1951 - The Peruvian

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nebraska state teachers college .;

at peru P.resents




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to registrar L b. mathews for twenty-five years of loyal service to our school and to mrs. mathews for her unselfish and energetic interest in the students. we dedicate the 1951 peruvian. both mr. and mrs. mathews have demon路 strated their ability to make lasting hiendships with the students and have gained the respect and admiration of those with whom they have worked. mr. mathews received a b.a. from nebraska in 1920 and an m.a. from columbia in 1924.

in 1927 he became principal of the peru training school and continued also as supervisor of student teaching until 1948 whe n he became registrar of our college. in 1950 he was named head of the placement bureau. mrs. mathews received an a .b . from nebraska in 1924 and began her work on our campus in 1944 as science instructor at the training school. in 1947 she was named college health education coordinator for the kellogg foundation and later instigated the well child clinic.


mr. and mrs. l. b. mathens

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faculty an



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students ...._


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miss nona palmer left peru in 1950 after thirty-five years as professor of commerce. her enthusiasm and versatility made her a person who will never be forgotten on the campus. we remember the accuracy she required in speed drills, the h obby she had of studying birds, and the dancing classes she started which proved her to be a helpful friend to countless numbers of students.

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wayne o. reed returned to peru in 1950 to become president of his alma mater. his ambition and participation have proved that he has more than the usual amount of interest in our campus. we remember the impressive speeches he gave at convocation. the thoroughbreds he rode along the avenue. and the friendliness he expressed which made him a true peruvian. - 7--


ctiddel, norma

eubank louise

spelts, robert

weare, edna

- 10-

weare, hazel

greer, edith


ashley, alma

brown, ruth s.

gard, blanche

floyd, rex

- ll -

clements, s. 1.

keedy, mervin








me clatchey, clara

me collum, elizabeth

mathews, 1. h.

morgans, o. j •

wonderly, zelma

patterson, ruth

- 12-


gomon. neal s .




stensland. anna

s teele. james

wilkinson. c. e. rath. george


~~ larson, a. v.



iindra, v. h.




benford, r. t. iarvis, d . v.

manring, darryl

- 14-


wheeler. a. g.

kyle, n. p .

davidson, phyllis

mathews. ruth gilbert. paul

stemper, jerome

- 15-



\ cook, myrtle

brown, c. m.

clayburn, a. b.

huck, c. a.

mayfield, p. m.

- 16-

mickey, d . h.

miller, h . h .

christ. john c.

french. walter

samples, 1. h.

quelle, r. a .

milkovitch, rosemary

- 17-


smith, mary

stepan, dorothy

blake' mar1an .

care y, nellie

stoltz, flora


wiggins, dr. g. e.

kelgard, virginia


steHan, helen

coulter, dorothy

larsen, fern

steiner, harry

duey, charlotte


~) ·· . ~



lf'''l l lt 'f<t;t •g

:v..&s auaa

- 19-

eliza morgan hall is usually a beehive of activity, even in the wee hours of the morning. popcorn parties, singing, and visiting with the boy friends in the l obby takes up most of the girls' spare time. of course the study room was utilized by all the girls. with the spark of miss milkovitch's ambition and the cooperation of the girls, many of the rooms were painted and redecorated.

- 20--



d e 1 z e 11 hall saw many changes this year. a television set was installed and students gath ered every evening in the lounge to watch Red Wilson or some other dialer pick up the latest sports event. jive sessions were held in the lounge, too. the dorm boys followed the policy set by the girls in painting their rooms. mrs. nicholas spent many pleasant hours with her boys over coffee.

~ \ '

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a commun ity wher e the marrie d folks d well is w h at the name vetville implies. un der the guidance of mayo r bill gilmore a n d his councilme n, this community strived a nd survived. members of the cou n cil were bob faunce, fra nk m asek, cecil la r sen , and doyle gump. ch r istmas comes once a year and the dau ghters of mr. an d mrs. ray mond smith v iewed their tree with a n tici p a tion . father a nd son in the goosman family caught up on their reading w hile mrs. h e lped .


along the avenue showing the paint jobs done by residents this year.

part of vetville's population came out to pose for our photographer.

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quiet bob eilers used his six feet and five inches to advantage in basket ball, was a regular fellow and good sport, and chose an elmwood lass for his television queen. a few of pat benford's distinguishing characteristics are her musical talent, dramatic ability, initiative, vitality, sense of humor and scholastic. attainment.



the graceful carriage and winning smile of marion pratt helped make her a campus favorite. she worked cooperatively and dependably in many organizations.

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sincere evelyn boseck spent much of her spare time at the piano. h er love for music, add ed to a well-rounded curriculum, was a challenge for all.

ken taylor, with his ready smile and ambitious spirit, was a member of many student grou ps. the gridiron also claimed 'pole's' talents.

omer meeker was as much a t ease on the basketball court as he was w ith his guitar. His shoulders-back walk and friendly greeting were m uch admired.

an active leader in many organizations, jackie cole also collected hats and was a shutter-bug. her straightforwa rd attitude was an admirable trait.

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abernathy bomemeier

abernathy, william; peru, social science,


tional relations club.

barrett, george; round l ake, i llino i s, bio logy, tri b e ta. boesen, virginia morse; blair, b iology , tri beta, dorm council.

bornemeier, mark; auburn, industri al a r ts, alpha m u omega, epsilon pi tau, dramatic club, peruvi an singer s, studen t counci l, blue devi ls. 路

boseck, evelyn; anita, iowa, english, sigma tau d e lta, kappa delta pi, lutheran club, fore ign language club , home ec club.

bragg, barbara; peru, english , sigma tau delta, k a ppa delta pi, w hite angels, m en c.

brawner, jack g; nebraska city, physical education, b l ue devils, p. club, football.

briseno, manuel; h ersh ey, physical education, international relations club , foreign language club, newman club, blue devil s, p. club, footba l l.

boseck bragg brawner



collins cox cummins

cole. jackie; nebraska city, biology and physical educatio n . tri beta. dorm council, white angels . collins, dorothy; essex, iowa. soc ial scien ce, in tern a- 路 tiona! relations c lub. kappa delta pi. cox. patricia; peru. kindergarten education, dramatics. club, h ome ec club. ywca, menc. cummins. bill: dawson. physical education . alphamu omega, b lue d ev ils, p. club. football. cupp. max; thurman . iowa. biology and physical edu-cation. tri beta . dobrovolny. emil; dubois, industri al arts, for eign lan- guage club, epsilon p i ta u. duey. dave; fa l l s c i ty. p hys ica l education, blu e d ev ils, p. club. duncan, dean d.; nebraska city, hi story and social sc ience, blue devils.

cupp auncan




eis emigh emmert

eilers, robert; panama, physical education, student council, p. club, basketbal l.

eis, annabelle; humboldt, chemistry and mathematics, ywca, white angels, a l pha mu omega, home ec club, international rel ations club, dorm council, sigma tau delta.

emigh, garth; sabetha, kansas, music, kappa delta p i , a lpha mu omega, peruvian singers, menc. emmert, glenn; peru, history, foreign language club. eshelman, gale; elliott, iowa, physical education, bluedevils, dorm council, kappa delta pi, basketball.

faunce, robert; tuscon, a rizona, ph ysical education . fink. richard e.; wymore, mathematics, dramatic clu b, in ternational relations club.

finkle, jim; peru, mathematics, blue devils, kappa delta pi, a lpha mu omega .

eshelman tinkle





fischer gillispie

fischer, frank; beatrice , school administration and _ speech , alpha mu omega, dramatic club. y mca. blue devils. fithian, floyd; vesta, h istory, international relations club. foreign language club, kappa delta pi, dramatic club, ymca. fritschle, reginald jr.; peru, english , tri beta, ymca, dramatic club.

gillispie, joe; fa lls c ity, zoology, tri b eta. graham, donald 1.; nebraska city, industrial arts, tri beta, dramatic club, epsilon pi tau , kappa delta pi. ymca . in dus trial a rts club. hale, norris; beatrice, physical education, p club . harrison, carlos; glenwood, iowa, school administration and music, menc. hart eugenie; omaha, music, menc.

graham hale






hawxby johnson

hawxby, carol; nemaha, home economics, a lpha mu omega, home ec club, kappa d elta pi, ywca.

hershey, de van; beatrice, engli sh, sigma tau d e lta, p club, dramatic club, blue devils, track . holmes, esther; nemaha, early elementary, kappa delta pi, tri beta, peruvian singers, menc.

johnson, willis leroy; o ng, physical education, student council, blue devils, p club, industrial arts club. basketball.

iorn, leattrice; verdon, home economics, international relation s club, home ec club, !sa.

joy, vanari leon; falls city, mathematics, i nternational relations club, sigma tau delta, kappa del ta pi, alpha mu omega, p club.

karabats os, nick; fairbury, social science, international relations club, kappa delta p i , alpha mu omega

lane, james paul; auburn, physical education, blue devils.


joy k arabatsos

la ne


Iittrell Iutton

larsen, cecil; no r th p latte . ph ysical educa tion, b lue


devils, track.

littrelL delbert; n ebraska d e vils . alpha mu omega .


mathematics, blue

lutton, katherine; ashland, early elementary, white angels, h ome economics club, dormitory council. interna tiona l r elations club . lytle, truman: tecumseh, english and speech, ymca, foreign language club, dramatic club . me cartney, ted; lincoln, physical education, beta beta b e ta, interna tional r elations club. masek, frank; odell, p hysica l educa tion, p club, newman club, alpha mu omega, blue devils, kappa delta p i , foo tball. meeker, omer; mitche ll, p hysical e ducation, beta beta beta, blue devils, p club, basketball. miller, dean: north platte, physical education, blue devils, p club, football.

me cartney miller masek




mudra egg

moore, robert d.; nebraska city, industrial arts, in-

ternational relations club, epsilon pi tau, industrial arts club. moran, maurice; scottsbluff, music and educational administration, kappa delta pi, dramatic club, peru vian singers, menc. mudra, darrell; omaha, physical education, p club, lutheran club, football. egg, karl: peru, music, menc. parsons, darryl; chester, physical education, blue devils. patton, ardith; fairmont, physical education, dormitory council. pfister, grace; steinauer, elementary, home economics club, kappa delta pi, dormitory council. pharaoh, william; peru, chemistry.

parsons pharaoh patton

pfiste r




ray poppe, lavern; deshler, physical education, p club,

blue devils, football. pratt, marion; elmwood, english, dramatic club, home

economics club, ywca, white angels, international relations club. rath, otto; peru, biology, sigma tau delta, beta beta beta, blue devils. ray, iess r.; nebraska city, social science, international relations club. reger, john; stella, history. richards, wallace; nebraska city, industrial arts, epsilon pi tau, kappa delta pi, alpha mu omega, industria l arts club. russelL lester; nemaha, music and industrial arts, menc, epsilon p i tau, kappa delta pi, industrial arts club. schwab, h(lrold; washington, kansas, physical education, a lpha mu omega.

