Peru State is the oldest coll eg e in Nebrask a and the third oldest te a cher-training institution west' of the Missouri River. Peru was established the same year Nebr a ska became a state. For 38 years it was the only teacher-training in s titution in Nebraska. For more than nine dec a des this College has been servin g the young people of the state a nd surroundin g states. During these 93 years, thousands of young people have crossed the. Campus of a Thousand Oaks and have g one forth to become teachers, advisors, and friends to countless millions of children throughout the length and breadth of this great country.,
The people of the State of Nebraska have made th~ facilities of this fine College available to you at a minimum of personal cost. The taxpayers of the state bear most of the cost of your college education exclusive of personal expenses. This support is in conformance with the deep-rooted American principle that every young person is ~ntitled to a college education at reasonable expense to himself and to his family.
This College believes in high academic standards, in opportunities for self-expression and personal g rowth in a controlled group a tmosphere. You will have an opportunity to know your teachers well and to become acquainted with and associate with the finest young people anywhere . The opportunity to live with other young people in colle g e residences offers occasion for friendship and growth for which even living at home is no complete substitute.
Some of our alumni have achieved fame and fortune Some are situated in positions of high responsibility. The roll of honor of illustrious g raduates is lon g and brilliant. But no · matter what their station there is a loyalty to school and state which has been undimmed by the passing years. Because of this loyalty and affection, Peru has served the children, grandchildren and g reat grandchildren of many of our first students.
The College faculty and staff is here to serve you. We will be happy to consult with you re g ardin g your educational plans.
Sinc e rely yours,
Ne a l S. Gom on, President.September 1-Faculty Workshop .
September 2-Faculty Meeting.
September 5-Campus School be g ins. Freshman Welcome Day.
September 4-7-Freshman Orientation.
September 8-Freshman Re g istration.
September 9-Upperclassman Re g istration.
September 12-Classes begin. (Late registration fee after this date.)
September 19-Final date for change of registration.
October 27 -28-N.S.E.A. Conventions.
November 24-25-Thanksgivin g recess.
December 21-Christmas recess begins. (4: 00 p. m.)
January 4-Classes resume. (7 : 50 a. m.)
January 4-13-Pre registration, second semester.
January 16-19-Final examinations.
January 20-First semester ends.
January 23-Registration, al l students.
January 24-Classes begin (Late registration fee after this date.)
January 27-Final date for chan g e of registration.
March 30-Easter recess begins. (4: 00 p. m.)
April 5-Classes resume. (7: 50 a. m.)
May 22-24-Final examinations.
May 26-Semester ends. Commencement.
June 5-Registration.
June 6-Classes begin .. ·
June 24-Saturday clas-s.0s . '
July 4-Independence Day
July 28-Eight-week se s sion ~mds .
July 29-Post session registration. Classes begin.
August 12-Post session ends .
To help you understand words a nd expressions us e d frequently in your association with the College, the followin g i s presented as a prelimin a ry in th e catalo g .
ACCREDITED-A colle g e havin g met standards set up by accreditin g agencies , such as the North Central Association, is referred to as bein g accredited.
ADVISOR-See counselor.
CERTIFICATE-A written reco g nition by the State Department of Education of qualification to teach in rural, elementary or secondary schools The College does not issue a certificate. (See also Diploma )
CLASS SCHEDULE-The listin g of courses as to the instructor, a mount of credit, hour , day , place, and the division.
COUNSELOR, COUNSELEE-A faculty member, usually in the student's field of concentration, designated to advise the registr a tion and educational pro g ress, is a counselor The student is known as the counselee.
COURSE-A particular subject bein g studied, as a "course in En g lish ."
CORRESPONDENCE-Associat e d with courses taught by extension or non-resident study. There are restrictions on the number of credits earned by correspondence when applicable to a diploma or degree.
CREDENTIALS-Associated with the Placement Bureau which assembles information and recommendations or credentials to introduce the student •to a prospective employer.
CREDIT, HOURS OF CREDIT-Each course as set up for instruction indicates a numerical value in semester hours when satisfactorily completed . The average student registers for 16 or 17 hours each semester toward the 125 hours required for a degree. (See Semester Hour.)
CURRICULUM-The organized group of courses required for a diploma or a degree.
DEGREE-The acknowledgment by the College with appropriate ceremony and diploma of the student ' s completion of the requirements for graduation (at least 125 semester hours).
DIPLOMA-An official record g iven to the student when he has completed the required work for a two-year certificate to teach
DIVISION-A divisio'n ·of th e colle g e organization offering instruction in a particular ,hnn1'1.'h of knowledge, such as the Division of Education. The prot ~n-nn of instruction of the Coll e ge has seven divisional groups.
DIVISION, LOWER AND UPPF:R-Durin g th e stud e nt's freshman and sophomor e yea rs h e ordinarily t a k e s courses i n the 100-200 course number s e ries as lower division, while in the junior and senior year s he takes thos e in 300-400 series as
upper division. A specific number of hours in upper division courses are required for a degree.
ELECTIVE-A course which is not included in the general requirements, or in the field of concentration for a degree , but taken because of the student's personal interest is an elective.
EXTRA-CURRICULAR-Activities which are not directly connected with academic work, usually of a social nature, are termed extra -curricular.
FIELD OF CONCENTRATION-The particular area of work selected by a student for primary study in his prof e ssional and academic preparation; with emphasis on depth of penetration in the subjects involved.
GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS-These a re the g eneral course requirements for a degree set forth and required of all stud e nts to contribute for effective Lvin g regardless of the vocation.
GRADE, GRADE POINT AVERAGE-The quality of the student's work scholastically is indicated numerically 9, 8, 7, 6 , 5 , 4, 3 , 2 and 1 ( exceptional to failing) as a g rade for each semester hour. For several courses and over a period of time the student's avera g e may be calculated to hours of credit which will g ive the g rade point avera g e . This is done by dividing the total number of g rade points by total semester hours. Grade point avera g e is used for comparison with required standards.
GUIDANCE-Assistance given by deans and faculty to help students in educational and per ~onal problems.
MATRICULATION-The student's enrollment for the first time at the College.
ORIENTATION-An introduction to college and college life.
PLACEMENT BUREAU-A service offered by the Colle g e in brin g ing together the student as a prospective employee with the employer. The bureau assembles the job candidates' credentials (see Credentials above) and keeps listin g s of vacancies of teachin g positions.
PREREQUISITE-A course which a student must complete before he can enroll in another or in a more advanced course .
PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER-The semester which a student devotes to the study and practice of professional education, part of which is spent in full time student teaching.
PROGRAM OF STUDIES~A list of courses which will assist the student in reaching his ,educational objective. (See Progress Sheet.) ·
PROGRESS SHEET-An organized work sheet maintained in the registrar's office for each regular student to record progress in meeting requirements for a diploma or a degree. This also is accessible and used by the counselor and the student from time to time .
REGISTRATION-The procedure of enrolling in classes at the beginning of a semester which involves the choosing of courses with the adv i sement of a counselor and the payment of fees.
:SEMESTER HOUR-A semester hour usually is an indication of the number of hours a week that the class meets, with the student expected to spend twice as many hours in class preparati on. A three-hour course meeting three days a week would require six hours of preparation, giving the student three semester hours of credit.
STUDENT LOAD-The number of hours for which a student is registered for a semester.
STUDENT TEACHING-Teaching without remuneration and under the supervision of a master teacher.
TERMINAL-This usually refers to curriculums designed to prepare students for vocation a l placement in less than four years.
TRANSCRIPT-An official photostat or certified copy from the College of a student's record, date of matriculation, entrance units, full scholastic record, current status, and signature of th e Registrar.
Communications for specific information about Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru should be directed to the following officers:
PRESIDENT--General administrative regulations.
DEAN OF THE COLLEGE-General welfare of students; general policies; educational program of the College; veterans' affairs.
REGISTRAR-Admission and registration information; transcripts of credits; examinations ior credit and armed forces expe rience evaluation; graduat:on and teacher certification requirements; extens i on courses.
DEAN OF STUDENTS-Housing for men; part-time student employment; student academic progress; student loan funds and scholarships; guidance , testin g , and counseling.
ASSOCIATE DEAN OF STUDENTS-Housing for women students.
DIRECTOR OF PLACEMENT and STUDENT TEACHINGTeacher and com~ercial placement; off-campus student teaching. ·• •
SPECIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR-Literature on the College and alumni; news bureau and photo services; prospective students.
DEAN OF BUSINESS AFFAIRS-Fee payments; general college finances.
The Coll eg e offers students the opportunity to s e cure both professional trainin g a nd ge ner a l educat on This i s m a de possible through the followin g objectives .
The staff believes that in addition to more sp e ci f ic obj e ctives, the Colle g e should provide for a ll students the environm e nt for learnin g which will: ·
1. Defend and strengthen free public educ a t i on in the cause of Am e rican Democracy.
2. Cause an understanding and acceptanc e of the n e cessity for an enli g htened citizenry so that self-g overnment will survive and national unity will be protected.
3. Promote a nd further develop equality of educational opportunity, the kind that reco g nizes the worth and dignity of each individual.
4. Provide the opportunity to develop a system of values, consistent with reality and truth, by which the student may know himself and his relationship to the world.
5. Emphasize that all endeavor is worthy of hi g h scholarly achievement or proficiency .
The staff believes the following specific objectives should apply in the preparation of teachers in addition to other stated objectives:
1. Develop more effective procedures for the admiss i on and select ion of those who wish to enter the Teacher Education Curriculum.
2. Provide for those interested in teachin g the opportunity to evaluate their personal qualifications in terms of probable success in teaching.
3. Provide the opportunity to develop and improve desirable p e rsonal a nd social qualities necessary in social relationships in the classroom, . the teaching profession, and the community. ' · .
4. Develop an understanding of and acceptance of responsibility toward the ethics of the teachin g profession.
5. Provide the opportunity to learn the science of professional education with emphas ~s upon an understanding of how children and youth grow, develop, and learn.
6. Provide the opportunity to acquire appropriate and sufficient subject matter background .
7. Provide the opportunity to become aware of and familiar with the material available for instructional purposes.
8. Provide an opportunity to develop certain skills in method and technique in teaching.
9. Develop a liking for young people and a desire to work with them
10. Provide an opportunity to develop a defensible and practical philosophy of free public education-that which interprets the school's place in a democratic society, its objectives, methods, and contributions to the national welfare.
11. Promote the continued improvement of teacher preparation, both in terms of th~ length in pre-service training and the quality of the program.
12. Provide appropriate and effective placement and followup services.
The staff believes that the program of all students should be broad enough , to:
1. Provide an intellig~nt familiarity with that knowledge which is worthy of free men; that knowledge which acquaints the student with his privileges and responsibili- · ties of participation and leadership in a democratic society and which causes the student to acquire an acceptable attitude toward freedom, responsibility, and authority.
2. Encourage intellectual curiosity and constructive thinking.
3. Provide the opportunity to develop a set of sound moral and spiritual values by which the student will be better prepared to make wise , ethical, and discriminating decisions.
4. Provide the , opportunity to become proficient in certain basic and furn;lamantal skills; skill in effective speaking and writing; skill in reading and listening; skill in basic mathematical and mechanical concepts necessary in every day life.
5. Provide the. opportunity to attain emotional and social adjustment.
6 Provide the opportunity to develop and maintain good mental and physical health for himself, his family, and his community.
7. Provide the opportunity to understand his interaction with his biological and physical environment.
8. Provide the opportunity to establish realistic educational and vocational goals.
9. Provide the opportunity to develop understanding and appreciation of cultural and creative activities which will lead to satisfying participation.
To meet the needs of students who are interested in pre-professional or technical courses for a specialized vocation, the staff believes that the College should:
1. Provide occupational information on jobs which may fall in the above categories.
2. Assist the student to discover and evaluate his aptitude for a particular profession.
3. Offer the particular program basic to the professional or technical school.
Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools as a bachelor's degree granting institution. Full membership in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (formerly the American Association of Teachers Colleges) has been maintained since 1918. The College has been a member of the American Council of Education since 1947 and is a charter member of the Nebraska Council on Teacher Education and a member of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
Seat of Nebraska's oldest institution of higher education is historic Peru (population ' 12.60) ·in the hills along the Missouri River in the southeast corn 'er of' the state. The picturesque Nemaha county town is 67 miles south of Omaha and 75 miles southeast of Lincoln. Peru is served by Nebraska Highway 67 which intersects U.S. Highway 73 and 75 six miles west of the campus. Auburn, county seat of Nemaha County, is five miles south, and Nebraska City, Otoe county seat, is 15 miles north_!:!
the junction of these highways. "The Campus of a Thousand Oaks" is on approximately the same latitude as New York City and is about 150 miles east of the center of the United States. About 80 per cent of Peru's students come from Nebraska, with Iowa, Kansas and Missouri well represented. Students from more distant states enroll at Peru for nearly every session.
Daily bus and train service to Omaha, Lincoln, Kansas City, Topeka, with connections in those cities to more distant points, is available at Auburn, 12 miles distant from Peru. Persons wanting transportation from Peru to Auburn can find rides almost hourly by inquiring of students and faculty members. Students arriving in Auburn at the opening of a semester or summer session may secure transportation by informing the Director of Special Services in advance of arrival. College transportation will be provided to and from Auburn only at the beginning or end of a semester or summer session.
(It is advisable to check with train and bus depots for possible changes in time, since schedules are subject to change from time to time.)
Overland Greyhound Bus Line
(Telephone BR 4-4122 916 Central Avenue, Auburn.)
Northbounq from Kansas City
Missouri Pacific Railroad _ (Telephone BR 4-3622 East Ninth Street, Auburn.)
No :r thbound from Kansas City
The same year Nebraska became a state, the new state legislature provided for the establishment of a training school for teachers or "normal school" at Peru. At that time only two other such institutions existed west of the Missouri River-one-in Kansas and one in California. The school's beginning actually dates back to December 2, 1865, when its predecessor institution, Mount Vernon College, was organized by a group of early settlers who resolved to place the school under the "care and management of the Methodist Episcopal Church."
After the church declined the offer, Col. T. J. Majors, a leader in the War Between the States and a state legislator, proposed that the school be made the state university. Although the offer was rejected, the state legislature on June 20, 1867, did accept the school as a "normal school" several months before the state university was established. For 38 years after the Peru school became a "normal school", it was the only teacher education institution in the state.
As Nebraska's population increased, the legislature provided for three other normal schools-at Kearney in 1905, at Wayne in 1910, and at Chadron in 1911. The legislature extended the normal schools from two years to four years in 1921, and authorized these institutions to grant the degrees of Bachelor of Arts in Education, Bachelor of Science in Education, and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education.
When the United States entered World War II, the College offered its staff and facilities to the government for the training of officers for the armed forces. The first unit of men in the Navy V-12 program arrived on July 1, 1943. During the time the nearly 500 trainees received college training, the College operated on an accelerated program for both cilivian students and naval trainees. Since that time many of these trainees have used the hours of college credit earned at Peru for degree requirements at Peru or other institutions of higher learning throughout the nation.
The liberal arts curriculum which was authorized by the 1949 legislature made it possible for the teacher-education institutions to confer the Bachel'or of Arts degree. At -the same time the names of the schools were changed from State Normal Schools to State Teachers Colleges. In 1956 the Board of Educa~ tion of State Normal Schools authorized these colleges to grant the Master of Science in Education and Master of Arts in Education degrees.
Nebraska's first college has been g uided through the years by these presidents:
1867-1871-J. M. McKenzie
1871-1871-Henry H. Straight
1871-1872-A. D. Williams
1872-1874-T. J. Morgan
1874-1875-Azel Freeman
1875-1877-S. R. Thompson
1877-183 3-Robert Curry
1883-1893-G. E. Farnham
1893-1896--A. W. Norton
1896-1900--James A. Beattie
1900-1904-A. ·W. Clark
1904-1910-J W. Crabtree
1910-1918-D. W. Hayes
1918-1921--E. L. Rouse
1921-1923-A. L. Caviness
1923-1946-W. R. Pate
1946-1950-W. L. Nicholas
1950-1951-Wayne 0. Reed
1951 -Neal S. Gomon
Abbreviations for campus buildings are used frequently in listing rooms for class and organization meetings. The first of the three-digit numbers used with the building abbreviation indicates the floor and the second and third are the room number on that floor. For example, Ad 101 would be room number one on the first floor of the Adm i nistration Building .
Ad-Administration Building
CS-Campus School
DH-Delzell Hall
EM--Eliza Morgan Hall
RC-Health Center
IA-Industrial Arts
MR-Music Hall
MV-Mount Vernon Hall
S-Science Building
ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. The administration, business, p<;rsonnel, special services, and professional services offices, as well as classrooms and instructors' offices, are housed in the Administration Building. Also the Campus Post Office which handles incoming and outgoing mail is located on the main floor. ·
AUDITORIUM. Main floor and balcony of the Auditorium has a seating capacity of 1,200. It is used for convocations, musical recitals and operettas, dramatic productions, and as an assembly room for conferences and clinics. Classrooms for the modern language department are housed in the Auditorium. Classic pictures and statues of Greek and Roman art objects, gifts of the Fortnightly Art Club, early-day Peru organization are placed throughout the building.
DELZELL HALL. The men's residence hall at the College is Delzell Hall, which was completed in the fall of 1939. The•men's residence hall's facilities include lounge, recreation, and television rooms. The dormitory counselor's quarters are on the main floor. Laundry facilities are available for residents of the hall.
ELIZA MORGAN HALL. The women's residence hall, Eliza Morgan Hall, provides comfortable living accommodations for women students. Adjacent to the lobby is an attractive comfortable lounge where the residents rec,eive guests. Other facilities • available to residents of the hall include recreation room, study room, laundry and kitchen. The dormitory counselor ha's an apartment on the main floor.
MOUNT VERNON HALL. One of the oldest buildings on the campus is Mount Vernon Hall which was built in 1897. It includes the College Dining Room; the Student Union with recreational rooms and snack bar; the editorial room of the College yearbook, The Peruvian; and the offi ces of The Ped.agogian, s t udent newspaper. This building is to be razed as soon as the main section of the Student Center. is completed. The main lounge of the Center will occupy part of the present site of Mount Vernon Hall.
GYMNASIUM. Reconstructed in 1949 on the site of the original Chapel, the Gyronasium has an overall dimension of 100 feet by 156 feet and a s.eating capacity of 2,500. The facilities include two basketball fldors, tile swimming pool, indoor track, locker and shower rooms for men and women. The building houses physical education offices and classrooms.
SCIENCE BUILDING. Designed especially for the teaching of science, the Science Building houses well-equipped laborator17
ies and accompanying classrooms and offices. Complete facilities for the instruction of astronomy, botany, zoology, chemistry, geology, geography, physics, and health and included in the three-story structure. An observatory with a six-inch refractor telescope used in the instruction of astronomy is located on the roof .
An extensive collection of biological and mineral specimens displayed in the Science Building is available for student study. Each year school children and adult groups from a wide area view these displays.
INDUSTRIAL ARTS. The new $500,000 Industrial Arts Building is scheduled for completion by the opening of the 1960 fall term. Located immediately south of the Campus School, the new facility will provide the last word in training and equipment in general mechanics, electricity-electronics, arts and crafts, woodworking, general metals, drafting, graphic arts, photography, farm and home mechanics and related areas.
HEALTH CENTER. The Student Health Service, which provides first aid treatment and hospitalization for students needing emergency medical care, operates in the Health Center. The facilities include, besides infirmary and treatment rooms, the college nurse's apartment and a suite of rooms used by the Well Child Conference. A registered nurse is in charge of the Health Center-working under the direction of the College physician and College Student Health Committee . The Well Child Conference , operated jointly by the State Department of Health and the College, gives free physical examinations to any child, regardless of residence, providing the prescribed schedule of examinations is followed. ·
LIBRARY. One of the first established in Nebraska, the College Library is centrally located on the College Campus. It houses reading rooms, the Children's Library, study carrels, work rooms, and in addition to the library proper, the Little Theater and art classrooms .
COLLEGE BOOKSTORE. The College Bookstore is housed in the first floor of Mount Vernon Hall. Current textbooks are carried in stock and available for purchase.
MUSIC HALL. On the first floor of the Music Hall are individual sound-proof prac:tice rooms, group rehearsal room, classrooms and studios. A small auditorium used for recitals, a choir rehearsal room, two classtoo~s, arrd two studios are located on the second floor.
THE PRESIDENT'S RESIDENCE. Home of the College President is the stately white house opposite the north gate to the campus.
CAMPUS SCHOOL. Heart of the teacher preparation program is the T. J. Majors Campus School. The Campus School, accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, provides a modern laboratory for actual teaching experience under well-trained supervisors. The Campus School, located at the southwest corner of the campus, is unique in that all children from Peru and surrounding area attend. A complete educational program from kindergarten through grade 12 provides excel,~nt training, experience, and facilities for the student teacher.
A large assembly room and kitchen, gymnasium and dressing rooms, industrial and mechanical arts shop, offices and one elementary classroom and located on the ground floor. The first floor houses the offices of the director and supervisors and elementary classrooms. High school classrooms and library, auditorium, science laboratories, and supervisors' offices are on the second floor. The south wing of the second floor houses the modern home economics department. The facilities include four · unit kitchens, sewing laboratory with living-room area, and classroom and facilities for home nursing practice.
MARRIED STUDENT HOUSING. Five new housing units for married students were completed for occupancy September 1, 1956. These housing units are located amid the park-like setting of some of Peru's thousand oaks just east of the Oak Bowl. Two of the units contain four two-bedroom apartments and ·three ·of the units contain two one-bedroom apartments. A stove , refrigerator; aut.omatic washer arrd drier are furnished in each apartment. The apartments are heated by gas furnac;:es.
FACULTY HOUSING. Two units for faculty apartments were completed during the summer of 1956. One of the units, a split level type structure, contains two two-bedroom apartments and two one-bedroom apartments. The second unit contains two two-bedroom apartments and two three-bedroom apartments.
OAK BOWL. The College's natural bowl with its concrete stadium seating 2,500 is known throughout a wide area as the Oak Bowl. An elevated parking Jot accommodating 60 automobiles provides additional seating accommodations for spectators at athletic events. A modern press box and concession stand are located on the stadium side of the bowl. Cement tennis courts are in an area south of the Oak Bowl. During the fall and winter of 1956-57 the area rldrth of the Oak Bowl, formerly the site of Vetville, was converted intb football practice fields and a baseball diamond.
NEW HALL FOR MEN. A new residence hall for men will be ready for occupancy September 1, 1960 . This facility will house 90 men and is located southeast of Delzell Hall. In addition to 19
its 45 comfortable two-man rooms it will have a housemother's ·apartment, a lounge, laundry and storage rooms. During the summer sessions it will be converted to use by women students. The building is completely air-conditioned.
