy and love-livin' in its style. These consummate characteristics lits cheap sexiness and frothy love-!ivin' tone) were so extremely evident that one felt the need for Dottie Lamour and blue champagne between each one of its cheaply frothy paragraphs. I am merely trying to say that this pupil from his very nature gave the tongue and the written word a pretty hot type of expressionism. And so love-livin' was his givin' that his teacher was compelled to give the lad a failing grade. For she muchly disapproved of such sensous forms of obscene scribbling. However he was not deflated in his role as a grandiloquent shiek among shooters of senuous scripto by the failing grade that he received. In fact it slipped thru the maze of his thoughts as smoothly as doth woman's hand caress man's feve: ed brow. As his teacher planked down an "E," he stopped but for a moment ere quickly retu;·ning to a reprotluction cf the latest artistic conception of Hogarth•s Curve.


• Gridiron King ...

In the second p;,,rt of pr'lgram, 3obby Jonc3, who ns r.rcompanied at the piaoo by his , (Continued from page oneJ mother, played a group of se*t.i()n..<; a lot of talk." on the cello. The boys um ~nrls Hand1ley, known for his quick ~hoir t'nder Miss Burtis Ke~iy's steps and drive, along with bullet direction sang "The Boating Song," majesty states, "Certainly created anrl "The Snow SL0nn " passing, is a major in Social SciTo complete the program, Mr. ence and carries a minor in physical Clements led the group In singing education. He is a member of the familiar songs. Kathlyn Bn!ord, P Club and Mens Club. Patty Hill and Max Maihf'lrs furn"This is a good idea,. but I really ished violin and piano mmi<'. believe it should be carried on earlier in the season, maybe before Homeeoming. A Gridiron Queen could also be elected, also by the vote of the student body or the Around campus - BETI'Y LOU squad." After a little talk with your BE.RG.ER app1ear.s in a sllf\ ll;ght reporter, HandJ.ey agrees that an blue corduroy suit with bel.ted jack· informal dinner should be given et ... GENEVIEVE STEllTE'\'ILLE for the football boys and coaches along with a dance for the entire is smart in a brown corduroy dress ;·chool. A dinner for the squad, the with shoulder pockets and gold coaches, the electetl King and metal nailhead belt. Queen and the season's captains. A necklace of huge colored '\!:()!}den beads is being worn by BETTY MILLER . . . BARBARA BEAL wears a white crocheted tas:scl c::i9 A dormitory council court was with her brown fur coat Saddle-oxford devotees are fea- organized at the meeting of the turing colored shoe-strings . . . mens dorm council on Nov. 10. The BETTY SCOTT wears one of those court will penalize men making Argyle plaid sweaters in pastel too much noise during "qt'\\let hours." shades.

What she wore ..

Mens dorm council ..

There was once an English comp student who wrote a -very awkward composition. rsuch an instance actually occimed.) Its m-0st prominent fault was its exaggeration. And it was quite, quite hyperbolically overdrawn, that is to say, it was a case of trumped-up tales, a veritable offspring of the genus, humbug. These very prominent features (its trumped up tone and its false hyperbole) were so very evi· dent that one felt like exclaiming, "What a joke book!" or "Can you beat that one," at the end of every one of its hyperbolical paragraphs. I am merely trying to say that this pupil, by planning ahead, jived a pretty deceitful sentence. And so connivin' was his jivin' that his teacher was compelled to give the lad a failing grade. (All this for high-pressure jivin' and hyperbolical connivin'.) For she mucllly disopproved of most magniloquent effects of make-believe. However, he was greatly deflated in h!s role as deceitful purveyor of clelusions. In fact he wa.s prevented from further hi-falutin' flauntin' of falsely fabricated fiction. As his teacher planked clow11 an "E" he exclaimed , from the depths of his soul, "Tis a mockery, a delusion, and a snare-and it ain't fair either."



ats. & 'Kitt


in '41 grid finales 'Cats clip Owls The State 33-6; seniors shine

Over ... ••

t By Rex Floyd

By Ralph Locke


tball for 1941 passes on into annals of history this past as the Bobcats are concerned. king back over the season for nal glance at the records, we that Peru has piled up 162 ts while the opposition has garonly 95 tallies. Leading thE lermen all season was Don , who personally accounted 4, or exactly one-third of the points of the team. While winfour lacing three and tieing the 'Cats failed to win a •pionship, but their two losses state ccmpetition were to the two undefeated teams in the e, and. their other loss was to heavy Washburn who had a e weight advantage on Peru. e tie was a result of poor footg that the Wheelermen 11·oulcl obably have won on a dry field.

Peru Prep has more than disguished herself all fall. Getting f to a weak start against Talage ·they improved with every sing week as they ran into the urn crew with no ·losses. There y outplayed the Bulldogs, but ked that final ounce cf punch shove the ball over for the allportant points. Friday afternoon ey went all the way out as they k care of the Rockport steamling eleven, and for the second aight year they wound up with ly one loss to mar a perfect year.

oUeyball on deck . . . According· to reports from Art nes, volleyball will have a brief ing· this week as teams pair off r a tournament. If a few of his ndest ides.s jell, the!·e will be a culty team on the Door to battle e rest for their share of ~he oils. It will be worth watching. d anyone interested may attend. riping??? Have you heard any critici'ms is fall on school spirit?? Would u like to help the cause along?? Well, here's an idea en how tc get little something done. ,Maybe we were a little weak up there in the bleachers, and didn't eer as much as we might of, aybe we felt admiration but lackthe cooperative spirit to express rselves. Whatever it was, most us feel that those football playha ve a little a.ppreciation due . What would be wrong with ma Chi and the Men's Club ing together and setting a date an , informal banquet with a dance following?? We could


eadquarters or Cleanw19! lailorin.rf,



under coacn "Newt" Kyle. has called for basketball and swimming men to report for initial practise. To this 13 reported for basketball and. six for the swimming team. One can't overlook Kyle and ·basketball because of his top notch record at Tarldo and national recognition as a coach of ~ smooth team.

Floyd and Dean-tM tn ~ «bl sat the Tarkio game outcheering from the benel!L ~ ilM ~ oot since the Kearney tussle, nursing a fractured eelfar - . . ·~ llllbsed this one because of an ailing arm-injured in the ~ fiftwL Both are seniors.

Dauidson ttbets boots" she is proud of Kansas ... likes Peru e

By Elaine Brier

''You can bet you: uoots rm a Jayhawker, a'nd pretty proud of it tool" reto:ted Davy 1;nen asked about her home tC''ill, Cchunbus. Kansas. Phyllis Davidson, "Davy" to you, as you know of course, is director of Women's Physical Education here on the Peru campus. However, you may not know some very pleasing facts about this instructor that everyb8dy gets such ple2sure from just an acquaintanceship with her. The purpose qf this article is to offer a few of her experi=nces. and her pet aversions. No, "Davy" ha" no1. always been Davidson's nickname. The acquisition of this title has come with in the last three years. After graduation ir-)m high cchocl, Davy tried her hand at t?.2°11\l:g, snd rhe comments. "Well. rigbt new, I can think of many things I wculd rather do tlian mother a class of fifth gracl~rs!" Leaving Columbus where she had gained her start on her own private tennis court provided by h~r father, ha.ve the Coachrs in::·crluce the lettermen-we could unite, · as a studN!\ bcdy should, 21~d get behind those fellows who wallowed in ice and mud against Wayne. the same team that absorbed such a physical beating· from Washburn Ichabods.

My idea . . . Basketball is coming on. and again there will be a call for some support from the bleachers as the ~eason wears on. I think that Gamma ·chi and the Men's Club pretty well embrace the student body and from such a start it would be smooth sailing to promote a little bit of tribute to the Bobcats.

Davy entered Emporia State college ln Kansas. There her interest in Physical Education grew in such proportions that she left off her work on an English major and turned to the athletic department. Tennis and swimming were her favorite activities, and her top-flight ability on the courts enabled her to cop a championship. Following the attainment of her AB degree, she felt the urge to go on, and Columbia University was her next stop as she acquired her Masters. Here in Peru Davy says that things are fine. She likes all her classes, with no favorites. Of her department, she thinks that the social atmosphere is a great asset to her pupils. Pet Peeve! unlocking lockers for the forgetful and absent minded. Her hobby is an 1.nmsual one, in that she had trouble in adopting it. It is sewing. For years Davy found tb at such tedi0us work was b01ing, but now '.he finds that it is fine for moments of relaxati-on. and she follows her pastime avidly.

W.R. R. notes Calling all girls!! Are there only twenty athletic mindeu co-eds on the Peru campus? Don't you want to learn how to play basketball? Now, don't say you aon't know how to play because that won't do. "Davy" is starting the gals right at the beginning, teaching step by step the fundamental facts and techniques. Oh! you already have learned that, well come anyway and brush up because you are bound to be stale. Come one and all and join the gals on the gym floor every Monday and Tuesday nights at 8 p. m.


woollens on display under

of Mr.

Peru Cleaners and Tailors On the East Side of Main Peru Phone 62


Until April 15 ... Commission obligations ceace for men when the? r.re conscripted into military duty Now these new advm:t.ages are offered by the same re, liable servir» u;hose facilLies and experienced guidance are consta':: tJy '·our romma:·1d. Nebraska 2l1'.1 nci~::b~r;:;; staws our field . .,,.._ff-~.~-~ ·~. Writct.oday. · ~h-'-~


DAVI$ Sdf601.-SErtVICI' w,si...t SW,. u.iol., NMlit




Wesleyan took a victory over the Hasting Broncs last Friday 12-6 to win their second game this season and having not won two in a row for the past several years. They passed over York last week 7-6 . Now as chatter of the past season has begun to wear off it still continues to arou"e comment on the outcome of the State title which 11ouid cali for a post-season game between Midland and Kearney. This h2S been taken up by Chamber of Commerce from Grand Island which seems to like post season g: id battles. Midland has a record they should be proud of and they 1'Ie letting every one know they are proud of the nine victories this season. Kearney on the other hand, who warn't able to meet the warriors, have as good a record and probably a more substantial season to be proud of. If Kearney chooses to play :Midland it should also be a bid for which of the two Nebraska conferences might be of the better cla~s.

Elmer Holm, coach cf the Washburn gang at Topeka has just announced that he will leave his coaching position there to go into busines.s. Holm, was a former Big Six star at Nebraska. Could Duke be the contender for the Rose Bowl? ... Keep an eye around the dailies and see how a newspaper can do a lot toward chasing the contenaer6 .. LEADING SCORERS

Stark . ·-------------------- M Henderson . --------------- 24 Hutton --------------------- 24 Handley ------------------- 24 l\Iason __ .. ----------------- 17 Snider --------------------- 6 White -------------- .. --- -- . 6 Yo1mg -------·---------··---- 6 Callan . ·------------------- 1 TOTAL ------------------- 162

Coaches issue call for basketeers What is next for Bobcat sports fans?? Basketball, of course! ! And when is the first game?? Just keep on reading, and the chances are that you will find out. Cage practices get underway this week, a.s the coaching staff turns full attention to the candidates out for the team. The first ga.me is only eight days away, and a lot of work is to be gotten in if the boys are ready for competition in that short space of time. Candidates that are to reportHannah. Pascal and Haack guards; Byers, Ronhovde, Hobbs Boo! and Hutton forwards; White, Yocum and Hiatt vieing for the pivot post. The first game will be with the Leadway Stores, a semi-pro team who are State Champions from Missouri. At present they are mak.ing a tour of the nation, and they are scheduled to stop in at Peru on the evening of November 25 .

Six of eight seniors led the Bobcats to a romp over the Tarkio Owls Friday afternoon as Peru claimed her fourth win of the seaso'.ii 33-6. Playing their last game for the' Blue and White, Linder, Callan, Smith, Henderson McNally and Young ran the Owls ragged as they gave their best making the paths clear for four touchdown marches. Young fired the first shot as he piled over for six points in the first period. Stark with two touchdowns was high point man again followed by Handley and Hutton who each added six points to the total. Lyle Mason came ihrour::h 1Yith three conversions. Only scoring tl:Yust that the Missourians could retaliate with came in the final quarter \1·hen a fake Star.ue of Lib2rt.:; play was good for 75 y'.lrds and six points. Stark scored on line plunges, Hutton on a 40 yard dach after in•ercepting a pass and Handley cotmted on a single-reverse which went from inside the five yard line. Penalties were frequent, Peru being the heavier loser on the decisions.

Prep dumps Rockport claim 13-6 upset Wrapping up their "surprise package" 1941 grid season Friday, Peru Prep added the frill of a red ribbon as they scored their 13-6 upset of the Rockport Bluejays. who reign as champs of the tough Northwest Missouri League. Th~ Fi'11ermen we1·e a plucky outfit as they took the tough breaks right on the chin and came back to claim a well earned victory. For the final time 13 PrejJ' seniors donned the Pu:·ple and Gold to uphold the Bobkitten traditions. Seering for the Fishermen came in the third quarter. as they swept past the 6-0 deficit that had existed since the first stanza. Bob Brown and He· b Nincehelser each tallied six points a1:d "Tarz'' Hunzeker added the all important extra point. Brown plunged for the first and tying touchdown from the five yard line. Nincehe!sn.r :na~ged a 20-y;nd pass to cross the pay stripe Hun.i zeker icing matters with his per· feet conversion. During season Prep has a record of 6 wins, 1 loss and a tie. Last year the 'Kittens lost only to Rockport, making this their second consecutive year that they have lost only one game. Bob Brown distinguished him· self all fall as he piled up a total of 56" points. The team amassed only 101 points, which leaves Brown responsible for more than half the total. Opponents have managed topush 26 counters over against the' rugged Prep team; standing proof of their defensive ability. SEASON'S RECORD-

Oppvnent Talmage ·----------------Nebraska City ------··-----Tecumseh ----------------Weeping Water __ .. -------Table Rock --------------Auburn ------------ .. -----Nemaha ------------------Rockport __ --··----------

0 6 0 0

4 0 7 6

p 7 ()"

12 37 6 (I

2li 13


J. .l.:.tl.'-V

l. LtJJ.l"'1.VVUJ.i""l.J.""

Kappa Delta Pi presents Lefler as feature of National Education Week "Education is for the masses, not for the select classes. We have too long emphasized aristocracy of brains, thus resulting in cocksureness and dogmatism among the advocates and recipients of higher learning." This statement was expressed by Millard C. Lefler, superintendent of the Lincoln public schools, at convocatjon on Friday, Nov. 14. Supt. L€fler advised the future teachers to remember that every individual is of intrinsic worth. It is our problem to always be ready to serve and sacrifice if necessary


preserve our way of living, according to the speaker. In this way


pass on to the future generation the desire for worth-while living and serving, he believes. Supt. Lefler spoke in observance of National Educational Week and was presen™l by Kappa Delta Pi Ile was introduced by Edith Willey, president of the organization. A Peru graduate and former member of the faculty, Mr. Lefler received his A.B. degree from Peru jn 1909, and was principal of the

Tear to review Random Harvest Miss





"Random Harvest" by James Hilton, on Wednesday, Nov. 19. The review which is sponsored by A.A.U.W., will be held at 4 o'clock in L103. This book was published in 1941 and was written by the author of "Good-bye Mr. Chips." "It is a story of English life," Wss Tear reports, "and is a wonderful story of suspense. It keeps one vastly interested to the very ·end. The story is chiefly concerned with the experiences of the main character in the book and the attitudes of those about bim."

training high school from 1910 to 1915. He has been superintendent of the Lincoln schools since 1920. Mrs. Lefler, who accompanied her husband to Peru, is also a former Peruvian. She received her degree in 1915 and was the former Miss Adeline Blankenship of Auburn. A luncheon honoring Superintendent and Mrs. Lefler was given by members of Kappa Delta Pi

Thorson reoiews ~Men in Politics'·. at AAUW sponsored eoent "Men in Politics" by Louis Fischer, was reviewed by Dr. Winston B. Thorson on Wednesday, Nov. 12. The book was published in May, 1941, and for a short time during the summer was a "best seller." A moral drama of modern society, the book is for the serious reader rathe than ihe casual reader, according to Dr. Thorson.

"Men in Politics," believes Dr. Thorson, is really three books in one: It is, first, an account of Fis€her's life trom ooyhood to the present time. Second, it is a story of diplomatic Europe between the two World Wars. Thlrd, It is a reaction of his personality to the things he had written. This report was sponsored by A.A.U.W.

Scribblers elect Lynch prexy

Buhrrnann speaks at Larnba Delta Larnba

Scribblers Club organized and began activities when they met on Thursday, Nov. 13, at the home of Mrs. B. K. Baker, adviser. :-telda Lynch is president. Assisting her will be LaVergne Cowell, vice president and Lydia Vosicky, secretary treasurer. James Huey, Ellen King, Helen Dahlke, Evelyn Rodgers, Virgie Lee Johnson and Rogene Rose are associate members. Mrs.. Baker explained the principle of preparing manuscripts for market. ' Program plans were discussed and each member was given a dead line for his original composition.

Peruvians to go PSTC band stars to press meet.

at Washburn game Thirty-eight band members in various stages of freeze returned to Peru at 4 o'clock a. m. from the Peru-Washburn game.

In spite of the cold weather, the lland members, armed with blanJtets and heavy sweaters, climbed fnto the newly painted band bus -~ii weri~ to Topeka for the game on Nov. 7. During the half, the band performed its formations including the new "V" for victory, and "W" in ]:J.onor of Washburn's team.

To choose graduation announcements was the purpose of the senior class meeting, Nov. 10. The committee appointed by President .Rex FJoyd to make the selections included Bob Ashton, Bill Fankhauser, Meredith Jimerson and Nancy Ellen Jones.

Four students will represent the college at the National Collegiate Press Association convention at St. Louis, Mo~ on Nov. 20-22. Peruvian staff members who will make the trip are Barbara Beal, editor, Nancy Ellen Jones, business manager, and Dick Clements, photographer. The PERU PEDAGOGIAN will be represented by Meredith Jimerson. Prof. R. D. Moore. Peruvians adviser, will accompany the group which will make the t.rlp by automobile and will return Nov. 23.

tarly tlernentary Club ... To be in charge of Early Elementary Club affairs for 1941 is Fannie Alberts, who was elected president on Monday. Nov. 10. Assisting her are La Verna Magneson, educational director and Vivian Fogle, social chairman. The election was held, follo\Ving a supper given in the cafeteria.

Dramatics Harold Dallam wes elected president of the Peru Dramatic Club at its meeting on Friday, Oct. 31. Other officers are Nina Kanel, vice president, and Betty Kathryn Cole, 3ecretary-treasurer. "Brief Music," a comedy with an all-woman cast, is the next. three~t play to be presented. Try-outs were held yesterday and today. Phyllis · DeLong, Reuben Panders and Gale Randall have been selected from the elementary dramatics class to play the three roles in

after convocation. Bill Fankhauser sang two solos and was accompanied by Echo Elaine Lum. Dean J. A. Jimerson introduced Mr. Lefler who spoke briefly on the prevailing enthusiasm of the youth of today and how teachers must capitalize on it. Members of Kappa Omicron Phi served the luncheon.

• • •

"Fixinls," a one-act drama by Paul and Erma Green. This play, under the student direction of Ellen King with Milton Schultz as assistant director, will be given in convocation some time this month. It is the . story of the love of a sharecropper's wife for beautiful "fixin's,'' and her husband's lack of sympathy with such ideas. Other one-act plays are also being worked up by the class.

With Wayne Buhnmn speaking on "Chemistry o:i Wheels." Lambda Delta Lamt:la met on Monday, Nov. 11. in the science hall. During the bR<dness session, the convocat.ion p:ogra.m co be presented by Laml;da Delta Lambda was discussed. Pre&d.ent Carl Wirth appointed Richard. Kingsolver to make final arnmgemen(s for the program. Mamicc Anderson will plan future meetings. The refreshments committee comists of Althea Nispel and 9'craldine Stoner.

Delegates speak at Epsilon Pi Tau


Miss· old books ti · · .. ~

Lutherans play bingo on Nov. 13

A hundred-~~ ild with hand w~ been added ta ~ ection.

Eighteen Lutheran Students held third meeting of the year on Thursday, Nov. 13. After the ct·votional service, a short bufr1ess r:ir eting was held. Fannie Alberts and Hilda Freese were appointed as a social com1.1it1te for the ne-xt meeting. Bingo afforded the entertain· mmt for the evening. Winners who were awarded prizes were: Alvin Haack, Althea Nispel, Sophie Ahntholz, Naomi Juilfs and Violet . Gebha1tl. The next meeting will be Nov, 20. \hE ;r

Miss Libbie 30 years Penfs bram.n and te.:i:~ donated "Dresi;:li ~.m of the Middle .~w Shaw. According to Ma ~ 1M$e two volumes were l•don in 1843 by W.~ ~Xil~­ ing. Each carries on ~. ~ pige the anchor and d~ ~'11'.mn:g the Aldine Pres>. Noteworthy is the er binding with These antiques are condition and will


Reports of freshmlln and their progress were g!'!'!m i:ly !he presidents of the o~~:!-0m at the class meeting on ND'W.

-Box Candy, just arrived, and up. Hill's Drug Store.

J.P. CLARK Electric Shoe Shop Shoe Repairs Of All


Skelly Service :5tation


Skelly Oils and Gas 1,;omptete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone 40


. . . . . . ._._.. ...,. . . .111111em-mm111>.


WINTERIZE your car with .



Now is the critical time for your auto, truck, tractor. Cold weather demands antifreeze, winter weight oil, b2ttery checkup, heaters. Let us look you over and save you money.

A Complete Line at


Phone 100


The Epsilon Pi Tau meeting on Nov. 10 was highlighted by speeches from members who were sent as delegates to the natipnal comention at Muncy, Ind. Tom Dean, Jesse Smith. Cecil Rawson and Mr. Ernest Rawson described the convention and t-0ld cf their experiences on the trip. At the business meeting plans were made for the in!alion of new members.

Games highlight girls party Six concession games wue featured at the Gamma Chi party, held Nov. 12, in the musk baIL Those in charge of the ment features were Lois Sara Weider, Eudora Hagen, Ruby Crouse, Carol Copenhaver and Mabel Newton. Virg"inia Ballard was awarded grand prize and Ardis Carmine won the low prize. Cider and doughnuts were served. A short business meeting was held and Margaret Mansfleld was elected secretary-treasurer. She will fill the vacancy left by Jean Hoagand, who resigned because she holds a similar omce in Beta Beta Beta .

Buy Early While the Supply Lasts Special $1.25

Chatelains Jewelry

-Haliver oil Capsules, IOOs, $1.19. Hill's Drug Store.

PERU BOWLING CLUB Ladies Welc@me at All ·umes .Hen ttanl6n, Mgr. M. G. Heuer, owner

-Films developed 25c. 2 free enlargements. Hill's Drug Store.


-Milk of Magnesia Tooth Piiist, reg. 25c size, 2 for 29c. Hill'!> Drug Store.



t :, :rary


udent speaks playing footey like to fight, to win and g fame to Peru State. All things they do because they and because they are good ' t

All this is fine, in fact,



t is one of th~ most vital

es on the campus. But along the coaches' approval and ity the boys receive, a mass ent and appreciation is needto make the

pi~ture complete~

Coed cast in 'Brief

• number of suggestions been formulated and advanc· eoncerning the acknowledgement the successful football season. the idea and urges action. of

• McGinnis squandered ,editory last year concerning the passof an unhailed football season. e proposed the idea a year ago d maintains now, "Yd still like see this football banquet idea ursued and effectually overtaken."

• Bob Ashton has a plan of organtion. He suggests, ''Why don't e of us who are not directly

ent institute a dance for the footll boys, hold it in the music hall,

the new record machine and admission, which

almost unanimous mpus opinion, Valois Hall says, hey've worked hard, we owe them mething. What would be better han a dinner dance. Just name e man who d'oesn't like to eat

The cast for "End ~ ..· ,.•.•.•~.·,~ ~ '~ under the title "Lark on the nt& h~c· --..·..... It Is a refreshing, straightthree-act all-women F""1 -· •~, · ·, · '·~ comedy of character, and sented Dec. 11, has hem ~ ~As an authentic picture of by Prof. R D. Moore. . . • : ._pory college life. The play is a MJtlt tf 1 comedy of youth, an4 ~ •.,.. drainatic and touching ~ .fl life in a large womo!"ll ~ Each of the seven charadm ~ • resentative of a type fonl fllll. • college and e:wh is Mmlilflll illll ,, person~lity, philosophy, Qlii ,._. "'Why will a bird sitting on an bitions. ~ llght wire, not be electro"Spiff" (Bea Fulton) is ~ ..,. --?" or, "Which is corrlectical college Amazon, hll~ • ~e did his work or their an athletic way, sincere a '#id"/' were some the quesfilons natured, and clever wi~ ftn:d lo the Scholarship members trying. "Drizzle" (Ellen Xhlgl ~ ai their meeting Monday, Nov. 24. emotional an intense, a s ~ evening of entertainment was the wing, traveling the !'tl!ad from dlncled by Dick Clements. near suicide to near genius. ~ !'tans for a Chirstmas Party at (Janet Reagan) is the class beall· ty, the girl with the Body-l>J-~­ {be next meeting, were discussed. er look, "Minnie" (Virgie Lee Johnson) is a camtpus smoothie. a calculating woman with a genuine interest in man as an individual. "Maggie" (Helen Dahlke) Is genuine and dynamic, a born crusader whose only interest is social revolution and reform. "Rosey" (Leonore · Larson) is the college oracle, Final arrangements for lowering the daughter of an intellectmi.l the iYmnasium roof and' for conand conscious of it. "Jinx" (Gerstructing additional bleachers on aldine Ludvik) is the eternal straggler who never quite "makes the the athletic field with di'essing rooms installed underneath, have grade." "Brief Music" was first produced been completed, stated Pres. w. R. at the Pasadena Community Play- Pate Friday afternoon, Nov. 21. At the meeting of the Peru Building Committee of the State Board of Education, Nov. 18, the architect, John Latenser, Jr, of Omaha, was instructed to order steel necessary to begin work on the gym, The actual date of construction "The fall publication of 'Sifting cannot be definitely determined beSands' will go to press Dec. 8," cause of the national emergency. stated Nancy Ellen Jones, president But authorities believe that basket ball practice will be able to proof Sigma Tau. Because this is the only oppor- cede unhampered. The gym front will remain untunity given for student pul:llication and because only two edi- changed. A flat roof will replace tions-fall and spring-appear the sloping one, and immediately each year, the fraternity consid- behind the lobby, the roof will ers this one of the year's biggest drop to approximately the same projects. Copies oi tt1e magazine height as that of the administrawill be ready for purchase the last tion building. With this Improvement in acoustical and lighting of December,

"An informal dance to the college

orchestra with Coaches Wheeler Jones introducing the footplayers at intermission," is

the idea of Bob McAlexander. He agrees



Clements quizzes Alpha Eruditos


• Elaine Brier offers, "Four bells the person who suggested a ballet for the football squad. The really desene S·Jme recogniform us students."

• added, eight bells to the g_.oup which sponsor> some material. forn:i of appreciation for the squad, and prove it is true when we say we are proud of the

'team and coaches and are glad , ~hey don't belong on another cam-

your Pink

Fourteen Peru college students have been honored with selection to the 1941-2 edition of WHO'S WHO AMONG STlJDENTS IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES AND COL· · LEGES, a publication out· standing throughout the Unit· ed States.

Nothing snappy . ..

Nothing short and snappy about the co:mmencement programs at Peru State Normal school baek in 1898. An old copy of the Peru Enterprise states: "The theses of the class •f '98 of the State Nol'lllal school opened Tuesday evening, and continued three nights." And continuing . . . "They all delivered their orations in the best manner. The thoughts which they gave to the audience were very noble."

Improvements to start on gym and ath field, states Pate

Sifting Sands goes to press, Dec. 8


Fourteen Peruvians rate national 'Who's Who'

features, the gym will serve as a center for social functions. Changes in the. boy's dressing rooms in the basement will also be covered in this project In the other-that on the ath field-landscaping will also be done to the campus north of the gridiron. These lots were re1:ently purchased by· the State Board of Education from the village of Peru.

Girls see Dunning for knitting lessons P.&T.C. announced a new course has been added to the college curriculum. Tuition is ten cents or one pair of knitting needles in good conditions. Classes will be held in girls dorm, but the hour has not definitely been decided, See Professor Inice Dunning for more information on "Fundamentals of Knitting."

Carueth Wells1 noted traveler, to talk at first bud9et-euent, Dec. 2 Do you long to travel-to explore unknown regions of Asia, Africa and Central America? Do you dr.ea;m about being on the spot when news of world-wide sigificance occurs? If so, save the date Thursday, Dec. 2, to hear Carveth Wells, explorer, engineer and author, who will be presented at the, first budget event of the season. Mr, Wells spent six years in the jungles of the Malay Peninsula while surveying the route for the East Coast Railway as a special representative of the British government. He was leader of the Chicago Geographic Society expedition to the Russian Caucausus Mountains and Mt. A.karat. He has led expeditions to Panama, Mexico and Hokkaida, Japan, Originally Mr. Wells studied mechanical and civil engineering at the University of London. In

recognition of his important explorations that followed, he was made a member of the Royal Geographical S.ociety. In the past deeade he has gained wide reeognition as a lecturer in the United States, Great Britain, Norway and Sweden. Since the outbreak of the present war, Mr. Wells has spent considerable time in li;gypt. In Suez, Cairo and Alexandria he has seen

huge concentrations of troops from all parts of the British Empire, Personal experience and observation will be the basis for his lecture on "Africa and the Battle of the Atlantic." He will analyze the new alignment in Africa as a result of the war and will discuss the possibilities of Axis penetration, jJoth military and economic, of South America from African bases.

Saving paper campaign produces results in M'iss Palmer's classes If the typing class of the training school can save 131 sheets of typing paper in one day, how many sheets could the commercial students of the 266 high schools in Nebraska save? The commercial students of Nebraska could save 37,466 sheets of paper in one day.

What is this, you ask? No, it's not a problem in mathematics. It's just one result of the campaign to save paper conducted by Miss Palmer's commercial classes. On Thursday Nov, 13, which is set aside as ' Conservation Day (Continued on page four)

Senior representatives include Grace Muenchau Bill Fankhauser, Nancy Ellen Jon~s, Robert Ashton. Robert Henderson, Rex Floyd, Betty Kathryn Cole, Thomas Dean, Rose McGinnis, Barbara Beal, Meredith Jimerson, Maurice Anderson and Josephine Booslnger. Harriet Maxwell represents the junior class, Both Miss Muenchau and Mr. Fankhauser received recognition among Who's Whoers last year, Upon the basis of scholarship potentiality, leadership and extra~ curricular activities, campus selections were made by secret committee, To be eligible students must have completed two full years of ccllege work.

Purpose threefold The purpose of the Who's Who since its first annual publication in 1934 has been three-fold, First it serves as an incentive for students to get the most out of their college careers, Second it acts as an outstanding honor to students for work already , done-an honor devoid of all fees and dues. Third, it establishes a reference· volume available to the business world. Among the three sets of questianaires sent to the selected, the one on general reactions caused the most comment. "What would you do with $25,000," was the most puzzling question. A few of the girls we!·e stumped by "Have you met your future husband yet?"

'Thrilled' ... Floyd Grace Muenchau expressing her reaction to pulling out a Who's V'lho notification said. "I was surprised as could be, cause I forgot there was such a thing," Bill remarked, "Of course, I was pleased as ever." Similar remarks ran like this: Betty K, "I was awfully surprisedbut glad,'' Rose, "It was a fourstar surprise-I tore into that letter even before looking at my Beech Nut check." Harriet, "When I saw the letter I just gasped." Ashton, "Still wonder if they made a mistake." Floyd, "Thrilled to pieces. Gosh, I never thought I'd get that honor!'

Cole directs Met on 'Iceland' Betty K. Cole, the senior representative of the International Relations club was the leader of the discussion on Iceland at the meeting of the club Monday, Nov. 17. Papers presented by different members were "Economic Conditions," by Mr. E. Fruehling, "Social and Culture Cynditlons" by Myrton ,Hall, "S,trategic Position" by Marjorie Prine and "Political Governments" by Nina Kanel. The attention of the group was called to the bibliography of the Carnegie E,idowment for International Peace Fund by Dr, Brown.



Still thankful


• • • Published Weekly by The Peru State '"'~"'llR~i:-!Clillf:I:* Peru, Nebraska

THANKSGIVING-1941. College students count the day, hours, and then minutes until vacation be1i'1~. They dream about parties, dances and all the good times planned. They dream most of all about the turkey and all of mom's


Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, N~ Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single•""'...,..."""'.

good cooking. THANKSGIVING-1941. College students moan because their boy friend, brother or best friend is in the army. Thanks. giving won't seem the same with them gone. Can't have such a good time. THANKSGIVING-1941. College students complain about tests and research papers; the increase in show tickets; and

10 per cent tax on cosmetics and jewelry; the rising price of silk stockings. THANKSGIVING-1941. The rest of the world a place war, hatred, privation and suppression of privileges. THANKSGIYING-l941. Yes, College students should have a thankful Thanksgiving.


Swinging it . • • There are those who criticise the younger generation for its taste in music, for its love of that incredible combination of dissonance and synoopation known as "swing." "Music?" th~y say. "oh, no-not music." Then they listen to the furious rhythm of it ... hear the weird wailing of muted trumpet, the dulcet cooing of saxo· phone ... watch the fingers crazily flying over the ivory keys, the frenzied slapping of pulsing bass, beating out music ... beating out rhythm as the younger generation listens, .entranced .. as it sways to the rhythm of Glenn Miller .. "Rum Boogie" . . . Artie Shaw . . . Henry Busse . . . "In the Mood" .' . "Chattanooga Choo-Choo"... They listen, but they do. not hear its real music-they do u.ot hear the song of youth it sings ... song of heartaches, of joy ... song of hope and courage and delight in being aliv: llnd ycung ... song of love and despair ... They listen to this incredible combination of dissonance · k nown as "swmg. ' " " Not music, '"they sa,v syncopat10n hut they say it because they do not hear its real music ... because they do not hear its song of the laughter and the' tears ~f young America.


Carrying on

.. •

While the editor scouts around at the National Press . Conference for ideas on how to mak e our paper "tops," th e ·lt'est of the staff carries on . . . N.K.

Alumni trail

Meredith Jimerson ....................... ., Nina Kane] ........................... . Ralph Locke ................. , .......... .


Rex Floyd ...................... Assistanl Rogene Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . Virginia King, Ellen King ............ , .. . l\.f. Florence Martin ......................... , . Reporters: Catherine Adams, Ruth Adamson, hd, Josephine Boosinger, Hazel Bouse, Elaine Boo, Baine Briley, Doris Brinson, Merlin Broers, Alice asTei:and, Helen Dahlke, Rex Floyd, Sidney Johnson, Jose.plUne le.Uy, Doreen Meier, Richard Meyer, Irene Nispel, ~Nor· ton, Jam~s Ray, Helen Rhodes, Patricia Rocb'efl~ Bette Scott, Genevieve Steutaville, Mary Stevenson, l\h17 Ellen Thomas, Laurella Toft, Lois Wagoner.

e By

Meredith Jimerson

St. L-Ouis. Mo. was the destination of five Feriirians who left on Nov.

19 to attend the Associated Collegiate Press c:cinwntion there. The Barb2.•a group which

"Probably one o.! greatest values," continued P:rofeswr Moore, "was the meet.ing of people from various sections of the coontry, and the interchange of idrn.s and pl1ilosophies."

Nancy Ellen Jones was impre:sed .. with the manner in which the conBed, editor: Nancy Ellen Jones, vention-goers all contributed to business managi:;r; Dick Clerner:t, discussions. "In con:pariscn with pho:q;rapher and Prof R. D. other schools in all classes," she Moore. adviser. N:presented the Per- pointed out. "the price of our yearuvian. Meredith Jimeroon, PEDA· book ranks just a little below the G<.A..,,IAN editor. accompan!eci the average." convention • goers, who r=turned ·Sunday, Nov. 23. Peruvian editor Harbara Beal Roundt~.bles on newspapers. Y•.•arcommented' on the many ideas gainbooks and magt zmes wEre fe:i- ed from the discussions, but stated tured on the p:·og1 ::m whicl1 al~o that many of the di'ccussions were incl'uded such sp~~kers as Branth planned fer rep~·esentatfves frcm p·;d:ey, vice presitlcnt of the st. larger schools than Peru. She W9.s Louis cardinal.s; Ii ving Iliff ard. interested to· l'earn that the smaller national president of Sigma Delta yearbooks ih our crass :·ank the Chi; Munro Roberts, executive stc- best in photography. retary, st. Louis Newo:paper PubYearbooks, newspapers :md maglishers Association. and Edga:- B. azines from !l11any schoofa were on Jam~s. columnist, st. Louis Glore- display. "After Ionking at the exDemocrat. hibits," said' Dick Clements. "I "The convention was heipO:ui to decided that in comparison with other schools of our size, Peru new~paper and yearlloot st1.ffs." comrncnted P:ofossor J'.L"(lre, "fin~. se£ms to be al're:l'd in a great mar,y because there were nst!rmal figures campus organizations aw! interrO'ts ... A luncheon and a banque~ were who gave a good gei:ern.! Jackplanned for the guests b>.' Wo·.hground on current affair.>; second. nere W::\S en exchange of idea:: ingtcn University, convention ho~t Other features were a tau-.· of St. 2 nd irn:ti uction was given b:r journLouis, a mixer dance, a football ,. lists and sponsors. ~ \hi-;; 1 great deal of good W!lS .sttured.

Dear Carolee, ss· c.loss How' does teaching go? It seems that when y0r to Peru as Nemalrn, yo11 could rcme t.o visit :i'.' ;-nr.•·~ rf· ·n. \v11ere i:· BETTY GARVER now? The last I heard, she was in nurse's trainging Has che finished yet? Saw RUTH McDONALD at the formal. She's teaching at Butte, an< lltes it a lot. 1'TOOTS" GORDON, -:;;;~\>;~:. D. JACK BROWN, <'IHRISTINE ALGER, VIRGINIA TRIVELY, CALVIN COLGROVE, and lrobably some others whom I can't remember right now, were there, too. By the way, I learned through Mr. Hayward that one of Mel Pester'I; •chestra members is a farmer Peruvian, too. CLARENCE CRANDALL, , elass of '36, I believe, who teaches commt:rce in the Beatrice schoc~ sys1em, played sax in the orch. You probably observed Education Week in Nemaha, didn't you? Kappa Delta Pi sponsored the Friday convocation of that week when SUPT. LEFLER of Lincoln addressed the group. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lefler are former Pt:ruvians. Mrs. Lefler, in talking with Miss Martin at lh~ Kappa ·Delta Pi luncheon later, told her about her niece, JEA.t'°" BLANKENSHIP, who was May Queen in 1932. Jean was married last summer to Tom Morgan, Guernsey, Wyoming. He is a legal consultant for a mining company. Jean taught at Sterling, Colorado, until her man·iage A daughter was born Thur.sday, October 30, to MR. AND MRS. FORJtEST CORN of Columbus Nebraska. Forrest was graduated in '33. Music was hi:: speciality. He is music instructor in Columbus. MISS JEANNE ELAM, mat. '39, has a position_ in an insurance offic bi! Omaha. She attended school at Peru just one year. Sorry to say, Carolee, I must get this down to the printing office. A: Hie :ate it.s snowing now, I'll have to call for the county snow plow for ~lst.ance back up tl1e hill. Take it easy!

Love, Grace

Juanita Conelly was presen 'ii'i:h a farewell gift at a surpr'' party given in her honor by t Pep Squad Friday evening, N ·

:n. The entertainment was in C featuring vocal and instrumen '. solos, duets, trios, novelty danc • ac;-obatics, recitations and t · high school swing orchestra. ing on the program were Ell .. Thomson, Patricia Hill, Boni' Koeppel, Josephine Setzer, Phy Brinson Donna and Norma J Parriot, ' Bonnita Armstrong, Jo Lewis, Lawrence Good and Kath! Benford. After the program the party w turned into a dance. Juanita who has been the c leader for the past two years moving to Jefferson City, Misso

Pedagogian editor finds new ideas at national press conference


Peru, Nebra2ka November n, 1941

Training school ·notes

Cat claws ...

*'! .. ,

Al! of the Peru'!is.rrs 2greed th the convention 11·as extremely he! ful and interesting, and they r call other impressions of the tri a visit to the St. Louis zoo, whe Barbara was delighted by t first panda bears sne had ever se . . . Dick preferred vanilla i cream for breakfast . . . the gir learned to dance the cong·a an rhumba ... discovered that south ern accents are catching ... turkey on Thanksgiving num one ... learned to dodge St. Lo traffic . . . were impressed by t fact that students came to the co as Maine Texas.

Rumored It is rumored our way t students are in "Cahcrots" wi the fa.curty wives. The o is the dfoner for the Dagw of the facnlty to be· given evening of Dec. 5. We understand the fol)tb team is even putting on a da number. And Hutton seems he practfoing on a role oth than his ball carrying· uric.

Something new and different to be thankful about

e By E!Ien Kfng This week's t..~: Gale If it's something new and differRandall, despite a!:f Ms. dforts, ,ent you're after, take a look at the studies his play seripC. !Wme, . • Arkansas Boll Weevils. No, I don't Rumor has it that ~ed refer to "anthonomus grandus" T:;non is after ten girb ti.> chip which infects cotton plants, but to in and buy an a~ , •• Why the Arkansas A & M football team. this sudden rush till! ll'Uf @Ilk This slightly zany squad is at prebooks, girls • - is it ~ OI'.' sent on a road trip destined to make the war situation? •••• !'af 11&- other team excursions look as sigtice " 'Brief Musk' ~ ~ nificant as a trip across to Steffins night" almost reruW l!il m im- for a coke. promtu chorus med: ••• The wandering· Weevils will be Bobby Moore is start--~ right gone from ca!l11pus 32 days and will • - every morning M• ~ a cover 8000 miles (allowances not belarge red apple to his ·~ • ing made for any side trips). Dur. . . Linder has en.tt1;,,"'t!\ll ~ ing this time they play a loaded tition with Mason . . ~ - schedule of six games. - mav the best man Opposing teams will be surprised Mira~le: Lovejoy has Ms.• bl by the B_oll Weevils. Perhaps not working order ..• , ~ In by their playing, but certainly by b~;vs dorm - - f~ ~ their appearance. In their uniforms, learning the walt-z •••• en. on the football fielcl, the team looks believe ihe one ab-out tM fd- like a joint showing of Ziegfield low who came looking fR H;nt Chorus and Walt Disney cartoon. Hall and was surpm4 till! ft!MI The Arkansas trnvelcrs have b:·and it was a man and UQt a~~ ~11anking new jerseys ancl none are of the same color or style. This is not the result of a co11sirnctive at--Back the team and tempt to let the boys express their }'Our appreciation. Bity 111 true personality or to bring out Football. their good points, but Instead, as


game and a dance given by t Washington University Press Cl

Coach Stewart FergnsQn explai the new outfits are not only cofo ful but aJso more economical. Th are kmiwn to the trade as sampl On the first game of their to the colorful gridders were beaten to (). But they're not worrying b cause their coach only accepted t position with the understa ndin that he ' wouldn't be paid a cen that he wouldn't have to hold re gular practice and that he wouldn' be expected t~ win a game! Now-who says we haven't g something to be thankful for ! ! !

Peruvians receive government jobs Three Peru graduates. Thero Atknson, Freel Kerns, and Waltei Ubben have recently received CivJJ. Service appointmer;ts structors at Ch3nute Fi<:ld in I!li..i· 11013.



Mervin Keui,·. '.Yho enlisted mor6 than a year ago. i" also at Chan•> ute Field. He has been receivin · training in the meteorological partment.




Bobcat basket .rs face Missourians tonight S 'Cats entertain touring semi-pros


in 1941-42 basketball inaugural

Ant.r -

ri~t·Mld .... 'l'hef-. flJlllr•

equl1tmimt. first aM carry




and ~

outtbemU.Mcatswodl•~ Fall,~aml. >-pring dlq ~!

-loyal ~­ ating an4 •:!!liable. Sueb are ~· stuuent ~ both of whom will graduate this year. Bobcah and alike wlsb

• • +


By Ralph Locke Strange things happen every day, and last Wednesday was certainly no e:i:coption. Looking through his mail, Coach Al happened on an odd looking ie.tter postmarked, "Valencia, Espana--Octobere 18." On reading , the letter it turned out that it was from an athletic club-the "Baloncesto," of Valencia Spain. The purpcse of the message was a request for Wheeler to send the Spaniards some of the finer points of the game of basketb~ll. which b rapidly becoming the national pastime of that country. The letter 5aid that since the recent Cicil War in that country, the game had progressed almost unbelievably in popularity. It was signed by Jaime Blanco, club iecretary and dictated by Juam Torres, head coach. They reported that their club had placed second in the league last season and expected 'to win the championship this year. They asked for Wheeler's ad;ice on where to place men on tip-off plays, and for pictures of the team ·and individual stars. Coach Al mys that he will comply with thtir request;; and hopes to gain some interesting infomration from theni_ Laoking over the intramural volleyball tournament-things are certain Iv livey in the old gym-the faculty proved that they weren't out j7'd. fo;: fun, winning their first game and as a result ta.kin:; over top · '' t in the standings . . . In my humble opinion, I think that a few of (h,, "prnfs" show more :i.biiity than any student player in the tourna··J-...J:,a:·o;m for examp:\c . . . Attendance should increase this coming for those games are pretty interesting contests . . . Speaking of •·i·:>m. ii appears that there is more this year than I've notic~ i'":·e: 1)~ore• •.

Anti-Freeze Prices are going up. With Standard buying powt.T we have a limited supply of Standard Super-Antifreeze,Zerone and Zerez. Your opportunity to buy at the old pnce.

~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s ~!fl~N l

~~ ~~~""X~fi~._:._~Pf!M~,..,..~~:n~_.,_!l!!!!!1l..,...,!!rirll•·Dlllllil!lll!'llB•11J."

Of the 16, seven a.re lettermen, imly one having lettered more than one year. Keith Hannah, the tall jumping-jack that covers plenty of the floor is the lone basketeer to have two numerals to his cr~dit. The others, five sophomores from .last year, and Luther Hutton from tl-e 1939-40 squad have only on~ '"P." The soph quintet includes such stars a;;,. "Buzz Beyers" . . . "Slug PMcal" ..• "Chuck Hiatt ... "Whizzer White" . . . and dependable "Art Ronhovde." r.eading talent among the ranks of the new blood are Russell Hob'is, Orville Yocum, Haack, Fisher and Boo!. others bidding for varsity berths are Stark, Callan, McAlexander and Handley. The first game will be played tonight on the local maples as the Wheelermen face tbe touring semipro outfit sponsored by Leadway Stores drops in for a call on the Bobcats. Glancing back for bits of information on the inva-Oers we find th~ folluwing. Last year the-y represented Missouri in the Na!ienal semi-pro tournament at Denver. They have won 74 ef the last 9li games covering a span of two yeit:fl! activity. The Show -rae-sta.ters iJ,:erage 6 ft. 3 in. in height and are very clever ball handler;,, They are, for the most part, colkge gradut~ who starred in collegiate ctl!:l:rt drcles, now picking up a little change playing the sport.. At pm!ll!nt they are touring the Uni1ed States. and will play such teams as St, Ma~ and San Francisco Univenlty later on when they hit the Pacific coast. Game time is slated for 8:15, and the admission is 2Sc for alults, · s~udents will be ~ oo their budget tickets. ·


Headquarters for Cleaning! l'ailoring, with flttt1dreds of woollens on display under the expert supervision of Mr. (cj!rn.


Here 'N' There

"The most willing group of boys we've had here in four years.". That is what coaches Wheeler and Jones say of the sixteen men that are out for the 1941-42 basketball team. The single word, "conscientious," might better describe the squad but ytl'U can bank on it, every last one n! them means business as they drill daily for the coming season which gets underway in just· a few $hurt hours. This evening at 8: 15 you can see them-the WheelerJ-Oines cage machine as they take floor against the highly touted Leadway Stores five frO:.'ll the Snow-me-state.

Profs set dizzy pace to lead intramural tournament Set off by the antics of the Faculty team. the intramural volleyball tournament under direction of Art Jones and Bob Henderson, student ma11ager. is really going ov-;r oig wi!h the boys. Enthusia;;m ih running high, the peak beng reached Thursday evening as the erstw~1ile faculty a\igregation knocked off \he leadir'g Rocko's Rockers. By '.lowning Rachows outfit the faculty forged to the top of the rnurnJment stm:dings with a winni;-1g perc~ncage of l.000. Cc.mpetition is .3h:uo as the spirit of rivalry runs high, and thus far there are indications of a very successful year in the intramural

realm. Standings: Faculty . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. Hall's Truckers . . . . . . . . . Rocko's Rockers .. , ..... Gridley's Grinders . . . . . . Baker·s Cookies . . . . . . . . O


1 O

WAA members learn technique ---of bas ketba II

Twelve Doane gridders, four of which are first stringers, have taken up or have had flight training under the C.P.T. Coach Haylett sh<JUld have a good air attack ..• seven lettermen are back to help the cager season in the Crete camp. Weber, Juarez, Gilliland, Gros::cup and Gerner can all be remembered by the local gang as top boys on any team. Midland has gone wild with its undefeated team of W3rriors, and since the U.P. called them the "Little Giants" they ha\'e taken to it like "ducks to water.·· Their publicity departmenc has done much in letting the s:ate know they are one cf the tcp notchers. What will happen if the\· should by chance have t.wo seasons as successful as Peru has had for the past few seasons? Taking a glimpse at our conferance r~egihbor we see that Wayne will have to bid for conference honors with slim pickin's. Morrison has but four lettermen back; Gothier rnd Magdanz at center and Fitch and Best at Guards. Just in case you may be interested in the outcome of football competition in conferance and state play here it is: Wt L Pts Op s 0 0 155 13 Kearney Midland 5 0 129 3S Wayne . . . ' . . . . .. 3 71 47 PERU ------ -- 3 122 56 Doane . . ' . . . . ' p 2 2 87 60 Wesleyan 2 0 4 32 147 Hastings 1 1 4 64 64 Chad:·on 0 0 3 26 59 York " .......... 0 0 6 32 235 Nebraska Intercollegiate A. c. WTL Pis Op Kearney ..... 3 0 0 54 13 1 1 2.7 27 PERU ----26 34 Wayne (\ Chadron ....... 3 26 19 Nebraska Collezc .~. C. YV T


Pts 0p

1l3 ~5 Basketball prac~ice for the girls ' Midland · · · · · · · · · was in order Monday and Tuesday Doane · · · · · evening as WAA members met. Wesleyan · · · · · · · · · Hastings ..... , , . . . . 64 ~g Fundamentals of the game were The Bobcat season should open stressed going over the finer points for the tournament that is com- with a bang and all who might read this column must remember ing up. This week the organization will that the squad is playing for your be limited to one practce, on Mon- school and the support you put beday evenng at 8 p. m. Davy, the hind them proves what you think girls sponsor urges more to come of the boys and your school. Please be there to :Ooost the Bobcats. out for the program. 0

lllll•lill•llllllllll•llll•ttll•llll•llll•llll•llll•llilllllll•llll•l!\l•llllBllllBlillB\illBllllBllllBlllillllllBll\IBlll!ll!!li!, I i

i THANKSGIVING I I Turkey Dinner I ! ..Priced right to give your family a real Thanksgiving !! feast plus a r•acation from the work of preparation and ! cleaning up. !

Peru Cleaners and Tailors


On the East Side of Main Peru Phone 62



The State • By Rex Floyd

Coaches praise present squad as the "most earnest" in their four years here


nt!"i, fM~

Over ...



Phone 6~,,


_, '

! !! !


CAF~;! Bus Depot

! i




"Perusingers shoutd be best ever," says 'Pop' about chorus' debut,. Nov. 23 "The Perusingers, this year, should be the best singing organization since my tenure at Peru began," says G. Holt Steck, director of the group. "They have a quantity of material, experience, and a desire to learn." "The program Sunday, Nov. 23, found the largest group ever presented by the Perusingers in the last six years. If it were not for a shortage of material and equipment a choir of 60 voices could have been presented with little, if any, loss of musical finesse," continued "Pop." The Perusingers do not appear in sectional massed units as do the other a capella choirs of the state. Instead, they appear "mixed up" in quartets. In thls method of arrangement a better balance of tone can be had along with an im-

YW to present 'Thankful Heart'

provement of tone quality. Singing "mixed-up" also makes the individual more dependent upon himself and automatically drops the leaners. When asked w11at constitutes a good choir, "Pop" replied, "First


there must be enough students to make a choir, and then a sufficient number of them who have previously sung in good high school choruses. But most important of all, you just 'gotta-wanta-sing'."


Training School appreciates convo invitations, says Clements "The training school likes to be invited over occasionally," remark· ed Supt. S. L. Clements introducing the training school band who appeared at convocation, Nov. 21. Among the num,bers presented was the 1940 choice for the national

class C music contest. Also played were New Colonial March, Men of Steel March, Slidin' Some, Independentia. Demonstrating how clarinet players are trained before entering the regullar organizttion, nine beginners performed.

An average student?

Dunning entertains at harvest dessert

Are you an average student? According to statistics based upon the individual time scheduJes kept bly P\'of. Clement/s classroom management class during Nov. 12-19, 20 hrs. is the average amount given to study during a week of 168 hrs. High was 43~ hrs. with 7 low. Other avera~ ran-work, 14 hrs.; bed, 51 hrs.; parties 9 hrs; wasted, 34 hrs. So f'OU aren't an average student? Maybe this wasn't an average

ill harmony with the ThankS:giving season, a pageant, "Thankful Heart" will be the main feature at Y.W., Nov. 25. Josephine Boosinger will sponsor the production. With attention focused on a large "S," Lucille Sanfort led the Y discussion "SerVlce: My place in the Community," Tuesday, Nov. 17. Roberta Burrows directed an week? -0pen forum on the topic. Rose McGinnis read a character sketch, "One Who Served." "This Is My Creed" was presented by Mable (Continued from Page One) Newton. throughout the country, Miss .PalmAccording to program chairman Nina Kane!, this was the end of er asked her students to save paper. the series of Nov. meetings on Old paper which had been used "My Place in the School, Country, once was used again. Paper· which and Community." A similar series · had been recovered from the waste on "Friendship" is being planned paper basket was distr:ib\lJted to the students. for December. The typing classes saved 221 -Buy a football and help sheets of paper in that one day. The shorthand classes saved 171 with the success of the din· pages which is equivalent to two ner-dance. and a half notebooks.

e Paper campaign

With four tables of faculty ladies as guests, a harvest dessert was given in the apartment of Mrs. Inice Dunning, Saturday, Nov. 22. Mrs. W. R. Pate and Mrs. Inice Dunning were the hostesses to this small group. The harvest atmo.sphere prevailed throughout.

·and ·Faculty ~


P. S. T. C.

Frosh clubs Personality ...

For A Pleasant

Members of Personality club held a general discussion on health Thursday evening, Nov. 20. The meeting was led by Dorothy Eastman and Dorothy Frehse. Harriet Maxwell was a visitor.

learn-to-dance ...

•• •



Learn-to-Dance members began their meeting Thursday evening, Nov. 20, by walking in time to music. Later they were taught the side step.

Peru Players

Brod relates experiences in University workshop "Workshop is something you will hear more about in the future," acknowledged Ernest Brod in his speech before Kappa Delta Pi members and faculty Monday, Nov. 17 "The Workshop idea first started," he continued, "at the University of Nebraska during the summer of 1940. Its main purpose was to give rural and elementary teachers a chance to present their problems and dliscuss them. "Last summer, superintendents and high school teachers also joined in endeavors to help solve confronting problems. Many groups or individuals worked on special topics, but made available their information for others." Mr. Brod as a graduate assistant at the University of Nebraska

Four to receive degrees, Jan. 24 According to Registrar E. H. Hayward, four seniors will be issued .degrees at the end of the first semester, Jan. 24, 1942. These Include Marjore Kenned~ Dean, Dorothy Hays Lavigne, Cecil Bartlett Rawson, and Jesse .Clairon Smith. Erwin Fred Fruehling will receive his three year diploma then and Eva Jane Bundy, Letha Dot Gardner, Jerolyn Marie McCarty, Dorothy Luella Niday, Bette Margaret Schneider, Marjorie Ellen Wischeier, and Mae Jane Young their two year.

last year, speut part of his time in supervising one of the special Workshop groups. Edith Willy, was elected as representative to attend the National Convention of Kappa Delta Pi to be held in San Francisco, sometime in February. Grace Muenchau was elected! as alternate. Fanny Alberts and Hazel Bouse servied pumpkin pie with whipped cream and coffee.

Tear reviews 'Random Harvest' "Random Harvest," by James Hilton was reviewed by Miss Grace Tear Wednesday, Nov. 19. The review was sponsored by the A.A.U.W. The book "Random Harvest" covers the period between the first and second World Wars. Incidents from the first war and hints of the one to come are Introduced only as they affect the trend of the story. Miss Tear feels that the part which covering the last three days of action is the most interesting and exciting because that is when the myst~y is unravelled. A Revieiver in the Canadian Forum wrote, "No wonder that this book, little l!l(Ore than a month old, has already climbed high in the list of the best sellers. It has just about everything needed to make a novel popular, charm, romance, reality and fascisation."

"Uncle Bob's Wife," a one-act play by Isla Paschal Richardson, was chosen by Peru Players, Nov. 20. The cast has not been selected. Plans for a Christmas party were made although no date was set. A white elephant theme will be carried out. Vivianne Sims, Shirley Jimerson and Edith Williams will be in charge of refreshments. Providing entertainment wiil be Richard Monroe, Donald Cacek and Roberta Burrows.

Right-A-Way Shoe Shop M. C. Med~y Peru Bowling Club

The Coffee Shop Kitty Rhodus, Prop.


Pern Lumber Co. Pete Holdorf, Mgr.

Skelly Service Station Skelly Oils and Gas tJompJete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone 40






P. Clark-Shoe Repair

Eleetric Shoe Shop

Ladies Welcome at All "llmeS Hen Haruon, Mgr.

M. G. Heuer, Owner


Lawrence Sitzman Plumber Dr. Bertha M. Thomson General Practke Thomas Barber Shop

H. Wayne Good, Mgr.

L. D. Redfern Dry Goods & Groceries

Skelly Service Station Leonard Tripp, Mgr.

Hill Drug Store

The Red & White Store Groceries & Meats

Good's Store

E. L. Deck & Co.

G. C. Thurman Postmaster

The Campus Shops & Beauty Parlor

Bank of Peru

W. L. Wright Repair & Welding


The Mardis Store Groceries & Meats

Chas. Wills Milk & Produce



Ralph Chatelain Jewelry & Stationery

Modern Barber Shop Bill James

Shoe Repairs Of All 1\.111115



Recreation Parlor 0. W. Boellstorff, Mgr.

& Beauty Shop


Dr. H.

H. U.

Landholt The Avenue Store

The Peru Pointer



tudent speaks ,erica is at war ... eru students heard the s with varying emotions. I felt ~ certain amount of prise and seemed to be unle to accept the situation. Yet, a flashback into the story of relationships beeen .the United States and pan show that the present nflict is a result of many ars of differences. The Sunday editio11 of the maha World Herald sum· these differences

Perry, United States Navy, opens Japan to foreign trade ... 5-1911-Japanese immigra· becomes a friction point; exclusion agitation on the Pacific coast; Japan in "gentleman's agreement" undcrtake·s to keep her peo· ple out the United States ...



Dinner-dance to honor 21 football lettermen A football dinner-dance will be held Wednesday, Dec. 10. Honored guests will include the ·21 lettermen, the two student managers, Coach and Mrs. A. L. Wheeler, Coach and Mrs. Arthur Jones, the Gridiron King, Wendell .Handley, and Homecoming Queen, Ferne Peterson. Dinner will be served by the Methodist Ladies Aid in the church basf''.!'en~, The dance ·is to held in the cc:llege gymnasium with an "Oak Eowl" them2 predcm\naling, A shor!; imig;am consisting of the prcscnhtion of the letter-men, speeches by Coach JG;ies, Gridiron Kine; and Homecoming Queen, the te::nn captain and ~ango hv a trio. Sma1 l pink foolb~lls are ·teing scl'.l as booste:· ta 0;s Studcn'.~ who wifhed to pus:1 U13 dinner-dance l:c<lgh'.; thsm for 10 cents, The . mcney is to be used to pay expenses. 1 Tickets were sold Thmsday and Friday, Gamma Chi and Men's Club are sponsoring the dinner dance,

Convoers see class drama

Wells discusses international situation for budget audience

Tri-Betas study biological terms To acquaint members of Beta Beb Beta with technical bfological terms was the purpc:;:e of the game of !'itt played at the meeting Dec. 1. Dr. J, M. Winter w·as in charge cf the entertainment and devised a way of turning the regular game of Pitt into a learning device. In ordu to win a game one had to obtain a book of biological terms ail of which pertained to a particular s::bject The winners of the evening, Sidney Johnson and Ire;1e Nispel, were both presented with a box of chocolates and losers Bertha Clayburn, Robert Morris, Robert Grefe and George Atwood. were given suckers. Beta. Beta Beta booklets were given to all members. A popcorn Christmas tree surrounded by popcor:1 gifts and apples made up the refreshments.

Japan's "21 demands" on China ... 24-United State·s Congress passes Asiatic exclusion act;. Japan deeply offended ... 30-J apan agrees to extend naval truce, but this proves h~r last major act of co-op· m keeping the A sharecropper's inability to give ·peace ... his lonely wife a taste of beauty, 31-32-Japan invades Man· was .the theme of the one-act play, '~huria; United States pro· "Fixins;' by Paul and Erma Green, presented Friday, Dec. 5, for conclaims non-recognition of vocation-goers. fruits of victory; this proves The play was a prnject of Prof. At the Sigma Tau Delta meeting the turning point in United R. D. Moore's elementary dramatics on Monday, Dec. 8, original conclass. Ellen King, student director, States-Japan relations, even and Milton Schultz, assistant dir- tributions were read by members of of modern history ... ector, were in charge of the per- the fraternity. 36-J apan makes war on f01mance. Contributors were: Hazel Bouse, Lillie Robinson, 1J1e w:fe, vict\m China; United Stat~s inter- of ignorance and stupidity, was Q:race Muenchau, Mrs. A. L. Bradests harmed; the Panay played by Phyllis DeLong, Ed Rob- ford, Ralph Locke, Doreen Meier, inson, the clumsy, bewildered share· sunk ... Lillian Havel, Edith Willey, Mary cropper, was played by Gale Ran39-European war begins; . daJl. The part of Jim Cooper whose Horton and Dorothy Armstrong. "Sifting Sand," bound in Christ. opens new fieid for Japan· schemes help to wreck the har.-piof the Robinsons, was hand- mas colors, went on sale Dec. 8. ese expansion; U n i t e d ness There are 100 copies and Nancy led by Sidney Johnson. .States denounces commerce treaty with Japan ... 40-I-:lit!er crushes France; Japan moves into Indo· , China, proclaims her "greater East Asia" program; Japan becomes ally of the Christmas decorations ~of for those not dancing, axis with the treaty of BerRefreshments consisting of ice ,lin, aimed at United States. spruce boughs, bright colored · cream, chocolate cake and candies served. , 41-United States extends streamers and tinsel formed were Betty Lou Berger was chairman , the setting for the freshman lend-lease aid to China and of the event. Mason Colbert, DoroRussia; Japan tightens grip Christmas party held in the thy Briant, Nelson Shimoneck, Martrammg school auditorium, garet Bryan, Donna Lee Marshall on Indo-China; the U. S. and Bette Riley were in charge of Saturday evening, Dec. 6. the entertainment. halts war exports to Japan; After an hour of dancing," GrowPosters advertising the party were Japa~ feels pinch; cries out ers of Misty Mistletoe" sponsored drawn by Janis Baker, chairman against economic encircle- a quiz program or "Truth or Con- of the arrange.ment committee. Aidsequences," \vith Nelson Shimoneck ment; sends Saburo Kurusu as announcer. Master of ceremonies ing her were Lucille Weber and to Washington in "Final ef. Mason Colbert drew from a hat the of Kenneth Rohrs as the first fort to prevent a break. .. " name victim. Others who either answered ecember 7, 1941 or received the consequence were apan declares war on the Dorothy Briant, Lols Finnell and BHl Gridley. nited States. Vic Evans sang a selection ac-

From axe man on a Canadian engineer,ing outfit to explorer, writer, and lecturer-that is part of, the colorful life of Carveth Wells, English-born American citizen who was presented by the budget committee Tuesday night, Dec. 2. Mr. Wells, born in 1887 amid a display of fireworks in honor of Queen. Victoria's jubilee, came to this country in 1918, applied for his citizenship papers, but because of his numerous travels was unable to become a citizen until 1933. "I am very proud to be an American citizen," he said with his English accent, "and I am convinced that it is the naturalized citizen who appreciates his country-others take it for granted.'' Discussing Amelica's place in the world, Mr. Wells outlined this

Carveth Wells ...

Sigma Taus hear original contribution$ by. members Ellen Jones, president of Sigma Tau Delta, advises everyone to buy a copy soon. The following have submitted articles to "Sifting Sand": Mrs. A. L. Bradford, Grace Muencnau, Lillian Havel, Ellen King, Virginia King, Rose McGinnis, Corrine Whitfield, Reuben Panders, Gale Randall, James Howe, Dr. Selma Konig, Miss M. Florence Martin, Miss Grace Petersen and Miss Grace Tear.

Christmas decorations form setting for freshman party on Dec. 6

is situation. We can no longer escape . e facts by refusing to be in. rmed. We can no longer evade r responsibilities. America is at war.

companied by Walter Marshall. LaVergne Cowell gave a humerous reading and the girls trio, Betty Lou Berger, Donna Lee 111arshall and Bette Riley, sang. Climaxing the program was the famous magician, Professor Slightof-Hando, otherwise known as Merwin Coad, who presented 10 minutes of tricks. The rest of the evening was spent in dancing. Games were provided

Doing anything tonight, Why not come to the joint YW-YM meeting at 7:30 and hear Frank Durand, an Omaha University student, speak? There'll be a social hour afterwards, too. Frank has gained a wide reputation for his active leadership fa the "Y" movement. At the Estes Convention .in June he wa~ elected CQ-Chairman of the· Rocky Mounments.

course of action: first, the Xavy must keep the seas open, and second, Lindberg, Nye and others must stop being "professional Roosevelt haters and begin distinguishing between R-0osevelt the ma11 and Roosevelt the President." "America is the building of the arsenal of democracy.'' he said, and then pcinted out that her defense efforts can not be effective without certain minerals, a great many of which are mined in Africa. This fact, according to Mr. Wells, is what gives Africa its strategic position in the world today. He stated that the war could not be carried .on without Africa's commercial diamonds, which are number one on the list of ess:ntial items for defense, her manganes~. chromium, tantalum, tin and a certain oil necessary to make parachutes open. "We are aboot the !!lost disunired country you can imagine," he said. "Only 15 per, cent of our energy ill devoted to defeating Hitler." He contended that Germany does not intend to invade America, but after taking over Africa and subsequently South America, would strangle her to death. A discussion period followed the lecture, with members of the audience participating .

Girls get tips on 'Smooth SusaA' Mary Mannsch:·eck. Shirley Jimerson headed the refreshment committee. Other members wue LaVergn.e Cowell, Jean Handley, Marion Hicks, Harold Merchant and Keith O'Brien. Decorations were supervised by Wayne Sayer. Assisting him were Leonore Larson, Donna Steffen, Walter Marshall and Richard Monroe. Miss Grace Tear sponsored the party.

Yurges campers to hear Omaha U. student, Dec. 9



tain Region. He represents the Fellowship of R.~crJTiciliiJion in Iowa, Nebraska and Il:2nsas. His music and dramatic ability adds to his popularity as a speaker. One of his hobbies is composing and presenting operettas. Mary K J ens.>on will be general chairman of the social hour following the speecn, with Grace Mu encha u in char3'e of refresh-

Tips from a "Smooth Susan" program were given college women at convocation on Monday, Nov. 24. Three skits were presented. Hope Carter was in charge of the first skit. Hints for good grooming were given. The second skit discussed posture poise. Althea Nispel directed it. A teiephone courtesy was the theme of the last skit with Vivian Fogle in charge. Betty Katherine Cole was chairman of the program and Mae Jane Young was the reader.

Pate attends~ education meet President W. R. Pate atte:.:ded a meeting of the University of Minnesota Conference on the Education of Teachers at Mineapolis en Dec. 5, He accompanied members o:f the State Board of Educational Examiners of which Mr, W. L Hosene from the office of the state :cuperintendent is chairman. Tl;e meeting is the twelfth annual conference.



• what they think

In re Carveth Wells Much discussion followed the appearance of Carveth Wells on Dec.· 3. Examples of the variation in opinion are the following comments by students: Dick Pascal-"Wells seemed to be as good an authority on world affairs as you could find. I like·d his method of holding the interest of his audience." Rose' M~Ginnis-"Equally as 'entertaining' as the Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr. budget event two years ago." Ha?:el Bouse-"! was disappointed. He was too broad in his interpretation. In my opinion he tried to cover too much." Jim Sandin-"! thought he was fine. I didn't realize geo· graphy was so important until I heard him." Ethel Gross-"He was marvelous." Tod Hubbell-"It was very interesting, but I thought he was more British than American." Wilma Miller-:-"! liked it because I respect the opinions of a man who has had as much experience as he lias had."' Joan Good-"Wells was very entertaining, but seemed .better at giving a travelogue than any worthwhile commentary on international affairs." Carl Wirth-"Sounded logical to me. He woke me up to a lot of things that were vague before." Elaine Brier-"Three cheers for the budget committee. Wells was more than O.K."

• Here and there Plaudits to Gamma Chi and Mens Club for putting across the football banquet after the PED brought the subject up again this year. Men on the University of Nebraska campus took another ~tep backward in intellectual prestige as the university announced that coeds, for the first time in the school's history, would compete in intercollegiate debating this year. Old-fashioned kissing won overwhelmingly in a poll conducted by the Omaha World-Herald to discover how it stood in relati~n to "cheek-to-cheeking" suggested by a doctor in the interests of public health. "What ,was good enough for my father is good enough for me," is one comment by a student, and another concludes, "I think kissing is here to stay." 'As soon as I started to school I loved it," insists one Peru coed, "and I have loved it ever since, except just before exams, and in the middle of semesters, and in the spring when things .get dull, and after vacations. But I really like school."

Men reveal qualifications for 'the ideal woman' e

By Merlin Br<IBrs and G~orge Morton· Th 0 hour was late, the weather was stormy, and in the heart cf the men's dormitory a heated bullsessi.on was in full swing. The topic of discussion was as usual-women. "I think the ideal woman should hnve compatibility and high morals," said Tod HubbeI1. "I disagree with you," said Eddie Ycrk, "I think they should have oo.rv°.s and personality." The session W'.ent on for hours and it was decided to take a poll of some of the men in the dormitory. Results: Tony DeMaro-"I want a girl who has good common sense and is a lot of fun." :Red Hines-"! want a girl who can look like Dot Lamour in a sarong, or is this sa rang answer?" Vince Dreezen-"She must have intelligence and money."


Russell Hobbs-"Must be modern an'.l not snobbish." Jim flowe-"Necessary to have ori0'inc lity, poise and naturalness." Gale Randall-"Culture and gener?.l knowledge are the most imporrant factors." Dale Howard-"She must not be showy or flirtatious." Max Ikyd-"I think a woman inust have personality and good looks. Vic Evan~"She must be a good dancer and beautiful." Chuck Hinman-"I like 'em short, and sweet." Marion Hicks - "Personality and nE"atness a.re two important attributes." Dick Pascal-"She must be athletic minded, classy chassis, atractive, and she has to love me." Carl Wirth-"Good conversationalist, attractive, and she must be my one and only."

On campus

c- · ·----------------------


_____ l(indergarten-Primary Club

------------------ Epsilon Pi Tau ----·------ Lambda Delta Lambda Monday -------------------------- 8-9 ---------------- Sigma Tau Delta Tuesday ----·---------------- .. ----- 7-8 ----------YWCA - YMCA - CAA · Wednesday -------------------- 6:00-10:30 __ Football Dinner and Dance Thursday ----------·-------------- 3-5 ____ Gamma Chi Ch:·istmas Tea Thursday ----------------------- 6:45 ------------------ ScFibblers club Thursday ---------------------- 8:0() ------------------- "Brief Music" Friday -------------------------- 8:00 ---------- York basketball game Satumlay ----------------------- 8:00 ________ Alumni basketball game


'Kay Kyser' Hutton introduces program at faculty Kollege of musical Knowledge e

By Bob Ashton

The Faculty Dames dinner-dance ou Friday evening, Dec. 5, featured a replica of Kay Kyser's KoJlege of ll-Iusical Kr.owledge which was presented by college students and directed by Bob Ashton and Luther Hutton. Before the Kyser quiz, the faculty was entertained by a demonstration waltz featuring such dancefloor smoothies as Floyd-Carter, Gallan-Stark, Ronhovde-Carnahan, Verjaska-Hamel, Dean-Peterson and Henderson-Hoagland. They were ~utored cy Mrs. A. G. Wheeler and accompanied by Bob Ashton at the piano. Magic and wit appeared in the person'<llity of Merlyn (Houdini) Coad, who amazed his onlookers with his "slight-of-hand." At 8 o'clock, Jim Howe as Dean Grower introduced the program. After auctioneering for Beech-nut Hutton transferred from the "Unk" of the campus to the "Kay" of the Kollege. He then introducied the girls trio consisting of Berger, Riley and Marshall, who gave a jiving rendition of "Yours" and "B-i-By.'' Quizzed kids were. Mr, Sweetland, Mrs. HaYWard, J\clr, Benford and Mrs. Wheeler, who got in the classroom spirit and beat the Ole p;·ofessor to the answers. After Jim Howe had whistled "Dark Eyes" and "Star Dust" and Vic Evans tonsilized "Tit Willow," Dr. Brown and Dr. Maxwell indulged in a uniquely erratic style of band direction in the "So you want to lead a band" section. Dr. Brown even went so far as to beat out a boogie bit of the "g" scale. In the second round of the contest, Mr. Sweetland was awarded

Cat claws ... It isn't too la.te to buy a ticket for the football dinner dance. Help make the affair a success! ... Couples of t.he week-Gross and Mason, Ra.chow and Rose, Sandin and Good ... Wonder who claimed that letter addressed to "The Sweetest Girl in Peru"?, .. "Pete" has an added sparkle these days ... "Better late than never" is the philosophy expressed by donn girls who were campused last week ... B. K. is knitting a Christmas muffler for Buzz. It's purple .. Bob Smith, after wandering into girls convo, "Well, there are always so many women, how can you tell?"

a package of Beech-Nut by Rose McGinnis, who distributed samples to the guests. Closing the program, station P-e-r-u presented another girls trio, J,arson, Coatney and Baker, who sang "My Last Goodbye" and "Time Was." The Fankhauser, Cleaveland, Snider and Slagle qua.i·tette made its first public appearance singing several selections. The "Frivolous Four," consisting of Sandin on the trumpet, McKen-

Alumni trail

ney on the drums, Cleave! plucking the bass viol as well sliding around on the tromb and Ashton massaging the keybo furnished the music for the gram. Hostesses of the evening were A. G. Wheeler, Mrs. S. L. Clemen Mrs. R. A Maxwell, Mrs. R. T. B ford, Mrs. B. K. Baker and M l'auJ Sweetland. Kappa Omicron Phi served three-course turkey dinner.

e By Grace Muenchau Le

December 3, Dear Leora, Tl

I read something in a letter today which I thought would inte you, so I'm quot1ing it here. It concerns a '41 graduate, who, it see has made good. The superintendent volunteers ·this statement: "In my eight years in this school system, I can ·truthfully say t she ranks first '<!mong all new teachers obtained. Her work has b remarkab1y superior, her cooperation excellent, and she is ardently mired and respected by students, faculty, -and community. I write unsolicited recommendation soley because she has been so outstandi as to merit these words."


Not bad! Does she sound like anyone you know? MONA LYON was married Nov. 19 to Floyd W. Coffman at Harrison burg, Va. She was employed in the registrar's office at P.S.T.C. for seve years. She has been teaching commerce at Hanisonburg. Guess what? RUTH CRONE and NEDRA JANE SHAFER are comi back for the second semester. Ruth made a special request for an inne spring' mattress and Venetian blinds as part of her room furnishi Ruth was preident of the dorm council and was a real "pusher" to lights a11 night in the girls dol1Il. We' really be glad to see them bac Every month, Peruvians get consider·able attention in the Nebr. Sta Ed. Journal. CHLOE BALDRIDGE, formerly of the P.S.T.C. faculty, no sfate director of Rura1 and Elementary Education has an article pub lished. ALEXANDER J. STODDARD, Supt. of Schoo1s at Philadelphf was listed as one who has received the Butler Medal, an annual award t the graduate of Columbia University who has during the year precedi shown the most competence in philosophy or in educa.tional theory practice, or admi~istration. Remember RUTH CHATELAIN? She is that wonderfu1 pianist wh has been teaching at i3yracuse. She was married Thanksgiving D.a.y ALBERT DALE EPLEY at her home in Peru. They were attended b her brother and his sister, Ralph Chatelain and Twilda Epley. Both i and Mrs. Epley are alumni of P.S.T.C. and Mr. Epley was grad'uate from West Point in 1940. At present he is executive· officer in charge o mine planting in Nw york harbor. The couple left P'eru immediately afte the wedding to reach Philadelphia in time to see the Army-Navy footb game, and then on to New York City where they will make their home. Drop a line and tell me what you're doing now. My last jnfol1Ilati repcrts you are doing stenographic work Floyd is serving his internship. Right? Love,

Grace. P.S.' Just found out tfr:lrough Wiima Parnell that MARY MODLIN married Sunday, at Beaver City to Don Nelson-a felioW" instructor a Ogalla.

Looking back Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers C o!Jege Peru, Nebraska Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc Meredith Jimerson .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . Editor Nina Kane! ..................... , ...... Assistant Editor Ralph Locke . , ................. , ......... Sports Editor Rex Floyd ...................... Assistant Sports Editor Rogene Rose ..... , ............ , ........... Copy Reader Virginia King, Ellen King ................ Proof Readers ~I. Florence Martin .................. , ....... , Adviser Reporters: Catherine Adams, Ruth Adamson, Jean Bond, Josephine Boosinger, Hazel Bouse, Elaine Brier, Elaine Briley, Doris Brinson, Merlin Broers, Alice Cleaveland, Helen Dahlke, Rex Floyd, Sidney Johnson, Josephine Kelly, Doreen Meier, Richard Meyer, Irene Nispel, George Nor" ton, James Ray, Helen Rhodes, Patricia Rockwell, Bette Scott, Genevieve· Steuteville, Mary Stevenson, Mary Ellen Thomas, Laurella Toft, Lois Wagoner.

TEN YEARS AGO"Children of the Moon," a th1 act problem play and the fi budget play of the year, was sented last Friday evening un the direction of Prof. D. J. Na in the college auditorium. Members of the P Club held wogram dance on Dec. high school auditorium. FIVE YEARS AGOGypsy violins, music by t Kings-men and softened Jig furnished the atmosphere for t Residence Girls formal on Nov. All eyes were turned toward audito:'ium where campus sing dancers, athletes, musicians "Hamactors" staged the spec of the third college parade. ONE YEAR AGOIntroducing the college orche. for i!;s first appearance of the y Prof. V. H. ,Jindra conducte ccnvocation program on Dec. 5. Dr. A. L. "Bradford revie "Time of Your Life," by Will Saroyan at the A.A.U.W. book view, Dec. 4.


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'Cats in trim SPORTS RESUME'.: ~l rk Panther~ ~nd Alumni Greybear~s Prep awards I carded for exc1tmg weekend double-bi II to 21 Kittens By Ralph Locke


tramural Interest Runs High

}fext for the Wheelermen Bas-

Looking at the intramura1 tournament that is in progr~. ting to note the interest that the particpants are showillt!!



Tuesday evening as Peru rendes the Missourians gym in of their first win over Tarkio three starts. A.tterding to reports r~ceived here, Owls knocked off · Leadways, !:he clever touring five that handed th!.> 'Cats their initial loss of the i:mi'Tent season by a 46-26 decision. Turkio has two men J:>,qck from thel.r National Championship te8m did so well in the year 1939-40. Pent has seven seasoned vets that seen plenty of service for the Blue and White, and also they have Russ Hobbs, who played for Hebron

acuity Victims of Foul Play The faculty fell by the way-side this week as only half ~ • . _ owed up, and then Gridley's Grinders' new method of :at~ ~· too. It seems that the latest rudiments of the game ls to '.!ll!lt ~ ~ the net just ab()Ve $()me bespectaQ!ed ()pp()n,ent-the smm afat ~ erely has to leap up and slap the ball into, the specs-and ~~ 'fiiw swer ·is-when a felfow can't see to play, his play isn't t• ~ $0()0()00!. how can you help but win! Glancing at the standings, we see that the raculty team or second spot with only one 1oss. If they manage to rep.!:~h ply of glasses and get together, it may be that will win yet-they by the Faculty and Hall's Truckers. Dragging in after that nn: B\l:te:r's

Letters ordered for 21 Bobcat gridders

The slips are out for basketball entries, and cage activit.ie'.!I are on deck immediate1y after Christmas vacation. '-

Bobcats Play Six Pre-Xmas Games A survey of the Bobcats finds them anxious to go after their scrimmage session last week. They have six games on deck before vacation. and that should keep them busy for a while. With improvements in their passing and shooting, they are going to give a lot of good teams some long evenings.

