1948-1949 Catalog of Peru State Teachers College (Nebraska)

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Summary of f ees and expen ses ---- --------- ---Entr~~c e require_m ents - - ----- - ----- - ------ - - - - - - --- - -----------~~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_·_~------~--- -taee Re qunements fo1 th e A . B. ------- ------------ --- ------------ &re Requirem en ts for t h e three-y ear diploma _________ ___ _:··---------- ----- .Page Requireme nts for t he two-year diploma _____ ___ _______ ___::··--------------Page Re qui re ments for th e on e-year di ploma __ __ __ _____ ______ _--------- ------.Page Course descripti on s

--- ------ ----- -- ------------- -------- ----- --------- . ::::::::::::::::~::



81 40 40 ::


1948 MAY JUNE S M TW T FS SMT WT 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 232425 26 272 2927 28 2930 30 31 SEPTEMBER S MTWTF 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30

S 4 11 18 25

F 4 11 l 25

S 5 12 19 2G

OCTOBER S MTWTF S 1 2 3 4 56789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 ~ o 31




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4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 • 11 12 13 14 15 16 l7 15 16 17 18 ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~4 22 23 24 25 JI - · • 25262728 29 30 31293031 ••

NOVEMBER S MTWTFS 1 2 3456 7 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2930



5 s 1 s • • 12 13 14 15 11 u 19 20 212211• 262728291&8


1949 JANUARY S MTWT FS S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 9 10 11 1.2 13 14 15 13 16 17 1 19 20 21 22 20 2324252627282927 30 31 MAY S M T WTF S 1 234567 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

F EBRUARY MTWTF 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 JO 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28

JUNE S MTWTF 1 23 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30


S 5 12 19 26

MARCH SMTWTFS 1 2 3 45 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 272829 30n



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JULY AUCUS'T S SMTWTFS SMTWT~ 4 12 12••:11 11 3 4 5 s 1 s 9 1 s 9iou• 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 ~ ~ 25 17 JS 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 30 S1 24 25 26 21 28 29 ao 2s 29 31

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ANNOUNCEMENTS 1948-1949 First Semester '

8 a. m. be r 6 Modnday · ) ·--- -- --- -------- --· -------·-- ----·--- F re s h m a n 0 r~entat~on · · Au 1.t onum ber 7 T uesdaY---- -- ------ ------ -·-- -------···--------------Freshman On entat10n ~<ptem ber ' ·we dn esday _______ _____ __ __ ____ __________ Registration of all Studen t s SePte(~ate R'egjstration Fee charged after th is date) . t mber 9 Thursday __ __________ ____ _____ ____ __ ____ ______ ___ ________________ Cla sses Begm 5ePt ember 17 F riday __ _____ __ ___ ___ _____________ Last Day to Chan ge Registration ~fober 28, 29, Thu~·s da y: and Friday ______ ___ ____ _: _________ ______ N.S.E .A. Recess 'I mber 1, Mo nday, 8 a. m ..... ---· -··· ·--- --------------- ·-· ·--- ---- --Classes Resume X~~:mber 1_5, 26, Thursday and Friday __ ________ ____ Thanksgivin o· Vacatio n . mber 28, Mo nday ..... ...... .......... ... ... ..... .... ..... .. ....... ... ... Classe s Resum e ~::mber 17, Friday, 5 p. m ......... .. ..... ... ........ Chr istmas Vacation Begins Jnnuary 3, M o ~d a y, 8 a . m .... .............. ..... ............. ---· ·:··-----Clas es Resu m e January 21 , Frid ay ... ..... ......... ... ... .... .. ....................... F1rst Se mester Closes 1 ~ pten ~e (College'

Second Semester

January 24, Mo nday ....... ........... ....... ...... ... Second Semester Regi stration (Late Regist ration Fee ch arged after this date) January 25 , Tuesday .. ... ... ......... ..... ......... .... ........ .. .. ...... ... ... ... Classes Begin february 2, V11ednes day .... .. ..... .. .... ... .... ..Last Day to Cha n g e Registration April 15-18 In clusive .. ..... ...... .. ....... .... ...... ...... ... ..... ....... .. ..... Easter Recess March 30, T u esda y, 8 a. m ........................... ........ ..... ........ . Classes Resum e May 27, Friday .. ........ ................. ....... .................. _Second Se mester Close.:; Summer School 1949 Long Term (9 W eeks ) Ope n s ...... ........ ........... ... .. ...... .. .... .. .............. Jun e 6

(Address t he Regi strar for a su mm er sc hool bulletin)




A. D. Majors, President. .. .. ... ... . .. ..................... . Term expires 1949 · ·· ···· Ralph M. Carhart ............... ............ ............. .... . T erm expires 1951 Edwin D. Crites ........... ........ .... .... ...... .. ........ ........ . Term expires 1949

J . Hyde Sweet .. .. ........... .

.... .......... .... .......... ....... ,........... Neb

Term expires 1953 Bertha I. Hill... .. .... .... .. .

T e~:;;;· ·~~pi·1:~~··1951· · ····· ··· · · ·· ·· ················

Everett L. Randall. ............ ......... .......................... ......................... . Term expire s 1953 Wayne 0. Re ed, State Superintendent.. ............. ............................. Ex-officio E . Albin Larson, Secretary ............................ .... ..............................



ADMINISTRATION . L Nicholas, A.B ., A.M., D.Ed ., Presid ent, 1946. \\. · A B A .M., Pres id en t Em eritus, 1923 . . R pate, · ., \\ . '. J Morgans, A.B., A.M., Dean of Men, 1947.

ous .


. Davidso n , B.S., M.A., Acting Dean of Women, 1929. pbylhS . B Mathews, A.B., A.M., Registrar, 1927. 1,avern · L. M. Samples, Su perintend e nt of Buildings a nd Grounds, 1947. . M Carey, A.B., Libraria n, 1944. · ~Ima Gockley, Bursar, 1918.

'\e II1e

R .W. Floyd , A.B ., Director of Special Servic es, 1947. ~r.dine Powers, Secretary to t he President, 19 46 .

Jessie Rober t so n, Assi t ant Li braria n, 1947. Dorothy Coulter, Bookke eper, 1947. D~rothy

Stepha n, A.B., Secretary, 1947.

ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS Education .................. ... ......................................... Mr. Maxwell, Chairma n Educati on Training Schoo l Rural E ducation English an d Foreign Languages ..... ... .... ................ . Mr. Floyd, Chairman English Speec h Foreign La nguages Fine Arts ........... ....... .......... ..... .............. ... ... ....... Mr. L otspe ich, Chai rman Art Music

H~altPhhan.d Ph ysica l Education ..... ............. ... .... .. Mr. Wheeler, Chairman Ys1cal Ed ucatio n

Ptactica I Arts

Comm e r c~·· · ·

Hom emaki ng

Heal t h

......... ...... ................ ... ..... .... ... Mr. Larson, Chairman Industri a l Arts

Sciener i8nd Mathematics ......... ... ....... .... ...... ............. Mr. Bond, Chairman 0 hog1 cal Scien ces P hysical Sciences ·Mat em atic .

<Oeiii~~~~nces ... .......... ................ .... ........... ... .... ...... Mr. Othe iyS . r oc1al Sc ien ces


Brown, Chairman



INSTRUCTION ( Final date indi cates year service at Peru began)

BARN~: f.·i nBit"d~~,!~;;-~~ :· st~t·~--T~~~-i;~~~ · c-~ii~·g·~: ··-p;i:t;b"~!;~ 0 ~ 880 r 0 1 Educa.ffo

• ity of K a n sqs: Gradu ate W o rk, U niv ersity of Chicag'o· p~sas; A. M. 'Ulll II Kan sas . 1926. · · D., Univera1t,~

AUSTIN D. B ON D ..... .. ...... ... .... .. ...... Professor




of Biolo gy , H ea d o f Di...r..:_ of Science and Math ...!"•


B. S .. A. M ., P h . D., Co lumbia U ni versity , 1946.


E .. BROD ............. .............. ... .. .... .... Associ~t e Professor of Educat• Director of Rural EdMca ~ B., Peru Sta t e T ea chers Co ll ege : A. M ., U ni ve r s ity of Neb k Hoit raa a. 1941.

CASTLE M. BROWN ... . ...... .. Professor





of History and Other Social Scieweta . H ead of Di...r.l-

P h .. B. , De n 1>on Un1vers1ty, Granv ille, O h 10; A. M., Columb ia Univeratt U ni versi t y of C hicago: G r ad uate Stud e n t, Un ivers ity of Minnesota.


1'is_'· D..

Pr ofessor of Educatioa ?iipervisor of S eventh and E_ighth Grade TeaclU.,

M RS. RUTH S . BROW ' ... .. ....................... Assistant

A. B ., Peru State 1 eac h ers Co ll ege; Stu de n t, Un1vers 1ty of Mi nnesota. l9tL

NELLIE M. CA REY ... .... . ... ...................... ....... Associate Professor, Libnwia• A. B .. .N e bra s ka W es leya n Univers ity, Linco ln , Nebraska; Certificate, Llbrarr Sc hoo l of the New York Pub lic Library , New Yo rk City. 1944. ANSE L BENNETT C LAYB U R N ......... . .. Professor of Geography and G11olo11 Graduate of K earn ey State Norma l Schoo l ; A. B., A. M . , University of Nebraab; G raduat e Stude nt. U ni ve r s ity of C hicago, Un ivers ity o f Nebraska. 19ZZ. SANFORD L. C LEMENTS ........ . ....... P rof essor

of Education, Superin~~ of Trainings.,,._

Gl'aclu ate two-y ear co urse, P e ru State Teac he r s College: B. Sc., Univen':..of Nebras ka: A. M ., T each e rs Co ll ege. Co lumbia University: Graduate Sta t. Co l umbia U ni vers ity. 1925.

Professo~ o~J'.!.°~

J. C.

C HRIST ........................................ . ....... Assistant B. A .• North Centt·al Co ll ege, Napervi ll e, lllin ois ; M. A., Nort we• ve 1·::) i ty. 1946.

MRS. MYRTLE COOK ............................ Ass·i stant Profe_ssorc B. S ., K a ns a s State T eac hers Co ll ege; A. M., U n1 ve1s ity 0 PHYLL I S DAVIDSON .................... Associate


Profe~sorEofdPh~~ica~:;:dw:: iica i~n

Director of Physical

Coll..., Ce-

B. S ., Kan sas Staie T each ers Co llege, Emporia; M. A., Teac era lumbia ni vet·s ity. 1929.


NORM AL. DIDDEL .... -··························· · ······:·····:· · A. B .. Unive r s ity o f D e nv e r; Student, U n1 vers 1ty o S.tate Tea c he1·s Col lege, Gree ley. 1929. F RANCES F.



Jl.,.it Assostant Pro!essor odf ............. FIELD S ........ . .. . ..... ...... .. .. t . of piano an 1945l nstnlC 01 Illinois.


B. M. E .. M. Sc. in Ed ., Northwes t e 1·n U niv ers ity, Eva n ston .



t}.,,,.f c rrornia: A. M.,

Associate Professor

of English.

• •

d of Dit9f6t01I

H eO;veraltY• Pll·

R. FLOYD ................ .... ..... ... Pro f essor A .. Vandervt lt Unt A . R .. Wofio•·d Collcg-e. South Caro lin a: M. Un :vc r c:ty of l o wa. l~ -l G.




E A. G ARD ................•. . .. ....... ... . Assistant Professor of Education BLAJ'ICff . Supervisor of First and Second Grade T eaching A B Unive rs ity of Kanans; A. M .. State Teach ers College, Greeley, Colorado· G;ad~ ate Student, University of Chicago. 1930. ' u R J. GU MBRELL . ....... .. ..... ... .. ...... .. .. . ... Assistant Professor of English ~11Tll B. E., Nort he rn Illino is State Teachers Co llege; M.A., Uni.versity of Iowa. 1947.



H uCK .......... .... ..... . ... ... ....... ... . . .. Asso ciate Professor of Math ernatics ·A. B. , Central W es leya n Co ll<:ge, "'.arrento n, Mi~so u ri; A., George Peabody College for T eac h e rs , Nas h v1 lle, 1en nes see. 1923.


OR HUGO J rNDRA .. .............. . ...... ......... Director


of Band and Orchestra and I nstructor in Violin

A. B., Univers ity of N e brask'.'; VioHn Studen t .. Carl Fred~rick Steckelberg, Max Fische l, Victor Kuzdo; Mu s ic Cert ificate , Ch icago Musica l Co llege. 1923. NEWTON

P. KY LE .. .. ..... .. ... ... ... Assistant Professor of Physical Education Assistant Director of Physical Education for Men

B. L. , Tark io College; A. M., Un i vers ity of Iowa.



v. B.L ARSO N ·············:······:·········:······:··········Professor Sc. in Mee. Engm eermg, Un1ve rs 1ty of Nebras ka ; A.

of I ndust:ial Arts

M .. Un1vers 1ty o f Mi nnesota; Graduate Stud e nt, Univers ity of Nebraska, Un i versity o f Chi_c ago. 1926.

Professor of Education Sup ervisor of High School Teaching

l!KS. W ILHEL M INA LARSON . . .. . ...... .. . .. .... Assista.nt A. B., Unive rs ity of N e bras ka, Linco ln.



QUINN L OTSPEI CH ... . . . .. .... . ... . . . .... . Professor of Music, H ead of Division A. B., Un ivers ity of Nebraska; A. M. , U ni ve1·s ity of Michigan . 1947.

ELIZABETH McC OLLUM .. ...... .... ....... .. ... Assis tant

Pro f essor of Education, Director of Kindergwrten

B. E., Na t io na l Kind e rgarte n Co llege, Chicago; Stud e nt Bl oom s burg State Norm al Schoo l, · Bloom s burg , Penn s y lvan ia , 'Valparai so Un i versity, P e nn sy lvania University, Co lumbia University; A. M ., Co lorado State T eache rs Co llege, Greel ey. 1930. ISABEL MA SO N ....... . . ................... . ........... Assistan t

Pro f essor of Education Supervisor of F i fth and Six th G1~c._d e T eaching

A. 8 ., Sta t e Teachers Co llege, Bowling Gre en, K e ntucky ; A. M. , Peabody College. 1930. RS. RUTH


A B., Unive rs ity Nebraska. 1943.


Educator Supervisor of High School T eaching

MATHEWS ....................... ..... .... ... .... ...... . ......... . H ealth of

Nebraska , Lin co ln;



Univexs ity


M AXWELL ....... ... .. . ....... Professor of Education, H ead of Division B..s., M. A ., Ph. D. , University or P itts burg h; Graduate Student, Co lumbia U n1 vers ity . 1929.


'H IRLERY MEHRENS . . ............. ... .... ...... ........ ... .. ...... ..... ... .. .. ....... Colleg e · N. , Un iv ers ity of N e bra s ka Sch oo l o r Nursing. l 94i.


M ILLER .... .. .. ................ Assis tant Professor of · B. , A . M. , Co lorad o State Co ll ege of Educatio n. 1947.



MOO RE ... ........ . ..... .. . . . ... .. . .... Associate

Nurs e

Physical Science

Professor of English and

A Ins tnlctor in Sp eech Educati~n · 13. , East Ce n t r a l State T eac her s College. Ada, Oklahom a ; M. Ph., U n1 vers 1ty O{ \ Visco ns in ; Graduate Student. U niv ~ rsity of Iowa. 1937.



NONA M . PALMER .. .. ... .... .... ... ...... ..... ..... ....... .. ...... ... P rofes . · A. B., Peru State T eac he r s Coll ege ; Graduate Gregg Ssm of C Ch ica go ; Graduate Stude nt, Sta te Tea c h ers College Gree! c hooJ of 8 U niv e r s ity; A. 1\1 ., Univers ity of Nebraska. 1915. ' ey, Colorado ;

GEORGE RAT H .......... .. . ._. ... ... .... .. .. A ssistant Professor of Mode

r;i , _

Student, Univers ity of D o r po rt, Ru ss ia; B. D., _ U ni versit y of .lJU ma n y; B. A ., Univers ity of D e nver; 1\1. A ., U ni vers ity of N b Ueb..._

"raaka. HARRI ETT S COTT ... .. ..... .... ... .. .... ... ... ....... Assist!l'nt Prof essoe of E




Sup ervwor of H igh School T

A. B . A. 1\1., Un1ver s 1ty of Nebraska. lil46. A. B ., University of Nebraska. 1946.

PAUL C. S w EETLAND ..... .. . . .... . . .. ... A ssistan t Professoe of Physical A . B., Fo r t Hays K a n s as State Co llege ; 1\1. S., Ka n sas State Collec e.

ALICE ULB RI CK . . . . .... . .... .. . Sup ervisor of Third and Fourth Grade T A. B. , Peru State Teac h e r s College.


E DNA WEARE.... . .... ....... ....... . .. ..... . Associate Professor of Home E B . S. , K a n sa s State T each e r s Co ll ege, Pittsbu rg; A . M. , Columbia 1929.

HAZEL WEA RE . ....... __ __ _ _ .... ... . __ __ . .... .. . Associate Professor of COM B. S., M. S., Kan sas S t a te Coll ege, Pitts bu rg, K a n sas.


ALFRED G. WHEELE R . . .. Professor of Physical E duca.tion, Head of

Director of Athletics an d Physical E A. B .. Obe rlin Co ll ege ; A. M ., Columb ia Un i vers ity; Graduate Studat, State. College and Nort h we s t e rn U ni ve r s ity. 1938.




.The Ge nera l Ca talog is in te n ded to g ive such inf . cer nmg the P er u State T ea cher s College as m ay be desi . ormation con. plan n ing to con t in ue t heir e d ucation in a we ll-eq uipp: dd ~Y studen Beca use of li mitati on in space , so me t hin gs m a y be omitts r~ school catal og, infor matio n co ncer ning whi'C h ca n 1·ea dil y be e 1 ~0111 tile w rit ing to t he Presid ent or t o t he R egistrar at P eru, Nebr~~~~ed by T he pu rpose of t h is college is to tra in t ea chers for ser · . pub li c schoo ls. T he c urr iculum is organi zed to include allvice In the public school work- rura l, lo wer grad es, in t er mediate grad ph~ .of hig h school, seni or high sc hoo l, and t he teacher s college Junior is t o develop th e best possi ble co ndition s fo r t he child· in th:~ sc hools and t o s u pply t h e m ost eff ect ive training fo r his teachers pu~ Bach elor' d egr ee in ed u ca t ion can .o nl ~ be confe rred on those wh~ c.o mplet e.d t he fo ur-ye~r co urse, wh ich inclu des t he re quired professional preparation for tea ching .



St u de11:ts .wh o de ire t o en t er p rofess ions other th an teaching Illa)' use t he fac 1li t 1es of t he college t o comple te such pre-p ro f essional work a s t h ey m ay n eed. H I STORY

In 18 67 , t h e sam e ye a r t hat Nebra ska beca me a state, the Legis. Jature pro vided for t he est ablish m ent of a train ing school for teachers at P er u. It was t he th ir d state nor m al wes t of t he Missouri River, only one State No rm a l Sch ool i n Ca lifo r n ia, a n d on e in Kan sas, having been C!}tab li sh ed before P eru.

For t hi r ty-e ig ht year P er u was the only Sta te Normal. School in Nebra ska. A t h e po pulation in cr ea sed, howe ver , the Le~slature prov ided for t hr ee ot her s. One was esta blished at Kearney m 19~5, one at Wayne in 19 10 and on e at Chadro n in 19 1 1. In 1921 the lefll" latu r e exten d ed t he ~ork of t he N orma l Schools fro m two to f~':h vea r s and d e ig n a t ed t he m a s N e bras ka State T eacher s Colleges WI f a u t hority to gra n t a B a c helor' s degree wh ich mi g ht be ~ Badhelof1 ~ A rts D eg re e in E d ucation , a Bachelor of Sci en c~ Degr ee m E a~'d! ~~ or a Ba ch elor of F in e Arts D egree in Ed ucat10 n . P eru aw. Arts Bach elor of Arts D egree in E du cati on or t he Bach elor of Fme D egre e in Educa t ion to t hose wh o complet e t he fo ur -year course. ACC RED I'DI ENT

. h N ·th Ce ntral Alll>" Th e coll eg e h a s b ee n fu ll y a ccr edited b.Y t e 0 1 d it bas betD c iati on of Colleges a n d Second ary Schoo ls sm ce 1915, an ince 191 • a m e mber of t he Am erica n A ssoc ia ti on of Teac hers Coll.eges ~nee 1947. ~m d a m em ber of th e A m eri ca n Co un cil on Ed u c a~i on i~\es of the Gradua tes of P er u are ad mitte d t o t he leadi n g uni vers coun t r y fo r advan ce d stud y. L O CATIO~

"de of

d t the east s1 tel1 The v ill age of Peru (Pop . 1040 ) is locate. '.1 • ap proitilll• Ne maha Co un ty in t he h ills a long t h e Missoun nver,



. southeas t of Lincoln and 70 miles south of Omaha. It is ;5 JlliJes on highway No. 67, which meets paved highways Nos. 73 and .ituated 'Jes west of P eru, six miles north of Auburn, and 16 miles ( six mf !Nebraska City. 00 th 0 ' T spor tation- Peru is served by th e Burlington Transportation ra; on a d irec t route from Peru to Lincoln. Both bus and train co01P3 tn·ons may be made at Aub urn, Nebraska City, and Tecumseh. ronnec I C AMPU S

The P eru ca mpus overlooking the Missouri River is beautiful and . t'1 ctive. It contains about sixty acres of rolling, oak-covered hills. d15 ~tural amphitheatre furnishe s a splendid athleti c bowl, at -the A ~om of which li e the gridiron, the cind er track and th e cement ~~;nis court. An e~cellent lig hting system makes it possible t o conduct :,tnletic games at ni ght. Three clay t ennis courts are provided for on th e one-half block, cated dir ectly north of the campus, which was presente d to th e Col1 !~ge in 1932 by t he P eru Alumni Association. B U ILDINGS

The Adm inistration Building hous es the administrativ,e offices, including the offi ces of the Pres ident, th e Dean of Men, the Registrar, Supt. Bldgs.-Ground s, Bursar, and Dept. Special Se rvi ces. Th e r emaining r ooms in th e building ar e class and lecture rooms and department offices. The Li br a ry Building contains th e librar y of 53 ,000 volumes, the little theatre, art departm ent, and class and lecture room s. Hoyt Hall, completed in 193 0, is a three-st or y building, designed especially for th e de partm ents of scie nce. The building is divided into five un its, each of which contains a lec tu re roo m, lab ora t ory, office, ~r.d stor eroom. The lectm·e rooms are constru ct ed with elevated seats, and each r oom is eq uipp e d wi t h a dem on trati on t abl e. Gas and water are piped to all laboratory desks . ._ The Audi torium h a a seating capac ity of twe lve hundr ed, and it ~thused for general convocati on s, music and dramati c J)Tod uctions, and er assemblies. and The ~- J. Majors Training Building houses t he elem entary sch ool nientthe h11\"h sch ool. It is fumi hed with m odern public sc hool e quip' and is the center of t h e observation and prac ti ce t ea chin g w ork. •·as The Musi c Hall, known t o former stud ents a s t he scie nce hall , the ~~~Pl etely r em odele d in 1935 t o hou se t he music de par t men t . On 1lass/ 5 floor are indi vidual practi ce ro oms, a group r ehearsal room , oriu~o m s., an~ st ud ios, all of whi ch ar e so undproof ed . A mall a udi ing5 · \dvhich is use d for recit als, sch ool dan ces, a nd or gani za t ion m eet' ' an two small er m eetin g roo ms a r e located on th e seco nd fl oor. U•ed ibhe Gymn asium , kn o wn t o fo rm er stud ents a s th e chapel, i s no w '~o we/ t~e departmen t s of ph ys ical e du cation . A swimmin g p ool , '1Uipni eant . locker roo ms, an d a basket ball flo or are a part of th e n In this b u ilding.


GENERAL I NFORMATION Mount V e rnon Hall h as r oo ming facilities for


Eliza Morgan Hall, ope n e d Septemb er 1 19 29

hundred a n d twenty wo m en.


· - ---nin et y stud ent, ' acco mmodates one

Delzell Hall, opened in th e fa ll of 1939 ac <lre d e i gh ty-~ix men. ' co mm oda tes one hun.

. .Th-: Infirmary is e q ui pp~d to provide fir st a id t r eat p1ta h zabon for st.u dent need m .,. em ergen cy m ed ical care ment and ho. J"Oo m s , two 1so lat10 n w ards, a treatm en t roo m a n d t h · Two hospital are housed in t his bui ldin g. ' ' e nurse's quarters The Industrial ~rts Building ·i s eq uipped wit h class ro and m odern shop eqmp me n t for the departme nt of Indu t · i°ms, shops base me n t of t his b uil ding hou ses th e coll ege power pla~t~ia Arts. 'l'h~ CRE DIT FOR m ::·UCATIOXAL EXPERill NCE S IN TICE AR MJ~ D


V e tera ns of World War II w ho. have r eceive d an honor bl d' charge .o r rel~ase fro m active d_uty wi ll be admitted and grant!d ~red~ for t he ir m! h tary .exp.enen ces m accordan ce w ith the following stat!~ m en t of poli cy, w hi ch 1s based on t he re comm e ndations of the America Co u ncil on Ed uca t ion : n 1. ~as i c Trai ni ng. '.£'hose who have co mpleted basic traininz and / or six m on t hs of ·erv 1ce m ay rece ive up t o eig ht semester hours of cred it. Ord inar il y s uch credit w ill be a ssig n ed as follows: Physical Training- 4 hour s ; Bas ic Mili tary Scie nce-4 hours. 2. Serv ice Train in g ProgTa ms. T hose w ho have completed a form a l s~r vi ce sch oo l or t r a ining program will be granted credit on the basis of t he reco m me nd ations o! t he A.C.E . In a ddition, those who h ave s uccessf ull y co mplet ed a n offi cer t rainin g co urse may receive up t o eigh t se m est er ho u r of Adva n ced Mili tary Scie nc e credit and or l'.~c h ot her specia l cre di t as is r eco mm e nd ed b y t he A.C.E. 3. Coll ege Tra ining Program s. Cr ed it w ill be granted for work cu m ple ted in V - 12, A.S.T .P., a n d oth er coll ege t raining programs condu cted for the Ar med Forces by co n tractin g sc hool . Transfers fro~ such program s will pr esent a n offi c ia l t r a nscript of the work complete for evalu at ion . 4. Un it e d States Arm ed Forces In stitu te Co u rses. C re dit for col· uslege and u n iver sity correspo n den ce co urses. co m pleted u~der theseri,t pi ces of USA:F I .win be recognized o!l rece ip t of a n offic~al t~auSAFI fr o m the m st 1t ut10n m wh ich t he cr edi t was earn ed. Credit fo subjed co rrespon den ce co ur ses m ay b e established b:y e nd-of-_cour~~ ~r maY be exa mi nation s. T h e amo u nt of s uch extens ion cr edit w ic d de)>artHp pli ed on a n y cu rriculum is deter min e d by t he college an m ental requir em en ts g over n ing s uch credi t. d work 5. Credit for self-di rected st ud y, o ff-~ u ty couFie~~sf:. . exper ience may be estab lishe d onl y by appropnat.e US A adult speciaJs. 6. No n -hi g h c hool graduates m ay be a dmi tte d a s of the fo1• Th ey m ay co mp lete th eir hig h choo l work in on e or mor e lowi n g ways : . inf siJb a . R egister for hi gh schoo l su bjects in the Train School.



Tra nsfer college wo rk to hi g h school. c. E a rn credi t by t aking US AF! t est s. Modification of req ui r em e n ts. Legal, gove rni ng board , an d 7. req uire ments ma y_ n ot be waived, except t hat t he fac ulty se ni ol' facultY e r ule may be waived. residenc :ES TE H TA I~U E :\"T ,


Concerts, p lays, lect ures,. an d r ecitals a re p r ese n t ed b y stud ents , It mem be rs a nd p rofess10na l tal en t. Stud e nt- plan n e d a nd st u fac~ directed pr oduction s, t hr oug h whi ch stude nts gain valua ble and denf 1 experie nce, are a n outst a ndin g fe ature of t he entertainm e n t nse u pogram. Peru's splend id location in t he r ? l.ling, w o~ded co un try _a lon g th e \l'sso uri Ri ver off er s man y opp ortuniti es fo r hik es a nd outmgs. The · ~reatio n al fac ili t ies of t he campus, in cl uding t he basketba ll co urt, '.!-imming pool, locke r an d s~ owe~· r oo ms in th_e gymnasium, th e fi ve t•nnis co urt s, an d t wo play m g fi elds a r e availa ble to a ll stud e n m. l~te rco ll egi a te a nd in t r a mu ral sports program s a r e co n d uct e d fo r m en , -vhile the Wom e n' A t hle t ic Associa ti on calTie s on a program of spo rt s for women. Social activities, in t he m a in , a r e ce n tered in t he vari ous stud e n t organizations. Dances , t eas, parties, reception s , and pic nics are a part of the direc t re po nsib ili t ies of t he socia l co mmi ttees a n d prov ide op;xirtunity for st ud e nts to ta ke pa rt i n both fo rmal a nd infor m a l socia l •ffairs. Student U nion- Th e N ew Stud e n t U ni on , occ u pying t h e lower foo r of Delzell Hall , was ope n ed in J a nu a r y, 1946. The faci li t ies i nclud e a snack bar an d fiftee n booths, dance fl oor, bicycles, ga me roo m w ith bowling, billiar ds, s noo ker a nd ping-po n g eq ui pm en t, lounges, a nd a faculty room . T he space , eq ui p me nt, a nd arran g eme n t of t hi s attract!ve Uni on ma ke it t he r ec re a tio n al a nd socia l ce n ter 0f t he ca mpus.

O RGAK IZA TIONS Educational

and Social:

The_ Stu de n t Co unci l is t he r e prese ntative body of th e Stud ent ~r~~ci atto n an d is composed of twe lve studen ts of w hi ch two are elected ;tud etbh of t he four classes a nd fo u r a r e e lec ted at large fro m t he ;.ctivei~· od y. T he duties of t he Co un c il are to spo n sor s uch a ll-college ~nta/e as H omeco ming a n d t he May F ete; to p r ov ide st ud e n t re pre"hile ton on ce rta in co mmi ttees ; a n d to aid in f u rthering a ll wor t h carnp u ac t ivities.

~olleiehe . Girl s'

Cl ub , spo nsored by t he Dea n of Wo m en , is open to a ll 'llpfuJ girls. Its p u rpo se is to foster a sp iri t of fr ie nds hi p a nd mutuai ness am ong t he girls e nro ll ed in t he college. The M , I •le11:e rn en s Clu b, spo nsored by t he Dean of Me n , is open to a ll d Prof e~. It brin~s the me n together to talk over school, socia l essi onal pro bl ems.




T he Dram a t ic Clu b, on e of t h e oldest dr am a ti c 0 1. . t h e st a t e, has striven t hr o ug hout it s exi t en ce to giv fan12:ationa ~-n ~ t h e .comm un ity. th e best in d ~·a m a . Member s a r e\ 0 the eon oasis of m t er est, ab I! 1t y, a nd qua li t y of t heir wor k. elected on



T he I n t er na t ion a l Re lation s Club is cond ucted und of t he Carn egie E n dow ment fo r In t ern ationa l Peace e\~he auapieea m ateria l fo r st u d y. Me mbership is o pen t o a n y co1'1ew ich suppU t er es te d. Th e progra ms are arran ged by a co mmi ttee ol~ student bt. e lect ed by th e me mb er s. our studen T h.e F or e ig '.1 Lang i;iage Club was or ga nized in 1945 t o fo ter in t e rest m fo r eig n la ng uages. Mee ti ngs a re held create and m on th , a n d me mbe r ship is op en t o st u den ts of a fore ign Ian once eaeh guage. R e ligiou s :

T he Y.M. C. A. , t h e Y.W . . A., the L uth eran. Club , and the Ne Cl ub ~ n co urage t he st ud en t fe l.lo,ysh1 p a n d part1 c1pati on in the reU~ h f e of t h e school. Me mber ship m t hese organi zations is open tor:aoaa st ude nt in terest ed. AD)' Music :

T he P eru Choru s is an or gani zation devoted to the study and per for ma n ce of good chora l lite1·ature. Members of the groull may r ece ive cr e d it for t he ir work by r egist er ing for Music 19, Chorus. T h e Coll ege Orch e t ra is open to a ll st ud ents who play instrumen ts. Coll eg e convo ca ti on progra ms, con certs, and out-of-town enl(agem ents n ecessitate t h e mast er y , by t he m emb er s of this organiza· t ion, of a n exte n ive rep ertoire of or c he tral literatu re. T he B a nd , u nifo rm ed in school colors, is parti cularly active as a marchin g orga ni zatio n durin g footba ll a nd baske tball seasons. As I con ce r t orga ni za t ion , it has ga in e d a pro m in en t place on the enterta inm en t progra m. T he P eru vian S inger s is a group of select vo ices for the purJl!>I' of e xtend ing t he mus ic departme nt of our coll ege into the surroundinl t err it or y. It is t he p ur pose of t h e gro u p to g ive t he student~ an t uni ty to stu dy g ood c horal literature a nd present it in var1o~s P s uch ·as t h e chu r ch , sch ool, and co mm u ni ty . Admission to this group is by a u dition .


Honor Societies :

• opell

Kappa Delta P i is a na t ion a l e d uca t ion a l fraternit~. t~~ - to bot h m en a n d wo me n of f ull jun ior s tand ing who are m videnct of fo urth of t he . t.ud e nt bod y in scholarship a nd who show e -who aieet a co n t inued int e rest in t he fi eld of ed u cati on. Sophomo!es The parthe sa me r e qui rem e n ts are ad mitted to piedgi; m e mbedshi~ional id8all p ose of t he org·anization i to pro mote the hi gh est e uca and profession a l sp ir it a mong its mem ber s. rnitf . I E ~·gtJish frate . " Sigma Tau Delta is t h e nation a l profess1ona n exprd'1° t he p urpose of whi ch is to pro mote t he master r .of wshiP af110'l6 enco ura ge wor th -whil e r eading, an d fo st er a spirit of fe 0




ecializ ing in t h e E n gli sh lang uage and literature. A major thOse. sPr in E ngli sh and hi g h sch olars hip a re the req uisites, atnd t h e' 111 0 1 er 11 b s assu me t he obligation to be productive in order t hat their n1e111 er . hiP' maY b e e ff ec t.ive . .·cholaI . l pro f ess1ona · I I10n orar y b JO · l og1ca · l f ra t erm· ty. T:s Beta is a na t 10na ~~b ersh ip inclu~ es t hose of ju~ior a nd seni or rank who are maj o_rJts rn.e bi ological c1ences. Can didates must be abov e average m iog i°·shiP an d m ust intend to make b iology th e ir perman ent interest. ,cho f'.aternity a ims to promote th e study of biologi cal proble ms and ;:~nt~i'.est students in the fi eld of biology as a profession . Alpha Mu Omega is a n _honorar~ math mati cs frater n ity. _Its a im develop and pro mote mterest m th e t ud y of mathe mati cs and t~vesti uate s ubj ects of m ath ema t ical in terest that are no t presented ! the cl; ss ro om. Stud ents enroll ed in Analytics and with grad es ~tove average in math ematics, are eli gi?le to me m bership. Meetin gs a e held once a m on t h w h en a program is co ndu cted und er t h e leader8~ips of stude nts. The fraternity has been offi cially r ecognize d as a branch of the National Co un cil of Mathematics T each ers. .

15 0 1

Kap pa Omicro n Phi is a nationa l honorary professional h om e economics fra ternity. The p urpose of th e organization is to f urth er t he interests of ho me eco n omi cs, to devel op wom en with hig her id eals of s:me Jivin g, wi t h a deeper appreciati on of t he sanctity of t h e Am erican home, wi th broader social and hi gher in tell ectual attainments. Members are elected fro m stud ents who have co mpleted a minor in h om e economi cs with a grade average of "B" and have do n e satisfactor y ll"Ork elsewh ere . Eosilon P i Tau is a national honorary professional organization operating- in t he fi elds of Indu strial Arts Education and V ocational Education. T he purposes an d id eals of t his fraternity are to recognize the place of sk ill , to prom ote social e ffi cien cy, and to foster co unsel and reward research in the fi elds of interest. Members are selected irom iunior s a nd seniors who have a n average of "B" or over in the department an d are do in g "C" work elsewh er e. Lambda Delta Lambda is a nation a l hon or ary physical scien ce (haterni ty. T he obj ect of th e organization is to promote interest in e _study of chemi try a nd ph ysics and to enco urage a nd r ecogni ze a h;gh stan dard of sch olarship in the work. Any r egularly enroll ed ~uc e:nt of the school who has completed sixteen se mester hours in •umm~stry or phys ics or both, or who at the time of pledging is t a kin g ha cient work to t otal s ixteen h ours of work in these fi elds, and who a "B" average in these s ubje cts is eligi ble to associate m embership. ion ~uture Teacher s of Am e ri ca is an hon orary fraternal organi za. bao You ng m en and wom en stud ents who e xpect to teach. Admission •!'Shi ed upon t ho e qualitie most desirable in teachers, namely: sc holeoop~' tPersonality, willin gn ess to a ccept r es ponsibility, willingness to ra e, profe sional interest, and cha ra cter.


old Scholar hip Club is an organization for th ose st udents who lhe or e r aska Sta te ormal School Scholarships. The purpose of '•ch i:;anizatio n is to p ermit these st ud ents to m eet together onca Ptofes/n th _to get acq uainted, to promote scholarship, and to create Ion a] interest s. Students who hold high scholarships from other



sta tes ar e e lig ibl e for assoc ia te m e mbe r ship. Sin ce its or,,. . 1929, a bo ut 400 stude nts have bee n memb er s of the club."'anizatiOJI.


ii. thletics:

The "P" Clu b is a n organi zation of P eru letter men wh is to foster t he sp irit of go od sportsm a n ship. ose PUl'Jlote The W . A. A . is a n athletic organization fo r g irls und ers hip of t he direc t or of physical edu cation for women. It off the leact. for atisfacto ry wo rk in a pr ogr a m outline d by th e associationers letter. T EACHER

PLA. C E.~'lE ~T



T he T each ers' Pl ace men t Bureau is co ndu ct ed for the u helping- stud e nts ec ur e desira ble positions. Graduates arep n~f°" of '.1 ntee ~ posit ion s, bu t every e ff or t is m a de to _ locate worthy teJ::; m satisfact ory places. A fee of on e d ollar 1s paid by each stud j oi ning- t he P lacem en t Burea u. Th e sup erintend e nt of the Trai ~ ..,chool is chairm a n of th e Burea u . Doqg ::IIE DI CAL CARE

The college P hys ician will hold con sulta ti on dail y in the infii.:marJ a t a specifie d hour and is a lways on call fo r those registered in collqe. H is ser vices, a long w ith those of t he nurse in attendance, are without c;1arg e fo r all studen ts enrolle d a nd carryi ng nin e credit hours. Medi cal a nd nurs ing care a t the college infirmary is available for t uden ts w ho may n eed it . Th e charge fo r infirmary care, which in· el ud e examinat ion at the beginning of t he scho ol year, X-rays and all services t hat t he Co llege i able t o g ive (confin e ment cases excepted) is $5. 00 per e mester a nd summ er sc hool plus $1. 50 for the post Bellion. The expen se of illness occuring while co llege is in session which re quir es hos pi tali za t ion in t he College Infirmary is also paid by the st ude nt h eal t h fu nd s provided t hat s uch care be reco mmended by~ under t he s uper visio n of th e coll eg e ph ys ician, a nd provide~ t~t uaL tota l expe n es in a n y on e year be n ot over $35. 00 fo r any one md1Vld The cost of pr escriptions, g lasses and r outin e dentistry is ~calot cove r ed by t he infirmary fee. T he co llege's responsibil!t¥ for medi expe nse is limi ted to t he services. of t h e Coll ege_ Phys1c1an, and:':: in t he Co llege In firm ary for a pen od n ot exceedm_g t en days. I and case will t h e College a ccept respo nsibili ty fo r special co~sultantsnned ~pecial nu rs ing. In case of st ude n ts w ho have s~r~ ~d 11:1 t~e i~ to fo r ces of t he U ni te d States, t he Coll ege's r es poT_l s1b1hty is -~!ifties to ilinesses a n d ac cide n ts of a nature covered 1t~ responsi 1 in ~ its civili a n st ud ents. Expen ses for illn ess a r ising m whole or The def rom pr eviou s se rvice in t h e armed_ forces are n ot coverePdhysiciaD II is ion of t he Co ll ege H ealt h Co mmi ttee and t he Coll ege to what e xpen se wi 11 be met by t he Coll ege sha ll be final.


· confroD~ Dur ing t h e co u rse of his coll ege career. a stud ent ~ irnportaJI y;ith m a n y perpl exin g it u at ions in wh ic h h e must ma e



. Cho ice of a co llege ; selec ti on of th e m ost de sirable fi eld in 5 dec_is~0 ~0 · specia li ze ; whe n and how to stud y ; choice of friend s ; pal'ti c11h1C n in the. soc ia ! life of .t he sc hoo l ; co ntribution s t o t he co ll e~e ipaU0 ions ; ma111ta111111g e motional balance ; and h ealth a nd economic traditl ties are e xamples of th e many p robl em s met b y ea ch stud ent at difflCUne or a no th er. The mann er in which adjustments ar e mad e t o one tllro blems determin e th e s uccess and happiness of the stud ent in ~ucr ~ lif e an d, t o a large exte nt, in later life. col el!stude nts a re a 1"d e d m · ma k'm g sue h a d JUstments · b y se veral agen cies. · dean of me n , d ean of wom en and the r egistrar g ive mu ch gen eral The sel on the e ma t t er s. Moreover , in eac h co llege d epartmen t th er e coun e or more a dvi ser s, who counse l stud ents majoring in that depart13 °~ Fresh me n r ece ive special help in an ori e ntation course. Class ude~s~rs erve t he ir r .espec t ive classes on theil' r espectiv e proble ms. college n ur se a dv ises on health matter s. V et eran ' proble ms are cared for by t he d ean of men . The personnel committee condu ct s a testing proFa m, reg u.l ates t~d e nt load, and ser ves a s a clea r ing house for th e ent ire co un sehng· se rvi ce .



On g rad uat ion, a numb er of classes ha ve left m emo\·ials con sisting of pictu res, tab let s and vari ous mem e n t oes. The Fortn ightly Art Club has contri buted a fr ie ze, statuary and oth er works of art. The clock in the library was th e g·ift of the class of 19 03 ; th e drinkin g fountain of the class of 19 11; th e campus e lec troliers of the cla ss of 19 14 ; the portals of the north entra n ce of "the class of 1 9 15 ; t he . undial of t he• class of 1920. Th e class of 1924 b uilt a cem en t walk from th e pave.nent to th e athletic fi eld . Th e class of 1 9 27 co ntribu te d $2 10, t he class of 192 8 a n a ddition a l $2 10, t he Phil omathean Li te rary Society contribi:•ed $1 0 0 a nd th e class of 1 93 0. $150, t o be expe nd ed for an electri c bell sy te rn , wh ich is n ow inst a lled . The fountain in t he ro se garden east of t he administration building and so uth of th e au ditorium wa~ the J1"ift of t h e class of 1 9 29. Th e e lec tri c fan s in th e librar y were gi ven by th e classes of 193 1 and 193 2, and tho se in the a uditorium l1y the classes of 1933, 1 934 , and 1935. Th e water fo unta in in U1e science Jrnll is t he g ift of th e class of 1 936 . LOXX F U:'---OS Student Loan Fund

F· Th ~ clas of 1 9 1 3 fo und ed what is kn own as th e Stud e nt L oan pU~d wi th an i nitial g!ft of $5 0.00. O t h e~· classes, t.h e Nebrask a State "rj 0 . of 192 9, and mter est a cc ummul a tJ ons have m cr ea sed th e fund 11 1 n it now to ta ls approximately $25 00.00 . al .The fund is in t he custody of th e Regi strar, who rece ives all loan t~~~ 1 ~hb on s. T hey are a ct e d up on b y a fa culty committee in th e order hec ey are received. When approved , loans are mad e a s th e mon ey ina ~~es ~vai l abl e. P ro mp t pay ment is n ecessary in or de r th at h elp '!'hY e gi ven to a s large a numb e r of coll eg e stud ents as possibl e, to ~t\und s were n ot give n t o a ssist t ea ch er s in servi ce or per so n s wi shing end other coll eges. for order t o r ecei ve th e ap prova l of th e committee , th e ap plicant oan mu t show (1) that he is enrolled in the college , (2 ) th a t h e




is p la nnin g to teach , (3) t h at h e is in n ee d of t h e mo he is unab le to secure it elsewh ere. H e must furth~ey, and (4) tliat note ~ign ed by himself ai:id by om e co-maker who i: more P~~t s po n s1b le. A reasonable interest charge is made. financ ially


Girl s ' Club Loan Fund

. T he Girls' Clu b m a intains a l oa n fu n d of appro xima to r t he b en e fit of any reg ul arly en ro lled college gir l wh 0 tely $1000 the help of (a) a small loan ( $ 100 or le ) for an emer e may neec1 t ~re, or (b) a larger loan ( maxim u i;i is $50) to t ak e ~a~:yofXJ>encli. of t h e expenses of a sc h ool term . 'I he m a ll loan s are us 11 a Jlart for h ort periods of a few days, whi le t he larger loans m~a Y llll4hl F.evera l mon t h s or u nt il the bor rower is e m ployed. Y run for App lica tio n s are made t hrough t h e Dean of W omen referred to t h e Gir ls' Clu b Co un cil, w hi ch acts on all applicati::S~ are Anna Irwin Loan Fund

T he P.er u . Bran ch of th e Am erican Asso ciati on of University Wom en m a m tam s a l oan f u nd of $50.00 as a memori al for Miss Anna Irwi n . w ho was a for m er m emb er of t h e P er u fac ulty and the ftrat t reasur er of the loca l chapter A .A.U.W. Wom en students within a sem este r of a two- or t h re e-year diplom a or t h e A. B. Degree an eligible t o apply for a loan. Wh en t h e fu n d is ava ilable , a notice is p ubl ish ed in the college paper. Harr iet Louis e Lind s trom Loan Fund

Esta bl ished in 1946 b y Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Li nd st rom in memory of t h e ir daughter, Ilarriet Loui se ; valu e $300. T h e fun d is admin~stere~ by the Spon::.or ;rnd a comm ittee from t h e Eta Chapter of °E!PSilon Pi Tau, hon orarv In dustrial Arts frat ernity . The f und is ava1ll!-ble for loans to worthy st u dents of se ni or rank, m ajori n g. in indu~tr1al ~ A ll loan s mu st b e r e paid wit hin one year fo llowing th e borrowe :;raduation. Interest four per ce nt.

T h.e W ill ie Eth el C r on e Loan Fund


Establi h eel in 1943 by Ruth Crone in m e mory of he~ coU:. va l u e $200 . Th e fun d is a dmini st er ed b y t h e fa~ulty studen~ : ! s 111111t mi ttee . and appli catio n s ar e file d w it h the registrar. All ies scbooL be r epaid with in ter est within on e year after the st u dent Jeate· six per Three ;.ier ce n t interest is charged from the elate of t he no ' cen t after mat urity. . . . . . Thev must be Applicants must have Junior standrn g or abov e. . d must be des erving, indu striou , of good mind and goo d char3:cte\ : ;jng served, makin g some· h elpf u l con tribu tion towa rd campus affairs ( or are ser vin g in on e ma jor or t wo m inor offices) ·



Dramatic Club Awards

The drama t ic clu b awar ds ar e mad e eac h ye ar to t he se ni or ma11 se nio r wo ma n who have contribute d m ost to dra m atics d urin g ~nd the of p a rticipati on in college dr a ma t ic a ctivit ies. tJ1eir fo ur yea rs The Lou ise Mears Ge o g raphical Medal Awa rd

i\'[ iss Lou i e Mears, a form er m e m ber of t he fac ul ty of Peru has blished a meda l t o be awa rd e d fo r ac hi eve men t in geography . c~tas medal is awar de d a nnuall y t o a stud e nt of Seni or Coll ege rank, 1 "~~ contributes t he m ost outstanding piece of or igin a l in vesti gati on 'r some phase of t h e geograph y of Ne ma ha Co unty. Th e m edal award 0 arrie wi t h it a stipulate am ount to be used in carryin g for warrl ~he research an d t he pr eparatio n of th e fi na l report for perm a n e nt Cli ng. B . E . Swens on , Jr., Athl e tic Me d a l

Bert E. Swenso n , ' 09, a nd Stell a Spilln er Sw en son , '09, have g iven Per u an athle tics m e dal, whi ch is a war de d a n n ua ll y, in m em or y of their so n, Bert Ed ward, J r. to

Juni ors and sen iors a r e eligible, and n o stud en t shall rece ive t he award mor e tha n on ce. Basis fo r judgin g-1 00 poi n t s. (a ) Genera l 1. Character a nd perso n a lit y .. ... ...... ....... ....... ..... 15 2. Sc holarship ........... ..... ..... ...... .... .... .. .... ....... .. .... 15 3. Loya l ty to school tra dition s ... ................... .. .... 20 (b) Athlet ic 1. Must r ece ive sch ool letter in at least two ? iffere n t sports. Th ey need n ot be made in a n y on e year.. ............ .. ........ ................ .. ...... 50

poin ts poi n ts poi n ts . po in t s

Note-A studen t wh o receives a t hird letter w ill re ce ive add it ional ronsiderati on in co nn ection w it h po int "a-3". wa Medals ha ve been presen ted each year since 1925. Th e 19 46 award l! sthm ad e to Rex W. F loyd, Beatrice ; t he 1947 award to Ja m es D. a er, Lin coln . A lph a Mu O mega F re sh man A w ard 0

a The Alpha Mu Omega (Math ematics Clu b) award is mad e ann ual ly

19 46 member of t he fres hm an class fo r excell en ce in Mat he matic . T h e

to Lyrvitl was made to Bonn ie Aufen ka mp, e ¡ Meier, D u Bois.

emaha; t he 1947 award

Kap pa D elta P i E d uc .a t ional Award


Mu Chapter of Kappa De lta Pi, n 'ltio nal h onorary edu cara terni t y an n ua ll y be stows upon th e fr eshm a n who e scho lar-



,.1,ip and professio nal atti t ud e are ou tstandin g, a uitable 1946 award was m ade to Samuel A . Bradford, Per u ; the ~ward, The to D oroth y C. G rub e, Jo hn so n . 47 a""1d


Sigma Tau Delta Freshman Medal

Th e S ig m a T a u Delta Freshm.a n 1:n eda l is awarded annu auth or of t he best wntten co ntl'l bu t 1o n s ubmitted in a c ally to the o nly t o students regi s t er ed a s fres hm en . The type of wri~rtes~ OPen co 1~te t to be dec ided eac h year by t he fr ate rnity. The 1 ~ for the wa m ade to Samuel A. Bradford , i->en1. award


Regents' Scholarship

. Th e U n ~ver ity of Nebr as ka aw a rd s a nnually a tuition . h ip rn t h e Graduate Coll ege to on e me m ber of t he graduatin8cbolar. w hose reco r d places him in t he uppe r ten per ce nt of his class.g claas Pearl A . Kenton Foreign Language Scholarship

Th e P earl A . K enton F or eig n La ng uage Scholars hip was establi sh ed by Miss A li ce K e nto n in m e mo ry of h er sister, Pearl A. Kenton w ho wa s a m e mb e r of th e fa culty fr o m 1 924 to 1944 as a ssociate fcsso r of t h ~ foreign la ng uages a nd s up ervis or of Latin in the Training Sc hoo l. Th e sc h olarship prov ides an annual award of $50.00 to an o ut tand in g s t u dent in t h e F or e ign La nguage De partment.


