_____. ____.... .._
Here is your 1952 Peruvian. In it we have tried to picture your many activities and pleasures that have taken place between registration and graduation of this year. May it serve as a re1ninder of the happy days spent in Peru, the many friendships, and pleasant events that are now recorded 1n your memory.
1952 p ERUV IAN STAFF M""'''"' Ed;>O<· non >ohOnn" Buo<n•" M••••"'· eM«•• M•n"om«Y' EdUOO o< LoY•"'· A< Bood<"' £dUn< o< CoP'• Boobo<' MU<<'' EdUn• o< Ph•<••ooPM· M• " Hond<oY' Ed;>oo o< Foond> RO><' S<udon< Phn'"'' opho<. GoY<• Eok•""' s<udon< Po< Coon"· Fo<UUY J . D. L eviU
Page 4 . . .. ..... . . . .. . . ....... .. Foreword
. . . . Contents
56 . ..
. .Dedication
ll .. .. .... Faculty and Administration 23 .... .. .. . ..... . . . .... . .... Students 55 ... ... . . . .. . . ......... Campus Life 71 ......... . ...... . . . Organiznations 97 . . ... .. ..... . ... . .. . .. .. , . . .Sports 113 . . . . . . . . . ... .. ....... Advertising
- ------
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With great pleasure we dedicate the 1952 Peruvian to Professor Victor H. Jindra. Mr. Jindra is respected and admired by Etudents and faculty for his interest in their welfare and his devotion to the advancement of Peru. It is truly his philosophy to "give to your school the best that you have, and the best will come back to you." Mr. Jindra graduated from the University of Nebraska with a Phi Beta Kappa Honor Key. He majored in mathematics and music. He started his teaching in a rural school and later was Superin-
tendent of Schools at Brainard and Firth. Music kept uppermost in his mterests. He aHended summer schools at the Chicago Music College-specializing in study of the violin. In 1923 Mr. Jindra came to Peru as instructor of mathematics and music. Music gradually took all of his time. and now he has the orchestra. stringed instruments. and classes in music appreciation and history. He will be remembered as the tall artist of the bow and string who "fiddles" away his time.
Mr. C. A. Huck left his teaching position with the college in September. 1951 after twenty-eight years as mathematics instructor and supervisor. He now devotes his time to insurance and real estate business. Mr. Huck is an advocator of life as a mathematical process. Wood turning and radio repair are his hobbies. His friendliness and interest in the students and activities of the college will long be remembered.
Mr. Neal S. Gomon come to th e Peru faculty in 1950 as acting head o f the English Departmen t. A t th e beginning of th e fa ll term of 1951 he was mod e presiden t of N ebroska S t a t e T eachers College at Peru to rep l ace D r. Wayne 0. Reed. I n this first year he has endeared h i mself to all Peruvians by his enthusiast ic service. Mr. Gomon is respected and admired by all for h is friendly and sincere manner. He has p roved his ver satili ty in speeches at convocation and his ability as a pianist.
- 9-
Edith Greer D ean of Instruc tion
Marion Doran
Corabelle Taggart
Assistant Registrar )
9acuft!J L. N. Downing
Rosemary Milkovitch
Dean of Student AHai rs
D ean o f Wom e n
Kenne th M. Heywood Director of Special Serv !ces
r L~
~~ I .A
- 12-
....__ _
Leo Eastman Direc tor, Training School
S. L. Clements
Harold Boraas
Associate Professor o f Secondary Education
Associa te Professor of Educational Psychology
Lawrence D. Gorrell
Harold Johnson
As sis tan t Professor of Education
Assistant Professor of Education
Alma Ashle y Assistant Professor of Rural Education
- 13-
B. A. Eddy A ssistant Professor o f Education
Ruth Brown
Blanche Gard
Assistant Professor of Education
Assistant Professor of Education
Clara McClatchey
Elizabeth McCollum
Instructor o f Education
Assistant Professor of Education
Mary Clarke Instructor of Education
- 14--
Nellie M. Carey Librarian
Zelma Wonderly
Flora Stoltz
Instructor of Education
Assi stant Librarian
Hanford Miller
L. B. Mathews
Associate Professor of Chemistry
A ssociate Professor o f Physics
John C. Christ Acting H ead Division o f Science
f. /" /
- 15-
Myrtle Cook Associate Professor of Mathematics
Norma L. Diddel
Virginia Kelgard
Associate Professor of Art
College Nurse
Darryl T. Manring
Robert T. Benford
Assistant Professor of Music
Associate Professor of Music
Victor H. Jindra Acting Head, Division of Music
Hazel Weare Associate Pro fessor of Commerce
Harriett Bauerbach
Richard Van Pelt
A ssis tant Professor of Commerce
Assistant Professor of Education
P. M. Mayfield
Ansel B. Clayburn
Assi stan t Professor of Social Sciences
Professor of Geography and Geology
Castle M. Brown H ead, Division of Social Science
II )
- 17-
Alfred G. Wheeler
Newton P. Kyle
Head, Division of Health and Physical Education
Assistant Professor of Physical Training
Paul Gilbert A ssistan t Professor of Physical Education
Ruth V. Mathews
Phyllis Davidson
Associate Professor of Health Education
Associate Professor of Physical Education
Jerome D. Stemper Instructor of Physical Education
Robert D. Moore Acting Head, Division of La nguage Arts
James D. Levitt
James B. Steele
Assistant Professor of English
Assistant Professor of English
Clarence E. Wilkinson
George Roth
Assistant Professor of English
A ssociate Professor of Modern L anguages
Margaret S. Dixon Assistant Professor of Education
-1 9-
A. V. Larson Head, Divis ion of Practical Arts Dee V. Jarvis Instructor of Indus trial Arts
Stacey Vance Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds
Kathryn Alice Kegley Assistant Professor of Homemaking
Frances Wheeler Instruc to r of Girls' Phys. Ed . in Trai n ing Sc ho ol
•, ,-
Edna Weare Associate Professor of Homemaking
- 20-
Carolyn Sipes
Mary Smith
Lillian Eddy
Secr eta ry to Specia l Se rvices Direc to r
Secretary to Deon of Education
Secretary to Dean of Students
Leslie Johnston
Dorothy Coulter
Mardella Childers
Assistont Bursar
Bookkeeper, Bu r sar's OHice
Janet Manring
Hattie Clements
Dorothy Stepan
Secretary to Direc tor of Training School
Part-time Secretary in Placement Bureau
Secretary to President
- 21-
r - - - - -I ' J
Dale Bartell; Fort Crook, Elementary Education. Chemistry. Pat Benford; Peru, Music, Speech, and Biology, Kappa Delta Pi. Sigma Tau Delta, Beat Beta Beta, M.E.N.C .. Dramatics Club, White Angels. Roland Beran; Ord, Physical Education, Geography and Commerce, Blue Devils, P Club, Commerce Club, Newman Club, Beta Beta Beta. Don Bornschlegl; Ohiowa. physical Education, Mathematics and Biology, Blue Devils, P Club. Beta Beta Beta. Jack Brawner; Nebraska City, Physical Education. Blue Devils, P Club. Ansel Clayburn; Peru. Industrial Arts. Geography, Epsilon Pi Tau. Industrial Arts Club. Emil Dobrovolny; DuBois, Industrial Arts and Commerce, Physical Science, Industrial Arts Club, Epsilon Pi Tau, Foreign Language Club.
D. Bartell
P. Benford
R. Beran A. Clayburn D. Bornschlegl
J. Brawner
E. Dobrovolny
c. Duerfeldt
B. Gihnore
B. Eis
p. Gress
Carol Duerieldt; Peru, Music, M.E.N .C., W om-
~- :Hale
D. Hawxby
e n's Dormitory Council, Y.W.C.A., Kappa Delta Pi. Betty Eis; Humboldt, Early Elementary, English and Commerce, White Angels, Sigma Tau Delta. International Relations Club, Commercial Club, Y.W .C. A. Robert Faunce; Eager, Arizona, Physical Education, Industrial Arts and Mathematics, Blue Devils, Alpha Mu Omega, P Club. Bill Gilmore; David City, Physical Education, Industrial Arts , P Club, Blue Devils, Newman Club. Don Gress : Nebraska City, Industrial Arts , Mathematics. Kappa Delta Pi , Epsilon Pi Tau, Alpha Mu Omega, Industrial Arts Club, International Relations Club. Margaret Hale; Bea t rice, Mus ic and Social Science, Newman Club, Women' s Dormitory Council. M.E.N.C., Home Economics Club. Dorothy Hawxby; Nemah a, Ea rly Elementary , Music, Kappa Delta Pi, Y.W. C.A. , M.E.N.C.
Beverly Houser; Daykin, Commerce, English and Physical Education , Home Economics Club, Commercial Club. Don Johanns; Nebraska City, English, French and Speech, Sigma Tau Delta, Blue Devils, Dramatic Club, PERUVIAN . Kappa Delta Pi. Gavel and Rostrum . Charles Kavanaugh; Tecumseh, Pre-engineer ing, Blue Devils, Eva Marie Knape; Beatr ice, English, German, White Angels, Foreign Language Club, Dramati cs Club . Anna Marie Kreifels; N ebraska City, Home Economics, English , Kappa Delta Pi. Sigma Tau Delta, Beta Beta Beta. N ewman Club, Home Economics Club. Newton Kyle Jr.; Peru. Physical Education, Biology and Social Science, Blue Devils, Beta Beta Beta. Jean McIninch; Brownville. Music, Biology, M.E.N.C., Foreign Language Club, Kappa Delta Pi. Beta Beta Beta, Y.W.C.A.
B. Houser
D. Johanns
C. Kavanaugh N_
E. Knape
A. Kreifels
Kyle Mcininch
C. McKnight
A. Majors
D. Meister
K. McMaster
M. Michels
Cecil McKnight; Nebraska City, Physical Education, Industrial Arts, P Club. Ken McMCI5ters;
B. Miller
D. Miller
Peru, Indus trial Arts, Mathematics, Epsilon Pi Tau, Alpha Mu Omega, Industrial Arts Club . Alan Majors; Peru, Biology, Social Science and Geography, Foreign Language Club. Dorothy Meister; Humboldt. Music and Elementary Education , White Angels, Kappa Delta Pi. Y.W.C.A., M.E.N.C. Marvin Michels; Reynolds. Physical Education, Social Science, International Relations Club. Barbara Miller; Elmwood, History, English, Social Science, and Commerce, Kappa Delta Pi, Sigma Tau Delta, International Relations Club. Y.W.C.A .. White Angels, Home Economics Club. Commercial Club, PERUVIAN, Dormitory Council. Dell Miller; North Platte, Physical Education, Biology and G eography, Blue Devi ls, P Club, Beta Beta Be ta .
Raymond Munoz; Fairbury, Physical Education. H i story and Social Science,
Lutheran Club .
Leslie Niel; Plattsmouth. Geography and History, Social Science. Kappa Delta Pi. Imogene Radford: Mason City, Home Economics, Kappa D el ta Pi, White Angels. Y .W.C.A., Home Eco路 nom ics Club. Janice Redfern; Per u, Commerce, English and Social Science. Home Economics Club, Y.W.C.A .. Internationa l Relations Club, White Angels. Commercial Club. Keith Richards; Nebraska City, Mathematics. Biology and H istory, Alpha Mu Omega, Internationa l Relcrti ons Cl ub, Be ta Beta Beta. Alta Rodgers: Unadilla. Early Elementary, Home Economics and English. Home Economics C l ub. Y. W . C. A .. Women 's Dormitory Council. Robert Ryan; Nebaska City. Industrial Arts, M athematics and Biology, Blue Devils, Epsilon Pi Tau. P Club, Student Council.