Coach Al Wheeler announced anourc d Monday th1t 21 of his spuad had earned their letters this past season. 0

To Ridings - ·Gordon •• J11/idland Glancing thr()ugh the "MIDLAND," campus shee~ of the Fremont, church college, I note that in their N()V. 20th issue they t()ok the pains to accomplish a bit ()f self-justification. Maybe I'm narrnw-minded an'' all that but I'm still sticking' to my guns. When they say that pentral College of Iowa, Yankton, and Western Union can staek up against Chadron, Wayne, Kearney and Washburn I think that they have another guess coming.

Sfli11, I suppose that the Warri()rs rate pretty fair in the minds of the Midlanders, and it isn't my duty to d'.isiliusion them. All that c:in be said ab()ut it-Nice going, Lutherans-keep it up.

are the Tarkio Owls this


Of the 21, seven are seniors, which means that there will be at least 14 vete~·ans eligible to participate nexs

Junior College last year. Looking at the game from the comparative score 2ngle the OWis seem to have an edge on the Peruvians, but with added training and better basket eyes. the Wheelermen are planning to give the Missourians plenty of trouble. Later in the week on Friday and Saturday nights York and the Alun:ni appear in double bill that bids to make for an exciting weekend. York 11ill present the Bobcats with thdr first hurdle in State competit.ion and the game will mean a lot to Peru if she wishes to get a jmnp on the others in the s_~:t~ CoUcge standings. The Alumni always can be depencled on to put a slrnng unit or lwo on th2 floor, and the p:·oceedings Bre usua!l\· interesting. It is the annual clash of the greybeards of yes'.e:year who come whizzing back to the old diggings to give their successors a trying evening. A11 told there will be three games this week. and if the victory bell rmgs out tonight for a Tarkio win. you can depend en it d1e Bobcats are going to be a team to keep your eyes on and ycu:· support. with them.

"21 members of the '41 Bc·bkitten football squad will be presented with letters," Coach Harold Fisher stated this week. Of the 21 boys, 13 are seniors which leaves prospects for next fall somewhat gloomier than they were this past September, The Fishermen r.epeated their 1940 record this fall as they wen six games while losing one and tying Nebr·aska City. ·Senior lettermen are: Backs: Bob Brown, Art Clements and Herb Nincehelse;·. Ends: Guy Grafton and Ward Adams. Tackles: Clyde Hunzeker, Jack Whisler. Jack Cejka and Bill Redding. Guards: Charles Henning ar:d JJck \v11itfield. Centers: Grant DrVcre and Willard Redfern.

WAA notes Yes~ ;-i,

the W.A.A. gms are holding



and plans are

in fu}] swing for this big event. jus· a tip-if you plan to j.cin the gals you had better pay your dues. Team captains will be chosen soon for basketball.


Lettermen: George Atwood, Bob Smifh, Lyle Mason, Kieth Roberts. Wilbur Ege, Maurice Linder, Art Ronhovde, Bill Rachow, Pearl Fims Rex Floyd. Whizzer Whi"e, Bob Henderson, Wende]] Handley, Don Stark,· Alwin Young, Clair C?llan, Luther Hutton, Percy Schmelzer, Donald Dean, Orville Yocum and Bob Oakman.




- -- -


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Furniture at Saoin9s! HASSOCKS-that popular gift for your own and your friends' home. A complete selection at . . . 89c to $4.95 UPHOLSTERED Chairs and Rockers-many new styles, new covers, new comfort. Priced from $6.45 up. FLOOR and Table Lamps-new shipment just arrived for holiday selling. Latest designs.






McLAIN MAYTAG Co. Authorized Dealers

PIN-IT-UP LAMPS- A good assQrtment at $1.00 and up. AuburI1, Nebr.

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Phone 32,; :

FLOOR LAMPS--many new styles, ne· · colors and shapes complete with shades. ONE LOT-spe·cially priced, complete with beautiful shade, 6 way with night light, 8 inch diffusing bowl, while they last . . . . . . . . . (Regular price $4.95)


All of our gift items were bought early in the season before the increases and prices are accordingly low.

lamp $3.95


See the largest toy assortment we i1 ve ever s/zow11, and at low

GAMBLE STORES Authorized Agent HARRY BUNGE, Owner.






All-women cast to present drama stor~ of modern college coed, Dec. II "Maybette just swallowed the gold fish!" came an excited voice outside the window. "Whose goldfish did she swal·jow?" wailed Rosey, who owned a goldfish. "Yours!" came the answer. "But she won $10 ! And she says she'll give you half!" And that is BRIEF MUSIC, the three-act, all-woman comedy to be presented Dec. 11. "It is a very interesting play in that every time you go over it, you get something new from it. It is a true picture of the philosophy of the modern eollege tirJ and her relationships with Nfe," said Prof. R. D. Moore, director. His statement reflects the attitude of the cast. Said Ellen King, one of the leading characters in the play, "It isn't just a play-it's life. If the audience likes it half as much as the cast does, it should be a big success. But being in a play isn't al! play." In contrast with Ellen, who plays the introverted "Drizzle," going from near-suicide to near-genius, is the dynamic. entirely human, sometimes witty "Spiff," played by ;Bea Fulton. Bea needs no introduction to Peru play-goers after the production of "Ladies in Retirement," and she says of this new play, "This play is a lot of fun because it has some typical college girl bull sessions. This is a play that the whole student body would like, and we sincerely hope that the faculty will like it as well as we think the students will." i Janet Reagan, who does "Lo\ington," the class beauty, was active in high school dramatics and thinks that "there are people like every part in the play." This Rumbolt freshman prefers comedy to tragedy, and she '~jumped up and down" When she got the part. The college smoothie, who knows about love and men and clothes, is played by Virgie Lee Johnson, who says, "With the play mirroring the life in a girls' dormitory, there should not be a person who ·doesn't find something of special interest in it. What, of course depends on the person."

Math Cl uh gives teaching aids

"Rosey," the girl whose goldfish is the daughter of a professor; she is very scholarly, and proud of it. Leonore Larson, who is "Rosey" on the stage, believes that "it's some play and if we do what we've been told to do, it'll be a real success." And of course, there is always the college girl who can't get along di~appeared,

wit!\, people. She wants to desparately, but she never quite finds the knack. This part is Geraldine Ludvik's, wr.o never appeared on a stage before in her life except when she z;as ia country school 8.nd r;cve recitations about Santa Claus. Her

ANTIFREEZE Skelly Oils anci Gas l:omptete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone 10



ideas are thesrc. "I think it's the right kind of pl3T .to present to college people .... The things we do are the things we are really do on the campus." There are two kinds of people in the world, aeoording to "l\faggie's philosophy of Dfe-those with The Cause on the mi:nd and those with men on the mind. She is the woman who has something to fight for-the downtrodden masses. Helen Dahlke, whose job l~ t-0 portray "Maggie" says of the play, "It's an excellent play of its class. The lines are natural and the action free. It should make good entertainment."

AAUW presents Band will feature 1 Miss Harvey c~~,~~~.. ~~~:m ;~'"' "' "Mr. Skeffington" was the book revie'il·ed by Miss Frances Harvey on Wednesday, Dec. 3 at the A.A.U.W. book review hour. The author of the book is Elizabeth, a woman with royal connections in Engla!l.d. She was twice married and her second husband was Lord Russel of England. She died in March, 1940. "Mr. Skeffington" was her last book." Miss Harvey believes that the characterizatio!l. is vividly portrayed. The book is purely satirical, acco:·ctng to the reviewer. ,

Skelly Service ;:Jtation


How to Win Friends in one easy lesson Treat yoarself and others to wholesome, delicious Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. Swell to chew. Helps keep breath sweet, teeth bright The Flavor Lasts.

first pr.:::g 8.:;: Jan. Lt The i1umbers will r?.nge Lem heavy band

numbers to novcl:.y arrangerr.rnts. Student direc:on; are scheduled to direct all the numbers. The members of the n~wly formed brass sextette who will play are Tony DeMaro, tnur.pet: James Sandin, trump2t: Dick: Clements, baritone; Wallace Cleaveland. trombon.2, Jack .Snider Frern::h hom; Meivin McKenrn'y. tuba. An ·'.:lub held its regular meeting Mond c:: cYeEing, Dec. 1. Work ·Was

turner' points.

Notice Notice! All campus organizations-never put off 'ti! tomorrow what you can do today. Nancy Ellen Jones, business manager of the Peruvian, advises, ''All of the organizations should begin planning their pages for the PERUVIAN now."

Start to practice your f avorite hristmas carols now so that you will be ready· to go carolling with the all-college group on Sunday, December 14.


J.P. CLARK Electric Shoe Shop Shoe Repairs Of All .tunas

PERU BOWLING CLUB Ladies Welcome at All Tunes .Hen



M. G. ·Heuer, Owner

F'ea tured at the regular business meeting of the Math Club Monday night, Dec. l, were a general revision of the club constitution and a short discussion on "Mathematics as it should be taught in high school." During the meeting Maurice Anderson was appointed program chairman for the year and at the close refreshments were served. Mr. William B. Barber, C.A.A. ground school instructor from the regional office at Lincoln, was a business visitor at the Peru Airport Wednesday, Dec. 3.

Your Christmas gifts will be doubly thrilling when you choose them here SO BEAUllflJUY WRAPPED ••• BEARING A NAME

The faculty "hristmas tea was held Sunday aio~ .•:oon, Dec. 7, at the music hall at 4:30. Miss Ida M. Brackney was chairman.





Remington Typewriters:

Diamond Rings; Lockets; Zipper Travcl:ng Cases; Band Insin1ments; Kodaks; Silvcnvare; Sheaffer P~ns & Pencils; Pattery; Electrical Appliances; Manicure Sets; Leather Goods; Novelties lOc$1.00

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Tailoring, with hundreds of woollens on display under the expert supervision of Mr.


Peru Cleaners and Tailors On the East Side of Main Peru Phone 62


been buying stock since early fast summer anticipating the shortage that is now existing. You will find here as large .and varied an assortment as many of tilr.r larger stores carry. ?RICES TO FIT YOUR PURSE, You will find here a beautiful line of Christmas Cards, You will find here a lovely assortment of Christmas Seals - Tags - Wrappdngs. We will wrap the gift which you select 1·eady to give. OUR PRICES ARE GUARANTEED TO SAVE YOU MONEY

Student speaks r the first time, college studwill observe Chrisnnas under -time conditions. In answer to questions on how to observe ·stmas this December 25, 1941, following people &ffer these

VOLUME XXXVII that season comes erein our Savior's birth is celebrated, e bird of dawning singeth all night long; fairy takes, n&r witch hath power to charm, hallow'd and s1> gracious is the time."-Hamlet. "As the season incline~ our oughts to the birthday of Christ, us hold faith with Horatio that forces of evil shall have no er to cast their spells or otherfo harm." WILLIAM FANKHAUSER: "The inion has been voiced that there no need for Christmas during war-time crisis. To me this no basis, for at a time such as is when the whole world is in turmoil, it seems that the Christas spirit should prevail even more · n ever before. Christmas being at time · of year commemorating 's g·eatest gift to the world ould now, if ever, arouse in llll deeper appreeiatlon of that rift, d a de~ire to keep it living and t let some anti-religious force, wing much In the same footof King Herod, try to take is all-glorious ideal from us" ROSE McGINNIS: "Although our rld is rent with hate, greed, and ness--as long as there's a tmas, there'll be courage fo t whatever lies ahead. As for well-known white-whiskered - I hope he has a D-4 classifi·on, 'cause he still has a way alking in my sleep, come Dec"'Rest and is all we ask till morning es with each new task!' When e voices sing this morning after ning in the kindergarten, how d I predict an unhappy Christ. With so much trust, confie and faith in the future as ese five-year-1>lds have, who am to be the one who says, 'Christwill never be the same!' " ROBERT HENDERSON: "Chrisshould be recognized more sively this year than in pre'ng years. The cooperative spirit at develops among the people of (Continued on page four)

Girls feature Christmas tea A Christmas spirit prevailed in Eliza Morgan parlor Thursday afternoon Dee. 11, at the Gamma Chi Christmas tea. Invitations were extended to the faculty women and to the wives of the faculty men. A white cookie Christmas tree decorated with tiny candles formed the centerpiece of the tea table. Mary Elizabeth Jensen, Marjorie Kennedy Dean, Vivian Fogle and Margert Mansfield poured. During the tea, Echo Elaine Lum played soft music and accompained the vocal t~io composed of Betty Berger, Bett.e Riley and Donna Lee· Marshall, the vocal solos by Marga.ret Mansfield and the violin solo by Margaret Goodrich. The flute duet by Shirley Jimerson and Betty Kennedy w s accompanied by Evelyn Slagle. The guests were greeted by the elrculatlng h&Stesses, Eleanor Hall Shirley Schuldt, Barbara Dressler, Betty Miller.. and Althea NlsSlel.


Banquet honors T Slettermen The Pigskin Banquet held Satuday evening, Dec. 13, _in the training school honored 22 high school lettermen. Lawrence Good acted as toast~ master and introduced the following speakers : Coach Harold Fisher . . . . . . . . . . Championship Willa.rd Redfern . . Highlights Harold Dallam . Associations Earnest Brod . . . . . . Morals Patricia Hill . . . . . Pep Max Mathews . . Sportsmanship After the banquet, guests danced in the assembly room which was deeorated In red, white and blue. Bob Brown was in general charge of the banquet. Mothers of the students prepared the banquet, which was served by junior high girls.

Callan presented as honorary captain at football dinner-dance on Dec. 10 One hundred and fifty members of the faculty and students saw Clair Cal}an presented as honorary football captain at the football dinner held in the Methodist Church ~asement on Dec. IO. Most of that group and a number more danced to the college orc~estra m the gym afteT· the dmner.

By Ruth Adamson

all the more pressing. Sometimes

The problems and perplexities of modern college c&ed are exed sea:rch).ngly in "Brief 11ic." By striking contrast, the y with its various types of college en, threw into bold relief the nnel of a typical dormitory sehold. , "Drizzle," played by Ellen King, the introvert and highly sensitype. When her volume of try, "Brief Music," causes a mild r, "Drizz1e" finds her problem

Christmas decorations aided in creating the holiday atmosphere which prevaHed Monday evening, I::ec. 15, at the R. T. Benford home where members of Kappa Delta Pi held their annual Christmas paliy. Christmas games and gifts exchange were features of the evening's entertainment. . Cranberry ice and angel food snowballs were served by·. the refreshment committee.

out in the decorntions. The speaker's table was decorated with small blue and white goal posts, framing a gree~ field. The programs and nut-cups followed the oak-leaf design. Jim Sandin, as master of ceremonies, introduced President W. R. Pate who gave the first toast. Coach A. G. Wheeler spoke next, and presented the 21 lettermen. Maurice Anderson and Lloyd Sehnert, student. managers, were also honored.

Clair Callan ..

Traditional Ypageant to tell Christmas story Friday Convocation goers who refuse to skip on Friday, Dee. 19, will see a presentation which has beeome a tradition with Peru College stud· ents. Sp<mspr(!d .Elll&ll. yea!' at__ the Yule season by Y.W.C.A., this Christmas pageant was originally written by former Y.W. members E I a i n e Shaefer, Mary Lizabeth Werner and Mary Ellen Slack. Tre setting of the pantomime is in the sta.ble '·on the outskirts of Bethlehem. as Mary, the mother of Jesus, to be portrayelj. by Bette Ri~ ley, watches over the manger containing the Christ child. The' scene depicts the giving of various gifts to the new born babe by such people as Crime, Mary Horton; Greed, Harriet Macll:well; Cripple, Nina Kane!; Blindma:n, Betty Kathryn Cole; War, Wilma Miller; Slave driver, Hazel Bouse; Slaves,

gedness of "Spiff's" character. Her facial expression and poise were of estiecial note, and restraint emphasized her portrayal more than anything else could have done. Janet Reagan as "Lovington," the class beauty, was altogether lovable and channing. Somewhat stilted and ill at ease in the first scenes, she got into her stride in. <Continued on pa{l1l !our)

Foreign element missing, enrollment statistics reoeal Few "furriners" make up the population at P.S.T.C., according to information revealed in enro!hnent statistics. Forty-four students live in Peru, 29 call Auburn "home," 14 hail from Humboldt and 14 from Nebraska City. Five states are represented as follows: Illinois, one; Kansas, one; Misouri, six; Iowa, 33; Nebraska,

An Oak Bowl theme was carried

Fraternity holds holiday party

ritie reviews production 'Brief ffiusic' ·resented by al~woman cast on Dec. 10 Combining brilliant comedy, wistful, sometimes desperate to the point of suicide, always intense and Uegiate sparkle and laugh- aglow wth the ebb and flow of life, r and tears, "Brief Music," "Drizzle" managed to live by ex'th an all-woman cast, was tremes. Ellen King imparted sin<:sented Thursday, Dec. 11. cerity to her role and understandhis apr. ·~ling, heart warm· ing, but in a few instances, her g story of life in a girl's physical responses were artificial. rmitory was a triumph for Beatrice Fulton succeeded very well ama on ~he Peru campus, in interpreting the depth and rugd introduced such new per· P.S. T.C. goes natioe ... ages to the local dramatic ne as Janet Reagan, Ellen ng, Geraldine Ludvik, Leo· re Larson and Helen Dahl·



353. Nemaha county, which leads the list of counties, is represented by 92 students. Richardson follows with 47; Otoe, 45; Jefferson, 39; Gage, 34; and others on down the list range from 18 to 1 from 31 counties in Nebraska. Apparently the majority of stu. dents come from towns within a radius of 30 miles of Peru

Bertha Clayburn and Letha Gardner. Each finds his load lightened as the songs of the angel host greet him. Readers of the biblical story will be· Mae Jane Young and Christine Wilkinson. Margaret Goooridge will play soft music preceding the pageant. Also assisting will be Mr. R. T. Benfo:·d ~-t the piano, and Mr. G. H. Steck's octette is the angelic cho'.·us. Directing the production is Nancy Ellen Jones.

Frat observes founders' day Sixteen Kappa Omicron Phi members and their sponsor, Miss Ei:!na Weare, celebrated the founding of Kappa Omicron Phi as a national organization at a formal banquet at the Christian Church on Dec. 11. The program consisted of a short histcr:; of Kappa Phi given by Mary Horton, president; two vocal numbers by Betty Miller; accompanied by Lola Yates; and the story of the Nu chapter .at Peru by Miss Weare. Anna Mangold was general chairman of the banquet.

Coach Wheeler then introduced the honorary captain Clair Callan, who spoke. After a girls trio sang, "You've Got to Be a Football Hero," Gridiron King Wendell Handley and Homeeoming Queen Ferne Peterson spoke to the guests. This was followed by another song by the trio. Coach Arthur Jones ga.ve the last toast. The dinner ended with the singing of the Color Song. Dancers entered the gymnasium through a huge football covering the doorway. Goal posts were put up at· both ends of the floor. Gamma Chi and Mens Club spensored the affair.

Mrs. Good discusses recent novel Mrs. Everett Good reviewed. "One Foot in Heaven," Wednesday, Dec. IO. The review was sponsored by A.A.U.W.

Hartzell Spence, the author, was almost unkown unti1 this book was published and became a "best seller." According to :M:I·s. Good, it is .a story of a delightful character, William Spence, who wa~ a minister. Mrs. Good believes ;+ is ~- lovcl:• tribute and memorial and is essentially a father and son story. Mrs. Good pointed out that the main character is one who visioned a purpose, and is a "Salesman of God." The book has been filmed. by Wro:ner Brothers with Fredric Marcfi and Martha Scott playing the leads.

Dr. C. S. Pendelton speaks at convocation Dec. 8 "Nations haven't caught up with individuals," began Dr. C. S. Pendelton at convocation on Dec. 8. Head of t h e English department at George Peabody Teacher's College in ,.Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Pendleton is a member of the committee which published the Thorndike Dictionary. He was formerly an instructor of Dr. A. L. Bradford, who made the introduction. "The great problem existing this morning is not who will win this war, but what it will do to this world... We must now keep our poise, not develop hysteria." With that introduction, l\lr. Pendelton turned directly to the problem

of the public school. "Tea.chin: is a big business •.•. a full sized man's j&b," he believes. "The intellectual, the high and middle grade emotional, the high and middle grade activities m:;n are the three types of students which our schools must deal with," remarked the speaker. "There is no substitute for brains," he ioJinted out. "We must have an inte11.(;(;t, ual center, but that must be supplemented with the other t.\rn types_;, As an aid in developing the adivities man he said, "From ·foe v~ beginning of all education, n;ru;t give them something __ to .be proud


Pedagogian editorials Rmerica at war . • • We are now at war-a war which will involve our total man power, total woman power; and total resources. As a group of college people, we need to face these facts and to recognize that neither business nor our way of living can go on as usual. But there is no need for hysteria. We expect to win the war. We have what it will take to win it-the man power, the material resources. and the necessary skill to convert these material resources into war equipment. And we also have that without which man power and equipment might prove futile, as .it did in France-an undying love for the democratic way of life and a willingness to sacrifice even to the uttermost to preserv~ it, a love that found expression through Long£ ell ow when he wrote,


"Thou too, sail on 0 Ship of State! Sail on, 0 Union, strong and great! Humanity with all its fears, With all the hopes of future years. Is hanging breathless on thy fate! We know what Master laid thy keel, What Workman wrought thy ribs of steel. Who made each mast, and sail and rope, What anvils rang, what hammers beat, In what a forge and what a heat Were shaped the anchors of j,hy hope! Our hearts, our hopes. are all with thee, Our hearts, our hopes, our prayeTS, our tears, Our faith triuniphant o'er our fears, Are all with thee, are all vrith thee!" . · W. R. Pate, President

Christmas, 1941




• • •

December, 1941. .. America is again at war ... Bombs have fallen at Pearf Harbor ... New York and San Francisco learn the meaning of the word "blackout." ... As the Christmas season approaches, the American holiday mood of peace and joy has been shattered by the sudden turn of events. The PEDAGOGIAN staff believes implicitly in the need for Americans to preserve in these critical tinfes a cer· tau: emotional poise. One way to achieve this stability of ;thinking is to hold firmly to old and well-loved tradition. This year it is of the greatest importance to observe Christmas in the American tradition. The constant reminde·r of the Christmas spirit and the ;promise of peace and happiness it holds can maintain the faith and courage of the American people. ·This year, more than ever-the PED AGOG IAN wishe~ for· its readers "A Merry Christmas."


Callan comments on selection as honorary football captain "Boy, tha.t souvenir football is go- on top of teams which far outing to bring back a lot of swell mem- weighed us, was the diffe:·ence in ories,"commented "Stub" Callan on our cQach and theirs.'' Having gone to the University his the award gi\ L him in recognition of having bee.1 chosen "Honorary sophomore year, he said he returned Captajn of the 1941 Football Team," · to Peru when he decided on a coachCoach Wheeler made the presen- ing career. "But now it looks like I'm not going to get to do that," !'le addilati.on at the football banquet, Wetl· ed. imesday'. evening, nee. 10. The choice of the 21 letterman, . Stating that he'd probably Jeave IClair said this about being selected, school the second semester to enter "I was surprised -really surprised.!' the air cOTps, he offered, "No, I'm 'I'he poll was conducted individually not all hepped up about this patily Maurice Anderson, student mana- riotism idea like some people, but I am ready to go right now, so I'm goger_ of the team. ing." In answer to what he thought Tbough rather hesitant about a fellow's duty was he replied, "De gi.ving a'1y cc.mment on making ban- pends on the fellow." quet· ·~peeches, he came through on "Sure, the men's dorm has made ''Why do y-0u like footbaal ?" with, col.kge more fun," Clair added about "Well, I suppose if you asked a lot college life. "Third.'s cairned d!)wn of the fe1lows why, they couldn't tell this year a little. But then, I like to you.. ;we just' do. It's a great game." sleep once in a while.'' A~ed :what the fellows play for Vice preD1dent of both "P" club, whe,11 they,,io out oll. the field, he re$111'ned, "Coach Wheeler. The reason and Men's club, Callan finds time we sometlmeii were able to come out also for Men's Donni council.

Cat claws.


• •

Letter to Santa expresses wish for oomph, man and with thai general Hobb's.

• By G. S. Dearest Santa, You've gjven me everything I ever wanted, Santie. Candy, dollies, skates and everything. But I want something different this year. S.oinething unique, and seldom foun!l here in college. Yes, Santie. I've been an awful good girl. In fact, Mrs. Dunning's hardly had to call me .down at all. Well, Santie, I guess you've got a, lot of letters you'll want to read, so believe me if I cut it short by saying rve been too good. I just realized this year that my aims were meant to cuddle-not just dollies and woolly animals. So you see, Santie, I want a honest-togoolness man. I found -0ne the other day and I know he isn't t!i Dream man, 'cause when I went up to touch him he walked away. I'll try to describe tlle man I want, so you'll know him when you si;e him. First of all, he moo have a phys· ique like our football star, Mason. His hair should be dark and wavy like Atwood's. His eyes will thrill me if they're like Callan's ai;.r'! his eyelashes and sm>!.t like Linder's. Don't they just get you Santa? Find one with teeth as perfect as Fankbauser's and with well-kept hands like Myrt Hall's, Let his . clean-cut features resemble . HandJey's and add Hutton's cuteness. His disposition must be . as even as Livingston's and his personality equal to Butch Robert's. Could he be a good a sport as Charles Gude? As loyal as Floyd? Do try to find bim If he is inclined to be conceited, let him ca!'ry it as well as Stark


Coaches talk to rally-goers ot

Add Ronhovde's dimples, Simtie, and you've got the man for me. Please put him on your ~rmi.st" list for me Santie, plus a!1 the trimmings. First of an, I'll need teciln.k;ue. That touch of "oomph" tl:lat ::night a:tract any of ihe above mentioned -Men. Then give me looks, disposition, clothes and an that sort or stuff. Oh, gee, Santie, if I can't have what it takes to get Him, at least g'ive me his picture! Thanks, Santie.

Led by the pep band, stude held a pep rally .at convocation day, Dec. 12. Introduced by Freddie Drex Coach A. G. Whee1er g.ave a c talk explaining details of vari plays. Rule changes and sugges on how to be a good spectator we discussed by Coach Art Jones.

Soloist ... at the Sunday musicale on Jan. will be Lucille Sandfort. Wilbert Kohrs and Ray have left for army training. are former Peruvians.

Alumni trail

Dear Jan, How is teaching now? Probably you're busy "The Messiah" was wonderful last Sunday. Wish you coUJld ha.ve com over. DOTeen dropped in the other day and we were taking a.bout ERMA MEIER. She was married last summer to BEN SHELDON, you remein·. ber, and he's coaching and teaching junior high school mathem.a.tics. at Rock Springs, Wyoming, and going to welding school at night. HELEN MEIER, the blonde one, has a Civil Service job in Washington, D. O. Half a dozen people have to1d me about NOEL LUNDY and given me the reference a.bout him. The news is that he is to ferry planes across to Africa. He wiII take planes to British forces in Lybia and Egypt. He will .graduate as a second lieutenant from army air school and report immedia.tely to Pan American Ainvays. He'll receive $350 a month plus expenses. HELEN GILBERT, '34, spoke over the radio from Sioux Fall&, Dec. 2, on "Directed Reading." She is juvenile librarian at Sioux Falls. The, program is one of a series sponsored by the P.T.A. there. The Christmas rush is closing in. I'm afraid I'll come up missing.· if I don't get b*Y· I hope your vacation is a keen one. Tell the f.aJJii.Iy, especially Marj and Dortie, hi!

• •

Love, Grace

Christmas decorations reflect holiday atmosphere on campus The Christmas spirit is much in evicfonce at Peru, as campus decorations reflect the season's a.tmosphere. Lighted Christmas trees greet students in the library, the cafeteria and dormitory parlors.

Anyone !mow the topic of :\Iona Mulder's term paper that everyone is clamoring to . read? . . . Beezley, Ludvik, and Carm.ine migrated to LineOl.n a week ago---the· 11\fili:tary BaJI.,





catch a glimpse of the lighted tree in Carnahan's and Oak1ey's room. Friends are admiring Christmas trees in the rooms of Mason and Sandfort, and Wagoner and Adam-

YGU knCiW,,,

_ Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc Meredith Jimerson . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Editor Nina Kane! ...........................-. Assistant Editor Ralph Locke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Rex Floyd ...................... Assistant Sports Editor Rogene Rose .............................. Copy Reader Virginia King, Ellen King ................ Proof Readers M. Florence Martin ............ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adviser Reporters: Catherine Adams, Ruth Adamson, Jean Bond, Josephine Boosinger, Hazel Bouse, Elaine Brier, Elaine Briley, Doris Brinson, Merlin Broers, Alice Cleaveland, Helen Dahlke, Rex Floyd, Sidney Johnson, Josephine Kelly, Doreen Meier, .Richard Meyer; Irene Nispel, George Nor· ton; James Ray, Heleif'Rhodea, Patricia Rockwell, Bette Scott, Gen~vi~\ie ,h.-St~µte'11le; 'Mal'f 'Stevenloo, M'arr Ellen · Thomas, Laurella Toft, Loia Wqoner. :1 ...... •':•

• By Grace Muenchau Peru, Nebraska December 15, 1941

Here again gone again ·- the font.haU b~.nr"·~t and dance. How about some plans for next year! ••. Notice: The increase in bull sessions , .. R,eturn cf the heart games at the bovs dorm. (•'!*?! l . . . 'Quotable qu3te: Unk Hutton to Moore, "I don't wanta be a stage-door. Johnny.'' J'eru cuuples cf the w e e k : G:iflin and E. King, Stroh and Haack, DeLong and Haith and Hineline and Butch.


DEMCEBEJ116, 1941




,.,, ••• •

son. Christmas decorations are found on the doo:s of the Cole-Horton Spicer-Chaefer and Showen-Brick~ er rooms. A cleyer theme was carried out hy Shirley Sohl and M:a.ry Louise Sisco. The doo:· to their room bears the message "Merry Christmas." A tree attached to the door is framed by the two letters to Santa Claus from "Bobbie and Bonnie." CompleCing the holiday atmosphere is the carol-singing after supper in the girls dormitores.

Looking back TEN YEARS AGOThe Freshman Chri:olmas Frolic was held in the senior high school assembly at 7:30, Saturday, Dec. 12. Wth the singing of two Christmas carols, Y. W. opened its meeting Wednesday evening. Following the devotionals, rcund table cL:;cussions were held on many different topics in various fields. FIVE YEARS AGOMaking their first appearance in t~'eir new chorus robes. the Perusingers presented a matinee musical Sunday, Dec. 13 at 4 o'clock in the music hall. Santa Claus pB,id a visit to the Christmas program held by the Philomathean Literary Society, . Thursday, Dec. 10 in the music · ha.'i('








for fourth straight tonight




By Ralph Locke


·n h

hanks! I I I Looking back to the footbalt banquet last Wednesday night, I want take official time out to .offer my vote of thanks to the individuals onsible for putting it over. Doreen Meier. Vivian Fogle, Betty Miller Marga.ret .Mansfield of Gamma Chi. along with Unk Hutton, repg the Men's Club are certainly in line for volumes of fan mail from entire college. ·The student body also reacted as a student body ould-the banquet' was a sellout and the pink football booster cards re worn by everybody. Doc Sandin Is also my idea. of a toastmasierre power to him! Here's hoping the event goes down on the calenda:· ·an annual feature In campus activities!


n Basketballc. ie A l• '

:it N te SS

Ie 1-


lg rj

It would take weeks to tell you of my feelings for those 16 boyl; that 'e out there for the Bobcats cage team. Winning th:ci>e three games week should be a gre8t boon to the students, and as a result the it as well a;s the a.ttendan<:e should swell notiaably. Incidenty, wouldn't it be the proper attitude on 1Jhe part of the faculty if they Id kind of give up the comforts of the fireS!id'e for an •. occasio!'a.l ning to get out and attend some of the games??

o 'the Che er LeadersNice going Dorothy, Doris, Tod and Freddie-you kids are certainly g your share in getting behind the Bobcats-it's a shame that yoti1 't get a little more response from the bleachers; Pm right with you wondering what it takes to get a bunch of yokels'. in the mood to dislY a bit of enthusiasm.

tramural Basketball-


Coach Art Jones tells me that intramural basketball is on-starting "erd-ay. The teams are lined up and play. is underway. It'IS a Jot 0:1• b1e to manage such a program-and here's hoping that the pa.rticits make it point to be there on time, play the game square, and fr all the groucihing on the officiating. It was . great to see Charley Hiatt back in form Friday evrming. The ay he plunked them in from the side was uncanny, It seems as though e ball is out on his finger tips beyond oontrol, yet a simple little ck of the wrist and two more points for the Bobcats.

Hannah checked in with some ver1 creditable performances. Byers, White and Hiatt along with a little

Cats hosts to Owls in return battle The Wheelermen will be out for their fourth straight win tonight when they take the floor against Tarkio. They staged one of their :ate d1ives to down the l1wls ovet in J\.'.lissouri last week, winning out 46-39. The gam~ was a close one three-fourths of the way, and a seven point lead is no absolute assurance of victory with a few minutes left. Tonight the Cats again take on Show-me-staters and hope to repeat their earlier trii.tmph. Friday evening Peru entertained York in another tight contest, and they delighted the crowd with another of their late pushes to come out on top 42-36. At one time the Eobca'.s trailed 17-5, but pulled up to trail only 15-18 a,t intermission. With 8 minutes to go the score stood 29-29 and for the next five rr,inutes Peru came ·out ahead on a point exchange and led 36-33 with on1y three minutes to go. TJ:ren in those fading moments Pascal, Hobbs and Hannah came through with three buckets to drop the Pa11:hers out of tile picture. Saturday night the Alumni turnup to do ha.ttle with their successo!·s, the Bobcats, .and were triml!'•ed 54-52. Leaders for the Alumni were Mcintire, Walker and Mosely. For the Cats Hobbs continued to i•llh:· with his all-around plaf a11d the defensive pair of Pascal ar.d




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streak they can Unk Hutton looked plenty classy for Pem on offensive and defensive play.

This Christmas . .. trfat him



For many centuries brocades have been associ· ated with wealth and fine living. Now B V.D. pre· sents a pattern inspired by medieval brocades and embellished with colorful coral effects to give it a modern, masculine flavor. Coral brocade pajamas and matching robes express an elegance which greatly excels their modest prices.

ROBES, $2.50

· L. W~SSEL'S SONS & CO. Nebraska City, Nebr.

UPHOLSTERED Chairs and Rockers-many new styles, new covers, new comfort. Priced from $6.45 up. FLOOR, TABLE and PIN-IT.UP Lamps, latest designs, specially priced for holiday selling. HOME-Cookie Jars, Glass Bake Sets, Casseroles, etc. , G. E. MAZDA Bulbs for Chirstmas Lighting. Get replacements here for Chirst· mas tree lighting. Complete line of Christ-mas decorations. SPECIAL-Beautiflll assortment folding Christmas Cards, with envelopes, each one different, 20 for 19c.

ie 1S




See the largest toy assortment we have ever shown, and at low prices. GAMES of All Kinds for Young and old, lOc to $1.98; Tool Sets, from 23c to $2.98; Wind up Trains, passenger or freight, 98c; Sleds, 5 kinds, 98c to $4.98; and Dolls.

All of our gift items were bought early in the season before the latest price increases and prices are accordingly low.


Authorized Agent

FREE ENROLLMENT FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS Until April 15 Any . well qualified teacher seeking the service of a descriminating, well-established teachers agency is invited to emoll with us.





-:~: 6,~l

Stucrt Bid

i~ Lincoln, Nehmka




Humboldt chorus presents 'Messiah' on Sunday Dec.14 The Humboldt Community choir, under the direction of Dr. Har1a'1 ;Heim, presented the Messiah on ;Sunday afternoon, Dec. 14. Soloists were Alice Auxier, Bernice Kaiser, William Fankhauser ,and Dr. Heim. The Pedagagian staff regrets tha~ it is unable to present a story on this Christmas oratorio. Prof. G. Holt Steck, instructor in voice, wrote a review and criticism .,f tl:e program. However through some misunderstanding, the copy did not :reach the print shop in time for publication.

F.T.R. holds safety. meet

• Student speaks

F.T.A. members met at the home of Dr. and Mrs. B. K. Baker, Tuesday, Dec. 9, at 8 o'clock. The program, which dealt with automobile safety education, was conducted by Li!llian Havel, Kay Leigh and Marian Whitfeld. Patricia Rockwell, Audrey Zastera, and Lorraine Saffronek were elected to serve on the committee for the Christmas· party, Monday, Dec. 15.

, (Continued from. Page One) the United States at Christmas thne can prove very essential in maintaining the mlity and morale of a nation at war. Giving and re«iving are two words that are usually connected with Christmas, but this year there should be just one word-giving. Giving all we have for freedom and democracy." CHRISTINE W1LKJ:NSON: "Christmas is the thiie year when we should think of the happiness of our associates. Calm. preparation for Christmas as usu.al will do more to quiet their souk than •Iy' gifts. There is much for trhich to be happy. One younr fa.f.ber put it aptly when he said, 'We •re spendfnr little, but this year we are having the biggest Christ· mas ever.'"


news briefs ••• Miss Mary Hileman entertained 12 students at a buffet supper at her home Tuesday evening, Dec. 9. The girls came in Mother Goose costumes and spent the evening playing games.

'*'are to be complimented! for . performance · ~ east of characters.

• 'Brief Music'. . .


<ContlnUed !tom Page One) succeeding scenes and managed her role nicely. Geraldine Lmlvfk as "Jinx," a social misfit, managed a dfficult role with w~ding. Perhaps she could haTe been more malicious as the little "meanie" of the play. "Maggie," the SOclal reformer and idealist, was Intelligently portrayed by Helen Dshlte. Her assurance and easy manner p.ve credence and sympathetic lnterelt to the role. As "Mimiie/' the sophisticated type who knows all about men and clothes, Virgie Lee Johnson gave zest and Yit&lity to her portrayal. Her lines at t;!mes sounded as if they were be!nf read, but were well given, for a'.11 that. Leonore La!OO!l, as ''Rasey," the arch humonst. and pedant, endowed her character with. vigor and humor, and gave a clever performance. On the w~. the sheer exuberance and youthful charm of "Brief



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Have fun-be friendly







Treat yourself and others to fresh-tasting Wrigley's Spearmint Gum


The Flavor Lasts

McLAIN MAYTAG Co. Authorized Dealers Auburn, Nebr.

A basket ·exhibit and sale, sponsered by the Art Club, was held ·from one to five, Monday, Dec. 15, in L301. Indian, Early American and foreign basketry was exhibited along with the baskets made this semester by Art Club members. The latter were on sale.

Phone 322


Representing Peru College at the :National YW-YM Assembly to be held at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio on Dec. 27-Jan. 3 wil1 be Nina Kane!, vice president and program chairman of the local organization.

::::dwaWC~ -:f!:.=--



Your Christmas gifts will be doubly thrilling when you choose them here


Skelly Service Station Skelly Oils and Gas t;omplete Line Leonard Tripp, l\:lgr. Peru Phone 40




, • SO


FEW GIFT SUGGESTIONSShick Razors; Remington Typewriters;

Diamond Rings; Lockets; Zipper Trav~ cling Cases; Band' Instruments; Kodaks; Zilverwa~e; Sheaffer hns & Pencils; Pottery; Electrical A)lpliances; Manicure Sets; Leather Goods; Novelties lOcSl.00




Headquarters for Cleaning! 1·aftortng, with hundreds of wonllens on display under the eripert supervision of Mr. Cejka.

Peru Cleaners and Tailoer On the East Side of Main Peru Phone 62


We have the largest stock of ELGIN WACH1ES we've ever carried. We have been buying stock since early last summer anticipating the shortage that is now existing. You will find here as large and varied an assortment as many of the1 larger stores carry. PRICES TO FIT YOUR PURSE. You will find here a beautiful line of Christmas Cards. You will find here a lovely assortment of Christmas Seals - Tags - Wrappti.ngs. We will wrap the gift which you select ready to give. OUR PRICES ARE GUARANTEED TO SAYE YOU l\:IONEY

7 More Shopping Days Till Christmas

.··flickers ... Viewing the phenomena of the r world from my lowly position common run-of-tl;Ie-mill studof P.S.T.C., I feel a strenuous e to express myself. My reflecon modern life axe much eJl?.red as a riot of mingled feelmake wretched my stable· soul "ng the full gamut of my tions, I feel vexation, irri'lla-. , indigestion, shame, rebellion self-righteousness. st a.nd foremost am1mg tne lsive social disorders confrontme is a universally debated · . I feel much tribulation beg my sordid soul as I behold degradation that the human e approaches as it seeks enterinment in the common medium the dance halls of this nation. my humble opinion, the latest •tion to the interminable list lowly jive dumps of the country our much revered college gym. Alas, that such foul play ould be enacted within that sacto the heroic our time-honored

Not much more than a . month flown the cccp since tiie gym omed the most ungodly sight ever be perpetrated upon this >er, campur. Ceming to the point, ankly name the "CONGA" as outstanding target of my verconga-demnation. Upon first witnessing ~he abomable gyrations of those jittergs displaying ,physical hysteria, y initial reaction came in the y of my recollections of my high chool athletic programs. Memorv ·verted many thoughts to the con•tioning programs which included calisthenics. It was then that we used to practice the so-called conga -bui we were of such simple tastes hat we referred to it as the aight old-fashioned duck-walk. unha.ppy day, that the unretentious duck-walk should be inted with sophistication, and vised into our modern "Conga." indeed is this modern congast of youth, whch is in distinct ga-trast to the watlz-whch is music of life, embodying the eeter and purer strains of physcal expression.


Council aids Red Cross Students who '\Yis1' to aid the Red Cross in its etm?t°t* ency fund drive will have m opportunity to do so this

Home ec frat plans silver tea mt~

Omicron Phi held its first of the new year Mondgy Jan. 5, at Miss Edna Weare's

of the Administro.tion Announcement that would sponscr the carr:~' irim!: was made on Saturday, Jan "ltr. Favward and h"Jle that ev~ ~ill contribute at leas• a dime so that we can make our ~ contribution as large as possible," requests Tom Dean. Further information can be secured from any member of. the Student Advisory Council.


notice ...


".\nrone who can read at all can this book and understand it," saii l'n!cf. G. Holt Steck in reviewhlg 11.earing Music" by Theodore ~f. ll:Ir. Steck was presented on Wednesday, Jan. 7, by the ~.


The object of the book is to help

those who wish to help themselves

Students on the campus who may in understanding music according want to teach the second semeste:· to Mr. Steck. The author at one time taught and who have not already made in the Abraham Lincob High applicaition for a degree or diploma, School, Council Bluffs, where Mr. are urged to apply by Wednesday Steck was .also teaching. He is now of this week. The request was made · k:n instructor at the University of Pittsburg. by Mr. E. H. Hayward.

History reveals progress of new Hall


By Virginia King (FTOm recent PEDAGOG!ANS)

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1938: Surveying lines are run !or the new men's dorm. FEBRUARY 7, 1939: New dormitory 50,000 bricks nearer completion ... Certa,in sections t-0 be devoted to student activities and will take care of the need for a campus student union. APRIL 4, 1939: The Grand Lodge A.F. and A.M. of Nebraska will be in charge of the ceremonies for laying the cornerstone of Peru's new $189,000 men's dormitory at 2 o'clock p. m. Thursda.y, April 6. APRIL 25, 1939: PEDAGOGIAN carries picture of men's dorm as it will be when completed. MAY 2,1939: Peru Alumni Association plans to arrange for rooms for alumni in new men's dorm. OCTOBER 3, 1939: Workmen set

Registration finds Hines two days too old Fate has taken a hand in deciding "Red" Hines future plans. Because Hines, a so,:;>homore, will be 20 on February 15, he will register for the draft on February 16. Had his birthday been the seventeenth, his regstration would have not occurred until some later date.

Steck reviews 'Hearing Music' at ARLJW. sponsored event

As has been prematurely stated, ch inconga-gruity leaves one y the alternative of J:,Tanding the "CORNGA." Cornga it is, th such conga-vulsions that ere·· te such conga-fusion, and so onga-troversial 1ts not to be four>rl In the rankest of conga-vocations, Would you be considerate enough to realize my conga-sternation upun itnessing the savage, basically intinctive maneuvers of the partiipants as they ~Tithed their bodies hrough the -1fontortions of 'those oung1•a-attack? ? Ala;ck-a-dayand there I stood, hand in hand with the one that I adore-and to think that it was then that filth activities

The conga-tismists vow that they re physically exa>ressing them Ives, releasing their emotions as actually feel them in react~ the music ensuing from the throats of the orchestra's stmments. Peronally, were I re of a girl than I am, I would downright ashamed or insulted my dancing partner began exressing himself in such a manner 'hile I was in his embrace. Oonga-sidering it all, and speakg. conga-servatively, all that can ult from these modern calis·cs is a bad case of rhumbawhich seems to be an incurcondition of the mental stabof the individual. Once exto the hippa-hula, his des for the better life fail to be ecognized, and his path to hades well broken for him. So I say-fellow studentsL-down ith the "CORNGA."

Budget committee to present college band in concert


were made for the George Silver Tea, which is !!rill. hdd in February. A committee week. "Thur.sday is the big d:rl.y,""· . .'tnted to be in charge o1 the d*' includes Lois Wagoner, Mary said Tom Dean, president oof tile am.beth Jensen and Joan Good. Student Advisory Council, whfdl Millry Horton and Mary Elizabeth will sponsor the campus ~­ l~. who were in charge of the of funds. ~'11.· presented material conthe influence J a,panese and furniture and furnishings homes today.





November 1 as completion date. NOVEMBER 14, 1939: "New dorm complete" reads the headlines of the article. "Wednesday will mark the moving of the men int.o the new dorm if present plans hold true." NOVEMBER 28, 1939: Student Council rules new men's dormBert Hall takes helm of first council. DECEMBER 12, 1939: PEDAGOGIAN features two pictures of Peru's new dormitory. OCTOBER 8, 1940: Editor R-Ose McGinnis writes in editorial, "Complete men's hall." "Constructed· 1ast year the men's dormitory now stands com>,ileted but for a name. ... Why not complete men's l<all?" "Delzell Hall." JANUARY 13; 1942: PEDAGOGIAN again asks that the men's dorm be named Delzell Hall.

Mr. Finney in his bo~;, says that people wh-0 wish t-0 say something in\i>ortant ab-Out music, say "Music is the universal language," but he points out that for thos·e who do not understand music it, holds the same relationship as one's native t-Ongue and a foreign language. "He clearly carries out the idea that he is sincere jn his effJrts in writing the book for these who hearing. music every day, wish to understand it." concluded Mr. Steck.

YW members hear Kanel at meeting At the regular meeting of YW on Jan. 6, Nina Kane! reviewed her trip to the National YlVI-YW Assembly at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. According to Miss Edna Weare. sponsor of YW, this is the first time the local organization has sent a delegate to this national convention. Recalling highlignts cf the 0011vention, Nina said, "Working with ChL-ie~e. Canadian, Japane~e, African. Indian, New ZeaJanders and .'\m~rican college students in formc:lating a policy which will guide cur national movement and local campus clubs fer the next four years is an inspiration I ·wish eve:·y member could have felt. It was wonderful." In observance of the New Year's season, Josephine Boosinger was in Charge of a candlelight service. Christine Wilkinson, D o r o t h y Teachman and Mae Jane Young

assisted. Wilma Miller led group singm1 with Marjorie Prine at the piano. The Rev. Lawrence Bash, pastor of tne Christian Church at Auburn, will be guest speaker at the Jan. 13 meeting. He has been connected with young people's work for some time, last year having been president of the national Christian Endeavor organization and this year serving as vice-president of the international Christian Endeavor Union.

The college band will be presented in concert by the budget committee Wedncsda:: c~·ening, Jan. 14, at 8 o'clock. Student directors will direct all the numbers. The program will be as follows: "The Footlifter" . . . . . . . . Fillmore Betty Lou Berger, director "Onw:a1rd. Ye People" .... Sebelius Wa11ace Cleaveland, director Overture, "Flandria" . . . . Smetsky Korab Baker, director "Scenes from the Sierras" Bennett Melvin McKenney, director Trombone Solo, "Atlantic Zephyrs" Samons Wallace Cleaveland, solois~ ~ Jack Snider, director "Snow White Overture'' Ghurchi:l-Leidzen Shirley Jimerson. director Brass Sextet, "Prelude and Choral" Busch ''The Turtle Waddle" Guentzel Tony DeMaro. trumLJet; James Sandin, trumpet; Dick Clements, bari'.0:1e: Wallace Cleaveland, trorn• bone. Jack Snider, French horn; Melvin :'lfcKenney, tuba. "Theme from the Piano Concerto" Tschaikowsky-Yocler James Sandin, director ;'Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" ......... Churchill-Ycdcr Murvel Annan, director ''The World Is W3iting for the Sunrise" . . . . . . . . Lockhart-Seitz Tony De1fa:·o. director "Turkey in the St;·aw·; Denmark Fred Drexler, direct-0r "God Bless America" . . . . Berlin Isabel Tyncn, director Color Song "Star Spangled Banner"

Art Club elects Slagle president New o'ficers elected at the regular Art Club meeting on Monday, Jan. 5. were Milda Sla.gle, president; Anna Manc.·o:d. vice-president and Althea Nis)el, secretary-

trc2.surer. · Following the business meeting tea, was served.

Reader gives Lincoln play "Gladys Murray Cotting. ham showed good taste and excellent interpretaton for she chose to inteirpret the es· sence of the play. rather than to advertise herself," commented Prof. R. D. Moore· on

ihe reader's presentli.tion of "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" 2.t convocation on Friday, Jan. 9. Mrs. Cottingham was presented by the. budget committee. The sponsors selected this interpretation as being of "a, great play designed to perpetuate the American ideal of democra.cy." A resident of Hastings, Neb( Gladys Murray Cottingham is the daughter of Hattie Brush, formerly 2. pupil of Signor Vananni of Dr. C. W. Pollard spoke and Florence, Italy, and of Madame showed fi1ms concerning obstetrics Virot of Paris. Her father, the late at an open meeting of Beta,j3eta Oliver E. Murray, was a pulpit Beta Jan. 5. ,, <\)· ~~ W:ittor who received the degree of After this, Tri Be~a:-nf~pjllers )\eJ:d; . ,').f)~tor of Philosophy from Allethe regular busin\s~ mee~in~. . . College in 1892.

Pollard shows films for Beta Beta Beta


', .'

Pedagogian editorials Aname for


• •

Hall ... Dr. Brown discusses

• By Bill Fankhauser Why has the recently constructed men's dormitory never be~n officially named? We can, if we will, set it apart from other buildings by naming it and at the same time pay respect to a man who commanded the high esteem of all who knew him. This man was the late Dean W. N. Delzell. Having spent half of his life here, he knew Peru and to many students was Peru. From 1905 until his death in 1940, he had been affiliated with the college. A broad smile, a warm hand-shake, a friendly greeting, :and an indefinable sense of humor-this was the Dean when fOU met on the campus. He was the kind of a man who helped students when they really needed a friend. As a true-blue Peruvian, his loyalty has not' been surpassed. That which we obtain from books is but a small part of our education. It is the inspiration that we derive from personal contact with such men as he that is of far-reaching importance and of a lasting character. Dean Delzell was a m;in who helped us get ideals and visions of our great pos· sibilities and the grand opportunities which are ours. Modest and unassuming, he has created in the hearts of all who knew· him a place for himself that is secure and can be filled by one else. On our campus there are buildings which have been named in honor of people who have been closely connected with them. Why would it not be fitting and proper to add "Delzell Hall" to that group? Doing such seems to be the I.east respect that we could pay to the man who loved and worked for the boys who ~ow enjoy its privileges. "Delzell Hall" should be the goal of all conscientious Peruvians.

Japanese prison camp The Japanese prison camp is a subject about which the average ,Peru student knows little. An interview with Dr. Castle M. Brown. head of the history and social science de·

partments, has clarified this subject for PEDAGOGIA.."" readers. "One of the distressing features of the Fllr East-an situation," began Dr. Brown, ~is the fact that many AmerlCl!JlS a.re now Japanese prisoners and will be confined in prison camps. Wnlle treatment of military prlxners during the present war is 81,)pa,rently more humane than It was in former conflicts, the lot of an American war prisoner in an oriental camp is likely to be far from enviable. "It is true that present conventions require that such unfortunates shall be treated with a certain consideration; and that fear of re-

Cat claws ...


New members of the third finger, left hand club-Muenchau, and N. E.. Jones. Prospective member, Betty J. Miller. A faculty member is also eligible... Has anyone missed seeing Bea Fulton's new "baby bob"? The

rest of the short haired girls trace their condition back to the shop Barber Finnell set up on second. For example of the finished product see Janet Rea,gan... Competition for the noisiest place on the campus is raging between Eliza Morgan third, and second at Hall ... Bette Riley spent most of her vacation in church and not for prayer meetings, either. She, tuo,

Scholarship and war • • • 8 By Dr. A. L. Bradford

Scholarship and the planning of a professional career may in these stirring days seem temporarily to have lost significance. They have not. Scholarship, and particularly schol· arship in the service of the teaching ideal, never had more meaning than it has now. It is true that as compared with c:ertain other activities of the present there is little drama in eollege study. Learning has never had the theatric appeal of public affairs. But in this most comprehensive of all war r;;fforts education accepts a tremendous responsibilty. It accepts the responsibity of creating and diffusing those human values for which essentially we are now ,fighting. If it neglects or bungles this task, our production effort, how· ever sacrificial, our fight, however magnificent and militar· i.ly conclusive, will have been futile. It is not enough to win a physicd supremacy over the forces of evil that have made so cynical an assault upon all that is fundamentally true a~d beautiful and good in human society. It is necessary to gam a moral supremacy as well. The love of liberty, the respect for human personality, the ideals of justice and tolerancethese must be intensively cultivated through education and reestablished where they have ceased to be. Thus will what we do as teachers gi~e meaning to what we do as fighters. We must teach as well as fight. To discharge its great responsibility American education wiH need a degree of fitne.'l.'l \1.1pon which successful issue of the war depends. No studelllt t~day seriously bent upon securing the knowledge ttnd craft @f the superior teacher need question his connection with or his contribution to the war effort. His is a major tesponsibilhy in the struggle.

ce Ed'itoriaHy speaking




was "marooned"•.• Fashion flash of the weekboots and bare legs . • • Think· ing is becoming to. Wilma Miier according to "Pop" Sleclt . . While the rest of m shivered in Nebraska, Edith and Grace spent their vacation in sunny California ... · Add Rex and Hope to your list of "steadies." Br()ther, can you spare a dime? Give it to the Red Cross, to aid in its emergency fund drive!


prisals, as a rule, constrains goven'iments to obey the law," continued Dr. Bro111n. "In the case of the Japanese, the restraint is likely to be weakened by the fact that they regard capture as disgraceful and feel that suicide on the part of one of their soldiers is more honorable than submission to cai,.iture!' Military secrets may not legally be extracted from a pnSoner, according to Dr. Brown. Prisoners' food must be equal in quality and quantity to that of troops at base camps in the country of his captor. Even if this rule were observed, the American prisoner is likely to be miserable, Dr. Bro.wn pointed out. "While the soldier may be compelled to work, he must be paid the same salary tha.t troops of the captor's army receive for the same work. Needless to say, this would not be very much," concluded Dr. Brown.

Alumni trail

Peruvians who wish to help the Red Cross will have an op• portunity tc do so this week. Give a dime, ~nd, fe;l that you are f1e!ping the 'Red Cross drive ... Guest writer Bill ~ankhause~, speaks fo;/ us all in his c?m~~n.t on the unname~ m7ns hall; A. new writer makes his mitial appearanc7 . m this week s l?ED. Readers will bear in mind that the opimons expressed b·· +:he "Man 'in Room 406" on the "Conga" are those of ~e \vriter, and do not necessaril't represent ;~itorial or ~dmi_n· ; strative policy, .. Members of the newsW'riting class will w 1 late a n.1ie learned for preparation of copy in the interest of rrntional defense. Copy will now' be written on both sides of the pag"e ., ,..

Looking back TEN YEARS AGOKappa Sigma Alpha, honor fraternity for manual arts rn:ajo and minors, at the meeting Mo day evening issued a challenge any honorary fraternity on t campus for a game of volleyball, FIVE YEARS AGO Plans for a chili supper to held Wednesday, Jan. 13 a.t 6 o'cl in the gymnasium were made the W.A.A. meeting Jan. 5 duri the convocation period. Ten Alpha Psi Omega mem.be eight students and two facul members, attended the second gran rehearsa.J of Alpha Psi Omega, na .tional honorary dramatic fr.atern• ity_ ONE YEAR AGODr. Charles Seegmiller, professor of physical science, ha accepted a civil service position i Washington, D. C. Combining novelty, harmony an comedy, The Ritz Trumpeteers en tertanined at convocation Friday> Jan. 10.


By Hazel Bouse

Dear Glema: 'Are you still working for American Airlines in New York? FAYE was home for a one week vacation. She ca!llie vlia aU;tomobile with Mr. and Mrs. John Pri(fuet. Mrs. Prichet is the former RUTH HOWE, '37. They live in WRshington now where Ruth and her hliSJ:>and both work. HELEN MEIER, who also works there, came to Nebraska with tihem. In glancing through the paper, I notice that ELEANOR NIEMANN, '39, and JOHN MAGOR were married a:t Oregon, IN., Dec. 21. John haS been stationed at Camp Grant, Ill. Eleanor has been teaching at citPe, Nebr. and plans to continue this year. NETTIE F. ANDERSON of Peru also announced her marriage of Nov. 20, .to Floyd Epler. MR. and MRS.. ROBERT WEBER, '39,of Superior, are the pa.renjts of a son born Jan. 2. Perhaps You know !lb.at Mrs. Weber i5\ the fonnier MILDRED KNOFLIOEK, mat. '37. Neb11aska City now has another Peruvian on the school staff. GLEN C. SHEELEY has gone from Brock to Nebraska City, where he will replace LENN LOKEN as junior high principal. I wonder how many fonner Peruvians are now in the service? Some I have heard of lately are DELTON GOERKE and OTTO WELI.i!i;N· SIE;K, mat. '32. They both received Sedond Lieutenant commdssions from Kelly Field. PAUL KNAPP, mat. '36, graduate! from Annapolis with the m[dyear class, Dec. 19. Miss Kenton, hls aunt, informed me thiait he been, commissioned as an ensign to the U. S. Indianapolis cruiser. Love, Hazel

On campus

Tuesday --·----"---------· ·-------- College basketball - Midand - there High school basketball-Daw:son-here

• • •


7-8 --· ·------- YMCA-YWCA-CCA Thursday ~------------------------ 7-9 ------------------ Freshman Clubs l<'rid.ay ---------------C----------- College basketball - Kearney - here

Published W eek/y by The Peru State Teachers Col/ege Peru, Nebraska Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc Meredith Jimerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Nina Kane! ............................ Assistant Editor Ralph Locke ............................. Sports Editor Rex Floyd ...................... Assistant Sports Editor Rogene Rose ....................... :'...... Copy Reader Virginia King, Ellen King ................ Proof Readers M. Florence Martin ........................... Adviser Reporters: Catherine Adams, Ruth Adamson, Jean Bond, Josephine, Boosinger, Hazel Bouse, Elaine Brier, Elaine Briley, Doris Brinson, Merlin Broers, Alice Cleaveland, Helen Dahlke, Rex Floyd, Sidney Johnson, Josephine Kelly, Doreen Meier, Richard Meyer, Irene Nispel, George Nor· ton, James Ray, Helen Rhodes, Patricia Rockwell, Bette Scott, Genevieve Steutaville, Mary Stevenson, Mary Ellen Thomas; Laurella Toft, Lois Wagoner.

Wearied studen crams for exam By Genevieve Steuteville 'Twas the night before exam and all through the donn"Oh ! My head. Oh! for just little dose of strychine! No pe and 259 pages and 15 words to go! moans a wearied student. "For hours I've been reading. Oh sure, it was assigned long ago. B who am I to hurry? After all, the is a chance the professor migh take pity on us creatures of cir cumstance and change the assign ment. But no-at eight o'clock t · morning (it is now 2:30) I'm su posed to wobble to class 2.lld ta a. two hour finaL After all. doesn that seem silly? "You slave ONE WHOLE NIGH on a subject and then only g two hours to show wha.t you leam ed. "Oh, yes, back to the book-'a cut of the darkness, Little Peter' Wrong book! What did Little Pe do though? Gee! He was cute. too. Wish I were free. I'd ne open a book. I'd just travel get my education tbrough expe ience. No exams for me. Exam I'd forgotten all about them."




Bobcats nip Doane Tigers for 39-38 win • • • SPORT RESUME' ••• By Ralph Locke

· lntramurals going over big Intramu111aJs are the center of aittraction for approrimately 100 boys now. Players, coaches, officials and fans adjourn nightly to the gym to lend a hand in Coach Art Jones' program. And ~ of co:md,c antics, you should see some of these stuj.ent coaches. Fm example Henderson displays all ·the symptoms of a future mentor, with his ~pors in the bleaichers as his team does battle with the others. Echoes from fireside pastime.

Hall-Hea.r1Js still goes with the men as No. 1

Nice going, Hannah!!! Yes, .that boy Hannah-he really i:tame through for Peru last weekand here's to hin:Jr-,ill great athlete and a true Bobcat.

Prep, too • • • Meanwhile, how many of the Peru basketball contingent have been following the doings of Coach Harold Fisher's Bobkittens?? So far they boast a perfect reoord__,and they'hope to stay on that narrow and thorny path Tuesday night. It ;will be our first qhance to see them dn action. They meet Dawson here in 'What should be a good game.

Deflation • • • Kenney Rohrs, Peru's official Olympic entry in the Skiing_ brackets, gave us all a demonstration last week of his ability on the rsnow-boa.I.'ds. Funniest part was when he came back ,to the dorm draggi.ng a broken ski. Oh 1 well, it happens to the best of them. Saturday, Lyle Mason chedked out of school.

Kittens· drop Tarkio 28-26 Fishermen claim third straight win Coach Harold Fisher's Bobkittrns have taken on the appearance o1' the hottest team in southeastern Nebraska with their takeoff into the 1942 season with three consecutive victories. First in order for the Fishermen, was Auburn whom they took care of in fine style, and followed up with 'a consera.tive decision over Dawson. Tarkio fell last Thursday night, the third victim of the pelwerful Prep attack. The close score does not adesuately tell the s.:ory of the game however. Prep coasted all through the ga.me, allowing Coach Fisher to use twelve of his men. The second team also showed considerable promise of reserve strength as they brushed off the Tarkio reserves 27-18. Both .teams lacked an indivdual star, .the scoring being evenly divided.

Hannah splits net for winning bucket; Peru leads State College league The Bobcats were on the warpath Friday night as they invaded the lair of the Doane Tigers in quest of their second straight win in state competitioi'i.. The Tigers, themselves, were not .planning on a tea par,ty, as the final score of 3938 would suggest, wltn Peru in the long end. The action boiled right down to the last two minutes, when Pe:·u held a seven point lead. Things began to happen--and when a rift in the smoke of battle appeared, the clock showed only three seconds remaining with Peru trailing by one point. Keith Hannah, veteran guard then took matter into hand, coming through with a dazzling one-handed shot from the corner to put his mates in front 39-38. In the J<ast two meetings between these two rivals, this same boy, Hannah has had finger in the pie both tim€S. Last year he potted one of his "specials" to tie up the game in the last second. However, the Tigers came back in the overtime tio win. Peru's victory was one that completely upset the "Dape Bucket"



for the experts, in that Doane ls supposed to have one of the best tea.ms in Nebraska, while Peru is staggering along still searching for a winning combination. In their opener, Doane stayed within 15 points of one of the Big Six teams, Kansas Sta,te, which speaks of the ability of both Peru and Doane.

Peru host to Kearney Friday night NIAA opener for both teams Peru will make her 1942 debut into NIAA cage competition Friday night as she reopens activities with her arch rival and sister school, Kearney. Both tea.ms are contenders for the loop crown, and another thriller is forecast for the Wheelermen's partisans. The Bobcats will rely again on their seven veterans to stave of! the Antelope attack, which is minus a substantial chuck of its power without the services of all-state Paul Blessing. Journey, a senior will be coach White's mainstay, while vyheeler will rely on his whole team to combine into a winning aggregation.



No Cr~mming Necessary! For swell flavor and real chewing fun-the answer is delicious Wrigley's Spearmint Gum


ITS A.SMILING MATIER to have coal that exactly

suits your needs. Choose :Majestic S-P and you're sure of!p}entf,.ofithis,kindp.frheatwhenyoµ,wantit. W:ashed. dustp,;oofed; corr~tl~ sized.••• with a thrifty co~.

Peru Lumber Co. PETE HOLDORF, Mgr. Phone 48

o By Rex Floyd Getting back into swing after the holiday vaca,tion the College circle of Basketball has become such a jumble that anyone can or can't figure out what the season has in store. Cause for the upsets came when underdogs of the season sank fangs for victory, namely, NCAC Wesleyan shocked its fellow conferance players Midland, the co-champions and one of the state favorites, . 54-36. NIAA conference still showing a winning battle with the NOAC, dipped . colors with Peru topping Doane 39-38, and Kearney filter beng dropped by McCook Junior College, gave Hastings a 39-29 beating. Star of the week has to be given to Ronald Metzler who did more than his share CY.f collecting J>Qints in the winning game against Midc.r:d with a count of 20 points. Corr.ing tilt with Kearney gives this writer a chance to compare Kearney with Peru after the Doane battle who had ta1'en on both NIAA teams. Kearney battling with a fast break took an early lead over Doane but were soon overpowered with Doanes offensive attack and lost 39-26. Kearney will probably start Journey and Peterson at forwards, Mcculough at center, and Lewis and Ryan at guards ... the.se beys have combined best aga.inst competition this season.




four men \~ss CPrfl.ight test .with the aid of new equipment Four men in the Civil Pilot training course gave successfully passed the flight test. They are Duane White, Clark Rogers, Billy Berger and William Shepherd. This semester's unit will take the final ground school test on Monday, Jan. 19, which will be conducted by the C.P.T. supervisor. · Those successfully completing the test will be given a ground school eertificate. A private pilot's certificaite will be awarded those completing satisfactorily the fligl1t test " and ground school. Ten men are ~ded before the second semester course can be offered. ''.I would like to urge all ·those eligible to apply for C.P.T. because they are needed so badly," says Prof. Clinton Sharp. He calls attention to the new equipment which has been purchased for the use of tra.inees. The navigation equipment consists of all the navigation charts published, regional sectional, radioplanning and maps suitable for cross-country flight; dividers and computers for calculations for crosscounky trips; celestial and terrestial globes and planitarium for eelestiitl navigation. In the line of meterology equipment, flight students are using two German hygrometers, a, cloud formation appa;ra;tus .to produce artificial clouds, a differential thermometer, a maximum and a minimum thermometer, ain official centigrade and farinheit thermvmeter, measure precipitation, a baragraph a. barometer, electrical and a portable anemometer, rain gauges to and a complete set of weather maps and weather teiegrams. One Curtis (OX-5) Liberty motor, which has a water cooled V8 motor of 90 horse-power and is complete with magneto and carburetor and a Rhone 9 cylinder

"One thin dime" isn't so much money-that is, not until it's multiplied by 425, which is the number of students registered at P.S.T.C. ' It would then equal $42.50 and could be Peru's student contribution to the Red Cross Emergency fund. drive which begins this week. Help the Red Cross! Give up those two cokes you were going to buy and aid a worthy cause.

Club' learns math tricks

air-cooled motor are used. The Rhone is a French motor such as was used in the World War I planes and ls unusual in that the motor turns with the propellor. A new Continental A-40 motor with carburetor and magneto was recently purchased. It is the type of motor used in primary trainer planes at the present time. There is also a vailahle a complete set of mechanics tools for repair and study of the mechanism of the different motors.


"Quartet in D,"

E:YAM SCHEDULE First Semester, 1941-42 January 21,22,23 WEDNESDAY 8:00-All 8:00 classes, except: Adv.. Nutrition 314 10:00-Introduction to Education 108 (all sections); Art History 307; Shorthand 207; Industrial Arts Methdos 304 1:00--All 1:00 class~, except: Introduction to Education 108; English Gramm,ar. 215; Public Sohool. Music 110 3:0a-English Grammar 215; Public School Music 110 (1:00 section) THURSDAY 8:01>--All 11:00 classes, exaept: Introduction to Education 108; Shorthaind 207; Music AJ)precra.tion 311 10:00-A!U 3:00 Qla,sses, exciept: Introduction to Education Literature 103 (both sections)


· 1:00-All 2:00 classes, except: Introduction to Literature 102 ford's section)


Children's ·



J:OO-In~odu<lf¥on t.o Literature 102 (10:00 and 2:00 sections); Children's Literature 103 (both sections) ; Music Appreciatit>n FRIDAY 8:00-:'All. 9:00 classes, except: Art Httsory 307•; Introduction to Eld. cation 108; Industrial Arts 'Methods 304; Public School Music 110 10.0!>--All 10:00 c1a.isses, except: In11roduction to Literature 102 1:00-Advanaed Nutrition 314,· Pub11·c Schiool Music 110 (9 :00 section)


~ .~t-0


College String ~ Wallace Cleaveland, ~ ~· Jack Snider, second ~; thy Frehse, viola; Ma~ 'f;~-~~d. cello. "Fifth Symphony," brio Orchestra "Sonata" Opus 17 ... , ~~n Jack Snider, French B~ "Animal Crackers·· .. "Noon and Night" ..... "The Litt!~ Dammer Lucile Sandfort. "Ad:c.gio and Taranteila"' Buys Lola, Yates, cla~t. "American Fantasie·• V!l:"lar Berhe.rt


connected with. th Y 'Were there. "I had ~ katmiews with most cf



Asked abftt flq ~ of the convention, ~~ .,.lned, "The purp8se ls .. r~te a policy for the Y ~t· u a whole for the next flRlir Jl!illf5; and to act as a unifyiDc' ~ for local organizat- mflie united States." "The chief b!!OOlt I got was this," she revealed. "!:Ill cf us who went understand. • 1ttm"t working for something ~f~il:t on our campus-it"s a ·~ of realizing that fellowsl>Jp vJ1 over the world.''

ANTIFREE:ZE; Skelly Service Station Skelly Oils and G~ vomp1ete Une Leonard Ti'lpp, Mgr. Peru Ph~ 40


Headquarters for Cleaning! J'ailorfng,



of woollens on display unde


Peru Cleaners and Tailoer On the East Side


of Main


Headquarters for ...

PERU BOWLING CLUB La.dies Welcome at All Times Hen nanion, Mgr. M. G. Heuer, owner










McLAIN MAYTAG Co. Be Thrifty--

A utkorized Dealers Aubur::i, Nebr•.



Get our prices before buying your school needs. Hhtory Paper, 1)),er ream ____ 35e Type-Paper per

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Notebook Covers __ .. -------- IOc Theme Covers, 6 for ----·----- 25c Envelopes ---------------------- 5c pack of 25 - good weight Fountain Pens __ .. -.- __ 25c - $1.00


All Kinds of Art Supplies Blue Bobc31t Sweaters White Slip-over Sweaters SAVE MONEY DOWN TOWN


Better DRtSStS




J.P. CLARK Eleetric Shoe Shop


Shoe Repairs Of All .lilnllS

I• I•


Pilley Cream Station CHAS. WILLS, Prop. Milk for Sale

•• •• • ••





FOR SATISFACTION IN Beech-Nut chewers on campus are among those who are feeli:ig the patriotic ~i)irit of sacrifice. Rose McGinnis, student representative, was .recently informed that the Beech-Nut Company will discontinue sampling in colleges, as a result of present conditioE>. However, RoSe is confident that Beech-Nut fans who have been sampling these products for the past three years will coatinue to do their stomachs a favor and buy Beech-Nut!

",, ..


Nina Kanel tells highlights of national YW-YM convention Attending the National YW and YM convention at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio from Dec. 27 to Jan. 3, was a thrilling experience for Nina Kane!, Peru's representative. It meets every four y.ears and this was the second time it has ever met, so naturally we felt a responsibility to keep it g·oing;' commented Nina, an active Y mern · ber on campus. When asked about her reactions on taking part in this assembly, she said, "Getting into it made me feel I was really a part of it. I helped draw up one of the policies that will be sent to Y clubs all over the world." Nina explained tha.t there were about 800 conventioners frorm all over the United St.ates. There were also representatives from New Zealand, India, Canada, Africa., Germany and several other countries. On being queried as to outstanding speakers she said that all na.tional and international figures


Did you know that 1 equals 3 This is just one of the appa fallacies of mathematics prese by Maurice Anderson to the Club on Monday, Jan. 5. Alth he Jaber proved these prese tions to be fa,lse by showing errors in his work, he led the gr in an interesting discussion mathematics tricks. At the close of the meeting, gr pictures were taken for the Pe vian.


Until Ap1il 15 Any well qualified teacher seeking the service \If a descriminating, well-established teachers agency is invited to enroll with us.



:DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE 643 Stuart: Bldg., Lincoln, Ne1bti1ska




"The Shop of Quality" AUBURN


corns to oaks


rates 75th anniVersary

y Ruth Adamson en Grandmother came to Peru al School in 1872, she wasn't g to devel<w a personality or an "oomph" co~ex. She e to college to get an educa-

• was constantly being · ded to develop Pmitanic zeal, ocratic ardor, and Christian tion, Grandmother was not so she could attain such perfec· Miss Eliza C. Morgan, the new ceptress, there wasn't much else e could do.

Major Daily


. . ..

In 1864, there was a ~


dian rebellion in N~ that same year, Major R I 1-111« Daily was ap~oinled India . I iWf! On his way to and from. th . . . he frequently visited J. .IL . .,;. Kenzie's Nemaha Valley Si 111!mmd and Normal Institute. th . . very interested and ~ :II... . , tlar school started 1 at ~ The Te~itorial l~, II. 1860, had granted a ~ ~ a school to be establisb~ ~ but nothing had been ~ ~ it. Then in 1865, Rev. H~ ...... pastor of the MethOOL'I$, ~ asked Major Daily for a ~ tion to help buHd a ~

purposes." Rev. Burch asked for . _ , , for a school. ·He was very ~d when Major Daily said ~ would give $500. After this first ~ion was made, many othm followed. M negotiations for the land were made, the new school opened a building that had previously ~ a saloon. Mr. McKenzie, ~r-in-law of Rev. Burch, was ~.

Col. ffiajors . . .

ffir. McKenzie . • .

asked to come and take charge. His greatest dream had been to establish a normal school. It was suggested that the State Methodist conference take over the school and make it a college. This was done as a temporary arrangement. Meanwhile, the state legislature assembled at Omaha and were debating the moving of the state capitol to Lincolnville. By pulling for the capitol change, the Major was able to gain support for the Normal Throug·h the efforts of T. J. Majors in the senate and Major Dai1y's in the house, a bill was passed providing 20 sections of land and $3,000 to finish the build-

ing that was started a,t Peru. April 24, 1867, the cornerstone for the new building was laid. The building was to be 80 by 40 feet and three stories high. By winter only ha.If of the school was roofed and floored. A large box stove was the only heat, and even though the students wore coats and shawls, they all suffered from the cold. Among the pupils of the first class in the new Normal were some of Major Daily's children. In a tribute paid to the Major by Mr. McKenzie, he says, "And we still think that the existence of the school. owes more to the earnest, persistent efforts of Mr, Daily than to any other man."

with one hundred ·wo. en from the Nebraska and Kans prairies, Grandmother lived in e new Mount Vernon Hall and orked and /played and made ·ends and influenced people.

In plain but neat shirt-waists and ·ng, heavy skirts, Grandmother lked the campus of a thousand ks in winter and spring. She atnded chapel every Monday IIJl)rng and prayer meeting every Tuesy night. From the hills she coland recited "Curfew Shall Not Ring Tonight" in expression class. She not only transted Caesar by lamplight, but rose every morning at five o'clock with the grim intonations of the iron bell in the chapel. In the harsh Nebraska winters Grandmother made her own fire in her room. he prudently filled her wood-box om the wood pile at the rear of e building every afternoon after

Grandmother went to some very gay "sociables," too. One of the first she attended was held in the ·chapel on the third floor. At first she was too shy to particin;>ate, but at Miss Morgan's insistence she . joined the group of men and women, and together they formed a line to march around the room. The evening was spent in a grand march and a change of partners It was a "hi-

Sometimes Grandmother was esorted to Tuesday prayer meetings y a gentleman. Miss Eliza Morgan was convinced that the "refining influence" of cultivated womanhood was needed to counteract the awkward, rough manners of these men of pioneer stock. Accordingly, she checked each young man on the ca.mPns for moral character before trusting him in the association of her young charges.

• Gentlemen who wished to escort a girl to an evening service wrote a formal invitation to her. Such an invitation was received by Miss Morgan and censored before reaching its destination. Then, Grandmother, with high heart, composed a discreet answer and impatiently awaited hi:s coming.

• Yes, Grandmother got a ''bang" out of college. She thought there was no place on earth as beauti1 as Peru. When she graduated left the campus, she vowed some day ·she would be worthy the school! Grandmother had e right spirit.



Thorson shows Students face U S obligations N!~ ~~'"""'' "d"'"°"' "I a.m going to speak t.o you about the most basic problem that faces ai w<>rld at war, the problem of the pattern of the .peace that. will be evolved when the battles end," stated Dr. Thorson, wh<> discussed "American Responsibilities" at convocation on Friday, Jan. 16. He continued saying, "In discussing future peace we mm:t begin with the failure of the last. The weakness of the Versailles settlement lay in the fact that the victors and vanquished alike made practically no attempt to adopt existing national and international institutions to social and economic conditions. profoundly altered by the industrialization of the 19tl). and 20th centuries and by the war just concluded:' Dr. Thorson c<>mmented, "The United States has at its highest post a man who, in t.he last year and a half, persistently and unwaveringly, in the face of terrific opposition has seen and understood the role of America in the events that were transpiring and has kept us on the right track. Millions of people everywhere itt the world have confidence in Mr. Roosevelt a.nd look upon him ar> a primary dem· ocratic leader." In concluding, Dr. Thorson stated, "Hitler is ready and eager to undertake the reorganization of Europe and the world on the Nazi pattern. And that failure to meet Hit1er's challenge may mean the defeat of the wesrern powers. That must not be."

at N.Y.A. appropriations for 1942,

N.Y.A. students on Peru campus will face a change in allotments. While $3.000 was the original amount given for the months, January, February, March, April and May, the available amount now is $2142.65, approximately a 33 and ,a third per cent cut.

The reduction program will go into effect with the appearance of the January payroll. However, it is thought that the reduction may be secured by vdluntary withdrawals from N.YA. positions by students or graduation of students at the end of the semester.

History of school reveals colo_rful past o by Sidney Johnson

It '"as just 75 years ago that the Peru State Normal School began in the school building then situated at the present site of the Mt. Vernon Dormitory.

Freshmen vote for Peruvian pictures Freshmen will be represented in the Peruvian after deciding at their meeting, Monday, {an. 12, to purchase a page in the annual, to be paid by the class and freshman dubs. 'They also agreed to have the freshman bulletin board painted.

• Old Normal Hall

• • •

The o;iening school program was limited, and extra-curricular activities were not yet general. The subjects taught were confined to what was in that day held as "substantial" material, including mathematics, natural sciences, languages, and history, The deve'lopment of our present diversified curriculum has come about haltingly and gradually. The site of the first graduation excercises in the midst of a grove of small oaks is commemorated today by the "Philo rock" on <>m campus. This graduating class had but two members. A critica:i point in the school's history came in 1903 when there was a discussion as to ,,,;hether it should be maintained. However, an appropriation for a new gymnasium was the deciding point, and ·the new building was d.ec'cated in (Continued on page four)

Red Cross starts book campaign

Sigma Taus read own· contributions Bits of experiences and philosophies made up the original contributions read at the Sigma Tau Delta meeting Jan. 12. Contributors and selections were as follows: Marjorie Prine, "Desperation''; Nina Kanel, "Snow"; Virginia King, "Bundles for Britain?' Miss Grace Tear, "A Christmas Pray er," "Christmas," and "When Baby Laughed"; Ralph Locke, "And the Band Played On." Members were encouraged by the president, Nancy Ellen Jones, to help in the sale of "Sifting Sands." Banana splits and coffee were the refreshments served by the committ~Barbara Beal, Patricia Rockwell, and Doreen Meier.