STAT]•; .BOARD OF' EDl' C ATlO" SC HOLARSHIP The Ruby Lawrence Everett Music-English Scholarobip

Th e Ruby L awren ce Evere t t M us ic-E ng li sh Sc holarship wi.s establis hed by Wal ter and Lu ell a Lawr e nce as a m e morial to their daughter, Ruby Law1·e n ce Ever ett beca use of h e r in terest in music, in literature, a nd in yo un g peo ple, a~d beca u se of her a n d her parents' i!lterelt in Pern State T each er s Coll ege. A ca sh gra n t of fifty doll ars, ~his ~bolar· ship is award ed a nnuall y to a deserv in g stud e nt who hves ID thd Bra tt? n .U ni o n Sch.ool district of Ri char dso n .co unty, Nebraska, a:b. w ho 1s in te r ested in stu dy in g mu sic or English literature,. ors!':ool In t he eve nt t hat t here is no cand idate from the Bratton Union rl distri ct wh o ca n q ualify, the sc holarship will be awarded to a regu11 enroll ed music major, w h o is quali fied to receive t he g rant. Honor Graduates Fro m Accredited High Schools

ts scholarThe Board of Educa tio n for tate o rm a l Schoo ls gran shi ps in a ccorda n ce w ith t h e fo ll ow in g co nditions: · frolll aJ!Y T o one stud e n t of good m oral charactei· g raduatm~ " rank 111 fo ll y a cer dite d four -yea!' hi g h c hoo l in Neb ra ska , holdi~here s)lall t he h igh est te n per ce n t (lo ~;. ) of t he graduating clas~ rs colleP' b~ :oi.ward ecl a free sc ho larshi p to any of t h e State Teac tlrelY to thd in t he tate. Th e selection of the stu de n t shall left .e~ school an di scre t io n of t he su perinten dent or pr inc ip a l of the hig





ar d of Ed u c a~ i o n ?f s uch ~i g h_ schoo\ .. This. scholarshi 1) is n ?t tile B.0 . ·able fr o m rnd1vidual to indi vi dua l ; i t e n t itl es th e h older "o t r8nsfe ~~ 1 ~ fro m f ees, a mo un t ing to n ot to e xceed $37. 50 pe r ye a r of t.xen1 Pt on ths e xce pt t he ma t r icul atio n fe e , t u iti on , dor mi tor y r e n t,, nine I e•so~ s in music a n d speech , b r e a ka g e cha r g es, a nd s uch depo s~nva e ~y- be re q ui re d fo r the r et urn of equi pm e nt len t to t he t uden t . 1"l' as 111 « - An Y stu:len t holdin g t his scholarshi p is e nt it led to exem ption fro m vi th the except io n abov e set fo rth , to t he a m o un t of n ot to e xce ed fr e5•, ' fo r a ni ne wee ks' t er m of summ er chool fro m t he a mo unt of 9.2D • this sc holarship . This scho la rs hip certifi cate w ill n ot be hon or e d unl ess pr esen t ed ne of the fo ur Stat e T ea cher s Coll eg es within two ye ars fo llowi ng to ~ school gra du atio n, exclusive of tim e s pe nt in m il it ar y se rv ice. If hig st udent drops ou t of sc hool fo r m ore t ha n on e cal end ar year t he th~olarsh i p ex pires, unl ess t he inter ru ption of h is cou r se of st ud y is d~e to hi s ow n illn ess or th e illn ess of a m e mb er of his fa mil y. It m a y be wi th dr a wn fo r mi sco n d uct or for f a ilur e i n a n y s u bj ec t, a nd it w ill be wi thdrawn if t he h old er fa il s du r in g a n y year to m a in ta in a gra de up to or a bove me dia n grade of his class.



The follo wing ite mi zed st ate men t i n dicates t he typ ica l expe ndi t u r es fo r one year. T he a m oun t spe n t will vary sligh t ly with th e numh er of l:1boratory co ur ses tak e n, th e pri ce of t he r oo m se le cte d, a n d wit h in di 1·idual spendi ng ha bi ts. Low (pa id onl y on ce ) ..... .................. .. .. .... $ 5.00 Fees. t uition, a nd t e xtboo k r e n tal.. .. ... ..... .. .... .... ... ... 50. 0 0 ~!a t ri c ul a t i on


Hig h 5.00 6 0.00

!Includes all ge ne ra l fees, a s t u de nts a ctiv it ies t ic ket . an d la bo rat o ry f ee s.)

Board and roo m ... .... .. ...... ........ .... ... ..... .. ..................... 260 .00 Incidentals (la u ndry, station ery, soci a l, etc.) .. .. .... 15.00

33 0.0 0 20.0 0

$3 30.00

$415.0 0

Thi e ti mate do es n ot includ e th e cost of pri vate instruction in music which is r e quir e d of a ll wh ose m a jor or min or is in p u blic sc hool mu ic. t F urth er disc ussion of li ving e xpen ses a n d fa c iliti es a n d an ite mi ze d :hateni e n~ of a ll f ees w ill be fo un d in t he fo ll owin g pa ragr ap hs und e r e head ings of "Living Expe nses a nd Acco mm od a t ions" a n d " F ees".


faci]"J\l l r eq uest s fo r infor matio n con ce rn ing bo a rd ing a nd r oo min g fla il Ib eh a nd a ll re qu ests fo r roo m r eser va t ions in on e of t he Resi d en ce \\'o~ 5 ould be direc t e d to eit her th e De a n of Me n or th e De an of en . livin Residence Halls- The Coll eg-e Resid e nce H all<; off e r ::i ttr a ct ive are ; ~ccomm od ati o n s n ea r t he classroo ms an d t h e li bra ry. Two halls ain taine d f or wo m en a nd on e fo r me n.



A depos it of $5.00 i.s requi red of eac h stu dent a . reservation in a n y of t he ha lls. After a roo m is occupiedp:~!ng for is reta in ed as a deposit agai n st mis use of equip ment ' IS .•1110._: be mai n ta ined at t his level at a ll t imes. ' and it lll11at A refund of th e fu ll amo unt of t he deposit or t he tio n , wi ll be mad e w hen t he st ude nt leaves t he c~ IJege Anused Por. the deposit less fifty cents wi ll be made in case cancellation 0~efund of vation is made fo ur weeks before t he open ing of the session. a reaer. Renta l is charged on ly for the t im e sc hool is in sessi student who stay at one of t he ha lls d ur ing a vacatio n Pon! dand a pay t he established rate for his room. eno 'trill Students are a llowed to h av e rad ios in t he ir roo ms but a "·-of fifty ce nts pe r mo nth is made for eac h radio. S in~e the e~;;t: c ~1Tent on the campus is 220 vo lt a. c., radios must be equi ,.! with a transformer. p..,... Halls for Wome n- El iza Morgan and Mo un t Vernon Halls f wo me n are under th e supervision of the Dean of Wo men. The pri~= of roo ~ s ranges fro m $ 1.50 to $2.25 a week per stude nt, t wo students occ u pying a room. All ro o ms are arra nged as co mbination sleepinc a nd st udy roo m . In E liza Morgan Hall rooms are equipped with twin beds and lavoratori es. Residents of both ha lls must furnish bed linen , blanke ts, tow e ls, dr es er scarf , and c urtai ns. Men '• Hall- Op ened in the fa ll of 19 39, Delzell Hall provides s uperior fac il ities for th e m e n of the college. It is under the supervision of the Dean of Me n. There are 62 co m bination sleeping and study r oo ms. Room s r ent for $1. 50 per week per stud ent, when three men occ upy a room , a n d $ 2.2 5 each when two t ud ents occ upy a room.. All room s are e q uipped with lavoratori es, clothes closets, single beds, and ind ividual st ud y desks. Resid e nts of th e ha ll furn ish bed linen, blank ets and towels. Other Housin g Accommodations- Th e Deans ma intain lists of s leeping and lig ht houseke e ping ro oms available off t he camflUS. ]Jrivate homes off er ing r oom's to students are s ubject t o t he approva and s up erv is ion of the co ll ege, and n o stud e nt may Jive at any other than on e of those on t he "Approve d" list . (Students wor 0 r for th e ir board, or r es idi ng with relatives other t han parents guardian s ar e in clu de d. )



Dining Se rvic e- Th e air-co nd ition e d coll ege cafeteria is l?cat:~~ Mr. V ernon d inin g r oo m and is ope n to a ll stude nts. Food 15 8 at cost, and students pay only for th e food t he y select. Me a ls may be sec ur ed in " Appr oved" pri vate ho mes. FEF.S AXO 'IT TTIOX

t r and

All fees an d tuiti on ar e payable in advan ce each semes e urnm er term . Tuition per

Tuition ... $ .50 eme ter h our. ..... ............................ .............. ... -····· ·····



General Fees

· ula ti on .. ........ ... .. ... ... ...... ... ... ................ ... .. .... ........ ........... .. ... ..... . 5. 00

~atri cd bu t o nce by eac h s tudent e n tering co llege o r th e e leve n t h a nd twe lft h P• 'des of t he Tra in in g H ig h Sch ool. gr•

Registrati on, each semest er and summer school.. ... .... ...... .............. . 1.00 tboo k r ental, each s emest er and summ e r sc hool.. ................... .. .

5. 00

Te"studen t depos its $7.00 each sem eot.cr or s u m mer school.

Stu1f:0td~sc ~:~t!er; i.-i ~ . i;;.st~·.1;;~ t .A~-.-~;;i-~ti~-~: ·;~-b~-~~i;;ti~;; . i:;;. -.-~h~;;i . ;;~~-.-~. l O. OO per co py of the a nn ua l, adm is s ion to co llege a nd hig h school athl e tic

::e n t~, and l yceu m nu mbers a nd tax o n all admi s sions.)

Library, each semes ter a nd summ er sc hool......... .... .... ............... ......

. 75

Infirmary an d medical car e, each semest er a nd s umm er sch ool.. .... .. 5. 00 annu~l~ y of all stu de nts) For fai lu re to kee p appoin tme n t 50c add 1t10 na l charged.

Physical examination (require d

........ ......

.5 0

Student Un io n, eac h semester a nd summ er school.. ..... ...... .... ........... 1. 00 Late Registrat ion after t ime specified on page 3 ... ........ ..... ... .... ....... 2. 00 Gymnasium depos it an d f ee .. .. __ __........ ... .......... ........... ........................ 1.25 Locker key, che mist ry a nd physics la boratory .............. .................. .. 1. 00 Special exa mi nat ion ....... .. .... ... ................. .............. ........ ..... ... .. ..... ..... . 2.00 Transcript of record (i n a ddi tion t o t he fi rst) ... .. ......... ....... ....... .. .... 1.00 Change of sched ul e .......... ....... ...... ... ....... ... ........ ........ .... .......... ............ 1. 00 Auditor, pe r semester hour (plus laboratory, if laboratory is taken) ....... .. ..... ....... ... .. ... ... ........... ............ .. .............. .... .. .. .. .....


Athletic equ ipme n t deposit .. ...... ......... .... ... ............ ............. ....... .. .. .... 2.00 iplomas :

A. B. Degree ... ..... ................. ....... ........ ................. ..... ..... .... .. .. .. ... 5. 00 One-, T wo-, an d Three -year di p lomas .................... ..... .. ..... ........ 1.00

A. B. Degree or two - or t hree-year d iplomas in abse ntia, add itio na l ......... ... ... ........ .............. ....... ... .... ... ... ..... .............. 5. 00 One-ye a r dip lom a in a bsenti a, add ition al.. ........ ... ... .. ... ..... .. .. ..... . 1. 00 Dupli cate degrees or ·diploma, on e-h alf the· orig ina l price. Departmental Fees 0

1lllllerce :

~YPewriter re ntal, fo r each h our of credit ...... ........ ......... .. .......

1. 75

enmanship (i ncl uding P a lmer certificat e) ......... ............... ......



24 Ed ucation: Co urse 23 1


Engli h: Speech 152, 254, 255, 357-. ..... .... ........... ---- -- --- -------- ----- .. . Hom e Economics:

g~~~~:~ ig~: :g~: :gl,--308::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: In du strial Arts: Co urse F ees : Co urses 106, 110, 112, 117, 209, 211, 21 9, 309, 31& 3 13, 3 17, 421.. ...................... ....... .. .... ... ... ...... ... ...... ; Courses 101 , 102, 2 14, 216, 301 , 302 ... .... ............. ·········· Co urses 103, 321, 322, 416, 418 ... ...... ......... ... ...... .::::::::: Co ur se 3 16 ················· ······ ······ ······· ··· ··---· ··· ·····-···-···· ··....·····-· Material Deposits: Courses 106, 11 6, 117, 2 19, 317, 3 09 ....... .......... ............. Co urses 103, 112, 214, 216 ....... .. ..... ... .... : .. ......... .... . Co urses 101, 102, 3 01, 3 02, 321, 322 ............. ..... .. :::::::::. Courses 208, 209, 211 , 3 12 .... .............. .... .. . (This deposit is mad e only where the drawing instrum e_nts to th e stud ent.) Math emati cs: Co urse 218 ····· ·····- -- -··- ·· ·· ····· ····· ···· ··· ···-- --- -- -··--······ ·--·-··· ···············P hys ical Ed ucation: Swimming -··-·-··· ··· ··· ··· ···· ·· ······················--· ····· ······- -·· ··· ···· ···········Science : Chemi str y-all co ur ses ····--··········· ········ ·· ·· ····· ··-- --- ···· ···············Physics- all co urses ····----- ----··----········· ········· ···--· -····--················B iological Scien ce-all co urses ... .. ....... ..... .... .......... ....... ...........• Private Instruction

Art : Private lesso n s in drawing a nd pain t ing, each .. Mus ic: Piano re ntal , one period dail y: 9 weeks ... ..... $2.0 0; 18 w __t.;,, Piano re ntal , two periods daily : 9 weeks .. .... $3 .50; 1_8 Wee&11 Private lesso n s in Pian o, Vio lin , Clarin et, Co rnet, Voice, eacll Speech Ed ucation: Private lesso ns, ea ch ..... ... ... ........... ....... ....... ...... ....... .. .. -··· ········-

REF u XD S To stude nt leavin g college wi thin two t h e first or second sem este r s : 1. Instrument and key deposits w ill be r efunded when the instruments are r eturned in good co nditi on .

PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE M at er ial ~eposits, in so far a s they repre ent th e value of u n~~1a ter ia l s , wi ll be refunded.



excl usi ve of th e r enta l fee, will be restu dent has returned, in go od condition , a ll books funche he has w ithdrawn from the library. l3

T he Textbook deposit ,

d when . t he


4 N ine ty per cent of a ll t ui tion, library, infirmary and departta.l fe es, t ypew ~iter and piano ren~al s (with reason.able deductions 1ne~anY ser vice r eceived), .and t~e remamder of t he co ntrngen~ f ee after fo d cting the fu ll adm1ss1on pnce of each eve nt up to the time of the :teuient's withdrawal from coll ege.

5. D o r m itory room refunds . If the r oo m is released by Saturday . ht of th e first week of chool, a 50 per cent r efund wi ll be given. frgreleased afte r the fir st week for any cause other than illness, stud nts Ehall pay a transi en t rate of fifty cents per day and t he balan ce ~II be r efun ded, provided t hat in no case s hall m or e than 50 per ce nt ~f the ren tal be refunded. No ref un d whatever is made to tud en ts who transfer from dormitories to local roo min g houses, unless room made vacant, is filled by a new student entering school, in wh ich case refund in f ull may be made . If st ud ent i compelled to leave scho ol, beca use of continued illness, upon proper en dorsement of t he coll ege nurse an d doc to r, a refund of 50 per ce nt of unused ren tal may be made. II

To student s leaving co ll ege within more than two weeks after regi strati on fo r t he first or econd se me ter: 1. In st r ument and ke¡y dep_osits will be r e funded when the keys or instrume nt s are returned in good condition .

2. M a t e rial deposits, in so far as they represent the va lu e of unused materials, will be refunded. 3. T h e t ex tbook deposit, exclusive of the r ental fee, will be re-

f~ncled when the st ud e nt has return ed, in good condition , a ll books

w 1ch he has withdrawn from the li brary.

th 4. N inet y per cent of typewriter and piano rental in so far as c et represe nt servi ce not a lready receiv e d, and t h e remainder of the e~n 1;gent fee after deduct ing t he fu ll adm ission pri ce of each budget refen du p to t he t im e of t h e student's withdrawal from coll ege wi ll be un e I. III

l'o stud

ents c hanging programs after registration:

1 ¡ Stud ent Present t'

changing their program s after registration shall on

ance i af Ion of their rece ipts, receive a ref un d of the amount of differn ee bet ween t heir altered program and the preceding on e.



N.onresident tudents will be charged fee s in accorda . followmg e nac tm ent of th e N ebraska legislature passed .nee wtth the p ut into e ff ect at P eru in Se pte mber of that ye;,r: in 1923, &lid " All s tat e e du ca t iona l institution s shall charge a non . t o each nonreside nt of N ebr a ska, who shall matriculate :;:1dent fee e ffect of this a ct. This f ee s hall not be less than the fees hr taking res id ents of Ne braska for a imilar course of study in a "or c •rre~. to i nstitution b y th e state in whi ch s uch nonresident has his ho~=~pona1ng



Stud ents are classifi ed as fo llows : less than 26 hours freshm . 26 .to 55 hou rs, ophomor es; 56 t o 8 7 ho urs, juniors; 88 td 125 ho:~¡ se ni or s. ' Students wh ose t otal num ber of ho urs at the end of the first sem ester p e rmit t he m to c han ge classificati on, may do so provided they s ecure wr itten permi ss ion fro m th e r egistrar and both class advisors con ce rn e d by t he close of t he fi r t quar t er. CREDITS

A u n it appli es to hi g h chool or seco nd ary s ubjects used for ent r a n ce t o t he Co ll eg e. A " unit" is th e cr edit r eceived for a subject carri e d five ho urs per we ek, w it h t h e req ui red preparation for a period of t hirty-s ix w eeks. A " sem este r" h our appli es to colleg e work and r epresents the comple t ion of a t otal of t hre e h o urs of work per w eek for one semester (1 weeks ) , con sisting of lect ur es, recitat ions, preparat ion or laboratory. S TUDE~T


Seven t een h ou r s is th e m ax imum credi t which may be earned by a fr eshman durin g his first sem ester in college. After one .semesr' (o r it s e qui vale n t in su mm er essio ns ) a stud e nt may registe~ on e a dd itio na l h o ur in a s em ester or in a s umm er session, (1) if e has de m on strated su per ior schola r ship, or (2) if he secures the mission of t h e fa cu lty pe r so nn el comm ittee. A student who quai-hlr. fo r the privi lege of reg ist ering for one additional hour because urs uperior scho la r shi p must h ave co mpl et e d a minimum of ~ 6 fonl in hi s prece ding se mester ( 6 in a short s umm er session or 8 m a f 2 l! w in ter sess ion) a n d mu st have earn ed a grad e point average ~ed in with n o m ark b elow "C". No more th a n 18 hours may be ear on e sem ester .





. the first A chan ge in program may b e mad e at an y tim e dunng. te n d ays of t h e sem est er or t he first w eek of t he summer session.



After t he first t e n days of th e se mester , a stud e nt may n ot a d d v course to his progra m, except t hat he m ay r eg ister fo r a quarter a ne' e on or before t he fi rst day of t h e seco nd a nd fo u rth qu a r ters. cours After t he first te n days of t he se me ster o r t he first week of t he er ses~io n , a st.ud ~ n t may with dr.a w fro m a cou r se if he sec ures 101 sun perm issio n of h is m structo r , adv iser, a n d dea n , except t hat he the ot withd raw fro m a sem est er co ur se aft er t he end of th e t welfth cannk or a qua rter cou rse after th e e nd of t he sixth wee k. wee A stude nt d esiri ng to wit hd raw fro m a co ur se sha ll secure up on blank fur n is he d by th e regist rar's office, t he signatu r e of his or aer adviser, i n s t~ u c t o r ~n charge, an d d ea n. T h e in.structor in charge ~viii also at t he t im e a ssign t he grade for t he co ur se m ace!tt'-<la nee w~th the gradi ng sys te m. WITHDRAWAL FRO) l


If a student d esires to w ith draw fro m t he college, h e m ust se cu re the perm issio n of his de a n . If he lea ves t he co ll ege a nd for som e un expected r eason is. unab le to ret ur n, h e shoul d c.omm ~ni c ate im med iatel y with his dean , se tt ing fo rt h t he reaso n s preve n t m g his retur n. C J.A SS AND C O NVO C ATION A'rl'END AN CE

Stu dents a r e e xpect ed to atte nd a ll classes and convocati on . A stude n t wh o fi n ds it n e c e ss a ~¡ y to be abse n t fro m a n y c lass or convocat ion m ust, not later t han th e day fo llowing his retu rn, prese n t to the instr ucto r in cha rge a DEAN'S PERMIT TO RE-ENTER CLA SSE S. E XTR A . CUHRI Cu""LA R PARTI C IPATIOK

In ord er to d i tribute t he re pon sibili t ies of stud ent or g a n iza t ion officer , a nd i n ord e r to afford wid e r oppo rtu n ities for participation in extra-curricula r a ct ivities, t he fo llowing t wo reg ul a t ions ha ve b ee n changed. . 1) In no instan ce sh all any stu de n t ho ld more than two organ !zation offi ces sim ul ta neo usly , a n d th ese s hall b e disti n ctly differ en t in ~a t u r e . Orga n izatio n offi ces in cl ud e t he editor ship of th e P ~ da­ gogian an d t he editorship a n d b u s iness man a g ershi p of t h e P er uvian , ~heh of .which is to be co nsid er ed i ~ t ~ e nat u re of an e qu iva le nt to e Presidenc y of a n y camp u s orga m zat10n. t 2) When ever i t ap pears to t h e' P e rson nel Comm it tee tha t a s ~d ent's t ota l wo r kin g load, incl udin g a ll cu rri cul ar , extra-.curri cula, ~n . . self- supporting a ctiv iti es, is e xcessive, such t u d en t wi ll be reuned to make ad justm en t s as reco mm end e d b y t he comm ittee. G R AD IXG


The fo llowin g grad ing syste m is u sed: "A" to be i nterprete d a s EXCELLENT work. (Thi s grade w ill be gi ven on ly fo r ability and perfo r ma nce of a n exce ptionall y h ig h Quality. )



" B"

to be in te rpr eted as ABOVE A VERA GE ~ 0 1:k . (This w ill be g ive n fo r ability and pe rformance d1st1nct1y ab ln'ade ave rage.) ove the


to be in terp reted a AVERAGE work. (This grade will b . for good work wh er e ab ili ty and performan ce ar e of m d~ riven average qua li ty.) . e ium or

" D"

to be interpreted a BELOW A VERA GE work. (This . b e give n fo r ability and p erform a nce of only fair to po;;ade ~U di tin ct ly below a verage, but sti ll passing.) quality,

" E"

to be inter prete d a s FAILING work . (This grade will he given wh er e t he quality of work d oes not ju stify credit.) (A fai lure can be rem edi e d only b y r e peating the course.)

" In c." In compl et e . An in compiete beco mes a fail ure if not removed during the semester after th e in co mpl ete occ urs. "W"

Withdre w in goo d st a nding. (This mark to be given for . co urse from w hi ch th e st ude n t withdrew and was passing 8~ th ~ .las t atte nd a n ce of c lass. Thi s does not carry make-up privileges. ) ( See "Chan g e in Program " for withdrawal p rocedure. )

"WE " Withdre w failing. (This m a1·k to be given for a course from whi ch the stud e nt withdrew and was fai lin g at the last attendan ce of cla ss. This doe s not carry make-up privileges.) EX C L US IOl\'. FOR POOR S C HOLARSHIP

Stud e nts failing, durin g a partic ular se mester, to pass one-half of th e ir work, ma y in the disc r eti on of th e President, aided by the student's a dvi ser and the Person nel Co mmittee, be excluded the following sem· es t er. Stud e n ts exclu ded fo1: poor sc holarship may register thereafter onl y by s pe cia l permi ssion of the President. POI:\"'J'S

Each letter g rad e wi ll g ive t he fo llowing points for each sem~ hour: A-3 points ; B- 2 points ; C-1 point; D-0 points; E-0 A ca ndidate for the one- yea r diploma must earn a total of at I 64 32 points ; a candidate fo r the two -year diploma must earn at 96 poi n ts ; a candidate fo r the t hree-yea r diploma must earn at .e ts poin ts ; and a candid a t e for a degr ee must earn at least 125 poin ·




TbeY Sch olastic honors ar e of t wo types : honors and high honors. are based upon scholarship a nd c haracter. f . t the end o Semester Honor Roll- An h onor ro ll is co mpiled a honors • ea ch semester and s umm er session. To be con sidered fo;teen hours student must co mpl ete all of his work and earn at least fo~on or five in a se mest e r , se ve n hours in a nine-w eek summer sessi '



路n a s ix-we ek s u mm e r session. Studen ts w ho h a ve a poi nt 1iours 0.~ of 2.2 will earn honors ; th ose who have a poin t ave rage of 2. 7 1 n'路e a,., . hi o路h ho nors. will earn ,.., G duat io n Wi t h Honors- A ca n didate fo r t he Bac helor' s D'egr ee . b"; grad uated w it h honor s if he co m pletes a ll of his wor k a n d uiaY at least fo urtee n ho ur s eac h se mest er, seve n ho urs each nin eearn: summer sess ion, or fiv e ho ur 路 eac h six-w eek summ er session . T he "',ee.t of the last session in atte nda n ce .will n ot I;>e co n sider e d in co m"0 1. g th e po int average . No stud e nt will be co n sidered fo r hon or s wh o puti~ra n sferr ed m ore t han s ixt y ho urs fr om an ot her coll eg e or uni verh~~ Stu de nts w ho have a t ota l poi n t a ve rage of 2.2 m ay be grad ua ted W: ~h Ho nors ; t hose who hav e a t ota l po int a ver a ge of 2.7 may be gr~d u ated W it h Hi gh Honors.


Ad mission Fo r ms-Stud e n t s s ho uld ha ve a tran crip t of t he ir h igh school credits prepare d on th e Neb raska Co llege A dmi ssion F orm and sent to the reg istrar a t least t wo wee ks befo r e t he open in g of th e term . Copies of t he a dmission fo rm m ay be sec ure d by wri t ing th e registrar. Tra nsc r ipts of cr edits a nd ot he r cr eden t ials w hi ch are a ccepted toward a dmission beco me t he pr operty of t he college an d arc kept permane ntly in t h e fil es. To F res hman Standing-Grad uates of a ccr e di ted hi g h sc hools m ay have full a dm i sion t o fr esh ma n standin g on 15 u ni ts (co nditi onal 14 units) pro perly selected a nd co mpleted in a fo ur -yea r hi g h sc hoo l or on 12 un its (condit iona l 11 u nits ) proper ly selected a nd co mpl et e d in a senior high sc hool (grad es 1 0, 11, a n d 12) . The re qu ired cr edi ts shall in cl ude n ot fe wer th a n e ig h t uni ts earn ed in grades 9, 1 0, 1 1, a nd 1 2 in th e fi elds of E ng lis h, fo re io- n la nguage, mat he ma ti cs, n atu r a l sc ie nce, a nd t he soc ial st udi e . Of lhe~e eig ht uni ts seve n s hall be g r o u ped in th e fo ll owin g m a nn er: A maio r of three uni ts in Eng lish and t wo min ors of two units eac h. The ;~o minors sha il have b ee n co m pleted in grades 10, 11, a n d 12, except b at one un it .of a fo r eig n lan g uage, or . o ne unit ~f math e m ~ti cs, or oth, earned rn gra de 9 ma y be used m co m pletrn g t he mrn or re quirements. . Students who ar~ n ot hig h sc hool gr ad uates ma y rece ive co n di ;~n~ ~ad mi ss i o n upo n p r ese n t a t ion of 14 uni ts fro m a n accre dited fo u ran~i igh Schoo l, or 11 un its fr om a se n iOT hig h sc hoo l (g r a des 1 0, 11, int 1 An offi cia l tran s cri pt of cr edits a nd a re qu es t fro m t he s up e rWitin thent t h:o_it t he stud e n t be a d mi tted before g radu ation mu st be fil ed e r eg istrar.


or u ~dv anced Standing- A pplican t fo r admiss ion fr om other colleges ab le n~~ er .itie mu st fi le w it h t he regist rar ( 1 ) a tatem ent of h on oralrea 1smi ssa l ; ( 2 ) a n offi cia ll y cer t ifi e d ta te me n t of college w ork $choo\1Y acc omp li s hed ; (3) a n officiall y certi fi e d reco rd of t he seco nd ary Work satisfying t he a dmi ssio n r eq uirem ents.




Full credit is given for work co m p leted at in stitut ion s wh" ta in standards of ad missio n a nd grad u a ti on eq u a l to th ose of pleb lllaiJi. eru. Coll ege cred it may be given for work do n e in a secondar ~or n ot t<? exceed _9 se m ester ho u r~ and. t h en onl y on conditf SCh0o1 1t a ll be in cl u ded m en tran ce cred it whi ch t h e ap plicant pr on that excess of 16 un its of seco n dary work. Cred it is all owed onf 8e!Jta in p li ed m usic, ch e mistry, mec h a ni cal drawi n g, solid geo met r y t! in ap. etry, t hi rd- a n d four-year Germa n , t hird - and fo ur -year Fr~nehg~~~lll­ a n d fourt h-year Latin, and fourth-year E n g lish. T o receive ' 11dcre?it f~r s u_c h work, app li cation must be m a de at t he time :;11ere reg1strat1on m t h e teacher college, and t h e examination mu tJ.rat be t ak e n by t he en d of the first se m ester. A specia l examinatio! of two do llars is ch a rg ed. Th ese tra n sfe r red second ary credits fee be u sed for electives b u t m ay not be u sed to m eet t h e requirements~ay majors and m in or s or group requireme n ts for a n A.B. degree. or Adult Special-Mature individ u als who do n ot have full colle e nt r a n ce cr ed it s may be matricul ate d as ad ul t specials, but before certi fi cates or diploma ma y be gra n ted to u ch stu dents all entrance 1·equi r e me n t s m ust be mad e u p a n d coll egiate requirements for the certificate or di ploma so ug h t m ust be m et.


No student wi ll be granted a degree or dip loma until he has fulfilled t h e entrance requ ir em ents. R 1':SIDEKT ATTEKD ANCR

A mm1m u m of t hirty- ix we eks of attendan ce a nd thi r ty semester h ours of res id enc e credit earned a t this coll ege ar e req uired for the issuan ce of a d egree or a diploma. Twen ty-fo ur of th e l"ast thirty hours for a two- or a t hr ee-year dipl oma sh all be earnred in residence at this coll ege. (Appli es to a ll ca ndidates for degrees a n d diplomas to be issu ed on or a fte r Septe mb er 1, 1942. ) DEG REK D IPLOi"\'lA . . CEH'I'lFI CATE S

. u es by a u t h 011·· t Y 0 f law and Th e P eru State T each ers Coll ege iss f ws· ru les of the State Board of Edu cation a degree and dip lomas as 0 110 • 1. B ach elor of Arts Degree in Edu catio n . 2. B ach elor of Music Edu ca tion. 3. Three-Year Dipl oma. 4. Two-Year Di ploma. 5. On e-Year Diploma.

of the On co mp) t ion of t h e requirem en t fo r a d egree or 0;i~tendent dip lomas a tudent m ay be reco mm end ed to the State S u p~ to which of Pu bli c Instru ction for a teach in g certifi ca t e of the ty p hi s preparation ent itles h im. e111 ent t h co mmenc ho Attenda n ce a t Comm e ncem e ~t -Atte nd ance a t e d d"1p!otnllS VI exer c i es is r eq uire d of a ll can chdates f or degr e es a n are in residence duri.n g t h e second se m est er.



The various c urri cul a ar e planned to train t each er s for two dis. t yp es of t e aching-elementary and secondary- and it is to the (lnct t 's ad va nta g e to decide whether he wishes to prepare himself stud e)~m entary or for secondary teach ing and to follow one curric ulum fore ghout t he fo ur years. Stud ents w ho transfer from one curriculum throunoth er ca nnot do so without some loss of cr edit. to a Onl y th ose students maj oring in Kinter garten-Primary or Interdiate-Upper Grade Edu cation may co unt th e fo llowing courses toward ~edegre e: E du cation 103, 151, 152, 202a , 202b , 3 03, 426; Eng li sh J03, 335.

DEGREE CURRICULA Leading to on e of t he fo ll owi ng certifi cates : Initia l Secondary School Cert ificates. Initial Senior Gra de School Certificate. Initia l Administrative and Supervisory Ce rtifi cate. Requirement for Graduation

Candidates fo r a degree must fulfill all admi ssion and r esid en ce requirements. Th ey mu st earn 125 semester hours, in clu ding 4 0 hour of credit in j uni or and se ni or courses, and 12 5 honor points. In addition , they must complet e t he subj ect and group r e quire ments of the degree so ugh t. Bachelor of Arts Degree



Co urses

Cr e di t

Orientation 100 ..... .. ..... ..... .... ................... .. ..... .. ..... ... .... ...... .. ..... ........


English ........ .. ... ......... ... ... ..... ... ................... .. ... ............... .. .... ............... 11-1 6 Comp, 101', 102 G hrs . ) , Speech 152 la ng u age ( 8 h r s. ) . 1

2 h 1·s.), L it. 204 ' (3 hrs . ) 01· a fo re ig n


:uclent~ rating hi g h o n E n gli s h Cla ss ifi ca ti o n T est ma y s u bstit u te J o ur na li s m 234 ·M· . r~ a t.1v e Wr iti n g 3(l2 f o r Co m po s it io n 101. • Joi s in Lowe r E le m e n tary E du cat io n s u bs t itute C hil d. Li t . 103 a n d 335 fo r Li t . 204.

History an d Soc ial Scien ce ... ...... ........................................................ .


Am erican Gove rnm e n t 11 8 (3 hrs . ) a n d on e g r o u p (6 h r s . ). Ri st. Hll, 102 01· 213, 214 c. Po l. Sc i. 119 a nd e lec t i ve 3 h r .. · Eco n. 221, 222 o r Geog. 215 d. Soc io!. 231, 232


~l ath e Illa t 1c '



0 1·

Scien ce (com ple te t wo gr o ups) .. ...... .... .. ... ..... ..... ... 12-16

Biol. l01, 102 c. ghem . lfll, 1 2, or 103, J O~ · eog. Hll, 102

:~~~h10 1an d

d . M at h . 101 o r 102, a n d 105 e. P h ys. Sci. 111, 11 2 f. Ph y s ic s 201, 202

P h ysical E du cation ........... ....... .. ... ... ..... .. ..... ................... .

ogy a nd H yg ie ne 205 (3 h rs .) an d P h ys ica l Ex e r c is e co urses (4 hrs . ) .




Art Apprec iatio n 3 06 (2 hrs. ) a nd Music Appreciation 311 ( h 2 rs.) . ( Ed ucat10n co mplete o ne group) .... .............. ....... ..... . a . eco ndary T e ach e r s Educat io na l P s yc h . 30J_____ ~ l as s roo m M g t . 304 ______ Educ._ M ea s ure m e n t 31L..._____ Pr~ct 1 ce T eac hing 411~ ---P nn. of Sec .. Edu c. 42;,_______ In tro. to Guiel . 338 o r El ect·-·-·Speci a l M eth od s & Obs. ____

3 3 3 4 3 3 3

b. Elementary -~~ --·h····:: · · ·· ···· Educatio na l Psyc h. ers·, Cr. Classroo m M g t. 204.......... · - - 3 Edu c. Meas ure m e n t 331____ 3 Guid . & R em e r. Ed. 332::.._- 3 Prin . o( E le m. Ed. 426. 3 Prac ti ce Teach. 210, 41]4- - 3 Spec ial M et hod s & Obs.-==:: :


:;Stu d e n ts c h a n g in g fr o m pl'ep a!'at io n f o r e le m e ntary teac h in g t o s d may s u bstit ute E d. JOI fo1· 301, 204 for 304, 332 (o r 338. econ a r y "Two h o urs o f t each in g mu st be don e in t h e se nior year.

t- hlaa

Major of at least................. ....... ....... .... ... .. ..... .. .................. .. ..... .......... Minor of at least... ... ................. ... ... ..... .................................. ..... .. .......

2 4 16

Majors and Minors

T he election of a major of at least 24 hours a nd one minor of at least 15 hours mu st be mad e not later t ha n t he beginning of the sop homore year. Majors a nd min ors may be selected from the following de partments : Art, Commerce, Edu cation, E ng lish, F oreign Languages, Geography, History a n d Other So cia l Scie nces, H ome Economics, Ind ustria l Arts, Math e ma t ics, Music, Physica l Ed ucation (Men and Wom en ), Sci e n ce. Re q ui re ments for majo r s a nd min or s in the various departme n t s and div ision s t h ereof are t o be fo un d un der "Courses of Instr uction". (See page 44 ff.) Cred it tran sferre d from secondary work ma y n ot be use d t o meet th e maj or and minor re quirements. T he sub j ect of the min or mu st be in de partments other than the major; how ever, a maj or and a min or or two minors may be earned i n th e same dep art me nt prov id ed t hat ea ch is entire ly within a different div is ion of that department. Cr e dits tran sferr ed from a no t he r co llege may be used to meet major and minor r e quire me nts under t he fo llowin g co nditions: (a) Each de part ment hea d und er w hom the ma jors and minors ar~ t o b e earned mu st approve t he cr e d its tra nsferre d to his departmen (b) Under the guidan ce of th e departmen t heads .at ~east one co urse in e ach major or min or mu st be earn ed in this inst1tut1on. Electives

Not m o re t han 4 0 ho ur s of wor k in any one depar_tme~t 1!~~ a pplied t o a degr ee, un less a st ude nt makes ap plicat10n gra nted pen11is. ion by t he curri c ulum co mmittee. . ph ys1·cal exercise unle lNTo t m o re t h an 6 h o urs may b e earn e d 111 phys ical ed ucation be made a maj or or m inor. rs 3 Not mor e than 5 hours in appli ed mu ic nor more th'i:Jic in e nse mb le m usic may be applied to a degree unl ess. P':na;ors and mu sic be made a maj o r or mi nor. Pub lic sc hool music






maY co un t 8_h ours of app lied music a n d 6 ho urs of e n se mble p1in?rs towar d a degr ee. p1us1c Not more t ha n o n e -~o u rth of any c urric ulum ,leading to a degree n \e tak e n in exte nsion classes or by correspo n de nce; a nd n ot to sha d on e- ha lf of t his a m ount s ha ll be tak en by correspo n den ce. excee F ore ign Language Requirement For Graduate Degrees

Foreig n language is n ot required of can didates for th e bachelor's ree exce pt of those w ho are m ajorin g or min ori ng in t h e fie ld. ~e!wev~r . s ince m a n y st u de nts. w!ll eve ntu a ll y wan t to co n tin u e th eir training in a g rad ua t e sch ool, it 1s suggested t hat. t hey read caref ~ll y the state me n t u n der "Modern Lang uage" r ela tive to t h e for e ign language req uire m ent for t he m ast er' s a n d do ctor's d egree s. Bachelor of Music Education

Co ur ses Credit Orientati on 100 ---· ·· --- -----· ·--- -·-· ·----- -·--· -- -- ····· -- ------ ------ ----·-- --- ---- ----- ______ 1 English 101, 102, 20 4, a n d Sp eech 152 ... ............. ------- --- ------ --- --------- --


History an d Soc ial Science .. ·- ·- ----- --- --- -·· --------- ------- - -- --- ------- ------- ---·-- -


Am er ican Gov e rnmen t 11 8 (3 h rs.) a nd o n e a. H ist. 101. 102. o r 213, 214 b. Econ . 221. 222 o r Geog. 215 c. Pol. Sc i. 119 a nd e Jecti ve 3 hr s . d. Sociolog y 231, 232

g l'OU J)

6 h rs .).

llathema tic or Science (compl ete two g roup s} ------- -------- -- -- ----------- --12-16 a . Biol. 101. 102

b. Ch em. 101, 102, o r 103, 104 c. Geog. 101, 102

d. Ma th. 101 o r 103 and 105 e. Ph ys. c i. 111, 112 f. Ph ysi cs 201, 202

Health an d P hysica l Edu cat io n .. ... . --- -- --- ----- -- ---· ---- -------·· ------- ----· -- -


Art Appreci ation 3 06 .... ----------- -------- ---- -·--- ----·- --- --· ---- -- --- ---- -- ---- -- ------- Education _______ ____ . ____ . _____ ____ . ___ _____ . ______ _______ ______ _____ _____ ____ -- ---- --- --------- _..


Health Edu ca lio n ( 3 h 1·s.) and P hy s ica l E xe rc ise cou l' Ses ( 4 hrs . ).

M ,

Course Cr. Edu c. Psyc h. 301...____________ 3 Cla S8. M gt. 3Q.1___________ _____ 3 Ed uc. M eas . 331_ _________ 3 Pra c. Teac h. 41L_______ 4



Cou rse Cr. P rin . of S ec. Ed. 425________________ 3 ln t r . to Guiel. 33 or Elective.... R Special Meth. & Obs. _______ 3


US!C ···· ·-·----·---------- --·--- -- ----- ·- ---- -a. 1'heory:

H a rmo n y lOL----------------·-----·-···---------·---·--·--·-------------·--------------- -Ear Traini ng 101A ...-----------·----··-----------·-----·--------- -- H a rmony 10-2 ________ ·---·---·---··--·······-·--·- -------------------------------Ea r Tra ining 1G2A------···-----------····--·----------·--·----·--·-----·-----·----··-Harmony 203-----------·······------······· ------·------------·-·-·------Ear Trai nin g 203A-------------- -------------·-----------····--·--·-----------·------ ·H armony 204----------------------··--··------------·-----·-----------·-Ear T r ain ing 204A-··-·------------------·--------·-·--·---------------- Go u n t e rpoi n t 305..------··-------------·····-------··-------------··--------·---------·'···- - - - Form a n d Anal y s is 306-------·---------·-·------------------·--------·----·-------·Orch estration and Comp. 407--------····-------······--------------------------

3 l

3 l 3 1 3 1 3 3



~!:f:e=t~~ti1~~~' '}g~:-~~7=~:_;~~~:::~=~~==:=:===:==~~==-= f 32

b. M ethod s :

E lem e n ta r y Meth ods 201 Jr_ Hi g h School Method s- 2o2:::-.=-_-:::-.:_-:::::_-::::=----- - - - - -- - 3 Chora l ( Hig h School) Meth ods 403 ------------ - 2


-- 2

c. Appli ed Mu s ic ________________________ ---··--------------------7 Stud y a nd Method s of T eac h ing In struments 303__ 16 Stud y a nd Method s Of T eachin g l n s tru m e n ts 304___ _______________ En semble --------------------- --------------------------·---- - 8

-::=::::--------: : : -_:_= =: :

( Three h o urs of spec ia l mu s ic m eth od s is to be accep t ed a s pa rt the e du cat io n requ ire m e n t.)



FOUR-YE AR PROGRAMS SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS Sugge sted outline for majors in Art, Biology, Botan y, Chemis try , Educational Administration, Eqlleli, Foreign Lan g uages , Geo g raphy , Hi s tory, Mathematica, PhJSM.J Education, Physical Science, Physics, Social Science, Zooloay. (For Major a nd Min o r co urse seq u e nces see "Co urses of In s tructio n", p . ff )

Freshman Year First Sem ester 0 r ie n tat ion 100-----···-·-·----------------------E ng li s h Co mpos iti on .... --------·-------Scien ce o r Mathema t ics ________________ Am. Gov t. 118 o r P h ys. & H yg. 205_ P hys ica l Education - - -- -----·--·-M a jor --------------·------·-·-E lect i ve --·------------·----------·-·------

Cr . 1 3- 4 3- 5

3 1 3 0- 3

Seco nd Semester Cr. E n g lis h Co mp. 11)2_ _________ _ _ _ I Sc ie n ce or Mat h em at ics ________ 1-1 P h ys . & Hyg. 205 or Am . Govt. 118- I Physica l Education_ _ _ __ _ __ 1

~l:~~ive-::::::::::::::::_-:-~:=~~:=~=------ I-: Ji.17

14 -17

Sophomore Year Fund. of S p. 152 o r Inti-. to Lit. 204 __ 2- 3 Hi s t. o r Othe r Soc. Sc i.___________________ 3 Scie n ce or Ma t h e m at ics----·····-··---·-· 3 P hy s ica l Ed u ca t io n-----·---------------l Major, min o r a nd e lecti ves ______________ 6- S

I- i•

Jn tr. to Lit. 204 or Fun~. or Sp. l!iZ..Hi st. or O t h er Soc. S,c' ·-·--·· - I Sc ie n ce or Mathematics.-- -1 Phy s ica l Educatio n.----·-.- -.. I M a jor, min or a nd e le c t i v e s --- -



Junior Year Educa tio na l Psych olO!<Y 301____ _ C lassroo m M a n ageme n t 304 __________ _ A r t Apprec. 306 or Mu s. Ap p r ec. 311 2 M a j or, mino r an d e lect ives ____________ 7- 9


1 Educa tion a l M eas ul·emen t 331Jn tr. to Guiel. 33 or Edu c. Ei::·"jji I Mus. Apprec. 31l or A r_t APP • 7• I Major, min or and elect1ves- - -



Senio r Year Pr in . of Sec. Edu c. 425 or T eachin i!- 411 -----·-·------··----------------··-·--···- 3- 4 Special M eth ods-------·--------------··-·-3 M a j o r , min or a nd electi ve -----------·-----·· fl -11 15-17


Pri n . o f Sec. Educ. 425 °.'.:_ __ ~ • 14 T eac hin g 411 ---------: M a jor, min or a nd e)ec uve 8 -






Freshma n Year first Semes te l' t ation

100.--- --------· --·-··--

Cr. 1

or1• ~ h Com iJOol t i o n 101... ------ ----- - - 3- 4

EnglJS 01 Math - - - - - - ---- --··-···· 5< 1• 0 (;' vt. ) p, o r P h y s and Hy g. 205 ~rn- o d JOI -- -- -·-----····-· - - --- -

i~~~~~n 5a ..-


3 5 --· ... --·-·--·-··- ---- - - 1- 2

Seco nd Se me ster Cr. Eng . Com p . 102...·-----·-------·-3 Fund . o f Speech 152...·-·-·······-··················· 2 S c ie nce o r M a th .······--····-··-·-----·---·---·-·-3 Am . Gov t. 11 8 or P hy s . a nd Hy g . 205 ° Sh o rt hand 106 --- ---------------------------- -----·-·-·· ·) T yp ing 5b - - -- -- ------------ ----·····- ·· 2 Phy s ical Edu c. ··--··-···············-·········-·· J 17


Sophomore Year In t. t o Li t . 204 o r Mino r-------·-····--······ S c ie nce o r Ma th ·- -------- ---------------- - -Phy s ica l Edu c. ····-·- ·················-·············-··· B eg. A ccountin g 203_·-------·· E co nomic Geog. 215........._... Min o r a nd El ecti ves ______ _ 17


Junior Year Educ. P s ych. :3 0L- --·······-·········-·······- ··-·-Classroom Ma nage me nt 304- ---- ---··· Art or Mu sic Ap prec .__________________ Economics 22 1 --------------------·--···------------· Intermediat e Acc t . 304....-- - -·-- ··· llinor o r El ec t i ve ....... -------------- -------· -·········

3 3 2

3 3 3

Educ. M ea sureme n ts 331.._____________________ Int. t o Guidance 338----------·············-····A rt or Music App re c ..·--·-·---·-·-······-···- ····--· Com . L a w 302_····-···-·········--··········-----···-· Meth od s of Tchng. Ty p ing 308a._ _ _ M e thods of T chng. Shtd. 308b................ Phy s ical Edu catio n·-··········----·······--···-····Mino r o r Electi ve____________________


3 3 2


1 1 1 3


Senior Year Prin. of Sec. E d uc. 425 o r

~~T:;c~~ng~-~-1 ~---=~=::::::::=~:::::::::~=:::::::: 3- i

P r in . of S ec. Edu c. 425 o r Tea ching 411 ·- ··----------- ·······-···· 3- 4 Minor and Electives ....·--·······-··················13-14



"J('!nciples of Com. Ed . 408_______________ 2 lnor and E lec t i ves.·-····---·-······-·······----10-11


Freshman Year S e cond S em es t e r C1·. Eng lish 102 ···--·-··-················-·····-···· ~ Org anic Che mi s try ·-····-········- ·--····· Am eri can Go v e rnme nt 118-..................... 8 Cl othing ] 02 ·······-······-···---- -------------·-· ·:> Phy s ical Education - ---·········-···- ···· 1 Minor or El ectiv e ...------·-················· 3




Sophomore Y ear Genera l B io logy lOl.. _____....... ·-···········-······ S.o c io logy 231 ------·----------·--·--·--·-----------H o m e Problem s 216 .... -··-··-······-···-·-···H ome H yg- ie n e & Nurs in g 233-···-·-····· D e s ig-n 203 - -·-·······--·-·--·····-·-·-··Phy s ical Education - -------------M inol' o r E lective __________________ _

3 ., 2 2 :i 1 J7

Junior Ye a r Educational Psycholog-y 30L.·-······-C Ja >;• room Ma n agement 304..________ H o m e Econom ics M et h o d s 331.._·-·····Hom e P lan nin g & Furni s hin g 320........ A 1·t 3D6 01· M u s ic ~1 L. Min o r o r E lect i \·e__________ __

3 3 ~

3 2 3

Educatio n:=il M.eas urements 331_ In troduct 1o n to Guidance 338 -Art 306 or Music 311 -··-

~~::fr:s=d3~~~~~~-~g~~~~~~~::==:=- to


Sen ior Year P r ine . of Sec. Edu c . •125__ T eaching- 411 -·········-····--··-··

3 4

~fe7:t i~ a'3~f e=~:-~ --~:~-~~-=~----------::~=~:== 2- ~:i Minor or El ectiv e s_________________________ ~03

1i s ub s titutes for C h em. 102 o r 104 in

-== ..

