1942-1943 Peru Pedagogian - issues 1-18

Page 1

rk ... t to be "klo'.zy" (as they Minnesota)?

to be "strictly sticky" (as






yuur shoes ' (as they say at Barnard)?


s easy.

simple. It's 11os-

Jack Heck kH!ed

es which were recently adopted y<Jur


by a



le 1. Learn to 'l\USh. Learn to Strain mightily whenever placed in that loaihsome position known as end of the cafeteria line. Learn to 1]lush.Hold your ground and then s.dvance. Advance desp~te




will save you lime. It will save CVCl'YOlle

iJack of you time.


It will save everyone in front

of you time. Every-011e will appreciate it.)

· Rule 2. Come in late. (This does

no i apply to the male sex.) Come in late as often as your watch will let you. The Ia.ter the bigger your audience from the dorm windows will be. Come in late





··'kilow you had


·dat.:; Le< the

office girl know you had a date. Let's have a little excitement. Leave your name in the records. of the school. Viva the litLle hlac;, book.

Rule 3.





text books. Pore over your notebm>ks.





books. Pore. Be a model of industry. Freshmen inspire up[?,erclassmen. Upperclassmen, inspire the freshmen! Follow a schedule.





Like: a. 'Whenever there is no place to go. b. Whenever there is nothing else to do. c.




has gone someplace and you are absolutely the only one in the dorm. (This is the ll\roper atmosphere for study anyway.) d. Whenever you don't want to bull session, play hearts, go get a coke or sleep.. Other rules are now under con;''sideration. aub~ct

These,, however


to change without notifi-


end a PED to "that" man

First Pffc'.Vif.11 to die in this war was 2nd Lt. Jchn P. Heck whose pursuit plane crashed Tuesday, Sept. 15, at Mount Holly, New Jersey, Jack, brother of Dr. Frank Heck, formuly of \he history department, graduated in 1938. He was a membert of, "P" Club, Pi Gamma Mu, Y. W. C. A., band and orches~1a rnd was winner of the Peruvian Key, his senior year. He taught social science in Hamburg prior to his enlistment into the army air force. JRck married Margaret Lee Crawford o; Taber, Iowa, August Itz, fcllowinr; the com,ile:ion of his flight training at Kelly Field. He was then stationed at Philadelphia where he and Mrs. Heck were living at the time of the crash. Funeral services were held in Racine, Wis,, Saturda.y, Sept. 19.

Army calls Prof. Sweetland Prof. Paul C. Sweetland, recently commicsioned a Seccnd Lieutenant in the army, will report at Miami Bem:h, Florida, Oct. 1 for ciX weeks tDBinin['.', wbJ.cb will consist of general drill, courtesy and military sCience. Following this induction period, he will be sent to a code and cipher school at Morrison Field, West Palm Beach for extensive t:mining. Coming to Peru from Garden City, Kansas, last year, Prof. Swee;;land succeeded Prof. Clinton A. Sharp as mathematics and physics instructor. He has had charge of the ground course for Civilian Pilot trainees, having taught C. P. T. for three years wiihout a failure. F..ecently he has worked with the Navy Flight Cadets stationed here. Prof. Sweetland has been granted a leave of absence after Oct. 1. Dr. Theron Odlaug will then conduct the ground school.

Attention . • • Keep an eye on the bulletin baard by \he post office for de .. tailed announcements of Civil Service Examinations to oe posted regularly. The Civil Service Commission makes an appeal for more wc·rkers and points out that colleges have a major part in suoplying technically trained young men and women for the increasing war-service work.

Talent night ends Frosh events Before plunging into the routine cf classes, required readings and written compositions, freshmen students were rushed through two da.ys of special events planned for them by the P.S.T.C. faculty. Officially welcomed by Dean of Women, Mrs. Inice Dunning, and t\cting Dean of Men, Pres. W. R. Pate, Monday morning. They later took psychological and English examinations directed by Dr. P. A. Maxwell an! Dr. Arthur L. Bradford. P:·c~. G:~;:ic2 Tear, .~he class sponscr, advised the new studnts rm what to consider in choosing a major field in college and Prof. G. Holt Steck led the group singing. Monday night senior honor students, Ellen King and Mary Stev-

Marching band will spur Bobcats to victory "Trying to fit five foot girls into six foot uniforms is the main difficully confronting the marchi:i:; band this year," stated direct01· Victor H. Jindra, Wednesday, Sept 16. Mr. Jindra continued, "The band has uone far beyond my expectations and the spirit of the members is certainly to,is. Instrnmenta tion is g·ood and the band is clicking early in the season." There is no ini!ication in the band of a decrease in the college enrollment. Firty-five members

Oakley heads dorm cound;~ · Don't pack your new formal away in mothballs or lend your s'stex your dancing shoes--{hem will be a formal this :y1ear as al· ''.''cJ'S, La Vara Oakley, newly eleiected ::;irls dcrm council president has announced. Assisting officers elected at the meeting Thursday, Sept. 10 arc Rogene Ro&e, vice president, and Betty Berger, secretary. Other members are seniors, Vada Gubser, Lillian Havel, Jaen Hoagland and Audrey Zastera; juniors Lois Wagoner, Mal>el Newton, Jean Bonll and Christine Wilkinson. sophomores, Mary Mannschreck and Betty Kennedy. Two freshmen members will be elec'.ed Monday, Sept. 28.

Ten Naval flying cadets begin elementary training Ten Naval Aviation Cadets, potential officers of the Naval Air Corps, have been stationed at Peru for weliminary training, after which they will be transferred' to M<l"aga, califomia to complete training as flying ensigus. Dr. Theron Odlaug and Prof. sist mainly of physical conditionPaul c. Sweetland are in charge ing. This unit consists of: of the cadets' ground school instrucNeal Elmer Baker, Independence tion which is under supervision of Mo; Lee Berns, Kansas City, Mo.; the College. Their flight training comes Charles Edward Blackman, Stoner, through the services of M. L. Powell Mo.; Robert Harold Dawson, Cameron, Mo.; George Andrew Ernest, and M. R. Kenwood of the Municipal Airport. Richard Kingsolver has Kansas City; Kenneth Edwin Grang er, Kansas City; Ralph Eugene Mc charge of the code instruction and Intish, Kansas City; Lee Randol Gecrge Brown directs military manPine, Lathrop, Mo.; Harvey Johneuvers. Their training will include 240 son Ta.tman, Plat:e City, Mo.. Jay hours of ground school and a min- David Thomas, Kansas City. imum of 35 hours of flight trainFive Army .CPT students have ing. Up to date they have comp- fi'i1ished similiar training and are leted 40 hours of ground school in- waiting further orders. struction and four and one-half They are as follows: hours of flight instruction each. Silven Eugene Kosa, Omaha; Nor U,Jcn completion of this train- ris Hobadt Gerber, Nebraska City; ing they will be stationed at St. Frederick Ronald Witt, Nbraska Mary's University in Moraga for City; Marion Leo Brindley, Atlant,ic J1ree m:nths. During this three Iowa; Eldon Anton Kia.pal, Sarmonths their program will con- geant, Nebr.

will com:Jrise the ,marching· baml wl h larger per ce11t being fresh.Men. However, Mr. Jindra explained \ha,t a most cncnm·aging factcr was the fine "carry~over" or uppaclassman. D;lum majorett0 Bett~· Berg'er is directing the drilling with the assistance o{ Tony De Maro, wh0 also has ch8.rge of tlle music m~d in marching. Sept. 25, the football game a:: Doane will be the first ap.Jearance of the band and they also plan to 2.ttend the Wesleyan g·2,me in Lincoln, Nov. ~. Their first hcrc:e 8ppearance will be tile game Oc ..


\V2re hcstesses at a


back of the girls dcrm. "Mixing ga'11es" were played under the direction of Miss Phyllis Davidson of th2 physica,J education de-


Tu~oday the frechmen were infc, '~:~eel on hew to use the library and how to find oneseif on the campus. Honor student guides for the afternoon campus tours were Shirley Jimerson, Nina Kanel, l..il'.:an Havel, Drnnis Wehrmann, oncl. Domld Li.enem2:rn. LaVara Oa,Jdey and Mary M~.nnschreck wei.comeJ all new wcmcn Tuesday evening at the C:m:m. Chi µ:trty. Mrs. Ini.ce Lc.rming led grcup singing. A 2 flute trio con1)o::ed o~· Le~·:1ore L::escn. Betty I..::cnfr:d.::·. and ·i:n.ry ~:bU:y Jimerson pl'ayed "D:/::oe o[ the Reed Flutes" and "TJ.ree Blind Mi~s." Upperclass Ga.::cna Chi girls le:J fc1l: c.:ancing'. Guidance talks and discussions with heads al' depar~nirn s were Two boys and two girls will !1eld bef:~·c regi::~r2ti:·n, \Vednescheer-lead Peruvians on to victory day morning. this year, anounced Prof. Robert In the ever;ing fi'sshm:n preD. Moore, Thursday, Sept. 17. sented the annual Talent Night They are Freddie Drexler, Mary program arranged by Prof. F..obBelle Dougherty, Pat Hill and ert T. Benford. M~bel Hechler o~ Milton Schultz. Tryouts were held Troy, Mi:':souri, played a violin Monday, Sept. 14, in the college solo, "Gy.Jsy Dance" by Ernst. A auditorium. baritone horn solo, "Stardust" by Carmichael, was played by Lawrence Good of Peru. A vocal trio composed cf Mabel Bechler, Reb2,nis Frankforter and M1Tian Deck, sang Mendelsschn's "Lift Thine Eyes." Patricia Hill, Peru violinist, Under the superintendence of Mr. played "Ah! Sweet Mystery o~ S. L. Clements, classes began Life" by Herbert. St;-auss' "ConThursds,y, September 10, in the certo" for French horn was plo.y~d senicr high school and Monday, by Arthur Clements, Peru. F..ebanSep'.ember 14, in junior high school is Frankforter, Tobiaz, read the and elementary grades. "Treasurer's Report." Una May Mr. L. B. Mathews, principal reLeech, Bratton Union, played a ports that the enrollment in the flute solo, "Hungarian Pastoral senior high school is eighty-two Fantasia" by Dappler, and Janice and Junior high school enrollSlagle. Fails City cellist, played ment, announces Miss Ruth G. Squire's "T•aranteUa." Brandt, is sixty-two. Enrollment in the lower grades totals eighty-seven and in the kinergarten, fifteen.

Quartet to lead Peru pep

Back to books for 246 trainers

Perusingers plan more home concerts

Dr. Wiggam heads budget schedule

Despite the 9,ifficulty of securing entertainment be· "Activities of the chorus will cause of war conditons, the center primarily around the home budget committee has plancampus," G. Holt Steck, director, ned a number of interesting revealed Tuesday, S®t. 15. Since events. the rationing of tires and gasoline Dr. Albert Edward Wig. off-campus trips will be a problem. gam, author of the syndicaAbout 50 members reported for ted column, "Let's Explore the rehearsals on Monday at 2 Your Mind," will lecture at p. m., Wednesday at 9 a. m' and the first budget event someThursday· at 3 p. m. Forty per time in October. cent of the members are upperclassmen. When queried for comments "Pop" Steck stated, "We are hoping for the best, preparing for worst and keeping the dish12s washed."

other programs still unannounced include an appearance of the Howell mass Blowers in November, '" performance by the Peru Dramatic Club in December and the Amba.ssador Quartette in Jan~ uary.

Editings. .. A new flag is. flying on the campus and there is a new spirit of war consciousness among the student body as the school year opens· Realizing it is "back to the front" and "report for active duty" for dozens of former Peruvians, those on C'.!mpus now resolve to knuckle down and keep the home front at P.S.T.C.

Greetings... Once upon a time there were some guys and some gals who packed their bags, dropped in on Peru, took a morning full of tests, tried their hand at the noble art of room decoration, discoverd paths leacling to the cafeteria, Campus Shop, Hill store and even .he Ad building-and emerged one Thursday morning to attend first classe·s as P.S.T.C. freshmen. To these guys and these gals we say welcome, thrice welcome· Fear not, the troublesome days of homesickness, scrambled sche·dules, forgotten names and forgotten assignments shall soon end. Even the board meetings shall pa% away! Soon you too will learn to beat the professor to your ei.&ht o'clock dawn patrol, face a faculty receiving line with nonchalance and without flinching, mix cokes and coffee to keep you'aWake while you meet a class deadline and to dash the last mile to the girl's dorm-and make it before the office {(irl locks up.

Pale blue and white. .. Maybe you aren't a freshman who is learning the Color Song the hard way-maybe you're an upperclassman who's never seen the words and doesn't know them. But whether you're wearing the colors on the footfall field, or marching ;n blue and white uniform in the band, or just yelling in the cheering section at a game until you're hoarse, the color song is your song. In the cafeteria on the day of the game, at before-the· game rallies, or when the crowd rises to its feet as a Peru m::m carries the ball across the line for a touchdown and the band swings into the Color Song, you'll want to be able to sing it-here it is: Fling abroad our college colors To the free Nebraska breeze, Blending heaven's own white and azure With the soft green of the trees! While our loyal hearts and voices With pride and joy unite, As we sing Peru's devotion To the pale blue and the white.

Announcing. .. The first PED-and announcements are in order· Nina Kane!, our editorial better half, has been ap· pointed to a regional Y.W· office and turns from co-editing to the bigger job of planning an Estes conference. Marjorie Prine takes over as assistant editor-filling a place that's been waiting for her since her super job o~ reporting for ,the Summer PED. Bill Rachow turns in Ped copy for the first time as editor of the .sports page-a job that's tough but not too tough for Rachow and his assistants. Veterans Rogene Rose and Alice Ann Cleaveland do the copy writing with newcomers Bette Scott and Betty Berger hdping out Audrey Zastera lends a hand to proofreading and tvrn hands pinch-hitting as typist when need there is·

Alumni trail Dzar Hazel, Everybody's teaching this year seems like. CECIL RAWSON and GLEN SHEELY are both at Nebraska City. DOROTHY ANN COATNEY who was the pride of the art dept. is at Casper, Wyoming arid her kid siste"r Lcr2Ee is :1: the capitr,l city. Cther te3chc~:s--R.IT1;. R-USGF·:__. Sheldon, L;~va· ~~nd HOLLIS e::.:.kLn, ColoEt·TCI{LNSOI\~ H.CBEJ_.r.2 .S~Yn:~·~~ Js c:c1rn }(ans:.s a.t Ai.chis0;:_ ?:~, f:~·t :J.l'DU11:~., ds-;~\, i::'l_i;y'? ~.ome clc::;::::r hen:.:.'.. \VILLIS LFDE·TGTON and JOYCE STX""K.

Freshman ' swats" back

First casualty of the pres· ent seme·ster was reported by terrified freshmen sometime between the hours of twelve and twelve Friday, Septem· ber 11. His name, accordin!!, to one of these afore-mentioned freshmen was Horatio. Others rumcured this rumom to be incorrect and suggested in reality he was Pedro, Nio)opolus and other such. Sbartled mot01is:s, who encounte;-ed his mangled' body in the middle of the campus Michigan boulevard called him ether things but witnesses will not testify as to the exact wards. The body· was nnally removed from the street-but was evidently not destined to rest in peace but in pieces for later it was found in an evident sta.te of decomposition on the steps leading up to the girls dorm. The head was in ,a peculiar attitude according to witnesses, being found hanging over without any visible means of support. A leg in similar condition was said to have been found at the bottom step. Witnesses swore by their honor as boy scou's that Horatio died with his overshoes on, but authorities have been unable to find them. His funeral. will be held as soon as the rubber hoarder returns the boots taken from said Horatio, Pedro and <>ther such.


surn:m,er. n:Cl"? we::cliYlg.~,-?vIE. 7»'1:S.S. VIRGIL A. \VIXDELS



FLOYD and HOPE were married

This year as a fresh crop of students arrived to form the backbone of the college, they who defamed Peru the preceding years, began to compare themselves with the unspoiled, virile youngsters, who will soon vie them for both college honors and ·amorous 1attention. Knowi!ng fully their own incapacities and failings it is not unusual that they should develop 'an inferiority complex an:i at'empt to limit our talents by handicap .Jing· us in various w~:'s. To a certain degree they ~,r~ successful. How rm a ger 1< men turn around to a5mire Peru's pretty girls if he has a bill board over shoulder? Also, how io he to keep his own clothes and shoes in order if he has to play nurse-maid to a bunch of overgrown babies? But we forgive them because tl1ey must compensate for their ment-o.l inferiority some way. f A people born and bred to the traditions of justice and democracy do n-0t readily submit to tyranny Thus it ls not strange that there are many among our glorious cla&~ who refuse to be intil!lldated. For these there are "Board Meetings." Have ~u ever been t-0 a ''Board Meeting?" That's where freshmen buy dates at fifty swats per head. These formal occasions are presided over by one, a judge, chosen for his diabolical talents lu arts of Inquisition. The other poor de-

Six new members join college faculty Five new instructors, four of whom are· former Peruvians, have joined the faculty this fall. lVIiss Mary L Strickland, Greeley, Colorado, replaces Clinton H. Sharp, assistant professor ot physioal science, who is in the service of the federal government. Miss Strickland received her schooling at the Colorado St1te A. and M. College, Ft. Collins, Colorado; Colorado State College of Education, Greeley and the College a.t Denver, where she was an assistant. Questionned about her teacl>ing. she said, "I find very little difference between high school and ccllege students." Replacing Miss Francis Harvey, who is in government service, is Mios Laurella A. Toft, assistant prcfcssor of education and supervirnr of junior high schdol history and social scimce. Miss Toft was graduated from Peru in the spring of 1942. She at'ended school at the Milwaukee State Teachers College, Milwaukee Wis., University of Southern California. Los Angeles and the University of Nebraska. She taught fifth grade in Fallon, Nevada, for 15 years. Miss Eula Redenbaugh, acting assistant. librarian, exclaimed tha' it was like coming home to be on the Peru campus again. In 1940 mid for the pa~t two years has been a commeree teacher at Tobias. Nebraskfl-. Jack Mcintyre, former Penivian athle: ic star who received his

• • •

BARBARA DRESSLER, MARY EORTON and NANCY ELLEN JONES who is MRS. LEROY P?DFERN since last Friday, are all teaching· at Brock. 2p ;ldng of the wedding, GRACE MUENCHAU was back to bridesr.·. 2,id tl: c ceremony and to report en JODY GOOD and JOE LITTE(ZT..I/S inarriage in California 1'

Horatio meets his driom

in August and they visited on campus first week of school. Saw' BOB WILLLA.MS at the college mixer last night-he's waiting his service call. I"T. WIL· BURT KOHRS on his way \o Texas and ENSIGN HENRY KELLOGG st2,tioned at Key West also visi: their Alma Mater this week.


Rumour has it DORIS CARNAEAN rna:; be at P.S.T.C. c0me Iion12con1ing· til~1c. Shs 's wiLh the T.V.A. in Tennessee and th8,t's :;uit~ o. trip back. 1,orraine.


mented upper classmen swell th concave chests and glare at freshmen, egotistically contemp ting the terror which they imagin' they are instilling in freshme hearts. The freshmen, in turn, a thinking what ugly, grnesome ere tures their elders are. It is at time ihat many of the. more for ~·il~ng realize why it is necessa for the upperclassmen to forbi cia 'es to freshies. It is plain t c:cgcnera: ~ 3nirr1als can stand competition frcm the inlellige masculin~ gentlemen whom th are va.inly attempting to suppre After the meejng has been ca led to order by ·he judge, tl freshmen raise their clear, mel ious voices in a painiul renditio of the school color song. As eac freshmen learned the melody fro his "favorite" upperclasman an as ninety per cent of those educa ted idiots ca.nit even sing t consecutive notes correctly, yo can imagine the disharmony wit which our color song is rendere But ignorance is bliss and o t0rmentors unscathed by the dis cordant notes, cry for more. Further proceedings must be o mitted as I can't bear the though of placing on paper the spectacle of sadistic brutes laying pulverizing blows on the ana.tomy of our glorious martyrs. To sum w,> our views on .th degrading demcnsirntions, I can onl;r say, "Just wait until I'm an


,-hree professors now in uniform

degree in 1941, succeeds Arthur

Jones :J..s z.ssistsnt p:-:f::sscr of physical educa'.ion. For the p1st year h3 was coach in Auburn higl1 school. "I' s2ems that I'm back heme for the first time since I left Peru,'' stated Steve Gaines, assistant pl'ofessor. of industrial arts and Training school coach. An alumus of bo:h Pern high School and college. he r2ceived his degree in 1934. Mr. and Mrs. Gaines and their four children moved to Peru '.rom Fremon', where he taught in t.he high school last year.

Delzell men adopt constitution Delzell Hall men uwmi.mllim;ly adopted a consliitution a.t a ho:iire meeting, i\'Ionclay evening, A council of fourteen . memb>eri was chosen. Representing the classes are Reuben Fanders and Bob McA!exander, senio:s, Bob Jarr:,es and Bill Rachow, Jun1crs, Percy SChmelzer and Donald Cacek sophomores and Al!~n Powers and Bud Brown, freshmen. Two men from each fkcor were ? lso elected to the council. They are: Harold Jenkins and :\[eriin Broers, first, Buzz Byeio and Keith Roberts. s~cond Lowell Faust and Whiz White. 'hi:·d. 0'ficers of the council will be ed at. a future meeting.

Active anny duty has called three faculty members. Lieut. Harvey, Caii>tain John A. Jimerson, an! Major A. L. Hill are on leave of absence and are stationed a training centers. Lieut. Harvey, who was his supervisor in the junior high re cent!y received her commiss in the W. A. A. C. and has been assigned to Platoon duty at Ft. Des Moines, Iowa. Lea\ling his position as Dea of Men last spring, Captain Jimerson is now an instructor in the San Antonio Aviation Cadet Cen-. ter A. T. S .. San Antonio, Tex. Major A. L. Hill. former hea the ms.thfmatics dept., who ha

befn on leave for a year, is in strnct~ng

at Lowry Field, Denver Color::ido, in Chemical Engineer snd Chemical Warfare.

Man-power increases in "42 enrollments No longer can home to Mother, ways wanted to school." There is almost an equal en rcilment of men and wornen, an Ddzell Hall is full for the fir tme :n iti; histor)'. At last Pe l: out of '.he customary groove. Freshm0n and Upcierclassm nearly the same, o.s t fresil1rnn class is the same s·

Published Weekly b.v Tire Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska. as Seco Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy Sc Editor ..................................... , Ellen Ki A~sistant Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marjorie Pri Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Racho Copy W~iters Rogene Rose, Alice Ann Cleavelan Bette Jean Scott, Betty Berg Proofreader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audrey Zaste Reporters: Virgie Lee Johnson, Billy Woods, Safranek, Lydia Vosicky, Lois Norton, Melv Rothmiller, Keith Albers, William Crame Christine 'Vilkinson.

SPORTS of '42 '43 The Bobcats

Hobcats declare open season on Tigers at Doane, Friday

Bill Rachow

Mclntirn to aid Wheeler

Willard Redfern Cecil Johnson

lUl State Center am! '40 lettcr-man,

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, September 22, 1942

Jack Mclntir·e


rniurns as assistant. coach, replacing Art Jones, now in Red Cross work.

lttens entertain Talmage Friday night


The schedule: Septemer 25-Talmage October 2-Nebraska City October 9-at Tecumseh October 16-Weeping Water October 25-Table Rock November 6-Nemaha. November 11-at Rockport

eading the Prepsters a' tack this r will be senior fullback Vern tton. "Cot," a triple threater, ould be one· of the top ranking !backs in the state this year if ankle holds up. The probable sta;r'.ing line-up r Friday's game will be: Eldon incehelsor and Eugene Henning ends; Leland :Sl~nk~nship 8,nd old Knople at tackles; Gerald layburn and Mark Collins at ards; and Wa.yne Cotton at th·: lvot position. The backfield will bably be composed of Marvin wn, Gordon Palmer, Paul Ogg d Vern Cotton.

being Hi~·h

Jones leaves Peru for Red Cross Coach Arthur Jones has been granted a leave of absence from his coaching du'.ies at · Peru to tak~ a pc"ition in the personnel department of the American Red

Cross. Leaving early last summer, he received training at St. Louis ar..d Wsshirtgton D. C. ·Jones' is now s~ationed at Sheppard Field, Wichita Falls, Texas.

Looking down a rugged forward wall one finds nearly a complete veteran line. At left end is "Whiz" White, six foot, four inch pass catching specialist. With two years of experience under his belt, Whiz should be one man to wa'ch. At left tackle one finds two li::ttern:ei1 with two years of experience, Bill R~chow and Red Hines. As it is a toss up between the tw<l as to .who will get the starting assignment, there will be little to worry about at this position. At center ·are twc other returning letter winners: Art Ronhovde, second team all state selection last year who is running true to last season's form and Bob Oakman, who is ready to step in and take over when the opportunity affords. Back at left guard is rough and ready Butch Roberts, who likes it when the going is tough. Butch is a Sonier with three years of experience. Percy Schmeltzer n ;·ight en::, pri.ze freshman fil:d of last year. is one of the two sophomore iftter winners on the "quad and is ready to take over where he left cu last ssason At right tackle fa the other sophomore, "Lil Abner" Yokum, six foot, four football player who is "kinda" handy to have around. Irt th3 ba.ckfic'd are such returning vet2rair; :i.s

is easy-

go;:ig lad of 190 pounds. Bill wculd rather smell the flowerE, but u1~dor the proper iniuce1c2c's b~

turned into a terrcr






Twelve lettermen return; prospects bright

pcrtunities of fine blocking offered in the. conventional game. Pe1-r.y is jus: uder slX feet and weighs 165 pounds.



successful year.

Percy Smeltzer reecived his start in football, a Ha,ys Center, Nebraska, where he pll!J'ed end 0'1 the six man football team. Playing here last year as a freshman, he lettered :;,t end vooition. He lfaes the in trio. te plays and op-



Iii 1941-42 he coached Anburn

ntroducing the Bobcats

HBocko'i Rachoi.\'. a. genlle


letic awards the distinction of\

Coach Gaines made no statement about the coming season but said he would be able to tell more about his team on Thanksgiving Day.

u will get its first look at the e Bobcats" Friday night when go up against an altough Talmage eleven. Prep's ces of duplica'.l.ng last year's record of five wins, one tie one set-back, are slight, the trouble being lack of reserve er. The line seems to be the worry with three first year on the probable sta.rting line-


earned in addition to 10 ath-


Peru girls know Butch Roberts

a.S rhJ.t handsome bJy with the darling, black curly hair, but his cpponents on the foo~ball field can see him only as a hard hitting 185 pound guard w'.10 nukes himo:tlf felt. A senior now, Roberts c:uue to Peru the second semes-

ter of ht.s Fresi:.m.an year fron1 Nebrask2, University, and has lett.er<:.~d guard eve\·~· se1-1son since lien. In high sch col Bu ch played quz ri"r:rb~·ck hi:; sophon-x-r·"' year, b;.L p'.a~:.~cl \vif·.h tht· bj.~· boys i~1

the line the following ye~.r. where ::12 110.s :·ern:tin:;d c,-c· since.


40 men report for grid practice Head Coach Al Wheeler and Assistant Coach Jack Mcintire met and checked cu'. un'.±'crms and equipment to 30 some grid-aspirants Sunday, Sept. 6. Heading· the iist were 12 returning lettermen. Around these t.welve Coach 'Wneeler plans to mold his 1942 football team. Practice started Monday morning. Since then there have been daily workouts with the exception of last Monday when there was held a double practice. The Climax of the week's work was a full game scrim;1:agc on s~ turclJy morning. In this scrimm(!ge the lack cf good timing, poor blocking and tackling was clearly shown. Now with the first game only a. few days away and another week of prB.ctice gone by, the team has ;;hown much improvement aJJd IVil! .probably be in top condition.


Hutton; All State wingback, So;ihomore t1iple threater, We~del Handley and Senior Don Stark hard driving fullback, with scnio; George Atwcod to do the mop.Jing up a.t tl1e blocking hack position. Gene .witl: l:~st ye::n· 1s tezm are Maurk.; Linder, iert guard, Bulldog Smith, right end, Stub Calian and Red Dean, qrnt!terbacts. Bobby Hrndsrson tailbdck and . 'Pinky Yeung, fullback. But locking over the squad there are many new faces who are planning on making hot competition for all po3ts. Swede Osterthun a transfer from the ·university has sort of taken over at lef.t guard. Bud Brown is also in there at right guard looking plenty classy. Diz Ulmer a.t right end, Marvin Young · at fullback, Richard Hutton at wingback, Bob Brown a.t tailback, Max Burroughs at guard, Pete Wiiliams nt left end, young "Cowboy" Linder <:~t guard I::ee snd Bill Hy::n


:YicbJocki.ng back are all new rcen tbat will ns'.::d

be wa:,ch:~d.


Schedule ... ':'Sept. '''Oct. '''Oct. Oct.

25 Doane at Crete

2 MIDLAND 9 Kearney at Keame't'


(Homecoming) Oci. 23 Open Oct. 31 Wayne at Wayne ':'iifov. 6 Wesleyan at Lincoln. :'Nov. 13 TARKIO '''Nov. 20 HP.STINGS (*Night Games) ~




...... ,......, ............




Ladies Welcome at All Times FOODS

M. G. Heuer, Owner

You're Always Welcome at-



ENUE STORE "The Handy Place to Trade" Opposite the Training School

SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND NOTIONS Delicious Pastries Daily Hot Coffee Chocolate and Sandwiches Ice Cream Cold Drinks Soda Fountain Service Fresh Fruit and Picnic Eats Hot and Cold Lunches IT IS OUR PLEASURE TO KNOW AND SERVE YOU



iirst bGptism under fire :hey will an ,:r:;bably blossom into top nstch players.


Football, the King of Sports, reigns again as anotbjer season cpsns with the Bobcats of Peru invading the Lair of the Doane« Tigers. This game opens the sea· son for both teams and will na• Lt:raliy be a great contest. Doa.ne, always a strong comen· der in the Church School con· fcrence, will be out trying to even up the last three setbacks in a. rcw at the ha.nds of the tearing,. driving Bobcats. Losing 20-6 in 1939, they came back wi~h a good: te<:m, built around Marshall Nef· hart, but the Mcintire-led men,, with Callan, Mather, and Lantz:· carrying the scoring punch de• feated the Tigers 20-6 again. The 1941 ba.ttle was all Doane'S'' the first three minutes, by their dva.wing first blood on a blocked: punt. This seemed to be the need,. ed stimulant for it was then that. the Bobcats got to rolling witll: triple threat Henderson, HuttOlll' and Sta;rk tearing the Tigers tlY pieces. The final gun found tht' Bobcats on tbp 33-7. Doane puts a great team on thf' field again this y€ar but as their' squad is smaller than previoUf• years, they will probably be lack• ing in reserves. Peru's squad ~ also smaller but there are manyt freshmen to 1 .., plug up the holes: left by gradu.. -~n. The Bobcats; after a mediocre 1941 season areal! primed to make it an~ther straight win, and perhaps th6' winning of this game wc;:.ld'.i . prove the necessary stimulant for· a very successful season.

Phone 78

Peru, Nebr.

INight shift . .. . Some~hing

new has been added to the third finger, left hand of

Doreen Meier, Jean Hoagland and Harriett Maxwell .... From now ,.m

it looks as if the No Rata Data sorority is g0ing to pass into oblivion, what with a.n almost equal number of men on the campus ... Handle? starts out early-he a1reiady has a freshman girl occupied every night. Faust seems to have plenty of magnetism attracting two freshman girls-bloncle and brunette. Nothing like variety ... "Bud" Brown is tearing dates off his calendar, while Lydia stands at th<e other end v~itot'

of the 1phone saying "But, i d<>!" '. •• "Butch" .was a Hamburg

Repeating twosomes on campus are Rogene and Rachow, Rlley and Jenkins, Oakley and MacAlexander, Ellen and Reuben, Scotty and Ab, Doreen and Whiz, Jimerson and Red, Kennedy anu Hunzeker, Weiler and Buzz, Alice Ann and Wally, Evie and George ... Lonely onesomes ar.e-Locke, Virgie Lee, Livingston, Ronhovde, i

.. ~

Ste1:P.P,ens<>n and McArdle ooth are wearing Wings. "Steve" sports

a flyer here, too ... We all miss our "assistant 1dean .of men"-Bing • . . Greatly admired is Al. Power's super-attractive \)ledicure. For your Fritz McKee suffers at board meetings for his attraction to Vada . . . What girl has her picture on .two dressers in Delzell Hall? ... Cutest Freshman sign: "Beat Doane-not me" ... Rohrs ought to be happy this year since his girl is now a coed ... Can anybody do the La Conga? Speaking of the Mixer-Miss Tear's tie contribution

was a sultry hino to all you freshmen ... Edit01's Note-the "Ped" office definiteiy will not have curtains this year ... They're trying to beat the priorities on firecrackers at Delzell Hall-they've already ·placed their orders ... Latest ~lace for wa.termelon feeds is the ba.lcony over Eliza Morgan porch ... New couple seen picnicing is Epley a.nd her Wentworth


be starting a. spark . . . Ninai

has cha.nged men in mid-stream .•• Little Linder has inherited cowboy's nicknames. Too bad Gerry isn't back ... Donna Lee was down Wednesday night and plans to be back .to school the second semester ... Oakie finally picked his freshman girl. .. Johnny Lawrence and Jean Graves are hitting· the high spots ... The Bergers can save


tires this year ... If all the week-en(di

dances are so big as the one last Friday, we'll ha.'l'\e to have them in the gym. How a.bout it? ... Ox started out right, getting a. special award tne second week of his college career, plus fifty swats ... These short hajrcuts make the fellows look frightened ... Ethel


the flyer from Cameron


interesting ... Why

hasn't there been a serenade? ... Balcony plus bucket equals food ... Rachow for May Queen ... Conspicuous for their absence are the blanquets ... Cafe Cooking has improved since Bake's doing it ... the Night Shift's. ended-it's time to study ...

Havel to manage '43 Peruvian Reuben Fanders, editor of the 'Peruvian, has a.1mounced his sta.ff Jor the 1943 edi,ion. Lillian Ha.vel, who was to be llSSista.nt editor, will mana.ge the business as Tod Hubbell is a.waiting call for a.rmy services. Edicorial assiscants are: Mary .Stevenwn, arc editcr; Ralph .Locke, cports editor; Walter Mar.shall, photograher; Allen Powers, Msisbant phDtographer; Audr.ey Zastera, Evelyn Rogers and Virgie Lee Johnson, copy writers; and Fhyllis Delong, typist. Aiding the business manager si.re Harriet Maxwell, secretary; Verona Oetkin, bookkeeper; and ji"reddie Drexler and Tony De)4aro, salesmen. Results of the pledges taken at 4.l()nvoo.ation F.rida,y showed that 212 persons wish to buy Peruvians and that only nineteen do not jntend to do so. This ballot ex,eluded the training school and ;fuose not in a.ttendance at con-, 'Vocation. "Peruvian finds that it may nob ;bave to cut its contract this year due to lhe wonderful cooperation," commented Reuben. "Our job is to convince nineteen stupents to buy a Peruvian."

Our fighting men are doing their sha.re. Here at home the least we can do is put 10% of our income in War Bonds for our share in America.

to that

"J oily is the miller boy who l're!!I by the milL Pertnians skip and dance lo med their fellow Bill. Miss Tear sends the neckties and 1Vheeler sh(}ots Ste<Jk. The ladies step forward, and the gents step back. '


Fclk dancing 2.nd novelty stunts in the task of m~ king a "creamy" evening for students and faculty •at the mixer in the gymnasium "bJwl" Thursday, Sept.ember 17. Heub2n Panders v:as ~he "electrical energy" in "mastering" of ceremcnies. Miss Phyllis Da.vidron acted 8s the "chef" who supervised the Square Dance and "Jolly is the Miller Boy," while Mr. V. H. Jindra and Philip Hoyt fiddling, and Mrs. R. T. Benford, at the

information the shade is ox-blood red ...

transfer . . . Percy and Irene seem


v.,ae the "spices" added to help

last week end...

Tony, Larson ...

Student folk dance and Conga at mixer

Y.M. plans program at watermellon feed Twenty men attended the water melon feast given by the Y. M. C. Af at Neal Park, Tuesday evening, Sei)~ember 15. Self-introductions and eJqiression of )deas concerning the expectations of the Y. M. C. A. were h;:ard. The cabinet discussed organzation plans a.t a meeting, Wednesday, Sept. 9th. Directing the year's wok a.re Richard Monroe, president. Don Cacek, vice president. William Hosenya.ger, secretary; Billy Woods, treasure:· Milton Schulz, devotional leader and Prof. L. B. Mathews and Ernest E. Brod, faculty sponsors.

Kanel describes ~stes summer Riding over Trail Ridge at sunset, photographing mountain scenery, a Fourth of July bonfire and seminar sessions under Dr. E. L. Walker of the University of Colorado were highlights of a summer in Estes which Nina Kane! discussed at the first meeting of Kappa Delta Pi Monday, Sept. 21. One of sixty students representing forty col1ege in nine different states, Nina worked at the Association Camp in Estes dilling the summer. Following Nina's talk, Dr. Maxwell led group singing. Prospective members of Kappa Delta Pi were guests at the meeting.

Pres. Pate speaks to students Si.ressing the neecl for college civilian life, President W. R. Pate delivered his annual welcome to m:w stl:dents a. convocation, Friday, September 11. T::~ :h2me of hiz speech was accented with this poem: "I vn:tched them tearing a building down, A gang cf n:rn in a. busy town. with a ho-heave-ho and lusty yell They swung a beam, and the side wall fell. I asked the foreman "Are these m.sn skilled, And the men you'd hire if you had to build?" He gave a laugh and said, "No, indeed! Just common hbor is all I need. I csn easily wr2ck in a day or two What bui1d2rs have taken a year tJ c10." And I thought to myself as I went on my way, Which cf these roles have I tried to pla.y? Am I builder who worl;s with care :\1:casur!ng life b:.• the rule and

square? Am I shaping my deeds to a wellmade plan, Patiently dcing the best I can? Or am I a wrecker, who walks the town Content wi'.h the labor of tearing down?"

Thorson reads war release "Beyond the war lies the peace," Dr. Winston B. Thorson told the ccnvoca(ion auc:ience Friday, Sept. 18, rea.ding frnm an Office of War Information relea.se entitled "Why We Fight." The pamphlq~ discusses the Four Freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religi@, freedom from want and freedom from fear, declaring that the United Nations are fighting to preserve this heritage and to build a world in which it may be realized. 'The Four Freedoms," Dr. Thorson quoted, "belong to a.ll the ear•. h and to all men everywhere .... Life is change .... and we adjust to a world in motion, confident that as long as the love of freedom shows in the eyes of men, it will show also in their deeds." Dr. Thorson concluded with the words o.f President Roosevelt, "The belief in the four freedoms of common humani:y ... .is the crucial difference between ourselves a:nd the enemies we face today ... Here is our strength, the source and promise of victory." Dr. Thcrson, as chairman of the Convocation Committee, asked his audience for suggestions in r~prd to future convocation pr0grams.


Jea Boid elected new Y~ W. tmawrer

School Supplies FOCNTAIN PENS GREETING CARDS Full line Hall :Vlark Greeting Cards





Btmd W'llS cioot«i t~ ~ Y. w. c. A. replacing E'r~~

tiancy, who has accepl.<'!d t;.. ing position. The group discu:ad the Y should play m ~ year oulling a gen:m;;I i he year's work. Regular cabinet mt~ scheduled for SUndar breakfasts.




JEWEi.RV where your money buys more



Students! Teachers!



You Can Open a PAYC Checkint: Account at the--

Bank of Peru This senice is tailored to your requirments to re· duce check charges and exchange expense· Come visit with us about it. You'll find this a friendly bank.







; =

: :

Hinds Honey & Almond Cream .... $1.00 size 49c Dr. West waterproof Tooth Brush .... special 25c St. Regis Kleening Tissues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 25c Shavami Shave Croom with Blades, 75c value 39c Calox Tooth Powder ................ 30c size 25c Sal Hepatica .................. '. .. . .. 60c size 49c Alka Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60c size 49c Clix Razor Blades . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. 25 for 25c Ingraham, Wrist Watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . special $2.98 Duffie Bags for the Soldier or Sailor . . . . . . . . 89c B Complex Vitamin Tab lets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 98c Films Developed .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 25c

: :

-FULL LINE OF NEW STYLE PIPESDr· Grabow • Medico • Yellobowl - Kaywoodie



Hill's Drug Store


: : : : : : • : : JI




Presciptfon ·Druggist


: :

= : : m

= : l'l

: :

= II

Phone 9

• =


-WELCOM~Faculty and Students-we are glad to welcome you to Peru and wish you a good year. We will be glad to have you call on us for your Groceries and Dry Goods. We have Free Delivery.


twenty-ninthg of September, almost th of school has gone to er months of school go. Maymebody should write a treaon where months of school go -or maybe they shouldn't. the Coach says, they ha.ve two

aking of chances, chances that the frigid weather comup may nip the flies in their able parts a;nd that's something ook forw.,aa-d to. Somebody forto teach librarians the corapproach to ;;wat .ing; flies the little dive bombers s~em have found thc:ir hap,iy huntground right \.here. They've :en rn tame they'll walk right wn your pen, dip their little dain .ily in the ink on the and then :ldd their two worth to the confusion of alr·eady taken ... Speaking of con:lusinn, there was cnty wher.. Ox and Tony pulle1l

ir little demonsimtion ThursY in front of the gym and every ody. Deliigfa.flll to watch, there's •ill.er tly a catch in it. Anyway, 's




bag ...

S.Jeaking of ways, wish someone of a way for two to see as well as one. Three on a ma ch may bring bad luck but two on a study lamp may bring ll!lything from a warped p2rsonAlity to well, anything. Never saw study lamp yet that could serve o masters. Dieticians note: Vitamin A will cure night blindness ...


Fox beats Redfern in second .frosh election Bob Fox assumed the presidency of the freshman class Monday, Fox-Bill Redfern tie which resulted from ihe Sept. 14 election.

Vice president Powers is a "buckeye" from Oberlin, Ohio. He captained football and basketball as a junior and senior in higl1 school, won honor-able men.ion on the "all Ohio" football ar;d basketball teams and also won the Clevelm:d punting championship. Also interes.ed in photography, Al is assictant 1ihotographer on the Peruvian staff. Secretary Mary Belle Dougherty is :l gradua'.e of Brock, likes to pl8.y snare drum in the band and will led Peru pep as a cheerleader. Treasurer Bud Bro'lvn lettered in Auburn basketball. football and track. He ·combines ::!rtbletics ~.~d music, sang · in chorus a.nd glee club in high school and play eel saxcphoJCe in H1e Peru Dance B~nd.






mastennind:s ~.;r.~erc having a time

. tryieg to picl;: O\L which of the -,11ew campus sho) records to try first. Quite trying. Pretty sweet is Jean Merrill's "vVonder When ·My Baby's Ocming Home" ;a,nd plenty hot is Abe Lyman's "Ame..1." Gals in the dorm are gecg too, too cynical going around ging "A two-faced woman and jea1ous man is J1e cause of trouble ce the world began" with all 'ming in on the "amens." Anyhe change of records makes llie's mama happy-she's glad at "jingle bsll" piece is gone. 'idently the campus fellas were lstering their resistance with e I-g·ot-spurs chant ...

Ei?eaking of changes, don't be mL'>ed up about the Home. g play. Professor l\Ioore did ally cast a li'..tle ,d!.iama _ "Gaslight"_ but priorities defensical but Hollywoodical) him to the playb~q)ts. Conntly, the "Gasligh is outi d "Night Must Fall" •. Speaking of night, yl roomwill love you if ·ou tell upperclass fella : nit her with an underclf : '.ella of freshman variety the night been prwed ... Speaking of "for," some of the n still want to know what orange girders are for_. Unately, nobody can .tell 'em ctly. Fortunately, the freshman who came to Peru late at t, rose early the next mornand ran to the IVindow for first scan of the campus and in'o hysterics when she saw girders leering· at her, has back out and is now quite ophicaI a.bout it all.

Homecoming plans "Coming right up"

Sept. 21, when class members gathered to vote again and break the Bob Bob, who was also elected by the class to the Student Advisory Board, was ft high school letterman and is trying hfa luck at ccllege football in P.S.T.C. colors this year. As for outside in'.erests, he likes photography best. Fox will be assisted by officers Al Powers, Mary Belle Dougherty, ar.d Bud Brown, all elected at the Sept. 14 election.

Start senclirg those letters to all your friends, relatives and even your enemies who are former Peruvians. Tell them to beg or steal a car, a plane or a horse and come Jiack to Peru for the ci.ghteenth

Rain-soaked band sees Bobcats win Band l:!us-staTt ~oading-"All ·42 of us go in lhere?"-heavy dew -Doane bound-rarin' to wLness an:l assist the Doane Tiger barbecue. "Combination" seats-two bench ends a;;cl several inches of nothing-super "luxury" seats-straight backed bench lined with blankets -"move over, wi!l you!" Within in one curve of Doanes'. oppcd-myste;·~~the troubkwlution-no gas-remedy-two band .members equal hitchhikers-gas st::t'io•: not too far away ... Doane-get ready to drill-uniforn'.s-plumes straight-instruments tuned-rain-more rainout of uniform and back to civilian clothes-on agDin-off againWater soaked bleachers-"Going to sit in reserved seats?"bacic foundation of newspapersblankets-ccats, gloves and e8.rmuffsTo:~y directs-snappy marcheskeep 'em cheering-a.pple cor2s"\Vho made the touchodwn?"~ 6-0 score-victoryBack to carnp~m-"Wl:lat time is i'?-Who won?-We did!"

ammal homr

· to be held Saturday, Oct. 17.

Leading off the special week will be the pre-homecoming football rally at 7:0·9 Friday, Oct. 16. After the usual P€1Jl demonslration a rally dance will be held in the calloge gym for all students, alumni and faculty members.

Tony to boss

advisory council Tony De1"faro wlll preside over Student Advisory Cour cil this ye:u· as the result of a Council clcdicn Wed11esd9,y, Sept. 23.

Other officers elec'.ed at the meet ing a.re Willard Hunzeker, vfoe .. presidnt am1 !Leonore Larson, secretary and treasurer.

Perusingers plan Sunday musicales l'.erusingers will appear at the first of a series of Sunday afternoon concerts Oct. 25, :lccordfrg

to plans a.nncu::ced by G. Hole Steck Thursday, Sept. 24.

Pi nch . hitters teach commerce Official honors diuided Since wartime condtions make it impossible to secure a teacher to take Mrs. Norma Albrech Fisher's place in the commerce department, other fa~ulty members will temporarily take over class.


of the

Miss Nona P·almer is teachiing all the typing, Prof. V. R Jindra bookkeeping in the training school, Registrar Eldon Hayward, Introduction to Business and Eula Redenbaugh, accounting.

between soph gals and guys When the smoke' cleared and the (votes weTe counted, Betty Berger, Robert O'Dell, Marjorie We,iler and Ken· neth Rohrs emerged as the sophomore class officers. President Betty Berger is known thrcughout Peru's music world for her singing, her ever friendly smile and her baton twirling. Betty led last year's marching band

College cast will stage Hollywood success for grads "Night Must Fall," a three-act. drama of strange characters and tense action by EJmlyn Williams, has been selected by Prof. Robert D. Moore as this year's Homecoming play. First rehearsal was held Monday, Sept. 28, with the following cast: Phyllis DeLong . . . . . . . . . . . Olivia Ruth Adamson . . . . Mrs. Branson Lucille Weber . . . . . . Nurse Libby Freddie Drexler . . Hubert Laurie Mar,iorie Wareham .. Mrs. Terence Evelyn Rodgers . . . Doris Parkoe Robert Wheeler .. Inspector Belsize Wallace Cleaveland . . . . . . . . . Dan The action of the play ce!l!ters around Dan, an ex-bellboy with u:,controllable homicidal tendencies. Hiding from the pol.ice he meets Mrs. Branso_n, wins her confidence and becomes a servant



in her home. He then plans to murder her for her money. Produced first at the Ethel Barryttnore Theatre in New York, the play was 1ater made into a successful motion picture starring Rosalind Russell and Robert Montgomery.

as drum majoret'.e and will set the pace for the musicians again

this year. Studious, poplliar Robert O'Deil was an active member of the class last year but was surprised at his election this year to vice presidency of the clam. A history major from Iowa, Bob says he has always been interested in people and especially his classmates. Marjorie Weiler will keep the records and open sophomore business mail as class secretary. Tall, curly haired and "fun" Marjorie is majoring in commerce and is a member of the Commerce Club. Kenneth Rohrs, guardian of the so)homore funds, thinks the treasurer of any organization fills a spot most desirable from an individual point of view and second to none in importance. One of; the best know men in Delzell Hall, Kenney hails from Auburn and says his major interests are the air corps 'and the sophomore treasury.

This week.

Tuesday, Sept. 29 --------------- 7-8 ---------------- Y.M. - Y.W.C.A. Wedr,esclay, Sept. 30 --------- 6:45-7 :45 ----------------- Hour Dance Thursday, Oct. 1 ----------------. 3. ~--- Peru Prep vs. Nebraska City Thursday, Oct. 1 --------------- 7-9----------------- Freshman Clubs Thursday, Oct. 1 -------------- 8-9: 30 --------------- Dramatic Club Friday, Oct. 2 ------------------ 8 ---------------- Peru vs. Midland Saturday, Oct. 3 ---------------- 7-8 -------------- Alpha i\fo Omega Saturday, Oct. 3 ---------------- 7-8 ------------------------ Art Club

Next. day the big Homecoming events b.9gin with the Peru-Chadron gan:1~ ,a.t 2:00 in the Oak Bowl. Cheerleadcr3. color gund a:,d the im;·ching bD.nd will be on hand to boost spectators' pep rnd to give with the color song v.·hen the Bobcats carry the ban ·, S'.Cl'OSS for Peru. The Hc::necoming· Queen, chcn~n fron1 c2ncUdate,-:: sel2cted ~rom each cl:J.:s, \vill b:; introduced for lh2 fir::t iin::c b2t\i:.·ccn halves and crGwr:2d queen. After





D2l~a. \Vill gTee~ ~.n returning m.e1nR bers of the honorary English fr2tttrnity wi.tl1 a special reception at 5 o'clcck. Prc:i:ptly 2"t 'i:l3 the Homccomi~:. 2·

play '·NighG Ni:ust Pall," a


drama which eqnals "Ladies in Hetirement" fo:· chills a.ncl tllrills, will play in t:1e college auditorium.

PcllcwJ.ng· 'J1~) play Eon1econ1in.g \'ic:·.cry be belt


big \Vill

Decorntors for the girls' dorm 11::;.\re chosen "V for Victory" as the thsine fer their decorations and will combine Peru's blue and

'.Yhi e with Chadron's red and white for a patriotic color scheme. Flags ar,d bunting, a cardboa:P<l Uncle Sam over the Eliza Morgan entrance, and silhouettes 01 men in the different service uniforms are planned. Special homecoming commit.tees announced by the S.Lude1:,t Advisory Co-tmcil following- their meet-

ing Wedresday, Sept. 23, are as follows: Orchestra: 'Iuny DeMaro, Leonore Larson, Bob Fox and Verna Rogers. Homecoming Queen- Election: Lillian Havel and Rogene Rose. Badges: Willard Hunzeker and Bob James.

Committee promises

weekly dances For everybody's dancing- pleasure the Social committee scheduled weekly all-college dar.ees in the music hall and plans to UJurchase new records every month. Members of the committee are: Bette Joane Scott and Gilberli Schreiner, seniors; Be~ty McArdle and Tony DeMaro, juniors; Betty Riley and Walter Marshall, sophomores, and Miss Phyllis David~ son and V. H. Jindra, sponsorri, The commiittee purnhased sil: new records for the dance Sat~ urc!ay, Sept. 26. ·

Subluxations? ?

tditings •

• •

By Milton Shultz Subluxations-well freshies that may be 'a new term for many (If you, probably all of you. A sub-

Beat Midland .

luxation is an i,tlcomplete dislocs-tion, as of one of the bones in fl joint. Subluxations are causecl by

• •

College football season should properly start off with a victory for the home team so the Bobcats, always proper and obliging, fixed it for Peru at Doane Friday night. Now its up to them to do it again for all the stay-at· homes who missed the mud and fun and the band's quick. change act at the first combat. Maybe it could be arranged for next Friday night-in the Oak Bo~l.

Havin' any fun .

H you're one of the many Peruvians who are tired of studying and tired of loafing and tired of talking about "not having anything to do" lend an ear. Back in the dark days of depression, students bumped into a problem that was a reasonable facsimile of the one th'.:!t's moved in on us this year. And they figured out a way to lick it and have a swell time doing so. Gangs of hardy Peruvians put on their old shoes and tramped out to the river-walked the railroad tracks to see the carvings on the chalk rock bluffs-got together all the fixins and threw big picnics-steak fries, pancake parties and good, old-fashioned wiener roasts.

In between times they wrangled more dances from the social committee and everybody went-and everybody danced. Downtown the businessmen are trying now to bring

back the good old days when we had a real "movin' picher show" in Peru. Till they get the films showing again, why not call a gathering of your clan and see what you can cook up in the fun line.

Look 'em over . The time is coming when you shall have to decide whether curly hair, brown eyes, a cute smile or a manly pair

oi shoulders means the most to you. In other words,

the t:me is coming when all Peruvians will make their

mark on a ballot and elect one of the Bobcats their GridStart casting your eyes over the team and get


rat;)dy to cast your vote.

Peruvians all say "Goodbye and goodluck" to Prof. Paul

C. S>Yeetland who has turned from drilling students and Naval Flying Cadets on math principles to drilling daily in uniform for Uncle Sam.

Alumni traH Iic1nc.cc1ning pla. to



are beginntng; a,

beginning to wonder

every body's >.\

'll be queen

this year. Las~ year':; · ~oen FERNE PETERSON is new teaching at Odell and MARY GR.OVE.1\fBURG who helped out with Hc.;11ecoming fcstiviti2s as drum majorette while

in schcol, is at Ncrtl1 cent.er. La:..t year's Student. Advis)ry Council president TO:\I DEAN and his wife (MAEJO?.IE KENNEDYl hs,d et dL"1ughtcr S::pt. Ci, and 1hc 1:.~cn(: win be C2rolyn 1-CJy.

S'T;~Tt.'S tes.ches in high school 2J Mrn;ctt!lo Calif. RUBY BAKER is a 1.; INolcott, Wyoming, and a former PED

vertebrae are movecl out of place by a jar of the body, a fall or some peculiar mov~ment of the boc1y. One of the most common mcv;;ments which will occur on this campus is the act of assuming the angle. This is done by positioning the body in an inverted V formation. Something like a V for victory. Another of the frequent ways of cmsing subluxations comes through the act of sweeping, clean ing and possibly whittling. There is nothing to wony about .though, it lasts a mere month and a half. The title indicates advice, well freshies here it is. Back in the la:e thirties, the faU of '39 to be exact, the boys. were pretty tough and I mean tough. Ask any one of the boys who are seniors now-Red Buhrmann, Carl Wirth, Gil Schreine:· or Don S.ark. They ca.n relate how bruises come ;n a hurry and take their own sweet time in leaving. Yes, we were the victims of the veterans of foreign wars-the seniors, juniors and the seo:homores, the latter being the freest swingers of the lot. Yes, we literally worshippecl our elclers those first six weeks. Then in the fall of '40 the new crop came in. A new sophomore class were out for blood. Do you think we got it? No! our dean put his foot down. I don't know which one but it seemed like both. That year we had an unruly lot of frosh. But before they had gone too far a demonstration was put on, beneath the light of the silvery moon. Ask Whi7 White or Bill Rachow! To avoid too many disloc"tion.s, subluxations rn::i. bruises, be the well-behaved frcshmsn you 2re expected to be and above all RESPECT YOUR ELDERS; by this I mean UPPERCLASSMEN. Do as ycu are told and you'll com\'> out 0. K. Subluxations will come and sublux8Jions will go but by bein:; wln'. you are expected to be, there will be le,:s of them. Remsmber this. "You take it one y:1r. and you can c;ive it three years."

Former faculty member . . now marmy service

So long •..

Dear Blanche,

a peculiar movement of one or

more vertebrea in the bocly. These


Dr. Frank H. Heck, former asscciate ')rofec;sor of history in Peru who was accepted Sept. 4 by the army for non-cDmbatart service, rcpor'cc1 at Ft. Thomas Reception Center Monday, Sept. 21. During the past four years Dr. Heck has tau;h' history at Miami University, Ox\ford, Ohiq.

Your cheerleaders--they've got wim and wigor~ 11

Do Peruvians have "wim, wigor and witality?" This year's cheerleading quartet, Freddie Drexler, Mary Bslle Dougherty, Pat IIill and Milton Schulz are out to prove to our opposing teams that they do-and how! Freddie, a cheerleader last year, believes the campus will not be lacking in c:nthmiam. Besides checrleadi;,g Freddie thrives on jazz from his trumpet, "board m2etings" and sausage sandwiches with onio11s. He is particularly annoyed by freshmen no kMwing the color song. Five-foot two Mary Belle Dough0:· ty, on the campus for the first time, greets students with a winsome smile and cheerful "hello." Duri:1g her senior year in Brnck Mary received plenty of practice in cheerleading.

Mrs. Hart back on campus Mrs. Earl Hart !Miss Wes:) of Edgar, Nebr:?.ska, has re':urncd to temporarily fill the vacancv in the commerce department left bv Mrs. Norma Albrecht Fisher's res~


Marching and playing sn drum in the band agree with and her positio;1 as cheyrlea satisfies her foremost pet ambiti She enjoys dancing ar~d is thri cd with college. On the questi



0:.1c says "none.ii

Whit' !Er main recreation diet is drncir.g, it's "any:hing t is edible" in the food lin for Hill. What Pat likes mo~ ab college is knowing when s11e wa across the campus that she r belongs here. Her home is in and she was cheerleader two y for the Training School. Being accused of looking· t well fd and being confronted wit a non-cheering crowd are her p

peeves. Music and commerce are he scholastic interests and she woul like to have marching band prac lice every day. Cheerlea.ding giv her a thrill while her violin is favorite hobby. ' Milton Schulz, the other ma! leader believes he will have a har till'e filling Tod's shoes althoug he does wear size 9-D. Red heads distress him; frie chickca soo·hcs him. chei:rleadin in:rigues him. Milton hopes t keep the Peru spirit running high.


Blue stars.

• •

We hear from Peruvians in ser1-ice ... Jack Snider is a recent armv enlistee stationed at Ft. Rile,:. He's a men1bsr cf 'the in~ant;y but is playil'g a: 1oresent with the Oavalry band... Cal G1idley, Y2oman en the U. S. S. Dunlap writes h2's being n1an i ;d in L:)s ~'1.ng2les to a "blcnde with brown ey2s named Dottie." Clyde L3.re, pharmacist's mate a: the Pearl Harber hospital almost s;aged a Peru reunion. A bull se,sion was pla::ned with Bill Brccks and Don Rcs9. but Bill's orders to re:urn to tiE from broke it up ... From somewhere in .he Pacific Brocks writes: "This ca;.;y liL~-but bcrinr;. D;J:k c11~lirs. a tropical breeze blowing, n~· iin; fih playi:g

short leave from her WAAC dut-

yesterday, ·we \\·cr2


ies at Ft. Des Moines.

Tern i\iajor:; is expected home·

econ Ior a shor" visit. He recentiy compieted a 12 1vcek lrai11ing ~~t.. d L ·nov; :2nd Lieut. Ma.-

c0l:.:<:e jars ...

Severn Handley is a 2nd Lieut. now too. Nunzio Lnzaro recently won hls

wing~ ...

Jim Sandin is :'till with the Navy ba~~d in ·washington ...

r:e;: 1"loyd is in oflicers training school in Florida. He wiil be a ;ihyical imlructor with the army air corp;.; v.'hen he in;;·. Ll~;.1t. LaL·~· v,~c;d2J



S'..?rk n1mTied Audry

cf Portbncli Oregon, July i:: Flying


a\, Spol:June, lJt:i be expects c;,crc::.,s soc.11.


:Jct. IvT.ync·~ J-~:-:Jl and Gebers; who have been


the Trnsty Order cf Sileilbacks . statio11cci with the coast guard in which· is what you become uoon , C2.1Hcrr:ia. are i~ow 0c1newhcre in cros~ing the cquat:-,:-. Bc:fs:·e :l12t ·lie Pacific. Herbi2 Knudson is you are known as a Pollyvrng. And octill located in California. you can take my word for itPaul Landolt is in W'a:;hington these gnys make all coliege D. C. for traiDing as Assistant welcoming par. ies Urn t.. I hJ. ve Field Director in Red Cro2s for the ever seen look and PEEL llke a Army and Navy. kinlergarten party. Lots of wa.ter, Ll'ir,





of the most notch2d up haircuts you ha vie ever }:lid e·:\;s unon (we look like a bunch. of c;m·mandisl, and a very rugged paddle line... " U;u'.. Frances Harrey was in Lincoln Sa.turday, Sept. 19 on a

Rawson teaching in llli11ois Ernest I. Rawson, formt:r assis'. ant ,Jrofcswr of industrial arts now teaching in Springfield, Ill.

cditcr, ROSE McGINNIS, is teach ing at Humbolqt. ROBJc~RT GRDSSOEHME is in ci.vil service school at Dayton, 0. Ther2's rumors that plenty other P2ruvia11s are civil servicing this

year. WILLARD SHUMARD receivecl his ma2.ters in speech at Greeley l:ist sucnmcl'. You remember his cutsta:.ding dramatic work and <\lso the WJ,y he playsd tenni'. His wife is DOROTHY CAvVTHOl~NE.

JLIVC RICHARDSON l)l'C·b:1bly in more activa:-::: o'her Peru G8.l L; ,10uri:.:--.J.t;1n ·D..t Stbrlling~

Minatu:·c; HELEN ROGERS, Lewiston; MARY ALICE VANDERFORD, H~ldreg8; DONNA DUER.FELDT and LAVERNE SHAFER, Elkhor:1. HP.BOLD STOLTZ, Peru graduate and former lino~yp~ operator for the PED, is working on th2 jercme News at Jerome, Idaho. His paper recently was adjudged the ou sr·.m:ding weekly in Idaho.

Di1 I write you last summer that "BII_,J../' IvIILLER and MAX JACK SGN a,·e en~·aged and plan to be :1181Tied a·~· Chris'.:inas tin1e? Cc~1e back to ~Imnccom5ng­

Entered at the P0stoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second . . Class !\fatter. SLOO per year. Single Copy 5c Editor .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ellen King A5sistant Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mariorie Prine Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Rachow Copy Writers Rogene Rose, Alice Ann Cleaveland, Bette Jean Berger Proofreader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zastern A.dviser ...... .

th<; brrnd isn)t picl:?d ~'et bnt the g:::.r:.:s ~n.d )ay r:ire ~~·oin:; to

w:Jrth reeiT.g. Y:~lentin::


Published Weeki.\' h.r Thi' Per11 Str;/p Teachers C Prru, i\'ehr·as/;o Tuesday, September 29, 1942


Rothmiller, Keith Christine Wilkinson.

n '.Aramer,

Peru takes decision over uoane

SPORTS of '41 '43

6 0 on wet field Bill Rachow

The Bobcats

'Editor . ·.·Assistant editors

Willard Redfern Cecil Johnson

leads Prep over '.Talmage 41- 0

·I Cotton

The Peru Bobkittens looked in grea.t fonn Friday night as '.hey thoroughly trounced Talmage 41-G. Tlle stand-out of the game was Captain Verne Cottn, 170 pound fullback, who personally accounted Ior four of Prep's touchdo'lvns He also kicked three ex ra points but two were1>'I; counted because of offside psnalties. The other points w2re n1a:~e by Palmer and Cgg, plus a safety. ':the Prepsters \Yt>r2 ':he whole . i1ow, wit.bout )l:c:ting once dur•'W the came, and letting Talget to midfdd only twice. Th0 go.me s aried with Cotton •c:!:ing off to the Talmage twen·Si.:: )'8rd line. The visitors lost ·;cu yards in two pla;·s and forced to kick. The Bobkit: ook over o:i the Talmage •i1·t1·-nin2 an:l three pl;ys later ctl0l1 plowed over for th2 initi:J.l

ore. The si::co': d touchdovtn cai:.11e :cw .':''CCY!cls la er when a Tallumdc' i''H s recovered by o tl:.e Yisi1"or'2, twi;n~y. It ~/~k

Cotto:n c,..,·::;1· h2



plays to


Tl::; kittens ki'2k:d er· f::r H1e J1.ird time h the first period. f}::-p·s li112. 1La~2d by .!:u::rds,

Chyburn, ahd Coliins, again forced T~lmqge to )UTit. The ki.ck c1rried orly 'welve yards to the Talmage

thirty-five. Penalties kept Prep from scoring a third time in the first quarter and tp.e period ended wi' h the kittens in po"5ession of the ball on the visit-0r's eighteen yard line. On the second play of the second quarter, COttoh smashed off right tackle and battered his way ten yard for his third touchdown. Palmer plunged for . the extra point and the bobkittens led 19-0. Prep recovered their kickoff on the Talmage thirtyeight and began another drive. Brown carried the ball to the twenty-five, and again Co'.ton ccampered tw~nty-five yards for a touchdown. Palmer made the extr1 point on a. line buck. Cotton kicked to the Talmage nineteen, and it was the same story with Talmage having to pu'lt. With ·'.he ball on the fifty, a reverse, Palmer t.o Ogg brought the ball to the twenty. Just before ihe half ended, Palmer raced eight yards for the fifth touchdown. In that first half, Talmage failed to make a first down and didn't advanca ~he b2ll past their cw:1 thirty yard line. The second I1alf ope11ed Tuith Talrmg2 ma king their first first down and advancbg to the prep(Continued on page 4)

Introducing the Bobcats Pearl "Red" Hines, a last vear's let: er man, is back agnb add his weight anj experience to the Bobcat line. Kept out of practice 81 wsek by a side injury, Pearl is, rev2rtheless, coming fine. Hine:;' high school ball was featured by his senior record as Earn:ston High's star !ullhack.





40 41

D. White" Superior

43 44 45 47

W. Ryan, M. Valley, Ia.

P. Hines, Barneston





A four year lett.erman from Nemaha, Wendell Handley 11.as clicked in college from the beginning. A fast mn:ier and a excellent prcsssr, he his job at left lnlf with exp~rienced Biond. and 1G41 Ori:iiron take Kin~:. '0lend~ll ,says, which 1h Brunett.es/ a 1

the Navy

a re-


175 193



Jr. Jr,.





5-9 5-9 5-9

Jr. Jr.



5-9 5-8 5-7 5-11 5-10

Jr. Fr.



195 185 180 175

6-4 6-0 6-1 5-9


170 165 170 160







5-6 6-0 6-0



A. Ronhovde, Eagle


W. Parks, Dorche·ster ,



D. Stark, Bedford, Ia.




R. Brown, Peru


50 51

W. Handley, Nemaha


166 165 154 167 195


53 54 55 56 57 59 61 62 64 66 65 67 68 69


R. Fox, Sidney, Ia. Bud Brown, Auburn W. Rachow, Carelton K. Roberts, Tecumseh

W. Bonesteel, Stella 0. Yocum, Humboldt M. Youn!\\, Falls City J. Ceika, Peru H. Ulmer, .Bedford Ia. 0. Smith, Peru

guard tackle guard

176 165

end tackle back tackle end end

I. Oste1·thun, Tecumseh


L. Hutton, Auburn F. McKee, Pawnee City R. Oakman, Auburn

back center

A. Haack, Elk C1•eek


R. Hutton, Auburn

back guard


170 175 156


M. Burroughs, Beatrice

72 73 74



J. Livingston, Nebr. City guard Pierson, Sidney, Ia.


170 154


W. Linder, Nehawka



Meyer, Sidney, Ir.


D. Williams, Glenwood, Ia.


P. Schmelzer, Hays center

print. l od in the four'h ouart.er. in tho, Doone-Peru tussle last Friday· niirht at Crefe. Plavinq on a rain soaked field, neither team showed much scoring punch the first quarter, but feltl ,each other out. Both 1eams played good defensive ball, but neither could get to rolling nor advance· beyond the 50 yard line. The second quarter was an entirely different story. Doane punted into Peru's end zone early in: this qua rt.er, and Peru scrimmaged from their 20 yard line. With Handley and Stark carrying the• ball, it was advanced to the fift:y• where Hal'dley punted. Doane ran 0

Ht Class

G. Atwood, Ashland


out of the bag, by piling uu a six:


168 166 170 180


Jr. Sr.

Fr. Fr. Fr.

Jr. So.

5-6 5-6




5-9 5-7 5-8

Fr. So. Jr. Fr.




176 160







H. ColglazieT, Falls City tackle




the ball out to their eir;ht yard line, where two plays failed before they pun'ed. Handley fielded the ball on his own 48 yard line and: ran it back to the Doane 42:, where Stark m'.lde it a first in to on Doane's 30. Three plays failed -and Handlev booted into Deane's end zone. The ball was broue:ht out: to Dmtl'e's 20. On the fourth down, Juarez, Doane fullback fumbled a bad pass from center 0.nd was tackled on his 2 ygrd line, where it was first a~d ten, P.eru. Stark tried the middle and made a h0lf rnrd. Ha,,dlev went around end and los' five yards. Another crash in'o the line failed and on fouri·h down. Hutton on his n°t reverse missed pay dirt bv three va.rds. ard Peru's threat foiled. The rest of +he auarter neither t a.m threatened. and the· hDlf e··drd wi'"h Handlev interCfptim; Doane's pass on his own 40 vsrd line. The third qum"er was a, see-saw nwct b'1Hle. with both teams fiohting desp~rately to score. with Y'ei'her threatening. Late in the qu2ri.er Swe'.'e Octenthun bloclced 8. Doane third down punt. but they recovered and kicked sB.fP!y. Peru 1he~ drove do1rn t.o Do1ne's 15 yard line but were s' opp2d by Dcrn~'s irterc ption of a pass. The nuarter ended Tuith Peru on Do2nc's 30 after ·a first in 10 by 0



Indians after Peru s scalp Friday Night, S:00-0ak Bowl, Peru College-Bobcats vs. Indians. This is who/" is in stcre for loyal Peru Coll:ge fa,ns when the M:id''lnd Warriors come guT>ning for their s8cond victory over the vaunted Peru Bobcats. This will

for . , fa., where he learned the rudiments of football in three years of letteri::g as fullback and . tackl2. His senicr year he made ' the All Sta'. e selection. A senior now, Don has lettered the last two y~8rs as fullback, the power po·r!.cn of th eam. With his driv- ~- d 195 pounds of weight he wo· 1 he a hard man to lnndle

least 20 points, pulled the rabbit

Official Bobcat roster No.

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, September 22, 1942

Peru, picked to go under by at

be the first of two tna ·s of the coming football srnson, the other being with the Kearr;ey Antelopes. Summing up '.he past two years, one finds a. win and loss for each team. In 1940 Peru trampled Midland in tlle dust as they pulled a 14-0 victory out nf the bag. Although the firs: h;ilf was all Tulidla.nd, with the Peru team making four grnat goal line stanis, all within the five yard line, the Bobcats came back wi h bone breaking blocks and unheard of power and drove nearly the le1:gth of the field for both touchdowns, with Henderson going over in the third quarter and M8!'her cinching the game with a fourth qua.rter jaunt. Mason, Peru's great right tackle, converted both times. Great and magni'icm: blocking by Lantz, Mcirtire, Organ and ::VI«son was the deciding fact.or i:J tl:e Bob-


warriors eked out a 16-13 decision. Henderson scored in the second quarter on a smash through the middle of the Midhnd line for forty )'ards and a touchdown, with Mason converting. At the half Peru led 7-0. The beo.;iirning of the third ouar'er Handley had a punt blocked which ·went out of the end zone, and g-ave MidJa1:d their first two points. The blocking of 'his ~ount rattled the Bobcats, for it w1s then that Midland- struck, and struck twice with Revoe Hill. the Warrior's grea7. fullbB.ck. g·oinr: over a,.,d th 0 n converting twice, to give Midland their ~ivtr~n pctn+s. In the fi....,al ouarter, Peru r:o~ going, and scored again. se,0 c1iwr Hutton ·2cro 0 s from the six, but Mason, failing to convert, the count remained 16-13. The fi'lal gun found Peru desperately throwin~· passes from Midland's 30. yard line, all of which failed. Game s'andouts were Linder, Henderson, Hobbs, Hutton and Atwood. Again this year Mdrnd brings a great temn to match the Bobca :·s, but. gone are Dearly ell of their great lJne and backfi£'ld. P:trcw

8.re the only r2turning stars of





On the fir't play of the fourth quarter Handley passed to Rut.ton who c 0 11~ht it sitting dov:11, rnd was call d incomple'e. On tl19 nn.xt play, Handley passed to Vifhite who mo.rie it a first and ten nn Deane's 19. Hutton then went 10 more y<irds to Doane's 9. en his pe' r?verse. 011 the next plcty Handlev struck pay dirt goinr; nine yards on an erd sweep. With 1-he score now 6-0 Peru played def. nsive ball, but were still not lacking in offentive power, for with lees than seven minutes ldt to· play they · were knocking at Dc.rne's two yard line. He:·e Do:me interce)ted a fourth down pass ard r2n out to Peru's five, and on 1he next play safely punted out to Hut.Ion. /\s the game e:cded Peru was driving. Game st3.ndouts go to the ell'ven starters. six of whom ployed "hefull sixty minutes. Substitutirns for Peru were Hines, left tackle, Brown. right guard, V\Thi' e left end, Willhms, right end, lvicI(ee, blcckinis back. All turned in good perfcrm8nc?s. PERU LINEUP L.E. Schmeltzer 165 lbs~ L.T. R:ichow lJ5 lbs. 0


I.J.G. Roberts C. Ronbovde R.G.

in .10"11,


vetsrzn L?tL.::·:·211211


1.2 gaine the c1;>-


ciding factor Ior thei:c b:td sea-

.1-,ho ))fa:'. on inakinr;· it ~ bot sixi.y YI?Jnut?-?, fer 1hc Bobc8t:::, who are nc\v n:·lJ.11\::d af'.;er ~h~ir \Vin over

son. Aithougl1 Pern played good ball during tlle whole g-ame, the

the Doane right.

P2ru's hc,nrtbr0al·:lc;g

which v-v·as ·11c5.r fiTst in \Yinning succi.k.



n~ 2r::1



>,vj.th , l!.2se


R-.'i-I. }J.u;,tcn :1G3 !.bs.

Friday F'.B. S:ark ...

130 lbs.

\Night shift . • • Recent cold wave means more time spent studying .... hear Jenkins refused a ride up the hill-with Colglazier .... There's something fishy ab-Out Dr. Maxwell's summer vacation .... Johnny Lawrence likes the new crop of girls the best .... Bud finally .found courage to take Lydia

clear up to the door .... Vada and Fritz

Jlave pfft already-another first week romance bit the dust .... will ,oomeone PLEASE write to those lonely men in Hawaii ... . Is it true girls can hitchhike if they go with a guy? .... those un-claimed packages are on their way back to Sears .... Butch wants to be a true student now he's taking American Lit .... Banks is back ...• a.pplicants for Bing's job seem to be trying out on Eliza Morgan steps .... Hear they're telling the soldiers to write to the lonely civilians .... Ernie Robertson °and Bob Brown are rumored to be unswatted freshmen .... did priorities grab the green caps? .... upperclassmen mith Herbie and hith pigth .... Hines has teeth marks on his arm-must've bumped into a door .... .Carrie Ellen and Unk are renewing acquaintance .... Prexy prefers pickled-pigs-feet confesses Mrs. Pate .... Patty Hill's new man looks nice .... Lienemann is playing single this year-must not have been true about his little black book .... will there be a football banquet? .... Bob Fox has discovered the pin-ba.ll machine-some

upperclassman should tell him about p. b. jitters .... Eliza Morgan ha.s new shades on the lobby door, "Nursie" has new

curtains and :i\1iss Martin is hunting for some new curtains-but, Editor's Note: the PED office will not have any curtains .... Safranek and Stevenson head campused lists this year-viva the little black book! .... too bad Louise Roettgi>r's corporal was only a visitor .... sacrifice of the week: Doreen playing bass horn in the band .... aren't the orange girders fading? .... it's Helen Wells and Larry Goud .... Oarl


Former facuity married in Omaha

Check-up on '42 seniors in schools and service About this time many sen· !ors of '42 rejoice' over the long awaited first pay day, Most of the girls receive their check from their school' sup· erintendents but the fellows will probablY: line up before an army or navy pay-master. Among those keeping up the home front in the educational division are Grace Muenchau, commerce, Dewitt. Josephine Boosinger, home economics, Chester; ~ Hazel Bouse, 6th grade, Wyoming, Iowa; Betty K. Cole, English and dmmatics, Valentine; Rose McGinnis, E;1glish and home .ecoomics, Humboldt; Dorothy Teachman, English, Sargent; Ferne Petersen, home economics, Odell, Althea Nispel, Benkelm~m; Barbara Beal, Sch1swig, Ia,,, Nancy Jones Redfern, Engli:h, history and dramatics, Brock; Mary Horton, home economics and commerce, Brock; Bertha. Clayburn, 5th and 6th grade:, Morel1ead, Ia. Cori:'. ne vn1Uield Adams is working for the Army Air Corps in Texas and Virginia King is wi:h T.V.A. at Jefferson City,

Miss N()rma C. Albrecht and . Harold E. Fisher, former P.S.T.C, ' faculty members, were married in the First Christian Church of Omaha Friday, Sept. 4, by Rev. Addison Cole. Before coming to Peru as assl.s~ tant Regis.rar and later assis;ant professol' of commerce, Mrs. Fish· er was registrar and commerce in· structor at Colorado Women's College in Denver. Mr. Fisher has been assistant librarian here for the past .three years. Following the ceremony the C()U• pie left for Richm()nd, Calif., where Mr. Fisher has a ~ositioll ie (he public library.

Dean, Naval Air Corps and Ted Strassburg, Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland. Max Jackson is a chemist for DuPont in Pryor, Okla., and Harold Dallam is also with DuPont in the same state. Tommy Dean and Dean Slagle are both civil service ordnance inspectors. Bill Fankhauser, Bob Henderson and Bob Williams are all awaiting their calls to active service.

Prep downs Ta Image (Continued from Page 3) sters foriy-five. The Bobkitten line finally got to working and the visitors kicked out on Pre.o's ,twenty-nine, In two piays, Brown and cotton carried the ball past the fif'cy. A pass failed, tl1tn Ogg took charge and ra:1 thirty-five yards lo ccore the final touchdown ct the game. The safet-1 was sccrsd bt.er in the fourth period. by Hennings. Prep made 16 first dovn1s to 2 for Talffiage and ga.in ed 314 yards to 39.



Pl" wi:

bi[ pe

Prep cheerleaders lead prn~vktory rally



Fcllows h service include Herbie Krntson, coas; guard; Maurice Anderson and Clair Callan, Notre Dame Officers Training School for Naval Ai.r Corps Reserves, "Red"

Prof. V. H. Jindra. was a. special instrnc· er in tonette and rhythm J;ands during the summer at FillmJre, Jefferson, Saline, Richardson and Nen1aha- county in.S:itut2s.


de di Pe

Prep checrleadirs, Norma Pai·, rfott, Donald Tuavigne and .Louetta. Rockeman, were chosen from try, c~ut~·, at the high. sch00i in.her~ Sept. 18. . Arra.nge1nents were in ch·:irge of Irene Ma,jors, I"1:arjorie Rogers, Fccii Ogg, Ellen Thcmson and Bill. Edn1cndsen. ?\'1.rs. Lavigne, 1\1rs, Ac~mscn and Supt:. s. L. Cle· rnt:::..ts chaperoned. Pre-game f1)irit was ai'Ol:sed ,rhen the band l.ed students in a peii raiiy, o/Vednesd~.y evening, Sept. 23

lik eel



co fn

PE he

Fa:ul O~;rr i~; (he 1lewiy dcctcd ?::<res ... ident of the bcrnd. ~

Pl Cl

and Evelyn Slagle .... Houseman and Ver-

conica .... there's So much "free" mail delivered at the girls dorm .... Hines, Bud Brown, Tony and Al Powers are bothered by frogs .... Tynon has given up flying .... sign in g'irls dorm lobby: council

meet tonight at 1:00-and they


about eight hours of sleep ....

Umbrellas are wonderful. ... people pray nightly the first home game will fes,ture nice weather .... who is the most beautiful foo.ball player?-election's coming up .... Is it Goldene and Bill Redfern now? .... Ailie Cleaveland showed a select audience tl1at folding chairs will fold up-at the darnest times .... Rachow officially am:ounccs his candidacy for May queen ... .it's only 29 days till vacation ....

Solo flights for cadets Naval flying cadets sta· tioned here have comp,leted Stage A and are now working on Stage B Maneuvers. Many of t\!_e pilots have already soloed, usually at eight hours, the minimum time for which solo flying is penmtted. Over a third of the 240 hours of ground school training in physics, mathematics, .civil Air Regulations, meteorology, code, mifaary science and discipline, aircralt identification alld general service ancl o,ieration of aircraft have been comple,ed by tlw cadets. Thursday, Sept. 24, a hcensed parachute rigger inspected and repacked all parachutes at the airp()rt, an ill!1]lectfon that is required every 60 days. To repair the damage done by the floods last spring the airport has been seeded to brome grass.

Y. M. launches .membersh!p drive Aim of the Y.M.G.A. membership drive launched Monday, Sept. 28, is to achieve 100 per cenc membership among college men. President Richard Monroe conducted the discussion of "God, Prayer and You," at the meeting in Delzell Hall, Tuesday, Sept. 22. Milton Schultz was in charge of singing· and devo'.ions. Following the meeting the cabinet appointed Clifford Harding discussion leader and Freddie Drexler recreational chairman.

Martin to speak freshman W. Mb Florence l\Iartir. will answer the question "W11at Does it Take To lVfake Good in College?" for freshman Y. W. members tonigh~.

"Separate meeting for the freshmen are being held for two rea;:oi;s," explained Harriet Maxwell, chairman of the 01ienta.tion program, "To give new s.udents a chance to discuss problems particul2,rly pertiner,t to them and to give greater opportunity for p~,r icipation in the organization's activities." At the end of GiX weeks a Freshman cabinet will be chocen to work with tl1e regular c2binet in planning combined meetings. Assisting Harriett with last week's "SeLior Sob Sessiion" were Vade Gubser, Ardis Carmine, Lillian Havel and Jean Hoagland. Upperclass girls are cen.tering their attention ()n a study of the "Present Racial Question in the Uri:ed States.'' Vera Hinman, Betty Pruitt, Lucille Weber and Vera Huff conducted a J)anel discussion on this questfon at the Sept. 22 meetirg. Roberta Burrows and Lucille Miller had charge of devotions.

Picnic begins f. T. A. activities Fu u.re Teachers of America will entertain pro~7ective members at a. picnic toright at 5:30 in Ned Park. At the first mee ing Monday, Sept. 21, it was decided officers v~:n n()t be elected until more members are secured.

First rally held at convo Who yelled the loudest? It doesn't reaHy matter for "Beat Doane" enthusiasm soared high at the season's first pep rally held in con· vocation, Friday, Sept. 25. The rally, in charg·e of Prof. Robat D. Mocre, was the first ap)utrance of the three recently cho-.stn clrncrlea:iers, Iv.ca,ry Beile DOU8h,rty, Pat Eill and Milt-On Sch;.:.lz nnd. rep~·::i..t p'::rfcrma~·.c of Fre:idie D~·exlerJ who served ·as cheerleader iast year. Geach Al Wheeler introduced the members of the squad an<i. re&d a telegram fr~m former co2:c11 Art Jones wishing the Bobcats luck at Doane. Assiscant coach, Jack Mcintire speaking to the student body for the first time, said he was glad to b2 back in Peru to work with Coach Wheeler. Betty Berger and Tony DeMaro led the band.

Delzell men pick officers Reuban Far,ders was chosen president of the Delzell Hall dorm council at the meeting, Monday, S.ept. 21. Assistirg Fanders will be Keith R()bents, vice president, Percy Schmelzer, secretary and R()bert James, treasurer.

Learn-to-dance organized Fifty-four potential conga and tango enthusiasts elected their Learn to Dance officers at the first meeting Thursday, Sept 24. D'orothy Pershing · will preside fiver the da.ncers assisted by Dean Alders, vice president and Vonia Tenhulzen, treasurer. Miss Florence Martin will sponsor the club this year. Kodak Club, Pern Players, Scribblers Club a.nd Women's Spor'..s are other freshman clubs which will soon. be organized.

h8 st

Laclics Welcome a.t All Times M. G. Ueuer, Owner


pr lH




E: B


Try us next time your suits, coats, dresses or furs need cleaning, pressing or repairing. Our economy prices, guaranteed vrnrkmanship and prompt service assure you of complete satisfaction.

de ar



hE -'~


id land


i'a fe

pa br

in: do to

Friday, October 2, 8 p. 1n. Admission 50c including tax High School Students 25c


for he




October 16-17

Friday, Oct. 16 7:00 p. m.-Rally 8:00 p. m.-Rally Dance

wit au VOl

Ph! Chi


Saturday, Oct 17 2:00 p. m.-Football, Peru vs. Chadron 5:00 p. m.-Sigma Tau Delta Reception 7:15 p. m.-Drnmatic Club Play




"Night Must Fall"

9:30 p. m.-All College-Alunmi Dance Dave Haun & his Orchestra


urse we don't know yet who this year's Homecoming


Hoagland ... brown-haired American girl plus pep personality ... likes to· dance, , eat ("my favorite") . . . ge'.s

His gre:itcst interest new is math. His fu. ure--t.he army air corp3, acd whsn questioned ~:bout the past, "Better lef~ unsaid." he said.

ruviarl business mai:iager ... would e not beiEg so rushed and "snowforward to the


llegiate precs meetit·g in Chic2.go.

worm in' his bright n1ath :ip-

plc is '(fi::;ancial ca1cu1aticn- fig-

urtng, uh, incorne



(Lis sister cslls l\i;:n "figured" the shiniest sl)o: from the "pro ..

Lois Wagoner ... when nominated just about disc\" . . . Jiirns to ok anct be on Jood committees ... w;,s on freshmen who lack proer res•;iect fo11 their elders ... ome ec. major ... Kappa Omicron hi, Kappa Delta Pi, Scholarship lub, YW, Gamma Chi ... worst bi.-waiting 'ti! midnight to start udying ... wants to be a dietician . .. long, long black hair.

Virgie Lee Johnson .. . only appropriate descrip.ion is yummy ... library book-tinder ... likes her ITL11ate' and roornie-in-law ... glish major ... Sigma Tau, Tri Beta, Kappa Delta Pi, Dramatics .. . wants a stuifed BoiJca~ to add to her animal kingdom.

Riley ... has freckles and

doesn't know what color her eyes are .. .likes to practice singing loud enough for the whole campus to hear . . . early elementary major ... Pau Singer::, Gamma Chi .. . favorite phrase is "Oh gidy" .. .

· ... "Wint ar2 we ever gonna

o \Vlth 8.11 thos;:! ,.Jt:.opie vve iJ.1vited

c2ss of elimination": "I think algebra is the most impressive subj2c~ -intriguirg--f:verything can be solved. <I got stuck on a probl::m last week.)" · Erunette, curly-headed George Atwood, vice president of the class, was president of 1'fi Beta, is secretary-treasurer of "P" club and has been on the dorm council two years . "Sacky," Bobcat. captain of the Midland game, is a phys ed major with four years of football to Peru's credit. His military affiliations are with tile army reserve for officer's tr:iining. He commented, "I think tl'!e first thought in every boy's mind now is to get his educa:ion before leavil;g for service; service is the goal instead of teaching." "Futme of the class-all girls," George prcphesied. Blonde Bob McAJexander, secretary- treasurer of the class of '43, was president of his class at. the sophomore stage and vice president of YMCA. Bcb's another math major, but football is his main interest (other than La.Vara) at present. He feels tl'::at being student manager of the foo·tball squad is gcod experience fer a to-be coach, and says basketball is his favorite sport. A profound dislike of conceited psople is this modest fe:Uow's re2. ction toward them.

A reserve now, he win serve in ... bic-cycci blonde

;.lose ... llt...c:3 ea.Gin


,i,._,lli •..


d teddy be.a.r





bed ... 11 Kes

'lJ,-heaueci. n1d1 ... artisvic


·t 01 the mome •• t is her part in


prny ... haocs


ies via radio .. .intends to invent for removing· P"gs undef efter a ,,1«::-oesc stuctyi.L,g

th straight biack brows ... likes letics and fried chicken . . . favice sleeping siGe is library ... ys ed major ... WAA, Gamma . . . hobby L uanci.ug ... peeve is che 1eiopnu11e sy0tcm DUZZCl"S ouc 01 order ... ·s bcmg calied "Louie."

olctcne Niebuhr .... black li:ai:r fair skin . . . lik 23 to dance r0lier skates . . . pla:;s the, 'h norn ... WAA, !Vlach muj... her eyebrows rnrn UJ on the


Final plans cooked for Homeco

Seniors reversed the usual "blonde, brunette and red· head" phrase when they ele'Cted Wayne Buhrmann, George Atwood and Bob McAlexander their class officers at the meeting Monday, Oct. 5. "Red" Buhrmann may have developed his presidential technique by presiding at Math Club and Alpha Eruclito and by acting as president of the junior class and Men's Club.

and brown eyes ... coliects salt and ;:ier shal\ers ... likes to read ... i1a :rau, Kappa Delta Pi, stut advisory council, dorm coun' Tri Beta, Arc Club, F. T. A.

