1945-1946 Peru Pedagogian - issues 1-18

Page 1

by Murgatroyd

:Here it is fall again and summer d just begun. But, then, tiine ' s so quickly: by! School bells ringing all over the land, and s and lassies everywhere are eking their bag~ and going back classes.



Mrs. Mathews is health coordinator

Freshmen shine in talent program


It really is grand to be back in

Mrs. L. B. Mathews of the college faculty has been named coordinator of the school health proiects for southeastern N~braska ~der the Kellog Foundation project. On Wednesday, September 19, Everywhere on the campus one county superintendents from the es new faces, but just because territory were on the campus to ey weren't here last year, it meet Mr. R. L. Fresdstrom, superdoesn't follow that they are fresh- visor of the Nebraska health project from the· State Department of Public Instruction; Dr. W. S. Those wrinkles and graying hair Petty, M. P. H. director of local are not neces.sarily a result of health services and preventable diligent study during high school disease control from the State Dedays. Nor is that stern look a work partment of Health; Miss Anna of nature. The chances are that Srnrha, nutritionist, also from the both were acquired while the wear- state health department; and Mr. Paul M. Reid, director of research . ers were teaching. from the Department of Public Instruction. A large number ot students, who have been teaching for a year The purpose of the meeting was or ·several, are back on the cam- to enable the superintendents to pus. Confidentially, though, they become informed about the serdon't look a bit different from the vices available to local schools other students. from the state department, and to plan the phases of health eduThe first week must have seem- cation to be carried out in the ed quite long to some lonesome counties this year. County superintendents were 'freshmen who gathered in one room to cry on each other's should- Miss Darlene Rozean of Nemaha, ers. Not long after the weeping Miss Mary Clarke of Pawnee, Mr. ·trio was discovered, the room was Charles Place of Otoe, Mr. D. W. filled with upper classmen, who Weber of Richardson, and Mr. consoled them with the prophecy Lloyd Halsted of Johnson county. Guests at the dinner served in that in four years their tears of homesickness would be for 'dear the college cafeteria included Dr. old Peru'. and Mi's. P. A. Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tyler, and members of Things are getting better all the the college Training school facultiine, and the civilian manpower ty. Dr. Maxwell is head of the on the campus is no exception. education department of the colAfter four ye.ars of war, when lege, and Mr. Tyler is professor males were few and far between, of Rural Edu<cation. ool, renewing old acquaintanc:es, and making new friends. Of tourse, it is a new experience for the freshmen, but it should be one of their best. Does everyone agree?

the enrollment of men this fall has jumped almost 100 per cent over · ·at last year, and the prospects for another jump next semester rare most promising. Also the "patter of civilian feet" can >again be heard in the corridors . of Delzell Hall. Of course Navy l:'~gulations must be observed; this .includes being blasted out of bed each morning at six by the haunting strains of reveille. Have any of you taken the time ·notice one of the beauty· spots titi the campus? If you stroll to ~e formal garden east of the Ad)ninistration building and south · the Science hall, your time will be well spent. YOll' will discover a royal assortment of flowers, and 7ou will become acquainted with · id, one of the well-known es on the campus. As guardian the lily pool, he will welcome )iou to his beautiful, secluded spot. ., ·Miss Frances Fields of Nebraska ity is ·the only new faculty memr on the campus this year. She replacing Miss Ruth Musil of music department. Miss Fields s here for the summer session 1944.

Talent Night and the Campus party proved interesting highlights to off-set the examinations required of the Freshmen during their first few days on the campus. At the Talent Night program on Tuesday evening, the following numbers were presented: piano solo-"Begin the Beguine" by Phyllis Hogenmiller of Auburn; clarinet solo-"Shower of Gold" by Bonnie Aufenkamp of Nemaha; accompanied by Ruth Ann Crook of Nebraska City; vocal numbers"When You Wore a Tulip" and "Li'! Liza Jane" by Ruth Eschen, Mary Lou Genoa, Mary Klein, Evelyn Stepan, and Marcella Fass; piano solo-"Consolatoin", Mendelssohn, by Elmer Bachenberg of Burchard; clarinet solo-"Gavotte Caprice", Bueris, by Marilyn McCandless of Nemaha, accompanied by Ruth Meister of Humboldt; piano accordion solo-"Repasz March" by Mary Lou Genoa of Humbaldt; clarinet duet-"Swiss Boy" by Bonnie Aufenk!amp and Marilyn McCandless, accompanied by Miss Frances Fields. Miss Fields also led the entire group in singing the Color Song as the closing number on the program. Miss Grace Tear, Freshmen adviser, sponsored the program; Mr. Jindra was master of ceremonies. The campus party was held on Monday evening on the dormitory lawn. Miss Kennedy led the group singing and Miss Davidson directed the games. Other activities of the week included a talk by Miss Carey concerning the use of the library, health examinations given by Dr. · Pollard assisted by Mrs. Hoatson, psycholbgical exat:ninadons under direction of Dr. Maxwell, and English examinatLons conducted by Dr. Bradford. On Monday •morning, Janice Miss Mattie Cook Ellis, Peru's Kiinsey and William Witty exfirst dean of women and head of tended greetings on behalf of the of the history department for many upperclassmen to the :freshmen. years, visited the Peru campus Delores Schreiner, Louella TieSeptember 14. She told the stu- man Una Mae Leech, Ralf Gradents in convocation that they must ham: and Don °Aufenkamp acted encourage enrollment by advertise- as ushers for the various programs. ment and· inspiration. All of the freshmen activities Miss Ellis taught on the campus were under the direction of Miss during the administrations of Tear. eight presidents. She left Peru in 1921 and has since taught at Mankato, Mininesota; Columbia University and in a St. Loll'is high school. In lookillg over the campus, she found it to be quite familiar. Marcelyn Scott was elected The Administration bu i I d i n g, where she spent much of her time, president of the freshman cl~ss at a meeting held after convocatwn held pleasant memories for her. Miss Ellis is proud of the atti- on Friday, September 7. Bonnie Aufenkamp, Phyllis tude of former Peruvians who look back to the days they spent in Hogenmiller, and Donald Seeba were elected vice president, secrePeru as some of their finest. Perhaps their sentiments m>ay tary, and treasurer, respectively. Phyllis Steever and George Rees be attributed to their association with the charming personality of were elected to serve on the Student Advisory Council. Miss Ellis.

Miss Ellis visits Peru campus

Freshmen select representatives

·Mr. Gulliver of the physics detment left to resume his work


ayne State Teachers College. Mathews and Mr. Clayburn instructing Mr. Gulliver's es in the Navy.

To the Students of Peru State Teachers College: For the first time in many years the world is at peace. but the havoc brought about by war is so. v.ast__ that the young people now in school will need t~a_mmg a.> never before to enable them to carry on efficiently in the postwar world.

id cheers and wild cries, the ent band crowded aboard the n bus on Friday afternoon. destination was Crete for 's Homecoming.

The school teacher must provide this necessary basic training. I welcome you to Peru to prepare yourselves for the great task before y9u.

baton of Van Camp, student director, pep numbers and the gang y cheerleaders Phyllis Fisher, • e Clayburn, Jim Buckley, Ivan Skinner put their all into for the team.


.Norenberg and Mr. Jindra ·faculty· sponsor.v.

• • •


W. R. Pate, President.

Guy, Tieman, Graham edit publications Frances Guy and Louella Tieman have accepted the editorial responsibilities on the Pedagogian for the year. Louella, a senior on the ca.111pus, comes from Brock. She is majoring in history and social science and minoring in English. She was a member of the Newswriting class in her sophomore year and did some reporting for the Ped. She was also a reporter on her high school paper. Frances is ·a junior; she comes from Omaha. Her major is commerce; her minors are English and speech. In addition to her work in the Newswriting class during her sophomore year and work on the Ped, Fran was editor of the North Star, the paper published at North High in Omaha. William Witty, who handled the sports last semester, will be responsible for the sports items this fall. Joe Webber will assist him. Sam Bradford, who assisted on the summer Ped, will write feature >articles and help with editorials and reporting. Members of the journalism class will comprise the rest of the staff. They will serve as reporters and special feature writers. They are Laurine Clayburn, Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Janice Kimsey, Virginia Lawrence, Ruth Meister,

Fe~tival features varied exhibits Hobby .collections, pets,. and exhibits of vai-ious artides were attractions at the Fall Festiv·al held in the Training School, Friday, September 21. Dolls from Mexico and India were special attractions in the doll display. A health center featuring a telebinocular and an audiometer aroused much interest. Old qu~lts, articles made from feed sacks, and various pieces of handwork filled an attractive booth. Patrons of the tr·aining school enjoyed family picnic dinners for the evening meal. The program for the evening was in the form of Victory Jubilee. Motion picures and colored slides of Peru were shown. Mr. Banfield played several numbers on his musical saw. The training school clarinet quartet also furnished entertainment. Richard Steffan gave a demonsrtation of his snakes and lizards. A watermelon was awarded to the person whose name was drawn from the list of those who registered. Following the evening program, a dance was held in the gym. Judges of the exhibits were Miss Darlene Rozean, county superintendent, and Mr. Steele, county agricultural agent, both of Auburn. The Fall Festival originated fifteen years ago as an outgrowth of stories read in the third grade. Although this first fair was on a small scale, it was successful and until a few years ago, was an annual event. Miss Mary Hileman was general chairman of the entire program.

Mr. Jindra talks at Rural Institute Professor Jindra addressed the Nemaha County' rural teachers at their instituie in Auburn, September 15. He led a demonstration on ' tonette bands, which was given by a group of the teachers. He also planned with them a program tor their annual spring concert. Mr. Jindra spoke recently to the teachers of Saline County at Wilbur for a similar purpose.




Frankie Montgomery, Dorothy Stepan, and Jean Van Camp . Tradition is in full swing again this year with plans for the 19451946 Peruvian steaming ahead with Ralf Graham, a sophomore, . as Editor, and Ruth Comstock, a senior, as Business Manager. Dr. Bradford, sponsor of the Peruvian, stressed that this will be an all college production with executive officers chosen from the whole school. He also called attention to the fact that Peru has always had a high.rating in the National Yearbook Competition, being awarded :rn All-American rating for the 1938-1939 issue. Peruvian staff assistants will be senior Willard Hunzeker, junior, Ramona Handley Johnson, sophomore Ruth Meister, and freshman Sam Bradford. Official photographer for the Peruvian will be Professor Clyde Banfield, who will establish his studio in the old projection room, which is above the Peruvian office. While the film situation is much better, difficulty in procuring some materials is expected, but engraving and printing accomodations are expected to be obtained. The staff is desirous of presenting a complete informal photographic record of life throughout the year in Peru. To do this the cooperation of students is essential; the staff announces that it would appreciate candid shots of campus life. Anyone having a camera or any candid shots,· is urged to see tbe editor r;,· 0"1<' .o! his assistants.

Hunz~ker leads SCA discussion SCA. Student Christian Association, ~ new .. organization combining YWCA and YMCA, was introduced Tuesday, Sept. 11, by Margaret Spellman at Music Hall. Miss Spellman attended the national convention of SCA at Estes Park, Colorado, in August. Besides explaining the international organization, she told of some of the many outstanding highlights of the encampment. First Lieutenant Willard Hunzeker, a returned veteran to the campus, headed the first open discussion of the year, "Our Campus Must Grow Up to Our Veterans," in the second meeting Tuesday, September 18. "We want to be regarded as students, not problems,'' was Lt. Hunzeker's advice. "The men coming back to school will be older physically and mentally and will have to meet the campus half way by growing down as the campus grows up. The men won't be acquainted on the campus; therefore they must be urged to attend all social gatherings and join organizations. They are coming back to college becar,se they want to, not because mama and papa think Junior ought to." The conclusion reached was that it will take the combined efforts of students, faculty, and townspeople to make college life inviting enough for returning veterans. All students are invited to join 1he Student Christi-an Association. Ruth Comstock is chairman of the Membership Committee and will accept the one dollar dues for the year· or fifty cents for the semester. The membership card entitles the holder to all the facilities of the YWCA or YMCA in the United States as well as in the entire world.

• • Wanted: more school spirit


Outstanding characteristic of Peru alumni of several years back seems to be a spirit of loyalty. No matter where tho&e Peruvians went or to what position they rose, they took th.eh' school with them. School spirit or the cooperation of the student body has become almost legendary. The Commerce major of former days beasted of the attendance and united cheering at the footb.!l'.11 games; the potential athletic director boasted just as unaffectedly and sincerely of the cooperatien in Greek letter organizations, etc. It seems that there really wa:s a student body in the good old days. When the Bobrats played a game, the student ·body was there-to a man, woman, and faculty member-to oheer. When a program was presented, again the student body was present. When class work was the order of the day, class work took precedence over other matters. What can be said of the groups en the campus in more recent years 1 Can they in: any way be considered a body? How many people skip convo-not because they have anything better to de, but because they don't want to do what is expected of them.~ How many students loyally support the games 1 How many people go to the show on dance nights and then complain vociferously that there is nothing to do the other night 1 And how many are proud of the fact that they study as little as possible~ A school is just exactly what its students and faculty make it. With united effort, with less fault-finding, and with a dash of school loyalty, PSTC could once more boast of having a student body instead of a couple hundred students.

Do you

know it?

One of the most embarrassing moments in the lives of numerous educated, patriotic people comes when they are expected to siilg nwre than one stanza of ''The StarSpangled Banner.'' ·There is, course, nd valid excuse for any one's not being able to sing the entire song. How many people on the campus know that the college Color Song has three stanzas 1 Is our loyalty so small that it ebbs completely during the singing of one short stanza~ Listen sometime and then judge. Herewith are given all stanzas. Every person on the campus should know them twenty-four hours after receiving the copies. (N. B. Perhaps the Music Department could make the musical score available for a small fee.) It has been suggested that the entire song be sung at the close of convo each Mondav to enable everyone to learn it. . . Fling abroad our College colors T9 the free Nebraska breeze, Blepding heaven's own white and azure With the soft green of the trees. While our loyal hearts and voices With pride and joy unite, While we sing Peru's devotion To the pale blue.and the white. Chorus: While our loyal hearts and voices With pride and joy unite While we sing Peru's devotion To the pale blue and the white. Through the years of sun and shadow 'Mid the scenes we love so well O;er our hearts our dear old colors Still weave their magic spell, And where ever life may find us We'll strive with all our might To uphold the brave tradition Of the pale blue and the white. When the cares oflrne o'er take us Mingling fast our locks with gray Should our dearest hopes forsake us False fortunes fade away. · We shall banish pain and sa'dnesS: By mem 'ties fond and bright Of the old Nebraska College And the pale blue and the white.

Council plans for h0mecomins Election of officers, Homecoming preparations, and sponsorship of college social activities were the problems facing the Student Advisory Council at its meeting on Wedp:esday1 September 12.. Ralf Graham, sophomore from Nebraska City, was chosen . president of the organization,.with Ruth· Comstock, senior from Y0rk,. becoming vice-president. The office of secretary-treasurer was taken. by Dorothy Moo<ly, sophomore, from Auburn:. Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Banfield are the faculty advisors. Louella Tieman, Brock, Nebr., is the second senior representative on: the council. Frances Guy, Oma• ha, arid William Witty, Nebraska City, are the members from the junior class. The freshmen recently elected Phyllis Steever, Stromsburg, and George Rees; Mor~n, Utah, to represent the views of their cla&s. Plans for Homecoming were discussed briefly. The tasks to be performed were pointed out, but no committees were assigned. The group also voted to take over the duties of the Social Committee which has been in11ctive for the past two years. This responsibility will consist of sponsoring Viarious activitiies of which the All-College Dances will be of major importavce.

IJllumni trail . • • Mary Knipe (at 43-'45) is teaching the second grade at Central school in Falls City. Carrio Ellen Adam$on ('45) is teaching Home Economics at Randolph, Iowa. Another teacher is Ila Mae Grush (at'45). $he is gainin!i her first experience teaching in a r'ur<1.l school in Richardson County. Graoo Matthews (' 45) is teaching in the lower gr<1.des at Councils :a11.1ffs, Iowa. Bill Woods ('45) is an assistant in the circulation department in the University of Nebraska library which has just be.:m moved to the new Love Memorial Library. 's three years of expeti ence in the Peru library gave him good preparation for his present work. Mary Mei!\ter. ('45) who is te<iching at Villisca, Iowa, writes that she has classes in English, journalism, and physical educa-



Wanda Bowers (at"45) is teaching in the grades in her home town of Watson, Missouri. Maxine Johnsen ('40 is teaching mathematics at the Clarkson, Near., high schgol ag(!in this year. She is also instructing a clas;; in girls' Physical Education. Virginia Stepa!l (at'42-'43) who is employed by Ferguson and Co. of Lincoln, is spel)4ing: her vacation in Denver. She writes that she is enjoying every blt of it except the cold. Esther Merrit ('45) was at her home in Peru this week-end after teaching two weeks in Eimwood,. Nebr. Esther has charge of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades and says Matching anq ide'tltificatfrm she likes teaching very much. Donna Steffen ('45) also at games, mtusic by the college swing band, and novelty numbers were E1mwood, is teaching the comthe highligh\,s of the All College merce cl;isses in the high s.chool Mixer held on in the gymnasium and handling a few extra-cirrion Thursday evening, September cular aotjyies. Evelyn Slagle ('44) is teaching 6. vocal music at Glenwood, Iowa. The evening's festivities were Margaret Rea (at'45 is the started with a matching game to fourth grade teacher at the Fairfirid partners for the grand march view School in Beatrice, Nebr. around the gym to the strains of Ruth Kean (at'43-'45) and the Color Song. Phyllis Brinson (at '42-'45) seem

Grand march is mixer highlight

The walls of the gym were decorated with repiicas of the flags of sevel'al members of the United Nations. In addition to being ornamental, the flags also provided the basis for an identification game in which students and faculty members participated.

16-year run ends; no Galloway here

There are no Galloways at Peru State Teachers college this year. To faculty membets and o.lumni The Solid Macs, under the dir- of the school this is a significant statement. ection of Guenther Schnabl proFor the first time since 1929, vided music for dancing throughout the evening. Laurine Clayburn Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Galloway of sang "Sentimental Journey" with Auburn have no special interest in the opening of the fall term at band accompaniment. the college. None of their chilTed Beyert, a regular member · dren will be enrolled. of the Solid Macs, played a clarinet Since 1929 the records have solo and ably demonstrated his carried the names of one or two ability to play a swing version oi Gal!oways each year. Edgar,, "Cherokee''. Jim Bu1:kley gave a Lorene, and Ernest Jr., received demonstration of "low down" their A. B. degrees. Betty and boogie woogie. Mary Lou Genoa Glendora attended three years played several accordion select- each. ions. Richard broke the precedent by The mixer committee responsible going td Chillecothe Business colfor the decorations, entertainment, lege. Possibly Mr. and Mrs. Galloway and refreshments was composed of Janice Slagle, Patricia Hill, have no special interest in the Janice Kimsey, Frances Guy, Ruth school, but it is doubtful that D/augherty, lJaurine Clayburn, PSTC is not part of their thinking. and Janet Mastain. Three faculty Theirs has been a family loyalty to the school. members, Miss Palmer, Miss Davidson, and Mr. Larson, were also members of the committee.

Kappa Delt's plan education week Members of the Kappa Delta Pi held a meeting in the Music Hall Monday evening, September 17. New pledges and members were voted upon during the business meeting. Una Mae Leech was appointed chairman of a committee to plan a program for EdU'cation Week. Bernice Bletscher and Margaret Spellman prepared quiz games and brain teasers for social enjoyme!.1t. Refreshments of sandwiches', coffee, an4 angel food cq.ke were served by Esther Steiner and Anna Pfister.

to be enjoying their school wQrk in the high schools at Persia a.nd Walnut, Iowa respectively. Both are teaching commerce. Mrs. Keith Sutton ('42) formerly Bertha Clayburn is teaching again this year at Fullerton, Miss Ruth Musil, who was· on the Peru faculty last year, will teach piano, organ, and music theory at Fort Hays State College in Hays, Kansas, ~his year. Mi8Jl. Musil will also. give l.'ecit(lls as part of a school publicity project. Cli!rence T. Speich ('22) i~ the coach in Scotia, Nebraska, this year. Margaret Lewis (at'45) went to :r:>enver for the st1mmer, found a job that s.atisfied her, and decided to stay. She is working at gne of Denver's radio stations as a record changer in the transcription room. Mary Jo Hoskins (at'43-'45) is teaching English and vocal music in Anthon, · Iowa. She too spent the summer in Denver, working at Remington Arms. Leon1ore Larson ('45) is teaching music and commerce in the high school at Wiota, Iowa. In a letter to Mr. Clements; s.he wrote th11t the school is as nearly 11 model school as possible, and tl:ie pupils are unbelievably good. Leonore was another of the P(lru group working in Denver during the summer. · Betty Berger, <1nother '45 graduate, is also teaching at Wiot.a. Betty teaches English and has charge of the dramatics and the school paper. Jean Holman ('42-'45) spent the summer working in the Home for Dependent Chiidren in Linco1n. She began teaching kinderg(lrten in Fairbury this fall and writes that she enjoys her work. Rosa Lee Weatherfield ('43-'45) is teaching in the Utica High School this year. Mrs. Rae S. Kinter is the new director of the personal counseling department of the Y.W.C.A. in Omaha. Mrs. Kinter, the former Miss Swartwout, was graduated from Peru in 1926 and has since taught Latin and English. During the war she served as senior inductor for new workers at the Martin-Nebraska Company. Of the six district presidents of the N.S.E.A., three are former Peru students. They are Rita King ('37), qistrict 1; C. W. Grandy ('26), district 2; and Rex R. Gay (at '18), district 3. Dorothy Bun-ows (at '43-'45) and Barbara Marsh ('43-'45) are continuing their studies at the University of Nebraska this year. Several of last years students have accepted contracts to teach in rural schools this year. Edus Fintel is teaching in Roosevelt school near Auburn. Esther Holmes is teaching near Nemaha, and Margaret Gerwick is teaching near Falls City. Nona Oberst is working in the offices of the Mutual Benefit Insurance Company in Omaha. Ila Dell is teaching in Filley, Nebr., the fifth and sixth grades. Marjorie Rogers: is teaching the fourth and fifth grades at Shubert, Nebr. Carrie Workman is working in the offices of the Soil Conservation Service in Pawnee City, Nebr.


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Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students of the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, September 25, 1945 Managing Editor ............................................Louella Tieman Make-up Editor ....................................................Frances Guy Feature Writer ....................................................Sam Bradford Sports .................................... William Witty and ,Joe Weber Reporters ........Laurine Clayburn, Hester Friedly, Ralf Grae ham, Janice Kimsey, Virginia Lawrence, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgomery, Dorothy Stepan, and Jean Va:q. Camp. . Adviser --------------------------------------------------------------Meta Nore:nh~rg Business Adviser ............ _. --------------··-------E. H. Hayw:ard



Jue Stars t~

"Pi'1ky" Wh.ith!lm (at'4~) tIJ.g w~y eith.er to JaPa!l or hilj.ppine~ ;itter 'being st;i. i!l 'St!a,We fQr 0ver a month. y" joine4 the Navy a cou:ple .s after schQol was QUt M>ting. He was in Seattle on b;iy · and wrqte that lJ.e had l).gerfl.l). time celeQrati)lg. 9k Bert~t! (;it-'45) is in the p,t Marines and stationed 9klyn, New ¥ork, put P.e js ye soon fQr sea Q.1,1.ty. He :$.at the Merchant Marip.es nY tpe life,'' but Nebraska l(/ok gqoQ. to him now. Ed rnQmion (at'44) has com.his training at Camp FanTexas, and is J~eing tra!J.Se!} t9 Fq,rt Eenm!lg, Geprgia, agva11ced infantry training. 'ul Lcmch~ll. tormer Y-12 " ii! now ;it Ho11olulu st;i,. aboard a Q.estroyer. __ J9hn kn ap.qtlJ.er t~aiµee, is ;ibo;ird \l!.rcr;ift cari.'ier in the P1i!ci.fic, i~ sen4ing lette•s fr<m1 Tokyo . and Mr.11. Ken.neth Rohrs on the campus recently. M !"$• s is the fqrmer Glendora way (at '42-'45). Kenny l-'43) will report to San An. , September 29th. other visitor op the campus Lt. Wayne "Red" Suhrmann '42). He also has ordera to ort to San Antonio at the e time. "Red" pla~ tq ~ to Peru in January to finish college work. fc. Gi'lbert Schreiner ('43) is ding the College of Medicine the University of Nebraska. He . Mrs. Schrelli.er (Hazel Schoenm ('45) are living in Omaha. on Lavigne, S 1-c (ARM) (at ) was recently transferred m Memphis, Tennessee, to Mi', Floria, where he is complethis radio gunnery school. fc. Ward Adams (at'43) has ived home for a 30-day furh; he retur~ed from Europe the Queen Mary. Ward is with 5-Star Santa Fe Division ~. in ten .. months battled ss the Elbe River to within 40 es of Berlin. He has three ttle stars for the battles of the de,nnes, the Rhineland, and tral Europe. Eugene Andrew ('45) received discharged after four years service. He entered the army August 18, 1941, and arrived

J:iome follGwip.~ his discharge on 4.ugust -8, 1~4!). Andrews spep.t three ;re;irs in ·tP.e Soutll. Pacific with fue Com~at Engineers. He will te;ic)l. this year in the Pella, iowa. high school. Sgt. Rii;h~r~ Clement$ ('~0-'4i) (lt the FitzsiIIJ.mOns hospital in Denver writes that he is having a ¢hance tq do some interesting photoi:;raphic worl} such as en~arging, tinting, etc. Sgt. Clements has been stationed there for recuperation since his return from !lciive combat in Ji.;urope. "This place hasn't chimged very mucll since the war ended, only that they're bringing more stateside ideas over here. We now h•.we t<l have an isJand driver's li¢ense, and if we want to drive anYWl/ere away from the air strip we ll.ave to get written permission. The mosquitoes are beginning to come out in fµll force as they do every night. I used to think they were had back there, but they don't compare with these 'little demons.' We t!lke a yellow pill each day; it is supposed to keep us from aoming down with m;ilaria in case any of them carry it." writes S 1 ·c Willard Redfern (at '43) froni. the P):iilippines. Ris:hard K~il (af45) has just been shi~peq to Camp Iioberts, California, after spending three weeks at the Army Induetion Center at Le;prenworth, E:,ansas. Lt. Cecil Wirlker ('42) is one of foyr army Qffice!9 on the U. S. S. Ancon in Tolqo Bay.

IOn board by Jim Feild

• Yes, substitution! Field for Heil-

iger! If you can sta.TJ.d it just this once, yours truly will try to turn out a column for L. E. Heiliger, who is currently busy starring at halfback for "dear old P.S.T.C." Hats off to the football squad for the gallant efforts in the season's opener against Wasl;J.burn. Among those still showing scars from the battle are "Tex" Owen, Red (The Limp) Becker, and "Pat" Patterson. The latest addition to the Ship's Company is F. A. Hoffman, Phm. le, who ·arrived two weeks ago to help with the d!J.ties at Sick Bay. Before coming to Peru, he was serving at Great Lakes Naval Training. Station. His wife is at present here with Mr. Hoffman. The compliment of the unit was recently cut by the transfer of two men to more active du<f:y. Stanley The average man Warner and Lewis Earl Graver Here's good news for Peru's left on September 15 for boot -if they like tall, broad- 1r;;jning at Great Lakes. dered men. That thing we all dream (wake tst floor of Delzell Hall has up beating our heads against the mad;e available to civilians walls) about, has come to pass year after having been used for several fonner V-12 trainees usively for the Navy for the of Peru. Robert Severin, Robert two years. Weaver, Milton Sandin, and Geo. the civilian men rooming in Andrews haVe reportedly been orm, about 60 per cent tip the put on fuactive duty from Navy s at 200 pounds or more. In Pre-flight schools. George Andrews the average weight is close is expected in Peru for a visit o. soon. y collecting a few statistics Two former Peru V-12 students playing with them for awhile, and members of the 1944 football enterprising person has found squad here are currently starring characteristics (physical) of in other schools. "Mick" Harringaverage male Peruvian. There- ton is reported playing third string those measurements should halfback for St. Mary's Pre-fl_ight standard for the "dream man". squad, and John Barron is one of rhaps the coed (name with- the leading candidates for the fullfor various reasons) who has back spot on the Northwestern seen running around with University team. The feminine sex has inv;ided measure and eyeing various n the campus has had access the privacy of Delzell Hall for e figures. the first time in. its history. Two "average" man, seen about, fluffy little half-pound baby girls feet eleven inches tall; he wer recently born to "Lady", one a bit more than 18e pounds. of the self-adopted dogs belongbout eight chances out of ing to the Navy unit. Name "Pete" has dark hair, and at least and "Repete" by the members of f the eight will .haye curly the football team, the pups made the trip with the squad to the year about three..;fifths of Washburn game. They put on such en had auburn ha.ir; this a good show that they are being that color is decide~ly rare; adopted by the team as mascots and will go on the remaining trips. londs, too, are few.i Decorated with blue and white ch Wheeler's footba\!J. team iched somewhat, sinl!;e the ribbonsi the pups were fed by means of baby bottles in a Topeka fits by the pounda&~· .tball (cheer-up, .\Coach) cafe, while waitresses and local tl:ie, civilians top l#Ix feet, citizens stood around open-eye<;!. e are over seven!,

Grid facts ~Y



P&'.l'G :J?obc!lts ~t;irteQ. th;lr T~45 footb!lll sea~on's sclleQ.ule friQ.l\y, the 14th, when they traveled, t9 Topel};i, K;ms., to battle agaipst the pote!lt W;i~l)butIJ. Up.i.versity squaq Whic)l had been victorious over the W!U'ren,sburg Teachers' by a score of 25-0. The Bobcats traveled to Doane last Friday to engage in their second game of the season against the Doane Tigers, after suffering a loss to the Washburn University Icabods the week precefilng to the oount of 21-0. Washbwrn's powerful and quick-charging line, undoubtedly, was the decisive characteristic which brought forth this defeated moreover Washburn's possession of this fast charging line gave strong fortification to their 200 pound fullback, Leroy Harmon, allstate back from Houston, TeJl;as. Witll. thO§e two notable .features, it was quite inevitable that t!1e "Ical?G$" from the "sunflower distril!t" shoµld i!ppear to have one of their best team~ since 1941. Coach Al Wheeler, guide of t)l.e Bobcats, made careful selection of a sqlJ.~q of 2S ni.en, wl)o .were chosen following a week of heavy scrimmaging, thereby giving every squad member the opportunity to show the "Wheeler-ball" promoter the ·capacity of his abilities. The team feels confident that the CO;ich made a wise selection of those who were chosen to make the Topeka trip, with Orlen Rice fonner Grand Island player, acting ?-5 captain. In the week of practice preceding the Doane game, Coacjl Wheeler gave attention to "defensive~' and "offensive" blocking attacks in a series of rigid scrimages; at the encj. of that we$.'s practice most of the major discrepancies of the linemen were corrected. Football rivalry between Doane and Peru colleges began in 1906, when the first game was played between the two schools. Of the thirty-three games played ·since that year, Doane has won 16; Peru has won 12, and 5 were scoreless ties. In the 1945 game, the Bobcats made their list of wins add up to 13 prorlng that it pays riot to be superstitious.

Bobcats conquer Tigers at Doane homecoming Peru's fig4ting gridsters ove:rpower!W. pqane's squ!J.d at the ;lnnual DOllIJ.e homecoming gllffie l;ist Fricj;ay evep.ing, September 21. Before a large and enthusiaiitic crowd of Peru fans !ind Doane homeco!)Wrs, the Bobcats piled up 34 points to the Tiger's 7. Peru, having a slight wind adVllIJ.tag_e, kicked off to Doane; the ball went to the D0ane 25 yd. line from which it w11s punted. Peru returned the ball to its 20 yd. lin.e. In t4e forepart of the game, contil).ual punting exehanges were

Cats drop opeRer to Washburn 21-0 Peru Bopcats droppe<i tbeif opening g!@e of tbe season to Washburn University of Tqpeka, Kansas, Friday, September 14, 21-0. After journeying 125 miles, and playing with two tackles on the injured list, Peru found the running attack of Washburn too powerful. Washburn gridsters, finding that a few yards at a crack were all they could make, kept pounding away at the tackles, scoring in the first, second, and third periods. Each of their three attempted conversions wa:q goocI. Late in the second period, the 'Cats were on the march toward the enemy goal line, but were haltecj. by the gun ending the first half. In the closing minutes of the game, the Bobcats again missed scoring when a fumble cost them the ball. Peru 'Cats completely outclassed their opponents in the air, completing six out of elev"en pass attempts. The best Washburn could do was one completed pass in nine attempts. The 'Cats in the backfield seemed; a little more on the alert thim their foes, intercepting three passes, while ailowing none of their tosses to f(o into ·enemy hands. Washburn led in the number of first cj.owns made, 20-9, making a number of them with only inches to spare. Patterson and Kernan did most of the passing for the 'Ca ts with Good doing most of the catching. Patterson's running was outstanding in the Peru offense, with Harmon and Roder doing most of the offensive work for Washburn.

Next Friday, the Bobcats are going to challenge the Warrensburg Teachers' in a real game. Some considerations of· this game's outcome are: Wllr,ensburg was cj.e,. feated by Washburn 25-0; Peru was THE STARTING LINE-UP defeated by the same team 21-0. PERU WASHBURN This is indicative of a close game. Of course, as it is always in foot- L.E.-Good Ulrich ball predictions, the absolute ex- L.T.-Wcber Garrison tent of either team's line power or L.G.-Owen Herron scoring abilities remains an undeC.-Rice Betts termined factor until actual battle R.G.-Saul McMahon has been encountered; moreover, R.T.-Becker Duckworth the facts granted herein are only R.E.-Goins Poterfield to show the fans of Peru Teachers' Q.B.-Ruede Rader the situation faced, before going L.H.-Kernan Harmon into "combat-duty", as the Navy R.H.-Heiliger Gilchrist players might say it. F.B.-Pat.terson Hannawalt

made which helped to eqµialize the Y!lrdllge gained by either school. Soon Peru's blocking line aQ.ded that e:ii:tra touch of power which helped Jim Patterson put the ball over; the conversion point was wicj.e. A, few minutes la,ter Doane's Brann;m received a forward pass frqm pflasterer putting it over for Doane'i; only touchdown; the conversion pcint was made by the identi9al play with the same men h;indijpg the ball. In the second period of the game Dq;me's Dan Tyson, right half, e~ried the pigskin more than half the Q.i§timce of the field and nearly scored; this was one of the most <;pectiiqular events of the entire g;:!me. The Perumen made 8 more points before the half ended, a touchdown-6, and a safety-2. The touchdown was made by Rosenblum, who received a pass from Patterson. The safety was made when Bill Saul tackled Doane's Bill Denton in the end zone. The scoring in the third came thrqugh Kernan's touchdown and added six points . . In the last period, Kernan and Rµede each made tou1::hdowns. :tiuecj.e kicked· for extr!l points, anQ. both were good, giving PSTC · a final score of 34. Perhaps the yardage by running plays exceeded by far the passing gains, but very little passing was done. Peru's Bill Thompson did a fine job of completing some of the few passes made. THE STARTING LINE-UP Pos. PERU L.E.-Good L.T.-Matschullat L.G.-Owen C.-Rice :ti.G.-Saul R.T.-Becker R.E.-Goins Q.B.-Ruede L.H.-Kernan R.H.-Heiliger F.B.-Patterson

Wt. 160 200 170 170 168 200 180 145 163 160 170

Pos. DOANE L.E.-Stewart L.T.-Blackburn L.G.-Clark C.-Hughes R.G.-Scow R.T.-Steinberg R.E.-Martens Q.B.-Denton L.H.-Hosea R.H.-Tyson F.B.-Brannan

Wt. 170 208 154 165 165 210 220 140 155 175 170

Substitutions for Peru: Aufenkamp, Brewer, Coad, Fike, Hermsmeier, Little, Rees, Rosenblum, Seeba, Thompson, Twiss, Weber, McGU'ire. Substitu1.· '~' f('r D0ane: Rethmeier, Bel:. S0crcey, Ward, Thielbar, Pede1 "an. De Grieff, Pflasterer, Lor('--z. R-zor, Phelps, Bals, Riley, Edwards.



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Dorm Dope by Frankie Montgomery

Yoli' can put that bottle of liniment back on the shelf, girls. The elevator is now back in operation again: No·. more of those· achin' backs. from .climbing stairs-if we don't abuse the privilege! SeveMl of the rooms have been retouched by the painter's brush recently. And a little white card on the doors of said i-ooms notifies the occupants that fines of 25c per mark on the walls must be paid for defacing them. Is it worth it? Rish and Jo simply must remember the next time they pack for college that soap is e!lsential. The idea· of having to borrow for the next shower! That's no way to start the year--with soap so hard to get. Have you seen Louella Tieman's new compact? It was a gift from ;:iewly . returned Ward . Adams. Lucky girl! The lower halls of Mt. Vernon have been repainted recently. The place is barely recognizable. New cutains, too! A new fad in interior decorating is overtaking some of the rooms in the form. Barb Berger is a biology major and she loves her work. She has carried over her interests in the field to everyday life. She collects locusts or their shells and paints them with bright nail polish. They look right smart pinned en her curtains. Also note the big spiders In the windows of room 106. Comstock, too, is a nature lover.

President gives convo address. "For. the first time in many, many years there is peace throughout the world. If there is anything that will keep the peace, it is the gathering of boys and girls together jn schools," said President Pate at the first convocation of the year. Mr. Pate eidended greetings the college to the returning and welcomed the freshto the carnnu0. sll'essed the fa 11at educallrtH9J:' o the indi·to the ation. "It is o.bso;u 'ely essential to our way o! thinking.'' said the president, "that we carry on." Educaticn is nece;;sary to the members of a Democra.cy. Mr. Pate congratulated the students for continuing their education and commended many 0£ them for choosing the teaching profession ~ s a career. · Mr. Tyler led the devotions:

• • •• Have you noticed that Aileen Wheeldon has been · swooning lately? Reason for su1::h action? She. saw Jimmy Dorsey in Omaha this week-end. "He's really smoooooooth." Miss Wheeldon states. You· know there is such a thing as starting out the year poorly so that there will be room for improvement. Such must have been the case with many of the girls in the dorm. This is indicated; by the number of little notes left. in the various rooms after the first inspection. We'll do better next time, Mrs. Marsh. The lunch hour has been changed since· last spring. It seems ·so nice not to have to wait in line so long at noon. It seems that some of the girls are looking heal- · thier becauile of it. Good idea! Has anyone ever noticed that when one is walking on the sidewalk west of the library, suddenly out of the clear blue sky, rain begins to fall? Well, think again, lady, ma:ybe it isn't rain in the sunshine. On a windy day the · overflow from the Peru water tower is often sprayed that far.

Student rallies back 89bcatf Cheers echoed through \he.timbers surroooding the Oak Bowl where students and faculty mem~ bers gathered on Wednesday evening to salute the football team. "I don't know if we're ready for Washburn," said Coach "Al" speaking of the opening game with Washburn University at Topeka, Kansas, "but I do know that in the next games the team will be right in there pitching." In spite of the threatening rain, Cheerleaders Laurfue Cla.ybutn, Phyllis Fisher,' and Ivan Skinner managed to keep the crowd interested in learning the yells. Foijowing the introduction of squad members by Coach Wheeler the Pep band, directed; by Jean Van Camp, played the Color Song. On Friday at noon, a number of fans met in front of the Industrial Arts Building to give the team a rousing send-off. The cheerleaders •and the Pep band produced; some effective cheers and songs as the team headed for Topeka.

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Dram~tists elect new dub officers

Mrs. Bradford reviews stories

Sigma Tau Delta, Peru's English Plans for try•outs for the Homefr?ternity, held its initial meetirig coming play were made at the 6f the· 'season :on Monday ·.evening, first meeting of the Dramatic Club September 10. Mrs. Bradford reThursd-ay evening, September viewed several short stories from 13. The cast for the play will be Isak Dinesen's "Winter Tales". announced very soon, and rehearsWilliam Witty, president, pre- als will begin immediately. sided at the meeting. Louella TieRuth Comstock, who was elected man was elected vice president to vice president of the club last fill the vacancy left by Mary Jo spring, took over the duties of the Hoskins. ' president since that office was left At the close of the evening, vacant by Mary Jo Hoskins who refreshments were served by Dr. is not on the cainpns this' year. and Mrs. Bradford. Anselem Johnson, new on the camThe program for the next meet- pus was elected vice president and ing •as tentatively arranged will be , Frances Guy will repface Betty provided by the student members Hopkins as secretary-treasUTer. of Sigma Tau. Miss Williams, sponsor of the club, read the con.stitution and explained the "point system" by which a pledge can become a member. This system has been changed some since Iast year. Refreshments were served by members of the club.


Peruvians enjoy Doane journey by Ruth Miester

. A bus elaborately decorat~ with PSTC signs, which were blown off before it left town) started; out for the Doane game last Friday" loaded with 35 people, 2 mascots, and 1 sousaphone. The bus wasn't crowded, but those sitting in the back, found that they had more room when.ever the driver stopped; suddenly, for instance, to let a little dog nonchalantly cross .the highway. Vibra,tions of the metal chairs put tired feet to sleep but caused one sailor's teeth to chatter. After hearing repeated requests for food, Miss Norenberg distributed the lunches which Mr. Steiner had packed for 19 people. Thirty-five ate! Drinking milk proved difficult for the reason that some thirsty people took two or three straws and left others with none. The bumps didn't help any either. The food made everybody comfortably happy (at least happy) and music followed the meal. Nobody but those on the bus could imagine the soulfll'l beauty of "Darling Clementine" sung in 31 different keys. Few of the musicians observed that during the last strains of the song, Clementine was deposited at the funeral home which the bl)s was passing. Three first lieutenants who followed the bus put the loyalty of the Peru girls to the extreme test, but they came through with flying colors when the 3 officers joined the Peru cheering section for the entire game.

Dr. H. C. Dallam Dentist Phone Office 32; Rea. 196 Peru, Nebraska

Student cadets plan organiz~tion Members of the Early Elementary· Club were hostesses to the students working in the juniorhigh and elementary grades on Monday evening, September 10, at Neal Park. Plans were made to incorporate the three groups in one organization.

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Norm•a. Mehlin and Esther Steiner were appointed a committee to select a name for the new club. Delores Schreiner, president ot the Early Elementary Club, 'presided at the business meeting. The group played wtdoor games under the supervision of Dorothy Moody and Ruth Daugherty. Watermelon w<?.S served by Bernice Bletcher and Delores Schrein-

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Odds and Ends by Murg1troyd

Who is Murgatroyd? He is a respectable, rough and ready, rogatory, rattle-brained, rummaging, roving reporter who knows his way around the campus. He is not limited by time and distance-his "nose" equipped with ears, eyes, a pencil, and a scratch pad. He even has a pass into the girls' dorm. By the way, he's a personal friend of nearly everyone on the campus. Conversation among the coeds these days centers around the Fall Formal to be held October 6. The important question seems to be, "Whom shall I invite?" "If I only remembered the name of that cute little fellow I danced with at the last mixer!" is a common complaint ni Eliza Morgan Hall. The lucky girls who already have dates try to offer advice to their less experienced friends. This, however, does not always prove too helpful. One senior girl decided to solve her problem by writing a .problact 11n the question. Incidentally, it hasn't been learned what her solution was. A few of the girls have started going to breakfast five or ten minuies early. In this way they get a first hand view of the sailors lea:ving the cafeteria. It has even been reported that one rather tall girl carries a measuring stick with her to determine which ones will be the right height. Last summer's student directory is ptobably the most popular book in the girls' dorm. It's too bad they didn't print ,pictures with the names. By the way, girls, Murgatroyd i.ll still on the available list. If anyone in the dorm has missed a formal the last few days, it may .be that someone has temporarily borrowed it to try it for size. Everyone has the same trouble; she needs a new formal. The solution to this seems to be: borrow one or trade the old one. Grab your musket and man your battle station! War has been declared! No, not a world war or "1 __civ.il war, .but the war among the civilian males at· Delzell Hall. Such things as climbing into bed with half a box of cracker crumbs, or rising suddenly from a chair 'Yhich has been water-cooled, or findings one's sheets in knots have been observed. On closer observation, one will see that "Dagwood gleam" appear in the eyes of a student; then his face lights up like a pin-ball machine, for he has just thought of some fiendish way to "get even" with one of his so-called friends. Surprising enough, the casualty rate has been very low, but who can tell how long it will last. The fella's do' agree on one thing. If one of their number should pass out of existense due to causes natural or otherwise, a small tribute of one black orchid from each member, of the student body would be very fitting. By the w.ay, there was a coed who asked whether the snakes at the Training School Fair were on leashes. The ath field hill now has a new face! It has been shaved of the undergrowth of the summer and the overhanging bangs have been clipped. Now-it is possible to see · the wayi to the tennis courts without ruining rackets cutting a path. Thanks to someone. It ·is rather interesting to note that fifty per cent of the 1945 grad.uating class of the training school has enrolled in the college fresh~en class. That is a remarkable 'record; more power to them. At 8:50, Monday morning, the : 50 bell rang, which was really . 8: 50 bell only it is still called the 7: 50 bell because that is what ~onorable alarm" says now. Con~ Nsin' but amusin'? Sunday night the nation went 'back to Standard time. Therefore, was less difficult for students find their 7: 50 classes, since light came an hour earlier. There were several more midht parties than usual Sunday ening because everyone realized would have an extra hour of p that night. Th.at was a chance a million!




Peruvians plan annual Homecoming Alumni to· have dinner meeting

Who will reign at homecoming

"It would be desirable to reactivate the Alumni Association at this time," said Mr. Clements in c¥:>Q\lssing Home-coming plans.

Louella Tieman, Janice Kimsey, and Codyi Anderson were selected by the three upper classes last week to be candidates for Homecoming Queen. One of these coeds will be elected by the vote of the student body to reign as Queen of Homecoming festivities on October 13.

To determine the feasibility of such action, an alumni reception will be held in the lobby of Eliza Morgan Hall on Saturday afternon, October 13, after the football game. During these meetings, fonner Peruvians may express their opinions and reorganize the association if enough people are interested in

the future of P. S. T. C. Th~ o:fganization has been inactive on the campus for more than ten


Peruvian offered for candid shot As an inducement to the members of the student body to submit their snapshots of campus life, the Peruvian staff is offering a free Peruvian to the person who, in the opinion of the staff, submits the best candid shot. The contest begins immediately and will continue until March 1, 1946.

Louoella Tieman, the senior candidate, is from Brock. This gray:. eyed brunette is five feet three inches. Her majors are history and social science and her minor, English. Being managing editor of the Pedagogian, vice president of Sigma Tau, and representative of the student council, are some of her responsibilities. She works in the office and tells the girls, "Your old man is waiting for you in the lobby." Louella is interested in interior decorating and likes to cook and keep house. Janice Kimsey, the candidate selected from the junior class, is from Farragut, Iowa. She is five foot two with eyes of bhre; she has brown hair. Her major is elementary education and.her minors are English and commerce. Her extra curricular interests are chorus, dramatics, and S. C. A. Janice works at the desk, too. It is reported that she likes to ring buzzers.

Drama dub presents fast moving ·comedy "Where The Dear Antelope Play," the homecoming production of 1945, will be held October 13, at 7:30 p. m., in the college aud;itorium. Some members of the cast have been in previous productions, and some are making their first appearances on the Peru stage. Ramona Handley Johnson has returned to the Peru campus after a few year's absence. Ramona. is especially interested in dramatics and was an active participant when here previously. She is very enthusiastic over her role as "Angelique Mather", the young heroine, for she says. "In every play I have ever been in, I have always been cast as an old lady or a middle-aged spinster. At last, I have the chance to play a young girl!"

Coeds sponsor victory formal

For Sale! Invitations to the Fall Formal to be held October 6, in the college gymnasium. Two weeks ago preceedings Ccxfy Anderson, the sophomore candidate, is fi:om Tecumseh. She were set in motion to plan the anis majoring in commerce and min- nual Fall Fonnal sponsored each In previous years, when the stu- oring in home economics. She is year by the women of the college. dent ·body was larger, there were a b~ae-eyed brunette, .. five feet Contrary to the normal .procedure, hundreds of candid shots taken four inches tall, and has a dimple this time the coeds issue' the inannually. This year the absence in her chin. She was a drum major- vitations and furnish the tickets. Since there is as yet no active of film is even more noticeable. ette in Tecumseh for five years. Cody was named after her great · donnitory council, the plans are For this reason, on those few uncle Bill Cody, better known as being carried out by committees who do have cameras rests the "Buffalo Bill". which were conscipted from the responsibility of supplying the girls as a group. shots which will keep the Peruvian Louella Tieman, a senior, is genthe distinctive annual that it has eral chairman of the formal. Two noted ladies been. Laurine Clayburn was appointed to secure the services of the colon All students who have snapshots lege swing band. now or 'Will have them during the Responsibility for the invitations ·year are urged to submit them at Two former Peru residents, was given to Delores Schreiner the earliest possible date, either Mrs. J. W. Crabtree of Washingand Janice Kimsey. Invitations to the editor, Ralf Graham, or to ton, D. C. and Mrs. R. D. Overare now on sale at the desk in the business manager, Ruth Com- holdt of Omaha, recently visited Eliza Morgan Hall or obtainable stock. ':V'ith friends here on the campus. from either member of the commitThere is no limit to the number Mr. Crabtree was the former tee. Ruth Comstock and Marcelyn of pictures whiCh one person may president of PSTC and served as enter in the contest. Members of secretary for years of the N. E. A. Scott will have charge of serving the Peruvian staff will not be perMr. Overholdt was registrar the refreshments. Girls who are dashing around mitted to participate. here from 1908 to 1928. trying to get the decorations lined up are Ruth Ann Crook, Barbara Berger, and Frankie Montgomery. HOMECOMING PROGRAM The theme of the formal was assigned to the imagination of Friday, October 12 Mary Rishel, Hester Friedly, and Pep RaUy --------------····--··-···--···-·-··-·-·--·-·---·-······---------·--·----· 7:00 Joan Thickstun, who decided to Meet at Gym. call it the Victory Ball. Thus the decoration of the gym Rally Dance ·------·-·---· ···M~~i~--li~ii 8:00 will be carried out in red, white, and blue, with the band-stand being spotlighted. co11ege Swing Band The guests will be welcomed at the door by a receiving committee. Saturday, October 13




Registration of Alumni ······--····-··········-············-··-·····-·· 1:30 Athletic Field Football Game 2:30 Peru vs. Doane Coronation of Queen at half Alumni Reception -·-········-···································-·······-·· 5:00 Eliza Morgan Lobby · Alumni Dinner 6:00 -·-···c~ii~i~--c~£~f~ti~·--··'····,·············-··




College Auditorium Alumni-College Dance ...................................................10:00 Al Marsh Orchestra College Gymna:sium

Kerr, Clark join Advisory Board Bill Kerr, Central City, NebrasJi:a, and Ward Clark, Eureka, Kansas, have been appointed to represent the Navy ·V-12 unit on the Student Advisory Council. The Council is mailing invitations to several hundred alumni and is asking them to contact other alumni in their vicinity whose addresses are not on the mailing list. The task of preparing :tor the alumni reception and dinner has been delegated to Mr. Clements, former president of the Alumni Association.

John Lawrence, a recently returned veteran, attended Peru as both a civilian and a V-12 trainee. He was a former Dramatic Club member and is cast in the role of "David Waters", a yoU'!lg banker with resourceful ideas. Ruth Comstock, a veteran of the Peru theatre, playing Shockput in "Nine Girls" and a. young actress in "Shubert Alley", plays David's mother, "Mrs. Henrietta Waters," a maternal character who is doing her best to aid cupid. Ruth is the present president of the Dramatic Club. An outstanding character of the play is Grandma Perrault, who will keep one guessing throughout the entire performance. "Grandma" is portrayed by Esther Steiner, another returnee to Peru this semester. Esther worked in dramatics before, in a summer production, and this last summer was greatly interested in play production. "Sophie Mather," Angelique's mother, has more than a full time occupation looking after her daughter and trying to iron out grancb:n:a.'s escapadfs. Sophie is played by Hester Friedly, a Peruvian of '42-'43, who has returned to the campus this fall. Grandma's bosom friend and Sophie's husband, "Henry Mather," is portrayed by Anselm Johnson, another former Peruvian, Anselm studied for a lime at the Pasadena Playhouse and has now returned to earn his degree. He is the vicepresident of the Dramatic Club. Ruth Ann Crook, "Mrs. Wiggin," in the play, will be giving her first performance on the Peru stage as a society woman with a one track mind. "Ida Candle," Ruth Meister, and "Ploultney Bellastair Hicks", Clay Kennedy, are professional rivals who add a lively touch to the production. Clay, a graduate of Peru High '45, had a part in his senior play, so the stage is not new to him. Ruth is returning to Peru this year as a sophomore, who is interested in dramatics. "May Shrould," a noisy old busy body, is portrayed by Frances Guy. Fran worked last year in "Shubert Alley" and has helped in back stage work. She is secretay of the Dramatic Club. Last but by no means least is "T-Bone" played by Sam Bradford. T-Bone is the typical southern darkie of no age but of much character.- Sam is another new comer. The story takes place in Indian City, Texas, in an old fashioned but substantial house. While Henrietta Waters is trying to develop a romance between her son and Angelique, Ida Candle and Hicks are bickering over their professional standings. BUT WHAT IS GRANDMA DOING? Is she helping Henry and Sophie out of their troubles? What scheme will she use next? Only Griindma can answer this for you. The play is under the direction of Miss Hazel L. Williams.

Al Marsh coming Al Marsh and his orchestra, an up and coming band from Omaha has been selected to play at th~ All College-Alumni Dance at Homecoming on October 13. Although Marsh is a new comer to this territory, he is reported to be able to play "Sweet" swing and "Solid" jive with the best of them.


Merchant problems

• • •

Welcome Alumni Dear Peruvian: It is a real pleasure to have the opportunity to extend to you, on behalf o~ the faculty, students, and alumni on the campus, a very cordial invitation to return to Peru for Homecoming on October 13. During the war it has been impossible for you to return as often as we would liked to have you, and some of you have been unable to come at all. However, during your absence we rave tried to keep Peru the way you remember it-a: "Friendly College," and we have tried to keep alive the customs and traditions that are "Peru" and that you like to remember. Since the beginning of the fall term, the Student Advisory Council has worked earnestly to make this a REAL Homecoming. The program has been arranged with your enjoyment in mind, and we hope that you will plan now to spend October 13 with your friends in Peru. Sincerely yours, Eldon H. Hyward, '29, Registrar.

Spirit of Homecoming Homecoming is just a few days away (October 12 and 13) and this year plans are being made for a bigger and better celebration than in the past. For the last several years our Homecoming crowds were cut down due to wartime restrictions-tire and gas rationing. Now these r.estrictions have been lifted-more Peruvians will return to the campus. Are we going to show them that we still have tlie school spirit which they knew~ It is up to each of us to ma:ke this Homecoming a success. Committees alone can't do it. They are willing to take the responsibility for planning and organizing the events, but they need your help in making them successful. Are you willing to help~ · A football game isn't successful unless there is a crowd in the stands to cheer for the team. The team needs your support. Show Peruvians that you are behind the teamtha:t we still have school spirit. Give your cheerleaders a little. help, too. A play has only a few characters. No matter how well they present the play, it can't be a hit unless there is an audience. Each of you is a part of the cast which ma:kes the production a success. Let's see you play your part. The Homecoming dance is one of the big events of the year. The orchestra is the big part of it but there still isn't a dance unless you participate. The ochestra will furnish the music, but you have to make it a dance. . Peruvians have always been loyal to the "campus of a thousand oaks." Show your loyalty with more school spirit. Make this THE Homecoming to remember.

W.hat is Homecoming? The actual definition of Homecoming is rather uninteresting, but its connotation to every student, teacher, and alumni is a great deal different. When the word is mentioned, everyone thin!ks of meeting old friends and seeing .once again old places, making new friends, reminiscences of old times and letting himself go. Everyone thinks of the thrill of seeing our team carry the ball over the goal for another touchdowu, of the suspense while waiting ~or the curtain to go up for the play, and the enjoyment of knowing that he has seen a good presentation. Homecoming raises the morale of the student body .and alumni a great deal. The spirit should be greater this year than ever before because colleges all over the country are trying to get back to their pre-war normal; veterans are returning in increasing numbers and they will want to be back at this Homecoming and remember the campus. We should do everything in .our power to. keep them, and all other alumni interested in education and in Peru. ' Let's make this the best one·inthe history of the coHeg't

by Sam Bradford One very important matter that has been overlooked by post-war planners and which needs immediate attention is the merchant's selling of his post-war articles about which everyone has been talking. For a while all will be well with everyone buying everything that he can get his hands on, but this will die down and the retailer will have the problem just as he had it before the war-how to sell his wares. His magic word which he used so often during the war will be useless. Customers won't snatch up his goods at the mere whisper of it. It has to be faced. The "open sesame'" to sales is dead. No longer will people tremble excitedly at the mention of it. "It's pre.war!" is gone.! This tag will now mean only something old (and therefore · no good in the consumer's mind). What is the merchant to do? Before the war, everything under the sun was tried in vain to describe adequately the marvelous quality of his goods. Stupendous, marvelous, gigantic, revolutionary, and thousands more along the same line were tried with little luck. For a while the word "super" came close, but it soon was over-worked and lost its punch. In fact, advertisers have used these words so much that they seem very tame. If you should say to an average person that "The T. N. T. blast was overwhelming!" he would probably answer "Is that all?" I think l inay have the answer to the merchant's dream. Do not overlook the amazing (another word that is worn to a frazzle) power of the atomic bomb. This might be the key. How would this ad look to the atom-conscious citizen: Johnson's ATOMIC NUTCRACKER Use the force of the atom to do your will! Johnson's nutcracker-composed of millions of teeming atoms exerting their force in this cast-iron MIRACLE TOOL. "Johnson's uses atomic force." No other nutcracker can make this statement. · This is just a rough sketch showing the possibilities in the possibilities in the · thing. For foods, merchants can throw away the worn-out vitamin theme and call the product "Atom Enriched.'' Everyone knows that one cannot see atoms; there would be no complaints to the effect that the customer had looked all through the package and had found none.

IJllumni trail Peggy Ficke (at '43) is attending Mrs. James Morrison, formerl3 Nebraska Wesleyan at Lincoln Louise Walker of Peru, who is ir and also is working in the shoe California with her husband department at Gold's. .Between writes that their car tangled wiU the two she manages to keep quite a street car and was badly dambusy while waiting for her fiance, aged. Louise is in a Naval hos· Wyman Steadman to get his dis- pital at Santa Barbara with ' charge. broken collar bone, but Jimm) Imogene Crosley (at '44) is (V-12) escaped with min o J working at the Richardson Coun- bruises. ty Bank in Falls City, Nebraska. Marybelle Dougherty (at '42Ruby Rohrs (SS '45) writes that 45) is teaching grades one, two she has only four pupils this year. three and four in South SidE She is teaching a rural school near school at Nebraska City, NebrasJohnson. ka. Irene Nispel ('44) is working at Fourth grade teacher at Tabor Hardy's in Lincoln. She is spe- Iowa is Elaine Foster (at '45). cializing in interior decorating. Marian Stover (at '43-'45) Helen Pitsenberg.er (at '43-'45) writes that she is enjoying he1 has seventeen first graders at At- school teaching at Louisville, Nelantic, Iowa. braska. Mrs. Art Maschenross,, the formBarbara Dressler ('45) is firsl er Jean Crook, (at '36) visited grade teacher at Central Schoo! the campus last week· and plans to in Beatrice, Nebraska. One of thE return soon to her home in Long highlights of her summer is tha1 Beach, California. she was asked to speak at thE Marian Friedly (SS '44) is state P. E. 0. business session teaching the mst grade at Harlan which was held in Falls City School in Falls City. Nebraska Barbara, along wit!: Jean Meister (SS '45) is teach- several other Peruvians, spent her ing the rural school in her home summer working in Denver, Colodistrict near Humboldt, Nebraska. rado. Genevieve Mobley (at '38-'40) Dr. and Mrs. Norman Flau stopis teaching in a Japanese reloca- ped last week to visit the former's tion center at Tula Lake, Newell, . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flau: California. Dr. Flau (at '38-'40) and his wife Dean Slagfo ('42) has accepted were on their way to Vancouver, a position as a chemist for the Dr. Wash., where Dr. Flau will serve Salsbury Laboratories at Charles his internship after graduating City, Iowa. from the University of Illinois Irene Mayors (at '45) is having Medical College. an exciting time as an employee Frank L. Sievers ('28) has been of the State Highway Patrol at appointed Supervisor of SecondCheyenne, Wyoming. In addition ary Education in the office of the to doing stenographic work, Irene State Superintendent. acts as a radio operator, broadMiss Virginia Speich ('35) has casting police calls. For the radio been elected social science inwork she had to become a licensed structor at Wayne State Teachers radio operator and she says she College. Dr. W. T. Miller, head enjoys that part of her work the of the social science department, most. was formerly a member of the Peru faculty.

Mrs. Joder is retire'd from staff

High tribute is paid to Anna Best Joder by the Editorial Staff of the Player's Magazine from which she is retiring as editor. With the May 1945 issue which is in honor of her work, she completed sixteen years of editing the Players Magazine. She has helped to bring about its growth from four issues a year, .with twenty-four pages each, to eight issues with as many as forty-eight pages. Through her courage and determination, the Players has remained a beautiful book despite war-time difficulties. Most of her editing was done at The point should be made and her home,. in addition to various stressed that the atoms (always household duties. follow the word with an exclamaAs to the future, Mrs. J oder's tion mark) give one their energy plans are to continue theatre and give one the power of a bomb. work by serving on the council The merchant should steer clear of advertising that might give the of the Children's Theatre of She also uninformed the false notion that Cheyenne, Wyoming. the atoms explode inside the per- hopes to continue writing plays, but her main desire is to spend son. more time with her family. This is being offered to the· Anna Best J oder was a member business world for what it is of the Peru college faculty from worth and the writer asks no 1926 to 1929 during which time credit for himself since his aim she was in charge of speech eduis to benefit mankind. This is his cation and was sponsor of the feeble attempt to solve what dramatic club. The Joders made might have proved to be the worst Peru their home until recently misery of the merchant in decades, when they moved to the "Bar even in centuries. None" ranch outside of Cheyenne.

Students assist with staging play Miss Hazel L. Williams announced the production staff for the first play of the season. Laurtne Clayburn is stage manager, assisted by Frankie Montgomery, Una May Leech, Doris Wagner, Sam Bradford, and Clay Kennedy. Head of the property committee is Barbara Berger, helped by Janice Kimsey, Phyllis Steever, Irene Zednik, ,and Blondena Howerton. Fran Guy is the business chairman and her assiStants are Goldie Motis, Bonnie Aufenkamp, and Evelyn. Stepan. Bookholders are Joanne Banks, Margaret Spellman, and Mary Lou Genoa.

Art dep, t shows Swan, s paintings Miss Norma Diddel announces that the art department is sponsoring an exhibit of water colors of Mexico by Mr. Walter Buckingham Swan. These are some of the paintings which have recently been exhibited at the National Collection of Fine Arts of the United States National Museum in Washington, D. C. This showing was sponsored by the Mexican Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Francisco Castillo Najers, and exhibited under the auspices of the Pan American Union, with Dr. L. B. Rowe as general director. The paintings will be hung in the art rooms and be on display afternoons during October. There will be no admission charge. Visitors during Homecoming days vlill find the collection well worth the' time required to see it. Several years ago a group of water colors painted by Mr. Swan in and of the United States were displayed in the art department. · The pictures will be for sale, should anyone be interested in purchasing one.

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students of the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru1Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. Peru, Pedagogian, Tuesday, October 2, 1945 Managing Editor -····-···-·········-··-····· .. ··-···-·······Louella Tieman Make-up Editor ··-··-·········-··········-········-·-·-·······--···Frances Guy Feature Writer ·-········-····-··············-·····--··-···········Sam Bradford Sports ·-·--········-······-·-·······-···-·William Witty and Joe Weber Reporters .......,Laurine Clayburn, Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Janice Kimsey, Virginia Lawrence, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgomery, Dorothy Stepan, and Jean Van Camp. Adviser .............................................,................Meta Norenberg Business Adviser -··········- _. ---··--·····-··········E. H. Hayward

Blue Stars • • • Hubert Hunzeker him where he was going. It l) was recently on the campus seemed that the colonel did not ying a separation leave after have a room. g hospitalized six months as "The residential section of esda Hospital, Maryland. Lt. Tokyo has been burned out alzeker has served in the Navy years, sixteen months of most 1003," Art writes. He. ich was spent in the Pacific states that now the J aps are betres of war. He saw service ginning to move back into these the Ordinace and Gunnery areas. They are rebuilding huts ool at Washington D. C., Navy mostly of corrugated steel. d, and at the Naval Training He has no idea .of how soon he tion at Norfolk, Virginia. Lt. will be home, but· says he expects zeker expects to receive his MacArthur will need his help a charge from service directly. "while longer, as the fellows who are married and have families are · T Sgt. Art Clements (at '42-'43) being sent home first. ites his parents, Superintendent d Mrs. S. L. Clements, that he Ensign Robert E. Pack tV-12:now fa Tokyo, Japan, serving '44) is with the U. S. S. Cecil in h the First Cavalry as a radio Tokyo Bay. hnician. Art writes that he S 1-c Zane C. Fairchild (V-12ed he was about the 350th n of the 1st Cavalry to land on '45) is now attending Ninson Junior C0llege at Chicago. apanese soil. Ensign Warren Kentopp (V-12T-Sgt. Clements and several of friends spent the first few '44) is a member of the crew of a 'ghts there in one of the large landing ship at Norfolk, Virginia. owntown hotels. He writes that He recently spent a fifteen:day e rooms in this hotel were re- leave visiting his parents near rved for G. H. Q. Officers but Falls City. mistake was made, and these Ensign James Thorton (V-12ows were allowed to stay there. '44) is also stationed at Norfolk. ater in the evening ,a colonel Lt. Percy L. Schmelzer (at '41pped ·one of them and asked .43) is now located at St. Charles, Louisiana. Lt. (j. g.)

tudents enjoy laying in band

Lorna Mae Hun.zeker (SS '44), Audrey Reynolds (at '45), and Betty Kennedy (at '41-'44) are

M105 is orte of the rooms on the cadet nurses at the University ampus in which the most surpltl'S Hospital in Omaha. nergy is released. At 7:50 on WedDonald Mees (V-12 '44) is makesday morning and 1:00 on Moning plans to attend Ames College ay, the active members of Peru's at Ames, Iowa, this fall. His ep band gather in the musi,c hall classes start in November. Don o beat and blow and tap the toe. has spent the past year working Interest iti the organization is for the Rock Island Railroad in real. Several of the members are Fairbury. playing without credit for the enjoyment derived at rehearsals. Captain George D. Haskins Some of them are, on their own ('34) is with the Army of Occupainitiative, learning to play instru- tion at Straubing, Bavaria, Ger·.ments. Several navy fellows are many, on the Danube River. Part offering their time and talent to of his military duties consists of the band. getting refugees and displaced perOf course, it is admitted that sons back home. Captain Haskins · all the fun isn't had in the Music was a member of the high school ·Hall. Special concerts and band faculty at David City when he entrips are enjoyed· on the side. A listed in February, 1942. trip to the. Doane game was made A-C Donald Andrews (V-12· possible by the efforts of Mr. Jin- '43) completed primary flight . dra, who secured transportation. training at Ottumwa, Iowa, AuThose who deliver pep for the gust 1, and is now in advanced ..school are: clarinets, Bonnie Auf- flight training at Corpus Christi, enkamp, Margaret Spelhnan, Mar- Texas. ilyn McCandless, Dick Quinn, and All cadets had liberty the day tor. Weigand; saxaphones, Ei- after Jap surrender; so he spent n Wheeldon, Ted Beyert, and the day with Stanley Capps and ne Haynes; baritones, Phyllis Mrs. Capps at Corpus Christi. The genmiller and Jessie Rhoten; two men were schoolmates and mbones, Richard Smith and both entered V-12 together, Capps n: Carson; sousaphones, Ronald transferring into radio and Anry, Guenther Schnabl, and drews into V-5. Capps ,is. starald Matschullat; cornets, Helen tioned at Ward Island. wlett, ·Lester Russell, Thelma Bernard L. Goerke, who is staight, and Donald Carter; french tioned at Camp Carson, Colorado, , Willard Hunzeker; snare ·writes that he expects to be diss, Ruth Comstock and Ruth charged soon; he expects to conCrook; bass drum, Mary tinue working in audio-visual edin; piccolo, Don Aufenkamp; ucation however. For nearly lyras, Una Mae Leech and three years, he has been connecth Meister; cymbals, Barbara ed with that type of work in the ger; and cheer leaders, Phyllis army. er, Laurine Clayburn, Jim kley and· Ivan Skinner.



·HEATER Oct. 2-3. "Girl Rush" Oct. 4-5-6 "Without Love" Oct. 7-8 "It's A Pleasure" Oct. 9-10 "Three Is A Family" Oct. 11-12-13 Nothjng But Trouble" Oct. 14-15 onight & Every Night''

Grid facts For the benefit of those people who are mathematically inclined, here are a few figures for them to juggle. If they arrive at any conclusive conclusions, the Ped will be glad to publish the results.

Wheelermen triumph over Warrensburg Peru Bobcats .knocked off the Warrensburg "Mules"

Washburn defeated Warrens- last 1Friday, September 28, to the tune of 7-0, regardless of burg 25-0; Washburn defeated the inclement weather and the long distance the Cats had Peru 21-0; Peru defeated Warrens- to travel for the game. burg 7-0; Peru defeated Doane 34-7; Doane defeated Midland · The Wheelermen did their scor- to one car's having a broken rod 6-0. ing in the second period of the and the other having lost its way. Next Friday night Peru plays game: Rosenblum carried the ball Coach arid his 12 men who arrived Warrensburg again on the home off left tackle for the touchdown, at 6:30 had to wait and sweat the field. Peru plays Doane at home- and the conversion point was kick- time out and were relieved after coming, October 13, and plays ed by Ruede. the 8 o'clock kick-off. Midland the following Friday Very few times did the "Mules" Next Friday, Warrensburg will night. come close to 'paydirt', buit when challenge Peru to a game on the With the advantage of playing they did, Peru grid;sters held them local field. Fern fans can expect on the home field, with increased off, forcing them to punt. It was a good game, for the boys promise efficiei:icy because of more exper~ a get-and-take game. Warrensburg to demonstrate how to take the ience on the part of the Bobcats, used the T formation with a single "kick out of the mules". and with the eligibility of a couple wink to the right and left. Goins of players, everything points to did some outstanding defensive work. ' Peru's coming out on top. Whose guess will be right? A cold, spitting rain began at the first of the third quarter. Consequently the ball had to be changed for each play; the wet, slippery Don Owens, better known to field gave ample reason for the poor traction of the players. Under Peruvians as "Tex", was game such conditions, not much passing captain for the Peru-Warrensburg The two navy mascots, who was expected to be done by either game. Tex, a husky 176 lb. L. G., whose have as many names as they do school; however, Warrensburg atmasters, including Eager and Bea- tempted 5 and completed 1; Peru home is Wichita Falls, Texas,, was ver, Pete and Repeat, Chow Jr., attempted 8 and completed 1. The stationed previously at San Diego. Football 'has always been his "Ehner" of Dagwood fame, and Peru completion was made by just plain "perp", seem to be Thompson. First downs piled up game. He played four years in growing even if they do have to to even count of five for each team. high school, acting as captain his take. "chow on the run". That's Warrensburg had a large num- last year. Tex expects to ·' '.end college what they get for having a busy ber of substitutes which they put navy mother. in frequently; their team was after his discharge 1 m the navy. "As far as the gar. is concernEvidently the pups know "chow large and the players hefty. call"; at least they haven't missed One remarkable point of the ed, the real test of w rnJ. is the best a muster yet. They march up to the game was that there was only one team will come when we play on Galley along with the Old Lady fumble throughout the whole a dry field," was Tex's prediction and the battalion just c~n't seem muddy game. Warrensburg fumbl- on next week's game, when Peru will meet Warrensburg for a reto keep in step. Their back legs ed and Matschulatt recovered. just won't make like the front Kick-off was scheduled for 7:45 turn game. "I really like football; it someones. Chief Grachowski says they and part of the Peru team did not are a little young for marching in arrive until 7: 50. This was due how gets into a person's character," stated Orlen Rice, 175 pound cencadence as yet but they're eager to ter, who was game captain for the learn. The mascots are lucky at lea;;t they had found another "push Warrensburg-Peru game. Orlen and his buddies were up in that they don't have a chow over". He promptly proceeded to line. Little Chow is always through beat the socks· off them, making against a handicap at this game, and bothering the Old Man who himself quite a hero to the boys for it was their first game and for in typical fatherly fashion won't who can't even hit the cue ball rrian.y Peru players, their .first have anything to do with the little with the gismo, let alone the other college game. Orlen is a Nebraska boy, hailing "runt", before I even get within ball with the cue ball. sight of the galley.. Now I'm not Coach Wheeler seems to be the from Grand Island. He played complaining or anything, but why first to undertake the elimination football two years in junior high does our platoon always have to of Navy V-12 officer candidates and all 3 years in senior high. He plans to finish his college be last?. dlie to the secession of hostilities. Storekeeper 1-c Quinn is leav- The coach tied together the hands work .after he is out of the navy. The victorious captain at the ing the Peru V-12 unit on the 5th and feet of all the members oi of this month to report to his new the Navy swimming classes, lined Peru-Doane game was Jim Patterstation at the Great Lakes Naval them up on the edge of the pool son of Salt Lake City, Utah. J.im, known to most fans as Training Center. We wish Store- c.nd ordered them to jump. keeper Quinn luck, and we'll miss We realize, Coach, that there has "Pat", has been in the navy 32 him and his cigar but hope we to be a reduction in converting months, serving in the Atlantic don't have occasion to see him to the peace time navy, but does theatre. He, too, played high school football. soon at Great Lakes. it have to be so drastic? The new storekeeper arrived If all goes well, Pat plans to Confidentially somebody will last week and is already well have to think up a new method finish his schooling in the field o! known around the ship. Johnny of elimination. Everybody, includ- engineering. Donofrio, storekeeper 3-c, origin- ing Schnabl, made it to the ohter Looking back on the Doane game, ally from Erie, Pennsylvania, more end. ·Pat said that the men of the backlately from the Solemn Islands, We'll all have to agree that the field give credit to the linemen has three years of navy service coach is doing a wonderful job. Looking forward to the return behind him, twenty-five months A lot of us couldn't even swim game with Doane at Homecoming, of overseas duty. when we arrived in Peru, and now Pat says, "We've got to win that Upon Johnny's arrival here, unit we can survive the soap box opera game. Homecoming is a big celeexperts immediately inticed him author's favorite method of killing bration, and we are going to make into the recreation room thinking off his characters. it one."

IOn. board

3 Captain• s views on past games

IDorm Dope

by Frankie Montgomery

According to . the sign on the door of room 120, Janice Kimsey and Janice Slagle are planning on leaving soon. That is, as soon as someone who iS homeless answers the For Rent sign on their door. I wonder if they plan to move the Ouija Board which is d'ecoratirig their walls 5o beautifully? Watermelon feeas seem to be quite the thing in the donn. Bonnie Aufenkamp and Goldie Motis have is.su~ a standing invitation to anyone who cares to help eat said fruit. Warning! The fountain by the woman's cloak room is very dangerous. Dorm officials have decided that for safety's sake, a "Highly Explosive" sign should be placed near it. Who likes watermelon? Then, try to match this one: Saturday afternoon, Margaret Wellensiek, Frances La Seur, and Phyllis Fish. er bought three watermelons. Whtt a feast they had! The soap Shortage must be over. Ruth Randall and Nancy Steck were giving Eager and Beaver a good scrubbing the other afternoon. The soap flew high! Marilyn HQberg's latest ambition-to have a pin up picture of Bugs Bunny. Pandora Morgan seems to be having quite a time sleeping in a strange bed. That is, she did have, tJintil she found that emptying the cracker crUlllbs out of the sheets helped. She and roomie, Jessie Rhoten, also found it most difficult to swim out of their room the morning after it was flooded by neighboring "friends". Phyllis Fisher was surprised by a call from McClaskey Hospital at Temple, Texas. Pfc. Clarence Stanzel, the young man who is on her dresser, called her Monday, September 24. He has been in Okinawa. and was wounded in action there. Nancy Steck visited Barbara Burgess and Donnie Parriot in the Dorm last week. No more of these midnight parties, girls! Ruth. Comstock has been sick for several days. Any contributions

H. Smedley tells of Persian life


Frosh organize personality dub

D. Sceba heads cindid shot fans

of flowers or fruit would be appecilited. Donald Seeba was elected PetS seem to be quite the tliihg chairman of the Camera Club at in Eliza. Morgan this year. Newest it's first meeting; Thursday, and most unusual is the baby September 20, in the Science Hall. snake, Elmer, found in Thelma Sponsor Banfield painted an Wright's room. Also, when visiting t:xcitiilg future for the club inTheima's zoo, note the turtle on Cluding going on field trips or her bed. Oh-that's only a pillow, hikes for the purpose of taking but very realistic. piCtures. Mr. Banfield al.So plans Lois Boyd, a freshman, has her to have the Camera Club aid him walls decorated in a much more in hiS work as official photogtaphsensible fashion than do some bf ~r for the Peruvian. the inmates. She is very talented The object of the club is to inin painting .and has several paint- terest students iii. developing ings that she has done. When you photography as a hobby. Memhave time, go see them. They really bers will try to improve their look professional. t!lchnique in taking good pictures Barbara Burgess has a bad at- and learning how to develop tack of poison ivj. Did you think them. in doing thiS Mr. Banfield it was a flower, Barbara? states that he expects to have wen. fellow-Sufferers in this ~me help from the Eastman great academy of learning, !'in Kodak Company. sleepy and I have a 7:50 tomorrow. At the next meeting, which will So this will have to be all till the be held October 4, Bill Saul will next time. speak on some of his experiences Members present· at the meeting were Eimer Backenberg; Donnie Parriott, Phyllis Steever, and Donald Seeba. Mr. Banfield suggests that the activities of the Student assistants in the library club would be more interesting if this year include Bernice Bletscher, more students participated.

IUnder cover

Una Mae Leech, Frances La Seur, Frankie Montgomery, Margaret Spellman, Louella Tieman, Aileen Wheeldon, and Phyllis Winkle. Also oil this list is Ann Pfister, Ruth Ann Crook was named who is helping in the text-book library. These students, under the prexy of the sophomores at a class supervision of Miss Carey and meeting after convocation on FriMiss Kennedy, handle willingly day. Don Autfenkamp, Ruth Meister, and to the best of their ability and Phillis Winkle were elected the requests made of them. vice president, secretary, and treaSeveral new books have been surer respectively. added to the library's collection Mr. Larson is the class adviser. for the reader's enjoyment and information. Novels recently added to the rental shelf are: "So Well Remembered" by James HilShoe Repa.irs of All ltinds ton, "A Lion in the Streets" by Electric Shoe Shop Adrica Locke Langley, and "Party Line" by Louise Baker. Other books Peru, N1llruka include: "The Pattern of Soviet Power" by Edgar Snow, "Try and Stop Me" by Bennett Cerf, "Sea Language Comes Ashore" by Joanna Carver Colcord, "Out of the Midwest" by John T. Frederick, Groceries, Meats, Fruits "Man in a Chemical World" by A. and Vegetables Cressy Morrison, "Iowa: A Guide to the Hawkeye State" by the Federal Writers' Project.

Harlan Smedley, of Auburn, Nebraska, spoke Friday, September 2, to the convocation audience on the 'sirbject of "Mohammedanism". Mt. Smedley spent 21h years in Iran (Persia). He stated that he was lucky because he lived in Tar.an, a somewhat modern city, where the heat was not so extreme as in the south central part, where in the middle of February, it reaches 186 ·degrees. Telling of the two distinct social classes, the status of women, and the conditions of the country, Mr. Smedley said, "It looks good to see a group of well-groomed people". His visit to Jerusalem included both the old and new sections.

Ruth Crook is Sophomore prexy

Freshmen met in Mount Vernon parlor, Thursday evening, Sept. "Learn to Dance," a Thursday 20, to organize this year's Person- night freshman dub, started with ality ,club. a bang last week. Most of the Lois Helmick was elected presi- freshman and as many other student, Alice Richards, Vice president, dents who could find an excuse and Phyllis Hogenmiller, secre- to leave the dorm, flocked to the taryi-tteasuter. music hall to learn the basic Proper manners in connection dance steps. Good progress was with the fall formal were discussed made under the capable direction by Margaret Wellensick, upper- of Miss Nona Palmer, with the class sponsor. assistance of the upper class Eileen Teegarden, Helen Riza, sponsors, Jean Van Camp and and Mary Lou Genoa were ap- Ralf Graham. pointed the program committee. Years past this has been one Mrs. Maxwell is the faculty adof the popular freshmen clubs, viser. continuing through three quarters instead of the usual two. Under this arrangement ample time for beginners to gain confidence on the dance floor was obtained.

Una Leech is discussion leader

"Forgiveness of Germany and Japan" was the topic of a panel discussion held at the Student Christian Association meeting on Tuesday evening, September 25, at the Music Hall. President Una Mae Leech led the discussion; Doris Wagner and Janice Kimsey were the other members of the panel. The opening statements gave a general background for the discussion. Conclusions were that education is an essential factor necessarY' to the complete foregiveness and future peace of the belligerent countries.

Seasonable Fraits Groceries, Meats and Delicious Pastries Daily

Esther Steiner was elected president of the Junior class at a meeting held after convocation September 24. Doris Wagner and Virginia Lawrence were elected vice-president and sectetary-treasurer. A short meeting was held after election of officers. Class dues was the main topic.

Dr. H. C. Dallam




Bertha M. Thomson, M.D. Physician and Surgeon



Earl's Cafe Serves Meals Also Ice Cream, Cold Drinks, Candy

Peru Cleaners and Tailors CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Phone 12

Where Your Money Buys More

C1ll ua for bu• Information

Right Away Shoe Shop

Everett Appleoate, Sr., Mgr., while Earl 11 In U. 8. Sel'Ylce


Phone 65

Service with a. smile!

Peru, Nebr.

School Supplies and Notions

Refresher course

H. U. Landolt (Opposite Training School) 'Phone 78 Peru, Nebr.

Homecoming October 12-13


Welcom'e to All Activities

Phone 112

ln The Jewelry Line:

Phone 60

Mardis Grocery

Let us serve your wants with healthful and appetizing foods.

E. Steiner leads Junior activities

Phone Office 32; Res. 1t6 Peru, Nebrask1

J.P. Clark

Avenue Store

Students enjoy ''I earn to danceII

..... ,.




Nebraska City Coca~Cola Bottling Company

Chatelain'a Jewelry Peru, Nebr.

Odds and Ends by Murgatroyd

For some time family members of the girls' dorm participated in a number of evening style shows, better known as housemeetings. They arrived in anything from gracefully flowing housecoats to flashy red and purple pajamas, or jeans with long white shirts. Red, white, and blU'e crepe paper added color to the scene, for the girls rolled strips of paper while they discussed the business at hand. One of the latest fads recently seemed to be for sailors to roll crepe paper streamers while waiting for their "dates" to arrive. At least this was a common scene in Eliza .Morgan lobby the week before the Victory Ball. Instead of nervously pacing the floor and tearing his hair while waiting for "the lady of his dreams", the young suitor was ushered to a chair by the office girl and handed five streamers and four pins with instructions to fasten the streameN together and then roll them neatly. By the way, the decorations at the Fall Formal were outstanding. They should have stayed up for a week to let people enjoy a beautiful gym. Alas, yes! so it has always been and so it will always be! Homecoming week ,a time of gay festivities eagerly anticipated by all on the campus, must always be awaited with mixed fear and dread by freshmen. Ah, yes, initiation week is the one chance duTing the year that upperclassmen have to give vent to their inferiority b'y harrassing the poor freshies. A!ter a few days of trying to follow the seemingly outrageous rules set up by the council, these innocent victims will admit, as all other freshmen before them have admitted, that it really ·was quite a lot of fun. And, if, in the end, they have proved to foe world and most important, to themselves, that they "can take it" why then the experience has been beneficial. Now that the initiation is over, the freshmen can again live without kowtowing to the whims and fancies of the diabolical upperclassmen. 'Tis rumored that one upperclass girl took a bath in soft water, and more than one took a vacation from room-cleaning and menial little tasks such as shoe-polishing and nail-polishing. The col'sages of the formal this year seemed to look even lovelier than usual. There were beau1iful combinations of button chrysanthemums, carnations, roses, and gardenias. And two coeds felt especially glamorous wearing orchids. There were several familiar faces at the gym Saturday, when it was being decorated for the formal. Yes, the same old pals that are always there-pitching in. They are the same ones who got up at nine o'clock Sunday morning to take down the decorations, the same ones who worked on Homecoming decorations, and the same ones who will probably be there the next time something has to be done. It is nice that there are these people around, but one shouldn't depend on them too much. What if a couple of them woll'ld break a leg or something? That would really be drastic. A few of the people who don't do much along these lines might get some experience one of these days. Just in case of an emergency! ! ! Here is an orchid apiece to those people who planned a very successful homecoming. Here is also a spray of orchids apiece to those few who pushed, pulled, and forced those plans into execution. Had homecoming been delayed a few more hours, it might have been lilies for the Messrs. Reynolds, Banfield, and Graham.





Students dance to "SoI'd 1 Macs II Bright spot on the campus Saturday night, October 6, was the college gymnasium, where the Victory Ball was in progress. After being welcomed by the receiving line, the formal-goers took advantage of the music being furnished by the college swing band. Formals of varied colors and hues whirled around under the ceiling of red; white, and blue. Featured entertainers for the evening were Jean and Ruth Meister, and Rli'th Ann and Marian Crook, who harmonized on their o\vn arrangements of "I Don't Know Why I Love You" and "I'll Walk Alone." Later in the evening it was discovered that over in one corner, punch was being served by Phyllis Steever and her "batkstage" helpers, Ruth Comstock and Margaret Spelhnan.

.Blue feathers are dance souvenirs Follovring a very spirited pep rally on the' campus and downtown, a rally dance was held in the music hall. Blue feathers with white P's were given as souvenirs to the large crowd that attended. The music was furnished by the swing band.

Miss E. Clark dies in Hartford Word has been received in the college office that Miss Esther Ann Clark, professor emeritus in the foreign language department, passed away on September 25, at the Hartford hospital. Miss Clark had been living with her niece, Mrs. Miriam Reimer, . of Hartford, Connecticut. She celebrated her 90th birthday last March 1, at which time Peru friend); rememberedi her with cards and letters.

All.college dance climaxes festivities Alumni, students, and faculty danced to the music of Ar' Marsh and his orchestra at the annual Alumni-college dance in the college gymnasium. Following immediately after the play, it was the final event on the Homecoming program. Streamers of blue and white covered the gymnasium walls and ceiling to give a festive air for the occasion. A large number of Peru's blue stars and other alumni helped make the dance a ~uccess. Ruth Comstock was in charge of the decorations.

Cody Anderson was crowned Queen of Homecoming at a coronation ceremony before a crowded stadium on Saturday afternoon between the halves cf the PeruDoane football game. Janice Kimsey and Louella Tieman were her attendants. The identity of the queen was revealed when Miss Anderson stepped from the gaily decorated convertible which broli'ght her and her attendants to the rear center of the field.

Tragedy strikes campus mascots A note of gloom overshadowed the campus Monday morning when it was learned that Little Chow, one of the beloved mascots of the Peru team and pet of everyone on the campus, had been hit by a car and killed. The devoted canine family, Lady, Chow, and their two pups has been a familiar sight on the campus this fall. Last week sometime Little Lady, the spotted pup, disappeared. The death of Little Chow will completely dissolve the family. Perhaps the breaking up this group of "Navy dogs" is symbolic of the end of the V-12 unit at Peru.

Students read for Sigma Tau Original compositions of student members were heard at Sigma Tau Delta on Monday evening, October 8. William Witty read a short story entitled "It's a Great Life", and Una May Leech read a poem called "Skater's Woes". Arrangements for the fall initatory banquet were discussed during the business session. At the close of the meeting, JYir. Witty served refreshments, con·· sisting of sandwiches, cake, and pop or tea, which were prepared by Mrs. Witty.

Peru V-12 unit ends; men receive order's Orders for the V-12 men stationed -0n the Peru campus were received on Thursday morning. Since the unit will be closed after October 20, all men are being transferred. Lt. Carl, commanding officer, and several members of his staff, will remain for a short time to complete the closing -0f the unit To the University of Wisconsin at Madison Will go Herman Bienhoff, Alfred Fischer, Donald Gillen, Robert Goins, Virgil Huff, William Kerr, Joseph McGuire, Dewey Nekich, Donald Owen, James Patterson, Douglas Peterson, Alvin Pierce, Duane Puckett, Orlen Rice, Hubert Rosenblum, Gifford Ruede, Jack Thornburgh, and Donald Twiss. Dr. J. M. Holman will go to Louisville, Kentli'cky, to work in the organization of an NROTC unit at the University of Louisville. Trainees going to that school include Francis Adams, Hicks Ellis Anderson, Lawrence Asher, Theodore Beyert, Charles Blalack, Keith Boyer, Stanley Boynton, James But!kley, Wilson Cadman, John Carson, Donald Carter, Dean Chasteen, Ward Clark, ·Richard Davis, William Dowe, Alva Edgar, William Ford, William Freeberg,

C. Anderson reigns as homecoming queen

Richard Haller, William Hassenfritz, Gene Haynes, and Clyde Hinman. All other men will report to Iowa State at Ames. They are Marvin Johnson, Leslie Kagey, Robert Knowles, Donald Krup, Robert Luedke, Stuart Madison, Robert Merriman, John Meyer, David Miller, Kenneth Mills, Victor Nielson, Robert Pearson, Jerome Peterson, Leslie Poglein, Wm. Potter, Richard Power, Robert Prichard, Richard Quinn, David Quiner, Dudley Ruisch, Robert Scarpino, Guenther Schnabl, Ivan Skinner, Clark Shanahan, Richard Smith, Walter Smith, Leonard Sobieski, Roy Still, David Stubbe, Charles Sullivan, Williiam Swanson, Ronald Terry, Gordon Tole, Raymond Turgeon, George Veverka, William Wall, Jay Whiteford, Frank Whiteman, Victor Wiegand, Robert Williams, Donald Willis, William Wolfberg, Robert Wunderlich, Charles Young, James Feild, Norton Garoon, Lowell Heiliger, Robert Kaiser, William Kernan, William Little, William Thompson, Thompson Berry, Owen Brewer, James Carter, William Saul, and John Thorson. Lt. W. H. Pursley will also go to Iowa State.