reger richards russell

s chwab


s tartzer

schwartz sweenie schwartz, alvin; rcund lake. 1! h ! .o i . 路. 0 n <;l ish. dramatic club.

s lagle, phillip; icdls c 1ty. e r: / i .;h

1: 1d

:; ! 路'?ech , dra-

matic club.

startzer, robert; S!Jnngii 0 ld. mdu ..; tr v rl

( JJ

t..;, c [Jsi lon p i

tau. alpha mu omeg a . sweenie, john; spring fi e ld. h1 路rc ry. hiut:? d e vi l s, industrial arts club . i!lternntJo n r rl r r::. lrtti u rJ. ; c htb. taylor, ken; north plott~. mrr th e m r rt ics crn d physical education. blue de vi ls. r d phCl mu o m e ga, stud e nt council, p club. football. teten , eldon; b roc k, comm e rce rmd J) hy s ical education, b l ue devil s. p club. b eto beta beto, foo tba l l. thomas, l. fred; peru, his to ry . int 0 r nati o n cd relations club, p club, alpha mu omegu, k urpu del ta p i , football.

thurman, wm.; n~h rrr s k o city , ! hy~ 路 i cr rl

educa tion .

p. club, student coun r;il. buskt:?tbu ll. trrrck .

taylor teten thomas



umstead webb, I. webb, r.

tillman. cecil; humboldt, physical education and eng-

lish. blue devils. p club, footbal l. umstead, alfred; new castle, pennsylvania, indu strial a rts . webb, lawrence; tec umseh, industrial arts and physical ed uca tion, b lue devils, track. webb, richard; t ec um~eh, mathematics, p club, newman c lub , a lpha mu omega, b lue devils: football. wilberger. dorothy: julian, english, international relations c lu b. wilson, iean; falls city, early e le mentary, menc, ywca, dormito ry council. w ilson. le roy; beatrice. p hysical educa tion, blue devils, student council. newman club, p club, footba ll. wilson. robert: north platte. p hysica l education, blue devils, p club, alpha mu omega, football.

wilberger wilson, r. wils on.


w ilson. I.

adams, Ion j.; n e bras k a c ity, b io logy , inte rn a tional r路ela ti o n s c lub, b e ta b e ta be t a , commer路ci a l club. adamson, laurel; t abor, iowa , hom e eco nomics, hom e eco nomics c lu b. benford. pat: peru, mus ic, s rg mn tau d e lta, beta be t a be t a, dramatic c lub, p e r路u via n s in ger s, s tud e nt co uncil, white a nge ls , m e n c, k a ppa de lta pi. beran, roland; o rd , ph ys ica l ed uc a ti o n , commercial club, n e wm a n c lub, p clu b. f oo t ba ll.

bobbitt. frank ; p e r路 u , e n g li s h a nd speech . bornschlegL don: o hio wa, phys ical e d u ca tion , beta b r=ta be ta, blue d ev ils, p c lu b, bas k e tb a ll.

easier. burtis: Ia gra n ge, ill in o is, c h e mis t ry, alpha mu o mega, dramati c c lub, f o r e ig n la ngu age club. christ. lillian; peru, be t a beta beta .

clayburn. ansel; p e ru, indus tri a l a rts, industrial arts club. cox. carlene: p e ru, commerce, h ome economics club, commercial club . easie r clay burn

adams benford bob bitt

adamson beran bornschlegl

- 38-

c hds t co x

duerfe ldt . carol: nemaha, music, peruvian s ingers, ywca, m e nc, k appa d e lta pi. eis. betty: humbo ldt, ele m e ntary, international rela tion s c lub, home e conomics club, ywca, w hite angels, sigma t a u delta, commercial club. ernst. william; a uburn, administration a nd gu ida nce. gilmore, william j.; david c ity, physica l education, n ewman club, blue d evils, p c lub , footba ll . grancer. marilyn; beatrice, biology, beta beta beta, fo r eign language club. gress. donald: n e brask a ci ty, industrial arts, interna tion a l rela tions cl u b, a lpha mu omega, kappa delta pi, e p silon pi t a u , ind u s tria l a rts club. gump. doyle: nebraska city, physica l e ducation, blue d evils, footba ll. hawxby, dorc.thy: nemaha, e l ementary, kappa de lt a pi, y wca, m e nc. johanns. don; nebraska c ity, e nglish , blue devils, sigm a t a u delta, dramatic club. johnston. paul; lincoln, pre-law, internat ional r e lations club. g ump johanns

hawxby john ston

duerfeldt ernst grancer

- 39-

eis gilmore gress

houser , b e verly; d aykin , c omme 1路c e , c omme r cial club. humphrey, tom : a uburn, industr ial a rts , p club, footba ll.

ja m es, harold; w est burling t o n, iowa, p r e-l a w, int erna tion a l relation s cl ub, b lue d evils, p cl u b, f oo t b a ll. k a v anaugh, cha rles; tecumseh , p re -e n gin eer in g , blue d evils, foot ball.

k err, w a yne; villisca, iow a, b iol ogy, b eta bet a beta. knap e, eva: b e a t r ice, speech, fo r e ig n l a n g u a ge club, wh it e angels, dram at i~ club. /

kreife ls, a nnie; n e brask a city, h ome eco n om ics, k a p pa d e lta pi, h om e econ om ics clu b, d ormi tory council, newm a n club, sigm a t a u delta. kyle, n ewton jr.; p eru , p h y sical edu catio n , b e ta bet a beta, b lu e d evils.

me ininch , jean ; brownv ille, m u sic, mus ic club, b e t a beta beta, ywca, kappa delta p i. me knight, c e cil; n eb raska city, physica l e ducation, p club, football, t r a ck. m e inin ch

hou ser james kerr kreifels

humphrey kavanaugh knape kyle


me kn igh t

me masfer. kenneth; h a ncock , iowa, mathematics and physical ed ucation, industrical arts club. marts, gerald; n ebras k a city, industrial arts, blue devi ls, footba ll.

meie r. verne; du bois, industrial art s , e psilon pi tau, basketball. mille r, barbara; ~lmwood , history, white a n gels, dormitory council, internation a l relations club, ywca, home eco nomics club, sigma tau delta, kappa delta p i, commercial c lub.

munoz. raymond; fairbury, physical education. neil, leslie; plattsmouth, geography a nd history, international relations club, football.

pharaoh, june; peru, upp er e lementary, kappa delta pi, white angels, commercial club, home economics cl u b. radford. imogene; mason city, home economics , home economics club, ywca, white angels .

redfern. janice; p e ru, commerce, international relations club, .commercial club, white angels, home economics club, dormitory council. richards, keith; nebraska city, mathematics, international relations club. redfern


me master m eier munoz pharaoh

mart s miller neil radford

-4 1


ruth, russell; shen andoah, iowa, physica l e ducation, be ta beta b e t a, blue devi ls, p club, stude nt council, basketball. sailors, gene; falls city, history. sipes, ken; salem, phys ical e ducation, blue d evils, industrial arts club, p club. stahl. lawrence; d e witt, industrial arts, lsa, industrial arts club. stoltz, james; peru, fr ench a nd e nglish, foreign language club. swinney, merritt; n e braska city, social science, int e rna tion a l r e la t ions club, k a ppa d e lta pi. thiesfeld, dean; n e bras ka city, industrial arts, p club, epsilon pi tau, football . walz, jim; pla inview, mathmetics, blue devils, alph a mu omega, n e wman club, dormitory council. whipple, beUy; nebraska city, early elementary, white a n gels, ywca, international relations club, home economics club. williamson, david; humboldt, chemistry, fore ign l a nguage club. thiesfe ld whipple

ruth sipes stoltz

sailors stahl swinney


walz williamson

adams, ruth; s ilve1路 city, iowa, early elementa ry , white ange ls, ywca. inte n1ationa l re lat io n s club. a lbers, r uth; pawn ee c ity , e arly e le mentary, ywca, home e conomics c lu b.

allen, a lbert; n e braska c tiy. ind u s tria l arts. atkinson, n a ncy; fa ll s c ity, ea rly e le m e nta r路y, mtern a tiona l r e la tion s c lub, white a n ge ls . baucke. marilyn; nebra ska Li t y, e l e m e nta ry , luLh eran club , home e cono mics club, whit e a nge ls, dramatic cl ub. bedna r , william; wymor e, b io logy, ymca.

beethe. eilene; e lk cree k , e lement ary, luthera n club, wh ite angels, home e c o n omics club, dormitory council. benson, wayne; auburn , s p eech, dramatic club.

birdsle y. william; auburn. bus iness a dministration, in t e rna tional r e l a ti on s club. boerner, mary ann; n e braska city, e arly e l e m e ntary, w hite angel s, n ewman club. adams a llen

a lbers a tkinson

baucke bee th e b ird sley


bednar benson boerner

bradley buman elites covault

broadston cecil coatney davis



bradley, arnold; hamburg, iowa, e nglish and speech, ymca, international relations club. broadston, clyde; washington, kansas, physical education.

buman, edith; pawnee city, commerce, newman club, commercial club. cecil, william; p l attsmouth, soci al sciences, international rela tions club.

elites, sherry lee; nebraska city, e lement ary, ywca, white angels, home econ omics club. coatney, cle ve; peru, physical education, b lue devils, p club, footba ll.

covauit, Ia von; table rock, mathematics, alpha mu omega, basketbal l. davis, robert; chicago, illinois, physical educ ation , bc:sketball.

dobrovolny, norma; humbold t, e l ementary. doran, thomas p.; peru indus tria l arts, fore ign l anguage club, industrial arts club.

- 44-

eiche n berger gen oa gilliland, d. goosman

eckm a n

e fTke n

e ckma n , gay le; p aw n ee city. indust ria l a rts. e ffke n , t e d; coo k , b u si n ess a dmin is tratio n , intern a t io n a l 1路elation s c lub. b a s k et b al l.

eiche nbe r g e r, m a ry l e e; s t e ina u e t路, early ele m e nta r y, ywca , h o m e e c o nomics clu b, l sa. fla ck, b e tty; auburn, e arly ele m e ntary, w h it e angels.

g enoa. m a r garet ; hum boldt, music, peruvian s ingers, dor mi t o r y coun c il, n ew m a n clu b , m e n c, w h it e a n ge ls. gerdes, mar vin ; johnson, p h ys ica l edu catio n, blue devil s , foo t ball, baske t bal l.

g illila nd, davida ; a ubur n, e le me nta ry, ywca, h om e econ o mi cs cl u b . gillila nd, g a il ; a ubur n , commerce, ywca, a lpha mu o m ega, h ome eco n o mics club, com mer c ia l club.

goosm a n . m ilto n ; dav id c ity, commerce, b lue devils. gra fe , h arol d; n ebraska city, h istor y, i nte rnatio n a l r elations club.