High on the hill W;llere the Mount Vernon dormitory now stands was laid the cornerstone for the first building of the campus in the spring of 1866. Later came ''Old Normal Hall" in the spacP. that the science hall no>r occupies. These two structures were followed by a wing added where the audibrium is now located and a frame library. For a decade these buildings served the purpose. Then the origimiJ one was destroyed by fire, and Mt. Vernon Hall replaced it the same year.

·The athletic field and the greenhouse were. added in 1901, and the library was doubled in size, brick veneered, and equipped as a science building. Then along came 1911 when the administration building was completed, and six years later the T. J. Majors Training School. Next on the list of i,m;provements are the present auditorium and gymnasium, which is the chapel remodeled. Thirteen years ago the science hall and the girls' dormitory were built, and of course the newest addition is Hall, which was ready for use in 1939.

Brother, can you spare a dime or a book? That is the plea of the Rs.:'!. Gross, the United Service OrgB.nizaton and the American Library Assoc~ iation, as a campaign to raisEJ 50 million do1lars and 10 million books for use in the U, S. camps and bases, was launched last week, Peru's quota is $240, and donations will be accepted 'by Nurse Margar~ et Henningsen and a.t either of the dormitories. Miss Grace Petersen is in charg·e of the Penr district for gathering books of all kincl.s-thrillers, westerns, classics, poetry, drama, math~matics or study books. Th(; Red Cross and USO are supplying the money for this drive and the Am· erican Library Association the skill. The Purl Harder Club at the girls' dormitory now has 56 members, in various stages of learning to knit for the Red Cross. Twenty-ntne sweaters have been assigned, and of that number ten have been completed. A convalescent tobe of vari-colored swatches is also ready for use.




IAlumni trail

Wildcats and deer brightened campus way back when • . . "Oh, give me a home Where the wildcats roam, Where the deer and the coyl>tes play-" If you are looking for such a home, you are pernaps no~ in the wrong ,place but in the wrong century. For our fellow Peruvians some years ago lay in their beds at night and listened for the wail of the wildcats and the howl of the coyotes, who were p1entiful in the heavy timber which surrounded the campus on every side. When dawn came, Grandma rose from her bed, built the fire in the little wood stove in her room, and prepared for the day. Later the birds in the tree:; would hear the leaves rusting below them; peeping down they found it was Grandma's skirts sweeping the path as she found her way through two blocks of trees to get tQ Old l\'Iorrill Haill for her classes. -There was one road leading to the, .town: it went past the girls' dormitory and over Normal Hill, the one on which President Pate's house is now located. As Grandma and Grandpa came nearer Peru, ithey saw a thriving little city which promised to be Nemalla County s "Big Town." Ther~ was a furniture store, a brick kiln, and a hoteL steamboats docked here ail the time. From the depot clear oYer t-0 the bluffs was a big lake full of

cane and deer, for which Grandpa often went hunting. Then there was the "community meadow;" where everyone took his cow for her daily bread, and the "Slaughter house," where the community threw away whait was left of its daily bread. Ah, yes, Grandpa liked Peru; someday it would be a big itown. But the call\.~Us itself was nothing but thick woods. The dormitory, built on an isolated rise, stood out like a castle. of a much older day; but it was protected not by a high brick wall but by tall Nebraska trees. The athletic field was full of huge gullies, and no one could walk where Land'~ dolt's store is, for that was a deep

Students direct band concert With the strains of the "Star Spangled Banner" and the dramatic appearance of the color guard, the Peru band was on dress parade in the season's first concert Wednesday, January 14. James Howe's comments over the microphone helped build the desired atmosphere for the selections. "I enjoyed sitting and listening too-it seemed to me that the directors and pe1iormers enjoyed it. It was a real step ahead over last year/' said Mr. Jindra.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc Alice Ann Cleaveland, Helen. Dahlke . . . . . . . . Ca-Editors Rex Floyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Ralph Locke ..................... Assistant Sports Editor Patricia Rockwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy Reader Josephine Boosinger, Helen Rhodes ...... Proof Readers M. Florence Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advisor


Dear Clara:

ravine. And as the day drew to a close, Grandma gathered her skirts about her, shut the door behind her, and worked and played till 9 o'dlock, when all good little girls go to bed,

Looking back TEN YEARS AGOA talk of unusal interest to teachers was presented last Friday when Dr. D. D. Stonecipher spoke at convocation on speech and voice defects of children and how they are corrected. At Sigma Tau Delta meeting Monday night, Bernice Lovitt and Merna Brownson gave reports on the second tri-annual convention which they recently attended at Madison, Wisconsn. FIVE YEARS AG-OThe College Parade, to be given February 4 in the college auditorium, will be, as the name signifies, an actual parade of campus 1ife and activities. An all college dance was held Saturday, Jan. 16, in the music hall. The International Relations group is sponsoring a Peru Peace Control movement and held an oratorical contest dUring the joint Y.M.Y.W. meeting Tuesday night, Jan. 19, in the music hall. ONE YEAR AGOMiss Florence Martin reviewed "World's End" by Upt-0n 6·inclair, Monday night at the Kappa Delta Pi 'meeting. "The Role of Chemistry in National Defense" was the subject of Prof. Clinton Shal'p's address at cosvocation Fridaay, Jan. 17. Climaxing a semester of musical activity, the college band presented a concert on Jan. 15 at the college auditorium.

l:arly l:lementary After the usual cafeteria supper, the Early Elementary Club held its meeting Monday evening, Jan. 12.

Reporters: Catherine Adams, Ruth Adamson, Jean ~ond, Hazel Bouse Elaine Brier, Elaine Briley, Doris Brmson, l\forlin . Broe;s, Sidney Johnson, Josephine Kelly, Doreen Meier Richard Meyer, Irene Nispel, George Norton, James' Ray, Bette Scott, Genevieve Steuteville, Mar_r Stevenson, Mary Ellen Thomas, Laurella Toft, Lois :Wagoner.

Miss Elizabeth McCollum and LaVerna Magneson, educational director, lead a discu&ion on nirious educational magazines. Gretchen Kiburz taught the group several folk songs mi.table for use with children.

Grace M. tells me that you are teaching at Wisner, Nebraska.. didn't say, but it is ~ !m't !t' Miss Martin informs me that MERL PEEK, representative sfud '34-35, LOWELL LEWIS, representl-re student '36 and WAYNE RIG representive student '37 are all at Naval Training Stations, No,rf Virginia. Lowell and Merl had Chrtstlmss dinner with M".r~ and Mrs. Haro! Brown. Mrs. Brown was MARGARET WINTER, '35. C. DW;IGHT WALDO '35, woo is instructor at Yale Univ'ersity ports a one third cut in the budget there and a three year degree pl Peruvlans in the service seem t-0 be foremost in my mind. WA MOORE, mat. '36, is also at. the. Air Corps Replacement Training Cen Kelly Field, Texas. RODNEY PARKER is at Fort Riley, Kansa.S. Some other Peruvians and their addresses are: DORIS PARRIS and CALVIN FRERICHS, D!mhar, Nebraska; RUTH NAVIAUX, Overto ' Nebraska; THELMA ISREAL, ~-Lincoln, Iowa; LOUISE and FRANCE SHELDON, MIRIAM'S si.~ are both at Randolph, Iowa. MIRIAl\ti is teaching in Bloomticld,. ~ Did you happen read the letter in the World Herald entitled "Keep Y-0ur Chin Urp, Wish a u~r It was wrtten by WILLIAM H. HENDER· SON, mat. '34, instruct.or ~t the Air Corps Te$nictill School, Lowery Field, Denver. It was mtten t-0 his mothe;r in Aub~rn. Cfara, spa,ce does nil¢ ~ me to tell yau about some more Peruvians. However, write sometime and tell u.s, about yourself and other Peruvians.


Love, Hazel


• now and then

• • •

Hope some of the PMPle wbo are telling that story do.n-t get run over by that Chattanooga Choo Choo themselves . . . Like popular songs? Hear Edith Williams over the Bathroom Xetwork at 12 p. m. each night... One night Mrs. Dunning thought she heard the cheering section at a basketball game up on third of the girl>' dorm. Or maybe some ferocious animals escaped from the zoo. Or maybe . . . "Barney" Haith made print in the society column of the Sunday World Herald. It seems Mrs. Haith, her daughter, Jean, and her sister spent Christmas vacation in Tennessee . . . Rendezvous for Alice Thomson and Merwn Coad-the library. ... It's good-bye and good luck to these and others at the end of the semester: Marjorie Kennedy Dean, Korah Baker, Bea Fulton, Mae Jane Young, Dorn Mae Metz, Dorothy La\igne, Eva fane Bunly, Alta Fern Bricker, Jerolyn McOarty... A report says that home ec girls took their fancy work t-0 class with them while demonstrations were in order ...

AA UW to present Miss Hileman "Francis Chisholm, the main character in the book, 'The Keys of the Kingdom' is not so much of a priest as just a religious man," says Mary Hileman in commenting on the book she will review Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 4 o'clock in L103. "The Keys of the Kingdom" was written by A. J. Cronin, and the first edition of the book was pubUshed in 1941. "Citadel" was also written by Mr. Cronin. Ii ansis Chisho!m was born in a small Scotch village, and his early childhood was one of hardship and suffering. In early manh-0od he entered the priesthood, but was unsuccessful in his native rrand. Consequently, he was sent to China where he remained for 35 years. His experiences there were exciting and unique as he saw some of China's most strenuous and troublesome times. "MI. Chisholm is a very strong character and is supported by several other ,str.qng characters. I think this is one of the m-0st intere,,-ting books I have read" concludes Miss Hileman.


e By Hazel Bouse


• • •

Seventy-five years ago this month, the first session of the new Peru State Normal was held. From a tiny building, housing only a handful of pupils, this school has progressed to the fine proportions we now see. Not only was Peru the first college in Nebraska, but also one of the first teachers colleges west· of the Mississippi river. Surely if Rev. Burch, Major Daily, and Col. Majors .;ould see it now', they would find ,little to remind them of the original school. The Indians are gone, the forests are gone, and gone are the deer that could be seen from the college steps. Now, instead are well kept lawns, efficiently equipped buildings, surrounded by fertile farms and busy cities. Two wars have been fought and won, 15 presidents have held office, the automobile has taken the place of the horse, airplanes fly in the sky, electric lights are seen instead of candles, newspapers are delivered to us each day, and there is a telephone and radio in almost every home. The same progress has been made in education; old log schoolhouses with the grim, stem schoolmaster and his birch-rod cane are no more. Instead, we have progressive education methods and modem equipment.



P.S.T.C. has oome a long way from that little wooden building with its two ~acuity members, but the outcome has more than justified the labor and money donated by its founders.

• Just· passing

• • •

And it came to pass that January, 1942, rolled around. And it rolled and it rolled until it came up against a 2 and a 1. A rolling month may not gather moss, but this one did gather 21 days . And on that twenty.first day there was a general con· fusionr for it came to ·pass that They came to pass certain examinations, which were most necessary and vital for Their defense against an invasion of Red E's. But there was one Class which was defenseless, for They were doomed to publish the school newspaper as part of Their preparedness program. Someone had got Their number; it was Newswriting 234. And so it came to pass that the regular staff went on a vacation, and this Class, who were more sinned against than sinning, fell into the bonds of slavery. All men are not created equal.

ts open confere nee arney 56-38; top



Battle crys of "Remember Homecoming" were y night on the loca:l maples when the Battl' layed, outpassed and completely took all honon hes and school in downing Kearney 38 to 56 in the conference game. rd Pascai1 started the opencore with a pair of buckets, g the Antelopes dizzy against zone defense. The fast break used by both teams which tood plenty of excitement and n for both teams and crowd. ah and Hiatt completed a t show with their consistent handed shots which netted 12 ts for Hannan and 10 for Big earney was lost the first half pletely, but showed an eye for basket via Nickolson and Petn. The half period ended 15-31 Coach Wheeler substituting y.

hite and Hobbs came back the nd half to carry on in the pilof scores on the Whizemei.t. bs starting fast breaks, tipping ball to Hannah and Pascal highlighted action eye for the ring of Byers both proved be a main cog in the final vicwhich found the entire bench ptied .after the boys had hit the owers. This game not only puts Peru the one spot of the conference t it places the Wheelermen, not the cellar, but the first team the state. Box Score


.......... ..........

FG FT 4 2 0 0 3 0

F 3 2 1

Hannah g ········ Pascal g ......... Hutton f ......... Callan f ·········· Handley f ........ Stark g ........... Hiatt c ·········· Faust c .......... Yocum g .......... Ronhovde f ....... Alexander c

5 3 3

l I 0


0 0 5 0



Peru Pedagogian Tuesday, January 20, 1942



:! 4 l t l




' t

i 1

assistant editor




The annual W.A.A. b1Wretball tournament rates high in the new semester's program. Mary "Liz" Jensen and Ruby Redding caiptiain the· two teams. The tournament is scheduled to start the first week af the second semester.

in one easy lesson Treat yourself and others to wholesome, delicious Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. Swell to chew. Helps keep breath sweet, teeth bright. The Flavor Lasts.

. . . . . . editor


Women basketeers prepare for action

How to Win Friends

Home of the Bobcats"









Rex Floyd Ralph Locke

t 19



As you attend the 'basketbaH game·s and cheer yourself hoarse boostiqg those





KEARNEY PG Peterson f ........ 3 Slater f ........... 5 McCul.lough c ..... 0 Lewis g . .......... 3 Ryan g 0 Rumbaugh f ...... 0 Shada f ........... 0 Journey c ........ (! Newcomb g ....... (! McFarland g ...... () Moore g .......... (I

Our 'Bobcat' isn't 75, but ... here is why we are called 'Cats

,land steps aside 42-27; Ha1nah, Pascal, White star

I!ifiorts •

It was three straight for the Bob.cats. as they stormed the Warrior fortress in Midland last Tuesday night, the final score reading 42-27 Peru.

of yesteryear

b;r Jim Ray


The game was Peru's third in


G~ ~

s::ate competit.ion, and her third

and Walker led in the

as the Bobcaits decisioned

the Kearney Antelopes 42-36. Grubaugh. t~ 14 points and Walker ~ted for 12 points. TWO YEARS AGOTbe Bobcats pl:ayed brilliant basketball to rout Doane 50-30. Len Greathouse led the scoring with 15 points followed closely by "Swisher" Hailliday of Peru and Belka of Doane who rang up 14 points each. FIVE YEARS !\GO-

Afflicted with illness on the part cf two outstanding players. Mc-

Conndck and Riggs, and by inex· perience, the Bobcats went down in defeat. ,to Wayne- by a sco::e of 50-29 ad by Tarkio 36-31. TEN YEARS AGO-

Peru nipped the Chadron Eagl s in two close games on the Peru maples. The Bobcats won the first game 37 to 29, and the second game 37 to 29. 0

entry on the win side of the ledger ir:. the State College Standing8. Led by Hannah, Pascal and White, the Wheelermen came back after intermission to overcome a threepoint deficit and go out in front to stay. Their last half drive has been their best exhibition to date, their sharp passing, clever floor work and accurate goaling being enough to sweep the Mld1ar.ders ngh.t off the floor.

Wesleyan next


Next, the mighty Cats fall on Wesleyan Jan. 23 at Lincdln. This game can be a surprise but looking at the past week's scores one finds a dismal outlook with the Plainsmen bowing to Doane, York and Peru's last victim, Kearney. Miller, Parminter, Metzler, Owen, Vaughan will probably be the main cogs for the boys who hope to top the "Battling Bobcats."

Bobcats, have you ever stop· ped to speculate how Peru's athletic teams came to be can. ed by such an appropriate sobriquet?

It was at a ,student rally, back in 1920 that Dean Delzell referred to the Peru Teachers as a scrappy outfit that fought like, "BOBCATS." The term struck spontaneous approval from the student body. Paul Wilcox, Nebraska City student that was Editor of the PEDAGOGIAN at that time, came out with a strong editorial, taking up Dean Delzell's pseudonym, and asked that the team be named the "BOBCA'DS." The Nebraska City News Press, in October of 1927 published an articl<; about Peru athletics, pointing out that they fought like true Bobcats, and were glorious even in defeat. The phriase pickel up popufarity wth amazing rapidity, and by the year 1929 the demand for that name was heard on every hand. The term had become affixed to the team, and there followed a strong desire for a rerul live "BOBCAT" to fill in as a miascot. There was tumult in convocation in October of 1929 when Dean Delzell got up and read .a telegram from George E. Hansen, who was teaching in Tempe, Arizona. The telegram was a notice that a pair of bobkittens were on their way, and wou~d arrive by express the next day. Unfortunately. one of the kittens died on the way, and "Ole Bob" was the one th.at finally arri VE:od here to be formally introduced to the students in convocation the following Friday. "Bob·' was a great favorite with the students, and entertained many visitors who came around to his cage on the south side of the "AD'' bufiding. It was great fun for him to accompany the team too, on their trips to the other schools. He would growl and scream, well knowing that that was just what his ball team was going to do when they got out there to clean up the other team. "Ole Bob" died in May of 1933, but his spirit still exists. The empty cage that now houses Dr. Winter's guinea pigs is a mute testimony to the great fellow who used to abide there. Every passing week sees his proteges the "Peru Bobcats" rising higher on their road of glory. Come victcries or defeats-the "Bobcats" are still the sons of "Ole Bob" and they always win-no matter what the scoreboards say.

Clements injured; Dawson nicked 28-18 For the second time Dawson fell fo the Kittens in a battle that

lasted well! into the second half finishing 28-18. The Reserves took on the Da,wson seconds in an overtime to top 13-11. The win was the fourth in a raw for the Kittens who will go into battle this week against Syracuse Tuesday night on the local and Rockport, Mo., Friday at Rockport, Future games for the next few weeks were darkened by the injury of ace player Cilements who pulled a ligament in practice. His playing has been a vital cog in the Prep offense and defense.


Headquarters for . . . e







Headquarters for Cleaning!


McLAIN MAYTAG Co. Authorized Dealers Auburn, Nebr.

Phone 322

raitortng, with hundreds of woollens on display under the expert supervision of Mr. Cejka.

Peru Cleaners and Tailors On the East Side of Main Peru

Phone 62


• History revealed (Continu-ed from Page One)

teaching. Ross Russell, Alfred Moore, Ross Organ, and Bill Adamson are working in defense plants. Worthy Argabrigbt was attending school here until Thursday of last week when he left for Ohanute Field in Rantoul, Illinois. Assistants at air ports are Faye Lovejoy, who helps here ait the Peru field, and John Wieder who will

McCarty speaks at CCA "What Makes a Club Function"

was the topic of Jerolyn McCarty's talk at the CCA meeting.. Plans were made for a social. meeting under the direction of President Helen Wylie. The next meeting will be January 20.

Were you hungry the other night about nine o'olock? If you were, you should have been at Mr. A. V. Larson's ·house for the Epsilon Pl Tau meeting of January 12. At the meeting, a business conference and later a discussion of Epsilon Pi Tau's constitution was held. After the meeting, Mrs. Larson served sandwiches and cookies.

Monday -----------------------·---.,: 7-8 --------------- Scholarship Club TU da -------------------- .. __ Pi Omega Pi es Y ---- --------· ------------ 7-8 -------- 1.~ICA YWCA CCA High School basketball, Syracuse, here Wednesday ____________ ,. _______ 6:45-7:45 ----------------- Hour Dance Thursday -----. ----·.--------------- 7-9 --------------- Freshman c1ub;o Friday -- . ·---------------------. -- College basketball, Wesleyan, there. Saturday ------------------------- College basketball, Hastings, There. Jan. 26 - 31. 1942 Monday ---------------------------Second semester registration Tuesday -------------------------- 7-8 Yl\ICA YWCA CCA Wednesday --------------------- 6: 45-7:45 ----------------- Hour Dance Friday ----------------------------- College basketball, Wayne, here.

Wishing wells ...

A dlass par.ty was the subject under discussion at tlie sophomore class_ meeting Monday m-0rning, Jan. 12. A suggestion was made t-0 ~ave the party soon after the begining of the second semester. Dick Clements, president, will ,appoint a C-Ommirttee to start working on the affair and arrange a calendar date.

Epsilon Pi Taus meet

Jan. 19 - 24. 1942

1905. Outstanding in the school's growth in the educational world was the beginning of summer school sessions as early as 1873, the admittance to membership in· the North Central Association Of Col"Wishing, Wel:ls," designed to releges and Secondary scho-01s with ceive contributi.ons for the drive the status of Teacher Training against infantile paralysis have School, and the act of the state been stationed on the campus and legislature in making it the Peru down town. January 30, the date State Teachers College with the of the president's sixtieth birthday, rlght of issuing the A.B. degree. marks the end of the drive, which Organizations have from ~he very is a campaign to raise funds for beginning had an integral part in the great national fight against shaping the destinies of the stud- polio. ents. However, it was 1901, before ' One half of the money raised the athletic program began to bear will remain in Nemaha county for a "respectable" role in the school local use, and the other half will .curriculum. Since then sports in be spent almost entirely on rePeru have been highly commend- search, in the hope of finding a able. method to fight the dread disease. Although the history of Peru Dimes and quarters will help Peru State Teachers College has been meet its quota. marked by periods of hard times, just as society in general, each has Dean J. A. Jimerson, at Y. M. been followed by a "-Purt u)lward. meeting talked on internationa1 Though most of the old landmarks affairs, using questions ·asked oy are now in extindio.1, Peru still members as a basis for his reretaJns .the democratic spirit whichi marks. is the precious heritage essential to any educatonal institution.

Sophomores plan class party


soon have his instructor's certificate. Maurice Anderson, Clair Callan, Vince Dreezen, Jared Smith, and Clarion Smith are all strn in school; Either at home or with address unknown are Leslie Bartholemew, Lynn James, Charles Ely, Leland Foss, and Hays Hinds.

On campus

Learn to dance • • .

Mr. Bash speaks on marriage

Miss Gockley gives location of first Civil Pilot Training class What has hal?J>ened to the 30 boys who received the C.P.T. training here previous to this year? According to a compilation by Miss Gockley, of the 30 graduated 15 are now in Uncle· Sam's service. Albert Butt is in the n:ava1 reserve as an Ensign AU in the UISNR, on the USS St. Louis. Neil Good is now in Naval Reserve Training School. James Busenbarrick of the ArmY Air Corps has qualified for Staff $eargent Pilot ,and is awaiting a call. Delton Goerke, Noel Lundy, and Wendell Hutchison were commissioned as 2nd Lieutenants in the Army Air Corps. Eugene Imler, 2nd Lieutenant in the Army Contract Schools is acting as flight instructor of basic flying, Bakers field, Calif. Nunzio .Lazzaro will complete primary training in two weeks at Walde, Texas. Ma..x Leonard and Keith McHugh are to be commissioned as 2nd Lieutenants in about two months. Willard Millikan is in the Canadian Air Force. Applying for Army Air Corps is Eugene Thompson. John Magor, Ray Horton, and Joe Vascek are all in the regular army. There are fifteen boys engaged 1n other work. Boyd Magor is




"Every home is an entirely individual and unique experience so I can't lay down any rules for marriage," said Lawrence Bash in his talk at Y.W. Tue.day even'ing, January 13. Mr. Bash outlined six factors that he feels makes or brea.ks a marriage. Basing his beUefs on personal observation, he stated that first, marriage isn't something that clicks automaticalUy, there must be changes in outlook and practices, for no home can endure without adjustment. Second, the couple must be emotionally mature; third, they should get as far from relatives as possible; fourth, financial condition should be reasonably secure; fifth, the home must have a firm religious basis; and sixth, children really make the home. Mr. Bash, the pastor of the first Christian church in Auburn, is at present pastor councilor of Nebraska Christian Endeavor Union . He also is regional director and vice·oresident of the international Christian Endeavor Union. His "Topics for Young Pwples Meetings" are used all oYer the world. •Modern Housekeeping Rooms to rent, or as apartment, Close to campus. Phone 191.

Plannng a social meeting was the main topic of discussion at a meeting of Lambda Delta Lambda on Monday, Jan_. 12. This meeting wrn be held Jan. 23 · or some time after semester exams. ! : Lambda Delta members and sponsor, Mr. Clinton Sharp, had a group ;picture taken for the Peruvian, Thursday; Jan. 15. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting.

Dorm council . . . That college women are able keep their oym rooms reaso quiet was the decision of the dormitory council at its m Wednesday, January 14. The proctor system will be abando

• •=


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Lambda Delta meets

Learn-to-Dance members their last meeting of the sem Thursday evening, Jan. 15. Bob Ashton and Wa1ter Mar furnished the piano music.

loved one.

Frederic March Martha Scott

'One Foot in Heaven'

plus Cartoon and News

For a GREETING CARD for any occasion think of-

Coming Soon-






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tudent speaks By Ruth Crone


ruvirun~ are interested in the . Their parents are spending for taxes instead of buying ain luxuries; the students are ·ng avidly front page news ad of perusing novels; they n listen to news br!fadcasts r the radio instead of hummi.ng tune wth a swing band; the ng women are knitting sweatfor the Red Cross instead of tting afghans for hope chests; e young men are enlisting in the ed forces instead of complett:heir educations. Even the uri River, which once meand placidly from the prairies ugh the bluffs, has been cord and now, also encouraged by government, typically keeps a ed pattern and takes its busiess-like station as a stable interate boundary. SUSPICION: Peruvians do n<ft now accept the war as their ow~ vital personal problem. In contraist to a world in which V is written defiantly on the buildings of subjugated countries this war has not become a pers~nally vital issue in a locality where dot - dot - dot - dash is an organized high school athletic cheer. In contrast to a world where hundreds of young men are maimed. or killed every few days, this war has ~ot made its terrors felt on a court where an injured basketball . player is taken from the court and consoled by fans. In contrast to a world in which each soldier performs all his daily ablutions with a quart of water, this war does not !Seem to be a mortal struggle in a restaurant where hot sweetened chocolate can be purchasd. for five cents a cup. In contrast to a world in which the wail of mechanized banshees is heard nightly, bomber~ are not stark realities in a college where a siren is the new girl in sociology class. A BELIEF: Peruvians should regard the peace as a question requiring their greatest attention. Since racial prejudice and homicidal fanaticism need be taught only one generation in the schools of only one countrY to instigate world-wide conflict, someone should keep a finger In the hole of the dike and that must be the educators. This peace must rise from the will thoroughly to learn and the inspiration to teach how conscientiously to think. It may be well that some persons re'n:i.ain a bit aloof from the conflict because a workable peace must come from an origin not morbidly discouraged, not unreasonably pessimistic, from a source that has a long view and possesses reserve strength. As the Pearl Harbor incident demanded the utmost skills of the Phillippines, so will this peace challenge Peruvians.



Gentlemens' take-off on The boys in Ddai! l;WJ are working on a ~r ·~ will be presented i:o ~ cation on Feb. 6. 'fhe ~~ which is entitled "F~ ~ was written by the "'~ Club." It consists of imJlllTUllll • • of some of our ou~ ~ n.iembers. You will see James ~ M President Pate, Luther H~a M· Miss Gockley, Ralph Lod!;e 111,~ ~ Jimerson, Reuben ~ Maxwell, Maurice Lindtt ~Ji! Jones and James Huey a i'l!d:. Sharp's. These will be ~ by a few other roles ~e a fine cast. Remember that this h. an • ~111~ dent convocation and li!!M O:at }'G will not want to miss.

Music pupils give recital The pupils of ·Robert T. Benford and V. H. Jindra presented a recital in the music hall Wednesday, Jan. 28, at 8 o'clock. The program was: Piano: Elizabeth Sweetland, Bobby Kennedy, Sammy Kennedy, Bobby Jones. Violin-ce11o group: Marilyn Applegate, Bobby Jones, Patsy Benford, Marilyn Lavigne, Margaret IDbrick. . Miscellaneous: Marilyn Lavigne, Margaret Ulbrick, Hilary Bradford, Sam Bradford. Piano: Paul Clark MaxweJL Margaret Ulbrick, Ina Jane Good, John Clements. Advanced violin group: Patty Hill, Laurine Clayburn, Max l.\fathews, Kath1yn Benford. Piano: Clay Kennedy, Billie Jean Miller, Jack Maxwell. Violin Quartet: Benford, Hill, Clayburn, Mathews. Accompanists were l.\frs. S. L. Clements, Lucille Sand.fort, Grace Muenchau, Sammy Anderson. R. T. Benford.

/Naming of hall recognized s fitting tribute to Dean Delzell men should have a dormit-OrY. The The re·cent naming of the fact that the mens' dormitory should be named after Dean Del.ew mens' dormitory recalls zell means a great deal. It is doubma,ny Peruvians memories ly meaningful that the naming f the man for whom it was was something that the students amed-Dean W. N. Delzell. of the college themselves, wanted. Long. associated with the college, Many letters from the ailumni, who ean Delzell first be.came i.n&tructor remem~r the dean well, have mathematics in 1905. From 1909- com€ in also urging the naming of the ha,11 after Dean De1zell." 8 he headed the commerce deDean Delzell's four children are r.tment, and wa<> vice president the college in 1918. Finally in graduates of P.S.T.O. Mark and James Delzell were captains of 21 he became dean of men. After tiring in 1938 because of ill championship athletic teams, and ailth he became dean emeritus, Donna J,ane was elected represen.tative student in 1932. d died June 19, 1940. Dean Delzell served as secretary Mark is now ·a member of ,the the alumni association for many University of Nebraska faculty, rs. This kept him in constant and James teaches in the public ntact with his former students, , school system o1 Denver. Dean work which he enjoyed fully. Delzell's eldest daughter, Esther, is ommenting on the naming of manid to Saimuel Brownell, now e hall, Mrs. Delzell, who now of the Ya.le Faculty. The other rks in the college office, said, daughter, Donna Jane, married t was always his desire that the Marvin Finke and now resides in


State board names mens' dorm 'Delzell Hall' . want one? Tia sign! Please sign the dotted line! that your signature l$ wanted on the activity ~s of the Peruvia.n.) Show ~ you plan to purchase a, ~an and also plan to have J11111tt picture taken. It's not too ~just sign on the dotted ~= ~g

AAUW to ·present . Jimerson "lllms of the Trumpet," by David will be presented by Mrs. J ....\ . . Jimerson on Wednesday, Feb. 4.. tbe A. A. U. W. book review .-'111.. This! heJai•t-warming story Dutch family pictures the ~p;Je and peaceful life of Holland as was before the invasion. , Only slightly uneasy about the foong Germ;an "tourists" they saw \everywhere bus1'y sketching plans of their bridges and ramparts, the Dutch people were unprepared when. planes and parachutists descended upon them, to v,ipe out their homes. The review will be held at 4 o'c1ock in L 103.

"DELZELL HALL" is the official name given to the men's dormitory by the State Board of Education at its Jan. 19 meeting.

Girls hold taffy pull Bingo and a molasses taffy pull entertained Gamma Chi members Wednesday. Jan. 28. in Eiiza Morgan recreation hall. Winning at bingo were Helen Hayes and Dorothy Teachman. Under the guidance of Mrs. Inice Dunnir:g. Shirley Schuldt and Eleanor Hall made the taffy. Betty Miller, chairman, Echo Elaine Lum, Betty Jean Scott, Mary Ellen Thomas and Betty McArdle were in charge of bingo ar:i;angements. The clean-up committee members were Vivianne Simms, Lydia

Vo.">icky, L-0rraine Safranek, Lorene Coatney, Shirley Schuldt and Doreen Meier. Gamma Chi president, Doreen Meier, welcomed the new members at the short business meeting and announced a costume party to be given Feb. 14.

Rabbi Goldstein defines tAmerican Way' at convocation "It will be easier to defea~ the A-cis than to preserve our American 'democracy here at home," was one of the statements made by Rabbi David Goldstein at convocation on }an. 30. Rabbi Goldstein spoke on the topic "The Hebraic Influence in the Making of three parts: first, an opportunity America." for all.; second, a mutual respect He explained and justified how many nati<ms and peoples had contributed to our American way of life. Among the most important of these, he believes, was the Hebraic civfilzation. According to Rabbi Goldstein, there are two fundamental principles of the "AmeriC'i!Il Way." The first is the Declaration of Independence which states that all men are created equal and sets forth our ideals. The second ls the constitutfon which provides the meams of obtaining these ideals. Ra;bbi Gdldstein pointed out that both of these docll,lllents used as their basis the Biblical law of the Hebrews. Further Hebrew influence is JShown, contiued the speaker, by the inscription on the Liberty Bell, the great seal, and the names or the great men of that day-Thomas, Benjamin, and John. Many of our leaders were permeated with .the Bible and its principles, Rabbi Goldstein said. Even today Vice Pr:esident Wallace used a quotation from the Bible as illustrating the "American Dream." According to Rabbi Goldstein this "Dream" consists of Kearney, Nebraska. Dean Delzell will live long in the memory of the students and alumni of Peru. It is quite fitting that the mens' hall of Peru should bear his name.

for all sects and races; and third, the desire t.o build a wol'11d of freedom and peace. He closed with a challenge quoted from Abraham Lincoln: "We are the last hope of the Earth." Rabbi Goldstein studied at the University of Minnesota and also at C-0lumbia University. He has been Rabbi of the Beith El Synagogue, Omaha, for the past 11 years.

YW to install Kanel as head New YW officers will be instaliled at a formal candlelight service on Tue,sday, Feb. 2, announced Grace Muenchau, president, at the Jan. 28 meeting. Those to take over, as determined by an election held registratfon day, are Nina Kanel, president; Lois Wagoner, vice president; Harriet Maxwell, secretary; Evelyn Christiancy, treasurer, New commission leaders will be announeed later by the cabinet. At the Sunday morning breakfast on Feb. 1, the !Old caibinet will be host ,to the new, said Miss Edna Weare, sponsor. Fallowing a group sing conducted by Grace Muenchau, Nina Kanel read selections from "Keys of the Kingdom" by A. J. Cronin. A devotional period closed the meeting.

This action resulted froin Pres. W. R. Pa·te's presenting to them a student petition requesting that the hall be so named, and on his informing them that such was the wrn of the entire campus. ''Dean Delzell had always hoped th,a.t there would be a men's hall, and seeing it finally completed, he regarded it as the fu1fillment of his dream," commented President Pate in an interview after the naming. "Mr. W. N. Delzell's associations with the Peru campus were many. Having received his degree from h2~·e, he taught ever ~he state fvr several years. Then he bec8me the head of 'the co1lege commerce department. Before retiring he had been appointed Executiye Dean, of Men, an! Director of Extension,"· added President Pate.

YM to discuss 'US in the Far ~ast' YMCA members relaxed by playing volley ball at their 1ast meeting, Jan. 27. It is their custom to devote one period a month to reaxation while the other meetings are given to speakers and discussions. The next meeting will be Feb. 10 when Bill Fankhauser and Oscar Bretthorst will lead a discussion on "The United States in the Far East."

Scholars try imitations Major Bowes. Charles McCarthy, Guy Lombardo, Harry James, Franklin D. and President Pate were among those imitations guessed by Scholarship C1ub members at the meeting, Jan. 26. A record attendance of 57 members made the program presented by Dick Clements, Bob Asht-0n and Jimmy Howe, ·a "howling" success -especia;l.ly as Jimmy was elected the new president of Alpha Erudito for the remainder of the yearWayne Buhrman having resigned because he already holds one presidency. A panel page of pictures for the Peruvi!an was decided upon. Eachi member who pays is eligible for his Peruvian picture to appear upon the iSchola.rship C!lub page.

PSTC welcomes 16 newcomers This semester sa.ys goodbye to Peruvians. Thirteen received diplomas and are now teaching .. Army and defense work claimed many of the others. However, we can dust off the welcome miat for Walter Fruehling, August Ba;rnhouse, Ruth Crone, Theodora Phelps, Nedra Schafer and Frances Menefee. Other newcomers are Norman Backstrom, Ca.ro1yn Cloud, Iola Wall, Martha Wittwer, Joyce Hami1ton, Helen. Harding, Rosemary Stukenho;Jtz, Jennie Frazee, Vivian· Atkinson and John Hoover. 33

Pedagogian editorials· Student Rdvisory Council

• • •

One of the most frequently heard student criticisms is the lack of opportunity for self-government at ~Peru State Teachers College. The Student Advisory Council, only or· ganization of its kind on the campus, has be·en termed a "decoration committee."

The Student Advisory Council should fulfill a function that no other campus organization, in its entirety, is able to accomplish. Investigation will reveal, however, that Peru studentS! are not taking advantage of the opportunity for self-expression through this organization which should be a vital intermediary between students and administration. It will be noted, first, that there 1s a definite lack of interest in the election of student representatives to the council. For example, only six votes elected one class repre· sentative to the council last year. After the election of the council and its completion of Homecoming plans, what little student interest there may be ceases. Rarely, if ever, does a student avail himself of the privilege of passing on to the administration, through the coun-

cil, some criticism or suggestion for campus improvement. President Pate has pointed out that at no time in the past has any reasonable request, made by the council failed to have been granted.

Inactivity on the part of the council, then, may be due to an apathetic student body. The student body should recognize its responsibility by continuing to elect representatives with initiative, and by giving these representatives the opportunity to serve the purpose for wl\ich .they have been elected. The interest and co9peration of the students should stimulate the qouncil to increased activity.

One thin dime

• • •

That Peru students fail to realize the importance of a nickle or a dime was demoJJistrated last week when Peru's student contribution to the Red Cross was counted. Results showed that P-8.T.C. students contributed an average of two cents each. Actually, only about 60 students made any contribution at 'all. No student should be ashamed of a nickel or dime contribution. If statist!cs on the subject '.Were available, they would probably show that the amount which larger contributors give in proportion to \vhat they can afford to give, would correspond to the nickle or dime con· tributed by a Peru student.


• • •

you were to ask a student of the newswriting class if it is a practical course, he would probably answer, "I~· must be-Miss Martin started us writing PED copy_ the first day." With this issue, six "cub reporters" take pens in hand to give you a review of this week's campus news. Almost all PEDAGOGIAN copy is written by members of the news.


Girls describe 'ideal man' in dormitory session o By Genevieve Steuteville Two girls sat in their dimly lighted room talking to a visitor. "Men? Who wants one of those things? You've got to treat 'em all wth gloves." "Yeah," the other murmured. "Boxing gloves." If every girl feels like this, why do they keep on singing "I'm Nobody's Baby" so hopeful and sadIike? The answer came. ...!'hey each have an Ideal l\fan." So the rounds were made and the facts gathered. Without warning, 34 girls were .asked, "What is your idea of ;:i,n Ideal Man?" but ten were left speechless. Some fired back tne answers; some struggled to find an answer that would hurt no one. ROGEl\'E ROSE: "There isn't such a man. Thank goodness!" DOREEN MEIER: "A White man." BETTY DOOLITTLE: "Ta 11, blonde, and an eye for a basket." LOIS ·FINNELL: "Who'm I to sa.y?" BETTY BERGER: "I'll dream of him tonight. VALGIS HALL: "Tall or short; brunette, blonde or redhead; homely or good looldng-(This means you!)" ETHEL CROSS: "Uh-h-h."(Musically). WILl'tlA l\llLLER: "Happy-golucky personality and someone to look 11!) to." HOPE CARTER: "Fred Astaire (from the knees down)." BETTE SCOTT: "Orville." CLARICE WAGNER: "He's got to have wings.'' WAVETA BAKER: "Is it possible?" BETTY McARDLE: "Swell-allaround guy. Meaning he's got to have IT.'' JERRY LUDVIK: "Thoughtful, considerate and a grand guy to have around." MARGARET MA...'ISFIELD: "My Buddy.'' DOROTHY BRIANT: "I could

use a drea-m.'' D 0 N NA l(EE MARSHALJ;: "Short and sweet and a heavenly dancer." RUBY CROUSE: "He could set the world on fire." DOROTHY HANKS: "Just another Smith, but oh!" JOYCE STARK: "Oh! 1t•s very Clair to me.'' Others in the dorm just express it, "Forget the idealistic, and give me a realistic man." Janis Baker, however looked impish and produced a picture. No words were needed.

Hileman reviews Cronin novel Miss Mary Hileman, the organizer of the A.A.U.W. book reviews re-

viewed "The Keys of the Kingdom" by A. J. Cronin, Wednesday,· Jan. 28 at. 4 o'clock. The first ch.apter of · tile book is set in Scotland. the birthplace of the leading character, Francis Chisholm, who has" returned after 35 years as a priest in the back country of China. Chisholm 1inds there is agitation in his Scotland pari:;h to retire him. "Francis ChishoJ:n was a. lovable sincere and true personaJity who lived up to his high ideals, and the key of the kingdom must ha.ve been the key that unlocked the door of Heaven which Chisholm believed and taught-kindness, tolerance and humility," said Miss Hileman in concluding her reivew. William V. Brooks has successfully completed preliminary. flight trnining at the Na.vy's "University of the Air," at Corpus Christi, Texas, and has · been selected to finish training in an advanced squadron of carrier planes.

On campus

Wednesday, Feb. 4 --------·Book Review ------------------------- 4:00


--------·Hour Dance ____ .. -------------------- 6:45

Thursday, Feb. 5 ____ .. ---·Freshman Clubs -------------- .. ______ 7:00 · Fri¢ty, Feb. 6 -------------Basketball Game, Doane --------··---- 8:00 ' Monday, Feb. 9 --··-------·Epsilon Pi Tau ---------------· ·------ 7:00 ~onday, Feb. 9 --·. ________ Lambda Delta Lambda ----··-------- 7:00 Monday, Feb. 9 __ .·-------·Sigma Tau Delta --------------------, 8:00

feature Training school notes ------

Training School ''models" "actresses"' entertained mo s:nd friends with a style show da;y aft€'rnoon, Jan. 30, in high school auditorium. Original skits concerning tri tbn. buying toys for childr etiquet.te, and personal groom were presented by the fifth sixth, junior high school and s ior high schoCJ! classes. The g also modeled clothing which had made during the past sem ter. Miss Edna Weare and stude Josephine Boosinger, Betty K. C Marjorie Dean, Joan Good, Coll Lotter, Anna M:tngold, Mild Meyers, Althea Nispel an(! l<'e Peterson supervised the classes. Patticipants were: fifth grade Betty Allgood, Helen Brown, Ei!e Hamel, June Pharoh, and J.an Steck; sixth graders, Patsy Be fcrd, Velda Dixon, LiHian He Arlene Lindsy. Elaine Mach Charlotte Maxine Meritt, Bet Mae Parrio:t, Phyllis Rogers, Jc rol Wheeler, .and Doris Smith. Junior high school students wer Phyllis Cowell, Dorothy Flau, Do · Mae Gockley, Barbara Kizer, L ene Palmer, Ethel Walter, Ire Filmer, Virginia Flau, Joyce ings, Ina Jane Good, Fern He Billie Jean :Miller, Phyllis Owi Alice Simpson, Betty Vance, Ev Lee Whisler, Kathleen M. Whit· field. Edna Allgood, Barbara Burgess, Lorene Clayburn, Mary AJ1iice Cope, Verna Dixon, Donna Edmondson, Marian Hays, Kathleen Niniehelser, Donaldeen Parriott, Josephine Reeves, Audrey Nancy steck. Others were Evelyn Mary Tishner, Gertrude Walker, Betty Jean Allgood, Kathlyn Ben. ford, Phyillis Brinson, Helen Freeman, Willa Dean Ha]l, Fern Kizer, Esther Meritt, Rosella Meritt, Norma Jean Parriott, Shirley Rodgers, Dorothy :Stepan, Wava Whisler, Bonnie Armstrong, Viola Austram, Mary Bascom, Mildred Eschen, P.a:tty Hill, Bonnie Koeppel,. Verna Rogers, Josephine Setzer, Joy Weddle 'and Roberta Wright.

Betty K... keeps scrapbooks ... wants to travel ... likes basketball Cat claws. Busily fitting pictures l.n a iarge scrapbook, Betty Katl:lcyn Cole glanced up briefly, then remn-i:ed. her pasting. "Was I ~..00 at being elected to the Who's Who of American Colleges? Well, n1 sia,y I was-terribly!" Betty K., dark-eyed ~ from Falls City, is majoring in ~ ee.. onomics- and English and. ~ in social science. Active la ~ activities, she is a __.., of Kappa Omicron Phi, ....... Club, the dormitory ~ 1tder~ natiiona.1 Relations club - . Wile Y.W.C.A. "I plan to teach home.~ and English; and someda,J nt lb

to teach in Porto Rico or the Philippines," smiled Betty. Travel. seeing Hollywood first hand, or a Lynn Foutain ·and Alfred Lunt first performance rate high as ambitions also.

As for hobbies, Betty collects stamps and keeps a scrapbook. "Of course I like to dance," she added. She prefers classical music to popular "except for dancing." Swimming and tennis are her favorite sports. As for spectator sports, she likes basketball. "The most important things in life," mused B. K., "are, I think, happiness and health and-a certain amount of money," she added with a sm1le.

r:t. Pwu State Teachers College

P'lff'f4 N#braska

rueslay, Feb. 3 __ :.---------Basketball Game, Hastings ---------- 8:00 Wednesday, Feb.

Published Weekly•

writing class.

I •

Entered at the Pos~ at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. fer year. Single Copy Sc


Meredith Jimerson ............................... Editor Nina Kanel . . . . . . . . . ... ... .. ......... Assistant Editor Ralph Locke . . . . . . . ... .. .. •........... Sports Editor Rex Floyd . . . . . . . . . . . • • • •... Assistant Sports Editor Rogene Rose . . . .• . . .. .• .. ............... Copy Reader Virginia King, Ellen Km, ., ............. Proof Readers M. Florence Martin ..... ., .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Adviser Reporters: Gene Aclamt, a.,· K. Cole, Reuben Panders, Lavara Oakley, Evelyn .~ ..lmnes Sandin.

Coup'.e of the week: Nina Kane! and Dick Kingsolver. Add couple of the week: Harriet Maxwell and Dick Kingsolver. Seen on the campus together: Nina Kane! 'and Harriett Maxwell ... A new studiJous era has· come over second. floor of Delzell mull. "Hear.t Row" has been renamed "Student's Avenue" ... wa.nted: a Remedy for "pin-ball jitters"-the strange i11ness that comes over you ·after an evening at Steffen's! . . . Dorm girils are trying to be "little mushrooms and grow up over night." Red, white and blue cheers for the patriotic people sporting cotton stockings . . . Mary Stevenson says she can't seem to handle a ·triangle. Is it Uove or just mechanical drawing? ..• One mmnent of silence reigned in Eliza Morgan rec hall last Wednesday when <the girls devoted the time to chewing and pulling taffy . . . Hit of bhe week!! the (censo!1ed) bottle crashing through E1iza Morgan's front door ... Reuben Fanders, Jimmie Howe and Jimmie Sandin plus <three books (designed to indicate ef• ficiency) journeyed to AubuTII. last Tuesday to judge a speech, contest. The boys return minus -the books. Efficiency? Wouldn't there be lot of red, faces if a list of tihe persons who have not given anything to the Red Cross were published?.



Wheelermen pass up ---------


ayne Wildcats 43-35

Keith Hannah .•.

By Ralph Locke

'Cats swish 22 points in 3rd quarter Hannah, Hobbs and White shine

La Wesleyan Tops among the many mentionables from the recent red-hot game tween Peru and Wesleyan is the sportmanship displayed b~ the Ldndlln oters. The game was a thrililer-with Peru overtaking the home am after trailing as many of fifteen points-the crowd in a -tulmult_ e firewagon brand of basketliall on the pa;rt of liotJh te<;ms-pr•e.tty asses ... accurate shooting ... ruU of it was thrilling. Getting back to e sportsmanship---it came when Keith Hannah was injured in the ening moments of the second half. Contrary to the usual fas'hion, ere was little elation in the Wesleyan Jy;eacheirs. They, lik e the true ortsmen they were, rose and cheered the Bobcat guard as he Umped om the floor-and the Plainsman band stru::Jk up the air, "He's fj olly Good Fellow." It i,vas a fine gesture, and those Wes'leyanites i~ave


Veteran gnard th2-i h::--s ~1een a big factor in =--e-eu's cage sacc~s:; 1his yea::-. Wi I <ee plenty of the Bron-

It is pJeasing to see so many faculty r;nembers in the bleachers our home games. Here's hoping that they keep. it up-Do you sup);\ose that they actuaJly think as much of those BoMat-s as W.e.stuUents do???

And One of 'Em Landed--

cos tonight.

Russell Hobbs

•• •

Most amusing among current fads in Delzell Hailll, is Jerry Ll.V,._ ingston's account .of his bout in Falls City last Tuesduy night. Ably assisted by "Ringside" Sehnert, the .two of them paintl a pretty humorous · pielture. They tell of thunderoU!s left hooks sailing past Jerrp's hea.d a1ll·1 through the fight-until one of .them finallly lands in the :t'mal roundland then, so did Jerry-to stay.

The intramural program, under the supervision of Bob Renders m, has progressed through the first of a doubi'.e round robin tournamen:. Hes.ding the eight teams with a. 11ecord of six wins and Oilly one setb~ck, is Teacr· G. Re.sprnsible for their success is sharpshooter Johnny Rhcc:u.s, one of the leading saorers of the leag-11e. Ma.king a close fight of it is Te2m E who boasts of such cagiers a,s Eddy York, his oidekick red,. headed Hi.nes and Lloyd Sehnert. Their record shows five wins and two losses. Down in the cellar, :teams F and B are strugglng along with a pair of wins each. Team B earned ·the classification of the hard luck team of the t-0urnament when they 'lost ithree games by one point. The s.tandings_ Team Won Lost G ............... 6 1

Convocation Going to be Good??????


............... 5


From; the many whispers and sly glances, DelzeDI Hall: SC\'Jms to be housing some gentlemen with some very definite p:ans concerning convocation rthis coming Friday morning. It is promli.sed that it is really going to be good-that·is, i:f reports reaCl:ling here are to be relied. upion. At any rate, it wi]l be well worth while for all students and facu1ty .to attenq:! Athletes such as UNK Hutton, BuTcH Roberts, PUNCHY +.inder and Student maiooger lll:oyd Sebnedt a.re to be presented in ·some new .role..s.

H ............... 4


A ............... 3



4 4 5 5

Hastings came through true t-0 form a week ago Saturday-whenever :Peru is the victim of a stunning upset, Hast'ii'nJ?iS: is usally the team that fails to respect the "dope sheet." It happenel once this season, but wm it happen again? The answer to that one will be told tonight. Im betting. on the Bob~a;ts.

c ...............

D ............... 3 F ............... 2 B



Golden Glovers lose Five Peru boxers pul!led up stakes a111d left for the Golden Gloves tourney held in Fa11s City last week. Among them were Bill Mc:NaJ!r, Jerry Livingston and Myrt Halll all entered in light-heavy and the heavyweight brackets. Keith O'Brien and Keith Albers were entered in the Novice class. The 1-c2d was :x little tough for the Peruvi2.ns, a]l three entered in the upper brackets of the tournament losing out.. Bill McNally iost Backbcme of Bobcats offense.- a. close decision as did Myrt Ha!ll. Great on follow shots and tip-ins. JelTy Livingston got in the way Bears plenty of watching in any of a left hook and decided to sleep the thing out, and lost' by a K.O. ball game. in t.h.e final round.

Peru hosts to Hastings Broncos tonight hope to shatter perennial "JINX"

Peru Lumber Co. PETE HOLDORF, Mgr. Phone 48

Tonight a jinx is going to be forgotten-revenge is in the air and the Ha.stings are due for a warm reception when they drop in on the Peru Bobcats for their call. Victims the frst time these two adversa.ries met, the Bobcats are out for a kil', anl the Broncos seem to be in for a long evening. That loss to the Broncos cost Pedu the lead in the\ state league, and marred .a perfect state record for this sesason. It was costly, but th.ere .the 'Cats are-back at the top of the heap-and 'proud of it. The Hastings club ~ost Hs first six starts ,of the season, and then with the aid of three veterans returning at ithe semester, they turned the tables on Peru and scored the upset of the year. Leading them into the battle will be their ace forward Rader. For Peru, Bobcat fans still think that Hobbs and Byers are the best pair of forwa.rds in the state-

which has yet to be disproved. Pascal 'and Hannah in the backcourt make ·a top-notch defensive pair, as well as tlie potential scoring power both have. White at center rounds out the varsity with his height and adept left hand. There you have them-backed up by such reliables as Charley Hiabt, "Unk" Hutton, Art Ronhovde, Orville


Pascal, Byers star with floor game The Bobcats approached perfec• tisn last Friday night as .they ba,t· ti'ed uphill for a 43-35 conquest of Wayne's leading Wildca.ts. The victc,·y reinstates Peru as :top man in tho wide-open State league b~nner race. The first half was slow basketb~l':. Peru's defense proved to be superb, and their offense slowly z.ssembled and thrcttled itself for that grea:t sec.end - haU drive. Wayne held a little edge, with their red-headed Osborne all over the place. He accounted for 1'0 of their. eighteen points, and conse· quenu;y the intermission found Wayne sporting an 18-14 lead. Peru came back. And how! Led by Hannah, who potted his one• handers from any spot he hap· pened to be, the team turned into a sa.va.ge, relentless outfiJt that slapped in 22 points before Wayne could add a single point to her total of 18. When the Bobcaitssettled back to coo.st in, the score read Peru 36·, Wayne 18. Scorers in the furious bombard· ment were Hannah, White with a. neat pair of hook shots,, Hobb& with his usual ·tip-ins and Byer,s, with a pair of fancy swishers. During :the last ten minutes Peru was. content to whip the bail around, waiting for a sure shot. not taking any chances. With Pascal and Byers teaming up in. the back court, the bruil-handling was fast and well taken care of. High point men were Osborne of Wayne with 15, Hannah of \Peru with 10. O'.hers hitting the points points for the 'Cats were Hobbs, Byers and White.

WRR holds chili party By Elaine Brier A Chili Supper for WAA'ers was in order Tueoday evening, and re· liable reports say tha.t a hot old time was had by all Wi:th the entrance of the second: semester, four new sports appear on the WAA schedule. They are: shuffle-board, ping-pong, paddle' tennis and aerial dau:ts. Arrangements have been made for members to take part in :the sports program ait any time throug:tt the day from 8:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. Watch the bulletin board folf announcements. @

Yocum and WendeU Handley;. that's the group of boys that will' carry Peru's Blue and White' against the Crimson of ithe Bron• cos tonight-and it should be a,, ball game.





... ....., ..............

letters received from alumni express approval on naming of 'Delzell Hall' Alumni approval on the naming. of De[zell Hall has been expressed in letters to the editor from former Peruvians. From Millard C. Lefler, '11, superintendent of the Lilicoln_ Public · Schools: "I am very heartily in favor ! of naming your new mens' dormitory in honor of the fute Dean Delzell. His life-long contribution to the interests of Peru merits substantial recognition.'' Paul V. Armstrong, '32, funeral -Oirector at Auburn: "A!11 who knew Dean Delzell during his active days at Peru rejoice that the new men's dormitory has been named in his honor. "·Seldom does one find a personality who contained all of the likeable traits which characterized our Dean. Often he could be seen slipping his- arm 1through the arm of a student and walking with him across the campus. Not as teacher and student, but as companions. His insight on human nature, his ability to grasp the student's slant and his natural goodness have•made his memory a lasting factor with those who were associated with him as students. "When sickness and affliction came to the Dean, he took them with good cheer. His retirement :from active life was like the taking off of armor. And now that

he is gone, Delzell Hall will stand selor of all students!" through the years as a monumimt Blanche Freeman, representative of evidence that those who knew student, '38, teacher at Auburn: "I him were enriched by his friendthink it is a grand idea to name ship." the dormitory "Delzell Hall." It D. H. Weber, '24, superintendent certainly would be a fitting tribute to the Dean who gave so much of of the Humboldt City Schools: "Dean W. N. Delzell, rich in the his life to the boys on the campus." treasures of mind, made so by exCarroll Lewis, '17, presiclnt of the perience and rea,ding, with a sin- Bank cf Peru: "In my opinion the cerity and force of charncter that naming of the new mens' dormitory gave weight to every word, and "Delzell Hall" would be very apropmade his presence a benediction, riate. I can think of no other perstill lives in the hearts and min.els son whose life is more directly connected with the history of Peru of thousands of former Peruvians. His life was as much a part of College that that. of Dean DelPeru as the .towering oaks and the ze1l's. By thus naming this beautiverdant hills. What could be more ful building we would be commemappropriate than the dedicaition of orating the efforts of cne who has the new dormitory to this great given so much to Peru during the gentleman, the friend and counpast 30 years or more."

Prep rolls Indians 40-19 The Bobkiutens struck a fast stride Friday nght as they invaded the lair of the Tecumseh Indra:i:ts to emerge victorious 40-19. The Reserves came through too, to make it a double win, as they dropped the Tecumseh Seconds 19-17. The Fishermen were a fighting ball o1ub as they poured through the points. Paul Ogg and Willard .Redfern copped scoring honors with 11 and 8 points respectively. However, the scoring for Prep was ;fal.r!y evenly divided, showing evidence of a well balanced team on the offense. Tecumseh garnered a meagre total of eight field goals, three by tucker and three by Gre[]. men hitting the basket for the varsiit.y, v.ith seven of them above 14 points. Headed by Bob Brown, the Peru Bobkittens acre making a place for themselves in Southeastern Neba.ska Cage circles. To date they are unbeaten in Nebraska competition. but have lost one game to the Bluejays of Rockport, Missouri. Absent form the lineup witl1 a knee injury, Art Clements, an ace guard, is missed sorely. The Prep attack has lost much ,of its speed and power in late games, but they still plug a.long winning by narrow margins-which is good enough in any •league.. Their present record shows seven -wins and one loss. Their re.cord to date is listed below. Opp. Auburn ........... Dawson .......... Tarkio . . . . . . . . . . Da;wson . . . . . . . . . . Syracuse Rockport . . . . . . . . . Talmage ........ , Tecumesh

Peru 34 25




26, 18



14 22 20 19

21 26 40

Inii:mary repairs and decorations are nearing an end, according to Miss Margaret Henningsen, college nurse. The improvements, begun before Tha.nksgiving, include new ceilings, refinished walls ?nd floo·rs, general repairs and a new kitchen. An X-ray room has been built but no provisions have been made for X-ray equipment. N.Y.A. la,bor made the project possible, the college being required onrl.y to furnish the material used. Rooms in the hospital section are painted green and the nurse's

Summer honor roll



· . __:---~-·-M-~


643 Str.mt Bldg., Lincoln, Nebraska


apartment blue. The wocdwo_;, throughout is white emmel. Miss Henningsen, whose rocms are in the isolati:m w::trd \-1hile work is being comple'.ed, commented, "I am very happv ::tbout it." Infim;ary hom; ::.re from 8 c.'clock to 12 o'clock, and 1 o'c'uck to 4 o'clock and from 8 o'clock to 12 o'clock on Saturday>. Emergencies will be taken care of at any time. Dr. C. W. Pollard is available on Tuesdays and Thu:·sdays from 10:30 till 11:30 in the infirmary office.


The following honor roll has been compiled from the list of students who had completed their work at the c~ose of the 1941 summer term. HIGH HONORS Hazel Bouse, Dorothy Ann Coatney, Thomas Dean, Matilda Fritz, Erwin Fruehling, Helen Janecek. Marjorie Kennedy Dean, Roberta Klein, Donald Lienemann, Opal Lisenby, Mary Edna Meister, Wilma 1 Miller, James Mumper, Betty Nickeson, Marjorie Prine, Hazel Reeve Mabel Stoneman, Zora Tennant. HONORS Sophie Ahntholz, Evelyn Albrecht, Ruth Barnes, Ruby Breunsbach, Wilma Breunsbach, Betty Brunt, Frances Copenhaver, Mildred Cwad, Alice Cully, 'Lloyd Eichhoff, Mary F.arnsworth, Vena Fellows, Dorothy Bakemeier, Marcella Geiger, Lillian Havel, Edith Heinz, Anna Holscher, Ernest Hueguel, Mamie Hunt, Sarah Hunzeker, Ella Hurlburt, Ruth Hutcheson. Margaret Irwin, Bernice KaiSer, Ellen King, Agnes Klein, Laura Kortman, Arline Krambeck, Anna Margaret Mathews, Grace M.a.tthe"QI Ruth Meister, Agnes Muensted, Virginia Norton, Helen Novak, Alice Omer, Hazel Palmer, Anna Pfister, Thelma. Roberts. .Lucile Sandfort, Lucile Seele, MW-'guerite Sherstad, Mary Ellen Slack, Esther Steiner, Gladys Stilwell, Catherine Stone, Edith Straube, Bess Topp, Doris Trimble, Henrietta Wagner, Merle Sims Warren, Doris Weaver, Roberta Wert, Alberta Whitfield, Sara Whitten, Christin6 Wilkinson, Edith Wright, Helen Wylies, Grace You,ng:.




Ladies Welo&me at All Times .Ben Hanlon, 1ngr. M. G. Heuer, owner




Skelly Service :3tation Skelly Oils and Gas 1Jomp1ete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone 40




Shoe Repairs of All Alllas

Decoration of infirmary nears completion, states Hemmingsen

For 24 years we have served teachers and suoertendents well!. We have placed nearly 70-00 teachers in Nebraska and surroundine: states. iProbahlY we can helo you. Write us or come m aud see us.




, Have fun-be friendly 11111 iNiri~ ; :



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Raise a frosty bottle of Co<a-Cola to your lips and drink. Instantly its clean, exciting taste brings you refreshment plus. And quality-the quality of genuine goodness , •• the quality of Coca-Cola-the real thing. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHOiHY Of THE COCA·COlA COMPANY BY


You trust its quality


Student speaks Democracy, as we know it, is in

a period of transition. In the in et e en th century, democracy 'th the program of hands off hands off labor and a workable First, there were limi~tess resources. For every man there was ~ job or a farm. Man had no necessity for government in this "land -Of milk and honey." Capitalistic dictatorship with its haphazard technique was a success ,simply because we could produce wastedistribute wastefully and consume wastefully and still have a great sufficiency of physical

• Another reason 19th century laissez-faire succeeded is because it was inconceivable that Europe or any power could aspire to and attain world domination. For one thing, Europe was extremely busy with her own troubles and for another there was no highly periiected mech~zation of wart'fre · which would even permit serious speculation of world domination. To want to return to that conoL democracy alter this even to the pre-1940 conception of democracy is like wanting to return to the horse and buggy, to the 1930 model car or the 1930 style airplane. America could not compete with a world whose governments were as specialized and high powered as their airtanks.

• Though there is a necessity for 'a permanently great centralized power, this does not mean, as so many interpret it, that the present administration must remain in power. There are those who believe that Mr. Roosevelt is the most able man in the country and that he should be returned till he loses his genius for administration. One of the reasons for the failure of the "created democracies" in Europe after 1918 was the inability of their economic structure to stand the laissez-faire policy of these governments. The people deanded something which would arantee them economic security. that sense democracy is like ligion. It is hard for the average an to worship on an empty mach. So it was hard for these eople to preserTe democracy when ·hey were starving. We have ar·ved at the point where our ecnomic structure will not permit "hands off" governmental pol-

• This does not mean we must ing to · dictatorship. Democracy more workable than any dictarship conceivable. (If we make it democracy in its truest sense). owever the fundamental difference· between democracy and dic· torslllp iS not in the amount of wer which the government posses but rather in the SOURCE F THAT POWER. In America, e saurce of power is· the people. Germany the source of that wer is whatever man or party is ring and ruthless enough to rce his way to the position of tator. We mnst then, preserve tradition of GOVERNMENTAL SPONSIBILITY TO THE PEOLE. But a government which has e power, the specialization and e efficiency to compete with the rld's domestic problems is comnt enough to merit that trust 'ch the people have placed in


YW installs new heads Violin music played by Margaret Goodridge set the stage for the YW candlelight installation service -0n Tuesday, Feb. 3. Old officers carrying lighted candles and new officers with unlighted candles formed a triangle, the club's symbol of fellowship, while Betty Kathryn Cole read "The Touch of the Master's Hand." "My Task" was sung by Lucille Sandfort. Grace Muenchau, retiring pr~i­ dent, installed Nina Kanel a> the new president by lighting her candle. Other new officers are Lois Wagoner, vice president; Harriet Maxwell, secretary anri Evelyn Ohristiancy, treasurer. These were installed by the retiring officers. The rest of the cabinet received the pledge from the new head. New cabinet members are: P r o g r am assistant, Christine Wilkinson; devotional chairman, Vivian Fogle; music co-chairman, Marjorie Prine and Lucille Sandfort; art chairman, Lucille Miller; publicity chairman, Jean Bond; Estes chairman, LaVara Oakley and candy co-cheairmen, Mable Newton and Roberta Burrows. After each member' had lighted her candle at the "Torch of Fellowship" and joined the "Trl:angle of Friendship," the service closed with the reading of "My Wish" by Betty Kathryn Cole. All YW members joined in singing "Follow the Gleam."

Women to have spring formal Have you ·heai-d rumors concerning the girl's Spring Formal? March 7 was the date set by the girls' dorm council at its meeting Thursday, Feb. 5. Plans are not definite as yet, but the main theme will be St. Patricl;:'s ''Wearing of the green." Girls, this is your chance-ge;; your bid in early for that event of the spring, the girls'· formal.


Gamma Chi plans Men present 'Faculty Meeting' costume party as Fanders directs program Committees have been announced for the Gamma Chi costume party which will be held on Saturday, Feb. 14 at 8:30.

Margaret Mansfield is chairman of the refreshment committee, and Vivian Fogle heads the entertainment committee. Betty Miller will be in charge of properties and Shirley Schuldt will supervise decorations. The school's seventy-fifth imniversary is to be the theme of the p'.lrty.

Dramatic club to hold banquet Dramatic Club members adopted a new constitution and approved nominees for membership at a meeting Wednesday, Feb. 4 at the home of club sponsor, Robert D. Moore. Audrey Zastera was elected point-recording secretary. Plans were also made for the annual banquet and initiation of new members Thursday, Feb. 12.

Students start music club Music majors and minors met Monday evening, Feb. 2 in the music hall to reorganize the "Symphonium;• a club for students in the music department. The meeting was conducted by Prof. R. T. Benford and Prof G. Holt Steck with 26 members present. President-elect Jack Snider appointed a committee to amend the constitution tha.t governed the club when it was active a few yearn ago. It was decided that meetings will be held the first Monday of each month. Each meeting will begin with a short musical program. Other officers who will assist the president are Lucille Sandfort, vice president and Margaret Goodridge, secretary-treasurer.

Sigma Tau Delta is oldest national frat on campus Do you know how long Sigma Tau Delta has been on campus? It was first anounced as a future Peru campus fraternity on April 26, 1926. An article in the PEDAGOGIAN

on that date began, "Peru State Teachers College was . granted a chapter of .the national honorary English fraternity, Sigma Tau DeLta. This is a distinct honor to the college and to the English department." Prof. E. G. Beck sponsored the fraternity during its beginning years. Dr. Arthur L. Bradford is the present sponsor. Waldo 0. Willhoft headed the first chapter, which was installed Wednesday afternoon, May 26, with Attorney C. L. Clark of Lincoln, aounsellor for .the fraternity, in charge. Members ha.ve had opportunities for publication in the national fraternity magazine; "The Recban-


gle." "Sifting Sand" is published twice a year by the local chapter, and presents the poetry and prose of campus writers. other activities of the organization have included the sponsoring of several prominent speakers, who appeared before the student body. These include Mrs. Magdalene Croft Radke, playwright and lawyer; Claude F. Fordyce, associ•ate editor of "Outdoor Life," and John G. Neihardt, poet laureate of Nebraska. At the time of the organizaticm of Sigma Tau Delta, it was the only national fraternity on the campus, and the aims are the same today as they were in 'Z6-to cultivate higher ideals in literature.

"We hope the faculty never imitates us,'' was the com· ment offered by members of the Gentlemen's Club after "Fac· ulty Meeting" was presented Friday, Feb. 6, at convocation.

Peruvian requests campus shots Wouldn't you like to see your picture, or your friends' picture in this year's Peruvian? Of course you would! Here's your opportunity to see to it that they get there. Go through your picture collection, take clever shots, but above all, sabmit them to the Peruvian! W'hat kind of pictures will they use? Here are some suggestions-take a picture of that certain couple at an opportune moment. Submit shots that reveal campus · life such as the crowd OJ?. the "Ad" building steps, picnic shots, pictures taken at hour dances or formals. Someone might even "borrow" that picture of Roberts and his little brother at a very young age. Catch "Pete" as she smile.s at "Red." Any picture that typifies Peru campus life will do. The snapshot pages are your pages. Here's your chance-it's up to you!

Language classes schedule supper 'Members of the modern languages classes will hold a buffet supper on Thursday, Feb. 26, in the training school. In addition to members of the French, German and Spanish dasses, students who have earned a major or a minor in foreign languages will be invited. Dr. Selma Konig will sponsor the event.

Reviewer gives war novel "Day of the Trumpet," by David DeJ ong was reviewed by Mrs. J. A. Jimerson at the A.A.UW. book review on Wednesday, Feb. 4. "This is a story of the life and death of Holland but is not related in a manner which is too depressing," began Mrs. Jimerson. The author was born in Holland, she informed her audience, and has written a number of short stories and some poetry. The strength of his writing lies in his characterization, believes Mrs. Jim• erson. She pointed out that many people have compared his writing to Ernest Hemingway's, but most readers agree that it is not so finished. The next book review will be presented on Feb. 18 when the A.A.U.W. will present Mr. Harold Fisher. "The Pattern of Conquest" by Joseph Harsch will be reviewel by Mr. Fisher. The author's work has appeared often in the Christian Science Monitor.

Reuben Fanders directed the production which centered around Dr. Maxwell's absent-mindedness." The meeting opened with a fanfare of trumpets followed by the appearance of Miss Gockley, who was portrayed by Luther Hutton, who was assisted by Jim Sandin in the role of .President Pate. Other impersonations and impressions of the program were Tod Hubbell as Dr. · Brown ... his precise quotations and appreciative chuckle. James Huey as Dr. Winter .. , his genetical solution to the problem . . . tremendous words . . • darched white apron. Ralph Locke as Dean Jimerson ... "When I was in the army" story. George Griffin as Miss Tear ... defense of exclusive freshman bulletin board. Melvin McKenney as Dr. Konig ... "look up your words and use your head'' quoted to the delight of Composition and Literature students. Reuben Fanders as Dr. Maxwell . .. his problact method of solving the problem. Lloyd Sehnert as Professor Sharp ... Southern drawl ... display of Herbie Knutson as Dr. Bradford "laig .>nussels." . . . meticulous dress scholarly choice of words. Keith Roberts as Coach Wheeler ... recital of incident at Amherst ... famdliar boutonniere. Maurice Linder as Coach Jon~s ... the medals ... "one of those things you run into." Freddie Drexler as Professor Moore . . . pillow . . . good - humor man ... actions spoke lou.der than words. James Howe was master of ceremonies for the program which was written by Ralph Locke, Reuben Fanders, Keith Roberts and James Howe. Comments from some of the faculty members included these: Dr. Brown: "If Mr. Hubbell had known that much about American government when he was a freshman, he would have received..,,an 'A'."

Dr. Konig: "I believe I'll have my hat blocked." Dr. Bradford: "It was a clever and entertaining program and I thoroughly enjoyed it as most of the faculty did. The program was hand1ed with gOOd humor and the students showed that they have observed carefully the foibles of their teachers."

Tri-Beta has radio quiz Tri Beta members received an examina,tion in the form of a mock radio quiz program. The questions concerned biological and physiological subjects. Definite plans for the annual banquet were made during the business meeting. It was decided that a speaker from the Omaha Medical School would be :.invited. The meeting· was dd.?ed 'With :the customary coffee, ~cl.'dsissej:'.k ,,.-


;·:,.C/1. _,\





Pedagogian editorials • Plaudits



Through participation in this program, the student learns to accept respo;1sibiiity, to develop potential talents and to form valuable friendships. Of course, this extra-curricular program can be overemphasized to the neglect of scholarship and the defeat of the purpose of tlie cdllege plan, but the clever student will learn the pl'Oport10nate amount of time which he can give to mtra- and extra-scholastic activity. He will not fail to take advantage of thi~ vital phase of a college education.

iastic support of our basketball team at a game a week ago was noted by outsiders. A great team, plus the continued whole-hearted support of the student bociy, should be a formidable combination for anyone io meet.

• 'As others see us' ..

• ~xtra-curricular . • • Knowledge bained from academic pursuits 1s the pri· mary purpose qf a college education. The student who wishes to make the n!ost of an all-too-brief college career, however, will recogmze thai college has much to offer in the way of

,Congratulat10ns iare definitely in order-First, to the Gentlemen's Club for a clever and amusing performance which will be long talked about in campus sessions, and se·cond, to those good sports, the members of the faculty, who accepted the production with the spirit in which it was given.

The discerning student is aware that the extra-curricular

Confused student requests " Cat claws. ~dope' on daylight saving Dear Editor, I have a problem that I am hoping you can clear up for me. It involves this question of time. I am always hearing about the right time, ,the nick of time, Bulova and pastime, but I am stumped by the new Another thing, I said, when wJI time system that went into we eat? Why worrry about· that at this effect here at Peru. hour of the night, she said. The go~rnment wants us to worry, I said. That soun:ds like a subversive remark, she said. A what, 1 said. Never mind, she said. Well, I am confused, again. Oh, write your Congressman, slle said sarcastically. I would, only I gave my stamp money co the Red Cross. All three cents of it, she said very sarcastically and, slammed her government book shut. Yes, I said. I am going to bed, she said, and she did. Well, that was all right for her but I am still confused. So I am wrL'ing to you hoping you can solve IT'"Y problem-and because I can write you without buying a stamp. NELLE

Atwood reveals recent marriage

Tuesday, Feb. 10 ----------- YJV!LC.A. ----------------------------Tuesday, Feb. 10 ----------- Y.W.C.A. ----------------------------Tuesday, Feb. 10 ___________ c.c.A. -----------------··-------------Wednesday, .Feb. 11 ________ Gamma Chi -------------------------Wednesday, Feb. 11 ________ Hour Dance -------------------------Thursday, Feb. 12 _________ Freslunan Clubs ---------------------Thursday, Feb. 12 ----------Dramatic Glub Initiation -----------Saturday, Feb. 14 __________ Girls' Club C<Jstume Party ---------Monday, Feb. 16 ------··----Alpha Pt>i ---------------------------Monday, Feb. 16 ____________ International &elations --------------

• •

Current oouples: LIENEMANN and SANDY, HINES and SHIRLEY JIMERSON, SCHULZ and GROSS ... Boys, do you have a ringing in your ears? Well, stop pounding on the pipes! JEANNIE ROSE (In re daylight saving time) "But how do yoa explain it to the clocks?" ... Sometime DICK PASCAL is going .to get tangled up. in that long line he hands out ... Laughing stock of the girls dormsretarded freshman girls who think a ceaseless giggle collegiate ... What prominent basketball player was the victim of practical jokers last week? ... Hit of the week: CJIIUS WILKINSON'S forced landing on the floor at two o'clock in the morning. "I ain't talkln','"' sa!d Miss Wilkinson when inte:niewed." Dear BUTCH: Plea..<.:!! arrange ·an argument v.ith MISS BROWN and come back and pi:!ty Hearts with us. We miss yoo. Longingly, The Second F'!OOr Boys

IAlumni trail Dear Kay,

I"m :;ony mv apology for not writing SDOner is reaching you late, but you see everyb·;tiy at Peru is so filled with resolutions for this last semester, that we can't let anything as insignificant as correspondence get us out of the rut. Did you know ttat JACK GABUS has graduated from an army air corps navigation crnrse at Kelly Field, Texas? I noticed that BOYD MAGOR bas resigr.ed his teaching job at Whitney and will join his brother, Floyd, in Los Angeles where Floyd has a job. Do you remember LEROY DURST? The parents of Miss Phyllis Rogers of Greeley, Colo. have ·announced. her engagement to "Shiny." He is now associated with the Long-Bell Lumber Co. at Longview, Wash. Miss Tea.1 told me about J. WILLIAM BURKE, a promdnent alumnus. he is now delnte coach and history teacher in Abraham Lincoln High School in Council Bluffs. He has done graduate work in the National University o: M:exioo in Mexico City. Burke plans to go to Col-. umbia University nexr summer. Guess what! I just heard that HANEY MILSTEAD and PHYLLIS DAMMAST were to be married F-eb. 7. Both of them graduated from Peru hist year. Ph~;IJis is teaching school in Council Bluffs and Haney is empioyed in AuJ;;;rn.

Math dub members solve puzzles Mathematical p~ ~ entertainment for· Math ~;D:m· bers at the meeting 00 ~y, Feb. 2. Maurice Anderson ~a ~ of the meeting. The ~ ~·~ will be taken over by on March 2.


Looking back Published W eekl; b;r Tl:e Peru State Teachers College F:~. Nebraska Entered at the P~ at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter:. per year. Single Copy Sc

8:00 8:00 8:00 7 :00

6:45 7:00 6:00 8:00 7 :00 7:00

e By Grace Muenchau

Peru alumni rec-1y rallied at the basketball game.s this week. Seen


The marria,ge of George Atwood and Evelyn Trunkenbolz at Papill.i.on en Jan. 30 has been annouced. Mr. Atwood is a member of t.h:e junior dass, and Mrs. Atwood has formerly attended P.S.T.G. Bo-th are from Ashland.

Convocation-goers on Friday, Feb. 6 saw something of an mnovation in the weekly program when members of the Gendemeri's Club presented "Faculty Meeting."

education in adchtion to that which is learned in classrooms and lecture halls.

On campus


activities of a school are essential for a complete program of character building and personality development.

• • •

Last week the PEDAGOGIAN hinted at a possible lack of student interest in certain campus organizations and functions. THIS WEEK PLAUDITS ~E IN ORDER. This week the PhD wishes to bestow a plant of the family Orch· idacae (an orchid to you) to a student body whose enthus-

Only last night my roommate and I were sitting up studying. What time· is it, I satd. She said it was twelve o'clock and dropped the matter. Later I said, what time is it now, and she said it was twelve o'clock. How come, I sa.id. Well, she said, I don't know when I'm supposed to set the clock back but I did it now .to save tr8uble later. Why set it back at all, I said. National Defense, she said. I get it, I said, but aren't you jumping the gun. Somebody to1d me you .were supposed to change them at four o'clock. I hope to be in the arms o~ morpheus by that time. she said very intellectually. I am confused, I said. Maybe it isn'' the patriotic thing to set it now. I would sure hate to be considered unpatriotic, I said. So would, I, she said, but that would be better tl1an staying up until four to do it The American Way. Are you sure, I said, that you aren't supposed to set it up. No, she said, I am not. But I wish you· would stop worrying about it. They'll ring the bells for classes anyway. Maybe so, I sai::l, but I can't get ready fo1 my eight o'ciock between first and last bells. You usually do, she said. I know it, I said, but I look moronic without my ey2brows. Nobody will notice it, s'.1e said.


Editor Meredith Jimerson. Nina Kanel ............ "" ............ Assistant Editor Ralph Locke ............................. Sports Editor Rogene Rose .. .. ...... • ................ Copy Reader Virginia King, Ellen ~ •............ Proof Readers M. Fl0rence Martin. • ••


Reporters: Gene~ Betty K. Cole, Reuben Panders, Lavara Oakley, Ev~~. James Sandin.


The MINK Music contest attr.ac ted contestants from more than tc.wns, despite a light snow. FIVE YEARS AGO

One hundred and fifty membe of the student body and fa.cu appeared in the fourth annual C leg·e Parade. This parade was_ co posed of a series of skits conce ing actual happenings on campus. ONE YEAR AGO Bill Fa.nkhauser and Kay Ba · ling were soloists at a Sunday ternoon musicale.


eru tips Doane 60-40 in "Clash of Kings" SPORTS RESUME' ••• Bobcats hinge title hopes By Ralph Locke

Stewart-Glancing through a recent edition of the "Eagle," campus sheet of adron College, I 'il-tice that sports·columnist, Jim Stewart has already cla\rned the Chadron basketeers chrumps of the NIAA. In his rankings. oopped the ~onf.;r.ence with a bitter dual between Wayne and Chadn-with Chadron a steady favorite. Quoting:, "And fighting it out r the cellar will be Pem and Kearney." I'm willing to bet my Stetson ainst his tnat he'll ea.t those words come March 2nd and 3rd.

on Kearney-York weekend dates It's another road trip for the Bobcats this week as they trek out to Kearney and York for a pa.ir of vital encounters. The Kearney game Friday night wi'll be important in the NIAA :ctandings, and a win will keep Peru up there in the lead over the Chadron Eagles. Kearney has improved since Peru met them early in the season, and at the SWle time, Peru has been picking up too. The game should be a danidy, and Coach Al hopes to have his skirting fiv·e ready to go. At present they are in top condition with Hobbs and Byers working· more smoothly with each passing game. Pascal and Hannah s~ill go on like "OLE MAN RIVER," both of them being· outstanding defensive players, and potential powerhouses on the offensive. The York Panthers are strong contenders for the NCAC crown, running second only to Doane in the church college conference. They play steady ball, and the Bobcats wrn be forced to hit full stride if they hope to tg,ke care of them.