Stage production pleases audience On the eve of the 1945 Homecoming the Dramatic club production, "Where the Dear Antelope play," attracted a large crowd. The auditorium was filled nearly to capacity and the members of the cast held the attention of the audience from the beginning to the final curtain. Esther Steiner, as Grandma Perrault, kept the audi~nce in suspense wondering what consequences would arise from her next fabrication. Unusual as it may be, her sonin-law, Henry Matherr· the town's leading banker, portrayed by Anselm Johnson, upheld her in her mischief, and it was the responsibility of his wife, Hester Friedly, to try to suppress her mother's attempts at helpfulness. Grandma's sarcastic remarks led to the embarrassment of her family and hilarious laughter by the audience. Ramona Johnson, the young daughter home from college with new and sophisticated ideas, attempted to change the family's way of life. Ruth Ann Crook, definitely the club-woman type, complicated matters by bringing into the picture two feuding interior decorators, Ruth Meister and Clay Kennedy. No play can be complete without a romantic lead. John Lawrence, whose ideas of salesmanship had improved his banking business( used similar methods to win t~e heart of the young M1ss Mather, daughter of his business rival. Two of the town's busybodies were played by Ruth Comstock and Francis Guy. As typical small-town gossips, the two women added humor to several of the scenes. An outstanding character role was the part of T-Bone, very ably enacted by Sam Bradford. TBone was the easy-going, almost lazy, colored man-of-all-work at the Mathers. The production staff worked diligently ·on this play and well accomplished it's task of seeing to all of the details that go to inake a play successful. Due to the competence of this staff the play ran smoothly and without mishap. · The play was another of Miss William's excellent productions and it has uncovered several new and talented workers for the dramatic department. The public will be watching !or their appearance in future dramatic en"terprises.

A gun squad of navy men led by Bill Kerr of Central City preceded the royal group to the front of the stadium. There the men formed a military arch and gave the Queen Anne salute as the queen and her attendants approached to the strains of "Pomp and Circumstance" played by the band. Jim Patterson of Salt Lake City, who was selected by the football squad, officially crowned Miss Anderson Queen of Homecoming and assisted her to her throne of blue and white. Little Barbara Linn was the crown bearer. Queen Cody Anderson, a sophomore from Teci.Jmseh, wore a white skirt and sweater. Her corsage was of red roses. The Queen's attendants, Janice Kimsey, junior from Farragut, Iowa, and Louella Tieman, senior from Brock, wore white skirts and blue sweaters. Their corsages were of white roses. Tl'Ue to form, Lady, one of the dogs adopted by the trainees, attended the rifle squad. Lady has never missed a muster.

185 guests attend alumni banquet Once again Eliza Morgan's parlors buzzed with dozens of voices as the alumni, faculty, and students of P. S. T. C. gathered Satmday afternoon at 5 p. m. to renew acquaintances and relate their experiences. Many persons including a large number of service men who had not been able to return to a Homecoming for several years because of wartime restrictions were present. Following the reception, an alumni banquet was held in the college cafeteria. The program was opened by Dr. Castle M. Brown, who complimented the Student Advisory Council, Miss Diddel of the art department, and the N.E.A. social committee for their excellent preparations for the Homecoming this year. The toastmaster, Mr. A. V. Grass, superintendent of schools at Tecumseh, Nebr., related some of the humorous incidents that occurre~ on the campus back in "the good old days". Mu'Sic for the evening was furnished by Evelyn and Jamee Slagle and Patricia Hill. Mr. Clements extended a hearty welcome to all the servicemen who were present, and the entire group stood in silent tribute to those members of the alumni who would never return to the campus. Mr. Masters read the original articles of incorporation of the Alumni Association which was established in 1916. A suggestion for the reorganization of the association was made, but no action was taken.:


• •

Test your P. a~ II

Navy commencement Lt. Carl, commanding •officer of the Peru V-12 unit has issued an invitation. to students, faculty, and college friends to attend the closing exercises of the navy unit. The program will be held in the college auditorium on Saturday morning, October ~O, at 10:50.

Happy landing1 fellows Soon you will be leaving our campus and with you will go somB of the things which have become a part of our campus life. We will miss the bugle each morning, the flag waving in the breeze; the sight of white sailor hats bobbing up and down as you march up the hill to "chow". No longer will we see the familiar sight of navy blue pass our classroom windows or the steps to the ''ad'' building and library being occupied by you. The decks of Delzell ship will be partially bfacked out, but we hope not for long. Your being here these past few years has enabled us us to carry on with college activities more successfully than we otherwise could have done. Some day we hope to see a number of you as students on our campus because you choose to come to P. S. T. C. Good luck. Louella Tieman

We'll miss P.S.T.C. On behalf of the navy fellows now attending Peru and for those who have left previous to the closing of the V-12 unit, I wish to extend our sincerest gratitude for the knowledge we hav;e received and the memories we have stored up while here. Every man has pleasant memories to take with him wherever he may go. Scholastically we have received knowledge that will benefit us our entire live~. Wherever we may be sent, we will always retain a portion of Peru's school spirit shown in the starting of fall terms, the football season, the holiday atmosphere, and the coming of spring. The faculty and those affiliated with the college we sincerely thank for their efforts in our behalf and for the things they've done to make our stay more pleasant. Wherever we go as individuals, we ·will remember, as a unit, the things Peru State Teachers College offered us toward the building of character and toward successful lives. Peru's beautif:ul campus and it's thousand oab:l will not easily be forgotten. James Patterson 11

John speaks for himself


The dating of various girls on the campus is retarded by jealousy and "making my business everyone else's". The result is the loss of interest on the fellows~ part in paying any attention to the girls surrounding them. If a fellow is seen with one girl on some occasion and is later seen walking around on the campus with another, the first question every one asks is, "What has happened between so and so?" as if it were anyone's business and as if anything had really happened. A girl who dates a fellow for the simple reason of having a "man" on the string has lost that character trait most important in a girl-as far as the fellows are concerned. If men and womBn of college age desire to go out with more than one "guy or gal" at the same time, they should certainly be allowed to do so without being cut to pieces by campus gossip. Why then do the girls shun the "male character'' who ·does this as if he had committed the blackest of crimes. Do they really dislrke him, or are they just jealous of their "friends"! It is no crime or smear to a person's record to be interested in more than one individual. College is a form of character development and a mold for tuture years. It takes more than one type of personality for any organization to function properly. A business is no better than it's management, and management ·depends on contacts with more than one personality of both sexes. A fellow's privilege should be to date various girls mtnmu: beiug eonsidered personal property, so that be can oongenial to his own personality.

What is your P. Q. (Peru Quotant)? Here are some questions used at the SCA meeting recently. It you can answer more than half, you are a Peruvian. If you can answer three-fourths, you are a good Peruvian. If you answer all of them, you are a loyal Peruvian, entitled to all rights and privileges, 1. What year was P. S. T. C. founded? 2. Peru is called the campus of 3. What is the official name of the Science Hall? ' 4. Who was Mr. Delzell? 5. How many faculty members are there? 6. What is the worth of the Peru property? 7. Where were the brick, used in building the gym, obtained? 8. Where is Pike's Peak in Peru? 9. Where was the steamboat dock in 1850? 10. Wh.at year did Peru first get a railroad? What is located on Indian ll. Hill? 12. What year was Peru incorporated? 13. Where are the twin oaks, noted even in pioneer days? 14. After whom was the Training school named? 15. How many years of collegz could one get at Peru in the year 1867? 16. What year was Delzell Hall completed? 17. How many buildings are there on the campus? 18. What kind of shingles are on the Music Hall? 19. Of how many acres does the campus consist? 20. What noted educator who died recently, was a graduate and an early president of Peru? 21. What well-known editor of a prominent educational magazine is a former Peru sttident? 22. Who is the former Peru student and faculty member who offers a medal each year to a student in school who does an important piece of research into the geography of Peru or its neighborhood? 23. What is the name of the interesting book written about Peru by Miss Louise Mears? 24. What Peru graduate is now the State Superintendent of Education? 25. What does the glacier boulder on the campus commemorate?

Paintings attract wide attention Street scenes and beautiful architectural building are the major themes of the water-color paintings by Mr. A. B. Swan, which &re now on exhibit in the art department. Mr. Swan has spent two years touring in Mexico and has captured in his paintings the qulet charm of old Mexico. Many of the scenes portrayed Taxco, a little Mexican village that has voluntarily remained unmodernized to preserve the quaint Old World beauty which travelers come thousands of miles to enjoy. Visitors of the exhibit are asked ta designate their favorites and although an actual count has not yet been taken, a quick glance at the ballots reveal that "Cuernarace Cathedral." "Boys' School," "Cathedral at Taxco," "View from Hotel Window," and "Church in the Desert" seem to be most popular. Mr. Swan's paintings were first exhib~ted in Washington under the auspices of the Mexiican Ambassador and have since been shown in various parts of the country. They numbered 200 originally, of which 20 are being displayed here. Miss Diddel of the art department, reports that a considerable number of interested students, faculty, and towns-people h.ave visited the exhibit; an art club from Auburn has also viewed the pictures.

Jllumni Crail Alvena Lempka (at. '43) is working in a jewelry store in Lincoln. Ruth Harkendorff (s s '44) is teaching in the elementary grades in Verdon. Marilyn Dall McDonald (at. '43) is living in Seattle, Washington. She writes that they are soon going to begin work on their new home on Vashan Island "one of the most beautiful places I've seen." Meanwhile Marilyn is working for the state department of health. Noeline Ficke (at. '44) is teaching her second term in the public school at Utica. Betty Brunt Tackett ('44) is teaching at Silver Creek this year. Mrs. Marie Knape ('45) writes from Wrangell, Alaska, where she is teaching high school English, that Alaska is all that anyone has ever told her it is. . "Wrangell is on an island aobut 34 miles long and 8 miles across at the widest part. It is a very old town and is full of authentic Old Indian totem poles.'' Lulu Hohensee (s s '45) is teaching first and second grades in the Lutheran parochial school in Woodville, Ohio. Margery Evans ('41) is doing stenographic work in the railroad office in Falls City. Donna Jean Duerfeldt ('39-'41) is working for the weather bureau in Omaha. Ethel Williamson (Mrs. J. B. Kilbourne) a member of the class of 1905 made the following statement in a letter to Mrs. Kirk: "It would be fun to walk around the campus again, and when I go

IUnder cover "Up Front" by a young cartoonist named Bill Hauldin has been acclaimed by many critics as the outstanding cartoon book produced during the war. Willie and Joe, the infantrymen with their unshaven faces, their damp, soggy fatigue suits and their shoulders sagging under rain-soaked combat packs have become well known characters. Of particular interest to people in this part of the United States is "The Missouri," a recent book by Stanley Vestal. This is one of a series of books about the rivers of America. Mr. Vestal calls the Missouri the boundary ~ between two cultures-on the east bank, tall corn and barn yards; on the west, the saddle, the ranch and the beef steer. "One Who Survived", by Alexander Barmine is an autobiography of a Russian now living in America, but who was once soldier, industrialist, and diplomat under the Red Star.. Charlene Roger is the student assistant in the high school library who works under the supervision of Miss Carey and Miss Kennedy. A number of new books have been added to the high school library and the catalog has been revis.ed.

1back to Nebraska, I shall come to visit you and Peru." Mrs. Kilbourne's former home was in Albion; she now lives on a ranch near Shoshone, Idaho. She has walnut trees in her yard which came from Peru. Alumni or former students who came for Friday's Homecoming festivities and who were overnight guests at Eliza Morgan or Mount Vernon halls included Barbara Sawyer, La Vergne Garber, Car.rie Mae Workman, Barbara Spurgin, Edus Fintel, Jean Meist· er, Irene Russell, Marjorie Rogers, Evelyn Slagle, Barbara Marsh. Ka:therine Schaechterle, Jean Mae Mass, Donothy Burrows, Orrillia Gordon, Lutie Jane Hineline, Barbara Dressler, Rosa Lee Weatherfield, Anna Jane La Seur, Winnifred Evans, Nona Lee Oberst, Marybelle Dougherty, Phyllis Brinson, and Evelyn Stirba Hermsmeier. Bifl Woods, who works at the circulation desk at the Love Memorial Library on the university campus in Lincoln, was a guest at Delzell hall Friday night. Lt. and Mrs. Duane ("Whiz") White and Captain and Mrs. Rex Floyd visited the campus Friday and remained for Homecoming.

Mr. Arthur C. Lindell was on the campus Wednesday. He is an auditor for the garment company, a branch of which is in Peru.

Former teacher visits on campus Louis B. Olmstead of the agronomy department of Kansas State Teachers College of Manhattan, Kansas, and Mrs. Olmstead were recent visitors on the Peru campus. Mr. Olmstead was a former professor of mathematics at Peru.




1. 1867. 2. "A Thousand Oaks" 3. Hoyt Hall. 4. Dean of men for many years. 5. 48. 6. a million and a half. 7. Peru Brick Factory. 8. across from the railroad station. 9. where the lumber yard is now. 10. 1875. 11. District School. 12. 1857. . 13. One is the corner of. Dr. Winter's yard; the other is across the street, in the Hays yard. 14. T. J. Majors. 15. two. 16. 1939. 17. 17. 18. slate. 19. 60 acres. 20. Dr. Crabtree. 21. Joy E. Martin. editor of the Journal of Education. 22. Louise Mears. 23. "Hills of Peru." 24. Wayne 0. Reed. 25. the location of the first commencement.

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students of the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, N~braska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. 'Peru, Pedagogian, Tuesday, October 16, 1945 Managing. Editor ------.. ·----···-------........ ____ .________ Louella Tieman Make-up Editor ------.. --........ ---------·-----------------.......Frances Guy Feature Writer ............... _______ ........ _..................... Sam Bradford Sports ......... L ........ _.............. William Witty and Joe Weber Reporters ________ Laurine Clayburn, Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Janice Kimsey, Virginia Lawrence, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgomery, Dorothy Stepan, and Jean Van Camp. Adviser ---------------------------------------------·-·--·------·---·Meta Norenberg Business Adviser ------------ _. _____________ .. ________E, H. Hayward

Blue Siars • • • Lem Gager (V-5) is attending aval Pre-Flight school in Iowa ity. Lem says there are seven eight former Peru V-5's there. Tom McQuade (V-12) is now at errninal Island, San Pedro, Caliornia; he expects to be shipped Shirley Rodgers (at '43-'44) is tationed in South Carolina. She been selected to play in a AC band which is touring hositals, playing for returning vetCapt. Carter Johnson ('41) is tioned on Luzon and expects to ome home soon. Don Stevens, R; A. Norris, Sob onnelly, Bill Hanoock, and W. J. ott (V-12) have been dis~ .charged from Iowa Pre-flight and are now civilians. George Andrews, O. c. Tester· ·man, Tony Aie1io, Ken Vince Petrucci, John Leavitt, Dick Sul· livan, Jim O'Rourke, Joe Edgar, Bill Renninger, Ray Howard, L. G. Johnston, Jim Keal, Ray Boone, and Bill Briggs have left St. Mary's California, for separation centers and by now should be discharged into inactive service. Ernie Brioza and P. J. Henry ate stationed at Camp Parks, Calif., awaiting overseas duty. Ensign "Web" Smith is at Treasure Island waiting for a ship. Sgt. Claron Smith. (40) is staexpects to be there until he is diseharged. Chief Specialist Wayne Weare ('36) is on his way from Guam to be discharged. "I plan on entering the second semester at Peru. Here's hoping the winter isn't a bitter one, for the past three years in the tropics caused me to notice the cold while home last May." Bob Weaver (V-12) is now attending the University of Nebraska after having been placed on inactive duty. Pvt. Darland McGinnis (at '44) is stationed at Victorville, California. Nelson 0. Corp1oron (V-12) writes that one of the fellows at

Prep men defeat Weeping Water Peru Prep downed the Weeping ater football team 20-13, Friday, ctober 12, at Weeping Water. Prep ran the opening kickoff ack to its own forty-yard line, d on the first play, a pass ftom ob Applegate to Dale Vanderrd, scored a touchdown and six ints for Peru Prep; the boys ilea in their attempt for the int after touchdown. The Kittens' second score came the second quarter on a twentyrd run around his own right end Bob Applegate, after successplays had carried the ball from Weeping Water thirty-five to Peru twenty. Prep added the ra point, making the score ing Water 0-Peru Prep 13. eping Water's first tochdown af the close of the third ter on successive line plunges an, end run by Rector, the pound fullback; the point aftouchdown was also added by tor. the middle of the fourth ter, two penalties and a fumble Weeping Water the ball on Peru seventeen yard line. On plunges by Rector, they scored failure to add the point ;ifter down, tied the score at 13-13. th five minutes left to play, took the ball from it's own across Weeping Water's line on numerous line bucks, runs, and passes; Spud Majors five yards for the winning wn. The extra point was making the final score ep 20-Weeping Water 13. splendid play of the Pem and the hard running of ks were the outstanding or the game.

tioned at Fort Logan, Colorado, with the Finance Department; he Northwestern, where he is now stationed, received the first issue of the Ped. He sends his compliments to the staff. "There are a lot of new names in the paper that I naturally do not recognize, but the old ones that I do, make it enjoyable reading."

Peru gridsters hold opponents Men appreciate Missouri mules ·team cooperation swamped 31-0

Coach Al Wheeler has molded a fighting, alert football machine from the twenty-five or so individuals who reported to him at the beginning of the season. Three Pvt. Bill Edmundson (S. S. '44) of these men are Bill Saul, Bob spent a nine-day furlough· at his Goins, and Giff Ruede. home near Peru before leaving William E. Sawl is from Salt for Officer's Candidate School at Lake City, Utah; he weighs 170 Fort Benning, Georgia. Bill has pounds and plays guard on the been stationed at Camp Fannin, team. Bill played football in high Texas, for the past few months. school, was graduated in January T-4 Merritt Jensen ('40) ar- of '42 . and enlisted in the navy rived in the states aboard the the same month. Most of the two Queen Elizabeth on October 8. He years Bill spent in the navy before went immediately to Fort Leaven- coming to Peru, were spent in worth where he will be given a Pearl Harbor. Bill does much to bolster the Bobcat line. 45-day leave. Robert E. Goins lives in McAlMrs. Jensen ('42) will take a ester, Oklahoma. Bob plays end, vacation from the college office weighs 185 pounds, was graduated and meet him in Kansas City. from high school in the spring of '44, enlisted in the .navy in June, The true SPirit of dear old PSTC and came to Peru in November. was really shown at convocation Last spring Bob ran the mile and Friday as the students and faculty the two-mile races on the Peru packed the auditorium for an track team. Although he had never "all out" pep rally under the di- competed in athletics before, Bob rection of Laurine Clayburn. has done much to help the team Lively pieces were played by since coming to Peru. Another member of the team the band and the group shouted the yells at the top of their voices, who had never competed in athunder the direction of the cheer- letics until coming to Peruo, is Gifford A. Ruede. Giff is also from leaders. As coach "Al" introduced the Salt Lake City. He was graduated fellows on the football squad, the from high school in January of '43, enlisted in the navy in Februgang roared with applause. Mark Russell gave a short talk ary '43, and came to Peru in Noand Bill Kernan took great pride vember of '44. Giff is a' backfield in impersonating the coach at one man, and is doing a splendid job in spite of the fact that he weighs of the previous games. Immediately following convoca- only 160 pounds. Spirit and co-operation, accordtion the freshmen boys challenged the upperclassmen to a tug of war ing to these three players, are the two main factors contributing to on the quadrangle. The freshmen were jubilant as the splendid success of this year's they pll'lled their superiors through grid team. the spray of the hose held by Mr. Hayward. Freshmen participating were Bob Fike, Armon Yanders, Gerry Matschulatt, Don Seeba, Richard Juilfs, and Richard Good. Upperclassmen were Bill Witty, Joe Weber, Red Becker, Don by Virginia Lawrence Aufenkamp, John Lawrence, and Ralf Graham. · A number of the girls enjoyed As the gang left the campus for playing "Hit Pin Ball" and "Paddle lunch, there was the good old Tennis" during the first week of school spirit that everyone "loves" W. A. A. to see. No doubt you've wondered why Marcelyn Scott and Irene Argabright have been running around with one shoe on and one shoe off. Well, by way of the grapevine, it was said that they lost (kicked them off) at sports. Alice Richards surely kicks a mean ball in "Hit Pin". You can The Peru Bob Kittens downed bet she will be on the winning the Hamburg, Ia., football team side. 26-13 on Friday 2.fternoon, Oct. No, Spellman didn't sprain an 5. ankle; she is substituting that cane The game was filled with enough for liniment. It seems she is a little long passes and runs to keep the stiff. crowd on edge the entire game. Take it easy girls, that horse Prep's first offensive play of the afternoon saw Bob Applegate in the gym isn't real. No matter throw a pass to Dale Vanderford how hard you hit it, it won't move. who ran sixty yards for a touch- Stubborn as a mule, isn't it? down. Late in the second quarter, the same pass, Applegate to Vanderford, scored again. In the opening minutes of the second half, Spud Majors ran through the left side of his own iine and fifty yards for a touchdown. The Kittens' fourth score came in the same period when Applegate plunged through center four yards to pay dirt. Hamburg scored its two touchOct. 16-17 downs in the second and fourth "The Southerner" periods on a long pass from midfield and a short plunge through Oct. 18-19-20 the line. "Brew:ster's Millions" The passing combination of Applegate to Vanderford, and Oct. 21-22 Applega.te to Bob Majors, clicked for four completions in six at"National Velvet" tempts. The best Hamburg could do ·was two passes completed in Oct. 23-24 seventeen attempts. The number "The Great Mike" of first downs was even, with six for each team. Oct. 25-26-27 On the defense for Prep, Clair Cornstalk, Bob Majors, Oscar Ka"It's Ln The Bag" hill, and John Clements were alOct. 28-29 ways there to stop the Hamburg ball carrier when he attempted "The Clock" to 5mack the line.

Coeds participate

.m vanous . games

Bobkittens down Hamburg squad


Doane thriller ends in 6-6 tie

Coach Al. Wheeler's grid aggregation opened the 1945 home football season Oct. 5 before a capacity crowd in the Oak Bowl by downing WarrensbUTg 31-0. The Mules from Missouri were completely outplayed by the smooth, well-coordinated Bobcat squad. Led by co-captains Giff Ruede and Bill Saul, the smooth-working Peru team had little trouble once the second quarter got well under way. The game opened with the Warrensburg team showing a slight superiority. With a series of runs and a pass, the Mules worked into a position to threaten the Peru team. The second quarter found the Warrensburg men on.the Peru 10-yard line. However, they were held fast until Peru received the ball and kicked into safer territory. Peru's first score came in the middle of the second quarter when a pass from Kernan to Good was completed. On the nex play, Gocd fumbled his attempt to lateral; the ball was picked up by Patterson who raced 35 yards to score. The Bobcats soon threatened again when they marched the ball from their own 55 yard line to Warrensburg's 16. However, the next score did not come until a Warrensburg pass was intercepted by Rosenblum, who raced around the end for a touchdown. A later interception by Rosenbloom and an end run by Patterson found the ball on Warrensburg's 2 yard line at half time. The second half opened and soon found Peru hammering on Warrensburg's 11 yard line. A series of line plunges climaxed by a plunge by Patterson brought the ball into pay dirt once more for the Nebraska team. A pass from Ruede to Rosenbloom was completed for the extra point. Peru threatened twice in the third quarter. In the early part of the last quarter, a pass from Kernan on Warrensburg's 13 yard iine to Rosenbloom gave the Wheelermen another score. The final tally came when a pass from Rees on Warrensburg'< 28 yard line to Thompson was completed for a touchdown. Peru threatened again twice before the game ended.

Peru battled :Doane College to a 6-6 standstill at the annual Homecoming Day grid game, October 13. The Bobcats, out for a second win over the Tigers, played their usual heads-up ball. However, they could not quite salvage a win over the spirited Doane aggregation. Both teams fought hard for the full sixty minutes to give the large Homecoming crowd the foll thrills of the gala game. The opening quarter found the ball twice on Doane's 20-yard line from. where the Tigers worked it down into Peru territory. A Peru fumble recovered by Doane found the visitors on Peru's 18-yard line. A series of plunges worked the ball to the Cats' 3-yard line. From there, Tyson, the Tiger right half, drove over to score. Becker knocked down Doane's attempt to kick for the extra point. Early in the second quarter, a Doane pass was intercepted by Ruede. A pass from Patterson to Goins and a Doane penalty found the Bobcats in a threatening position on Doane's 15-yard line. However, Doane soon recovered and worked the ball back until Ruede intercepted another pass. A pass from Patterson to Ruede put the ball on Doane's 25-yard line at half time. The second half was burt slightly underway when Peru began to drive hard against the visitors. When Doane attempted to pass, it was intercepted by Rice, who raced to the Doane 21-yard line. A line drive by Patterson gained a first down and put the Cats on the Doane 11-yard line. Another line drive and a completed pass from Kernan to Rosenblum gave the home team its needed tally to tie the game. The attempted kick for the exrta point was not completed. The Peru team played hard the remainder of the game, but was not able to hit pay dirt again. The team made nine first downs to the opponent's four. Both teams brought the ball into a position to threaten in the final quarter but were unable to make profitable use of their positions. Co-captains for the Peru team were Jerry Matschulatt and Don Becker.

Pem made ten first downs to the Mule's four. The Bobeats showed their best form thus far in the season and a marked use ·of skill obtained from previous experience. The linemen showed up very well in holding the Missouri men at bay and did an excellent offensive job as well. With each man doing his very best, teamwork that could not be defeated, was developed. Wheeler used the usual starting line. Peru substitutions: , Fischer, Pierce, Rosenbloom, Brewer, Good, Weber, Twiss, Fike, Aufenkamp, Little, Coad, Rees, Seeba.

The starting lineujJs: PERU DOANE PERU DOANE Thompson ---LE ______ Stewart Matschulatt --LT ____ Rothmeier Owen --------LG ________ Clark Rice --------- C______ Hughes Saul ---------RG ___ Blackburn Becker ------RT_____ Martens Goins --------RE ________ Razor Ruede _______ QB ______ Pflaster Kernan ______LH_______ Hoesa Heiliger ------RH_______ Tyson Patterson ____ FB _____ Brannon Score by periods: Peru _____________ o o 6 0-6 Doane ____________ 6 O O 0-6 Peru substitutions: Rosenblum, Coad, Good, Seeba, Fischer.


~ .....

:::::.:: 7tw "Now that the W9-r is over, his wife wants to use their war bonds to take a rotind-the-world cruise!"

Dorm Dope by Frankie Montgomery

Those chic little hats the freshmen have been wearing the past week are reaily zoot. Although they are not original models, they are all made by hand. In fact, last Monday evening found all the freshmen gals in the dorm busy designing these classy little models for wear the next day. Last week seemed to be 'Official Room-Cleaning Week" fo1· upper classmen. At any ra.te the dust J;lew high and the freshie stooges proceeded to give their elder's rooms the most thorough going over of the year. The place really shone for Homec-0ming! Many .of the windows in the girls' dorm are not flung wide open each night as is the custom. The occupants of, the rooms are a bit stingy with the fresh air on these cool October nights. This Nebraska weather is most surprising, isn't it? · New and unfamiliar faces have been seen burning the midnight oil in the study hall this past week. Could it be that these people have become industrious all at once'! Or is it just another management assignment? Many of the girls were surprised to find the football team eating supper with them the night of the game. Perhaps this practice should be followed as a means of improving the atmosphere in the cafeteria. There are those who favor it. The new student directory is out and is circulating through the dorm like wild-fire. It is a little late for the formal but nevertheless,

Surplus commodities Approximately 3,000 items of Government-owned surplus property, which the Reconstruction Finance Corporation handles as a disposal agency designated by the Surplus Property Board for capital and producer's goods, are listed in an informative booklet, "How to Do Business with RFC," which will be mailed without cost to interested persons. "The booklet covers a, wide range of surplus items including industrial plants, industrial tools and equipment, raw materials, such as chemicals, building materials, etc.; aircraft and parts and accessories; radio, telephone, and electronic equipment; and iron, steel, and non-ferrous metals", according to Gordon T. Burke, assistant manager in charge .of surplus property for the Omaha RFC agency. The buyer may order'the material he wants in quantities or single items. Individual purchasers, a\; well as companies interested in acquiring RFC handled property, are advised in the booklet to contact the Omaha office. The address is, The RFC, 1208 WOW Building, Omaha, Nebr:aska.

Mardis Grocery

• • • it makes very interesting reading material. The dorm was in a dither the night of the formal, as is always the case. The suggestion that each girl at the dorm should be furnished with a French maid seems to be the practical solution to the problem of how to get ready for a formal in a few hours' time. The Otis Elevator Company has sent a . circular letter indicating that the efficiency of the elevator is due to failure on the part of the operators to close the doors after they use it. so for the hundreth time, .PLEASE close that door! ! ! ! It seems that Ruth Meister and Ruth Comstock didn't feel so well Sunday afternoon, the day following the formal. Maybe this was caused by their drinking too much cockroach punch. (Recipe for said punch: Let cockroaches swim in a mixture of fruit juices for a period of several hours. Then fish these animals out and the punch is ready to serve.)

If the girls seem to have been wearing the same dress every day for the past week or so, don't be discouraged. They'll all blossom out in different outfits soon. That is, if the play cast, which has borrowed their other clothes, brings them back soon. But the old motto, . "The play must go on," still holds, and those who have the right spirit will actualiy give the shirts off their back to the cause.

Distance proves no great obstacle It was proved beyond a doubt that "there is no place like Peru~' when Alumni, blue stars, and Peru boosters traveled long distances to be present at the 1945 homecoming.

Distance meant nothing to a group of old buddies who went all out to get here. Lts. Kenneth Rohrs, Wayne "Red" Buhrmann, Dick "Slug" Pascal were just biding their time at the San Antonio air base, sitting on their bunks, wistfully thinking of getting back, but never dreaming it possible. Then Friday shipping orders came, and the air force was was on it's viay. The three veteran fliers drove continuously for 22 hours and arrived in Peru at half time. John and Betty Overman (formerly Betty \1-an Dusen) hold one of the records for coming a long distance.· They came from Ontario, Canada. John and Betty welcomed the 45-day furlough to come back and see family and old friends.

Lt. Percy Schmeltzer ·traveled in various degrees of comfort in order to come back. He started from St. Charles, Louisiana at 6 o'clock Saturday · morning and :flew as far as Grand Island. From then on it was up to his thumb to Did anyone notice the girl on do the work and it seemed to do the balcony above the porch the the tr' k Kick-off found. Perk other night? . Well, tha'. wasn't sittin r~n· the oak bowl rooting for Jwhet. It was Just a freshre wash- . g ing the windows for Hester Friedly Peru. and Rosemary Pershing. All in Orville and Betty Yoeum (formthe day's work, girls. erly Betty Jane Scott) came from The lobby and study halls are Gulfport, Mississippi, to renew old busy places these nights. Since acquainta!lces. lights are out at eleven, the girls make a mad dash for these places. These people are only a :few, Hair up, faces creamed, books but they typify the old home and pencils in hands, they work coming spirit that prevailed . on far into the night in the interest the campus. Result: a number of of their higher education in spite of the opportunity of going to bed alumni, blue stars, and V-12 stuat a respectable hour. Such is the dents plan to come back when released by Uncle Sam. life of a true student. Well, I too must go in search of ·higher learning. I hear the bell which calls me to my class. Maybe the next time I sit down to Better Hardware write this column there will be · some improvement because of my Peru, Nebrasha . earnest application to the various studies which I am at present endeavoring to master.

E. L. Deck and Co.

J.P. Clark Shoe Repairs of All Kinds Electric Shoe Sb.op



On board by Ken Mills

Anothe:· day, another dollarmillion days, a million dollars. Who'll last a million days with all this "end of the term cramming" though? The rush seems hardest on those boys who are torn between spending their last moments catching up or on postponed studies and walking their girls around the campus. The decisions .are obvious, if one takes a look at the campus. Everyone is, of course, looking forward to the leave with more or less anticipation, more anticipation from those who live at a distance and less from the lucky majority who can spend their week-ends at home. At the thought of leaving PSTC, the boys are suddenly realizing that it's quite the place. Some of them are even willing to admit that the campus does have a million oaks-well, almost, anyway. Most of us will pack away a lot of valuable memorieG, along with -0ur gear, when we leave. There was a lot of speculation on where the Peru wnit was to be transferred. In fact it was one of the favorite topics of conversation around Delzell Hall. Most of the "authorities" seemed to think it doubtful that the new station would be within the borders of Nebraska. Several schools east of the Mississippi, Kansas University, Doane, even Denver, Colorado, and San Luis Obispo, California, were suggested as probable bases but mostly by wishful thinkers who live in their vicinity. At any rate shouting "t11e orders are in" and watching the mob climb over itself in the rush to get to the quarter deck for a glimpse of the bulletin board seem·ed to be the current wits' favorite prank-so mu•ch so, in fact, that when the orderly finally did come, no one would believe 'it.

Students attending :he a year ago remember Harrington and Pat Rooney: 'a will be interested in the :tact fo both of these athletes are t<ga having their names in the spo columns. Rooney, a Nebraska City bo played in a large portion o! t Minnesota-Nebraska game as Gopher third-string halfback. T radio announced that he made on of the nine touchdowns for Minn esota, but the papers failed t verify that report. · Harrington, who hails from Au burn, ran a touchdown for S Mary's squad. Both boys are form er halfbacks for the Bobcats, an both were on last years' basket ball and track teams. Some of the boys are saluting Lieutenant Commander for th first time in their naval caree as "Doc" Holman walks by. Th former skipper, Lt. Comm. Lawson, is also sporting two and · half gold stripes'.· He and the doc tor received their promotions a the same time. If anyone . has wondered abou the "crow tracks" on J. B. Johnson's left sleeve, they mea:: he has been promoted to pharmacist mate second class. Nice going, Johnson. I don't want to step out of line or look eager, but this white stripe on my sleeve is getting pretty ragged and lonely. I have been wondering how long it will be before something is done about it. A little gold on it wouldn't be bad. This will probably be the last time a sailor on active duty will write 3 column for the Ped. The navy is shoving off! !

Right Away Shoe Shop M. C. MEDLEY

Service with a smile!

Bertha M. Thomson, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 60


Phone 62

Per11, Nebraska



Tastes like home

Phone 112

Groceries, Meats, Fruits and Vegetables JAY-KEL JEWELRY

Earl's Cafe


serves Meals Also Ice Cream, Cold Drinks, Candy

Shop Down Town And Save

Ca!J us for bus information

Everett Applegate, Sr., Mgr., while Earl Is In U. S. Service

Phone M

Pen, Nebr.

Chatelain's Jewelry P~ru, Nebr.


Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Company

Dr, H. C. Dallam Dentist Phone Office 32; Res. 196

Peru, Nebraska

Avenue Store Let us serve your wa.nts with healthful and appetizing foods.

Seasonable Fruits Groceries, Meats and Delicious Pastries Daily School Supplies and Notions

H. U. Landolt (Opposite Training School) Ph<0ne .78

Peru, Nebr.

by Mu rgatroyd

Loud, familiar sounds traveled through the dorms when the students returned after vacation to 'e up their sudies just where they had left them-way behind. Of course, study hourrs didn't begin until all the stored up "mailbox literature" had been read and Qld frends had been looked up. One of the coeds suggested that teachers' assDcia tions should convene every month. No doubt instructors and stud€nts alike would appreciate 1t. However, ·from all appearances, most of the students came back to school to rest up after the vacation. Another coed was heard t 0 rehardly wait

Returning students found that something new had been added to the campus during their absence -the stretch of new cement walk from the library corner to Landolt's store. Now one will no longer have to go hop-scotching around the water puddles which always collected nor be afraid of stubbing one's toes on the several up-ended bricks. The coed who was caught with her head through the opening left ·by a broken pane in the door, was .not trying to break into the dormshe was merely trying to find how far she could get! With the navy gone, Delzell Hall . seems rather large and somewhat deserted to the civilians who roam the halls. However, there is a brighter side-ms.inly no bugle blasts vibrating through the building in the "wee" hGurs of the morning and lights on after 10 p. m. The "coke" machine is now at the disposal of the civilians and is being punched about as frequently as before. Some of the fellas with wolfish · instincts are eyeing the 3-to-l tribution of the student body h. fiendish gleams of delight. Some enterprising souls have devised the bright idea of establish. ing a "You Pick 'Em, We Get 'Em" date bureau, where the gals will be able to secure a date with the favorite "heart-throb" for a nominal fee. For once the fellas can play "hard to get" and are they . enjoying it! S. C. A. members expressed a different side of their personalities at the costume party Saturday night, when they put aside their sport clothes and dressed up in ·gay, elaborate costumes or i:isked one more wearing of their threadbare "rags". One of the whims which the gals have acquired from the Bobby Soxers is that of wearing big .brother's clothes while he is away. The fad has, indeed, touched the opposite sex and created a feeling, bu1 not the one d,esired by the audicious wearers. At first the idea was rather amusing, but now the men are wondering just how the coeds would like it if the tables ·were turned. Imagine the men on the campus in frilly dresses, heels, and hose-or can you? Seemingly the averali(e .fellow around here prefers the young lady in more feminine garb. If the 1946 Peruvian lacks pictures of the campus and its activi.es, it will not be the faurlt of e photographer. Mr. Banfield is termined to have views of cams life from every angle-includg some from the top of the ence Hall and any other vantage nt he can find for interesting

Fall seems to ·have found the pus during the past two weeks. e leaves from the trees are on ground; those clinging to the s of the buildings are gorgecolored. The sky can be seen e easily through the barren nches.


Students attend "L· · 1ttIe Estes II

Navy presents final program

Six Peruvians were among those who met at a state YM-YW conference in Hastings, Saturday, October 20. The purpose of the meeting was to help individual, student, christian organization solve campus and personality problems. One of the hi-lights of the day's program was the address on Saturday morning by Dr. Gerald Kennedy, pastor of St. Paul's Methodist church in Lincoln. Dr. Kennedy pointed out how the whole world might be compared to an insane asylum because of the way lives are organized, because people insist on hanging on to impractical things and because they don't even know how to ask the right questions. "There are only two roads open," he said, "suicide or the road to the cross. We are traveling the way to suicide." Workshop grou-ys met in the morning and again in the afternoon to discuss the four phases of this year's Student Christian Mission program. These phases are evangelism, economic justice, world organization, and personal relations. The day's program closed with the World Student Service Fund banquet held in the evening; Edmund Wellenstein, student representative from Holland, was the speaker. S. C. A. members, who attended from Peru, were Margaret Spellman, Hester Friedly, Una May Leec:h, Gerald Matschullat, and Don Aufenkamp. Miss Edna Weare, one of the S. C. A. sponsors, took the group in her car. Edmund Wellenstein spent October 23 and 24 on the Peru campus and spoke to the S. C. A. group.

With the commer.cement exercises on Saturday, October 20, for the 96 Navy trainees stationed at PSTC, the last of the 489 Navy men completed their courses of study offered by this institution. This training program was imrng-u•rated in July of 1943. The 54 V-5 trainees will continue their pre-flight training at Iowa State in Ames, and the University of Louisville at Louisville, Kentucky. Twelve V-12 traipees reported to Iowa State for N.R.O. T.C. training, and the remaining 18 were sent to the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Lt. E. H. Carl, commanding officer of the unit, presented a certificate of appreciation from the Navy to the college for the work it has done and personally thanked the college for its cooperation with the Navy and commended it for its success in bringing about the high scholastic achievements of the men here. President Pate gave a short speech of acceptance in which he commended the men for their excellent scholastic record, and added that they were "as outstanding a group of men, mentally and morally, as have ever been on the campus." Lt. Carl expressed his appreciation to the ship's company and to all the men for their cooperation and good work. He also thanked Battalion Commander Patterson, Company Commanders Nekich and Bienhof, and Platoon Leaders Rice, Pucket, Kerr, and Ruede, for their help in working with the men.

Majo.r Hart conducts food-handling Institute Food sanitation was the theme of the program presented by Major Hart of the United States Public Health Service at the high school auditorium from 1 to 5 p. m., Monday, October 29. The purpose of this program was to discuss one phase of the public health service, food sanitation, and to make the public conscious of proper handling of food. Mrs. Mathews, coordinator for the public health program of southeast Nebraska, was able to obtain this program for presentation in Peru. Mr. Gilligan, sanitarian of the state department of health in Lincoln, accompanied Major Hart. Films that were shown brought out the conditions as they exist and what the public health service is doing to improve them. "Keep Them Out" pointed out the great damage to the food supply caused by rats. It also condemned the rodents as disease carriers. The importance of personal hygiene and kitchen cleanliness was brought out in "Eating Out," which compared a desirable public eating place with an undesireable one. In additiDn to discussing the films thoroughly, Major Hart explained the three types of food poisoning. He warned against keeping chemicals near food and also against underboiling of foods canned by the cold-pack method. Questions asked Major Hart led to a discussion on the organization and purposes of a local public health program. He explained that the usual procedure is to bring together a few counties to form a district. A public health officer would be in charge of a general program for the district. Each district would also employ a doctor, a nurse, .and a sanitarian, who in turn would be under the supervision of the· State Department of Health.



Su~h a program would be financed by county funds matched with government funds allocated to the Public Health Service program for this purpose. As was brought out in the films, the purposes of such a program are numerous. It would provide medical care for the school children. Health problems of these children would be followed up and corrected with the aid of funds from the health service if needed. Inspection of the pll'blic eating places, water systems, and sewage disposal comes under the work of a sanitarian. ' Major Hart pointed out that the public health service cannot be carried on locally through a distant city office. The roots of problems are in the local areas; therefore, local health programs must be organized to serve the communities. People must be educated concerning the purposes .of the program in order to realize the need for it. Permission from the county commissioners for the organization of a health program would be assured if the people really wanted it. Under the 1936 Social Security Act, funds were allocated to the State Public Health Service for further improvement of health conditions. These in turn are distributed to local health departments to carry on the work in communities. Invitations to attend were extended to the county superintendents of scl;lools, Miss Darlene Rozean, Nemaha; Miss Mary Clark, Pawnee; Mr. Lloyd Halsted, Johnson; and Mr. D. H. Weber, Richardson. Supt.' Starklebaum of Falls City and Supt. Johnson of Salem also attended. Guests numbered 134 and represented 20 different towns, not including Peru.


Six Peruvians listed

in Who's Who Four seniors-Ruth Comstock, Una May Leech, Bernice Bletcher, and Willard Hunzeker and two juniors-Margaret Spellman and Jean Van Camp have been given the unusual honor of being selected to appear in "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges."

Alumni attend annual receptions Receptions for Peru alumni, which were held during the annual N. E. A. meeting in Lincoln and Omaha, were well attended, reported Mr. Hayward and Mr. ·Clements. Approximately 100 attended the reception in Lincoln at the Hotel Cornhusker on Thursday afternoon, October 25, from 4 to 6 p.


President and Mrs. w. R. Pate, Mr. A. B. Clayburn, Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Mathews, Miss Nona Palmer, Mr. A. R. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Larson and Mr. Hayward were on the reception committee. Omaha's reception was held in the assembly room of the Hotel Fontenelle, Friday afternoon, October 26, also from 4 to 6 p. m., with 80 in attendance. Included in the receiving line were: C. W. Grandy, superintendent at Blair, who is president of District No. 2; Margaret Iverson, principal of an elementary school at Plattsmouth, who was elected secretary-treasurer of the district; and William Houser, County Superintendent of Douglas County. M. G. Farrow, president-elect of District No. 2, was there as a special gueM. One .of the oldest grads present was Mrs. Kate Meir Mulick of Omaha, who was in school .in 1889. Mrs. Mulick's grandson, George Mulick, was in the Navy V-12 here for two years. Another early graduate there was Mrs. Ophelia Rea McClimaus, class of 1908. Mrs. McClimaus has six sons in the service. President Grandy, who was a cheerleader when in Peru, led the group in the old "HOO-rah" yell, which was the favorite of years gone by. This is the way the yell goes"Hoo rah, hoo rah, hoo rah rah, College, college, Nee brass kah, Hoo rah, hoo rah, hoo rah rah, College, college, Nee brass kah, White and blue, white and blue, What's the matter with old Peru? Blue and white, blue and white, Teacher's eollege, She's all right!" Dr. P. A. Maxwell led in singing the color song. The group voted in favor of a luncheon for next year's meeting, so that there would be more time to visit. · "It was the best reception that we have had in several yearsin my opinion," concluded Mr. Clements.

Kenton award is established Arrangements for the establishment of a scholarship in the language department, honoring the late Pearl A. Kenton, have been made by her sister, Miss Alice M. Kenton. Miss Kenton will be remembered as the Latin instructor in Peru for a number of years. The scholarship will consist of interest from money invested in government bonds. It is to be awarded to the highest ranking foreign language student, preferabJ.y a Latin major. If no one qualifies in that language, it will be awarded to the outstanding student of modern language.

These six upperclassmen were chosen because of their scholastic achievements, their willingness to enter into outside activities, their leadership, and their probability for success in the future. They must also have attended Peru for two years. Willard Hunzeker, who will graduate mid-semester, comes from Humboldt, Nebraska. Willard a recently discharged Air Corps lieutenant, majors in physical science and mathematics and minors is physics. He is -the president of Alpha Mu Omega, a member of Kappa Delta Pi, and of Lamba Delta Lamba when it was active. Band, orchestra, and chorus are among his extra-curricular activities. Willard is also out for basketball this fall. Una Mae Leech is another Humboldt success. A music major, Una _May participates in band, orchestra and chorus. Her minors are English and commerce. She is president of S. C. A. and is active in the dramatic club. She seems to have an affinity for being secretary, for she is secretary of the donn council, of Kappa Delta Pi, and secretary-treasurer of Sigma Tau Delta. Ru1h Comstock, the all-around campus girl, comes from York, Nebraska. She majors in mathematics and minors in chemistry and biology. She is president of Kappa Delta Pi and president of the dramatic club. Ruth is a member of. S .. C. A., W. A. A., AJpha Mu Omega, band, and orchestra. She has shown her willingness to work by her activity on the student advisory council and business manager of the 1946 Peruvian. Bernice Bletscher majors in the elementary field and minors in home economics and art. Bernice is vice-president of the dorm council and treasurer of· Kappa Delta Pi. Also member of S. C. A., Elementary club and the Art club. Margaret Spellman of Adams loves chemistry. Her majors are mathematics and Spanish and n:inors physical science and social science. Her various activities are Kappa Delta Pi, S. C. A., W. A. A., Alpha Mu Omega, Foreign Language clll'b, band, orchestra, and tennis. Jean Van Camp majors in music ~nd minors in English and home economics. Jean is the leader of the pep band, participates in various other music activities-concert band, chorus, and madrigal singers. She is the vice-president of the S. C. A. Her special interest is sports.

Women organize. honorary group Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, honorary society for women teachers, was organized on th:; Peru campus on Saturday, November 3. Mrs. Ethel Hunsaker, state president, and eleven other officers and members of Omaha attended the initiation, banquet, and organization. Charter members are Miss Mary Clark of Pawnee City, Mrs. Lois Sterner and Miss Nellie Howe o! Humboldt, Mrs. Vive Quante o! Brock, the Misses Mildred Brehm and Selma Wieland of Falls City, the Misses Darlene Rozean, Faye Mathews, and Grace Corners of Auburn, Miss Helen Boten of Tecumseh, and the Misses Selma Konig, Eloise Pool, Nellie Carey, Pl1yllis Davidson, Blanche Gard, Norma Diddel, Ida Mae Brackney, and Meta Norenberg of Peru.


• • •

Contributions, pleas~I The staff will appreciate all contributions of prose and poetry from students and former students for the "Inspiration" column. · It reserves the right to select contributions for publica-


Give others a thought! W. S. SF. or World Student Service Fund attempts'to meet the needs in all parts of the world of students and faculty members affected by the war. Not only is this fund used as an immediate and direct relief to suffering but it is also a means of salvaging the intellectual leadership, the real foundation of post war reconstruction. .

12 ·1bs. sugar 4 lbs. 2 oz. shortening 10 lbs. 11 oz. cake flour 51/z q'..s. milk 60 eggs 5 Y4 oz. baking powder just the right amount of flavoring This is Mr. Steiner's never fail basic cake recipe. But now he ha~ had to reduce it by one half. The departure of his navy customers culs the number of huge cake pans to three. He seems to have had no trouble adjusting himself to feeding fewer mouths. In fact, he really enjoys that extra hour of sleep in the morning. Now he gets up at six. For more than two years, "Bake's" daily cooking hours have been from 5 a. m. to 7: 30 p. m. He lives, sleeps, and even eats food, In 28 months he has had approximately one week's vacation.

Each year the Y. W. C. A. has sponsored a drive for this fund on our campus: P. S. T. C. has always given more than the set goal.

Though "Bake" gets little relief from his work, he likes to cook and is planning variations in his recipes and menus. He promises Brownies when eggs are easier to buy.

Last year Peru received a letter of commendation and a certificate of honor which is presented to schools whose per capita giving is particularly high and whose total contribution is ably large.

The s~orage capacity of "Bake's" pantry is not definitely known, but the amount of several food items consumed by the navy in a single day gives some estimate:

Each Peruvian might well take stock of his situation, count his advantages, and dig into his pockets for a bit of cash to help students who have g{lne without practically every thing-including food-to study. Help boost the fund!

Have you a responsibility? Life is what you make it. The attitude you have toward it is what it will be. I The same holds true for the attitude you have toward sGhool. If you think that it is going to be dull, lifeless, dead, that is exactly the way it will be for you. Unless you develop a favorable attitude and help make it more peppy and lively, nothing will make it any better. PSTC existed before it was chosen to train Navy V-12 men. Of course, we were glad to have them; but now since they are gone, are you going to let it get you downf Can't we all have fun together and become better acquainted with one ai10ther~ Should we let our personal appearance fall below normal because the "incentive" is gone? We're getting pretty "sloppy" in the way we dress: Let's do something about it. Surely vve all have pride in our personal appearance. Another thing-everyone claims how dead the weekends are around here. How can they be any other way when the "sign out" list for the week-·end carries names of more than half of the gir~s. Unless you stay and are willing to participate in activities- and take responsibility in helping to provide entertainment, the situation will not improve.


I Personalities

Priscilla adds her bit! ,If two people have a friendship here on the campus, it is a serious thing . . . and I do mean seriorn;. They are isolated from the rest of the group. If they try to maintain two or three friendships at a time, they are shunned by everyone as B. T. 0. 's (Big Time Operators).

WHY7 WHY7 I don't know I'm sure, but it seems too "small-townish" for a college ... even a small college like Peru. There are enough people on this campus to make it possible for students to have several friendships at one time. , If it isn't the lack of people, it must be the kind of people ... at least the ones who start the gossip. What kind of people are they7 They are people who know every one's business better than their own. They are people who are jealous of other people. They are people who think a date consititutes an engagement. Possibly they are the people who because of their own shortcomings, have very few dates. In other words ... they are SMALL PEOPLE.

bread-36 loaves milk-330 half pints bulk milk-10 gallons meat-110 pork chops potatoes-70 lbs. a meal pie-18 pies or 108 cuts "Bake" recommends this cranberry. salad recipe to anyone having all the cousins and aunts and uncles for Thanksgiving dinner: 3 qts. raw cranberries (crushed) 4 oranges 1112 qts, chopped celery 11/2 q's. diced apples 1iz cup sugar added to cranberries and oranges, ·


• • •

No griping . -At ha!f-past three, a peasoup fog closed in just as had been predicted. Of course every one relaxed a little now that the weather was on our side-so fur, but the tension arnl anticipation that precede a battle were still obvious. The fog seemed to thicken as we neared our objective· and as the zero hour approached. Bv this time we were navigating with the radar since it was often impossible to see as far as number one turret from the bridge. It seemed that the fog h~d settled _on our main deck and was trying to push the slnp deeper mto the water; no one was ''griping" though, because just over head, enemy planes had been "picked up" by the radar. · · They couldn't see us. -Dewey Nekich

Waiting ~ender smiles and knowing looks were exchanged by passmg students as they glanced at the fellow in blue lounging on the rail in front of the Ad. building. · There seemed to be a look of anticipation in his eye· there was also a wrinkle of disturbance on his forehead a~ he occasionally glanced at his watch as if the fleeting minutes were of great importance. . Then as the bell rang, his gaze swept suddenly from ~ns watch to the faces of the students filing out of the buildmg. As his eyes found a certain feminine face, he went forward quickly to take her hand in his, and they proceeded up the walk toward-where? This little scene is only one of manv that will be remembered in the future when thoughts ·turn back to the time when the "boys in blue" were on the campus of a thousai1c1 oaks. -Virginia Lawrence

Lady and Chow Ominipresence miss Navy fellas The departure of the Navy from PSTC has brnught sorrow to many ·. hearts in the past few days. The campus seems very strange indeed, bare of blue-clad figures topped with white hats marching to classes .. Two of the most loyal friends made their grief known in. a very obvious manner, On Sunday morning, the day after the navy left, Chow and Lady were on hand at the usual time-waiting for their "buddies" to come out of the ship, When the dogs finally realized that there was to be no muster, they set up such a howl that every one within two or three blocks was rou\Sed from sleep, Sunday, Lady cried ·for 'herAlllostday friends. Chow . moped about the campus as if looking for someone, hoping to find the boys somewhere. The sight of the two lonesome dogs is even more pitiful when one remembers that one of the two pups died a little more than a week before, and the other p~p disappeared.

L. Mears gives books to library Miss Louise W, Mears, a former instructor in the geography department at PSTC, who is now living in Lincoln, has given to the college library ten bound volumes of the Journal of Geography and several unbound copies of the magazine and four .books on the teaching of geography. Miss Mears also included in her gift, the Peru sections of the Nemaha County Republican. These were printed sometime in 1926; they are now in the pamphlet file of the library. The gift is a worthwhile addition to the library.

Although I walk in city ways My thoughts are at a distance '\Vhere lakes and fields and forests praise Almight;- Goel 's exishmce. I care not for the works at hand

That crush the noble life, But seek the desei·t's shifting: sandThe only sign of life. I loathe the sound of mo,·ing truck,

The factory's grinding gears, But love the peak that stands moonstruck, · Majestic through the :'ears. Instead of human treacherv That tears the heart 1vith grief, I love the sound of roaring sea, The crash of wave on reef. Yet surely as God walks the plains Or lights the stars above, His heart beats in the song of trainsOmnipotent His love. -Richard Clement Smith

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students of the Peru State Teachers Colleg~, Peru, Nebraska.

Peru, Pedagogian, Tuesday, November 6, 1945 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. Managing Editor --------------------·--··--·----·---·---·---Louella .Tieman Make-up Editor ·------······-----··---······----···················Frances Guy Feature WrHer ··--··--············----------······--··--··--··--··Sam Bradford Sports ·---------------····--·----·--------William Witty and Joe Weber Reporters ...... __ Laurine Clayburn, Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Janice Kimsey, Virginia Lawrence, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgomery, Dorothy Stepan, and Jean Van Camp. Adviser ·--··----·······--·····--·--·--·--·---·····--·--·----··--·--··Meta Norenberg Business Adviser -····------- _. ---····---'·-····--·····E. H. Hayward

"IBlue Stars • • • "It's a grand feeling ao be home once more after a complicated and horrible trip to Trinidad, B. W. I. The island of Trinidad as a whole is lovely in comparison with this section of Cuba. Here we have low scrubby growth covering the bay area; it is a dirty green color. Where it rains at least once a day, trees range from 1 50 to 150 feet in height. Scotland Bay, the navy base recreation grounds, is one of the most perfect I've seen in three years. Port of Spain is a marvelous liberty town even if we did have to change our currency to British. The populatipn is a mixture of black, English, and Chinese; all speak practically perfect English with a British accent," writes Jack Cejka EM 3-c (at. '43) from Cuba. Sgt. Dean Carr ('41) was a campus visitor reeently. He has been assigned to teach English to Chinese air cadets at various fields in Alabama. Ens. "Gil" Payson (V-12) from Hollywood, is now engaged in air operations at Vero Beech, Florida. Ens. Charles Kasmak, Glendale, Calif., and Ens. Leonard Campbell, Omaha, (V-12), are in the communications service in Honolulu. Ens. Jerome Parle, Omaha, (V12) is participating in patrol duties in Newfoundland. Willard Redfern S 1-c, ('42'43) is at present stationed at Samar, Philippine Islands. Robert Meyer ('39-'41) has been overseas for several years and has just recently received his discharge. He plans to continue his college education. Lt. (at. '42) and Mrs. (at. '44) Bill Berger have been in Nebraska City the past week visiting their parents. They have been in Florida since last March, where Lt. Berger has been serving as adjutant for his company. They

Facuity attends



Teachers Association was attended by all PSTC faculty members at either the Omaha or Lincoln meetings. The convention proved helpful and interesting to all. Mrs. Castle Brown was eiected to the delegate assembly for this district. While in Omaha, Dr. Castle Brown went out to Creighton University to discuss credits concerning military training. The Curriculum Committee is trying to set up a uniform policy respecting military credits. Dr. Selma Konig spoke before the modern language section at the convention in Lincoln, Thursday, October 25. Her topic was "Modern Langll'ages in the Post War Air Age." That it is incredible for people to get along on the command of only one language in an age in which the world has shrunk so much was the theme of her talk. Miss Brackney attended a meeting of all the home economics teachers in Nebraska, which was held at the Agricultural College. A discussion of the clothing courses offered in the colleges at the college .clothing teachers' meeting proved to be of interest to Miss Edna Weare. President W. R. P,ate sat in a panel discussion of Education for teachers. Prof. A. R. Reynolds attended meetings both at Omaha and Lincoln. He met many alumni of PSTC and they all seemed interested in reactivating the alumni association. Miss Kennedy and Miss Carey spent some time visiting libraries . of Omaha University and Creighton University, Dr. P. A. Maxwell attended the Omaha meeting and Thursday, October 25, participated in a panel discuss1on on the book, "The. Har. vard Report on General Educa.tion."

are on their way to Lincoln, where he will be stationed until he receives his discharge, which should come within the next couple of months. The couple hopes to return to school at Peru the second semester. Ernest c. Stra.uss, Radioman Ist class (at. '38-'41) has been stationed at Balboa, Canal ZoI).e. He writes, "I just experienced my last mango 'pickin' season. The mango is a luscious fruit as popular with the natives here as the apple is back home. Each season has found a few of the boys allergic to the fruit pr tree. Their faces swell considerably, along with a skin rash. I was fortunate myself not to experience such a fate. I always competed with the Latins. "I plan on entering the second semester at Peru. Here's hoping the winter isn't a bitter one, for the past three years in the tropics caused me to notice the cold while home last May." Lt. (j. g.) Witnur Ege (at. '40'42) returned to his naval station at Melbourne, Florida, after spending a short leave with his parents near Falls City. Lt. Ege has· just completed training in navy night fighter planes. Ernie Horacek ('34-'39), Coxswain Ist. Division of Coast Guard, has been in the South Pacific area and at present is stationed in Oakland, California. Mrs. R. J. Roth (Ardell Gilfert) (SS '40) has received her discharge from the Waves. At present she is visiting her mother at Otoe. while waiting for her husband to return from New Caledonia. Lt. Robert Smith ('38-'42), his wife, the former Maxine Sherstad (SS '42), and child are at present in Kansas City while Lt. Smith is stationed at the Olathe Naval Air Base.

Art classes plan two exhibits Miss Norma Diddel and members of the art classes are presenting another exhibit of famous pictures. From Nov. 8 to Nov. 15, color reproductions of well-known paintings will be hung in the rooms of the art department. There is no adinission fee for the exhibit; everyone is invited to attend at any time between 1: 30 and 4: 30 p. m. on school days. Children should be accompanied by their parents or teachers. Original prints by members of the Printmakers Guild will be exhibited from Dec. 3 to Dec. 14. Block prints, etchings, and lithographs will be included in this showing. Reproductions of the paintings and a number of the original prints mat be purchased if anyone desires them. Although the art department nor the college gains from the sale of these pictures, good will is built up and owners are more willing to lend other exhibits if some of the prints are sold. Prices ·will vary from fifty cents to twenty-five dollars.

Capt. Milliken tells war experiences Captain Willard Milliken, former Peru'Vian, talked informally at convocation October 19, about his experiences in the European theatre. Captain Milliken completed 200 missions as a fighter pilot and shot down 15 enemy planes. Numerous citations have been awarded to Captain Milliken. He has been presented the distinguished service cross, has been awarded the distinguished flying cross six times, has received the air medal 4 times, and was also given the purple heart. He explained that the English people are well mannered, the men handsome and good fighters, the fairer sex charming and lovely. Captain Milliken said, "Bread was still rationed in July, but absolutely nothing is · too good for an American."

Club reorganized by math students Alpha Mu Omega was reorganized Oct. 22, by eligible math students under the sponsorship of Miss Pool. This club has resumed it's former place among the fraternities of the college after a period of inactivity during the war. Various regulations of the organization were discussed and a general type of program was planned. The fourth Monday of each month was set for the regular meeting. The following officers were elected: Willard Hunzeker, president; Ralph Patrick, vice-president; and Margaret Spellman, secretary-treasurer. All members of the fraternity become members of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Students reorganize tri-language club "Oui, oui, Madamoiselle," "Si, si, senor,'' "Ja, ja, Fraulein." "Say it all ways" is the motto of the French, Spanish, and German students who met with their sponsor; Dr. Konig, in the Music Hall on Oct. 31, to organize a language club. The group is composed of stu'dents who have studied foreign languages or who are at present in such classes. Officers elected by the group are: president-Ruth Ann Crook, vice-president-Ruth Meister, secretary-Margaret Spellmen, treasurer - Don Aufenkamp, social chairman-Jack Maxwell. The purpose of the club, amount of due,s, and tentative plans for .Programs for the year were discussed. After the bu'Siness meeting, refreshments of ice cream and cookies were served. Names for the club were suggested; but none was voted 1won.

Glee dub plans varied programs Esther Steiner was made general chairman of the women's Glee Club, Monday, at the regular meeting. Membership is headed by Ruth Ann Crook. Jean Van Camp, Ruth Meister, and Doris Wagner will handle the publicity. Music and robes are tinder the direction of Marian Deck and Jessie Rhoden respectively. Aileen Wheeldon will manage the program. Pbns are under way for a Christmas program. Definite details will be announced later.

13 scholars join Kappa Delta Pi Kappa Delta Pi, honorary 0ducation society, admitted three new members and ten pledges at the monthly meeting, October 22, in the Music Hall. Janice Slagle, Esther Steiner, and Jean Van Camp are new members, while Phyllis Winkle, Joan Banks, Margaret Wellensick, Aileen Wheeldon, Frankie Montgomery, Ralf Graham, Don Aufenkamp, Goldie Motis, Lois Christensen, and Norma Mehlin are the new pledges. After the initiation service, Dr. Maxwell led group singing. Refreshments were served later.

Students reactivate art organization Art students met Thursday, October 30, to reorganize the Art Club. Ramona Johnson and Anna Pfister were temporarily elected by the group to act as chairman and secretary-treasmer respectively. Permanent officers will not be elected until January. Regular meetings will be held the first Monday of each month at seven in the art rooms .

Cats trample Warriors in fin al grid classic Peru's fighting Bobcats concluded the 1945 football season with a spa~kling 58-7 victory over Midland on October 19. The Cats put on a fine performande to give the many customers their money's worth. The scoring spree started when Rosenblum inte,rcepted a pass on the Midland 32-yard line. In five plays Patterson crashed over fw the first score. Patterson scored again through the line before the first quarter ended. Patterson ran over for the extra point to make the score 13-0.

In the second period, Patterson and Seeba drove down to the Midland 2-yard line. Pat scored again through the middle. After the kickoff, Ruede intercepted a Midland pass and raced to the visitor's 28-yard line. Rosenblum carried the ball on successive plays to score. Ruede converted to make the score 26-0. Seeba and Rosenblum intercepted Midland passes before the half ended.

Bobcats elect honorary captain Orlen Rice, a V-12 student from Grand Island, was elected honorary captain of the 1945 Peru football team by the other members ol the sqll'ad. Orlen played center and called the signals from that position. He has been a mainstay in the Peru line all season and has contributed much to making this a successful year for the Peru Bobcats. The student body joins in congratulations to Orlen and hopes to see him on the campus again.

21 Cats receive football awards Miniature footballs have been presented to twenty-one members of Coach Al Wheeler's 1945 football squad. Eight civilians and thirtoen V-12 students helped to make the football season at Peru a highly .successful one; four games won, one tie, and one loss is the record made by the Bobcats. Peru scored 136 points to 41 by the opponents. Peru's only loss was to the strong Washburn eleven at Topeka, Kansas, in the opening game. Washburn made three or the five touchdowns scored against the Cats during the entire season. Awards will be made to the following players: V-12 students-center, Orlen Rice, Grand Island; guards, Bill Saul, Salt Lake City; Bill Little, Omaha; Don Owens, Wichita Falls, Texas; tac\de, Don Twiss, Los Angeles; ends, Bob Goins, McAlester, Okla.; Owen Brewer, Cloverdale, Ind.; Bill Thompson, Pittsburgh, Penn.; backs, Gifford Ruede, Salt Lake City; Lowell Heiliger, Lincoln; Hubert Rosenblum, Omaha; Bill Kernan, Hastings; civilians-center, Duane Coad, Auburn; guard, Don Aufenkamp, Nemaha; tackles, Gerald Matschul!at, Nemaha; Joe Weber, Tecumseh; Don Becker, Union; end, Dick Good, Peru; backs, Don Seeba, Cook; Dee Rees, Morgan, Utah. 1

Ship s company receives orders Four more members of the Ship's Company departed from PSTC for their new locations, Wednesday, October 31, leaving only a skeleton crew to complete 'the task of closjng the records of the Peru base. Lt. E. H. Carl, commanding officer of the Peru unit, was transferred to Navy V-.i2 unit at the Case School of Applied Science located at Cleveland, Ohio. Mark Russell, navy physical education instructor, is now stationed at Great Lakes. Pharmacist mates Williamson and Johnson also reported "to the Great Lakes Station.

The second half opened with Peru driving to the Midland oneyard line and Seeba taking the ball over for the score. Peru kicked off bu1 soon gained possession of the ball and began another drive. An end run by Rosenblum made the score 38-0. Peru kicked off again, and Midland fumbled the ball which was recovered by Coad. However, Midland soon got the ball and began its only drive of the game. A Midland pass received by Paulson gave the visitors their only tally. Paulson also kicked for the extra point and made the score 38-7 at the end of three periods of play. The closing period found a series of hard runs by Kernan bring three first downs for the home club. Heiliger skirted the end for a touchdown from the Midland 5yard line. Kernan carried the ball over for the extra point. Midland gained possession of the ball, but Heiliger soon intercepted a pass. Runs by Kernan and Heiliger put the ball on the Midland 5-yard line from where Patterson hit through center for a touchdown. Kernan ran over for the extra point. Peru's kickoff gave the Midland team the ball, but Peru's big taclde, Red Twiss, recovered a fumble. A pass from Ruede to Rosenblum put the ball on the 21-yard line. From here a long pass from Ruede to Fischer was completed before the game ended. The final score was 58" 7. Coach Al Wheeler used a slightly different starting lineup and alternated his whole squad during the game. This game finished <mother successful season for Wheeler's pigskin performers. The Cats wound up the record with 4 wins, one tie, and one defeat. The starting lineup: PERU MIDLAND Thompson ___ LE ____ Kuenning Weber _______ LT __ Getzendaner Owen ________ LG _______ Lipps Rice (C) ____ C ______ Moeller Saul --------- RG _____ Johnson Becker ______ RT_____ Bubbert Brewer ______ RE_____ Vessder Seeba _______ QB____ Anderson Ruede _______ LH ______ Carlson Rosenblum ___ RH _____ Donovan Patterson ____ FB _______ Sager Score by periods: Peru 13 13 12 20-58 Midland 0 0 7 0-7 Peru substitutions: Coad, Matschulatt, Twiss, Good, Pierce, Goins, Heiliger, Fischer, Rees, Kernan, Little, Aufenkamp, Lutz, Juilfs, Yanders.

D. Rees proves hunting prowess Sunday evening Dee Rees, returning from a successful deer hunt at his home in Morgan, Utah, treated Peru to the sigh~ of a large foUT-point mule deer. Dee stopped by Coach Al's house on his way home to show off the "Buck" and gloat over the envy of Coach AL The deer, which weighed ne3r]y 400 pounds when alive, had a beautiful set of symmetrical antlers, which Dee will keep as a trop~y of his hunting prowess. As Dee started from home, he didn't attract much attention; but as he proceeded eastward, the curiosity of the people grew. When he reached Lincoln, the animal drew groups of people. While he stopped at Union Corner, the people driving were compelled to stop and admire the deer from a shorter distance. One man, hungry for meat, wanted to cut off a. steak. Aside from the joy of the sport, Dee also acquired several delicious steaks and roasts of unrationed venison.

Dorm Dope

Public is invited

• • •

Water color paintings will be studied at a conference to be held ty the art department on November 17 fvom 9:30 a. m. until 4:30

Vacation is over now and old hardly know the place! Eliza can wake up and live once Here's welcome back to Mary more. Most of the girls are some- Rishel. Rish bowed down to the what bedraggled after their vaca- flu or something like that a couple p. m. Demonstration and pr;ictice pertion-which is not an unusual of weeks ago and has been at occurrence after vacations-and · home since then. Third floor will iods are schedlrled during the day and will be followed by criticism it's hard to get back to the old now pep up again. grind. Of course, it won't take Several of the rooms are being of the experiments made by those long for everyone to get used to redecorated. It seems the girls are attending. The registration fee of $1.25 the routine of eat, sleep, and study. getting tired of the rooms the same Speaking of vacations, some of old way; so bulletin boards are for the day's work may be paid the girls went heme with their changed; new pictures are put up, on or before Monday, November 12, by anyone planning to attend "men" last week. Marilyn Hoberg and the dust flies high as endwandered down 'to Hubbell, Ne- of-the-quarter housecleaning be- the conference. The program for the day will be: braska, for a delightful week-end. gins. 9: 00-art rooms open, 9: 30Jan Barr went with "Dutch" Huff Hallowe'en has come and gone. to McCook, Nebraska, and Jan At latest reports there were no demonstration, 10: 30-practice period, 12: 00-luncheon, 1: 00-deMastin spent her vacation at Bill broken bones around the dorm, monstration, 1: 45-practice period, Kerr's home in Central City. They but several of the girls narrowly were really sleepy this last week. escaped calamity while carrying 3: 30-comment and criticism on Something riew has been added! out some of their fiendish schemes. work done, 4: 30-conference ends. Paper will be furnished for the Eliza Morgan hobby is the proud George, the dormitory cat, came experiments, but paints and brushpossessor of new overstuffed sets just in time for Hallowe'en. Weares must be provided by those and a lamp. Mrs. Marsh states that ing the traditional black coat, he attending. rugs will come too, as soon as it seems to give the place that ceris possible to buy them. You'd tain spooky l/.tmosphere. Meals at the cafeteria are now served differently. Since the navy is gone, regufars eat at 11: 50 and 5: 50. The tables have been moved Three new fire-proof files in B.part and foursomes eat together. which the student academic records But the best change of all-diners The silver star medal with the can be kept, have been added to oak leaf cluster, awarded post- no longer have to carry their trays the college office equipment. humously to Lt. Wilbert W. Kohrs \"Jack to the kitchen. It's just like All the student records since ('42-'43) was presented to his initiation, only better! The fresh1906 have been moved into men, too, can rest now. mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kohrs, at This nickname "caf" for the files which will provide protecher home in Lincoln recently. tion against ordinary fires. Lt. H. R. Jackson of the Uni- cafeteria must stop. It is a very They have been tested for 60 versity of Nebraska military train- misleading expression. It seems ind department made the presen- that Jean Van Camp was showing minutes at 1700 degrees Fahrenthe young Dutch visitor around heit and then dropped 30 feet tation. the dorm the other days and asked while still heated. This was to see Lt. Kohrs was cited for gallanhim, "Would you like to see the if the drawers would remain closed try in action against the enemy 'caf'?" Wonder if he thought Peru in case the files fell any distance in Germany, Dec. 1, 1944, and went in for dairying, or what? during a fire. against the enemy in Belgium, Well the deadline hour comes Another new article in the offJan. 3, 1945. fast upon me and this bit of gab ice is the standard duplicator. It Kohrs was president of the will suffice for the present. 'Snuff was purchased to increase the speed Lutheran Student Association said. of the duplicating jobs such as while he was on the campuis. form letters and bulletins.

Records are safe in new office files

Silver star award honors Lt. Kohrs


Johnson-Clayburn A quiet church wedding at Hiawatha, Kansas, October 29, at 3 o'clock united Laurine Clayburn, daughter of M1:. and Mrs. A. B. Clayburn, and J. B. Johnson, P. M. 2-c, in marriage. The wedding was a double ring ceremony. Laurine wore a black dressmaker suit and black accessories. The young couple left Thursday for Chicago, where Johnson reports for duty at the Great Lakes Training Station.

Peru Cleaners and Tailors CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Phone 62

Right Away Shoe Shop M. C. MEDLEY

Service with




Shoe Repairs of All Kinds Electric Shoe Shop Peru, Nebraska

Earl's Cafe Serves. Meals Also Ice Cream, Cold Drinks, Candy

Buy at the Avenue Store-Save the long walk downtown

iverett Applegate, Sr., Mgr., while Earl is In U. S. Service

Phone 65

Pen,, Nebr.

Peruvians were elected to numerous offices. in educational associations throughout the state. In District I, Miss Ruth Patterson of Fairbury was elected vice president, Qfl1·: Ludington of Milford is treasurer, and Miss Rita King of Milford will serve on the executive committee. Supt. Rex R. Gay of Creighton is an evecutive committeeman for District III. In District V, B. W. Burke of Alma is the new secretary-treasurer, and Miss Ida Mackie of Trenton and N. M. Tyson of Wauneta are committee member,. In District II, Miss Mabel Bedell and R. M. Mah of Douglas county and Mrs. C. M. Brown of Peru and William J. Dunn of Leigh are among the members of the delegate assembly. Paul Stoddard (at. '45) is teaching vocal and instrumental music in North Loup and in addition dirests a church choir and sponsors the Young People's Fellowship. Mrs. Harold Fisher, who will perhaps be better remembered as Christina Rosenthal (at. '44) is living on a farm 51h miles southeast of Shenandoah, Iowa. Maxine Jarvis Johnson (SS '39) is teaching at Dunbar. Beulah Livingston ('40) has been She was recently transferred there from Fort Crook. gineers office in Nebraska City.

working in an office in Seattl Washington. She intends to re' sume teaching this year. In recent letter Miss Livingston sai that fall weather always mak ' her a bit homesick for Peru an' it's beautiful autumn coloring. : Mrs. Wayne Rogers, the form Dorothy Pershing (at. '43), is !iv' ing on a farm near Ashland, Ne! braska. \ Virginia Ann Altaffer (SS '44' is attending Drake University a Des Moines, Iowa. ; Thelma Ruth Koehler is teach{ \ng her second term in a rura school near Falls City. Lenora Zentner (at. '41) · working in Kansas City, Missouri' Jean Spier ('41) is teachin' music at La Grange, Illinois. __ _ M'arguerite Sherstad (at. '40 is a clerk typist in the U. S. en

Dr. H. C. Dallam


Bertha M. Thomson,· M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 60

Mardis Grocery Groceries, Meats, Fruits and Vegetables



Phone Office 32; Res. 196 Peru, Nebraska



J.P. Clark

Call us for bus Information

For Good Eats and Drinks Hot Coffee, Cocoa, Sandwiches and Lunch Goods Staitionery, Notebooks and covers Typewriter Paper, Penmanship Paper

Jllumni Crail

THEATER November 6-7 "Saddle Leather Law" Starting of serial "The Monster and the Ape" November 8-9-10 "Nob Hill" November 11-12 "Blood on the Sun" November 13-14 ''Delightfully Dangerous'' November 15-16--17 "The Bullfighters" and "Sergeant Mike" November 18-19 ''Conflict''


Phone 112;


Second Quarter Supplies Notebooks-All Sizes Typing Pa;per Botany Paper Scrap Books Gift Wrapping And Ribbon Where Your Money Buys More

Chatelain's Jewelry Peru, Nebr.

Ridin' high

Opposite the Training School

H. U. LANDOLT Phone 73

Peru, Nebr.




Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Comp

Odds and Ends by M urgatroyd

"01 Man Winter" is threatening to pay his yearly visit soon. Coats, mittens and fascinators are blossoming out on a number of coeds. The brisk wind adds a rosy hue to milady's cheeks without the aid of cosmetics. The students have quickened their paces and no longer loiter as they go to and from classes. Basketball is in the air. "In 'ere, in 'ere!" shotrt the W. A. A. members r:s they take their turns at making baskets. "Keep your eye on the ball." warns Miss Davidson from time to time, and it's surprising just how many do get the ball on their eyes when they are not alert. The coeds are learning the "rugged/' techniques of girls' basketball. If one can draw a conclusion from their laughter and all-out rough and tumble playing, they are certainly having a grand time even if they are not familiar with all the rules. Military conscription and its attending evils or disadvantages seemed to · be the main topic of conversation among students and faculty members after the convocation speech by Dr. Bradford. It is surprising to note how strongly many of the students feel on this subject. Their interest in current affairs is encouraging. Reports have been heard that f faculty members can square dance.

Why don't they sponsor a Saturday evening dance for the students and teach them the art?


Costumes cause fun at fall party

Peruvian heads to attend meeting

Many characters were represented at the All School Costume party sopnsored by the Student CLristian Association at the Music Hall, Nov. 3. Santa Claus, Daisy May and L'll Abner, Grandma and Granpa, Jack and Jill, Queen of Hearts, Wee Willie Winkle, hoboes, Chinamen, and a clever pitrsonification of Autumn, dressed in large sycamore leaves, were just a few of the characters cleverly represented.

Ralf Graham, Peruvian editor, Ruth Comstock, business manager, and Dr. Bradford, sponsor, will attend the school publications section of the National Council of English meeting in Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Bradford will accompany the group wihch will leave on Wednesday morning, November 21, and return Sunday, November 25. Meetings will be held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Ruth Ann Crook, dressed as bare-footed, shirt-skirted Daisy May, and Don Aufenkamp rigged as a back-woods negro complete with rope suspenders were named King and Queen of the characters. They were crowned with a wreath of red leaves and seated on thrones of autumn tree boughs. President Pate's socks were only one of the items collected during the twenty-minute "Scavenger Hunt." Out of the fifty items the largest number brought in by a group was 37; the articles included a live turtle, artificial fingernails, size 14 shoe, a pure chemical, a red tie, a porky hat, and a marine insignia.

Some very useful techniques "Stumblefoot" has at last re- were developed during the relays ceived some attention. Students in which participants tried rolling have run over him and walked a potato with the nose, tying hand on him in shameful fashion for and foot together in one operation a number of years without noticing and jumpi;ig through a hoop. that he existed. Because a few Games were supervised by Jean pause before stepping on him for Van Camp. Decorations, under the fear of tripping, he has been named direction ·Of Ruth Meister, were "Stumblefoot". How did he, the rustic. Festoons of red, green, and wooden step on the first landing golden leaves lined the room, with of the stairs to the speech room, strings of red apples in the wincome to be placed where he is dows. Scarecrows gave an air of today? comedy as they guarded the king's The fellas who took over the and queen's thrones. . responsibility of raising and lowHot cocoa, doughnuts, and apples ering the flag each day should were fitting refreshments for the receive gardenias from the whole nippy November night. Don Aufenstudent body. There are still a kamp -ruled the kitchen during few people willing to show their the preparation of the food and patriotism in humble service. even through the dish washing. Would it be possible to show betRuth Ann Crook, social chairman ter PSTC patriotism by securing of SCA, was t11e general chairman a new flag to replace the tattered of the party, which was successful "Old Glory" that has served its because of the splendid cooperpurpose faithfully and should be ation of so many of the members. retired? Justice almost triumphed a few days ago when the fellas who boisterously serenad;ed the giris at "Eliza Morgue" at 11 p. m., received notes signed by Mm. Marsh asking them to report to her and explain their actions. There were some very long faces on the campus until it was learned that the signatures were forgeries. It is a good thing that the culprits kept their identity a secret or there might have been some "corpses'' cluttering up the landscape. It seems that Dr. Bradford thinks short words are words of might. Little did he know that, when he illustrated his conviction with the words "Kiss me'', he almost had the seven coeds sitting on the front row of his classroom in his lap.

Someone el13e is taking theh· place. Civilian students are now responsible for the swing music which comes from the music hall each week. The more musicians, the merrier the music--so pull · those stored instruments out of the closet, oil the keys, blow out the dust, and: come to swing band practice. Did you happen to notice a few people practically tie themselves into knots getting their initials ·imprinted in the wet cement of the new walks? Seemingly they haven't heard the old saw about "Fools names and fools faces" or had they? Btrt then some people have queer ways of achieving immortality.





SCA holds drive for student aid fund "I as an American student, send myself to stand beside my fellow in a wartime world, regardless of race, nation, creed, or politics." This was the slogan used in the World Student Service Fund drive this year. Last week a drive for this fund was sponsored by the s. C. A. to meet Peru's goal of $200. The goal had not been reached last Friday, but contributi1ons were still coming. in.


Formerly this drive was sponsored by the Y. W. C. A. and the goal was set by the local organization. However, this year the goal was set by the headquarters of the national organization. Members of the }eru Dramatic Last year Peru received a letter Club will present two standard of commendation and a certificate one-act plays Friday evening, of honor which was presented to December 7. This will be a budget schools whose per capita giving activity. was exceptionally high and total "Riders to the Sea,'' an Irish contribution large. J. W. Litherland, supervisor of tragedy by John M. Synge, porSince 1937 relief· has gone from secondary education of the State trays Ramona Johnson as Maura, American students to fellow stuof Nebraska, addressed students an old lady, Sam Bradford as dents in wartorn countries around Bartley, her son, Mary Lou Genoa and faculty at the National Edu- as Kathleen, the older daughter, the globe. The war is over, but cation Week convocation. His and Frankie Montgomery as Nora, the need for help in the rehabilitation and reconctruction of unitopic was "Citizenship." the younger daughter. "We have done well in winning The second play, "Flattering versity life in Europe and Asia the war, now we must win the Word,'' is a satire by George has been multiplied. This year peace,'' stated Mr. Litherland. Kelly. Anselm Johnson plays the aid will go to students in 18 counHe emphasized the shortage of Rev. Mr. Rigley; Hester Friedly tries. The United States is not the trained teachers. "This year we portarys Mary, his wife; Phyllis have 3,000 teaching on temporary Skever takes the part of Mrs. only country where such drives certificates out of a total of Zooker; Barbara Berger is Lena, are held; England and France both 13,000." Mr. Litherland voiced a Mrs. zooker's daughter; and John hold drives for this same fund. The job ahead is great, but the hope that this situation might be Lawrence plays Eugene Tesh, a task of giving relief to students remedied in the near future. prominant dramatic star. "We have a separate class in On the production staff, Ruth may be met through sacrifice and our school for citizenship. But it Comstock will be business mana- cooperation. takes more than that to make ger; Sam Bradford, stage manager; citizens... We need classes to fit Frances Guy, Hester Friedly, and the special needs of the students." Frankie Montgomery, property Mr. Litherland pointed. out the workers, and Esther Steiner will fact that we have all types of be book-holder. pupils in our public schoolsThese plays will be under the pupils from all levels of life. direction of Miss Hazel L. Williams. Miss Nellie Carey and Miss ''.It is this mass that the school · Burtis Kennedy attended the meetmust make into citizens capable ing of the Nebraska Library Assoof governing themselves and othciation held in Lincoln on Nov. 9 ers. a.nd 10. This was the first annual ·· "Young people's minds are very meeting since 1942 because of the plastic. We can form the111 very much as we will, which," stated Educators from t11ree countries travel restrictions. An interesting feature of the Mr. Litherland, "is another reason will meet Tuesday in the basefor the careful selection and train- ment rooms of the St. Joseph's meeting was a visit to the Love Memorial Library in the univering of teachers." Catholic Church. S. L. Clements sity camp.us. This library is orThe program was sponsored by will preside over the meeting. ganized on a divisonal plan with Kappa Delta Pi. Ruth Comstock, Speakers of the evening will be president, was in charge of the Dr. Archer Burnham, executive four main groupings of books. The books which are most commonly arrangements. secretary of the N .S. E. A., who used are on the open shelves. will speak on "Why an EducationThe librarians also visited the al Association and What Makes it Nebraska Wesleyan Library. Tick?" and Frank Heinisch, exCollege librarians discussed ecutive secretary of the Omaha mt;1;ual problems at a meeting branch, whose address will be on of the college section of the Asso"An Action Program of Educa- ciation on Saturday morning. tional Association". On Wednesday, Nemaha County He admitted that the effect on teachers will meet. A luncheon some had been degrading; how- will be served at the Christian ever, many came out better men Church. Dr. Warren Baller, professor of than they were when they entered psychology at the University of the service. Capt. Floyd discussed a plan Nebraska, will speak on "Facts of Miss Ruth Menoher, the home combining military conscription Help in Knowing Children" and adviser of the Nebraska Power with the education program. "Measuring with Yardsticks of Company, of Lincoln, spoke in According to him the army im- Different Lengths". the high school auditorium Wedproves morals in that it trains Dr. Walter K. Beggs of the Uni- nesday evening, Nov. 14. "Our· men to take care of themselves. versity will speak on "Showman- Post War Electric Home" was her He also stated that the religious ship in the Classroom" and topic; she was sponsored by the set-up in the armed forces is ex- "Things to Come in Teaching". local A. A. U. W. cellent. State Supt. Wayne 0. Reed, Dr. "In our post war home the most Dr. Brown pointed out the fact Archer Burnham, and Mr. Frank important thing is adequate wirthat large standing armies and Heinisch wlll speak to the group ing. It is much cheaper and easier compulsory military training have in the afternoon. to install correct wiring when a 1 not proved too satisfactory in the house is built than to wait and do past. "We have just defeated it as it is needed." said Miss Menohnations who carried out these er. plans." New developments for electric He also showed the futility of ranges were explained; one conmilitary conscription by stating sists of a system of clocks and that "the last war was won in the A number of Perwvians attended switches so that the stove can laboratory rather than entirely on the violin concert by David Rubin- cook a meal when the housewife the battlefield." off in Nebraska City, Nov. 17. The is not even at home. The Rev. Mccollough cited ex- program was sponsored by the The frozen food equipment creamples down through history to High School choir. ated interest as well as did the show that military forms of governMr. Rubinoff was born in Grod- dish washer and garbage dispoment have always brought chaos no, Russia, Sept. 3, 1897. At the sal combination sink. and confusion u<pon peaceful age of five, he became a student Sun lamps, electric heated blancountries. Throughout the history of the violin in the Royal Conser- kets, and florescent lighting were of our country we have been un- vafory of Warsaw. At the age of other phases which Mi.ss Menoher prepared when war struck us, but 15, he came to America with his discussed as probable appliances each time we quickly mustered parents who settled in Pittsburgh. for the post war home. our resources and proved our Miss Jean Van Camp sang two In past years, Mr. Rubinoff was strength. "History in the past an orchestra conductor and was selections, "Homing" and a parody proves that we can do it again successful also in the radio field. on "Home on the Range" written when the situation arises." Today he is making concert tours. by Miss Edna Weare.

Dramatists select budget play casts

Kappa Delta Pi presents convo

Librarians attend state meeting


to hear

noted educators

Dr. Bradford heads panel on peacetime conscription "Peacetime Conscription" was the topic under discussion at convocation, Friday, Nov. 9. Those forming the panel were Dr. Bradford, Capt. Rex Floyd, Dr. Brown, arid the Reverend Mr. McCollough. "we today in this nation face' one -0f the most crucial moments in our history." stated Dr. Bradford. He clearly set forth his viewpoint in this manner: "I am squarely against peacetime conscription. I'm against it first as a citizen, next as a teacher, and next as a believer of Christian ethics ... "It means centralization of power. We might as well be whipped by someone else as to whip ourselves . . . . "There's a time for war and .a time for peace-a time for mobilization and a time for demobilization ....." Dr. Bradford emphasized the belief that peacetime conscription would result in a decline of higher learning. "It is bound to coarsen us. We should be impoverished cwlturally by a program which emphasizes physical labor." Capt. Rex Floyd responded to Dr. Bradford's remarks by saying. "I am in favor of conscription. I've found it has done me a lot of good."