45- -

flack gerdes gillila nd , g. grafe

griffing hardy heim, f .

hahn hatcher heim , m.

h inrichs koch

k echely kreifels

griffing, barbara; daven port, iowa, el ement a r y , white angels. h a hn, b elva ; de w i tt, upper elementary, home economics club, lsa.

hardy, nancy; endicott, el ementary, student council, white angels. hatcher, earl; pacific junction, iowa, history.

heim, frances; dawson , home econ omics, whi te angel s, h ome economics clu b. h eim, marjorie; dawson, el ementary, y wca . hinr ichs, mary: nebraska ci ty, intermediate, white angels, ywca, home economics clu b, dormitory council. k echely, robert; odell, physical education.

k och, shirley; beatrice, lower elementary, white a ngels, newman club, international r elations club, home economics club. kreifels, esther ; n ebraska city, home economics, home economics club, n ewman cl ub.


l otspeich, 1. me ininch meister

krueger lorenz

kucera lotspeich, 1. v.

krueger. lorain; e l k cree k, physical edu cation, blue devil s, indu strial arts club. kucera. ronald; douglas, mathematics, dramatic club, international re lations club.

lorenz. que ntin; johnson, physical e ducation, blue devils, lsa, football. Iotspeich, la verne: hyannis, mathematics, blue devils, a lpha mu omega, bas k etball.

Iotspeich, louise; hy annis, e l ementary, white a nge l s. me cunn. marcene; clarinda, iowa, elementary.

me ininch. william; brownsv ille , mus ic, p eruvian singers, m e n c, dramatic club. me neel. jack; nebraska city, industrial a rts club, peruvian singers.

meister, dorothy; humbo ldt, music, ywca, menc, peruvian singers. miller. mervil: lo uisville , b u s iness administration, newman club.


me cunn me neel miller

moles moren ocker parriott

m ontgom e ry m orse paap pfister

r a s plicka


moles, e velyn; b artl e tt, iowa, e l e m e nta ry, ywca, h o m e eco nomi cs c lu b. montgomery, charles; ne bras k a c ity, pre -la w, drama tic clu b.

moren, berwyn; johns on , indus tri a l arts , sigma tau del ta. morse, shirley; r ippey, iowa, e l e m e nta ry, dra m a tic club, ywca , h o m e e c o nomics c lub.

ocker, sharon; c ook , phys ical ed u cati o n a nd bio l c gy, footba ll , b a s k e tba ll. paap, rachel; oto e, e arly e l e m e ntary, ywca , dormitor y council.

parriott, phyllis ; dawson , h o m e e conomics, home econ omics cl ub , co mm e r c ia l clu b. pfister, emma; s t e ina u er, e l e m e nta ry, h o m e e conomic s club , ywca.

rasplicka, harold; fr i e nd, m a t hem a tics. rodriquez, orlando; s a linas, p u erto rico, b a cteriolog y, inte r n a tion a l r e la tions club , f ore ign l a n g u age clu b , n ewm a n club.

- 48

sc hmidt sch ulte seeba sm ith


sch liefert

ro~.s. arlen; otoe. business, international relations club. schliefert, geraldine; murdock , music, menc, home economics club, lutheran c lub, white ange ls, dormitory council, p e ruvian singers.

schmidt. berdine; cortland, early elementary, home economics club, lsa. schmohr. betty; dewitt, upper elementary, lsa, home economics club.

s ch u l

te bill: sy1¡acu se, chemis try , internationa l r e •

) ;;~tions club.

schuster. alan; virginia, business, international rela tions club.

cook. co mmerce, alpha mu omega b a marjorie; see . c1u b , 1sa, commercial . club. ' horn e ' economics schrader. r~dy; lincoln, physical education, dormit orY counc!l.

' th raymond l.; b ethany. missouri, preveterins ml . b e t a beta beta. a nan . on harold; liberty, s oc ial science, inte rna thom Ps • . b . al r e la twns clu . twn


schmohr schust er shrade r thompson

wilson zeiner krueger

wohlfarth kuenning montgomery

L thompso n w e ndt

webb wilki e

thompson, norma ann; tecumseh, kindergartenprimary, home economics club, ywca. webb, earl; n ebraska city, industrial arts, i ndustrial arts club.

wendt, don; t ecumseh, industrial arts, industrial arts club. wilkie. thomas; sidney , iowa, biology. wilson, jim; beatrice, industrial arts, newman club, industrial arts club, blue devils, student council. wohlfarth, richard; p l attsmouth, mathem a tics, a lpha mu omega. zeiner. monica; nebraska city, e l ementary education, white a n gels, newman club. kuenning. betty; auburn, e lementary e ducation.

krueger, lorain; e lk creek, physical education, blue devils. industrial arts club. montgomery. charles; nebraska city, pre-law, dramatics club.

- 50-

arga bright b e rn ard buck m aster cla usen

a lle y a nder so n , c.

almquist a nderson, w.

alley, doris; sp r ingfi e ld, el e m e ntary. almquist, james: essex, iowa, agriculture, !sa. anderson, cecil: lorton, music. anderson, walter; dunbar, physical e ducation. a rgabright, loren: auburn, mathematics, peruvia n singers, football. baker, don; p lattsmouth, biology. bauman. mary; verdon, rural ed ucation, n ewma n club . bernard, alice; julian, elementary. birdsley, jean: a uburn , eleme ntary. boswcrth, thomas: n ebraska city, business adm inis tra tion. buckmaster, richard; ashland, industrial arts, football. carrasquillo, rafael: maunbo, pue rto rico, pre-pha rma cy, ymca, fo r eign language club. case, claudia: thurma n , iowa, early ele m e ntary, ywca. clause n. elvin: cheste r , physica l e ducation . football. cle m e nt s. fr ed: peru , m u sic, m e nc, peruv ian s ingers. col:l:on, jim: peru. c h e mistry.

- 51-

baker birdsley carrasquillo clements

bauman bosworth case cotton

coulte r covault

craney darnkroger damon dick

dud a duerfeldt fithian foss

funk e gale glynn goman

coulter, dorothy: peru , elementary education . covault. leland: table rock, industrial arts, football. craney, patricia: marne, iowa, elementary education , newman club. damkroger. eunice: de witt, home economics, home economics club, lsa. damon. ruth: au b urn, el ementary education, peruvian singers. dick. erma lee : d u bois, languages, ywca. foreign l~nguage club. duda, florence: douglas, rural education, newman club . duerfeldt, benrue: barnard, m issouri, music, menc, peruvian singers. fithian. violet: vesta , e lementary education, ywca. foss. la verne: filley , pre-agricultur e, ymca. funke, connie; louisville, english, foreign language club. gale . harold: s h e n andoah , iowa. history, international relations club, ymca. g lynn, phyllis; axt e ll, kansas, commerce, home economics club, newman club. goman, marion; peru, music.

- 52-

grancer grunwald

handley harder hardin haulk

he aston hecht heinke h erald

h ewitt h ey wood hoback hopp

grancer, jerry: b eatrice, physica l edu cation, dorm itory cou ncil, p club, footb a ll. grunwald, phyllis; u n ion, rural education, dormitory council. h andley, mary margaret ; shubert, ele m entary educa tion , home econom ics club. d ormitory council, white a ngels, ywca. harde r, janet: crab or ch ard , elemt!ntary education and m u s ic, peruvian singers, menc. h ardin, malcnlm; tecum seh, speech , foreign language club. haulk, clare; auburn, physical edu cation , football. h easton, che~- ter: odell, physical ed u cation. footba ll. hecht, byford; auburn, commerce, international r e lations club. heinke, phyllis; n ebraska city, physical educati on, fore ig n l a n gu age club. herold, m a r gie; salem, e lementary education, n ewman club. hewitt, yvonne; d un bar, commerce, ywca, dormitory council, commercial club.heywood, norma; p e ru , art. hoback. bob; ne braska city, art. hopp, lee; johnson . lsa.

- 53-

ideus iliff

janecek jones joyce kiger

knople kroll kyle, d. kyle, r.


lindell lindsey lynn


ideus, harvey; b eatr ice, social studies, student council, international r e lat ions club. iliff, erma; humboldt, commerce, ywca. janecek, charles; p la tts mouth, pre -agricul ture, basketball. jones, veneta; peru, commerce. joyce, jerry; weep ing wat er , physical education, football. kiger, betty; s pringfield, m usic, peruvian singers, m e nc. knople, robert; peru, industrial arts, industrial arts club. kroll, keith; oma h a , chemis try. kyle, david; peru , chemistry, basketbal l. kyle, rosemary; pe ru , liberal art s, stude nt council. lade, bob; t ecumseh . physical education, lu theran club, dormitory council, p club , football. lindell, curtis; essex, iowa, physica l education, p eru vian singers, l sa, Industrial arts club, commercial club, football. lindsey , eleanor; weeping water, ru 1路a1 education. lynn , georgi; dawson , english .

- 54

me cormick me fadden

me master me neely mar cus moore, b.

moore, d. nelson n ewton ogle

pickering reed r hine hart rickman

me cormick, w illiam; platts mouth, industrial arts, baske tball. me fa dden, carolyn; atlantic, iowa, pre-pharmacy.mc master, dorothy; peru, ear ly elementary. me neely, shirley; wahoo, elementary education. white a n gels. marcus, earl; ashla nd, business administration, in te rn a tiona l r ela tions club basketball. moore, branson; nemaha, histor y and physical education, international relations club, football. moore, dale: nemaha, commerce, commercial club. n elson, dolores; auburn, elementary education, dormi tory council. newton, frances; peru, early e lementar y, newman club, white angels. ogle, don; humboldt, pre-law. football. pickering, don; nebraska city, industrial arts. reed, phillip; broken bow, history , international r elations club, football. rhinehart, lois; s hube rt, white angels, home economics club, ywca, dormitory coun cil , commercial club. rickman, bue ford ; nemaha, physical education, industr ial arts club.


rieger rod gers

rogge rohse rose rose n dahl

ru nn e r sc hulte seder burg s h erwood

s later s mith speak s pier

rieger, jane; falls ci ty, elementary educa tio n, ywca, dormitory council. rodgers, merl: unadilla, physical education. r ogge. jo anne; johnson, m us ic and e le m e ntary e duca tion, peruvian s hgers. !sa, men::. rohse, lorraine: nebraska city, early e le m e ntary. r ose, francis: north platte, e nglish, footbal l. r osendahl. richard; north platte , art. runner. harold;. north p latte, chemistry . schulte, ronald: ash land , pre-ag, basketball. sederhurg, curhs; essex, Iowa, physical .education, mdus t r ia l a1路t s club. lsa, football. sh erwood, leland: chester, art. sl ater. estlene; auburn , 1路ura l education , ywca. s mith, carol; pawnee c1ty, intermediate aducation, w hite a nge ls. s peak. reginald; louisv ille , physical education. spier. carol mae; stein aue r . elementa1路y education, home economics club, ywca.


stander stotts

thomas volz welton w hite

wil son Winchell winkle wopata

zednick gausman workman yardl ey

stander, regina ; weeping water, commerce, newman club, commercial club. stotts, evelyn; sidney, iowa, rural educatio n . thomas, george; western, physical education. international relations club, football. volz, ray; du bois, biology. welton, marc; louisville, commerce, blue devils. white, bill; platt smouth, art, industrial arts club. wilson. gayleen; falls city. ea rly e lemen tar y, ywca. winchell, earl; rapid city, south dakota, commerce, internationa l relations club. winkle, mar.garet; wilber, home economics. ywca, home economics club. wopata, jack; table rock, mathematics. zednick, lillian; wilber, e lementary ed ucat ion, ywca. gaus man. bob; chester, senior, physical education and physical science, p club . blue dev ils, dormitory council, foo tball. workman. joe: geneva, senior, commerce, international relations club, commercial club. yardley, norman; ashland , senior, industrial a rts, epsilon p i t au.