ADDITION TO ELIZA MORGAN HALL. A 20-room west addition to Eliza Morgan Hall for women will be ready for occupancy during the 1960 summer session. A further addition on south for 18 women and a study hall will be ready for occupancy about January 1, 1961.
NEW STUDENT CENTER. The main portion of the new ·Student Center is scheduled for use by September 1, 1960. This completely air-conditioned two-story facility will house the snack bar, book store, meeting rooms, small lounges, small dining ·room, faculty room, offices, and the college cafeteria. The main lounge and game rooms will be ready for occupancy about January 1, 1961. ·
Peru Alumni Association membership includes all graduates .and/or former resident students of Peru State College. (All members of the ,Peru Alumni Corporation, now dissolved, are members.) The Association sponsors luncheons, receptions and - reunions during each academic year. Local Alumni Chapters, organized in Omaha and Lincoln in 1955, in Denver in 1957 and in .Berkeley, Calif . , in 1958 , sponsor activities for Peruvians in their .area with the assistance of the alumni office at the College. Reunions of the 50-year class of the College are one of the highlights of commencement week activities. It is not uncommon for returning alumni each year to travel a total of 24,000 miles to return to the Campus of a Thousand Oaks· for these reunions.
The g overning body of the association is the Alumni Executive Council , which is a workin g body for the promotion of colle g e and alumni interests. Officers of the council are elected annually at Homecomin g Present members, elected in October, 1959, are: ·
President .. .. .. ..... .... .. ................ ..... .. .. .... ... ...... .Ruth Crone , '42, Peru
First Vice-President .... .... .... ... . ..... Ron Wenninghoff, '57, P a wn e e
Second Vice-President.. ......... .. ... .. .. ... ....... Bob Davis, '55, Omaha
Secretary Lee Norris, '55, Sabetha, Kan.
Treasurer .. .. ···-, :·'·· Lillian Christ, '53, Peru
Immediate past officers tJ958-59) include: President , Al Stiers , ' 56, Johnson; First Vice-President, Harvey S. Ideus, '56, Minden; Second Vice-President, Ron Witt, '58, Millard; Secretary , Mary Ann Fuerst, '57 , Superior ; Treasurer , Mrs. Doris Shearer Wuster, '57, Belgrade.
Presidents of the Local Alumni Chapters are: Myrton Hall, 20
'47, Omaha; Bob Ray, '06, Lincoln; Dean Karr, '41, Denver; Ansel .E. Clayburn, '52, Northern Californ i a.
THE ALUMNI OFFICE. An alumni office, maintained and equipped by the College, is located in the Administration Building where returning alumni are alw::i.ys welcome visitors . The office maintains files of records of the training and experiences of all s .tudents and graduates to develop an archive of material on the College. Degree and two-year diploma recipients are listed by classes in the alumni files, as well as alphabetically and geographically. In addition, the office maintains a file of the Colle g e's annuals, commencement programs, and alumni public a tions. The executive secretary of the Association heads this offic e
ALUMNI PUBLICATION. The Peru Stater, official alumni magazine, is a news journal published three times a year by the College and the Association to keep the alumni and former students in touch with one ano1;her and the College. The executive secretary and his staff edit the Peru Stater, which is sent without charge to all alumni, former students, and faculty members .
As a result of the work of a group of Peru State Teachers College Alumni the Peru Achiev:ement Foundation was officially organized upon filing its Articles of Incorporation on June 20, 1955 .
As stated in the Article s , it will be the purpose of the Corporation to aid Peru State College . . , "by tl:ie solicitation of gifts, grants, devises and bequests of real property or personal property and to hold and administer the same as trustee thereof for the use and benefit of Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru, Nebraska."
Thus the Foundation provides a media through which gifts and annual contributions from alumni, parents, and friends of Peru State Teachers College can be legally accepted and utilized in the best manner possible.
At present the Foundation has one primary objective. This is to . . . "help Peru State College by providing scholarship aid to needy and worthy students." Conceivably the activity of the Fbundation will broaden in the future, as its trusteeship enlarges .. ., ,
Variou~ graduating classes and other organizations have presented gifts to the College in the form of memorials . An early-day Peru group, the Fortnightly Art Club , contributed a frieze, statuary and other works of art. A statue of Horace Mann, housed in the Auditorium with the gifts of the Fortnightly Art Club, was
given by the class of 1898. The class of 1903 contributed the clock in the library. A picture of the Shaw Memorial, which hangs in the rear of the Auditorium, was the gift of the class of 1908. The outdoor drinking fountain was given by the class of 1911, the campus lighting system was presented by the class of 1914, and the brick portals at the north entrance to the campus were contributed by th.~ class of 1915. The sun dial and fountain in the formal garden east of the Administration Building were the gifts of the classes of 1920 and 1929, respectively, and the walks from the campus to the Oak Bowl were given by the . class of 1924. The bell system was presented to the College by the classes of 1927, 1928 and 1930 and the Philomathe an Literary Society. The fans in the Library and Auditorium were the gifts of the classes of 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934 and 1935. The drinking fountain in the Science Building was g iven by the class of 1936.
The College Library is considered one of the best college library collections in the state. It consists of approximately 60,000 volumes, including standard reference works, periodical guides and indexes, and special collections. Both book and nonbook material is available for use. · Two hundred twenty-five periodicals are received regularly by subscription, with a large number bound for permanency. The Library subscribes to sever- al leading metropolitan newspapers and many weekly Nebraska newspapers. Emphasis is placed on the field of education in both book and non-book acquisitions, however, the needs of other subject areas included in the colleg P. curriculum are not slighted.
A varied collection of more than 7,500 mounted pictures is well-organized and easily accessible for use of students and faculty. In addition the library receives publications of the U S. Office of Education and is a partial depository for publications issued out of other governmental agencies.
The Library supplements the extension and correspondence courses offered by the College by lo aning books to students prope rly enrolled.
Wide : ranging inter-lib'rary loan resources, study carrel areas, typing desks and seminar areas are a strong feature of the library program.
Eyening College Courses . The College makes available in a Wednesday evening progr:a.m such course offerings as seem most benefic i al in meeting the ,peedi;; of students who are interested.
Each semester these evening classes meet once a week for seventeen weeks. Each course is usually evaluated at three hours of college credit. The two nightly sessions start at 5 p.m. and dismiss at 10: 05 p.m.
, Day college students are not eligible except by consent of the Dean of the Colle ge .
Off-Campus Courses. Off-carnpus courses are made available at study center sites within the geographical service area of the College. The best practice in or g anizing a study center class is to work through the office of the County Superintendent of Schools. The courses which are available depend upon priority of requests and the available instructional personnel. Such informa-. tion is publicized by county school superintendents and by direct mail at the beginning of each semester. Undergraduate credit, only, is offered.
Speakers and Entertainment Services. Schools, CIVIC, and educational organizations are invited to make use of speakers and entertainment made available through the College. Faculty members are available t9 speak throughout the year, as well as for commencement addresses in high schools. Musical and drama tic programs, demonstrations, debates and lectures also may be arranged through the College. ·
Teacher Placement. Peru State College maintains a Placement Office where the primary motive is fo render the best possible service to students and alumni who wish to find desirable teaching positions. While g raduates are not guaranteed position s , in recent years the office has received many more calls for Perutrained teachers than can be met. Graduates have come to look upon the Placement Office as a quick and economical means of finding the best possible teaching situation .
Commercial Placement. Th e College maintains contact with business and industry in ordel' to find openings for Peru students who are trained for careers in business.
Each year that vacancy listings are sent to Placement Bureau members a charge of three dollars is made. This fee also includes cost of mailin g credentials to prospective employer s . Vacancies are sent out periodic a lly to those registered for this service. It is the responsibility of Placement Bureau members to keep their credenti a ls up-to-date with additional reference s, experience, and college work completed since last active enrollment ·in the Bureau. A form on which to add new information to credentials will be sent upon request.
Testing for Exceptional Children . . Upon request faculty personnel of the College work in cooperation with county superintendents and county \velfare officials in ;the testing of exceptional children. The testing •..progrnm includes audiometric (hearing) testing, speech defect ., detection, administration of StanfordBinet mental tests, achievement, personality and vocational interest tests. Inquiries about this service should be directed to Dean of the College.
Testing of Pre-School Children. Late each semester, the coun- · seling and guidance staff administers tests to pre-school childreu in the area, to determine if the child is ready for entry into kinder-
garten before the age of five, as prescribed by law. The tests are given in county seats in the area and at the College by appointment. Further information may be received by writing the Dean of the College.
Well Child Conference. Any child, from six months to six years of age, regardless of residence, whose parents will bring the child for regularly-scheduled examinations, is eligible to attend the Well Child Conference conducted on the Peru State Colle g e campus . The clinic is held the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Conducted by the College in cooperation with the State Department of Health, the conference is one of . the first in the nation to be used as a trainin g center for student teachers. The fact that Peru State student teachers assist with its operation has brought observers from health and educational institutions throughout the nation to study the 'setup. Details of the program may be obtained by writing Well Child Conference, Peru State College.
Identificatio'n of Science Specimens. The science faculty aids the public in the identification of plants, animals and geological specimens brought or sent to the college laboratories.
Film and Record Service. An educational film and record library is maintained by the College for the use of schools, civic and educational groups in the area as well as the College. More than 210 films and 100 record albums are available to these groups. A catalog of available records and films may be obtained by writing to the director of audio-visual services.
Play Loan Service. A lending library of plays suitable for production by teen-age groups i§ available to area teachers who direct high school plays. The Language Arts Division, which handles the service, also will counsel directors in selecting the production most suitable for a given group. Problems concerning costuming, make-up, lighting and sound effe cts may be directed to this service. A free descriptive catalog listin g the more than 800 plays in the library will be sent on request. The borrowing school is asked to pay postage both ways. Requests should be d l rected to the Division of Language Arts.
Conferences and Clinics. Nearly every month during the academic year, the College is host to various conferences and clinics for high school and adult education groups. The College offers its facilities to these groups in an effort to make the institution serve the educational needs of the entire community which the College serves. In recent years music clinics for high school choral groups, bands an,d. indiyidual instrumentalists; clinics ' in speech and dramatics; c·onferences and meetings of fraternal and civic groups, women's socia l and educational organizations, the Rural Youth of America organization, and special interest groups, such as swimming pool operators, have been held on the campus. The students from the State School for the Blind at Nebraska City make regular use of the College swimming pool and other recreational facilities in the Gymnasium.
Students seeking admission to the College should write to the Registrar for official forms. The forms include the Application for Admission to be prepared by the student and the uniform Nebraska Transcript of High School Record form to be completed in duplicate by the high school principal. These completed forms shou ld be returned well in advance of the time of registration to facilitate arrangements before the student arrives .
. Full Admission. High school graduates may receive full admission to freshman standing with a minimum of :j.60 high school semester hours (16 units) from a four-year high Bchool and the recommendation of the high school principal or superintendent. Although no specific distribution of entrance units is necessary, it is recommended that at least half of the units earned represent work in English, foreign language, mathematics, natural science and social studies.
Conditional Admission. Students who have 150 high school semester hours (15 units) or the equivalent for high school graduation, are admitted to freshman standing on condition that .their work proves satisfactory during the first year in college. Appropriate college courses may be recommended in fields where the student is deficient upon admission. Mature individuals who are not high school graduates, who are otherwise prepared and recommended for college work, may be admitted as special students. A college aptitude test and the GED (General Education Development) tests are administered in judging the individual's qu;:llification for admission. ·
Advanced Standing. This implies attainment beyond the minimum for admission to the Colle ge . Thi s status may be acquired by, (1) presenting work completed in another college; (2) demonstrating proficiency in a certain field, thus removing the requirement of certain prerequisites. The latter may be with or without credit.
Applicants for admiss ion from other colleges must, in addition to submitting the formal application, request the last college to send an official transcript and evidence of dismissal in good standing. StudfIJ.ts s~eking admission while under probation at the last college attended will, if accepted, be placed on probation for one semester 'and subject to all policies of probation in this college.
A maximum of 66 semester hours applicab le toward a de.... gree based on 125 hours, will be accepted from applicants transferring from a junior college. ·
A veteran of the armed forces who has. received an honorable discharge from active duty will be granted credit for his military experiences in accordance with the recommendations of the American Council on Education.
An example of the personal interest shown each student at Peru is found in the College's cooperation with officials of the Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation Program for the physically handicapped. The program helps those' handicapped persons over 16 years of age to become more economically sufficient. It provides necessary financial aid for further training, counseling, job placement and follow-up help.
On the Peru campus, faculty members of the Department of Health and Physical Education, and other college officials work closely with the vocational rehabilitation personnel, particularly concerning the referral of needy students to them for assistance.
An orientation program is planned for all freshmen and other new students enterin g the College each fall. The program gives the stud.ent an opportunity to become acquainted with the College, me~t faculty members and classmates, g et information and - other help from advisors and attend social functions. Each en~ terin g fr es hman receives a booklet containing a schedule of orientation events. It is important that all freshmen arrive on time, follow the schedule closely and attend all functions. No one may register as an under g raduate unless the required physic a l examination, ' a pt i tude and placement tests are completed.
A re g ular schedule for Freshmen Orient a tion is held. Such topics are considered as , 'How to Study', 'Personality', 'Social Graces', 'Philosophy and Values', ' Marria g ~', and others which: are desi g ned to assist the be g inning student in, adjustment to colle g e life. Attendance is required.
Each freshman is assigned a faculty counselor at the be g inning of the school year . This faculty counselor is available to assist the student any time during the year. Counselors are especially helpful in aiding the student in defining goals to be reached in college, giving information regarding appropriate curriculums and courses, and _ discussin g any personal problem that the student may have. ' ' . • . ,
Regular Session. An eight-week summer session is held after the close of the re g ular school year and a two-week post session follows. (See calendar for dates). Courses are g iven in mo-st departments. Since freshman courses are offered, it is possible for a hi g h school graduate to enter college at 26
the beginning of the summer term. The maximum number of credits that can be earned during the regular summer session is nine. After one semester or its equivalent in summer sessions, a student may register for one additional hour in a semester or summer session, if he has a grade point average of 7.00 on all previous work or for work done the previous semester. · Courses of special interest to teachers also are offered. Some of these courses are not obtainable during the regular school year. Copies of the summer school catalog may be secured from the Registrar or the Department of Special Services.
Post Session. A post session is available for those students who wish to earn more than nine hours of credit during the summer period or those who may be able to attend only a short time. ·A maximum of three semester hours of credit may be earned in the two-week post session. The courses offered are determined by the demand of the people interested.
Graduate Program. A graduate program is offered only during the summer session. A student may qualify for a Master of Science in Education or a Master of Arts in Education. The program of studies includes elementary education; secondary education; public school administration and supervision; and psychology and guidance. Details of the graduate program are described in the catalog of graduate study. Further information may be obtained by writing the Dean ·of the College.
Correspondence study (extension) is offered to a limite d extent . for employed individuals who cannot conveniently avail themselves of resident study facilities. However, it is recommended that a student should ·first have established a satisfactory record for a semester or more in resident study before planning correspondence study. Not more than one-eighth of the total hours required for a diploma or a degree may be earned by correspondence Regular day students carrying a full load cannot be approved for correspondence study at the same time. For bulletin on course offerings and more complete information write to the Office of the Registrar.
College credit is expressed in terms of the "semester hour", which represents the satisfactory completion of three hours of work per week for ·one semester (18 weeks). The work may include any type of ;::ictivity prescribed in the course-classroom work, preparation, laboratory or shop work, etc.
Students having earned less than 26 semester hours of credit are classified as freshmen; 26 to 55 hours as sophomores; 56 to 87 hours as juniors; and 88 to 125 hours as seniors. Degree students earning additional undergraduate credit as classified as post graduate students.
Students enrolling in the Colle g e , reg ister for courses correspondin g to their classification (freshman, sophomore, etc.) unless advised to do otherwise. Courses numbered 1-99 are unclassified and open to all students. Courses numbered 100-199 are for freshmen; 200-299 for sophomores; 300-399 f9r juniors; 400-499 for seniors; 400G-499G for . graduates and seniors; 500-599 for g raduates. Upper division students, in courses denoted by dual numbers (i.e., Ed. 201/301) are automat i cally required to do the work 'for the higher number.
Maximum number of hours credit which may be earned by a freshm a n durin g the first full semester is 17 ; nine is the load limit for a freshman in a summer session. After one semester (or its equivalent in summer sessions) a student may re g ister for one a dditional hour in a semester or in a summer session, if he has obtained a 7.00 grade point avera g e on all previous work done in the Colle g e, or for work done the previous semester.
Departmental Assistants are positions open to students in their field of concentration. Generally these positions are intended for students who will enter graduate study directly upon graduation from Peru.
As a n Assist a nt , the student assists with preparation; administration and evaluation of tests in lower division classes; and assists with various other classro o m a ctivities which will g ive him first hand experience.
The position of Departmental Assistant carries no hours pf credit. However, the experience is recognized by being placed upon the student's permanent record and becoming a part thereof.
Students are expected to attend classes re g ularly , a rrive punctually and do all a ssigned work in each class. The student ag rees to this when he registers for a course. Attendance is a privile g e a nd a responsibility represented not only by the student's investment bu t a lso by a considerable investment of the State.
Whenever the a bsences of a student reach the point of being detrimental to the stud e nt's s tanding in a class, the instructor will report same to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students will hold a conference with the instructor and the student at which time it will be determined .whether or not the student will be allowed to continue in the class.
Instructors are under . no obligations to allow students to make up work for absences for which there are no valid reasons.
To be assured of the privilege of making up work missed, the student should confer with the instructor prior· to the absence or be sure that the reason for the absence will qualify for an excuse. Furthermore, the student can demonstrate an interest in his classes and a responsibility for his attendance by advising the instructors of his illness or other emergency which prevent his attendance. No student is expected to attend classes when he is ill; particularly, if the illness is a communicable disease.
The Dean of Students handles class and convocation attendance records, issuing excuseq or unexcused absences as policies dictate. Excused absences are granted for these reasons: (1) illness, (2) transportation difficulties, (3) college-sponsored activities, (4) illness in immediate family, (5) funerals, (6) serviceconnected . orders, e. g., reporting for physical examinations. Students are expected to notify their instructors and the Dean of Students of anticipated absences. Illness permits from the college nurse or physician ·are presented directly to the Pean of Students. ·
Convocation ·is held approximately every other Wednesday. The Wednesday morning schedule is shortene.d allowing a convocation period of forty minutes from 9: 30 to 10: 10. The College officials believe there to be benefits from such meetings which may otherwise be omitted from the students' college life. The programs are educational, inform·ative, and otherwise serve to ·promote spirit, loyalty, and increase the students' acquaintance in the college community. It is for these reasons that attendance is required.
A minimum of 30 hours of resident credit earned in the College is required for the issuance of a 2-year diploma or a degree. ' Twenty-four of the last 30 hours of work for a degree and 12 of the last 15 for a two-year diploma must be earned in residence at the College.
A nine point grading system · is employed to evaluate the qual~ty of the student's achievement.
Grading as to progress permitting credit:
Marking to designate failure and other irregularities:
1 or F Failing-Below 60 %
X Incomplete
WP Authorized withdrawalpassing work at time
WF Authorized withdrawalfailing work at time
The grades in numbers as above indicate the value of each semester hour of credit and also become the means for calculating the student's grade point average (GPA) to ' compare with prevailing scholarship standards. Students are urged to calculate their own GPA from time to time and realize their own status. The following two examples will be valuable in understanding the calculations:
GPA= 117---,-16 = 7.31
(This GPA at close of term rates distinction.)
*When credit is ungraded, it is not included in divisor for GPA
GPA= 37---,-15 = 2.47
(This GPA subjects the students to Probation.) ·
*This effects a lower GPA since credit value is part of divisor.
If WP the credit value is not used.
Incomplete (X) work may be completed and cleared through the instructor to earn a passing mark, and this must be done within the next semester of full-time enrollment or the record will show 1 or F (Failing).
The Personnel and Scholarshij::> Committee follows the educational progress of all students, provides assistance and encouragement, and makes recommendation on the disposition of unusual cases. Grades are reviewed at the ,end of each nineweek period. Freshmen students who at the end of either the first or second semester, have a grade point average of less than 3. 00 for the minimum 12-hour load are placed on scholastic probation the following semester . Students above freshman classification having a grade point average of less than 3.50 at the end of any semester are likewise placed on scholastic probation.
Probation. At the close of a semester when final reports are in the Registrar's Offi ce from all instructors, scholastic probation is placed over those students who have not reached the min. imum GPA as above on their classification. This probation applies to the following semester and the student may not enroll for more than '15 hours. During this semester on probation it is hoped that he will maintain a GPA of 3.00 or 3.50 and higher as to his cl a ssification to re.,s~or e, him to good standing. In case he fails to meet the required GPA during the semester, he may be su:;;pended for one semester or for an indefinite period by the Personnel and Scholarship Committee. When a student is readmitted after a period of suspension, he must show satisfactory progress or the next suspension becorr:ies permanent A transfer
student, whose record reveals dismissal or probation as to another institution, may be admitted on probation for a semester and be limited to a 15-hour registration wherein he must show a GPA of 3.00 or 3.50 as to his classification in order to continue in good standing.
Teacher Preparation. In addition to employing counseling procedures to guard against unproductive educational programs, the College maintains fixed minimum standards of scholarship for teacher-preparation curriculums : For admission to the teacher-preparation curriculum the student's record at the time must show a GPA of 5.00, or the equivalent, if trans~er grades must be considered.
Graduation. To qualify for graduation, the student's cumulative record on all graded hours in the College must show a GPA of 4.00 or higher. As to the student's fields of concentration approved for the de g ree, he must have a GPA of 5.00 on each field of concentration with no grade below 4.00.
Students, who by reason of experience and/or personal improvement, may qualify for credit in courses through the procedure of an interview and a written examination. The student must, through an interview, satisfy a faculty committee that ·he has had a formal or informal experience whereby the course content may have been acquired. If the committee feels the .above conditions have been met, the student will be given a written comprehensive examination .
The amount of credit to b ~ allowed; the course for which substitution, if any, is made; and the particular graduatiton requirements which may be satisfied, will be determined by the div1sibn head and his committee; in addition to bein g subject to all g eneral graduation requirements.
The student must register for the course and pay the tuition char g es before writing the examinations.
A student may and is urged to repeat any course in which he has failed. When such repeat course is p a ssed, the new r e cord cancels the first record and honor points are duly adjusted to affect the GPA. If a student's grade is below the minimum required in a course for . his field of concentration, he may repe a t the course and the hi g her grade with honor points will be used . There may also be occasions when a student chooses to repeat a course pur e ly for review, to be , taken on a n audit basi;;;, without a chan g e of g rade.