Miss Menoher talks on electricity

Students hear Rubinoff concert


• • •


by Elaine Foster An old hen with about twentyfour chickens is not unusual but a woman with seventy-five children is an entirely different matter. She takes them all under her From a student on the campus of Peru State Te11chers wing, comforts them when they're blu:e, guides them when they College to the inst!uctors on the campus of the same. stray, and "fluffs their feathers" What has been done to bring these long, difficult as- when they succeed. These are her signments down on us to increase our cries of woe--legiti- duties. I am speaking of the house mate or otherwise~ mother at Peru State Teachers Are the instructors so enthusiastic over their courses College, Mrs. C. H. Marsh. She ·that they cannot appreciate the time required for students is a mother to every girl who to meet the assignments? enters the dormitory at PSTC. She derive& much pleasure as Two hour courses call for four hours of preparation as worry and anxiety from' each week. Instructors and students know this, but if well her job. Her association with girls instructors in two-hour courses give assignments admitted- keeps her youthful, vigorous, and ly for four-hour courses, how can studnts, who carry full active. Her learning increases, esloads, do double work in practically all classes-with no pecially in the line of human experience. Amusing incidents take extra credit? place, which add spice and variety Or is it possible that the students on the campus have to her life. shown unusual a:bility reflected by intelligence tests or She is abo very busy. She must other measuring devices used to estimate the learning continuously 0bserve the girls. H things are not going the way they capacity of the student? should, she must straighten them The reason for this change on the campus must be well- out. She must also take care of founded or perhaps the situation is completely unnoticed the rooming situation. From a by faculty members. In either case, a modification is bare outline of facts, a few likes and dislikes of some girl, she necessary, for even though there aren't so many students must choose another girl who will on the campus as in former years to keep the social side of be able to agree with the first the school advancing; the demands of the individual for a one. In other words, she has to well-integrated personality is certain to be neglected when decide which girl is going to room and with whom. he is forced to stay at his desk and to forego any form of where Anyone w110 !1as been around recreation. girls at all, will know this is a Perhaps a s:µaall change in the teaching objectives of task which few are capable of · the faculty will result in the improvement of this situation. doing. are many requirements Whatever the change may be, it is certain that the faculty forThere a woman in her position. She will "shoot square" with us in the future as they have must be able to meet people graciously and be able to pick out done in the past. many of their characteristics on first sight. Most important of all, she must like girls and like to associate and work with them. She must be a model for them, an ideal at all times. She must be stern but open-minded about young She must make the girls "Nothing ever happens around here. There's noth- people. abide by all rules, with no favoring going on. It's the deadest place I've ever seen." This itism shown (a task in itself). Another of her important tasks is a typical gripe that can be heard around the campus is guidance. Girls who come here more often than is pleasant. the first time are usually just Queer thing, though,-the people who do the most for out of high school and not yet griping are the very ones who do not cooperate in the ef- eighteen years old. She must take the place of their moth~rs. She forts to make more social life on the campus. some responsibility if, a good The S. C. A. party the other night in the music hall is has suddenly becomes a poor a good example of the problem. There was a very small student one. She tries to find the reason': representation of the student body there. The party was She must see that any girl that fun, everyone agreed. And many who were not there com- stays here at PSTC is not a detrimented, "Gee, I wish I'd gone; I didn't suppoRe that ment to the teaching profession. These are some of the facts would be much fun.'' about Mrs. Marsh's job. How There are alwais some people who are never satisfied would you like to be "the Mother with anything they have. They give the school a bad of seventy-five"?

An open letter


Where can one draw the line?

It's up to you

name by their unhappy attitude. "Don't come to Peru." they tell prospective students, ''there's nothing to do there.'' How does this person know whether there ''S anything happening or not~ He's never around when any excitement is going on. He's in the dorm wishing there were something else to do. Or else he's home for the weekend telling the home-town folks what a boring school the folks are sending him to. · Of course, p,eru doesn't support a $50,000 student union with room for dancing, bowling, ping-pong, and eating. The girls' dorm has a recreation room with pingpong tables and space for dancing. A piano is available there to furnish music for dancing when a music box can't be found. But how much is it used 1 Very little, indeed. The kitchen in the basement of Eliza Morgan is aching for someone to have a taffy-pull. But how many of the girls have "had time" for that this year 1 There is a bowling alley in the boys' dorm which probably could be used for the asking. But who has asked 1 Who has griped about no bowling alley? Organizations on the campus are usually sponsoring parties of one '.kind or another, oftentimes poorly attended. If more people would attend, there would be more pep, more fun. · ' It all adds up to one thing: to hav,e fun one must be fun. If there isn't any fun, make some. Peru is a peppy school, and the ones who are working the hardest for the school are the ones who are trying to keep school spirits high; they are the ones who are happy. They are the ones who like Peru. They are the typical students. What Peru needs is not a lot of elaborate parties-not a dance band from Omaha every Saturday night. It needs more of those ''typical students.''

'.l:hese editorials were written by members of the journalism class.

• • •

Author commends Miss Palmer Miss Nona Palmer is given credit for the method proposed in the article, "If You Believe in Typing Warm-ups," which was published in the October issue of Business Educational World. T. K. Wilson, associate professor of business at Western State College, Gunnison, Colo., who wrote th~ article, commends Miss Palmer as being one of the midwest's truly progressive commercial teachers. He states in the author's note that he is indebted to her for much of the material as well as the method presented in the article. The article explains the purpose and procedure of a few minutes of "warm-up work" at the beginning of a typing period. It's purpose is to loosen up the finger muscles and establish control of them. It also helps to recall the highest speed and rhythm in the shortest possible time. As to procedure, drills in words and sentences are suggested that give practice in reaches required for all letters of the alphabet. Punctuation marks, symbols, and words that give trouble are in· serted in these exercises. To give the student practice in correct punctuation, it is suggested that sentences be used in which the end punctuation is omitted and which the student is expected to finish correctly. Commerce students who have had typing under Miss Palmer's instruction will recognize the plan ou<tlined as one which she use11 effectively in her classes.

How oddly my little boy's grin resembles mine. I taught him to say, "Pass the bread, please," and "Thank. You;" Often he mimics me behind my backi taught him all these things without thinking. Now a strange thought has entered my head! In time of war I kill mv fellow man; Yet if I spill your red blood here, · I am condemmed to the executioner's block And my little boy to evelasting shame. vvliere can one draw the line f Robert Williams.

After the rain Earth begins it's life anew, Beams of light rush bravely through; Blue birds trill a: melody, Robins join in ectasy; De'>vy flowers nod and sigh, Willows whisper in reply; Rainbow in the eastern sky Bids the rain a fond good-by. Esther Steiner.

And I turned in The moon was juRt swinging up over the trees. The sun was barely hidden behind the range of mountains which spread over the distant background. A few sparrow..., lingered around the campsite to procure some last rice kernals -remnants of a Japanese scouting party's deserted food supply. We were occupying a hastily exacuatecl Jap bivouac. The birds twittered noisly as they occasionally struggled for the same morsel. The sky was becoming pale as the minutes rapidly paRsed. Only eight hundred yards from our camp, large artil- · lery pieces were telling us of stubborn resistance in the enemy's lines and of vicious fighting at the front. But around us everything was comparatively dull and uneventful. The moderate silence was broken often by spurts of lead from our front line machine guns, emphasizing the large guns' blasts every few minutes. "Run for cover!" suddeulv shouted one sentrv while·, another echoed a warning of th~ approach of enemy.patrolling fighter planes which would be over our heads with a strafing attack in a matter of seconds. We tucked ourselves into holes which ·we had used every evening about this time for the same reason-to protect ourselves from . the enemy's fire. · "Here they come. Let 'em have it! Pour it on good!" we heaTd the gunners operating the anti-aircraft weapons shout. The fireworks began! A 37-mm anti-aircraft gun as it fires it's rounds into the air makes plenty of noise, but we were operating more then fifteen of them in the area near our camp besid<~t> a lot of 50 and 30 caliber machine g1rns. J ap machine gunfire also broke the air as the bullets were ejected from the flaming barrels. Occasionally a Jap was heard screaming as his flaming ·coffin went hurtling to the ground.Only a few of them had to be shot down before the rest of the '' vellow bellies'' went scurrying back ''crying uncle.'' • It was dark by that time and I turned in. Alvin Pierce.

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students o! the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska. ·

Peru, Peda:gogian, Tuesday, November 6, 1945 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Clas Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. '

Managing Editor ··-··-·······-···---·---·-···--·······--·---Louella Tiema Make-up Editor .... --..··········--·-···-·········-·-..··--········Frances G Feature Writer ·--······--·-····-········-.. ·-·····-·······-·······Sam Bradfo Sports ······-··--··········-..··-··----···William Witty and Joe Weoe Reporters ..... _..Laurine Clayburn, Hester Friedly, Ralf Gra ham, Janice Kimsey, Virginia Lawrence, Ruth Meiste Frankie Montgomery, Dorothy Stepan, and Jean V Camp. Adviser ·-········-··---............. --··--························--·Meta Norenber Business Adviser ···-·······- _. ---···-················E. H. Haywar

\Blue Stars • • • Ensign :Phil Barber (V-12) who was here Homecoming Day writes that he arrived in Honolulu October 22. He has gone surf board riding along the famous Waikiki Beach. V-12 Student Don Owe;i writes from Wisconsin University, "As yet I'm so fouled up at this place that I don't know which direction it is back to Texas!" He further states, "This is a wonderful university, but I'd surely like to be back in Peru where I know all the/people." Max Ma.thews, RT 2-c ('43 '44) is stationed at the Seattle Navy yards awaiting the commissioning of the large type destroyer, James E. Keyes, to which he has been assigned. At present his duties include shore patrJl. Bob Winslow ('43 '44) of Falls City, was in Peru on business recently. He is a discharged veteran recuperating from wounds received in the German war. He will soon resume civilian life; he will work as district manager for an insurance company. Ensign "Al" Haack ('41 '43) has received a discharge foliowing 32 months in the naval air service. Haack was one of the pilots that flew a plane in the great mass formation flight on Navy Day at the ·christening ceremonies of the new aircraft carrier, Roosevelt, which took place in New York City. Another recent visitor on the campus was Ens. Keith Albers ('41-'44) former student and V-12 trainee who is on a two-week leave from duty on the USS Lowndes. T-Sgt. Luther I. Hutton, Jr. (' 43) received a discharge from the USAAF at Santa An::i, California Hutton is a veteran of 29 months service in the air force where he was a radio-gunner stationed in England. He has received an Air Medal with Four Oak Leaf Clusters. Lt. Neil Good ('41), campus visitor of last week, pilot in the " Navy Air Transport Command, has a position with the. Transcontinental and Western Airlines . as pilot, and will report for work shortly. Lt. Good has served in the Pacific and also on the run to Alaska. Lt. Orthello "Buzz" Byers ('40'43) and Marjorie Weiler ('41-'43) were united in marriage on November 1, at Dunbar, Nebraska. They are taking a short trip to Denver, Colorado, and will go to

California later, where he reports for duty. ('37) obtained his release from the Navy at Sun Valley, Nevada, and is resuming work for a lViaster's degree at Colorado State College. Lt. Ernest Hill ('38-'41) and his wife and daughter were campus visitors. Lt. Hill has enrolled for extension work and will be back the second semester. Dick Mastain (V-12) at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, writes, "Since. we only had 7 days, I didn't ·have time to go home. I have relatives in Ames, Iowa; so I went there to spend my 7 days of eating, sleeping and loafing. I saw Lee Larson and Betty Berger while there." Sgt. Don, Anderson ('43-44) has completed his schooling in radar at Williams Field, California. He was promoted to the rank of sergeant after graduation, and is at present waiting for reassignment. Navyman Don Lavigne ('44-'45) stationed at Tampa, Florida, has been promoted to the rating of ARM 2-c. He was one of 11 out of 60 candidates who made the grade. Phm. 2-c Ralph Clevenger ('41'42) of Peru, and Miss Virginia Moahestod of Ames, Iowa, were united in marriage October 6, at San Diego, California. Clevenger is a navy veteran of four years ·service, 21 months of which were spent in the South Pacific. Lt. Sidney J1ohnson ('39-'42) of the Army Air Corp, was in Peru last week visiting his student brother, Anselm Johnson, o:nd other r€latives. Mrs. Alton Wagner, after two years service in the WAC, is now in the state office working with Supt. Wayne Reed. Cadet Eugene Friedrichs (V-12) now at Rice Institute of Houston, Texas, was a recent visitor in the Stacey Vance home. M-Sgt. Roland Cowell ('39-'40) is in the Philippines and expects to come to the states as soon as transportation is available. He has been in the service more than four years and has enough points for discharge. Isabel Tynon ('39-'43), recently discharged from the WASP when it was disbanded, is now doing aviation work in Mexico City.

Art students see modern paintings

by Janice Ki,msey Names are funny things. This year at the dorm, one has to be pretty definite for whom one asks. It one carelessly asks for Ruth, there are at least 7 girls who answer to that name; Ruth Meister, Ruth Comstock, Ruth Crook, Ruth Randall, Ruth Dougherty, Ruth Merklinger, and Ruth Straube. Ruth Eschen, who lives out of the dorm, adds another to the number on the campu'S. Phyllis and Lois and Mary find themselves in much the same situation with 4 Phyllises, 5 Loises, and 4 Marys. Of course Mary has some variation of her name by the addition of Alice or Lou to it. Margaret, Joan, Barbara, Irene, Frances, Marilyn, Janet, and Janice are other duplicated names. Perhaps an interesting note is that Janet lives in the same room with· Janet, Janice with Janice, and two of the Ruths are roommates.

The majority of the paintings shown at the Art Exhibit Friday, Nov. 9, and Monday, Nov. 13, were by modern and more recent painters. More than two-thirds of the artists whose pictures were shown in this $1400 exhibit painted since 1800. Some of the reprodll'ctions were made in England, France, and Germany, but most were painted in the United States. These color reproductions were loaned by Dr. Konnad Prothman with the request that only one person handle the pictures and that they be shown to students and faculty. It is not often that Peru people have the opportunity to see actual size, color reproductions of the contemporary artists, though interested students always have access to smaller pictures in the collections in the library and art department. The exhibition was at Fort Hays Kansas State College before being shown here on the campus and is go to Western State College at unnison, Colo., front Peru:. Bill Thompson left Ames, Iowa Saturday, November 10, for Sampson, New York, Separation Center where he will receive his discharge. Bill plans to return Peru to school the second ester. Chief Specialist John Tynon

Ruth• s take over at Eliza. Morgan

Who likes pie? Students have, generally speaking enjoyed the variety of dishes which have appeared in the cafeteria. Especially is this true of desserts-pie If some of the more playful diners continue to pour coffee or water into the sugar containers on the tables, all diners will have to forego desserts for several meals. There simply isn't sugar to waste in this day and age!

Men organize dorm council Ralph Patrick, junior, was chosen president of the Men's Dorm Council Monday night, Nov. 12. The two auxiliary members are Don Aufenkamp, sophomore, and Wayne Buhrman, senior. Because there are so few men living at the dormitory, the 'council consists of only three members this year, but new members will be added as the number of men increases. The first task of the council will be to help set up the new dormitory rules which will go in· to effect Dec. 1.

Seven pledge to Sigma Tau

Wheelermen promise . good cage season With a tentative 22-game schedule ahead, Coach Wheele.r looks t6wc:rd the coming. basketball season with the prospect of an all-civillian team composed of bucket-sinker "Whiz" White (three year letterman), Dick Good, Ralph Patrick, Don Seeba, and Dee Rees in the five .spot positions. Don Becker, Rex Floyd, Ken Hermsmeyer, Wayne Buhrman, and Grant DeVore 'h•old number two spots. Other boys who keep the top five in clicking condition are Willard Hunzeker, Dick Juilfs, Jerry Matschulatt, Armand Yanders, and Don Aufenkamp.

Floyd heads 11 11 new P cu Ib Rex Floyd was elected president of the newly organized P .Club at its first meeting of the year, Monday, Nov. 13. Other officers chosen at the meeting were vice-president, Duane White, and secretarytreasurer, Dee Rees.

The first pre-season game played Wednesday night, Nov. 14, found White dropping buckets to the tune of 17 points when the Bobcats topped the Auburn Bombers 41-25. Dick Good, White's lanky partner under the offensive bucket, dropped 10 points to round off as number two man for the night.

Hester Friedly, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgomery, Beulah Art Ronhovde, ex-Peruvian, Spoor, Esther Steiner, Aileen Men eligible to belong to the now coach at Auburn, led his Wheeldon, and Phyllis Winkle P Club are all those who have were pledged to Phi Alpha Chap- earned a letter in athletics at Bombers consisting of ex -service ter of Sigma Tau Delta at the Pern. Don Aufenkamp, Don Beck- men, including ex-Peruvians Luthannual fall banquet and pledge er, Duane Coad, Rex Floyd, Richard er and Dick Hutton, Brown, service which was held at the Good, Jerry Matschulatt, Dee Harrington, and Wilson with five home of Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Brad- Rees, Donald Seeba, and Joe Weber sinkers totaling 10 points. ford Monday evening, Nov. 12. attended the first meeting. · Following the dinner and pledge Tile season opens with Norfolk Membership is expected to inservice Una May Leech, Ruth Junior College, Dec. 5. Ille preMeister, and Janice Slagle, ac- crease considerably after the bassent schedule finds three dates companied by Esther Steiner, sang ketball season. "Make Believe" and "The Song not filled with the prospect of The purpose of the organization Is You." is to promote an active interest Omaha University playing a two Dr. Bradford, sponsor, and Mr. game engagement as well as MidWitty, president, welcomed the in school activities. land and Kirksville Teachers. pledges to Sigma Tau and Ruth Meister acknowledged the welThe schedule to date includes, come. Mrs. Bradford read a short story Dec. 5 Norfolk Junior College, "The Pale Fidelia" and Dr. Bradat Peru. ford read a story entitled "Miracle Dec. 7 Tarkio College, at Tarkio on Spruell Flat." Dec. 11 Doane, at Crete. Pew high football boys were Esther Steiner entertained the Dec. 18 Tarkio College, at Peru. group with a sketch on "A Visit honored at the annual football With the Dentist" and Miss Tear banquet and dance at the Training Dec. 20 Wartburg College, at re.ad; several of her poems which School Saturday night, Nov. 17. Peru. have been published. Jan. 11 open. Toastmaster Hilary Bradford inMr. Witty read the first intsallJan. 15 Hasting College, at Hastment of his story, "Courage and troduced the speakers and their ings. the War," and promised to read topics: Dale Vanderford-"Loyal~ the last part at the next meeting ty", Arthur Majors-"Obligations", Jan. 25 Kearney State, at Bob Majors-"Yester Years", Darof the organization. Kearney. rel Brown-"Advancements", and Jan. 26 Norfolk Junior ~-ollege, John Clements-"Last Game". at Norfolk. Jan. 29 St. Joe College, at Peru. Coach Bill Witty presented letters to the deserving members of Feb. i Chadron State ten, at the squad. Peru. Trophies won by Peru High Feb. 2 Chadron State ten, at teams were used for table decorPeru. Tbe sophomore class, under the ations and place cards were in Feb. 5 Wesleyan Universiy, at direction of the president, Ruth the shape of football helmets. Lincoln. Ann Crook, held its annu;:il fall Feb. 8 Wayne State, at Peru. A d€licious meal, consisting of party Saturday night, Nov. 11, Feb. 12 open. s,t~ak, potatoes, gravy, Waldorf The festivities consisted of at- salad, ice cream, cake, rolls, and Feb. 15 Kearney State, at Peru. tendance at the movie, "Nob Hill," coffee, was served by the eighth Feb. 20 St. Joe College, at St and games in the recreation room and ninth grade girls. Joe Mo. at Delzell Hall. Lively games of After the dinner, alumni, stuFeb. 22 open. , bowling, ping-pong, and snooker dents, and faculty members gathFeb. 25 Wesleyan University, at were the high-lights of the eve- ered in the high school auditorium, Peru. ning. which represented a football field, Mar. 1 Wayne State, at Wayne. The executive committee, com- complete with goal posts, to dance Mar. 5 Hastings, at Peru. posed of Ruth Ann Crook, Don to records of old favorites. Mar. 8 Doane, at Peru. Aufenkamp, Ruth Meister, and the class sponsor, Mr. Larson, was responsible for the arrangements. Refreshments of cokes, cookies, and apples were served by the committee-Aileen Wheeldon and Ralf Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Larson were chaperones.

Bobkittens have annual banquet

Sophs enjoy th~atre party


Miss Tear gives convention report At the convocation on November 2, Miss Tear reviewed the various meetings of the Education Association group in Omaha. The Peru reception was one of the high-lights of the convention, since many early alumni were present. The couTtesy program, a music and dance trio, was outstanding according to, Miss Tear. The general sessions and sectional meetings proved interesting and valuable. Receiving special comment was Dr. Gerald Wendt, Science Editor of Times and Science Consultant for Life and Fortune, who spoke on "Science on the March"; he explained atomic use as it may be used commercially by the year 2000. Because of the inspiration and the social contacts Miss Tear feels that the N. S. E. A. meetings are worthwhile for everyone interested in the teaching profession.


()!LA'l> I K~l>T MY WAR .80llt> Al..LOTA{ENT


Dorm Dope Eliza is back to normal again. She has passed the first week of school without the Navy, and she is now settling down to the humdrum existence of three meals a day and two ''mail calls." The letter-writing bug seems to have infested the dormitory. Not at all uncommon is the sight . of several gals in the lobby along about midnight busily writing their daily letters to the one-andonly. Speaking of bugs, many of the girls have been spraying their rooms with D. D. T., thus eliminating a few of ye olde silverfish. It is debatable which is worse, the silverfish or the odor of D. D. T.


Evidently there is an insomnia in our midst. What other possible reason could Bonnie Aufenkamp have for reading the funnies in the lobby at midnight? Serenading 'neath fair ladies' windows seems to be coming back ill style. And from all appearances, it is a very good idea. Some of the boys from Delzell Hall paid Eliza Morgan a visit the other night and rendered a concert of many old favorites. Lady and Chow are not the only. donnitory pets. Lois Willoughby has adopted a mouse. Mickie, or whatever its name might be, lives in a little bottle in Lois's room and seems to thrive on the daily diet of cheese sandwiches. All sorts of characters go to make up the world. And right here in Eliza Morgan many different types of people are represented. Among us are two cold-blooded· murderers. Jan Barr and Barbara Berger chloroformed the two little puppies which Jan had been keeping in her room this week. And all for the sake of zoology, too! A beautiful bonfire on the dormitory lawn brought many girls in pajamas and housecoats scurrying to form a bucket brigade. They showed their courage that night

T.S~ pupils visit

• • • in gallant defense of their homeaway-from-home. Phyllis Winkle has been searching vainly for her bucket which has been missing since Hallowe'en. It was borrowed then for the purpose of dumping water on the poor unsuspecting couples who were lingering on the steps to say their goodnights. Persons seeing Francis LaSeur, Phyllis Fisher, and Ruth Dougherty leaving the dorm Monday morning may have thought that they were disgusted with school and were going back from where they come. However, upon inquiring, it was learned that they were merely taking the weekly washing to their laundry lady. New decoration seen in several of the rooms are the roses which Sigma Tau pledges were given at the banquet. Each of the rooms containing one of these roses has several visitors a night for the sole purpose of smelling the flower. It seems that teachers' convention has just passed and now Thanksgiving vacation is just around the corner. So everyone buck uip'. Girls, school is really just one big vacation-with a few classes between. ·

That exam is next hour, so best I stop this and crarri a bit. What a vacation! ·

Club studies parliamentary law

National Book Week, which has been observed annually since 1919, this year is being held from Nov. 11-17. Its purpose is to strees the importance of more and better reading for children. The theme for this year is "United Through Books". It is important to have a better understanding of people of other lands if there is to be a permanent peace. Through this slogan the National Book Week is doing its best to promote better understanding. · In keeping with the theme, the children's room of the college li-brary has been decorated with pesters, flags of other lauds, a lighted globe, and exhibits of books. The fourth grade pupils, under the supervision of Miss Hileman, arranged a colorful exhibit on Mexico with a sign which reads, "We met our Mexican friends in OUT books". Miss McCollum loaned six new illustrated books on health for another display. Miss Gard furnished an exhibit of the children's favorite readers. An invitation was extended to all the training school children· to visit the library during the week. The first to appear were the brighteyed kindergarteners, who had lots of fun looking at new books and helping Miss Kennedy dramatize "The Little Woman Wanted Noise''.. Other groups visiting the library were the Children's Literature class; the first and second grades and their teacher, Miss Gard, and the third and fourth grades and their teacher, Miss Hileman.

Mr. Clements spoke on "Parliamentary Law" at the Childhood The activities for the week were Educators' Club, Monday, Nov. 12. concluded Friday morning, when He showed; the importance of a Miss Carey talked at the_ high knowledge of parliamentary law school convocation about the high in connection with the teaching school library and distributed some profession and gave a number of reading lists, which were mimeodo's and don'ts to be observed. graphed through the courtesy of Phyllis Steever reviewed a col- Miss Palmer and the typing class. lection of Thanksgiving stories, "Harvest Feast," compiled by Wilhehnena Harper. Plans were made for the group Shoe Repairs of All Kinds to take a trip to Omaha before Electric Shoe Shop Christmas. Refreshments were served at the Peru, Nebraska close of the meeting.

J.P. Clark

Students discuss World Order Don Aufenkamp led a discussion on World Order at the weekly meeting of S. C. A. in the music hall, Nov. 6. His topic was taken from a group meeting Don attended at the conference in Hastings several weeks ago. The discussion started in earnest when the statement was made that "Germany may have struck the match to the last war, but America and some of her Allies furnished the fuel." Faculty. and students participated vigorously in the comments that followed.

Right Away Shoe Shop M. C. MEDLEY

Service with a smile!

Peru Cleaners and Tailors CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Phone 62

Jllumni Crail

college library

Mardis Grocery Groceries, Meats, Fruits and Vegetables

Dr, H. C. Dallam

E. L. Deck and Co.


Better Hardware

Phone Office 32; Res. 196 Peru, Nebraska

Peru, Nebraska

Dorothy Fike ('45) and Howard Foster were united in marriage in Kansas City, Kansas, October 28. Ruby Argabright (s.s. '44) is teaching third, fourth, and fifth grades in' Talmage, Nebr. I la Dell ('44 '45) is enjoying her teaching at Filley, Nebr. Carrie




teaching in Randolph, Iowa, most interesting. She is sponsoring the junior cl~s and coaching girls basketball, along with her teach· ing. Miss Edna Snell, Mrs. R. B. Bedell, Miss Florence Brooker, and Miss Lula Pritchard attended the Iota Chapter of Deta Kappa Gamma, honorary society for women teachers Nov. 2 which was held in Peru.

Mrs. Roland Cowell

Roberta Wert. Mary Meister ('45) is enjoying' a short rest cure at her home in Humboldt. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Russell are visiting his mother in Peru. Ross plans to· attend Ames later in the year.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert S. Brawn and Paul spent the week-end in Peru visiting Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. C. H. Marsh. Naomi (s. s. '45) and Elaine (s. s. '44) Ju.ilfs are tea<!hing in the Burr district. · Merlin Broers ('42 '43) has received his discharge and plans to return to Peru second semester. Darrel Genzlinger (s. s. '44) is teaching at Plymouth, Nebr. Bernice Gohocher (s. s. '45) is

teaching in a country school near Burr, Nebr. Kenneth Pa.ce former student-


THEATER Nov. 20-21 "Sagebrush Heroes" Nov. 22-23-24 ' 'Incendiary Blonde' ' Nov. 25-26 "God is My Co-Pilot"

Phone 60


CHATELAIN'S JEWELRY Peru New Stationery ''Love Letters'' at 50c a box Leatherette Goods Including: Address Books Picture Frames Waste Baskets Photo Scrap Albums New Line Of Christmas Stock

Nov. 27-28 "My Friend Flicka"

Where Your Money Buys More

Nov. 29-30-Dec. 1 "Along Came Jones"

Chatelain's Jewelry Peru, Nebr.

Bertha M. Thomson, M.D. Physician and Surgeon


and Mrs. Richard Carman ('40'41) attended the art exhibit last Saturday. As former students they will be remembered respectively as Vi:rginia McCoy and

Grace Matthews ('45) enjoys teaching the third grade in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

"• • he loves m·e!"

·AVENUE STORE For Good Eats and Drinks Hot Coffee, Cocoa, Sandwiches and Lunch Goods Stationery, Notebooks and covers Typewriter Paper, Penmanship Paper Buy at the Avenue Store-Save the long walk downtown Opposite the Training School


Phone 73

director of the Training Schoo Band at Peru, wri~es Mr. Clemen that he is now at Greeley Stat Teachers College in Colo. He i instructing wood wind band instrument classes and directing the college band while working on his Masters' degree.

Peru, N-ebr.

Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Company



Odds and


by Mu rgatroyd

Students returning from their Thanksgiving vacations agreed fuat not the tender, steaming turkey nor the temporary relief .from studies, but just the delightful audience situation they enjoyed was the thing for which they were most grateful. As the center of interest, it was easy to bui,ld up ego and morale which had been flattened by tons of lessons and loads of bad luck. Most of the students returned with a good assortment of colds, sore throats, and v a c a t i o n "fatigue" and went happily back to class with a firm resolution that they would catch up on their back class work over Christmas vacation. Of course, some of them were brought "back to earth" with a jolt by those afore mentioned tests. That wasn't "Eenie Meenie" the coeds were playing in foods class. They were just pressing "gently but firmly" on the tops of the cakes to see if they were done. In case one of the cooks lost track of her cake, she looked over the lot of unclaimed ones and made her choice. There were a number of unclaimed ones-!.they had the most unusual sizes and shapes. When asked the reasons for failure, the coeds had all sorts of answers. Most of them blamed e ovens; it just couldn't have been the fault of the cook. That 'class is really sharp in gures. Anyone doubting this ·ght just ask a member to mease ¥J of 1-16 of a teaspoonful. Once more students must guard eir closet doors. Some probably ish the doors were equipped with dlocks. Rehearsals are in proess for two one-act plays, and roperty workers and members of he casts seem to be raiding Eliza rgan Hall in search of proties and costumes. Don't feel insulted in case a ed -stops you and asks, "Have u a dark-colored dress that a ·ddle-aged woman might wear?" "Do you have something that "ght make me look a little backoodsie?" If something has disappeared m your room, don't let it worry . Perhaps it will show up on stage on Friday night.

Just before the end of the term, professor's fancy lightly turns thoughts of term papern. And seems that this is the time of for those thoughts. ad-'rfaced ;sttirlents t r u .d g e arily to classes knowing that h day brings them just that ch nearer to the time when detested papers are due. Desthe fact that said papers are eat academic value to the r, and that he will benefit tly from this experience, each assignment brings groans and from the prospective au-




Peruvians attend Publications convention "And to think they call Chicago the 'Windy City'/' remarked Ruth Comstock, Peruvian business manager, after she, Ralf Graham, editor, and Dr. Bradford, sponsor, returned . from Minneapolis, Minnesota, where they attended the student pu1JHcations' section of the National Teachers of English convention held from Nov. 22-24. "It was a very interesting and worthwhile trip despite the fact that I brought part of the Minnesota cold home with me,'' was Ralf's additional remark. The principal speaker on the program was Glenn Hanson of the University of Minnesota and editor of "Scholastic Edit01··'; his topic was "Reflecting · the Community through the Yearbook." Mr. Hanson traced the history of yearbook publication, the change in style, and showed how the ·books reflect community life. He asserted that the success of a yearbook depends on its originality, and the best way to achieve this is to capitalize on the 11atural raw material which can be found in any community. Mr. Hanson pointed out several examples of schools which had used local history, local myths, seasonal festivals, industries, and natural scenic beauty as the themes for their yearbooks. Other speakers were: M. Thelma McAndless, of Roosevelt High School, Ypsilanti, Michigan, who discussed "Guiding the Citizenship Program through the School Newspaper," and Mrs. Hazel Pullman, Garnett High School, Garnett, Kansas, who explained· "Planning and Publishing the School Newspaper."

··Miss McAndless reviewed the work done by student newspapers during the recent war and their effect on the war bond campaigns, war drives of various kinds, and the morale of the fighting men. It is her belief that the school publications of the future must take an active, vigerous part in keeping the ideals of freedom and democratic government m the minds of the youth of the country. Mrs. Pullman strongly avocated that school newspapers should be in a department of their own, and not just an after thought of some other department an d manned by students who have nothing better to occupy their time. She believes that almost all school newspapers need better financial backing, better equipment, and better teachers who are specially qualified for this 1 type of teaching. The most interesting sidelight of the trip was the -visit to the fivemillion-dollar Student Union on the University of Minnesota campus. This six story wonderland is the students' idea of heaven with huge lounges furnished with comfortable easy chairs, dance floors, ballrooms, c a f e t c r i as , "coke" bars, bowling alleys, pool rooms, game rooms, supply store, post office, barber and beauty shops; in fact about the only thing a student couldn't get at the Student Union is a new suit of clothes and even that might not be impossible. · The group decided that a similar building is exactly what is needed on the Peru cainpus, but the individuals finally decided they would compromise on a building in the one-million-dollar class.

Square dancing makes colle-ge party successful "Salute your lady, .bow to the left, swing your partner and around go!" That's the square dancing that was enjoyed by Peruvians at a party given by the faculty for the students Friday evening November 30; in the high school gym. '


Community singing put the party goers in a jovial state of mind, giving way to the snake dance and grand march. The lack of sufficient males made little difference. W'hen there were no. more fellows, head bands were tied on

Musicians enter state music clinic

it be that the instructors giving these "headaches" Thursday afternoon, November eir "prodigies"? Sureiy nott 29, Prof. Jindra went to Fremont, must burn the midnight oil Nebraska, to take part in the Allrrect them. It seems there state Music Clinic which started answer to this question. Thursday and ended Saturday papers are a necessity and night. uch a part of college life as Accompanying him were: Char._ all games and final exams. e Peruvians who heard Rub- lotte Pryor and Margaret Ann and his famous violin en- Ulbrick, both of whom were enthe concert thoro1Jghly. tered as first violinists in the ' appreciated the piano num- orchestra. Guest conductors at the Clinic ·ust as much as they did the were: Band-James Roberfson, inselections. rather odd "note" at the strumental supervisor of Springrt was the fact that to a field, Mo.; Chorus-Alexander r of people, Rubinoff ap- Zimmerman, vocal supervisor of to be rather coyly framed Joliet, Ill.; Orchestra-CWO Rocurves of feathers on the bert L. Landers', of Lowery f ladies; to others he ap- Colo. through a mist of blue, The activities Of the Clinic culor black veiling on other minated Saturday evening in a ry creations. concert under the dired:ioo (If h the habit of ladies re- guest conductors. their hats have gone out Vice-presidents 41 'valry? three divisions werec anyone rejoiced audibly be- orchestra; H. A. ~ of ten more minutes of sleep and J. Quinn Lotspeich,.~. morning Isn't it nice to Last year the All~t~ Jlde: class at eight instead of Clinic was held at Nd ~tte. ter seven-thirty'? Nebraska.

half the remaining girls, and the jigging, swinging, and clapping began. Miss Nona Palmer and Miss Phyllis Davidson ·took charge of explaining the. dances and calling them. Many different steps were learned during the course of the evening. Terminology of square dancing was new to most of the dancers. Square dancing :rs done in sets· each set consists of eight peopl~ four ladies and four gentlemen. Nine sets were dancing most of the time, each having the time of their lives. Many a laugh was had when they called the "grand right and left"-it seems some went left when they should have been going right. ' The music was of the real oldfashioned type. Mrs. S. L. Clements, Mrs. Wm. Kiri{, and Esther Steiner furnished the piano music assisted by Mrs. R. B. Lowe and her violin. After two hours of square dancing, there was a need for a "pepper-up". The faculty came to the rescue! Delicious refreshments were served in the home economics room. The table was beaufilully decorated, carrying out a Christmas theme-spruce bows and pine cones attractively arranged. A good time was had by all, and thanks is · extended to the faculty members by the students.



R. B. Lowe will be acting dean of men Lt. Commander R. B. Lowe has recently been elected acting dean and direcbJr cf extension at ?. S. T. He will occupy the position of acting dean only until the return of Lt. Col. J. A. Jimerson, Dean of Mer:, now on !rave of absence in the service of the U. S. Army and staHoned in Germany. After Col. Jimerson returns, Lt. Lowe's full. time will be given over to the duties of director of extension.


Players reveal views on plays Two one-act plays, "Riders to t!).e Sea'1 and "The Flattering Word" are to be presented as a budget event Friday evening, Dec. 7. One-act plays have beer; given in past years in a convocation program; they have this year been added as a fourth public feature of the Dramatic Club. "Riders to the Sea" is a drama which protrays the increasing sorrows of an Irish family after the loss of several of its members to the sea. Ramona Johnson, in contrast to her youthful character part of "Angelique" in the Homecoming play, appears this time on the stage as "Maurya", an ag12d Irish mother. Being Irish herself, Ramona has a special interest in the lines of these peopk "The play appeals to me because it has deepness of character and drama that I especially like," she commented. Sam Bradford, as the last living son, "Bartley", by his death adds the final note of tragedy to the plot. Mary Lou Genoa from Humboldt is making her first appearance on Peru's stage as "Kathleen", the daughter of "Maurya". Mary Lou has had parts m high school operettas and did back stage work on previous productions in Peru. She says, "I like the play. I think it will be fun to work out the character". Frankie Montgomery is "Nora", the younger daughter. Frankie has acted young girl parts in "Rings Around Elizabeth" and "Schubert Alley", two piays of last year. She says, "It's a very difficult play to produce." "The Flattering Wad" is a satire on human susceptii.Jility to compliments. Anselm Johnson takes a turn from his banker's role in "Where the Dear Antelope Play" to act the part of a minister. Even "Mr. Rigley" is not immune to fJ.attery. By a strange coincidence, Hester Friedly has been cast opposite the same stage husband she had in the Homecoming play. John Lawrence is actor, "Mr. Tesh", who has fun testing his understanding of human nature by using the flattering word. John was the progressive young banker in the fall play.

Serving now at the U. S. Naval Military Government Unit at Tinian, in the Marianas Island; Lt. Lowe expects to return to the states about the middle of January. He plans to spend a few days visiting in his former home in South Dakota, and will report to Peru at the opening of the second semester. Lt. Commander Lowe came to Peru in July. 1943, as the first commander of the Naval V-12 Unit here. He remained in charge of this Unit until October 10, 1944, at which time he left for the east coast to train for his present duties at Tinian.. Since his arrival at Tinian, Lt. Commander Lowe has served in the capacity of Educational and Religious Director on the Island. Mrs. Lowe and their son, Cameron, have remained in Peru since Lt. Commander Lowe's departure. An older son, Bruce, is in the Navy, but he hopes to have his discharge in time to enter college at Peru next fall. The college will welcome this much-needed addition to the faculty.

Educators gather at annual meeting School executives, teachers, and other educators of Nemaha County met Tuescfoy, November 20, in the basement rooms of St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Frank Heinisch, field service assistant of N. S. E. A. and executive secretary of the Omaha Teachers' Association, was the speaker of the evening. His topic was "An Action Progr,am of an Educational Association." He presented the problem of state aid for Nebraska schools. He emphasized· the fact that the constitiution states that "The legislature shall provide for free instruction in the common schools of the state for all persons between the .ages of 5 and 21 years." However, the state legislature makes no provision for finances to carry out this plan. S. L. Clements was toastmaster. Dr. Maxwell led group singing, featuring "On the Atichison, Topeka, and the Smta Fe." Singers imitated the train whistle by blowing in to empty bottles. Special music was furnished by Auburn high school pupils. The meeting was sponsored by the State Education Association. Miss Darlene Rozean, superintendent of schools for Nemaha County, w.as in charge of the arrangements.


elects officers for year A dinner meeting served at the Christian church in Auburn on November 21, was the starter of the Nemaha County Teachers Association. Arlene Lambert presided over the business meeting. The following officers were eiectedpresident, Mr. S. L. ClemE:nts of Peru; vice-president, Miss Ruth Hastie of Johnson; and secretarytreasurer, Mrs. Alma Vance, rural teacher near Brownville. Speakers at the afternoon session were: Mr. Rosene of the state department, Dr. Burnham, secretary of N. S. E. A., and Mr. Heinisch, secretary of the Omaha Educational Association.


• • •

Personality by Ruth Meisher

This is our home Do we, the students of PSTC owe anything to the community¥ Of course w:e do. For nine months out of the year Peru is our home. We should be willing to help and to cooperate with it as we would with our own home town. If some project was being launched in our own tovn1, we would do evierything possible to make it a success. Why · not do the same in Peru 1 This year a Christmas vesper service is being planned. With students and the townspeople working together, it can be a: great thing and may become an annual event. A program of this sort gives everyone a chance to show his talent, to cooperate with others, and to show that we are interested in the future of Peru. With our help, Peru can be made more attractive and appealing to students through things of this kind. This is indeed an opportunity for cooperation betweeu the college and community. Won't you help to ma~e it a success? You will not only be helping the community or the college, but you will get a lot of enjoyment out of it yourself. It will help you get into that Christmas spirit. So come-Help to make this Christmas v.esper service a success.

Thanks, Faculty! . Friday night Peru students learned that faculty members are just as fun-loving as anyone else, if not more so. The faculty certainly deserves a vote of thanks from the students for planning and sponsoring the party for their benefit. However; as usual, a number of students felt that it was not worth their time to spend a week-end in Peru, even though there was the promise of a very pleasant evening's entertainment. , Students have complained for sometime that there was nothing to do over the week-end. The faculty was good enough to try to remedy this situation. Without a doubt the party \vas a success. But the next time something of this sort is planned, why not try and have all the student body thel'le 1 If you want to have any fun, you're going to have to do something about it yourself instead of sitting back on the sidelines.


not here?

:Many colleges today are making plans for postwar building and improving. One of the first things considered by most colleges is a Student Union. In many cases these Student Unions are memorials-memorials to service men from that particular school.

Not "Scotch", just thriftythat's Ruth Comstock. No one knows where she gets it, but she has a large supply of energy on hand and she always gets it in the large economy-sized quantities. She does not waste any of this precious "stuff" however. The amount of work she accomplishes proves that she uses it conservatively and to the best advantage.

Inspirations An easy way. by Sam Bradford


• • • Kicked and p11odded, Ralph Har was hurried to the command" officer's tent. One of the order began to talk. Surely the fell was a spy. He was young a· fairly healthy and most certai m~st be in the army.

Ralph Harris peered up and down the street and then stepped out of the doorway. No use taking Ralph was pulled inside a chances, with those sailors roaming the streets looking for any questioned for a few minu likely hands to ship out on the They didn't believe his story. cruisers. He was no fool. He was told them that he worked for Ja smart enough to keep out of the Brown, the British spy, but th made things worse. She has saved time, too, by army, and he certainly coi.rld sideattending school both winter and step a gang of dumb tars. There They were looking for Browll. summer in order to earn her de- had been an appeal to everybody'5 because they suspected that h patriotism to help with the w.ar, gree in three years. Always carwas taking money from both sid rying the maximum number of but lately they had just helped for his information. college hours, she still found time themselves to anything with trousThe colonel looked at his pri to work as office girl, library as- ers-usually having to assist the sistant, or laboratory assistant new sailor · to the boat. Ralph oner. "We usually shoot you f dodged into the doorway just as lows," he said. Ralph was rig and earn part of her expenses. a couple of "recruiting" sergeants with fear. "However, you c Ruth has always kept her rounded the corner. It w.as some- name your death." beautiful blue eyes wide open to times a race to see which branch Ralph thought a second. activities around her and has of the service could get a man. quite an extensive knowledge of Ralph muttered to himself, "To .you are a gentleman, you shou what makes a college run. As a arms, to arms, the British are be willing to accept a little wag result she serves as an excellent coming." He spat. Let somebody If I can name a death that f reference to underclassmen who else get shot at; this is a free some reason you can't provid for the first time are getting ac- country, isn't it? "My father fought or if for some reason I don't di quainted with complexities of in the revolution and I'm as good will you let me go?" college organization and admin- a citizen as anybody, but not as "Hoping for the rope to break? istration. big a fool." asked the colonel as he sat bac He turned into a store that ad- in his chair and laughed. "If you' Ruth is right at home in the vertised "the best imported liquors that •lucky, I'll let you go wit, business world. She is quick to available". The fat man behind my blessing." recognize C1 bargain and does not the counter g.ave a gloomy bray. hesitate to take advantage of it. "Well, Ralph, I'd supposed some of "All right," said Ralph calm! She almost defeated her purpose, those energetic boys from the "Give me a love apple and I' however, at a recent sale in town "Philadelphia" had persuaded you eat it." To himself he thoug when she discovered that she was "I'm sure · there isn't any in t bidding against her roommate for to sign up." "This sure does fix my plans, city of Washington and they a an old kerosene lamp. Brown; here I was already to not poisonous anyway, I don' A pioneer at heart, Ruth tries make a mint of money and along think." anything once and often brings comes this mar." He sat in the tent waiting fo "I hadn't noticed any slack in to the surface hidden talents. Rather than wait for the repair my businesses-either one of them," the three soldiers to come bac man, she fearlessly began to take the fat man answered. "You have empty-handed. The colonel, wi a smile on his face, sat watchin apart the typewriter at the Peru- not heard anything?"' "What do you think I am? I him. vian office one day to find why it didn't work. After having put can't go near the camp. I'd be At a little after two they cam it together, she saw three extra drilling within the hour. Oh, you in with four small; half ripe lov screws lying on the table. But can laugh, with that peg-leg and apples. The prisoner started to hi good British gold in yo11r jeans." feet. His face w.as white. After the typewriter is working. "It won't last much longer, Ruth has expressed her desire Ralph. Somebody has gotten sus- unnecessary repetition of the term to enter the medical profession. picious; the British really are com- of the wager, the officer presente Who knows, perhaps Dr. Com- ing, and I'm going to close shop the fruit to his captive. stock might find that humans, and head south." "They aren't poison, I'm sure o too, can get along none the worse Ralph thought a minute, "I it. I'm sure of it,'' he said to him for lack of a bone or two. can't help thinking of the. money self. Taking them, he ate all fou I could have made with that love quickly. As he sat down to wai apple show .. Now the only thing he noticed a sour taste in hi the people will pay to see is wax mouth of which he couldn't rid works of the death of Admiral himself. Perspiration broke out on Shayler and such. I'm the only his forehead; he wiped it off with man in the country that isn't the tail of the night shirt that Four timely books have been stuck out of his trousers. He felt received .as a gift from the Car- afraid to eat .a love apple." "It's a risky business,'' said the hot, although it was a cold day: negie Endowment for International Peace: "The Future of Japan" by barkeeper. "You might happen to He felt as if he were burning. William C. Johnstone; ·"European swallow a bit of it by misfake, Ralph sat with his head between Manifesto" by Pierre De Lanux; and that would be the end." He his knees reassuring himself. The "Food for the World" by Theodore wiped another glass. colonel kept eyeing him. He could Ralph made a gesture of im- hear the sound of the officer's W. Schultz, and "Chatrer of the United Nations," a report to the patience. "They aren't poisonous; watch. Only a minute had gone president on the results of the I'm sure of it. But I haven't been by since he had eaten the fruit, able to get my hands on any. All but it seemed like an hour. Sm Francisco conference. the flower gardens in Washington Other new books of general in- ;::re now cabbage plots." "It can't be tme, it's just a terest are "The Cherokee Strip" superstition. I'm positive! I'm That night he lay in bed think- sure!" He almost screamed as he· by Marquis James; "Practical and Theoretical Photography" by Jul- ing of a p1m to get some money jumped from his chair. ian M. Brair; "The Big Three, somehow. He didn't dare appear "Why love apples, I wonder,~ Un'ited States, Britian, RUISSila" in public for fear of impressment. by David J. Dallin and "My He fell asleep just before morning There are less painful ways to die,";\, Chinese Wife" by Karl Eskelund. and didn't get up until nearly murmured the colonel. He sum-·. noon. Smoke in the air woke him. moued his orderlies and they\ "Rooster Crows for Day" by Perhaps the building was on fire. carried the body out. The officer Ben Lucien Burman and "Cass Worst than that, just then three strapped on his sword and pre-'i Timberlan!f' Jzy Sinclair Lewis British regulars came into the pared to review .hi;; troops. have been added to the rental room. While primarily looking for -by Sam Bradford: collection. loot, they took him into custody.

IUnder Cover

At present Kearney State Teachers is raising a fund of $150,000 for a Memorial Student Union. The drive was begun last summer; already a fairly large portion of the money has been collected. One of the outstanding features of the Student Union· building in Ames, Iowa, is a hall which has heen set aside a:s a memorial to service men from that school. The names of all those who have served with the armed forces are inscribed on the walls with gold stars beside the names of those who gave their liv•e's in service. This hall has stained glass windows giving a feeling of reverence and a deep appreciation for all those who have served. The Student Union at Minneapolis was the outstanding building on the campus in the opinions of Peruvian visitors. Dr. Bradford tells The building is used by all races and creeds with no disof English meeting crimenation whatsoever. For more than a y<ear. students on the Peru campus "Meetings are· never a total have talked about a student union. But talk alone has loss. Whether one gets anything never resulted in a building. Action is also required. new or not, he makes reassociations," explained Dr. A. L. There is no time like the present to start a fund for a Bradford, Wednesd;ay evening, Memorial Student Union. Students and faculty would November 28. certainly think it worthwhile to contribute to such a .proDr. Bradford talked informally ject. about the 35th Annual <:;onvention Parents of sons who were fortunate .enough to come of t):ie Teachers of English which back from their years of service might be happy to make he _and Mrs. Brad_f~rd att~nded a gift in thanksgiving. Parents of sons who paid with . du;;mg the Tha!1ksg1vmg_ holiday~. · l"ives t o prese,~ve Amencan · · ht· f m · d a st u- culum" The Emergmg English Cuntheir 1·dea1s m1g was the theme for this dent union a fitting memorial because it would be used to year's convention. · develop principles of democracy in the young men and One thought, expressed by Ruth women who are training themselves for leadership in this Suckow, modern writer, th<lt could t be applied to all writing, was. conn ry. . "Words mean what they say when Could it be that we have talked •enough and now need the people using them mean what a little action 7 they say."


Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students of the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Peru, Pedagogian, Tuesday, December 4, 1945 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class': Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. Managing Editor ·--·-····--·---·------···-----·--·-·------·-Louella Tieman!. Make-up Editor ------·----·----·---··--·----------·----------------Frances Guy.~ Feature Writer ----·-----·--------·--------------------------------Sam Bradford;i Sports ··----------'.·----------·----·-·----William Witty and Joe Weber!: Reporters ........Laurine Clayburn, Hester Friedly, Ralf Gra·~ ham, Janice Kimsey, Virginia Lawrence, Ruth Meister,'~ Frankie Montgomery, Dorothy Stepan, and Jean Van\; Camp. l Adviser ··--------------------·------·----··--------·------·-···--·---Meta Norenberg{, Business Adviser ·--·----·--- _. ---··-·---·---··--·----E. H. Haywardi

\Blue Stars • • • Ensign Verner Nelson (V-12) has returned from active duty in the Pacific and is stationed in San Diego, California. Hawaii, Siapan, and Okinawa are several places he has seen. He has experienced several typhoons while on board a destroyer. He writes, "It's a wonder those ships hold together the way a typhoon tosses them around in the water. If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't believe it was possible to bounce big ships around like corks." "Smiley" McGuire, (V-12) stationed at the University of Wisconsin, says that he has threefourths mile between two classes and 10 mim,i.tes to make it. He hasn't yet! Ensign Howard Sjogren (V-12) is on a minesweeper in the Pacific. Leo A. Matuszewski ("Matte") is in a naval hospital in Seattle. He expects to get a discharge .soon. Johnny Dick (V-12) is i.n Tokyo Bay. Another one who h:.is made it to Tokyo Bay is Paul Looschen (V-12). Cecil Johnson ('42-'43) when last heard from was somewhere in China. Ensign Roy Lively ('39) recently was promoted to liE.utenant junior grade. Lt. Lively is a member of the crew of a U. S. minesweeper. Ensign Max Hosier (V-12) is at Saipan waiting for orders. Before he arrived in Saipan, he was anchored two miles from Yokosuka. "I practically know the city by heart," he writes. Ensign Dwight Houseman ('42'43) is home on leave until Dec. 15, when he will report back to his ship, which is the U. S. S. Portland.

campus last week. His work while in the arm)' has taken him to most of the islands in the South Pacific. He has his discharge and is planning to teach again. Mark Russel'!, former Navy athletic director at Peru, is stationed at Norman, Oklahoma. He expects his discharge early next year. Francis Fixemer (V-12) is on duty at the Naval hospital in Seattle. Captain Jack Gabus and Mrs. Gabus were on the campus recently. Captain expects his discharge soon and will continue his education. Wayne Riggs, who visited friends at P. S. T. C. last week, has been discharged frc;m the Navy. He had been coaching in Wahoo before going into the service. His plans for the future are indefinite. Ernest Strauss, who has spent 33 months in Panama has been discharged from the Navy. Bill Thompson (V-12) received his discharge in Pittsburgh recently. He is now working as a civilian until second semester when he will return to P. S. T. c. Dean Ketly (V-12) of Malad, Idaho, was visiting friends on the campus on Thursday. 1 Charles Harrington and Miss Betty Howell of Auburn were married November 17 in Hiawatl),a, Kansas. · Charles entered the Navy V-12 program at Peru and was at pre-flight school at St. Mary's College, California. He is now at his home in Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Garber were on the campus last week. Mrs. Garber was the former Lavergne Cowell. T-Sgt. Verlyn Carpenter of Hastings and Miss Maxine Spotts Robert Snyder ('39) visited the of Ventura, California, were married November 5. Technical Sergeant Carpenter is home after 19 months in Europe. He has the Purple Heart, the Silver Star and a Presidentia1 Citation.

interests visitors " . People attending the water color painting conference held in the art department on Nov. 17, were well pleased with the work done and expressed interest in future meetings on painting or some other art techniques. A number of those in attendance were former art students at Peru. In the morning Miss Diddel • gave a brief review and demonstration of the use of water colors and the methods of applying paint. After this, members of the .class painted original landscapes. During the afternoon Miss Diddel showed how to arrangt. articles according to the principles of art. Later the group painted still life pictures. Thus during the day each person made twc paintings-one landscape and one still life. Persons who registered from off the campus included Roberta Wirt Carman and Virginia McDougal Cowell of Tecumseh; Mar:r Werner Mruzik and Ruth Lmlington of Nebraska City, Clara Fletcher and Alice Kammerer of Falls City, Mrs. James Majors of Peru Mrs. H. Stevernson of Nemah~, and John Reger of Julian. Art club members who helped in arrangements were: Ramona Johnson, Bernice Bletscher, Anna Pfister, and Delores Schreiner.

Students entertain Rock Port lodges A small choral group gave a program for Masons and Eastern Star in Rock Port, Mo., on Wednesday evening. Th os e journeying to Rock Port were Janice Slagle, Una Mae Leech, ·•·.•Ruth Ann Crook, Mary Lou Genoa, Ruth Meister, Esther Steiner, and Yllis Hogenmiller. Una Mae Leech




al~o ent~tiained the

·.with a fluote and piano solo.

S. (.A. organizes three workshops Workshops were organized at the Student Christian Association meeting November 27, in the Music Hall. "World Relatedness" "Social Responsibility,'' and '"Christian Heritage" were the three topics chosen for discussion for the first workshop meeting December 11, at the regular S. C. A. meeting. A cabinet meeting was held afterwards and plans for an S. C. A. reading room were formulated.

Bt>bcats face heavy schedule College loops form new circuit Basket Ball Schedule Dec. 5 Norfolk Junior College ..............................Peru Dec. 7 Tarkio College ······-·····-··-················----.. -·.Tarkio Dec. 11 Doane ..................... ,...................................... Crete Dec. 18 Tarkio ............................................................Peru Dec. 20 Wartburg College ........................................Peru Jan. 11 Omaha U ........................................................ Peru Jan. 15 Hastings College .................................Hastings Jan. 25 Kearney State ........................................Kearney Jan. 26 Norfolk .................................................... Norfolk Jan. 29 St. Joe. Coll.e,ge ............................................Peru Feb. 1 Omaha U ...................................... :............ .Omaha Feb. 5 Wesleyan ····································--······--·-·Lincoln Feb. 8 Wayne State ................................................Peru Feb. 12 open. Feb. 15 Kearney Sta:te ..............................................Peru Feb. 20 St. Joe' College ............................St. Joe.-Mo. Feb. 22 Chadron State ..............................................Peru Feb. 23 Chadron State .............................................Peru Feb. 26 Wesleyan ......................................................Peru Mar. l Wayne State ............................................ Wayne Mar. 5 Hastings ·---·····---······------·-------····---.................Peru Mar. 8 Doane .................................................... ____ Peru

Former Bobcat rejoins team

12 cage teams

Al Haack, Elk Creek, Nebraska, js the most recently discharged service man to return to the Peru campus. Discharged from the Naval Air Corps as an Ensign, November 5, Mr. Haack, '" junior in college, has registered for the second quarter's work. It is expected that Al will do much to bolster the basketball squad; he was a member of the '4l and '42 teams.

Twelve high school cage teams will participate in an invitational tournament on the campus on December 12 through 15. Teams will come from Auburn, Bratton Union, Brock, Cook, Dawson, Johnson, Nemaha, Otoe, Peru Prep., Shubert, and Tecumseh. · The consolation game and the final will be played on Saturday evening. A trophy will be given the winner, and an award will be given to the outstanding player in the tournament. Coach Al Wheeler is in charge of all arrangemev.ts.

Transfers come for Navy men Lt. W. S. Bambarger, J. R. Kegley, yeoman, and J. M. Donofrio, storekeeper, the three remaining members of the Navy unit personnel, who were left to close the records of the Peru campus unit, left Friday, November 30, for their new locations. Lt. Bambarger reported to the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque where he became a member of the executive personnel of the V-12 unit stationed there. Kegley and Donofrio reported to Great Lakes, .Illinois.

Students sponsor Meaning of name candlelight service is program topic Students, faculty members, and townspeople attended the Thanksgiving Vesper Tuesday night, November 20. The impressive candle-light service was held in the college auditorium. Preceding and fdllowing the program, organ music was played back stage. Other program numbers were: responsive reading by Rosemary Pershing and Hester Friedly; prayer by Don Aufenkamp; piano solo by Phyllis Hogenmiller; Psalm 95 by Joanne Banks; "Lord's Prayer" sung by Jean Van Camp; Psalm 147 by Phyllis Winkle; Thanksgiving address by Esther Steiner; "Prayer for Peace" sung by Ruth Ann Crook, Ruth Meister, and Una May Leech; piano solo by Ruth Meister; Psalm 100 by Louella Tieman; violin solo by Mr. Jindra; and closing prayer by Una ,May Leech. Elmer Bachenbe+g ~. Phyllis Steever helpeQ. The service ~ by the S. C. A.~·~, Jean Van Camp, 111.Mi ~ Pershing were in ~ ti; l!ie

bll-., .



· · ·


At the meeting of Alpha Mu Omega Monday night, November 26, members discussed plans for their section in the Peruvian. Willard Hunzeker presided. It was decided that half a page would be sufficient space. Ruth Comstock talked on the meaning of the club name, "Alpha Mu Omega", explaining that the original founders chose it because it means "Mathematics, now and always". Members also discussed the type of program to be followed during the rest of the year.

String group goes to Nebraska City "Oh a concerting we will go, a concerting we will go"-such could have been the song of the college string quartet when they played for the Methodist church in Nebraska City on Tuesday evening, Nov. 20. Members of the quartet are: first violin,· Mrs. R. B. Lowe, second violin, Patricia Hill, viola, Ruth Navaiux of Nebraska City, • c~o, Janice Slat;le.

form tournament

Home Ee shows hand-made gifts An exhibit of Christmas presents one can make was sponsored by the Home Economics department on Thursday, November 29. in the Home Economic rooms at the Training school. Metal, wood, yarn, material, paper, leather, and chemicals were the materials used for the 125 different articles. The toy department sported dolls made from socks, dogs from yarn, animals of all sizes and shapes as well as bean bags, doll houses, and games. Fancy work in the form of pillow tops, and handkerchiefs attracted a great deal of attention. Aprons, gloves, house shoes, lapel pins, beads from various kinds of seeds, and purses held the attention of the women. Men were interested in the articles made of wood and leather. The Home Economic classes collected and arranged the display.

Kappa Delts hear panel discussion "Do our schools teach enough of the fundamental processes?" This question brought forth heated discussion by several members of Kappa Delta Pi at their regu'1ar meeting, November 19. President Ruth Comstock announced that the theme for the following year will be the seven principles of education. Frankie Montgomery, Joanne Banks, and Barbara Berger participated in a panel discussion on one of the cardinal principles, "Teaching the fundamental processes". After the formal discussion a lively informal discussion ensued. Plans were made for a social meeting at Dr. Maxwell's home in December.

Groups organize for cage tilts Eight Nebraska Colleges organized a new State Conference, Saturday, December 1. It is the first time the colleges have united since an old conference split 20 years ago. The new alignment will consist of Peru Teachers, Wayne Teachers, Kearney Teachers, Doan College, Nebraska Wesleyan, Hastings College, Midland College, and York College. The first three teams comprised the Nebraska Intercollegiate Athletic Association. Doane, Nebraska Wesleyan, Hastings, Midland, and York are members of the Nebraska College Athletic conference. Chadron Teachers was left out of the circuit, but will continue to be a member of the NIAA. The Eagles were eliminated from the new league because of travel distance. The entire new setup needs approval of the college presidents. If the college heads approve, league competition will start with the spring championships. The only threatened disagreement in the Saturday proceedings was an early move to organize the 'new loop without Midland and York. The chm-ch colleges squelched this at the morning meeting. The NCAC voted to enter the league as a group. A committee composed of E. H. Hayward, Peru; G. W. Buck, Doane; and Dr. R. W. Deal, Wesleyan, was selected to draft a constitution and study eligibility rules. Final organization is scheduled for the week-end of the state prep bas\.1'.:e'i(ball champ~onships.

Cage quint opens season tomorrow Coach Al Wheeler's Peru Bobcats open their '45-'46 basketball season Wednesday, December 5, at Peru when they meet the strong Norfolk Junior College quintet. Norfolk players were th e champion team of their league last season; so Coach Wheeler is looking forward to a very busy evening. However, the return of Al Haack to the Peru campus is due to make things a little more difficult for Peru's foes. Al is a two-year letter winner, having played with the Cats of '41 and '42. Wednesday evening, November 28, Peru met the Bombers of Auburn in a practice scrimmagt with Peru having a little the best of the game. The ball handling of Patrick and the basket shooting of White were the outstanding features of the session.

Dec. 5 Watch the Bobcats Battle

-·Peru vs. Norfolk

IJllumni trail In the current Lincoln Artist's Guild exhibit at Morrill Hall Clara Fletcher, ('44) a Peru graduate with a major in art had three examples of clay modeling. She used native clay obtaineJ near Falls City to make the statuettes. Miss Fletcher is teaching six art classes in the Falls City junior high school. ·

• •

('40-'41) is with her husband, Capt. Van Artsdolen at Urbana, Ill. Mrs. Howard Weinert., the former Mary Lee Stock (s.s. '44) is liv-

ing on a farm near Falls City. Vi1ofet Gebhard ('41-'42) is em-

ployed in the office at Montgomery Ward and Company in Falls City.

Mary Stevenson ('43) a Peru graduate and art major is teachImogene Neimeyer Baker (s. s. ing art in a high school in Los '44) is teaching in the primary Angeles. Her work includes sev- room at Stella. eral classes in appreciation and, history. Rochel Burns McCreery (s. s. '44) is alsb teaching in Stella. Thelma 'Friedly Swisego·od and her husband, Lee R Swisegood, Marian Iverson (s. s. '45) is have been visiting in the Falls teaching in Falls City. City vicinity where they intend to Ruth Winkle (s. s. '44) is teachmake their home in the future. Prior to Mr. Swisegood's discharge ing near Palmyra. from the navy they had been livBetty Jean McArdie ('44) and ing in New Orleans. Donald Haroff (V-12) were marDorothy Tiller (s. s. ' 43) is ried Nov. 16 at Bellevue, Nebrasteaching in Beatrice and reports ka. The bride was a music director in the Bellevue public that she likes it very much. schools during the school year of Ruth Robison (at. '40-'42) is 1944-'45. The bridegroom has teaching in Wheatland, Wyoming. served 45 months in the South She describes the locality by say- Pacific, having been stationed on ing, "It's a great place. The skies the Fili and Hawaian Islands. The are a gorgeous bright blue; the past two and a half years he was mountains in the distance Jre pur- stationed on the island of Guam ple. The town is fairly nice, and from which he but recently rethe people are very friendly." turned. Mary Mannschreck (at. '41-'43) is attending the University of Nebraska. Verona Oetkin ('44) and Marie Grotrian (at. '40-'41) are QOth teaching in Fremont. Verona

teaches in the high school while Marie manages to keep quite busy teaching kindergarten in two buildings-one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Alice Kammerer (s. s. '45) is

enjoying her second year ?.S primary teacher in the Verdon schools. Russell Hendarson, superintendent of schools at Verdon, is another former Peruvian. Marguerite Dall Finney (s. s.

'43) is employed by the Midwestern Creosote· Company in Omaha. Bernice




Right Away Shoe Shop M. C. MEDLEY

Service with a smile!

Bertha M. Thomson, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 60

Dr. H. C. Dallam Dentist Phone Office 32; Res. 196 Peru, Nebraska

IDorm Dope by Farnkie Montgomery E. M. dwellers had two Thanksgiving dinners. Turkey 'n all the fixin's were served Wednesday in the cafeteria. "Bake" really can put on a spread! Marilyn Hoberg and roommate are raising a culture of fruit flies for experimental purposes. Pandora Morgan is sporting horse-blanket pins on her sweater and skirt outfit-the latest thing in fasteners. The original eager beaver, Blondina Howerton, arrived at her 8: 00 o'clock class promply at 7: 50 Monday morning. Send Christmas cheer to your friends. Bernice Bletcher is offering a large selection of Christmas cards this year. Quite reasonable prices, too. Her room number is 202. The new navy stamps have made quite a hit with the letter-writing brigade at the dorm-that is, if he's a sailor. From a Fairbury paper: "Miss Janet Barr had as her gU'est over the Thanksgiving week-end her roommate, Miss Janet Adams." Hey, Mastin, what's the idea? Don't you like your name?

Hester Friedly tries to keep Rebanis Frankforter (at. '42-'44) herself in stamps-but these people is teaching the seventh grade at who borrow! Geneva, Nebraska. Jan Kimsey's room is taking on Merlin Broers (at. '40-44) was ·a slightly oriental air. The "boyon the campus last week. He friend" in Tokyo sent her a Japaplans to attend the University of nese kimona and luncheon set. Nebraska the second semester. Agnes Wiles, you didn't tell us!

• • • Who was that handsome marine visiting you on the campus before vacation? That's a clever bracelet Ralf brought Aileen Wheeldon from up north. Don L3vigne has been seen in the E. M. parlors several times lately. Home on leave, his favorite hangout seems to be the girls' dorm.

day evening wondered how a bm; load of their friends had managed to get onto the Peru bus before it pulled up t.o the hotel. Some of them were smart people who came back by way of Lincoln. Most of those who were sitting felt so conspicuous that they didn't

enjoy the ride too much. Wouldn't it be interesting to know who all was on that bus?

Just who owns the brown figured sweater worn frequently by Alice Richards, Helen Hewlett, Jo Thickstun, and Mary Rishel? There was almost a promise of e very exciting event next spring when, in the dorm last Wednesday evening, Jannie Kimsey nearly caU'ght a mouse-which she dubbed Hoiman-and which she was going to train for a race with one of Rish's · toads. Ruth )Y.l:eister added precious cracker to Janie's meatball to entice Hoiman. Ruth figured on becoming busines manager and collecting the cash from the advance sale of tickets for the race. Mrs. Hoatson must be leading a very busy life. Each morning some coed~ has the little gold flashlight to carry back to the infirmary-indicating a call there the night before. Students in Neb City on Sun-


Peru, Nebraska

Peru. Cleaners and







THEATER ¥ ¥ ¥ ,,. •

Ice Cream And Milk Shakes Made With Grade A Pasturized Milk

Peru NEVV AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF CHRISTMAS CARDS AND WRAPPINGS New Line Of Gifts Book Ends Pictures Gla;ssware Come in and look over our stock 'Where Your Money Buys More'

Sandwiches And Lunch Goods

Dec.-4-5 "Escape In The Dessert" Dec.-6-7-8 "Where Do We Go From Here"

See Us Opposite The Training School

Dec.-9-10 ''Christmas In Connecticut.''


Hot Coffee And Cocoa Fruits, Groceries And Fresh Meats

Phone 78

Peru, Nebraska

Chatelain's Jewelry Peru, Nebr.

The right note

Christmas liifts FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Richard Hudnut-Evening in Paris-Cara Nome Perfumes, Colognes, and Gift Sets TOYS Games-Sewing Sets-Jig-saw Puzzles-Pull Toys Clay Sets-'-Dolls-Stutfed Animals, etc. DISHES Sets-Vases-Platters-Pyrex-Glassba;ke Percolators-Casseroles-Baked Bean Sets New Shipment of Box Candy Come in and look our Merchandise over Vfe Can Save You Mone~

Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Company




Groceries, Meats, Fruits and Vegetables


We wonder whether Una May Leech's room is going uncleaned these days. No one has heard any conversations with Oscar-the dust mop-recently.

J.P. Clark Shoe Repairs of All Kinds Electric Shoe Snop

Mardis Grocery

Dec.-11-12 "Call Of Th£~ Wild" Dec.-13-14-15 "Horn Blows At Midnight" Dec.-16-17 "Salty O'Rourke"

Friday is quite often Blue Monday for Lois Mincer and Betty Johnson. Beginning Sunday night they plan their next week-en<'I at home-down to the finest details. Then on Friday comes a letter or a phone call giving an emphatic suggestion that the two remain in Peru and do a little studying. Woe is them!

Odds and Ends by Murgatroyd

If the word Christmas could be substituted for the word June in the song, "June Is Bustin' Out All Over," the title could be applied to the girls' dorm. Some of the rooms are featuring fireplaces complete with fires; others have window scenes or a bit of greenery with added bells or pine cones on the doors.



Members write at Sigma Tau

Classes select typical students

Originality seemed to be the keynote of the program at the Sigma Tau Delta meeting Monday night, December· 10. Each· of the members was asked to write a Christmas poem or thought which was suggested by a Christmas sticker given him. About twenty minutes was spent in writing these thoughts, and then they were read aloud.

Election of four reprsentative students sponsored by the Peruvian was held Friday, D-=cember 7.


Then there's the mistletoe over the door in the lobby. The coeds are hoping the gentlemen realize the significance of it and take adV1an1!age of the opportunity or opportunities thus presented. The coeds promise that no one gal will be allowed to monopolize the vantage point! Like a rocket out of the blue, the other evening a croquet ball came zooming into the lobby of Eliza Morgan from the direction of Mt. Vernon. Evidently someone tholl!ght the croquet ball looked like a bowling ball and decided he needed practice. Has anyone noticed, on going to the little store, the harmony coming from the direction of the Training school? The mixed chorus over there sounds as if it has possibilities of becoming an A-1 organization. By the way, how about little Bill Witty for a cheer-leader? Those who watched him mimicking the gestures of the high school cheer-leaders at their game with Cook several days ago, agree that he has the prime requirement for the job-namely pep. Speaking of the high school game, three cheers for the college students who showed enough interest to attend. That was a good beginning, but why not go one better and cheer a bit for Peru high? A little help might be greatly appreciated by the high school.· A number of coeds who entertained guests at the Christmas tea gained practical experience in the art of graceful conversation. Though it was difficult to think with hat, hose, and gloves on, the coeds admitted that at least once a year it is well to suppress the loud voices and gaudy garb and to express their lady-like qualities. For the benefit of anyone doing business in Delzell Hall, some valuable information is herewith being divulged. Room 101 might well be called Grand Central Station. Anyone wanting to see a certain person, should simply go to room 101. If the person is not there, he will be within a few minutes. Willard and Pat should install a clock so that people could make appointments to meet "under the clock at Grand Central", or they could bar the door-with all nonresidents outside. The fellas at Delzell Hall were a little slower in getting up their Christmas decorations than the gals were, but little by little the dorm is getting that "Chrismasy" look. "Hold it! Now don't move! "Just a second; this will make a swell shot for the Peru>vian:' Everyone who has managed to locate a roll of film to fit his camera (or his neighbor's) , seems to have a full time job taking pictures. Students are seen carrying cameras to and from classes ·and snapping scen~s of campus life. So, girls, fix your hair; and, fellows, wear your ties, because you never know when some amatuer photographer may choose you for his next victim. The subject of considerable speculation has been what breakfast food or vitamin capsules Whiz White will be asked to endorse. Or could his amazing vision be attributed to the eating of raw carrots? Whatever it was, Whiz cerbinly had an eye for the Doane baskets. After his first goal, he jnst couldn't miss. Peru prepsters and band members thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Doane, and were well satisfied with the game. Christmas seems much nearer now that a blanket of snow covers the ground. One really feels inclined to say "Merry Christmas to all".

President Bill Witty read the last installment of his story, "Courage and the War,'' the first installment of which he read at the previous meeting. Frankie Montgomery read a short story, "Male by Mail". Music was furnished by Janice Slagle, Ruth Meister, and Una May Leech, who sang "As Lately We Watched", "0, Holy Night'', and "Whence Comes the Rush o:f Wings". Janice Slagle, Louella Tieman, and Hester Friedly wiil read at the next meeting. Louella Tieman and Hester Friedly served dainty refreshments in keeping with the Christmas season at the close of the meeting.

Willard Hunzeker of Humboldt was chosen to represent the seniors, Ralph Patrick of Dawson was the choice of the juniors, Joanne Banks of Wahoo was the pick of the sophomores, and Richard Good of Peru was selected as the typical freshman. The students were asked to choose their representatives on the oasis of personality, scholastic ability, and participation in extra-curcular activities. Departing from the regular custom of electing the representative from the student body at large, this year each class was allowed to select one of its members to represent the typical student of that class. A pictorial view of the student's life will be presented and will include shots from early youth to the present time. These views of the representative students will introduce the individual picture section of their respective classes in the 1946 Peruvian.

Festive decorations set note for Christmas tea Holly greens, candles, and a lovely tree added just the right touch to the traditional Christmas Tea, Thursday, December 13, from 3 to 5 p. m in the Eliza Morgan p,arlors. Both the coeds and their guests added much to the occasion with their smart and festive dress.

Music for the afternoon was furnished . by various groups. Christmas songs were sung by the girls' sextet-Una May Leech, Ruth Ann Crook, Ruth Meister, Esther Steiner, Janice Slagle, and Mary Lou Genoa. Piano selections were given by Mary Lou Genoa, Ruth Ann Crook, Ruth Randall, Janice Slagle, and Phyllis Hogenmiller. A fifteen minute program, was presented by the string trio Aileen Wheeldon, Janice Slagle, Patricia Hill; :md a flute rnlo was played by Una May Leech. The table was attractively arranged with a candle centerpiece surrounded by greens. Over it hung a gay festoon tied with red bows. · The tea table was attended by Margaret Wellensiek, Doris Wagner, Joan Tickstun, and Bernice Bletscher. Hostesses were Mary Rishel, Frances La Seur, Joan Thickstun, and Phyllis Hogenmiller. Bernice Bletscher, De 1ores Schreiner, Marian Deck, Hester Friedly, Rosemary Pershing, and Louella Tieman arranged for the refreshments. Joan Thickstun and M a r y Rishel arranged the table decorations; Aileen Wheeldon and Bonnie Aufenkamp were in charge of the music. Janice Kimsey, J;mb Slagle, and Cody Anderson ~ members of a committ. ~ do and otherwise una~ ~

Linguists have seasonal party Members of the foreign language classes and their sponsor, Dr. Konig, held their Christmas party last Friday evening in the recreation hall of the girl's dormitory. Seated before a cheery fireplace and the gaily decorated tree, the group sang familiar Christmas carols. Proverbs were spoken by members of each class followed by Christmas carols sung in each of the three foreign languages. Ruth Ann Crook and Ruth Meister sang the Spanish duet, "La Paloma." A special feature of the program was the novelty skit "Little Red Riding Hood,'' given by Armon Yanders, Barbara Berger, and Lois Christensen. A German wolf speaking to a Spanish Little Red Riding Hoed in the home of a French grandn1other created much merriment. Resumes of Christmas customs in France, Germany, and Spain were given by Ramona Johnson, Marilyn McCandless, and Hilary Bradford. Hilary illustrated a Spanish custom by breaking a suspended pinata which was filled with goodies. Games under Barbara. Berger refreshments of and tea were Christenesen.

the direction of were played and cup cakes, salad, served by Lois

Peru singers present Christmas vesper Approximately fifty voices from the college and community presented an impressive candlelight Christmas vesper service in the College Auditorium, Sunday afternoon, De·cember 16. The audience joined the chorus in singing the first group of s1ongs which included "Joy to the World," "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear," and "Oh Come All Ye Faithful."

"Beautiful Savior" was sung by the children's choir with Ruth Ann Crook singing the descant. A women's chorus presented two numbers, "Glory to God in the Highest," and "Angels We Have Heard on High." The women's quartet composed of Mrs. Larson, Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs. Delzell, and Miss Kennedy

One-act plays prove successful "Riders to the ·Sea" by John M. Synge and "The Flattering Word" by George Kelly, the one-act plays presented by the Dramatic club on Friday evening, Dec. 7, were well received. The first play, showing the tragedy in the lives of Irisn fisher . folk was difficult to portray successfully. However, the three women-Ramona Johnson, Mary Lou Genoa, and Frankie Montgomery-who played the roles of mother and sisters of BartleySam Bradford, the seventh man of the family to be claimed by the sea-made the audience feel the relentless cruelty of the 5ea and the futility of trying to keep the men from being destroyed by it. The rather drab setting and the black dresses of the women also helped create the desired atmosphere. The somber garb and the restrained weeping of the three old women whose appearance announced the death of young Bartley added to the dramatic situation. Una May Leech, Doris Wagner, and Esther Steiner were the mourners; and John Lawrence and ,Anselm Johnson were the cld men who carried in the body. Although the play was quite different from the ones usually presented by amateur groups, the Peru audience appreciated its dramatic value. The othed play was a satirical comedy-an interesting contrast to the first. Anselm Johnson and Hester Friedly as the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Rigley portrayed the rather narrow-minded minister with a somewhat frivolous wife. John Lawrence as a noted actor used flattery to break down prejudices against his profession. Phyllis Steever, very effectively characterized the busy-body type of person. Her costume, her actions, and her · pride in her daughter made her an unforgetable charactei· .to those who saw the play. . Barbara Berger successfully depicted the backward girl who would like attention. The lighting and stage props for both plays were carefully handled. Miss Hazel Williams, directer, is to be commended for the performances of both casts and stage committees.

sang "Song of the Christmas Angels" with Margaret A n n Ulbrick playmg the violin ob- 1 ligato. A mixed ensemble sang a Russian melody, "Hark, What Mean Those Voices," "Tell Us, Shepherds,'' a polish melody, and "To Us Is Born Immanuel" a cappela. The group was composed of Mary Lou Genoa, Jean Van Camp, Una May Leech, Phyllis Hogenmiller Ruth Meister, Ruth Ann Crook, Gerald :M:atschulatt, Dr. Maxwell, Willard Hunzker, and Ralph Chatelain. The college women's chorus sang "Whence Comes This Rush of Wings," "As Lately We Watched," and "Gesu Bambino." 'In the last number Jean Van Camp sang the vocal solo and Una May Leech played the flute obligato. In closing the entire chorus sang "Silent Night" with the obligato by Dr. Maxwell. The chorus was under ihe direction of Miss Frances Fields.. Accompanist was Mrs. S. L. Clements. Miss Burtis Kennedy directed the children's choir.

Ensemble sings for A.A.U. W. A women's ensemble entertained the A. A. U. W. members at the home of Mrs. Everett Good, Wednesday evening, Dec. 12. Accompanied on a portable organ by Miss Fields, they sang "Gesu Bambino'', "0 Holy Night," and a number of other Christmas carols. The group was composed of Una May Leech, Norma Mehlin, Ruth Ann Crook, Phyllis Hogenmiller, Anna Pfister, Bernice Bletscher, Esther Steiner, Ruth Meister, Mary Lou Genoa, and Janice Slagle. Because of illness, Blondina Howerton was unable to go with the group. Refreshments of cookies, punch, and candy sticks were served to the coeds at the· close of the program.


club has

festive meeting Members of the Childhood Educators' Club met in the kindergarten room, Monday night, December 10. The group sang Christmas carols and played Christmas games under the leadership of. Anna Pfister and Thelma Wright. Plans were made for the group to take a bus trip to Omaha, Saturday. The excursion was planned in order that the prospective teachers might observe the Christmas decorations and perhaps gain some valuable ideas for their own classrooms. However, for unavoidable reasons the trip w:as cancelled. At the close of the meeting, refreshments were served by Norma Mehlin and Shirley Penney.


• • •



• • •

by Ruth Meisher

Then and now Dark was the world, and dark was the night; Then suddenly Uiis darkness was pier~d by a light, .And heavenly choirs sang the glorious refrain Peace on the earth, good will to men. Now dark is our world from hate of a war; God guide us to find the light of the star. May everyone sing as the angels sang Peace on the earth, good 1vi1l to men. --Phyllis Winkle

What could Christmas mean? If the Christmas spirit Were present Alive in everyone's heart, The world wonld be full of gladness; True friends would not have to part. If the Christmas spirit meant What God intended it to, The world would be as bright As the stars up in the blue.

If the Christmas spirit has rea·ched you, But to it you gave no thought; Remember the pathway to heaven Is obtaine<l through living-not bought. Duane Coad

Visitors to the library have often observed a studious looking gentleman seated at some quiet corner of the library with 15 or 20 books spread before him. This is Mr. Reynolds who, ac~ording to his students, has a thick enough notebook, but who works continually to get more material for it. His students appreciate his extensive research which enables him to ·teach history as it really is, and not as they'd like it to be. His notebook might well be called "A History Digest" for the information is a condensation of the numerous books he reads.

Peace within

Mr. Reynolds' notebook is just a notebook. He writes in a large, bold handwriting on every other line; but when he lectures, he reads between the lines at a rate which makes abbreviation of all but two-lettered words imperative. His students find it extremely difficult to take notes, not only for this reason, but also because they find it much more fascinating to admire his glossy black hair and his colorful neckties. One would suppose that for the privilege of seeing a handsome teacher before them students would patiently await his late arrival, but one of Mr. Reynolds' history classes last week walked out of the classroom after waiting . only 15 minutes. Their mortification was indeed abject when they learned that his lateness was. due to his working with a committee to secure for student a recreation room in Delzell Hall. As the faculty sponsor of the Student Advisory Council, Mr. Reynolds perhaps comes mto as close contact with students and their problems as any teacher on the campus. He understands students so we!J that one wonders where his students attitude ends and his teacher attitude begins.

At Christmas Mistletoe hangs everywhere; Logs burn on the hearth; Snowflakes falling softly Over all the earth. Laughter rings out cheerily; Gifts show colors gay; Peace and joy now reign supreme On this Christmas day. Phyllis Hogenmiller

Fireside thought As I sat before the fire With the yule log cracking, My thoughts travelled far To the time love entered the world. 'Twas on a mem'rable eve The Christmas Babe was born Into a world of grief That he might bring us peace. Whv was it that He came Into this troubled worldFo r love and adoration Or to be scorned by man? Mary Lou Genoa

A true gift ''Merry Christmas,'' said Johnny to his teacher as he buckled his overshoes, "and a Happy New Year," he added, putting on his mittens. This was the customary thing to say; he heard the older pupils say it. It sounded good to him. He repeated it five times more as he walked backwards off the school gronnds. J olmny was full of the Christmas spirit. He had received a great big sack of candy and nuts, and he bad a whole week in which to enjoy it-if the contents lasted that long. To Johnny "Merry Christmas" meant "Teacher, you 're pretty nice after all; I forgive you for all the wrongs you've done me.'' -Ruth Meister

A healthy combination of the two make Mr. Reynolds a likeable person-one you'd like to know better. Students who attended the recent student-faculty party saw Mr. Reynolds as nearly like his boyish self as possible. A number of his students have found it quite interesting to study old issues of the Peruvian to see how Mr. Reynolds got along in Peru as a student.

W.S.S.F. fails to reach goal One hundred and thirteen dollars was contributed toward the two-hundred dollar goal for the World Student Service Fund in the recent drive. Last year when the goal had been set at one hun- · dred dollars Peru students topped it by fifty dollars. Everyone will have another chance to help reach the quota on March 27, when the S. C. A. will sponsor a carnival to raise the remairi:der of the money. Margaret Spellman and Don AUfenkamp are S. C. A. co-chairmen for the drive.

Library displays Christmas scene Miss McCoJlum has arranged a Christmas display for the juvenile room of the college library. It has attracted much attention from the children. The display consists of a Christmas creche with Mary and the Baby, Joseph, the Wisemen, other Biblical characters, and the animals usually associated with the scene.

Undoubtedly you have heard the comment, "It just doesn't seem like Christmas.'' ~ Does it take the outward symbols-snow, gifts, candles, a tree-to make it seem like Christmas'? .Must the spirit of Christmas depend upon these "stage props?" Indeed, the true Christmas spirit must come from within. Peace comes only when men demonstrate goodwill. .At Christmas there is a sense of peace, mainly because more goodwill is shown then, than at any other season. Even the hardest and the toughest in our society show sings of good will. They become interested in doing for others. ":j:t is better to give than to receive" typifies the true Christmas spirit. This Christmas \.re want lasting peace more than anything else in the world. Our vision and hope of world peace are shown in the spirit of Christmas. Pe.ace can not r·esult through legislation and world planning unless there is peace in the hearts of men. It can come only when all men accept ideals of tolerance, love, and good-will. Christmas brings the most priceless gift-Christ, through whom peace, security, and happiness are possible.

A backward glance Last year we were thinking in terms of war, but Christmas this year finds us thinking in terms of peace. Since last Christmas many great events have occurred throughout the world. \Ve have celebrated V-E Day and V-,T Day, mourned the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, planned for world peace through the San Francisco Conference, and have found that some nations have adopt€d the United Nations Charter which indicates that we are on the road to peace. Changes have' also occuned at P. S. T. C. Last year we were largely a "service" school; now we are strictly civilian with some ex-servicemen already active in campus lifo and with more to return at the beginning of second semester. . In listing some of the high-lights of this past semester we might include:: In athleticsA successful football season-four wins, one loss, and one tie. Reorganization of the "P'' Club. An auspicious beginning in basket ball.

In dramaticsHomecoming production-"Where The Dear Antelope Play." Two outstanding one-act plays successfully present·e.d. ' In administrationAppointment of Lt. Commander R. B. Lowe as acting dean of men and director of exte·nsion. Closing of the V-12 Unit. In social activities·An outstanding Homecoming. Reorganization of Alpha Mu Omega .A colorful victory ball given by the coeds. A peppy costume party sponsored by the S. C. A. A hilarious faculty-student party. The annual formal Christmas tea given by dorm women.

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration,' examination and vacation periods, by the stµdents of the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Peru, Pedagogian, Tuesday, December 18, 1945 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. Managing Editor --------"'--------------····---------------Louella Tieman Make-up Editor ·---·---·-----------·-----------------------·---·---Frances Guy Feature Writer _;_________________________________________________ .Sam Bradford Sports ----·-------···-·-------·-·-----·-----------------··-------------William Witty Reporters-Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Janice Kimsey, Virginia Lawrence, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgomery, Dorothy Stepan and Jean Van Camp. Adviser ·-----------·-·-··-·----·-··-·-·------······---------···------Meta Norenberg Business Adviser -----------· _. -----------··----------E. H. Hayward

Blue Stars • • • Tony De Maro ('42-'43) has re. ed his discharge from the y after serving in the Euron area with a tank division; he as on the campus last week aking arrangements to reenter liege next semester. Bob Severin (V-12) has reived his discharge from the at Sioux City, Iowa, in the ast month. He is now married nd is living in Omaha. Milton Sanden (V-12) received 's discharge with Bob Severin Sioux City, Iowa, recently. He now staying at his home at etersburg, Nebraska. Arthur Hunzeker (S. S. '40) has ecently been discharged from e navy. He has been stationed the Pacific theatre of operations or the past several years. He is now spending a well-earned vacation in Pawnee City. Lt. (j. g.) Robert Kursinski (V\12) is now stationed on Buckner . ay, Okinawa. He has been to Wakayama, Japan, several times: He writes, "We've been to Japan several times-Wakayuma. It's very Japanese-just as the travel oaks always describe it. The people seem very happy and try to trade with the men. Candy, cigarettes, and sugar are the main items. The weather at Walrnyuma reminded me very much of California. Enough so to make me homesick.

"Buchner Bay is quite a mess. No less than 174 ships, all sizes, ere washed upon the rocks durthe last typhoon."

rosh have Frolic t Delzell Hall With Miss Grace Tear accomanying them, the freshmen gathed at 7:00 Saturday night, Dember 8, in front of the theatre; eir object was a theatre party "Where Do We Go from Here." After the movie, the group met the recreation room of Delzell all for games of ping-pong, ooker, and bowling. The refreshment table, loaded ith cokes, hamburgers, and okies proved to be a great action. Credit for this goes the refreshment committeedora Morgan, Barban Burss, Mary Klein, and Agnes iles. Phyllis Steever headed the arngement committee, appointing th Straube and Bonnie AufenP to assist her. Sam Bradd, Alice Richards, and Don ba were on the program comttee, and Dee Rees on the room mittee.

eruvians hold .S.E.A. offices Numerous Peruvians at prent hold offices in the Nebraska cational Association or are mbers of the Delegate Assemof that organization. Presidents of Districts II and are former students, Mr. C. . Grandy of Blair and Mr. Rex Gay of Creighton.

· Mr. S. L. Clements of Peru is of six members of the State ecutive Committee.

Delegate assembly members1 e, District I, Mr. Carl R. Ludton-Milford, Mr. A. V. Grass Tecumseh; Miss Ruth Patterson Fairbury, Mr. J. M. Toddell; District II, Mr. W. J. Dunn Leigh, Mrs. C. M. Brown-Peru; · trict IV, Mr. H. V. Taylorg, Mr. Harvey Cole-Kear' Mr. Otto Oakes-North atte; District V, Mr. B. W. ke-Alma, Miss Ida Mackieenton, and Mr. N. L. 'rysonauneta.

Pvt. Shirley Rodgers ('43-'44) is in Lovell General Hospital at Ft. Devins, Massachusetts. Ralph Hays ('39-'40) received his discharge from the army air corps recently and is now attending the University of Washington at Seattle. Dona ·Larimore · ('44-'45) is taking cadet nurse's training in the Methodist Hospital in Omaha. Ruth Almquist ('43-'44) is a cadet nurse in the Immanud Hospital in Omaha. Don Andrews (V-12), recently discharged from the army air corps at Corpus Christi, Texas, was on the campus over last weekend. He plans to attend the \Jniversity of Nebraska next semester to study geology. First Lt. Harold Prich a r.d who recently returned to the states from France, is on terminal leave visiting his parents. He was overseas almost two years with a field artillery outfit. He wears the bronze star and the purple heart. , Pfc. Darwin McGinnis ('44-'45) is now stationed at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, after his reenlistment in the army for a year. Storekeeper 1st. class Jack Berlett ('44-'45) of the merchant marine is on the ship Victory which transports troops from Europe to the United States. Ensign Gerald E. Johnson, recently discharged from the navy, is spending a short vacation at his home in Hamburg, Iowa, before going to Kansas City to work as an engineer. He has been in a hospital near Berkley, California, for the past four months.