R. Munoz
L. Niel
I. Radford A. Rodge rs ]. Redfern
K. Richards
R. Ryan
W. Scheitel
1"' ,.,
P. Slagle
L. Stahl
K. Sipes
R. Startzer
J, Stoltz
M. Swinney
Wilber Scheitel; Falls City, Industrial Arts , Physica l Education. P C lub, Epsilon Pi Tau, Blue Devils, Student Council. Ken Sipes; Salem , Physical Educa tion, Ma thematics and Industrial Arts, Blue Devils, Epsilon Pi Tau, P Club , Industrial Arts Club. Phil Slagle; Falls City, English and Speech. Education. Gavel and Rostrum, Dramatics Club. Lawrence Stahl Jr.; DeWitt, Industrial Arts, Business, Industrial Arts Club, L.S.A. Robert Startzer; Springfield, Industrial Arts , Geography and Mathema tics , Epsilon Pi Tau. James Stoltz: Peru , French, Ar t, Spanish and English, Foreign Language Club. Merritt Swinney; Nebraska City , Social Science, Histo ry and Geography , Kappa Delta Pi, Blue Devils , International Relat ions Club.
Bernie Taylor; Falls City, Pre-Medical. Beta Beta Beta, Blue Devils. Dean Thiesfeld: Nebraska City, Industrial Arts, Physical Education, P Club, Blue Devils, Epsilon Pi Tau. William Vacek: Pawnee City, Industrial Arts, Physical Education, Student Council. Industrial Arts Club, Epsilon Pi Tau, P Club, Blue Devils. James Wal:r.: Plainview, Mathematics, Physical Education, Blue Devils, Alpha Mu Omega. Velma Fay Wilkinson; Peru, Home Economics, English. Home Economics Club. LeRoy Wilson; Lincoln, Physical Education, History, English. and Geography, Blue Devils, P Club, Newman Club. Richard Wohlfarth; Plattsmouth, Mathematics, History, Alpha Mu Omega.
B. Taylor
D. Thiesfe ld
W . V acek L. Wilson
J. Wal:r.
V. Wilkinson
W. W ohlfarth
R . Bacon
W . Bednar
M . B a ucke
W . Birdsley
:Junioz.1. Robert Bacc n ; Pawnc:C' Cily . l ndu ~ Lrial Arts. Physical Education , Blue Dev ils. M a rily n B aucke; Nebraska City. E le m e-ntary Educa ti on . E lementary Music. Foreign L ang u age Club, D r amat ics Cl u b. Luth e r a n Club. White Ange ls, PERUVIAN. M.E.N.C. W illia m B edna r ; Wymore. Biology, Y .M.C.A .. D1路a matics Club. Willi am Birdsley; Aubu1路n, Bus iness Admin is tration. Int ernational Re la tions Club. AI Bradley ; Ham burg. Iowa. Eng lish and Speech, Gave l a nd Rostrum. Y.M.C.A. PERUVIAN. Internat iona l R e lations Club. Dramatics C lub: Clyde Lee Broads ton ; Washing ton, Kan sas, Phys ical Education. History. Lillia n Chris t; Peru. Beta Beta B eta . L a Von Covault; Tab le Rock , Socia l S cience, Mathem atics. C h em istry, Alpha Mu Omega. P C lub. Internatio n a l Re la ti o n s Club, Y.M .C .A., Blue D ev ils. Carlene Cox; Peru. Commerce, Eng lis h . PERUVIAN. Comme r cial C lub. Hom e Econom ics Club. Bob D a vis; Chicago. Illi nois. Phys ical Ed u cat ion. Bus in ess Educa ti on . P C lub . B lu e Devils.
A. Bradley
\ I
I C. Broadston L . Christ
B . Da vis
L . Cova ult
C. Cox
-3 1-
a G. Eckman
T. Effken
M . D owney
G. Fitz
Junia 7.1.
M. Gerdes
G. Gilliland
Marlen Downey; F a lls City, Chemis try, Mathematics, English , Apha Mu Omega. Gayle Eckman; Pawnee Cit y, Industrial Arts, Blue D ev ils, PERUVIAN. Ted F. Effken; Cook. Commerce, Socia l Science, Foreign Lan g u age C lub. Intemational Relations C lub. Georgie Lee Fitz; Kansas City, Missouri, Publi c Sch ool Mus ic , Voice, Whit e Ange ls. Marvin Gerdes; Johnson, Biology, P h ysica l Education , Blue Devils, Student Counci l, L.S.A., Men's Dorm Counc il, Be ta Beta Be ta. Gail Gillila nd; Auburn, Com merce, Mathematics, English, Y.W.C.A ., Alpha Mu Omega, Commercial Club. Milton Goosman; David City, Comme1路ce , Blue Devils. Harold Gr a fe; Nebraska City. His tory, S ocial Science , Geography, Blue Devils, Internationa l R e lations Club. D oyle Gump; Nebraska City, Physical Education , Commerce, Commercial Club, Blue Devils. Francis M. Heim ; D awson, Home Economics, General Science, Physical Education. Home Economics Club, Student Coun cil, White Angels.
M. Goosm an D . Gump
H. Grafe
- 32-
F. Heim
T. Hopkins
E. Kriefels
R. Kechley
L . Kreuger
Tom Hopkins; Weeping Water, Physical Education, Socia l Scie nce , Blue Devils. Robert Kechley; Odell, Physical Ed ucation, Industrial Arts, Y.M.C.A. Esther Kreifels; N ebraska City, H ome Economics, Mathematics, Home Economics Club, Newman Club, Alpha Mu Omega. Lorain Krueger; Elk Creek, Physical Education, Industrial Arts, Blue D evils, Lutheran Club, Industrial Arts Club. William B. Mclninch; Brownville, Music, M .E.N .C., Dra matics Club. Mervil Miller; Louisv ille, English, Busin ess Administration, Blue Devils, P edagogian, Dramatics Club, G avel a nd R ostrum . Charles Montgomery; Ne braska City, Pre -Law, Hist ory, Socia l Science, Geograp hy , PERUVIAN, Dramatics Club, Internation a l Rela tions Club, Blue D evils, Fore ign L anguage Club, Gavel and R ostrum. Betty Munoz; F airbury, English and Spee ch, Music, Lutheran Club. Howard Nichelson; Val paraiso, Physical Educa tion, Indu str ial Arts, Mathematics, B lu e D evils, I ndustrial Arts Club, A lpha Mu Omega. Sharon Ocker; Cook, Physical Educa tio n, Biology, Math ema t ics, Alpha Mu Omega, Beta Beta Beta, Blue D evils, L.S.A., Men's Dorm Council. S. Ocker
W. Mclninch
M. Miller C. Montgomery B. Munoz
H. Nichelson
--33 -
E . Pfister
H. Rasplicka
P. Parker
H. Rector
G. Schliefert
P aul P arker; Auburn, Music, M .E .N .C., Dramatic~ C lu b . E mma Pfis ter; Steinauer, Early Elementary, Y.W.C.A., Harold R asplicka; Friend, Mathematics, Industrial Arts, General Science, Industrial Arts C lub. H arley Rector: Weeping Water, Physical Education, Socia l Science, Blue Devils. Geraldine Schliefert; Murdock, Music, M.E.N.C., H ome Economics Club, Luthe r an Club, White Angels , Women's Dorm Council. William Schulte ; Syracuse, Chemistry, Blue Devils, International R e lat ions Club . Alan E. Schuster; Virginia, Business Admin is tration, Biology, Blue Devils. Marjorie Seeba; Cook, Commerce. Hom e Economics, Mathematics, Hom e Economics Club, L.S.A., A l pha Mu Omega, Kappa Delta Pi, Commercia l Club, Women's D orm Council; Rob ert Shrader; Lincoln , Physical Education, Social Science, English, P Club. Kenneth Urwin; L ouisvill e, Phys ica l Education, P Club.
W. Schulte A. Schuster M. Seeba
R . Schrader
K. Urwin
R. Wagner
E. Webb
D. Wendt
:JuJZLO'Li Ron ald W agner; Lincol n , Phys ical Education. Sc ie ncl', Eng lish . Earl Webb, Jr.; Nebraska City, Indus trial Arts, Phys ical Education, Busi ness Educa t ion , Y.M.C.A., Blue De v ils . Indu s tri a l Arts Club. Tom Wilkie; Sidney, Iowa. Biology, English, Blue Devils. David Willia m son; Humboldt. Chem is t1路y , French , Zoology , Blue Devi ls, Beta Beta Be ta , Stu dent Council. Jim Wilson; Beatrice. Industrial A1:ts. Ma the ma tics, Blue Devils. Student Council , Indus tnal Arts C lu b, N ew man Club, Alpha Mu Omega. Monica Zeiner; Neb r as ka City , El e m en tary Educa ti on. Women's Dorm Council, White An ge ls, Ne wman Club Home Eco nomics Club.
M. Zeiner
J . Wilson
- 35--
T. Wilkie
D. Williamson
N. Adams
L . Argabright
A. Bernard
J. Birdsley
Nelda Adams; Fairmont, Elemen tary Education, Newman Club, Home Economics Club. Loren Argab right; Nemaha, Physical Science, B lue Devils, Dorm Council, Alpha Mu Omega. Alice Berna rd: Julian , Early Elementary Education, English. J ean Birds ley: Aubu rn, El ementary Education, Y.W.C.A., Dramatics Club, Dorm Council. Marle ne Boardman; Louisville, El ementary Education, Gavel and Rostrum, Home Economics Club, Y.W.C.A.Thomas Bos worth: Nebraska City , Physical Education, So cial Science, Y.M.C .A. Claudia Case; Thurman. Iowa, Y.W.C.A., Element ary Education . Aaron K . Chase; Burr, Elementary Education, Newman Club.
C. Case
M. Boardman
T. Bosw orth
A. Chase
L . Covault
P. Craney
\ F . Clements
J. Cotton
Fred Clements; P eru, Music, Biology, M.E.N.C. Jim Cotton: Peru, Chem istry, Biology, Tri B eta. Leland Covauli: Table R ock, Industria l Arts, Blue D evils , Industria l Arts Clu b, International R elat ions C lub. Patricia Craney: Marne, Iowa, Primary Education, White Ange ls, Newman Club, PERUV IAN. Jenis Craig; Peru. Esther Dorn: Rockford, Elementary Education, L .S.A. Bennie Duerfeldt: Barnard , Missouri, Music, English, Student Council. MENC. Dorothy Erhart; T a lmage, Elementary Edu cation, Physical Education, Y.W.C.A., H ome Et:onomics Club, White Angels.
J. Craig
E. Dorn
B. Duerfeldt
- 37-
D. Erhart
. \ M. Handley
V . Fithian
C. Haulk
M. Goman Violet Fithian; Vest a, Elementary E duca tion, Y.W.C.A.Marion Goman; Peru , Music. Mary Handley; Sh u bert, E le mentary Education. PERUVIAN, White Ange ls, Hom e Economics Club, Y.W.C.A. Clare Haulk; Auburn, Indus trial Arts , Physical Edu catio n. Chester Heasion; Odell , Physical Educa tion, Mathematics, English, Y.M.C.A., PERUV IAN. Phyllis Heinke; Nebras ka City, P hysical Education, Spanish, E nglis h, Foreign Language Club, Y.W.C.A. Norma Heywood; P e ru. Art. Kenneth Hoag; Ch icago, Illin ois, Business Education, Blue D ev ils.