- 57-

sims adams

rodgers ryan scheitel

taylor vacek glynn hein

sims. richard; western, senior, social science, international r elations club. adams, Ion j .; nebraska city, junior, biology, international relations club , beta beta beta, commercial club. rodgers, alta; unadilla, junior, early elementary, home econ omics club, ywca. ryan. robert ; nebraska city, junior, indus trial arts, blue d evils, p club, epsilon pi tau , alpha mu omega football. scheitel. wilbur; falls city, junior, industrial arts, blue devils, p club, foot ball, e p silon pi tau. taylor. bernie; falls city, junior, pre-medical, b eta beta beta, blue devils. vacek, bill; pawnee city, junior, industrial arts, epsilon pi t au, blue d e vi ls, footba ll, p club. glynn. nell; axtell, kansas, sophomore, elem entary educat ion, h ome econom ics club, n ewman club. hein. walter; barada, freshman, industrial arts.

- 58-

convocations ranged from discussions by r. spelts. pres. reed and n. goman to music by the peruvian singers.

Ion adams busies himself ni the chem lab. the white angels give their a ll at a basketball game.

i rosey


kyle smiles 'purty' for the camera. those thursday eve dips were Welcome, wet and wild.

director manring polishes Up the high school choir as pianist hart looks on.

"red" w ilson gives a Ies son on h ow to get th! most o ut of a piano.

mount vernon bask~. ir. the spring sun. awa1t1Pt the chowline to the cafeteria.

"red" wilson and "pole' taylor count the daY'~ sales at the bob inn,

phil slagle remodels his room in d e lzell wh ile the freshmen initiates demod el.


"""'"""" 1\fJ atkn'l'' -n.U




I ,I I





l1: 'I

..li, I


oh, the r.edtape one must go through in order to register.

besketball hotshots omer meeker and bob eilers laugh it up.

this is one way of proving you can play football.

marion pratt and bob eilers on mount vernon steps.

marion pratt just crowned queen by taylor and mudra.

dances in the gym were relaxing, uproarious and rare.


phyllis grunwald and b e rwyn mor e n during fre s hman in itiation. nancy o . hardy baby sittin g.

le t t et路 m en taking flight. b lu e devil presi dent sweenie g i ving schei tel a sales tal k.

fr e sh m en ky le, s mi t h, he r ald, me co rmick, grancer a nd ideus by the sci ence hall. a shady l ane i n peru.


waiting o utside the ad building for th e tar dy bell t o ring.

/all 70


pres. reed s p ealts at white angel convocation. alpha mu omega's display at homecoming.

h omecoming contribution in front of science hall.

leroy wilson at the tv controls in delzell.

blue devil display for the 1950 homecoming.

pres. reed m oving dirt for the saddle club.

-7 1-

red wilson and del mille r at footb a ll practice . con vocation shows d ebat ers l eaving f or a m eet .

d on jo h an n s proposing to marilyn bauck e at dramatic club initiation. music hall hill in winter.

who's w h o candidates pose w ith hom e r in the auditorium.

d e bate d e bate team re ady t o leave f or me cook. coach whee ler speaks footba ll banquet.

- 72-


the line forms at the rear for registration.

mary handley crowns bob bausman at the bubble ball.

pres. reed revealed as "the thing."

the training school painting crew at a leisurely moment.

truman lytle as sir joseph porter in "h.m.s. pinafore."

were demonstrative speeches ever like this?


freshman- sophomore carnival in the gym on april 9.

"dutch" eshelman and bob lade during their primitive dance.

blue d evil sh ow featuring the hula girls.

faculty members levitt and mickey perform at carnival.

college band tuning up for the carnival dance.

- 74--

so long, peruvians. its been good to know you. hope you have a nice may fete. b y the way the pictures on this page are one's that rarely appear in the "peru vian." an you recognize them?

virginia reelers at the 1950 may fete.

at right, snaps from se nior reception, 1950.

1950 may fete royalty charlo tte pryor and eddie hanna.

-- 75- -

evelyn boseck presides at a r egular meeting. front row: de van hershey, don johanns , annabelle eis. second row: otto rath, flora stoltz, an n a kriefels, barbara mi l ler. back row: rex fl oyd , anna stensland, ruth patterson, neal s . gomon. members ab sen t: pat benford, barba r a bragg , betty cis, leon joy, berwyn moren, james steele, mrs. mervin keedy.

literary moment in the library sigma tau delta is a national engl ish fraternity , its purpose being to promote a mastery of written e xpression. to encourage worthwhile r eading, and to foster a spiri t of fe llowship among teachers and students of o u r language and literature. phi a lpha chapter is the oldest national fraternity on th e campus. activities in cluded initiation in november and an easter banquet. this year's officers were: evelyn boseck, president: don j ohanns, vice president; otto rath , secr etai路y-tt-eas ur e r; flora s toltz. historian; barbara bragg, marshall; neal s. gomon . sponsor.

r e fr eshme nt time


the music hall

d I I

- 80-

christmas party at the ch r ists

t ri be ta is a nati o n al h o n o r a r y biologica l fratern ity . its object ive bei n g t o acquaint its membe r s wi th bi o logica l r e lat ions hi ps ex is tin g in t h ei r s urro u ndings. social acti v ities included in itiation of n ew m e mbers. ho m ecom ing dis pl ay. a nnua l steak f1·y a nd c lwi s tm as party. pi ch apter se nt repn~ sen t a t ives t o a co n ve n t ion at corn e ll co llege. mt. pleasant, iowa. edu ca ti ona l ta lk s wer e given by o uts id e speak ers a n d m c m be r s. t hi s yea1·'s o ffice1·s w er e: geo1·ge barr ett. pres id en t : be rn ie t ayl01·. vice p r esident : jackie cole, secreta1·y: don b o rn sch legl , historian : j. c. ch rist, s p onsol'.

'·n o-duc k- d in n e r " taylor and sm ith

george b a r rett presides a t a tri -be t a m eet in g. front row: burt m a honey , jean m e in in ch , es ther ho lm es, pat be n ford , j ack ie col e. second row: max cupp, b ill bednar, ot to rath , regi n al d fr itsch le , don graham. third row: bob m oor e, e ld o n t e t e n. jesse r ay. raymond s mi th . b e rni e ta y lor. b ack row: s ponsor j. c . c hr ist.

--81 --

front row: norman yardley, don wendt, bill vacek, don gress, emil d ob rovolny, ken s ipes. second row: don graham, laverne meier, wallace richards, mark bornemcier, robert moore, robert startzer, b ack row: ken me masters, alvin l arson, dee jarvis.

epsilon pi tau is a national hon orary professional organization of industrial arts students. its purposes are to recognize the place of sk ill, to promote social efficiency, and to foster, reward. publish, and circulate the results o f r esearch. ther e are nineteen active members on the peru campus. two initiations took place during the year and a banquet was held on apri l 9. frater nities are found in 42 states and three territories, the district of columbia, canada and india. four new chapters were added this year. this year's officers were: wallace richards, president; emil dobrovolny. vice president; mark bornemeier, secretary; don graham , treasurer; a. v . lar路son, spo nsor.

- 82--




phi lambda alpha is the honorary athletic fraternity on the campus and seeks to fos ter good wil l and spo1·ts mans hip in all sports actidties. the organization so ld programs at football a nd basketball games and sponsored the peru hi g h sch oo l 1·elays. officers for the year wc1·e: daYe du ey . president: richard webb, vice p r es iden t: ken sipes. sec reta1·y : d o n johanns. treasurer: ne\\'t kyle. s r .. sponsor.

fr o nt row: clave cluey, de \·an h e r s h ey . leroy wilson. dick webb, k en taylor. eldon teten . s econd r ow: clean thi es fe ld. ken s ipes. manu e l b riseno, robert wilson. roland bcran.wilbur schcitc l. dan·cll mucl1·a. third row : norris hale. omer meeker, bob lade, bill gillmore, don bornschlcgl. bill cummins. k enne th urwin . back row : dick lew is, fred thomas. bi ll vace k. bob ry a n . d e ll miller . charles smith. ge1·ald comstock.

- 83-

al: table: n ancy h ardy, ken taylor. fronl: row: pat benford, rosemary kyle, jim wilson, leroy wilson, robert eilers, b ill t !:lurman. b a ck row: mark bornemeier , bill vacek, bill johnson, harvey ideu s, a lma ashley, david mickey.

the studen t governmen t on the campus has ch arge of cam pus activities. they supervised freshma n initiation, had charge of homecoming an d may fe te, sponsored many dances, and decorated t h e campus at ch ristmas. officers were: ken tay lor , president; pat benford , vice president; jim wilson, treasur er: nancy hardy , secretary; alma ash ley and dav id mickey , sponsors.

wally richards r epresents epsilon pi tau in accepting the placque for best homecoming decoration. nancy hardy, ken taylor and jackie cole in rear.


standing: ray. front row: sw~enie. koch, ideu s . cis. atkinson. I. adam s, g r ess. r . m oore . second row: h a rt . co lli ns. wh ipp le . jorn . lu t ton. p r a tt, mille r , r. a d ams . third row : r. b r ow n , \\'inche ll. cecil. johnston, james, m o n tgo m e r y, b r ad ley. ku cer a. fourth row: r asp lick a , littr e ll , grafe, r ich a r ds , Carr asquill o , abern ath y . k a r abatsos. fifth row: fisch e r , joy, b . m oore. t h o m as, me ca r t n ey. back row: m ay fie ld, clay burn.

t h e inte r na tio n a l rel a tions c lub is cond u cted under th e ausp ices of the ca r n eg ie ~ ndow m e n t fo r intern a t ion a l peace and is open to a n y coll ege s tu dent fo t路 m e m ber s hi p . a banqu e t was h e ld at nebras k a c ity in th e fa ll a n d a p icnic in t he sp ri n g.

pres id ent jess ray ponder ing o n t h e con vo p rogr a m .