Cater in g- & Quan. Cookery 416 Ch ild Care 330-------···········-· · - - t<'t Mino r a nd E lect ives ______________

g TOU p

requ irement.


Freshman Year Ma jor: Cou r ses 101, 102 , llO, 116, 20 8, 209, 214, 216, 219, 304, 313, 321, an d 322. Mi n or: Cou r ses 101, 1 02, 110, 208 , 209, 304, 3 13, and 321. Co urses 301, 3 02, 3 10 ma y be ubstituted for co urses 101, 102, Ut r espectively . F r es hm a n Year First Sern es t e r C r. 0 r i e n tat ion -100 ___ ______ --------- ·----····-··-] Eng- li s h Co mpo s it ion 101.._.. ·-· ··-·--·- 3- 4 Sci e nce o r Math e mat ics _______________________ 3- 5 American Gove rn ment 118_______________ 3 Woodwo r king 101 --···---- --·-------------3 R lu c Print R eadin g J1 6_________ 2 Phy s ical Ed u cat ion --------------1

Second Se m este r

~;i:~i~; o~· Ma t~!~~ti~~:====:==== let 0



Phy s iolog-y & Hygiene 2 0 5 . W oodworkinJ.1;' 102 -----------------Shop Ma in te nance 110---------P h ysical E du catio n ----- - - - - - -


Soph omore Year In t ro. to Lite r at ure 20L..- , - Hi story of oth er Soc . . Set.---::::: Science o r M ath ematics ---··· - - - Mec h amcn l Draw ing ~--219F}\rm an d H o m e. Mechanics ------

Fundam e n tals of Speech J52 •. Hi s tory or oth er Soc . Sci........ _. Scie n ce or Math ematics __________ _ Mecha ni ca l Drawing 208 ..-.. Pn1. ct icH I Elect.ri city 214 .............- .. . Sheet M eta I 216.·-···-·····-······· Physica l Educatio n ----·-··· ···


f I"

::r7~~!-ca~1' E~~::t\1,~;~---~~:=::=:~==---~ i :;



Junior Year 3 3 2

jonal P s yc h o lo)?y 301 __ Educot 01 M a na1<e m e nt 304-. ..

~::s~~Ar·~~ia ~~~hg3~·-·3(}i:::==:=-~:::::=::= 1ndU 5:


~,.chin eor


1!;\f oo clworking



E Je e ti ve.... ------ -----------

2 3

Edu cational M easu rem e nt 331_____________ Intro. to G uidance 338 or Educa tion El ec tiv e ----------------····-···Musi c A pp rec iation ...311 ......----- ------------Machine W oodwo rkin g 322-··-··--··- ···· Gen e ral Me ta ls 313_ ····-·····-············-········· Minor or Electi ve ________ ... ------------·····-



Senior Year Prin. of Sec. E du_c. 425·-··-·····-· Minor and E lec ti ves __________ ---------- --

3 12

Tea ching 411 ········-··- ·-·········-·-··· Minor a nd Electiv es.----------·-······

4 12




Freshman Year Cr. first Se me s ter J Orienta t ion 100 - -- -English Co mpo s 1t1on . 101----------------3 3

~mt~:l ~~~~m~;:~i~"-=:::~=:::===

Harmony 101 ····---·--···- - ··- ·--··-··---··- Ear Trainin g lOlA .-·····-------····-···-··------Applied Mu s ic ---------------·-·······-·-En sem bl e




3 1

1 1

Second Semeste,. Cr. 3 Engli s h Compl>s ition 102...·-·-···········-····· Science or Math e mati cs _ ______________ _ 3 Am e rica n Gov e rnmen t 118__________________ _ ~l 1 Physica l Education ------------------·-···· 3 Harmony 102 ··---·----····-··-··- -··-·· Ear Training 102A_____ ____ ___ ·········--·- ·······-1 2 Ap p lied Mu s ic - ·-·-·····-········---·-·····-········ 1 En s e m hi e ····---------·····- -···----



Sophomore Year History or o ther Soc. Science ____________ _ Mathema ti cs


Scie n ce _______________ _

Physica l E d ucat ion ·····---------------··-·Harmony 20:3 --~----·-···-······- ----· Ear Train inJ! 203 A _______________.._________




Elem. Sch oo l Methods 201.. ...·-··--·-····-


Applied Mu sic -------------------- --------


En semble _



Introduction to Lite rature 204------·----Hi story or othel' Soc. Science ...·-·········· Math e matics or Sc ie n ce ...·- -·····- ··-···· Phy s ica l Educatio n - - -·····-····--······ Harmon y 204 -- -···---····----·····--·· Ear Training 204 A_····················-················ Ap plie d Music ··-··- - · ·--···------ · -·· En s e mbl e ---·-···--··-····-·-·-··--·-----

3 3 3 1 :i 1 2 l



Junior Year 2 3 3

3 3 2 1

Educational Measurement 331--·-----·-Junior Hig h School M et hods ___ _____ _ Art Appre c iatio n 306--------·--------Study of Instruments 304·-··-··- -····· Form and A na )ys is _····- ·-·· --- ···-·- A pp lie d Music ···-··-·-·······-·--··-----En s e mbl e ··--·······-- ····-···-···-···- __ _

3 2 2

:1 3 2 1



Senior Year Practice T eac hmg . Iii h 41L___ ____ _ l!i~t School Ch ora l Cond. 403·-··-·-···-0tch·. ~~~ ~-~rec . o~ Mu s ic 405 __ __ Aoolied ·~ . mp. 40 1_ _______ _ f" ••rnbie 1u .ic ·-····-··-·········-··-- ···-·····ntr. to Cu ici. 338··-~;:··Ed;;~·: ··E]~;;-t·iv~:~~

2 2 3 2 3 1 3 16

Pl'in . of Sec. Educ. 425_______ ____ Practice Tea ching 41L.·-············-············ Hist. and A pp rec . of Music 406____ Orch. and Comp. 408 _ _········---··-·--·· Applied Mu s ic ·······-··- ·······-··-·-···- ····-······ F.n se mble ······-···········-···-·-···-···--··-·--··Elective - ··-·······-····-··--··--- --·· ·········-- 2-

3 2 3 2 2 l 3

15-1 6



.\ G HI Cli LT U RE A. XO

VOCA.TlOXA.T. Ho~ua1

W orkin g in coo perat ion with t he U ni ver sity of Nebraska A.lllfo A gri culture, Peru off ers th e fir st two years of th e four-year Collea. Of teac h er of vo c~ti o n a l a gri culture . and vo.cational homemakincourae for wh o co mplete eit he r of t hese curn cul a will be qualified to t g, 1:hoi; voca ti ona l agric ultu r a or vo cational home making in those either ha ving voca ti o na l de part me nts whi c h are a pproved by the SChOOla of Voca ti on a l E du cation . Stud en ts inter est e d in these fields will~ t he s uggest ed programs below. 0U01r



Vocational Agriculture

F r eshman Year F ir st emester Cr. O ri e n tat io n 102....... ·---···-······-- --·······-·.... l E d ucat iona l P s yc h o logy lOL-···-·3 E n glis h Compos itio n lOL. __________ J- 4 Ge n era l B io logy 101 .-····----·-·------3 Ge ne ral C h emist r y 101 or 103- - - · · - 3- 5 P h y s ica l E du cat io n ···---------- ····---------· 1

Seco n d Se m ester A m e ri ca n Go ve l"nm ent 119 Cr. E n g li s h Co m po~ itio n 102 -- ·- ·· ·-Ge ne ra l B io log y 102....... _ ............. _ _ Ge n era l C h e mi stry 102 or-·10 4 - - - 3. I P h y s io logy & H yg ie ne 205.-.==== ~


Sophom or e Year

~~~~l~~ j~~ ~~~'~_:~:=~==:=-==~===

Ce n P. r a l P h y s ic· 201....--.................... Econ o mi cs 221 ------------- -----------···-···· R ura l E d u cat io n 2:>0..------··--·-----····---·····-· F u ndamenta ls of S1>eech 1 5~ ......... ........ .. Shop El ect iv e ---·-·--··-··-··----··-·-

Accounti n g 203 -- - -···-···------·-S h op E lect i ve ·-··-··················-·--···-E lecti ve - -- ·-··- ···----··-·- - -- P h y s ica l Ed u cation ·------ -·-------

P h y s ica l Edu catio n ---·-·······



a 3 3

s 1


J uni or and Se ni or Years Th e last two years of wo rk lead ing to t he Ba chelor's Degree may be ta ke n at t he U n iver sity of Nebras ka Co llege of Ag ri culture. Vocational Homemaking

Freshm a n a nd Sop homore Years Complete t he fi rst two yea r s of t he fo ur -year Home Economic curr icul um as out lin ed on pag e 34. J un io r a nd Se nior Years Th e last t wo years of wo r k lead in g to t he Bachelor's Degree maY be ta ken at t he U ni ver sity of Nebra ka College of Ag riculture.


F res hm a n Year 1

J ' irs t

em1 es t e r

~1 ~~;J~ ~~~~n ~ Ed~-~;ii~,~--108::=:::-~



E n g li s h ompos it io n l 1-----··· _ 3- 4 General Biology lOL ___ ---·-·······----;{ C hi ldre n" s Li terat ure 103.. ·--··--·--·2 Principles o f Geography JOJ_ _ _ _ 3 Ph ys ica l Education ----·· -·---··-·-···-1


Ed u~~t~f;~11 S~~~!te~·loa Y


101- K in d e 1·ga r te n Ed ucatio n 103.-- - - Engli s h Co m poF- it io n 102 F undam e nta ls o f Snecch la --~-Ge nera l B io logy 102.---·-i s·-· ..- Amer ican Go ve r n m e n t 1 ~ P layg1·ound S u perv is io n 20 - - -

.:r- 4


~ ;

~ S I



PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Sophomore Y ear , tn .prim - . Meth ods 202______ _______ _ Kg ss.room :Manageme n ~ 2~---CI• T ching o f Rea din g . 31.__ _ 'fh:ch i~~ 210. ------------------ - - - - - -- --'fe erican Hi s tory. 2.13- - : : - -- - - :~ys i o l ogY & Hyg ie n e 20tJ __________ _


3 2 2 3 3

T eachin g 210 ----------- - - - - A m erica n Hi story 214 _ _ _____ _ I nd u s. Arts for El. Tc hrs . 112_ _ _ P ublic Sch oo l A rt 103_ ____________ Pu b lic Sch ool Music 110_______ _ Electi ves - ---------- --- - - - - - - -- -----


2 3 2 2 2 5


Junior Year Ed ucation a l Meas u re m e nts 33L___ _ N a tu ra l Sc ie n ce M eth od s_ _ _____ Ad v. Child re n 's L iterature 335_______ Geogra ph y ----- - - -- - - - -Phy s ica l Edu catio n ------------M inor a nd E lect ives_________ __ _________

"id p 8 ycho logy 323-------- -----------------~~ia l Scie n_ce _Me~h ods 301__ __ __ _ t Apprec 1a t10 n 306- --------- -------~~ s ic Appre ciati_on 31L____________ __ _

~~~~~ca!nfd~~::~~~es=~~~======~=== 16

3 3 2 3 1 4


Sen ior Yea r Guidance and Re n:. Ed. 332_________ _____ Elem. School Curn cul u m 30'3________________ Minor an d E lec tives __ __ -------------- ---

3 2 11

Prin. o f E le m . E du catio n 326___ ___ Teachin g 411 ------ --- ------------------------M in o r a nd E lecti ve s ____:_____________


3 2 11 lG


Freshman Year Firs t Se mester Cr. Orienta t ion 100 ------- - - - ----- 1 Introd uction to E du cation 108_________ ~ English Co mpos it ion lOL- ----- --- 3- 4 Children 's Lite rat u re 103________ __ 2 Genera l Bio logy lOL---------------------3 Principle s o f Geogra 1>h y 101________ 3 Ph ysical Educat io n ------------------ -----1

Second Semester Cr. Ed u catio na l Psycho lo1<y lOL__ __ 3 E ng lis h Co m pos it io n 102____________ 3 F und ame nta ls o f Speech 152___ __ 2 Ge n eral B io logy 102______ _______ __ :J American Governme n t 118_______ __ 3 Public Sch oo l Art 103_ _ _ _ _ _ 2 P laygro un d Supervis io n 204__________ 1

Sophomore Year Inter. -Up pe r Gra de M e t h. 202b____ ~~a ss roo m Ma na ge m ent 20·L________ T e Tea chi n" o f R ead in g 231._______ Aeach.in g 210 - - - - - - - -- - --- - Pbe~1 ca n History 213_______________ Ys1ology & Hy g iene 205_______ ____ ___

3 3 2 2 3 3

Tea chin g 210 -- -- - - - - ----------Am e rica n Hi s tory 214_ _ __________ P r ofes s io nal Mat h . 21G_____ __ ____ Publ ic School Mu s ic ]10_ _ _ __ *Intro. t o L it. 204 or E lect ive___ _ El ec t i ves ------------------------- --------- _.1._


2 3 3 2 3 3


Junior Y ea r 3 3 3 •2

1 4 lG

Edu cat io na l Meas ureme n t s 331_ __ _ Na t ura l Sc ie nce Methods ______________ _ Mu s ic Apprec iat io n 31L ___ _ _ _ Geograp h y --------------- -- - -- --- - -P h y s ica J Ed ucation - ----- - ------------Mi nor o r E lectives ___ __ _______ _

3 3 2 3 1 4



CU HRI CU LA Sen io r Year

Gui d ance a nd R e m. Ed. 332._______________


E lem . Sc hool Cur ri c u lu m 303._______ 1vlinor a nd E lect i ves .._............. -.................

2 Jl


Pl' in . of E le m. Edu ca tion 42" Teac hin g 1111 ------1\l in o r a nd El ect ives -----------



- - -- ----- - 11 11



The am ount of work r e qui re d is 9 6 sem ester hours, includi h ours in edu ca ti on of whi ch 3 mu ·t be in pr~cti ce t eaching, and 96 points.




S ixty-fo u r h our and 64 h o n or po ints ar e r e quired. Not less than 16 n or m ore th an 24 h ours must be in co urses in edu cation. Gener al Req u ireme n ts

E du ca t ion : Sem. Hn. Or ienta t io n 100 ------ --- -- ---- -- --------------------- --- -- ------ ------------------·--· 1 In trod u ctio n to E d uc a tio n 108 or Rura l Sc h. Methods 151.... 2 Ed u cation a l P sychol ogy 101.. .... -------- ------ ------------ --------------- ----- 3 Classr oo m Man age m en t 2 04 or 1 53 ____________ _____________ ____________ _ 3 Pracitce T eachi ng 210 ....... -------------------------- ------- ------------------ -- 4 E le m en tary School Meth ods_______________________ __ ___ ___ ___________________ 3 T otal