Cagesters play heavy schedule Missourians dip Peruvians 34-33 In the last minu1e of play, Peru lost a rough and tumble basket ball game Friday, December 7, to Tarkio College, at Tarkio, Mo. Thirty-five personal fouls were called which kept floor play ragged throughout the game. Peru's White and Good were forced from the game in the last minutes of play with five personal fouls each, as was Tarkio's F. Humphrey. White, of Peru, was high point man with eight field goals, and three gift tosses, for a total of 19 points. For Tarkio, Bay was high with 10 points. The Bobcats led by four points at the half; the score was 22-18. Box Score: PERU F.G. F.T. F. Fts. 2 2 6 Patrick 3 0 3 5 3 Good 19 White 8 3 5 1 1 5 Haack 2 0 0 1 0 Seeba 0 0 Floyd 0 1 0 0 1 Becker 0 33 12 9 17 Totals TARKIO 0 Adkins Reckard 0 Bay 5 Stauch 4 C. Humphrey 4 F. Humphrey 1 Su'!lderwirth 0 George 1 15 Totals

2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4


2 1 3 3 3 5 1 0 18

2 0 10 8 9 3 0 2 34

Wheelermen cop cage opene_r

Rich Hutton ('43-'44) is now at home in Auburn on furlough. He has been serving in the armed · forces in China for the past sevThe Peru Wheelermen opened eral months. He will be remembered for his athletic activities their '45-'46 basket ball schedule Wednesday, December 5, at Peru while on the campus. with a 41-37 win over the Norfolk Pfc. Lloyd Eichoff is stationed .T uni or College quintet. on Luzon, P. I. He has been in The game was hard fought the army since January, 1945, and has been overseas since August, throughout with the outcome in 1945. He is entitled to wear the doubt until the final whistle had blown. Asiatic-Pacific ribbon. Defensive work on both teams was above average for early season play, while splendid ball handling and shooting kept the stands in an uproar.

Coeds organize Home Ee dub

Coeds interested in home economics organized a Kappa Omicron Phi Home Economics club on Dec. 3, at the home of Miss Edna Weare, sponsor. Virginia Lawrence was elected president; Francis La Seur and Goldie Motis were elected vicepresident and secretary-treasurer. The constitution was read and discussed during the evening. The · members also composed two clever club songs. · Barbara Burgess and Cody Anderson served refreshments. The Home Economics Club has decided to send a News Letter to former students who majored or minored in home economics. The letter will contain information concerning activities on the campus and news of interest about alumnae. Approximately 100 copies are beng mailed. The members hope this will be the first of a series of letters.

S.C.A. enjoys Christmas story Mrs. McCullough impressively told the beautiful Christmas story "The Man Who Didn't Have Time to See the Child", at the S. C. A.. meeting Dec. 4, in the Musk $ll, In connection with the. ~ Jean Van Camp sang "O time Town of Bethlehem.'•.

Whiz White led the scoring for both teams with 19 points, while Montgomery was high for Norfolk with 12. Norfolk led Peru 20-18 at half time. Box Score: F.G. F.T. F. Fts. PERU 1 1 Patrick 0 1 10 5 0 3 Good 19 3 3 White 8 3 11 Haack 4 1 0 0 0 0 Seeba 17 7 41 8 T6tals Substitutioris: Becker and Floyd. NORFOLK Montgomery Lemke Smith Wise Logan Kelley Totals

6 3 0 5 2 2 18

0 0 0 0 0 1 1

3 1 1 3 1 3 12

12 6 0 10 4 5 37

Dramatists enjoy Christmas party Dramatic Club members held their annual Christmas party in the Little Theatre, Thursday, December 13. A short program presented by various members and a gift exchange were the high-lights of the evening. Refreshments were served by Ramona Johnson and Hester ~edly. Sam Bradford, John Lawrence, and Mary Lou Genoa were in charge of the pr\)gram.

Avoca wins tourney; P club gives scholarship Peru's Invitational tournament ended Saturday night w.ith Avoca winning the championship trophy by defeating Tecumseh. This was Avioca's 77 straight win. Jack Hahlstrom of Avoca was awarded the athletic scholarship given by the P Club in honor of Robert Halliday. Halliday, a four· year letterman, was killed during the war. Gene Yoder of Tecumseh was awarded a m.edal as the most valuable player in the tournament.

Bobcats trounce Tigers 66-49 Paced by Whiz White, Bobcats took a fast game Doane Tigers at Crete, December 11, with the 66-48.

the Peru from the Tuesday, score of

Whiz started scoring early in the game, and before the forty minutes of playing time expired, ~ang up 37 points for a new Peru individual record, which as far as could be determined at this time, was set by Hobbs in 1942, when he scored 27 points against Hastings. The 'Cats led 35-17 at half time. With ten minutes of playing time remaining, Doane pulled to within ten points of Peru, but from then on its was all Bobcats, with the outcome never in doubt. The band, backed by a large cheering section, made it a very enjoyable evening for Peru. Al Razor of Doane was second in line for scoring honors with 23 points.

Box Score: PERU Patrick Haack White Good Seeba Floyd Becker Julifs Rees Devore Totals

F.G. F.T. F. Pts. 2 5 18 0 0 2 0

2 0 0 29

3 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 8

3 4 3 3 0 2 2 0 1 0 18

7 11 37 1 0 4 1 4 0 1 66

0 3 2 0 2 1 0

0 2 4 1 2 0 2 11

12 23 4 0 4 1 4 48

DOANE Hughes Razor Edwards Brannam Gwinn Martems Morrison Totals

6 10 1 0 1 0 2 20


P dub sponsors convo pep rally A lively pep rally sponsored by the P Club was presented at convocation Friday, December 7. The pep band under the direction of Jean Van Camp played several snappy marches, and the yells were led by the new cheer leaders Phyllis Fisher, Ruth Dougherty, and Lester Bargstadt. Coach "Al" Wheeler introduced the basket ball team and discussed the prospect for a successful season for the Bobcats. He also stresed the need for the complete backing of the student body at all the games. Former Peruvians, ' ' W h i z ' ' White, Al Haack, and Ralph Patrick, who are again on the campus, expressed their pleasure at being back. They also urged the students to keep up the pep and enthusiasm shown at the first game of the season.

Tecumseh made the first score of the game and put up a good fight during the halt At the end of the first quarter Tecumseh led 9-5. At one time early in the second period, Tecumseh held a five-point lead. Half time score was 12-15, still in favor of Tecumseh. Within one minute after the opening of the second half, Avoca tied the count and wasn't threatened a gain. At the final gong Avoca led by a 29-19 score. The entire game was rather slow and lacked the thrills of the usual final tournament clash.

Semi-finals Two exciting games on Friday evening determined the teams' for the final game. A cold second half was instrumental in the 34-16 defeat of Peru Prep by the strong Avoca quintet. Tecumseh, on the other hand, won a fast game from Talmage 30-25 to put its team in the finals with Avoca.

Second-round In the openiny game Avoca won easily from Otoe 57-20. Talmage won in the last minute from Bratton Union 29-27 after trailing the entire game. The third game of the evening saw Peru Prep defeating Brock by the score of 37-21. .Tecumseh nosed out a small but scrappy Nemaha team by the narrow margin of 23-21 in the last minute of the final game of the evening.

Opening-round 'J;be first round on Wednesday, Dec. 12, saw Nemaha defeating the Nebraska City Reserves 30-16 in the tournament opener. The second game went to Tecumseh on a forfeit when Shubert failed to arrive because of bad roads. Brock won from Auburn in an overtime period, 18-17. The score was 15-15 at the end of ~he fourth quarter. In the final game of the evening, Peru Prep outscored Johnson to the tune of 33-12. Bad roads and sickness forced Dawson and Cook from the tournament. Dawson was replaced by Avoca, and Cook by the Nebraska City Reserves.

Watch the Bobcats vs. Tarkio Tonight 8:00 p. m.

College Gym.

:Rlumni Crail 'Florence Taylor is working in the Metallurgy department at the University of Chicago as a draftsman: A former instructor at the university helped her secure this position which she · . finds very fascinating. She was told by an instructor that she had a better background for her work than any otlier student he had had for many years, whereupon she informed him that Prof. A. B. Clayburn of Peru had been her instructor. Lyle Hunzeker (S. S. '40) has recently been transferred from Washington D. C. to Newark, New Jersey, where he is with the F. B. L He has worked with this agency for the past four years. He uses any spare time he can find to study foreign languagesGerman, French, and Spanish. Loren Hunzeker, his twin brother, was formerly the assisant . manager of the Goodyear Plant in Phoenix, Arizona, but since. September has been doing office work with the Credit and Loan Association in Phoenix. Karl Hunzeker, another brother, is manager of tbe Social Security Office in Joplin, Missouri. He has been in this work for about ten years.

N. Diddel designs Journal covers Nov~ber

and December issues of the Nebraska Educational Journal have attractive cover pages, reproductions of linoleum blocks cut by Miss Norma Diddel. The December cover is a cheery winter scene-the country church -in red and white. The November piCture depicts a rural school with children playing. It is printed in greet and white.


Dorm Dope

• • •

Evelyn Dell (S. S. '42) who is teaching at Vancouver, Wash.; was married in November to Frank Maranville. In the near future she and her husband plan to go to Chicago, where Mr. Maranville Will begin work on his P. H. D. at the University of Chicago.

by Frankie Montgomery

Lucille Sandfort ('43) is the vo l'al music instructor at Sutton, Nebr.

Christmas is nigh and one doesn't need a calendar to ir.dicate that the Yuletide season is upon one. Just peek intoEliza Morgan's · lobby anytime and notice the brightly-lighted ( hristmas tree occupying more than its share of space. Evergreen sprigs adorn the mantle and the scent of pir.e rills the air.

Francis Harris, boys' athletic coach at Villisca, suffered a nervous breakdown early in NovembEr and has di~continued teaching, tt>mporarily.

The girls gather around the piano in the evenings to sing all the well-loved Christmas carols. ,Janice Slagle seems to be the star pianist at such times.

Ruth Hunzeker (S. S. '45) is teaching Richardson County's largest school, Dist. 45, near Salem. The past term she taught the smallest -s, hool of only two pupils.

Most of the doors are hung with wreaths and signs of :fy!erry Christmas, and many of the rooms are decorated for the Yuletide season.

Kathlyn Benford ('43-'44) has been working in a music store in !'ueblo, Colorado, and has rec<>ntly opened a new music store in Alamosa for her employer. She writes, "It sui'.'ely has been fun starting a mudc department like tbis-it has taught me a lot." Betty Hartley ( S. S. !45) is t.eaching third and fourth grades at Blue Hill. Ilene 'i'hiltges (S. S. '45) is teaching a rural school near Falls City. The engagement of Bern ice Bush of Tecumseh to Arthur Trudo of Tiltonsville, Ohio, has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Bush. Bernice' attended Peru last summer and at present is teaching kindergarten in Scottsbluff.

Ruth Comstock and Ruth Ann Crook have a silhouetted design of the shepherds and the star on their window. A cozy little fireplace adds to their decorations and tends to make the occupants realize how near Christmas is. Another room containing a fireplace like the two Ruths' is that of Louella Tieman and Delores Schreiner. Shirley Penney and Ona Gess used all their originality in devising a fireplace by covering their desk with brick-paper.

• • • The bulletin board in Room 312-Barb Berger and Phyllis Winkle-is resplendent with "Merry Christmas·• written across it with sprigs of evergreen. Thursday night the girls begin to look forward to the week-end and there is a mad scramble to borrow the few available buckets in the dorm to use for soft water to wash their hair. Now, a bucket might be a very appropriate gift to any girl who doesn't already own one. Good thing that Wednesday morning was float periods since no one could have possible dragged herself out of bed anywaythe morning after the game at Doane. Ruthie Dougherty has taken over Laurine Clayburn Johnson's duties as cheerleader. And she's really in there pitchin'. Anyone passing Eliza Morgan on the Tuesday evening before the Norfolk game would have wondered what kind of discipline Mrs. Marsh enforces in the dorm. But it was just the first pep rally of the basket ball season in progress. Eliza really had pep . ~ Rozellen Ballard, just recovered from an appendectomy, is back at school and really working to catch up on back work.

A familiar sight in the dor this week has been Mrs. Heats tiptoeing out of one of the ro The flu is really making rounds of the dorm, and eve one has ·her fingers crossed f fear she will have to be in b over Christmas. Jo Banks received an announc ment of Lee Nispel's marria Sunday, December 9, to Da Ubben. Congratulations ar.e order. It is rumored that Evelyn G is getting a record player Christmas. Here's hoping brings it back to school with

Borrowing for the Christmas has begun now that all the a cles of clothing borrowed for t plays have been returned. O well, it's all part of life in a do itory. And who would want miss it Here's hoping that everyone a happy vacation. A Me Christmas and a Happy Ne Year to all'.

Bertha M. Thomson,j M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 60

It is complete with stockings and all ready for Santa. Incidentally, the books are all on display in one corner of the room on a small table.

Peru Cleaners and Tailors




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J.P. Clark


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Shop With Us and Save For that last minute gift;;

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H. U. LANDOLT Phone 78

Peru, Nebraska


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Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling .Company

Odds and Ends by Murgatroyd

Everyone seems to have recuperated from Christmas and New Years and is now getting back to the familiar routine of college life. However, excitement still runs hlgh when a group of students congregate and begin to · relate a few of the outstanding incidents which occurred during vacation. Some attended weddings; a, few made trips to visit their f~vodte Blue Star; and at least one girl became the proud possessor of a diamond. All seem to have had their share of fun during the holiday season. Ij'eru might well be called the J:?Oor man's Rocky Mountains for its beauty and playground opportunities in winter as well as in summer. Students who went home for Christmas vacation missed seeing Peru in its most sparkling. beauty. The light snow that fell just before Christmas covered the deep but old and dirty snow, giving it a fresh clean appeai;ance in time for Christmas day. Peru was a coaster's paradise. All the way along the hill from the north campus entrance to the photo studio at the bottom, sledders by the dozen whipped along at break-neck speed. Can you imagine ten or twelve sleds hooked together and playing cracl~-the-whip? Even some ambitious skiier \vas observed on a distant snow-covered hill. At last the "Eager Beaver" to end all "Eager Beavers" has been found. By the latest news from the grapevine it is discovered that Don Aufenkamp, who is a sophomore, is collecting material for his dissei;tation for his future Doctor's degree. Subject-nuclear physics. Maybe Don will be telling us all about atomic energy in the near future. Speaking of Eager Beavers, have you noticed the smiles of satisfaction on the faces of some of the "brainy" students who had enough ambition to write term papers and to study for semester tests over vacation? Some people! '.Che only trouble is that those of us who loafed the time away, are walking examples of what a lack of will power will do. T.hey're being economical, too. No midnight oil to burn. Some of the occupants of Eliza M;rgan came back bubbling with exuberance. In fact three energetic girls even carried one sleepy occupant of the lobby to her roomafter she had fallen asleep over her books. Students and facultx enjoyed the dance sponsored by the stµdent council Friday night after the basket ball game. '.Che well-known fact that vacation makes people forget has again been proved-this time by a coed who couldn't remember the combination to her mailbox and therefore was unable to get her copy of the Sears and. Roebuck catalogue. As the semester nears an end, students find· themselves. swamped with work. '.Chey just can't understand why they didn't begin studying earlier in the term. Some have work to make up, and others must finish those neglected term papers. If you should meet someone trudging along to class with a sad dejected look on his face, think nQthing of it, He is probably worrying about the two houT tests that' he must take next week.

The Christmas News Letter sponsored by the Home Economics Club tQ former students of. that department was very attractive. It contained general personnel and department news. They plan to publish a, similar. letter about every two months.





Dr. N. Reburtis chosen MINK festival conductor Dr. N. DeRubertis of Kansis City, Missouri, is to be the guest con-

Gala event marks opening of fun center

ductor of the M. 1. N. K. Orchestra Clinic and Festival that is to be "How about a game of sniooker?" "Do you know how to bowl?" held here Friday and Saturday, February 1 and 2, as ;innounced by "Say, there, d'on't step on that ping pong, ball!" "Does someone have Professor Victor Jindra. . , some nickels for 'th'e juke box?" Delzell basement rang with merriment Saturday night, January

Crowd frolics at Victory dance Students, alumni, and faculty members attended the Victory Dance held after the basket ball game, Friday night, January 11, 1946, to make it one of the most successful all-college dances of the school year. '.Che attendance was estimated as one of the largest of the season. The event, which was held in the music hall, was sponsored by the Student Advisocy Councli. During the evening, Walt Marshall, former Peru student, now on leave from the navy, took pictures of the dance for the 1946 Permian.

L. Paulson joins Peru facuity Mr. Leonard E. Paulson, instructor of voice and public school music, will assume his duties on the faculty at the opening of the second semester. Mr. Paulson holds the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from Nebraska Wesleyan University, where he was baritone soloist in the male acappella choir. He has also taken one year of advanced work at Columbia. University. For the past three years, Mr. Paulson has been serving ·with the U. S. Army. Prior to his army service he taught voice and public school music at Deshler, Red Cloud and Wavne, Nebraska. &

Dr. DeRubertis received his musical education in. Italy and France. After extensively touring there as well as in this country, he established permanent residence in Kansas City.

Subsequently, he became active in the musical life of the middle west, founding the K. C. Chamber Music Society and the well known "Little Symphony", with which he traveled for many years. In 1926, the late composer, Ottirino Respighi, invited him to conduct a concert of American music in Rome, which was gri!atly appreciated by the public and press. Upon his return to Kansas City, Dr. DeRubertis was invited to conduct the first of the high school orchestra in T.ulsa; the concert was given for the occasion of the Souihwest Music Supervisors Con.. ference. The inspiration obtained in this success:iul event caused the conductor to establish his Kansas City Orchestra '.Craining School now in its eighteenth year of ac-tivity. DeRubertis conducted the Civic Opera Company for nine seasons. At the present time .he is the director of the Civic Orchestra, 1he Municipal Band, the Friends cf Opera Ccimpany, and he is a member of the faculty of the Kansas City University and Saint Mary College in Kansas. As a composer, Dr. DeRubertis has published works that have won national recognition.


membeFs enjoy holidays here and there by Janice Kimsey

When asked how they spent their vacation, many faculty members gave replies of "stayed around and worked at school", or "had the flu". However several managed to get away and. to fill their vacation with a trip or a visit. Dr. and Mrs. Castle Brown, Mrs. Mabel Hoatson, Miss Ida Mae Brackney, and Dr. Selma Konig headed east. '.Che Browns went to Chicago to visit his brother, Grant H. Brown, who is the commander of the V-12 unit there. While there, they were entertained at the officer's club at the Great Lakes, and at the Ross Memorial Theatre. "We had tickets to Sonja Renie," said· Dr. Brown, "but we couldn't make it because of the icy roads.'' '.Chey also visited. their old home in Joliet, Ill., and old friends there. Mrs. Hoatson's destination was Washington, D. C., where she spent the holidays with her daughter, Marietta Hoatson, and a friend who lives there. On her way back, she stopped at Louisville, Kentu1:ky, and visited Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Holman. And she also saw some of the V-12 fellows who had . previously been here in Peru. Brookville, Indiana, was the stopping place for Miss Brackney, who visited her mother over the vacation. Dr. Konig spent her time at Carthage, Ill. "I wanted to go to Chicago, but it was too snowy and icy," she commented. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Bradford

and family, who stopped in Kansas City on their return from Rolla, Mo., saw Talulah Bankhead in. the stage play, "Follish Notion". "Deep in the Heart of Texas" might have been Miss Blanche Gard's song as she started on her journey southward to Orange, T.exas, to visit her sister, Mrs. Murchison, and Mrs. Quinn. Gard at Sequin, Texas. Miss Gard also v!s,ited Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Norwood; who were former instructors in Peru, Christmas day found the Misses Edna and Hazel Weare at the home of their sister in Lexington, Mo. Miss Nona Palmer and Mrs. Mary Delzell and Mrs. Genevie Marsh stµyed in the state of Nebraska; Miss Palmer visited in the homes of her brother and sister at Bradshaw; Mrs. Delzell spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fink at Hastings, whilt) Mrs. Marsh visited her daughter and family in Omaha. '.Chose who spent Christmas at home included. Miss Eloise Pool, who was "snowed in" at the home of her parents at Weeping Water; Mr. V. H. Jindra, who spent h,is vacation at home in Wilbur; Miss Phyllis Davidson, who visited her parents at Columbus, Kansas; Miss Frances Fields, who spent her vacation in Nebraska City; and Mr. Arthur ReynoldS, who was. one of the ones to answer "I had the flu", didn't stay home to have tit, but went to Fairbury to- enjoy it. And. all the others like the "little piggie" rhyme, "stayed. home" in Peru.


The occasion was the grand opening of the recreati'on rooms for

stu.dent use.

Guests were greeted at the door by Ralf Graham, president of the Student Advisory Council. Phyllis Stelver was in charge of the guest book. Betty Johnson was the owner of the lucky number which drew

the door prize. The number was determined by opening a book, then taking the number of the right hand page and dividing it by "2". Betty was presented with a scrap book. Students were asked to write a name for the new recreation rooms on a slip of paper and leave them in a ballot box with the guest book. Later the names will be carefU!lly studied by a group of judges who will determine the permanent name of the rooms from those submitt~d. A prize will be

W. Riggs shares coaching duties Wayne Riggs, a graduate of Peru, has returned to this campus as assistant director of athletics. In college, he was an outstanding athlete, lettering in football, basket ball, and track. He held the state record in the 100-yard dash; his time being 9.8 seconds. Since his graduation in 1937, he spent one year coaching at Burwell and two years at Wahoo. He was a lieutenant in the navy for three years and served in the European theatre of operations. Mr. Riggs' duties will consist of assistant coaching of basket ball and track and teaching the Methods and Principles courses of physical education, T.umbling, and Natural Program.

Award presented to M. Spellman '.Che Pearl A. Kenton foreign language scholarship was awarded to Margaret Spellman, sophomore Spanish major, at convocation on Monday, January 14. Miss Spellman thereby became the first Pearl Kenton scholar. '.Chis award which was established by Miss Alice M. Kenton in memory of her sister who was for many years associate professor of languages and supervisor of Latin in the training school, wc:s made by a committee consisting of acting Dean E. H. Hayward and Drs. A. L. Bradford and S. S. Konig. '.Che Kenton scholarship hereafter will be awarded annually, at commencement time, but it was Miss Alice Kenton's · expressed wish that an award should be made for the second semester of the academic year 1945-1946. Dr. Konig, in presenting the scholarship, extended to Miss Spellman the congratulations 0£ the committee and the departmel1t.

given the person who handed in the name chosen. Entertainment for the evening included ping pong, snooker, billiards, bowling, and dancing. During the evening the Student Advisory Council served ice cream to the guests. According to the guest book, about 120 students and faculty members inspected the recreation center. Included in the recreation center are the club room, "coke" room, game room, and lounge. Students .also have access to the lobby and main lounge of the dormitory. The club room includes juke box and space for dancing. Another popular room was the "coke" room with a coke machine and sea+ing facilities for fifty people. In the g;me room are located three bowling alleys, a. snooker table, a billiard table, two ping pong tables, and four bridge tables. The "P" club on the campus sponsored the lcunge which 1hey have on display athletic pictures of the past years, and the bobcat which formerly was kept in the Science Hall. The trophy case has been moved from the office in the Administration building and is also on display in this room. The opening of the recreation rooms marks the beginning of a new era in the history of the college. Students on this campus had been asking for a recreation center of this type for several years. Then along came the war and students and faculty alike were forced to drop the idea for the duration. But the idea was revived in September, 1945, and the Student Advisory Council championed the cause, putting forth every effort to make this "student union" available for the men and women on the campus at Peru. They have worked hard on this project, and certainly. deserve the support of the entire student body. It wa.s not intended that these recreation rooms should; compare with the student unions of Iowa State, University of Wisconsin, or of other universities and larger colleges which have been discussed recently. However, it meets the needs of the present student body. Plans have alrea.dy been forming in the minds of some of ways in which the "student union" may be enlarged to meet the demands of the college as it increases in size.

The recreation rooms will be open to the students from 5 p. m. until 8 p. m. on week days, from 5 p. m. until 10:30 p. m. on Fridays, and from 1 p. m. until 10:30 p. m. on Saturdays. The rooms will not be open at all on Sundays. The Student Advisocy Council seemed well pleased with the success of the opening night.



• • •


'Bye . To those who leave PSTC at the end of this sentester we wantJo say good-bye and to wish you luck. To you who will receive your degree we wish succ~ss as you enter into your e~\reer. We hope that you who are receiving a certificate, ¥-ill <JOmeday return t~ the campus to receive your degree. Someda~ \Ye h?~e h, see each of you returning to the

campus to enJOY a vlSlt or a: homecommg with us.

Bus--why not? Why doesn't P. S. T. C buy a bus to be used in going to out of town activities7 This year through the efforts of a few, students have been able to attend one or two out of town football and basket ball games.

It takes a ~Teat deal of time and energy to see how many would go if a: bus were chartered, then to see about getting the bus, and then to report the outcome to students.

Miss Norenberg possesses a sense of humor that is appreciated by students both in. the class room and on tl;le campus. It is so free as to allow her to laugh at herself. Her file system is a pet joke with her. She can never remem~ ber whether she files material under "c"-clipping, or "s"-story, or "j"-joke. She can usually think of 26 possible letters under which it could be filed. Regardless of her filing system, Miss Norenberg works efficiently. She has never had to study info the wee hours of the morning or cram for a test!

No doubt there isn't anyone who hasn't appreciated the effort put forth-but why can't we have our own school bus? It would certainly save a lot of time to know that a bus was available when needed. . :rhe band could use t~e bus for out of town trips and it rn1&'ht also be made ava~lab1e for students, especially at vacat10ns, to i-r:ake connections ,at Nebraska City. All of us have experienced the difficulties of transportation in and out of Peru. ~~ast year tl;is ma~ter was discussed by the Student

Ad~1so~ Council.

With the backing of other active orgamzat10ns, maybe something could be done about the problem. A bwi taken to all out of town games would certainly J>e one of the best means of advertising P. S. T. C.

Campus manners True, this is not the age of fine manners but it is the age of tho.ughtfuln~ss., and students on the campus have been sl~owrng a def~mt~ l~ck of it. Such little things as answermg when an 1:11v1tation cannot be accepted is never hard to do, and yet it ma:kes a great deal of difference to the hostess. When a boy opens a door for a girl and walks in ahead of her, it is pretty bad; but even that is better than. letting her open it herself. Girls, if you expect a boy to open the door, stand there until he does. Yet it isn't good manners for a boy practically to knock a young lady down to get to a door before she opens it herself. Have you ever been talking to a person and have him yawn in your face~ Embarrassing isn't it1 Think vbout this when you sit in a class and yawn, look bored, and almost go to sleep-the teacher is doing the bese he can, and y0u aren't helping matters any by being so indifferent. People who are performing in a program are doing so for your enjoyment; and if you can't do a:s well or better than they are doing, don't make fun of them or talk. It's the people who have never been on a program that laugh, because if they have tried to perform they could appreciate tho efforts being put forth. Loss of a voice is the only excuse for not speaking when spoken to. Certainly you know what your feet 1001: ·like by now; why then must you study them so intensely as you walk across the campus~ Did you ever consider it unmannerly to the janitors when you throw that piece of paper under your chair or that kleenex on the campus? It would take so little time for you simply to drop in a wa:ste basket or keep it until you come to one. If everyone, faculty and students, would for one week take notice of these few everyday manners, I wonder how much better the general friendly feeling would be. Let's try it.

• •


by Ruth Meister

That 280 divided by 35 equals eight inches is one of the division combinations that has become automatic to Miss Norenberg through repeated usage. That the Ped is composed of approximately 7,000 words and that it is printed semi-monthly are two facts that constantly stare her in the face. -As sponsor of Peru's college newspaper, she has often demonstrated that a journalism instructor mu'St be matlfematically as well as "newsically" inclined. It has been reported that to keep in practice, she counts out headlines instead of sheep at night.

Good luck!!

Inspirations Well done

Into the cafe he walked> seated himself and demanded

a: hamburge~. When it was brought he lifted the top and peered 111 on the scrap of meat under it. Folding hands he spoke only the four words: "It is not done." The food was removed :md when brought once again he .repeated the performance of eyeing the meat. H~ whirled on the waiter and gave such a look that had it been directed toward the hawburger, would surelv have fried it to suit his taste. · Once more it w~s removed and after a short delay was returned from the lntchen. It now was surelv a cinder on the piece of bun. At bst he was satisfied a;d tucking a napkin in at his neck, he proceeded to eat' the hamburger witb relish and mustard

Mi.ss Norenberg has a sympathetic understanding of students which is all too understanding. To the sighs and cries of too much work she answers, "You people can't fool me anymore. Every week is a busy week." Timely discussions, pep talks, and informal debates are very much a part of Miss Norenberg's classes. Her students enjoy an occasional short sermon packed with good sense and truth and spiced with a dash of humor antl a sprinkJe of sarcasm. . Miss Norenberg is a talented story teller. If you're in the mood for a tall tale, she will obligingly relate one of Febold Feboldson's many adventures. Visit with Miss Norenberg and learn to chuckle.

IUnder Cover Students of the Pern Training High School were pleasantly surprised when they returned to school, January 7, to find that their library and study hall had been moved during the Christmas vacation to new quarters in the northwest corner of the third f!oor. Supt. S. L.. Clements and Principal L. B. Mathews were in charge of the moving. The study hall is on the north and adjoining library has windows on the west and south. One teacher can supervise both rooms. Students can ·enter the library either form the study hall or from tl:\e main hall. It is a well lighted room and is large enough to accommodate several students at reading tables .. Shelving provides room for the present collection of BOO volumes. Alt:bough most of the equipment now in use is temporary, new standard library equipment. will be installed when it is available, arid there will be sufficient shelving to take care of additional books. It is expected that both junior and senior high school students will make more use of the library in the future. Student assistants in the library this semester are Charlene Rodgers and Colleen Lotter.

Band leads convo pepsters Pep was the theme of the Friday Convocation, January 11, Wayne Riggs, new assistant coach at Peru, was introduced hy Rex Floyd. The pep band played a few numbers and introduced a new number, "Bells on Parade," featuring bells. Cheerleaders Phyllis Fisher and Lester Bargstadt led in a few yells.

by Sam Bradford

Timid . Te1!- o'cl?ck on a dewey October morning with a, haze berng lifted rnto the sky by a southeast breeze, Olvia was ne~vously excite\l and. afraid. She was to go by airplane to Chicago. The pilot signaled l:te was ready, the steps were in place, the door open. Olvia turned, kissed her parents good-bye, and cautiously followed three other ladies 11p the steps. In her hand was lier suitcase which she had for gotten to leave by the baggage door. Once inside the warm plane-too warm she felt--:-she sat in the first vacant seat . Relax she could not. 'l'here was a pulling, empty feeling at her stomach; she stn:ggled for control of her fear. The other passengers had hcgun conversing. Olvia was alone even among the others. She couldn't talk-not this morning A "yes" or "no" would liave to do. She watched the ~}y and distant, shadowy, grayish earth through the morning sky. It was bright up here; day had seemed to jump upon her. The stewardess came through again, stopping this time to be sociable with Olvia. Olvia liked her but ar1swered automatically with no expressign or feeling; she just didn't have any now. She pulled her collar up closer but she soon flung it back because she realized she 1rnsn't cold but warm. · The plane was cirt>ling an airfield. Oh-things happen so quickly. She had spoken to no one but the stewardess on the whole flight. Her belt was fastened and soon the earth grabbed at throm and finally caught them in its strong hard palm. She was the last to leave and s'Cve:ral had engaged taxis by the time she rlescended the steps. She m1wed slowly toward the long. wide building to the west and entered what seemed to be a glass house with shining floors. She settled into a soft divan to rest. ' by Elmer Bachenberg

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration, examination and vacation periDds, by the students of the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Peru, Pedagogian, Tuesday, Jami.ary 15, 1946 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. · Managing Editor ------------------------··-·-------·-------.Louella Tieman Make-up Editor ·-·-·---·---··-----·-·-··----·-----··---------------Frances Guy Feature Writer __:__________ ·-----------------------------·-··--·--Sam Bradford Sports -----·-··---------~-----------------·-----·--·----·-----···---···--------·-Rex Floyd Reporters-Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Janice Kimsey, Virginia Lawrence, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgomery, Dorothy Stepan and Jean Van Camp. .A.dviser ---··----·-----····-···-···-··-----··------··-·-···-·-·--·----Meta Norenberg Business Adviser ·-··-·--·-·· _. ---------··-·--·--····E. H. Hayward

IBlue Stars • • • Several ex-Peruvians are returning to the campus after· being discharged from the armed forces. The second semester prospects include Bill Thompson, a former V12 student on the campus, who has already enrolled as a civilian. Art Clements ('42-43), one of the servicemen who got all the way to Japan has also returned to his .alma mater. Lyle Mason ('42), who was re-

cently discharged from the Navy, .is considering returning second semester under the G. I. Bill of Rights. Wallace Clevenland ('42)

expects to be discharged from the army in February, after which he will return to Peru. He will be accompanied by his wife and two children. Wayne Filmer ('42) recently returned to the States from the Pacific theater. He expects to be ·.discharged after he is released from a Denver hospital. Bob Ashton ('42) after being rejected several times by the medical examiners, was recently inducted into the Army and at :present is working in the Separation Center at Leavenworth, Kans2.s. Jack .Brown ('42) is now finishing

the work for an A. B. degree at the University of Minnesota after being released from the Army. Jack left Peru to take a Civil Service job in Washington, D. C. Later he enlisted in the Army and rose to the rank of 1st lieutenant. At present his wife and baby daughter are with him at Minneapolis. Walter Dondero (V-12) is now

aboard the LST 964 which is scheduled for a China cruise. He reports that he has seen Bob Candlan~ and that Bob is the father of a bouncing baby daughter. Richard Keil (at. '45) has completed his basic training at Camp Roberts, California and i3 now waiting shipping orders. Robert Snyder, another ex-army man, is teaching Business Administration in the junior college at Jackson, Michigan. Mrs. Hoatson reports that she saw several former Peru V-12 students in Louisville, Kentucky recently, where they are continuing their training. Among them were: James Buckley, Don Carter, and Ward Clark· Clark is on the first team of the University of Louisville basket ball t e a m . Charles Bla'lock and John Carson were flat on their backs with bad cases of the flu. Leo Matuszewski (V-12) received his medical discharge December 1. Ht: is now located in Hammond, Indiana, where Le will resume his pre-war job as pharmacist in one of the local drug stores.

Rockport c~ips kittens 38-21'

How will the Cats make out?

Jack Palmer (V-12) is stationed at Sasibo, Japan and is communications officer for the admiralty staff. On route to Japan he met Ensigns Dick Hanson and Edward Moroney in Honolulu, Hawaii. WAC Sgt. Rita Berlett is sta-

tioned with a hospital Denver, Colorado.

unit at

Fred Owens (V-12) recently discharged, is attending the College of the Pacific at Stockholm, California, where he is majoring in music. Ernest Brioza (V-12) reports that he is now serving as a yEooman at the Navy Separation Center at Shoemaker, California. Don Weiss; former V-12, has been discharged. He was in school at the University of Minnesota after he left here. Walt Marshall, former Peruvian and also one of Peru's V-12's writes from Pearl Harbor -chat he expects to be home durin;; January to visit the campus. He says .'I'm hoping I can join your list of returnees soon.'' Freddie Drexler (at. 43) write& from Linburg, Germany that he hopes to be in Peru for the second semester. He says, "When I think of commg back to Peru I really feel happy for I had a very good time there." John Bird, former store keeper V-12 has been promoted to the rating of chief and is located on Okinawa. Zane Fairchild, V-12, writes he is back at Great Lakes as ships company. He wrl.tes, "I have a preety good deal. I work eight hours off with every forth day hours off with every furth day off and a seventy-two hour pass every month."

Because of change in V-12 and N. R. 0. T. C., Dwaine Puckett, Jim Patterson, Al Pierce, and Dewey Nekich all V-12 have chosen to be transferred bacl>: to the former positions and ratings they held in Navy before entering V-12 program. They were first put on temporary ship's company at Madison, Wisconsin. Patterson wrote: "It feels pretty good to do something besides read and write. It makes me feel pretty good to get a little dirty for a change." He visited in Peru for a few days during Christmas vacation. Willard Redfern (at. '43) writes from Samar, Philippines and says "I'll be seeing you in a few months,-! hope."

Former cagesters rejoin Peru team Prospects of a well rounded Bobcat basket ball team took shape the following week with five new members present to boost the strength of Peru State cagers. Three former Peru Prep cagers, all returning veterans, in the form of Rangey Art Clements (just back from Japm), Chuck Rogers and Rambling Oscar Smith (both out of the army) rounded two, three, and four members now present from past kitten teams.

Peru Prep lost their second game in the season when they journeyed to Rock Port, Mo., to find total defeat in two players to the tune of 38-21 last Friday night. Rock Port took an early lead Bill Thompson, former Navy the first quarter, 8-1, with Wells V-12 student who last fall played of Rock Port dunking six of the with the gridiron gang, has joureight points and going ahead to neyed from Pittsburg, Pa., to score 12 for the half to lead his complete his education and help team, 16-8. strengthen the local cagers. Using a tight, all over the floor zone, Rock Port held Maxwell to Marvin Richards, ex-marine and two points the first half and five David City boy, showed his bit the second half. Bob Majors drop- and has already demonstrated his ped four free-throws for nine and ability as a ball player, in the scored one basket to make his Omaha University game by joining total 7. the 'Cats along with Thompson. The second half found Crabtree, Having listed the present prosforward for Rock Port, coming in- pects, we can help looking forto the scoring column when he ward to semester time with menled his team with 20 points. Both tioning former Pem Cagers in the Wells and Crabtree scored all the form of "Slug" Pascal, "Buzz" points for Rock Port. Byers and Lyle Mason, who are Prep seconds, led by Clayburn planning on joining the Bobcats who scored 11 points, won easily for the remaining season. over the Rock Port seconds, 24-9.

Tuesday night finds the Bobcats hitting foe road toward Hastings to meet the Broncs in their home corral. Hastings, in defeating top state contenders Midland and Wesleyan, is now rated as number one team. Peru faces center Vap, forward Ley and guard Weber, who all demonstrated ability as point. getters and ball handlers. If the 'Cats can stop these boys, they can immediately shoot to the top of the newly formed State Conference and also the state competition ladder. This game bears watching, for it can mean the failure or success of the '46 basket ball season. In viewing the type of ball played against Omaha University last week, the 'Cats will have to improve in both their shooting and hitting the busket, as well as improving their passes to get through the Hasting's defense. If this is done, Coach Al will have a victorious team.

Bobcats victorious over Omaha U. Cold weather struck both Peru and the Bobcats .1:!1 riday night when Omaha University battled icy roads to go down in defeat to the Wheelermen to the tune of 39 to 24.

Prepsters down Nemaha quintet Nemaha went down in defeat to the Kittens last Tuesday night, with Bucket Eye Maxwell dropping 13 points, 36-20. Peru taking the lead in the openi;_ig minutes of the game, remained out front despite the efforts of small Whitaker (who you will remember from the Peru Tournament' held last December) in his scoring 13 points, and the effort on defensive which drew 19 fculs on the Nemaha l:)oys. Peru led at half time 15-8. ' Bob Applegate ranked second in scoring honors with eight points from his position at forward.

Ex-Peruvian returns as assistant coach by Rex Floyd

On campus lately you have probably seen a young man in the six foot class, a tinge of gray in his hair and a walk stance of an athlete. His name, Prof. Wayne Riggs, ex-Peruvian, class '37, who has taken over duties as Coach Al's assistant in the physical education department. He is taking the place of Art Jones, now a wheel in the Red Cross down St. Louis Way. Wayne will handle the freshman basket ball team and his bit in teaching the sprinters in track and as line coach in football if his duties carry over to the fall '46 term. Riggs hails from Shubert. Prof Riggs will long be remembered to his classmates, faculty, and to the state's sport circles as an outstanding athlete during his four year stay at Peru State. He captained the track team of '35 of which he could always be counted on to collect points in the sprints; from halfb;:;ck position he captained a rugged gridiron gang of '36; and, in his senior

year as an outstanding cager held the captain spot as a forward. A record to be proud of in an athletic minded school. After graduation in '37 he joined the realm of teachers at Burwell, where he headed the physical education department and held down the post as coach. He later moved to Wahoo. His masters degree was secured in health and physical education at Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colorado. After completing his masters, he enlisted in the navy, November '41, where he helped with the newly organized physical training program. He obtained the rank of lieutenant before receiving his discharge in November '45. His interest in athletics is closely co-ordinated with enthusiasm and school spirit on the part of the student body in support of the teams in all sports as shown in the short talk and introduction of the new basket ball players at the pep rally held for the Omaha University game.

In the first half Peru's coldness was found apparent with the 'Cats dropping seven baskets in 39 tries for buckets. In the opening, A~ Hcack started the scoring with a dribble in shot in the opening minutes of the game. Peru went ahead to score eight points in the first five minutes of the game to lead Omaha by five points. The ring remained cold the rest of the half when the final whistle blew for the 15 minute rest period found the lowest halftime score got for the season, Peru 16, Om2ha 13. Second half scoring remained cool with Omaha making all their shots from ou1 court, retreaving most of their baskets due to the height of lanky Whittmer. Peru soon found themselves in the remaining four minutes of the game with the score stmding at 27-24. They let loose with a volley of shots which soon found the Bobcats out in front by an easy margin and Coach Al substituting freely. Scoring of 12 points in the remaining minutes soon found the total score at 39-24. Floor play throughout the entire game was led by driving Al Haack whose constant fighting kept the 'Cats in the lead. Whiz White came through again with scoring his below average number of points with a tally of 20 buoekets. Al Haack was second with a total of nine. Free throws during the game were weak. Lanky Whittmer led the Omaha University boys with seven points Box score: PERU F.G. Clements f __ 1 Good f ______ 0 Becker f ____ 0 Smith f ______ 0 Floyd f ------ 0 White c ------ 8 Buhrmann c _ 0 H3ack g ---- 4 Patrick g ____ 1 Richards g __ 0 Juilfs g ______ 1

F.T. 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 4-9 0-0 1-3 4-4 0-0 0-0

F. Fts. 2 2 2 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 2 20 0 0 2 9 1 6 2 0 0 2





OMAHA UNI. Polenske f __ Shires f ---Whittmer c __ Duncan g ____ Knuckles g __ Brown g _____

1 1 3 3 0 2

1-2 0-3 1-2 0-1 0-0 2-4

2 4 4 1 3 3

3 2 7 6 0 6







All's well


u u







Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Company

Dorm Doipe by Frankie Montgomery

Louella Tieman must have been quite busy during Christmas vacation, for she still spends most of her evenings busily knitting on the pair of mittens she started before the holidays. Some people must have their dates all mixed up. Irene Zednik, Jesse Rhoten, Goldie Motis, Blondina Howerton, and Irene Argabright were having a Christmas party in room 229, Monday night, This was a result of the flu epidemic before vacation. Better late than never, as the old saying goes!! Have you seen Helen Howlett's bedroom slippers? Real zooty!! And she made them herself, too. Rumor is that she will go into the business at the close of the semester. First floor isn't a tropical island, but Janice Kimsey and Janice Slagle have been enjoying fresh coconut meat and milk, another gift from "Max".' Sheer joy car.1e to lucky Janet Barr and Cody Anderson on Christmas day in the form of nylon hose. The war is over!! Doris Wagner, alias "Wag'', and Lois Mincer won't dream of White Christmases in the future. Being snowed in over Christmas vacation isn't any fun. Just ask 'em. The black crepe on the door of room 102 signifies the death of the beloved Myrtle, pet turtle of Ruth Comstock. Ruth Ann Crook received gifts from the fellow overseas. From Scotland came two pieces of wool plaid and ..from France came a bracelet and perfume. The bracelet has seven links, each of which has a coat of arms of one of the important provinces of France. Barbara Burgess received a very practical, if not very glamorous, Christmas gift from Nancy Steck in the form of a lantern. DDT is going the rounds agsin as the girls try to exterminate the bugs which have accumulated over the holidays. And even the unpleasant odor can be endured, if the bugs will only go away.

Haack- Blinde Miss Maxine Blinde and Alvin Haack were married December 26, 1945, at the St. Matthews Lu1heran church in Johnson, Nebraska. . The bride attended Peru and is now teaching in the Louisville public schools. The groom was recently discharged from the navy and is now continuing his college work at Peru.

Ruth Crook is discussion leader S. C. A. group in an open discussion on racial problems at their regular meeting Tuesday evening, January 8, in the music hall. The topic belonged to one of the workshope; but since there was so much interest on it, the discussion was held for the entire group. A cabinet meeting was held afterwards to make plans for the election of a new cabinet for the second semester this year and first semester next year.

• • • Som.e girls have all the luckl Don Lavigne is h.ome · agaiQ. · and Ruth Randall is quite busy these evenings. Another busy lady is Marilyn Hoberg, as Dwaine Fuckett is home on a 30-day leave. The noise coming from Mt. Vernon parlors the other evening was just a formal business meeting of some of the sophomore class members. Evidently parliamentary law isn't one of the lessons they have learned as yet. Eliza Morgan parlor was buzzing the other night as every available girl pitched in to help make invitations .for SatUJ:day night's party. Shortage of alarm clocks d.oesn't seem to bother E. M. ga]s. At least not the upper and lower neighbors of Delores Schriener. Delores has been appointed official alarm clock for the people who live below and above her. Every morning promptly at 6:45, Delores raps on the pipes. An answering rap signif.ies that the friends are turning off the alarm. Hester Friedly and Rosemary Pershing were up at 5: 00 the other morning, much to their neighbors' surprise. Hester's reliable alarm seemed to think the time was changing again and some way or another skipped a couple of hours during the night. Poor girls, missed an hour of sleep. This is the last paper of the semester and probably my last column in the Ped. It's been fu.'1 exposing Eliza's secrets. Bye for now!!

Members report at K. 0. P. meeting

Phone Office 32; Res. 196 Peru, Nebraska

Mardis Grocery Groceries, Meats, Frµits and Vegetables ~rtha M. Thomson, M,D,

Physiciaµ aµdi Sµr~(lon Phone.6.Q

Dramatic club had its formal and informal initiation Thursday night, January 10, in the Little Theatre. Seven new members were initiated: Hester Friedly, Esther Steiner, Doris Wagner, Joanne Banks, Ramona Handley Johnson, Sam Bradford, and Frances Guy. Barbara Berger and Frankie Montgomery were in charge of the refreshments.

Members hear original readings Sigma Tau Delta held i.ts last meeting of the semester, Monday night, January 14, in the Music Hall. The program consisted of three selectfons. read by Louella Tieman, Janice Slagle, and Hester Friedly. Louella read an essay, "Folklore on the Farm," Hester a short story, "The Perfidy of Women," and .Janice an antectdote on war-time shopping. · · After the meeting delicious refreshments were served by Una Mae Leech and Ruth Meister.

Camera fans hold bi.monthly meeting Members of the Camera Club met Thursday night, January 10, in the Science Hall for their regular meeting. Mr. Banfield, sponsor, was in charge of the program for the evening. The meeting had been moved up a week on the calendar to 2void any conflicts with the final exams to be held this week.

Members of the Kappa Omicron Phi Home Economics Club met January 7, at the home of Miss Edna Weare, sponsor. The meeting was opened by singing one of the songs the club members had written. Miss Weare was in charge of the evening's entertainment. ·Reports concerning the business opAn election of officers for the portunities of the home economist were given by variOU'S members. second semester was held at th2 In closing, everyone sang the Art Club meeting, Monday night, K. O. P. Club song. Bernice Blets- at 7: 00 p. m., at the Library. Ramona Johnson, who has been cher accompanied at the piano. Delicious refreshments were Bcting preSident, was elected to served by Jean Van Camp and that office. Bernice Bletscher was elected vice-president, and Anna Ruth Evelyn Rawson. Pfister, secretary-treasurer. Members discussed the point system for membership and made plans for a program for the remainder of the year. Miss Patricia Hill, a Peru senior, became the bride of Lt. S. Eugene Kosa in a double ring ceremony, December 22, in tht1 Methodist J.P. Clark church in Peru. Shoe Repairs of All Kinds After a wedding trip to St. Electric Shoe Shop Louis, Gene has returned to his base at Santa Anna, Calif. Peru, Nebraska

Art dub elects new officers




THEATER January-15-16 "Midnight Manhunt" January-17-18-19 "Murder, He Says" January-20-21 "Story Of G. I. Joe" January-22-23 .''Cowboy From Lonesome River" .~il!il1P.1try-24-25-26 · ''State Fair"' January-27-28 "Valley Of Decision"

Mr. and M.rs. William McNally

announced the arrival of a son, Dale Wayne, on December 21, 1945. Miss Maria Friesen is doing half-time teaching in the dothing department at Manhattan Kansas State College while working on her masters in Home Economics Education. She writes that Mildred Schmidt, whom she taught at the Sterling High School, will receive her masters in foods at the same time that she will get her masters degree. Mr. and Mrs.



h.ave a new daughter, Linda Kay, born at Wylie, Colorado, ')ecember 27, 1945. Miss Ruth Seibold is completing h~r

mast.ers degree at. the University of Nebraska and will teach clothing in the high school at Grand Islanri, Nebraska next semester.

• •

Miss Margaret Saville, who doe chemical research work in Lo Beach, California spent her Christmas vacation at ·the home of her parents in S(l.lem, Neb:i;aska. 1'i1iss Vivian Fogle (ss '43) an Raymond Hacker were marrie Christmas eve in Auburn. Melvin Rothmiller ('44) spe11t several days visiting friends he~e during the Christmas holidays. He hopes to enter a radio repair. school in Omaha. Miss




You need a big "wire photo" daily newspaper. People taking 30c a week papers pay $15.60 a year, and due to not Miss Vada Gubser ('42) is mar- being paid ahead can easily ried to Robert Hahm and is living switch. They get their other mail in Mirronk, Illinois. through the post office. Mrs. Edna Mae Petersen BollTl).e Daily Lincoln Nebraska meier, writes that they are now State Jomnal can give two to: Jiving at Plattsmouth, wh-:re her ten hours later news out on rural husband expects to go into busi- mutes and in many towns because ness in the spring, it is the only large state daily between Omaha and Denver printMiss Lois Miller ('43) and Robert Kendell were married De- ing at night, in fact after 5 P. M. cember 7, in Lincoln. They are The Lincoln Journal prints edimaking their home in Decatur, tions right up until train time day . and night. The Morning Journal Illinois. comes in time for mail delivery Miss Eleanor Majors was a visthe same day. Dailies printed on itor on the campus. She is a the Iowa line edit for Iowa readers. bookkeeper f.or the Ford Motor The Lincoln Journal sells for Company in Seattle, Washington. three to five dolbrs a year less Miss Twildi Epley ('44) and than any other bit state morning · Wayne Sack are to be married c.aily, and is priced as low as day January 20, at Syracuse, Nebras- late afternoon papers. ka. By mail in Nebraska and North Mrs. Duane Dunning ('43) Kansas, nine weeks doiily $1.00; writes that she enjoys her work as daily with Sund~y twelve weeks a preachers wife in Broken Bow. $2.00: a year $5.00 daily, $8.00 Carolyn Feine ('44) and Eldro with Sunday; 25c a month higher Sailors were married December to other states. Order direct or thru our office. 23.




Peru, Nebraska

Phone 78


We Have a Complete Line of Supplies For Second Semester Leather Notebooks Three Ringi Paper :ijiology Supplies Art. P;ackets Commerce. ~upplies Notebo9k11, AU' Si;&ea


and Raymond Horton were married December 17, at St. Thomas! Episcopal Church in Falls City, Nebraska.



Jllumni Crail




Dr. H. C. DalJam Dentist

Players ini.tiate seven members



Shop W,it4 l1~. aµ~! S~ve

Chatelam's Jewelry


Peru, Nebr.

Peru, Nebraska

Odds and Ends by Murgatroyd

The new semester found some changes on the campus of a thousand oaks. A few faces were missing as some students went out to teach this semester, or for other reasons did not return to their alma mater. But the greater change has been in the number of new faces on the campus. Some of these are Peruvians of years gone by; others are new members of the student body. They all have com,e to Peru with zest and enthusiasm which promise to brighten things up and make this a most successful semester.



Play cast is announced for mid-winter production Miss Hazel Williams has ann•ounced the cast of the mid·winter play to be given March 2. 'The play, ''Mr. Pim Passes By," is a well· known classic by A. A. Milne and is considered his best.

A group of coeds came back All the members of the cast are to begin the semester with aching active in Dramatic Club and have backs, stiff necks, and sore joints. taken part in plays on this camExperience may be the best teach- pus. er, but these girls would have Margaret Lewis, who will play preferred not to have learned what happens when a car skids the part of Olivia, the wife, is on the ice, does a few stunts in well remembered at P.S.T.S for the air, and lands upside down. her excellent work in dramatics One of the five was heard to re- last year. mark, "Now I can really appreciAnselm Johnson, who has had ate Peru!" experience at the Pasadena PlayComparing schedules was the house and was in the two of the favorite pastirrie for the first week of the semester. A student without an eight o'clock class is considered a rare bit of humanity-especially when his best friend begins classes national delegate at eight and ends with a four Don Aufenkamp presented an o'clock. interesting talk and later led an And how do some people man- open discussion on ''Hobbies" at age schedules with either no Mon- the regular meeting of Kappa day classes or one late in .the af- Delta Pi op. Monday evening, Jan. ternoon? Do they realize their 21. During the business meeting, luck? presided over by the vice-presiAt last the solution has been dent, Margaret Spellman, plans found for one of the 64-dollar for sending representatives to the questions at Delzell Hall. It seems national convocation of Kappa that much expert opinion on the Delta Pi at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, subject finally indicated that "the on March 11, 12, and 13 were dissmaller the girl the more manly cussed. Esther Steiner was elected to represent the local organization the man." Sound logic, eh wot? and Ruth Comstock was elected alHas anyone noticed the increas- ternate representative. ing number of students spendin,g_ Aileen Wheeldon and Ralf Grafloat hours at study in the library? ham gave the proper finish to the It must be the New Year's Resoevening by serving excellent relutions coming into effect. Or is it because the catapulting enroll- freshments. ment list brings the realization that now competition will be keener and the age worn saying "be prepared" shall again be heeded?

Kappa Delts elect

By way of expranation, those moans, groans, and wails of several days ago weren't just noises made by the wind. They were the audible reactions of students when they looked at their first semester grades. 'Tis true, a few smiled happily; others mumbled "flattering" remarks about some instructor, while still others stuffed their cards into their pockets hoping no one would ask about their grades. Enthusiasm runs high for the mixed chorus this semester. Everyone is excited about the voice tryout he is going to take and what part he will eventually sing. Third floor came to life when 60 high school girls here for the MINK clinic had their first taste of dormitory life. It is hoped that many of these girls will come back and be permanent inmates. Bobinn also opened its doors to them Saturday afternoon from 4 to 6. A general good tirrie was had by everyone. "Let it snow, Let it snow" for there's news arol.l'Ild that a bob sled 'is in the "makings" at the Shop. While waiting for those white drops from heaven, many of the students are finding a lot of fun on ice. Several coeds skated clean to the river. Going downstream was fine but, upstream? Well one coed has been walking on the sides of her feet ever since. Since the Peruvian staff has begun work on the dummy, candid shots are needed more and more urgently. Don't be surprised if at anytime someone s h o u 1 d sneak up on you and "click the shutter." Latest excuse for not studying · is, "The less you study, the less you know, and the more you can help the person who hasn't studied at all." The sage who offered this bit of philosophy prefers to remain anonymous.



plays given here this year, the homecoming play, "Where the Dear Antelope Play" and "The Flattering Word", a one-act, will play the part of George, Olivia's husband. Hester Friedly, who also appeared in "Where the Dear Antelope Play" and "The Flattering Word", will be seen as Dinah the niece of George and Olivia. The young art!St, Brian, will be portrayed by Sam Bradf9rd, who has worked in the homecoming play this year and the one-act play, "Riders to the Sea". Another person in the cast who appeared in the fall homecoming play arid in "Riders to the Sea" is Esther Steiner, who will depict the part of Ann, the maid. Lady Marden, George's aunt, will be characterized by Una Mae Leech, who appeared in "Riders to the Sea" this year and in various other plays in previous years. Sidney Johnson, who has been cast for the title role, Mr. Pim, worked in dramatics at P.S.T.C, several years ago before he went into the service. Rehearsals have been scheduled and both cast and production staff are at work.

Blue Stars dot campus as G. rs register Registration •Of returned service men exceeded the fifty mark on the first day of the semester. Many of the men are new to the campus, but a number of them are Blue Stars-former students.

Two who spent some time in German concentration camps are Donald Lieneman of Papallion and Dick 'Pascal of Weston, both of the Air Corps.

S.C.A. installs new officers Hester Friedly and Don Aufenkamp were installed as co-presidents for S. C. A. at an irripressive candle light service Tuesday night, January 29.

Richard Clements of Peru and Tod Hubbell of Humboldt have firsthand information concerning Japan. Both were there until quite recently. Clements spent considerable time in Hawaii before going to Japan.

Other officers installed were: co-vice presidents, Esther Steiner and Tod HU!bbell; secretary, Ruth Ann Crook; and co-treasurers, Rosemary Pershing and Elmer Backenberg. ~

Bill Thompson of Pittsburgh, Pa., spent four trimesters with the V-12 unit and was discharged while at Ames. Bill had had previous sea duty.

Members of the newly chosen cabinet are: devotions chairmen, Anna Pfister and Phyllis Steever; publicity chairmen, Aileen Wheeldon and .. Bonnie Aufenkamp; social chairman, Merl Sherman; W.S.S.F. chairman, Doris Wagner; song leader, Norma Mehlin; and pianist, Ruth Meister.

Robert Walker of Peru saw India where he worked in the communication branch of the Army. Charles Rogers also of Peru was a leatherneck and served in the South Pacific area. Charles's brother, Clark, saw service in the Navy.

' The retiriLg president, Una Mae Leech, was in charge of the installation service.

Preceding this section of the The play itself and the cast of program, Mrs. McCullough adcharacters illdicate a pleasant eve- dressed the group on the subject, ning's entertainment. "Social Prejudice''.

Buzz Byers of Glenwood, Iowa, campleted 26 missions in the Army Air Corp in the South P,acific. Buzz spent quite some tirrie on the island of Saipan.

S.C.A. members met Tuesday, January 22, for a worship program. Preceding the service, piano selections were played by Aileen Wheeldon. Blondena Howerton gave the call to worship.

The two Berger brothers of Nebraska City have returned to the campus. Bill, who was a pilot in the A. A. F., saw action over France and Germany. Bob had state side duty in the Navy.

Mink players give outstanding program

MINK orchestra members pre- Epley of Peru played a piano solo sented a concert on Saturday eve- with the orchestra as accompanining, February 2, in the college ment, and Charles Klasek, eighth ·auditorium. Guest conductor was grade protege of Wilbur, Nebraska, Dr. N. De Rubertis of Kansas City, was featured as cellist on the proMissouri. The ·concert climaxed gram. the twO-day clinic and festival. Participating in the clinic were More than eighty musicians from students from the following towns: eighteen high schools in Missouri, Auburn, . Brock, Crab Orchard, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas at- Dawson, Fairbury, Falls City, tended. Directed by Dr. N. De Hebron, Humboldt, Nebraska City, Rubertis, nationally famous con- Nemaha, Omaha Technical, Paw-· ductor and composer, the orchestra nee City, Peru, Rock Port, Mo., was assembled for the first prac- Sabetha, Kans., Sidney, Ia., Shutice Friday afternoon. The con- bert, and Wilber. cert was given Saturday night Lodging facilities w-ere provided after only four rehearsals to- for the out-of-town guests at the gether. dormitories on the campus. General Miss Bernice Maledon, soprano arrangements were in charge of with station WDAF of Kansas V. H. Jindra. City, Missouri, was guest soloist The following program was prewith the orchestra. Ruth Chatelain sented:

PROGRAM Greetings from the College - W. R. Pate, President Three Brothers Overture ---·--··--------.. ·-·---....Ciinarosa-Winter Symphony in B Minor, Allegro Moderato .... Schubert-Dasch Cello Solo, Arioso ·······-····--···········--···..·······..·······Bach-Franko Charles Klasek The Celebration of Spring .................... Thomas-De Rubertis Piano Solo, Clock and Dresden Figures ....................Ketelby Ruth Chatelain Epley Berceuse from don Cesar de Bazan ....Massenet-De Rubertis String Orchestra Aria "Ritorna Vincitor," from Aida ............................Verdi ' Bernice Maledon L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2 ................................................Bizet a:. Menuetto b. Farandole Heroic March from Medea ···-······..··-Rodolphe- De Rubertis

The responsive reading was given by Phyllis Steever with the musical response sung by Ruth Ann Crook,. Norma Mehlin, Ruth Meister~ and Una Mae Leech. A short poem was read by Irene Argabright.

Ab Yocum, a senior this semester, who hails from Humboldt, was a Navy athletic instructor in the states. Joe Littrell of Nebraska City had Navy duty in the Philippines.

Rosemary Pershing read the scriptuTe lesson which was followed with a prayer by Anna Pfister. A story, "The Latchstrf'ng'', was read by Hester Friedly. Esther Steiner read a poem and Delores Schreiner gave a short talk on "Inner Peace". The benediction was given by Rosemary Pershing. Delores Schreiner and Rosemary Pershing were in charge of the program arrangements.

Those who were in the Army and stationed in various parts of Europe included Oscar Dean Smith, Peru;; Rollin Hall, Shubert; Tony De Maro, Nebraska City; and ·vern Cotton, Peru.

Facuity gains

Two fellows who were stationed in the South Pacific are Ernie Hill, who was in the Navy and Dean Roper, who was in the Army.

Lawrence Anderson, of Peru, was with a truck company and was stationed in Europe. Representing the Seabees is Ralph Beatty of Adams.

three members Prof. J. S. Urban has assumed duties as assistant professor in science and as instrudor of physics and mathematics.

Those who had state side duty are: Wayne Parks of Dorchester, who was in the Air Corps; and Sidney Johnson, of Rohrs, also in the Air Corps.

Mr. Urban received his bachelor's degree from the Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Missouri, and his master's degree from the University of Missouri.

The new men represent all branches of the service also, and they too, were in all parts of the globe, but space prevents listing 'all of them.

He has served for three years as ground school instructor in the Air Corps. Another Peruvian to join the faculty is Ross L. Organ. He has been selected as assistant in the industrial arts department. Mr. Organ received his degree from P. S. T. C. in 1941. He has just recently receiv~ his discharge from the army. R. B. Lowe, newly elected acting dean of men and extension director, has received his terminal leave from the navy. He is expected to be in Peru soon to take over his new duties.

C. Ba~f ield .




wms · name contest

Bobinn has been chosen the name of the student recreation rooms. The name was submitted by Professor T. C.• Banfield. Mr. Banfield was awarded a plaque bearing a bobcat head and the winning name. He has presented the plaque to Bobinn, and it will be placed on the north wall of the dance hall.


• • •

Peru greets new Dean This week the campus and the community welcome the return of Lt. Commander R. B. Lowe who joins the faculty as Acting Dean of Men and Director of Extension. During the time he was the commanding officer of the V-12 unit here, he became admired and well liked by every one; so Peru has been looking forward to his arrival for sometime. He brings with him a: valuable knowledge of educational problems of the midwest and important administrative experience gained as president of Sioux Falls College, S. D., and also as an officer in the United States Navy. . Now returning a:s Dean Lowe, he has the extremely necessary task of helping to plan the future of P.S.1.1.C. In connection with his work, Dean Lowe can do much to build up and better the school and show what this college has to offer the future teachers of the state. Peru is beginning to climb back to its pre-war height, and with the assistance of a dean who is energetic and interested in the school and its aims, it cannot fail to do so.

Have you noticed? Probably for the first time in the his~ry of P. S. T. C., the enrollment for the second semester is larger than that of the first. Usually it is just the opposite as some students transfer to other colleges, some receive their degrees or certificates, and some just drop school. This year has been no exception to those rules, but with the return of ex-service men the enrollment has increased. For the first time in several years, coeds find that they have some fellows in their classes. One student remarked that she hadn't been in a class with a man for two years. It is good to hear ma:le voices mingled with the hum at the cafeteria during mealtime and to hear a few hearty laughs come from the fellows who eat there. Speaking of the cafeteria-there is actually a: line for every meal. If one isn't fortunate enough to be there early and get a position near the front of the line, he will probably have to stand quite awhile. One of the most noteable changes has come within the senior class. The class now boasts of thirty members with the men in the majority. This is quite different from several years ago when the class was strictly feminine. In convocation, group singing no longer sounds like a women's chorus; it has become a mixed chorus since there are some basses and tenors to help out. We are gratified to see this increase in enrollment and hope more students will join us as the semester progresses.

Campus ups and downs

I Personalities Often to be seen but almost impossible to .find when wanted is one of Peru's campus janitors, Mr. DeVore, who seems to have developed a sixth sense which tells him when somebody has an order for him to unlock a door.

With this issue of the Ped the Blue Star column will be discontinued because so many of our "blue stars" have returned to this campus or have enrolled in other schools or are back in civilian life and other activities.

A tiny hummingbird hovered above the apple blossoms; his proboscis extended with the intent to extract the sweet nectar which was concealed inside the bossoms' throat.

During his afternoon cleanups of the music hall he has occasion to watch the pep band tear through "Tiger Rag", listen to the recording of Tschaikowsky's fifth, or hear would-be Caruso's and Jenny Lind's in the practice rooms. Through the years George has come to enjoy music with his mopping.

Do you suppose this minute creature suspected that he was a curiosity which the mechanical organism, known as man, gazed upon with wonder and utter admiration? Ruth Comstock.

Like most janitors, George sees beauty in painted walls and shining floors. Throughout the period of composition soles he persistently continued to erase black marks from floors. Each time the navy. had a vacation he refinished the gym floor. Kleenex is George's pet peeve. He would disagree with advocates of its use for sanitary purposes only so long as the tissues are kept in the hands of the owner and not left on the arms of chairs or thrown behind radiators. A real "second-mile man", George not only provides the necessary step ladder and hammer for decorating committees, but also climbs up to help with the more difficult details. He is always present the morning after the grand event to help undo the formal dress of the gym and give it a practical everyday appearance. Work is play when George is there to chat. He likes young folks and dislikes formality. When addressed "Mr. DeVore", he corrects the speaker, "My name is George".

• • •


George insists that he is either at the gymnasium or the music hall except when he is between the two buildings. He spends his mornings in the gym sweeping floors and cleaning the swimming pool which he says is "as temperamental as a music teacher".


Grandmama Her face was framed with snow white hair; Her aged hands, they moved with care, Making a sweater or scarf so fair To gladden someone's heart. We sa:t at her feet with anxious earThe better the tale she told to hear Of happenings in a far off year When grandmama was young. Over and over the stories were told Of ladies fair and gentlemen bold, But never did the tales grow old, As we sat at her feet and listened. Hester M. Friedly.

Magazine honors Nature's pattern former Peruvian A few days ago, several of my friends and I were atJoy Elmer Morgan's biography appears in the January issue of "Current Biography". Mr. Morgan is editor of the "Journal of the National Education Association". This article is one of considerable interest to Peruvians as Mr. Morgan received his higher edu, cation at the Nebraska. State Normal School (now Teachers College) where he enrolled in 1906 for a combined preparatory and college course.

There are always good and ba:d in every phase of life and in every activity. Peru campus is no exception. In 1920 Mr. Morgan went to In mentioning just a few of the good or nice things that Washington to begin publication have taken place lately we might list: of the "National Educational As1. A responsive cheering crowd at the basketball sociation Journal" which is the game. magazine published by the largest present-day professional organiza2. A snappy pep band. tion in the world. Morgan has at3. The growing enthusiasm for chorus. tempted to make the. publication 4. School spirit shown by the fellows who are out for "an expression of the best ideals basketball. · and practices of the teaching proBut in spite of these more pleasant things, we still have fession''. with us some of those pet peeves, namely: Mr. Morgan says that he owes 1. People who insist on visiting just inside or outside much to exceptional teachers who the door of a building making it difficult for 0thers impressed him with the importance to get in or out. of education, among them the 2. One person holding a: place in the cafeteria line for Peru facu'1ty which "during those three or more friends. years furnished as many names 3. Instructors who insist upon holding a class until to Who's Who in proportion to its the last bell making each person late for his next enrollment as did Harvard and Yale". class. It is very annoying when someone else does it, but undoubtedly we ourselves have been guilty more than once Pictures are taken of at least one "violation"· In the future let us try to erase these pet peeves and For Peruvian ma:ke things on P. S. T. C. campus more pleasant.



Student's pictures for the Peruvian were taken January 24 and 25. This year the photography is being done by the Evans Studio of Lincoln. The Peruvian staff has been bu'Sy setting up the dummy pages for the annual, as the Peruvian is to go to press by April 15 ..

tracted by the various sizes and designs of snowflakes. Curiosity sent me prying into an old book, ''The Circle of Knowledge.'' I was astonished to find tha:t snowflakes have a veriety of forms, but the outline is a regular hexagon or six-pointed star. It seems as though nature has a pattern which it follows consistantly. Although individual snowflakes are beautiful, I think my favorite scene is a new blanket of snow carefully laid on the earth and the sun peeping from behind the hills, producing a glistening scene. When large snowflakes fall lazily to the ground, I can easily conceive a world entirely at ,peace. I find a wonderful feeling within me, but I soon decide it is too simple for the complex life we live. I must hurry; so should the snowflakes. Ruth Eschen.

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students of the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Peru, Pedagogian, Tuesday, February 5, 1946 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. Managing Editor ................................,'....::.....Louella Tieman Make-up Editor ....................................................Frances Guy Special Feature .....................................•;... ;....Sain Bradford Alumni Trail ·····························-······-··-·················Marimi Deck Typist ······-············-··'····-~·-·--·-····························Margaret Lewis Sports ············:·····················-·························;,············Rex Floyd Advertising .:.....................·-·······················-Elmer Bachenberg Reporters-Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Ramona Handley, Sidney Johnson, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgomery, Mary Rishel, Dorothy Stepan, Jean Van Camp, Margaret Wellenseik, William Witty. Adviser ..............................................................Meta Norenberg Business Adviser ............ _. ---····················E. H. Hayward

I.Jllumni trail Helen Margaret Larson has entered Columbia University to do graduate work in dramatic art. Evelyn Damme was married to William Niel Martin on January 18 in Lincoln. Mrs. Ernest Klaudt (Nina Kanel '43) is busy taking the part of a minister's wife. They live in Lin. coln, Iowa. Delores Dermann became the bride of Glen Porter on January 16 in Nebraska City. They will reside in Memphis, Tenn. T-Sgt. and Mrs. Glen Sheely (Evelyn Wiiliams) are parents of a son born January 20 at Horton, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Redfern (Nancy Ellen Jones '42) and Donald Benson are going to reside in Ann Arbor, Michigan, after March 1, where LeRoy will attend the University of Michigan. Some Peruvian couples back on the campuiS include "Buzz" and Marjorie (Wieler '41-'43) Byers, Jerry and Laverne (Cowell) Garber, Orville and Bette (Scott) Yocum, Joe and Joan (Good) Litterell, Bill and Lois (Grundman) Berger, Rex and Hope (Carter) Floyd, "Whiz" and Doreen (Meier) White. Capt. and Mrs. Gale Carter (Evelyn Homolcka) were recent visitors at the home of Gale's sister, Mrs. Rex Floyd. Gale ('40) just returned from overseas. Evelyn taught at Torrance, California, while her husband was overseas. Mrs. J. B. Johnson (Laurine Clayburn '44-'45) is visiting with her parents and waiting for her husband to join her as soon as he gets his discharge in February. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Masapaust (Hollis Hutchinson) are visiting her parents in Peru. They were married in November at El Paso, Texas. Dorothy Durfee was married Jan. 25 to Frank Koenig at Falls City. Mrs. Ruth Evelyn Rawson ('46) has joined her husband, a former instructor here, at Harve, Mont.

Girl's teams enter volleyball tourney High school girls from surrounding towns will participate in an invitational volley ball tournament held at the P. S. T. C. gymnasium on Friday and Saturday, February 15 an,d 16. It will be an elimination tournament with the finals being played Saturday afternoon. Schools entering teams are: Bratton Union, Brock, Brownville, Burr, Elk Creek, Nemaha, Otoe, Peru, Salem, Shubert, Stella, Sterling, Steinauer, Syracuse, Talmage, Verdon, Johnson, and Weeping Water. . Miss Phyllis Davidson is in charge of arrangements. Admission Friday morning will be free.

Cats trample foes in four game series

• •

Squeeze out win over Omaha

T-Sgt. and Mrs. Gerald Tyler are parents of a daughter born on January 17. John J. Bird, former storekeeper here with the V-12 unit has recently been discharged from the navy. He plans to spend the remainder of the winter in California before going home to Indiana.

Bobcats played Omaha U. and scored another victory on Friday, ·February 1. The game was played on the Omaha floor. Although Omaha U. was ahead most of the time, the Cats came out with a three-point margin; the final score was 43-40. (Details of the game were not available when the Ped went to press.)

Dick Clements, former Peruvian is again a civilian after his discharge from the army.

Subs help rout St. Joe quint

Kittens swamp Nemaha 37 to 23

The third game in five nights found the Bobcats blazing their way through St. Joseph Jr. College of Missouri 58-36 on the local maples last Tuesday night, using the entire squad to hold the score as low as possible.

Bobkittens trounced the Nemaha five in an exciting game on Friday, February 1. The game was a toss-up during the first half. Both teams held the lead at times. During the second half, the Kittens started ·clicking and soon forged ahead. The final score was 37-23. Maxwell was high point man for the afternoon, scoring 16 points.

Whiz White, who scored 20 of his 21 points during the first half, started the game off with a tip-in following with free throws and buckets to tally nine points during the first five minutes making the count 9-4. Pascal followed with a one-handed swisher. Peru dashed ahead 23 to 12 after nine minutes of play and by half time led the field 37-16. The Cats, starting the second half, worked the famous tip-off play with "Pat" Patrick dunking the bucket. Al Haack then entered the game to rack up 11 points in the first half third period. Eigh minutes into the half, Coach -Al sent in his second team with Svoboda dropping a bucket. With 5 minutes to go, the third team entered the game while Richards added to the tally wih a field goal ending the game 58-36. BOX SCORE: F.G. PERU Byers ______ 1 Smith ------ 0 Cotton _____ 0 Yocum _____ 4 Haack ------ 5 Svoboda --- 1 White ------ 9 Good ------ 0 Patrick ---- 2 Clements -- 1 H;olscher ___ 0 Pascal ----- 2 Seeba ------ 0 Becker _____ 0 Clayburn ___ 0 Richards --- 1 Juilfs ------ 0 Dalton ------ 0 26 TOTAL

F.T. 1-1 1-3 0-2 0-0 1-3 0-2 3-8 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 6-21

F. 4 2 0 2 1 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 20

ST JOSEPH JR. COLLEGE Denver ____ 3 4-4· 1 Kozan ------ ;3 3-6 3 Pipes ------ 0 1-1 2 Farrts ------ 2 3-8 4 Hayward ___ 1 0-1 2 Gill ~------ 0 0-0 3 Daynosky -~ 2 0-0 1 Cassidy ____ 1 1-3 1 TOTAL 12 12-23 17


Peru Prep players in their fourgame series came out with two wins and two losses. January 15 found the Kittens going down in defeat to Dawson on the latter's court, 16 to 20. Journeying to Humboldt, January 22, found P. C. Maxwell leading the local Prepsters with 12 points to top their foe 29 to 20.

The next game in the series was with Aubmn on January 25 when the Bulldogs went down in Pts. defeat 17 to 9 sparked again by 3 Maxwell who dunked in another 1 12 points. 0 The last game played just be8 11 fore press time was with the In2 dians of Tecumseh on their court; 21 they scalped the kittens who had 0 held the lead for most of the game. 4 The score was 35 to 33. Tecumseh 2 would have gone down in defeat 0 if the local boys had upheld the 4 brand of ball displayed in the 0 first, second, and fourth quarters. 0 Prep's second teams faired bet0 2 ter than their seniors, by downing Dawson, 22-6, Humboldt 27-1, 0 0 Auburn 22-15, and Tecumseh 1758 12. A. Majors tipped most of the points for his team mates in this series. 10 9 1 7 2 0 4

3 36

~1 1m1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ".


Kitten win two lose two games

Scotch Tape --------------------------------------10c and 25c Gen,uine Gillette Razors ----------------------------------49c

Top Antelopes in hard fight Number one game in the Teachers Basketball Conference (NIAA) for Peru rang victorious when the Cats trooped to Kearney to top the Antelope 60·55 in the first game of the two-night stand.

Defeat Norfolk in overtime play Second in the Peru State-Norfolk Jr. College series found the scores much the same as in the game played on the local mapies. Last Saturday night gave the Bobcats a 42-35 victory in an over time period-a difference of 7 points; the first game of the season ended 41-37, giving a 4 point margin. Features of the game found Al (work horse) Haack putting the game on ice in the extra period in sinking 4 free throws out of 5 tries and one bucket. Norfolk rallied in the last 6 minutes to bring the game to a tie in dropping a field shot the last secongs of the game. The Cats led most of the game having a half time score in their favor, 11-16. But the extra period highlighted the game. Going into the third period, Norfolk's Montgomery dropped a bucket; Haack tied the game 35-35 with 2 free throws. White pushed it ahead with a bucket to end the game 42-35. The Peru offense was weakened the last quarter when Byers and Pascal both dropped from the game on fouls. PERU F.G. F.T. F. Pts. Byers ______ 2 0-2 5 4 Yocum _____ 2 0-4 4 4 Haack _____ 3 6-7 2 12 0 17 White ------ 5 7-9 Patrick ____ O 1-1 1 1 'Pascal ______ 1 2-3 5 4 TOTAL 13 16-26 17 NORFOLK JR. COLLEGE Wise ------- 3 2-3 2 Snider _____ 1 0-0 2 Dabney _____ 3 1-1 4 Lemke ______ 1 1-6 5 Peterson ____ 0 0-1 2 Logan ------ O 0-0 3 Kelly ______ 0 1-2 1 Montgomery_ 6 2-8 1







8 2

7 3 0 0 1


With old rellables back, namely, Dick Pascal, Buzz Byers, and Abe Yocum, the Peruvians found themselves in better condition to face the state competition; however, they were lacking on physical condition for the 60-minute college ball. The Bobcats' driving power proved its worth and the weight accompanying the re-vamped team foretold the first half story with a 34-18 lead at the fifteen minute rest period. Byers and White accounted for most of the tallies. Second half found Kearney covering the floor, Walker, the mid-state Teachers' center, dunking many buckets, and steady playing Patrick leaving the game on fouls. The lack of conditioning on the part of the Cat players soon permitted the Antelopes to come within passing distance to the near defeat of the Bobcats. The Wheelermen were trailing 53-54 with one and one half minutes to go with Kearney in possession of the ball 2nd playing a stalling game. The Cats gained playing control and dunked 3 buckets. Kearney's effort to gain the ball accounted for the final free throws and victory. Whiz White battled with Wally Walker for scoring honors, making 27 points while Walker tallied 23 points. Pascal rated next with 8 points. PERU F.G. F.T. F. Pts. 2 6 Byers ------ _ 3 0-0 2 4 Haack ------ 2 0-2 Yocum ______ 3 1-1 4 7 White _____ 12 3-6 3 27 Patrick _____ 2 2-3 3 6 Pascal _____ 3 2-4 2 8 Clements ___ 1 0-0 2 2 TOTAL 26 8-16 20 60 KEARNEY Dethloff ____ 2 2-3 2 6 Peterson ___ 3 5-10 2 11 Walker ____ 9 5-6 1 23 Osborn ____ 4 0-2 5 8 Manaugh 3 1-4 0 7 TOTAL 21 13-25 10 55

Hamburger Inn Diooers Snacks Pie and Coffee LESLIE RUYLE

Bertha M. Thomson, Physician and Surgeon Phone 60

Friendly pause


I ~



of cosmetics.

Valentine Box Candy-Just Arrived Will Wrap for Mailing Parker 51 Fountain Pens and Ink ________ $12.50, $15.00, $17.00 Try a Date Pudding Sundae to get you up the Hiii


Dentist Phone Office 32; Res. 196 Peru, Nebraska


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Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Company

IDorm Dope Eliza Morgan . . . by Mary Rishel

Eliza Morgan has just disclosed all the latest dirt and scandal, dry cleaned just enough for you! Many of the co-eds have breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Another sixteen-week-rest until finals grab us again." Then there are those who still have enough energy left to start burying their noses in books'. The new semester brought many resolutions, and now it's a race to see who breaks the most. The usual 7:30 a. m. gripes are ringing through the halls, as the co-eds give the clock a twist and wrinkle up their backs for another ten minutes of sleep. Ask "Pearly" Gatz about her time saving device for making 8 o'clocks on time. Barb Berger and Phyl . Winkle have a new mascot, "Napoleon Bony-Part." In his lifetime he was a rabbit, but it looks as if someone had really gotten desperate with, the meat shortage-for now he's all bones. The flu bug has hit the dorm again; this time the victim was "Mother" Marsh. All Of the girls missed her and are glad that she is well and able to be around again. Spellman and Bonnie Aufenkamp have "roomers." Spellman vows she'll hang by a rafter and vacate her "snooze stand" for the two mice that enjoy running midnight races up and down her bed. Third floor threw out its welcome mat to several former inmates, Barbara Brown, Ruth Boeckner, and Lois Conner who are back after an extended vacation. Margaret Lewis, Edna Mae Yates, and Margaret Burgess also appeared on Eliza Morgan's threshold. New freshmen in the dorm are Ramona Poole, Betty Petty, Mardell Birkinan, Ruth Holscher, and Donna Hathaway. Otis, the elevator, underwent a minor operation last week. The co-eds living on 2nd and 3rd mourned his "rest cure." Holding one of the highest positions in Eliza Morgan, Otis still has his ups and downs. If anyone is in need of a hair cut, just go to room 102. From the looks of the pile of hair, Frances La Seur has gone into the barber business. One of her first customers was her roomie, Fisher. If you value your hair, you'd bet•

Alpha Mus hear Peruvian enters puzzle problems political contest

• • • ter lock your door for La Seur loves to hear those scissors snip. Louella and Hester should go into vaudeville. Has everyone seen and heard the little skit they perform each nite on second? Echoing through the dorm, were the strains of "Red River Valley". Perhaps Ruth Meister and Ruth Ann Crook should start singing over the radio with "Texas Mary". Everyone seems to be on a regular Vitamin Boogie Woogie. They're gulping A-l's for over work, B-2's for lame backs, and C-3's for low blood pressure-or for no pressure at all! Dot Moody must have taken all three types of vitamins for it is rumored that she has taken to sliding the hamsters, or maybe the elevator service just isn't quick enough. Alice Richards has decided to take up boxing to protect herself from her roommate "Bonecrusher" Howlett. All of the girls in the dorm were hugging their radio's a week ago waiting to hear how the Bobcats made out at Kearney and Norfolk. The "10 watt" candles are still being used after lights out for the Eager Beavers who haven't the strength to crawl down to the study hall. Favorite sport now is seeing who can fall down the steps the most without breaking any bones. "Walt' Wagner is alwa,ys "on ,the alert" to rescue some coed as she "flies" from third floor landing down to second. A slippery road and stubborn steering wheel brought Comstock the new name of "Stiff." Also Friedly, Crook, Meister, and Pershing felt far from limber the day after the wreck. Klein and Morgan went on a weiner roast in room 230 but decided it was quicker just to eat the weiners raw. The' candle has burned down so we'll leave Eliza until next time when we'll peek into her affairs again. Latest fad in the dorm is roasting marshmallows over candlesanything from a pen to a medicine dropper is used as a· stick. One co-ed even used her finger but

found it hard on her epidermis. Margaret Wellensiek has decided to buy a fly swatter and go into business killing the bugs that have taken over the dorm. They must possess superman strength, for even DDT has failed to scare them out.

Delzel Hall by Ralf Graham

Business at Delzell Hall is really picking up! With the coming of the second semester came a landslide of new students, ·mostly ex-G. I's. The "inmates" of Delzell took a sudden rise of more than 100%. It is beginning to sound like a dormitory. The new students seem to take quite a shine to the Bobinn. It is also noticeable that the gals are taking quite an interest in it. From all indications there are some A. w. O. L's running loose in the halls. Very very early in the morning occasionally the howl of a wolf vibrates up and down the hallway. Could it be some Lochinvar practicing? Delzellers, at long last, can enjoy their favorite radio programs. After weeks and weeks of trying, the dormitory radio has been repaired and is once again at the mercy of anyone who wishes to push, pull, or jam it. It seems that Don Aufenkamp prefers to study his French in the quiet ~f Eliza ' Morgan all on Sunday night with its piano banging, gay laughter, and general confusion instead of the noisy Delzell Hall which is usually almost deserted at that time. Maybe everyone should start talking French. Oh yes, we have one of those "things" among us. One of those "brown-noses" who made a 3.0 grade average first semester. Congratulations, Pat, and more power to you.

E. L. Deck and Co. Better Hardware Peru, Nebraska

HENRY BAUM Barber Shop

Railsback Grocery and Self Serve Market

Math peculiarities were discussed by Don Auienkamp at the Alpha Mu Omega meeting Monday night, January 28. New people on the campus who are eligible for membership were guests. Don presented a number of puzzling problems-one of them was: If three snakes are lying in a circle and each one has the tail of the preceding snake in its mouth and all three start swallowing at the same time and eat at the same rate of speed, which one will be left? I Or how about the problems-1 and 1 make 2. But do they?

Lt. Prichard received his Bach !or's degree at Peru State Teac ers College and a master's degr at the University of Nebra where he specialized in histo and government. He participated in the ca paigns in Normandy, north France and Belgium, the Rhin On Thursday evening, Janu- land, Ardennes, and cen ary 17, Mrs. J. W. Tyler spoke to Europe. the Freshman Personality club on "Charm Development". During the course of her very interesting discussion, Mrs. Tyler recalled interesting personalities from literatue and illustrated ways in which Foreign language students h their lives might be exemplary. Lois Helmick, president, had their first meeting of this ye charge of the meeting and Phyllis on Monday, January 21. Don A Hogenmiller had charge of the fenkamp, Jack Maxwell, and R Meister discussed idioms of program. respective language each studying-French, German, a Spanish. Dr. Konig pointed to the group intei:esting liken of idiom constructiorts in the t langtiages. At the close of the progra Mr. Paulson entertained the refreshments were served by Fridayi convocation audience by Christensen and Marilyn McCand presenting two vocal selections, less. While lunching, the member "Three for Jack" and "The Wµtch- entertained themselves with "for man's Song". eign" conversation. He then led a responsive audience in group singing and concluded by extending an invitation to all to join his choral group.

Mrs. Tyler gives talk on ''Charm''

Students discuss language idioms

Students enjoy convo song fest


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Lt. Harold C. Prichard of F City filed on January 29 for unicameral legislature from district. He is the first Wo War II veteran to get into 1946 political battle. Lt. Prichard holds the P Heart for wounds .received in Ardennes offensive and wears Bronze Star for gallantry in tion. He is now on te leave and will revert to inacti status on February 5.

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Odds and Ends by Mu rgatroyd

It certainly seemed good to see so many girls on the campus last week end:._almost enough to fill up Mount Vernon. Here's hoping some of those girls will add to the enrollment next year.

The slight increase in mail last week no doubt was due to the Valentine sesaon. Coeds decided that the age of chivalry has not entirely passed away as they received boxes of candy and other Valentine gifts. Two girls, afraid that they might be entirely forgotten, made an agreement that each would buy the other a box of candy. In this way, they figured, they would at least break even in the end. Have you heard moans and groans coming from members of the play production class? These girls are building the set for the play that is coming soon. It is amazing how much ability they exhibit as carpenters, painters, and movers. Bobinn certainly made a hit with the Tarkio students who were over for the game Wednesday night. Victory dances after the basketball games are really swell. Let's keep up the enthusiasm and attend these dances to make them a real success. Thursday found students streaming over to the Peruvian office to get the results of having their pictures taken severa.l weeks ago. Some were well pleased and others were disappointed b,ecause their photographs looked just like them. If the amount of chatter heard from the Peruvian office, the number of trips up and down the stairs, and the pecking of the typewriter are any indication of a good Peruvian, this one should be a hum dinger.

From the way the faculty members relaxed and chatted at the tea arranged Febrauary 7, by Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Delzell, tea should be given every month. The fellas certainly appreciate the informal discussions which Dean Lowe holds. They also like his plans for expanding the Bobinn. The members of the student body are hoping that these plans go through soon so they (especially the seniors) can have a final taste of real college life. The excavations on the south part of the campus are very revealing of interesting things continue to turn up, geologists and anthropoligists may flock to. Peru. Mr. Vance, while watching the men at work, found a horseshoe, which he insists dates back 70 to 80 years. Some one else reported to some one that foundations of an old building were also found. Maybe in pre· glacial or pre Peru times another town was built on the land now under the hills of the campus of a thousand oaks. Noticeable is the addition in pep at the basketball games. It may . be partially because of the fact that Tod Hubbell and Freddie Drexler have resumed their duties as cheerleaders. Both served before leaving Peru to help their Uncle Sammie. The pep band is dotted with male members including Wallie Cleaveland whose evident enjoyment is infectious. He makes people wish they could play. Another returnee is Tony De Maro, who plays a wicked trumpet and leads the band in selections that fairly draw out enthusiasm from otherwise passive spectators.



Drexler speaks to SCA group

Classes select new officers

Freddie Drexler a d d r e s s e d members of SCA Tuesday, February 12, telling of his experiences in Europe during the recent war. He spent approximately two years in England, France, and Germany. Freddie discussed places of interest which he had visited while abroad, and told of the people, their customs, and their standards of living. This was the first of a series of talks to be given by returning veterans. The scripture reading, Matthew 7ff24-27, and prayer were given by Phyllis Steever. Una May Leech, Ruth Meister, and Ruth Ann Crook sang "There's a Home in the Heart of the Hills" with Esther Steiner accompanying them at the piano. Esther Steiner led a discussion on "The Christian Home" at the SCA meeting Tuesday, February 5. Emphasis was placed on the qualities which make a successful and happy marriage. Group singing was led by Norma Mehlin. At the close of the meeting cabinet members met to discuss plans for the coming year. The speaker was introduced by co-vice-president, Tod Hubbell. Psalm 67 was read by Anna Pfister who also led the group in prayer. Group singing was led by Norma Mehlin with Ruth Meister at the piano.