. 85 -

standing: james stolz. front row:

prof. rath. dave williamson. phyllis heink e, eva knap e, er na lee dick. back row: fl01路a stoltz, e v elyn bosec k o rland o rodriquez. manu e l briseno, o tto r ath. em il dobrovolny . glen e mmert.

the purpose of t he foreign la n guage club is to give the s tud ent s opportunity to spea k french, ger man , spanish, and russian . month ly programs were presen ted by the various g roups and included fil ms, plays, songs, and poetry . the club gave a convocat ion p rogram in march. this yea r 's officers were : james s toltz, president; glen emm ert, vice president: emi l dobrovolny, secretary-treasurer ; george rath , sponsor.


stimulation of interest in music is the p urpose of the peru chapt er of th e music educa tors nationa l conference. menc sponsored the eighth ann ual band c linic and festival in february which brought over 300 high schoo l musicians from 31 schools to the campu s.

s t a nding: russell. front row: harrison, ogg, h awxby, c. duerfeldt, moran, emigh. second row: wilso n , holmes, j . me ininch, harder, rogge, meister. back row: hart, schl iefert , benford , b. duerfeldt, b. me ininch, Iotspeich.


at left is th e homecoming display made by menc members. officers for th e year were: lester russell, president; ma u l'ice moran, vice president. chairmen: gat·th emig h , pia n o and orga n : dorothy hawxby, ch orus; carol duerfeldt, band; karl ogg, urchestra ; j. quinn Iotspeich, sponsor.


RML ..;r'£ l R~1fLDpt Bii?LLR FINTWJP~5T[l/ RIIT£LC'i 5f1JP S P([IP


rn11y :



- 87-

seated: r. t. benford, garth emigh .. dire cting: darryl m anr ing . front row: betty kiger, peg genoa, pat be nfor d, b e tty mun uz. shidey koch . ca r· oJ spier, joan rogge, carlos harrison , paul parker. loren a rg abr·ight. rnaur·icc mo ran, benny duerfeldt, bueford rickman, bill me ininch, e lla bet h lotsiJ<:ic h. gera l di n e schliefert, jean me ininch, dorothy m e is ter. seco nd r ow: ca r o line me fadd e n ruth albers, esther holmes, carol duerfe ldt, chester h east on, mcryl r·odger·s. mar·k bornemeier, lester russell, curtiss Iindell, roland b er a n, dave ky le. fn:d cl e m<:nts, lela nd covault, cecil anderson, janet harder, dorothy ha wxby, mary Ice eiche nberger. marjorie heim, yvonne he wit, eugenie hart . b a ck r ow: ma r·y lou clark. mon ica ze1ner, · shirley me neely.

seated: garth emigh b ack row: bill me ininch fred clements mark bornemeier curtiss Iindell ben duerfeldt maurice moran jack me neil loren argabright

front row:

b e tty k i ger peg genoa pat benford dor othy me ister esther holmes carol duerfeldt gerry schlie fert j a n et harder ruth damon joan rogge



the pew college band in the ir b l ue and w hi te.

th e music clinic band with guest conductor hu gh me m illen and j. quinn Iotspeich.

- 89

19 5 0-51 o ffi ce1·s: t ruman lytl e, pres ide nt ; ro n a ld kuce ra, v ice pres ide nt ; p a t b e n f ord , s ecre t a 1·y; d o n g 1·a h a m, treas w ·er : j a m es s t eel e , s p o n s or.

scene fro m hom ecoming play " h eaven ca n wai t " m a ril yn ba u c k e becomes c l ub m e mbe r

me ininch demonstrates ladies wearin g appare l at initiation.

if you w e re to p ick u p a c o py o f t h e 1909 p c 1·u v ian you wou ld find th e re. o n page 15 1, pic tu t·es o f t h e peru dra matic c lub of tha t day . th e many years h ave m ade gre a t changes in t h e s tyle o f b o th hait· and d re ss b u t th e p t·in c ipl es a nd o bjec t ives se t fort h t h< •t'l' a t·e sti l l t h C' ck s it·es a nd wishes o f the c lub today . th e dramatic cl ub wa s s t ar t <·d at llw b <·g i nni n g n f t h at sch oo l yea r in 1909. it wa s organized b c cause o f a fe lt n eed to carry lite t·ary wor k o n<' s tL' p fal't h l't' into th e s tudy and intf'rpr e ta ti on of tt·ue d r ama t ic a r t.

- 90 -

the pe ru dra m a tic c lu b t o da y is s tili acti ve in d ram a tic study and inte rpre tat io n . thi s y e ar the clu b prese n ted " h eave n ca n wa it" fo r the h o m e c omin g play a nd la t e r in the year m axwell a nde r son's "joan o f lo rra ine ." b o th plays wer e fer til e fields fo r inte rpretatio n and e nj oy m e nt. t h e club h as g r ow n in numbe r a nd j udg in g f rom the e nthus iasm o f th e m e m be r s a nd th e work acco mpli s h ed b y th e club, thi s h as been a n excep tio n al ye ar fo r th e dram a tic cl u b . in the l a n g u age o f th e s tage e nthus iasm , w o rk , a nd e n joy m e nt spe lls s u cc ess.

p a t benford and phil s lagle in m axw ell and er son's "joan of lorra ine."

pres id e nt tr u m a n we lcom es in itia t e k nape on the s ta ge in the a udit orium

l e ft t o ri g ht : s t e ele me ininch , moran, bauc h e, ly tle, ku e nning, s l agle, birds l e y , graham, kn a p e, fritschle , b e n fo rd, m or se, f ischer, p a rke r , fithi a n .

- 9 1-

the luthe ran s tud ent association was unde r th e direction of rev. f. w. h e nke l, aubur路n, rev. f. k. kumpf, rev. h . kolm , and rev. e. p. bastian, all of johnson. meetings w e r e h e ld each w e dnesday even ing with the l ast m ee ting of each month devote d to social e ntertainment. lessons th e first semester were based on th e booklet "the bibl e -preface t o s tudy;" for the second semester "the word-god's ca ll to m e n ."

seated: seeba. front row: damkroger, schmohr, jorn. second row: lindell, rev. kumpf, eichenberger, schmidt, hahn .back row: r e v. henkel, rev. kolm, sederburg, almquist, s tahl.

seated: evelyn boseck. front row: geraldine schli efert, marilyn baucke, eileen beethe . back row: a lma ashley , bob lade, darrell mudra , rev. m. p. dreier.

the lutheran club-missouri sy nod met each wednesday evening f or lectures and d evo tions l e d by r ev . m . p . drei e r of auburn. combined socials wer e h eld with the lsa and movies we r e also shown at various times. topics varied fro m the history of t he lutheran church to chris tian careers. officers were: marilyn baucke, preside nt and ge r a ldine schliefer t, v ice presid e nt.


the ywca opened the year's activities w ith a welcome party for the freshmen g irls. other activ ities include d a christm as carolling p ar ty , a christmas pageant f or con vocation, a registration romp a nd the east er s unr ise service. all of these were cosponsored w ith the ymca. at l eft the four first semester officers install the second semest er officers.

left to right: a nnabe lle eis, imogene radford, d av ida gilliland, marjorie heim, sponsor r uth patterson, dorothy hawxby, viole t fithian, barbara mille r.

at right: floyd fithia n . front row: lavern e foss, jack wop a t a , rafael carrasquillo, tom bosworth. back row: bill b edna r , chester heaston, trum a n ly tle.

th e y mca h e lped th e ywca in sponsoring the ch ristmas carollin g party, a ch l"is tmas co nvocat io n , a I'egisti路ati o n romp and the eastc1路 su nr ise ser v ice. office1路s w e n ": t~oyd fithi an , presiden t ; bill bed n ar , v icl' pres ident ; laverne foss, secrc tai路ytreasure r ; james d. levitt. s p o nsor.

- 93- -

the campu s newspape1· is put out everY other week by th e joUJ·n al ism c lass. fi1·st se m ester s t aff membe rs arc g1·oupecl at th e le ft. s eated: da n ·elJ mud1·a, ed itor: marion pra tt, assistant ed itor. s tanding: evelyn b oseck, campus e d it 01·; bill jo hn so n . sports edi to r ; connie funke, circu lation manager: neal s. gom on. sponsor: be tty kigc1·, circulation manager.

th e pedagogian office in the audi t o r ium is th e workshop fo1· t h e 'pe d ' s t aff. at left are the second semestc1· members of tlH' adva n ced journalism class. sea ted: don johanns , ed itor; de van hershey. fcatun' edi tor. s tanding: eve lyn boscc k. assistant cd itOI· ; phil slagle. campus l'dito r·: norJ"i s huh-. s po1·ts ed itor; n eal s. gomon. spo n s01·.

94 -

the p e ruv ian sta rT began th e ~· ca r· \\"ith ;, picnic a t n ea l pa rk. th e first copy \\" a~ :;<'nt to the sc r·i g ht publ ication bur·ea u at lincoln in decembe r and the last in a pril.

front r ow: de van h e r·sh<•y , tr ·uman lytle. r·ona ld kucera. frank fisc h e r·. cecil larson . ceci l tillman , j. d . le v itt. b a ck row : s h e ny elites, de lo r·cs n e lso n, eve ly n b osec k. mary hinrich s. nonna thom pso n. bar·bara millt•J". carle ne cox , jean wilson .

seat e d: eve lyn boseck. d e lo res n elso n . jean w il so n . £t a nding: ronald kuce ra , ba r bara

miller, carlene cox, law r·encc sta hl.

editorial s taff seated: frank fi s h e r. photograph y : eve lyn

boseck, co py; ceci l tillman, spor·t s : tru man ly tl e, business man age r. standing: j. d. levitt, s ponsor: de van h e r s h ey, ed itor-in chief. a bsent: r·e g ina ld fritsch le . layo ut.

m.-. peterso n of a uburn t oo k th e s tud<·nt pi c tures a nd nll". lev itt th e glamor· ~hots. bur·tis eas ie r was s tu dent photograplwr. and betty schmoh r h e l ped on t h e a rt wor·i< r ona ld kuce r· a d id th e indC'x ing.