Ed ucation ____________________________ ________ r----···---- --------- ···


Academi c: E n glish Co m pos it io n 10 1 and 102 ........ ...... ------- ---------------- ----· ~ Biologi cal o r P h ys ical Science (Laborator y ) ___ ____ ___ ___________ ___ Soc ia l Stu di es .. ----· ---- -----· -- -· -- ---· -- ------------ ------ ----- ------- ------ ·· ----· 63 Ph ysiol ogy an d H yg ien e 205 .---------------------- ---------------- --------- -· P ubl! c Sch ool Art _1 03 or L ette r ing 102 ..... .. ---- ------------------- -· 2 2 _:

~~~!~~al c£~~~::i~~c-- ~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

T otal Academ ic ....... ----------------------- ------ ----------- ---------------- Departm ental R e q u ir em ents and E lectives ...... --- -- ------- ---- -------- ------

26 22


T otal --- ----- --- -- --- --- --·:··- --- ---------- --_--- --- ------ ----_- ------- ---- · ·:··· - - -~~rned in Electives: F o ur h o urs 1s t he maximum whi ch may be p h ys ica l e du cation . ed in •PThree h ou rs i s t h e max imum credit whi ch may be iarnearned in pli ed mu s ic or en se mb le mu sic. 0!1 1Y on e hour may e e n se mbl e mu s ic in on e se m ester . d' JoJDa . to a 1P No t m or e th a n on e-fo ur t h of an y c urr iculum leacIing d not io sh a ll b e t aken in exten s io n classes or b y co rre spondence, d!~ce. exceed on e-half of t hi s a m o u n t sh a ll be ta k en by co rrespon



This curr iculum is pla nn_e d for t hose wh o expect to t ea ch in t he . dergarten . fir st , seco nd , t h ird and fo u rth grades. kin General Requirements

Com plete a ll g en eral re q uirem en t s for t h e two-ye ar cu rricul a a s outlined a bove. Departmental Requirements

Educat ion: , . Sem . Hrs. Ki nder garten Edu cation 103 ... ... ... ...... .. ......... ......... ..... ... .... ... 2 Kinder garten-P ri m ary Meth ods 202 a ... ...... ........ ... ..... ... ...... 3 The T ea chin g of Read ing 2 3 1.. ... ..... .. ... .. ...... .... ... ..... ... ..... .. ... 2 Academic: Chil dren' s L iterat ure 1 03.. .... .. ......... ........ .... .......... ... ... .. ....... .. Fu nda m e nta ls of Spe ech 152... ......... .. ..... ....... ...... ... ............... Pri nciples of Geog r ap h y 101....... ............ .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... ....... .. . Am e ri ca n H istory 21 3 , 21 4 (fulfi lls g en . r e q. in Soc. St.) .... Am erican Gover nm ent 1 18.... ........ .... ...... .... .... .. ....... .... .. ...... ... I ndustr ia l Arts fo r E le m en tary T ea ch er s 112 .... ........ .. ........ Gen era l Biology 10 1, 102 (ful fi lls ge n . req. in Scien ce) .... .. Pla yg ro und Su pervi sion 204 (Ph ys. Ed . ) .. .... .. .... .... .... .. ...... ..

2 2 3 6 3 2 6 1

Prog ram

Com plete fi r st t wo year s of fo ur- yea r program , page 3 8.

Kinter ga rte n- Prima ry


This curr iculu m is plan ne d fo r t h ose w ho ex pe ct to teac h in g rad es five, ix, se ven , a nd e ig ht. Gene ra l R e quire ment s

Com ple t e all g en era l req ui re men t s for th e two -year c u rricul a a s outlined on page 40. Depar t ment a l R e quire ments

Educati on : Se m . H r s. In t er mediat e -Upp er Gra ci e Me th ods 20 2b...... .... ... ............ .. 3 The Tea chi ng of R eadi n g 23 1.... .. .................... .. .............. .. .... 2 Acad emic: Chi ldren 's L iteratur e 103.. .... .. .... .... ..... .. ....... .. .. .. .................. 2 Fu nda men t a ls of Spe ech 152 .. .. .. .... .. ............ .. ...... .... .. .. ...... .. 2 Pr inc ip les of Geograph y 10 1.... .. .... .. ........ .... .. ...... ..... .... .. .... . 3 Amer ica n Hi sto r y 21 3, 214 (fu lfi ll s g e n. r eg. in Soc. St. ) .. .. 6 ~m eric an Governm en t 11 8 .. ........ .... .. ..... .. ......... ..... .... :.... .... .. 3 Gr ofessionalized Math e mati cs 216 .. .... .... .. . .. . . ........ .. .......... 3 p en e1¡a l B iology 101, 102 (fu lfills ge n . r e q. in Scien ce ) .. .... .. 6 layg1¡ou n cl Su pervi sio n 20 4 (Phys. Ed . ) .. .. .. .. ...... .. ........ ... .. . 1


CURR I CU L A Program

Co mp lete fir st tw o years of fo ur-ye ar Intermediate- Upp progra m, page 3 9. er Gl'lde R U RAJ.


T his c urr ic ulu m is in te n d e d for t hos e wh o desir e to teach . rural sc hools or in t he elem en tary g rad es of con soli dated din the sc hools. an to'lrll General Requirements

Comple te a ll g e neral r eq uirem ents as outlined for the two.v-curric ula on page 4 0. 1.....Departmental Requirements H ours Ru ra l S ch o o l M e th o d s 151, 152-____ 6 Rura l Soc io log y 250______________ 3 En g Ii h ·---···-·····- - -·-··-·------·---··-···-·-- 3- 4

R u r a l Sch oo l M a nagem en t l~-; Rura l Commu n ity R e lation s P rofes s io na li ze d Mat h . 216_==== :

u Program

Freshman Year F ir s t S e m es t e r Cr. Ori e n tat io n 100 --··---·--·-----·----········--1 Ru ra l Sc h ool M e t h . & O bs. 15L .·-··--·3 E du catio n a l P s y c h o lo gy 101________ 3 E ng l is h Com1>0 s itio n 101- - --·---·-·-··- 3- 4 Sc ie n ce -----------------------·-------3 A r t 103 o r Mu s ic JlO. - - - - -···----·-----· 2 P hy s ica l Edu ca t io n --··-·--1

Seco nd S em es t e r Cr. Rura l c h oo l M eth . & O bs. 152-.__ 3 Rura l Sch oo l Manage m e n t 153_ _ 3 E ng l is h Com pos it io n 102____ _ 3

Scie nce

- - - - - -- --

-- S

P h ys io log y & Hyg iene 2Q5_ ____ Mu s ic 110 or Art 103_ _ _____

S 2



So ph om ore Y ear Rura l Socio logy 250----------------3 T e a c h in g 210 ------------------------2 Am e ri can Gove t·nm e n t 118___·····-···-···-···· 3 En g li s h E lec ti ve ------------------ 3- 4 E le cti ves --~------------····--···3 P h y s ica l Ed u cat io n ---·--------·----1

Rural Community Re lat ion s 25L- T eac hin g 210 ------- -- - - Hi s t. o r Soc ia l Sc ie n ce E lect.- - Profess io na li zed Mat h . 216__ _ E le cti ves ~------------ -

15 -16




3 3

s 11

St ud e nts wh o com plete t he fr es hm a n ye ar of t he a bove two-year p r ogr a m wi ll be qu a lifie d to r ece ive t h e on e-yea r d iploma and the N ebr a ka Init ia l Ge ne ral E le men tary Cert ifi cat e. '



. . . 1 teachinl Thi s curri c ulum co n tain s spec ia l prepara t ion for i u ~ a the rural a n d is es pec iall y plann ed for th ose wh o e x pect t o tea ch 1 ~Article S" chools an d u ch ma ll village sc hools as a r e d esig na t e d as_ Joma in Sll sc hools. T h e a mo un t of w ork r e quire d for t he on e-year dip



, ester ho urs a n d 32. h on or points, incl ud ing t he fo llowing ge neral send depa rt mental re qu1re m en ts: an General and Departmental Requirements

. n· Sem. Hrs. Ed uca t 10 • • Ori entat10 n 1 00 ----------- ------ ......... ..... :- ---- ------ ----- ---- -- ----- -- ------- 1 Rura l School Methods a n d Observat10n 151, 152 __ ___ _______ __ ___ _ 6 Rural School Ma nage ment 153 -- --- --- -- ---- --------- -- ----- -- ------------ -- 3 Ed ucationa l Psyc hology lO L __ ________ _____ __ ____ ___ _______ --------- -- ----- 3 Total Ed ucation __________________ ___ ___ ___ ________________ ___ --- -·- -- -·-·· -· Academic: English Co m posit ion 10 1, 102 ........... --··--·· ---· -··- -·-- -··--- -----····Sci ence .. --·· -- ---· --· ·- -. -- ----·- -·-· --·-·- -- -... . ---· -·· ·- --· -- ---·----·- --· --·- ---- -- --Pu blic School Ar t 103 ....... ·- --·------- ·- ·-· -- -- ·- ---- --····---- ··--------·-··-·-P ublic School Music 110 ___ ______ _____ ____ ___ _____ __ ____________ __ ____ _________ _ Ph ysio logy a n d H ygiene 205 .-- -- -· -· ·· -·- ·-- ·---·-· ·---- -··---- -- ·-·------ ---· · To tal .Acade mic.·-·- ------ ---- -··--· ···----·····-··-·- ----·- -········-----·····-·


6 3 2 2 3


Electives __ --·-- --- ----- ·-· -- ·-··- ---- --·-· ---· --- ---·---· -· -·-·--·-- ·· --· -· -- --·-- --·-· -·--··---- ·


Total __ __ -·--·--- ---- ·-- --· --------··--·----- ·- ------·- ··-·-· -· -···-- -··----·-- --·- ·



Com plete th e p r ogra m outlin e d for t he Freshm a n Year of t he two year rural co urse . See " Ru ral Edu cation " , preceding page . A ll of t he general a nd departmental req uire men ts for t h e on e-year co u rse are included in the progTam for th e Freshm a n Yea r of t he two -year co u r se. GHAD UATE D IVI S I ON

Grad uate work w ill be offered for t he p urpose of providin g th e necessary grad u ate credit, whi ch is req u ired u n der the new law, to renew, or ra ise to a hi g her leve l; t hose certificates issued on t he ba is of a bachelor's degTee. A Gradu ate Council has bee n appo in ted by t he Presiden t to orga ni ze a n d ad minister t h e g raduate program , a n d the fo llowing reg ulation s govern students in t his division. Ad missi on . Stude n ts ho ldi ng a bac helor's degree fro m Per u State jeachers College, or other instit u tion of approved ra n k , are elig ible or adm issio n to t he Grad uate Divis io n . Seni ors in t his college w ho r e q u ire for grad uation less tha n t he ~vo.rk of a se mest~r m ay. be per mitted to r egister in grad uate co ur ses gr'.ldua te cr edit provided they sec u r e the approval of t he Grad uate oun c1l at the t ime of regist ratio n.


\\ . Applica nts for adm ission to the Graduate Div is ion sho uld fi le a ap pli catio n a n d a com plete transcript of a ll un derg rad uate and ofa~hu ate cred it with the Regi strar at least two weeks before t he open ing e se mester.

g''.' 1\ten

co u. F ees. Grad uate stu de n ts wi ll pay a ll of t he regu lar f ees pl us a l se fee of $ 1.50 per credit ho ur, and a library fee of $2.00.



Each st ud en t shou ld r egister for co urses correspondi c l as~i ficat i o n (freshmen, so ph omore , etc.), unl ess it is othe~g. to .his possible to work out a sati sfa cto ry p r ogra m of studies. In su~se un. exceptions m ay be mad e. Co urses numbered 1-99 are unclassifi open to a ll tudents. Those numb ered 100-1 99 are for fr e and 200-299 for sop homores; 3 00- 39 9 for juni o rs ; 400-499 for senrsh111en; 5 00-599 for g r ad uate st udents. On ly g raduate students and ors ~nd who are w ith in less than t he work of a se me ter for graduatioseniol'I regist er for 50 0 co urses. n lllay


Forty ho urs of work in t he 3 00 and 40 0 gro ups are required for th e A. B. Degree. Co urses m arked with an asteri k ( * ) a r~ for ele'!1entary teachers and credit is not a ll owed to st u dents preparin g for hi gh school work. A BT

Miss Diudel Th e courses in this de partm e nt are pla nn e d fo r those who wish so me knowl edge of m et hods of t ea chin g art ; to deve lop some skill in graphi c expression, and to c ult ivate an appreciate of the arts. At t he beg inning of eac h co urse , students are r eq uired to secure n eeded s u ppl ies at a cost of $ 1.00 t o $ 5.00 , or higher for some advanced co urse . Maj or: ourses 101, 102, 103, 202, 203, 204, 305, 307 and thr_ee additio na l ho urs se lected fro m juni or or se nior courses, and Industrial f\.rt 209. Min or : Cou r ses 103, 306, and eleve n ho urs plann ed with the head of th e dep art men t. 101. Freehand Drawin g- Study of fr eehand perspective, comp.o· s itio n, incl uding still li fe, land scape, fi g ure drawing. Use .of phencil, charcoa l, cray on a nd ink. Each e me ter a nd s ummer. Credit 3 ours. 102. Lettering- Pract ice in lettering with single stroke, ~~ R om a n a nd w it h m a nusc ri pt a lpha bets, poster design a nd co.lort s~ufo; F irst se mester an d summ er. Cr edit 2 h ours. May be subst1tu e 103 for 1- or 2-year diploma. th e first eifbt 103. Ge nera l Public School Art- For teachers of tterillll'• g rad es. A r ev iew of drawing, pain t ing, d esig n, color, posterhs, 1e Each c ut pape r , and suc h cr afts as can be used in ele mentary sc 001s. sem ester a nd umm er. Credit 2 hours. d C fts-A prac· 120-320. Improvement of Instruction in Art a~ ra I teachel'!I t ica l in-serv ice co urse fo r ru ra l, e lem entary and high sc~oo media for of publi c sc ho ol art. Surv ey of basic art pri n ci ples and .~ e constrUC" their study. Proble ms in drawin g, pai nti ng, design , lettenng, tio n a nd modeling wi ll be co n s id e red. Cred it 3 hours.



Water ~olor Paintin_g-Pl'er e ~ ui s ite: Art 10_1 or its e qu_iva A co ntinuation of 101 wit h p1 ctonal a nd de corativ e compos1tions Jent~ l or. Pl'actice in t ec hnique fo r transpal'e nt and opaqu e water color. 1n c 11d semest e r . Credit 3 hours. eco 2 0 3. Desig n- A st ud y of th e ele me nts and prin ciples of desig n 1 color. P ractice in making original d esig n s suit ed for th e pr oc e sse~ af~te n cil, tie dye, bl ock prin t an d ba tik on texti les. First se mest e r and ~dd-year s u mm er s. Cr e dit 3 hours. 20 2.

204. Crafts-Stud y of basketry, bookbinding, leather t ooling, and · ich cra fts as ca n be u sed in p u blic schoo ls. Seco nd se mest er and odd~~ar su mme r s. Cr e dit 3 ho urs. 305. Met hods and Supervision- A teac her s course. Pl'e r e quisite : <\rt 10 1, 103 . Study of r e lation of art ed ucati on to other sch ool s ubjects methods fo r te a c hin g dra wing a nd con stru ction in grad es, planni ng art l ~ssons a n d w ork for th e yea r . Obse rv a tion in t he Tra ining School art clas es. F irst sem este r and eve n- ye ar s umm er s. Credit 3 hours. 306. A rt Appreciation- Desig n e d to g ive teach er s so m e st a ndar ls of mea ure me n t fo r arti sti c apprec iati on. Stud y of al't prin ci ples as applied to a rc hi tec tur e, sc ul ptu re , painting and min or arts. A ge nel'a l review of a1t hist ol' y. Each se m estel' a n d s umm er . Credit 2 hours. 307. A rt History and Appreciation-S urv e y of t he importan t pe riod of art history wi th r e la ti o n to t he a r t of th e prese nt tim e. Second semeste r. Cre d it 3 ho urs. 311. Advanced Drawin g and Painting- Prere q ui site: Art 101 an d 202. It is des ira ble to ha ve ha d Art 20 3. Fi rst sem es t el' a nd odd-year rnmm ers. Credit 3 hours.

. Ed ucation 411. Practice Teaching- F o ur ho urs practi ce tea chi ng m the art class es i n th e T ra ining Schoo l are r e quir e d fo r th ose wh o complete a ma j or. P rere qui si t e: Art 101 , 103 a nd 305. It is des ira ble that st udents a lso have A r t 1 02 a nd 203 befol'e t eaching. Each se m e~­ ter. Credit 4 h our s.

Miss P a lm e r Mi ss W ear e b .Ma.i ol': Co ul'ses 5a , b, c, 101 , 10 6, 20 1, 2 03, 207 , 3 02 , 3 04, 3 0 8~, ' 408, an d Geograph y 2 15. ti"

A minor m ay be earned by cho osing o ne of t he fo llowing combin a on :

~lethl. Shorthand 8 hou rs, Acco unti n g 6 hours, T y pewriting· 4 hours, frv od . _of T eac hing Sh or t hand 308 b 1 hou r. (Method of teachin ''" · Pew r1 bng 3 08a m a y be substitute d for on e hour of typ ewriting. ) .o2 2.M1 · T yp ew riting 4 hours, A ccounting 6 hours, Commercial Law ' ethods of Teaching T y pewl'iting 3 08a , and Geograp hy 215.



Stud ents who hav e had two or more m e ters of Sh high school hou ld reg is t er for S hor t ha nd 106. orthand i11 Sa. Type writin g- Ma t er y of ke yboard, establi h ment of te_chni qu es, sim ple ce n t ering, correct form s for manu cripts and ) 0 rrect Firs t and second se mest er s ; three ho ur atte nda n ce. Cr edit 1 ethters. S ix hours atte nd a n ce. Cr e dit 2 hours. our. Sb. T ype wr it ing- Speed d e ve lo pme n t . . Ma tery of letter f Ad van ced proble ms m arra nge me nt, centenn g , ou t lining manu or1!1. wl'i ting·. Du plicating d e vi ce . Fir (,and second e mesters : t hree hcript attendan ce. Credit 1 h o ur. Six hours a ttendan ce. Credit '2 hours. ou~ Sc. T y pe writ ing- Developm ent of hig h speed and e fficie ncy in ll advance d typewr iting o peration . Firs t a n d second se mesters · th a hours attendan ce . Credi t 1 ho ur. S ix ho urs atte ndan ce. Credit 2\o:~~ 101. Shorth and I, Gregg Syste m- Mastery of fundame ntal prin ciple . In t r od uct ion to tra nscr iption. Stud ents wh o have had tw~ se m ester of hig h schoo l shorthand may not take this course for credit F irst se mest er; five h ou r attendan ce. Credit 5 hours. ' 106. Shor thand II- Prerequi site: Shortha nd 101 a nd ability to typ e write w ell. Speed drills, emphasis on advanced principles. Transcribin g- a nd corr espo nd en ce. Seco nd se m ester; three hours attendance. Credit 3 hours. 207. Shorthand III- Prerequi site: S horthand 106. Speed develop m ent. Diffic ult transcription, duplicating, fi ling, practical office experie nce. First se mester; t hree hou rs attendance. Credit 3 hours. 201. Introduction to Business (Formerly 108)-A stu dy of busin ess princip les a nd terms, impl e business transactions a nd papers, co~­ s umer pro bl e ms, in uran ce, and investments. First se mester. Credit 3 hour s. 203 . Beginnin g Accou n tin g-Deals with fundamentals and 1,>rovides a workin g kn owledge of prin c iples and practices of accounting. Second semester; t hr ee hours att en dan ce. Credit 3 ho urs. 304. Interm ediate Accountin g- Financial and operating statem e n ts s pecial book of en try th e work he et and other business papers, ' · ' three hours attendance. Cre d"t 3 hours. partnership. First sem ester; 1 . C . It" le columnar 30S. Adva nced Accountingorporat10ns, m u 1P. Second jo urn a ls. Introd uce the fundam e ntals of cost accounting. semester; three hours attend a n ce. Cre dit 3 h ours. h . I manner 302. Commercial Law-Con sidered in a i:ion-tec _me~ busine3S t h e important factors of t he co mm on law affecting ordina 1 Y transa ctio n s. Second se mes ter. Cred it 3 h ours. . . . Typewrit· 308a. Me thods of T eachin g T ype writin g- Prer e qu1s.1t \ hour. ing 2 h ours. Th ird qu a rter; two h ours atte ndan ce .. Cr~~It . horthand 308b. Met hods of T eachin g Sho r thand- Prereq u1s1te. ~ 106. Fourth quarter; t wo hou rs attendance. Cr e dit 1 hou · . . . a•e speed in _310. Advanced D_i cta t i on-.P~· im ary aim to '.!1cre Designed for writmg- shortha nd and 111 tra n scnbmg diffic ult mate ua l.

PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE d nts who wish to become expert stenographer . stu d~ t 2 ho urs.


Seco nd se mester.


4 0 s. Principles and Practices in Commercial Education-Consid ers

]ace of business e du cation in t he hi gh sc hoo l in term s of its obthe/,; s. Som e co ns ideration of hi st orica l beg inn ings and pre en t 1 iec d's Eva luation of courses and planning of cu rric ula. First semtren . · Cre dit . 2 ha ms. . es te1 · ED-UCA.T'.ION Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Ma xwell Baker Bro d Clements

Mr. F loyd Mr. Frazier Miss Gard Miss McCollum

Miss Maso n Mr. Mathews Mr. Morg ans

During t he present century, a co n sid era ble body of scientifically tested knowle dge r elat ive to teaching and learn ing has bee n d eveloped which is providing the basis for a profession of t eachin g. The co urses in edu ca tio n h ave the ge n eral aim of ac quainting the st u dent with t h is know ledge and guiding him in its app lication . Studen ts preparing to teac h in secondary schoo ls take prescribed cour es in education totaling twenty-three se mester hours -all in the upper di visio n of t he four -year program, except t he one hour of fr eshman orientat ion . Stud ents preparing to teach in elementary schools may fo llow oneyear, two-year, thr ee-year, or fo u r -year programs s pecial izi ng in rural education , ki nd ergarten-primary education , or intermediat e-upp er -grade education , (See pages 38 to 43). For a d egree in el e me ntary ed ucation a major of t hi r ty-six se m ester h ours is requir ed. Those stude nts w ho w ish to serve a s s uperintende n ts, principals, or counselors may major in adm inistration a nd guidance, taking fo ur teen hour s of prescribed work in education in add ition to t he ed ucation courses r eq uire d for teac hing. I.

Course s Prescribed for Students Ma j oring in Secondary Teaching Fields

100. F res hman Or ientation-Helps students become adjusted to 1°llege life. Required of a ll students in t he first se m ester of the re hman year. Credit 1 hour.

p 301. E d ucational P sychology-Appli cation of t he principles of les1ch_o logy t o ed ucational practice. The nature of person a lity and the rning proc e s. Credit 3 hours. hi 304. Class room Management- A cour e arranged especiall y for ~ngh school classroom teachers. Read ing , reports , a n d disc ussions Wi1Jn~m e1:ous classroom problems every high sc hool teacher m ust solve \"isu 1 ecei ve m a jor consideration. One ho ur of this co urse is A udia a1 Aid . Credit 3 hours. lliea5331 · E d uca tional Measurement-A study of modern methods of ~u. 3~1 1 n g lea rning capacity and edu cationa l progress. Prere quisite : · Cred it 3 ho urs. Fee .50.




338. Introduction to Guidance- Outlin es a m odern guida gra m wi t h e mp has i upon teac he r partic ipation . Prerequisi~ce Pro. 3 01, 304, 33 1. An approve d e lective may be s ubstit uted for thi es: Ed, 5 to me e t th e d egree r eq uir e men t. Credit 3 h ours. co1111e 425. Principles of Second Education- Hi story, principle vractices. A cri tical s ummary of prev ious professional co urses s, .p:d req ui sites: Ed. 3 01 , 3 04, 331. Cr edit 3 hour. · eSpecial Meth ods a nd T eachin g- In add it ion to th e above cou three hour of spec ia l m ethods and fo ur hours of st ud ent t eachingrsea, req uired for t h e degree in ed ucatio n. Descripti ons of t hese courses are fou nd i n the appropriate depa rtm e nts. are II.

Courses Pr!'scribed f or Teachers Majoring in Elementary Education 100.

Freshman Orientation-See Part I above.

108. Introduction to Education- A s urvey of A merican education a nd t h e profession of teac hin g . Credit 2 hours. 101. Educational Ps ychology-Appl icatio n of th e principles of psycholog y to educational tiractice. Personality, the learning process, m eas u r em en t of intelligen ce and achievemen t. Credit 3 hours. *103. Kindergart e n Education- Modern m e thods a nd materials in the k in dergarten progra m. R eq uired onl y of t hose specializing in the kindergarte n and grades one and two . Prereq uisite to teaching in the kindergarte n. Cred it 2 hours. *202a. Primary Methods a nd Observa tion- General methods for stude n ts pec iali zing in the kindergarten or grades one to four. Topic : co urse of st udy, objectives, a nd materials for grades on e to four: the integration of t h ese s ubj ects in to daily and yearly programs of work. A prerequi ite for student teachin g . Cred it 3 hours. *202b. Intermediate -Upper Gra de Me thods and Observation-Gen· eral me t hod s for stu d ents specializin g in teac hin g in grades five to eigh t. A prere quisite for st ud e nt teaching. Cred it 3 hours. 204. Classroom Mana ge me nt- Th e purpose of t his co urse is to s uggest wa ys and me a ns of m ee tin g t he man y da ily practical _classroon'd problems every teacher ha to solve. The co urse con te nt will depe ts. largely up on th e experience, tra inin g a n d needs of individual. studtJ! 111 One obj ec tiv e is to fa mil iar ize st u de n ts w it h so urces of help mk so Viale· s uch prob le m s as d isciplin e, classroo m attit ude s, ass igning ma~~· mfor ing ob jecti ve tests, dai l y prog ra m , cla roo m eq uipment, prov1dmg individ ua l n eeds, a nd au di o-vis ual aids. Cred it 3 h ours. 210-411.

Practice Teaching-See T ra inin g Sch ool.

231. The T eaching of Reading-Selectio n of e fficient method~;: ltlateri a ls of teaching oral and s ilen t r eading· in t he el e ~e n~arY ';ading Topi c inclu ded: proble ms co nce rning· t he tim e for beg111nmfh: teach· in stru ction; a im s and achi evem e n ts at different grade levels;. terest in !ng of phoneti cs : remedial t ea ch_ing; th e develop men t ~f 1 ~0 observe rnd epe nd e nt Teadm g. Stud ents will be g iv en a n oppol'tunity



es in readin g, to b ecome fami liar with th e t e le binoc ula r and with ria551¡eading test s u sed in clini cs. F ee, $ 1.00. Cr e dit 2 h o urs. the , 3 o3 . The Ele mentary School Curriculum- A study of c urri culum ds in t he mod ern sch ool and pr in cipl es de terminin g th e initiation, ~;.~~ ni zation, a nd adap t ati e n of child- ce ntered, t eacher-g uid ed a ctivities. Ci; di t 2 ho urs. 3 23. Child Psychology- Thi s course is co ncer n ed with the prin'ples of t he n ature, growth and d e velopm e nt of t he chi ld, a knowle dge ~f whi ch i f undam e ntal t o t he successf ul managem ent of children. Credi t 3 ho urs. 32 1.

E ducational Measurement-See Part I, abo ve.

332. Guidance and Remedial Education- Diagnostic a nd r e me dial work in t he school subje ct s and in p erso na li t y deve lopm en t . Prer equisites : E d. 23 1, 3 23, 33 1. Credi t 3 hours.

*42 6. Principles of Elementary Education- History, principles, and A criti cal s ummary of previous professional courses. i:-rerequi s1tes: Ed. 101 , 1 08, 202a or 202b, 20 4, 3 03, 323, 33 1. Cr e dit 3 hours. practi ~es.


Courses Prescribed for Student Majoring in Administration and Guidance

405. School Adm.i nistration-The org ani zation , admini stration and super vision of small scho ols. Prerequi site: Ed. 3 01, 3 04, 33 1, 338. Credi t 3 ho u rs. 408. School Finance- P r oblem s of school s upp ort and busine8s management. Cr edit 2 hours. 42 1. Mental Hygiene in Education- H om e, school, and community fa ctors in t he hygienic adjus t me nt of individuals. 301, 331, 338. Credi t 3 hours.

Prerequi sites : Ed .

. 435. Educational Statistics-St atistica l m ethods emplo yed i n t eaching, school a dmini strat ion , guid an ce, and edu ca t ion a l research. Credit 2 hou rs. 439. Administration of a Guidance Program- Settin g up th e guidSelecting and dir ec tin g th e g uidan ce p er so nn el. Pretequ1s1tes: E d. 40 5, 4 21, 338. Cr e dit 2 h ours.

~nce . progra m .

t' 44.0. Occupational Information and Guidance- Sources of occupaP~nal mfor mat ion a nd t echniques e mployed in voca t ional g uidan ce. !~ req uisit e: Ed . 338. Cr edit 2 hours.


Education Electives

p . ~ 21-3 21. General Psychology- In tr od ucto r y co u rse i n gen eral ~c ology. Anal ys is of such as pec t s of human a dju tm en t as e xp er -




ien ce , behav ior, e motion, learni ng, problem sol ving, intelligen sonali ty, and charac t er. Cr edi t 3 h o ur s. ce, Per. 208-40 8. Works hop-An appr oach to t he solu t ion of ed . proble ms throug h gr o up di sc ussio n and ind ividu a l study under thca~~nal tio n and supervi sio n of a gro u p of sta ff me mbers. Cred it 1 _6e h~~ee.


233 . Impro vemen t o f Inst r uc t ion in Read ing- A st ud course design e d to hel p sup erintend ents carry on one pha e Yofcent~r in- e rvi ce trainin g program . An atte m pt i made t o rela te t he their work t o t he a ctual t eac hin g of tho se wh o t :;<ke the co urse. E m ph~~'!l~ p laced upon dia g nostic and re m edial tech rnque s. Credit 3 hours. 18 1

306. E x tra Curr icula r A c tivities- Thi s course d ea ls wit h prob) of organizing and d irecti ng extra-c urri c ular a ctivit ies co mm only fo:~ !n e lem entary, .1 unior, a n d senior h ig h. sc hoo l. Individ ua l and gro: m vestigat1o ns wi ll be m a d e of s uc h a ct1v1t1 es ~ tuden t co uncil, hom~ roo m, asse mb ly, dram atics, de bate, club , ath le ti cs, and student publieatio n s. Open to t ude n t abov e t he sophomor e year. Cred it 2 hours. 312. Scou t Mas ters hip- Th e purpose of t his co urse is t o help yo un g men pr pare for B oy Scout leader s hip in the co mmuni ties :n which t h ey work. Th e co urse e m braces t h ree . essentia l factors : (1 ) th e rela t ion of th e objectives of th e Bo y Sco ut moveme nt to the problem of boyhood , (2 ) th e t ec hniqu es of Sco uti ng, and (3) t he ed ucational prin cipl es governin g th e m et hods e mplo yed in ad min istering the Scout pr ogram . Satisfactory compl e tion of th e co ur e e ntitles t he student to the National B oy Sco ut Cer t ifi cate of T ra ining . Cred it 2 hours. 328. Educ a tio nal Sociology- A. stud y of th e pri n ciples of sociology whi c h form a basis for the und e rstanding of edu cation. E mphasis is place d upon t he app li catio n of these prin cip les to sc hool problems. Cr e di t 3 ho urs. 423. Adolesce nt P sychol og y- A stu dy of ado lesce nt nature in its re latio n to lear nin g a n d edu cation. Cr edit 2 hours. 427 . Histor y of Educa ti on- A st ud y of th e origins of present ed uca t io nal practices wit h em p hasis upo n the ir relation to teaching problem s. Credit 3 hours. 503. Curricul u m Problems- T h e stud y of proble ms t hat are met in t he r eco nstr uction of t he public sch ool cu rric ulum. Credit 3 hours. 5 0 5 . Fu n damenta ls o f School A dm inistrat ion- A sur".ey of b~~~ pr in ci pl es and p ra ctices in sc ho ol ad mini tratio n; e mp hasis upon tical small sc hoo l yst e m. Includ es t he ind epende n t study of a prac a dm ini strative proble m. Cr ed it 3 h o urs. . . C on s i' d erat1on . . I e1Y appr oved super506. S c h oo I S up erv1s1ono f wic d·rection v isory procedm·es app lica ble to classro o m tea ching, a n d t he .1 upon of playgro un d and other extra c urricular activ it ies. E mphasis pup il interests an d n eeds. Cr ed it 3 h o urs. b . ::I tional pro • 508. Workshop-An apprnac h to t he so lution of e· uca direction ]em s t hroug h g ro u p di sc ussion a nd indi vid ua l study und er t~ edents wiJI a nd s u pe r visio n of a gro up of s ta ff m e mb ers. Graduate · ~ · r ty in con· b e expected to occupy position s of l ead er ship a nd r e po nsi 1 1 n ection wi t h the workshop project . Cre dit 1-6 . hours.




5 2 3. A d olesc<:nt P sycholo gy- A study of a::lolesce nt natur e in its tion to learnin g a nd e ducation. In clud es th e inte nsive study of one ~~~ial to pic or proble m . Cr e dit 2 ho urs. 5 24. P hiloso ph y o f Educ a t ion -Throu g ~ the ind ~pe nden t study of . ·cal te ac hi ng p robl e ms ac h st ud e n t m this co urse 1s led to refo rmnl)tPI !~i s own p hil o ophy of e du cation. Cr e dit 3 ho urs. 0

Jn e

53 1. Ed uc a tiona l Measure men ts- A comprehensive st ud y of tech·ques emplo ye d in m ea s urement of learnin g cap acity and p rogr e s ; ~:iiphasi s upon un derlyi n g· th eory. Cred it 3 hours. 535 . E du cationa l Sta tis tics- Statisti cal m eth ods e m ployed 1n eaching, sc hoo l ad mini t ra t ion , a nd edu cational re search. Credit 2 hou r s.


Rural Education

* 15 1. Ru r al School Me th ods, Obse r va tion a nd Participa t ion :11ethod s of teachin g reading, pelling, lang uage and grammar in rural school ; special attention g ive n to aims standards, achievement, diag nostic and re me dial pro ced ures, lesso n plan s and m a terials; observation of typical rural schools ; one week of tea chin g r eq uired while takin g co urse 151 or whil e taking course 152 . Fee $2.00. Each se mester. Credi t 3 ho urs. * 152. Ru r a l Scho ol Me thods, Observation and Par ticip a tion:llethods of t eac hin g arit hm etic, geogI"ap h y, hi toI"y a nd civics in rural schools; special attenti on give n to aims standards, achievement, d iagnostic and remedia l pro cedures, lesso n plans and m a t erial ; observati on of typ ical r ura l schools ; on e w ee k of teaching r eq uired. whi le t aking course 151 or whi le taking co ur e 15 2. Fee $2.00. Each se me t er. Cred it 3 ho ur .. 153 . Rura l School Ma nage me nt-Classroom , playground m a nagement; pr oble ms of pre-plann ing and sc hoo l ope n ing; tentati ve and permanent programing; teacher-pupi l r elations hips; schoo l plant and equipment; r ecords a n d re ports ; playground act ivi tie ; t he Sta te Co ur e of tucl y. Fee $ 1.00. Each em ester. Credit 3 hours. 250 . Ru ral Sc ciology- Th e a im of th i · co urse is to give t he student an under standin g of r ura l soc iety and its problems and the be t thho ught r egar din g ~h~i!· sqlut io:i in. order that he ma.y par ~ic ipa te. in l e com m unity a ct1v1t1es of hi s d1 stnct. Con servat10n wi ll receive special emp has i . F ee .75 . Second se mester. Cr ed it 3 hour . t 25 1. Rura l Community Re lation s- Th e r elation ship of th e sc hoo l io the co mm unity life a nd t h e principles of co mmunity lead e rship are l!:~~orta n t pha es of th e co urse. Special emph asis is g iven to boys and 11 1 s .clu b work. A stud y is mad e of the n ature, organization, and t~ n ctioning of t he P arent-T eac her Assoc iation in ope n country, sm a ll a nd v illage communities. F ee . 75. First se mester. Cr e di t 3 hown urs.

tur 252. Stud e nt Te achin g- Two full we ek s of t e aching• in approv ed on ~I sc.hool will meet the minimum req?ire ment. Tim e to be arranged PP hca ti on . F ee $1.50 per hour a ssig ned . Cr e di t 3 hours.



Mr. F loyd Mr. Moo re Mr. Hi ll


Miss F ields Mr. GumbreU

The Depar tm e n t of Eng li sh has fi ve ma j or obj ec tiv es : (1) To st ud en ts to u t h e E ng lish lan g ua ge a s a n effe ct ive means 0 /each a nd wri tte n co mmuni cation; ( 2 ) to ass ist in c ulti vati ng t he desi ora) read lite rat ur e with u nd er sta nding a nd app rec iat io n; (3) to familire .to st uden t w it h man y of th e g r ea t boo k t ha t con st it ut e t he lit:nze her it ag·e of mank ind; ( 4 ) to d isco ve r a nd fos t er t he deve l o pmen~ary in div_idu a l lite r ary kill s and ta len ts ; ( 5) to provide spec ia l directi of a nd m stru ct1o n for st uden ts w ho are p lann mg to e a rn a living by f 0 lo win g occ upa ti on s in wh ich literary kn owl edge a nd skill will ~ es pecia ll y helpfu l.


All st ude n ts a r e r e quired a t t he t im e of en t ra nce to ta ke a general p r o fi cien cy exa mi nat ion in En g li sh. Those w ho pass t he test succes fu lly. wi ll ~ nro ll in En g lish 101A (t hr ee ho urs atte ~ dan ce , three hou~ cr ed it ) . l hose w ho a re un ab le to pass th e test will enroll in English lOlB ( fi ve ho urs atte nd a n ce, fo ur ho urs credi t ) . All st udents must co mp lete English 101, Eng lish 10 2, Eng li sh 15 2, a nd a lso English 204 (E lem e n t ar y a nd E arly E le m e n t ar y st ude nts wi ll substi t ute English 103 fo r En g lis h 20 4 ) or eig ht ho u rs of a fo r eig n la n guag e. A min or in E ng lis h sha ll in clude co ur ses 101 , 102, 204, 21 5, 234, 254, an d 303, or 3 04, or 324 . A m a j o r in En g lish sha ll in cl ud e co ur es 101 , 102, 204, 215, 234, 254, 205 or 4 05, 3 03, 3 04, 324, 35 7, 4 1 7, and s ix hours of electives. It is advisa bl e fo r students w ho min or or major in English to s upp le me n t t he r eq ui red co urses with w or k i n drama t ics a nd debate.

101A . En glish Composition-A st ud y of t he prin ciples of clear a nd eff ective ex pre sion as ap p lied to t he se nte nce, t he pa ragraph, !ind t he wh ole co m posit ion . P ractice in t he use of d escriptio n, na rration, a nd arg um e nt. Atte n t ion is g ive n to t he pro ble ms of reading, C?ral in terpreta t ion a nd vocab ulary b uil ding . Co nsta nt dri ll in punct..:at1?n, corn·ct usa ge, a n d eff ec ti ve ex pression. Trai nin g in t he organization a nd wr it ing of shor t an d long paper s. Requ ired co urse for all fr~shD?en wh o m a ke a sa t isfactor y g r a d e whe n t he gen e ra l pr ofi ciency examination is g ive n . Each se mester; three hours atten da nce. Credi t 3 hours. 101B. English Composition- Th e sam e as lO l A, e xce pt .that t~~ co u rse is d e ign ed for fres hm e n wh o wer e u na ble to ma ke a sat1sf~cto : s howing in t h e gen eral pro fi cie ncy exa min ation. Special ! nst~uc~iodln~ g ive n in t he fundam e nta l sk ills of spo k e n and wr it te n E ng lish, me a stu dy of basic gTa mm ar , senten ce ele men t , p un ct uat10 i:i " a nd pe·mple Co nsta n t a tte ntio n is g ive n to t he orga n ization a nd wr 1t mg 0 • 515 kills m ater ia l. R e qu ired co urse for a ll fr es hm e n defi cient in t he basic of E ng lis h. Eac h e m est er; five hou rs atte ndan ce. Cr ed it 4 hours. fee in 102 . Engl is h Composition- A co n t inuat io n of 10 1.A. Praco~itio:l t he use of t he fo rm s of di course, w ith s pecia l e mp ha sis on ex:iuation a nd na n ation . Specific exe r c ises in voc abu lary b uil d~n g. pun ccessful a n d m ec ha ni cs, a nd in rh eto ri cal p ri nc iples . Practi ce m t he su






__ of the li brary, in the use of dictionares and thesaur, n n ote t akin g, in de ve loping mat ur e writ ing habi ts. Required co urse for a ll f~eshm e n . Eac h semeste r. Cred it 3 hou rs. 11

* l 03. Ch ildre n 's L ite rature- A urvey of American Literature for hildren with its bac_kground fr.0 ~11 oth er countrie. . Practic e will a lso te gi ven in both telling a nd wnt m g children's stories. Pl a nn e d espec路allY for teac hers who will enter the elem entary fi eld . First e m ester. Credit 2 hours. 2 0 4. I nt rodu ction to L ite r a tu re- Th e appre ciative st udy of litel路ture in its various fo1: ms wi t h reading a nd class discussion of moder n ~ ecimens of poetry, dra ma, and prose. Thi s co urse seeks to in duce ;Ppleasur e in good li te rat ure and to deve lop di scr iminatio n and criti cal judgm ent. T he r ~ l atio n s ~ip _of literatur e to life a nd to t he other arts is studied and an interest m ideas en co urage d. Each 路e me te r. Credit ~ hour s. 2 15. T he E nglis h L an g u age- A st ud y of th e present stru ct ur e of the Engl ish lang uage in te rm s of t he proble ms of effective speech and writing. T h e co urse e nd eavors to pro mo te a n appr eciatio n of t he vita li ty and growth tende ncies of English and to provide an intellige nt approa ch to the pro ble ms of u sage. Required co u rse for English ma jors and minors. E a h se mester. Credit 2 hours. 2 3 4 . J ou rn a lis m- A practical co u rse in t he wri ti ng and editing of news co py, covering minimum essen t ial . Members of t h e clas do the repo rtin g for t he co ll eg e paper , " Th e P ed agogian ," a n d assist in editing it. Prepar es tud ents to pon sor hi g h sc hoo l publication s, as well as g ive those interested in j o urnali m as a vocation, a ba ic cour e. Req uir ed for English m a j ors. Each se mester. Cred i t 3 h ours. Add iti on al cred it, not to excee d two h o urs in any se me ter or four hours in t he aggregate , w ill be allowed for editorshi p of " Th e P edagogian." 3 02. C re a t ive Wri t ing- A writin g co urse pr imari ly fo r E ng li sh majors a nd min o r- who ha ve a marked inter est and abi lit y in ori g inal compositio n . Practi ce with vario us types of creative writing such as the _in for mal essay, t he character ketc h, th e short story, and the criti cal rev iew. Class read ing and criti cis m of compo it ion s with atten t ion to the dev elopm ent of individuality of t hou g ht and exp ression . Second emest er. Credit 3 h o urs. 3 03. S ur ve y of En glis h L it er a ture- A st udy of the maj or English auth?rs a nd the ir m ore s ig nifi ca n t writin g fro m th e begi nnings of Engh h literature to the Romanti c "Revival. Co n s ideration is g iven !.o the socia l backgro un ds of literature. Required of all Eni~路 li s h m ajors. F1rst eme ter. Credit 3 hours.

S u rve y of En glish L itera tu re-A co ntinu a ti on of co urse 3 03. t"hts co urse co vers the per iod fro m the Romanti c Reviva l to the pre ent Eme._ Req uir ed of a ll English majors a nd recomm end ed to sati fy ngh h minor requirements. Seco nd sem est er. Cred it 3 h our . 3 20. Mode rn Poe t ry- A study of American and English po et r y of

T . 3 04.

~he Present ce ntur y.

The a im s, interest-, and methods of t he new oets : the ir work as an ex pression of co ntemporary life. Credit 2 hours. <i . 324. Surv ey of Ame r ica n Literature- A study of the li ves and ' gni fi ca nt works of th e outstanding Am erican writers from the Co lonial



Period t o th e pr ese n t . Str es is g iven to writing of t he C ntur y. Fi r st s mester. Cr e dit 3 hours. Nineteenth *335. Advance d Children 's Liternture - Prere q ui site. Ch" Literat ur e 10 3. Presentat io n of m odern sc ie n t ific st udi es of st •.ldren' books fo r children . Detailed study of e wb erry prize boo ks ori es and selec ted by Juni or Lite rar y Guild. Specia l attenti on to the;~-~- those c hi ldre n' s stor ies. Second em ester. Cr e dit 2 ho urs. II •ng of 340. Am e rican Short Story- A tudy of t he development f A m eri ca n sh ort sto r y fr om Irvin g t o presen t -day writers Ao !~c r ea di n g of st o rie s fro m t he work of t he maj or wr iter s i · req ~1 e C red it 2 hou r s. uired. . 403 . The Modern Novel - ~ study of the. major British a nd Ame_ ican n ov li st s of th e 19th a n o 20th ce ntun es ; co nsideratio n of th tre nds of contem porary fi ction , wi t h som e atten t ion to the probleme5 of literary criti cism . Credit 3 h o ur s. 405. The Teaching of Englis h in the High School- Prerequisite· English 3 0 3 or 304. Philosop h y a n d m ethod s of high school English: re lat ion of En gli s h to t he ge n er a l prog_ra m of. t he seco ndary school'. Th e proble m of li t er ature a nd lan g uage m str uct 1on. Review of recent p ublicatio ns on th e tea ching of E n g li sh. Exa minati on of study course' text bo oks and test . Observation of t e achi ng in t he Training School'. Fi1·st se m ester. Cred it . 3 hours. 41 7. Shakespear e-Class readin g a nd interpretation of representative co m e d ies, hi st ori es, a nd traged ies. Outs ide r eadings, oral and written r e port . F irst semester. Cr edit 3 hours. 422. Victorian Prose and Poe try- A st ud y of masterpieces of prose a nd poetr y of t he li tera ture to t he social, political, and scientific deve lop me n ts of t he age. Cr ed it 3 hou rs. 440. The Modern Drama- A st udy of t he chi ef m odern dramatists of co n t in e n tal E urope, E ng land , a nd A merica fro m Ibsen to t he present t im e. Cr edit 3 h ours. 441. Literary Criticism- Prin ci ples and m eth ods used in analyzing a nd evalu ating li terary speci m en s ; th e hi sto r y of cri ticis~ from the a ncie nt Gree ks t o the p r ese n t . Practi ce in t he interpretation a.nd apprai sal of co n t em porary wr it ing s. Cr ed it 3 h0urs. 517. Shakespeare-Cla ss reading a nd in t erpr etat!o n of reprjs~i; tat ive come di es, histories, a nd tragedies. Outs ide rea dmgs of Cschdri 3 com me nta ri es. In vestig ati on s, r epo rts. eco nd se mester. re h o urs. . d . dramatists 540. The Mode rn Drama- A st udy of t he chief mo ein resent of co ntimmta l E urope, Eng·la nd , a nd Am e ri ca from Ibsen to the pcredit ti me. R ead ing s in cr iti ca l lit rat ur e, inv estigat ions, and reports. 3 hours. . nalyzinll' 541. Literary Criticism- P rin c iple a nd methods use d m the and evaluat ing li terary specim ens; the hi s tory of criti cisJ!I r:nd aPancient Greeks to t he prese nt. Pract ice in t he interpretatwn pra isa l of co n t em por ary writin gs. Credit 3 h ours.




542. Classcis Seminar- A tudy of a ser ies of t h e great books of worl d. Free and open d isc ussion of t hese books in cla ss as t hey the r ead. Also a co n sid erati on of the co mm ents and crit icism s of th e 1 eding a n cie n t and modern critics. Choi ces of texts in clude P lato 's ;~ Rep u blic, Ar istotle's Poetics and .h is Politics, Ascha m' s The Schoolr.t :ter, E lyot's The Governor, Machiavelli's The Prince, Sir T homas M~re' s U topia, Bunyan's Pilgrim' s Progress, Fieldin g's Tom Jones, Bacon 's A dva.ncement of Learnin g, H om e r' Iliad, and other co mparable works. Cre d it 3 hours.


Speech Education Speech min ors are a llowed onl y in the cases of taking a n English m ajo r.

tudents who are

A mino r in speech hall in clude co ur es 254, 255, 258, 355, 357, 2. nd 359. Courses 152, 254, 25 5, a n d 357 ca rry a lab oratory fee of $1.00 each fo r use of the vo ice record ing apparatus. 152. Fundamentals of Speech- The p rin c ipl es of speech; t he developm ent of bodi ly freedom , deve lopmen t of distinct utterance; vo ice improveme nt; t hinkin g and s pea king effective ly in th e presence of other s; p leasing a nd eff ective self- expression in every-day social and busin ess relationshi ps; specia l attention to the n eeds of t he ind ivid ual. Require.cl c ou rse for a ll freshm en. Cred it 2 h o urs. 153. Speech Correction and Development- The physiology of the vocal mec ha ni sm; the psyc hological factors in vo lved in oral communi cation; th e ge n etic bas is of speech ; th e dev elop m ent of excelle n t speech ha bit in t he individual; diagnosi and treatment of speec h def ects. Credit 2 ho urs. 25 4. Public Speaking- Training in effective methods of adapt ing compositio n a nd de livery to variou s types of audi en ce s. A stud y is mad e of t he fo rm s of address, impelling m otives, speech en ds, speec h vrganizat ion, compos ition and deli very. Practi ce is give n in gathering, choosing, wor kin g and mastering speech m aterials. Direct and purposeful con versat ion a l d eliv ery for t he purpose of com muni cati on is stres ed. Each se m este r . Credit 3 hours. . 25 5. Elementary Dramatics-A study a n d appli cation of th e principle of dramatic interpretation w ith partic ul ar e mphas is on perso n a lity develo pment; t he d evelopme n t of creative im agination; analyzing and play ing¡ a part; an in ten sive training of pantomime, posture, m ove~e~t, tage busin ess, body co n trol, voca l co n t r ol, dial ogu e a nd char a ceri za ti on. Second se mester. Credit 3 h ours. 258. Debate-Basic theory and practice of argum e ntatio n; t he ~? n ven tio ns of de bate, parliam e n tary proced ure, t he analysis of qu es-

5ions. Pre req uisite for parti c ipation in intercollegiate de bate. ern ester. Cre dit 2 h ours.


s ' 3 55. Play Production-A co urse for t he dir ector of dramatics in t cho.ols and co mmuni t ies. It a n swer s t he fu ndam enta l questio ns perain ing to play selec tion , castin g, di1¡e cting, st eps i n rehearsal, scen er y,



ligh t in g, costu m e, make-u p a nd busin ess or ga n ization S Credit 3 h ours. · econd semester. 357 . Interpretative Reading- A stud y of t h e harmon of a nd m?od a s expr essed t hr oug h tl~ e medi um of t he spe akin~ v .thought analysis of t h e process a nd t ec hni qu e of exp ression· e mphas· 0•1ce. An on t he fi n din g a nd pro j ecting of t h e t h oug ht and e:ri otional is is Placed t h e pri n t ed page. Selec ti on s fro m literature ar e st udi ed andcontent on in class. First emester . Cr edi t 2 hours. presented 359. Ad:vanced Debate- Ad.va n ce d fo r en sic t heory and r . psych ology of p er s ua s10n , r h etori c of arg um ent ation the con~t acti~e; of brief , a n alysis of evidence , ju dgin g debate. Pr~re quisite /UCtion t icipation in inter colleg iat e debate . F irst sem ester. Cr edit 2 °}; ~~:



La tin Major : 2 4 h our s (ab ove course 102), includ ing course 210. Minor : 1 6 hour s (a bove co ur e 102), in cl udin g co urse 210. 101. Beginning Latin- Open to t u de nts wit h n o high school Latin. Pro n oun ciati on , gramm a r , vocab ul a r y, compositio n and reading. Credit 4 h ou r s. !Ola. Latin and Caesar- P rer e qui site : T wo emest er s high school Lat in. Continu a ti on of 10 1. Derivati ve study and supplementary m a terials on Rom an Lif e. Cr edit 4 ho ur· . 102. Caesar- Prer equisite : T hr ee semest er s hi gh school Latin. Selec t ions fro m Gall ic \Vars. Cr ed it 4 h ours. 103. Cicero and Latin Compos ition- Orati on s against Catiline. Re vie w of Latin fo rm s a nd sy nt a x wit h weekly exer cises in translations fro m Eng lish t o Latin . Credit 4 h o ur s. 105. Vergil- Selecti on s fro m A en e id. re a ding. Study of the epic. Cred it 4 hours. 106. Vergil- Con t inuation of co ur se 10 5. 207.

Sca n sion and metrical Cr edit 4 hours.

Ovid-Story of Cr eat ion a n d other myths.

Cr edit 4 hours.

208. Selections from Latin Prose and Poetry- Re presentativi.·!;" 1 lec tion s fr om m an y classical a uth or s, as P la utu s, T er en ce, Horace, £ 0 Catull u s, P ha e drus, Martial, a nd J uv e n al, w ho have been source8 mu ch modern li t era t ure. Cr edi t 2 ho ur s. . . their rela209. Greek and Roman Mythology-Clas ical m.yths m. h Gives t ion to nat ur e , a r t, literatur e , an d a st r on om y. All. m E~ g~is ; minor. eith er Latin or E n gli sh cred it . Req uir ed fo r Latin maJ OI 0 Cr edi t 2 hours. . h"ng J,atlD• 21 O. Methods of Teaching Latin- Obj ect ives o!- teac t~xts. ObCon ten t a n d m ethods of hi g h ch ool Latin . Exa minat ion of ser va t ion of tea chin g. Credit 2 h ours.



3os. Horace- Od es, satires, and epist les. Stud y of l yric m eters d bY Horace. Specia l stress u po n hi s p ictures of the life of t he ~s:gustan Age. Credit 4 h ours. 3 01 . L ivy-Story of R om e as told by Livy. A lternates with 305. credit 4 hours. 308. De Sen ectute or De Amicit ia-Credi t 2 hours . 309.

Sa llust or Cicero's Pro Archia and Selected Letters-Credit

z hou r s. 41 1. Tacitus, Pliny or Quintilian- Vi ew of the wTiters of the E mp ire. Credit 2 ho urs.

~1id cl l e

41 2. Roman Literature -S urv ey of Ro ma n writers in conn ec tion with th e life of th ei r period s. Cr edit 2 hours. Moder n Lang ua ge Mr. Rath F or eig n Language Re quire ment For Advanced D e grees The atte n t ion of stu den ts is called to the fact that a r e adin g knowledge of at lea st o n e lan g uage is required for the master's degree at man y graduate schools, whi le a r ea ding kn owledge of two lan g u ages i a tan dard r eq uire m ent for the Ph. D. d egr ee . Studen t who are looking forwa rd to grad uate work are ur 0 ¡e d to tak e t he ir fore io-n langu age early in their und ergrad uate co ur~e . ' "' French Major: Minor:

24 h ours. 16 ho u r s.

10 1. Ele me ntary F re nch-Grammar, pronunciation, acquisition of vocabu lary, co mpos ition and conversation for beginners. Fir st se mester. Credit 5 hours. 102. Ele mentary F r ench-Co n t inuation of 101. niod ern Fren ch. Second sem ester. Cred it 5 h ours.

Easy readi ng in

. 201. Re a din g and Composition- Th e purpo e of this co u rse is to give students a fair reading k n owledge of French. Material is c hosen a t o g ive the st ud ents the best things they can read with e njoym en t. Fs~irst semester. Cred it 3 hours. 202. Readin g and Composition-Continuation of 201. mester. Credit 3 hou rs.

Seco nd se-

301. Seventeenth Century French- Prereq uisite : Two years of ;ollege F re nch or the equivalent. Readin g a nd co nversation . First -emester. Credit 3 hours. Given on d e mand .


302. Eightee nth Century French-Con ti n uatio n of co urse 301. eadmg a nd co nv er sati on . Second se m ester. Credi t 3 hours. Given on demand.





401. Survey of French Literature- L ectures w it h outs'd of representat ive work s from th e eighth to the s ixteent h ~ etreading el usiv e. Credi t 2 h ours. Give n on demand. en ury in. 501. Survey of German Literature-Lectures with ext · s id e readin g of represe ntat ive wo1 ks from the e ight h to e n~ive out. centur y inclu ive . In add it ion , a p ap er on an as igned ~he. sixteenth re quire d. Cr ed it 2 hours. Give n on de mand. opic Will be

German Major:

24 ho urs.

Min or:

16 h our s.

101 . Elementary .Ger man- Grammar,. pron un cia tio n , acquisition of vo ca bular y, compos1t10n , a nd co nver sat ion for beginner s. First semester. Credi t 5 hours. 102. Elementary German- Co ntinuati on of 101 with the addition of easy readin g in mod ern Germa n . Second semester. Credit 5 hours. 201. German Reading a nd Composition- The purpose of this co urse is to g ive students a fa ir reading knowledge of modern German. Material w ill be chose n fr om the Germa n li terature of the last half of th e nin etee nt h and first quarter of t he twentieth century. First sem est er. Cr edit 3 hours. 202.


Second se mester.

Reading and Composition-Continuation of 201. Credit 3 ho ur s.

301. Third Year German- Prerequi s ites : Two years of college German or th e equ ivale nt. Th e classical period of German literature in cluding the st u dy of Lessing, chill er, Goethe. First se mester. Credit 3 hours. Given on d e mand. 302. Third Year German-Continuation of co urse 30 1. Selections fro m Au erba ch , Freytag, Raabe, Ke ll er, Storm, C. F. Meyer. Credit 3 ho u r s. Give n on demand. 401. Survey of German Literature-Lectures w ith outside readi!lg of representative work s from t he eighth to t he sixteenth ce ntury JD· elu sive. Credit 2 hours. Given on demand. ' . with · · out501. Survey of French LiteratureLectures extens~ve th s ide r eading of represe ntative works from t he eighth to the. s1xt~enb ce ntury inclu ive. In addition, a paper on an assigned topic will e r e q uir ed. Cred it 2 h o urs. Given on demand. D ·gned to 521. Historical Grammar of the German L'.'ngu_ag.e - ~SI ecial introdu ce t he student into historical re searc h in hngu1stics, wd ith j:teral 1 e mphasis on Germanics. Based pr im arily on lectures an co r eading. Cred it 2 or 4 hours.

Spanish Major: Minor:

2-! hour . 16 hour.



J OI. Elementary Spanish- G1¡ammar, pronun c iation , acq uisition f vocab ulary, co mpos ition and co n versat ion for beginners. First e~ieoter. Cr ed it 5 h ou r s. 102 . Elementary Spanish-Conti nu atio n of 101. Easy read ing in Jl]odern Spa ni sh. Second semester. Cr ed it 5 ho ur . 2 01. Spanish Reading and Composition- The purpose of this co urse ._ to give st udents a fair read ing knowledge of m odern Spanish. Ma~~ rial win be cho en fro m n~od ern Spanis h and South American litera tu re. F irst sem est er. Cr e dit 3 hours .

Spani sh Reading and Composition-Continuation of Spani ¡ h Second se me ter. Cr ed it 3 hours.

20 2.


30 1. Spanish Novel of the Sixteenth Century- A synopti c stu dy of th e P iscaresqu e Nov el and Cervante . Inte nsive reading of "Imzarell o de T ormes" . Once a week conversation based on "Kany's Spoke n Spani sh fo r Travelers a nd Students" . Cred it 3 h ours. 302. Spanish Novel of the Nineteenth Century- A ynoptic stud y d th e outstanding figure s in t he evo lution of the Spanish Novel durin g the nineteenth century, with special attention to Galdo s and Valdes. Credi t 3 hours. 4 01. History of Spanish Literature-A su rvey of t he development of Spanish literature from the beginning to t he present day. Reading of epi cs, lyrics and drama of different epo chs with week ly cla s reports. Credi t 2 ho urs.


Mr. Clayburn Miss Mason Studen ts wishing to take a m ajor in Geography should co mple te co ur es 101, 102, and e ig ht een hours of e lectives in t he departmen t, twelve of whi ch must be of junior or seni or rank. _ To sec ure a minor i n Geography a studen t should take courses 101, 102, and nin e additional h ours of electives in t he departm ent. All m ajor and minor seq ue nces of co u rses must be approved by th e head of the d e partm ent. 10 1. Principles of Geography-An introd ucto ry study of th e mutual r elat ions between man and t h e eleme n ts of the natural environlllent. W orld patterns of t he enviro nm e n tal e lemn ts of climate, lan d ~rm , so ils, natural vegetation, and min eral re sources are developed. mph asis on the assets and limi tatio ns of d ifferen t e n vironments for 1 i1u man occupancy. First se mester ; two hours lecture, three hou r aboratory. Credit 3 h ours.

l .102. Regional Geography-An application of geographic pl'inci~. esm the interpretation of the interests a nd activities of peoples in the 'ITT11ficant regions and countries of the world. Appraisal of t h e pro h1 ems of h uman adj ustme n ts to n atural e nvironm en t explored in t heir



hi stori c and modern etting. Second se mester ; two h ours lecfi . hour laboratory. Cred it 3 hours. uie, three of t he early ge 0 .,. . A n a~tem pt ·i mac!"'eraphy <•f con cl.1tion s whic h le d to t he d iscovery and colo ni zatio n of t he Ato t~ace con t m en t. Th1s 1s fo ll owe d by a st udy of t he rela t io n betwe merican condition s and earth resources on the on e hand, a nd th e settl e~n earth developm ent of t he co un try on t he other; t h e ad justments of a ent ~nr! ex pendi n g people to varied environm ents a n d h ow t hey have hefapJdly bring abo ut present day co nd it ion s. F irst sem est e1·. Credit 3 Phe to our~. 206. Geography of Nebraska- Deals specificall y wi t h the rel · ship between t he na t ura l n viro nm e nt of Nebra ska a nd the agricui:•oni n cl ustri es and soc ial co n ditio ns. Emp hasis u po n pr oblems invol ~re, human activit ie , d istrib ut ion of pop ul ation , a nd se quen ce occup:~ng w ith s pecial refer e nce to r egional and inter-re ""ion a l adj ustments Sece one! sem ester. Cre d it 2 hours. · c203.

Historical Geography- Trea t

E u ro.p~ a n d of the American . co n t in ents.

215. Economic Geography- A ·urvey of world geography and the wor ld's nat ur al r eso urce basic to in cl u tria l a n d agri cultural develo nmen t . E mphas is is placed o n t he occ urenc e, n at ure, di stribution utilizatio n and co n servati on of eco nomi c min era ls an d power reso ur~es. An eva lu ation is m a de of the geographi c fa ctor w hi ch affect land utilizatio n , agri cul t ur e, i nd us try a n d world trad e. Special emphasis on the United States. Second sem ester. Credit 3 ho ur s. 300. Geography of Asia-A so mewh a t de ta iled study of the geog rap hi c r egion s of India , China , Japa n , and a bTief s urv ey of the other regions of t he co nt inent. T he m a jor a ims of t he course are (1) to di scover t hose feat ures, nat ura l and c ultural, whi ch in association givll character to the region; ( 2) in co m parative study of r egions to explain the sim ila r ities a n d di fferen ces in the u ses to w hi ch th e land and its r esources are put. First se mest er. Cred it 3 hour . t301. Elementary School Methods in Social Studies-A study of objectiv es, m et hod , r eso urces, eq u ip me nt , and t he or ga nization of subject ma t t er. An appraisal of t h e c urri c ul um co ntent, class~oom pra~­ t ices a n d mater ia ls, aud io-v i ual aid s, maps, pictures, r eaclmgs, test", an d soc ial con cepts. F ir st sem ester. Cr e di t 3 h ours. 304. Mete orology and Climatology- A n in tr odu ction to the. sciencd of m e teorol ogy. Fa ct s and prin ciples co n cern ing t he behavior ahl respon se of t he at mosph ere are set forth in ·uch a way as to ena e t h e student to a cq uir e an understa n ding of t he ph y~ical. proce:~=~ und er l ying observed weather phen om ena, t he ir app lication m wea foreca t ing a n d i n a viation . Second e mester. Cr ed it 3 hours.

. cl f the European 309. Geography of Europe- A reg ion a l t u Y O nment cou n tries is m ad e em pha sizin g r eli ef. cli m a te, r eso urces, and gover in the and industrial developm ent. Special atten tio n i g iven t o c~ang:sby the map of E urop e a n d t he geographi c proble ms made pro mu~en sec· Great War. Th e st udy correlates c losely with E uropean History. oncl sem ester. Cr edit 3 h ours. tinent bY 310. The Geography of Africa- A s urvey of th e c~J'! h the ad· geograph ic r egions. Th e objective of t he co urse is to esta is



. tm ent betwee n ( 1) the co mplex of eco nomi c, soc ial , and political life !us each reg ion , and (2) th e co m ple x of enviro n me ntal e lemen ts wh ich ~~i st the re. Secon d semester. <:: r ed it 2 hours. 3 11. T lie Geography of Australia- A de ta iled stud y of t h e geo. ph ical regions of Australia and a s urv ey of the adjace nt islands of g~: East In des, Melanesia, Ne w Zea la nd a nd Po ly nesia. Th e maj or a im t f th e co ur e is to study h ow t he generall y hot, arid e n viro nm ent of 0 ustralia has affected a wh i~e race migrating fro m co?l, m oist 1a n d_s. ~he econ omi c feat ures es pecially those so me what pec uhar to Australia wi ll be stresse d . First semester. Cr edit 2 ho urs. 3 12. Economic Geography of North America- A study of th e atural reg ions of Canada a nd the United States. More inten s ive st u dy ~f the regions of the co n ti n ~nt. ~T.o~l e m orga n ization t o sho.w t he r elati onsh ips between e_con om1 c a cbv1t 1es a n d t he nat ural e nviro nmen t. First semester. Credit 3 h ours. 3 13. South America-A s urvey of t he developm e,nt of Mexican Central A meri ca, a n d t h e countries of So ut h Am erica in t heir relation s to the natural reg ion s and natural r eso urces. Empha sis on industr y and co mm erce , and outlo ok for progress. First semes t er. Cr edit 3 h ours. 4 05. Physical Geology-A study of earth m aterials, m inerals and ro cks, fo rces, processes, a n d agents operative wit hin and on th e su rface of t he earth. First semester; two h ours lect ur e, t hree hom路s laboratory. Cred it 3 ho lll's. 4 06 . Historical Geology- A st ud y of contin e ntal evolution , emphasiz ing the origin and character of important g eologi c formation s througho ut t he world, inc luding t he sto ry of t he evolu t ion of orga nism ancestral to t he earth's present fa un as a nd fl oras. Second semest e1路 ; two hours lect ur e, three hours laboratory. Cr e dit 3 h ours .. 4 10. Fi e ld Geography- An i n te n ive co ur e of trai nin g in t he ge ograph ic fie ld m ethods and in dire ct app lication of geographic prin c iples to im porta nt problem s in selec ted distri ct s. In pursuing this cour se it is aimed for t he stude n t to acq uire (l) abi lity to ob erve geographic facts in t he fi el d, (2) practice in determi nin g t he relative importance of fa cts observed, (3) expe ri e nce, in r e porting t he Tes ults of field studi es. Seco nd se mester ; field trips on Saturdays. Cr e dit 1 or 2 h ours.


Mr. Brown Mr. Cla yb urn . . Stude nts wh o m a j or in hi story are urge d to minor in socia l science. 1111 1.larly, st ud ents who mak e soc ial scie nce t h eir major houl d select a ll11 nor in hi story. 1

A_ m a jor in hi story shall includ e cour es 10路1, 102, 21 3, 214, 11 8, and two of t h e fo llow ing :

402, 4 70 or 471, either 3 05 or 458, 3 ~~路' either 304, 3 07, 3 15, 325 .

A mi no r in hi story sh a ll in clud e co ur e 101 , 102 , 2 13, 214 a nd 11 .



A m ajor in ocia l sc ie nce shall in clu de co u rses 1 18 119 231, 232 , 3 16, 402 a nd ei ther 401, 4 17 or 458. H o ~ev ' 221, 222 p la nnin g· to e n te r th e Graduate choo1 of Soc ia l W ork a t th erU a. lnajo; of Ne braska, or t he welfare fie ld a s a case wo rk er , should \a nive!sity Home Proble ms 216 or Chil d Care and Devel op m en t 33 0 rat~e either course 401, 4 17 or 45 8 . er than A min or in ocial c ien ce shall i ncl u de co ur es 11 8 119 and 231 . ' ' 221 , 22~ H i ·tor ical Geography 203 is r eco mm e nded to hi st or y ma· Eco nomic Geogra ph y 2 15, to majors in soc ia l sc ience. With Jth: and mission of t he departme n t -he ad, t hese co urses may, under certa· P~r­ c um stan ~es,. be s_ub t it u ted fo r ot her r eq uir e m e n ~s. Stud ents pl~~n~Ir­ to en t er .ium or hi g h sc hoo l wo rk s hou ld carry a mm or in geography. ing No co urse in w hi c h t he st ude n t _fai ls t o att a in a. grad e of "C" will be accepted by the department a s satisfy m g t he r eq uirem ents for maj.ir Ol" mm or. Stude n t s w ho in ten d to do g rad uate work in history or the other socia l scie nces sh oul d a cqui r e a readi ng k no wl edge of French or German. Stud en t s w ho i nte n d to e nter a Graduate School of Social Work or t he we lfare fie ld as a Case Wor ker i n t he State Depa rtm ent of Assista n ce and Chil d Welfare, h ould pl an t o in clude at least 40 semester ho u rs in socia l and biologica l scien ces (an t hropo logy, economics, histor y, poli t ical scien ce, psychology, ociology, biolog y, hygiene, zoology an d p h ysiology). D istri b ut io n of co u rses by fi eld s should be as follows : at lea t 9 se m este r hour s in sociol ogy ; at least 5 semest er hours in e a ch of thr ee ot her fie lds ; at least 5 ho urs in Biolog ical sciences. Of the 4 0 ho urs, n ot more t ha n 1 0 m ay be in hi sto r y. By careful selection, t he e r eq ui re me n ts ma y be m et wh ile ear nin g a maj or in social science a n d a min or in hi story . Methods 301. Elementary School Methods in Social Studies-This cow.se is designed for e le me n tary teac hers rather t han maj or s in the depart· me n t , who shoul d take cou r se 40 2. Cr e di t 3 hou r s. 402. High School Methods in History and Social Science- The nat ure and re lationshi p of t he soci a l studies a nd t he ir places and pudrpo;e~ in s eco ndary ed ucation wit h emp ha sis on ma t erials and me tho s 0 teac hin g. Cr ed it 3 h o ur s. History 101. European Civilization to 1500-Cul t ural gro w~h in P:ji~;:. tor ic ti mes; ce n t er s of a rl y c iv ili zatio n ; cla s ical and med ieval Cl tion s. Cred it 3 ho urs. t n ch'102. European Civiliza tion Since 1500- Th e ri s_e of wes ~odern ilizatio n · the bouro-eo is rev ol uti o n ; im pact of in d ustnali sm on trends 0 societ y; 'th e sea r c.h for a n ew sy n t he is of world soc iet y ; larger in mod er n ociety. Cr ed it 3 hours.




213. Hi s tory of the U. S. to 1865- Exploration a nd discover y ; nizatio n; t he fo r m a t ion of the union; prob le ms of t he n e w govern0 1 co t . the Wa r of 18 12; the South and sla very; indus trial beginnings ; ni ent,~ard expa nsion; th e Civil War. Credit 3 hour s. \\'es 214. History of the U. S., since 1865- Post -war r eco nstr ucti on; ti e last fr onti e r s ; t he r is e of big bu siness ; la bor and capita l ; imperial. \ . th e prog r essive mov e me n t ; th e World War; an ot her peri od of 1 :~c~n struct i o n a n d a not her Wor ld War. Credit 3 h ou r s. 303. Modern European History, 1500-1815- Expa nsion of Euroiean life a nd c ult ur e ; t he Reformation a nd r e ljg iou wars ; t h e Age of Lo uis XIV; ri se of Ru s i_a a n_d Pru ssia ; eightee_nth cen t ury phi lo oph y ; econom ic a nd colonia l nvalrie ; t he "Old R eg im e"; th e Fren ch Revolution and t he apo le on ic Era; beg i nn in g of th e industrial re volu t ion. Credi t 3 hour s. 304. Modern Europea n H istory , since 1815- R ea ct ion , ref orm , revolu tion, 18 15-1 848 ; growth of li beralis m a n d n ation a lism; t he industri al r evolu t ion continued ; imperia lis m and t he expa nsion of Europ e ; the World War a n d rec onstr uctio n; anot her World War. Cr edit 3 hour . . 305. American Colonial History- F oun dation of th e orth Am er ican colon ies ; colonial expan sion by th e Span ish, Fren ch a nd Briti s h ; colonial life , with emp ha sis on social a nd economi c for ces ; in t ern a t ion a l ri valri es; t he r e vo lu t ion of t he Brit ish colonies. Cr ed it 3 ho ur s. 307. Survey of English History- Con t itu t ional and social dev elopmen ts will be e mp hasize d. Cred it 3 hours. 31 5. Survey of Ancient History- Ri se of civili zation in t he N ear East; t he a ncient Gree ks and Romans; pecial emphasi s on t he contributions of a n c ie n t t im "!s to m od ern civili zation. Credit 3 hou rs. 32 5. Europe in the Middle A ges- Th e de cadent Roman Empire ; the Germani c invas ions ; f e ud alism; t he m ed ieva l chu rch ; t h e Cr usades ; intellectual a n d art isti c renaissa n ce; national begin nin gs ; t he co mm erCJa l r evolution; t h e break-up of the m e di e va l chu r ch ; t he wars of religion . Cr edi t 3 hours. 458. American Diplomatic History- A s urvey of the whol e fi el d of Am erica n dip lomatic r e lation s fro m 1776 t o elate. Credit 3 hours. 470. Topics in American History- An in te n sive course cons istin g argely of readings, r eports and ro un d table di sc u ion s of topics chose n ~ach y ear fr om on e of the fo llowin g fi e ld s : T he Am er ica n col oni es, · ni~n can i mmigration, t he West in A m erican hi ·tory, Ameri ca n cliplo~iatic histo ry, A m erican eco no mi c hi story , the history of ebrask a , a~cent Ameri can history, or Am e rica n hi storiog rap hy. In str uction will so be gwe n in hist or ica l bibli ograp h y and i n t h e cr it icis m of histo ri cal · iource· mate r ia ls. Prere quisite: t welve hours cr e d it in hi story, inclucl s~~ at least six h ours in Am eri can history; or per mission of th e in'hlu c1tor. A ll studen t s con t e m plating gTad uate work in Am eri ca n hi story ' ou cl regi te r for t his course. Cr edit 3 h ours.


co .4 7.1. T opics in Modern European History- An in te nsive course of~s i s~ing large ly of r eadi ngs , reports, a n d r o und table di sc us ion s 0 1 P c · chose n ea ch year fr om one of t he following fi e lds : R eformati on



and r elig ious wars, age of Lou is XIV, e igh teen t h century Fr olution a n d Napole on, n ineteen t h century liberalism a nd na~~ch Rev. European in t.ern~t i onal re lations .1 71~1914, ~urope si nce 19110nalis111. pean econ o.m1c h1 stor.Y.. In tru.ctio~ will be given in historical 4i,¡~~ro. raphy a nd m t h e c n t1c1sm of histo ri cal ource materials. Prer 1 .11.og. tw elve hours cred it in history, including at least six hours in Eequis1te: history, or p ermi ion of t he instru ctor. All st u dents conte~rop~an graduate work in European hi story sh ould r eg ister fo r this Plating Credit 3 hours. course. Social Science 118. American National Government-C redit 3 hours. 119. American State and Local Government-Credit 3 hours. 2/H. Economics- E lementary co nce pts, prod uction value and price , distrib ution. Cr edi t 3 h ours. ' 222. Economics- Course 221 co ntin u ed. Mo ney and bankin i nternational trad e, public fi nan ce, socialism, co mmunism and fascis:'. 231. Social Problems- Pop ul atio n , marriage a nd the family di-

vorc~ and desertion, po verty and depend en cy, crime and punish~ent.

Credit 3 hours. 232. Labor Problems- Labor leg islation , collective bargaining wo men and children in industry, t he National Labor Relations Board'. Credit 3 h ours. 316. The Governments of Europe- The governments of the U.S., Grnat Britain, Fran ce, Ger m a n y, Ital y a nd Russia compared. Credit 3 hours. 401. International Law-Sources of international law, recognition, s ucce sion, nati on a li ty, territor ia l jurisdi ction, sta t us of diplomats and co nsuls, treaties, paci fi c settle ment, hostile mea sures short of war, war. Credit 3 h ours. 417. American Constitutional Law- A s urvey of the field of federa l con stitutional deve lopm en t ; case method. Credit 3 hours. E C O~OMI C S


Miss W eare


Mi ss Brackney

elect~:jo7r:ho~~-~rs~~b~1° 3o ~;~ir ~ 'A;t 2o5,33ch:~~~t1~y14io~~lo2,a~~ 1 1

103-10 4. Minor: hours.




101, 102, 33 1, and elec tiv es 7 hours-total



Home Economics Courses Seco nd Semester First Se mes ter Hrs3 BrackneyHrs. 202- Meal pla nning & . pr~~~k: 3 101-Food selection & prep ..... 3 416- Cater ing & QuantrYpment2-3 314-Dieteti cs ............ ................ 3 330-Chi ld care & deve 0 233 -Hom e h ygien e & n ursi n g .. 2 School lunches Sch ool lun ches 1 high sc hool class


Weare -Ho me ec. methods ____ _____ ___ 331 HG-Hom e prob l ~ms ------ ---------3zo-Ho m e plannmg & furn, __ __ 3-Ho me management __ ________ 43 1 h igh sc hoo l class

3 2 3 3


308-T exti les --------------------------- - 2 102-Clothing selection & co nst. ------------------------- - 3 306-Advan ced clothing const... 3 311-Cost u m e design ___ ____ ___ __ __ 2-3 2 high sc hool classes

10 1- Food Selection an d Pre pa rat ion- Th e in dicatio n of a good tate of nutrition; re lation of food to health; composition, ' nutritive ,alu e an d digestibility of food. First se meste r , t wo hours lecture, fo ur ~ours labo ratory. Cr e dit 3 ho urs. 5

102. Clothing Sele ction and Cons truc t ion-Selec tion of desig ns of good taste fo r variou s individuals ; c hoice of m aterials and co nstr uction tec hni q ue suitable for garm ents of distinction . Second se meste r; two hours lec t ure, four hour laboratory. Cred it 3 h ours. 202. Foods-Meal planning-, buyin g and preparation; selection of an ad equate di e t with e mphasis upon planning, preparation, preservation, a nd eco nomi c problems. Hom e ex perien ce is r equire d for t he completio n of the work . Second se mest er; two hours lecture, four hours labo ratory. Credit 3 hours. 2 16. H ome Proble ms-A study of the r e lation ship between the indivi dual a nd th e fami ly, t he technique of living harmoniously with others, a nd ways of me eti n g various proble ms of dail y living. First semester ; two hours lecture. Credit 2 hours. 2 33. Ho me Hy giene a nd Nu rsing-Practical in struction and d e monstra tio ns are g iven in bedsid e care of t he sick, the .sick-roo m, first aid, a nd co n t r ol of co mmunicable diseases. It aims to develop an appr eciatio n of health and an interes t in hom e, co mmunity and personal hyg iene. F irst se meste r . Cred it 2 hours. 3 0 1. F ood Selection a nd P repara t ion-Same a lOL For juniors and seniors who did no t take 101. First se m ester; two hours lecture, fo ur hou rs laboratory. Credit 3 ho ur _

302. Clot hing a n d Con stru ction-Sam e a s 102. For juniors and seniors who did not take 10 2. Seco nd se m e ter; one hour lecture, ix hours laborato ry. Credit ;l hours. 3 06. Adva nced Clothing- Ad vanced clot hing co nstru ction, renovation , a nd tai lorin g. First se mester; two ho urs lecture, fo ur hours laboratory. Credit 3 h ours.

308. Textiles-Study of modern fabri cs and t h e ir production; Purchasing of h ouse hold fabric s a n d clothin g ; care of fabri cs. Cr edit 2 hours. 3 11. Cost u me Desig n-A course designed to enable th e st ud ent dcho ose styles s uitab le for her and to be able to adapt line , textures an colors to her own ne eds. On e dress will be draped from a n origi_nal des ig n. Laboratory work in the plann ing of costumes for lec1 fi c plays, pageants, and programs w ill be arra nged, if desired, or one a dd itional h o ur of credit. Seco nd se m ester. Cred it 2 hours. t


a _314. D ie tet ics-Fundamental prin c ipl e of human nutrition as PPlied to indiv iduals und er normal co nditio n s a nd a lso for t he di seases



com m only treated by diet. Prereq uisite : 101 or 202. First se two hours lecture. Cr e di t 2 hours. Two hours lectu re, th rnester· laboratory . Credit 3 hou rs. ree houri: 315. Expe rimental Cooke ry- Read in gs,. discussio ns and . m e nts r egardin g cooker y pro blem s. In ve t 1g ation s of meth 0 JXPer1. 8 tech n iques affecting food qu a li ty and econ om y. and 320. ' Home Planning a nd Furnishing- A study of to day's h . problems, and fa ctors to be co n sid ered in b uil ding, bu ying or rous!ng a house ; also in t he select ion and arrangement of th e f u r nishings e~ting t h e tandpoint of comfort, b ea uty a nd econom y. ' rom 330. Child Ca re and Development- Men tal a n d p h ysical <level ment of the chil d. Sp ecial emphas is upon the relatio n of nutrition t h e child's h ea lt h. Seco nd semester; two hou r s lecture. Credit 2 hou 0 Two hours lectur e, thr ee h ou r s laboratory. Cred it 3 ho urs. rs.


331. Ho'."e .E conomics _M ethods- Th eory a nd practice of teaching h om e economi cs m t h e p ubli c sc hools. A study of t he phil osophy and h istory of th e development of h o memak ing education; pla nning the cu rr icul um to m eet pupi l and community n eed s. Problems an d technique studied a nd evaluate d. 401. Nutrit ion for th e School Child- For teachers or others who desir e to improve t he nutriti onal status of their pupils, or their children. Subj ect matter and m eth ods will be studied. 40·2 . Home and Family Life Education in Elementary SchoolFor th e study 0f t he chil d' s n eed s i n relation to sociall y desirable obj ectives of gen er a l e ducation. Proce dure for teaching wh olesome per son a l and fa mil y living w ill be studi ed . '4 16. Caterin g and Qua ntit y Cookery- Experien ce in planni!lg, preparing and servin g co mpany m eals in th e hom e and foo ds for parties, receptions, scho ol lun ch es, etc. 432. Seminar in Home E conom ics- Ind epen de n t studies in Home E con om ics. vVeekly confe1·en ces. On demand. Two to fo ur hoil rs cred it. 433 . Hom e Man a geme nt- Management probl~ ms of the. hofe; maker in relati on to u se a nd managem ent of t he mco me, buyiffing. 0 t t h e home; fami l y cooperation in th e home, and a study of th e e cien u se of t im e, energy and eq uipm ent. J :\"UUS TRCA.L ARTS

Mr. Larso n

9 304 Maj er: Co u r ses 101, 102, 110, 116, 208, 209, 214, 2 16, 21 , • 313, 32 1, and 322. 32 Minor : Co u r ses 10 1, 102, 110, 208, 209, 3 04, 313, and 1. 2 uo Co u r ses 301, 302, 3 1 0 m a y be su bstit uted fo r lO l , IO ' r espect ively.



JOI. Bench Woodworking- Basic training in t h e u se and ca re of nd woo d work ing tool s ; co n structio n of appropriate proj ects in vo lvin g ha 1 dame nta l too l proces es and operations; st ud y of wood s and oth e1· fu\e rial ; simple woodfini shin g. First e m ester a n d s umm er sc ho ol. ~~~ hours laboratory, tw o hours preparatio n. Credit 3 ho urs .

Bench Woodworking- Prere qui site : Co urse 101. A co ntinof B en ch Woodwork in g 101. Seco nd e m e ter a n d s umm er ~lchoo l. S ix h ou rs l aboratory, t wo h o urs preparation. Cred it 3 ho ur s. 102.


J 03. Engineering Shop Processes-A co urse for pre-e n gi n ee ring st uden ts. It w ill deve lop fundam enta l s kills in th e u se and ca re of han d wo odworkin g t oo ls ; give e xp erie n ce in the o peration of the m or e comm on woo dw orkin g m achi ne s ; provide some train in g in machin e to ol work, sol der ing, gas a nd arc welding. First s em este r and summ e1· sc ho ol. Fo ur hours laboratory, two h o urs preparation. Credit 2 h ou r . . 106. Woodturning- Spind le, face plate , oval, dup li ca te , chu ck an•i piral t urn in g in wo od. F ini sh in g a nd polishin g a re a lso in clu ded . Each se mester a nd s umm er scho ol. Two h o urs atte ndan ce, on e hou r preparatio n. Cr e dit 1 h our. 110. Shop Maintenance- In structio n in the u se a nd care of th e eq uipm en t co mm onl y found in the in dustr ial arts shop s and a st udy of the vario us harpe nin g d evices. Pra ct ice w ill be g iven i n t he co nditioni ng· of h a nd a nd power saws, kni fe too l sharp enin g a nd ettin g of the same in t h e machin e . Second se mester and s umm er ch ool. F our hour s at te n da n ce, two hours p reparation. Credit 2 ho urs. 112. Industrial Arts for Elementary Teachers- Design e d especiall y fo r elem entary and rura l e lemen tary teach er s. Emp hasis will be up on the developm e nt of fu ndam en tal ski ll s in working with wood s and other materials, teac hin g m ethods a nd the st u d y of too ls. Seco n d e m ester and um mer sch ool. Four h o urs atten dance, two h o urs preparation. Cred it 2 hour s . 116. Blue Print Reading- Thi s course d eals with t he interpretation of t h e orth ogr ap hi c draw in gs co mmonl y fo und in blu e prints of th e mech anic a l and a r chitectura l drawing fi elds. It will a lso in clud e ~ ket_ch ing- a nd b lackboard dr a wing in picto rial fro m orth ograp hi c proJe ction . F irst se m ester. Credit 2 h o u r s. . 117. Engine Lathe Practice- A co ur e d esig n ed t o g ive in stru ct ion 111 th e use, care and oper ation of t he sc rew c uttin g en g ine l ath e. Practica l pro blem s in precisi on turning, tapers, t hr ead c uttin g , chu ck 11·o:·k, dri lling, r ea min g, tappin g and a numb er of o th er o peration. whi ch can b e performed o n th is type of m ac hin e. A va lua ble co ur e for ~ea~h_ers of auto-m ech an ics and a lso fo r t h ose who wi sh t o sec ure basic ra1111ng in t hi s type of ma chin e practi ce. E lective. Each se m ester 'cqnd su mm er sch oo l. Fo ur h o ur s attendan ce, two h ours pre paration. red it 2 h o urs. ~O~ . Mechanical Drawing- Prereq ui site: Co urse 116 or by s pecia l per mission. Use of drawing eq ui pment. Orth ograp hi c proj ections },~e l u di ng- a u x iliar ies, dimen sioning. Practi ce in free ha nd lettering. Jl;rst se n:iester and. s umm er sc hool. Four h ours attendan ce, two h o urs epara tio n. Cred it 2 hours.



209 . Mechan ical Drawin g- A con t inua tion of Co u r se 20S t ional views, w orkin g dr aw ings, p icto rial re presentatio ns . · 1 Sec. iso m etric, obliq ue a nd pers pective, t rac ing, blue pri n t ing 111 Uding se meste r a nd s umm er sc hool. Fo ur hour s a tte nd a nce two h~ econd aratio n . Cr edit 2 hou r s. ' urs Prep.


211. Descriptive Geometry- Pre re qu isit e : Cou r se 210 . co ur e g ives a dd ed tra ining in t he use of t he p rin ciples of orth~ Th~ pro j ecti on drawin g . Proble ms invo lve visu a lizatio n of point;r~ph:c a nd pla nes, in tersect ion of su rfaces a n d solid s, de velopmen t ~f mes faces . Second sem este r a nd s umm er sc hool. F o ur ho urs attenda sur. two h ours preparat ion. Cred it 2 h ou rs. nee, 1 21 4 . Pra ctica l Electricity- Ge neral principles and their app)" t ion to m otors, ge n era tors, heating and lig hting syste ms. It ~~i provide ex pe ri e nce in a ll t he r e pa ir jo bs in electr ica l work common! fo und in hom e m ec ha n ics cour ses, a nd in t he va ri ous for ms of interioy w ir ing . F irst em ester a nd summ er schoo l. E ig ht ho u r s attendancer t wo h our s prepa r ation. C re di t 2 h ours. '

216. Sheet Meta l- Pre r eq ui s ite : Co urse 209. The fu ndamentals of pattern drafting a nd layo u t ar e deve lo ped. Select e d projects provide in str uctio n in t h e use of ha nd an d mac hin e t ools, a nd in volve operations in sea min g, b u rr ing, cr impi ng, wi r ing, for min g, a n d beading. First sem e ter a nd summ e r sc hool. F ou r hours atte nd a nce, two hours preparatio n. Cre di t 2 hours. 219. F a r m a nd Ho me Me ch a n ics- Designed fo r t e a chers who are in terested in shop work in rura l co mmuni t ies a nd small high schools wh er e th er e is li ttle eq ui pm ent av ail ab le. It pro vid es a n opportunity to work w it h s u ch materi a ls as woo d, m etal, rope, g lass a nd concrete. Most of t he proje cts will co n sist of repa iring furnit ure, windows, r~ l umb in g, e lec tr ical uni t a nd ot he r ma in te n a n ce jobs abo ut t he farm a n d ho m e. Seco nd sem e te r and s umm er sc hoo l. Fo u r hours attenda nce, two h o urs preparation . Cr ed it 2 h o urs. 3 0 1. Be nch Woodwo rki ng- S im ilar to Woo dwork ing 101 :With the txc:ertio n t hat it is so m e what more advanced a nd it is es pecially ~e­ ~ i gned "fo r t hose j uni or s a n d sen iors w ho hav e n ot had co ~rs~ lli~ · , 'tud nts w ho ha ve had co urse 101 ar e not e lig ible for cred it m this co urse. F irst £eme ster and summ er sch ool. Six hours, attendance, t wo h ours preparation. Cr ed it 3 ho ur . 3 02 . Be nch W ood working- A co nt inuatio n of co u rse 301._ Students who have had co urse 102 a re not eli g ible fo r credit in t his co~~ eco n d sem es te r and s umm er sc h ool. Six h ours a t te nda nce, two h preparat io n. Cr e di t 3 h ours. . · I devel3 0 4 . Indus tr ia l A rts Me t ho ds a nd Ob serv at ion- H1 ~to~·ica methopm e n t of t he i n d ustr ia l arts ; place in t he c urri culum,_pr m c i pl ~s, ods, m aterials a nd eq ui p men t. F ir t sem es t e r. Cr ed it 3 houi s. .

106 but

309 . W oodtur ning- A co u r se similar to W oo dt ~ rn m g . eel fo r i nvol vin g add it io na l a n d m or e d iffi c ult proj ec ts. It 1 s desig~er and ju ni ors and se ni o rs who have had n o woodtu rnin g. Each s~ m es Credit summ er sch ool. T wo h o urs atte n da nce, on e ho ur pre pa r ation . 1 h o ur.

PERU STATE TEA CHERS COLLEGE 310. Shop Maintenanceiors who have n ot had cour ~~st and seco n d se me t er s and "::0 hours preparat ion. Cr edit


Sa me a co urse 110. For juni or and e 110. More diffi c u lt proj ects r eq uired. summ er sch ool. Four h ours attenda n ce, 2 hours .

3 1 2. Architectural Drawing- A pract ical co urse for stud en ts , hom e uil ders a nd oth er de s ir ing a knowled ge of co nstru ctio n of s mall fram e ~ ii ldi ngs. F loor plans, elevation s, d etails, sta n dard conven t ion s .a nd ·~eci fi cati o n s . First and eco n d se me ter and summ er sc hool. E ight hours atte nd a n ce, two h ours prep arati on. Cred it 2 or 4 h our s. 313. General Metals- In cluded in thi s course are fo ur phases of metal wo rk in clu ding ben c h m etal, forg in g and h eat treating, mac hin -hop and oxy-ace ty len e a n d arc welding. E m phasis will be p laced ~i po ; suc h operati on s as sawing, fi ling, c hipping, dri lling a nd tap and die work. R e qu ire d of a ll majors. Seco n d se m ester. Six h o ur atten dance, t wo hour preparatio n. r e dit 3 h ours . 3 16. Driver Education-This course w ill in cl ud e t h e prese n tation of th e ma ter ia ls a nd me t hod s of traffic safety and driv er t rainin g a s well as be hind t h e w heel dri vin g . E mphasis will b e gi ve n to m otor ve hi cl e la ws, r u les of the road, driving r eg ulation s and m otor ca r opera tion . Seco nd se mester and s umm er ·chool. Two h ours atte ndan ce, one h o ur laboratory, t hree h ou rs preparati on. Cr e dit 2 hours. 317 . Engine Lathe Practice- A sub st it u te course for 117 , bu t invol ves more diffi cul t problem s in m etal t urnin g . D esigned e peciall y for th ose j uniors and seni ors who have n ot had a n opportuni ty to reg ister for th e fres hm a n co urse . E lectiv e. Each sem e t er and summ er sc ho ol. Four hou rs atte n dan ce, t wo h o urs preparation. Cr e dit 2 h o urs. 321. Machine Woodworking- Prereq ui site: Co urses 10 1 a nd 10 2 . Designed to teac h th e advanced work of t he se ni or hi g h sch ool. The use of machin e r y and a wid er scope of too l opera t ion is e mpha ize d. Mod ern pro duction m eth ods and pro cedur e w ill b e s t udi ed in workin g out group project . First se m ester a nd s umm er sc h oo l. Four h ou r s atten dance , t wo hours preparaton . Credit 2 hours . 3 22. Machine Woodworking- Prer e q ui ·i te: Course 3 21. A co ntinua tio n of co urse 32 J. Seco nd se m est er and s umm er sc hoo l. Four hours atte nd a nce . Credit 2 hour .


. 4 15. Auto Mechanics- Fu nd a men ta l pri n cip les of the gas e ng in e, cooling syste m , lubrication, s pee d regulation , timi n g of engines, fitt ing p iston rings, grin di ng valv es, troub le huntin g , etc. F irst ~ e m ester a n d s umm e r sch oo l. E ig ht h o urs attend a n ce, two h ours Preparatio n . Credit 2 or 4 hours. 1

~ n1 t1 on,


4 16.


Woodworking-Continua t ion

of co urse s 321 -322

tho thPr esent pecial study on th e con stru ction of period f ur ni t ure a n d adaption da y n eeds. Seco nd sem ester and s umm er sc hool. Fou r 1

ou rs atte ndan ce, two h ours preparation.

Cr e dit 2 hou r s .

th 41 8. W e lding- Prere qui site: Co ur ses 216 a n d 313 . Practi ce in e u ~e of t h e oxy-acety len e torch a nd t h e arm weldin g m ac hin es. Stud v of th e com m on flu x es as direc tly r ela ted to we lding ; practice in brazin ;,. and wel din g of t h e co mm on meta ls s uch as cast iron, th e steels, and



a luminum . Eac h se mester and s umm er sc hool. two hours preparation . Credit 2 ho urs.

Fo ur hours attend


Upholstery and Woodfinishing- P r ereq uisite: Co . a nd 102 . Design ed to furni sh e xperience in t he principalu~ses 101 woodfinis hin g su ited to g rad e and high sc hoo l work. A study ¥Pes llf of t he mod ern fini shes and t he ir uses in t he sc hoo l shop. In u hs llladc vari ous met hods of co n str uction are st udied both with and wi~h olstery, use of s prings. First sem ester a nd s umm e r sc hoo l. Cred it 2 hou out the rs. 421.


Mrs. Cook Mr. Hu ck Mr. Sweetland Ma~o.r: . Co u rses ~01 or 1.0 3, 105, 206, 304, 309, 3 10, 411 and 3 hours of .iunior or se nior electives- total 24 hours.

Mi n or: Co urses 101 or 103, 105, 206, and 6 hours of junior or eni or elec tives- total 15 hours. 101. College Algebra- Prereq ui site: One year of beginning algebra a nd on e yea r of plan e geo m e try. This co urse covers the material u suall y includ e d in t hir d semes ter hi gh sc hoo l algebra and College A lg e bra 10 3. First se m ester. Cred it 5 ho urs. 102. Solid Geometry- Pre r eq uisite: One year of hig h school algebra, a nd on e year of pla ne geo m etry. Cred it 3 hours. 103. College Algebra- Prere qu isite: One a nd one- half years of hi gh schoo l a lgebra , a nd one year of p lane geo metr y. First ' se mester. Credit 3 hours. 105. Plane Trigonometry- Prer equ isite : Co urse 101 or 103. Second se mester. Credit 3 hours. 206. Analytic Geometry- Pre re qui site : Course 105 . First seanesCredit 3 hou r s. 216 . Professiona lize d Mathe matics- A study of t he fund_amentali of a rithmeti c, in cluding the four funda me ntal operations, fractions, an• decima ls t he fi r s t quarter and d enomi nat e numb ers, grap hs, percen~ge, interest, co mm er cial pape r , taxes, a nd in uran ce t he second qua ed In cludes wo rk in observation. Math e mat ics or education credit. Secon se mester. Cr edit 3 hours. ter.

218 . Surveyin g- Prereq ui s it e: Co urse 105. F und a mental the~);~ and practi ce, use of trans it, s urv eyin g me t hod , Un ited States purint h~nd surve ys. legal forms, s urv ey in g co mp u tatio ns, map a nd blue P readin g-, fi eld and office work. Cr e dit 2 hours. ont in uation 301 . Spherical Tri gonometry- P r e r eq ui s ite: l 05. A C of co urse l 05. Cr edit 2 h o ur . 303. Solid An a lyt ic Geometry- Prer eq ui s ite : Co urse 206-, ~ts~r::: of t hr ee d im e n siona l space in cl udin g loc i, t he plane, th e straig su rfa ces and cur ves. Credi t 2 ho urs.



304. College Geometry-Prerequisite: Two se m esters of hi gh chool geo metry. A t horo ugh introd uction to th e geometry of the ~ria ngl e and t he circle. The co urse deals with the leading properti es of th e notabl e lin es, poin ts and circles a ssociated with a plan e triangl e, and geometry of circles and systems of circles. Recomm ended for teachers and p~ospe c tiv e t eac her s of hig h sc hoo l geom etry. Secon d se mester. Cred it 3 hours. 307. Materials and Methods for Teaching Secondary Mathematics -This co urse wi ll be d evote d to th e teaching of mathe matics in the high sc hool. Credit 3 hours. 309. Differential Calculus- Prereq uis ite: Co urse 206. mester. Cr e dit 3 nours. ter.

31 0. Integral Calculus- Prereq uisite : Co u rse 3 09. Cr e dit 3 hours.

Second seFirst se m es-

31 2. History of Mathematics-P r ereq uisite: T e n h ours of colleg e mathem atics. Credit 2 hours. 41 1. Calculus-Prerequ isite: Course 3 10. Indefinite series, partial di ffe rentiati on and multiple integrals, with app li cation. Credit 3 hou rs. 4 15. Theory of Equations- Pre req ui si te: Co urse 310 . A lgebraic solu tion of cubic and quart ic eq uations , meth ods of approx imating roo ts, sy mmetric functio n s, re sultants , determin a n t s, and systems of linear e q uati ons. Cre dit 3 h ours. 4 16. Differential Equations- Prerequisite : Co urse 310. Formation of differe ntia l eq uat ion s, eq uat ions of h ighe r ord er, lin ear eq uations with cons tant an d variable coefficients , partial differe n t iation, appli c ation to geom etry, m ec han ics and ph ys ics. Cre dit 3 hours. UGSIC

Mr. Lots pei ch Mi ss Fi elds Mr. Jin dra Bachelor of Music Education Courses: 101, 10 1A, 102, 10 2A . 203, 203A, 20 4, 204A, 305, 306, 407 , 408, 405, 406, 201 , 202, 403, 3 03, 3 04, sixtee n hours of applied inusic, a nd eight hou rs ense mbl e credit, on e each se mester. T otal 69 hour s. Bachelor of Arts in Education Ma jor in Music : Co urses 101, 101A, 102, 102A, 203, 203A , 204, 20 4A, 201, 202, 4 03, 3 03, 3 04, 4 05, 4 06 , eig ht h o urs of a pplied music and eight hours ense mbl e, on e eac h sem ester. To tal 51 hour .


- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -


Minor in M us ic : Co lll'ses 101, lOlA, 102, 102A 20 1 3 04, 311, fo ur h our s applied m usic, a nd eig ht hours en ~e mbl~ 2 02, 303, sem s ter. T ota l 33 h ou r . ' one each 18. Piano Credit 1 hour. h our. h ou r.

Ensembl e-Ea c h

e m ester; t hr ee ho u r s a ttend

19. Chorus- Each se mest e r ; t hree hours attendan ce.

20. Orchestra-Each se m ester; three hour s atte nda nce.


Band- Each em e. ter ; three hours atte nda nce.


Credit 1


redit 1

Cr edit 1 hour.

Theory 101. Harmony-Prerequi s ite : Ability to play sim ple piano numbers or c urrent r egistrati on for pia n o. Traditional har mon y, a couri!e in t he princi ples of Classic and Ro mantic har mony. It cuts through t he jungle of co mplicated rul es t hat hav e grown up aro und t he conventions of chord -con nect ion and vo ice-read in g , and prese nts a minimum of r ul es and a maximum of exercises, t hus t eachi ng t he stude nt to know his material so far a s possible t hrough ha n dli ng it, r a th e r than through r eadin g i t . First se mest er and summ er sc hool. Credi t 3 hours. 101A. Ear Training- A part of course 101, a s upplement in that it t each es fundamenta l mu s ic ian ship , sig ht singi n g , melodic and rhyth mi c di ctation and key board har m ony. First se mes ter and summer scho ol Credit 1 h our. 102-203-204.

Harmony-A co ntinuati on of 101.

102A-203A-204A . Ear T r aining- A co ntin uation of l OlA


305. Counterpoint- Prereq u is ite: 101-102, 203-204 . Stud~. 0 the for m s of co ntra puntal wTiting· in two , thre e a n d fo u r vo ices. irs se mest e r. Cred it 3 ho urs.

306. Form and Analysis- Prer eq ui site: 305. An a nal ytical st~:: of th emes a n d t he ir relation s to mu sic compositions. Second semes · Cred it 3 ho u r s. . . . p . 't . T wo full years 407 . Orchestration and Compos1honr er e q u1s1 e · hnique of harmon y. It is t~ e. purpose of. t his co urse to develop t he t~~range­ of . writing for th e d iff erent fam1] 1es of in st rume n t s, to ma ke unity for men ts for band, o rchestra, and choru s, and give an oppor t Credit 2 st ud e n t s to do so m e original co m position. First em ester. h ours.



Bachelor of Mus ic Education

Qrien ta t i on 10 O.. .... ..... .. ...... . . . .... .... .. ... .. ... . ..... .. ........ .. . ...... .. ...... .. .. ... ... 1 English 1 01 , 102, 20 4, and Speech 152 .. ..... .. ... ... . ...... .... ...... .. ....... ... . 11 HistorY a nd Social Science..... ........ .. .... ............. ...... ... ... ... .. ..... .. ......... 9 Math ma t ics or s_cie nce .. .... . ·· :· ....... ..... ..... .................. ... ..... ... ....... ..... ... 12-16 Heal th a nd P hy sical Educat10n ...... ..... .... .. .. ... .... ... ...... ...... ..... ......... .. 7 A.rt Ap pr e ciation 3 0 6............. ....... .. ... ... ....... ...... ... ... .......... .... ...... ... ... 2 Educa tio n .... ...... .. .. .... ...... ... .... .. .. ........ ... ... .............. .. ... ...... ... ...... .... ..... 22 Music ... .... . ... .. .. .... .. ... ....... ....... . ··· ········· ········ ········ ··· ···· ·· 69 P h ys io log y a nd Hy g iene

( 3 hrs . ) a nd P h ys ica l Exerc ise cou rse :;

T heo ry : 101 H a rm o n y - - ···-·-·- · - - · lOlA E ar T ra ining --·-····--·-····102 H a rmon y ----·····-··-- --- - 102A E ar Tra inin g ----- ----- 20~ H a rm o n y ·-·-····--···-·--···-20:3A E a r Tra ining ---------------20-l H ar m o ny - - - - - - - - · 204A Ear Tra in i ng -------------------305 Counte rpo int -------------·--· 306 Fo rm a nd Ana l ys is ___ 407 Orc hes trati on a n d Co m p. 408 Orchestra ti o n a nd Com p. •05 Hi s t . a nd A PP----········-···-·-· 406 Hi s t. a nd A pp.________

3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 2 2

(4 h rs.).

b . M eth od s: 201 E le m e nta r y M eth od s ________ _ 202 Jr. Hig h Sch oo l M eth od s ___ 403 Ch ora l ( H ig h S.c h ool ) M eth ods ·----·--- - - - -· c. A pplied Mu s ic -------·-------······ S tud y a nd M e th od s of In s t s .) 303 - - - - -····---··- ··-·········- ) In s trume n t s 304 -·-···-·--······-· ) En s e m b le ----------------- ----------

2 16





Bachelor of Arts in Education Major in Mu s ic

Orien ta tio n



Engli sh 101 , 102, 20 4, and Spe ech 152 .... .. ... ... .. . .. ........ ... ...... ... . History and Socia l Science ...... ...... ...... .... .. ...... .. .. .... .... ..... .... ... .. . Amer ica n Governm e n t 118 (3 hrs .) a nd o ne g ro un ( 6 h rs . } . a. Hi s t . 101, 102 o r 213, 214 c. Pol. Sci. 119 or ele ctive 3 hr s. b. Eco n. 221, 222 o r Geog. 215 d . S ocio log y 231, 232



Mathema ti cs or Scien ce ( complete two groups ) ...... .. ...... ... ...... .. .... .. 12-16 a. B iol. 101, 102 b. Che m . 101, 102 or 103, 104 c. Geog. 101, 102

d. M at h . 101 or 103 a nd 105 e. Phy s . S.c i. 111 , 112 f . P h y s ics 201, 202

Health and Physical Ed ucation Ph ys io logy a nd Hy g ie ne ( 3 hr s.) a nd Phy s ica l E xe rc i s e courses ( 4 h rs . J.

A.rt Appreciation 306 ...... ...... ........ .. .... ....... ..... .......... .. ..... ..... . . Educa t io n ..

. ...... ... .......... .

-- -- -- -- -- --- ·--- ----- ----·

C r. 3 3 3 4

---··; ·- -----

Co urs e Cr. Prin. of Sec. Ed . 425_·-····- ···· 3 Intr. t o Gu id. 338 or Electi ve .... 3 Specia l M e th. & Obs ·- ······-· 3


2 22



M us ic ··· ·· ····· ··· ··· ···· ······························· ············ ··· ··· ···· ·········-······· ···· ···--a.

Theo ry 101 H ar m ony ··-·····-·····-··--·····-·····-· 101A Ear T ra in in g --------------102 H arm o ny -··-····-·····-·--J 02A Ea r Tra inin g ----·-···--····-····-203 H armony - - · - - - - - - - - 203A E a r Trai n ing - -·····-··········-····--·-·· 204 H armo n y - - - - - - - - - - - 204 A E a r Tra in in g ------------ 405 H ist. a nd A ppr. _________ _ 406 H ist. a n d Ap pr. ---·- · - -

b. 3 1 ~

l 3 1



M et ho d s 201 E le me n ta r y M eth od 20~ J r. Hi_g h Schoo l M et~od;403 Sr. H ig h Sc hool Meth 0 d App li ed M u s ic ------8 _ 303 Study and M;th~d-;·--;,rIn s t ru m e n ts 30-! Stu d y a nd M-;;t h ;;d-;·- ; f·- -