Hand to an Unknown-Ever stop and wrnder how that scoreboard ever keeps up with the e. as basket after basket filters through at some points of scoring shes seen this year? That's a pretty hard job-to watch a game. enjoyg it, as you twist a lot of knobs and dials to keep the scoreboard ing too. The fell0w that runs ours, and has for a long time, is George rown. It's about time someone recognized this loyal 'Oat fan who turns

Getting b-i.1,k 0n that time-worn subject-There cerJ;aLrily doesn't J;eem to be any call for complaints lately! Witness: The ovation given the varsity a>:> they trotted. off to their showers as the reserves tinished the Doane game.

More on Sportsmanship-It's my opini011 that the faculty and the student body a.re closer than they have ever Leen before as a result of the convocation program ).a.st Friday. With only one insignificant exception, all faculty members proved themselves tre good sports they are by turning out for the program. Of course tha.L one exception is rather marked-but in every dozen eggs you buy, you'll always find a bad, one.

Those Bob cats-IL was great to &ee them step out last week and soar over the 60 point mark twice. Sizing up the team prior to their road: trip this week, they look good. Pa.seal, on rebounds, is tops. His shooting is improved, and it looks like all-state for him. Hannah is the same sensation that enrolled in 1939. Ore-Jianded shots 'are his pets, and· Coach Gene Haylett can attest to that fact. Hobbs and Byers are the sweetest pair of forwards in the state. In Hiatt, Peru has a pivot shot that hard to beat, and White can do his bit too, when he gets going. Both White and Yocum turned in credit.able performances against Doane. Here's hoping that they keep at it 1or the benefit of York and Kearney this weekend.

Prep tackles Talmage

'Cats riddle Broncos 64-50 Hobbs· sets record with 27 points

they envade Talmage. The Bulldogs have a tough outfit and fashion their offense about Schaefer, a speedsetr at forward. The Kittens will still be without Clements, but hope to pull up with another win.

It was sweet revenge for Peru, as they ran the Hastings Broncos ragged for a 64-50 win last Tuesday night. Russell Hobbs set the pace, racking up 27 points against the invaders, and setting an all-time .scoring record for Peru. The first ha1f turned into a wide open battle as the two rivals went out at full steam. The half' score read 34-31 Peru, when the two coaches took their teams off for an intermission pep talk. At the beginning of the se~cind stanza, it was all Peru, and it stayed that way, as the Bobcats turned on the steam and broke· those Broncos to the halter as they fired their fast break time after time. The win was No. 7 in the state for Peru, and H leaves them second behind Chadron who plays only

NIAA teams in state competition. The state league standings show Chadron with two wins over Kearney while ·they have incurred no losses, and Peru has won seven games losing their only one to Hastings.

Coach Harold Fisher's Bobkittens will atterr.p" to keep thei; Ne0raska. record clean tonight wi1en

are a couple of good reasons why Peru rides so high in state college basketball. Known to their dorm fellows as "Big en and Slugger."

Win was no. 8 Byers, Pascal star For the second straight time the Bobcats reached the 60 mark as they beat out their savage scor· ing tattoo to crack Doane for a. 60-40 victory Friday night. This game was a clash of "kings,'' inasmuch as Doane leasds the NCAO and Peru leads the NIAA. In a previons encounter, Peru lost an eight point lead, and had to come through on Keith Hannah's basket in the last three seconds for a one-point win. BUZl/ Byers came to the fore as he led the assault with 13 points. .Peru was still the same smooth outfit that swept over Wayne and· Hastings. Getting off to an 8-2' lead, they raced along, n'atching the Tigers point for point, and led at the intermission 27-21. The last half found them going a.ll out as they threw everything they had into the Haylettmen. Fast breaks, fired by Dick Pascal, along with some neat set plays: paved the way to a 46-28 lead going into the last 8 minutes. The second and third teams then took over, and went equally as well, as they ran the score on to 60 points, with Duane White and Orville Yocum running box score temperature. Art Ronhovde came through with a. neat setup too, as he addro those vital two points that made numbers 59 and 60 in Peru's total.

Intramural group wins at City 38-34 An indpendent team from the ranks of our intramrural boys took: on town team opposition ·last week as they played in Nebraska City. They '.i"O!J their game 38-34 and hope to p1ay in a Nebraska City tournament soon. Ed York, Dale Howard and other "midgets" are on the team whichc s not~bly shore but fast.

WAA girls tee off for annual cage tourney The WAA basketball tournament got off to a fast start last night. Ruby Redding's team engaged Mary "Liz" Jensen's team in the first game, and the tournament will continue on through this week. New sports leaders for the third quarter have been elected. They are: Doris Carnahan and Genevieve McFadden.

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You trust its quality



·writer gi.ves pointers. on how to break up Minnie and Mickey discretion and placed in the proper localities, eradication is a naE-e-e-k! Help! Take him away tional result. ~mebody! ! This is one example Third-when you see a mouse in <if the ear-splitting shrieks that your room-turn off your lights, shatter the tranquility of the girls' get on your bed, and listen patientlv for the rattling of papers .. On dorm when little Mickey or Minhearing that-jump out of bed, nie gets too sociable. Imagine that! turn on your lights, open your A fellow creature causing such a door, grab the waste paper basdin, just for being friendly with ket and run to the incinerator. the women? Still such is the case, Now, just a word af warningand as it exists, soinething has to don't let it jump out at you. Fourth-relying on the words of , be de>ne abe>ut it. the occupants of .the mien's dorm, Other than disturbing the peace, you might resort to keeping a dog we find that our little friend, around the halls. :Mickey, the mouse, is also blamed Now you have been offered four for a multitude of other discrep- alternatives. Which one you will ancies. Among his outstandin5 select is up to you. If you are still :faults is his aptitude for ruining in seairch of a more effective manvaluable papers. He has been ner of elimination, your writer .k.sown to make ravaging forays on would like to ce>ntribute her pet that special package of goodies method. This is by electrocution. that was sent from home. outside This is a very simple device. Just -Of such misdemeanors, he usuaJ!y secure a metal mirror and wire it confines himself to gnawing at up so you have a strong electric priceless furnishings and otherwise current running through it. Place making a general nuisance of him- it within reach of the mice. Minself. nie, of course, will have to jump, . Now that we've definitely estab- and ::1 so doing, she will use the lished Mickey and his mate Minnie mirror and coming in conta.ct as detrimental to the human race, means' electrocutio~. This is sure isn't it logical that we should de- to be fata~ to every :Minnie that vise means of eradicating him from gets around. which leaves only .aua· long list of objectionables? Mickevs left. In the course of a The following are methods tha.t few ,;eeks there will b.e no mice. were secured in a minute search Naturally this solves your problem. -Of records and remedial discourses -0n ·our common enemy-the mouse. •

By Elaine Brier

First-it is suggested thait we revert to the time-honored use of the poison ba~t. Doped bait, sprinkled about the habitation of these intruders is sure to produce results. However, there is a negative quality to this treatment-many times you wake up to find poor .Mickey's or Minnie's remains and you face the distasteful problem <Jf disp(}Sal. Second-there may be purchased for a nominal price (standardized at 5 and 10 cents the nation over) a modern contraption referred to as .the "mouse trap." It is a surefire prospect, and if used with

CCA hears Jimerson "The Need for Religion" was the topic discussed by Dean J. A. Jimerson at C:C.A. Monday evening, Feb. 2. The Dean summarized his talk by saying, "Christianity would be a very 'practical thing, and possibly we should try it for a while." A short business meeting was held and party plans were discusssed. Pictures were taken for the Peruvian.

Reports from the music hall disclose big .things being considered ,by Prof. G. Holt Steck as he looks forward to the 'annual spring tour of the Perusingers. . ;M:any letters have been received by Mr. Steck asking that the chorus appear in the schools of SoTutheastern Nebraska as they have in the past. Mr. Steck confides: that he is very pleased with the demand for progra;IDs by his Perusingers and hopes to make the ·trip a successful one.

Nina Kane! attended a regional YW -YM Peace Commission at York on Feb. 7-8. Appearing on the program Saturday afternoon, she di;·ected a panel discussion on the National Y Assembly held last December. She was assisted in the· discussicn by students Lorn Nebraska University and Wesleyan University.

Peruvian Thesa advertisers supported the 1941 Peruvian:

AUBURN, NEBRASKA Ella-Margaret. Shop G1e11'3 Drug Store Pet.Erson Studios H. Hemmingsen Gre·211 Lantern C. F. Murphy E. C. McAlleer, M. D. Carson National Bank Milam Greenhouse Auburn Hotel Clines Drug S:ore Hil! Shoe Co. State Theater Darling Transfer Western Auto Mar~us Bargain Center White Spot OIVIAHA. 'NEBRASKA Josten's Company H. A. Marr Grocery po. Chris NieLon Violin Shop Hospe Piano Co. Conant-Sanford Hotels Kathlyn Benford, training school Paul A. Wllsie Co. student, has been offered a scholOmaha School Supply Co. arship at the National Music Pax'..on & GaTI2ghe:-Camp a.t Interlocken, Mich. KathThe Butter Nut Family lyn, who is the , daughter of Prof . Burlington Trailways and Mrs, R. T. Benford, has not FR,EJMONT, NEBRASKA yet decided to take advantage of Hammond & Stephens Co. this recognitfon. CLINTON, IOWA Clinton Teach0rs Ag~ncy Student judges of the loca~ de- DENVER, COLORADO· clamartory contest at Auburn TuesFiske Teachers Ager_cy day, Jan. 27, were Jim Sandin, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Reuben Fanders and Jimmie Howe. David J. Molloy Pla::t Each year several student.s are NEBRASKA selected by Prof. Robert D. Moore Standard Oil Co. and given an opportuni.ty for experience in judging dramatics con- LINCOLN, NEBRASKA tests. Mills Teachers Agencey Miller & Paine Lincoln Liberty Life Globe Laundry Capital & Lincoln Hotels Eastman Kodak Co.

Kathlyn Benford has scholarship offer

PERU, NEBRASKA Campus Shops L. D. Redfern' Grocery Mardis Grocery Store Red & White Store H. W. Good, Groceries Dr. H. C. Dallam Hill's Drug Store Bank of Peru Peru Lumber Co. Barnes' Drug Store Earl's Cafe Peru Recreation Parlor Deck's Hardware Peru Theatre J. A. Cejka, Cleaner Avenue Store Dr. Joder Chatelain's Jewelry Parriott Garage Peru Pointer NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA Wessel's Sons & Co. Thomas Clothing Co. Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Company Werner's Dress Shop Dammast Clothing Co. Berthold Florist Nebraska City Laundry Greene's Ice Creatn

PERU BOWLING; CLUB Ladies Welcome at .Ben ttaruon, lVlgr. M. G. Heuer,


Skelly Service ~tation~1

Skelly Oils and Gas 1,;omp1ete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phe>ne



J.P. CLARK Electric Shoe Shop Shoe Repairs of AU hlllCIS

For Your Assistance IN SECURING THE BEST POSITION FOR WHICH YOU QUALIFY State.wide and Interstate Facilities Available for placement without charge for teacheTS and other pt ofes.sional and technical applicants Register Now through the Nebraska City Office of the UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ll5i/z S. 8th Street, E. Glenn Noble, Mgr. or write TEACHER PLACEMENT OFFICE 243 N. 13th St., P.O. Box 1033, Lincoln, Nehr.

Remember Uncle Sam, too!

(/) )


Afso Give U.



.Art club discusses textile exhibit A textile exhibit was discussed by Art Club members Monday, Feb. .2. Next semester plans include an exhibit of textiles sometime this 6})rin:g. A committee led by Mary Stevenson, reported: on the possibility of Art Club pins for the members.

Ka'nel goes to Ymeet

State Journal Printing co. Seright Publication Bureau Stephenson School Supply Co.


• = •a •

• =


AND DELIVERY Cream, Milk and Ice • CHAS. WILLS Peru, Neb.:

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Chatelain Jewelery PERU, NEBRASKA

Have fun-be friendly Treat yourself and others to fresh-tasting Wrigley's Spearmint Gum


.For 24 years we have served teachers and supertendents w'ell. We have Placed nearly 7000 teachers in Nebraska and surrounding sta,.tes. Probably we can help you. Write us or come m aJJ.d see us.



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The Flavor Lasts


• • By ltuth Crone They tell the story in Washingof the newspaper that, before war, had an editorial policy ch include'd greater preservaof human life. One of the acters in the tale is the maning editor of that paper, who nt a reporter to one of the downwn hospitals to get a feaiture ry on the work that medical st1tution was doing in this re. When this reporter was walkacross the street toward his ignment and as the fenders of automobiles wer~ brushing the · of his coat, he noticed a sign the entrance which read: Voltary Blood D-Onor Center, Room 3.

In room 403 the

cub, whose me was Mike, found a nurse eated at ;i, typewriter, filling in card as she questioned a man, ho was seated in front of her. hree other persons were in the oom, also, and l\'like took another hair. He heard the man answer ach of the nurse's queries: "Robrt Montcalm . . . 4286 Bea.con Avnue, N. W. . . . No business address at present . . . No telephone , . Forty-four years old . . . No, I haven't had malaria . . . No Diphtheria ... No ... No ... No ... " until eventually he merely shook his ead horizontally. Then she asked him whether or not he had had illness.

• "I i:-et clrunk." "You what?" "I get drunk-in a manner of speaking," and everyone in the room inclucling Mike smiled. "For years I have been afflictecl with a peculiar malady. It is characterized by all the symptoms of a slight inebriation. For brief intervals I imagine I see two or three objects instead of one, become unnaturally exuberant ancl my sense of balance is distorted. I have been to many physicians all of whom .ave been equally baffled. I am certain it will have no bearing on this matter." So the nurse said ·he b~tter mention it to the doctor in charge ancl askecl another routine question, when hacl he last eaten, and he said that it had been seven hours ago. Cereal She red the card from the roller, ncecl over it briefly and pushed button whereupon thread-bare . Montcalm was ushered into

very orclerly, very atter-of-fa.ct, very precise, very onotonous and Mike could fincl othing into which to sink his urnalistic teeth. He, too, movecl ough the procedure but ·without isclosing his litera,ry iclentity five minutes later found him· lf four becls down the row ancl ross the aisle from obscure Mr. ontcalm, his fingers around a oil of bandage, which he clutched d released, clutch.eel and releasd; into the bottle the physician Id, he was virtually milking his n blood-a pint of charity. After these donations it is cusry for the benefactOrs to be rved tea or ooffee and it was hile the cups were being handed m and the afternoon was aping t.o wane that the reporter, despera.tion, told dull Mr. Mont· Im his primary mission t.o the spital and asked him why he had e, He was prepared for a mo~­ statement slighting the imporce of the donation. He hoped .r a flash of humanitarism. He d not expect a soliloquy: Some people, sir, pass this hostal, see the volunteer blood doion sign, and suddenly decicle enter. Others say to a friend, you haven't anything to do, 's go over to Mt. Iliad Hospital on-ow afternoon," so they do. , I, I thought of this carefully. he class of of 1920 at (and he tioned a large eastern univerI was voted the member who most potentially useful to the (Continued on page 4)




Twenty pledges meet Dramatic Club test The Dramatic Club

formally initiated 20 new members

at a meeting Thursday, Feb. 12. Following the short initiation service in the audito1ium, a bu!!et luncheo·n was served in the hoi:ne economics rooms. Toastmaster Jim Sandin then introducecl club president Ha.tOid Dallam who made an inf~l speech of welcome. This was folSigma Tau Deltam met at the lowecl by a response by Ellen home of the sponsor, Dr. A. L. King. As a final part of the progm.'n Bradford, last Monday night. After all new members were dividee L'l- a short business meeting, original to' five groups, each of which pro- oontnbutions were read. Audrey duced an impromptu skit. &.%'tern read two ... pbems; Grace New members include Virgie Lee Muenehau, a sketch; Margaret Johnson, Ellen King, Sidney JohnSt.le:rs, a short story; Miss Peterson, Jainet Reagan, Reuben Fa.ntimely short story; Dr. clers Ruth Adamson, Geraldine sen. Lud~k, Milton Schultz, Vivian Konig, a mystery story and James Fogle, Fredclie Drexler, Leonore Sandin, a humorous sketch. Larson, Helen Dahlke, Ralph Hays, Dick Clements took pictures for !Sabel Tynon, Dorothy Hanks, Vera. the Peruvian. Ruff, Hope Carter, LaVara OakRefreshments consisting of ice ley, Willard Wilson and Phyllis cream, calm and coffee, were servDeLong. ed by Mrs. Bradford.

A .panel discussion on the "United States at War in the Far East," was the main event of the YMCA meeting on Tuesday, Feb.


Leaders were Bill Fankhauser, who spoke on :the Phillippines; Robert Grefe, who discussed Japan; and Oscar Bretthorst, who expressed views on Australia. Devotionals were led by Richard Monroe.

Lost and found . • . St. Valentine's Day is past and now you can't find that golcl ( slightly tarnished) heart of yours. If ·ynu· carried: it nn a chain, it's in the college office; those glasses and glee club pins you lost are there too, · also that book of poetry quota · tions. Investigation may even clisclose those long lost pencils and gloves. Quite a collection of lost articles has been accumulated by the office. Better look it over.


Gamma Chi features old-fashioned party Fisher to review

Bradfords hosts political novel to Sigma Tau

YM discusses war •1n Far East


Joseph C. Harsch is the author of "Pattern of Conquest" which is to be reviewed by Mr. Harold Fisher Wednesday, Feb. 18 in L103. Harsch recently completed a trip by a series of naval destroyers to Australia after having been present at the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7. He is now on his way northward from Australia. In "Pattern of Conquest" the author has striking observations on the nazi army and its propaganda, and he suggests how the nazis can be defea.ted, according to Mr. Fisher. The review is sponsored by the A.A.U.W.

Club emphasizes Valentine theme Roberta Burrows, <;iretchen Kiburz and Ba,rbara Dressler had charge of the Early Elementary Club program, Monday, Feb. 9. Games were in keeping with the Valentine theme. Educational director LaVerna Magneson discussed recent articles from educational magazines. The next meeting will be Monday, March 9. The group will meet as usual in the cafeteria.

King and Havel present original orations for convocation. audience lars to see and hear Jack Benny Students had the oppor- falling clownstairs, ancl the presiand Bob Hope. No grea.ter tribute tunity of hearing two of the clent. Members of the audience were is paid to any man than is givorations prepared' for Pro· aware of the free verse quality of en to Will Rogers, one of Amerfessor R. D. Moore's public the oration which was obtained by ica's greatest .humorists. speaking course when Lillian Havvarious rhythmic patterns and repJames Howe, who was to have el and Ellen King spoke at con~ etition. appeared on the program with his vocation on Friday, Feb. 13. The speaker pointed out that oratia.n on the peace settlement "They Shall Live Again" was America is a land of laughing peatifter this war, was unable to apthe title of Miss Havel's selection. The oration told of the agony and ple who sp:nd thousands of do!- pear :ecause of illness. suffering the Czech people underwent during the German occupation of that country. It told of the horrible treatment of the students when the universit!es and cultural centers of Prague were destroyed. One could not fail to notiee the poetic quality and style in which History discloses that the Sunday musicale at Peru is the speech was written. However, ' the oration was so interesting and a "brain child" of Prof. G. Holt Steck Beginning in 1931 so well delivered that the meeh· in the new parlors of Eliza Morgan Hall, the present anics passed almost unnoticed. • 1 h 1 d throui;u . <1. close to 00. 4 Miss Havel had dignity and a voice mus1ca e as evo ve which was easily unaerstood. She many ups and downs. The purpose of the Sunday mus· Some seasons saw only one con- icale is to provide patrons with closed with the statement, "Oz.echoslovaki&, the land of my father,1 cert-one year none was presented. fine music programs ancl to give shall live again." Upon the completion of the music student groups and soloists experEllen King, the second speaker, hall and its recital room. the mus- ience before an audience. Occasionally, as money is available guest presented "The Laughing Men." icales took a new lease on life. artists are invitecl to appear. This oration clealt with the AmerLast year attendance began to ican people as a laughing peopleMr. Steck hopes that southeasta people who laughed their way grow. Many visitors came from ern Nebraska will come to anticithrough clrouglit, clust bowls, bread neighboring towns, and finally it pate these concerts and that Peru lines, ancl depression . . . a people was necessary to present the pro- may becomB a focal .J?O.lnt for fine who laugh at professors, Scotch- grams in the college auditorium. music as it .,'\V'as·1i(t.he'1 ear17. days men, installment · buying, people Attendance this year has averaged of the ceptUry. . ·

Old-fashioned ladies, ballet dancers, Indians, Valentine girls, and one' old-fashioned gentleman attended the annual Gamma Chi Costume Party Saturday night, Feb. 14. The music hall auditorium was clecorated with strings of red hearts around the walls, ancl a huge heart pierced with an arrow hung in the backgrouncl. On one side of the stage stood an old-fashioned lady, and a modern girl had her place on the other side. A large blue 75 was centered in the row of hearts across the stage. The theme of the party was the school's seventyfith an:1iversary. Prizes were awardecl for the best costumes. Letha Garclner and Martha Wittwer won prizes for the most authentic old-fashioned costumes. Martha's costume was almost 75 years olcl ancl had been worn on the Peru campus. Letha's hacl also been worn by one of the Peru coeds about 60 years ago. The group prize was awarded to Margaret Mansfield and Doreen Meier. Barbara Dressler and Lorene Coatney won prizes for the two modern adaptations O·f old costumes, and Bety Pruitt for her ballet dancer's cQstume. Entertainment consistecl of var- · ious games inclucling a heart game at which Betty Jo Offerman won first prize. Martha Wittwer and Vivian Fogle tiecl for seconcl place. Other group games were played. .. Refreshments consisted of ice cream plaques with blue 75's written on the white, and red iced heart -shaped cookies.

Frosh re-elect Cleaveland head Re-elected president of the freshman class, Wallace Cleaveland resumes his position of the first semester by action of th2 class Monday, Feb. 9. Other officers are Keith Albers, vice president; William Gridley, secretary and Nelson Shimoneck, treasurer.

Cole out Ii nes Musicale begµn 1n '31 moues f ·

to auditorium for concert


and kiss the 'blarney stone'," said Betty K. Gale, decoration com· mittee chairman of the St. Pat· rick's Day formal to be given by the girls, March 7. Plans are be· ing formulated by Betty K. and her co-workers, Christine Wilkinson and Margaret Mansfield. Invitations and favors will be selectecl by Joyce Stark, chainmw, and La.Vara Oakley. Grace Muenchau is in charge of the faculty wives committee. Harriet Maxwell, chairman, and Betty Berger will arrange floor show entertainment. Cleanup committee members a.re Barbara Beal, chairman, and Ma~ bel Newton.



Pedagogian editorials Our responsibilities . •

hditorial comment has been made before as to what students should do during this national emergency. There are some though, who are still wondering whether they are justified in continuing their studies while friends must work in armtd forces and defense industries. Answering this question, the college and university presidents meeting at a conference in Baltimore a few weeks ago, outlined three definite responsibilities for students of America:

1 0 STUDY, "Realizing the tragic lack of .trained leadership after World War I, our government is asking students to work fast and hard at tl,e task of acquiring skills and insight necessary to win a long war and to build a stable society in post war days.''


PARTICIPATE m Civilian Defense Aclivities. "Students will be called upon to assume voluntary responsibility in two ma1or areas ; protection in any emergency arising from war, and strengthening all processes which build and maintain the democratic way of life.'' fO STAND READY for assignment to a


post of responsibility in the defense program when training is completed. -N.K.

Time no longer marches on unnoticed. It has become the most popular conversational subject ot the week. For those who are perplexed by its rece;1t complications, "timely" talk is in order.

'A stitch in time'

A.c,cording to an announcement made in convocation by Miss Edna Weare, home economics students would mend for free any torn clothing which was brought to them. The object of this proposal was to provide practice in stitching for future home-makers. lncredible as it ma)' seem, tlie girls were not imrr:cdiately swamped with articles to be mended. As a matter of fact, no socks, et cetera, were suorr.itted for experimental darning. Whether this was due to a lack of confidence in the J;lOn·

notes is funny,' Cat claws. says writer philosophically Dear Editor, I was reading an article in the paper the other night. It said some Dean at some college has said he could identify graduate studems because when he walked into a classroom and said "good morning, students," they wrote- it down in notes. Some even go so far as to read the text and take booktheir notebooks. notes.

You know, note-laking, Rike .just· like ev~;·yt:1ing else. gives y1m :t swell chance to be indiviiiuail-you

.know-different. Now for instance, some students .tak2 nc~es :.i: !a:·ge beautiful. lelthe··. z p!:Jcd loose leafs. Some take 'em in Ja,rge, beau~iful, un-leat.;'lered, un-zipped looseleafs. Some take 'em in spiralled Peruized notebooks. Some take 'e..-ii in smaller sized looseleafs. some take 'em on small scraps of paper, which they say facilitates losing or throwing away. Some don't. Some take notes in mk. · Some use pencils. Others eventually end up with all of threirs neatly typed. Some don't. Some students take very detailed

• • •

That Peru students fail to take advantage of their opportunities was demonstrated last week when they ignored a chance which comes once in a life.time.


After I read that I got to thinking about note-taking here at P.S.T.C. You know, taking notes is funny. Most of us students ta[{e sorme notes at sorr.e time during our C"llege days. Of course, some don't take 'el~' but just write 'em, but I think that is evading the main issues.


Some take very short notes. Some use only one word to stand for an entire senhmce or an entire idea-in some cases, for the entire lecture. This is called the "keywcrd" method. Some students take rather sketchy notes. illustrated profusely with drawings. Some draw profiles, figures, or caricatures. Some just do plain, unprcmeCUtated dJ>odling-in the first, secJ>nd and third degrees.

Some people take very neat, efficient notes. Some don't As I said before, ·taking noter; sure is funny. But anyway, we don't have any "graduate students" here at Peru. Ne1le

Don't miss • • • the second Sunday musical on Feb. 22 in the college auditorium. Perusingers will present the program.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc

• •

Warning to an boys!! Remember March 7, and be good. Maybe some girl wil ask you to the St. Patrick's Day formal ... The boys at Delzell Hall plan to sell their uhawgs" to buy some teeth for ATWOOD. Seen together recently: GIBBS and BETTY SUGDEN ... DELONG and MACOMBER ... Ringer of the month: REX FLOYD. HOPE is proudly displaying the prize ... KNUTSON complains that some of his pigs are suffering from severe sinus trouble. Pome of the week: "Roses are red Violets are blue Sugar's reduced Why don't yotC Why not give dorm (censored) bottle to IDi!: Red Cross-they can ~ d.eposit ·in Aubum ... Hat't' you seen JOYCE'S new ~cooing" clock that CALLAM h:oo:ght from Kansas City? ~tively speaking, it is simply "'~."


• •

professional status of the seamstresses, or a tain reticence on the part of the students owned garments in need of mending, it does matter. ''IT IS TOO Weare firmly. To the obvious moral of this little "A stitch in time saves nine,'' may be add another which is equally practicable. "He hesitates is lost." -M

No one can say the PEDAGOGIAN is n doi1~g its share for the government. In the inte est!! of national defense, the PED has given its assistant sports editor, REX FLOYD, w has 1dt for army service.


• • •

Veteran readers will welcome the return a writer: whose name has not appeared in the pages for some time. RUTH CRONE, editor i 1938 39, will meet PED deadlines with a colum each week during her leave of absence from he government job in Washington.

IAlumni trail


By Grace Muencnau

Peru, Nebraska Feb. 12, 1942

Dear Skipper, How are Ross a,1d Lanette? Jones told me she and Redfern cam over New Year's Eve. Bet you had fun! Mr. and :Mrs. ROSS HOOVER have a baby boy. Roos is in a Call· rornia army camp and Mrs. Hoover (DRUCILLA WEBSTER) is at horn in Sidney, Ia. Both


foimer :Peruvians. John Hoover, brother of Ro

is now in school at P.S.T.C. JACK FLOYD, brother of REX FLOYD who left la.st week for th army, has gone from Mitchell, Nebr. to Grainger, Wyo. as coach, wi a sul:Jstantia1 increa&e in salary. At about the time he left Mitchell, JODY GOOD joined the elementary faculty there. She finished Jan. 23, you know. CLAIRON SMITH (A.B. Jan. '42) has accepted a position at Chapman, Nebr., whr:e he is teaching industrial arts and music. WILDA GOING:S and Mendell Athen were married a.t 4: o'clock Sunday, i'eb. 15, at the ..iulian church. They will live on a farm near Hamburg. Wilda has a'tended school here. IRIS LAWRENCE. a former Peruvian from Brownville, has accepted. a Civil Service


in Washington, D. C. She left Saturday morn-

ing. Her broF1cr is c.lso in Civil Service work in Washington. See you soon, Love,

Grace Current couples ~ ~ on campus: DEAN and 'PUDSON, HOAGLAND and JDINDERSON, COLE and lff'DS. . Home ec girls can't - . to mend-reason: no ~ ~ turned in ... Most. ~ .l:Mll in the girl's dorm 1- ~­ DICK CLEMENTS.

Ellen King and Lillian Havel delivered their orations before the Auburn ~omen's Club, Friday, Feb. 13. The orations were prepared for last semester's public speaking class.

On campus

Tuesday, Feb. 17 ------.. ----~rt High School Basketball ____ 8:00 Tuesday, Feb. 17 ---------···!'.WC.A. ----------------------------- 8:00 Tuesday, Feb. 17 --------··--1'At"l,;.;!. ------~---------------------- 8:00 Tuesday, Feb, 17 --------···-t';,(7J. -------------------------------- 8:00 Wednesday, Feb. 18 --------~ Dance --~--------.-------------- 6:45

Editor Meredith Jimerson Nina Kanel ............................ Assistant Editor Ralph Locke . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor R.ogene Rose .................... ~ ......... Copy Reader Virginia King, Ellen King ................ Proof Readers M. Florence Martin ........................... Adviser

Thursday, Feb. 19 ----------~ Clubs --------.. ------------ 7:00

Reporters: Gene Adams, Betty K. Cole, Reuben Panders, Lavara Oakley, Evelyn Rodgers, James Sandin.

Monday, Feb. 23 -----------·-~:d:J.tp Club -------------------- 7:00

Training school notes


"Jealous? Certainly Not!" and "Night's Lodging" are the titles of one-act plays to l>e presented by the high school juniors in their effort t.o raise money for the junior - senior prom. Rehea:rsals start this week.

Kathlyn Benford a.nd Shirley Rodgers are student directors. Dr. William T. Miller will supervise. Members of the cast are Gordo Palmer, Helen Freeman, Shirie Rodgers, Wava Whistler, Haro! Knaple, Kathlyn Benford, Pa

Friday, Feb. 20 ------------~ Dramatic Conte~t -------------

Ogg and Nonna Jean Parriott.

Saturday, Feb. 21 ----------~ Dramatic Contest -------------

The violin quartet composed Kathlyn Benford, Laurine Cla burn, Patty Hill and Max Mathe played "Serenade" by Shluni for the Kiwanis Club, Tuesda Feb. 9.. They were accompanied the piano by Prof. R. T. Benford.

Sunday, Feb. 22


Omicron Phi Tea ______________ 2:30

Sunday, Feb. 22 ----.----...:.~y Husicale --------------------- 4:00 Monday, Feb. 23 ------------~ Convocation ---------------- 11:00

Monday, Feb. 23

------------Pi o.p. Pi ------------------------



obcats scratch Kearney 66-42; nod to York 52-57 Hiatt, Pascal, Hobbs and Hannah lead 'Kittens victims SPORTS RESUME' ••• ••• . Talmage upset Wheelermen to high score of season '

By Ralph Locke

'fate College Basketball--


Lookmg over the state League cage picture, it seems that our pwn Bobcats are taking up plenty of the foreground. CUrrently leadthe NIAA circuit, chev also rank high in the mythical "State College Conference." Up to last week they were deadlocked with Chadron for for the NIAA, but v,ith Wayne ;failing to win ovet the Eagles, the Bob.cats d~opped to oecond place with three wins against Chadron's four. Looking over ti1t NCAO standings, Doane heads the list, just a jump or two aheaa '..•f the :York Panthers. Falling behind are Wesleyan, Jiastings and Midland.

·Individual Stars-The so-called e:1Je>rts are going to have ·a nightmare when it comes , time for making che an-state and all-conference selections. Just a glance at the Wheelemren revea.1s four stars that can hardly be left off any ·all-~tar team. Russell Hobbs and Buzz Byers at, the forward posts will stand up against any in the state. Keith Hannah, both defensively and on the offense, is one of the outstanding men in the 11tate. Without a doubt Dick Pascal has a big edg.e over any gnard yet to face the Bcbcats this season, and he should be right in there.

From the Other Schools-The Keading brothers from York are a pair of twin-dynamos that have crashed the ~eadlines an year. Wesleyan's Metzler will be given \l. lot of consideration. Kearney's McOullough is a star-although he miled to collect a fieid goal against the 'Cats in their first game of the year. There are many others too-so you ·see, a lot of heated arguments 11-re on tap about th time the season draws to a close.

PERU NIGHT on DeckWednesday, Fe'c• uary 25, Midland drops in for their final call of tne current sports : car, and the local Kiwanis Club is taking advantage of the occasior Lo SiJOnsor a: "PERU NIGHT."

Fairbury J. C. Quint Cominf-The prelimil:ary game will be a feature attraction with Fairbury's new Junior College &erding its cage t.eam on the floor to oppose the. Peru "B' team. Script will be issued ";with the local business men, and adults will be admitted for 30 cents if they bring their script. Children wm be included and will be adnitted for 15 if they bring script.

Irate Hstew-dent" seeks aid in stabilization of ~Kollege Klock' Pear Sports EditorI am writing you concerning this new warzime mess that we are now faced with. Now mind you, I'm not kicking on this new time schedule that the government has set up. Wha:t I am kicking about, is the adaptations the college has relied upon. As I have been finding out, much to my inconvenience, the classes are set up an hour to meet the time change made by the government on their wartime daylight saving plan. That is fine. It is very thoughtful of the administration to be· so considerate. It wouid be s, little awkward to be getting up for 8: 00 classes at what ls actually 7:00 sun· time. I am for them 100 per cent that fartmt there I stop. Where I stop is where dear Dean of Women !nice Dunning steps in. Contrary to class time-contrary to anything else she can run into ~she sticks to her outmoded schedule on hours for her inmates.


Can't she see that it is impossible to eat supper at 7:00 and be going to a show at 7:30?? Doesn't she understand that the library now Cioses a half-hour after her freshman understudies are supposed to be back under her motherly wing? Or is she against all social functions, and doing her best to break them up? . The reason I am asking you all this, is because of the basketball games. They will start at 8:00 as usual, and will not be out till about 10:00. We will then go over to dance in celebration of another Bobcat victory-but we will not be al\owed to dance over 10 minutes because girls have to be in at 10:30. Is that justice?? I'm hoping that you will publish this, so that somebody can read it, and possibly side in with me. Personally, I am anxious to be doing something about it. Do you suppose anyone else feels the same?? Signed, A Student.


First state loss by 31-19 Lady Luck cast a, dark frown upon Coach Harold Fisher's Bobkit tens la.st Tuesday as they failed t-0 hit their stride, and went down 33-19 before the Talmage cage crew. The Prepsters were off their usual form as they miscued at many crit.ica1 points of the game. Their formidable offense went stale against the fighting team: in Purple and White, and their defense leaked all evening as the Bulldogs sifted through fot easy shots. The loss marred an otherwise perfect record in Nebraska competition. With tournament time rolling around, Art Clements steadily recuperating and the team takinf~ on a little sharper edge, Prep looks like trouble is in store for someone. Up to now they have been sailing along with 7 other teami; in class C with0ut a loss to a stat~ rival. Once the gears are oiled again, and with Clements back to bolster both offense and defense, the Kittens should get going.

Jensen ts cagers top WAA tourney

York Panthers stall 'Cats drive Pascal, Beyers standouts On Saturday, the York Panthers got a lot of poison out of their

systems as they dropped Peru 57-52 in an action packed ball game. York picked up an early lead and held it an thrcugh the game. After trailing 12 points a.t intermission, Peru ~ame back on Buzz Byers five fielders to come within two points of the Panthers, but the rally fell short, and York built up a margin that they managed to hold. The game was Peru's second loss in state competition this season, and puts the pressure on them to roll through their remaining five tussles. Although they fell below the 60 mark, the Bobcats piled up 52 counters to keep their average up for the final four games. It now stands 60% pouts per game. Pascal and Byers led the WheelerJones boys with 16 and 12 points respectively.

Whole team hot in N.l.A.A. victory ,no 3 The Bobcats sailed through the' Kearney Antelopes at top speed· last Friday night, winning their third straight NIAA contest 66-42. The entire team found. the ran~ aft.er the opening mdnutes, and lecf by Charley Hiatt who flipped in 22 for the evening, Peru led at thehalf 41-17. Other high scorers for the 'Cats were Pascal, Hobbs and Hannah. For Keairney, McCullough both• ered Peru the most v,ith 12 points, four of them the gratis line. The Whitemen had trouble with their defense, as they failed to stop the rampant Bobcats effectively all evening. The win was Peru's third m NIAA play, against no losses. Chadron, by dropping Wa.yne twice, moved ahead of the Bobcats with4 wins and no losses. This puts it up to the Wheelermen to tilf; Wayne Friday or else. The total of 66 points is ~ new high for the· season, and WM the third game in a row that Peru had attained the ·mlagic "60" mark.,

The basketball tournament came to an abrupt halt Tuesday night as Mary "Liz" Jensen's team claimed their second straight win over Ruby Redding's courtiers. Chris Wilkinson and H. Jensen hit the basket to push their team for easy victories in both encounters. Next on the docket for the girls will be a two sports cs.rnival, including ping pong and shuffleboard. The tournament will be staged in the girls new rec hall on third ffOOr of the gym. Basketball players named for the varsity were: Mary Liz Jensen, Ruby Redding, Phoebe Anderson, Genivieve McFaaden, Christine Wilkinson, Lois Zweibel, Vivienne Sims and Edwinnie Willman.

Peru faces Wayne threat to NIAA bid It's out to Wayne this week for the 'Cats as they prepare for their home stand wind up activiiies for the year in the state and NIAA leagues. The game will be a NIAA tilt. the final confronting Peru prior to the double bill slated for the home maples on March 2nd and 3rd when the Chadron Eagles toss their final bid for the crown. Peru edged Wayne a few weeks back 43-35 when they broke loose in the third quarter to can 22 points while the rattled Wildcats failed to connect, even from the penalty stripe. Wayne has since developed into a more formidable club, boasting a strong offense :to balance with their steady defeusive game.

Everybody wants the real thing for his m-;-ney.

SIYou trust its quality

That's ice-cold Coca-Cola. It has quality, the quality of genuine goodness ••• taste, the taste thct charms and never cloys ... refreshment, complete refreshment. Thill'st asks nothing more.





Bess Ray disscusses 'Religion and Reality' ''Religion and Reality" is the title of Henry P. Van Dussen's book which was reviewed at the YW meeting Feb. 10 by Bess Ray. "For each of the college stud,ent's queries, 'Why Religion?' 'Why Christianity?' 'Why the Church?' the author builds up a strong affirmative case," stated Miss Ray in introduction, Having outlined Van Dussen's ·.chief contentions, she concluded with this statement, "Youth's attention tends too often to face a distant problem rather than the near-to dwell upon the corruption cf business rather than cheap and .childish cheating in the c1assroom, upon the world pea.ce rather than effecting a harmonio11s universal community."

Reporting on the YW-YM Regional Peace Commission which she attended last weekend, Nina Kane! remarked, "Hearing Mrs. Ray Rice, several years a missionary in India, discuss Henry Fosdick's latest book, 'Living Under Tension' was helpful Planning the State Y Convention to held at Hastings on April 10-12 was fun, too." "A Model-Peace Conference will be a special program feature," she added. "Peru has been delegated to represent Russia." Lucille Sandfort led the group singing with devotions in charge of Vivian Fogle. At a short cabinet session following the meeting, a report of the membership carnpa.ign 'was given. Plans for a cabinet breakfast for Sunday morning, Feb. 15, were discussed.

.Regional Y head to visit campus Miss Evelyn von Hermann, regional YW secretary from Topeka/ will be a visitor on the campus Thursday and Fridroy, Feb. 19-20, according to Nina Kanel, president Of the YWCA. A cabinet feed is being planned in her honor. At this time plans for the Estes Student Conference held in June, and for the World Student Service Fund drive to be held soon will be discussed. Miss von Hermann is enroute home from having attended an Estes Planning Committee meeting in Lincoln last weekend.

Washington tea 60 eggs, 7Yz pounds of flour, 6 pounds of butter, 6Yz pounds of fruit. What a recipe! And

that's only the beginning. These ingredients will be used to make the big cake for the George Washington Silver Teai which will be held Sunday, Feb. 22 from 2:30 to 4 o'clock. Kappa Omicron Phi will sponsor the event. The recipe is a copy of the original 40-egg Martha Washington cake.

•flickers (Continued from page 1) world. Now, twenty years later I am a failure. You heard the. questions in the other· room, sir, and the answers I gave. Now it seems to me everyone gets out of life just what he put Into it; it is a law so exact as to amount to a mathematical equa.tion and I, if I am to receive anything, wit_h my life half finished, must start now, at last, to give a bit. The world is on the brink of havoc and I am unable to supply my knowledge, which is evidenced by the fact that I am unemployed. I am unable to give money, which is evidenced· by the fact that this is my second cup of tea and my fifth wafer. There is but one thing left-my blood.

By James Howe and Reuben Fanders

The following is a copy of a letter which was sent to Harland .Hutchins, popular singer of Cowboy songs over station KFNF at 5:30, by the men in room 407, who were moved by the music one evening. Peru, Nebraska Februa;ry 9, 1942 The Pen Man .Harland Hutchins % Radio Station KFNF Shenandoah, Iowa Dear Mr. Pen Man: We are two little boys in college here at Peru. In your announcement concerning the fountain pen and pencil se.ts the other night, you said the pen would be a good present for mothers, aunts, uncles: first cousins, second cousins, and so forth. But we have girl friends and we was wondering if it would be all right to send one of them to each of them. You didn't mention anything about girl friends. So we was wondering if it would be all right. Would it? We just can't get enough of Jia,l'land's music but we have a problem on our hands: We have had the last 19 radios demolished by irritable neigh!bors who do .not appreciate the virtues of Har· land's wonderful voice and his melodious guitar. We think there should be lots more singers like Harland at about 2o'clock in the morning when nobody is listening. Then we could sneak down and throw a blanket over the ,radio and get under and listen without risking either ourselves or the radio. Do you think this is a good idea? We also enjoy your selection of sentimental cowboy songs. Especially the one where the hero takes his girl down to the cowbarn to get married. Would you please tell us why he takes her down to the

These were: A man had stood as though in a daze in the street in front of Mt. Iliad Hospital and, of course since there was a great deal of traffic around there, he was seriously injured by a passing car, taken into the hospital, and given a blood transfusion, which might save his life. "The name," ·said this photographer, "was something like Wolf. No-No, I remember now. It was Montcalm."

To the newspaperman this story was about as gushy as the blood, itself, springing from an artery, but Jie ambled to the office with this bit of material and talked to the doorman at the Hotel Willard on the way. Whep he reached his desk his impert:u:rbability was somewhat shaken by the editor, who, you remember, was the first character in this sfory. This editor shouted something to Mike a;bout letting a story consistent with what they were pushing edit-Orially slip from beneath his nose a.nd Mike, puzzled, had to get the facts from a photographer.


Florence Martin, sponsor of the PEDAGOGIAN is ill at her home in Falls City.

Two little bo~s write Pen Man for information e


cowtarn. Ha:veri't they got a parlor or is it because they want the wedding to be stable or no that would be a horse barn. Wouldn't it? We also like the one about Darlin' you can't love two because you just can't love two and that is a great fundamental truth. They always get you in the end if you try it. Don't they? Some people tell us that Mr. Hutchins isn't either a real cowboy hut we know he is because no one but a real sure-enoogh cowboy wuld create the illusion of reality that Mr. Hutchins does. Why he makes it so much like the farm at home we can both hear and smell the rustic atmosphere. So he is ai real cowboy. Isn't he? My daddy feeds lots of hogs. One time daddy thought the hogs were going to s:arve to death bethere was no food for them but we just placed the radio in the hog lot when Garland was singing and the hogs got fat on the corn. Isn't that a parking good idea? <No ham). Daddy and Hiram, that's my brother-in-law, have a pond on the farm. And we love frog legs. But we can't get any frogs started in our pond. I was just wondering if we could use some of the frogs out of Harland's throat to put in our pond. We will be glad to pay you in green backs for them. Could we do that? We would appreciate it greatly if you would answer this lette1~ especially tha.t part which pertains to the fountain pen offer as we are considering buying a whole barrel of them. First, however, we must see our lawyer. We are enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thanking you for your kind attention, we remain Yours sincerely. THE MEN IN ROOM 407 P.S. You may read this over the air if you wish to.

Mid9ets" win 50-38 ooer Tecumseh men

PERU BOWLING CLUB Ladies Welcome at JSen ttamen, JVIgr.

It's a story they tell in Washington. Sometimes on cold summer nights they talk about other things than government and politics and diplomacy.

M. G. Heuer, Owner


Skelly Service Station Skelly Oils and Gas t;omplete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone 40

Alfred G. Scheffel, M. D. Announces the opening of his office for the GeneTal Practice of Medicine and Surgery in association w:ith Dr. Bertha M. Thomson at Peru, Nebraska . Specialty: Surgery and Fractures Telephone~:

Office 60 - Res. 64

Peru, Nebraska


The "Midgets" did it again last Friday evening as they invaded Tecumseh for a 50-38 conquest of the Johnson County t-0wnies. The boys have been enjoying considerable success in their first two games, and hope to . continue in the Nebraska City tournament coming up soon.

For 24 years we have served teachers and supertende..'1ts Wen. We have placed nearly 7000 teachers in Nebraska and surrounding st~tes. Probably we can heln you. Write Us or come m a.nd see us.




The team lists 6 squad members. They are Eddy York, Dale Howard, Bob Ashton, Tonv DeMaro, "Fsycopaithic" Hicks, and "Little Red" Dean Jones.




to keep our

stock up on these but it is getting increasingly difficult to get our orders filled. Hdp u.s by anticipating your needs early.

CHATELAllS JEWELRY Where Your Money Buys


Phone 112 ••


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J.P. CLARK Electric Shoe Shop Shoe Repairs Of All Allllib.

No Cramming Necessary! For swell flavor and real chewing fun-the answer is delicious Wrigley's Spearmint Gum

• • • /"

· y Ruth Crone cd~fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


the thin line that disman from the lower ose symbols, or equivalent, their combina, and their repetitions are an oyance to children about six one-half years old, for it is that age leading educationalists ·n to teach them to read. Those

1 ; iir '";

to girls because girls more see the distinciion between of those symbols. They are more puzz!Jing to left-eyed s than to rig-ht eyed boys bese the former are more back(By "left-eyed" is meant left eye dominates in focusing.) e left-eyed boy who is the g-runtled





Jug his alphabet. Now let us ary, left-eyed boy wno, the youngm a family, is oe.ween six and en ;years of age; his is mdeed ·any lot accordin~ t.o scientiiic analyses.

• interest in reading in··ease-S during grade school years •e1· which it stumps, h may be t it is th.~ antithesis, the socY acceptallle, physically alert, ight-eyed, oldest-cnild-oi-d1e-famly, twelve-year-old girl who is the .Omnivorous darling of more than '22,000 pdntiug and publisiliug establishments in the United States. OutiEONE, at least, is the favorite f the true democracy as well as he inky printer's devil and the outmm.iered publisher. Someone ·ves the latter's 350,c\o employees ork. Someone spends more than hundred million dollars a year their products. Someone reads ction, sociology, history, religion, oetry and drama, biography, scince, technic~l matter, med'tc.ine nd hygiene, · business, geography d travel, education, fine arts, hilolog-y, sports, law, music, ag.culture, philosophy and domestic conomy books with the respective interest as they are

reads the 9,000 new the 1,600 new editions

at were published a couple of rs ago. Someone in the 45 largst cities in the United States hecked out about 184 million ooks from the public libraries. omeone reads more than 13,000 aily newspapers. And if it is that "ght-eyed, personality plus, twelvear-old, active, oldest-child-ine-family girl who disposes of l that printed material, attends ook reviews, and joins reading lubs, let us bow our heads a secnd time in amtther prayer for

This, however, is not the case. "des the mental wizard depicted ove, there are 320,895,625 other ople who read the newspapers d periodicals-,about 50 per cent ore in this second World War n there were . during the last. he surprising thing is that in it.e of these four huge factors, . amount of material printed, n-over of literature, the ineasing necessity to make newsa p e rs profitable investments There are seven per cent less ilies now than there were when ilson was President.), and a high e of literacy as a result of r education-in spite of -the acumen of the people become more· sharp. Readers biased statements more they have a neat discrimfor journalistic rubbish; why am I writing this?


Frat has Silver Tea A 25 pound cake made from Martha Washington's recipe w:as the centerpiece for the table at the George Washington Silver Tea on Feb. 22. The event was sponsored by Kappa Omicron Phi. Ardis Carmine, Althea Nispel, Vada Gubser and Mona Lee Morelock poured tea, whi1e Mary Horton and Mary E. Jensen cut the cake. Hostesses were Ferne Peterson and Betty K. Cole. Guests were entertained by music provided by Margaret Goodridge and Evelyn Christiancy. Lois Wagoner was in charge of the ent.ertainment. The cake was baked by Mary Horton, Helen Jean Saville, Mona Lee Morelock and Lois Wagoner. Three hours were required for the mixing of the. 40 eggs, four pounds of sugar, five pounds of flour, four pounds of butter and five pounds of fruit. The recipe was copied by some of the girls from the original on the Walls of Mount Vernon, the home of li'.l:artha Washington.

Art Club poses for Peruvian A special meeting of the Art Club was held on Tuesday, Feb. 17, Pictures for the Peruvian were taken of the group. At a short business meeting afterward, it was decided that pins would be available for members.


College is host to contestants in state dramatic contest The Nebraska High School Activities Association held one of its dramatics contests on the Peru Campus Saturday, Feb. 21. The other contest was held at Columbus. Schools who took part here were Plattsmouth, Auburn, and Nebraska City.

Scribblers hear Dr. Bradford

Jensen heads senior class Mary E. Jensen was elected president of the senior class at a special meeting on Monday, Feb. 16. She fills the vacancy created When Rex Ployd left for army service. Officers elected during the first semester who will continue are Bob Ashton, vice president and John Rhodus, secretary-treasurer. Dr. A. L. Bradford is sponsor of the senior class.

Brier leads safety talk EL1ine Brier led a group discussion of "Safety and Physical Education" at F.T.A, meeting Monday, Feb. 16. After the discussion members played hearts, and the winners were awarded prizes. :Ellaine Brier and Lillian Havel were in charge of the program

Dr. A. L. Bradfora. spoke to Scribblers Club on "Regional Fiction," at the Feb 19 meeting. He gave suggestions on writing stories about local people and dia.lects. and how to use real p~ople in sto_-ies. Virgie Lee Johnson and Hel~n Dahlke will read original compositions at the next meeting.

Bryan directs style show All girls were invited to attend the style show presented by Personality Club in the training school, Thursday, Feb. 19. Margaret Bryan was in charge. The following were models: Mabel Newton, riding outfit; Dorn::ny Applegate and Ellen Christensen shower robes; Bette Riley, slacks. Marjorie Brown, shorts; Maxine Showen, formal; Mary Ellen Barkley, evening dinner dress; Barbara Dressler, afternoon tea dress; Helen Hays and Mona Mulder, col' lege clothes. The next met!ting will be i'.IJ:arch 5. The subject will be "Speech'' with Carol Copenhaver and Marjorie Moore as leaders.

Convocation audience hears program in recognition of naming of Delzell Hall A convocation program formally recognizing the naming of "Delzell Hall" by the State Normal Board was presented on Friday, Feb. 20. The program began with the singing of "Faith of Our Fathers" by the mens quartet composed of Dean S1agle, Wallace Cleaveland, Bil1 Fankhauser and Jack Snider.

:Mr. E. H. Hayward, master of ceremonies, introduced the program by explaining the purpose of the recognition program and outlining the steps by which the board named the hall. He stated that the naming of the building is a significant thing on any campus, and especially at Peru, since only four buildings have ,been named for individuals. Mr. Hayward then introduced James Sandin, who reviewed the highlights of the dormitory's history. He pointed out that the hall does not rely on the state for its existence, and that the hall will be presented to the state after the room rent paid by the men has paid off the bonds.

On behalf of the men, he thanked everyone who was influential in the completion of the hall and concluded with the statement, "We


are ve:-y proud of it." Dean J. A. Jimerson was then introduced by Mr. Hayward. He reviewed the late Dean W. N. Delzell's record as an educator, al? a community citizen, and as a friend of young men. It was his work with the young men of the college which was especial1y outstanding, accordil1g to the speaker. "It is very appropriate to name the hall after the greatest friend that the men of the campus ever

had," said Dean Jimerson. :Mr. Hayward followed with a tribute to the "noble spirit" in whose memory the hall is named, and th~ program clos.:d wEh the singing . of "The Ramparts We Watch," by the quartet. The Mens Dormitory CouHcil and the PEDAGOGIAN 'Staff sponsored the program, and the general comlmittee included Vincent Dreezen, president of the council, and Bill Fankha.user.

Perusingers present Sager from Doane at musicale Perusingers presented Charles Sager, director of vocal mu.sic at Doane Col1ege at the SUnday musicale on Feb. 22. The program was as follows: Creations Hymn . . . . . . Beethoven Salvation Is Created, Tschesnokoff Dig My Grave, arr. by H. T. Burleigh Ezekiel Saw de Wheel, arr. by Noble Cain Deep River, an. by H. T. Burleigh Perusingers Nina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perg-(llesi Frulingstraum . . . . . . . . . . Schubert L'invitation au Voyag-e . . Duparc

Mr. Sager, baritone Mary Scott Lucase at the piano Sonata in G Minor - Adagio, Tartini Hungarian Dance . . . . . . Haesche Miss Goodridge, violinist Evelyn Christiancy at the piano Dover Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barber Wander Shoes ........... Warren Love Went Riding . . . . . . . Bridge 111r. Sager Ballad for Americans, La touche - Robinson Perusing-ers William Fankhauser, basso Echo Elaine Lum at the piano

Following are the decisions of the critic judge, Dr. A. L. Bradford; for the declamation contest, which wr<s held in the afternoon: Original Oratory De Maris Stonecypher, Nebraska City, Superior Bill Kel1igar, Auburn, Excellent Betty Helmes, Plattsmouth, ExceUent Dramatic Reading Lois Grundman, Nebraska City, Sup~rior

Galen Mundhenk, Auburn, Excellent Extemporaneous Speaking Walter Petring, Nebraska City, Superior Meno Wilhelm. Auburn, Excellent Oratorical Reading Jean Castner. Auburn, Superior Catherine Conis. Plattsm10uth, Excellent Joanne Pitstick, Nebraska City, Good

Humorous Reading Barbara Lamphear, Plattsmouth, Superior Lois steffins, Nebraska City, Excellent Esther Hosterman, Auburn, Excellent. Two plays were presented at the evening session. Nebraska City gave "Mooncalf Mugford," a psychological study in a New England setting. The play was under the direction of Bernice Stole. This presentation gave Nebraska City a superior rating and Robert Wheeler, was given the award for the outstanding actor. The other play, "Queen Anne's Lace." was given by Plattsmouth. The play, a farce. was awarded excellent. Billie Sylvester as Aunt Emily was awarded the certificate for the outstanding actress. Mr. L. D. Mathews was the general cha.irman and Prof. Robert Moore headed the committee which arranged the event. Members of the Dramatic club acted as chairmen, ushers, and arranged the staging of the plays. After each session, the judge, Dr. Bradford, gave constructive criticism to the contestant3.

Sandin to play at 'Kerry Dance' Jim Sandin's orchestra is scheduled to play for the g i r I ' s formal, the "Kerry Dance,'' March 7, it was of..

ficially announced by the dorm council last week. In making the announcement, Fern Peterson, Council president, said, "Irish eyes will be smiling at the All Girl's Formal March 7, with Jim Sandin's orchestra. It's going to be a ga1a evening." In line with the tone of simplicity to be maintained for the form· al, the girl's council requests the boys not to present the girls with cm:sages for the dance. Invitations were made las' weekend by committee members Joyce Stark and LaVara Oakley, and m3y be purchased soon by the girls and faculty wives in Eliza Morgan Han.


Pedagogian editorials Will they return? "Will they return to graduate?" is the question college authorities throughout the nation are asking as students leave their campuses to become soldiers. The challenge of this question-answered too often negatively following the last war-is being tl)et positively by the University of Iowa with a far reaching plan for financial assistance to former students who will return to study after war-service. Enthusiastically applauding the Iowa plan andurging its adoption throughout the country, James Ward, Coordinator of College Activities of the Division of Youth Activities of the Office of Civilian defense, declared: "The Iowa plan goes a long way towards solution of one of the knottiest student problems arising from the current war

33rd Street. This story may be called "The Rememberance of Things Passed." You know, you can't enjoy :Mr. Yidkish until you can ge~ to meet him and say, "Hoir are your herrings today, Abraham?" And Mr. Yidkish will answer, "Salty, my boy, pretty saEy." Of course, if l\<I;. Yidkish won't ,answer, "Salty, my boy, pretty salty," that means that he is in a bad m:ood. It may also mean that he doesn't want to confide in you. Maybe he doesn't caTe for your campany. He ;nay just answer, "Oh, so-so." You must go back day after day until YidkLh is ·in a friendly mood and you have bought enough herrings from him that he trusts you enough to answer, "Salty, my boy, pretty salty."




m school who are likely to be called armed forces.

"II similar plans are adopted on other campuses, thousands will be brought back, and the shock (of rehabilitation) will be cushioned." commented Loren Hickerson, colwnnist for the Daily Iowan, college paper. '

"It offers those who remain on the campus the tunity to aid in a concrete manner the developm a post-war rehabilitation program for the men w fighting our war for us," said the Daily Iowan edit on the plan. "It will give us a chance to do someth' them in return for what they are doing and will d us until complete victory is achieved."

The program calls ·for gifts of not over $200 to each returning student in need of assistance. Ti1c money is to come from a fund made up of voluntary contributions of 10 cents a week from e•ach student still on campus. About $10,000 is exptctc<l to be collected in this manner this semester. Administered by the Committee on Student Aid and audited by the university treasurer's office, the fund will be invested in U.S. Defense Bonds. Originator of the plan to help post-war University of Iowa students is Francis Weaver, 22year old law student from Mason City, Iowa. Mr. Weaver believes that his plan has already gone far in raising morale of those students now

Alumni trail

Hequirements for the $200 gifts to retur students include at least six months' service U. S. armed force, attendance at the Unive of Icwa from Oct-0ber 15, 1940, to the time o ducti<:.n or enlistment, and maintenance of g uati11g grades during this time. Collection of the fund is being carried out~ a grcup basis. Presidents of sororities and £" ernities, leaders of dormitories and such gro, are responsible for collecting their quot.as. { J

\Press release from the Office of Civif Defor,se.) i',

By Grace Muencnau

Dear G;ad:.ts,

It was weeks before I could call

Abraham by his first name and look into his inner soul through conversation on the herring. But one day when I approached him and said, "How arn your herrings this T".orning, Abraham." He looked rt me v: th pride and answered, "Salty my boy, pretty salty." He reached into his stout wicker baske:; ar1d produced a 'stcut' herring (incidentally, it looked like a very ordinary herring to me.J But he flippantly flipped a fin and remarked that his herrings were the best D.nd saltiest on 33rd stree~. You know, in my business (which i.s selling fine worsted and hard finished full cut suits for $15 and 18.50). I always Iookel at myself as just another clothing salesm•m. But after seeing the gleam of pride in Mr. Yidkish's eyes when he spoke of his fine salted herrings I decided that I should be prnud of my work, too.

·1>Tc\1,·. :rhen a customer asks n1e ::ow my suits are, I reply with ex~ltation. "Worsted, my boy, prett:..~ \VOrsted."

After being givrn the "cold shoulder" by the North Wind this week, Peruvi8\n5 rally to the fore and caJ.i!Y on! Mr. :md Mrs. SIDNEY TIMMONS .of Alliance, Nebraska, have a oaoy son. .Mrs. nnurons was formerly Miss LILLIE MAE COLLINS.• Both are former Peruvians. EVA JANE BB\'DY recently .acepted a position in the Sargent' schools in the elementary grades. She completed the two-year course

nere at the end of the first semester. ZOLA GARDNER is teaching in the schools at Surprise, Nebr. tter Brother, GEORGE, and wife formerly MARlliYN HUNT, live in Lincc•in. Milrgaret, 2.nother sister, is a, student at Nebraska Ag. College. All are Peruvians. Remember "SHINY" DURST whom I mentioned last week? He's gone to the semi-fiuals of the Pactfic northwest Golden Gloves tournament he~d at Seattle, Wash. ;\iERL PEl<~K, who has been taking a course in navy athletic training und0r Gene Ttw:1ey, graduated recently at the Norfolk, Va., navy yard. Merl, ;;, Tepresentative student rat Peru, was one of the three in a class of 50 :o lJe given an assistant instructorship. He will remain there to assi&t Mr. , Tunney with a class of 250 members which is in trailhng at this ti.rue Must dash to class, Love, Grace


On campus

• •

situation. It is hoped that other colleges and universities will consider their plan thoughtfully."

Salty humor? This may sound fishy, but its worth herring I will tell you th!! story of Mr. Abraham Yidkish, who · sells fresh and salty herrings on the corner of Front and


Tuesday, February 24 ______ Y.W.C.A. ----------------------------- 8:00 Tuesday, February 24 ______ l'.M.C.A. ----------------------------- 8:00 Tuesday, February 24 ______ C.C.A. -------------------------------- 8:00 Wednesday, February 25 ____ Basketball Game with 'Midland ------ 8:00 Thursday, February 26 _____ A.A.U.W. Tea_________________________ 3:00 Thursday, Febrnary 26 _____ Freshman Clubs --------··------------ 7:00 Friday, February 27 . ·------·Wesleyan Basketball Game ---------- 8:00 Frida.y, February 27 . ·------·Dance afteI· basketball' game W------ 10:00 Monday, March 2 _________ Chadron Basketball Game ----------- 8:00 Tuesda.y, March 3 ----------Chadron Basketball Game ------ .. __ 8:00

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska Entered at the PostoHice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class :Matte~·. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc Meredith Jimerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Nina Kane! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Editor Ralph Locke ............................. Sports Editor R.ogene Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... , . , . Co.PY Reader Virginia King, Ellen King ................ Proof Readers M. Florence Martin ........................... Adviser ' Reporters: Gene Adams, Betty K. Cole, Reuben Fanders, Lavara Oakley, Evelyn Rodgers, James Sandin.

History of Kappa Phi reveals 12 years of campus activity "Prove all things and hold fast to that which is true'' is the motto of 15 girls on Peru's campus. These girls are members of Kappa Omicron Phi, the l1onorary national home economics fraternity. They are electeC. from students who have completed a minor in the department with a grade average of "B." The organization carries on numerous activities. It serves most of the banquets given on the campus. Miss Edna Weare, present sponsor, estimates that since its beginning, Kappa Phi has served about 75 banquets and dinners. Kappa Phi is active off campus also. Every two years, a national conclave is held somewhere in the United States. Peru delegates have gone to Excelsior Springs, Missouri; Canyon Texas; Tucson, Arizona; Winfield, Kansas; Santa Barbara, California; and in 1941 five delegates went to Williamsburg, Virginia. This spring they hope to smd a large group to Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Each spring Kappa Phi girls and their sponsor take an educational trip. They have gone to Omaha and Kansas City several ttmes. Kappa Omicron Phi as a na. ti11nal organization began in 1922.

Miss Mable Cook, a student at Northwest Missouri State Teachers College was one of the originators of the idea. Later, when she became :t teacher at Peru, she organized ilie Nu Chapter of Kappi Phi here. Since its beginnings 12 years ago, Kappa Phi has grown until it is now one of the most active campus organizatio1'1S.

Looking back TEN YEARS AGO Florence Martin received first prize for the best stunt at the Colonial Prom sponsored by the Girls club. FIVE YEARS AGO A former Peru dramatic student, Ruth Hawxby, was appeal'ing in "Ladies of the Jury" a.t an Omaha theater, while Kay Stewart, a MINK dramatic contestant, was being signed by a Paramount talent scout. ONE YEAR AGO A new science professor, S. T. Fleharty, joined the Peruvian staff. Miss Mildred Pate spoke before convocation on her life and work in Nishinomliyia, Japan.

Yes, we haoe no coke ... Disguised by means of a f beard and colored glasses, Peru student furtively ma his way down a dark corrid and stoPs befo1'e a door which he km>cks three tim two longs and one short. small aperture in the door op and reveals a sinister fa "I'm a friend of Joe's," says t student, "he said maybe I co get some--;r, stuff." The student is admitted to dim room where be joins sev al other students at a As the costly forbidden b age is set before him, he ters darkly, "I never thou it would come to this-prohi tion on coke." Peru students are expected suffer intolerably from the p dieted shortage of coke.

•Cat claws


Quote of the week: "Delz Hall is going hog wild." . . Suggested cure for the Pin Ba Jitters: One week's isolatio from the machine and wa milk a~ bed time . . . The m popular pa.rlor · game now Eliza Morgan is going tbro the student directory buntin for the "ideal man" to take the formal. Scene of the week: Dramatic Club stitching machine . . . New name hour - dances - "Sunlight Se nades." . . . Lost one g slightly used car key. Retu to Rachow. Lost no. ?..--one g slightly used red hat. Ret to Whiz. Unofficial Don't tell flyers say it's going to he "f and warmer.". . . Knutso prize porker, Zelia, was kil in the hall by the foot of Dre en. Funeral arrangements under the direction of the Bu man-Wirth Slaughter Co. . .. An Auburn businessman info~·med us that there was

Proverb of the week-the have TIME to play from sun sun. The girls must wa1.ch clock and run . . -. Fashion no Be the belle of the formal wear the longest string of fense stamps on your shoul . . . O.K., "Butch," don't co back. "Bulldog" is a better h player than you, anyway. Second Floor Boys.

on Cats with You!



stretch drive for titles

Cats in four • • • SPORTS

Wayne setback forces Bobcats to sweep final four games with their backs to wall


By Ralph Locke

DrivP! ! f Beginning Wednesday, the Bobcats have aays In tLe course of those four games, a lot of title ~settled. Peru, with 9 wins against three losses in the ~~ go ahead to take that championship, providing they swep:i d . , games-which is a p;enty tough assignment for any bllll ~If they win boch ends of the two game series with ~- . . , ;lnd and 3rd they will climb right onto the NIAA th~~ _ . gold basketballs for the team. Whe,her ,hey \< n or not. the Bobcats have plenty to cheer for <·llis year, and the seMon has defhutel:r one. But still--it Wuuld be plenty swell if they could those four games!!

Meetzn;;· an Old Peruvian-While registerir g for the draft a week ago, I was tnal the head of the draft board in Tecumseh was Mr. Elm<er L!illim~~'ll!·l~1'tl[!· graduateCi from Pera in the early 1'900's. He told me of ms co~lege, s.nd also tc.Jd me how he helped the faculty and get out on weekends and dig out the old ravine that is OO'ilf lt's ti1e same one that we have now, and is considered ooe of ~ best natural bowls in the midwest.

Backtracking-Last week, there appeared on this page, an article which has given cause co much comment from many sources. After a bit of investigation and a chat with Mrs. Inice Dunning, I found that there was little foundation tor tlie article cc be directed as it was. My apologies are in order. and I hope th~.t they a.re as sincerely accepted as they are presented.

title picture scrambled Bobcats failed to get going enough last :F'r!day night, ~ Wayne proved to be the tough ~- that they always are on their >it~. fioor by winning 44-33. ~r Byers led the scoring atthat kept the Wheelermen striking distance of the ~eats most of the game, but Wi\l.}'"ne pulled away in the dying ~ents to clinch the victory. '?he loss leaves Peru with only alternative-and that is :o Chadron twice in the crucial ~p.ionship series coming up March second and third. ~bgdanz, Wayne's tall boy proved be the deciding factor in the 1ame as he flipped in seven field gltleils for the margin of victory. His drives in'· the last quarter netted Wayne eight points which iced the game.

Two games are on the bill for this week, both of them at home. Tomorrow night Mid:and drops in to a bout with the Wheelermen, and Friday Wesleyan makes their fi.rst and final appearance of the year here. Wedrn~sday night two games will highlight "PERU NIGHT," which is being sponsored by the local Kiwanis Club. The Bobcats will be ou'; for win number 10 i11 the Seate league, and they ~ould get it. Midland has had a mediocre season, and are well out of both state and NCAC title pictures. Peru won a g-ame from them earlie1 by

a com,C!Hable margin. Frid"<5' right Pe::u meets Wesleyan in the return engagement after they had such a tcugh time coming out on top in the Plainsman gym in the initial game between these two fiYes. The Llncolnites boast a fast aggressive team, and it should ·be a good game.

Chadron Here Monday, March 2, the Chadron: Eagles come here for the first of a two game series with Peru. The games will be the highlight& of the season, and the N!AA championship will be at stake for both teams. Chadron is unbeaten in four games while Peru has won three and lost one. Peru will be forced to win both. There cannot be a tie for the title, after the' Peru loss to Wayne last week. The Eagles have been going great all season. They have lost only twd' games of their schedule, and both cf them with outstate teams. Peru has been settng the state afire all season, up to the last twogames, both of which they lost, They still have outside chances of coming through, but it will be" a hard and rocky trail to a champw ionship, with four games to play. in seven days, and all of them tough games.

.Thanlzs to the PointerHeiping out" witi:1 their bit, the Peru Pointer people and the busines~ men about town nave come through with plenty of backing for the 'Cats in the Midland gJm~ tomorrow night. A whole page ad, pledging Peru's .s;.ipport appe"red i:: Ia.st week's Pointer, and inasmuch as iz will be "PERU NIGHT," we should see a record crowd out to see the Warriors go down.

Peru Prep Tournes-bound-. The Bobkittens 1ake the weekend off this week to go· over to Humpoldl to cast their b1d in for a chance at the state tournament. Thev ar2 one of the seedtd teams, -a.nd the opposition that threatens mo;: seems to be in the B;:;.rnestons outfit. Here's luck to the team and a rormer Bobcat-Hai oid Fisher. Lots of luck.

Peru Prep wins three straight The Bobkittens clawed away last week, sparing no one as they grabbed. off three games as they got in trim for the district tournament at Humboldt this week. · First, Rockport, Mo. went down 23-22 before the Fishermen. It was 8, close game with the Kittens pulling a way late in :ht last quartThursday night Humboldt fell before the onslaught, going down 45-23. Prep trailed at the haif 10-15, but came back strong to s~vamp . the Humboldt lads. Redfern and Hunzeker spa.rked the drive that netted 30 points in that wide-open last half. At Brock on Friday night, Prep hit it's hig·h scoring mark of the season a.s they sank 23 of H shots

to down Grady Ashton's bo:>s 51-19. Not at all bothered by the s:na11 r;-y1n, Lhe Prepsters

dovln to

business early and rang the bell from the opening whistle. Harold Fisher used three teams in the victory march of the Kittens.

Presenting the BOBCATS-who ,-h1d up the season with four crucial home games. Let's ;;ct out and help them roar info those championships!?

WAA tourney in full swing The Ping Pong and Shuffleboard tournaments are in full swing for the WAA girls. Closing date is set at March 6. Current leaders in '.he ladder tournaments are: Shuffleboard doubles: Ardis Carmine and Mary Liz Jensen. Shuffleboard singles: Edwinnie Willman. Ping Pong singles: Lois Zwiebel. Watch next week's Ped for further results and new leaders in the tournaments.

You sense in ice-cold Coca-Cola a thing tha~ is g•Mccl ·- cr pure, wholesome drink wilh the quality of genu:irl•e g•ood-ness. Coca-Cola delights your taste, gratifies your ~hfi.r:st "1J1r:id leaves you happily refreshed. CENTRAL OFflCEo 17 NORTH MAIN ST.



You trust its quality NEBRASKA CrTY


TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1942.'~'


,Miss Mears comments· on geography competition

Prof. V. H. Jindra is receiving college band to appear in concerts. The band trip this year will many letters from Nebraska and Iowa high schools the feature many student directed numbers.

Students who may plan to enter the annual competit10n for the LoLise Mears Geographic Medal Award will be interested to note that the award was first established at P.S.T.C. about tep years ago. The original purpose of the donor was io encourage the study of local gecgraphy, to create the nuCleus for a reference library at the .college and elsewhere, and to train and discover geographically minded stud,,nts. "I owe my undertaking of the founding of the Louise Mears

Geogra.phic Award to the encouraging words of the late Dean William Delzell, a schoolmate of mine at YH·u," says Miss Mears. Her book, "The Hills of Peru," was written when she was a member Df the Peru faculty, and memor.falizes the town and the school. Six medals have now been awarded, in sizes appropriate for men or women students. The symtlolic design is one of unusual

AAUW presents Mr. Fisher ''Pattern of Conquest" by Joseph C. Harsch was reviewed by l\'Ir.

good The r:'f:1:1t be used for practice and the b!.\lt d mimes will be given at ~ Club meeting in the ru~ Ellen King~ sor of Peru vaca.ncy left. Wischmeier.


Library • • • Do you haft. a ~ to read something neir? ~ M:Xt time you are in the hlnvJ ~ a look at the bulletin ~ ~ el t.he reference desk. There arie ~ new books on South Ame~ lll7b.ieh may be checked out for tli'l:I> weeks with no renewals. The books an: Dey Guillotine by Rene Bel~; Seven Keys to Brazil by Vera ~; Ecuador the Unknown, Von ~; Chile Land of Progress by El.lid p_ Haason; Americas to the Smith by John T. Whitaker; In:sidc Latin America by John Gunt.her.

YMCA meets . . .

New unit to begin CPT flying course

Party-goers to play anagrams You can play anagrams-you think. Have you played French anagrams? "You will learn," say Marjorie Prine, Jimmy Howe and Alice Thomson. the entertainment committee for the "international" party. The affair will be a buffet supper to be held in the home eccnomics rooms on Thursday. Feb. 26. Members of the foreign language classes and language m?..jors and minors will be guests.

Miss Evelyn von Hermann, regional Y secretary, spoke to members of the Y.W. cabineb on Thursday, Feb. 19. She told of having been a member of the national welcoming committee which greeted Roland Elliott, relief secretary, when he returned to the United States last month after havino· spen!-. several months in Europe b "Mr. El!fott is touring the United States;• explained Miss von Her·-

mann. "He will speak at Lincoln in March, but since he can only spend iou: days in this region, he will be unable to visit Peru." Commenting more directly on the World Student Fund, Miss Hermann added, "If students in America do not help those abroad who wish to continue their education, they will go uncared for. Ct'r;.u,inly it behooves us to keep the -educational light a.glow during this world. -crisis.''

• =

• •'R #*

BLUE & WIDTE MARK.ET • • AND DELIVERY : • Cream, Milk and Ice • : CHAS. WILLS Peru, Neb.:

Skelly Oils anti Gas l:omplete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone 4AI


Announces the opening of his office for the General Practice of Medicine and Surgery in association with Dr. Bertha M. Thomson at Peru, Nebraska. Specialty: Surgery and Fractures Telephone~: Office 60 • Res. 64

Peru, Nebraska

How to Win Friends in one easy lesson Treat yourself and others to wholesome, delicious Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. Swell to chew. Helps keep breath sweet, teeth bright. The Flavor Lasts.


Get Your--WATCH OR CLOCK WHILE YOU CAN \V e've tried to keep our stock up on these but it is getting increasingly difficult to get our orders filled. Help us by anticipating your needs early.

CHATELAINS JEWELRY Where Your Money Buys More

Phone 112

Regional Y head· speaks on world student relief


Skelly Service ..Station

Alfred G. Scheffel, M. D.

"Should the Control and Support of Education be More Centralized" was discussed by Grace Muenchau, Hazel Bouse and Thomas Dean at the Kappa Delta Pi meeting Monday, Feb. 15. Students now eligible for meml<ership in the fraternity' attended the meeting as guests. Ella ;\)1ae Hurlburt, Marjorie :E'rine an"Ci Ruth Crone served refreshments. _· ''.fil

Mi Iler heads war views meet

Ladies Welceme at

Mrs. Bertha Henningsen of Bialr is visiting her daugher, Miss Margaret Henningsen, the college nurse.

Panel discusses school control

Students .assist Peru ,airport



charm-an owl, lamp of learning, a globe and torch. The handsome medal is on display in the office of the administration building. Interested students can see Prof. A. B. Clayburn for details of the competition.

The Reverend Phillip Johnson Harold Fisher Wednesday, Feb. 18 of the Baptist Church spoke at at the A.A.U.W. b-Ook review. the YMCA meeting on Tuesda.y, Born in Toledo, Ohio, the author Feb. 16. His topic was, "How to has recently been a correspondent be a Christian in a Warring .for the Christian Science Monitor. World." He stated that we must .He returned to the United States not lose contact with Christian in the spring of 1940 to tell the life in this war al(-d further emworld the story of civilian life in phasized the imporc2.nce of religGermany during the the first two ion in the >rnrld today. years of the present war. After a short busiaess meeting, the group adjourned. According· to Mr. Fisher, the book describes the rationing system of Germany and tells of the entertainment policies which keep up the morale of the people. It gives a vivid picture of the morale when the R.A.F. first bombed Berlin and gives .the author's opinion P.S.T.C. students arc cooperating as to why the German people conwith the new oi·ganiza'. ion of the tinue to support Hitler. Peru airport which has been The author concludes the book, Mr. Fisher said, by giving a mili- formed in order to meet federal tary description of how Germany requirements for a certified airport. can be defeated. On guard at the airport for six hour pehods from 7 o'clock a. m. to 7 o'clock p. m. are Lloyd Sehnert, Max Jackson, Dick Kingsolver, John Rhodus and Jack Snider. Bob Williams and Wilbur Ege are night guards. The students have the ranking The Christian pacific, non-pacific and intermediary positions or deputy sheriffs, but have authwere discussed a,t YW Feb. 10 by ority only at the airport. Wilma Miller, leader,; Marjorie Friedly and Nina Kanel. Jean Bond, in a report, gave the ChLriese student's answer to whether he can continue his education ~"Gan Do." A map showing how The new C.PT. Unit is well undcampus Y organizations over the erway in ground school and will world are related in one great begin the flying course on OT bemovement was presented. fore March March 1, 1942. Several new camp songs were The following- men make up the taught to the group by Lucille unit: Sandfort, song leader. Freddie Drexler, Ralph Hays, "Jobs We Can Do" will be the Arnold Hector, Maurice Linder and topic for discussion Tuesday, Feb. and Ge9rge Norton. .24. Mary E. Jensen, Ruth Crone Others are Robert Oakman, Bill and Christine Wilkinson will be Rachow, Eldon Ruetter, Robert the leaders. Smith and Donald Stark.


Peru, Nebr.


•• 11111111m11m1m11111m11111111111111111111111111111111ui1





J.P. CLARK .Electric Shoe SI.op Shoe Repairs of Ali


For 24 years we have served teaiehers and sunertendents w·ell. We have placed nearly 7000 teachers in Nebraska and surrounding states. Probably we can help you. Write us or come 111 al1d see us.



.. aR.