Tod Hubbell assumed the presidency of the senior class, Monqay February 11, when class members convened to elect officers. ' Tod, an ex-serviceman, is from Humboldt. His major is history with English and social science for minors. While in service he saw duty in the Philippines, New Guiena, and he served last in Japan. "My special interest been the Army; now I don't know what it is," Tod commented. Other officers included Willard Hunzeker, vice-president; and Wayne Buhrman, sec-treas. President for the freshman class for the second semester is Merl Sherman who is a graduate of Tecumseh high. He spent two and a half years in service, being stationed in the United State's all the while. Merl, a pre-engineering student, says his main interests are swimming and aeunatics and now the freshman class. Sherman is assisted by Art Lindsey, vice-president; George Coupe, secretary; Ruth Holscher, treasurer. Gerald Clayburn was chosen as representative to the Student Advisory Council.



Delegates will go to Home Ee meet • Seven Home Economics Club members have made reservations to attend the College Club section of the State Home Economics Association to be held March 1-2 at Omaha. Various meetings will be attended including a tea at Joselyn Castle and a reception given by the Omaha University Home Economics department. Miss Weare and Miss Brackney also plan to attend.

Dames entertain at informal tea Faculty Dames entertained faculty damoiselles and G. I. wives at an informal tea in the music hall on February 14. The tea table was centered with an attractive umbrella plant which had pastel, heart-shaped "flowers" in profusion. The base was a large shell; fernery and other shells were used to complete the pictures. Mrs. Paulson poured, and guests helped themselves to dainty sandwiches, and cookies. Mrs. Bradford, general chairman, was assisted by the Mesdames Baker, Heilman, Kirk, Scott, and Wint~r. Mrs. Winter arranged the table decorations.

Play rehearsals

indicate promising production

Rehearsal for the mid-winter play is well under way and Miss Hazel Williams, director, is of the opinion that the cast will be ready to give an excellent performance March 2. "Mr. Pim Passes By," a classic comedy by A. A. Milne, is the story of a middle-aged married couple, George and Olivia, portrayed bJ' Anselm Johnson and Margaret Lewis who run into considerable difficulties because of a misunderstood story told by meek, quiet Mr. Pim. Sidney Johnson. The love story of Diana and Brian, characterized by Hester Friedly and Sam Bradford, lends the romantic air which seems to be so necessary in almost every good play. The part of Lady Marden is an interesting and quite amusing one and will be ably portrayed by Una Mae Leech. Esther Steiner will play the part of George's and Olivia's maid. When Mr. Pim passed by one afternoon, he told Olivia a story concerning the death of one of his friends which caused great tumult and confusion and near heartbreak in the house of Olivia and George before the final curtain. Olivia's common sense and wit contrasted with Diana's vivacious

and frivolous actions, will furnish interest to the audience. George's old-fashioned ideas as well as those of his aunt, the Lady Marden, will undoubtedly add quite a humorous note to the story. The play will be a budget event. A good cast and an interesting play promise to make the evening of March 2 a memorable occasion for play-goers at PSTC. John Lawrence, stage manager for the production, has set his crew to work and the set for "Mr. Pim Passes By" is now in the making. Hester Friedly, Ramona Johnson, Una Mae Leech, Frankie Montgomery, and Louella Tieman, all members of dramatic club, compose the crew. For the past week this crew has been hard at work, tearing down, shifting and building scenery, repairing and painting flats, and doing the numerous other jobs which go toward making a production successful for the backstage angle. Heading the property crew is hyllis Steever with Esther Steiner, Frankie Montgomery, and Louella Tieman assisting. Publicity is being handled by Bonnie Aufenkainp and Frances Guy. Ramona Johnson and Joanne Banks are acting as bookholders.

Peruvian staff plans outstanding book With more than half of the sch<l'ol year gone, and the remaining weeks disappearing rapidly, the Peruvian staff is shifting into high gear in an attempt to complete the copy for the 1946 book before April 15. The staff hopes to have the annuals ready for distribution by May 17.

College will hold third band clinic The Third Annual MINK Band Clinic and Festival will be held on the campus beginning Friday, March 15, at 7 p. m. and all day Saturday, March 16, culminating with 1a public concert Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in the college auditorium. Major Joseph E. Skornicka, of the Seventh Service Command, will be guest-conductor of the concert as well as director of the clinic. Invitations and en r o 11 men t blanks have been sent by Mr. Jindra to previous participants and .prospective new attendants. The plan is to limit the concert band to 100 members for the program, thereby following the recommendation of the National Committee for a balanced instrumentation in all sections. Major Skornicka, who will be remembered for his work at previous Peru festivals, has selected material which will demonstrate his objectives to the clinic and provide interesting program material for the concert.

Sigma Tauns read original writings Hight of the February Sigma Tau Delta meeting was ia solo sung by Ruth Meister, "Dear Old Peru," the words uf which were written by Miss Meta Norenberg and the music by Aileen Wheeldon. Dr. Bradford read a short story entitled "The Dark Lady". Mrs. Bradford read two of her poems. Miss Grace Tear also read a poem. Aileen Wheeldon read a prose selection entitled "A Visit To a Snake Den". Ruth Meister read another prose selection, "From the Mouths of Babes". Refreshments of ice cream and cookies were served by Louella Tieman and Phyllis Winkle.

F. La Seur heads Home Ee club "Your Future Home" was the topic discussed by Margaret Wellensiek at the meeting of Kappa Omicron Phi, February 4t:1. Most of the members thought such ideas as sleeping under a blanket of black light or heating one's house with liquid coal piped in at a speed of fifty miles an hour, were a little too fantastic, but all yearned for the machine which would wash and dry a whole day's dishes in a few minutes. Frances La Seur was unanimously elected president and Margaret Wellensiek was elected vice. president to fill the offices vacated secorid semester. Eight new members were accepted and many plans were made for the semester.

The Peruvian staff now has fourteen members. The editorial staff consists of Ruth Meister, Sam Bradford, Esther Steiner, Ramona Handley, and Louella Tieman, under the direction of Ralf Graham, Editor-in-chief. This staff is responsible for writing all the material which will be presented, ~ollecting photographs, and arrangmg the general Jay-out of the book. Rex Floyd has taken the position of sports editor, and is responsible for all the sports writeups for the year. Lois Boyd and Margaret Wellensiek hold spositions as typists. The business staff, under the of Ruth Comstock Business Manager, consists of Margaret Spellman, Ruth Ann Crook, Bonnie Aufenkamp, and Lois Christensen. Their chief headaches are collecting copy from the advertisers, making arrangements for taking pictures, and selling subscriptions. leade~ship

Most immediate 9f the problems to be solved is the one of obtaining photographic supplies to take the candid shots which are so vital in making any annual distinctive. students are again urged to submit to any member of the editorial staff any and all candid shots which they might have. A professional photographer has engaged to take the group pictures of all the organizations. These pictures will be taken Tuesday, February 26. All members of these organizations who wish t~ be included in the group pictures must be at the special meetings of their respective clubs which will be held that night. b~en

Subscriptions are now being taken for the annuals. The business staff expects to see each student and faculty member personally. Those persons who wish to purchase a Peruvian and are not solicited within the next week, should see one of the members of the business staff as soon as possible. The price for the book is $3.50 delivered on the campus but a deposit of $1.00 will re~erve a copy. Ten cents postage is required if the book is to be mailed.

Artists order

dub emblems The Art Club is going places At the meeting Monday f.vening the members decided to purchase space in the Peruvian. This is the first time the club has been able to do so. Prob1,ems concerning the making of ·a ·])lock print booklet of scenes on the campus, were discussed. A weekly work hour for making the block prints, was chosen by the members. Also, the point system, by which the "paint slingers" earn membership credits, was revised and condensed. The Art Club, a palette and brushes, now available, soon will be worn by members. Following the meeting, refreshme:its were served by Ramona Handley and Anna Pfister.


• • •

A new school This second semester there is a new feeling among the students, a new spirit of cooperation. We are finding that we can have a lot more fun in college by working with others in everything we do. This is especially noticeable at the basketball games where our team is wholeheartedly supported by everybody on the campus. It is not confined to sports alone but includes all the various organizations and activities which are flourishing under this feeling of school spirit. It is apparent whenever students as a group talk among themselves. The feeling is impossible to define but one can sense it as he walks across the campus. There are several reasons for this sudden change. F'ormer students coming back here have made Peru seem like the college they left. With the addition of Bob inn a:nd new activities with more people participating, there is more life here now than at any time . in the past.

"Oscars" for teachers? A national spotlight is being thrown on the teaching profession by a contest sponsored by the Quiz Kids. Teachers deserve ''Oscars'' too; and an effort is being made to obtain a wider appreciation of the- teaching profession. This of course is only a small beginning in the step toward improving members or the profession, but it shows that something is being done and at least some are interested in doing it. Only pupils can tell what makes a good teacher click, therefore the Quiz Kid contest is open to pupils from the first grade through high school. The letters which have been received are so revealing that the judges of the contest will use them in the training of teachers of education.

Personalities A strong believer in environment, Ralph Patrick refuses to admit that he was born an "eager beaver·•. He traces his studious nature to the h;1fluence of his roommate during his freshman year. Since that time, work has been an obsession with him. He makes a game out of it by setting a goal for each task and striving to reach it. This "play" method earned straight A's for him last semester. Patrick is thorough in his work. He dislikes the idea of teachers' skipping pages in the math books; so he works all the problems and hands them in. This habit goaded a classmate into making ·the following request of one instructor, "Will you please repeat the the assignment for Mr. Patrick so he won't work the wrong pages?" Ralph has studied in Peru both as a civilian and as a G. I. For six months he was with the V-12 unit arid left at the end of that time to fight the "Battle of the Great Lakes" for three months. Last fal! he returned to the campus and in no time found himself elected president of the dorm council, vice-president of Alpha Mu Omega, and treasurer of Epsilon Pi Tau. Patrick takes all Peru has to offer and in return gives his best to Peru. Sport fans have observed with interest the splendid teamwork of his train and trawn in basketball. They have also remarked what a clean game he plays-even to licking his hands. Facetious as he is ambitious, Patrick takes time out now and then to entertain his roommate by playing "B-29". Standing up on the desk, he finds Hunzeker's books make for the best flying! Ralph's handsome appearance is no secret. The juniors think he will look good in the Peruvian as their representative student.

Stimulation of this kind of thinking about teachers may be the beginning of improvement in the teaching profession.

IUnder cover ·

Judges for the contest are Dr. Ralph W. Tyler, chairman of department of education at the University of Chicago, Dr. Paul W. Witty, professor of education at Northwestern University, and che Reverend Phillip S. Moore, Dean of the Graduate School of Notre Dame University.

A recent addition to the history and biography section in the library is "Fighting Liberal," the autobiography of George W. Norris. A record of half a century in public life, it bridges the period from the pioneering days of the early west to the present.

What do you put in? Last semester a girl boasted that she hadn't "cracked a book''. Wonder if she boasted about the grades she received then at the end of the semester 7 This is one example of the types of students found in colleges-those who come merely for the social side of it. At the other extreme there is the student who spends all his time studying-nev0r taking his nose out of a book long enough to participate in some of the college activities. Neither of these is the typical college student; for the typical student spends tim~ doing both-studying and taking care of his social activities too. It has been said that education is like a washing machine-you take out just what you put in but you don't recognize it. How many of the tilings that you are putting in your washing machine or education now, will you be able to recognize in the future 7 Which ones will you be happy or glad to remember?

Those who enjoy nature photographs will find "The Lost Woods: Adventures of a Naturalist," by Edwin Way Teale, of particular interest. The 200 illustrations range from clouds, the flight of hawks past a mountain promontory, the timeless trees of the redv:ood forests, to under the sea with a naturalist in a submarine. Jacques Barzun, a professor at Columbia University, presents his views of teaching as it is done, as it should be done, and as it should not be done, in "Teacher in America". To the understanding of present-day problems in Asia, with special reference to American economic and political interests therein, Phillip Jaffe, a well informed commentator of American relations with the countries of Eastern Asia, had made an important contribution.

Dr. Brown talks

The student who studies and still finds time to participate in some affairs will be more successful in life than on conference either of the other two. Dr. Castle M. Brown It isn't the person who holds pins and keys from many honorary fraternities nor yet the person who was educated just to attend teas and parties graciously who will be successful out or college. The successful person will be the typical student who found time for both. To be successful, it is necessary for a person to have that well integrated personality that is developed through work and play with other people.


by Ruth Meister

addressed convocation Friday, February 8, speaking on the San Francisco conference. His discussion of the conference included difficulties met in forming councils, comments on the diplomates concerned, and powers allotted to the five councils. He also presented interesting facts concerning the progress of the organization thus far in dealing with world affairs.


Joe ...

Today is the day on which Mrs. Stacy is to fly over "old Joe's orchard, and scatter his ashes over the trees. To those who didn't know "old Joe'', it sounds like a silly thing to do, but to those who know him as I do, it is not. Old Joe. had many idiosyncrasies. He lived alone in an old battered shack at the edge of the forest bordering Sunnyville on the south. His only friends were Mrs. Stacy and I. The first time I saw old .Joe, he was limping along Main street, his ever faithful Collie, Biscuit, was marching by his side. When anyone stopped to talk to Joe, Biscuit stepped in front of his master until the stranger had proved himself friendly. Children along the street often stood behind old Joe and laughed at his retreating figure. He · always wore an old felt hat with the top so badly torn, it flopped up and down as he walked. He usually wore an old, faded blue shirt and overalls. Sunnyville without the familiar figures of Biscuit and his master walking along its streets. I was only twelve years old when I met Old Joe. His orchard had always been a temptation to the town boys; so one bright, sunny day a group of us decided to see if we could get some apples. We had just congratulated ourselves on our success when Biscuit started barking near at hand. The other boys ran away and left me up in the tree. Before I could get down, Old Joe appeared and stood looking up at me. I slid to the ground and stood before him; my pockets were bulging with apples. His eyes seemed to pierce through me. Finally he said, "Boy, always be ·careful when you select your friends or you'll be left behind holding the sack as you are now." Then he turned around and disappeared as quickly as he had app.eared. That night when I con~essed to my parents, they said I must pay Joe for the apples. The next morning I took the money to him, but he refused it and asked me if I wouldn't rather help him with his work after school. That is how I became acquainted with Old Joe. Every day as soon as school was out, I hurried to work and it wasn't long until I began spending an occasional night with him. In the evening we sat under an ' old apple tree in the yard or in front of the fireplace, with Biscuit lying at our feet, ready to protect either of us. Old Joe smoked his pipe as he told incidents of his youth. By connecting these memories, I soon knew the pathetic story of his life. When he was nine years old,

• • • his parents died leaving a fa of eleven, five yo\Ulger and fi older than Joe. The five old ones worked and left Joe and sister to take care of the oth This continued until Joe was teen and the older ones began marry. Each took one of younger children. Joe went to live with a sist and her husband. Joe was hap for ti time but he soon decided should be earning his own livin He secured a position in factory. There his friends we al! older. One night they to him to meet them in front of t factory and be ready to go co hunting. He thought nothing this because he knew it was popular sport among the towns people. He met them at the appoint time, and they asked him an another boy his age, to wait i front of the factory until they go the dogs. They waited severa minutes; then they became suspi cious and started to run for he! It was too late. Someone eise ha seen the men enter from the back and had called the police. Joe was taken with the rest. After a tedious trial, all were sent to prison and sentenced to ha labor. This accounted for his stooped figure. Joe wouldn't have had to go had his friends been true. Three years later, he was released-an old man at twentyfive. From that time on he worked at almost every trade. Everywhere he went his prison term followed him. Finally, he came to Sunnyville because the name attracted him. Queerly enough his luck seemed to change. He had planted his orchard and finally had become rich. But money was of no use to him; he had no family with which to share it. One ·day several years ago he had fallen from a tree and broken his leg. Mrs. Stacy had found him when she went to buy some apples. From that time on she had helped him in many ways. Nearly every day she brought over so>:ne food she knew he liked. Last week while we were working in the orchard, he suddenly became sick, and two days ago he died. When he knew he was dying, he sent me for Mrs. Stacy. His only requests were that I keep Biscuit and his orchard, and that Mrs. Stacy scatter his ashes over the trees. He said it was the only place where he had known true peace and happiness. Just before he died, he gave each of us an envelope which we were to open after he was gone. I didn't need to open mine. I knew it was half of his fortune. Now everyone is out to watch Mrs. Stacy fly over the orchard. Yes, there they are now. The plane flies slowly oved the trees and Old Joe is no more. by Phyllis Herrick.

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students of the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Peru, Pedagogian, Tuesday, February 19, 1946 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. Managing Editor -----------·-----------·-·---------·-------·Louella Tieman , Make-up Editor -----------------·--------·------------;··--"'------Frances Guy Special F'eature ----·------------·-----·---------·--·;...,.... Sam Bradford Alumni Trail -------------·---------·-----------·--·----····------·---Marian 'Deck Typist ····--------------·--------------··-------------··---------··--·Margaret Lt)wis Sports ---··--------------·--------,--·-'··--·--·--·---·----··--·-····--·-···----Hex Floyd Advertising --·····------------···---·--------·--------------Elmer Bachenberg , Reporters-Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Ramona Handley, Sidney Johnson, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgomery, Mary Rishel, Dorothy Stepan, Jean Van Camp, Margaret Wellenseik, William Witty, Wallace Cleaveland. Adviser '---------·----·---·---------·--------·---·--------·----------Meta Norenberg Business Adviser ------------ _. -----------·-------·--_E· H. Hayward

Steinauer'-- wins tourney plaque

Wheelermen win twelfth straight cage tilt

Steinauer came out on top in the Invitational volleyball tournament by defeating Shubert in the finalS with a score of 38-22. Steinauer was awarded the first place victory plague. Steinauer was in the lead all the way through,the game. The half time score was 25-12. The first half was played rotation and the second half· nonrotation. Margaret Powell, spiker for Steinauer, and Margaret Rowell, spiker for Shubert, did outstanding jobs of killing the ball.

Swamp Tarkio on Peru floor

Down Kearney by 35 points

Squeeze victory over Wayne in N.1.A.A. conference thriller

Bobcats marked their eleventh victory on Wednesday night and topped the team that had given them a black mark of defeat earlier in the season. They proved to be the stronger team when they conquered the Tarkio Owls 60 to 41. A comfortable margin enabled Coach Al to play every man on the bench to rest his first five and to give experience to his subs. Peru took an early lead and maintained top-side the entire game. Half time showed the Owls improving their play . with Peru's substitutes holding their own. Tarkio accounted for most of its points in the second half and was led by Frank Humphrey, Tarkio center, who scored 13 points. High point men for the evening were AI Haack and Whiz White who shared honors with 18 points each.

Mid-State Teachers from Kearney fell to superior 'Cat five Friday night 79-44. This was the second victory over Kearney and another step toward the top in the NIAA conference league.

1Peru came from behind in its struggle for victory as Wayne State fell victim to the determined Bo-beats with the short end of a 55.54 score.

The Rev. Mr. Davis refereed the game. Shubert took the second place victory plague having played a superb game. Helen Atterbtiry . coaches the successful Steinauer eight, ··and Marjorie Rogers, a Peruvfan of '44-'45, coached the Shubert team. First round scores were as follows: Brock 15-Honey · Creek 29; ·otoe 64-Brownville 10; Johnson 22-Salem 23, Nemaha 19-Dunbar 47.

Intramural tournament

Second round:

In the first round of the intraTalmage 31-Bratton Union 25; mural class tournament, the senior Burchard 15-Shubert 33; Honey class is leading after .defeating Creek 42- Stella 14; Otoe 28- the other three classes. Interest Burr 26; Sterling 7-Verdon 38; in the tournament finds each team Saleml 7-Syracuse 26; Elk Creek getting stronger as the teams get 38-Dunbar 10; Steinauer 27- into shape and team-play improves. The first game of the series Weeping Water 10. found the juniors bowing to the seniors, 31-25, the sophomores Third round: topping the freshmen, 37-23. In Talmage 14-Shubert 22; Honey the second playoff, the seniors Creek 18-0toe 19; Verdon 31- won over the sophomores, 38-25, Syracuse 20; Elk Creek 16-Stein- and the juniors over the freshmen auer 17. 36-26. The third games played last In the semi-finals Shubert Wednesday left the seniors the swamped Otoe 40-16, and Steinonly undefeated team in a second auer squeezed out Verdon 29-25. half comeback to down the strong Verdon players had won the but as yet victorious freshmen five Little Ten conference the week 26-19, while the juniors fell to before and were expected to go the sophomores 1after holding them to a one point first half, 18-17. into the finals. Won Lost Referees were the Rev. Mr. Seniors ------------ 3 0 Davis, S. L. Clements, Dwayne Sophomores ------- 2 1 White, Rex Floyd, Ilene Teagar- Juniors ------------ 1 2 den, and Mardelle Burkmann. Freshmen --------- O 3 Ten top scoring men in the Miss Phyllis Davidson was in league are: charge of all arrangements. As- Buhrmann Sr. -------------- 31 sisting her were a number of the Aufenkamp S --------------- 29 members of women's physical Jwilfs :F --------------------- 27 education classes. Beatty S -------------------- 27 Richards F ------------------ 23 Floyd Sr. -------------------- 20 Parks J --------------------- 19 Clark Hunzeker Sr. ---------------- 17 Shoe Repairs of All Kinds Hall F ---------------------- 12 Clayburn F --~----------~---- 11 Electric Shoe Shop Next game finds the seniors Peru, Nebraska facing the juniors while the sophomores face the freshmen team.


Dr, H. C. Dallam

Bertha M. Thomson,


M.D. Physician and Surgeon


Phone Office 32; Res. 196 Peru, Nebraska

Phone 60

First three minutes of play found Peru permitting the Antelopes to take only two outcourt shots for no score while ten points marked the score-board for the locals. Kearney could not hold the 'Cats and with 15 minutes gone Peru had shot ahead 31-15. The .Peru defence worked letter perfect as the Kearney men tried despertly to get set shots but with no success. As half time whistle blew the score stood 36-.22 for Peru. With two minutes left to play, Wheeler sent in his reserves with the score 78-40. Kearney rolled up three points and Patrick took a gift shot followed by a free throw by Patterson of Kearney to finish the game 79-44. Al Haack scored 26 points followed by Whiz White with a 22 tally.

Top Wesleyan in bitter fight Wesleyan played host to the Bobcats at Lincoln, February 4, but lost after a bitter fight, 48-42. The win placed Peru a notch higher in the new state college conference.' Wesleyan took an early lead against the Wheelermen. After fifteen minutes of play, the Plainsmen held a 19-16 lead with Peru coming up fast from behind. At half time, Wesleyan still held the lead with the score 2320. Starting the half, Al Haack, with a side court shot dropped his fomth ringer of the game, followed by one from Slug Pascal to put the Cats ahead, 24-23. With minutes left in the game, Haack scored as Peru started to stall. Wesleyan scored again, but with 15 seconds to go, Haack dropped another to give possession to a Wesleyanite, who advanced the ball slowly to mid-court and fired as the gun sounded to finish the game, 48-42. Al Haack and Slug Pascal were high point men for the Bobcat~ with 15 and 10 points respectively. Paap was high for Wesleyan with 15 points.

Both teams were battling for rating in the N IAA conference; defeat for either team gave the other the higher position,

Game time found both teams slowly to feel out defense and height of opponents. Harold Fitch, Wayne's 225 pound center, demonstrated his eagle eye by starting the race for points by dropping the first bucket. Seconds later Pascal hit the loop for two, and repeated making the score, 4-2, Peru. After four minutes of play, Wayne was ahead 5-4. Peru called time out. As play resumed, Whiz White dropped a basket to push Peru ahead 6-5; this was followed by a swisher and a free throw from Wayne giving them 8 to Peru's 6. Wayne rallied to boost its score to 15-11 as Pem muffed tries for free throws and baskets. Wayne continued to add to its lead making the tally 19-16. Al Haack then shot across the floor boosting the score to 18-21, and followed with a free throw to make it 19-21. Wayne next collected four 'free throws, and Peru dropped one basket, making the score 20-25 with three minutes left in the half. The visitors shot ahead to make a comfortable 30-23 half time lead. Starting the second half, the Cats came back with grim determination. Pat .Patrick came in fast from outcourt to add an important point along with one made by Wayne, 31-25. Haack checked through with an out-court shot to narrow the gap and seconds later added another; Buzz Byers sank a free throw and Peru had 30 points; Wayne had 32. Nitz tallied for Wayne; White followed for Peru, 32-34. White collected a free throw and made it 33-34 with Wayne one point ahead after five minutes of play. Pascal dropped a basket after a Wayne free throw and with another free one by White, put the Cats ahead 36-35. Fitch of Wayne sank a deadeye; on a double foul, White collected and tied the score 37-37 in seven minutes of the half.


CO MSTOCKS Garage, Gas, Oils Repairs Phone 6

Big· occasion. • • have a Coke


Veteran Housing! Property owners can get priority for material needed for creating apartments. We have the necessary blanks to make application to the Federal Hous~ ing Administration.

Per'u Lumber Co. Phone 48

Peru, Neb~.


Nebraska .City Coca-Cola Bottling Company

Letheby next scored for Wayne; Buzz Byers' side-court shot hit, making it 39 all. Fitch again hit for Wayne; White followed with an attempt and was given two free tries. He scored on both and the score stood 41-41. White collected another free one giving the Cats a one-point lead. A !ree throw by Wayne's Nitz, followed by a ringer by Peru's Patrick, another gift shot by Nitz, one by Byers, ·another by Nitz, along with a basket, put Wayne ahead once more 46-45. White and Yocum both collected gift shots sending the locals ahead 48-47. Haack, with another cross-court shot widened the gap only to have Fitch dunk another one from side court. Letheby, fouling Patrick, left the game; but Pat failed to collect the point. Yocum placed an under basket shot to boost the score; Haack followed with a free throw to show a 56-51 lead. With two minutes of play, Yocum left the hardwood on fouls as Fitch placed a free throw, and also left the game. With one minute and thirty seconds to go, the Bobcats decided to stall only to have Nitz sink one for Wayne to end the game 54-56 for Peru. BOX SCORE PERU FG Byers ------ 2 Yocum ------ 3 Haack ______ 4 White ------ 4 Patrick ----- 3 Clements --- 0 TOTALS 20 WAYNE Anderson -- 0 Letheby _____ O Riefert ----- 1 Nitz -------- 5 Fitch ------- 8 Whorlow ____ 2 Retzlaff _____ 3 TOTAL 19

FT F Pts. 3-3 5 7 7 2-4 5 4 4-7 12 7-13 2 15 1-2 3 7 0-0 0 0 17-29 22 56 2-3 1-2 0-0 5-5 3-6 0-1 5-8 16-25

0 5 4

3 5

3 5 25


1 2 15 19 4 11 54

E. L. Deck and Co. Better Hardware Peru, Nebraska

Dorm Dope

Eliza's bulletin boards are adorned with snapshots of campus life. Some are surprisingly realistic. If copies of all of .them are turned in at the Peruvian office, we should have an interesting year book. /

Eliza Morgan ... by Hester Friedly

It's "Ped time again, and Eliza has been as busy as ever gathering the latest "dope".

Dot Moody gave a demonstration of her strength in the cafeteria last week. As a result cafeteria diners enjoyed fresh air with their food.

Barbara Brown has gained a reputation as fortune teller for the Eliza Morgan dwellers. Barbara will gladly tell your fortune in return for a candle. (The candle will be used by Barbara to fix her hair after "lights out.")

Ruth Meister has been taking her miisic too seriously. She got up Sunday morning at 7:30 to try her pitch pipe to determine on what pitch the bird outside her window was singing. And have you heard Ruth vocalizing in the shower?

Any broken bones or cut fingers? In case you need first aid treatment visit room 208 where Rosemary Pershing is looking for victims on whom to practice her bandages. Her roommate is tired of being "all tied up."

Ruth Comstock and Ruth Ann Crook have acquired an effective. line when it comes to selling ads for the Peruvian. "You buy, or else!" says Ruth Ann, and the victims usually buy.

We seem to be having a lot of birthdays according to the singing in the cafeteria. We're aging fast-especially Helen Howlett who was honored twice in one week with the "Happy Birthday" song.

A couple of economical girls have found · a new way to save money. They now pop their own corn to ·take to the show with them.

Speaking of birthdays, Phyllis Winkle wins the prize for saving her birthday cake for the greatest length of time. Its true the last piece was getting rather hard, but it was still cake. And, as the saying goes, "you can't have your cake and eat it, too."

Delores and Louella have anxiously been watching the "miracle plant" which Delores received so mysteriously in the mail. According to Delores the "miracle" is how it got here. By the way, does anyone know the name of the "ardent admirer" who sends these anonymous packages to Rosemary?

Its seems that Nebraskans still l.ove their "corn" in the "corniest" way. The other night when Roger Nieman started to play Spike Jones's version of "Chloe" on the phonograph, in less time than it takes to tell the room was full of enthusiastic listeners. Don Aufenkamp breezed out a 201 on the duck pin alley last week and there has been no living with him even though he hasn't been able to make more than 130 since. At any rate he does have something to brag about. You'd better dig out your ear plugs again, boys! Clay Kennedy resurrected his old trombone, and has decided to try to "render" a few pieces on it. Rumor has it that there are a few students who make at least an effort to "crack" their books on week-ends. "Slug" Pascal and "Red" Buhrmann spend long hours studying on Saturdays. Who knows, maybe this week-end studying will become contagious.

Have you heard about the new supersalesman? If you haven't It's time for "lights out"; so take a look at the ads in this copy Eliza and her girls bid you all of the Ped. as well as the last issue that was put out. The new "adieu" until next time. advertising managed, Elmer Bachenburg, has been combing the town and seems to have the "Know how" to sell inches in the .Ped. By Ralf Graham

Delzell Hall ...

Doris Wagner and. "Eliza Morgan" have been carrying on a correspondence with orchestra leaders. "Wag" is already forming plans for the spring formal Part of her work is to find a suitable orchestra for the occasion. She received an answer from ,,Johnny Cox addressed to "Misses Doris Wagner and Eliza Morgan". We want to know which room is Eliza's. Coeds who appreciate fine paintings find Jlo'sand Rish's room quite interesting. The room is gradually being converted· into an art museum with variety enough to suit almost anyone's tastes. As yet, no admission fees have been charged.

Jllumni Crail

• • •


Come on out from under the bed, and unbolt your door. It's not a Jap invasion! No, its just Tod Hubbell displaying his war souvenirs which include a Jap soldier's cap and a rising sun flag.

The girls' swimming class has added a couple of new members to its list, George Coupe and Merl Sherman. They won't divulge the method by which they managed; maybe they'll patent it.

The walls vibrated and the floors swayed as Delzell Hall all but collapsed under the terrific barrage of noise, supposedly called music, which the Pep Band set up on its tour down the halls before the basketball game with Wayne. The chief noise-maker was Ruth Comstock who was trying her utmost to cave in one side of the bass drum.

Now days some of the campus plodders can at least dream of being picked up on the way to and from town. The several cars owned by new fellows look good parked near the buildings.

Cleaners and Tailors DRY CLEANING PRESSING Suits and Coats Restyled Phone 62 Peru, Nebr.





The Peru-Wesleyan game drew a crowd of former Peruvians as. follows: Merlin Broers, Ed. York, Lester Ruetter, John Schultz, Bob O'Dell, Lt. Jim Crawford, Donna Steffan, Barbara Marsh, Mary Jo Overton, Louis Pascal, Keith Hannah, Gale and Evelyn Carter.

S-Sgt. Clairon Smith received his discharge from Ft. Logan, Colorado. last week. The engagement of two sisters has been announced, Vernelle Damme (at. '45) to 1Leroy Hoertih and Beverly Damme at. '43) to Allan Shroeder. Bob Brown (at. '42) of the Merchant Marine has been sent to Naka, Okinawa, for unloading of supplies. Marilyn Hoberg and Dwaine Puckett RM 2-c were married January 29th at Belleville, Kans., at the Methodist Church. Marilyn attended PSTC in 1944-45 and Dwaine was a student with the V-12 unit here. He expects a discharge in May. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Russell (Grace Menchaun '42) are living in Ames, Iowa, where Ross f40) is attending school.

Lorine Bentzinger and Fredrick Uthrnann were married January 24, at Tecumseh, Nebraska. Wayne game were Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Handley (Verna Rogers '42-'43), Mr. and Mrs. Don Rose,., Marjorie Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Redfern, Mrs. Kenneth Hermsmeier (Evelyn Stub a ) , · Esther Vannoy ( '42-'43), Marion Freidley, Mrs. Bob Brown (Evelyn Rodgers) Robert Moson, and Lyle Lambert. Jean Bond (at. '43) is working

Sg!. and Mrs. Orville Pugh and daughter have been visiting his parents.


Mrs. Marie Knapp ('45) is teaching high school classes at Wrangel, Alaska.


The Peru Pointer

Two former Peruvians, Jean Speir and Janet Harris, are playing in the Women's Sympthony at Chicago.







act as agent



and Self Serve Market

Do You Have A Life Insurance Problem?

Clarence R. Jones INSURANCE

Peru Nebr.

Phione 128

For The Entire Family


Phone 40

Twenty years of reliable service

FREE DELIVERY Each Day at Two O':lock Orders must be in by twelve o'clock

Peru, Nebr.

EAR'L'S CAFE MEALS, SANDWICHES, l'CE CREAM Call Us For Bus Information Phone 65 ~~[W~~i'"

Phone 112

New Shipment of Shaffer Pen and Pencil Sets Also a Few Single Pens

Railsback Grocery


"Wonder Man" February-24--25 "Junior Miss" Febrµary-26-27 ''Wilson'' February-28 March-1-2 "Son of Lassie" March-3-4 "Kiss and Tell" March-5-6 "Blonde F·ever" March-7-8-9 "Captain Kidd"

Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunzeker are parents of a daughter Mary Patricia born on January 29.

Dry Cleaning & Laundry

Barber Shop


Dinners Short Orders Home made Pie & Coffee

Harold Fouts, a trainee, was married on February 3 to Constance Kriege. They are living in Lincoln where Harold is attending the University.

Young Man or Woman to

Cali or See

Hamburger Inn

Ens. William Hasenyager (at '42) also a V-12 rtainee visited on the campus last week. On February 17 at the Bethany Christian Church he was married to Alice Thomson (at. '40-42).

Filing Boxes 4--6 File Cards Par~er and Skrip Inks in all colors Where Your Money Buys More

Two pick-ups and deliveries each week

Nebraska City Laundry and Dry Cleaners

Chatelain's Jewelry Peru, Nebr.

We Specialize IN

AVENUE STORE Eat and Drink at our Lunch Counter Hot or cold sandwiches, coffee, cocoa, tea, or milk Lunch goods, cakes, rolls, cookies Fresh fruits, groceries, and meats


Stationery and college supplies The Handy place to trade Opposite the Training School


Phone 78

Peru, Nebraska

Motor Reconditioning

HYDRAULIC BRAKES Electric and Acetylene Welding Call

Phone 33

Odds and Ends by M urgatroyd

A number of curious people have been making queries concerning the trenches which are being excavated on the campus. One rumor has it that they are in pr.aparation for the Russian invasion. No more aching backs from climbing those stairs! No more dizzy spells from standing so long in a crowded elevator! Eliza Morgan girls have solved the problem of transportation by equiping Otis, the elevator, with easy chairs. Coeds can now relax as they travel from floor to floor. One far-sighted girl has even prophesied that a snack bar might be installed in the fu1ure. Speaking of "snacks" the Student Advisory Council deserves a vote of thanks for the food which members have been selling at recent basketball games. Keep up the good work! Apropos the vote of thanks, Don Aufenkamp deserves a gardenia for not neglecting the flag .The duty of raising and lowering it seems to have become his exclusively. The Saturday night game attracted a huge crowd, as was evidenced by the long ticket line half an hour before the game was to start. Many ball fans had obviously visited Peru before. This "nose" was recently stopped near Delzell Hall by a motorist inquiring the whereabouts of the college campus, and upon being told he was in it, registered a baffled expression and asked to be directed to a parking lot.

It does seem U'Ilbelievable that such a mightly institution should stem from such a compact campus. If people ever become "smile" conscious, it should have been last week. A photographer ~~om Lincoln was on the campus to take pictures of .organizations; some students appeared or posed so often that the smiles almost became permanent.

Faculty members also had to "look pleasant, please". Considering the arguments pro and con the "informals", one might find the results most entertaining. Photo fiend on the campus recently is Walter Elwell. With a sleek little camera he slips up behind people, bu1 he usually snaps a front view. He is no respecter of persons; so faculty members are not immune. Sophs at their convocation were quite convincing as they advertised the product of their radio sponsor. It seems that Red Tape is really effective. It won't be long before cupid can begin to oversee his little formal garden again. He is anxiously awaiting the blooming of the iris. Perhaps he isn't the only one who is awaiting the blooming of the iris (?). According to the reports of former Peruvians, our campus is on the upward swing. It sounds mighty good to hear these former Peruvians say that they wish they were one of us again. The school bus which is "on order" will certainly be a welcome addition. Fiske singers in Nebraska City on Thursday evening attracted a number of students and faculty members. The Wayne game at Wayne was another "must" for a number of basketball fans. Their enthusiasm, pep, and loyalty did much to keep up the morale of the team. With a PSTC bus, trips for such occasions can be enjoyed by more students. Have you noticed the crowds gathering around the bulletin board in front of the Ad building? The main attraction is the Peruvian section showing snapshots discarded by the staff. If those are discards, what are the ones the staff is using? Some of the fellows at Delzell Hall have been dissipating this week because there was a small supply of Pepsi-Cola and strawberry pop available. Boy! was it a ·treat!


Lienemann is frat speaker


25 win honors for first semester

Twenty five students won scholAt the February meeting of Kappa Delta Phi, Don Lienemann astic honors the first semester related some of his experiences in . according to records only recently revealed. a German prison camp. He displayed many of the articles he had made from tin cans. Among them were an octagon lamp and a set of dominos autographed by prison inmates. His only tool for this work was a table knife which he sharpened on a brick. During the business meeting Bernice Bletscher was chosen as the new alternate to the national convention at Milwaukee to replace Ruth Comstock who will be unable to attend. Plans for the annual Interfraternity banquet were also discussed. lt was decided to place two members from each letter fraternity on the committee. At the close of the evening Joanne Banks and Margaret Wellensiek served refreshments.

N. Carey gives personality aids Miss Nellie M. Carey spoke to the Personality Club at the February 21 meeting on "Reading to Develop Your Personality." In her lecture Miss Carey pointed out how reading in different fields contributes to a well rounded pE'J'SOnality. A g~neral ·discussion was held at the close of the talk. Mrs. P. A. Maxwell, club sponsor, was present and there were two new members, Donna Hathaway and Mardell Birkmann.

Those who topped the list with high honors were Bernice Bletcher, Sam Bradford, Lois Christensen, Ralph Patrick, Esther Steiner, and Armon Yanders. Students earning honors were: Irene Argabright, Bonnie Aufenkamp, Don Aufenkamp, Janet Barr, Ruth Comstock, Grant DeVore, Rex Floyd, Ralf Graham, Willard Hunzeker, Ramona Handley, Clay Kennedy, John Lawrence, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgomery, Margaret Spellman, Phyllis Steever, Jean Van Camp, Margaret Wellensiek, and Aileen Wheeldon.

R. Lowe heads Bobinn council Dean R. B. Lowe has formed a council to facilitate the arrangements at Bobinn. Representatives elected by the Woman's Dorm Council were: Doris Wagner, Delores Schreiner, and Una May Leech. Men chosen by the Men's Dorm Council were: Ralph Patrick, Wayne Buhr.man, and Al Haack. The group will make necessary regulations regarding use of the rooms and equipment. They will also see about the opening of the Snack Bar. Mr. Larson and members of the industrial arts classes are busy making tables and booths for Carver's Corridor.

M·11 ne's ''M r. p·1m''


Drama club success Mr. Pim Passes By, presented March 2 by the Peru Dramatic Club, under the direction of Miss Hazel Williams, was the third successful pi:oduction presented this school year.

Sidney Johnson as "Mr. Pim" did a superb pob of acting the character who brought spice to the play. Mr. Pim, seemingly, couldn't make up his mind, and his one mistake brought about a surprising change in the lives of the Mardens. Anselm Johnson enacted the part of "Uncle George" with his usual ex;cellent acting. George was the typical uncle who was firm on the surface but had that certain soft spot in his heart. Margaret Lewis portrayed George's wife, "Olivia," with the greatest skill. She did a splendid piece of acting in her scheming to redecorate their home and to help the young lovers. The young romantic characters, "Dinah", Hester Friedly and "Brian", Sam Bradfora, gave life and gayety to the play. They never gave up the hope that someday they could be married, but they were working their hardest to make it as soon as possible. Both Hester and Sam did p. magnificent job of acting.

lently enacted by Esther Steiner. Esther, who played an old granny in the last three-act play, did a good job in this play too. No play can be a success without the backstage workers. They did excellent work in making everthing go off just right. The set for Mr. Pim Passes By was a professional looking set and showed that much work had been put forth by skillful hands. The credit for the stage scenery is to be given w Louella Tiemann, Frankie Montgomery, Ramona Handley, Hester Friedly, and Una Mae Leech. They built and painted the set. John Lawrence was stage manager and supervised the putting up of the set. He was assisted by Sam Bradford. Phyllis Steever headed the porperty crew and helped to secure the furniture. She was assisted by Esther Steiner, Frankie Montgomery, and Louella Tiemann. Publicity was handled by Bonnie Aufenkamp and Frances Guy. Joanne Banks and Ramona Handley acted as bookholders.

Una Mae Leech as "Aunt Julia" very successfully portrayed a knowing English aunt who always knew best about everything.

Music was furnished by the college orchestra under the direction of V. H. Jindra. They played -."Ballet Dance," "Celebration of Spring," and "The Talesmen Overture."

"Anne", the maid, was Eixcel-

The play was a budget activity.


Major Skornicka will di·rect MINK clinic Ap>proxima.tely 160 high school pupils have enrolled for the third annual MINK band clinic and festival scheduled for March 15 and 16 >on the Peru campus. . . . Major Joseph E. Skornicka, Music Officer a~d Director of Spe~1~I Services Division, Seventh Service Command, will conduct the Clinic and the concert.

Hot lunches help in T. S. program Approximately 100 training school pupils take advantag" of the hot lunch program sponsored by the Peru Kiwanis Club and planned by the School Health Committee of which Mrs. L. B. Mathews- is chairman. Mrs. Sam Majors heads a committee of mothers who work with Miss Ida Mae Brackney in working out the program. The government sU'ggests three types of menus of which type A, a hot lunch, has been chosen. It contains from 1/3 to 1/2 the day's supply of nutrient requirments. These incude 1h pint of cold milk; two ounces of raw, cooked, canned vegetables or fruit; one slice of bread or muffins; and two teaspoons of butter or fortified margarine. Of the total cost, the government pays nine cents on "those agricultural commodities and ·products which can be used to meet the requirements of the specified type of lunch." The pupils pay 15 cents for their lunches. The lunch is limited to pupils of the training school, and to faculty members who pay 25 cents per lunch. Training school teachers supervise the lunch period. The objects of the plan in the grades is for the youngsters to drink their milk and "get a clean plate". This has been promoted by Miss Hileman, who keeps a chart for grades one to four, inclusive. Mrs. Parriot has been very helpful by purchasing and storing three-quarters of beef in her locker for the lunch program. Until this last week, only Mrs. Lina Hanlon was employed in the project and two mothers contribu1ed their services. Mrs. Esther Smith is employed now; so only one mother need help each day. Everyone seems enthusiastic about the project, as Mary McConnaughly, a seventh grade pupil, said, "I think they are fine. I didn't drink milk before, but I do now." Rex Filmer added, "Everyday we get certain things we need." He said that it was handy for his mother, too. "I thing they're swell," Dale Vanderford proclaimed, and Bob Majors grinned a "Ditto". John Clements answered the query with: "It's been a good thing for the pupils and a good thing for the mothers." Irene Filmer added: "I feel the same way. They have such wellplanned meals."

Tod Hubbell talks to



Tod Hubbell addressed members of SCA Tuesday, February 19, when he told of his experiences in Japan and islands of the Pacific. His talk was .illustrated with snapshots of Japanese people and scenes. Mr. Hubbell emphasized the favorable attitude which the members of the younger generation of Japan have toward American G. I's Rosemary Pershing was in charge of the worship program. The scripture reading was Ephes:ans 3:13-22.

Major Skornicka, on leave of absence as Supervisor of lnstru;mental Music in the Milwaukee Public Schools and conductor of the Milwaukee Civic Band, is a composer of band and orchestra music as well as of instruction books. He will conduct several of his own compositions in the final program. Registration and organization of the group will be on Friday with a rehearsal at 7 o'clock that evening. The final program will be at 8 o'clock on Saturday, in the college auditorium.

V. H. Jindra, of the college faculty, is general chairman and director of the Clinic. The schools and music directors who will participate are: Auburn, R. J. Chatelain; Brock, Oleta Medlar; Dawson, Dorothy Kurth; Douglas, E. L. Cochran; Fairbury, K. E. Foust; Falls City, John Parde; Hebron, H. L. Chatelain; Humboldt, H. A.. Schrepel; Nebraska City, Don McGaffey, Nemaha, R. J. Chatelain; Omaha Technical, L. J. Cross; Pawnee City, H. A. Schrepel; Peru, S. L. Clements; Plattsmouth, B. E. Evans; Rock Port, Mo., Mrs. Chris Simon; Sidney, Ia., R. E. Baeder; Shubert, W. H. Ulrich, Table Rock, L. H. Hoff; Tecumseh, Mary Alice Ziegler; Wilber, H. M. Snider.

Music dept. adds 5 new pianos Five new pianos have been purchased for the music department of PSTC. A new Knabe Grand has been placed in the Music Hall auditorium. It is to used mainly for recitals. The other new studio pianos are of the Upright make. These new pianos are a welcome addition to the music department.

Sophs entertain at convocation Convocation, Friday, February 22, was in charge of the sophomore class. The program consisted of a radio broadcast advertising "Red Tape". Armand Yanders and Joe Weber played the parts of radio announcers. Frankie Montgomery dramatized a .homemaker's program by giving lj.elpful kitchen hints. "Dear John," a serial was played by Margaret Lewis as Connie and Oscar Dean Smith as John. As true with many programs, this one left the audience wondering how John and Connie would solve their problems. Instrumental solos were presented by Ruth Ann Crook, piano; Don Aufenkamp, flute; and Mary Lou Genoa, accordian. A quintet composed of Norma Mehlin, Frankie Montgomery, Margaret Lewis, Mary Lou Genoa, and Phyllis Jean Fisher added its bit with the singing commercbl. Arrangements for the program were in charge of Ruth Ann Crook.

Editorials Please!

• • •


Numerous people on the campus have expressed appreciation of an enjoyment in the "bits" under the Inspiration columns. But each time a person is asked to contribute, he shys away as though some thing terrible had been asked of him. A column like that can not exist unless there are contributions for. it. Since every one is cooperating in producing school spirit, why not direct a little in the directon of the Ped office?

Help or starv~ . Rabbi Israel Mowshowitz in his convocation address mentioned a Jewish philosopher picturing hell as a place where each person had to feed soup with long handled spoons to someone else to get any himself. Each person was so mean and selfish, however, and refused to feed anyone else so all starved. In some ways education is like that soup; nobody can get it by himself. For instance, authors of text books try to ladle knowledge out to their readers. Of course some of it is spilled along the way, but a drop or two many arrive at its destination. Our teachers feed future teachers who in turn feed others. Each person is helped to get an education by all the. people with whom he comes in contact. Through cooperation, everyone is fed, but without it all starve.

How about you? Red Cross Week has been designated as the first week in March. Surely all of us feel that this drive is worthy enough to warrant our attention. The following contribution of a serviceman shows his appreciation of the Red Cross. If this is his feeling, surely the rest -0f us can show our appreciation by supporting this drive. AMERICAN RED CROSS The food contained in parcel ten, Fulfills my needs in this fenced pen; But when without it I must go, My life blood too will cease to flow. So please RED CROSS continue on, With your good work from dusk to dawn; And when at last the war is o'ver, You'll find me knocking at your door. Then all you do is ask me in, And lead me to your coffers slim; And into them I'll gladly throw, "A nice big juicy chunk of dough." -Donald H. Lienemann.

Behind the scenes Few people realize the amount of hard work and worry there is to producing a play. Spectators see the characters, the set, and the acting. What they don't see or know about is the work of the stage crew in making the set. How many individuals would recognize a lash line, a lash cleat, or a lash-line-eye1 Would they know the importance of each of the mentioned items? Few people realize how many hours are spent by the stage crew in working with the set. . It takes hours to construct the .set, for acting alone will not make the play: a success. Good scenery is as necessary as good acting. .The responsibility of stage work rests upon the director. Besides spending hours reheasing, the director works hard in managing a stage crew-in. looking after details, which, when neglected, could mean the success or failure of the production. So when judging whether the play is good or bad, take into consideration the work done by the stage crew to give "that" touch to the production. With hard work and worry, a play is put in shape for the public to enjoy. It might be well for the audience to give the stage crew and the director a "hand" on the final production.



by Ruth Meister

No matter what the weather, the atmosphere around Mr. Jindra is always agreeable. He must have troubles, as does everyone, but no one knows where he keeps them. Perhaps the best answer is the one offered by music appreciation classes which suggest that he leaves them in symphony record albums for them to worry about. Mr. Jindra must have grown tall by standing so much of the time-but never in one place very long. Numerous errands quite often take him oui of the music hall, but those who have grown accustomed to his disappearing acts have learned that he appears just as suddenly. Making preparations for band and orchestra clinics is a full time job in itself which Mr. Jindra manages between classes and late into the night. The successftil public program is a result of weeks of correspondence with band leaders and making necessary provisions on this campus. Through all the preliminaries, Mr. Jindra remains calm in his busy sort of way and his associations with all kinds of people prove his ability "to talk with kings and yet not lose the common touch". An enthusiastic music lover, Mr. Jindra's interests are not limited to music. As a supporter of most campus activities he is definitely a "lifter" and not a "leaper". Mr. Jindra· gets the greatest satisfaction from seeing students enjoy themselves, and he goes to lengths to provide entertainment. Clinics for high school pupils and band trips for college students are, he thinks, worth the time and effort he gives them.

I Under cover A splendid example of the keen interest in Peru State Teachers College which is still maintained by the early alumni, is that of Mrs. Belle Beals Goodrich, now residing at Fort Lauderdale Florida. ' A few years ago Mrs. Goodrich presented the college Library with a historic leatherbound volume containing photographs of the old Normal's graduating class of '83, of which she was a member, and newspaper clippings about the members. Since then she has sent additional pictures of the graduates of the early '80's, thus filling the interesting old album. The Library has recently received three more pictures which Mrs. Goodrich states are the last she has for the album. Of special interest is a photograph of the faculty of 1882 which consisted of five men and three women. The other photographs are of the first year class of 1882 and old dormitory of 1882. Another former Peruvian who has remembered the Library is former army Lieutenant Harold C. Prichard of Falls City, Nebraska. A Peru graduate of 1938 with a major in history, he obtained his master's degree at the University of Nebraska in 1939. As his thesis Mr. Prichard wrote a "History of Peru, Nebraska, to 1900" which he presented to the University of Nebraska Departmep.t of !listory and a r.opy of which he sent upon request to Wisconsin State Historical Society. A handsomely bound carbon copy of this thesis, which is 172 pages in length, has been presented to the Peru Library and is available on call. . The Library ,has at present a number of these written by alumni and is desirous of obtaining more by former graduates to build up a large collection.

• • •

To the Silkworm Oh worm, thou spinner so minute, Who spun for years to make this chute; Upon your work did I depend, So to the earth I might descend. And when from out the plane I hailed, The chute it opened as I sailed; So lowly worm, you've done your part, To give my life just one more start. -Donald H. Lienemann.

We're Back! We, who are returning,' look eagerly about us; There aren't many changesCollege seems almost the way we left it, A few new faces in faculty row in convo, A new sidewalk from Ad building to gym. We see eager, smiling students with unfamiliar names Holding out to us the hand of welcome; Vfe recl:rll the days--not long agoAnd happenings of former college years. We grasp these memories and hold them fast And, although imbued with unreality, Try, by holding the old familiar scenes, TO forget the horrors we have known. -A Returned Student.

He Left Her "Gregory, Gregory, come back! Come back!" she cried. With tears in her eyes, Mrs. Gregory Stiner looked lovingly at her husband as he walked out of sight. Then she burst into tears as she remembered the time che had first met Greg. It was in that small hamburger stand at the corner of 20th and J. She had just come to the city hoping to get a job. But luck was not with her since she had no references. The reason for this was that she had not had to work before. Her family had been wealthy until her father's clerk had embezzled a large sum of money from her father's bank and had caused its failure. She had been sitting at the corner table for about five minutes before he had come in. He was handsome, she had decided, and probably married. Then as suddenly as a bolt of lightning, he had asked her if she would like to see a show. Stunned by the suddenness, she had accepted. That was the beginning of a short but sweet romance. She had seen Greg every evening for about two weeks. Then she had to tell him that she had no job and no money. He soon found her a place in the same store in which he worked. This suited her fine, for she could be near him all day. Judy remembered the time he had proposed to her; it was in that same old hamburger stand. She had accepted, and they were married the following Sunday. That had been two years ago; now they had a child-a little boy, Greg Jr. Judy couldn't realize that Greg was gone-maybe forever, but it was true. Her calendar showed the date-January 12, 1942. Gregory was leaving for San Diego; he had been drafted into the Navy the day before. . -Duane Coad

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students of the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Peru, Pedagogian, Tuesday, March 5, 1946 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single. copy 5c. Managing Editor ......................................,.....Louella Tieman Make-up Editor .........................................:...:::....Frances Gur Special Feature .......................................... ~.... Sam Bradford Alumni Trail .................................... -.................... Marian Deck Typist -----------------------·---.. ·----------------------· .. ·--------Margaret Lewis Sports ------------------------------'------····-···---------·-------········----Rex l:;iloyd Advertising --------.-----------····-----··--···-------------Elmer Bachenberg Reporters-Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Ramona Handley, Sidney Johnson, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgomery, Mary Rishel, Dorothy Stepan, Jean Van Camp, Margaret Wellenseik, William Witty, Wallace Cleaveland. Adviser ···································-·······--················Meta Norenberg Business Adviser ............ _. ---·········-···-----.E. H. Hayward

Joe Weber takes P-Club post

Cats top Chadron for NIAA title

"There should be a sports column on Sports", and in general this is it! It covers highli.ghtS and data of sports on and off the campus.

Joe Weber has been elected secretary-treasurer for the PClub replacing Dee Rees who held the position until the start of the second semester.

Peru drops Wayne cagers

Split games in two-night playoff 52-49 and 55-45

Standing to date of Peru on games won and lost is: Won 15lqst 3, . . . . . . point totals for the Hobcats 986 and for the opposition 808 (not including the Wayne game).

Joe's program for the rest of the year will be that of raising funds for the Peru State "Gold Star'' scholarship fund which is under way in memory of the men in the service who were "killed in action" and were former athletics on the Peru campus.

Peru journeyed to Wayne to lose its third game-47-42'-in state competition after leading most of the game.

In the second of the series, a determined Bobcat gang paid off with a victory and the Conference champi onship when it downed the Weststaters 55-45 to avenge the loss of 52·49. Patrick started the game with a free throw but Chadron soon followed with five points to take an early lead. Haack closed the gap with a side·court shot with Byers dropp,ing •one to tie the game five all. White hit to put the Cats in front. After five minutes Peru led 5-7.

Hardwood chatter by Rex Floyd

White leads in scoring honors with 342 points with an average of , 21.3 with Al Haack running second with 198 points to brmg his average to 11.0 per game. Both men are high in the state standings and White ranks 'first while Little effort and rugged basketHaack ranks third in the NIAA ball brought a 66-45 victory over conference standings. the Wesleyan Plainsmen as they Women's athletics on the cam- showed little ability in the game pus has definitely taken an up- played at Lincoln. ward swing, thanks to Davy, in The Cats took an early lead and terms of the 20-team volleyball maintained the top spot the entire tou~nament held in the gym a 60 minute period. Much of the couple of weeks ago. This ·does action on the floor centered on much to interest girls in coming the referee whose stunts and acto the campus after high school tions gave a goOO: picture of the graduation ...... the more the Eastern leagues. better. Now, how about a volleyb.all intramural program for the Half time score had put Peru coeds? far into the lead, 36-18, as Coach Al used the entire bench. Slug Men's intramural basketball has Pascal left the game two minutes gone great guns the past four after half time on fouls. Patrick weeks . . . . . . thanks to Coach saw little action because of an Riggs and to brother Parks (who infected foot. Buzz Byers showed handles, the administration end) his improving game· by outstand. . . . . . and as a suggestion for ing floor play. that extra bit of curriculum you Scoring honors went to Whiz might sit-in on the finals that White with 22 as Al Haack dunked will be held next week ...... at 12 points and Abe Yocum followleast follow your class team. This ed with 11. sport adds much to the basketball pleasure for the men who cannot make the varsity team ...... and it can add much to the coed's enjoyment if she has the ONE person playing on the team and wants to see more basketball. Athletic Director Al Wheeler Games are posted weekly on the has released the 1946 football bulletin board in the gym if you schedule which includes six care to have a gander. games in the newly formed NeBits of conversation ...... Al braska College Conference. Wheeler, that coach with a son, In addition to the conference holds the position of president of this district for the National In- games, trips will be made to ter-Colligian Basketball Associa- Colorado Springs for a game with tion which picked Hastings as Colorado College and to Chadron number one team to represent for a game with Chadron State. Nebraska at the national tournaThere is a possibility that a ment at Kansas City this year game with Tarkio may be .. ,.... Peru is number two on the scheduled. list . . . . . . Buddy-Buddy Julifs holds scoring honors in the inLast year the Bobcats finished tramural basketball league with the season with only one loss, and 45 points . . . . . . the devotion to the team was ranked by Williamthe team in the long trip taken to . son as one of the strongest TeachWayne by students can only be ers college teams; in the country. termed "excellent" as the reThe 1946 schedule is: turns show in a winning basketSept. 7 Doane College at Peru, ball team. Roger! (night). Sept. 21 Colorado College at Colorado Springs. Oct. 4 Midland College at Fremont,· (night). St. Joe basketeers showed little Oct. 12 Wayne at Peru (Homecoming). opposition to the strong Cats as they again saw defeat, this time Oct. 18 Chadron at C h a d r o n on their home court. The score (night). was 61-28, favoring Peru. Oct. 25 Hastings College at Hastings. Coach Wheeler used his subs plenty as the Missourians tried Nov. 1 Nebraska Wesleyan at Peru, (night). to measure their superiors. Smith, Svoboda, Becker, Cotton, and Good Nov. 8 Kearney at Peru. proved to be able cagers while Nov. 15 Pending. they spent time on the floor.

Wesleyan nicked

'46 football tilt includes Colorado

St. Joe again topped

Haack, Yocum, and White took scoring honors for the tilt.


H. C. DalJam Dentist

X-RAY Phone Office 32; Res. 196 Peru, Nebraska

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THEATRE. March-10-11 "Northwest Mounted · Police" Technicolor March-12-13 "Utah" March-14-:15-16 "The Great John L." March-17-18 "Her Highness And The Bellboy" March-r-19-20 "The Man From Down Under'' March-21-22-23 "Fallen Angel"

Ralph Patrick started the game with a gift shot followed by Al Haack with two free throws to put the Cats ahead 3-0. Wayne in a desperate try to hold the Bobcats, fouled White after Byers and Haack had dunked court shots to out front 8-0. Wayne, led by Fitch, soon clicked and brought the 3core to 19-18, passing Peru before half time as Nitz and .lfit~n added a fielder followed by Ha1:.ck'3 sidecourt shot to end the half with Wayne in the lead 21-22. Al Haack sparked the Cats with a fielder, followed by White to again step out in front 25-21. Fitch hit as Retzlaff took a gift shot and White dropped a free throw to bring Wayne up to 24-26. Wayne again forged ahead 30-33 as Pascal hit an outcourt shot to close the gap. Fitch hit a courtshot and two gifts by Byers were an attempt to stop another: 32-36. Abe Yocum struck the ring with Art Clements sinking a gift followed by Yocum and Haack -to put the Cats in front once more 39-36. Harold Fitch dropped a side-court shot as ,Yocum under basket play. kept the Blue and White team in front 44-38. With only four minutes remaining in the game, Wayne pushed ahead to tie the score 43 all. Bad passing and a stolen ball in the remaining seconds of the game found Wayne hitting to fielders to put the game on ice 43-47. Buzz Byers held scoring honors for Peru followed by Yocum and Haack. Harold Fitch rated high for with 23 points.

Intramural basketball An upset in the intramural games caused the seniors to go down to their first defeat by losing to the juniors 16-23; the up and coming freshmen made their first bid in the winning column by defeating the sophomores 3018. ' '"i~IJl1 The standings are as follows: Seniors ___________ -4 Juniors ____________ 3 Sophomores _______ 2 Freshmen _________ l

won won won won

1 2 3 4

lost lost lost lost


Haack sank another fielder; Bauman fouled Patrick to shoot the score to 11-5. Patrick fouled, netting one for Chadron as Butterfield clipped White in: an &ttempt- · ed try to keep the lead 13-7. Yocum hit as 10 minutes were played to net 15-8. Chadron's playing was slow, as Peru took time. Bauman sank a free throw and a swisher as Yocum and White fouled to tie the score 15-15 with seven minutes till intermission. Chadron's floor play started to click as Chadron shot ahead 1915. White hit a ringer, fouled, hit again as Patrick and Byers fouled; a Savage basket rang Chadron 24-19. Byers · dropped a side court swisher as Chadron took time with 3 minutes left in the half. Svobada fouled and in return he was fouled to end the scoring for the half 22-27 with Chadron in front. Pascal started the second half with a run-in shot as Buzz and Pat fouled. Bauman sank nn outcourt shot followed by Haack and Byers to close the margin to 29-31 as Patrick went out on fouls. White tipped the ball to Haack as he scored to tie the game 31-31. Pascal fouled Bauman for a pointer, followed by Haack with another cross court shot to put Peru in the lead. A double foul was called on Whit~ and Butterfield; White missed and Butterfield hit to tie the score 33 all. Haack hit again putting the Bobcats in front followed by Savage to tie once more with five minutes of playing time gone. Clements fouled to put Chadron ahead 36-35. White sank a free throw followed by Haack to tie the score 37 all. Haack fouled again to send him out of the game as Chadron muft a chance for 2 points. Pascal hit from out-court to bring it to 39-37. Peru threw up a strong defense as Art Clements whipped one to White for a 41-37 lead, and Chadron took time. Bauman hit followed by a bucket from Clements as Yocum and Pascal fouled. A White-to-Byers netted another fielder, but White was called for using his hip on Bauman to settle the score at 45-42. Savage hit as Bauman

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sank a fouled shot called on Clements to tie the score. Yocum hit, followed by Bauman fouling White to total a 49-45 lead. Byers passed to Yocum for a bucket to hit the fifty mark. White intercepted and drove the length of the floor to add two as Chadron took time with 40 seconds to go: 53-45. Chadron cracked under the strain going to pieces on defense allowing the Cats to play at will. Pascal sank the last fielder of the game to put it in the history class as Peru took the title 55-45. White and Haack scored 15 and 13 points, and Rex Cadwallader totaled 15 points. SCORE Peru (55) Totals

fg. _________ 21

ft. pf. 11-23 23

CHADRON (45) Totals

fg. _________ 13

ft. pf. 19-26 19

In the first game of the two nights series for the play-off in the NIAA Conference title Chadron won over Bobcats 52-49. The Eagles, playing power, outshadowed the 'Cats the entire game, showing that they were a championship team as they notched victory number. 15 on their belts. Peru players took advantage of their knowledge of the floor by pumping into an early lead for the first ten minutes of play, but Chadron soon pulled out in front with a 20-14 lead. This lead was maintained 'and half score stood at 31-26. After intermi~sion, the __ Eagles' .defense held the Peruvians scoreless for 9'h minutes. Free throws began to close the gap and White and Byers cut the lead to three points, 38-42. Close play held the margin close with Peru tailing at all times. With three minutes left to play, Bill Savage dropped two fielders along with Rex Caldwallader to scoot ahead 51-40. The Cats' desperate effort fell short as the game ended 52-49. White topped scoring honors with 18 points while Caldwallader totaled 15 for Chadron.

IDorm Dope Eliza Morgan . . . by Mary Rishel

Again it's time to peek through Eliza Morgan's keyholes and see how her "inmates" are treating her. Eliza should receive the "Purple Heart", for she takes one of the biggest beatings given on ·the whole campus. Grab your bathing suit and a row boat and come to E. M. Hall where we have all sorts of "water sports". The water faucet became a little energetic and gave a river atmosphere to Gatz's and Bank's room last week, while below them a bucket brigade was formed to bale out Meister's and Genoa's room. "Plumber" Comstock tUrned her charm on the water faucet and after beating a few pipes, stopped the stream. J)..ist dall Barb Berger, "Big Ben"; she has replaced all the alarm clocks on the third floor by shouting "Ring Out Wild Bells" every fuorning at 7:45. Will someone please buy a box of matches for Frankie, or show her how to mb two stones together? Every night after lights out, comes echoing through the halls her plaintive plea, "Anyone got a match?" "Ironsides" Howlett and Alice Richards received a "call" at 2 a. m. and now are wondering who had the excess energy to push the buzzer at that hour. Fran Guy thought the sun had risen suddenly when someone turned all the lights on full blast in the middle of the night. If her roomie hadn't told her it wasn't morning, she might have been first one to breakfast-but early by 5 hours. Occupants of 314 have about ..decided to charge admission to their room, the "Student Union of E. M. Hall"-the place where coeds go for everything from peeling oranges to scraping mud off their shoes. "Aprille" Thickstun had to work out a problact' to decide whether to use a shovel or a stick of dynamite to get through last week's refuse. Isn't it nice to have spring and winter at the same time? One day we can try getting a suntan so It will be .a. nice contrast against the snow the next day. Wagner should watch her step or she'll be charged with mouse-

Jllumni trail

• • • slaughter. As everyone else stood shrieking on chairs, "Wag" chased the poor mouse around, trying to sever it with a paring knife. Some hungry_co-ed had stolen the cheese out of the mouse trap the night before.

If your closet looked bare last week, you probably saw your clothes on the stage for the play last Saturday night. A regular scavenger hunt went on in the dorm when the property committee started to work. ·

Miss Lois Irene Lawrence of Brownville is one of a class of ten to be graduated recently from the Transcontinental and Western Airline hostess school. She attended Peru in 1940-194L

Has everyone seen "Red Hot Rosie" who lives in 302? She only came for the month of February and now her owner, "Mag" Lewis, is trying to find a new home for her. ·

Louella was seen carrying an overstuffed chair across the campus and every few minutes she stopped to rest in it. She remarked that she was "real 'tard from warshin' and arnin'."

Latest form 0f entertainment is the Eliza Morgan Sym-phony of first floor. Soloist is Esther Steiner who plays the comb-their favorite rendition is "May I sleep in your barn tonight, Mister?"

Again the co~eds had to pin up their hair and "look at the birdie" last week. The main worry was, "I'll have the same sweater on in all pictures"-while another girl remarked, "Let's follow the photographer and see if we can sneak into a picture".

Miss Lawrence completed TWA's course including attendance at 8 "charm school" and instruction in general air line procedures. She is now on schedule to fly her first transcontinental flight as a TWA hostess.

Comstock is doing her best trying to collect insurance-her latest wounds were acquired by burning her hand on a flash bulb. Now everyone else has plans for burning right hands about "Termpaper time". The lights have gone out, and we hear the blood curdling scream of some co-ed who has just found cracker crumbs in her shortsheeted bed. Then, too, we have those culprits who pour water under doors, spread vaseline on the door knobs etc., and waste good two-week-old gum on light switches. Eileen Wheeldon received a shower .as she walked into her room-some considerate co-ed had put a glass of water on top the door. Eileen's only complaint was "what! no soap?" Did Boeckner have a head hemorrage or was she bitten by a "study bug" when she tried ta study during one of the Chadron games? After hearing long-bursting yells coming acroos the campus, she discarded the Eager Beaver attitude and headed for the gym.

The co-eds who look stricken with hunger pangs and are beginning to look like walking skeletons are those who invested their mesl-ticket money for bus fare to the Wayne game.

Third floor's "starvation line" is beginning to form and it is time to start the nightly plea for donations of victmls-anything that doesn't bite us first. So we'll blow out the candle and stop this chatter with Eliza until next time. i,.'%1~


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Ruth Kopecky ('44) was marri February 23 in Omaha to Emr Bevill. Elda Ernst and Reinhold St heit were married February 9 Johnson.

Students speak at language club

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Eula Redenbaugh is studying Theological school at Chica University.




Tom Dean ('41) is planning attending Iowa State College ne fall and majoring in veterina work.



Phone 6

A large number of Peruvians were on the campus for the Chadron-Peru games. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Clair Celdan (Joyce Stark), Mr. and Mrs. Loufa Patrick (Pauline Stark), Mr. and Mrs. Delton Georke (Marcella Redding), Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rachow (Rozene Rose) , Mr. and Mrs. Bob Williams (Edith Wylie), Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Berthesan (Edith Williams), and Mr. and Mrs. Myrt Hall (Dorothy Leonard).

Gridley, Lloyd Dunlap, Redfern, Don Rose, Betty Coupe, Keith "Butch" Rob Mason Colbert, Cecil Walker, Kennedy, Lorna Mae Hunz Roscoe Tolly, Mrs. Ben Sh (Erma Meirs), Lowell Lewis, Lovejoy, Bob Blankenship, Met Broers, Lester Ruetter, Ed York, Ralph Clevenger, Dr. Mi Verna and Wende<l Handley, and Jean Handley, Mrs. Rex son (Ruth Hanlon), James St John Schultz, Willard Wilson, a Bill Edmundson.

SCA members met Tuesday, February 26, for a worship proLois Christensen and Barba gram. Preceding the program, a Last-year students who visited Berger spoke at Foreign Lang prelude of piano music was played on the campus a week ago included Club on Monday, February 1 by Ruth MeJster. Pat Rooney, Marjorie Rogers, Mar- aboi.;<t literary works of Fren The call to worship was given garet Reazer, Lenore Larson, Betty and Spanish authors, respective! by Phyllis Steever. Berger, Jean Holman, Mary Knipe, Bernice Bletscher read Psalm Ruth Kean, Barbara Sawyer, and Lois gave an account of the Ii 96 as the scripture reading and Elaine Foster. of Moliere and a summary of h lead the group in prayer. play. "The Imaginary Illness". A story .about the song, "Fairest Dick Clements visited at home Lord Jesus" was read by Ruth ' and attended the Chadron game. Barbara Berger related the a Ann Crook. This was followed Mrs. Lloyd Knight (Erna Stef- ventures of "Don Quixote" by Cer by group singing of that song led fan) and l'!"ettie F:ari,ces Hanlon, vantes. by Norma Mehlin. former assistants m the college After the business meeting, re Merl Sherman read the poem, office, were visiting friends re"Young and Radiant He is Stand- cently. They also attended the freshments were served by Rut! Ann Crook and Ramona Handley ing." Chadron game. The benediction _was given by Miss Darlene Rozean of Auburn Phyllis Steever. attended basketball games· at Peru Following the meeting, members recently. of the cabinet met to discuss the work of their respective commitOther Peruvians who have been tess. interested in Bobcat games are Louise Roettger, Doris Wieler, Bill


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Fresh Meats and Lunch Meats See Us For Your Party and Picnic Eats Oppo~ite the Training School

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'* *

Phone 78

Peru, Nebraska

l!iiSD Ciu·ey

Udds and l:nds by Murgatroyd

From all the singing that was going on in the lobby Sunday afternoon, it looks as though Texas Mary and her associates will soon be out of a job. Hearing some one beg to get tc blow some bubbles shows that we still haven't grown up but we derive a: lot of fun out of such entertainment. First it might be "Let it Snow, Let it Snow" and followed by "It Might As Well Be Spring". From one day to another it is impossible to lmow whether it's going to be winter or spring. Speaking of spring-Isn't it about time for those benches to be restored to the campus? But with all the rain we have been having, who could sit on the benches anyway? But some ingenious person might think up an idea of fixing umbrellas over the benches. They might come in handy to ward off ill effects of too much moonlight too! Diogenes should come to PSTC. He would find his honest person on the campus. One "Honest John" found a stra.y five-dollar bill and turned it in to the lost and found department much to the delight of the loser. What a world this would be if everyone had a conscience like that to guide him. Although February 2 has gone some time ago, it seems advisable to give people a bit of information concerning Mr. Groundhog. A number of folks have spoken of his seeing his shadow this year. Though it may sound contradictory, he didn't. Mr. Groundhog thiS year decided not to risk coming out of his hole to look for a fleeting shadow, because of the housing shortage. This report came directly from a woman who waited patiently ·for sometime. She figured if she got into the hole she could keep it-possession is important! Third floor was again invaded by the MINKS this last week-end. From all indications the musicians enjoyed dorm life and the fun the Bobinn offered. Flash! Bobinn actually did have quite a supply of cokes, pepsis, and ice cream cones. Oh for the day when the snack bar is running full force. Speaking of the Bobinn, Dean Lowe says that it won't be long before the snack bar opens. Those late morning snacks and afternoon lunches wil taste mighty good. By this time the men should have arrived at conclusions to the latest 64-dollar question - "What make a gal homely?" Why doesn't someone divulge the answer; possibly the coeds could do something about it. The latest floral awards go to members of the home ec club. Each is herewith pr.esented a red rosebud for the efficient service and tasty cooking done for the luncheon served to the directors who attended the MINK band clinic. A dozen roses go of the group.

to the advisers

Peru students need sigh no longer over the music of radio groups. When the brass sextette -Tony deMaro, Fred Drexler, Gerald Matschullat, Phyllis Hogenmiller,· Willard Hunzeker, and Wallace Cleaveland-entertained at convo last Friday, they gave forth with sweet music. They have a standing invitatio)l come back anytime.

VOLUMEXLI PERU, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, :MARCH 19, 1946 ===================================

MINK players give splendid performance

Great cake is tea attraction Thirty-five pounds of fruit cake was served or sold at the annual home economics club at the Great Cake Tea on Thursday, March 7, in the Music Hall. The women of the club spent two hours combining 60 <oggs, 6 pounds of _sugar, 8 pounds of fruit, 71h pounds of flour, and 6 pounds of butter and took turns watching the five layer cake in it's five hours of oven experience. The recipe was found in the museum at Mt. Vernon in a letter sent to Martha Washington by her niece, Martha CUStis. An old spinning wheel was the center of the decorations while a Windsor chair and shawl added atmosphere to the colonial theme. Faculty and student-men were well represented and enjoyed their 'spot' of tea as much as the women. Ruth Ann Crook, Aileen Wheeldon, Ruth Randall, Esther Steiner, and Ruth Meister furnished piano music during the tea. The Misses Edna Weare and Ida Mae Brackney poured at an attractively appointed table.

C. E.

Boatman is new chern man Mr. Claude E. Boatman of Tulsa, Oklahoma, has been selected to replace Mr. T. ·C. Banfield as instructor of chemistry and will report for work on April 1. Mr. Boatman has a B. S. degree from Central State Teachers College at Edmond, Oklahoma, and an M. S. degree with a major in chemistry from the Oklahoma A and M Colle<;c; at Stillw:-1'ie!'. Mr. Banfielrl left re.::en1ly for Grand Blanc. iV:ichigan. whue he will be affiliated wita Ge:teral Motors in Detroit. Mrs. Boatman and t:ie ch.i!dren will come to reru at th C':ose of the school term in Tulsa.

Music studen1 appreciative ~


by Wallace Cleaveland Major J'oseph E. Skornicka, guest conductor, and 175 young people provided an evening of enjoyable music for an appreciative audienc" on Saturday, March 16. This concert brought to a close the third in a series of band clinic and festival sessions for high school musicians held on the campus.


The clinic convened Friday evening, March 15, for the first of many hours of difficult rehearsing "Ta" "Tum" and "Tom" V:.ere the ~hrases us~d for tonguing attacks and releases as stressed by Major Skornicka. Another six hours of rehearsal on Saturday, with ~mphasis on accent, then intonation, put the program in playable shape for the concert that night. A ~apacity

CONCERT PROGRAM Greetings from the College-W. R. Pate, President 1. (a). Pigskin Pageant March ________________________ Bennett (b). Polonaise from "Christmas Night" --------------------------------------------·----- Rirnsky-Korsakov 2. Prelude and Fugue in G :Minor __________________ ._________ Bach 3. (a). Loyalty March ----··----·-------------------------Skornicka (b). Coronation-Musical Episode _________ Skornicka (c). Our Chief March ----·---------------------------Skomicka 4. (a). Simonetta Serenade __________________________________ Curzon (b). Minuet in G _________________________________________ Beethoven 5. Gold and Silver Waltz ________________________________________ Lehar 6. (a). United Nations Rhapsody _____________________ Bennett (b). The Buccaneers :March ------------·--·------Skomicka

S:nglish frat enjoys· dialect story The reading of original writings )J members featured the regular

:neeting of Sigma Taw Delta, held in the Music Hall, Monday eveStudents from the music dening, March 11. partment presented a joint recital Dr. Bradford read a short story, entitled, "Where It Listeth,'' the on March 13 ln the Music Hall theme of which centered around auditorium. .the building of a 'willer dam' by a mountain boy, for the purpose This was the first appearance of protecting the farm of the of the mixed chorus which was father of his sweetheart, from organized at the beginning of this spring floods. The story ended in tragedy however, when the dam semester under the direction of broke, letting the water rage across Mr. Paulson. the father's farm, sweeping everything in its path, including all love RECITAL held for the boy, from the girl's heart. A Capella Chorus-Jesus on the V Miss Tear read a short poem Cherubim Sot!{ entitled, "Spring Fun," Hester Piano-First Movement-Sonatina 1 Friedly a poem, "Church on the Hill," Phyllis Winkle a, poem, Fred c _"Deserted House," and Una Mae Piano-Aragonaise (Le Cid) --------------~----------------·------ _ Leech a poem entitled "ReminisMary Lou Genoa cing". Piano-Theme and Variations ----------------------------Beethoven Members of the Scribblers club were guests at the meeting. Aileen Wheeldon Voice-Dedication -----------------------------------..Robert Frazu Norma Mehlin Cello-Songs Without Words -------------------------Tschaikowsky Bobby Jones Voice-I Love Thee -----~-----------------~------------------Grieg Jean Van Camp SCA met Tuesday, March 12, Piano-Sonatina Op. 55, No. 3 ------------------------------Kuhlau with the Reverend Mr. Davis as speaker of the evemng. His topic Phyllis Hogenmiller was "Religion in tl).e Future." Piano--Fanitul, A Savage Dance --------------------------Ole Olsen The scriptUTe, John 3: 16, was Minute Waltz ---------------------------------------Chopin repeated in unison by the group. The responsive reading was lead Ruth Ann Crook Sextette-What the Chimney Sang ________________ Gertrude Griswold by Anna Pfiste'r. She also led the group in prayer. The Scissors Grinder ----------------------------Cameron Una· Mae Leech led the singing. Norma Mehlin, Una May Leech, Ruth Ann Crook, The benediction was given by Anna Pfister. Ruth Meister, Phyllis Fisher, Mary Lou Genoa

S.C.A. members

hear Rev. Davis

audience gave the musicians the final impetus to provide an interesting program of difficult music. After an address of welcome by President Pate and the introduction of Major Skornicka, the program opened with a 1 ousing march, "Pigskin Pageant". Oral program notes by the Major added to the appreciation of the listeners. High spots were the Bach "Prelude and Fugue in G Minor", not usually attempted in such short rehearsal time but creditably performed, "Coronation", a musical episode in five parts written by Major Skornicka, <:<nd the clever "Simonetta·' serenade by Curzon. David Bennett's "United Nations Rhapsody" containing typical melodies of various world powers plus crispy marches, three of which ·were composed by the Major, namely "Loyalty'', "Our Chief", and "The Buccaneers", gave each section of the oand its share of the spotlight. As a special feature, Harvey Knoblock, Fairbury, demonstrated techniques of snare drumming including a solo, "Up to Date". Encores by .the band included two marches, one of which, "Grand Parade'', was used for a demonstration of sight reading. Much forethought and hard work was needed to build this clinic, and great credit must be given V. H. Jindra for the successful planning of the event. Major Skornicka's pleasant personality, tact, humor, and understanding at rehearsals in addition to his fine musicianship as shown at the concert, plus the splendid cooperation given liY, the musicians made the festival an outstanding musicial event of the year. 0

Facuity attends NEA meetings Approximately thirty faculty members attended the Nemaha County Teacher's association meeting in Auburn on Tuesday, March 5. This meeting was considered a meeting of the Peru NEA unit. S. L. Clements, president of the county organization, presided at the meetings. Earl Wiltse, president of the NSEA and superintendent of the schools at Grand Island, was the speaker at the dinner meeting. Leonard· Paulson of th~ Peru faculty sang two numbers. At the evening program Dr. Castle M. Brown played two violin numbers. The discussion was a panel on "State Aid." On Saturday, March 9, Dr. and Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Larson, Mrs. Scott, and the Misses Gard, Faulhaber, Hileman, Norenberg, and Pool, attended meetings of the Regional conference of Classroom Teachers, held in Lincoln. The afternoon program was a panel on various activities of the NEA. '





Indispensable? It is very easy the attitude of bein"0 indis. to develop ' P.ensa bl e, essential, or absolutely necessary to the organization, club, class, or even to the school to which you belong. True, someone has to take the i1iitiative and responsibility of certain offices and assignments. However there is no need to monopolize the responsibility; share it--let the other person get a taste of it. Being cast in a play makes you seem important. Yet someone else could probably do the part just as successfully as you; even the whole play could be recast and still be a successful production. A team must cooperate.No one person can monopolize the play or the ball-all must work together. The substitution is usually nearly as good as the player who was taken out, or he is as good as he can be considering the experience he has had. · Holding an office in a club or organization doesn't make you indispensable. It is somewhat an honor bestowed upon you because members want you as that leader-but it still doesn't make you absqlutely necessary. Remember-organizations, clubs, offices, classes, and teams all functioned before you came along; your coming may have facilitated their work or their play, but you're still not Indispensable.

Stay-in Peru week-end When grandmother came to Peru Normal, she brought her trunk with her and stayed for the winter. Often she didn't return home until after commencement. But how her grandchildren have changed! Now so few students stay over the week-end that the ones who do are considered slightly "queer". There are even some people who brag that they have never spent more than five days of the week in Peru since they came. Since there are always various activities on the campus and since Bobinn is functioning, there is no reason why all the students shouldn't participate in something and get a lot 0£ enjoyment out of doing it. A Stay-in-Peru Week-end has been suggested and could be held providing something to do every minute. This might enlighten a few of the "squares" who have thonght of PSTO only as a place where one goes to classes. BesideR it would be a lot of fun.

If Lois Christensen had her way, all politicians would be honest, and red tape would be a thing of the past. A serious history major, Lois devotes odd moments to reading that subject and wondering why everybody isn't as fascinated by it as she.

Everybody enjoys Chris's company because she seems to appreciate so keenly what they take for granted.

The eternal problem Not long ago the coeds on the Mildand campus modelled two extremes in dress, going from the sloppy shirts and slacks to the extreme Sunday best. On Monday they appeared in normal college dress.· The- second day the coeds appeared in hose, heels, hats, and their best dresses. This extreme was followed by sloppy shirts and jeans. Jeans1 Slacks1 The opinion was that this was not. appropriate for the classroom. What about dress-up1 This also was too much of an extreme. ' So it looks as if the typical costume is the traditional college dress-skirts and sweaters.


The church that once stood on the hill, Its steeple rising high in the sky, Fading away in the atmosphereThe beloved country church was no more. Its peace and calm were destroyed By the torturous hand of fire. Only ashes and crumbling bricks remained But the tower stood firm and tall, Defying fire and wind and Symbolizing the faith of the people in their God.

By carefully budgeting her time, Chris manages to get her lessons thoroughly, reads the newspaper and more novels than an English major, practices the violin and piano, and sleeps enough to keep her pep.

Her pranks are far out numbered by her good deeds, however. She is an early riser who does down town shopping errands for late Saturday morning sleepers; she also brings the mail up the hiU on Sunday morning.


The church is on fire! The church is burning! The cry swept the countryside Bringing the people from miles and miles To fight the battle of fireBut, too late!

Chris expects the best of everyone and looks for just that. Her faith· in people is so great as to become inspirational, and her serious way of overestimating the good in others makes her delightfully individualistic.

Chris is two hundred miles from home and after a dozen or more consecutive weeks in Peru, she feels the need of a long walk or ·some other activity by which to release mischief suppressed by the daily college grind. But she can't bring herself to commit the perfect crime; so she never leaves the scene until she has been discovered. A chuckle of four low huh, huh, huh, huhs down the hall and first floor roomers know it's time to lock their doors:

The fire

Chris is one of those rare students who. can get an A without arousing jealousy because everyone knows the grade is not her goal. Her successes are taken for granted by members of her classes who prophecy that some day Sen~ ator Christensen will use her influe1,ce for the good of our country.

In or out? We need more of it! More of what7 Initiative or just pla:in "get-up-and-go." At this time of the year it is very easy to get into a ru Extra-curricular activities claim so much attention and tb weather outside makes it difficult for one to settle dow to study, and so its easy to fall into irresponsibility towar1 school work. The habitual "sliding through" b.ecomes rut Initiative can be the force to lift you out of that rut Initiative may be a habit. The ability to lead, to or ganize, to get things done grows with practice. Oonciow effort can make it part of personal character. The idea place to begin practice is right here on the campus. Life becomes more interesting when we stop waitin~ for "Things to happen", and start a few for ourselves. "Get-up-and-go" doesn't answer all pro blems. Gooc judgment and common sense are valuable allies. Every· thing we introduce won't be accepted. Sometimes others will be ahead of us with their own projects. But everytime we make an effort cf self-initiated activity. we add another brace to self-reliance·-a personality trait that can not be over-emphasized.



-by Hester Friedly.

Nostalgia A wren's cheerful carol in the early morning; Aro bin's song after a rain; Frogs croaking by the pasture pond at twilight; A cricket singing to a moonbeam; Kittens playing havoc with Mom's prize delphiniums; Frisco, naively barking at his reflection in the lily pond; Early spring pigs, cold and wet, Shivering in a bushel basket By the cookstove in the kitchen; The look of tired satisfaction On Dad's face after a hard day's work; The pleasure which lights Mom's eyes At volunteered help in the garden; · The smell of new-mown hay; A cool dip in the horse-tank; A long slide down a new straw stack; The hot sticky feeling of chaff in hair; The thrill of scrambling Along the precariously high, narrow ledges In the corncrib As Mom shouts admonitions from below; Anticipation of ripe gooseberries in the timber; The race with the birds for the ripe fruit ·On the cherry trees; The fun of tagging after Dad 'When he goes out to cut weeds Or to drop poison in gophers' holes; The adventure of exploring the creek. Or playing gypsy in the timber: What could be more exhilarating Than childhood in the country1 -by Una; May Leech.


:Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students ol the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Dr. Winter makes landsc~ping plans Dr. John M. Winter is already working on beautifying the campus. lncludM in his plans are several projects. He intends to cover the bank in front of the woman's dorm with bridalwreath spirea. He hopes to secure some choice roses, some of the everblooming variety, to plant along the fence by the men's dorm, and he wants to replant some roses in the formal garden. Seeding down the two athletic fields is included in his plans for spring planting.

Peru, Pedagogiaii, Tuesday, March 19, 1946 Entered at the Post.office at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Ola Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. Managing Editor ····-·--·········---······-··";.. _::. __ .~ __ Louella Tiema Make-up Edi tor ·-····--·-····--··-······--··-·······-···-·····-···-Frances Gu Special Feature ---------------·----·----------·---··--·-~----8am Bradfor Alumni Trail ··------····---·-····--···-·-----·-·--------·····------J\farian Dec Sports ---------····---·--'········----·-·······-------··--··-·······-·-----·---·Rex Floy Advertising '················---··---·---··-·······-········-Elmer Bachenber Reporters-Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Ramona Han ley, Sidney Johnson, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgo ery, Mary Rishel, Dorothy Stepan, Jean Van Cam Margaret Wellenseik, William Witty, Wallace Oleav land. Adviser -···········-···········--······-·-············--······-·-····Meta Norenbe Business Adviser -····-······ _. ---'····-·-··--·-·-·.E. H. Hayw

Hardwood chatter by Rex Floyd

We're winding up this column in this issue with regret, for the basketball season this year has produced, no: a "Top Team" but a "Great Team." It can be said that the players' entry in the Kansas City National Tournament can only add to the Jaurals of their teamwork, by a c.emonstt,ation of their ability in the tournament . . . . Which I might add, can partly trace its greatness to the new found spirit the student body· has showed during the last half of the season. Congratulations to the members of this team and to the students. We'll not forget the wonderful coaching that took place in the well-oiled organization, "Tl1e Bobcats". The New York Herald rribune has asked your writer to have all students on the campus of Peru State to submit their choice of the. ten best basketball players in the state for a position on the EastWest All-Star basketball game to be played at Madison Square Garden on March 30. If you desire to submit a list to th'" board, you may pick ten players (one from this campus), give each player's college and send the list to: Sports Department, New York Herald Tribtme, 230 West 41st. Street, New York 18, N. Y. If anyone desires more information see the writer of this column. .With March winds and wet grounds and the end of Basketball season, one can do little but start thinking of picnics, lounging on the campus, and taking ;i walk maybe. But, in the sport circles of the campus, track~ io just around the corner. Coach Al has a schedule line-up this year including the Drake and Kansas Relays as well as meets with other state colleges. If you run or toss in a field-event, drop out to the Oak Bowl and show your ability or even help in providing a wellrounded ·program. Bits of chatter . . . the Seniors ringing supreme in the intramural basketball circles ... the Donnette drum corp displaying coeds in what can be done through organization ... Any one interested ju having a Badminton or Ping Pong tournament see Coach Riggs ... Roger.