A limited number of honors courses are available for those students who meet the scholastic requirements. Further details m a y be obtained from th e respective division heads.
High standards of personal, ethical, and moral conduct are expected of all students on the campus and elsewhere. A student may be dismissed at any time for misconduct of such a nature as to be prejutj.icial to the College. In event of such dismissal; fees will not be refunded.
When a student finds it necessary to add and/or drop courses following his registration, he should make his request known in the Registrar's Office. A form for a change in registration, which is available in the Registrar's Office, is prepared to show the change and is submitted by the student to his counselor for approval. After the first five days of classes a fee of $1.00 must be paid in connection with the change. Adding a new class is not permitted after two weeks of classes and in cases of withdra,wal after this time, the student's record will show either WP (withdrew passing) or WF (withdrew failing). Unless a student clears officially for each course dropped, his record will show "F", failure in the course.
, When a student must cancel his registration and withdraw from the College, he should submit his request in writing on a form available in the Registrar's Office. The student then presents this request to the Dean of the College, Dean of Students, Librarian, counselor, instructors, and others to whom he has been responsible . Finally, his status is dete~mined and payment is made in the Business Office. His record of withdrawal is then filed in the Registrar's Offke.
The Dean's Honor Roll. At the end of each semester and summer session the Dean's honor roll will be compiled. Full-time students with a grade average of at least 7.25 will earn honors 'with distinction' and those with a grade point average of 8.00 or above will earn honors 'with high distinction.'
Graduation with Honors. To be eligible for graduation honors, a bachelor's degree candidate must meet the same grade point average requirements as for the Dean's honor roll. The work of eight semesters or the equivalent will be considered in the grade po i nt average . No student will be considered for honors who has earned less than 60 hours in this College.
Alpha Mu Omega Freshman Award. Each year Alpha Mu Omega, honorary mathematics fraternity, presents an award to a member of the freshman class for excellence in mathematics.
A. V. Larson Award. The A. V. Larson Award is presented annually to the Peruvian staff member who is voted most outstanding in his contributions to the y~•arbook. The award is named for a2
one of the College's former faculty members who is now retired .
B. E. Swenson, Jr., Athletic Award. The Swenson Award was established in 1925 by Bert E . and Stella Swenson in memory of their son, B. E., Jr., and their parents who made possible their early education at Peru. Juniors and seniors are eligible and no student shall receive the award more than once. Basis for judging: 100 points. General-Character and personality, 15; Scholarship, 15; Loyalty to school traditions, 20. Athletics-Must receive school letter in at least two different sports, including either major or minor sports and the two letters need not be earned in any one year, 50 points.
Dramatics Club Awards. The Dramatic Club Awards are made each year to the senior man and senior woman who have contributed most to dramatics during the four years in the College.
Kappa Delta Pi Educational Award. The Beta Mu chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary educational fraternity, annually presents a suitable award to the freshman whose scholarship and professional attitude are outstanding.
Louise Mears Geographical Medal. Miss Louise Mears, a former Peru State College faculty member, has established a med al to be awarded for achievement in geography The medal is awarded ea·ch year to the upperclassman who contributes the most outstanding origina! investigation of some phase of Nemaha County geography. The medal award carries with it a grant to cover the expense of the manuscript . A copy of the research material js filed with the Smte Historical Library and the Ne maha County Library.
Neal S. Gomon Award. The Neal S. Gamon Award is presented annually to the Ped agog ian staff member who is voted most outstanding in his contributions to the paper . The award is named for the Colle ge president, once sponsor ?f the Peda gog ian.
Sigma Tau Delta Freshman Medal. The Freshm a n medal award of Sigma Tau Delta, national honorary profession a l Engli sh fraternity, is presented to the author of the best written contribution submitted in a contest for freshmen. The type of writing is designated ea ch year by the fraternity.
Each student may request and receive at any time one free tr anscr ipt of his academic record. If a nd when the student gradu ates and is applying for a teachin g certificate where a complete transcript is required therewith, one transcript for this purpos e is also free. Hence , an additional transcript costs $1.25 or if two or more are requested at the same time, the fee is $1.25 for th e first a nd $1.00 for each additional copy No transcript will be issued if the student has not met all financial obligations to the College.
All fees must be paid at the time of registration. No provisions are made whatever for extending credit.
No individual may enroll in any class, take examinations or enroll for a succeeding semester until all fees, rents or other financial obli g ations to the College h a ve been paid.
Within two weeks after th e clos e of the school year, the Business Office will issue refund checks to eligible students . Claims for these refunds must be approved by Housemothers, Instructors or desi g nated Deans, after breakage and/or damage have . been listed and deducted.
Students who are registered for at least 12 semester hours during any semester or who · are registered for at least six semester hours during a summer session will be issued budget tickets for campus activities.
A consolidated single fee for all students has been in effect at the College since June 1, 1953.
.... $ 5.00 (Paid but once by each student upon registering in the college for the first time. This fee is a pre-requis ite to registration . This fee is non-refundable unless collected in error.)
Note: All fees are subject to change by action of the Board of Education of State Normal Schools at any time.
The consolidated fee includes all charges of applied music necessary to meet the minimum requirements of a field of concentration in music. Private lessons in excess of the minimum requirements are not included in the consolidated fee. Music students are entitled to one or two lessons per week depending upon the extent of concentration in music.
(All meals Monday through Friday except as fo-Jlows : No evening meal October 26, no meals October 27 and 28. No evening meal November 23, no meals November 24 and 25. No evening meal December 21, rio meals from December 22 until breakfast January 4, 1961. No evening meal January 20. No evening meal March 30, no meals March 31 through April 4. No evening meal May 26.)
All rates apply when two or more students occupy a room For single occup• ancy, when available, add $100.00 per semester. Room and board charges are payable at time of registration. By special arrangement with the Dean of Business Affairs, the student may pay one-fourth at time of registration, and the remainder in three payments by October 10, November 10, and December 10, dur. ing the first semester For the second semester the student may pay one-fourth at time of registration and the remainder in three payments by February 25, March 25, and April 25. Deferred payments are to be met promptly. Students failing to make payments by dates indicated will be required to move from the dormitory and meal tickets will be cancelled until payment is made. Interim cash meal payments will not be ' r'efunde'd.
Summer Session
Board and Room (5•day week) 8-week session
(All meals Monday through Friday)
Post Session
Board and Room (7-day week) 2•week session
(All meals except Sunday breakfast)
$120.00 ..... $ 55.00
All rates apply when two or three students occupy a room. For single occupancy, when available, add $45.00 for re g ular session and $11.00 for post session. Board and room fees are due and payable at time of registration. There is no deferred payment plan for summer or post sessions.
Note: Board and room charges are subject to change at the beginning of any semester or summer session
A deposit of $20.00 must accompany reservations. Full refund of deposits will be made at the end of the academic year and summer session less deduction for misuse of dormitory property If cancellation occurs prior to two weeks before the opening of the session, the student receives full refund. During the two week period all but $5.00 is refunded. On the opening date or thereafter no refund will be made .
Fee Refunds
Proportionate refunds will be made to students withdrawing from the College within a given period The matriculation and Student Union fees will not be refunded unless collected in error. The following schedule will be followed in refunding the registration fee:
The same percentages apply to night class student refunds as in the case of semester students.
Refund of board and room will be made if a student must withdraw from school. In case of such withdrawal, the student will be required to pay charges to the end of the week in which the withdrawal is made. In case of illness, refund of board only will be made providing the stude nt has missed no less than ten (10) consecutive school days of meals. Adjustments for students who are off-campus as a part of their professional semester will be made on an individual basis. Refunds will be made only for reasons as listed above. Refund will be prorated in accordance with unused portion. The $20.00 deposit is refundable in full providing the room and equipll).ent a11e left in good condition.
College operated housing for married students is rented on a monthly basis. The $20.00 deposit payable in advance is refundable when the unit is vacated providing the unit and equipment are left in good condition. Rentals are collected on a monthly basis and refunds will not be made if a withdrawal from a unit occurs during .the month.
The consolidated single fee plan, plus the college-operated residence halls and the low-c o st food service at . P er u State Coll ege, mak es a college education financially possible for most young people.
Th e single ($90.00 for res i dent or $140.00 for non-resident) fee each semester covers admission to all college activities, health care, yearbook and school paper subscriptions, and all tuition and fees, including private music, art, or speech lessons that are required in a curriculum. A matriculation fee of $5 is paid only one time-at the first registration at the college.
Estimate for One Year (Resident)
A number of part-time job opportunities are available to students attending the Colle g e . Many students are hired each semester to help with the oper a tion and upkeep of the College and are placed in jobs in offices, the cafeteria, student union, heating plant, shops, and grounds ma i ntenance. A limited number of jobs also are available off-campus. Students who plan to earn a considerable portion of their expenses should expect to take less than a full class load . A student should have sufficient f unds available to meet initial expenses and afford some margin for emergencies. Application for part-time student employment should be directed to the Dean of Students. ·
The class of 1913 established what is known as the Student Loan Fund ·with an initial gift of $50 . Contributions by other graduating classes, the Nebraska State P. E. 0. in 1929, and interest accumulations have increased the fund until it now totals approximately $3.500.
Loan applications are received and acted upon by a faculty committee headed by the Dean of Students. Prompt paym e nt is necessary in order that help may be given to as many college students as possible. Teachers in service or persons wishing to attend other colleges are not eli g ible for the fund.
In order to receive the approval of the committee, the applicant for a loan must show (1) that he is enrolled in the College, (2) that he is planning to teach, (3) that he is in need of the money, and (4) that he is unable to secure it elsewhere. The borrowing student must present a note signed by himself and a financially responsible co-maker. A reasonable interest charge is made. Application should be made to the Dean of Students.
The Peru Branch of the American Association of University Women in 1959 gave the Anna Irwin Fund, established in memory of Miss Irwin, firs:t treasurer of local A.A.U,.W., to the Student Loan Fund to administer. ·
Established in 1946 by Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lindstrom in memory of their daugh t'e'r; Miss Harriett Louise, this $300 loan fund i s administered by the ·sponsor and a committee from the Eta Chapter of Epsilon Pi Tau, honorary Industrial Arts fraternity. The fund is available for loans to worthy students of senior standing who have a field of concentration in i ndustrial arts . All loans must be repaid within one year after graduation. Interest: 4 % . Apply to the Dean of Students.
Established in 1943 by Miss Ruth Crone in memory of her :mother, Willie Ethel Crone, this $200 loan fund is administered ·-by the student loan and scholarship committee. All loans must be repaid within one year after the student le aves school. Applicants must have junior standing or above. They must be de:serving, industrious, of good mind and good character, and must ·be making some helpful contribution toward campus affairs, i.e., having served or be serving in one major or two minor college organization offices. Interest: 3 % from date of note; 6 % after maturity. Apply to the Dean of Stude.nts.
Board of Education for State Normal Schools Scholarships. Four-year scholarships valued at $360 are granted to the graduating seniors of Nebraska high schools. The scholarships are granted on the basis of one scholarship for each school with fifty or fewer graduating seniors. Schools with l arger classes of graduating seniors are granted scholarships on the basis of one schol- · arship for each fifty seniors or major fraction thereof. Two-year scho larships valued at $180 are granted to graduates of Nebraska Junior Colle ge s on the same basis qf number as above. All schol. arships are granted by the Board of Education of State Normal Schools. Recipients of these grants must rank in the upper 25 % of their graduating class. Selection of the scholarship winner is left to the discretion of the sup ~rintendent of principal and the board of education of the hi g h school.
The scholarsh ip entitles the holder to exemption from fees in any one of the four Nebrask a State T eachers Colleges in the amount not to exceed $45 each semester for not more than eight semesters for high school grad uate s and not to exceed $45 each semester for not more than four semesters for junior college grad uat es. Fee exemptions for the scholarship holder shall not exceed $26 for -a regular term of summer school. The scholarship will not be honored unless presented within two years after high school g raduation and may be withdrawn for misconduct or fai lure in any subject. Should the holder fail during any year to maintain a grade up to the medium grade of his class·, the scholarship will be withdrawn. I ~ the st.udent drops out of school for more than one calendar year, the scholarship expires, unless the interruption is due to the illriess ~f the student or a member of his family, or unless the student i s called into the armed forces.
Pearl A. Kenton Foreign Language Scholarship. Established by Miss Alice Kenton in memory of her sister, Miss Pearl A. Kenton, associate professor of foreign languages from 1924 to 40
1944, this grant provides for an annual award of $50 to an outstanding student in the foreign language department.
Nebraska Congress of Parents and Teachers Scholarships. Scholarships are g ranted by the Nebraska Con gre ss of Parents and Teachers to full-time students of the Nebraska State Teachers Colleges who are Nebraska residents training to become elementary teachers. In order to be eligible for these scholarships-which vary in number with available funds-the student must be enrolled in either two-, or four-year teachin g curriculums, have a pleasing personality, have hi g h moral a nd social standards, and show an aptitude for teach i n g .
Peru Achievement Foundation Scholarships. During the 195960 academic ye a r, contributions by alumni and friends of the College made possible the g rantin g of five $100 one-year scholars hips and the renewal for the fourth year of a $480 four-year gra nt.
These foundation scholarships are granted in various amounts and for varied periods of time. Students interested in foundation scholarships should apply to the Dean of Students.
Other Scholarships. During the 1959-60 academic year, individuals, g roups, service and professional organizations, and businesses have provided funds for scholarships administered through the Peru Achievement Foundation. The following provided g rants: Fletcher Neal Memorial, Otoe Food Products Co. of Nebr as ka Ci ty, Ak-Sar-Ben, Bank of Peru, Women's Division of the Nebraska City Chamber of Commerce, Nebraska City Rotary Club, Nebraska City Eagles , Nebraska City Chamber of Commerce, Auburn Chamber of Commerce, Auburn Kiwanis Club, Matilda Evans Memorial a nd an anonymous donor
The College has as its const a nt g oal the best possible adaptation of its educational opportunities to the interest, needs, and abilities of each individual student. The performance of this service to the student is under the dire ction of the Director of Guidance.
A faculty counselor conversant with the student's m a jor interests is assigned to aid with this particular problem. Students needing advice before the opening of the college year are invited to arran g e a conference with the Director of Guidance or the Registrar of the Colle g e by definite appointment . The student needing personal or vocational counseling may see at any time his faculty counselor , Dean or Associate Dean of Students, Director of Guidance, or other members of the staff who are especially qualified.
All requests for information concerning living accommodations and requests for room res,ervations in one of the residence halls should be directed to either the Dean of Students (men) or the Associate Dean of Students (women). Students in Women's resident halls havin g radios in their rooms must use transformers since the electric current is 200 volt, A.C. Schedule of room and board rates is listed in the :financial Information Section.
Residence Halls. The college residence halls offer attractive living accommodations near the classrooms and library. Halls are maintained for both men and women students.
Preference will be given to freshman and sophomore students, both men and women, in college residence halls except those living with parents or guardians. Freshman and sophomore students working for board and room in Peru homes may live offcampus only with the written permission of the Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students. Special provision will be made for married students and students 25 years or older. Upperclassmen may occupy rooms in dormitories when available. Applications for quarters will be honored in order of receipt.
Women-Eliza Mor g.~n Hall for women is under the supervision of the Associate D ~an of Students. Two or three students occupy a room. All rooms are arranged as combination sleeping and study rooms. Residents must furnish bed linen, blankets, towels , dresser scarves and curtains.
Men-Delzell Hall provides facilities for the men of the College . It is under the supervision of the Dean of Students. All
rooms are arranged as combination sl~eping and study rooms. Two or three students occupy a room. Residents of the hall furnbh bed linen, blankets and towels
Other Housing Acccommodations. Lists of sleeping ahd light housekeeping rooms available in private homes off-campus are maintained by the Dean of Students. These accommodations are approved and supervised by the College. Students may not live in housing other than that approved by the College. (This includes students working for board, or living with relatives other than parents or guardians).
Married Student Housing. Housing units for married couples are available in Oak Hill as described on page 19. A $20.00 deposit is required on each unit. This deposit is refundable at the end of the rental period providing the property is left in good condition.
Dining Services. The air-conditioned college dining room is located in Mount Vernon Hall and is open to all students. The Bob Inn Snack Bar, located in Mount Vernon Hall, is open for lunches and snacks at stated hours. Students who do not live in the residence halls may purchase meals at a nominal rate.
Dress. It is not the intent of the college staff or any member thereof to dictate or to inspect the clothes worn by students. However, it is the opinion of the staff and the Student Senate that there is an obligation to advise students as to appropriate dress. Appropriateness of dress does not require expensive clothes. The essential requirements are that the clothing be clean, not torn and reasonably well fitted.
For women students, skirts and sweaters or blouses and dresses are appropriate for the classroom and cafeteria. Sport and dress shirts and slacks or trousers are appropriate for men students in . classroom and cafeteria. T-shirts, sweat-shirts and jeans are appropriate in certain classes such as gym and shop.
Special occasions-receptions, church, parties, dances, teas and dates-are naturally dress-up occasions. More informal attire is appropriate at the proper time and place.
Students are reminded that as one dresses is a cue as to what he thinks of himself and a cue as to what others think of him. The importance you give to yourself will be reflected in your manner of dress. ·
Required Health Examination. In order to safeguard students who may have unknown physical weaknesses and in order to protect the college community, all students are required to take a
health examination at the time of matriculation. A student's registration is not completed until the examination has been taken.
Failure to report for the physical examination at the appointed time, unless arrangements are made for .another appointment, may result in exclusion from class until the examination is completed. A fee of $5.00 will be charged for special examinations. Students participating in physical activities such as football. basketball, baseball, track, swimming and tennis must be certified as physically fit by the college physician at the beginning of the activity.
Health Care. The Student Health Service receives a portion of :the consolidated fee that is paid by each student. From this fee, the student receives infirmary care , X-ray, diathermy treatment and certain medicines. The type of service available is decided by the college health committee and the college physician, and may not exceed an established maximum.
Special prescriptions, glasses and routine dentistry are not covered by the infirmary fee . The College's responsibility for medical expenses is limited to the general services by the college physician and college nurse and care in the infirmary. The College does not accept responsibility for special consultant, · special nursing and specialized treatment. Students who have served in the armed forces of the United States will receive no treatment for illness arising in whole or in part from such service. Care and treatment in sflch cases will be limited to the same responsibilities as to the non-veteran student. The health committee and the college physician will make all final decisions as to what expenses will be met by the College.
Realizing the great importance of speech to every student and particularly to prospective teachers, a speech clinic is maintained by the College. Students may take advantage of this service by personal applicat : on or referral by the Guidance office. Students making use of the facility will receive diagnosis and treatment according to their needs.
In like manner the College realizes the importance of good reading habits in securing an education. Therefore, a reading clinic is maintained. The p r ogram of the clinic will consist of corrective reading, developmenta:l reading and speed reading activities . Reading-study skills will be stressed.
Private instruction is available in art, music and speech. Music students will receive private instruction without charge, 44
in relation to their field of concentration. Other students will pay rate per lesson as listed in Financial Information section of catalog.
Throughout the school year concerts, plays, lectures and recitals are presented at the College by students, faculty mem ... bers and professional artists. Student-planned and student-directed productions, which give the participants valuable experience, are an important part of the College entertainment schedule.
Besides recreational facilities of the College embraced in an intramural program for both men and women, Peru's location in the rolling wooded hills offers opportunities for hikes and outings. The nearness of the Missouri River makes the College an ideal place for the nimrod and angler . Laura Neal Memorial Park, a few blocks south of the c'ampus, is the scene of many student , faculty and alumni meetings. Other parks in the area where Peruvians gather are Coryell Park near Brock, the city parks at Auburn and Nebraska City, and the Arbor Lodg~ State Park, also in Nebraska City. The summer months :rind many Peru Staters enjoying the outdoor municipal swimming pools in Auburn and Nebraska City. · · · ,,
. The social season at the College centers arounµ);five events -Homecoming, Thanks givi ng, Christmas, Valentine Day and May Fete-when all-college dances are given . Oth~r social activities are sponsored by various student organizations. These groups give dances, teas, parties , receptions and picnics for their members and guests. F ac ulty organizations include the faculty womens' club and a branch of the American Asso,q.fa tion of University Women.
Th e STUDENT SENATE, a representative organization of the student body, serves to coordina te the efforts of the students a nd faculty members for the best interests of the Colle ge . It s membership includes 12 st ud e nts-two elected from each of the four cla sses and four elec t ed from the student body at l a r ge Th e Senate provides student rep'resentation on certain colle ge committees, supports college-wide activities and sponsors Homecoming and the May Fete. To be eligible for membership, students must maintain a sufficiently hi g h scholastic reeord · irt ·addition to possessing high qualities of citizenship, character.'i: find i leadership. . ·. ·,,,:.. ;;Jz Hr;,
SENIOR, JUNIOR, SOPHOMORE AND FRESHMAN classes are considered definite organizations. Each class is assisted with their activities by a member of the faculty who acts as sponsor during the school year
DELZELL HALL DORM COUNCIL AND WOMEN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION are representative councils selected by the residents of the men's and women's residence halls, respectively. The governing bodies of the halls handle problems and plan social activities for the residents.
BUSINESS EDUCATION CLUB, open to students enrolled in either business administration or business education, promotes a better understanding of business practices. The seminar-type programs include business leaders who speak on techniques and problems in office procedure.
The DRAMATIC CLUB, one of the state's oldest dramatic organizations, throughout its existence has endeavored to present to the College community the best in drama. Members are selected on the basis of interest, ab ility and quality of work from students helping in any way with Dramatic Club productions.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLUB is open to all students who study foreign languages. Generally they are all members of the club. The origins of the club go back to the German Club organized by Professor E. A. Witten~ck in 1909. Through the years this organization, under the guidance of Dr. Selma Koenig, developed into what is now known as the Foreign Language Club. The aim of the club i s to give to the students and the instructqr an opportunity to become more acquainted with one another, to ·speak the languages, to show films of foreign countries, to sing songs in different l anguages and to have an hour of social fellowship with one another One language group is usually in charge of the meeting.
HOME ECONOMICS CLUB. Young women interested in home economics are eligible for membership in the Home Economics Club. This organization offers opportunities for development of personality and for stimulp.tion of interest in homemaking and the professional field . It is affiliated with the N ational Home Economics Association. '
INDUSTRIAL ARTS CLUB is devoted to promoting interest in the Industrial Arts and Vocational Education Affiliated with the American Industrial Arts Association, the organization's members receive the national publication, "The Industrial Arts Teacher," published five times yearly. Membership is open to all students.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CLUB. Students interested in internation a l a ffairs a re e li g ible for m e mbership in the Int e rnational R e lati ons Club . Mat e ri a l s for study are furnish e d by the Carne g ie Endowment for Int e rnation a l Peace.