• •

fail five days after PresiRoosevelt spoke at Dayton, stating that the United would defend this hemithere appeared befOll'e NEBRASKA, TUES DAY, MARCH 3, 1942 VOLUME XXXVB. rs of literary and official ington at the Mayflower HoSigrid Undset, Nobel prizeer and essayist, who reviewed itions preceding and after the , n invasion of Norway in ''c ch the same manner Cornelius derbili, Jr., spoke of Munich n he had appeared before Peru te Teachers College faculty and College and high ~ I_ I mi~;&cfdt were entertained by body a year before, but the A. A. U W. at a music hall auditorium, li.Jndset's view of the imiaie future was even more inThe program c~ ely pessimistic than t_hat of the by Mrs. J. W. Tyler oo erican newspaperman. "There and work of A. A. U.. W. not room in this world for totalJY.liss Grace Mary ~t~ and democratic states." work of the Inte~~--tions group. The m"®.~lift n though her English was spohaltingly the force of her group was represented Grace Tear, Mrs. B. K. -.m· • oughts were carried to each of . Mrs. A. L. Bradford. 11i'.b$ -~ .,_ in three languages Prof. Clinton H. Sharp listeners present. "Certainly we lections which they had ~ -~ given at the buf.fet sup· e on the brink of a new Dark A short story, "OM. ~-- d pill'· pven by the foreign Ian· Prof. Clinton H. Sharp of the Glory," by 1\-lary ~ ~ ge." No matter who wins perhaps classes on Feb. 26 at science department has gone to hart, was reviewed lq 111111. - , . raining School. ere will be a_ century of unrest, Chicago. Ill., where he will be Hileman who represell!W :liiliieJ ~ ~ French class presented e believes. review group. m:an "Alice in Wonderland." transferred 1mder conunission .to The concluding event d b -~ ~ class, the last scene one Qf the four aviation ground gram was presented by ~ A. G ~ "\Olnderella" and "Red Ridschools now being established at Wheeler and her f~~ was presented by the uni~rsi.ties including Iowa Uniclass. Dressed as ladies am ~ students. Free speech is banned in Norversity and Leland 6tanfo1'd. ~ guests were Dr. Be~ way. Scientific research is stifled. men in foreign castumes. b grol:IP Until President W. R. Pate's reentertained by showing llCm.e of JL l'bmnron and Dr. and Mrs. C. "They will probably do as they did turn, other members of the faculty Jn Poland-destroy the historical the folk dances they; hd ~. JL Brown. Following the ,program.. tea was Alire '.llbomson, freshman, was monuments ... and yet we have not will supervi."-C Prof. Sharp's classes. in dl-&rge of singing during the given up hope . . . I do not think served. The tea table was decorated by a huge centerpiece of white supper. they will succeed in stifling the snapdragons and yellow daffodils. "Anagrams'' was played with moral instincts of my people forMusic for the tea was provided words of foreign languages. High ever. The source of our civilization by Kathlyn Benford, Max Mathscore winner was Betty Kennedy, .must begin to spring again one ews, Patty Hill, Phyllis Brinson, llllld Dr. Thomr~n was awarded day." Billie _Jean _Miller _and _Laurine the low score prize. Madame li.Jndset said nothing of Claybu:rn. Dr. Selma Konig sponsored the iher escape into Sweden nor of her even( and members of Kappa Oro~ trip with her youngest son by "Come all yon Mikes, Pats, icron Phi served the supper. Trans-Siberian Railway through Kathleens, O'Haras and O'Neils, Russia to Japan and then to San in fact, come aD yon Bobcats to Francisco. (She has set forth this journey in a new book, RETURN the Kerry Dance Saturday TO THE FUTURE.) When internight," urges Betty K. Cole, viewed in that Pacific Coast city chairman of the girl's formal she said, "There was nothing lefi decoration committee. Peru stu"Flags" was the theme when for me in my beloved country. I Scholarship club met Monday, Feb. had no libel'ty of thought, so I dents will dance Saturday, Mar. .came away, hoping to be of some 23, under the leadership of Dick 7, to Jim Sandin's orchestra at Clements. Kappa Omicron Phi held a short use elsewhere. I wish to tell how the annual spring formal. Members played a flag question bu.siness meeting Monday night, it was in Norway and I wish to Betty says an attempt is beand answer game. The winning Feb. 23, at Miss Edna Weare's try to impress America againSt ing made to keep the decoragroup included Melvin Rothmiller, home. feeling too safe, for the tragedy tions simple, and reminds evChristine Wilkinson, Mary MannTentative plans were made for of my Norway was that we were eryone to bring their pennies the freest people on earth. We schreck, Bob Ashton and Alice the annual field trip taken by the for use at the "Irish Wishing Thomson, who received small silk group each spring. It was decided ·took our democracy for granted. Well." flags. that if cars cou1d be obtained, the Christine Wilkinson discussed group would make the field trip to Invitations are on sale at Elithe "Flags of Many Nations.." Omaha this year. za Morgan Hall.



Sharp to serve government

*' .........

hold et supper


Formal to haue

Irish theme

Club features 'flag' theme

Frat plans field trip

As a preliminary the Minister of

Chinese refugee student to speak on 'China's Education on March'

Norway stated, "We have realized for years that Sigrid Undset is in the forefront of those Norwegian men and women who have tried tcf interpret Norway . . . Today in my country there is no freedom, no justice, no gladness in the hearts of the people." The statements, "The spirit of Norway cannot and will not die," and "Our will to Philip Lin, a refugee stufight and live cannot be broken,' dent from Fukien, China, were met with applause. "Tonight we shall hear that voice which no will speak at convocation, bombs nor secret police can stilL" Monday, March 9, on "Chi. Walter ·Lippmann, author and na's Education on March." national columnist, introduced the Holding a graduate scholarship authoress as one who ''is herself in social science, Mr. Lin has been the innocent victim of a cakula.t- studying at Kansas State College, .ed evil ••• When Madlmle Undset .-. Hayes, Kansas, since his arrito American9 she will find val in the United States, August, ha' they have not come io hear a 1940. The past summer he was a ted or noble writer •.• The sufcounsellor in a New York City Boys ering of Norway as it is representcamp. ) in this lady is an experience While an undergraduate student hich we have shared in our imagin Fuiken University, China, he ation and when she speaks "she was sent in 1935 as one of four ould be within the realm'' of the delegates from China to the Paciexperience and the travail of the fic Area student .Congress, held in )\Inerican pe~~e.'' Manila. Upon his graduation he · This "woman of genius" was attraveled overland to the interior of tired simply in a black dress trimChina where as a student secreed with a white collar. Her eldest.. tary he did war relief work in n had been killed in action. Yunnan, a province near the borThere is a hint of gray in her hair, ders of French Indo China, and which is parted in the middle and British Burma. (Continued on page 4)

Mr. Lin has written several articles for publication on internation-

al student work, and for a. time acted as editor of a. daily English news sheet. Having a. commendable command of the Engllsh language, he has been in demand to speak before Rotary, Red Cr~ and other such clubs on topics as "A Year in America," "China & AD Ally,"

"New China Under Construction." Mr. Lin will also a.ypear at the International Supper to be held iD. the mnsie hall auditorium Mar. 8 at 6: 15. This is the kick-off to the campus-wide Workl Student Service Fund drive scheduled for Mar. 9-10.


Crone talks at convo "In Washington the• past, present, and future reach a focus more than any other one spot in the United States," said Ruth Crone at women,s' convocati()IIl, Monday, Feb. 23. Miss Crone is en a leave of absence from her government ·position in Washington. Commenting on the race situation in Washington, Miss Crone i;ii.id, "Even in the year 1940 the words (the . Union shall go on,) were somewhat strange in Washington for then on the MasonDlxon line ma;ny were still fighting the Civil War by word, as their grandfathers had done by sword.'' In the situation one year later, the tone was different, Miss Crone stated. As an example, she reminded her audience that in 1941 Joo Louis as a patriotic gesture offered his purse for his fight a.gninst Buddy Baer, aml hundreds of Washington negroes ·were trading their red ties and socks and striped suits for olive uniforms. Other interesting incidents which Miss Crone recalled were the historical parade up Pennsylvania Avenue when Roosevelt was for the third time elected president, Yehudi Menuhlns opening his concert with "Gut Bucket Gus," concerts of Lily Pons and Helen Jepsen, a typical Washington blackout, and others. Miss Crone concluded her talk with the statement: "This is Washington-a panorama. of intense and headlong activity during the day; at night, subdued, watchful, brooding.

"Be silent, and listen to the pulse Of Washington beat; for this, too, is your life blood."

'War Nurse' to be revi"ewed In our present emergency the American Red .cross is playing its usual heroic role. "War Nurse," the story of Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross, is to be reviewed by Miss :B,1ma Gockley, Wednesday, March fourth at 5 o'clock. The author of the book is Beth Brown and it was published by Samuel CUrl, Inc. Clara Barton was the first President of the American Red Cross. She thought of herself impersonally, says Miss Gockley, and saw in herself the story of every man, every woman, in the world who, having faith walks forward, advancing confidently in the dire<>tion of his dream until the desired goal'lis reached.

Study of budget fund reueals tthis is the way your money goes' Hutton directs Have ~·ou e\'er wondered what you pay for when you buy your budget ticket? A study of the distribution of budget funds shows Peru students get almost "double their money's worth" each semester. In case you didn't knaw your budget ticket this semester admits you to six college and four prep basketball games, two Dramatic club productions, the bana concert and two .budget events. At regular

admission prices, these would cost you a total of six dollars. In addition, yon receive your own copy of the PERU P.EDAGOGIAN. The guest soloist for the Sunday musicale was also seeured by the budget committee. Finally, budget funds provide for the student program of intercollegiate debate, four track meets and tennis matches.

p Cl Ub ;program Luther Hutton annouces that plans are being made for a program to be presented by the P Club. , The -~~ e!,e~~;fuis program will bej_a"plat, ;Vlfiloo has been selected \ln\t-:Oj;cM·~d. ,The program is to be .held' in the near future and proeeea'~ ··the event will be added to. the sweater fund.




Pedagogian .editorials


sesses. \\'here~ per cent of a country's

No corsages

• • •

coHeg~s have

Much has been said in the past months about

i.. trAnted

dents have ~

to ashes, where stu·

ti. ~nee


Ycu would never know there are any· dcctions going on. .\t one mid-western university a

comparable to the

up "little extras" to help rdieve suffering

m1kr..ge from ~ University to Ch.eyenne,

dec1.ion regularly means the exchange of

among war victims and to promote defense of

Wycming, where 'MW Vietlms suffer tortures of


~i"Ving '


'uu~ c~untry. Peru .coed's ,answer to this ple11 is

body and mind, ..._

no corsages at the girls' formal next Saturday night. !''01

m~ny; this will :be' their first "flowede;;

form)il." But saving pennies to help with relief

No 'cam

no hope-but that com-


posing factions. At another college, two m

of the 3tudent council were kidnapped



At Peru, student elections are not anno"

• • •

until ihe day set for the voting, so th.at the.Te


be r.o "campaigning." ~.faybe


it's a good thing.-M. J.

Who's who

• •

On campus


• •

Lucille Weber, freshman from the best cure for the blues, also Cook is proof that ltlondes CAN music in the grand· ·manner (Beethoven to you) . . . believes, too, ~r red. An. early elementary major, 'she scores high in chorus and that the only way to be happy is to forget yourself and ·make peomathematics. ple around you· happy. · Alse. thinks Lucille's life-long ambition has that it's not at alL a bad idea to been to "grow up." She likes assohave money, but does .not Hst it ciating with .Peqple of poise and maturity . . . hopes that now she as ..al!-. importa.ht requirem~t. for ts in college, no one at home will success. Louise BurgeS.s, Talmage freshsay, "My, h®r 'you have GROWN! man, is an · e:lQlm'i,ile of th~ outI . remember when---." door girl. She likes to hike· and she"" adtnits an admiration for .ride hocseback. ' .«0stume j~IJ;y~es i'musual and On her father's farm .in high extreme thingS, but dislikes earschool days, Louise broke three ings, Her m:ike-1(!) policy' is stricthorses for riding and almost broke ly . natural . . • ~ a, peeve· she her neck. But she insists that she lists sponsors of 'the cnJShing , loved every bit of it and says it !~dcshake. was fun out-gue8sing the horse! R0bert Graham, sophomol'e fr.om Louise is oonvinced that the -Kearney State Teachers College, common, everyday things in life · ·has taught school a year ' near 3.l'6 most im])Ort:ult • . • confesses Broken Bow. A major in physical a weakn~ for swea.ters worn science, his ·hobby is mechanics, backwards, plaid skirts and casual and "batchin", keeps · him occupied. ha1r-do's. Thinks velveteen is supEventually he hopes to go out for er for dressy occasions, but feels music and athletics, especially much more comfortable in sports tra~. He believes that work is attire.

Looking bac -..,,,.

Ten Years Ago Plans were being manual arts department t one issue of the Pedagogian. A double program was p by Howard A. Musser, lectur Signor Mario Cappelli, It American tenor. Five Years Ago Enrollment in dancing class included 22 women . One Year Ago "The Saturday 1Was selected for spring play with Virgie Lee J , son and Jimmie Hawe in the 1~ ing roles. Lee Williams and his Step . . Tones was selected for music ' the Girl's "Storybook Ball."


IAlumni trail

Dear Redfern: Nancy may forget to w1ite you; news, so I'm taking this cpportunity lo keep j·ou informed of evenlts in the Peru realm while you teach hist,nlical ~ac.(s and make predictions to tl1e Mt. Moms, Michigan, young·-

uns ! WILLARD MILLIKAN, of Rockport, Mo., visited in Peru this week.

He had come from Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he ha.d been in training in the R. A. F. He is going· to ottawa, Canada, and on to L-0ndon, England, where he expects w be in active du:ty. He ·attended Peru for two yes.rs and was a 0. P. T.'er here. CRAIG THOMAS, a Peruvian of 1928, is operating a dude ranch at Cody, Wyoming.

MARIE WIENCKE will be graduated from Northwestern this spring with the M. A. degree. She majored in early elementary work at Peru and was assistant 'n the kindergarten here for two years. Her sister, Rachael. also attended Peru last yea.r and is teaching near Johnson. She will be iemembered. as the "cello third" of the piano trio. A. broth~. Matthew, .also a PeruVian will be graduated from an Oihfo university with the .A. B. degree. He is a violl'.nist. Spealdng .of families, you know HOPE CA!tT&R? Her father, W. R. ta.i;ght biology m the college for seven years. At his. death in 1933, Mr~, Carter taught. the rema.inder of the year. GALE, Hope's brother and a 1940 grad,. is a.t Inglewood, Cali:tlornia, in· the coast guard a.rtillery Finish.i.ng up this Peru family and its affilliations-Peruvian E'~ ELYN H.IHliALKA is teaching kindergarten a.t Sidney, Iowa, anct REX FLOYD is stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood.

At the game 1ast night I saw ORILLO GORDON among several alurrmi--sl1e's; teacbing a rural school near Hamburg. I



BU,L BROOKS was on the campus

Mary Stevenson is the new sor for Sketch Club. Plans are ing made for the semester include sketches and figure ings.

Cat claws... e By Gi:acie Muencnai..



He was conunissioned on Febcuary 19 '.3lS Second Lieutenant U. s. McR. He has been at the U.S. Nava.I Air St2"tion at Corpus Christi, Texas. You wiU recalfhe attended Peru umil last year when he joined the air corps. He was sports editor of the Ped and was a member of. Sigma Tau Delta. Also otrnr:m:ed a guitar in t11.c dance band! At Corpus Christi. during advan8ed traini.ng su;.ge, he sp€cializ;ecl. in flying the Navy's fast fighter planes, the type used on carriers. HP.s thi.:: been infmmative? If you're doing something· spectacular let us know-we're interested in activities of fonner rep s.tu.dents! Sincerely, Grace


"uade.d" to vote a certain way.

It is very quid;. 4t Peru State Teachers Cal·

drive:> and to buy defense bonds and stamps is a privilege not every student in the woi;ld still pos·

and vegetables betvveen members of


Citatiun for ac1fan al:ioYe anti beyond duty: Fog.le, Finnell, &iant and Wieder fm: scraoing the packed snow f~ the girl's form step with na1Urht but hll\

Leslie Gump sends news from Camp San Luis Obis News from Camp San Luis Obis-

l\i::mfold (now transferred lo

pa, Ca-Hf., was contained in

aJ1(t sjJa.de.

the following note received from First

New nick-names oi the week: Curley Locks-Chuck Hinman;

Sargear:tc Leslie E. Gump by l\'L Fforence Martin. Gump · attended

thanks lot.

R.olilinh1u1d-Rachow; T e x a s

Pem in '39.

1;: you can believe the Galifor Chamber of Commerce), and a ching to do but work 20 hom day and sleep four-if they d wake you up. Believe everyth we do is worth it though, after it'.s for one common cause, so thing we'll all have to pull toge er for if we win. Give my regards to all the viliB.ns and keep 'em flyin'! Gump's address iS-Co. "A" I th Infantry, Camp San Luis 0 po, Calif., APO No. 35.

Ma.r-y.-Ca.rol Jean CtmuI. Fonnal dates to date; Chris Wilkinson and Perey Harding; Ui<lrothy Briant and Knutson. iwn1:0rters include Mastin and Beezley. Wonder who cast that vote nominating the DEAN for May King. Letter t() the editor • . • 'Fhe expressions of sympathy and kindness extended at the tune of the death .of ear l>eloved pig, Zella, were deeply app.reci:ited, We esmecially Uh to think those who gave per!!Onal semces during the early hours ef oar bereavement. Yoo.r lrintl.ness wi.!! be rememht>red. IIerb !Knutson and the Burmm.an- W"'irth Slau,ghrer

Dear Miss Martin: 'Scuse the informal card, but. hardly have time for letters anymore-so .will use this as a letter, thank you card, and what l1ave you? Just received the Feb. 10th "Ped," and w:ant to thank you and tell you how much a~l of "us guys" appreciate it. By "us" I mean some former Peruvians here in my outfit. Thaine Hale, Verlyn Carpenter, "Brick" Llewellyn, Max

Dcn't knew who is responsible,




Wanted: Smal't. sayings, unO{ interest, a.nd who clunits. Drop by the Jl>ed office anytime Thurs-

Pubfished Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

usual ha.ppenings, items

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc

day or Friilay.

Meredith Jimerson ............................. . i\iina Kanel ............................ Assistant Ralph Locke ............................. Sports Edit Rogene Rose .............................. Copy Read Virginia King, Ellen King ................ Proof Reade M. Florence Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advis

Il>id you see bound-for-England Millikan last week? Why n<1t have something to celebrate t.he end of the basli:etltall season, too? W11at junior girl is carryinf a torch for a solclier boy deep in the mud of sunny Cal? A.mlrey's the lucky gal!

Reporters; Gene Adams, Betty K. Cole, Reuben Lavara Oakley, Evelyn Rodgers, James Sandin.




Peru in chaos of championship basketball struggles SPORTS RESUME' ••• 'Kittens cop By Ralph Locke

Floor AdvantageT'ne so-called experts can say all they want to about the home team ving only a four point advantage from playing before their own crowd\ t I think it is a good deal more than th~t. Comparing Peru games state college competition; those a:t home with those played awii,y with e same opponents, I find Peru has piled up a margin of 98 points at me com.pared with ithe out of town engagements-wJJich means that ey are 14 point; better on their home floor-or it :means that Peru is points better, and the other team is 7 points poorer. At any rate no e can claim tha.t a 'blea<:hers full of boosters isn't a big help to any

Get a LetterCoach Al Wheeler tells me that any boy in school who wants a letter al bad has a chance of 'a lifetime if he will tum out for track in the t week or so. He wants to get as m®y boys out asl possible, and h/bpes put most pf, his ~'me in developing talent for the coming events which n't far off. Any fellow in school that has any possibilities at all should out and do wh:.:.t he 'c.an for the coaches and the team by getting Wll to business and trailli.ng-a berth on the squi:{d means first crack the letter.

e's a Second Looey Now! Back on the Peru campus once more for a visit, Bil1 Brooks, former dent and sports editor of ·11he PED, reports th:a.t he has been doing a lot of flying dow!l Texas way lately. He reports that he is new com. sioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Army Air Gorps and that the army life is o. k'Fo!'mer Bobcat basketeer, Bob Halliday is at present in e same training field that Bill was, and is said to be doing all •right r himself.

eru Prep Hitting High Da&hing through the Humboldt District tournament, unheaded the bkittens look like they are well on their way to state recognition if hey can hold their stride. Even tho~ the competition in the State .ey wW be plenty rugged, the Fishermen shoulµ get far enough to ow that they have been sadly underrateµ this season as one of the stronger teams in this section of the state.

The Midgets Went Down.Those "MlDGETS,'" the independent team· fr()m the rank.s of the intramural hds, finally went down in the Nebraska City tournament last week losing in the second round to a ta~l cutf'.t from P]attsmouth. Up to their eliminaUon from 'the tourney, the team had a string of three cces.sive victories-which isn't bad.

"V"lin, lose or dr.::.w, you've got to hand it to the Bobcats for coming back like they did agains.t Wesleyan-the same team that they barely edged out in LincoJn 49-47. Highlights were Byers' neat swi.sher:s from utcom-G, Pascab zooming passing down the mJddle and .S.'.ai:Ir.'s fi.i'J to fe•·ee Volz in the dyi.ng moments. Nosing· through the box scores, it is pleasing to notice the difference the gift tosses percentage. Where Peru was getting six and seven t oI 16 and 18 the first of the year, they now cash in en about, 10 of v:ery 15---which is improvement.

With the Bobcats squaring off wi!jll Chadron for State and NIAA ·ues, wouldn't it lle appropriate for the student body to supplement 1eir fine support from the bleachers with a big ral1y before the final 1e of this series? We get out and have an annual r:ally for the footteam, and thi..s year. the basketbal1 squad has come through heroically for Peru. They are out there fighti.ng for School Honor-for their c<1:lChe<1; for the Pal.e Blue and White and for us! Cou1dn't we do our part by at least letting them know we are behind them till t.h!e last poL11t s poured through??

Title fever rampant as Bobcats face Chadron with two crowns on the block

district title 'Cats split pair Ragin~

like wildfire, the Peru Bobki';tens struck an early fast pace to march through the Hum boldt class C tournament, copping the district championship. fa the first game, Wi1lard Redfen: paced the Prep attack with 11 coun'.ers as his mates came through with a 34-22 thumping at the ex13e1Se of Diller. The next evening saw P:aul Ogg burning up the basket with 10 point.s as the Fishermen copped win No. 2 over Table Rock 32-19. The Ohampion2hip game was wi'.h Barneston, one of the leading teams in this district, boasting ·a fine seasonal average in the won and lost column. However, Prep's ba11-hawking front line proved to be too powerful as they punched through 21 of 25 points for a 25-17 win. Redfiern a.ga(in copped top scoring honors v.rith 11, follewed )Jy Bob Brown with four and Paul Ogg with six. During the tourney these th:2e players .::howed the way with their acc·J.arate goaling g,nd brilliant floor play. :Mainstay Clements patroled the backcourt in the first two . games in top-notch shape. Howev~f only two mmutes Of. the last game had elapsed\ until Art suffered .an injury to his weak knee, and he will be out of action for this week, and probably all of next. Ten players saw service in the tourney. They were; Bob Brown, Marvin Brown, Gordon Paimer, Wfilard Redfern, Paul Ogg, Art. Clements, Verne Cotton, Wayne Cotton, Clyde Hunzeker and Grant DeVore.

WAA tournament into final week The sport3 tnurna1nent enters i;.s lasi; week wi'h some new sports lee.d.ers clt:nbing to the top o.f the

ladders. Elaine · Brier moved into firs!; spot in both the shuffleboard and ping pong sing'les. In tl1e shuffleboard doubles Carmine and Jensen still reign, and in the Ping Pong matches, there have been no matches played, so there has bee:1 no first pla.ce combination nmninat2d. This is the final we~k, the tournament ending Friday, March 6. Al1 girls entered in the tournament are urged to get out and try to advance, in order to pick up those points for ,:their letters .

Let's boost the Bobcats to a championship .tonight!

as they look to ~agle twin-bill ~~t·.,q-,;;

- -r::':;


Nod to Midland :· . ....

The Bot;:;a.ts were just another lnll club Wednesday night a.> they hi~ the bottore of a slump, losi:1g to the Midland Warriors 41-38. Pascal and Eyers, both key men in the Wheele1·-Jones cage machir:.e, fouied out. early, Leaving the Blue and White sci<1ewhat in a poor position for rally\ng. Shuck Hiatt and Russell Hobbs earned tile attack to th2 Warriors for the rest of the game, but L was a futile fight. Tlw :id ~~ayed on the basket. The 'Oats shot from every conceivable angle, and only moderate suctesses by Hiatt and Hobbs were the r..·~t re·:.i..:Es. I-!c,~~s clahr~ed high point honors with 15 while teammate Hiatt ran second with 1.0. Midland jumped in~o a 24-22 lead at the intermission with a hope shot as the bell rahg. During the la.st half the sco1'e was tied intermittently, giving the crowd a colorful battle. However, Midland dropped in a pair of baskets in the la&t milmte to overcome a one noint deficit and win . ~ The crowd was large, and the game, although not up to expectations, was a thriller chat g·ave the Kiwanis Club a good show for their money on i'.s first annual "PERU NIGHT."

Wallop Wesleyan It was back in:o, top form for the ccnning title bouts with 0119.d-

rnn as the Bobcats ran roughshod over the Wesleyan Plainsmen to 'lrin handily 61-Hl. Getting off to a torrid :;tart the Cats had a 12-0 lea.d at the end CJ': 10 minutes, which they ran out to 29-13 at •the half. fa the seconc1 stanza, the Lincoln i:emn was limited to 6 points as Peru ran ou: Iler t-0tal ta 61. During that second. half, the first team left midway, to leave the mop ,Jing up chares to the second and third :eam>. They did it as easily as the varsity had, with the third string combination doing even better than the seconclsprobably due to some tired lads on tha~ Plainsman five. Ha.:i.ck pulled up, w.ith three neat shots, and along with the aid o.f McAle;xander and Faust they ran up ten poin7s against, V1iesleya11's two in th0 short time of two minutes. Byers was high point man for the evening with rn, followed by Hobbs with 8. High for the Lincolnites wr,s P3.nninter with 5.

PERU BOWLING CLUB Ladies Welcqme a.t All ·.runes nen ttaruon, Mgr. M. G.. Heuer, owner

'Kittens fire first shot by sweeping "C' tourney All that Peru adds up to, as this issl!e of the PED is .being pre)ared for the press, is just one basketball-mad town.

With the Bobkittens walking off' with top honors in the Hur:aboldt

touranment, Peruvians now turn cheir attention .to the college gym where the Bobcats are slated to de> OT die against the highly touted Chadron Eagles. The Chadron series is being rated better than a tournament. There' will be more color-more rivalry and lots more spirit in the bleachers. Getting off to a running start, a; rally in oonvoca.tion Monday n:.:rning has t::e student body keyed to a high pitch, and they are far more basketba11-minded than they have ever been previously. . !\..:::c;c:-C.~ng . to pr,evicus1y arranged plans, if the Bobcats win the first game Monday night, Tuesday will see the Peru campus in the throes of a rally that wm stand out in school history as the biggest wholesale demonstration ever to be displayed at Peru. The Bobcats are ready - the student body is behind them to a man-the Eagles are tough, and a wide-open series is underway. Does Peru appreciate it?? Yem C3.n tet they do! And win or 1ose-they're 'l:ith t2e Bobcats J.11 the way!

Coach Al calls for letter aspirants to report for track Next for the Bobca~s spcrts parade will be track, the prospects. for a succ·essful season depending entirely 0:1 the tu::nout o: :iew talent. · Coaches Al and. A:·t wa;:~ :my fol'low in school that has any al>il·· ity on the tra.ck or field to answer their call, which will he forthcom:· ing in the next few days. It will be a good chance for 1'.ew men to letter, with only slx veterans re·· tu~·nit1g' for r2pea' performances. Don Stark and Unk Hutton are back to bolster the ·YJheelermen in the broad jump and high jump as well as the d::ishes. Hannah also high jumps :ind. puts the shot. George At\-r.rood .sld.rns the huccfies, and is ~he only tLtnet topper in sight


EO 1~r.




tosses discus. a1nd. ·a.ob Ee;.-itlersnn rounds uu: the l"'egula.L ci·ei::-~~ with bi.s spot JCl the Hi;lay team. Neecl.ed all of tb.e tr;:i.ck: ev::nts. Field e-;·eL1t.::; n1ost sorely ic1 n·22d erf n1e~~ J r0

the shos, discus, '.Joi-:; ncti ~ o.rni janiin. In tl1e distance 2:r~nts, t.i.1ere isa wl1.ole~321Je droc;,ght Jf eithe:· raUerr:;,




With fack Atkins. Bu:my Bea'.ty, Bob Prye and Gra.dy Asi1ton le2,11ing the v;rhol.e discrn~e co:·µs wa.s left with nothing h:;.t th·o wo,ter·· boy.



flickers ... (Continued from page 1) ,severely drawn ba.ck. She. is a ccnvert to ihe Roman Catholic ccmmunfon and spoke under the auspices of AMERICA, the national Catholic weekl.y, and the Catholic liblrary of Washington. It was her first visit io the capital "With Austria," she said, "we buagined we had ties of friend.Bhip." Striving to be- impartial she -continued, "Let me say in the name of common d~cency I know ef several cases of German soldiers of Austrian birth who refused to fight . . . Then one morning .ea.me the news that Hitler had invaded Pobnd. My mother had been buried in Oslo the day before so I happened to be there." Her mother, she recalled, "had a gift ifor pessimism," and literally with an ear to the grolli!d had heard the German guns 75 years before. That day her sister said, "Whatever end, there shall be an end to all gladness on earth in our time." The lfiruJs, she believed, were "an espeCially peaceful peo@le . . . 'loo late we saw what a fatal mistake it had been that we hadn't armed like the Finns." For the Swedes, the women of Norway gave their wedding rings, the old people rave their gold and silver, the ,-onng men volunteered. "Much of what we did to help the Swedes eannot be told now and if the totalitarian states win, may never be told . . • We did all we could to .~elp .them." She delllicted the Finnish Army as one of "so much skill and courage" and they "lived from day tc days for news" of it.

• "I did not know where my own boys were . . . I w~n't say that I and my comrades cowd stand the bombings as the British have been standing out ... '~me of us seemed to feel a release when the war erune to our country. Now we .c.ould look a Finn in the faee . . . Even om: eliders 'i!SCd to say, "Is it true -0r is it Gennan?" She attended a musicale in Oslo for the benefit of the Finns. The next day they heard that the British had mined their waters and -they were indignant. On the ninth of September "when sirens started 1o blow we did not know whether it was an exercise or serious." Clad in a few hastily gathered clothes she appeared in the street and with a few people began to look for the man who was reported to have the key to the neighborhood bombshelter. They did not find him, so they spent several hours in the woods before they returned to their homes "The next _morning the news sheets brought news of airplanes over our ports."

"There were no Oslo peopl.e about when the Germans marched in," she asserted. "We came to look for treason everywhere when anything went wrong," Madame l1ndset said to her audience, most of whom were leaning forward to eatch her words. "We didn't give in as long as we had a chance of holding .off . . . I don't think any Norn;egian man or woman repents fbai we tried to defend our powers. Even with things at home as they are now I do not think we repent." There was little occasion for her 1iBteners io laugh during the hour.and-a-half



and Norwegians differ-ever since 4he Middle Ages .•• Norwegians do not believe in torture . . • CaiW.\f.al punishment was abolished long <ago in Norway ..• even a schoolmaster who lost patience with a dlild and boxed his ears was in for it . . . Of Sweden I shall not $11Cak much . • . Its position is precarious • . . Not so very few :Swedish people speak Norwegian . ,. • • They consoled us, sympathized with us ..• Some of my Swed. ish friends offered their homes for me . . . Officially they could do :nothing."


Auburn students

convocation music program Wearing maroon and white chair ~ -.lents of the music department of the Auburn ~ . . school presented a conv<><;ation program on Friday. ~. 21. Following is the ;;>rogram, which was directed by Miu Margaret Baldridge, music mstructor: GffiLS Gl!ElE CLUB Tiritoml:l~+Katheaine


Sweet and Low-Frances Williams Bells over Jordan-Bernard Halblen BOYS OCTET Battle of Jericho-Marshall Bartholomew CONTRALTO SOLO-Claire B.uddert, junior Overtones-Rasbach 1Sweet lVllss Mary-Neidlinger TENOR SOLO-Marshall Lutgen, senior Mah Lindy Lou-Lily Strickland SO{flRANO SQL0-9>~en Smdthers, senior The Star-James Rogers GlRLS ENSEMBLE Chlllun-(Solo by Bud Brown, senior) De Gospel Train

BARITONE SOLO-Gfilen Mundhenk:, sophomore I Love Thee-Grieg Morning-Oley Speaks CQN'I'RALTO SOLO-Betty Maynard, senior I Hid My Love--D'Hardelot Wayfarer's Night Song-Martin MIXED CHORUS The Song of the Pedler-C. Lee Williams " America My OWn-Noble Cain Accompanists were Miss Baldridge, Carol Hemmingsen and a seventh grade student, Norma Grant.

YW discusses defense jobs


Skelly Service Stati

YMCA members discussed the coming W:orld Student's Service Fund campaign at their last meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 24. Plans for a chili supper, '.o be held in the future, were discussed at the business meeting.

Skelly Oils and Gas IJomplete L1ne Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone.


Electric Shoe Shop

FOUND: A place ~" have your Nylon and silk hose mended. Reasonable prices. Hested's Photo Booth, Nebraska City.

Shoe Repairs or AU

WHITE l\L.\RKET • : AND DELIVERY : : Cream, l\filk and Ice : =CHAS. \VILLS Peru. :-lelJ.: &



Commission obligatior:s cease fer men when they 'lre conscripted into military duty. -Now tlhese new advantages are offered by the same reliable service whose facilities and experienced guidance are constantly at your command. Nebraska and all nei_ghboring s:ates our field. .. /.~ -~_,.f',






St:uort Bldg., Lincoln, N.brnk1


Omahans visit at Y breakfast Guests at the joint YM-W breakfast Sunday, Feb. 22 in the Eliza Morgan recreation hall were Omalla University _students Gwen Lindenvoll, Harold Hamilton and Mooty Duery.


M~ch 3 Y. M. C. A. --------------------------------



March 3 Y. W. C. A.--------------------------------



March 3 C. C. A. ----------------------------------- 7:00


March 3 ~on Basketball ----------------------- .S:OO


Mar<>h 5 Freshmen Clubs -------------------------7-9:00


Mareh 5 All Girls Formal


March 9 Kindergarten a.nd Primary Club -------- 7:00


March 9 Epsilon Pi Ta.u -------~------------------- 7:00


March 9 Lambda Del~ Lambda ------------------ 7:0-0


March 9 Sigma Tau Delta ------------------------- 8:00

The previous November (}ornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., had been asked what one as a school teacber eould do to help overcome the consequences which he had predicied. His answer was positive and coacise: "Teach. Americanism." _When Sigrid Undset was asked if there was anything American education could do to forestall the dark ages of which she spoke, her answer required much thought, was made haltingly, and was ~: "No, I don't think so. Education can't help that. I supp~ven if the democracies win this war there will be a reoceiurrence of these ideas for years and years." Is the Jersey journalist or the Norwegian novelist correct?

YM outlines W.S.S.F. drive


"Jobs We: Cu . , . was the topic discussed ~· ~ Wilkinson and Ruth er- d • YW meeting Feb. Z4. "Surely ~<en are not going through 'WA;m: ~ srot. free. Women must bonds and teach the rudiments of democracy trunking. Women must see flances, husbands, and children leave for battle. But no one;· oon-cmafd Miss Crone, "will. go throtlgb without sacrifice." News ~ from the Federation News 8bttt were reported by LOis z~ Joyce Hamilton and Mary Elim. Barir.ley. Vivian ~le led the devotions and Luctlle Sand!ort led in sing-

On campus

In reference to anti-Jewish reactions in Norway she said, "Jews are forbidden to practice medicine and law; their shows are made fo exhibit signs," and there was a bit of humor in the afterthought, "which probably bring them a lot of customers." She answered the question as to when the invasion of Norway began with "Tourists suddenly blossomed out in G;ermn uniforms • . • Impossible to say when it began. I don't know. The devil may know."



There's something pleas•

cmtly exciting about ice· cold Coca-Cola. Delicious taste that charms and never cloys. Refreshment that brings a happy after• sense of thirst content• ment. You trust the

•Plan your defense garden now. Complete lines of garden tools and seeds at Gambles in Auburn.



quality of the real thing ••• Coca-Cola.


WHILE YOU CAN We've tried tcf keep our stock up on these but it is getting increasingly difficult to



get out orders filled. Help us

by anticipating your needs early.

CHATElAllS JEWELRY Where Your Money Buys lllm:

Phone 112

Peru, Nebr.






N. K. Music Contests? of those amateur musisopranos, Menuhins, alligaand IJ!iccolo players-not to tion their directors, sponsors parents, swarmed over the · pus. One had to chart a ·se from <me building to an'~r and then organize a convoy ~get there. They came Friday • ning and remained until Sunnight. By the time one got to cafeteria there was nothing but cotta,ge cheese and ham ;, dwiches. They tottk over, the · egc dances and proved to be .n more hep than P. S. T. C. Two hundred girls in ' mitories were playing hostess to .o hundred altos, would~be j}ra()e Bach, o awoke with amazing regu1 i!y and vivacity at five a. m., ·lh· 0 .practiced intrey,idly and : illy all day, and who had suf'ient foresight to double-sheet e's bed so that one's toes were ost broken when you weari!y .:awled into it in the wee hours. vious to that the b. f. and you, austed from staking clallns in ioung'e, had nndoubtedljy lked to the cinema only to find S. R. O. sign, next tried the ling alley to find the musins were making more strikes n the labor unions, and lastly, ipsed to the drug stores to rn that the closest you'd .get to e was a coal bin. . . For three s they tooted and gargled and oyed themselves. hose weekends no one was inking of havoc and haranguesly harmony.


Bobcats Bombastic Basketball at . C.? After eleven o'clock one night meone from Kansas City, Misuri, called Eliza Morgan Hall, d jubilantly and almost ineorently announced that Peru had ched the semi-finals of the Nanal IntercoJJ.egiiate Basketbia;f~ urna,ment.ThiS climax had n slowly built up as well as a tly _ written_ stage_ drama. ough the Bobcats' play was a n-royalty production, the P. S.. C. quintet had nabbed state wns. Court Star Greathouse • accumulating an all-time inua.l scoring record. Cinema's Walloper Wayne Morris had ed at Pem the basketball between the undefeated uvia11.s and another state teachcollcge which bore his first 1c. Classes were cut with ining regularity and decreasing cience and: a trek of sttidenten cars wound through the ffs to encourage the Nebrasns. The unseeded Bobcats had ne to Pendergast's pandemonium d to9,ped the 1937-1938 United champions.

the pandemonium was ru's. Came the aforementioned ' ephone call. The campus of a .ousand oaks had at least the th best collegiate basketball in the United States. The r of the telephone booth was ed @en and the news was uted to those studying in the those gossiping in the s, and those awakened from p in the ten-thirty-lights-out ¥ oung men at the Principle of the Delzell-Halless camwere telephoned. Coats were iedly pulled over housecoats /. e Mrs. Dunning unlocked the , nt door of the girls' dormitories, ... as one person slid to President '•···(Continued on page two)



Students nominate four as royalty candidates, As a result of a student election held March 2, two of the following candidates will reign over 1942 May Fete· activities: Rose McGinnis, Barbara Beal, Bill Fankhauser, and Clair Callan. Identity of the King and Quee'n. ~ill not be known until the appearance of the Peruvian. All of the candidates a1'e seniors. Barbara Beal, a commerce major "Toward A World Fellowfrom Watson, Mo., devotes most ship" was the theme dominof her time to editir..g the 1942 a~ing the Y. W. meeting Peruvian, but also find.; ~ime for March 3.

College colleens have Irish theme at formal

PED requests W.S.SsF. dominates information YW discussion

Sigma Tau Delta. Another Sigma Tau Deltan, Rose McGinnis is from Humboldt oild is majoring in English. Sh~ edited the Pedagogian in 1940·41. Honora.ry football captain thfa vear Clair Callan is a Bobcat qua;terback from Odell. Callan was a C.P.T. trainee and is a member of Men's Club, Bill Fankhauser, 1iaritone Perusinger from Humboldt. is major':. ing in music. He also sponsors freshman Learn-to-Dancers and is a former member of the Student Advisory Council.

Honors list is announced Following are the 1941-42 first semester honors which were announced at convocation March 6 by Pres. W. R. Pate. HONORS Keith Albers, George Atwood, Josephine Boosinger, Hazel Bouse, Bertha Clayburn, Alice Cleaveland, Barbara Dressler, Mildred Fehr, Louis Graham, Lillian Havel, James Howe, Willard· Hunzeker, Ella Mae Hurlburt, Shirley Jimerson, Virgie Lee Johnson, Nina Kanel, Ellen King, Virginia King. Herbert Knutson, Donald Lienemann, Rose McGinnis, La, Verna Magneson, Wilma Miller, Richard Pa.seal, Bess Ray, Mary Reschke, Helen Rhodes, Evelyn Ruzicka, Lucille Sandfort, Bette Schneider, Margaret Stiers, Geraldine Stoner, Dennis Wehrman, Edith Willey, Carl Wirth.

Grace Muenchau directed a playlet, "W. S. S. F. in China." Characters were Ching, Lois Zweibel; Tiang, Mary Ellen Barckley; Mr. Brown, an American teacher . Lucille Miller. "What American Dollars Can Do?" was answered by Marguerite Townsend. Final plans for the W. S. S. F. drive were checked upon at a cabinet meeting in the rec hall Mar.ch 5, announced Nina Kanel, president. Committee members for the drive were: convocation skit, La Vara Oakley, Chris Wilkinson, Lucille Sandfort; international supper, Lois Wagoner, Mable Newton, Evelyn Christiancy; posters, Harriet Maxwell, Lucille Miller. General Y. W. co-chairmen are are .Jean Bond· and Nina Kanel. Doris Carnahan and Janis Baker made the camu>,us figures. Lydia Vosicky and Mary E. Jensen helped with art work.

Club, 7:00 ... Kappa Delta Pi, 8:00 . . . F.T.A., 8:00 ...

Last week the registrar's office called for applications for diplomas from all students who are graduating in either May or August. Each application for a diploma has to be approved by the faculty and the Sitate Board of Education before the diplomas can be issued and the applic<:nt recommended to the State Superintent for a certificaite.

There will be no PEDAGOGIAN on March 17. The next issue will a:m1ear Qn March 24.

"The American Association of Teachers is really just a child of the National Educatimi Association -the father instrument for s,Jl American educators," explained Presiden~ .Pate, "but it's a pre•,ty big child. It meets every February."

IOn campus IActors practice Monday, March 16, Alpha Psi,

Registrar calls for applications

"What colleges can do to win .this war" was the theme of the American Association of Teachers Colleges- and Amer· i~an Association of School Administrations conventions held at San Francisco, Calif. February 20-21, and February 21-26, stated President W. R. Pate on his return from attendance there.

Pres. W. R. Pate

7:00 ... International Re l;a ti o n;s

Students wllo know the addresses of any former Peru students now in the United States armed services are urged to Iea:ve this information at tlle PED office. Tentative plans are being made for a special issue of the Pedagogian which will be sent to navy and army stations in which Peruvians are serving.

Green light was th,;; setting colleens and par1:ners ' danced at the Kerry Dance as

given by college women r.n Tu!arch ,/ 7 in the gymnasium. The stone wall around the dance flc·or, the wishing we:l, and the Irish country scene pc~·~rayed on the east wall added to the I>·ish atmosphere. Above. the orchestra. stand were white and green lyres, and on the ·wall were huge shamrocks. Received by Ferne Peterson, president of the dormitory council, Donald Dean, Barbara Beal, William Fankhauser, LaVara Oakley and Bob McAlexander, the guests were presented with green shamrocks by Mona, Mulder. Mable Newton took the invitations. Harriet Maxwell announced the floor show and introduced the Irish dancers, Mable Newton, Mary Louise Sisco, Hazel Bouse, Edwinne Willmann, Jennie Frazee, Wilma Russell, Betty Schneider and Aletha Gardner. A trio com-. posed of Betty Berger, Donna Lee Marshall and Betty RHey sang a medley of Irish tunes. Guests were. served ice cream decorated with shamrocks, and wafers. Assisting in the check room were Lucille Miller, Mary Horton, Genevieve McFadden, Nelda Lynch and Norma Gess.

Pate tells impressions of national education meet 'War Nurse'

HIGH HONORS Mary Barkley, Oscar Bret~orst, Evelyn Christiancy, Helen Dahlke, Thomas Dean, Dorothy Durfee, Nancy Ellen Jones, Joy Krueger, Althea Nispel, Marjorie Prine, Ilene Thiltges, Willard Wilson, Lois Zwiebel.

Tuesday, March 10, Y.M.C.A., 7:00 p.m.... Y.W.C.A. 7:00 ... C.C.A. 7:00 ... Wednesday, March 11, Garnma Chi, 7:00 ... Thursday, March 12, Freshman C!lubs, 7:00 ... Friday, March 13, Dramatic Club meeting, 11:30 a.m.... Sophomore Party, 8:00 p. m ... .


.one-act plays Selecting and practicing one-act plays were the jobs of Peru Players Thursday night, March 5. The plays are to be presented before Dramatics Club members. "Flowers of the Forest," by John Van Druten, has been selected by Lorene Coatney, Bill Gridley and Valois Hall for presentation. Other members have not yet decided on plays.

From 12,000 to 14,000 people were estimated to have attended this twenty-sixth annual meet. "All college presidents in the United States are eligible to attend the Teacliers Corwention," said President Pa.te. "The Administration convention is more inclusive, welcoming all school. administrators, college, high school, county, and anyone else in~erested." Honored at the convention with very enthusiastic ~pplause was Peru's former graduate Alexander J. Stoddard, now superintendent of Philadelphia, Pa.. city schools. "Never before have I witnessed such applause," remarked President Pate.. "It was a tribute to him, to Peru, and to one of our coeds, Mary E. Jensen, who is his niece." other outstanding speakers were Dr. George Zook, Presic1.e:it of America11 Council on Edu·;·1Lion, on "American Educatimi and the War," (Continued on page 4)

is reviewed "\Var Nurse," the story of Clara Barton, a story so new it has not yet been published in book form, was reviewed by Miss Elma Gockley Wednesday, i}farch 4. Tlle review was one of a series sponsored by A.A.U.W.. According to Miss Goclde 0-. the book is to be pubiishec1 som<:: time this spring by Samuel Curl Inc., and is the first book ever- to be pub1ished on the life of Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross. The story opens in 1856 with Clara Barton on her way to Washington, and reveals her many sacrifices in caring for the wou.-ided soldiers and in taking food and clothing to those in the front lines. "Clara Barton had faith, and she ]?elieved that faith is the substance of things hoped for, th-e evidence of things not seen," said Miss Gockley in conclusion.

Sandin joins navy school Word has been received that Jim Sandin has passed his examination for entrance into the Navy School of Music. Sandin left Peru recently to take the exam in Washington. He 'ls now on h!s ,:VftY,1to Norfolk, Va; \.,:'·';, ..


\. J



Pedagogian editorials On behalf of the Athletic Department I an\ happy to write a few lines to the student body on the recent basketball season. I have no apolo· gies to make for the results of this season's play, though our record shows that we finishe·d second m the Conference standings and suffered a few defeats. In some• respects it was the greatest team I have ever coached. The spirit of the boys on the squad was splendid, and they have shown a willingness to learn that was gratifying. Their lack of poise which was noticeable at times during the season, was offset in part by their determination to play the game for all it was worth. Poise come~ only from experience. And pl.lying this season under pressure in practically every game, should make next year's team one of Peru's greatest. I think the season will lC!ng be remembered, not beeause of the number of victories but by the treniendous improvement made by the squad as a whoie, for the victory scored over Kearney at

the unofficial weather reports: rain, water and rain-now that the track ~n has started . • . also, strong winds playing havoc with freshman Madshall's door..• these campus couples, not so new, but m1t so old: Mildred Fehr and Dick Clements, Betty Kennedy and Willard Hunzeker ... Delzea Hall's losing its best revival 'preacher when Doc left . . . army uniforms and foot· ball sweaters now in competition. . . Pat Carmine's ;i>reference for apple 1;>.ie a la mode . . . Lienemann's date at the basketball game . . . whether Lee La~son will soon make up her mind ... Delzell Hall's "floats" practically every evening. . . fashion flashes such as McArdle's new silver fox jacket • . . the gay Hamburg element at last Tuesday's dance . . . also Hutton's rushing Hamel ... how long mens dormites will tolerate lllllSician Shimone!l's drumming.

!Alumni trail


Kearney, which was a masterpiece in basketball, for the spirit on the squad, for the splendid backing received from the band, the cheerleaders and student bodyf and the citizens of Peru. The spirit of the student body, which was supposed to be sleeping earlier in the year, awoke to give the team a great 0~11t:ion in the Chadron series. Worthy of praise also was the sportsmanship of the Peru audience toward the visiting teams and officials. For all this we congratul~te you and thank you. (By Coach A. G. Wheeler)

Basketball . . .

They're talking about ...


School spirit . . • School spirit reached a new high last week, beginning with Mondays convocation rally and ending Tuesday 'night. The cheer leaders were especially pleased with the student support given tile team. When asked about the rally, T. V. Hubbell sl.ated: "That rally was the spark that blasted the formerly vapid Peru spirit into a rejuvenated, inspirecj. student body. No group of cheerleaders

March 7, 1942

Dear Ludvik, So you're in t;:ie armtv now! I understand you've resigned your junior high position aL ,T ulian,

Men .;n un;form 2xe. more common visitors in Peru every day. At1

Freddie Drexler also commented excellent spirit displayed during the conv rally and the fact that it carried right the last minute of the second game.

New roof.

• •

Five flower-entwined cheTuhs which decorated the ceiling of the gymnasium at State Teachers College have looked do their last basketball game and formal Materials are arriving for the new $12,000 to be built as a WPA project, and demolis . of the old roof may begin this week. . Representative of the streamlining trendy P.S.'f.C. is the reconstruction of the gym. Fo: erJy a chapel, the elaborately decorated buill was the scene of scholarly "entertainments" h'$ there iu early days. Now Peru students are ! ing forward to basketball games and jam sessi under a new roof.

Stand-outs at the Kerry D

By way of explanation of the banners strung around on the walls of her room, Ellen King said, "They're from Texas State College for Women, where I went to school last year."

• By Grace Muencnau

could have expected a body of students sv magnificently to the support of the team Peruvians did. Thanks a million."

Training school What she wor notes - -

Bien King comments on year at Texas school Ellen, a sophomore, spent last year, "deep in the heart of Texas" at fui.s girls' school at Denton. Commenting on the school, she said "There were 2700 girls there. I don't think rve ever seen so many girls together before or since-even at Peru." When asked to recall memories of her first experiences there, Ellen exclaimed, "Gee, I was completely lost, and had a hard time finding my dorm. The first thing I did was to locate the post-office and I kept close communion with it, because Texas is pretty far from home. At first I couldn't get used to the accent, but soon I found myself saying 'you-all' etc." As to her impressions of the. country, Ellen stated, "I got to see lots of · Texas, f'o,r instance Amarillo, Dallas, Fort Worth, and others. The country is beautiful, when it isn't raining." , "One thing that interested me


• •

was the foreign students," said Elllen enthusiastically. "'We had a girl from Puerto Rico . one from AJgiers, and one from Shanghai, China. Also there were three refugee girls in school 'last year." Ellen was quite active in literary activities at T.S.C.W. She contributed to the Daedalion Quarterly and was the only freshman to be placecl in the upper-class section of the publication. menWhen Texas climate tioned, Ellen shuddered u1d said, "It's not for me-give mi: ~:u and tlle north. I got so for tl1e sight of snow and .~Lek of rain." The official, garb 111 tk Texas girls according to Ellen. was a stets<ln, rubber boots, Mid a reverEihle raincoat. "No, I"li!l glad Pm back here," Ellen ~ed. "While it was fun Mid al that, I'm glad to be home aph."'

•flickers (Continued from Pate's house for the ~ roomed slippered ~ to the gymnasium. ~. ~ more students vol~ ~ .~ get one tug on the ~-· . - , there a;re at a req~ spe."tker convocation. That night no one WU.·~ of the Red, White . . ~ only of the Blue aud ~


Prof. A. L. Bradford and Prof. R. D. Moore were judges at an invitation music and dramatics meeting at Tarkio, Mo., on Friday, March 6. Music entries from the training school included Kathlyn Benford, viola solo; Max Mathews, violin solo and Lawrence Good, baritone horn solo. A string quartet consisting of Patricia Hill, Kathlyn Benford, Max Mathews and Phyllis Brinson played, and a vocal trio including Marion Deck, Kathlyn Benford and Ellen Thomson sang. These contestants presented a 1p,rogram at a high school assembly on Tlmrsclay, March 5. New pep has come to the Prepsters in the form of a pep book. At Friday's convocation Nonna Jean Parriott and John Lewis led the Bobkittens in new yells for the basketball boys before their trip to Beatrice. In order to make the United States a style center and to develop various talents in Nebraska high school students, the Sc11ola.,tic Magazine is sponsoring a high school art contest. The first Jprize for the best textile or costume design or the best illustrative work for defense will be $50. The second and third prizes are $25 and $15 and there are to be ten $5.0Q prizes. 'l:'here are seven training school students who have entered the contest. They are: Patricia Hill, Shirley Rodgers, Bonnie Armstrong, Paiul Ogg, Kathlyn Benford, Larry Good and Jack Czeka.

the. Chadron g'l.::ncs I saw ,KEITH McHUGH, JACK GABUS and BILL

white net and black lace tilla ... Crouse's Latin American stripe ... Rogene's print pique defense stamp corsage. Betty Riley wore cream bro with Irish green ... Stark in Fehr's ... Nancy Ellen ·Was in blu green and black ... Barbara Beal white flowered silk with huge c eo, Peterson and Carnahan in bla lace and net ... Oakley in taffeta rose shades ... B. K. Cole in bl silk with tucked bows ... Mrs. Thorson combined skirt and striped jersey blouse .. Mrs. Hayward had powder bl marquisette with lace inserts. Lucille Weber's long-sieeved yello chiffon.

Sheer print and capped lac sleeves on Betty Berger ... Eld Hamel wore p~le blue taffeta ... Helen l\fastin's cotton print w eye-catching ... Val Hall's fluwered skirt and white blouse ... Lutie .Jane Hineline in a:ll-white pique.

Looking back TEN YEARS AGO

The initial Manual M-I-N-K contest was scheduled for March 19. FIVE YEARS AGO




"How the World Learned to Swim" held March 13.



.JACK anci LU MclNTffiE, Auburn; ERNEST and MAX-

iNE HUEGEL, Nebraslm City; GLEN and EVELYN SHEELY, Nebraska



t;HRISTE.'QSON, Union; GRAYDON ASHTON, Br~ck; LYLE MASON, Wymore; EL.\NCHE FREEMAN, Auburn and HAROLD DOUGLAS, Hamburr; Alumni rnally rallied for these games. MARGARET :S'IIERS is teaching history in the Auburn


She will ~ompid,e tl:.2 work for her degree this summer. M.ARGAltET ~A HLLE has resigned her position at Salem and is

tea.ching hom2 ec and English at Springfield. The marriage uf Mrs. Robertru Dishong of Auburn to Pvt. MERRILL

WOLF'E has l>een announced. Merrill has attended P.S.T,C. That's all this time. Sincerely, Grace

Published W eekf'j'

Entered at the

Teachers College

Peru, Nebraska, as Second year. Single Copy Sc

Meredith Jimerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor l'iina Kane! . . . . . . . . . • .. ........... Assistant Editor Ralph Locke . . . . . . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Rogene Rose . . . . . . .. • ""' ............. Cop31 Reader Virginia King, Ellen • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proof Readers M. Florence Martin ••. ¥.~·~'ff.·!"'" •••••...•......•. Adviser Reporters: Gene Ad_f_ _ K. Cole, Reuben Panders, Lavara Oakley, Evei)ID 8:1Jl1 rt. ,

homecoming and several events in the early history o1 the campus were shown by Dr. Miller at the joint Y. M. and Y. W. m.eetirig. ONE :lllEii.JR, AGO Tl1e spring· C. P. T. unit was organiz~d with Maurice Anderson, Worthy Argabright. .Tames :Basenbarrick, Clair Callan, Dreezen, Neal Good, Nnnzio Luz~. zaro, Lance Ray, Clairon Smith. and Jared Sll1,¥1lh ~ia(ldng th&. course.

Plans were being made by band to interpret "'rhe Legend Sleepy Hollow," March 14.


SPORTS RESUME' • • • Peru Setsback Chadron 40-29 By Ralph Locke

nd Stewart Gets Half a Ste:tson

Taking me up to the extent of one "flea-bitten" stetson hat, Jim wart of Ohadron, draped out his neck last week in betting me on Chadron-Peru series. With the two teams splitting, it looks like t ownership for the time being at least.

anta Call Me Again?? Both the teams have a.<:cEl,Pted bids to the Kansas City tournament-hich places them in positions for backing again. And-My Deah .ist,ah .Stewart: Consider yourself open to a wager for the rest of 1t hat-the terms being that Peru goes faxther in the meet than dron wilil:. The competition is fairly even, and the best team should the longest.

Peru settled back comfortably in the bleachers as their Bobcats rode along in high gear to take a 40-29 victory from Chadron's Eagles Monday evening.

Fishermen drop Deshler 32-30

The win put the '.Cats very much into the title picture, and it proved that the Eagles could be beaten.

Coach Harold Fisher's Bobkittens continued their winning ways last Saturday evening as they topped Deshler 32-30 in the playoffs at Beatrice. The victory is Prep's official entry blank into the State Fina~s coming up in Lincoln this week. Prep is entered in class "C," which includes some fast competition.

Both teams proceded cautiously on offensive play, testing out the others defense-much like two h Yeah!!. boxers warming up in the first In Stewarts reply to my column of several weeks back, he thought- · round of a prize fight. Coach Al y pointed out that Peru had lost games to York and Hastings- Wheeler's lads relied on set plays went on to adcl--"And Hastings isn't considered as much of a ball during the opening half to pot 22 points against Ohadron's 14. Dick Pascal opened the attack with Well, Jim, all that I can suggest is that Chadron moves the Eagles one of his looping one-handers. a notch into som£ better or stiffer competition. The teams of the Taking his cue, Byers and Hobbs braska College League are by no means the setups they appear to be. teamed up to continue the barastL'1gs and York are both tough outfits on their home floors. And as rage. ill Madden has pcinted out-no losing team ever fought harder or For the Eagles, Frahm had the 1th more spirit than Coach Newt Kyle's Hastings Broncos did this most success during the feeling· out process ~ith a brace of long fielders in that tedious first half. I Cadwallader and Bruer were able A little research shows that Chadron's opposition, such teams· as to penetrate the Wheelermen's d<=earfish, St. Regis of Denver and many other small schools dotting f ense only once each to get set-up ie Eag:e sched.ule have national ratings of 35 points or less--W)hile shots. Coming back after the intermiset\Ll.las continually betn up against teams with ratings ranging from sion, action picked up as the Eagup to 50---and mcst of them in the upper 40's or smaller 50's. Peru won handily last Monday night, for your information, Stewart, les crept ·closer, closing the gap to 27-25 at the end of 9 minutes. nd it looked like they were off again for at ieast three-quarrers of the Then Russell Hobbs catapulted iny on Tuesday rni:;,ht. With an eight point lead at ,the half, it looked to a scoring spree that enabled ke Peru w2s in. !'11 have to grant you that those Eagles are a pretty Peru to jump ba.ck into a safe lead ir naP club-and they are cool. It was their steadiness that won that they held until the final whisat second game, and not their superior ability. 'J:'.he Bobcats are a tle. Fina1 score wa,r; 40-29, and Peruetty young crew-and they went to pieces badly-but give them an en break, aad I'd bet all I had that they could win 3 of every 4 from vians went home happy to the toll hadron or any other team in the state-given sufficient rest between of the victory bell.

am es.


eru Tea ms Tourney Bound-As the Ped goe> through the fermentation process, the sports front ows both our basketball teams entering top comipetition. The 'Ki~tens :ry Peru Prep's hopes into the state meet in Lincoln, while the Bob11ts carry the banners of the Pale Blue .and the White down to Kansas ·ty for the National TQIUTilament. Here's the best of luck to both teams.

CLUB Ladies Welcome at All Tunes Ben Hamon, mgr. M. G. Heuer, owner

Coach Al Wheeler announced' last Friday that he had accepted an invitation form the Kansas City N. I. A. B, board. askihg him to bring the Bobcats down to the' National tournament. The bid · came a little late, the' coach already having packed and' stored the cage equipment away in moth bal1s until next year. A short workout was held for the team on Friday afternoon, previous to their departure for Kansas City on Sunday, Monday evening the Bobcats are slated to meet Evansville, Indiana; in the first round. No information has been furnished on the Hoosier team, and it is not known in Peru· just how powerful a team the Wheelermen are facing. Chadron was the other team selected from Nebraska to attend· the tourney; The Eagles getting the call by dint of their NIAA and State championships. Ten men have been named by Coach Al and axe to make the trip. They are: Buzz Byers, Russell Hobbs, dhuck ·Hiatt, Slug. Pascal, Keith Hannah, Art Ronhovde, Wendell Handley, Unk Hutton, Duane White and Oryille Yocum.

WAA'ers wind • up ping pong and shuffleboard The WAA sports program reached its highest pitch Friday afternoon as contestants made desperate last m«nute bids for first places in the four sports. After the smoke cleared, the pyramid in ping pong singles showed Elaine Brier in the top spot with Conradi and 2JW~ebet running close in that order. · In the ping pong doubles Elaine Brier and .Carol Cloud outlasted am their opponents for a sweep of that division. In the shuffleboard doubles Elaine Brier teamed up with her arch rival in the singles, Genevieve McFadden, to beat out Phoebe Anderson and Imogene Rowen. Doreen Meier and Margaret Mansfield threw a strong bid, but dropp·ed to third in the Uatter stages Of the tournament . In the suffleboard singles, Geneveive McFadden came up from second place twice to take honors over Elaine Brier who finisheed second. In third place, Edwinne Willlmann made things warm for both of the top 't,wo contenders in the ladder tournament. next sport for the girls will be a volleyball tourney. Practices will begin soon.

~agles cop

59-39 take two titles


Read th is!!! It Will SAVE You Money Spring is at hand. The Eas· ter season is not far off. The season calls for suits, dresses coats to be cleaned, pressed, repaired, alter:ed. War econ .. omy demands it. LISTEN: Suits coilected, deaned, pressed, delivered, only 80c, Other prices rock bo!tom, too . . We are our best for the schools tfie teams. We've helped with ads and trrm.sportation. We're going all out to win ]wur patron .. age with low prices, qualitv service. Call 62.


The taste-good, feel-good refreshment of ice-cold Coca-Cola is everything your thirst could ask for. It's all you want and you want ii all. Nothing ever equals the quality and goodness of the real thing.





St trust its quality

-Peru Cleaners &Tailors


Tuesday evening the final game of the Peru-Chadron twin-bill unrolled before a large crowd-which saw the Eagles bounce back in the final quarter to run roughshod over a rattled Peru team to hang up a 59-39 win, and take over NIAA honors. In the first half, it locked like Pel·;.i wa<; off to another win, and the bleachers were a mad scream-· ing houseful1 of fans . .Chuck Hiatt fired the opening shof by flipping in a basket before the game was two mnutes old. Peru went on tcr take a 13-5 edge at the end of a. quarter, and built that into a 26-18 halftime advantage. Tae play was faster than that of the previous, evening and it appeared that the. game was to be a duplicate of the other-in the score, at least. Coming back after the half, the Armstrong lads chucked in a setup on the opening play, and they were off to a torrid battle. During that third stanza, Peru picked up only two points on gift tosses while the Eagles were busy counting ten points on field goals. The score stood at 28 all with the foui'th quarter coming up. 'Tha final '!}eriod turned into a. nightmare. The Bobcats fell apart at the seams. Chadron took to covering them all over the floor, and for an interval of 6 minutes th:e 'Cats never cut loose with one st.-:--~

toward tl12 goal. Inte:·ceptions war·t: f.::eqllez.:t ·;;.,;:; the r~ging Eagles ,:_;;i::2p!; do1,vn tl~e noor ior ~1 :>.)t:al 0f



Viltb oniy 4 rnL1tt::ti.s ieft

to pla":. th~ dispirited Pern team ~1?G.s trailng 5·:3-34 and thBir cause was hopeless.

High point men for Chadron were Bruer with 20, Cadwallader J,nd ~auman with 13 each. For Peru Hobbs repeated as high man, WfCh ten points as Byers collected eight and Charlie Hitatt potted n.ine.


r./-\.V.C J:'VU!\.

TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1942 ·~-------------------

Moo nounces choice of play

Weare presents hints for future applicants

Came to Stay" to be presented by the ~Ut: department, according to ~l. R. D. Moore. , "It is a ~ dramatic, psychological sort, ey! Ullng," said Professor Moo..--e, ·~ escape drama which peopie ~ in these times." The play wu tint presented last faU by Guthrle ti~lintock at the Maxine Elliot.t theater in New York, and will probably be presented in the ~ o! April, said Professor Moore,

"Hints for prospective teachers who are: applying for positions were pre~ented at convocation on Friday, March 6. Under the direction of Miss Edna


Weare, the questions "What shall

I wear?" and "How shall I act?"


were answered.


Grace Muenchau introduced several students who demonstrated the wrong clothes to wear in. making applicaticns. Models and the types which they represented were: Mary E. Jensen, matronly type; Althea Nispel, young thing; Rose McGinnis, dressy type; Betty K. Cole, collegiate tyi:ie; Meredith Jimerson, glamour type.· Bill ra..nkhauser, fraternity man; Maurice Linder, proud athlete; Max Jackson, studfous type; Lloyd Sehnert, collegiate type and Luther Button, football hero.

Barbara .Beal and Bob Hender.son modeled the attire which .should win the approval of prospective employers.


is: (a) If in a bakery, grab some pie or cake, etc. (b) If in a movie, grab a blonde. 3. If you find an unexploded bomb, always pick it up and shake it like everything. (Maybe the firing pin is stuck.) If that doesn·t work, heave it in a furnace. ('T'he Fire Department will come later and take care of things. 4. If an incendiary bomb is found burning in a building, throw gasoline on it-(you can't put it out .anyhow so you might just as !Well have a little fun.) (a) If , no gasoline is available,

Polly Pointer Says--

Pate comments , (Continued from page WAR NEEDS MONEY! It will cost money to defeat our' enemy aggressors. Your govern• ' ment calls on you to help now. Buy Defense Bonds or Stamps. today. Make every pay day Bond Day by participating in the Peyroll Savings Plan. Bonds cost $18.75 and up. Stamps are 10¢, 25¢ and up . The help of every individual is needed.

Do your part by buying your tliare every pay day.

Just in case--what to do when bombs start failing (The following "composition" has been going around the country, although no one seems to know where it originated. One Peru coed received a copy from Pearl .Harbor.) 'WHA'I'. TO DO IN CASE OF AN Affi RAID 1, As soon as the bombs start droruring, run like the dickens. (It d11esn't matter where, as lung as Y<>U run like the dickens.) (a) Wear track shoes if p()Ssible-if the people in front of you are slow, you won't have any trouble getting over them. 2. Take advantage oi opportunities .afforded you when al-! raid sirens .sound the warning of attack, that



is the next

throw a bucket of water on it, and lie down-you're dead. (Explanation.) The properties of the bomb free the hydrogen from the water, causing rather rapid combustion. (In fact, it will exp1ode with a mighty crash!) 5. Always get excited and holler bloody murder. (It will add to the fun and the confusion and will scare the kids.) 6. Eat onions, limberger cheese, etc., before entering a crowded air raid shelter. (It will make you very unpopular with the people within your immediate vicinity, eliminating any unnecessary discomfort that would be more prevalent if people crowded too closely.) 7. If you shOuld be the victim of a direct bomb hit, DON'T GO TO PIECES. (Lie still and you won't be m>ticed.) 8. Knocl: the air-raid wardens down if they start to tell you what to do. (They always save the best seats for themselves and their friends anyway.)



= = :


AND DELIVERY Cream, Milk and Ice : CHAS. WILLS Peru, Neb.:


= =


Dean William F, Russel, Columbia Teachers CoHege on «Citizenship Training durl.ug War," and Dr George D, Strayer, Professor of Education, Colm:1:1bla., on "Continuance of E:l.utation in Winning . War." As to the teaehen college's function in this crisis, most speakers agreed that it was to teaeh the value of d~ government, acc.:>rding to the President. Commenting on the coast war spirit, he remarked, "Californians go about their work as we do __ though o! course, you see soldiers everywhere." "One thlng I particularly noticed was the intense interest in the Chinese, San Francisco has the largest body of Chinese outside of Asia and Asiatic islands. Also there is a growing distrust of the Japanese." "I wore my .:>vercoat in southern California," said President Pate, in response to an inquiry about the weather,. "but the roads-both on the southern route. through Corpus Christi and the no.rthe~ through Cheyenne-were perfec~ Asked what he enjoyed the most about his three weeks trip, he smiled; "Of course, you know I went out for the convention. But the irrigation of fruit trees in southern California and the big redwood trees did take my eyes. Some of those trees are over 2,000 years older than Christ and are almost a city block high. Hard to imagine, isn't it?" he concluded.





Did You Know

The PERU POINTER has carried

1575 inches of




This School Year

Get Your---



J.P. CLARK Eleeflrkl Shoe Shop

81loe Repail's


All Amas

Skelly Service Station Skelly Oils and Gas 1.;omplilte Ube Leona.rd TrtpJ,. '.Mer. Peru

. PJiOne ti

WHILE YOU CAN We've tried to keep our stock up on ,these but it'ia ~~ ting increasingly dif£icu.lt to get our orders filled. Help us by anticipating your needs early.

CHATElAHIS JEWEl RY Where Y<>ur Money Buys




Peru, Nebr.

Teachers looking for the best positions should enroll :wfith us. We can recommend you to the better positions in Nebraska1 and surrounding states. Our 24 years of experience and our acquaintance with the superintendents put us in a :position w be of real service to our candidates. 0&11 on us personally if you can or ~rite. . . ·~


Stuart Bldg., Uncoln, Nt~mb



• • ing horses, old-up, estern, and e hero alloping n charger bold, ounterpart f knight of old, o rescue air damsel In distress. BOll'se stumbled. A cynic said, "Fiat tire?__ Yes." I looked at child On other side Seated on feet Satisfied. His dreams had soared and gaiily toyed With this,

Boots pendulum by Time's window; Trod where-chaos, limbo? Tramp how-so !P.olish must Be superseded by human dust·i Thud why-so olive hue Can camouflage bloody view? Must defender's of mankind Possess en masse the khaki mind?



Cast begins rehearsal of 'Lady Who Came to Stay' "The Lady Who Came to Stay," drama &f mySterious action and weird personalities, will be the next production of the Peru Dramatic Club. Rehearsals began M on d a y , March 16, in the college auditoriUl!Il, after the announcement of the following cast by Prof. Ro-. bert D. Moore: Katharine ........ Dorothy Hanks Emma .............. Kay Adams Sadie .......... Shirley .Jimers.on l\1.illy ......... : .. Phyllis DeLong Phoebe .......... Ruth Adamson Ann .......... Virgie Lee Johnson Roy .............. Sidney Johnson Roger ............ Hilary Bradford Doctor .......... Richard Monroe

erusingers to embark n annual spring tour

Said the ,cast &f the play: "It's a REAL play-it's got something." Said the critics: "-fiendish stage thrilleJ'-iProudly and unashamedly a ghost srory-reaches &ut and holds one fast in the clutch of its diabolkal fascination.'' Helen Jean Saville and Ellen King are student directors and Freddie Drexler and Richard Monroe will build the stage.

This year's trip, which originally covered a period of 11 days,

.'Will last only five, due to inability '.to secure bus connections. The chorus will appear at high schools at Auburn, Nebraska City, Dawson, Humboldt, and Seward; at the Humboldt Christian Church, Concordia college at Seward, Joslyn Memorial at Omaha, and the Plattsmouth Methodist Cb,lur.ch. - Those making the trip include sopranos: Lorene Coatney, Betty

Pate appoints council for college. defense work In accordance with government instructions, President W. R. Pate has appointed a College• Defense committee, whkh will have gene·ral authority over college defense acti· vity. Dean J. A. Jimerson is chairman of the group. Other members of the general committee and the groups which they represent are: Supt. S. L. Clements, training school; Mrs. Inice Dunning, dean of women; Mr. George Devore, custodian; LaVara Oakley, womens' dormitory and Wayne Buhrmann, mens' dormitory. At the first meeting on March 5, sub-committees were appointed•. These included: · Publicity, Mrs•. A. L. Bradford, Ellen King, PEDAGOGIAN; Committee on C&nservation, Ernest Rawsan, Christine WilkinS<ln, Maurice Anderson, Miss Marjorie West; Money-raising Committee, Miss Nona Palmer. other committees to be ap~ pointed are the U. S. 0. and Health and Medical Service committee.

Yale review has Bradford story

Fankhauser gives senior recital Bill Fankhauser, baritone, presented his senior recital on Wednesday, March. 18, in the college auditQrium. He was accompanied by Echo Elaine Lum at the piano.

Following is the program:

Forty Peru singers will board the P. S. T. C. band-bus Wednesday morning, April 8, to begin the annual chorus trnp, Professor G. H. Steck has announced.


The Wanderer .......... Schubert Aufenthalt (My Abode) Schubert The Inn ................ Schubert My Phantom Double . . . Schubert The Monk _____________ :Meyerbeer Mon Piu Andrai .. ________ Mozart Encore-The Blind Ploughman ------------ .. _________ Clark The Horn ---------., ______ Flegler The Two Grenadiers __ Schumann Song of the Turnkey ____ DeKeven Encore-The Sea __ ,, ___ McDowell When Children Pray ...... Fenner The Brooklet (Longfellow) Cadman Ab~ent .................. Meltcalfl Danny Deever (KiJling) ................ Damirosch Encore-When I Think Upon The Maidens ........... Head Encore-When I have Sung

McArdle, Betty Miller, Bette Riley, Lucille Weber, J.ola; Yates, Harriett .Maxwell, Lucile Sandfort, Belva Scott, Marjorie Friedly a.nd Echo Elaine Lum. Altos: Naomi Juilfs, B e t t y Kennedy, LaVara Oakley, Donna Lee Marshall, Shirley Jimerson Kay Adams, Leonore Larson, Ferne Peterson, Patricia Rockwell, Evelyn Slagle, and Christine Wilkinson. Basses: Percy Schmelzer, Murvel Annan, Merlin Broers, Dick .Clements, Harold Jenkins, Freddie Drexler, Bill Fankhauser, Nelson Shimoneck, and James Howe.

My Songs .............. Charles

Dr. A. L. Bradford . . . \

"Ain't Noboqy. Perfect," a short story by Dr. A. L. Bradford, head of the English department, appears in the Spring 1942 issue of the Yale Review. Girls met at the Gamma ··'Regional in tone, the story . Chi St. Patrick's Day Social has as its setting .the Ozark Wednesday, March 11 in the mountain district. music hall. An Irish dance was taught to The Yale Review may be the girls by .Hazel Bouse and found currently in the libr- Edwinnie Willmann, and games ary magazine rack. were lead by Althea NispeL who

Social has

Irish theme

• V. H. Jindra and G. Holt Steck are to be critical jud~ at the Pawnee county music festival at Pawnee City, March 26-27.

was in general charge of the meeting. The girl's trio, Betty Berger, Betty Riley and Donna. Lee Marshall sang Irish songs and led club members in group singing. Favors of Irish candy in napkin containers were given to each girl.

Chinese student is feature of WSSF drive which tops goal by 50 per ·ce-nt Exceeding the goal 50 per cent, proceeds of the World Student Service Fund drive held on campus March 9-10

) !

At a joint cabinet marshmallow feed in the Eliza Morgan rec hall Monday night, Miss Betty Jean Lee, national traveling secretary for the W1SSF spoke. Explaining the purpose of the fund she said, "No other relief organization duplicates our work. As we near our $100,00-0 national goal we see new needs constantly arising."

totaled $90.15. This contribution, sent immediately to national headquarters in New York City will be used for Chinese student war relief, Eur<l'Jl,ean rellef, or for refuTenors: Willard Hunzeker, Dean gees in the United States. Mr. Lin showed some photos of The drive, sponsored by the Slagle, Charles Hinman, Donald Chinese · student life and evacuaLienemann, Bob Ashton, Sidney YWCA-YMCA, began withaKicktion. He also played several numOff Supper Sunday night, March Johnson, Jack Snider, and Walter bers on his flute which was ;nade 9, in the music hall at 6:15. PhiSigma Tau Delta members Marshall. of native bamboo. l.ip Lin, a Chinese refugee student, made plans for their initia· Margaret Goodrich · will make graduate of Fukein university, was General committee for the jlrive tion banquet at the last meet· the trip as violin soloist. introduced by Nina Kanel, presiincluded Nina Kanel, Jean Boni, i!lg on March 9. The bandent of YW. Tod Hubbeu and Richard :Monreie. quet will be held on April 13. A Mr. Lin addressed the student Philip Lin . ·.. °:i1:1!t~1111il!!lllllll!!ll 1 '" list of names of those eligible for body at convoc!!-tion, M-0nday, studying on a graauate scholarMarch 10 on "China's Education ship in social sCience at membership was rprepai:ed and mOn the March." "Japan bombed our Hays State College, vitations sent out. Tuesday, March 24, Y. M. C. A., colleges and universities first CY! K~~"<l.·...aAfter the business meeting orall because she believed that by ~4 8~ .iginal contributions were read. Dr. 7:00 • • Y. W. c. A., 7:00 • • • C. destroying our culture she could ,A; L. Bradford read, "Thr:: English . C. A~ 7:00 • • • .$JUDENTS . . , ... crush our spirit;" he said. Mr. Lin Major." Betty Miller read a poem, was one of the many thousands of· Cit 8 -..cq So rt · · Thursday, March. 26, . FrtlSJ!P1-llll . and Dorothy Teachman, an inChinese students who, after the W e e 00 flo11~?;1rz. for the best Positions should enroll wHh us. formal essay. Corinne Whitfield Club, 7:00 • • • Dramatics Club coastal bombing walked 2,500 miles ie~of'e ~ ~ .;1mend vou to the better oos1t10ns in Nebraska. : Ii J:.>i" ~lie .:!ring S\o&tes. Our . 24 vears of eimerience and our ·Adams presented "A Soliloquy.'' 8:00 ••• inland to establish a new college .tli:tlls. ~e _,e with. the supermtendents put us in a uosition 1 Refreshments, served by Harold Saturday, March 2 8, H i g h at Kumming. Leaving China in et ~I: .?l ~al ser".1ce to our. candida.tes. can on us oersonal!v ·Dallam, featured apple pie. School Junior Class Play, 8:00. August, 1940, he has since been ~ --~-l"lf'; _fl or write. - . . .:)",.~. -~-·,,...._ ·

Sigma Taus

plan, banquet

IOn campus I


;i ::.~ :?41liiJ._iNIOJLMliLf_Q_R~COLLEGE e·


643 Stu•~ Bldg., Lincoln, N•bruka





Pedagogian editorials War and education

• • •

Very significant were the facts concerning higher education in China as revealed by a Chinese student who recently spoke on the campus. According to him, only one out of every 10,000 in Chma goes to college. R.t:alizing the need to build the nation as well as to win the war, the Chinese government does not aliow its stude·nts to bear arms, and has sent thousands of students to interior China, after campuses on the coast were bombed. · "Japan bombed our college'S and universities first of all because she believes that' by destroying our civili:~;ation and culture, she can kill our spirit as well;'' was one statement made by the young n1an.

,. . . . ,

China's action in this matter is a convincing

Alumni trail

The recent appointment of the Peru State Teachers College l)efense Council is notable. Because we are so far removed from coastal defense activity and actual combat zones, some of us have tended to view our war effort with detachment, in recognizing our own importance in its eventual success. I\ow Pe,ru students . have a council with authority to organize college defense work. Through cooperation 'V\-ith the council, it should be possible for every Peru student to find opportunity for service in the victory campaign.

• By Grace Muenchau


I understand SYLVIA ULMER was married recently to Kenneth Anderson of Washington, D. C. Anderson is a pharmicist's mate in the navy. Sylvia has. a Civil Service lpOsition there. LORRAINE, her sister, IS teaching at Abie, Nebr. and ERNEST is at Nebraska U. He will assist Ernest HarriSon in piano instruction there next summer. All three Ulmers are Peruvians.

Another marriage· announcement came to me through Lum who mentions that EVA l\KNOLi> and B0:6 LILLY were married at Christmas time. They are living at Grand Rapids, :Michigan now Where Bob is e>.mployed in a bomber plant. IWRAH BAKER is in the air corps and is stationed at Sheppard Field, Texas. He is a recent Peru alumnus. WALTER HUBER has resigned as general shop instructor of the Tecumseh schools and has accepted ai Civil Service position as instructor in lh0 navy department. RAY LINDEKUGEL has also accepted a. position with the service and bas resigned at Clatonia. Both are former Pe1·uvians. This is much belated news since the Ped didn't go to press last week, but somebody may not have heard!

Pilrents of KA'fHRYN ROSZELL have announced her engagement to JACK R. ASHTON of Camp Robinson, Ark. He is military personnel technician there>, and a brother of BOB and GRAYDON, all Peruvians. Anoliier Peruvian now "Mrs." is MARY MARGARET HULL of Omaha wno wa5 married to Robe1t South of Nebraska City, March 15. Re will b~ callee. to the Navy soon. Mary Ma.rgaret attended Peru in 1938-39.

At Bill Fankliauser's recital Wednesday, saw EDITH WILLEY. She's teaching in Auburn, you know. Comes over to visit friends occasionally. She is i:;resident of local Kappa Delta Pi. RUTH CRONE is returning W!a.shington-ward soon. Get the rest o( the news from her.

Love Grace

Class publishes Third Grade Star, has .tfish reporter'



Defense council . • •



amwer to the question of the relation of war to education. Only by development through education of the highest degree of civilization, can war be eliminated.