Be~ te

Nur..rnER 3

Senior elections strictly stag

ick out of grading chem noteks ... science major ... Tri Beta, pa Dslta Pi, Gamrna Chi, dorm cil, Learn-to-D"nce sponsor ... blondes ... "Homecoming if a certain Bob

unde~·" ... looking


army but s2ys, ''.>\fterwards, I want to teach ma.h a::d physic:Bl education--coach basketball and football." t:::2


H,ear Wiggam October 26th Dr. Wiggam is a membsr of the writer's staff of the Reader's Digec,t, the editorial staff of the National Newspaper Service and author of the syndicated column "Let's Explore Your Mind." Th.is lecture, the first budget event of the year, will be delivered in the college auditorium at 8 o'cloct. Admission will be budget ticket or 40 cents.

Amateur Thespians elect Freddie To officer Dralllatic Club Freddie Drexler, Virgie Lee Johnson, Ru;h Adamson and Audrey Zastera were elected to their recpective positiOJ'S as president, vice-president, secretary and treasmer at a special meeting Friday morning, Oct. 2.

Music soothes~=~ but not serenaders Ahnut 40 paddle-stinm!a.ted Itoserenaded lh~ doru1itor>· ~~.uliets \Yith scng- art.I :::1.vat tler.noni· cratinns Monday, Sept. '.:S. The 1 'indcw arid balcony clinging gallery cf girb called out the names of the culpri s and what wa.' ccnsidered a suitable pmishmen'.. ' Judge Reuben Fandcrs with Hw aid of official swat-counter Bill Rachow and o,ther U!'l)erda::smen ''.71·operly" t.rea ed the vicfar.s. Lany Good, who holds the freshman title ior earning the most punishment at board mee ing·s. demomtrated his technique while receiving 30 hoards of upperclassman reminders. Bud Brown decided upon "Dear Mom" for Lydia with emphasis on "the certain you know who." Fritz McKee saved him3elf from "board-dom" by a verse of "Tile Old Mill Stream" while Ronnld Searcey, Max Henderson a:1d Dewayne Aden suffered 25 swa.t2 apiece. As a Tesult of upperclassman persuasion Diz Ulmer wooed house mother Mrs. Genevie Marsh and "popped the quss ion." The fellows closed witl1 the "Color So:g" and trooped from the dormitory lawn shouting "beat. Midland."

girls' choice as Gamma Chi president ~~Maxie"

"I was very much amazed .... I

was surprised ... but definitely," said ne'w Gamma Chi President Harriet Max· well when asked about her . newest office. More serious!v she spoke of Gammri Chi ai1~1s for the year, "'1Ye feel 9 '

Nov. 12 - Miss Gr.ace Tear" Castle on the Hill" YJ Elizabeth Goudge. Nov. 19-Dr. A. L. B1~adford­ "The Opinions of Oliver Allston" by Van Wyck Brooks Dec. 3-Miss Blanche Gard"Christmas" by Alice Dalgliesh Jan. 7-Dr. Winston B. Thorson"Conditions of Peace" by El. H. Can

tl1crne i3 pr:,c icin5 ''\/ ic: Yictory'' drill :111d forx::z:Ucn :or their b2C-,xr:e1~-halv0s Cr .. . Jilt'.:· 01:. :~he >:c'.:l·].<J_jc

r ieos

"'\V:l'i,:il _;:· is cne art, svieaking ;.:c." Iu:r. Wi.:;gam has both," the lat£ Glenn Frank said of Dr. Albert Edward Wiggam who will lecture at P. S. T. C. l\fonday, Ocl. 26.

to review "Cross Creek at first A A U Whour "Cress Creek" .by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings is the best seller which Mies Florence Martin will review Thu!sday, Oct. 15, in 1103 at 3 o'cock as ,the first of the winter A.A.U.W. book reviews. Like "The Yearnng," Mrs. Rawlings' .first best seller, the setting for "Cross Creek" is subtropical inner Florida. "Cross Creek" is the story of the author's learning to ·Jive on the' soil, from the 0oil and wi'h the people of the soiland liking it. Chapters are devoted to the "folks" living at Cross Creek-both "da.rkies" and "crackec,'· the cooking of delicious Southern foods, Florida. scenery and the :>erious a,spects and high comedy of Mrs. Rawlings' own life. l\Jiss Mary Hileman, ap.in director of the A.A.U.W. programs, iu1,;; arnounced the followng revil'ws for the first semester:

With a victory for Uncle Sam still on our minds as weH as a Peru victory over Chadron, Peruvians have cooked up an extra-extra patriotic scheme for Homecomng. All alumni who register in the faculty room Saturday morning vrill be given a chance on one of the five war stamps to be given away between halves of the game Saturday afternoon.

the girls need to learn to play together and enjoy worthwhile activities to help keep up mor· ale,'' she said. 0 her officers elected at lh? girls convocation Monda;·, Oct. 22. 8.re vice prcsid?nt: Lois 'No.Gcn2r; sec:·etary-treasurcr1 Bette RJky:. [,c11ior class reprcse:J.~.:ativs .ArGis C2.~·,:11i~·~2: JU::ior. Betty J\foArdle; scpho.:n•;'\\ Marjc:·ie \Veiler; freshm.nni Iviar-

ion Deck. Shs to show freshman girls the correct conduct for cafe lines, dances, telephone booths and the donn lobby were presented following the election. Jean. Graves, Betty Prui'.t, Doreen Meier, Mabel Newton, Irene Nispel and; Jean Bond ha.ndled the program. Bette Riley, Margie Neddenriep, Mary. Lou Drexler, Evelyn Slagle, Betty McArdle and Rosemary Pershing acted in the skits. O'.hers were: Carrie Ellen Adamson, Dorothy Pershing1 Maxine Showen, Bernice Chaloupka, Ru,th BoMkner and Christine Wilkbson.

This week. Tuesday, Oct. 13 ---------------- 7 -8 ----------------- Yi.VICA YWCA Wednesday, Oc.t. 14 ___ ________ 6:4.5 -7 :45 _____ .. ________ .. __ Hom Dance Thurn1ay, Oct. 15 ------------- .. - 7 -9 ---------------- Fr::sh~orn club: Friday, Oct. 16 ____________ .. _______ ------------------- HOMW:Xl''UNG Saturday, Oct. 17 ------------------ ------------------- .HOl\lECO!\UNG Mor<lay, Oct. 19 -------------- 10:30 a. m. ---------- Freshman council Monday, Oct. 19 ----------------- 8-9 ---------------- Kappa Delta Jl'i

1:~1.2 E1J.~:chi·:.g











.r-::lowin3· Hon12com.ing Queen J ~r.n

i:.Ioagland and

P:.~1.<~: /:~Ji.Cr\


Vir[;'ie Lee Johnson

L<;i:_; \V~~goncr; so;.Jhomm\:··:: Becte fdlt::y and Lucille Vicber: f:r2shn1en, Louise Roettger and Goldmc Niebul1r. A student vote 2.t ~.01wo yeste,.1day elected one of :::..:::: •• !.

'.i-:zs~ ca11dida' es to rule Bomec:cnnh1g day. Ticket:; to the play, "Night M11u,

Fall,)' will be 0:1 s?Jc during flea:, p2r'.c:lz this week and all do,y

SJ tcirday. Badges fer admission to the Rally do,nce a1:d ~he Hom2-

con1i-:ig d2nce went on sale: yesterday ;rorning 8.cd will be on sale th8 rest of this week.

Tcny DcMa:·o. p:·esident of the advisory council, asks all students vvlEing to help wi.h gym and campus d2cora tions to volunteer to do E-O im1ncdiat~ly.

Glamour out for Frosh gals It's r oJ fazincss aJ1d it's not the na,'..ural sta.te-frechmen giJ'ls are h:ldr g so peculiar lately hecause e f inHfatien. Rules posted ];y the 1lorm council yesterday morringfs.rhit~ 1::ut ing up of ha.il', ~.vr:aring m: krnp and command grern caps ::! d mismated anklets. Tbe. e and oth2r more specific rul2s :re keepin2; the girls on their tozs : rying to ward off tint dread. r;:'\\·J~'cl. D, sen: Ence in J;;;:ai:g:a.roo ccurt.

Best fad! •·rc·u st:~.~; ',r:t'..~l~'.ihi.':.; CGEcg-e .has the t ~l1-;~inrn.cnt and h~s: fn.~

dlitics for teachin;· ('PT students in ,1\Jis district," st:t eel the Distrki Ground School fo:,pector wlw visite1l Pcm ia:t week. The equipment includes a comc1Jete set of film strips on wind currerts, weather maps, meteorology and navigatfon, . subjects studied by the cadets. H also includes a number of umnoun,ted airplane instruments and an excellent aeronautical library. Prof. Theron 0. Odlaug has passed examinations and holds an instructor's rating in navigation a:nd civil regula.ions. Prof. A. B. Clayburn holds an imtructor's :-ating in meteorology. The pilots have just finished the section on poison gas warfare, making a total of 150 hours of ground.

schccJ. They are nmv studrir:g naviga ion and are taking up temperature; and pressme in meteorology. Twrnty homs of cod2 ;:c;-::; offer··· ed to pc-spare tl12 pilots '. o ;·0ceive G v;o:.ds p:r mi:ut.e .. It is net neccess2ry ~·,ht'.,·'· tl1ey be able t0 send m2ss}ges. They hare received 15 hours of cod2 instruction so far.

Confessions of

Published Weekl.v by The Peru Stare Te11chas Colle~/J Peru. Nebraslw Tuesday- October 13, 1942 Entered at the Postof :ice at Peru, Nebn:ska, a-; Sc~c:v.'. Class !VLittcr. Sl.()11 per year. Sin1!ie Copy Sc

en. I \oc:p2."

Editor ......... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ellen


be ths

!)2;-i_rer:c,. :CJ:· the:y

A5sistant Editor ........................ Marjorie Prine Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Rachm-,· Rogene Rose, Alice Ann Copy Writers

~= fi:·:.~t

Iric·rJ l>'t of .:·~·:crit~.':i. :\' n•·c:-; · colo:· is E'.hl'l Grt>~~;;)

Proofreader ........................... . Adviser ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l\L F._tJ_)Ortcrs: ''irgie Lee Johnson, Billy

Safranek, Lydia \ 7osicky, IJo~s Rothmiller,;' Keith Albers. '\Villiarn Christine 11Vilkinso11.

The PED joins college nei»·srnpers all over the CS.A.. the

ch·-)c·-~:s 0p;;1~~~o~·s CGD~·

desire to aid the w~tr d ;ort and keep the stars and




on the



1b'; month to show their un·

Jose your vmcc at- the game, your dig-

anJ your t1us ticket hurne ... m the post·




ih. the bed rn the cafe

bn'..:' ... tirnc

l~!) ~·J for Peru . :L ~1ad

a cL.~:J1cc co

::.:·cnnd :HLi

NO\V :or some alun1ni ns\v::: iron1 1

DG~: 1 IS


or ,, :.,~·_;;:-:·:n c~a~:j pr~·r.:::"' .. t, fur:: '. o p2r.fec~,io~., -l':J; ,: ~::..c~ LEY SC'l-IULDT ('421; ELEiu"'lOR





( f hr·


trc1her CHARLES ( ''.3'.iJ, v:iEl tbe F. }). I.




1cn. D.C. HORACE RZEHAK r'4l.l

;:-_rd \\Z:it. :S;,

I cs.n·: ; ~'ll Y'.:'U l:'.JOUL .in1·: '. E0 b1.-' :Y\'..ic:1t ~1i:;W!

Virgie Lee

rct.:nd trip.

EV'~1· cc:~ ~;r::-,8-nar:d

11 cm.

2c·l1coll } ::;cneY.

,;lum:Ji:::· 0.nd

j\f(J ..


::)OL ·~li:~?.td







Bobcats lose dose dedsio 13-6 to Kear BiH Rachow

SP R'rS of '42-'43 The Bobcats

VIiliard Redfem Cecil

For the second time m two years, Kearney's superiority m weight downed Peru by one touchdown. Also both years, Kearney scored their winning tal!y m the fourth As was the usual occurancc·, Stark, Huttc:1 ::rel Handley alternated with their e:mash· Handley to Huttin passing ;;.:ta::k to u1 the first qua:tter. I-IuHon £~1le<l to conve1:t, and the score re1nained 6-0. Peru kic 1:cr! cH "'"d then held lor ;·J?e rc1:1,:.i~der

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, October 13. 1942






scYCJ"'tl S\'.:




1.:r:·ities but failccl 1o c2pi'.aHzc ou {tf tl~c l:~rrit.:ry.


pio .. ~ ... r

:l'.'J.ili.lund I::ii1L;G 15. Frc1n

h:-0ngi1 l.112

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Sh2.C:;1, 1,yf10

them. \yjt,l~ L'.:~i:l:·.:

JL:c dr).\'CS by \\·:•n', ac·1 o:,s at

the start cf the ne:·toci. but friled

., T




l City Coca-Cola. Bottling Co.

l ~

PEil·~. .;

[,aoics Wefoomc at All Times


G. Heuer, Ovi·ncr -

~~·~A/VVVV'~ ~~ ........

INight shift .

Frosh scribble, dance and kodak

Finally Oaki3 has decided which gal rates the date for Homecoming ... avoiding the front door are Mickey and Aden ... Saw "Big" Linciy and McArdle ... speaking of last year's men, Sehnert was seen with Bonnie .AJ:mstrong ... couples together again :for H-0mecoming include Art and Karney, Jerry and Gen, Pascal and .Finell, Butch and M:J.rjorie ... Latest fall fashion-Whiz's streamlined goatee ... Mac's all-state eenter turned out to be a six pound cheerleader, Karen Ann ... Weber has a flyer ... promise of the week-Convo this Friday will NOT be boring" .. Banks had his first P.S.T.C. dace-freshman Mary Belle ... Most un1)l'onounceable name on campus-Orthello Vernellans Byers ... the fellas of Delzell Hall are in for a big surprise tonight .. .it's Rube and Lillian ... Schultz and Wells ... Have you heard Irene Jordan's giggle? ... who· IS the handsomest foo..ball player? ... Huey brought Mary L. Drexler hoIPe Wednesday night ... start getting a man for the formal. .. the date is Nov. 21. .. Good overstepped those rules again for thaL date with Heckler ... Martin is baking cooldes for soldiers ... we appreciated Rev. Becker's choice of a "fighting" scripture befor~. the Midland game ... ·who thoughl Mary Shirley's package was such a clever joke ... Nina's said "Au revoir" to Swampie ... who's going to sponsor the football banquet this war ...

Prep elects class heads

Riley is through philandering ... we miss breakfast at Nellie's ... fellas that won't daDce at the dances might not get asked to the formal-get away from tl1at stage in the Music Hall .. .is Al's girl coming for Homecoming? ... "The Committee" sent Virgie Lee baby booties this year ... Searcey's '.hree o'clock visits to the library are made endurable by sitting r:ext to Verna Rogers ... Pat Carmine has given up eating two pieces of apple pie a la mode .. . Telephone rush hours-10-10:30 .. .its said that the skele;on in the Phys and Hi room i:Jet on the Yanks ... quote of the week: "I may not look like a football but I've sure been kicked around" . . . does anybody know ALL the words to the "Strip Polka" ...

Marvin Brnwn will preside over Prep srniors this yrnr, with Fem Kizer, vice prcsider,i, Dorothy Ste· pa11, secretary, Rosella Merit.~., treasurer and Dr. Willinm 'I:. :Miller,

sponsor. The nsw junior class president Norma Barton is vlcc p1'2siae~·.t, and the secretaryt.reasurer i,. J\farjorie Rogers. Miss PeQrl KentJr1 sponsors the class. Miss Marie F'aulhaber, sponsor of the sophomore,, m:nounced Marian Hayes' election as president, Boyd Palmer as vice-president, Kathl~en Nincellelser, secretary, and Junior Clary, treasurer. The Prep pe,J club gave the reins to Kathlyn Benford, president, Nancy Steck, secretary and Louise Walker, treasurer. i:; J\fax M:tthcws:

The Secret Order of the Knights of the Black Legiot: l1aci ;,;;i.; .. tion services recently-we hear out of house and home is Prof. Moore-quarantined ... Rachow's "Hemy" has retired because he can't reti"e ... Cramer waLed a half hour in the Eliza Morgan parior-for Mrs. Dunning ... who did the murals on the sidewalks to Delzell? .. . The lower the lights the longer the night shift ... turn 'em off! .. . turn 'em off! ... turn 'em off!

Kappa Phi honors grads Kappa Omicron Phi will welcome former members back on campus for Hcmecoming weelrend with a speciai dinner Saturday noon, Oct l'/, announced President Vada Gubser following the meeting at i\1iss Edna Weare's .home Monday, Oct. 5. At :he meeting, Ardis Carmine was appointed to direct preparations for a party to be given for all freshmen hom2 ec0nomics girls and ,Jlans were also made for the initiation of new nrcmbers, Saturday morning, Oc .. 17.

Jeanne Winkleman Galloway, editor of the 1939-40 PEDAGOGIAN, died Saturday evening, Oet. 10, at St. Mary's Hmoital, Nebraska Ciy. Her husband, Ernest Galloway ('40) arrived for his first furlough from ravy du.t,y Surday mornng, Oct. 1. A son was 'born to Mr. and Mrs. Galloway. To their many Peru frie1>ds, Jeanne's death is a distinct shock-especially to .the Pedagogian staff with whom Jeanne was so closely assoeiated.

~ ·;~~:1~~-~· ~;~~~-l~~;-GUAR1~ ~1 ~~~;



CLEANING Try us next time your suits, coats, dresses or furs need cleaning, pressing or repairing. Our economy prices, guaranteed vvorkmanship and prompt service assure you of complete satisfaction.

t ....


! :ii'.


0 PE~~-~I:~::::~~~- & TAIL.~~~:::1~'.1~~-J .


Scrap~ Happy


1942 Decirate with scrap this year-Let's get in the Scrap Students-Make this a Double-purpose week!

Get "Scrappy" all of you. Get in the "scrap" to make gcrap out of the Axis. And incidently Bobcats-let's Add Chadron to the Scrap Pile. Show the old Peru Spirit-Wear one of the Bobcat sweaters-We also have the Bobcat Souvenir pencils made by Sheaffer.


Chatelain's Jewelry (Where your money buys more)

The Midland game brought two men-in-service back to Peru Friday, Oct. 2.

One cf than, Lt. Jr. Gr. Faul V. Armstrcng e32)) U. S. Navy, who has just completed a course of instructio;J in Iowen Hall, Chicago, had a few· days leave before reporUn0 fer duty. on the U. S. S. Bettelgem:e at San Francisco. Corpe,: cJ Chsries Snider ('39- ·40 F'rosil cbss presidmt). also here for the game will return to Camp Ephrata, WashL,gton. Thaine Hale ('37-'40) of che 35th Inf:mtry, V211tura, ,Calif., was on campus Thursday, Oct. 7. Verlyn Carpenter (Mat. '39) ai:d Le;; Gump rMat. '00) are swtioned at Ventura \Vith him. L:. T0m Majors ('38) was in Peru for a visit enroute from officers training camp at Miami to Hamiltor1 Field in Calif. Howard Bath, ('30) who has been

at home in Auburn en furlough, rcpcrteci for duty "~ Be hscda, Md. r2c2n<;ly to t.ake a nine morJhs course in diseas2 and e,;.)idemics. He is a 2nd class Pharmacist's ?\fate ~f th2 ffo~pital Corps. His bro.her, John Ba:h ('32). ,,,·i10 v:as formerly a jtL.ior high supervLcn· in the Traini:1~;- .sc:1col is new a .sergeant ia the P~ychol­ gical H::::::cm'Ch Detach1n2nt at Arrey Gunners' Scho:)l, L&s V;_·;;<1s. ~c~·Lt. Charles Ray IIorcon (Mat. '3G1 was in Falls CLy Saturday. C,;,. 3, on his way to Ft. Bliss, where lle will be statio::led. He reccEtl:' completed officers training at. Camp Tyson, Tenn. John Horton ('39) his bro:her, will finish oificers training in the Medical Corps, Oct. 17, at Can~p Barkeley, Texas. Also stationed at Cam,J Barkeley

Prof. Moore is speaker at freshrnan YW

Prof. V. H. Jindra will discuss (<The N2n~aha. County Yiusic Prog:arn'' m the Nemaha Cotuty T?cclErs' Institu'.c at Auburn, i\'=:nd::y. Oct. 12. 0

Freshman clubs have started "rolling." Five photography enthusiasts attended the first Kociak Club mee~­ ing Thursday, Oct. 8. Miss Nona Palmer is faculty aavisor assisted by upperclass spocnsor Walter Marshall. Prof. L. B. Mathews will be host at the nex'. meetinr:. Learn to D~ncers ":,1id" t.hrough their second mceLing Thursday, Oct. 1. Upperclassmen guiding the s'.eps are Betty McLrc'.ic, Jea!1 Hoagland, Betty Berger. Ken11v Ro'.lrs, Merlin Broers, Wayne Buhrmann and Clifford Harding. Marjorie Prine is pianist for the group. Scribblers n:et Thursday, Oct. 1, and Peru Flayers, Thursda0', Oct. 8, to make plans for future activities.

Blue stars

Emphasizing the spiritual, side of the "play, work, worship" freshmrn Y W program was Prof. R. D. Moore who addressed the members at the meeting Tuesday, Oct. 6. A commit'.ee of freshman girls appoil•ted by chairman Maxwell will themselves plan and direct the last program in the orientation series.

Tony chief maestro for Symphonium Tony DefJ8 ro, inu:::ic inajor fron1 Nel::r::s:,:a Ci.t.y will hcacl Symphonin:1: ac'i'iiLies this year-. Other offi~::·s ore Mary Shirley Jimerso:1. vice-prcsidcn: and E\·eJ:':: Sl:1~k

s2 cr2t:try-treasurer. Pl8ns fer the year were dfacussccl at ,he meeting Monday, Oct. 5. Futu::·2 p:"o;;rams will be in chzcr:;·e cf i\fary Shirley Jimerson o.nd Betty Kennedy and include selections by the club members and study of forms of music. Meetit:gs will be held the first Monday of each mon'.h at 8 o'clock in the music hall auditorium. Prof. Robert T. Benford is sponsor.

WA Astarts hit·pins rolling Cries of "Batter up!" and "Knock that pin down," echoed in the gymnasium at the first W. A. A. hitph practice Thursday, Oct. 1. Fre~hman sports club and W. A. A. will be combined this year and regular 2112ctin:;s will be held Thursdays at 8 o'clock. Dr. Millard D. Bell, who wa,s gr2,,duatecl from Peru in 1926, has rece.ntly published his doctor's thesis, entitled "A Plan For :he Reorganization of Adrni:-,istratlve Units

for the Schcols of Nebraska.''

a,re Haney Milstead r'41) and D Tyler <'31). Raney ·and Mrs. Mi stead (Phyllis Dammast, '41) a rived in Peru Saturday on a week furlough. Cal Gridley, Yeoman on U. S. Dunlap, who left Peru in '38 t join th2 Navy, was married Reno, Nev .. Sept. 29 . . . her nam )::; Vz.:~·na. 1~ot "Dotti'.::' ... ?vt. Chester D2an Cark, (Mat. '39)

D.i.d Pi'.. D:oan Karr

pa.rd Field, Texas, were t!·ansferre 'I\:e:;day, Oct. 6, to the Air Cor

Technical School. Chanute Fiel Chkag·oi fer a 12 \Vcek tr2ining

courc:c. Lt. Wayne Weare 1.'36) brother of Misses Edna a,;;d Eperva Weare, has been s.ationed as physical director and officer in charge of cadet training at the new naval base at :F1arragut, Icaho. Elmon Velvick ('41) is at Camp Shelby, Mies ... Mrs. Velvick and b\by will join him there soon. Cpl. Bill Saale C39) sbtioned Headquarters of Servic's of Suppl~· b New York writes that he w~,, in W1shington D. c. recently . , . saw Mary Modlh. Goodreau S::p:r. Owin Gotcub and Charles F:m~ell there. :: '

Band is ready for Homecoming If you don',t know now what :; "Bust UJ'l" is, you will after you see the marching bard ;iarade at the Homecoming game Saturday,

Oct. 17.

Victory will be the drill theme and '' special arrangement of "The Old Gray Mare" is also promised game spectators. According· to Director V. H. Jindra, the band is shapbg into a marching organization comparabie if net su,ierior, to that of previous years.





the thirty-five freshman Y vV'ers into the complete organization is schedule.d Tuesday, Oct. 20.


('40l, wh

\Vere: '1Yith tl:.2 air cnrp.s at Shep




"Have Morals Taken A Holiday""' at their meeting. Eunice Bogle. Nina Kane! and Virgie Lee Johnson were committee workmen.



Aubum, Nebraska SUNDAY - \10:'\DAY - TUESDA.Y October 25-26.27


Bl 111


Quiz Kids - Cartoon and News

Students! Teachers! You Can Open a PAYC Checking Account at the-

Bank of Peru This service is tailored to your requirments to re· duce check charges and exchange expense· Come visit v.-ith us about it. You'll find this a frie'l1dly bank.


• 'Now is the time for all good uvians to come to the aid of the ty, the party in this case being One Guy they think is the most nderful Wheelerman, the most autiful Bobcat and the greatest rldder.

Following is a list of the candi&tes-our 1942 football team. So ick your man, the Bobcat with the "Mosta of the Besta," and be . ready to cast your vote when the ·time comes. Last year's king, W. Handley... the backfield flash ...friendly junior lad from Nemaha. Fourth-year man, Don Stark... had two shirts torn off in the Doa1r game ... manly ... 180-lb. Cornstatr oack... hard hitting. Osterthun ... "Swede," they call him ...shy transfer from Nebr. U.... enchanting grin .. .top-grade guard. Eagle's all around stopper, .Art Ronhovde ... 170-lb. junior ... has tough luck with injuries ...smooth dancer ... best nature in fifty counties.




Y b~nquet John" reigns as queen /1

~.~~~~~~:::·•.w:~ o~ Victory Homecoming the home economics room Tuesday, Oct. 27. Miss Kady Faulkner, art instruc· tor at University of Nebr. and member of University Y. W. ad· visory board, will give a chalk talk. Jacqueline Young, negro student at Nebraska University, and a Hawaiian-Japanese student will .also speak.

Socko Rachow, the Carleton Kid ... Peru's 195-lb. tackle ... "good clean kid" ... high · forehead ... also candidate for May Queen. Butch Roberts ... dependable 176lb. Tecumseh guard ...has his triday Dr. Peppers ... characteristic amble ... noted for imitating Coach Wheeler. Li'l Abner comes from Humboldt ...6' 4" tackle ...broadest shoulders ... bashful 195-lb. sophomore ... never has enough food.

Her Royal Highness ...

"The purpose of the banquet," said Nina Kane!, "is to get kids interested in the Estes Conference next spring." The Regional Council, of which Nina is co-chairman, has decided that an Estes Conference will be held this year despite war conditions. Harriet Ma>..·well conducted the last freshman orientation meeting Tuesday, Oct. 13, with a discussion on "Make Your Own Ten Commandments." The freshman girls elected Rebanis Frankforter and Rosemary Pershing as members of the regular Y cabinet.

Freshman encl, Diz Ulmer ... hap· py-go-lucky Iowa lad ... cronic sing.er of popular songs.

Pear1 Hines, the red- haired tackle from Barnston ... runs like Tom Harmon·... has bluest eyes:.. weighs 193-lbs.

Major A. L. Hill visits Peru campus Major and Mrs. A. L. Hill ar· rived in Peru Tuesday, Oct. 13, for a brief visit.

At Lo\vTY Field in Denver Major Hill directs productions of films to be used in instruction for officer training. An artist does the finAnother 6' 4" Bobcat is offensive ishing, and a writer does the scenend, Whiz White ... hails from Su- arios. The films are sent to Washperior ... has longest eye lashes and ington for approV3.l. fastest line. Training centers in the territory of Lowry Field use the films, and Atwood, Ashland'3 back ... senior some of them are used for civilian vice-presiden~ ... only married man purposes by patriotic organizaon team ...dashingly handsome ... tions. steady player. L. Hutton, the Little Man, Auburn's all-state back ... he's always singing ... ideal disposition ... known for his "rabbit-start."

Peru's nearest thing to Tyrone Power - Fritz McKee ... Pawnee City back ... en'thusiastic freshman ... weighs 160 lbs. Another Auburn man, Bob Oakman .. .looks like a Roman God ... i;lays center ...ex-Delzell yo-yo~hamp .. ,6' tall and weighs 170 lbs. Sophomore end, P. Schmelzer... ?op Steck's crooner... good student

...dreamy eyes... weighs 165 lbs ... has easy going mo.nr.er Oscar Smith, a sophomore 170 lb. end ... played for Prep ... has amazing sense of humor ... blond..has funny run .. Other likely "Most Handsome Football Players" are: Linemen w. Parks, 180-lb. Dor.chester tackle; Bud Brown, guard, and one of Mac's freshmen from Auburn; tall, quiet Herbert Bonesteel, Stella end; Prep School offering, Jack Cejka, 180-lb. tackle; another tackle, Alvin Haack, a blond from. Elk Creek; M. Burroughs, a Beatrice guard and littlest man on the team; Cowboy Linder's younger orother Wayne, a 176-lb. guard; endman Meyer, freshman from $idney; and another end, D. Williams, youngest man on the team.

Still other backfield candidates are: Bill Ryan, a tough back from Missouri Valley; Bob Brown, 116lb. ex-Prep student; wavey-haired Falls City boy, M. Young; Unk's l\ttle brother, Richard, at 156 lbs.; and Pierson, freshman from Sidney, Ia.

With the ringing of the last bell Friday morning, Peruvians officially threw aside textbook~ and assignment worries to start celebrating the biggest weekend on the yearly calendar-Homecoming. Activities began Friday night with an all-college pep rally. The cheerleaders, Reuben Fanders and the pep band led Peruvians in a snake dance, college yells and the singing of the Color Song around the bonfire on the prep ath field before the rally dance in the gym. Homecoming day schedule opened as the band marched onto the field to play the Color Song and the national anthem before the kickoff of the Peru-Chadron game. Between halves Virgie Lee Johnson was introduced as '42 Homecoming queen and crowned by game captain Unk Hutton. Virgie ·Lee, junior from Kansas City, Mo., was attended by Jean Hoagland, senior from Omaha and Bette Riley, sophomore from Dawson. Dressed in white sport clothes and wearing her crown of pink asters, Virgie Lee was assisted into a blue and white decorated carriage and driven around the field. Marching at the half the band's V formation and victory code drumbeat accompaniment carried out the Homecoming theme as did the presentation of five $1 defense stamps to alumni Joyce Stark, M. Florence Martin, Bob Ashton, Horace Rzehak and George Gates. Following the game Sigma Tau Delta honored returning members at a special Homecoming tea in the music hall. Mrs. Inice DunVirgie Lee Johnson, official Queen of Peruvian Homecoming acning and· Miss M. Florence Martin received and Ellen King poured. tivities, who was introduced to students and grads at the Victory game At 7:15 the Homecoming play Saturday afternoon. "Night Must Fall" was presented in the college auditorium. Following the final curtain stuSee Vacation-Oct. 20- Nov. 2. dents and alumni wound up HomeU. S. Employment Service, Ne· coming activities dancing to the braska City, for corn husking music of Dave Haun and his band work. in the gym.

Student cast stages dramatic success by Reuben


Professor Moore staged his first successful play of the year, Emlyn Williams' "Night Must Fall," last Saturday night. The play was received by an appreciative audience and proved to be everything Peru playgoers have come to e>..1Ject. Briefly the story ccncerned Dan, a bellboy in a resort hotel remotely located in Essex, England. Having seduced Dora Parlrne, maid at Mrs. Bramson's, he is summoned to the Bramson cottage. Such is his charm that Mrs. Bramson is immediately to be complimented for her subtle taken with him, adding him to her stage grace. household of servants. The murRuth Adamson again personified der of a guest at the hotel is traced old age in the role of Mrs. Bramto Dan by Olivia, an unhappy niece son, the eccentric, half-invalid, of Mrs. Bramson's, who elects to old woman. She will be rememshield the boy. Dan, grateful but bered for the way in which she powerless in the grip of his homi- credibly portrayed this old hag. cidal instincts, plots the murder of Freddie Drexler, the boring HuMrs. Bramson for her money. The bert, did everything but bore his police take him away to be hanged, audience with his gymnastic eyeleaving Olivia relieved but deso- brows, English accent, and his late. comical walk. The stiff, brisk cook, played by Wallace Cleaveland, who played Danny, won the admiration of the Marjorie Wareham, was outstandaudience with his poise and the ing. She very effectively cooled mechanical perfection of his char- the hot-headed Mrs. Bramson. She acterization. He showed an un- handled herself and her accent derstanding of the role and very well. The calm, cool, quiet inspector through subtle glances and slight gestures was able to bring that of Scotland Yard was played by Bob Wheeler. He was the typical character into being on the stage. Sherlock Holmes-even to the Phyllis De Long, as Olivia, play- pipe. Finally Lucille Weber pored another outstanding role. With trayed the crisp, efficient district her eyes, her whole body, emo- nurse. tion, and her flexible voice she The outstanding scene, made so gave an excellent characterization perhaps by the beautiful way it -a mature performance. was pointed and the suspense it Evelyn Rogers turned a minor involved, was the murd~r scene. part into an outstanding role in Wallace Cleaveland was afhis best the part of Dora, a difficult feat here. Scenes such as this show indicative of her ability. She is the work of an artistic director.

''Anyth·1ng Peru Goes


at Bobcat Bounce Nov. 14 It's not due to gas rationing or tire trouble, but for this year's fall formal the gals have chosen a stay-at-home theme - "Anything that's typically Peru goes" and the title is the "Bobcat Bounce." On Saturday, Nov. 14, Pick's Hi-Hatters will swing out in the blue-and-white decorated gym for all Peruvians who've passed the faculty and student receiving line.

La Vara Oakley, dorm council head, is pleased with the all-Peru theme and with the cooperation of the girls. "We'll do our darndest to make it a truly Bobcat Bounce," she announces. Committees appointed to man· ,age the formal are: Program, Betty Berger, Jean Hoagland; Decoration, Mary Mannschreck, Betty Kennedy, Mabel Newton, Lois Wagoner; Orchestra, Rogene Rose, La Vara Oakley; Invitation, Chris· tine Wilkinson, Audrey Zastera, Mabel Newton; Calendar, Audrey Zastera, Lois Wag.oner.

Goudge novel 1s next AAUW review "Castle on the Hill" by Elizabeth Goudge will be reviewed by Miss Grace Tear at the next A. A. U. W. hour on Nov. 12.

Cadets will meet training deadline "I feel that the Naval Cadets. confront a difficult problem in trying to master a very concentrated and crowded· schedule in· eight weeks," said Prof. A. B. Clayburn, ground school instrue· tor. "They are to become acquainted with the subjects rather than master them."

After finishing 30 hours of physics instruction, the cadets are now studying meteorology, becoming acquainted with weather maps, U.S. Weather Bureau symbols and teletype reports. They have completed 180 hours of the 240 required ground school hours and should finish the program by the official date, Oct. 30.


Not freshmen but transfers

• • •

Last words ..

Be careful, upperclassmen! Some of the new students on campus aren't freshmen-they're transfers! Homecoming .. . "Swede" Ostherthun comes to Uncle Sam ... "V" for Victory ... Coach Jones from Peru from the University of Ne''deep in the heart of Texas'' ... army and navy alumni ... braska where he won his numeral Queen "John" ... Captain "Unk" ... :Majorette in both football and baseball. Berger ... Council Head Tony ... the Bobcat team ... Blond, blue-eyed and friendly, Swede's major is physical educaHomecoming committees ... Blue feathers ... Homecoming tags ... acorn favors tion. Doris Miller, a transfer from from the cafe ... play programs ... Omaha University, testifies that some people do point and say, Homecoming ... Peru ... 1942. "Freshman!" She also reveals that she's from "Ioway,'' sings in the college chorus, likes teaching rural school and that she plans to · do more of it soon. Another of the new girls is tall and blond Virginia Ann Altaffer who transferred from Red Oak Defense stamp corsages to the girls' dorm council for Junior College. Virginia Ann the swell job of initiatii1g they did this year. Efficiently likes Dramatics and speech work. planned and cleverly plotted it wasn't too hard to take for She belonged to the Future Teachthe freshman who struggled with waste-paper baskets and ers of America group at Red Oak. Wayne Sack, a transfer from tattle-tale grey shoes, the upperclass girls who suff erec1 Wentworth Military School, is a through some too-too beautiful renditions of the color song Nebraskan from Beatrice who says -or the faculty who had to face the shiny nor•2s, red cheeks he likes Peru very much. Evidently the feminine Peruvians are and half-mast beanies. at least partly responsible, since he says, "I like a co-educational school." Ralph Patrick is another transfer who likes Peru. A sophomore from Dana College at Blair, Ralph confesses that at first the noise in dorm "surprised" him but that Singing "Way down yonder in the paw-paw patch" the he has grown quite used to it now. in Eliza Morgan rec hall ancl talking as one student to an-' He lists his hobbies as "reading other of problems which he and other evacuated Japanese and anything connected with the Americans face, Kenji Okuda aroused mainly a sympa- industrial arts."

Congratulati.ons . . .

And freed om of speech . . .

thetic reaction among students and faculty. Perhaps this is evidence that America may yet escape the blind race and national hatred in this war which deprives American citizens of their privileges because of color or nationality and destroys their belief in our way of life. · Ken's straightforward appeal to students to recognize the necessity for keeping the faith of these .TapaneseAmerican citizens in the ideals of democracy was impressive in his convo talk. Whatever one's views on the J ap evacuation may be, the problem which these people face is a _serious one, and it is our problem as well as theirs. As American citizens, they have a right to plead their cause.

Camellia Connelly (Mat. '41), Omaha; Maurice Linder ('42), Nehawka; Arthur Jones, Personnel Division, American Red Cross, Sheppard Field, Texns; Nona Palmer ('15), Peru; Mrs. R. M. Halladay ('41), Elgin; Mrs. Edith Davenport Linn ('29); Ensign Lester B. Reutter (Mat. '41), U. S. N. R., Corpus Christi, Texas; Thomas Dean ('42), Clarinda, Iowa; Mrs. Thomas Dean ('42), Clarinda, Iowa; Edith Willey ('42), Auburn; Barbara Dressler (Mat. '42), Brock; Joyce Stark (Mat. '42), Brock; M. Florence Martin ('34), Peru; Mrs. Robert G. Price ('38), Wilbur; Horace Rzehak ('41), Peru; Harold Dailam ('42), Pryor, Okla.; John Rhodus ('42), Peru; Pvt. Jack R. Snider (Mat. '41), C. R. T. C., Fort Riley, Kansas; Mrs. H. W. Johnson ('29), Salem; H. W. Johnson ('38), Salem; Doris K. €arnahan (Mat. '42), Knoxville, Tennessee; Geraldine Ludvik {Mat. '42), David City; J. F.

up attempted Jap bombing 16 boats.

Pvt. Frank H. Heck is now at Camp Lee, Virginia, for a month of basic military training followed by another month or so at Clerical Administration School there. Don Rose, Yeoman 2nd class, who has recently been made an Ensign, is stationed at Pearl Har"It surely helps," he adds, "hav- bor. Bob Denny (Pre-law '33-'35) ing a former Peruvian (Dean Clark) along, and maybe you think has left for duty with the Marines. Recently appointed a Naval. we didnt pore over our PEDS HarAviation Cadet, Robert S. Smith riet sent." Meeting Helen Hayes in the was transferred from Naval ReStage Door Canteen in Washington, D. C. was a big moment for James Sandin, Seaman 2nd Class, who is at the Naval School of Music there. From Northern Scotland Willard Milliken tells of volunteering as a night fighter pilot:

"So with no night flying to my credit since I was at Tulsa eight months before, I was waltzed out to a Hurricane and off I went-no dual-no nuthin'. Scared-yer dern tootin! When I made my first landing you would have thought I was underneath it letting it down softly and surely. I knew it had to be a good one-one slip and I was a gone gosling. And I fancy a long beard, a cane, and the patter of tiny feet round about me some day, so I was plenty cautious." Participating in recent hard· fought engagements in the Solomon Islands was Lt. Delton Goerke. Lt. Goerke was with an army mission in action breaking

Cornered just before alarm-setting time, Homecoming Queen Virgie Lee Johnson stopped brushing off her bed long enough to mutter fiercely, "What I hate most is cookie crumbs in my bed!" Virgie, junior from Kansas City, finally brushed off the last crumbs and sat down to list her likes and dislikes. "I like light, I like milk, icecream and fudgcicles. I don't like cokes-especially or coffee-especially. I just drink them to be sociable-when I do drink them. I like dancing because there's always lots of people at dances and I like to be

''I'm walkin' the floor over you'' was the theme song as the PED staff struggled through a maze of bad luck, upset schedules and pre-planned deadlines to put out this issue. Fortunately, the Nemaha County Herald office at Auburn was "willin' and able" to take oYer PED publication when the local Peru Pointer was unable to do so because editor and printer "Bob" has one of those all-important dates with Uncle Sam. Definite plans are still ''in the process,'' but since the Herald also publishes the Auburn High School paper, some juggling of PED issues is involved. So, when Tuesday comes aTound and the PEDS aren't out, chalk it up to the war emergency-and wait.

"October-brilliant fall shades in school clothes - falling oak leaves-cool crispness in the Oak Bowl-and best of all the home· ward trekking of the 'ex's'. Gee, but it would be luxury to be able to drop in for this week-end," writes Pvt. Dean Karr from Cha· nute Field where he is in training at the Air Corps Technical School.

Introducing Virgie Lee

Just in case ...


lBl•. ue Stars • • •

around people. "I don't like to be rushed. I don't like having nothing to do and I don't like having too much to do. ' "I like to ride on bicycles or horses or in open cars and feel the wind blowing against my face. It's so stimulating, but at the same time, it's peaceful and restful. "I'm an English major and I'm minoring in speech arid French. And I have a sorta' minor in biology too-I think. I'm planning on teaching-I've wanted to ever since I was little. "My eyes are sorta' brown and green and blue and yellow-sometimes they're gray too, I suppose. It depends on what I wear-they blend in-or contrast. "Once I was a Princess-I was a freshman in high school and it was for the school carnivql-and I was a Princess in the high school May Fete when I was a senior. Once, I was a Pie Supper Queen!" As to her latest royal office, Virgie smiled that typical "Johnson smile" and glancing at her crown which was topping a manly picture on her dresser said only, "Well, I know everyone says it, but ,I was quite honored-and quite thrilled!"


Hendricks ('09), Dawson; Juttie Hendricks Weekly ('12), Auburn; Bob Ashton ('41), Lorton, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. George Gates ('35), Omaha; Grace Rowlison ('33), Missouri Valley, Iowa; William F. Chapin ('39), Omaha; Melvin McKenney (Mat. '41), Auburn; Helen Larson ('39), Faragut, Iowa; Margaret Meier, Hastings; Reba Yeakle ('38), Hastings; Dee Ernst ('37), Hastings; Lorene Moothart ('33), Tecumseh; H. R. Dressler ('14), Nemaha; Helen Hutcheson Dressler ('16), Nemaha; Ruth McDonald (Mat. '41), Tecumseh; Dean J. Slagle ('42), Falls City; Blair G. Williams (Mat. '42), Shubert; Echo Elaine Lum (Mat. '42), Howell; Betty Jean Miller (Mat. '42), Weepin!i Water; Clarice Wagner (Mat. '42), Red Oak, Iowa; Nancy Redfern ('42), Peru; Eula Redenbaugh ('40), Peru; Donna Lee Marshall (Mat. '42), Nebraska City; La Vergne Cowell (Mat. '42), Auburn.

serve Ayiation Base in Kansas City to Naval Air Station at Pensacola, Florida, for intensive training. On completion of this course, he will receive his Navy "Wings of Gold" and a commission as Ensign in the Naval Reserve or 2nd Lieutenant in Marine Corps Reserve. Second Lt. Dick Turner was navigator of a big B-24 Bomber caught in a tropical storm over Brazilian jungle. The pilot set the ship down in the bed of a small dry lake. The party cut their way through the jungle, reaching the nearest town eight days after the forced landing. Later the crew returned to the jungle to bring out the plane.

Percy, Johnny and Irene are new junior officers "A competent fellow, an able guy and a brainy girl that can write legiblY and balance books" that's what the junior class wanted and that's what they have following their election of Clifford Harding, Johnny Jenkins and Irene Nispel as class officers. You can recognize President Harding by his green striped barrel sweater and big grin. "Percy" sponsors Learn-to-Dance, means stiff competition in any history class and belongs to Kappa Delta Pi and the Y. M. cabinet. Vice-president Jenkins is known to Peruvians as "Johnny" but admits his legal name is Harold Lee. He's a member of Kappa Delta Pi, helps boss Delzell as Donn coun, cil member, was '42 May King attendant and sings with the Perusinger basses. 'Secretary-treasurer Irene Nispel

is the feminine member of the official trio. Envy of dorm girls is her beautiful red coat and her changeable colored eyes. She's a member of Kappa Omicron Phi and Gamma Chi and hobbies include ping-pong and reading history.

Kansan swears Japs endangered "It's going to be a hell of a battle when we cadets get at those Japs," said J. D. Thomas, one of the fly· ing cadets now stationed at Peru.

Thomas is from Kansas City, Kans., and gradt•ated from Kansas City Junior College in 1941. He was employed at the First State Bank in Kansas City before joining the navy.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Tuesday, October 20, 1942 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. . Editor ________________________ ............ ------------------------------------·--J!Jll~n K~ng Assistant Editor ......... ----------------------------------------·Mar~one Prme Sports Editor.. _.................-------------------------·:-·-----------B1ll Rachow Copv Writers _______ .........Rogene Rose, Alice Ann Cleaveland, • Bette Jean Scott, Betty Berger Proofreader...... ----------------------···-··------------------------Audrey Zaste:·a Adviser ........................................... -----------,--}11. Florence Mar~m Reporters-Virgie Lee J ohnson1 Billy :Woods, Lorrau:e Safranek Lvdia Vos1cky, Lois Norton, Melvm Rothmill~r, ·Keith Albers, William Cramer, Christine Wilkinson.

"l ioined the Navy Air Corps at the same time my buddies did," Thomas continued. "I like the guys and gals on the campus. We're having a good time and we sort of hate to leave here." Youngest of the Naval cadets is another Kansan, Robert "Bull" Dawson from Eudora. "Flying has always been my one real desire, so here I am,'' he ex· plained.

A graduate of Cameron High School in 1942, he worked in a munitions factory at Eudora, Kans., last summer. Speaking of Peru, "Bull" said,. The people here are pretty swell, . and there are a few good-looking " girls here too!"




Bob Cats we\IDp visiting Eagles

Sports of 42=43 The Bobcats


Whatta game! Whatta game! Peru play.ed their most magnificent game of the completely outclass the Chadron team 41--0, in the Oak Bowl. Playing a team that oatweighed them nearly twenty pounds per man, Peru held them to nearly no gain for the first three and one half quarters. Chadron finally completed several passes late in the fourth quarter, but one was intercepted and outside of that there was absolutely no threat.


Game Captain Hutton


Willard Redfern

sistant Editors

Cecil Johnson Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, October 201 1942

·eru Kittens trounce

Service Board talks for PED "We want our pictures taken," was the unanimous demand of the various members of the Army, .Navy and Marine Corps College rocurement Board as they loungon the Mount Vernon steps be· ng. "collegiate" and waiting to be nterviewed by the PEDAGOG· IAN. "What do you want to know. just ask the army," volunteered Lt. Engel who is chairman of the group and in charge of the board's ·procedure. "There are five of uswe repre.~ent the Army, the Navy, the Marines and even the Coast Guard. Lt. Duncan isn't a regular member of the board, even if he is here today-he's a "spy" from tbe Navy depa!'tment." According to Lt. Engel, the board attempts to explain the various branches' of the service to college men interested in enlistment in the . reserve forces. Traveling in Ne· braska, Missouri and Iowa, the board will visit 42 schools includ· ing all state colleges throughout the territory. Members c:f the board include Lt. Fred Engel of the Army ·Ground Forces, Capt. John Culnan of the Marine Corps Reserve, Lt. William Johnson of the Naval Reserve, Lt. Byrne Logan of the Army Air Force and Ensign Herbert Bohren and Fut. James Dunman, both of the Naval Reserve. Prior to their Peruvian visit the board was a week at the Univer'Sity and Tarkio was next on their Schedule after leaving Peru. "Be sure and tell them how glad e were' to be here and to have e chance to talk to the fellows,'' id Lieutenant Engel. "And if you know any girls inerested in enlisting in the WAAC's Ql the WAVES we'll be glad to lk to· them too," said the Capin-or maybe it was the Ensign.

mation, made their oruy threat of the afternoon mid-way in the second quarter when a hidden ball reverse sent their wingback into the clear. But a !lying tackle by Gene Henning h~m on the three yard line~ The Bobkitten line held and a second down fumble was recovered by a prepster to end the threat. Peru marched ninety-se.ven yards for their third touchdown. Weeping Water booted out on the kittens' three yard line. On a fake punt Cotton ran through the Weeping Water line and into the open but he dropped the ball which was picked up by the left end, Leland Blankenship. Blankenship was downed on the forty yard line. Three plays later "Cot" drove over his own right tackle and raced fifty yards for the final score before the half. Wayne Cotton, the Bobkittens' great pivot man, was injured near the end of the half and forced to the side lines. He had played one hundred and sixty seven minutes without once sitting on the bench. The kittens continued to lay it on the visitors the second half. Ogg broke loose near the end of the third quarter and raced for the fourth score. The final marker was made mid-way in the fourth quarter with "Cot" smashing ten yards for his sixty-second point of the season. Wayne Cotton returned to the line-up the second half and finished the game. The high school \\ill meet what might prove to be their toughest remaining game this Friday evening when they entertain Table Rock. The kittens eked out a 7 to O verdict last year and most of the last year Table Rock team is returning.

Top scorer Handley

Introducing the Bob Cats years old, Pete is 5' 9" tall and Playing regular right guard this weio"hs 165 pounds. Younger year is Swede Osterthun, a trans- brother of ex-Peruvian Bob Wilfer from the University of Nebras- liams, he played most of the tough ' ka. Swede played high school Kearney game. football at Tecumseh before makFrom Nehawka, Nebraska, comes ing his football and basket ball another of those "Linder Brothers." numerals. He is a sophomore, 5' Wayne is known as "Little 9", and weighs 165 pounds. Blond, Punchy," and plays the same brand of football Maurice did, bashful and good looking, he is working as hard the first minute just waiting for the right girl to as the last. Young Punchy plays guard, and also played a lot of the come along. Kearney game. At Nehawka, Mcintire brought two freshmen Linder was a star Six-Man footwith him from Auburn who are baller, also playing basket ball good prospects. One is Bud Brown and track. He has the original second string guard. Bud was a personality smile, and eye lashes three sports letterman in high rivaling Whiz'. school and plays heads up football for Peru. He weighs 167 lbs. and is 5' 7". I I Another of Mac's boys is Richard Hutton, younger brother of Unk, and he studies Unk at right half. Also a three sport letterman, he weighs 156 lbs. and is 5' 6". He acts shy, but is rumored to be waiting for Homecoming to pass. Fritz McKee is a big boy from Pawnee City who subs for George Atwood at blocking back. Fritz is darkly handsome, ai;d the sad receiver of some odd swats at one of the earlier board meetings. Playing regular right end is freshman Pete Williams from Glenwood, Iowa. Being only 16

Handley went over for three touchdowns, in the first quarter from the five, in the second quarter from the one and in the third quarter from the ten. Hutton ran for two touchdowns, one in the first quarter, from the eighteen, and the third quarter from the nine. Besides this he had a perfect score on his conversions, four out of four. Bob Brown ran for Peru's last touchdown in the fourth quarter from the thirty eight. Stark plunged for one extra point. Chadron made ten first downs, seven of which were made on passes, one on a penalty and the other two from rushing. Peru had thirteen first downs, nearly all of which were made from passing. Fern's net yardage was 189 yards to 82 for Chadron.

Y/eeping Water 33-0 The prepsters got back in the 'n column last Friday afternoon they thoroughly trounced Weepg Water 33 to 0. Paul Ogg and ern Cotton led the kittens' five uchdown attack. Ogg scored e times and "Cot" scorecl twice ·des flinging two touchdown sses. Prep's initial score came te in the first period on a pass otton to Ogg which was good for irty yards. Ogg crossed the goal anding. The kittens stormed ack early in the second. period again it was Cotton to Ogg for yards and another score. Weepg Water, working off a "T" for-




at cabin While the Bobcats fought Kearney last Friday night, the W. A. A. girls sang, roasted apples and played folk games out at their cabin. Mabel Hechler, Doreen Meier, Lorraine Safranek and Christine Wilkinson were the refreshment committee. Sponsor Phyllis Davidson, Christine Wilkinson and Harriet Maxwell conducted the games.

Peru all but discarded their famed passing attack in favor of gaining on the ground, and found it all in their favor. Peru's first touchdown was set up on a Handley to Hutton ;pass which gained forty yards to Chadron's five yard line. ' The deciding factor of the game was the ability of Peru's light line to outcharge Chadron. Peru's guards and tackles were in Chadron's backfield ·all afternoon, and kept their running attack bottled up. Outstanding players on Chadron's team were tailback Bastron and 220 pound fullback, Lawrence. Starting lineupsPeru Wt. P. Wt. Chadron Schmelzer 175-LE ____ 135 Berren Rachow 190 ___ LT _____ l90 Heath Roberts 175 ___ LG __ l90 Ormesher Ronhovde l 70 __ c ____ l 75 c Patrick Brown 167 ----RG 155 Richenbach Yocum 190 ----RT ____ l85 Alcord Williams 165 ___RE __ l85 Chitwood Atwood 164 ___ QB ____ l65 Calvert Handley 158 ___ LH___ l65 Bastron Hutton c 158 __ RH _____ l90 Moore Stark 175------FB--220 Lawrence Average Wt. of Team: Peru, 171. Chadron, 192. Peru substitutions, Ends-White, 0. Smythe, Meyer, Ulmer. Tackles -Parks, Hines. Guards-Linder, Burroughs. Center - 0 a km an. Backs-Bob Brown, R. Hutton, Young, Pierson, McKee, Ryan.

THE 1942 GRID SQUAD • ••

repsters march at UHomecoming Under the direction of Supt. S. Clements the Training School d played in the mass band and ched with other high school ds at the University of NebrasHomecoming, Saturday, Oct. 17. On Friday, Oct. 16, the band acmpanied the football team to , cumseh.

FIRST ROW: Ulmer, Osterthun, Rachow, Handley, Ronhovde. Stark, Hutton, L. Atwood, Yocum and White. SECOND ROW: Coach Mcintire, McAlexander, Manager, W. Brown, McKee, Linder, Schmelzer, Colglazier, Roberts, Hines, Livingstcn, Williams, R. Hutton, Oakman, Burroughs, DeMaro, Assist. Mgr., Coach Wheeler. THIRD ROW: Parks, Ryan, Myers, Henning, Fox, Holman, Bob Brown, Eberhead, Cejka, Haack, Young, James, Smith, Reutter and Lawrence.

IDight Shift •


I Milk Around the World"

First of all, orchids to the freshman ~iris - they can "take" it, •• Frankie and Alders defied the no-date initiation rule •.. Dinner partners at.the Kiwanis Club dinner were Jindra and Gockley ..• So tong, Ox ... Lowell Huff and Loil• Wag':lner "took in" Homecoming together •.• So did Swede and Betty Lou Coupe •.•

Riley is afraid of the dark . . . Skinned knees adorn several coeds as souvenirs of the serenade ... Who is sending bottles to Eliza Morgan? ... Big date for your calend<ir, girls - new flyers coming in November ... Vera Huff had a ten minute phone call from Portland, Oregon ... McArdle's Navy man ,'ame home for awhile ... Bill Gridley's back ... Veronica's man was here for Homecoming ... Al's girl was here, too ... Warning to picnickers - don't get wieners with cellophane casings • . • Did Redfern get those four play tickets? •.. Aden sits on Mickey's dresser now ••. Two drummers got together for Homecoming, Dougherty and Schrader ..•

Fox leaves Saturday and will return second semester ... People you ought to know - they have cars! - Wheeler, Cramer, Macomber, Wally, and Scotty ... Across-table library stlJ;diers! - Graves-DeYoung; Altafier-Meinen ... No lon-1:: j)igs nor cats and dogs, but turtles ;it Delzell Hall ... Wearers of bri~ t'.duds-~reshman girls and Albers ... Lifesaver of the week - Pere~· saves Berger from drowning in the fish pond •.. Epley has frequent breakfast dates with Sack . . . For almost a week Grundman and Berger ate with members of their own sex ••• Doris Miller's bjrthday was ultra-swell, cause her soldier boy was here .•• Rachow for May Queen ..• "Big" Linder and Jerry were here and together for Homecoming .••

Something we've always wanted to see - a faculty member late quote "Pop" - "Boy! am I late!" as he went to Faculty Meeting ... Best Wheeler imitator - Butch . , . Nickname of the week - "Gunner" Oakman .. , They're calling "Clementine" Ivy, since the serenade ... Let's have another bonfire rally soon .. . Snider visited "Lee" from 12 to 2 ... Be sure to vote for the Gridiron king ... Lydia's an 80 swat-a-week girl ... Bob Wheeler's latest crush is Evelyn Rodgers ... "Shoeshine Boy" Robertson polished off 22 pairs at one sitting ... Startled freshmen who thought they saw a man on Mt. Vernon second can relax - it was only Stevenson's cardboard Uncle Sam ... Freshman girls wanted to sing again for the Army, Navy, and Marine officers ... Se8rcey's against dates so he went to Lincoln for the week-end\ .. Tony took Blanche Hunzeker to the week-end festivities .. ·. Corbert was back for Homecoming ... The formal is going to be a week earlier - get busy fellas so you'll rate a date ... You'll get to celebrate New Year's Eve after all ... One of the Jones boys was back ... So was Betty Mill er - with a new man ... Hang on kids - only 15 days till vacation.

Peru Holler Court convicts guilty stooges "How's life treatin' you?" "You mean the upperclassmen?" quizzed a freshie. After six weeks on campus, the upperclass girls suddenly discovered freshman competition was becoming too keen, and desperately popped a cap on each frosh girl's head, smeared make-up on and shuffled around demanding servitude of them.

Rooms untouched by working hands since school began were expertly cleaned by up and coming freshies. , And upperclnssment realizing a need for something (anything) to aid their appearance found beautifying talent for shoes and clothes in those "stooges." Delzell Hall received a special favor in the serenade Tuesday night. Only talent to be found was naturally among freshmenPeggy Ficke, Rebanis Frankforter, Louise Roettger, Janice Slagle, Bonnie Beezley, Hester Friedly, Helen Wells, Irene Jordan, Mattie Handley, Marilyn Dall and Goldene Niebuhr. Special requests were for Alvena Lempka and Mary Belle Dougherty.

Eliza Morgan lawn was b.eautiful to behold after artistic falents of frosh had worked on it about 30 minutes Wednesday evening. All this and more was done for Peru. But was appreciation, the slightest mention of thanks a reward? No. The verdicts of Kangaroo Court added more to the burdens -not one court session but two. First one was Thursday evening. Friday at convocation upperclass girls came out in true style at the second session. "Cooked up" charges tried in "Peru Holler Court" by the "Holler" jury and sentenced by Ma Yokum, Betty Berger, made the accused go egg walking, swallow gold fish and use egg facials. Persecuting attorney was Available Jones, Bette Scott. Some of the culprits were Ruth Latshaw, Dorothy Pershing, Ruby Rohrs, Mary Lou Drexler, Jean Holman, Verna Rogers, Helen Wells and Mary Belle Dougherty.

Trainers will present 11

· Do you want curly hair, strong bones and good teeth? No, you needn't wash your hair in vinegar, eat bread crusts, do vigorous cal isthenics or use lpana. Just drink milk! You may not know all about the benefits of milk, but the third and fourth grade of the training school do as illustrated by the invitation extended them to present their original play, "Milk Around the World" before the Rural Elementary Section of the Nebraska State Teachers Association.

The play, under the direction of Miss Mary L. Hileman, supervisor of third and fourth grade teaching, will be presented at 2 oclock, Thursday, Oct. 29, at Joslyn Memorial in Omaha. The members of the cast are Bessie Meritt, Norma Jean Lotter,

"M . en II eras h Gamma Chi party Freshman girls doffed traditional green caps "with permission" to don brilliant orange crepe-paper ones at the Gamma Chi Halloween party Wednesday, Oct. 14.

Half of the girls put on slacks and provided "manly" escorts and partners for the folk dances which were led by Harriet Maxwell and Ardis Carmine. Freshman stooges served upperclassmen with cider and marshmallow fa\·ors before drinking their own refreshments-seated on the floor. At "Maxie's" command, they rose to "re!lder" the Color Song in best freshman fashion.

Perusingers postpone Sunday musicale


Fred Applegate, Marcella Schneider, Nancy Winter, Samuel Kennedy, Stanley Longfellow, Nona Edmondson, Jimmie McKnight, Johnnie Henning, Mary McConnaughey, Edwin Pharoah, Franklin Walker, Betty Ann Cole, Phyllis Edith Davenport, Richard Steiner and Charles Straw.

Unclo Sam has· em now ~

Johnson heads English fraternity· Virgie Lee Johnson was electc president of Sigma Tau Delta a the meeting Monday, October 1 after the resig.nation of Fanciers.

The program consisted of er ative writings: narrative "Ano Nebraskan Remembers" by Inice Dunning, poem, "Fulfillmen by Miss M. Florence Martin, a a short story, "Ain't A Soreh or Nothin" by Dr. A. L. Bradfo Audrey Zastera, Marjorie Pri and Lillian Havel served refreshment committee .


Gone for the duration are nine of the typewriters from the commerce department. The United States government dropped in Wednesday, Oct. 14, and confiscated one-fourth of the typewriters on the campus, all of which were taken from the 28 machines in the typing lab.

Bradford serves on committee Dr. Arthur L. Bradford went t Lincoln Saturday, Oct. 17, to serv on an English Committee, prepar' ing a bulletin on English instruc tion in secondary schools.

According to a letter received by Miss Nona Palmer. the typewriters are to be used by the army. The commerce department was allowed to select the typewriters for the government and was paiC: standard second-hand prices.

The Committee was appointe by State Sup't of Schools, Chari A. Taylor, as a part of the Nebra ka high school improvement gram. '

Miss Palmer believes that there are still adequate facilities for all college typing classes, but several high school students have had to drop the course due to the shortage.

Gaines dfscussesdefense work

When asked if she thought more machines would be taken. -:-liss Palmer replied,- "We hope not"'

Epsiion Pi Tau met Monday, Oc 18, to hear Stephen 0. Gaines te of his experiences at the Wahoo Meild Ordnance Plant. Mr. Gaine ins~ructor of college mechanic prep manual arts and athletic. was a carpenter at Wahoo all sum mer and his talk gave a cross sectional view of a defense work er's life and experiences.

For men only Notice to all fellas: If you can sing bass or if you can sing high tenor repor~ at chorus. The Perusingers and "Pop" need YOU!

Fol!owir.g Mr. Gaines' talk, brief general discussion of th fraternity's plans fo;· the ye<:r \V held.

First campus appearance of the chorus is postponed indefinitely announced Director G. Holt Steck, Tuesday, Oct. 15.

"Butch" Roberts was elected president of the Men's Club at men's convocation in the Music Hall auditorium Friday, Sept. 28.

Peru Homecomings combine old and new traditions Steward Linn's turkey dinner •.. free movie at Crystal Theater after rally downtown ... Adnac Male Quartette ... alumni convoca· tion ..• inter-class football game .•. stunts between halves sponsored by s. 0. A. P. . . . r~ceptions after plays - these have had places in Peru's Homecoming schedules of previous years.

Over 2200 signatures are written in the Homecoming registration books which date from 1885, but •)mit 1894 to 1927. "And since all of those who come back d'J not register, that is not an accurate account," said E. H. Hayward, registrar, in an interview concerning past Homecomings. Mr. Hayward attended P. S. T. C. in 1924-26, 1928-29 and summers of '27 and '28 before beginning his work here in September, 1929. Since then he has sponsored eight Homecomings, including the last one. Until the Student Advisory Council served as a committee for the planning and preparation of Homecomings, the senior classes had that as one of their responsibilities. At the early Homecomings, badges were sold for a dime to pay for decorations and game favors. The main attractions were the game and a play (or some other kind of program) with various stunts and receptions added. In answer to a question about decorations Mr. Hayward, commented, "When most of the students lived in )louses instead of dormitories, the houses went to great expense to decorate. A plaque, a wooden shield with a silver plate upon wtich to inscribe name and date, was presented and it remained in that house throughout the year. Last year the Alwnni Association, under the direction of Dean Jimerson, sponsored an alumni luncheon. About 60 former Peruvians attended. Mr. Hayward hopes that after the world is more settled there will be more alumni luncheons and meetings, and thnt special attention will be called to alumni who have become prominent. Homecoming has always managed to pay its own way. "The policy of the councils has been to maintain a surplus of approximately 100 dollars to pay the expense of any Homecoming that might not pay its own way due to bad weather," stated the sponsor. - "Last year the Student Advisory Council had a surplus of 200 dollars, and since the school was oadly in need of a public address system, the Advisory Council contributed 100 dollars," he continued. In conclusion, Mr. Hayward complimented, "The Homecoming committees have all accepted responsibilities, and every committee has done a good job. I have enjoyed working with them all."

long time, you and I. You see; I'm a symbol of the life and sparkle of Coca-Cola. There., fore, I speak for Coke. I like your company. I offer some,; thing more than a thirst• quenching drink. It's


freshing. Yes siree ... it's got that extra something you can't get this side of Coca-Cola itself. Let's get together. Make it a Coke date." BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY


···,yote Wednesday for Gridiron King PERU, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1942




Bob Halladay killed Ensign Robert N. Halladal:' ('40) was reported




at Upham,

Canal Zone, Nov. 10.

Bob recieved his "wings" and commission as ensign in the U. S. Navy this summer from Corpus Christi, Texas.



Bob, an ace basket ball rorward, lettered four years at Peru and his senior year broke the scoring record. He was vice president of the graduating class and of the "P" Club. Mrs. Halladay, nee Phyllis Benson, who is teaching at Elgin, is now in Omaha awaiting further information concerning the accident.



Peruvians • receive nat'I honor

Their. biographies will be in the book with those of outstanding students of over 600 other American colleges and UPJversities. NINA KANEL

Senior girls selected were Lillian Havel, Nina Kanel, Ellen King, and Marjorie Prine. Senior men were Robert McAlexander, George Atwood, Wayne Buhmann, Reuben Fanders. Gilbert Sehreiner, and Carl' Wirth. Ibis Wagoner, Virgie Lee Johnson, a.nd Jean Bond were the juniors chosen.

Get your ticket. REUBEN FANDERS

Remember the Saturday night, Nin, Home Ee room.


banquet in the


The cornhuski~ ~on cancelled the Oct 21 miginally set for it-b · lk on Estes by N ty art instructor and dance have been re f:or Nov. 21. Tickets are Before Thursday see .i~t:m;·l~!!.'t for yours.

Miss Graoe n_,1•ttllllMI "CasOn


Goudge at the ~ ~·Vi'


Betty Riley and Harold Jenkins sang a duet, '' I Met Her on Monday,'' with a noYel and'' drafty'' ending. Louise Roettger, in a huge skirted blue formal, danced a soft shoe ballet. ·

University. Those attending from here were Rebanis Frankforter, Clifford Harding, Bill Woods, Mary Mannschreck, Bette Berger, Lucille Miller, Eunice Bogle, Nina Kane!, Vivian Atkinson, Richard Monroe, Eula Redenbaugh a11d Mrs. Mary Delzell,

Nina Kanel, elected last spring as 1942-43 Nebraska girl chairman, had helped with the planning of conference and presided at the Saturday meetings. Richard Monroe, local Y M president, served as toastmaster at the Saturday night banquet. Announcement of Lucille Miller's appointment as regional resource person for World Student Service Fund was made Sunday morning. Chief speaker was Dr. Victor Sword, who recently returned from India where he had talked with Nehru and Gandhi. He spoke on the chief theme of the conference "Field Workers For Freedom."


4 biologists join

Tri Beta

Beta Beta Beta, the only chap· ter of an international fraternity on the campus, initiated new members Nov. 2, in the faculty room. Initiates are Hazel Shoenbaum, Marjorie Prine, Dennis Wehrmann and James Huey.

at Tarkio game During their between - halves program at the Peru-Tarkio game, the P. S. T. C. marching band stopped in the center of the field,

pecially severe in the criticism of the James J oyces, the Gertrude Steins and the E. E. Cummingses of that period.

the drums rolled, and James Crawford in sailor's uniform stepped forward, saluted the band, raised his arms and directed the national anthem. James Crawford, former student director of the band, graduated in 1941. A music major, Jim played trumpet in the college band and orchestra and also played in the college dance band. He is now studying at the Naval School of Music in Washington, D. C., where he will graduate this month with the rank of Musician Second Class.

Tuesday, Nov. 17 ________________ 7 ·8-------------YM CA, YWCA, CAA Thursday, Nov. 19 ______________ 7 • 9_____________ FRESH MAN CLUBS

Marjorie Prine, Robert McAlex· ander and Jean Bond are not pie· tu red.

Cider and cookies were served by the Peruettes, Harriett Maxwell, Luella Timen, Delores Schreiner, who were dressed in dark skirts and white "P" sweat~rs. 1~t lhe southern edge of lh~ floor, a rustic campus scene was depicted with the aid of a bench, a football hero and his coed. Grouped around this were card tables provided for the bridge addicts. Verna Rogers Bobcatted in rose taffeta, Bonnie in pink net and black lace, Ruth Boeckner in draped gray-blue




Shirley In pink velvet and net, Vada in old rose taffeta.

Qualifications for membership in Virgie Lee was glamorous in Tri Beta include an interest in the black velvet with rhinestones; Rofield of biology and a "B" average/ gene in dark green velveteen with for at least eight hours of biologigleaming sequins, Betty Jane in cal science. ice blue taffeta and black velveteen, Betty Riley in red velveteen and black taffeta.

This Week • • • CARL WIRTH

With a fanfare of cornets, a raising of canes, blue and white ribbons floating, a mass gathering of couples, the Color Parade climax of the evening had come. Dormitory counsel members led the parade through intricate maneuvers while the band played a march.

Sailor grad directs Anthem

'Opinio111·of Oliver Allston' tle

Corsages. dance programs. cider, sweet music~ and specialties beneath blue light made the Bobcat Bounce a gala night for a:ll. Formal welcomes were extended to all Bobcatters by La Vara Oakley and Bob McAlexander, Mrs. !nice Dunning, Rogene Rose and Bill Rachow, Betty Berger and Norris Gerber and Mrs. Genevieve Marsh.

Peru's attendance at the State Y M C A· Y W 'C A Conference held

Bradfod:'.to review ELLEN Kl NG


at Lincoln, Oct. 21 -23, ranked second, outnumbered only by Nebraska



I h // a ga a mg t

Peru Yattendance 2nd at state convention

Ten seniors and three juniors have been chosen by the faculty committee on the basis of scholar· ship leadership, and participation in extra-curricular activities to represent Peru in the 1942·43 "Who's Who in American Univer· sities and Colleges."


Friday, Nov. 20 ________________ 8 p. m. ____________ HASTINGS HERE Monday, Nov. 23 ______________ 10:30 a. m. ________ SEPARATE CONVOS Monday, Nov. 23 ________________ 7.s ___________ SCHOLARSH IP CLUB Monday, Nov. 23 ________________ 8· 9-------------------PI OM EGA Pl

Mary Mannschreck wore blue satin, Lucille aqua taffeta, Goldene aqua velveteen and cream lace, and LaVara black taffeta and peach .satin with sequins. Delong was the lady in red vel· veteen, Twilda wore gold plaid and ·black velveteen, Iola Wall was in blue satin, Mary Belle Dough· erty in yellow organdy.

Sophistication plus was Steve's black velveteen and tulle. Frankie danced in heavy wine satin, Mickey in white net over cloth-of-silver, Schowen in bh.ie taffeta, Schoenbaum in light blue velvet net. Lucille Miller appeared in pink taffeta, King in black taffeta with pale blue pearls, Una Mae Leech in embroidered black net, Arlene Howell in aqua taffeta, Hester Friedley in green marquisette, Au· -drey in black velveteen and plaid taffeta.

Other glamour 'gals included Bernice Chaloupka in pink taffeta. and wine velvet, Lydia in black taffeta and Lois Miller in teal blue taffeta with silver ribbons. Marjorie Prine and Vivian Atkinson were cloak girls.

Editings My



It may be a double cross but here are the facts


choice is . . .

Your vote elects the Gridiron King. Before voting Wednesday remember: It is your privilege as a Peruvian to vote.

It is your responsibility as a Peruvian to vote. It is your chance as a Peruvian to vote. Vote and elect your boy friend, your roommate or yourself.

"Jeeps-I like a lot of things! Mom's cooking, moron jokes, 'Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition,' girls with nice clean hair and natural nail polish. Oh, yes, and if there were a theater, big-name orchestra shorts.'' He claims he hates a lot of things; detests floors, a few-mainly last year's flooded loose panels, people who can't sing and who try, and the dormitory "super-soft" mattresses.

Stuffing not prohibited-vote!

Pro ... Had a dream the other night when everything waswell, as still as Peru dorms ever are. Seems there was a place called the "cat-cage" or maybe it wa'S the "Den" and all the Peru gals and guys were there dancing, swapping "moron" stories, arguing about the elections and relaxing with the gang. Some non-dancers were playing hearts, or maybe it was poker, and cokes and peppers were circulating in typical Peruvian manner. Wonderful dreaming 1 Wesleyan, Hastings, and Wayne have their Student Unions, Peru should have one, and could if the student organizations arranged it. It's a job for the students-not for the administration, so why not a Student Union on campus?

Pro again ... Remember last year's Football Banquet-the oak leaf programs .. ~ the confused renditions of "this is table number 1" ... Sandin 's unforgettable ""\\"'here the hell's Miss Gockley" ... Grid King Handley1 How about this year~ The last football game's Friday, the Gridiron King election's tomorrow and everybody wants one. How about it 1

Turn 'em in .

"This won't go into the PED, will it?" Walter Marshall asked. After triplicated negative reassurances, he squirmed to comfort on the E. M. davenport. And talked.

Leaning comfortably back, he closed his blue-green eyes and thought of his first camera experience,."I remember the 29c Univex I had at first-about six years ago, I guess-and then the Agfa. Now I've graduated to an Eastman! "You ought to see my best picture-of a water lily. It's enlarged on soft-toned paper. Gee, I'm proud of that!" The picture of a tree by Delzell Hall is the one which won him the honor of being selected the staff photographer for the PERUVIAN. After recovery from the thrill he lost no time in assuming his duties and his privileges. Of course the informal snapshots of the men are strictly on the taboo side, but the Kangaroo Court shots are not. He caught Virgie Lee's queenly smile at Homecoming and the 1943 model of the Victory Car. The initiation pictures are definitely braggable and the Pep Rally picture is 0. K. too.

He admits he doesn't know how to make the infirmary look "beautiful" and he's worried about the faculty shots, cause "they HAVE to be good."

Notice ... I


Don't count on somebody else turning in all the names and addresses! If you know Peruvians in service, hand their names to PED sponsor Martin immediately.

IJllumni trail Dear Lola, I'll drop you that line right now, when I can, and it will arrive with proof of your subscription to the PED. So KORAH BAKER (At. '41) has received "marching orders." Don't worry about seasickness; the band bus didn't bother him, did it? Said band bus jostled Peru's "Banditions" to the Wesleyan game where they saw VALOIS HALL (At. ''11), university student, and EDDIE YORK (Mat. '40) who is finishing his pre-engineering course at the "U." ELLA MAE HURLBURT ('42), a scholarship student to the University of Nebraska Graduate School, is majoring in educational psychology. You were here Homecoming? Remember seeing BETTY DOOLITTLE ('41) and RUSSELL HOBBS ('41)? Well, they were married the following Monday at Papillion. Russ is stationed at Fort Crook and Betty is teaching in the early elementary department at Baxter, Iowa. More weddings! Lt. JOHN WILLIAM HORTON ('39), of Salem, married Mildred Evelyn Johnson of Fremont Oct. 23. They will live in Colorado Springs where the gr(\om is stationed. Another lieutena;nt-NEAL BYRON PARSONS ('38) and Margaret Catherine Owens, of Verdon, were married Sept. 26 at Yuma, Arizona. A gc~duate of the Armed Guard scrool at San Diego, he is

Dr. Albert Edward Wiggam, whose lecture scheduled for Mon day, Nov. 9, was canceled, will appear on an indefinite date in December.

• • •

stationed at Treasure Island, San Francisco. NORMA KNAPP (Mat. '36) was married to Glen R. Stalder of Weldon Springs, Mo., Aug. 22, and plan to live in St. Louis. GLENDA MILLER (At. '33) was married to Pvt. Charles L. Fontenay, a nativeborn Brazilian, who is in attendance now at the Army Air Force's Technical School at Chanute Field, Ill. BERNICE MARIE NEDDENRIEP (At. '36) has been Mrs. Fred Jordan Evans since Aug. 8. JEAN PATTERSON (At. '41) married Melvin McMahan of Shenandoah, Aug. 1, is with her parents in Shenandoah while her husband is in service. NEVA HINTON (At. '38) and LT. RAYMOND BAUMAN (At. '39) are also to be married. MARJORIE LEE HANELINE (At. '38) is Mrs. Robert Meyer, Jr. of Abilene, Texas. JULIA SKEEN (At. '27) is Mrs. C. E. Mathews of Logan, Iowa. LUCY B. FOLEY (At. '29) and Don Ervin Lewis were married at San Meto, California. She is now a senior army hostess at Ft. Leonard Wood, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. AL HOLDORF of Elgin, and Mr. and Mrs. HAROLD BOATMAN ('39 and '40), of Norfolk, are bragging about new sons. ELAINE SHAFER ('38) Mrs. Holdorf was PED Ed, and MARTHA (CLIFTON) BOATMAN was the '40 May Queen. Harold was a Representative Student. Back to "work" for me. MAXINE REAGAN (At. '27) is nursing

at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Hospital in Falls City. EILEEN GROSSOEHME (At. '39) has a position with the Continental Oil Co., Ponca City, Okla. GLENN SHEELY ('39), who has coached at B~ock and Nebraska City, is an instructor at the Lincoln Air Base. The LAWRENCES, MARGIE (At. '29), IRIS (At. '40), and FLOYD (At. '34), are all working in Washington, D. C. GLEN YONT ('39) is a chemist in the defense plant at Grand Island. RUTH SCHAFFER ('28), of Greeley, Colorado, has completed a course in teaching secondary aeronautics and has done some intensive flying. I suppose you know that HELEN MARIE MASTIN (At. '40) is teaching in the elementary grades at ·Mitchell. MILDRED MASON (At. '40) has the first and second grades and school band at Persia, Iowa. BETTY HARPHAM (At. '40) is teaching the Glenrock school. DOROTHY STEVENSON ('32) has the fifth grade at Garvey, Calif. MARIE WIENCKE ('38) is kindergarten supervisor of the State Teachers College at Superior, Wis. At Bratton Union are RAY BEAMER ('38), superintendent, and MARJORIE FRIEDLY (At. '40) in the primary department. BILLIE DEAN UTERMOHLEN (At. '40) and ECHO ELAINE LUM (At. '40) are at Cairo and Howells, respectively. MAURICE ANDERSON ('42) and CLAIR CALLAN (' 42) are now taking training at Northwestern Uriivetsity after having been moved from Notre Dame. Bye now! -Virgie Lee.

Goodbye to Susie Susie, a loyal Peruvian for 12 years, is gone. Miss Grace Tear's large gray and white cat was as well known as Bob and Bing, and .even received Christmas cards, valentines and May baskets from the neighborhood children. Many Peruvians will remember Susie when they have forgotten all about Introduction to Education.

Conventi·on tri·o 1

now recovering Three hollow·eyed, sleepy-looking Peruvians have arrived in Peru once more after three days at the 21st Annual Convention of the Associated Collegiate Press in Chicago, Nov. 4-6, probably the last coiwention until after the war.

"Want to see the blisters on my feet?" asked PED Editor Ellen King. "I got six of them at a dance at Great Lakes Naval Training Station." Ellen particularly enjoyed an address at the convention luncheon by the editor of the Chicago Sun; he discussed the effect of the war on women in journalism. "I think I'll be a journalist-he convinced me," she said. "I was disappointed at one meeting-the speaker wasted his time on insighificant details of journalism-defining terms and such-it was disgusting, so the Kearney editor and I left. "But I attended a meeting on news coverage that was wonderful -a really good discussion led by Prof. Slaughter - students told their newspapers' problems and everybody discussed solutions. "They talked to us pretty seriously about the war-when you get out of Peru you realize there is a war. Outside people are more conscious of it. They realize that it's not only a challenge to the fighting forces, but to the people." One thrill was a telegram from the Peru gang. Ellen also enjoyed the Grant Wood and Modern American Painting exhibitions at the Chicago Art Institute. "I'm going back some day to eat some more ravioli and see 'Porgy and Bess' again," she concluded. Peruvian Business Manager Lillian Havel was thrilled by her first visit to a city larger than Omaha. The tall buildings, noise and traffic and the crowded streets amazed her.

"The meetings," said Lillian, were helpful not so much for concrete ideas, but more for information and aruosing a desire to put out an All-American Peruvian... "The highlight of the convention was Robert Bellair's address at the convention banquet. A former United States foreign correspondent, he related his experiences as a Japanese prisoner of war." To Lillian the Tribune Tower was the most interesting place visited. They saw a WGN radio show there, and toured the editorial offices and press rooms of

the Tribune. They also went to the N. B. C. Breakfast Club. "Meeting students from all over the United States was interesting," she said. "A girl from New Jersey looked at my badge and exclaimed, 'Nebrawska! It just amazes me to see someone from Nebrawska! I've always read about those things in books or magazines, but I never thought I'd meet one. Are you raa-a-ally from Nebraska?'" The trip to Chicago was also the first for Peruvian Editor Reuben Fanders. "My greatest problem at the convention was the whole half capon served uncarved at the banquet," he commented.

"I think the convention program was concentrated to such a degree -so much was crowded into so short a time-that you didn't know what you got out of it until you got to thinking about it. "When I went I knew very little about editing a Peruvian, and I did get some views of men who are experts in the field. "A lot of my ideas about the yearbook were changed. I always had the idea that it had to be different to be effective. We were told that the yearbook will be judged on the feeling that each individual has toward his picture in the book, and not on the basis of any radical change or spectacular ideas." From the two radio shows, Fanders got a line on how to do a first class job of play producing. Probably the biggest thrill was seeing the stage show, "Priorities of 1942." "I can really appreciate the quietness of Peru after the rush and noise and traffic jams of Chicago," he finished.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Tuesday, November 17, 1942 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. Editor............................................................................Ellen King Assistant Editor..................................................Marjorie Prine Sports Editor............................................................Bill Rachow Copy Writers ................Rogene Rose, Alice Ann Cleaveland, Bette Jean Scott, Betty Berger. Proofreader..........................................................Audrey Zastera: · Adviser..........................................................M. Florence Martin· Reporters-Virgie Lee Johnson, Billy Woods, Lorraine Safranek, Lydia Vosicky, Lois Norton, Melvin Rothmiller, Keith Albers, William Cramer, Christine Wilkinson.


igbt Shift.



\Blu~ Stars • • •

Tuesday, Nov. 10.

Wilding for freedom, today :.:.

-'.(···· '



Buzz and Weiler took in the Nebraska· Missouri Ma,.,. say so long. to Diz, Fritz, Pierson, Wheeler and¥~:-••.-~­ on and D. Schreiner in the Campus Shop the~·,.~·~"" e in with a two pound box of chocolates from Jll!!Ullll!I ~ 11.t,Pt • Hear Whiz has sworn off studying for good ••• ~ llf~uUat Rogene can be added to the fast growing memlltq ff lM,rd Fln;er


New cadets on campus-new love interests ... n left to take a job ... Wesleyan announcer ms "Peru" and "Doane" synonomously-must n ... Grossoehme's flashlight burned out the other :n:ilim-_. Envy of the week-Wesleyan's room with nick•~ illlltd dance pace . , . And speaki·ng of envy-Kearney, Wayne, alltd C~rol'l 1i'ave a icture show that they can attend ..•

We like Marshall's picture collection being posted, •• fffddie Drexler, Tony DeMaro, etc., home from Wesleyan game l";Jl> a. m. ... Nickname of the week-"Rowdy" Ryan . . . Cute ~m!'ln coupleFriedly and C. Johnson ... Dasher has been receiving Jettm from "Ox" Butch studied in the library for his lit test ... Last ti:me we saw Bud ;Brown at Wesleyan he was surrounded by pu-lenty cme girls ... Are ·Veronica and Faust renewing acquaintances? Zurbrick and Hacker have gone p·f·f·t ... Wheeler lights up the whole room when anyone so much as mentions the Mrs••.• Is "Slim" coming back? ... Have you heard the story about th6 moron······ ... Can it be that Bonnie Armstrong is renewing. an old flame ••. Is there going to be a football banquet? ...

Do they play hearts in Delzell Hall this year? . . . We ask all the questions, and know all the answers-don't worry, the first quarter is

Y.W. pagent published From the editor of the lntercol· legian Magazine, New York, came .acknowledgment of a.cceptance for pu.blication of the traditional P. S. T. C. Christmas pageant in the November, 1942, issue of that mag.azine.

"The merits of the Pageant, it seems to me, are its beauty and dramatic simplicity,'' wrote the editor to Nina Kanel, who submitted it. Written in 1937, co-authors of this play were Y W members Elaine Shafer, Mary Elizabeth Werner and Mary Ellen Slack. For the sixth·· consecutive time this pageant will be presented on campus during the Christmas season.

Mary Mannschreck and Lucille Weber have been appointed to begin work on it.

Gamma Chi goes all American It could be Columbus discovering America, Washington leading his troops, or pioneers blazing a trail into a new land, but it's all America as Gamma Chi showed its members at the Armistice Day Party Wednesday, Nov. 11. Pink poJ;J corn balls, traditional American game. patriotic songs, red white and blue flags carried out the patriotic theme and program. Cabinet members Ardis Carmine, Betty McArdle, Marian Deck and Bette Riley planned the program, assisted by Mattie Handley, Louise Roettger, Betty Pruitt, Louella Tieman, Jean Graves, Doris Miller and Vera Hinman.



kimorrow, Mr. King emphaof the leaders to be ~Uwward and to develop ~ m Of objectivity. we must knQw what we want and abOve all, we mmt: love life to fully realize our ob~tives. ~ ~ need

'Those who see .the light will drop their tools and follow Him." Following the program, Mr. King met with "Y" cabinet members and informally discussed with them the difficulties on this campus. Harriet Maxwell led and Marjorie Pline played for group singing. Mable Hechler, accompanied by Mariatt Deck, played a violin solo. Devotions were in charge of Betty Berger and Mary Mannschreck. Mr. King was accompanied to Peru by Mary Lockett and Eugene Floyd, secretaries of the "Y" at the University of Nebraska.

Kappa Delta Pi Presents convo. "Education for Free Men" was the subject of a Kappa Delta Pi sponsored convo program Friday, Nov. 3.

Bette Jane Scott, president, introduced the speakers. Clifford Harding discussed "Tyrants in History;" Harold Jenkins, "What is Democracy;" Bob James, "Foes of Democracy;" and Nina Kanel, "Today's American Education for Freedom."

Musical notes In honor of Armistice Day the P. S. T. C. band presented a short patriotic program in downtown Peru Wednesday, Nov. 11. Townspeople cleared a block of the main street for the drill.