- 95--


the whitt> CJngC'!s ch e en·d th ei r w;1y thn>ugh a f'UC<:l'Ssfu l year. this prp oJ·ganiz;1t ion solei at games in order to b u~ · their cheer leader' s u niforms . Wl·J·c co- host essl'S at th, · voll eyba ll tournl·y. gav<' a c"nvo p 1·og1·a m . had a h oml'coming display . and spons nrl'cl dances. off icc1·s wc1·L·: j ack ie cole, p r Ps id( ·nt: eill'l'n h(·l'thl' . vice pn·sid c nt: j an ice r ed fer n . s e cretary: imogt·n <· rad ford, u· c as u rcr: sponsor. mrs. james stee le . 1st semester <1nd m1·s . ra) s mith. 2nd sem l'stcr.

front row : hi e m. koch, Iutton . sm ith. co le , p ratt, radford. s econd row: rcdfci·n. elites. hinr·ich s , hand !C'y, rh ineha1·t. sch I iefert, me n ee ly, ze i ner. third r ow: r ogge. flack. 'hanly . mc·i s te r , bccthe. baucke . griffing. back r ow: kn a p e, Iotspeich. a . e1s b . ris . whipp ll·. mi lkr. a tkinson .


front r o w : jnhanns, c•shelrnan. I. \\'il son. hers h ey, j. \\'ils on . om·sons. sweeni c. r. wi lson . sec ond ro w : du C'y . b . t aylor. gerdes. me e k er. fischer . goosman. teten, nichelson. third row : thi esfe ld. rath , s ip cs . briseno. \\'a1z. m a r t s. scheitel, cummins. k yle. fourth r ow : fauncc. tink le . bonwmeier. mah on ey. k . tay lor. Iittrel l, vacek. floyd. fifth r o w : gillmorr'. gump, da v is, m e ie r. lade, r . \\'ebb. k ava naugh. I. webb, s mith. back row : la r ,;on. Iotsp e ic h , beran. v oegtli. miller, bornschlegl, k rueger. r yan .

the blu e devils fulfi l led th c i1· co n s titu t ion al purpose 'build ing morale and creating a more e nthus iastic studen t body'-th1·o ugh the ir vocal suppo1·t at games, pre- game rallies, get -together dan ces. homecoming plans and decora t ions, banquet ho n ol'ing 'ou1· cham ps' and a con vo progr am. a t the he lm o f the b lue d e v ils w e r e john sweenic. pn.'sident ; william gilmore, vice p r esident : otto rath. secrC'la1·y: d o n johanns. t r e asure r : sponsor, rex fl oyd.

- 97-

herald. s hir leY . zei n er. · ·1 k och, p at cra n ey, mon1ca. rnerV' ·r 1 back roW· annie kre1 e s. dith bU· miller reg ina stander. e . krei, esth el man, mary bauman. fels, r oland beran.

front row: margie

. t ernationthe n ew man club. an m . n e ge . . f . catholiC co a l organ 1za t10n 01 kl WI' tl"l I·t . r eVs tud e nts . m e t wee Y of auburnfather frank llece k pres. . ·oland beran. . ofTicers w ei·c · 1 presl.th buman, VICC . d ident: e I h e i·old. secreta! y dent: margie trC'a sun' r .

front row: barbara mill er, janicP

redfern, beverly houscr, edith buman, regina standcr. betty cis, lois rhinehart. back row: yvonne hewitt. gail gilliland, dale moon•, roland beran. wm. abernathy. curtiss Iindell. marjorie seeba. hazel weare. the college campus commercial club was or ga ni zed on october 15. 1951 . officers elected were: wm. abn~rnathy, president: beverly houser. vice prcsidC'nt: barbara miller. secretar y: janice rt>dh' rn. treasurer: hazel weare . sponso r .

- 98-


action wa s s timu lated in t hL' home economics cl u b by th e u b jcct i\' c of a s t t·o n g n : cr ui trnent pt·ugt· am. tht' grou p gave a fre s hman t ea a n d mar th a washi ngto n tea. \\'t• r t' cos ponsors o f the \'o llcyball tournament. and t oo k part i n h o tn <'coming a n d th e carniva l. o fTi cers were: ann ie krL'ifL'I~. pres iden t : Icc jorn. \"iC'L' prC'sidcn t : phyllis parriott. treasure r : marjorie ~ec ba . sccreta t·y: l n ui~t ' l' U bank. s ponso r. <.~t t·ig h t. ma t·ion blake's motht't· gives a clcmnn s t ,·ation on m<'lal wot·king.

t he industr ial a rts clu b was new ly organized on the campus thi!' year. any studC'nt intcr C'stC'd in this field could join. officers were: kC'n s ipC's. pt-c!'idC'nt: dave ducy. vice pres iden t: ken n eth me masters , !'ccrctary-treas urer: d . v. jarvis. !'pon!'or.















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bob 19 "red" w ilson co-captain

coach al

1950 schedu le sep't.

16 22 29

26 bu ena vista 13 doane 26 midland

oct. 6

6 wayne

14 21 27

12 chadron 32 k ea rney 48 york

19 0 0 7 0 6

bottom row , left to right: ct路cil m e knight. dcl1 mille1路. tom hum wilbur sc heit0l. secon d row, right to left: bill cummins, mgr., jack brawner. dick eldon t c te n , bi ll vacek . ro land bcra n . f1路ed th omas, j e rry comstock. third row. l eft to right: coach al wh eele r , j e rry g ran cer, marv in bob l ad e, clare haulk , fr a nci s r ose. j im j a m es, coach n ewt kyle. top r ow. le ft to right: loren nr g a b ri g h t, phi l reed, jerry marts , elvin q u entin lo r e nz. chester hea s t o n, don o g le , le land covault. harold



3 18

10 hastings 20 east ern n. m .

14 13

ken taylor co -captain

- 102-





coach pau l

coa('h n e wt

phrl?y. bob ry:m. cleve coatney. bob wilson, bob ga us man . jack tillman. ken taylor. webb. dean mill e r , dean t hiesfeld, Jav<:rn c poppe. frank masek. darrell mudra. gerd es, bi ll gi lma n:•, leroy wi lson, curtis scde1¡bur g. c urtis Iinde ll. george thomas. coach p au l g ilbert. clause n , gary welch. s haron ocker, jeny joyce. jimmy wilson, branson m oore, runner.


-· .,

;'>;,) · -

i -:. · ..


dick webb g u ard

.. ,

' '· : . 1

fr·ank masek t ac kle

fred thomas end

dean thiesfeld back

w ilbur scheitel back

fred t h omas gains on pass aga ins t k earney as bobcats roll to im press ive hom ecoming win.


rya n guard

- 104-

jerr y gr·an c€'r e nd

tom humphrey guard

jack brawner e nd

bob gausman back

bobcats assemble before homecoming gam e to receive ins tructio ns fro m coach a!. whee ler.

bill g il more gua rd

dean miller tarld e

- 105-

bill vacek end

laverne poppe back

eldon teten tackl e

jim james back

red w ilson is s topped as wayne win s close contest from bobcats. final score- wayne 7 - peru 6.


... darre ll mudra back

dell miller g uard

- 106-

manu e l br ise no g ua1路d

jerry comstock end

leroy wilson back

fumbl e occurs as h a lf of the a ll conference backfield, d a rrell mudra and don kane, clash.


cleve coatney center

bob lade tack le

- 107-


rola nd beran end

"chuck" s mith guard b il l johnson g u a rd

botto m row . l e ft t o right : cha rl es smith , r obert s h r ader,

bob ci lcrs center

bornschlegl, russell ruth. second row . le ft to right : coach n e w t on k y le. la verne

- 108

ga le eshelman , coac h pau l g ilb e rt , coach al w h ee ler .

bill t h urma n fo r war d gale esh e lm an guard


b1ll thu1 m an. h ob da v is. bob e ilers, omer mee k e r. don <Hnc路r Jll('l'kcr

fo r wa t路d

lotsp<> iC' h . h i II m e C'or m ic k . b ill voegtl i, bob kcch c ly,


bornschlegl scores

d on bornschlegl forward

the 1950-51 cage seaso n saw the bobcats just as strong as ever as they breezed to twent y six wins and onl y six losses. the bobcats r eached a h igh peak at grand island when they were edged by a good denver u . team 66 to 64. om er m eeke r climaxed a great career as he shattered many records.one of his outstandi ng was 57 points a gainst mid land. meeker was later voted to the little all america team. the bobca ts were real champions beating a good newark n .j . team in th e a.a.u. tourney at denve r.

pstc 79 55 79 68 64 95 73 78 86 61 78 67 56 54 64

s impson culver stoc kton baker a ustin denYer u . adrain manchester q u incy fort hay:; m. centr al yor k doane omaha u . chadron ehad r or.

64 57 56 45 G6 51 69 63 73 83 45 51 53 55 55



- 11 0--

b ill voegtli ce nte r


pstc 67 69 66 86 61 101 81 100

wesleyar. wayne has tings wayne kearney york doane midland 99 m idl and 68 wesleya n 84 kearney 78 oma h a u . 98 offu tt fie ld 80 newark, n .j. 51 dalas

37 52 74 44 60 71 53 71 64 61 72 47 65 78 76

big bob r e bounds

bob dav is center

bob schrader g uard

--111 --

ken urw in

cecil me knight

bill thurman

first row, 1. to r.: newt ky le, dick lew is, bill thurm an, bill johnson, cecil larsen, gale eshelman, ken urwin, devan h er sh e y . second row. 1. to r.: curtis sederburg, bob l ade, larry webb, jim almquist, tom bosworth, del argnlxight , bucford rickm a n , lavon covau lt.



I 12

de van hershey

bill johnson

dick lew is

fuU bob wilson, le l and covault, cecil me knight, don wendt, harvy ideu s, Iittrell, loren.

norris ha le

- 113--

fn:~e th1路ow charnps- omer meeke r and don b or nschlegl.

at right, sophomore laverne Io tspe ich.

ome r mee ker , electric guitar and " s hine." th e tall o n es-bob e i lers , bob dav is a nd b ill thurman.

chee rl ea d ers - s hil"l ey koch , earl w ebb, peg g e n oa, chal路les m o ntgomer y , and f1路ancis heim.

born bill johnson. don sch leg l. omer m eekeL bob C' ilers and coach k yle. a t right. d eem mil ler coach pau l gi lb e rt.

ill! --

a nd

applegate baker

hendri c k son

h en ning

blanke ns hip davenport

applegate. fred; football , basketball, track. baker , janet; chorus, madrigal, pep club. blankenship. lena; pep club, volleyball, fha, s tudent cou ncil, sextet te.

heywood longfe llow

davenport. phyllis; band, orchestra, pep club, chor us. stri n g quarte t. sextette, str ing trio, madrigal. h~;ndrickson.

ann; chorus, band, pep clu b.

henning. john; football, basketball, track. hc:ywood. dick; footbal l. longfellow, stanley; basketbal l.



madri gal

mann morgans

mann. patti jo; s tudent council, chorus, orchestra, str ing trio. morgans. carol; student council. chorus, madriga l, P<' P clu b, se xtette.