Dear Faye, Wish you coUlct have come to the formal last Saturcl;l.y. A lot of alumilli. retUined for it, among them, DELORES DERMANN, ORILLO

Cornvetition for the PEDAGOGIAN is arising in the third grade English, class. The first edition "The Third Grade S.tar" .has just come off the press. The publication con.sists o( five large pag·es of news, jokes, and pictures all of which were gathered and :ritten by the students. Each


in. .The fourth page is devoted to humor. The liast page .consists of an ilIustra;tfon of a .basketball game by Sam.ue! Kennedy and. it r11port on the third grade .goldfish, . "Gold an!l! Silv·er." The second edition of the pa.per

will ;Jc ;iublished next week. "The Third Grade Star" staff is as fol-

lows: EdLo·r .......... Dona Edmondson Azsist2nt Editor

• •

Bonds and stamps . • • If you want to know what you are p for wl1en you buy United States Defense and Siamps, the statistics released by the Department will give you an idea. $80 'vill buy M-1 Garand Rifle. $100 to $500 will buy various heavy case molition bombs. :iisoo to $3,000 will buy machine guns of icus types and calibers. $6,500 will buy a 37MM anti-tank gun. $20,000 will buy a 37MM anti-aircraft $40,000 will buy a light tank. $50,000 will buy a 90 MM anti-aircraft $55,000 will buy a pursuit plane. $210,000 will buy a light bombardm · piane. $335,000 will buy a heavy plane.

• They're talking .'Lady, etc.' rehearsals promise about ... exciting presentation Mary Mannschreck and her measles-how cute Sil Cowell looked at the hour dance sitting on Jerry Garber's knee--i;ipring vacation ... "The Lady Who came to Stay." the letter Bu~h Roberts supposedly sent home: Dear Folks: Gue$$ what I need mo$t. of all? That'$ right. $end it along. Be$t wi$he$. Your $on Keith. the fingerprinting system on the campus-suspicious characters bewore! ... Betty Kennedy's skill as a super-sleuth . . . the. Jackson-Miller breakup . . . R<We's long · distance bed-side manner the best story of this weekA certain college fella dated a certain high school girl ~ ... college fella developed a headache and called aforementioned date "off." .. the rat then went to the show_ anyway and there met high school girl with her steady b. f ... sailor Jim 'sandin with ~-inch hair-do . . . Cramer and the midnight barrage· on his headquarters . . . the practical jokers on the second floor of Delzell Hail . . when Rohrs. and McKenney .t;etl.µ-ned i.from Auburn- the other.,.. day . theyfound that the entire con.tents of their\ room. had b.een ~ed into. : the. second:.floo1'•.•.Joun~ ~ .the boys had to take up residence in these, quarter& cfor ' a few days .. it is rumQred, how~ . ever, that they found little privacy in their new home, as the second floor . lonhge . is the den of the heart players ...

Perusingers ... will present a concert on April 15 in the college auditorium.

Dear Editor, Say, you should drop in at "The Lady Who Came Stay'' rehearsals sometime. You know, I didn't know it had been all cast and everything until the other day. I was sitting reading a play called "'Stage Door" and I said to my roommate, this is a good play. The girl just committed suicide. Oh, she said, you like 'em gory. Well, not exactly, I said, but you got to admit it makes 'em more exciting. Well, she said, you ought to go see "The Lady etc" when the Dramatic Club presents it. It's really ..exciting! I guess it was. I tried out for that play but I didn't get a part in it, I said. I can't understand it, she said very · ironically. Well, I can, I said. They're just saving me for something that suits my 1:;ieculiar talents. Peculiar is right, she said, interrupting me. Well, anyway, I did go over and and watch a r.ehearsal last Thursday, and was it fun. You should've seen Kay A., Phyllis D., Ruth A, Sidney J. and the rest of 'em wa1king around the stage clutching their play books and emoting beautifully. And that stage setting is really

Senior class ... The senior class met after convocation Monday, March 16. President Mary E. Jensen showed the class the announcements selected and urged all seniors to put their orders in as early as possible. Dr. A. L. Bradford announced that measurements for caps and gowns woUld be taken in the near future and asked that all seniors be prompt to their· appointments for measuring.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc

Meredith Jimerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Nina Kanel ............................ Assistant Editor Ralph Locke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Rogene Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy W rifer Alice Ann Cleaveland ..........•.......... Copy Reader , Virginia King, Ellen King ............... .__ Proof Readers Iowa.Nebraska Teachei:311 klin Walker M. Florence Martin ........................... Adviser CENTRAL OfFlCC 17 N?RTli MAIN ST. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 121ward Pharaoh • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . Betty Dixon Reporters: Gene Adams, Betty K. Cole, Reuben Panders, mie McKnight Lavara Oakley, Evelyn Rodgers, , lliiliijliMIMI....,_


going to be something. All t Romeo-Juliet duos on campus be sneaking into the auditori to try a balcony scene or two. Of course, they're just getti · started and there's lots of w ahea:d for everybody, and I' never had any offers to do pr fessional dra:matic criticism-b just the same, it's really going be good. Just take it from ..... Nelle.


• •

Have you noticed the numerous posters and charts in the library? It seems that the theme has iurned from books to "All Out for Defense:" In the last few weeks, several charts have been posted. Among these is the one over the card cat- · aiogue which concerns chemical warfare. Another on the north bulletin board concerns the relatil:e size o.f the fleets of the various nations. Along with this is one on the qualifications needed to join the Army Air Corps. Several new books or ·J)a.mpMets are also on file. These concern interesting subjects of the day: "The Draft and You," "Your In-· come Tax," "Insignias of the Ser.: vice," and other timely subjects. Those who are interested :in Civil Service work Will find a. series of leaflets on Civil Service·: opportunities on file just behindthe reference desk. A list of new · books is also po~ted here.

Coed corsages feature stamps THIS ITEM APPEARED IN THE OMAHA WORD HERALD Recently at Peru s:at;e Teachers' college, the dean of women, Mrs. Dtmning, announced that at the spring formal dance March 7, no corsages would be permitted, as out of keeping with wartimes. She suggested tha.t the men inves~ in defense bonds and stamps instead of in flowers. Twc sophomores, Bi'll Rachow and Jimmie Howe, tock her at her word. TQeY each purchased defense stamp book and stamps to the equivalent value of the cost of a corsage, dolled the books u;p with red, white and blue ribbons and presented them to their "dates." who wore them as corsa.ges.



oaches issu

ack epuipment to 50 candidates

.. SPORTS RfSUMI' •• · By Ralph Locke


d Needs Fanning--


i:o ncply from Jim Stewart at ·hand as this Ped.~ ' ms that our little battle is doomed to smoulder unW. 'ilwhile, I am vis1cing my hatters to check on size and the "' e fashion parade.

:Beaming with satl&faction, Coaches Al Wheeler and Art Jones are '' ty tickled at the response to their call for thinclads. Even ~ '' vear may presenL a slender won-and-lost tabulation, a years ex.Mee wia makP for a good sound squad for the next year or two.

"a-Squad Tradk Meet Only 8 Days Off!!! )trhe po~entiallt1cs and possibilities of the Bobcat's 1942 track team 'be disi;losed :riext Wednesday as members of the 50-man squad split ~or tl1c annual intra-squad meet. ;;WiLh only six Itttermen back, first year men will get a chance to ture the spotlight. In line for recognition are Wendell Handley, ; le Yocum, Blll Rachow, Melvin McKenney, Dick Pascal, Red the ."cer" Dean and many others. Whether those mentioned Will take · ts or not is a matter that is yet to be determined. Any of the · ew men turning out haVI€ an equal chance, and it is up to them to ,. what they can do-providing they can get in condition in the com;we~k and a half.

Wheeler and Jones are jubilant over response to their call for men

A'ers play volley ball " WU' ers are getting tuned up !or tM coming volleyball tournament, as well as the aerial dart

compet. Early practices have been held in the afternoons, with most of the members o~t. Tournament play ls stated to get underway Plans are being made to hold the tourney out-doors if work on the gymnasium interferes. Nominations were made for the new cabinet of officers that will take over in 1942-43. Nominated for the presidency were Christine Wilkensen and Doreen Meier; for the vice-presidency, nominees are Ardis Carmine and Lavera Oakley.


Undecided-\'Just what Peru Prep will do for a spring sport has not been decided

}'et, according to Harold Fisher, the coach. Last year softball was ed, and a few men were allowed to compete in track meets. Paul placed in the state meet with his high jumping. The softball team a fine season. Whether. track will again assume the major role, or , ball will supplant softball has not been passed on.


Intra-squad meet set for April I April first rwill see the Bobcat track squad splitting into two factions, the Blues and the Whites as coaches AI and Art conduct the a.nnual intra-squad meet. The purpose Gf the meet is to give new men a chance to earn a birth on the varsity, as well as to display their ability under fire. In the meanwhile, a stiff conditioning program is set up for the interim. Promising new men expected to show up strong in the coming clash are: Earl Banks, and Blac:.::er of Auburn, Orville Yocum of Humboldt, Pearl Hines of Barness'on, Bill Rochow from Carleton as . well as many others. Coach Al urging all hands to get in shape, as this is the opJ)Drtunity to get that pla<:e on the regular squad.

Alwyn Young left to assume the duties of his new position at Colonial Beach, Va., March •11, 1942. Young was secretary of Epsilon Pi Tau, assistant to Mr. Larson in the Industrial Arts denartment and a member o.f the· footbali team.

Coca-Cola is pleasantly .exciting ••• with no ·after-taste. It brings a feeling of complete re-

Coach Al Wheeler is plenty cheered by the response to his call for track and field candidates, although the lack of experienced men darkens possibilities for a 'l'linning campaign. Fifty men have checked out equipment, among them six lettermen of previous ·campaigns. Among the recruits, Coaches Al and Art hope t-0 find men that they -::itn develop for the coming meets. Needed most are sprinters, dashmen. In fact, with only six vets out, it is easily seen that all departments are as wide open as the March breezes that are hampering ea.rly workouts. With old Man Weather interfering, workouts have been confined to the gymnasium for the most part. Loosening-up execercises have included a three-ring circus display of sports, with handball, tumbling, Badminton, rope skipping and calisthenics on the list. Weather permitting, this week will see a concentrated conditioning program for the boys, in prep2,ra ti9n for the in tra-squad lrack meet coming up April 1. It is then that the newblood will get the opportunity to show their mettle, and berths on the squad will be open for them. FOR SATISFACTION IN FOODS


Read th is!!! It Will SAVE You Money Spring is at hand. The Eas· ter season is not far off. The season calls for suits, dresses coats to be cleaned, pressed, repaired, altered. War economy demands it. LISTEN: Suits collected, cleaned, pressed, delivered, only 80c, Other prices rock

bottom, too. ·


taste of ice-cold

According fo received by Peru friends, Jim Sandin is now at a naval training station at Norfo1k, Va. He is in a restricted area, and has been confined within the gates of the station. After about three weeks he eX'pecs to be transferred to Washington, D. c., to the Navy School of Music. Sandin's address is Platoon 151, U. S. Naval Training Station, N. 0. B. Norfolk, Va.

We are doing our best for the schools and the teams. We've helped with ads and transP<n:tation. We're going all out to win your patron· age with low prices, quality service. Call 62.

Peru Cleaners &Tailors




M. G. Heuer, Owner


What About Silverware? •

In all probability, if yolt are planning to add to your present pattern of silver or to start an entirely new ser• vice, you should BUY NOW

A good many of the cheap• er patterns have already been discontinued in order to preserve the steel and base metals for the hi.sher profit lines. There will b: no holloware in any lines. Most of the companies have dis· continued already to save their base metals for the staple articles. · We received just this week some beautiful tra'J'S and Cream and Sugar sets which we ordered the 3rd of Feb· ruary-the last we will be able to get We suggest you stop and investigate, price and check your ability to ac•

quire what you need new. Sterling seems to be ob• tainable yet as there is plen• ty of silver in the country and it is not needed in de• fonse priorities. . But-we urge you to take mve·ntory of your future sil· verware needs-now.


Money Buys More

Phone 112

Peru, Nebr.

·• 11111111111mmm111111m11i1m11m1111111111111111111111w'

Teachers lDDkin~· for the best positions should emoll wlith us. We CB.n recommend you to the better positions in Nebraska and surrounding &Gates. Our 24 years of eimerience and our acquaintance with the superintendents out us in a oosition •o be of real service to our candidates. C3'1l on us personallv lt you can or write. ~, . ·. ··


CLUB Ladies Welcome at All ·nmes uen ttanl9n, Mgr.

Coach Al Wheeler has released the schedule that his Bobcat cindermen will play this spring. Included are six meets, which will come between April 1 and: May 8. First up for the thinclads is the intrasquad meet slated for April first, followed by the Mary• ville dual meet over in Missour£ on April 10. The schedule: April 1-Intra-squad meet April 10-Maryville April 17-At Tarkio April 23-Hasting and Tarkio-,. here May I-Invitational Meet May 8-State Meet at Kearney


freshment ••• all you want and you want it all.

Track schedule




:DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE 643 Stuort Bld9., Uneoln, Nebraak1



._..-. -"l':::



... ri'-'J..J

Kanel, Jones, Carter present dramatic monologues A convocatfon program Wl¥! wesented by three members of the anterpi:_etative reading class on Friday, March 20. Nina Kanel introduced the three monologues. The first was given by Nancy Ellen Jones and was entitled, "At the Matinee." It was a portrayal of a "chatterbox," with that character doing all the speaking. "The Blues Singer" was presented by H~ Carter. It was an entirely different type, presenting the ideas of a "hru:d-boiled" nightelub entertainer. The last, "The Strange Harvest," was given by Nina Kanel. It was a dramatic presentation Of a woman whose husband and son have deserted her.




Sophs hold class party

YW discusses 'Why Prayer' "Why Prayer?" was the topic discussed at YW Tuesday, March

Sophomores danced Satur· day, March 14, to recorded music at their first class party. A game room was

provided for those not dancing. About forty persons attended. Sandwiches, potatoe chips and pop were the refreshments served by committee members, Hope Carter, chairman, Kay Adams and Jim Huey. Tickets were handled by Merlin Broers, chairman, Bob James, Loi!'raine Sailranek and Helen Dahlke. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Larson and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hayward were chaperons.


.. Parts of Henry Emerson Fos· dick's book, "Meaning of Prayer" were presented by Lois Zweibel. co-leader of the discussion. An open forum on "Which kind of worship is best?" was conducted by Vera Hinman. Program committees for the tt• D\11.inder of the year are posted in the dormitory bUlletin case, announced Nina Kanel, president. Plans for a.n Easter sunrise service to be held Wednesday morning, April 1, were discussed folloWing the regular meeting. Lucille Sandfort is chairman of the .committee with co-helpers Lucille Miller and Jean Bond. Both an indoor and :i,n outdoor service is being planned. "The weather will determine which will be used," sta.ted Miss Sandfort.

Mrs. Maxwell reads modern poetry Mrs. P. A. Maxwell read selected modern \ppems at the A. A. U. W. book 1'.eview hour, Wednesday,

March 18. The poems read were in groups according to the general subject and included poems by Nebraska a,uthors, war poems, poems of parenthOOd, beauty; love, death, and poems dealing with social problems. Selections from Walter de la Mare, Stephen Vincent Benet, Carl Saindburg, Willa Ca,ther, Sara Teasdale and others were interpreted. This was the last of the book review series.

Convo audience sees 'Know Your Money' movie R. H. Osborn, represent· ing the Treasury Depart· ment, presented a motion pie· ture entitled "Know Your ~Money," at convocation March 13.

Finally, the methods used in the capture of counterfeiting rings were dramatized and suggestions given for stamping out the crime Of counterfeiting.

The picture was divided into two sections. The first explained the manUfacture of our money, and the second dealt· with the methods used by the Secret Service in stopping the crime of counterfeiting.

Freshmen were guests of senior high school members at a dance Saturday, March 14. Alice and Wally Cleaveland were chaperons.

Actual processes involved in the printing of money were shown. The best artists and engravers in the wmld create the pictures and desigll.5 on the United States currency, according to the film. Five engravers require six months to make a, single die from which a bill is printed. One important llllWhine pictured was a very complicated iPrecision la.the which engraves the intricate designs on the money. A specially built press prints the money, after which it is f<ail'efully in· spected for the slighest flaw. After .ihis inspection, the blDs are num· INftd and lt is then that they be· eome legal tender. They are pack~ ed and stored in huge government vaults. From here they are delinred to Federal Reserve Banks by armored truck. The secontt portion or the movie was devoted to the methods used in dealing With counterfeits. The various ways of recognizing counterfeit money as contrasted with the genuine were illustrated.

cotics; their use and resuI~!;,ffj the primacy to the college .., She also appeared before', physiology and hygiene, and nature study classes.

TS chorus to give Students hear Easter cantata narcotics talk Members of the high school chorus will present an Easter cantata on Wednesday, April 1, at 8 o'clock in the college auditorium. The program will be under the direction of Prof. R. T. Benford. and will include a choir of about 20 voices from the fifth and sixth grades. Murvel Annan will be the assistant dir~tor.

"America has a big job for all of you who are preparing to go into the teaching pro· fession," said Miss Grimmett of the State Department of Public Education at convocation on Monday,.March 16. The purpose of Miss Grimmett's talk was to present to students the , best way to teach about narcotics an<i their ei::ects. Miss Grimmett said that the teaching may be approached through the scientific, the social, the economic and the historic aspects. She pointed out that this question must be brought to the students through the subject matter studied. Miss Grimmett presented the organized pJa,n of teaching nar-

J.P. CLARK Electric Shoe Shop Shoe Rep:Urs Of AU

Skelly Service Stationf Skelly Oils anc1 Gas t;omptete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone

IClubs.. . I Peru Players met Thursday, March 19, in the Little Theatre. The club decided to have a picnic Wednesda,,y, April 1, instead of a regular meeting. The program consisted of a cutting kom "Tobacco Road," presented by Billy Woods and another from the play "Accent on Youth," presented by Vivianne Sims. The entire club is working on group productions, which will be presented at our next regular meeting, April 16.

• "Alice in Wonderland" was the theme when the Early Elementary club met March 9. After meeting in the cafeteria for supper, members met in tlie training school to play Chinese checkers. Tea and cookies · were served in keeping with the "Alice in Wonderland" theme. Helen Mastin, Glee Wiedeman and Darlene Lockhard w.ere in charge of the meeting. Picnic plans are being made for the April meeting.



Spring Shoes Right on the Heels of Styl STEP IN You'll Step Up to Value-and Step Out i.n. Smartness

J.Vebraska City



• Sketch Club held its regular meeting Thursday, March 12. The evening was spent in. figure sketching.

Spring Suits

• According to word received by Peru friends, M Florence Martin, who has been ill at st. Joseph's Hospital at Omaha, expects to return to her school work very soon.

Betty Dee Collin, daughter of Mrs. D. E. Collin Of Peru, is the niece of Alexander ~daird, Superintendent of the Pbiladel~ phia public schools, and not Mary E. Jensen, as was incorrectly stated in the last issUe of the Pedagogian.


I ~



A scientific survey in the mid-west reveals that


more bacteria than when your head is covered. We have a complete line of new, fresh Easter hats, straw, felt, plain pastels and navy snd black. $1.50 to $3.00-None higher

i when you don't wear a hat you are subject to five times



iI i




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From $14.95 to $35.00 M.JI rs WILL LEAD THE EASTER PA HADE Wonderfully flattering-they're softly tailored, feminine-a joy to wear.

W€SS€L'S -Nebraska City-



spot news '.REIGN AFFAIBS AS RE. TED BY YOUR "ON THE .. T REPORTER By The Man in Room 407 TOCKHOLM-It was reported the Stockholm radio that Herr •: ler had shaved off his mus; he. Said Mr. Hitler, quote, ·. tried Burma Road Shave cream; } was so delightful tha~ I just ' dn't stop shaving until every

'LONDON-Prime Minister Swin. n Shurzhell reported in the use of Commons the releasing 900 more flights of mosquitoes. ese mosquitoes have been feedg regularly on pure Jewish subts. Prime Minister Swinston urzhell disclosed that the exbelieve that Mr. Hitler and aides are sure to be bitten by and it is hoped that the inuction of Semetic blood into veins of these nazis will soften · hearts and cause them to call



Zadie Gawkins takes over as Acorn Harvest Queen

Henderson, Dean sign contracts Two prominent seniors have recently accept~d teaching positions. Bob Henderson, who was elected at Squash Center, la., will teach

Washington-President Wendell ilkee has announced that special us is to be made available to the ei-u Chorus. Also a special ship. ith these facilities the Peru orus expects to tour the United tates and its possessions-inluding Japan.

home eoonomic,s, history, arithmetic, typing, phonics, chemistry, English literature and will be head coach. In addition, he will spon-. sor the Brownie Glrl Scouts, the school paper, and will direct the Socks For Soldiers Knitting Society. Red Dean will go to Grapefruit Junction, Ark., where he will teach !Welling, clay modeling and basket weaving, coaching, grammar, geography, shorthand and will sponsor the Kindergarten Club. He will also direct the school orchestra and will be in charge of the Parent-Teacher Association.

Ruth Robison, Evelyn Rodgers,


Identity of P~;~·~ Acor.n Harvest Queeu" was revealed on. Monday, March 30, when Miss Zadie Gawkins, mounted on a white horse, and escorted by six brass bands, all playing "Silent Night" in unison, took her place on the stage of the outdoor theatre· After the impressive crowning ceTemony, Miss Gawkins was interviewed un the subject of her election, which was by Prof. Grace Tear was hon· unanimous vote. "It was all a matter of form," she declared. ored recently when it was an· nounced that one of her poems is to be published in

Miss Marjorie Brown entertained eith Roberts in the Eliza Morgan !or on Tuesday evening of last k. Games were pla.yed, and the ·o was also another·· featured ertainment. Mr. Roberts also anned the Nebraska State Joural for sundry items concerning e world of sports and the antics f his favorite cartoon characters. Mr. Donald Dean and i\'Ir. Arhur Ronhovde were hosts to thello Byers Wednesday evening f last week. Mr. Byers spent the .evening with his friends chewing ".sunflower seeds, after which the ;;three of them retired to the ad' joining beds, with mattresses laid

Criminal court was held in ;!Delzell Hall last week, the defend;ant being charged with smoking. ;The jury reached a verdict of guil\ty after being out five. hours, and ; udge Jimerson sentenced the de'.fendant to a week of solitary conli.nement. ;{ The a1Test of the unidentified of~f~nde,· was brought about when a



butt was found lying the dormitory on the After a most exacting ex-

the new spring play, "Babes In Toyland." The two stars will arrive April 25 via Pan American Way. President Pate, a welcoming committee, and a posse of bodyguards will greet Miss Turner and M'.r. Mil.tu.re at the southern terminal. of the north airport in Peru. • During her stay here Miss Turner· will reside in the study hall of the· girls dorm and Mr. Mature in the study hall of the mens dorm. T.hls was arranged ; so that each would be assured iPrivacy. Peru women are looking forward with much anticipation to the vfsit of ·Mr. Mature; but Peru men ~re a little · wary, since they have heard tha·t "to the Victor belong the goils." ·;rum .rnoA .llUJqS1lM ~snf e.r,no£ 'l<l'q'.I IJeOUTAUOO arq'llqo.rd a.r,noA '.I1lJ smr. p'Be.t aNuq noA H PU'B 'rr11 ~'ll .llUTtI'.IAU'B &-es 1,usoop H '.f'lllf+ aes TI.6\ no£ ('a.rns a11-em o~ 'lsnO .raqµnJ m1s P'BeJ aA'Bq noA: H 1nq '.lluµn£mi 10 l{:mm qnoqu 1,uS! £tt1la.r q]'. '11ll{q aes IHM noA: ·,.lBJ S!l\'l pnaJ <lA1lt{ UoA U ·qnoq'B il.1l st 11'. 'l'Bl\M .llupepuo& £[qt1qo.rd a.r11 no£ 'l!d'.!>nlBJ'Bd S!lI'l pll<l.r 01 uMop eprsdn .tad1ld eqq p~u.mq noA: JI

Tear receives Mrs. Roosevelt recognition appears here

PSTC local items Mrs. Inice Dunning announces hat she has pruned her geraniums his past week, and that she excts them to flower out 'again

Moore signs movie stars for next spring play Prof. R· D. Moore created the sensation of the P. S. T. C. school year, when he announced that Lana Turne~ and Victor "He Sure ls" Mature have been signed to play the leads in

has just passed law ordering all wild game to . e flying in V formation.

Noeline Ficke, Wayne Filmer, is Finnell, Loren Fisher, Homer· ishwood.


amination by Matron Ruth Russell and her diligent aide Roger Russell, clues led to the appraisal of the violater. Such conduct is not permitted on the Peru campus, and Judge Jimerson availed himself of this ®_Portunity to stress the no-smoking law that includes all students. Don Juan Cramer adjomned to Bill James. Barber Shop on Corinthian and Main streets Monday of last week and underwent an operation on the hairs of his head. Net results-Cramer wears the nickname of the "MOLE"- an idea obtained from the Dick Tracy comic strip. Mr. Walter Marshall wishes to announces to Peru gardeners that he has developed, involuntarily, a formula for growing bigger and better flowers. It all came ·about when several of his dorm-mates droP1ped · in for a sodal call several weeks ago. While entertaining their host, the boys demonstrated the new idea, and the flowers have blossomed intermittentlv since then. Also outstanding, is the fact that a new odor is noticeable that adds to the atmosphere of the room. Seen on campus-Bob MooreJunior; Pop Steck-Greeri Grass; Bill Rachow-Model A Ford; Bob Henderson-Problact I; Mole Cramer-I quart of hay; A buncha Raindrops-muddy street; 1,000 oaks-490 nuts.

Important announcement!

Don't fall to be present at convocation Monday, April 6 ! ! Featured attraction will be announcements by President W. R. Patel

Don't miss



event! (The Deans won't like H very well If you do.)

Jimerson talks to '21 club'

the coining issue of "Nebraska Poultry Magazine." Following is the poem which earned this distinction for her: "Spring is here, the bold is on the wing. Thats absoid ! the wing is on the OOid."

New professor joins facuity

Dr. A. L. Bradford, head of the English department, has announced that the required reading list for English majors now includes "Superman," "The Bat Woman,'• "The Masked Shadow," and "The Red Devil."

Said Mrs. Roosevelt, "This story is completely new and different. Never have I read anythtng so a bor!ginal." In reviewing "Golclilocks and the Three Bears," Mrs. ·Roosevelt expressed the opinion that the bears are character types, while the characterization of Goldilocks is finely drawn. "The author shOws evidences of a higher gnosis in portraying the enigma which is Goldilocks," declared Mrs. (cont. on p. 5).

Ped office· adds improvements

Dean J. A. Jimerson was honorary speaker at a recent meeting of 1he "TWENTY .ONE CLUB" on the second floor of Delzell .Hall. At:ter a short business meeting the Dean delivered his address, the title of which was . "Temperance from Monday to Friday." Refreshments were served and included pretzels .and beer. A new member, Mr. Tom Collins, was initiated into the club. Next week Miss Tear will address the club on the subject of "Temperance, Not Abstinence."

Bradford revises reading list

Climaxing the L. M. N. O. book reviews presented tlus year, was the appearance of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt ·on March 25.

Have you always wanted to see your name in the paper? wen look around, you'll probably find it. Blair Williams, E<iith Williams, Bob Williams, E<iwinnie Wi11mann, Wiliard Wilson.

Along with the tulips, crocuses, etc. the Pedagogian office has also blossomed out. The office has at last ceased to be an eyesore for the long-suffering members of the staff. They may now lounge around waiting for copy from the report!'.rs (always a long wait) in comfort and ease. The windows are now resplendent with satin drapes striped in red, white and blue. O her improvements include 6 · noiseless typewriters, in addition to chromium-trimmed lounging chairs. The floor is covered with four-inch-thick: rug in pale white. VISITORS TO THE PED OFFICE ARE WELCOME AT ANY TIME, BUT NO ONE WILL :EIJ!l ADMITTED WHO CARRIES A CLUB, WHIP, OR GUN.

Pedagogian editorials Thoughts on spring . • • • By Milton K. Schulz Lo-The sweet and gentle voice· of spring whisks its way over our fair campus. The catch is why doesn't it make up its mind. Some people have taken their spring clothes out uf storage and put them back so often that aH the poor !ittie winged tenants, the moths, have given up living in their garments and have applied tor F· H. A. loans. This is the first year the bear hasn't gone into hibernation. He's been too busy s_lapping up · a fotle· mustached weasel. Back on our campus after a whirl of international affairs: In the spring a young man's fancy. (Period)· With the coming of spring als:> comes spring fever. The only difference bet;veen us and the other places on that score is w~ abo have fall, summer, and winter fever too· Hitherto the students went to class to slee·p. \\'rih spring fever coming they don't bother to go to classes. They just sleep. Comes spring, comes romance, formals, stage, then headaches. Comes romances, goes ro:nances, the headaches stay. You don't have a chance. When you get right down to it, what does spring mean? It simply means that winter is


gene. The flowers will_ bloom, which gives l:ay fover; green apple'S will be on the trees, which gives stomach aches; swimming will take the front which gives sinus trouble; about the only good 'thing is this year Hitler will start a spring drive somewhere and this year we are around to spell Waterloo. Of course I like spring be·cause school will be out. That's always nice. That means I'll have to go to work so I can go to school again· imagine working so I can to to school. 1'-foybf.· I'm <:,razy. Well, to write this kind of stuff I must be·

More thoughts

• • •

It is unlikely that there has ever been a Peru student who has not at some time or another, found time for contemplation on the subject "LIFE·" Most students will agree ·that "life" is too important subject to be summarized by individuals who lack the neccessary capacity .for its consideration. Few, if any ~tudents, will ~ot agree that there is nothing more important than life, because without life none of us could live, and 1£ we could not live, then life would not be worth living. Furthermore, it is an undisputed truth that nothing is too important to be considered carefully, and if more people would speculate on

Alph Alpha, farm fraternity sponsors calf-judging contest


Maxwell announces policy changes In accordance with r e c e n t changes ma.de in the policy of the policy of the psychology department, Dr. P. A. Maxwell has announced that henceforth, summaries of normal intellectual achievements shall not include the criteria. of mentality in middle adolescence. "In the analysis of the character factors of social personality," stated Dr. Maxwell in an interview, "1et it suffice to say that the reemphasis of . self-assertion should not lead to gr'egariousness in early adolescence. It is only with diminishing visualization," he pointed out, "that these abstract concepts can lead from the psychological to the sponta.neous assertiveness of (cent. on page 5)

Annetta Slagle, Dean Slagle, Richard Meyer, Betty Jean Evelyn Slagle; MEda Slagle, Wilma Mil'.er, Lucille Miller, Wilma MilSmidt. !er, Lucille Mohr.

Pate outlines program for 60 MUG members Evidence of the fad that college students "no ta.ke a vital in~ terest in defense of their homes and liberty has been found. _Just one week a.go President W. R. Pate authorized. tlte founding of a special groou" of' •beys.· who• will have an active part in campus defense. ,The program calls for the construction of- air raid. shelters, sand bag barricades, and blackout materials. The organization is the M. U. G. (Municipal Unified Garrison). It is composed of some 60 members of the residents of Delzell Hall. They even have practice ln the use of firearms-wiid geese at night being simila:- to ai:· raid. planes and iight firearms taking the place cf aiici-aircra~t batteries. Flashlights are su:'Jsd~ut<:d. for the giant seJ,rch lights. Curr.ently (;Le f)OY.3 a:·e er.:1ployed at digging· trenches behind the gii·1'0 dc.x~1~iL0:i::i 1







man, Ilene Thiltges, Mary Thomas, Alice Thomson.



Campus to have new edifice President Pate, with a flourish of his hand, signed the final papers which sanction the. building of a new edifice on our campus. The building to be built is one that has Ilong been _needed ..and whfoh _various _:people _have atten:rnted i<I secui-e. n will ind~d be a magnificent ..accomplishment when completed. Picture if you will. on the spot now occ!llpied by the flag ;poie, a structure, not too pretentious-a duplex cJ.og house, one half to l>e occupied by Bing, the other by ftalph Locke. The office will be i11 g-eneral charge, but authority fo1· the ca1·e of the structure as wen as its inmates, will ibe delegated fo Mrs. Iruce Dunnillg anill Mc1·edith


'S!ll'f a;in qdB.IilBl'lld B paa.r O'f 'fSn\ u&op ap1sdn .rad11d arn .lluium~ JO arqno.r'f aqi IIB o+ 02 ,farn ~BqJ a+isoi.rno JO aa.r.llap q2rq B qons UlO;tJ .rayns Ot[& <lfdOad <Jqµ-;>S<W Oj ..xooaB.rd 'll!+Uamap,, JO PB~S'U1 pasn

rii~~~ Fi:rst COHHlbaid makes:. debut' Making its debut at a concert on March 29 was the first 100 piece comb band to be oras.nized at Peru. Directed by Prof. V. H. Jindra, the band features Jack Snyder as soloist. Beginning the concert was the comb band's rendition of "I Dream of Jeannie with the Light Brown Hair." Conc1uding the program was a solo number by Ja.ck Snyder. He presented a composition by the German composer Herr Brush, "Fugue in B Minor for conti:acomb."

\ Spanish club ... Les soldados y 1a gente rodearon a Manuel y no le dejaron huir. Le hacian mil preguntas, pedo ei no contestaba nada. Entretanto Heredia habia side preso en la universidad por a;gunos estudiantes quie, riendole correr, le tomaron por un bandido. (TRANSLATION: NO NEWS THIS WEEK).

• • sure things rather than on unsure things, wouid be much less indecision and hesitati thE; world. Science, too, is one of those whicn is bound to lead us, in spirit, of c through the mazes of experience. No excepting the rel~tive value of the tention, most discerning people will recog. that here is an excellent opportunity for us at . apply some of the things that were taught. our mother's knee, or on her lap, dependmg' which method she used, and it must be ad' here that a very popular method was, and " is, across her knee, which isn't as popular a~ s!·iould be in these modern times. If more students possessed this convic they would be able to give more thought to things which really constitute life today longer would superficial attitudes prevail. It'/; only through proper correlation of such studi: that we are able to find the answer to this vi question. (Somehow this editorial doesn't ma much sense, does it??)


Maybe you haven't noticed it, but the is something very different about this issue the PEDAGOGIAN. In case you haven't f ured it out yet, this is just the staff's · wishing you a "happy April Fool's day·"

Alumni trail • • •

News from several not-very-prominent aiumni reveals wme terestmg o.nd trivial facts. lilt'. .Zeke V. I·roJepsis, representative student in '24, writes is now employed in the capacity of collection manager by the Uni Garbage and Street Cleaning Association, Unlimited "Business," Ze reports "is picking up." C. Williams Bice.Ps, all-state football center in '38, recently mad hi~t<>ry when he participated in a 7% hour, 110 round boxing mate with a man named J'\IIcBenry. At the end of the match, which was firaw. nine spectators were counted out. P.S.T.C. is proud to claim Arethu.sa Anthropoda as a former stu dent. Tl;is dblinguwhed woman novelist has just published her long aw?..itcd saga of the; West, "Sisters of the Silver Sage," or "He Die While Puttmg His Boots On." ·The climax of the novel is reached whe the he~·o, disguised as a blacksmith, shods the villain's horses, puttin . tile s}; oes on btckwarcis so that their tracks will lead posses in the wrong d1r0ctidn. Q. :!:'tcnaop!hyta Smith, football letter-man in '30, reveals that he is new milkmg cows for the Contented Cow Company, ih11.corf]rnljaied. ~peaking

of his job, this former Peruvian modestly admits, "I never couid have gotten it without a lot of pull."

Library to install new flourescent lighting A new flourescent lighting system is going to be installed in the college library· Ima· gine the library tables as

bright as da;y. Impossible! ! you say. No it isn't because in the near future you will see just that.. Many students are curious to know what h2·S suddenly caused this change of heart on the part of the administration. Following is a point by point list of items which influenced. the decision of

the administration. (2) Extra expense was continually incurred by the administration when they had to .furnish lamps similar o hose used by miners, to the desk assistants. It was so dark among the tiers of books that these small lamps were atlamps similar to those used by miners, to desk assistants. It was For these reasons a new lighting system of the latest design is being installed.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc Meredith Jimerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Nina Kanel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Ralph Locke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Rogene Rose ....... , .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy W rifer Alice Ann Cleaveland ......... , . . . . . . . . . . . Copy Reader Virginia King, Ellen King ....... , . . . . . . . . Proof Readers M. Florence Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adviser Reporters: Gene Adams, Betty K. Cole, Reuben Panders, Lavara Oakley, Evelyn Rodgers, ,

,·· !' ...~<·. 1\'{

JJlho's Crazj?'? Co.uld Be!/ fl



lntrasquad meet to test power of '42 J ... SPORTS R~ES.UME' •••• JJean Jimerson Proclaims New Cam,Pu.s

Coed ucationa I 49 candidates for squad berths set yoJJeybawl,ers .to for two days of "Army-Navy" hostiliti& • I A tte~ '.at1ona1 .. ",5 an.y .-ft>ol a d r tour1a111ent kin pJainJy see! ·



1 hey're Riming This Draft Number Business-Latesc fad Qf tht selective serVice is to rill).e the draft numbers. At ;cast that is what C:harley Hiatt is thinking. Pretty poor poetry though .--espe,;ially when lt runs 'like this. "Announcing that Big "C" Has -draft o::a!l, number J.

Jntrasquad Meet On Deck!!! Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons will see the Peru cootie corps Vleing for track and field superiority over the Peru Duck Pond Wad·.d:len: and if this weather holds out, a dashing good time is to be had ;bv all. The sohelule of events is posted on the gymnasium bulletin cooard, and propective spectators may get an idea of what they can see by glancing it over. Featured is the "~U DERBY;" a 440 yard dash Jn which a host of men of both sides will take part in.

.Picking the Winners-Climblng out .on my usual limb, I'm going t-0 try another whirl at1 the major leagues for the coming season. Last year I came out about: JJO ){ 1 ight:--whjch , included picking .the- Pittsburgh ·Pirates to throw a :bl& scare into the league leaders. For first place in the National League it looks like a fight between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Cincinnati Reds. The Dodgers will probably get up there close, but third place will be where I'd \pick them at the end of the season. Mel Qtt's Giants a.re going t,o be the fire,..crD,~ker m the league, and will come close to third p1aee in the league .B-nd they could go higher.


. JI'.





U .. '

Attention all ye Davy's Damsels!! Work has arrived from the State Board of Education, and if we are to be'lieve what we hear, there will be a picked volleyball team to represent our organization down at the Madison Square Garden tournament next month . Action was taken two weeks ago on imerscholastic athletics for women and it finally passed. Members making the trip for Peru will ·be se1ected from WiAA members now participating in the volleyball tournament. Due to construction on the gymnasium the girls are without a place to practice, and President Pate has authorized the use of the rec hall in Delzell Han for practice sessions. WAA'ers are urged to keep tab on the bulletin board for the coming steak fry to be held at the log cabin. The date is to be announced this week. Girls wi11 be allowed to come escorted, and transportation is expectel to be furnished by HANK III. (Providing the distributor doesn't date the spark plugs for the event.) ·

.-h'till Like the Yankees-In the Americ.an League the Ohicago W;hate sox b!l-:ve been paging ipress no.tices to give the Yankees trouble, but to me it looks like the Red i'ox will come closest. The Yankees sh®la nave an ~ time, barring ;nound troubles. The Indians under Boudreau ought to smooth out and .the Athletics will get the closest in years to the :llirst dvisi.on. That is the way I'd pick them-and luckily, of t.blngs d<ln't go tha.t ;Way, I can always point that it was the April F'(>ol edition of the Ped.

PERU BOWLING CLUB Ladies Welct>me at All ·J.lmeS

mn ttaruen, Mgr. M. G. Heuer, UWner


thi1 ptth£>i fa a LutLe. tlp1y; but it' 1 the. ne.w gymna£iumf f

<ihgne.d: <tJ pfa. Ed.

Above is seen the archetect's dream of what Peru's remQdeled gymnasium will aJll}>,ear to be. The design is the brainstorm of the right honorab!e Tee. Pee. Hubbell and it features .such modern .advantages as cross ventilation, clirect light~ and the open dool"I policy. Work is to get underway on the structure very soon, and the floor is to be ready for use by next fall. The same basketball floor will be usM, with, the blhcherSI t-OI .be secreted in alcoves along the wall • They .circle the floor on a revoll'ing' platter, with the spectators iettfnr to . watch the game from an angles.


Jase!)bine Kelly, Betty Kennedy, King, Vir-

Ruth Kennedy Ellen ginia King.

Tuesday and Wednesda.y Coa(!,ll~ Al Wheeler and .·,Aft , ,jones ,$' their first ..ana:lys. is pf the '·. Bobcat ·Thmclads ,lµlder fire. With 49 men competing in .·. various events, .the potentiality · the squad should down for mea" surement. The meet is slated round off the past week's con ' tioning program, which has bee' he'ld indoors by the weather. ': Division of the squad has bee made into two units called th Army and the Navy. Both factio · are evenly matched for the mee. which snould be close and excit: ing. Navy has probably a bit of edg over Army with Hutton, Banks Yocum and Hannah with them t lead the way. Tuesday will be field day, out side of the "DERBY." Weigh events an.d high jumping ,will b conducted· as well as a few rac " Wednesday the cinders wm stag the windup of the two day dual with the dashes and the distanc , running being carried out. Coaches Al and Art hope to se' a good showing on the part of ne men. This meet is the qualifyin tryout for the varsity that make the trip to Maryville, l\1isso April 10.

. d t,h.1s•.••"' . ea. R It

Will SAVE y OU

Spring is at hand. The Eas ter season is not far off. Th season calls for suits, dresse coats to be cleaned, pressed repaired, altered. War econ omy demands it. LISTEN: Suits c.ollected cleaned, pressed, delivered only 80c. Other prices' roe · bottom, too.

Peru Cleaners &Tailor·

Teachers looking for the best positions should enroll wftth us. We can recommend you to the better oositions in Nebraska ~. surrounding states. OUr 24 years of experience and our acqua.illtance with the superintendents put us in a uosition .o be of real service to our candidates. Call on us personally l1 you can or write. ~



643 S~i:art B!dg., Lincoln, Nebriuka

lce-c.old C0 ca-Colc:t .is everything refreshment s~.o!Jl~

be •••

a clean, exciting taste ••• refreshment you can feel ••• quality you can trust. For complete refreshment it's all you want and you wont it all. Try it. . BOTT~J!D U~D~~·.l,(UTHORITY



~ ·· ~i4#u~~ll Bluffs Teacheri Agency ~.ML





YM-YW schedule Easter sunrise service

Lucille Sandfort sang "Christ Arose" and Mary Horton read Easter IP!letry. The state YW convention will be held at Hastings, April 10-12. Any club member who wishes to attend should notify a_ cabinet member immediately.

IOn campus I Tuesday, March 31 ..• Y. M. C. A. . . . Y. W. C. A. . . . C. C. A..••• 7:00. Thursday, A@ril 2 .•. Freshmen clubs .•• 7 :00. Monday, April 6 ..• Kindergarten - Primary Club . . • Lambda Delta Lambda ... Epsilon Pi Tau .•• 7:00 _ .•. Sigma .Tau Delta .• 8:00.'

High school juniors presented two one-act plays, "Jealous, Certainly Not!" and "Night's Lodging," Saturday, March


'Sifting Sand' sets dateline for April I

. . The "old flame," played by Helen Students! Faculty! A 1um n i ! Freeman and the deaf aunt, prePlease hand in your Sifting Sand ,sented by Wava Whisler, banish confributions on April 1. Prose or the doubts of the wife and restore poetry may be submitted to this peace in the home of the young Sigma Tau Delta sponsored pubcouple. · lication. Very different from the first Freshmen are urged to make play, was "Night's Lodging," directed by Shirley Rodgers. Honey- contributions to Sifting Sand, or mooners lost in the mountains, if you are too busy now, please ask for lOdging in the gloomy hut give Dr. A. L. Bradford what you of a mountaineer and his wife. have written before May 1. This ·'._I'he two hill-billies, played by will be judged, and some freshKathlyn Benford and Harold . man will receive .the Sigma Tau Knople, are not talkative people, award at commencement for the and do not explain that the axe, best original writing by a freshman. which the man is sharpening, is not meant to cut the throats of the two newlyweds, played by Paul FOR SATISFACTION 1N Ogg and Norma Jean Parriott, but is instead, meant for two FOODS chickens which they plan to kill for breakfast. MARDIS GROCERY Proceeds from the plays will be used to finance the junior-senior prom.








"We don't dress alike because we have different ~ tastes" you, yourself have said this. You don't have i



II ~:e:;::, s~::t:~:1a~~~lo:!:: o~~:rs:~r:i:yu:~: Ii I s ii•

I 1 !

cause we don't buy half a dozen of a kind. D1;ess.es from ........................ $1.25 to $35.00 I Hats ............................ ·: .. ,.. 1.50 to 3.00 ! p . = urses ............................... 1.50 to 5.00 Sweaters ............................ 1·50 to 4.00 • Skirts ........ ,...................... 3.50 and 4·00 ;


Modern Apparel Shop


We will have our new TENNIS BALLS and RA in soon.


If spr~~ can housecleaning be far ~f

TS junior class presents plays to finance prom 28, in the high school auditorium. "Jealous? Certainly Not," di-rected by Kathlyn Benford, con.cerned a jealous wife, played by Shirley Rodgers, and her hnsband, who was portrayed by Gordon


Spring it Mftl.-gain.

An early morning Easter sunrise service will be held Wednesday, April 1, announced President Nina Kanel at the YW ·meeting March 24. Lucille Sandfort, Lucille Miller and Jean Bond are the committee in charge. "Why Easter?" was the question answered at the Tuesday night meeting by Mary Horton, chair.man, Jean Bond, Dorothy Teachman and Vivian Fogle. During the candlelight .service,


r outlines sci "for spring clea


908 Central Nebraska City, Nebr. i iiiii•llllllllllBl!Hllflll~llJlll!lllillillllllllllllllllllllllll!lllJl&llllllllJJllllUllllll•W1•HllBllll•llll,lll!!l•llll1llll•lilillli

A n~ 'Of. niomers are going around the . . . . ldh an unhappy gleam in ~ qe. A visiting c~ - - - the illness as Spring ~ lta ccmtagious stages and reeam1mil\ld$ housecleaning for all snftft8,, So, with a ~ desire to be helpful, we ~ the following informatiOD m :ww who suffer: Scientific A~ to Housecleaning, or Ya,_ made your Bednow Clean. 11p t1te Rest of the Room. Step 1. Fim ~t and hang a large sign to inspire yourself. <Red, bi.ue, !l:!r yell.ow paint carries out the spring motif). An appropriate l!imtiment would be: "Every da:f m every way it's getting ~ and cleaner" or "germs that h.urt, thrive in the dirt." Step 2. Paim 11.ild hang a large sign to imptre your roomate. <Matching, hlmnonizing, or two tone ettects are excellent) appropriate :sentiments would be "He who hesitates never gets the fioor ~," or "It's your room-clean it."

Step 3. Prelil:nin&ries completed -now dig in. Step 4. Mm ~If with any and all avaBable weapons. Beg borrow and steal any brooms, dust~ mops and can openers. Step 5. Pull everything out of your closet and pile on the bed. Step 6. Take everything out of your dresser drawers and pile on the bed. Step 7. Take everything out of your desk and pile on the bed. Step 8. Take everything out of all other receptades and pile on

the bed,.. step 9.




pile -

Ste'p 10. Take pile on tbei Step 11. Tab . . _ • ~ posters, (~ 1lil: • lips of inal:liration) e .J'ftl!llr' -nl and Pile on the W. Step 12. Alt~: a. Go see if lb, Dl.!:m11 will let you lOOl"e z. dltrerent room ~ can make a. fresh ~ We.

11 '' 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Skelly Service Station:~ Skelly Oils and Gas · t;omptete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone

A Fine Collection of ·.,,__


Ella-ffiargaret Shop AUBURN, NEBRASKA

•' Shake off the stodginess of a long winter ... take on the verve--the dash--of a new personality ... for it is spring .... We Invite You to Call to See Our • New Dresses

• New Spring Coats •New Men's Suits

Right on the Heels of Style

• New Hats, Shirts • Shoes, Hose

STEP IN You'll Step Up to Value-and Step Out in Smartness


Where Your Money Buys


Spring Shoes

:vebraska City


Correct Apparel for Men and \Vomen l\IEBRASKA CITY



• • Crone has gone back to gton where she is employed · Service.) to my room in gton one ,night and and that a young man was g for me in the lobby. I ded to find an individual face I faintly remembered whose name I had con:@letely tten. During the course of conversation he mentioned

il;eall on me when he reached the ~ 'tal city, after which I asked long he had been in the Dist. "'.fwo days," he answered, remely aware that his appeare and manner testified to that gth of residence. "Mmm," I ·caily thought to myself "If you been here two months you dn't have bothered to cal!." incident illustrwtes, perhaps dequately, the personal reserve e may acquire in a large eastern y, which often expands t<> an · ude that anything west of the the1ing about, and then in a larger sense, that anything not is in-

• an army going It is seeping ough Union Station hick by ·ck, 4'ain by train. It collects in overnmental typing pools in units f fifty hicks a week. It threatens change the atmosphere of that This iS not about the provincial

ashingtonian nor about the sopWesterner. It concerm itself with the individual who has not forgotten that a great deal of


presidential timber has come from the backwoods; this is about the hick. This is about those boys whose suit coats may not be fingertip length and the girls who may not ·know the difference between a vegetable server and a soup spoon. It deals with those who may emit an audible, "Gosh," at their first glimpse of the vastness of the interior of Loew's Capitol Theater, and who laugh unnecessarily or too loudly on the trolley-the same individuals who, too, possess singular q«alifications which place them above these superficial demands.

Tuesday, April 14, 1942

Volume 38

usingers to climax spring tour h concert here on April 15

1 continents, wlll

a Tau Delta admits seuen wnrH1al initiation banquet

pearance in Peru 17 in the college o'clock.

Tau De.Jta admitted seven new members at the initiation banquet on Monday evening, April 13. A. Jimerson was featured

American tour. The members of Jascha Brodsky, Jaffe, violin; Max Orlando Cole, sello.

Monroe heads local YMCA New Y. M. C. .A. olieers were elected at the Jt.1arch 31 meeting. Richard Monroe is president; Donald Qtrek. vice president; Billy Woods. secretary: Dennis Wehrmann. treasurer. "University's P1ace in a Demoracy" v;.r2s c1.iscussed b~· T::.emb'?:'S: and Mil~ori Schultz led in devotions. P2ru Y. M. representatives at the lef:dership trainfog conference at Hastings last weekend were Milton Schultz and Donald Ca.eek.

and spoke on Feature Writing." • ~m included a violin ~aret Goodridge, with a.~ Luin at the piano. The ~was given by Nancy Ellen 3 - ~ Betty Jane Scott ·dettle response. members who were taken fraternity at the .formal ~ preceding the banquet linl: .~ Ann Cleaveland, Evelyn ~' Lol,'l'aine Safranek and Gftlevieve Steuteville as p~; Meredith Jimerson and Betty Jane Scott as associates; and Enm King as an active member. Along with the new members there were five advancements. -


Virgie Lee Johnson was in charge of the ticket committee and Lillian Havel desig·ned the ta.ble de 2:.::·sttir:ns. Th8 b3.n·1uct \Vas pre<J2red Rnd se:·'.'ed by the home (CC~o:r.~cs studenls.

Peruvian staff plans 1942 edition of yearbook

Club sponsors textile exhibit Lace, cloth and fancy work represented the handwork of many countries at the textile exhibit in the art rooms Thursday and Friday, April 9 and 10. Embroidered strips from Chinese temple robes, Irish linen and tatting, Italian lace, Russian embroidery and Early American homespun were displayed. Cnt work, hooked rugs, hairpin and battenborg lace, filet t~ crochet, and other kinds of embroidery illustrated various kinds of needlework. Some linen and wool homespun from canada was more 1 than 80 years old. probably the oldest pieces shown. Art Club and faculty members cgp.tributed the things displayed. Mary Elizabeth Jenson was chairman of the committee and Mary Stevenson was in charge of posters. The exhibit was sponsored by Art Club.

Wagoner leads YW Bible quiz A Bible. quiz was held at YW on April 7. Lois Wagoner was quiz leader and was assisted by Nelda Lynch. In charge of the general discussion was Evelyn Christiancy. During the devotional period, Lucille Sandfort sang, "I Love To Tell the Story" and Vivia.n Fogle read the scripture. A poem, "The Bible:' read by Evelyn Christiancy, closed the meeting. A short cabinet meeting followed and possibilities of holding the YM-YW State Conference at Peru next year were discussed.

• They take an unquenched enthusiasm for the principles of equality and justice which are unmi.'led with the cynicist of politics. They ha.ve a love of life that comes from an appreciation of "small" things-silvers in the sky caused by sunlight on aer®lanes high above, the steel mesh erection around Jefferson Memorial, dogwood in the country, and the children's game of Rugby in the parks. They exhibit courage and a firm belief in the rightness of things to come. There is a characteristic meekness about them, sometimes superseded by a defense ·ego, but nonetheless, a/ basio J1inmility, They share a greater tolerance for the sophisticate than the cosmojp,olite has for the naivete. If not stifled, they nurture the seed of universality that knows no limitation of race nor creed. And that is the greate~t gift of all. There is small need for our emba11·assment in the hick; there is a great call for glory, for he has a typical charm, which personifies the heart and vision of all that is truly democratic Amerleao .: 1

Number 22

Climaxing the a n n u a I Perusingers spring concert tour will be their appearance here on Wedne'Sday, April 15, at 8 o'clock at the college auditorium. The chorus presented concerts at high schools at Auburn, Nebraska City, Dawson, Humboldt, and Seward; at the Humboldt Christian church, Concordia college at Seward, .Joslyn Memorial at Omaha, and the Plattsmouth Methodist Church. Following is the program which is to be presented at Peru. Seraphic Song .. Rubinstein-Gaines Miss Lum, Mr. Fankhauser. and Miss Goodridge •1 Creation's Hymn ...... Beethoven Salvation Is Created, Tschesnokoff Red River in the Night .... Shure Rest ..... ,. .............. Williams Hymn to King Stephen .. Kodaly Ballad for Americans .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . La.touche-Robiruion Listen to the Lambs ........Dett Dig My Grave .. Arr. by Burleigh Ezekiel Saw de Wheel Arr. by Cain Deep River . . . . . . Arr. by Burleigh

TS students give concert A pre-contest concert was given by the Training School Sunday, April 12. "This is to give the · youngsters some experience at performing in public before the district contest," said Supt. s. L. Clements. The program is as follows: Piano Solo ........ Sam Anderson Clarinet . . . . . . . . Shirley Rodgers Trombone ............ John Lewis Cornet ........... Willard Redfern French Horn ...... Art Clements Baritone Horn ........ Larry Good Baton Twirling .Laurine Clayburn Junior High Cornet Trio. Brass Sextette Band directed by Wallace Cleaveland. "American Legion March" by ....................... Parker "Gulls of Gaspe Overture" by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hildreth "Overture Americana" by ...................... Buchtel

23-year-old truck runs on solid rubber tires Shown at work on the 1941-42 Peruvian are eonorial staff members Dick Clements, photographer. Barbara Beal, editor; Mary E. Jensen, art editor; Maurice Anderson, sports writer; Virgie Lee Johnson, Reuben Panders and Corinne Adams, copy•writers. Dear Editor: "Here is my chance to get some inside information," I thought as I entered the door of Peruvian Editor Barbara Beal's office, after you had assigned me to get the "dope" on the 1941-42 Peruvian. "Well, it's going to have a cover, and probably several pages," began Editor Beal, when I questioned her on the subject. of the forthcmti ing yearbook. "Yes, it's going to have a cnlor scheme, and maybe e\'en a, theme," she confided in resJ)onse to a query from your reporter. "The date? Well, I think you

could hint that the tentative date may be some time this spring, or thereabouts," she concluded. I withdrew finally, after another tinsnccessfuJ attempt to get the editor to make a statement concerning the merits of the longawaited book. The only thing I was able to learn from the interview was the names of the staff members, and everyone knows that already. So I guess we'll have to wait like everyone else until the book appears, before we find out anything, wcn't we, huh? Your discouraged reporter.

PSTC's oldest vehicle, a 1919 "GMC," is on the run again! This truck, having "stopped dead" last winter while making one of its bi-weekly coal hauls, was towed to Nebraska City for a restoration. A new engine was installed with an electric system, and lights now replace the old aceline lamps. A switch and starter are an added improvement over the old "cranking method." The horn was left above the door and the cab still sits about three feet from the ground. During the 23 years, the solid rubber tires have only been replaced once. Purchased at Lincoln in 1919, "GMC," the first of its kind in this part of the country, cost the college $4,500. It's a valuable antique-but better yet, it's a useful antique!

Ion campus I Tuesday, April 14 • A. . . . ¥. W. C. C. A. . . • 7:00.

. ¥. M. C. A. .•• c.

Wednesday, April 15 .. Chorus Concert ... 8:00. Thursda,y, April 16. . . .Freshmen Clubs . . . 7:00. Friday, April 17 . . . Curtis String Quartette ... 8:00 Monday, April 20 ... Alpha Psi ... International Relations . 7:00 . . . Kappa Delt.a Pi • Future Teachers of America • • • 8:00.

..._ Pedagogian

Page 2

Pedagogian editorials Vacations

Breathes there a student, with soul so dead, "\\'ho never to himself hath said, ''I'm going to turn over a new leaf this week."

"Happiness" has been defined in many way· One dictionary describes it as "the state or quality of being glad or contented with one's lot." Another philosopher declares, "Happiness consists not in possessing much, but in beinf content with what we possess." Probably these definitions can be narroweii down to one conclusion-happiness is a state of mind; it means a certain definite reaction. Whether that reaction comes from owning a

Investigation of this turning of leaves reveals that it is more often than not inspired by VA. CATIONS. Most students will agree that vacations don't have to be long. An extended weekend is enough to provide that psychic sbotin-thc-arm which sends us back to school refreshed, and With our cerebral equipment in gear

Mr. X reviews history of attack on Delzell Hall

"The raid began at early evening of March 31 .and continued on through the night until late morning of April l," began Mr. X. "We were taken by surprise for we hadn't expected anything so dastardly. We of the first floor were helpless and defenseless as battalions from the Third Reich and a few from the Second Reich swarmed down upon us. "A few of us were thrust bodily from our dwellings-with only a few clothes-locked out of 0:ur homes and left to die in the halls. Others were barricaded into their rooms and when the door had been securely tied so there was no hope of escape, water was (poured in, drowning them as rats in a hole. "New uses were found for the abominabL~ printers ink which the en.emy used with great success. It may replace the poison H2S gas or stink bombs and the rotten oranges in future raids. "I recall one appalling scene-a defenseless youth-not , more than 16 or 17, wandering desolately in the halls dming a lull in one of the attacks-he was drenched, alone and uncared for. "The attacks subsided only for a few hours in the ·early morning ·but long before dawn they began afresh. Loud noises were made throughout the building so that many of the weaker ones would be aroused from their slumbersyea, but for a few hours was there silence enough for slumber. Violent were the curs.es and great the distraction of the defenders." Mr. X paused, because the very thought of that horrible night left


for another session with problacts, formulas and theories. We like vacations.

• • •

Yesterday I had the good fortune of accosting one of the few remaining suxvivors of the attack on Delzell Hall on April 1, 1942. That attack will long be remembered as one of the major engagements of the year. I could feel only a strange pity for this broken fragment of a once strong and courageous /physique-Mr. X

April 14,

him weak in body and mind. He looked as though he might "crack" under the strain. Finally he concluded. "I doubt if I shall ever live through another such persecution at the hands of the Second and Third Reichs. May the day never come again when we see ·such suffering and experience it as we did on April l."

Training school . .


A Swiss iP:lrlY was given on April 1, for the parents and friends of third and fourth grade students... Movies of Switzerland were shown, and parents were much surprised to see their own children among the Swiss children. The trick was accomplished by cutting the child's figure from a snapshot, then , pasting it on the picture among the Swiss mountains, goatherders, or gardens. After the movies, an original play was given in the third and fourth grade rooms ..The J)lay told of a Swiss festival and ended with an original song written to the tune of the Peru color song. Swiss refreshments of cheese sandwiches, milk chocolate, and milk were served. StuQ.ents wore Swiss costumes and wrote the p'.ay and song, decorated the room, and gave a Swiss dance.

• Dogpatchers turned out for a canned-music shindig Thursday, Apri: 2 in the high school auditorium. Verna Rogers and Bonnie Koeyple were awarded prizes for the best Dogpatch costumes. Miss Pearl Kenton, Mrs. Gene Setzer, and Mrs. E. P. Kirk w-ere chaperones.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c Meredith Jimerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Nina Kanel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Editor Ralph Locke ............................. Sports Editor Rogene Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy W rifer Alice Ann Cleaveland ..................... Copy Reader Virginia King, Ellen King .. '. ............. Proof Readers M. Florence Martin ........................... Adviser Reporters: Gene Adams, Betty K. Cole, Reuben Panders, Lavara Oakley, Evelyn Rodgers, ,

lollipop or a limousine, whether it is a tra or a lasting reaction, it is always the sa1 is a kind of inner glow. Only that individual who has within hi capacity for contentment can know happin


• • •

Anyone can read it in the signs of the ti Days are growing longer, grass is growing g er. At Peru, student figures dot the campus tween classes. The evidence is unmistakable. here!

They're talking Actresses discuss stage-fright after 'Lady Who Came' rehearsal about . .. not mllt!:b. Uds week, apparently . . . i'.Ctters received fr!'m students mi the chorus hip which wooJ.d have provided news for Uds column, but unfortuna.rely, had to be censored. . . . new ooll?les such as Cramer and Safranek. . . ~ Pascal and Finnell ... Carrie Ellen and Unk ..• ~ Ann and Wally now going steady . . .. Ethel "lio-get-ein" Gross, who is n&w free again . . . Virgie Lee's poultry project, which failed when the two baby chicks died in Eliza Morgan 232••• cute freshman girls such as Dorothy Briant • . • Wilma Miller's recently acquired diamond . . . the appr(}ach of summer vacation . . . spring.

• M. Florence Martin has resumed her teaching duties after an absence of several weeks because of i1lness.

As the curtam ended the rehearsal, four members of "'Lady Who Came to Stay" cast dropped out of character I enough to be interviewed. "Lady Who Came to Stay" is Kay Adam'o, :S.rst college play, but she is no theatrical amateur-high school experience and a speech minor prepared her for this part. Kay, who plays the part of Emma, prefers character parts, studies her lines in front of a mirror, suffers from "just before curtain jitters," but believes a deep breath· and pmnging lnto the part will cure it every time. One of her biggest thrills was seeing Helen Hayes in "Queen Victoria'" and the chief ambition of this darkhaired sophomore is t-0 attend a school where she can "study just speech." Relaxing before a hard scene as the cruel, half-mad Phoebe, Ruth Adams!>n eagerly remarked, "Of course, it's the same sort of thing as 'Ladies in Retirement,' but it's much more intense, more searching in its ;psychology. It's a ruthless exposure of the souls of the peop'e of the play." Ruth, who is a veteran of two previous colI~ge plays believes this is one of the best p1rts she has

Alumni trail • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ® By

Gr:i.ce ihuencnau

Dear J.P., 1IE.RL B. PEEK is at the U. S. Navy Training Sch1lol in San, Diegq, CalifGrnia. He is a well-known former Peruvian whose dance band "Peeh's Pe?ksters" ma.de a real name for itself. He comments, about cmty- ·"Everything JS going well here-many Nebraska boys are being sent here for theiJ.: training." .. About Cal., he says, "Califot'nia weather is everything it's claimed to be. Dew is dew, even though it somctim~s gets two or three feet deep!' TO!VI, DEAN is i:n Chicag:o, you know, whe1'e he has a civil service appointment with the Ordinance Division of the War Department. __ His work is the same as CALVIN REED'S, the former Junior High School mathunatics supervi~or. and they meet frequently, I understand.. . He "'ill attend school at the nHnois Institute of Teclmolog;,~, his training consisting Qf work in precision measurements, metallurgy, blueiwints, machine shop, visual education, manufacturing pr<icesses, and several other phases. So there! Tom left school this semester to accept this appuir.tmcnt. Mrs. JJean, formerly MARJORIE KENNEDY, is teaching home econo.mics at Grat, I'l))Va. l1NApEAN ARMSTRONG and Lloyd DeFreece were maITied Marc: 28 at Ashland.. Unadean has attended ~eru for three years and is now teaching the primary room at Wann, Nebraska.•. Lloyd is a Private at Ft. Riley, Kansas and Una.dean will finisbl the year at Wann. She is a sister of LESLIE and IVA. also Pertlwians. Just learned that PY*. LAwRENCE E. WESTON of Nebraska City, is now A. & R. news reyortei< at Portland, Oregon with an army training unit He was a commerce major and attended R,eru from 1936-40. Also understand the MARION WEDDLE is married to Robert Tiehen of :Falls City. Marion ·attended school a.t Peru in 1939-40. There·s lots of alumni news such as who visited whom during vacation. For instance: JONES to see REDFERN at Mt. Morris, Michigan, CARTER to see FLOYD at Ft. Leonard Wood, HAMEL to see VEJRASKA at Odell, and probably some more. NEIL GOOD is visiting in N<'braska as he has received his commission as Second Lieutenant from the Naval Air Station at Jacksonville, F'la. He will take adva.nced training :;i.t Ft. Worth after his furlough. MARY ACORD is teaching a rural school near Farragut, Iowa, this year. She is a sister of BERNICE ACORD1 and has attended Peru. Love, Grace.

ever had. She !earns her Un bed before going to sleep so can really "feel" them, likes play because it stresses action lines equally, and thinks con tration on her part keeps from getting stage-fright. Phyllis Delong, a fres whom Peru students already for .. her _work in a convoc play, particularly likes her part Milly. "It's the· kind of a part never had before, and it gives a real opportunity to broaden dr:amatic _eXiJ.).erience," .she _ earnestly. "It makes you re how many types · of pads th are, and gives you a chance to something different." She doesn't have any partic way of learning lines, feels most valuable work is that d at rehearsals with the rest of cast, never fright, and stimulates any actor or actress do his best. "The play is a masterpiece itself-the way it's written and ganized," she concluded decisiv Virgie Lee Johnson thinks play will have the audience sit on the edg·es of their seats. ought to help out the nail po manufacturers," she laughed. She is .another veteran on Peru stage, having ~;i,peared two plays and having been student director of a third. doesn't have time to suffer fr stage fright, likes the scene in the play particula likes her part as Ann because different before, shame-faccdly that she's wan to he a school teacher since was five years old. Virgie Lee wandering around hind stage whisp e ri n g lines over and over, may not Jieve it, but this sophomore declares this is favorite method of learning · "I get under the bed with a st lamp and walk back and f saying them aloud-so I wo harm my roommate.!"

Looking back Ten years ago. "The Importance of being est" was announced play. Five years ago. Perusingers left Burlington bus on stop singing tour. One year ago. Soft pastel light, characters, with Mel Pester his orchestra set the stage for girl's "Mother Goose Ball," urday, April 5. The world's foremost aut collector, six feet four inch E Rowlands, was presented at vocation.

heelermen drop

opener to Maryville 85-50 WAA'ers picnic; organize tennis tournament

SPORTS RESUME' ••• By Ralph Locke Duane White is guest writer for the column this week, and lk Whillf., oomprise :It few 11f his ,comments on the ever-moving pa.1'118 .t' ~

'ourt Hero Dead-Bedfast since hist November, Bill Kovanda, a boy form&"if ~ Art Jones, died i."'1 a Denver hospital late last Tuesday ~ ~ fering fJiom a brain .abscess. Kovanda, a University of Nebraska basketball star ~ U:!~ 6-37, 1937-38, and 1938-39 seasons was also a letterman In tnd:: ~ seball as ~11 as being a member Of Sigma lE'Jli Epsilon frn~ nd president of the senior class of 1939. U!ide.r Jones at Eik Creek he played three years of baske%b$iH ·~ learn to the state championship in 1936. Kovanda's death came ten months after his enlistment in w ~y orps on June 4, 1<941.

ho Sqys They Don't Have Courage? 'I'ne following ib a letter received from a colored boy In the Umkd ates Army. San Francisco, Qll.lfomilll "Sr Mr. N:oren, Here I am at the [point of embarkation and I guess you kno"l': ~at hat means. Just when we will sail I don't know, but it won't be long. r things are being loaded now. We were told that it would be a long time before we were paid off ain, ·so you can see we will be gone a good while. Some of us will come back and others-God wiTI take care of them. Since mother and father have gone pnd both sisters married I guess there isn't much left for me· to come back for~ But if I don't come back I only hope that my llife will help the Ur,ited States of America became a safe land with an ual Lasi.s for every American and I know there are lots more who feel the sam£ way. All of this shipment Of boys ane colored troops. Most of us are only one-year men, who came into the service the same, or around the Game time I did. Wen Mr. Norm I must close now, so tell all the boys I said hello and best wishes to them all. Your friend, Sgt. James D. Williams While listening to the radio the other night I heard the request for shorter dresses. The broadcast sa.id, "Dresses shou:d be as short as they are now or even shorter. The limit on shortness will be det€rmined the 10ca\ po:ice." OL fern's campus we have a much different :·equest as :most oI you knov.·. I'm \Vandering if the cause in the background is as rmpo·:tant as that -of the broadcast. No matter how or what angle you 1ook frcm. it isn't quite so conservative. (Using the word in its many senses.)

Business is set for wholesale increase in the coming weeks for W AA members. Three tournaments are slated to be run off simutaneusly. The aerial darts tournament is in full swing at the present, and the championships will be decided ~ "t.fttle Man" who's al- when the girls report for final ~ ~! Unk Hutton, one of rounds. Phoebe Anderson has been • m ~ttennen out for tnwk, chosen sports leader ·for the volley ~ the strength of the squad ball playoffs to get under way in .a Im speed, versatility and the near future. ~ Va is a pretty dependable For the first time for severa.l llllllm. (ft' pomts in the broad jump, years a tennis tournament will be tMr ~ and dashes.-Peru fans wm ~ a lot of him this spring held for the girls. Competition ... .-xt fall when he will be In will be split Into three divisionstMm for the Bobcat gridders singles, doubles, and mixed doubles. Tbs Nebraska weather has been apJia. He is one of the few threeholding up early work-outs; the spod;s. fettermen left in school. nets are still frozen stiff from last autumns rains. Friday night members took to "-- the out-of-doors as they enjoyed the first picnic of the season at Neal Park.

Keith Hannah ...

• • "Shall I buy that new n::g for the living room?"

Keith Hannah-an all-state cager that is on his way to· <t great season in track. He clears the high jumrri with remarkable ease, and will be trying to better 5' 11" this spring. He is out for his second w·inged n1onngrain.

'Cats hope for first win in Tarkio dual Friday afternoon Next on the line for the Vvneelermen tracksters will be a dual meet with Tarkio, docketed for this The Owls, usually pretty strong, wm probably feel very much the absence of crack hurdler, Dinsmore. No definite information on the oppo~ents strength is obtainable, but it is expected that they will be fairly strong in the track events. Peru's balance of power seems to


J>lV1s-sCHoor seRv1ce 643 Stuert Bldg., Ur.coin, Ntbreska


If you are wondel'i11g o.hJJt:::~.

things · like the above, this may help you answer them. This IS DEFINITELY the time to buy the things 'you need for the home. Prices are still low anill'\lost items are still available, but most important is the "lift" it will give you, your home and your visitors. '

lie in the fieid events. ,l\s yet, there hasn "t been seen a better pair of broadjumpers in this section than Hutton and Stark while Hannah and White are pretty sure placers in the high jump. Rachow, Yocum and White again are good men in the weights, while Linder seems to be headed for a few points in the javelin. The meeting will be held on the Tarkio oval, and the Bobcats are hoping to gather in their first win cf the current season.

Teachers looking for the best positions should enroll with us. We csD rDcommend you to the better positions in Nebraska. and surrounding states. Our 24 years of experience and our acquaintance with the SuPerintendents put us in a uosition •O be of real service to our candidates. Call on us personally if you can or write. . .--/~I~ ____..,.4:'>


Maurice Under

"The guest room looks shabby. I wonder if I should do anything about it now."

Weakness on cinders proved. costly The Bobcat thlnclads of 1942 went under fire for the first time last Friday as they bowed to Maryville, Mo. 85-50. Not at all disappointed at the 'Cats showing, Coach Al Wheeler seemed well pleased with some of thel ~poki~s petiormances. Bill Rachow grabbed off a first in the shot while Earl Banks took first in the quarter mile. Orvil1e Yocum placed second in the discus and Lowell Faust added a second In the half mile and a third in the mile. Andy Anderson also bobbed up with a third in the two mile. Representing the lettermen, Unk Hutton and Don Stark were best in the broad jump, Stark beating Hutton out by three inches. Keith Hannah and Duane White were 1-2 in the high jump. Russ Hobbs was good for second and a third in the 220 and the 100 yard dashes. Maurice Linder picked up a second in the javelin. The times for the meet were very good, considering it is still so early in the season, with bad weather hamperng a. good conditioning period. The 100 yard dash went in 9.8 and the 220 in 22.5. The half mile went at the near record time of 2:05. Peru picked up the bulk of her points in the field events. Maryville has alwa.ys been a strong competitor in track, having lost only two dual meets in the la.st nine years. Peru edged them out in 1940 by two points, and WE!Ltm Jewell of Missouri set them do1vn also a fe1v years back.

Jones to speak Ccacl.1 .: ". . rt Jones is to be gu~st S!)Cake:· at ['1e l1voca High Athlet :c acti\·ities banquet Coach Art guicleC the A\:oca Iligh tean1s inhis. first year out in the coaching field.


If a new hat is a spirit lifter, think what a new rug or bedroom or living room suite would do to your home. It IS patriotic to make the home as cheerful, comfortable and charming as possible. After all, the home is the second defense line and that is wha• we are fighting for.

Come in and see our "S;:llirit Lifters" for home. Maurice Linder-"Punchy" to h,~ dorm -mates,. is out for his first track letter, and came through with a secend place against Maryville last week. He throws the ja.velin, and is quickly mastering the art of--,getting the spear well out there.

PERU BOWLING CLUB Ladies Welcome at All Times Ben Hanton, m.gr. M. G. Heuer, owner



Repair Work Watches-Jewelry

Clocks Band and Orchestra Instruments


Peru Pedagogian

Page 4

Dr. Thomson speaks on 'India' before convocation audience Dr. Bertha M. Thomson, dressed in the white· robe of an Indian woman, talked on "India" at convocation Fri· day, April 10. Dr. Thomson explained that Americans can aid the Indians because the country has always re.spected Americans. She suggested that the fact the Indians are Orientals will be a great help in their fight against the Japanese, as they will know in what way to retaliate in true Oriental style. Dr. Thomson was a meilical missionary to India and was there first in 1915 for seven and a half years. Her first post was in the United Provinces at M a h o b a where she had charge of a 30 bed hospital and a ,dispensary. After a 15 montl;l .furlough, Mrs. Thomson returned to India in 1924 where she was stationed in Central Province at Hatta. Dr. Thomson


returned to the United States 1928. Of her five children only one, Alice, was born in the United States; the other four, including a son Paul, who is now in a Marine

Recruiting station at Great Falls, Montana, were born in India. Alice, who is a Peru freshman, plans to follow in her mother's footsteps as a missionary, but in Puerto Rico insread of India.

Sociology class has field trip to Glenwood, la., institution "A trip through a place like the previous groups, and according to Feeble-Minded School sure makes class members, it was worth the me appreciate Peru," and "I'll ne- time lost at school. ver call a person a moron again," · Reports of fine equipment, inare most frequent of comments cluding an electric organ and made _by persons returning from special dairy were made by those the field trip taken by the socio- visiting Glenwood. Teachers 1n the ,.feeble minded logy class Monday, March 31. The all-day visit was spent in school need not have special trainthe Glenwood, Iowa, Institution, ing, and receive $55 a month with the morning being devoted to ob- room and board. Dr. C. M. Brown, Dr. W. B. serving classes and the afternoon Thorson, Mis$' Margaret Henningto special cases. Similar trips have been taken by sen and Miss Nona Palmer a.ccompanied the class.

·90 students attend service sponsored by Y o~ganizations In a setting centered by a lighted cross, ninety students gathered for a Sunrise Easter Service in the music hall auditor um, Thursday, April

1, at 6:30. Organ music was provided by Grace Muenchau. After the girls trio which is composed of Betty Riley, Betty Berger, and Donna Lee Marshall sang "Twas Midnight on Olive's Brow," Nina Kanel read the call to worship. Jack Snider gave a French horn call. This was followed by "Christ Arose," sung by Bill Fankhauser. As a blue spot light was focused -On the cross, the men's quartette, oomposed of Bill Fankhauser, Wallace Cleaveland, Willard Hunzeker, and Jack Snider, sang "There's a light on ·the cross." Preceding communion, Al i c e Thomson sang, and during the service Margaret Goodridge played Viol1n music apcompanied b y Grace Muenchau at the organ. With the singing of the "Old R,ugged Cross" by the quartette, the service closed. General planning committee for the service was Lucille Sandfort, Lucille Miller, Jean Bond; communion committee, Lois Wagoner, Evelyn Christiancy, Vivian Fo_gle;

Pate attends Chicago meeting

Commenting on his attendance room arrangement, Mar j or i e · at the annual North Central AsPrine, Roberta. Burrows; door desociation meeting March 23-28, at corations, La Vera Oakley, Mable Chicago, President W. R. Pate, Newton; ushers Christine Wilkinsaid "These annual meetings are son, Murvel Annan, Reuben Fandprovided for the purpose of deers. Helping with construction of termining the membership the the cross were Lois Zweibel, Mary following year." E. Barkley, Bertha Clayburn, Jean The address which interested Bond. and Nina Kane!. Freddie President Pate most was given by Drexler was the electrician. Robert M. Hutchins, President of the University of Chicago, justifying the granting of B. A. degrees at the end of the sophomore year, and requiring three years for the master's degree.

Sigma Taus plan convo program

Anyone who misses convocation on Friday, April 17, will be sorry, according to Reuben Fanders, spokesman for the Sigma Tau Deltans who are iPlanning a program for that date. "I think it's going to be about the biggest convocation since 'Faculty Meeting,'" Reuben predicts. The program, which will be farcical in tone, will feature "Morale-bulding at P. S. T. C." as a theme. The all-star cast will include such entertainers as Rose McGinnis, Ellen King, Herbert Knqtson, Ralph Locke, Nancy Ellen Jones, and others.

Would-be rug-cutters have difficulty in getting dclnce Saturday night, and there hasn't been a dance in either dorm throughtout the week. Something must be done about it, but WHERE to begin???? First a consent from Mrs. Dunning and Mrs. Russell must be obtained. This is usually satisfactory, but if t11e dance is to be given in Eliza Morgan Ha11, the difficulties begin. How to get the boys over to the dorm becomes a major problem\ for outside of girls, girls and MORE girls there really isn't any incentive. The rec ;floor bulges in the most inopportune places, the music box doesn't issue a sound (either the records or the radio), and two senior girls just can't find tl:ie time to be the .sponsors. No, it is much better just to forget that you had hopes. Oh well, you wanted to spend a nice quiet evening anyway. On second thought, why not try to get , one in Delzell Hall? Mrs. Russell says she will be glad to .sponsor it, but all the fellows who have record machines have gone home for the week-end! .Also the school's public address system is broken-so there you are-a bea.utiful night, everybody wanting a

Clubs . • •

dance. a swell floor, but NO MUSIC. At last you decide you're going to have a dance, whether there is any music to da.nce to or not. The sign goes up on the bulletin boards. You trot over to Delzell Hall with a small portable tucked under your arm-just hoping and praying that it will be heard above the noise and scuffle-also that there is something on the air other than Charlie McCarthy or Fibber Magee!

TWO REASONS Why you should buy your mato plants from m~ are they are grnwn from cer seed and they are home

J. P.CLARK Electric Shoe Shop

• discussed

Scribblers manuscript writing and also writing contest entries. Original creative contributions included an essay by Dennis Wehrmann and a juvenile story by Dorothy Durfee.

Shoe Repairs or All .1un

Skelly Service Station Skelly Oils and Gas t;omplete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone

C. C. A members held a prayer meeting March 31 at the Catholic church. Josephine Kelley and Marcella Barrett led the service. It was decided that the April 21 meeting wou1d be a picnic in the park. Ilene Thiltges was appointed picnic chairman.




to be shown

A group of 20 lithographs by instructors and students at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center will be shown in the art rooms April 13-17. Visitors may see these pictures any afternoon from 1 o'clock until 5 o'clock.

• BLUE = • •



Hutchins reasons, according to Preside!£~: Pate, are based on the ·contention that niost students go to college just to get the B. A. degree for social and 'public purposes. WEST-HART The marriage of Miss Marjorie West, commerce instructor, to Mr. Earl F. Hart of Edgar, occurred at Lincoln on April 1. The Rev. Nelson Gardner officiated at the ceremony. Mrs. Hart will continue her teaching until another teacher can be secured.