In the fighting at Guadal Canal was Lt. Bill Brooks (Mat. '38) as a member of a fighting squadron over the Pacific. In a letter Oct. 6 he mentioned that Delton Goerke was also there. Bill lost everything he owned when his tent was bombed. Returning to the United States with only the sweat shirt and trousers he was wearing, Brooks arrived on the Pacific coast last week. Pfc Korah Bkaer (Mat. '41) has had his marching orders, and his address is Army Post Office, New York. Bob Henderson ('42) is in the physical education dep't of the Army Air Force Technical Training Corps at Miami.

highest ·score ever made by an applicant at Los Angeles office, Ross Russell ('41) has been accepted for Army Air Corps officers' training. He has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Ruth Russell. Until recently Ross was a technician at the Douglas Aircraft corporation. Pfc. Max Manifold (Mat. '39) stationed in Hawaii, will return to the United States for officers' training. Corpsman Roland N. Stephenson (Mat. '30), Pharmacists' Mate, is stationed at the U. S. Naval Hospital, New Port, R. I. Enlisted in the army air corps is Win.ton Gilbert, ('32). He is, temporarily stationed at Ft. Leav,enworth.

Patrolling the Mexican border is Wendell Hutchinson ('37) of the Army Air Corps.

Max Denney (Mat. '32) is stationed in New Gµinea.

Ernest Galloway ('40) is a Ship's Carpenter 3rd class stationed at Santiago, Calif. Clark Rogers (Mat. '34), now a first class radio technician, was in Peru recently on eight day furlough. He is stationed on U. S. S. Roser.

Both Gerald and Donald Tyler are on the west coast. Don is at Fort Ord, and Gerald is assistant inspector at Headqµarters Squadron in Pendleton Fielcl, Oregon. He was to make a reconnaissance tour wit):J. the Master Sgt. in California, with a brief visit at Ft. Ord.

Having left Lowry Field, Denver, where he was a Director of Physical Education, Burdette Cowel ('34) is now in Army, Air Corps Officer's Training at Miami Beach. •' Prof. L. V. Larson saw Gale Carter ('40) in Lincoln recently, enroute to the east coast for officers training. A former Peru football star, Wilbur Ege, ('40) has gone to St. Mary's College, Calif., for preliminary· training in the Naval Air Corps. Ed Short ('41) is in officers' training at Ft. Knox, Ky. Flying with the Eagle Squadron, Warren Bollmeier (Mat. '40) is now in India. Passing the mental test with the

"Yes siree...

At Northwestern University, Clair Callan (' 42) is in Naval Officers Trainnig. Keith McHugh (Mat. '37) is in Africa in the Air Corps. At Fort Sill, Okla., George Haskins, ('34) is in officers candidate school (Field Artillery). Lt. Roy Bauman (Mat. '39) has just been sent from Ft. Monmouth to Signal Corps Station in Philadelphia. Milton Uerkvjtzy ('38) is at Kearns, Utah, and Murval Annan (Mat. '39) at Ft. Bliss. Jim Crawford ('41) visited P. S. T. C. last week. Jim will graduate from the Naval School of Music at Washingotn, D. C., Nov. 25 as a Musician 2nd class.

• /"

ff!lif~ f P1111"/iint/·

"I've been contemplating the second Sunday in December for a concert, but nothing is definite yet,'' Prof. G. Holt Steck, chorus director, stated Wednesday, Nov. 11. Choristers are working on several numbers in view of the program. Director Victor H. Jindra an· nounced Wednesday, Nov. 11, ten· tative plans for an orchestra concert sometime in December. Numbers are being prepared but the content of the program has not yet been decided.

Kappa Phi•s dunk •em party Dunk once, shake twice and daintily eat the soggy morsel. It's an art according to Kappa Omicron Phi members who attended the Haloween dougnut dunk Monday, Nov. 2. Ardis Carmine and Verona Oetken had charge of party arrangements.

"lee-cold Coca-Cola is more than thirstquenching. Yes siree. It's refreshing. There's

My choice is.·-···················-······-·······················-···-····················

1. Vote for you choice of "most wonderful player."

2. All football men are candidates. 3. Place votes in boxes at Eliza: Morgan and Delzell Hall desks, anytime Wednesday.

Kadelpians initiate eight new members Eight Peruvian scholars became members of the Beta Mu chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, the eduo.ational fraternity, Monday, .Oct. 19.

Jean Bond, Alice Ann Cleaveland, Reuben Fanders, Willard Hunzeker, Robert James, Virgie Lee Johnson, Ellen King and Lois Wagoner were those initiated.

an art in its making. There's know-how in its production."'The only thing like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola itself. Nobody else can duplicate it." B.JTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY


Sports of 42=43

Plainsmen downed

The Bobcats Haviil!'i

Editor Assistant Editors

Bill Rachow Willard Redfern Cecil Johnson

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, November 17, 1942

Prep defeats Nemaha The Peru Bobkittens won the Nemaha Valley Conference last Friday afternoon from their arch rival, Nemaha, by the convincing score of 39·0. There was no doubt of the outcome of the contest from the start. The kittens pushed over two touchdowns within the first five minutes of the opening. stanza. Cotton's reverses to Ogg and the Cotton brothers' defensive play was just too much for the visitors. Paul Ogg led the scoring with three touchdowns and Cotton tal • lied twice to bring his season's total to 89 points.

Ogg scored the first touchdown on a 15 yard spring. Palmer

smashed over' from the one for the cond. Cotton scored the first ouchdown of the second quarter Nith a two yard line plunge and Ogg added the final marker of the half on a second down reverse from the Nemaha four yard stripe. Paul Ogg raced 30 yards on a hid. den ball reverse to start the third period with Cotton crossing the goal for the final touchdown on a 10 yard run minus blocking. There is no. doubt that the Kittens are conference champions as they downed their three conference opponents by scores of 41-0, 33-0. and 39-0. Vern Cotton was by far the leading scorer in the conference with 4~ points.

Introducing the Bobcats GEORGE ATWOOD is Peru's 60 minute blocking back. He came here his freshman year from Ashland High School where he was a star football player. A handsome Valentino type, with wavy black hair, George will be remembered by the sports fans long after he has been called into the army reserve, of which he is a member. George is also the only marri'ed man on the team. UNK HUTTON, president of the "P" club, is a three sport letterman, and has been termed by the Lincoln Journal as Peru's climax runner. Know to his teammates as "The Little Man," he is playing his last year here at PSTC. Following his graduation he will go into active duty with the Navy, as he is a member of V-7. Despite a slow start last year, Sophomore ORVILLE YOCUM has evolved into a first string tackle. In high school at Humboldt, Yocum was known throughout southeast Nebraska as an all around athlete. Continuing his athletics in Peru, he is another of the three sport lettermen. WHIZ WHITE would have you believe that his nickname applies only to athletics and is not a pro-

•"11' usual bad second quarter, Peru had to wait until the final period, to run across two touc ..

downs to !Id-th Wesleyan Plainsmen 21 -13. Aloo


•-f, Peru hit hard early in the first quarter, driving

giving up tM and Hutton,

to score their first touchdown.

nearly the length of the field withe

As Wesleyan calls it, the Peru H formation of Handle'

111~J'lllJ11ting at the ball carrying drove to the goal line, from where Hutton, on a reverse, carrie"

Peru Hits Stride The Peru shod over Oak Bowl night to the tune of 40-0. It "the same Missouri team that had previously defeated three Nebrasb Qpponents, but it was no match fi:;r the raging Bobcats. Peru, who Md been held to a 14-14 tie w:it!1 Wayne, and then had to come from.behind to defeat Wesleyan 21-13 in its two previous contests, finally hit its stride, after having lost its snap during a week layoff. But against Tarkio it gained back an it had lost, scoring almost at will, and playing magnificently oo defense. Peru · played its kicking game for the first quarter, giving Tarkio the ball deep in their own territory, holding fueni. for downs and then making them kick out. Playing for a break Peru finally had the ball deep in Tarkio territory due to a short punt From here Peru drove to their first touchdown, and converted. Holding Tarkio for no gain, Peru again drove for a touchdown, and led at the half 14-0.

duct of his social life. You can form your own opinion. Playing The last half was the same as end three years at Superior, Vlhi.z has continued at the same position ·the first, with Peru driving for here in college, lettering his sopho- two touchdowns in the third and more and junior years. Also a three sport letterman, h:is next proficiency will be basket ball, and will be a handy man to have around, as he is six feet four. Whiz is, nevertheless,. earmarked for the Army Air Corps, when and if they For the third time in three yea~s, call him. Wayne and Peru fought to a dead -

the ball across. Hutton converte and Peru led 7 -0. '


Neither team did any scoring ·· the rest of the period, and it end with Wesleyan in possession of two in the fourth, convening for ball deep in Peru's territory. two of the touchdowns. the start of the second peri Individual scoring was led by Wesleyan punted out near Peru? Stark with three toucb,downs and· goal line, where on a first dm ~, one conversion for a total of 19 Handley had to punt. Wesleya points. Handley scored two touch- then started from their 40 ari downs for twelve, Brown scored drove on down to the goal lin' one touchdown, and Hutton con- and scored. Their conversion w good, and the score was tied 7-7. ',: verted three times. '

BOB OAKMAN hat played center three years at Auburn High School, and has remained at the same position his three years here at Peru: This dark and handsome junior, who has been said· to resemble a Greek god, keeps two girls on the string and makes them like it. Boh is .also a member of the track squad, running on the mile relay team. He is a member of the Army Air Corps reserve.

See the Bobcats Win! The last football game of the season in the Oak Bowl

Friday, Nov. 20th 8:00 o'clock P. M.

Admission 50c Sc on budget night

lock in an N. I. A. A. Conference football game at Waj"ne Saturday, Oct. 31.

Playing at their third Homecoming game in a row, Peru drove 72 yards down the field early in the first quarter, with Handley and Hutton alternating at carrying the ball. Stark carried the ball over tackle for the score, and with Hutton's conversion Peru went ahead 7-0. The second quarter was all Wayne's, Peru's defense was riddled by Wayne's smashing drives. Possibly a week's layoff was the big cause for Peru's not being able to hold together. Kozichek and Bordner drove across for Wayne's two touchdowns during the second period, and Bobier placekicked for both conversions. At half time, Wayne led 14-7. The second half was an entirely different story for Peru. Playing a somewhat better brand of defensive ball, they held Wayne al· most yard less, while driving across for a touchdown, after a sparkling


The rest of the period was score'. less, with Wesleyan either in pos'. session of the ball, or keepin Peru deep in their own territor ' The half ended with the score ti ·

Highlights of the game were Stark's 19 points, Peru's hard charging line, which held Tarkio to practically no gain, and not letting them within their 30 yard Jine, and Yocum's long kickoffs that carried deep into Tarkio's end zone.


Late in the third period, Wes'. leyan had the ball on Peru's on yard line due to a penalty, an' then drove across for the touch down after being held for thre downs. Wesleyan missed the con: version, and led 13-7. '

Peru's starting lineup: Rachow _____________________LE Hines _______________________ LT Brown ______________________LG Ronhovde ______________________ c Osterthun ___________________ RG Yocum ______________________ RT Roberts ______________________ RE Atwood _____________________ BB Powers ______________________ LH R. Hutton ___________________ RH Brown ______________________ FB

Peru received the kickoff an was well on the way to a touch; down when a Handley to Hutto lateral in open field was recovere by Wesleyan, who failed to gai in three plays so kicked out o.' Peru's 15 . yard line. Peru drov and drove hard from there wit . Handley carrying the ball nearl · every play for the 25 yards to ~ touchdown. Handley scored, an Hutton converted giving Peru 14-13 edge early in the fourt' quarter.

Peru substitutions - ( ends ) White, 0. Smith, Schmelzer, Lawrence. (Tackles) Rachow (LE), Parks, Cejka. (Guards) Linder, Burroughs. (Center) Oakman. (Backs) Handley, Hutton, Stark.

Peru kicked off to Wesleyan, an', on the first play, Yocum intercept' ed a Wesleyan pass on Wesleyan'. 35 yard line, running with it to the 22. A five yard penalty on Wes, leyan put the ball on the 17. I two plays Hutton carried the baf across on a reverse and fumbled but the ball was called dead be; fore the fumble, and with Stark' plunge for the conversion, th'" score was 21-13, Peru, which it re'.' mained.

Wayne gains 14-14 tie

A Peru Prep football and basket ball star, blond curly haired OSCAR DEAN SMITH plays right end with the Bobcats and is well on his way to his first letter this season. Another one of the Bobcat crack Romeos, Oscar Dean always has a joke ready and is willing to bet on anything, even on the World Series.


run by George Atwood to the goal line, where Handley carried across. Hutton's placement was perfect, and the score was knotted at 14- 14.

The fourth quarter was a great game of defensive ball for both teams. Peru was on the march several times, but either a fumble or pass interception stopped them. Wayne threw several passes, one of which was intercepted to stop their march to the goal line.

After the kickoff, Wesleya ' threw three passes in a row, th· last of which was intercepted b Richard Hutton as the game ended. Peru starting lineup: White _______________________L Hines _______________________ L

Starting lineups: ;reru Wayne Rachow ______ LE ______ Johnson Hines ________LT _________ Olson Roberts _______ LG ______ Urwi.ler Ronhovde _____ c ___________ Page Brown ________ RG ________ Akins Yocum _______RT_ ____ Westphal Williams ______RE_ ___ Wentborne Handley ______ LH_________ Best Hutton _______ RH_ _____ Bordner Stark -----~---FB _____ Kozichek

Linder ----------------------L Ronhovde·---------------------' Brown ______________________ R Yocum ---------------------Roberts --------------------Atwood _____________________ Q Handley --------------------Hutton ----------------------~ Stark ------------------------F~ "I


' I


tark elect; has ever n handed a degree without first ·ng been subjected to the eling experience of constructa term paper, or term papers.


There comes a time in every se· ester when each professor takes at life is much too pleasant for em. He forthwith hits upon the ea of curing sleeping sickness in is classes by substituting writer's for it; he assigns a term

When the blow falls, perhaps a . w simple rules may enable students to write the required papers ;with a minimum of discomfort. If the instructor aUows four .weeks for the construction of the masterpiece, the student may rest easy for another three and a half weeks. Three or four days of hard labor should be ·all any professor expects for one paper. When the work can be put off no longer, the student should consult the "Readers' Guide" for a list of periodicals. If no subject has been assigned, he may choose one which has a long list of references in the "Readers' Guide." Then, with a handful of call slips, he writes down all the articles which look likely. Librarians groan as with his long list of

After a futile search, the librarian explains that the particular ones he wants are missing, or at the bindery, or that the library does not have them. He then consults the card catalogue to see if there ar.e any books on the subject. Armed with another list, he proceeds again to the call desk, only to discover that most of the books are out; someone else chose his topic a day earlier. Returning to the "Readers' Guide,'' he goes to work again. After a day of discouraging labor, and back· breaking, arm· aching note-taking, he should have a bewildering collection of disor· ganized scraps of paper. He may then spend several hours in trying to decipher them ,and write his paper, but he finally gives up in despair, throwing his notes into the waste· basket.

When he has thus exhausted himself, he should then.. sacrifice the price of two shows and eight • cokes to hire an intellectual friend to write the thing, or, better yet, find someone who took the course last semester, and copy the term paper he hired somebody to write for him. The first method is less desirable because, unless the intellectual friend is very clever in disguising his intellect in the paper, the instructor may suspect something. On the other hand, if a student hands in a paper someone else used last semester, the instructor may remember it. This is unlikely, though, because professors are traditionally absent-minded, and most of them don't bother to read the term papers anyway.

Pep II

I pe

trumpets! Betty B spotlight last appe . . . .• ·... ·. . . be· fore a home t~~·· Maltlngt game.

Many of th\!!'. marching are headed f~ ""''""'""'"' uation will you wonder said Betty ~~mUi@J. Despite !ht· has enjoyed are glad that a week practice IN <;)Ver.

ing of Peru's grid kii1gs


Kma of Bobcats Don Stark elected by student vote

Under the ruse of Christian Endeavot wor15:-to ward off suspicions of friendsGrid King Dona.Id Stark became the object of an interview. "Six feet tall ... 185 pounds ... from Bedford. Iowa ... Peruvian for four years. "I was surprised, but I didn't jump," and his blue eyes grinned too.

His Majesty The King





and Men's

"My pastime is playing bridge. I play in the dorm if I can manipulate it after football and studying. 11

"'I like to read literatureespecial!y Longfellow's poems."

Now, after all the headaches are over Berger modestly says, "I've enjoyed this band more than I have any before" and "I guess it turned out plenty 0. K."

Pensively biting his thumbs, "I enjoy eating ... mixtures ... cherry pie with raspberry ice cream."

Ped continues good publicity

Still sitting in the little room off Il'.Lount Vernon Hall, thinkingback to high school, as only a college senior can, "Everything from

With M. Florence Martin's "It'd be good publicity for the Ped" and Rogene's "Where's Billie?'; the PED staff held a typical meet at Friday's convocation, Nov. 20.

class plays to ringing the school bell in the middle of the night, on appropriate occasions... Nothing happened because we were never caught ... Too good legs." Queried concerning football fa· vorite, "Tackling. someone. It's just the matter of one man outsmarting another." DONALD STARK




positions in high school ... received honorable mention All-State full··

singers ILost something? I Amateur learn how An inventory of the lost and found departm·ent reveals the following items to be lost: a physiology book, a ring of keys, and one half dozen fountain pens. If you have lost any of these articles, you might see Miss Parriott at the college office and claim your lost belonging.

Gard will review Dalgliesh "Christmas'' On December 3, Miss Blanche A. Gard will review "Christmas," a compilation of Christmas stories for children of junior high age by Alice Dalgliesh·. The stories, although written for children, have a universal appeal. They are mainly unusual stories, although a few old favorites such as "Christmas Carol" are included.

and 'P'

cation. . . I would like to teach.

To properly close the season, the band is going to haYe a little get together.

Dr. A. L. Bradford reviewed "The Opinions of Olliver Allston" by Van Wyck Brooks at the A. A. U. W. hour Thursday, Nov. 19.

"Football track. . .

Club ..• Majoring in physical edu·

Proof that tM.y enjoyed it was .the record atte1uilantt1 set by this year's band. ni.re was no va · cancy at any time: during any prac· tice drill.

All chimed in with "newsy" campus happenings to aid Scottie in "cooking up" the night shift. Jimerson cheered the group by her n u m e r o u s interruptions with "Please, can I read the censored night Ghiftings?" Rachow's publicity scheme for filling the sports page with "Rachow for May Queen,'' Rachow pictures and Rachow stories was cut and "well nigh" squelched. Virgie Lee read her "dissertation,'' "Snazzy Sneezing" for criticism. 'l'he group rendered on "I think we should run it" to Prine's editorial saying-More Patriotic Activity in Peru. Between the munching of sunflower seeds, writing and rewriting and gabbin' a weekly PED took form before the eyes of the subscribers. Schreiner. struggled with Evangeline during the meeting-and also before, getting Ellen King's "Script" ready for staff rehearsing. As a reminder for the decisive Hastings game, Freddie and a pep band led a snazzy pep meeting.


The author, Alice Dalgliesh, is a well known writer of children's stories and books on the teaching of stories.

Those Perusingers who have had little or no high school singing experience have been holding extra sessions. "The response has been very gratifying,'' Director G. Holt Steck said Nov. 17. If the meetings continue to be successful, Mr. Steck contemplates adding it to the curriculum. Some students who like to sing do not get the opportunity because of the competition afforded them by the experienced singers of previous years. The group meets three times a week to teach those who want to, how to sing better. No credit is given.

back .•. football captain.

"Another good thing I like, about 11:00 or 12:00., five or six tenderloin or hamburger sandwiches with onions, lots of them ... You might as well fill up. Naturally my roommate has to


with me.

"It's quite a coincidence, the grid kings in the same room. Handley and I are roommates. Room 213. "As far as the team, it is the most cooperative; the fellows will work for each other... Partly the spirit among the fellows.

I think

a lot is due to the fact that they realize they won't be together next year-they all feel like seniors.'' This Bobcat is with the Army Re· serve Air Corps.

!This Week ... Tuesday, Nov. 24 __________ ,____ 7:00-8:oo _______________ YWCA, YMCA

"I don't know what to tell; it takes one too much by surprise.

Wednesday, Nov. 25 __________ 12:00 noon _______ Thanksgiving Vacation

"I thought maybe they would

Monday, Nov. 3Q ____________ Classes begin after Thanksgiving Vacation

take a goodlooking boy this year!"


Potential naval. officers begin Peru training

• • •

Ail!iilW -~of ten Navy Cadets are being rapidly introdu.ced towar

Pro action ...

training, under CPT supervision, that will enable them to become offi··

Anybody else "Had a Dream ... " a:bout a student union 1 Doubt if "Wishing will make it so." It needs action from a student group-the sooner the better.

Buy 'em ... Pern is undisturbed by air raid warnings and blackouts. J erries don't fly over at night to scatter destruction. Probably now they never will ... Peruvians in service, or war work, or civilian life all over the world are contributing to war effort ... Here the everyday warnings sounded for tests, lights blinking in Eliza Morgan, and the imminence of problacts and termpapers bulk larger in student eyes than reverses on the military front, the problems of winning a war and a peace, or of reconstructing a new economic order out of a :world in which the old order has collapsed. When scrap drives were going on throughout America, the orange girders were the only scrap collection on Peru campus. Rumor has it that the only war stamps purchased by students were those the freshmen were forced to buy for initiation. The only night patrol in Peru is Mr. Grossoehme. Why not start a campaign to sell war bonds and A dance requiring war stamps for admissio11 might be a beginning. Probably it would be a serious shock to the business men down town who have posted "Take your change in war stamps'' signs if anyone really asked for stamps instead of change, but they might recover. stamps~

War bonds and stamps are the place for that extra spending money; they're a saft investment.

Who knows ... Shortened schedules ... long assig11ments ... last minute packing ... frantic rush to the library-for all those books that evervbodY takes home and nobody studies ... walking the floo~· until somebody's car arriv.es-or waiting until Thursday for the bus ... last time to go home before gas rationing-tomorrow's the day ... ·who knows, maybe you'll even see a pictnre show ... it's Thanksgiving vacation ...

Pinch-hitting .


"Time on My Hands" didn't apply to Editor King this week ... with scripts to write for the PED convo-properties to locate, and rehearsals to direct-alollg with pushing the PED 'S Grid King election and counting votes ... so this week's PED is the work of a less-harried staff and the assistant editor.

IJ/Jutiini trail Dear Barbara, I have some interesting little bits about some of Peru's alumni that ought to impress you even if you don't know the ex-Peruvians. For instance, DR. EDISON PETTIT (' 11) of the California Institute of Technology, went out for the morning paper before dawn and discovered a new star. He verified it with a six-inch telescope in his back yard, then photographed it through Mount Wilson's one hundred inch telescope. LORENE MOOTHART, who graduated from P. S. T. C. in 1935 with an English major (hmmmm) received a master's degree in speech from the University of Iowa last summer. She is teaching in the Tecumseh high school. Lieutenant Harold Brown, MARGARET (WINTER, '35) and daughter Jacquie are spending his 30-day furlough at Coronado, California. The lieutenant is a fighter pilot and was on the Wasp when it was sunk, and he was rescued after three hours in the turbulent, shark infested waters.

"Not 'a weather man'," insisted ALICE (TRAYER, At. '41) in the cafeteria last week, "but a 'weather officer' at Selfridge Field, Mich." Her husband, MERVIN KEEDY (At. '40) was in charge of the weather station there. He is now bound for overseas duty from Mitchell Field, N. Y. Alice plans to be in Falls City for "the duration." BLANCHE FREEMAN ('38) of Bellevue, teaching commerce at Auburn, has enlisted in the WAVES. She will go to North·p.mpton, Mass., for officer's training in either December or Febru,ary. Miss Peterson says that JAY TROXEL ('40), one of her library assistants, married Gwendolyn Mae Bogh October 31 at Sioux City, Ia. He is teaching at Menlo,


THEOMA MATHEWS ('36) is at Sharpsburg, Ia., for the fifth year. CHARLES ('29) and BETTY (HINCHEY, At. '32) DALLAM are at Hampton, Nebr. HOWARD ('38) and MAXINE (SAMS, At.

"cram session" the nite before and has buzzed over there to snag a cup of coffee and a bismark accompanied by the current campus HQ. T's."

Peruvians have been doing this for two generations. H. U. Landolt started it all 27 years ago when he moved to Peru to educate his children in this college. "H. U." is ever the genial host who ac-, tually practices the motto, "service with a smile." The most satisfying feature of the Hill Store is that it's bound to be just as you remembered it, stores may come and stores may go, but the Hill Store goes on forever.

lBlue Stars .

cers of the air.

Ten naval aviation cadets arrived in Peru to begin their preliminary flight training Tuesday, Nov. 10. These potential officers of the Naval Air Corps will complete 240 hours of ground school and a minimum of 35 hours of flight training in the elementary course. The cadets will live in Delzell Hall, eat in the Mt. Vernon dining hall, and will be issued white coveralls and overseas caps as uniforms. The caps will bear the C. P. T. insignia and the coveralls a combined C. P. T. and P. S. T. C. Assigned to Peru by the Kansas City Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Board are the following men: Eugene Alderson, Worth, Mo.; Raymond Burneal Deming, Lin-

Clyde K. Lare (Mat. '32) has been transferred to the X-ray department of the new naval hospital at Aiea Heights, Pearl Harbor. When Brooks was in the Islands, Clyde, Don Rose and Bill planned a reunion, but Brooks was transferred. Clyde writes, "You spoke of Bill Brooks. We in service look forward to plans but if things come off or up-whichever the case may be-it just is an everyday occur· rence. We get used to having our plans sort of interrupted and take in the slack from such."

Graduated from Annapolis in December, Ensign Paul Knapp (Mat. '36) has been stationed on the U. S. S. Indianapolis. He touched on land only once since then, when he had a short furlough in April, during which he married Betty van Emon. Receiving a recent promotion, he is now a Lietenant Junior Grade. Exact location is a military secret, but he mentioned Australia and the

fact that he is a "Shellback," having crossed the equator. Private D. Alwyn (Pinkie) Young (Mat. '38) is at Ft. Riley, Kans. With the 123rd Infantry at Ft. Lewis, Washington, is Pvt. George Griffin (Mat. '40). Biology instructor at Fairbury, I. V. Tobler ('27) has enlisted in the Navy. Dr. Marcellus Shurtleff (Mat. '31) who did his pre-med. work here is with the U. S. Marine Corps, Air Station, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Among pictures in the Nov. 12 World-Herald of 16 Nebraska pilots graduated from schools ·in the gulf coast air force training center was Staff Sergeant J. E. Busen · barrick (Mat. '40). He received his silver wings.

J, Marvin Hunzeker (Mat. '39) is a Musician first class in the U. S. Navy, on the U. S. S. Enterprise, at San Francisco. Pfc. Carroll Jones (Mat. '39) who was at Sheppard Field is now at Hotel Embassy AAFTTC, Los Angeles.

Reed Elected to State Office Wayne 0. Reed, former Peruvian, was elected State Superin'30) MILLER are at Artesia, New Mexico. HOLLY OSBORN ('41) tendent of Schools in the Novemis at Trenton, Mo. MARGUERITE ·ber elections. SHERSTAD (At. '40) is teaching the fifth and sixth grades at Dawson. Delphos, Ia., has RALPH COLLISTER ('27). ROBERT SNYDER ('39) teaches commerce in the high school at Atchison, Kan. At Lyman, Nebr., CALVIN FRERICHS ('40) is athletic director and teacher in the high school. Rurally located are ALMA SIMPSON (At. '42), Locust Grove Dist. 32; MRS. JOY THORNHILL (At. '30), Bethel, Dist. 66; WILMA WALKER (At. '42), Pleasant Ridge, Dist. 18; BEULAH (BEBCUT) HAUBERG (At. '26), West Lafayette; WILMA (WHITWELL) PLUMB ('28), Stockville. After this dissertation upon the present tenses of past Peruvians you should be properly impressed and inform me in the future. Love, -Virgie Lee.

Up to date they have completed one fourth of their total of 240. hours of ground school, 5 of 20 hours of code, and 5 of 35 hours of flight training. Their ground school consists of two 4 week periods. In the first half they receive instruction in mathematics, physics, radio, navigation, civil air regulations, and general service of aircraft. Prof. J. M. Winter is the new CPT mathematics instructor, while Prof. Theron 0. Od laug and Prof. A. B. Clayburn teach navigation and meteorology respectively as before.

• •

Among the Jap·slugging mar· ines on Guadalcanal in the Solo· mon Islands was Lt. Delton Goerke (Mat. '38). His picture was in the Saturday, Nov. 14, World-Herald.

coln; Richard Allen Dunnihoo, Watertown, S. D.; Harold Lee Haley, Hatfield, Mo.; Paul Truman Moskau, St. Joseph, Mo.; William Frederick Smith, St. Joseph, .l\io.; Robert Arthur Strong, St. Joseph, Mo.; Charles Winfield Troupe, St. Joseph, Mo.; Cecil Eric Van Meter, Jr., Rock Port, Mo.; Francis Leland White, Red Oak, Iowa.

The following schdule is followed by the cadets daily: 7:00-Breakfast. 7:30-Flight Instruction. 11:00-Ground School. 12:00-Noon Meal. 1:00-Ground School. 1:30-Military Drill. 2:30-Code. 3:00-Flight Instruction. 5:00-Ground School. 6:00-Evening Meal. 7:00-Ground School. More emphasis is placed upon military drill than before, and no ground school will be held Friday or Saturday evenings. Several new pieces of ground school equipment have been added to the CPT laboratories. Max Mathews is now building some airplane models for use in the civil aircraft identification class. A new ground wind tee is now being built in the college manual arts shop for the local airport to conform with civil air regulations. This is used to control left hand traffic. It is built like a weathervane, is 12 feet long and has a tail 4 feet high·, and painted with black and white stripes.

Nine of the former Navy cadets will be stationed at Moraga, California in the near future. The other member of the unit will be sent to a secondary training school in Kansas City, Mo.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Tuesday, November 24, 1942 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. Editor..............................................................-.............Ellen King Assistant Editor...........................·--··-·················Marjorie Prine Sports Editor....................----··-···· ..··· ..·····················-Bill Rachow · Copy Writers................Rogene Rose, Alice Ann Cleaveland, Bette Jean Scott, Betty Berger Proofreader..................................................-.......Audrey Zastera: ·Adviser..........................................................M. Florence Martin Reporters-Virgie Lee Johnson, Billy Woods, Lorraine Safranek, Lydia Vosicky, Lois Norton, Melvin Rothmiller, Keith Albers, William Cramer, Christine Wilkinson.

low-by-blow tale ~ony's musical car Settling comfortably in the Delzell study hail, ed, exclaimed, "I'd rather play my horn •

Digbt Sbift . • • ts on the Future," an ling with what we may and contribute to the fu. delivered by Rev. Edwin at convocation, Friday, No·


Short, happy-go-lucky Tony nears the boiliq: les his dark patent leather hair, for he eXPJ.aim; g will last an entire day. Tony is Dagwoodish in the fact t he adds a slice of presiding er the Student Advisory Council, portion of aiding in marching truction, a chunk of playing lo cornet in the concert band, a p of heading the Symphonium d a piece of acting as assistant dent manager to his college ndwich.

1. . Recker received his A. B. Drake University, mejoring . He spent three years e School of Divinity and •':llilllill•-<'r at the University of Wismajoring in rural sociology.

""A$ a pastime I like to read ~-" He he ~ liked

confided to me that to carpenter and that he bas made numerous repairs.


To begin with, we are tired of having all the blame shifted to us, for Nite Shift. So, hereafter, any brave Peruvian who brings to the PED office on Wednesday a true Nite Shift item in good physical condition will be presented with a genuine pretzel. Faculty members included. Hasn't November been Ummmmmmm?-Just so we won't be giving away military secrets ... Grossoehme's shoes must be sneakers .. . rumours that his flashlight battery burned out were evidently wrong .. . For rent: Cecil Johnson's "kiss-timer" ... Delzell Hall has the itch again ... they're fighting over who has the best old home remedy ... Everybody wants to know-was there anything wrong with the cider at the formal? ... Somebody simply must introduce Prexy Pate to Lucille Weber ... War does make a difference ... Ma's milk shakes are fifteen cents now ... Barnes' cokes ten (and they aren't any bigger-we measured) ... and there's gas rationing for the two Peruvians with cars ...

Learning the right combination

He possesses that envied ability

'Of the syllables "tu-tu-ka" deter-

to wear clothing well; his sense of

mined that cornet playing was des· ·tined to be a steady diet for Tony.

humor is apt and keen, and his youthfulness enables him to meet young people on their own ground.

Dr. Miller's a potential Blue Star ... and Macintyre and Thorson are to take their final physicals ... Quote Mac: "I still have two chances!" Note for posterity ... Wednesday, November 18th, 1942-round steak was served in the cafeteria ... And by the way, we don't believe Miss Palmer did throw that milk bottle at Miss Martin ...

Students see Glassblowers

Broers blew. a glass bubble ... wonder who the little unknown was who said, "You don't know Clements," when Miss Strickland told the would-be blowers that flint glass couldn't be blown ... Speaking of "unknowns," hear qual's prize pupil, Albers, is selling numbers on his ...

"I about gave up my horn as a bad job when learning to triple tongue. Listening to records and . trying to imitate them didn't work .but after a switch in instructors, I learned the deep dark secret." At the age of six Tony began his musical career with piano lessons. In the seventh grade the piano was neglected for a second hand trumpet and as a present for his eighth grade graduation he received his first new cornet.

He laughingly admitted that at this graduation he played his first solo, "Tulips." "I reme.mber I began to play without tuning my horn." Tony experienced his thrill of thrills when he won a superior rating at the Auburn district contest in 1942, entitling him to a try at the national contest. Climaxing all was his superior rating received at the Kansas City national meet. When playing some specialty, a solo. or fanfare, Tony says the music comes automatically, his mind becomes a complete blank and he prays.

Five of TWT'$ seven years of cornet expe.ri~ have been as membership m :Se\Tell different bands. He a.~ that membership• in a band is a great personality aid as students work together and learn to know people better. ms chief aim is a concert band of his own. "The marching band this year is the best we've had in Peru. We're mighty proud of the bust-up even though it meant extra practices and sacrificing a noon for plan· ning."

Glass blowing as an art may be fast growing extinct, but appre· ciatlon of the ability of the Howell family, Bohemian glass blowers, will not become extinct in the memories nf the persons who saw the demonstration of glass blow· ing at convocation Monday, Nov. 3.

Bohemian glass blowing has been the trade of the Howell family for generations. The children begin blowing glass as early as their eighth year and learn to blow glass into all shapes and sizes without the aid of a pattern. The articles blown by Mr. Howell during his demonstration included a stork, a Chrstmas ornament, a Dutch pipe and a glass ball. They are on display in the college office.

Clements handles gas registration Registration for the nation-wide gas rationing was handled at the Training School last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons.

Bud and Lydia have evidently torn the last pages out of their diaries ... and on Fike and Handley-"quoth the Raven" ... Newest couples-Audrey and Cadet Dunnihoo; Holman and Cadet White ... The new batch of Cadets seem awfully nice people ... Miss Tear has a new kitty already ... will somebody please donate a bigger light bulb to the PED office-or discover the switch that turns on the dome light-if there is a switch ... A pretzel to the marching band ... good job, kids ... Found on a Grid King ballot: My choice is Oscar Dean Smith-Isn't he sweet, the cute little rascal ... maybe it was Ruthie ... Are you searching for The One who will Love and Appreciate only you? See Reuben Fanders-he has all the dope on how You Too can join the Mary Lee Club"-"Where the Mate you Seek, Seeks You" ... Unquote ... We thought it was against rules-but Virgie's dating an instructor ... She must have a faculty for it ... 000000000 . . . We see by the Wesleyan paper that they are having a FOOTBALL BANQUET ... furthermore, they have to warn students to quit eating sunflower seeds in their STUDENT UNION ... Already figuring on the Freshman Party are Kirker and Roettger ... Luckiest devils on campus are Whiz, Doreen, Glenny and Kenny-they saw Glen Gray in Omaha ... We like the changed Christmas vacation dates ... Speaking of vacation ... don't eat too much turkey Thanksgiving .. .

Tyler and Harding entertain Kadelpians J. W. Tyler and Clifford Harding furthered the education of Kadel· pians in "The Economic and Civic Outcomes of Education" and in piano music at the Kappa Delta Pi meeting Monday, Nov. 16.

Mr. Tyler pointed out that the future teachers must be prepared to overcome the effects of social diseases, crime and economic stress and effectively teach American citizens as today's educators are leaving these problems unsolved. Clifford's selections were "Waltz No. 9" and "Grande Waltz" by

"I never saw a fighting man who didn't cherish the very thought of a pause with Coca-Cola. That goes for workers in factories, too. Ice-cold Coke is something more than the drink that answers thirst. It adds the feel of refreshment. "In war, Uncle Sam re· stricts t.he supply. But there's still enough for many refreshing pauses." BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY


Chopin, "Kamenoi Owstrow" by Rubenstein, "Rondo Alla Turca" by Mozart, and Leybach's "Fifth Nocturne." Alice Ann Cleaveland was in charge of the refreshments.

Pi Tau to see woodwork film Epsilon Pi Tau members were shown new membership and identification cards at the Nov. 9 meeting.

Sigma Tau schedules banquet

The fraternity voted to obtain woodworking films from the Weyerhauser Lumber Company. The films will be shown to all college students who are interested in wood and wood products.

At their Nov. 9 meeting Sigma Tau Deltans set Dec. 14 as the date for the annual fall banquet for initiation of new members. The group also decided to again publish "Sifting Sand."

Prep will honor team with party

Bette Scott, Evelyn Rodgers and Mrs. Arthur L. Bradford read their original writings. Miss Grace Tear gave a comprehensive account of Writer's Guild and her association with it.

Marjorie Prine and Audrey Zastera served ice cream and coffee after the meeting.

Symphonium plans I year s program Tony DeMaro played a cornet solo at the second meeting of Symphonium held in Prof. R. T. Benford's home. Nov. 16. The constitution was read for the benefit of the new members. Each member was asked to perform during the year either in solo or group work, as part of the program. The rest of the evening was playing musical games. Mrs. R. T. Benford served refreshments.


Former Peruvians . announce marnage Mrs. Viola Weatherfield and Calvin H. Reed, now of La Port, Ind., have recently announced their marriage which took place Sept. 7 at Warsaw, Mo.

Senior high hep-cats jived through the all high school dance Saturday, Nov. 14. Dr. and Mrs. Miller chaperoned.

Mrs. Reed has just been reelected Superintendent of Nemaha County Schools and is also Secretary-Treasurer of Nebraska State School Boards Association.

Instead of the annual football oanquet, Prep has decided to honor their gridiron heros with a party. The date has been tentatively set for Nov. 25.

Mr. Reed was formerly instructor of mathematics in the Training School. Both Mr. and Mrs. Reed are Peru graduates.

Bobcats claim state championshi Wheeler opens

Sports of 42=43

basket ball season

The Bobcats

Bill Rachow Willard Redfern Cecil Johnson

Editor Assistant Editors

Coach Al Wheeler issued his call for basketball candidates last week, with a good number of aspirants turning out for the first practices. With the close of football season, a number of last year's regulars should be ready.

Pern Pedagogian, Tuesday, November·24, 1942

The first practices consisted mostly of stressing fundamentals and conditioning, with scrimmaging, and offensive and defensive practice not too far off.

Bobkittens end successful season Coach Steve Gaines' "iron man team" came through the 1942 grid season with flying colors, marking up five wins against two losses, The Bobkittens alos walked off with the Nemaha Valley Conference championship for the third consecutive year,

scores to bring his season's total to 89 points, Six of the Prepster's starting eleven have played their last game for Prep, This includes Gaines' all-star backfield of Brown, Ogg, Palmer and Cotton.

Vern Cotton, triple threater and a strong candidate for All-State honors, finished number one in state scoring as he ran for fourteen touchdowns, made three extra points, passed for three markers, and handled the ball on four other

Season's record: Prep 41 _____________ Talmage Prep 19 ___________ Nebr. City Prep 6 ____________ Tecumseh Prep 33 __________ Table Rock Prep 33 ______Weeping Water Prep 39 _____________ Nemaha Prep 2 ________ Rockport, Mo.


Totals 173



6 7 0

Sparking Peru's second string backfield is a high school star from Peru Prep. He is Bob Brown, honorable mention all state. Playing a good brand of football for Peru State, his only lack is playing experience and before his gradua tion should really blossom out as a football player. Bob is 5' 10" and weighs 185 pounds. Even as a freshman, he scored two touchdowns, one against Chadron, homecoming, and one against Tarkio. Sporting Charley Brock's num-

In all respects, Peru is due for another good season. Below is the schedule: Dec. ll'-Tarkio at Tarkio. Dec. 17-Home game. Jan. 8-Horne game. Jan. 12-Midland at Fremont. Jan. 15-Kearney at Peru. Jan. 22-Wesleyan at Lincoln. Jan. 29-Wayne at Peru. Feb. 4-Hastings at Peru. Feb. 7-0pen. Feb. 12-Kearney at Kearney, Feb. 13-Hastings at Hastings. Feb. 16-Wesleyan at Peru. Feb. 19-Wayne at Wayne. Feb. 23-Midland at Peru. Feb. 26-Tarkio at Peru, Mar. 2-Chadron at Chadron. Mar. 3-Chadron at Chadron.

Over the Top by New Year's Is the Plea of Secretary Morgenthau


Introducing the Bobcats· This issue will have introduced all of the football team to the student body. It is hoped that this column has done its purpose, in bringing about a closer relationship between the student:yand the football team.

Those turning out were headed by'last season's old reliables, Byers, White, and All State Pascal. A lot of new material is shaping up in the form of Blocher, Patrick, a transfer from Dana, Larson, Rich Hutton and Art Clements. Those due to turn out after football are Unk Hutton, Wendell Handley, Swete Osterthun, Al Powers, Bob Brown, and Ab Yocum.

Lost from last year's team are Charley Hiatt, Russell Hobbs and Keith Hanna, all of whom are in the armed forces.


ber 47, is Wayne Parks, junior from Dorchester, Nebr. Wayne did little playing for Peru this year, but he never gave up trying. One of the few reserves that finished the season. He is one of the best liked fellows on the campus and finds time to mix football with his academic work. The smallest but not by far the weakest man on the team is little Max Burroughs, from Beatrice, Nebr. Max weighs only 145, but makes up for his size in spirit, fight and aggressive playing. Max plays guard and never misses a tackle. It has been remarked that when he is in the lineup on the kickoff, he has always been the one to bring the man down. Max also doubles in track by running the half mile.

as Peru went for their touchdow The scores were made in the <ib order, with three conversions, t on Hutton's place kicks and o on a Hutton to Handley pass, bring the total to 45. 25 yard line, due mainly to t roughing penal ties chalked agai the Bobcats. But other than t Hastings lost more ground th they gained. Peru scored twice on long ru the. first by Handley in the thi quarter on a 55 yard dash ba through Peru's weak side. T other in the same quarter by H ton was for nearly 45 yards. T rest of Peru's touchdowns w scored on sustained drives do the field, making short but stea gains. Peru starting lineup: Rachow --------------------Hines -----------------------L

November 13, 1942 As of today twenty-one million American workers are investing eight per cent of their salary - every pay day- in United States War Saving::; Bonds. This is a very remarkable tribute to our armed forces who are fighting this war. But this job is only two-thirds accomplished. There are. nine million additional American workers who are not investing in War Bonds every pay day. This appeal is directed to two groups of Americans: First - the twenty-one million people who are investing ~ight per cent of their wages. We ask them to increase their investment to ten per cent or more. Second- the other nine million whom we ask to join the Payroll Savings Plan and_to invest ten per cent or more of their earnings. It is our earnest hope here at the Treasury Department that by New Year's Day thirty million Americans will be investing ten per cent or more of their wages in War Bonds through the Payroll S'avings Plan.

Support the Bobcats and Kittens Attend All Home Games Admission:

Peru College finished an un . ually successful season, Frid" night in the Oak Bowl, by defea ing the Hastings Bronchos 45 -~ This game ended the regul · '..'j schedule fur the Bobcats, but • tentative game, Thanksgiving da is in mind, the game to be play in Arkansas.

COLLEGE GAMES 50c or Budget Ticket HIGH SCHOOL GAMES 30c or Budget Ticket

Oakman ---------------------Osterthun ------------------Yocum ---------------------Roberts (cc) ----------------Atwood (_cc) ________________ Q Handley ---------------------L Hutton (cc) ----------------Stark (cc) ------------------Peru substitutions: Ends, Whi Schmeltzer, Lawrence, Smit . Tackles, Rachow (LE), Park" Guards, Burroughs, Linder. Ce · ter, Smith. Backs, Brown, R. Hut, ton, Powers.

Football Peru scored 207 points to 40 f6 the opposition, during their 19 • season, giving them a 26 point a · erage per game to-' 5 for their opp ,i nents. · : Peru was unscored upon their home field while scoring 40 point average against their o ponents. The season started with 40 football players trying for team, and when the season end Friday night there were 21 in sui. Peru seemed to be jinxed wi leg injuries this season. The o serious ones occurring were th "· to the knees of Ronhovde, Ost .. thun, Hines and Livingston, w ' Al Powers broke a leg. Glory is hard won, even to th playing football. For eight gam 1 'the Peru team held 43 practic ', Summing it all up the team h to put ill. 5 hours of preparat( for 1 hour of game participatio " Atwood carried the ball o once during the season, and t time was against Hastings, Fri( night. This is one example · boys play the game for somet besides glory. After the Kearney game, State Left Tackle Newell made remark that Luther Hutton the greatest all around player, . the best blocker that he had e seen. So adios to the game of f . ball, probably for the durati and with basket ball coming . let's keep on giving the team s port.

Dormemories ... The Hector - Searcey - Brandt O'Brien feud . . . Bud Brown's artillery barrages and Allen Powers' radio-phonograph ... • . . Bud and Tony "rasslin" with Red Hines piling on ..• early retirement of Albers and the Kerker Boys •.. Coach Wheeler's i~:pec­ tion of Al Powers' room- Jeez, some pictures" . . . bridge games in 213 ..• pitch games in the lobbies ... Stark's Nehawka banner .... Oakman's mustache and hunting prowess . • . Handley's and Oakman's change of interest •.• favorite cigarette-Luckies ..

The men who run the desk . . . Houseman's Heartbeats ... favorite bands-Harry James and Sammy Kaye . . . favorite drinkPepsi Cola . . . somebody popping corn and everyone else sniffing around the halls like rats ... usually finding the right room-but seldom getting in . . . Johnson beating Fanders' time ... Johnson's Kiss Timer ... Brock's dancing ... Percy's wheel ... White's passion for photographic displays . . . ditto Marshall . . . Roberts and his combination tannery-plane factory ..• the "Little Man" vocalizing ... Hasenyager's raisins •.. radios in 106 ••• Stuart and Bonesteel "Silent Men" ••• striking silence of the navy wing of 3rd floor ..• headquarters for "ghosted" themes in 307 .•. Shulz and pitch player and "Romeo" (heard the latest rumor) ••• what's that hanging in Faust's and Livingston's window • • . Pere Schmelzer's bright red typewriter ••• Reutter and Moore's airplane display.

. . . Rollin Hall's college pennants ... P. R's bright bathrobe . . . Earl Banks vs. George Blocher for champion studier ... admiration of the same two for modern Art . . . Macomber's guns . . . Sack's dodge . . . ice cream and cookies after the Freshman party .. -White's pajamas-so loud the whole floor can't sleep . . . balanced dresser decorations in 219both-of a one-and-only ... College seal in 214 . . . also in this room the only visible souvenir of Ouchita-not counting "Stack's" chin ... back-tracking after a lost football suit ... Stark's recitations of Milton's works .•. Handley's steel box ... Shrader the drummer •.• McCandless' nicotine diet •.• Cramer's tentative 1943 football team . • . Parks' friendly Friday (censored) Club •• : Larry Good and 80 swats ••. autumn- bonfires •.. the mustache and pipe crazes ••.• good old Delzell Hall.



Rehearsals begin , Campus dubs for ''S·1n1ster House// I


A corpse, eleven strange characters, shots, screams and murders will thrill and chill observers of "Sinister House," the three act melodrama which will be the next all-college play to be presented by Prof. R, O. Moore.

The setting of the action is the forboding ancestral mansion of the Lacy sisters, Hepzibah and J enme. MARJORIE WAREHAM, veteran from the Homecoming play, plays the part of He~ziba~, . the older of the sisters. Susp1c10us old thing, sinister and dignifiedthat's me," Marjorie says. Jennie, Hepzibah's sister, is played by EVELYN RODGERS. "So much to it, especially the last '.Part-so different-surprise curtains-" is Evelyn's comment. She's been in one college play besides high school dramatics. MARJORIE MOORE as Or. Garret, sides with Hepzibah. MARY ALICE HACKER, who plays the part of the nurse, ls bribed by Hepzibah to remain silent concerning some of the activities of the house.

ELLEN KING as Mrs. Dirks, the mean housekeeper, adds atmosphere with her manhandling of other characters. Says Ellen, "I gotta be nasty!" She has been in one college play and student directed one. VIRGIE LEE JOHNSON plays Ruth Lacy, niece of Hepzibah and Jennie and heiress to the Lacy fortune. She is a veteran actress, having had parts in thret plays and student directed one. JEAN HOLMAN as Edith Burke is the poor relation whose most frequent speech is "Yes, Aunt Hepzibah." She has had experience in Auburn High School dramatics.

BETTY McARDLE, a newspaper woman, is around because she scents a scoop. Betty is pleased with this part since she finally got

Marine tells it to us about active flight duty Back in Peru for the first time since February of last year, Peruvian "Bill" Brooks, now Lieutenant Brooks of the Marine Air Corps, told on-campus Peruvians a few non-military secret tales of his experiences while on active duty the past months. "I was at Midway ... got punctured a little there ... just a flesh wound in my leg tho ... got a Jap plane ... went back to Hawaii and then to Guadalcanal in August ... "We fought every day and got shelled every night ... first night we got shelled we were all caught in our tents because we hadn't dug any fox holes yet ... we got down and laid under the beds until it was over ... next day we really : went to work digging fox holes ... and we really dug some good ones ... steel roofs and everything . . . they bombed hell out of our tent three or four days later when they began again . . . ' "Say, I have a Jap flag I was going to bring up here . . . One of the raider boys brought it in ... I gave him a bottle of whisky for it . . . fryers never have time to hunt souvenirs . ; . "Yes, I have been cited twice for distinguished service . . . once for action at Midway . . . second time for action at Guadalcanal ... we fought every day ... I brought down a number of planes at Guadalcanal . . . three of them confumed ... "Say, did you notice the pie-


tures of our squadron in the latest issue of "Life" . . . there's a big write up of Schmitty's squadron ... of the Fighting 223 ... mentions us as the relieving squadron . . . but our bunch ,was there all the time . . . we were part of the Fighting 223 ... " Interrupted in his story of his experiences by the arrival of the camerman, Brooks turned to the present and revealed his next station will be at Corpus Christi, Texas, where he will serve as an instructor. Mrs. Brooks, former Peruvian Jane Christianson, accompanied him to Peru.

PSTC observes Dec. 7 at convo "Not January first but December seventh is America's new date for resolution," said Prof. R. 0. Moore at the Mon day convocation commemorating Dec. 7. "Outraged beyond human endurance by the treachery at Pearl Harbor, A"merica's first reaction was righteous wrath. The price we paid for disillusionment was overwhelming, but it brought unity and rebirth of the American ideal," Mr Moore said during his reading. of a group of patriotic selections. Prof. G. Holt Steck led the singing of the national anthem, with Prof. R. T. Benford at the piano.

up nerve enough to try out for an all--college play. LEONORE LARSON as Midge Towers, a close friend of Ruth's, says of her comedy part, "I guess I'm sort of a screwball-no manners." Leonore has been in one college play besides high school dramatics. LOIS MILLER shows plenty of eye-white as the terrified riegro maid, Peaseblossom. A freshman, Lois has been on stage before during her high school days.

sponsor banquet At long last-a football banquet and dance. A date has been set, plans are made, and Saturday, Dec. 19, the 1942 grid team will be honored. The banquet will be held in the Methodist church basement at 6:15; the dance in the music hall, following the dinner.

Twelve join Sigma Tau

Reigning over the dinner dance will be the fall royalty, Grid King Stark, "Queen John," co-captains Butch and Unk. A Grid Queen elected by the lettermen will also be presented. Twenty lettermen will be Intro· duced by Coach Al Wheeler. Four seniors who will be getting their last "kick" out of football are Stark, Hutton, Atwood and Roberts.

Formally initiating, advancing, banqueting and being entertained are the Sigma Tau Deltans, tonight in the Home Economics rooms. Sponsoring the State Champ Those taken in as pledges are: banquet are Gamma Chi and Roberta Burrows, Melvin Roth- Men's Club. The general commitmiller, Patricia Carmine, Wallace tee are Betty Scott, Harriet MaxCleaveland, Lydia Vosicky, Mar- well Nina Kanel Keith Roberts and 'Ralph Locke.' jorie Wareham, Dennis Wehrmann Football tags were sold to help and Billy Woods. ··Betty Berger, finance the event by Mary Belle The "toot toot" of a steam whis· tie tonight at ten o'clock will in- Jean Bond, Harold Jenkins ' and Dougherty, Betty Berger, Betty form Peruvians that the practice Rogene Rose are coming in as as- Scott, Arlene Howell, Ralph Locke, black-out of the Seventh Service sociate members. The members Keith Roberts and Clifford Harding. Area has begun. advanced to associate standing are Tickets to include admission to With a flip of the switch Mr. Marjorie Prine and Evelyn Rodg- the banquet and dance went on Grossoehme will black out the en- ers. Those eligible for active mem- sale today at fifty-five cents. Septire campus, including his flash- bership are Alice Ann Cleaveland, arate dance tickets are to be sold light and President Pate's home. Lillian Havel; Virgie Lee Johnson two for twenty-five cents or fifteen Refrigerators and the stokers in and Audrey Zaste!':::. . cents each. the be.Her room will have a twen• · The program consists of a greetty minute rest and electric clocks Top war effort pusher on ing to the new members by the will also take time out. campus is Gamma Chi, which president, a response for the new has invested $200 in $50 war Faculty members will use black- members by Wallace Cleaveland, a bonds, following the suggestion out rooms with lights burning but violin solo by Dr. Castle M. Brown of Dean Dunning. with windows covered to keep the accompanied by Dr. Selma S. 'Kolight in. The money was taken from nig and a talk by Mrs. Edwin Becker. the student loan fund which has The old phrase "Black as midaccumulated from money left Responsible for decorations and night" will have a new meaning programs are Evelyn Rodgers and in the Gamma Chi treasury at r from ten to ten-twenty when the Lorraine Safranek. The dinner the end of each year. The bonds lights will go on again all over the will be served by Kappa Omicron will be redeemed if necessary campus. Phi. when new loans are made.


Students wilt wield baton as concert band performs A date to remember for Peruvians is January 12, when the P. S. T. C. concert band will present an 1111 student directed program in the college auditorium, Victor H. Jindra announced Dec. 8. Special lighting effects and settings for the patriotic theme are under the di· rection of Wally Cleaveland, Tony DeMaro and Betty Berger.

Not all of the directors and selections have been chosen for the concert, but Walt Marshall will interpret the bouncing, lumbering style of "The Teddy Bear's Picnic" by John W. Bratton. Mary Shirley Jimerson will lead _the "Stratosphere" overture by Carl Fangkiser, which consists of two themes, the opening four bars, the "Earth" theme and the following four bars, the "Stratosphere" theme. The exploitation of the "Earth" theme portrays the various atmospheric changes whereas the 'Stratosphere" theme, because of constant atmospheiic conditions, varies slightly. The most difficult piece from a technical standpoint is "In A Spanish City" by R. B. Hayward to be directed by Wally Cleaveland. The piece is a suite in three parts, the "Bull Fight," "Vespers," and "Tarantella." In the "Bull Fight" amid 'plaudits of eager spectato•s the Toreador enters the arena. Then follows the sport-the maddened rushes of the infuriated bull, foiled again and again at the moment of dreaded success, the enthusiasm of the frenzied crowd, and the d ra • m atic death stroke.

"Vespers" present the dev:otional

harmonies of nn organ echoing through the cathedral under the sweet melody of bells at eventide. The hour strikes and a subdued organ interlude speaks of the hour of prayer, while through the open window comes the sweet caroling of a bird singing his -evening hymn. ''.Tarantella," a dance form importeq into Spain from Italy, is based on the legend that the bite

of the tarantula, a large poisonous spider, .is supposed to produce an irresistible mania for dancing. A patriotic highlight will be "The Army Air Corps" by Robert Crawford directed by Betty Berger. In keeping with the theme "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition" by Frank Loesser, sent to the band by Bob Ashton, a former music student, will be used on the program.

Orchestra and chorus announce musicale A combined orchestra and chorus program will be presented at the first Sunday musicale of this school year. The orchestra and chorus wi 11 present the first of this year's Sunday musicales at four o'clock, Sunday, Dec. 20 in the auditorium, under the direction of V. H. Jindra and G. Holt Steck.

Betty McArdle, Evelyn Slagle, Leonore Larson, Earl Kerker, Wit· lard Hunzeker, Percy Schmelzer and Mr. Steck.

Annual tea held

Faculty women and faculty Highlight of the five orchestral wives were guests of Gamma Chi selections is the "Russian Sailors" girls at their annual Christmas tea by R. Gliere, whkh begins heavy Thursday, Dec. 10, in Eliza Morand awkward like a rough fellow gan parlor decorated with Christwhose legs betray him when he mas greenery, colored lights, and lighted fireplace. tries a difficult dance step with Ardis Carmine, Marjorie Weiler, drunken insistence. Finally he completes the dance in a last Jean Hoagland and Rebanis Frankforter poured. mighty rush of exhiliration. Music was furnished by Mary Several chorus numbers and a Mannschreck and Betty Pruitt, g.roup of Christmas carols by the pianists, Una May Leach, flutist, geron, mixed octet, comprise the and a string trio consisting of Evesecond part of the program. Memlyn and Janice Slagle and Patricia bers of the geron are: Bette Riley, Hill.


• • •

new 'Now

jrter rush has !he semester grind, Pe~ ~ ~n find .time to do somtt .,.tl<>nal reading. The library U. ncently received a shipment Ill ~ks chosen for thei~ .Yill~~ ., a .~P,ar~ ,moment filler-uppeY'. · · For the ~ student there are Brovm's ''SIM: to Singapore," Breathe's ·~to Pass," Claymore's "Flame: Pa~"- and Upton Chase's "BehW ~e Face of Ja~ pan," all of whil:h give actual ex. periences of ~ war correspondents in a . Redding's "No Day of "·deals with the negro ~ in the war and after. With p~le meat rationing staring. us 111 U!:e face, sugar and coffee rationh~t here, maybe it would be well to read a ''food buy· 'ing during the war" book. Mad· dox' "Eat Well for Less Mon_ey," 'Murphy's "Wartime Meals," and ,Harrison and Ridler's "Food In ·Fun for the Invalid" are. now In the library. · se~led

Note to bankers . China pigs, little banks, glass jars and such are tying up strategic metals. An Act of Congress took the nickel out of the nickelit may be necessary to take the copper out of the cent. Last year 4600 tons of copper went into l~cent pieces. This would have supplied enough copper for 2 cruisers, 2 destroyers, 1245 flying fortresses, ·120 field guns and 120 how:itzers~or enough for one .and a quarter million shells for our big guns. · For every penny hidden away, the mint must use scarce metals to make another to replace it. Quit hoardin', you hoarders!

Contributed ''Are we in Peru patriotic?

''A recent editorial in the PEDAGOGIAN implied that Peru students and faculty are going on per usual, unaware tlJ.at our country is at war and doing very little about it. "I say, however, that every Peruvian is as much in the war as every New Yorker or Washingtonian ... "We are all complying with government regulations -concerning rationing ... limiting ourselves to one cup of coffee daily minus two lumps of sugar ... using. less cocoa and tea ... less butter on our rolls ... chewing sunflower seeds instead of g'Um ... observing one meat-less day each week ... ''Our school has given both faculty and students to the armed forces ... "We don't need to start waving flags ... Peru students and faculty ARE patriotic!"

Rebuttal As a yardstick against which you may measure Peru "war activities," here's a check list released by the National Student Federation: (1) Does your college have a war council or comparable organization? If not, is the student government body taking steps to organize one1 (2) Does your campus war program provide for efficient handling of the following war activities:

Some of the new books such as "Fortress of Freedom" by Salamanca are now on the rental shelf but most of the others are 'in the new book row on the front of the reference desk. There one finds such titles as "The Old Liberty Bell," "A Dive for Treasure," "Sentries of the Sea," 'Have You Seen Tom Thumb?" "Army Guide for Women" and "I Write From Washington."

4. Student Speakers Bureau (ayailable to community as well as campus meetings) 1 5. Campus protection (training of student air raid wardens, :fire :fighters, bomb squads, switchboard operators, :fingerprinters, etc.) 7 6. Campus discussion program on war issues and post-war problems? 7. War workshops to take care of knitting, bandage rolling, preparation of surgical dressings, Christmas and utility tips for service men?

8. First aid instructions? 9. Student curriculum committee to study needed curriculum changes brought about by wad 10. Instruction in motor mechanics, home nursing, emergency skills, home repair, etc.? 11. Vocational training especially directed to war jobs? 12. Special student sponsored scholarship fund for both men and women after the war? 13. Service to service men-entertainment for nearby Army camps, collection of books, magazines, etc.? 14. Benefit functions and other activities to war'! 15. War libraries-a collection of material for campus-wide use, for discussion groups, forums, etc.1 Yes, Peru students and faculty ARE patriotic!

Patter in the dark of night to an eight o'clock ..• Bonnie Armstrong in step with the times in dark green alligator oxfords . . . Rogene and i;:nen walking over in "different" red motcasins.

Patter on scooped sidewalks ... trailip.' tracks in the snow ... dogs without _galoshes . . . climbing Peru's hills without football cleats . . . overshoes with their soles ilung heavenward . . Edith Wym.ore's rubber cowboy boots. Patter to Sunday dinner . . . . Lorraine Safranek's Kelley-green, toe,less, .club-heeled, suede pumps • , • Jimerson's red-nailed, stocking-less feet in red everythingless (except sole and straps) san· dal~.

Patter in "V" shoes . . . Betty Berger's four-year, rainy-Washington-weather footwear with leather tops, thick wooden "unders" with rubber under that, and "N. G." carved in the wood ... no hinged wooden shoe has made its debut at Peru ... with brass nailheads extinct Jean Bond must have those steel-ones-painted-brass, Patter at the school dances ... too little , •. feet that won't dance unless asked . . . toes unstepped on ... dirge home.

Former PED columnist now writes copy for Navy The December edition of TEMPO, publication of the United States Navy School of Music, contains a farewell written by James Sandin to the 80 men graduating a~ seamen first-class, one of whom was James Crawford, another former Peruvian. "This week 80 of you go out to sea-just 80 sailors to most people, but we who have lived, griped and gone on liberty with you know differently. You were senior men and we were boots, Your words of advice, "shower parties," and personalities have made our life a bit more livable-your musicianship has been an inspiration, Please accept our sincerest 'Bon Voyage' .. , " Sandin, associate editor, and F. E. Gamble, editor, were instrumental in organizing the TEMPO, first publication by the musicians of the Navy School of Music,

1. "\Var·stamp and bond sales! 2. Salvage collection 1 3. Student war relief drivd

Reporter describ~s campus patter

Get your ticket to the Football Banquet today!

Some pajama-clad, hair· upped, face-scrubbed little second floor girls gathered on two beds for a bedtime chat and now I know stuff and things about some more of our friends.

Did you know that Doreen Meier is the seventh in her family to attend Peru? That means that six of her siSters have been here. Gee, imagine it! I remember once when there were four Meier girls here at once. But tbt's past now, they're all different places. ERMA ('41) is with her husband BEN SHELDON ('39) and daugh· ter "Margie" in Greenbelt, Md., a government project town. Ben teaches "sh.op." HELEN '(At. '41), nearby in Washington, D. C., "double-checks" with civil service -she checks checks and receives checks (has bee.n adyanced, too).

MARGARET MEIER (At. 41) is a third grade teacher at Hastings.

Patter in the quiet of the thr'" o'clock night hour . . .· sounds.-' many "little" feet . . . soft sol tiptoes, gentle shufflings, qu{ clicks, heavy steps, clumpe clumps or disregard of all at pa end, Patter . . . Glenny Gallowa' tiny "boots" from the children, department, . Red Hines' size 12'

"S·f1 tmg I

san ds


to appear "Sifting Sand," Delta publication poetry written by be available for week,

the Sigma of prose Peruvians, purchase

T a w th

Among contributors to the f edition of Volume VIII are: Ali Ann. Cleaveland, Miss Grace T.e. Ellen King, Mrs. Inice Dunni James Huey, Jean Holman, R ben Fanders, Mrs. Joy C. Bak Lorraine Safranek, Edith Wymo Melvin Rothmiller, Lillian Hav. Evelyn Rodgers, Isabel Tynon an Virgie Lee Johnson. The editorial committee consis ed of Dr. Arthur L. Bradford, Vi gie Lee Johnson, Ellen King a Nina Kanel. Lillian Havel d signed the cover.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Tuesday, December 15, 1942 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Ola Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. Editor_·-··--···-·····--···-····-··--··-··--·······--··--············-----······-·Ellen Kin Assistant Editor ......................... ---···-···-··---·-·····-·Marjorie Pri Sports Editor.·-·············-·--···-····-·--·········--·-····-···-···-·Bill Racho Copy Writers.·-··-···-····-·Rogene Rose, Alice Ann Cleavelan Bette Jean Scott, Betty Berg Proofr~ader.. ____ ..... _........·-············-·····-·---·-·-·---··--_.Audrey Zaster Adviser... ---·-·····--···-············· .. ··············-··--···--M. Florence Mart· Reporters-Virgie Lee Johnson, Billy Woods, Lorrain Safranek, Lydia Vosicky, Lois Norton, Melv· Rothmiller, Keith· Albers, William Crame Christine Wilkinson.

Jllumni trail Dear Helen Marie,

Patter practice ..• basket b'. "non-skids" instead of footb':. cleats . , . tapping on the flo. above-any time .•. footwork f" ,.'Sinister H·ouse/'

• • •

LOIS (At. '42) teaches the fifth grade at Treynor, Ia., and LOUISE (At. 41) has a kindergarten at Kellerton, Ia. ALMA (MEIER) VOLZ (At. '27) is a farmwife near DuBois after being in California six years. Say, WILMA MILLER (At. '42) and MAX E. JACKSON ('42) were married at Plattsmouth, Friday, Nov. 27. The announcements state that Pryor, Okla., will be their home after Jan. 1.

HAROLD DALLAM ('42) was in .Peru wekeend before last. He and Max are both with Dupont in Pryor. NEAL GOOD ('41) and MARGARET GOODRIDGE (At. '42) are making Christmas marriage plans, I didn't know your freshman roommate DELORES DERMANN (At. '41) was working at the air base in Lincoln as a stenographer. GENEVIEVE STEUTEVILLE (At.

'42) is third grade teacher at Belle'. vue. MARGARET MANSFIEL (At. '42) is at Farrar, Ia. RUTH MACDONALD (At. '41 teaches the fourth grade at T , cumseh. Another instructor a Traynor, Ia,, is BETTY JO OF. FERMAN (At. '42), who tells it the eighth graders. NEDRA JAN SHAFER ('42) works math ~. Hayward.en, Ia. · The FAY LOVEJOYS (At. '42 have announced Shirley Marie, a' of Nov. 20, 8:45 p. m., having 6, 11 pounds, brown hair, and blue eye Shirley Marie's dad is a staff-se~. geant at Lubbock, Texas. '

NANCY ELLEN (JONES) RED' FERN ('42) was director of th Brock senior class play, given De·' 10-11. "Sinister House" is t name of the play to be given n{ here in Peru. And, there I get o. on the "on-campus." Oh well, if: time to call the whole thing ci any way. Bye and love, -Virgie Lee.;,


'*~·~ si~t:~ . • • ~}·


e sure



• \.,_,



a good

feed r~Sgil(ing-,t\lrkey, ~pµds, gra,e.1:1'.f~i.·ham and, all the sugar a.l.l~d plus ~ig<jrette~;'.', writes l:l~inind~d C:~fp,or!ll .pr vi 11 e nkl~, ('27) ,Cp, ,~~ ~ .Regular S,;Army Sig,n;il $~rv:\ce; Camp ~d~r., ,.M<>« ,.l;e r,~ce,1;1tly comteit;.12 r·Yi.~eks tra,in.i1,1g )n the nal Corps in Kansas City, Mo.

om Majors ('39), son of Mr. q Mrs. Charles Majors, commis;ted .2nd Lt. after gradm\ting in Air Force Officer Ca~qidate ool in Miami, Fla., is now in ~ve dµty overseas. He is with 82nd fighter squadron, 78th hter group with ad.dress in New o.rk City.


Pvt. Moorey Cook is in training ,the Aircraft Meehan~<; Scho,ol, Eugerie Graves was at Camp J3arkley, Texas. Naval Chief Specialist Walter uber reports that he has 3 unirms-khaki for work, blue naval fficer's uniform f~f. winter and hite for summer. Edgar Galloway, ('32) credits Major A. L. Hill with his splendid succe5s in army exams. At St. Louis Edgar received 100 in his math test and he was 1 of the 4 out of 300 taking. the test at Aberdeen to pass and be sent to the Radar school at the Bureau of Mines School at Rolla, Mo.

Sgt. Charles B. Parks, recently on furlough, is with .the Hospital Corps in New Orle;ms, Tom Dean, ('42) recently transferred from Des Moines, Iowa, is in the civil service as Army Inspector of War Materials. Pvt. Ellis Adams, (Mat. '39) left after his furlough, Dec. 5, for Fort Benning, Florida, where he entered Officers Candidate School. Staff Sgt. Fay Owen Lovejoy ('42) is now stationed at South Plains Army Flying. School, "Home of th.e Winged Comrnandos." Upon completion of training in Uncle S<ilm'.~, large troo?,-carr:t.ing gilders at SPAFS, Sgt. Lovejoy will receiV,e, silver glider· pilot'~ wings. SPAFS is under command of Col. N~rmari 'B. Olsen, and i$ one of {tie largesf glidet ~iiot training centers in the world. ·

Ross Organ left Monday, Dec. 7, for San Antonio to begin his flight training with the army air corps. Ross is ,George DeVore's son-inlaw.

Next review sdheduled '

... '·!ff


meett Prof. R. T. Benford reviewed "The Nutcracker from Nurem· burg.'.' by Donald Cook.itt thci meeti,ng of Symphonium Monday, Dec. 7.

Different parts of the Christmas story were presented in musical selections from ''The Nutcracker Suite" by Tschaikowsky.

First Class Ensign Clark Rogers, (Mat. '39) radio technician on the U. S. S. Roper, is doing convoy duty along the Atlantic coast.

· Flutists Mary Shirley Jimerson, Leonore Larson and Betty Kennedy played "Dance of the Reed Flutes." Betty McArdle sang "The Candy Fairy" and Mr. Benford played the recording, "Waltz of the Flowers."

Harlie Palmer, (Mat. '35) was home in Nov. enroute from Los Angeles to Camp Belvoire, Va. for officers training.

Earl and Barton Kerker will present a program of patriotic music at the next meeting Monday, Jan. 4.

Dr. Wfnston B. "l"horson wlll rev;ew "Conditlo.ns of Peac~;·, by Eaward Hallett .Carr at the. A. ,A.,. U. W. book review hour Thursday, Jan. 7.

· :"The book is a comment and analysis -0f the background of war and the reconstruction that will cowe witl'\ the peace." Mr. Carr, an editorial writer on the London "Times" and professor of international politics at the University 9ollege of Wales, has been attached to the British For.eign Of~ fice for 20 years. Miss Blanche A. Gard reviewed Alice Dalgliesh's '~Christmas'.' at the A. A. U. W. hour Thursday, Dec. 3.

Chatelain joins history facuity ''


\Dight Shift . • •


'· ,·''



Ralph Chatelain of Peru has replaced Dr. William T. M Iller, as 5µperviso_r of history Iii the senior high school. Mr. Chatelain was graduated from Peru Prep in 1926 .and froll'j fl". s. T. c. in 1.929. While in col· lege he was active in social science ,music and dramatic activitie~.

He taught social science. at Sterling: Nebr. for one year and for the past eight years has taught music part-time at Nemaha, Talmage and Brock. He is the brother of Dr. Verne E. Chatelain, former head of the history department .in the college and now a governmental advisor in Washington, D. C.

· "l\l'ifsn1t'it'odd hbw the freshman party turned into an "all college" dance? ... _Needed for the PED office-a bottle opener ... Now that it's so cold, why can't the girls wear slacks to class (like the high school girls do) ... Scotty and Ab can look forward to smooth sailing from now on-,as a hunting twosome they netted four. rabbit's feet each ... With a push from some kindly passerby the Marshall, Harding, Broers express roared down the Hill Store's hill and landed somewhere below the timber line ... Anyone who did ~ot fall full length on the hil1 l:)etween the campus shop aµd Delzell Hall between 6:30 a. m. Saturday and 10:30 p. m..Sunday is nominated as an up. and coming Sonja Renie ... Speaking of Sonja, if the ice skating rink becomes a reality \heY. will get. a qj1ance to .e)!:hibit real abili\y .... · Vet'a Hinman arid Doris Miller awoke one morning to find a barrage of corsage boxes sprinkled with Dutch Cleanser in front of their door ... Editor's note: will the bum or bums who stole the sign from the PED bring it back, preferably soon ... Fashion notes-the fliers' zoot suits and Safranek's bright green shoes .. , What does Cec Johnson do on his date~•. now that his kiss timer is out on loan? ... Girls bewarE>-all the fellows are getting dates for the blackout ... Blackout refers to Grossoehme's flashlight, too ... Newest game-Percy's roulette wheel ... Busy little bees-Butch, Ab, and Locke cutting out little blue footballs ... Start practicing 1943 . .. Since the snow we note,-red noses ... Gale Randall, of last year's Gentlemen's Club, put in a swanky appearance or two on campus ... The Peruvian office still hasn't taken down those ancient curtains . .. Gamma Chi bought war bonds ... Stage~door J ohnnys bring pies every night instead of flowers ... And by the way, who stole our "Boost the-" signs? ... Peruvians are becoming literary, everyone is joining Book-of-theMonth Club ... And by the way, Sifting Sands is coming out ... Mrs. Wheeler is teaching all of Mac's classes. Quoting from the side lines, "That makes her head coach" ... Pink horses, little elephants, and half a daschund now decorate the PED office . , . Be sure to clinch your date for the football banquet ... Oh-go comb your mustache! . . .

Fanders exhibits insect collection

His office crowded with high school seniors, Dr. Miller was busy signing senior memory books, Friday, Dec. 4, before he left Peru to join the Naval and Military Welfare Service of the American Red Cross.

"Ever since I squashed my first specimen, a butterfly, in a fruit jar lid, I've been interested in insects," began Reuben Fanders at the Tri Beta meeting, Monday, Dec. 8.

Prep organizes war council A war council has been chosen to correlate all war activities in the training school. Memqership on the council includes a boy and a girl representing the fourth to twelfth grades.





Dr. Miller to assume duties as soldiers trouble-shooter

"First I am to report at Washington on Monday, Dec. 7 •.• I'll .be there for two weeks then two weeks at some post in the middle-

"In war, Uncle Sam restricts the supply. But there's still enough for many refreshing pauses."

J '

Revelation of the week-Brooks showing Miss Martin his leg wound in E. M. parlor ... They took i_n the basket ball game:-Locke and Chris, Bart and Ficke, Macomber and Lydia, Virgie and Red, etc .... The "kiddies" are playing fox and geese in the snow in front of E. M.... Bring back our PEDAGOGIAN sign! ...

After explaining the process each insect went through before mounting, Reuben showed his collection to the members.

When the last memory book was signed Dr. Miller sat on his desk and talked. "I'll be serving as an assistant field directory, stationed at a naval or military base somewhere," he said.

"I never saw a flghting man who didn't cherish the very thought of a pause with Coca-Cola. That goes for workers in factories, too. Ice-cold Coke is something more than the drink that answers thirst. It adds the feel of refreshment.


Supt. S. L. Clements and Principal L. B. Mathews addressed a high school assembly Wednesday, Dec. 9, and plans for a "Victory Corps" that would increase time spent on physical education programs, shop and science classes, first-aid, music classes and social science study were introduced at that time.

DR. MILLER western area, and then permanently stationed or reasonably so .

"The work will be personal counseling in the main ... for soldiers and sailors, helping them with the thousand and one problems, I guess, which come up for young people. "Perhaps I should mention the nke fountain pen that the high school people gave me ... I was planning to use the time during that general assembly at 2 o'clock for some of the last minute things I have to do ... I was .completely surprised when they told me ~hat it was for me." Dr. Miller, who is associate professor of history and social science, and supervisor of high school history, has been given a leave of abscence,

"Most of my 153 specimens were caught by myself or my family within a three mile radius of my home near Diller. A few specimens, I bought from an entomological supply house," he told the group. Mr. Cassius Kennedy will speak on hybrid corn at the next meeting, Monday, Jan, 4.

Prep athlete killed Sgt. Neal L. Slinker, a 1941 Peru Prep graduate, was killed when an army air force plane carrying ten fliers crashed in the southeastern Idaho mountains, Wednesday, Dec. 2. He was outstanding in football and basket ball while in school. His parents now I ive at Nebraska City.


hear Thorson discuss economic basis of peace

Dr. Winston B. Thorson addressed a joint Y. M.-Y. W. meeting, Tuesday, Dec. 8, on the "Economic Basis of a Just and Durable Peace." He expressed his belief that the problem of reconstrudion should be the consideration of every student. Listing unemployment, national debts, and the rise of totalitarianism as some of the evidences of

decadent 18th century capitalism, Dr. Thorson discussed the economic bcisis· of world reconstruction. He concluded by reading quota.tiol)s from noted conservatives, Lord Halifax, Wendell Willkie, and the Archbishop of Canterbury. This emphasized his points, and also demonstrated the change in views of even the most conservative.

Sports of 42=43 The Bobcats ~ditor

BillRachow Willard Redfern Cecil Johnson

i\ssistant Editors

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, December 15, 1942.


·Ha all ~t ~n.

the leading coaches, and sports alt·State College and all-Conference foot-

Despite ~.. '/ .. , . • which cut down the calibre of all play, Halfback We~~~ of Peru and End Wayne Weber of Doane were unanimO-.~ei in \he backfield and line, respectively.

Mac".Ieaves for army ~:~:~!~mg, ign b"kfi""

-- fensively and Because of five yea~s experience with the National Guard and an excellent athletic and coaching record, Jack Mcintire, who was sworn into the Army December 8, has been assured of an appointment to officers training school. The Fort Crook induction and recruiting officers, who assured Mcintire of the appointment, also said he would undoubt· edly be commissioned as a physical education instructor.

Nearly as ney's great

both of-


~was tac~

Kear-Paul Newell,


rated by many as the outstanding lineman of the state. Peru held four spots on the all state team, Doane, four, Wayne, two, and Kearney, one. Kearney and Peru landed four men apiece on the all-N. I. A. A. squad, while Doane walked off with seven N. C. A. C. positions.


2nd Teain

Wayne Weber, Doane ___________LE._ ___________ Bill Laud, Wesleyan Mcintire, one of Peru's all time great athletes, lettered ten times in four years of competition. He was all-conference, all-state center for the three years he lettered in football, and made the all-state honor roll for four years in basket ball besides lettering three· years in track.

of basic training is not yet known but he will probably be stationed at Fort Leavenwortl:l, Kansas.


Keith Roberts, Peru -------------LG __________ Tom Journey, Kearney Loren Page, Wayne _____________ c____________ Wesley Poe, Wesleyan Jerry Hallas, Doane -------------RG ________ Stan Wiseman, Wesleyan Orville Yocum, Per!' ____________RT ____________ R. Sch~tffer, Doane Buford Grosscup, Doane ________ RE ___________ Virgil Korte, Kearney Warren Best, Wayne ____________ QB _________ Dick Peterson, Kearney

A graduate with the class of 1940, "Mac" earned the name "Rowdy" for his aggressiveness in sports. In the fall of 1940, he went to Auburn High School where he coached until the first semester of 1942-43, when he came to Peru as assistant to Head Coach A. G. Wheeler. Mac's address for his first months

Paul Newell, Kearney -·-------..LT ___________ William Rachow, Peru

Wendell Handley, Peru ---------cLH __________ Rex Mercer, Wesleyan Luther Hutton, Peru ------------RH ___________ Mike Shade, Kearney L. Rozdalovsky, Doane __________ FB---------------- Don Stark, Peru NIAA JACK MclNTIRE

Ouchita romps over Bobcats Scoring at least one touchdown last play of the game, Handley in every quarter, the Ouchita made a sparkling run, through a (Wash-i-taw) Tigers romped over broken field, but could not quite the Peru Bobcats to the tune of get into the clear. -~4-0. Playing on an afternoon The decisive factors in the onewhen the temperature hovered be- sided score were the weight and tween sixty and eighty degrees, speed of Ouchita' s line, their type the Bobcats could do little but of ball playing, which completely give chase on Ouchita's touchdown out-classed Peru, the hot afternoon, and the long trip which wore runs. The scoreboard read, 1st quar- out the Bobcats. ter, 34, 2nd quarter, 12, 3rd quarPeru's starting lineup: ter, 6, and 4th quarter 12 points. LE _________________ Bill Rachow All of which were made on long LT _________________ ..Pearl Hines runs inculding intercepted passes, LG _____________ ..Max Burroughs punt returns, and long passes. Not C ------------------Bob Oakman one Ouchita touchdown was made RG ______________Irvin Osterthun on a sustained drive. RT ---------------Orville Yocum Peru made several long runs, RE ----------------Keith Roberts but all to no avail. In the first QB ______________ George Atwood quarter Hutton was nearly away LH ____________Wendell Handley on a screen pass, but was tackled RH ______________Luther Hutton ·on the ten yard line, where Peru FB -------------------Don Stark bogged down. In the third period Peru substitutions: Ends: White, Handley punted out on Ouchita's Schmelzer, Smith; Tackles: Rach5 yard line, where Peru recovered ow (LE); Guards: Linder, Bud Ouchita's fumble but could gain Brown; Backs: R. Hutton, Powers, only to the six inch line. On the Bob Brown.


Fitch, Wayne -------------------LE-------------·---- Weber, Doane Newell, Kearney ________________ LT_ ______________ Schleuffer, Doane

Journey, Kearney _______________ RG __________________ Hallas, Doane Yocum, Peru -------------------RT---~----------- Johnson, Hastings Korte, Kearney _________________ RE ________________ Grosscup, Doane Best, Wayne ___________________ QB __________________ I. Graff, York Handley, Peru ------------------LH __________________ Juarez, Doane Hutton, Peru -------------------RH_______________ Mercer, Wesleyan Shade, Kearney -----------------FE _____________ Rozdalovsky, Doane

Varsity wins

• • •

. With football definitely out of Thursday, Dec. 10, to begin the the way, sports fans' attention is basket ball season. Lineups: now turning in the direction of the FG FT opening basket ball season. A ten- Peru A Byers (f) ________________ 5 0 tative game planned with the Fort 0 Crook Army team for December 8 Powers (f) _______________ 3 turned into a battle between the White (c) ________________ o 2 Yocum (g) _______________ 5 0 A and B teams, with the B team O almost turning the tables before Pascal (g) _______________ _4 losing to superior height 37-32. '.Patrick (f) _______________ o o 1 Half time score was 21-19 in favor Clements (g) _____________ o of the A team. Peru B R. Hutton (f) ____________ 5 3 High point man of the evening Larson (f) _______________ 2 0 was Richard Hutton of Team B Haack (c) ________________ 3 0 with 13, closely followed by Byers Blocher (g) ______________ 3 1 and Yocum of the A team with 10 Faust (g) ---------------·1 O apiece. Bonesteel (f) ------------- 0 O The Bobcats went to Tarkio Referees: Gaines and Handley.

Come to the

"Blue Star Party" A benefit party to secure funds to send the PED to Peruvian servicemen next semester.

Friday night, December 18


The Football Banquet Saturday, December 19

8:00. 10:30

Sponsored by the Y. W. C. A.


Roberts, Peru -------------------LG ______________ Spangler, Midland Page, Wayne ___________________ c__________________ Loetterle, Doane

Sponsors,- Gamma Chi and Men's Club

DONALD STARK Luther Hutton, Keith Roberts, George Atwood and Donsld Stark the four seniors that played the~ last inter-collegiate football game with the Bobcats, against the Ouchita Tigers.

Intramural basket ball Do you want to see blood shed? Do you want to see gouged eyes? Do you want to see limbs broken? Well, then come to see the intramural basket ball games, these cold nights, when you don't feel like studying. Just buzz over to the gym, and be provided with a full evening of entertainment. Six teams are now playing a round robin. Teams and their present standings: W Tennessee ___________ 2 Army _______________ 2 Georgia ______________ ! S-:mthern Cal. ________ l Notre Dame __________ o Alabama _____________ o

L Pct.

O 1.000

0 1.000 1 .500 1 .500 2 .000 2 .000

intramural Schedule December 14Tenn. vs. Army, 6:15. Georgia vs. Southern Cal., 7:15. Notre Dame vs. Alabama, 8:15. December 16Georgia vs. Army, 6:15. Notre Dame vs. South. Cal., 7:15." Tenn. vs. Alabama, 8:15. December 21Alabama vs. Georgia, 6:15. Notre Dame vs. Tenn., 7:15. Southern Cal. vs. Army, S:J"

IWar Bulletin... I PERU, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1943

Relocation students register

aval unit begins training Twenty Naval cad!ets, comprising the third group to .receive training here, arrived in Peru by bus Thursday, Jan. 14, and began classes Friday, Jan. 15. Prior to their arrival here, they were given physical examinations and sworn into ·the Navy at Kansas City Thursday. The men rank as enlisted cadets in the Naval Reserve on active duty, and are subject to Naval discipline under the Naval Cadet Selection Board at Kansas City. They will be issued official C. A. A. uni· forms. The cadets are.divided into two groups which re'verse sessions in . classes and flying. Night classes are in session four nights a week from 7:00 to 9:00. Prof. Mary I. Strickland now teaches the mathematics, Prof. A. V. Larson is teaching aircraft maintenance and code, and Prof. Winston B. Thorson is instructing in Civil Air Regulations. Prof. A. B. Clayburn and Dr. Winter con· tirlue as instructors, and George Brown as drill master. The cadets are: Bartholomew, Robert Rose, Le• banon, Nebr. Bucholz, Frederick Towle, Omaha, Nebr. Curtis, Harold Eugene, Omaha, Nebr. Dillon, Billy Halcomb, Kansas City, Kans. Glad, Rebert Lewis, Omaha, Neb. Greenwell, Richard "H," Linwood Kans. Hattan, Wilbur Dean, Nelson, Nebr. Lash, Glenn Ora, Minneapolis, Kans. Lycan, Paul Wayne, Omaha, Nebr. Mathewson, Robert Edward, Hiawatha. Kans. Muilin, Maurice Joseph, St. James, Minn. O'Donnell, Vernon Burdette, Trumbull, Nebr. Rummell, Darwin Mills, Kansas City, Mo. Sailors, Robert Roy, Salem, Neb. Stewart, Grover Sam, Jr., Hobbs, New Mexico. Summers, Joseph Francis, Gilliam Mo. Thacker, Otho Wendell, Dawson, Nebr. Van Dalsem, Robert Ralph, Ria-· watha, Kans. Wempe, Charles Morris, Seneca, Kans. Yates, James Oliver, Horton, Kans.

. "T·no e ne Pt

Juniors and seniors danced in a "Winter .. Wonderland" Saturday, Jan. 9, at the Junior-Senior Prom. With music mirroring the theme, decorations ·turned the music hall into a real winter scene. Head c'reator of the Wonderland was Dor·een Meier, who worked with Jean Bond, Virgie Lee Johnson, Twildi Epley, Whiz White, Freddie Drexler and Bill Rachow. Punch was served through an igloo door opening by "Eskimo" Hester Friedly. Frost covered and greenery - tinsel bedected win_dows, a high snow man, and sled:riding teddy bears added to the wintery atmosphere under the blue ~ghts.

The featured "blackout dance," tar Dust was played beneath the uminous stars. Other committees appointed by unior class president, Clifford arding, were financial committee,


presented Operatic airs, light classics and folk music made up the program presented in the college auditorium, Jan. 13, by the Petrie Quartet -minus Herbert Petrie who was called to Washington at the last minute to become a captain in the Army. The violin soloist, Miss Nieta Simpson of Dodge City, Kans., holds a scholarship from the Chicago Conservatory of Music. For the past three years she has been doing theatrical specialty work. Henry Thompson, a tenor, has sung with the Chicago Opera, and has each summer been soloist for Chicago's Grant Park Operas. He traveled with the White Hussars for six years. The accompanist, Delbert Chute, is well known as an arranger, and has toured as pianist and conductor.