~~~8t;~1~1~n ts ----- - - ------------------------

408. Orchestration and Composition- Pr e re quisite : 407. t in uat ion of co urse 407. Second se m ester. Cr edi t 2 hours.

A con.

405. History and Appreciation of Music- P rere quisite: Courses 101-102. T he stud y of t h e deve lop m en t of o ur music from the standpoin t of history a n d appr eciation _thro u?"h t he various fi elds; that is, ec ular, sacred, opera a n d sy m phoni c. F ir st se mester. Credit 3 hours. 406. History and Appreciation-Prer eq uisite: Co urse 405. A con tinu ation of 405 t hroug h to t he m od ern t ime. Second semester. Cr edit 3 hours.

Methods 110. Public School Music-For t he g rade t eache r who will teach t he da ily lesso n in t he classroo m. Rote songs, ear a nd eye training, to na l and r ht h ymi c develop me n t, beginning s ing in g, major and minor sca les, s imple sight read ing, a nd ele men tar y apprec ia tion . Credit 2 h ours.

201. Elementary School Methods-Methods, materials, and ob· ser vation for all grad e music, ki n d ergarte n t hroug h th e sixth grade. Cred it 3 hou r . 202. Junior High School Methods-Prerequisite: Co urse 201. A co urse de sign e d for the partic ula r tra in ing of t he changin g voice, and how to teac h mus ic to t h e ado lesce n t chi ld. Cre di t 2 hours. 403. High School Choral Methods and Conducting-Methods, ma· te r ia ls, and co ndu ctino- of high sc hoo l c horal groups. Registration i~ co ll ege chor us is r eq uir ed . First semester and su mm er sc hool. Credi 2 hou rs.

Mu sic Appreciation d's311. Music Appreciation- L ect ures, illu strat ion s, a nd c~ass ~d c uss ion of music a s an art fo rm a a re cr eation a s a vocation, a hY as a comm u nity a ct ivity. So m e ~tten tion is give~ to t he philosoP an d the deve l op 1rn:~n t of mus ic education . Cr ed it 2 hours.



Applied Music 303.

Study and Methods of Teaching Instruments-The stud y of

ban d a nd orc hest ra instruments.

First se m ester.

Credit 3 ho urs.

304. Study and Methods of Teaching Instruments-A conti nu ation of 303. Seco nd se m ester. Credit 3 hours. One h our cred it will be g ive n eac h se m ester for one on e -ha lf hour lesson and three hours practice per week. T wo hours cr ed it will be give n eac h semester for two on e-half h our le ons and six ho urs practice per wee k. 12 1-122 123-124 221-222 22 3-224 321-322 323 -324 -1 2 1-422 -12 3-424

Freshman year ........ .. .... ... ... ........ ............ ...... 1 Freshm a n year .. ................ .............. .... ............ 2 Soph om ore ye ar.. .... .. .. .. .............. .... .............. .. .. 1 Sophomo re year.. .... .... .......... .... .. ............ .. ........ 2 Junior year .. .. .................. .......... ............ ... .. .... . l Junior year.. ................................... .. ... ... .. ....... 2 Sen ior year.. ...... ........ .. .... .... .................. .......... l Seni or year .. .. .................. ........ .. ............ .... ... ... 2

hr. credit hrs. credit hr. cr edit hrs. credit hr. cred it h rs. cred it hr. credit h rs. cred it

A rec ital w ill be required of eac h student in his junior year a n d agai n in his se ni or year if he is a candidate for the Bache lor of Music Degree in Education . HEALTH A:\'D PHYSlCA.L EDUC'ATfOX JCOR MEX

Mr. Whee ler Mr. Kyle Re quired credi t for two -year dip loma, two hours; for A .B. degree, four ho urs. Maxim um cr ed it in physical exer cis e a llowed for two-year diplom a, fo ur hours; for A. B. degree, unles a major or minor, ix h ours. P hys ical Edu cation 101 or 102 is r e quired of a ll m e n. The remaining th ree hours may be selected from 101or102 , 203, 9, and 3 (Wom en). It i pro vided, howe ver, th at on e hour for the dip loma and two for t he degree may be earned in a ny of t he sports-football, basketball , track an d te nni s. Major: Courses 9, 101, 102, 20 3 , 207 a-b- c, 214, 301, 302, 30H, 312, a nd Biology 205- total 26 h ours, and participation in eac h of th e thr ee major s port - football, basketball , and track- for one season. . Minor: Co urses 9, 101 or 102, 203, 207 a-b-c, 214, 301, 3 02 , and Biology 205-total 20 h our s, and participat ion in t h e ¡thr ee major sports -football, basketball , .a n d track- for one ea on. 1.

an ce.

Football and Basketball- First semester; t hre e hours atte nd Cr edit l hour.

2. Basketball and Track- Second se mest e r; t hre e h our s atte ndan ce. Cre dit 1 hour. 9. Swimming-Aqua tic gam es, life saving, divin g, crawl s trok ,~ . ha ck s trok e, id e stroke and t he m e thods of t e a chin g swimming. Not



more tha n one houl' of swimming wi ll be accepted towaycl diploma degre e. Second e m est er; t hree hour · attendance. Credit 1 hour. or 10.

Tennis- Fourth q uar t er; six h ours atte n da n ce .

Credit 1 hour.

101. Natural Progra m- A ctiviti es co urse. Voll ey ball handb speed ball , occer, box in g, wr e t lin g, t umblin g and playgr'o und bap. Co urse in cludes activ iti es whi ch can be u se d in the elementary a I. seco nd a r y sc hools. F ir t se me ter; thre e hours atte nd a nce Ct adn.d 1 hou r. · ·e It 102. Natural Program-Continu atio n of co urse 101. m e ter ; three h o urs attendan ce. Cr e dit 1 h ou r.

Second se-

2?3 · . Tumbling and Stunts- Tumbli ng stunts and so me ap pa ratu ~ work m !me with ab ili ty of t he cla s. Adva nced work will be given according to the. ability of t he class. First se m est er; three hours atte nd a n ce . Cred it 1 h our. 207 a-b-c. Coaching Athletics- Th eory of (a) foot ball , (b) basketball , ( c ) track and minor sports. F ir st, seco nd , a n d fourth quarter· 0 fo ur hours attendance eac h q uarter. Cred it 2 hours each quarter. ' 214. Prevention and Treatment of lnjuries- ( Primaril y for men.) Nat ure a nd ca uses of inju r ies incide nt to the p hysical activities of children and athl etes. Infect ions-their care and p revention; first-aid trea tm e nt for he morrhages, bl'ui s s , stra in s, sprains, di slocations, fract ure ; u e of protective eq ui pm e n t . Third quarter; four hours atte ndan ce. Credit 2 ho ur . 301. Principles of Physical Education-Scope of the field of p h ysica l ed ucation and its relat io n to m oder n educatio na l th eory; history, pr in cip les of p hysica l edu cation furn is he d by the basic sciences a n d p hil osop hi es of ph ysical edu cation. Stud y of t he principles which sho uld govern the in structiona l, in t erscholastic, in tra mural , playday, anJ corrective program s. First e mester. Cr ed it 3 hours. 302. Materials and Me thods in Physic.al Education-Selection teachin g and s u perv ision of p hys ical a nd he alth ed ucation activities as t hey apply to pub li c sch ool s it ua t ions. Second se mester. Credit 3 hours. 309. Organization and Administration of Health and Physical Education- Edu ca t iona l and leg al aspects; con stru ction a nd maintenance of the physical pl-a n t; purchase and care of e q ui pment; budget a nd finan ce ; physical ed ucation; intra -mural a nd inter-collegiate progra ms; healt h s u pervision and h ealth in stru ction. First semester. Cr edit 2 ho ur . 312. Kinesiology and Anatomy- Study of bones, body moveme~t~. mu scle a ction and jo in t m ec hanics in relation to physical educatwn activiti es ; co mm on postural d ef ects and joint injuri es. Second semester. Cr edit 3 h ours. · JTEAJ.TH A XD PHY~·I C"Al. K DLTCA TI01' FO H WOMEN

Miss Davidson . . . e 'Maxifour R eq uire d for two -year diplo ma, two hours ; for A. B . cl egie hours, to be co m pleted in t he Freshmen and Sophomore years.



um c re dit for phys ical exer cise allow ed for t wo-ye ar diploma, fou r 1 ::ours; fo r A . B . d egree, unl ess a m aj or or min or, si x hour Stud ents m a y selec t an y course in th e d epartm e nt in satisfa ction of the p hys ical educati on r e quir e ment exce pt th e fo llowing : 21 5, 3 01, 302, 3 09 , 3 12 . Ma.i 9r s : Courses 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 , 12, 101, 20 4, 21 5, 3 01 , 30 2, 309, 312, and Bi olog y 20 5-total 2 5 hours. Minor s:

15 hours.

E ach student must furn ish her own gymnas ium costume consistin g of eithe r a one- or a two-pi ece s uit a nd g ymnasium s ho es. Reg ulati on wi mmin g suits are required, to be purchased at the office of th ~ dire ctor of ph ys ical e du ca tion fo r women . Stude nt f urnishes her own wimming cap. 3. Clog and Tap Dancing- Open t o men and w o men . Basic Clog and Ta b st e ps. Clog dan ces and Tap r o utin es. Each sem ester; thre e ho urs atte ndan ce. Credit 1 hour. 4. Folk Dancing- Open t o men and w o men. S imple folk dan ces suitable fo r children; ath leti c dan ces ; national dan ces ; s qu a re dan ces. Second se m ester ; three hours attendan ce. Cr e dit 1 hour. 8. Beginning Swimming- Open t o wom en wh o cannot s wim . Overcoming fea r of water; standar d stro.kes ; pla in di vin g. Each semest er ; three ho urs atte ndan ce. Cr ed it 1 hour. 9. Advanced Swimmi.ng- Oyen to wom e n wh o know ho w to swim . Perfect io n of strok es ; d iving ; life-savin g . R ed Cr oss Senior Li fe sav ing· ce rtifi cat es t o tho se wh o succe ssfull y pass th e t est . Each . e rnester; t hr ee h o urs atte nd a nce. Cre di t 1 hour. 10. Tennis- Open to m en a n d wo me n. T ec hniqu e an d f orm of strokes · f und a m entals of sin gles and doubl es . Each stud e nt furni sh es rack et a nd balls. First q ua r t er; six hours a tte ndan ce . Cr edit 1 h o ur . 11. Sports- Open to wom e n . H ockey; soccer ; volleyba ll ; b a ske t ball ; bad min t on ; paddl e t enni . First se m es ter; thr ee hours a tte nd nnce. Cre di t 1 h our. 12. Sports- Open to wom e n. V olley ba ll ; pa ddle t e nni s ; 1·i ng enni ; aer ial dart ; shuffleboard; ba d min to n . Seco nd se meste r ; t hr ee hour s attendan ce. Credit 1 hour. 10 1. Ge neral Gymnastics- Ope n to w om en. Cali sth eni cs ; p ost ure correctio n · a p paratu s · pyTa mi d building · t umb!in o- · g am es · stun t s · r~Jays ; r h ythm w ork. 'First se m e t er; t hr~ e hours atte ndan ce'. Cr edit 1 hour. 204. Playground Supervision- Ope n t o m e n and women. R ela r ; st unts ; r h ythms ; fo lk dan ces ; ga mes. Mat eri a l prese n t ed in t his course 18 suita ble fo r u se in grad es 1 to 8. Second se mes t elr; t hree hours atten dance . Cr e di t 1 h o ur. 205. Health Education- Purpose : t o enable the pros pectiv e t ea ch er to contr ibu te sig nifi cantly t owar d th e de velopmen t of mor e e ff ec ti ve



h ea lt h e du cation a n d esse n tial h ea lt h servi ce p r ograms in sch communiti e ; t o d evelop know ledges and understand ings co 00 18 ~nt.l h ealt h a n d healt h e du cation in c ludin g t he ha rmfu l effects of stce~n1ng and n arcotics upon t he human body, whi ch will en ab le him toimu a!Jts effective instr uction . In clud es a st ud y of t he f un ction and Provide t he hu n:an body i1~ h ealth and di sea se ; acq1:1aints t he st ude~~re .0 f m stru ct10na l matenal s a nd eq uipm e nt a n d with available local ~Ith and nat ional r e o ur ces for hea lt h ed ucati on and ways and me' s ate maki n g ad eq ua te u se of t he m. Each em ester; three hours 1 !~s of Cred it 3 h ours. ure. . ~15. First. Aid- Ope.n to 1:i e n a n d women. Material presented rn t h1 co urse is t h at whi ch 1s m clud ed rn th e American Red Cro

Standard a nd Advanc ed F irst Aid Courses. First Aid cards to tho ss rncces f ull y .completin g t he course. First se m e ter; two hours attend: ance. Cr edit 2 h ou r . 301. Principles of Physical Education- ( See co urse description in Depart me n t of P hysical Edu ca ti on for Men. ) 302. Materials and Methods in Physical Education-(See co urse description in D epartm en t of P hys ical Ed ucation for Men .) 309. Organization and Administration of Health and Physical Education- (See co urse de cr i ption i n Departm e nt of Physical Educat io n for Men. ) 312. Kin esiology and Applied Anatomy-(See course description i n Phys ical Education for Men.) SC U:X Cl~

Mr. Mill er Mr. Sweetland

Mr. Bond Mr . Chri st

Th e se que nce of cou rse s for m a j o rs a n d min ors mu st be approved by t he h ead of th e departme nt. Th ose maj orin g in a particular ~eld of scie nce with t he in tenti on of t eachi ng should m inor in related S" Iences. Methods Elementary School Science Methods- Objectives, content, and m eth ods fo r te a ching scie nce in t he e lem en tar y grades. Credit 3 h o urs. 331.

332. High School Science Methods- Prere qu isite: tud~nt.must ~: taki ng a major or min or in on e of t he fi eld s of science. ObJect1ve,d~~ :3 t ent a nd m e thod s for teac hin g scien ce in t he hi gh school. Cre 1 · h o u1:s. · HIOJ.OGJ CAJ .


1· the A m ajor in Biology wi ll co n sist of twenty-fo ur hours of wor~ 0 ~logY d epartm e nt, in cluding Biolog y 101 a nd 102, Botan y 20 1 and 202, 203 a nd 204, a nd 6 ho urs of j u nior or se ni or electives.



A major in Botany will co nsist of Biology 101 and 102, Botan y zol an d 202 , and 12 hours of j uni or or se n ior e lectives in B otany. A major in Zoology wi ll consist of Bio logy 101 and 102, Zo ology z03, 2 04, 4 05 a nd 406, a nd 6 hours of junior a nd seni or ele ctives in zoology. A min or in Biol ogy will co nsist of B iology 101 and 102, a nd 9 additio na l ho u r s in t he department, th ese to be chose n after con s ui tation with t he m e mb er s of th e departmen t. A minor in B'otany wi ll cons ist of B iolog y 101 and 102, Botan y 2 01 an d 2 02, a nd 3 additional hours of Bo t any. A minor in Zoology w ill consist of Biology 101 and 102, Zoology 20 3 a n d 20 4, a nd 3 add itional ho urs of Zoolog y. Biology 304 may be co unted toward any of t he a bove Ii tee! majors or minor s. Biology 10 1. General Biology-Con sideration wi ll be g iven to t he structur e and n ature of protopla m; ell s and e ll mul t iplication; h er e dity; and to a sul'Vey of p lan t groups and their eco n om ic importan ce. Wor k will be given in identifi cation of th e com m on flower s, trees, we e ds and or na mental pla nts. Each se mester; t wo hours le cture, t hre e ho urs labora tory. Cr e di t 3 h ours. 102. General Biology-Co nti nuat ion of 101. A survey of t he ani mal kin g do m in cludi ng a co ns ideration of a nimal stru ct ure and fu nctio n , in ter-relation ships and econ omi c importan ce of animals. On e quarter w ill be g iven t o th e s t ud y of t h e comm on er types of hum a n di seases cau sed by ba ct eria and anima l parasites. Each se mest er; tw o hou rs lect ure, t h r ee ho urs lab oratory. Cr e dit 3 hours. 3 0 4 . Gene tics and Eugenics- A tud y of th e various th eories of e\7 0Jution a nd t h eir expon e n ts; t he prin ciples of h eredity and of g e netics. L ect ure , a signed r eadi ngs , an d class r ecitatio n. Second emester. Credit 3 ho urs. 4 10. History and Literature of Biology- A readi n g course in general biology a nd in t he student's sp ec ia l field of concentratio n. Work will be do n e under the g uida nce of t h e m ajor professor t hro ug h a seri es of week ly confere n ces. By arrangement onl y. Credit 2 or 4 hour s.

Botany General Morphology- Prerequisite: Biology 101. Structure, classi fic ation, a nd r eprod u ction of a lgae, f un gi, mosse s and fer ns. First semester, od d year ; two ho urs lecture, thr ee hou rs laboratory. Credit 3 hours. 2 01.


2 02 . General Morphology- Prereq ui s ite: 201. Struct u re , classication, and reproductio n of t he s eed prod uc in g plan ts. This co ur se fo llow 201. Two hours lecture, t hr ee hour laboratory. Credit 3 hours.



301. General Bacteriology- Prerequi site : One year of b" l . cie nce and a base course in chemi stry. A n in trod uction to the ~o ogical bacteria and oth er mi croorga nis ms and their activitie . First se~es of eve n year s ; two ho urs lect ur e, three hours laboratory. Cr edit 3 bester, ours. 302 . General Bacteriology- A co ntinuation of co urse 301 r e qu is ite: 3 01. A more detai le d stud y of bacteria a nd related' t Pre. with an in trod uction to pathology a n d bacterio logical techn iques S YPes, s em ester; two hours lectur e, three ho urs laborato ry. Credit 3 hecond ours. 309. Plant Physiology- Pr er eq ui site: 6 ho urs of Botany. A deta ' I st udy of plant fun ction s, p hotosyn th es is, tran spiration , respirat: ed absorption , me tabo li s m, irri tab ili ty, reprod uctio n, and adaptation. Fi~~t se mester; two h ours lecture, three h ours la boratory. Credit 3 hours. 317. Plant Ecology- Prere qui site: 6 h o urs of botany. A stud of plan ts in re lation to t he ir e nvironme n t. Seco nd se mester· two hour; lec t ure. t hr ee hou r s laboratory. Cr ed it 3 h ours. ' 401. Botany Seminar- A course to meet th e special needs of st ud ents majorin g in t he b io logica l scie nces. Open only to advanced st ud ents who are capable of do in g inde pendent and individual work. B y special perm ission onl y. H o urs and cred it to be arranged.

Zoology Invertebrate Zoology- A study of t he tructure and developm e nt of t he an im a ls belon g in g· to t he in vertebrate g roups, together with a co nsideration of their habits, di stribution, a nd re lationships. First sem est er; two h ou r s lec tur e, t h re e ho urs lab oratory. Cr edit 3 hours. 203.

204. Vertebrate Zoology- Co n t inuation of co urse 20 3. A detailed stud y of the ana t omy, develo pm e n t , and phyl ogeny of t he vertebrates. Second se m est er; two hours lect ur e, t hre e hours laborato ry. Credit 3 hours. 305 . Histology- Prereq uis ite: Zool ogy 204. A detai led study in the mi cro sco pi c an a tom y of mammalian organ s. Stud en ts will be given experi e n ce in t he preparation of ti ues for stud y. On e hour lecture, ix hours laborator y. Cr ed it 3 hours. 306. Embryology- P rerequisite: Zoology 204. A consideration of ve r tebrate embryol ogy, parti cula rl y a s exe mplifi ed by t he frog, chick and pig , and human e mbryos. Two hou r s lectur e, t hree hours laboratoy. Cr ed it 3 hours. 307. Advance d Human Phys iology- A st ud y of anatomy, physiology a nd h ygie ne of th e human b ody, with special refe renc~ to orga~ syste ms. Two hours lectur e, t hre e hours laboratory. Credit 3 hour. ·

4 19. Entomology- A stud y of th e morph ology a nd distrib1:1ti~n °~ insec ts and of their eco nomi c importa nce . Met hods of c olle~t10 n an .J identificatio n will be emphas iz e d thro ug h fie ld work. Credit 2 or h o urs. ·c im421. Parasitology- A study of the m orph ology a nd eco nom~ als portan ce of the parasites affect ing m a n and hi s d omesticated anim · Cr edit 2 or 4 h ours.




A Ph ysica l Scien ce maj or wi ll in clu de twel ve h our of Chemistry and eigh t hours of Phys ics, or tw elve hours of Ph ysics and eight hours of Chemistry and additional course in th e p hy ical scien ces to tota l 24 ho ur s. A P hy ica l Scien ce min or will in clude a total of ixteen h ours whi ch shall inclu de tw o of t he follow ing¡ three gr oups: Chemi stry 103 and 104; ph ysics 201 and 202; Ph ysical Sc ience 111 and 112. A Chemistry maj or will in clude 24 hours of Chemi stry. A Chemistry minor will in clude 15 hours of Ch emi stry . A Phys ics major will in clude 18 hours of Physics. A Physics minor will include 15 hours of Ph ys ics. Chemistry 101. General Chemistry-Non metals and th eir co mp ounds. First semester a nd summer school; t hree hour lecture, six hours laboratory. Credi t 5 h ours. 102. General Chemistry-Prerequisite : Che m istr y 101. Metallic elemen ts and t h eir compounds. Introduction t o qualitative analysis. Second semest er a nd summer term; three hours lecture, six hour laboratory. Credit 5 hours.