Kanel presides at state Y meet Nina Kanel, local YW president, was appointed co-chairman of the Nebraska State Y Conference, which met in Hastings, April 10, 11 and 12. · Nina assisted co-chairman Bob Gelier, Hastings, in presiding at sessions.

Ice-cold Coca-Cola is refreshing ••• refresbing as only Coca-Cola can be. In its frosty bottle dwells the quality of genuine


ness. And taste ••• a taste delicious, exciting. Thirst asks nothing more.

Read this!!! It Will SAVE You Money

-Spring ''ts here-the season to go places and do things. Spring calls for suits, dresses A grand crowd turns out for coats to be cleaned, pressed, the dance, but after 45 minutes of trying to hear the portable's ren- repaired, altered. War econ· dition of a few faint notes of omy demand_s it. "Serenade"-soinething has to be LISTEN: Suits collected, done._ In desaieration, the large cleaned, pressed, delivered, music box from upstairs is brought only 80c. Other prices rock down. It works. Beautiful music bottom, too. is h~ard, and for the remainder of the evening you sit back and enjoy it, for by that time you are · far too weary .even to think of dancing.


Lutie Jane Hineline, sophomore art student, demonstrated the methods of clay modeling at the regular meeting of the Sketch Club Thursday, April 8. Members were shown how to prepare clay and how to use it. Various uses of clay modeling were discussed. Following the demonstration, club members worked on individual models of animals.



Peru Cleaners &Tailors CENTRAL OFFICE, 17 NORTH MAIN ST.






flickers . .. It is a simple task to get an ex-

use from the dean but it

is quite

oother thing to get an excuse aring the words WITH RECOMENDATION. This requires a rtain amount of skill and finesse. There are several accepted ethods of getting these excuses d so I will explain them for y'Our enefit. (1) THE COLD GAG Ths is one of the oldest and best known methods. It consists ef walkin.g weakly up to the counter with a bowed head. Cough violently until your whole body seems torn with agony. Clear your ··nose painfully. Then loo~ pleadingly into the dean's eyes and say "I've got a slight cold" with as much of that liquid nasal quality as you can muster. (2) THE SY!\I PAT H Y F 0 R OLD FOLKS GAG. In a voice fairly dripping with sentiment explain how your father was ill and your mother need help. Tell him that they are both getting old and are doing·· the best they can without you. You sacrificed some of your time from classes fo help them out. This always gets him because everyone sym;yathizes with the a_ged and infirm. (3) THE HITCHHIKING GAG: Explain how you are a poor ooy and can't afford bus fare. 'Your father is patriotic and alwayS saves ·his tires. Furthermore hitchhiking isn't what it used to be what with the defense effort and so you just didn't arrive in time for classes, The success of this ,. one depends upon your ability to play on the dean's sympathies. (4) TELLING THE TR U TH (RECOMMEND 0 NL Y FOR PROFESSIONALS AND THOSE HAVING A STRONG PULL) Walk into the office briskly with a big smile. In your most blustering manner slap the dean on the back and whifa>er one of. your favorite stories. Then say goodnaturedly: "I missed a class-SLEEPING SICKNESS." Rare back, slap knees . and laugh loudly. The dean will do the same if he is in a good mood. He will believe J'OU are a fine upstanding fellow and give you a favorable excuse.

Volume 38

Peru, Nebraska,

Tuesday, April 28, 1942

Number 23

Prom to have lady Who Came to Stay' begins garden theme annual Stay in Peru Weekend Final plans are now being made for the Junior-Senior prom on Saturday, :May 2, "It promises to ge one of the most colorful events of the

o By

semester," says Reuben Fanders. pr€sident of the junior class. "An Old Fashioned Garden·· been selected 8.S the central the:;:ne. There will be plen~y of "Gay Nineties" entertainm€nt between dances. Such specialties as aa old fashioned · barber shop quartette, a vaudeville skit., and selected musical numbers are being prepared. Juniors and seniors are invited to attend this formal event, and may bring dates who are members of another class.

Kappa Delta Pi initiates three

Play Reh~i


Phot-Ograph by Clements

The second annual "Stay in Peru Weekend" was a campus feature on Ap:rll 24-26. Sponsored by the Student Council, the weekend began with the presentation of "Lady Who Came to Stay" on Friday evening.

Harriet Maxwell, Lillian Havel and Bette Jean Scott, new members of Kappa Delta Pi, were formally initiated at the regular meeting Monday, April 20. "Teaching Opportunities Today" was the t1:1Jljc for the discru:si&n which followed the initiation.. Nina Kanel was chaiJ:~~. and Bill Fankhauser, Althea Nispel and Supt. S. L. Clements each made a talk on different aspects of the topic. P1ans were also made for the May Breakfast, which is given annually in honor of sophomore honor students. Ella M:.ae Hurlburt was appointed chairman for the breakfast.

Scribblers discuss

Aldrich novels

poems, sketcheS, and· short istories. ' The original writings of the fol;Iowing individuals appear in this {jssue: Corinne Adams, Dorothy Arm/strong, Joy c. Baker, Robert T. Alice Ann Cleaveland, 1Benford, ,Reuben Fanders, Lillian K. Havel, 'James P. , Huey, Evelyn Rodgers, ·1Lorraine Safranek, Bette Schneider, Milton K. Schulz, Dorothy Teachman, Grace Tear, Laurella Toft, Isabel Tynon and Audrey astera. illustrators under the direction f Miss Nonna Diddel, include anice Baker, Hilda Freese, Ella ae Hurlburt, Mary Collin Jensen, th Rawson, Bette Schneider and Stevenson. The cover was esigned by Carole Copenhaver. Dr. A. L. Bradford, Florence Marin, Phariss Bradford, Rose Mcinnis, Dorothy Teachman and ancy Ellen Jones were the edirial board. The contribution age, which contains a short coment about the authors and their rk, was written by Ellen King. "Srnting Sand" will be on sale xt week, starting :May 6.

IOn campus I Tuesday, April 28 ... Y. M. C. A.


James Huey, and Dennis Wehrman read original poetry to fellow Scribblers at an outdoor meeting on April 23. A discussion of Bess Streeter Aldrich was also on the program. Evelyn Rodgers was appointed chairman of the picnic which will be the last Scribbler meeting of the year.

Spring issue of 'Sifting Sand' features ;contributions by students, faculty . . The spring issue of "Sift'ing Sand," Sigma Tau Delta's ;bi-annual publication, came .off the press Monday, April ;27. Seventeen students and ;faculty submitted contribu-. 'tions to create the collection

An ail-day tracR meet attracted several high school teams to the annual M. I. N. K. meet. Concluding the weekend program was the all-college dance in the music ball auditorium on Saturday evening.

Albrecht to teach commerce as Parriott assists Registrar


Reuben Fanders "The Lady Who Car£e To Stay," presented by the Peru Dramatic Club is undoubteilly one of the most effedive plays ever to be presenteG. on our stage. The play is a ghoot story in which Katherine, .a ccncert singer, is forced by illness and poverty to live with the three old-maid sisters of her dead husband. She takes her 17 year old daughter, Ann, with her to the gloomy, hate-laden house. The three siste:rs, Emma, Phoebe and Milly resent Kather-· ine, but the half-mad Phoebe cruelly hates her. Katherine rlit's from the efforts of protecting ·,Ann from Phoebe. When later Phoebe encounters the presence of Katherine she too succumbs. Prom then on it is a struggle between the two ghosts, Phoebe and Katherine, the former trying her best to kill Ann, and the latter protecting her. Ann finally leaves the house with Roy, her lo~, and Katherine seems to have won. But Roger, Katherine's little boy is next brought to the eerie house, the terror of which he escapes through. obsession with imaginary companions. Phoebe, through her power, forces Emma to beat Roger. Only then does Emma realize Phoebe's, power over her and with the aid of the dying Milly she gets (Continuen on page 4)

Y. W. C. A..•.. C. C. A. • . . 7:00 ..

Thursday>, April 30 • . • Freshmen Clubs ... Dramatic Club ... 8:00. Saturday, May 2 ... College Junior-Senior Prom ... 8.00. Monday, May 4 . ; . ~]!)la. Mu Omega . . . Art Club . . . 7:00 Tri Beta . . . Kappa Omicron Phi Music Club . . . 8:00.

Women see Pollard teaches foreign play

first aid class Peru is looking defenseward. Two classes have been organized to instruct members of the faculty and town...<:pe<>ple in the art of firstaid. Dr. c. W. Pollard is in charge of instruction. The first c1ass. organized has me11 tWice in the faculty rooms. This class consists of 29 members. The course will contain 20 hours of instruction given in 10 two-hour periods. A similar class has just been organized for the townspeople of Peru and will mee.t ·e·;·:~ry Monday night in the city hall.

Kanel to head stat~ Y.W. Miss Albrecht and • Miss Norma Albrecht and Miss Marjorie Parriott assumed new positions on the college faculty Monday, April 20. Miss Albrecht has left the college office to become Assistant Professor of Commerce, a position recentlv made vacant by the resignation ~f Mrs. Marjorie West Hart. Miss Albrecht received h er bachelor's and mamer's degrees

Miss Parriott from Denver University. She served as instructor in commerce at Colorado Woman's College and Colorado commercial College, ooth at Denver, before coming to Peru. Miss Parriott, who was formerly a bookkeeper in the college office, returns as the new clerical · assistant to the Registrar. For the past six months she has been employed at the Martin Bomber Plant in Omaha.

Nina Kanel, local YW president, and Joe Claybaugh, University of Nebraska, were elected state Y cochairmen at the business session of the State Y Conference held at Hastings on,Ap:rll 10-12. conference-goers voted to organize a State Council to include one .representative from each Nebraska college, to be headed by the state co-chairmen, Coordinating college Y work in, Nebraska and planning next year's state conference will be their immediate duties. Commenting on her election, Nina remarked, "Surprises never cease to happen. Here's hoping next year's state conference will be the best ever."

A play, SOUTH OF THE BORDER, vvas written and presented by members of the Tuesday Club, April 27, at sepa~te convocation.

This play climaxes · the year's study of the Pan Am€rican program. The plot of the play revealed the spirit of brotherhood between the Americas. The stage was decorated with Mexican tapestries, Indian rugs and pottery, and a very interesting display of the 21 flags representing the Pan American Union. The characters in the play included: Senor Jose Costilla (Mexico) ............ Miss Burtis Kennedy Senora Coya (Inca Indian of Peru) ............. Mrs. Inice Dunning Senor Julio Elia (Argentine) .............. Mrs. P. A. Maxwell Senorita Alzarinka Vargas (6razil) ................ M:rs. H. W.. Good Each player was costumed to represent her respective country. The customs, history, and topography of the countries were portrayed.

Club members hold wiener roast Members of the Early Elementary Club met Thursday, April 16, at 5 o'clock for a wiener roast at Neal Park. Games were played before and after the picnic supper. Gretchen Kiburz, Mary Mannschreck and Barbara Dressler were in charge of . the refreshments. Billie Dean Untermohlen and Mar~ cella Barrett sponsored the games.

Pedagogian editorials Peru students in search of "culture" have had many advantages, a review of campus events reveals. Opportu~ities for the cultivation of good taste in music, art, drama and literature have been provided. Book-revi.ew-g'Oers l"leard discussions on the newest books, and drama enthusiasts have seen several plays. Sunday afternoon musicals, in addition to recitals and concerts, have attracted many out· of-town visitors, as well as students. Even those who insist they know nothing about art have been able to enjoy the exhibits presented by the art department. The student who wislies to make the most of a college education will take advantage of these opportUll\_itlies to a,cquire kn:owledg.e wihioh academic effort alone cannot supply.

IAlumni trail

The Student APi,sory Council has been working. In ans'tver m the question which arose at one of their m~t, "Some of the students have been asking don't you sponsor another 'Stay-in-Peru' week.a?" they replied, "We will." This "stick around" idea was first conceived in 1941 to help promote the MINK Track Meet and the All College Play, "Saturday Evening Ghost"-"two ac;#vities worthy of student support," commented Mvisory Committee sponsor, Eldon Hayward. ~ tradition has been carried ·on this year for these same reasons-in addition te>-the ~ requested it. Thanks, Counoi~ for helping us get what we want. N. K.


By Grace Muenehau

NEIL GOOD of the Na.val A.ii- CollP.s will go to Ft. Worth, Texas, May 1, to take ad$.nce traininf. He has spent a three-weeks furlough

frienc% in Lmcoln and



L. M. HAUPTMAN, a Peru graduate, ls holding a responsible position in the La, Porte, Indiana '~ools. He was granted his Ph. D from the University of Nebras~ last June.

lKed.. !ltudents in Omaha include FRANK LARSON, JACK COLGLA1d:ER, ED. FALLOON and NORMAN FLA.U, all Peruvians. ERNA STEFFEN is employed in an insurance firm in Cheyenne, Wyoming. She ,is a former Peruvian and a commercial major. DONNA, her ~ster, is a freshman this year KATHRYN M&LER ~d MELVIN BLOCHER will be married June 7. Kay attended Peru last year and is now 'teaching near Tecumseh. Melvin is employed at the 1 Glenn Marlin Bomber Plant at Omaha. They -will live in Omaha.. Kay is Bill's sister, by the way. Love, Grace

Sandin reports to Ped on Peruvians in Washington Washington, D. C. Dear Meredith and "Ped Stafl," Your "Washington Correspondents" thought it was about time to hand in our first assignments! So-since there is no Washlngt1m ne\'.'S of any importance, we will write all about the Peru Delegation CJ!Piel'• a.ting here in the city. Miss Brinson, my colleague, and I will first tell you all about Miss Brinson and her fine defense position. She is employed by the Government (.at a slightly better salary than mine), working in the Office of the Sec. of War, Civilian Personnel Division, Placement Section. As a sideline she is currently working to keep the aqped forces of the nation happy, For bookings, if in uniform, writ·e or telegraph 1818 Kalarama Road, Washington, D. C. (Sailors Preferred). Miss' Ruth Crone, ex Ped-Personality, is also in the city. I don't know her address. I suggest, if you want to see her, to stand on the corn.er of 11th and F streetshe went by on a street car one day. Miss Mabel Norman, Kresge button counter, resides at 1637 Trinidad mid-excuse me, she didn't go to Peru! Oh, yes, Miss Faye Bouse, former cute campus coed is helping Uncle Sam, too, I don't know where she works, but her address is 1410 21st Street, N. W, Washington, D, C. She, too, would like to hear from you, and, B-Oy, has she got a cute Spanish girl for a roommate. Do you remember Ted Graves?


Peru.V'.ians w~ liked "The Lady Wh,o Ca.me to Stay'' included: CAL,yIN COLGROVE, ORRILL<> GORDON, YVONNE MOELLER, ROBERTA WERT, MARY ALICE HACK:ER, JULL ZURBRICK; another week-end visitor was MARY ANNE SCIWTZ.


April 28, 1


Page 2

He lives at 1312 Euclid, N. W. By the way, girls, he's married. The "Missus" is a Peruvian too. Lyle Hunzeker (FBT) is somewhere, but I'll be darned if I can find him or his car. If you went to summer school a couple of years ago, you'll remember Lyle's V-8, Dunlap used to love to sleep in the back seat, They tell me (the little men) that Dr. Seegmiller is mixing chemicals for America. We don't know where. I saw "Mac" McCormic at a U. S. 0. club in an Army uniform. He was so busy dancing with all the girls that he didn't tell me where he was stationed. Apprentice Seaman Crawford and I are the only two here who aren't doing something for the country. We think we look pretty " Salty" in our "blues," though! Yep, we're going to school againCrawford's mastering the French Horn while I'm still struggling with the corn-et. We're big-shots now cause we don't have to use stamps on our mail. Oh, yes, my trumpet instructor is a Nebraskan from Wayne. Well, mates, don't lose these addresses 'cause we all miss Peru and want to hear from you.' All our regards, "Doc" Sandin Ably assisted by Doris Brinson P. S. Crawford and I have an apartment (with 250 other guys) at: U. S. Navy School of Music Navy Yard, Washington, D c.

• •

poppies blow, the crosses, row on row ..." lmmi1ted by these lines is the annual c •"IP,,.. . :in.d poppies on Poppy Day. As a tr to A.m~'s war dead, ·the Peru Unit o Ameriam Legion Auxiliary will sell poppi Frida)· aoo Saturday, May 8-9. The poppies Wihich will be distributed have boon made by disabled veterans at government hospital at Lincoln. Funds Iected on Poppy Day are a principal sour support for the welfare work carried out by American Legion and Auxiliary among the abled men and dependent families. Peruvians who wish to honor those who given their lives for America, and at the S' time give some very real assistance to the ,;, disabled and their families, will wear a popp May 8-9. ~~-n

Obseroatory, built in 1928, houses large telescope Ha:ve )"OU ever wondered about the shining silver dome on the a~um which is the observatory? What is it like? Who put it dlere'? Does it have a telescope? If you are a student at Peru, ·y00 have no doubt asked such qµestions and found few people mow about the observatory. It waa bdt in 1928, the same time as the Seience Hall. The dome, made ·o.f copper, can be revolved by turning a handwheel, thus making any portion of ·the heavens visible. The observatory rests nofon the roof of the auditorium but on girders supported by the walls of the auditorium. The dome is about 10 feet high and measures 17 feet across. Housed within the observatory is a five-inch refracting telescope, one of the oldest in Nebraska. Doane College has an eight-inch refracting and Creighton has a five-inch refractor. Several other colleges have similar instruments. Peru occupies a unique position as the only teacher's college in the midwest., if not in the u. s., which possesses a large telescope. The develqJJment of Peru's equipment was evolutionary, starting with a three-inch refractor mounted on a tripod; finally a five-iitch telescope was mounted equatorially on a permanent cement column. This instrument was housed in a suitable observatory on the grounds now occupied by the T. J. Majors Training Schcol. The telescope was mounted by Dr. Edison Pettit of Mt. Wilson Observatory, a student here at that time. When the new observatory was built, the telescope was moved so that it is now above the trees. The observatory is not now in regular use by students, but is a point of interest for campus visitors.


Training school ... Imagine the fun and excitement if some boys were quarantined in Eliza Morgan Hall. It may sound improbable, but such a thing does happen in "Campus Quarantine," the senior high school play, to be presented Friday evening. "Campus Quarantine" tells of the complications and mix-ups that occur when the Kanna Jamma Sorority House is quarantined for chicken pox. The "quarantined" bOys are Willairill Redfern, Larry Good, Bob lRrlDWltl, Bill Redding and Ward Adams. The residents of the sorority house are Bonnie Armstrong, Marion Deck, Verna Rogers, Patty Hill, and Bonnie Koeppel. Other members of the cast are Virginia Stepan and Robert Walker. Nancy Ellen Jones and Betty Kathryn Cole are the directors.

Junior-senior prom "Deep in the heart of Texas" will be the theme of the forthcoming high school junior-s.enior prom, Invitations to the prom have been sent out. Dancing and games were enjoyed by the ninth grade students and their teachers Thursday a;fternoon, April 23. Featuring a spring theme, the party was given by the class offi~rs. Refresl:urtent3 of grapejuice and cookies were served.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Entered at the PostoHice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter; $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc Meredith Jimerson .... ,, ............. ; . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Nina Kanel . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Editor Ralph Locke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Rogene Rose .............................. Copy Writer Alice Ann Cleaveland ..................... Copy Reader Virginia King, Ellen King ................ Proof Readers M. Florence Martin ........................... Adviser Reporters: Gene Adams, Betty K. Cole, Reuben Fanders, Lavara Oaldey1 Evelyn Rodgers, •

They're talkin about ... The Chris Wilkinson-Fand date for the '.play . . .Knut new campus dish, sparrow sari wich garnished with feathe Billy Berger and ].\fax's n DuPont jobs . . • Bild Rh packing up for the Navy. Shirley Jimerson's being the library three days in s cession, studying . . . Delz Hall renegades "cracking" a at the administration during th past week , and ' their them song, ''I Don't Want to Set th World on Fire" . . . "rotte eggs" in the science hall. Jerry's '\m-om and Don" loo last Friday . . . Rose McGinn and Betty Jo Offerman gett• in at 2 :30 after "personals" I Wednesday ... Freddie Drexle "dousing the glim" at play re hearsal to helt? Virgie and Si get into the mood for that clinch. The 1ittle campus drama involving Dr. Bradford, Hilary Bradford, and Mr. Moore. Plot! Dr. Bradford is locked in his' office and Hilary and Moore to the rescue!!! ... Jimmie Howe taking his Sunday School class on a week-end outing . . . the boys in Delzell Hall bowling on second with a 16pQund shot . . . the green grass spring fever , .. skipping class.

Looking ·back On.e Year Ago A Stay-in-Peru Week-end w scheduled for April 25, 26, and 27 Peruvians combined athletics, dr matics, music and social activiti' into the making of one big week end on the campus. Week-enders saw a ghost wa in the dramatic production of " Saturday Evening Ghost" given · the college auditorium, April 25. Two Years Ago Formal-goers saw rain inside out as they attended the annu spring formal. The April Show theme brought out the fairest Beru's flowers to the formal, Ap 27. Peru Dramatic Club held celebration in the form of a spo party, April 26, Instead of the co ventional haunting, the gho presented stunts .a.nd played gam Five Years Ago Y. M. and Y, W. held the ann carnival among paper stream and brightly colored balloons_ R Crone and Barney Barisas crowned King and Queen· of t carnival.


Peru Pedagogian

heelermen hosts to five schools Friday • • • SPORTS


By Ralph Locke

onfidential-To StewartAfter masticating Jim Stewarts homely soliloquy on life, as last week the EAGLE, I'd like to co-sympaithize with the down hearted lad. _All I. ave to say, is,-"Dear Little Jimmy: Just wait Wl you get old enough wear long pants, comb the hayseeds out and feel the urge to move up to the big leagues-then I'll extend you an invite to get out of the cow untcy, and to come down here where they have oaks instead of haycks. And just in the iJ.ine of a hint-when you get here, don't fort to wear shoes-it's a pretty common f:ad in this part of civilization-'.'

Reviewing the Cinder CampaignGlancing at the Bobcats track squad, we see a group of boys that stand fairly even all down the line. Individual stars are few-citations going possibly to Hutton, Stark, Yocum, Ria.chow and Hobbs. The rest ot them are those invruluable cogs that keeps a smooth machine clipping along in high gear. Duane White is always dl;lpendable for a few points ·in the high jump and discus as well as the high hocdles. Earl Banks, fresh from high school, is doing some fine work in the 44-0 and the low hurdles, as well as anchor man on the mile relay. Wendel Handley usually bobs up with points in the pole vault and helps the 880 relay team. ·Bob Henderson is one of the smartest quarter-milers around-depending on experience and ability, he adds his quota of points. Hit hard by illness, Lowell Faust is a steady distance runner. All-State cager Keith Hannah is reliable in the high jump and discus while others such as Atwood, Graham, James and Linder axe point-getters also. Coming through in last weeks triangular, Art Ronhovde and Chuck Hiatt came through with the points that Coach Al would ha~e needed if Van Dyke and Kemper had attended the meet.

Lil Abner's Mark Fifth In NationChecking on high school marks, it has been ascertained that Orville Yocu:ms' dis®s mark for last year, while wearing the colors of Humboldt high, is rated the fifth best effort in the nation for 1941. Incidentelly, his MINK mark of 142 feet 9% inches was bettered three feet by Hand of Fairbury last Saturday. And speaking of ironical incidents, it fell Lil Abner's lot to be the one to check in the new record.

Invitational This WeekPeru fans will get a look ,at one of the biggest track meets of the YG..'-tr Friday as the Bobcats hold their annual invitational meet. Guests will include Omaha U.,. Tarkio, York, Doane with Maryville Mo.. Hastings. Midland and Wesleyan beng possible additions to fill out the biggest entry in years.

Lincoln Central dethrones Tech • 1n 12th annual Ml NKfest TEAM SCORES Lincoln Central ............ 66-64 Oma.ha Tech. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 24 F.airb~ ···················· 21 Bellevue .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 16 Bea.trice . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . 9 Auburn ... . . . ............... 7 6 Peru Prep ................ · .. 4 Nebraska City ............. . 2 College View ............... . 1 Dawson ........... - ...... .. 0 Alvo ............. · ·. · ····· ·· Although an exclusive, "Nebraska" meet, the 12th annual MINK Track and . Field Meet, held last Saturday, goes down as another success for Coaches Art Jones and Al Wheeler. A field of 11 contestants, cut down from 25 by threatening weather, fought it out through a windbeaten forenoon. Hand of Fairbury ignored the blustery gusts from the south, and set the only new record of the day-a discus flip of 145 feet, 9% inches, bettering Orville Yocums' throw of 142 feet 9'/z inches, set last spring. Lincoln Central hit the cinders with a bang as the afterno~n got underway, ·piling up a lead that saw them go unhead~d, to the team championship before the carnival was completed. Led by Jacobs, they picked up seven firsts on the track and a.nother in the broad jump by way of a clincher. Coupled with six seconds, two of them ties, four thirds the Beechner Lads had little trouble impressing t h e i r rivals with their potentialities, Track times wel'e better in the late afternoon, made so by the showers thrut drove the wind and hardened the track. Falling in bllhind. defending champions, Omaha Tech ran second over Fairbury by dint of their 2~ points as compared with 21 for

Clair Sloan's tribe. Paul Ogg came through in the high jump for Peru Prep to cop their only first p1ace ribbon of the day with a leap of 5 feet 71h inches. Summary: RESULTS 120 Yard High Hurdles-Won by Edling, Lincoln Central; Second Covington, Bellevue; Third, Shipman, Fairbury; Fourtth, Hayes, :Aairbury. Winning time-16:4. 100 Yard Dash-Won by Jacobs, Lincoln High; Second, Samson, Omaha Tech.; Third, Hall, Tech; Fourth: Hershey, Beatrice. Wlinning time-10.S. 220 Low Hurdles-Won by Covington, Bellevue; Second, :Hutton, Auburn; Third, Parkins, Lincoln Central; Fourth, Shipman, Fairbury. Winning tme-25.3. 22 Yard Dash-Won by Jacobs Lincoln Central; Second, Samson Tech; Schuckman, Lincoln; Hershey, Beatrice. Winning time 24.1. 440 Yard Dash-Won by Birkman, Lincoln Central; Second, Nebelsick, Lincoln; Third, I<ruger, Tech.; Fourth, Glenn~ Auburn. Winning rtime-54.5. 88 Yard Dash-Won by McWilliams, Lincoln Central, Secotid, McCormick Cent~al; Third, Burroughs, Beatice, Sullivan, Bellevue. Winning time-2.00.2. Mile-Won by Barnew, Lincoln, Chapin, Lincoln Westbrook College View, Robinson, Nebraska. City. Tie-4,50,5, 880 Relay-Lincoln, (J a c ob r> , Schuckman, Neblsick, Birkman) , Tech, Auburn, Peru Prep. Tim8 1.37.2.

Discus-Won by Hand, Fairbuxy (record) Second, Roth Tech., RuYolo Tech. Huntley, Bell2vue Distance-145 9%. Javelin-Won by Huntley, Bellevue Second, Roser, Nebrasts. City; Hood, Fairbury, Aup2r, Dawson. Shot Put-Won by C'olby, Beatrice, Hand, Fairbury, McP-'.lerson, Lincoln, DeBiase, Tech.-46 7%. High Jump-Ogg, Peru Prep., tied for second, third, fourth-M:ille;-, Fairbury; Allen, Lincoln; Ffall Tech., Roth, Tech.-5 71;,. Pole Vau~t-Won by Miller, Fairbury, tie for second and third, Shipman and Burns, K. Hike, Bellevue-11. Broad Jump-Won by both Lebsock, McWilliams GentralVancanti Tech. a!:ld Gritz, Auburn-20 3 tie.

Tearn results of triangular meet Peru .................. 74 Hastings .............. 58 Tarkio ................ 43

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Cream, Millr and I~e : • CHAS. WILLS Pem, Nell.:

Annual carnival to be feature of 1942 season On deck this week is the Pera Invitational track and field meet. With several entries yet to be certified, the meet should be a. junction for at least six teams. Ex·pected to compete are: Omaha U. Doane, York, Tarkio, Hastings and the hosts, the Peru Bobcats. other possible entries include: Midland, Wesleyan and Maryville, Mo. The Wheelermen, victorious in their last two meets, will be forced to pull rabbits from tall hats and aces from their sleeves to take this meet. The field includes many specialists, and first 'Places should be pretty well scattered among the half-dozen tea.ms. Barber-shopquarterbacking predicts that the team that can pull in the majority of seconds and thirds will come out: with the winning margin of points. Whether Peru can do that or not it is a question. In the field events they are pretty sure bets: for several <points. Bill Rachow, undefeated as yet in the shot put, should come through with points as well as Ab Yocum in the discus, Stark and Hutton in the broad jump and Hannah and White in the high jump. On the track it will be a battle. Bobcats specialists Banks, Hutton, Stark, Henderson and Atwood will have to go aU-out for those precious points. Russ Hobbs will <probably be forced to the sidelines for this one, a pulled muscle making iG [\]most impossible for him tocompete in the dashes and broo.d. Jump.

Bobcats bag triangular Peru's Wheeler-Jones thinclad organization proved their win over Tarkio last week was no fluke a5 they romped to an easy triun19h over Hastings and Tarkio Thursday in a tria.ngular meet. The Bobcats again relied on a bal:mced squad, taking only 5 of the sixteen firsts. It was their little slams in the shot put, discus, broad jump, 100 and 220 yard dashes, the 440 and the low hurdles that picked up 56 points, enough to insure victory No. 2 of the season. A strong wind cut down on thetrack time, ruining all expectations of a possible record in the duel between Vaugh of Hastings and Spitzmesser of Tarkio in the halfmile. Dick Van Dyke elected enter the Aberdeen Relays in South D2,kota, and his absence prnbably lmrt what chances Hastings did h3,'ie of winning. Outstanding performances for t::e afternoon were plentiful. The bleachers held about the largest :rack crowd seen here in the past tb.:·ee years, as the Bronchos fought to again on the Bobcats. Lil Abne Yocum refused to let a crosswind bother him as he fi:ed the discus out to 128 feet 2'and % inches for his best effort of the year. George Lewis was the individual star of the meet, claiming 21 1;4 points. Stark and Hutton each piled up 10 % Points to lead thtr 'Oats.

April 28, 1

Peru Pedagogian

Page 4

Mrs. Mary Delzell to be new Y.W.C.A. sponsor

dent W. R. Pate has appointed Dr. John M. Winter, head of the Science Department, as Faculty Air Force Adviser on the Peru State Teachers college campus.


Mrs. Mary Delzell has been appointed the YW sponsor, announced ·President Nina Kanel at the April 21 meeting. She replaces Mrs. Marjorie West Hart. A note from Mrs. Hart was read, thanking the organization for the gift presented her at the farewell dinner, April 16. Alice Thomson and Marjorie Moore were leaders of the discus$1on, "Why Jesus?" State Conference-goers who re13orted at the April 14 meeting were Milton Schultz, Don Cacek, Lois Wagoner, Lucille Miller, Marjorie Prine, Harriet Maxwell, and Nina Kane!. Others attending were ;Bess Ray, Evelyn Christiancy, and Miss Edna Weare. Mrs. Marjorie West Hart took one load to Hastings. Marjorie Prine represented Russia's diplomatic agent at the Model Peace Conference, the outstanding ;feature of the convention.

Sigma Taus give tips on morale

Office requests information Anyone who has information in regard to former Peruvians now in the United States armed services is asked to leave this at the col. lege office. The following information is re.quested: Name. Commission, if any. Now serving in Army Air Corps, Army, Naval Reserve, Navy, Marine Air Corps, Coast Guard, Canadian or British Air Force, Instructor in Army Contract School, or any other branch of the armed force not mentioned above. Present or last known address as complete as possible.

Sigma Tau Delta members presented a program at convocation on April 17. Announced by Nancy E l le n Jones, the program_ consisted o:ll two parts, the first a group of readings by three organization members, and the second, three reports from proposed campus defense activities, treated from the humorous angle. Original selections, "The Living Corpse" by Lillian Havel, "To the next Town" by Reuben Panders and Alice Ann Cleaveland's "The Ring" read by Virgie Lee Johnson composed the first half of the program. Assisting in the humorous defense sketches were Ellen King, Alice Ann Cleaveland, Audrey Zastera, Reuben Fander~, Viv~n Fogle, Dorothy Teachman, Harold Dallam, Herbert Knutson, Ralph Locke, Rose McGinnis, and Corinne Whitfield Adams.

Moore reads at convocation .Anyone who skipped convocation on Friday, April 24, missed Prof. R. D. Moore's program of selections from his poetry collection. Mr. Moore told the audience that collecting poetry is his hobby, and he likes to share it with others. "Happiness is like jam, you can't spread even a little of it without getting some on yourself," commented Prof. Moore in connection with his reading.

Lillian Havel confesses weakness for kolackie Kolackie, which is prunes in the middle and bacon out· side, is one of:Lillian Havel's favorite foods. "Potato dumplings, wild game, and all kinds of soups are all right too." "I have always lived In Wilber," she said. "Father was born in Prague, and Mother in Lishub, Czechoslovakia. My greatest des.Ire is to see the native land of my -parents. "I like classical music· and good books. I love English and literature. I could just read all of the time," she said. "I also like to hunt and fish, but I do not like snakes or blizzards. I do not like crowded places or waiting for people either. "I wish I could meet Pean Buck and Ernest Hemingw;ay. They have experienced so much~ (leneral McArthur. "For the past three years I have been collecting pencils from different states and foreign countries; I have_. about 304 now." Then, speakmg- In a manner which is all her own, she added, "I have one pencil from Germany, and I shall give it to anyone who wants it." Although Lillian has six years of teaching experience, she is looking forward to next year, when she Will have graduated from Peru and be able to teach once again. Lillian takes an active part in campus activities. Belonging to Sigma Tau Delta, F. T. A., Art Club, International Relations Club, and Kappa Delta Pi, she still finds time to turn up on the honor list. There is one thing that you need never tell her-that she looks pretty in white by candlelight. She won't believe you.

Science frat amends laws Lambda Deltans reduced the requirements for membership to their organization by amending their constitution Monday, April 20. Several minor changes were made in the laws to make entrance to the organization easier. It is hoped that this will make the organization larger and stronger. Dick Kingsolver was elected to represent the organization on the Inter-Fraternity Banquet committee. Althea Nispel, Wayne Buhrman and Harold Dallam were elected as the committee in charge of the Lambda Delta Lambda-Tri Beta banquet. (Release from the Office of Pres. W. R. Pate) The army is setting up a "new program for the procurement of Aviation Cadets. This program will provide opportunities for enlistment on a deferred service basis in other branches of the Army and continuation of college work by men so enlisted." Pursuant to a request from the office of General Arnold, Commanding General of the U. s. Armw Air Forces, Washington, D. c., Presi-

PERU BOWLING CLUB Laities Welwme at All Tlllles

J:Sen naruon, mgy. M. G. Heuer, OWner

'The Lady Who Came to Stay' (Continued from page


Last Ca for



Roger out of the house. Milly dies in this unequal combat. Emma is Electric Shoe Shop left alone surrounded by the ghosts. In utter desperation she Shoe Repairs of AU !\,mas they are swell for sets fire to the house to destroy forever Phoebe's malevolent influand l)ikes ence. Phyllis De Long, as the perverted Get one and save Milly, showed an acute underSkelly Service Station standing of her role which she was other clothes Skelly Oils and Gas able to communicate splendidly. 1.;omplete Line She had superaltive control of herLeonard Tripp, Mgr. self at all times. Her voice is exPeru Phone 40 TENNIS RACKETS ceptionally flexible and beautifully responsive to emotional states. $1.50 to $7.50 Kay Adams. as Emma, gave a memorable performance. She exhibited a fine technique and an FOR SATISFACTION l~ artist's care for the success of the whole play. She has a clear voice FOODS that carries beautifully. Mrs. Ruth Adamson had one of MARDIS GROCERY the very difficult roles. It was that of the ghoulish, half-mad Phoebe. The difffoulty was to create a Phoebe who , would be credible. In this she was highly •1111•1111•1111m1rn•1111•1111•1m•rn1•1m1111111111n111•1111•1111•1111•1111•1111111111•1111111111•1111•1111•1111•1111 successful. Her makeup and carriage made her role very effective and one to be remembered. Dorothy Hanks played with Buy Economy Size dignity and beauty, the tortured Katherine. The interpretation was Pablum, 1 lb. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c marked by intelligence and seni§ Mennens Baby Oil, $1.00 size ................. . 89c sitivity throughout. Virgie Lee Johnson, as Ann, 1 --Castoria, · 4 oz. . ......... · · · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 39c vivacious and wholesome in conZinc Stearate, 25c size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c tra.st to the others, played her part Bath Crystals, Sib. bags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c with fine spirit. This was ,her best i Hinds Lotion, 50c size ............... "· . . . . . . . 25c performance to date. Jergens Lotion, 50c size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c Hilary Bradford had one of the i Meads Perco Morphum, lOcc ................... 67c most difficult parts in the play, Pepto Bismol, 4oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47c the psychological charact e r _o f Roger · being so alien to normal Petrologar All Nos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 89c childhood. He gave a iJ>erformance Carters Liver Pills ........................ · . . . 19c of imagination and delicacy which i Drene Shampoo, 60c size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c will be remembered. Bayer Aspirin, 100 ............ · · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 59c Sidney Johnson, Shirley JimerSal Hepatica, 60c size ......... : ·" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c son and Richard Mooroe played Atka Seltzer, 60c size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c competently in their respective roles. ::'.·::·.·.·.·.-:::::.·:.·.·.·.· Freddie Drexler, the stage manager, deserves a sincere compliTampox, pkg. of 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 98c ment for one of the most successful Bromo Quinine, cold tablets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27c stage sets we have ever had in i lpana Tooth Paste, SOc size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43c





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The drama showed the expert direction of Professor :M o or e thoughout. The elements of mood, tempo, conflict and ·climax were handled beautifully. In - this it suggested a piece of symphony music, so admirably were these qualities blended. The stage pictures were notably effective. Along with the director, mention must certainly be made of the two assistant directors, Ellen King and Helen Savill.e, who worked faithfully with little credit-. The audience obviously enjoved itself. It would however, have ~­ joyed the play more oompletely had it not sought so desPerately for comedy in a play never intended to be funny. At nmnerou.s points in the :Play laugbter-utterlv incongruons-marred dr:amatie er: fects that were the p~s of long hours of painful rehearsal.

! i



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:· s I've walked about the campus · ·ng these past weeks I have \ticed one strange thing-the \rival of a fad of some years ago. 'e YO YO has returned. ~.Just what prompted such a fad ':can not say. Perhaps it -is being · d to boost sympathy for the ese. The YO YO is a Chinese well, at least it sounds ';Possibly it is the degeneration of college youth who, distracted by burden Of college stuaies, find '"lier in the omeration of such a pie toy. I have observed si,m. r reactions at such ,:µlaces as reen Gables. ?Lastly, the YO YO may have heme a stylish fad. You just aren't ~ · cepted in the best circles if you n't YO YO. campus is YO .which operates from his window on floor of Delzell Hall. He must wary however, lest T. V. ponr ter on him from third. Butch Roberts has a streamlined b that he manipulates in eight fferent ways. He is billed _for relar performances at Nellie's, the rary, ar.d Delzell Hall. PerhaiJ>s the YO YO is only a mporary diversion or it may me to take its rightful place ong the other traditions of our liege. Who can say?

T.S. presents class play






Those of you who would like to e a high class comedy show ould not miss Kaufman's "The an Who Came to Dinner." Here subtle comedy that doesn't have o hit the audience over the head get a laugh. It is a show you'll njoy. OBSERVED Many students at the library dintly recording the little figures ound in the upper corners of the ages of books. They are probably cify.ing their Prors by such acfon. That the pun is becoming the ost annoying form of humor on he caDJ11.Us. The new edition of "Sifting nds" Despite priorities it seems o be better than ever. B<1b Ashton with a wicked gleam his eyes which means another 'Swing Session." It ought to be ot if one can judge the "noise" eated in Delzell Hall every noon

"Campus Quarantine" was presented Friday night, May 1, as the annual high school senior class play. A comedy in three acts, the play was


YW to honor . . I senHlr g1r s At a May breakfast on May 13, senior Y girls will be guests of the organization, stated Nina Kanel, president, a.t the April 28 meeting. Vivian Fogle is general decoration chairman; Lucille Miller art chairman; Harriet Maxwell, food chairman; Jean Bond, ticket chairman. "Why go to Church?" was the subject discussed by Jose(phine Boosinger, chairman, Monna Lee Morelock and Bertha Clayburn. Waveta Baker and Bette Berger sang during the devotional period, which was conducted by Vivian Fogle.

Beneath the light of a sil· very moon, jwiiors ~md seniors plus dates danced at th~ annual Junior-Senior Prom, on May 2.

: . . Photograph by Dick Clements

Shown making plans for the junior-senior prom are committee members Tod Hubbell, Alice Ann Cleaveland. chairman Reuben Fanciers, Nina Kane} and Harriet Ma..'\'.well.

usic," is the ~logan for Na.onal Music Week, accordg to Prof. V. H. Jindra. out, every ek in the year and not just durg music week." Campus proams for music week have been lanned with a patriotic motif. First will be a program presentTuesday, May 5, at 8:15 in the Hege auditorium. This will b<t band concert with Tony DeMaro, rnet soloist; the college vocal rtet, composed of Dean Slagle, Cleaveland d Bill Fankhauser; the brass tette, with Tony DeMaro and illard Hunzeker, trumpets; Dick baritone; Wa 11 a c e trombone; Jack Snihorn; Melvin McKenT. Benford


play a

piano solo with band accompaniment. Wednesday, May 6, both the college and training school orchestras will play. The training school orchestra is under the direction of Bob Ashton. For the last two numbers the orchestras will combine. Thursday, May 7, in the music hall auditorium, a piano ensemble will be presented under the direc-

Seven members of Kappa Omicron Phi, home economics fraternity, traveled to Omaha on Friday morning, May 1, for the annual field trip. The tour included trips throug·h Brandeis Store, Peterson Bakery, Kimball Laundry, Northrup-Jones, Central High School, Joslyn Memorial and Orchard and Wilhelm.

Reed completes defense course Calvin H. Reed, rormer faculty member, was graduated from Engineering, Science and Manage-

Henry Busse's show was included on the sight-seeing list. Some of the girls returned Saturday afternoon, and the rest on Sunday.

tion of Prof. R. T. Benford. This program will feature two piano selections. Th<tSe taking part in the piano -ensemble are as follows: Janis Baker, Don Bressler, Eveiyn Christiaincy, John Clements, Tony DeMaro, Gretchen Kiburz, E ch ff '.Elaine Lum, Jack Maxwell, Billie Jean Miller, Claude Nordbrock, Lucille Sandfort, Evelyn Slagle and Lola Yates.

High school contestants give

solos for convocation audience Training School winners of six "superior" ratings from nine solo entries at the district music contest, presented five numbers at convocation Friday, May 1. The program was as follows: Cornet trio, Karl Ogg, Katbleen Whitfield, John Clements, "Polk:adots" by Buchtel; Arthur Clements, french horn, "Concerto'' by

At intervals dming the evening entertainment was given by sucn performers as the barber shop qu8.rtett, Dean Slagle, Jack Snyder, Bill Fanld1auser and Wally .Cleaveland, singing such songs as "Flossie Farmer, the lovely snake charmer. who fell in love with a snake-i11the-grass." Prom-trotters \vere also entertained by James "Whistler" Howe and his famous whistle, Bette Riley in her "Sweet Little Alice-blue Gown." and the comedy? team of James Howe and ReuJy,n Fa.nders.

Kappa Omicron Phi travels to Omaha for annual field trip

ampus musical groups observe ational Music Week with programs unity through

Number 24

Junior class entertains seniors with 'old-fashioned' prom

written by Robert Ray and was directed by student dire c to r s Nancy Ellen Jones and Betty K. Cole. The story concerns Gordon Dunn and Ronald Steele. pl3;·ed by Willard Redfern and Lawrence Good, who are two college boys wo:·king in the Kanna Jamma Sorority house. Both boys dream of marrying sorority sisters who scarcely know of the boys' existence. Howeve1', Beryl Shephard, played by Verna Rogers, solves everything by coming down with what appears to be chicken-pox. The sorority house is quaranitined. Elliot Ma.xim, played by Bob Brown, who is in love with Beryl, impersonates a nurse in his effort to see the sick girl. Edythe Rhodes, pla.yed by Pa(Continued on page

Tuesday, May 5, 1942

Peru, Nebraska,

Volume 38

Strauss; Larry Good, baritone horn, "King °'1rnival" by Kyle; Patty Hill, violin, "Legende" by Bohm. Girls sextette, Laurine Clayburn, Ellen Thompson, ,Kathleen Whitfield, Marion Deck, Billie Jean Miller, Kathlyn Benford, "A Lullaby; Cain and "My Johanna" a Norwegian Dance.

The music hall was decorated as an old-fashioned garden, wiih ai swinging white gate, and at the windows white criss-cross streamers decorated with lilacs. The platform was banked in greenery, even to the tank wherein fish were sup:i:osed to reside. Huge bouquets of IIIacs and yellow tulips were placed throughout the hall. Each girl was presented with a red rose as she entered the Prom floor. The committee who was respcmsible for the prom are Reuben Fanders, T. V. Hubbell, Harriet Maxwell, Nina Kanel, Alice Cleaveland and Carl Wirth. The decorations were arranged by Harriet Ma~ell, Ni~a Kane!, Elaine Brier, Ardis Cannme, Lillian Havel and Reuben Fan<lers, and the program was arranged by La Ven Oa!tley.

Moore speaks at YM hour Calvin H. Reed ment Defense Training courses in ordinance inspection at Illinois Institute of Technology at Chicago on May 2. Mr. Reed has already been assigned to work in a defense plant in this ordnance district, where he will inspect munitions and military equipment for the United States Army.

What constitutes a balance1i man? ·Prof. R. D. Moore answered this question for YMCA members last Tuesday night. He stated that the well balanced man must possess sufficient intellectual strength, physical strength and spiritual strength. He concluded his talk by reading spiritual poetry. .YMCA members will hold a picnic at the Boy Scout cabin instead of their next reguiar meeting.

Sponsor treats

IOn campus I Commerce Club Tuesday, May 5 •.. Y. M. C. A. Y. W. C. A.... C. C. c.... 7:00 Band Concert ... 8:15. Wednesday, May 6 . . . Orchestra Concert . . . 8:15. Thursday, May 7 • • Freshmen Clubs . . . 7:00 • . Musical Pirogram ... 8:15. Friday, May 8 .•• Dramatic Club meeting .•. 11:30 a. m. Saturday, May 9 ••• High School Jr.-Sr. Party ... 8:00. Monday, May 11 . . . Meeting of all classes ... 10:30 a. m.... Kindergarten-Primary Club ... Epsilon Pi Tau . . . Lambda Delta Lambda 7:00 •.• Sigma Tau Delta ..• 8:00.

Typewriters and shorthand notes were forgotten as Miss Nona Palmer treated Commerce Club members to a picnic in Neal Pa.rk Monday, April 27. Around an open fire, members :oasted marshmallows and talked informally, ending the club's activities for the semester.

• Miss Brackney 'entertained the seniors majoring in Home Economcs and her practice teachers Monday at a buffet supper.

Page 2

Peru Pedagogian

Pedagogian editorials National Music Week ... The

observance of National


Week is especially significant this year. In this time of national crisis there is no more effective medium of fortifying our national morale than through musical expression. Armies and Navies have always em· ployed music as an absolute necessity for maintaining military morale. another • equally

Music has

important function as a

v,italizing agent for civilians.

Whether it


common love of freedom and democracy, the songs which are sung in our American homes and by our armed forces completely express this unity. Peru State Teachers

College is this week observing National Music Week with a series of musical programs.

For service men ... Pedagogian staff members are planning a special issue whicn will be of interest to .

is the great music ~erformed by leading symphonic organizations and soloists, the

armed services. Anyone who has addresses

martial music of military bands, or even jazz ~d swing, civilians are strengthened

or news concerning Peruvian service men

and sustained with a new faith in our ulti-

office on or before May 8. It is planned

mate triumph. The importance of music as a unifying

or station where a former Peruvian is

force cannot be overlooked. Inspired by a

ti on ed.

is urged to leave this information at the Ped to send a copy of the paper to every camp

o By Grace Muenchatt


1913 May Festival cost $1000, featured three opera stars Imagine President Pate nonchalantly signing a check

$2,000, giving it to the May Festival board and asking, " time wi:ll Miss Pons and Mr. Tibbett arrive?"

former Peruvians now in the United States

IAlumni trail

May 5, 1942


Looking back

Then imagine yourself, a.long with 600-700 other people attending a concert by 200 Pernsingersthe men dressed in white ties and tails; the women in formal dress. After hearing the chorus sing The Messiah during the afternoon, imagine yourself returning to the auditorium in the evening for the grand concert -30 numbers or more sung by yiour favorite opera stars. Such a May Festival would be hard to imagine, wouldn't it? Yet, in 1913 hundreds of people attended a similar program a.t Peru. More than $1,000 was spent for entertainment and advertisement . The chorus, glee clubs, quartette, trios, and va.rious musicians of Peru were featured in the daylong concert. There were also three opera stars, Mr. Herbert Witherspoon of the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, and Miss Esther May Plumb and Mr. Moses James Brines, both of Chicago. The first of Peru's May Festivals was held in 1911. At that time it was hoped that through "these annual gatherings Peru would in time come to be a sort of rallying point for the more general musical interests of this section of Nebras-

They're talkin about ... (Most of it isn't fit to p but here goes) •.. the "a tice" declared in Delzell last week-all's quiet on western wing . • . the P program coming up teenth. . . . new couples such mann and Crouse, Huey Wylie . . . Audrey Zastera's n baby hair-cut . . . possibili of getting sunburned on a d now that the sun goes down late. . . . training school stealing P. S. T. stuff , . . add new coupl Shirley Schulz and King and Fanders . . .

Dear Rzehak, Five Years Ago callers at the Ped office The College Symphony and the H-0w's teaching? Are you pouring out historical facts to the children day including Perusingers gave a joint concert at at Hampton? Grosjean and Joslyn Memorial at Omaha, SunMan) Boughn from Omaha DOC. SANDIN is -attending the U.S. Navy School of Music in Wash- day, May 2. '"Me you el!er gouig to ington, D. c. He writes that he has just arrived in Washington this week Miss Evelyn Jones was crowned those tennis balls down fr after having been in a detention training period at Norfold, Va. He and May Queen at the annual Spring the gym roof?" they both wan J.l:m Crawford are bunk-mates 1and he JJ,dds,. ''W'e have a pretty good formal given by the dormitory ka.'' ed to know, and Zack's co girls, May 1. time." He is taking quite a comprehensive music course and a course in ment was, "You have a v Two Years Ago "Seamanship.'' Also studies cornet, privately. Mentions that he would nice campus here." Af National Music Week was obhanding Ped reporters a 1line like to be here for the spring band concert and tour; said, "Sure wish I served by college musical groups. mile long, the visitors depar was back to go along that 'blue-streak' of'a bus!" By the way, you IW.y The Perusingers gave "The Elijah," with the suggestion that an e write him at-u. s . Navy School of Music, Navy Yard, ·.Wiash., D. C. Sunday, May 12, and the College vator be installed at the tra JEANNE SPIBR ("41) has been re-elected at Papillion at a 10 per Symphony Orchestra opened the field . . . . Sophomore honor students will cent increase in salary. Jeanne, the '41 violinists, has been teaching week with a concert in the audibe guests of Kappa Delta Pi at a people are talking about p· torium. music and English. She gave a senior recital last spring. May Day Breakfast on May 6. Red Reutter's getting lost in The northern lands came to vis"Chorus trippers" mentioned seeing these Peruvians as they sang Ella Mae Hurlburt is in charge big cloud . . . Williard Wilson it Peru when the junior:s enteralong the way: Kay Ba,rtling, Frank Larson, Mary Olive Richardson, of the breakfast and is assisted by leaving . . . B. K.'s date wi tained the seniors at a Penguin Harriet Maxwell and Lillian Havel. Nadine Morehead, Gertrude Nicholson, Alice Auxier, Mildred Keane, Ball, May 4, Shimonek for the prom. . . t Hazel Bouse is in charge of ticket three weeks remaining l'\'.laJi.ine and Wiley Remmers, John Jacobs, Bill Chaa:\in, Blanche Freeman, One Year Ago sales for Kappa Delta Pi m€mbers. finals begin. . . Re:X Wayman, Glen Sheely, Ernest :Huegel, Lucille Duey, Lloyd llcim, The Colleg.e Orchestra presented its final concert May 5. in the ColMr. and Mrs. Cleon Rhoades, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Evans. Ensign NEIL G. GOOD of Jacksonville, Fla., visited in Peru last week. l·ege auditorium. The program was He will go to Ft. Worth, May 1. Jody, his sister, has been re-elected to in cbservance cf N: tim{al l\Iusic Week. the kindergartBn position at Mitchell for next year. The juniors and seniors were in CLYDE HOWELLS, a Peruvian teaching at Brock:, Nebraska, writes the spotlight as they danced t:nder as an avocation. He submitted a short poem, "Just Boys," to a contest crchid hues and ~oft lights at the put on by Harbinger House Publishers of New York. His is one of 300 annual prom 11elcl M:n· 3 in the music hall. , selected from over 2000 to be published in book form. Jeanne Spiel' )r{:senLed her ~gn­ Steps in the· evolution of a college newspaper are r LEROY REDFERN was in Peru this week on a short visit before he leaves for the Navy as a yeoman. He will go to the Great Lakes Naval ior recital in the ccllege audi- vealed in Peru history covering almost 50 years. With t , torium April 30. statement, the· first college paper came to life: Tr3-ining School. He recently resigned his position as social science "To our friends and fell ow ·instructor in Mt. Morris, 11.!Iich. dents, to the members of the alu JAMES RAY is an apprentice seaman in U. S. Navy at U. S. Hospital in San Diego. He is a brother of Bess, a sophomore. to our contemporaries, to the g EUGENE ANDRiEWS, with the U. S. Army, has written from Auserous public, to the Board of tralia, wb,ere he is in active duty. He was graduated from Peru in 1941. cation a.nd to the faculty, w I understand you're directing energies toward Uncle Sam's Air wise judgement and kindly ad Tables ';ere turned when Nina Kane!, ace interviewer of have been our constant encour Corps next summer. Better drop in on the Oommencement Wleek actithe Pedagogrnn. staff, ~aced a reporter. A glint in her brown vities. ment, the class of '93 sends g ;y~s as. she ?ushed _aside her bO()ks, denied her assertion that Sincerely, ings. bemg mterviewed" IS her pet Grace ,peeve. "It is in answer to the requ picture of Superman, she keeps ,Participation in manv activities articles on Social Science. of our friends and fellow stude seems to be a habit ~rried over "Believe it or not," admitted Nina that the Normal Courier is ·ush from high school days at Hum- as she discussed th~ scrapbooks\ into existence.'' boldt-particularly journal ism , "I even have a Domestic Science Published monthly, the Co which she continued in college, .scrapbook." was more nearly a ma:zazine, Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College and saxophone tooting which, fortOther hobbies are writing letters carried such articles as notes Peru, Nebraska unately for Eliza Marg.an neigh- and reading. She prefers bio- Asiatic Cholera, Rambling Thoug bors, she did not. Nina declares graphy and other non-fiction, writes About Flitting Bends, et cetera. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Seconµ extra-curricular activities are very a great deal for the Pedagogian, The paper flourished until important, for it is there you put and occasionally "waxes poetic." Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc when it became the Normal Sc "'what you learn in school to Frankness, sincerity, and honesty Journal. In 1906 the name work." are the traits Nina wants most in malite was attached to the Meredith J.imerson .......................... , . . . Editor This feeling is reflected in her friends, and after these three, a licaition. This was still pulish Nina Kanel ............................ Assistant Editor favorite hobby-keeping scrap - sense of humor. magazine form once a month books. In one are all of last year's She lists foreign students as the 1915, when it took the form Ralph Locke ............................. Sports Editor Peds. In another she has sou- most interesting and unusual peo- size of a new~p,aper. Rogene Rose .............................. Copy Writer venirs and clippings· from the Estes ple she knows. The Normalite had a ]OJ.lg conference, and in a similar book "Hey, let me teil you a story," from 1906 to 1921, when the c Alice Ann Cleaveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy Reader those from the national conference'. she interrupted at this point. ing of Peru Normal to Peru Virginia King, Ellen King ................ Proof Readers Programs, invitations, place cards Smiling more broadly than usual, Teachers College necessit and other momentos from all col- she told of a German Jew boy at change of name. At the s M. Florence Martin . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . Adviser lege events of her freshman and Estes, who astonished and shocked tion of a college footbaU sophomore years are in a second the campers by gravely salting his Reporters: Gene Adams, Betty K. Cole, Reuben Panders, book. In still another one, bright- apricots and then commenting on the paper became thi Peru ' gogian, the title tha.t still ly covered with a large colored the ''funny eggs." Lavara Oakley, Evelyn Rodgers, ; the weekly college publication.

Honor students to be entertained

History reveals evolution o Normal Courier to Peru Pe

Reporter turns tables on Kane/, interviews assistant editor

Peru Pedagogian

May 5, 1942

Bobcats third in six-team invitational track carnival • • • SPORTS

RESUME' • • •

By Ralph Locke

YOU DON'T WANTA MISS IT!!!/! CUrrent rumors in the boys dorm have the P Club on the ·spot. Every evening the usual round of hearts, pitch and bridge are broken up by the for p Clubbers :in the rec hall for practice sessions. These "practiice sessions" are said to be for a coming program to be presented in the college auditQrium-just what it is, no one knows but those on the inside of the whole affair. All that can be learned about it some vague references to "Kay Kyser," a "Barrel of Fun" and a good time for all. My guess is that it is to be some home talent, consisting of' some athletes in something besides their football suits. At any rate, you can take it from Unk Hutton-"You Don't Wanta Miss It."

CONFERENCE MEET THIS WEEKNIAA conference track honors will be distributed out at Kearney this weekend in the annual Sate meet for the teachers Colleges. Flavored, the Antelopes seem to have the '42 crown in the bag before the meet gets underway. Peru hopes to run second with her power in the field events and dashes. Unk Hutton will have a go at seven events again, and should he come through with another 18 points on. his own, the Bobcats may give Pop Klein somiething to worry about before the thing is over with.

MILLER DID. IT!! Fairbury's Miller failed to pole vault 12 feet here in the MINK meet, when he attempted that height for a new meet record. However, he did lt in Beatrice Friday, bettering Debus old record. Miller's mark was 12 feet %, an inch.

PERU PREP HOTAdd Beartice meet-Peru Prep won the Class B trophy and champion !hip over Diller when they had ever man entered place in the meet. Paul Ogg won individual honors by scoring in both the high and low hurdles, high jump and running in the winning relay team.

TENNIS POPULARITY BOOMINGWlith only two tennis court9 fit to play on, the spring ensemble of tennis shorts and rackets has been confined to the concrete arena the past two weeks. Checking names and faces, we find that there a.re many more out having a. fling at the sport than there has been in three years. In stride with the increase of populariJty of the sport, coaches Phyl:lis Davidson an~ Art Jones are outlining tournaments to be held soon. Davy is getting underway this week ,with a three-way compet. Singles, doubles and mixed doubles are to be held. Art Jones announces that his singles and doubles tourney will get going soon, and wants to l;lear from all possible entries this week.


Skelly Service 'Station Skelly Oils and Gas 1,;omp1ete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone 40


Shoe Shop

Shoe Repairs of AU .tunas

·Hutton's 18 points second high to Tarkio's George Lewis

Racqueteers set for tournaments Tennis will take the sports spotlight the last few weeks of school with intramural tournaments and the WAA tourney hitting full stride. Phyllis Davidson has a threeway court kensington on, with the girls competing in singles, doubles 'and a mixed doubles tournament. Early favorite in the singles tournament is Elaine Brier, versatile star who has claimed championships in three of four indi victual sports this spring, and shared the doubles crown in two m:ore. In the doubles, Brier has evidently picked another winner, Vivian Simms, whom she will · team hp with for the double pairings. In the mixed doubles, sponsor Davidson has teamed up with Duane White, and as far as can be ascertained they rank as f,avorites in that division. Art Jones has ambitions. for men's tennis, if he can get enough raqueteers together to h o 1d a round robin affair. Jones would like to hold both singles and doubles competition among the men. . Besides his tennis tourneys, Jones has on deck, a softball tourney that is to get underway soon.

Maryville ..................... 76 1/:i such an outstanding margin, the Tarkio ........................ 47V., meet was a great battle for the Peru , ......................... 42:;!, following places. Right down the Midland ...................... 35% line the teams ran about five pointlS Omaha u ..................... 30 apart. Fairbury J. C................. 7 S·pectacular performances inLeading a field six college track teams, Maryville Teachers from the Show-Me-State amassed a grand total of 76% points to walk off with team scoring honors in the Bobcats annual invitational track and field meet. Runners-up, T,arkio. took advantage •..of individual star, ~orge Lewis's 18% points coupled with their power in the cinder events to run second over Peru, whose slump in the field events cost them next-best honors by a mere 4Yz points. Midland came in fourth, picking up points at random on both track and field. Oriliaha University was fifth and· Fairbury Junior College was soundly convinced that they were not up to regular collegiate level by being able to· get only 7 points. Getting off to a torrid start, Maryville established an early lead, not getting less than four points in the first five events to be run off. Omaha U. made an. early bid for runners-up position, but failed sadly in mid-afternoon events. Outside of Maryville winning by

cluded Lewis's sweep of individual honors, Schottle of Maryville in the discus, getting a cast of 14CJ: feet 4 inches. Peterson of Omaha gave Bill Rachow his first setback of the season in the shot put, getting the metal ball out ·there 40· ·· feet one inch. Lil Abner Yocum was strong as ever,, but could not have hoped to ma,tch Schottle's heave with the discus. Midland's Spangler spent a great part of the afternoon scratching in the broad jump, then rallied for one last attempt to saH out 22 feet %. of an inch for first place in the event. Unk Hutton competing again ·in seven events looked tops for Peru. His total of 18 points was a close second to Lewis for scoring honors. The "Little Man" fairly burned the cinders with a first in the 1°"1 hurdles (Peru's only first of the day), rusning a great leg of the 880 relay r.ace, picking up a fifth in the fast century and addingseconds in the javelin, broad jump.while he tied for third in the high jump and - added another fifth pLace point in the shot put.

'v '•, ,•,:;.1

Read this!!! It Will SAVE You Money S Prinf{ is here-the season to go places and do things. Spring calls for suits, dresses coats to be cleaned, pressed, repaired, altered. War econ· omy demands it.

We collect and delive·r articles. Rock Bottom Prices

Peru Cleaners &Tailors

• • •

• •

BLUE & WHITE MARKET • AND DELIVERY • Cream, Milk and Ice •

• •


Peru, Neb.:


MARDIS GROCERY Teachers looking for the best Positions should enroll wdth us. We can recommend you to the better positions in Nebra.ska ai:d surrounding states. Our 24 years of experience and our acquaintance with the superintendents put us in a uosition 1;0 be of real service to our candidates. Call on us personally if you can or write. _ ,;,,~- __ -..-..~ ~/,~

.DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE 643 Stuart Bldg., Lincoln, N•bre1k.



CLUB Ladies Welcome at All ·nmes .isen


M. G.


~euer, OWner

Refreshment, complete refreshment .•. delicious taste, without an aftertaste ••• these things give Coca-Cola something special in a soft drink. Thirst asks noth·· ing more.


NEBRASKA CITY COCA-COI:~~;r·~H'f~INQ . co. '....5.,,.%...<.LC\.Ji.,,

Peru Pedagogian

Page 4

Office requests information

May 5, 19 ·

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,..;,y

"""--.i;tQIJ!!Wmi'l!!'ll"·_,,.,,_. »)

The men whose names are listed below have withdrawn from college since the beginning of the <mrrent year. If anyone knows the present address of any man who is in the armed forces of the United States, or who is doing defense work, please communicate with the Bursar's office, giving unit and address if possilile. Albert Allen, Korah Baker, David .Beatty, Gerald Bool, Max Boyd, Eldo Diedricks, Erwin Fruehling. Jean Haith, John Hoover, Robert Jewell, John Kean, Melvin Keithley, Hugh Lang. Lyle Mason, Harold Merchant, Edgar Petri, John Rhodus, -William Shephard and Blair Williams.

ITraining school play tricia bles with :Billy her.

(Continued from page 1) Hill, adds to the boys' trou-

by her attempts to escape Finlay Carruthers, played by Redding, who isn't worthy of

Then Bonnie Koeppel, as De11orah :M:ercer, falls in love with the picture of an athlete. She writes to him, sending a !Picture of Edythe, pretending· it is one of herself.

Gloria Smith, played by Bonnie Armstrong, is the niece of the house-mother, played by Marion Deck. She falls in love with Gordon, who has dreamed of her for a long time, but her aunt doesn't care for Gordon's "natural charm." The real nurse, Virginia Stepan, .arrives. She is, in reality, Gor-Oon's sister, and it seems that neither of them need work because their father is just too -wealthy. This news makes the house-mother feel more kindly towards Gordon, and Elliot feels so kindly towards the nurse that they become ~ngaged. The shy doctor, played by Robert Walker, admits· his love for the house-mother. , ' Because the chickenpox is found

to be only a mixture of rash and fever, the quarantine is lifted. The athlete, Ward Adams, enters aind isn't as handsome as his picture, since it wasn't his picture.

Edythe, in the meanwhile, has ma:1aged to elope with Fin1ay, who isn't too bad after all, and so everyone is happy-at least, everyone gets married.


Mother's Day Is May 10 Remember your mother with an appropriate giftsomething she can keep and cherish. It need not cost a lot when selected from our gift l}ne. And among our complete selection of HALL MARK Mother's D a y cards you are sure to find appropriate designs and messages for each person on your Mother's Day list.

* New Deferred Service Plan Allows You to Continue Your Education * In die skies over America the mightiest air fleet in the history of the world is mobilizing for victory! So fast is it growing that there is a place here - an urgent need here for every college man in America who can qualify for Officer's Training. The U. S. Army Air Forces need Flying Officers and Ground Crew Officers. And many of them must come from the ranks of today's college students - men who make their plans now for the necessary Aviation Cadet training. Thanks to a newly created Air Force Reserve plan, men of all classes - aged 18 to 26, inclusive - can enlist for immediate service or continue the scholastic work required for graduation before being called to active duty. You must meet the requirements, for physical fitness, of course. In addition, you take a new simplified test to determine your ability to grasp the training. A college man should pass it easily.

$75 A MONTH DURING TRAINING lI'hose accepted who wish immediate auty will go into training as rapidly as facilities permit. As an Aviation Cadet, you are paid $75 a month, with subsistence, quarters, medical care, uniforms, equipment. In 8 months you can win an offi. cer's commission as a bombardier, navigator or pilot - and be well started on your way to serve America and advance yourself in aviation,

Three Enlistment Plans . for College Men Juniors-Sophomores-Freshmen May Continue Their Education 1. A new plan allows Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen, aged 18 to 26, inclusive, to enlist in the Air Force Enlisted Reserve and continue their schooling, pro· vided they maintain satisfactory scholastic standings.

All College Men May Enlist for Immediate Service 2. All college students may enlist as privates in the Army Air Forces (unassigned) and serve there Un• ti! their turns come for Aviation Cadet training.

3. All college students may enlist in the Air Force Enlisted Reserve and wait until ordered to report for Aviation Cadet training. Upon graduation or withdrawal from college, men will be assigned to active duty at a training center as facilities become available. If the necessity of war demands, the deferred status in the Army Reserve may be terminated at any time by the Secretary of War. The new Army Air Force Enllsfed Re· serve Plan Is parl of on over•all Army Enlisted Resel"Ye Corps program shortly to be announced. This program will provide opportunities for college men to enlist In other branches of the Army on a deferred basis and to continue their education through graduation if a satisfactory standard of work is maintained. In case of necessity the Secretary af War shall determine when they may be called to active duty. It Is understood that men so enlisted will have the opportunity of competing for vacancies In otlicer's candidate schools. This plan hos been approved In the belief that continuance of education will develop capacities for leadership. (Reserve en/lsfment wl/I not alter regulations regarding established R.O.T.C. plans.)

MANY BRANCHES OF SERVICE There are also commissions awarded in ground crew service. College men particularly will be interested in the requirements for Ar_maments, Com· munications, Engineering, Meteorol. ogy, Photography. If you have engi. neering experience your chances of getting a commission are excellent. As a Second Lieutenant on active duty with the Army Air Foi;ces, your pay ranges from $183 to $245 a month.

ACT AT ONCE If you want to fight for America, this is where your blows will count.

If you want the best training in the world, and years of solid achieve. ment in aviation- the great career field of the future - this is where you belong. Your place is here-in the Army Air Forces. If you plan to enlist immediately, start getting your necessary papers ready for the Aviation Cadet Examining Board when it meets in your locality. For complete information, see your Faculty Air Force Advisor, You can take your mental and phys· ical examinations the same day you apply. Get further information now, NOTE: If you wish to enlist and are under 21, you will need your parents' or guardian's consent. Birth certificates and three letters of recommendation will be required of all applicants. Obtain the ~GO!,,_ forms and send them home ,::r~·~~ toda'Y-'"fou can then com~~.:O plete your enlistment be. ~ · fore any Aviation Cade~ E:x:amining Board.






Army Recruiting and Induction Stations are in the following Cities: Grand Island, Omaha, Lincoln, McCook, Norfolk Aviation Cadet Examining Boards are located in the following City: Omaha

CHATElAlllS JEW El RY where your money buys more


• • • ing is believing and seeing in May is believing that seePeru in the spring is worth see• May sound confusin' but · g Fever has a way of making ything seem like it is. . . , ay is the month for belated ril showers. Now that the ,us no longer looks like a scene m "The Rains Came" we can · rcciate it. Dandelions and vioare fielddaying on the lawn ·a the Dunning gardens are run. g CO!lllPetition to the native ent.

Volume 38

Peru, Nebraska,

Classes choose attendants

{.l\:Iay is the month for changes. · er at Steffins, the Coca la man has substituted a girl\me-in-a-boat-drinking-~oke for . e old girl-boy-in-front-of-a-fire, ce-•eating-pcpc;oru-and-drinking, ke. Could it indicate male short' e as well as seasonal changes'? the shortage, Peru aren't complaining cause , e army has priorities-but rumhas it gals coking at the CampShop toss coins for the 1iPrivilege speaking to the first man who ters. Rules include second New fad seems to be combinin~ ; ords to make new ones. May not ve popular appeal of yo-yo's and ecrackers, and the punilers atck it as subversive, but so far it produced such little gems as rcatty, conviolent argument and meninny.•• Even the can:{l>,us dogs suffer from ; F. Result-rabbits chase all er the place making it look like Disney short or a biological exeriment. What's worse, one pup trying to make a name for himlf by crashing all the classes. . . May is the month for change ut a lot of things never change uch at Peru. Nicest tradition of he month is Dr. Konig's May-day orsages for language students. . . Couples still "study" every night t the lib . . . the cafeteria line ill jams . . . the freshman buletin board has a new coat of creoote . . . convo-cutters are warned more regularly . . . the Peruvian as gone to press. . . May is the month for jobs ... aplications •.. iIJhone calls ... reommendations . . . t ele g r a m s salaries . . . contracts. . . May is the month for picnics. . . blanquets . . . hikes up Cemetery Hill . . . snap-shotting . . . star .gazing. . . ' May is the month the students •istart thinking about finals ... term , papers . . . grades . . . graduation ' . . and vacation.

The election of May Fete attendants and Student Council members was the c-rder of business at class meetings held on Monday, May 4. Student choices for attend2j!lts to the iVIa.y Queen include: freshmen, Earl Banks and Bette Riley; snphomores, Harold Jenki1:s anll Virgie Lee Johnson; juniors, Sidney Johnson and Jean Hoagland; seniors, Bob Williams ar.d Nancy Ellen Jones. Directing Student Advisory Council affairs next year will be: freshmen, Lowell Faust and Leonore Larson; sophomores, Tony DeMaro and Rogene Rose; juniors, Willard Hunzeker and Lillian Havel.

Gubser heads Kappa Phi Vada Gubser was elected president of Kappa Omicron Phi at the meeting held at Miss Edna Weare's home on Monday, May 5. Officers who will assist the president for the next year are: Irene Nispel, vice pr·esident; Lois Wagoner, secretary; and Ardis Garn1i11e, treasurer. Plans for attending· the Nati<mal Conclave at Cape Girardeau, Mo. were dfscussed. Ardis Carmine and Vada Gubser are p!?"gning to atternl. Betty Katlu-yn Cole was appointed to represent the group on the Inter-Fraternity Banquet Committee.

May fete

• • •

Be sure to mark l\'lay 28 in red Ol1l your calendar. Unless California weather in.terferes, Peru 1942 royalty will be officially crowned in the cutdoor theater.


Don Rose sends greetings ~from island in Pacific From the most beautiful islands in the gre·at blue Pacific I send greetings to you; students,, alumni and profs. Has been a long time since I set foot on the hallowed ground of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks. I have been out here almost five months now and have kinda fallen under the spell of the south seas. In peace time this sure would be a paradise found. The winter has been like our nicest spring back home, with flowers and trees, yes I said trees, blooming for all they are worth. They say the summers are even more beautiful. We are all working pretty hard and have been since a certain day in December 1941. Seems that the fellows want to put on a good show for the Japs just in case they should decide to come back. Oh me, Poor Jap! Have received a number of Peds

Tuesday, May 12, 1942

Survey of CPT students reveals large number in armed services

Shown at the Peru Airport are students and instructors in the preser Civilian Pilot Training course', left to right: Don Stark, Bob Oakman, Freddie Drexler, Ralph Hayes, Eldon Reutter, George Norton, Arnold Hector; Mr. H. B. Wilson, Bill Rachow, Prof. Paul Sweetland, Mr. Melvin Powell, Maurice Linder, Mr. Robert Kenwood.

Jimerson, commissioned Captain, to serue in Army Air Corps Peru lost its Executivle Dean last week when Dr. J. A. Jimerson was commissioned a Captain in the Army Air Cor;Js and called to tempora.ry

duty at Miami Beach, Flcrida. Later he wi11 be sent to Ra11dolph Field, Texas.

and have enjoyed each and every one of them. '.l'hink I could write enaugh about the island to cover most of the ~oace in the Ped but maybe someone else l1as something to say so I will c~ose and wish all of you the best of luck. Aloha Nui, Don

Six Army lieutenants are listed among the Peru C. P. T. trainees who have finished the course of government flight instruction. The group includes Delton Goerke, Wendell Hutchison, l\'fax Leonard, Nael Lundy, Keith iVIcHug·h and Eugene Imler. Trainees who finished the course before the spring session, 1942, are represented in the Army Air Corps, Navy Air Corps, Royal Aii:. Force, Naval Reserve, Army, Navy, or are' _ instructors in the Army C'ontract. School, employed in defense plants or instructors in defense training:schools. Six of the trainees are doing instruction work. Ray Horton is an Army hydrogen class instructor, and Leland Fass, Eugene Imler and John Wieder a.re Army Contract School instructors. Ross Organ is teaehing in a defense training school and Worthy Argabright is instructor in an Army Air Corps Technical School. Mr. Frank Bringham, who taught the Peru groups before Mr. Melvin Powell, the present instructor, is teaching the advanced course at Doane College in Crete. Listed below is information concerning the position and present , ,;i.ddresses of the comiJJlete roster of Peru C. P. T. trainees as given out by the college office. ccontinueci on page 4!

Captain Jimerson, who held a Captain's commission in the first \Vorid War and was a Major in the Infantry Reserves from 1920 to 1938, writes the following from Miami Beach:


"Miami has a partial blackout all the time. Windows are shaded, store fronts covered with paper. "The official unifonn here is cotton shirt and trousers. The uniforms one sees further north are not permitted here.

J. A. Jimerson . . .

"One is astounded at the earnestness shown by everyone-officers, and officer candidates. I've never seen so little slacking. Every1one seems to work as if it were his oersonal job to win the war.

"Day before yesterday the papers reported that no fishing boats were allowed to go out. One guess is as good as another as to the reason."

May 25 has been set as the date for the inter-fraternity banquet. Representatives from the fra.ternities who are planning the affair are: Rose McGinnis, Sigma, Tau Delta; Virginia King, Ka;:>pa Delta Pi; Helen Wylie, Tri Beta; Harold Dallam, Alpha Mu Omega; Richard Kingsolver, Lambda Delta Lambda and Ardis Carmine, Future Teachers of America.

Tuesday, May 12 ... Y. M. C. A. Y. W. C. A. .•• C. C. A... 7:00 Wednesday, May 13 ... Gamma Chi ... 7:00 ... P Club Program 8:00, Thursday, May 14 ..• Freshmen Clubs. Friday, May 15 ... Tri Beta and Lambda Delta Dinner ... 6:00. Monday, May 18. . . Freshmen Council ... 10:30 a. m. ..• Alpha Psi . . . International Relations Club . . . 7:00 . . . Kappa Delta Pi . . . Future Teachers of America. 8:00.

P Club to present ~Kollege of Perusical Knowledge' Kay Kysers Kollege of Perusical Knowledge will be the big event of this week, promises Director Bob Ashton. The "P" Club is sponsoring the program in its drive for the

sweater fund. Ashton released information on a few of the main events. He says you will hear music by the "P" Choir (A male octet;) the "P-Doodlers" (A vocal trio;) "The Four Pecans," (A male quartet) along with many others. The dance Jack Ashton, former Peruvian, broadcast over CBS Tuesday night, band will do impersonations of the May 5, on the Marvel "Al1 Out For leading orchestras. There will be a question and anFun'' program. Those who were listening at 9 o'clock heard Jack swer jjlrogram and a "So You Want to Lead A Band," in which faculty and his "Brigadiers." "The Brigadiers" are a. male and students will participate. Script and music arrangers are chorus at Camp Robinson iat Little Rock, Arkansas. Jack directs them, Luther Hutton, Bob Ashton, Jimand according to the announcer, mie Howe, Bill Fankhauser an<l they are very successful in secur- Wally Cleaveland. Tickets are now on sale at your ing engagements in and around nearest "P" Club man. The show Camp Robinson. Ashton formerly taught music at begins at 8 o'clock, Wec1nesday, May 13, in the college auditorium. Dunbar.

Peruvian heard over C.B.S. Don Rose . . .

Number 25

Tri Beta elects Schreiner prexy Gilbert Schreiner was elected prexy of Tri Beta Monday night, May 4. Bob James was elected vice president and Jean Hoagland will retain her position as &ecretary. Six new members took the oath of the fraternity at the last meeting. '.!'hey were Lillian Havel, iVlax Jackson, Margaret Goodridge, Bess Ray, Wilma Miller and Gretchen Kiburz. Final plans for the Tri BetaLambda . ·,Pelta Lambda baJ;J.quet were also -arranged. , ,, '>:

! ;

('; :'.1~


Page 2

Peru Pedagogian

Pedagogian editorials Service men only

• • •

This week the Peru Pedagogian will be· sent to many army camps and navy stations in which there are former Peru students, and it is to these Peruvian service men that this issue is dedicated. It is hoped that this publication will ac· complish more than creating a few moments of diversion for these men. This week the Pedagogian has a mission, and .it is to carry a message from those of us at home . to the men who have left their homes for the defense of the United States. It may be true that those of us here cannot fully comprehend .what it means to give up an education, to leave family, home, and friends .. What we do understand is tne inspiration behind this sacrifice. Whether or not we are actively engaged in defending its principles, we are all inspired by a common love of democracy, a determination that no force shall destroy it, and the conviction that it is worth much more sacri-

in Red cross and other civilian war activity at that time. In 1918, according to Miss Palmer, the building standing where the science hall now stands was turned over to the army for use as barracks. Arising at the call of the army bugle, the division marched across campus to the dormitory for breakfast. "In two weeks the grass was

Alumni trail


fice than we at home have yet been called upon to make. We express, furthermore, a pledge. Believing that "they also serve who only stand and wait," we resolve to discover more opportunities to serve. Adde·d to the expression of our love for freedom, and our gratitude to those who are defending it, is a new determination for greater service.