Kittens fare well m


game season

Peru Bobkittens finished their '46 basketball season with fifteen wins and five losses, scoring 603 to their opponents' 459. In tournament play the Bobkittens did very well going to the semi-finals in the Peru College Invitational where they were defeated by Avoca, the tournament champs. In the Class "C" district tournament at Wymore, Peru was runnerup, being defeated by Wymore in the finals of the nine team tournament. High-lights of the season consisted of two victories over Auburn, a 36-19 win over Rock Port, Missouri, which had defeated the Prepsters 38-21 earlier in the season, and a 32-31 victory over College View of Lincoln, last year's class "C" state champions. Paul (P. C.) Maxwell was the high scorer for the Prep team, makin.g 207 points for the twenty game season. P. C. was selected on the all-tournament team both at the Peru and _Wymore tournaments. Clair Comstock and Bob Majors at guard, Bob Applegate and Spud Majors at the forward positions could always be counted on to come through with buckets when the going got tough. Rex Coatney, Al Majors, John Clements, Ansel Clayburn, Hilary Bradford, and Darry Brown, were the other letter winners who did much to make the season a successful one. Bob Majors, John Clements, Bob Applegate, and Rex Coatney are seniors. Along with the eleven letter winners, Boyd Coatney, Oscar Cahill, Jerry Comstock, and Cleve Coatney make up the balance of the fifteen man squad,

Cats wind-up cage season at K. C. play-off S. E. Oklahoma State held only in first half of tilt Sou.theast Oklahoma State hailing· from Durant, stopped the Bobcats in the first round of the National Intercollegiate Basket.ball Tourney at Kansas City, after an equal run the first half, 40-36. Action in the first half displayed the outstanding defense ·of both teams in holding the score 16-16 of the first 30 minute canto. Oklahoma took over the first few minutes of play, but after six minutes the Cats were ahead 7. 5.

Broncs grab state title-second win

With 16 victories and 6 loses, the '46 Bobcats, guided by coaches Wheeler and Riggs, secured the N IAA title and won honors in the state standings. Whiz White was named center on the United Press allstate team, and Slug Pascal rated second team h•onors.

Rugged ball in Doane fracas Bad passing, 50 fouls, wild shooting, pius a girls' drum corp highlighted the Bobcat's victory over the Doane Tigers in the Bobcafs final in an easy 61-39 victory. Before the all-high game of· fouls occurred, Buzz Byers scored in the opening seconds of the first stanza to start the talley for Peru. Patrick, Pascal, and Yocum connected the first six minutes of the slow game to put them in the lead 10-9. The Tigers took their second and last lead of the game with eight minutes to play when Loetterle hit a fielder to net a 11-10 score. The Cats erased this lead with buckets by Byers and Haack who soon ran the sum to ,a 27-11 advantage. Two minutes into the half indicated. slow playing;Haack hit an outcourt shot plus a free throw. White left the game with five penalties. Yocum struck with a tip-in from Haack as the game settled down to a series of fouls, tallying 43-25 after six minutes had been played. Team play at this point became a series of bad passes as Doane substituted freely to develope sloppy ball by both cager teams. As Haack and Pascal ran the score to 53-29, Coach Al sent in his subs freely. At the offical timeout, the score stood 54-31. With three minutes remaining, Haack, Pascal, Byers, Yocum, and Patrick re-entered the game to the spectaters' delight to settle the fracus down to basketball.

The squad, left to right, includes Art Clements, Red Becker, Dick Good, Whiz White, Abe Yocum Dick Pascal, Al Haack, Buzz E\yers, Pat Patrick, and Oscar Smith.

Seniors take title in play-off 22-21 Ending the play-off in the intramur:<l basketball tournament in a hard fought game in the gym before the D(l::11e fracas, the seniors found revenge for their only defeat of the season by jerking out a 22-21 victOry over the juniors Lead by Rex Floyd ·scoring 13 r;oints anc1 Joe Littrell with 6, the seniors held the lead most of the time. Bill Witty grabbed scoring honors for the juniors with 9 points.

At this time the unusual happened . . . Pascal fouled out, leaving Coach Wheeler with no substitutes, according to the rules, with one minute to play and four players on the floor. Yocum fouled out with 1 second to play leaving the Bobcats with a defence of three men on the floor. Yocum stole the ball to hit the final bucket of the game 61-39. Yocum ran high with 22 points followed by Byers with 13. The half time show put on by the Doanette drum corp highlighted the activities of the evening.

Hastings basketeers staged a repeat performance on the local maples when they dropped the Bobcats to a 61-59 decision giving the Broncs the All College State title. The Cats hit fast scoring on the opening play of the game with Buzz Byers dropping the initial goal. Patrick fouled Vap as he scored, giving him a gift shot and the Jong end of a 3-2 score. After a gift shot by Mdllence, Pascal stole the ball going all the way up the h~dcourt to tie the score 4-4. Goodwin hit for the Broncs as Pascal retalliated with an out-court shot to tie 6-all. Al Haack took two gift shots to put the Cats ahead 8-6 followed by a series of fouls by both teams and a side-court shot by Byers which rallied the score 11-12 with Hastings in the lead. After eight minutes of play, Peru took time as the scoreboard tallied 16-13 for the Bronces. As play resumed, bad passes by Peru plus fouls by White and Yocum and ringers by Byers, Pascal, and Yocum left the Bobcats trailing 26-21. Hastings playing became sloppy as Yocum tipped one, followed by a tip-in by Byers plus a run-in by Yocum; Patrick anci Clements left the court. Vap hit two swishers to net the half in favor of Hastings 31-27. Al Haack demonstrated his speed and accurate shooting as he started the half with a side-court and underbasket tip-in to tie the score 31-31. Both teams drew a series of bad passes to Peru's advantage as Byers hit and was fouled to rack 35-31. With five minutes gone Byers kept the basket hot holding the lead for the Cats 39-36, as Hastings took time. Vap placed both a fielder and a gift as Yocum got an underbasket shot followed by a tip-in to tie the score 51-51. Byers was fouled by Ley to put the Cats on top 52-51. With four minutes remaining in the hot game, both teams fought for the lead, which stood at 56-56, changed by Byers to 57-57 as he

Both teams concentrated on free throws and pushed to tenall after nine minutes of defensive fighting. Oklahoma played a slow ball game using the screen and break offense down the center circle ·while the Cats did most of their offensive work on the outcourt. Both teams used a close man for man defense. The Southeastern team was getting shots from under-basket but with little accuracy while Peru relied on out-court shots but lacked tip-in power. Peru State took the lead 15-14 with four minutes left in the half but fell to a tie at lrnlf-time gun. Many locals cheered the Cats on the floor at half time. As play resumed Al Haack came through to put the Wheelermen out front. Oklahoma soon began to find the hole in their screening process and cut down the free throw lane to shoot ahead 22-17 after two minutes of play, as Peru took time. Cotton Patton, All-American in 1942, led the Oklahoma State team as he connected with six field goals in the second half to spark his team to victory. Oklahoma JC>d 32-22 with 11 minutes played; 42-25 with seven minutes to go, and went into a ~talling game with \five. minutes to pl~y. With three mmutes remammg Oklahoma held the top-end of the score with 33-46. Both Coach Al and Coach Sullivan used the'.r suts throughout the game. Cotton Patton scored Whiz White taJied 13 points and Al Haack ran up ten for Peru. left the game on fouls. Seconds later, Don Lamb, Bronce hero of the game, dropped a bucket to put his team in the lead followed by Haack who returned with a strike to put the Cats ahead 59-53. With one minute to go Svoboba stole the ball and drove for the basket but was called for fouling McIllence who dropped his gift to tie the score 59-59. With 30 seconds to play, Don Lamb sank the important tally giving the game to Hastings, Buzz Byers was high pointer with 24 points followed by Yocum with 12. ·

Friendly refreshrnent


THEATRE March-19-20 "The Man From .Down Under" March-21-22-23 "Fallen Angel" March-24-25 "House On 92nd Street" March-26-27 ''Maryland'' March-28-29-30 "Flame Of Barbary Coast'' March 31-April-1 "Mildred Pierce"

Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Company

IDorm Dope by Frankie Montgomery

Eliza's down in the dumps this week for several different reasons. No. 1-the flu bug is back again wickedly chewing on all iti:; poor innocent victims and putting them into the 1>ack for several days' siege. Thus, the sale of Kleenex has increased as much as the quantity at Bert's will allow and these little lights glowing in the darkness are merely the red noses of the poor unforttmates. Reason No. 2-for sad expressions in E. M. Hall these fine spring dayS--There are several among us who went to Kansas City to watch the Bobcats lose that fateful game and-well, three hours of sleep just won't suffite the poor college girl. So, Eliza has revealed two perfectly legitimate reasons for the dog-tired "I hate the world" exprsesions on the faces of so many of ye olde coeds these days. And now to turn to some more cheerful matters within Dame Morgan's walls, let us consider the feast which was held in Room 212 Monday night after Sigma Tau. The left-overs shouldn't gxi to waste. After delving into Eliza Morgan's secrets a couple of weeks ago, Mary Rishel wrote the column sometimes referred to as "Lizzie's Little Secrets" and then quietly went to bed for a week's illness. This might be caused by the flu, but more people believe it is because of exhaustion from peeking through keyholes, climbing through windows, crawling up chimneys, and in other ways putting her best efforts into her work.

It seems-that there is a little boy downtown who does not like the Misses Crook and Comstock. Can it be that tli.e college gir;s are nof kind to little children? Comes March and the change of calendar which ensues. If one looks closely, she can see the days of the month printed underneath the huge pictures of Varga. and Petty girls which adorn many of the rooms. And then there are those who go in for pin-up boys. A quick -look into Gatz's and Banks's room will show that the interest there leans toward pictures of the "stronger" sex. Of com·se, maybe Frankie S. wouldn't be considered in that category. That, dear reader, we leave for your consideration.

Cleaners and Tailors DRY CLEANING PRESSING Suits and Coats Restyled Phone 62 Peru, Nebr.

J.P. Clark Shoe Repairs of All Kinds Electric Shoe Shop Peru, Nebraska

The Ped is a Good School Paper The Pointer HENRY BAUM . Barber Shop

Railsback Grocery and Self Serve Market FREE DELIVERY Business Appreciated Home Made Pies Large Pies Made to Order Phione 128

Peru Nebr.

Coeds attend state meeting

• • • Eliza has some new spring "clothes". New gold draperies have been added to her Wardrobe down in the parlor. Did everyone hear about the evolution of the east wing of third floor? Yes, the unbelievable :happened; the occupants of the two corner rooms really went all out in cleaning, but miracles will happen! Some people have been wondering if Alice Richards has been hoarding bubblegum or jaw breakers in the side of her mouth-it's just that some mean wisdom tooth has been beating on her gums to let him out into the world. Third floor gang-Sparked by former roommates of Marilyn Hoberg Puckett-honored her with a kitchen shower on Friday evening. With the practice She's had the past few weeks, MJrilyn feels sure she will be p.ble to make good use of the gifts. A week ago everyone groaned and dug into her closet for overshoes after she peeked out at a white campus. Still we had those enthusiastic coeds who dashed out for a snow ball fight. One coed came dashing in looking as if she had just had a snow massage. Howlett needs a seeing-eye dog. Broken glasses is the reason for her groping her way across the campus and getting into the wrong room. Some of the coeds were pretty much worried Thursday because of the coming history test. Could there be any direct connection between that and the surprise party held the night before on Agnes Wiles to celebrate her birthday? Anyway the birthd::ty cake really was something. And now Dame Morgan has other matters on her mind; so until next time, Dear John--

COMSTOCKS Garage, Gas, Oils Repairs. Phone 6

Jllumni Crail

Frances La Seur and Jean Van Camp attended the college club division at the State Home Economic Association convention held in Omaha, March 2 and 3. During the meeting Jean Van Camp was elected state secretary of the organization. Marguerita Davis, a foreign feL lowship student from Brazil was the guest speaker for the college group.

Mrs. Winters talks to Educators club Mrs. John M. Winter spoke to members of the Childhood Educators Club at their meeting on Monday, March 11. Her topic was "The Flight and Migration of Birds". She explained the structures of various birds and gave a number of theories concerning the migration habits of these birds. Mrs. Winter illustrated her talk with pictures of birds in flight and maps showing the routes which they commonly follow.

Scribblers read own compositions Scribblers met on Thursday evening, March 7, with all members present. Miss Tear discussed "Writers' Magazines" for the group. Original compositions were read by members. Elmer Backenberg read a poem "My Pillar". The other contributions were short stories-"Thitty Pieces of Silver" by Ruth Merklinger, "Bushwackers" by Betty Johnson, and "Sucker" by Sam Bradford. On Monday the club members were guests at Sigma Tau.

Red and White Store

Miss Alice Swenson, math instructor while the navy was stationed on the campus, will begin teaching at the University of Alabama, at University, Ahbama, on March 19. She has been teaching in the high school at Stanton, Nebraska. Jim Carter, V-12, has spent several days in the Navy hospital at Great Lakes.

Ernest Hill is

S.C.A. speaker Ernest Hill, a veteran of the recent war, addressed members of SCA, Tuesday, March 5. He told of his experiences in the Japanese theatre of war. The scripture lesson, Ephesians 6: 10-18, was read by Phyllis Steever, who also led the group in prayer and gave the benediction at the close of the meeting. Group singing was led by .Norma Mehlin.

Art club hears ideas for printing

Peru. Nebr.

Nebraska C~ty Laundry Dry Cleaners

Goldie Motis and Phyllis Steever spoke on blockprinting at the Art Club meeting Monday· evening. They gave some practical suggestions and new ideas for its use in the schoolroom and in the home. The business meeting was in charge of Ramona Handley, the president. The suggestion was accepted to have the blocks, which the members are making, ready for printing at the next meeting.


EARL'S CAFE MEALS-SHORT ORDERS-SNACKS Bus Stop Phone 65 The Maintenance of Your Car is Your Assurance of Future Transportation The New Car is not Yet. Let Us Estimate Your Needs. All Work Guaranteed. Call


Peru, Nebr.

AVENUE STORE FRESH FRUITS Oranges, Apples, Grapefruit Lemons, Bananas Candy, Candy Bars and Gum Cakes, Butter Rolls and Cookies

Mr. and Mrs. B'ob Brown, (Evelyn Rodgers) are parents .of a daughter, Tande!, born March i'. Margaret Ficke, ('42-'43) was married to Wyman Sted:nan on March 2, at the First :\!Iethodist church m Lincoln. Betty Barker, ('45) and Frank Andrews, a former V-12 trainee, were married in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Dwaine Puckett, (Marilyn Hoberg) attended the last basketball game. She is planning to join her husband in Maryland very soon. A/S Bill Kerr, of Wisconsin U, former V-12 trainee, visited on the campus recently. 2nd. Lt. Bill Edmundsen, is stationed at Camp Roberts, Calif.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rogers, (Dorothy Pershing) are parents of a daughter born March 10.




Phone 1121

Dr, H. C. Dallam Dentist X-RAY Phone Office 32; Res. 196 Peru, Nebraska

Sheaffer Pens Leatherette Wastebaskets

Bertha M. Thomson,

Desk Blotters in

M.D. Physician and Surgeon

Assorted Colors Water Color Paper And Paints Shop Downtown and SAVE

Phone 60

Service Twice Weekly

Inquire at Delzell Hall

Sgt. Wayne Filmer, is spendin a 30 day furlough with his par"'. ents and wife and daughter.

Marjorie Broiwn was married to Frederick Syjlin at Hamburg, Iowa, March 3.

Where Qua Iity and Price are Combined

Phone 1

Lawrence Good, ('42-'43) now on his way home from th European theatre of war.

Be Sure-Be Thrifty Buy Life Insurance Any Kind

Clarence R. Jones Twenty Years Experience

Chatelain's Jewelry Peru, Nebr.

Trade at Hill's and Save PETROFOL MINERAL OIL, 89c qt.................. 69 REXALL LITTLE LIVER PILLS, 25c size ____ .19 LAVENDER TALCUM, large size ------------··------ .19 KLENZO TOOTH BRUSH, 35c value---------------- .23 GLYCERINE SUPPOSITORIES, 25c size ________ .19 HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULE, 50c size ..... 43 KEM TONE 1 Modern Wall Finish, gal ----·-------$2.98 D. D. ·T. BOMBS -----------------------·----------------------·---- 2.95 KELLOGG UTILITY BRUSHES For Every Cleansing Need _______________ Joe to $1.00 FLASH LIGHTS, Complete -------------------------------· .98 DR. GRABOW PIPES -----------------------------------------$1.50 STYLE KING RAIN COATS, Ladies & Gents $9.95 REVLON LIP STICKS, All Shades· ___:: ___________ 1.00 VITA FLUFF SHAMPOO ____________________ $1.00 & 5.00 BABY CHICKS

* *

We carry Dr. Salsbury, Walko Globe and Lees Chicken remedies and Spray materials.


Give us your order for a Westinghouse, G. E. or Stewart Warner Radio.

Fresh Meats and Lunch Meats See Us Fo'r Yo'ur Party and Picnic Eats Opposite the Training School

Phone 78

Peru, Nebraska

Parker No. }1 and Reynolds Fountain Pens $12.50 up. WALL PAPER-New Patterns at Liowest Prices.



Odds and Ends by M urgatroyd

Spring has sprung The grass has riz I wonder where My arnbish is? Ho hum, that spring fever has everyone all fouled up again. My, but spring fever has brought about a transformation of the campus. Everything is so fresh and green. Dr. Winter's formal garden is worth noticing. The Japanese cherry trees are in full bloom. The only thing needed now is those benches. Here's hoping they will be up soon! Something should be done about these 64-dollar questions. It seems one very vital one hit several coeds the other night-late. They held a friendly little "truth" session to see if they could find individual answers to the all-important one-"Why Can't I Find a Man?" Results were a few tears and a conclusion by one sagacious damsel: "If I'm not married by the time I'm twenty-five, I'll be an old m.aid; but if I do marry, what would I ever do with a man around?" Tennis and track have claimed much attention since the weather turned warm. One man asked on the first hot day about his time for the mile, replied "nothing less than a year." Life seems to be entering that awful end-of-school whirl. Freshmen look glum when they think of term papers-and they can't forget them. Student council members try to have brilliant ideas for a May Fete. Peruvian staff members are beginning to have "that wild look" caused by sleepless nights-nights spent cutting pictures, preparing copy, and filling pages on the dummy. . The Ped st3ff is, of course, gomg through one attack of its regular headaches. Officers of organizations are winding up affairs to hmd over records to successors, but first they must worry about the intrafrat banquet. Professors and students alike begin to dread the final exam sessions. But it is all a part of college life! It s~ems that Peru has certainly gone m for brother and sister act! c.amera scouts discovered this as they scanned the campus with an eager eye, and immediately pounced on it as something with definite appeal for the Pemvian. . Included are the brothers and s.isters: Holscher, Richards, Aufenkamp, and Berger. Freshmen told their troubles to "Dr. Sam Bradford Baker" in a convo program which included take-offs on faculty members. As they lifted the piano bench and pushed the grand across the stage !or the last time, they decided that all their work had been fun. Now worried juniors and seniors are calling Quaker meetings pat!ently waiting for inspiration~ which they hope will come in time !or their programs. In another category are the Johnson brothers and Stepan sisters. ~he _big question in everyone's mmd right now is "Who will reign as May king and queen?" One candidate for king announced that one phase of his campaign would be that of kissing babies. The snack bar at Bobinn has made a big hit with all, especially those late risers who can't seem to make it to the cafeteria in time for breakfast. Willard has requested that he now be called Dr. Hunzeker since he has been pinch hitting as a che:nistry teacher. Or hadn't you noticed the new dignity that he has acquired? Do your · good deed this week Give to the WSSF! .

Sifting Sand Sigma Tau Delta's publications "Sifting Sands," will go to pres~ on April 15. The deadline for manuscripts will be April 8. Former students, students now on the campus, and faculty members are asked to submit their original contributions to Dr. Bradford, as soon as possible.


Bobbin hours Snack bar hours: Monday-Thursday mornmg --------- 7:30-10:30 afternoon -------- 3:30- 5:00 evening ---------- 7:30- 8:00 evening _________ 10:00-10:30 Friday morning --------- 7:30--10:30 afternoon -------- 3:30- 5:00 evening ---------- 7:30-10:30 Saturday-Sunday morning --------- 9:00-10:00 afternoon -------- 3:30- 5:00 evening ---------- 7:30-10:30

Linguists enjoy musical program


Kadelpians give report in convo Esther Steiner and Bernice Bletcher, representatives to the Milwaukee National Convocation of Kappa Delta Pi, reported their experiences to the organization at the meeting Monday, March 18. The convocation held from March 11-13, included 300 delegates from 139 chapters in the United States. They outlined the meetings and programs and told of the activities and problems found in the groups represented. During the business meeting, plans were discussed for the annual spring initiation of pledges and members. The annual intrafraternity banquet was also discussed. Norma Mehlin and Margaret Wellensiek were chosen to represent Kappa Delta Pi on the committee in charge of this banquet. Others on the committee include Jean Van Camp and Marian Deck from K a p p a Omicrom Phi, Walter Elwell and Beulah Spoor from Alpha Mu Omega, and Hester Friedly and Aileen Wheeldon from Sigma Tau Delta. Lois Christensen and Don Aufenkamp brought the meeting to a close by serving a light !unch.

Miss Crozier spurs student aid campaign Lois Crozier, regional director of YWCA for the Rocky Mountain district, was a visitor on the campus, Mionday and Tuesday, March 25 and 26. She came in connection with the World Student Service Fund drive which began on the campus yesterday. Miss Crozier addressed students and facu:ty at convocation Monday· she explained the meaning and importance ·Of WSSF. '

She said that world student relief is the obligation of students for the rehabilitation of unfortun<ites in Europe and Asia and for the reconstruction of the shattered university w_orld. In contributing to the united organiz3tion of stu-

Cartoonist delights with demonstrations

Ben F. Hammond, newspaper cartoonist and ventriloquist, demonstrated a cartoon review, Wednesday ·evening, March 27, in the college auditorium. Mr. Hammond not only presented cartoons but also gave picture Miss Fields, guest of the eveninterpretations, a puppet pering, made her studio available to formance, and a ventriloquist act. the group and played for their The purpose of cartoons was two fold. First he drew a car· enjoyment piano selections of the toon or figure; and then with a German composers, Bach, Beefew strokes of the chalk, l:c made thoven, and Haydn. these into comic caricatures. Mr. Hammond made his drawRuth Ann Crook and Ruth ings more realistic by using poetry Meister played their two-piano and interpretations as a back· arrangement of the Spanish, "La ground. While he was drawing a pioneer scene including a log Paloma". cabin with a snow covered backStudent Advisory Council mem- ground, he associated with it French selections were a flute bers for the fall semester have solo, Bizet's "Minuet de L'ArWhittier's "Snowbound" and been elected by the present lesienne" by Don Aufenkamp and junior ,sophomore, and freshman Guest's "Home". For his puppet demonstration a piano solo, Chopin's "Minute classes. he first dre:w a background of the ~ Wayne Parks_ D(lrchester, and Waltz", by Ruth Ann Crook. south sea islands. Then he gave Margaret Spellman, Adams, will A lullaby sung by Ruth Meister represent the fall seniors; Joseph two puppet performances-one in Swiss-German dialect added Weber, Tecumseh, and Margaret using the handicraft puppet (that is a puppet made from any ma~ variety to the evening's program Lewis, Shubert-the j u n i o r s : terial available) and the puppets Delicious refreshments were Wayne Linder, Nehawka, and made from the right kind of maserved by Lois and Barbara Bonnie Aufenkamp, Nemaha-the terial. sophomores. Fall freshman will Berger. He also showed how the mochoose their own representatives. tion picture cartoon is made and Dick Gelwick, a new student The new ocuncilors are "learnon the campus and a member of ing the ropes" by assisting the gave an actual demonstration of the French class, was welcomed present student council in plan- two figures on a teeter-totter and how the action is represented by a into the club. ning the coming May Fete. series of drawings. "Hoots and Quacks" showed Mr. Hammond's ability as a ventriloquist. As a final act, he drew a picture of an old ·mm located in a beautiful setting; he demonstrated how different coloring and effects can be obtained. Before an apperciative audi- continued its work after the oriMr. Hammond was at PSTC as ence of college students, faculty ginal concert. Some of the charter a budget event. people, and townsfolk, the Grieg members are still singing with the male chorus of Lincoln present- organization. ed an impressive concert on SunThe chorus is named after the day afternoon at the college audi- celebrated Norweigian composer, torium. This chorus of 30 voices Edward Grieg. is composed for the most part of Geraldyne Kelley, violinist who Lincoln business and professional won the National Federation of men and is directed by Professor Music clubs audition in Omaha Miss Marie Adams, for more Oscar Bennett of Nebraska Wes- last year, was featured as instrumental soloist. Geraldyne W. than two years a Japanese prileyan University. Organized in 1921 to provide Bennett, Instructor of Violin at soner of war, spoke to the convo funds, through a charity concert, Nebraska Wesleyan, was the ac- audience on March 20. Having served for nine years as to enable a Scandinavian youth companist. The following program was pre- a missionary to China, Miss then residing in Lincoln to enter a Adams understands many of the tubercular sanitarium, the chorus sented Sunday: problems of the Chinese and pre"The Creation" -------------------------------------------.Richter sented them clearly. She spoke of three things that "Holy Lord" -----------------------------------------Bortnyanskiy Americans can give to China; "Jesus, Joy of My Endeavor" ----------------------------Bach-Scott first, they should give race co"Our Strength is in the Lord" --------------------------------Gallez operation by abolishing race pre"Arioso" ________________________________________ -------- ____ .Bach judice; second, they could give of "Concerto in A Minor" ----------------------------------Glazounow their material surplus; third, they could give of themselves. Miss Kelley Chinese people cannot under"Halsning Till Hemlandet" ---------------------------------Kromer stand why Americans discriminate "Stridsbon" ___ ---·- __________________________ -------- _____Lindblad among themselves because of "Den Store, Hvide Flok" --------------~-----------------------Grieg color or creed. Miss Adams mentioned the Solo by Paul Toren fact that one sheet of paper costs Violin-"Caprice Viennois" --------------------------------Kreisler seven dollars;Aherefore Chinese Miss Kelley students are careful about the use "Meadowlands" ___________________ ---- _________ -------- ___Knipper of paper. She stressed the fact that China "Steal Away'' --------------------------------------------Ringwald "Battle Hymn of the Republic" ____________________ Staffe-Ringwald looks on America as a true friend of China, because the Americans "Sweet and Low" ----------------------------------Staffe-Ringwald have never at any time controlled "Beautiful Savior" -------------------------------------------Wick any section of China.

Foreign language students went musical at their meeting of March 21 as they listened to compositions of German, French, and Spanish masters.



Students elect council members

Religious songfest given by all-male Greig chorus

Missionary tells China's problems

dents in the world, a student-body participates in solving the educational, intellectual, political, economic, and moral problems of the present. "A c1mpaign for WSSF has two major objectives: to educate the campus on the needs of students. and professors who have suffered because of the war and to raise substantial sums of money for world student relief. This should total an amount that does justice to the desperate need of o'1lhers . and to the imagination and generosity of American students and professors." From American students, relief has gone since 1937 to fellow students in wartorn countries around the globe. Through the WSSF American students have shared with thirteen other nations in the job of keeping alive the international student community. The war's end multiplied the need for help in 1be rehabilitation and reconstru:ction of university life in Europe and Asia. During the coming year. aid will go to students in eighteen countries, including China. the Philippines, France, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Greece, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Russia, Poland, Canada, and the United States. There is no peace while students are hungry and sick. Chinese students receive barely enough from the government food subsidies to provide for rice. Malaria and tuberculosis are common student ailments. More than 70% of Dutch students need hospital care before reentering universities. Stud~nts in ~urope are returning to their studies from prisons, forced labor camps, and the resistance forces. Their universities have been damaged or destroyed and the faculties dispersed. Many find themselves homeless and unable to trace their families. Severe paper shortages throughout Europe have curtailed the printing of textbooks. The war has left destroyed libraries and sh~tter~d classrooms. Inflationary pnces m many universities make fuel oil .for study lamps a luxury. Relaxmg the international boundaries will enable the WSSF to reach more students in more countries during the coming year. A minimum of $2,000,000 will be needed from students around the world_for the relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction of their !ello~ students. A campaign for raising this !und has already been started on PSTC campus. Each student and faculty member will be canvassed. Doris Wagner is chairman of the WSSF committee. Her assistants are Delores Schreiner, Bernice Bletscher Hester Friedly, Tod Hubell, Fred~ die Drexler, and Ernest Strauss.

Facuity enjoys Mar~h Hare tea "Alice in Wonderland" was the theme of the faculty tea on March 28. The Misses Elizabeth McCollum, Marie Faulhaber, and Ida Mae Brackney were the committee. The table was attractively decorated with spring flowers, gree11 grass, a rustic bridge, ~nd gay candle bunnies. Doctor and Mrs. Bradford in, lieu of the March Hare and the Dormouse, poured; sassafras and regular tea.

Editorials Trail blazers!

• • •

' •

One type of .character that is certaii1ly not needed on the campus is not follnd on postoffice walls, but is, however, a real menace to soeiety. He has the idea that he must leave his footprints in the sands of time or something; he is the trailblazer. ' He scorns common sidewalks and fashions his own paths across the grnss wherever it is convenient or where two seconds might be saved. This being with a one track mind-the wrong track-is still very much at large. With the coming of spring the paths are quite conspicuous and the character who makes them should be apprehended. None 0f us, of course, knows who it is that does it, but if ever7one watches out for him, he may shun attention and just disappear since he is psychopathic anyway.

What is WSSF? World student relief is one m;iique part in the relief and"rehabilitation of young people 'in Europe and Asia, in the reconstruction of the shattered university world. American students and professors have the opportunity of participating in this relief through the World Student Service Fund. This week a campaign for WSSF is in progress on the Peru campus. 'rhe goal is $200. Part of this amount was met in the drive held last semester. Many people w0nder how the money which they give to WSSF is being spent. Here are a few items to give an idea how much a small amount will do for students in war-torn lands. $2-will supply the notebooks and the paper required by a European student for a year. $5-will buy from 1 to 6 books for European universities whose libraries have been destroyed. $15-will furnish food for one month for an undernourished Italian student. $25-will pay the tuition for one semester for a refugee student in Switzerland or Sweden. $60-will provide a two month stay for a French student at the Combloux Rehabilitation Center. $150-will maintain for one month a modest student center in China:. $500-will equip a student kitchen for cheap, nutritious meals. For us, who arc not suffering from starvation and cold, is is hard to realize liow much the small amount we give might mean to somr, student who is trying desperately to survive. Give to the WSSF!

I Personalities A model teacher in the eyes of her pupils is Miss Hileman whose warm smile keeps them on the beam. Smiling is one of the many things Miss Hileman likes to do, and since it requires no extra time, it has become her favorite hobby. Practice teachers haye observed how effective is Miss Hiieman's method of bringing forth the best in her pupils. Unlike the ordinary teacher who often reminds children of their faults, she helps them see the light by praising their virtues. Her generosity to student teachers is also appreciated. She puts them at ease and makes their experiences both practical and profitable. Geography; her major in college, is one of Miss Hileman's most fascinating interests. She is a colle"ctor of articles from various parts of the world. Among her possessions is a clever bracelet made from the hair of an African elephant's tail. Miss Hileman rides no one hobby to death but achieves amateurish success in several. She develops new ones along tile way and thinks nothing of crocheting and making water color paintings and swimming all in one day. Though extremely modest, Miss Hileman has been heard to state that she is the champion floater in this part of the country. Animals· have a big place in Miss Hileman's heart. She jokingly says that she likes all animals and most people. One of her favorite pets was an affectionate turkey, Frances Perkins, who was destined to be the center piece of a Christmas din-» her but escaped that fate by her winning charm. Right now Miss Hileman is very fond of her dog, Lucky II, who, responding to her kind treatment, has forgotten his unpleasant experiences of having been homeless. Each year Miss Hileman passes out her pleasant smiles to a new group of third and fourth graders who return them in the same happy spirit.


Today, s college woman While glancing through some material the other day, the writer found an article "Today's College Girl". Needless to say, the article was read because the title and opening sentences were intriguing. They made one want to know what it was going to say about the coed of today. Writers and film producers have sustained the sorority model of the college women. In the public mind she is visioned as a pop1J]ar, pretty, alert, attractive girl who decora:tes football stadiums, open cars, and ballrooms. The educatioml system itself has presented them with this model. The actual life of a large coeducational university is carried on outside the classroom. Extracurricular activities have been the most important educa:tional factors experienced by students. As a result they have developed characteristics contrary to educational aims. This pattern was stabilized by the generation termed "lost" after the firsCW orld War. A new type of student developed-one interested in and serious about college work and social theory, determined to take advantage of the one opportunity open to provide for economic advancement. . · The character of the college woman was altered. After the departure of college men, and their slow return, women found themselves dominating campuses. They were members of student councils, edited college papers, worked part time, and helped with the war effort. . Through their experiences women have begun to thmk of a future which includes many alternatives. They are not willing . to accept any role. They are more politically conscious and more critical of their own education. They are concerned about economic opportunities. In short, the r.ollege woman of today is more adult, more mature, more serious, and has a mind of her own.

Numerous former Peruvians ·have asked where they may find the words of the following poem. Peru If I could paint a picture, And paint it in colors true, I would spend my time in work sublime Painting old Peru.

I would paint those hills and valleys, Those fields with their golden sheaves, The little squirrel with his swish and swirl, Those beautiful autumn leaves. j

Students entertain Scribblers read at Honey Creek original poetry Members of the music department played and sang before an audience at Honey Creek last Monday night to the accompaniment of rain on the roof.

All members of the Scdbble Club met to read their interesting compositions Thursday evening, March 21. Poems dominated the meeting .

The program consisted of numbers by the mixed chorus, girls' sextette, brass sextette, and piano and vocal solos by Ruth Ann Crook and Jean Van Camp.

Betty Johnson had an entertaining group of stanzas which she entitled "Fowl Deed." Elmer Bachenberg read his poem called "Sunset Star''. Miss Tear's' p o e m presented a "C hi 1d Thought''.

Other features were violin and vocal solos by Mr. Jindra and Mr. Paulson, accompanied by Miss Fields. Dr. Bradford climaxed the evening's entertainment with an original short story, "Ain't Nobody Perfect."

The Opthalmagraph by Miss Blanche .Qare!

Do you want to know how well you read? At a cost of three hundred dollars the college has recently purchased from the American Optical Company, ap ophthalmograph which can tell you whether or not you are as efficient a reader as you should be or can .be.

Sam Bradford, interested in the•• field of short stories, wrote a· clever tale about a man whose wife was elected to a political position which he had failed to get. It was called "Three Point Victory." Ruth Merklinger read a composition of a personal experience, entitled "My First Experience with Death." At the next meeting Betty Johnson will discuss an articl9 from "The Writers Magazine."

This machine is used in many reading laboratories over the United States, both in colleges and in elementary schools. Its purpose is to determine grade placement and progress in reading as well as to help in diagnosing faulty habits or other difficulties in those who are not successful with their school work.

being photographed, he feads a small card. Two spot ligl1ts cast reflections of the tears which cover the corneas of his eyes upon two small lenses. As he reads, these tiny beams of light are reflected by a mirror so that they mark a film. The film measures accurately the number of times the student stops or goes backward on each line, and his speed of reading. It also finds out whether or not the eyes move exactly in parallel directions.

In college its purpose is to locate students who might save time in reading by a little effort and guidance.

Peru was fortunate in securing the very latest model of this machine. It is also the first school in this region to have this model.

The class in Teaching of Reading, Ed. 231, will take the tests and learn to help themselves, as well as to help pupils or their colleagues in Peru.

One great advantage is <: tank which develops and fixes the film in one process within a very few minutes. The student may read the test card, answer the comprehension questions, and see his picture, all in less than a quarter of an hour. This gives all the thrills of the carnival "your picture wihle you wait" booths.

Botp the testing and the plan of remedial work are really fun, beside being useful or even vital. The high school and junior high school pupils have been enthusiastic guinea pigs while Miss Gard, with the assistance of Mr. Mathews, has learned to operatA the machine. Mr. Gillmor, of the American Optical Company of Omaha, has spent some time in Peru, assembling the ophthalomgraph and giving instruction in its use. The teachers are planning and hoping for some real benefits to come out of the mysterious dark room where people are working . As the ophthalmograph is a camera which takes moving pictures of such delicate and complicated actions as eye move· ments, it must be operated with great care. While the student is

The earliest eye-movement photographs were made in 1899 and 1900. The cameras were huge, clumsy looking 2ffairs, hooked up with many wires and mirrors. Sometimes the student had to hold a bar between his teeth and have his head held fast by various contraptions. Now he rests his forehead and chin com~ fortably against some supports, but he must hold steady in order to keep his eyes within the range of the lenses. The machine itself is only some four feet high and three feet long. It is very com~ pact and efficient, and thGse who use it consider it handsome!

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students of the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, April 2, 1946 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c.

Those kings of the stately forest, Monarchs of ages past, Those rugged hills, those rocks and rills,Those friends that always last.

Managing Editor ··--------------·---·--·----·--···--·---·--·Louella Tieman Make-up Edit.or -------··--·---······--··--··--·--·-·-···.-···-··c··-Frances Guy Special Feature ....................................... :..,_~~-Sam Bradford Alumni Trail .....·........................... ---·-···-.. ····-·········Marian Deck

We mix our earthly colors A,nd call our paintings good; But the God above with a heart ot love Makes colors that no man could.

Sports ----············-···-····-·-···-----·····-··-················-·····-·-·-··Rex Floyd Advertising ·-······--·····--..."···-·-··-········-··········Elmer Bachenberg Reporters-Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Ramona Handley, Sidney Johnson, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgomery, Mary Rishel, Dorothy Stepan, Jean Van Camp, Margaret Wellenseik, William Witty, Wallace Cleaveland.

He has taken the rarest colors, The gems of heavenly blue, And painted a picture in nature,God bless it, old Peru. Silas R. Barton.

Adviser ·····--··--··--·--------·---··--·-····--·--·-········-·--··--·Meta Norenberg Business Adviser ---·--··---- _. ------·--·-------------E. H. Hayward

IOver the State

Junior kittens top Otoe; fall to champs In the Nebraska City Junior Invitational Basketball Tournament, Prep juniors fared well in their bid for Class "B" playoff. In their first game with Otoe, they hit hard winning 24-17, and dropped to Weeping Water in the semifinals, 22-14.

by Rex Floyd

Now that basketball has been put into mothballs, track and other activities have taken over the sports circles of the campus. All-Star Intramural Team

Not forgetting basketball altogether, one assumes that there should be chosen an AU-Star Intramural basketball team. Therefore it is of my own opinion that the following players should be rated on such a team:

Track outlook becoming bright White--all-state center

With the announcement of seven track meets scheduled for the spring season, and the enrollment of more men the last quarter, Coaches Wheeler and Riggs are looking into the crystal ball witli hopes

Center: Red Buhrman. Guards: Dick Juilfs and Don Aufenkamp. Second TeamForwards: Marve Richards and Willard Hunzeker. Center: Bill Witty. Guards: Chuck Rogers and Jeny Garber. · Ping P<ong Tourney

Coach Riggs has made more than an effort to start a tournament for Ping Pong players, both singles and doubles for men and women, with little interest. If you desire to play, here is your chance to prove you are the champ of Peru. You can sign either in the gym or on the bulletin board at Delzell Hall this week.

Weeping Water topped the Wittymen in a hard fought game in which Cole t3llied all but two points. Weeping Water led most of the game, having a 4-3 advantage at the end of the first quarter and jumping to 10-5 at half time. Prep started hitting and took over the third quarter canto 14-12 with Parriott'c bucket. Unable to score in the final quarter, !'rep allowed Weeping Water to sin 2214. Garrison hit 10 points to lead the Weeping Water juniors. Falls City topped Nebraska City in the finals of the Class "A" playoff while Weeping Water went zhead to down Talmage to win the Class "B" finals.

Spring Football at Kearney

In surveying the state, I observed that Kearney has just finished a three-week spring football practice. And, from the looks of the material, the Antelopes should fare well next season. Reporiing to coach Charlie Foster were 47 men, and they looked good in the three scrimmages they held the last week. In the first team backfield were Ralph Patterscm, Bill Harvey, Max Osborne, and Dick Patterson.

Pascal--.all-state guard

Track Outlook at Doane

At Doane, 20 men have reported to Coach Dutcher for track. Peru has three meets this spring with Doane and this is their line-up so far: Razor and Holmes in the sprints, Sickey running the 440 and 880, ReGreif and Goodrich in the distances. They seem to be a little weak in field events.

of producing a track team worthy of the "Bobcat" name.

Spellman reigns as tourney champ

The junior Kittens, led by Cole at Center with 17 points, rallied early to take the lead 6-7 at the end of the first quarter. An 11-12 margin was held at halftime, and as they entered the final period, the maintained the upper hand, 17-15, to carry on to victory.

Forwards: Joe Littrell and R. Hall.

Sprints and distance men looking good; field weak

Marge Spellman took top honors in the badminton tournament conducted by Prof. Davidson in the gym. Spellman defeated all comers, winning all of her five starts. Bonnie Aufenkamp drew second place with five wins and one loss, while Irene Argabright eked out a· four-win, two-loss schedule to capture the third spot. Results:

"Lanky" \!lhiz White, 6' 4" center for the Bobcats, was chosen Allstate Center by the United Press and the A. P. World-Herald sports staff. Whiz has lettered four years with the Cats, majored in Physical Education, is married, and plans to take his masters at Columbia next fall.

Intramural results and top scorers To sum up the season in the rugged intra-murals, listed below are the results in the round-robin and final playoffs. The seniors won on undisputed championship with the juniors running second. In individual scoring the honors go to one freshman, Dick Juilfs and two seniors, Rex Floyd and Red Buhrman. The all-star team picked for the tournament will be found in the "over the state" column. won lost Seniors ______________ 6 1 Juniors _____________ _4 3 Sophomores _________ 2 4 Freshmen ------------1 5 Juilfs, fr. ____________________ 55 Floyd, sr. ____________________ 52 Buhrman, sr. ________________ _44 Witty, jr. ____________________ 4J Beatty, soph. ________________ -40 Aufenkamp, soph. ___________ -40 Littrell, sr. __________________ 33 Hall, jr. _____________________ 37 Parks, jr. ____________________ 35 Richards, fr. _________________ 34 Garber, jr. ___________________ 33 Hunzeker, sr. ________________ 32

Won Spellman ------------ 5 A\l.'fenkamp, B. ______ 5 Argabright ---------- ~ Berger, Lois --------- 3 Rhoten -------------- 2 Klein ---------------- 1 Pfister --------------- 0

Lost O

1 2 2 4 5 6

Cats cage results prove outstanding Results of a successful season for the "Battling Bobcats" can easily be found in the final summary. The Cats out-scored their rivals 1141 points to 929. They lost six games in twenty-two starts. Whiz White was chosen all-state center while Slug Pascal ranked on the number two team. The Wheelermen won the NIAA conference by mathematical figuring and tied second with Wayne in the all-college state standing. The scoring for the season: White ---------------------- 262 HJack ---------------------- 140 Yocum ---------------------- 129 Byers ----------------------- 119 Pascal ---------------------- 95 Patrick --------------------- 94 Clements -------------------- 33 Good ----------------------- 16 Svoboda -------------------- 14 Smith ---------------------- 10 Juilfs ____ :___________________ 6 Floyd ---------------------- 4 Holcher -------------------- 3 Becker --------------------- 2 Richards -------------------- 2 DeVore --------------------- 1

To date 32 men have reported in the 'Oak Bowl' for their daily work outs. The sprint field has been strongly boosted by the return of Jim Mather, state title holder of the 100, 220, 330, and broad jump. The fine showing of Marvin Holscher, Svoboda, and Richards proves strength in all sprint events. In the 440 yard dash, Floyd, Hunzeker, and Richards are pounding the cinders. Distance. men, working on leg power and building up their wind, are Linder, Robinson, Dalton, Aufenkamp, Lawrence, Beatty, and Clayburn. In the field events, Abe Yocum shows his improved power with the discus along with White and Smith; Weber and Hall at the shot ring, Garber working at pole vault, Floyd and Linder tossing the javalin, White at high jump, Mather at broad jump, and Seeba and Haack working on the hurdles, show a well-balanced team. Other members on the squad include: Clements, Holeman, Palmer, Blankenship, Thompson, Rogers, Juilfs, Lindsey, Cotton, Matshculatt, and Thurman. The schedule for the season is: April 9-Tarkio and Maryville Colleges at Peru. April 17-Kansas Relays. April 23-High School Invitation Meet at Peru. April 26-27-Drake Relays at Des Moines, Iowa. M~y 2-Invitational Meet at Peru. Peru, Tarkio, Wesleyan, Doane, Midland, Omaha U.

May 8-Kearney, Doane, and Peru at Crete. May IS-Conference Meet at Crete.

Five Major Sports?

In the formation fo the new Nebraska Athletic Conference, Chadron has been accepted, to include all State Teachers Colleges. Peru has and will fare well in all events of the big "three" sports, but will fall_ short in tennis and golf unles:; the person processing talent in these sports makes himself known. In past years, Peru has been represented. Can we this year? ..... Rogert

"Slug" Pascal, returning late in the basketball season, whipped himself into shape to be chosen by the United Press and A. P. World-He.raid sports staff to hold the guard position on the All-State second team. Slug is a junior and is one of the members of the entire squad that will return, aside from White, for the season of 1947.

The pause that refreshes





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Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Company

IDorm Dope by Mary Rishel

Again it is time to snoop into the affairs of Eliza Morgan. Spring has come popping in; now all the girls are waiting for the annual arrival of frogs, bugs, and ·snakes to turn up in their beds. Perhaps that was the reason for the blood curdling scream echoing from Ruth Boechner's room about bedtime. Some people have been referring to certain sections of E. M. Hall as "Green Gables"; maybe it's because of those slightly crazy pantomimes performed by several inmates. Phyllis Winkle has taken to standing ·on her head, while Aprille Thickstum does some sort of exclusive act-which resembles a spider crawling up the wall. Comstock and Crook have a new boarder in their room-a big brown shaggy dog, name of George. Crook, who was boosted cut of her snooze stand, says "I'd sure like to lead a dog's life." . Perhaps checking up on blood relations was the reason for Frances La Seur's brother's arrival on Eliza's threshold. Dougherty and Moody are having a contest to see which one can stand the dirt in their room the longest. Berger's latest hobby is "rewriting" books to suit her own tastes-ask her about her latest revision of a certain red-colored book. "Zulie" Howlett has gone in for "ballet"; perhaps she needs a few more lessons for the continually lands on the floor and oh those shattered boards!! Mrs. Hoatson was housemother during Mrs. Marsh's· absence on@ week-end. Bonnie Aufenkamp and Jean Conner are having spring "va-. cation"-that is if appendectomies can be considered ideal fun. Everyone will be glad when they can be back again. People cluttering up Eliza's threshold about 10 p. m. ha;ve

J.P. Clark Shoe Repairs of All Kinds Electric Shoe Shop Peru, Nebraska

• •

noticed the coming of "spring showers''. The mystery is, who are the culprits that hang out above with glasses of water. Everyone had a siege of sleep· less sickness when the MINK H. S girls moved in for a week-end. They went all out with screams, yells, giggles, and practicing of horns all night. Several high-pitched sopranos and a clarinet playing could cause anyone to have a nervous breakdown. Is it true,jhat Maragaret Burgess's latest occupation is 1-ianging screens-or why else was she hanging out second floor window with Mary Klein holding her feet inside? First floor has that woodsy atmosphere. Christensen and Co. has been dragging everything from pussy willows to cotton wood tr.ees up from the river. Steiner is all for the idea of lights after 11 p. m. She is one of the fortunate coeds that has a braJJ.d new radio-the kind that hasn't fallen off the radiator yet and doesn't have to be pounded aild beaten to get music. Latest form of entertainment or conservation is that of swapping gum. Frankie Montgomery must think she has a priority to get to keep 3rd floor's wad for more then a week. Mincer and Johnson have some new murals on their walls-the kind that don't have to be scrubbed off before May 24. They are contributions of the cartoonist at the budget event. Two Navy men anchored here last week. John Thorson and Bill Saul still consider the campus of a thousand oaks as tops. Thickstun and Spellman should set up a snack bar in the tlevator with their weekly boxes from home. Third floors cooperative candle has burned down and roomie has shut her glowing eyes; so again we'll leave Eliza to her slumbers and peace of mind till next time.

Nebraska ~ty Laundry Dry Cleaners

Miss Crozier spoke to the members of SCA at their regular meeting Tuesday night. She explained the characteristics and history of the student Christian movement and enumerated some of its goals. "We try leaders-

to develope mature

"We are a democratic movement"We have a sense of all being children of God"We. 'are interested in members of all races with no distinction"We are interested in the men and women problem"We try to meet campus needs of the present time"We try to help students make decisions in a professional way." She also gave suggestions as to ways in which a student might spend a profitable summer. Among her proposed plans were the Estes conference to be held at Estes, Colorado; the Student in Industry project at Chicago, Hartford, and Minneapolis; the Stli'dent in Government project which will be held at Washington, D. C.; and "A Study of the Life of Jesus" at the Seminar in California. Preceding the talk by Miss Crozier Don Aufenkamp gave a short report of the conference which he attended at Wayne on March 22 and 23. After the meeting, Miss Crozier spoke to members of the cabinet and helped them plsn their course of action for the remainder of the term.

Dr, H. C. DalJam Dentist X-RAY Phone Office 32; Res. 196 Peru, Nebraska i'f:


Cleaners and Tailors

Garage, Gas, Oils Repairs

DRY CLEANING PRESSING Suits and Coats Restyled Phone 62 Peru, Nebr.

Phone 6

HENRY BAUM Barber Shop

Y officer speaks to SCA group

RED AND WHITE STORE Groceries, Meatst Fruits 1 Vegetables Phone 1 Peru, Nebr.

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Inquire at Delzell Hall

The Ped is a Good ~chool Paper The Pointer


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Clarence R. Jones Twenty Years Experience

. Railsback Grocery and Self Serve Market

Peru, Nebr.

Pht0ne 128

Peru Nebr.

• •

Edna A. Jackson former super- ta, Iowa, that she is enjoy visor of character education in the teaching. She is giving lessons state department was a visitor on 14 pupils. Janice Kimsey is teaching a the campus last' Friday. She is now teaching at Parsons College Wrnkee, Iowa, in the 5th grade. "Bud" Brown and Richard Hut in Iowa. Superintendents reelected in Ne- ton, both attending the Universit braska for the coming year include of Nebraska, are out for spri the following Peruvians: Floyd A. football practice. Jack Cejka, EM 2 -c, stationed i Miller, Ashland; W. 'I'. Semrad, Clarkson; C. C. Thompson, Ord; Central America, plans on goin D. J. Bunch, Red Cloud; Spencer to summer school at PSTC. Two former V-12 trainees, Bi M. Leger, Sterling; and Ray W. Saul and "Doc" Thorson, visit Beamer, Syracuse. Announcement has been made of on the campus last week. Col. A. B. Gelwick, a forme the approaching marriage of Mary Anne Hedstrom to Elmer R. Maser, Peruvian, visited the campli's re former V-12 trainee, on May 11. cently. His son, Dick, enrolle;l fo Elmer received his discharge re- the last quarter. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Marsha cently and will continli'e his studies :::t the University of Nebraska this (Maxine Showen) spent a fe days in Peru. Walt was recent! fall. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mcintire are discharged from the navy. H served in the Pacific. parents of a son born March 22. I Mr. and Mrs. Holly Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sch3c (Ruth Wilson) are parents of a (Vera Huff) are parents of a son daughter born March 21. Rolland Sterling: Miss Edna Mae Yates and Paul W. Stoddard were married Fri· day, March 22, at the First Presbyterian church in Auburn. The Eldon Reuter, discharged fro ceremony was performed by the the Army Air Corps a couple Rev. J. W. Johnston. weeks ago, was visiting on th The couple was attended by campus. Miss Aileen Wheeldon and Ralf Graham. Eleanor Hall was married t Both are students of PSTC. Robert Whitehill, March 24. The They are living in an apartment are residing at Farragut, Ia. in Peru. Sgt. Bob Ashton is stationed a . Betty Sudgen (SS '44) was Fort Leavenworth, Kans. He i married March 16 at Marysville, in the assignment section. Kansas, to Robert Pittman, PO 1-c. Mrs. Ruth Adamson is teachin Eunice Bergman was married speech in the high school at Ced February 23 to WO Paul Forbes Falls, Iowa. She is working ha at Casper, Wyoming. to prepare her pupils for comin Janice Slagle writes from Wash- speech contests.

Bertha M. Thomson, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 60


THEATRE April-2-3 "Hitchhike to Happiness" April-4-5-6 "Our Vines Have Tender Grapes'' April-7-8 "Pride of the Marines" April-9-10 "Trail of the Lonesome Pine" April-11-12-13 ",She Wouldn't Say Yes" April-14-15 "Too Young to Know",


1 I


JEWELRY Peru Easter Carilli Tavern candles for Easter A few cameras now available New line of costume Jewelry

Shop Downtown an SAVE Chatelain's Jewelry Peru, Nebr.

EARL'S CAFE MEALS-SHORT ORDERS-SNACKS Call 65 for Bus information-Beatrice to 'Lincoln



FREE DELIVERY Business Appreciated Home Made Pies Large Pies Made to Order

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Peru Lumber Co. 11111111m11mm~rnm11111111111111m1~~rn100111~11mm1111111111111111m11111111111111~1111mmm111111111rn1111m11111~·

AVENUE STORE No Secrets about our Prices nor about our Quality eitP,er, We mark everything in plain figures and give Friendly Service. . See us for your school and college Supplies. Notebooks and Notebook covers · Also the New Reynolds Pen Guaranteed to Write for Two Years without Refilling Opposite the Training School.


Phone 78

Peru, Nebraska

Odds and Ends by Mu rgatroyd

At long last those benches have returned to fill their former positions on the campus. They are adorned with 路a bright coat of new paint. But now the weather has been too cool to use them. It seems as if there really is going to be a formal after all. As the result of a series of late meetings, coeds finally found an open date and an orchestra. Now all they need to find is some men!




Bobinn is center of student-facuity activities Corridor booths are new addition

Of course coeds have been busily looking over their formals, leafing through copies of "The Vogue" trying to find something new and different in the line of formals, and as usual they are trying to make arrangements to trade dresses with their neighbors. With the coed formal, the intra-fraternity banquet, arid other formal occasions coming up, coeds are trying to avoid having to wear the same dress at all these occasions.

With the installation of 15 corridor booths in the basement of Delzell Hall, the student union shows visual signs of completion. This project should transform a formerly barren corridor into the center of student activity. A recreational program began in Delzell Hall when the college and the navy made the joint purchase of a pool table, a billiard table, a snooker table, and two ping pong tables. Later on the navy contributed the bowling alleys which they carried up from a discarded bowling alley down town. A game room was thus established.

Records have been appearing at Bobinn as if by magic; hence, the automatic record player has been rejuvenated 路and is giving. overtime service. Speaker of records, it is strictly off the record that several of the men had an exceedingly hilarious time last Monday evening. To carve or not to carve-That is the queston now before the student body in regard to the new booths in the Student Union.

Late last fall the student council committee organized a student union, and expansion has been taking place ever since. To the game room were added a dance hall, a snack bar, and a trophy room. Another room was reserved for the faculty. A name contest ensued, and the union was officially called the Bobinn.

So much time and effort have been spent on them resulting in a product of such fine workmanship that many students feel it would be a pity to mar them in any way. Still it would be satisfying to have one place on the campus where one might carve one's initials into a sort of cumulative and lasting record of the campus. The tennis courts have had their spring housecleaning. All the excess grass and leaves have been removed. It certainly looks much better and Murgie can start brushing up on his game instead of fishing for tennis balls. Thanks goes to those who had this barrier removed. Campus oddity might be Diogenese Meister running around in broad daylight carrying a lantern. Could she have been looking for an honest man or woman? The workers on the WSSF drive are to be congratulated for their super-salesmanship or dogged perserverance. Some of my fellow buddies finally did their good deed for the day and can now enjoy those cokes again at the Bobinn. Happiest persons on -the campus last week were the regular Ped staff members who could walk past the Ped office, peek in, and ask, "Are you busy?" Small Fry had an enjoyable time at a junior high party at the Training School last week. This was just one of the end of school activities. Latest reports reveal that Cupid is still in hiding; so Spring has not yet been officially welcomed. With the benches up, the iris in bloom, and that old feeling in the air, Cupid would be a welcome addition to the formal garden.

Prof. Moore will return to f.:iculty Professor Robert D. Moore, on military leave with the Red Cross since 1943, will rejoin the faculty June 1. Mr. Moore is a present instructor in speech at the University of Iowa, where he is also taking work toward his doctorate. During his more than two years of duty with the Military Welfare division of the Red Cross, Mr. Moore served as assistant field director at Camp Hale and at Norman, Oklahoma. He has been active in the affairs of the University Theatre at Iowa City and has the leading role in the Commencement play now in production.

S. musicians

appear at convo Peru Training School pupils performed at Friday convocation. Raymond Graves played two violin numbers; Fred Clements played a piano solo; Margaret Ulbrick played a violin concerto; and Robert Jones played two cello numbers. The young people played in paration for the trip to the ior Division Festival of the slqa. Federation of Music at Omaha on Saturday. /are students of V. H. Jindra, ' entered them in the Festival. th Chatelain Epley and Mrs. s played the accompaniments.

Goal is reached in WSSF drive

Tri-Beta members

Peru's World Student Service Fund drive came to a close Friday, April 5, The victory bell was rung when the fu11d reached the campus goal of $200. A total of $220 was collected, 路as reported by Doris Wagner, WSSF chairman,

Under the sponsorship of Dr. Winter and the leadership of Lois Grundman Berger, Tri-Beta has reorganized after a period o! inactivity during the war.

During the week's campaign, every member o! the faculty and student body was canvassed by a committee o! students headed by Doris Wagner. Those assisting were Bernice Bletcher, Hester Friedly, Tod Hubbell, Ernest Strauss, and Freddie Drexler.

Dramatic Club to- present "Little Shot" as spring play ''Little Shot'', a farce-comedy in three acts by Percival Wilde, is to be presented in the college auditorium on May 17. The cast includes six Dramatic Club members. Sidney Johnson plays the title

who acquires an interest in Pat

role of Clyde Middleton, the ex-

Vining's estate and follows her back to the states. He previously played a young banker in "Where the Dear Antelope Play" and an actor in "The Flattering Word".

ecutor of Pat Vining's estate. He played the part of Mr. Pim in the




play, "Mr. Pim Passes By", Barbara Berger is cast as the spoiled heiress, Pat Vining, who has just returned from a trip to Paris. She formerly played the,. role of a young girl in "The Flattering Word". Sam Bradford as Sturge Peabody is Clyde Middleton's able lawyer. He was formerly cast as a fisherman in "Riders to the Sea", a negro servant in "Where the Dear Antelope Play", and the juvenile lead in "Mr. Pim Passes By". John Lawrence is cast as Henry Atherton, the Parisian scoundrel

Margaret Lewis plays the part of Mildred East, Clyde's personal secretary. She formerly played the feminine lead in "Mr. Pim Passes By".



The first meeting was held at the Music Hall Monday, April 1, for the purpose of initiating new members. After the initiation ceremony a short businesss meeting was held to make plans for the next meeting in May and to elect two members to aid in the planning of the intra-fraternity banquet. The new members are Barbara Berger, Billie Berger, Ruth Com1>tock, George Coupe, Marvin Holscher, Armon Yanders, Richard Gregg, Phyllis Steever, Esther Steiner, Clay Kennedy, Elizabeth Johnson, Artie Lindsay and Jack Maxwell. Refreshments were served by J:,ois Christiansen and Lois Berger.

Juniors entertain Seniors at dance The junior entertained the seniors at a barn dance in the high school gymnasiun1 on Saturday, April 13. Decorated to represent a haystrewn, lantern-lighted barn-loft, the gym echoed with the stomping of feet and the ringing calls of Miss P~~mer. Modern dancing, as well as square dancing was enjoyed by gingham-clad coeds and denimclad men.

Anselm Johnson as Scarlotti is the big time racketeer who kills for a price. He formerly played the role of a minister in "The Flattering Word", a banker in "Where the Dear Antelope Play", and an English landlord in "Mr. Pim Passes By".

Refreshments of sandwiches, salad, doughnuts, and coffee revived the tired square dancers.

Miss Hazel Williams will direct the play which 1~ill be a dramatic club production.

Plans for the party were made by Esther Steiner, chairman, Hester Friedly, Ramona Handley, Orthello Byers, and Wayne Parks.

Old time mll!sic was furnished by Mrs. Lowe witl;l. her fidclle, and Ruth Ann Crook at the piano.

Today the Bobinn functions on a regular schedule, and improvements are continually being added. Already the corridor booths with a seating capacity for 52 are nearing completion. Donald Liene mann is engineering this project with the advice of Mr. Larson and an able crew of assistants. A record player will replace the juke box in the dance hall as soon as the students have contributed enough popular records. George Brown states that there will be sandwiches in the snack bar as soon as meat becomes more readily available. Other anticipated improvements include decorations to add color and atmosphere, with a rnotif to give the union distinction.

Speakers selected for commencement Commencement speakers !or the graduation exercises will be the Rev. R. A. McConnell, Sr. the Rev. F. ~路 Clayton, and the Rev. R. E. Hanson. The Rev. Mr. McConnell received his theological trai:i.ing at the Oberlin Ohio Theological Seminary and has been pastor of the First Plymouth Church of Lincoln sine.le 1935. His comcencement address will be "The Role of Anticipation in Education and Life." The speaker at baccalaureate services will be the Rev. Mr. Clayton, who came to Canada in 1914 from England where he had been ordained to the Episcopalian ministry. Since 1927 he has been rector of the All Saints' Episcopalian Church of Omaha. The R;ev.-Mr. Hanson, a graduate of Butler College, Indianapolis, Indiana, and now pastor of the Christian Church of Auburn, will deliver the high school commencement address.

Educators' Club enjoys picnic The Childhood Educ2tor's Club held its annual spring picnic, April 8, at Neal Park, After the weiner roast the members played "Bird, Beast or Fish". Misses Gard, Mason and Hileman were guests.




Qualification? What has happened to the high standard of quality demanded of members o~ the teaching profession~ Why are we allowing unqualified persons to be certified that they shall teach our children? Obviously, not everyone who has the desire to teach is capable of following the profession. Entrance requiremeD;ts bar no one, and the standard of work is low enough that below average intellects can ''slide'' b-y. True there is an unceasing demand for teachers who hold any kind of degree or certificate, yet such a demand can be no rxcuse for lowering the standards of quality. Admission that teacher salaries are not of a level to inspire better minds to the field of education leads to the fact that as the salary level is raised we need first a corresponding rise in qualification. The place to· start such a raise is in entrance rnquire~ ments. They should, and could, be of such nature that the person who is qualified for plumbing would go to a trade school, not a teachers college! ·

Peru observes music week National Music Week, observed throughout the country during the first full week of May, will be hiphlighted on the campus on Tuesday evening, May 7. The college band, assisted by instrumental soloists and the brass sextet, will present a dedicatory prcgram for "all who pass by." Soloists who will salute the Muse include Tony De Maro, Phyllis Hogenmiller, and Wallace Cleaveland. Mr. Jindra, aided by Messrs. De Maro and Cleaveland, is actively engaged in recruiting all musicians, including those who have merely a nodding acquaintance with a horn, for the May 7 concert and for a concert to be held on the revived Parent's Day, May 19. All clarinet, trumpet, trombone, etc., performers are urged to lend their talents.

Mrs. Pattison now lives in Gering, Nebraska. In her first writing venture while kindergarten te2cher and supervisor in the Gering schools, she collaborated with Miss Frances Fields, then instructor of music in the Gering schools. Together they produced a combination color and song bpok for which Mrs. Pattison wrote the words and Miss Fields composed the music.

Mr. Etaoin Shrdlu will provide handsomely for the reward of those who so do.

Educators throwgilout the country have accepted both books with enthusiasm.

'Cooks' postpone

K. C. of


Next Sunday the world will have for the first time in seven years a peace-time Easter-an Easter signifying man's faith in his fellow man and his faith in God. Only by this faith can men and nations ever become better and live in peace. Not by politics nor economics nor science but by religious faith will men become better and encl their fighting.


Kappa Omicron Phi met last Monday evening .and discussed plans for serving the annual intrafraternity banquet in May. Members decided to postpone the field trip to Kansas City because of the transportation difficulties. Goldie Motis gave a diverting discussion on new fabric> made from agricultural products and manufacturing by-products. Refreshments were served by Bernice Bletcher and Delores Schriener.

Teaching is an expression of belief in humanity, producing not only knowledge but reverence and humility as well. It should make man both more intelligent and better. Library receives Only when men improve morally and spiritually can peace unusual book and civilization be fully realized.

Sad future The year 1946 is indeed a sad one for the future of the teaching profession. According to the figures published by the North Central Association of College and Secondary schools, 49 per cent fewer Nebraskans are in training to become teachers this year than in 1941. Further figures show. that 378 elementary teachers as compared to 970 in 1940 nre in training and only 688 teacher trainees are in college as compared to 1,557 in 1941. ''The figures plainly indicate that the supply of trained teachers available for school positions next fall will be lower than at any time during the war, except that the number o~ candidates for high school positions will be 4 percent greater this year than last". This statement is from the report of the NOA. The available supply of elementary teachers this year 1vill be 50.19 percent lower than five years ago, with a 51.3 percent decrease among high school teachers. The veteran can not be blamed for not returning to the "fold". When he judges war-time wages a:s made by non-vetereans who left school for industry, how can he be censured for not entering willingly such a poorlr paid and poorly organized profession!

Mrs. Nellie Cowell Pattison, former student ·at· PSTC, has written a text book for pre-school and kindergarten children. The book is entitled "Stories to Tel! Again''. Miss McCollum, director of the Training school kindergarten, recommends the book highly. She said, "I feel that Peru can be proud of Nell Cowell in her publication which so adequately bridges the gap for children leaving kindergarten and entering the first grade."

Next, we need, not. an increase in an already over- Scribblers give crowded curriculum, but a raise in the quality of work demanded by the instructor of the student. It should be original work ''tough'' enough to discourage the laggards. In other Scribblers Club members enwords, we must train our prospective teachers for teaching, joyed "A Prayer to Spring'', an not f0r "Getting by". original poem written and read by Betty Johnson, and two originThis is no time for sentimentality. The need for edu- als offered for criticism by Miss c?tion is too vital to the future of our country to be left in Tear, "Assurance," and "When the hands of unqualified persons with too little formal Saralee is a Lady", on Thursday background of training. Let us put teeth in the entrance evening, April 4. Miss Johnson gave in addition requirements; make them genuine requirements; increase a report, "Writing in College," by the quality of the work demanded of the student; then John Holmes, taken from "Writers education will be nearer the professional level of Jaw or Magazine". A guest speaker is expected for the final meeting to medicine. be held in May. Our youth needs the "fair break" that qualified teachers can give them, now more than ever before.


Peru1ian writes pre-school book

An old book of unusual interest has been added to the Geography reference library. It is the "History of the Johnstown Flood," by W. F. Johnson. The historic flood of 1889, in the Conomaugh Valley, Pennsylvania, and the great loss of life received world wide attention. This book, with map and illustrations, was discovered and secured by Miss Louise Mears in a collection of used books at the Red Cross in Lincoln.

I Under cover Two outstanding novels have been added to the rental shelves. They are "The Black Rose'' by T. B. Costain and "The Yellow Room" by M. R. Rinehart. New books which have recently been placed on the shelves include "A Nation of Nations" by Louis Adamic, "The Treasure Chest" by J. Donald Adams, "Democracy Under Cover" by Stuart Chase, "Our Oil Resources" by L. M. Fanning, "Germany is Our Problem" by Henry Morgenthau, "The Newspaper; Its Making and Its Meaning" by the New York Times, "My Twenty-five Years in China" by J. B. Powell, and "Key to Japan" by Willard Price. The annual spring training class for library assistrnts began Satli'rday, April 6, under the supervision of Miss Carey. Students taking the course are Bonnie Aufenkamp, Elmer Backenberg, Lois Christensen, Ruth Ann Crook, Mary Klein, Mary Lou Genoa and Rosemary Pershing.

Printers print

campus scenes Block prints of campus scenes were recently cut by members the Art Club. These scenes inclu amphitheatre, Delzell Hall, an Music Hall. At the Art Club meeting on Monday evening, sample prints were made of the blocks. The paper for printing them was selected, and members agreed to place copies in folders. The "printers" decided to hold an Art Club sale on Monday, April 29, to sell the folders containing the campus scenes. These prints are suitable for framing. Bernice Bletcher, vice-president, was in charge of the meeting.

SCA holds regular meetings SCA members met Tuesday, April 9. The feature of the eve- . ning's program was a book review . by Mrs. McCullough. She reviewed the book, "Home to India," by Sontha Rama Rau. Preceding the meeting a prelude of piano music was played by Ruth Meister. The scripture, which was taken from the tenth chapter of Acts, was read by Phyllis Steever. She also led thE) group in prayer and gave the benediction. Following the meeting the cabinet held a short session, open to all interested members of the orgmization. Blondena Howerton and Anna Pfister led the group discu~sion at· the SCA meeting, Tuesday, April 2. Their topic was "Getting Acquainted With God." Preceding the meeting 3 prelude of piano music was played by Ruth Meister. Norma Mehlin led the group in singing "O Worohip the King', "This Is Mv Father's World", and "God, th::; Merciful." The scripture, selected passages from Matthew and John, was read by Margaret Wellensiek, who also led the group in prayer and gave the benediction. Members of the cabinet remained for a short business meeting.

Salaam memsahibs The fatal day has come knocking at our door. "We Three" are left alone to, "write a Ped in Miseree" in the interests of Journalism 234 and the gleeful absence' for an is.sue of the regular staff. More sinned against than sinmng, our hats are off to the "regulars"; may they quickly return!

P'ublished semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students ol the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

3 are promoted in Sigma Tau Sigma Tau Delta celebrated its twentieth anniversary at the spring initiation meeting, Monday evening, April 8. At the initiation ceremony, Margaret Lewis became a pledge to the organization and Hester Friedly, Esther Steiner, and Ruth Meister were promoted to associate membership. The program consisted of a short talk by Dr. Bradford on graduate work in English. Plans for publication of the Sigma Tau book, "Sifting Sands," were also discussed. Mr. and Mrs. Witty served delicious refreshments at the close of the evening.

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, April 16, 1946 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. Co-editors ----·--··--·---.Wallace Cleaveland, Ramona Handley , and Sidney Johnson Special Feature ··--·---·-:______________________ ;____-:-.. ~....Sam Bradford "Al . . umni Trail ---·-···-·········-·-·······----·-··-··-·--······--------1.faria,n Deck · Sports ·····---···-·--······--···--··-·William Witty and Roger Nieman Advertising ·----···--·-·:::'·····-·-················-·-····-Elmer Bachenberg Reporters-Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Ramona Hand- . ley, Sidn§y Johnson, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgom- · ery, Mary Rishel, Dorothy Stepan, Jean Van Camp, Margaret Wellenseik, William Witty, Wallace Cleaveland. ·~

Adviser ·-···-············-··-·······----·-···-···-········-··········Meta Norenberg··• Business Adviser ------------ _. ---····················E. H. Hayward

IOver the State by Rex Floyd

Before observing the state woll!ld like to mention a tradition that has taken place on the campus for the past 20 years, the presentation of the B. E. Swenson, Jr., Athletic Medal. This medal has been awarded each year to the outstanding athlete on the campus, judged by his character, personality, scholarship standing, and loyalty to the school traditions. He must also have lettered in at least two different sports. The medal was awarded in '41 to Len Greathouse, in '42 to Jack Mcintyre, in '43 to Luther Hutton, in '44 to Wendell Handley, and in '45 to a V-12 student, Pat Rooney of Nebraska City.

At Midland Now, over the state . . . . . At Midland 12 men have reported for track with Gene Kruger the only letterman. Gene held. the NCAC title in the high hurdle before going off to war. (I might suggest they take a basketball to the track to get more men out)

At. Doane . . . Doane is going strong for trac\{, golf and tennis, but in the thin-clad line there are 25 men out for the team. In their try-outs, the hurdles, javelin, and 220 looked plenty good. Their events: the shot was heaved 33' 7"; the 440 was clocked in 58.l; the hundred in 11 seconds; the 60 highs in 8.9; the 880 in 2.22.5; 110 lows 13.3; the discus 121 feet; the mile in 5.29; the 220 in 25.6, and the javelin tossed 174' 3". Compare these with the Tarkio-Maryville meet.

At Wayne . . . . Wayne, who takes on only South Dakota competition, has had a dual meet scheduled with Yankton but local press releases have not carried the outcome. Four lettermen are on the sqU'ad, including Lawrence Rexlaff, who has plenty of ability in the dash ·and low hurdles, Bob Webbis, a veteran 440 man, Darold Bobeir who high jumps and pole vaults, and Hi Hansen, who legs the oval in the two mile.

Students have fun ,at old-time dance SCA and faculty members innulged in some old time squaredancing Friday evening, April 2, in the training school gymnasium. Old time "fiddling" was furnished by Mrs. R. B. Lowe with Ruth Ann Crook, Ruth Meister, and Esther Steiner taking turns at the piano. Miss Phyllis Davidson and Miss Nona Palmer called the dances. "Cokes" were sold at intermission by members of SCA. Proceeds of the evening will be used to defray expenses of local students to the YM-YW Estes Conference to be held June 10-20.

Roberts is slated ping-pong champ

Another Meet Add to your list of scheduled track meets "Wesleyan and Midland" May the tenth at Peru. This came about when the DoaneKearney meet scheduled for May 8th was changed to the sixth.

Indoor Tourneys Great guns are booming at the student union as the men are under way in the Ping Pong tomney that has started. The Right Honorable "Butch" Roberts has faired well in defeating Juilfs and White . . . . if he can remain a winner, game by game, I'll pick Roberts . . . . Swinging to tennis, which got a slow start because of the change in weather, his honor Roberts met defeat at the hands bf Prof. Brod who tells me that the faculty men have gotten together a couple of times to prepare ·their volleyball team for the big game with the 'P' Club all-stars, a game worth watching.

Track Dope There were a few surprises in the meet last week, but if you watch the times and distances, the boys will improve when they get on a faster track .... faculty and students turned out well to back the Bobcat thin-clads dispite the rain: keep it up .... Roger.

Ping Pong fans have started tournament games to determine the campus champ. In preliminary games, Roberts defeated Juilfs; White won over Lindsey; Evans over A. Johnson; Smith over Weber; R. Hall over Ruetter; S. Johnson over Svoboda; and Haack over Aufenkamp. Floyd and Thompson still have to play. In the second round Roberts has eliminated White and R. Hall has defeated S. Johnson. In tl:)e doubles, games will be Roberts and Smith vs. Weber and Becker; White and Haack vs. Svoboda and Thompson. Evans and Hall will meet the winners of the upper bracket; JU'ilfs and Aufenkamp will meet the winners of the lower bracket.

Coaches attend health conven'tion Coaches Wheeler and Riggs left on Wednesday for St. Louis to attend the National Convention of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. The meetings were scheduled for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

College sp~nsors high school meet

Baseball next? As soon as tennis and pingpong tournaments are concluded and champions are properly recognized, baseball and softball fiends should appear .md organize. With the material now on hand, several real teams shoul<l. compete for campus honors. Track sprinters and discus hurdlers should provide exciting moments sliding for home or batting across the park.

Nine class A high schools and twenty-three class B schools have accepted the invitation of Coach Wayne Riggs for a high-school meet at PSTC on Tuesday, April 23. Medals will be given to winners of first and second places, and ribbons go to third and fourth place winners. Events will include relays, dashes, high jump, broad jump, and shot put. Schools that have accepted the invitations to date include Auburn, Beatrice, Fairbury, Falls City, Nebraska City, Pawnee City, Plattsmouth, Tecumseh, and Wymore in class A. Adams, Avoca, Brock, Burchard, Cook, Dawson, Dubois, Dunbar, Humboldt, Johnson, Julian, Nemaha, Peru, Otoe, Salem, Shubert, Stella, Sterling, Syracuse, Table Rock, Talmage, Union, and Verdon are the class B entrants.

ITrack schedule April 17-Kansas relays. April 23-High school invitational meet.

Coach Wheeler is cooperating in the plans for the meet.

Bobcats take honors in triangular meet Peru opened the 1946 track season by p.iling up 82H points in a triangular meet here April 9. with Tarkio, M·o. and Maryville, Mo. Tarkio placed second with 37 points, while Maryville trailed with 2472. Yokum of Peru, tossed the discus 143 feet four inches for one of Peru's nine first places, and provided the most spectacular event 'Of the meet.

Interest mounts in net tourney Pairings for the tennis tournament have been announced by Director of Competition Davidson. Women's singles will include Margaret Burgess and Margaret Wellensiek; the winner of that match will meet Lois Christenson. Further first round games are Alice Richards vs. Helen Howlett, Barbara Burgess vs. Irene Argabright, and Doris Wagner vs. Margaret Spellman. Men's singles include Oscar Smith vs. Armon Yanders with Duane White, who drew a bye, playing the winner. Other first round matches are John Lawrence vs. Arthur Clements, Ab Yocum vs. Joe Weber, Keith Roberts vs. Ernie Brod. In the first round, Brod defeated Roberts. Men's doubles promise plenty of action with Coaches Wheeler and Riggs meeting Oscar Smith and Ab Yocum in the first roU'nd pairings; the winning team will play Al Haack and Whiz White. In the lower bracket, Rex Floyd and Jerry Garber are matched against Art Clements rnd Ernie Brod. In mixed doubles, two games are slated; Ab and Betty Yocum will play Coaches Wheeler and Davidson, and Whiz and Doreen White vs. Oscar Smith and Alice Richards. Winning individuals and teams must take two sets out of three and must make their own arrangements for playing time. The cement courts south of the athletic field have been in use by faculty members and .students alike since the coming of warm weather. Latest reports show that Margaret Spellman has defeated Doris Wagner 6-1; 6-2 and Irene Argabright has won over Barbara Burgess 6-2; 6-4.:


Peru Field

April 26-27-Drake relays at Des Moines. May

2-Invitational meet at Peru.

May 8-Kearney, Peru at Crete.



May 10-Midland, Wesleyan, and Peru at Peru. May 18-Conference Crete.



Now for Coke

EARL'S CAFE MEALS-SHORT ORDERS-SNACKS Call 65 for Bus Inforrnation to Beatrice and Lincoln.

of this Clean 1 Family Newspaper THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Free from cri111e and sensational news ... Free from political

bias , •. Free from "special interest" control ... Free to tell you the uuth about world events, Its own world-wide staff of corre· spoodents bring you on-the-spot news and its meaning' to you and your family. Each issue lilied with unique self-help features to clip and keep. ----------------------------~ Th• Christian Solen.. Publishing Sode~7 Pleatt smd s4111p/e copies I


Peru's 880-yard relay team, Holscher, Floyd. Hunzek"!r, and Mather, ran a fast race in the late afternoon rain by covering the distance in 1:40.4. Mile-first, Robinson, P.; second, 'waters, M.; third, Beatty, P. Time-5.07. 440-yard dash-first, Floyd, P.; second, Hunzeker, P.; third, Humphreys, T. Time-54.8. 100-yard dash-first, Bay, T.; second, Holscher. P., third, Mather. P. Time-10.8. 120-yard high-hurdles-first. Haack, P.; second, Bay, T.; third, White, P. Time-17.4. 880-yard run-first, Humphrey, T.: second, Linder, P.; third, Aufenkamp, P. Time-2.12.3. 220-yard dash-first, George, T.; second, Holscher, P.; third. Weston, M. Time-24.8. Two mile run-first, Beatty, P.; second, Jennings, M.; third, Holman, P. Time-11.53. 220-yard low-hurdles-first, Bay, T.; second and third (tie), Haack, P. and Mather, P. Time -28.6. Mile Relay-first M1ryville; second, Peru; third, Tarkio. Time -3.57.4. 880-yard relay-first, Peru; sec, ond, Maryville; third, Tarkio. Time-1.40.4. High Jump-first. White, P.; second, Beatty, P.; third, Bixler, M. Height-5'6". Pole Vault-first and second (tie), Linder, P; Peters, M.; third, Walkup, T. Height,,---10'. Broad Jump-first, White, P.; second, Mather, P.; third, George, T. Distance-20'6". Shot Put-first, Cochran, T.; second, Yokum, P.; third, White, P. Distance-39' 63/4'' Discus-first, Yokum, P.; second, White, P.; third, Cochrane, T. Distance-143'4". Javelin-first, Lanham. JVI.; second, Staugh, T.; third, Yokum, P. Distance-150".

D of Tht CbrislU# Sdence

One, Norwa7 Skeel, Jlollon 15, M"'"

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street............................... .. . .. D

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Monitor. Please send " ()tzt·month lrial ,,dJscriPtl01>. I en· ctost $I





Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Company

IJllumni Crail .. • • Former "Peruvians re-elected with salary increases for the coming year are Mrs. Marie Rees at Brownville, A. Longfellow at Ansley, Eugene _L. Raricn at Creighton and O. K. Pabian at Pultner. Milton K. Shulz, who married Helen Wei'ls-a former Peruvian, is principal of {he junior high school in Sigourney, iowa. They have one daughter, Karel Lynne. Wilbur Egge, stationed at Ottumwa, Iowa, Naval Atr Base landed his Navy Sherman biplane at the Auburn airport recently. He is now discharged and visited recently on the campus.

attend summer school at the University. Marion Warner has just been discharged with the rank of captain. He is now at home in Julian. Mr. and Mrs. Carter johnson (Maxine Pershing) are operating a Hardware and Cold Storage Store at Hamburg, Iowa. Cecil Walker, was recently discharged from the Signal Corps and is coaching at Milford, Ne~braska.

Students work on unusual ideas Unusual and interesting experiments and activities are being carried on in the classrooms on the campus. In history methods class each member will give a lecture on a subject pertaining to some phase of American history. The students have made slides, have learned to run the projector, the movie machine, and the bellopticon, and to keep tM class next door awake.(?)

Lt. Ralph Locke is in Philadel-

Each member of the play prophia, Pennsylvania, in USNR. He duction class has chosen an allhopes to be out this summer. feminine cast play to produce, Frie·I I. Kerns waS'recently dis- · using the other members as acMr. and Mrs. Clark Rogers are parents of a son born March 31 charged from the Navy and at tresses. Each director will work at St. Mary's Hospital in Nebraska present holds a partnership in a out her stage setting, stage moveHardware store at Humboldt, NeCity. ments, and business of the charbraska. acters. The polishing of the Mr. and Mrs. Bob Berger are Mrs. Arthur R. Miller (Josephparents of a daughter bom April play and methods of advertising 3, at St. Mary's Hospital in Ne- ine Rogers) is in Benecia, Cali- it will finish the unit. fornia. Her husband is a builder braska City. and contractor. The people running &round Lt. Woodrow Williams is on with little boxes last week and Wendell and Verna (Rogers) leave and is returning from the Handley will make their ncme in ferreting in damp, dark. places . European theatre of operation. Hot Springs, South Dakota, next were looking for mosses. They S/Sgt. Ross Adams spent a short fall. Wendell has a coaching were to bring to plant biology furlough visiting in Peru before position there. class five samples of mosses. Stureporting to Camp Cushing, Mass. Vera Gatz was married March dents in the animal biology class Two former Peruvians who 27 to Joe Peery at Wichita, secured four samples of water for sang in the Grieg Chorus on Sun- Kansas. study. day, March 31, were Lenn Lioken Lt. E. H. Carl, former V-12 ex" and Albin Larson. B.oth classes are enjoying the ecutive of tl:ie Peru Naval Unit new laboratory equipment recentLawrence Good is back home received his discharge on January after serving in the European 9, and is now a farmer at Mount · ly received. It consists of 10 new microscopes and a constant temtll.eatre. Vernon, _Missouri. P,erature oven for sterilizing. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rohrs (Glendora Galloway) are parents of a son (Ronald Kenneth) born March 31, at the Lincoln General Hospital. Kenny is attending the University of Nebraska.

The Rev. and Mrs. Omer Tim· mons (Daisy Dalstrom) are pa;: ents of a daughter, Kay Rosan, born April 2, at Livingston, Montana.

Mrs. Gerald Livingston <Genevive Steuteville) reports that her husband is now in LeHavre ·Lt. Carl Worth ('43) is on awaiting transportation home. Guam. He hopes to be out this · "Jerry" attended Biarritz Unisummer or fall. His wife, the versity in France where former former Lois Wagner, is 1,eaching social science at Ashland, Ne- Dean Jimerson was instructing. The Livingston's have a daughter, braska. Janet La Nore. Lillian Havel ('43) is working toward her masters in English at the University of Nebraska. She has a graduate assistantship at the Garage, Gas, Oils University.

Miss Helen Janecek was married to Harmon Clark, Jr. a~ Long Beach, Calif., on March 24.


Dennis Wehrman ('41-'~3) is back from France. He plans to

DRY CLEANING PRESSING Suits and Coats Restyled Peru, Nebr. Phone 62

Where Qua Iity and Price are Combined

Shoe Repairs of All Kinds Electric Shoe Shop Peru, Nebraska

Railsback. Grocery

Peru, Nebr.

Service Twice Weekly

Inquire at Delzell Hall

RED .AND WHITE STORE Groceries, Meats? Fruifs 1 Vegetables Phone 1 Peru, Nebr. MACKEY'S

Hamburger inn


Short Orders Meals Lunches



• •


"Eliza Morgue" is given the dorm on week-ends. seems that there is a general walk out every Friday evening, whic. results in about a half dozen lon girls staying over Saturday Sunday. Margaret Lewis proudly ployed a beautiful red rose in he room the first of the week a~ symbol of pledging She was the only spring. Some of the girls in the dorm are proving that old theory that. no matter how old a girl is she still likes to play with dolls. A new pastime of making rag dolls has been flourishing. Heher Friedly has about finished hers, and her little playmates are working diligently to catch up. Of course this started as a project" for Child Activities class. Application blanks are flying and the girls are really in there pitching, trying for the best posi-' tions. That is just another ot the many signs that it is not long until school is out.

Once more the girls can quench their evening thirst and satisfy their "just before bed-time" appetites. Now that the Bobinn is open, everyone is getting that old eat- · Guest of Barbara Berger oveiing-·at-night habit again. As yet, the week-end was Jo Ann Mcthe extra pounds aren't noticeable, Knight of Nebraska City. but they will show! Well, I must tuck Eliza's noteThere have been several heated book of events away for another' discussions the last few nights in couple of weeks and go check ott Eliza's lobby concerning the for- today on the calendar - which mal. But the issue has finally been leaves just 26 days until school ii!; settled and everyone is happy. The out. orchestra is engaged; the date has been set; and the arrangements have the necessary stamp of approval.

Nebraska ~ty Laundry Dry Cleaners


Chicken Dinners Sundays

Another sign of spring-Mt. Vernon hall is being cleaned for summer use.

Better Hardware


Peru Nebr.

There is :at least one clean floor in. E. M. Hall this week. Norma Mehlin was attacked with a fit of workitis, and she scrubbed and waxed the floor of her room. Una Mae isn't quite uised to the shining surface as yet, which explains her sliding from dresser to dresser instec.d of walking.

E. L. Deck and Co.

and Self Serve Market

Phione 128

Many of the rooms also have a little added color this week. The redbud tree south of Mt. Vernon looks a little bare in spots. Perhaps these two facts have some connection. At any rate, the flowers do a lot toward reminding one of spring's arrival.

Dr, H. C. DaUam

Per'u Lumber Co. ~11111111m11m111mmw11m111mm11m1mmmmmm1mM001m11wmoo111m1~11111111m11111m111m11m111m1mm1m11111mm1moo~1111111111111 11 "


Now everyone can put the finger on Dad for a new formal or pU!ll the old one out o! the mothballs for rejuvenation.

X,-RAY PhQne Office 32; Res. 195 Peru, Nebraska

Bertha M. Thomson,


M.D. Physician and Surgeon


Phone 60

STANDARD SERVICE STATION Welding and Brazing Phone 40 Peru, Nebr.

Business Appreciated Home Made Pies Large Pies Made to Order

Flowers in the lobby of Eliza Morgan tell the girls that spring has come again. Lois Christensen, Esther Steiner, and Phyllis Steever are the ambitious ones who put them there.

Pem, Nebraska

Red and White Store Phone 1

by Frankie Montgomery

HENRY BAUM Barber Shop

Phone 6

Cleaners and Tailors

J.P. Clark

Members of the class of Education 231, the Teaching of Reading, are being tested with the ophthalmograph. This is to determine their reading ability and to diagnose their reading faults so they can be more easily overcome.

Darm Dope


THEATRE April-16-17 ''Confidential Agent'' April-18-19-20 "Don't Fence Me In" Aprj,1-21-22 "Love Letters" April-23-24 "Rhapsody In Blue" April-25-26-27 "San Antonio" April-28-29 "My Reputation" April-30-May-1 "Dangerous Partner"

JEWELRY Pen Easter Cards Tavern candles for Easter A few cameras now available New line of costume Jewelry

Shop Downtown and

SAVE Chatelain' s Jewelry Peru, Nebr.

AV·ENUE STORE No Secrets about our Prices~ .. nor.about our Quality either: We mark everything in plain figures and give Friendly Service. . See us for your school and college Supplies. Notebooks a:ndNotebook covers Also the New Reynolds Pen Guarl}nteed to Write for Two Years without Refilling Oppos~te the Training School.

H. U. LANDOLT Phone 78

Peru, Nebraska

Odds <lnd Ends by Murgatroyd

Rumor has it that negotiations are being started for a roof to be placed over the balcony, Qne room reservation is already on file. It seems the only possible refuge for sufferers from "powerful" roommates. The bicycles at the Student Union sound very interesting, but there is one fly in the ointment-could someone arrange a deal whereby the person riding the bicycles downtown wouldn't be responsible for pushing them back up hill? Does anyone know the name of the chronic complainer who asked, "Where is the bicycle built for two?"