SOCIAL COUNCIL. The m e mbership of this group is made up of the Student Senate and the presidents of all student or g an iz ations on campus. The function of the council is to plan and c oordinat e the s o cial activities .
STUDENT ' EDUCATION ASSOCIATION OF NEBRASKA is a n organization for potential teachers. It is affiliated with the Nebraska State Teachers A s soci a tion a nd is devoted to the improvement of education in the United States. Membership is restricted to those students who have been accepted into the tea c her education curriculum.
VETERANS CLUB. The Peru St a te Veterans Org a niz a tion is open to all male a nd female veter a ns: of a ny of the military services released under honorable conditions. It is organiz e d to encourage veterans of the area to choose Peru St a te as th e ir College, to act as a service club and to produce a more varied social life on campus In addition it provides information to veterans on current laws or benefits which affect them as veterans
In September of 1956, the chapters of the Young Men's Christian Association and the Young Women's Christi a n Association·, along with the Student Fellowship Club, were combined into one religious club which is now known as the Student Chri stian Fellowship. This group includes Methodist, Christian , Baptist and other denqminations.
Other religious clubs serve the interests of Peru State students . These include: Lutheran Club (Missouri Synod); Lutheran Students Association (United Lutheran); Newman Club (C a tholic).
Th e PERU CHORUS, open to all students, is devoted to the s tudy and performance of g ood chor a l literature. One s e rn e st e r hour credit may be earned by chorus members by re g ist e rin g for Music 19, Chorus.' • · ·
The COLLEGE ORCHESTRA is open to all stud e nt s who play instruments. M e mbers may e a rn one semester h our credit by re g i s terin g for Music 20 , Orch e str a
• · The BAND is primarily a marchin g or g anization durin g fo otball season. Durin g the rem a inder of the school year th e conc er t
band presents concerts both on- and off-campus. Members may earn one semester hour credit by registering for Music 21, Band.
ORGAN INSTRUCTION. A Connsonata Organ is available in the College Auditorium and in the Music Hall for recitals, practice purposes and various college functions. The purchase of the organs was made possible in part through a contribution from the Peru Alumni Association.
The addition of organ instruction to the college curriculum was a most important step in the rapidly growing department of Fine Arts.
The MUSIC CLUB, an affiliate of the Nebraska Music Educators Association and the Music Educators National Conference, is open to students interested in music. The threefold membership of the club gives the students the advantages of a professional relationship as future music teachers. The club annually sponsors instrumental and vocal clinics and various musical productions, which give its members excell'ent training for handling such events as teachers of music.
The "P" CLUB membership is made up of Peru State College men who have lettered in any inter-collegiate sport. The fostering of good sportsmanship is the club's purpose.
The WOMEN'S ATHLETIC f..SSOCIATION is open to women students interested in women's physical education. The group's activities are directed by the Director of physical education for _ women.
The BLUE DEVILS, men's pep organization, was organized in 1946 to stimulate interest in not only athletic but also other student events. The group honors the football and basketball squads and their coaches with banquets following each season. Second semester freshmen or above may pledge membership into the organization. In cooperation with the White Angels, women's pep organization, the Blue Devils purchase varsity aw 0 rds and provide scholarships with the revenue from the concessions at athletic events.
The WHITE ANGEL~, wQ.men's pep organization, was organized in 1948 to promote 'good sportsmanship and school spirit on the campus. Only women with a grade point average of 5 are eligible. A branch club, the CHERUBS, sponsored by the White Angels, was organized in 1958 for the same purpose except that all women on the camp us are eligible for membership.
ALPHA MU OMEGA , h on or a ry mathem a tics fraternity, aims t o dev e lope a nd promote int e r e st in the study of mathematics. Students who h a ve or are currently enrolled in analytical geometry with above avera g e g rades in m a thematics are eligible for membership. The monthly meeting s, planned and conducted under student leadership, include investigations of subjects of mathematical interest not presented in the classroom. The fraternity is officially recognized a s a branch of the National Council of Mathematics Teachers .
EPSILON PI TAU is a national honorary professional industrial arts education and vocational education fraternity. It has as its purpose to reco g nize the place of skill, to promote social efficiency, to foster, counsel and rew a rd research in the fields of interest. Members are selected from students of junior or senior standing who have a g rade point average of 6.75 in the industrial arts and an average grade of 4, in other fields.
KAPPA DELTA PI, national honorary edµcation fraternity, is open to men and women of junior standin g ranking in th e upper one-fourth of the class and who show evidence of a continued interest in the field of education . The organization promot e s the hi g hest educational ideals and professional spirit amon g its members.
PHI ALPHA THETA , n a tional honor a ry history fraternity, is open to those of hi g h scho l astic standing who have more than twelve hours of history . It is dedicated to the promotion of scholarship a nd professional spirit in the field of history.
SIGMA TAU DELTA, n a tional honorary professional English fraternity, promotes the mastery of written expression, encourages worthwhile readin g and fosters a spirit of fellowship a mon g students specializin g in the En g lish lan g u ag e or literature. Membership, open to students concentratin g in Engli s h with hi g h scholastic standin g , requires students to do some creative writin g .
BETA BETA BETA, profe ssional honorary biolo g y fra.t e rnity , is open to juniors and seniors whos e field of conc entration is biolo g ical science. Candidates for membership must be a bove a vera g e in scholarship a nd must pl a n to make biology th e ir permanent interest . The fraternity promotes the study of biolo g ic a l problems and creates, ;m inter es t in the field 0£ biology as a profession.
WHO'S WHO Among Students in American Univ e rsiti e s and Colle g es annually determines the number of students who m a y be selected from students with senior standing in the College. Th e se honorees are selected by a committee of students and fac-
ulty on the basis of scholarship; leadership and participation in academic and extracurricular activities; citizenship and service to the Colle ge; and promise of future usefulness in business and society.
THE PEDAGOGIAN, student newspaper, is edited and pub -· lished by students under the supervision of a sponsor and the Board of Student Publications. It is issued bi-monthly during the school year. The staff is se lected by the faculty advisor with the approval of the Board of Student Publications. The staff is reorganized with the beginning of each semester and summer session. The paper affords an excellent laboratory for students interested in the field of journalism as a profession or for the teacher of journalism.
THE PERUVIAN, student yearbook, is published in the spring each year under the supervision of a faculty sponsor. The yearbook serves as a record of students, personnel of campus organizations and student activities. Managing editor and business mana ge r are elected each spring by the outgoing staff with the approval of the Board of Student Publications. It is customary for assistants from the current year to be elevated to the editorship and business mana ger position the following year. All staff members are approved by the Board of Student .Pub·1ications each fall. ·
The STUDENT HANDBOOK is published in late summer by the Student Senate under the auspices of the Dean of Students. The publication serves as a guide to campus living for all freshmen and other new students.
Alph a Mu Ome ga (honorary m a them a ti c s) .... ... .Lyle McKercher
Beta B e ta Beta (honorary biolo g ical)
Blue D e vils (men's pep)
Bu s ines s Club
Dram a tics ....
Epsilon Pi Tau (honorary indust r ial arts)
Forei g n L a ngua g e Club
H o me Economics Club
Industrial Arts Club
John C . Christ
Albert 0. Brady
Glen Sheely
Lyle McKercher
Hazel Weare
D. Moore
Owen Harlan
Dee V. Jarvis
g e Rath
Ina Sproul Louise Kregel
V. Jarvis
Lest e r Russell
Kapp a Delta Pi. Alma Ashley
Lutheran Club
· Luthe ra n Student Association
Music Educato r s National Conf e r ence
Newm a n Club
Leland T e uscher
Rev . R a thkamp
.. Gilbert Wilson
Zycmund Rydz
''P' ' Club Jack McIntire
Phi Alph a Thet a (honorary hi st ory )
g e Schott enhamel
John Dearth
· Si g m a T a u Delta (honorary En g lish) Ruth Crone
Student Education Association of Nebraska ......
Student Senate
... M. W. Blanton
Harold Johnson
...... Ri c h a rd Holmes
Juanita Br a dley
Stud e nt Chri s tian Fellowship
Max L a n g ham
Darrell Winin g er Veter a ns Club
M W. Blanton
Wh i te Ang els and Cherubs (wom e n's pep) Fri e d a Rowo l dt
Wom e n ' s Athletic A s sociation
Juni o r Cl as s ........
Sophomo r e Cl as s
Fre s hman Cl as s
Eliz a M organ H a ll a nd Mount Vernon H a ll (W o m e n Stud e nt s As 13 oci-a ti on)
Delz e ll H a ll (D orm Council)
The Pedagogian (s tud ent n ews pap er)
g e Schottenh a mel
Fr a n Wheel e r Senior Cl a ss ............................
ert 0. Brady
ohn Dearth
a mes D. Levitt
a nit a Br a dley
P ara di se
r t Lin s ch ei d
ewa rt Lin sc h e id F r es hman Han d book Ha rold Borass
The Peruvian (yearbook )
The' College is supported by the state of Nebraska for the purpose of meeting the educational needs at the college level of the citizens of the state. Its chief purpose is to prepare men and women to serve in the elementary and secondary schools as teachers and for higher study in preparation as supervisors and administrators. The College also provides a general liberal education, pre-professional education or terminal vocational education.
The instructional programs of the College consist of seven inter-related divisional programs under the captions of:
Division of -Education
Division of Fine Arts
Division of History and Social Science
Division of Health and Physical Education
Division of Language Arts
Division of Practical Arts
Division of Science and Mathematics
To serve the students of the College with referenc e to the -. above programs, the courses offered under the several divisions are organized into curriculums, a term applied to a g roup of courses designed for an individual or for a g roup of individuals having a common purpose. Th e studies offered by the College include four-year professional curriculums in elementary education - and in secondary education; a four-year liberal arts program flexible enough to satisfy a v a riety of interests; and a number of one-year and two-y e ar terminal and pre-professional curriculums.
In g eneral, the various curriculums offered by th e College consist partly of g ener a l e ducation courses and partly of specialized courses. The general educ a tion courses are those set forth and required by all individuals for effective livin g , regardless of their vocations. The specialized courses are those that prepare specifically for teaching or other vocations, or s a tis f y special avocational or cultural interests. -~ · ''iUp on en'follin g , a student must ·choose a ~ocational objective or a field of principal cultural interest. This det e rmines the curriculum that he will foll9v, . and the counselor who will guide him in his educational experiences The choice may be tentative and may be changed later. · '
In general, students will follow the g r a du a tion r e quir e m e nts as outlined in the catalog current at the time of matriculation. Exceptions are as follows: (1) students who se pro g re s s tow a rd
a degree has been irregular or interrupted to a point of five years or more since the date of matriculation will meet the requirements of graduation in the most recent catalog; (2) students for whom a progress sheet has been made and who are making normal progress toward a degree will continue in their original catalog.
Students matriculating on or after September 1957 are required to meet the requirement of two fields of concentration as described on page 57 of this catalog.
The College is authorized by law and rules of the State Board of Education to issue the following degrees and diplomas:
Master of Science in Education (M.S. in Educ.)
Master of Arts in Education (M.A. in Educ.)
Bachelor of Arts in Education (A.B. in Educ.). This degree is given to candidates whose field of concentration is in one of the following divisions: Fine Arts, History and Social · Science or Language Arts.
Bachelor of Music in Education (B. Mus. in Educ.)
Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S. in Educ.) This degree is given to candidates whose field of concentration is in one of the following divisions: Health and Physical Education, Practical Arts, Mathematics and Science, Elementary Education or . Library Education.
Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) This degree is given to candidates without regard to field of concentration and without the professional education requirements.
Two-Year Diploma (Eligibility for Nebraska Junior Elementary Certificate). ·
Students who complete satisfactorily the prescribed courses for the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Science in Education, or the two-year diploma course, are eligible for recommendation for the certificate to which th e curriculum com• pleted entitles them. The office of the Registrar has the necessary information and forms relative to certification in Nebraska and will advise students. The Ne• braska Commissioner of Education, upon receipt of properly executed application, transcript of college record, and recommendation, will issue the Nebraska certificate to which the applicant •is entitl ed. The following is a brief summar y of infor• mation. relative to certificates i,~s.ued t,y the Commissioner of Education in Nebraska:
1. General Elementary Certificate. Requires a minimum of forty semester hours of college credit, including at least eight hours in education of which at least three shall b e observation and participation in supervised teaching or equivalent and the recommendation of the college. Valid for two years in Class I school districts. Renewable up to three times or until requirements have been met for the Junior Elementary Certificate.
2. Junior Elementary Certi'ficate. Requires the completion of the two-year elementary education program and the recommendation of the college. Valid for a three-year term in all schools in kindergarten through gra de eight. Renewable any number of times until the requirements for a degree are completed.
3. Nebraska Elementary Certificate. Requires completion of the bachelor's de gree in education with specialization in elementary education, and the recommendation of the college. Valid for a five-year term in all schools in kindergarten through grade eight. Renewable or converted into perm a nent certificate up·on earning an eight semester hour pattern of ap, proved preparation beyond the degree, being recommended by the College and having three years of successful teaching experience.
4. Nebraska Secondary Certificate. Requires completion of the bachelor's degree in education with specialization in secondary education, 18 semester hours in each of two teaching fields and the recommendation of the col• le ge. Valid for a five -year term in all schools in grades seven through twelve. Renewable upon the presentation of an eight semester hour pattern of college preparation approved by the college and earned since issuance of last certificate . May be converted into permanent certificate upon completing a master's de g ree including six hour s in education, or a 30 semester hour pattern of approved preparation beyond the degree, being recommended by the college offering graduate work, and having three years of successful teaching experience .
5. Nebraska Administrative and Supervisory Certificate. Requires Nebraska Elementary or Secondary Certificate or equivalent, 15 semester hours of' graduate credit with specialization in administration and i or supervision, three years successful teaching ex perience and th e recommendation of a college offering graduate work. Valid for a five-year term in all schools in kindergarten through grade twelve. Renewable with an 8 semester hour pattern of graduate credit or converted into permanent certificate upon completing a master's degree with a concentration in education, specialization in administration and / or supervision, recommendation or approval of college offering graduate work and three years of successful experience as an administrator or supervisor. .
For certification in Iowa the office of the Registrar can also give quite complete information and furnish the application form, but in case of other states the most accurat e advisement is gained by writing the Department of Education in the state concerned.
In addition to requirements cited elS'ewhere in this bulletin relative to certification, the applicant for the Nebraska Secondary School Certificate, "shall have earned at least eighteen semester hours of college credit in each of two or rriore generally recognized subject-matter fields."
The generally recognized fields for Nebraska Secondary School Certification are:
If the candidate does not have 18 sem es ter hours of college credit in each of two or more of the above generally recognized subject-matter fields, but has 18 semester hours of college credit in each of two related subjects such as En g lish and Lit erature; Vocal and Instru mental Music; Chemistry and Physics; or Political Science ' and Geography, then the candidate must have also completed a planned program of general education of not l ess than forty semester hours.
According to Nebraska T eacher Certification laws, the College has the responsibility of recommendin g qualified persons for certificates. This responsibility has been delegated to the Policies Committee and means that this committ e e must pass on the applicant's academic and professional qualific a tions, his character and competence as a teacher. All applicants are hereby advised that by meeting g raduation or short e r term scholastic requirements does not mean that one will be automatically recommended for certification.
In order to facilitate the action of the above committee, it is necessary that all applications be present e d not less than three {3) weeks prior to the end of any term.
The College requires a definite program of genera l education of a ll students. An academic progress sheet is maintained by the counselor and the student as a g uide to the student in reaching his educational objectives. The general education requirements are as follows:
Art 306. Art Appreciation, 2 hr. or Music 311. Music Appreciation, 2 hr . (M usic Students take Music 405-06.)
P.E. 205. Health, 3 hr Select two exercise courses (Excep t 204a, 204b for women) 2 hr.
Language Arts
lEng. 101. English Composition, 3 hr.
Eng. 102. English Composition, 3 hr.
lEng. 204. Introduction to Literature, 3 hr.
Speh. 152. Fundamenta ls of Speech, 3 hr. In addition, English 305, a remedial writing course, will be requir ed Qf, aJl stl!dents who fail to pass the proficiency test given in the second semester of the sophomore year.
(St udents who rank at the 40th percentile, grade 10 or higher, will -be excused from this requirement Several mathematics courses will satisfy this requirement.) Science ------ -------
Select from the following : Biology, Chemistry, EaFth Science, Physics, Biological and Physical Science Surv e y.
For a degree in elementary education : SS 103, 104 and Geog. 101 .... ..... ..... .... .. .. .. .... ...... .. .... .... ...... .. .. ..
For a degree in secondary education: Hist. 201, 202 and Gov't. 201 or Hist 113, 114 and Gov't. 201
For a degree in liberal arts: Hist .
102, 213 and 214 ... ...... .........
lAII students making an unsatisfactory score on the English proficiency exam·ination (given during fre s hman orientation) will be assi g ned to Eng. 101 Lab. in addition to Eng. 101. Students must complete and be excused from Eng. 101 Lab. before en r olling in En g. 102.
Those students who rank above the 95th percentile on the English proficiency examin a t:on mav be excus e d from Eng 101 by permission of the chairman of the Language Arts Division. ·
* Upon the r e commendations of their superintendents, students who have had two years of successful teaching experienc e ~r e required to take four hours of student teachin g .
In addition t o the abo ve, 12 or mor e hour s in each of four academic fields are r eq uired .
In addition to the professional requirements lis ted abov e, a cour s e for two or more hours credit in special method S" of teaching must be earned. These co ur ses a re given by the various academic divisions.
Tota.I Hours. A candidate for a degree must earn 125 semester hours of course credits.
Upper- Level Credit. For the education de g rees the total must include 40 hours
of upper-level credit (300 and 400 series). All 400 courses with a suffix of G carry either graduate or undergraduate credit.
Grade Point Average. A minimum grade average of 4.00 is required for all undergraduate degrees.
Resident Credit. A student who has not been enrolled in on-campus classes within the ten years prior to application for graduation, must earn a minimum of nine hours of on-campus credit in order to qualify for a diploma or degree. The resident credit must be to the extent of 24 hours of the last 30 hours on the degree, and a corresponding proportion thereof as to a two-year diploma. By decision of the State Board of Education, this resident requirement may be waived in cases where any · of the required resident credit is earned in any one of the four Nebraska State Teachers Colleges.
Correspondence and Extensi'on Credit. Not more than one-fourth of the total requirements for a diploma or a degree may be satisfied through correspondence study and exten sion classes, and of this number the correspondence study alone cannot exceed one-eighth of the total hours. While study-center or off-campus classes are considered as extension classes, this colle g e will honor the same as equivalent to the campus evening classes for under-graduate credit and so carry resident credit if the classes are conducted by this college.
Fields of Concentration. Each candidate (except degrees in elementary education) must complete in addition to the general education requirements, two fields of concentration, one of 24 or more hours and another of 32 or more hours.
Application for Degrees. Each candidate upon enrolling for the final course requirements in a semester or term, shall complete an application through the Registrar's Office setting forth the degree, fields of concentration, status as to scholarship, upper-division hours, counselor approval and payment of fee for graduation This application must be completed within the first six weeks of the semester or within the first three weeks of a summer session.
Most professi :mal schools require for entrance two or more years of college credit in ·general education or basi~ 0 liberal arts courses which vary only slightly from one profession to anoth er. Since such work is required for the professional curriculums in training teachers, this College offers a variety of courses that serve as pre-professional education. Suggested among these are those for prospective doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, veterinarians, lawyers, engineers, agriculturi s ts, foresters, morticians, business executives, journalists and others. It is almost impo s sible to list all of the many pre-professional curricula. This does not preclude the availability of other pre-professional courses at Peru State. A student followin g a pre-professional program is urged to secure a bulletin from the institution to which he intends to transfer in order that specific requirements will be met. The following are some pre-professional curriculums.
It should be remembered that there are various programs within agriculture, and therefore the program must be planned to meet later needs. Consult the catalog of the professional school you plan to attend to make certain you meet the pre-agriculture requirements . Grades of Jess than average will generally not transfer to p~ofessional scl;i:o ols
First Semester
Phys. 201 General Physics
Econ. 221 Principles of Speh. 152 Fundamentals of Zoology or Botany
First Semester
Eng. 101 English Composition
Hist. 101 World Civilization to 1500 Math. 101 College Algebra
Gov't. 201 American · Nat ' !. Gov't. Physical Educ a tion
B. E 339 Applied Bus. Math.
First Semester
Eng. 204 Intro. to Literature
B. E. 231 Accounting I Sci. 201 Surv. of Biol. Sci, Econ. 221 Principles of Soc 201 Principles of Physical Education
First Semester Math. 105 Fundamentals of
I. A. 121 Technical Drawing I
I. A. 123 Woodworking I Eng 101 English Composition Chem 101 or 103 Gen. Chemistry Physical Education
Math. 309 Analytical Geometry and Calculus
I. A. 323 Technical Drawing III
201 Gen. Physics
I A. 233 Gen Electricity or approved elective
104 Slide Rule
The requirements for different forestry schools vary. Early in the pre -forestry program the student should cons ult the catalog of the one he plans to apply for entry later. Grades of below aveqige will probably not transfer. The plan below is .quite general. ' ··..
Students interested in the study of law should examine carefully the requirements for admission into the law college to which they expect to transfer Some law colleges requir e the baccalaureate degree for admission, some require three years of general college, and others require only two years for admission.
The following program of studies is designed to meet the above various requirements. Following the completion of three years at Peru and the successful completion of one year in an accredited law college, a student may be awarded the B. A. de gree.
The pre-medical student should plan to become a candidate for the liberal arts degree with a general science major. He is. also advised to sample all the humanities and obtain a well rounded program. Only superior students may hope to be accepted by medical schools, Personality and reputation a.re important factors which may be more significant than merely meeting minimum requirements. Few candidates are accepted without the B.A. degree What is said regard-
ing pre-medicine is also true with pre-dental programs except that the B.A. degree at present is not an absolute prerequisite. Below is a suggested program for both programs, but the student is advised to secure a catalog from the professional school he expects to attend, as individual schools vary in requirements. Admission tests are required of all applicants, and are administered by the Educational Testin g Service at least one· year before application is made.