Planes and bears highlight concert Student maestros directed the victory band concert, Tuesday, Jan. 12 in the autitorlum. The program was dedicated to all Peruvians in the armed service. During the "Army Air Corps" song, a model al!"pla11e careened down and acrou ~e. stage. With a flurry of arms ll group of teddy bears plus their 1•-.t rabbits and dogs were tumWM en the stage for the "Teddy tar's Picnic." Ending the progNe, a blue and white "V" d~tai the center of the stage dlt~ "'Stars and Stripes." Directors land, ger, Bill Freddie Walt Marsnan,

Upperclassmen pr~m in "Winter \Y/ond Irene Don L-


New transfer students for second semester will be Mary Rumi Miyasaki and June Yamashita, from the Heart Mountain, Wyoming, Japanese Relocation Center. An accomplished pianist and organist, Mary has had two and one· half years at the University of Los Angeles, majoring in English with a minor in music. Interested in dramatics, she is an enthusiastic Shakespeare student. Mary also directed the choir at the Relocation Center. June, also an English major, was graduated from Chaffee Junor Col~ . lege at Ontario, California. She will have a speech minor. June's sister, Marie, is a pre-med. student at University of Nebraska . Nao Okudu of Amache, Colorado, and Nellie Nishimura, at Jerom8 Relocation Center, Denson, Arkansas, have made apprcations for entrance at Peru second semester.

Mid-year degrees Mid year candidates for degrees and diplomas include the following: A. B. Degree: Luther Irvin Hutton, Oleta May Medlar and Annetta Lee Slagle. Two-Year Diploma: Mae C. Geick, Anna Margaret Mattews and Lillie Lou;se Sutter. One-Year Diploma: R i ch a rd Eugene Monroe and Iola Fern Wall Parker.

Taking over in mid-stream, Rogene Rose, former vice-president, assumed the Girl's Dorm Council leadership at the meeting Monday, Jan. 11. Ex-president LaVara Oakley left the vacancy when she ac· cepted "the commerce position in the Auburn senior high school .

Staff covers Peruvian Latest from the Peruvian office is the selec.tion of the 1943 coverso, now, all that the staff needs to decide upon are the contents of the book Editor Reuben Fanders announces that those who desire to buy this year's Peruvian must have the'r one dollar deposits made by Friday, Jan. 22. Mr. G. E. Peterson, photographer for the panels, will not be on campus to snap pictures for the annual again. Anyone who has not made previous arrangements and who wishes his picture to ap'pear in 1.he bcok wi!l be required to have it taken at Auburn.

who attended Peru the same time.

Newest of council members is Ellen King who was elected by the group to fill the senior representative spot. Plans for the proposed student union drawri up by Committeemen La Vara Oakley, Betty Berger and Christine Wilkinson were presented, accepted by the council and referred to the Men's council. The ten-year old constitution governing life in Eliza Morgan and Mount Vernon was read, and by authority of the council will be changed to accommodate new pro'blems. Revision will be made by Chairman Audrey Zastera, Ellen King and Betty Berger.

Prep war councir goes into action The War Council of the training school has been organized under the direction of Supt. S. L. Clem· ents to correlate such war activities as the Junior Red Cross, salvage and conservation campaigns, a health and physical education program, the sale of war bonds and stamps, the raising of victory gardens and livestock, the study of government and international problems and the study of science and other essential war-time vocations. Bill Edmondson was elected president of the council, Gerald Clayburn, vice-president; Billie Jean Miller, secretary; Marjorie Rogers, treasurer and banker ..

A World War 1 ace, Ralston was recommended for tht> American Distinguished Flying Cross, and in 1918 was awarded the American DSC when he was officially credited with downing six German planes.

An initial drive for the purchase of war bonds and stamps by Marjorie Rogers, Irene Majors and Dorothy Stepan netted $50 in less than an hour. Other high school members of the War Council are Marian Hays, Norma Jean Parriott and Harold Knople.

Major Ralston, who was graduated from Peru in 1915, practiced dentistry at Valentine before entering service in this war. Ensign Robert Koontz of Auburn was killed Thursday, Jan. 14, when his Navy plane crashed in Chesapeake Bay, it was disclosed Friday by the Navy. His body has not been recovered. Bob, who attended Peru in '3940 and '40-'41, is survived by h's wife, Margie Fiedermutz Koontz,

The refugees left behind them only dirt, cast off papers and Milton Schulz and Bill Berger, who still hold forth in a northwest corner.

"Rosie" succeeds Oakley as dorm council head

Former Peruvians die in plane crashes Major Orville A. "Wab" Ralston was killed in an army bomber crash near Musselshell, Montana, December 30, while on a routine training flight. He was one of eleven men who lost their lives in the accident.

The war has hit Delzell Hall at last. Peru men of third floor, w;;irned in advance that their rendezvous for late recreation and sleep was to be captured by the U. s.. Navy, evacuated the area last Sunday night. For a complete hour the stairs were crowded with evacuees-loaded with all their possessions-headed for what it is hoped will be permanent quarters, for the remainder of the semester at least.

IGirls ENSIGN ROBERT KOONTZ -Courtesy Nemaha County Herald


Want to be a WAAC? Read all about it on page three.

Four new professors will assume class duties Ralph Chatelain has resigned his position as instructor of history in the training school. Rev. and Mrs. Edwin C. Becker of the Peru Christian Church will take over Mr. Chatelain's classes. Mr. Becker received. his A. B. ~t Drake University, where majored in history and minored al sdence. He received his of Divinity degree at has completed work for ers degree at the UniverWisconsin, except for the which is nearly completed.

With an English major and French miner, Mrs. Becker received an A. B. degree at the University of Maryland. Mrs. Becker also attended Yale where she did social work. In addition to teaching part of the history classes, Mrs. Becker will take charge of the girl's Physical Education prngram, which is part of the new "school for war" program. Assuming duties on campus as the new teacher of mathi:matics will be Miss Eloise Pool, who ob· tained her A. B. and Masters De· grees at the University of Nebras·

ka. Miss Pool has taught in Nebraska high schools for a number of years and at present is teaching in the Junior College at Sheldon, Iowa. Miss Mary Hileman, supervisor in the grade school, has been granted a leave of absence for the second semester. She will go to Bell Flower, Cal'f., where she will do part time teaching while receiving medical treatment for a recent injury. Mrs. Castle Brown, who formerly taught in the Training School, will replace Miss Hileman.




\lligbt Sbift . • •


Announcing ... End of the semester, and English 234 (Newswriting and Editing to you) takes over a bigger share of the newswriting and editing for the last PED of the semester. Specialists chosen to assist especially are Virgie Lee Jolmson and Betty Berger. · '

Gone, but not





Students have been burning the midnight oil for days and daze-and this column is a continuation of the daze... Speaking of daze Schreiner and Schoenbohm are in one ever since he slipped that ring on her thirdfinger-left-hand ... Bob Brown also placed a ring on Evelyn's thirdfinger-left-hand-all this during Christmas vacation... Iola Wall took a bigger step and has double rings oh that all-important finger ...

Oakley left "Mac" all alone and lonely to become a pedagogue in Auburn Hig:O.... Kenny and Glennie have decided to bid each other "adieu" ... Miss Tear advised Chaloupka to change her name as soon as possible... Mcintyre was back for a while one day...


1942-remember ... Those green freshies invaded a campus as green and slightly more beautiful ... "board" meetings were all the rage ... the PED first announced "no curtains" or had something ''in the bag'' ... there was still hope of a picture show ... Rachow announced his candidacy for May Queen ... Peru gridsters were undefeated . . . Delzell was serenaded ... Homecoming came ..... Queen "John" was crowned ....'.there was that heavenly vacation... Back at school Bobcats bounced... Susie died... Peru's Who's Whovians were chosen ... Grossehme's flashlight burned out (but not for long) ... Stark was elected Grid King... there finally wa'S a football banquet... Scott was the fellows' choice as Grid Queen... Holiday season came ... there was a tea .. a candlelight service... caroling and another vacation... 1942-Fun, wasn't it? -Lois Norton.

Pro ... Peru is marching off to war-marching and sailing and flying into the blue. Peru men are leaving their education behind to keep the U. S. in front. But after the war--what then 'I They will want to finish that vear or two and carry away· a degree.. Som'e 1>'ill-those who have money. The others-well, that depends on their school and their fellows. Other colleges are starting a Post-War Student Scholarship Fund and Peru's need after the war will be no exception. Such a fund for Peruvians might also be valuable on this campus .. · With the Student Advisory Council as a proposed treasurer, the fund could grow as organizations and individuals contribute. The scholarship sch1m1e could be work" ed out by the farmlty. The immediate need for organized entertainment would be eliminated with benefit parties, ' shows, musicals and dances, and after the war-what then 7 Peru then! -Christine Wilkinstm.


Not .. ~

It seems Peruvians can't swing the deal ofgetting a show in down-town Peru; something can be done, however, to satisfy those dated show-lovers and also provide some entertainment· for the college. Why not a college-owned movie machine? Coach Wheeler states he could get films of outstanding athletic events .and likely other films could be as easily obtained. Perhaps if some thought were given along this line students would be traipsing to the music hall one night a week to see Georgia vs. Tennessee or "The Ghost Walks." -Betty Berger.

Art likes the class that comes from Stephens ... L. Huff left for the army ... Tony and Bill Berger are bus boys-a-la midnight; ask the girls in Eliza Morgan. .. Battlers-Parks and Rachow... The Junior-Senior Prom had a forced ending but Marshall should have gotten some really "good" snaps during the black-out dance ... The reason for Oakie's big smile at the prom was-his gal was here ... Jo Kelly and Nettie Hanlon .are leaving school to go to Texas and Oklahoma...

Instead of being Business Manager for this year's Peruvian, Tod Hubbell is a Pvt. for the U. S. Army ... and instead of the Peruvian Office, it's an army campBuckley Field, Colo. Former Peruvian George Gard· ner, petty officer 2nd class, U. S. Navy, has been transferred from Great Lakes Naval Training Sta· tion to Naval Training StationAviation Ordnance, Barracks No. 75, Norman, Oklahoma ••• He will study at the university there.

Pvt. Jack Sndier "carries on" in

Haney Milstead, Sergeant Technician, was on campus enroute to Officers School at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Aberdeen, Texas. Aviation Cadets Gale Miller and Joe Vacek are stationed at Santa Anna Calif. and Montgomery, Ala.,

As for the girls-they want a husband who is older, able to save money, moderately friendly with other women and of greater financial means. He doesn't need to be a good cook but he must be efficient enough around the house-"just so he can do dishes."

Eliza Morgan got scrubbed from third to first to get waxed. Rogene is getting poetry-love poetry From a Secret Admirer ... Mc Ardle wants to take up flying... Why don't they get that water cooler fixed in the Cafe, .. Speaking of water, we don't have to eat any more spinach-we're getting all our iron in the water... 'The gird-king is engaged...Moustaches are on the wane ... Dahlke was back... Prof. Moore has a new stock of moron stories ... Rachow for May queen-he can fix tables... Quote Dr. Odlaug-"l'm going to Washington to study th.e love life of an oyster." .. New couple-Lienemann and Nispel ... Oh-go-topy a term paper ...

Tax levied on budget tickets President Pate has received a communication from the Treasury Department, Collector of Internal ReYenue, advising that effective immediately "student activity tickets sold to students in college or university will be subject to federal tax .... computed at the rate of 10% of the amoi..m paid for such tickets." This order from the Treasury Department is of special interest to students because it means .that they will pay a 10% tax on their budget tickets, amounting to forty cents on each four dollar ticket, beginning with second semester registration.

Bobcats celebrate first victory j

Victorious Bobcats celebrated with the first real victory dance of the basket ball season ih the music hall after the game Friday night, Jan. 9.

the cavalry band at Ft. Riley, respectively. Vincent Dreezen 1s at the U. S. Texas. Corporal Floyd Magor saw the N. R. Midshipman School, New Peru-Tarkio game Friday, Jan. 8 York. ... He is with the Veterans DeA/C Richard Severson, formertachment, Hadden Hall, Atlantic, ly in the Medical Corps at Camp Barkley, in bombardier school ... N. J. Flllyd's two brothers, John and Ellington Field, Texas. Boyd, are both carrying Uncle Lieut. (jg) Richard Slagle, U. S. Sam's .colors. Boyd is in the Air N. R., commissioned mechanical Corps .•• at the San Antonio Av· engineer and for two years a iation Center, San Antonio, Texas, member of the Pacific fleet is on with a pilot's classification •.• the U. S. S. Nassau ... Ox ColStaff Sergeant John and wife, for· glazier.has joined the Marines ... merly Eleanor Niemann, are liv· he's on his way to San Diego. ing in the post, both doing clerical work at Luke Field, Station Hos· pita!, Medical Detachment in Phoenix, Arizona.

"My ideal wife must be able to support herself, must not have been engaged or married before, and she must be able to recognize a 'wolf,'" decided the Y. M. C. A. at the joint Y meeing Tuesday, Jan. 5. Furthermore, "She must be six inches shorter than I am, a blonde with blue eyes, 115 pounds, good looking and she must never wear mascara or eye shadow."

Unscheduled black-out in Eliza Morgan Hall, Thursday night. . . The new cadets have arrived... Bonnie Beazley is going into nurses' training-so she'll be leaving at the end of the semester... Martin's cutting classes to go on unscheduled jaunts to Omaha ...

!Blue Stars • • • • WAAC's and WAVES announce the first feminine Peruvian BLUE STA'RS ••. Mary Liz Werner has received acceptance of her appli· cation for officers training in the WAACS ... she has been teach· ing at Ari ington • • • Into the WAVES have gone Louise Mathews and Blanche Freeman for of· ficers training.

j In case you wondered

.Th'ree Kelloggs are in.service ..• Roy in the Army Air Fo.rce .Re· serves, taking C. P. T. training at a Teachers College in Ellensburg, Wash. . • . His wife (Florence Neve) is· studying radio courses and expects soon to receive a Ii· cense ••. Henry is a patrol bomb· er pilot operating out of Key West, Fla ..• , Ray is working at the Boe· Ing Aircraft plant in Seattle.

Backtrackings So much in so much time since the past PED ... Blue Stars Party. . . enough money made to send PEDAGO· GIANS to 32 of Peru's service fel· lows•.. Y. W. sponsored ... general chairman-Chris Wilkinson •.. first "aids:" Eula Redenbaugh, Vera Hinman, Harriet Maxwell, Nina Kane! .•. folk dancing . . . patriotic sing. • • Friday, Dec. 18•••

"State Champ" football banquet ... Bette Jane Scott crowned grid queen by Grid King Stark ... Toastmaster Wallace Cleaveland .. welcome by Prexy Pate ... "Dressing Room Trio" Drexler, Broers, Houseman... King Stark's desire "for kings and queens, but I always got deuces and tres." . . Coach Wheeler's presentation of lettermen. . . Betty Riley's "All American Girl" with a "tackle at Peru." . . Queen John's queens because of (hereditary) "line". . . "so longs" by honorary captains Unk and Butch ... blue and white goal posts with "State Champs" banners, as center piece . . . blue helmet programs . . . 138 present . ... Saturday, Dec. 19 ... Candle-light singing . . • Betty McArdle, Betty Riley, Evelyn Slagle, Leonore Larson, Earl Ker· ker, Willard Hunzeker, Prof. Steck-the observatory angels .•• McArdle "glorifying" '' H o I y Night" •.. campus lighted only by tapers in all of the windows and a fUII moon reflecting on the snow••. sponsored by "Pop" Steck ..• Tuesday, Dec. 22..•

All-college caroling . . . after candle-light singing... group leaders. . . Miss Palmer and ; Art Clements ... General Director Rebanis Frankforter. . . Y. W.'s idea . . . chili in the cateteria . . . Tuesday, Dec. 22 . . . Kadelpian party. . . Dr. Max· well's home set in the midst of the "icy way"' •.. dime gifts exchanged grab-bag fashion ••. cranberry ice and Christmas tree cookies .•• Lois Wagoner "refreshed" .. Nina Kane! and Harriet Maxwell "entertain· ed".•. Christmas carol singing led by Dr. Maxwell. .• Monday, Dec. 21 .••

The discussions were conducted by Nina Kanel, Clifford Harding and Lois Wagoner. '

Miller visits in Peru Dr. William T. Miller, former supervisor of history in the senior high si:hool, visited with his family in Peru, Jan. 2 and 3. He is an assistant field director with the Naval and Military Welfare Service of the American Red Cross at Camp Crowder, Mo.



Y. W. Christmas pageant. .. presented sixth time... published in Nov., 1942 Intercollegian Magazine. . . Mary Mannschreck and Lucille Weber in charge ... readers-Armstrong and Hacker. . . cast-Riley, Burrows, Wilkinson, Mathews Frankforter Norton, D. Miller, L. Miller, R. Pershing, Tieman, Pruitt ... convo, Friday, Dec. 18 ... F. T. A. yule festivities. • . Christmas games . . . gifts exchanged .•. toasted cheese sand· wiches, punch and cookies ... Lu· cille Miller and Roberta Burrowsfood preparers... Lucille Weber fun producer. 21 ...

Dramatic Club meeting... Littl Theatre... skit by Reuben Fande and Phyllis Delong... Play cuttin by Ruth Adamson and Bill Hasen yager .. impromptu stunts .. Per Players as guests. . . hamburge pop, ice cream bars planned b Nina Kanel . . . 'Thursday, D 17... Library staff holiday festivity •• lighted tree on reference desk I

otherwise dark library ... defen stamp gifts accompanied by a present desired (cut from mag zines) . • . favors . • . Libraria Petersen and Redenbaugh "h tessed" ... Monday, Dec. 21 .••

Ex-Peruvians ... Richard Kin solver and Lowell Huff ... D member of Army Air Corps R / serve, engaged in communicat!o: work at Camp Boca, Raton, Fla. ,; Lowell home at Oakland, f, awaiting induction. . . withdre respectively, Tuesday, Jan. 5 " Friday, Jan. 8.... Icy roads..• drivers who did''., dare ... busses late ... four w,. had to walk 2.8 miles to get:. Peru ••• ·"down" town goers w· found training in football and m'.. dern dancing a little advan" geous.... P. S. T. C. as difficultl attain as the summit of the gl' mountain of the fairy tales ..• su'.' day, Jan. 4•••

s A whole vacation too ... so m " in so much time since the last P


Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

is Speaker

Tuesday, January 19, 1943 te>

.Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c.


e, :e

Editor............................................................................Ellen King .Assistant Editor..................................................Marjorie Prine :Sports Editor............................................................Bill Rachow ·Copy Writers ................Rogene Rose, Alice Ann Cleaveland, Bette Jean Scott, Betty Berger .Proofreader..........................................................Audrey Zastera .Adviser.........:................................................M. Florence Martin Reporters-Virgie Lee Johnson, Billy Woods, Lorraine Safranek, Lydia Vosicky, Lois Norton, Melvin Rothmiller, Keith Albers, William Cramer, Christine Wilkinson.



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Dr. Arthur Bradford spoke on "The Social and Recreational Outcomes of Education," at the January meeting of Kappa Delta Pi, Monday, Jan. 18; Jean Bond headed the refreshment committee.

.New girls dorm prexy seems 111 m1ghty lk a a rose II "She's lovely; she uses 'Ponds;' she's engaged," her friends say of Rogene Rose, the junior girl on the Student Advisory Council and newly elected president of the Girls' Dorm Council. She's one of Peru's girls seen mostly in sweaters and skirts, anklets and moccasins. But she's a "good Jo" (not a "sloppy" one); skirts are "pressing" matters and shoes are "shining" spots with her. She teases, then repels doubts with a sweet, sweet smile. She loves to shock-lights out with surprising suggestions and daring exclamations.

Peruvians wed in Lincoln

She enjoys being waited on. She something good that you want to worries about vitamins. eat, eat it" policy. It's Bill Rachow's football, Academically history is her ma• locket, and ring. It's Bill Rachow's "You're a good clean kid" jor interest and essay writintis an Miss Marjorie M. Parriott, as- now instead of her sophomoric avocation. She types and orsistant to the registrar, was mar- "You're a fine upstanding, young ganizes her history notes. She ried to Lee W. Redfern Jan. 9, at citizen." outlines when studing for an exam. 2 p. m. in the St. Paul Methodist She believes in her Thesaurus and Church in Lincoln. Dr. Gerald She likes dogs and Bill and food Betsy, her typewriter-but not in Kennedy read the marriage lines (her parents' cooking) and Don, studying past twelve. Alarms were and L. Donald Redfern attended her ensign brother. Rosie follows invented to awaken othel's to the ceremony. the '"if you're hungry and there's awaken her!

U. S. Army Annooneement

ttJ~ ift -rtelA,


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YoUR Army has scores of jobs in the WAAC for WAAC PAY S.CALE



.ck e:m


Equiv. Rank

Director Asst. Director Field Director 1st Officer 2nd Officer 3rd Officer


Enrolled Members


Chief Leader 1st Leader Tech. Leader Staff Leader Technician, 3rd Grade Leader Technician, 4th Grade Jr. Leader Technician, 5th Grade Auxiliary, 1st Class Auxiliary

n't ho

to ho O•

:a· to iSS





Colonel Lt. Colonel Major Captain 1st Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant

Base Monthly Pay $333.33

291.67 250.00 200.00 166.67 150.00

Master Sergeant $138.00 First Sergeant 138.00 Tech. Sergeant 114.00 Staff Sergeant 96.00 Technician, 3rd Grade 96.00 Sergeant 78.00 Technician, 4th Grade 78.00 Corporal 66.00 Technician, 5th Grade 66.00 Private, 1st Class 54.00 Private 50;00

To the abo'Ye are added certain allowances for qua;tcrs and subsisten'e -where authorized;


alert college women ••• jobs vital to the war ... jobs that will train you for interesting new careers in the post-war world. And here is good news indeed -you may enroll now in the fast-growing WAAC and be placed on inactive duty until the school year ends. Then you will be subject to call for duty with this splendid women's corps and he launched upon an adventure such as no previous generation has known. New horizons ... new places and peopJe .•• interesting, practical experience with good pay ... and, above all, a real opportunity to help your country by doing essential military work for the U. S. Army that frees a soldier for combat duty. These are among many reasons why thou· sands of American women are responding to the Army's need.

You will receive valuable training which may fit you for many of the new careers which are opening to women, and full Army pay while doing so. And hy joining now you will have excellent chances for quick advancement for, as the WAAC expands, many more officers are needed. Every member-regardless of race, color or creed-has equal opportunity and is encour· aged to compete for selection to Officer Candidate School. If qualified, you may obtain a coni:mission in 12 weeks after beginning basic training.

Go to your WAAC Faculty Adviser for further information on the list of openings, pay, and promotions. Or inquire at any U. S. Army Recruiting and Induction Station.



Kl:.AKNI:. Y NUUl:Jl:.:S UU I 1-'l:.KU, 57-5 Sports of 42=43


Army II Iea ds

Ptscal and Hutton hit quick buckets to give Peru a 4-0 lead at


The Bobcats

Editor Assistant Editors

I A strong, highly favored Kearney basket ball team, had to corf! from behind to defeat an inspired Peru team, that held a 27-24 ha( time advantage.

BillRachow Willard Redfern Cecil Johnson

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, January 19, 1943

Intramural basket ball is still going "great guns." Upsets follow upsets. Tennessee, who held the undisputed lead during the first round, has dropped to second place behind Army. They were defeated by Army in the first game of the second round, and then again by third place Southern California, boosting Army to. the first place position. Following are the standings and percentages:

Peru breaks losing streak

Team W Army ________________ 7 Tennessee ____________ 6 So. Cal. _______________ 5 Georgia ___ ..:___________ 3 Notre Dame __________ 2 Alabama --------------1

After a seven game losing streak, termination Peru slowly cut down the Bobcats finally hit the winning the lead and with a minute and a side of the ledger, and topped a half left, went ahead one point to strong Tarkio team 40-39. Having stay there, winning 40-39. been previously beaten twice by the Tarkio Owls, the Bobcats had Following is a box score of the to come from behind in the final three games in ord<er: minutes to eke out a one • )eru fg ft f margin. The first game played on the Jyers --··--------------7 4 3 Tarkio maples, during the first of Clements ______________ o 1 0 the season was a walk away for Blocher _______________ o o 1 Tarkio, 50-28. The second game Powers --··-------------0 0 1 played on the home floor ohowed Hutton ________________ o 0 0 an improvement in the Peru offen- Patrick -----------~----0 0 1 sive, but the Owls winning by Faust _________________ o 0 0 White _________________ o 2 3 seven points, 35-28. ________________ Q 0 0 The final game, again played on Yocum ________________ o 2 3 the home floor, was a demonstration of U1e fighting spirit of past Pascal _________________ 2 1 2 fg ft f Bobcat teams. The Peru team 'Tarkio Adams ________________ 4 gained a lead early in the game Wake _________________ 6 3 3 2 2 and never relinquished it until the Crane _________________ o 0 1 second half, and at one time was 2 4 ahead 25-19. At the start of the Humphrey ____________ l second period Tarkio hit the bas- Shortridge _____________ 6 1 3 ket for eight points before the Bob- Graham ______________ _4 0 2 cats scored. Then with grim deHaac~:

Dec. 17

Wayne wins tournament The latest addition to the realm of Nebraska College Sports is the College Basket Ball Tournament held this year at Hastings, Nebraska. Wayne State Teachers was the winner, defeating Kearney State, 48-39. Kearney was the surprise team of the tournament. Entering as just another team, the Antelopes went to the finals with wins over Doane and Wesleyan. Wayne defeated Midland and Hastings to enter the final round against Kearney. Peru entered as one of the four seeded teams, but was ousted by wesleyan in the first round in an upset game 33-30. Doane tore through Peru in their second game 55-35. The final night, Peru lost their third game in the tournament 52-25, to York. Following is a box score of the Peru-Wesleyan game. Peru fg ft f Byers -----------------1 Powers ________________ o 21 22 · Blocher ---------------13 10 O4 White _________________ Haack ----------------1 O 2 Clements _____________ o o 2 Yocum ________________ 3 4 1 Pascal ________________ 2 o 2 Wesleyan fg ft f Vaughan --------------2 3 1 Spiece ________________ o O 0

Peru fg ft Byers _________________ 4 1 Haack ____________·____ 2 1 White -----------------1 0 Yocum ----------------2 0 Pascal ----------------1 1 Blocher ---------------2 1 Powers ------------- O 0 Hutton ________________ o o Tarkio fg ft Adams ---------------~3 2 Wake _________________ 3 1 Humphrey ___________ _4 1 Shortridge ------------1 1 Graham ______________ -4 0 Anderson ______________ o 0

f 2

ft 3 0 1

Pascal ----------------4 Clements --------------1 Haack ----------------1 Hutton ----------------1 Blocher ---------------0 Tarkio fg Wake _________________ 5 Adams ________________ 4

2 0 0 0 0 ft 4 3

Shortridge -------------1 1 Humphrey ____________ 5 0 Graham _______________ o 0 Anderson ______________ o 1

Pct. .875 .750 .625 .375 .250 .125

WAA plays volley ball W. A. A. girls turn out regularly for volley ball practice .Tuesdays at 8 o'clock. "Mattie Mae Handley's steady stop-drive, Iva Mulder's spike, and Betty Sedlak's serves have been especially outstanding, and Louise Roettger, Millie Noyes, and Rebanis Frankforter are others giving creditable performances," said President Christine Wilkinson.

start of the game. From there t , game see-sawed back and fo ' the rest of the first half, with t lead changing hands times.

Cats lose second

Peru's second defeat of the season came at the hands of the MaryDuring the final minutes of t~ ville, Mo., Teachers, Tuesday, Dec. first half, Peru staged a fourte · 15. The Missourians walked away with a 64-30 win. Johnson was point rally giving them their ha high for Maryville with 12, closely time advantage. Byers hit for t ' followed by Rudolph with 11. High of the fourteen points. for Peru was Pascal with 7. Following is the box score: High scorer of the game w Peru fg ft f Byers _________________ o 1 2 McCullough of Kearney with 1, Blocher _______________ 3 O 1 Powers ________________ o o 1 followed by Pascal of Peru wi . Hutton ________________ o 0 2 15. Nicholson of Kearney Larson ________________ o O 0 Byers of Peru, hit for 14. Yocum ----------------1 5 4 fg ft White -----------------1 1 2 Peru Pascal _________________ 3 1 3 Byers ----------------.Haack _________________ 2 0 1 Powers ________________ 7l Clements ______________ l 0 0 Yocum ________________ 4 Maryville fg ft f Pascal ________________ 7 Myers _________________ l 0 1 Clements ______________ 2 Snyder ________________ o o 1 Fletcher _______________ l 0 0 Hutton ----------------1 ----------------1 Boswell _______________ o o 0 Haack Blocher _______________ l Lauchiskis ---------.. --0 4 3 White _________________ o Wiseman ______________ 3 2 2 Rudolph _______________ 5 1 2 Totals -.-------------24 5-11 1 'i,.\ Poll ___________________ o o 1

Corken ----------------1 0 0 Johnson ______________ 5 2 2 Pierpont ______________ 3 1 2 Ready _________________ o o 1 Cross ________________ _4 0 0 Siegel _________________ 2 O 2 Adams ________________ 2 0 0

Delzel Hall going II to the dogs II

Kearney fg Moore _________________ 5 Nicholson _____________ 5 Mucullough ____________ 8 Lewis _________________ 3 Newcomb _____________ o Peterson ______________ 3 Meyer ________________ o Long __________________ o

Despite a rigid taboo on pet animals. in Delzell Hall proper, the boys recently satisfied a burning desire for a household pet to call their own -they adopted a dog, "Little Doc," by name. The name, "Little Doc,'' is borrowed from the pet's Godfather, Doc Cramer.

Cramer, a civic minded citizen,, analyzed the situation in the

O dorm, and as a result set out in O search of a dog. 3 1 He found a homeless stray. A


l'ght tan, the dog is a smooth coated animal, quite friendly and very ci apppreciative of the comforts off fered in Peru's male mansion. 1 Cramer consulted the "boys." 0 From each he received donations 3 of money-with a promise of more, 1 if needed. A lieense was pur1 chased, and "Little Doc" was no 0 more a homeless wanderer. Spe-

cial quarters in the Bobcat cage were secured-only after oratorial efforts in the presence of a hardto-convince college president.

Tri Beta ... Tri Beta met Monday, Jan. 4 a 8 o'clock. Mr. Cassius Kennedy' talk on hybrid corn was cancel · because of icy roads. The next meeting will be he( Monday, Feb. 1. ·


Jan. 8 Peru fg Byers -----------------4 Powers -----··----------4 Yocum _____ ,, __________ 2

L 1 2 3 5 6 7


Kappa Phi ..

2 To give home economics students 2 an opportunity to carry out the 1 seven point program of the Na3 tional Home Economics Associa4 tion, Kappa Omicron Phi members O voted to form a Student Home 0 Economics Club at their meeting 0 Tuesday, Jan. 12. f The newly formed organization 3 will be affiliated with the National 2 Association and officers will be: 2 riresidenlt, Twilda Epley; vice2 president, Glendora Galloway; 0 secretary-treasurer, Mildred 2 Schmidt.

Support the Bobcats ------------------------~~--~---------·

attend the next home game!

Peru vs.Wayne

Geis ------------------2 1 1 Stern ----------'-------1 3 3 Story _________________ 3 2 1 Christ _________________ o o 0 Parminter ._____________ o 1 3 Miller ----------------3 0 1

Sigma Tau .. Sigma Tau Delta held its regular meeting Monday, Jan. 11. The program, following a short business meeting, consisted of an informal essay 'Trials of a Soda Jerk" by Audrey Zastera and a short story "Wantin' Ain't Gettin' " by Ellen King.






Bark. . by Virgie Lee Johnson It's February. Groundhog came cut. Lincoln had his birthday. Valentine had "its day."

"Moses" is hidden from winter's variant weather. R8in provides other drips on the stage than the Snows tantalize by icing the chocolate earth like a sugar frosting without regard for ration 'books. The Coca Cola sign on the corner by the Campus Shop adver· tises without knowledge of supply and demand.

The girls' dorms have empty rooms. Park Avenue Apartment residents have moved on campus. Naval Cadets bunk on third floor, Delzell Hall. "Ma" Steffen serves black coffee and hamburgers and milk shakes at the Hill Store this year. Campus Shop closes at 9:30.

Freshman - Little - Black-Bookat-9:15 line has been changed to 9:30. No late leaves for the local movie-no movie. Water, from a new well, has a '"cowardly" color. Heat on-again bh· and off-again sooner. "Wartime" darkness hides 8 o'clock sleepy-time appearances. ll


Lt 's d



PSTC adds courses In line with collegiate war work, Peru added four courses to the second semester schedule: Meteorology and Climatology, Red Cross Home Nursing, Red Cross First Aid and Nutrition and Health.


~~hteen Reservists called active Army Air Corps duty

Forty students registered for and Climatology. The course, under Prof. A. B. Clayburn, deals with atmosphere and climatic conditions, methods of forecasting, problems pilots have in regard to weather conditions, air masses, cyclones, weather maps and analysis.


Home Nursing is being taught to 19 students by Miss Margaret Henningsen, college nurse. The course includes sanitation, nutri· tion, communicable diseases, care of the sick in the home and ma· ternal and child care. The purpose of the course is to help people recognize signs of diseases and to aid in homemaking.

Front row-Hunz.eker, Rohrs, Schmelzer, Drexler, B;ers, Huty, Reutter, Berger. Second row-White, Parks, Hector, Pascal, Cramer, Lienemann, Oakman, Buhrmann, ·Stark, Hays (now U. of U.). Powers not pictured. P. S. T. C.'s official goodbye to

Miss Phyllis Davidson is in- its departing army flyers was the Fellows get fewer and fewer. structing 17 in the Red Cross Gamma Chi sponsored Flyers' This one and that one went for Standard First Aid Course. This Party in the music hall Wednesservice or defense. Call for Army day, Feb. 10, at 7:30. Guests of Air Corps Reserve leaves 18 more course takes up the treatment of honor were the 18 ··men leaving injuries: burns, bruises, sprains, vacant seats in convo. 'Fore long for the Army Air Corps and the Prexy, will find the hand-holdin' poiscn, artifici<\l respiration, band- 20 Naval Aviation Cadets receiv· age and splints, transportation of theme for sittin' or not-sittin' in injured persons and what to do . ing training here. your assigned se'at void. Harriet Maxweii, Gamma Chi in case of accidents. All who sucInstead of "Pinball Jitters" it's cessfully complete the course re- president, introduced both groups of flyers and led the crowd in "Nicotine Fits." Moron jokes pre- ceive a First Aid Certificate. singing "Anchors A-Weigh" and vail in conversation. "Rachow for Seven have enrolled for the class "The Army Air Corps Song," folMay 'Queen" has replaced the '!censored bottle" in the columns in Nutrition and Health, which lowed by the national anthem. was planned primarily for students of the PED. Dancing was the mam enterin elementary and rural work but tainment, with a heart dance and Orange girders have the bright- is open to anyone interested. Miss tag dance as specialties. Games est "line" on campus. So far they Ida Mae Brackney, instructor, will were also provided in the west haven't been "carried away" by teach meal planning, value of nu- room of the music hall. trition and kinds of foods. A certhe war effort. The ttuditorium was decorated tificate will also be given to all Everybody expects new fresh- who complete this course success- patriotically with bunting and flags. A large lighted V in the men to take the place of the last fully. center of the stage was surround· year's seniors every year. But eved by the flag of the United States ery year doesn't bring every on one side and the P. S. T. C. flag change that the Peru faculty has on the other. had to undergo. It\s Miss Strickland. Miss Redenbaugh, Rev. BeckBetty McArdle, Marian Deck ET, Mrs. Winter, Mrs. Brown, Miss and Marjorie Weiler decorated the Poole, Mrs. Becker, Mrs. Wheeler, room and Ardis Carmine had and Mr. Bred instead of Sweetcharge of the dance program. land, Jones, Mcintire, Odlaug, Esther Ulrich, Mildred Schmidt, A low glass dish filled with sal· Jimerson, Sharp, Fisher, Miss HarRosemary Pershing and Rebanis vey, Miss Hileman, Miller, Chate- mon pink gladioli on the lace table· Frankforter were the game comcloth •.• white candles and five lain an~ Reed. single gladiolus blossom corsages mittee. Prof. R. T. Benford acDue to impossibility of print· tied with blue bows on one side of companied the singing at the piano.

Senior girls honored

Ing the PEDAGOGIAN weekly, the campus news service publishes "bulletins" on the "board" in front of the Ad Building.

One just doe.sn't plan a rendez· vous at the cafeteria between 10:00 and 10:30 because it just isn't open then. Fellows eat Mr. Gilbert's pies or trot down to Earl's for sausage sandwiches with onions.

Girls get demerits for noise and Delzell "inmates" have council orders to keep pie plates off the floors. Delzell third floor op(;ned to three groups of cadets. Diamonds sparkle on more: hands. Peruvians miss Bing. Groundhog came out. Lincoln had, his birthday. Valentine had 'its day." It's February. This time it's in 1943.

AAUW schedules ·.book reviews William Rose Benet's "The Dust Which is God" will be reviewed by Mrs. A. L. Bradford Thursday, Feb. 18. Other AAUW Reviews wiJ be "The Robe" by Paul Douglas, to be reviewed March 18 by Miss Edna Weare, and Franz Werfel's "Song of Bernadette," which Mrs. J. W. Tyler will review March 24.


the dish placed alternately with the candles and corsages of the other side .•• blue candy bows on cookies resembling the bows of the corsages ••• a stage which was edged in a paper valentine frill ••• this was the annual A. A. U. W. Valentine Tea for college and high school senior girls.

Miss Florence Martin and Miss Nona Palmer received ov'"r sixty guests in the dEcorated Music Hail auditorium at 3:30 Thursday, Feb. 4. As the guests arrived, Pat Hill, violinist, Janice Slagle, cellist, and Evelyn Slagle at the piano supplied music suitable to the Valentine theme. The program as announced by Miss Nona Palmer included a song, "Smilin' Thru" by Billie Jean Miller accompanied by Betty Kennedy; a talk about A A. U. W. by Mrs. J. W. Tyler, club president; a song by Patsy Benford, "In the Garden of Tomorrow" accompanied by Mrs. R. T. Benford; and "Sweethearts" sung by Marian Deck accompanied by Evelyn Slagle. At the service table Miss Blanche Gard and Mrs, J. W. Tyler poured. Ea~h guest was given an individual corsage as a valentine by Mrs. A G. Wheeler. The committee in charge of the tea included Miss Florence Martin, Chairman, assisted by Miss Nona Palmer, Mrs. A. G. Wheeler and Miss Phyllis Davidson.

It's "Nothing can stop the Army Air Corps" instead of "Fllng abroad our college colors" for 18 more Peruvians since .Monday, Febr. 8, when they received notice to stand by for appointme~t to active duty. The following notice from the 7th Service Command was issued to Peru Army Air Corps Reservists by E. H. Hayward, Armed Services Representaflve~ "Advice has just been received from the War Department that all Aviation Cadet Enlist~d Reservists under a deferred status will be or· dered to active duty with effective dates commencing from February 20, 1943. It is th~s anticipated that all Aviation Cadet Enlisted Reservists.

Pollard is

speaker "Treatment of Injuries in the War," was the topic of Dr. C. W. Pollard's convocation speech Monday, Feb. 1. Dr. Pollard told of the measures the government has taken in this war to take care cf service mrn in the prevention of diseases by vaccinations and serums. He contrasted the medical facilities available tcday with the treatment given soldiers in previous wars. Emphasizing sulfa-drugs, Dr. Pollard explained several of their mcst important uses and reported the results of their use at Pearl Harbor.

Girl cast presents whodunnit thriller '

by Wallace Cleaveland Friday, Febr. 5, saw the continuance of the line of successful plays directed by Prof. R. D. Moore and produced by the Peru Dramatic Club. "Sinister House," a melodrama by Tom Taggart, was the vehicle which brought old and new faces before the Peru footlights. The play itself is built around the proud Lacey family. The only living members of the family are two old maid sisters, Hepzibah and Jennie, and their niece Ruth. Ruth's father has died mysteriously and

the Lacey fortune is held in trust for Ruth by the sisters. Ruth returns from Europe to find that Hepzibah and a Dr. Garret are awaiting her. signature in order to confine Jennie in an asylum. Ruth sc on learns that to sign the paper will bring about her death, as suspicion fal's on Hepzibah and the doctor. But Ruth, aided by two school pals, eventually finds that Jennie is insane, but is unable to prevent her suicide. Hepzibah explains her queer actions by pointing out that the "Family" must have no scandal attached to its .name. Play-goers were again impressed by Prof Mo<.;re's unerring instinct fer staging and directing effe.cts and ck osing his casts. The allwoman cast of eleven was capably led by Marjorie .Wareham 'l!' Hepzibah, Evelyn. Rodgers as Jennie and Virgie: Lee Johnson as Ruth. Miss Wareham set the rap:d pac€

of the action and sustained it at every appearance. Her mature performance will be remiombered fer its credibility. Miss Rodgers turned in a convincing portrayal as a mad-woman, again proving herself adept at characterization. Pb..Y.UJ.s DtLong's performance as Madame Moray, Ruth's music teacher, showed her considerable ability to handle a varied type of role.

Lois _Miller as Pease-Blossom, Leonore i.11rson as M:dge Towers, ,and Betty McArdle as Tony Trent handled their parts with care, and prcvidEd much-neEded moments of comic reld. EJ'en King as Mrs. Dirks, the housekeeper, was eff ctive in adding mystery and suspense to the pli1y. Jean Helman as Edith, Ruth's ccusin, whom Jennie tries to help by eliminating the rest c ch2 fomily p!ayed 1her C;,i:, .

u c; en pcge five

will be ordered to active duty not later than February 28, 1943 ... " By Thursday, Febr. 11, all 18 of' the men had received orders to report to Jefferson Barracks on Febr. 20. "The 18" are: Allen P:wers, Walter Wayne Parks, Kenneth Rchrs, Percy Schmelzer, Freddie Drexler, Orthello Byers, William Cramer, Arnold Hector, James Huey, Donald Lienemann, Robert Oakman, Richard Pascal, Eldon R:utter, Duane White, Billie Berger, Wayne Buhrmann, Thomas Donald Stark and Willard Hunzeker. Carl Wirth is also a member of the Army Air Corps Reserve, but did not receive his call at the same· time. Peruvians in the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps, who expect to be called at any time, perhaps even before the publication of this PED, are: Richard Hutton, George Blocher, Ervin Osterthun, Wallace Cleaveland, Dennis Wehrmann, Donald Gacek, Oscar Dean Smith, Clifford Harding, Claude Nord· brock, Wayne Sack, Arthur Ron· hovde, Tony DeMaro, Floyd Hall, Donald Bressler, Gerald Living· ston, Merlin Broers, James Ma· comber, George Atwood, Gilbert Schreiner, Bob McAlexander and Milton Schulz.

Naval Reserves in V-1, unassigned, are: Frederick Keith Albers, Clarence Dean Alders, Earl Banks, Donald Bruns, J: hn Cejk:i, William Hasenyager, Dwight Houseman, Richard Knapp, Melvin Larsen, John Lawrence, WaltRr Marshall, Ra.ph Patrick, Orville Yocum. Willard Redfern, and Max Burroughs. Naval Reserves in V-7, who will be assigned to engineers' or deck officers' training, are: Wende'il Handley, Pearl Hines, Luther Hutton, Ralph Locke and Keith Roberts.

IPeruvians Are you a washout at school functions? Do you need popular· ity? Are you run down socially? Do you want good publicity at no cost? Are you tired of the Peruvian Bulletin Board? If so enter your good snapshops in the "Peruviant Snapshot Contest." Who knows, perhaps you will find your picture on the bulletin board or in the annual! Not only that but first, second and third prizes will be given for the best ,pictur~s/Submitted. WHY NOT ENTERCNOW?

Editings . ..

New order for


"DocII says ...


In the Alt ~ .t!ley cal! them "gigs." But-;~ dormitory they call them ~,j~merits"-and woe to--·i~ 'em!

Please read carefully! This is abominable

This has probably been printed before someplace. In fact, it cer. Songs have sung, tain!y has been printed before someplace. But it hasn't been printed have been wriUen, drama before in the PED someplace. But maybe you've read this before some. expression place. Anyway ••• All of these phase of Air Raid Instructions gone." l~ ~ as bombs start dropTributes m&•i. lite. ~n. It doesn't matto everything from "Ii • long as you run! Universities. Yet, none shoes, if possible-if a • a sation felt by those of us ·~··· :m!· tl::um ~ ~le running ahead of you 12 midnignt••i~•m. Any excesleave the society of a thousand ook, are slow or fall down, you won't A year agoMaybe it is because these poets andan.iho1'.suever knew sive noise in ~ rooms during have any trouble passing them or these hours mean a demerit-and about such places as Delzell Hall and the man whose name three "gigs" means a "Campus" for jumping over them. It was that same old cry-"turn it graced; they never saw the old Bobcat and felt the spirit both occupants· of the offending your favorite snaps into the Peru2-Take advantage of opportunhe instilled in all future Peruvians; they never heard "Oh room. Individual violations of vian" ... Herbie Knutson as Dr. Ship of State'' recited so characteristically as we; they nev- quiet hours in the halls or lobby ities afforded you when the air Bradford, Keith Roberts as Coach also be reported and punished raid sirens sound the warning of er heard the Color Song echo through the c.ampus; they nev- will Wheeler and George Griffin as in the same way. attack or blackout. For example: er had the Victory Bell quicken their pulses; they missed Miss Tear were a few "Characters" "And absolutely no excuses hearing the howls of "Bing" every morning; they never a-if in a bakery-grab a pie. in the "faculty meeting" at convo from 'campuses'" is the ruling of tasted a Hill Store 'bnrger, swore at problacts, saw 'Wneel. . . Symphonium was reorganized b-if in a tavern-grab a beer. Prexy Rose. Only council er-men in action, grabbed a coke at ma's, or got caught by Dorm ... George Atwood revealde his members can give demerits and a c-if in a theatre-grab a blonde. marriage to Evelyn Trunkenbolz Mr. Grossoehme; and most of all-they never met such a list of offenders will be posted weekly. collection of wonderful students and faculty. 3-If you find an unexploded . .. Peru tipped Doane 60 to 40bomb, pick it up and shake it. Byers and Pascal starred ... Russ Do you remember Homecomings of aJ1ear or two hack~ A suitable motto wo'uld be "Gigs Hobbs set a record with 27 points The old grads seemed a little out of place to us then. In a for Giggling Girls!" Anyway, one Maybe the firing pin has stuck. 4-If an incendiary bomb is chalked up . . . and that awful short vvhile there is going to be another Homecoming, D gala might almost say, "All Quiet" on found burning, throw gasoline on dayiight saving time was "saving" Homecoming. Although a few faces may be absent the the Girl's Dorm Front! it-you can't put it out anyway, time. whole gang will be back in spirit. Don't tell us that we so you might as well have a little look out of place btcause we 're so homesick and we '11 be so fun. Two years agoglad to be back that nothing any one may say can dampen 5-When the first bombs fall, C. P. T. course was introduced our ego one bit. Soldiers, !'Sailors, and Marines will muster holler bloody murder. It wm add to college fellows-flying W:ls done Peru loyalty from every corner of the eai·th and let it grow to the fun and confusion, and scare in Auburn ... Yale Review paid hell out of the kids. until we all come home. Dr. Bradford $75 for his "Ain't Hendy, Lloydy, Stub, Bulldog, Cowboy and scores more It seems the PED has always 6-Ifs well to have onion and Nobody Perfect" . . . More than are planning a big Heart game in the middle of the campus had Bills-at least on the staff. limburger handy as a snack before one third of the P. S. T. C. student entering a crowded air raid shel- body chorused ''I'm working my and it will be topped off by singing the Color Song, so keep Besides the Rachow boy there's ter. It may make you very un- way through college" . . . Kate the Freshmen off the streets. Lt. Bill Brooks, former assistant popular, but you'll have lots of Bartling and Bill Frankhauser Fling abroad our nation's colors editor who doubled as sports writ- room for yourself. starred in the Sunday Musicale ... er too. He bagged more than his The 40 egg "Great Cake" recipe To a universal breeze, 7-If you should be the victim of Martha Washington highlighted share of J aps ir+ the fighting zones Blending scarlet, white and azure and is now in the States teaching of a direct hit, don't go to pieces. the Kappa Omicron Phi tea . . . Shrouding Huns and ~ipponese. Just lie still and the sanitation Bobcats lost an overtime thriller other guys how to do the ::;ame. While our loyal hearts and voices squad will attend to you. to Doane 52-49 ... Coa~h Harold And there's also Lt. "Bill" Cain, With pr~e and joy unite, 8-If ar, air raid warden starts Fisher's Bobkittens blasted 'reformer PED sports editor. A bomAs we sing of our devotion bardier, Cain had the highest rec- to tell you what to do, knock him cumseh 44-32 ... Dean J. A. JimTo the scarlet, blue and white. ord in his class at Big Springs, down. Wardens always save the erson demonstrated the P's and Q's Texas. best for themselves and their of parliamentary procedure at While our loyal hearts and voices convo ... Tod Hubbell ranted in friends. With pride and joy unite, his column on the "ever-changing It seems the PED has always As we sing of our promotion had Bills. This was "contributed." public opinion." Of the RIGHT subduing MIGHT! \


'~,;'' ' , '

Sifting the files

Bills and Bills


0. J. Sandin, Mus. 2/c, Navy School of Music, Washington, D. C.

For May Queen ...


Suppose he's running around Jefferson Barracks sticking out his chin and saying he's a" good clean kid." Maybe he's even telling sergeants to "shut up and drink your beer" and corporals to "blow it out your top!" Anyway, Rachow's "moYed-it-over" from PED sports editorship to the Army Air Corps and his assistant Willard Redfern assumes his old post. Good luck, Bill! And what do we do about your May Queen election!



Jllumni Crail . Dear MARGARET ('42), You were an angel to send me that "angelic" card. from Kemmerer, Wyoming. I ¥!Tote ~ou for the last ~ED, but, since there are fewer issues, there was so much news that there wasn't "room for one more" item. Chris sayo. your brother KENNETH STIERS ('30) is at Rulo again.

Still first, JEAN ELi\M (At. '40) and Stanley Huffman were parties to the same wedding ceremony at Falls City before Christmas.

Guess I'll tell you about some weddings first.

Guess I'll quit bein' a Cupid reporter and tell you some other things about some other people last.

First, "BEA" FULTON (At. '42) was married in November to Lt. W. S. Bronson at Colorado Springs, Cclo. Last I heard, she was at Brownwood, Texas, with her husband.

First again, MARTHA WITTWER (At. '42) and Sgt. Guy Snethen, of Dawson, were married January 16 at Stockton, Calif.

Lasts: KAY LEIGH (At. '42) has been teaching at the school for the blind at Nebraska City since January 9.

Dedicating . . . You 're getting around, Blue Stars ... . You're covering lots of territory-on the land, on the sea and in the air ... You travel all over this country and some of you hit neighboring continents too ... But don't think Peru doesn't know what you 're up to .. Somebody gets a letter from you or from some other "Star" who's seen you or just missed seeing you or heard something about you-or maybe somebody sees something in the paper ... Anyway, there's a file of addresses in the office that are mostly accurate-even though you do change around pretty fast ... And it's common knowledge on campus that Herbie's raising pigs in the Coast Guard, that Lovejoy's "gliding" around the country and Chuck's bunking near Tyrone Power in the Marines ... So-just to prove that Peru knows .what you're doi!1g and just to let you know what Peru's domg, the staff whipped up this special Blue Star PED.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Tuesday, February 16, 1942 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. Editor..... -----------·-----------------------------------------------------------Ellen King Associate Editor-----------·-·--------------.. ·--·----------------Marjorie Prine Assistant Editors......................Audrey Zastera, Rogene Rose Business Manager..... ----------'-·------·---·----·-----------Betty Jane Scott Sports Edi tor·-------·----··--------------.......................Willard Redfern Special Reporters ________,_____Virgie Lee Johnson, Betty Berger Reporters-Harriet Maxwell, Lillian Havel, Donald Cacek, Donna Steffen, Dennis Wehrmann, Marjorie Weiler, Wallace Cleaveland, Vera Hutt.

EVELYN HACKER (At. '42) works in the office of State Assistance in Child Welfare in the Cornh ukser capitol. MARJORIE STEVEN S 0 N teaches junior high English and jo.urno.lism at Tuscon, Arizona. MEREDITH JIMERSON ('42) reads the PEDAGOGIAN down in San Antonio, Texas, this year instead of worrying over it in the PED cffice. She .is secretary to "Chaplain Burns." Oh yes, Harriet told me that KATHRYN (MILLER) BLOCHER (At. '41) is another one working in Texas. Her husband is a mechanic in the air corps at McAllen. I hear that MILDRED MASON (At. '42) does things for the F. B. I. in Washington. HELEN DAHLKE (At. '42) was around campus a few days. Instead of going back to the Nation's Capitol, she went to Oklahoma City. It's hard to think of LUTHER HUTTON ('43) as an alumnus, but that's the situation. And since Unk "trailed" out to El Centro, Calif., to visit his brother, here he is in "Alumni Trail." Well, Margaret, I think I had better be "trailin' " off, too. So, be angelic and write. Love, -Virgie Lee.

nigbt Sbift . • •


Wings for the Navy

Is the grapevine wearing out-the news isn't coming.through like it used to ... maybe we should offer free Pretzels again ... Have you noticed the worried look on Butch's face ••• nope, it isn't Marjorie ••. he has just taken on the responsibility of pulling Prine and Harding through diplomatic history ••• newest "ringers" are Gross and Twilda ••• Betty Kennedy and Unk Hutton ••• did you see his?

The gals are getting a taste of army life-or at least discipline ... yeah, meaning the demerit system ... Lois Miller has a massaging machine which almost got her a "gig" it makes so much racket ... she says it's to take off her double chin ... that's right-she ain't got none .. . As for new couples ... these cadets make it so hard to tell ... and one gal asked if the cadets had an agreement to each take a girl home after the flyers' party ... we might mention it seems to be Wagoner and Wirth ... Holman and McCandless . . . '

' Air "No problacts!" is reported as the first happy thought of one Corps man when he got his orders last week ... and supposedly a general rummage sale was staged the same day ... Whiz even sacrificed his "True Romances" ... Red Hines is lonely, •• all girls interested read the following pro· clamation: "Applicants please form a line in front of the Ad Building, Wed·nesday, during float periods. Or write Box 214, Delzell Hall, im· mediately" •.• note from a correspondent-an artillery is a blood ves· sell •.• and a bullet a small ·hen ••. o. k•••• o. k.

The biggest thrill for any air corps cadet is the moment when he takes one of the planes up alone for that all-important solo flight. Cramer made his last glorious gesture-he showed up at his eight These wings have already g:ven o'clock the day after the air corps notice came ... Miss Tear is thinking that thrill to twenty Naval cadets of applying for an officer's commission'!._she instructs so many Reservists who have completed their basic ... and Dr. Brown has been fretting about how unhandy it must be for · training on campus and at the airport. Twenty others are now in the girls who have those sweaters that button up the back ...

their fourth week of training at Peru. They are: Robert Ross Barthclomew, FrEderick Towle Bucholz, Harold Eugene Curtis, Billy Halcomb Dillon, Robert Lewis Glad. Richard H. Greenwell, Wilbur Dean Hattan, Glenn Ora Lash, Paul Wayne Lycan, Robert Edward Mathewson, Maurice Joseph

Delzell must be cold these days ... else why the waste-basket fires ... specially Milton K's ... the cadets want to help raise campus morale ... they took up a ten 1.lollar collection to buy some new records ... Idea: why not a big dance in the gym when the rest of the Reservists leave ... and all kinds of compliments to Gamma Chi for changing that private party into a big one for all the flyers .•.

Blind girl performs

Bond and Wagoner elected YW co-presidents

Those hair cuts ... PEDsters are happier now that Evangeline has a new ribbon ... and the way she works since she was "oiled" recently ... the "Anchors A-Weigh"-"Army Air Corps Song" competition goes on . . . and on ... and on ... and they have a class for voice culture, too ... as we said before, those hair cuts ...

Helen Mae Martin, born blind and deaf, demonstrated her abil· ity to play the piano, type and use sign language at convocation Fri· day, Jan. 2~.

Shirley Jimerson's new address is Scottish Rite Dorm at Texas U.... she swears she's living in a linen closet ... special notes, for Blue Stars: Bruce Hayward has a new sister, Janet Elaine ... Miss Tear has a new kitten named "Mister" ... Miss Gcckley has a new secretary ... Marjorie Parriott has a new husband, Lee Redfern ... training school has some new student teachers ... Peru gals are sayingTheir arms for our defense Our arms their recompense Fall in, men! Fall in.



More rationing-maybe all God's chillun ain't gonna have shoes ... fellows leaving for the army held a regular "Reign of Terror" in the dorm, pointing at every non-air corps man and hollering "civilian" ... and now we know what the flyers call the girls' dorm ... those awful hair cuts ... And attack is a small nail-o. k .... o. k .... go write a letter to a Blue Star!

115·mister . HouseII (continued)



part to perfection, giving credence to Jennie's ambition for her.


Mm:,i.Qrie_Moore was convincingly sinister as the doctor, and M:<tl:'Y Alice Hacker as Miss Huey, Jen-



8 a k


Humphrey Bogart- Ingrid Bergman - Sidney Greenstreet - Claude Rains

"CASABLANCN' Cartoon and News


s, :e

SUN.· MON.· TUES. Febr. 21-22-23


.e .d

AUBURN Theatre Richard Green Carla Lehmann

"FLYING FORTRESS" Cartoon and News SATURDAY-SUNDAY Febr. 20-21

nie's nurse, was crisp and efficient enough to satisfy everyone. The most effective scene of the play, from the standpoint of aud • ience reaction, came at the end of Act I, when the body of the sus· picious neighbor killed In a trap set by Miss Jennie fell from the elevator door. The high-point of the play, however, was the unveil· ing of Jennie as the murderess. Miss Rodgers' impassioned re· straint was superb In spite of the unexpected audience response. The Dramatic Club, the cast, and Prof. Moore are to be congratulated for providing an evening of good entertainment for Peru playgoers.

Band schedules more programs "We have the material to make one of the finest bands in P. S. T. C. history," says Director V. H. Jindra. "With the program now under way we should be able to provide much pleasure for the members, student-body and friends." Though no definite plants have been made, Prof. Jindra hopes to take the concert band to nearby ,communities this spring. In addition, the band plans not 'less than four on-campus pro:grams this semester, one of which will be student directed. The aim of these programs is to encourage greater participation and to present special soloists and small en.semble groups.

From her repertoire of over 200 numbers Miss Martin played Chopin's "C Sharp Minor Prelude," MacDowell's "From an Indian Lodge," "Good Night" by Nevin and "Kentucky Babe."

For the first time Peru Y W will have co-presidents with Jean Bond and Lois Wagoner named tc head the organization for the coming year • Other officers elected on regis· tration day are Rebanis Frankfor· ter, vice president; Marjorie Ware· ham, secretary; and Verona Oet· ken, treasurer. After completing a cabinet study period these offi· cers will be installed the last of February.

Mullin, Vernon Burdette O'Donnell, Darwin M'lls Rummell, Robert Roy Sailors, Grover Sam Stewart, Joseph Francis Summers, Otho Wendell Thacker, Robert Ralph Van Dalsem, Charles Morris Wempe, and James Oliver Yates.

A candle light service followed some recreational singing at the Tuesday meeting, Jan. 26. Only the white cross and candelabra were visible in the dimly lighted room. Marjorie Prine p.ayed s:ft music while the candles were lighted by Lucille Miller and Marjorie Wareham. Furthering the meditation suggested by the music, inspirational thoughts were read by Nina Kanel.

By placing her foot under the middle pedal of the piano she feels the vibrations of the music which are carried by nerves to her brain. Selections in a minor key seem to give her greater pleasure. Written in Braille for the aud· ience, Miss Martin's definition of music was read by her mother: "Music is a vibrational expression of the soul in harmony with God."

A tatted flag of 32,000 stitches showed her skill in hand work. She concluded her program with a poem in Egyptian sign language translated by her mother. Melvin Rothmiller, blind sophomore from Omaha, conversed with Miss Martin in Braille.

Prep school notes The High School band is keeping time to the baton of Tony DeMaro, student director. A special feature of the band's performance at Tuesday night's game was a baton twirling solo by Lorene Clayburn between halves. A special assembly program un • der the direction of the War Coun · cil was held Friday, Feb. 12, in recognition of Lincoln's birthday.

Word has been received by five high school boys who are subject to the draft that they will be deferred until May 20 in order to complete their high school work.


"Did you know that high altitude makes you terri· bly thirsty? 'Dehydrates', they call i~ Who wouldn't want an ice-cold Coke. Coca-Cola not only quenches thirst, it adds refreshment, too. And taste ... a deliciousness all its own. And quality you count on. Makes you glad you were thirsty."

A band for beginners has been organized by Prof. R. T. Benford, assisted by four student teachers. There are 25 beginning· musicians participating in this organization.

Supt. S. L. Clements has been appointed chairman of Peru's Victory Speakers Corps. The purpcse of this organization is to give speeches telling th<; people various ways in which ihey can help win the war .



Spotts. of '43 Kearney overwhelms Wheelermen, 77 to 59

The Bobcats Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, February 16, 1943



Coach White's Kearney Antelopes didn't waste any time in taking.


Boost the Bobcats t9 Victory over Wesleyan Tonight

-with W.R.

ov.er the N. J. A. A. Conference lead last Friday night at Kearney as they overwhelmed the Bobcats 77 to 59. Kearney was never headed but



'42 Cagers join Uncle Sam's forces

Now to look over the seven Bobcats that will be leaving for "higher" things, First man I will mention is DONALD STARK. Don came to Peru from Bedford, Iowa. A senior this year, Don starred at fullback on the football team. He was named fullback on the second team, All-State, and should have been placed on tl;l.e first team. Don played his best game this year against Chadron on Homecomin!j in which the Bobcats won in a breeze, 41 to O. His great seaso;n. ended in '42 with the student body electing him gridiron king... PERCY SCHMELZER, a sophomore, was t.he regiJlar end on the Bobcats all-state football team last year. This is Percy's second year as a letterman at Peru. ORTHELLO "BUZZ" BYERS is an.other Iowa boy. He hails from Glenwood and this is his third year as a Bobcat letterman. "Buzz" has held down a forward spot on the basket (!all team the last two years. His "swishers" will be greatly,missed. BOB OAKMAN, an Auburn boy, was a stand out at the center post on the football team this past season. The last two years he has played second fiddle to two all-staters, Jack Mcintire and Art Ronhovde. Ronhovde was out most of this season with a leg injury and Bob came through with flying c9lors. Bob is a junior this year. DICK "SLUGGER" PASCAL is also a junior this year and comes from Weston. He has.been in the starting line-up of all basket ball games the past three years and is acting captain this year. "Slugger," at the present, is leading scorer in the N. I. A. A. conference and is the best defensive man the college has had since "Ding" Bailey donned a Bobcat uniform. DUANE "WHIZ" WHITE came to P. S. T. C. from Superior and has been on both the football and basket ball teams the past thr.ee years. A six foot four illch end on the gridiron, "Whiz" is known for his spectacular pass catches. AL POWERS is the only freshman among the. army air corps reserves. Al came here from Oberlin, Ohio, and also played on both football and basket ball teams. He had the misfortune of breaking his ankle in the first weeks of the football season and was out of action until near the close of the season. Al was one of the best kickers in Bobcat history and kicked several 65 yard boots. Last of the army air corp reserves that was a Bobcat letterman but has already left for active duty is BILL RACHOW. Bill, a senior f[Qm Grand Island, held down a tackle position on the football team:. ljl;e was also sports editor of the PED before leaving the first of this_ m.o.n..th.

32 13 15



Keith Hanna is a corporal technician in the Army now stationed in England. Keith came to P. S. T. C.. from Beaver Crossing and left last year after completing his junior year. He was a member of the Bobcats All-State team of 1939-40. Hanna played only the second semester of the 1940-41 season but still made the All-State second team.

Chuck Hiatt, a seaman in fue Navy, came: from Spalding and starred both his freshman and sophomore: years at center. before· leaving Jtor the Navy. He hit the All-St"'te honorable mention list his freshman year and \¥etS known for his. dead eye on one-handed shot.s:..

The Bobcats will be trying to revenge their two set back,s. at the hands of Wesleyan tonight .• Wesleyan pulled an upset l,ast Friday by polishing off the Midland Warriors while the hpm~ club was blasted by Kearney. Just the_ same, turn one ear towards the victory bell right after tl~e game tonight, for who knows, the bell ma:y i:ing. WILLARD REDFERN, Sports Editor.

The two teams played on even terms the first half with the score tied 19 to 19 at the intermission. ·But the Owls, led by Adams, pulled into a lead early in the second half and were never headed after. With five minutes remaining in the game Peru finally found that the basket had a hole in it, but the g~me ended a minute too soon. Ab Yocum made 13 points for the Bobcats while Adams and Graham made the same for the Owls · · to lead their team in scoring.

Army leads intramurars Army took an~ther step toward the intramwal championship a week ago Monday evening by winning gaine number 12. Tennessee is the only other team th~.t can possibly tie Army. If they can win both of their remaining games while Army is dropping both of theirs the two teams would have to play off the tie, But the chances are against such a thing happening. Georgia, which at one time dropped intramural play, is again back in the ranks and will finish Won Lost Pct. Army ______________ 12 1 .923 Tennessee __________ 10 3 .769 South. Cal. ---------- 6 7 .462 Notre Dame --------- 5 8 .385 · Georgia ------------ 4 D .308 Alabama ------------ 2 11 .154

Bobcats win two; lose two The Bobcats broke even in games played from January 22 until February 6 by winning two home games and dropping two away from home. WESLEYAN 31 -

Big Orv Yocum, Bobcat pivot man, potted 20 points for the losers but his total couldn't overcome the' Antelopes' lead. Kearney's scor-· ing was evenly divided with McCullough scoring 15 points and: Peterson 14. Kearney ( 77) fg ft f Moline ----------------6 0 2 Newcomb -------------3 O 4 McCullough ___________ 6 2 3 Lewis -----------------3 2 2 Peterson --------------5 4 1 Long ------------------1 1 0 Nichelson _____________ 5 2 1 King ------------------0 1 0 Myers -----------------0 0 2 Richards ______________3 0 0


The Bobcats were colder than the North pole last Tu1..~day and were edged out by Tarkio 45 to 44 in the Owls' gym. This was the fourth engagement betwe.en the two teams and Tarkio now holds a three to one advantage.

ed up in a regular forty minute game. Peru's 59 is the most points they have scored all season.

Comes February 20th and the only men that will still be loafing on the campus will be navy reserves, drafties, and W-F's .. Seven army air corps reserves that are Bobcat lettermen received their call and to make things complete nine Bobcat E. R. C.'s have also been called, but as yet do not know exactly when they will leave.

P'eru edged by Owls

didn't have the game in the bag until five minutes before the end of the game. 77 is the largest Kearney score that the Antelopes have ever roll·


The Bobcats traveled to Lincoln January 22, -only to lose a heartbreaker to a mediocre Wesleyan team 31 to 29 in an extra period. The boys fought hard but the fouls called on them made the difference between victory and defeat. Powers led the Peruvians with three buckets. Ketterer was high for the Plainsmen with 11 points.


The Bobcats faj'tered. after their surprising upset oJ, W:ayne and fell before the Mi41and; Warriors 46 to 36 on Februgzy 2, 'The game was fairly close up to the last pai:t of the last half. John Schwar:ti, Warriors ace forward, was l:)igh for Midland with 15 points. Buzz Byers was best for Peru, hitting 4 times from the floor and 2 free tosses. PERU 47- HASTINGS 42

;rhe Wheelermen showed the home crowd that they could still play basket ball on February 6 by edging Hastings 47 to 42. After being held the first half PERU 52 - WAYNE 37 the Bobcats came back and grabPeru pulled the number one up- bed a commanding lead early in set of this season, January 29, by the final half and held on the rest tripping a highly favored Wayne of the game. Haack paced the-Cats with 12 team 52 to 37. The victory put the N. I. A. A. Conference into a three- points. Potter, sub forward for way tie with Peru, Kearney and the Broncos, dropped in six baskets for Hastings. Wayne on top.

Peru (59) _________________fg4 ft Byers ________________ o 1 Hutton ________________ 9 0 Yocum ______________ 5 2 Clements________________ 2 1 Pascal _________________ l 1 White _______________ Q 1 Blocher 0 Haack _________________ 5 1 26

f 3: 1

2: 2: 4 4', Q!


7 191


Tecumseh bows to Prepsters With Wayne Cotton racfrihg upi 15 paints the Peru Bobk't.tens made.• it seven in a row last T·'1.esday eve~ ninp as they beat the· Tecumseh\ Indians 34 to 21. Tll:e Prepsters: had little trouble in,. disposing ot: the class ·"A" s~hook The Kittens; led 16 to 5 at the half, 2.6. to 9 at the end of the third quarter, then: coasted in with a comfo1'table 34: to 21 verdict.

Plainsmen here tonight LUTHER "UN.IS!'· HUTTON

"Unk" came tq. Peru from Auburn. Gradu~.\ed at the end of last semeste;;;, he was the quickest man OJ:'1, the team; he played forward. He was also tops on the grid-ircrn and ended his career by placing. on the All-State first team .. "Unk" is going into the Navy soon •.

Tarkio stops; winning Prep The , Peru Bobkitteps, seeking their eighth. straight victory last Friday night, were turned back by a hot Ta-rk[o five, 36 to 34. Verne' Cotton, forward for the Prepsters,. potted 15 points while "Peewee"· Steck was doing the same for the victorious Missourians.

The Bobkittens started strong and jumped into an 8 to 1 lead but they faltered near the end of the quarter and their lead was decreased to 12-10. Tarkio set a merry pace the second quarter, which saw them score 13 points to 2 for Prep and lead 23 to 14 at the· half. The two teams exchang<d points until late in the fourth quarter the Bcbkittens began narrowing the ten point difference. Verne Cotton made the score 34 to 36 with fifteen seconds remaining but time ran out before the Kittens could regain possession of the ball.

The Bobcats will play Jl:ost' to' the We8leyan Plainsmen t.anightat. S o'clock. These teams have· met twice, once at the Hastings Tournament and once at Lincoln, and although both games have been close, the Plainsmen came out on top both times. The Plainsmen have a good team led by forwards Bill Miller and Everett Parminter, but this night out to be the Bobcats'. Probable lineups: Peru Wesleyan! Byers ---------F ------ Parminter · Hutton _______ F ----------Miller· Yocum _______ c _______ · Ketterer: Clements _____ G ________ Vaughm Pascal ________ G ___________ Gei&o

LUCK to Peruvians in Service School Supplies Lunch Goods Fruits and Groceries

H. U. Landolt


Miss that bell writes Lovejoy


Transfening from Lubbock, Texas to the Air Force Advanced Flying School at Victorville, California, Sgt. Faye Lovejoy writes Miss Tear: " ... I am not kidding when I say that every time I see an antique piece of ft!rniture, or some pretty flowers, I think of you. Last summer I saw a pond that covered as much area as the Science Hall and Auditorium and it was a solid mass cf beautiful water lilies. It was worth a trip to Texas just to see it ... "Before the end of the month I will be commissioned as a Flight Officer. That is the goal I set for myself when I enlisted ... "I do not know just when I will go across and we stand a chance of never having to leave the States. I'm ready to go anytime they want me but I certainly will miss my baby. I hope that I will get a chance to come to Peru before I am shipped away. I surely do miss that school bell ... "I have received two PEDAGOGIANS from Peru this year. I think I read each one te 1 times and enjoyed them very much .•. 1'

Organ sees Jimersons Another Blue Star, Pvt. Ross Orga!'I writes his parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George DeVore, Jan. 26:

"Finished my basic military training last week. I am now working as Physical Training instructor at the Officers Training School. The 0. T. S. is a squadron of officers, previously corr.missioned in other branches of service, who have applied for pilot training. They follow practically the same schedule as the cadets except they go thru in grade. Have everything from 2nd Lieutenants to Majors in my classes ... Had dinner in town with Capt. Jimerson and family Sunday night. Really enjoyed it. The dinner was swell


First Peruvian to be decorated with the Distinguished Flying Cross Is 1st Lt. William V. Brooks of the Marine Corps. Also in the South Pacific combat zone are Capt. J. Russell Wallace of the Marine Corps, 1st Lts. Noel Lundy and Delton Goerke of the U. S. A. A. F. Lt. W. w. Milliken, formerly of R. A. F. now with the U. S. A. A. F., is flying Spitfires in England. Lt. Keith McHugh writes from North Africa and Palestine of his fighting adventures against the Nazi troops.

Prep plans ,war program Clyde Hunt, Jack Mcintire, Maurice Linder Fr.eddie introduced them, Betty Berger


Marshall shot them.



This is the

result! The grinning Navy man with the crew cut is Cadet Clyde Hunt (At. '39). Clyde, was so excited over his engagement to Ethel Gross, he didn't have much to say but finally admitted, "seems the same as always but none of the fellows are around."

A cook at Leavenworth, Pvt. Jack Mcintire is the, soldier in the center. His face lighted with McIntire humor, Mac said, "Well, I was here last fall-write anything; you know me." "Punchy" Linder, back from St. Mary's in California, watched the Bobcats beat Hastings. Before he came back Linder wrote tl;iat he had played with St:~ Mary's College Varsity. "Most of the fellows on the ·varsity are officers, and a

Dean Clark writes of Chanute FielCMe Life at Chanute Field-as written home by Dean ~~l!lr:k::' "Here I am at Chanute Field, Illinois. The middl~l~ks beautiful and most of us' were plenty glad to be sent her~; w.~1about 20 mi. fro_m Champaign and 120 mi. south of Chicago. Our iSChool hours are from 10:00 P. M. to 6 A. M. The school will ~,hly ~ast for 12 weeks.

Today we were routed out at 12 noon to clean up our barracks and put white collars on our beds-in short, make things look tip-top, as an inspector general from Washington is here to look things over. The whole field iS' on its toes. We will miss our extra hour and a half of sleep. It's plenty hard to stay awake even if we get all possible . . . In these 16 days on maintenance our first study course we are to learn the principles, operation and maintenance of a plane. There are hundreds (it seems) of gadgets and so many arec interaffected. Three systems, electric, vacuum and mechanical, all affect the operation of each. ,The second phase is on instruments, combined with basic flying. We fly about an hour a day and are to get actual instrument flying time credited to us. We do only very simple exercises with each ,succeeding one getting more difficult. You see we fly a course by instruments which is traced by a recorder with an inking wheel and from that mark and the reading

Brooks receives first Peruvian DFC

Blue Stars on campus

grade us on our in tolerance.

large number were All-American.

The student whose grade averI guess I was born under a lucky age is "A" will be allowed to complete his high school woiok in less star, I got to make the trip with than the usual four years. Only the varsity. We went down to "A" students will be given full five hours' credit for the semesU. S. C. I got in only for five min- ter's work. Students whose grade utes, but that's enough so I, can average is "B" will earn ninetenths of the five hours credit, say I played in a 'big time' foot- whereas "C" or "D" students' reball game." About Peru, Maurice ceive but eight-tenths hours cresaid, ''Doesn't seem, like the same dits. Courses in aeronautics and high -no one around, ,but 'it's good to school physical educatio:i have be back!" been added this semester.

Sweetland overseas to decode messages Adding to the ever-increasing list of Peruvians overseas is Prof. Paul V. Sweetland-now Lt. Sweetland of the U.S. Army. Mrs. Sweetland writes Presid~nt Pate: "I thought you would be interested in knowing Paul was sent overseas the thirteenth of January. He,leftJrom.New ,Yor].} City and as yet I haven't heard from him. He graduated from Bolling Field, Washington, D, C., just before Christmas with a grade of ninety-eight and a rating of excellent in cryptography. He was sent to Atlantic City to an overseas replacement center, from there to Fort Hamilton, New York City, and was shipped from there. He was not granted a leave so the children and I have not seen him since October first. Army life seems to agree with him since he has gained about fifteen pounds in weight. He likes his work very much and felt he could., be of more service to his country by serving overseas. He will be stationed at some air base as his job is to decode messages" .•

Four Peruvians zero and level off and stop-rqily ~ds very simple but I get and over control ... Spencer, my Kim.."M City friend, came and pulled ~ l\liut in time for church this rooming, The chapel is lovely-a bmmtful platform and altar, lots pine paneling, deep stained rafters and harmonizing The electric organ and choir World rear balcony. This Communion Sunday lll:'ld ''twas a very nice service ... Al I that you read and !:ear of mail call at camp is tr11io-the fellows' faces, depending; on what they receive or fail to r«,ii;ive. My friends have surely been good to me and I hope that they will keep 'em comin'."

Training School students are feeling the pressure of total war. The second semester program schedules each student for five class periods a day insteaJ of the former four.

crash victims First Peruvian to die in this war was 2nd Lt. John P. Heck, killed in a pursuit plane crash, at Mt. Holly, New Jersey in September. Three other Peruvians have been killed since then, all casualties being the results of plane crashes. Ensign Bob Halladay, after receiving his "wings" and commission in the Navy last summer from Corpus Christi, was reported killed at Upham, Canal Zone, in November. An Army bomber crash near Mussellshell, Montana in December killed Major Orville "Wob" Ralston. Major Ralston was a World War I ace who received the DFC and DSC when he was officially given credit for dovnting 'six German planes.

Brooks, first graduate of Corpus Christi naval air station to receive the decoration after returning as an instructor, was cited for his part in an attack by a marine fighter squadron against superior Japanese bomber and fighter forces at Midway, June 4, 1942. He was also cited for the D. F. C. at Guadalcanal. Margery Ann Kinsey Wallace, Russ' wife, writes that her husband is a communications officer and chief censor for headquarters sqrn;dron somewhere in the South Pacific. He spent Christmas on Guadalcanal "which of course wasn't too pleasant." Noel 'L.undy's fighter squadron has for many months been sta· tioned in New Guinea but he recently spent a two weeks leave in Australia.

Marcelle Redding Goerke reports her husband, Delton, left New Caledonia last September for Guadalcanal. He has participated in all activities of the Army Air Corps at Henderson Field. He returned a few days each month to New Caledonia to rest. Last November he received his promotion to 1st lieutenant.

l Blue Stars of 1942 Peruvians last year -they're Blue Stars now. Instead of in classes they're in the army, navy and marines, and instead of "on campus" they're everywhere from Guadalcanal to Hawaii.

"In the Army now" is Pvt. Tod Hubbell in Technical School Squad at Buckley Field, Colo. Elmer Nespor is at Fort Sill, Okla., with the Field Artillery, and Murvel Annan is at Ft. Bliss. Still blowing his French horn, Pvt. Jack Snider plays in the U. S. Cavalry Band at Fort Riley, Kans. He was visiting in Peru last week. Also at Fort Riley is Cpl. Alwyn Young. Another army man, Gale Randall's in the Signal Corps at Milford. ·Pvt. Jack M<:lntire helps feed the army-he's a cook at Ft. Leavenworth.

In the Army Air Corps are Pvt. Melvin McKenney at Sioux Falls, S. D., Wayne Filmer at Moore Field, Mission, Texas, and Aviation Cadet in Communications Dick Kingsolver is at Boca Raton, Fla. Both Chuck Hinman and Lloyd Sehnert are in the Army Air Force Technical Training Corps-Chuck, at Les Angeles, Sehnert at Chanute Field. George Griffin's a soldier, too, at Fort Lewis, Washington. Bob Henderson is in a technical training squadron, North Carolina. In ordnance work for the Air Corps is Cpl. Ted Strasburg at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland.

Flying for the Army are Staff Sgt. Faye Lovejoy, glider pilot at Ensign Bob Koontz crashed in ·Lubbock, Texas, A/C Jared Smith a Navy plane over Chesapeake at Randolph Field, and A/C Irvin Heng at Santa Ana, Calif. Bay in January.


Jim Sandin, besides playing his trumpet in the Navy R''d at Washington, D. C., helped to found "Tempo," Navy School of Music publication of which he is assistant editor. Clarinetist in Peru's band last year, Dale Howard is also Seaman 2/c in the Navy School of Music now. Naval Cadets Maurice Linder and Wilbur Ege have just completed training in Naval Aviation Pre-Flying School at St. Mary's College, California. Ege is now in Norman, Okla. Cadet Don Dean is near the end of flight training at Pensacola, Fla. It's overseas for Ensign Clair Callan, sailing from New York, and Ensigns Bob Williams and Bob Smith, who, having co:nplet· ed training in U.S. N. R. Midship· mans Schools at Notre Dame, Ind., and Pensacola, Fla., have been sent to Norfolk; Chuck sailed from West Coast recently.

James Ray is Apprentice Seaman in U. S. Hospital at San Diego. Bill McNally enlisted in the NaYy May 31, 1942. Maurice Anderson has been in Naval Officer's Training at Notre Dame. Vincent Dreeszen is in Midshipman's School in New York. Nelson Shimonek is taking radio training at U. S. N. T. S., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Wit!:, the Coast Guard are Machinist's Mate 2/c Myrt. Hall, Alameda, Calif., Seaman 2/c Herbie Knudson, at Groton, Conn., Seaman Lorren Fisher, Patrol Base, Marshfield, Ore. The one and only Marine is Charles Rogers, who is stationed at the Marine Corps Base, San Diego. Tyrone Power (not a Peruvian) is there too. Chuc>: eats with him; says he's a regular fellow. All the guys watch him to see if he makes mistakes, Chuck says.

Peru scores read

even in England A "letter" man for the second time, Mii liken writes from England where he is now with the 8th Fighter Command of the Army Air Force. Evidently the news gets around about Peru's football team! To quote: "Peru's success in football surprised me considerably, and in like manner their setbacks in basket ball shook me no end. I've seen the results of several of their games in tne "Stars and Stripes," a daily pub! ished in London by and for us ••• "Your descriptions of ?eru always make me a bit homesick, but above all they make me proud tbat I was once a part of Peru-it's pretty nice to recall the pleasant days I spent there .... " 'Twas swell to lea~·n Bill Brooks was home after such experiences. I m glad he ·s to be an instructor now. And I'm sure his wife is. You have given me so much news abcut my old pals I can hardly catch my breath: Gosh, but it would be swell to get together again with them ... "Since I tramferred to the USAAF I haven't been doing much, and action has at times seemed far away. However, I'm flying Spitfires now and that's another ambition realized. I really love the Spit-sleek, graceful, fast, powerful, vicious, and beautiful. The Spit takes to the skies like a homesick angel, heaven bound. It's a sight to behold and rem::.:iber when the Spitfire flicks the last bit cf earth from its wheels and folds its legs to become the mcst beautiful thing in the air. It's wonderful to fly and I enjoy every minute in it ...

Kadelpians hear panel Miss Florence Martin directed a discussion of the cultural education necessary for the average teacher at Kappa Delta Pi meeting last night. Different phases of cultural education considered were the musical background needed tiy the average teacher, discussed by R. T. Benford, artistic background and training, by Mrs. !nice Dunning, and social education needed for a student to adjust himself to community life, by Mary Lu Harvey. Following the talks Marjorie Prine played a piano solo, "Valse Triste,'' by Jean Sebelius. Students eligible for pledge and active membership were guests. New by-laws provide for sophomore pledges who may attend meetings but who have no vcte. The new by-laws also created new offices of custodian and parliamentarian.

I Blue Star Wedding Bells "Blue Wedding Bells" ring on. They rang for JOYCE STARK (At. '42) and Ensign CLAIR A. CALLAN ('42) in the First Methodist church at Reynolds, Christ· mas day. PAULINE (STARK) (At. '41), the wife of L. E. PAT· RICK (At. '40), was her sister's matron of honor. LORRAINE HOBBS (At. '42) of Washington, D. C., was a bridesmaid. Two "out of town" guests were ELDA HAMEL (At. '42), Washington, D. C.. , and LOUIS VEJRASKA (At. '42), Odell. Stub and Joyce left for a short trip East before he sailed _away. Another Christmas wedding was that of SHIRLEY SCHULDT (At. '42) and CHARLES SNYDER (At. '41). Everything was "solemnized"

• • •

at Council Bluffs. Plans for the MARGARET GOODRIDGE (At. '42)-Ensign NEIL GOOD ('41) "inter-locking" materialized. They ·said their "l do's" December 26 at Seatrice. GRACE MUENCHAU ('42) played the organ. Neil is stationed at Norfolk, Va., and Margaret is there, too. MAXINE SHERSTAD (At. '42) and Ensign ROBERT S. SMITH ('42) were married at Talmag2, January 28. Preceding the ceremony, MARGUERITE SHERSTAD (At. '42) and JEANNE SPIER ('41) gave a twenty minute recital. Marguerite played the processional and recessional for the bridal pcirty. Dorothy Shersbd cittended the bride and Don-

ald Stark, of P. S. T. C., was b man. EDITH WILLEY ('42) Becam the wife of Ensign ROBERT WIL LIAMS ('42) at the First Presby terian church in Lincoln, Januar 31. DONALD WILLIAMS (A '42) was an usher. Those fro Peru who attended were Misse Edna and Eperva Weare, Mr. an Mrs. C. A. Huck, and Wayne Park After the wedding Edith and Bo left for Norfolk, Va. According to a wedding announcement. Ensign ERNEST ARTHUR. HILL ('41) married Dorothy Lcuise Boyer "on Wednesday, the thirteenth of January," at Kansas City, Mo. The pest mark is San Diego, Calif. And that's all that's k!".cwn.

Students read

Dramatic Club holds

original writings

forma; initiation

"A Tribute to An American" was read from his Braille manuscript by Melvin Rothmiller at the Sigma Tau Delta meeting Monday, Feb. 8. Two personality sketches, "Katie" and "Smoke," and a poem "Disappointin' Blues" were read by Reuben Fimders to complete the program. Following the business meeting copies of "Rectangle," the national quarterly publication of the organization, were distributed to members. Lorraine Safranek and Lydia Vosicky served refreshments.

Thirty-one students were initi· ated into Peru Dramati.; Club Thursday, Jan 28, at a ceremony in the Colle;::e Auditorium. Impromptu dramatic skils which opened the evening's entertainment acquainted cld and new members meeting at the Training School. In the home economics dining room, a buffet dinner was served by Kappa Omicron Phi girls. Initiation followed after which pictures were taken. •

Delong, Rebanis Frankfortec, Hester Friedley, Mabel Hechl~r, Jean Holman, Dwight Houseman, Ken. neth Hutton, James Huey, Cecil Johnson, Ruth Latshaw, Alvena Lempka, Leonore Larson, Doreen Meier, Lois Miller, Richard Monroe, Marjorie Moore, Rosemary Pershing, Ernest Robertson, Evelyn Rodgers, Ruby Rohrs, Betty Scott, Mary Stevenson, Lucille Weber, Dennis Wehrmann and Billy Woods. Introduction of a point system in

Incoming members were: DeWayne Aden, Dean Alders, Donald Bruns, Wallace Cleaveland, Phyllis

securing active membership was announced by faculty sponsor, R. D. Mcore.

"It's nice to be in England, but it'll be nicer to get back to the states!" -Milliken.

New students registered

YW serves

Not to return overnight reserve books and not to do a little early morning studyin_g-registration for the second semester was the cause of the student rush to the library, which for the first time was the "first stop" on the registration pro-

supper Firty YWCA members met for a World Student Christian Federation supper Tuesday evening, Feb. 9, in Eliza Morgan recreation hall.

cess, Monday, Jan. 25. The rec::rds of the registrar show that ten new Peruvians are on campus. New students are: Robert Lyle Berger. Nebraska City; Phyllis Jean Brinso11, Peru; Margaret Ann Burgess, Talmage; Luetta Mae Georges, Shubert; Ruth Evelyn Herndon, F.ebron; Wanda Ruth Jacka, Tecumseh; Elain Juilfr. Burr; Jean l\fae Moss, Burr; Katherine Ann Schaecterle, Burr; and Ela Louise Walker, Peru.

Following the singing of folk songs from different countries over the world, Lucille Mill~r, general chairman, explained the significance of the International Federa· tion. "Each member when she joins YW automatically becomes a member," she explained. Lois Wagner described the Federation Pin. Evelyn Klein spoke on the conditions in European concentration camps as reported by Federation traveling secretaries. Representing the Chinese student, affected by the war, was Roberta Burrows dressed in Chinese costume. Rebanis Frankforter told of Student Christian work in Mexico during war years and Marjorie Wareham, impersonating Roland Eliott, the treasurer of the World Federation, gave report of his recent visit to wartorn Europe. Head of the Federa1ion in the United States, Wilhelmina Rowland, ·uas represented by Nina Kanel who spoke on "What American Students are Doing Now." While Una Mae Leech played a flute selection members gave recognition to the World Federation Day of Prayer to be observed the world over Sunday, Feb. 21. Marian Deck was song leader and the refreshment committee included Verona Oetken and Lucille Weber.