Three cents

• • •

Did you ever stop to think how much thre·e cents will buy? For three cents you can buy one of the government's best postage stamps, ana can send a letter thousands of miles. Letters re·ceived from service 'men indicate that there is nothing they like better than to get news from home. For this reason, and for the convenience of Ped readers, the staff has collected the addresses of former students now in the armed services. Do you have three cents? 'Vhy not \Yrite a


Training corps on campus 1919, recalls Miss Palmer A Student Army Training Corps was located on the Peru campus during the last World War, recalls Miss Nona Palmer, who was active

May 12,

completely worn off,'' remarked Miss Palmer. After military drill on the athletic field, the men took work in English, typing, and in special courses such as radio telegraphy. Asked what effect the uniformed men haid on campus morale, Miss Palmer said, "Oh, they just got them all uniformed and the Armistice was declared." As for the entertainment arranged especially for them, she explained, "They didn't have much time for recreation, since the only time they had to study was at night."

e By· Grace Muencnau

RENCE FREUDE walking down the Dear Mary Liz, We're thinking about you mo!'€ street, as erect and short-stepping than ever as Peruvian Day comes as ever. He has taken considercloser. Hope this year's annual is able training on pipe organ since up to your 1940 one. I understand he went to Washington, I under(unofficially, however) that you stand. BILL BROOKS is in San Diego, are going back to Arlingto:1 next year to further the correction of I think, at least he was headed for speech defects and instill a desire there. He was recently graduated He to speak our language fluently. from Corpus Christi, Texas. and JANE (CHRISTENSON) are We're glad to hear it. Ex-business manager LE ROY married, although I believe she is REDFERN hang·s up his hat :-,s a continuing teaching near Union, yeoman in the U. S. Navy these Nebr. ELLIS ADAl"l'.IS, both native to days. He is to be stationed at the and alumnus of Peru, is a corpora.1 Newport, Rhode Island. in the army, stationed at Camp Oh, yes, some news: BOLLE- Barkeley, in Texas. Mrs. Adams, MEIER AND PETE are married. nee Corinne Whitfield, plans to visit They were married in Fla., I behim in Texas when school is out in lieve, where Lt. Bollemeier is staJune. Adams was a football lettioned. I can't remember the deter-man when he attended Peru. tails, but you recall "Warren Swain I think this is about the last letand his orch." and W. A. A.'re and ter there'll be this year, and you home economist "Pete" I'm sure. know it's really been swell fun. BOND KENNEDY, mat. '38, plans I do want especially to thank Miss to return to Peru for a visit this Tear, Miss Martin, Miss Gockley, summer after the present term of Mr. Clements, and the rest who school at U. c. L. A. closes. He have been so helpful in keeping has been·. in Los Angeles working me informed. Of course, they and attending school for about two realize that once in a while the years. He is a brother of BETTY last they saw of •an article was KENNEDY, a freshman. when they gave it to me, but that's By the way, I heard something . ·either because there wasn't space, interesting about a Peru student. there wasn't time, or most freIn these days of student-less con- quently, because my notebook has vocations, and pupil-less classes, h6les in it, and my desk drawer it is refreshing to know that has secret passages. I hate to OSCAR BRETTHORST has never think about this being the .last, but missed a single day of school be- you left school, too, didn't you? Next year, maybe there'll be cause of illness since he was enrolled in the first grade. He men- BEAL, RIOHARDSON, C 0 LE , tioned the Sociology class trip to BARTLING, PETERSON, WERGlenwoOd as one occasion which NER, TRIVELY, and lots more took him away from his work. alumna congregating around in 1a Some record! hotel lobby during Teachers ConI had a letter from your former vention describing Johnnis smile Roomie CRONE. who reports that and Mary's diffidence. Have fun Washington was as interesting as this summer! ever when she returned to it. She Sincerely, mentioned that she saw LAW· Grace Muenchau.

feature letter today to a former Peru student now i government's armed forces? \Vhy not ma letter a week your goal?


• • •

With this issue of the Ped, staff member this time thoroughly smeared with printer's write finis to a journalistic year. Only those who have ever met dead! checke·d copy and read proof can understan mingled emotions of relief and regret with We cover the typewriter and r'elinquish the ke the "news room." Association with a college publication valuable experience, both from the stand-poi knowledge gained from editorial effort, and acquired ability to cooperate with fellow jo al is ts. So it is with a sense of achievement-par able, we hope, that the. staff writes "thirty" presenting its last Pedagogian.

They're talking Student· reviews obstacles about ..• in way of would-be early riser Bette Riley's "front row" smile at convo Friday . . . the "itch" in the boy's dorm there being more fellows than girls at the last hour dance . . . second floor boys "visiting" Dean Pate last week. New clothes, namely, E. King's Ghandi sandals . . . Tynon's cowboy hat . . . McArdle's beige suit . . . the cottons-H. Jensen, Beal, J. Baker and Finnell are wearing . . . the newest ca'm:!>us compliment, "Say, kid, you've got AMPS in yo u r GLANCE." Barbara DrellSier's stopping things at band practice by falling off her chair . . . new couples such as Solleder and Handley . . . Coatney and Knutson. Joyce's getting spanked last week in Delzell Hall . • • Bobby Moere's growing up-he has a yo-yo now . . . T. V.'s "sweet" new mustache. The variety of accents in the ' girls' dorm lately-speciaties in Swedish, Southern, Chinese, etc. ... the trouble Shulz has keeping the panel in his door . . . DeLong and Macomber calling it off-(that's official) ... who the May Queen will be.

Scribblers . • • Sugar was served with tea, a.nd smoke with wieners at the Scribblers picnic Thursday. May 7, at 5:30. Scribbling for this year ·is concluded. There remains only the typing of an the manuscripts. These are made into a scrapbook every year, which is presented to Miss Grace Tear for safekeeping.

Probably there will always be a difl'erer.ce of opinion concerning what is the most difficult thing about Peru life, but most of us will finally agree on the same thing. It is hard to imagine anything more difficult than crashing a freshman class party, or studying while a dance is going on or wrangling an "A" from Thorson, but have you ever tried getting up for an eight o'clock'! Oh, yles., that'i; hard even when you have a roommate pushing from behind and wake-up jive ia your ear. Naturally, the sensible thing to tio ii 1unr J)Q register for an early cl~, lout there comes in the G!Ourse of every college student's life Just that necessity. And so, it i~ toe the benefit of suffering Peruvians that numerous and sundry bits of advice have been gathered. Sources of most of the material conected are unavailable, either being censorable or withheld for professional reasons. Residents of Eliza Morgan and Delzell Hall second report that there ii; always so much noise after 4lt30 a. m. that one might as well get up anyway. First, in all fairnes5 to the subject, the v1rtues of late arising should be considered. The habit of ~etting up at 7:50 may make one late to cla.98, but at the same time offen ample opportunity for legitimately neglecting brushing teeth, shoe.-1, and 3il!y little chores like making beds. A few students have suggested that while putting one's clothes on over pajamas not be all together fitting, it saves fully a minute and half i• Central Pern Dressing time, It is advised tha.t the girls

Published Weekly by The Peru SUU.e Teachers College Peru, L"Yebra6ka

Entered at the Postoffice at Pern, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.GO per year. ~le Copy Sc Meredith Jimerson . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Nina Kane! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Ralph Locke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Rogene Rose ........................... ,. . Copy

Editor Editor Editor

roll the 1J>ajama the hem line. One method that works is a pact between roomm that goes thus-Rule one: I, ro mate of the first persQllJ. do s by the nineteen coke bottles in window to arise every other mo ing in time to get roommate the second person up in time the daily sleep robber, our 8 o'cl Rule two: Ditto as applied, roommate of the second person regard to roommate of the first son. All of these things go te m the most difficult task dl co students a little easier, but J:'t sho be added that by the end ef sophomore year most intellig students have roolized that simplest thing · to do is just sleep on through. (At least once awhile.) It is to our fellows in the s vice that the credit goes for t latest and perhaps the method. Just join the army, the rest is simple. They will you up in plenty of time eve morning.

Looking back ll'ive years ago Mildred Wllliams aRd Bert were appointed co-editors of t Pedag·ogian for the next y Helen Margaret Larson and Ro Weber were to head the Peruvi staff. Evelyn Williams was chosen the men on the campus as t Sweetheart of the historical " goont of Peru." Two years ago Merrit Jeni;en and lllutha ton were King and Queen at May Fete, and were atterided Jeanne Spier, Ernest Gallow :Frances Wrightsman, Gale Ca Elvera Schacht, Dean :K:lll'l", BTili Homolka, Noel Lundy, Mary Park er and Harold Lantz. · Intramural kittenball feat such all-~tars as Les Gump "Chub" Millikan.

Virginia King, Ellen King ................ Proof. Readers M. Florence Ma,rtin ........................... Adviser

One year ago The Dramatic Olub pressn "Brother Orchid" with a cast eluding James Sandin, Jam Howe, Willard Wilson, Lloyd lap, Freddie Drexler, Reuben ders, Anselm Johnson, Ca Jones, Sidney JohnsG.n, Wilb Kohrs and Ralph Ha.yeti.

Reporters: Gene Adruns, Betty ~. Cole, Reuben Fanciers, Lavara 01ikl&y, ETd.yn R~•.

Life Insurance, birth to Clarence R. JolliiS.


Alice Ann Cleaveland ..................... Copy Reader


t:.._ · ·



May 12, 1942

eep 'em writing Following are addresses of form.-'er Peru students who are now in

~the government's armed forces.

:J. c. Gridley, Yeo 3c S. S. Fanning (385) ·~are of Postmaster ··san Francisco, Calif.


;;2nd Lt. W. V. Brooks "!. O. Q.-N. A. S. San Diego, Calif.

Pvt. o. F. Snyder-17038262 43rd. Bombardment Group Oadre Gowen Field Boise, Idaho


M. B. Peek, C. Sp. 'U. S.N. T. S. Elan Diego, Calif. Bill Okrent Jewish Welfare :BOard Army Navy Center P.


Box 105

Ba1boa, Canal Zone Willard Millikan American Eagle club 28 Cha.ring; Cross Road London, W. C. 2 England Don J. Rose, Y 2c Patrol Wing TWO Flag Unit care of Postmaster San Francisco, Calif. James Crawford, A. S. USN O. J. Sandin A. S. USN Navy School of Music Navy Yard Washington, D. C. Sgt. Richard R. Seviorson Co. B. 51st. Bn.

Mm'C Camp Barkeley, Tex. Pvt. i:ugene L. Andrew Company A. 116th Engs. A. P. 0. No. 1117 care of Postmaster San Francisoo, Cialif. Worthy Paul Argabright 404 North Goodwin Urbana, Illinois Pvt. Korah A. Baker 406 SS-AORTC Barracks 237 Sheppiard Field Texas Pvt. Winford L. Crabtree Oo. D. 88th Eng. Tng. Bn. Platoon Camp Roberts, Calif.


U. Warren L. Bollmeier 9th Photo Recon. Sqdn. Felts Field Pankwater. Wash. Mr. Lawrence Blevins Nava] Air Station Maintenance Divio;ion Miiimi, Florida Cbir Callan tr. S. Naval Reserve Apprentice Seaman Class V-7 fawaiting call) Pvt. Benjamin Hanlon Co. C SSth Inf. TWC Bn. Camp Roberts, Calif. Sgt. James H. Hanlon

531 School Squadron (SP) A.


B. F.


Army Air Base Lemore, Calif. P. F. C. Dale D. Hughes 8th Pursuit Squadron 49th Pursuit Group A. P. 0. 1100 care of Postmaster San Francisco. Calif. Ensign Paul Knapp U. S. S. Indianapolis care of Fleet P. 0. Honolulu, H. I. Corp. Wilbert Kohrs Co. "A'', 73rd Bn., Camp Robinson, Ark. Clyde ~8!pp Lare U. S. Naval H0spita1 Pearl Harbor Clark L. Rogers Co. 2 Naval Reserve Radio Material School Treasurer Island San Franc~. Calif.

Yeoman Gridley reminisces about Peru college days Dear Ped, Your letter came as quite an honor to yours truly as I feel that it places me in a class with such contempor-



aries as Gable, Cooper, Grant, LaGuardia and the like. They are constantly being asked to write their minds on any subject from 'Opening Bottles sans B o t t 1 e Openers" to "How to raise a Baby on Condensed Milk." The only differenee is that they are ASKED and I am ·asked. Subtle difference isn't it? I imagine a bit of reminiscence, (Dean Karr, at the Frl!ilhman nitiation of '37 in :front of ''Eliza Morgan,' giving a learned dissertation on "How to Raise a Baby'') and revival of grand memoirs would be in order. ThOSe same memoirs now bring back more than a touch of nostalgia. Recently I had one of those "Are you from"-?-"Did you"-? "Were you"-?, meetings with Ensign Richard Slagle-Peru '38. We talked of mutual acquaintarices and of familiar places in Peru. Fondly I remember my associations at Peru, not so much the classes (Ahem), (English), - as the people who taught and attended those classes. This letter writing seems a fine opportunity for old Peruvians to get in touch with each other. Although restrictions forbid me to tell you where I am I close with"Aloha nui oe," Very truly yours, J. C. Gridley, Yo 3c U. S. S. Fanning (385) % Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. The following poem sent by J. C. Gridley, was written by an

Adams, Nebr. boy who is in the navy: FILIPINO CONVOY Pardon me, boys, is that the Filipino convoy? Pier 29? Boys you can give me a shine. I can afford to board the Filipino convoy. Uncle Sam's got my fare, because he needs me there. We'll leave San Diego about a ' quarter to 4, Sink a submarine and then go cruising for m<'lre. Dinner in the diner, nothing can be finer Than to have your beans and bread upon a Navy liner. When you hear the bombs a-bursting into the bar Then you know the Japanese are not very far. The battle in the Pacific is going to be terrific. Woo, woo, Tokyo, here we are.

Lieut. Delton C. Goerke . . •

A. P. 0.-34

Strauss, Ernest Charles U.S. N. T. S. Company 174-601-W Great Lakes, Ill. Louis Vejraska O<ilell, Nebr. (awaiting call) Wayne W. Weare Unit I East Building H. Sq. 27 U.S. N. T. S. Norfolk, Va. Pvt. Max Garland, 437th Ord. -Co., Sloan Field, Texas James Wallace Ray U. S. Hospital Comp. School Company 15 San Diego, Calif. Pvt. Russell Sommers Co B 28th Bn. Camp Crowder Missouri. <Corp) R. B. Bauman Officers Candidate Training School Fort Monmouth, N. J.

Wayne Riggs, O. Sp. Lowell Lewis, c. Sp. U.S. N. T. C. Athletic Office Newport, R. I. Burdette C. Cowell Jr. Phys. Education Instructor Loury Field, Denver, Colorado. Ludvik Jun Radio Electricians School Fort Monmouth, N. J. Les Gump Max Manifold Thaine Hale Verlyn Carpenter Company "A" 134th Infantry El Segundo, Calif.

Millikan, R.A.F ., writes to Snider from London London, April l&, 1942. Dear Jack, So long a time has passed since I wrote to you that you must have felt the sharks had me. However, here I am again, lots to say, but not much I can say. Today I am writing to you, Willard, and Ralph, so you should all get your letters within two weeks. If I used ordinary postage, you wouldn't get the letter for at least six weeks, so I am sending my letters air mail at 1 and 3 per half ounce-I shilling 3 penceapproximately 30 cents in good old American exch'ange. If you can, write soon and in the same way. London has proved to be enjoyable, beautiful and interesting. We have been here about two weeks. We should be starting our flying in another ten days. Here th~y are trying to teach us dis-

Ensign Neil G. Good . ;3~!~

Writing to a service man? These hints will prove unhelpful e

William Saale Battery K, 18th F. A. Fort Bragg, North Carolina P. F. C. Truman M. Sailors 370568(}1 H. Q. Battery, 185 F. A. Bn. New York City, New York

Page 3

By The Man in Room 407

The problem of writing to the boys in. camp preser_its a difficult task to those of us who do not wield a .p.en w1~h ambidexterity. Perhaps a few hints on letter wntmg will help not only you but will be a God-send to the boys in camp. Let me state that the first and most important setup is to make up your mind to write and then BEGIN. If you do not BF.GIN, but put off your letter writing, your soldier friend will wait hopelessly week after week. Wait at least a' month and then begin. There are more unanswered letters bec;i,use people failed to BEG.IN THAN FOR ANY OTHER REASON. After you haTe begun, your sDldier friend will appl"eciate it if you write ille~ibly. He has many lonely hours whfoh he can pass pleasantly in decodirg your letter. Then too he can find variitus meanings if the words are not, clear, and this often resalts in two or three letters in one. There is nothing like finding two birds in one bush. Omit an trifling details about yourself and what's going on. Nothing bores a man more than a string of insignificant details about that hick home-town of his. lnstkad of this, talk about the war and the latest news on the eastern and western front. Ana.lyre the effects of the latest victories and defeats. Remember always that the war is the thing nearest your friend and it will probably be his greatest interest. Ask lots of questions. Men like to talk about themselves. Ask him where he's going to be stationed and when he's leaving. Ask him to explain the details of that new rifle he wrote about and how that new signal sender works. Lastly, I would recommend! t:li.at you throw plenty of sentiment i:l\to your letter. Always begin with "My Darling," "Beloved,'' or -similar greeting. It makes ABSOLUTELY NO ilifference what your co-.nection is with the !llaL A se,l.dier is lonely and 31ppreciaM thil little oonsi&eration. Throw· plenty of

sentiment into your letter-how you hate to see the boys go, and nine more left yesterday and that sort of thiJlg. The boYfi find little sellltiment in the service and hence they grasp at the little straws of teRderness which you send them. r am sure that if the reader follows these suggestions he will be doing his utmost to aid Uncle Sam and defense. Why? Because the boys we,nt to get someplace where your letters can't reach them and Japan will be 1<0 over-run with soldiers that victory wm be asured. 3

cipline and so forth, giving US'' medicals and all that. We have registered at the American Eagle Club and tfutt is where we get our mail, regardless of our station. So always address your mail there unless I tell you differently. There we have seen many of the fellows· we knew a.t Spartan who left there before we did. Sunday afternoon I attended a. very fine Variety Concert in one of London's theatres, wd I thought of you, Ralph asd Willard. The music was very good. An RAF swing band was comparable to some of our better bands, their vocalist was plenty good •and looked enough like Ralph to be bis twin. He was a baritone though. Had some really good voca1ists during the afternoon. The theatre orchestra was one of the best I'd ever listened to, but His Majesty's Grenadier Guards' band was tops. You would have liked it especi· ally. There were 34 pieces--ineluding three French horns. The arrangements were superb and each selection was produced in wonderful style. At the end of the p.rogram this band playel "Land of Hope and Glory"--one of tho best. Tt~en, the flags of the Empire and of the Allies were marched up on the stage by members of the Home Guard.. The Stars and Stripes looked mighty good up there, and I mean it. Wouldn't hurt for you thrre leir~ to get together a.nd i;ee if I say anything in one letter I forgot in the others, for since I am restricted to 30c a half ounce, I probably won't be writing themonstrous epistles I once produ~d! ' Have to run to a parade now, so I'll hope to hear from you. Regards to your folks and say hello to anyone you see for me. Ever, Chub-. S. P. W. W. Millikan, American Eagle Club 28 Charing Gross Road London, W. 0. 2 England.


Amei:ica's a-ttacking on both the fighting front and the home front today! We're giving the Axis a bitter taste ,of what's to come. We'r" fight>ng the il>llatlonary 6th column that bfows prices sky high here at home, too. And every one of us who sa,ves at least 10% of his pay In War Bonds is an important soldier Ill the attack! Joln the attack yourself I

Lieut. Noel P. Lundy ...

7000 soldiers hear Severson in bond sales campaign A former Peruvian wa.s one of the principals in a program 1aunching a war bond sales campaign among officers and enlisted men at Camp Barkley, Texas. Sgt. Richard R. Severson submitted the second application for ,purchase of bonds under the govertunent's new pay - reser:va.tion plan, after Brig. Gen. R. C. Heflebower made the first applioo.tion. Speaking before 7,000 officers and men, Sergeant Severson said. "Because these United States savings bonds will help me re-esta.b-

lish myself in civil life and t(} make a down payment on a new home after the war and because ou: country needs , the financial support of every soldier and citi• zen, as well as our lives which w~ in the army freely ofil'er, a.nd because we want to show our comrades who are now in battle that we are doing our part io pay for the tools of war while we are getting ready to join them to march on to complete victory, I am hapl!Y to make this application fol" pe,y reservation for the purchase of defense se,vings bonds."

Peru Pedagogian

Page 4

Four facuity war veterans recall experiences in World· War I e

By Nina Kanel

Four faculty members w!ho served in World War I agree that much more is being done in this war to 'f lace men ac· cording to the· best use of their talents than in the last war. To the query, "Was readjustment difficult after the war?" they all replied, "No." "I had no trol\ble getting a job again at all. In fact, I got a better job," stated Prof. L. B. Matthews, formerly, Sergeant, who saw six months of foreign renice,

Keep 'em writing

CPT students in armed forces

ron, though he had a chance to travel over Germany with a baseball league. Volunteering, Superintendent Clements was trained at Kelly Field, Texas; Camp Hancock, Georgia and camp Green, North Oarolina before being sent to First Air depot, Alsace Lorraine, France. There he had charge of about 90 men of tl::ie airplane wing of the repair shop. "Our crew's business was to go out and pick up shotdown planes, and bring them in for repairs." ' P. A. Maxwell . . .

L. B. Mathews ..

mostly in Prance. Asking what part of the months impressed him, he replied, "I was curious to know how it would feel to face danger." Then he added, "Really I didn't notice a.niy terrible hardships. If we'd been going tJn a hike we'd have faced more dangers and liked it." Commenting on the adjustment question, Prof. A. B. Clayburn, who served in the field artillery, said, "Getting back into line wasn't half

A. B. Clayburn . . .

as hard as waiting to be called." When asked about his training, he ·offered, "I didn't receive much. After about two weeks at Camp Dodge, I was sei;,t to France, where I finished' training in southern France. The order to reyort to the front came on Saturday, the Armistice on the following Monday." To Professor Clayburn, the pageantry with the formal review and all the memories of old buddies are the things which impressed him most. When asked if any paper was published in their honor, or any attempt made to keep in contact with them, he explained, "No paper-but our yearbook was d-e<licated to those enlisted. As for contact, Mr. Mathews was in the same regiment. but we didn't know . that until we got back." After the Armistice, Supt. S. L. Cliements, who served in the air ground division, returned to his teaching job held for him at Ohad-

A marriage license has been granted to Miss Vivian McKimmey, Bayard, and Mr. George Lytton, Omaha. Miss McKimmey was a Representative .Student in 1938.

S. L Clements . . . Lights were tl1e bright thing of Superintendent Clements' one year of active service in France. Reading a newspaper in a trench by the light of a German flare light was a common occurrence. When asked about contact with folks back home, he commented, "We'd have appreciated a bulletin telling us where fellows were stationed. Then we wouldn't have had to wait till we got back home to find we were in the same camp." "Our colleges made little attempt then to do that sort of thing," he added, "though I do remember the great thrill I had in getting a letter from Dean Delzell." Serving in the chemical warfare division was Dr. P. A. Maxwell, who had previously been working for the British governillent as a chemist. "I was placed there because my eyes prevented my classification elsewhere," exp1ained Dr. Maxwell Experimenting with poison gases was his work. · Asked about resuming civilian work again, he recalled, "It was not hard, after a few months back at teaching again." Doing her part was Miss Nona Pialme11<, who ~isted with Red Cross work in the community and was waiting her call to go as a canteen worker to France when the Armistice was signed. Contrasting her work in these two wars. she remarked, "Before, there was much more lmitting. One couldn't go anywhere without seeing women making socks, scarfs, sweaters, or helmets. Then more of the work was done for men, not much was don'e for relief. "Each community had rooms, where bandages and dressings for the hospital were made. There were not the first aid courses in

smaller towns as there are now, though. "Though we had no sugar ration book, our 'sweets' were limited. Meatless days, sugarless days, wheatless days were all common, and we ate bread from everything but wheat. Whenever one oought flour, he also had to buy some substitute flour, ma.ybe oatmeal or rice~ .. "Drives were as common as now, though action sales then ranked close second. To stir up communities, minute men were s_ent out to speak at churches and other public gatherings. l'PM'.ades, demonstrations, singing, and marching were all much more common than how," she added. Two other Jru;hlbers of the faculty have already been called to government service in the second World War. Captain J. A. Jimerson, Executive Dean, will serve in the Anny Air corps at Randolph Field, Texas. Prof. Arthur Hill left last fall to serve as a Captain and later a Major at Lowry Field, Denver, Colo.

Y.M.C.A. plans musical program For the final meeting, YM is planning a musical program to be held in DelzeU Hall study hall on Tuesday, May 12. Selections by the campus quartet, brass sextet and solos by Jack Snider and Bill Fankhauser are scheduled for the program. The picnic, scheduled for last week, was oarnj~lled because of rain.

Russell, Ross F. Master template maker in Doug-las Aircraft. Pi:'eent address-Ross F. Russell, 841 Nowita Place, Venice, Calif. Other Trainees not listed above. Bartholomew, Leslie C. Present address-1703 N. 8t., Auburn, Nebr. Berger, Billy L. Present addressPeru State Tea.chers College, Peru, Nebr. Byers, Orthel1o V. Present address- Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebr. Ege, Wilbur E. Present addressPeru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebr. Ely, Charles F. Present addressnot known; . home address, Auburn, Nebr. Hinds, Daniel H. Deceased. James, Lynn, •attending University of Nebraska Medical College. Lovejoy, Fay. Present addressPeru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebr. Magor, E. Boyd. Present address -1314 N St., Auburn, Nebr . Shepherd, William A. Present adThe American Legion Auxiliary dress-unknown. While in ColUnit of Peru, Nebraska, wishes to lege home address Rulo, Nebr. express to the students and faculty Smith, J.esse C., teaching fudusof Peru state Teachers College, trial Arts in High School at and to the residents of Peru and Chapman, Nebraska. vicinity its sincere appreciation for Vejraska, Louis. Present addresstheir wholehearted support of PopOdell, Nebraska. · py Day. White, Duane E. Present address Mrs. Viola I. Gockley, -Peru State Teachers College, Unit President. Peru, Nebr,

ARMY Affi CORPS: Callan, Clair E. Enlisted as prentices Seaman V-7 Class, Busenbarrick, James E., enlisted deferred until completes June 23, 1941; completed Air for A. B. Degree. Present Corps Mechanics course, Chandress-Peru State Teachers ute Field, Ill.. Dec. 30, 1941; comlege, Peru, Nebr. pleted pre-flight course Kelly Field, Texas, March 25, 1942. Dreeszen, Vincent H. Enlisted 1!· Now aviation student, regular Apprentice Seaman V-7 "'· army, primary course. Present and deferred until com address-Spartan A. .C. T. C., work for A. B. Degree. Hatbox Field, Maskegee, Okla. address-Peru State Te College, Peru, Nebr. Goerke, Delton C., Lieut., commissioned Kelly Field Dec. 12, 1941, Good, Neil G . Ens!gn with 67th Pursuit Squadron, sione~ in California) U. S. Overseas. (Reported in AustraPresent address-Ens. Neil lia.) Present address-Delton C. Good, Am. AirlL'les Goerke, 0-431405, 67th Pursuit School, Fort Worth, Texas. Squ~, k 1'. 0. !H6, care of Williams, Robert E. Enlisted Postma8'toc, ~an Francisco, Calif. Apprentice Seaman Hutchison, Wendell W. Present adand deferred until comp dre~-Lieut Wendell W. Hutwork for A. B. Degree. Pro chison, 120th Obs. Squadron, leave July 1942. Present Laredo, Texas. dress-Peru State lege, Peru, Nebr. Lazzaro, Nunzio S. Aviation cadet. Will graduate in May. Present Navy: address-Nunzio S. Lazzaro, Rogers, Clark L. ACAFS, Lake Charles, Louisiana. dio Material Leonard, Max A., Lieut. (Commisaddress-Clark L. Rogers, sioned Mather Field, Calif.) Is Material School, now an instructor. Present adland, San Francisco, Califo dress-Lieut. Max A. Leonard, Army: Instructors School, Mather Field, Horton, C. Ray. In Calif. loon Division; has poral Technician; acts as Llewellyn, E. Eugene-Has just structor in hydrogen been transferred from the inPresent address-Training fantry to the Army Air Crops. No. 2, Bar. Bl. School, Present address-not available Tyson, Tenn. at present. Home 3ddress, AuMagor, John W. Privat,e Fi burn, Nebr. Class. Present address-John Lundy, Noel R., Lieut., (CommisMagor, 519 East Portland, Ph sioned Kelly Field, San Antonio, nix, Arizona. Texas) Present address-Lieut. N. R. Lundy, 32 Pursuit Group, Moore, Alfrel L. Inducted 1941. Present address France Field, Canal Zone. Home 1address 921 Central .A McHug-h, H. Koi.th., Lieut. (ComNebraska City, Nebr. mssioned e.t King City, Calif.) Pilot of a bo1111ber plane. Pre- InstructtJr Army Contract Sc1 sent address-Liell!t. H. K. Mc- Fass, Leland H. Completed f lowing OPT courses.-(other th Hugh, Box 741, Barlcsdale Field, Primary taken at Peru) Seoo La. ary, Apprentice Instructor, Cr Smith, Jared E., Just completed Country, and Cross-Country enlistment as aviation cadet and structor. At present flight placed on furlough, for 30 days, structor with Cedar Rapids but subject t© call within 24 ways, Inc., Present addre hours. Hom9 address, Nebraska Leland H. Fass, 721 ist. Ave City, Nebr. Cedar Rapids, Ia. Thompson, Loren E., aviation cadet. Pre.sent address-Lonn Imler, Eugene C. Lieut. (C E. Thompson, Air Corps Ba.sic missioned Luke Field, Ph Flying School, Merced, Calif. Arizona, October 1941) En · Vacek, Joseph G. Passed both Feb. 15, 1941, in Army Air Co mental and physical tests for enHas just completed course q trance to Army Air .Corps and fying for instructorship in gli awaiting transfer. Present adflying. Base is Bakersfie dress Troop A. 7th Sq., C. E. T. Calif. Present address Li C., Ft. Riley, Kansas. Eugene c. Imler, A. c. T. G., Palms, Calif. Naval Air C{)1'}}s: 1 Butt, Williams A. Ensi'gn (Com- Wieder, John H. Completed structor's course; now doi missioned in California) Present flight instructing. Present address-Ens. W. A. Butt, U. S. dress-John H. Wieder, ca.re S. St. Louis, caire of Fleet Bringham Flying Sfinice, Cr Postmaiter, 5e;n Francisco, CaliNebr. fornia. Dean, Donald W. Just completed Working in enlistment in Naval Air Corps; structing in defense completes Sr. year at Peru. Preschools sent address-Peru State Teach- Adamson, Bill R. Working in ers College, Peru, Nebr. Aircraft Servicing Depart Royal Air ·Feroe: Present address-Bill R. Ad Millikan, Willard W. Present adson, 95 Grove, Tonawanda, dress- S. P. W. W. Millikan, York. American Eag·le Club, 28 Charing Argabright, Worthy P. Instru Cross R0ad, London W. G., Lonin Army Air Corps Tee ~· don, England. School, Rantoul Field, Illi Naval Resel"Ye: Present address-W. P. · Ar bright, 404 North Goodwin, Anderson, Maurice W. Enlisted as bana, Illinois. prentice Seaman V-7 Class, and deferred until completes work for Organ, Ross L. f ense training A. B. degr~. Present ad<lressaddress-Ross L. Organ, 314 Peru State Teacher3 College, Peru, Nebr. St., Cumberland, Md.



May 12, 1942


Kearney romps to NIAA cinder title •••


'Unk d/-utton

By Ralph Locke

Roaring unmolested through the NIAA conference track me€t, the Kearney Antelopes laid claim to their second consecutive NIAA track crown last Friday by scoring 79 points in the four team meet. Second team, Wayne, bagged 49 points for an easy shot at the runner-up post while Peru 1agged behind with 28 and Chadron dropped to the cellar with 18 counters.

P Club Doings To Be TopsHere's the dope on tomorrow evening's P Club program. Do you you 1ike Kay Kyser's program, and wouldn't it be even better A La Peru?? Do you: appreciate some good pranks and stage sprinkled with humorous tidbits, dressed up with some OOOD "l"ocal numbers?? Well, you11 get to take it all in tomorrow evening, and the cost is only fifteen cents per head. Previews have it tabbed better than "Faculty Meeting", and that should be good enough for any one. The funds go toward letter sweaters, and if there is a deserving organization on the campus, the P Club ought to rate the support of the entire faculty and student body. Let's get out and enjoy this!

like sweet swing music?? Do

Seven first and a complete domination of seconds and thirds gave Kearney the championship. Wayne, a contender for the first half of the meet, dropped out of sight when Kearney ?Cored a coup of points in the 880, 440 and the late events.

Sports Year Ended for VarsityThe conference meet out at Kearney last week wound up the Bobcat i;ports parade for 1941-42. In the course of the year we have watched such teams as the Wheeler-Jones gridiron combination that were the tightingest team 'in the state. Although they were weak for lack of suppoi't, it was worth, anybody's time to sit in and cheer that first eleven tmt COULD OUjTSHINE ANY OTHER FIRST TEAM IN THE STATE while their strength lasted. Our basketball team climbed a steep ladder to mid-season success again. Lack of endurance cost them an unbeaten record in state competition, but such players as Hobbs, Pascal, Hannah, ]3yers and Big "C" gave us some thrills that we wouldn't want to forget. The track team went further than they expected. Losing the opener to Maryville, they copped more points than they were supposed to, and then they bobbed up with a pair of wins, one a dual victory over Ta:l"kio followed by a triangu1ar decision over Hastings and Tarkio.

. Next Year UnpredictableJust what Coashes Al and Art havlil up their sleeves for next year will have to be kept a secret until then. Football will be first in lineood th11 way things loOO: now, there will be over ten vets to build on-if the freshman crop is good. Peru should be bOuncing right back up to tha . top of the s1Jate standings. Basketball is uncertain-if Peru can retain this year's team, the State C-Ol1ege race should be :a rout for them. If !he draft hits too hard, it is haird to tell what the cage picture will shape up to be. Track is just another question mark.

Greetings to Bobcat Vets Playing a Bigger Gameln accord with this issue of the Ped, which is the "Servicemen's l!ldition", it would be fitting to send a~ong some good will to Peru athietes in Uncle Sam's armed forces. Those that I can call to mind right now include such stars as Wayne Riggs, Bob Halliday, Cec Walker, Buck Dough~ty, Verlyn Carpenter, Brick Lewellyn, "Squirt" Handley, Les Gcmp, Ellis Adams, Larry Stark, Lyle Mason, Coodles McHugh, Rex Floyd, Wendell Hutchinson, Ray Bauman and many others.

Tennis Tournaments OnTopping the present tennis season, the WAA mixed double~ tournament is drawing the most attention. Five teams are entered, play to get underway this week. The five combinations are-Phyllis Davidson-Duane White; Vivian Simms,Milton Shulz; Elaine Brier-Ralph Locke; Harriet Maxwell-Dick King·solvcr; and Betty Berger-Bill Gridley. Pairing for the first round are Berger-Gtidley versus Maxwell and ,Kingsolver while Simms and Shulz oppose Brier and Locke. If the weather permits, it is hoped to run the round robin O·ff this

Wayne surprises by taking second; Peru drops to third slot

Co1n111eting !n seven events, Unk Hutton led the Bobcats thinclads this season as he wound up his third year in varsity competition. A gridiron flash as well as a handy man on the mighty Peru cage squad, the "little Man" is a three sports star of the first order. Peru fans will see him again next fall as the sports department hits the cyclle again for the 1942-43 season .

Steck gives lecture recital

The Bobcats earned their 28 points by placing in most of the events. Hutton eked in for a first in the low hurdles as Stark wound up Peru's first-place ambitions for the day with his best broad jump Of the year-a 22 feet 5 and %, inch effort. White and Yocum scored in the discus, Rachow in the shot put, Banks in the 440, Hannah in the high jump. Hutton picked up points in four events-a first in the lowhurdles, third in the javelin and broad jump and he also ran with the third pla;ce 880 re'lay


Team ScoresKearney ........................ 79 Wa,yne ........................ .49 Peru ............................ 2& Chadron ........................ !~

Soft ball on deck .Coach Art Jones has four softball teams lined up for action this week, play to get going immediately. With only four teams entered, and a strong desire for competition, coach Art hopes to hold a: double round robin affair.


BLUE & WHITE MARKET • • AND DELIVERY : • • Cream, l\lllk and Ice • CHAS. WILLS Peru, NelJ.:


PERU BOWLING CLUB Ladies Welcome at All Times isen Hanton, Mgr. H. CJ. Heuel', Owner


"StoogeG" at Prof. G. H. Steck's lecture recital on "The Psychology and Function of Applause" W9re members of the convocation audience on Friday, May 8. Betty McArdle, Bob Ashton and Bette Riley presented vocal numbers on which the students were to experiment with the technique of applause.

"People should respeet the living performer. He should be acknowledged thG moment he appears," were some of the pointers which were brought out in the program.

Read this!!! It Will SAVE You Money


Skelly Service :3tation


Skelly Oils and Gas \;Omptete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone 40

Elestric Sh-0e Shop

Spring is here-the season to go places and do things. Spring calls for suits, dresses coats to be cleaned, presud, repaired, altered. War econ· omy demands it.

Shoe Eepairs Of AH runas

We coliect and deliver articles. Rock Bottom Prices

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Peru Cleaners & Tailors

when the answer is de-

for an answer ••• not licious, refreshing, ice-

cold Coca-Cola. In this Teachers looking for the best positions should enroll wli.th us. We can recommend vou to th€ better positions in Nebraska al'.d surrounding states. Our 24' years of experience and our aaquaintanoe with the superintendents put us in a uosition •O be of real i;ervice to our candidates. Call on us personally · if voli can or write. -~



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drink is the quality of


genuine goodness ••. the



quality of the real thing.


You trust its quality




Page .6

Trtlftting .$chool ..• High school seniors were guests of the juniors at a prom on Saturday, ,May.9.

Dancers included Kathlyn Benford in her "Gone With the Wind" skirt ... Verna Rogers in rose taffeta, Marian Deck and Virginia Stepan, wearing blue and yellow organzas. A rose taffeta and black velvet for Wilma Walker ... pink chiffon for sister, Louise ... Laurine Clayburn was seen seen waltzing in flowered pique ... Phyllis Brinson had white braid on blue dotted swiss . . . Rose taffeta and net for Roberta Wright. Bonnie Armstrong wore flowered organdy . . . Patty Hill, blue marquisette . . . Gardenias topped Shirley Rodger's white dotted swiss. Ag·ainst a background of spring flowers, ninth grade girls served refreshments of ice cream, cakes and punch to couples at small tables.

One Pedagogian has been sent to anny camps and navy stations jn which there are fonner Peru students. Service men receiving the Ped are requested tO place it at the disposal of other Peruvians in. the same camp.

We Need Every College Mein





Make Your Choice This Week for Present or Future Officers' Training

Grade School FOR THE

High School

IF your blood boils at the very



• the World To Man the Mightiest Air Army 1n




thought of an enslaved world; ; ~ If Jap treachery and Nazi savagery make you see red and itch for a gun -calm yourself with the promise that we shall pay them back with compottnd interest!


May 23 to

May 29 Have you purchased that GIFT or REMEMB!{ANCE?

Notwithstanding the wholesalers' ceiling prices reached May 11, we are keeping our ptice_s down to meet war-time economy. A Chatelain label means a lot to the graduates.

In Peru it's

CHATELAINS JEWELRY where your money buys more

We shall-and you as a college man now have the opportunity of serving as a Flying Officer-a Bombardier, Navigator or Pilot-with that branch of service which will do that paying back in person-the U. S. Army Air Forces! Under the new Army Air Force Reserve Plan-if you are a Senior or wish to leave school-apply now for your Aviation Cadet training. You and your friends can share together the work and fun of flight training, and after approximately 8 months-earn the right to be flying officers in the U, S. Army Air Forces! On the other hand, if you are a Freshman, Sophomore or Junioryou can, if you like, continue yottr studies under the Deferred Service Plan of the Army Air Forces-and become better prepared for Officers' Training later. New Simplifled Requirements To qualify you must be 18 to 26 (inclusive), physically fit-and pass a new, simplified mental test which college men find easy, When you are ready-and facilities are ready-you begin as an

THREE ENLISTMENT PLANS FOR COLLEGE MEN Juniors-Sophomores-Freshmen May Continue Their Education 1. A new plan allows Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen, aged 18 to 26, inclusive, to enlist in the Air Force Enlisted Reserve and continue their schooling, provided they maintain satisfactory scholastic standing.

All College Men May Enlist for Immediate Service 2. All college students may enlist as privates in the Army Air Forces (unassigned) and serve there un· ti! their turns come for Aviation Cadet training. 3. All college students may enlist in the Air Force Enlisted Reserve and wait until ordered to reporn for Aviation Cadet training. Upon graduation or withdrawal from college, men will be assigned to active duty at a training center as facilitie5 become available. If the necessity of war demands, the deferred status in the Army Reserve may be terminated at any time by the Secretary of War• The new Army Air Foree Enlisted Re• serve Plan is part of an over-all Army Enlisted Reserve Corps program shortly to be announced. This program will provide opportunities for college men to enlist in other branches of the Army on a deferred basis and to continue their education through graduation if a satisfactory standard Of work is maintained. In ease of necessity the Secretary of War shall determine when tltey may be coiled to active duty. It ls understood that men so enlisted will have the opportunity of competing for vacancies in officer's candidate schools. This plan h<ls been approved ln th• belief that continuance of education will develop capacities for leadership. (Re· serve enlistment will not alter re9ulations regarding established R. O. T. C. plans.)

Aviation Cadet at $75 a month, with expenses paid. If you have majored in science or engineering you can try for a commission in the ground crew-in Armament, Communications, Engi· neering, Meteorology, Photography• As a Second Lieutenant on active duty, your pay ranges from $183 to $245 a month. 803 Have Won Commissions Due to thorough training-about four out of every five Aviation Cadets this past year received Second lieutenants' commissions-of which 67% are now flying officers. The tremendous expansion of the Air Forces should assure rapid advancement in all branches. And after the war-you'll be ready for the ever. growing opportunities in aviation. Settle Your Service Now The years ahead are war years-and every college man should make his plans accordingly. To make America supreme in the air we need every college man who can qualify for active or deferred service1 So take advantage now of this option. You may never again have such opportunities. See your Faculty Air Force Advisor for information and help with details. Join the thousands of America's college men who are enlisting this week! NOTE: If you are under 21, you will need your parents' or guardian's consent. Birth certificates and three letters of recommendation will be required of all applicants. Obtain the forms and send them home today.

SEE YOUR FACULTY AIR FORCE ADVISOR FOR FULL INFORMATION (Or Apply to Your Local Recruiting and Induction Station} Army Recruiting and Induction Stations are in the following Cities: Grand Island, Omaha, Lincoln, McCook, Norfolk Aviation Cadet Examining Boards are located in the following City: Omaha



Bark . .. Comes the time of year for dedins . . . swim . . up-to-date or what have u, we hereby dedicate this edin of the Ped . . . To the seniors because they've t thei).' degrees and we wish we d ours . . . because they're gog out to run classrooms ... ofces _ . . tanks and bombers . . . husbands . . . . because we'll ·nda' miss them next year . . . To the "leavings" because they'll be here next year . . . because they'll win football games . - . and beat Kea1·ney . . . because they'll kick up their heels at dances . . . and get campused and keep the lights burning. To the faculty because we suspect they'll be here next year too . . . because we suspect they'll go on lecturing and expecting papers . . . themes _ _ . notebooks . . _ because we suspect they11 be getting some of them too . . . and because they look pretty on the convo stage . . . To next . year's freshmen because they'll fill some of the vacant spots and we can watch them go places . . . because tj:ley'll button and wear pigtails . . . · and dodge reveng·eful sophs . . • To the Peruvian doughboys . . . and marines . . . and cadets . . . and bluejackets . . . because we're proud of them . . . To the Gridiron and May Fete royalty _ .. the Rep students - - . the Ped and Peruvian staffs . . . the P. Clubbers _ . . the club presidents . _ _ and the local talent .because they make things happen . . . And finally, to the "censored" bottle . . _ Zella . . . Cokes . - . six-inch firecrackers and six-inch mud . . _ yo-yos . . .and "Blues in the Night."

Volume 38

Peru, Nebraska,

Friday Commencement ends activities for 42 seniors Sigma Tau 1

"The American Dream" will be the topic of Dr. R. I. Lindquist's address at Commencement exercises Friday, May 29. Dr. Lindquist will come to Peruvians from Orange, New Jersey, where, since 1934, he has been the Minister at Old First Church, one of the most historic churches in the East. He has travelled extensively abroad, touring North Africa and Palestine in 1934 and Northern Europe in 1937. While in Europe Dr. LindquiSt traveled through England, Scotland, Belgium, Germany and other countries, living with the people and studying their social conditions. The commencement program will begin at 10:30 o'clock' and is as follows: Processional-"Coronation March" ..... _....... _. .. . . Meyerbeer College Orchestr.a Invocation, Reverend P. ·C. Jqhnson Music-"The Monk" .. Meyerbeer Commencement Address, Dr. R. I. Lindquist Music-"Songs My Mother Taught Me" Dvorak-Kreisler Margaret Goodridge, violin Echo Elaine Lum, piano Conferring Degrees and Presenting Diplomas President W. R. Pate Awarding of B. E. Swenson, Jr. Medal Awarding of Honors Benediction _. Reverend P. C. Johnson Recessional-"Priests' March" . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . Mendelssohn College Orchestra

Juniors take over 1942 Ped and Peruvian Heading the PEDA G 0 GI AN masthead next year will be coeditors Ellen King and Nina Kanel, according to a recent announcement made by Miss M. Florene!" Martin, sponsor. Nina has served a two-year apprenticeship as a. member of the PED staff. first as a proof-reader and reporter, then as :Make-up editor, and finally as assistant editor. Y. W. C. .fl;.. members took advantage of Nina's talent for organization by electing her president. Other 1activities which find a place on ])er calendar are Dramatic Club, Kappa Delta Pi, International Relations Club and Sigma Tau Delta. Nina is majoring in English and comes to Peru from Humboldt. Another English major, Ellen was officially a PEDAGOGIAN proof-reader. Unofficially s he doubled as reporter, occasional columnist and general handyman. Ellen is also a, member of Sigma Tau Delta, and expresses a gift for verse-writing in - such publications as Sifting Sand. Condensing nine-months of campus activity into one Permianand making it pay, will be the problems of Reuben Fanders and Tod Hubbell, announced P!rof. Robt. D. Moore at a special Peruvian luncheon. Editor Fanders is an English

Tuesday, May 26, 1942

major from Diller and is noted for turning out copy of the Peruvian, Pedagogian and Sifting Sand varieties. Also collaborates on scripts for such convo-howlers as Faculty Meeting. A second-year librarian, Reuben is one of the library's chief booktoters and information-givers. Sigma Tau Delta, Tri Beta. Y. M., Junior/ class presidency, and the Gentleman's Club are other F-anders' activiVes. Business Manager Hubbell , known since Auburn High days as "T. V." studies ins-and-outs of historical situations. Columned for the PED last year and made a smash hit on Peru stage as Dr. Brown in Faculty Meeting. Activizes International Relations Club, Y. M. and cheering sections at games in spare time.

elects officers Sigma Tau Deltans chewed steaks, dodged raindrops and hailstones and elected next year's officers at a steak fry in Neal Park Monday, May 11. September will find Reuben Fanders as president, assistCd by Ellen King, vi~-president .. and Nina Kanel, secretary and treasurer. Distribµtion of "The R,ec~n,gle," nationa1 public;i.tion of the fraternity, revealed "Sifting Sand"· writers Isabel Tynon, Grace Tear, Audrey Zastera, Robert T. B~nforo and Dorothy Teachm.an had received higher recognition for their . contributions.

Peru scientists hear Latta Lecture "Man's Early Hisfory," was the t-Opic upon which Dr. John Latta, head of the University of Nebraska anatomy departmerut, spoke at the Tri Beta-Lambda Delta Lambda Banquet Friday, May 15. Dr. Latta is a specialized instructor and student of the early period of human embryology. He gave a dramatic account of the first twenty-one days of a man's life. These are the days after fertilization and Dot after birth. A serfes of slides was shown by Dr. Latta to illustrate each of the stages of development during these days. Following Dr. Latta's lecture Bill Fankhauser sang two bass solos. Kappa Omicron Phi served the banquet.

·Faculty greets students at annual reception The annual Faculty reception for seniors was held in the music hall auditorium Saturday evening, May 23. The guests were received by Mr. Tyler, William Fankhauser, President W. R. Pate, Dr. and ¥fs. Bradford, Mrs. Intce Dunnin,g, Mis. Jimerson, Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Russell.

Barb and Bill ascend Peru throne Thursday Royalty for a day! His Supreme Highness King William Fankhauser and his Charming and Gracious Queen Barbara Beal will rule the Kingdom of Peru Thursday, May 24. At a special session of the Court of the May, held in the outdoor theatre at 7 :30 o'clock, the newly-elected pair will be crowned and introduced to their loyal subjects-the students of Peru.

Dates ... Wednesday, !\lay 27 .•.High School Commencement . . . 8:00 p. m. Thursday, May 28. . . Class Lunchenn and Reunions . . .12:00 p. ID· • • • Mli:Y F~ ;md Crowning of May Queen . . . 7:30 p. m... . All-College and Alumni Dalice .. . 8:30 !l. m. Friday, May 29 ••• College Commencement . . . 10:30 a:. m. ,Luncheon ... 12:15 p. m.

Campus dons Sunday best for parents and visitors Peruvian Parents came to school Sunday, May 24. Officially set ~side in their homlr, the day was devoted to getting them acquainted with P.S.T.C. At 10:30 o'clock faculty and studei1ts marched to .the college auditorium for Baccaleureate services. Special speaker, Reverend Walter Aitken of Lincoln delivered the sermon. Following a tour of the college

Pink, green and white ices were served at a table decorated with pink roses and peonies flanked by green candles. The arrangements were made by Miss Weare, general chairman, Mr. Jones, entertainment chairman, Mr. Tyler, reception committee and Miss Brackney, food committee.

Number 26 and 27

buildings and the campus, a special Parents' Day program was held in the auditorium at 2:30 o'clock. The program began with music by the College Brass sext~t, which includes Tony DeMaro, Jack Snider, Willard Hunzeker, Richard Clements, Wallace Cleaveland and Melvin McKenney. Music "La Fiesta" . . . . . . . . . . . . Guentzel "Prelude and Chorale," Carl Busch College Brass Sextet Welcome W. R. Pate. President of the College Doreen Meier, ...... President of Gamma Chi Luther Hutton . . . . . President of Men's Club Respimse Mrs. B. A. Muenchau Alvo, Nebraska Senator John Callan Odell, Nebraska College Band Concert Victor H. Jindra, Director "March of the Spanish Soldiery" ...................... Smetsky "Onward Ye Peoples" _. _.... . . . . Goldman-Sibelious ".Scenes frcm the Sierras," Bennett Directed by Melvin McKenny, Auburn Cornet Sclo-"Bride of the Waves" ........................ Clarke Tony DeMaro, Nebraska City College Male Quartet-"The Ram parts We Watch" Wallace Cleaveland, William Fankhnuser, Dean Slagle, Jack Snider. Piano solo-"La Rougette" ...................... Bennett R. T. Benford Festival Overture . . . . . . Guentzel

Scott to direct Kappa Delta Pi , Betty Jane Scott will head Kappa1, Delta Pi activities next year as the result of the election held at the final meeting Monday, May 18. Assisting officers are Lillian Havel, vice president; Jean Hoagland, secretary; Harriet Maxwell, treasurer; and Ca:rl Wirth, recorder histi.rian.

Attending the royal couple will be Princess Rose McGinnis Prince Clair Callan.


Other attendants are Bette Riley and Carl Banks, Freshmen; Virgie. Lee Johnson, Harold Jenkins,. Sophomores; Jean Hoagland and' Sydney Johnson, Juniors; and Nancy Ellen Jones and Bob Williams, Senioi:s. Cr11wn P~rer will be Gene Kotour and scepter bearer will be King William's younger brother Rich;i.rd Lee, both from Humboldt. Rosemary Griffin, Jane Kurfman, Anne Hedget,Jeth a.nd Jimmy Hall of Rockport, Missouri, will be flower girls and trainbearers. Dancing, which is under the direction of Miss Phyllis Davidson, will begin the special program Dancers include Bette Schneider, Letha Gardner, Betty Pruitt, Jean ' Graves. Maxine Geiger, Mary Mannschreck. ·Bertha Clayburn, Mary Ellen Barkley, Naomi Juilfs and Winona. Neeman. Others are: Norma Vohs. Maxine Drent, Nelda Lynch, Darlene Lockhart, Betty Sugden, Margaret Beezley, Lucille Weber, Doris Wirthele, Ruth Robison, Lois Fulton, Anna Mangold, Velma Borjeson, Ilene Thiltges, Adalene Ruzicka, Elaine Brier, Hazel Bouse, Edwinnie Willmann, Helen Rhodes, Elaine Briley. Helen Dahlke, Dore€n Meier. Besides dancing with the others, Edwinnie Willman will do a solo dance. Music for the cour~ will include trumpeter, Tony DeMaro; The Kings Fiddlers, Wallace Cleaveland, Margaret Goodrich, Prof. Jindra and Ja,ck Snider; ard the Orchestra directecl by Wallace Cleaveland.

Sweetland speaks to Peru Greeks All Greeks, attendirg the InterFraternity banquet Monday evening, May 25, heard Professor Sweetland discuss "Fraternities." Other features of the program were violin music by Margaret Goodrich, accompanied by Bob Ashton and group singing lecl py William Fankhauser. JamL'S ··nowe acted as toastmaster ftir the evening. Held at the Mothodist Church, the annual banquet is arranged by committees e]@cted from the honorary fraternities on the campus. This year it was in charge of Virginia king, General Chairman; Rose Mc(Tinnis, Program and Ticket Sales Chairman; Betty Kathryn Cole, Decorations and Banquet Chairman. Serving on the committee,:; were Ardis Cannine, Barbara :Seal, Helen Wylie and Richard E-mgsolver. Spei:;ial programs designed by Lillia:n Havel, carried out the Greek themtp,


On campus


• • In


spr1n9 Soldiers write 'thanks' .

A student's fancy turns happily from all thoughts-intellectual . . . the current greetfo.g is "sign my annual?" ... Whiskers and B. 0. are gone from Delzell Hall now that the boys are in "hot water" again - . . Bill Rachow just can't get over not being May Queen . . . by the way his Henry is papa of a new tire. Wanted__,a good set of pontoons so the C.. P. T. fellows caµ finish their flying hours . . . Schultz and Freddie make a nice couple . . . other new two-somes include Hector and Rodgers, Haach and Frehse, Reutter and Russell . . . looks like the official DeLong-Macomber split up was unofficial. Herbie ·"Allah" Knutson's latest is the art of snake charming-specialties in rattle snakes no more-Cramer and Safranek-her idea he announced . . . Nomination for best "campus comment" of the year"Wanted; a remedy for 'pin-ball jitte'rs'-that strang1e illness that comes over you after an evening at Steffen's": the biggest js1plit urt-B. K. and Buzz: the biggest noise-tie between :M:"ason Cotbert and his fir~crackers : most popular gamehearts, one way or another: most faithful student-Butch . . . Nickname of the week: ... "Bangs" Stevenson ... who was the gal with SIX letters in her mai.1 box-at one time (what's worse, they were all hers) . . . story of the week: Somebody\ said "go West young mat,'' and a bunch of them did . . . come summer, Beal, Muenchau and teacher J. Good will follow . . . the weather has been like a faucet . . . that's spring-it's off and on all the time . . . at last its out why Bing hasn't been around lately-the assistant dean has been tied ur>-gardens you know. . . · Pres. Pate has a new grandchild-he says there. has never been anything like it in the Pate family : . . Something we let slip by-Hannah and Ruby Redding's engagement . . . Also newly .bediamonded Dorothy Armstrong . . . Well, as Dr. Brown ·says-"adjourned."

Representative students . . .

for special PEDS Pvt C. F. Snyder Hdg & Hdq Sqd-303rd Bomb Group Gowen Field-Boise, Idaho Dear Ped:

I was greatly surprised to find Av s. James Busenbarrik the Pedagogian in my mail this Spartan Q. F. T. D. afternoon. This was my day off fl< Muskoo·ee Oklahoma therefore the PaJ?er gave me someTha~ks' for the "Ped." I'v·e writthing to think about and don't tim to seven of the .old gang althink I didn't enjoy it. ready. I read Chub Millikan's letter to In regards to the army flyir.g, Jack Snider and was very inter- its harder than C. P. T., but holds ested in what he had' to say as more thrills. In o:ther words, it Chub was one of my very good can't be compared. friends. So he likes England, it Thanks again. sounds good, I wonder if it is? James Busenbattik. I'm glad to see that Peru has become war conscious because of the fact that we all have to stick together and win and we will win it! I should see much action before long and I will say-Cerisoredand "Listen for news of the 303rd Bombing Berlin and Tokyo" Entertaining the freshman counI am a qualified government cil, Miss Grace Tear, assisted by weather observer and also a radio Miss Florence Martin, served tea operator, working in the 303rd before an open fire and a mantle Weather Station. I went to school arranged with iris at her home, here at Gowen Field's Weather Thursday, May 14. Station. Mi£s Tear's tea is an annual Another Peruvian is here-re- event on the fre3hman calendar, member Paul Blair? He teaches and is given forpresidents of freshat Franklin High School in Boise. man clubs and their upper class Using the old army saying, "I'll sponsors.

Tear entertains freshman council

'P'culiar program reviewed

Reuben Fanders One of. the largest audiences ever Chief Creator of the swing session . library assistant ' attending a college event supported perfecto ... the man with rolls for the boys ... dancer's de· the "P" Club Wednesday, May 14. light ... puns and fun-Bob Ashton, music maior from Lorton. The program was complete with Keeper of Mr. Clement's affairs . . . Who's Who'er . . . gags, lots of music, and even comPeruvian and Kappa Delta cog . . . a wit that fits ... Alumni mercial advertising. Trailer ... a friend and diplomat, first class-Grace Muenchau, The highlight of the evening col?merce major from Alvo. was the "P" choir which closed the Favorite bass on the campus . . . possessor of the original show with "~member Pearl Harsincerity smile ... marching band faithful ... member of so- bor," using a Sammy Kaye style cial committee . . . sponsor of freshman dancers-Bill Fank- of music. Bob Ashton is to be COID/Wihauser, music major from Humboldt. mented on the fine arrangements She's from Missouri ... gets her mail at Watson ... was chief worrier over Peruvian problems . . . loves to dance . . . he wrote for the show because the tall and blond-Barbara Beal, commerce major from Watson. imitations of Sammy Kaye, Glenn Miller, and even Guy Lombardo

Alumni notes and news

• By Grace Muencnau

She was formerly Mae Christian, Dear Lena, I suppose your school is out now you know. Remember WILMA P ARNEILL and you're anticipating a pleasant summer away from participles and who graduated last year? Well, stage make-up. Incidentally, are she was re-elected at Potter with you going back to Anderson n~xt a "tangible" increase in salary. She has made a real success with year? Peruvians continue to make the her dramatics. Her group won a headlines-for one reason or an- superior rating at the district "Submerged" other. For instance, RUTH NIC- ·dramatics contest. HOLAS of Dewitt, who far the was the play presented. If you ever saw a copy of the . past five years has been teaching at Meadow Grove and Minitare, '32 Peruvian you should remember will marry BURDETTE "BO" CO- JOHN A. BATH. He has been an WELL. Both are Peruvia,ns and instructor of psychology at the "Bo" was an outstanding track- University of Nebraska and will man who made a practice of receive his Ph. D. there this month. breaking records. He is now jun- He goes into army service after ior physical educatiqn instructor May 25. Speaking of Ph. J?.'ers, c. at Lowry Field, Denver.. RICHARD PECK of Falls City DWIGHT WALDO, instructor at is to marry DOROTHY PERRIN Yale University, will receive his in nt Grand Island. You knew Richpolitical science this month also. .rs Q:raduating with honors from Dwight recently published artiNcbnl''l::i, U. didn't you? He was cles in "Public Administration Reed.itor i;J.'H school publica- view" and "Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence." ><;i>J.:. who Peruvians KARR, editor of 1941 Peruvian, will remembc ''Jocko and visited on campus this week. He's Steve's little sistc:·... was married been teaching English at Shelton April 3 to George Ivfr;i.•.,:d of Cam- and is on his way to California. bridge. ROBERT f;JffiISTIAN May have to instigate a reunion picked May 9 as tlic· :.i;e for his out there soon! SUP'!'. and MRS. L. L. PATE of marriage to Esthr:i: Lee of Butte have a baby daughter, Karen Biddeford, Maine. Other "New Enghi.r,d ·pcrnvians" Lee. Leonard is a former Peru~ formerly on . campus er .1 ffiliated vian, and the son of President Pate are "Ma" and "Spence: .. c11.ristian, who is, incidentally, pretty thrilled TOM, who is machini~.i:. ;n the about the granddaughter. "Kentucky Peruvians" REV. AND Portsmouth Naval and MR. AND MRS. OElRALD OGG. MRS. B. C. BOBBITT ('28) will

Sincerely, · Charles F. Snyder

be returning to Nebraska soon. Rev. Bobbitt leaves a position as Executive Director of the Churches of Christ in Kentucky to serve as. pastor of the First Christian Church of Lincoln. Say, Lena, did you see NUNZIO LAZZARO'S picture in the World Herald Thursday? He was one of "twenty flying fighters" who graduated at Lake Charles, LoUisiana. Just heard of another wedding! MARGARET CASEY, who received her two year in '35 was married to Kenneth Williamson of Lincoln last week. May 11 was the date. Another Peruvian editor, S. CLAY COY ('31), is getting ahead. He was recently selected superintendent of the Walden, Colorado Elementary School and re-elected Superintendent of the Jackson County High School which is also at Walden . Former Peruvians will be the new principals of two Omaha schools next year. HENRY c. MEENTS ('23) has been elected at North High and HAROLD 0. PETERSON ('27), will go to Monroe High. Yes, Pete's brother took all the look-pretty-please pictures for the annual. So long, Lena, and I hope you have a swell summer. Hazel's graduation this week marks the third "Bouse-Weiser" to emerge with, A. B. degrees. I.et's try to , get back Homecoming, shall we? Love, Grace

seemed autltentic. "Unk" Hutton was that Gay Gee2ier, Kay Kyser whose remarkable entrances and bright ·quips kept his contestants constantly in hot water. The contestants were Mrs. A. Wheeler, Kenneth Rohrs, Dorothy Hanks, and Professor Paul Sweetland. James Howe acted as announcer and master of ceremonies with his usual finesse. He also gave one of his popular whistling solos. The boys are to be congratu!ateil on an excellent piece of work. Many of them revealed talents which had gone unnoticell:. We find that they are at home on the stage as well as on the foatba.ll and bMketball field.


Your refund? Try and get it e

take a powder."


Evelyn Rogers

Due to my dropping the proper places, some caps w' I onc·e knitted for soldiers, ani at camp, labeled as a new type barrel sweater. Refund lines· do not resemble knitting in that no holes are be found in them; however, nee certainly are. Having recovered from the gistration line, I feel that I sh be able to give a few helpful h as to how one may arrive at end of the refund line, looking same (with a few minor ope tions) as whenihe began. I. Wednesday evening, meas the distance from the Ad. steps the office-you'd never . believe 2. When someone says, "This Coach Jones behind you, let by," do not turn aTOund. It is Coach Jones. It is the foot squad and 'the basketball team the thin-clads and the water bo and they are not behind you; the are before you. 3. If you have a sturdy cha take it along. The hefty guy · front of you will probably appre ciate it so much that he wi1J 1 you keep your two little toes for souvenirs. 4. Now is the time to get close to tile fellow you've been watching an year. If he is not more than five yards behind you, bend slowly; down to tie your shoestring. Pfff• ffft-you're right bellind him. 5. From 12N to 1 p: m.-- eat! You'd be surprised how those extra pounds discourage your being used for a baseball. 6. If at last you limp alo!'1g with the other survivors into the office, do not let what's-left-of-you look at what's left of your tuition ·anil say, "My refund-I presume.''-wheelchair$ cost money.


Peruvians . announce marriage Former Peruvians Phyllis Benson and Bob Halliday were married last Sunday, May 24, at LincoL'1. Phyllis was graduated last year. A physical education major, she was rey.resentative student and on the Peruvian Staff. One of Peru1s basketball bobcats, Bob was graduated two years ago and will leave for the army soon.

We confess'. says newswriting and editing class Let it be known by all men reading these pages that all responsibility for the contents and condition of this the last 1941-42 PEDAGOGIAN is hereby removed from Meredith and her regular staff. As it has come to aJl newswriting classes, it came to us-the quiet announcement that we, the "scared seven" of our class, would write, edit, copy read, proof r·e'.td, run errands for and lose sleep over this last PED of the semester. We admitted our ignorance of most things journalistic-to no avail. We pleaded for a smaller

paper to aid government conserva· tiion-to no avail. We cried, we begged and we balked-t'was no use. So then we got to work. And so now, May 27 has came a.round and the PED is out. Everyone would find· out anyway-so just in passing we, the newswriting class of 1942, admit, "We doed it!"

Published Weekly by The Peru Slate Teachers College Peru, Nebraska Entered at the PostoHice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc Ellen King ....................................... Editor Rogene Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Editor La Vara Oakley, B. K. Cole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy Readers Reuben Fanders, Gene Adams, Evelyn Rogers, Proof Readers

M. Flere.11.cse Martin .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. Adviser ··

Peru Pedagogian

May 26, 1942

At long last

Parents see flower show

.Peruvians ... Tuesday-and rumors. Peruvian office was open last :Uight. .. Dot Teachman's making up a typing lab for WedSpecimen iris and arrangement nesday ... Nancy E. was late to class ... they're coming out displays were emphazised at setomorrow ... day after totn'.prrow ... they're coming out. .. cond annual flower show sponWednesday-and annuals. Pep band ... posters ... Prex Pate sored by the Peru Garden club last leading off with the first copy ... roll call of the prepaids ... look Saturday and Sunday ·in the gym. at the baby picture of Unk ... bathing suits and zero weather Hostesses during the two day ,... cover is beautiful ... representative students ... isn't that show were Miss Nona Palmer, president of the club, Mp. Barney K. awful of me ... darling of Grace ... May fete royalty ... Thursday-and signing. Have you written in mine ... how Baker, Mrs. A. G. Wheeler, Mrs. about a blotter ... are you busy ... whose is this, anyway ... J. W. Tyler, Mrs. !nice Dunning, can't think of a thing ... please wait until the bell rings ... who's · Mrs. R. T .. Benford, Mrs. C. M. Brown and Miss Grace Tear. got a pen... · At the south .end of the gym, inCollege year in one hundred and fifty-one piages-and a closed within a white fence, tea lot of wet ink.

Ped staff says 'so long' to M. Jimerson, V. King News Briefs W. B. Thorson discussed "American Complacency in This War" at 'the joint Y. M.-Y. W. meeting which followed a picnic supper at the Dutch Oven Tuesday, May 19.

It's "goodbye, PED office" for Meredith Jimerson and Virginia King, the seniors of this year's PEDAGOGIAN staff Meredith, editor and boss, and Virginia, proof· reader and helpful, will no more tussle with obstinate ribbons on · the Ped's typewriter or struggle with proofs .and make-up sheets.

Taking their turn at the Neal Park Fireplace were Future Teachers and sponsor Monday, May 18. "Played games and ate wieners" was only comment. Senior COD.VO (May 15) with Grace Muenchau and Bob Ashton at the piano and Bill J'ankhauser on the vocals was definitely "representative:· But where was Beal? Combining benefit and pleasure were all those guys and gals who trucked downhill to the movie "Target for A Night" Wednesday, May 2(}.

Meredith turns over the keys and the PED . office's beautiful view to new eds Nina Kanel and Ellen King who were both on deck this year, Kanel as assistant editor and King as proof-reader and reporter. Also recent turners-in of this year's last copy are Ralph Locke, sports-ed and feuder with other sports eds, and Rogene Rose, copywriter and reader superb.

Hill presented in recital

Amateur Michelange1os in the art department copied the technique of early Ita1ian aud Greek . Patricia Hill, who recently won painters as they experiment.ed a superior rating at the district with fresco painting. Miss Diddell music contest, presented a · violin introduced the project in her ad- recital in the high school auditorvanced painting and drawing class ium Thursday, May 21, at 8:15 for the first time in Peru history. o'clock. The program is as follows: Other picnics of the week in- Menuet ................... Kreisler cluded Scholarship Club Wednes- Legende .................... Bohm day, May 20 and Tri Beta Thurs- Concerta in D. Major .. DeBeriot day, May 21. Special event of the Allegro Brilliante ...... Ten Have lattter was motorboat rides for the The Bee ................ Schubert lucky ones who got there in time. Hejre Kati ................ Hubay She was accompanied by Evelyn Loyal Peruvians, Mr. and Mrs. Christiancy. Robert Blankenship (Nancy Jane Kehoe), visited on campus Wednesday, May 20. High school seniors "sneaked" to Omaha, stayed a while, and "snuck" back aga.in Tuesday, May

nominations for the "most missable senior" were in order right now, one of the first nominees would be Nancy Ellen Jones. If

Faculty members entertained the students at a special recital held in the college auditorium Tuesday, May 26. First on the program, Prof. J. H. Steck sang selections from the worl<s of Handel, Gretchaninoff, Malotte, Pur~ell and others. Fmlowing Prof. Steck, Prof. v. If. Jindra · presented violin selectiom by Hone-Saenger, Hiimmel, Sc1>tt and Drdla. Next on the program, Prof. R. D. Moore · read selected poems and prose by Millay, Davis, Weaver, O'Brien and Swift. Concluding Ute recital Prof. R. T. Benford played piano selections by Schulz-Euler, Scott and Powell.

Among the Peru gardens represented at the show ·were those of Patterson, Dr. R. A. Maxwell, Mr. A. B. Clements, Mrs. Hutchison, Miss Ellirabeth McCollum, Mrs. Helen Eberhart and Mr. L. B. Mathews.


Flowers displayed at Training School After a canning demonstration by Miss Brackney and her assistants, a flower show and canned food exhibit was held in the J::J.igh school auditorium Tuesday evening, May 12. The program was a.s follows: Piano solo, "Sherzo" by :Mendelssohn, .Sam Anders01a; talk, ''Tha Origin of the Iris," Gera1d C!ayburn; violin solo, "The Flower Song" by Lange, Max Mathews, accompanied byR. T. Ben.ford; talk, "The Meaning of Flowers," ElleR Thomson; viola solo, "Sonata" by Strube, Kathlyn Benford, acgiompanied by R. T. Benford; iris symposium by Miss Palmer, Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Lewis; Kiwanis .Co-operation, President J. W. Tyler; colored slides CJlf flowers, Dt. W. T. Miller.

New WAA head is Chris Wilkinson Captain for next year's W. A. A. game will be Christine Wilkinson, elected president Thursday, May 14. Re-elected treasurer, Ardis Carmine, will carry on her work as keeper of accounts-and the cash.

Reporter tells inside information on tmissable senior' Jones


Recital displays faculty talent

tables were set and arranged with flower center pieces.

Reasons-not hard to find. In the first place, she's the Peruvian Business Manager and did her share in putting out the "big book." Also managed Sigma Tau Delta affairs and tried the editing side on the "little book"-Sifting · Sand. Also active in Dramatic Club, Kappa Delta Pi, International . Relations-but why go. on listing! Nancy Ellen ·has gone to Peru "all sixteen years." Says she only intended to go to college onie year -but liked it so well she just kept on going. Thinks working on the Peruvian was "more fun than anything else I've done in college." She likes to ten about all the Peru alumni she met while· selling Peruvian ads in Omaha. Proudly relates that one business man said, "You find in Peru a democra,tic

spmt you can·t find anywhere else-especially in larger colleges.'" Nancy likes red, anything chocolate and keeping scrapbooks. "I keep mov·k scrapbooks,'' she said-and then :laughed guiltily. "Kid stuff!" Also likes collecting post-cards and small china figurines. She. doesn't kuew what she is going to do ne.Kt year. Says, "I just redecorated my room this spring and I hate to leave it." States further when quizzed further on future, "I have no idea. Really, I'm graduating without a thought in my head." Recent announcement that she had won H~h Honors makes one slightly sceptical of the last remark. Everybody knows her - s h e ' s friendly,· vivacious, has beautiful. brown eyes and has probably made more convocation announcements than any other student. She's "one of the Joneses" who's really gone places on oaapus.

. ;


Page 3

Seven 'Bobcats• will graduate Friday Fighting oa the football field or loafing at Steffins, Peru's athletes ire pretty important iParts of campus life. That is realized even


when they're· senim's, like the seven Bobcats graduating Friday. When they're .•.

YW honors senior members At small tables decorated with bouquets of spring flowers and smali velveteen crosses, sixty YW girls assembled for May breakfast honoring the senior members, Wednesday morning May 17, in the east room of the music hall auditorium. While hosteses served breakfast, Marjorie Prine played soft piano music. Lucille Sandfort led group $inging. Nina Kanel introduced past president, Gnwe Muenchau who spok~ in behalf of the seniors. Senior awards were presented by Miss Edna Weare, sponsor. Those receiving certificates of service were Grace Muenchau, M:ary Horton, Bertha Clayburn, Dorothy Teachman, Josephine Boosinger, Mary E. Jensen and Lucille Sandfort. Vivian Fogle, Harriet Maxwell, Lois Wagoner, Evei.ym. Chr.istiancy, LaVara 0:.,kley, MQ.We Newton, Marjorie Prine, ~ta Burrows :ill.il<.i Jea11 Bond ser.vet. on the c1;1mmittees arranging the breakfa.it.

DONALD DEAN: ''Red" ... block• ing back from Fairmont ... squire of Gridiron queen ... carrier of flowers at ''P"culiar. Program .•• headed for Naval Air Corps. ROBERT HENDERSON: "Hendy" . . . quarterbaek from Anderson, Iowa ... winning intra-mural coach ... trackster . . . . identified by his hat . . . steadies with Hoagland ... President of P Club. BOB SMITH: "Bulldog" ... com• mutes between Peru and home town Talmage,... C.P,T.... a[so ~s­ pective air coJ1ps material ... P Club treasurer. MAURICE LINDER: "Cowbov"..• guard ... fond of freshmen ...hails from Nehawka ... known for ability to ta;ke hard knocks ... super-personality. CLAIR CALLAN: "Stub" ... t"ll.is year's honorary captain ... block· ing _back .. of Odell... Phys. Ed major ... basketball and track man . . . P Club vice-president. . . will be apprentice seaman. LLOYD SEHNERT: Co-manages with Andy . . . Majors in histo:ry . .. comes from Crete . . . likes hats to be "different." ANDERSON: "Andy" .... math major frGm Ong ..• "Student Athletic Manager'' . knows the rul~ of the game.


Baccalaureate service opens Parents Day program At ten a. m. on Sunday, Senior~ . . Sophomores . . . freshmen ... High School Seniors meet in the northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest corners, respectively, of the college gymnasium where the Dressed in black caps and gowns, lines will be arranged and names twenty-seven high school seniors checked." will .receive their diplomas :trom Following these directions, facPresident Pate in the college audi- ulty and graduating students assembled to form the Baccalaureate torium Wednesday, May 27. Special comanensement ~eaker procession. At 10:25 o'clock the march to the college auditorium will be Senator Stanley A. Matzke began, Jed by junior class presiof Seward, Nebraska, wlao is serv- dent, Reuben Panders, a:p.d Ellen ing his first term in the Nebraska King. legislature. IR the auditorium peonies, myThe program, which will begin drangeas. iris and ferns formed a special setting for the following at 8 o'clock, is as follows: prcgram: Processional . . . "Pomp and Chi- Processional-''Tannhauser March" ,valry" . . . Rob@rb;i ...................... Wagner Training School 0:-chestra College Orchestra Invocation . Reverend H. A. Hymn-"My Faith Looks up to Taylor Thee" Soprano Solo Invocation, Reverend H. A. Taylor Boyd Choral Response Marian Deck Adhem-"Salvation Is Created" Selection . . . "My Heart is a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tschesnokiff Silent Violin" . . . Fox Perusingers High 3ch0ol Chorus Scripture Reading :Brass Quartet . . . . "The Young . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. H. A. Taylor Bnigade" . . . Jubb Sern;iJ;l . . Reverend Walter Aitken Arthur Clements. Willard R2d- Hymn-"onward Christian Solfern, Lawrence CTltOd, Beulah diers" Spoor Benediction, Reverend H. A. Taylor Commencement Address . . . Sen- Choral Amen Recesional-"Pomp and Circumator Stanley A. Matzke ~tance" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elgar Violin Solo . . . "Legende" College Orchestra Bohm Reverend Walter Aitken i~ pasPatricia Hill tor of the St. Paul Meth0dist Presentation of Glass . . Miss Church of Lincoln, Nebraska and Marie Faulhalar has spoken at P.S.T.C. on trwo Presentation of »ipltmaa former occasions. President Vf. R. Pate. Special ushers for the occasion Presenta1Ji.on of Sch!ilarshll) w<Jre Nina Kane!, Lillian Ihvel, Principal L. B. Mathew.s Audrey Zastera, Tod Hubbell, HarBenediction . . . Reverend H. A. riet Maxwell and Wayne B\.lhrm.a.n, all member3 oi the Junior cl-a.ss. Taylor

T.S. graduates twenty-seven




: .:

Peru Pedagogian -

May 26, 194-f

WELL DONE SENIORS OF 1942!! ~--···

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·. reetinQs 1942


Leonard Tripp, Owner

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TO-YOU U~ 51NCE:r<~




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The Shop of Quality A uhum

Pete Holdorf, Mgr.

Physician and Surgeon

General Merchandise

- - - -



Dr. Bertha M. Thomson




I--------------Sam :Ken:aedy, Prop.

Sf a SW U





M. G. Heuer, Owner

County Treasurer

Candidate for Clerk of District Court, Democratic Ticket

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CLASS of :4. 2





County Clerk, Auburn ..... • • 9 •••• r a • •

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I-·Mo~~~nI!~.~~.;hop I ST~~!A~o4~~~!CE I Ag~~YB~~~~O~ EARL'S CAFE ·-·--·--·--------- - - - - - - - - - -



I OUP. y[P.,.l_ [ Best Wishes .





'4/k !: N[IU


<J/194 2


E. E. RODYSILL Clerk of the District Court I





CAMPUS SHOP School Supplies, Beauty Salon, Tea Room t

MARDIS Fine Groceries


Canara ulalions To al( members of the CLA5Sor :4Z AVENUE STORE


H. U. Landolt, Prop . .p:aw•••

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To the Class /. -~Best ;.· Wishes_· 1t,Ki

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General Merchandis'e



Peru Pedagog;ian

Page 6


·You can'f win



IA-~ '

,says student Once there were two students ·who were required to take a very :Stiff examination. The first student nshed into the classroom, hurried -ihoughtlessly through the test, and ;as a result he failed.

The other put lots of time on each proposition. He considered ~h one carefully and deliberated long before answering it. As a re$Ult )le was unable to complete the ,examination in the alloted time, ,and his grade was so lowered that


Peru State Teachers College

= =


Summer Sch.oo:I


he failed. Moral: Look before you leap and he who hesitates is lost.


YOUR OWN qaota, is 10%1


Lend your country 10% of your Ray or have the Nazis and Japs take (not borrow) 1003 ! That'a what we and every one of us face today! Victory or defeat! BJ1ying War Bonda or 1ell!n1 ourftlves into slavery! Gettin1 tough with ourselves or 1ettlng taken by th• A:ii1 ! Your quota-and everybody's q11011..:..i1 10% of ....:11 qr hlcom'






=~ =




Join America~• all-ciut offenalv1 , hi.crease yout WAR BONI> •av~-to at least 10%-NOWI <ht tbt details from :vour •!!!Pl.or~



omce or

clth~ W~R

I OR!> eale1 arency ••• TODAY! FOR SATISFACTION IN



11.tp for you by TR UDY: HALL. Gay fiesta print in


washable spun rayon with pocket and border trickit ,that only she would ever 1

Short Session

Skelly Service Station Skelly Oils and Gas t;omplete Line Leonard Tripp, Mgr. Peru Phone 40

:think of! COME and GET:

'ft. White, Green, Brown of,,


Sizes 9 to 17•.

PERU BOWLING CLUB Ladies Welcome at All Times Hen Hanlon, Mgr.

M. G. Heuer, owner

~1l!l l l l l Hl l l l Ul Ul l l l l l l l l l Ul l l l l l l l l l lHl Wl l Hl l Hl l l lHUl l l l l l l l l l Hl lml l l Dl l l l l l l l l l l lDl l lml l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l:~ c:::~m, ~:~~~;~; Dcy





w eai



: AND DELIVERY : Cream, Milk and Ice : =CHAS. WILLS Peru, Neb.;

Electric Shoe Shop Shoe Repairs Of AU hmas

T~achers looking for the best positions should emoll wlith us. we can ri:;corrunend :vou to the better position:> in Nebraska. ar,d surrounding states. Our 24 years of expen~nce and. ?ur ac(luaintance with the superinter:-dents put us m a postt10n "o be of real service to our candidates. Caill on us personally if you can or write. ,- /'·~· -----~~ . ~ )~/,~



Lincoln, Nobmb

With a bottle of ice-cold Coca-Cola in your hand, you are all set to enjoy the delicious taste you want, the offersense of refreshment you like, the quality you, and millions of others, have come to welcome ••• the quality of Coca-Cola-!!!!

r!!:l !!!!!!!t



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