First Semester Biol. 101 Plant Biolo gy Chem. 101 or 103 Geri. Chemistry Eng 101 Eng. Composition Math 105 Fundamentals of First Semester
203 Invertabrate Zoology Phy s. 201 Gen. Phy s ic s
101 Elementary German
Make app li cat i cn . to medical sc ho ol early in the yea r. Comp l ete req ui rements for degree k e eping in mind cour s es which rebte to cult.ure, p e rsonality development, l eader s hip, and other personal qualities.
First Semeste r Math. 105 Fundamentals of
101 or 103 Gen. Chem.
303 Organic Chem.'''
B. E. 231 Accounting I Music 311 Music Appreciation
Speh. 254 Public Speaking
113 u. s. Hi st. to 1865
*Alternati n g w ith Chem i stry 205 a!ld 206.
204 Ve rtebrat e Zoology*'''
30 1 Bacteriology**
**Given second semester 1959-6Q .,and alternate years.
Suggested e l ect i ves: B.E. 436 Bn s ii1ess Law; P .E. 312 K in esio lo gy and Anatomy; Chem 403 Physiologica l Chemi s try; Gov' t. ?Ol~ Amerka. n N.ationa l _Government; _Gov' t. 202 American State and Loral Government; Hist. 114 U S. History s 111 ce 1865; Bio log y 406 Embryology; B .E. 133 I ntroduction to Busbrnss.
Some Colle g es of Nursing require two years (60 semester hours) of pre-nursing, others require less. Students following a pre-nursing curriculum · should know the requirements of the particular School of Nursin g to which they will transfer. 60
The program below, based on two semesters and one summer, will meet the requirements to enter the University of Nebraska Sthool of Nursin g.
This program is based upon 60 hours of basic the following: science and must include at least
Restricted electives from - the followin g areas: business, econ omic s, English, fine arts, foreign langua ges, history, philosophy, psychology and speech. Examine the catalog of .the college you expect to attend.
Stud e nts who are un able to at tend college four years or more and wish to prepare for vocations requiring less time in preparat\-on will find a variety of educational opportunities in this College. Ther e are increasing opportunities today for youn g people in the occupational area classified as semi-professional. Examples of these are Me dical T ec hnolo gy and X-Ray Technolo gy which are de sc ribed below A st ud ent interest e d in an occupation in the above classification s hould know th e requirements of the particular professional or technical schoo l to whic h he will transfer. It will th en be possible for a counselor to assist him in making a parallel program of the required formal college courses.
To qualify for admission to a College of Technology, students are· required to earn 60 semester hours of college credit. Th e program for the first two years as outlined below m eets the above requirement. Also, a student may wish to qu alify for a degree in which case he s hould follow the suggested pro gra m for the third year. This, however, should be approved and cleared with the Registr a r before following a degre e pro gra m.
The following course is recommended for students who may wish to be X-Ray Technicians and · also earn a Bachelor of Science degree. Upon completion of the . program suggested below, the student may transfer to a College of Radiology.
*Prerequisite : B.E. 131 Shorthand 1 or two semesters high sc hool s hor t hand or equiva l ent. **Prerequ i site: B.E. 121 Typing I o r eq uiYalent.
elect i
B.E. 839, B.E. 236.
B. E. 131 Shorthand I*
B. E. 220 Typing IP'' or
B. E. 121 Typing I
B. E. 13 3 Intro. to Business
B. E. 231 Accounting I
*Prerequisite: B E. 131 Shorthand I or two semesters high school shorthand or eqnivalent, **Prerequisite: B.E. 121 Ty pi ng I or two serne sters high school typ ewr iting or equivalent. Other
With the assistance of counselprs, students also may elect courses which will prepare them in one or two years for the following fields of work :
1. All students who desire to be recommended for a teacher's certificate must make application for admission to the teacher education curriculum.
2. All two-year teacher candidates will apply for admission to the teacher education curriculum before the end of the first nine weeks of the second semester of their freshman year; four-year teacher candidates will make application before the end of the second semester of their sophomore year.
3. Applications should be filed in the office of the Chairman, Committee on Admission to the Teacher Education Curriculum.
4. Each applicant for admission into teacher education curriculum will be evaluated as a prospective teacher. The evaluation of the candidate will be made in terms of health, emotional stability, intellectual vigor, · personality and character traits. The evalu at ion will include tests, references, scholastic records and personal interviews. A grade point average of 5 .00 or better is essential for admission.
5. Each applicant will be required to appear before the committee on Admission to the Teacher Educ a tion Curriculum. The Com,mittee will accept the c and idate, accept him conditionaily, or recommend that he follow some other curriculum more suitable to his tal e nts and abilities. ·
6. Only students who have been accepted into the teacher education curriculum will be eligible for practice teaching or recommended for a teaching certificate . .
To be eligible for assignment to student teaching certa~n requirements must be met by the applicant. Th ese are as follows:
1. The student must have been accepted into the teacher education curriculum and hav~ completed the necessary prerequisites in professional education.
2. The student must have earned a grade point average of at least 5.00 on all college work attempted, and have earned a grade of 5.00 or better in each course which is applied to a field of concentration, and be in good standing.
3. The student in both the two-year and four-year c urriculums must present evidence that he will have sufficient credits for the two-year diploma or degree, respectively, one calendar year from the date of the first assignment to student teaching.
4. He must obtain approval from his counselor, the Chairman of the Personn el and Scholarship Committee, the Heads of the Divi sions of his teaching fields, and the Director of Student Teaching.
5. Student teaching at Peru is done in a full-time "block". Student teachers in the elementary school devote nine weeks to teaching one or more grades. Secondary school student teachers spend ~ix weeks fullt : me in teaching high school classes. Student teaching is done both in the Campus School and in approved off-campus schools.
6. Upon the recommendation of their superintendents, students who have had two years of successful teaching experience are required to take four hours of student teaching.
A faculty enactm e nt o n Decemb e r 1, 1958, authorized the establishment of a p ~an to be known as a Professional Semester for prospective teachers at the secondary school level. The plan is to be in e f fect, starting in September 1960. It is imperative that the program 0£ studi e s for all junior and sophomore students in secondary education be made with the greatest care and consideration for the time that these students: will be in the Professional Semester of their senior year. Courses in the Professional Semester are fo be taken only in the senior year.
The intent of this p l an is to strengthen the program of teacher education and to place the coll e ge in a better position to meet the demands of a further increasing enrollment.
A student enrolled in the Professional Semester Plan will study in the followin g courses:
(Adjustments will be made in the board a nd room charges for the period the student teacher is off-campus.)
The first nine w e eks of the semester consists of intensive course work and pre-student teachin g experienc es. The following six weeks will be devoted to full-time student teaching in one of the cooperating schools. The final three weeks of t he semester will be spent on-campus and will consist of an evaluation and remedial phase.
Maryon Adams
Alma, Ashley
Harold Bora.as
Juanita Bradley
Faye Brandt
Ruth S. Brown
Lillian Christ
Mary Cla.rke
B. A, Eddy
Don ald Foss
Faith Friest
Genevieve Gergen
Gladys Grush
Dorothy Iversen
Harold Johnson
Max Langham
Frank Masek
Frieda Rowoldt
Glen Sheely
Geraldine Straw
, Lyle Strom
Darrell Wininger
The Division of Education has as its major function the preparation of the best possible teachers for Nebraska elementary and secondary schools. Readiness to teach is conditioned by a variety of factors. One of the most important of these factors is provided by the other divisions of the College, i. e., mastery of the subject matter to be taught. Other important factors, although of interest to au divisions of the College, are primarily the responsibility of the Division of Education. Among these are :
1. Understanding of human growth and development.
2. A knowledge of the development of educational thought and practice in a democratic society.
3. Good mental health and rational behavior.
4. Awareness by the teacher candidate of his own problems, the way in which these problems affect his pupils, and how he can adapt his behavior to minimize the negative consequences of these problems.
5. Sensitivity to factors which influence learning.
6. Sufficient poise and self-confidence for classroom leadership.
7. Skill in cooperation.
8. Professional attitude.
9. Knowledge and ability to apply basic principles of learning in the classroom.
Students comp l eting the suggested curriculums will, with the recommendation of the school, qualify for certification to teach in the schools of Nebraska and in other states
The following teacher education programs are offered: Four-Y ear Program in Elementary Education. Two-Year Program in Elementary Education. Four-Year Program in Secondary Education.
Four-Year Program in Elementary Education
In addition to the professional and academic requirements listed in the program, each student must satisfy the general degree requirements; must earn twelve or more hours in each of · at least four academic fields which they will teach in the elementary school; aritl - mus't demonstrate proficiency in the use of audio-visual machines.
Upon completion of the four-year curriculum, the student will earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Education, and upon recommendation of the College, the Nebraska Elementary Certificate.
Student teaching in this program is to be done in a nine-week block during
the sevent h or eighth semester. The first nine weeks be spe nt on courses in methods and m anage m ent while seco nd nine weeks will be devot e d to st udent teaching.
of the se m es ter will the entire time of the
Upon completion of this curri culum, the student will earn a two-year diploma, a nd if r eco mmended by the College, the Nebraska Junior Elementary Certificate. Students will be admitted to this curriculum in their freshman year.
Education 305-306, Elementary School Meth9ds and Management Is organized· In the following units:
Education 305: 5 hours.
Unit I-Reading and other Language Arts.
Unit II-Social Studies and Language Arts.
Education 306: 5 hours.
Unit III-Mathematics and Science . Unit IV-Management
These units are scheduled as follows:
Student teaching in this curriculu m is to be done in a nine-week block Student teachers have the opportunity to devote the nine weeks to teaching one or m ore grades in an elementary school during their third or fourth semester. To make this experience possib l e, second year students are divided into two groups, namely: groups A and B. The program for Group A is as follows: first nine weeks, metho d s; second nine weeks, student teaching; th ird and fourth nine weeks, academic and professional courses. The program for Group B is: first nine weeks, academic an d professional co u rses; 'second' nine weeks, methods; third nine weeks, stu dent teaching; and fourth nine weeks, academic and professional courses. Group C is reserved for four-year st u dents and transfer students.
Recommended Electives: At least 8 hours of e l ectives to be chosen from the following: Art 101, Art 204 or Industrial Arts 112, Music 201, Ed u cation 203, Business Education 105, Home Ee. 101 or 102, or Education 103, which is required of stu d ents preparing for kindergarten teaching
The pro gram below is to be taken by students entering the four-year curriculum in September 1960.
In addition to the professional and academic requirements listed in the program, each student must satisfy the general degree requirements and complete the requirements for two teaching fields. Requirements are listed under the s ev e ral divisions. A minimum of twenty-four hours must be earned in one teaching field and a minimum of 32 credit hours must be earned in another teaching field.
Upon the completion of the four-year curriculum, the student will earn a Bachelor of Arts in Education or Bachelor of Science in Education degree and, upon recommendation of the College , the Nebraska Secondary School Certificate
All students who intend to be certified as secondary teachers are cautioned that the courses in the Professional Semester are integrated with student teaching and should not be taken· in · pre vi ous semesters.
Although educational psychology and guidance is not a teaching field, a sequence of courses is offered for those wishing to prepare for personnel work in the public schools. In addition to completing the work required for the fouryear program in elementary or secondary education, the student must follow a pattern of work chosen with the assistance of his counselor . Nineteen hours are
suggested for a sequence of courses in educational psychology and guidance as follows:
Six hours of electives may be taken from the following courses:
A field of concentration in library science is offered for those wishing to prepare for teacher-librarians in public schools. Twenty-four hours are required.
Admini stration of School Libraries Principl es of Classification and Cataloging
of th e Library
y Practic e
Lit erature
Kindergarten Education. 2 hr. Second semester and odd summers. Modern methods and study of materials that are used in the kindergarten program.
108. Introduction to Education. 3 hr Each semester and summer. An orientation course in education. It deals primarily with the objectives, principles, history, and comparative aspects of the democratic American scho·ol system.
155. Rural School Methods and Management. 5 hr. Summer only. Methods of teaching the content of our school subjects, as well as the organization and management of a rural school. State courses of study for elementary schools serve as basic guides for the course.
156. Rural School Methods and Management. 5 hr. Summer only. A continuation of Educ. 155
203. Children's Literature. 3 hr. First semester and even summers. A survey of childen's literature tracing the history from earliest times to modern literature. Emphasis on many ways to present literature to children of all ages.
222. Improvement of Instruction in the Soci'al Studies. 3 hr. ·on deman_d. A study center course designed to help teachers improve their social studies teaching. An attempt is • made to relate the course work to the actual teaching of- those who tak~ ~he CQurse.
233. Improvement of Instruction in Reading. 3 hr. On demand. A study center course planned for improving the teaching of reading of teachers in the field. Course work is designed to relate to the actual teaching of those taking the course.
234. Improvement of Instruction in the Communication Arts. 3 hr. On demand. A workshop course planned for improving the teaching of the com-
munication arts of teachers in the field. Course work r e lates to the actual t e aching of tho se t a kin g the course. Emphasis is placed on grammar and spelling
.303. Elementary School Curriculum . 3 hr. First semester, even years, and odd summers . The elementary school curriculum and its place in meeting the needs of childre n Actual experience in planning units of instruction and in examining and evaluating various courses of study and textbooks.
304. High School Methods and Management. 2 hr . Prerequisites: Educ . 108, Psych. 101, 201 and 331. Each semester and summer. The everyday problems confronting the secondary school teacher concerning matters as objectives, professional relationships, routine individual differences, behavior problems, markin g reports and extra-curricular duties
305- Elementary School Methods and Management. 10 hr . Offered each semes306. ter and summ e r . The methods of teaching and the content of elementary school subjects. Twenty hours class attendance and five hours observation each week for nine weeks.
308. Audio-Visual Materials . 2 hr . Each semester and summer. Audio-visual teaching materials, a nd th eir use in th e classroom and school system. Individual trainin g in op eration of motion pictur e, film strip, slide and opaque projectors, and school use of tape record er s, r e cord pla y ers, radio and television.
310. Student Teachrng. 8 hr. Each s e mester. Prerequisites : Psych 101, Educ. 108, 305 and 306. A practical application of principles of learning in the classroom. Pro g ressive induction into full teaching r es ponsibility. Students teach full tim e for nine weeks. Applic a tion for student teaching should be made nine we e ks prior to the openin g of th e s e mest e r in which the student de s ir e s to teach.
310s. Si"udent Teaching Semi'nar for Elementary Teachers. 4 hr. Summer only. Prerequisites: Two ye a rs of s uccessful teachin g experi ence and 45 hours of college work. One of the two years experience must have been durin g the past five years , or two y ears within the past t e n years. This experience must be certified by th e city or county sup e rintendent of schools with whom the candidate has worked This course may b e substituted for four hours of student teaching credit to meet the requirement. Application should be made to the Director of Student Teaching 18 weeks prior to registration.
312. Scout Mastership. 2 hr On demand The r e lationship of the objective of the Boy Scout movement to the problem of adolescence , the techniques of Scouting, and educational principles governin g the methods employed in developing th e Scout pro g ram. National Boy Scout Certificate of Trainin g is issued upon completion
352. Secondary School Curriculum. 3 hr . Second semester , even years . The place of gen e ral e ducation, vocational training, vocation a l education, life adjustment, subject m a tter , core and fusion in curriculum building.
408. Workshop. 1 to 6 hr . Summer only. Work on practical educational problems of special inter e st to the students The individu a l or group is expected to make a writt e n r:e port of his finished project which will be duplicated and ma de availal:>l e to other members of the Workshop.
411. Student Teach ing. 6 hr E a ch s emester. Prer e quisit e: P sy ch. 101 and 201 and Educ. 108 Exp e rience in the application of sound educational theory by actually teachin g students in th e secon d a!"y sc h oo l. Appli ca tion for stud e nt t e achin g should b e made to the Head of Di vi sion of Education 18 weeks prior to the op enin g of se mester in which th e student d esires to teach Student t eachin g will b e done in a profe ss ional s em es ter be g innin g with the fall term , 1960-61.
412. Student Teaching. 1 to 6 hr. Each Semester. Prerequisites: Educ. 108 and 304, Psych. 101, 201 and 331. Elective for a limited number of students who will teach in high school.
424. History and Principles of Education. 3 hr. First semester and summer. Prerequisite: Sentor college standing. The evolution and the development of educational thought and practices with a view toward better understanding of present-day problems in education. Particular attention is given to the development of Am erican education.
426. Principles of Elementary Education. 3 hr On demand Prerequisites: Psych. 101, 201 and 331 , Educ. 108, 305 and 306. A critical summary of previous professionar' courses in elementary education .
450G. Seminar in Education for Visually Handicapped. 3 to 6 hr. On demand. Philosophy, pro g rams, methods and materials in the education of the visually handicapp e d; causes and effects of blindness; curriculum development; use of resources; evaluation and other problems of or ga nization and mana ge ment.
101. Human Growth and Development/Child Psychology. 3 hr. Each semester and summer. Principles of human growth and development with consideration given to the basic philosophy underlying effective teaching.
201- Educational Psychology, 3 hr Each semester and summer. Prerequisites:
301. Psych. 101 and Educ. 108. Personality and the learning process . The principles of psychology applied to educational practice .
121- General Psychology. 3 hr Second semester, even years, and odd sum321. mers. Basic explanations of why human beings act as they do-to individual problems of effective study, learning and maturation, motivation, perception , emotional control and pers·onality development.
331. Educational Measurements. 2 hr. Prerequisites: Educ. 108, Psych. 101 and 201. Each semester and summer. Tests with experience in constructing, administering, interpreting and m a kin g us e of various evaluative devices
421G. Mental Health Hygiene in Education, 3 hr. First semester, odd yea.rs, and even summers. Prerequisites : Psych. 101 and 331. Home, school, and community factors in the hygienic adjustment of individuals.
431G. Psychology of Exceptional Children. 3 hr. Second semester, even years, and odd summers. Prerequisite: Psych. 101 and 331. A survey course covering the types, characteristics, problems and needs of children who are in some way exceptional.
432G. Principles and Practices of Guidance. 3 hr. First semester and even s ummers. Prerequisites: Psych. 101 and 201. A general overview of the total guidance program. Principles and techniques employed in establishing and maintaining an effective guidance program are emphasized.
437G. Techniques of Counseling. 2 hr. Second semester and odd summers, Various techniques ,of counseling and experience in using these techniques.
439G. Administration of a Guidance Program. 2 hr. On demand. Prerequisite: Psych . 331. This course includes the setting up of a guidance program and the selecting and dir'e'cfing of the guidance personnel.
The following courses are offered to prepare students to become teacherlibrarians in !)Ublic schools.
313 . Administration of School Libraries. 3 hr. First semester, odd years, and 72
even summers. Priniciples and procedures involved in the administration of elementary and secondary school libraries
314. Principles of Classification and Cataloging. 3 hr First semester, even years , and odd summers. ClassificaUon according to the Dewey Decimal System and the use of Sear's List of Subject Headings, A. L. A . Cataloging Rules and Library of Congress Rules for Descri ptive Cataloging.
315. Library Materials and Their Use. 3 hr. Second semester, even years, and odd summers. Includes principles and practices in evaluation, selection and use of the various types of library materials.
415. Organization of the Library. 3 hr. First semester, odd years and even summers. Prerequisite s: L. Sci. 313 or permission of instructor to take course. A study of the or g anization of library materials, including methods of acquiring, classifyin g, proce ss ing and circulating m ate rials
417. Library Practicum. 4 hr. Each semester and summer. Prerequisites: L. S. 313, 314. A field of concentration for tea cher-librarians with practicum in circulation, technical processes and reference work.
* (The department of Library Science is attached to the Departm e nt of Education.)
The offerings of the Fine Arts Divisi<on include courses in art and music education.
The courses give students an opportunity to learn methods for teaching art, to develop skills and to cultivate an appreciation for art.
Requirements for Field of Comcentration
Freehand Drawing. 3 hr. Each semester and summer. Landscape, still life, figure composition and freehand perspective, using pencil, charcoal, crayon and ink.
Lettering. 2 hr. First semester. Single stroke, Roman and manuscript alphabets, poster design and color study.
General Public School Art. 3 hr. Each semester and summer For teachers of the first eight grades. Review of drawing , painting, design, color, posters, lettering, cutting paper and such crafts as can be used in the elementary grades
202. Water Color Painting. 3 hr. Second semester and summer. Prerequisite: Art 101 or its equivalent A continuation of 101 with compositions in color, u sing opaque and transparent water color.
203. Design, 3 hr First semester. Study of the elements and principles of design and color. Practice in making original designs suited for various craft processes.
204. Crafts. 2 hr . Second semester. Construction and decoration of articles suitable for elementary children. Basketry, weaving, clay work, paper and cardboard construction, book binding and such crafts as can be u sed in an average school room.
221. Prints and Etchings. 1 hr. Second semester. History of the graphic arts of block printing, etching, lithography and silk screen printing. Reading on the techniques of each process followed by the making of prints in three or more of the methods.
300. Pottery. 3 hr. Second semester. Coil, slab, and cast methods for making pottery Decoration by incised, slip painted, engobe and under-painted design. Bisque and glaze firin g of class work is included
305. Methods and Supervision .'• 2 hr .' First semester. Prerequisites: Art 101, 103, and 203 or 204 Study of relation of art education to other school subjects; methods for teaching drawing and crafts in the grades and the planning of art less·ons.
306. Art Appreciation. 2 hr. Each semester . Planned to give some standards of mea surem en t for art. Study of art principles in connection with crafts, painting, sculpture and architecture.
307. Art History. 3 hr. Second semester. Survey of important periods of art history with relation to art of the present time.
310. Clay Modeling. 3 hr. Second semester. Construction of clay models, plaster molds and casts.
311. Advanced Drawi'ng and Painting. 3 hr. First semester. Prerequisites: Art 101, 202 and 203.
312. Oil Painting. 3 hr. By arrangement. Prerequisite: Art 101, 202, 203 and 311. Painting still life, figure and landscape compositions, using several different oil techniques.
421. Prints and Etchings. 1 hr. Second semester. Similar to course 221 with the addition of more advanced problems .
The aim of the music department is to develop skills in performance and to provide the proper background for the teaching of vocal and instrumental music in the schools.
Total Hours
305 may be substituted for 304 .
1 Requirements for the A.B In Education degree.
2 Requirements for the Bachelor of Music in Education degree
Note: All students who elect music as their field of concentration are r e quired to be enrolled in one or more of the ensemble groups each semester. A minimum of one semester in each of the groups-chorus, band and orchestra is required before graduation.
18. Piano Ensemble. 1 hr. Each semester. Two hours attendance.
19. Chorus. 1 hr. Eacb semester and summer. Daily.
20. Orchestra. 1 hr. Ea 6h sem'esfer. Two hours attendance.
21. Band. 1 hr Each semester and summer. Four hours attendance.
101. Theory. 4 hrs. First semester and summer. The building of chords and the harmonizing of melodies up to the erection of the 6-4 chords. Analyzing of familiar songs and keyboard harmony with the emphasis on the listening side. Sight singing and rhythmic dictation.