Bob Berger, brother of Betty and Bill. is a second semester freshman from the Univer::ity cf Nebraska. Also irom the University Donn3 Lee Patterso;i, c::mBrinson. Margaret BurElla Louise Walker gr::idfrom Peru Prep last semester K:,:herin2 Schaecterle, Elaine :. nd J can l\lae Moss aH' Burr Sci1col students preparing to next fall. Wanda Jacka graduated frcm Tecumseh High spring and intends to teach this fz:l Ruth Herndon is working fur a two year diploma and Luetta G, orges is studying commcrce. Rctur;1ing to Peru as a fJrst semester junior is Geraldine Stoner, Falls City. Geraldine h::id been

"The Blue and White" sktill forever hold its place beside "the Red, hite and nlue"

empkyed by the U. S Weather Bureau cit North Platte. Back to get her degree is Mary Lu H2rvey. Arapahoe, who had ~een teaching at Grand Island.

1··Bark... Comes the fatal moment in every student's life-no letter from home, no bank account, no meal , ticket, no credit-plenty of nothing in a big way and you 're not in the mood to chant "it's the root of all evil." In other words you're broke-no cash on hand. In such a crisis, there's only one thing to do. Approach your roommate, turn on the charm, pick your weapon (in this case the technique) and pray for results.




Students· begin stamp sales on campus at YM convo ..•

Evelyn Slagle, Doreen Meier and Mahorie Weiler.

Nearly $30 in war stamps was sold after the YMCA "Communi· que" at Friday convocation, Feb. 12. Presented via loud-speaker as a burlesque radio skit, "Communique" was produced by Richard Monroe. The cast included voices of Bill Brandt, Donald Bruns, John Lawrence, Richard Monroe and Milton Schulz.

General chairman was Harriet Maxwell. Richard Monroe was stage manager.


Wagoner and Bond assume Y presidenCy Jean Bond and Lois Wagoner, new co-presidents, were formally installed at Y. W. C. A. Tuesday, Feb. 16. Marjorie Wareham, Rebanis Frankforter, Donna Lee Patterson, Evelyn Slagle and Betty

McArdle, accompanied by Mary Mannschreck, sang before the reading of the installation servic!l by ex-president Nina Kanel.

Now it's obvious that finding War stamps were sold after Other officers included Rebanis your roommate, turning on the convo. charm and praying for results are Frankforter, vice president; Marquite easy. Picking and applying jorie Wareham, secretary; Verona the right technique is the hard Oetken, treasurer; program compart of this business! It's quite mittee, Chris Wilkinson, Luella simple if your roommate is wellTraining School students have stocked and has no MacTavish Tieman; devotional committee, Luset a war stamp goal which they blood, but if priorities have caught cille Miller, Vania Tenhulzen; art plan to reach by June first. Inup with lier and a few pennies in and publicity, Betty Berger; WSSF the piggy bank are all that's left stead of expressing their goal in committee, Lucille Miller, Nina convo ... terms of dollars and cents, they of her monthly ration-that's a different matter. Hence, the folProof that "Peruvians" are com· Kane!; candy chairman, Ruth LatGlimpses of Gamma Chi through have equalized stamps with fightlowing approaches to use in such ing includes those worried looks shaw; reading room chairman, 1943 were g:ven at convocation ing equipment. They anticipate of Editor Fanciers and Business a situation: Rosemary Pershing; song leaders, selling enough stamps to purchase Manager Havel, the continuous Number one: This is the "subtle" Friday, Feb. 19. Harriet Maxwell, Mable Bechler; Lydia Vcsicky introduced skits approach. You need facial mustwelve bayonets, two Garand rifles, flashes of Photographer Marshall's cles well trained to hold a bland depicting Gamma Chi's activities, four "walkie-talkies," one sub- camera and the night and day work pianist, Marian Deck. expression and a beautifully pitch· including registration of new mem- machine gun, twenty-one hand that's in progress up in the Peru"The Lord's Prayer," sung by ed voice. You may lead off with bers in September, skits presented grenades, two gas masks, ten steel vian office. Betty McArdle, accompanied by at girl's convocat'ons, the tradisuch remarks as "Gee, ,you look helmets, two blankets, and a If you haven't already paid that Evelyn Slagle, closed the meeting. swell today!" and similar fictions. tional costume ball and the flyers' month's supply of feed for one party. dollar down-payment on your Next, apply the hint liberally. Other girls who participated hundred carrier p,igeons. book, do so immediately. Pay now If she is the ordinary type of were: Vera Hinman, Betty Pruitt, -don't wish you had in the spring. At present, the ninth grade class roommate you can rely on the Marian Deck. Maxine Showen, And keep turning in those snap· "Gee, I'd sure like a coke ... " or Doris Miller, Bette Riley, Virginia is leading other classes in the purshots! "If I don't get a check from home Ann Altaffer, Dorothy Pershing, chase of stamps. I'll have to hock my Constitutional Rosemary Pershing, R e b a n i s Law Book ... " Frankforter, Louise Roettger, M1·s. W. N. Delzell has been apIf she is the highly intellectual Doris C or des , Bette Sc8tt, pointed 3ssistant to the registrar, type you might get better results Alvena Lempka, Jean Graves, by quoting the quo tables: "./\. friend Bette Scott, Ruth Halcomb, Mary filling the vacancy left when Mrs. in need is a friend with money" or Lu Harvey, El.zabeth Gehringer, Marjorie Parriott Redfern joined "Charity begins in Room 230, her husband at Grand Island. Eliza Morgan." Mildred Sch mid t, secretaryfrom Peru, as well as former PeruMiss Beulah Bridgewater of If she is even .more intellectual tre.asurer ,;,f R.aru's .. Home Eco·. viarfs; Mrs. Edna Mae Peterson Brownville is now employed in the you might throw in a few puns nomics Club, was elected state Bollmeier and Betty Miller, home such as "I'd gladly pay you intertreasurer of the Nebraska Home ec teachers at Geneva and Weep- college office as assistant bookest only it's against my princ'pal." Economics club at the twentying Water, and Margaret Grirdner, keeper, Mrs. Delzell's former posiThis will sometimes bring rEsults. eighth annual meeting of-the Home a senior at Ag college. tion. Number two: This is the •·sweet· Economics Association in Lincoln, and-low" or "Better Nature" tech· "This is the kind of book that is Saturday, -Feb. 13. nique. Requirements are a sweet "Home Ee: nomics for Victory smile, a convincing manner and, difficult to talk about-it is easier to read," said Mrs. Arthur L. and Peace" was the theme of the if possible, an innocent look. convention attended by homemakBegin the attack with a soulful Bradford of William Rose Benet's ers, dieticians and home economics gaze and a saccharine smile. Offer "Dust Which is God." teachers. to clean the room, wash her masReviewing the book of poetry The student club, composed of From the college c.ffice comes Jorie Prine, Hazel Schoenbohm, cara brush, or open the windcw. at the A. A. U. W. hour Thursday, delegates from the four Nebraska the list of Peruvian "most honor- Gilbert Schreiner, Vonia Tenhul· Turn the radio low-soothing muFeb. 18, Mrs. Bradford explained Teachers Colleges, Hastings and ables" and "honcrables." zen and Esther Ulrich. sic is very effective at this point. it's autobiographical significance University of Nebraska, met sepa"Most honorables"-the real stuThese "honorables" who comThen begin softly to elaborate on and concluded, "Not a deep book- rately. The officers elected will dents who completed all work with pleted at least fourteen hours with your sufferings. Tell her how hard it skims the surface." plan next year's crnvention to be a point average of 2.7-are eleven: a 2.2 point average are: Roberta it is to be penniless, destitute George Atwood, Rebanis Frank- Burrows, Arthur Clements, Betty Mrs. Tyler's book review will held in Grand Island. bereft of financial assistance. Maybe given March 4 instead of March Miss Edna B. Weare and Miss forter, Robert James, Nina Kanel, Coupe, Mary Alice Hacker, Clifbe she will come across. 24. Ida Mae Brackney also attended Lois Norton, Ralph Patrick, Mar· ford Harding, Lillian Havel, Max The difficu~ty in this approach Henderson. Barton Kerker, Evelyn is that it requires a roommate Klein, Donald Lienemann, Mary with a better nature. Mannschreck, Doris Miller, Iva Number three: This is the "Hon· Mulder, Gcldene Niebuhr, Verona est-John." It is the hardest of all Oetken, Evelyn Rodgers, Kenneth techniques for requisites include Rohrs and Wilma Walker. an honest face and a good record. All who have jutting brows or talk out of the side of the mouth with a Bronx accent should evade this technique. "It's more tha.n we r.xoected," ter. Maurice comes from St. Paul, so much more friendly than people You approach your roommate Minnesota. at Kansas University." Bill took openly. Talking to her in a frank, exclaims or»e of the Naval cadets "Girls glee club, here i come," business-like mannf.r you point discussing Peru's Naval training up journalism in college and wants Charles Wempe is near a degree says "Pop" Steck as Reserve calls out the good and the bad sides to set-up. All of the cadets comment to be a newspaper editor after the in Animal Husbandry and a second deplete the ranks of male chorthe question. Then you say "Wilt on the friendliness of the campus in Veterinary Medicine at Kansas war. His hobby is collecting rec- isters. "This is a situation all thou?" She either wilt or she State College, Manhattan. He de- crds; blues music is his favorite. teachers will have to face, but it is and the exceptional living quarwon't. If she won't, you wilt. veloped this major interest on his only for the duration," he conNumber four: This is the "Blitz· ters, but they do have some peeves Robert Glad is from Omaha. He t.inued. father's purebr(d iivestock farm at -the strange voltage, too much krieg." All you need for th is Seneca. Charles belonged to Phi has a brother at Annapolis, anPlans to feature the girls glee technique is a good pair of lungs, wax on the music hall floor the Kappa and was assistant traveling other is an officer in the Navy and club are in the "jelling" stage as a good vocabulary, and, if avail· other night and living without secretary for the national office f, r a s·stEr who is a Navy nurse. Con- yet, but "Pop" prom'ses vocal muable, a forcefu I personality. two yrnrs at Kansas State. He sequently-he's "for" the Navy. sic will be continued in spite of the roommates. You sweep into the room, launch thinks Peruvians intensely demo- Glad notices the lack of contact lack of manpower. with the student body. Commentyour attack, parry all thrusts and cratic and friendly. "We don't have time to have ing on Peru's location, he says, suppress any insurrection with a very many reactions," said Darwin Bill D:llon of Kansas City, Kans., "I'm dubious of hew I'll feel when line like this . . . "Listen, angel, Mills Rummell, Kansas City, Mo. do you have any money? ... Swell, Darwin has his B. J. in journalism says, "I think the pecple are swell, l rdurn to civilization." I don't and I need some ... So if from the University of Missouri. you'll loan me scme I'll be able to At Peru, he misses the opposite pay my junior class dues and if I sex since cadets can't date as much For several years Peru dramatic n·t it will be your fault and you as college students. Rummell is students have been asked :0 judge won't need it until supper &nd I'm also interested in fishing and huntthe local declomatory contest at sureJto get a check in the five ing. II I I Auburn to cheese entries for the o'clock and if I pay you back then etcetera . . . etcetera . . . " Still With a degree in philosophy Tuesday, Febr. 23 _____________ 7:00-8:00 _______________ YWCA, YMCA state contest. This year's student judges of the talking, you sweep out of the room from Creighton University, MaurThursday, Febr. 25 ____________ 6:00-7:00_ .. _______________ Chili Supper contest held Monday ni~ht, Feb. 16 'with your spoils. ice Mullin also misses girls, or "the Thursday, Febr. 25 ____________ 8:00-9:00 _________ . _____ Dramatic Club were: Wallace Cleaveland, Phyllis One of these will sometimes girl." Delzell's second floor boys Delong, Evelyn Rodgers, Reuben upset him with their talents, but Friday. Febr. 26 _________________ s:oo ________________ Mid land vs. Peru Fanciers and Virgie Lee Johnson. he's noticed a change for the betIf not, write home.

Gamma Chi

at Prep

Don't wait pay.now.


Delzell promoted to new post

Peruvian elected state club officer

Mrs. Bradford reviews book

College office announces first semester laurels

Peru·s Naval cadets would like more dates and roommates

Singers may be girls' glee dub

Students judge Auburn contest

This Week


Editings ...

.night Shift . • •

Spring ''Spring is here-the grass is riz'' poetry is in season a:gain-or at least it was at the time of this writing. Ask any three out of two Peruvians what they know and they'll say, "I got spring fever!" Bartlett's Book of Quotable Quotes lists some twentyfour different things on spring-but more appropriate for Peruvians is the quote ot one newly "war-widowed" gal. , Quote: ''Spring is here The grass is riz Wonder where our flyers is.'' But maybe the groundhog did see his shadow-or didn't see it; March will probably come in like a lion. But even a too-soon, preview spring is wonderful while it lasts.

Pro Want to roll bandages or sew for the Red Cross? With Army Air Corps Reserves gone and ERC's to be called March 20, there'll be less social activity in Peru. Xo use letting morale drop, though. Rumor has it that a movement's afoot to start a Red Cross unit ... and Davy's willing to teach an additional class in First Aid if there's a demand for it. It sounds like a good idea. Peruvians ARE beginning to be war conscious: afterconvo war stamp sales increasing ... Flyers Party ... Gamma Chi's $400 worth of war bonds ... new courses in :first aid and home nursing-these are signs of awakening. But they're just a good beginning. Increasing success on the battlefront brings with it a wave of optimism which results in relaxed efforts among civilians everywhere-this means a slowing down of war effort at home which may prolong the war. Success should stimulate increased effort, for there's still a hard battle ahead both at home and abroad. The war isn't over yet.

Just· commenting Willard Redfern is the first freshman ever to be a PEDAGOGIAN sports editor ... Kearney has their Student Union now-in the Men's Hall Recreation room. And speaking of Kearney, their head custodian's fighting sunflower seeders. Quoting the man: They're only good for hog feed anyway ... The Campus Shops are going to close ... and under-the-door announcements announce annother prize will be given ... The Hill Store used to stay open nights until 9:30. Maybe something could be done ... Midland's keeping a war-map of the world which shows where all of their Blue Stars are located ... The next PEDAGOGIAN will be published March the second ...

Blue Stars From somewhere in the Far East, Bill Saale, who has been working in the offices of the sup· ply departme~t, writes: "I have traveled a long, long distance. Un· der normal circumstances people -v,;ould pay hug.e sums of money to see some of the sights of historic interest I have seen. It was a privilege and a pleasure, to see the pryamids and the Sphinx ..• I am stationed in a large city with the very best of accommodations ... It is interesting to walk. down the streets and observe the customs and manners of the people. Aside from seeing so much poverty, which is disheartening in itself, I am well and in the best of spirits.• "The American Red Cross has opened a club for the American forces, which is really a grand thing . . . It is marvelous to get some good old American cooking again. Just a lot of the people I talk to would like to come to the States on the termination of the war." Jack Brown, just completing his Officer's Training Course in the Administrative D e p art m Ent at Grinnell, Iowa, is now a 2nd Lieutenant. He writes: "We have to get most of our information from lectures, and they hurry us and crowd us. We live in very crowded quarters and study under trying conditions." The soldiers are not permitted to mingle with the other college students. Norris Gerber writes .from Ham·

One of those bomber pilots who used to fly low over Peru was Larry Stark, who was training flying fortress co-pilots at Spokane, Wash. He's overseas now. Corp. Max Denny, who married heiress Mary Lou Rested, is in Officer's Training, Army Administration School, University of FloHda, at Gainesville. His brother Bob is with the Marines at Quantico. Graduated from Glider Pilot School, January 7, Eugene Llewellyn is now a flight officer at Alliance, Nebr. Ensign Merl B. Peak, formerly Chief Specialist, has just completed a Gunners Course at Norfolk. Co-pilot on Norfolk, Va.-BostonArgantia,. Newfoundland run is Ensign Neal Good. His brother, Harlan, is a radio operator on Seattle-Kodiak flight and has recently been promoted to chie1 petty officer. According to the Pawnee Chief, Johnny Schutz reported to the Naval Air Corps at Kansas City the second week in Fi;bruary.

Harold Perry


Spring has come to the PED office; the season is officially open. Witness: the people hanging in and out of the office windows and the Democrat bugs all over tlfe floor ... And on the outside the biology trail is being used again, with Carrie Ellen and Hoagland alone together ... And the "Our Flyers" are going, but oh, what they left behind-like neckties and sunflower seeds-and those pictures on the wall!


"LUCKY LEGS" James Craig

Buzz left Weiler his P sweater ... Marjorie Wareham's valentine covers her whole dresser top ... What cadet is very much sought after by a number of coeds?-and doesn't respond . : . On again, off again, cokes again ... Forget the rumour that Helen and Milton K. were angry last week-he was in Delzell, in bed and sick ... Buzz gave Weiler his radio ...

''NORTHWEST RANGERS" Serial and Cartoon FRIDAY-SATURDAY Gene Tierney-Preston Foster

Prexy was a dinner guest of the flyers, Thursday, Feb. 18 ... And an ally is a small road ... Reunion of the week-Rohrs and Albers .. Dr. Thorson paid a nickel for a PED this week ... Bet the Gamma Chi program wasn't all that was in Lydia's diary ... And a cannon is a deep gully ... Latest thing in room decorations-a flyer's zoot suit ... Meier didn't join the air corps, too-she just went home with Whiz last Thursday ... New interest in life-the new pin ball machine at Landolt's ... Eliza Morgan had their "Small Terror" last Wednesday when the first demerits were posted ... Clayburn surveyed his decreased geog class last Tuesday and said, "Hmmm-Army or spring fever?" ... And a student teacher quotes a student! "I want to ask you a question," adding, "Now you don't have to answer this-it's. just to make you think!" ... Weiler's wearing Buzz' class ring-can it be love? ... And what's become of Peru's men-well, that's a military secret.

Peru gals strike in bowling alley "Strike!" "Well, is should have been." "Isn't that seven-nine split a mean thing'!" My highest score was a 108." If these remarks seem rather mild for bowling it's because the Peruvian girls have taken over the alleys-especially on Sunday nights. Almost any night of the week finds from three to ten girls sharing the spotlights, but Sundays there's a crowd ranging from ten to forty. Lack of other forms of entertainment seems to have brought about an urge for healthful and hip-reducing exercise. But most of the young ladies say, "Gee, I didn't think bowling could be such fun." Though nothing definite has been said, rumors are in the air concerning a tournament for college women only.

•• •

ilton Field, Texas: "I have quali· fied for a chance to become a Flight Officer. It 'will take about six months of hard work. The course is a little more advanced and ex· tensive than that at Peru. I fly T Craft, Aerona and Luscomb Air· craft. By chance when I first arrived here I met Leland Fass, one of the first to take CPT at Peru. He is now an instructor here."


Wayne Filmer came home on furlough last week. His wife (Ruth Marshall) returned with him to Moore Field, Mission, Texas. Merle Grubaugh is now a technical sergeant at Mitchell Field, N.Y. Robert Harris is a Master Sergeant in the Army Air Corps, Harlingen, Texas.

''THUNDERBIRDS'' In Technicolor Cartoon and News SUN.-MON.-TUES.

AUBURN Theatre Ida Lupino-Dennis Morgan





Jllumni Crail . Dear JOAN, I suppose you are still in California to be with Lawrence (Mc· KENNEY) until he is called. I have been wanting to go see your little Bridget Dian, but I'm seldo'm in Auburn and. never get close to the FLAU home. Say, CAROL PRINE (At. '41) is engaged to a fellow at Bushnell where she is teaching the fourth, fifth and sixth grades. ms name is Ellis Hickman. They're planning a June wedding, Marge said. Ensign MERLE B. PECK, a rep· resentative student in '34 and '35, married Carol Jean Wherry of Pawnee City, Feb. 6. The ceremony took place in the Naval Air Base Chapel at Norfolk, Va. Peck, a Chief Specialist in the Navy, is taking a special gunners' course there, but will go to Bremerton, Wash. Miss Martin's freshman - year roommate, DOROTHY BRENNER (At. ':!4), a nurse, has been commissioned an ensign in the U. S. Navy. She will report at the Great Lake:i Naval Training Center, Feb. :23. JOHN F. FISHER and wife have a baby, Robert Baker Fisher, born Feb. 10. "Jack" has figured on both sides of the ledger at Peru. He was a representative student in '32 and a chemistry lab assist-

ant for three years, and last summer, he taught here. MARGARET BRYAN, who attended Peru last year, is married to Vernon Clark. They live at Portland, Calif. DOROTHY APPLEGATE, also of '42, is married too. Her husband is Pvt. Arthur Foster. She is teaching a country school near Union. Some other rural school teachers are ELLEN CHRIS'.I'ENSEN (At. '42), near Union, and iLA DELL (At. '42), near Homesville. MARJORIE WISCHMEIER (At. '42) is an elementary grade teacher at Hebron. MARGUERITE TOWNSEND (At. '42) has the primary at Barneston. HELEN WYLIE (At. '42) instructs the fifth and sixth grades at Lewiston. Bye now -Virgie Lee.

Baker tells FTA how to get jobs Dr. Barney K. Baker spoke to Future Teachers on "Securing a Teaching Position," at their meeting Monday, Feb. 15. After a short business meeting, Mary Mannschreck played a piano solo, "A La Bien Aimee" by Schutt.

Not in the Army, Navy or Marines, but with the Esther Witkin U. S. 0. Club at Balboa, Canal Zone is Bill Okrent. Yeoman 2/c LeRoy Redfern has been living in a night club somewhere in northern Africa. His uncle, Lt. J. G. Herbert Redfern, is stationed on the U. S. S. Vestal somewhere in the Pacific. · Dick Severson graduated .as bombardier at Ellington Field, Texas . . . his picture was in the World-Herald recently. It's "Semper Paratus" now for Ernie Horacek, who recently joined the Coast Guard. George Haskins, who recently finished Officers' Candidate School at Ft. Sill, is now a 2nd Lieutenant at Ft. Leonard Wood in the Field Artillery.

Ale Joe Vacek is in pre-flight school at Maxwell Field, Ala. Langford ("Paddy") Waggoner graduated from Quartermaster School at Camp Lee, Va., and Woodrow Williams completed training at Belvoir, Va., to become a 2nd Lieutenant in January.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, February 23, 1943 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. ' Advisor.... ---------------·---·---------·-··---------------------M. Florence Martin1 Editor......... ----------··------------------------------------------------------Ellen Kin Associate Editor........................-------------------------Jviarjorie Prine Assistant Editors ______________________Audrey Zastera, Rogene Rose ~-


Business Manager.........-------------------------------···-Betty Jane Scott, · ..... ----------------······--------------------······nr11 Sports Ed1tor n i ar d Redfer n,.' Special Reporters..............Virgie Lee Johnson, Betty Berger! Reporters-Harriet Maxwell, Lillian Havel, Donald Cacek>c Donna Steffen, Dennis Wehrmann, Marjori' Weiler, Wallace Cleavnland, Vera Huff.

Prep Notes

• • •

of each of the tl).ree patrols. Scout Leader A. B. Clayburn spoke to Six play last game the group on Scouting and Dr. C. Six Peru lads made th.eir last W. Pollard outlined first aid techhome apriearance at Friday night's niques. basket ball game. Included in this group are Marvin Brown, Vern Cotton, Wayne Cotton, Eldon Nin· cehelsor, Paul Ogg and Gordon Palmer.

Apple and cherry pie ahead • In Delzell nightly pie sales 3500 pies.

Gard entertains student teachers

little table In the lobby is covered with a clean cloth and the pies placed on it. Then Roger steps into the hall and yells "Pl ES!"

1500 cup cakes. 300 coffee cakes.

About 20 minutes later Mr. GilThese are the vital statistics of bert picks up his empty baskets Miss Blanche Gard entertained the pie situation in Delzell hall. and returns home. Roger rE:ceives early elementary student teachers In less than four months of actual pies or cakes for his help. at dinner Wednesday, Feb. 17, at 6 school days, F. J. Gilbert has sold Mr. Gilbert says that all the pies that many pies, that many cup o'clock. are baked in an oven over a two cakes and that many coffee cakes Guests included Mary Mannburner oil stove in the basement of schreck, Bette Riley, Lucille Mil- in the lobby. his home. ler, Lucille Weber, Rita Berlett, According to his records, apple Boy ·Scouts . . . Mr. Gilbert and Roger Russell Virginia Altaffer, Roberta Burrows, Marjcrie Moore, Genevieve appear every night except Satur· and cherry pie are the favorites. The Boy Scouts honored their Geick, Jean Hayes,. Mary Alice days and Sundays with two baskets Peach and apricot rank second, parents at a dinner Thursday night. Hacker, Mabel Newton and Mrs. of pies and one basket of cakes. with mince pie holding a close The time Is nine o'clock, and the third. Stunts were presented by members Eunice Bogle.

For this special occasion the band appeared in full dress, donning their flashy purple and gold uniforms. Lorene Clayburn demonstrated her ability as a baton twirler with a solo during the half.

Modest but truthful, Mr. Gilbert said, "I like to write poetry and play a game of snooker now and t.hen. But best of all, I like to feed the boys."

CLINTON TEACHERS' AGENCY Clinton, la. C. E. Cozzens, Mgr. Twenty-fourth year of continu· ous service by present owner and manager. For a better position and higher salary enroll now. Free en• rollment. Member National Asso· ciation of Teachers' Agencies.


•• • ••




m •••



Some questions and answers of interest

to every patriotic college woman

The drilling sounds so strenuous-! d

Nonsense! The most beautiful women in America today are the girls in khaki! Some calisthenics and drilling are vital to general good health, discipline and tuned·up reflexes. After a few weeks at Fort Des Moines, Daytona Beach or the new Fort Oglethorpe training center you'll feel better than ever in your life.



:s t. L


Maybe I wo1tldn't lil'e the work?


E i~

People are happiest doing what they do well. Every effort is made to place you where your service will count most toward final Victory. You may have some latent talent that will fill a particular need for work interesting and new to women - such as repairing the famous secret bombsight, rigging parachutes, operating the fascinating new electronic devices - or driving an Army jeep over foreign terrain.


Then I luwe a chance to learn something new? to

First of



is the WAAC reallg needed?

Emphatically yes! Already the President has authorized the Corps to expand from 25,000 to 150,000. The Air Forces and Signal Corps have asked for thousands of WAAC mem· hers to help with vital duties. Both Ground Forces and Services of Supply are asking for thousands more. Members of the WAAC may be assigned to duty with the Army any· where - some are already in Africa and England.

1g, .no


Yes, indeed. And the list of WAAC duties grows constantly. The training and experience you get in the WAAC may equip you for many stimulating new careers opening up for women.

W'hat are my chances of promotion? Excellent. The Corps is expanding rapidly and needs new officers, both commissioned and noncommissioned. Those who join now have the best chances. All new officers now come up through the ranks. If qualified, you may obtain a commission in 12 weeks after beginning basic training.

Can the WAAC reaUg help min the war? The whole idea of the WAAC is to replace trained soldiers needed at the front. If American women pitch in now to help our Army (as women in Britain, Russia and China do), we can hasten Victory- and peace.


What can m.y college education contribute? ~.......,_

tin ing ine


College training is important equipment. for many WAAC duties too long to l'.st. Cr'.ptography'. dra:ting, m~teorology, laboratory work, Lmk tr~mer and ghder mstructmg, for exampk If you are a semor you may enroll at once and be placed on inactive duty until the school year ends. See your WAAC faculty adviser for more details.


:ott ern

ger ~ek,


W'hat is the age range and other requirementsP

.• .•• •

• But can l live comfortably on WAAC pay? There are few civilian jobs in which you could earn clear income, as WAAC enrolled members do, of $50 to $138 a month - with all equipment from your toothbrush to clothing, food, quarters, medical and dental care provided. WAAC officers earn from $150 to $333.33 a month.

Very simple. You may join if you are a U.S. citizen, aged 21 to 44, inclusive, at least 5 feet tall and not over 6 feet, in good health - regardless of race, color or creed. But the Army needs you now-don't delay. Total War won't wait!

LinguhJts lU!eded. If you speak and write Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, French, German or Italian, see your local Army recruiting office now! You are needed for interpreting, cryptography, communications.


omen's kmg Anxiliarg ·Corps ==--=-:.;: ·mp'EM !tYIHG!


•• •

For anrther lln!ormation see your nearest




tiUZZ, Whiz plcly last game with Cats \Y/ayne trips

Spotts of '43


The Bobcats Tuesday, February 23, 1943

I Sports Hi-lights • • •


-with W.R. APOLOGY: After last week's PED came out I was approached by nearly every one on the campus and told that Bill Rachow's home is Carleton and not Grand Island and that he is a junior, not a senior. It seems as if yours truly was the only person not knowing this but if I have deluded any body I would like to inform them that Bill Rachow is a CARLETON boy and not from Grand Island Also Bill was a JUNIOR, not a senior. Please notify me if there are any more changes you want made. I thank you. TOURNAMENT TIME: Once again district and state tournament time draws near and the high schools will be eyeing the state tournament at Lincoln and setting their goal for the championship. Nebraska has changed its set-up this year and now ha~ only Classes A and B instead of A, B, C and D. This places most of the Class B teams of previous years in Class A and all of the old class D teams in Class B along with Class C teams. It is doubtful if any of last year's class B teams, such as Wayne, Sidney or Auburn will get to Lincoln because of the stiff competition. It's quite a jump from Class B to A. On the other hand I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see a Class D team, such as Hampton, Burchard or Weston reach the state and maybe win the B Championship. It might have been much better to leave the Class A schools alone and group the B, C and D in one class. This suggestion is immediately thrown out because it would place too many teams in Class B for a tournament to run smoothly. But just the same it would give Class B teams a brighter out-look altho I'll guarantee that there are pleny of C and D teams that could show any Class B team an interesting evening. PREDICTING: Now to put my head in the noose I'll do a little predicting on the tournament (being sure to add some if's). I'll place Omaha Benson and Lincoln High in the finals of the Class A IF Benson can defeat. Creighton. Class B OUGHT to be won by Culbertson; St. Francis, Deshler, Hampton or Weston, which gives me a little room to breath. PERU PREP ? ? ? The Bobkittens haven't much chance to win Class B. They should walk through the Brock tournament and probably beat the winner of the Humboldt tournament but the competition will be tougher after that. The Prepsters are hot one night and cold the next and to wii;i a tournament a team must be going strong every game. Of course ft's possible that the Kittens can play good ball every game and win theitournament but I'd advise no betting on them. : FUNERAL ? ? ? \ What was the matter last Tuesday night at Wesleyan d,me. When "Buzz," Dick and "Whiz" walked off the floor for the last time for the duration there were a few scattered cheers and a feeble hand clap he;e and there. Our boys deserved a bettl:r send-off than that. HECKLER: I happened to read a column in "The Midland" last week which talked about a Midland boy who was a professional heckler. This boy ought to meet "Butch" Roberts.

Bobkittens enter tournament play The Prepsters and Brock are the 33 to 17. The Prepsters were nevseedEd teams in the district tourna- er in danger and divided tne scarment that begins at Brock this . ing among the starting five. week. Other teams entered are The Kittens go into tournament Brownville, Cook, Dunbar. Johnson, St. Bernard of Nebr. City, Ne- play at Brock this week. One demaha and Vesta. Of these teams feat ends their season, but they the Bobkittens have beaten ought to be good for at least five Brownville 90-8, Johnson 40 to 17 more games. and 33-17, and Nemaha 40-15. Prep, after gett'ng off to a wobThe Kit.tens meet Cook in the bly start this season, came roaring opening game on Thursday, Feb. back, winning the last eight cut of 18, and should get by them with- nine games and averaging 36 1/6 out too much trouble. The winner points per game to 19 1,4 for their of this toumament meets the wm- opponents. ner. of the Humboldt tournament at Auburn. Season's Record Kitten Line-up Peru Opponent 27 W. Cotton ---------·------------F Auburn ___________ 19 17 V. Cotton ----------------------F Talmage __________ 35 27 Ogg --------------------------C Auburn ___________ 13 17 Nincehelsor -------------------G Johnson __________ -40 8 Palmer ------------------------G Brownville. ________ 90 Talmage __________ 55 9 Auburn ___________ 16 15 Dawson ___________ 25 22 Nemaha __________ _40 15 21 The Bobkittens ended their reg- Tecumseh _________ 34 ular basket ball season last Tues- Tarkio ---------··--34 36 17 day night by trampling Johnson Johnson ___________ 33

Win Johnson game ..

The Bobcats "killed two birds with one stone" last Tuesday night as they won comparatively easy from Wesleyan 44 to 35. The 'Cats got revenge for two previous def.eats at the hands of the Plainsmen and also broke a three game losing streak. Peru, after trailing 2 to 1 at the start of the game, was never headed, holding a 27 to 16 half time margin. Wesleyan threatened during the last half and re-

The Bobcats traveled to Wayne last Friday, Feb. 19, and lost a duced the lead to 4 points but Pasclose one to their conference rival cal and Yocum each dunked a bas55 to 48. The Wheelermen kept in ket and the Bobcats pulled away striking distance all the way but 'to a more comfortable lead. a much-too-hot Fitch pushed his Orv Yocum, leading scorer in the team on to victory. The defeat N. I. A. A. conference, again led places Peru in the cellar of the N. I. A. A. conference and leaves Wayne and Kearney to fight it out for the championship at Kearney this week. This was the Cats' first game without Byers, Pascal and White. Coach Wheeler seemed well pleased with the showing of his inexperienced team although they did Iese the game.

This was the last game for Pascal, Byers and White, who. report to the Army Air Corps on Saturday, Feb. 20. Line-ups: Peru (44) fg Byers, f _____________ 3 Haack, f -------------2 Yocum, c ____________ 5 Pascal, g ____________ 3 Clements, g __________ 2 Larson, f ____________ o Handley, f ___________ o White, c ____________ o Smith, f -------------1 Hutton, f ------------1 Blocher, g ___________ o Brown, g ____________ o

Fitch was high marksman for the evening, ringing the bell for 17 points. Al Haack sunk six baskets and four free throws for the Bobcats' cause while Riessen of Wayne finished third with seven buckets. The Bobcats complete their season at home this Friday evening, playing host to the Midland Warriors. A strange fact about the new Bobcat team is that it is composed almost entirely of boys from Southeastern Nebraska. Three of the boys are ex-Peru Bobkittens, three ex-Auburn Bulldogs, and one each from Nemaha, Humboldt, Elk Creek and Hampton.

the Peru scorers, pouring 12· points through the hoop. Rasmussen and Westoner, Wesleyan center and sub-center, tied for Plainsmen scoring hmors with 10 points each. Byers, Bobcat forward, was next high with 8 points.


ft 2-3 1-2 2-2 1-2 0-0 0-0 0-0 1-2 0-0 1-2 2-4 0-0

19 10-17

f 1


0 2 O

2 3 0 1




Army wins intramurals The Army Mules .clinched the 1942-43 intramural crown last Wednesday evening by edging a stubborn Alabama team by fcur points. This was the last game for the champs' manager, Wayne Parks, who leaves for the Army Air Corp on Saturday, Feb. 20. Tennessee won their game also but with only one game remaining, and trailing Army by two games, can't possibly overtake them. The only place now in doubt is oetween Georgia and Notre Dame, octh sitting in seat number four. This was brought about by Georg'a's one point victory over the fighting Irish .


Standings: Won Lost Pct. Army ______________ 13 1 .929 Tennessee __________ 11 3 .786 Southern Cal. _______ 6 8 .429 Georgia ------------- 5 · 9 .357 Notre Dame -------- 5 9 .357 Alabama ------------ 2 12 .150

Peru loses third in a row The Bobcats ended a disastrous road-trip a week ago Saturday night by losing 47 to 45 to a good Hastings team. Hastings' Johnson won scoring honors with 17 points, followed closely by Bobcats' "Buzz" Byers and Al Haack with 16. Bronc guard Rader finished fourth high with seven baskets and one free toss.

4 4

3 0 0

0 1 0

1 1 0

17 10-17 15

Everyone is urged to come to the game Friday night and cheer their boys on to victory in what might prove to be the final game for the duration. Line-ups: Peru (48) fg ft Blocher, f -----------1 0-0 Redfern _____________ o 0-0 Smith, f ------------0 0-0 Hutton, f ___________ _4 2-3 Larson, f ____________ o 0-0 Yocum, c ____________ 5 3-4 Haack, g ____________ 6 4-8 Handley, g __________ 3 0-1 Brown, g ____________ o 1-1



"That actually happened. And things like that are happening everyday. Ever notice in your newspaper how often Coke is mentioned? Boys write home about it, too. They like the taste that sets Coca-Cola apart. They welcome that feel of refreshment. Coca-Cola must remind them of home a lot. It reminds you to refresh yourself." BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-CO~A COMPANY BY


Four "Blue Star Girl" candidates announced I Bark . .. And so 'Peru is to have a BLUE ST AR GIRL; Betty Berger, Gold· ene Niebuhr, Louise Roettger, or Jean Hoagland-which one the college men will decide. You know all the girls-

Niebuhr, the black-hairt:od girl from Wahoo ... the freshmo.n with a patrician look . . . a girl who dances at the hour dances ... tall 'n' dark brows ... majors in math, but corresponds with a list of Blue Stars ... Another Nebraska City girl, Betty Berger prexys for the sophomores . . . frets all night over "Band" . . . snap-deluxe on the parading grounds . . . makes up drills and dances ... always has a joke (new) ... opecial writer fol'ef the PED and sends special writings to a Blue Star ... A freshman of initiation day fame, Roettger is from Otoe . . . possesses ideal college girl strike ... likes dancing, ballroom, ballet. and tap ... wants to teach athletics . . . and quoting, "I'm sure all the fellows from Peru who have gone into the service will do all they possibly can to keep our American democracy." Hoagland, the senior candidate . . . also likes dancing, plus blue and taking crazy snapshots , . . preferred occupation after graduation-military secret . . . short and "Green Eyes" ... only senior girl science major . . . fills daily must of writing to "The" Blue Star.



Eighteen cadets win (Naval wings CAA wings were awarded to Peru Naval Aviation Cadets Sat· urday, Feb. 20, by Pres. W. R. Pate. Led by Drill Master George Brown, 18 cadets filed into the Music Hall Auditorium before in·

Weare attends conference Miss Edna Weare attended the Home Economics Intra-Regional Conference at Kansas City, Febru· ary 18-20.

Teachers and supervisors of home economics education and all state superviscrs of vocational education from Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska met to study wartime adjustments in the high school curriculum. At the coni.erence Miss Weare saw Miss Mabel Cash, a former Peru teacher who is now State Supervisor of Vocational Education in Missouri. A chili supper was served to all college students by the Home Economics Club, Thursday, Feb. 25. Twildi Epley was general chairman.


Reserves nominate four candidates

structors A. B. Clayburn, A. V. Larson, Miss Mary Strickland and J. M. Winter. E. H. Olsen and M. R. Kenwood, flight instructors, were also present.

Cadets receiving wings were Robert Bartholomew, Frederick Bucholz, Harold Curtis, Billy Dillon, Richard Greenwell, Wilbur Hattan, Glen Lash, Paul Lycan, Robert Mathewson, Maurice Mullin, Vernon O'Donnell, Darwin Rummell, Rebert SMlors, Grover Stewart, Otho Thacker, Robert Van Dalsem, Charles Wempe and James Yates.






By Wednesday, March 3, all Peruvian deposits must be in. This is positively the dead-line for we must know exactly how many books to order. If you want a book and have not made a deposit please do so at once.

The Peruvian office will be open alfu6st every afternoon and eve~ ning. P:ease cooperate with us. If you are flat broke and there is no cash in sight, please come up and talk to us and we will try to make arrangements with you.

Goldine Niebuhr, Louise Roettger, Betty Berger and Jean Hoagland-one of these four candidates will be elected Peru's BLUE STAR GIRL at convocation Monday March 8. '

\Y/riter will lecture "Dr. Pa11e has a vital Christian experience and .shares this experi. ence in his clear-cut, strong spiritual messages," said Herbert W. Rice of Kirby Pag~ who will lee· ture at convocation, Friday, March 5.

Mr. Page will convey a r.1essage on the resources of the Christian faith for the day in which we live. He has written 20 books and 16 pamphlets, crcssed the ocean 20 times and visited 35 countries. Last year he spoke in 130 cities in 20 states. Sessions by Kirby Page "'ill also be held at the Christian Church, 2:30 P. M., and the Baptist Church, 8:00 P. M., March 5.

Newest Blue Stars dubb~d "Rainbow Division"i write Peru girls all about' Army life "'Migosh,' yells Jimmy Jeep of HUB fame, 'they're issuing G. I. zoot suits!' "It would seem so, Pvt. Jeep,

but actually the civvie-clad young men marching across the Post today are members of the second contingent of Air Corps enlisted reservists to arrive here this month. "Already dubbed the 'Rainbow Division' because of the contrast of their multi-colored garo to the familiar 0. b., the men are pouring in from the high schools and colleges, the farms and factories of 12 mid-Western states. They will be process·ed here and receive a short intensive pre-aviation cadet basic training before being sent on to pre-flight schools.

.•. Oakman, Pascal and. I stay in the same hut I sleep in the upper Buzz Byers writes: "We live in berth just above Pascal." little single room huts. There are ten to a hut with five double-deck "Transportation is no proble~; bunks. Red Buhrmann and I are you just walk wherever you want bunking together. We flipped and to go," Don Lieneman relates. "My I lost, so I'm sitting in my little uniform ts swell -but my snoes are bunk way up high writing you a little big. They have two sizes (Marjie) this. in the Army-your size and the "Willard Hunzeker had quite a Army's size. Guess which one we time. There was a guy by the get? I told the man I wore size name of Huffaker, who wasn't 8Y2 shoes but he gave me a 9. Then there, and the Sergeant had quite to top it off I got a pair of over· a time finding out if it was Willard shoes size 11. Boy are they pon • or the guy named Huffaker who toons! If the boat ever sinks the boots should supply the necessary was absent." buoyancy." Whiz White seems well pleased with the food: "If I ve heard it once," writes Red Buhrmann, "I've heard :t at "For breakfast this morning least a hundred times. the phrase(this is no lie-you can quote me) 'You 'ain't g in' to like it here.' they gave me 37 slices of bacon. Encouraging, isn't it? But that is The food's good and even the way 'to initiate you to the barracks.' I eat, I leave half of it." Willard Hunzeke1· writes in be· As for clothes, Bill Berger writes, "We got four pairs of pants, one coat, an overcoat, toilet articles and just gobs of things." In regard to a four mile hike, he says, "So far it's a lot of work and not much fun, but we can take it." letters received last week.

"First soldiers to arrive here di· rectly from their home~ and wear· ing civilian clothes since the Tech· nical Training Command took over three years ago, the men are as different from the usual jeep as are their clothes. Having already passed the stiff aviation radet phy· sical, they should be able to take the rigorous basic in stride. Their From Wayne Parks comes: average age is much lower than "Greetings from the lowest rated most. inductees, running as it does man in the Army! I'll give you a from 18 to 26 and they have bee·n resume ·Of my army life to date. cracking the General Classiflca· "We left Omaha at five. We tion tests for an average score of · didn't get anything to eat before 130." we left, and were locked in a That's the general impression smoky old wreck of a train for 13 the army air corps reservists made hours. Pretty hungry boys at 8 on occupants of Jefferson Barracks, o'clock. After standing in line for accord ng b the HUB. Here's hours we were questioned and aswhat Peru reservists think of J. B. signed a little shack known as a according to comments taken from hutment, ten fellows to each hut.

Steck judges . music groups

G. Holt Steck critic-taught in the high school at Stanton, Neb., today. Ruth Whyman ('34), music teacf.er at Stanton, askei;I Mr. Steck to come there, writing: "The group cannot come to the jud,~e, so the judge will have to come to the group."

The events to be judged and commented upon are four in number: mixed chorus, girls glee club, boys quart~tte, and girl> small group.

wilderment: "The beds have made difierent Saturday and day than other days. How do this stuff and do it OK is than I know.

Just as Scott Field, Lincoln Air Base-all the army and naval bases have selected their "Pie~ tu res, in-the· Billfold" Queens and "Girl Who Would Be Nicest to Come Home To" the Peru Reserv· ists should have a chance to elect the girl most representative of Peru and collegian events-the kind of a girl they'd like to think about while doing guard dutyor cleaning up the barracks-or even on K. P. duty-the girl typi· cal of the girl they'd miss the most -the BLUE STAR GIRL.

Thursday afternoon, in a pop vote kept secret until the last moment to insure fairness and conducted by PED staff members, the search began to find the one girl on campus who is most typical of all the girls the Reservists going into service will hate to leave behind. Evidently those who wielded the vcting power couldn't get together, and the result was a sixway tie that called for another nominating vote, conducted after Friday convocation, Feb. 26. All male Peruvian•... ill b·e g;,. en ballots at the beginning of con· vocation Monday, March e. They will vote on one of the four candl· dates and hand their vot~s in at the PED office when convocation is dismissed. The election results will be kept secret until the BLUE STAR GIRL is announced in the PED AGOG IAN, Tuesday, March 16.

to be SunI can more

"The fellows in our hut cut each other's hair an eighth inch long; it sure is pretty.

Contest results announced RLJsults of the Nebraska High School Activities Association Ora· matic Arts Contest held here Feb· ruary 19 are as follows:

"I'm enjoying myself but I can't convince ,myself that I'm no longer a civilian and that I'm not in school."

Oratorical Reading: Keith Leech, Bratton Union, Superior; Angeline South, Salem, Excellent; Nadine Barnard, Auburn, Good.

Best seller to be reviewed

Dramatic Reading: Margaret Lewis, Shubert, Superior; Helen Horten, Salem, Excellent; Velma Aden, Bratton Union, Excellent; Jo Ann Shively, Auburn, Good.

Mrs. J. W. Tyler will discuss Franz Werfel's "Song of Berna· dette" at the AAUW book review Thursday, March 4.

Extemporaneous Speaking: Phyllis Hogenmiller, Auburn, Good.

This is a strange story laid near Loudes in southern France. A best seller and a Book-of-the-Month selection, the story was rated second among lhe fiction novels cf 1942.



Humorou:;. Reading: Leon Remmers, Bratton Union, Excellent; Joan Lewis, Shubert, Excdlent; Elizabeth Quante, Auburn, Excellent; Edith Smith, Salem, Excellent.

• •

Monday, March 1___________ .. ____ 8:00 ________________________ Tri Beta Tuesday, March 2_____________ 7:00-8:00---------------YMCA, YWCA Wednesday, March 3___________ 6:45- 7:45 __________________ Hour Dance Thursday, March 4______________ 3:oo ____________ AAUW Book Review Thursday, March 4______________ 5:3Q ________ Foreign Language Dinner Monday, March 8_____________ 10:00 A. M. __ BLUE STAR GIRL Election Monday, March 8________________ 8:00 ________________ Sigma Tau Delta

Editings ...

Peru gals keep Blue Stars writing

For men only ... Maybe it's because she has a sweet smile, or looks glamorous in red, or never gets to her eight o'clock on time. Maybe she's the gal you think you know the best-your best gal-or maybe she's somebody else's best gal and you just like her 'cause she's friendly. Or maybe you don't know her very well at all-but you'd had hopes before your orders came. The reasons aren't so important, but there's one gal on campus that seems super-special to you just because- · well, just because she does. So cast your vote, fellows, and elect her Peru's "Blue Star Girl."

Commenting . . . Friday night's game with Midland ended the basket ball season ... perhaps ended intercollegiate athletics for Peruvians until the war ends. Yes, the Army and Navy are calling up their reserves, which will fake most of Peru's man power ... From now on they'll be playing for bigger stakes -but Peruvians will still pack the cheering section.

"Mail's in"-it spreads like mess call in an army camp. A t1·oop of ) girls head for the boxes, hµrriedly twist the dials, P.ull open the doors andThe mail-man has enemies galore and friends by the dozens. Sometimes he brings that long-awaited letter, an unexpected one, or no letter at all. Expressions on the girls' faces tell the tale. Maybe you've seen Berger's face light up when her eight-page letter from Texas comes through.

Second" when she discovers an empty box. She just stands and looks arid finally leaves, grumbling.

Jean Hoagland has the look of "a kid with a new wagon'' when the letter from Miami Beach comes that she so patiently waited for.

Lois Miller, after reading her army letter, always sighs ahd says, "Gosh, I wonder what he looks like?"

"I'm different," says Scott, "I don't even get a post-card," and she calmly strolls away-apparently she's happy anyhow.

Nina Kane! keeps the postman busy bringing up her religious material-both from Wisconsin and YW.

You should have seen Roettger's face fall when "it" turned out to be a catalog. I "Guess she must be dead, she Bette Riley just lives from mail- doesn't ever write," is Verona to-mail for her daily letter from Oetkin's remark as she walks away dejectedly with not even a Lincoln. , letter from home. Tuesday was an exciting day There's always another day for when dozens of "Free" letters came from Jefferson Barracks. Just ask the postman to redeem himself or Ke~nedy, Meier, Johnson or Nlspel wait for his army call. about the Missouri climate.

Lucille Miller always reaps a letter at each delivery. She likes envelopes with red and blue air1 mail lines on them.

"Clementine" doesn't have to wish for a box of letters. She corresponds with an army and they all reply. Weber has the "longest face on\

All there is . . . Of course they were just showing appreciation ... Perhaps they didn't know ... but it's one of the things that "just aren't done" ... Convo-goers applauding after McArdle sang "The Lord's Prayer" for devotionals ... and ignoring atmosphere music played before ... An extra,specia:l PED pretzel to a war-conscious training sch00J-;-for the super job of pushing war stamp sales ... and especially to the junior high school who have already passed the war stamp goal they set for June 1.

"Not good

but loud" "Not g.ood, but loud," seems to be the slogan of the pep band at the basket ball games. Lack of numbers hinders the total output, but when Tony leaves the scoring bench at half flme to pick up his cornet, the powerhouse brass makes the rafters tremble And what would game-goers do without Walter carrying his camera, bass drum, cymbals, beater, flashbulbs, slides, etc., etc., etc., to add to the general effect.

Explaining . . .

The Editor's stool was vacant in the PED~offioe this The girls, under the direction df ~eek ... Ye Editor Ki.ng looked stunning i~ bed with ~n Betty Berger, are beginmng to ~ce pack on her swollen JaW .. Mouri;fully pokmg her to~gu~ turn out for band in expectation mto c~verns ~eft by two depar~ed ~~~om teeth, s~; c.ogit~t- \ 1 of the men leaving. Who knows-'.& ed ph1losop.h~cally of ~he men ts of :f nec~ssary pills, m- \before the year is out, feminine stead of wntmg fea.mes and strugglmg with PED copy. 'influence may change the slogan to, "Not loud, but good."

I'Jl/umni Lrilil . • • Dear RUTH, Well, ADAMSON (At. 43), we missed you Thursday night when we got around to having a meet~ ing of the active members of Peru Dramatic Club. Auburn just isn't Peru. With you and Freddie both gone, that left the club half "deofficered." JOSEPHINE B 0 0 S I N G E R ('42) is eng21ged. The fellow is Gordon Loennig from Humboldt. Josephine is teaching home ec and chem at Chester. HELEN SNYDER (At. '41) has joined the WAVES. :<:VELYN (TRUNKENBOLZ) ATWOOD (At. '41) is teaching her ochool near Howe. From Mary Mannschreck I learn that VIRGINIA TRIVELY ( '40) resigned her tear.hing position in Missouri Valley and went to work at the Bomber Plant in Omaha around February 1. She's on the "swing" shift of the final assembly department, working mainly in the navigator's and radio-man's compartment. Two pink-edged (one very tiny) cards tied together with a pink

Back in December, Arthur Rogers was born to JOSEPHINE (ROGERS) MILLER ('37). Dr. and MRS. R. B. CRAIG (At. '30) have a baby, too. The family of four live at Freehold, N. J. GERALD FIGHTER ('38) just wrote for the PED. Due to the unpredictability of the Army, he and his wife HELEN (HALL) ('38) have the miles between the Douglas Aircraft,. Oklahl>ma City, and a "teachery" in Milwaukee

sponsible position" in a bank in Washington, D. C. To think, maybe we'll grow up and be compilers of wonderful tests! At leasts, one Peru fellow did it. HARVEY T. NICKEL (Peruvian business manager in '32) has compiled "In the Spotlight in '42," the only quiz of its kind. It covers important news, war and government developments during the past year. Bye! -Virgie Lee.

Jane Withers-Ruth Donnelly Henry Wilcoxon


"ONCE UPON A HONEYMOON'' March of Time "One Day at War-Russia 1943" News and Pete Smith SUN.·MON.-TUES.

AUBURN Theatre Red Skelton Ann Rutherford


Coach meets other Blue Stars at Barkeley Field The Ferbruary 24 World•Herald pictures former Coaches Art Jones of Peru and Rufus Olson of Dana who were serving as assistant field directors for the Red Cross at Camp Barkeley, Texas. Just before Jones was transfer· red to Tarrant Field at Ft. Worth, February 22, he wrote President Pate from Camp Barkeley: "Just a word to say hello-and to tell you I often think of you and others in Peru ... I received moving orders Thursday and am now in the midst of packing my materials and getting ready to take over a new assignment. The. St. Louis office called me and asked me to repQrt at Tarrant Field, Ft. Worth, Monday morning as Field Director ... "The work at Camp Barkeley has been very different from that at Shepard Field. This camp ls Infantry, while the other was Air Mechanics. The new one is a fly~ ing field so I'm getting to see the army in all its forms. It is nice to change, yet this moving is hard work as living places are difficult to find • • • \ "I've met Ellis Adams and Ross Hoover, both former Peru boys, since coming to this field. Ellis i.s awaiting. transfer to an officers candidate school, while Ross is a

ribbon announced the arrival of between them. They were togethAnn Logan Sisk to MR. and MRS. er for Christmas in California. BEN SISK, February 7. The mothMRS .. ZELLA MILLER (widow er was formerly E V E L Y N of JOSEPH W. MILLER ('01), BRECHT ('33) who has been music supervisor at Brock and Hum- superintendent of Gage County boldt, and the father is teacher in Schools at one time, is superintendAtlanta and State Bandmaster of , ent at Plymouth. Their da'.ughter, the Southern Conference of Geor- MARJORIE ('27), formerly instructor in choral music in Lingia. coln, is music teacher at Dearborn, When they were in Peru, they Mich. belonged to Merl Peek's orchestra. LENORE STONE (At. '34) was Now, EDDIE GARNER (At. '35) married to Pvt. Frederick G. Sieis one of the orchestra leaders ask- vers of Sheboygan, Wis., at the ing to play here, and he writes Emmanuel Lutheran Church in that DALE NICHOLS (At. '36) is Baltimore, Md., February 14. Afin Hollywood making a picture ter the wedding they left for a with Freddie Slack and orchestra. trip to New York City. According Garner operates out of Lincoln. to the paper, Lenore holds a "re-


Second Lieutenant and doing a fine job from what his commanding officer told me a few days ago. Peru men and women are at the top in all parts of this man's war, and it makes a person glad to know he is a member of such a fine school group ••• "Give my regards to all the Peru people, and should you have a spare moment I'd appreciate hearing from you ... "

February great discussed Rev. W. w. Whitman told the convocation audience of foe lives of two great Americans especially recognized in February in his ad· dress Friday, Feb. 26. Incidents about George Washington were used to emphasize honesty as "a quality which we need to emulate today." Rev. Whitman stressed that a sense of humor in the form of moral philosophy is an essential qualification for Americans. He closed his talk with Markham's poem "Lincoln."

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, March 2, 1943 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. Advisor..........................................................M. Florence Martin Editor............................................................................Ellen King Associate Editor..................................................Marjorie Prine Assistant Editors......................Audrey Zastera, Rogene Rose Business Manager............................................Betty Jane Scott Sports Editor....................................................Willard Redfern Special Reporters..............Virgie Lee Johnson, Betty Berger Reporters-Harriet Maxwell, Lillian Havel, Donald Cacek, Donna Steffen, Dennis Wehrmann, Marjorie Weiler, Wallace Cleaveland, Vera Huff.

night Shift . • • The night shift seems to be less active now-that is except for Mr. Hayward, quote: "All I know about the night shift is warming bottles!" , ... Recent rumor-no more bowling alley ... And those letters from .Jefferson Barracks; Redfern is complaining about the "burden" he car.ries ... but the out-going mail should keep the armed forces happy, too. Ah, life without a moron story! The one about the brainless lad who cut his arms off so he could wear a sleeveless sweater might aid the heirs to the clothes the Jeff. Barr. boys left behind ... Moron jokes and

Clubs discuss point system Kappa Phi and the Home Economics Club collaborated in pre· senting a round table discussion of the point rationing system at con· vocation Monday, March 1•

Members participating in the discussion were Vada Gubser, Lois Wagoner, Twildi Epley, Haniet Maxwell, Ardis Carmine, Verona Oetken, Maxine Showen, Irene Nispel and Miss Edna Weare.

the "next" coke truck are about all Peru lives for now ... Carrie Ellen saw Unk in Omaha Saturday ... Surely everyone has seen Harding's "Lord Cesspool Act" ... and Marshall's "Clem." According to Dr. Brown one can learn Commercial Law by flunking

"a test-the one he gave the day before ... All the girls now know whom they will marry-the Ouiji Board is going around again ... And what ·did Butch do with that yo-yo with the 20 foot string ... Verna Rogers has changed partners; it's Wendell this time ... the girls are going to ·fill those empty hours-Red Crossing. With careful study, patience and perseverence you'll soon know how the ration books work ... Cecil D. J. is threatening to apply for active service-he lost book one, you know ... Results of the Saturday SteckMarshall feud: Mr. Marshall!



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Moore gets a weekly long-distance call from Jim, and speaking of someone put through a "long distance job" to Carl Wirth at Eliza Morgan ... Traditional quiet was broken in the library last Tuesday when Clayburn's little chicken flew in the back window ... New couples -hmmm what couples!!


There's been a delay on the records the cadets .bought-they had to re-order ... Report of last week's hour dance, 31 girls, 18 men-open season, for wolves ... quote from a Reservist when voting for "The .Kiss-the-Boys-Goodbye Girl": "I can't vote, I'm too young" ... Most honest girl on the dorm council, Betty Berger gave herself a demerit. 'The next big date in Peru history-March 20 ... Marshall had a date with Patterson last Wednesday night but Locke had every dance except the last two with her. On top of that Locke took Patterson home-Mar;shall is slipping, no? ... Aw, go untangle a pretzel!

Student teachers entertained Miss Marie Faulhaber was hos· tess to her student English.teach· ers at a party Sunday, Feb. 21.

At a table centered with red, white and blue candles, Bette Jane Scott served and Lillia,n. Havel poured. Bette Jane also directed games; Guests included Dr. and Mrs. Bradford, Ellen King, Bette Jane Scott, Reuben Fanders, Orville Yocum and Lillian Havel.

Winter speaks at Tri Beta Dr. John M. Winter spoke to Tri Betans on "Native Nebraska Flowers" at the meeting Monday, March 1. He illustrated his talk with slides. Gilbert Schreiner and Lillian Havel served refreshments.

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YW plans ;peace conference "Woman's Place in the War ·world" was the subject of the ·' -YWCA discussion held Tuesday ·evening, Febr. 24.

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Chris Wilkinson, leader, sum· marized, "School teaching is as much a war job as any defense work.. It is up to us to see we ·fight as hard to preserve democra· ·Cy."

Regional YWCA secretary Evelyn von Hermann will speak at the meeting tonight. A three day cabinet training period will be conducted on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Other members may :schedule private conferences with :Miss von Hermann by notifying either co-president, Jean Bond or Lois Wagoner. Plans are also being made for a Model Peace Conference to be held at some later March meeting. Responsible for planning this 1second semester's program are Rebanis Frankforter, chairman Chris Wilkinson and Luella Tiem~nn.

IPrep notes . . . ss


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Prep gals brought to light the value of good basket ball training habits in an assembly program given Wednesday morning, Feb. 24.

The girls presented a sk[t showing how the wise Peru Bobkittens retired early the evening before their games. Their opponents, however, were not so thoughtful, and as a result the Kittens played a winning game of ball. This drama was followed by a rally for Peru's first tournament ame with Cook. Luetta Rocke· :man, Norma Jean Parriott and Donald Lavigne were in charge. . Hats off to the Junior High chool. All three grades have al· eady surpassed their war stamp oal which they set for June 1.

Blue Stars


One Peruvian Blue Star rates the movies-Staff Serg.eant Fay Lovejoy, glider pilot .' •• Bombs Away, newspaper published by the Victorville, Calif., Army Flying School, carried this information in a recent issue:

pre-flight training at Athens, Ga. in the Navy Air Corps. He has been.there eight weeks-has about four wee~s more of training left.

"VAFS became a haven for the natio,n's crackerjack news movie and ~till photographers, who had a field day picturing the gliders and glider pilots in every angle of the adv~nced training program ...

Harold W. Reed, formerly Superintendent at Unadilla, is with the Army Air Force at Buckley Field, Colorado.


"In h·bout two we.:ks the news reels, providing they pass censor in Washington, will be released to the leading theatres throughout the United States. At the same time metropolitan newspapers associated with the United Press, Associated Pres s, International News Service and Acme News Photos will have them for publication. "Glider pilots in class 43.44 were the 'actors' in the movie ac· tion, in takeoffs, gliding and land· ing ... Marching and running to gliders in their furlined jumpers under the hot sun made it a hot trick."

A picture of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Floyd (Hope Carter) was in the Beatrice Daily Sun last week. "Rexie" had just received his commission as 2nd lieutenant from the 0. C. S. at Miami, air corps division. Lt. Floyd is now stationed at Truax Field, Madison, Wisconsin, where he is physical director and morale officer of T. S. Squadron 622. Cpl. Gale Cal'ter, Hop~'s broth· er, formerly stationed with A. A. C. A. at Inglewood, Calif., completed his training at 0. C. S. at Camp Davis, N. C., Jan. 18, and was commissioned 2nd lieutenant. He was joined by Mrs. Carter, (Evelyn Homolka) from Los An· geles, Calif., at Omaha. They spent the week visiting in DeWitt and Wilber while enroute to his as· signment at Ft. Bliss, El Paso, where he is in charge of a search squadron.

A/C Robert Richards is taking

See a pin?

Pick it up! "I clean the room; the scavenger gets the pinsl" and "I. simp~y m~,st find that pin or I won't have enough for my hair tomght can be heard from the Saturday-morning cleaners aind the 11:00 and 4:00 bathing "beauties.'' Pickin' up pins is no longer an outmodEd superstition of good luck; it is good luck. Pins are scarce-and precious-these days. Peru's girl with one hair pin more than enough to do her curls and two ertra common pins when she goes to hem a dress is considered fortunate. But the other "less-pinners" are not the firi;t to worry about a pin sh o rt a g e. Great grand mother counted her few among her priz. est possessions. Abigail Adams wrote to John at Philadelphia in 1775, "Purchase me a bur.die of pins and put them in your trunk for me. The cry for pins is so great that what I used to buy for 7 shillings and 6 pence are now 20 shillings and not to be had for that."

Tl1e same year the American congress offered a premium of 50 pounds for the first 25 dozen domestic pins equal to those imported from England. The word pin is thought to come from spina, a thorn, so the most primitive form was probably a :horn, spikE' or even fish bone, used for fastening. Egyptian and Greek pins from the ruins have be~n found to be "cultured" and "refined." They were evidence of the wearer's so· cial status. For the most elegant ladies-gold, silver or box-wood; for the most serving maidengenerally wood. Could the Egyp. tians and Greeks class the pin· wearers of today?

There was a price ceiling in Henry VII's time which stipulated that 6 shillings and 8 pence for l,000 was the sky ln the limit of pay for "pynnes."

Back in that glamorous era money to buy pins was a favorite New Year gift to feminity. And that was what the term "pin money" literally meant. Safety pim can claim descendency from the ancient Romar, fibula, a brooeh. They were made of precious .metals until very recent times. Selling s.ingly for 3 or 4 cents apiece, wire safety pins were fastened on to the page of inve.n· tions in the United' States about Civil War time.

To find the "pynnes" they "degenerated from,'' hair pins would have to go back to Greece in her glory to see them in metal and ivory and decorated with rich enamel work. Don't let them kid you about how Bobby Pin came; it was short hair what brought him.

Accordinng to the Office d Price Administration, shortening bobby pins would result in savmg 16,000,000 pounds of steel and give the Nation's fighting men 160,000 additional 50-calibre machinE: guns. Pins are precious if you have them or if you don't!

Delong heads Dramatic dub New prexy of Dramatic Club is Phyllis DeLong, elected at the meeting Thursday, Feb. 25, to fill the vacancy left by Army Air Corps Reservist Freddie Drexler. Replacing Ruth Adamson as secretary is Leonore Larson.


With Air Corps at Sioux City, Iowa, is Winton Gilbert.

Arthur Harris, formerly phys ed director in Omaha, is a physical education instructor with the Army at New Orleans.


Melvin McKenney reports that he is making progress on his chances for Warrant Officer training. He is still at Sioux Falls, S. D. Reports are that Pvt. Lloyd Dunlap is staying at the Ritz Hotel in L. A. He is taking some kind of technical training.


People taking 25c a week papers pay $13.00 a year, and due to not being paid ahead can easily switch. They get their other mail through the postoffice. The Daily Lincoln Nebraska State Journal can give two to ten hours later news out on rural routes and in many towns because it is the only large state daily between Omaha and Denver printing at night, in fact after 5 P. M. The Lincoln Journal prints editions right up until traintime day and night. The Morning Journal comes in time for mail delivery the same day. Dailies printed on the Iowa line edit for Iowa readers. The Lincoln Journal sells for three to five dollars a year less than any other big state mdrnin" daily, and is priced as low as da; late afternoon papers. By mail in Nebraska and North Kansas, eleven weeks daily $1.00, with Sunday $1.75; three months $1.25 daily, $2.00 with Sunday; a year $4.00 daily, $7.00 with Sunday; 25c a month higher to other states. Order direct or thru our office.

"A. W.A.A.C. does a double job. In doing her own iob, she releases a ~an for combat service. In a way ice-cold Coke is like that, too. Not o~ly quenches thirst but brings energyg1v1ng refreshment, too. And on top of that it offers the taste you don't find this side of Coco-Cola, itself. How about a 'Coke dote', now?" BOTILED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY


Bobcats tromp ·Midland 1n seasons' final II

Coach A:' G. Wheeler, Bobcat coach, and Frank Casey of Simpson College have been named chairmen of Districts 11 and 15 of the National Intercollegiate Basket Ball Association. The N. I. B. A. tournament runs from March 8-14 at Kansas CitY.

Spotts of '43 Tuesday, March 2, 1943

I Sports Hi-lights • • •

The Peru Bobkittens added another trophy to their already stuffed trophy case last Saturd:,y evening as they turned back Brock 38 to 27 to win the class B championship. Prep, number one seeded team, missed set-up after setup but were still strong enough to turn back all of Brock's thrusts.

-,with W.R.

N. I. A. A. LEADER Maybe the Bobcats are in the cellar of the N. I. A. A. Conference but they are in possession of the leading scorer in the conference. Orville "Ab" Yocum led all cagers with 50 points in fom; games, according to World-Herald, Monday, Feb. 22. The number two man, Fitch of Wayne, is 11 points behind "Ab" and McCullough of Kearney is only 13 points back. There is a good chance for either Fitch or McCullough to win scoring honors since each of them have a game left to play. Al Haack and "Buzz" Byers (who has left for the air corps) follow behind McCullcugh. In state scoring, Al Haack is highest for Peru, in the number ten spot, with 81 points in nine games for a 9 point average. EXTRA POINT Do free throws ever win games? Not making them certainly loses games. For a good reference to this statement take a gander at the box score of the Maryville game. WINNING COMBINATION. When you think of a basket ball combination in this state you think of Wayne and Jim Kaeding of York who are leading the N. C. A. C. in scoring and Jack and John Schwartz of Midland. Peru Prep has a combination that carried thiem through a successful football season and has been doing the same thing on the basket ball court. They are Verne and Wayne Cotton, fullback and center on the football team and forwards fer Coach Steve Gaines' cagers. All of Coach Gaines' tournament hopes rest on the shoulders of these two boys. Verne, older of the two, is not only a dead eye on shots from the corners but is the best ban handler on the club. Wayne is the leading scorer for the Kittens, bucketing 28 points in one game to lead the Kittens in their upset of Auburn. This is the last year for both boys. By the way, when Shubert won the Little Ten crown from Dawson last week 20-18, Merle and Art Bauer scored 17 of Shubert's 20 points. Looks as if there is another good combination. SPECIAL ATTRACTION ·1\ A note on our trip to Norfolk-we saw a show, "Reveille with Beverly," co-starring Ann Miller, Bob Crosby and as a special attraction, Oscar "Wolf" Smith.

Maryville downs scrappy Wheelermen Maryville, one of the top teams in the country, came within one of being sent home on the short end of the final score, but pulled the game out of the fire the last two minutes to win 42-31. Maryville's big break came when "Ab" Yocum turned his ankle on a jump ball and so rid the Bobcats of their only tall man. The visiting skyscrapers then poured in 8 points to finish the scoring.

Cross, Maryville forward, poured in 18 points to lead both teams. Hutton, freshman forward from Auburn, hit fcur times from the floor and the same from the: free throw line to pace the Bobcats. Al Haack probably made a new record for Peru when he missed 11 out of 13 free shots.

Al Haack's 17 points and cri pied Yocum's 14 were enough beat the Warriors, while Scliwar Midland forward, managed to g 9 points for the visitors.

Prep cops district tourney

The Bobcats

The first three minutes were a scoreless tie. Then Lauchiskis broke on a set-up. From then on Maryville was never headed but time after tl"me the Bobcats pulled . close. Great shooting by Rich Hutton and two quick baskets by Yocum moved the Bobcats up in the last five min~1tes until only three points separated the two teams and it looked like the Mis· sourians were faltering. But a few seconds later "Yoe" had his accident and Peru's hopes wilted.

The Peru Bobcats ended their 1942-'43 basket ball season last Fri day night by trouncing Midland 43·29. The fast improving Cats too over 3n early Warrior lead and from then on were headed toward the sixth victory of the season. This game evened up the series between th two teams, Mid land winning the first one at Fremont, 47 ·36.

Lineups: Peru fg Blocher, f -----------1 Smith, f ------------0 Hutton, .f ___________ _4 Yocum, c --·----------2 Redfern, c __________ o :Haack, g ------------1 Handley g -----------1 Brown, g ---··--------0 11 Maryville fg Cross, f ----··--------7 Snyder, f -----------· 0 Lauchiskis f _________ 2 Riesman, f ----------0 Rudkoff, c ___________ l Pell, c ---------------2 Corkin, c ____________ o Johnson, g _________ A Pierpoint, g -··-------1 Bolwell, g -----------1 Seigal, g ____________ o Meyers, g ___________


ft 0-0 0-0 4-6 2-5 0-0 :;:-13 1-1 0-2

f 0 0 1 2 0 3 3 0

£-27 9 ft




0-0 0-0 1-2 3-4 0-0 0-0

0 4 2 4 3 0



0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0

0 1 1 2

17 8-11


points for the winners while Rowe got 8 for Cook. PERU 50; TALMAGE 25 The Kittens advanced to the semi-finals by beating Talmage for the third time this year 50 to 25. Verne Cotton was again high with 17.

For the fourth straight night Verne Cotton, Kittens' flashy forward, paced his team, scoring 12 points. Center Paul Ogg was next in line for the champs v.ith 10 points. McKnight was hot ai. times and collected 13 nf hi& team's 27 points. PERU 39; COOK 20 Prep opened the 1943 District tourney by trouncing Cook 39 to 20. V. Cotton hit the hoop for 13

Peru trims Norfolk J. C. Peru played the last game away from home Saturday, Feb. 20, and won it from an outclassed Norfolk Junior College 52-34. This was the Bobcats' first victory away from home this season and they had no trouble in disposing of the Black Hawks. With the lead 24·15 at the half, Coach Wheeler sub· stituted frequently the second half, saving his regulars for the task on their hands Monday when they played.host to Maryville, Mo. Forward George Blocher hit his stride and was number one scorer for the Bobcats with 11 points. Dobney was the big gun for the Black Hawks, dropping in 16 points. The Bobcats were without the services of their ace guard, Art Clements, who missed the trip be· cause of a bad ankle. Lineups: Peru fg Blocher, f --~---------4 Hutton, f ___________ _4 Yocum, c ____________ 3 R d·ern, c __________ ! Haack, g ____________ 4 Smith, g ____________ 2 Handley, g __________ 2 0

Brown, g ------------1 Larson, g ____________ l



PERU 42; ST. SERNARD 20 The Bobkittens were too much for Nebraska City's St. Bernard and the City boys fell before the high school 42 to 20. Coach Gaines played his reserves most of the last half. Wayne and Verne Cotton shared scoring honors with 10 points apiece. The following is the list of points scored by the Kittens during the tourney. Verne Cotton was on top with 52 points, an average of 13 points a game.. The team ~'verag­ ed 41% points a game. g V. Cotton, f _____ _4 P. Ogg, c _______ _4 Nincehelsor, g ___ 4 W. Cotton, f ____ _4 Brown, g _______ _4 Palmer, g _______ _4 Henning, g ______ 4 Collins, f ________ 3 Clayburn, f ______ 3 C. Ogg, c ________ 3

fg ft pts 23 6-11 52 16 7-9 39 10 3-8 23 7 8-8 22 4 1-5 9 1 5-5 7 2 1-6 5

2 0-0


1 1-1


1 0-0


Intramural season ends with Army crowned the new champs. Army, composed of boys outside of the dorm, won 14 of their 15 games, losing only to Tennessee in their first engagement.

1-2 0-1

4 0

2-2 0-3

2 2

1-2 0-1 010


14 6-16


wasn't broken last week as both teams lost their games. The Irish lost a close one fo Southern California 47 to ·43. Then with a chance to take fourth place Georgia blew up a first half lead and lost to the champs, Army, 40 to 26. Tennessee began the evening by polishing off lowly Alabama 43 to 20. The All-Intramural team will appear in the next issue of the PED. Standings: Won Lost Pct. Army ----------- ___ 14 I 933 Tennessee ___________ 12 .800 Southern Cal. ______ 7 8 .467 Gecrgia ------------ 5 10 .333 Notre Dame -------- 5 10 .333 Alabama ------------ 2 13 .133

Mulder and Moss to captain W. A. A. teams Teams were selected for the W. A. A. volley-ball tournament which is to be held in the near fu· tu re.

Handley, Myrtle Hietbrink, Mary Juilfs, Doreen Meier, Goldie Mulder, Mildred Noyes, Bette Jane Scott and Katherine Schaecterle.

Team practice has been under way for the past few weeks. Captains and teams have been chosen:

Jean Moss, Captain, Ardis Carmine, Doris Cordes, Mary Belle Dougherty, Rebanis Frankforter, Lois Miller, Donna Lee Patters: n, Louise Roettger, Betty Sedlak, Vonia Tenlmlzen and Cnristine Wilkinson.

Iva Mulder, Captain, Eunice Bogle, Ruth Halcomb, Mattie Mae

The Peru-Warrior clash ma have been the last basket ba game on the college floor for th duration. Line-ups: Peru ( 43) fg Blocher, f ___________ o Clements, f __________ o Smith, f _____________ o Hutton, f ____________ 3 Brown, f ____________ o Yocum, c ____________ 5 Haack, g ____________ 7 Redfern, g __________ o Handley, g __________ 2

ft C-0 0-0 0-0 1-3

0-0 4-6 3-6

0-0 1-1


Midland (29) fg Schwartz, f _________ _4 Kruger, f ------------2 Paden, f ------------1 Chrisman, c _________ 2 Somer, g ------------1 Newcome, g _________ o Wilhelm, g ----------2 13

ft 1-2 0-2




0-0 0-0 0-1

O 3


3-11 14

CLINTON TEACHERS' AGENC Clinton, la. C. E. Cozzen~, Mgr. Twenty-fourth year of continuous service by present owner ancl manager. For a better position and higher salary enroll now. Free enrollment. Member National Association of Teachers' Agencies.

The intramurals ended the 1942'43 season last Wednesday evening

The fourth and fifth place tie 1 3 between Georgia and Notre Dame

22 8-15 14 Norfolk J. C. fg ft f Wise, f --------------2 1-3 0 Trowbridge, f ________ o 0-1 0 Whalen, f ___________ o 1-2 3 J. Kirby, f__ _________ l 0-1 3 Deimcre, c __________ o 0-0 0 Dobney, g ___________ 7 2-6 3 Jochum, g __________ o 0-0 0 E Kirby, g __________ o 1-1 0 Faubel, g ____________ o 0-0 0

Coach Wheeler's comment w that he wished the Midland gam had been the first one instead o the last one of the season.

67 32-53 166

3.. 3 1-1

1 1

The new Bobcat team has be improving fast since the army ai corps jerked four of the Cats' f~r mer starting team, playing heads up ball at Wayne, dropping Nor folk J. C., losing a close one t Maryville, and now toppling Mid land.

THANKS! I wish to thank all my friend for their very kind patronnge at the dance Saturday night. WALTER MARSHALL

We still have a quantity of

Fine Jewelry designed to save you money! Rings Pencils Bracelets Lockets Compacts Diamonds Watches Leather Goods Gifts for Service Men Pens

Gifts That Last!

• • Full Line of Greeting Cards

• • Chatelain.' s Jewelry Where your money buya more!

IBark... There's no particular reason for mentioning such things ,but the "Dear Diary" trend is as strong in the girls' dorm as the yo-yo and the "pig-raising" was in the man's dorm last year. Old timers who've been writing in little "five-year numbers" for years smile fondly at novices who are just beginning. to make pen-tracks for posterity •.. Quote from one new diarist is: "I only wish I'd begun this when there were men here and I was having dat1~s-it would've been such a comfort to me now to have the actual facts-or do I mean proof." It's getting so it's fun to go to the Hill Store and see "What's new." People were just beginning to enjoy taking chances )Vith the cigai:ette machine-now it's gone, due to a breakdown, but there's still the pin-ball machine-and the nickleodeon-and that other. machine that nobody quite understands ... "Ma" Steffen has a good idea too. Looking at the newest Girl-in-ablue-sweater-with-a-coke ad recently posted. she suggested that since "there's plenty of girls to see around here" that the Coca Cola company should put out a Handsome-man-with-wavy-hair-and-acoke kind of advertising. Speaking of wavy hair-a Delzellian reports that Butch not only has real hair on his chest-but that it does tricks. Maybe somebody could schedule one of his performances for Convocation-it might be something different to see Butch get "burned up" •.• Down at Chatelains they have the newest thing in Blue Star correspondence-cartoon stickers to "Keep 'Em Smiling" ... This is a gentle hint to keep Mting the boys in on things with letters ... The fau11a on campus is getting talented:• A very impudent sparrow has evidently heard about birds with B. 0. and is now taking his third bath (in less than an hour) in a melted snow puddle outside the PED office window. And last week a pair of squirrels were playing a squirrely game of fox-and-geese in the snow of Eliza



E.R.C. report "Typical of the girls we'll miss" for service Peru has answered Uncle Sam's second call to arms. Members of the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps, unassigned, have received their official notice to report for active duty March 20 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. There are 17 boys in this group, including G e o r g e Atwood, George Blocher, D o :n a 1d Bressler, Donald Cacek, Wallace Cleaveland, Tony De1v.Iaro, Floyd Hall, Clifford Harding, Richard Hutton, Geraild Livingston, James Macomber, C1au de Nordbrock, E r vi n Osterthun, Wayne Sack, Milton Schulz, Oscar Dean Smith and Dennis Wehrmann.

Campus men pick Jean Hoagland Jeanie .••

er, pre-medical students, and Arthur Ronhovde and Robert McAlexander, who are specializing in mathematics.

Next review

SC heduIed

Peru's BLUE STAR GIRL ... writing to Blue Star Bob Henderson.

Student panel discuss teaching Kadelpians heard a panel discussion "Interpreting the Work of the Teachers" given by Jean Bond, Lois Wagoner and Carl Wirth at their meeting last night, Mar. 15. Dr. P. A. Maxwell led group singing after the discussion and Lillian Havel served refreshments.

Y's launch ,drive for funds~upport world student relief "Dyplicating the work of no other organization, this fund attempts to' meet the needs in all parts of the world of students and faculty affected by the war. Since no appeal is made t.o the general public, if students arid faculty do not ·meet this need, it won't be met anywhere," explained regional secretary Evelyn von Hermar,n to , WSSF committee last week. In order to strengthen the or· ganization's program on the work of WSSF and the need for relief abroad, the Y membership have been divided into six units. Leaders of these groups are Rebanis 'Frankforter, Jean Bond, Lucille ,Miller, Goldie Mulder, Chris

In the first place we liave -Miss Jean Ho a: g i and, PSTC's Blue Star Girl! Elected by all the men on campus in a special convoelection Monday, Mar. 8, Jean represents the kind of a girl the fellovrn would like to have waiting for them "back home" when they go into service in Uncle's army, navy, marine corps or coa'St guard.

Because of their field of study, four boys who are members of the AERC did not receive their call for active duty. These four are Merlin Broers and Gilbert Schrein-

Morgan Lawn. Maybe they're.. . bored too . . . _____ There's no particular.-r-eaSbn for mentioning such things but if "The Robe" by Lloyd C. Dougyou're given up hope for that last las will be reviewed by Miss Edna pair of nylons-Prep's salvaging Weare Thursday, Mar. 18, at the them-and silk ones too ... It was A. A. U. W. Book-Review Hour. a false alarm about Nellies .•.The Written by the author of "MagC. S.. will still be open two hours nightly- -starting at 7:00 . . . Spring nificent Obsession" and "Green must be coming and that means Light," the book is fictional in Moses should be with us soon ... character, but it has the historical There's no particular reason for background of the Holy Land at the time of Christ. mentioning such things.

Plans are underway for Peru's all ·campus World Student Service Fund drive to be held Friday, Mar. 19, stated YWCA co-presidents Jean Bond and Lois Wagoner.


Wilkinson, Vivian Atkinson and Roberta Burrows.

Wendell Handley and Percy Harding.

In place of setting a definite goal this year, the WSSF committee is working for the doilar per capita level, as are other colleges and universities in the United States. "Don't pass the buck, give it" is the slogan.

A luncheon is being planned for interested faculty members to meet with Mrs. I. Dryer, traveling executive chairman of WSSF, who will be on campus, Friday,'personal solicitation day.

The American and Chinese cardboard figures, which will be placed on campus following convocation Friday morning, will be started on ·basis of last year's goal-sixty dollars. As each dollar is raised by personal solicitation th~ figures will be moved 'One foot closer. Results of solicitation completed in the Delzell Hall show them twenty feet closer already. The committee which have helped with general planning of the drive include Lucille Miller, Rebanis Frankforter, Nina Kanel,

Benford is guest speaker Prof. R. T. Benford was guest speaker at the meeting of Early Elementary Club Monday, Mar. 8. In his talk Prof. Benford explained how to teach a child a song by the rote method. He also gave illustrations on the type of songs that should be taught to the kindergarten pupil.

The only senior nominated in the double-vote nominating elections conducted by the PEDAGOGIAN staff two weeks ago, she won the election from Sophomore Betty Berger and Freshmen Goldine Niebuhr and Louise Roettger. "Jeanie" has attended Peru for four years, is engaged to Blue Star Bob Henderson, and participates in numerous campus activitiesespecially Tri Beta, Kapa Delta Pi, Gainrna Chi and Girls Dorm Council. She will graduate in May with a Physical Science major.

Naval release announces new V-12 program On April 2 qualifying tests will be given at this college to eligible civilians who would like to qualify for the new Navy College Training Program, which is designed to produce officers for the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard through the training of students and recent graduates of high schools and preparatory schools, enlisted men of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, and college sh1dents. The new program, known as the Navy's V-12 program, will be inaugurated about July 1 in colleges designated by the Navy with the enrollment of students who are seleited after the tests are given on April 2. Any eligible person not taking the test at this time will not have another opportunity to qualify for this training program within the next six months. Students Will be selected on the basis of officer-like qualifications including scores on the test. The plan contemplates that the college training will be carried on while the men are on active dity, in uniform, receiving pay, and under general military discipline. The following civilians will be eligible to take the April tests:

1, 1943, who do not hold certificates of graduation from a secondary school but who are now continuing their education in an accredited college or university.

Furthermore, to be eligible for selection each applicant must: (a) Be a male citizen of the United States. (b) Be morally and physically qualified for this program, including a minimum uncorrected visual acuity of 18/20 for each eye. (c) Be unmarried, and agree to remain unmarried until commissioned , unless sooner released by the Navy Department.

(a) High school and preparatory school graduates who will have attained their 1"/th but not their 20th birthdays by that date.

(d) Evidence potential officer qualifications, including appearance and schol<:rship records.

(b) High school and preparatory school seniors who will be graduated by July 1, 1943, provided they will have at· tained their 17th ~ut not their 20th birthdays by that date.

Men now enlisted in any branch of the armed services, including V-1, V-5, V-7 reserves on inactive status, are not eligible to take this test.

(c) Students who will have at· tained their 17th but not their 20th birthdays by July


Ed!tings ...


The winner

• • • She's not too tall, has a big grin, a sparkle in her eyes and a sparkler on her third-finger-left-hand. Besides liking "just about ·everybody" she goes for cokes, food (practically any kind), sunflower seeds and "silly" snapshots.

She likes moron jokes and "bigger" jokes-and puns. She even likes to make them herself-and even in convo she pulls off little gems like "Look at the Parthenon frieze!" when we were having a:ll that cold weather. She's a senior from Omaha, looks cute even in a football uniform having her picture taken, and swears she's going out for track in the spring! Her main topic of conversation-and her chief correspondent is former Peruvian, Blue Star Bob Henderson. She's the kind of girl that Peru fellows think is ''swell.'' She's Jeanie Hoagland-Peru's BLUE STAR GIRL!

For student relief ... Students who have fled before invading armies in Japan and Russia, students imprisoned in German-occupied .Europe, students in internment camps, war refugee student~ in need ev.erywhere are receiving help through the World Student Service Fund. Not only does this student war relief mean the immediate and direct relief of suffering but it means the salvaging of intellectual leadership for the future, the real foundation of post-war reconstruction.

T. L. 's ... We aren't too modest to print these orchids from Blue Stars who write thanks for the Blue Star PEDS of last month. "I'll be more than grateful to receive the PED so that I can see what goes on at the old school. I don't find a great deal of time to write and this will keep me in touch with the old crowd that suryived from last year. The Navy has made my primary interestr~,dio but I hope that it won't be too distant when I'll be baclt.in school. Thanks a million and good luck." \" -Nelson J. Shimonek. ''The PED was really fine. Believe me, there were plenty of moist eyes and cl!ioked up throats when some of the other boys received theirs. The pictures, set-up, and contents all contributed for an edition that will be re-read many times." -James Sandin.


On the Tunisian front before Thala, Corp. Warren K. Routh be· lieved he was the only one of 500 who got back to the American lines north of Kasserine after be· ing cut off and surrounded by superior enemy forces on February 14, east of Thala in the rocky des· ert area near the village of Ksaira. "We were 500 fagged-out men against fresh troops, tanks and big guns," Routh said. " .•• We fought for two days under shelling, dive-bombing, and infantry attacks before we received word that we couldn't expect any help and should get out the best way we could." After two nights and days of hiking, resting and eating in Arab huts, Routh and his companion, a Michigan engineer, met three more Americans, and fought their way back to the American lines. Routh is a cook in the Army. Martin Rockwell also is somewhere in North Africa. Lt. Willard Milliken, still in Eng· land, writes: "During the past seven weeks I've put in 62 hours on Spits in all kinds of weather. I've been leading formations and with weather like we have here you've got to be on the ball. I made a pretty good record here and was made assistant flight commander. Now I am on my way towards op· erations-1 hope! .••

Oh, woe! Gremlins It's them Gremlins. I'd counted on a test sometime next quarter-it was Monday. It's them Gremlins. I'd counted on a hamburger (with catsup) and a coke after my two o'clock'-! got a hamburger with mustard-and a lemon sour. It's them Gremlins. I'd counted on a certain cadet taking me home from the dancehe took my third worst enemy home and also arranged to "bowl" her over. It's them Gremlins. I'd counted on looking glamorous and glorious in my Peruvian picture so I could send it to my own private Blue Star-I looked like Judy Canova home :from a date with Dracula. It's them GreJJJlins. I'd counted on writing a feature for Newswriting-I did this. It's them Grei;nlins. Ain't them heck!

Sailor Gridley swabs decks at U. S. Naval Training Station He's not "Sailing over the ocean blue" but it's a sailor's life any-

maybe even 't' swab the deck!' We always turn in at 9:00.

way that Bill Gridley's writing about from the U. S. Naval Train· ing Station at Farragut, Idaho.