103. General Chemistry- Prer e q u isite : Two semest er s of hig h school chemistry. No n-n:ietals and t he ir compo und s. Two hours lectur e, th r ee ho ur s laboratory. Credit 3 hours. 104. General Chemistry-Prere quisite : Ch emistry 103. Metalli c elem ents a nd t heir com pounds. Introduction to qualitative analysis. Two ho urs lecture, thr ee hours laborator y. Credit 3 hours. 2 05. Principles of Analytical Chemistry-Prerequi ite: Chemistry 10 2. Laboratory work devoted to qualitative analysis. First semester; two ho urs lect ure, six h o urs laboratory. Cr edit 4 hours. 2 06. Principles of Analytical Chemistry- Pre r e qui site : Chemistry 205 con t inued. Laboratory work devoted to quantitative analysis. Secon d sem est er; two hours lectur e, six h ours laborator y. Credit 4 hours.

3 03. Elementary Organic Chemistry-Prer e qui sit e: Chemistry 102. Chemist r y of compo un ds of the aliphatic and aromati c series. First sem ester and summ er school; t wo hours lecture, t hree h ours laboratory. Credit 3 h ours. .

304. Organic Chemistry-Prere qui site : Chemi stry 3 03. Theory of

di tillation,. a mor e inten sive study of th e aromati c series, and an intro-

du ction t o a dvan ced topi cs in organic chemistry. Second semester; two ~ou rs lectur e, three hours laborat or y. Credi t 3 hours. Studen t s may, Y Per mi s ion of th e head of th e department only, tak e e xt ra laboratory Work in t he syn t hesis of organi c co mpounds for t wo ho urs extra credit.



401. Advanc e d Organic La.boratory- A st u d y of rea ctions of po und s of t heoretical and i ndustri a l im po r tan ce. B y p er m isson com. 0 Cr e d it 1 t o 4 hou rs. nly, 402. Qual itat_ive Organic Anal ys is:--I de n t ifi ca ti on of pure or . co mpo un ds an d mi xtur e . B y perm1 ss1on onl y. Cr edi t 2 to 4 hganic ours. 550. Organic Research- By p ermi s ion onl y. Credit 1 to 4 hours. Phys ics 201. Gene ral Phys ics- M ec hani cs, hea t a n d oun d. F irst se mest and s u mmer school; t hr ee h ours lecture, t hr ee hours la borato r y, Cred~~ 4 hours. 202. General Ph ysics- Prer equ isite: P hy ics 201. Magnetism electri city, a nd lig ht . Second se m ester a nd s ummer sc hool ; t hree hou~ lec t ur e, t hree ho urs laborator y. Cr ed it 4 hours. 302. Anal y tic a l Mechan ics- P rerequ isites: Ph ysics 202 a nd Mathe mati cs 3 0 9. E m p hasis on t he fu n dam enta l p h ys ica l prin ciples of the s ubj ect w ith the aid of for ma l develop m en t a nd p ro ble ms. Credit 3 h ou rs. 303. Electricity and Magnetism- P rereq u isite: Ph ys ics 202 and Math em a t ic 309 . Th eor y a n d p ractice of electri ca l m eas urements 路 e lectr ical stan da r ds ; e le me n t ary th eo r y of mag n eti m and e l ectro mag~ netis m; electromag netic in d uction. F ir st se mester; t hre e h ours lecture, three h ou rs lab or atory. Cr edi t 4 h ours. 304. Light- Pr ereq u isite: P hys ics 2 02. Geo m etri cal optics, physical opt ics , a nd spectr oscopy. Two ho urs lect ur e, t hr ee ho urs la boratory. Credi t 3 h our . 305. Heat- Prer eq ui sites: P h ys ics 201 a nd Mathenrn ti cs 309. Calorim etry, t herm om etr y a n d ele me n tary t h erm o dynam ics. Two hours lec t ur e, three h o ur laboratory . Credi t 3 h o ~rs . 311. Aeronautics, Ground School- Pr erequi site : No ne. A course des ig n ed to g ive t he st uden t t he g r o und sc hool in str uct ion r equired for th e pri vate pil ot's cer t ificate a n d to prepar e him to tea ch a ervnautics in h igh sch oo l. Th e topics cover ed a re: c ivi l air regulation s, meteorology, n av igation , rad io, and ge n eral service of a ir c raft . Each semester ; three h ou r s lecture. Credi t 3 h ours. 31 la. A e ronautics, Flight Instruction- Prer e qui sites : P hysics 311 or eq u ival en t (m ay be tak en s imultan eo usly wi t h Phy ics 3 1la upon appro va l of t he in stru ctor) , ap propria t e m edi cal ce rt ifi cate, app1:oval of stu den t' a dvi ser, accepta n ce b y t he A ub urn A ir Ser vice, a nd ~r1tten co nse n t of th e st ud en t's par en ts, g uard ian , or wif e. A co urse m. e e路 n~ e n tar y fli_gh t tra ining des ig n ed to . q ua lif y t h e studen t for a pr1va~~ p ~ l ot' s_ cert1fi c_ate. Th e co_u ~路~e prov id es fro m 18_ t o 22 . h ours of. ~oet! fl ight m stru cti on. Th e fac ili ties of th e A uburn All' Ser v ice a r e ut~!: 1 for t his co urse. E a c h sem est e r; fl ying t im e as a rran g ed. Cre r h o ur if co mp leted w it hin on e sem es t er. F ees, $ 11. 5 0 per clock .0 ~ of d ua l fl igh t in str uction, $8 . 5 0 per clock h o ur of solo fli g ht inst rfctio E xcep t fo r veter a ns elec t in g t h e co ur se und er t h e provi_ sion s 0 obaOO VIII, P ubli c La w 346, 78th Co ngress, a n d ini t ial deposit of $4 路 is req u ired .







S. L. Cle ments, Su peri n tende n t T he training sc hool is housed in t he large T . J. Majors bu ild ing ded icated in 191 5. Thi s bu ilding was p lann ed and co n st ru cted es1:ieciall Y to me et. the req1;1irements of .a modern tra.ining .school a nd to pro vid e practice teac hmg opportuni ty. It co n tams thirty-two classro oms, e ig htee n offices and co nfere nce room s, two asse mbl y roo ms, hom e econo m ics roo m s, in d u trial arts ro o ms, fo u r la boratories, music room, a g ym nasium and shower r oo ms for both boys and g irls. ' T he organization co n sists of primary, e le mentary, junior hi g h schoo l a nd se nior hi g h school depart me n ts. T he enrollment averages abou t two hundred a nd s eventy-five children each ye ar. The college tea cher s p lacement b ureau is located in t his bui lding. Supervisors of Teacher Training High School S. L. Cle men t s __ -·-·---···· ··-Principal of Sen ior High School Ha rriett Scott __ .. __ -··--·_····- -··- ____ _______ ·-·-___ -·--·· -·· ___ __ _... ·-- · --- --- English C. A. H uck ____ ___________ __ ______ ___ ___ ____ ____ __________________ ____ _____ Mathematics Ruth V. Mathews ...... ---·- --- -· ···- -·· .. ---- -. __ _______ _______ ___ __ Scien ce W ilhelmina Larson ___ ___ ____ ______________ __ ___________ ___ ________ Soc ial. Science Elementary E lizab t h McCollum _____ ___ ______________ ________________ ·____ ______ Kindergarten Blanc he Gard ___ _______ ______ __ _____ __ __ ____ _________ __ __________ Grades 1 and 2 A lice Ulbr ick. ______ _____ _______________ _____________ __ ___________ _Grades 3 and 4 Isabel Mason __ __ __ _··----- ---- -- --·-- ---- ---· ---- --·--- --- ------- -Grades 5 a nd 6 R uth S. Brown __ ____ ____ _____ __ __ ______ _____ ____ ________________ __ Grades 7 a n d 8 Special Department Palmer _____ --- --- ---- -------- ------ --------- -- ---- _______ __ _____ ___ _Co mmerce hirley Me hrens·-- ---- ---- ----·-- -------- --- ---- --- ----- ------ ----- ---- ----------Health E dna W eare ____ __________ ___ __ ___________ ____ ______ ___ _____ __ ___ _Home Economics Harvey Ritter _______ ___ _____ ______ ______ __ ______ __ ____ ____ __ __ ____ _Industrial Arts F r a nces Fields __ ___ ___________________ ___ ____ _____ _____ _Music (Public School ) V. H. Jindra ____ __ ____ __________ ____ ___ __ ___ ____ _____ _____ Music (Instru me ntal) J . Quinn Lotspei ch ____ __ __ ___ ______ ___ ___ ____ ____ _____ __ __ ____ ___ _Music (Vocal) 1 ona

Practice Teaching Pra ctice teaching is a r equire ment both of t he State ormal Board an ~ t h e A m erica n Association of T eac her s Co lleges. Conseq uentl y, it i mp ossible to ac cept s ubstitutions for the req uir ed practice teachin g. ea.c~i ng assignments are sec ured through t he Superinten de n t of the T ram mg School.


210. Teaching-Prereq uisites are: (1) Introduction to Ed ucation , (2 ) E ducation a l P sycho logy, (3) Observation and Meth ods, (4) Classro om managem ent. Four se m ester hours are req uir ed for completion of t he t wo-year co urse . Each quarte r. Five ho urs attendance. Credit 2 hour .



411. Teaching-Four h ours cr e dit req uired of all senior h' school teachers for t h e A. B. degree. Prereq ui sites same as for Teach!gh 210 wi t h the ad di t ion of at least a min or in subj ects taught. Two ho Ing ?f ~hi s mu st be earned in the senior year; two may be earned in Urs Ju mor year. Each quarter. Five h ours attendan ce. Credit 2 houthe rs. 41 la. Teaching- T wo h ours req uired (in a ddition to four ho of teachin g 210) of all Juni or Hi gh a nd E lementary teachers wbrs qu a lify for the Degree. Must be taken in the se ni or year. Each qua 0 ter. Five h our attendance. Credi t 2 h our s. r411 b. Teaching- Elective for senior high teachers who want to do two h ours addition al te a chin g. The number who ma y elect this co urse is limited; superior work is expect ed. Th e number who may elect .thi s co urse will depend upon t h e number registered for the other teach in g co urses.

Regard less of th e a mount of sup erior teachin g on e has observed or how mu ch h e has re ad or been told about what con stitutes correct te a ching, t h ere is n o a ssuran ce h e will b e a good te a ch er until he act u a ll y take s ch arge of a class, assum es full respon sibility of the activities, and demonstrates ability to attain desirabl e outcomes. The Training Sch ool provid es opportunity for t hi s e xper ien ce t hrough its co urses in practi ce teachin g. Opportunity is provided in all departm ents from kind ergarten t hroug h t h e hi gh sch ool to get this fundam e nta l trainin g und er expert sup ervision . In t hese co urses the college stud ent has opportunity to test his theories of teaching, learn new ones, and b uil ding a w orkable phil osoph y of t eachin g for himself. Each stud en t teacher is put in ch arge of a class and teaches a minimum of forty-five clock h ours (fi ve h ours a week for a quarter of nine weeks) to earn two h ours cred it. At lea st two hou rs of pla nnin g , conferences, and other preparation is ex pected for ea ch day's teaching. Students are advised to carry a ligh t college load d ur ing the. quarters they are teaching. Perhaps n o other course req ui res so mu ch careful preparation or provi des so gr eat an opportunity to prove one's a bility to teach. G,e neral Regulations for Practice Teachers 1. A general sch olasti c average of "C" (a n um ber of honor poir1ts equal to t he number of h ours cred it) must be earned in all collegiate work to qualify for practic e teac hin g. Junior a nd senior hi gh teachers should also have secured a n avera ge mark of " B" in t he special subjects t h ey plan to teach . Each candidate must have the ability to speak and wri te the Engli sh lan g uage correctly and effectively.

2. A student making a mark below "C" in te aching may not repeat t h e co urse the followi n g quarter. It is recomm end e d t hat all who plan to co mpl ete t he fo ur-y ear course, with out gettin g t he two -year Normal Diploma, defer their teac hing to the j uni or and senior year. 3. Before receiving a passi ng mark in tea chi ng, the student should demonstrate to his su pervisor: a.

That he has a work in g knowledge of the princ iples of P~fh chology, t h e Jaws of learning. and will con cern hiJ?lse.lf.dWlal t h e desirable hab its, a tti t ud es and idea ls of md1v1 u pupils.



That h e knows t he s ubj ect matter he proposes to present.

c. That he can set up worth-while object i ves, independ e n tly pla n his teac hin g proced ure and e ff ective ly direct classroom a ctivitie . d. That h is moral co nduct and personal h abits m ea s ure up to t he hig h standard ex pect ed of public sc ho ol tea ch ers. e. That he¡ will do more than t he mini mum amount of work req uired a n d demon strate ability in co ndu ctin g extra classroo m activities. f.

That he is i n te ll ectua ll y and phys icall y ab le to do t he work of a public sch oo l teac her.


That h e will co-operate with hi s s u pe rvisors, demon strate professional interest i n teac hing , and be able to ind icate wherein his practice teachin g has a ccomplished desirable objectives in the li ves of t he children h e has t a ug ht .

4. A maximum of two h ours of credit in Prac tice Te a chin g (below nin th grade onl y) may be earne d in on e umm er term by teaching two consec utive h ours eac h day t hat the trai ning school is in session. Stu dents who expect to ear n teachi ng cr e dit during a s umm er term should make application in writing to t h e Superintend ent of the Training Schoo l evera l wee ks before regi stration , a s t he numb er who can be accom modated in an y one s umm er is li mite d.



T he exte n sion s ervice is pla nn e d to direct t he studies of ad ul t s who are unable to attend clas es in th e co ll ege. The a im of th e d e partmen t is to provide to t he gr eatest d egree possible, for the studen t unabl e to a tte nd college, th e privileges of a cademi c and tea cher tra ining. Studen ts un able to begin res iden ce work, t hose whose college e du cation h a s been interrupted, and th ose wi shing to r e ne w certificates will find correspond e nce work a satisfa ctory substitute fo r co llege atte ndan ce. Not m ore than on e-fo urth of any c urri c ulum leading to a d egTec or diplo ma s hall be taken in Stud y Ce nter classes or by correspo nd en ce, an d no t to exceed on e-ha lf of t his amo un t s ha ll be taken by co rrepondence. (Maxi mum extension cr ed it a llowed: two -year dip loma16 hours of which no more t han 8 ma y be by co rr espo nd e n ce ; degree32 ho urs of w hi ch no more t ha n 16 may be by corres pond en ce. ) C ORRESPOXOEK CE C O - RSES D e pt.

E ducation E d ucation E duca t ion E d ucation E ducation


101 15 3 250 251 301

Course Title

Sem . Hrs . C1-.

Educational P sycho logy......... .......... ... .. .... R ura l School Man age m en t.. .................... Rural Ed ucation .................................. ...... Co mmunity Lead er ship and P .T .A .... .. ... Ed u cation a l P syc hology............ ............... .

( Stud e n t w ho h av e cred it fo r Educat io na l Psycholog y 101 n ot a llowed c re di t for Edu cat ional P s yc ho logy 301. )

3 3 3 3 3


EXTEN SION DIVISIO N Ed u cation E du cati on *Engli sh *Engli s h Geography Geography Ind. Arts Ind. Arts Ind. Art· Phys. Educ. Phys. Educ.

423 427 103 335 2 06 215 208 209 211 30 1 3 06

Adolescent P sych ology ......... ......... ...... . Hi st ory of Edu cation .................... ....... ::··· Childre n 's Literature ............. ....... ... .. .... ::: Ad van ced Child ren's Literat ur e ......... ...... . Geograph y of Nebraska ... ......... .......... .... . Eco n omic Geograp hy .................... ....... .. .. : Mec ha ni cal Dra win g ............................ ..... . Mechanical Drawing ..... .... ...... ... ............... . D escriptive Geom etry ............. ... ..... .... ...... . P r in ciples of Phys ical Edu cation ....... .... . Me t hod s of Ph ysical Education ... ....... ... .. .

2 3

2 2 2 3 2

2 2

3 3

*For e lem e n ta r y tea c h e r s . Cre di t ca nn o t be co un t.e el towa1·d a d eg r e e if s tudent 11 preparin g f o l' s eco ncl a 1·y work.


1. Admission-Corr e ponden ce st udy is ope n to t hose who meet t h e coll ege entran ce re quir em e nts. E ntran ce cr edi ts must be filed with the r egistrar before wo rk i beg un.

2. Registration- (a) Anyon e m ay reg ister for subje cts numbered below 200. Those ha ving so m e coll ege work ma y register for courses below 3 00. Only coll ege juniors a n d se ni ors should regi ster for 300 or 400 co urse . (b) Re g ister for onl y on e co urse at a t ime. All fees must be paid befor e books a n d Jes ons will be sen t . On completion of one course, all books and materials must be returned before books and materials for a second course will be sent, or before a grade will be reported to the registrar's office. 3. Time- U nl e s oth erwi se s tate d, eac h co ur se must be completed within on e year fro m th e date of reg istrat ion. A student who does not compl e te hi s work in on e yea r is dropp e d, a nd he mu st re -register in or der t o co n t in ue t h e co urse. 4. Credit- Eight written lesson s are re quired for one semester h ou r of credit. A final exa min a tion will be g iv en at th e close of the course . :F"EES

Cour ·e fee· (per se mester hour of cr edit ) ........... ............ ......... ... .... ... $4.00 Book fee- d eposit a nd re n ta l (pe r cal endar year) ............. ......... .. 7.00 Matri c ul ation (paid onl y by n ew stud e nts ) ... ................ .... .... .. ... .. .... 5.00 (a) No fees ar e refund e d fo r any cause a ft er enrollment has bT~~ accepted and dire cti on s for w ork hav e been sent to the stude!'lt. (b) d nt book fee is good fo r one year from t he date it is paid, and 1~ a stu eaY takes more t han on e course during t he year, he is not req uired t~ ~ks a n additional boo k fee. (c ) W hen th e work is co mpl eted and the ~ge return e d, a re fund of $2. 00 of the book fee is made, less the pos cost s of e nding books a nd lesson s.




>J 0 corr esponden ce stud y can be tak en by a stud e nt in r esid en t atte nd a nce .

Date ... .. ..... ..... .... . ..... .. .... .... ... .. ............ .............. . Name (i n fu ll ) ... ................. .... ................... ........ ....... .... ... .. ................. .... .... . Ad dress... .. ...... .... ...... .......... ... .......... .. ...... .. .. ... . Occupation .... .... .. ... ............ . Grad uate 0£.. ... .. ..... ........................ ........ ... ............ ..... .... ..... ...... High School Total Coll ege Semester hours earn ed ....... .. ..... ..... ........... .. . . Ha ve yo u previously enroll ed at P e ru for either resident or ex t e ns ion work ? .... ................... .... .... . Da te of first registration (month and year) ... ....... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .............. . . Other coll eges attended ..... ...... .. : .. ..... .. .. .. .. .................. ........ ....... .. .. ..... , .. ..... . Course r e qu ested ....... .. ...... ... ... ... ...... .. Course Number ... .. ..... .. Hrs. Cr .... .. . Enclosed find mone y order (ch eck) to cover fee s given below: $5. 00 Matriculation ...... ....... . $4. 00 per credit hour ..... ·-··-· ··· ····· · $7.00 book rental deposit ... .. .. ... ..... . Matric ulation ...... .... $ --· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·····-·· · Co urse Fee ....... .... ... $.......... ........ .. Bo ok

Deposit ....... ... $.. ... ...... ........ . Total. .. .............. $ ... ..... ... ..... ... .

I mak e thi s appli cation wi t h th e understanding that all th e work in t his course be d one in absentia, a nd t hat it is to be co moleted a nd ha nde d in, ready for approval or rejection by the instructor before I aga in enter as a res id ent stude nt at Peru State T each ers College or an y ot h er College or U ni versity. I have done none of this work during reside nt attendance.

Sign ed ........ ..... ... ... .. .. .. ....... .. .... ... ....... ........ .. .. .... ......... . . (App li ca n t)

Ap proved...... ........ ........ .. .... ............ ..

Approve d ..... .... ... .. ............... .......... . .

(Extension Director)

( H ead of D epartm e nt)

Signe d ..... ..... ........ ... .. .... ..... .. ....... .... .. .......... . (T n structoi:)

Address a ll correspondence direct to Extens ion Division , P eru State Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska Note- All wr itte n lesso n s mu s t be sent fir st c la s s as a requireme n t of Pos ta l Authoriti es~



LIST OF STUDENTS REGISTERED-SUMM~R 1947 A cord , Mar y Lou ise. Ri ve rton , ] owa A lbers . F. Keith . T ec umseh A lbers, Freda Maurine, Tecumseh A lbe r s. Zola. T ecumseh A ld ers . Clarence Dean , Ok e to, Kans. A nderso n , Cody Ruth , Tecum seh Andl' eesen , F ri eda Ire n e, F ille y Annan . Murvel Euge ne. Coi n , Iowa Arg abri g ht , La ura Maude, Dawso n A rn old, Lma A d ine . Fall s City A ssenmacher. J a ne T .. Ra y m ond Aufe nk amp , Bo n n ie Lee. Nem a ha Au ke r, Erm a Mae, A ubur n Avery , Berni ce , P aw nee City B a ke r. Do nn a Lee. \\1eepi ng Water Bake r. Rub y. Ne maha Ealfo ur, Shirl ey Ann , Nebras ka C ity Ballard. Roze ll e n, B eatrice Barkh urst , S hirley E .. Weepi ng VVa ter Bea l, Edwin. N ebras ka City Beatty. Lois. Beatr ice B ecker, A nn a. Peru Ilecke1·, Ma ry, U nion Bed lan. Angeli ne. Fl'i e nd B eeth e, E la ine . E lk Creek B eet h e. N etti e. E lk Creek Behre ns. H elen. Adam s Bentz in g-er. Barbara. Cook Be rge r. f;a rba ra . N ebl'aska City Be rge r . Bi ll ie. Ne bras ka C ity Be rge 1". Lois. N ebras ka City Be r ge r . R obe1·t. N e brns ka C ity Be utle r. Thelm a. V e rdon Bieden w eg, Ge rtrude. Fall s City B i 1mes. D oroth y. Stella Bi ppes, Vi1·g ini a . Rese rve . Ka nsas B il'ds ley. Katherine. A ubu rn Birkma n n. Ma 1·de ll. Brock Black . Mary , L ibe r ty Blankenshi p, A lv in, Peru Bliefe 1·ni ch . Eer nard, Bur r B loche r, Geo rge , P e ru Blume!. J·ose1,h. Nebraska City Bodtk e. Luella. G ilead Bourlie r , Betty. Hum bold t Boyd. L o is. V e rdo n Bra ndorff. Venl. T a lmage Brandt, F a ye, Otoe Brandt . Ma ry. T abo r, Iowa Bre hm . Mild red. T a lm age Bri gq-s. Robert. Pent B1·ig ht. Darle ne. A uburn Rrophy . Art hur. L in coln Bl'own, Georg- in a. Fall s Cit.y P. ro w n, Lela. Nehraska City

Ca m1lbell , Murton , Oberlin , Oh ' Carte r , Cha rles. McGi ll , Nevad~o Casey, Lee , Joh nso n Cha se, Aa ro n, Syracuse

Chase. Gertt·ude. Syracuse Chri st. Lilli a n, P e ru Chl'i ste nsen . Cla l'ice, H a rla n Io wa Clark, Euni ce. A uburn ' Olayburn , Gerald, P e ru Clay burn, Rut h. Pe ru Cle m e nts . Arthu r, Pe ru Cleve nger. Ralph, Per u Clutte r , H ele n, Crab Orchard Coatney , Re x , Pe ru Co burn, Cli fford. Liberty Coburn, Eula li a . Libe rty Cody. Ruth . Coun cil Bluffs, Iowa Cogdi ll . Betty, U ni on Cope. Ge ra ld. N eb ras ka City Co pley, L. J oann, Adams Cord es . D o ri s . Pap illi o n Cowell. Frances. Peru Cox . Donald. Pe rn Crook. Marian , N ebraska City Crook. R uth An n , Nebraska City Dallam , Ida., Ta lmage Dalto n . P a ul. N elig h Da 1Tow. Lloyd. David City Davi s, Vi rg ini a. N ebra ska City

DeJa rnette . Bo bbe . N ebrns ka City De min g. Robert. N ebraska C ity Doeschot . Melv in . Ada m s Doug he rty. Fra nces Am be r, Brock Doughe rty. F e rn. E r ock Doughe rty. Marybelle . Brock Dovel. Ph vll is. Pawn ee City Drake, W il ma. Humbo ldt Duerfeldt, E ll e n . N ema ha Dun ca n . Lida , Brow nv ille Ead s. Cleo na . Lomita, Cali fornia Ebert. Ma ud e. Otoe Ede n . Ru th . N e braska City E ffk e n. Jo h n. Cook E ge. ' Vil be r. Falls City E hle rs . Ma urin e , Barneston E hme n. V e rna . S ummerfield. Kansas E ltiste. M ildred. A uburn E lw e ll, Cha rles. Be atri ce E lwe ll. R uth . Beatr ice

Brow n , M ~ 1· vi n . Pe 1·11

E lwe ll , \ .Ya lter. Beat ri ce Epperson, A li ce . A u burn Eva ns. Ra l ph . Stella Fahrla nde l'. E linol'. Nebras ka City Fan g-me ie l' . F lo rine . Gilead Fei 1<h ner. Zeta. S tella F ic ke . N oeli ne . Lincoln

Brown. S ha ron. Fall s City Hrun s. Donald. Ste l"lin g Bu1<bee. Bo nni e. Steele C itv Buhrm an n, V inrinia . Mar tell B ul' ke, I rene, Les ha ra n uroughs . Ard is. Gr is wold. Iowa Byers . Ort.hello. P er u Calki ns . Mi ld red. Be nkelrnnn r.~t1ki n s. R r-l--te rt. B e nk elma n Ca m e ro n. J oa n . Bur r

Fi n kle , F ra nces. Nebrafika City F itch horn, .J oann, P lattsmouth F oss. V e rta. Tecu mseh Frer ichs, Betty. Lexington Fre richs. Calv in, Lex in gton Fr ied ly. Mario n . Verdon F'i'ost. Al be r ta, Rulo Ful ton. Ma ude. Auburn Garbc 1-. J erald . P e l'll

F iege ner , Marie, :::;hubert

PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLE GE GHlZ . Evelyn, Falls City c;awart.. Oarl. N eb ra s ka City Ga,nu· t.. Mable, N e bras ka City Geig-e1·. R o be r t , Sa betha , Ka n sas Geldme ier. Lucille, Otoe Genoa, Mary Lou, Humboldt Genrich. Darlene , E;eatrice Genzli n ge r. D a rrel. Pl y moulh Ge r me r, Gerane. Plymouth Gillard. Benjamin, Bro wnvill e Gill is 1>ie . James. Falls City Gil mo r e, M a r g ueri te, Co l'tla ncl

Goad . Paulin e, Otoe Good ma n , L Ol'e ne, Ste in a ur Graha m. Anna, Br oken Bo w Graha m , Lou is. Broken Bow Graha m. Vi cto1· , Shube rt Gree n wood . A nn a. Thw·man. Iowa . Griffin . George, N e braska C ity Grund man, Donald, Syracu se H aack . A lv in . J oh nson H ahn . Verna, Joh nson H a ll. My r to n . Fairbury H allst ro m. Tho m as. Avoca H ann a h , Rub y. Lin coln H arke ndo rff. Ruth . V e1·don H arr is. E uni ce, N e maha H arro un. Gle n, Nebras ka City H artma n. Inez, Burr H ellbusch. Pauli n e. Gi lead H ell e 1·. Adella, R eyno lds H el mick . Lo is, Stella H elmrich s, Mari e, Wymore H enn in g . Cha rl es. P e l'u H el' m sm eie r, Ke nneth . Peru H errick. Lulu . N ebras ka C ity H errick. P h ylli s. N ebras ka City H ess. Edward. P e ru H iggin s. Joan. Beatri ce H ill. Ce 1trude. Ri chl a nd , Iowa H ill. Minn ie, Pl ym o u t h H inr ichs. Wilmetta. Shubert H obbie. Dolo r es. Nebra s ka City H offh ine. F ra n ces. Pl y mouth H o,,an. V e rn . Fulls C ity H ohensee , Lula. Daykin H olma n, V ester, P e ru H olsche r, Marvin, Burr H oracek . E rnest, Wilbe l' H.osie r, Janice, F a rr a g ut, I owa H osier . Max. F a irbury H owell . Clyd e, Brock H rnn ik, Dori s . Wilbe l' . H ughes. Loui s. Ashl a nd H ump h1·ey . Mildred. Auburn H unt. A rd ys. D oug las H unte r. Nor m a, ~fhurman . Iowa H unstm a n . Euarda, E ll iott, Io wa H unzeke r. Hube rt, P e ru l de. Grace. T ecumseh I verse n. Mal'ion . Nebras ka City J ansse n . Wi ll iam. Syracuse J arv is. Dee Vince nt. Nemaha J efTery. Nao mi , C rab Orcha rd J anse n, Betty, H a rlan , Iowa Jensen . E ls ie . F ill e y Jo rge r. Shirley, P lattsmouth J ohnso n, J. B. , Peru Join e1', Olive1·, N ebraska C ity J ones. Go ld ie . N e bras ka City J,.ones. J oy, P e ru l~ am m e re r , Alice . Fall s City h ean. H ele n . Dawso n

K ell e, I le ne , Ste rlin g ~e nn e r . Wm., Nebra sk a City h.e rmoad e, Arthur. Auburn Ki e nk e r. Marjo ri e. John so n Kin gsolve r, Carri e P e ru Klasek . Alice . We~ tern Klasek, Geo r g ia , Weste rn K le in , E velyn , H a mburg, I o wa Kov a nda . D o rothy , Ord Krofta . Emi ly, Humboldt Ku ennin g, Arv illa, Unadilla Kuenn in g, Bonni e. Douglas ~uh l m a nn, ~l aramae , Chester Kuh lm a nn , June, Chester Kuk e r. Grace, Harada Ku zel, Mar t ha , D o rch ester 1..Mrn g, G 1·ace , Auburn La R.ue, Bonnie, Wee p in g \ Ya ter L1v1 g-n e 1 Dona ld, Peru L e Cu re , Vi v ian, Nebras ka City Lew is, Marga ret, S hube rt L e wi s, Dona l-dee n, P eru Lin coln, Sa ra h , Pacific Jun ctio n !o wa Linde r. W ay ne, N ehaw ka · Lindsey . Arti e, N e braska C ity Linn . H a rry , P e ru L o ng, V i rg ini a, Eeatri ce L owe , Earl. Tabl e Rock Lu tz, Da rl ene, Pa p ill io n Lutz . Euge ne, . U ni on L ytle, Truman. T ecu:mseh McGla 1·n e n, Ma1·y. Bul'cha rd McCo mas, Phyll is, Bro wn v ille . McG raw. H a yes , Broke n Bow Mc Kim. Do na ld. Humbold t McMill a n. Do na ld. Crete Mc Mu lle n , V elm a. Stella McQu in. J ohn. Union McRey nolcl s. Be rtha. D o r cheste1· , 1\1a~l i so n . Ma rj orie. Thurma n , I owa MaJ0 1·s. I re ne, P e ru Maloy, Audrey, Unad illa Manley, Betty. Odell Manley, Eth el, Odell Martin. Hele n Ile ne . Im oge ne, I o wa Martin ea u, Ju lia , Sa lem Ma1·ts, Betty. Humboldt Mathe r. James. Linco ln Me ister. Do rothy. Humbold t Meis t e r. Jean. Humboldt Me ister, Melvin , Humboldt Me ri tt, Esthe r. P eru Mer itt, R osell a . P e ru Me t zge r, Gert rud e. P a wnee City Meyer. Lo l'ettR, Clarin rh\ , lowa Meyerk o rth , Maurine . Stell a M ichl, Georg-ia, Friend Mille r , Dorothy, S tell a Miller. Dorothy, E lmwood Mille r, Evelyn. Cook M ill er, Gail. Rulo Mille r . Mabe ll e. Table Ro ck Mille r Sa ll y, Rul o Mi ll et, Paul ine. N ebras ka C ity Moh r, Evelyn. H a mle t Moo 1·e. Rob e rt. Omah a Muell e r . Oleta, Humboldt Mulcle l' , Hel e n . P a nama Muld e r . Iva. Panama N edd e nri ep , Georgia, ;1qhn so n Ne hmn, J ack . Adams Ni chols, Betty, D a wson




Nielsen . H ele n . Bostw ick N iem eye 1·, Delp ha , Stella N iemeye r, Mar ie, Falls City Ni em ira . D o ri s . Neb ras ka City N oerrli nge r, Helen. Avoca N o rdbrock. Cla ude. Aub u rn Oak man. Robe rt, Peru Offel. Edus . Cra b Orchard Omer. A li ce. T abo r. I owa Ottersber g . -Wi ll iam, J ohn son

PaaJ) . Lois. Otoe Paa p, R obe 1-t. Otoe Panko, Mari ly n . Cook Park s . \V a lte 1· Wayn e, D o rcheste r P a rsons, Clifford, P eru Parson s . \ Vi lda, Peru P atte rso n, Laura. Jo 1·dan . Mon ta na Pederso n. Mal'garet. W eep i ng \V ater

P e nn . Mi ldred, S id ney. Iowa Peterson , Iola. Bennet Pf isteL Grace. Ste ina uer P lace . Joa n . N ebraska City Po lsto n, D ela. P eru P owe r s, A llen. Oberlin, Ohio Pr yo r. N it.a. P e ru R a m sey, Etta, Fall s City Rathe, Dale , Ste rlin g Ra y, Lance. Nebraska C it y Ray, Marjo ri e. Tecumseh R ea, Margaret. P latts mou th R ear s. Mary Lou. Stella R ea r s, Ruby, Stella R edenba ug h , Ali ce. Tabo r. Io w a R edfer n. \.V ill ard , P e ru R eed , Dona ld, Peru Reeves, H e len . Peru Reutter. E ldo n . Sterli n g R ichardson. Pati·ic ia, Crab Orcha l'd Rickman. Wi lla . Cra b Orchard R ink. D or~thy, N e braska City R o be rts. Ire ne, Oma ha R obe rts . Ke ith , T ec um seh Robin son, El' nest , P e ru Roby. l va, Auburn R ogers . Cha l'l es . P eru R u nyan , N elle, Fa lls City Russell. Emma. Auburn Russell. N eva, Auburn Sack . Fran ces. P la tt smouth Sand in . Osca r .T a.mes. P lattsmo ut h Sawyer. Bal'ba1:a. Gle nwood. Iowa Schemmel. Lucile, N ebraska City Sch emmel. Robert. Nebras ka City Schetzel' , Blanch e. Rive rto n. I owa Schl iefert, May nard, Man ley Sch m idt, Mary , Cook Schu tte, Betty. V e rdo n S hafer, Loi s, Sh ubert S h ive ly, Dorothy, Brow·n v il le S h rader. Do na ld. N ema ha S h rade l' , J ea n, P eru Sigerso n, W .ilson, N e braska City Simpk i ns, Betty. D eW itt Slack , Mary , N ebraska C ity S lagle , Ali ce . E ldorad o Spr in gs . Mo. Smay. Ina , Cook Smejdir. Mary, Friend Smith . Ali ce, P e ru Sm it h. Don . Pasadena, California Sm it h , Osca r-, P e l'u

S m ith . Robe 1-t. Talmage Spau ld in g, Mary, Dawson Spr in_g-, Carl. Peru Sta nder. P atri c ia , Wee pi ng \:Yater Sta nd ley, M a r guerite . P e l'u Steck leberg . ·Wi lliam, N ebraska Cit teele. Jam es, N ebra ka City Y Step he nso rl. Betty. N ebras ka City Stewart, Gladys , V erdon Ste wal't, May, Auburn Stokebrn nd. Da rl e ne, D eW itt traube. Ed ith. S te rl i ng St rayer. Lou ise. Otoe Sutter. Lilli e. Pap illi o n Swan so n, Luc ille , Cook Taylor, Lela, R ed Oak, Iowa Taylor. Min n ie, Nebras ka City T eega i·de m, Viola. Brock T eel. Lyle, Nebraska Cit.v T emp leme y e r, Do nald , Lou isv ille Thi ltges . Ile ne , R ulo T hor nh ill. Marie . Pe!' u T horson , B e rtha, Eme rson . Iowa T hu l'man , Robel't, A uburn T ibbetts, Lucille. Beatr ice Ti ehe n, Ma 1·y, Falls City T iller, Doroth y, Paw nee Ci ty Traub. An ita, Nebras ka Ci ty Traudt. Zella , P la ttsmouth Tro ut , Lila. !Bu r cha rd Truman . Ed ith , Bri sto w U s her, Betty, Humboldt Vannoy, E s ther. A ubul' n V ice, An g ie , S hubert \Vagner. Donald , Joh nson Wate rm e ier , Da le . Bu rr Watk i ns, rC l'ace, Verdon Weal'e, Geo l'g ia Lee. Peru \Veaver. D o rothy , Tobias \ Vebber, Rober~ . Peru W ebe r, Ma ri an , Sa lem \Vebe r , Rose, Salem W e ber, R uth, T ecumseh \Ve ich el. E la ine . P lym o uth "\Ve llens ick. Ma rgaret. Sy l'acuse Wellsa nd t , W il ma, Talmage W e nd ell , D o nna, T ecum seh \Vern sman, Loretta, Prague W es t. Lee. W il be r West. W ay ne, Sidney, Iowa ·w eye r s. Ile ne, Crab Orch a r d W h i1>ple, Betty. Nebraska Cit y W h is ler , Joh n. P e ru W h itte n . Sam, N eb raska C ity Wic k. E st he r, Beatr ice W il bel'ger. D oro thy, J ulian W iles. Agnes. W ee p i ng W ater W ilkin son , Sadie, H umboldt W ill iam s. Adela , Peru W ill iamson, An son. Co in , Iowa \V illi amson , lBertha , Coi n. Iowa W itriamso n, Be rnard . Imogene, Iowa W il son . Em.i ly , Nelson Witty. W ill iam. Peru W rig h t. T helma, Gle n wood, Iowa Ya nder s. Armon , Peru Y oung, F lorence. Peru Yo ung. Merna. Cedar Rap ids . Z imme r m an, Lawrence. B ig Spring Zoubek, Evelyn, T obias


September 1 to May 1 Abernath y, Wi ll iam E .. Nebraska City J\ da ms. Don a ld D. , Brock Ada ms, Ward G. , Peru ;\ dkins . B ryce E. , Ma lve rn, I owa

Albers. Cleo, Aubu rn Alexander, Peggy , Gle nwood. Io wa Anderson. Cody. 'Tecum se h Anderso n Don L.. Tecwnse h Ann an. Mu 1·ve l. Euge ne, Peru Applega t e . Bobby E .. P e ru .Argabrig ht. Lau ra M., Dawso n Aufenka m p, Bon nie L., N ema ha Aufenka m p, LaVanda B .. Julian Bache n be r g , E lme r, Bu rch a rd l)alderson, D on L. , Seward Ballard , Rozelle n . Beall-i ce Ba rrett. Geo r g e H .. Ingles ide, Ill inois Bar ta. I la D .. N ebrns ka City Ba r to n , Lloyd E .. Nebras ka City Bauer, Merle. S h ube rt Bayer. P eggy L. , Li ncol n Bea l. Ed wi n E .. N ebraska City Bebbet', J a cque line K. , N o rth P latte Becker . An na M. , Peru Bell , H erbe r t G .. Malvern, Iowa Bell , S te ve H .. Hood R iver, Oregon Besan, Rola nd R. , Ord Be rge1·, Ba rbara L. , N ebraska City Berge r , Robert L., Nebras ka City Beu tler, Jerry E.. Salem Blie fe rn ich. B e rn a rd E .. Bun· Blocker, Georg e 0 .. P eru Boese, Ro be rt G., Ingle s id e, lll in ois

Bouse. Betty. Dunbar Bowe rs, D a n E., Verdon Bowers , Wanda E., Rock 1 ort, Mi ssour i Boyd, Loi s C.. V erdon Bra gg, Mary, Peru

Bra mmer, Robert L .. Sabe t ha. Ka n sas Brewer, Cha rles G.. Ma lve rn, Iowa Bra w11er. J ack G., N ebras ka City Br ier, Phyllis E .. DeW itt Brier, W ill iam J ., DeW itt Briseno, Manuel R .. Jr .. Her hey Brophy, Arthur W .. Lin coln Brow n. D arle ne, Cook Brow n. Darrel D., Loui sv ille Brown, H alde n L., Paw nee City Brow n, Marv in L., Peru Bueltge nbach, Loyd L., P e nd leton, Oregon Buettge nbach , L loyd L., P en dleton , Oregon. Bun ge, J ohn J .. T ecum seh Butts , Don na F., R iverton , Iowa Cah ill. Oscar E .. Auburn Callawa y, Darli ne L., Unadi lla Camero n. Sta nl ey E .. L inco ln qa m p bell , Murton W., Obe rlin , Oh io Cam pbell , R icihard R .. Obe rlin , Oh io ar ma n , Delbe rt D.. Cook Carnaha n, Dorothy L ., Lancaster, S. C. Car te r , George R .. Falls City C h ~rbo n n ea u , P a ul J., .Falls City h1nnock, Robert F .. DeWitt Chr ist, L ill ian ( Mr s.) , Peru Chris te n sen. Lois E., Clarks Clark, Ma r garet L.. Talma)l"e

Clark, R obert W ., Hu ston, T exas Clay burn , Gerald E. , Peru Clem e nts, Art hur B., P e ru Cleve nger, Ra lp h A., P e ru Coatney, Rex. E .. Peru Cole , Jacq ueline D .. N ebrnska City Cole , R o be rt A .. Nebras ka C ity Com s toc k . Melvin C., P e ru Co pe , Ge ra ld D., N e bras ka City CoJ>e, N a ncy A .. P e ru Cowell , D ona ld G.. Bandon, Oregon Cowell , Virgin ia L .. P e ru Cox . Lamen ce D ., Peru Crook, Ruth A nn, Peru Cumm ins , Bi ll R .. Daw son Dahars h . Clin to n T .. H ickman Dall am, Dor is M., Talmage Dalto n, Paul M., P e ru Da na. Ro bert J .. Ord Darrow, L loyd L .. Dav id C itp Dea , Don a ld J .. Shelby, Iowa D em in g, Robert ·D .. Nebraska C ity D e V 0 1·e. Grant. P eru Dillo n. T horn e P ., Nebraska City Dobrovoln y , Em il L .. D u Bois Doeschot, Al le n L. , Hickman Doeschot. Dona E .. Peru Doeschot, Melvin W .. P e ru Dou g la s, James E .. P e ru Dovel. P h yll is S .. Pawnee City Dran ey, Robe rt E .. Omaha Due rfeld t , E lle n M., Nemah a D ue r feldt H obart L .. N emaha Duey, Da vid W ., Falls City Duncan , Dean D., N e braska City Dun can, Graydo n J., Jr .. N eb raska City Edm isten. Beve rly A .. Red Oa k, Iowa E ge, W il ber, Falls City E ge rte r, Jo h n G .. In gleside, Illin ois E ge rter . Robe r t J .. Lo ng Lake , lll inois E gge r, Fern L., L in coln Ei le rs , R o bert W., F irt h Ei s, Annabell, H umboldt Eis , Gle nn E .. L in coln E ll is, P hyll is M., R a ndolp h, Towa E lwell , Charles J., Beatrice Elwell , M1·s. Ruth , Peru Elwe ll, Wa llet· G., Peru Emi g h , Garth 0 .. Sabet ha, Ka n sas Engda hl . Evelyn R.. Swanton E va n s, Ra lp h V., Shube rt Ewing, Jerry L .. Nebraska CitY\ Fik e , Char les R.. Peru F ink le, J·ames F., N ebraska C ity F ink le, Robert L .. Nebraska City Fithian , F loyd J ., Vesta Francois. R ichard L .. Bellev ue Frank, Robert A .. Ca rl eton Freet, R oger D .. Toledo, Iowa Ga1·dner, Ke n nety L .. Nebras ka City Gatz . Evelyn L .. Fall s City Gauchot, Co11een, Brook Gei ge r, Robe rt H ., Sabetha , l<an sns Gen oa. Mary L .. H umboldt Gerd es, Robert D .. Aub u rn Gillard , Benj. F .. Brownville Gillila nd, Mary L.. Falls City Gillisp ie , J osep h H .. Falls C ity




Gilma n , Jack C.. N ebraska Cily Gleason , J am es M .., Pa cifi c J unction,

I owa Gobbe r. Orv ille E ., Elk Cr eek Good. E la ine R. , Omaha Good, Robe rt E. , T ecumseh Gore, Loi;en J r ., Beatr ice Gra ham , Dav id G., P e rc iva l. Iowa Gra ha m, Don a ld L. , P e ru Graham , Loui s. Broken B ow Graham , Ral f 0. , P eru Gra ncer, M aril y n A .. Beatri ce

Green , Ell a M., Brock Greenwood. A nna L. , Thurma n, Iowa Gro soehm e, Carl. Nema ha Grummert, Ga ylarcl C ., P lym outh Gude, R obe r t L. , Ne b ra s ka Cit y H a ile, Robe rt D., N ebr a s ka C ity Hale. N o rris G., Beatri ce H a ley, Boyd D .. Ode ll H a llst rnm , J ac k E .. A voca H a ll st rom . T homas L .. Avoca H a ney, Clark J. , Sp r in gfi eld H a nna. Edwin E ., T able Rock H a nso n , Stanley 'W. , A uburn H a u ptma n. Beverly R .. Dayton, Ohio Hawxby. Ca rol E., N e maha H ayes , Melv in A .. Stella H ays. Les te r F. , P eru H ead ley. Le la nd G., A ub urn H e im, J a n is A .. D awson H e imbuck , Floyd E ., H ot Spr in gs, Sout h Da kota H e rshey, DeV a n C.. B eatrice H ess . Ed wa r d J. , P e rn Hi lman, P a ul R ., Otoe Hi ppe, J ohn A ., Dunbar H obbs, M a yn a rd J., P la t ts mout h H olmes, Don na M.. Nema ha H olsche r, Ma rvin L .. B urr H ugh es, Louis K. . A shl a nd Hun ter. No rm a J ., 'Thurma n. Iowa Hunze ker, Hube rt L. , P e rn Hunzeke r . Lloyd T .. Humboldt J a rv is. D ee V. . e ma hn J e nkins. Lois J . (Mrs. ), Coun cil B luff , Jo'''a J e nkins, Rich ard L. , Coun cil B lu ffs, Io wa J e n sen. Gaylord H .. A voca, Io wa .Johnson , Ba rbara L . . Dunlap, ! own. J ohn son , E lizab eth M., ' H a mburg, Iowa John son , J . B .. P eru John son, Laur in e (Mrs. ) . F e rn John son. Lyle G. , Dunlap, Iowa J oh nso n, Ra y G .. Cook J oh n son. Willis L., Ong J oine r , Oli ver W., J r ., Nebra ska City J oy , V a n ari L .. F a lls City Karas, Donn a E .. Tabl e R ock Ke nn edy, Joyce L .. Brock Ke nnedy, Wilma P .. N ema ha Ke rm oade. Arthur L .. Jr .. P e ru Kerm.oade. Mr . H ele n. P e ru Kind er, L loyd L ., Impe rial Kinman. Will iam B .. Beatrice Klasek, Geoi·gia, W ester n KJ e in , Margaret E'. , H a mburg , Iowa Kn ople, H a r old C., P e rn Koeni g . Juba l A., F a lls City Kru p icka, A lvin G.. Fri e nd Ku hlma nn, Claramae, Ches ter

I~uhlman n , Jun e, Chester h u~c, Donna R .. Crab Orchar I La ffe rty, Gordo n H ., Dawson ' Lan e. Jam es P .. H ot Spri n gs South D a k ota ' La n g . Da vid L .. Table R ock _L a ngs ton . Ph yll is D .. Thurman lowa Lan ik, Cha r les E ., Wahoo ' La1·~e n , Cecil L .. North :Platte La t ime r. Bill y E .. N ebras ka City Laue. R oy F.. T ecumseh La vig ne, Dona ld E., P e ru LeCu re, Vi via n L .. Nebra ska City LeRoss1gnol. J ea n M .. P a wnee City Leste1·, J ohn S .. H ooe! River Ore Lew is, Dona ld E., Hot Spri~gs gon South Da k ota ' Lew is , J ohn L .. P e ru Lew is, A. Ma r gar et . Shubert L ew is. Y vo nne A ., Rock Port Missouri Lj ncle ma n, Ru ssell G., Omaha' L ind e r, Al va D .. Nehawka Lind e r, \Vayn e B., Nehawka Lindsey, Ar t ie C., P e ru L inn . H an ·y H .. P e ru L ive ngood . Leo L. , Morr ill , Kansas Li v in gsto n. Bobby D ., Nebraska City Logsdo n , Robe r t E .. Tecumseh Lowe, Arle ne L., Table Rock Lowe, Bru ce A. , W ashin gton , D. C. Lowe. Ea rl E .. T a ble R ock Luce. George W. , Auburn L yo ns . Sara J .. Scottsbluff McF eely, George F., Wauconda, lllinoia Mc Kim, Donald R .. Humboldt McMi ll a n , Don a ld E .. Crete McQuinn , J oh n C., Un ion Madi so n, Marjo rie A., Thm·man, !owa Majors . Arthur L. , Peru Majo rs, R ob e1·t P .. Peru Matschull at. Gerald H., Nemaha Maxwell , Paul C., P e ru Maxwell. P hylli s A .. Omaha May fi eld. Olive 1· T., Louisv ille Mayna r d . D orothy A .. Wahoo Meeker , Ome r D., Mitchell Me ie r. L yle K. . DuBois Me ie l', V erne L., DuBois Mei11 e n , R oy R .. Hi ckman Me iste r , E. J ean. Humboldt Me ister, Melvin. Humboldt Merida. Pedro J .. Canzeas. Panama Metzger . W ill iam E., Syracuse M ill e r. Be rnard J .. Hamburg, [owa Mille r. D ean D .. N orth P latte Mill e r, Ga il S .. Rul o M ille r, Irv in E ., Ve rdon Mille r. Sa ll y R.. Rulo Moelle r. R obe r t B., Dunbar Molga rd, H a n s G .. Aubu rn Moody, Lois J ., Auburn Moo re. R obert D.. Peru Morris . H a rold F .. · Beatrice 'Morri ssey, Eil ee n D. , Colon Mot is . Marjorie H ., Fr iend Mudra. Danell E .. Omaha Mu lde r, H ele n E .. Pana ma Mu lde r, Iva L .. Panama Muntz, Me r lyn D ., David City Mus il. Robe rt T .. DuBois. W omlnS N ek ich , De wey, Ro ck Spnngs, Y N edde ni·iep, H elen L ., Brock

PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Nelson , Jack W .. Adams Nic kols, Betty, Dawson N ieman n, Roger, Nebras ka City N ince helso 1', John R., Brock Nordbrock, Claude, Auburn N o rri s, .J:oyce L. , Auburn N o rris , Wa:-ida C.. Auburn N ovell . De\'fayne 0. , David City Ogg, Karl D. . Pern Ottersbe r.g, William J ., John son Ra kos nik, Josep h M., Pawnee Ra ndall , Ruth I .. Auburn Ra per, Joseph E ., Burchard Reagan , Virg inia. Dawson Recd. Dona ld L .. Peru Red fe rn, 'Villard. Peru Rcehle. Opal. Wee p ing Wate r Rees, Me rrit H. , Peru Rhote n , J ess ie F. , Unadilla R ichards, 1Marv in D., David City Richa rds, Maurice A .. Dav id City R ichards, Wallace A .. Nebraska City Ro berts, R obert L. , Tecumseh Ro bi nso n.. Ernest E ., P eru R odgers, Charle ne V., Atch ison , Kan sas Rog ers, Charles . P eru Ro hrs, Or val. Auburn R u mbaugh. Rita M., Auburn Rumba ug h. VanLora M. , Auburn Russell. Les te r F. , Nemaha Rcitl edge, Marian E .. Brock Rya n. Thomas W .. Missouri Va lley, Iowa S;nnples. Lester M., P e ru Sap p, Marjorie M. , Sidney, Iowa Sa ul. W illi am E. , Salt Lake City. Uta h Schemmel, Robert E .. Nebraska City Schli e (ert, D eWig ht H. , Manley Sch lie fe rt, Maynard W.. Manley Schm elzer, Pe1·cy L., Hayes Ce nter Schre in e r, Lester D .. Unadi ll a Schre in e1', Lyle R .. Unadilla Sch\-.. artz., A lv in. Ro und Lake, Illin o is Scott, Delbert K. . Auburn Sher man, Wi llard M., T ecumseh Siger so n. Wilson. Jr .. N ebraska City S ipes . Kenn eth E .. Salem S mith. Don D ., Pasadena, Cal ifornia Smith . Osca r D .. Peru S nyde r. Lo1·etta M., Talmage S paulding, Mary E .. Dawson Steele. James B .. Nebraska City Steeve 1". Phyllis M., Stromsburg Stouder , Dale H .. Omaha S te wart, Lloyd E., Woodlake Stradley. Frances A .. Deshler Stra ube, Edith R., Sterl ing 1

Stuken holtz , Stan ley L .. Nebraska City Sturm, Bobby L .. Hood Ri ver, Oregon Sturm , Char les D.. H a mburg, Iowa Sugden, A rle ne M., Randolph, Iowa S ugden. Jam es, Fox Lake. Illinois Suhr. June A .. Malver n. Iowa Sween ey, Wi lli am J., Hot Springs, South Dakota Sween ey , Jo h n L., Springfield Ta n kersley , Shirley M.. Julian Taylor, Joan R ., Thurman, lowa Taylor. Ke nn eth R .. North P latte T eel, Lyle M., N ebra ka City Te mp lemeyer, Donald F., Lewi sv ill e Teten . E ldon E.. Brock · Thomas . Lawrence F .. Craw'ford Thurman, Robert R., Peru Thurm a n. William E. , Nebraska City Tillman, Cecil J .. North P latte Ti t us. R obert •B .. Fall s City T1·a udt. Zell a L .. P la tts mouth Tylkow ki , Will iam E .. Rou nd Lake, Illino is Urbaue r. Ph yllis J. (Mrs.). T obias Uterma hle n, Cha rles R., Stella Vande r ford, Da le V., P eru Van Ev e l'y , \ .Y illi am J., '\\'eepi ng- Water Va n Wink le, Me lv in E .. Nebras ka City V e nema , Donald IC, Nebras ka City V ossen. \:Villi am J., D a w son Volf, Robert E .. E ri cson Wadl ey . E li zabeth L .. Tecumseh Wagner, Don C.. Johnson Wald e n, Ca lvin C., David City Walker, Ruth A .. Dunbar Weare, Georg ie L .. P e ru W ebb, Jam es A .. T ecu mseh W ebb . La.w1·ence J ., Tecum seh Webb. Ri chard E ., Tecumseh W ebb . Wi lli am P., T ecumseh W eidler, Oscar P., Dawson W endt. Glenn C.. Big Springs W heeldon, Aileen E .. Brownvi ll e Whi sler. John D., P e ru Wiles, A gn es -M .. Weeping Wa ter W illi ams, CoUee n J .. Falls C ity Wi lson, Al'lyss, Falls City Wil so n. Robert L. , North P latte Winkelhake. Shirl ey M .. Talmage Wi ss ink . Dolores E., F irth Witty, Wi lliam. W.. Pel'll Woita . J oe L. \Veston Wolford. Kenneth P .. Beaver Crossi ng Yanders , Armon F ., Corpus Christi. Texas Za nd e rs , Danny H ., l\1alvern, Iowa

EXTENSION STUDENTS 1947-1948 May .23, 1947

D egr ees Alde n, Myrtle, Brnwnv ille AJcle rs , F lo rinne. P lymouth An del'son , VV ilma. Grafton Ar nold, Lura, 1Fall s City Ba ker, Don na, Rawlin gs, ~' yoming Ba nks . Rose. Wausa Beatty, Lois, Diller


Beeth e. Nettie, E lk Creek Behre ns, Gert.rude. E lm wood Bow e rs , \.Vanda . Rockpor t , Mi ·souri Brandt, Faye, Otoe Broady, Madge. John son Brown . Lela. Nebraska City Buche nau . Neva, Nemaha



Buckminste r, Wilm a, Fall C ity Bul'da. E lla, Friend Burke, Ire ne, Leshal'a Burk e, Norma, A lm a Camp, I sabelle, Elli s Car ey, R uth, G1·is wold. Iowa Clark, Euni ce, Verdon Com stock. H azel. Yo l'k Cook. F!ol'en ce . Ru lo Crook, Ire ne, Salem Cyriachs , Lorraine. Gothenbu1·g Dah lg r en, Fayetta, Fairbul'y Dalton, P >i ul , Peru Davis. Pat ricia. Sidney Dimmitt, Ethel. Sp1·ingfield Dougherty. Allison, Falls City Durfee, Laura. Falls City Eaton. Frances . B row nv ille Ehlers , Erma, Aub urn E ic h e nbe r ~e r , Nora, Ste inauer Eichsteadt. Dol'othy. Stella Emshoff, Ma.xin e , Avoca Entel'line, Ha1.el. T ecum seh Estes, Marie, Paw nee City Foss, Verta. Tecum seh Fox . Genev ieve, Rockport, Missouri Furrow, Gla dys , Mull en Garber. O,nal. Brow n ville Gawart, Mable, N ebrnska City Graham . Gerald ine. Sheridan , M issouri Grundman, Donald . Cook Grush, Ila 'Mae. Falls City Hage me ie r, Elaine, Fall s City H a lterma n , Alma, Bellevue H a mmons, Mar,ga l'et. Avoca Handley, V e rn a . H ot S p rin gs, South Dakota Haney, Edi t h . Sprin g field Havlov ic, Kri st in a. Prague Hayes. Mi ldred . Sidney, Iowa H e mphill, Leona, B eatr ice H e rm sme ier, Ke nneth, Pe ru H errick. Lula, Nebraska C ity Hi ll . Gertl'ude, Kin g Cit y, Ca lifornia Hin es, I rene . Lincoln H obbs. Lucille , Beatrice Humphrey, M.iidl'ed. Auburn Hun t, Eva, T ecumseh Hun zeker , Ma rjo rie , Humboldt Hun zeker, R eva, Dubois J ohnson . Alma, Rulo Ide, Grace, T ecumseh Kammerel', Alice, Fa lls City Kass ik, Mamie, Mill igan Keedy, Mel'vin. 1Mounta in H om Ida ho Ki ster . Mary. Sa lem Kuper, F aye, 'Ma rys vi ll e. Kan sas L.:"lnge1 Una Ann, Mu ll en Lowe, Earl , P e ru Ludvik, Geol'ge, Dw ight Martin, Ile ne . Imogene, Iowa 1\1'.ason, Beatrice, Tecumseh Matth ies, Crace, Ohiowa McClea n . Ernestine. Frem ont Mccreery, Rachel, V e rd on

McMeekin. Do,.othy. S helby Medlar, Oleta. Verdon Metzger. Gertrude. Pawn ee City Mille l', Evelyn, T ecumseh Mi ller, Gail. Peru M oeller, Marguerite, Dunbar

Mohr, Evelyn, H a m let Moravec, Rose, David City MmTay. Betty. B eatrice Navrkal, Ghl'is tine, Dunbar Neddenri ep, Marjo ry, Johnson Nichols. Gladys, D awso n Nixon, H ele n, Auburn Nordbrock, Claude. Auburn Norvel. V era, Bl"ownville Novotny, Winnifred , Valparai so Noyes . Edna, Rul o Ocke r. Emma. Cook Om e r, A lice . Tabor . Iowa Osborn e. Ru t h . Ada ms Pershing, Ro semary , Greenwood

P lasters, Grace, Stella Power, E ls ie. Axte ll , Ka nsas Purs ley, Ire ne , Benkelman Ra ndall. Effie. V erdo n Rasmussen,,,. Margaret. Exeter Ray, Lan ce, Auburn R eaga n, Dora, Hum boldt R eed, Leo na, Auburn Rexroth , Bessie. Table Rock Rhin ehart. Wilma, Nemaha Rh oten , Alta. Unad illa Richardson, Betty, V e rd on R ide r, Ruth, N emaha R ik li. Dorothy, Ashland Rinn e. Frieda, Steinauer Russell, Emma, Auburn Sawyer, Barhal'a , Glenwood. Iowa Schl iefert. May nard. Manley Sch midt, Ma ry, Cook Sch uetz . Noma, Table Ro ck Seegel. Maxine. Avoca S lack, .Mary, N ebraska City Smay, I na. Cook S me jdir, Mary. Fri end Smith . V iola, T ecumseh Squie r, Le nora. Shambaugh , Iowa Stande l'ford , Zelma, Humboldt Stastny, Olga, Mi ll iga n Stie 1·s . D ori s. Nemaha S weenie , Ruby, Springfield Thompson , Illa. Auburn Thornh ill , Marie , Peru Ush e r , Bett y, Humboldt Wa,g n e r, Mae, North Bend W eber, Ru t h, T ecumseh We1·t, Hazel, Elk Cr eek W heeldon, Ai leen, Brownv ille W heeldon, Stella, Brownv ille W h it h am, Getrude. Cook Wolter. Leo na, Ste ina uer Wr ig ht. T hema. Gle nwood , Iowa Y a nders, Armo"n. P e ru Zimme rman. I i·ene, Falls City


DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS G r·a n ted fro m l\C.ay 1, l. 9 -17 to l\Ca y l, 1 9 -18 Bye rs , Orthello V .. Jr .. Gle nwood. Iowa Cleaveland, Wallace R.. Omaha Fass. Lela nd H., Auburn Fried ly, Hest er M., Verdon Garber, Jerald R .. Brownville Guy, Fra n ces A., Omaha Hall , Murton L .. Fairbury H a a ck , A lvin F .. Jo h n son H a ndley, Ramona M .. Sh ubert Meister. R ut h L .. Humboldt Ni~hol a~ . Wanda E., Peru

Pasca l. R icha rd W .. Weston Pfiste l' , An na E. , Steinaue1·

Rachow, W ill ia m A .. Ca rleton R eutter, E ldon L .. Sterling Spell man, Margaret M., Adam s S1>oor, Beula h M .. Peru Ste pa n , Do roth y M. , Peru T hom pson. Will iam G.. Peru ·wagne r , Doris M .. Jo hn son Yocum. Or ivell . Humboldt

Aug ust 2, 1947 Albe r s, Frede rick K. . T ecu mseh Alde rs, G. Dean . Oketo. Ka nsas Bru ns, Donald J .. Ste rlin g Calk in s, R obert T .. Benkelman Horacek . Ernest E .. W ilbe r Hos ier, J a ni ce A .. Farragut, Iowa Hos ier, Max M.. Fail'bury Mnther. James D ., Lin coln

Oakma·n . Robe r t L., Auburn Parks. Walter W., Do r chest er Sandin, Osc-<1r J .. P lattsm out h S h rade r. Betty J., Lex ingto n . M issouri Thorso n, Bertha C.. Eme rson, Iowa Webbe r . R obe r t W .. Mi l ford, Iowa W elle ns iek , Mal'ga 1·et L., Syracuse 'Wi lson, Emi ly A .. N elson

A ug ust 16 , 1947 Burk e, Iren e M., Le hara E-fl'ke n. Joh n F .. Cook F eighner , Zeta M., Stella

Griffin, Geo r ge D .. N ebras ka City Holman, V ester E .. Pern R ay, Lan ce D .. Nebraska City

Ja n uar y 16, 1948 Ca mpbell. Murton B .. Oberl in , Oh io K uhlma nn , Iara M .. Chester

Ku hl mann . June M .. Ch ester Stra ube, Ed it h R., Ste r lin g

T tn·ee-Yeal' Diplo ma Au g ust 2 , 1947 Ruzi ca , Charlotte S.

Steward, B lanch e M.

'.rwo -Year Diplo ma May 23, 194 7 Me rklin ge r. Ruth M., P lymout h Sawyer, Bal'bara J ., Gle nwood. Iowa

Boyce. Shi r ley H ., Do1·chester . Brown. Darlene, Cook

A ug u st 2, 1947 Burough ts, Ardis M .. Griswold, Iowa Ha mmons, Marga ret M .. Avoca Je nse n. Betty A .. Harlan , lowa McGra w, H ayes $., Broke n B ow

Meye r , Loretta V .. Peru Ramsey. Etta D .. F a lls City T hil tges, Ile ne M .. Ru lo \\fri g h t T helma M., Gle nwood , Iowa

One-Yea1· ])iplo ma May 23 , 1947 Drewel. Doroth y M.. Brock Dun_can , Ju ne, Provo . Utah Frost. Albe r ta L.. Falls City Grossoehme , Frances J .. N e mah a Gr ube, Dorothy C., Jo hnso n

H e itb1·ink. Crystal J., Ada m s Hughes, Li la L .. Peru Kelle. I le ne L .. Sterl ing Moore. Carol J .. Brownv ille Rus•ell , Neva M., Auburn

Au g ust 2, 1947 Cop ley, L. Joan n . Adams Doughe t:ty, Fern C.. Brock Kea n, H elen Ceci lia, D ti. w son

Koble r, Ethel J . Well sa ndt. Wilma M. Smith, Al ice Richards, P eru

J an ua r y 16 , 1948 Spa uldi ng, Mary E .. Dawson

~) 5



SUMMARY OF ATTENDANCE June 1 , 1947 to J une l, 1948 C o llege




Graduate ···· ··········· ·· ··-····-·····-·······---- -- ·--3 Post Grad uates .. .. ·- ···-----···- ····· ·····-- -·------ 10 Seniors ··-- ·-··········-- ·····--· ·· ·- --··· ··········· ···- 56 Juniors ---- ----·-·· ··--····------ ····· ·· ··--· ····-·· -··· · 1 72 Sophom ores ·····-·-- -- ------·-····· ··-- ------- ······ · 100 Freshman --·-··-· ····- -·-·· ······ ·· ···· ····-···· ···· ·· · 153

0 3 70 59 83 198

3 13 126 13i 183 351

Totals .............. ... .. .... ... .......... ..... .. ... 402

4 26


Training Scho ol

11th and 12th Grades..... .... ... ... ......... ... . 15 9th and 10th Grades... ........... ... ....... .... .. 32 Kindergarten to 8th Grades .. .... ... .... ... .. 152 Tota ls ... .. ....... .... . ---- -- --- ··· ····· -- -- ·· ·· ·- ... 199

20 18 42 .

35 50 254



Extension Dep artment

Correspenden ce -·--··----············ ·· ··········· · Stud y Ce nter.. ........ ......... ... ....... ...... .. .....

12 3

150 20

162 23

T otals .. ---·-- ·-····--·--- ··- --- ·-·- ·· ----· -· ···· --· --




GRAND TOTALS .... ..... .. ..... .. .. .. ...... 6 16




Prior 1921 1922 1923 1924 192 5 192 6 1927 1928 1929 1930 1 931 1932 19 33

to 192 1 .. .... -- --- -· ··- ··· ····· · --- ···· ··- ·--·- ······ ·-···· ··· ·· -·-··· --- --- ··-··-····· -·· ····· ·-- ···· ····· ··· ···· ····· ·· -·· ··-- ·-·-···· ····· -- --·· ·-· ----· ···---- ----···· ···-- --- ·· -····· ·-· · --·- ···· ·· ··· ··-- --------- --·· ··-·-·· ··· ---· ··-····· --·-·-·-· ·· ·· ····---·---·-·· ·-·------ -- -- -····· ·· ··--- ---·-- ·------ ·· ·········- ··· ····· -------· ·· · ... .... . --·---·-- ---·· ··----······ ··------·-·•· · -·--- ---·· ··- ··· ·· ··-··-·-··-·-· ···· ·- ··· ·- -·- --·- ·· ···-· --· ···········--··-- --- ------ --· ··· ··· ········----·-····· ··· --·- ····· ····· ·- ------ ·· ··---·-·-··· ·

80 9 G 21 18 49 61 86 81 86 94 82 75 92

1934 1935 1936 193 7 1938 1 939 1940 1941 19 42 1943 19 44 1945 1946 1947

·········--··--··--·-·· ----···· ··-·-··-······ ·· ···-'· ··· ··· ··· ·· ···--- --·-- · .. ... ___ -----·····---- ------- --- ·--· -···· ·····- ------······-- ·-- -··· ····· --- ·- ··-··· ··········-- ----·-· ··--·-···· ··· ··· ······- -- ·- ·· ---- -- ··-----·--·-··· ·----·- ----········ ·· ·- ··---··-------··· ·· ·······-····---- ---------··· ·----····· ·· ···· ···-· ··· ············ ---- ·· ········ --- - -- ---- ·-- -- · ·····-······ -···· ·-·· ···· ------ ··· ··- ····--- ·-----·- -·· ···- --- ------------------ ····· ··· ·-- --------- --- -- ·-- -·-······ ····· ·· ···········--

70 63 81 69 82 80 60 51 57 38 27 25 36 47

Total -- ·--··---·-----· -· ···· ·-· ···· ···-·-····· ·· ····- ··-······ ·········1626



INDEX Stud e n t d epos its $7.00 e a ch s e m este r or s umm er sc h oo l. Pag e P a ge 26 46 Acco un t ing 10 Acc r e d itm e n t ------·-······-----------------------------5 Ad m in is t r at io n , Office r s o f -------5 Adm ini s tra tiv e Di v is io n s ----------------9 Ad v ise r s ------------------·- -······-----------------27 A ~ r i c ul t u re , V oca t io n a l ------ -----·--···· _,l, cad e mi c

R eg ul at i o n ~.;

-+·· -------------·-·········-..·--- ------

Anno un ce m e n ts



21 17

M a j o r s a nd Mino r s M a th e m at ics -·------==:·=-~~-==:=::::~--=-· M e moria ls --

10 26 32 70 17

Numbe ring o f Co urses -----·-··---·····




---------- -----·······--- - - -

Ca le ndar --·--------·-·············----------·----Ca mp u s·- · - - · - - -----·-··---------·--·-----· Cer t ifi cates ----···-··-----··----·----------··-··-----· Chan ge in Prog ram _·------------·-------Ch e m is t ry -----------·---··-----·-·-···-----··-·Cho ru s ·-·------···-···--------··------- --···14, Cla s s a nd Convoca ti o n Atte ndan ce _ lass if icati o n of Stude nts --·-··-------------Co mme n cem e nt, Atte nd a nce at .......... Co m m erce ---···---······--····-··-····--·-···· 35, Co m m ittees of F a cul ty ---·······----·---------Co 1·res po nde n ce Co urses ····-·-····------Co u r s es of 1 n s tru c ti o n ····-·-····- ------Cred it f o r Edu ca t ion E x pe ri e nce in arm e d f o r ces - - - - - - - - Credi t s ·-··--------- - - Cu r ri c ul a ----------------··-·--- ----· Cu rr ic ul um , Selectio n of -···---····------De hate -----··--·---·-------··---·---·--·-------···---De,, rees a nd Di p lo m a s ····--·-·--··---···---··- 30, Dei< rees Is s u e d , 1922 to Da t e -·---·----D ip lo m a, One y ea r --------------------· Dip lo m a, Th ree Y e a r --·-- -----Diplo m a, T wo .Y ear ---·-···----·--··-····---·-· Dormi to ri es ---- ---·--····---- - ------------------Dra m at ic Club ·---···-··-··-·--- -----·-----···-·--· Ea r ly E le m e nta ry E d u ca tion ----··-· 38, Edu catio n ---------------·····---- --El e m enta ry Edu catio n - ··--- ------38, En,, Jis h ·- - - -- - -- ---- --------···· Entrance R equi re ments ----------Exte n s io n Depa rtm e nt - -- ------·-E x t l'a -c ur r ic ul a P a r t ic ipati on -----


2 ll 30 2G

81 72 27 26 30 45 9 5 44 12

26 29 31 55 95 96 4!! 40 4fJ

21 i4

40 47 4.0 52 29 85 27

Fac ulty ·-·-·-----------·--·-----·-··- ·· F ees an d Tuition - - - - -------·· Fees fo r N o n-Res ide n t S tud e n ts __ Fre nc h ···- · - - -- - - .- ----- --·--··Ge nera l Info rm a ti o n ····-----···----····-···--·· Geo grap h y a nd Geolog y -···-------··· Ger man ------------- · - - - -- -------- -

6 22 26 57 JO 59 58 27 43

1-1 i;-. to ry ····-·-··--------··-·---··---------·-··-----···---1-1 is tory o f Coll ege ··-·-·--- ---·--- --·


g:~::~ ~n:ie sbii:ir:io~;····=-.==:::==~~~=~~-=~=:~=~

~~~~:~-g~~~;,, s_c~_o_o~--~:::·.:::=:~:=-~:~-..~:=::~:.-· 38, !5

44 96 19

!:~~~:-~-=-::=.~===-~~~=~---·-===-~=:::= ~~



Indu stria l A r t s ····-··-----····--·······--·--------- 36, 66 In stru c ti on, Offi ce r s of ----·-----·····----1l



A rt -----------·-----·- ----·----·--·---··----A tt e nda n ce, Summ a ry o f -------------A '" a 1·d s - -----·-······------------------ ----------Bac he lo r o f A r ts D egree in Ed u cat io n ·-·--------··--·--·----- -···---··-·

Bu il d i ngs

~~~er E:~I'ooti;'i~~~:~~=~~~==~~=-~==~:~~=~-- 35, ~~

H o no r Soc ieties ___ ·----·--··-·------------·- ·

~ ~~ \~al-~~.'.:_~_.:=::====:=:=:~:~4~i:::37, ~~

Orc hes t ra ·- - ·-··--·-··-···--·-------- ······· 14, 72 O rg ani za tion s: Educa t io na l --- ----· Reli g iou s, S oc ia l __________ '. _···--·--·-···--J3