102. Theory. 4 hrs. Second semester and summer. Prerequisite: Music 101. The use and construction of chords of the seventh and ninth. Originality in melody writing, and a continuation of the listening side.
110. Fundamentals of Music. 3 hrs. Each semester and summer. This course fulfills the requirements in music for one and two-year certifications and is a partial requirement in music for the four-year Elementary Education program.
120. Applied Music. 1-2 hr. Each semester and summer. Private instruction
220. in voice, piano, organ, strings, wood-winds, brass, and percussion. There
320. is no charge for private l e ssons to students within the department. Those
420. outside the department may register for lessons at the rates as indicated on the Financial Information sheet on page 36. Students in the department are required to show a proficiency in piano to meet the demands of their classroom activities. At least one semester of private instruction in voice is required of all students in the department.
203. Theory. 4 hrs First semester and summer. Prerequisites: Music 101 and 102. Modulations and irregular progressions with continued emphasis on the writing of melodies and the analyzing of more complicated songs. Als o, sight singing dictation of two-part harmonies and the recognition of chord progressions.
204. Theory. 4 hrs. Second semester and summer . Prerequisites: Music 101, 102, and 203. Includes elementary composition and counterpoint and the arranging of four to eight parts for voices nad instruments Recognition of more complicated chord progressions and inversions by listening
301. Elementary Music Methods. 3 hr. First semester and summer. A course of specific procedures involved in the teaching of music in grades 1-6, based upon a five-fold program of singing, rhythm, creative activity, listening, and instrumental music, with special emphasis upon promotion of music reading readiness. It is also a s u rvey of the best and most recent materials available in the elementary music field.
302. Secondary School Music Material and Choral Conducting. A survey and study of vocal materials suitable for grades 7-12, including choral conductin g. Registration in the college chorus is a requirement
303 . Strings. 2 hr. First semester, 1960-61 and each alternate year. A knowledge of string instruments with actual playing experience.
304. Wood-winds. 2 hr. Second semester, 1960-61 and each alternate year. A study of wood-wind instruments, with actual playing experience .
.305. Brass and Percussion. 2 hr Second semester, 1960-61. A study of brass and percussion instruments, with actual playing experience.
306. Advanced Counterpoint. 2 hr. Second semester, 1961 -62 and each alternate year. A study of the forms of countrapuntal writ in g in three and four voices.
307. Form and Composition. 2 hr. First semester, 1961 -6 2 and each alternate year. Analytical study of the different forms and styles in music and their application in composition. •
311. Music Appreciation. 2 h~ Each' semester and summer. Various forms and styles of music , ranging from folk song to opera, oratorio and symphony, analyzed and discussed through the use of records.
404. Instrumental Conducting. 2 hr. Second semester. Baton technique for band and orchestra directors and the reading and interpretation of band and orchestral scores
405. History of Music. 3 hr. First semester, 1961-62 and each alternate year. The development of music through the various epochs to the Classical Period.
406. History of Music. 3 hr. Second semester, 1961-62 and each alternate year From the Classical Period to the present time .
407. Advanced Composition and Instrumentation. 3 hr. First semester, 1960-61 and each alternate year. The writing of original compositions, both vocal and instrumental. Arranging for band and orchestra.
408. Piano. 1 hr. Each semester and summer. Classroom procedures in the teaching of piano and the playing of accompaniments and familiar songs.
409. Senior Recital. 1 hr. Required for the Bachelor of Music in Education degree.
The Inter-Collegiate program at Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru is designed, conducted, and administered for the love of the sport, the general welfare of the player, the enjoyment of the student body, and the specific train• ing of the young men who expect to enter the coaching and teaching profession. The main emphasis is in producing better teachers, coaches and citizens to build a stronger nation.
The Health and Physical Education Department attempts to contribute to the education of the college men and women in the following ways:
1. By providing a well rounded program of activities usable by the student in commanding the optimum and maximum function of the body.
2. By the emphasis of sound health habits, the need for sleep, exercise, proper food, rest and relaxat ion.
3. By developing in each student specific neuromuscular skills which will be adequate for pleasure, for relaxation and safety.
4. By providing opportunity for the development of emotional control, perseverance, courage, leadership and loyalty.
5. By providing a laboratory for the development of constructive attit ud es toward play, health, recreation, relaxation, sportsmanship and human relations.
P. E.
* A field of 24 hours may be completed by approval of the Division Head.
Courses of Instruction
1. Folk Dance. See Women's Physical Education.
2. Square Dance and Social · Dance. See Women's Physical Education .
4. Golf. 1 hr. Summer Five hours attendance. Fundamentals of grip, stance and swing . Factors in putting. Each student to furnish own equipment. Membership in Auburn Country Club required. Open to men.
9. Swimming. 1 hr. Each sem e ster and summer Three hours attendance. Aquatic games, life-savin g, diving, crawl stroke, back stroke , side stroke and the methods of teaching swimming.
10. Tennis. Summer. 1 hr. daily Open to m e n Technique and basic strokes, fundamentals of singles and doubles. Each student furnishes racket and balls
101. Natural Program. 1 hr. First semester. Three hours attendance. Activ• ities course. Voll ey ball, speed ball, soccer, boxing, wrestling, tumbling, badminton and playground ball.
102. Natural Program. 1 hr. Second semester. Three hours attendance. Oon• tinuation of Cours e 101.
203. Tumbling. 1 hr. First and second semester. Three hours attendance. Tumbling and stunts, some apparatus work in line with ability of the class.
205. Health. 3 hrs. Each semester and summer. Aims to prepare prospective teachers to contribute to the development of health education and health service programs in schools and communities Includes a study of the function and care of the human body in health and di sease, and the harm• ful effects of stimulants and narcotics. Acquaints the student with instructional materials and equipment and with available loc a l, state and nation· al resource s for health education.
207a. Theory of Football. 3 hr. First semester and summer. Two hours class attendance, two hours lab
207b. Theory of Basketball. 3 hr. First semester and summer. Two hours class attendance, two hours lab
207c. Theory of Track. 3 hr Second semester. Two hours class attendance, two hours lab.
207d. Theory of Baseball. 3 hr. Second se mester. Two hours class attendance, two hours lab .
300. Prevention and Treatment of 1nj uries. 2 hr . Second semester. (Primarily for men.) Nature and causes of injuries incident to the physical activities of children and athletes. Infections, their care and prevention; first-aid treatment for hemorrhages, bruises, strains, sprains, dislocations , frac• tures and use of protective equipment.
301. Principles of Physical Education. 3 hr. First semester. Scope of the field •of physical education and its relation to modern educational theory; history, principles of physical education furnished by the basic sciences and philosophies of physical education. Study of the principles which should govern the instructional, int e rscholastic , intramural, play day and corrective programs.
302. Techniques and Materials of P. E. for Men. 2 hr. First semester. Under• lying principles governing selection and presentati on of materials and ac• tivities in the field of physical education for men.
306. Advanced Theory of Football. 2 hr. Second semester. A,dvanced offensiv e and defensive formations. Scoutin g and strategy. Elective.
309. Org. and Administrath,n of Health and P. E. 2 hr. Second semester. Edu• cationa.l and l egal asp e(! ts; construction and maintenance of the physic a l plant; purchase and care of equipment; budget and finance; intramural and inter-collegiate pro gr ams; health supervision.
310. Principles of Officiating and Interpretation of Rules . 3 hr. First semester Two hours class attendance, two hours of lab. Officiating techniques in football and basketball. Study of rules. Each student ·required to re gister with th e State Activity Association. Elective.
312. Kinesiology and Anatomy. 3 hr. First semester. Study of bones, body movements, muscle action, and joint mechanics in relation to P. E. activities, common postural defects and joint injuries
315. Community Recreation. 3 hr. Second semester. The theory and significance of recreation. Interpretation of functions, objectives, program content, methods of operation and relationship to community recreation Elective.
A Suggested Program For Men
During the second semester of the Junior year, the student will have elected which semester is to be his Professional Semester The content of the Professional Semester may be found on page 64. The semester in which the senior ls not in the Professional Semester will be devoted to the completion of requirements in areas of concentration or in electives.
• A field of 24 hours may be completed by approval of Director of Physical ~~ducation.
Each st udent mu s t furnish her own gy mnl!sium suit and gym s hoes. The student furnishes sw immin g cap and suit. A deposit of $2.00 is required for rental of leot ar d for Modern Da nc e; $1.00 refunded when it is returned.
1. Folk Dance . 1 hr . Second semester. Three hours attendance. Open to both men and women .
2. Square and Social Dante. 1 hr. First semester Three hours attendance. Open to men and women.
3. Modern Dance. 1 hr. Second semester. Three hours atte ndance Fundamental rhythmic techniques and their application in creative dance
6. Sports - Individual. 1 hr Three hours attendance Badminton, archery, paddle tennis , deck tennis and shuffleboard. First se me s ter, 1960-61 and each alternate year
7. Sports Team. 1 hr . Three hour3 attendanc e. Volleyball, basketball, and softball. First semester, 1961-62 and each alternate year
8. Beginning Swimming. 1 hr. Each semester and summer. Fundamental strokes and plain divin g. Three hours attendance.
9. Advanced Swimming. 1 hr. Each semester. Three hour s attendance. Open to women who know how to swim. Perfection of s trokes , diving, and lifesaving. Red Cross Senior Lifesaving Certificates to those who successfully pass the test.
10. Tennis. 1 hr. First quarter, fourth quarter , a nd summer. Technique a nd basic strokes; fundamentals of singles and doubles. Each student furnishes racket and balls
101. P.E. Activities. 1 hr . First semester. Alternate years . Three hours attendance. Body m echanics. Emphasis on posture and efficient use of the body in all movement Tumbling and apparatus.
204a. Physical Education for t.he Elementary Schools . 1 hr First se mester Three hours attendance. Open to men and women Games, stunts, rhythm and dances for grades 1 to 4.
204b. Physical Education for Elementary Schools. 1 hr. Second semester. Three hours attendance Open to men a nd women. Games, stunts, rhythms and dances for grades 5 to 8.
205. Health. (See H. and P. E. Section for Men 205) .
215. First Aid. 2 hr . Second semester 1961-62 and each alternate year. American Red Cross Standard First Aid Course .
301. Principles of P. E.. ·(See H. and P. E. for Men 301).
309. Organi'zation and A'dminstration. (See H. and P E. for Men 309).
310. Techniques and Materials of P. E. for Women. 2 hr Offered alternate years. Second se mester 1960-61. Underlying principles gover ning selection and presentation of materials and activities in the field of P. E. for Wom en
312. Kinesi'ology and Applied Anatomy. (See H and P. E. for Men · 312 ).
During the second se m ester of the junior year, the student will hav e elected which semester is to be his Profe ss ional Semester. Th i content of the Profe ssio nal Semester may be found on page 64. The se mester in which the senior is not in the Prof essio nal Semester will be devoted to the - completion of requirements in Ar eas of Concentration or in electives.
The Division of History and Social Science offers courses in the following subjects: economics, government, history, sociology and composite courses in these areas. The offerings in this division are designed to furnish students the information and techniques requisite for teaching social science in the elementary and secondary schools, to create an understanding of and respect for our democratic way of life, and to develop a capacity for sound scholarship, community leadership and useful citizenship.
Fields of concentration for the A.B. or B.S. in Education or A.B. degrees are offered in geography, history and social science.
Students intending to do graduate work in the s ocial sciences should acquire a reading knowledge of a foreign language, and should plan their ui;idergraduate work with the assistance of their counselors in order to prepare as carefully as possible for such advanced work.
Students who intend to enter a Graduate School of Social Work or the welfare field as a case worker in the State Department of Assistance and Child Welfare should plan to take at least 40 semester hours in social and biological sciences. Distribution of courses should be approximately as follows: Principles of Sociology, at least 6 each in government and economics, and not more than 10 in history.
113. History of the U.S. to 1865. 3 hr. First semester. Discovery and exploration, colonization, the Revolution, and the U. S and its problems until the end of the Civil War.
114. History of the U . S. from 1865. 3 hr Second semester. Reconstruction, the last frontiers, the rise of big business, imperialism, and the role of the U S. in two World Wars and their aftermaths.
201. World Civilization to 1500. 3 hr First semester. The cultural and political growth of m a n from prehistoric times to 1500 A. D.
202. World Civilization Since 1500, 3 hr. Second semester. The rise of European civilization , from the Reformation and the discov e ry of the New World to the present day.
301. Hfstory of Christianity from the Beginning to the End of the Middle Ages. 3 hr. The historical origins of the Christian Church and its development through th e Middle Ages, with emphasis on the formation of Christian institutions and doctrines in history and on the role of the church in the creation of western civilization.
302. History of Christianity from the Reformation to the Present: 3 hr. The historical development of the Christian Churches since th e end of the
Middle Ages, with emphasis o n the formation of Christian institutions and doctrines in history and the roles of the church in the development of the modern world.
310. Survey of English History to 1688. 2 hr. England from pre-Roman times to the Glorious R e volution
311. Survey of English History Since 1688. 2 hr. England from the establishment of parliamentary supremacy to modern times.
312. Survey of Russian History. 2 hr. Political history of Russia from Rurik to the Communist Empire.
325. The American Frontier. 3 hr. The importance of the frontier in American history from colonial times to the 20th Century.
326. History of Colonial Latin America. 3 hr. Discovery, exploration, and colonization of Latin America, with emphasis upon its institutions and culture, and the events leading to its wars of independence
327. History of Independent Latin America. 3 hr. The evolution of the states of modern Latin America following their independence, their political and economic d eve lopment, and their international r ela tions.
333. Economic History of United States. 3 hr. A survey of U. S economic history from colonial times to the present.
401. Greek Hi'story. 2 hr. An examination of the beginning s of civilization and histor y, followed by an analysis of Greek history from Homeric times to the Diadoc hi.
402. Roman History. 2 hr. The political and cultural history of Rome from earliest times to the fall of the Western Empire.
407. Nineteenth Century Europe. 2 hr. From the Congress of Vienna to the alignment of powers that prefaced World War I, with emphasis upon the formation of the German Empire And the unification of Italy.
408. Twentieth Century Europe. 2 hr. The crisis leadin g to World Wars I and II, the outcomes of those wars, the rise of' totalitarianism, and the problems now facing Europe. '
420. American Colonial History. 3 hr Colonial rivalry between the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch in North America; the Revolution, and U . S. history to 1823.
421. The United States in the Nineteenth Century. 3 hr. The U .S. from 1823 through Manifest Destiny and the Civil War down to the War with Spain .
422. The Uni'ted States in, the Twentieth Century. 3 hr . The U. S. in modern times, with emphasis upon the changing social and economic theories of the period , and the internal and exte rnal forces that influenc ed its development.
425 Mexican History Since 1822. 3 hrs . Mexican history in the national period .
458. American Diplomatic History. 3 hr. A survey of the whole field of Amercan diplomatic relations from 1776 to the present.
459. Contemporary International ' , Relations. 2 hr. The present international situation, with emphasis upon nationalism, imperialism, militarism, armaments, foreign policies, and international organizations.
460. History and International Relations of the Far East. 3 hr . Survey of the history of Japan and China to 1842, followed by a more detailed analysis of the history of the two countries since that date, with emphasis upon the importance of th eir international relations .
470. Topics in American History. 1 to 3 hr. Prerequisites : Junior or senior standing, with adequate preparation in the field of American history, and the instructor's permission. Individual instruction in the techniques of historical research, with either extensive readings and reports or a term paper required . Recommended for students contemplatin g graduate work in history.
471. Topics in European History. 1 to 3 hr . Similar to History 470, except that the work is done in European history, and adequate preparation in that field is a prerequisite.
472. Topics in Latin American History. 1 to 3 hr . Similar to History 470, except that the work is done in Latin American history and adequate preparation in that field is a prerequisite.
498. Political and Philosophical Thought. 3 hr . A survey of political and philosophical thought since the age of the Greeks.
499. Historical Research. 3 hr. A course designed to give advanced undergraduate and g raduate students experience in research techniques, and also in writin g original his t-0 rical articles of publi shable quality.
All se quences in geography mu st be a pproved by the instructor. In all geography courses, the materials and techniques of teaching elementary a nd seco ndar y schoo l geography are presented.
Courses of Instruction
Principles of Geography. 3 'hr. First semester An introductory study of the relationship between man and the elements of his natural environment. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory.
Regional Geography. 3 hr. Second semester. An application of geopraphic principles to the interpretation of the interests, policies, and activities of the peoples in significant regions of the world. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory.
General Geology (Physical). 3 hr. First semester. An introduction to the theories of the earth's origin, with the physiography, structure, and history of the earth as revealed in its rocks. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory.
General Geology (Historical). 3 hr. Continental evolution, emphasizing the origin and nature -0f important geologic formations throughout the world, and a survey of the evolution of organisms ancestral to the earth's present flora and fauna. Two hours lecture, three hours laboratory.
Hi sto rical Geography of the United States. 3 hr. First semester. The environment relationships involved in the development of the · American nation, with emphasis , upon , the results of differ e nt environment upon an expanding population '. ·
Geography of Nebraska. 2 hr The relationship betw ee n the natural environment of Nebra s k a a nd its agriculture , industries, and social conditions.
Economic Geography. 3 hr . Second semester. Each year. The occurrence, nature, distribution, utilization , and conservation of mineral and power
resources with an evaluation of the geo,graphic factors affecting land utilization and world trade.
226. Conservation of Natural Resources. 3 hr. An evaluation of the extent of our natural resources and plans for their utilization, with discussions on current problems and projects of conservation
300. Geography of Asia. 3 hr. Second semester. A regional study of the major countries of Asia, with emphasis upon relief, climate, resources, government, and industrial development
302. Regional World Geography. 3 hr. Second semester. Similar to 102, with emphasis upon the selection, or ga niz a tion, and presentation of geographic materials on the various e lementary-grade levels . The use of illustrative geographic units, and techniques in using maps, pictures, graphs, and statistics. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory Research paper required.
304. Meteorology and Climatology. 2 hr. The physical factors influencing the climate, with practice work in interpreting meteorological records and forecasting.
310. Geography of Africa. 2 hr A survey of the continent by geographical regions , especially the problem areas.
311. Geography of Australia. 2 hr. First semester. A study of the geopraphical regions of Au stralia and a survey of the adjacent islands in the Pacific.
312. Economic Geography of North America. 3 hr An interpretive survey of the major natural economic regions of the North American continent.
313. Geography of South America. 3 hr First semester. The ge ographic regions of South America analyzed in their natural, political, and economic settings The economic relations between South America and the United States
401. Graphics and Cartography. 2 hr. Graphic representation of statistical data, the construction and functions of map projections, and the interpretation and utilization of aerial photographs, landscape sketching, and physiographic diagrams.
402, Map Reading and Interpretation. 2 hr. Reading and interpreting correctly the common classroom maps and the United States topography and soil maps. Value of maps as aids to good teaching.
409. Geograp.hy of Europe. 3 hr. First semester. A regional study of the Europ ea n countries, with special attention to the changes and problems brought about by the World Wars.
411. Field Geography. 1 or 2 hr. An intensive course of training in the geographic field methods, and in the direct application of geographic principles to important problems in selected districts Two hours lecture, laboratory by arrang ement.
499. Political Geography. 2 lk Firs t semester. Geography as a factor in the differentiation of political pl;!enomena in various parts of the world. The modern state in relation to its environment, and the interrelationship of nations as a result of their geographical strengths and weaknesses.
503. Special Problems in Geography. 2 hr Designed to provide an opportunity for students to do special advanced work in geography, based upon the individual needs and interests of each student.
504. Philosophy. Literature, and Materials of Geography. 1 or 2 hr. Offered each semester The basic philosophies of geography. The various sources and types of geographic literature, and 'the materials available for teaching in the field.
221. Principles of Economics. 3 hrs. First semester . Elementary concepts with emphasis on money, banking, savings, insurance, production, distribution, taxation , value, price, capital and labor. Practical application of these principles to the problems confronting the American citizen today.
222. Contemporary Economic Problems. 3 hr. Second semester. Analysis of major economic problems re lating to wage and income distribution , money and credit, business cycles, domestic and international trade, and tariffs
Courses of lnstructi'on Gov't.
201. American National Government. 3 hr. First semester The government of the United States, its origins, philosophy, aims, and powers
202. American State an d Local Government. 3 hr. Second semester. The nature and extent of government at the state and local levels, and its contributions to the political life of the nation .
301. Comparative World Governments. 3 hr. On demand. Comparison and contrast of the major world governments, with the major emphasis placed upon the more impqrtant European governments. Attention is also given to other ar e as, p ~iticula ; ly Latin America and the Far East.
401. Research Topics in Government. 1 to 3 hr. On demand Prerequisites: junior or senior standing, with adequate preparation in gov e rnment and history, and the instru ctor's permission. Individual research into a chosen aspect of government or political theory, with either extensive readings and reports or a term paper required.
Courses of Instruct io n
s. s.
103. Social Studies Survey. 3 hr. First semester. An integrated survey course in the social studies designed to stimulate the student's ability to interpret the interrelated problems confronting American institutions and to arrive at his own reasoned conclusions. The history of culture, social change, human rights, the unequal rates of change in technology, in economic life, in family life, in education, in religion, etc., is analyzed.
104. Social Studies Survey. 3 hr Second semester. Objectives are the same as Social Studies 103. Careful scrutiny is made of the changing functions of our institutions as joint interdependent activities. Emphasis is placed on the modern economic order and international relations with their numerous topical subdivisions.
Courses of Instruction
201. Principles of Sociology. 3 hr . First semester. Culture and its relations to specific social problems. The social institutions of American life in relation to population changes, ethnic groups, and major problems of social policy. The social consequences of technological change, and techniques of social contro l in the metropolitan world.
305. Courtship, Marriage and Parenthood. 3 hr. Summers and second semester. Prerequisite: P. E. 205. A study of attitudes, habits, and, ideals which make for wholesome relationships between the sexes and the establishment of a permanent and happy family life.
The Division of Language Arts includes English language and literature, journalism, speech education, and modern languages
The program in English language and literature has five major objectives, as follows: (1) to teach students to use the English language as an effective means of oral and written communication; (2) to assist in cultivating the desire to read literature with understanding and appreciation; (3) to familiarize students with many of the great books th at constitute the literary heritage of mankind; (4) to discover and foster the development of individual literary skills and talents; (5) to provide special direction and instruction for students who are planning to earn a living by following occupations in which literary knowledge and skill will be especially helpful.