"Some of the sidelines you might be interested in are the seven shots

" ... here at Farragut we 'hit the deck at 4:30 most mornings, have a, general house cleaning and are prepared for chow by six ... There is plenty of food, mostly consistirlg of stare~ and green vegetables. It is definitely not a rumor that beans ar>e fed often. We usually have beans twice on odd days, breakfast and supper. We return from chow and in case there is more cleaning to do, we get it done by 6:30 and stand by for colors. Here the day begins to vary. Sometimes it's marching till noon meal, and others, it's lectures ... Following noon meal we have 30 minutes rest and then more marching or lectures until 4:20 when the day officially ends. After that we are free-to learn . semaphore or to scrub clothes or

which every recruit must take. We had our fourth yesterday, which· was a double typhoid and my arm is very sore now. We have swimming, tests which must be passed and certain drills to be done with the drill guns (which are dummy ones). Our company had the greatest number of non-swimmers of any ever to enter Camp Scott. About forty out of one hundred twenty couldn't swim. They will have to learn how before they can graduate. We are scheduled to graduate in twelve weeks but we hope to make it in less than ten. "Don't let anybody tell you that Idaho is nice and warm. I just returned from a two and a half hour march and am nearly frozen. 5:00-This letter was postponed for a few hours due to a few lessons which were made necessary by the

invention of the rope. Good ole knots. We learned fourteen different ones today. I find a lot of interesting things connected with the Navy but trying to write a sensible letter in a room where there are one hundred and twenty men raising old "Harry" isn't one of them

• • •

"I was married December 1 to the little English girl I met two weeks after I came to London nearly a year ago. I've been very lucky in having her with me since we were married, though I had to send her back to London this morning-I'm headed for another place tomorrow." Aviation Cadet Irvin Heng writes from Thunderbird, Luke Field, Arizona: "Thunderbird is the nic· est place I have seen since being. in the army. It is civilian owned and is like a big winter resort. We get the very best of food, cafeteria style, have innerspring mattresses, and, believe it or not, we sleep between sheets. In spite of the fact that we are in the middle of the desert, we have grass and flowers. Please extend my than ks to the Y. W. C. A. for the PEDAGOGIAN subscription." Having finished boot camp at San Diego marine base, Richard "Ox" Colglazier was one of 15 selected for special RADAR battal-

ion, radio aircraft detection and. recognition. After 10 months training they will receive a staff sergeant's rating. Ross F. Russell was one of 200 naval aviation cadets assigned to Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Ia. Four of the Army Air Corps reserves sent recently to Jefferson Barracks were transferred last week to Cedar Falls, Iowa-Wayne Buhrmann, Bill Berger, W:lliam L. Cramer and '\Buzz" Byers. Bond Kennedy, who has been attending the University of Cali· fornia at Los Angeles the past two years, received his call to the Army Air Corps Reserve at the end of the semester. He has been sent to Lincoln for training. Donald Dean, son of Mrs. John S. Dean of Fairmont, won his Navy "Wings of Gold" and was commissioned an Ensign in the Naval Reserve this week following com· pletion of the flight training courses at the Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla.

Found: use for girders-by Gil Schreiner "Thanks to President Pate's electric clippers, trimming. the hedge is much easies," said Gilbert Schreiner as he crossed his long legs, tug· ged at his sock, and proceeded to tell about his favorite campus task -keeping the hedges trim. "I no longer have to string barbed-wire to keep the students from jumping across the hedge," he added when asked about the colorful steel gird· ers behind the bushes. Gilbert is a senior majoring in biology. As a worker on N. Y. A. he was promoted to time-keeper. His big promotion came when he was made Dr. John M. Winter's Biological A~sistant in the green house and laboratory. He swung his crossed leg and had a distant look in his eye as he recalled Bob McAlexander, "Chub" Millikan, Robert Morris, and Jack Atkins as his best fellow-workers while on N. Y. A. "They knew how to work and did,'' he remarked enth1Jsiastically. He declared it gave them their start to a college edu~ation and it made possible his being in Peru four years. "Gil's" job is a year-around one. In the fall and winter he rakes and hauls leaves and tends to plants in the green house. In the spring flowers are set out, parts of the lawn reseeded, and there is work to be done in the garden. In the summer the garden work contUnites>, lawnii are mowed, and hedges are trimmed. As a boy at home "Gil" cared little for flowers but says he de-

finitely likes them since he started working with them. There is no particular hour that Gilbert has for working. If the weather becomes cold, he arises at four o'clock to turn on the heat in the green house. "Just any hour of the day I can plan on working," he said grinning. Gilbert said the plants in the Green house which proved most interesting were the banana tree and the Bougainvillea vines. When bananas became unobtainable in this part of the country, "Gil" had them, last December. "They were small but good," he assured. One of his ta.sks in caring for the tree is to cut and carry away parts of it after it bears. The Bougainvillea vines always interests everyone that comes to the green house, he said. "It has a modified flower in the form of leaves that contain a pink colored' pigment." His first real experience in the cutting garden was last year when he helped cut the peonies. The flowers were frozen and packed to be sent west. · As he raised his eyebrows he smiled and said, "My work has enabled me to learn much more than if I had tried to get it all from a book."


Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, March 16, 1943


Thorson accepts new position Dr. Winston B. Thorson left Thursday, Mar. 4, for Pullman, Wash., where he will be an instructor in the Departcent of History of Washington State College. In addition to giving instruction in American history to the Army trainees he will teach two classes of advanced European history. Dr. A. L. Bradford has . been asked to take pver Dr. '{horson's CAA teaching here.

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Clas . Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. Editor..·-···-·-·-·····---··---·--'··-··--·-····-···-···-···-----·-·············-·Ellen Kin Associate Editor..... ----·--·······--·--·-·-····--·-------·--·--·Marjorie Prin Assistant Editors. _____________________ Audrey Zastera, Rogene Ros Business Manager... -----··--·······-········-·--···--····--·Betty Jane Scot Sports Editor....................................................Willard Redfer Special Reporters..............Virgie Lee Johnson, Betty Berge Reporters-Harriet Maxwell, Lillian Havel, Donald Cace Donna Steffen, Dennis Wehrmann, Marjori Weiler, Wallace Cleaveland, Vera Huff. Advisor.... ---------------------------------··-------------------M. Florence Marti

Spotts of '43 The Bobcats Tuesday, March 16, 1943

I£Sports Hi-lights




-with W.R.


What happened to the Bobkittens when they played Shubert in the play-offs? Prep was predicted to win the game and probably had the better team yet fell by four points. Now to hunt around for some excuses and possible solutions. In the .first place the Brock Tournament was undoubtedly the easiest district tournament a Bobkitten team ever entered. Every team in the tournament but Prep was a Class D team. Cook, Talmage, St. Bernard and Brock were too far out of the Kittens class and when they ran up against a harder team they couldn't, or didn't, function properly. Another possible excuse and the probable solution is this: After the tournament at Brock (if you want to call it that) the Prepsters eyed Wymore, the team they'd have to beat after the little "scrimmage" with Shubert. The boys got a bad start, Shubert a good one, and the Bobkittens came home, packed their suits in moth balls, and their worries about Wymore were over. Last of the excuses is of the advantage of basket ball courts. Shubert played on a large floor at Humboldt about the size of Auburn's floor. The Kittens played in Brock's gym, which is a nice gym, but for ;t warmup before playing on Auburn's gym, is just too small. Playing with "dead" back boards for four games and suddenly changing to the "live" back boards at'Auburn (which practically breath) is also a great disadvantage. All excuses on the high school's loss should be turned in to me and they will be duly considered. A YEAR FROM NOW:

Down deep in everyone's mind (or maybe not so deep) we are beginning to wonder about next year's prospects for a football and basket ball'team. Will there be enough boys in school to have a team? That question will probably be answered when we find out if the college is turned into a Navy school or not. If it is, there ought to be plenty of material for good seasons in both football and basket ball. That is, if they can find an opponent. Other schools will be hit like Peru and also will be short of material. There is a catch in the Navy letting the Navy men participate in college sports, tho they will be allowed to IF they can find time and energy after twelve hours required work each day. So that may thin out the material ARMY RESERVES:

The army took another bite out of the college man-power and this ~-time the E. R. C. are checking out of old P. S. T. C. Bobcat lettermen

wh~ members of the reserves are: Rich Hutton, George Blocher,

"Swede" ~Osterthun, Dan Smith, Art Ronhovde, Gerry Livingston and George Atwood. Also both of the Bobcats' managers, Bob McAlexander and Tony DeMaro, are members of the E. R. C. N. I. A. A. TOUGHER?

Are the N. I. A. A. teams tougher competition than ,the N. C. A. C.? I won't comment either way only to say that York and Doane, top two teams in the N. C. A. C.. won seven out of eight games from N. C. A. C. opposition. Yet York could do no better than win two and lose two against N. I. A. A. rivals, while Doane won only· one game and lost three. AL HAACK



' Al Haack was the leading Bobcat scorer in games played against Nebraska opponents, scoring 98 points. He ended the season number fourteen in the state. But if you compare the average points scored per game, Al finished number nine. The reason for this is that the Bobcats played only ten games against state opposition while one played eleven and the rest twelve or thirteen. Ab Yocum was runner-up to McCullough of Kearney in the N. I. A. A. with an average of 121h points a game. McCullough had an average of 14% points. ~ Wayne and Jim Kaeding had a fine season for themselves. Wayne won both state and N. C. A. C. conference honors. He averaged 19 plus points in state play and 21 plus in the N. C. A. C. Jim finished behind Wayne in the state scoring with close to a 16 point average and trailed Wayne K. and Weber of Doane in the N. C. A. C. with a 14 plus average. TRACK???

The Bobcats are going to be plenty short of track material this season with Yocum and Banks the only point winners returning. STATE TOURNEY:

A couple of PEDAGOGIANS ago I made a few predictions on the state tourney. I predicted Omaha Benson and Lincoln Central to play in the finals of Class A and I see by the paper that they are the two seeded teams. In Class B, qµt of the five teams in which I predicted one would win, Culbertson, Deshler and St. Francis (Humphrey) are in the running. Hampton and Weston, my two Class C teams, were eliminated in the District. By the way, who were all the experts that predicted Falls City to beat Fairbury?

York and Kearney lose Prep upset in N. I. B. A. tourney by Shubert Nebraska's two representatives in the National intercollegiate bas· ket ball tournament at Kansas City have been eliminated. York, state champs, made a good show· ing for themselves, and a last second long shot beat them in the second round. With Jim and Wayne Kaeding going great guns York polished off Akron in the opener 52 to 4.9. Jim Kaeding poured in 28 points and Wayne 12. In the second round York met North Tex·

as and lost a close one, 51 to 49. The Kaeding brothers again were a double headache, this time Wayne potting 27 and Jim 11. North Texas enjoyed an early lead only to have York tie the qame up and pull into a commanding lead the second half. The Texans came back and ti'ed the game up and as the closing. seconds were ticking off, North Texas' center, Shannon, let fly with a long one and the game was over.

All-intramural team chosen

Kearney had. the ill luck of having to play a tournament favorite, Pepperdine, who was a recent conqueror of Southern California, and Kearney was edged 50 to 45. Big Lloyd McCullough, Kearney center, made a good showing for himself, ringing up eleven field goals and three gift tosses for a total of 25 points.

The All-Intramural team was named last week with every team but Southern California, who finished third in the standings, having a representative. The team was chosen from boys that completed the season and does not include• those who dropped out in midseason. All-Intramural Team

F-Rollin Hall, N. D. F-Wilber Meinen, Tenn. C-Ervin Ostherthun, Geo. G-Doyle McAninch, Army. G-Dwight Houseman, Ala. Rollin Hall, star forward of Notre Dame, is a junior this year. He was the whole Irish· offense and finished among the first ten in scoring. Hall was also a member of last year's champion intramural team. The other forward, Wilber Meinen, a small and speedy freshman, led the runners-up, Tennessee, and finished with the five leading scorers. Ervin "Swede" -Osterthun, Georgia center, is a sophomore this year. He made most of his points on long shots, potting 21 points in one game. Army, tne Intramural Champs, is represented by freshman guard Doyle McAninch. "Mac" didn't make many points but his play on defense made the difference and rated him the place.

Maryville, Mo., who barely edg· ed the Bobcats in their last meet· ing, got by the second round as they downed Eastern Oregon, 61 to 24.

An over-confident high school team ran into Shubert two weeks ago and were eliminated from the district play-offs, '8 to 24. This was the Bobkittens' third loss of the season to state opponents and al I three defeats have happened on Auburn's floor.

Peru started slowly, missing shot aft2r shot the first half while Merl2 Bauer and Company were enjoying a hot evening. Trailing by a great deal the first half the Kittens came back, using c: manto-man defense and began whittling the Shubert lead down._ Only one point separated the two teams with a minute remaining in the game._ Then a long shot by Merle Bauer dropped through the netting to ice the game up for the Little Ten Champs. Shubert journeyed to Tecumseh the next night to meet Wymore in the final play-offs before the state tourney. A long shot in the last ten seconds gave Wymore a point victory.

York blasts Doane to win state crown The York Panthers blasted Doane three weeks ago 68 to 51 and thereby became the 1943 Ne· braska collegiate basket ball Rings. The win also gave York an invi· tation to the National lntercolleg· iat~ Basket Ball Tournament at Kansas City which opened a week ago Monday, March 8.

Although state champ, York was forced to share the N. C. A. C. crown with Doane, who trampled over Midland to pull up even with the Panthers. Kearney tossed Wayne 64 to 50 to win full possession of the N. I. A. A. crown. The Antelopes also

were invited to the national tournament at Kansas City. The Bobcats, who hovered dangerously near the cellar of the state for most of the season, finished fifth in the standings, winning four games and losing six. State Final Standings

WonLost York ---------------9 3 Doane --------------8 4 Kearney ____________ $ 4 Wayne _____________ 7 4

Pct. .750 .667 .667 .636

Peru ---------------4 6 Midland ------------4 8 Wesleyan __________ _4 8 Hastings ____________ 3 10

.400 .333 .333 .230


Final member of the team is another freshman, Dwight "Dowey" Houseman. "Dowey" was the only threat on the Alabama team, which finished deep in the cellar. He made most of the Crimson Title's points and was a good defensive man.


Frosh basket ball star drives midget ~uto Trumpets sound the arrival of royalty, sleigh bells echo the com· ing of Santa Claus, and the put· put-put-put of a two cylinder mo· tor car announces the approach of Arthur Clements, freshman basket ball shark.

Overhauling this midget auto, which is equipped with a motorcycle engine, is Art's chief pastime. It already travels at the rate of 35 miles an hour and he has hopes for making it exceed this speed. Art, who is president of the freshman class, is a pre-engineering student, and declares that having three brothers furnishes him with enough trouble. He earned letters in both basket ball and football while in high school. Playing college basket ball was one of his greatest thrills. Rationing leaves Art with a serious problem. "I just love meat and hate sauerkraut," he explained. However, he believes he'll be :.blt to get enough to eat because he loves baby food. Skeeter, the family dog, win's Art's admiration and affection. "I just can't resist her," he explained, "she has such beautifu I eyes."

!'You probably read that in your newspaper a while ago. That war correspondent found how our fighting men everywhere want Coca-Colo. It must hove something special to be the favorite of the fighting forces. ~There's taste you don't find anywhere this side of Coco-Colo, itself. And there's that welcome feel of refreshment that goes into · energy. Toke it from me, Coke is good." BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA.COLA COMPANY B'f





Digbt Sbift . • •

Concerned friends report Cecil Johnson has located his ration book ••. It's Butch and Louise; Art and Weber ••. Bud Brown is offering his mail box for sale, he doesn't g.et any mail anyway ... Come the twentieth the mail really should .be heavy. Jack Snider and Rachow were back on campus last week ... Rock and Rzehk are at Creighton now ... Suppose you all know Red, Buzz, Cramer and Berger are at Cedar Falls, Iowa ... Note V. L. and Margie, "Falls" not "Rapids" ... And the current controversy confusing campus craniums: Which is preferable from men in the Se rvice, telephone calls or chewing gum •.. From the J.B. HUB we quote:

Cadets come--cadets go; fourth group starts training Friday, Mar. 12, 19 more naval aviation cadets began C. A. A. training on campus. On the same day 18 completed their training, 16 of them receiving orders to re· turn to their homes and await call. The other two, Maurice Mullin and Grover Stewart, were sent to Nor-

folk, Nebr., for intermediate train· ing. The new class includes the following men: Thomas Harold Blood, Sioux City, Ia.; Robert Filbert Boyer, Stanton, Ia.; Keith Arnold Cole, Sioux City, Ia.; William Leonard Ecklund, Dennison, Ia.; Richard Terrill Geppert, Council Bluffs, Ia.; James Vernon Hastings, Stanton, Ia.; Magnus Paul Johnson, Sioux City, Ia.; Robert Neal Lahann, Sioux City, Ia.; Robert John Pauley, Red Oak, Ia.; Duane Darwin Peterson, Red Oak, Ia.; Robert Emil Stuhr, Portsmouth, Ia.; WilStressing the fact that a master's liam Russell Ridge, Rockwell City, degree is now required for second· Ia.; Robert Henry Straus, Grand "'' teaching in many high echools, Island; Richard Dale Thompson, Dr. Arthur L. Bradford discussed Rockwell City, Ia.; George Willison graduate work in English at Sigma Thompsen, Harlan, Ia.; Edward Tau Delta, Monday, Mar. 8. Junior Walters, Boone, Ia.; Lisle Sifting Sand contributions were Day West, Elliott, Ia.; William submitted to President Virgie Lee Dean Wilson, Casey, Ia.; Robert Lyle Young, Sioux City, Ia. Johnson for the coming issue.


It w0Uld be great To be able To date Betty Grable. Or To sign for a tour With Dottie Lamour. And Maybe get soldered To (sig.h) Paulette Goddard. But What'll you bet we'll Willingly settle For the girl we left back home? There are so many ration rumours going around-Rothmiller'3 afraid "canned music" will be ... Brinson's are closed now, which <Jccounts for the new noise in the cafeteria ... L0st: another familiar couple since Schulz and Wells left ... Isn't Landolt's new nickelodeon cute? . , . and that old joke about P. S. T. C. for Women might not be so funny anymore. Some one has taken it upon themselves to deliver the "Morning Pap~r" in the girl's dorms ••. Reversia in Peru..:_Mary Lane has been writing to Walt Marshall ... My, students are aging-seems like there's a birthday party in the cafeteria every day ..• Let's just forget the fav· orite quote: "Going to the show tonight?"

Bradford speaks at Sigma Tau

IJllumni trail . •

The "gigs for Giggling .Girls" percentage went up last week .. If wieners are meat what are people going to take on picnics this spring ... Sifting Sand is coming out in April ..• The ERC's are leaving behind the math and pre-med students, McAlexander, Gil, Ronhovde and Broers ... Greatest sacrifice of the week, Meier donating coffee to Sigma Tau last Monday ... late fl.ash, sugar, too ... "Lydia's Diary" has proved a great inspiration to the feminine genders on campus-just no one is without a little volume Of their own ..• Ah, the life of a History student as of last week, but don't let them kid you-the outside reading,100 pages per, goes on as before ... that offer of one p~etzel for each Night Shift item presented is still open ... and that air of excitement over the weekend-could be the new cadets ... welcome, fellows ... Our Readers keep asking why Steck didn't give his exposition on the beauties of the dancing of a recent PED advertiser ... Height of cruelty in student teachers: the one who made three students throw gum away in one day ... Sophie Bohling is going to miss those between-class meetings with Cadet Bartholomew ... the Ouigi Board is still predicting things for Peru's girls ... Too bad your editor and ours censors this column-if not-it wouldn't be so short.

Dear Red, Isn't this fun-writing to you in Alumni Trail! It makfts a con· venient time-saving device. For another comment on your "tree house": The Blue Star Girl looked at the arrow on your card, saw that it was leading "my room" into the lower branches of the tree which hid part of the men·s dorm at I. S. T. C., and asked, "Has he returned to his native abode?" Did you know th~t DEAN SLAGLE ('42) has been a proof-technician in the ordnance plant in Des Moines since June? Evelyn said he was home last weekend. GLEMA (MEIERS) HAHN ('39), who was secretary to Mr. Clements for four years, is now the secretary to the manager of the personnel department, United Air Lines, New York: Husband Merle is in the Army Medical Corps. FORREST CORN ('38), music mstructor at Kramer High School at Columbus for eight years, has resigned to take a position at a Grand Island defense plant. ORPHA STROH (At. '42) and JUNE KRAMBECK (At. '42) are both married. Orpha was mar· ried to R. Stanley Harris on Val· entine's Day at· the Presbyterian,

Palmer',shows commerce department is fulfilling war requirements Miss Nona Palmer, explaining the adaption Peru's commerce de· partment has made to wartime conditions, observed that commer· cial training. at Peru is quite as good as that of any other school or college. "Our student§ have always ranked very high," she said, "whenever ex;i,minations have been given." Usually tests are taken for positions, although many employer's have stated a prefer· ence for people from Peru. With that in mind, many specials have registered here as well as the num· e.rous majors and minors in the department. Washington, D. C., has been the destination of i;iany commercial people in the past two years. In the capitol are Faye Bouse, Madonna Brady CaliI,\i~, Elaine Briley, Doris Brinson, Lo_rene. Coatney, Ruth Crone, Oliver Graves, Elda Hamel, Iris Lawrence, Betty Sears, Goodroe Soper, Lillian Brady Stark and Sylvia Ulmer. Throughout the country others work as clerks, stenographers and typists. Meredith .Jimerson is a secretary for Catholic Chaplains at Ft. Sam Housten, Texas. In Ann Arbor, Michigan, Katherine Bartling is an office assistant at Michigan Unive~ity. · With the engineering department of the Santa Ana Air Base, Peru has Mildred Williams Ca:shman. Helen Dahlke is doing civil service work in Ok-

lahoma. In the state of Wyoming, Erna Steffen is with the Cheyenne United Airlines. Glenna Coulter is in the same city. Back in Nebraska, Camellia Connelly, Caroline DeKalb and Ruby Krouse are employed at Omaha, while Pauline Stark Patrick is busy in outstate civil service work. Several commercial students of · the last two years are teaching. LaVara Oakley is at Auburn, a position vacated by Blanche Freeman, another commercial graduate, who has joined the WAVEs and is training at Smith College. Grace Muenchau teaches at DeWitt. After leaving a Washington position, Nedra Jane Shafer is in state commercial work. Back in Peru, Miss Eula Redenbaugh, as assistant librarian, has left a commerce job at Tobias.

went following wo.rk ln the War Department and Lt. Jack Brown, from the same department and now in clerical administration. In North Africa, William Saale is with the department of supply. The Navy has John Schutz, who was working for Hesteds at LaPorte, Indiana, before his,induction. At the Seattle Bo~ing Aircraft plant is Ray Kellogg, now an engineer. These and many more are the people Peru's commerce department has prepared for service. The department has always been alive to the needs at hand. Now with an emphasis upon war requirements, it turns from preparing teachers to preparing commercial wqrkers for the all-important scene behind the front.

Three Peru girls qualified for T. V. A. work by way of strict examination last year; two have accepted, Virginia King and Doris Carnahan.

Dr. Selma Konig was hostess to the French, German and Spanish students at the annual foreign language banquet held Thursday, Mar. 4. After a Spanish dance by Betty Berger and Goldene Niebuhr, Mary Stev0nson sang "Connais-tu le Pays" in French. Next, Bob Brown, Evelyn Rodgers, Phyllis DeLong and Twildi Epley dramatized "Dagwood and Blondie at the Dentist" in French. Completin5 the program, Dr. Konig showed pictures of her travels in Germany, France and Switzerland.

At the army ski s~hool in Ft. Hale, Colorado, Maree Williams Harr is with the Mail and Records Department after relinquishing a position in Ft. Leonard Wood. Men occupy many of the key po· sitions in this type of work in the Army. Among them are Lt. Theo· dore Graves, an engineering grad· uate of Ft. Velvoir, Virginia, Offi· cer Candidates School where he

Church at Kearney. She is teach· ing at Janflen. June has been Mrs. Wilson Newberry since her home wedding. at Fort Calhoun the night before. Her sister, WILHELMINA KRAM BECK, furnished .the bridal music. The Newberrys will re· side in Omaha. I saw Cpl. and MRS. GUY SNETHEN (MARTHA WITWER, who attended last in '42) on campus Tuesday. They were to return Saturday to Stockton, Calif., where he is stationed and she is employed in the field office. Miss Gockley informed me about the death of Mrs. Charles Saucer· man of Kansas City, Kan., a grad· uate from Peru Prep as Mary Lou· iSe Lyon, and a sister of MONA. (LYON) COFFMAN ('29). Mrs. Coffman, who was formerly assist. ant and active registrar here, is now in Harrisonburg, Va. The "Stork Supplement" of the "Jerome North Side News" carried the straight news, feature stories, "Facts You Should Know," and a picture of Harold Dudley Stoltz, son of LAURA (HICKSON) (At. '34) and HAROLD STOLTZ (At. '35). This announcement gave evidence that father is a newspaper man. It was the cleverest I have seen. Well, Red, I might have your PED sent by carrier pigeon, but since I doubt if the Army has you out on a limb l guess the U. s. mail service can handle it. Sincerely, -Virgie Lee.

Page attacks+~

blind conformity ·~ ~ [·

Internationalism and world co~; operation as requisites of world':" peace were emphasized by or!>, Kirby Page in his convo talk Fri)1 day, Mar. 5. ·~ He advocated non-conformity to\} the traditional beliefs in national-t ism, national sovereignty and na·'.~ tional patriotism, which must be'.& discarded if ultimate peace is to 1 be attained. · "What is God Doing Now?" was i; the subject of his discussions at' the Baptist and Christian cl,urches :. in the afternoon and evening. Dr. Page's appearances in Peru were part of the itinerary of his 14 week "West of the Mississippi" tour.

You may make

Who's Who! "Even you may have a chance," sophomore speakers told Peruvians at convocation, Friday, Mar. i2, as they enumerated Peruvians who have become famous. Wallace Cleaveland read a brief resume of Peru history and introduced the other speakers, Marjorie Wareham, Lucille Miller and Bob O'Dell. The program was arranged by Billy Woods assisted by Betty Berger and Lydia Vosicky.

Prep notes ... Prep's pep band went to Auburn Thursday night to supply mood music for the Bobkittens playing a tournament game with Shubert. Dr. C. W. Po.Uard, guest speaker in the Training School Tuesday, Mar. 9, talked to Mrs. Becker's physical education class on the problems of health. The ninth grade social science· class, under the leadership of Mr. Ernest Brod, presented a program at Kiwanis last Tuesday evening. The theme was "Know Your Enemies." Special speakers were Billie Jean Miller, Betty Vance, foa Jane Good, John Clements and Sam Bradford.

CLINTON TEACHERS' AGENCY Clinton, la. C. E. Cozzens, Mgr. Twenty-fourth year of continu· ous service by present owner and manager. For a better position and higher salary enroll now. Free en· rollment. Member National Asso· ciation of Teachers' Agencies.

STATE THEATRE Auburn, Nebraska

We still have a quantity of

Robt. Young-Laraine Day

"JOURNEY FOR MARGARET'' WEDNESDAY· THU RS DAY Bob Hope-Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour


Language banquet held



"GEORGE , WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE" Added: "The Invasion of North Africa" SUN.- MON.- TUES.

AUBURN Theatre Allan Ladd-Helen Walker


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a. Winter weather again .. Means waking up in a cold room with the noise of someone shoveling the walks and going to class in near mid-winter darkness .. b. Ah! Spring is here! Means waking up in a warm room with the noise of robins and other assorted birds practicing octaves and runs and almost not getting to class at all .. (With whichever of the two paragraphs above appli.es at the time of reading for an introduction, this column commences.) Candy bars - ah, candy bars. Once you could get them any time at the Hill Store-in the girls' dorm.at Earl's-at Hill's-at Barnes' - at Nellie's. Once you could get them .. Mail-men have extra mail -packag·e slips for all the Book - of - the - Month Club members who jumped at the chance to get Saroyan's "Human Comedy" before the library .. Prep's salvage campaign is still on .. Perhaps it would be a good idea for Peruvian gals to run over to Prep with all silk and nylon hose that are too runny to run arou11-d in any more ..

Most popular song jn the dorms, on the juke box and on the campus seems to be "Seems to Me I've Heard That\ Song Before." Comment~1apt title. Speaking of juke 'Qoxes, a modern poet in "Mpdern Poetry" :'.peaks poetically of the animals, quote: "They eat live nic'kels raw" and also adds sadly, "Juke boxes have no ears." But here's to them, anyway. We like them. We said it before but just the same: keep writing fo the fellows. .All the service men write "mail call is no fun if we don't get any" so keep writing. .And, incidentally, service men, keep writing to the gals. Home front morale needs building up too. Something's wrong with Evangeline acdejxxphm~~ . ,

Fo'rmer Peruvian joins facuity "Of course, a former Peruvian is always ·happy to return to the campus,'' said Mr. Arthur Reynolds, who brought an end to history students' one week, one day vacation when he arrived to fill the vacancy left by Dr. Winston B. Thorson. Mr. Reynolds cam·e to Per() from Kimball, where he was principal of the high school. He ha5 also taught at Garland and Loup City. His graduate work was clone at University of Minnesota.

Mrs. Reynolds (June Hoskins, 1935-37) expects to arrive sometimt this week.






Mailing list proves

Prep war council . d'' PED //gets aroun Peru's PEDAGOGIAN is as informative as Webster's Fifth Edition, as well traveled as Eleanor Roosevelt and as popular in navy, army and marine bases as Dorothy Lamour! The Pedagogian travels to 29 differynt states, including Tennessee, Colorado, Texas, Missouri, California, 10JJa, lllnois, New York, Kentucky, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Washington, Idaho, Florida, Maryland, Kansas, Connecticut, Oregon, Ohio and Indiana. Since. you are a regular PED reader, you know that it is very informative, but perhaps you didn't know how far it travels so take a look at the PED mailing list.

Every time a PED is published all your little cousins, brothers and sisters read the news back in your old home town, since 136 copies of the PED go to high school libraries throughout the state. In addition to that, 22 county superintendents are regular PED readers. Twenty-three issues are distributed to other newspapers in Nebraska, and copies are sent to alumni in this state. Marjorie Brown and a dozen of her tall-corn growing friends read the PED over in Iowa. Editor King's sister, Virginia, and Doris Carnahan read Peru news down in Tennessee. Some more southerners on the mailing list are Meredith ·Jimerson, Lester Reutter, Murvel Annan and Bill Brooks, all in Texas. Missouri is credited with 10 PED readers including several of the Army Air Corps fellows who recently entered active se.rvice. Snider and Mcintire preach the Peru gospel to the soldiers down in Kansas, while Sandin and Howard keep the sailors in Washington, D. C., informed. Consequently, when your name or your picture appears in the PED -it's good publicity-not only on campus but all over the country.

Art books will be reviewed Miss Norma 0. Diddell will give a chalk demonstration of the sug· gestions for drawing given il'l "The Natural Way to Draw," "How to Draw Cats" and "How to Draw Children" at the A. A. U. W. spon· sored book review hour, Thursday, April 1.

plans festival

Thursday, March 25, will ne Vegetable Gardening Day at the Training School. The War Coun· cil, through its community service committee, cooperating with the Peru Garden Club, Kiwanis Club and County Ag.ricultural Agent, is

Navy program extended to provide Army office rs \

The qualifying. test for the Navy College Training Program, an· nounced last week, has been extended to provide for joint Army and Navy needs. In addition· to providing information useful in the selection of men for officers training for the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, the test is designed to provide information useful to the Armed Forces in

(a) Selecting students for college training under the Army Specialized Training Program. (b) Classifying all others in respect to relative trainability. The following facts concerning the training program have proved to be of special interest to students: (1) These programs present an opportunity to secure-at government expense - an education largely equivalent to that which might normally be secured in a col-· lege course of equal length. Successful completion of one of these courses may, following further officer training, lead to a commission in the Army or Navy. (2) The programs offer training at the college level in a variety Of skills and professions needed in the armed services. The training courses vary in length from two to twelve terms of sixteen weeks each. Choice of institution and choice of course will be given every consideration, but cannot be guaranteed. (3) Students selected by the Army will be given 12-13 weeks of military training before beginning the college program. Students selected by the Navy will begin college training July 1 or November 1, 1943, without previous military training. Successful candidates will be given the rank of either a

Y announces results of student relief drive

private or an apprentice seaman with active duty status, the pay of this rank, subsistence and uniforms. All qualifications previously an· nounced for acceptance in t11e Navy College Training Program (V-12) continue to apply. For the army all male applicants in the follow· ing groups are eligible to take the test as Army candidates:

(a) High School and preparatory school graduates who will hav·'.! attained their J.7th but have not reached their 22nd birthdays by July 1, 1943, regardless of whether they are now attending college. (b) High school and preparatory school seniors who will be graduated by July 1, 1943, provided they will have attained their 17th, but have not reached their 22nd birthdays by that date. (c) Students who will have attained their 17th but have not reached their 22nd birthdays by July 1, 1943, who do not hold certificates o.i graduation ,from a secondary school but who are now continuing their education in an accredited college or university. To be eligible for Officer Candi· date School or the Army Special· ized Training Program, a man must be morally and physically qualified, and must evidence potential officer qualifications, including appearance and scholarship records.

Men now enlisted in any branch of the armed services are not eligible to take this test. The qualifying test will be given on April 2, 1943, at the college.

The YWCA shot far above the goal set for the student war relief drive which was heir.I Friday, Mar. 19. Three hours after the cam· paign officially opened, the college victory bell rang announcing that the $60 goal was realized.

Asked at four o'clock Friday about the results of the drive, Nina Kanel said, "The latest report is

$112." People helping with general personal solicitation were Eunice Bogle, Vada Gubser, Mary Mannschreck, Goldie Mulder\ Ruth Latshaw, Rosemary, Pershing, Marian Deck and Lucille Miller. Harriet Maxwell and Elizabeth Gehringer were responsible for the posters.

sponsoring a gardening


The purpose of this festival is to promote the successful raising of more vegetable gardens and arouse interest in 4-H clubs. Professor Hoppert, horticultural expert from the University of Ne· braska, and Mr. Kriefels, f\.lemaha County Agricultural Agent, will be guests at the Training School on that day.

Ellen Thomson and Max Mathews, co-chairmen of the community service committe.e, and Lois Cannon, Dorothy Fike, Jack Longfellow and John Clements, members, have charge of all arrangements. There will be displays of all kinds of gardening tools, veget.able seeds, canned vegetables and gov· ernment bulletins. Booths will be set up to furnish information on 4-H, nutrition, food rationing and seed germination.

The festival will be held all day, and in the evening. Everything is free, and everyone is invited to attend.


party·-yes "Lucky Strike Green has gone to war," and so has the semi-annual girls' formal. Dorm Council action of last Tuesday night has started plans for an all-campus party, with ballroom and folk dancing and table games to replace the usual formal affair. It was decided that because of the unequal population second semester, a party r;lanned for all college students and faculty members would more nearly fit the entertainment needs on campus.

In order to aid the war drive, part of the admission price will be redt'emable in war stamps. Further plans have not been made, but the following committees are WOl'king: Decorations, Jean Hoagland, chairman, Jean Bond, Rebanis Frankforter and Lillian Havel; refreshments, Vada Gubser, chairman, Lois Wagoner and Ruth Latshaw; program and entertair1ment, Betty Berger, chairman, Mary Mannschree!i: and Mabel Newton; tickets, Christine Wilkinson and Betty Kennedy; publicity, Audrey Zastera and Ellen King. The date has not been set, but will be some time in the middle of April.


S·f1 tmg · San d11

Futures Tuesday-March 23 --·-------YMCA· YWCA --------------------7 -8 Wednesday-March 24 -------·-Hour Dance -----------------------8·9 Thursday-March 25 ----------Freshman Clubs ------------7·8; 8-9:30 Tuesday-March 30 -----------YMCA· YWCA --------------------7 ·8 Wednesday-March 31 ......... Hour Dance __________________ 6:45-7:45 Thursday-April 1 ------------AAUW Book Review ______________ 3:00 Freshman Clubs -------------------7 .9

goes to press The 1943 issue of "Siftina Sand" has gone to press. Due to Sigma T<rn's new policy of publishing one issue a year instead of two, this one will be larger than previous ones.

The editorial staff consists of Virgie Lee Johnson, Ellen King, Tri Beta --------------------------8-9 Nina Kanel, Rogene Rose, MarKappa Omicron Phi ----------------8·9 jorie Prine and Dr. Arthur L. · Bradford. Lorraine Safranek has Symphonium -----------------.....,.8· 9 charge of block print illustrations.

Monday-April 5 -------------WAA ----------------------------5:00


It•s easy! Here•s how I Notice ... to receive a demerit

• • •

Good-bye, now

Have you been wondering what you have to do to get a demerit?

• • •

Eighteen goodbyes printed in an editorial would violate a requirement of all good journalism-to avoid monotony. So, instead of individual ones, it's "Goodbye, Good Luck and See You Again Some Time'' from Peruvians to all E. R. C.'s who are ''in the army now.''


• •


If you wondered last week about the pa:le pink auras of happiness floating heavenward from wherever a PEDSTER was located-it was because the PED and the PED sponsored election of a Blue Star Girl had made the Front Pa:ge of the Sunday Edition of The Newspaper of The State. And even in the "big-story" quarter-the upper right-hand corner! For the first time, news from PSTC broke into a spot usually reserved for senators, war news and other stories of 1:1-ational significance. It's something new for Peru-it's something new for Nebraska colleges and that's why we've posted The Paper in the PED office. · We're brag'ging-and we admit it. We're definitely darn proud of us!

It's simple enough-here's one way sure to work. Quietly go to your room, close the door, and pro· ceed to study-a report is due at nine in the morning, a unit is due the following day, and three sets of math problems are screaming at you. When you are about settled, drop "Webster" thereby letting your neighbor know that you are "at home." A few minutes later the door flies open: Betty (the neighbor) stomps across tne room and flops on the bed. Patiently visit, but try to drop the hint that you are swamped with lessons.

At nine the lib closes and soon three other studious students tiptoe through the hall, knock furiously, "whisper" shouts of the latest and then Betty begins to laugh. Now you're getting disgusted, but while company grows to a crowd you decide to do the washing. You forget your dignity and throw a cup of cold water which yields a yowling scream. Forty minutes of that and the council member next door knocks gently and opens the door-9:55: you have demerit number 1. As it is too late to mend the error, every one dashes home for bobby pins and curlers and returns for thirty minutes of gab (the regular gab hour). Sometime later another council member appears with the time of night and a demerit. Now that you have two demerits for one night why not break the record and get the third? Try as you may for the next twenty minutes, you give up - there's no knock, 110 council member and no

demerit, so there must be a council meeting at the other end of the building.

lt•s not too late

• • •

Mavbe your roommate had just robbed you, or you'd used up. yol;r last ticket, or that machine ' at Hill's Store had eaten up all your the Red Cross solicitors you last week. Evervone has relatives or friends in armed forces who will l)enefit directly from Red Cross funds in America or abroad. Red Cross ~nits are behind the fighting forces a:ll over the world, giving counsel and care to service men in America ' cari110· for the wounded and building morale st the ' <'.J front ancl tracil'1g missing Blue Stars to relieve anxious minds of relatives at home. Peruvians have no facilities for giving blood donations or making bandages, but they can give money. So even though you were broke then and the Red Cross drive i:; over now, it's still not too late to GIVE TO THE RED CROSS!


• •


Lots of people liked the interview with Gil Schreiner in the last issue of the PED-and several suggested more interviews .with more people. So something new has been added-PEDly (since we can't say weekly) interviews with interesting people on campus-to 'begin with, the seni~rs who've filled out those applications for degrees and certificates and are getting ready to look beautiful in caps and gowns in Maytime ... To begin with, "Scottie" ... It isn't that the Sports Editor didn't try-and try-and try. It isn't that his copy got lost between Peru and Auburn -or was censored by the Editor! It's just that there aren't any basket ball or football or baseball games-and when there isn't any sports news-no sports write-ups. April 6 is the next PED issue date.

Are you interested in Chine fantasies? In the art departm show cases are Chinese objects articles-belts, bracelets and dr ings which will be on display un the last of the week.



Scottie interview

first of Seniorities "I saw a show last night," said Bette Jane Scott, rocking back in PEDOFFICE chair and looking "so-there"-ish. "And what's more I' going to see one tomorrow night and Sunday night and next Saturday. night. In fact, I see a show every Sunday night!" While Your Reporter settled back with an envious sigh, Scottie continued to "tell all" about herself. "Wal, in the first place I was born . . . I'm an English major, history and phys ed minor . . . I teach in the training school every day-and now I can read anything -even shorthand ...

"I like blue (she was wearing a blue skirt, blue anklets, blue collar under a black sweater, a blue hair ribbon-and blue eyes) brown and pink . . . I also like food-all kinds ... food in general ... but especially fried chicken and popcorn ... Patriotic, ain't I? ...

"Hobbies ... I like to write , .. read .•. love to dance •.. like to go to shows (Hmmm) . . . love hunting and fishing .•. like tennis .•. and I love to swim ... in fact, swimming and eating ••. "I like modern literature belong to the Book of the Month Club ... Saroyan's book ..• I'm still reading it ... it's really good ••• hey, I learned a new word the

"Navy wings? ... that's my valentine from Orv .. . "I'm going to be a plasterer firs class . . . didn't you hear about that? ... it's a scream ... you see, Betty and I have all our trophies on the wall . . . including a big red sign . . . well . . . they're all up with nails . . . so ... well ... we're supposed to fill in all the holes with plaster of paris ... but we figure we might as well wait until the end of school ... "Say, do you know the joke about the little moron who cut his arm off at the elbow ... o. k .... I still like the one ab out the little moron who ate b-b's and his hair came out in bangs ... "My greatest thrill? getting. elected Gridiron Queen, I guess ••• it was swell ..• I plan to teach next year ... I'm le~rning to dive -that's why I wear that awful red turban all the time ... I've always wanted long black hair ••• my Ji pstick is 'Sabotage' •.•

other night .•• learned it from Marj Prine ••. it's 'epitome' .••

"I don't lmovv- what I say that's characteristic . . . I don't really

I'd never heard it before ...

talk much ... No, really I dcn't!"

IJllumni Crail . De;xr EVELl'N, Fr1:1m Mary Alice l ~ 1hllt tM PEO C'ditor isn't the e~ir one hav· ing w1isdom teeth e.:i:.t:l!Va~t!, ti!hit you chew with two I~ wo. How do you like being a cltrk in the administrative office of the subdepot of the Lincoln Air Base after two weeks?

"A homesick Peruvian in a big city" is the description that WIS NORTON (At. '43) gives of herself. She is learning to cperate the multiplex, which l!il.milar to a teletype machine except lhat the tape comes out in perforations instead of print. She wwre '·I'm on the top floor of the W. 0. '''·Building so I'm really getting up in the world." While in Omaha ~fly, Miss Tear saw LUCILLE (WHITE) GRUBB ('35), who pla171$ to join her husband, RONALD, at Williamsburg, Va. ENSIGN GRUBB (At. '34) Engineers' U. S. Navy, worked for the architect who planned Delzell Hall. His sister JOYCE GRUBB {'34) is teaching music and in the Underwood, Ia., High Two former Peru students, F. B. SHRADER ('30) and JAMES E. PERDUE ('37) were representa· tives of textbook pub!lshing in· dustries asked by the Nebraska Educational Journal to name three .books from their company's list which they would consider "im· perative" in putting the schools of Nebraska on a wartime basis. Mr. Shrader is with the McCormick· Mathers Publishing Company and Mr. Perdue represented Row, Peterson and Company in Lincoln.

This seems to be a time of elec-

ti1:1ns and re-elections. RUSSELL JlikCREIGHT ('37), Fairbury, was elected treasurer of the County Superintendents Association. :DIIBS. IYEATHERFIELD REED ('41), Auburn, was re-elected secretarytreasurer of the State School Board. Tbe Nebraska Education Journal has a lot of information in it about Peru grads. At Arapahoe, Supt. C. H. ADEE ('24) was re-elected. The same. goes for Supt. PERRY J. JORN ('27) Ohiowa, and Supt. H. E. FILLEY ('34), Stratton. Mrs. Winton GILBERT (HARRIETT

ANN KINGSOLVER) ('34) is teaching English at Edgar high school. MRS. ALTON WAGNER ('34), is the Johnson County superintendent. Nebraska University Medical School had a vacation last week. Consequently, NORMAN FLAU (At. '41) and FRANK LARSON ('4J) were on Peru campus. EDWIN FALLOON ('40) and JACK COLGLAZIER (At '41) ~re also students of the N. U. Med. School. Sincerely, -Virgie Lee.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, March 23, 1943 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. Editor............................................................................Ellen King Associate Editor................... ---·-·························Marjorie Prine Assistant Editors ......................Audrey Zastera, Rogene Rose Business Manager................................... -.......Betty Jane Scott Sports Editor....................................................Willard Redfern Special Reporters..............Virgie Lee Johnson, Betty Berger Reporters-Harriet Maxwell, Lillian Havel, Donna Steffen, Marjorie Weiler, Vera Huff. Advisor..........................................................11. Florence Martin

Spotts of '43 The Bobcats Tuesday, March 23, 1943

I Sports Hi-lights

• • •

-with W.R.

IBlu~ Stars • • • Chuck Rogers, Marine in utah, writes Melvin Rothmiller, "I received a couple of copies of the PED today. I'm glad to hear that you are still in school. Ey the way, I've already read those FEDS about ten times each.

"The base is huge. I never hope "It seems that most of the fel- to see it all. So far as men go, I lows have left the campus. The did not know there were so many in the world . . . Of course, benames of the faculty members cause of the magnitude of the place, sound like a telephone directory in rules are rigidly enforced and eva strange town. erything has a military aspect ... "

"You know, I thought I was pulling a fast one when I joined the For the first time in many years the Bobcats didn't place a man on Marines. I thought, 'Here's a the N. I. A. A. Conference team. But the question is: why wasn't big chance for a vacation from school, .Ab Yocum included? He finished second high to McCullough in confer- no more studying or tests.' I pullence scoring. My guess is that when the team was chosen the player's ed a fast one all right. I'm only state record was what counted and not the conference record. When attending school 12 hours a day choosing an All-Conference team I should think only the conference now, with tests every Saturday. It record would be used and not what kind of ball the cager played against only lasts for 9 months though, so state opponents. When this is done you are choosing an All-State team it's going to be a picnic compared to Peru. Yeah! and not All-Conference! ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM

ATHLETICS' PART IN THE WAR For about two years high school and college athletic and physical education directors have been convinced that in keeping interscholastic and intercollegiate athletics, including physical training activities, going on nn intensive basis, they were rendering a service to their country. Certainly there are very few who doubt that America is stronger in war today than she would have been if our schools had abandoned interinstitutional athletics ten years ago. Should any serious consideration be giyen the occasional suggestions that schools conducting athletics abandon their sports program for the duration the best answer would perhaps 'Qe that inevitably other organizations would be asked to take over the responsibility of re-establishing such sports programs.

"The school here is very nice. Reminds me a lot of Peru. The biggest difference is that the campus is about half way" up a mountain instead of on the top of a hill. "The Marine Corps is really the life for me. If I can get transferred into the regulars after the war, I think I will stay in. If I can't, I think I shall come back to Peru and finish my school. Even though the education which I am to receive here· and at Corpus Christi, Texas, is valued at $18,000, I don't think it will be a complete educati.on. $18,000 worth in 9

One of the best statements made on the subject of inter-collegiate athletics was made by R. W. Fairchild, President of Illinois Normal months isn't so bad-must be the 1School, who said, "Football will be the last thing I will ever eliminate. real thing. If I could have retainIt makes my blood boil to go into a meeting and hear someone decry the . ed half of what has been thrown at value of the sport. There is no question about its value. It will be the me in the last two months I would iast thing that will be scrapped as long as I am President of a University." be a genius.'' "I certainly do like New York," The majority of high government officials including those of our Herbie Knudson, Coastguardsman, armed forces are in complete accord on the inestimable value of comwrites Ma Steffen. "We have an petitive athletics to the boys who have the fighting to do. From this opportunity to see so much good comes speed, agility and enduranc~. This is second only to the WILLentertainment-passes to all the TO-WIN. Broadway movies and shows, as A just tribute to athletics' part in the war is the famous West Point well as dances and parties of all inscription by General Douglas MacArthur: kinds. So much more to do here for a service man than there was "ON THE FIELDS OF FRIENDLY STRIFE ARE SOWN THE in Calif. SEEDS WHICH IN OTHER YEARS ON OTHER FIELDS WILL BEAR "Vince Dreezen is here in New THE FRUITS OF VICTORY." York, but I have not had an opportunity to see him yet. He is in ODDS AND ENDS V-7 at Columbia, and while they are taking that training they get Maryville was defeated in the finals of the N. I. B. A. basket ball very little liberty-just a few hours tourney at Kansas City ... Lowell Magdanz, Wayne Teachers'. giant cen- on Saturday night. I have tried ter, is a member of the Old Home Bread team from Sioux City which to call him, but it is almost too large won the Midwest A. A. U. tournament ... Tne'Omaha World-Herald's a place-they can never locate anybody. He has called me but I and the Lincoln Journal's sport sections agrt!e about as much as a Rewasn't home. We do at least corpublican and a New Dealer ... York will hav·e another good basket ball respond back and forth." team next year if Uncle Sam doesn't take their three All-Staters .•. FEDS are read and re-read by Special note: Lincoln High, team I predicted to play in the State finals, Peruvians in service. Staff Sgt. won the Class A championship. St. Francis (Humphrey) another of my Fay Lovejoy says, "Many of the predicted teams, came in on top in Class B. boys in my barracks read my PED . . . they have decided that they should all get furloughs and come to Peru."

Bobcats missing

on AU-State teams s

The York Panthers dominated the Omaha World-Herald Allstate basket ball team as they placed three men on the first team. The three were: Wayne and Jim Kaeding, forwards, and George Shaneyfelt, guard. Kearney's Lloyd McCullough and Deane's Wayne Weber completed the first team. This team is undoubtedly the greatest collection c sharp-shooters ever assembled oh one Nebraska collegiate line-up. All-State Team F-W;'· Kaeding, York, junior. F-J. \Kaeding, York, junior. C-McCullough, Kearney, senior. G-Wher. Doane, junior. G-Sh~meyfelt, York, junior.

The Second Team F-Grosscup, Doane. F-J. Schwartz, Midland. C-Riessen, Wayne. G-Peterson, Kearney. G-Fitch, Wayne. Of the eight teams in the state, Peru, Wesleyan and Hastings failed to place one man on the Allstate teams or the All-Conference teams. N. I. A. A. Team F-Riessen, Wayne. F-Peterson, Kearney. C-McCullough, Kearney. G-Fitch, Wayne. G-Lewis, Kearney. N. C. A. C. Team F-J. Kaeding, York. F-W. Kaeding, York. C-Weber, Doane. G-Shaneyfelt, York. G-Grosscup, Doane.

Lovejoy writes " ... the trips we take across the snowcapped mountains are so beautiful that I will surely miss them when we leave." Navy Nurse Ensign Dorothy Brenner is stationed at Great Lakes. From her letter to Miss Martin:

"The girls are the most beautifully 'gotten up' outfit l have ever seen. Your appearance must be and is flawless ... " "Keep the home fires burning and do write me when you have a minute. I know, all of a sudden, what all the talk of writing to service men was about. "When the proverbial 'blue bird' is 'over the white cliffs,' I will visit you again in old Peru." From deep in the heart of Texas Lt. Wendell W. Hutchison sends

a 6 lb. 12 oz. bouncing baby boy. Am I a proud one. My wife is Betty J. Atwood (formerly) and of San Antonio, a real Texas beauty. We named him Fredrick Harold II after my father. Well, enough of that. "Capt. Robert (Bob) Mooney helped me celebrate Saturday night at the Officers Club. "This morning as I was coming the field 1st Lt. Ray Horton stopped me on the road end we had quite a chat. This was the first time that I had seen him. He said that Lt. Gale Carter was here but neither of us has seen him. to

"Give my thanks to Mr. Hayward, and my regards to Mr. Larsen, Miss Weare, Mr. Thorson, Mr. Winter and all my other former instructors and friends. Sincerely ycurs, -Hutch." Paul Landolt, who has been out at Colorado Springs, is at Ft. Crook. He visited his father Sunday.

the following Biggs Field News:

Jack Ashton saw Mervin Keedy in North Africa.

"Mr. Hayward sent me three back copies of the PED and I think I read every word printed. It surely is good to get my hands on one again and relocate some of my old friends.

Lt. Max D. Manifold, who was in Hawaii five months, recently completed officers training at Ft. Benning, Ga. He stopped at Peru n his way to Pennsylvania.

fncidentally, right now would be a good time for me to boast. Saturday morning, 1:30 a. m. to be exact, my wife presented me with

"Miss Doc (Sandin) more than anybody else," he said. Manifold was one of of the Delzell "heart players" along with Dunlap, Sandin, Jim Steele and Fletcher Cline.

FOR VICTORY! llur1 United States Savings Bonds and Stamps



Of his glider flying, Staff Sgt.

New classes begin work "Is there a doctor in the house?" is rapidly being replaced by "Is there a First Aider in the dorm?" It's no trouble to find someone who is not only willing, but eager to demonstrate artificial respiration or bandage even the slightest in· jury since Home Nursing and First Aid have been added to the college curriculum. The regular First Aid class has an enrollment of 13 and the extracurricular class, recently organized for twice weekly meetings, has 14. An extracurricular class In Home Nursing was also organized and has an enrollment of 13 girls. The regular class has an enrollment of 18 girls, all working to· ward their Red, Cross certificates.

!'You probably read that in your newspaper a while ago. That war correspondent found how our fighting men everywhere want Coca-Cola. It must have something special to be the favorite of the fighting forces. There's taste you don't find anywhere this side of Coca-Cola, itself. And there's that welcome feel of refreshment that goes into energy. Take it from me, Coke is good." BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY





Enrollment decreased in placement bureau

Shift . • •

PEDSTERS are hunting for an extra-special super pretzel for Prexy; be opened the college office after hours just so the PED could go to press •.. Something new has been added: the cadets are allowed to smoke in classes . . . Cadet Blood, "Transfusion" they call him, is really appreciated by the other fellows; as senior officer he's been taking responsibility for their o.ctions ... Uncle Sam intervenes-Sack and Ep; Slagle and Cacek; DeLong and Mccomber ..• The fellows are deserting Delzell hall, but the Heart games go onfirst floor E. M. has taken over ... a red flag means trouble ahead, ask , "plasterers" Riley and Scott ... and while you're asking-try to get Weiler to give a demonstration of Horace Mann ... A word of explanation about Glenny's cross of lipstick on her cheek last Wednesday evening: It was a bet, and she needed the money to go home on ... Request for repeats-they drive away the monotony-Stevie's pig· tails; Safranek's white windey shoes; hot cross buns in the cafeteria; Rich Monroe's piano performance in same .•• Spring's here for sure; Miss

"It apears that there are not very many students interested in taking. teaching positions for next year," said Supt., S. L. Clements, head of the placement bureau.

Although he has received a good many calls for teachers, especially in the math, science, cooking, music and commerce fields, Mr. Clements finds the supply smaller than the demand. Less than 20 per cent of the usual number of teachers will be available through the bureau this .year. Mr. Clements also reports that salaries are definitely on the upward trend.

Bogle appointed

chairman Eunice Bogle was appointed new chairman of the program committee and Ardis Carmine her assistant at the meeting of F. T. A. Monday, Mar. 15. Betty Riley, in charge of the program, spoke briefly on what is expected of a teacher as an introduction to a discussion by Lucille Miller on "What We Must Know to Get a Position." Concluding the program, Betty Riley sang "The Lass With the Delicate Air" by Michael Arne.

Tear's yellow tulips and narcissi herald the occasion ..• Lois Miller fi· nally met her "mail-man" •.. Virgie L. has a new protector, he's a g,ift, a toy Scotty, and intended to drive the "wolfs" away.

It's a girl-introducing Catherine Margaret Cleaveland. Congratulations Wally and Alice Ann ... Bruce Hayward has been trying to date Miss Martin-to come play with him ... Hush money for council members-home made cookies ... and quote a demeriter, "Why, oh why!" ... the level of campus morale is directly connected with the arrival of a "coke" truck on the hill. Reyn,olds, the new ·history teacher, is living in Delzell 'til his wife arrives-he was warned to be quiet cause the boys always study •.• Amazing discovery of the week-fellows using kleenex; Butch carries the peach variety ... J. B. news ... "the place is over run by WAACs"worry, worry ... Freddie D. has the measles, and those winged lockets Nispel and Grundman are wearing were sent by "Our Flyers." New exhibits: Carrie Ellen's diamond-she's been "promised" since Saturday ... Doreen's pictures of "Whiz" with that three-eights inch haircut ... Epley and DeLong:; red roses ... worn in their hair ... Barb Dressler and Anna Louise Short were week-end vacationing in Peru ... Atwood finished up his work and will get his degree in May .. Snatch from Alumni Trail: Jerry Livingston and Gen Steuteville have been officially engaged for all of two weeks now ... Oh, Happy Birthday to you-whenever you have one!

''G·1rIs can saw ·boards


says Prof. Larson .

"We are all out for the wa-r effort in the industrial arts department," said Mr. A. V. Larson.

Trying the factory production plan, the machine woodworking class is making 12 chairs. One student mali:es one part of a chair, and when every student has completed his work the r'"sult is the finished chair.


ing drafting at Great i,.akes Naval Training Station; Waiter Huber and Lowell Lewis, Chief Specialists; A/C Maurice Linder; Ernest Strays, and Ensigns Bob Smith and Bob Williams at sea.

The Army claims other Peruvians: Eugene Andrew in Australia; George Atwood, Harold Macomber and Wayne Sack at Ft. Leavenworth; Don Lienemann and Don Mr. Larson says it isn't true that Stark at Jefferson Barracks; Lt. a girl can't saw a board. "Some John Horton, Camp Barkley, Tex.; girls are very skillful in handling Staff Sgt. Faye Lovejoy, glider pitools. Shop courses are :;plendid lot at Victorville, Calif.; Ross Orfor girls, and now would be a good gan at San Antonio; Gerald Tyler time for them to study woodwork· in special engineering training, ing and drawing. They could teach Patterson Field, Ohio; Cadet Joe such courses where men are scarce. Vacek at Maxwell Field, Ala.; AlSome of them have taken Civil wyn Young, in cavalry at Ft. RiService tests and entered the field ley; Arthur Harris, a physicw eduof mechanicoil drafting." cation instrucor at New Orleans; Naval Cadets have added to Mr. and Captain Paul Wilcox, overseas. Larson's teaching scredule; he Coastguardsman Myrt Hall is a teaches them International Morse Code and a course in general ser- second class machinists mate at Alameda, Calif. vice of air craft. Others from the industrial arts Hunting knives, butcher knives and bread knives are being made department in government service from old files and scrap steel by are: Clay Coy, at the relocation cenMr. Steve Gaines' Training School ter, LaMar, Colo.; Tom Dean. Govstudents. A course in aircraft ernment Inspector of the Ordnance drafting is offered to senior high Plant, Des Moines; and James Larson. students. Many of Peru's former industrial arts students are serving in tlefense work or in different branches of the service.

Worthy Argabright, Friel Kerns, George KW1l, Roy Lively and Richard Sherman hold either defense jobs or teaching positions.

Among those in the Navy are: Bernard Barias, teaching airplane repair work to the WAVES at Memphis, A/C Eugene Coupe at Hollywood Beach, Fla.; Ensign Don Dean, just commissioned at Pensacola; A/C Wilbur Ege at Norman, Okla.; Ernest Galloway at San Diego; Ernest Huegel, teach·

Many more workers have re· ceived training for service in Peru's industrial arts department. Al· though the main purpose of Industrial arts courses in Peru ls teacher training, the department is ad· justing its program to meet war· time needs.

No ice cream, no donuts; War hits cafe

Prep classes pass goals Leading all other classes, t ninth grade barged out ahead the sale of war stamps by passi their goal of $155 with a total pu chase of $160. Seventh grade w runner up with a total of $120, a amount which also exceeds thei original goal. Total amount sol in all training school classe amounts to $560 up to date.

Salvage committee, headed Sammy Bradford, has reported on. the silk drive which started last week and will continue throughout the year. Already 264 pairs of silk stockings, totaling 1614 lbs., have been turned in. Plans by this committee are in the making for ancJher salvage drive for metals, especially tin.

WSSF secretary speaks at convo

Uses of WSSF funds for refugee Sixty-four gallons of ice cream bothered with ... cheese is getting students, relocation students and a month! May sound lllie a lot of scarce ... fresh vegetables are sky war prisoners in internment camps were explained by Mrs. Dorothy ice cream but it's all gone by the high ... radishes are ninety cents T. Dyer, Associate Executive Secmiddle of the month in the college a dozen bunches . . . the water retary of WSSF in her convocacafeteria. And when it's gone- fountain parts don't cool the water tion address Friday, 1V1ar. Hi. there's no more until the next ... even the heating elements of Mrs. Mary 0. Delzell, Y. W. month. Reason: there's a war on, the steam table haven't been re- sponsor, introduced the speaker, and it mali:es a difference. Espe- placed because of war priorities .. . who opened the YWCA's World Student Service Fund drive on boy workers leave one by one .. . cially in the cafeteria. campus. Right now: they're no canned This is just ·the beginning. This Mrs. Dyer, Dean of Women at carrots-too much stock ahead for Bucknell University, has secured is war-:i.s it affects the cafeteria. any ration points in vegetables •.. a year's leave of absence to work with the WSSF. fresh asparagus forty cents a pound ... jello is practically un· available •.. number two potatoes since the government call~d for all number ones ..• Celebrating St. Patrick's Day, Honey must be used for sugar Gamma Chi girls had a "Tebahplai Party" in the Music Hall, Wed.· .. doughnuts take too· much time nesday, Mar. 17. from "Bak:e's" cooking to·be made "News flashes" fr'om . war torn Rebanis Frankforter won the very often . . . meat-sometimes countries on the use of World Stu- prize for high score in the alphapork can be gotten, sometimes beef, dent Service Funds in caring for bet game. Beulah Thompson and sometimes wienies . . . sometimes imprisoned, interned or starving Rosemary Pershing tied for the none at all . . . bacon is almost students were read by Announcer low prize. thirty cents a pound-for 16 slices. Lucille Miller at YWCA, Tuesday, Mrs. Inice Dunning was in Companies donlt make spoons ... Mar. 16. Rebanis Frankforter, charge. Fruit punch and wafers · stamps from individual ration Vera Hinman and, Doris Miller pre- were served. books have no effect in supplying sented a skit portraying China's sugar or canned goods for the problem of rebuilding universities CLINTON TEACHERS' AGENCY whole cafeteria so they are not in the interior. Nina Kane! talked Clinton, la. C. E. Cozzens, Mgr. Twenty-fourth year of continu· briefly on facts about W. S. S. F. ous service by present owner and manager. For a better position and Vivian Dooley and Evelyn Klein higher salary enroll now. Free en· were in charge of devotions. Mu- rollment. Member National Assosic w~s directed by Marian Deck. ciation of Teachers' Agencies.

YW hears

Gamma Chi parties

war flashes

Library has new books

Now the librar-v is two-timing! In addition to th\:! ,.,lectric one, the pendulum of the 1arge floor clock is again swinging after 12 years of idleness. Prof. C. A. Huck, mechanically minded math instructor, is responsible for the revival. On the desk near. the repaired clock are several new books which Miss Grace Peterson recommends for leisure time reading. These include "So You're Going to be An Artist," 'by Price; '·School of the Citizen Soldier," by Griffin; "Good Old Summer Days" by Richmond; "Memoirs of a Guinea Pig," by O'Brien. ·

STATE THEATRE Auburn, Nebraska Paul Muni Lillian Gish


April Fool Prevue March 31 at 11:30

We still have a quantfty of

Fine Jewelry designed to save you money! Pens Rings Bracelets Pencils Compacts Lockets Diamonds Watches Leather Goods Gifts for Service Men

Plenty of Fun for All!

Prep notes

High-Falutin' Foolery!

• • •

The Training School Band has selected Friday, April 2, as the date for their patriotic concert. Price of admission will be the purchase of at least one war stamp of any denomination.

Gifts That Last!


The Andrew Sisters -in-


Prepsters held a dance in the high school assembly Friday, March 12. Shirley Rodgers. Betty Lou Adams, Donald Lavign~·:~ar­ bara Burgess and Clay Kennedy were in charge.

Added: Sportreel, Color Cartoon Community Sing

Paul Ogg has enlisted in the Merchant Marine Corps. He expects to be called for active duty in about six weeks.

We promise you a good time!

Make a Date With Your Best Girl!

Full Line of Greeting Cards

Chatelain' s Jewelry '

Where your money buyi morel


Bark... Would it be permissible to mention Spring Fever again 1 I wouldn't, but I've got it. I think that probably it was de collitch kids what invented dat stuff, but sometimes it looks like faculty giet it too. Speaking of getting, if you've ever had trouble getting coke bottles open, relax. You have a: bottle-you haven't a bottle opener. Consequently you can't get it open. I know. Don't try the faucets. They won't work. I know. Don't try the knobs on the dresser drawer. They won't work. I know. Don't try the handles on the windows or the bed railing, or the door knob. They won't work. I know. But, try the knobs on the side of the dresser-up on the sides where they hold the mirror in or look pretty or something. Tlfey work. Not only the ones on the right side but the ones on the left. I know. But not knowing about the furniture in Delzell, this may apply only to girls in Eliza Morgan and surrounding territory. Speaking of territory, the campus is getting so it looks like the second chorus of the Spring Song:. Green grass, new leaves, a number of new couples roaming a r o u n d campus, and robins, cardinals and bluebirds (one was seen in Prexy's yard Saturday-he must have pull!!). Speaking of pull. Who did 7 I mean, who pulled the plums out of the May ·:'n and May King election? We heard the May Queen is Jean Hoagland, Mary Stevensoni E v e 1y n Rodgers, Vada Gubser-and Betty Grable. It could be your guess is better than any of the first four. But mine because Pm not trying. I'll wait. Speaking of waiting, already people are beginning to wait for answers to applications sent out. Would-be school teachers are scanning the placement bureau Yacancies and writing application letters. Lillian Havel can probably go on record as the first to sign her signature on the contract for next year's school. Speaking of school (and of waiting) there are approxi,mately forty-three days left of school.



Tradition smashed; Burgess carries mail For the first time, the very first time in the whole history of the college, P. S. T .c. has a feminine mail-carrier. She's brown-haired, brown (very dark· brown) eyed, first semester freshman Margaret Burgess.

Speaking of her job, Margaret says, "I think it will be fun-after I get used to it." Eyeing the dark strap marks on the white collar of her dress; she added, "But after this I'm going to wear slacks!" Carrying the 3 o'clock and the 5 o'clock mail will give her plenty of exercise, but she isn't worried. "I'll have to eat more," was her only comment.

Although she finished her Training School work last semester, Margaret has the part of Gladys in the new Senior Class Play, "Jane Eyre." And she plans to learn her lines while she's waiting down town for the 5 o'clock mail. At the .end of her% first day, she laughingly admitted: "I was late. Didn't get to the girl's dorm until 6:30 and all the girls were waiting for me. It won't take so long when I get used to it." And she admitted, "I didn't read the postcards either." She grinned. "I didn't have time the first night."

Prep starts exchange If you've read even the ads and editorials in every magazine you own-and all those within borrowing d fstance-tote the old ones to the Magazine Exchange Department on the second floor of the Training School.

Open Monday and Thursday, the dep::i.rtment operates on the barter system. You are allowed to swap your magazines for others you can select. But be prepared to forfeit one extra magazine on each exchange to help the department accumulate a reserve supply.

V-5's called for service More P e r u v i a n s will soon be "up in the air." Six members of class V-5 of the Navy received their calls for Naval Air Corps Cadet training Monday, March 22. Members of this group, who will report at Kansas City April 6, are Dean Jones, Alvin Haack, Arlin McCandless,

Orval Rohrs, Bob

Berger and Wm. Ottersberg.


Barn Dance replaces formal It's back to the farm for all Peruvians at the old ''Barn Dance" scheduled for Saturday, Apr.17. Students and faculty will go rustically informal at the party which replaces the traditional spring formal. The informal idea goes "all the way'' by sanctioning short skirts amd anklets and welcoming everybody, not just couples.

Red Cross results announced The Red Cross drive total has now reached $154 and the report is not yet complete.

Of this total Delzell men contributed $10.80, and girls in Eliza Morgan and Mt. Vernon halls donated $23.37. The drive was conducted by Miss Margaret Henningsen with dorm council members as solicitors.

Prof. Moore chooses ''Letters to LucerneII "Letters to Lucerne" by Fritz Rotter and Allen Vincent is the spring play chosen by Robert D. Moore, professor of dramatics. The play has been very popular in New Yor.k and is widely acclaimed by dr~matic critics. "It is a tender play about a harsh topic," claims one, while another says, "It is a human and moving drama of war."

When the play opens near Lucerne late in the summer of 1939 a group of girls are just returning to school after the recess. Under the protection of a wise and pleasant scho?lmistress they are living an idylli¢ life apart from the hatreds of t~e world. In their dormitory at night it is their custom to read alol'.id their letters from home. Wheh the w;ar breaks out Mrs. Hunter hopes to keep the school isolated from the terhble things that are happening outside. But the letters carry the bitterness in. The braggart letters the German girl receives from home turn the

school against her. Some of the news, especially from Poland, is devastating. Although the German girl is not responsible for it she is charged with the blame. Ultimately the authors manage to absolve her completely in a concluding letter that ~ beautifully v.Titten. · The cast includes nine women and four men. Preliminary announcement has been made of the play but the enthusiasm of the student body will determine its success. With the po~sibilities of a limited stage crew and inexperienced cast the demand for more student help will be necessary.

to get gas and we drive slow so we won't use too much,'' she added.

Mildred Pauline Hughes, also second soprano, comes from Van Buren, Ark. Retha Lynch, contralto, from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, is also a music major.

Questioned about what they did with their time between tours they looked at each other and then smiled, "We have to go to school," one said meekly.

These girls are all seniors and

Marguerite Mitchem, first soprano, of Kansas City, Kans., is a music major. When asked about her music she replied, "Oh, I love music. There's real psychology in it." Rose Mae Wright, second soP!ano, is from Texicana, Texas.

en them all over Mis• ,i.lri and Kansas. Their present trip ls the longest one from home, said Miss Mii land. "We left Kansas City this .morning (Mon.) and now will go to Omaha for several engagements and then into Sout:1 Dakota."

"The ration boards art: very nice about giving us special permission I

Pay your money and take your chance-and the girl's dorm council promise you won't be disappointed.

Peruvian missing in action Lt. Keith McHugh, an aviator with the American forces in North Africa, has been reported missing in action by the war department. Lt. McHugh attended Peru 193941.

The Pawnee Chief has carried numdous letters during the past year from Lt. McHugh describing his unusual adventures in North Africa and Palestine.


Display opens

Reproductions of p>intlngs by Russian artists will be on display in the Art Department show cases starting Tuesday, Apr. 6. The paintings date from 1700 to 1930.

Other pictures which will be on display and which Miss Norma Diddcll is trying to get more information on are those of Italy, Spain. Norway and other countries now at war.


Rose Mae is a business major and enjoys music as a hobby. She does all the readings for the group.

Marie Milland of Kansas City, are volunteer students who are Mo., the pianist, is the leader of traveling for the Moyer-Horner the group. She directs the girls Co. of Kansas City._ When asked in their work and is head of the about traveling along. with school music department at Jackson Ccl- work they thought it is pretty diffilege. Miss Milland attended Fisk cult but fun. They enjoy their University. She has been granted two degrees from the Urnversity work from the standpoint of proof Kansas, and is now working on fessional training and experience her M. A. degree from the Uni- as 'well as pleasure. In the last three years their travels r:ive takversity of Minnesota.

You'll dance, square dance, and play games for entertainment-maybe there'll even be refreshments. The whole thing takes place in the gym.

Dorm council deans kitchen

Reporter interviews qu~rtet after Budget performance For the first time in several years Peruvians heard real negro music sung by the Jackson ,!ubilee Singers of Kansas City in the college auditorium, Monday, Mar. 29. Wearing bright cotton dresses and bandanas, they sang their first group informally; the rest of the program was formal.

Tickets will be sold before the big date and part of the admission price, in the form of war stamps, will be refunded at the door.

Mr. Charles Tote, head of the math department, drives the car and manages the trips for the group.

I Futures

Eliza Morgan's kitchen is a changed kitchen! The girls' dorm council has given it a new spring outfit-colors, red and white. Red <?il cloth covers the table tops and white and red dotted curtains are at the windows. New equipment, including cooking utensils 2nd an electric corn popper, have also been added. To keep the kitchen clean and usable, the council has worked out a demerit system whereby each girl will be demerited unless she leaves the kitchen in good order.


Tuesday -------------April

6-YWCA, YMCA ------------------7-8

Wednesday ----------April

7-Hour Dance ---------------6:45-7:45

Thursday ____________ April

8-Freshman Clubs -----------------7·9

Monday _____________ .April 12-Early Elementary ----------------7-8 Epsilon Pi Tau ------------------7-8 Sigma Tau Delta ----------------8-9 Tuesday -------------April 13-VWCA, YMCA ------------------7-8 Wednesday __________ April 14-Gamma Chi ---------------------7-8 Thursday ____________ April 15-Freshman Clubs ----------------7-9 Monday ------------~April 19-F. T. A. ------------------------8-9


Senior Morris raises r~bbits

• • •

We've located the man with "all that meat and no potatoes." He's Bob Morris, whose home is' in Richmond, Calif.

Protest After Pearl Harbor, the flag of the United States assumed new importance 'everywhere, not only in the States but wherever the army, navy and marine corps were stationed, wherever there were Blue Stars :fighting and flying and dying. In the States the flags flew for civilians and the Home Front. Stars and Stripes were hoisted daily over Factories, Defense Plants, Government Buildings and SCHOOLS and COLLEGES throughout the country. The :first editorial written for this year's PED began: ''A new fla:g is flying on campus,'' but that is no longer true. Why isn't the flag flying daily at Peru?. Why display it only on special days and calendar holidays? Why isn't the flag ~ying daily?

Bob doesn't have a Victory garden, but he does have approximately 60 rabbits, a splendid source of "no-points" meat. Bob has completed majors in biology, math .and physical science. Extracurricular activities include Y. M. and Tri Beta membership. "Practice teaching's the fun of . living," Bob explained. He's teaching biology an,d practical math.

At last A triple deck pretzel with pink frosting to Mr. Martin Heuer. At :first we couldn't believe it, but we went, we saw, and show bills are now hanging in all the rooms. Rita Hayworth! Bing Crosby! Dorothy Lamour! Ray Milland! Oh joy! Oh bliss! A THEATER!

Post-war . "After the war, what T" ask college students who have left for service. "Will there be jobs enough to go around when they release millions of us from the armed forces1" This depends on Congressional action. The National Resources Planning Board's report shows that plans are being made for a possible post-war reconstruction program. During the transition from war economy to peace-time ,economy, the program suggests dismissal wages for soldiers, enforcement of labor standards and initiation of public works on a large scale. At the end of this war soldiers will receive more than six dollars and a ticket home.

Memo Memo to Prepsters and Peruvians: It's easy to forget, but football-game manners are decidedly out of place at concert events. Perhaps Peru needs another convo program on "How to be a Good Audience.'' The inattention, whistling and booing, and ill-timed applause at the recent budget event indicate a need for further education.

Six more official good-byes are in order this week from the PED to the Navy V-5 me:Q..

Senior Gubser reveals interesting hobbies Rushing her school career in order to start teaching sooner, Vada Gubser will graduate in May after three years and three summers. A Home Economics major, she is president of Kappa Omicron Phi, a member of the Home Economics Club and sponsor of the High School Home Economics Club. Among her hobbies are embroidery work, making scrapbooks, and collecting dogs. She also "goes" for tennis, hiking, swimming and dancing. Characteristic of Vada is her talent for spotting the humorous things in life, although she says it's her "pigeon toes or· my gold

teeth." She also likes to change her hair style often. As for favorite colors, she likes red and white, and food interests center en ice cream-"any kind, just so I can get it when I want it." "My pet peeve," says Vada, "is philosophying on Sunday afternoon and hearing the buzzer ring five times, knowing it isn't for me." Vada likes people who have personality plus, a slight bit of reserve, are as neat and attractive as possible, know good ethics and think before acting.. Another thing she likes, she confessed with a grin, is to "sit on the floor and study."

To get a cross section of life on the campus, one needs only to pick up a Peruvian. Hair styles change, dress lengt~s change, the men get fewer, the vine disappears from the library, campus lingo changes, but things like convo procedure never change. The proof is on page 131 of the 1937 Peruvian-a typical convo procedure: "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want ... " "Y. W. C. A. will meet in the east side of the Music Hall tonight at 8 o'clock.''

blondes and brunettes, but when· ever a female titian walks by, all the trousered college students sigh and say, 'Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, and oh boy!'

"Col1ege students don't like to ',The Peruvian office will be look nice. They hate being neat. open Wednesday afternoon at They think a suit is what one takes float periods. This is absolutely to court; breeches is the plural of your last chance to have a Peru- heart-balm cases; and clean socks Seegmilier is on Bob's list of ad- .vian reserved for you.'' are what Joe Louis puts on. mirable instructors. He likes to "Convocation is dismissed." eat "anything and everything," "College students are very adept and "had lots of fun while workat the game called 'bluffing.' AfProfiles change, bulletin boards ing with Mac and Shrein on change, the enrollment changes, ter four years of it on the varsity N. ¥.A." organizations' officers change, the squad, they are handed an honorWhen asked about sports, Bob outdoor amphitheater appears, the able discharge (if they're good), explained that he had been sug- walk leading to the Ad building which really means that they can gested as a possible two-miler, but widens, the librar.y has more play a good game of cards, throw that track didn't coincide with his books, the office force changes, the a mean pair of dice, and recognize favorite recreation-sleeping. auditorium has electric fans. but twenty different kinds of grass.'' But if the athletic department freshman themes never changeCovers change, d e d i cations ever organizes a pin-ball team, Bob note, a typical freshman theme in change, gags change, ads chang.e, will be sure to make the squad. the 1937 Peruvian: the dining room gives way to the "All youth is divided into two cafeteria, cooks change, the pig· species-college students and noncollege students. You can always eon ·hole mail boxes give way to tell a non-college student-he has combination mail boxes, mail men some money. change, the "Navy" comes to Peru, traditions change, but college hu • "College students come to colMusic, pep, noise! The band lege for a number of reasons, such mor is still corny. turned a practice Thursday, Mar. as (1) they got into some kind of 25, into a booster rally announcing a scrape at home, (2) they are the opening of the Peru theater. looking for a man, (3) they are Wind blowing, hair flying, signs too'•dumb to get a job, (4) it gives waving and horns blasting added them a chance to borrow on their to the enthusiasm of students when insurance policy. they learned Peru was to have a "College students are usually Continuing their Red Cross movie. blondes and brunettes.· Once in a Work, Kappa Omicron Phi and The gen·eral comment among the while there are some who have the Home Economics Club met in members was something like, "It's peculiarly colored hair. They are a joint meeting at Miss Edna fun to boost such a wonderful called 'titians.' These titians don't Weare's home last night, Monday, event!" look any diff~rent from the Apr. 5.

Band boosts theatre premier

Clubs continue Red Cross work

IJllumni trail . • • Dear "Roomy-111-·1aw," Did "Genie" write you that MARY GROVENBURG (At. '41) was married to James F. Wheeler, of Auburn, at Pensacola, Florida's Presbyterian Church March 16? CLARK FINNEY (At. '38) has been employed in the Government Ship Yards at Pearl Harbor since October, 1941. He was there during the December Seventh raid and received a Navy citation for saving the lives of a woman and two sailors. He is anticipating a thirty-day leave and a trip home after his completion of two years of service. A Peru visitor weekend 'fore last, was MERRITT JENSEN ('40). He is a Rock County High School teacher at Bassett.

Good-bye again

Peruvians prove some things never change

that Son FREDERICK J. WOLTER, Rep Student in '38, is a chemist on confidential research connected with the war effort at Iowa State College, Ames, where he has done his graduate research work. I suspect that page 53 of the February Woman's Home Compan· ion with Ralph Dahlstrom's pie· ture on it is the root from which the rest of this information about his family has sprouteJ; He is the son of ROY and EMILIE (NO· VOTNY) DAHLSTROM (both of '26) and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dahlstrom.

Father Roy, who has a P'.l. D. from Nebraska U., is a chemist for

the National Lead Co., in New Jersey. Aunt DAISY (DAHLSTROM, At. '38) is in Baltimore, Md., with her itinerant-pastor husband J. Omar TIMMONS, formerly the Baptist minister here. An uncle, Dr. HAROLD BOSLEY, pastor of a Methodist church at Baltimore, was invited by Vice President Wallace to be secretary of a group of outstanding Eastern ministers at Delaware, Ohio, The conference is to talk over what the church can do in regard to peace terms after the war. Try to be good and gigless. Sincerely, -Virgie Lee.

WALTER WATKINS ('40) and wife are in Kansas City, where he . audits in the Office of Emergency Management.

Dr. and Mrs. C. DWIGHT WALDO (both of '35) have a second daughter, Martha Gwen. The mother was GWEN PA1"NE. Dr. Waldo works with the O. P. A. in Washington, assistant to the Associate Price Executive of the Consumers Durable Goods Branch. We elected May Fete Royalty Monday. Remember when KAY BARTLING was May Queen our freshman year? Well, a~rdlng to the March 14 News PreQ she's now engaged to Dr. J. H. O'Dell of Three Rivers, Mich. She works at Ann Arbor, Michigan, in the Mich U office and he's an interne there.

From the March 11 Tecumseh Chieftain comes a story about DORIS JACKA ('35) being married to Victor L. Wragge ol. Howells. Her sister BERNICE ('40) was maid of honor, Mrs. Fred Wolter (ANNA HILL, '07) of Ohiowa, wrote Miss Martin

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Peru Peda:gogian, Tuesday, April 6, 1943 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. Editor............................................................................Ellen King· Associate Editor..........·-··················-··················Marjorie Prine Assistant Editors-.....................Audrey Zastera, Rogene Rose Business Manager................................... -.......Betty Jane Scot Sports Editor.........·-···-··--·····---·········-···············Willard Redfe Special Reporters·-·-·········Virgie Lee Johnson, Betty Berge . Reporters-Harriet Maxwell, Lillian Havel, Donna Steffen Marjorie Weiler, Vera Huff. .Advisor.......................·--·······················-········M. Florence Mart'

Spotts of '43

Bobcatsi track outlook dark; Yocum only returning letterman

The Bobcats Tuesday, April 6, 1943

l Sports Hi-lights

• • •


The Bobcats' outlook for the 1943 track season is not too good with big Orval Yocum the only returning letterman. The opening practice, three weeks ago, was hopeful with well over twenty

boys checking out equipment. Because of cold weather practices were held in the gym for the first two weeks. Practices moved to the track last week with the coming of warm weather.

-with W.R.

The Cats will be minus Bill Rachow, shot-put specialist, but will have Butch Roberts, Red Hines and Art Ronhovde to take his place. Upperclassman Bob James leads the high jumpe.rs with freshmen Larry Good and Dwight Houseman finishing up the list.


Will there be any new equipment for football, basket ball and track next year? Or will school officials have to curtail their athletic program because of shortage in playing equipment. According to a noted Sporting Goods Company there will be certain articles that won't be plentiful as in the past-and as other items will not be available to all. There is one thing certain, sports equipment will be made at only about 5% of what it was before the war. However, this company states, "there are goods already in stock, enough to supply the demand for months to come." There will be no building of equipment to special specification. School officials will have to take items which are available from the present stocks." To give you a better picture of the situation, I will briefly out!ine the stock and manufacturing conditions applicable to some of the major sports from this particular sporting-goods company. Football: "Helmets, shoulder pads, hip and kidney pads, pants and jerseys are available from stock. Some specials can be made in jerseys; but stay away from the fancy striping. Stocks of shoes are ample. There will be some shortages of footballs on account of the heavy purchase by the Army and Navy."

Basket ball "Shoes will present a problem but manufacture may be permitted in limited quantities using reclaimed rubber soles. LastBill balls will not be obtainable. The laceless balls are filling the gap nicely but too many will not be available for the schools and colleges. Uniforms and warm-ups will be available in many materials but not in all." Track: "There are no vaulting poles available. These bamboo poles were formerly imported from Japan. Aluminum poles could fill the gap nicely but none can be produced as aluminum is a critical material. No stop watches are to be had. These were formerly imported from Switzerland. Javelins, discus and shot are available now but stocks are not heavy. There are fair stocks of shoes on dealers' shelves." Tennis: "Balls will be available in LIMITED quantities as they were last year but will not be banned. There are fair stocks of rackets in medium and high grades. Shoes of the rubber-so.led variety are practically non-existent." So there you have it. If you're all puffed up about the man power

your school is going to have next year and how you are going to lick the pants off the other schools in football, basket ball and track, you had better look at the equipment supply first. You may be the one without the pants. DON KRISTUFEK

The entire state was saddened a week ago last Sunday at the death of Deane's Don Kristufek. 1st Lt .Kristufek was killed in action in the middle east area. In case you don't remember Don, he was a star basket ball player at Doane from 1935-38, probably the best in the history of the school. He, undoubtedly, would be placed on the first team of the all-time, All-State selection. PING PONG TOURNEY? When the trees begin to turn green and the birds began to twitter it turns one's thoughts to girls and Ping Pong. Since "one" thinks of girls the rest of the year I will mention Table Tennis or Ping Pong, which ever you prefer. I think it's about time to haven tourney. A boys' single tournament could be held and also a girls' single. To make things more springlike a mixed doubles tourney could also be held.

Think it over men (also women). Whom would you like for a partner in a Ping Pong tourney?

Only sure point winners for the Bobcats this season are "Ab" Yocum and Earl Banks. "Ab," M. I. N. K. champion discus thrower, may also be used as a 440 man as was the case last year. Earl is the number one 440 man but probably will be used also in the 220, possibly the 100 and the mile relay.

Bill Meinen, another freshman, probably will head the 880. Prospective hurdlers are Lyle DeYoung and DeWayne Aden. No relay team has yet been chosen of course, but as things stand it looks like Yocum, Meinen, Knapp or Myers or Larsen, and Banks will make up the mile relay.


Ex-cager plays at Ft. Crook; Powers now in Michigan Al Powers is at East Lansing, Mich.:

"Here I am at the Michigan State College, and boy, it sure is one swell place . . . They really treat us like gentlemen here. They address us as 'Mister.' We have to eat with one hand under the table and sit on the edge of our chairs, so our backs will not touch the back of the chair."

So far four meets have been scheduled for sure and one with Maryville is in the making.

Tom Daly mentioned Pfc. Russell Hobbs of Ft. Crook in his radio account of a Red Cross Basket Ball Show Benefit Friday, Mar. 30, at South High in which Ft. Crook vs. Ft. Omaha played the opening game.

Tri Beta initiates six Six new members, including Jean Bond, Merlin Broers, Rebanis Frankforter, Lois Grundman and John Lawrence, were formally initiated into Tri Beta last night, Monday, Apr. 5. Replacing Dr. J. M. Winter as sponsor of the group is Miss Mary Strickland. Virgie Lee Johnson and Lillian Havel served refreshments.

Former Bobcat stationed in England stiU active on basket ball court •

Part of a "V" letter received by Ralph Chatelain from Cpl. Keith Hannah, former Bobcat, stationed in England, Mar. 11 1 says:

squad because I am on detached service, but they finally made the grade. I have been teaching them some new tricks about the game.

"I wish that I were back there to play with old Peru State this year, but Uncle Sam needed me more than college, so here I am in England.

"As I told you before I am in detached service. The camp that I am in now has a post bakery. They put me in the bakery and now I am in charge of the pastry department. It is a lot of fun but long hours. They finally have found more men so we ha\le two shifts. Now it's much easier on the men."

"I have ,been playing. basket ball with the Co. team. The captain had a hard time getting me on the

"That's what a soldier wrote home about. Ask the man in the ranks how Coca-Cola rates with him. Ask the man behind the PX counter. They'll both tell you,-when it comes to refreshment, nothing takes the place of ice-cold Coca-Cola. Energy-giv· ing refreshment ••• quality you can count on ••• distinctive, delicious taste,-all combine to prove a point that needs no proving: The only thing like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola, itself." BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THI; COCA.COLA COMPANY BY



Digbt Shift • • •

ISt.udents presen~ Fr1day convocations

We've said it before-we'll say it again ... Spring is here! ... Or haven't you noticed Hester, Ficke, Berlett, Schilling and Patterson wearing pigtails ... Red Hines and Art applying football tactics to an 8 a. m.' croquet game ... that dandelion in the rose garden ... the Pershings, Dall and L. Miller roller skating ... the tulip tips in the E. M. yard .•• Mary Mannschreck's new chambray dress? ... Quote heard from an unidentified person coming from an art appre· ciation class: "Boy, I like this soap carving, it's good clean fun" ••. Of course, the mail doesn't always come on time, but Willard's "been sick;" self-diagnosis indicates "summer fever" •.• Library note: Reynolds . checks out more books than all the history students combined ••• It's an old story, but the couple is new-Vonia Tenhulzen is sparkling on that all-important right finger, left hand .•. "Josephine," the college skeleton, made her debut in Mrs. Wheeler's class last Tuesday,,. Fashion note: or could you help noting Max Burroughs' green and yellow shoes? ..• Doreen has talked with Whiz long distance three times in the last week ... Macomber, Sac and Smitty all called before they left Leavenworth. Strictly on the night shift are the pictures coming up at the Peru theater-"You Were Never Lovelier," "Eagle Squadron," "Star Spangled Rhythm," "Major and the Minor" and "The Road to Morocco" ••• all that and term papers, too.