~~r~~~ ~ei-w~k-~::=::=:::.:::::=:=:::::::::~:::::: i~ ~~;~ :~:: ~c~~~:~ion

-------·····------··---- 75,


~~~z:~~~=~;~~~:=~~~;~~~-~~~ ~I

~\t~i:~;;~~~=~-~=~~"·~ li~~~0j~;;::~~~~=~~~~= ~

S pa nis h -------·---·-·------------···--·-··--···----·---······ Speech Edu catio n ------·-----···--···---·-··--S ta t e Board of Educa ti o n Stud e n t L oad ·--·----·------~~::=:::::::_~:::: St u de nts, R oster of - --·---·--·---···-····-· Summa ry of E xpe n ses____________ ________ S umm e r Sc h oo l - - --·----·-----·· Swimmin g ----------------·-···· · --------S wimmin g P ool - -------··-·---------·


55 4


S8 21 3 73 Jl

T a ble of Co n te nts ----····--·-·····--··--··· 2 T eac hin g ····--·-------·--·----------·--- 49.· :i T e nnis - -------------------------- 73, 75 Tra inin g Sc hool ·---·-···---··------·······-·-·· S3 Ty pewri t in g ------------·--·-------4G U n sat isfacto ry Sc hola r s hip --····-······28 V io Ii n --------------------- · -- ·------------·-V o ice -----------------·-------·--··------···-······ Withdra wal fro m Schoo l ·-·-·---------W o m e n's A t hletic A s soca t io n --·--·--·-· Zoo logy ······----·---·---------·--------··- ---·-·--··

72 7l 2~







MAY, 1944


This Supplement This supplemen t to th e 1943-44 catalog is p ublish ed to conserve labor an d materials. Those sections of the catalog in which major revisions h a ve been m ade h ave been rewri tten a nd a re in cl uded herein. Except for minor changes, t hose sections of the 1943-44 catalog¡ on general information, academic regulations, curricula , and courses of instruction will r em a in the sam e for 1944-45.

Daily Schedule of Classes for 1944-45 The daily schedule of classes for 1944-45 will be publish ed in J"uly.

Teacher E ducation Emphasized Although Peru has par ticipated in the Navy College Training Procon tinue to participate in the pr ogram, he emphasis on teacher education h as n ot been reduced. R ather, it t'as been incr eased because of the present sh ortage of teach ers. In a ddit~n to setting up th e Navy-12 curricula, a ll of t h e regular curricula for he Preparation of teach ers , as ou tlined on pages 28 to 41 of th e catalog, ave been continued and will be continued.

f!;amsince Ju ly 1, 1943, a nd will


c_ANNOUNCEMENTS 1944-1945 First Semester t. 4, Monday, 8:00 a. m . .. ......... . . . .......... . ..... Freshman tests (J.,ntt>. rPgi:·dration fee l'liurgt:'cl fre~hmen who. fail t_o rPport t. 5, Tuesday, 8: 00-12: 00 a. m ......... Reg1strat10n of upperclassmen 1: 00 - 5: 00 p. m. . ............ Registration of freshmen (Lah• n•gi:-.tration ft'e thargecl after sclwcluled hours.)

t. 6, Wednesday, 7:50 a. m ............... . ............. Classes begin t. 14, Thursday ...... . .... . .......... Last day to change registration . 26 to Nov. 1, Inc .......................................... Vacation . 13 , Monday . .... . . . . . ........................ Second quarter begins (Last day to rhang-e rPg-istration for



. 23 to J an. 1, Inc .. . .. .. ......................... Christmas vacation . 19, Friday .................. .... ... . ... .. ........... Semester closes

Second Semester . 22. Monday .................................... ...... Registration (l.. atl' reg-h:.tration fee rharger1 al'tPr this date.)

. 23, Tuesday, 7 :50 a. m .... .. ...... . .......... . . ... . . .. Classes begin . 31 , Wednesday .............. . ....... Last day to change registration . 24 to Mar. 4, Inc ... .. ........ . .. ... ........... .. ........ . Vacation . 26, Monday .................................. Fourth quarter begins (Last clay to l'hange registration for fourth quarter)

25, Friday ....... . ....... ... ....................... Semester closes


1944 OCTOBER .~ .'>!TWIT F

) d




--1--'-- ---1-1-1--- - - - - - ~ :l 4 5 Ii 7 . . 1 2 H; 4 . . . . 1. . I.. . . 11 2 g 10 111211~14 s 6 71 Hf' 9 10 .11 :i 1 51 r;: 7 1 h 9


15 lfi 17 1K l19 1 ~0!21 12 11:l 14 15 11i 1711K 10 11 12 1:1 i14 J;'i'l6 ~'2 2T'24 2;) ~6 '27 '28 lH :.W 21 '22 '.!:~ ::!4'25 17 J~ 19 20!21 2212:3 29.:io :n 2n ~7 ~~ 29·:io .. 1. 2.i ~;;·26 27i2dl29l30

..1 .. :11 1.

.1 .. 1.

. .1.

1945 NUAR


P S I. -l-l-1-1JI 2' :i 4 5 6 8 ii 101112·13 151](j 17 18il9 120 22 2:J 121/2 5l26 27 1 29 :Jo :J1 : : "l' \\' T

f:: [::

MAY l! T \\' T J.' S . -,-1-1i 1 21 :i / 4 5 "910/1112 14 '1:; l6111 11sl 19 ~~1~2'2 3;24 25 26 .2n :rn!3J .. ! ..


S ~I T 'W T F







S ,1 T W T F S

-1-1-/- --1 . . . . . . . . 1 1/ 2' a 4 7 81 910 11 112 l:J J.115/16 117 lH 19 20l21122/2:J,24 2:; 21; 212~ : : : : : :

-·1-l-1-1- - 1 - - -l--,l-1-1-1.... / .. 1.. 1 21 :i 1 2· ~ 4 51 61 1 4 51 (j1 7181910 ,; !J 101112,13'14 11 12 t:l l141516 j17 L3 1 1G 1711K'J9:20.121 1H119'20 21 2T2:Jl24 2212:J'24 25126127 28 2;; 26 21 2w29 ao a1 29i:J~[ :: I:: : :

JUNE S ~I 'l' \\' T P S -1-1-1-1-1-1.. 1· ' lI 2 :i 4 0 o 1 H. g 101u 121u11415 16 17/HI rn12n121 2212~ 1 24 25 26 21 28l29':l0 1

AUGUST ~ ~I T W , T F S -1-1-1-1-1-1' . I . ' . . 1 21 :l I 4 5 ri 1 s1 910111 12 1:1 ·1415116 17/lB rn120 121122 23124/25 2r, 27 28 2~130 311::


I. . . · I· ·

1 1 1 JULY___ :'i ~J T \\' T F S - -l-1-,-1-1I 2 :l ·!I ;; I 6 I 7 ~ n111111\12:1a114 1;;,J617'1H rn·120121 22,2:1•24)21;·2i; 2112H 29 :;o :n :: :: ::

1::1: :




Mr. Alvin E. Johnson, P resident, Omaha .. ... . ........ Term e . Mr. Edgar Ferneau, Vice-President, Auburn .... .... .. Term e;g~es 1949 D r . Walter Benthack, Wayne ....... . . . .... . .. ... ..... Term e . es 1947 Mr. Edwin D. Crites, Cha dron . .. .. . . . .. . ...... . .. ..... Term expires 1945 Mrs. Bertha Hill, Hebron . . .. ....... . ......... ... . .... Term expires 1949 · xpires M r. E ver·e tt L . R an d a 11 , K ea1ney . ....... .. . . . ......... Term ex ·. 1945 Mr . Wayne 0 . Reed , State Superintendent of Public Pues 1947 Instruction, Lincol.n . . .. . · · ...... . . . ................ . ... Ex-Offic io Mr. E. Albm La rson , Lmcoln. . . .. .. ... . .. ..... . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 8 ecretary OFFICERS OF ADM INISTRATI OX

W. R. Pate, A. B., A. M ., President. 1923. *J . A. Jimerson, A. B ., A. M ., P h . D ., Execu tive Dean and Director Extension. 1938. t Mrs. I n ice Dunning, A. B ., Dean of Women. 1924. E. H . Hayward, A. B ., Registrar. 1929. Mrs. Mary 0. D elzell, A. B., Assistant to t h e Registrar. 1941. Elma I. Gockley, Bursar a nd Secr etary to the President. 1918. Mrs . Lloyd C. Knight, B ookkeeper. 1944. Mrs . Genevie H . Ma rsh , Dormitor y Assistant. 1929. t Mrs. Rut h Russel, Matron , Men's D ormitory. 1939.



(Fina l date indicates year ser vice at P eru began) W.

R . PATE .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .• .. ..... . .. . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . President A. B ., U niv e rs i ty of ~ e bra s ka ; A. ?\1., Columbia Univf'r ~ ity. 1923.

B AR N EY K. BAKER . . . . . . . ... . .. ... . . . . . .. .. . . • . .. . Professor of Education B . S. in Edu cati o n , State 'l\:•ac h e rs College, Pittsburgh, Kansas; A. :\f ., U n i n •rs ity o ( Kan s a s; Gradu ate wo rk , U ni\·ersity of ('hicago; Ph. U. , Uni ve rs it y o f K ansa s . 19 26. R OBE RT T . B ENFOR D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I n structor in Piano and Organ and

G r n ~u:l t~ ,

D i r ector of P u blic School Music in the Train ing School

A.rti ~ts :Mu ~dc Co_u1·se, StnlP N"o rm al and 'l\•Rchers Co llete: A. B . P eru St:1te rrenchers College; Gra duate ~ d e nt. She rw ood 1\Ju s ic Sc h ool, Chi t 11go , University of Iowa, and Uni· ver s it y of l\fi chignn . 1 926. MA BEL B ENNETT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . College Nurse R. :<: .. Lord Li s t e r H ospital , Om aha, :\ e brn ska. 1 944. . Yp s1l nnt 1, l\f 1C" h 1g;:u1;

. t an t P TO f essor of. Home .. .. . . A sszs. ' . Economics . ' 19 30. B. ~ - . M 1am 1 Uni ve rs i t y , Oxfo rd , Oh io; Jvf . S., Columbia lJnivers it). t AR TH UR L . B RA DFO RD . . . . ... . .. Professor of English, H ead of .Depar;~ne;., A. B. , l! niv e rs it:• o f ~Mi ss ou ri: :hf. S., ::'\'fi sso uri School of l\(mes, l. Geo r ge P ea b o d y <'o ll ege . 1 939. . ·pal · t an t p TO f essor 0 Education R U TH G . B RANDT. . . . . . . . . . . . . A sszs . '. Prmci h School

I DA M AE B RAC KNEY ..........


Junior Hig

A. B ., P e ru


tat e 'l'enche rs Coll ege;

· t an t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A sszs

Professor of Educa . l Trai ning' Su p er visor of Junior Hzg h Schoo k 1 941.

A. B. , P C' ru S tat e T e a c h e r s Co ll ege;

*On le av e of n b sen re f or war ser vi ce. leav e o f ab sen ce.

:~ On

. "t r '<ebrnska. 1 921 . A . M. , U n1v e rs 1 Y o ~ ' tion

A . :hL , U niv ersity of Neb ras n.




P h.

B ROW N . . . . . . Professor D r ni~on

B ..

~ j t, y;


).Ii nn rsot.;1. s. R UTH

of Hist ory and Other Soci al S ci ences, H ead of D epart ment


Uni ,· e r s ity, Gran,·iJle , Ohio ; A. )l. , Co lumbia UniverD. rni\' Pr Sit \' of Ch ic:.lgo; Graduat e Student. University of l ~l28. · . . .. . .. A ssistant Professor of E ducati on, Super visor of J unior H igh School T eaching

B RO WN . . . . . . . .

A. B. , PL' ru lStat e TL•ather ::; Co ll ege: ~tudent. l:ni\'t'l'Sit .'· of ~Iinne sota . 1943. A. C LARK . . . . . .... . ... Professor of F or eign L anguages Emer itus A . B., .\. ::;\(., Xational Xormal UniYcr s i ty, L ebanon, Ohio; A. B. 1 Uni ve r s ity of Nebras ka ; G1·:1dunte f-;tudent, Yale U ni q n:ity. 1 898. (Eme ri t us since Septl'mbcr, 19a8.) SEL BENNET C LAYBURN .. .. . . . ... Prof essor of Geography and Geology Grnduat (' of K1•arn ey SLttt:> ;\oim a l Sthool: ..:.\ . B., .\. "'.\! .• UniY e r !'. ity of N e Lr<l s k a; Gr:1duatf• Stu d e nt , C11i\' e r s ity o( Chicago, Un i Ye r sity of Neb rn s lrn . .I D22. NFORD L. C LEMENTS .... . ... . ... Professor of Education, Super i n tendent 1

of Training Sch oo l G radua te l\\"O - .'"('<lT ('Oll n• 1.' , P (• J'U State rrea c h rrs College : B. Sc., Univers it y of K(•h r as ka: .\. ~I .. 'l'C'athC'rs Co ll ege , ('olumhin Vni\'C' rsit.''; G r all · uate StudPnt. C'ulu1nhin Unin•rs it y. 19:?5. YLLIS DAVIDSON . . . . . . .... . . Associate

Professor of Physical Education, Director of Physical Education for Women

B . S ., K an:-a:-. State rr eac h e r s Col lege , Emporia; :ir. _\ ., 'l1C'al'her s Col· Jege; Co lu m bia Uni,·e r s ity. 1 929 . ORMA L. D IDDEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Associate Professor Of A rt A. B .. Uni,·endt .'' of D e 1l\·e r: Stu d en t, U11ivers it.'· of ralifornin: A. )I., Col o r a d o Rtat e 'l' e 1.1 chers Colle-ge, Gr ee ley. 19:!9. s . !NICE D UNNIN G. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . .. .. .... . D ean oj W omen A. B ., Pf'ru State rreache r ~ Co ll ege; Stu d l nt. SL-lte J unio r Kon11:1l, A1li a n ce, K e b r a!'ka; 8tatf• T eacher s College, G r eeley, Colorado; Ha stings Con s e 1·,·atory o f ) I us it , Santa Cruz, California: Grnd u atc St u d e nt , Co· lmnhi a U n iYc r s i ty. 1924.. RIE H ELEN FA U LHA BER . ... .. . . . . . . . . ... . A ssociate Professor of English A. B. , N b 1·;l s k a Wes ley an; A. ~ r. 1 U n h ·c· r s it y of Neb ra ~;Jrn: G r aduate Stu d e n t, Colum bi a U n h ·er s it y . 19 20. NCHE A. GARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... Assistant Professor of Education, 1

Supervisor of F irst an d Second Grade Teaching A. B .. Uni\·crsity of Kan s a s; A. 1L , State rre:ic h cr~ C'ollL·ge, (i l' Pt:'l e y, Colorado ; Gr:i d ua t e Student, Uni\·e r s ity of Chicago. 19 80. NCIS H .\ RVE Y.. .. . . . . . . . . . .. A ssistan t Professor of Education,

Superv i sor of J unior High School Teaching Collt>ge, Park\'ill e, "Mi f's ou ri : A. 1-I. UniYendty of 'r cxa s, Rtudent. No r th Texn s Agri c u lt urnl C'ollcgt>. .\_rli11 g- t on, UniYen; ity of Co lo ra d o , B oulde r. C'olora<lo. J929. RGARET H E NN INGSEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . College Nurse A. B. , D ana Co ll ege: R. N., Tmmnnu e l llo s pital , School of ~ur~ing, Omah:-i . l 9 39 .

Pa r k

rrc•.'.\a ~ : Htn d t~ nt ,

Y L. H ILEMAN . . . . . ... . . A ssi stant

Professor of Education, Supervisor of Third and Fourth Grade Teaching

A. B ., A. ~r.. State T eac- h e r s Coll ege, G r ee le.'·, Co lorado. lG29. THUR LORN HILL .. . . . .. . ... . .. ... .. . Professor of Mathemat ics

A. B ., D oane College, C r et e, X e bra s k a: Nehrn s k a. 1 9~:-L


G r a du ate St ud ent, Uni ve r s ity of

H ucK .. . . • . . .. . .. ... .. . . . . . .. . A ssociate Professor of Ma t h ematics A. B., Crn l-r:i ! \\~er-: J e q\n Coll ege, \Va rr enton. )fi ~s o 11 ri: :u . .A .. G eo r ge P ea b od y Colle~e fo r T ea('hers , .Xa s ll\·{ll e, 'r enne~see. 192 3. J IMERSON . . ... . .. E xecutiv e P e ru State T eat he r s College: hra s k a. J ~~R.



A. B ..

*On lea ve of al, sen ce for wa r ser : ice. f \ ' is it in g I n st ru ctor. ~:On leave of :1 b ~w n ce.

Dean and Director of E x tension ...-\ . : ".I I. , Ph. D.,

l.~ ni\' e r s i ty

of ~ e­


PERU S T ATE TEACHERS V ICTOR H UGO JINDRA . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . D irector




Of Band d an Orel and Instructor . iestr a \ 101~11 Student, Carl Pr d . tn Violin



.A. B. , U n1v e,r:"l 1t .v of .~e b r a s .k;-1: 1 b e i·g, r Max ? ~ 1 sc lt e l, \ icto r J...._u z d o; College . 19 - " ·


.\ I u si c

Certi fi cate, . C1ii:~ck teck{'J. go CUusicaJ

t LAURA J OHNSTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . : . . Assistant



P rofessor of E . Supervisor of J.u nior H igh School ducat}J;m,

B. ~·· h.an ~as Sta_t e rl ea c h e r s C? lleg l', \·e r ::- 1t.v of I"-am~ a s, l.. J<lwr e n ce. 194 :.L




).[ Te?-cl~ng

· · S., lini-

'' A RTHUR J ONES . . .. . . . .... . ... . Assistant

Professor of Physical Ed . A ssistant D i rector of Physical Education ucati on, B. St., U n iYe r s it y o f Ne bn1bka; A. )i. , Uni\·ersity of Xt>lHn!-<.ka. {~;X M en B URTIS KENNED Y .... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. .. .. ..... . Assistant L i bre . . ...-\_ttlndt: d P eru St at e 'r eaclt e rs Collegr, Peru , Xehra 8k :1 194 3 . trian P EARL A . K EN TON .. . . . . . . . .... A ssociate Professor of Foreign Lang ..-\. H .. P e ru St a te '1\•nche r ~ College: ::;tudent, Bould f•r C'nin•rsiti•· I~ag es Uni,·ersity of ) li c hig·nn.





E MILIE PAPEZ KIRK . .. . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . . Assistant Professor of A t Rt nlt(.. ~r ('a c h e rs .Colleg·e , \\ray n e, Nelna)o,ka ; _\.. B. , UniV (l r ~it:.' of Nebra k ~ · 8 A . .\ L. , Unin:' r .s1t ~· of I owa. l 9:28 . .i , SELMA S . KONIG . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. _. . . · : . .. ·. .. .. Profe.ssor OJ Modern L anguage .\ . B., :\.. }[., 1:-'h. JJ ., L,;111v er:<:1t .1• o[ \\ 1 :-;c-0 11~111: Graduatl' Studen .. U · \'tl' 8 it~· of ( ' hieago , <1nd the ~orbonne, .Pa r i:.. . 1931. 1.. . nl· A.


LA RSON ... . . .. .. ... . . . . . .... . .... . .. . Professor of Industrial Arts H . .::k. ln -:\r el° . E n g·i n ee ring, ·cn in:' r :-:.it y of XC'bra~ka; .\. 2.1., Unh·ersitv of ;\Jinn f!-:.ot~ 1: Uraduatt' 8tudLnl, UniH•r:-.it .v of SPhraska, UniveTsitv· of Cli icngo. U)26. ·

j·M RS . WILHELMINA LARSON . . .. . . . ..... . A ssistant

P rofessor of Education Supervisor of H igh School Tec:ching

.\. B. , Uni,·e 1·:;;ity of Xt.l bra s ka , L inl·oln. '' C .


R. LINDSTROM . . . . . . . .. .... . .... A ssistant Professor of I ndustrial Arts 13. 8 . in

l ~ d.,

1He S tud e nt,

Uni \ '(' 1' ),i i ty of Ida ho: }J. R .. Oregon Sta l ll Co llege : oC S e b ra s k a. :1 9:10.



EL IZABETH M c COLL UM . .. . .. .... . . . . . . . A ssistant

P rofessor of Education , Director oj Kindergartr.n

B. J~ .• ~at. ional Kindergart e n Col lege, C hi (';lgo; St udent Bloom!-ib~rg Sta te ;\01nrnl S<hool, Bloo rn s burg, P e11nl" .v lvania, Yalpara iso Univt.•r :-. ity, Pc nn sylY1tnin Unive r ~ ity, C0l u111bia Oni ,·e.r sit ,\· : A. :\I. , rolorado Stat e Teachers Co ll Pge, G r eele.'·· 192 4. t MABEL F. M ARTIN . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . A ssistant Professor of Physical Sci ences A. B., \\ft. H olyoke Co ll ege, South Hadl ey, M a".; Ph. I)., Co rnell Univt·r s il·.'' , I t ha ca, S. Y., 1 9 4 3 . ISABEL MASON . ... . . . . . . . . .... . •. . ..•. . Assistant Professor of Education,

Supervisor of Fifth and Sixth Grade Teaching


B. St~1t e rre:1 eh e r !'>


B o"· Ji n g

hod.'' ~oll e g e. I 9HO. L AVERN B. M AT HEWS ... . ..•... .. .. . . . ..

Gree n , K entutky;

A. l L , Pea · .

Associate Professor of Educationi Principal High Schoo

G r aduat L" t,wo ·Year Co ur ...:e . P er: 1 Rt n tl' T eac h l' r s Co ll egt>: .\.. B., t;ni,·e r· s it.'· of ?\- p!)r:1 s k n : A. 111 ., T eac h e r s Co ll ege, Co lumbia li n in'r:-;it.'·· 19 2 7 : t MRS . RU TH


M ATHEWS . .... . . ... . . ... Assistant

P rofessor of Education. Supervisor of Hi gh School Teachin!i

_\.. I L, Un i \·e r :.:ity of Xeh ra s ka. Linco ln .


·19 4 8.

· H ead of Departinen . .. . . . .. P r o f esso1· o f Ed uca t wn, c 11,m · B. S., ;..r . A ., Ph. D. , U nin:- rsit,,· of Pi ttsb urg: Gnidu at e ~tud l' nt. o bia U niY e r s it,\". 1 929. ''' V\' ILLIAM T . MILLER .... . . ... . . Associate Professor Of History and QtheT


Social Sciences :Jfjt<>:.Ollfl·

H. 8., C1r ntn1l ).Ji Rs ouri State T eac h r r :-; C olle!{e, \\'a l' r e n:-:~Hil' g". _ ·) A.":\ [. , Un iv er:.: it.'· of ). f i sso u r i: Ph.D. , Ohio S t ate Unin•r:--11 .\'. 19 3 · · * On le:1 \·e of ahst> n ee fo r J \ " i 1.:iti 1 1~

Jn ~ tru<·to r .

\\'a i·

se n ·ire .



D . MOORE . . . . . . . . . . . • . . .... . Associate Professor of Eng lis h and Inst ruct or i n Speech Edu cation A B .. Ea:--1 ( 'ent r n l S1ate Tt'Ht h e rs (1ni,·er:.:;it:• of \\ "i~urn:-;i11. 19:)7.

Co ll egt.).




Ph ..

oNA M . P ALM ER . . ... . . .. ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . Professor of Commerce .-\. D., J' p ru :--itatP 'l\~ al·her;-;. Col le~ e: (in1du;1te Grf'g-g Schoo l o( Shorthand. ('hi1·a2:0: Urndua te StudPnt Swte Teacher s Cnllf'gf'. GrN'ie:·, Colornd o: J> p nn:T U11~\·e1sity: .\ . ...\!. , rnive r sit. .'' of Ne bra s ka. 19 15. RACE MA RY P ETEF SEN . .. . .. . . . . . . .. ..... Associate Professor, L ibrarian .\ . B., Oh l• rlin ('ollf'gt'. Oiierlin. Ohio; Lihrn1·.v •rrnining (' In:-. ,.;, XC'w York P ublic l.ih r ary: (;radunte St ut.l en t, Unin·r~it.'· of Michi gan: 13. S .. in Li. S. HC'iwol of J.ih ra r :· ~ e i enn• . \\' e~te r n H e~C' I'\-~ Universit.'. J92 5 . ELOISE P ooL ... ..... . .... . ..... . . A ssistant A. B., }! . . \., l'nin_ •r :-;ity of SC'hrask;L 1942. THUR A.

Professor of Mathematics

R. R EYNOLDS . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . Assistant Professor of Iiistor11, and Other Social Sciencei;


Pl'!'U Statl' 'T e:1<·ht:>r:O:. ('q]Jpg{':


A .. l "ni\"L' l' Xity o f :.rinnesota.

194 :3.

RODAB AUGH . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instructor of Electrical Engineering B. R .. Prnn~:-·ln111ia ~tat P C'o ll l'!{t' . State ('o llt•gt• . Pt•nn s .d Yania. l!J ~.1-3. LINTON H . SHARP ... .. . .... . ... Assistant Professor of P hysical Sciences .A. B .. :\I . .:\. , ~-'- S. , (:ra d11:11P Stud r nt·, Loui i·da na Stat"P UniYers ity. 1 940. STECK . . ... . . I nstructor in Voice and Public School Music Graduat C'. Chicago )In:-;il'al Col leg-e : B. Xfu s ., Gunn School of 1H u sir and D n:rnati(' Art. 1 9~d. AUL C. SWEETLAN D . .. . . . . . . . . . Assistant

A. B ., B. S.,


Professor of Physical Sciences

S .. Fort H a ,·s Ka n s a s State ('ol lege.


ICE V. SWENSON . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Professor of Mathematics A. B. , Bet h any Col lege. Lind ~ horg , Ka n s a s: J\I. .\ ., UniYersit.-.· of l{ an~;:8, L awn 11 <·e. K11n ~ a :oo: 1 94:~. RACE TEAR .... . . . .. . . Professor of Principles and Methods in Education State Tea c· h e r:o:. Col lege, Emporia . Kan s as; A. B. , 1.Vi <'hita n ivers it:-·; .\. -:\I .. rolumhin Uni,·e r l'< it:-· : G rnd uatp Stu den t, Col um bia Unin•1·s it.r:

Grad uate Stud en t, Uni,· e n•.;it.'· of Cal ifo l'nia.

19 2 1 .

• W . T YLER . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . A ssociate

Professor of Education , Director of Rural Education

Gr:1duatf' . t \\·o- :<f'fH c·ou r ~(' . h'. irk ~ \· illr St~tP rr <'ae liers College: A. B. ;1nd A. 1\J. , Phil l ips U11in"' r ~ i1~: ; A. ) f .. Oklnhonrn U ni ve r s it,\· ; G 1';1duate Rt u d L• nt, Co lorado State T eae h e r s Co ll ege. I 92B. NA WEAR E .... . .. . ..... . .... . . A ssistant Professor of Home Economics B. S .. l\;111~ :u• Rta1P 'I'(• rHhe r f.; Co ll egf', Pi t tf.1h t1l'g: .A. :f..1. , Co l umb ia Uni,. ,~ r ~it,\-. J 9 2 9. ZEL WE ARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Assistant Professor of B. S. , :\ f . S., K~1n ~ :l !':. St~llc Coll l1 gf', :P ittsh ur g , l{ n n ~ a ~ . 1 94:1.


G. WHE ELER . . . . . . . . . . A ssociate

Professor of Physical Education, Director of Athletics and Physical Education

A. R .. Oh cl' lin Co ll egP: A . 1\L. Col umbia U ni\' e ndty: G r a dua te Stu d ent., Io\\"a Statf' Col lege an d Kortli\\" el':. tern Univ e r s ity. 1938. ZEL WILLIAMS .. . . . . . . . ... .... . . . . . Assistant

Professo r of English and Instructor in Speech Education

A. 13. P e l' u St ate- '1'en eh e r s Coll ege, P e ru , Neb r a s ka: of Towa. Towa C it y, lo \\"a. 1 943 .

).J.. A ., U n i \·e r s it.''

K. WINTER . . . . . . . . . ..... . .. .. Assistant Professor of Biology B . S., 111. A .. Grnduate St ud e nt, U ni ve r s ity of Ne hrn,s ka. 1943. ORN M ACK WINTER . . . . . . . . . . Professor of Biology, Head of D epartment . CLARA

of Science B. Sc., '[. A .. Ph. D. , U ni,·e r s it)· of Neb rn s kn

*On lea \·e of n b ~e n ('r [o r wn r SL• n · ice . tVi s itin g I n~t r uc t or.

19 ~2.



Activities- Larson , P a lmer, D avidson. Budget a nd Athletics- H ayward , *Jimerson, Clayburn, Mathews, H uck, Gockley, Wheeler. Calendar- B enford, Gockley, Wheeler, Davidson, Williams. Convocation- Jindra, Bradford, Konig, Diddel, P almer, Delzeu, Williams, Kirk. Curriculum and D aily Program-Hayward, Tear, Clayburn, Bractford , Tyler, Winter, Clements, Brown. Extra-Curricular Administrative-Tyler, R eynolds , Hayward, Pool. Faculty Advisory and Graduation-Tyler, P etersen, Winter. Faculty Meetin gs-Diddel, *Jimerson, Brandt, Johnston, H. Weare K enned y, Bradford. ' Library- P etersen, M axwell, Bradford , Brown, Winter, Clements, Tyler, Konig, La r son. Personnel- Maxwell, Baker, Gard , Jindra, H . Weare. Peruvia n --Senior, Junior , Sophomore, and Freshman Advisers. Social-Brackney, Weare, Gockley, K enton, Mason, Hileman, Mccollum, Delzell, F au lha ber, Kirk. Teachers Bureau- Clements. Welfare and H ealth--D avidson, Marsh, *Jimerson, Bennett, Wheeler. Faculty m eetings a r e held on the third Thursday of each montll from October to M ay , inclusive , at 4 :30 to 5 :30 p. m. ADVISERS

Sigma Tau D elta-A. L. Bradfor d . K appa De lta Pi- P . A. M axwell. Tri B eta- J . M . Win ter . Alpha Mu Omega--Eloise Pool. Epsilon Pi Tau- A. V. La r son. K a ppa Omicron Phi- Edna W ear e. La mbda D elta L a mbda- M abel F . M a r t in. Commerce Club- Nona Palmer. Future Teachers of America- B . K . B aker. Dramatic Club- H azel Willia m s. I nternational R elations Club- C. M. Brown . Y . M. C. A.-L . B. M ath ews, A. R. R eyn olds . Y . W. C . A.-Mary 0 . Delzell, Edna Weare. College Cath olic Association- E . H. H ayward. Lutheran Club-Marie H . F a ulha ber. College M en 's Club- E. H . H ayward . College Girls' Club- Mrs. G en evie M a r s h . Scholarship Club-S. L . Clem en ts. Art Club- Norma L . Diddel. w. A. A.- Phyllis Da vidson . P . Club- A. G. Wheeler. Seniors-A. L . Bradford . Juniors- A. B . Clayburn. Soph omores- A. V. Larson. Freshmen- Grace Tear. *On l ea ve of ahsen ce for wa r servi ce.


ROSTER OF STUDENTS At t endance in t he College SUMMER, 1943 r echt, Ev L>l~· n , rr:i Im age ffer , Yirginia, .HPd O:~k, Iowa Jega t·e, J.la r g a r rt, Un 1011 a br ight, _Doroth y , Dawson abr ight , Ir t' JH', Da w s on brigh t, Hub y, Daw s on inson , Yh·ia11, Pa"·ncc City our, 1far g~11· l't. ,Xp!)n)~ka. City tfl , Jr e 1.1 e, !S\\·anton

enrnn, J_;. lr £11 H.'. Fa rra gut, Io,,·a nt. Loren e. T ecumseh tt r. Loi s , Haml et er, B ett;·, Xebra•ka C ity ard , Rose, Auburn re. El eanor. Dunbar bitt, )Iaud e, .\uhurn le. Eunic·e , Prin(· el on 1i11 g, Berni ece, ~\u hurn ndt,, J.J Ol'l' :till C', rl1a bor. IO\\·a rh er , l.1ucill~" Gl t.•nwo ocl , J o,,·a t n , Co l.n1 e, D o u g ln 8 ,·l es, E ll en, rra hl e Roc k it t, Betty, Arthur gess, L oui 8C, rralina g(• ges:?., ].'[n, r g a r et, rra Imag e ke. Flore n ce, B en t r ice ke, Fl oyd , L es hara k e, l-faz e l, B eatric e ke, Ire n e, L es hara ente r , D o r oth,\·. G r a ncl Ts land 1e, '\'Vrintn , \Vymo re rke , 1Ja 1· ,\·, Pawn ee City yburn , Lo r in e, P e r u pfil , P:-1ulin L'. 'I'arkio , )Ii sso uri y, R uth. Co un (' i J Bluffs, Towa radi , Sy lv ia , S ,\·1·a c use k , D o r ot h y, ~ [nl n• rn , Iowa k , Edna, 1'Inlv e rn , I ow a ok , Ruth , X e br:1' 1rn C ity 11, ~far ga n1 e t tf' . ) f irn le ,\' Ham , lda , rra lm:i ge la m, P r ud enec , :P e ru me , B e v c rl,\' , Cook k, :\in ria n , P e n1 hm , Juli a, Tabl e Hock m , Se lm a, Ta hie H oc k den , Ail ee n, N elrn wk a erfelcl t, Donnn, X e maha erfeld t , Eil ee n , Fall s C ity er, Hannah, Fairmon t on d so n , Donnn , P e ru k•t ead t, D o roth)·, Ste ll a • ~I ary , Humboldt st, E lda 1 J o h n so n es, Neta, Humbo ldt ret t , Ru by, P e ru :ren hoJt,z, E rnrn, rralma ge ,IS_, M:argaret, U nion 1P1, An n , 'robia s ~e l , L eola, A uburn lS~h m an. E dna. El mw ood 1n g, ' Vi lm a, H end e r ~o n , Iowa jkey, E liza beth . Clari n d a, Iowa e, V i v ian , P e ru ey, Ruth , Pawn ee City Zee, J e n ni e , L in coln ri ck son , Oll ie, Adam s

:b-,riedly , ni arion , Y e rd on

Fr uehlin g, Erwin, Aub ur n Gar ri son , :lla r y, Un ion G e h ri nger, E l iiaheth, P ap illi on Geer, J ·~d na 1 Bur«hnrd Gei<·k, Ge 1H \'it'H', _\t1blll'll Geig-C'r, 1lar('el la, LJt iea G e lclm (.' ie r , I. ueill e, Oto e Liillil1111d, _\ l ildre d , Pall s City Gin ri (')1 , Yel'Cl a, Fairfi eld Grab h e r, Betty, Dill e r GrePd ,\·, llarri l'tlt'. :-; id ne,\·, Iowa. Gun lac: h , Cnrol , );' e h rat'5ka City Jlaith, ~l abel, _\u burn J-lamihon , .A rl 1• 1w. ~hick l ey l iam mc• r s , lla r;.·, Hand o lph, Iowa Jiandl e ,\·, \\' e nd e ll , ~ e maha Hark endorlf, Jiu t h, Ye rd on Hann s, Edith , 1\reb r as ka City Jia1·v ey, j\J nr;.· Lu, Gn1nd I ~ land Ha sse lqui st, D orot h y, )lalv e ru , Iowa Ha.~ti e, 1-lazcl Hu t h , Auburn 1-lathaway, Bett.~' , Au b urn Hay (•S, Est h e r J ean e, Aubu r n H.a,\'S , :Mario11 , P 0r u H e lmink , Em ma , Holland Helmri c h s , ).ta ri e, \Vy more H end e rs on , Ar len e, Bro ck H e rnd on , Ru th, H eb r on 1

H cus mn n , }Je le n, 'l\i lma ge H e u s man , Mi ldr ed , Ste rlin g H e u s man. Huth , Sterl in g Hin es , P ert rl , Ba rn esto n Hoh e n see, ].; uJa , Daykin

H o we ll. Cl."d e, Broe k Huff, Ve r a, Oaklan d, Io"·a Hun ze k e r , L o rna , Ilumbol d t Irw in , l\.fHr g ar ct, 'rabo r , Iowa I ,-e r.s on , Ma rg:i ret, Platts m o uth Iv c l'SC' n , ) f. ario n , Neb ra s ka Ci ty J a n el'.P k , Jo se phin e , ' Vil b er Jo n e~. J ess ie , J e ff e1·son , :Mi ss ouri Jon e8, J oy, Stap leton J ou ra , l\rln e, Swanton Juilfs , J\.t ar;.·, Bu 1T Kalin, Ade laid e, Bu r t hard Kamrn c re r , Ali ce, Fall s City Kenn in g, Mildred, Endieott l..::ni g h t , Frnnc e8 . Pall s City l"{ o k es, A rl e n e, John s on Kuh l, :M arl e n e, Elk C r ee k Kuhlman , C lan1ma e , C h este r Lanwn , Leonore , Peru L a Ru e, Bonni e, W ee ping \ Va te r Lat s ha, .,~ , Ruth , Co r t land L e ig h . Katherin e, Neb ra s k a C it y Li se nby , Opal, Jan se n Longfe ll o\\', Jn c k , Pe r u Lutz , Ev e lyn , Ifumboldt ~frArdl e , B et t y, Sa le m AfcAtee, D o rot h y, Ba rn ston M c D e rm ott, Lucil e, Fa r r ag u t, Iowa J\·I cPadden, G e n e v i e ve, At lant ic, Iowa J\l c Fadclen, Opal , At lanti c, Iowa ~l' c Gough, J en n, Ste r lin g McN'a ll y, Willi a m, L on g Pin e ~far s hall , E lle." , Pawnee City


PERU STATE TEACHERS M at h e w s , -l l ax. P e r u M e il'!', Do r een . Du.B ui~ l\r e ic> 1', Loi s , DuBui ~ l\ I e ie r , Loui se, DuBo is M e ish' I', El eLl no r , Hu mb o ld t J\l e ii;:. tl'J", ;\_Lary, H u m bo ld t .l\l t.• i ~ tcr , l ~uth, Hum bo ld t )[t' n ninga , ~\farie , Bu r C' hard ) f ill (•!', l•: \·e t,,·n , 'I1 eC' um se h J\[ol;J p ~•, (il' ll1"' \'i f' \' L', S: dn ey. JO\\";\ ?\ l ohl e y , \ pi rgini a. Si dney. Iowa :t. Jogl•n s{1 n. SyJ,·i a , \\' ee pin g \\"nt e r .\Jo ss . J ea 11, Bt1 1'l' Mut>llt•r, Ol t• ~ a, ]lum ho ld t \11' ubau1•r, .\fary. Uunb;1r :'\ t• uh:tU('I', Xorma. nunbar X O,\'l'1-i, ";\[i Id 1·c•d . Stella Oakl C' y, Ln Ya r a, St e r ling O t:>st 111an11 . . \l i t e . Johnson O C't ku1 , Y 1~ rona , Cook P alnH'l', .ll:t ze l. Blue Sprin g~ Pn rd C', Leo nil. Sterli n g Pa rk e r , P hylli s, Dougla s Pa r ri !-. h, Dori s . Te (' um se h P;ltri c k, Pauline, R ey n o ld ~ P l'n rH·~" l~l ln . A\•oca P t>s lH~ k , :\el li e, U nad i lla Pf if:.tc r , .\ nna. S t einaue r Pit~l' s o l , L u e il e , 'l' ecumseh Pit se nli e r ger . He le n, :!.Jarn e, Iowa. Pl a nk. Beulah. rrab o r. Iowa Pohlman, .Audr e y, Auburn Q 1u1nt f1, Yt~ ,·e, B 1·oc k Radii, 1\ L1 rga l' ct, \V este r n Ha,,·, ]\'[al'j orie, •r ec u111 se h Hc•a r s, An n a , Ste ll a

Rea r s, Jean e, Ste lla RC'C' d , L conrt, Au burn R e mm in ga , -E lm e r. Dou g la i' Ht'n11ni11 g- a, ).[arj o ri e, Burr .R in k , D o r ot h~· . X e brn s ka Cit:-· Rin n e, )[a lin d a , Burtha r d

R inn e, ::\ata l ie, Ste inau e r H obe rt" s, Ir e n e, Papillion Hob rt s . 'l1hC'l in a, G le nw ood . Iowa Rod ge r s, )[a ri o n , P e ru Hocl genL Sh i rl cy, P e ru B:oh1·s, -Kat· h1·~· n e , P e ru J~os r, Hoge ne, J-\ u burn Rose n e r , B f'u lah, Glad R-t orH' Ro sr nl'lrnl , Cll r ist irrn, Ste rli ng Hoth, Loui :-ie . S hubert M e h · in , Omaha Snd lo, Ro se, 1\fi ll igan Safra n e k , I . orrain e . Wilb e r Sandfo r t, Lu c il e , IIumb o lcH Sapp, Y elourn , Fille y SaJ>IJ, Ze lm a , Fi ll ey 1~01 . hmill e l',

f-iarg f' nt. ). l arjor ie, Sidnt•\· ~(· ha c h I . Ho :si n~1 • Ta lmag{. · lowa ~thaeeht~rle, hath PrinP. Burr 8diot'nb o nm. Ha 1.el, ('t1tnhl'rl· ~ llH.l'J!~". 1mog~ n e, ; \ xtt·IL Kai~~1 ~l~· 1own ~ h t>._1'. e t. ]-f~1ll1t.~ . f arragut , Iowa ~ h e n ~Jon, L Pr tha. Hanclolph, fo wa ~hook. Bt~ n>" .. .:\Jal\'t•rn. Iowa ~~1owt_~11. 1 1ax1n e. Rarnt> :-; ton ~ilt' ll l'P . 11 a rg;n et, JI nw l'

Sirnp . . . 011 . _\Jma. ~\ulrnrn Sl a g!t•. .\ l il'c· . 8tP1J:i S\nglt>, -:\I ilcla. St(~l\a

Srnt•.i d ir. ) r a1·y, F'rit:1HI H1nitl1, E :-; tht~r , Pr-ru Rny<lt'r. Pli:·:lli :-; , Pa\\'J\Pt' ( ' it,· ~l<ta(· k. Ho :-;e n~a r ~-. \\.Pt> ping \rater

St t-t'H' l'. Ph~·l lJ :-; , Strom:-;hurir

8t p i1wr. E:-;tlwr. Bun·hard


:-.ilt'\\'a rt, ).fa~-, .\uhurn ktoc·kt•r. _\ugusta . .\u l rnrn StrnulJ t•, Edith. ~tt• rl '. 11!! Stra \\", (~ l:' rn ld int'. P t•ru ~utt t• r. l! i lli e. Papill ion 'l'a <' kt•lt , Doroth:-·. ~c11 · ('ih-, Iowa

'J1;1l'kt.>tL _P;n!lin P. :--:;1<· (' i t;·, lown 'I'n .\· lo r , Lt•t a, l:::C'd Oak. Iowa T :·nrn:-1011. Ell e n. P t>n1 'l1hi es f e ld , L~' din. Stt>r\ingrl'hor1-;on . B r rtha. l~ nll' rl'\Oll, Iowa 'l' i! ih~ t ts. J,uC'ill P. Paw1wt~ r ih· 'l'ill er . D oro1h:--. Pawnl't' rity' 'l'om lin son. l•'p1·11, Ernp1·.- -on, lowa •r1·i \'P lp it~l' l' . ).fary . .Hamburg. I owa. T1 ,\' na1', Let·i. \\' Pt'ping \\"at t>r

'l1ynr• r , L.nl i a. Sh e nand oah . Town 'l' yson, lrene, :X ehn\\· k;i U ri Rh. ]'";-1thryn, \\·l~ t:'ping \\'ater \\"ag- n c r . H enriettn . .J oJin,on \\ "nlkt~ r. Ida. Peru \ \r <11ll' O\\", ).[ari;111. P aWIH'l' ('it:; \ \"C' ddl e . Jo.'·· Peru \\'t>it· h pJ. Elain e. Pl ymouth C'l lc r . Tlelt>n. l.farion. ).fontnna \Yhit f'hi ll. H ele n. Ta hor. l o\\·a \V ick. E s t h er, Blu r S11 rin p:s \\"TiJkin s on. Chri :·di11 r . . \ uhu rn \\'il kin so n. Sadie. ~ \.uh urn 0


\ \'ilson. Em il:--, Xt1 l :-;0 11 \Vr ig li t. .i\f a d eline, Gl e nw ood. Iowa \Vri g h t, Ru th. Peru \V y atl , Pan s ~ · . Peru ¥ e ar s le ,·. Lu cille, Palmyra Y e tte r. \\'illia m. P eru Yo ung. Gnl C'l' . Bt_>atTi(' t~ Young. :\( er na. Cednr H:np id :'. Zo rn. F a ye . Auhurn 0

September 1, 1943 to June 1, 1944 Abram s, Arno ld R ., Sa n Franci R-c·o. C'al if. A c k e rm an. Gor d o n IC , LDs Ang e le R-, Ca I. Adam s, "\rilliam D., Ex ete r , Ca li f. Adams on , Ca rri e E ll e n , r.rabor , I owa Ai e llo , A n t h ony , J. , :i\1artin ez, C alif . A l b e r s, ~.,re d e ri c k K ., T e c u m s e h Al d e r s . C l:i r (' n ce D., Oketo, K<ln f:. n s

.Andre w s , Donald , Lin co_l n ·r Andre w s. Prank I.1 .. Chrno. Call j·r Andr e \\' s, Georg e IL, ..-\.!ban~-. Ca 1 • An s on, \Villi am L., C r es t on A r ge r s inge r , Don ald E., OmahaC J'f A ~ h. C la r e n C'e ~ .. I n glewood . k. nc\t·\, Ave r e tt, Raym und C., Salt LH e ·'

A ll oy , Jam es E., Paradi se, Ca l if. Alm<1ui st, Hut h , R e d Oah: , Iow rl Ancl e 1·so n , D o n a ld , rr ec um se h A nd e n;on , P1·e d e rick J ., \ Va lton Anders on . T, Jo y d T ., Hill s boro , Oregon Andree, David \ V,, Los Angel es . Calif.

Bn c o11, _C harl es P .. Kearn e :-· . J'f Bain s. \rillia m _R .. Glencbi;e. C~l 1 · Bak e r , Jam es Jr., ).forth ~ .latt B11ll. Don !':., E n <'ino, Cali!. C J'f Bandy, G eo r gC" TL . R epresa, a 1 •

U tah

CATA LOGUE SUPPLE MENT er J ohn P. , Omnha -\fn n ce P. , \ \'nhoo ~s. B d win H ., Omaha 11 , J ohn R .. Snit Lak e C ity , Utah ham , Ch a rl e s E .. G le ndal e, Calif. 0 rd , Kath l ,\· n, P eru

ord ,

Hob e r ~ ~r. ,

.Pe ru

er, Be t t.v J .iou, X e b r a s ka C ity . Clrn l"i es 0. , Co 1· ina , Calif. e~ J{ ennet.h D. , Co ll ison , Uta h d ~. )f n.x i n e ; John ~o n be l'g, Uodf1·py H., Lo s .Angeles, Ca li f. kn er , Ruth. Pl y mouth

e, Eu nice,

~-, rinn• ton

, J ean, Pn1 r bur,\·

e Ra.'' n., lJ untingt on Pnrk , Cal. er's, \Y anda. \\'at so n , Mi ssouri rnn , \' c wpll K. , Lo s _\_ng eles. Ca lif. Jer, T' e nn C'th E .. l ~ I .. \ntr o, (";11iL ban t. Ro be r t J. , C' r es<"t> nt Cit,\·, Ca li[. gs, 1\Villinm .\. \\~oodland, Cn l if. h t, Darl ene', .\u hurn h t , I.ulu B e ll f', Hiv e rton , Iow a, son . Phylli :.;, Peru z11, Ern est L., San )!ateo , Ca lif. wn , )larjori e, ·ira mb urg, Towa wn , ) fand1nll ::\f.. L o~ .\ngeles, Cal if . wn. ::\J c1rvin, P e ru s, Donnld J., Sterlin g t. Betty, l!'airbun· an , \V il l inm J-T .. (iJ(~ 11dal e. C:1li f. an t , Ch n r l('s '\\r., Onkland, Calif. rd , J"oh n rr. Stu a r t k e ~·. J nm es I-I., P e ru key, ~a ia II., P e ru o ws, Doro th y, 1\dam s e rk , D onn ld ;\" ., "J ,. in c· oln pb e ll , Ivnn R., Omaha p bell. Leona r d D .. X o. Holl;·11·ood. Ca l if. pbe ll , \ Yi lliam F., Omah a dl a n d , R ob e r t \\·. ,Oakl an d , Calif. non , K e lly ...\ ., )fonte Yi ~ta, Col· orad o p , Do n al d :E' .. L o:-; Ange les, Cal if. p s, S t a n ley B. , Lin co ln ine, P atr icia, _l.,n ll s CitY ico, J os €' ph E. , l.. os J\ng(. les, Ca li f . er. D on a Id C'., Blair e r , Hobe r t, Di l le r Jou pk a, Be r nic e. S\\'a,nton ndl e r , W i n t hr op B., Gl e ndal e, Ca lif. pman , Noe l B., ]\[ itc h e ll .ds, W e nd e ll M., G lendale, Calif. ste n sen, Loi s , Clarks r ch , Mnx H ., :\'npa, Cn li f. ~ o n , E m o n ' , Y ., Slclton. rr e x;1 ::; ms, L y le P., Xo. Hol l)· 11·oo<l , Calif. st oc k, Ruth , York li n. Frank L .. Glendale, Cali!. k , Y e r no n C., Oma h a ,• J oh n :\!. , Smithlnnd, To,,·a lg, W ar r e n B. , R e ll, Calif. Ven , Et hr idge, Chula Yi s ta, Cali f. !ey, l.r. J' m ogenc, Y e rd on 1 e~ , J ohn l~ ., Omalrn C~ ~ ft· J e rome Y ., Los Ang e les,


Ut te, Donal d C1., Pre f.I nn. Calif. hm an , :Ro llin s K .. Culve r Cit,,·, Calif. a , Ed wa r d G .. Nipo m o, Ca lif. ?ff, :hf a r y, Omaha !dson , G le n H ., Rn lt Lak e C ity, Utah lDc P.s . Ca millu s T., No. H olly\\'ood , Cal if .

D ec k , ~nl'ia n , P e r u D e k lot,z , Jimm ie C., Lin t oln D e ll , \' e r na , B e nt r it e De nC'n b e rg , .No r man H ., Omaha De ttman, Colene, St e lla Dond e ro. "\\'alter, Placl'n·i lle, Ca lif. J> o nncll.'·· Robe r t \V ., Rio Yi 8 ta, Calif. Doo le dg e, Wal te r H ., Corlottn, Cali[. Doughert~', 1Har y Belle , Broc k Downum , Ja c k S ., Ol e ndale, Calif. Dress ler, Barbara, P;1irbury DJ'(.'8s le r , 1\ r;1rl!'a r r t , Pai l' h ur~· Du e deld t, Julia111a e . S hub e rt l ·~ :1nw:<:, H<1 r o ld n., Omaha Edg1-1r, Jo se ph C., Orl a nd , Calif. E clm on d &o n , >r u ri e l. P er u Eng le, R obe rt R.. Lo s Ang eles, Calif. En sz, R e inhold 0., Brntri ce En va II , Of'orge Y ., GIL' nda le . Calif . Epley, 'J.1\\'ild i . Sn·;l(·u~e E\·:111 s;, ):"ei l H .. J~o d ogil. Calif. Fnnklrnusc r , n en~e l D .. DuB ois l·' ieke. ~oe l inr. L inC'oln Fi e n e . Caro lin e, Bar:1d;.i li1 isc h c r , }..., r c cl e 1·itk, Bc-ll en1c Fl e min g, \\'ilma, JJen d e r ~o n, Town P lPtc h e r , Fi·Nle r i('k G .. Klamath Falls, Or e . Fo l'd , ITo\\'ard , Omaha l·,o rmanPk , ]~ d\\" Hl'd J. , Omaha J.,oster, Don al d J., Oma ha Fout s, Jin rold L., Ro. Sioux C it y Frn.nkfort£'r , H. eb ani s, rrobia s 1:1 r en c h, \Vi l linm G., Glendal e, C'alif. Fuhrmann , Jam es D .. Cnlclw e ll , CilliL Fu llC'r to n , John R .. OlC'nd:tl e , Calif. Oallo\\'<1.\'. Glendora , A uburn Gnmble , L e o E., Lathrop , C al if. Gantz, Eve r e t t E., Omaha G·nr to n, .Jn ck Roy, Co r o n a, Calif . Gauehnt, Ro ~a L ee, B r o(' k G C' h r inger, J~ li zab 1h. Papilli on Gei ~ t . Jo ~e ph C'., Lincoln Gt' i<·k, G (• ne,· ieve, Pe r u G e rli R, Ha r old. Lo s Angel es , Calif. Gibbs, Ri c h nnl F .. ilfnd e rn, C'nlif. Glad, Rob e r t L ., Oma h a Gle n , n'lu rr n~· H ., P la i n fi e ld . Indiana Go uld , 1-TomPr J\ ., G IP1Hl :1 lP, f':-1l i f . G r aves, A li ce, Co u nci l B l uff s, lo\n.1 G run d nrnn, Do n a ld , Syrnruse G r undma n , Lo is, Neb 1·1H:; k a Ci ty Gu e r n , l~e Ro~' H. , Allrn m bn1, Ca li(. Gu r ul e, J "ohn A. , Ot e: rno, Calif Gute rm an , ~ f o n t~· A .. L.'1S Angele ~, Ca lif. Gu,·. Pran res A n n, Om ah a G"''yn n , .Jflm e~ H., L i ncoln Ha ll , G e n eve in , Ste ll a Ha ll , i\f il dr e d , Y e rdon IIanrotk, \S' i ll iam L., Los An ge les, Calif. }-fond l e ~' , )fona, Ne ma h a Hand l e~·. "\\7 end ell. Ne rnah a Jlanika, Gl e n P .. Shubert liam;e n , .J o hn A. , Onwha I-Lan s on , H.ir hard \V .. ll o ll~· wood , Cnlif. IIa r dinJc C li ffo r d , Iiamburg , To"·a I-Ja 1·ouff , Dona ld L., A lma l-far ri n _g ton, Cha r les J .. Auburn I·Ia ~e nya ge r , "\ Vill iam K., Salem I-Jauptman, Ve r ela, Da ~' lon, Ohio 11 1H1pt m e i e r , A. rl y n n , ]~ lk C r eek Have r , R ic h a rd llf., O m aha Haye. raft", ]~ ogan , Oma h a. I-Jeat h , Go r d on G., I-Io llywo od., Cal if . l-I edman , Earl D., \ Vh itebea r , Xfinn esot:1.




liein e n, Harry C., GIC'ndalr• 1 Calif. 1 l~Iell ebe r i;. Alfr e d V ., \\ia y n e lTenr.v, .Paul J·., ]j1 011tana, Ca lif . lie rndon. l{Ltth, A lexandri:1 Hill, Pntri c ia , Peru .H in e:-; , P earl fl .. Ba rn p;.;ton 1-Iitch , Cha r les 'l'raYiS, Omah a. Holm:in, Ilt.•len J e au, _\.u burn I-Ion s he rge r, 1:1 10,,·d B .. G lenclill e, Calif. Ho o d~·, 1-f o \\"ard, J. , Omaha. l-lo0Y e 1·, Le ro,\· B: ., J ;o~ .A n geles , Calif. 1:1.opkin !) . Eli zabeth, Ro t kport, l\ii ss ou ri H os ie r , ilL1x l\J. , E1 ai rbur y Jlo s kin s, J\ L1ry Jo, Ho ck.port, :M i ss ouri Hou 8enrn n . ])\\·ight H. , Lin c oln Howa1·d , .Jac:k:-1on B ., Pro,·o . Ut:ih 110\nlrd , Hob e r t I-1 ., Omaha Jl O\\·nrcl. Rn,\·mond \\-., B e rk eley, Cal if. J-lu esm ith. h: o lH:i rt F .. D1..•nn•1-. Co lo rudo Hu11 :-;uc: k (·r. lle \\"i tt J•1 •• (;J r n<lal e, Calif. 1-lun ter, :b'o re s L :\!., ::i.Cidhrnd, T exas 1-Iukhisou , Jn c k B., Lo s .-\_ n g l • l t.~!), Ca l if. I !lo, Gag~ 11., Lo s _\.n ge le s, Cal if. l sg1·i g, l!1 rn11klin E. , )/'o. Iloll.vwood, Un Ii[. l\·e~·, Jos ep h A. , Glendal e, C a lif.

Ja e uzzi, Rodolfo ~ .. Oakl ey, On !if. Jahnz, LC'ona rd R .. Lo:" Ang e les, Calif. J;-tmes. Our t h ...-\ .. ~I a la cl C' ity . Tdaho Jarn es . Robe 1·t. Elm\\"ood Jt•nkin l'i , U:1 l' o ld l .1., Humboldt J e n sp n , ]fnr1·y K., F' l' Cmon t J espc r 8en. Ri c liard E .. IL1nford, On!if. John !) on, ('etil D., Arl ington, Yirg inia J -olin s on , ](aren, R e d Oak, Iowa. John 8on. \·i 1·gie L ee, Arlington. Yirginia Ka ess nPr. Donald L., Hun t ing ton P ar k, Cal if. Krn n , Ruth, Ve rdon K e lly. D enn f;., :l[a lad, Idaho 1~. e nn e dy , BPtt,v, Brown v ill e ·Ke ntopp, -\VarrPn \V .. Fall s C ity E e rrigan, E,e li x J., O mah a. Killam , \Vill i am J., J__;in to ln Kim f'e :· , Jnni c C', l•'a rra gut, Iowa. Klein, Evei,\· n, llamburg, lowa Kni ght, J ohn Ed. Li11eoln Enipe . )l.ar~· Pranc es, ...-\uhurn Ko r in a, H:o lw r t C .. YL•rdigTt' Ko~mak. C'ha l'll~s J. G ien dnl c. Ca lif. Kuklin , Floyd A., Ornnha Kur si n s ki, Emil lL , T__; oS Angele s . Cal if. l ,iakt'.'' , J\11d r·e\\' ·r;i .• Bul' • tiy, C alif. J__;n r s on, L<'onore, P eru

\Lin en C .. Onrnha J,ant::..be>rge r , Leo. Bi[.!'gS. Ca lif .

Lft l' !jCHl.

La\\' l'ene e. John C .. Bro,,·ndll e J.. eadtt, J ohn J ., H,j\·e r bank. Ca li f. Leec h , U na )la~· , Hum ho ld t 1,e fl r r . L.'·le G .. Omah a I,.e1·ner, Al'thur B., Los Ang eles. Cal if. :l .ieRo:·, Alfrpcl J,__; ., Antioch, ralif. Lindblom , 'l'homa s \V. , Om;1hn. Littl eton . J:i C" k K., )lo. Holl.nrnod. Calif. Luiz:i , G e n rge rr., Glenn , 011\if. 1[cArdle, B elt)-, Salem M cCab e . P rank A .. Glend<il<>. Ca lif. :M c D e rmo tt, Jn m es ·::u., J.jnC'oln }[acDona lcl, Dani e l G. , Sc1 n ·1·1 ran ti sco , C al if. i\feElro:·, E dwin II.. l?o r te rvill e, Ca lif McFndde n, Opa l , At lantic·, 'ioll'a 1 1. c} fnk e n. Jo st"p il N .. Pln t 1:-;111outh l\(c)1n 8te r . 0101111 11.V .. (.;l Pn dal C' , f'aliL J\[ c Qund e . rrh o ma s \" .. San .\n sp lmo. Calif.

::\ l agwi1·; · ::'i.L1x 1.••• Battlt• Cq•ek J\Jalln, l! rank S .. Om aha 1U11nn ~c hr ec k, \\"ill.iam (' S q· ) l:arsh. l:L1rhnra. Jlar tin~~ 011 • acuse

J\!nrs liall, \\alter D. , Bea,·or Cit, l\Ja s t, .Jnt:k_ D .. E spano. ('alif ) )L1 ~t 11111. H1chard K .. ('ompt< · (' . )[atllcwR. .:\[ax, Pt•ru lll, ah[ . .\l:1 Lt h c " >. P;!t~l. \\' oodland. C'alif. l\~<tL t h e \\ s ._ (.ni ce. )J.ah·t·rn, Lowa :. \t:i yfield. lla!'l ey J) .. l·'n•:-.no. (' l"f l\[ ecs, Donald G-. , }':iirl)ui·v a 1 · l\h• ¥,TU C, (;I L l1'\':"ll U. , rrt·k:;mah l\iei s tt..•r , ::\fan·, Hu niholdt ::\Il.:' ritt , Esther, l' e ru ).! P r itt, Ro :::.e ll a, P eru 1

-'l_t•tu.; l)Orn. ).[ilial'<.l )1.. ('t>dar Rapid

~Jidla l~ l so n , H olwrt E .. Billings



.\Jill'-'''· En•lyn. Te tum .... t•h ·' on 1ana :.\J~l lL' l', Ja c k \\- . Lo ..... \ngl'it•s, Calif. Jl~ll s , Ro bert -~-· L:1 (;1·;rndt.~. Oregon J\1- 1Ll' ht' li, ~[orr1 ~ . :-.; l'O~ho. ::\lissouri J\ J iu·ht•ll, '!:llt'~ld.ore Fair Oak5, C'alif


1\ ( oblcy, \ 1rgrn 1a. S1dnl lowa _\JonL1 gne . . \_r thur B .. ~al'ramento C·ilif ~ lo orl', Jo l"t: pli H: .. 0111 ;d1a ' • · 1lo r r~~~1 I'i\:. }Ial to lm B .. Bt•n•rly Hills, 1 .\',

:\lorit.z, L orc•1H>. P eri: )Joron r .v , Ed·.nncl. Jl ollywood, Ca lif. ..\lour;l. Ju e S. , .\ntio<·h. Ca li (. nr out('..;, {-; e01·ge. Ynn ~li,\'S, Ca lif. ilJ:ulick, ( ; t~orge C .. Orna lin il'lustain. Bobhi L• f_., ,l~. Cornpton, Cal if. Keil!, J brold _\ .. \\',\·mo r P Xcl s on, \ -e rn e r X .. Lo s ~\ nge l es, Calif. Xi spe l, Irene . Ply mouth ~i ss c>n. I-Jarn· C' ., L os .\ngt• les, Calif. Nord s t r om, _i_r ne ~-· Oakland. f'alif. Ko n:i s, Bu ssell, San ta R o!)a, Calif. Xor r is, Yernon E., San Francisco, Cal i r. North, John E. , Omah;l O'Bri c 11, .DHniel B .. Om;1ll;l O 'B r ie n , l~id1nrd J .. Omaha O ' D e ll , H obert. ~ l ePaul. l o\\'a Oetke n. Yerona. Cook Ol si:. n, B r rth el _\_., Orn ah11

O ' J< ourke. Jam e:::. I~ .. :-·h-otia. Calif. 0 $Le rioli. B Yron D .. 1.loopPr 0 .-; tel'iund. Robe rt S .. Yan Xr:-.:s, Cali(. Owe n, Cha rl es. n., San Hafa el. Calif. 0\\"t n LE>ona rd Ja \'. Lin <'o ln Owen ~, Prederi c k k. , 0:1kb1nd.. Calif. O\' C'nn:1n. Bett e . X1•hrn ~k<t C'1ty .

Pa c k. HohPr t E .. L os .\_ng-1;1 les, Ca_liL Paladini. Pranko J .. ;\o\-;tto. Ca lif. . Pnlm e r . .Jol111 G-. , f_Jo:-. .\_ng-ele', L'al1f. P;-drn e r.

Ph~· Jli s,

.\ uhurn

Park e r . Pln·Jl i s. Do ug-la~ Pn r l(\ J e r n;ne Y., Omah;1

Parriott. Norma ,

Pl~ r u

Pa r SOll!-:, Eu gen e 11 .. l ~in('oln f Pas cn le, Hi chard l:i .. 1,o~ .\n gp les . Cali .. Pa tr i<' k , Ralph Y ..



Pn~·..;o n. John G- .. Ch:_it :::.worth ~



Peanrnn. I-Iow:1 rd, ) ( 1ch-:1lt~ . Lta_~ P ec k. J:1m~ s Y., Yan ~u.'·:-.. Cn 1 P L•(' k, \\'il\ iam. ('nno~n P:1 r k. a 1· Pl~ ng- p l l ,\· . \\.illard I~,, F'rit•tHl P C' ter .. e n. J acquelin e . Brm·k Pe tl'ofani~. Cliri st ,\· J .. L o~ .\.ngc 1es,


Pet n;c,.~·l/f\~in(' eni E .. E~<·alnn. C':_•,l if Pit :--.f' nb P1·ge 1._ H f'if'll, ~f:Hlll~. I0"•1 P oulos. Gu s::\ .. K earn t'r rtnh Pl'i :-; bn,~·. Grant ~L . Brigh:lnt, '

CATALOGUE SUPP LEMENT k L eo n al'd A ., Grass Valloy, Calif. t~r; Rob C' rt S., Los Angeles, Calif. ze r ) 1arg;u·et , Gl enwood, Iowa er 'Sh ir ley, El_mwood J os eph E. , Los Angele s, C<1l if. hs ta d t, Paul F., Omaha ill n rd , Rob e r t L., Cha dr on min ga , Elmer, Burr nin g e r , .,\.illiam ::\ [ ., C ulY e r Cit:•. Ca l if. er, Ch arl e.;; :ll., Xemaha . ne 1 r , .A l len D., Sun n .v vale, Calif.


eJ 1 :JL1r_v.


ger s, E ":t' l.'' 11 , Pe r u Shirley, P e ru ttger, Lou i s~, Otoe er s, Yerna , Peru prs, \\ i lli 11 111 $ .. Y[ln Xuy s , Calif. ('s ki . .P r ank H. 1 Ornaha b o\·d e, A r thur, LinC'(l\n ney, Pnt r ic k 0., :\C'bra s k a City e. Hogen e . . \.uhurn g<~rs,

hmill e r , M C' l'.'in, Omaha Cf', J a nH'S \V., L in C'ol n zoni , L ouis l\I. , l'lements, Calif. ran e k , J. . o r raine, \\'ilber agian , H .:llT.'' 11 ., Los An gele~. Ca li f. ford , lla l' ve y :l\I. , G lrndal e, Ca lif. Je r , \Vn,Jt p r T., Lo~ Angele s, Calif. ·ye r , Frn 11 (·i :-1 E. , l :-1inn1ln illi ng, R u t h Ellen, Enwrso n, fowa midt, Mil d r e d , Rt-e r ling mid t11 Ko rm an, Brook d ale, Calif. oenb ohm , H aze l, Cumbe rl and , [owa omb er g, D o1uld R ., Sutter, Ca lif . r ein er , D rlor es 1 Unadilla ulrnan , 8a rnue l, B e vf' r ly Hil l s, Ca lif. weigharcH , Reber t J., Los Ange les , Ca li f. t , J ohn S., Va ll e,vford, \ Va s hing ton tt, \ Va r re n .T., Yuba C i ty , Cfllif. 'e, Frcd Pl'i c H.. B e vrr l.'· Hil l ~. Calif. pp r rci , Hol ~rnd P., l..i incoln mer s, Geo r ge E., I. a wn d a le, Cali f. mon s, Ra y C., Li nto l11 ren , Boward H., Axte ll nse, O liver B .. Glen d :i le, Calif. le, A li ce, Ste ll a gle , E ,-re \yn, Fa ll s Ci t:• le, Ja n ice, Fa ll s C ity ven, J o h n D. , Za mo r a, Ca l if. both . Dan if•I J., O m a Ji n _II , J am es P., C h itago, lllinoi s th, W eh s te ,. J., Los An irc les, Calif. er , B e n j am in ) f ., Ye rd ig r e rs, Clu,rl Ps H.., J~ulo lhnan , l\1a r ga r et , .A d am s or, B e u la h , J?er u

S}Jrigg~. Ha r vey R ., Villa G r o\·e, Illinois Staples , Andrew E., Chi co, Calif. Snu-k , Don, A lban y, :Mi sso uri Steffen, Do n n,1, Pt'ru Stepan, Doroth:·. P eru StephPIHL Don , \\.int e r R, Cal i[. Stin,.;011. Don al d , S.an J ose, Calif. St i \· e r s, .Jane, i\ u burn Htove r , }[arian , \'irginia Rug-den, E il een, RtPrling ~ullin1n, H.i e hard E., )lade r a, Cnlif. :-;utton, rr1io111a s J.. ., Sto('kton. Calif. ~wan. H.idrn rd .) ., Li n n.! 11 Rwa.nke, (' harl es C ., S idn C'y T:1:· lor, \\.ilmett:1, Hhubl•rt 1 rt.bl>l\lt:-;., Ha1·old 1'1 . , Chat:.;worth , Calif. re~ t e rm n n , Dwight C., Exete r , Calif. T hkk ~t un. J oan, Omaha Thom ~o n , Ellt• n, P eru 1-1 ho rnton . .JanH.'S E., Xo. Fioll~·wo od , C'alif. 'J'ienrnn, Louella, 1ra r kio, )fi sso uri Tru ~P l, O eo r gt~. Los An geles, Ca !if. Yan Camp, Bt' lt.'' J e an , f_,t•x in!!t' on. ~[o. \·a nd1..' nh r rg . Hi t hnrd , Rip o n , Calif. Yanno.'·. Estht•r. 1\ uhurn Yan ~tor:-. na,· id \\-. , Los AngelP S, Ca li f. \~an \\· inklr, Dixi f' A., Oma h :1 \·e r non, Thoma s E., D avid f'it~.r Yen·~-, John D., M odes to, Calif. \\- agon e r , Loi s, l;ouisYille \\,.II ace, R ich:i rd h. G lc n da le, Ca Ji f. \ \'allis , Bi r ten ·1~., Orovi lle , Calif. '\\.. arcl, R ic. ha rd T. , Lin co ln -n·eath er fi e ld, Ro sa L ee, Auburn \\-e bbe r, R o b e r t ' V. 1 'Mi lfo r d, I owa ' Vebe r , J ose ph , T ec um seh \\'e h ne r , Ri cha rd H ., San J ose, Cal if . \\.. eicke r t. Pau l l\i. , A lha m bra , Calif. ' Ve ime r . Robe r t J., G le n d o , \Vyoming \\-e ll 8, K enn et h G., San F' ra n cisco, Cal i f. WP ll s, Or v i \I (> '\V. , Br id ge por t , Nf' br . Wesc oatt. R obe l' t L., Wi ll ia m s, Ca li f. \\~ es in. '\Villi a m D. , O nrn lin \\"h :i. le n , J ame s K. , F r emo n t 7 \ \ h eP le n , Fe r est D ., So u t h S io u x C ity W h e e le r , Go rd o n \V., Lo8 Ange les, C'ali(. \Vhi t fi e ld . Jac k , P er u \ \i d nrn rk , Rob ert E. , ~IoYi ll e, Iowa \ Yilli nm s, Bob D., ~o. Ho ll ywoo d , Calif. 'V illi a m s , 'Kennet h A., 'R ichmond , Calif. \\~ i lson. P hili p A., O nrn lrn Wo lfo l'd . R obe l' t R. , S h e lton \\roo d s, B i l l :•, Em e r son . Iowa \ \rig h t, f., ranee s . R i verton, Iowa \Yya n t,, 1\I a r ga r et, Ma. Ivern. Iowa 7. i mm er111 a n , ' Var el E., O m nha, 1

Extension Students 1943-44 ke, Iren e

L esh a r a.

~n, Edn a', Pa ll s C i t~' st,y, E va ly n , B r o c k bier , Ca rri e. A u b u rn rn, Sel ma 1 P er u ha, Ali ce J ., t; ene\·a ee, D o r oth y, Fa ll s C ity el, Flore n ce, A Ilia n ee rso n, A li ce, Aubu rn t, E lda. J~ .• J o h nson Neta, H um bold t. er s , R e u ben , Di lle r



.Adn m Ro n , R uth , Auburn B al dw in, Esta May, Ju l ia n Ba r ta , Jr en e, Swa n ton Bass e tt , Ruth . B aya l'd Beatty, Loi s ~ .. N iobn1r11 Beu t le r , 'tih e l ma, Pall s City B ird s ley, K a th e rin e, A uburn B letsc h e 1·, B e rni ce, Fal ls Ci ty Bogle, E un ice, P rin ceto n Bra nd t, Faye, Otoe Bu r k e , Flore n ce, B eatrice Burkf'. P loyd \V ., Le.sl1.a ra



Sun1rnary of Attendance J une 1, 1943, to J une 1, 1944 COLLEGE


Post Grad uat e Senior J uni or ... Sophom ore Fres l: m an ..... . N a vy V - 12 ... . Spe :::ia l . ... .



T otal



3 54 74 80 152 297 15




.... ........ .


. .. . · ····· .....

22 151

23 20 106

44 42 257

To tals .. .. ... . . . ... .. . . . ... .. . . . ... . .. . . 194



10 5

2 9

44 69 78 143


Tota ls TRAIMNG SCHOOL 11th a nd 12th Grades 9th and 10th Grades . . .. K indergarte n-8th Incl.

EXTENSION DEPARTMENT Correspondence Study Center


61 25

67 25








GRAND TOTALS BACHF.LOR'S DEGREE S P r ier to 1921 1921 1922 1923 1924 .. . 1925 .. . 1926 1927 . . .. . . . . . 1928 .. . . 1929 . . . . 1930 . . . 1931 .. . TOTAL

80 9

1932 . 1933


193 ~

21 18 49 61 86 81 . . . ....... . .. . . 86

193;'; 1936 1937 1938 1939

.... . . . .. .. . . . 94 82

1942 1943



75 . . . 92 70 63 81 69 82 80 60 51 ··· · ··· · . . . · · ·· · 57 38 .1491

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.