N. Heywood
. -... C. H e aston
P. Heinke
K . Hoag
H. !deus
J. Holmes
L . Hopp
J. Wendell Holmes; F ullerton, Business Education, Phys ica l Educa tion . L e e Hopp; Johnson, Music, Biology, Eng lis h, L.S.A ., MENC, Tri Be ta. Harvey !de u s; Beatrice , Physical Educa tio n, History, B lue Devils, P. Club, L .S .A. Charles A . Janecek; Plattsmouth , Pre-Agriculture, G e ne ral Science. Da vid Kyle; P e ru , Bio logy. Rosemary Kyle; P eru, Englis h , History. Bob L a de ; Tecumseh, Physical Education, I ndus tria l Arts , Mathe matics, Lutheran Club, Blue Devils, "P" Club, Stude nt Council, Indus tria l Arts Club. Cur~is Lindell; Esse x, I owa, Phys ical E ducation, Indus trial A rts, Indus t r ial Arts Club, L.S.A ., Commercial Club.
D. Kyle
C. Jane ce k
B. Lade
R . Kyle
- 39-
C. L indell
- , ~
W. Mason
W. Maness
B. Moore
J . Miller
E. Marcus Willi am J. Maness: P eru, E lementary Edu ca ti on. Earl Ma rcus: Ash land, B usiness Administra t ion, Men's Dorm Council. Willie Mason: L ouisvill e, Physical Education, History, Blue D evi ls. R e v . Jame 0 . Miller: J ulian , Englis h , Social Scie nce, Sigma T au Delta. Bra n son Moore: BI路ownvill e , PreL aw , Inte rnationa l Relations Clu b. Dale Moore: Nemaha, Bus in ess Education, Commerci al Club. Erna L ee Moran: Omaha, E ng li sh, Spanish, Y.W.C.A., Foreign Language C lub. Sigma Tau D elta. P a t McK ay: Fairbury, A r t, White Ange ls, Lu the1路an Club.
D . Moore
l E . Moran
P . McK ay
l t j
f 40-
D. McMaster
S. McNeely.
D. Nelson Dorothy McMaster; P eru. L owe r Elementa r y , H o me Econ omics C lu b. Shirley McNeely; Wa h oo. Elem enta ry Ed u cation. While An ge ls. Dolores Nelson: Auburn. Elementary Educa ti on . Y.W.C.A. Fra nces N ewton; P e ru, E l ern c nt a 1路y Ed u cation, White Angels. Newma n C lu b. Don Ogle: H umboldt. P r e -Vocation a l Agriculture, Biology, Chemis t ry. Don Pickering; Neb raska C ity, Industrial Arts. Englis h, Blue D ev ils, P edagogia n Staff. Lois Rhinehart: Shubert. Com m erce. English. Hom e E cono m ics C lub . Y.W.C.A.. Commercial Cl u b . Bueford Rickman: Nemah a, Industri a l Arts, P hysical Education.
D. Ogle
L. Rhinehart
D. Pickering
F. Newton
B. Rickman
F . Rose
J . Rie ger
W . S a n tiago
R. R o se ndahl
L . Rohse J a n e R ieg e r ; Fa ll s City , E a rly E l emcnta t·y, Y.W.C .A., Whi te Angel s . Home Economics C lub. L or raine R oh se; Nebrask a C ity, Seconda r y Educati on . White Ange ls, L.S.A., H ome Economics C lub. PERUVIAN. Francis R ose; North P lalll'. Phys ica l Ed ucation . Eng lish. Blue D evi ls, PERUV IAN. Richa rd Rosen dahl; North P latte , Art. Busi n ess Administt·ation. Willia m S a ntia go; Bronx. New York. Biology , Psych ology, Fot·eig n Languag<' C lub. R on ald Schulte; A s hland , P r c -ag r icultut·l'. Curtis Sederburg; Essex, Iowa, P h ysical Educat ion. I n dus tr ia l A r ts, L .S .A. , Blue D ev ils, Indus t ria l Arts Club. Carol Smith, Pa w n ee Ci ty, Elcmenta t·y Education, White A n ge ls.
R. Schulte
~C . Sederburg
C . Smith
R. Speak
C. Spier
R. Stander Reggie Spe ak; Lou isville, Physical Educat io n. In dustria l Arts. Carol Spier; Ste inau er , Early El e mentm路y. Home Economics, Y.W.C .A ., Home Economics C lub. Regina Stander; Weepin g W a ter: Commerce, Phys ical Education, Hom e Economics Club. Newman Club, Comme rcial Club. Lavina Thom as ; Brownville, Elem entary Education. Ray Volz; DuBois. Biology , B eta Beta Beta . Edna Jean We te nkamp; Pla t tsmouth. Early E lementary Education. Jack Wopai a; Tab le Rock , Chemistr y, Math ematics, I ndu s tr i a l Arts. Alpha Mu Omega, Y.M.C.A. Lillian Ze dnik ; Wilber. I nte rmediate El e mentary Education. Englis h , Y.W.C.A.
R . Volz
L. Th om as
L. Ze dnik
J. Wopaia
E. Wete nkamp
F . Applegate
B. Auxier
C. Anderson E. Anderson
J. Baker C. B arrett
E . Bass inger C. Berry
R. Boells torff E. Bosworth
L . Bosworth L . Chambers
J. Christ G. Clark
- 44-
C ecil Ander s on; L o1路ton. Music. Eula Anderson : Hambuq!, I owa, Kindergarten Education, Y.W.C.A. Betty Auxie r : Dawso n . H o m e Economics, H om c Economics Club, Y . W. C . A. Janet Baker : Peru, Secondary Education, Commerce. White Angels. Y.W .C.A. Clyde Barrett; Hamburg. Iowa, English and Commei-cia l Al'ts, Y.M.C.A .. Fore ig n Langu age Cluh. Everett B assinge r : Auburn, Busi ness Administrat ion. Charles Berry: Om aha, English, Music. R csa lie Boells torff: Johnson, Elementary Educat ion, H ome Economics Club. Edward Bosworth: Nebr aska City, I ndustrial Arts , History. Laura Lee Bosworth: Nchr aska City, Kind erga rt en Educa t ion , Engl ish, Newman Club, White Angels. L a rry Chambers: Bartlett, Iowa, Ele mentary Education . John Christ: Pe1路u, Dramatics C lu b . Grace Clark: Falls City , Elemen tary Education, Y .W .C .A.
J . Clark
K . Clark G. Clausen M. Coad D. Coulter M. Dailey
N. D a rrah P . D a v e nport
Jam es Clark; V cst a. ChPm is try. Mat h e ma t ics. K en n e th Cl ark: Ho\\' C'. Physica l Education, Indu st ri al A1路ts. Glendora Clausen; PC'ru. Commer ce. Home Economics. Commercia l C lu b. W h ite AngC'ls. Y.W.C.A. Marilyn Coa d; A u bui路n. C omm e rce, Hom e Econ o mics. Mathem atics. Y.W.C.A., H ome E con o mi cs C lu b. Commercia l Club. White Angels. Dorothy Coulter ; Peru . Elementary Education. M a urice D a ile y ; OdC'l l. P1路c -bu s incss. N c w 111 a n C lub . N a ncy D a rr a h ; Tabor. Iowa, Ear ly Elemen ta r y, Y . W. C. A . Phyllis D a ve nport; Pe r u. Music. Elementary Education. M.E.N.C. Barbara Davis; Jul ian, Pre-nurs ing: Wh ite Angels. H om e Economics Club. PERUV IAN, Pedagogian. Will ard Dove nbarger ; BE'ned ic t . Pn_'- e n gin E'ering. Ned Eckman; Pnwnce Ci ty. P h ys ical Education. Hi s to r y . Stude n t Counc il. R a lph Ette r; H u mboldt. Pre-dental. Virgin ia Ferguson; Falls City, Engl i~h. Ga\路el and Ros trum. W h ite An ge ls. B etty Fithian; Vestn. Rurill Educat ion. Englis h , Y.W.C.A.
B. D a vis W. Dovenbarger
N. E c kma n R. Etter
V. Ferguson B . Fithian
- 45-
V. Frederick
R. G amlin
M. Fletcher S . Fosler J. Gilmore J. Graham
N. Griffing W. Gunsolley
C. Hall C. Hardy
L. Harpenau R. Harpena u
M . Hawxby J . Headley
- 46-
Mary Ann Fletcher; H amburg. Io\\·a. E lementary Educa t ion, Y.W. C.A. Sterling M. Fos ler; Benedict, Phys ical Education. Vincent Fre derick; Falls Ci t y . Pn·-<"nginceJ"ing. Indust ria I A 1·ts. Richard Gamlin; Nebraska City . Prc - e nginec•·ing. J ack Gilmore; David City. Physicnl Education. Indu s trial Arts, Newman C l ub. Jean Ann Graham; PPJTival. Io wa. Ead El emcnt<•ry . Nina Griffing; DavC'np o •·t. Io wa . Comnwn·p, WhitC' Ange ls. Willard Guns olley: P latts mouth, Histo r y. English. Charles Hall; Fall s City. Pre-business. Carolyn Hardy; Endicot t . Ekmenta•·y Educat ion. White An ge ls, Hom e Econ omics C lub . Lawrence Harpenau ; Falls City . Pn•-bus iness, Newma n Club. Rich ard Harpenau; Falls City. P1·C'- bus iness. Marily n Hawxby; Nl·maha, El emen ta r y Education. Music. HomC' Economics Club, Y.W.C .A. J a ck Headley; Auburn , Pn:-c n g ine c r · in g.
W. Hein
K. Hennessey R . Hennessey G. Heywood D. Hill D. Holscher
S. Howe ry M . Hunter
Walter Hein; Bayard, I ndustrial Arts, Science, Industrial Arts Club; L.S.A. Kathryn Hennessey; H emingford, Rural Educati on, Newman Club, White Ange ls . Gladys Heywood; P e ru, Commerce. Donna Mae Hill; P e rcival, Iowa , Elem en t a ry E d uc at ion. Donald Holscher: S yracuse, Physical Education, Biology . Steve Howery; B ar tl et t, Io wa, Pre m edical. Marjorie Hunter; Thurm a n , Iowa, Pre-business, E nglis h , Y.W.C.A. Marvin Johnson; T ecumseh , Physical Education, Indus trial Arts. Ruth Johnson; Aub u rn, El emen t a r y Education, H ome Economics Club, White An ge ls. Junior Karas; Table Rock , M usic, Physical Education, Dot路mito ry Cou n cil. Robert Knople; P eru. Ind ustrial Arts. Ramon Koubek; Pla ttsmouth, Ind us trial Arts, Physical Educa tion. Pat LaRue ; W eeping Wate r, Elementary E d ucation.
M. Johnson R. Johnson
J . Karas R. Knople
R. Koubek P.LaRue
- 47 .