"Freshies be seen and not heard?" Friday, Mar. 28, when they p~ted their "half serious-half ~ic" convocation. Arthur class president, introduced of Ceremonies Willard Red.fen, who helped "Moron" Rest~ Friedley and "moronic" Lan;11 Good provide the comic part of the program. On the serious side, Patty Hill played a solo on her " magic violin" and Una Mae Leech played a flute solo. A male quartet composed of Dwigf!;t Houseman, Melvin Larson, John Cejka and Lyle 't>eYoung completed the musical selections with two numbers. Following the reading of the Freshman Honor Roll of Blue Stars, convocation was dismissed by Larry Good from his balcony seat. ·

Big plans are being made for the Barn Dance scheduled for April 17 ... It was so nice to go to the T. S. Garden Festival, the music they played-oh "Rhapsody in Blue" ... And on the other side of the fence, student teachers are handing out quarter grades.

Junior Red Cross sews for soldiers

Scoop: The Peruvian only has one curtain now-the other one blew away, but no matter-the Peruvian has gone to press! ....Girls seem to be preparing for a "conquest" after the war, else why the new diet and exercise fad? Note to men: there's a new unattached blond on campus. But you'll have to wait-she's not more than three and we doubt if Papa Reynolds (who's happily not batching it any more) will let her go out yet ...

If you've examined your cotton print dresses and shirts and decided they've seen their best days, you're wrong-their best days are yet to come.

Newest couples: DeLong and Marshall ... Brinson and Alders ... Overheard: "Aw come one, try it, you can learn to drink something else besides coke" ... Correction: it's Kathryn Margaret Cleaveland instead of Catherine Margaret Cleaveland ... Mrs. Dunning has gone home to Mother, but just for a week ... Since Kennedy's closed, new faces are lining the cafeteria tables, and they're all male ... Late flash from Delzell-last year the boys raised hogs on secondnow they are specializing in pedicures ... red and blue are the favorite colors ... Wonder when the drinking fountain will start running again ... Bill Berger was in the hospital a week at Cedar Falls; he was hit on the head with a rifle ... Bergers went up last weekend-saw Red and Cramer too. Ruth Adamson is back this quarter ... Just like the old days, there were three flavors of ice cream in the last cafe allotment ... chocolate, vanilla and that awful pink stuff . . . A house-keeper's dream-the hoarded canned goods in E. M. . . . And the new mailman is a girlMargaret Burgess.

"Well, out here in this beautiful dense forest land of the mountains and streams, I sit writing and thinking while the moon hangs high over Cemetery Hill in Peru, all the fellows in Delzell are still' dashing from floor to floor, having water fights, etc., while over in Eliza Morgan and Mt. Vernon the

Best weapon--letters Murvel Annan, Myrt Hall and Tod Hubbell have also sent "Thank you's" for the PED. Quote Murvel: "Thanks again for the PED.


board in setting out trees in the recreation park.

The Peru Dramatic club met in the Little Theatre Thursday, Mar. 25.

Program postponed

Follcwing the business meeting a demonstration of theater makeup was given by Phyllis DeLong, Vera Huff and Twildi Epley.

Because of school war activities the band program scheduled for April 2 has been indefinitely postponed.

Goal--two jeeps

Capt. Mooney in China

"Stark, Parks, Oakman, Reutter, White and I are here. Pretty nice."


Dramatic Club ...

" . . . We rode all night and came through Springfield, Chicago and Racine on our unpleasant trip. We got a pretty nice welcome, i. e. from the looks on people's faces . . . but we're the only soldiers around these parts, and who said these Northerners aren't friendly? They all speak to us on th-: campus here. It reminds me a lot of Peru.

" ... We live in an athletic field house-all 200 of us. We didn't rate dorms . . .

In circulation

• •

Even the cadets know how and. when to plant a Victory Garden, as they were among the many visitors who attended Prep's Garden Festival. JVIr. Clements reports that they had a very good attendance at the festival all day, and that the assembly was crowded for the evening program. Over $100 worth of war stamps were sold on that day.


"I met Myrton Hall and Herbert Knutson when I was training in Alameda, California. I was surprised when I marched into the base there and found someone I knew ...

IPrep Notes

Mr. Ben Mcininch has resigned his position as custodian at the Training School. He plans to join his daughter in Omaha.

And from Pvt. Richard (Slug) Pascal's letter to Patsy Benford:

"I don't care how long I may be away from Peru or how old I may be after this war is over, I intend to rethrn to Peru once more and finish the career I was once seeking ...

Among these books are "Christ in the Poetry of Today," "The Place of Jesus Christ in Modern Christianity," "The Gospel for Main Street" and "My Neighbor Jesus."

festival a success

Jim, who is at Navy School of Music in Washington, reports he saw Willard Wilson and Ted Strasburg at a dance last Saturday night.

"You know we should become well educated as we are right in the middle of it: we are s•ationed at Wisconsin State Teachers Col· lege; across the street is an exclusive girls' school; and on the other side is a grade school. There are surely some swell little kids here too. They are always around for our formations. They salute us and carry wooden guns. Gee, it's great to be a soldier!!

Do you observe Lent? The library is displaying a number of books for Lenten reading on the southwest reading table.

Custodian resigns

Students from the sixth to the ninth grade inclusive are working on this project each evening after school, and will be glad to collect any material you have to donate.

girls are dreaming of that moon News from home is the best aid and Cemetery Hill." for a soldier's morale; 'his best weapon. It's hard to say which "I want to thank all of you again helps a soldier more, letters or for the PED · · · the most inter- War Bonds. Both are pieces of esting reading material I get." paper, only with different mean-

"I want to thank you and the Y. W. for the wonderful deed you have done by sending us fellows the PED, so that we too can keep in the wagon, along with the other loyal Peruvians. Through reading the PED, we also can attend school.

"The Robe" by Lloyd C. Douglas was reviewed by Miss Edna Weare at YW meeting Tuesday, Mar. 30. Lucille Miller led the devotions, with Mabel Hechler, song leader, _and Marian Deck, pianist.

Library offers Lenten reading

The Kiwanis Club is sponsoring the organization of two 4-H clubs. One is for those interested in farm mechanics and the other is for those with an interest in sewing. Poultry and gardening clubs may soon be organized also.

That's where Miss Isabelle Mason and her Junior Red Cross workers come in. They want you to help them by giving them any old print materials you may have, so they may make convalescent robes for wounded soldiers.

Jim Sandin is bragging that all his former roommates at Peru cire now commissioned officers: Lt. Max Manifold, Lt. t>elton Goerke, Ensign Clair (Stub) Callan, Mar· ine Lt. W. V. (Bill) Brooks.

Loren Fisher, Seaman lie, writes from Marshfield, Oregon:

YW hears book review

Mr. Ernest Brod has resigned'· from the junior high teaching staff, to take up work with the . Red Cross. His classes will be in· structed by Miss Ruth Brandt, Mr. Arthur Reynolds, Mrs. Ernest Brod and Mr. S. L. Clements.

When Uncle Sam announced that he would like to have his citizens keep pennies in circulation, Prepsters took note. As a matter of fact, they topped his requestthey traded their pennies for war stamps. Approximately 2,020 pen· n ies have been exchanged for stamps.

Blue tars

Fisher, Pascal write

The string trio, composed of violinist Patricia Hill, cellist Janice Slagle and pianist Evelyn Slagle, played at convo.cation, Friday, Apr. 2. Their program included: Serenade ____________ Chaminade Mazurka Russe ________ M. Glinka Andante Cantabile __ TschRikowski When Twilight Comes ___ Tandler Gopak --------,-----Moussorgsky

Red Cross calls Brod

Capt. R. C. (Bob) Mooney from Biggs Field, Texas, sends news of his brother, Capt. Bill Mooney:

The War Council has set foe purchase of two jeeps, a cost of approximately $2,000, as Prep ·s new war stamp goal. Almost enough stamps have been sold since the first of September to pay for one jeep. They also plan to sponsor a clean-up day at the school building, and to assist the city park

We still have a quantity of

Fine Jewelry !

"Bill is with a B-25 squadron in China under the command of Gen. Chennault. He has been there for a year next month and is expected home shortly. His rank is captain :.md B Flight Commander. He had completed up to last month 36 successful missions over enemy territory for which he has received the Air Medal and has been recommended for the D. F. C.

designed to save you money!

... I hope he will get home safely after being in combat so much. Bill has had two airplanes shot out from under hiin and has had one co-pilot killed. He must lead a charmed life ...

Gifts That Last!

"Do you remember . . . Ray Horton? He is stationed with an Anti-Aircraft unit near Bigys Field and is a First Lieutenant. I run into Ray quite often at Juarez, Mex. That is where the ~ired sol· diers go for relaxation and we tire out quite often._ Hutch (Lt. Wen· dell Hutchinson) is with an observation outfit here and I also see him once in a while ... Also Dick Tbrner was here for a while as a navigator with the 380th Bomb Grp. He is now at Denver ..• "

Pens Rings Bracelets Pencils Compacts Lockets Diamonds Watches Leather Goods Gifts for Service Men

• • Full Line of Greeting Cards


4-H Clubs

See HOAGLAND and MEIER for electrical repairs! CLINTON TEACHERS' AGENCY Clinton, !a. C. E. Cozzens, Mgr. Twenty-fourth year of continu· ous service by present owner aricl manager. For a better position and higher salary enroll now. Free enrollment. Member National Association of Teachers' Agencies.

STA TE THEATRE Auburn, Nebraska Tim Holt Bonita Granville

"Hitler's Children" Color Cartoon and News Point Rationing of Food SUN.-MON.-TUES.

AUBURN Theatre George Montgomery Gene Tierney

"China Girl"

Chatelain' s Jewelry

Cartoon and News

Where your money buys more!


Students leave books For sandbags and shovels IBark. .. What do you like about Peru? Everything from heart games in Delzell to scenery and slipping down steps was listed by the ten seniors questioned by a PED reporter.

Bette Jane Scott likes its friendliness, the "nice warm feeling just to walk on the campus." "It's the prettiest campus I've ever seenmore fun than the University." Marjorie Prine says it's the good library, .the reopened theater, working and eating sunflower seeds in the PED office.

Butch Roberts: "Well, you see, it's this way-friendly people, trees, bowling, heart games in Del. zell Hall, going to classes and getting away from it all." Nina Kanel likes Sake's toasted cheese sandwiches, Steck's philosophy, the "Hi's" shouted across campus, ringing of the Victory Bell, crystal covered trees in win· ter, "my roomie," Homecoming. Ruth Adamson likes being in college plays, working under Mr. Moore, and teaching in the Train· ing School. Gil Schreiner likes that old Peru spirit, a perfectly trimmed hedge, the science department, the swell fellas, Hazel.

For Harriett Maxwell it's the Christmas candlelight service on the campus, the flag flying over campus, mail time in the dorm, "quiet" weekends, Parents' Day, the moon shining over the Gym. Jean Hoagland says the hills, cokes and doughnuts at the Hill Store between classes, the spirit of cooperation between faculty and students, hour dances and hiking on the Nature Trail are what she likes. Quote Mary Stevenson: "It's the scenery, slipping down steps, the PED and Wednesday mornings, cause I don't have to get up early." Mary Lu Harvey likes knowing the faculty, breakfasting at the Hill Store, frosted malts at Barnes and playing the slot-machines at the Hill Store.




Peru students and faculty join townspeople in six day struggle to· subdue flood waters Thursday morning at 4 a. m. when the south airport dike gave way, ending the sixday struggle to save the airport and the surrounding territory, Peruvian faculty, students and cadets were still on the job, doing the work they began Monday afternoon following the convocation appeal for help. Under the supervision of Capt. C. A. Murdock of the army, Lindley J. Apple of the U. S. Engineers and Pete Holdorf of the local airport board, foremen Ernie Longfellow at

the sandpit, Bernie Underwood at the Gib West dike, Andy Tynon at the Filmer dike, George Brown, Charlie Lechliter and Oren Adams on the airport dikes directed the work of townspeople, college and training school students. On the dike itself, Supt. S. L. Clements, Dick Knapp, Walter Marshall, Ralph Locke, Reuben Fanders, Ward Adams, Vester HolmFn and John Lawrence· were patrolling and placing sandbags when · the final break came, but Cecil Johnson and Wilbur Meinen, who had been working with the crew, had finally gone home for some sleep after being on almost constant duty- since Monday noon. Dick Knapp is given credit for organizing this crew but he in turn gives the credit to Art Reynolds, "a swell Joe." Art Ronhovde, Red Hines, Gil· bert Schreiner, Bill Brandt, Carl Wirth, Bob Morris, Ralph Patrick and Bob James were working on the pier unloading trucks and load· ing sandbags into motor boats to take out to the dike when it gave way, and until they were evacuat· ed about a half hour before, Ruth Boeckner, Jean Hays, Margaret Burgess, Marjorie and Verna Rogers and Mildred Noyes had worked with them loading and unloading the boats,

Other men working ceaselessly

on the dikes included: Melvin Doeschot, Bill Hasenyager, Art Clements, Mervin Carman, Doyle McAninch, Melvin Larson, Wendell Handley, Don Bruns, DeWayne Aden, Max Burroughs, Max Henderson, Dwight Houseman, Lyle DeYoung, Don Grundman, Keith Roberts and Billy Woods. In the sand pits, shoveling, hold· ing and tying sand bags the col· lege girls refused at first to be· lieve the report that the dike was gone, Girls that had been work· ing since Monday afternoon, in· eluding Mary Alice Hacker, Jean Hoagland, Ellen King, Mary Stev· enson, Doris Cordes, Ethel Gross, Goldie Mulder, Vonia Tenhulzen, Sophie Bohling, Betty Grady, Aud'rey Zastera, Roberta Burrows, Ruth Ellen Schilling and Betty Pruitt were agai11 at work when the dike went.

Others who helped win for Peru girls the praise of the men who worked on the dikes and the title "indomitable college women" included Betty Berger, who was the first girl to offer to help, Christine Wilkinson, Ruby Rohrs, Margie

Neddenriep, Jean Hoagland, Mattie Mae Handley, Laverne Lilly, Arlene Howell, Elizabeth Gehringer, Virgie Lee Johnson, Rogene Rose, ·Mabel Newton, Betty Kennedy, Jean Moss, Katherine Schaecterle, Ruth Halcomb. Ruth Herdon, Elaine Juilfs, and others. When the news of the failure to hold the airport reached the campus there was no evidence of giving up the fight to save the Gib West dike and the farm land northwest of Peru. Everyone had worked-and everyone kept on working. According to Dean !nice Dunning every girl in the dormitory went out at least once· to work. Men from Delzell Hall worked shifts of 18 to 20 hours and Matron Ruth Russell said that no man refused an emergency call even though he'd had no more than two hours sleep.

Proving that they're more than swivel-chaired professors, college faculty men met students on dikes and at the sand pit insead of in class. Supt. Clements worked cease-

lessly beginning Saturday night on the dikes. Tuesday morning he, Isabel Tynon and Isabel's mules held the Filmer dike for two hours. When relief came Mr. Clements admitted that "I never thought I'd be outworked by a woman-but I was."

With and without his Boy Scout Troop, Prof. A. B. Clayburn worked at Heywood Hill filling sandbags. Principal L. B. Mathews, Registrar E. H. Hayward and Prof. A. V. Larson stayed on the job also, and were "everywhere" they were needed. Rumor has it that very early Wednesday morning Hayward and another man were the only ones still working at the sand hill. Prof. R. T. Benford, Prof. V. H. Jindra, Coach Al Wheeler and Prof. C. A. Huck were also doing their ~hare of the "dirty" work.

Even the school physician, Dr. C. W. Pollard, was helping reinforce the dike. Saturday night, Mrs. S. L. Clem· ents, Mrs. Carrol I Lewis, Miss Nona Palmer, Mrs. H. E. Good and Mrs. Pete Holdorf decided to at· tempt to feed the men working _on the river and Mon day aftern'oon they moved headquarters from the city hall to the training school kitchens. Working with them night and day, either in the kitchens or out carrying food wherever there were people working were Miss Ida Mae Brackney, Miss Edna Weare, Miss Phyllis Davirlsrn, Miss Norma Did de I, Miss Mary I.

Strickland, Miss Burtis Kennedy, Mrs. Irvin Eberhardt, Miss M. Florence Martin, Mrs. E. L. Deck, Miss Isabel Mason, Miss Laurella Toft, Miss Pearl Kenton and Miss Eula Redenbaugh. On Wednesday alone, over 1,000 lunches were prepared and served. Students assisting wherever possible to provide sandwiches and hot drinks for the workers included Mary Lu Harvey, Darlene Bright, Doreen Meier, Marjorie Weiler, Vada Gubser, Eunice Bogle, and other's. Townspeopl!\, faculty and farmers of the community contributed food, using up their points to provide sufficient quantities. Fletcher Neal came to the rescue with six hams and promise of all food needed.

This photo, showing the town of Peru and flood waters beyond, was taken by Myron M. Nelson from a civil air patrol plane piloted by Lt. George D. Frazer. The Airport is marked A. (Courtesy Omaha World-Herald.) J

High school and junior high class rooms were vacant as all students were at the sandpits working wherever they could. Miss Mason and Miss Brandt took the fifth and sixth graders out to the sandpits to fill their share of the reported 180,000 bags. Even the Kinder( Continued on page 4)


• • •

She kept talking, kept him driving Talkativeness may be rated as a


pet peeve by most men, but to an

"When I pulled it out of the mail box, I thought, ;Here's a rejection

unidentified truck driver on duty

from Wisconsin'-and it wasn't!" said Marjorie Prine about her recent

at the dikes, a

appointment to a teaching assistantship at the University of Wisconsin.

hauling sandbags·

All kinds of pretzels are in order ... A pretzel to the Peruvian fellows who helped hold the dike for three days-and didn't give up as long a:s they had any dike to work on ... A pretzel to the Peruvian girls who didn't stop at just filling sandbags, but helped load and unload trucks and worked on the dikes when there weren't enough men ... A pretzel to the Peruvian girls who helped the Peru women and faculty feed the workers, realizing how good a: sandwich, a home-made cookie and a cup uf coffee looks when you're cold and tired ... A pretzel to all of the faculty men and women who helped on the dikes, in the kitchens, and in the sandpits ... A pretzel to the county engineer, John Stevenson, for providing light for sandbag fillers ... A pretzel to the conscientious objectors for coming in and working as hard as they did to keep the water away from the farmland ... A pretzel to every girl, fellow, truck-driver, food-contributor and worker whom we can't mention by name but who did their part ... . A super pretzel to the whole community for the way 'they kept on working and didn't ever quite give up or stop findin~ something to laugh about ...

girl's ability to "hand out a line of

Marjorie had also been ·awarded scholarships to the University of Illinois

chatter" was the only thing that

and the University of Missouri and a research fellowship at the Univer-

kept him at work.

sity of Oklahoma.

ter, since his final remark was, "I never saw a woman who could talk on so many subjects."

Mount Vernon • II 1n goo doI'days II "Loan me a little kerosene, will you?" or "Throw another log on the fire" must have been oft-quoted remarks in the "good old days" at P. S. T. C.

Students came to Peru then in

finished rooms.

When all PEDis~s finally showed up at the PED office Friday morning, betalped and sunburned from shifting sand and sandbags, they found news came from Auburn that the deadline had also broken and copy could keep flowing into the Nemaha County newspaper office until Saturday.

Every room in Mount Vernon Hall, the one building, had a stove of its own, making an enormous array of stovepipes along the dorm roof. Each girl had a cabinet in which to keep her kerosene can for lighting lamps and starting fires. Room rent was a dollar a month.

I was with Chris when she received the note from your nurse saying that BESS RAY (At. '42) would still be in quarantine for scarlet fever th is past weekend and would be unable to come to Peru. It would have been wonderful to see you.

We've said it before but nothing happened, so we'll say MAX JACKSON ('42) has been it a:gain-why isn't there a flag flying from P. S. T. C.'s flag pole~ "They say" it's 'cause the students play ~j,th the promoted from Prior, Okla., to Chicago University to do research ropes and the flag is never sure of staying up. Evidently work. even the flag is no longer sacred-but it's still unpatriotic Ensign DONALD DEAN ('42) not to have the flag flying over a training station for Naval and FERNE PETERSON ('42) ca:dets. have been married since March 27. They are living in M iaml.

Buy •em A second big war loan drive for 13 billion dollars is being launched on the nation's college campuses. Here's a chance for P. S. T. C. to snap into action. So far, Prep ha:s be@ leading in war stamp sales. For the $1.05 a lapel pin would cost, the United States can buy a soldier's steel helmet. The price of a theater tick" et will buy a first aid pouch. A six dollar sweater is worth a field jacket, and a ten dollar dress is worth an army woolen overcoat. This is one way to get more for your moneybuy war bonds and stamps.

Time out

• •

After shoveling sand, walking dikes or working the night shift with the food committee, Peruvians are going to need this Easter vacation to catch up on their sleep. Maybe they'll have time to see the 1early iris, tulips and redbud that began to blooni while everyone was concentrating on the river. And since the sirens have stopped blowing, they can hear birds chirping everywhere. Anyway it's home again for Easter vacation which should prove that Spring is really here this time-besides, the lilacs are budded.

Treasures ''P'' sweater

"It has always been my desire and ambition to have a "P" sweater,' said Bob McAlexander, student'manager of the Physical Education department as he cast an approving glance at his blue fetter sweater. Mac's talf, six foot two and a quarter inches, and blond~nd blushes.

Twisting his long legs about the chair he admitted his favorite food included steaks, doughnuts and milk. Grinning, he added, "Why Butch and I drink milk with Hemo in it every night." When asked about his most important acquaintance in Peru he demo·nstrated his blush and said only, "You probably know one of them." Bob's quiet efficiency has helped him hold the many jobs tha~ have paid his way through college. In addition, he filled extra-curricular jobs of sophomore class president, Y. M. president and former secretary of the senior class.

Only 22 years old, Marjorie is a senior in college and has taught four years, two in a rural school and two in the Le.banon, Nebr., junior high school.

Barn Dance Postponed Peru's first big Barn Dance got flooded under-come last Saturday night, and no barn and no folk dancing.

Spring party committee

members spent their time on the more immediate need, filling sand bags,




JACK SNIDER (At. '42) is an uncle that's been "named after." His sister DOROTHY PRICE (At. 38) has a son, Jack Robert, born March 12. A little older is David Dale HUEGEL, son of ERNEST ('41) and MAXINE (GALBRAITH, '39). He was born in February.

GEORGE LYTTON ('38) received his medical degree from the University of Nebraska, March 13. He began his internship at Eloise County Hospital, Eloise, Michigan, on April 1. He holds a 1st lieutenant's commission in the army reserve. Mrs. Lytton is the former VIVIAN McKIMMEY, representative student in 1938. They have a son born Feb. 21. Last Sunday, a week ago, MAXINE PE~SHING ('39) and Lt. CARTEi JOHNSON (~9) we~ married at the Congregational Church at Ashland.

DOROTHY EWIN (At. '39) works as a typist in Arlington, Virginia. WILMA PARNELL ('41) is thrilled with teaching. And well she might be-she's been asked to stay at Potter with a big raise.




CLINTON TEACHERS' AGENCY Clinton, la. C. E. Cozzens, Mgr. Twenty-fourth year of continu· ous service .by present owner and manager. For a better position and higher salary enroll now. Free enrollment. Member National Association of Teachers' Agencies.

I was

married to Marc Kinney of Sterling, Colo., before school started this fall.

While he has been in

the armed forces




Dance to a later date.

IJllumni trail . • •

Drafting all available help, including an assistant for Evangeline from the Peruvian office, the staff started to work on this emergency issue which was made possiblo only by the understanding and help of the Herald office in Au- Dear Bess, burn.


She chose the position at Wisconsin because of that

Esther Ulrich performed a rath- institution's excelle.nt standing in the department of European history. er unusual service in the flood Besides shouldering PED trou- history. She enjoys her diplomatic work when she kept the driver bles as assistant editor, Marj be- history course because "It's very driving by keeping him awake by , longs to Kappa Delta Pi, Sigma comforting to take a course finalkeeping on talking. The driver, Tau Delta and Tri Beta and is ly in which somebody is worried pianist for the freshman Learn-to- about pulling me through." who had had only one hour of Dance club. sleep in six days, cited her for her Marj likes to teach history, preHer favorite color is blue--she fers Dr. Pepper, and lists potato ability to keep him awake and adds likes to play the piano and read chips and ice·-cream as favorites. that was the only thing that kept At present she's lamenting a swolhim going. len ankle acquired when she was covered by a landslide while digProbably he found out why Esging sand. ther made high honors last semes·

A super pretzel to the whole community for the way stage coaches and lumber wagons. everyone kept on working together, undividedly cooperat- They brought their own furniture, cut wood for fuel, cooked meals ing in everything to do the job on hand. and even baked bread in crudely

PED goes o,n

Associate editor Prine to do g~aduate work


teaching in the grade school at Atwood, Colo.

LUCILLE (DUEY) OESTMA.~ (At. '34) is a farmer's wife with a lovely new home. GLADYS (NOFSGER) LAYSON (At. '40) is another farmer's wife. DARLENE SWETT (At. '40) teaches in the grade school at Wheatland, Wyoming. MARY OLIVE RICHARDSON ('41), still teaching at Sterling,

would like to join the WAAC's, but says she will probably help her father on the farm this summer.

VIRGINIA-GAIL KUWITZSKY was married March 25 to Cpl. Robert J. Strickland of Fremont. MARIE WIENCKE ('38), who has filled the position of kinder· garten supervisor at Superior, Wis., during. the last year, has received a permanent appointment with an increase in salary.

Well, Bess, we're still hoping that you will get down before school is out. Sincerely, -Virgie Lee.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, April 20, 1943 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. Editor....................----------------------------------------------·-------·Ellen King Associate Editor..............----------------------------------.Marjorie Prine Assistant Editors ......................Audrey Zastera, Rogene Rose Business Manager............---------·-------------------·-Betty Jane Scott Sports Editor..·----------------------·-···················----Willard Redfern Special Reporters____________Virgie Lee Johnson, Betty Berger Reporters-Harriet Maxwell, Lillian Havel, Donna Steffen, Marjorie Weiler, Vera Huff. Advisor.....·-··--------------·--------·-----·············------M. Florence Martin

Mrs. Bradford speaks at initiation banquet After filling. sandbags for the dikes all afternoon, Sigma Tau Deltans don·ned formal dress to attend th·e initiation banquet held at the home ec rooms Monday evening, April 12.

Carrie Ellen Adamson, Vivian Atkinson and Christine Wilkinson were formally initiated to pledge membership and Melvin Rothmiller, Lorraine Safranek and Chrisiine Wilkinson were advanced to associate members preceding the banquet.

Bradford, guest speaker for the oc·casion. She siaid, "Mental maturity is one of the chief requisites of good writing."

Virgie Lee Johnson, president,. welcomed the new members. Carrie Ellen Adamson responded for the initiates. Music was provided by Mary Stevenson, who sang the Sigma


"S·f1 ting · San d goes on sale

While all Peruvians were shoveling, holding, tying, loading and unloading sandbags, "Sifting Sand," the Sigma Tau Delta p.ublication, went on sale.

Enlarged to 36 pages and illustrated by Lorraine Safranek, the new "war" issue has original poetry and prose by Isabel Tynon, Grace Tear, Cecil D. Johnson, Jean Holman, Reuben Fanders, Evelyn Rodgers, Melvin Rothmiller, Ellen King, Selma S. Konig, Roberta Burrows, Alice Ann Cleaveland, M. Florence Martin, Virgie Lee Johnson, Inice Dunning, Max Burroughs; Jiarries Huey, Phariss Bradford, Joy A. Baker, Lorraine Safranek, Audrey Zastera, Marjorie Prine, Mary Lu Harvey and Lillian Havel.

Tau Delta song and "Sylvelin" by Sinding. Doreen Meier was chairman of the table decoration committee composed of Marjorie Wareham, Jean Bond, Roberta Burrows and Betty Berger. Ticket sales were in charge of Rogene Rose.

Blue Star ERCis now stAtioned A month ago the E. R. C.'s reported to Fort Leavenworth-newly inducted Blue Stars. There each of them was issued his uniform, given a 17 hour chance to demonstrate his domestic abilities on K.P. duty and also given orders.

Now Harding and Cleaveland are in Florida, Tony is at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Ostherthun and Sack at Fort McClellan,, Alabama, Atwood and Macomber at Camp Robinson, Arkansas, Cacek, Hall and Hutton at Fort Warren, Wyoming, Wehrmann and Bressler at Aberdeen, Maryland, and Livjngston, Blocher and Smith are at San Diego, California.

Mr. Steck goes to Washington "If I go to Australia, I hope we fly; it's a long trip by boat ... and ·I'm not a good sailor," exclaimed "Pop" Steck Monday, April 12, as he prepared to leave Peru campus.

Prof. Steck was called to Washington, D. C., for three weeks' training as a Red Cross Club Program Director. He will be sent overseas to direct recreational facilities for our fighting men, particularly in furlough areas.

Bula keeps track of cafeteria red tape "And this is just the .beginning of the supper check-up," smiled Miss Bula Crabtree, cafeteria cashier, as she glanced down at the long roll of paper swirling to the floor. She sat at the table by the counter and calmly checked the figures on the tape. They were all costs of the meals eat-

After checking the tapes each meal, she enters every item separately on an office record book. The totals are reported weekly and monthly to the college office and to the cafeteria manager. Besides that monthly inventory of goods, totaling workers' time and being odd job man around the cafeteria keep Miss Crabtree exceedingly busy. Her day starts at 5:30 with the alarm, and doesn't end until 7:30. A short leisure period in the afternoon is used to get jobs done for her mother with whom she lives on top of the hill.

"I 'spect I know how pretty well, after five years," laughed Miss Crabtree. "Everything is kept according to office regulations." Although she has nothing to do with determining food prices or preparing a menu, sh11 does copy the menu on the board, see that all the price tags are up, that enoug.h utensils are out for use, that people turn in ration ,books as the college

went to North Carolina last week. Bus was a former Peruvian basket before he left.

Ensign Charles Huston Kingsolver who received his Ph. D. ·from Ames last month, is now taking a five month training course in communications at Harvard. His brother, Richard, is an Army Air ,Corps Cadet in communications at Yale. 11

Socko11 Rac how· writes · From Former Sports Editor Bill

Rachow, now an A~my Air Corps Cadet at Creighton, comes this: "I have been getting the PED

quite regularly from Rogene • , • I think Willard is doing a fine job on the Sports page ••• Oh yes, I am so sorry I had to withdraw my candidacy for




cause I know my winning ft would have been good publicity for the PED."

Sports news flooded out The 'Bobcats' track meet scheduled for last 'week took place on the dikes. Coach Al Wheeler and the boys were so busy shoveling sand that they didn't have time to make any sports news.

Seniors begin play rehearsals

From Eagle Squadron Lt. Willard W. Milliken in England writes: "I'm flying with one of the Eagle Squadrons now. They are really fine pilots and good fellows too. The boys have all been over here a long time. They had lots of service in the R. A. F. and now as the most outstanding Fighter Group in the U. S. Air Force here in the E. T. 0. they still do good work.

always popping up from one thing to go to another.

"Two days past I took an ultra violet ray treatment for my coldand was sunburned! I wrote to my wife and told her it was the only way · one could get a tan on this mist-enshrouded isle, in return I received a letter that would have made the president of the Junior C. of C. green with envy-no kidding, the things I learned about English weather! "Some rather startling news just came in, so I'll stop."

"Two or three good trips across to occupied France gave me an idea of the tremendous amount I have yet to learn. "Flying is more fun than ever now, though it strikes a much more serious note. Trouble now is that I don't care about doing any flying at all unless it's of an operational type. 'Scrambles,' interceptions, patrols, 'sweeps'-they're all fascinating as long. as Jerry doesn't play too rough, and that happens pretty often.

"Just now I am sitting in dispersal, wearing my Mae West, and waiting for the hcrn to sound which will send me running like hell toward my ship, to be air borne as quickly as possible. I've been complimented twice en my scrambles-hope I can keep it up. "Here at dispersal we have a radio and gramophone (a real luxury, believe me), and we keep the latter going constantly. Every time one of the boys goes to London he must buy a new recordgives us a good collection. We have a ping pong table here, and I have some good games. Never played much 'til I came here but now I get along rather well with the game. A dart board-an essential in every English pubhangs on the wall, so a go at that helps take up time. It's very difficult to sit still long, so I am

A complete line of

School Supplies Gifts Gr·eeting Cards

• • PLAY TENNISNew stock of Tennis Rackets and Tennis Balls

• • Also Bobcat Sweaters for sports wear. Exclusively sold -at-

Chatelain's Jewelry Peru, Nebr.

Phone 112

Prep's theatrical talent will be evident Friday, April 30, when seniors present their class play, "Jane Eyre." Directed by Evelyn Rodgers, the cast includes: Mrs. Fairfax ____ Kathlyn Benford Grace Poole _____ Dorothy Steffen Rochester _________ Marvin Brown


Jane Eyre ________ Shirley Rodgers Mr. Wood _________ Wayne Cotton Lady Ingram ______ Esther Meritt

en· the previous hour.

"Each individual slip punched at mealtime must be double-checked with those on this duplicate tape," Miss Crabtree further explained. The number of people served at each meal, the total amount sold, the number of meal tickets sold at each meal, money on hand, the number of Navy flyers at each meal, and working schedule are but a fraction of the things she must keep track of. ·

Ensign Raymond "Bus" Moore

ball star, and coach at Shenandoah,

"Writers Are Not Children" was the subject discussed by Mrs. A .• L.

IBlu~ ·Stars • • •

board requests, inscribes names on tickets with correct Palmer method capitals, and very explicitly adds figures aloud to allow for no mistakes or misunderstandi~s.

From all this experience, this native of southern Missouri has found she is a good judge of human nature. She can almost predict long in advance the amount of dinner some particular persons will eat each meal. Before becoming "cashler extraordinary," Miss Crabtree attended Maryville College, two summers at Peru, taught some years and was telephone operator here. Knowing so many of the kids in school is what Bula likes best about her work; her pet peeve is workers who sluff, and the scads of people wanting ice cream at the same time. "Concentrating on accuracy and speed, and doing forty things at the same time is a difficult task," she says. "I know how hard it is .sometimes to find five dollars for

a meal ticket, although perhaps people think I like to take their money. I'd like to do war work in the city if I didn't have a job to do right here." Besides the ambition to travel widely, Miss Crabtree has this practicable philosophy of working: Do your very best. Avoid difficulty and disregard the unimportant issues.

Blanche lngram_Margaret Burgess Mason _________ Dale Blankenship ,,,,

STA TE THEATRE Auburn, Nebraska Jimmy Lydon-Charlie Smith


''FALL IN'' Tim Holt


"HAPPY GO LUCKY" In Technicolor SUN.· MON.· TUES.

AUBURN Theatre Diana Barrymore Robert Cummin!ls


a Coco-Colo' is the watchword for refreshment with every branch of the service. It's the soldier's buy-word wherever they gather ••• and they get together where they con get Coco-Colo. Distinctive, delicious taste. Quality you can count on. Thirst-satisfaction plus refreshment. Any way you look ct it,-the only thing like Coco-Colo is Coco-Colo, itself." BOTILED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA.COLA COMPANY BY


Play Cast

Digbt Sbift . • •

is chosen

Nightshifters have really been on the night shift this past week ... It's "Remember Heywood Hill" for those Peruvians who were "Working on the River" ... Bob MorriS has been calling the expert coed-diggerholders "Sand witches" ... Bula switched from meal-ticket punching to filling sand bags ... but best of all was the open door at Eliza Morgan. Does anyone know why those bombers fly so low over the c<impus? •.• current question is-did those two last Monday fly around the o.bservatory or through it ••• A new spring and new couples:

Butch and

Betty Lou; Ronny and Glenny; Red and Weber.

Overheard during the Thursday night rush to the show: Halcomb saying, "Gee, isn't it wonderful to be back in civilian clothes" . , . That two-stitch cut of Wagoner's is the result of a fall with three coke bottles ... in case the fellows are wondering about the sudden popularity of huaraches (those fiat, squeaky, leather foot gadgets) they require no stamp number seventeen ... everyone is saving that for shoestring potatoes ... Chris took a flying trip to Oklahoma weekend before last to see Robert. Only four more weeks after this one now till school is out ..• ever tried a frosted malt with a nickel's worth of nuts mixed in? ••• or orange sherbet topped with chocolate sirup •.• "Sitting Sand" is out-all thirty. six pages of it ••• Nina's special company is from Wisconsin.

Hope someone got the name of the man who advocated a barbecue and dance for students who put Peru's spirit into diking ... Stevenson claims a "wound-stripe" ... When you start going back to the library again, you might try Rosemary Taylor's new book, "Chicken For Sunday" ... Mrs. Marsh has a new tire, anyway a recap ... Vada and Havel have already signed contracts. Aud's new locket is of the Navy variety; Dick's at Del Monte, Calif.

After "trying out" seasoned actors and new ta.lent, Prof. Robert D. Moore has chosen the cast for "Letters to Lucerne" to be given the last week of school. All parts have not been assigned but will be in the near future. Those chosen to report for prac· tice are: Evelyn Rodgers, Leonore Larson, Phyllis Delong, Marjorie Wareham, Donna Lee Patterson, Patricia Carmine, Arlene Howell, Mary Alice Hacker, Rebanis. Frankforter, Willard R e d f e r n, Walter Marshall, Richard Monroe, Jack Cejka.

to discuss wartime issues and problems confronting



schools this year. The meeting was outlined and announced by State Superintend· ent Wayne O. Reed.

kitty, is a cat now-he stayed out all night one night last week ••• in

ers were Dr. F. E. Sorenson and

Guest speak·

Leonard L. Larson of the State Department of Education.




Christine Wilkinson


Rodgers, Gilbert

Schreiner were formally initiated into Kappa Delta Pi Monday, April 19.

Supt. S. L. Clements spoke on planning the curriculum following the initiation service.

Y'1/ plans Easter,, service The Easter story, Easter songs and communion will be on the pro~ gram for the Y. W. sunrise service held Wednesday morning, April 21, at 7:00 oclock in the outdoor theater.

Plans for the inter-fraternity banquet were discussed.

Atmospheric music will be played by Pat Hill and Evelyn Slagle and sung by a quartet composed of Betty Riley, Evelyn Slagle, Melvin Larsen and Merlin Broers.

Mary Lu Harvey and Lillian Havel served refreshments.

Mr. Robert Moore is to read the Easter story.

Specific topics for discussion were "Shortage of High School Teachers," "Acceleration and Related Adjustments," "High School Victory Corps," "Agricultural Labor Shortagio; and Work Experience," "Citizenship Education in Wartime," "Pre-Service Courses" and "Guidance in Wartime." The group agreed that an attempt should be made to . have teaching recognized as a patriotic service with draft exemption for teachers. It was also agreed that in order .to get along wih fewer teachers all non-essentials must be cut from the school curriculum.

nitely since last Septembec. Her white zircon is "different." He's a Link Trainer Instructor, Army Air Corps, Port Angeles, Washington.

Vonia Tenhulzen, the newest recruit, met Tom (Vanderbeek) four years ago at a watermelon party. He's a good-looking gunner in the Navy, has been to Casablanca and Oran (East of Gibralter).

"Real athletic," that's ..Johnny Akers, according to Marjorie Wareham. 'Twas at Young Peoples Assembly she saw him, now she's engaged to him, since Nov. '42. He's a Navy cadet, Oakland, Calif.

Mabel Newton's first roommate introduced her to Joe Raper on a week-end not quite two years ago. He's a coast guardsman in Oregon, Boatswain's Mate 2nd Class; "Everybody likes him," including Jinx. It's to be Doctor Gil and Dietician Hazel in the SchreinerShoenbohm set-up. They got together at a college mixer two summers ago. She likes him 'cause he's intellectual. He's a senior now at Peru, in June the army, thence to Med school. For Jean Hays since Christmas it's been only "Shorty;" that's Bob Shanks, Jr., F. F. A. state cun winner. He's only 6' 3", "gobs of fun," hometown-Auburn. Butch and Margie one night introduced the "little man" to Carrie Ellen just a year ago. It's been really that way for Unk Hutton and Carrie E. Adamson since March 19 this year.

Three years ago a Clark person just sat down beside "Maxie" on a chorus trip and talked about his girl. Things changed for C. Dean Clark and Harriet Maxwell defi-

"I only knew him as a dignified senior," but Leonard Allen cut in on Delores Matschullat two years ago. He has wavy black hair, he can dance, he's helpin' pa on a farm at Nemaha. The "might have been'' May Queen Rachow sat at the end of the row in Freshman English class. He now has first seat with Rogene Rose since October 17, '42. He's getting basic training at Omaha Army Air Corps, is called a "big hulk of bulk;" "he's swell."

The very first day of school this year roomie introduced Twildi Epley and Wayne Sack. He has very blonde curly hair, attended a military academy once, is at Ft. McClellan, Alabama, now. Valentines' Day was the super day this year for


and "Bill" Hunzeker.


"Band and

chorus are good organizations" says Betty, "Look what comes of joining."

He's at Jefferson Bar·


Ethel Gross met Clyde Hunt at

the convocation program Friday, April 9. Miss Burtis Kennedy has been directing the choir for about four

years: Members who participated in the concert Friday were: Lois Ann Miller, June Pharaoh, Helen Brown, Mary Steiner, Jenis Craig, Phyllis Davenpor,, Marilyn Lavigne, Betty Allgood, Jerrol Wheeler, Paul Clark Maxwell,

an Otoe County fair four years ago. He's red headed, has taught, is now Navy Air Corps in Kansas. Doreen met Whiz two years ago at the Sadie Hawkins Carnival. Ther~ was a wager about a gov· ernment test, later the beginnir19 for Meier and White. He's slightly tall, 6' 4", likes hot music, is now in' the Air Corps in· Milwaukee. Jean Hoagland winked at Bob (Henderson) in tife library, Red Dean made it formal later. That was four years ago; she "sparkled" first Sept. 4, '42. He's in the Army Air Corps in North Carolina.

It was mail man Bob Brown for Evelyn Rodgers since Christmas this year. He's soon to be a merchant marine. Leola Fintel met Wilb·ur Henke at a barn dance at home three years ago. This tall friendly fel· low is a mechanic with the Air Corps, on a ground crew at Lincoln.


Training school deans up The Training School gleamed with three V's, vim, vigor and vitality, April 2, when students, student teachers and supervisors took the day to clean the building. The entire building was scrubbed, waxed and dusted;· windo\vs were washed and the lawn cleaned.

Lt. Frank Heck visits campus Lt. Frank H. Heck, formerly Dr. Heck of the history department, visited on campus Thursday and Friday, April 15 and 16. Lt. Heck recently completed training at Officers Candidate School at Camp Lee, Va., and is on his way to Ft. Warren, Cheyenne, Wyo.

Hilary Bradford, Patsy Benford, Janet Steck and Georgia Steck. Betty Kennedy was accompanist. The program consisted of: When His Salvation Bringing __ _________________ Lawrence Erb I Shall Not Pass Again This Way ______________ arr. Sidney Durst Lift Thine Eyes --------------___________ Mendelssohn's Elijah Choir Wi-Um-Indian Lullaby------____________ Thurlow Lieurance Lois Ann Miller, Janet Steck, Patsy Benford The Way of Life _____ T, Del Riego Hark the Vesper Hymn _______ _ ________ ,, __________ Russian Air When Jesus Was a Little ChildLegend __________ Tschaikowsky Gardens __ .________ Lily Strickland Choir Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace .. arr. R. S. Stoughton Solo, Patsy Benford

Buy your copy -of-

Sifting Sand from your nearest Sigma Tau Delta Member. PRICE 50c

Flood---continued (Continued from page 1)

garten children helped by bringing in cream to the kitchens. Mrs. Russell opened Delzell Hall every night to afford sleeping room for the truckers, conscientious ob· jectors and Red Cross workers who

Gaines begins Red Cross training Bobkitten coach Steve Gaines is now in Washington, D. C., taking training to become a Red Cross director. He expects to be sent overseas. While in training, he gets weekends off from Saturday noon on, and is seeing Washington.

Third-finger-left-handers tell when and how they met 'em These gals have sparkles in their eyes and sparkles on their fingers, guys anywhere from Alabama to Washington. They belong to the third finger, left hand .club.


County and school superintend· ents met in Peru Monday, Apr. 5,

call working on the river a holiday ••• Miss Tear says "Mister," her

Kadel pi ans initiate four

Members of the Junior Choir of the Methodist Church

Superintendents meef to discuss war time issues

now ••• Training school seniors skipped skip day this year, unless you

other words, the night shift.

Methodist junior choir sings at convo

were in Peru to help.

The lobby

served as bed room for thirty-five men who came in at intervals and were bedded down on divans and the floor by Mrs. Russel I.

Friday morning, more crews of Peruvians went back to work on the Gib West dike, and in the sandpits.

Housekeepers like their job: II • II sort of a fam1·1 y occupation With both hands resting on the dust mop as they push scraps and cfirt down the hall, Mrs. Hays and Mrs. Whitten greet Eliza Morgan and Mount Vernon residents every morning as the girls hurry to 8 o'clock classes.

"We just love housework-it's sort of a family occupation," said Mrs. Hays who succeeded her mother, Mrs. Minnie Rains, former dormitory housekeeper. Mrs. Hays, a resident of Peru, has been with the college for nine years. "It's 23 years for me, and I still like it," remarked Mrs. Whitten, also a life-long resident of Peru.

Besides the daily routin':! duties

of cleaning the halls, both housekeepers have special weekly duties. "Monday is the hardest," they both remarked, "for we have an extra day's cleaning to do." Cleaning Eliza Morgan parlor after weekend lounging is the most difficult Monday duty. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are spent cleaning the rec hall, the laundries, the study hall and the kitchenette. Mrs. Dunning's apartment is cleaned on Thursdays and Mrs. Marsh's on Fridays. Rising every morning at 4:30, Mrs. Whitten walks 12 blocks to work. Mrs. ·Hays, who lives only two blocks from the dorm, sleeps an extra half hour.

"Yes, we look forward to vacations just as much as the girls do," they both remarked when asked if they "count the days" too.

Tuesday -------------April 20-YWCA -------------------------7 -8 Thursday ____________ April 22-Vacation begins ___________ 12:30 p. m. Tuesday _____________ April 27-Classes begin _______________ 8:00 a.m. YWCA -----------------------~-? -8 Monday -------------May 3-Tri Beta --------------------------8·9 Kappa Omicron Phi ----------------8·9 Music Club -----------------------8-9

Both housekeepers take pride in being able to call the girls by their first names. Their friendly, cour· teous greetings and remarks about the weather he! p to start each girl's day right. "We have no gripe-all the girls are c:>operative, and we like to see familiar faces when they come back in thif fall," they concluded.

Bark . .. Last week ten of them - now the rest of the upperest class tell what they like about Peru. Carl Wirth - friendliness of the students-the campus in spring-Lois-driving the ''Peru Cleaners'' car--fighting the river. Lillian Havel-the campus dressed in green-the adequate library-the faculty's interest in students-: 'run. ning around'' for deposits and Peruvian ads - '' coking" at the Hill Storeknowing the students. Reuben F a n d e rs - the black quiet of the campus late a;t night-the "untidy" Peruvian office-the faculty and wonderful bunch of kids. Audrey Zastera-campus in the spring-cokes-picnics - football games - the PED office-the kids. Bob :McAlexander-being student manager in ath department-teaching in the training school-campus in the spring-La Varn-Delzell Hall. Ardis Carmine--W. A. A. -hikes and picnics-going to play practice-filling sand b a g s - cooperation and friendliness of E. :M. first floor. Ralph Locke-democratic spirit, on the campus-" One big ha;ppy family" - the Bobcat spirit at gamesCoach Al's moanings-hour dances-bowling. Iva Armstrong-cheerfulness and friendliness of people - beautiful campus taking care of .Janet and Bruce Haywanl - teaching for Miss Mason. Vada Gubser - Nature Trail in the spring with the wild blackberry bushes leafing-the tennis courts dov.rn in the pretty green valleyfriendliness of everyone. Bill Zurbrick--the friendly people-Delzell Hall-my roommate - the · industrial arts department. Ellen King-the English department - the library'' the gang of kids I go around with' '-the oak trees and other nuts. Bob Morris-the beautiful campus-the people both off and on the campus-the science department - student teaching-' 'I just Jike Peru -"that's all there is to it." '~talked"

lnterfrat banquet scheduled Kappa Delta Pi is sponsoring the annual interfraternity banquet to be held Monday evening, May 24, at six o'clock in the Methodist Church basement.

Representatives from each of the honor societies have met to discuss plans. Harriet Maxwell, general chairman, announces the following committees and representatives: program, Eunice Bogle and Lillian Havel; decorations, Marjorie Wareham and Harriet Maxwell; ticket sales, Vada Gubser and Bob McAlexander. Tickets will go on sale soon.




Don t forget-bring your cup! Peru's never seen anything like it before-but today's Tuesday and Tuesday this week means big doings down towll for al.I town and college people who were "working on the river." A Victory Party was planned by representatives from the college and community and under general Chairman Pete Holdorf, the plans took shape.

So tonight at seven down town and in city hall everyone who helped save the dikes will meet to eat the barbecued beef Dwight Hamel contributed, drink coffee, and enjoy the group games, dancing, sandbag relays, mule driving coritest and band concert. Ralph Copenhaver, community specialist from the University of Nebraska, will be here to lead the group activitle$.

All you need to bring is ;i_ cup. The committees are as follows: Foods: Mrs. H. A. Good, chairman; Miss Ida Mae Brackney, Miss Edna Weare, Mrs. m~in Eberhardt, Mrs. Harold Patterson, Mrs. Setzer, Mrs. Joe Polston. Program, Supt. S. L. Clements, chairman; Jim r.<;tton, Miss Nona Palmer, Registrar Eldon Hayward,

Mary Lu Harvey, Irvin Eberhardt, Ch~li; Lechliter. Art RogP.rs, Prof . V.'H. Jindra. Publicity: Miss , M. Florence Martin, , chairman, Ellen King, Mary Stevenson, Audrey Zastera, Doris Cordes. Jim Cotton will take care of all arrangements. A big negro orchestra sent out by tne Omaha Harmonious Association will play. This orchestra appeared Saturday night, May 1, in King's Ballroom in Lincoln.

Five called to active duty More Blue Stars coming upLarry Good, Arthur Clements, Wes Schrader and Bill Brandt v1ill report for final physicals Wednesday, May 5, according to latest draft board notices. Richard Mo~roe has also been called but will not report until Monday, May 10.

Commencement week proprams announced by co.Hege office Reverend Selby Swift of Omaha and Reverend Arthur L. Miller of Lincoln will be the special speak· ers at graduation services this year.

Recessional-"March of the Peers" __ from Iolanthe, Sullivan College Orchestra

Baccalaureate service will be held Sunday, May 23, in the college auditorium. The program is as follows:

Processional-''Coronation March" _____________ MeyE:rbeer College Orchestra Invocation __ Rev. Edwin L. Becker Music-"Into the Night" __ Edwards Betty McArdle Commencement Address"Learning to Live Under Tension" Reverend Arthur L. Miller Minister, First Presbyte:nan Church, Lincoln, Nebraska Music-Piano Trio-"When Twilight Comes" __________ Tandler Evelyn Slagle, Piano Patricia Hill, Violin Janice Slagle, Cello Conferring Degrees and Presenting Diplomas --------------___________ President W. R. Pate Awarding of B. E. Swenson, Jr., Medal ~rding of Honors Benediction Rev. Edwin L. Becker Recessicnal-"Priests' March" __ ------------------ Mendelssohn College Orchestra

Processional-''Tannhauser March" ________________ Wagner College Orchestra Hymn-"Work for the Night is Coming" Invocation _Reverend Alma Reiber Choral Response. Anthem-"Panis Angelicus" __ _ ---------------' Franck-Christy Vocal Ensemble Scripture Reading ---------------------Reverend Alma Reiber Sermon-"The Most Durable Power in the World" -------__________ Reverend Selby Swift Benson Baptist Church Omaha, Nebraska Hymn-"God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again" , Benediction Reverend Alma Reiber Choral Amen

The program for Commencement, Friday, May 28, includes:

Students observe Music Week National Music Week will be observed both on the Peru campus and do.wntown. Some students appeared at the state contest in Omaha, Saturday, May 1. Tuesday evening members of the band and Director V. H. Jindra will appear in concert downtown in connection with the program being. planned by townspeople. Band personnel includes: Cornets, Patricia Carmine, Louise Roettger, Betty Berger, Marjorie Moore, DeWayne Aden; Clarinets, Donna Steffen, Max Henderson, Mabel Hechler, Rita Berlett. Jean Holman; Trombones, Deloris Matschullat, Doris Cordes; Flutes, Betty Kennedy,

Una Mae Leech; Piccolo, Leonore Larsen; Baritone, Larry Good, Donna tee Patterson; Saxophone, Dwight Houseman; Tuba, Mary Lu Harvey; Horn, Goldene Niebuhr, Beulah Spoor; Drums and Percussion, Marjorie Weiler, Patricia Hill, Wesley Shrader, Phyllis Brinson; Bells, Lois Grundman; Prof. V. H. Jindra, director. Musical numbers on the program include "01' Man River" from Showboat by Jerome Kern. This one was picked especially for the theme of the evening. "Victory" by Paul Yoder, a group of American selections with the victory ( ... - ) carrying the melody. "Pan-American" by ,J. Olivadati, a tango rhythm. "Hall of Fame" by J. Olivadati; "Hail to America" by Fred K. Huffer; "Southern World" by Ed. Chenette; "Deep Purple" by Peter DeRose and arranged by Paul Yoder is a pasi favorite. "Flandria Overture" by Jean DeSmetsky, c:rranged by Mayhew Lake is the overtu:-e of the program. A cornet trio composed of Patricia Carmine, Louise Roettger and Betty Berger will play "Flirtations" by Herbert L. Clark. Wednesday evening in the college auditorium a piano ensemble and violin group will:'-.entertain. Those taking part will 'be Betty


committees for May Fete Plans are under way for the traditional May Fete to be held on the campus Thursday, May 27, at 7:30 p. m.

Leonore Larson, president of the Student Advisory Council, has announced the following committees and chairmen: arrangements, Willard Redfern; decorations, Lillian Havel; procession, Rogene Rose; program, Verna Rogers; music, Leonore Larson. Two attendants will be chosen from each class to attend the king and queen.

Here's who plays what

in ''Letters to Lucerne'' production Playbooks have been handed out for "Letters to Lucerne," the spring play, and the cast is holding rehearsals. The play is under the direction of Prof. R. D. Moore, with student director Billy M. Woods assisting.

The cast includes: ;.' Olga Kirinski _____ Phyllis DeLong Is about seventeen and very attractive. Her speech is almost pure .English, with only 2 very faint trace of accent. Gustave ---------Willard Redfern Is an old man, very cleaa, very bright-eyed. Erna Schmidt ____ Evelyn Rodgers Is a young Nordic goddess. She has an air of quiet authority, a \

calm, balanced poise, which is unusual in one of her age. Gretchen Linder __ Ardis Carmine Js a cool, collected, efficient but pleasant woman in her mid-thirties. Hans Schmidt ____ Walter Marshall Is a fine-looking young man with an ingratiating smile, a very masculine kind of gaiety about him. Margarethe ___ Mary Alice Hacker Is the stout, middle-aged cook. Mrs. Hunter __ Rebanis Frankforter Is about forty, good-looking and gentle. Bingo Hill _______ Leonore Larson Is smart, full of energy and vitality. There is an odd effect in


her speech, since she talks rather quickly, but occasionally she drawls one word in a sentence in an exaggerated fa~hion. Felice Renoir __ Marjorie Wareham Is French. ;:>ally Jackson _____ Arlene Howell A pretty, energetic, inquisitive girl. Marian Curwood -------------___________ Donna Lee Patterson An English girl. Koppler ______________ Jack Cejka The action of the play takes place in a girl's school near Lucerne, Switzerland, in late summer. The play is produced by special arrangement with Samuel French.

Kennedy, Betty McArdle, Evelyn Slagle, Janice Slagle, Patricia Carmine, Patricia Hill, Mabel Hechler, Marjorie Prine, Betty Riley, R. T. Benford, John Le1..vis and Claude Nordbrock. The program: Finale Valse B. Kennedy, B. McArdle Donkey Serenade J. Lewis, R. T. Benford Polish Dance B. Kennedy, B. McArdlc E. Slagle, P. Carmine J. Slagle, R. T. Benford Violin Solo: "LaFolia" ____ Corelli-Leonard Fmale from Concerto Mabel Hechler R. T. Benford, accompanist Vocal Solo: The Lass With the Delicate Air __________________ Arne Betty Riley Violin Solo: Concerto in G Minor ___Bruch Patricia Hill Marjorie Prine, accompanist Dance of Winds B. Kennedy, R. T. Benford C. Nordbrock, B. McArdle Humoreske Negro B. Kennedy, B. McArdle Faust Fantasia B. Kennedy, B. McArdle, E. Slagle, P. Carmine J. Slagle, R. T. Benford The event is scheduled to start at 8 p. m .. and no admission charge will be made. On Saturday, May 1, fiv<c violin students of Prof. V. H. Jindra appeared in the First Annual State Contest, sponsored by the Nebraska State Federation of Music Clubs in Omaha. The events were originaUy planned for the Joslyn Memorial but the large number of entries made it necessary to seek extra space and the First Methodist Church was the scene of some of the events. The entries were classified ac· cording to age and prizes were awarded accordingly. Mµsicians from Peru include: Marilyn La-

vigne, playisg "Sixth Air Varie" by Dancla; Max Mathews played "Scenes de Ballet" by DeBeriot; Kathlyn Benford, "Concerto in E Minor" by Mendelssohn; Mabel Hechler, "La Folia" by CorelliLeonard; Patricia Hill, "Finale from Concerto in G Minor" by Bruch. All Peru violinists played at the First Methodist Church in the afternoon between 1:30 and 3:30 p. m. A tea honoring all contestants and their teachers as guests of the Nebraska State Federation of Music Clubs, was held in the parlors of the First Methodist Church at the close of the ·contest, 4:30 p. m. Prizes were awarded at this time.

Ratings given to Peruvians were as follows: Marilyn Lavigne, first prize in the 8-12 age group; Kathlyn Benford, honorable mentiOn in the high school group; in the' advanced group, Mabel Hechler, second prize, and Patricia Hill, honorable mention.


• • •

If it's chili or Tschaikowski Adamson will have some! A play on Broadway, a performance of the Ballet Russe, the· opera,

Hear ye! Hear ye!

"Daughter of the Regiment," starring Lily Pons--these are the things that Ruth Adamson wants to see.

Sunburned skins have peeled, blisters have hea1ed, English major with minors muscles have ceased to ache from wielding shovels and lift- in An speech and history, Ruth is an ing sandbags, so now Peruvians can enjoy the Victory Par- ardent book lover. She is a member of two book clubs and says ty, Tuesday night. "Madame Bovary" by Flaubert is The committee called it the Victory Party because even the best book she has ever read. though the airport dike went out-the others held. Accord- , A member of the Dramatic Club, ing to H. Hallenbeck, dike ,engineer, only 960 of the 6500 Ruth has starred in three college acres of farm land threatened actually were flooded. Reced- plays. Having always had a desire ing flood waters left practically no silt on the airport so that for a stage career herself, Ruth says her ambition now is to help 90% of the seeding was sav.ed, and two weeks from the time Robin, her daughter, rise to stage of the flood, planes will be landing there again. fame. Most of the winter wheat was saved and the farm land is ready for planting. So bring your cup and celebrate.

Senior Carl Wirth: good cleaning kid

Music soothes etc.

• • • The importan0e of music in wartime even more than in peace cannot be overemphasized. Songs like "Yankee Doodle'' and ''Over There'' do a great deal to strengthen the morale of Americans in service and at home. This week is National Music Week, a week planned to make people more conscious of the cultural value of music in war or pea:ce.

We predict for May . . . In May, especially toward the end of the month, all Peruvians will be severely tested and tried. Many will turn informative and spend hours ·writing papers of term and test variety to inform faculty on ''every little thing.'' In May, Moses will probably make a return appearance on campus and there are also indications of the arrival here of Peruvians, the v;,,-hite lawn chairs, May Fete Royalty and Representative students. In May, there will probably be a senior convo program, a Barn Dance Party, the May Fete, a theatrical production -and one more PED.

Arriving at E. M. Hall every evening at 6:30, Carl Wirth brings clean clothes to the girls and picks up "cleaning." Carl, who has Ileen working for the Peru cleaners two years says "! certainly like itbusiness was especially good after the river fight."

Before attending college Carl worked in a dairy and cement factory for two years. "Had plans to attend the college of engineering at the University, but changed my mind and came here." With majors in math and chemistry, Carl is awaiting call to the Ground Forces and the Air Corps. His popularity with students and faculty and his scholastic standing is evidenced by his election as president of the senior class and his appointment to Who's Who. He is a member of Kappa Detla Pi and formerly of Alpha Mu Omega and Lambda Delta Lambda.

His favorite food-is brain sandwiches with onions. "It's really good," he added. An ardent pin-ball machine fan, basket ball is Carl's "othE:r sport," and as a spectator he prefers iceskating.

Dear SHIRLEY, Betty says JIMERSON (At. '43) is out of the "linen closet" now and has a room and roommate at the Scottish Rite Dormitory in Austin, Texas. Betty says ( ! wish I could say something for myself~') that you like Texas University.

DORIS BRINSON (At. '42) is married. She was a Peru visitor the first week in April, then she went back to Washington, D. C., and was married April 11 to T /Sgt. George W. Moore. From Miami, Florida, she wrote home that she had three burns from her first week of cooking! · Another wedding: WAVETA BAKER (At. '42) and Jack Taylor were married at the Ring sorority house, of which Waveta is a mem • ber, April 2. She has been attending the College of Idaho, at Cald • well, and Jack is in the Army Air Corps there.

VIRGINIA KING ('42) has literally been "flying aroi.:.nd.'' She flew to Atlanta, Georgia, for a weekend vacation. She works for the T. V. A. near Knoxville, Tenn., but expects to be transferred soon. May 16 is the wedding date set by CAROL PRINE (At. '41) and Ellis Hickman, who plan to have the event take place in the Evangelical church at Bushnell. Then, after that-"home on the range.'' LOWELL DECKER ('30), formerly the Director of Distributive Education for South Dakota, is now Assistant Chief of he Training and Safety Section of the Seventh Service Command in Omaha.

:MERLYN WITTLER (At. '38) is a timekeeper at the Bomber Plant,

Well, Shirley, I hope those 89 steps from your room to the dining room won't work up three times as great an appetite as the 30 from the "linen closet!"

ELEANOR NIEMANN (':~9) and JOHN MAGOR (At. '40) are married and living in New Mexico at the Ajo Gunnery Base. JEANNE SPIER ('41:, teaching music and English at Dawson, has one of those "substantial" raises you're always hearing about for next year. Lots of Peruvians have been reelected. DORIS WEILER (At. '40) is wanted again by the sixth grade at Plattsmouth. MARVEL LUCAS (At. '36) was re-elected to teach third and fourth grades at Dawson. A rural school near Cook has asked to have VERN EL.LE DAMME (At. '40) come back.

WILMA BARTUNEK ('41) has been teaching at Garland. The GROTRIAN sisters, MARIE (At. '41) and EILEEN (At. '39), have rural schools near Cook. NORMA ROTTMAN (At. '42) teaches near Syracuse. Since Uncle Sam took husband Ensign Don Williams to the South Seas, ROSEMARY (TIEHEN) (At. '41) has gone home to help her father at Dawson. ELVERA (SCHACHT, '41) and her husband, Vernon JUILFS, are at Miami, where "Spitz" is a civilian pilot of some sort, I hear. I was about to close this without announcing a single baby, but that would never do. Warrant Officer ('40) and Mrs. (ALICE TRAYER, At. '41) MERVIN KEEDY have a son born at Our Lady of Perpetual Help hospital at Falls City, April 7.

She loves to go to country auc· tion sales, and buy antique "junk," as Jimmy, her husband, calls it. "He always goes along to see that I don't buy anything utterly im • possible," she said. Then she add· ed, "He's my favorite person-he always takes pleasure in pleasing other people, never himself."

Love, -Virgie Lee. *Hint.

Peterson finds valuable books Like old coins, o.ld books are valuable too. Librarian Grace M. Petersen recently discovered that PSTC's library owns the first edi· tion of Willa Cather's "Song of the Lark," published in 1915 and now worth $6.50.

Peru also possesses two early copies of "Normal History," now valued at $25 each.

"Swing it light with Dwight" i. the latest slogan since Dwig Houseman organized the new college dance band. Origina labeled the "Filthy Five" the ba now consists of "Four Men and Five Misses" who played their first engagement at the Prep party Wednesday, April 28.

According to "Dowie" the band will specialize h. "hot jazz," has had "only few practices so far" and wants to get engagements to play in small towns near Peru "like Nemaha." Practices are held at the Men's Dorm. Donna Steffen, Max Anderson and Dwight Houseman play the reeds in the band and the brass section includes Pat Carmine, Louise Roettger, Duane Aden and Larry Good. Wes Shrader plays the drums and Mary Lu Harvey the piano.

Harvey a defender of teaching profession "Imagine, keeping a thumb on 46 kids-how the angel wings did crump'e," remarked Mary Lu Harvey, the senior, with the red curly hair, as she told of her teaching. For three years Mary Lu kept vig-

Acting is sideline for Carmine

ilance over kindergarten pupils at Grand Island.

Mary Lu is maJormg in early elementary education and minorling in English and speech. 'Tm almost a minor in music-gosh, I like music." Her musical interests on the campus are band and chorus. Whistling just comes natural to her. "I used to whistle over the radio-they called me 'The girl with the bird , throat!'" She whistles most of the time-says she doesn't realize it-"Seems lii<e it keeps me happy."

Her favorite color is red, even though she seldom wears it. Suits with gored skirts are her favorite attire. "I like to go places but don't like to primp."

\ Jllumni trail . • • and ELAINE BRILEY (At. '42) was home on a vacation from her civil service job in Washington, D. C.

Her favorite color is bright Kelly green. When it comes to eating, she likes best to sit dr)wn to hot dishes-chili and tamales-and between meals it's chocolates. Her latest hobby is collecting symphonies, preferably Tschaikowsky.

Swing it light with Dwight

"My favorite food'? Gosh, just food-that's why I'm in the shape I'm in." She's a whiz at cards, but remarked rather dejectedly, "I seldom get to play bridge any more." "For five summers and two winters I've come back to Peru to get my degree." Definitely a defender of the school teaching profession, she remarked, "School teach· ing shouldn't be apologized for, and I can't stand to have people run the profession down. It should seem desirable to people.''

Being in the college play is only a sideline with Ardis Carmine, a home ec major.

She has minors

in phys ed and English and belongs to Future Teachers of America, Home Ee. Club, YW and is senior representative on the Gamma Chi council.

Besides that she really

has experience in handling money, being treasurer of both WAA and Kappa Omicron Phi.

This black-haired senior gets disgusted at people who type after two a. m., loves red and black, suits, and just Peru in general. "You just sorta fit in here," she commented. Dancing is her favorite pastime and she also likes horseback riding. She collects recipes of all kinds and has a collection of horse pins. She is proudest of her WAA sweater, and says she'll hate to leave Peru. She intends to teach home economics next year and maybe later go into a special field of nutrition if she doesn't join the marines.


Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, May 4, 1943 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. Editor·------····-·-····-·-·---··-----··-----··-···-··--·····-··-·-·-·---·----····Ellen King Associate Editor.·--···-·----·······--·-··-·-----------------·-Marjorie Prine Assistant Editors......................Audrey Zastera, Rogene Rose Business Manager..·--·-····-····-------·······----·-------.Betty Jane Scott Sports Editor....................................................Willard Redfern Special Reporters..............Virgie Lee Johnson, Betty Berger Reporters-Harriet Maxwell, Lillian Havel, Donna Steffen, Marjorie Weiler, Vera Huff. Advisor··--·····-···--········-·-·--·--·-·---·-····-··-·-·····-·M. Florence Martin

Blue Stars George Griffin, who was recently transferred to Camp Young, California, is now a Corporal. He writes: "While in Hollywood, Harry and I went into the canteen for an hour •.• and saw Marsha Hunt, Patricia Morrison and Kay Kyser and his band. From there we went to the Palladium where Benny Goodman was conducting, and then we went to look at the footprints at he Chi· nese theater ..•

"The second time, we hitchhiked into L. A. and made it in four-and-a-half hours with the intention of coming back on the bus. At noon Sunday I called for reservations and wa8 told there was no need for them as it was a service man's special and they ran out all night long. We went for our tickets at nine and couldn't purchase a ticket there or at the railroad station. Transportation was frozen, due to a troop movement. There were the two of us stranded in L. A. and we had to be back in camp by 8 in the morning. We had to hitch-hike, and we were exactly one hour AWOL. But we had telegraphed the commanding officer, and the telegram saved us a little trouble. The CO just laughed and said to forget about .it."

Wehrmann to Woods Dennis Wehrmann, stationed at Aberdeen Proving Ground, writes of his'visit to New York: "We're out on week-end pass and came to New York first of all to hear the N. Y. Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall. I hope we get to Radio City Music Hall and perhaps see the Easter parade. "This company of 500 men is nearly half through the period now. About three per cent of us will be sent to college after the 13 weeks. I will probably be sent into training which is largely in science fields. It lasts for a period of 3 months to 3 years ... "I feel nearly certain tha l I will not get the typing and clerical work I was recommended forunless I'm rejected for the Army Specialized Training Program. The college hours are counted as civilian college credit ... "

Supt. Reed speaks at convo State Supt. Wayne O. Reed told c.onvocation students, v is it i n g teachers and supt's. the distinct need of support to the teaching profession and demands on teachers un.der present conditions.

Mr. Reed stated that the needs of youth demanded that the curriculum be made practical by teach~ ing a basic school program. He also remarked, "If we can· turn a critical eye upon our school program, we shall understand why the best brains should go into teaching."

Spotts of '43

• • •

Bob Brown is now with the Merchant Marine at Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, N. Y. Writing from Milwaukee Pvt. Wayne Parks comments on the flood:

"I was really thrilled by the account of the flood. Surprising what some people can do when the time comes for action." Wally Cleaveland left Peru with the E. R. C.'s, but now he's in the Army Air Corps at St. Petersburg, Fla. "Just got some pictures of my offspring. Mighty cute little rascal. And don't ask how I got in the Air Corps. I don't know." Just for a month Capt. John A. Jimerson has been transferred to Ft. Worth, then back to San Antonio.

In New Zealand From Yeoman 2/C Calvert Gridley, Miss Martin received an airmail "carte postale" from New Zealand picturing the Public Library, Dunedin, N. Z. Lt. Bill Brooks, still an instructor at Corpus Christi, is now Capt. W. W. Brooks of the U. S. Marines.

Percy1 writes Clifford Harding also at St. Petersburg \Hites Miss Tear: "We are taking basic training now ... and subjec~ to can anytime to take the technical training we qualified for on the air corps tests. I . . . have chosen clerical school . . . No more than settled down on this basis awaiting call, when I was notified that I had

passed a very difficult three hour test which qualifies me to be sent to a selected college at army expense. Under this program, then, I have been selected for military government training. The training will probably lead to a commission, and the work will be to help govern the countries we occupy in Europe, or elsewhere ... I'm looking forward very much to the work, since it is just like. my civilian work in social science."

Freeman commissioned Blanche Freeman, first feminine Peruvian to be commissioned, was made an Ensign relently in the WAVES. Her picture was in the Sunday World· Herald, April 25.

"Doc" Sandin will be home on furlough in two weeks-he's graduating from Navy School of Music. His band, No .37, played over nationwide hook-up recently.

Kathlyn Benford presents recital Kathlyn Benford presented her senior recital in the music hall auditorium Wednesday evening, April 4 .

Formally attired in flowered French marquisette, Kathlyn, accompanied by her father, Prof. R. T. Benford, played Mendelssohn's Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64 as the first half of the program. After a short intermission she played numbers by more modern composers. They were: "Hondo Brillante" and "Hills" by Burleigh, "Moon Dawn" by Friml and "Slavonie Fantasy" by Rubinoff.

YW Estes Conference will be held. in June "Fresh buttered popcorn, five or ten cents" sounded in the dorms Tuesday night, April 27, when Y. W. members sold popcorn to secure money for the Estes fund.

Benford now directs chorus

The chief speaker at the Estes Regional Conference, June 12-19, will be Dr. Ernest Colwell, from the University of Chicago.

Preparing for commencement week, the vocal ensemble meets every Monday at 2:00, Wednesday at 9:00 and Thursday at 3:00.

Proceeds from the Carnival planned for Friday, May 7, will also be added to the Estes fund. Harriet Maxwell is · the general chairman. Peruvians who attended the dis· trict conference at Omaha, April 17, were Nina Kanel, state cochairman, Rebanis Frankforter, Lucille Miller, Jean Bond and Miss Edna Weare. Rebanis was elected to the regional council.

FTA plans . . spring p1cn1c


Prof. R. T. Benford is directing vocal work since Prof. G. Holt Steck has entered Red Cross work.

The Bobcats Tuesday, May 4, 1943

Omaha tops Cats in track opener Omaha U. had a little too much power for the Bobcats and won the track opener on the Peru track April 21. Omaha, led by Clarence Smith, piled up 711/3 points, the Bobcats garnered 51 5/6, and St. Joe J. C. brought up the rear with 39 5/6 points. Hottest competition was in the shot where Hurst of St. Joe barely edged Peterson of Omaha and Orv Yocum, Bobcat ace, gained a close third over Lynch of Onrnha.

Peru fans had one thing to cheer about in defeat. Orv Yocum's discus heave of 133 feet 71/2 inches broke the old Peru track record. Omaha's Bob Hazen, younger brother to Nebraska's Jack Hazen, easily won the javeline with a toss of 182 feet 3 inches. Track Events

High jump-Tie between James, Peru; Nordeen, Omaha; three way tie for second between Lawrence, Peru; Kessberger and Young, St. Joe. Height-5 feet 6%inches.

220 low hurdles-Won by Hazen, Omaha; second, Aden, Peru. third, Larson, Peru; fourth, Graham, Omaha. Time: 29.1. 440-Won by Smith, Omaha; second, Banks, Peru; third, Meinen, Peru; fourth, Bommond, St. Joe. Time: 53.2. 120 high hurdles - Won by Lynch, Omaha; second, Graham, Omaha; third, James, Peru; fourth, Kessberger, Sf Joe. Time: 17.9. 880-Won by Barrett, St. Joe; second, Warton, Omaha; third, Meinen, Peru; fourth, Clements, Peru. Time: 14.2. Mile-Won by Barrett, St. Joe; second, Holman, Peru. third, Cur-; rey, Omaha; fourth, Lawrence, Peru. Time: 4.54. Mile relay-Won by Peru (Meinen, Carman, Ronhovde, Banks); second, St. Joe; third, Omaha. Time: 3.53. 880 relay-Won by Omaha (Kitner, Rowan, Lynch, Smith); second, St. Joe; third, Peru. Time: 1.39.

Prep honors draftees

As for plans after graduation"Think I might work in Lincoln. A man wants me to and offered me a good deal. Uncle Sam beck-

Broad jump-Won by Smith, Omaha, second, Larson, Peru; third, Kessberger, St. Joe; fourth, Handley, Peru. Distance-21 feet 66% inches.

Yocum places

at Drake Orville Yocum, Peru's only rep· resentative in the Drake Relays two weeks ago, came through with a fourth in the discus with a throw of 135.15 feet. Yocum competed against men from Nebraska, Notre Dame, Iowa State, Drake, Michigan State, and others. His fourth was considered very good. Howard Debus, University of Ne· braska ittar, was the winner with a throw of 153.48 feet.



Field Events

Shot-Won by Hurst, St. Joe; second, Peterson, Omaha; third, Yocum, Peru; fourth, Lynch, Om-

This semester is the first one that Bill has stayed in Peru. His home town at Auburn made it conven· ient for him to travel back and

discussion on "Applying for a Teaching Position" which was followed by a piano solo by Mildred Schmidt and a reading by Lillian Havel.

Javelin-Won by Hazen, Omaha; second, Yocum, Peru; third, Hurst, St. Joe; fourth, Graham, Omaha. Distance-182 feet 3 inches.

220,.Won by Smith. Omaha; second, Bommond, St. Joe; third, Kitner, Omaha; fourth, Kessberger, St. Joe. Time: 24.1.

ons me again in July. "Thrills? Oh, suppose I've had quite a few of 'em. Take lots of trips. Saw Bob Koontz last summer in Corpus Christi.''

Quiet, with not too much to say, Bill spends much of his spare time tinkering with woodworking and other shop courses. "I like to work for Mr. Larson. It gives me some practical experience."

Discus-Won by Yocum, Peru; second, Nordeen, Omaha; third, Hines, Peru; fourth, Hurst, St. Joe. Distance-133 feet 71/2 inches.

Polt vault-Tie for first between Handley, Peru, and Young, St. Joe; second, Lynch, Omaha. Height10 feet.

Dressed in white coveralls and working at the shop, Bill Zurbrick took time out to explain that he is an industrial arts major and an English and social science minor.


aha. Distance: 41 feet 3 % inches.

100-Won by Kitner, Qmaha; second, A. Peterson, Omaha; third, Hurst, St. Joe; fourth, Handley, Peru. Time: 11.1.

Reporter interviews Zurbrick in shop

"How are we going to get young people to make teaching their life work? They must be assured of a Future Teachers of America will salary." Here he discussed retir- end the year's activities at a pieing on a pension. "We are like bananas--we either hang together . nic Monday, May 17. Plans for or get skinned separately.'' Tile the picnic were made at the reguparents and community service lar meeting held Monday, April 18. clubs must be made to take an inGenevieve Geick led a group terest in schools.

After discussing the manpower freezing order he concluded in saying, "Prospective teachers will be serving their country as a highly patriotic service by teaching."

-with W.R.

l;ligh school students honor.ed six of their fellow members at a dance Wednesday night, April 28. Paul Ogg, Wayne and Vern Cotton, Dale Blankenship, Eldon Nincehelsor and Gordon Palmer, who are expe.cting to be called to armed service in the near future, were the guests of honor. Paul left Thursday to report for active duty in the Merchant Marine Corps.

A complete line of

School Supplies

Gifts Greeting Cards

• • PLAY TENNISNew stock of Tennis Rackets and Tennis Balls

• • Also Bobcat Sweaters for sports wear. Exclusively sold -at-

Chatelain' s Jewelry Peru, Nebr.

Phone 112

Digbt Sbift . • • 1

May 4 ... Ah, May ... thoughts continue in a war theme . . In the spring a young man's fancy slightly turns to thoughts of 1-A. If they don't get him in March or April, they're sure to get him in May . . . Good, Art, Shrader and Brandt report for physicals May 5, and Monroe, the tenth ... quote Monroe as he drew number one for delivering orations in public speaking, "I don't care, I won't be here anyway." Betty K. and Leonore had their pictures in the State Journal as flood fighters -Kennedy got a fan letter already. Suppose everyone has rested up from vacation by now .•. After the Nebr. City to Peru bus ride-all of 34 Peruvians needed a rest cure ••• Vacation was more than 4 days off for some; Glenny spent Easter with Kenny R. at Oshkosh, Wi.s •••• Doreen saw.:Slug, Oakey, Reutter, Stark, Parks and especially Whiz at Milwaukee ••. Virgie Lee, Betty McArdle, Lydia and Rogene danced to Blue Barron at the air corps dance in Omaha.

Dr. Bradford is hunting for a definition of the word "Cute" ... Mary Mannschreck and Cadet Cole are the "Cutest" couple of the week-or two-or three ... Fashion note: that explosion of color Cecil D. wears for a tie ... despite the broken bone Betty ·"they call me Limp" Berger still gets around-in "Little Bake's" wagon ... Pvts. "Red" Buhrmann and Billy Berger enhanced our campus this weekend. Freshman Louise Walker didn't announce it in time for the PED "Sparkler" column-but is wearing a diamond from air corps Pvt. J. Jones •.• Dr. Thorson wrote to inform Peruvians that his cat Yehudi, has a home, but was left in Omaha •.. And Miss Tear's "Mister" followed her to school one day.

Houseman's swing band is open for engagements ... these important war calls are really coming through, Cacek called Evelyn from Cheyenne, Wyo .... Dr. W. T. Miller was here over Easter ... those strangers on campus last Wednesday were seniors on the sneak from Wilber ... It's happened every spring; this time it was Gehringer and Holman who picked the poison ivy on the nature trail. All Y. W. can go to Estes as far as everyone's concerned if they will only keep on bringing pop corn around at night .•• the cadets are on a new schedule, they eat between seven and eight in the evening, classes from eight till ten, classes on Friday night and no more weekend leaves.

Congratulations, Chris and Meier, on your new letter sweaters ... by the way Chris and Bobby Burrows had their pictures taken to go all over the state· for college publicity ... Tried the new pin-ball machine at Landolt's? ... it's one of those patriotic affairs ... See you all at the big barbecue dance down town tonight.

Prep notes Prep sent four representatives to the State Music Contest at Fremont Friday, April 16. Kathlyn Benford received a superior rating on her violin solo. Max Mathews, also a violin contestant, Ellen Thomson, girls' high voice soloist, and Sam Bradford, baritone horn soloist, all received ratings of excellent.

New work .. Mr. Clements has taken over the supervision of the Junior High School physical education class. He is also teaching the Junior and Senior High School manual training classes.

Mr. Edmund Velvick is the new janitor at the Training School, and will be assisted by Jack Longfellow.

Last AAUW hou now scheduled

Twenty naval cadets • receive CAA wings

"What is the Church Doing'' iS the title of Henry P. Van Dusen's recent book which Rev. Edwin L. Becker will review at the AAUW hour Thursday, May 6.

Twenty more Naval Air Cadets have completed successfully their solo flights and won their


A. A.

wings Saturday, April 24.

President W. R. Pate presented the wings to the following cadets: Thomas H. Blood, Robert F. Boyer, Keith A. Cole, William L. Ecklund, Richard T. Geppert, James V. Hastings, Magnus Paul Johnson, Robert N. Lahann, John H. Nicholson, Robert H. Pauley-'- Duane D. Peterson, William R. Ridge, Robert H. Stauss, Robert E. Stuhr, Richard D. Thompson, George W. Thomsen, Edward J. Walters, Lisle D. West, Walter D. Wilson, Robert L. Young.

Prep Seniors guests at prom It was May Time in the Music Hall Saturday night as the junior class played host to the seniors at the annual .spring formal. The feature of the evening was the election of a prince and prin· cess and their attendasts.


Large baskets of flowers outlined the stage which was arranged for the crowning of the royalty. Special solo music was supplied by Ellen Thompson; John Lewis and Max Mathev.rs. All arrangements were under the supervision of Irene Majors, general prom chairman. Helen Wright was refreshment chairman, Ellen Thomson was chairman of the entertainment committee and John Lewis was chairman of the decoration committee. Refreshments of cake, sherbet and punch were served.

Educators meet on Peru campus An all-day joint Rural Education and Elementary Curriculum Work· shop Conference was held on cam· pus, Friday, April 30. Mrs. Calvin H. Reed presided at the morning session.

The book describes three phaseSc of church development during the last decade: the church in occu7 pied Europe, the church in the mission fields and the movement of the churches toward unity.

The topic

"How shall we adjust the preparation of rural school teachers to the present situation?" was presented


by Prof. J. W. Tyler and a discus·


Greer, State



sion by Mrs. Edith Supervisor of

Education followed.

Mrs. Illa Thompson, Principal Peru Elementary School, was in charge of the afternoon meeting. Leo P. Black, State Supervisor of Secondary Education, gave the main talk of the afternoon. The specific topic for the afternoon discussion was: "What contribution to the evolving elementary curriculum can be made in the summer workshop at Peru?" Mrs. Ediih Greer presented the topic and the discussion was led by Supt. S. L. Clements. Dr. P. A. Maxwell was general chairman of the conference. Playing at the morning session was the college string trio made up of Evelyn and Janet Slagle and Pat Hill. Kathlyn Benford played a violin solo in the afternoon.

STATE THEATRE Auburn, Neb!'aska


VOODOO PARTY! -ON THE STAGEH. L. Weber's Invisible Zombies Goosepimples -

Shudders -

Thrills! -ON THE SCREENDick Foran-John Hubbard

''MUMMY'S TOMB'' Stooge Comedy 11:30 -


SUN.-MON.-TUES. Robt. Taylor-Chas. Laughton Brian Donlevy

CLINTON TEACHERS' AGENCY Clinton, la. C. E. Cozzens, Mgr. Twenty-fourth year of continu· ous service by present owner and manager. For a better position and higher salary enroll now. Free enrollment. Member National Association of Teachers' Agencies.

"STAND BY FOR ACTION" MARCH OF TIME "America's Food Crisis" Color Cartoon and News

War interferes with Senior Armstrong's hobbies "I like to take pictures ••• if you could buy film,'' says black· haired, blue-eyed senior Iva Arm· strong.

"I love to travel too •••

but I 'spect we won't much these days," she added.

She'll help her dad on the farm during the summer and after that she is going to do the thing she likes best of all~teach. "I'd rather teach than anything else," she

says. Fifth graders are her favorites. Others on her list of favorites are colors blue and red, Osa John son's and travel books in general, the cheerfulness and friendliness of Peru and her pencil collection from all states.

Iva graduates this year after attending Peru three winters and some summers and having taught in a rural school for a number of years.

Futures Monday ________ May

3-7-8 ______________________ Alpha Mu Omega Art Club 8-9 ______________________________ Tri Beta Kappa Omicron Phi

Entertain Kiwanis The elementary school Clarinet Quartette provided special music at Kiwanis Tuesday night. The members, from grades five and six, are:. Lois Ann Miller, June Pharaoh, Ileen Hamel and Fred Clements. ·

The Schools at War Council has accepted an invitation by the Kiwanis Club to present a program Tuesday, May 4.

Tuesday ________ May

4-7 -8 ------------------------YWCA, YMCA

Thursday _______ May

6-7 -9 _______________________ Freshman Clubs

Friday ---------May

7- _____________________________ yw Carnival

Saturday -··-----May

8- __________________________ Freshman Party

Monday ________ May 10-7 -8 _________________ Early Elementary Club Epsilon Pi Tau 8-9 _______________________ Sigma Tau Delta Tuesday ________ May 11-7 -8 ------------------------YWCA, YMCA Wednesday _____ May 12-7 -8 ___________________


_______ Gamma


Thursday ___·____ May 13-7-9 -----------------------Freshman Clubs Monday ________ May 17-7-8 -----------------------------Alpha Psi

Ground work only Mr. C. A. Huck reports that 15 boys are enrolled in the high school's new course in aviation, a part of the Schools at War program. "This course is designed for elementary ground work only, and has no reference to actual flying," explained Mr. Huck. He added that the boys are very much interested and seem to be making progress.

8- 9 ----------------------------------FT A Kappa Delta Phi Tuesday ________ May 18-7 -8 ------------------------YWCA, YMCA Wednesday _____'May 19-6:30 ____________________ Gamma Chi Picnic Thursday _______ May 20-7-9 _______________________ Freshman Clubs Saturday _______ May 22- ______________ Faculty Reception for Seniors Sunday ________ May 23-10:30 ----,------------Baccalaureate Service Monday ··-------May 24-6 _________________ Inter Fraternity Bahquet Tuesday ________ May 25-8:00 ----------------------All-College Play Wednesday _____ May 26-8:00 ___________ High School Commencement

his letter home, even a general in Africa recalled happy moments with ice-cold Coca-Cola. There's something about Coca-Cola. Ever notice how you associate it with happy moments? There's that delicious taste you don't find this side of Coca-Cola, itself. It's a chummy drink that people like right-out-of· the-bottle. Yes siree, the only thing like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola, itself."



Thursday _______ May 27- --------------------------------May Fete Friday _________ May 28-10:30 ---------------College Commencement


Oueen Evie, King Butch to


Bark . .. Did you ever wonder what color PSTC is? It might be green like the leaves of the thousand oaks, the moss on the Nature Trail-and the poison ivy. Or like coke bottles, economics texts-and like freshmen are supposed to be ...