Miscellaneous papers and books were scattered profusely around the typewriter at which a l:emuddled upperclassman sat busily at work. His haggard and yet determined eyes seemed to focus on the attainment of one ultimate objective. His purpose was only too obvious to those who have met and battled with that same inhncible foe. To all over appearances this student was well on the way toward the end of another problactic solution. His final objective was near at hand. Suddenly a curious observer appeared to inquire as to the nature of the particular problem which engaged the full force of this young scholar's faculties. The steady, monotonous rhythm of the typewriter ceased.



Commencement Activities Friday, May 178:00 p. m.-All-College P!ay Saturday, May 188:00 p. m.-Faculty Reception to Graduating Class Sunday, May 1910:30 a. m,-Baccalaureate Service 12:15 p. m.-Luncheon 1:30 p. m.-Tour ot Campus and Buildings 2:30 p. m.-Peru Paren1s' Day Program Monday, May 206:00 p. m.-Inter-Fraternity Banquet

Coeds sponsor spring formal Members of the women's dormitory council have been making plans for a "Pipe Dream Ball," the annual spring formal, to be held on May 10, in the Music Hall auditorium.

Theatre goers enjoy 'Fixit', incorporated

Tuesday, May 218:00 p. m.-Recital by instructors and students of Fine Arts Department Wednesday, May 228:00 p. m.-High School Commencement Thursday, Ma:Y 23y2:00-Class Luncheons and Reunions 5:00 p. m.-Alumni Buffet Supper and Business Meeting 7:00 p. m.-May Fe.te and Crowning of the May Queen and

King 8:00 p. m.-All-College Alumni Dance

Friday, May 2410:30 a. m.-College Commencement 12:15 p. m.-Luncheon

Seniors guests at A.A.U.W.tea

Musicians win contest honors


Doesn't Poor Jake kno;.r that old saying "Every man is just a boy at heart" also implies that every woman likes to pretend at times? When the co-eds return to their rooms after hours in calsses, they like to "let down their hair" and torget their cares for a short time. But when responsibilities descend, the dorm gal puts aside her frivolity and gets to work. Ho Hum

Band Concert

MUSIC.WEEK May 7 March-'' Statoliner'' ............................................Holmes ''Festival Overture'' .......................................... Guontzel Baritone Solo-'' Southern Cross'' .................... Clarke Phyllis Hogenmi.ller "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" ........ Churchill Brass Sextettet Wallace Cleaveland, Willard Hunzeker, Phyllis Hogenmiller, Gerald Matschullat, · Fred Drezler, Tony De Maro




''Snow White Overture'' ....................................L8idzen

. "Uncle

Tom'~~:.:a~~ b;F;;an;;;;-j~-

Alford ·1·

March-' 'King Cotton'' ..........................................Sousa




0 _c_c_c_c_o_1_a_~_c_a_a_a_o_1_0_1_c_

"Fixit, Incorporated" was presented by the senior class of the Peru Training High School in the college auditorium last Saturday night, May 4, 1946. Under the very able direction of Mrs. Evelyn Rodgers Brown a talented cast of ten performers brought to life the unique characters of this clever farcical comedy in a plot packed with laugh.provoking in· cldents.

The plot unravels the trials and tribulations of two young college men and a girl on their first day of business in their very original . enterprise of Fixit, Incorporated which they have designed to fix and the ills of the nation.

Senior coeds of the college and The ball is being sponsored by training school were guests at an the 'vomen of the college. !n, A. A. U. W. tea on Thursday An innocent query had trans- contrast to the usual procedure, afternoon, May 2, at the home of formed this student's predicament the co-eds will send the invita- Miss Grace Tear. into one of shear desperation. tions and will purchase the Spring flowers in lavender, Perspiration effused from his tickets. pink, and white were used on the furrowed brow. He searched Doris Wagner, president of the frantically through such reams of dormitory council, is general serving table and throughout the house. paper as might well have com- chairman. Corsages .of lilies of the valley prised the first draft of a fullDelores Schreiner and Hester length novel. Utter confusion Friedly are responsible for the · and yellow roses were given guests of honor. These were reighed over all. printing of the invitations. These made by Miss Hazel Weare. are now on sale at the desk in This promising young teacher Miss Nona Palmer general Eliza Morgan Hall. had forgotten his problem. chairman of the tea, had prepared Louella Tiemann and Doris attractive folders giving informaWagner chose the theme for the tion. concerning the organization. Last rites were given for Long- formal ,and are planning 1.he deThese were also given to the Fellow, the buried trench, when corations. They will be assisted guests. Rtith Comstock put up his marker by the other members of the The president, Mrs. Al Wheeler, outside the cafeteria doo;:-. The council. poured. Mrs. J. W. Tylel, Mrs. covering up of Long-Fellow was D. A McCullough and Miss grieved by all those contemplatPhyllis Davidson planned the reing using the "underground enfreshments. trance" to the dorm. Miss Pool was responsible for music throughout the afternoon. It won't be too long now until Mrs. R. B. Lowe played a numPeru will be host to Miss Nebrasber of violin selections. ka contestants. The contest is being sponsored by th~ KiPeru Training School musicians wanis club, Miss Nebraska will returned to their school work go to Atlanta City to enter the Monday with State Music Contest Pryor gives Miss America contest. . Say now, honors well in hand. The efforts maybe Murgie has a chance to be of these young people were gen- outstanding recital a judge!!! Right??? erously rewarded. Charlotte Pryor of Peru was Superior ratings went to Hilary A number of co-eds felt that presented by V. H. Jindra in a the beautiful April showers on Bradford, clarinet solo, and to the Training School chorus led by Jean violin recital Monday evening, May 2, were slightly inappropri- Van Camp. April 29. ate. At least the moisture did not The. highly appreciative audiExcellent ratings were awarded improve the spriilg finery don- to Janice Redfern, clarinet solo, to ence enjoyed such numbers as the the clarinet quartette composed of Prelude, No. 8 of Bach ::ind the ned tor the A. A. U. W. tea. Fred Clements, Janice Redfern, Allegro movement of the M'"ndelsThe fellows at the track meet Eileen Samel, and Stanley Long- shon Concerto in E Minor. Ruth Chatelain Epley was the heartily concurred with the opin- fellow, and to the Training school accompanist for the program. band directed by Tony De Maro. ion of the co-eds but tor a different reason. The runners found i!.·-0 t_c_C419<l_o_c_o_c_c_a_c_o_c_c~-a-c-c1mc_c_a_1~ 1••• it difficult to carry part of the track with them, especially over the hurdles. Poor Jake Anon o! the ~tudent body says he is a bit bewildered a!ter ·reading an editorial to the e!!ect that the college woman of today is more mature than her ~ister of twenty years ago and then turning to Dorm Dope and reading of the escapades there.





Players work on "L· · 1ttIe Sh ot II Sidney Johnson will play the title role in the forthcoming Peru Dramatic Club production "Little Shot", a fast-moving comedy by Percival W.'rle. This production will be given Friday evening, May 17, at 8:00 o'clock as tlie first of the commencement week activities. "Little Shot", Clyde Mi:ldleton, has mistakenly hired "Big Shot" Scarlatti, ace-ganster, to lull him. The play centers around his attempt to escape what seems to be an inevitable death. Pat Vining, Clyde's ward and fiancee, arrives from Europe bringing with her, her latest admirer, Henry Atherton. (Henry is the kind of man who wears a beret.) Theii: arrival on the scene somewhat complicates the situation especially for Mildred, Clyde's secretary, who is also in love with Clyde. Sturge, Clyde's lawyer and friend, tries to help him out of his predicament. The production ~taff is as follows: Stage Crew-Doris Wagner, Bonnie Aufenkamp and Hester Friedly; Property Crew-Louella Tieman, Joanne Banks, Ruth Ann Crook, Ramona Handley, and Frankie Montgomery; P'..lblicity -Frances Guy and Ruth Com- . stock; Prompters-Mary Lou Genoa and Una Mae Leech. Miss Hazel Williams is directing the production. The cast: Clyde __________ Sidney Johnson Scarlotti ________ Anselm .Johnson Mildred ________ Margaret Lewis Pat _____________ Barbara Berger Henry -~---------John Lawrence Sturge ____________ Sam B:adford


members attend meetings Miss Mary Hileman was elected first vice president at the state meeting of the American Association ot University women, on Saturday, April 27. Mrs. J, W. Tyler and Miss Hileman attended the convention which was held in Hastings on Friday and Saturday. Miss Nellie Carey was in Fairbury on Tuesday, April 30, for the District Librarian Meeting of the State Library Association. Dr. Selma Konig attended the meeting of the Modern L:rnguage Association, held in Chicago on May 3 and 4. Miss Meta Norenberg represented her chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma at the -state convention which convened" in Kearney on April 28. Miss Helen Boten of Tecumseh was the other member who attended. Mr. V. H. Jindra spent Friday and Saturday at Grinnell, Iowa, judging the instrumental work at the Iowa State Music contt>st.

The scene opens in a balTen office furnished only with boxes, because of a decided lack of capital in the company treasury . John Clements, as the ambitious young president of the concern, hopes to explain this predic~ment by convincing his customers that genius is erratic. His vice-president and college pal., Hilary Bradford, is skeptic, but wiliing to help. As office secretary, Kathlen Whitfield is also willing to help. Irene Filµier, as John's wealthy sweetheart,' comes to the office to do all that she can to help the business along. She is followed by Dale Vanderford, an industrial tycoon and henpecked husband in need of fixing, and his ster:i. wife, Ina Jane Good. Marion Rodgers, as a man~ seeking young socialite, next appears on the scez;e followed by Rex Coatney, her detective-minded admirer. Robert Majors ,a bubble gum manufacturer, then arrives searching for a radio artist, and Janie Applegate, as a spinster poet of unique ability, is the answer to all of his prayers. ~ In the closing scenes of the play the ills of these various groups are mended in devious and 1niraculous ways, and when the industrial tycoon returns to establish his collegiate friends in hi~ firm, the enterprise of Fixit, Incorporated is dissolved at the end of but one busy and successful day. These unique characterization~ and humorous incidents o! William D. Fisher's play held the attention of a receptive audience throughout the performance. During intermissions the Training School orchestra . played serveral numbers under the direction of Mr. Jindra. This orchestra is comprised of students ranging from the fifth to the tenth grade.

Alumni have buffet supper Peru Alumni are planning a buffet supper on May 23 at 5:01 p. m. in the Student Union. College seniors, .. faculty members, al;ld their wives are elegible to attend. -Following the supper -or at six o'clock a business meeting o! the Alumni Association will be held in the auditorium. The most important item of business will be the election o1 officers. Many off-campus Peruvians have already indicated their intentions of attending the meeting along with other commencement activities.


• • •

Welcome future Peruvians. The boys walked across one corner of the campus, and one remarked, "Here are seven of the thousand oaks." These boys were a few of the athletes here for the invitational track meet held recently. They were interested in the campus dressed in it's 1 green finery, and they liked it. They were a few of the hundreds of high school students who have been at Peru this year for the band and orchestra clinics, the volleyball tournament, and the track meet which have been held here. Usually, although not this year, a basketball tournament and the MINKdramatic festival are also sponsored. By encouraging the various departments to bring high school students to the campus, President Pate is doing a great deal toward convincing future college students that Peru is a school worth attending.

Vandalism As future teachers we of PSTC should form some of the good habits which we will later teach to our pupils. One practice which we surely would not tolerate on the part of school children is that of destroying the beautiful shrubbery, and flowers along the way to school. It would be advisable if we students would begin to refrain from such habits ourselves while here at PSTC. No people take the time and energy to plant flowers in their yards only to have them destroyed by careless passers-by. Certainly parents as well as teachers should teach children to respect the flowers and shrubbery planLed in other people's yards.

What about you? What does going to school mean to you 1 Does it mean studying for five days out of the week, going to.classes, drudgery, or monotony7 Most certainly it should mean more-than that. How many of you can honestly say that you have read ·ten books during the last year? How many have read a newspaper and this means not just the funnies~ How many have listened to newscasts intelligently, or are you in the dark about world affairs 7 Going to school means giving your mind to thinking about something and then developing that something It means discovering your talents and using them. It implies learning more than what is found in pages of the text book. In other words don't let vour mind suffer from mental malnutrition. ·

A planned social program Several years ago the Studen.t Advisory Committee took over the functions of the Social Committee because of the small enrollment. Now more students are coming back and by next fall it is expected that Peru will again have a normal @rollment. With more people returning to the campus more social activities will be demanded. The Student Advisory Committee can not handle all the responsibilities of the social program for PSTC. So that things can start rolling next fall without too much delay a plan for social activities should be set up this spring. Possibly a new committee should be f~rr_n~d. This group could plan more all-college actmties. At present the only two big events are Homecoming and the May fete. We should at least have a mid-winter get together for all students. · The Women's Dormitory Council has always sponsored the formal affairs on the campus. Those who go enjoy themselves. But more women should participate in these affairs, for undoubtedly sometime in tlieir lives they will have to" 00'0 formal" and college is the place to learn how. More formal parties should be planned to include the entire student body. Every man on the campus :<hould be required to wear· a tuxedo at least once in four years. A ·social program should be planned now so that by next fall it could be functioning. Midland College has recently proposed a plan to revise it's present social system. Evidel_ltls: other colleges are faced with the problem and are begmmng to do some· thing about it.

Personalities By Ruth Meister

When second semester began and a deep masculine voice was quite frequently heard on the campus and always traced to the same source, people came to associated the big voice with the little man, Tod Hubbell.

Mu~ic Week strives for in·ternational unity

He carries on entertainiilg discussions in music appreciation class but sneaks later to the Music Hall to swoon privately over the tender themes of Tschaikowski's symphonies.

"Music unites mankind by an ideal bond "-Richard Wagner. Since the· conception of a National Music Week idea in 1917 and its first application in Dallas, Texas, in September of 1919, this week has remained the only great drive free from the appeal for money. The source of the idea was in the series of wartime drives in World War I by !he Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., and kindred organizations for the raising of funds with which to carry on their work. The National Bureau For the Advancement of Music headed by C. M. Tremaine decided that similar concerted action could be used for different, althought likewise beneficial, purposes. Attention had been called to the value of music in maintain\ng the morale of the fighting man as well as in raising the spirit of those engaged in the rush of war work. Much eloquent testimony was gathered concerning the relaxing effects of music in shell shock cases and its normalizing influences on people worried by the tension of such high-pressure times.

After hearing a recent recording of his voice, Tod discovered that his speaking range was quite low and he is now ambitious to record an alto-bass solo on th!:! other side.

Kadelpians enjoy May breakfast

Soon after his arrival, he became, one of the cheerleaders, and half of the enthusiasm at basketball games was due to the crowd's vain attempts to yell as loudly as he did. Tod's popularity may be attributed to several factors, one of which is his "I haven't seen you for ages" style of "hello." It never fails to draw a. crowd of people who enjoy Tod's company because he so politely laughs at their jokes-funny or otherwise. Visiting is a hobby which he pursues every possible moment. One of his instructors was heard to say, "His chief sin is talking to girls in history class."

Tod is a necessary iaughstimulator who. helps worried faces to relax. While he matches his steps to those of his friends, they tune up their spirits to match his.

Posters exhibited in Art department Humane posters are being displayed in the art rooms. They are part of a collection of c.n International Poster contest, sponsored yearly by the Latham Foundation.

A May breakfast in the Music Hall at 7:00 o'clock on M:ay 1 highlighted the last meeting of the year for Kadelpians. Phyllis Winkle and Jeari Van Camp served an inviting breakfast to a large membership. During the regular business meeting, Dr. P. A. Maxwell was appointed to continue as oponsor of the chapter. Esther Steiner was elected president for next term. Other members elected to the executive council were Margaret Wellensiek, vice-president, Dorothy Stepan, secretary, and Margaret Spellman, tereasurer.

Those included in this set are from Canada, China, and the United States. They are the work of high school, college, and artschool people.

Dr. Konig shows

Their theme is typically American as all stress kindness and friendship to animals and birds. Most of the American posters are made with temp era paint, employing either the brush or the air gun method. Several are of India ink. The Chinese posters are made with transparent water color. The ideas range from conventional to realistic reproductions of animal life, as interpret~d by the different youthful artists. The simplicity of the American posters is a decided contrast to the complexity of . the Chinese fashion. Their . posters are detailed and intricate; the American idea stresses the simple ::.nd definite.

Dr. Konig had charge of a very interesting meeting of the Foreign Language Club on April 3. She showed slides of Mexican, Swiss, and French scenes to members of the organization. Her explanations and accounts of personal experiences in Europe made the pictures entertaining. Dr. Winter kindly offered the facilities of the science hall and operated the projecting machine. Refreshments were served by Lois Christensen and Ruth Meister after the meeting


foreign scenes

The inevitable conclusio;i was ·. drawn that music was fa,· more than an art for the enjoyment of musically cultured persons-that its reaction on human mec:1anism -pleasing and inspiring, ~ uieting and stimulating, as the need might be-was such as to make it an asset of far greater importance to the general public than was commonly appreciated. The application of this conclusion was -if all the friends of music, whose own lives had been enriched by music, should simultaneously engage in a drive to spread its enjoyment more widely among the people as a whole, great benefits would be derived. The purpose, then, of a Music Week as it was designed, ·was for that art to be given the center of the stage in public consciousness for a seven-day period each year, demonstrating widely diversified individual and group enjoyment through listening and t".rough personal participation, w1\h the aim of broadening the co.1tribution of music to the public welfare. By 1924, 840 widely scattered cities had promoted the idea of Music Week and had held observances at different times during ,the year suited to local convenience. In that year, through the use of letters and inquiries in order to synchronize individual efforts, the first week in May was determined as most nearly reflecting the popular choice. A central committee composed of the presidents of the leading musical, educational, reiigious, civic, and service organizations was formed to det!j'rmine advisory matters and to suggest methods of observance, An honorary committee headed by the President of the United States, includes the governor of every state and territory in the Union. In 1929, forty-five of the governors issued formal Music Week proclamations or public statements urging their citizens to participate. Thus it may be seen thac a National Music Week is destined to continue and to grow unless selfish interests should gain control and subvert its purposes. Although Music Week comes but once a year and is o.: short duration, its passing should leave the community the richer in musical resources for its having been. Perhaps one day a;:i International Music Week may be set up which would give the entire world the little-known sensation of being united, if not iri fact, then at least in one cultural phase of living.

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except during

Art dub sells campus prints The Art Club sold prints o! campus scenes Monday. About one-half of the folders were sold. The scenes included the amphitheatre by Bernice Bletcher; Delzell Hall by Norma Mehlin; Eliza Morgan entrance by Anna Pfister; Music Hall by Ramona Handley; North entrance to the campus by Delores Schreiner, and the science hall by Phyllis Steever. Miss Diddel donated a block print of the Training School, drawn by her and cut by a former student. Anyone wishing to buy a folder of these scenes can do so by contacting Anna Pfister, treasurer of the Art Club. These scenes can be printed on cloth for making skirts or aprons. Anyone wishing this done, may see Ramona Handley.

reifstration, examination and vacation periods, by the students ()f the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, May 7, 1946 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. Managing Editor .... ---o·-----·-----···--·Lou~lla Tiernan Make-up Editor .... ----- 0.0•------·--.. o-oo•··-· 00.:, ....... :: ..... Frances Guy Special Feature ········---··--·----·-···········-~: ... ~:.... Sam Bradford Alumni Trail .................................... -....................Marian Deck 0


Sports --··----······-----·---·----·--------····----···---··--·--····---Roger Nreman Advertising ..................,...:.. _........................ Elmer Bachenberg Reporters-Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Ramona Handley, Sidney Johnson, Ruth Meister, Frankie :Montgomery, Mary Rishel, Dorothy Stepan, Jean Van Camp, Margaret Wellenseik, William Witty, Wallace Cleaveland. Adviser ·····-·······---··················-····················-······Meta Norenberg Bu~iness Adviser·····-'···-· -·---····················E. H. Hayward

Over the State by Rex Floyd li'ew may realized just how the track season is shaping up this season. Dual and triangular meets meets have been held over the state, but few can compare with the meets Peru has entered. To date York, Doane, Hastings, .Kearney, Midland, Wesleyan and Peru have competited in comparative meets. Peru has won three; Doane downed Kearney in a dual 70-66; Kearney won over Hastings and York; York won its triangular with Midland and Wesleyan, while Wayne had a friendly get-to-gether with Yankton and Augustana... my note to Wayne ... "there are other sports beside football and basketball . . . Wayne at one time was a strong track school" ... Wayne's Darold Bobier, however, turned in two outstanding performances in vaulting 11'3" and scoring second in the high jump with a leap of 5'9" which is just about tops in the state college circle. · Chadron, out in the western part of the state has made no report as to its progress in the oval activities. At Doane Above I spoke of \fayne's hitting track lightly, now, turning to Doane we find just zhe opposite. With each track meet Doane enters it also enters its tennis and golf teams . . . which have come out victorious. Doane also has a full program of softball rolling on the campus. Coach Dutcher is doing an excellent job of finding activities for :i.11 students on the campus. Outstanding events thus far in the sea.son (they can be campared, overlooking second and third places as to where Peru stands in looking toward the state conference meet at Doane, April 18): Track Events 100 yard dash: Auchard, York; 10.2 (Mather has done 10.6). 220 yard dash: Aurchard, York: 23.2 (Mather was clocked 23 flat at the Drake Relays). '440 yard dash: Sager, Midland: 52.8 (Floyd was clocked 53.6 at the Drake Relays), 880 yard run: Linder, Peru

2:03. 120 yard high hurdles: Haack, Peru, 16.5 Mile Run: Jameson, York, 4:57.l (Robinson has a 5.02i. Two Mile: Goodri<:h, Doane, 11:27.8. 220 yard low hurdles: Auchard, York: 24.3 (Haack a 27.9). Field Events Shot Put: Y•ocum, Peru, 39 feet 10% inches. High Jump: Bobier, Wayne, 5 feet 9 inches (White has jumped 5'9").. Pole Vault: Bobier, Wayne, 11 feet 3 inches. Discus: Yocum, Peru, 147.27 feet (at Drake Relays). Javelin: Rozdalowsky, Doane, 160 feet 91/2 inches. Broad Jump: Mather and White, Per.u, 21 feet 9 inches. 880 Relay: Peru, 1:36.5 (Kansas Relays). Mile Relay: Peru, 3:44.5. You will notice Peru has seven firsts in the field of 16 events.

Tennis tournament Slows down Vacations and wet cloudy weather have slowed down the tennis tournament during the last two weeks. However, some games have been played. In the women's singles Margaret Wellensiek defeated Margaret Burgess 5-3; 5-1 and is slated to meet Lois Christensen. The winner of that match will meet Margaret Spellman. Alice Richards will meet the winner, having defeated Helen Howlett and Irene Argabright. John Lawrence defeated Art Clements 6-3; 6-3 in the men's singles Both he and Ernie Brod are waiting for opponents. No games have been played in the mixed doubles or men's doubles.

Gold Star Tag Day Next Monday, May 13, 'che "P Club" will stage a "Tag Day" to add funds to the now-growing "Gold Star Scholarship Fund." The drive will start during convocation; all students and faculty members will be asked to support this cause. To date, programs have been sold to award scholarships from Peru to outstanding athletes in high school who have proved themselves leaders in the school, plus having attained a scholastic record. Scholarship granted to date ha~ been in momory of Bob Halliday, who was killed in action, ~o Jack Hahlstrom of Avoca. Additional awards will be made in memory of "Red" Dean and "Cowboy" Linder.

As the fund grows, othe.: scholarships Will be given in memory of other Peru "Gold Stars."

Cats take first in distance medley At the Kansas Relays at Lawrence, Peru's Distance Medley team won a first place with a fast 11.28. The team consisted of Holscher, who won the 440, Linder, the 880, Beatty, threeforth.s of a mile, and Robinson fini.shed by running the mile. Yokum hurled the discus 136 feet to take thii:d place in this event. I


Househappy vets II

hear good news In answer to numerous inquiries concerning the new housing units for Peru, Dean Lowe announces that according to government reports, fourteen units have been approved . These apartments are to be ready for occupancy by th.e time the summer session opens. Thirteen more units have been allotted to Peru and are to be available for the fall term. This will make a total of 27 apartments for Peru vets. Dean Lowe also reports that twenty new bicycles have been ordered. They will be at the Student Union soon. Faculty members and students may rent the vehicles at the rate of twenty-five cents an hour.

Yocum places in Drake Relays

Bobcats swamp opponents in four-way track meet

At Des Moines, Yokum, Peru's discus champ, threw the platter i149.27 to place second in the event of the Drake Relays. The first place in this event was (;Illy .7 inches ahead of Yokum's try.

Peru track and cinder men out distanced Doane, Tarkio, and Omaha U men in a track meet in the Oak Bowl on May 2.

Rain during the last of the meet 'cut time and distance so that no events were outstanding. Track Events-

Peru's sprint Medley team did not place in its event, but won third ili the first heat.

Bobcats scored a total of points. Nearest competitm· Doane with 55. Tarkio won points, and Omaha U trailed 22.

100-yd. dash: Mather, P., Bay, · T.; Holscher, P.; Tyson, D.; Time: 10:6

701h was 281/2 with

Nebr. City-Talmage_ win invitational high school meet Nebraska City's cinder-men took an early lead to win the Peru Invitational high school Ciass A relays at Peru on Tuesday, April 23. The Pioneers, paced by McKnight and Zimmerman, scored 501h points in the Peru oval, which was a fairly fast track. Auburn followed with 231h; Tecumseh had 13'h, and Plattsmouth 13. Pawnee City was fifth with 91h points. Talmage, paced by Don Vollertsen, as usual, had little ·trouble taking the Class B title. Vollertsen won three first pla::es and one second, and participated in the two relays which also won firsts. Humboldt, Brock, Peru Prep, Nehawka, Dawson, and ·Shubert were other winners in their above order. Scorings:

880-yard run-Won by Zimmerman, Nebraska City; second, Mason, Nebraska City; third, Webb, Tecumseh; fourth, Tincher, Plattsmouth. Time, 2:05.4. 440-yard dash-Won by Thayer, Nebraska City; second, D. Villars; Tecumseh; third, Haith, Auburn; fourth, Wyles, Plattsmouth. Time: :55.6. 440-yard relay-Won by Auburn; second, Nebraska City; third, Plattsmouth; fourth, Pawn0e City, Time, :48.2. Mile relay-Won by Nebraska City (Mason, Cole, Thayer, Zimmerman); second, Auburn; third Pawnee City; fourth, Tecumseh. Time, 3:51.9. Field Events High jump-Won by Friede, Nebraska City; tied for second, Yoder, Tecumseh; Stuckcnholtz, Nebraska City, and A .Gifford, Pawnee City. Height, 5 feet 6 CLASS A inches. Nebraska Citjr ______________ 501h Broad jump-Won by McKnight Auburn ____________________ 23'h Nebraska City; second, Andrew, Tecumseh -----------------13% Auburn; third, Yoder, Tecumseh; Plattsmouth -----------------13 fourth Gifford, Pawnee City. Pawnee City ----------------9% Distance, 20 feet 7 inches. Class B Shotput-Won by Gude, NeTalmage --------~-----------34 .Humboldt ___________________ l 7 braska City; second, Abernathy, Nebraska City; third, B. Villars, Brock -----------------·------16 Tecumseh; fourth, Andrew, AuPeru Prep -------------------11 burn. Distance, 39 feet 41h inches. Nehawka. _____________________ 5 Dawson ----------------------4 Shubert ----------------------1 . ·CLASS A

Track Events 100-yard dash-Won by Tritsch, Plattsmouth; second, Griffard, Pawnee City; third, McKnight, Nebraska City; fourth, Tiekotter, Plattsmouth. Time. :10.8. 880-yard relay-Won by Nebraska City (McKnight, Thayer, Landis, Thiesfeld); second, Plattsmouth; third Auburn; fourth, Pawnee City. Time, 1:39.5. 120-yard high hurdles-Won by Andrew, Auburn; second, Swinney, Nebraska City; third, Bunge, Tecumseh; fourth, Higgins, Auburn. Time, :18.2.

220-yd. dash: Mather, P.; Krueger, O. U.; Holscher, P.; Bay T.; Time: 24.5 440-yd. dash: Krueger, 0. U.; Floyd, P.; Hunzeker, P.; Hosea, O.; Time: 54. 880-yd. run: Janseen, 0. u.; Linder, P.; Robinson, P.; West,

0. U.; Time: 2.07 Mile Run: Robinson, P.; Goodwin, D.; Hannan, T, 2 Mile Run: Goodrich, D.; Porter, D.; DeGrieff, D.; Sunderworth, T.; Time:


120-yd. high hurdles: Haack, P.; Bay, T.; White, P.; Time: 16.9 220-yd. low hurdles: Bay, T.; Haack, P.; Tyson, D.; Holmes, D. Field Events: Shot: Cochrane, T.; Schultz, 0. U.; Yocum, P.; Martins, D. Distance: 40' 2 %" Discus: Yocum, P.; Martins, D.; White, P.; Cochrane, T. Distance: 147' 9%" High Jump: White, P. and Weaver, D. tie for 1st and 2nd; Mather, P.; Beatty, P.; and Tyson, D.; tie for 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Height: 5'8" Broad Jump: Mather, P.; Tyson, D.; White, P.; George, T.; Distance: 19'9"

fourth Mayer, Humboldt, Distance :53.5. 440-yard relay-Won by Talmage (Brandorff, Bohlken, Juilfs, Vollertsen); second, Humboldt; third Dawson; fourth, Nehawka. CLASS B Track Events Time, :48.2. 880-yard relay-Won by TalField Events mage (Brandorff, Bohlken, Juilfs, Broad jump-Won by Leslie, Vollertsen); second, Hu>nboldt; Brodk second, Vollertse'n, Talthird, Nehawka; fourth, Sirnbert. mage; third, Applegate, Peru Prep; Time, 1:38.4. fourth aMyer, Humboldt, Distance 880-yard run -Won by Leslie, 20 feet 11/2 inches. Brock; second, Mandfort, HumShotput-Won by Vo11ertsen, boldt; third, Clayburn, Peru Prep; Talmage; second, Bohlken. Talfourth,Lafferty, Humboldt. Time mage; third, Malther, Nehawka; 2.10.1. fourth, Killebrew, Humboldt. Dis100-yard dash-Won by Vollert- tance, 43 feet 5 inches. High jump-Won by Applegate, sen, Talmage; second, Bahlken, Talmage; third, Williamson, Hum- · Peru Prep; second, Leslie, Brock; boldt; fourth, Hayward, Humboldt. third, Cummings, Dawson; Lied for Time. :10 6. fourth, Pennington, Humboldt; 440-yar·d dash-Won by Vollert- Killebrem, Humboldt. Height, 5 sen, Talmage; second, Leslie, feet 6% inches. Brock; third, Majors, Peru Prep;

Sleeping Rooms Modern by Day or Week MRS. HARRY LEAHY Phone 152W2



Refreshment ready ... Have a Coke

May-7-8 ''Love, Honor, and Goodbye" May-9-10-11-12-13. "The Bells of St. Mary's" May-14-15 "Yoland and The Tb.ief" (Technicolor)

May-16-17-18 "Man From Oklahoma" May-19-20 "Abbott am.d Costello in Hollywood'' May_..:_21-:-22 "Stage Coach"

Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Company

IDorm Dope By Mary Rishel

After conferring with Eliza Morgan we were. able to gather latest statistics as to the welfare of those who constitute her population. So far everyone is living ilnspite o!I' everything. In case you see several of the co-eds shuddering and beating their heads, don't become alarmed, it isn't an epileptic fit! It is only those griefstricken studenis who have two term papers and several problacts to "whip up" in their spare time. Now is the time when everyone decides she is carrying too heavy a load this semester Morga~ Hall may soon have to turn into a·hospital. Most of the co-eds have been stricken with spring fever and even a dou?le dose of Vitamin pills fails to give them the desire to rush to rlasses. Then too we have those victims of scratches, mosquito bites, nettles and what have you. Barbara B~gess found a way to lick: those "term paper blues"-she fell from a horse and broke her right arm during vacation. Returning from spring vacatioi:i, most of the co-eds caught their breaths and ex claimed, "!\t last I'm back where I can rest." If you are suddenly blinded b! fll!shes of light in tb~ d_orm, don t se'nd in a fire alarm; it is only ~he newly acquired diamonds of Ahce Richards and Betty Petty. The mice of E. M. Hall have begun their spring invasion of co-eds' rooms. Gatz and Banks played tag half th~ nig~t with one scared mouse which tried desperately to give up his seareh for food and go back to his hideout in the basement. Mincer and Johnson found a peculiar type of "mail" in their box one morning, for a dead mouse greeted them as they stuck their hands into their mail box. Everyone on 3rd thought something had happened to Berg,:r when .they heard her s;ream, ~ bone's gone! a bones gone Everyone clamoured to the scene of the accident only to find that one of the bones from her skeleton mascot "Boneparte" the rabbit had disapJ>eared. There ·was a crash, a thud, and a scream one night after lights out. Moody, groping her way through the dark, sat down ~n a three-legged chair. Her roorrue, Dougherty, who also got a b.ang out of it, about had convulsions from laughter. Another scream echoed down the halls of 3rd, when in the deep of the night, Phyllis Winkle, ~elt their career girl pictures falling off the walls onto her. No longer must we feel the pangs of hunger nor go without subsistance over night. Jj:very

Cleaners and Tailors DRY CLEANING PRESSING Suits and Coats Restyled Phone 62 Peru, Nebr.

Gift Stationery at The Pointer

• • • evehing at about ten, the co-eds gather up their weak frames and sprint down to the Bobinn-that 2 minute dash back to the dorm however only works up another appetite. Everyone can discard alarm clocks, "Zo.olie" Howlett has taken over the job as bugler, but woe to her when she decides to sound reveilli; at 5 a. m. In case there is anyone with , excess energy, the lawn chairs of ·Morgan Hall are patiently waiting for a new coat of paint so they too can enjoy fresh air on the front lawn. The dictionaries are getting new use in the lobby and library, for everyone has become fiends for crossword puzzles. · Spellman should become a forest ranger. Early Sunday morning she and her roomie, Bonnie A., hiked cross country to the river. Later in the same day, she retraced her steps with Comstock and Crook. Mastin and Boeckner take turns jumping out of the dark and screaming at each other. What a kill when they jump out at the wrong person. Visitors on the campus may think that the ditch in f~ont of Eliza Morgan is a preparation for invasion. However, Louella and Hester thought they would . try crawling through the hole .mt,o the dorm, but decided they didi; t have enough gopher traits. to dig it bigger. . Time is ticking away and it is way past Eliza's 11 o'clock curfew, so will blow out the candle until next time.

M. Hilenan gives book resume Miss Mary Hileman gave an interesting book review at the SCA meeting Tuesday night, The book which she had ·chosen was "Women of te Bible" by H. V. Morton. This book is composed of character sketches of the feminine personalities of the Bi~le. These detailed sketches add interesting bits of information: c?ncerning the characters of Biblical stories. ' · Preceding the meeting a prelude of piano music was played by Doris Wagner. Delores Schreiner read the scripture, Proverbs 31:10-22, and led the group in prayer.

E. L. Deck and Co. Better Hardware Peru, Nebraska

COMSTOCKS Garage, Gas, Oils Repairs Phone 6

Mr. Brod heads County Teachers

Jllumni Crail

Several car loads of Peru instructors joined other Nemaha County teachers in a pic?J.ic on Monday evening, April 29, near Brownville. Mr. Ernest Brod of Peru was elected president of the County Association for the year 19461947. Mr. Arthur Gilbert .of Johnson was named vice-president, ahd Miss Gaynelle Wright became the i;igw secretary-treasurer. Mr. S. L. Clements of Peru, outgoing president, conducted the business meeting. He asked for a report of committees which are working for the 42-dollar proposal. Superintendents who had reports were gratified at their success. Others would be unable to determine results until later in the week. Good food, an ideal picnic spot on the bank of the Missouri, and pleasant fellowship combined to make the evening a memorable one for those who attended.

Kappa Delts held initiation service

Jack Ashton now living at Den-

ver, · Colo., agent with ence is now York Life His wife is Roszell;

formerly a 5pecial the Military Intelligan agent for the New Insurance company. the former Katherine


have a son


months old. Virginia Ballard for the past three years has been with the FBI in Washington ·and is now at her home in Beatrice. Everett Allsman ('39) w:10 was recently discharged is now a training officer with the Veterans' Administration at Lincoln. He was recently on the campus giving information to veterans. Iva L. Armst~ong SK 1-c has signed up for further duty with the WAVES until July 1947. She is now stationed at the Naval Supply Depot at Mechanicsburg, Pa. Lt. George Blacker ('42--'43) is with occupation forces i,n Austria and plans to be discharged this summer. Anna Louis Mangold who is teaching at Acron, Iowa, v;ill be a home demonstrater in North Dakota this summer. Lt. Ludvik H. Jun ('41) is at present on terminal leave at DuBois Nebr. He served as field production officer with the Signal Corps.

In an annual spring initiation, Beta Mu Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi admitted six to active membership and pledged ten others to the fraternity. President Ruth Comstock had charge of ceremonies, which pledged Ruth Ann Crook, Art Clements, Wallace Cleaveland, Mary Lou Genoa, Margaret Lewis, Ruth Meister, Janet Mastin, Delores Schreiner, Shirley Penny, and Phyllis Steever. Those raised to active membership were: Hester Friedly, Dorothy Stepa!l, Margaret Wellensiek, Ruth Meister, Delores Schriener, arid Wallace Cleaveland. Anna Pfister and Aileen Wheeldon discussed "Citizenship in the School" as the program topic. ~-DeliClous refreshments w e r e served by Frankie Montgomery and Goldie Motis.

Magicians present budget program The great Torrini and Phyllis entertained an enthusiastic audience Thursday evening, April 25, in the college auditorium. This program was sponsored by the budget committee. Torrini held the attention of the audience by featuring such tricks as: "Tree That Grows", Things from Nowhere", "Mutilate:i Parasol" "Chinese Mystery", ·'Bottle and' Glass", "Cards that Shrink", and "Fun with a Rope". Evelyn Scott and Sidney Brown assisted Torrini iri doing the trick "When Knots are Not". Besides his magic tricks, Torrini did several chalk talks which were both amusing and clever.


Dry Goods-Notions Wear-U-Well Shoes Peru, Nebraska

Railsback's I. G. A. Grocery First Grade Quality Lowest Prices



Nebraska ~ty Laundry Dry Cleaners

' Your Assurance

Service Twice Weekly

Inquire at Delzell Hall


·Hamburger inn


Short Orders Meals Lunches


Chicken Dinners Sundays

Free Delivery Each Day


Lt. Col. J. A. Jimerson, dean men, now on leave of absence, w a recent campus visitor. Aft visiting his family in Te ms, h mill go to the South Pacific. Major Dale Epley is visiting h. family in.Peru on a furlough !ro the, Philippines. Field Director Paul Landolt

Dr. J A. Holman, former Na

physici~n here, is now discharge and is doing work at the Ne York Hospital, New Yori{ City Ward Aadms ('42-'43) has re ceived his discharge and plans t enter school next fall. Allison "Buck" Dougherty, re cently discharged, is now employ ed by the Falls City Police De partment. "Pat" Harris, former graduat has been appointed new deput county clerk of Nemaha county. Lt. Keith Albers is stationed


Bremerton, Wash. Dr. and Mrs. L. C.


and son, Steve, are residing a Pawnee City, where Dr. V€garsk is practicing dentistry. Mrs,




C34) has been doing substitut

teaching at McCook, Nebr.

J.P. Clark Shoe Repairs of All Kinds Electric Shoe Shop Peru, Nebraska


CHATELAIN'S JEWELRY Pent Hallmark Cards for Mother's Day amd Graduation Complete Line of Lovely Gift3 For Graduation including: Sheaffer Sets Bracelets Rings Compacts Tie Clasps ~tati~nery

Sho~ Downtown an



Chatelain's Jewelry · Peru, Nebr.



rived in San Francisco a week a and expects to be in Peru in short time. Paul served with th Red Cross on Tinian and Guam.

RED AND WHITE STORE Groceries, Meats, Fruits, Vegetables Phone 1 Peru, Nebr.

Mrs. Irl Johnson, Rep.

Compare Our Prices

The engagement and approach ing marriage of Miss Mildre Beamer has been announced. S will be married Qn June 2 Comm. Paul Dry. Mildred h been been teaching in the Juni High at Tecumseh.

MEALS-SHORT ORDERS-SNACKS Call 65 for Bus Information to Beatrice and Lincoln.


Peru Variety Store

married April 27 at St. Mary' Catholic Church in Dawson.

MACKEY'S STANDARD SERVICE STATION Welding and Brazing Phone 40 Peru, Nebr.

FOR AVON PRODUCTS See Mrs. Carrie Parriott One bl•ock west of Pryor'• Garage

Betty Riley (41-'43) and Ha•orld "Johnny" Jenkins _we.

Peru, Nebr.

Bertha M. Thomson M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 60




by M urgatroyd

The time has come when it is necessary to review the activities of. •.some of the erudite figuressenior to you-on the campus. They will soon be leaving, · but their personalities will always be part of PSTC. The Johnson brother-Big and Little Shots-made their final appearance on the Peru stage on Fi:iday evening. On Saturday evening seniors aJaf.\ pue aJn:~e Iem;roJ pauuoa gliests of the faculty. Caps and gowns made their appearance on Sunday. Seniors really felt their years as they marched sedately into the auditorium in the company of the faculty members who wore the brilliantly colored hoods designating rank and school. However they could relax in the afternoon for the informal Parent's Day program. On second thought, could they? On Friday, Monday, and Tuesday, seniors as well as underclassmen, probably' felt in full accord with a scribbler irom Wayne who parodied in the following lines-

If a body sees a body Thinking in a quiz; If a body help a body,

Is it the teacher's biz? Of course final exams are just one more phase of that ;natl commencement rush. They are to be taken in stride-but what' strides!

F. Clayton talks at baccalaureate

J. Thickstun-R. Patrick reign

The Rev. Frederick W. Clayton, Rector of the All Saints church, Omaha, Nebraska, delivered the baccalaureate sermon on May 19 in the college auditorium. His subject, "Eternal Values in a Changing,World,'' was based on the text, "And After the fire a still small voice." I Kings 19: 12. In his address, the Rev. Mr. Clayton answered three questions: (1) Can we find a reliable God in whom to trust? (2) Are those we care for most at the mercy of the things we care for least? and ( 3) Is life worth living in the face of such loss of life as these past five years have brought? Mr. Clayton brought out the fact that religion, education, and science alone will not make a saved man. For one to worship any of these or to attribute resclts to them, would be idolatrous. "Today more thm ever before we need strength and confidence," said the speaker. "There never was a time when hope of immorality and disdain of earthly power and achievement are more necessary." Music for the program was furnished by a string quartet which played "Lullaby" by Chopin, and by the College Acappella Choir which sang "Cherubim Song" by Bortnyonski . The Rev. A. D. McCollough gave the inv.ocation and benediction.

Once more scrambling into their formal clothes, in a vain attempt to try to hide or camouflage that worn-out :1eeling, the 'brains" of the campus assembled for the intra-frat feed. All those who didn't have to appear on tbe program insist that the food was delicious. The victims of the program committee will not commit themselves to any definite statements. On Wednesday morning the seniors were able to enjoy food served in their honor st the •SCA meeting. Plans for Thursday completely dominated the rest of the week. Anyone that had escaped writer's cramp was busy with some kind of plans fer Thursday. Class luncheons and reunions h 2 d to be arranged. It is reported that a few of the men-who knew some of their pals would be coming-put padding in their coats to absorb scme of the back slapping. What with the advertising by Guy S. Williams, the campus will probably look more like Times Square at midnight than PSTC on a normal d;y. Oh, yes, don't you agree tbat the queen is lovely, and isn't the king a swell chap? Everything from the first note of the trumpet to the small crown-bearer is just right. It is rather painful to think that Frid2y's commencement exercises will be so final in effect. Such nice people will finish their work with the college! What will the band do without Freddie Drexler's narrative as well as his tooting ability? Can anyone think of a substitute for Tod Hubbell's exuberrnt laugh? What will. all formal social affairs do without Pat Koza's violin music? How can the pep band inspire loyal fans without Tony DeMsro's trumpet? In fact the campus won't be the same without the giggles of Una May Leech and Louella Tiemann, the quiet efficiency of Bernice Bletcher, the wisecracks of Mary Rishel, the vers2tility of Willard Hunzeker, etc. etc. But why dwell on morbid thoughts-this is Spring in Peru. Those of us who remain on the campus will try to carry on! Of course, one can always look forward to homecoming, that is October 12, and isn't very far away. Then all these loyal friends will return for a few hours of delightful reminiscing. Guess I'd better start making plans for that now.

during May Fete festivities Joan Thickston of Omaha and Ralph Patrick of Dawson will be crowned king and queen ·at the May Fete, tonight, May 23, at 7: 00 o'clock. She will wear a gown with white eyelet bodice and a billowy skirt of white organdy. The train will fall from the shoulders and will be of matching organdy.

Joan will receive her degree in August. She is a member of the Women's Dorm Council, Kappa Omicron Phi, and the SCA. Pat is also an August graduate_ He is president of the Men's Dorm Collncil and of the Bobinn Council, a member of Alpha Mu Omega and Epsilon Pi Tau.

W. Riggs moves

to Delzell Hall Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Riggs will move int'b- the apartment of Delzell Hall before the opening of wmmer school. Mr. Riggs will act as resident faculty representative. Mrs. Riggs will serve as matron. Mr. and l\Trs. George Brown will move to the rooms downstairs in the southeast corner of the Student Union. They will continue to operate the Student Union and have the custodianship o:I' the h::ll.





frats sponsor annual banquet

cConneU wiU give commencement address Ill

Twenty-six seniors will receive their bachelor of arts degrees on Friday, May 24. The Rev. Raymond A. McConnell 'Of the First Plymouth Congre· gational Church of Lincoln will deliver the address. His subject will be "The Role of Anticipation in Education and Life.''

Degrees and diplomas will be Joanne Banks, Janet Mastin, presented by Pres. W. R. Pate. Phyllis M. Steever, Paul Wayne The following will receive degrees: Stoddard, and Lois Willoughby J. J. Barnell, Billie Lee Berger, will receive their diplomas in AuBernice A. Bletcher, W-ayne H. gust. Buhrmann, Ruth E. Coms!·ock, Those receiving one-year diploFreddie A. Drexler, Rex W. Floyd, Willard Frederick Hunzeker, Pa- mas will be Leis Irene Helmick, tricia Joyce Kosa, John C. Law- Ruth Evelyn Straube, and Viola rence, Una May Leech, Carter Ileen Teegarden. Rains, Mary Elizabeth Rishel, In August, Mardell Marie BirkClark L. Rogers, Delores Lucille mann and Alverta Rehm will reSchreiner, and J. Louella Tiemann. ceive one-year diplomas. Those who will receive their degrees in August include: Irene President Pate will also award M. Argabright, Marion Lou Deck, the B. E. Swenson, Jr., medal, the Anthony Vincent DeM;ro, Tod Sigma Tau Delta and the Kappa Vernon Hubbell, Jr., Sidney Eu- Deita Pi awards. gene Johnson, Donald H. LieneThe college sextette will sing mann, Ralph Vincent Patrick, Dean "Panis Angelicus" by Franck. Mrs. W. Roper, Joan Aprille Thickstun, Patricia Hill Kosa wm play a and Duane E. White. violin solo, "Romance,'' from concerto in D Minor by Wieniowski. Two-year diplomas wlil be The proceS'sional, "Coronation granted to Ruth G. Boeckner, Phyllis Jean Fisher, Ona Anne E. March,'' and the recessional, Gess, Blondena Gladys Howerton, "Priest's March," will be played Helen Lucille Howlett, Frances by the college orchestra under the Elaine La Seu'!', Norma J. Mehlin, direction of V. H. Jindra. Frankie Lea Montgomery, Dorothy Marie Moody, Goldie Maxine Motis, Shirley Penny, and Phyllis Jean Winkle.

The Rev. Wm. R. Nollmann of the Peru Baptist church will pronounce the invocation and benediction.

Memories of school days were brought back to frat members who attended the annual Intra-Fnternity Banquet in Delzell Ball Room on Monday evening. The theme of "School Days" was carried out in the program and tble deco;rations. · Records provided dinner music. The three-course menu included appetizer, b:ked chicken with dressing, parsley potatoes,. carrots and peas, Parker House rolls and butter, brick ice cream, wafers, and coffee, Serwng was done by six freshmen. Mrs. Hanlon had charge of preparing the dinner. Wallace Cleaveland acted as School-Master and the program was as follows: Welcome--------- Ruth Comstock Response _______ Una May Leech S chool Commences ------------------ Wallace Cleaveland C ooperation _____ Ralph Patrick H onors _______ Bernice Bletcher 0 h, My Lover is a Fishermanvocal solo ______ Marion Deck 0 pportunity __ Wayne Buhrmann L et's All Sing ________ Everyone D iscipline ______ Esther Steiner A ttitude ______ Willard Hunzeker Y e, Sophomores _ Men's quariette S chool is Out ____ Miss Norenberg Margaret Wellensick was in charge of all arrangements and was assisted by the following committee, which included representatives from all co1lege fraternities: Donald Lienemann, Ralph Patrick, Walter Elwell, Sam Bradford, George Coupe, Marvin Holscher, Hester Friedly, Bonnie Aufenkamp, Norma Mehlin, Marian Deck, Aileen Wheeldon, and Jean Van Camp.

Prince and princess will be Wayne Buhrman of Princeton and Ruth Comstock of York. Attendants will be: from the junior class, Hester Friedly and Orthello Byers; from the sophomore clas$, Ruth Dougherty and Art Clements; and from the freshman class, Donnie Parriott and George Coupe. Barbara Linn and Marilyn Tynon will be flower girls; crown bearer will be Bruce Hayward, and scepter bearer will be Peter Holdorf. Linda Reynolds will be train bearer. The king and queen will reign on their rainbow throne and be entertained by a short program as follows: A Spmish dance by the Folk Dancing Class, Lois Boyd, Rosemary Pershing, Irene Argabright, Darlene Brown, Lois Willoughby, Delores Schreiner, Irene Majors, and Mary Alice Cope. Vocal solos, "Mood Indigo," and "When the Blue of the Night Meets tQ.e Gold of the Day,'' by Vic Evans; Song and dance: "Brother Come and Dance with Me,'' the 3rd and 4th grades-Millard H:mel, Jimmy Jones, Richard A1kins, Richard Graves, Darrell Lotter, Helen Walker, Diana Baum, Winifred H'yes, Jean Ruyle, and Joan Parriott, under the direction of Rll1h Meister; Irish Dance by the Polk Dancing class: Lois Boyd, Rosemary Pershing, Irene Argabright, and Darlene Brown; Women's quartette, "My Blue Heaven," Ruth Meister, Ruth Ann Crook, Norma Mchlin, &nd Una May Leech; "Deep Purple" and "Star Dust" by the brass sex'ette, Tony DeMaro, Wally Cleaveland, Freddie Drexler, Phyllis Hogenmiller, Willard Hunzeker, rnd Gerald Matschullat; The winding of the maypole by the junior high girls, Imogene Anderson, Jenis Craig. Norma Jean Heywood, Edna IdcConnaughey, Margaret Ulbricl;:, \Vilma Young, Lena Blankens!1ip, Phyllis Davenport, Marilyn Lavigne, Nancy vYinter, and Mary McCunnaughey. This year's M'y Fete is sponsored by the StE>dent Council with Ru'h Comstock, Joe Weber, and Dorothy Mcody in charge of advertising; Wayne Parks, Frances Guy, and i\Targaret Lewis in ch:rge of decorating the gym; Phyllis Steever, Wayne Linder, Gerald Clayburn, and Bonnie Au£enkamp in charge of decoroting for the May Fete; and Louella Tiemann and Margaret Spellman in charge of the progr2m.

Seniors enjoy

facul·ty reception Seniors were honor guests of the faculty at the annual reception in the Music Hall Auditorium on Saturday evening May 13. Miss Brackney was general chairman for the reception. Mrs. Kirk was in charge of general arrangement,1oom, and table decoration. Mr. Jindra made arrangements for music throughout the evening. Miss Edna Weai'e supervised the food committee. Mr. Tyler was chairman of the receiving line. Miss Palmer headed a group that provided entertainment. In the receiving line were President and Mrs. Pate, Lt. Col. Jimerson, Dean and Mrs. R. B. Lowe, Mrs. C. H. Marsh, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clayburn, and Miss Grace Tear.



• • •

by Lois Christensen

This last personality sketch is respectfully dedicated to the writer of this column during the year, Ruth Meister, alias "Hotfoot."

Prexy speaks To the Students of the Peru State T eacher,s College:

Ruth is majoring in Music "because she loves it." If you have looked every conceivable place for her and she is not to be found, Another college year has closed and you just go to the door of the Music and yell, "Hotfoot!" at the are rrow leaving this campus for your homes. Hall top of your voice. Immediately May the work you have done here, the friends you hear, "What!" Her friends have advised her to rent & room ·you have made, and all the various activities of in the Music Hall instead of the college life which you have participated, may dormitory because she spends most of her time in th~ Music all these be a source of great satisfaction to you. 1 Hall anyway.


. That many of the-good things of life may continue to come to you is the wIBh of Sincerely yours,

W.R. PArE, President.

And_ now


This is our last Ped. With this issue we relinquish all our authority.

It has been fun working on the paper--knowing bits of news before they were made public to the rest of the campus. We have thoroughly enjoyed the work we have done even though the Ped has been a headache at various times. The usual question ''Are you working7'' which was heard so often when someone passed the window was sometimes irritating and other times amusing. For we were working hard once in awhile and having fun at other times. We feel as though our connection with the Ped hail been very valuable and very helpful. To our successors we extend best wishes-and good luck. We really aren't saying good-bye-just so longt

So long PSTC Another page in Peru's history is about to be completed. ____ Each year Peru opens its pedagogical door·; and sends forth a group of eager teachers into the world. This year, the class of 1946 stands on the threshold, anticipating the future. Not long ago we considered ourselves inexperienced freshmen attending this honorable institution of higher learning. We gaped at the upperclassmen as if they were tin gods, wondering perhaps, if some day we might also gain the respect of a lowly freshman. Our social hours ·were often spent at Landolts eating hamburgers and drinking his inimitable malted milks. During our four years we became pretty well acquainted with the faculty and students that make up the personnel of this college. We had learned that our registrar, Mr. Hayward, would listen intently and give freely of advice concerning anything to the lovelorn swain as tc the dispondent student of educational philosophy. President Pate gained our respect anCl we admired, occasionally chuckling, when he would calmly sca1_1 the auditorium and in a slow voice announce ''Convocation is dismissed.'' The instructors have put us '' thorugh the paces", and after exceedingly difficult examinations we could always find comfort in "talking it over'' with a group of our classmates. This has been a great year for the senior class. At the begilll1ing of the second semester, the class witnessed an addition of battle-worn veterans, former Peruvians, who had returned to "finish up." This month, for the first time in several years, there will be more men graduated than women. . . Yes, it is apparent that old PSTC is on the p:J.ove agam. From all indications next year will be bigger and better, than many years previously; however, this is where we get off. The seniors have had their fling. Many term ~:apers have been written, and something like 150 problacts have been developed by the class of 1946. On behalf of the graduating class I would like to say to faculty and the remaining students that it.has really b~en swell knowing you, and we hope some.day, if fate permits, that our many paths shall cross agam. Goodbye, good luck, and carry on! TOD ffUBBEL1_J, Senior prexy.

Iri'connection with her musical activities, Ruth is nresident of the chorus, active in the ~extette, band, and orchestra.' She also teaches music in the Training School. But tnere 1s such a thing as carrying music too far. For instance, Ruth got up eady one Sunday morning to try out her pitch pipe on a cardinal to see if he was singing in tune. (She concluded that he was; EO went back to bed.) Ruth has two principal "pet peeves": organizations and "dare-mi" syllables. Her favorite saying is, "Oh, that makes me so mad!" Her favorite pastimes are music, eating, and stewing about something. ' Some of Ruth's friends wonder if she ever learned to walk, or whether she just skipped walking and went right from crawling to running. Some are inclined to prefer the latter theory because she is always seen running from one class to another. When asked to write something she fusses about it for an hour, collects paraphernalia for fifty minutes then agonizingly grinds it out word for word with the help of Webster and anyone that might be around. A constant burner of midnight oil Ruth is regularly seen in the lobby after lights out and quite of.ten is the last one to leave. In addition to her musical activities Ruth participates in Dramatics, Sigma Tau Delta, Kappa Delta, Pi, Modern Language Club, Student Christian Associatwn, and is a member of both the Peruvian and Pedagogian staffs.

Students sig.n for fall positions From the Peru Placement Bureau, Supt. S. L. Clements has released some interesting facts and figures. More than 300 towns in 15 states have written in for teacher candidates. The average has been five vacancies ner school. In 1935- the total number of vacancies listed in the bureau was 288. In April of 1946, there were 252 grade and 216 high school-a total of 468 vacancies. Seniors recently reporting elections to teaching positions for next year are Ralph Patrick, Dawson; Irene Argarbright, Brainard; Willard Hunzeker, Falls City; Bernice Bletcher, Falls City; Rex Floyd, Beatrice; Louella Tiemann, Ashland; ahd Delores Schreiner, Cozad. The average salary received by the senior men is $2399. Grade teachers recently accepting positions include Shirley Penny, Woodbine, Iowa; Goldie Motis, Minatare; Joanne Banks, Superior; Ona Gess, Superior; Ruth Boecknes, Superior; Phyllis Winl<le, Cozad; Mary Knipe, Fremont; Marion Stover, Tecumseh; and Norma Mehlin, Auburn. The average salary received by the grade teachers is $1587. Graduates recently reporting elections inclutle.Wendell Handley, Coach and Industrial Arts, Hot Springs, South Dakota; Ross Organ, Industrial Arts, Falls City; Elmon Velvick, Coach and Industrial Arts, Desoto Kansas; and Roscoe Tolly who goes to North Platte as coach at a salary at $3300.

Jllumni Crail Miss Bette Anne Riley of Falls City and Lt. Harold L. Jenkins of Humboldt were married in Falls ('.ity on April 28. Lt. Jenkins was on leave but has reported to Chicago for reassignment. Janet Harris and Bill Dustin were married May 5, at the bride's sister's home in Kansas City. The couple plans to live in Los Angeles. Both Janet and Bill will attend U. C. L. A. Arlene Lambert and Donald Stiers were married May 4, at Nemaha. .Roscoe Tolly, former coach at Falls City, has accepted a position at North Platte. Bessie Surman was r.iarried May 12 to Donald Koso at Barada. I miogene Crossley was married May 11 to Edgar Roesch at Falls City.


observes Parent's Day Peru campus once again .played host to the parents and friends of its students on Sunday, May 19, by reviving the Parent's Day program. Activities started with the Baccalaureate Service at 10: 30 a. m. Sunday morning. Luncheon was served in the cafeteria of Eliza Morgan Hall, and a few groups enjoyed a picnic lunch in the beautiful Laura Neal park. Lunch was followed by an informal tour of the campus and buildings and at 2:30 p. m. everyone gathered in the college auditorium. A welcome to the parents. by President Pate opened the program. Doris Wagner, president of the Women's Dormitory Council, and Ralph Patrick, president of the Men's Dormitory Council, gave welcoming speeches. Responses to these were made by Mrs. Hazel Comstock, representing the mothers, and Rev. T. V. Hub'Sell, representing the fathers. Music was under the direction of V. H. Jindra and consisted of numbers by the college brass sextette, college band, and solos by · Tony DeMaro and Phyllis Hogenmiller.

• •

Ray Lovely has received a charge from the Navy. He attached to the Minesweepe1· U Pinnacle in the Mediterran and Pacific area. Alice Garrison was marri · May 19, to Richard Lee Amthor. Mr. and

Mrs. Wendell Hand!

(Verna Rogers) are going to ll at Hot Springs, S. D., next yea Marjorie Brown was 1narri recently to John Sjulin at H burg, Iowa. Maurice Anderson recently charge from the Navy, is teac · at Carleton, Nebraska. Pat and Mark Russell (Patric Carmine) are living at St. Jos Mo., until June when they will to Greeley, Colo., where Mark w' work on his master's degree.

Miss Kennedy goes to l1ncoln General Miss Burtis Kennedy who been away from the library f few months went to the Gen Hospital in Lincoln recently fo observation and treatment. According to reports from h family, she is improving some what and is happy to see frien

L. B. Mathews i N.E.A. presiden L. B. Mathews was elec.t president of the Peru N. E. A. u at the meeting held ·on Monda May 20. A. V. Larson was elected vie president. Miss Nona Palmer an E. H. Hayward were re-elec secretary and treasurer. Castle M. Brown, president, presided. On Tuesday, May 14, J. F. M Knight, attorney from Aubur talked to the group at the f' program meeting. Mr. McKnight talked on pres education policies from the po· of view of the layman and th professional man. S. L. Clements, director of th Placement Bureau, gave some in teresting figures concerning sal ary trends for the coming year.

Farewell from a Frosh In a few days you will have your degrees and then wi leave the campus, going to your new work some place els To the underclassmen who stay here, Peru will seem lone becaus_e we have all had good times here that we will neve forget and will never have again. Studying, worrying, talking, and loafing have all bee fun, but it must all stop some time. It has been wort while knowing you and we hope you will all come back Homecoming this fall. We wish you all the luck you C' use and want you to remember Peru and the grand time you've had here.

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except du.ring registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students of the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Peru Pedagogian, Thursday, May 23, 1946 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Cl.a Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. Managing Editor ____________________________________________ Louella Tiem Make-up Editor -----------------------------------~----;,----------Frances Gu Special Feature ---------------------------------·-------;____ Sam Brad.for Aluilllli Trail --------------------------------------------·------------Marian Dec Sports --·--------------------------------------------------------------Roger Niema Advertising ----·-:·----'-.::___ :_____________________________ Elmer Bachenbe Reporters-Hester Friedly, Ralf Graham, Ramona Flan ley, Sidney Johnson, Ruth Meister, Frankie Montgo ery, Mary Rishel, Dorothy Stepan, Jean Van Cam Margaret Wellenseik, William Witty, Wallace Cleav land. Adviser ····----···-··········-·--··-·-·----··-···------··-····---·-·-Meta Nore,nber Business Adviser ··---·--·--- _. ---··-··-·-···-··-···--E. H. Haywa

G. E. Clayton

is speaker at T. S. commencement Four seniors were graduated at the end of the ·first semester, January 21, 1946. Gerald Elton Clayburn, Samuel Arthur Bradford, Ina Jane Good, and Henry Barton Sherman. In the spring graduating class of May 22, 1946, are Roberta Jane Applegate, Hilary Phariss Brad· ford, John Albert Clements, Rex Edwin Coatney, Irene OpaliFilmer, Virginia _Mae Flau, Robert Perry Majors, Charlotte Elaine Pryor, Marion Lee Rodgers, Alice Marie Simpson, Betty Arlene Vance, Dale Vernon Vanderford, and An all-school picnic was en- Kathleen· Maude Whitfield. The commencement program joyed by pupils, parents, and alumni of the Training school on was as follows: Processional by the Training School Orchestra Friday, May 17. Mrs. Sam Majors was chairman followed by two numbers, "Now of the foods committee and super- the Day Is Over" by Barby, and vised the picnic supper. The "O Bone Jesu" by Palestrina.. Invocation-Rev. R. Cecil Davis. Mesdames Filmer, Hamel, VanderViolin Solo, "The Old Refrain," ford, Maxwell, Ruyle, Clements, Cecil Coatney, and Richard Par- Kreisler, by Charlotte Pryor. "The United Nations Organiza· riott assisted. Miss Marie Faulhaber was in tion"-Hilary Bradford. Commencement Address - Rev. charge of the program plans. Included in the activities were Robert E. Hanson, Pastor of the two softball games at '3:00 p. m. First Christian Church, Auburn, ne was played between the fifth Nebraska. Presentation of Class-Mrs. A. and sixth grade boys against the seventh anir eighth graders. The V. Larson. Presentation of diplomas-Pres. other was sophs. and seniors vs. W. R. Pate. freshmen and juniors. " Presentation of Scholarships and Beginning at 4:00 o'clock, varioHS grades performed. First Awards-Prin. L. 'B. Mathews. Benediction - Rev. R Cecil was Kindergarten Rhythms directed by Miss Mccollum. Miss Davis. Gard's pupils demonstrated some primary games. Miss Hileman's dasses presented farm dances, ahd Mrs. Kirk's performed some Czeck folks dances. 8 I Pupils under Miss Mason's direction danced the Virginia Reel. Mrs. Scott supervised the Maypole Seventh and eighth grade pudance and the crowning of Queen pils under the supervision of the Mother and Father King. Mesdames Brown and Scott and Mrs. Mathews showed some mo- Mr. Brod enjoyed a trip to Nebraska City on Thursday, May 16. tion pictures at 5:30. The Training School band playThe first stop was at Arbor ed a number of selections during Lodge. The visitors were very supper hour. much interested in the home of Square dancing in room 300 J. Sterling Morton and in the disand modern dancing in the gym plays and ·Indian relics. Many expressed a desire to go back to concluded the picnic. examine things more closely. Next was a private roller-skating party at the rink. As one person expressed it, "We had more fun than we could imagine." Although cokes, bars, popcorn, Threatened rain forced members etc. had been enjoyed all afterof the Dramatic Club to hold their noon, each person was happy to picnic in the Eliza Morgan recre- go to a cafe for light refreshments. ation room, Thmsday evening. Mrs. Brown in commenting on A committee consisting of Jo- the trip said, "It was as nice an anne Banks, Margaret Lewis, Doris excursion as possible; we didn't Wagner, and Ruth Meister served have to say 'Don't' a single time. a delicious picnic lunch including Everyone was well-behaved." fried chicken. John Clements drove the school Informality was the keynote of bus which carried the party. He the evening with everyone having too received the commend;ation of a good time. the sponsors.

Seventeen high school seniors recejved their diplomas last night in the Commencement Exercises at the College Auditorium. Two of these are men who were called to service, one in the army and one in the navy, before graduation several years ago, and have recently completed their work.

All-school picnic is successful

Jr. high pupils en1oy excursion

Dram.atists -picnic m E. M. rec room

Cats swamp foes in triple meet Bobcats piled up 991h points in the tr!angular track meet with Midland and Wesleyan on Thursday, May 9. Midland made 50% points, and Wesleyan trailed with 21. Peru's winning points were as follows: Robinson won the mile with Lawrence third. Hunzeker and Au· fenkamp placed second and third in the 440. Mather took the 100yard dash. White and Haack were second and third in the 120 high hurdles. Linder won the 880-yard run with Lawrence fourth, and Mather led in the 220 with Holscher foruth. The two mile mn was won by Beatty with Holmm third. Haack won the 220 with Svoboda fourth, and Peru won the mile and 880 relays. 'Yocum cleaned up the shot put, followed by White and Mather; the discus, with "White, Seeba ·and Smith taking other places, and the javelin, with Mather third. Linder was second and Mather third in the pole vault. Mather won the broad jump with White thlrd, and White and Beatty were third and fourth in the high jump.

Spellman wins net championship

Peru cindermen win first Intercollegiate title Peru State ....................±71/z Hastings ...................... .AO Doane ............................32 Chadron ........................ 30 Wayne State .................... 25 The Nebarska College Conference made its debut Saturday as Peru State won the first annual track championship. Coach Al Wheeler's Bobcats picked up an early lead and stood off a belated Hastings College rally to win the title. Doane edged Chadron's four· man team to win third place by two points. Top marks were turned in by Gene Kruger of Midland, Denny Auchard of York, and Don Abernathy of Chadron. Kruger scampered over the high hurdles in ::15, 6; Auchard won the 100-yd dash in :10.1; Abernatry took the 220 title in :22.8, Whiz White, Peru Bobcat ace topped the field for individual honors with 14 1h points. He tied for first in the high jump, took second in the high hurdles and discus, and placed third in the broad j.ump. Peru's Orvell Yocum of Humboldt was the field standuot. "Little Abner" didn't get a hopedfor 150 feet with the discus, but his winning toss of 141 feet and ·4 inches will give future collegiates a mark to shoot at. He also placed third in the shot put.

Track Events:

Margaret Spellman came through with flying colors to win the championship in the women's tennis singles. She defeated Alice Richards 6-1, 6-0 in the final game. Margaret is now the proud possessor of a tennis trophy-a tennis player swinging a mean racquet. The trophy, which was won by Miss Davidson in an open tournament held on the campus several surrun:ers · ago, had been promised to the winner. Alic~ Richards, runner-up, had defeated Helen Howlett and; Irene Argabright, who had defeated Barbara Burgess.

Margaret was victor in her bracket by defeating Doris Wagner in the preliminaries and Lois Christensen in the second round. Lois had eliminated Margaret Wellenseik, winner of match with Margaret Burgess.


Because of track meets, weather, and campus activities, men's singles and the mixed doubles scheduled for tournament play were cancelled.

120 high hurdles: 1st. Kruger, Midland; 2nd White, Peru; 3rd Haack, Peru; 4th Regier, Hastings; 5th Mabie, Doane. Time :15.6. 100 yd. dash: 1st Auchard, York; 2nd Abernathy, Chadron;

Six students pass Red Cross tests Results of swimming tests have been announced by Miss Phyllis Davidson, swimming instructor. Six students have met the Senior Red Cross Life Saving requirements and are receiving the certificates. They are Gerald Clayburn, Grant DeVore, Wayne Riggs, Oscar Dean Smith, Jean Van Camp, and Duane Whtie. Four people have passed the Intermediate test--one of the first tests of the Red Cross program. They are Ruth Ann Crook, Mary Lou Genoa, Ruth Eshen, and Margaret Burgess. The Swimmer's Test-the last one before the Senior Life Saving test, was passed by Lois Mincer, Ruth Eschen, Margaret Burgess, and Ruth Ann Crook.

York .................... -............ 22 Midland ............................. 16% Kearney ........................... .16 Wesleyan .......................... 1 3rd Retzlaff, Wayne; 4th Gate· wood, Wayne; 5th Mather, Peru. Time :10.1. Mile Run: !st Peters, Chadron; 2nd Johnson, Hastings; 3rd Jame· son, York; 4th Stevens, Wayne; 5th Robinson, Peru. Time 4:52.7. 880 yd. relay: 1st Pe~u; 2nd Wayne; 3rd Kearney; 4th Hastings. Time: 1:36.2. 440 yd. dash: 1st Peter, Chadron; 2nd Floyd, Peru; 3rd Voessler, Midland; 4th and 5th tied Smith, Hastings and Webb, Wayne. Time: :53.2. Two Mile run: 1st Jameson, York; 2nd Auchard, York; 3rd Johnson, Hastings; 4th Todd, Hastings; 5th Beatty, Peru. Time: 11:14.9. 220 yd. dash: 1st Abernathy, Chadron; 2nd Auchard, York; 3rd Dean, York; 4th Mather, Peru; 5th Partridge, Hastings. Time: 22:8. 880 yd.: 1st Peterson, Kearney; 2nd Linder, Peru; 3rd Peters, Chadron; 4th Dickey, Doa!le; 5th Knisely, Wesleyan. Time: 2:09. 220 low hurdles: 1st Tetzlaff, Wayne; 2nd Tyson, Doaae; 3rd Holmes, Doane; 4th Regie;·, Hastings; 5th Haack, Peru. Time: 26.1. Mile Relay: 1st Kearney; 2nd Peru; 3rd York; 4th Hastings; Time: 3:45.3.

Field Events: Shotput: 1st McrHece, Hastings; 2nd Martens, Doane; 3rd Yocum, Peru; 4th Mandl, Wayne; 5th Warwick, Hastings. Distance 40' 9". Pole Vault: 1st Bobier, Wayne; 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th tied, Edwards, Holmes, Doane; Walker, Harvey, Kearney; and Brazee, Hastings. Height 11' 1,4". Broad Jump: 1st Kruger, Midland; 2nd Fowler, Chadron; 3rd White, Peru; 4th Mc!llece, Hastings; 5th Retzlaff, Wayne. Distance 21' 8". Javelin Throw: Ist Rozdalovsky, Doane; 2nd Fowler, Chadron; 3rd Parker, Doane 4th Mcillece, Hastings; 5th Brazee, Hastings. Distance 161' %". Discus Throw: 1st Yocum, Peru 2nd White, Peru; 3rd McIllece, Hastings; 4th Martens; 5th Mandl, Wayne. Distance i41' 4". High Jump: 1st tie White, Peru; Kruger, Midland; l\kGraw and Lamb, Hastings; tied for 5th Bobier, Wayne; Brazee and Dill, Hastings; Johnson, Chadron; and Weaver, Doane. Height 5' 9".

May Fete DanCe Tonight Thursday, May 23

* *

Gay Feistner and his

Orchestra * * College Gym * * Admission 75c


Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Company

IDorm Dope . . . '

by Ruth Meister

Eliza Morgan has lived through anot.her of it's annual fits of spring rush. Through sh?.er necessity her inhabitants all found a second wind in their mad race with time. Ruth Ann Crook has thought for a long while that her short steps have been slowing her down, so one bright morning she took the entire flight of steps in fi:ont of the dorm in one. In the course of her journey she painfully concluded that a fraction of saved time is not worth the friction of a scraped knee. While the voters wondered whom they had elected king and queen of the May fete, Phyllis Steever drafted coeds to help make rainbows from crepe paper. Esther Steiner, not favoring work on the assembly line, settled down to make a dress and completed it in one day. "Putter offers" of term papers who tried frantically to find a short cut for this task gave up in ,despair and preceded to cut each other's hair. Wellwsiek, 'Spellman, and Meister lost several inches by the scissors of unlicensed barbers, Crook and Steiner, while Helen Howlett pulled her hair over her face, held a ruler across her forehead, and snipped her own. Among their assigned tasks, perhaps the one that challenges office girls most is keeping men out of Eliza Morgan lobby. Even Chris's method of blocking the door with outstretched arms didn't work too successfully. Perhaps these unhappy callers shou'.d find out from Itty Bitty Witty where he got his pass.

Coeds sponsor Pipe Dream Bail Peru's coeds turned formal Friday night with aboLvt fifty couples attending the Pipe Dream Ball in the Music Hsll auditorium. Music was furnished by Pick and His Top Hatters, featuring Patsy Yearout as vocalist. Guests were met at the· door by a receiving line composed of Doris Wagner, Mntin Svoboda, Mrs. C. H. Marsh, Pres. and Mrs. Pate, Mrs. Mabel Hoatson, Hester Friedly and George Coupe. The auditorium was attractively decorated to carry out the theme. Pastel streamers formed draperies on the band stand and windows. Pink and blue pipes with multicolored bubbles adorned the windows. Ptmch was served by Ramona Handley and Mary Klein. Irene Argabright acted as ticket-taker. The ball was one of the annual events sponsored by the Women's Dormitory Council. Doris Wagner, president of the council, was in charge of the general arrangements.

Comstock has been beating up her roomate with renewed energy after a week's vacation. Upon hearing screams of terror on first floor, Mother Marsh remarked, 'My darling girl has come back." The mice are ganging up un the helpless ladies of second floor. After bravely poking about in the waste basket to bluff Mou;1e into leaving, ·Ruth Merklinger and Alverta Rehm saw him come out of the closet with an ally. Now it can be told. Somebody forgot to lock the doors of Eliza Morgan one night and not a single inmate escaped. Ruth Hlscher gave a certain high school superintendent from Delzeli ·Hall a piece of her mind when he gave her a thorough personal interview by long distance. Una May Leech rated a long distance call from Auburn. Her suitor, "Luther Llewellyn'' was the voice of Norma Mehlin on second with Frances La Seur putting the call through the men's dorm. Coeds would like to warn gentlemen on bicycles against trying to cause smash-ups. This means you, Barnell and Anselm. Women may seem light-headed at times, but they are really quite wellbalanced individual on bicycles. Early Sunday morning risers have learned new sports incidental to tennis. Steever and Christensen are taking up gunnery. Butch Robert's seems to be a good instructor-already Chris can hit six tin cans out of ten. If practical jokes are a sign that one has thoughtful friends, Wag is extremely popular. Some anonymous character robbed her of her clothes and piled them in the shower. Parents' Day has again proved to the world that girls can be neat housekeepers. Jo and Risl1 kept their room homey as long as they couid, but broke down on Saturday to clean it up. They lJerally took down the walls and packed them along with their other belongings. In the process of housecleaning, coeds raced from one floor to the next returning borrowed property and Otis helped with heavief moving such as taking overstuffed down to the basement. Eliza Morgan workers closed the fiscal school year by taking inventories, paying their debts, and collecting their loans-which reminds me-now that semester tests are over, I have time to pay back all the neighbors who shortsheeted my bed this semester, so I had better be on my way. See you next :year.

Railsback's I. G. A.

Dramatic Club staged

Seniors present annual convo

outstanding performance

Representatives of the senior class presented a convocatio!1 program on Friday, May 10. Their theme was built around the unique grouping of the class which includes students whose freshman years range from 1938 to 1942. Groups representing each one of these years presented informal and laconic skits which brought out some of the highlights in their multifarious experiences as freshmen. Tod Hubbell acted as master of ceremonies.

might collect his insuran money-was interpreted by, · bara Berger. Margaret Lewis as Mildred E Clyde's secretary and love-int est, turned in. her usual fine per formance. . .~ Henry Atherton, the Parisia revolutionary whom Pat picks · in Paris and brings home her, was given capable treatme ly John Lawrence. Struge Peabody, the income-t lawyer who gives Clyde '.he id to enlist the services of Big Sh Scarlatti, gave Sam Bradford op portunity to display his talents i a varied type of role. This farce by Percival Wil was not written for any m purpose; rather it gives the act an opportunity to indulge in much or as little of slapcomedy as the performer him desires. The members of the Sigma Tau Delta held its an- interpreted the play in the fi nual picnic on Monday, May 13, sense of comedy, and th;;t th at Neal Park. succeeded was evidenced by t Election of officers was post- audience reaction. poned until next fall when more Probably the best seen~ fro English majors will have returned. the standpoint of audience reac A committee will be appointed tion was Scene 2 of Act 1, i to plan a summer meeting. which Big Shot and Clyde m Esther Steiner and Loualla Tie- and decided the details of mann were in charge of th.; picnic elimination of Clyde. arrangements. Mrs. Witty helped Miss Williams and Th8 Pe prepare the food. Dramatic Club are to be con gratulated for adding to foe Ion list of successful stage produc tions. Miss Frances Fields presented her harmony class students in a recital of original compositions, Wednesday evening, May 15. "Sifting Sand" went on sale Fri Thursday evening, May 16, private pupils of Miss Fields, V. H. day af: ernoon. The attractive cove Jindra, and Leonard Prnlson per- on the magazine was from a bloc formed piano, violin, and vocal print by Miss Diddel. She al sclos in the Music Hall auditorium. illustrated a number of the selec Friday eveniµg, the college or- tions. Copies will continue on sale dur chestra under the direction of V. H. Jindra, played interlude music ing commencement week. Anyone wishing a ccpy maile for "Little Shot". The College Chorus, Charlotte may write to Dr. A. L. Bradfor Pryor, and Ramona Handley, will present a recital Tuesday evening, · May 21, under the auspices of the Fine Arts department: The College Brass Sextette perShort Orders formed at the Nem3ha high school IVIeals school commencement exercises, Tuesday evening, May 14. I.annches

Peru play-goers were well satisfied Friday evening with the Dramatic Club's presec1tation, "Little Shot." This Broadway production, somewhat refin.ed; was capably handled by an intelligent cast and an able director, Miss Hazel Williams. The plot of the play centers around Clyde Middleton,, played very ably by Sydney Johnson, and his efforts to get himself 'bumped off' by the "ch•)ppers" of Big Shot Scarlatti-an expert in such matters-played convincingly by Anselm Johnson. Pat Vining, on whose behalf Clyde becomes involved-that she

SCA entertains senior class

English frat has final meeting

Members of the senior class were entertained by SCA at a May breakfast, Wednesday, May 22, in the Home Economics room. Room decorations consisted of bouquets of spring flowers. Merl Sherman, .social chairman of SCA, was in charge of the general arrangements. He was assisted by other members of the cabinet. Slide pictures of Estes Park were shown at the SCA meeting Tuesday night, May 14. Phyllis Steever was in charge of the devotions. A prelude of piano music was played by Ruth Meister preceding the meeting. Group singing was led by Phyllis Steever.

Musical Notes

Art dub

enjoys spring picnic

Sifting Sand

Clever hot-dog sandwich invitations bid. the members of the Art Club to a picnic Wednesday evening at the park. Delores Schreiner and Phyllis Steever planned and prepared the invitations and food. A.short business meeting followed thy , picfoc supper and plans were made for a summer meeting. A committee composed of Ramona Handley, Blondina Howerton, Ann Pfister, and Phyllis Steever was chosen to plan it. Bernice Bletcher took smpshots of the group and the last Art Club meeting of the year was over.

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Odds and Ends by Murgatroyd well, summer school has started and is practically half ver; it is highly essential that the oving reporter take a "gander" t what is going on here and

Now that a practice pianc'has been placed in the corridor around the corner from the .Ped office, don't be sur---1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, · ta.ta-!taaa, ta-ta-taaa---Vvhoops, I'm supposed to be writing copy not doing scales!

Kadelpians have social meeting

Dr. E. C. Beck to speak July 10

On June 28, Kappa Delta Pi met in the music hall for the first summer meeting. Emily Wilson ·presided at a short business meetAs I was about to say, don't be ing. Anna Pfister was appointed surprised if Ped writers begin to custodian for the followirg year. tear their hair and act like Jack Dr. Maxwell, sponsor of the soBenny's violin instructor or be- ciety, made a short talk. He excome coldly calculating like Sher- plained the aims and purposes of lock Holmes who solves the most the organization. hopeless problems while listening During the secial hom Emily to soothing music. Wilson and Lula Hohensee were Oh, well, good reporters should in charge of the game;. Group learn to concentrate under any singing was direpted by Dr. Maxwell. Ruth Meister presided at circumstances. the piano. Poor Freshies! Just when they were beginning to have the situation well in hand, didn't they have to "slay the dragon" of English classification tests. Most of them (the frosh) survived! Has any reader been on the Auburn bus on a Friday afternoon? Any resemblance of the passengers to sardines is purely inc;dental It is not unusual, however, when one considers the weekly migration which occurs every Friday. The most recent members of the "third-finger-left-hand" club are Donna Steffan, Joan Thickstun, and Dorothy Moody. The lucky men are Dean Roper, Wayne Buhrmann, and Wayne Parks. Best wishes and congratulations! When people say that men descended from monkeys, that's evolution; but when some one says that monkeys descend from men, that's news. One, student was recently over heard to say, "Oh, well, people would expect to see me climbing on desks and swinging from tree to tree since I'm an ancestor of the monkeys". -And this is said to be the era of Progress! Co-eds this summer-yes, and men too-really need appointment books to keep straight. (Because of the unequal percentage of men and women on the campus, it is an appointment not a date book.) To keep track of outstanding budget events, soft ball games, college base ball games, a free movie now and then, band concerts, et cetera, would require real brains in any one's head. Is there any way to keep the water from squirting up one's nose when one gets a drinrl: at the campus fountain? That fountain is a wonderful place to meet for a little scuttle-butt, though. It's almost as good as the old-fashioned town pump. Said one fellow to another at the prospect of the dinner for the workshop group, "Wonder if they'll have any meat." Farm folks visiting on the campus at once feel at home when they see the cowpaths east of the science building. Yes, a straight line is the shortest distance between two points. Every one is more or less in a tizzy these days. The past week was a notable one-two Fridays ight together. And who knows what happened to Saturday? In the mean time campus talk drifts to questions of how the ourth will be spent. This leads the old question-Do they have urth of July in England? The wer is "No"? Ah, then what es after the Third? Presumably every one wm· be k with a glowing, pink skin a glorious fourth spent pie-

The first two days of the Institute were devoted to the study of the Parent-Teachers Association.

Enrollment soars in summer term Dr. E. C. Beck, a former student and instructor at PSTC, will be the guest speaker at convocation on July 10. Dr. Beck's subject will be "The European Language Tangle"; he will give an interesting approach to the Russian situation and show the difficulties caused by so many languages in Europe.

She is now principal and normal training teacher at Tobias High School, Tobias, Nebraska.

'¥1 m. Wright,

Dr. Beck is now head of the English department at Central Michigm College of Education located at Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.

radio singer,

presents varied program William Wright, concert and radio bass-baritone, was presented in a concert ion June 21 by the budget committee. I

For three years before the war, he had been heard on local and network broadcasts singing everything from cowboy songs to French opera. Since V .J day he has resumed his career and is now on tour under the direction 1of the Lucius Pryor ·Concert Service.

As an artist, Mr. Wright showed great ability by presenting a program which was largely classical and by singing in several languages. In all his numbers he displayed good voice quality, style, and interpretation. His accomp,anist, Theodore Walstrum, added interest to the program by playing three piano solos. They were Chopin's "A flat Waltz", "Clair de Lune" by Debussy, and "The Bridal Processional" by Grieg.

Actors will give "Blithe Spirit" "Blithe Spirit," a fantastic comedy by Noel Coward, will be presented in the college auditorium on July 25. The cast, under the direction of Professor Robert D. Moore, includes the following people:

In his encore numbers, Mr. Wrigl!t deviated from the classical trend of the program and sang a modern version of an American lullaby and "Tit-willow" from "The Mikado" by Gilbert and Sullivan.

Charles Condomine - S i d n e y Johnson.

Students meet at annual mixer

Dr. Bradman-Bernard Williamson.

The faculty of the Peru State Teachers College graciously welcomed the students to a FacultyStudent Mixer on Thursday evening, June 6, at 3: 15, in the college gymnasium. At 3:30 the gr.and march, led by Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, proved to be very interesting. Those who enjoy dancing participated in that pleasure while others visited with their neighbors. During the intermission, a trio. consisting of Una Mae Leech, Ruth and Jean Meister, sang two numbers. Dixie cups were served as refreshments.

in institute discu~sions

Six people that were not otherwise registered in college classes attended the Institute for one hom credit.

The next meeting will include the initiation Of new members and pledges.

Miss May Henning, who received her degree from Peru, wrote an article, "Literature for Retarded Pupils," which appeared in the June issue of "The Instructor".

250 students participate Dr. Maxwell, .director of the Professional and Public Relations In~ stitufe which was held June 24-28 on the campus considered the meet· i ngs a success. J. W. Tyler, professor of educati1on, in the co,llege, reported the average attendance was 250 a day. This number included the members of classes taught by Dr. Maxwell, Mr. Tyler, Miss Rozean, and Mrs. Ulbrick.

At the dose of the evening refreshments were served by Anna Pfister, Claramae Kuhlmann, and Phyllis Steever.

Peruvian writes for magazine




Ruth Condomine - Ra mo n a Handley. Elvira, Lewis.


spirit - Margaret

Mrs. Bradman-Jean Meister. Mme. Arcoti-Esther Steiner. Edith, the maid-Hester Friedly. This play, by .an English author, was originally produced in London. After a long and successful run on Broadway, it was filmed by an English company. The plot of the play is centered around the life of a writer who needed material for a story. He arranged a seance and the result of it was the materialiwtion of the spirit of his first wife. His predicament at having a ghost wife and a real wife provide entertainment for the audience. The play will be a budget event. Admissoin will be 50 cents for people other' th.1n students.

Peru State Teachers College announces a summer enrollment of 343 students. This is nearly one hundred more than the civilian summer enrollment of 1945. It is the largest summer enrollment since 1941. Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Ohio are represented on the campus.

A new feature of the summer courses is the study center at Humboldt and Dawson instructed by Mr. C. A. Huck. Thirteen Richardson County students are enrolled in the course of professionalized mathematics. Superintendent S. L. Clements reports an enrollment of 116 pupils in the training school. The enrollment by grades is: kindergarten 13, first and second grades 20, third and fourth 25., fifth and sixth 28, seventh and eighth 20, and rural 10 . Students registered for student teaching number twenty-five. Mrs. Scott has the heaviest assignment of student teachers.

Wednesday, the highlight of the Institute, started with a convocation program. The time was divi<fud between members of the PTA and the NEA. Mrs. Charles A. Snyder, president of the Nebraska Congress of PTA introduced the speakers. Mrs. W. P. Nelson spoke from the angle of a parent on the teacher-parent relation. Miss Mildred Wharton, Field Specialist of the National Congress of Parent Teachers, spoke on the Parent-Teachers Partnership in PTA. Dr. Archer L. Burnham, secretary of NSEA, introduced Mr. Frank Heinisch, Executive secretary of NSEA, who gave the morning address on "The School Amendment." A luncheon, sponsored by the Peru NEA group, was held in the Tr,aining School. About 60 people attended. Dr. Earl Wiltse, president NSEA, gave the noon addi:ess on "After the School Amendment-What?" The main theme was that more money for education will obligate Nebrask,a citizens to give a better brand of education. Better educaiion will call for better-trained teachers and a more extensive curriculum. 1nursday the main 'copies of discussion were "Ethics of the Teaching Profession" and "The Contribution of Local, State, and National Associations to the Teaching Profession."

Clarence Boos is receiving an extra hour of practice teaching by instructing 20 boys in baseball each afternoon at the city park.

The to an by the ed for

Budget events include violinist

Others participating were Mrs. R. N. Gould, Mrs. LaVerne ·Smith, Mrs. Andrew Nelson, and Mrs. P. S. Carter of Omaha, Mrs. W. P. Nelson of Beatrice, all members of the State Board of Nebraska Congress of PT A.

Mary Becker, noted violinist, will be presented in· a concert on .July 11 in the auditorium. Miss Becker, who has appeared in various parts of the United States, was scheduled to be in Peru last summer. Since that date had to be cancelled, the activities committee feels fortunate to secure her for this summer. Four free movies are also •cheduled soon in the auditorium. Randolph Scott, Bennie Barnes, Bruce Cabot, and Heather Angel star in "The Last of the Mohicans", ,_ dramatic presentation of Coop~r's famous book by that title. "Jack London'', an adventure story, will be played by Michael O'Shea, Susan Hayward, and Osa Munson. A musical comedy, "Second Chorus", will star Fred Astaire, Paulette Goddard, Artie Shaw, Charles Butterworth, and Burgess Meredith. ' Charles Winninger, Harry Carey, C. Aubrey Smith, Richard Carlson, Joan Parker, and Helen Vinsoh are the actors in the comedy "Beyond Tomorrow". Dates for the shows are July 8, 18, 22, and August 1.

time Friday was devoted evaluatioq of the Institute students who were registercredit.