S. Longfe llo w
A. L owe
A. LoHman M. LoHm a n F. McCarty J . Mcininch
C. McKee J. Maloney
D. Meisinger W. Moere r
R. Mos her M . Nedved
R. Nee dh am L. Norr is
Anna LoHman; Verdon, C o m me r ce, English , Newman C lub, Home Economics Club. Marcella Lollman; N e brask a City, H ome E conomics, Speech, Y. W . C . A ., H ome Econom ics Club. Stanley Longfe llow; P e1路u , B iology, Bet a Beta B e ta. Alvin Lowe; Strahan, I owa, Physical Education. Floyd McCarty; Falls City, C o mmerce. Joan Mclninch; Brownville, Comm erce. Carol McKee ; P awnee City. E leme nla1路y Ed u calion, White Angels, D ormitory Counci l. J a m es Malnoey; Malve rn . Iow a, Ru ra l Education . Dea n M e is inger; P lattsm o u th, P re-agr icultur e . In dustl'ial Arts. Willi s Mo ere r ; J o hn son , Biology, Phys ica l Edulio n , Dormito r y Council , Luth e ran Club. Ralph Mosher; Aubu1路n , Pre-dentis try. F o r eign Language Club. M a ble N edve d ; Virginia. Elementar y Edu ca t ion. Rich a rd N eedh am; Glenwood, Iowa. Preb u s ines.s. Lee Norris: Aubu1路n. P hys ica l Ed u ca ti on , Biol ogy.
H . Oakes
D. Oelke
L. Ogle E . Otis R. Paap T. Perce!
L. :f>lisier C. Picke ring
Helen Oa kes; H amburg. Iowa. Kind e r garten Education, Y. W. C.A.. Wh ite Angels, Hom e Econ omics C lub. D o n Oe lke: Brock, Indu s trial A r ts , Mathematics. L ee Ogle: Humboldt. Phys ical Educa tion, Biology. Ernest Otis; Auburn, Social Scie n c e, Eng lish. Ronald Paa p; Otoe, Physical Education, Biology. Thomas Percel: Falls City, Phys ica l Education . Industrial Art s. Lulu Pfister; Steinauer, Pre-nur s in g. W h ite Ange ls, Y.W.C.A. Charles Picke r ing; Nebras k a Cit y, Seconda1路y Educa tion. Dua n e R a ines; P e r u. Jay Rainey: Platts mouth . Preagricu lture. Rosa R a th: P eru . For eign Language C lu b . J acquelin e R eed: P awnee City, R ura l Education, Dramatics Club, W hit e Ange ls. Joan Reimer s: Julia n , Hi:.: to ry. White Angels. Darrell Rose nquist; Essex. Iowa , Physica l Educatio n, I ndus trial A rts .
D. Raines J . R ain ey
R. Raih J. Reed
J . R eimers D. Rosenquis t
- 49-
D. Sailors
K. Sailors
F. Royal M. Sackett W. Sayer D . Scoggin
G. Seeba M. Shafer
B. Simpson P . Specht
M. Steiner R . Steiner
R. Stock R. Stockman
- 50-
Franklin Royal ; Avoca. Math e matics. Indus tri a l Arts. Marvin Sackett: Ash land. M a them a tics. Dennis Sailors: Falls City. Ken neth Sailors: Auburn. History . Bill Sayer; P c1路u. Indus trial Arts. Dean Scoggin; B eat r ice, P r e-engin eer in g. Grace Seeba: Cook, Hom e Econom ics . E n glish. Comme rce. L .S .A.. Hom e Economics C lub , Comme rcial C lub. Merilyn Shafer: Nemaha. Hom e Economi<:s. Robert Simps on: F a ll s Ci t y. Ph ys ica l Educa tio n . Phil Spe cht ; Syra cuse. Phys ica l Education, Indus tria l Arts. Mary Steiner : Peru . Richard Steiner: P e ru. Biology . Beta B eta B e ta. Shirley Stock ; Auburn , Elemen ta ry Educat ion. Richard Stockman; Os h ko s h, P hysical Educat io n .
L. Stoddard
S. Straub W. Stufft A . Sutfin M. Teten D. Thomas
G . Thomas J . Trullinger
Lee Stoddard; Brock, Englis h , G eography, Home Economics Club. Shirley Straub; Liberty, Rural Education. Wayne Stufft: Mitche ll, P r e - engineering. Archie Sutfin; Syracuse, Pr e -engin ee ring. Marilyn Teten: Brock, Home Eco nom ics and Comme rce, L .S.A., White Angels, Home Economics Club. Donald Thomas; Gle nwood, Iowa, Ph ys ical Ed u cation, His tory. George Thomas : Western , I ndus tda l Arts, P h ys ical Education. Jerry Trullinger: Farragut , Iowa , Physical Education, Biology. Dea n Twidwell; Rob i n so n, Kansas, Physical Educat ion. Alvin Vance; P aw n ee C ity, Pre -morticia n . Merlyn Vice: Brownville . Gen eral Course. Marjorie Whipple: Ne hawk a, El e mentary Education, Commerce, White Angels. Y.W. C.A., H om e Economic s Club. Richard Wickiser; Falls C ity. Pat Williams; Shubert, Pre- journalis m, Englis h , Home E conomi cs Club.
D . Twidwell A. Vance
M. Vice M. Whipple
R. Wickiser P. Williams
LeRoy Wilson of Beat rice is a good e xam ple of the fri endliness ex hibited o n th e Peru campus. His s uperior fo otba ll ability, s tude nt lead e rs hip. a nd activities in campus affairs w ill especia lly be remembered by a ll h is fe llow s tude nts.
Carol Duerfeldi. a q ui et and unassumin g person , has music as h er main inter est. H e r ou ts ta nding ability has b een shown in th e many flute so los s h e h as presented , and again in voca li zin g with t he P eru via n Singers and Girls Beauty Shop Quartette.
Bernie Taylor. known as "Doc," is a F a lls City boy. With amb ition and v itality h e h as work e d coop e r atively in many organ izations a nd activ ities. His wi llin gness to work h as made B e rnie one o f t h e outs ta nding s tudents on t he campus and in his classes.
Anoth e r s tudent from F a lls City is Wilber Schietel. H e's a regular fe llo w w ith a winning smile and a wonderful sense of humor. Wilber's many interests in clud e indus trial ar ts, footba ll, dramatics. and his n ew son.
An Elmwood girl, Barbara Miller has a ready smile and friendl y person ality w h ich mak e her known to a ll as a leader in Kappa D e lta P i and many other campus organizations a nd activ ities. T his ambi tio us s tude n t s tiiJ has time t o d evote to h istory and shorthand. h er favorite s ubjects.
An Industria l Arts major fro m Pa w n ee Ci ty, Bill Vacek displayed his outstanding tale nts in th e c lassroom as well as in the s hop and on the football fie ld . As president of the Stude nt Council. Bill has gu ided many campus activities.
Bill Vacek who graduated at mid -ter m left his position of p resident o f the Student Council to the vice-president. Dave Williamson from Humboldt. Dove p roved his capability as a l eader by tak ing over a nd doing o'tl excellen t job.
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Through the initiative of a Fundamentals of Speech class, the campus received a new flag.
Co-captains, Ryan and Scheitel get the honor of kissing Homecoming Queen Carol Smith.
Guest bands at Homecoming form an inspiring formation at the halftime.
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Queen Carol Smith and attendants Marilyn Baucke and Frances Heim circle the field.
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Bradley plows full steam ahead in Denver as Dailey, Adams, and Twidwell hang on.
Guide Rose conducts high school seniors on tour of the industrial arts shop.
Members of a speech class dramatize " 'Twas a Night Before Christmas." Those are reindeer.
YWCA and YMCA join together in presenting the annual Christmas pageant.
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.. '
Blue Devils present another great drama.
Police find a lawbreaker at college carnival.
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ White Angel booth at carnival.
Lade auctions off prize at carnival.
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Faculty sponsors square dance as Mr. Johnson does the calling.
Thanksgiving Tea at Eliza Morgan. Monica Zeiner serves Mr. Johnston.
Faculty quartet entertains :the other members of the faculiy at party.
YMCA mixer for new and old s tudents.
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A scene from ihe "Red Mill" given by the Music Department for iheir annual opereUa.
This is how last year's May Fete looked. Cole and Johnson reigned ai the festivities.
Rose polls classroom of siudenis on their opinion in regard io electric s core board.
Adams and Saniiago do interpre!ative dance for visiting seniors at last Senior Day.
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L .:
The Phi Alpha chapter of Sigma T au D elta, the h o n orary English fraternity , dur ing the year has undertake n many projects. Some of these include a boo th at the carnival. an initiation b anque t, and the publication o f th e lite r ary magazine, "Sifting Sand." OHicers for the year were D on Jo h anns. p r esident; Pat Benford, vicep resident; a nd Barbara M ille r . secretary- treasurer. Mr. James B. Steele and Robert D. Moo re were advisors. Editor Jim Stoltz looks over copy for " Sifting Sand."
First Row : A. Bradley, M. Down ey, D . Johanns, F . Rose. S econd Row: P. Heinke, B. Miller. P. Be nford. A. Rogers, Gilliland. Back Row: J. Stoltz, F. Stoltz, J . Steele.
Johanns signs certificates as M iller and Benford look on.
Front Row: K. Richards, W. Bednar, B. Taylor J. Mclninch, P. Benford, R. Steiner, J . Cotton, L. Hopp. Back Row: M. Gerdes, N. Kyle, D. Williamson, A. M a jors. S. Longfellow, S. Ocker, R. Vclz. J . Christ.
The biological science fraterni ty invited guest speakers to the ir regular meetings and were entertained at the C hris t home at C hristmas time. Bernie Taylor. president; Bill Bednar, vicGpresident; Annie Kreifels, secretary; and Jean Mclninch, historian, served as officers. J. C. C hris t was sponsor. Officers Richards, B e dnar, Taylor and McIninch get together to talk over business.
Mclninch, Christ. Taylor and Benford look over a healthy looking model.
Kappa D elta Pi is the honorary education fraternity on campus. I ts aim is to foster high stal}..dards of preparation fo r teaching and to unite in fellowship those who hove attained excellence of scholarship in education . The group annually sponsors th e Inter-Fra ternity Banquet. Treasurer Swinney, Secretary Mclninch, Prex y Miller and vice -president Dorothy Hawxby preside a t meeting.
Front Row : C. Duerfeldt, D. Hawx by, J . Mclninch, M. S winney, B . Miller. S econd Row: I. R a dford, D. Gress, D . Meister, A. Kreifels, M. S eeb a, P. Benford. Back Row : E. Greer. Z . Wonderly, A. A s hley, L. Gorrell.
M e mbe r s attend National Kappa Delta Pi Convocation at Michigan State Teachers College.
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Front Row: G . Gilliland, E . Kre ifels, M . Seeba, R . Wohlfarth, K . Richards, D. Gress, M . Cook. Second Row: W . Bednar, H . Rasplicka, J. Wopota, H. Nichelson, B. Faunce, C. Kavanaugh, J. Wilson.
The mathematics fraternity's purpose is to develop a broader vision, to encourage more practicable application, to increase the recreational phase, to stimulate a general appreciation and to open the way to a wider mathematical service in the field of mathematics. Initiation ceremonies were held .in the fall and a picnic in the spring. Mrs. Myrtle Cook acted as advisor. Secretary Seeba takes notes as v.p. Richards observes and Wohlfarth presides.
Members enjoy refreshments at the close of a regular meeting.
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Front Row: D. Jar vis, D. Thiesfeld, A. V . Larson, R. Ryan, A. Clayburn, D . Wendt, D. Gress. Second Row: D . Vanderford, W. Hein, C. Sederburg. B. Rickman, K. Sipes. C. Lindell, H. Nichelson , D. Pickering, W. Schietel, R . Moore.
\ Officers of the year: Bob Ryan, president; Don Wendt, vice-president; Ansel Clayburn, treasurer; Don Gress, secretary.