'''Not required for the A.B. Degree
It is advisable for students who concentrate in English to supplement the required courses with work in dramatics and debate. They are also encouraged to devot e at least one year's service on the coll ege newspaper or yearbook.
English Composition. 3 hr. First semester and summer. A study of the principles of clear and effective expressi on as applied to the sentence, paragrph, and the whole composition. Constant drills in punctuation, oorrect u s age, and effective expression. Training in organization, and writing of short and long papers. Required course for all freshmen.
(Note: An exception may be made for those students who rank above the 95th percentile in the tests. Such students may be excused from this course by permission of the head of the language arts division)
101. Lab. Remedial English. No credit First semester. 2 hours attendance. This laboratory is designed for freshmen who are unable to make a satisfactory showing in the general proficiency examination. Special instruction is given in the fundamental skills of written English, including a study of basic grammar, sentence elements, punctuation, and spelling. Required for all freshmen deficient in the basic skills of English. 102. English Composition. 3 hr . Second semester and summer . Prerequisite: Eng 101 -: Practice in the use of the forms of discourse, with special emphasis on expositi-on and narration . Specific exercises in vocabulary building, punctlfation, • and mec!hanics, and in rhetorical principles.
204. Introduction to Li'terature. 3 hr. Each semester and summer . The study of literature in its various forms with reading and class discussion of specimens of e ss ay, novel, fable, short story, drama, and poetry. This course seeks to provide an understanding of good literature and to develop discrimination and critical judgment. ·
234. Beginning Journalism . 3 hr. Each semester and summer . A practical course in the writing and editing of news copy, covering minimum essentials. Members of the class do the reporting for the college newspaper, The Pedagogian. A basic course for those interested in journalism as a vocation . Open to those of sophomore standing or above.
235. Newspaper Editing. Credit not to exceed two hours in any se me ster or four hours in the aggregate m ay be allowed to appointed editor or editors of the college newspaper, The Pedagogian.
303. Survey of British Literature. 3 hr . First semester and summer 1960. Selections from s ignificant works of the outstanding British writers from the Old English Period to th e Romantic Period.
304. Survey of British Literature. 3 hr. Second semester and summer 1961. A continuation of English 303, from the Romantic Period to the present time.
305. English Composition. 2 hr. Each semester. A remedial writing course required of all students who fail to pass the proficiency test give n in the fo urth quarter of the sopho more year
306. Modern English Grammer. 2 hr. Second Semester. An advanced st udy of the parts of speech, inflection, syntax, and modern u sage following a basic consideration of phonetics and the hi story of the En glish lan g u age. The course is primarily designed to give some idea of the ass umptions. underlyin g traditional gra mm er, and to account for and explain twentieth century American u sage. Emphasis is placed on the und erstanding of gra m atical terms, definitions, and relationships, rather than on the mere memory of them.
320. Modern Poetry. 2 hr . First semester 1960-61 an d s umm er 1962. A st udy of the movements in British and American poetry of this century and their relevance to contemporary literature and life.
324 Survey of American Literature l! hr. First se mester and summer 1961. A historical survey of the works of significiant American authors from the time of the first Englis h settlements to 1865. Major writers receive chief e mphasis.
325. Survey of American Literature. 2 hr Second semester and summer A continuaUon of English 324 . A historical survey of the most significant American a uthor s from 1865 to the prese nt .
337. Yearbook Editi'ng and Managing. Credit not to exceed two hours in any one semester or four hours in the aggregate may be a llow ed to appointed editors and business managers of the college yearbook, The Peruvian. Students who do not register for credit will h ave a statement of their work submitted to the placem ent bureau to be placed in their official record.
(Note: In the eve nt a student receives credit for the editorsh ip of The Pedagogian and for the editorship or business mana gership of The Peruvian, only a total of six hours in a ny combination will be allowed .)
403. Modern Fiction. 2 hr . Summer 1961 and second semester 1960-61. Prerequisite: senior standin g, A •consideration of fiction from 1865 to the present
405. Teaching English in the High School. 2 hr. On demand. This course is a study of the aims, objectives, and scope of English in the cu rric ulum. Reso urc es such as textbooks, film lists, spec ial equipment, supplies, records, charts, a nd tests are examined and evaluated . Attention is given to special techniques for teaching the subject . Special materials and activities for "slow" and "gifted" students are examined.
417. Shakespeare. 2 hr. Second semester 19~1-62 and summer 1961. A historical and critical study of the plays. Attention as to why they were apt in the sixteenth century and why they are p e rtinent at this time.
435. Advanced Journalism. 3 hr. Second semester. Two hours attendance, two hours laboratory. Prerequisite: Eng. 234. Continuation of practical experience in writing and editing news copy. Special emphasis on techniques in sponsorship of high school publications and school news publicity releases. Major positions on staff of college newspaper, The Pedagogian, filled from membership in this clsas.
440. The Modern Drama. 2 hr. First semester 1961-62. Prerequisite: senior standing Definition and kinds of modern drama. Study of contemporary world drama-scenario, theaters, playwrights, actors. Criticism and review of drama.
450. Great Books. 3 hr. Only on demand.
Speech is a code made up of audible and visible symbols which a person uses to express his thoughts and feelings, communicate his ideas, and adjust to that most fluid and unpredictable part of his environment, other people. In the speech department we try to realize the successful use of the items mentioned in the above definition. Attention is given to the defective , the adequate, and skilled. All phases of speech are covered including correction, interpretation, conversation, individual and conference speaking, and the special fields of drama and debate.
*Substitutions may be made by permission of the division head.
15.2. 254. 255.
Fundamentals of Speech. 3- hr Each semester and summer. The principles of speech. Development of bodily freedom, distinct utterance, and improved oral communication. Includes fundamental processes of speech correction and development with emphasis on the development of excellent speech habits and the diagnosis and treatment of elementary speech defects Required course for all freshmen. ·
Public Speaki'ng. 3 hr Each semester and summer 1962. Training in effective methods of adapting composition and delivery to various types of audiences. A study is made of the forms of address, impelling motives, speech ends, speech organization, composition, and delivery Practice is given in gathering, -. choosi:ng, working, and mastering speech materials . Direct and purposeful conversational delivery for the purpose of communication is stressed'. · •
Elementary Dramatics. 3 hr. First semester. A study and application of principles of dramatic interpretati:on with particular emphasis on personality development; the development of creative imagination; analyzing and playing a part; an intensive training in pantomime, posture, movement, stage business, body control, vocal control, dialogue, and characterization.
258. Debate. 3 hr. First se mester. Basic theory and practice of argumentation, the conventions of debate, parli a mentary procedure, and the analysis of questions.
353. Speech Correction and Development . 3 hr Second seemster and summer. Th e physiological factors involved in oral communication, the genetic basis of speec h, a nd the dev e lopm ent of excellent speec h habit s in the individual. Diagnosis and treatment of speech defects
355. Play Pro d uction. 3 hr. Second se m este r and summer 1962. A course for the director of dramatics in schoo ls and communities. It answers the fundamental questions pertaining to play selection , casting, directing, steps in rehearsal, sce n ery, lighting, costume, m ake -up, and business orga nization.
357. Interpretative Reading. 2 hr. First semester and s ummer 1961. A stu dy of th e harmony of thought and mood as expressed through the medium of the speaki n g voice. An analysis of the proc ess and technique of expression; e mph asis is placed on the finding and projecting of the thought and emotional content on the printed page. Selections from literat ure are st udi ed and presented in class.
359. Advanced Debate. 3 hr. Second se mester. Prerequ isite: Speech 258. Advanced forensic theory and practice; psychology of persuasion, rhetoric of arg umentation , the construction of briefs, analysis of evidence, and judging debate.
360. Play Directing. 3 hr. Second semester 1961-62. Prerequisite : Speech 355. A st udy and application of the theories of play direction.
401. Teaching Speech in the High School. 2 hr. Prer e quisite : senior standing. On dem a nd. In this course we study aims, objectives, a nd scope of speech in the curriculum. Resources such as textbooks, film lists, special equipm ent, s upplies , records, charts, and tests are examined and evaluated.
415. Speech Compostion. 2 hr . Second semester 1961-62. Prerequisite : senior sta ndin g. The speech purpose; tht divi sio ns of th e speech; the vocal use of words; the form of address.
424. Make-up. 2 hr. First semester 1960-61. Instruction and practice in makeup for the stage.
Although foreign language is not prescribed as a requirement in the earning of a de gree in education, students who are anticipating advanced professio nal and graduate study should consider their own needs. Law, m edic ine, engineering, etc., require foreign langu ages and most graduate schools require one or more languages for gra duation. Students are encouraged to take these courses as undergraduates. Students preparin g to work in so me other country should take the langua ge of that country. Through the reading of choice literary work in their original lan gua ge a greater interest in the people who use these lan gua ges is stimulated and better und erstan ding is created The existence of the United Nations m akes this l ast point a necessary consideration.
101. Elementary French. 5 hr First semester Beginners' course. It comprises the fundamental phases in the study of the French language as: grammatical form, pronunciation, vocabulary . Work is done in reading, translation , and conversation.
102. Elem1mtary French. 5 hr Second semester. Prerequisite: Fr 101 or equivalent. This is a continuation of Cours e 101. Here also stress is laid on grammar, syntax, oral drill, and conversation. Easy reading in modern French js given.
201. French Reading and Composition. 3 hr. First semester Prerequisite: one year French or equivalent. The purpose of the course is to give the students a fair reading knowledge of French Grammar and syntax are studied on a wider basis . Stress is put ori free composition, oral retelling and reading passages, and conversations. Material for reading is chosen so as to give the students the best things they can read with enjoyment.
202. French Reading and Composi'tion. 3 hr. Prerequisite: French 201. This course is a continuation of Course 201. It stresses discussion in French of the passages read , conversation, and the ability to write little essays in French freely .
301. Third Year French. 3 hr First semester. On demand. Prerequiste: two years of college French or equivalent. The classical period of the French literature. It comprises chiefly the seventeenth century. Readin gs from Moliere, Corneille, Racine, Descartes, La Fontaine and other representative authors of this epoch of French literature are given. Discussion of these authors, class papers.
302. Third Year French. 3 hr. Second semester. On demand . Prerequisite: French 301. The French novel of the 19th century. Analysis of outstanding authors of French prose of the 19th century Readings of Victor Hu go, Balzac, Flaubert, Daudet, Maupassant Introduction into French Romanticism, Realism and Naturalism. Outstanding readin gs, discussions.
401. Fourth Year French. 2 hr. First semester. On demand. Prerequisite: three years of French . Survey of French lyrical po et ry . Lectures with outside readin gs of outstandin g representatives of French lyrics such as: Lemartine , Victor Hu g o, Alfred de Musset, Alfred de Vi gny, Leconte de Lisle, Baudelaire, and others. Outside readings, discu ss ions.
402. Fourth Year French. 2 hr. Second semester. On demand . Prerequisite : French 401. Survey of the French drama of the 19th and 20th centuries. Outside reading, class paper.
403. Scientific French. 2 hr . On demand. Prerequisite : two years of college French. Readings from selected texts in chemistry, biolo gy, botany, and other sciences. Analyz a tion of words and comparison with English equivalents.
101. Elementary German. ,fj hr • First semester. Beginners' course Stress is placed on the fundamentals in grammar . Students are taught a proper pronunciation and must acquire a basic vocabulary. Emphasis is further placed on translation, oral drill, and conversation.
102. Elementary German. 5 hr Second semester Prerequisite: German 101 or equivalent. This course is a continuation of Course 101. It broadens the knowledge of grammar and syntax, adds more ea sy readin g, and continues with conversation.
202. German Reading and Composition. 3 hr. Second semester. Prerequisite: German 102. This is a continuation of Course 102. Reading of German authors is continued. Grammar and syntax are deepened and concluded
301. Third Year German. 3 hr. First semester. On demand. Prerequisite: two years of college German or the equivalent. Classical period. The course comprises the essentials of the classical period of German literature and includes the study of Lessi ng, Schiller, and Goethe.
302. Third Year German. 3 hr. Second semester. On demand . Prerequisite: German 301. The German novel of 19th century. This is a continuation of Course 301. It introduces the student into the novel of German Romanticism and Realism. Selections from Auerback, Freytag, Raabe, Keller, Storm, C. F Meyer, and Scheffel are read and discus se d
401. Fourth Year German. 2 hr. On demand. Prerequisite: three years of Germ an. Survey of German lyrical poetry. Lectures on German lyrics. beginning with folklor e till the first part of the 20th century. Movements in German lyrics are studied and discussed in their different phases. Outsi de reading.
402. Fourth Year German. 2 hr On d emand. Prerequisite: German 401. Survey of German drama. E specially the drama of the 19th century i s studied in its Romantic, Realistic a nd Naturalistic aspects. Out si de reading. Papers, class discussion
403. Scientific German. 2 hr. On demand. Prerequisite: two years of college German or equivalent. Reading of texts in the field of sciences s uch as chemistry, ph ysics and biology. Study of origin of words a nd comparison with corresponding English expressions.
404. German Literature of the Twentieth Century. 2 hr. On demand . Prerequisite: thre e years of German. A s urvey of the German literature of the 20th century including drama', prose, and lyrics of this period. Reading of a uthors lik e Gerhard Hauptman, R Dehmel, D. Lilienkren, Reiner, Maria Rilke, Thomas Mann, Hans Grimm, E Kelbenheyer, and others.
Two years of Ru ssian, compnsmg 16 semester hour s are give n. The course i s extended over a period of two years.
101. Elementary Russi'an. 5 hr . On demand. Beginners' course . Fundamentals in gra mmar, drill, pronunciation, reading, translation, and conversation.
102. Elementary Russian. 5 hr. On demand. Prerequisite: Russian 101. A continuation of Russian 101. Grammar essentials , translation, and conversation.
201. Russian Reading and Composition. 3 hr. On demand. Prerequisite: ten hour s of college Russian. The purpose of the course is to give the student a fair ability to speak the l ang ua ge, to read, and to compose
202. Russian Readi'ng and Composition. 3 hr. On demand. Prerequisite: thirteen hours of college Ru'ssfan. A continuation of Course 201. Conversation, reading, a nd composing. Reading of Lermentew and Pu schkin
101. Elementary Spanish. 5 hr. First semester 1960-61. Beg inn ers' course Fundamentals of gram mar and pronunciation are studied. Ground work for the acqui sition of a vocabulary is laid. Reading, translation , oral drill, and conversation for beginners
102. Elementary Spanish. 5 hr. Second semester 1960-61. Prerequisite: Spanish 101 or equivalent. This is a continuation of Spanish 101. It widens the grammar, improves pronunciation, aids reading and conversation.
201. Spanish Reading and Composition. 3 hr. First semester. Prerequisite: one year of Spanish or its equivalent. The purpose of this course is to give the student a fair reading knowledge in modern Spanish, but conversation is also stressed. The reading material is chosen so as to make the students become acquainted with the civilization of Spain, Central and South America.
202. Spanish Reading and Composition. 3 hr. Second semester. Prerequisite: Spanish 201. A continuation of' Course 201. The authors to be read are chosen from Spanish, Central and South America.
301. Third Year of Spanish. 3 hr First semester. On demand Prerequisite: two years of Spanish. The classical period of Spanish literature. A synopsis of the study of the picaresque novel and drama of the Golden Age. Intensive reading of Don Quixote of Cervantes , Lazarillo de Tormes and dramas of Lope de Vega, Calderon, and others. Class discussion of these works.
302. Third Year of Spanish. 3 hr . Second semester. On demand . Prerequisite: Spanish 301. The Spanish novel of the 19th century. Continuation of Course 301. A synoptic study of the outstanding figures in the evolution of th e Spanish novel during the 19th century with special attention to Alarcon, Galdos, Valdes, Pereda, and Bla sco Ibanez .
401. Fourth Year of Spanish. 2 hr . On demand . Prerequisite: three years of Spanish. Survey of Spanish lyrics. Lecture s on Spanish lyrics beginning with folklore, through the Golden Age, and Romanticism till the present day .
402 Fourth Year of Spanish. 2 hr. Second semester. On d emand. Prerequisite: Spanish 401. Survey of Spanhfu dram a of the 19th century and 20th century. Based especially on dramatical productions of Perez, Galdos, Los Quinteros, Marquina, Oliver, and others. Discussions, outside readings, and class papers.
I<'rieda Rowoldt
Leste r R u ssell Ina D. Spron l Everett Traylor Haze l Weare Darrell WiningerThe division of Practical Arts embraces three fields-Business Edcuation, Home Economics and Industria l Arts The offerings in these areas are wide and varied yet are of sufficient concentration that further study can be readily made.
The major objective of these areas is to provide the necessary training and preparation for teaching. However, for those who do not desire to teach in these fields, the courses offered will provide opportunities for direct entry into vocational fields and will satisfy ot h er personal or avocationa l interests.
Bu siness Education
The Business Education curric u lu m of the College leads to the Bachelor of Science in ·Education degree which enab l es the student to qualify for the Nebraska Secondary Sc h ool Certificate.
The curriculum may b e modified to meet the requirements for the liberal arts d egree.
A specialized curriculum of one or two years duration is available in t h e de• partment for those students who desire preparation for vocationa l employment.
(See page 62).
•>stud e nts who hav e not had two se me ste rs of high school typing must take B.E. 121 a s a prerequisite.
* *Students who have not had two semesters of high school s horthand must take B.E. 131 as a prerequis ite.
Stu dents earning the Liberal Art s (A.B.) degree may make substitutions for above courses with approval of H ead of Practical Art s Divisi on BU SI NESS EDUCATI ON Sug gest ed Fou r Y ea r Curri culum
• students who have completed two semesters of high school typing register for B
220 , others for B.E 121. '
* *St u dent s who h ave completed • : "'.o serp.esters of high school shorthand omit B.E. 131. First S e m este r
B.E 133 Introduction to Business
B E. 333 Shorthand III
B.E. 231 Accountin g I
Speh. 152 Fundamentals of Hi st. 201 or Hist 213
During the second semester of the _iunior year , the student will hav e elected which s emester is to be his Professional Semester. The content of the Professional Semester may be found on page 64. The semester in which the senior is not in the Professional Semester w ill be devoted to the completion of requirements in Areas of Concentration or in electives
121. Typewriting I-Beginning Typewriting. 2 hr. First semester Five hours attendance. Mastery of keyboard, establishment of correct techniques, simple centering, manuscript typewriting, typewriting of various styles of business letters and simple tabulation.
'131. Shorthand I-Elementary Shorthand Theory. 3 hr. First semester. Five hours attendance An introduction to Gregg Shorthand Simplified through the study of a basic business vocabulary, organized for reading and writing practice with some initial dictation and transcription.
132. Short.hand II-Applied Shorthand Theory. 3 hr. Second semester. Prerequisite: B.E. 131 or two seme~ters high school shorthand. Five hours attendance. A continuation of the study of shorthand theory with the development of correct and rapid shorthand writing and reading. An increased emphasis on the development of transcription.
133. Introduction to Business. 3 hr . First semester . A study of business principles; terms , simple business transactions and papers, consumer problems, insurance, and investments.
220. Typewriting II. 2 hr. Each semester. Prerequisite: B.E. 121 or equivalent. Five hours attendance. Speed development, mastery of letter forms, advanced problems in centering, outlining, manuscript writing, and duplicating devices.
231. Accounting I 3 hr. First semester . Five hours attendance . Designed to furnish a knowledge of the underlying principles of accounting and the application of such principles through problems and a practice set.
232, Accounting· II. 3 hr. Second semester. Prerequisite: B.E. 231. Five hours attendance. Emphasis on partnership, corporation, and manufacturing accounting in addition to an analysis and interpretation of financial statements.
'236. Salesmanship. 3 hr Second semester. This course introduces the student to the science of salesmanship and retailing; gives practical insight into selling principles and techniques; points out the relative importance of salesmanship as a distributing factor in our economic system.
-328. Filing . 2 hr. Second semester. Techniques and practices employed in office filing in modern business establishments. A study of alphabetic, numeric, subject, geographi <, ~nd cQmbinations of these systems.
332. Clerical Practice. 3 l}r. Second semester. Three hours lectures, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: ability to typewrite efficiently. Use of adding, calculating, duplicating, voice writing machines, and filing, with general office procedures
-333. Shorthand Ill. Dictation and Transcription. 3 hr. First semester . Prerequisite: B.E. 132. Four hours attendance. Timed dictation and transcription of business letters. Increased emphasis on transcription of mailable transcripts.
334. Typewriting Ill. 3 hr. Second semester Five hours attendance. Develop• ment of techniques, high speed efficiency in a.11 advance typewriting operations, secretarial procedures, and the composition of letters at the typewriter. ·
336. Shorthand IV-Advanced Dictation and Transcrfption. 2 hr. Second semester. Prerequisite: B. E. 333. Four hours attendance. Rapid dictation and timed transcription of advanced business letters, legal matter, and articles from current business literature. - Emphasis will be on commercially satisfactory quality and quantity of .stenographic production.
337. Accountrng Ill. 3 hr. First semester. Prerequisite: B E. 232. Five hours attendance. Corporation, multiple columnar journals. Introduces the fundamentals of cost accounting.
338. Accounting IV. 3 hr. Second semester. Prerequisite: B.E. 337. Five hours attendance. The study of income taxes, departmental accounting, accounts receivable and payable, inventories, and bank statement.
339. Applied Business Mathematics. 3 hr. First semester. The development of speed and accuracy in the fundamental processes and practical short cuts used in business. A review of the use of the common and decimal fractions, arithmetic of payroll, application of percentage, cash and trade discount, computing markup, and the computation of interest.
425. -· Methods of Teaching Business Subjects. 2 hr. Professional Semester. To learn techniques of presenting subject matter in bookkeeping, typewriting, basic business, and shorthand To select and organize current methods and instructional materials necessary fo'r the teaching · of these subjects
428. Trends in Business Education. 2 hr. Second semester. Considers the place of business education in the high school in terms of its objectives. Some consideration of historical background and present trends. Evaluation of courses and planning of curriculums .
436. Business Law. 3 hr . Second sem e ster. Considers in a nontechnical manner the important factors of laws affecting ordinary business transactions
The courses in home economics are designed according to the following objectives:
1. To meet the needs of students who wish to teach home economics in high school.
2 To .meet the needs of students who plan to enter vocations in related areas of home economics.
3 To meet the needs of those students who find home economics courses a means to the enrichment of personal, family , and community life.
Durin g the second semester of th e junior year, the student will have elected which seme s ter i s to be his Profe s sional Sem e st e r. The cont e nt of the Professional Semester may be found on page 64. The semester in which the s enior is not in th e Profes s ional Semeste r will be devoted to the completion· of requirements in Areas of Concentration or in electives.