Mrs. Marie Liedtke, Beatrice; Mr. W. A. Rosene, Director of Certification, State Department of Public Instruction; and Mrs. Lawrence Quante, Brock, assisted in panel discussions. School superintendents particip,ating included Neal S. Goman, Wymore; E. G. Lightbody, Nebraska City;. A. V. Grass, Tecumseh; A. B. Gelwick, Falls City; and M. B. Childs, Humboldt. From the Pern faculty there were: Pres. W. R. Pate, Mr. S. L. Clements, Dr. Barrett Lowe, Mr. L. B. Matthems, Mr. Ernest Brod, Mrs. Leonard Paulson, Miss D,arlene Rozean, and Mrs. Alice Ulbrick.

Dean of Women will le,ave Peru Mrs. C. H. Marsh, acting Dean of Women, has tendered her resignation, effective September 1, 1946. Mrs. Marsh, who has been in Peru for sixteen years, came in the fall of 1929. She plans to go to California for the winter. After this winter, Mrs. Marsh plans to spend some of her time in traveling.


• • •

Personalities by Esther Steiner

Is Peru succeeding? ... College-what does it mean to you~ Is it merelv books, teachers, classes, and studying'! It should mean much more. College should meaii development-doing away with the typical high school giggles, learning to adjust to new surroundings, and respecting fellow students and their rights. College is not a place where one can learn everything. After four years, one can not he expected to know all there is to know. It is more nearly a place which teaches one to think for himself, which gives a clear mind, and which shows one where to find information when it is needed. A person can know what there is to know in books, but, unless he has learned how to use that information in his eyery day living, the college has failed in its purpose.

Now is the time ... Today as never before in the history of America, youth needs the proper training to further the democratic way of living. This will require greater co.operation on the part of both teachers and parents to establish a closer relationship than now exists between the school and the home. Because of existing social conditions, many prehlems concerning the youth are arising. Besides the school activities, happy and wholesome home and community activities should be encouraged fo further this situation. The United States is looked upon :as a leader Ly all nations. The help of every citizen is necessary to make the [nited States such a leader in education for demucracv that it ean rightfully be looked up to by all nations. ·

I'm just a teacher ... Why do so many teachers humbly apologize with the ·word "just" when the sentence has so much significance1 I'm a school teacher,_ I'm porud of my profession. Requirements for success in my task include patience, humor, intelligence, sociability, responsibility, perseverance, and a knowledge of people's behavior. Future citizens are developing in my classroom. It is my duty to aid and guide those boys and girls to adjust themselves to the world of ours. What thev learn i;:; welldirected classrooms of America will bring in huge dividends in future America. I'm a school teacher. I'm proud of my profession.

What is collegiate? . . . ''Sure, Xseen him do it.'' "Aw, he ain't that dumb. He just was tryin' to fool you.'' Those are snatches heard from a conversation between two college students. At the time they were having their periodic relaxation at the water fountain before going to the next class. Certainly, they were relaxing. It wasn't necessaryto be using sixteen-cylinder words and Wordsworthian phrases. But they could at least have spoken correctly. Anyone who will take the 'time to listen will soon note that many abominable speech habits are common amo)lg the students on the campus. Those habits appear particularly bad when it is recalled that they an: the practice of many potential teachers. There are several reasons whv such habits should be changed. As teachers, those peopie will soon be the 1.iving models for others. Someone has said, ''As the home is, so is the child." It might also be said, "As the teacher is, so is the school.'' Teachers can't allow themselves to do anything but the best. Professional requirements also demand good oral English. If teachers wish to maintain the respect of the general public, they must be worthy of that esteem. Any teacher who goes about "murdering the King's English" is certainly no help to the building up of professional prestige. Some students ma}' think they can now be what they consider collegiate and use slovenly language. Then when they begin teaching, they will suddenly use model English. That is impossible. Good and poor English can't be "tuned in" at will like symphonies and hill-billy music. The foundation for future habits must be laid now.

Among the many new people on the campus this summer, one o.t the most interesting is Miss Darlene Rozern. No doubt, some who have seen this charming laey would like to know more about her. Every one on the campus should feel proud of Miss Rozean because she is one of Peru's own alumni who has "made good". Recently she earned her master's degree from the University of Southern California. One of her most interesting instructors, says Miss Rozean; was Dr. Chen, an exchange professor from China. She is the county superintendent of schools in Nemaha county. At present she is commuting from Auburn to Fern each day as a visiting instructor. For a number of years she has used her gracious manner and winning smile to guide young Auburnites through a pleasant year of kindergarten. Now she spends her time helping other people be successful te.achers. There is no doubt about the fact that Miss Rozean is an inspiration to all who meet her. Even the president of the world's. largest bank could take a few lessons on poise from her. And what woman wouldn't like to have such beautiful, well-groomed hair? Miss-Rozean has several hobbies, but one of the most interesting ones is music. She has helped many would-be pianists achieve their goal. But the piano is not all she plays. The pipe organ is also at her command. Perhaps some people would be interested in knowing that she plays wedding marches especially well. Among the honors which she has earned in membership in Delta Kappa Gamma, national honorary organization for women teachers.

Color Song Although all the fall students know the color song, many summer students do not. For the benefit of those people it is here printed in its entirety with the request that they memorize it. Fling abroad our College colors To the free Nebraska breeze, Blending heaven's own wnite and azure With the soft green of the trees While our loyal hearts and voices With pride and joy unite While we sing Peru's devotion To the pale blue and the ·white. CHORUS: While our loyal hearts and voices With pride and joy unite While we sing Peru's devotion To the pale blue and the white. Through the years of sun and shadow Mid the scenes we love so well O'er our hearts our dear old colors Still weave their magic spell. And where ever life may find us We'll strive with all our might To uphold the brave tradition Of the pale blue and the white. CHORUS: When the cares of life o'er take us Mingling fast our locks with gray Should our dearest hopes forsake us False fortunes fade away .. We shall banish pain and sadness By mem'ries fond and bright Of the old Nebraska College And the pale blue and the white. CHORUS:

Participants agree institute is a success · by Zeta Feighner

"This is the best planned and best organized institute I have attended," stated Dr. Earl Wiltse, ,president of NSEA, who has been attending such meetings throughout the state. Dr. Wiltse said that as a result of this meeting he believes a number of new PTA units will be organized. He also feels that such meetings should give Peru students a broader outlook on the field of education. Dr. P. A. Maxwell, head of the education department, said, "I feel it is well worth while." Dr. Maxwell supports Dr. Wiltse's belief that inspiration gained from these meetings will cause new PTA's to be organized, adding that at present the PTA does not flourish in this part of the state. Dr. Maxwell also feels that bringing people from both the PTA and NSEA makes these organizations more real to the stu\:lents than does reading about

Training School The training school closes Wednesday. During the year many improvements have been added including the purchase of <; magnox radio phonegraph, a new Bell-Howell motion picture machine, an opthalmograph for photographing eye movements, building of a new library and study hall unit, resurrection of the band during the second semester, and re-establishment of the hot lunch program under the direction of mothers of training school children. Miss McCollum proudly displays the new rug which arrived in Kindergarten last week. It was made in Bloomsburg, Pa., in the mill where her father invented the loom for rug making. The Girl Scouts served the dinner held last Wednesday at Institute. The Boy Scout camping trip ner McCook practically robbed the Junior High of. boys. The trip was made in the new college bus under the supervision of Professor Clayburn.

A tribute-to Miss Kennedy by Esther Steiner

To one who helped make our quest for learning while on this campus much more pleasant with that extra special smile for each person she met, by making the library conducive to study, and by {;heerfully finding the limitless number of books we requested-

them. He also feels foat the meeting has helped everyone to become oriented to the fall campaign for t.he school a"nendment. Miss Mildred M. Wharton, Field Specialist 0f the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, shared this enthusiasm. "This institute has been very successful," she stated. The primary purpose was to show how closer relationship and cooperation between the parent and the teacher would bring about a better child, school, and · community. "The importance of parent-teacher cooperation can not, I believe, be overstressed," said Miss Wharton. "The present proposed school amendment is one of the direct results 0£ such cooperation. Miss Wharton was pleased with the fact that the Parent Teachers Association and the State and National Education Associations are working together in this meeting. It is her desire that such an institute be a regular part of the curriculum ,at Peru and stated that the Parent Teachers Association will help in any way it can. Mrs. Charles A. Snyder, state president of the Parent Teachers Association, feels that the institute is VJluable in a teachers college in that it enables teachers to learn the principles and purposes of the PTA. Mr. M. B. Childs, superintendent of schools at Humboldt, also expressed confidence in the institute. His belief is that such institutes educate the student and give new ideas for the particip.ants to take back to their groups. He stated, "The entire program has been very helpful in expand·ing and evalu- , ating ideas." Opinions from students varied. Mrs. Mildred Calkins of McCook, expressed the view that she would continue the programs, emphasizing problems met by teachers. According to Mrs. Helen Sears, ·of Blairstown, Mo., another student, the best feature of this type of education is the contact between· professional and lay people. The discussion betweeen students and speaker brings their problems to light and helps to solve them.

"I haven't learned anything I didn't already know," was the comment of another student who desired to remain anonymous. She felt the only help such a worlmhop gives is directed to the young and inexperienced teachers. She favor-' ed the NEA sec'tion, and was in favor of the school amendment. She felt that the PTA might work in some places but not in others. From all indications the institute was a success, and professional spirit is being built on the campus of PSTC.

To her we humbly and gratefully pay this tribute: A perfect woman, nobly planned, To warn. to c;omfort, .and command, And yet a Spirit still, and bright With something of angelic light.

Pat Rooney, Auburn; Frances Hall, Seward, Kans.; Ken Wells, San Francisco; and Dick Vandenberg, Ripon, Calif., former V-12 students, visited friends on the campus last week. ·

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except auring registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students of the Peru State Teachers Colleg~, Pen1, Nebraska.

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, July 2, 1946 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Single copy 5c. Editor ................... :...... -··-·-·-·--·---··--·-·-· .. ·-·-----·-·----Paul Stoddard Assistant Editor ..... ---·----.. ·-·---··--·-.. ·-·--·--·----···-.....Doris Cordes Special Features ·------···--·-···-·-·---··---·--·---· .. -·-··---·Esther Steine Sports -··-·-·-·--.. --.. ····--·--·--.... ····-·----·-·-·---·--.. ----·-Mary Lou Genoa Advertising ···-·----·-·-·-···-··-----·-----··-.. ·--.. --·--·--··---Bertha Thorso Reporters .............. ____ .......... Members of the Journalism clas. Adviser .............·--·-·-·--·-----·-··---·---·-····-·-·-··-··-·-·Meta Norenber Business Manager --··---·-.. ···-····-·-·-·-·-·---·-·---------E. H. Haywar

Jack Rank and trio please audience "How does he do it?" "Did you notice the hands of each individual?" "I liked that white gown." "I surely enjoyed it and I hope .he comes again soon." "This is the way to have your Shakespeare and enjoy it too."

Unique instrumentation made exceptional the concert given on June 7 in the auditorium by the National Music League Trio. Rita La Plante, pianist, John Di Janni, violist, and Josef Marx, oboist, formed the trio.

A round of applause greeted Jack Rank on his return engagement to Peru. A full house testified to his popularity. Watchful eyes followed his every move in his presentation of the "Merchant of Venice".

Rita La Plante displayed extraordinary ability as an accompanist and soloist. The solo numbers she selected were "Soaring" by Schumann, "A Sigh" by Liszt, rnd "Fantasie Impromptu" by Chopin, from which the\popular "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" has been taken. These numbers were so well received by her audience that she pbyed Chopin's "G flat Waltz" as an encore.

Mr. R~nk specializes m Shakespearean dramas. This year, as before, the audience seemed to enjoy his "quick change artistry".

A versatile voice and char.acterAs oboist and director of the istic gestures help to make these group, Josef Marx showed why he changes. The wardrobe was created has been solo oboist under the by Adrian of Hollywood. · baton of leaders such as Arturo He has been dramatizing Shakes- Toscanini. An inner understandpeare for several years in various ing ,and feeling of music added <;ppeal to his technique and rare parts of the United States. · intonation. For his solos he chose the "Sonata No. 6 in G Minor"-by Anton Vivaldi and "Romanze No. 3 in A Minor" by Schumann; he carried the listeners through moods varying from pathos to exultant joy.


Under cover

Several new books have been added to the rental collection in the college library. "The Peacock Sheds His Tail" by Alice Tisdal Hobart is a story of modern Mexico. In '.'The King's General" Daphne Du Maurier has written an historical novel of Cornwall, full of adventure and romance. The terror and beauty of the Alps and the attempt of six people to climb Weissturm furnishes the background for "The White Tow . er" by J. R. Ullman.



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On his viola, a rare Gu11rnerius made in 1696, John Di Janni played three contrasting solo selections. He opened with "Fairytale in D Minor" by Schumann, an enchanting, dreamy melody in a minor stnin. "The Prize Song" from The Meistersinger by Wagner was his second number. His final number was the "Concert Piece in C. Major," composed for him by his friend, G. J. Sylvius. Mr. Di Janni's performance was one of the type one would expect since he has for On exhibit in the children's the past eight years occupied the room are books which have won solo violist chair in the Metrothe Newbery medal for the most polibn Opera Orchestra in New distinguished contribution t o York City. American literature for children. As a group the three artists The award for this year, an- played "Trio in E flat Major" by nounced last week at the annual Mozart and "Trio Sonata in D conference of the American Li- Major" by Jean Marie Leclair. The brary Association, went to Lois color, lyricism, and brilliance of Lenski, author and illustrator of the numbers gave ample solo op"Strawberry Girl". Maud and portunities to express the indiviMiski Petersham, joint authors duality of the three instruments and illustrators of a number of as well as for the pleasing harfine books fqr cnildren, were monious effects resulting from awarded the Caldecott medal for their combination. the best illustrat,ed book for children published 'Within the past year.

The following new books are in the general collection at the library: "Iran'" by W. S. Haas; "General Wainwright's Story" by R. Considine; William Allen . White's "Autobio.graphy"; "Man'eaters of Kumaon" by J. E. Corbett; "Where Do People Take Their Troubles?" by L. R. Steiner, and "Starling of the White House" by E. M. Starling . Student assistants in the library this summer are Margaret Spellman, Mary Lou Genoa, and Bonnie Aufenkamp.

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5 members join summer facuity Peru's faculty has several new members for the summer session.



:i:ss trd

:les ner rroa

Mrs. T. A. F. Williams is assisting Mrs. Marsh in the Women's halls. Before coming to Peru, Mrs. Williams was assisant to the Dean of Women :at the University of Tennessee. Miss Anne Christen of Nebraska City is assistant in the library. Miss Christen had her library work in Kansas State. Mrs. Alice Ulbrick has charge ·of the rural school program for the summer. Miss Darlene Rozean of Awburn is substituting for Miss Blanche Gard.

Mr. Wayne Buhrmann, Peru graduate, is assisting in the math. department.

C. C. A. invites new members

The College Catholic Association was organized in the early years of Peru. The succeeding years have proved it to be a success. This summer C. C. A is still functioning. General discussions, reviews, and chats educate the members. There ideas are evaluated; facts are made clear, and general knowledge is increased.

Whizzers swamp Jindra Tonettes White's Whizzers d e f eat e d Jindra's Tonettes by a 14-4 score in a five inning game on Monday \,vening, July 1. The game began with both teams gaining 2 runs in the first inning and no runs in the second. White's Whizzers walked off with 8 runs in the third and 4 in the fourth while the Tonettes made 2 runs in the fourth. Each team showed qmck thinking by making a double play. Hartman for the Whizzi::rs and Birkmann for the Tonettes provided some excitement by their expert catching of balls batted in their direction. The Tonettes were seriously handicapped because only five of their regular players appeared. Four substitutes were used. ,They were Leisvelt, Davidson, Iversen, and Cordes. The batteries were Tl'ompson and Wright for the Whizzers and Teegarden and Wagner for the Tonettes.

Scientists mount rare specimen

Women form teams; Whizzers take opener Girls softball teams have been organized at PSTC. Faye Brandt, under the direction of Miss Phy His Davidson, is the general manager of the league. After preliminary tryouts and several practice games, managers Duane "Whiz" White, Dr. B. K. Baker, and Prof. V. H. Jindra organized their te.ams. White's Whizzers include Thompson-captain and pitcher, Wrightcatcher, Mueller, Hartman, Daugherty, Tackett, Kroese, Wick, iand Dux. Jindra's Tonettes include Weichel~aptain and pitcher, Teegarden-catcher, Wagner, Moss, Wissler, Husa, Birkman, and Krikava. Baker's Boosters include Cordes -captain and pitcher, Iversoncatcher, Hahn, Schomerus, Jensen, Hunt, DeYong, Dobrovolny, Argabright, and Winkle. Games will be played on Monday and Wednesday nights-weather and time permitting.


IYokum wins 3rd

Once again the search has been renewed for that rare, m1known plant that will give Taxonomy students an A number one place Orivell Yocum placed third in as topnotch scientist. Trudging the discus throw in the junior wearilv mile after mile, these division of the A. A. U. track and eager ·beavers have searched for field meet in San Antonio, Texas, strange blossoms, if at night any last Saturday. one heard strange noises. it was Yocum's toss stretched 148 feet just the Taxonomy class SParching 1 inch. flower gardens on the sly. The winner of the evrnt was Novi the great discovery may be Robert E. Fetch of the Universrevealed. Several members of ity of Minnesota. He beat the the class announce the successful world record with a toss measurmounting of a hitherto unmounted ing 179 feet Vs inch. species with three very unusual Yocum consistently won the leaves. discus throw for Peru in the Their martuals describe this as spring track meets. one of several American sumacs of somewhat vinelike habit, with trifoliolate leaves, greenish flowers, white berries, and an irritant oil which renders the herbage poisonous to touch. Dr. Winter announced a week's For the first time in several vacation for his diligent scholars- years the College Athletic departthose who were so eager as to ment is sponsoring a men's basemount poison ivy. ball team. According to reports, the team shows promise of having :a successful season. The team is being managed by Wil'liam u•onovan, superintendent at Julian,D. H. Weber, county Coach Wheeler, head of the athletic superintendent of Richardson department. In the line up are Yocum-1st county, Superintendent W. R. 13ratt of Pawnee, and Miss Mary haseman, Genzlinger-2nd base, Clarke, county superintendent of Ray-shortstop, Weber-3rd base, Pawnee county, were campus vis- Roberts-left field, Coach Riggscenter field, Byers-right field, itors for the institute A. B. Clayburn spent last week White and Henderson-pitchers, week at the scout camp at Well- Mather and Hermsmeier, catchers. Other men out practicing infleet, Nebraska. Donald Liene· mann taught Mr. Clayburn's clude V. Graham, Rogers, B. Brown and Fass. classes during his absence.

Men organize baseball team

Campus visitors

MARY BECKER Violinist July 10--College Auditorium

Informal discussions are held every Tuesday evening at 7:00. New members and visitors are always welcome. E. H. Hayward is the sponsor of C. C. A. The Rev. Frank Flicek of Auburn presides ;at the meetings.

Budget Ticket or Fifty Cents

Let, Us Send You Samples! Of this Clean, Family Newspaper

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Bertha M. Thomson, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 60

Dr. H. C. Dallam Dentist Phone Office 32; Res. 196

" Keep up with Peru News by Reading


Play Ball! White's Whizzers won the first game of the season by defeating the Baker Boosters with a 12-5 score. In the first inning, the Whizzers made 5 runs and Wright w:as walked.

It was nip and tuck through the third and fourth innings when neither team scored. Tackett was seventh inning.


in the

Cordes pitched for the Boosters, and Thompson pitched for the Whizzers. Several Coeds showed marked ability at retrieving grounders and catching flies. There were also indications that with practice and instruction some heavy batters will del'elope during the season. An enthusiastic rooting section did much to promote player morale which will eventually develop super teams. ·

P. Davidson goes to aquatic school Miss Phyllis Davidson, director of physical education for women, attended the Red .Cross National Aquatic School at Grimes, Iowa, from Jlme 12 through 22. Courses included First Aid, Water Safety, Bnd Accident Prevention. Miss Davidson specialized in Water Safety and took some work in First Aid. She attended the schooJ at a representative of the Nemah,3 County Red Cross Chapter. Miss Davidson in commenting on her experience said, "It was hard work, but interesting. The school was expertly organized, and the food was excellent." About 180 were registered for work in the various courses; seminars followed the demonstr.ation lessons.

Rec swim hour proves refreshing Recreational swimming this summer has attracted thirty-three young people. Of these, twelve are college students who choose to swim for recreation. The hour is supervised by Ernest Strauss, life guard, who is assisted by Betty Vance.

School Supplies. Stationery Fountain Pens Peru's only complete School Supply Store Full line of Hall Mark Greeting Cards Musical Merchandise Diam:onds-Cldcks-Gifts ., Films Developed ·Watches Repaired Bobcat Sweaters School Pins Your Money Goes Farther Save at


Peru, Nebr.

Dorm Dope Eliza Morgan and Mt. Vernon by Ruth Kennedy If you can pull yourself away from those references, term papers, problacts, and what have you, we'll give you some of the latest statistics as to the welfare of the inhabitants of Eliza Morgan and Mt. Vernon. ·

It certainly didn't take long for some of the freshman girls who were newcomers to the dormitory to learn that crackers aren't safe on a bed. Mild;red Straube and Betty Usher didn't waste any time but borrowed one of Emily Wilson's mouse tr.aps. Presto-bang-o! A dead mouse and no more cracker ,,box robbing.

Some people have all the luck! Virginia Scott has been a bridesmaid at two weddings. Did someone say that "some people are always at the wedding but never a•bride". · Ru1h Meister learned in a painful manner that she couldn't take wh.at the preacher said too literally. In an attempt to fulfill "let thy light shine forth,'' she put her finger into a lamp socket. She proved that she is a good conductor of electricity, hut-still no light.

Campus visitors

• • • Swimming is much more fun than studying, isn't it Glenise Albin? It is hard to tell where Teegarden and; Helmic live, here or at home.

·Beverly Cowell arid Vera Mae Norvell find home in Auburn, more fun in the middle of the week than Morgan-Vernon in Peru. SURPRISE! And so it was for Betty Jensen on her birthday, when 14 surrounding room mates helped her to celebrate. Now that the screen is securely fastened 3rd floor gals are worried. Just how are they going to "escape" a fire-or numerous other things? First floor always knows when washday Saturday arrives. Anna Pfister and Mrs. Wilson suggest the college provide all the halls with clotheslines.

Delzell Hall by A. Non Delzell Hall should h:ave more than one copy of the evening paper so the fellows wouldn't have to struggle to find out how Joe Palooka came out.

There seem to he a lot of "eager Lois Marrs has frequently receiv- beavers" this summer. That makes ed letters addressed to Eliza Mor- it tather hard on the poor fellows gan 309 and there is no room by who planned to slide through. that number. Perhaps it will have to · be arranged to build another Don Aufenkamp has quite a room somewhere and give it that number. And then there's the girl . time dashing to the dorm between whose mail is in care of Elizabeth classes to learn the lastest move on the part of Congress in regard Morgan. to the draft. It must be fun to It's surprising what common- live out of a suitc:ase and keep one place things people learn when ear glued to the radio. they go to college. Many a girl got her first experience in openNews flash-six new booths have ing a mailbox with a combination been added to the student union. lock the first week of school. And she had to learn when she w,as in The fellows are certainly resuch a hurry to read that first letter from Mom, or perhaps the joicing over the added mail service. Getting mail twice a day may boy friend. make life a little more interestin<' Beware Peru! No plants will re- -especially if some sweet girl main after the vicious camp.aign writes twice a day. conduded by Weichel, Penney, Iverson, and Thorson. Bessie Husa informs youths in the region of the thousand oaks that trails are still being blazed in Indian fashion. A surprise package frog shocked Ilene Thiltges out of. her room, while her unsympathetic room mate, Eunice Harris, shook with mirth.

LINCOLN DAILY JOURNAL 9 Weeks $1 A Year $5 You need a big "wire photo" daily newspaper. People taking 30c a week papers pay $15.60 a year, and due to not being paid ahead can easily switch. They get their other mail through the postoffice. The Daily Lincoln Nebraska State Journal can give two to ten hours laters news out on rural routes. and in many towns because it is the only large state daily between Omaha ;and Denver printing at night, in fact after 5 P. M. The Lincoln Journal prints editions right up until train time day and night. The Morning Journal comes in time for mail delivery the same day. Dailies printed on the Iowa line edit for Iowa readers. The Lincoln Journal sells for three to five dollars a year less than any other big State morning daily, :and is priced as low as day late afternoon papers. By mail in Nebraska and North Kansas, nine weeks daily $1.00; daily with Sunday twelve weeks $2.00; a year $5.00 daily, $8.00 with Sunday; 25c a month higher to other states. Order direct or through our office.

Everyone is well aware of the fact that Harding and Griffin are back. It sounds as if the whole "thundering herd" had been let out at about midnight each night. A lot· of sympathy should be extended to Ernie Strauss. The poor fellow is so busy writing problacts, .assisting Mr. Larson, and directing recreational swimming that he hardly has time to enjoy the "finer things of life".

Roger Niemann and George Coupe have been coming from Neb. City at least once a weekjust for the sake of "allid lange syne"; they also seem to have some personal interests which need looking after. Buhrmann and Lienemann surely wish the weather man would be more careful about bringing forth showers at 10: 15. He could :at least wait until 10: 35. Several fellows have learned from experience that the buzzers in Eliza Morgan are sometimes too efficient. Certain buzzers ring in several rooms; consequently they get more girls than they had expected. Bill Thompson, who was junior class president last semester, certainly worries about the funds that are still in his possession. In case he gives a big party sometime, everyone will be able to guess where he got the money for it. Some one recently comp.ared Elwell to a little buitterfly. Could it be that it's because he has been flitting from flower to flower? Calvin Frerichs says there haven't been any fire crackers set off lately. He just hasn't been able to buy any. Red Hines considers himself an independent man now; he has his own car. That does ·•seem to make everything different.

J.P. CLARK Shoe Repairs of All Kinds Electric Shop Shop Peru, Nebraska

E. L. Deck and Co.

Nebraska City Laundry Dry Cleaners

Better Hardware

Service Twice Weekly

Peru, Nebraska

Inquire at Delzell Hall

Naomi Jeffery's week-end visitors were her sister, Eileen Jef. fery, and her cousin, Joyce Jeffery. Blondena Howerton lost her room-mate when the mumps sent Clarice Christensen home to Harlan, Iowa, after three weeks of school. Miss Ruby Baldwin, Julian, spent the week, June 17 to 22, visiting with her sister, Dorothy, who is attending school here. The entire Williamson family of Coin, Iowa, is on the Peru campus this summer. Mr .. and Mrs. Anson Williamson and son, Bernard, are taking college courses. The young daughter, Lois, is studying piano and voice. Mrs. L. B. Mathews and Miss Blanche Gard are attending workshop courses of reading and health at the University o.r Nebraska. Miss Edna Weare is attending summer school at Berkeley during a leave of absence. Supt. Robert Mason of Percival, Iowa, was on the campus, June 20, looking for a high school English teacher, and renewing former acquaintances. " Mrs. T. A. F. Williams will leave July 8, for her home in Knoxville, · Tennessee, to attend the wedding of her son, Dr. Ken·neth Williams. She will return to Peru about a week later. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stark, Marilyn and Arthur junior, of Fremont and Mrs. M.abel Gibson of Lincoln spent Sunday in Peru visiting with Mrs. Mabel Hoatson andMrs. T. A. F. Williams. The Starks and Mrs. Gibson lived in Chadron at the time Mrs. Hoatson and Mrs. Williams also lived there. Gifford Ruede of Salt Lake

City, former V-12 student, visited friends on the campus on regi:s~ tartion day. · Miss Mary Knipe of Auburn an Paul Looschen, Omaha, visited friends on the campus recently. Paul was on leave from naval duties. Ruth Daugherty came back to. Peru Sunday for a sisterly chat· with Mary Belle Daugherty. Jean and Rut.h Meister visited• Ruth Ann Cnook at Nebraska City over last week-end. Ruth Comstock of York recently, spent a day on the campus trans-. acting Peruvian business. She '. was accompanied by her mother. Lorraine Safranek of. Wilber visited friends on the campus last week. She has been teaching in Scottsbluff. Merna Jensen of Filley visited her sister Elsie Jensen last week. Mardell Birkmann who has been commuting from Brock, now claims Mount Vernon as her new · residence. Pat Rooney of Nebraska City, former member of V-12, and winner of the 1945 Swenson medal was a visitor on the campus June 17. Aileen Wheeldon of Brownville visited Ralf Graham last week. Mr. Steck, former instructor of music, visited the Peru campus recently.

Peru Variety Store

Peru Cleaners and Tailors

Dry Goods-Notions Wear-U-Well Shoes Peru, Nebraska

Hamburger Inn


Chicken Dinners Sundays

Motor check-ups Tires


Call 65 for Bus Information to Beatrice and Lincoln

First Grade Quality


Lowest Prices Compare Our Prices

Peru, Nebr.


McAdams Service Station Phone 68

Peru, Nebraska

Peru, Nebr.


Lunches, Ice Cream, Cold Drinks Fountain Pens and Pencils College Supplies, S~ti<~nery Zipper Notebo.oks Notebook Covers Is prepared to furnish all highest quality merchandise . Opposite the Training School

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Phone 6


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Railsback's I. G. A. Grocery


Garage, Gas, Oils Repairs



STANDARD SERVICE STATION Welding and Brazing F'hone 40 Peru, Nebr.


Peru, Nebr.

* *


Peru, Nebr.

Dr. E. C. Betk speaks

Ongra\u\a\\ons\ Irene Argabright Dawson, Nebraska "I like anything connected with sports," said Irene when asked about her hobbies. During the summers when she has been on the campus, she has been active in softball playing. Miss Argabright has chosen commerce as her major ;field and has minors in geography and physical education. This charming young lady has had several years' experience in rural schools and next year will teach commerce at Brainard, Nebraska. Marion Deck Peru, Nebraska Miss Deck has completed a ma-. jor in music. Her minors are geography and home economics. "I plan to teach at Bern, Kansas, this fall," was Marion's reply when asked about her future plans. She will teach music, home economc ics and typing. Marion likes to cook and play the piano in her spare time. While on the campus, Marion has been a member of Kappa Omicron Pi, Peru Singers, YWCA, and the Home Economics club.

in "Mr. Pim Passes By" and also has an important role in the summer play. He is a member of the Dramatic Club. Next fall Sidney will attend the University of Iowa where he plans .to get a master's degree. Amanda Jorn Falls City, Nebraska Amanda Jorn is an early elementary major and has minors in art and German. Miss Jorn is th-2 principal of the Grand View School in Falls City and teaches first grade there. Her hobbies are children's literature and the study and collection of wild flowers. She is a member of the Lutheran Club. Donald Lienemann Papillion, Nebr.

Donald is majoring in industrial arts and minoring in geography and social science. He is a member of Kappa Delta Pi and Epsilon Pi Tau. Teaching is not included in his plans. Don hopes to attend the university at Ames, Iowa, and study architectural engineering. Woodworking ranks first on his list of hobbies. At. present he is making furniture for his future home. Anthony V. DeMaro Nebraska City, Nebraska "Miracles Do Happen" is the name of the book he has written. Most of Tony's life revolves The manuscript is awaiting aparound music. His trumpet playing proval for publication at New is well known on the campus. His York City at present. major is music. Physical education "I wish there were 36 hours in and geography are his minors. every day," was Don's only comIn addition to playing the trum- ment upon his fall schedule. pet, Tony's most important hobbies are dancing and fishing. He will be teaching at Scranton, Ralph Patrick Dawson, Nebraska Iowa, this fall. Genevieve Geick Gering, Nebraska Genevieve's major subject is early elementary with minors in English and art. Miss Geick teaches kindergarten at Gering. Her hobbies are sketching and painting, especially Peru landscapes. She also collects rocks, minerals, arrowheads, and fossils. She is a member of Sigma Tau Delta and the Lutheran Club. She is also a member of the Nebraska State Mineral Association. Celia M. Hannaford Brownville, Nebraska "I 'Can truthfully say that I have been greatly inspired in my course in English literature this summer," said Miss Hannaford when questioned about her summer work. Miss Hannaford is majoring in elementary education and minoring in English and geography. She enjoys traveling very much and plans to take a trip to Alaska before too long. September will find her in Council Bluffs where she will continue her teaching in junior high school. Tod Hubbell Humboldt, Nebraska Tod has spent much of his time studying the past and has majored in history. He has also completed minors .in social science and English. Tod has always been known as "the little man with the big voice". Fun and laughter are his hobbies, and he shares them freely with everyone. Tod plans to continue his education this -coming fall by attending Phillips University at Enid, Okla. He was an active member of SCA and one of the cheer leaders while here the past winter. ·Sidney Johnson Auburn, Nebraska Sidney Johnson is the tall young man often seen nonchalantly trolling across the campus. He as a major in physical science d minors in English and matheatics. Sidney is well known on the mpus for his dramatic ability. e recently played the title role

One of the most versatile and industrious of the students to receive degrees this summer is Ralph Patrick. To his fellow students he is much more commonly known as "Pat". Mathematics is his major field and he has minors in physical science and industrial arts. Ralph contributed to the school's one of the most outstanding guards on the basketball team. He is also athletic program the past year as a member of Alpha Mu Omega, P club, the Men's Dormitory Council, and the Bobinn Council. This past year he was also chosen as a representative student and reigned as king of the May Fete.

amusements is dancing. He enjoys it .because it doesn't require .any thought, and he hates to be bothered with thinking. Joan Thickstun Omaha, Nebraska Joan has majored in home economics and minored in chemistry and commerce. She makes good use of her home economics training by making most of her smart clothes· she wears. The activities in which she has participated while in school are SCA and the Home Economics Club. She was also a member of the Women's Dormitory Council. Alma Vance Auburn, Nebraska Mrs. Vance plans to go to Colorado with her husband as soon as summer school ends. "Because of the teacher shortage, I shall probably be teaching somewhere next year," she stated. She is an Elementary education major and has had several years teaching experience. She has taught in rural schools and one year in Fullerton, Nebraska. When one ,-isits Mrs. Vance's · home, her micors, art and home economics, are quite evident. Her home making is her hobby. "I like cooking and sewing," she said. Duane White Superior, Nebraska Duane White is a physical education major as one would expect an athlete to be. His minors are industrial arts and social science. "Whiz," as he is commonly known, enjoys all sports. He was listed as the high score man in the N. I. A. A. and ranked third in the state in basketball scoring the past year. He was chosen as center on the honorary "All-state" basketball team. He also participated in track and baseball. He is a "south-paw" and is very proud of it. This summer he is managing one of the girl's softball teams. No doubt his favorite pastime is driving his new car.

Orchestra gives public program

PSTC orchestra, composed of approximately twenty-five students, presented a program TuesMarguerite is majoring in home day evening, July 23; 1946. The orche.stra was organized economics. Her minors are English this summer by Professor V. H. and chemistry. Mrs. Reisinger's favorite pastime Jindra with Una Mae Leech as is gardening. She will teach home conductor. The orchestra is composed prieconomics in the Shelby schools marily of training school pupils durip.g the next school year. Mrs. Reisinger advises under- although there are four college graduate students to get their students who have helped by lendschooling in four consecutive years ing their support They are: Madeline Wright, Ruth Meister, Mary if possible. i.ou Genoa and Wallace Cleaveland. Margaret Christy of Brock Helen Williams has also been a member of the Omaha, Nebraska orchestra this summer. The orchestral selections played Helen Williams is majoring in mathematics. Her minors are phy- were: "Apollo's Temple" by Gluck, "Russian Chorale and Overture" sical science and geography. For several years Miss Williams by Isaac, "East of Suez" by Strewas a missionary worker in French bar, "Ferns and Flowers" by West Africa. She has been teach- Holmes, and "Cossack Dance" by ing mathematics and science in Moussorgsky. There were also a number of the high school at Adona, Arkaninstrumental numbers under the sas, recently. Miss Williams will teach at supervision of Mr. Jindra. Also included in the program Ozone, Arkansas, in the Ozark National Forest region, during the were a number of piano selections next school term. In regard to under the direction of Miss Franfuture plans she says, " I choose ces Fields. Two students teachers, to teach in Arkansas because of the Mary Lou Genoa and Mrs. Paul opportunities for ministering the Stoddard, have been helping these Word of God as well as public students under the supervision of Miss Fields. school training." Those who played numbers were Darlene Platte, Richard Atkins, Dean Roper Fred Clements, Jimmy Jones, and Sumner, Nebraska Bobby Jones. Jimmy and Bobby .Jones also Industrial arts has been the chief concern of Dean while in played a piano duet selection. college. He has a major in that department and minors in physical PERSONALIZED education and mathematics. Dean is planning to teach this STATIONERY coming year, but he hasn't as yet accepted a position. One of his most pleasurable

Marguerite Reisinger Shelby, Iowa

The Peru Pointer

on Russian situation "He's a big boy now. o,on't go slapping him around. You c.an't afford to." Those were the warning words of Dr. E. C. Beck, guest speaker at convocation on July 10. In his address, "The European Language Tangle," he discussed the proper app,roach to the Russian situation.

Violinist presents classical music Mary Becker, concert violinist, was presented in an excellent program on July 11 in the college auditorium. The concert was one of the best budget events of the summer season. Through-out the entire concert Miss Becker held the attention of her audience with excellent performance The numbers varied from the classical "Sonata in D Minor" by Handel and "Concerto in E Minor" by Mendelssohn to a very modern Russian number in a bewitching rhythm. Among the semi-classical numbers she played were "Noctrine in C sharp minor," Chopin-Milstein, and "March of the Watch" by Korngold. "Jamaican Rumba" by Benjamin, "Habanera" by Ravel, and "Dance Espagnole,'' de Falla-Kreisler, were numbers which pleased those who prefer South American rhythyms. In her encore numbers Miss Becker showed a preference for arrangements by Kreisler. The encore numbers included "Londonderry Air" and "Midnight Bells" arranged by Kreisler, and his own composition, "Schon Rosmarin". Sidney Stafford, her able accompanist, pro\·ed that he is also an excellent soloist. His numbers included two Rachmaninoff preludes and a modern number, "Triano," from the suite, "Iberia " bv Albeniz. He also pleased th~ au: dience with a clever encore number, "The White Donkey,'' by Ibert. Miss Becker began her career as a violin soloist at the age of fourteen. She made five transcontinental tours before her New York debut in Town Hall in November of 1942. That concert brought her the best criticism from the New York press of any debutante that season.

Lutheran group organizes dub Lutheran~ on the oampus have organized under the direction of the Rev. Mr. Henkel of Auburn, and the Rev. Mr. Davis of Nebraska City. Dale Rathe was elected chairman and Marion Iversen has assumed the duties of treasurer. Pianist for the group is Doris Cordes. The meetings are marked by the singing of hymns, a short talk by the pastor for the evening, and a study period. The study treats the origin and history of the Lutheran Church. After the study, refreshments are served. The meetings close with group singing.

About 40 Lutherans have appeared for these meetings which are held every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 8:00 o'clock in the Music Hall auditorium.

Dr. H. C. Dallam Dentist Phone Office 32; Res. 196

Bertha M. Thomson, 11.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 60

E. L. Deck and Co. Better Hardware Peru, Nebraska

He considers the Russian nation a big, raw-boned, overgrown, seventeen-year-old lad. As a result that nation must be handled accordingly. Dr. Beck explained to his audience how the eight families in Inda-European culture a r o s e through migrations. Each of the migrations was the result of economic factors. The "eight kids in our family," he explained, are the Aryan, Armenian, Albanian, Greek, Roman, Celtic, Germanic, and Slavic nations. Each of the six older ones has in turn been the ruling group in the world. At the present time the Germanic nations are the ruling ones. All of the great industrial, commercial, and economic centers of the world are found in nations descended from the Germanic migrations. Now the youngest in the family, the Slav, is growing up. The Slav is the "over-grown boy·' who has not as yet clearly established his place in the world. Dr. Beck asked, "Why won't our youngest brother be okay?" His answer was that with proper handling and considera:ion the "overgrown boy" will become a man; bui if he is bullied, the result will be ungratifying to the rest of the world. "The other nations must get along with Russia. Making faces and saying nasty things won't do any good," declared Dr. Beck. In reply to anyone who might think he is a communist, the speaker explained that communism always begins on the inside of a nation. "If we become such (communistic) it will be more the fault of the school teachers of the nation than anyone else." Dr. Beck was a former student and instructor at PSTC. He is now head of the English department at Central Michigan College of Education located at Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.

Students will give public recital A public recital will be given by the music department on July 25, in the Music Hall auditorium. Music students from the voice, instrumental, and piano departments will participate in the program. The tentative program includes piano solos by Mary Lou Genoa, Dorothy Remmenga, Una Mae Leech, Florence Kreifels, Fred Clements, and Edna Mae Stoddard. Charlotte Pryor will play a violin solo. Lois Williamson. Bernard Williamson, and Doris Niemira will sing solos.

Teachers Wanted


Universities and Colleges all ·over the country are askin~ us for instructors Assistant professors, associate professors and professors' Ati Fields. Part time instru.ctors also: Salaries $2500 to $6000 and up.

Secondary and Elementary Hundreds of vacancies including Pacific Coast States and others with high Salary Schedules-$2000 to $3000 and up according to qualifications. Supervisors, Critic Teachers in great demand.


CLINE TEACHING AGENCY East Lansing, Micb.igan

IDorm Dope

/ J

League teams tie as finals begin

• • •

BY MARY LOU GENOA Th? dormitory is undoubtedly a little less noisy and a little more forlorn now that the six-weeks students are gone. New fads are always welcomed . in the dormitory. The latest is midnight parties. Nearly everyone returned from the Fourth of July vacation with either a sunburn or a lot of chigres. And a few unfortunate people through the halls cause more than had both. · Tantalizing aromas floating one person to wish that the pop corn would be passed around for all to enjoy. Remember the "share your food" slogan. If yoll' have any grade school arithmetic problems, bring them to Glenice Albin and Bobby Clark, the thinkers of their floor. When the lights went out unexpectedly, Wick, Helmricks, Buroughs, Smejder, and Husa cleaned up the pop corn leavings by the use of a flashlight. Madeline Pohler had a room full of surprise guests on her birthday. Tne friends and food spelled fun. Betty Simpkins certainly keeps scratching her head, just worrying about her music. Modern science now recommends the use- of face powder for dusting the floor says Kreifels. Newest ideas in acrobatic tricks can be seen in 322 when Ruth Kroese and Jane DeYong perform.

Students train for R. C. awards · Several students and townspeople under the direction and supervision of Miss Phyllis Davidson, women's athletic director, are undergoing the rigorous training necessary to secure a .Red Cross Life Saving Certificate. Ernest Strauss is working to renew his Senior Life Saving Certificate. Others working toward the enior grade certificate are: June Kuhlmari, Charlotte Pryor, Mrs. Barbara Nollman, J. B. Johnson, and Ila Mae Grush. Those competing for the Junior grade certificates are: Nancy Winter and Mary Steiner. Ansel Clayburn, in audition to working for the Junior certificate, is also attempting to complete the requirements for the Boy Scout Merit Badge in swimming.

Marian Hunzeker and Joan Jurgens know all the bicycle routes in Peru since they returned from their jaunt. Frieda Andresen has a made-toorder juke box in her room. Howerton, Betty Jensen, Helen Williams, and Gilmore are the early morning hikers. They climbed cemetery hill to see the sun · rise, but had to wait fifteen minutes before the sun made its daily appearance. Mrs. Williams has a novel cure for relatives who do not write letters. First write a letter to the relative and put it in your purse. Then send an empty envelope to the relative. An answer in just a few days is guaranteed.

Argabright-Wagner win tournament Irene Argabright and Doris Wagner proved to be the badminton champions as the tournament ended July 7. Irene and Doris won all of their seven matches. Oletha Mueller and Marjorie Ray were runners-up, losing only to the champions. There were eight team participating. Each team played seven matches of two games each. The teams were: Dorothy Stepan and Louretta Wernsman; Doris Wagner and Irene Argabright; Lydia bux and Bessie Husa; Madeline Wright and Josephine Heskett; Twyla Miller and Margaret Hammons; Thelma Wright and Esther Wick; Naomi Jeffery and Marion Deck; and Oletha Mueller and Marjorie Ray.


Coach Al Wheeler has reported that he expects about sixty to· seventy-five fellows to turn out for fiootball practice this fall.

Equipment will be issued and all the other. schools will be very the fall practice will begin on Fri- powerfwl with many of their letday morning, August 30. That termen returnin~ to school. will be three weeks before the "At Peru, we'll be starting from first game of the season which is scratch, as we've lost a number of scheduled with Colorado Springs fellows that we had expected here of the Rocky Mountain League- this fall; so far all the positions at Colorado Springs. are wide open." One of the outstanding features A fairly large number of sumof this year's schedule is the Satur- mer students have indicated their day afternoon game at Peru on intentions of trying out for posiNovember 9, with Kearney State. tions on the squad. They include: This will be the first time for a 0. D. Smith, Orvell Yocum, Mert number of years that Peru has Campbell, Bruce Lowe, Bob Webhad a Saturday game other than ber, Chuck Rogers, Orval Rohrs, the Homecoming game. and Jim Mather. The Homecoming game will be Others on the campus expected on October 12, with Peru State to join the squad are: Gerry GarbTeachers facing the Wayne State er, Mert Hall, Al Haack, Jack Teachers. Cejka, Ken Hermsmeier, Marve Coach Wheeler, in speaking of Holscher, and Wayne Parks. The 1946 schedule is: the outlook for this .fall, said, "We'll have a hard season because Sept. 20 Doane at Pem, (night) Sept. 27 Colorado College at Colorado Springs, Oct. 4 Midland at Fremont, (night) · Ralph A. Beatty of Beaver Oct. 12 Wayne at Peru, Hor;ieCrossing, Nebraska, and Miss Ruth coming, Eschen of Peru were married July Oct. 18 Chadron at Chadron, 3at Holton, Kansas. Oct. 25 Hastings at Hastings, Ralph is a Peru letterman, hav- Nov. 1 Nebraska Wesleyan at ?eru, (night) ing been on the track team in 1941 and 1946; Ruth also attended Peru Nov. 9 Kearney at Peru, Nov. 15 York at York. the last year.


Peru Cleanets and Tailors

Peru Variety Store Dry Goods-Notions Wear-U-Well Shoes Peru, Nebraska



Peru Barber Shop

Short Orders Meals Lunches

Garage, Gas, Oils Repairs

Shaves-Haircuts Shampoos PETE WHITLOW, Prop..

Chicken Dinners s.undays HELEN FOREMAN

Peru, Nebraska

with Doane game Sept. 20

Hamburger Inn

Free Delivery Each Day

MACKEY'S STANDARD SERVICE STATION Welding and Brazing F'hone 40 Peru, Nebr.

Phone 6

Peru, Nebr.


MEATS-SHORT ORDERS-SNACKS , Call 65 for Bus Information to Beatrice and Lincoln

RED AND WHITE STORE Groceries-Meats-Fruits-Vegetables Phone 1 Peru, Nebr.

Motor Rebuilding and Hydraulic Brakes Electric and Acetylene Welding

INSULATION PAYS FOR ITSELF Gives Greater Comfort Winter and Summer




. m

Service Twice Weekly

Inquire at Delzell Hall

The present lineup is: Boosters position Whizzers Iversen ------ c ____ Daugherty Cordes ------- p ____ Thompson Weichel------- lb _______ Kroese Hunt ~-------- 2b ____ ._ Mueller Jurgens ------ 3b --------- Moss Winkle ------- s ------ Hartman Hahn ---------rs-----De Yong ------ rf ------- Tackett ;Jobrovolny ___ cf---------- Dux. Schomerus ____ lf ------ Krilrnna

First .Grade Quality Lowest Prices Compare Our Prices


Nebraska City Laundry Dry Cleaners

The Whizzers defeated the Boosters 2-1 on July 17. Both teams did their scoring in the first inning. The last four innings were shut-outs for both teams.

Railsback's I. G. A. Grocery

Shoe Repairs of All Kinds Electric Shoe Shop Peru, Nebraska

Softball statistics show that the Boosters and the Whizzers are tied in league play. Each team has won two and lost one. The Tonettes lost two and won none. Boosters defeated the Tonettes 6-1 in the game played on July 8. Miss Davidson, substituting for the Tonettes, made their only score. Cordes, Booster pitcher, walked one person and stru~k out four. Weichel, for the Tonettes, had no walks and no strikeouts. The Boosters beat the Whizzers 7 to 4 on July 11. Miss Davidson was umpire. The Boosters walked two people and struck out one. The Whizzers walked one and struck ,out one. In the last of the fourth inning, all three outs were made by Hartman retrieving at short and throwing to Kroese at first. Jindra's Tonettes, because of shortage of players, disbanded. Members of the team have joined the Boosters and Whizzers.

Football schedule begins

Phone 33


Peru, Nebr.

Phone 48

Peru, Nebr.


McADAMS SERVICE . STATION Acetylene and Electric Welding Tractor Repair

Revlon Lipstick in all shades-$1.00 Pin-up Lamps-$3.95 and up Parker Fountain Pens-$8.50-$17.50 New Coventry Assortment See our line of vacation Merchandise Sun-tan Lotions-Leg Make-up Sun-tan Goggles-Insect Repellants, Etc.

Bowes Sealfast Tire Repair Taxi Service Phone 68

Peru, Nebr. "·


Lunches, Ice Cream, Cold Drinks Fountain Pens and Pencils Co1lege Supplies, Satibnery Zipper Notebooks Notebook Covers Is prepared to furnish all highest quality merchandise Opposite the Training School '


* *

The Rexall Store Lowest Prices Consistant with Quality


Peru, Nebr.

N. Y. offer comes to Dr. Bradford After seven successful years as head of the English department, Dr. A. L. Bradford has resigned to accept a position in the New York State College for Teachers



Miss Boyett is Kappa Delta Pi Dean of Women initiate eight Miss Annie L. Boyett of Bristol, Virginia, has been selected to fill the position of Dean of Women. Miss Boyett has her bachelor's degree from Howard College, Birmingham, Alabama, and her mast-

at Buffalo. The new position is a Professorship of English which becomes the headship of the department June 1, 1947, when the present bead retires. The college at Buffalo is a state teachers college, one of the two such colleges in New York which grant master's degrees. Its enrollment is assigned by the State Commissioner of Education from the upper groups of high school gradU'ates who are admitted after rigid tests and examinations. The enrollment is at present limited to 1500. Dr. Bradford will be teaching some graduate work. · During the time he has been on the campus, Dr. Bradford has promoted many worthwhile activities in addition to his work as head of a department. He has been the sponsor of Sigma Tau Delta, the national English society, and through it bas encouraged much creative writing by students. Each year with his supervision the orcranization has published at least ~ne issue of "Sifting Sand," a magazine pf original writing by - Feh:tv±arrs·. ----·


Dr. Bradford n:~self,;i!as done much writing and is a member of the Nebraska Writers' Guild. From tlme to time his work has been published in various educational and quality magazines. Among those in which his writings have appeared are the English J01Urnal, Quarterly Journal of Speech, Clearing House (New York University Journal), Pe ab o d Y Journal of Education, Yale Review, and other journals of speech.

MISS ANNIE L. BOYETT er's degree from Columbia University, New York City. For three years she was an assistant in the English department at Howard College. From 1939 to 1944 she was assistant professor of English and Dean of Women at Mercer University, Macon, Georgia. From 1944 to 1946 Miss Boyett was co-organizer of a counselling and g/uidance program at Bell Aircraft, Marietta, Georgia. She has been professor of English at Virginia Intermon~ol1ege, Bristol, Virgin~a, for the past-year. Miss Boyett will''..' assume her duties sometime in AUgust.

friends in Peru

Pres. Pate will leave PSTC after 23 years By Arthur L. Bradford President W. R. Pate, for twenty-three years head of the Peru State Teachers College, will retire from the presidency September 1. At the meeting. of the State Normal Board at Wayne, Nebraska, July 8, Mr. Pate formally submitted his request for retirement which the Board granted. At his retirement President Pate will have achieved a career of fifty years in Nebraska education, the longest tenure of any Peru president and one of the longest and most distinguished records of college administration in the state's history. In recognition of his pro· fessional distinction and long service he will receive from the State Board an annual retirement allowance· fee for life.

Future queens arrive in Peru Potential Hom e c om in g May Queens for the centennial celebration of the founding of PSTC recently made their first appearance in the Peru vicinity. Miss Sheryl Gay Floyd arrived July 9 and Miss SU'san Lea Reynolds on July 11. Since the parents of both young ladies are ardent Peruvians, it is a foregone conclusion that the obvious candidates for the centennial honrs will ~...\I;ie youn,g ladies: The little queens, as well as their parents, are to be congratulated.

Student players present English comedy, July 30 "Blithe Spirit"; a farce written by N1oel Coward will be presented in the college auditorium on July 30. This pfay has made a successful run on Broadway and has been successful on tour. "Blithe Spirit" has also been produi:ed on the screen. . . It is n1ot a "slap-stick" comedy, but a comedy of s1tuat1ons. A great deal of subtle humor is hidden in it.

Throughout southeastern Nebraska and western Iowa, Dr. Bradford is known as a critic of drama and Charles Condomine, a British speech contests. He has delivered . ;novelir:t happily married to his many high school commencement 'wife, Ruth, is writing a novel addresses in this area. which involves the supernatural. Dr. Bradford also gave his bril- He has the happy inspiration of liant leadership as sponsor of the asking Madame Arcoti, the local senior class during the seven medium, to conduct a seance. The years he has been here. whole thing is ·pretty much a When Dr. Bradford came to failure, and the guests depart, Peru in 1937, he had ju\St received leaving Charle~ and Ruth alone. his doctor's degree from Peabody, Then thing really begin to happen having previously earned his A.B. when the spirit of Charles's first and M.S. degrees at the University wife drops in for a visit. From of Missouri. this situation Noel Coward has fashioned a play which is hilariThe college suffers a great loss ous ai;" only a Coward farce could in the resignation of Dr. Bradford. be. The student body agrees with Hester Fri~dly, a senior from President Pate in his comment Verdon, plays the part of Edith. that Dr. Bradford's position will An early elementary major, Hester be difficult, if not impossible, to has found time to appe::ir in fill. "Where the Dear Antelope Piay" and "Mr. Pim Passes By", "This is the most cleverly written play I wa~ ever in", was her comment on the comedy. Acting as ao&istant director, she feels that she is gaining invaluable experience. Ramona Handley, the Ruth of Former Peruvians visiting re- "Blithe Spirit" is an English and ~ently with Miss Grace Tear were art major. Her college experience includes "Where the Dear Ante)r. and Mrs. Worth P. Conkle and lope Play" and "Riders to the \1'.rs. Belva Carder Garst. ,Sea", a one-act play. She has a:o,Dr. Conkle is connected with 'sisted backstage in several other he University of Texas, being productions produced on the Peru 'specially interested in play pro- stage. "I feel that it is really a i.uction. During the summer he is challenge . to all of us", was eaching at Banff, Canada, in the Ramona's statement. :chool of Fine Arts. Bernard Williamson, :o.een in the Dr. Conkle is a playwright of part of Dr. Bradman, is from Coin, utstanding ability. He stresses Iowa. He was very active in high )Cal settings. One of his plays <chool dramatics and has directed as a setting near Peru. :everal plays. Bernard feels that

Playwright visits

Summer initiation of Kappa Delta Pi was held July 17. Eight new members initiated into the organization were Ralf Graham, Mrs. Gertrude Hill, Marie Helmrichs, Marion Iversen, Janet Mastin, Shirley Penney, Irene Roberts, and Elaine Weichel. New pledges were Lois Boyd, Bob Brown, Ila Grush, Elsie Jensen, and Oleta Mueller. Lula Hohensee gave a review of an article on UNESCO. She stressed the fact that the purpose of UNESCO is to use every possible means to promote world peace and eliminate causes for war through education, science, and culture. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Emily Wilson, Mary Lou Genoa and Edith Straube. The annual summer picnic of Kappa Delta Pi will be held July 31.

NUMBe:R 18


President Pate came to Peru in 1923 from the rnperintendency of the Alliance, Nebraska schools where he had served 13 years. Previously he had held superintendencies at Danbury, Trenton, this is a difficult farce for a sum- Grafton and Sidney, and had mer session, but that under the served six times as profersor of the able direction of Professor Education on the summer school Moore it will be a success. faculty of the State Teachers Jean Meister, playing Mr£. College at Chadron. He has long Bradman, took part in dramatic been a member and is a past activities in Humboldt High president of the Nebraska State School. Jean is a commerce major. Teacher'1 Association, a member Her comment includes the fact of the Nebraska Schoolmasters' that she is gaining an insight into Club and of the National Educathe problems of play production. tion Association. In both the Esther Steiner, a senior from state and national educational Burchard, plays the part of Ma- meetings he is a familiar figure dame Arcoti. She has appeared his acquaintance in the teaching in r·everal plays given here in- fraternity probably being more cluding "Mr. Pim Passes By" and extensive and intimate than that "Where the Dear Antelope Play''. of any other Nebraska college She has also assisted in backstage head. work for several productions. She In the years of hi£ presidency consider0< "Blithe Spirit" a good at Peru, Mr. Pate has nurtured comedy. Her part allows her to the college to its present acasatisfy her creative instinct. demic maturity. He assembled a Margaret Lewis, from Schubert, faculty of teachers with master's plays the role of Elvira, Margaret, and doctor's degrees to secure acan English major, has had experi- creditation by the North Central ence in high school and college N-sociation and the American plays including "Mr. Pim Pasres Association of Teachers Colleges, By" and "Little Shot". Margaret a rating the college has had unfeels that this is a very unusual provisionally and continuously_ play and a very difficult one to since it was accorded. produce. During the more than ,two deSidney Johnson, who portrays Charles, is from Auburn. His cades of President Pate's leadermajor field is in phyr.ical science. ~hip the college largely developSidney's dramatic experience be- ed its present physical plant, acgan in high school where he ap- quiring adequate dormitories for peared in junior and senior plays. men and w o m e n , classroom "Mr. Pim Passes By", and "Little buildings and a modern training Shot" are included in his college school. In addition the institution career. His opinion of "Blithe enormously expanded its course Spirit" is that the play is typical offering" and was granted the of Noel Coward, being packed privilege of offering some graduwith a great deal of mbtle humor. ate work. During the present ad-

ministration it also acquired its chapters of the national scholastic fraternities and achieved the first 100% unit of N. E. A. in a Nebraska college, which was aloo one of the first such units in the nation. Throughout his administration President Pate has been alert to·· the larger responsibilities a£ well as opportunities of the college. Realizing the potential service of the institution to the cause of national defense, he moved, when the European war came, to secure for the school a naval air cadet program. Later, forseeing the inevitable decline in ·~nroll­ ment with our entry into the war, Prer.ident Pate immedietaly took steps to bring a Navy V-12 program to the campus. The institution was quickly approved and the program was established and continued till November 1945. With the close of the war, President Pate, looking toward the expansion of the im.titution and the extensi9n of its influence, acted promptlY. fo. restore the faculty to pre-war strength. New faculty members were added and further additions to the staff have been planned for the near future. The president authorized the establishment of a student union on the ground floor of Delzell Hall and recured government emergency housing for veteran students and their families. President Pate's interest in and his unflagging personal loyalty to his faculty have become proverbial. In his philosophy of admink,tration, often expressed, the merit of the college lies essentially in its faculty. An &.dmirer of scholarship and a staunch friend of scholars, President Pate has (Continued page 2, center colmnn)

.t.ditorials An

• • •


After twenty-three years of faithful service to PSTC, President Pate has resigned. It is with the deepest regret that the students, both of the past and the present, must now. bid him farewell. I

In looking upon President Pate's years of administra· ti on in retrospect, there are innumerable reasons for which the student body owes him appreciation. Among those one of the most important is the effort he has made to nurture the college to its present academic standing. He has made it possible for students who are graduated from Peru to hold degrees which are recognized by the North Central Association and the American Association of Teachers Colleges, a recognition of immeasurable value to graduates. Throughout his term as president, Mr. Pate has been .a builder in many ways. The faculty has been enlarged, the''Dt.~1;riculum has been expanded to make the scope of the subject matter taught much broader; a variety of activities on the campus has been encouraged; the physical plant has been enlarged and improved. During those years Peru added to its campus the beautiful Delzell Hall, a modern science hall, Eliza Morgan Hall for women, and ·the T. J. Majors Training School. In addition to those new buildings, mmiy other improvements such as the student union and the Oak Bowl have been made. President Pate has by no means been an impersonal administrator. He has had a sincere, personal interest in the school, his faculty, and the students. His philosophy of administration was not dictatorship; instead he granted as wide a freedom of decision as possible to his faculty and students. The students have appreciated the amount of liberty which wa:s granted to the Student Council, Bobinn Council, and other student organizations. At all times the suggestions of students have been respected even though they could not always be put into effect. President Pate has been unceasingly optimistic. He has h~d""great hope for the future, and particularly the future of educatr6it."_ His educational creed as_ expressed in both his words and acti0:ns has been that it is education, and education only, which can save democracy. To him, the strength or weakness of democracy is in the strength or weakness of its schools. He has been proud to be an educatgr and has encouraged the students at all times to be likewise. As potential teacher, he felt the students had taken upon themselves the most important task in the world-that of teaching others and encouraging them to strengthen democratic principles. To those who have had associations with him, President Pate has been a: symbol of integrity. In all he did what was upright, honest, and sound. His strictness in the fulfillment of his word and the freedom from corruption in his practices have not only made him an honored man, but have made PSTC a respected institution. The students of Peru have been proud to claim President Pate as the president of their school. He is an alumnus of the Nebraska State University; he earned his Master's degree at Columbia University. His prestige in the educational world is shown by the fact that he was for many )"ears a lecturer at teachers institutes. Perhaps his greatest honor is having been in Who's Who in America.


Such distinctions alone are not the only things which have made President Pate dear to the hearts of his students. His kindness, sincerity, open-mindedness, and friendly attitude are long to be remembered. The impetus which his administration has given the college can not be measured but will be felt for many years. The students of the present and the past will find it difficult to think of Peru without President Pate, but after spending fifty years in the teaching profession, he reserves the well earned rest which his resignation will give him. The resignation of President Pate, of course, also takes another familiar figure from the campus in that Mrs. Pate will not be here to lend her support to various activities Even though she has not been in the lime-light much of the time, her loyal support and presence as a silent partner have been of great value to the school. To President and .Mrs. Pate, from the student body and faculty, go the sincerest regret at their leaving and continued good wishes for their future.

I Personalities Peru campus has attracted students from far and near this summer. Among them is Pedro Jose Merida of Panama. Mr. Merida is here this summer for the purpose of learning to speak English in order to continue his studies in the schools of the United States. He had studied English for three years in Panamanian schools. This is the equivalent of about one college year in English. Mrs. Josephine Heskett, under the supervision of Dr. Selma Konig, is the tutor for Mr. Merida. This is an exchange experience for these two people. Each of them is learning to speak a foreign language correctly. This young man came to live with an uncle and aunt in Lincoln. Through an acqu)3.intance with Dean Lowe, the uncle decided to send the boy to Peru, so that he would have the experience of associating with English speaking people. This fall l),e will be a senior in the Perw Training School. Now students on the campus will know-when they meet a beautifully-tanned young man who smiles his greeting instead of speaking it-that they have met Pedro Merida.

Pres. Pate (Continued from page 1) always worked to create an atmo:,phere in which intellectual interests could live. He has been known as an exponent of academic freedom and an opponent of the authoritarian principle in administration. "I have no wish to be a dictator, he has told his faculty simply. His actions as executive have abundantly rnstained his words, his policy through the years being to get the strongest people obtainable for departltlent headships and grant them a wide freedom of decision within their respective departments. The consequence of Preoident Pate's enlightened policy of administration are easily seen. While often working under the severe handicap of drastically reduced appropriations during the drouth years he was able, because of his hold on the affectiom. and confidence of his faculty, to keep his administrative assistants, bis department heads and the greater part of his instructional staff intact. Faithful to hio, trust, when the state's economic health improved, he secured for his faculty a succession of salary increases aggregating above 30% and more than restoring all losoes sustained during the drouth period. President Pate's decision to retire at the close of his fiftieth year of service to Nebraska education will be received with surprise and a deep regret by countlesf· friends of Peru over the state and nation. As the dean of Nebraska educators President Pate's own personal prestige has through the years immeasurably enhanced the prestige of the teacher,, college to which he committed himself. To Peruvians far and near he has come to seem the personal epitome of the college. They will find it hard to image the institution without him, and they will deeply wish that his successor may bring to hio duties something of the stout faith in the profession of , teaching, the administrative wisdom and devotion to high principles that have been distinctions of President Pate. Mr. Pate has made no announcement of his plans for the future. Thom.ands of Nebraska school men and women will wish for him the best that the years ahead may hold, and they will hope sincerely that his mature judgment and influence will continue for a long time to count heavily in the edu·· cational councils of the state.

:> memoers JOln Sigma Tau Delta Sigma Tau Delta held its summer meeting in the Music Hall, Tuesday, July 9. Mrs. A. L. Bradford gave an interesting review of "Bolts of Melody," a collection of poems by Emily Dickenson. Five new members were initiated. They were: Ramona Handley, Genevieve Geick, Bertha Thorson, Lula Hohensee, and Zeta Feighner. Elsie Jensen took the pledge to membership in Sigma Tau. Dr. E. P. Conkle, a former Peruvian, who is now head of the department of dramatics at the University of Texas, talked to the group about the choice of material for writing. Refreshments of sandwiches, ice _cream, cake, and punch were served by Ruth Meister, Dorothy Elliatt, Una Mae Leech, and Emily Wilson.

IUnder cover The college library has been designated to receive material sent out by the National Committee on Atomic Informalion, Washington, D. C. In addition to reports and pamphlets, the committee issues the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. The 1946-47 edition of "Who's Who is America" has been received and placed on the reference shelves. The following books have been added to the general collection: "Radar" by Orrin E. Dunlap; "State of the Union," a comedy by Howard Lindsay and Russell Crouse, and "Son of the Wilderness: the Life of John Muir," by Mrs. Linnie M. Wolfe.

Personals Aileen Wheeldon of Brownville recently visited Shirley Penney. Aileen, Ralf Graham, and Mr. and and Mrs. Pau I Stoddard enjoyed a picnic at Neal Parle Members of the sociology and extra-curricular activities classe' enjoyed a tea given at the home of Miss Grace Tear on July 10. Miss Verona Oetken of Cool' visited Carrie Ellen Adamson. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Benford of Pueblo, Colorado, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. M core and family. Mr. Benford was formerly instructor of vocal music at PSTC. Miss Isabel Mason is ~pending the remainder of the ~ummer with friends and relatives at Sonora, Kentucky. Mrs. C. H. Marsh and Dr. and Mrs. Brown spent the 4th of July

week-end in Omaha. Betty Johnson, a former student of PSTC and her cousin, Richard Jenkins of Council Bluff~ were on the campus Wednesday, July 17. Mr. Jenkins made arrangements to attend fchool the fall term.

Who lost 1t! Could it be that the coiner of the old-age phrase, "absent-minded professor," bas2d his terms on sane logical reasoning? After visiting the PSTC lost and found department one is inclined to think so. At least prospective teachers seem to possess that characteristic. Maybe one of the educational objectives of such institutions should be to eliminate this personality trait in its students. Perhaps if the person who lost his lower plate would call at the lost and found, he would be better able- to digest some of these "dreaded" courses. According to campus chatter some of them are pretty tough chewing. Has anyone lost some iriends? She might renew some friendships by calling at the lost and found to claim her friendship bracelet. Were all those textbooks lost becau'Se the hot· summer weather in Peru is not conducive t:i study? Or is it just that absent-minded quality revealing itself again? Everyone remembers the old story about grandpapa's spectacles. The forehead apparently isn't the only place they might be found. By consulting the lost and found, a student might find his, with or without the case, or even with the price-tag still attached. Before buying new apparel the winter sport fan might try the lost and fcund. Perhaps the white and green wool gloves, the red mitten, or the stocking cap belongs to him. Has anyone found herself searching frantically for a pair of white gloves to wear to church on Sunday morning? A trip to the lost and found might make next Sunday morning's dressing a little less hectic for some poor soul. Milady will have to search elsewhere for her third-finger, lefthand ring, but the lost and found boasts a variety of other items of jewelry. Does anyone want a ring with two sets missing and two intact, a signet ring, a locket, or a tie clasp? Maybe this conglomeration could be untangled if the loser- of the filing cards would claim the same and appoint himself :me "persoria1 secretary "-~ ear;!:-. -rnember of the student body. Who knows?

Mrs. Knight /helps in college office Mrs. Lloyd Knight of St. Louis, Mo., began work in the college office on Monday, July 15, to assist Miss Gockley. Mrs. Knight is the former Erna Steffen; she attended PSTC and was bookkeeper for the college several years. Miss Elma Gockley, bursar of the college, underwent an operation on her foot at St. Mary's hospital in Nebraska City, July 17.

E. G. Grossoehme resigns as custodian After twenty-five years of faithful service as a janitor on the campus, E. G. Grossoehme has resigned. Mr. Grossoehme is eligible for pension payments under the Nebraska retirement law.

Published semimonthly, September to May, inclusive, except ouring registration, examination and vacation periods, by the students of the Peru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Peru Pedagogian, Tuesday, July 23, 194-6 Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska, as Serond Class Matter. $1.00 per year. Sii;igle copy 5r. Editor ·--···-·-·-·-··---·-,-·------·-·-·-·-··-········-·- -·-··---·---·-·-Esther Steiner Assistant Editor ··········-·-···-····-·-·---····-··"-·-···-···-Mrs. Sehetzer Special Features ···--·-···--····Zeta: Feighner, Mary Lou Genoa Sports ··---······--··-···----··-----··--·-Ruth Kennedy, Paul Stoddard Ad vert.ising ·-·-·····-··-··: _____________________________ ,__________ .J\1rs. rrh ors on Reporters __ .... ,;__________________ .. Members of the Journalism elass Typists ··--········-··-·-·-····---·----···-····Doris Cordes, Edith Straube Adviser ······················--·---··--······--······-·-·--··---·-·Meta Norenberg Business Adviser ··--··-----···--·---··-···--····---·-··------··-E. H. Hayward

Ur. t.. l. Heck speaks

\.ongratulations! f

Irene Argabright Dawson, Nebraska "I like anything connected with sports," said Irene when asked about her hobbies .. During the .summers when she has been on the campus, she has been active in softball playing. Miss Argabright has chosen commerce as her major field and has minors in geography and physical education. This charming young lady has had several years' experience in rural schools' and next year will teach commerce at Brainard, Nebraska. Marion Deck / Peru, Nebraska Miss Deck has completed a major in music. Her minors are geography and home economics. "I plan to teach at Bern, Kansas, this fall," was IVIaribn's reply when asked about her future plans. She will teach music, home economics and typing. Marion likes to cook and play the piano in her spare time. While on the campus, Marion has been a member of Kappa Omicron Pi, Peru Singers, YWCA, and the Home Economics club. Anthony V. DeMaro Nebraska City, Nebraska Most of Tony's life revolves around music. His trumpet playing is well known on the campus. His major is music. Physical education and geography are his minors. In addition to playing the trumpet, Tpny's most important hobbies· are dancing and fishing. He will be teaching at Scranton, Iowa, this fall. Genevieve Geick Gering, Nebraska Genevieve's major subject is ea;·Jy elementary with minors in English and art. Miss Geick teaches kindergarten .at Gering. - -He1: liobbies ··are sketching and painting, espe\•j.a'tly Peru landscapes. She also collects rocks, minerals, arrowheads, and fossils. She is a member of Sigma Tau Delta and the Lutheran Club. She is also a member of the Nebraska State Mineral Association. Celia M. Hannaford Brownville, Nebraska "I can truthfully say that I have been greatly inspired in my course in English literature this summer," said Miss Hannaford when questioned about her summer work. Miss Hannaford is majoring in elementary education and minoring in English and geography. She enjoys traveling very much and plans to take a trip to Alaska before too long. September will find her in Council Bluffs where she will continue her teaching in junior high school. Tod Hubbell Humboldt, Nel:Jlraska Tod has spent much of his time studying the past and has majored in history. He has also completed minors in social science and English. Tod has always been known as "the little man with the big voice". Fun and laughter are his hobbies, and he shares them freely with everyone. Tod plans to continue his education this coming fall by attending Phillips University at Enid, Okla. He was an active member of SCA and one of the cheer leaders while here the past winter.

in "Mr. Pim Passes By" and also has an important role in the summer play. He is a member of the Dramatic Club. Next fall Sidney will attend the University of Iowa where he plans to get a master's degree. Amanda Jorn Falls City, Nebraska Amanda Jorn is an early elementary major and has minors in art and German. Miss Jorn is the principal of the Grand View School in Falls City and teaches first grade there. Her hobbies are children's literature and the study and collection of wild flowers. She is a member of the Lutheran CIU'b. Donald Lienemann Papillion, Nebr. Donald is majoring in industrial arts and minoring in geography and social science. He is a member of Kappa Delta Pi and Epsilon Pi Tau. Teaching is not included in his plans. Don hopes to attend the university at Ames, Iowa, and study architectural, engineering. Woodworking ranks first ori his list of hobbies. At present he is making furniture for his future home. "Miracles Do Happen" is the name of the book he has written. The manuscript is awaiting approval for publication at New York City at present. "I wish there were 36 hours in every day," was Don's only comment upon his fU'll schedule. Ralph Patrick Dawson, Nebraska One of the most versatile and industrious of the students to receive degrees this summer is Ralph Patrick. To his fellow students he is much more commonly known as "Pat". Mathematics is his major field and he has minors jn physical science and industrial arts. Ralph contributed to the school's one of the most outstanding guards on the basketball team. He is also athletic program the past year as a member of Alpha Mu Omega, P club, the Men's Dormitory Council, and the Bobinn Council. This past year he was also chosen as a representative stU'dent and reigned as king of the May Fete. Marguerite Reisinger Shelby, Iowa Marguerite is majoring in home economics. Her minors are English and chemistry. Mrs. Reisinger's favorite pastime is gardening. She will teach home economics in the Shelby schools during the next school year. Mrs. Reisinger advises undergraduate students to get their schooling in four consecutive years if possible. Helen Williams Omaha, Nebraska Helen Williams is maJonng in mathematics. Her minors are physical science and geography. For several years Miss Williams was a missionary worker in French West Africa. She has been teaching mathematics and science in the high school at Adona, Arkansas, recently. Miss Williams will teach at Ozone, Arkansas, in the Ozark National Forest region, during the next school term. In regard to future plans she says, " I choose to teach in Arkansas because of the opportunities for ministering the Word of God as well as public school training."

Sidney Johnson Auburn, Nebraska

Dean Roper Sumner, Nebraska

Sidney Johnson is the tall young man often seen nonchalantly strolling across the campus. He has a major in physical science and minors in English and mathematics. Sidney is well known on the campus for his dramatic ability. He recently played the title role

Industrial arts has been the chief concern of Dean while in college. He has a major in that department and minors in physical education and mathematics. Dean is planning to teach this coming year, but he hasn't as yet accepted a position. One of his most pleasurable

amusements is dancing. He enjoys it because it doesn't requ!ire any thought, and he hates to be bothered with thinking. Joan Thickstun Omaha, Nebraska Joan has majored in home economics and minored in chemistry and commerce. She makes good use of her home economics training by making most of her smart clothes she wears. The activities in which she has participated while in school are SCA and the Home Economics Club. She was also a member of the Women's Dormitory Council. Alma Vance Auburn, Nebraska Mrs. Vance plans to go to Colorado with her husband as soon as summer school ends. "Because of the teacher shortage, I shall probably be teaching somewhere next year," she stated. She is an elementary education major and has had several years teaching experience. She has taught in rural schools and one year in Fullerton, Nebraska. When one visits Mrs. Vance's home, her minors, art and home economics, are quite evident. Her home making is her hobby. "I like cooking and sewing," she said. Duane White Superior, Nebraska Duane White is a physical education major as one would expect an athlete to be. His minors are industrial arts and social science. "Whiz," as he is commonly known, enjoys all sports. He was listed as the high score man in the N. I. A. A. and ranked third in the state· in basketball scoring the past year. He was chosen as center on the honorary "All-state" basketball team. He alsd participated in track and baseball. He is a "south-paw" and is very proud of it. This summer he is managing one of the girl's softball teams. No doubt his favorite pastime is driving his new car.

Orchestra gives public program PSTC orchestra, composed of approximately twenty-five students, presented a program Tuesday evening, July 23, 1946. The orchestra was organized this summer by Professor V. H. Jindra with Una Mae Leech as conductor. The orchestra is composed primarily of training school pupils although there are four college students who have helped by lending their support They are: Madeline Wright, Ruth Meister, Mary Lou Genoa and Wallace Cleaveland. Margaret Christy of Brock has also been a member of the orchestra this summer. The orchestral selections played were: "Apollo's Temple" by Gluck, "Russian Chorale and Overture" by Isaac, "East of Suez" by Strebar, "Ferns and Flowers" by Holmes, and "Cossack Dance" by Moussorgsky. There were also a number of instrumental numbers under the supervision of Mr. Jindra. Also included in the program were a number of piano selections under the direction of Miss Frances Fields. Two students teachers Mary Lou Genoa and Mrs. Paul Stoddard, have been helping these students under the supervision of Miss Fields. . Those who played numbers were Darlene Platte, Richard Atkins Fred Clements, Jimmy Jones, and Bobby Jones. Jimmy and Bobby Jones also played a piano duet selection.


The Peru Pointer

on Russian situation "He's a big boy now. D1on't go slapping him around. You can't af. ford to." Those were the warning words of Dr. E. C. Beck, guest speaker at convocation on July 10. In his address, "The European Language Tangle," he discussed the proper app1roach to the Russian situation •

Violinist presents classical music Mary Becker, concert violinist, was presented in an excellent program on July 11 in the college auditorium. The concert was one of the best budget events of the summer season. Through-out the entire concert Miss Becker held the attention of her audience ·with excellent performance The numbers varied from the classical "Sonata in D Minor" by Handel and "Concerto in E Minor" by Mendelssohn to a very modern Russian number in a bewitching rhythm. Among the semi-classical numbers she played were "Noctrine in C sharp minor,'' Chopin-Milstein, and "March of the Watch" by Korngold. "Jamaican Rumba" by Benjamin, "Habanera" by Ravel, and "Dance Espagnole," de Falla-Kreisler, were numbers which pleased those who prefer South American rhythyms. In her encore numbers Miss Becker showed a preference for arrangements by Kreisler. The encore numbers focluded "Londonderry Air" and "Midnight Bells" arranged by Kreisler, and his own composition, "Schon Rosmarin". Sidney Stafford, her able accompanist, proved that he is also an excellent soloist. His numbers included two Rachmaninoff preludes and a modern number, "Triano," from the suite, "Iberia," by Albeniz. He also pleased the audience with a clever encore number, "The White Donkey,'' by Ibert. Miss Becl,er began her career as a violin soloist at the age of fourteen. She made five transcontinental tours before her New York debut in Town Hall in November of 1942. That concert brOU'ght her the best criticism from the New York press of any debutante that season.

Lutheran group organizes dub Lutheranr. on the oampus have organized under the direction of the Rev. Mr. Henkel of Auburn, and the Rev. Mr. Davis of Nebraska City. Dale Rathe was elected chairman and Marion Iversen has assumed the duties of treasurer. Pianist for the group is Doris Cordes. The meetings are marked by the singing of hymns, a short talk by the pastor for the evening, and a study period. The study treats the origin and history of the Lutheran Church. After the study, refreshments are served. The meetings close with group singing. About 40 Lutherans have appeared for these meetings which are held every Tuesday evening from 7: 00 to 8: 00 o'clock in the Music Hall auditorium.

Dr. H. C. Dallam Dentist Phone Office 32; Res. 196

Bertha M. Thomson, M.D.

Physician and Surgeon Phone 60

E. L. Deck and Co. ,1

Better Hardware Peru, Nebraska

He consi~ers the Russian nation a big, raw-boned, overgrown, seventeen-year-old lad. As a result that. nation must be handled accordingly. Dr. Beck explained to his audience how the eight families in Indo-European culture a r o s e through migrations. Each of the migrations was the result of economic factors. The "eight kids in our family," he explained, are the Aryan, Armenian, Albanian, Greek, Roman, Celtic, Germanic, and Slavic nations. Each of the six older ones has in turn been the ruling group in the world. At the present time the Germanic nations are the ruling ones. All of the great industrial, commercial, and economic_.~eriters :~ the world are found in nations descended from the Germanic migrations. Now the youngest in the family, the Slav, is growing up. The Slav is the "over-grown boy" who has not as yet clearly established his place in the worId. Dr. Beck asked, "Why won't our youngest brother be okay?" His answer was that with proper handling and consideration the "overgrown boy" will become a man; but if he is bullied, the result will be ungratifying to the rest of the wor Id. "The other nations must get along with Russia. Making faces and saying nasty things won't do any good,'! declared Dr. Beck. In reply to anyone who might think he is a communist, the speaker explained that communism always begins on the inside of a nation. "If we become such (communistic) . ' it will be more the fault of the school teachers of the nation than anyone else." Dr. Beck was a former student and instructor at PSTC. He is now head of the English department at Central Michigan College of Education located at Mt. Pleasant, Michigan,

Students will give public recital A public recital will be given by the music department on July 25, in the Music Hall auditorium. Music students from the voice, instrumental, and piano departments will participate in the program. The tentative program includes piano solos by Mary Loll' Genoa, Dorothy Remmenga, Una Mae Leech, Florence Kreifels, Fred Clements, and Edna Mae Stoddard. Charlotte Pryor will play a violin solo. Lois Williamson, Bernard Williamson, and Doris Niemira will sing solos.

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Universities and Colleges all 'Over the country are asking us for instructors Assistant professors, associate professors and professors• AM Fields. Part time instructors also: Salaries $2500 to $6000 and up.

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CLINE TEACHING AGENCY East Lansing, Michigan

IDorm Dope

League teams tie as finals begin

• • •

BY MARY LOU GENOA Th!!' dormitory is undoubtedly Marian Hunzeker and Joan Jura little less noisy and a little more gens know all the bicycle routes forlorn now that the six-weeks in Peru since they returned from students are gone. . their jaunt. New fads are always welcomed Frieda Andresen has a made-to. in the dormitory. The lat.est is order juke box in her room. midnight parties. . Howerton, Betty Jensen, Helen Nearly everyone returned from Williams, and Gilmore are the the Fourth of July vacation with early morning hikers. They climbeither a sunburn or a lot of chig- ed cemetery hill to see the sun res. And a few unfortunate people · rise, but had to wait fifteen minthrough the halls cause more than utes before the sun made its daily had both. · appearance. Tantalizing a r om as floating Mrs. Williams has a novel cure one person to wish that the pop for relatives who do not write corn would be passed around for letters. First write a letter to the all to enjoy. Remember the "share relative and put it in your purse. your food" slogan. Then send an empty envelope to If yow have any ·grade school the relative. An answer in just· a arithmetic problems, bring them few days is guaranteed. to Glenice Albin and Bobby Clark, the thinkers of their floor. When the lights went out unexpectedly, W i ck, Helmricks, Buroughs, Smejder, and Husa cleaned up the pop corn leavings Irene Argabright and Doris by the use of a flashlight. Wagner proved to be the badminMadeline Pohler had a room full of surprise guests on her birth- ton champions as the tournament day. Tne friends and food spelled ended July 7. Irene and Doris won all of their seven matches. fun. Oletha Mueller and Marjorie Betty Simpkins certainly keeps scratching her head, just worry- Ray were runners-up, losing only to the champions. ing about her music. There were eight team particiModern science now recommends the use.- of face powder for dusting pating. Each team played seven matches of two games each. the floor says Kreifels. The teams were: Dorothy Stepan Newest ideas in acrobatic tricks and Louretta Wernsman; Doris can be seen in 322 when Ruth Wagner and Irene Argabright; Kroese and Jane DeYong perform. Lydia Dux and Bessie Husa; Mad-

Argabright-Wagner win tournament

Students train for R. C. awards· Several students and townspeople under the direction ..and supervision of Miss Phyllis Davidson, women's athletic director, are undergoing the rigorous training necessary to secure a -Red Cross Life Saving Certificate. Ernest Strauss is working to renew his Senior Life Saving Certificate. Others working toward the enior grade certificate are: June Kuhlman, Charlotte Pryor, Mrs. Barbara Nollman, J. B. Johnson, and Ila Mae Grush. Those competing for the Junior grade certificates are: Nancy Winter and Mary Steiner. Ansel Clayburn, in audition to working for the Junior certificate, is also attempting to complete the requirements for the Boy Scout Merit Badge in swimming.

eline Wright and Josephine Heskett; TWYla Miller and Margaret Hammons; Thelma Wright and Esther Wick; Naomi Jeffery and Marion Deck; and Oletha Mueller and Marjorie Ray,


Coach Al Wheeler has reported that he expects about sixty to· seventy-five fellows to turn out for football practice this fall.

Equipment will be issued and 1.he fall practice will begin on Friday morning, Augll'st 30. That will be three weeks before the first game of the season which is scheduled with Colorado Springs 'of the Rocky Mountain Leagueat Colorado Springs. One of the outstanding features of this year's schedule is the Saturday afternoon game at Peru on No;vember 9, with Kearney State. This will be the first time for a number of years that Peru has had a Saturday game other than the Homecoming game. The Homecoming game will be on October 12, with Peru State Teachers facing the Wayne State Teachers. Coach Wheeler, in speaking of the outlook -for this .fall, said, "We'll have a hard season because

Beatty-Eschen Ralph A. Beatty of Beaver Crossing, Nebraska, and Miss Ruth Eschen of Peru were married July 3at Holton, Kansas. Ralph is a Peru letterman, having been on the track team in 1941 and 1946; Ruth also attended Peru the last year.

all the other schools will be very powerfu•l with many of their lettermen returnin>; to school. "At Peru we'll be starting from scratch, as ~e've lost a number of fellows that we had expected here this fall· so far all the positions are wid~ open." A fairly large num'1er of summer students have inuicated their intentions of trying out for positions on the squad. They include: 0. D. Smith, Orvell Yocum, Mert Campbell, Bruce Lowe, Bob Webber, Chuck Rogers, Orval Rohrs,. and Jim Mather. Others on the campus expected to join the squad are: Gerry Garber, Mert Hall, Al Haack, Jack Cejka, Ken Hermsmeier, Marve Holscher, and Wayne Parks. The 1946 schedule is: Sept. 20 Doane at Pem, (night) Sept. 27 Colorado College at Colorado Springs, Oct. 4 Midland at Fremont, (night) Oct. 12 Wayne at Peru, Homecoming, Oct. 18 Chadron at Chadron, Oct. 25 Hastings at Hastings, Nov. 1 Nebraska Wesleyan at ?eru, (night) Nov. 9 Kearney at Peru, Nov. 15 York at York.

Peru Cleaners and Tailors

Peru Variety Store Dry Goods-Notions Wear-U-Well Shoes Peru, Nebraska



Peru Barber Shop

Short Orders Meals Lunches

Garage, Gas, Oils Repairs

Shaves-Haircuts Shampoos .PETE WHITLOW, Prop.

Chicken Dinners ~undays


Peru, Nebraska

with Doane game Sept. 20

Hamburger Inn

Free Delivery Each Day

MACKEY'S STANDARD SERVICE STATION Welding and Brazing F1hone 40 Peru, Nebr.

Phone 6




MEATS-SHORT ORDERS-SNACKS Call 65 for Bus Information to Beatrice and Lincoln

RED AND WHITE STORE Groceries-Meats-Fruits-Vegetables Phone 1 Peru, Nebl.";

Motor Rebuilding and Hydraulic Brakes Electric and Acetylene Welding

INSULATION PAYS FOR ITSELF Gives Greater Comfort Winter and Summer





Service Twice Weekly

Inquire at Delzell Hall

The present lineup is: Boosters position Whizzers Iversen ------ c ____ Daugherty Cordes ------- p ---- Thompson Weichel _______ lb------- Kroese Hunt ., ________ 2b ----· _ Mueller Jurgens ------ 3b --------- Moss Winkle ------- s ------ Hartman Hahn ---------rs-----De Yong ------ rf ------- Tackett .::>obrovolny ___ cf---------- Dux. Schomerus ---- lf ------ Krikana

. First . Grade· Quality Lowest Prices Compare Our Prices

Shoe Repairs of All Kinds Electric Shoe Shop

.Nebraska City Laundry Dry Cleaners

The Whizzers defeated the Boosters 2-1 on July 17. Both teams did their scoring in the first inning. The last four innings were shut-outs for both teams.

Railsback's I. G. A. Grocery

J.P. CLARK Peru, Nebraska

Softball statistics show that the Boosters and the Whizzers are tied in league play. Each team has won two and lost one. The Tonettes lost two and won none. Boosters defeated the Tonettes 6-1 in the game played on July 8. Miss Davidson, substituting for the Tonettes, made their only score. Cordes, Booster pitcher, walked one person and stru~k out four. Weichel, for the Tonettes, had no walks and no strikeouts. The Boosters beat the Whizzers 7 to 4 on July 11. Miss Davidson was umpire. The Boosters walked two people and struck out one. The Whizzers walked one and struck ,out one. In the last of the fourth inning, all three outs were made by Hart-. man retrieving at short and throy;ing to Kroese at first. Jindra's Tonettes, because of shortage of players, disbanded. Members of the team have joined the Boosters and Whizzers.

Football schedule begins

Phone 33


Peru, Nebr.

Phone 48

Peru, Nebr.




>r Repair

Revlon Lipstick in all shades-$1.00 Pin-up Lamps-$3.95 and up Parker Fountain Pens-$8.50-$17.50 New Coventry Assortment See our line of vacation Merchandise Sun-tan Lotions-Leg Make-up Sun-tan Goggles-Jnsect Repellants, Etc.

s Sealfast e Repair j

Service .Peru, Nebr.


Lunches, Ice Cream, Cold Drinks Fountain Pens and Pencils College Supplies, Sationery Zipper Notebooks Notebook Covers Is prepared to furnish all highest quality merchandise Opposite the Training School

HILL DRUG STORE The Rexall Store Lowest Prices Consis.tant with Quality

* * TRIPP AND CRAIG Phone 78

Peru, Nebr.


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