Epsilon Pi Tau is a national honorary professional organization operating in the fields of Industrial Arts Education and vocational education. The purpose and ideals of this fraternity are to recognize the place of skill, to promote social efficiency, and to foster, counsel and reward research in the fields of interest.
A view of the banquet which was held in t he college cafet e ria.
Front Row : F . Stoltz, J. Mclninch, E . Kna p e, P. H einke . E. Mora n , M. Gomon. M . Baucke, R . Rath. Back Row: A. Majors, T . Effke n. C. Barre tt, C. Montgomery, W. Santia go, C. Berry , R. Mosher, J . Stoliz, E . Dobrovolny, G . Rath.
T o give the student~ an opportuni ty to sp?ak French, German, Spani sh and Russian, th e Foreign Language C lub has as its pur pose. Activities include monthly programs presented by the various language groups w hich are composed of films , plays, songs, and poetry. OHicers were Marilyn Baucke, president; Jean Mclninch, vice-president; and Erne L ee Moran, secretary-treasurer. Mr. George R oth was the group's sponsor.
At right is the Fore ign Language Club's unusual Homecoming decor a tion welcoming alumni in four differe nt l a nguages.
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Seated: J ames B. Steele. Miss Alma Ashley, Bob Ry a n, David William son, Frances Heim, Bill Vacek. Standing: Gle nny Clausen. Wilbur Scheitel. Bob L ade, Bennie Duerfeldt. N ed Eckman, Marvin Gerdes. Jim Wilson. Not P icture d: Merritt Swinney, B e rnie Taylor.
Freshmen and upperclassmen swing their partners.
The Student Council is the represen ta tive stu den t government body. Activities sponsored by the cou ncil included the freshman pa rty , H omecomin g , sch ool dances, May Fete, allschool picnic, freshman initiation, and decoration of th e campus at Christmas. Bi ll Vacek was the fi rst semester p residen t and his duties wer e taken over by vice-president Dave Williamson second semester. Bob Ryan was treasu r e r and Fr ances H e i m, secretary .
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One cf ±he many pep rallies ±he Student Council sponsored during ±he football season. The cheerleaders lead ±he torch light parade.
Dave Williamson keeps Hanford Miller company as he gives his blood io ±he Red Cross Blood Mobile which ±he Siudeni Council sponsored on ±he campus.
The Honorable Judge Rcllie Beran awaits ±he decision of ±he jury during a session of kangaroo court while ±he res± of ±he freshmen await ±heir ±urn in front of ihe court.
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First semester's s t a ff m eet s to discuss the m a ke-up of the "Ped." From left to right: Mille r, Wilkie, Pickering. Downey, Ulin a nd Williams.
It is the Pedagogian s ta H's responsibili ty to publish the college paper at two week inte rvals. C. E. Wilkinson, advisor, had as his firs t semester editors. Mervil Miller and Tom W ilkie . O the r staH members were Erne Lee Moran, Mort Downey, Don Pickering and Howard Ulin. AI Bradley took over the job of editing the paper second semester with the assistance of Clyde Barrett. The s taH was made up of Virg inia Ferguson, Ma rgie H unter, S hirley McNeely, Charles Kavanaugh , Eva Knape, Howard Ulin and Patricia .W illiams.
! l
Wilkinson in a buzz session with Bradle y. Wilkie a nd Miller.
Staff for the second semester looks over the first copies of the Pedagogia n off the press. From le ft to right: Bradley. Barrett, D ailey, Hunter, McNeely, F e rguson, Ulin, Williams and Kna pe.
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Fron:t Row: F. Rose, B. Miller. M. Handley, D. Johanns, A. Bradley. Second Row: B. Mclninch, M . Coad, C. Cox, L. Rohse. M. Ba ucke, B. Davis, V. Ferguson.
The Peruvian staH's purpose is to see that "The Peruvian" is published and meets the desires of the s tudents. The job was especially diHicult this year since there were no hold-overs from last year's staH.
Leviii :takes time out for a ride.
Editorial Staff: M. Handley, Photography; Al Bradley, Layout; M. B aucke, Secret ary; D. Johanns, Managing Editor; B. Miller, Copy; F . Rose, Spor:ts; C. Montgomery. Bus iness.
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Ryan gives a :true wrestler grin as he pins Lade to the mat.
Dr. Boraas acts as Toastmaster at the Football Banquet.
To create a more enthusiastic stud e nt body for all activities in which the Bobcats participate. Bill G ilmore served as p resident, Be rnie Taylor as vice-president. Bob Ryan as secretary, and Jim Wilson as treasurer. P. M. Ma yfield, s ponso r. Front Row: D. Miller, L. Arga bright. B. Schulte, E. Webb, K. Sipes. N. Kyle , D. Gump. R . Bera n . S e cond Row : C . Sederburg. B. Davis, K. Hoag, M. Gerdes, D . Williamson. H . Grafe, F. Rose, W . Schietel, D. Johanns. Third Row: H. Rector. J. Walz. B . Bacon. L . Covault, D. Thiesfeld, T . Wilkie, B. Taylor, A. Schuster. M. Miller. Fourth Row : S. Ocker. D. RosendahL H . Nichels on, T. Hopkins, C. Kavanaugh. W. Mason, G . Eckman, D. Pickering, M . Swinney. Fifth Row: B . Vacek, B. Ryan, L. Krueger, H. !deus, B. Lade, C. Montgomery, D . Bornschlegl, J. W ils on, L . W ilson, L. Covault, R. Faunce, P. M . Mayfield, B. Gilmore.
Front Row: S. McNeely, M . Zeiner. C . McKee â&#x20AC;˘. K . Hardy, P . Bornschlegl, M . H a ndley, F . He1m. P. Davis. Second Row : E. Knape, G. Cla usen, L. Rohse. B. Davis, D. Meister, G. Fitz, R. Johnson. Third Row: L. Bosworth, M. Whipple, F . Newto~, J . Rieger. J . Redfern, B. Miller. M. Teten. J. Helmers. Fourth Row : P . Benford. G . Schliefert, I. Radford, J . R eed, C. Hennessey, D. Erhart, M. Baucke, N. Griffing.
winning play.
The Marriage Bureau at the Carnival was fun for all.
Front Ro w: D . Wendt. B . Vacek, B . D avis, L . Covault. H . !de us, B. Lade, R . B e ran, D . Miller, L . Wilson. S e cond Row: C. Sederburg. W. Mason. C. H easton, L . Argabright, B. Kyle, T . Hopkins. B. Faunce. Thir d Row: N. Kyle, H . R e ctor. J. Trullinger, C. Lindell. S. Ocker, C. McKnight. G. Gilmore, B . Shrader. Fourth Row : D . T hiesfeld. D . R ains, F. Applegate, M. Sackett, D . Ogle. K. Clark.
Coaches congratulate senior lettermen as they r路eceive their blankets and sweaters.
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Front Row: B . Coatney, N . Adams, M. Whipple, V. Ferguson, M. LoHman, L. Bosworth, C. Hardy, R. Johnson , M . Zeiner , M. Coad, C. Spier. S econd Row : M. S eeba, B. Davis, M . Shafer, D. Hill, M. Hawxby, L. Stodda rd , A . LoHman, H. Oakes , R. B oells torff, C. Cox, J. Stander. Back Row : F . Heim, H. W eare, L. Rhinehart, E. Kreifels, B. Auxier, M. Te ten, A. Kegley, L. Rohse, M . Ha ndley, I. R adford, G. Schle ifert, J. Ri eger, M. Boardman, J. R e ime rs.
d/onlE. EcoJlOinic~
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Cfufr ,
Serving at the United Nations dinner presented by the Home Economics Club.
Looking pretty for the Martha Washington Silver Tea.
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Front Row: J. Mclninch, D. Meister, P . Davenport, M . Baucke, P. Benford. G. Fitz. Second Row: C. Duerfeldt, P . Parker, G . Schliefert, B. Duerfeldt. F. Clements, B . Mclninch. Third Row : J. Karas, R. Mosher. C. Berry. D. H a w x by, V. Jindra.
The Homecoming display dine" and poetry.
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D . Hawxby , B . Mclninch, L. Hopp, B. B ednar, R. Stander, C. Duerfeldt. S. L ongfe llow, F . C leme nts. R. Boe llstorff, P. Da venport. P. H einke, J. Mclninch, N. Darra h, M. Shafer, B. Jones, D. Miller, J . Mcln in ch, J. Cotton, R. Mosher, J . Karas , M. H a wxby , C. And er s on . D. Moore, P . LaRue . J . Wopata .
The purpose of the L.S.A. is to bring the chosen church of some college students to their own campus. In this way they remain spiritually as well as educationally minded. When they have graduated and go out into communities. they will be ,able to take their place in church as well as social cHairs.
Front Row: C. Lindell, L. Rhose, M. Tete n, E. Dorn, G. Seeba, C . Sederburg. Back Row: W . Rein, W. Moerer, L . H opp, H . Ideus, guest, R ev. Kumpf.
Front. Row : P . Bornschlegl, G. Schliefert, M . Baucke, R ev. M. 路p. Dner. Back Row: B. Munoz, R. Munoz, R. Lade, A. Ashley.
This organization is a fellowship of students and faculty members, who by study and worship, are seeking to unders tand Christ and , in His spirit. to serve their fellow men on the campus, and throughout the world.
Left to R igh t: B. Mclninrh. L. Argabright, C. Anderson. B. Duerfeldt, F . Clem ents, C. Lindell, R. Mosher, J . Ka1路as, D . Hawxby, C. Duerfeldt, G. Schliefert. J. R eed. D . Meister, P. Benford, G. Fitz.
Front Row: B. Munoz. G. Fitz. M. Shafer. P. B enford. G . Schliefert. B. Auxil'r. C. McKee, D. Meister, P. Davenport. Second Row: N. Adams, J . Reed. S. Stock. M. LoHman, C. Duel'feldt. J . Mclninch . D . Hawxby, M. Hawxby. Third Row: M. Moran, C. Lindell. R. Mosher. J . Karas. D. Manring. B. Duerfe ldt. D . Pickering, C. Berry. Fourth Row: C. H easton. D. Williamson. L. Argabright. P. Parker. B. Mclninch . D. Kyle, F. Clements, R. Wickiser.
F ro nt Row : L. K r ue ger. H. Raspl ic:a. J. W ilson . D. G1路ess, D . J a r v is, A . Lar so n. Se cond Ro w : P . Spech t. A . Sutfin. C. Sederburg, E. W e bb. D. W e ndt. W . H e in. C. L inde ll. T hird Ro w : C. Haulk. H . Nich elson . L. Stahl , L . Covault. D . Scogg in , B . L ad e.
F ront Row : E. Otis, M . Dow ney, E. Bosworth , R. Volz , B . Bedn ar J . Le v itt. Back Row : D . Tw id well. A . Bradley. C . B ar r e tt , L . Stahl. L. cbvault, S . H o wer y , L. Gorrell.
- 90 -
Front Row: G. Cla rk . B. Auxier, !VI路 Lollman, L. Zednick , V. Fithian, L. RhinPhart. M. Boat路dman. D. Nelson, J . Btrdsley, M. Hunter, D. Hawxby, P. Heinke. Second Row: M. Whipple , I. Radford, D. Erhart, B. Fithian, J. Mcininch, C. Duel路fe1dt, M . Shafer , M. Hawxby, R. Boe llstorff, N. D arrah , J. Rieger, J . Redfern. Th ird Row: J. Bake r, G. C lausen. G . G ill ila nd , E. Pfister, M. H a ndley, M. Coa d . C. Spier, A. Rodger s, M. Clarke, C. McClatche y. C. Stanley.