- 116- -

rains r eeves

patte r s on

sayer sch n ieder


patterson. patsy; p e p club, f h a, ch oru s . volleybalL s impso n s itzman

perry. beverly; p ep club, fha , voll eyball , s tudent council. rains. duane ; fo o t ba ll , b as k e tba ll. track. reeves. ronald ; chor us. sayer. bill; football. schneider. marcella ; chorus. pep clu b . fha. simpson. ray; footba ll.

s t e ine r

sitzman. fred; stein'!r. dick; ch o rus . s tud e nt cou nc il. m ad r iga l.

clements. spon sor

- 117-

se a ted : emma dean dcckard, paulinc hendr ickson, joan kclga r d, bill me adams, mii路iam newto n , gwe n do lyn hays, maril yn appl egat e . st a n ding: vcn ita rade1路, ma ry st e i n er, jeJTY groves. frank lin wal k e r , eddie pharao h, r odger maj o r s , jo hn christ, robe r t p a l mer.

front row: mary bohlke n, anita van deford, mar ga ret m orris, donna benn ett , joyce crabt ree, phy llis perry, gretchen q uelle, ruby tishner . second row: vance wilk inson , david miller, raymon d graves, lucy myers, collee n reeves, ruby patte rson, rex a llgood, myrna steiner, bessie nincehelser, donald Sitzman, leonard allgood. third row : larry mertes, don knople, ga rold goings. gerald crabtree, donald mertes. rudy gfeller. leonard west. IPc beck er , bob jones, bob dt路l'k. bur ke tt lewis.


I 18

front row: dennis sherman, joel peck. second row: duaine mcknight, glen h eywood, roger haigh ben bennett, tommy sayer, bob m oor e, shelby winingham, dick c01路wine, fre d ringer. third row: norman wachter, robert allgood, darrell allgood, darle ne p l att, barbara m e rrit, judy adams, shirley walter. back row: opal tishner, harriet straw, jesse simpson.

seated: donna bennett, jesse s impson ; carol morga ns, secreta ry; rodger majors , president; beverl y perry, vice president; dick steiner. standing: supt. s . l. clements, marilyn applegate, joel peck, harriett straw; bill me adams, gretchen quelle.

- 119-

football senio1路s: dick heywood duane rains john h en ning 1路ay simpson fr ed applega t e

coach jennc stempc l路

high school \:eJ路sus co l lege

- 120

front row: rains, h e nning, p h araoh,

me adams, apple gate, simpson, knople, walke r , bill b ennett. second row: ste mper, mertes, palmer, w est, majors, lewis, d. heywood, wilkinson, graves, g. h eywood. back row: eshelman, corwine, peck, goings, winin gham, me kn ight, ben b ennett, sherman, sipes.

front row: graves, ra ins, henning,

a ll good,

major路s, winningham. wilson, me adams, w e st, applegate, longfe llow, walker, ste mpe r. b ack row: benne t t , c01路 w ine, goings, pharaoh, becker, peck. second row:

- 12 1-



front row:

gwendolyn hays pauline h e ndrickson mari a m n e wto n maril y n app le gate joan mertes back row:

lucy my e rs joyce crab tree marcell a sch neider mary s t e in e r p a t sy patterson coach t ruma n lytle

the high sc h oo l volley ball season was a b usy one. New uniforms were issued a t mi dseason. coach t1路um a n lyt le awarded lett ers at the banquet in apdl. at right, t he team in action .

- 122 -

k arl ogg conducting school orchestra.



1 '

director daryl manring in t he center with pianist eugenie hart at the right.

- 123- -

the christmas pageant put o n by the grades.

gar t h adams michael benne tt arlie e mmert thom as go m o n gl e nda groves michael gump phyllis h offman nancy jarvis doris me connaughhey t e iTy marnell mich ae l m eyer b e v e rly morgan s bobby newto n ric h a r d r a in s joyce s mith

- - 124 -

glenda allgood kathleen e mmert paul holdorf ronda kay me master thomas majors bobby peck judy pierce leland schneider joyce spittler marion s traw paul sweetser al wheeler

sarah jane adams a lice a ll good jack douglas e laine gerd e s david gomon michael keedy larry knople judy Io t speich jack me connaughey keith marnell jame s morris k aren novak a li ce sh e rma n jerre s mith glor ia kay tripp patty winingham

- - 125-

monty allgood james barnhart james christ larry groves t e rry hager jerry hoffman john holdorf mary claire jarvis keith knople darry me master hanford miller haney milstead janice nince helser harlene palmer bill tynon

Janette adams pauline allgood marilyn barnhart frances corwin delbe rt d e ckard lyle douglas ileene j ohn s dawn loc k wood james Iots p e ich edwin nin ce h else r la rr y pierce rhin e hart quelle ga ry schne id er doro thy sh e rman bernard si t zma n richard s traw da le tay lo r b laine w ilk in son blair wil kinso n

- 126-


james allgood norma cleek k e nneth hage r peter ho ldorf carolyn kerns roger marnell george nince helser judy straw leslie tripp


nadine adcock howard allgood kenneth anderson emma becker ronald brock jerry henning barbara lynn judy miller martha sue moore bruce peck patty pierce rex rains beverly sherman thomas sh e rman vernon straw marilyn tynon judith ty n on cecil walke r gertrude winin gham



edward allgood e ldon allgood mary applegate lester b lankenship richard douglas mickey douglas richard graves faye hoffman n adine knople duane lewis judy mann dale perry dwight perry karen quelle darlene reeves joyce ruyle beverly tripp wally west

charles blankenship s idney brown edrianne buchenau rex tUrner james jones david longfellow carol majors mary lou morgan kathy morgans ethe l nincehelser frank novak pat palmer jo ann parriott randa ll pugh j ea11 r u y le k e nn e t h s i tzman h e le n wa lke r sandra west s h e lby wi nin gha m

- 128-

clave clu ey and boys in th e s hop .

kat路! ogg and the orchestra.

r. d. moore and shop s tuden ts.

- - 129 -

bob gausman and volleyball fans.

"teach er made me stand in the corner."

t ed me cartney, manu el briseno and the first graders.

- 130-

de va n hershey and thC' se niot路s



r ichard steine r and ray sim pson

senior class p lay cast and d irector s "seventee n is awfully young"

- 13 1-

homecoming display by the industr ial arts club.

floyd fithian, cecil tillman and the junior class play cast

garth emigh and the second grade.

- 132--

de van hershey and the senior s.

juniors giving initiation.

edna weare, lee jorn and the hom e econ omics class.

- 133 -

goodbye. dr. reed- welcome. mr. gomon - 134-

ADVERTISING has helped make this book possible.

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From the April 30 issue of the PERU PEDOGOGIAN-

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which is to be distri'.buted May 20. Th e staff has worked at a r apid ) pace the past month in hopes 1 of getting the book out on time 路.} for distribution. First copy was hande d in early in December ' and the last, it was reported, h ad \ gone in last week. The printer is , Serigh t Publication Bureau of , Lincoln. DeVan H ershey, man aging editor of the yearbook, said that ' S eright Publicaticns had shown the "Peruvia n" a lot of service in their work and they have indicated that they want to give the college a good publication. ''We aren't sayinn that it's the best in history, but it l ooks as though it w ill be a great im provement over recent years,'' Hershey said. - __.,




A few o f the pages fro m several books o ff t he press bdur'' A pril 10 this year.

- 135-


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index abernathy, wi lliam, 28 85 98 adams, Jon, 38 58 85 adams, ruth, 43 85 adamso n , laurel, 38 albers, ruth, 43 a ll en, alb e rt, 43 a ll ey, doris jean, 51 a lmquist, james, 51 92 112 anderson, cecil, 51 anderson , wa lter, 51 argabright, loren, 51 88 102 112 ashl ey, a lma, 11 78 84 92 atkinson, nancy, 43 85 96

cook, myrtle, 16 79 cotton, jim. 21 51 coulter, dorothy, 19 52 covault, Ia von, 44 78 11 2 covault, le land , 52 102 112 cox, carlene, 38 98 cox, patricia pryor, 29 craney, patricia, 20 52 98 cummins, william, 29 73 79 83 97 102 cupp, max, 29 81 damkroger, eunice, 52 92 damon, ruth, 52 88 davenport, phyllis edith, 64 davidson, phyllis, 15 davis, robert, 21 44 108 111 114 dick, erna l ee, 52 86 diddell, norma, 10 dobrovolny, emil, 29 82 86 dobrovolny, norma, 44 doran, thomas, 44 duda, florence, 52 duerfeldt, bennie, 52 64 87 88 duerfeldt, carol, 39 78 87 88 d uey, dave, 29 83 97 duncan , dean, 29

baker, don, 51 barrett, george, 28 81 baucke, marilyn, 43 72 90 91 92 96 bauman, mary, 51 98 bednar, wi lliam, 43 78 81 93 b e ethe, eilene, 43 92 96 benford, pat, 20 24 38 65 72 78 81 87 88 90 91 benford, r. t. 14 benson, wayne, 43 73 90 beran, roland, 38 83 97 98 102 107 bernard ,alice, 51 birdsley, jean, 20 51 90 91 birdsley, william, 43 b lake, marion, 18 eckma n, gayle, 45 79 babbitt, frank 38 effken, ted, 45 boerner, mary: 43 eich enberger, marylee, 45 92 boesen, virginia morse, 28 eilers, robert, 24 30 69 72 84 108 111 114 bornemeier, mick, 28 82 84 88 97 eis, annabelle, 2 30 78 80 85 93 96 bornschlegl, don, 38 73 81 83 97 108 110 114 eis, betty, 39 98 boseck, evelyn, 28 72 78 80 86 92 94 emigh, garth, 30 78 87 bosworth, tom , 51 93 112 emmert, glen, 30 86 bradley, arnold l., 44 85 ernst , william, 39 79 bragg, barbara, 28 eshelman, gale, 30 74 78 97 108 112 brawner, jack, 28 73 102 105 eubank, louise, 10 briseno, manuel, 28 73 83 86 97 106 broadston, clyde, 44 73 faunce, robert, 22 23 30 73 97 b1路own, castle m., 16 85 fink, richard, 30 brown, ruth, 11 finkle, jim, 30 73 78 97 buckmaster, dick, 51 fischer, frank, 31 79 85 91 95 97 buman, edith, 44 98 fithian, floyd, 31 72 91 93 fithian, violet, 52 93 Carrasquillo, rafael, 51 85 93 flack, betty, 45 96 case, claudia, 51 floyd, rex , 11 80 97 easier, burtis, 38 90 91 foss, Ia verne, 52 93 carey, nellie, 18 french, walter, 17 cecil , w illiam, 44 85 fritschle, reggie, 31 81 91 christ, john c., 17 funke, connie , 20 52 94 christ, lillian, 38 81 dausen, elv in, 51 102 gale , harold, 52 dayburn, a. b . 16 85 gard, blanche, 11 cle ments, fred, 21 51 88 gausman, robert, 57 68 73 102 105 cl e m e nts, s. I., 16 genoa, margaret, 45 88 114 elites, sherry, 44 95 96 georgi, lynn, 54 coatney, cleve, 102 107 114 gerdes, marvin, 45 97 102 cole , jackie, 20 25 29 62 67 72 81 84 96 gilbert, paul, 15 102 108 114 collins , dorothy, 29 78 79 85 gilliland, davida, 93 comstock, gerald 83 102 107 gilliland, g a il, 45 79 98