Maybe it's black like the auditorium curtains, typewriter ribbons and coffee you drank during finals and after "parties." Like telephones, snapshot negatives, the freshman bulletin board, the campus after Grossoehme goes home, caps and gowns-and the looks you get when you're 20 minutes late to class ... Or possibly it's red like hats some fellows wpre a month ago, new spring coats, cardinals on campus recently, lipstick-and ink you. used correcting prep papers •.

On the other hand, it might be yellow like cafeteria m•~al tickets, Dean Dunning's tulips, prep letters -and the mustard you smear on hamburgers at Ma's ... Of course it could be cream colored like freshman grade cards, Horace and Minerva, most E. M. furniture, ceilings you stare at in classes-and the new Peruvians .. Or gold-colored like the handles on dorm doors, and like the Navy • lockets, rings, heart bracelets and pins Peru Blue Star girls are keeping steady comp~ny with •• ·..

Or funny orange shades like the school buildings, junior class cards and the duration girders ... Probably it's blue, like Peru sweaters, the lines on history paper, ink, or student directories. 'Blue like the "Patterns for Living" texts, some sofas in the girl's dorm lobby, cobalt in chem lab, sophomore class cards-'and Mondays ...

And white like snow on campus in the winter and the reams of typing paper you've taken notes and typed "required work" on. Like new tennis balls, senior grade cards-and like Moses used to be .. It could be purple like stamps on letters, or pink like curtains ~r brown like the furniture in Delzell lobby, or silver like keys and a key chain, o·r khaki like the uniforms of visiting Blue Stars.

What color is P. S. T. C.? Maybe mostly it's pale-blueand-white and red-whi~e-and­ blue. But it could be almost any color-and, after all, who cares?


Baccalaureate opens commencement week Rev. Arthur L. Miller will .be the speaker at the college Commencement exercises Friday, May 28, at 10:30 a. m. in the college auditorium. The subject of his address will be "Learning to Live U'nder Tension."

Twenty seniors will receive A. B. degrees: Iva Armstrong; George Atwood; Ardis Carmine; Lillian Havel (With Honors); Jean Hoagland (With Honors); Nina Kanel (With Honors); Ralph Locke; Robert McAlexandel'I Harold Macomber; Harriet MaxweE; Oleta May Medlar; Robert Morris, Marjorie Prine (With High Honors); Keith Roberts; Gilbert Schreiner; Bette Scott; Mary Stevenson; Carl· Wirth (With Honors); Audrey Zastera; William Zurbrick.

Diplomas will be awarded Wednesday night at 8:00 in the college auditorium to 24 high school seniors.

Professor Charles H. Patterson of the University of Nebraska will present the commencement address on "'the Role of Education in the Post-War World."

"The Most Durable Power in the World" 'was the subject of Rev. Selby Swift's sermon at the Baccalaureate Service Sunday, May 23,. which opened Commencement Week activities.

Moore accepted by Red Cross

"Young people today are graduating under very trying conditions," said Rev. Swift, pastor of Benson Baptist Church in Omaha, as he enumerated some of the temptations, anxieties and hopes of this age. Service, not selfishness, he emphasized, with love should be the highest aim of humanity. The invocation and benediction were given by Rev. Alma Reiber of the Peru Baptist Church. The

Prof. Robert D. Moore left for Washington, D. C., Saturday, May 22, where he will receive three weeks training to become a Red Cross Assistant Field Director in Domestic Service.

When asked about leaving before the play was given, Mr. Moore remarked, "I think it's going to be a good play-I am sure they can carry on in my absence." Mrs. Moore took charge of his classes and the play for the remainder of the term.

Page 110 in your new Peruvian!! ! That's right, Representative Students Jean, Lillian, Red and George.; they are this year's choice, the seniors the college students elected most representative.

on their lives in school in Switzerland. The action brought out the contents of the letter:.; from their various homes which the girls read aloud every evening.

Advisory council announced New Student Advisory Council members were elected at recent class meetings. To represent the juniors next year are Bob James and Verona Oetkin. Sophomores elected Betty Kennedy and Bob O'Dell, and the freshmen, Louise Roettger and Ward Adams.

The new members assisted this year's council in planning the May Fete. Officers will be elected next fall.

Omaha chemistry major Jean Hoagland is also Peru's Blue Star Girl. Jeanie with the green eyes was chief decorator for the Barn Dance, delights in "bigger" jokes and is the assistant who solves all those little problems in the chemistry lab. Havel "Czechs" in from Wilber and plans to use her English major teaching at Grand Island. next year. Dark haired, dark eyed Lillian had plenty of dark thoughts over Peruvian business problems this year. A Who's Who-er, she's to be attendant to the May Queen. He's a Blue Star now at Santa

James elected Tri Beta Prexy

Evelyn Rodgers and Butch Roberts will be crowned Queen and King at the May Fete, Thursday evening, May 27, at 7:30. Princess Lillian Havel and Prince Carl Wirth will attend them. Class attendants are: Freshmen Glendora Galloway and Dean Alders; Sophomores Betty Riley and Earl Banks; Juniors Lois Wagoner and Art Ronhovde; and Seniors Vada Gubser and Gilbert Schreiner.

Frats hold annual banquet Singing birds on the programs and placecar_d-nutcups made of music paper indicated 'the musical theme of the interfraternity banquet held in the Methodist church basement Monday, May 24, at six P· m.

Toastmaster Betty Berger introduced this program: Toasts: "Staff" ______ Reuben Fanders "Sharps, Flats and Naturals" ____________ Roberta Burrows "Rests"



The college orchestra will play the processional. Joan Parriott and Sharon Kaye Wegner will be the flower girls. Master of Ceremonies will be Willard Redfern. The following program will be presented: Acrobatic dance by Phyllis Jean Brinson; selections by the boys' quartet; solo, "There's a Harbor of Dream Boats" by Bette Riley; whistling solo by Mary Lu Harvey; and a baton twirling solo by Laurine Clayburn.

The crown and scepter will be brought to the throne by Jackie Rodgers and Bobby Moore. After the ceremony the May Fete dance will be held in the Music. Hall, admission 20 cent~.

"Melody" _Mary Mannschreck "Finale" _________ Nina Kanel Piano Solo ____ Marjorie Prine Reading ______ Evelyn Rodgers Mary Lou Harvey led group singing. Members of the fraternities invited guests.

Ana Army Air Corps base, but "Red" Buhrmann represents the senior class. He was class president, but spent most of his time teaching math (his major), going up to see John and doing all those things which also made him representative among American college and university studentsWho's Who, you know. Atwood is a phys ed major and Peru's quarterback since four years back. George is also "Who's Who" and noted for having an opinion on any subject. A Blue Star, "Sackie" is at Ohio State University at present.

Senior class /honored

College seniors were guests of the faculty at the annual reception Saturday night, May 22, in the Heading Tri Beta next year will Music Hall. be Bob James, unanimously elect-. The receiving. line included ed at the last meeting, Monday, Prof. J. W. Tyler, Dr A. L. Brad· May 3. Christine Wilkinsonjs the ford, senior class sponsor, and Mrs. new vice president and Hazel Bradfor,d, President W. R. Pate and Schoenbohm, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Pate, Mrs. lnice Dunning and The program, in charge of Dr. Mrs. Genevie Marsh.

C. W. Pollard, consisted of slides showing .normal childbirth and birth by Caesarian section. Tri Betans held a steak fry in the woods Thursday, May 13-the last meeting. Christine Wilkinson and Gilbert Schreiner were in charge.


May Fete Coronation tonight!

New Peruvians announce Representative Student selections

First there were four men in the play; one went to the Anny and then there were three; one got the mumps and then there were two, playing two parts apiece. First Prof. Moore was director and then he left to do Red Cross work and Mrs. Moore took over.

. The plot concerned a group of ; girls from Germany, France, Poland, England and the United States and the influence of the war

The anthem, "Panis Angelicus" by Franck-Christy was sung by a vocal ensemble directed by Prof. R. T. Benford.

Eight others will receive degrees July 30: Ruth Adamson; Fannie Alberts; Vada Gubser; Reuben Fanciers; Mary Lu Harvey: Ellen King; LaVara Oakley; Milton Schulz.

to Lucerne II cast carries on despite changes

Phyllis Delong, Evelyn Rodgers, Leonore Larson and Marjorie Wareham, all veteran actresses, returned to the stage in this commencement week production. Mary ' Alice Hacker, who played in "Sinister House," and novices Ardis Carmine, Rebanis Frankforter, Arlene Howell, Donna Lee Patter' son, Willard Redfern and Jack Cejka completed the cast.

college orchestra played the processional and recessional.

Those receiving diplomas are Kathlyn Benford, Dale Blankenship, Phyllis Br.inson, Marvin Brown, Margaret Burgess, Lavern Cotton, Wayne Cotton, Clarice Flau, Helen Freeman, Fern Kizer, Harold Knople, Esther Meritt, Ro· sella Meritt, Eldon Nincehelser, Paul Ogg, Gordon Palmer, Norma Jean Parriott, William Redding, Shirley Rodgers, Dorothy Stepan, Lester Tanner, Louise Walker, Wava Whisler and Aileen Yette'r.


But even after all these changes, "Letters to Lucerne" carried on and came to .a triumphant finish in its final production in the college auditorium Tuesday, May 25.


General chairman was Miss Ida Mae Brackney. The committee chairmen were: Miss Isabel Mason, general arrangement; Prof. J. w. Tyler, receiving line; Prof. R. T. Benford, music; Miss M. Florence Martin, entertainment; and Miss Edna Weare, refi:eshments.

New editors selected There's no marching band next year, but Drum Majorette Betty Berger has a new job to fill any time she can steal from scholastic work. Betty will manage the copy, staff and Evangeline as editor of the 1943-44 PEDAGOGIAN.

As apprentice work, Betty was a special reporter and feature writer on the PED this year. Before coming to Peru, she also did special reporting for the Nebraska City News-Press. A sophomore English major, the new editor belongs to Sigma Tau Delta, the girls' dorm council and other organizations. May Queen Evelyn· Rodgers will trade their year's job as assistant editor for full editorial control of next year's Peruvian. A junior English major, "Evvie" is also a member of Sigma Tau, and has done outstanding work in Peru's dramatic productions.

Bob James, junior biology major, will work with her as business manager next year. Bob is also president of Tri Beta and a member of Kappa Delta Pi and the Advisory Council.

Sophomores honored at May breakfast Sophomore honor students Betty Berger, Mary Mannschreck, Melvin Rothmiller and Hazel Schoenbohm, were guests at Kappa Delta Pi's annual May Breakfast, Wednesday, May 18.

Mary Lu Harvey was in charge of arrangements, assisted by Jean Hoagland, Bette Jane Scott and Lillian Havel.


May King and Queen interviewed on personal likes and dislikes

• • •

Last words in pretzels . . .

"I think I'd f.eei more at home out skunk hunting than attending the May Fete," Keith Rooorts explained when asked about his newly acquired name of May King.

Seniors on campus have finally ma:de it. Friday they'll "procesh," sit on the stage an hour or so, roast in their caps and gowns and get their diplomas.

He went on to add that he didn't even know when they voted for royalty and that it must have been "that time" he missed convocation, so naturally he was surprised. Keith traced his name "Butch" back to his home town, Tecumseh, and remembers it as the "thing he got out of high school." Butch is a physical education and geography major. He has also completed a minor in social science. He spent the first semester of his college career at the University of Nebraska, where he earned a numeral in football. Since

Pretzels are in order now for all the graduates, those who stayed in college to complete their education and who are now ready to assume new responsibilities in our national life. But pretzels are also in order for all the Blue Star seniors who aren't on campus, who 're wearing khaki or blues instead of caps and gowns. They're still members of the class whether they're getting a degree in absentia or not until after the war. To all the members of the class of 1943-pretzels !

Confidentially . . . Here is a hint for every packer who is getting ready to go home. When you're packing your clothes to go home and when you 're getting ready to throw away any piece of it-don't! Things that you think aren't worth "carting" home may be turned to valuable war or civilian use. The Red Cross is asking for such things. The Red Cross wants your discarded clothing.

30 Sp.eaking statistically, this year's staff has written, rewritten, typed, proofed and published 350 columns of copy, in 17 issues of the PED. Speaking statistica'lly, this year's staff has "done away with'' three reams of yellow copy paper, two typewriter ribbons, 387 cokes and 37 packages of sunflower seeds. Speaking editorially, nine months of school are now finished, and this year's staff now regretfully turns over the PED key, the cardboard waste-pa:per basket, the files and an empty ink bottle to future editor Betty Berger. Evangeline is also turned over. Speaking journalistically, "thirty" means the end of the story~the last of the copy. Speaking editorially-''thirty. ''



then he has lettered three seasons at Peru and was one of this year's co-captains. Keith believes that the Peru· Wayne scrap this year will be the game he'll remember longest. "That's when I lost a tooth, and it left a more permanent marking." At the present time Keith is a member of Navy V-7 but is trying to transfer to the Navy Air Corps. Among the many things Butch will remember about Peru are "Al, the Hill Store, heart games, and those fine visits to the college office."

Stevie likes things different Senior Mary Stevenson will admit that once she heard herself identified as "that l!irl with the long hair." "I figure if I wait long enough, everyone else will have theirs short-and then mine will be different," she ex9lains. It's a habit of hers-liking things to be "different." Besides being the only senior art major, she likes unusual shapes in vases and bowls, unusual snapshots, unusual stationery - and unusual .word spellings. She thinks cities, like Los Angeles where she spent her last summer, are exciting and the country is wonderful, but she hates small towns. She's always wanted a horse, and she started sketching them when she was five. She's been sketching, painting and charcoaling ever since, this year as Peruvian Art Editor. Music is "wonderful." She likes Galli-Curci records, the song "Depuis Le J our" from the opera "Louise" even though she "can't sing it" but she'll also put a nickel in the juke box whenever she's got one to hear Harry James.

• • •

Eighteen of them left in Febru · liam Cramer and Orthello Byers Wayne Buhrmann, at Santa Ana; George Blocher and Oscar Dean ary, seventeen more in March, and are at Cedar Falls, Iowa. At Sheppard Field, Texas, is Smith, at Camp Callan; Herbert others since then. Instead of.worrying about finals, and .enjoying Pvt. Barton Kerker. A/S Bill Bonesteel, with the Marine Corps the "nothing to do" days of Com· Rachow, also stationed in Texas, at San Diego; Marvin Young, with mencement week, instead of is at San Antonio. Wayne Sack is the Navy Air Corps at St. Mary's marching in a cap and gown in at Ft. McClellan, Ala.; Pvt. Lowell College. the Commencement procession,. Huff is at Clearwater, Fla.; also in Pvt. Jack Mcintire is permathey're marching in uniform in Florida, but at St. Petersburg, are nently stationed at Ft. Leavenarmy camps and naval stations all Clifford Harding and Wallace worth. Other Peruvians who have over the country. Here's the list Cleaveland. been sent there temporarily are: Don Cacek is at Ft. Warren in Pvts. Lawrence Good, Richard of 48 Peruvians who left. More of this year's Peruvian Cheyenne, Wyo., and Richard Monroe, Bill Brandt, Arthur ClemBlue Stars are stationed at Mil- Kingsolver is at Yale University. ents, Billy Woods, Luther Hutton. Bob Brown is with the Merchant waukee, Wisconsin, than at any A/S Willard Hunzeker is at Inother place-Pvts. Robert Oakman, dianapolis, Ind., and at Camp Bob- Marine in New York. Other this year's Blue Stars whose addresses Wayne Parks, Richard Pascal, Du- ler, Mo., is James Huey. A number of this year's Blue are not known are: Richard Colane White, Don Stark, and Eldon Reutter are there. · Stars are now in California: Sea- glazier, Clarence Stewart, Harlan man 2/c William Ryan, at Port Ulmer, Rollin Hall, Richard HutOthers in Wisconsin are: Ken- Huineme; A/S's Bill Berger and ton, and Ervin Osterthun. neth Roh.rs and Freddie Drexler at Oshkosh; Wilber "Bud" Brown at Beloit, and Percy Schmelzer at Wankesba. Pvts. Dean Jones, Gerald Livingstone, Arlin McCandless, Alvin Haack and William Ottersberg are at Mt. Vernon, Iowa. A Future Farmerette, Senior As a perennial "conference at· Pvts. Wayne Linder and Earl Nina Kane! will do her patriotic tender" she's had lots of chances Kerker are at Camp Campbell, duty helping on her father's farm to travel the last two yearsKentucky; Tony De Maro is at Ft. near Humboldt this summer. chances, incidentally, to get maKnox. She's signed a contract to teach terial to fill the dozen and one At Camp Robinson, Arkansas, next year at Auburn, another pa· scrapbooks she keeps. She·s travare Pvts. Harold Macomber and triotic duty, and she's enthusiastic eled through all the states west of George Atwood. Pvts. Don Bress- about the four classes in history toe Mississippi, but she says, "I'm ler and Dennis Wehrmann are in that she will teach. She has ma- going to Europe someday." Maryland at the Aberdeen Prov- jors in both history 9nd English. ing Ground. Organizer and executive she is, She likes red and yellow, her Apprentice- Seamen at Farragut, bemg secretary-treasurer of Sigma new brown suit, slacks, Sandburg, Idaho, are Wesly Shrader and Wil- Tau, ex-president of YW, treas- "Swampy;" she likes to write letlard Pierson. urer of the senior class and state ters, to "browse in second hand . Pvt. Allen Powers is at Lansing, and Estes co-chairman of the YW. book stores," to swim and play Michigan; Pvt. Arnold Hector, at She also belongs to Kappa Delta ping pong. She would like to meet Decatur, Ill., Pvt. Don Lienemann Pi and Dramatic Club, besides be- Eleanor Roosevelt and John L. is at Carbondale, Ill.; Pvts. Wil- ing a member of the library staff. Lewis.

Senior Kanel to be chairman of Estes Conference

Her favorite painters are Peter Hurd, Dale Nichols, Cezanne and Monet. She likes oils, watercolors and etching-she thinks she does watercolor best. Landscapes and still life are her favorite subjects. But she says, "I don't have an artistic temperament-just a temper."

Morris to receive degree in absentia Bob Morris, who has completed his majors in math, biology and physical science, left for San Fran. cisco, California, recently. He will receive his degree in absentia.

Actress, assistant Peruvian worrier, dabbler into poetry and short story, and queen-that's Evelyn Rodgers, 1943 P. S. T. C. Queen of May. "It's kind of nice," she said in her Missouri drawl, "I'll get a new formall" Evelyn, a senior and language major, will be back next year to finish her education courses, and edit the Peruvian next year. With two college plays to her credit this year1 Evelyn added another Tuesday night. She has applied for a dramatics scholarship for summer school in Massachu· setts in a nation-wide group from which only four will be chosen. "I like acting, but hate moving scenery," she comme'lted. She likes to listen to Eddy Duchin records whenever she has time, ep.t squirrel brains, collect everything - stamps, drawings, mementos, . autographs, poetry, stories-and "five little men" which sit on her dresser. Peru's muddy streets delight the May Queen who also likes to walk in the rain. She wouldn't want to change Peru, but "I wish I could wear slacks to classes."

Four Peruvians sign contracts Supt. S. L Clements reports that he is still receiving lots of vacancies·'for teaching positions but very few are applying. Among those who have recently signed contracts are Iva Armstrong, fifth grade, Grand Island; Betty Riley, second grade, Superior; Mary Mannschreck, kindergar~en, Tecumseh; and Nina Kanel, social science, Auburn.

Duke and Eddie, Peruvian editor's favorites "Give me a nail, Evy-a long, slender one. And the hammer, Cejka," commanded the "Letters to Lucerne" stage manager, Reu. ben Fanders, atop a ladder, as the interviewer waited to question the editor of this year's Peruvian. The senior men's dorm president came down to "earth." "This year the Peruvi::i'l staff banquet and formal presentation will probably be after the books are distributed. "I like Duke Ellington's blues and Eddy Duchin's touch. I mostly like dark shadows real late at night. "I hate crowds and formal events. "The most exhilarating (but l can't indulge in it now)-the most glorious, estatic feeling - comes from driving a car at ninety to one hundred miles down a straight road. "I like Orson Wells and Paul Muni and> good dramatics (underline the 'good'). I like lots of long hair. I like to type fast. I like speed and efficiency. "I like to stand up high on a ladder, fifty feet or so, and just about fall off. I like to balance on a windmill. "I hate rotten sets!" And Rube

dashed up a ladder, calling for help, to eliminate the space between a couple of stage flats.

Toft returns to Nevada "I have enjoyed Peru a very great deal, it was interesting to get back and see all the vegetation, for where I was, it was mostly desert. Peru is much as it was several years ago. I have enjoyed the teachers as well as the students," said Miss Laurella Toft, supervisor of junior high school social science, who will teach in Fallon, Nevada, next year. After fifteen years of teaching in Fallon, Miss Toft had received a two year leave of absence during which she completed work on her degree and taught in Peru. Miss Toft leaves Saturday, May 29, for Chicago and Milwaukee to visit relatives. Her mother is now in Texas visiting a son, and they will both join her if he receives a furlough. Later she will go to Reno for a vacation until the opening of school.

Published Weekly by The Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Peru Pedagogian, Thursday, May 27, 1943 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. Editor.....·-················-··········-·······-··············-····-·····-·-···--Ellen King AssoCiate Editor....................... _..........................Marjorie Prine Assistant Editors ......................Audrey Zastera, Rogene Rose Business Manager......·-··························-·······Betty Jane Scott Sports Editor....................................................Willard Redfern Special Reporters.......-......Virgie Lee Johnson, Betty Berger Reporters-Harriet Maxwell, Lillian Havel, Donna Steffen, Marjorie Weiler, Vera Huff. Advisor·-·-··············································-·······M. Florence Martin


Shift . • •

Now that tests are over thoughts will really shift to the night shiftWith the May Fete and Commencement coming up ••• Cejka took over Marshall's part in the play, since Walt got all swelled up-with the mumps ••• Speaking of "swelling up," Ruby Rohrs' poison ivy rivals Meier's poison oak of last year.

Peru Red Cross Widows: Mrs. R. D. Moore, Mrs. Ernest Brod, Mrs. W. T. Miller, Mrs. Stephen Gaines ... Rzehak was down for the Barn Dance-and to see Lydia . . . "New couples" that stuck-Nispel and :Lienemann, Virgie L. and Red, Carl and Lois, Handley and Verna, Cecil .and Hester, Evelyn and Bob, Ep and Sack ... And nicknames that stuck: "Ensign" Knapp, "Radical Ralph" Locke, "Clementine" Lempka, "John" Johnson, and "Butch" Roberts.

Square dance held in "The Old Barn"

Seniors speak at last convo "What Graduation in 1943 Means to Me" was the topic for convo talks given by representative seniors Friday, May 14. Nina Kanel, Keith Roberts, Bette Jane Scott, Reuben Fanders, Lillian Havel and Gilbert Schreiner were the speakers. Before the speeches, Mary Lu Harvey whistled "My Buddy" with Betty McArdle at the piano.

An old pair of pants hanging on a nail, a pile of straw in the corner, little Boy Blue asleep near by, old horse blankets and some harness and a hen's nest with real eggs made a real barn out of the Train· ing School auditorium for the dorm council's Barn Dance Saturday night, May 15.

Real lanterns hanging from the ceiling lighted the room as college students square· danced, directed by Miss Nona Palmer and Mrs. Al Wheeler. Art Ronhovde, master of ceremonies, announi::ed the program: a song, "My Rag Doll,'' by Mary Stevenson, and a tap dance by Goldene Niebuhr and Bonnie Armstrong. Sandwiches, cookies

Prexy flew to New York last week ••• Current quote: "I've worked ,on term papers so long, I'm talking in the same confused manner.'' •.• -Spring showers: rain' and the one they had for Jinx Newton ••• she's :being married in June. Most faithful couple: Miss Martin and her bacon .and egg sandwich-every night at six.

Mary Stevenson, accompanied by Marjorie Prine, sang "Sylvelin" by Sinding before convocation was dismissed "for the last time."

Nomination for best Night-Shifting of the year: "Wednesday, November 18th, 1942-round steak was served in the cafeteria." This is positively the last poem we intend to print this semester: "Rain is wet .. . Dust is dr:Y .. . I don't know yet .•. The reason why .. . 'Tain't termites ... "

Assistant PED editor wants to teach school

One thing for sure, though, guss is not purple ••• suppose everyone has noticed that "Moses" is out for the summer ••• Quote from an Eng· lish student: "But you can't have an 'incomplete' Incomplete, can you?"

Dr. Brown "adjourned" his Am. D,ip. History class without a final ... Hoagland's Blue Star, Henderson, was back last week with his new staff sergeant's rating ... Another advantage of vacation: everyone can decide for, sure which is better, mom's pies or Gilbert's ... Bet ya! Gil .and Hazel have been the most faithful library duo this year ... A week from today Ralph and Butch will be a day on their way to ,becoming ensigns at Notre Dame ••• And Navy reservists Hines and Handley will stay at Miss Tear's next year ... Red said there will be 184 men here next year, 182 Navy men and Wendell and himself ••• Ernest Huegel, May royalty in 1941, and Navy man now, was on campus last Thursday with his wife and baby, David.

And at the last hour dance there were so many boys they were dancing together ... Now that the year is over the PED wishes to announce that our picture of Gene Krupa will be given free to the first one coming for it-it's size 8 by 12 ... Ah yes, and now it can be told. Your editor and ours was busy all last week watching pink Hamlets (as in Shakespeare) walking up the wall ... Since confessions are in order the staff wishes to explain about all the censored items which did not reach print .•• There is something on the wall which cramped our style-Here 'tis quoted for you in explana· tion for all the things which were not printed: "Help me today to keep my damn nose out of other people's business.''

Prep Notes Gerald Clayburn reported May 25 for duty with the United States coast guard.

Grade school closed Friday, May 21, and will begin again June 14, ·when students below the 8th grade start summer school. Marvin Brown and Kathlyn Benford were crowned Prince and Princess at the annual junior-senior prom. They were attended by Norma Jean Parriott and Gordon Palmer. The royalty was selected by popular vote of members of the junior and senior classes.

Kathlyn Benford has received a summer scholarship to the University of Nebraska School of Music. This award was given after she played a violin selection before the School of Music faculty. The Schools at War Council pre· sented a program Tuesday, May 18, at Kiwanis. They used their motto "Save, Serve and Conserve" as program theme. Speakers of the evening were Bill Edmundson, Marjorie Rogers, Max Mathews, Ellen Thomson and Sam Bradford. · Billie Jean Miller sang a vocal selection.

Training School students have purchased $1,531.45 worth of defense bonds and stamps since the opening of their bond drive on December 1. Every class has surpassed the figure originally set as their goal to be reached by June 1. Totals for individual class sales are: kindergarten, $25.35; first grade, $45.35; second g.rade, $53.05; third grade, $47.00; fourth grade, $65.60; fifth grade, $72.95; sixth grade, $370.90; seventh grade, $175.15; eighth grade, $129.76; ninth grade, $193.10; sophomores,

$156.45; juniors, $90.60; and sen· iors, $106.20.

"Jane Eyre" was presented by the senior class in the college auditorium Friday, April 30, The cast included Shirley Rodgers a" Jane Eyre, Marvin Brown as Rochester, Dorothy Stepan as Grace Poole, Dale Blankenship as Mason, Margaret Burgess as Blanche Freeman, Esther Meritt as Lady Ingram, Wayne Cotton as Rev. Wood.

Senior Zastera speaking: "I like to walk around In the rain in my ghandi sandals ••• I like to read books ••• I like cokes ..• air mail stationery ••• painted toenails ••• and letters.. I don't like tooth powder and over-senti· mental people.

"I want to be a school teacher, in fact, I'm gonna be a school teacher! I was born in Mississippi where everyone has a southern accent and a natural laziness. I lost the accent. "I'd like to learn to ice skate. I've been trying to for four years. I still want to. I'd like to write some day-short essays and my roommate's biography. "I like music-some of all kinds. Dorothy Parker is my idea of something. Once in a weak moment I joined the Book·of·theMonth Club so Ellen 1:0uld get a free book dividend. Now I'm

YW cabinet makes plans

Members planning to attend Estes th.is year are Mary Mann· schreck, Lucille Weber, Verona Oetkin, Harriet Maxwell, Nina Kanel, Roperta Burrows and Re· banis Frankforter.

"In people I like sincerity bestsense-of-humor second, and finally I guess respect for others and fairness. I can't stand "bossy" people. I guess I am tho."

E 11 e n , _variously _nicknamed "King," "Kingly," "Red" - and even "Butch," said in part:

Juniors present musical convo

"I like very old things-things that have lasted. Not like antique furniture, but things like trees and rocks, and even man things like homespun, old houses, old barnsand old farm machinery.

Nispel to head Kappa Delta Pi Irene Nispel is next year's Kappa Delta president. Other officers elected at the final meeting, Monday, May 16, are Bob James, vice president; Christine Wilkinson, secretary; Lois Wagoner, treasurer; and Virgie Lee Johnson, historian.

Following the election of officers Dr. P. A. Maxwell led group sing~ ing. Lois Wagoner and Hazel Schoenbohm served refreshments.

Remnants Tea party hostess Miss Grace Tear entertained the sponsors and officers of the freshman clubs at her home Thursday, May 13. Future Teachers of America met at the home of Dr. and Mrs. B. K. Baker Monday evening, May 17. A buffet supper was served by Mrs. Baker, Yivian Atkinson and Genevieve Geick. Charcoal and crayon drawings, water-color and oil paintings, stencil designs, soap carvings and clay models made by art students of Miss Norma Diddel were exhibited in the art rooms Thursday and Friday, May 13 and 14. "Some fun-wish we were having more," and "We're pretty good dancers, don't you think," are sample comments from the last Learn-to-dance meeting in the music hall Thursday, May 13. Dwight Housman's recently organized dance band provided the music. CLl.NTON TEACHERS' AGENCY Clinton, la. C. E. Cozzens, Mgr. Twenty-fourth year of contlnu· ous service ,by present owner and manag.er. For a better position and higher salary enroll now. Free en· rollment. Member National Association of Teachers' Agencie3.

At a cabinet retreat Friday night, May 14, by the recreation hall's fireplace, a survey of Y activities during the year and plans for the new year were made.

Evidently she was giving an imitation of an ideal interviewee, 'cause when your reporter said "interview" to PED-editor Ellen King, she began talking so fast that it was hard to keep up-even in shorthand.

"I like to study on the floor, but lately it always needs sweeping. My study habits are awful-but I get things done when I start. I always write down ideas, and even poems, on little pieces of paperand lose them. One thing I can't do is squeeze paste out of the right end of the tube.

"As soon as school is out I'm going to work. But the job's a military secret-or did somebody say that before?"

Committees were as follows: decoration, Jean Hoagland, Lillian Havel and Rebanis Frankforter; refreshments, Vada Gubse1•, Lois Wagoner and Ruth Latshaw; program, Betty Berger, Mabel New· ton and Mary Mannschreck; pub· licity, Ellen King and Audrey Zas· tera; tickets, Christine Wilkinson and Betty Kennedy. Marjorie Prine was accompanist.

Colored slides of outdoor scenes shown by Rev. E. L. Becker were featured at Y. W. Tuesday, May 18. Mary Mannschreck read accompanying poetry, and recorded sym. phony music set the atmosphere for the inspirational service.

Tables are turned; interviewer interviewed

"l like music-Gershwin espe· cially, art-Cezanne and Thomas Benton especially, and literature. My favorite poet is Walt Whitman, but I like the plays of Ibsen and Shakespeare and Maxwell Ander· son too-and Robert Frost."

starting my library. I'm also permanently out of funds.

and punch were served by Wilma Fleming and Ruth Schilling.



Junior Class musicians presented a National Music Week convocation program Friday, May 7. Bob James was master of cere· monies. A vocal trio including Art Ronhovde, John Lawrence and Merlin Broers sang "Shine On, Harvest Moon." Virgie Lee John· son gave two musical readings, "The Usual Way" and "Don't be What You Ain't."

"In the Time of Roses" and "Fireflies" were sung by a quartet composed of Betty McArdle, Evelyn Slagle, Merlin Broers and Art Ronhovde. A Betty McArdleEvelyn Slagle piano duo concluded the program with "Cecelia" and "Cossack Dance."

"Remember reading that in your news· paper? That's a real story from the South Pacific. When it's time to stand by for refreshment, that's the job for ice-cold Coca-Cola. Goes right where thirst comes from and refreshment comes to take its place. That's :why nothing takes the plac.e. of ice"told Coca-Cola. It has a tasltl; cihd refreshing qualities all its own." ·· BOTILED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY


Wheelermen Victors

Spotts of '43 -with W.R.

The Bobcats Thursday, May 27, 1943 WIN FINAL VICTORY: Although the Bobcats' tr<i'ck team was not up to par in most events, they did have the pleasure of winning their last track meet of the 1943 season and probably for the duration. "Ab" Yocum was by far the standout of the season. He broke the school discus record twice and placed fourth in th.at event in the Drake Relays, which, considering. the compe· tition, is very good. In fact Ab has been the Bobcat ace all year. He was placed at tackle on the All-State football team, was second high scorer in the N. I. A. A. basket ball conference, and then, as already mentioned, was star on the track team. BASEBALL PREDICTIONS:

Every sports writer in the country has predicted the outcome of the 1943 baseball season and a very few will hit it right. Since I will not be on the premises when the season draws to a close, I feel free to make some prelictions. First .comes the National league and by far the hardest league to predict a winner. 1. Brooklyn: The Dodgers blew last year's pennant away and will


3. 4. 5. 6.

not make the same mistake again. St. Louis: Slaughter, Moore, Marion and Mort Cooper won the pennant last year. The first two are gone and ·the last two will see only limited service. Cincinnati: A question mark team and lucky to finish third. Pittsburgh: The Pirates ought to squeeze into the first division this year. New York: Where the Giants finish all depends upon when they begin to hit. Boston: Started strong but will probably slip back ·to regular form.

7. Philadelphia: May fall apart but it looks like they're going to climb out of the cellar.

8. Chicago: The Cubs without Novikoff are doomed for the cellar. Great pitching stalf if they'd had them eight years ago. The American league winner isn't too hard to pick. for second, third and fourth is going. to be a "bear cat."

But the fight


1943 Track Mee

Cats lose Omaha meet

Peru ended the 1943 track season in a blaze of glory M 13 as they came home first in a triangular at St. Joseph, · souri. The Bobcats overwhelmed their opponents with 71) points, St. Joseph Junior College had 53 1-6, and Rosekra Field, an Army base, brought up the rear with 32 1-3 point •.

The Bobcats came out third best in a triangular at Omaha May 6. M.orningside edged Omaha 66~ to 60 1-3 and the Cats came home with 44 points.

Once again the Bobcats were led by strong m.an Yocum who won the discuss and the javelin, finished second in the 220, 100 and the shot put. Yocum's strong finish on the second leg of the half-mile relay team gave the Bobcats a lead they never relinquished.

M. 0. Hodges of Morningside won individual scoring honors with 24 points. He won the high jump, pole vault and javelin; finished second in the low hurdles, broad jump, discus and shot. Orville Yocum· led the Bobcats with 10 points. Peru. won three firsts. They swept both hurdle events and the always dependable Yocum breezed through for top discus honors.

The results were:

Other firsts for the Bobcats were the 440, 220, high hurdles and low hurdles. Best event for the Peruvians was the 440, in which they finished first, second and third, and probably would have swept the quarter-mile if they had had another man entered. Results: Pole vault-Tie for first between Young, St. Joseph, and Handley, Peru; third, Olson, Rosecrans; fourth, Neighbors, St. Joseph. Height-10 feet 6 inches.

120 high hurdles-Won Ly Bob James, Peru; second, Graham, Om· aha; third, Aden, Peru; fourth, Kingsbury, Morningside._ Time:17.2.

Shot put-Won by Hurst, St. Joseph; second, Yocum, Peru; third, Hundis, Rosecrans; fourth, Margolis, Rosecrans. Distance-41 feet Ph inches.

220 low hurdles-Won by Melvin Larsen, Peru; second, Hodges, Morningside; third, Hall, Omaha; fourth, Graham, Omaha. Time:28.6.

High jump-Tied for first, Hurst and Kessberger, St. Joseph, and Sheppard, Rosecrans; tied for second, James, Peru, and Young, St. Joseph. Height-5 feet 4~l1 inches.

220-Won by Clarence Smith, Omaha; second, Asprey, Morningside; third, Hall, Omaha; fourth, Banks, Peru. Time-:23.4.

Discus-Won by Yocum, Peru; second, Hines, Peru; third, Hurst,· St. Joseph; fourth, Hundis, Rosecrans. Distance-131 feet 9 inches.

100-Won by Gene Asprey, Morningside; second, Hall, Omaha; third, Meecham, Morningside; fourth, Kitner, Omnha. Time:10.4.

Mile-Won by Barrett, St. Joseph; second, Lawrence, Peru; third, Burroughs, Peru; fourth, Holman, Peru. · Time-5:005.

440-Won by Clarence Smith, Omaha; second, Banks, Peru; third, Hopp, Morningside; fourth, Wharton, Omaha. Time-:51.6.

440-Won by Banks, Peru; second, Meinen, Peru; third, Ronhovde, Peru; fourth, Beaumont, St. Joseph. Time-:53.

880-Won by Roger Lindblom, Omaha; second, Briggs, Morningside; third, Meinen, Peru; fourth, Wright, Morningside. Time2:12.5.

Javelin-Won by Yocum, Peru; second, Hundis, Rosecrans; third, Curry, St. Joseph; fourth, Hurst, St. Joseph. Distance-163 feet 8% inches.

1. New York: Looks like a cihch to repeat even with DiMaggio gone. 2. The coin is flipped and comes up Cleveland but it's going to be close. Mile-Won by Dale Wright, 3. Detroit: If Virgal "Fireball" Trucks starts clicking the Tigers Morningside; second, Carter, Ommay climb to second. aha; third, Burroughs, Peru; 4. Boston: Again the coin is flipped and the Red Sox get the nod. fourth, Lohry, Morningside. Time Hughson will have to get in last year form or Boston may get lost -4.58.8. Two-mile-Won by Bob Ehorn, in the second division. 5. St. Louis: The Brownies have been hurt by draft and injuries. Morningside; second, Holman, Peru; third, Orr, Omaha; fourth, Recovery could make them a threat but it's doubtful. Lawrence, Peru. Time-11:34.7. 6. Chicago: The dark horse of the American league. The windy 880 relay - Won by Omaha city boys may surprise every one. (Murray, Kitner, Bob Rowan, Bert 7. Washington: The Nats got a good start but will fade in July. "Hall, Clarence Smith); second, 8. Philadelphia: Have a brilliant rookie pitcher in Jesse Flores but Morningside; third, Peru. Timethe Athleticr, have too many rookies. 1:37 .3. Now that I have made some new enemies I will give you a tip: CritiMile relay-Won by Omaha cism should be taken to Wendell Handley, who 0. K.'d my predictions. (Bob Wharton, Jerry Campbell, Roger Lindblom, Clarence Smith); second, Morningside; third, Peru. HELLO BOBCATS: Time-3:40.3. I will end my final column of the school year by sendmg a message Broad jump-Won by Clarence to all Bobcats in the service wherever they may be. Let's get this war Smith, Omaha; second, Hodges, over so we can get the Bobcats back up there as number one team in the Morningside; third, Hall, Omaha; fourth, Asprey, Morningside. Disstate in football, basket ball and track.

Broad jump-Won by Olson, Rosecrans; second, Kessberger, St. Joseph; third, Larsen, Peru; fourth, Sheppard, Rosecrans. Distance19 feet 4';1i inches. 100-Won by Olson, Rosecrans; second, Yocum, Peru; third, Sheppard, Rosecrans; fourth, Handley, Peru. Time-:10.7. Hig.h hurdle~Won by Larsen, Peru; second, Kessberger, St. Joseph; third, Hundis, Rosecrans; fourth, Neudorff, St. Joseph. Time -:16.8.

Sandin speaks


at Sigma Tau

Ralph's a physical education major and interested in sports of all kinds-football, basket ball, track, bowling-and bushwhacking.

Writing sports .copy and doing make-ups for the Peruvian has been one of his chief activities this year. Besides helping on that book, he's another Book-of-the. Month Club mernber--,philos¢phical literature is his choice. He also specializes in late hours, chess games and collecting pipes-he ha3 13.

Recently, besides spending time

For three years he's phoned in handing out theories, sports presports news and written sports dictions and lengthy thought cards, features for Associated Press, ·he's working at the Hill storeUnited Press, the World-Herald, handing out Ma's hamburgers. the Journal and the Pointer. Exiting through the PED office

After the Homecoming game he hitch-hiked to Omaha and, quote: "I was on Tom Daily's broadcast-

window, he finished, "You can quote me on this-I've enjoyed all my four years here."

Morningside. inches.

Height-10 feet 6

Discus-Won by Orville Yocum, Peru; second, Hodges, Morningside; third, Hines, Peru; fourth, Nor· deen, Omaha. Distance-131.25 feet. Shot-Won by Wayne Peterson, Omaha; second, Hocfges, Morningi:;ide; third, Yocum, Peru; fourth, Tines, Peru. Distance-42 feet 11Y2 inches.

Javelin-Won by M. 0. Hodges, Morningside; second, Yocum, Peru; third, Graham, Omaha; fourth, Nordeen, Omaha. Distance-152 feet 6 inches.

220-Won by Banks, Peru; sec· ond, Yocum, Peru; third, Olson, Rosecrans; fourth, Beaumont, St. Joseph. Time-:23.9.

Low hurdles-Won by Neudorff, St. Joseph; second, Larsen, Peru; third, Young, St. Joseph; fourth, Sheppard, Rosecrans. Time-:28.8. · 880 relay-Won by Peru (Lar_sen, Yocum, Handley, Banks); second, St. Joseph; third, Rosecrans. Time-:39.6. Mile relay - Won by Peru (Meinen, Burroughs, Ronhovde, Lawrence); second, St. Joseph. Time-3:50.2.

A complete line of

School Supplies Gifts Greeting Cards

• • PLAY TENNISNew stock of Tennis Rackets and Tennis Balls

• • Also Bobcat Sweaters for sports wear. Exclusively sold -at-

Chatelain' s Jewelry Peru, Nebr.

Phone 112

STATE THEATRE Auburn, Nebraska Randolph Scott

James Sandin, who recently completed training at the tance-21 feet 1 inch. Navy School of Music in High jump-Won by M. 0. Washington, D. C., was a Hodges, Morningside; second, Nordeen; Omaha; third, James, Peru; guest speaker at Sigma Tau Peruvian Sports Editor tied for fourth, Briggs, Morningside, and Hall, Omaha. Height- Monday, May 10. He de5 feet 6 inches. scribed the training he had will go to Notre Dame Pole vault-Won by M. O. received and the organiza- "Leaving Peru after graciuation one of the highlights of my senior Hodges, Morningside; second, tion of the school. · Friday, I'll be on the campus of year." Handley, Peru; third, Kingsbury,

Notre •. Dame by Monday noon,P' said "Radical" Ralph Locke, crawling in the PED window to be interviewed. He's Naval Reserve, class V • 7, and the trip to Notre Dame is also one to officer's training. .

880-Won by Burroughs, Peru; second, Barrett, St. Joseph; third,: Meinen, Peru; fourth, Young, S~ Joseph. Time-2:12.4.

"I'm under sealed orders now," he said, "but I have to go back to Washington May 20 for graduation, afterwards the band I'm in will be permanently stationed either at some naval base or on board a ship.'' Marjorie Wareham and Lydia Vosicky read original prose sketches. Members received copies of the Rectangle, published by the national organization. Rogene Rose, Doreen Me~er and Reuben Fanders served refreshments.

Glenn Ford

''DESPERADOES'' ln Technicolor Cartoon and News SUN.-MON.-TUES. May 30-31, June 1

AUBURN Theatre Jack Oakie-Janet Blair Don Ameche




Changes are coming so fast that the desirable attitude of the "openmind" is almost impossible without disastrous results. A partially closed one is necessary or one will PERU, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1943 become a raving lunatic in trying. VOLUME XXXVIII to keep up with the times. I offer myself as an exampleRemember the insurrection in Spain? By the time I had learned that the "Leftists" and "Rightists" were political parties and not miliThe students and faculty members welcome you to the Port of Peru. We are glad tary commands-the paper:; were your arrival is no longer scuttle-butt-that a:t last you are stowing your ditty bags here to full of Communists, Fascists and 路 Nazis. Before I could figure out hit the deck a few trimesters at our station. Let's not say the war brought you here-but fate. Before you complete your traintheir geographical location, the Nazis were at large and Europe ing here and shove off for new shores, we hope it will be chock-a-block with memories that was finishing the last war that was involve the worthwhile experiences in life; hard work, some fun, and the many unexpected to end all wars. Then the Japs jumped in-we kissed our boys incidents that add the real spice to life. goodbye and historians say 'tis the end of an age. Kadelpians picnic ... Geography is no longer elementary. I must learn it all over as A Kappa Delta Pi picnic was the globe continues to shrinil: under held at Neal park June 28 to honor me. Once a map was a reliefthe new pledges. Thelma Roberts, now it is airy. Battleships have chairman, presented them as foltaken to the skies, the helicopter lows: Betty Brunt, Hannah Dwyer, is leavjng the mail at my door and Evelyn Rodgers, 1943 May States. From 1,200 applications Evelyn Albrecht, Lois Beatty, Mrs. post-war transport schedules are being predicted. Some of the most Queen, has accepted a scholarship each year fewer than 10% are se- Thorson, Donna Duerfeldt, Betty insignificant places on the map from a summer theater in Ply- lected for training in the school. Berger, Leonore Larson, and MelMen and women between the ages vin Rothmiller. fl.ave become headlines of todayPort Moresby, Pantelleria, Dakar, mouth, Massachusetts. The Ply- of 18 and 28 who show talent for The games "\Vere planned by Midway, Bizerte, Tunis, Bataan, mouth Drama Festival, located the theatre or radio, and who pos- Mary Lou Harvey and Verda GingBatavia-by the time I have found near Cape Cod Bay, is the largest, sess high moral character, are giv- rich. The refreshments were in them the second front will oe over. most popular, and one of the oldest en scholarships covering full tui- charge of Julia Diehm, Opal LisOur demo.cratic country was summer theaters in the United tion. Students may take courses enby, Hazel Palmer and Mary in three major fields, acting. dionce a balance of power-Judicial, Clarke. recting, and stage craft. legislative, and executive. Now there are the federal boards, fedAn initiation of new members is This summer 45 Broadway stage planned for July 13. eral commissions, the Rubber Ad- Sigma Tau initiates plays will be given in 6 weeks. ministration, War Man Power .Sigma Tau Delta initiated two Commission, Office of Economic new members, Edith Straube and Players will appear at nearby Stabilization, agencies: Ft'd.eral Se- Mary Meister, at the east parlor of Camp Edwards, in army theatres King edits curity, Federal Works, 'National the music hall July 8. Dr. Brad- and U.S. 0. centers throughout the Housing-scads of bureaus all tied ford. the sponsor, gave the official state. Iowa paper up with red tape. Keeping these greeting and Mrs. Dunning a short Classes begin August 3, and Miss alphabetical orders catalogued is a history of the organization. The Ellen King, last year's Pedagoghuman impossibility. And the program consisted of a series of Rodgers plans to leave late in July ian editor, has accepted the news bureaucrat-he has become so om- charades depicting well known to take up her studies in acting at editorship of the Anam-0sa Journal nipresent that I'm afraid to retire books and plays. Refreshments Plymouth. at Anamosa, la. It is a large daily at night for fear there is one under were in charge of Carol Gunlach Miss Rodgers states fhat she ex- paper .of eight to ten pages with my bed. and Thelma Roberts. Iced tea, pects to return to Peru in the fall an office staff of eight. As for the economic situ:ition- chicken sandwiches, and apple pie- to complete work for her degree, Ellen has also been offered a Im compl\:tely lost. First there ala-mode were served. and also to edit the Peruvian. scholarship in the Medill School of was over-production now there's Journalism at Northwestern Uniunder-production, surpluses-shortversity, but has not yet decided to ages, fluctuation-stabilization. deaccept. flation-inflation, price control, ceilings, rationing, blue stamps, red In her senior year, this past winstamps and pink ones to come. ter, besides being editor of the Grandma didn't have modern conschool paper, she represented the veniences, but she had her wits college at the National Collegiate about her. Press association in Chicago and I no longer live by bread alone was a member of the board of the but by the point ration system. I Sigma Tau Delta literary publicaused to eat food, then vitamins and tion "Sifting Sand." She was acnow it is points-sugar, processed tive in dramatics on the campus, a foods and fats-I'm forced to diet. member of Sigma Tau Delta and I linger over the ration guides Kappa Delta Pi, and was elected in the daily papers-gas, food, to "Who's Who" among national tires, shoes. Oh, yes, stamp 17 will colleges and universities. buy a pair of shoes. I arrive at the.store with a few crumpled bills Ellen is the daughter of Mr. and and my book in hand-the shoe Mrs. H. C. King, Tabor, la. She man clips number 18-late again! comes from a newspaper family, When it comes to science, I wonher father being the owner of the der how the scientists keep up with "Beacon" at Tabor, the "Argus each other, or is . each one a unit Herald" at Sidney and the "Triwithin himself? As long .as the bune" at Talmage, Nebr. guinea pigs and the rabbits hold Aside from her new duties she out, they will be miles ahead of me. is learning newspaper photography One man fried leaf platinum in a this summer and to drive a carpan of hydrogen atoms and got two of her greatest ambitions. gold. If they can cook my wire hairpins into gold, what then will be our medium of exchange? Coming music event ... They invent block-buster bombs to kill us off more rapidly. At the The girls' vocal ensemble is' givsame time they lie awake nights ing a short program late in July at thinking out how to put us back the college auditorium. The protogether for a longer life. gram includes: Education has become violently disturbed. It .used to be formal "A Dream Boat' Passes By" Lemare ed.ucation, then progressive t::duca~ "April Maiden" ________ Protheroe tion and now it's military. Faculty "I Dream of Jeanie" _____ ...Foster members cram for navigation, "The Scissors Grinder" __ Cameron mathematics, aerology, flight prin"De Gospel Train" ______ Spiritual ciples, communications-emerging so efficient that there will soon be. machineless flights into space. The liberal arts have acquired wings for the duration. Even time has changed. Central standard time has become Navy or War time. Setting the clock ahead an hour now makes me two beA one-act comedy, "Gratitude," hind. When the time comes to is being presented as part of a leave this world in a natural or budget event this summer, in the unnatural way-I shall not be Officers of Peru Program . college auditorium. ready. I will have to protest and .. ,helps 路 L Left to right: Lieut. ~nd in- H. Newcomb, Medical Officer; t. The cast consists of five girlsask for a few years of grace to Thelma Roberts is Mrs. Jason (s. g.) R. B. Lowe,. Com路 "ficer; Lt. (j. g.) H. E. Wheeler, catch up with myself and the world Featherstone; Betty Grabber, JenI'm to leave.behind. Executive Officer.

Ahoy, Seamen!

Rodgers accepts theatre scholarships


Sea.men have. reported The first contingent of seamen arrived for the opening trimester of the Peru Naval Training program July 1. The weeks of preparation and anticipation closed with the first reveille July 2. The training program became official with the signing of the contract by the college and the contract committee of the Ninth Naval Area June 15. The school continues to function as a teachers college with the Naval program adjusted to it. It is the plan of the Navy to utilize the experience and knowledge of educational procedure of the staff and to take ddvantage of its aca~mic resources. The V-12 program follows the normal pattern of the school as far as possible, minimizes the distmbance of academic routine and conserves the students' educational achievements and interests. The naval students are cfassified and uniformed as apprentice seamen and draw pay of their rating. Their program has been divided into trimesters of 16 weeks, each the equivalent of an 13 week conventional semester. The number of trimesters a seaman will take here will depend upon his classification. Each man will carry a load of 18 to 20 hours for which he will receive full college credit. The courses are rigidly prescribed. Civilian students will be allowed in general classes such as mathematics, chemistry, physics and havigation, but will be excluded from the special course in Naval Organization. Peru's sailors have been ~elected from several sources. Some of them come from active duty, others are college students and the high school graduates who took the V-12 exams in April. Upon the successful completion of their work here they will be assigned to Midshipmen's schools to complete their training for commissions in the U. S. N. R. While the men are stJ.tioned here they will be billeted at Delzell Hall which has become the Navy's ship. The entrance level of the dorm is the "main deck," upstairs is "topside," downstairs is "below," the entrance is the "gangway,' the stairways are "the ladders" and the windows are "ports.'; The commanding officer of the ship is Lt. (s. g.) R. B. Lowe, and the executive officer Lt. (j. g.) H. E. Wheeler. Both were formerly stationed in New York. Lt. Cmdr. Alvah L. Newcomb, the medical offi.cer, is a member of the U. S. N. R. medical corps and has come direct from the Great Lakes Naval Training Station. These officers are assisted by a staff of enlisted men, including two chief specialists who will work with Coach A. G. Wheeler in the Physical Fitness program. 'lhe specialists will also handle much of the military training. Chief Allen A. Doak is already on board.

Williams to present one-act play


nie Dorn; Shirley Rodgers, Mrs. Rudy Callwell; Marion Friedly, Mrs. Guy Evers; Esther Steiner, Mrs. McGregor. The play is under the direction of Miss Hazel Williams, speech instructor.

Navy reception ... Published by the Peru State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, July 13, 1943 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. Editor ··········································----------------------Margaret Iverson Associate Editor ______________________________________________________ Mary Meister Reporters Lois Meier, Genevieve McFadden, Louise Burgess Advisor ______________________________________________________________ Phariss Bnidford

P.S.T.C:s Response .

A committee of coilege students, with Betty McArdle as chairman, sponsored a reception for the officers and men of the naval unit on Monday evening, July 5, in the gymnasium. Faculty members in formal dress, received the seamen. Foilowing this, a grand march was formed. Dancing constituted the .chief part of the evening's entertai,nment. Mary Lu Harvey whistled "Glow Worm" and a trio consisting of Betty McArdle, Ruth Meister, and Marjorie Sargent, sang "Lady Moon" and "In the Blue cf Evening." Frances Knight and Wrinta Chase served punch. Just before the last dance, the sailors sang "Anchors Aweigh," the "Marine Hymn," and "Caisson Song."

The war has created some strange situations and none, perhaps .strano-er than that of sailors on the campus of a mid-we~tern state teachers college. An atmosphere that has been historically academic and pedagogic~l has beco::ne military and technical. Until very recently m the service Where1 they're from of scholarship and civilian pursuits, Peru now serves the Fourteen states and one foreign United States Navy and the war program. are represented by the seaOn second thought, however~ this is not so odd. Wit~ country men enrolled in the V-12 prngram. the revolution in modern warfare the cleavage between ci- Seventy-seven come from the west Yilian and milita:ry effort has progressively narro~ved. The coast, one hundred from the midteachers college has enoTmous resourc~s for fight~ng a war dle west, four from the south, and from the Rocky Mountain reas well as for building a peace. Peru is p~oud o.f its c~ll to one gion. military service. To respond to this call fitt~ngly is our id~al. To our 0o-rave responsibility we sha:ll commit ourselves 'Yithout rese rve strivino- to advance that "generous education" which in Milton's phrase "fits a man ~o perform ju~tly, skilfully, and magnanimously all the offices, both private and public, of peace and war.''

Seamen at work in their room. Reac1ing left to right-A. B. Montagne, J. V. Clifton, and R. W. Webber. These three have seen action in the Pacific.

for Navy • IS for Lingo IS

Girls, here are some Navy terms Gladys Ray of Vesta, Nebraska, to cram if you wish to understand is a WAC stationed at Altoona, the new language on the tampus. Pennsylvania. Note they are in alphabetical orRay Bauman is now a 2nd Lieu- der. tenant in the army. He and his Aft-At, near, or toward the Grace Rowleson is in the WA Cs wife, Neva Hinton Bauman, live stern. stationed at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. at 1431 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ahoy-A term used in hailing a Third Officer Martha L. Gorder Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bugbee are vessel or boat. of Springfield has been assigned to teaching in the War Relocation All-hands-The entire crew. the Fourth WAC training center at Authority camp near Cody, Wyo. Amidships-In or towards the Fort Devens, Mass. This is a school for Japanese evac- middle of a ship in regard to length Anna Marie Baltensperger was uated from· coastal areas. Both or breadth. Aye Aye, Sir-Reply to an offigraduated from Clarkson Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Bugbee have taught hospital on May 20. She was chos- in the Philippines. cer's order signifying that it is unen "Miss Clarkson of 1943" for These former Peruvians are back derstood and will be obeyed. outstanding scholastic ability, floor atthe alma mater in the V-12 Navy Avast-An order to stop or cease duty, and personality. program: Clarence D. · Alders, hauling. B"eachcomber-The expression Marian Munn is in the WACs Frederick K. Albers, Donald J. Bruns, Dwight D. Houseman, Wil- connotes a tramp of the sea, unrestationed at Ft. Devens, Mass. liam K. Hausenyager, Harold Lee liable drifter. Florence Taylor has an assist- Jenkins, John c. Lawrence, WalBear a hand-To hurry, "shake ant-ship at the University of Ne- ter D. Marshall, Ralph v. Patrick, it up." braska and is doing research on Cecil D. Johnson. Belay-To make fast to a pin, to pre-flight aeronautics. LaVara Oakley and Hazel rescind an order. Evelyn Brecht Sisk is suostitut- Schoenbaum visited Bob McAlexBerth-A vessel's place at anchor ing for her husband, Ensign Ben ander and Gilbert Schreiner at or at a dock. Logan Sisk, by taking over his Fort Leavenworth on two weekBillet-Place to sleep, Also genband in the Commercial High ends early in the summer. Gilbert eral duties. School of Atlanta, Georgia. and Bob received their degrees Binnacle list-List of those exI rene B ent zmger · · JS · w orJr1'ng i·n from Peru this spring. cused from duty on account of ' the bomber plant at Omaha. LaVara reports that it was a sickness. · d thri·n to see the boys in uniform. Black Gang-Members of the Molly Dobrovolony was marne · D owney of Ha~el thinks it quite a coincidence Engineer's Force. in June to Lt. Morns · m · Bridge deck-The second floor Pawnee City and is now 1.ivmg that~ "Schrein," who was a busy level of the ship. Texas. "sandbagger" this spring at Peru Brig-The ship's prison. Doris Carnahan is a stenographer was put on flood detail as rnon as Cabin-The captain's quarters. in the T. V. A. at Knoxville, Tenn. he got to Ft. Leavenworth. Carry on-A command meaning Lillian Havel is visiting the camEnsign Calvin Reed and Mrs. to resume work or continue that pus as the paper goes to press. She Reed were on the campus July 8. which was in progress. will teach English at Grand Island Ensign Reed is being sent to PaChock-a· block-Full, filled to next year. tuxent, Md., for three weeks train- the limit. Joyce Hamilton, who attended ing and he then will go to t~e Companionway-A passage for Peru in 42, has joined the WACs. Fighter Directors School at St. Si- communication purposes from one Her destination is unknown at pre- mon, Ga. deck to another. sent. Ralph Locke eand Butch Roberts Cut-of-the-Jib - General apShirley Schuldt Snider is living are at Notre Dame University. pearance of a vessel, sometimes in Council Bluffs, Iowa, while her They were sworn in as midship- applied to a person. husband, "Chuck," is stationed in men Jun·e 26. Ditty-bag-A bag used by sailors Lincoln. Annetta Slagle is visiting in for stowing wearing apparel. Pvt. Bob McAlexander of Ft. Peru. She teaches at North Platte. Ditty-box-A small box for Leavenworth, Kansas, visited in Mildred Pate was married to stowing toilet articles, writing maPeru the week-end of the Fourth. William Aloysius Morris of the terials. Wayne Buhrmann is an. Army United States Army on July 2, at Dog watch-One of the two-hour Air Cadet at Santa Ana, California. Freehold N. J. They are spending watches from 1600 to 2000.; from Helen Janecek is on the assembly their ho~eymoon in Pennsylvania 1600 to 1800 is the first dog watch, line in Los Angeles at present al- while he has a two week's fur- from 1800 to 2000, the second dog though she is planning to teach in lough. Mildred is instructor in watch. California. English and dramatics in the FreeDutch courage-False courage. Agnes Munester of Millard, Ne- hold high school. Ensign-The national flag. A braska, who received her degree Arthur Clements is at Camp junior officer in the U. S. Navy. in 1942, is working for the summer Wallace, Texas. Field day-A day for general at Natalison's in Omaha. Jack Cejka is now at Iowa State ship cleaning. Mable (Jynx) Newton was mar- College, Ames, where he is a stu • Fore and Aft-In the direction of ried June 12th to Joe Raper of the dent in the V-12 Navy program. thr. keel. Coast Guard. 'They are making Ross Russell ('41) has completec,l."' Gadget (also gilguy)-An unseatheir home in Seattle. his Air Corps training at Corn~11 manlike term used when the corEvelyn Dell of Beatrice has been College and has been sent to B}ly- rect term is forgotten. teaching in a Japanese concentra- lor University, Waco, Tex:,.-'Ross Galley-The kitchen of a ship. tion camp at Heart Mountain, received a citation for,'~Criolarship Galley yarn-A rumor. Wyoming. This summer she is while at Cornell. Handsomely - Carefully and taking a course in post war reconFrank LarsonA;~s been inducted slowly. struction at North Manchester, In- into the army/via the V-12 proHash mark-Slang expression diana. gram. He Will remain in Omaha for a diagonal strip on an enlisted Kay Samuels is in Kansas City until his m,~dical work is complet- man's sleeve to denote a vrevious working in the Quartz Laborator- ed. :.. · enlistment. ies. S. Sgt~ and Mrs. Ellis Adams Heave away-An order ta haul Janet Harris is registrar and stu- (Corrir.1e Whitfield) are the parents away or to heave around a capstan. dent at the Kansas City Conserva- of a 'Jaughter born July 3. The Holy Joe-The chaplain. tory of Music. baby has been named Sara Jane. Hoists-The elevators. Elizabeth Glosser was recently E;W1!! is in officers training at Fort Irish pennant-Al.1 untidy loose married to Mr. Kenneth Erickson. ~ Benning, Ga. end of a rope or article. They live at 111 N. Lincoln," Richard Clements and Larry Grand Island, Nebraska. Good are at Camp Abbot, Ore. (Continued on page 3)

I .Jllumni trail

Campus improves AUDITORIUM New equipment for the ~tage of the college auditorium will soon be installed under the supervision of Dr. Bradford. Equipment to be supplied by the Metropolitan Scenic Equipment Co. of Omaha includes a maroon curtain of mothproof rayon with gold banding, a grand drape with a centered gold monogram "P. S. T. C." and a new cyclorama with the latest type counter-weight system to replace the rope pulleys now in use. A new steel track for the new curtain will replace the old wooden one which will be shifted back for the cyclorama. Four new olivettes will provide stage lighting, replacing the bal· cony spots. A variety of color frames and gelatines have been ordered to produce various lighting effects. A part of the eq1:1ir:ment has already arrived and it is expected the complete installation will be made during the summer.

SHOP The shop has a new ceiling of light colored il1sulite. It replaces the old one that crumbled in. May.

LIBRARY The library has been having its face lifted this summer. The juvenile room, Miss Peterson's office, the assistant librarian's office, the main room and halls have been painted a light tan color. As an added incentive to study, fluorescent lights are to be installed in the library soon.

HOME EC. The home economics department has ordered a new pressure cooker and hopes that it will arrive in time to give some canning demonstrations this summer.


*s funny ...

how a couple of summer school courses can upset a one track mind. The advisor in newswriting and editing keeps talking about setting up the dummy-now, I've always liked to slouch. My ordinary conversations have become headline talk and I'm always wondering just where my leads will lead me. I find myself with a scissors trying to cut verbal details and my remarks are composed only of nouns and verbs after the padding has been removed. Walking to school was vnce a pleasure-naJure study has made it a marathon on scientific na.mes"Now that's Shepherd's Purse, Bursa bursa pastoris," I say to myself "and there's old Daisy Fleaban~ Efigeron Ramosus. And that old goat-Yellow Goat's Beard is Tragopagan - stiva?-nyctaginea? -usitatissimum?-alba?" Pulling it up has two advantages-it keeps the weeds down and keeps me sane. Physiology and Hygiene has complicated what used to be plain eating-I've got those enzymes to consider now. That bean on my fork-pepsin will change the proteins to proteosus and peptones, trypsin makes them peptids, and erpsin-single molecules of c:mino acids. As they march away one by one through the villi, they are reassembled to form protoplasm. Egad! I've become a concentration camp .. Matters wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for those headline dreams I have at night with all three courses in a muddle-As: NEWSPAPER REPORTER DISCOVERS NEW PLANT. "A new plant of the bean tribe 'pepsin aminoacidus' has been discovered and named b.y our physiologist reporter ----------·" I wake up counting the words in the article-too many. So I start cutting again.

Moore visits campus INFIRMARY The college infirmary is being noticeably polished up and reconditioned. The isolation ward is now ready for use with the walls, floor and ceiling. repainted. One room has been renovated and converted into an office for the med· ical officer. A new shower and lavatory have been installed.

DORM New equipment in the dormitory includes a bedroom suite, davenport and chair for Mrs. Marsh's apartments and bedroom suite for Mrs. Dunning's apartment.


Prof. Robert D. Moore, now on leave of absence for service with the American Red Cross, visited the campus June 20 and 21. Prof. Moore was enroute from Washington, D. C. to his first assignment at Camp Hale, Pando, Colorado, army ski troop training center. Mr. Moore reported an interesting training period in the national capital. While there he saw the currently popular dramatic production, "Doughgirls." Mrs. Moore and the children, at present visiting relatives in Oklahoma, will join Professor Moore in the near future.


.... "


Navy Lingo (Continued from page 2) Ki Yi-A scrubbing brush. Knock off-To stop, especially to 'stop work. Knot-One nautical mile per hour. Land fall-The first sighting of land at the end of a sea voyage. Land ho!-The hail from the lookout when land is sighted. Lay-Preliminary order, e. g., lay below, lay aloft. Log-A book containing the official record of a ship's activities together with remarks concerning the state of the weather, etc. Lucky bag-A locker or compartment for the stowage of loose :articles of clothing found about the ship. Martinet-A stickler for discipline. Mess gear-Equipment for serving meals. Mess hall-Dining room. Midshipman-A naval cadet in ·officers' training. Muster-To assemble the crew and verify the absentees. Old Man-The captain of the ship. Prayer book-A small holystone. Quarter deck-A name applied to the part of the upper deck reserved for the use of offkers; or that part of the main deck set apart by the Captain for official .functions. Rank-The grade of a commissioned officer. Rating-The grade of an enlisted man, a petty officer. Rise and shine-A call to turn ·out of bunks and hammocks. Scuttle-butt-Drinking fountain. Scuttle- butt rumor-Unauthenticated rumor. Sea lawyer-A seaman, who is prone to argue, especially against recognized authority. One who by bis wit tries to avoid difficult duties. Sea room-Far enough away from land for unrestricted maneuvers. Secure-A command meaning to cease what ever work or drill is in progress and stow away ail gear. Also (2) to make fast. Shove off-To leave. Sick bay-The ship's hospital. Sky Pilot-The chaplain. Smoking lamp-When the word is passed "The smoking lamp is out," it means "Knock off smoking." Trice-To haul up. Weather-eye-To keep a weather-eye is to be on the alert. Wide berth-At a sonsiderable distance. Work-to work a ship-To handle by means of engines and gear. Yard-arm blinker-A signal light carried on the yard-arm of men-of-war and operated to indi·cate dots and dashes.

fire! fire! All precedents were broken when five pajama and slicker clad 9irls fled from the dorm early Saturday morning, June 11, to see the fire at Davenport's barn. Betty Berger, Rosina Schact, Pauline Cloepfil, Vivian Fogel and Edith .Straube were glad that Mrs. Marsh understood girls' idiosyncracies, and let them go without getting "late leave." After watching the fire for about 15 minutes, the girls :returned safe, though muddy and bedraggled, to the haven of the dorm.

Martin vacations

Art exhibit ...

Miss Florence Martin is at her home in Falls City and will vacation at Colorado later this summer. Her work for the present has been taken over by Mrs. Bradford. Mrs. Arthur L. Bradford is not 11ew to the department, as she has substituted on various occasions in the past. A newcomer in the speech department is Miss Hazel Williams of Auburn. She has been elected to succeed Prof. Robert D. Moore, who is now with the American Red Cross.·

Miss Norma L. Diddel exhibited a large number of her pictures at the Music Hall June 6 and ?.·The collection included water colors, tempera, oil, drawings, etchings, prints and a three color block print. Subjects were Colorado scenes, still life, portraits, flowers, and Peru scenes-the river, fields, Main street and the faculty in procession. Most unusual in the collection was a Madonna made of egg tempera and gold leaf, done in the 14th century Italian style. Miss Diddel made this picture two years ago when she was honored with a scholarship at Harvard. Friends, faculty memoers and students left the exhibit 'Ni\h a renewed appreciation of Miss Diddel and her abilities.

Navy classes ... Twelve members of the regular faculty are teaching V-12 classes. Dr. Bradford is teaching four classes of English; Dr. Brown, History I, Naval History and Elementary Strategy; Mr. Clayburn, Physics I; Mr. Mathews, four sections of Physics I, Mr. Larson, five sections of Engineering Drawing; Dr. Maxwell, General Psychology; Miss Pool, two sections of Math. Analysis II and III; Miss Swenson, Math. Analysis I, III and IV; Mr. Wheeler, Physical Training and Naval Organization; Mr. Reynolds, History I; Miss Strickland, Chemistry I; and Dr. Winter, Navigation.

Ruth Hastie has had no difficulty in making friends and influencing people since the point rationing system went into effect, for her favorite hobby is gardening. Her home is at Auburn. She teaches at College Springs, Iowa. She is taking her degree in Early Elementary Education. Bill_ McNally, assistant industrial arts instructor, says he has had quite a past-working, playing, studying all at the same time. He likes boxing, but can't find a sparring partner. His spare moments are spent working on his eight dining room chairs and reading funny papers. He hopes to be an mstructor in athletics and industrial arts. Evelyn Lutz says her teaching career has brought her so many unforgettable experiences that she wouldn't trade jobs with anyone. She likes singing, a good dance (when men are available) and20 to 5! Girls are in the ma- just to prove that she's practicaljority in the industrial arts class. sewing. She prefers sleeping to Shop Assistant Bill McNally says philosophy. A senior from Humthe girls are doing good work on boldt, she has majored in Elementheir projects. tary Education. Above the heads of the students Thelma Roberts, who is takisg was constructed a new ceiling of her degree in Early Elementary light-colored insulite. T!Jis re- Education, teaches the second places the old structure which grade at Glenwood, Iowa. Her crumbled the first of May. favorite hobby is traveling, but

Shop ...

Summer convo programs ... President Pate welcomed the students with an address at the first convocation on June 9. The patriotic teacher, he said, is needed in the classroc•m in wartime no less than in time of peace. The teacher, he ~dded, has the opportunity and the duty to prepare for peace by teaching her pupils to cope intelligently with world problems.

"In every age when authors are free-and often when they are rigorously suppressed-they may be counted on to assail the tyrant or would-be tyrant," stated Dr. Bradford in the discussion of his subject, "Authors and the Fight for Freedom," at the convocation program June 16. To illustrate a modern :mthor's work in this battle for freedom he read a modified version of Stephen Vincent Benet's "They Burned the Books."

Commanding Officer Lt. R. B. Lowe summarized the Peru Naval Training program at the convocation, June 23. He dwelt briefly on the naval principles of establishment, the purposes of the program, its organization and a few facts about the daily schedule. He gave specific directions to the C'ivilian students on how to help in the daily routine and concluded with a lesson on naval terms.

Gold Stars ...

Miss Margaret Henningsen, college nurse, had charge of the June 30th convocation. Mrs. Judith Whitaker, the State Director of Student Nurse Recruiting, gave a talk on the present need for nurses and the qualifications for this profession. Mr. Fuller of the Public Health Department discussed the work of his division. He concluded the program with a film on venereal disease, "Know for Sure."

Word has been received recently of the death of two former Peruvians in service. Lt. Lawrence Stark, who was graduated from Peru in August, 1938, was killed in an air battle over Keil, Germany, May 13, :the same day his daughter was born. Lt. Stark was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thoma.s Stark, Bedford, Ia. After leaving Peru he coached at Big Springs and Bayard, Nebr., before enlisting. Edgar E. Llewellyn, Jr. was kill· ed with twenty others in an air· plane crash. He was taking. advanced training at Ft. Bragg, N. C., when the accident occurred. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Llewellyn of Auburn, Nebr.

. Mrs. Audrey Basset, head of the program of American Junior Red Cross in Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri, spoke at convocation on July 7. The Junior Red Cross, site said, is an organization designed to alleviate the pain and suffering of boys and girls. Portfolios, gift boxes, and holiday decorations were made by the members to be sent abroad. A convalescent home for children under five years of age is maintained by the Junior Red Cross. The organization als(, helps in entertaining the sick &nd injured in the present war.

Senior sketches...

she also enjoys less strenuous pastimes-knitting, sewing, bridge, croquet, the radio. She likes popcorn but dislikes seeing people chew gum~ She is a member of Sigma Tau Delta and Kappa Delta Pi.

The first naval assembly was held Friday, July 2, at which time the seamen made their first public Frances M. Knight is gettisg her appearance in military formation. Lt. Lowe, after a brief greeting, degree in Secondary School work. introduced the membE'rs of the She expects to return to her home naval staff, and the ministers of in Falls City where she has been the town. In a short address he teaching. She likes to cook and told the seamen not to think their especially enjoys trying new rework unimportant because it does cipes. She belongs to Kapp:i Ominot involve immediate military ac- cron Pi. tion, but to regard it as prepara~ LaVara Oakley taught commerce tion for more important action in ·at Auburn last year and plans to the future. He then introduced be there another year. Sterling, President Pate who urged the sea- Nebr., is her home and commerce men to take full advantage of the her major. She likes music, Peru, facilities of the college. "You are here because you want to win the war," he said, "and we want in our humble way to help you."

her pals-especially Bob. She loves pie-razzberry and creamand hates "snoots" and people who brag. After 18 years as a devoted wife Mrs. Ru by Everett decided the shortage of teachers made it her patriotic' duty to return to the classroom. Besides teaching. she has tutored in art and music, worked for Continental Airlinesjust everything exciting. She likes mountains and butter milk, slacks and evening gowns. She detests sweet milk, funny papers and spinach. She's always ready to listen to good music or "Information Please." Louise Meier is majoring in Early Elementary Education. She has been teaching -at Kellerton, Iowa, but has not accepted a position for next year. She is a former president of the Early Elementary Club. Mary Lu Harvey taught kindergarten and first grade at Grand Island the first semester of last year, then obtained leave of absence to finish work for her degree. Mary Lu likes food, swim· ming, fishing, and just about everything. She especially likes music, even the "corny" kind, because it's funny. She enjoys band, jewelry, and people. At the close of the summer session Mary Lu plans to go to El Paso, Texas, to visit her parents. Wrinta Chase of Wymore is to receive her degree in -secondary school work. She teaches at Hebron, Nebraska, and is a member of Sigma Tau Delta. Lucille Sandfort taught at Polk, Nebraska, the past school term, and plans to teach at Nelson, N~braska, next fall. Lucille is a music major, and says that she loves and lives music-all except cowl;)oy ditties. She especially enjoys singing popular music in close harmony with her sisters. Handcraft, work, tennis, good parties, and musical movies are some of her favorite pastimes.

!Jor women only...

New band ... A community band was organized on the campus this summer, and regular concerts have been held down town. Anyone interested in band is welcomed, whether navy, training school, or college students.·

Band concert, Peru Community night, Saturday, July 10, 1943. "Hail America" _________ Richards "Here Comes the Navy" -----------------------Arr. by Yoder "Victory Overture" ________ Yoder "E Pluribus Unum" _______ Jewell "Pan American Tango" __ Olivadoti "When It's Springtime in the Rockies" ________ Sauer-Taggert "Anchors Aweigh" ___ Zimmerman "My Moonlight Madonna" ____ _ ----------------- Fibich-Scotti "There's Something About a Soldier" ________________ Noel Gay "His Honor" ------------Fillmore "Salutation" ________________ Seitz National Anthem.

If you feel faint this summer either because of the heat or because a handsome sailor just glanced in your ·direction, try swooning when -one of the twentyfive First Aiders is around. She'll know what to do, according to Miss Davidson. Or if you're all out of breath from climbing stairs or matching your step with a sailor's stride, keep in mind that the First Aiders are also efficient in the art of artificial respiration. Seriously though, all the girls, even the victims of their classmates' bandaging efforts, realize how vital will be their ability to render First Aid on the home front. Kick! Kick! Kick! Miss Davidson's encouraging. voice gives renewed energy to the aquabelles in the Beginning Swimming class. The chart on the wall proudly shows that all siudents have completed the back stroke the length of the pool and a majority .have swum the length on the sidestroke. Many of the girls have dived from the board and all of them have learned that they just can't drink the pool dry, no matter how hard they try.

Training school notes ...

Mothers and friends of the first and second grades were entertained by a program given on July 9th as a climax to the summer school. Since the term centered around the study of the children of France, China and Mexico, the program consisted of stories and dances of these people. A Chinese school and plays based on the "Star Spangled Banner" and "America the Beautiful" completed the program. Refreshments of sandwiches and punch were served. A rural school room was set up in the training school this summer. The purpose was to give rural teachers an opportunity for observation and practice. Few pupils were enrolled in four grades-first, t~ird, fifth and seventh. Miss Iva Armstrong taught the first two weeks. She was succeeded by the students of Mr. Mathews' "Methods and Observation Class." These students were divided into eight pairs and took turns in observing, teaching and helping. Only two members of the class had had any previous teaching experience and four were normal training students.

Under the direction of Coach A. G. Wheeler and Chief Specialist Allen A. Doak, Seamen limber up on Peru Ath Field.

Navy time ...

Who's new •

In faculty row



Lt. Lowe served as president of Sioux Falls College, Sioux Falls, S. D., before entering the Navy. He is a former superintendent of schools at Yankton and Wessing.· ton Springs, S. D., and is a past president of the South Dakota Education Association. A grad u • ate of Eastern State Teachers College, S. D., Lt. Lowe hOlds an M.A. from the University of South Dakota and the degree of Doctor of Education from Ottawa University. In addition to his duties here, he is .commanding officer of the V·12 Naval Training units for the medical and dental colleges of Creigh· ton University and the University of Nebraska.

Miss Ethel Glosser, former Peruvian who received her degree in 1936, is again on the campus as head of desk and reference librarian. She received her Bachelor of Science in Library Service from Denver University School of Librarianship in June, 1939. On July 1, 1939, she was first assistant in the library at the Agriculture College in University of Nebraska in Lincoln. In September, 1940, Miss Glosser became librarian in the Ladue School System in the city of Ladue which is a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri. During the three years she was there, Miss Glosser organized and developed the libraries in two buildings. She found the work very interesting and challenging.

ARMSTRONG Miss Iva Armstrong of Ashland, Nebraska, is one of the new faculty members this summe::. She is doing demonstration teaching and supervising the new department started for rural schools. Miss Armstrong was graduated from Peru in 1943. She vlans to teach in the fifth grade of the Grand Island schools this wmter. Miss Armstrong enjoys her work here. She is especially fond of traveling.


WHEELER Before entering the Navy Lt. (j. g.) H. E. Wheeler was an asso-

ciate professor of geology at Nevada University and geologist for the State Bureau of Mines. He received his A. B. at the University of Oregon, 1930, and his M.A. and Ph.D. at Stanford University, 1932-34. As soon as Lt. Wheeler fiiids a home his wife and three children will arrive from Lake Tahoe. Skiing is his favorite sport.

"It feels like home when I'm in Peru," remarked Miss Hazel Wil- WEARE Miss Hazel Weare, who is takliams, Peru's new speech and dramatics instructor. And no ing Miss Palmer's place, is <i Jaywonder, because Auburn is her hawker turned Cornhusker for the summer. She has been '!:eaching home. Miss Williams has spent some in the high scool at Great Bend, time teaching at Ellsworth Junior Kansas, and this is her first exCollege, Iowa Falls, Iowa, after re- perience with college teaching. ceiving her Masters degree from Though she has classes from early Iowa University. She has done morning till late afternoon in Peru, graduate work at the University she says she is used to work. In Great Bend, she taught two hunof Minnesota. "Our dramatics club is not func- dred ninety-three students, retioning this summer but a one-act paired all typewriters, taught four comedy will be given the last of adult evening classes, had charge July," said Miss Williams. "But, of the employment of high school I'm loowing forward to the fall students, and was a Girl Scout Director. term." Miss Williams is particularly Miss Weare has a Masters Defond of movies, reafing, traveling gree in Commerce Education from and strawberries. Pittsburg, Kansas. She has attend"Don't ever apologize." She ed California University at Berkloathes apologetic people. eley, Iowa University, and Colorado State College at Greeley. She considers gardening and cooking NEWCOMB her hobbies, but likes to play Lt. Cmdr. Alvah L. Newcomb, bridge, to read, and travel. chief medical officer, formerly She is a member of Pi Omega practiced in Chicago as a specialist in children's diseases. He was also Pi, an honorary commerce frateran instructor at Northwestern Uni- nity, and of the International Busversity School of Medicine. Dr. iness and Professional Women's Newcomb comes directly from the Club. U. S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Ill. His wife and son are at Wilmette, Ill., and will ar· rive here later. He likes tennis, g.olf and Wisconsin fishing.

SWENSON Miss Alice V. Swenson has joined the college staff as assistant professor of mathematics. She teaches the Navy men courses I, JI, and III in mathematic analysis which includes college algebra, trigonometry and analytic geometry. Before coming to Peru Miss Swenson taught junbr college math and high school physics at Trenton, Missouri. She received her A. B. at Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kans., and her M. A. at the University of Kansas at Lawrence. She has many hobbies but especially likes to sew, knit, and read non-fiction books.

DOAK Chief Specialist Doak likes good music and is interested in all sports. This interest comes from his ten years of experience as coach and superintendent at Lawson, Mo. His basket ball team won the state conference title for seven years. He is a graduate of State Teachers College, Maryville, Mo., and also attended Colorado State College at Greeley. He received his military training at Norfolk, Va., and Bainbridge, Md.

Dorm mouse ... We had turned off the light and gone to bed, when somethin:;i scuttled across the room. We lay quite still, hoping the noise would cease. After a few seconds. of silence, a terrific crackling from the corner aroused my roommate. She jumped up and turned on the light and exclaimed, "Get up, you'll never see such a sight again!"

Reluctantly, I sat up, rubbed my eyes and stared. In the corner stood a little mouse, vainly trying to push a ritz cracker through the grate. After several attempts, it crawled through the grate and tried pulling the cracker through. No luck. Reconsidering a moment it began to nibble the tasty cracker. More pushing and pulling. No success. More nibbling. "Turn off that light, I want to sleep," I said. "I can't sleep with that noise. Shall I push the cracker through?" asked my roommate. "Better get a broom and kill the mouse." "And wake everyone? No." So roommate pushed the cracker through and grateful mousie has never made a return visit. Moral: Be kind to dumb animals. They appreciate it. Note: Could be that mousie didn't. make return appearance because Ritz were locked in suitcase.

The clocks at the Navy's ship (Delzell Hall) are all ticking Navy time. Navy time is reckoned on a twenty-four hour clock which conforms with longitude and distance. At any time the seamen are able to locate the exact position of their vessel while steaming full speed ahead on the campus waters. Following is the ship's daily schedule: Week days: 0545 Reveille. 0600 Setting-Up Drill. 0630 Muster Inspection. 0645 Morning Chow. 0715 Police Quarters. 0715 Sick Call. 0735 Room Inspection. 0750 Classes. 1145 Chow Formation. 1230 Sick Call. 1300 Classes. 1650 Athletics or Recreation. 1700 (Wednesday) Laundry. 1800 Chow Formation. 1845 Liberty. 1945 Quiet. 2145 Liberty Over. The morning hours go like this: 0545 is 5:45, 0715-7:15, 114511:45. Afternoon hours start with 1300 which is 1:00, 1650 is 4:50. Subtract 12 from the afternoon hours-presto changeo-st&ndard time. During week days liberty is over at 2145-9:45 to you, girls. Number and length of telephone calls are to be minimized and none are to be made between 2145 and 0545 except in extreme emergen cies.

Family ties One hundred and sixty-five girls are making the dorm rooms homelike this summer. Tewnty-two of these girls are sisters. Two trios include Ruby, Dorothy, and Irene Argabright, and Mary, Ruth, and t. Jean Meister. Duets include Florence and Hazel Burke, Louise and Margaret Burgess, Selma and Julia Diehm, Mildred and Ruth Heusman, Opal and Genevieve McFadden, Genevieve and Virginia Mobley, and Dorothy and Pauline Tackett. Louise and Lois Meier are twins. Enrolled in schOol but staying outside the dorm are Alice and Milda Slagle, Veloura and Zelma Sapp, Norma and Mary Neubauer, Dorothy and Edna Cook, and Anna and Jean Rears. Sadie May and Christine Wilkinson are mother and daughter. Floyd Burke, brother of the Burke sisters, and his wife, Irene, are also attending school.

Budget events

• • •

Soo Yong ...

Serenadaires ...

Miss Soo Yong, a Chinese character actress, appeared at the college auditorium, June 11, for the first budget event of the summer. She presented an original monologue, "Out From the Inner Apartments," which portrayed the new freedom of Chinese women. Miss Yong revealed her artistry especially in the parts of the servant and "Great Grandmother Po-Po." The second monologue, "Rainbow Pass," was based on an eighth century Chinese drama. The monologist explained and demonstrated Chinese stylized acting, stage properties and ways of changing setting.

The Serenadaires, an outstanding American male quartette, presented a varied program of songs in the auditorium on June 29. Because several of his men have been draft- . ed, Raymond Koch, baritone, and ' organizer of the group, is never sure just with whom he'll be singing. The audience enjoyed the quartette and solo numbers, and especially applauded the quartette rendition of "What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor?"

Tatterman ... The Tatterman Marionettes presented the "Legend of the Lightning." a Pueblo Indian tale, June 17. William Ireland ·Duncan, founder, director, actor and producer, is the creator of the tiny puppets' inimitable dramatic style. The audience especially E:njoyed the repetition of the first scene with the actor-puppeteers in full view. At the close of the performance the audience was invited backstage.


Mix er up Into the largest container available place a number of girlS and boys in the ratio of about forty to one. Season with faculty members and navy personnel and stir well with a rotary motion. When mixture is slightly warm allow it to rest for several minutes. Then stir constantly in all directions. When thoroughly heated, cool by adding sherbet ice cream and frosted malt to suit the taste. This recipe for a delightful time was tried and approved in the college gym on Thursday, June 10. Miss Davidson was supervisor of the testing laboratory.

Blackledge ... J. Elder Blackledge lectured before the student body on the intricacies of magic on July f. He varied his lecture by performing a number of magic tricks. In the course of his trsvels in more than twenty countries outside the U. S. and in over thirtyeight states of the union, Mr. Blackledge has added many sleight of hand tricks to his repertoire. He has also accumulated a library of approximately 2,000 volumes on magic.



Hy ...

The eleven o'clock physiology and hygiene class is the most popular on the campus this summer. Miss Strickland reports that there are forty-seven enrolled and that an additional sixteen are taking the short session course in the afternoon.

Redenbaugh leaves Miss Eula Redenbaugh, assistant librarian since last fall, left the college June 25 to go to Lake Forrest, Illinois, where she is taking a four-week Y. W. C. A. orientation course. This course will enable Miss ' Redenbaugh to become a secretary in a local Y. W. organization.

Book review ... Wendell Willkie's best seller, "One World," was reviewed by Miss Peterson on June 16. Miss

Peterson summed up the theme as "the Golden Rule appliect to post war agreements." Mr. Willkie forsees better relations for all the nations of the world because of their greater interdependence. Agnes Sligh Turnbull's "The Day Must Dawn" was reviewed by Mrs. Larson on June 23. It is a story o!

a pioneer mother's hardships, her struggle to protect her daughter from a similar life, and her resignation when she failed.

"When you're doing your Victory gardening, you'll welcome ice-cold Coca-Cola. Speaking for Cob, !'m here to tell you that ice·co!d Coca-Cola, brings you aH the difference betw0en something redly refrcsh:ng and just somethir.g to drink. It, has a quality

Winston Churchill's biography, "Long Adventure" by Hildegard Hawthorne was reviewed by Mrs. Maxwell at the A. A. U. W. book review hour June 30. Mrs. Max-

well reviewed his early life, his military years and his political life as the book presented it, and gave his views on international cooperation in the future. By request a flower show was held during the book review hour July 7. Many beautiful bouquets were shown and their arrangement explained by Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs. Tyler, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Dunning, Miss Diddel, Miss Tear, and Mrs. Wheeler. Mrs. Wheeler summed up the rules of balance, color, line, texture and harmony of flower ar· rangements. "Our Common Herd," an 0~­ homa pioneer story by Sue Sanders, will be reviewed by Mrs. Ev· erett Good July 14th.




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