The Y.W.C.A. has for its purpose h e lping to develop C hristian charac te r, good m orals, and hig h ideals. The activities o f the y ear include "Welcome" party fo r freshmen, Chris tmas convocation w ith the Y.M.C.A., Christmas carolling, the Registration Romp, and Eas te r s unrise services .
The second sem est er officers in the parlor of Eliza M or gan Hall.
- -91 .
â&#x20AC;˘ 7f
J . Reed , L. Mor an . M. Loll man, B. Munoz, J . Craig, W. Schiete l, and J. Wete nk amp in a scene from "Ladies in Re tirem e nt."
Merv Miller signs the book as a member of the D r amatics Club.
Initiation services are under way. Paul Parker, J. Steele, P . Benfor d , C. Montgomery, D . Johanns â&#x20AC;˘. B. M clninch, P . Slagle, J . Birdsley, B. Bednar, J. Christ. J . Reed, A . Bradley, M. Miller.
- 92-
Curtain call for the "Glass Menagerie."
C. Montgomery and J. Reed practice their lines for "Glass Menagerie,"
A dramatic moment in "Ladies in Retirement"
- 93
Quick, everybody, hold that pose.
The debaters in Denver tour the University of Denver's campus between rounds of the Rocky Mountain Speech Contest.
The Gavel and Rostrum was formed this year to encourage more interest in all types of speech activities. Mervil Miller acted as president. Dean Twidwell as vice-president, Marlene Boardman as secretary-treasurer, and J. D. Levitt as advisor. Front Row: M. Miller . D. T widwell, M. Boa rdman, M. Dailey, E. Knape. Second Row: J. D. Levitt. C. Montgome ry, A. Bradley, B. Moore, N. Adams, V. Ferguson.
Seated: M. T e ten. G. Seeba. M. Seeba. A. Lollman. L. Stoddard. M. Hunter, J. Redfern. Standing: J. Melnineh, M. Coad, J. Stander. B. Miller, G. Gilliland, M. Lollman, B . Coatney, M. Whipple, H. Weare.
The Commercial Club is organized both as a social and informa tive organization. Talks by secretaries and business people have oriented the members into some phases of the business world. OHicers for this year were: President, Janice Redfern; Vice President, Barbara Miller; Secretary, Beverly Coatney; and Treasure.r, Jean Stander.
L. Bosworth, A. L o llman, R. Stander. J . Wilson, C. H e nnessey, E. Kreifels, K . H e nnessey. N. Adams.
- 95
.- '
....... ' ;
Dell Miller Co-Captain
LeRoy Wilson Co-Captain, A ll N CC
P . F. Gilbert Line Coach
N. P. Kyle Assistant Coach
A. G. Whee le r A t hl et ic J:lireotor
\',. ~
~ f.' ~'f
ttlfl ·"'\ .. : ., .._
B ob Lade All NCC
Dean Thiesfeld A ll NCC
- 98 -
eN. C. C.
Roland Beran
Wilbur S cheitel
Typical action in the jam-bang Hastings game. Peru
13 21 27 28 28
Opp. Buena Vista College . . . .. . ... ...- .. 7 ...12 Doane College .... ....... .... ...... ........ 6 Midland College Wayne State Teachers .. ...13 C h adron State .. ....... .... 0
14 0 13 19 34
Opp. Kearney State .... ... .19 ....21 Northern Illinois State H astings College ..... .. ·· ···· ···· ······ · 7 East New Mexico State .. 7 Nebraska Wesleyan Unive'tsity 7
-~ '. !',. ' ., . ~"~ ...,, Bill Vacek
Bob Ryan
- 99-
c:N. C. C.
Bill Gilmore
Cecil McKnight
Probably the finest crop of Freshman athletes in the history of the Fighting Bobcats made up the bulk of the Peru roster. But the championship spirit and fight was inspired by nine seniors with but one thought in mind . to regain what was rightfully the irs. It is to these nine seniors- Dell Miller, Bill Gilmore, Bill Vacek, LeRoy Wilson, Wilbur Scheitel, Roland Be ra n, Bob Ryan, Dean The isfeld, and Cecil McKnight-that w e now pay our tribute . Expe rts had rated the Cats to finish near the conference cellar. Peru served notice of the ir intentions by slamming heavily favored Doa ne. The Bobcats h ad . scored 14 points on the defending champions b efore the Tom Hopkins game was three minutes old. The Peruvians reached th e ir peak near the close of the season when they surprised the country by beating nationally ranked East Ne w Mexico State. The Greyhounds were one of the 27 undefeated teams of the nation before their ro ug h and tumble m eeting with Peru, Nebraska College Champions.
H arle y Re ctor
Sharon Ocker
- 100-
dV C. C. Champj,
Donnie Thomas
Newt Kyle Jr. and Lavon Covault
1 Marvin Sackeif
Loren Argabright
Wilbur Scheiiel. Bobcat fullback. in action. Chester路 Heaston
-- 101-
eN. C. C.
Duane Rains
Bob Simpson Curtis Sederburg
Tom Percell Jack Gilmore
- 102-
Kenny Clark Lee Norris
Willy Ma<on
Jeny T'u!Hnge>
. \
........._t -
Dick Stockman
- 103-
~ \
Don. Ogle
Curtis Lindell
'Ji9htin9 !Bobcat1- of 57-JE'W cfVEJ!rr..a6-ka CoLLEJE
Tup Ruw: Cua<:hl•s Gilbt·t·t and Wht·eler. S e co nd Row : Covault. Kyle , D. Oglt-. Stu ft . Sackl'tt. Ettt: r. John son. Thomas. Stockman, Appl egat<' , Eckman. Third Row: Spe ak , Maso n. V<~nrt' L. Ogle. Ros< IH.JUist Tntllingt' r . Pl·rcell. J . G il · mor e, Rains, Clark. Norris. F\,u rth Ro w : H opk ins. Argabt·igh l. Co\'lntlt. Hea s ton. Sederber g. L in dl'll. Ock(•r . Majors, Webb , Ruse , Haulk Hotlom Ru w: V acek . R(·ctor . La<.h-. Ryan . Scheite l, Miller (('()-(' apta inl. Wils l•n (co-captain). Thie!"f<" ld. Be ran. B . Gilmore. and McKnight.
N ewt K y le B ask e tball Coach
D on B ornschle gl All NCC
Bob D av is
j, ~ '•
66 54 50 42 60 64 62 85 64 67 65 61 72 60
L OST 17
OPP W es t e rn Illinois State .... ... . 74 C u lve r Stockto n .. . 57 P ittsbu r·g (K S T C) ... .. 67 N or·th E as t T a h lequeh . ... 37 J on esboro, A rk a n sas .. 77 M issou ri V a lley ... ..48 Wash burn Univers ity .. .. .. 73 E ast T e xas Bapt is t ... 69 R egis College ...... .7!1 Eas t C e ntra l Ok la homa 88 Omaha Unive rs ity 71 Oma ha U n ivers ity 72 Ch adro n S tate T . C. 75 C h adron S tate T . C . 52
- -105-
37.3 %
OPP W ayne S t ate T. C ..... .. ... 72 Nebr aska W esleya n U . . ...58 ......... 72 Doan e Colle ge . ... .70 H ast in gs College . M id land Coll ege . .. . ... 40 K e a rn ey S tate T . C . . ...... . 92 W as h b urn Univ ers ity . 86 H a s t in gs C ollege . 70 Doa ne Co ll ege 70 M id land C oll eg e 72 Wayne Sta t e T . C . 69 N eb r aska W esle yan U . 68 K e arney State T . C. 65
70 63 79 62 51 91 70 62 99 86 68 56 77
Ron W agner
Ne w1 a nd the boys t a l k t h ings ove r.
It's been a long winter for basketball fans and pluy8rs on the Peru campus. For many who watched the Bobcats lose for the first time on their home floor it was diHicult to arcept defeat gracefully. To the casual observer confusion seemed to reign in the uwally smooth Peru oHensive machine. Although the young Bobcats were inexperienced and excitable, near the close of the campaign they did mirror the fight and fire brand basketball which has made Peru nationally known for the past three years. In spite of the mediocre season suHered by Coach Newt Kyle and his crew the outlook for next year, discounting severe losses to the armed service, is considerably brighter. Nine oul of len lettermen will return. Of these nine returning players a ll saw duty on the Bobcat starting five. Three freshmen , one sophomore, five juniors, and one senior made up the roster of numeral winners. Don Bornschlegl, lone senior member, enjoyed his highest scoring season of his colorful career. Bw ney dumped in 504 points to bring h is college total to 1465 tol\ies. He was chosen two years All Nebraska College Conference forward.
Bob S h r ade r
- I 06 -
------~------------------------------------ - - - -
Sharon Ocker
Duane Grady
Ned Eckman
Wendell Holmes
Ned Eckman fakes a lay up and passes off to Ocker.
All NCC forward Don Bornschlegl fires a one bander.
- 107-
1951-1952 Fighting Bobcats. Top Row: Dave Kyle, J ack Gilmore, Al Majors, Charles J a necek, W e ndell Homes, Earl Marcus, Donnie Thom as, and Fred Applegate. Second Row: Don Holscher, Sharon Ocker, Ramon Koubek, R on W agner, Alvin Lowe, Bob Bacon, and M arvin Gerdes. B ottom Row: Duane Grady, Bob Davis, Don Bornschlegl , Ned Eckma n, and B ob Shrader.
Donnie Thomas
Jerry Trullinger
- 108
1952 Track and Field. Front Row: Coach Newt Kyle, Wilb Schietel, Ken Urwin, LaVon Covault, Bob L ade, and Harvey !deus. S econd Row : Marvin Gerdes, Rich Gamlin, Darrell Rosenquist, Bob Simpson. Duane Rains, Lee Ogle, Ned Eckm a n, and Donnie Thomas. Top Row : L ela nd Covault, Willis Moerer, Sharon Oc ker, George Thomas. Ron Wagne r, and Dick Stockman. Wilb Schietel shows his hurdle form .
1952 TRACK AND FIELD Apl'il 15 Maryville, Tarkio, and Wayne at Peru Maryville at Maryville Aprill8 April 25 Washburn U . at P eru April29 Omaha U . a t P eru May 3 Tri-State May 5 Sioux City R elays M ay 6 D oan e Relays May 12 Omaha at Omaha M ay 16-17 NCC MEET AT DOANE
- -109 -
. ,. Don Wendt is ready to receive the baton in relay practice.
Bcb Lade and Dick Stockman improve their shoi put form and practice coaching on e ach other.
Since this book will go to press before the track and 路. field season oHicially opens it would be impossible to give much on the Bobcat fortunes. But from advance , indications of spirit and work the Blue and W hite sh ould fly near the lop of the NCC flag staH. Coach Newt Kyle and his thin clads traveled to Lincoln late in Ma rch to compete in the first a nnual NCC indoor meet. The learn brought home fifth place from this meet. Peru's hopes of a successful track and field season will rest on the shoulders of several freshma n cinder artists, backed up by such veterans as Wilb Schiele], LaVon Covault takes a breather between LaVon Covault. Don Wendt, Bob Lade, Ken Urwin, and pole vaults during practice. Ha rvey !deus. This is Coach Newt Kyle's fifth year as h ead basketball and track coach on the campus of the thousand oaks, and although it was his most unsuccessful basketball year, it promises to be one of his b est in track and field. In addition to winning numerals and fame Peru athletes also gain valuahle experience in the coa ching fields by observing an e xcellen t coach ing s taH ir: action and making corrections on their teammates.