-1 43-

gillispie, joe , 31 gilmore, william, 22 30 73 83 97 102 105 114 glynn, nell, 58 glynn, phyllis, 52 goman, marion, 52 goman, neal s., 13 80 94 goosman, milton, 22 23 45 97 grafe, harold, 45 85 graham, donald, 31 78 81 82 90 91 grancer, jerry, 53 70 102 104 grancer, marilyn, 39 greer, edith, 10 78 gress, donald, 39 79 82 85 griffing, barbara, 46 90 96 grunwald, phyllis, 20 53 70 gump, doyle , 22 23 39 97 hahn, belva, 20 46 92 hale, norris, 31 83 94 handley, mary, 20 53 73 96 harder, janet, 53 hardin, malcolm, 53 hardy, nancy, 46 62 70 84 96 harrison, carlos, 31 hart, eugenie, 31 hatcher, earl, 46 haulk, clare, 53 hawxby, carol, 32 78 79 hawxby, dorothy, 39 78 87 93 heaston, chester, 53 88 93 102 hecht, byford, 53 heim, frances, 20 46 7.1 96 114 heim, marjorie, 46 64 93 heim, walter, 58 heinke, phyllis, 53 86 herold, marge, 53 70 98 hershey, d e van, 32 80 83 92 95 97 112 h ewit, y vonne, 53 98 heywood, norma, 53 hinrichs, mary, 46 95 96 hoback, bob, 53 holmes, esteher, 32 78 81 87 88 hopp, lee, 53 houser, beverly, 40 98 huck, c. a. 16 humphrey, tom, 40 102 105

l ade, robe rt, 54 74 83 92 97 102 107 112 lane, jim, 32 73 larsen, a.v., 14 82 larsen , cecil , 22 33 95 97 112 levitt, j . d., 13 72 74 95 lewis , dick, 83 112 Iinde ll, curtis, 92 98 102 lindsey , e lea nor , 54 Iittre ll , d e lbe rt , 33 79 85 97 112 longfell ow, s tanl ey, 21 Iots peich, j. q., 14 87 Iotspeich, la verne, 47 97 108 114 Iots peich, louise, 47 96 lorenz, que ntin, 47 102 Iutton, kay, 20 33 85 96 lytle, truman, 33 73 91 93 95 me me me me me me me me me

ideus, harvey, 54 70 84 85 112 iliff, erma, 54 james, harold, 40 85 102 106 janecek, charles, 54 jarvis, d. v., 14 82 jindra, v. h., 14 johanns, don, 39 72 80 90 92 97 johnson, willis, 32 66 73 84 92 108 112 114 johnston, paul, 39 72 85 jones, veneta irene, 54 jorn, leattrice, 32 85 92 joy , van ari leon , 32 78 79 80 85 joyce, jerry, 54 102 k arabatsos, nick, 32 85

kavanaugh, c h a rl es, 40 97 keche l y, robe rt, 46 I 08 keedy , mervin , 11 k elgard, v irg inia, 19 k e rr, gerald, 40 kige r, b e tty, 54 88 94 knape, eva marie, 20 40 86 9 0 91 96 knople, robert, 54 k och, s hirley, 46 85 96 98 114 kre ifels , anna m a r r ie, 40 80 98 kre ife ls , esthe r , 46 98 kroll, k e ith, 54 krueger, lorain, 47 50 97 kucera, ronald, 20 47 79 85 9 1 95 kuenning , betty, 50 91 kyle, david, 54 73 kyl e , bud, 40 73 97 kyle, n . p., 15 102108 112114 kyle, r osema r y, 54 70 84

cartney, ted , 33 85 clatchey, clara, 12 78 collum, e lizabeth , 12 cormick, william, 55 70 108 cunn, m arcen e , 47 fadden, carolyn, 55 ininch, jean, 40 78 81 87 ininch, william , 47 87 88 90 91 knight , cecil, 40 102 112 TPt: mast e r , dorothy, 55 mL master, kenneth, 41 82 me n eel, john , 47 88 me nee ly, shirley, 55 96 m a honey, burt, 81 97 mannring, daryl, 14 marcus, earl , 55 marts, gerald, 41 97 102 math ews, 1. b ., 2 3 12 m a thews, ruth, 2 3 15 m ayfie ld, p . m ., 16 85 m eek er, ome r , 21 25 33 69 72 83 97 108 114 m asek , frank, 22 33 102 104 m e ie r , v erne, 41 82 97 m e ister, dor oth y, 47 87 88 96 mickey, d av id, 16 74 84 milkovitch, r osem a ry , 17 20

- 144-

mille r b arbar a, 41 78 80 85 93 96 98 miller, dean, 33 102 105 11 4 mill er, de ll, 70 72 83 97 102 106 miller, h. h., 17 mill e r·, mervil. 47 98 mol es, evelyn, 48 montgomery, ch arl es, 48 50 85 90 moo r e . b r a n so n , 55 85 102 moo re , d ale, 55 98 moo re , robert, 34 8 1 82 85 moran, maurice, 34 78 86 88 9 1 m01·en, berwyn, 48 70 morgans, o.j., 12 mor·se. s hirle y, 48 90 91 mudra, d a r-re ll, 34 69 83 92 94 102 106 107 munoz. raymond, 41 n eil, lesl ie, 41 n e lson. dolores , 55 95 n ew to n, fran ces, 55 niche lso n, ho ward , 97 ocker, s haron. 48 79 102 ogg, k a rl, 34 87 ogle . don, 55 paap, rachel. 20 48 palme r, nona, 6 parke r, paul, 91 par·riott, phyllis, 48 patterson, ruth , 12 78 80 93 patto n , ardith, 34 pfis t e r, emma, 48 pfis t e r, g r ace . 34 phar·aoh. j un e, 41 pharaoh, qu e nto n, 34 pick e ring, don, 55 poppe, lavern, 35 102 105 pratt, mario n , 24 35 63 65 69 72 85 94 96 qu e ll e. r . a .. 17 radfo rd , imoge n e, 41 93 96 ras plicka , h arold, 48 85 rath, geo r·ge, 13 86 r·ath, o tto , 35 80 81 86 97 ray, jess , 35 81 85 r e dfern , janice, 41 96 98 r eed, phillip, 55 102 r eed, wayne o .. 7 71 73 rege r , john, 35 rhinehart, lois, 55 96 98 ric hards, k ei th. 41 79 85 r ic h ards, wallace, 35 78 79 82 84 ri c km an, bue fo rd, 55 112 ri ege r , jane. 56 rodge rs, alta r·u th , 58 rodgers, m ery l. 56 rodri g u e z. o rland o, 48 73 86 r ogge, jo ann. 56 87 88 96 r o h se . lorrain e , 56 rose. fr a ncis . 56 102 rosc· ndahl. richard. 56

ross, arlen, 49 r u n n er, h arold , 56 102 r u ssell, lester, 35 78 87 ruth , russell, 42 108 ryan, robert, 58 65 83 97 102 104 sailors, gene, 42 samples, l. m ., 17 23 scheitel, wilbur, 58 70 83 97 102 104 sc hliefert, geraldine, 49 87 88 92 96 schmidt, ber dine, 49 92 schmohr, betty, 49 73 92 schulte, bill, 49 schulte. ronald , 56 schus t er, alan, 49 schwab, harold, 35 73 schwartz, a lvin, 36 90 sederburg, curtis, 56 92 102 112 114 seeba, marjor ie. 49 79 92 98 sherwood, le land , 56 s hrader, rudy, 49 108 111 sims, richard, 58 sipes, k e nneth, 42 82 83 97 slagle, phillip, 20 21 36 72 91 94 slater, estle ne, 56 smith , carol , 56 70 96 smith, raymond, 22 23 49 73 81 speak, r eginald, 5E spelts, robert , 10 s pier, carol, 56 s tahl, lawrence, 42 92 slander, regina, 57 98 startzer, robert, 36 79 82 s tee le, james, 13 91 s t effan , d ick, 21 s t emper, jerome , 15 s tens la nd. anna, 13 80· s toltz, fl or a leo nard, 18 80 86 s toltz, james, 42 86 stotts, eve lyn, 57 sweenie, john, 36 70 85 97 s winney , merritt . 42 78 tayl or·, bernie, 58 73 8 1 97 t aylor, k e n , 25 36 61 65 69 72 79 83 97 102 teten , eldon, 36 83 97 102 106 thiesfe ld, dean, 42 97 83 102 104 thomas, fre d, 36 78 83 85 102 104 thomas, geor ge, 57 102 th ompson, harold , 49 thompson, nor ma, 20 50 95 thurman , bill, 36 84 108 112 114 tillman, cecil, 37 72 95 102 umstead, alfred. 23 37 urwin, ken , 83 112 vacek, bill, 58 82 83 84 97 102 105 v oeg tl i, bi ll. 21 64 97 108 110 volz. r·ay, 57 wa lz, ja mes. 42 97 weare . edna. 10


wilson, gayleen, 57 wilson, jean , 37 87 95 wilson, jim, 50 84 97 102 wi lson , le roy , 37 71 83 84 97 102 107 winch e ll, earl , 57 85 w inkle , marga ret, 57 wohlfarth, r ichard, 50 79 wonderly , zelm a, 12 wopata, jac k , 57 93 workman, j osep h, 57

weare, haze l, 10 98 webb, earl , 50 114 w ebb lawrence, 37 97 112 webb : richard , 37 83 97 102 104 welch, gary, 102 welton , marcus, 57 wendt, don, 50 79 82 112 wheele r , a l. 15 72 102 108 w hipple, betty, 42 85 96 white, b illie, 57 w igg ins, g. e., 19 wilberger. dorothy, 37 73 wilkie, tho mas, 50 wil kinson, c. e., 13 w ill iamson, dave, 42 89 wi lson. bob, 21 37 70 72 83 97 102 112

ya rdley, n orm an, 57 82 zed n ick, lillia n , 57 ze in er, m o ni ca, 50 96 98

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