- 110-
Duane Rains works out the kinks in his take off form in the broad jump.
Harvey !deus warms up for the 880 yard run.
Daryl Rosenquist work s on the discus throw.
Donnie Thomas, Ken Urwin, and Willis Moerer practice starts for the middle distance events.
-- ]]] -
.. .
.,.. . "" . te" '
.. •
• II
.. ~
~~ ,
,. - . ..., ,.. , '
Bank of Peru -.
. ..
~ ·;.:-
-·-·I --·... • I
r,' L>.J.....al to-.J -.
-· :. · ~
-- --, =' ~ 7
- -
ba •. ~
r\. . r~ Ul
--Member of Federal Deposit Insurance- Corporation
Peru, Nebraska
BLACKBIRD Fine Foods For Unexcelled Quality
MILADY ,,It,s Wonderful', COFFEE
Lincoln. Fremont. Fairbury. Kearney, Nebr.
- 114-
Lincoln, Nebraska
-·. ...
.. .... .
• .-
.. . , . ' '";.,.
• .•
-- 115-
L. H. CRAIG. Prop.
Grocenes - l'!Ieat Fruits - Veqetab1es Confections School Supplies
Phone 2701 Peru
The Rexall Drug Store
Schoo1 Supplies Stntionery Cosmet ic~
Condy Our Foun\n1n Sf;.rvice will Please v nu
................................................. 路........................... . ..............................
- 116--
Nebraska .
Shoes for the entire Family
WESTERN AUTO CO. Automobile Ports and Accessories Auburn
BORNEMEIR'S Paint, Vv all paper Floor Covering and Furniture Auburn
............................... - 11 7-
America's Finest Farm Buildings in use throughout the Middle West
THE PERU POINTER NEWSPAPER and PRINTING SERVICE Class of '53-Let us show you samples of commencement invitations and announcements.
Finest Meals in Town
Ed Linebaugh Peru
Nebraska ....................................
Compliments of
Tel. 3291
Drink a Bite to Eat at 10 - 2- 4 Auburn
Allis-Chalmers Studebaker
Complimen ts of GLEN DRUG STORE
.. ....... ........................ - 119-
Clinton Teachers Agency Member N.A.T.A.
33 Years
If it is a position in the M idwest. West. or Alaska, w e cCin find i t for y o u .
Furniture .
ENROLL NOW 706 So. 4th St. Clinton
NIELSON VIOLIN SHOP Dealer in High G rade Violins Cellos, Bows, Strings, a n d A ccessories Reliable Repairin g 1504 Dodge St., Room 407 Nebraska
Who lesale
Ne braska
HOTEL GRAND and COFFEE SHOP Stephenson Motel May we be of ser v ic e to y ou?
Nebras ka City
Wrightsman & Rarick
Clothing Co. "Store for Dads and Lads"
BLUE INN Sandwich es a nd Sh ort Orders
........... ... ... ... ............ - 120-
* Lew Milan, Prop.
Phone 708
* Auburn
Compliments of
* Comm on Carrier of .
.............................. ! -1 21-
&ay~Qd~./q~l . . '
. ..
~--:--. - :_- . -.' - '-~ · : ~ ·.· .. , ..
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·. .
. .
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. ...
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~-~ ~
••• for real nourishment and tastier meals
- 122-
"Where It Is Neat to Eat"
BEST WISHES TO THE CLASS OF 1952 Benny Benson, Prop.
GOOD TEACHERS Unlimited Opportunities Throughout the West Alaska, and Hawaii, ENROLL NOW -- FREE LIFE MEMBERSHIP M e mbe r N.A.T_A_ 35 ~'ears p l acement ser vicE
The Cornhusker Teachers Bureau
Flo rist
Mrs. W . C. Harding, Mgr. ENROLL NOW for p rom p t. c Hicienl cmd personal serv ice. FREE enro llme nt. W e pla ce good teache rs in g ood p o si tions . We p lace P<?ru g radua tGs each y e ar. 520 Trust Bldg.. 1Oth a nd 0 St. Lincoln 8, Ne br.
"Sa y it w ith F lo wers" W e a r<:- p repared to des ign F lo w e rs fo r a ll occasio n s .
Phones 324 and 700 Let u s m ake Ne braska City
y Ollr
n-:?xl Corsage Nebraska
In v is ible So ling
Co mpliments o f
720 Central Ave.
N e braska City
N e braska
S to p a t
The Nebraska City News-Press
The Press Printing Co. 119 Central Ave.
School Suppll es Stationery Typ ewrite rs
N e braska City, N e braska
WESSEL'S In NebrtJSka City Since 1855
* 123 South 8th St.
The Name s you kn ow in Men 's a n d Women's Appa rel.
Nebraska City, Nebr.
1 i -~ ~~~~·~~~~~···· ·~
~ ~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
-1 24-
:··Citl,l:. In e11ery filtlsl•.~. ·
212 S. 20th St. Lincoln, Nebraska
Clemmy Holmes Motor Co.
Gaskill Music Company Pianos - Radios RCA Television 804 Central Ave. Nebraska City Nebraska
Phone 212 Nebraska City
E. L. DECK & CO. Better Hardware
Phone 2561
Men's and Boys' Furnishings
Compliments of Peru Cleaners and Tailors
"First with the Latest" Only exclusive Men's Store
John A . Ceika, Prop. Nebraska City
Mary Lee Campbell Nebraska City Freshman Elementa ry Education
LaVerne Foss Filley Sophomore Pre-Agriculture Norman Frerichs Johnson Sophomore Secondary Educ ation
Lois Genoa Humboldt Freshman Elementary Education
-1 26-
Ralph Good Tecumseh Freshman Geography Frank Mickells Omaha Freshman General Raymond Mullens Auburn Junior History
Claudia Ritter Brock Freshman General
Phyllis Parriot
Dawson Junior Home Economics
Adams, Nelda, 36, 66, 69, 85, 89, 94, 117, 120 Anderson, Cecil, 44, 87, 89 Anderson, Eula, 44 Applegate, Fred, 44, 67, 84, 103, 104, 108 Argabright, Loren, 36, 82, 84, 89, 101, 104 Ashley, Alma, 13, 48, 74, 88 Auxier, Betty, 44, 66, 85, 89, 91 Bacon, Robert, 31, 82, 108 Baker, Janet, 44, 91 Barrett, Clyde, 44, 66, 68, 77, 80, 90 Bartell , Dale, 24 Bassinger, Everett, 44 Baucke, Marilyn, 31, 58, 60, 61, 65, 77, 81, 83, 86, 88 Ba uet路bach, Harriet, 17, 68 Bednar, William, 31, 68, 73, 75, 87, 90, 92 Benford, Patricia, 24, 72, 73, 75, 87, 90, 92 Benford, Robert T., 16 Beran, Roland, 24, 79, 82, 84, 99, 104, 122 Bernard, Alice Marie, 36 Berry, Charles. 44, 70, 77, 86, 89 Birdsley , Bill, 31 Birdsley, Jean, 36, 91, 94 Boardman, Marlene, 36, 85, 91, 94 Boellstorff, Rosalie, 22, 44, 66, 85, 87, 91 Boraas, Harold, 13. 82 Bornschlegl, Donaven, 24, 82, 105, 107, 108 Bosworth, Edward, 44, 90 Bosworth, Laura Lee, 44, 83, 85 B osworth, Thomas, 36, 79 Brad ley, Arnold, 10, 31, 66, 72, 80, 81, 90, 92, 94, 117 , 120 Brawner, J ack, 24 Broadston, Clyde, 31, 68 Brown, Castle M., 17, 68 Brown, Ruth S., 14 C ampbell, Mary Lee, 126 Carey, Nellie M., 15 Case , Claudia, 36 Chambe rs, Larry, 44 Chase, Aaron, 36 Childers, Mardella, 21 Christ, John C., J r., 44, 92 Christ, John C., Sr. , 15, 68, 72 Christ, Lillian, 31 Clark, Gt路ace, 44, 91 Clark, James, 45 Clark, K enneth, 45, 84, 103, 104 Clarke, Mary, 14, 91 Clausen, Gl endora, 45, 78, 83, 91 C layburn, Ansel B., 17 Clayburn, Ansel E., 24, 76 Cle me nts. Fred, 37, 68, 86, 87, 89 Clemen ts, Hattie, 21, 68 Cleme nts, Sanford L., 13 Coad, Ma rilyn, 45, 66, 68, 78, 81, 85, 91, 95
Cook, Myrtle, 16, 75 Cotton, Jim, 37, 73, 87 Coulter, Dorothy, 21, 45 Covault, Leland, 37, 82, 90, 104 Covault, L aVon, 31, 66, 82, 84, 90, 101, 104, 110 Cox, Carlene, 31, 68, 78, 81, 95 Craig, Jenis, 37, 91, 92 Craney, Patricia, 37, 83 Dailey, Maurice, 45, 66, 80, 94, 117, 120 Darrah, Nancy, 45, 66, 87, 91 Davenport, Phyllis, 22, 45, 64, 86, 87, 89 Davidson, Phyllis, 18 Davis, Barbara, 45, 81, 82, 83, 85 Davis, Robert, 31, 84, 105 , 108 Diddel, NormaL., 16 Dixon, Margaret S., 19 Dobrovolny, Emil, 24, 77 Doran, Marion, 12 Dorn, Esther, 37, 88 Dovenbarger, Willard, 45 Downey, Marian, 32, 72, 80, 90 Downing, Lester N., 12 Duerfeldt, Bennie, 37, 79, 86, 89 Duerfeldt, Carol, 25, 54, 61, 68, 70, 74, 86, 87, 89, 91 Eastman, Leo, 13 Eckman, Gayle, 32, 82, 104 Eckman, Ned, 45, 69, 79, 105, 107, 108 Eddy, B. A., 14 Eddy, Lillian, 21 Effken, Ted, 32, 77 Eis, Betty, 25 Erhart, Dorothy, 37, 83, 91 Etter, Ralph , 45, 104 Faunce, Robert, 25, 75, 82, 84 F erguson, Virginia, 45, 80, 81, 85, 94, 121 Fithian, Betty, 45, 91 Fithian, Violet, 38, 91 Fitz, Georgie Lee, 32, 68, 83, 86, 89 Fletcher, Mary Ann, 46 Foss, LaVerne, 126 Foster, Sterling, 46 Frederick, V incent , 46 Frerichs , Norman, 126 Gamlin, Rich ard, 46 Gard, Blanche A .. 14 Genoa, Lois, 126 G erdes, Marv in, 37, 59, 73, 78, 82, 108 Gilbert, Paul, 18, 98, 104 Gilliland. Gail , 32, 72, 75 , 91, 95 Gilmore, Jack, 46, 67, 102, 104, 108 Gilmore, William, 25, 82, 84, 100, 104 Gomon, Marion, 38, 68, 77 Good, Ralph, 127 Goosman, Milton, 32
Kyle, R osemar y, 39, 68
Gorrell, L awrence D., 13, 74, 90 Grafe, H arold , 32, 82 Graham, Jean Ann, 46 G reer, E dith S., 12, 74 G ress, D onald, 25 , 74, 75, 76, 79, 90 Griffing, Nina, 46, 83 Gump, Doyle, 32, 82 Gunsolley, Willard, 46
L a d e . R o be rt, 39, 67 , 79, 82, 84 , 88, 90, 98, 104 , 11 0 L a rson , A . V .. 20, 76 , 90 LaRue, P a trici a , 47, 87 L ev itt, Jam es D ., 19, 8 1, 90 , 94 Lin de ll. C urtis, 39, 76, 8-1, 88, 89, 90, 104 L o llma n. Ann a M ac, 48, 85, 95 L o ll m an , Marce lla, 48 , 66, 85, 89, 9 1, 9 2, 95
Hale, Margaret , 25 H a ll. Charles, 46 , H a nd ley, Ma ry, 38, 67, 81, 83, 85, 91 Ha rdy, Carolyn, 46, 64, 79 , 83, 85 H arpenau, L aw re nce, 46 H arpenau, Richard, 46 Haulk, Clare, 38, 90, 104, 116 H awxby, Dorothy, 25, 63, 74, 86, 87, 89, 91 H awxby, Marilyn, 46 , 85, 87, 89, 91 H e adley , Jack, 46 H ea ston, Chester , 38, 84, 89, 101, 104 H e im, F ran ces, 32, 58, 65, 78, 85, 116 H e in, Wa lter, 47 . 76, 89, 90 Heinke , Phyllis, 22, 38, 72, 77, 87, 91 H ennessey, Carol, 47, 95 H e nnessey , K athryn, 47, 83, 95 H eywood, Glady s, 47 H eywood , K enne th, 12 H eywood, Norma, 38 H ill. Do nna Mae, 47, 85 H oag, K enneth , 38, 66 , 82 H olmes, J . We nde ll, 39, 110 H olsche r , Donald, 47, 108 H op k ir.s, Thomas, 33 , 61. 82, 83, 84, 100, 104 Hopp. L ee, 39, 73, 87, 88 H ouse r, Beverly , 26 , 85, 95 H owery, Stephe n , 47, 66, 90 Huck , C. A ., 8 Hunte r , M arjor ie, 47, 89, 91, 95
McCa rty . Floyd . 48 McC la t chey, Cl a r a. 14, 9 1 M cCollum , Eli zabet h , 14 Mcln inch, J ea n , 26, 73 . 74, 77 , 86, 87, 89, 91 Mclni nch , Joa n , 48, 87, 95 Mc l nin ch, Willi am, 33, 68, 81 , 86, 87, 89, 92 McKay, P a t r icia, 41, 83, 88 M cK e e , C a rol , 48, 79, 83, 89 McKnight, C e cil , 27, 84, 100, 104 McMaste r路, Dorothy, 41 M cMaster, K enn e th , 27 M cN e ely, Shirle y , 4 1, 67, 83
! deus, H a r vey , 39, 82, 84, 88, 110 J ane cek, Charles, 39 ,108 J arv is, D ee V. , 27, 76, 90 J indra , Victor, 6, 7, 16, 86 J oha n n s. Don, 10, 26, 68, 72, 8 1, 82, 92, 116 J oh nson, Mar vin, 47 , 104 J oh nso n , Ruth. 47, 49. 83, 85 J ohn sto n , L eslie, 21 , 68 K ar as, Jun ior, 47. 65 , 86, 87, 89 K ava naugh . Charles, 26, 82 K echely. Robert, 33 K eg ley, K. Alice, 20, 85 K e lgard , Virgini a, 16 K nape, E va Ma r ie, 26, 77, 80, 83, 94 K nople. Robert . 47 K ou be k , Ramo n , 47, 108 Kreifels, Anna Ma rie, 26 , 74 Kr e ife ls, Est h er , 33, 75, 85 K r u eger, L o r ain, 33, 82, 90 Ky le . Dav id, 39, 65, 89, 108 K yle . Newt on P. , Jr., 26, 73, 82, 84, 101, 104 Kyle, Newton P ., S r., 18, 84, 98, 105, 106
M ajors. Al a n , 27 , 73 , 77, 104, 108 M a lo ny, James, 48 Maness. William . 40 M a nring, "J a n, 21, 68 M arcus, Earl, 40, 108, 118 Maso n. Willar路d, 40, 52, 65, 66, 82, 84, 103, 104. 116 M a th e w s, L. B ., 15 M a thews , R u t h , 18 M ay fie ld, P.M., 17, 82 M e isinge r, Dean, 48 Me is t e r, Do ro thy , 27 , 74, 83, 86, 89 M ich e ls, Marv in , 27 Micke ll s, Frank, 127 Mi lkovitch , R osemar路y , 12 Miller, B a rba ra, 27 , 55, 72, 74, 81, 83, 95 Miller , D e ll, 27 , 82, 84, 98, 104, 122 Miller, H anford, 15, 79 Mille r, James, 40 Mille r , M e rvil, 33, 67. 82, 89, 92, 94, 121 M oor e. B ran son , 40. 94 M oore . Dale , 40, 87 Moore . Robe rt D., 19 , 68 M or a n . Erna L ee, 40, 77, 92, 93 Mos h e r. R a lp h. 48, 68, 77, 78, 86, 87, 89 Mu ll c n s, Raym ond , 127 Munoz, B ett y, 33. 88, 89, 92, 93, 117 Munoz. R aymo nd , 28, 88 N edved, M abl e. 48 N eedham , R ichard, 48 Ne lson, D o lo res, 41 , 89, 91 N ewt on , Fra nces, 41 , 83 N iche lso n , Ho w a rd , 33 , 75 , 76, 82, 90 Nie l, L eslie, 28 N or r is . Lee. 47, 67 , 103 , 104 Oa kes. H e le n , 49 , 85 Oc ker. Sharo n . 33. 60, 73, 82, 84, 95 , 100, 104, 107, 108, 11 8
Oelke. D o nald , 49 Ogle . Don. 4 1. 84. 104 Ogle . L ee, 49, 104 Otis. Ernest. 49 , 66, 90 Paap. Rona ld. 49 Parker , Paul, 34, 86. 89. 92 Pan路iot. Phy llis, 127 Percell, Thomas. 49, 102, 104 Pfister; Lulu, 49 Pfiste r, Emma, 34, 9 1 Pickeri n g, Charlie , 49 Picke l'in g, Don, 41, 64, 76 , 82, 89, R adford, Imoge n e, 28, 74, 83, 91 Rainey. Jay, 49 Rains, Duane , 49. 84, 101. 102. 104, 110 Rasplicka, H a r o ld. 34, 75 , 90 Rath. Gem路ge. 19 , 68, 77 R ath. Rosa, 49. 77 Rect o r. Hadey . 34. 67. 82, 84, 100, 104 Redfe m, J anice. 28, 83, 91 , 95 R eed. J acq ue line . 49, 83. 89, 92, 93 R e im er s, J oa n . 49, 83, 85 Rhin e hart. Lois, 22, 41, 85, 91 Richards, K e ith . 28, 73 , 75 Rickman, Buefo rd , 4 1, 76 Ri eger , J a n e, 42, 83, 85, 91 Rittet路, C lau dia. 127 Rodger. Alta, 28, 72, 91 Rohse. Lorraine , 42, 81, 83, 85, 88 Rose. Francis, 42, 66, 67, 72, 81, 82, 104, 122 R osendahl, Richard, 42, 82 Rosenquist, D arr e ll, 49, 67 , 102, 104, 110 Royal, Fra nklin , 50 Ry an , Robert, 28, 62, 65, 76, 78, 82, 99, 104 S ackett, M arv in, 50, 84 , 101, 104 Sailors , De n nis, 50, 68 Sailors, K e nn eth, 50 Santia go, William, 42, 69, 77 Sayer, William, 50 Scheit e l , Wil b ur, 29, 55 , 65, 76, 79, 82, 92, 93. 99 , 101, 104, 109 Schliefert , G e raldine, 34, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89 Schulte, Bill, 34, 83 S chul te , Ronald, 42 Schus t e r, Alan, 34, 82 Scoggin, D ean, 50, 90 S ederburg, Cur tis, 42, 76, 82, 84, 88, 90, 102, 104 S eeba, Grace, 50, 95 Seeba, Marjorie , 34, 47, 74, 85, 88, 95 Shafer, M eri1yn , 50, 85, 87, 89, 91 Shra der, Robert, 34, 66, 84, 106, 108 Simpson, Bob, 50, 52, 102 Sipes, Carolyn, 21 Sipes, Kenneth, 29, 76, 82 Slagle , Phillip, 29, 68, 92 Smith, Carol, 42, 57, 65, 68 Smith, Mary, 21 Speak, R eginald, 43, 68, 104 Specht, Phillip, 50, 90
Spier, Carol, 43, 66, 85, 91 Stahl. Lawrence, 29, 66, 90 Stander , Regina, 43, 85, 87, 95 Startzer, Robert, 29 Steele, J ames B., 19, 72, 78, 92 Steiner, Mary, 50, 68 Steiner , Rich , 50, 73 Stemper , Jerome, 18 Stepan, Dorothy, 21, 121 Stockman, R ich ard, 50, 52, 67, 103, 104, 110 Stoddard, L ee, 51, 85, 95 Stoltz, Flora, 15, 72, 77 Stoltz, James, 29 , 72, 77 Stra ub, S hirley, 51 Stufft, Wayne, 51, 104 Sutfin. Archie, 51, 90 Swinney, Merr itt, 29, 74, 82, 96 Tagga rt, Corabelle, 12 T aylor, Bern ie, 30, 54, 60, 73, 82 T ete n. Marily n, 51 , 83, 85, 88, 95 Thiesfeld , Dea n , 30. 76, 82, 84, 98, 104, 122 Thomas, Donald, 51, 101, 104, 108, 110 T homas, George, 51 Thomas, Lavina, 43, 66 Trullinger, J erry, 51 , 64, 67, 84, 103, 104, 108 T widwell, Dean , 51, 66, 90, 94, 120 Urwin, K enneth, 34, 110 Vacek, William , 30, 55, 56, 58, 79, 82, 84, 99, 104 , 122 V ance, Alv in, 51 , 104 Vance, StacEl_.Y, 20 V an P elt, Richard D., 17 Vice, Merlyn, 51 Volz, Ray, 43, 66, 73, 90 W agner , Ronald , 35 , 106, 108 W alz, J ames, 30, 82 Weare, Edna, 20 Wear e, Hazel, 17, 85, 95 Webb, E arl , 35, 67, 82, 90, 104 W endt, Don ald, 35, 76, 84, 99, 110 Wetenkamp, Edna J ean, 43, 92, 93 Wheeler, Alfred G ., 18, 98, 104 Wheeler, Frances, 20 Whipp le, Marjorie, 51 , 66, 83, 85, 91, 95 Wickiser, Richard, 51, 89 W ilkie, T homas, 35, 80, 82 Wilkinson , Clarence E., 19, 80 Wilkinson, V elma Fay, 30, 61 Williams, Patricia, 22, 51, 80 Williamson , D avid, 35, 56, 73, 78, 79, 82, 89, 95 Wilson, James, 35, 75, 78, 82, 90 Wilson, L eRoy; 30, 54, 82, 84, 98, 104, 122 Wohlfarth, Richard , 30, 75 W ond erly, Z elma, 15, 74 Wopata, Jack, 43, 75, 87 Z ednik , Lillian, 43, 91 Zeiner, Monica , 10, 35, 60, 68, 83, 85, 116
Yearbooks - Staff Awa1路ds - TTophie s Lincoln, Nebraska