133. Beginning Foods and Nutrition. 3 hr. First semester. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory. Fundamental principles of food selection and preparation; food composition in relation to health.
141. Beginning Clothing Selection and Constructron 4 hr. First semester. One hour lecture, six hours laboratory. Selection of wearing apparel: color, line, texture, fabric, style, purpose, choice, interpretation, and use of commercial patterns in clothing construction.
232. Home Planning and Furnishing. 3 hr. Second semester. A study of today's housing problems and factors to be considered in building, buying, or renting a house; the selection and arrangement of furnishings from the standpoint of comfort, beauty and economy.
234. Meal Planning and Food Preparati'on. 3 hr. Second semester. One hour iecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: Home Ee 133 The purchasing of foods; planning ii,nd serving meals.
302. Child Care. 2-3 hr. S cond i emester. Study of the development and guidance of the young child through kindergarten age The extra hour credit is gained in extra laboratory work with pre-school children.
320. Home Hygiene and Nursing. 2 hr. On demand. Practical instruction and demonstrations are given in care of the sick, the sick-room, first aid, and control of communicable diseases.
321. Personal and Family Relationships. 2 hr. First semester. A study of the relationships between the individual and the family, the art of living harmoniously with others and the responsibility of each member of the family in the development of satisfactory relationships in marriage and family living
332. Nutrition and Dietetics. 3 hr. Second semester. Fundamental principles of human nutrition and its development through research as related to the dietary needs of individuals according to their age, sex, and / or occupation.
333. Textiles. 3 hr. First semester. A study of the differences that influence the selection, use, and care of clothing and household fabrics.
334. Advanced Clothing Construction.- 3 hr. Second semester. Two hours lecture , four hours laboratory Prerequisite: H. Ee. 141 This course is de• signed to meet the student needs for the more difficult construction problems such as are encountered in tailoring and renovation .
400. Special Problems In Home Economics. 1, 2 or 3 hr On demand. Special research or study as needed by the individual.
420. Costume Design. 2 hr . On demand. One hour lecture, two hours laboratory. Study of historic costume Creative problems in pattern designing and d:::aping.
421. Home Management. 2 hr . First semester. Management problems of the homemaker in relation to efficient management of income, time, energy and equipment.
425. Methods of Teaching Home Economics. 2 hr. Professional semester. Study and evaluation of the methods of teJ1ching home · economics in the schools today; development of the curriculum to meet the needs of individual students and communities; and analysis of modern philosophy and objectives.
430. Experimental Food Study. 3 hr. On demand. Prerequisite: H. Ee. 234. A consideration of the methods in · which such variables as ingredients, proportions, and . techniques in food preparation affect the cost and quality of the product.
Requirements for Field of Concentration
Technical Drawing I
Woodworking I
Woodworking II
General Metals Technical Drawing II
Introduction to Industrial Art s Education
Hand Crafts I
General Electricity Shop Maintenance , Technical Drawing III
Farm and Home Mechanic s Industri a l Arts Method s
Advanced courses and electives in Industrial Arts
*Two of these four cou, ses may be omitted
Sub stit utions for the above course r eq uirem ents for th e Liberal Arts degree may be made with the consent of the Head of the Practical Arts Division.
During the second semester of the junior year, the student wlll have elected which semester ls to be hi s Prof essional Semester. The content of the Profes siona l Semester may be found on page 64. The semester in 'lv hi ch t he se nior is not in the Prof essional Semester will be devoted to the completion of requirements in Areas of Concentration or in electives.
121. Technical Drawing I, 2 hr. First semester. Four hours laboratory. A course dealing with the fundamentals of the gra phic language. Practice in the interpretation of drawings as used in the engineering fields. Sketching in orthographic and pictorial.
123. Woodworking I. 2 hr. First semester. Four hours laboratory Basic training in the use and care of hand woodworking tools. Construction of appropriate projects involving fundamental tool processes and operations, simple woodfinishing and related information.
124. Woodworking II. 2 hr. Second semester. Prerequisite: I.A. 123. Four hours laboratory A course designed to acquaint students with the safe operation of power woodworking machinery, design and construction of a suitable project
132. General Metals, 3 hr. Second se mester. Six hours laboratory. Fundam ental operations in the vari!ous metal areas of sheet metal, bench metal, forging and heat tr eatment, casting, welding and elementary machining.
222. Technical Drawing II. 2 hr. Second semester. Prerequis ite : I.A. 121. Four hours laboratory. Use of drawin g equipment. Studies in orthographic projection including auxiliaries and sections. Practice in freehand letterin g, desi g n and preparation of working drawings of typical shop projects.
224. Introduction to Industrial Arts Education. 2 hr . Second semester. Two hours lecture Gives the prospective industrial arts teacher an insight into the history , philosophy, pr a ctices , requirements, and problems involved in teaching industrial arts
226. Photography. 2 hr Four hours laboratory Study and practice in the fundamentals of photo graphy including composition, exposure , developing , contact printing and enlarging.
227. Advanced Metal Work. 2 hr. Ind Arts Elective. Prerequisite : I.A. 132 Four hours laboratory A second course in metal work with emphasis in the areas of heat treatment, foundry and machine tool operation
228. Industrial Arts for Elementarv Teachers. 2 hr Second semester. Four hours laboratory. Designed especially for elementary teachers. Emphasis is on the development of fundamental skill in working with a variety of materials, teaching methods and study of tools.
231. Hand Crafts I. 3 hr . First semester . Six hours laboratory. Open to all students. Basic experiences in working with a varie ty of craft media; including plastics, art metal, woodcrafts, lapidary, elementary graphic arts, jewelry and leather .
233. General Electricity. 3 hr First semester Prerequisite: I.A. 124, I.A 132. Six hours laboratory. Basic principles and practice with the various applications of electricity in industry and the home. Units covered include basic circuits, li g hting, heating, motors, appliance repair, automotive electricity and elementary radio and electronics.
237. General Printing. 3 hr First semester Six hours laboratory. Study and practice in basic processes of printing and a.Jlied industries, including work in letterpress, offset and silkscreen printing, bookbinding, rubberstamp making, gold-leaf stamping and photography .
321. Shop Maintenance. 2 hr. First semester Four hours laboratory Instruction in the use and care of equipment commonly found in the industrial arts shop and a study of the various sharpening devices Practice will be given in the conditioning of hand and power sa ws, knife and tool sharpening and setting up of equipment.
323. Technical Drawing Ill. 2 hr. First semester. Prerequisite : I.A . 222. Four hours laboratory . . Preparation of industrial working drawings, developments, pictorial representations, tracings, and blueprints, use of drafting machine.
326. Upholstery. 2 hr. Second semester. Prerequisite: I.A. 124, or by special permission. Designed to give experience in and information about various methods of construction in upholstery both with and without use of springs.
327. Machine Woodworking Ill. 2 hr First semester
Prerequisite: I.A. 124. Four hours laboratory . Further study and application of hand and machine processes with emphasis upon selection and identification of woods, design of suitable projects; selection and application of finishes.
328. Mass Production. 2 hr. Second' semester. Four hours laboratory. Study and application of mass production methods. Each student will work out plans -for production of a small project, then act as foreman for -its production on an assembly line basis.
329. Hand Crafts II. 2 hr Second semester
Further exploration in one or more craft areas with emphasis on design and function. Also development of special problems and techniques. Prerequisite: I.A. 231.
332. F11rm and Home Me chanics. 3 hr. Second semester. Prerequisite: I.A. 121, I.A. 132. Six hours lab J ratory. Designed for teachers who are interested in s hop work of rural communities and small high schools where there is little equipment availa bl e. It provides an opportunity to work with such materials as wood, m eta l, rop e, g lass a nd concrete. Mo st of the projects will be in the nature of repair work , com monl y found a bout the home and farm.
337. Driver Education. 3 hr. First semester. Two hours lectur e, four hours labora tory Prerequisite: Twenty thousand miles or two year's driving experience. This course will include presentation of the mat erials a nd m et h• ods of traffic safety and driv er training as well as behind-the -w heel driving. Emphasis will be given to motor vehicle laws , rules of the road, driving regulations · a nd moto r car operation.
338. General Safety Education. 3 h r. Second semester. This course is de• signed to familiarize the st u dent with problems of accident prevention and conservation of human life and limb Emphasis will be placed in the followin g areas: occupational, transporation, farm , and the home an d school. In str uctional materials will be developed and studi ed.
400. Safety Research. 2 or 3 hrs. On d e mand A st udy of the m a ny areas of human endeavor in which safety is a prim e factor. The work is done under the guidance of the instructor through a series of special assignments , written repo rt s, and conferences.
425. Industrial Arts Methods an d Observation. 2 hr. Professional Semester The course will emphasize teaching m et hod s and aids , course construction, testing, shop discipline, grading, safety, and other problems pertinent to the teachin g of the Industrial Arts.
426. Descriptive Geometry. 2 hr. Second semester. Four hours laboratory. This course gives added training in the use of the principles of orthpgraphic drawin g. Problem s involve the visualization of points , lines and planes, int ersectio n of surface and solids, development of surfaces. Of special interest to pre-engineering and mathem atics students.
427. Architectural Drawing. 2 hr First semester. Prerequisite : I.A. 222. Four hours laboratory . A practical course for students, home builders and others desirin g a knowledge of construction of small frame buildin gs. Floor plan, elevation details, s t and ard conventions and specifications .
428. Electronics. 2 hr. Prer equ isite: I.A. 233. Four hours l aborato ry. A study of the basic principles of electronics as applied to circuits, test equipment, vacuum tube s and transistors in the areas of radio and tel evisio n.
429. Welding. 2 hr . First semester. Prerequisite : I.A. 132. Four hours laboratory. Practice in the use of the oxy-acetylene torch and the arc-welding machine s. Study of th e common fluxe s as directly related to welding; practice in br azi ng and welding of the common metals
In order that a teacher may b eco me properly certified by the State Department to teach Driver Trainin g,, Traffic · Safety, or related courses, it is nece ssa ry that the following courses be co~~leteg :
The Division of Science and Mathematics aims to provide for the needs of students in teacher preparation, pre-prof ess ional areas, and general education. In each of these, mathematic s and science is regarded both as an organized body of knowledge and as a method of investi gatio n. Open-mindedness and a ge nuine appreciation of our environment is encouraged The relation of these subjects to ,current affairs, the dep e ndence of modern soc iety upon the sciences, the research ''features of industry, medicine and g•ov e rnm e nt , as well as vocational opportun• ities in the various fields are included in the program.
The Division of Science and Mathematics includes the subdivisions of biology, chemistry, earth science, genera l science, m at hematic s, physical science and physics. Requirements for concentration in any area are given in each subdivision. Students are urged to obtain a wide ran ge of training in several of these fields Those who concentrate their training in a particular field of science, with the intention of teaching are advised to take extensive work in one or two other fields.
101. General Biology (Plant). 3 hr. Each semester and summer. Two hours classwork. Two or three hours laboratory. A basic course in botany
102. General Biology (Animal). 3 hr . Each semester and summer . Two hours classwork. Two or three hours labor ato ry . A basic course in z·oology.
203. Invertebrate Zoology. 3 hr. First semester. Prerequisite: Biology 102 . Two hours classwork and two to three hours laboratory. Structure, classi• fication, a nd relationship of the invertebrate animals.
204. Vertebrate Zoology. 3 hr. On demand. Prerequisite : Biology 102 Two hour s classwork and two to three hours of labor ato ry The anatomy, de• velopment, and phylogeny of the vertebrates.
301. General Bacteriology. 3 hr . Second semester, 1960-61. Prerequisite : Biology 101. A basic course, iµ ·chemis try recommended . Two hours classwork and two to thre e hours lab_o~atory. An introduction to bacteriology
304. Comparative Anatomy. 3 hr Second semester. Prerequisite: Biolo gy 102 and 203 or permi ss ion. Two hours classwork and two to three hours of laboratory per week. The anatomy of the shark, salamander and cat.
305. Courtship, Marri'age, and Parenthood. 3 hr. Second se mester. Prerequisite: P.E . 205. A study of attitudes, habits , and ideals which make for wholesome 104
relationships between sexes and the establishment of a permanent and happy family life. Does not apply on a biology group but is highly recommended as an elective . Also listed as Sociology 305.
306. Morphology of the Lower Plants. 3 hr. First semester. Prerequisite: Biology 101. Two hours classwork, two to three hours laboratory. Structure, anatomy, and form of the lower plants, and their effects on man.
307. Morphology of the Seed Plants. 3 hr. Second semester, following Biology 306. Prerequisite: Biology 101. Two hours classwork, two to three hours laboratory. Form and structure of the seed plants and their economic value .
310. Biological Readings. 1-4 hr Each semester and summer by special permission. By arrangement only. Work is done under the guidance of the instructor through a series of written reports and conferences. May not be used to meet science requirements.
404. Genetics. 3 hr. Second semester, 1961 -62 . Three hours classwork. The principles of heredity
405. Histology. 3 hr. On demand. Prerequisite: 15 hours of biology. One hour classwork and at least 4 hours of laboratory per week. A detailed study of the microscopic anatomy of mammalian organs
406. Embryology. 3 hr. On demand. Prerequisite : 15 hours of selected biology courses. Two hours classwork and three or more hours of laboratory Embryology as exemplified by the frog, the chick, the pig, and man.
407. Human Physiology. 2 hr. On demand. Prerequisite: At least two courses in animal biology , P .E. 205. A detailed study of functions of the human organs.
415. Taxonomy. 3 hr. First selllJlster, 1961-62. Two hours classwork and two to four hours of laboratory work and field study . The classification and 'identification of plants Of considerable va.Jue to teachers of biology.
417. Ecology. 3 hr. First semester, 1960-61. Three hours classwork. A study of organisms in relation to their environments.
421. Parasitology. 2 hr. On demand. Prerequisite: 15 hours of biology , From three to four hours of laboratory and discussion A study of the -morphology and life histories of parasites affecting man and the domestic animals.
422. Entomology. 3 hr. On demand. Two hour s classwork and two to four hours of laboratory and fieldwork. Morphology, classification, life histories distribution , and economic importance of insects. Prerequisite: 15 hours of biology including Biology 102 and 203 or equivalent.
501. The History of Biology. 1-4 hr. On demand Open to graduates only. Extensive reading in the history of biology Reports, conferences, and interviews will be a part of this course. Permission of instructor required for registration.
502. Biology Problems. 1:6 · hr • On demand Open to graduates only. Permits student to do advanced work in various fields of biology. Prerequisite: The background to do the work and the ability to do extensive, individual study Permission of instructor required for registration.
503. Research Problems in the Teaching of Biology. 1-4 hr. Summer, 1960. Open to graduates only. The student and his advisor will select prob105
lems relatej to the teaching of biology in the secondary schools, and these will b e the basis upon which the course is set up. The difficulty of the problems selected and the amount of time required in solving them will determin e the student's credit and grade Permission of instructor required for registration.
Before a student may be g in graduate work in Biology he must have completed a concentration in the field. It is also recommended that he have the basic courses in related areas to be det er mined by conferences. In certain cases courses numbered 400 or above may be used to meet graduate requirements. When this is done additional work will be required . Only students who have exhibited the ability to do scholarly independent work will be oermitted to enter the graduate program.
100. General Chemistry. 5 hr . Second semester, 1960-61. Three hours classwork, six hours laboratory. Fundamentals of general chemistry with special application for hom e economics students and nurses.
101. General Chemistry. 5 hr First semester and summer. Three hours classwork and six hours laboratory. The fundamentals of chemistry. Non-metals and their compounds. For those who have not had high school chemistry.
102. General Chemistry. 5 hr. Second semester. Prerequisite: Chemistry 101, For those who have not had high school chemistry. Three hours classwork, six hours laboratory Application of the fundamentals of chemistry, metals, and their compounds, and an introduction to organic and analytical chemistry.
103. General Chemistry. 3 hr. First semester and summer. Prerequisite : two semesters of high school chemistry. Two hours classwork, three hours laboratory The fundamentals of chemistry. Non-metals and their compounds.
104. General Chemistry. 3 hr. Second semester. Prerequisite: Chemistry 103. Two hours classwork, three hours laboratory. Application of the fundamentals of chemistry, metals , and their compounds, and an introduction to organic and analytical chemis try.
, 205. Principles of Analytical Ch emistry. 4 hr. First semester, 1961-62. Prerequisite: Chemistry 102 or 104. Two hours classwork, six hours laboratory. Principles of qualitative analysis, and their application in the laboratory.
206. Principles of Analytical Chemistry. 4 hr. Second semester, 1961-62: Prerequisite: Chemistry 205 . Two hours classwork, six hours laboratory. Principles of quantitative analysis and their application in the laboratory.
209. Introductory Organic Chemistry. 3 hr On demand. Prerequisite : Chemistry 100, 101 or 103 . Two hour s classwork, three hours laboratory. The fundamentals of or ga ni c chemistry, covering both alip hatic and aro matic chemistry with emphasis on those phases of the course which may be applicable to nursing and home economics.
303. Organic Chemistry. 4 hr . First semester, 1960-61. Prerequisite: Chemistry 102 or 104. Three hours classwork, three hours laboratory Compounds of the alip hatic series
304. Organic Chemistry. 4 hr. Second se me ster, 1960-61. Prerequisite: Chemistry 303. Three hour s of classwork, three hours labor atory . Students may, with the consent of the professor, take extra laboratory work in the synthesis of organic compounds for two hours of additional credit. A mor e intensive st udy of aromatic series, dyes, hormones, vitamins and drugs.
308. Physiological Chemistry. 4 hr . On demand. Prerequisite: Chemistry 102 or 104, 303 and 304 . Two hours classwork, six hours labor ato ry . A presentation of the mor e important facts of biochemistry as related to the animal body, with e mphasi s on the physiological reactions of all food elements and enzymes, also digestion, m etabolis m , and special gl and ular func tions.
310. History and Literature of Chemistry. 1-4 hr. By arrangement. Prerequisite: Thirteen hours of approved chem is try The work to be don e under the guidance of the instructor through a series of conferences and reports
312. Physical Chemistry. 3 hr. On demand. Prerequisite : Physics 201 and 202, Chemistry 102 or 104 and 206 . Physical laws of chemistry and their application in the laboratory. Two hour s classwork, three hours laboratory.
400. Instrumental Chemistry. 4 hr. On demand. Prerequisite: Ch emistry 103 or 104, also 206, 212, and 304. Two hours of classwork, six hours of laboratory. The study of m atter bY. us e of s uch instruments as the spectroscope, r efractometer, resistance bridge and electroanalyzer.
401. Research Problems. 2-4 hr. On demand. Pr ere quisite : Chemistry 101 or 103, 102 or 104, 205, 206, 303, and 304. A laboratory course in which the student, with the guidance of the advisor, selects and conducts a re se arch project, culminating in a prepared paper.
All sequences in earth science must be approved by the chairman of the division. Some of the following courses are also listed in the Division of History and Social Science.
101. Prfnciples of Geography. 3 hr. First semester. An introductory study of th e relationship between man and · the elements of his natural environment. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory.
120. Regional Geograph'y ; 3 hr. Second semester. An application of geographic principles to .tl.1e interpretation of the interests, policies, and activities of the peoples in significant regions of the world. Three hours lecture, two hour s laboratory.
201. General Geology. (Physical). 3 hr. First se mester, 1960-61. An introduction to the theories of earth's origin, with the physiography, structure, and history of the earth as revealed in its rocks. Three hour s lecture, ·two hours laboratory.
202. General Geology. (Histori'cal). 3 hr Second semester, 1960-61. Continental evolution, emphasizing the origin and nature of important geologic formations throughout the world, and a survey of the evolution of organisms ancestral to the earth's present flora and fauna. Two hours lecture , three hours laboratory.
226. Conservation of Natural Resources. 3 hr First semester, 1960-61. An evaluation of the extent of our natural resourc es and plans for their utiliz at ion, with discussions on current problems and projects of conservation.
304. Meteorology and Climatology. 2 hr. On demand. The physical factors influencing the climate, with practice work in interpretin g meteorological records and forecasting.
306. Astronomy. 3 hr. On demand An elementary course of value to the prospective teachers of general science and mathematics
401. Graphics and Cartography. 2 hr. First semester, 1960-61. Graphic representation of statistical data , the construction and functions of map projections, the interpretation and utilization of aerial photographs, landscape sketching, and physiographic diagrams.
511. Field Geography. 1 or 2 hr. On demand. An intensive cours e of training in the geographic field methods , and in the direct application of geographic principles to important problems in selected districts. Two hour lecture, laboratory by arrangement. Open to graduates.
Requirements for FieJd
It is also advised that a student selecting ge neral science as a field of concentration take further course s in mathematics or science to qualify in a second area. The above program will qualify a pers on to meet minimum Nebraska standards to teach biology or physical sciences as well as general science. The national trend is toward greater specialization
201. Survey of Biological Science. 3 hr Each semester and summer. Two hours classwork and two to three hour s of laboratory per week. An integrated course covering the variou s phases of natural science, with special applications for elementary teachers Required for all students in the elementary curriculum.
202. Survey of Physical Science. 3 hr. Each semester and summer. Two hours of classwork and two or three hours of laboratory per week . An integrated course covering the various phases of physical science. Required of all students in the elementary curriculum.
331. Elementary School Science Methods, 3 hr. Summers. Three hours attendance. Objectives, content, and methods of teaching science in the elementary grades.
376. Methods of Teaching Science. 2 hr. First and second semester. Objectives, content, and methods of teaching science in the high school.
Requirements for Field of Concentration
Chem. 101 or 103 Gen eral Ch e mi st ry
Chem. 102 or 104 Gen era l Chemistry
Physic s 201 General Physics
Physics 202 General Physic s
Selected Advanced Chemistry & Phy s ics Courses
Gen. Sci. 376 M e thod s of Teaching Science
Requirements for Field of Concentration
Physic s 201 General Phy sics
Ph ys ic s 202 General Physic s Advanc ed Phy s ic s Cour ses
M a th. 101 or 103 College Albegra Math. 105 Plan e Trigonometr y
Gen. Sci. 376 Methods of T eaching Science
Total ..
• Not required of A B de g r ee candidates. Courses of lnstruc.tion
201. General Physics. 5 hr. First semester, summer on demand. Prerequisite : Mathematics 105 . Three hours classwork, three hours laboratory. Mechanics .
202. General Physics. 5 hr Firs t or second semester, summer on demand Prerequisite : Physics 201 or permission. Three hours classwork, three hours laboratory Heat, sound and light.
302. Analytical Mechanics. 3 hr. On demand. Prerequisite: General Physics 201 and 202. The functional 0 physical principles of the subject with the aid of formal development and problems.
306. Vacuum Tube Circuits. 3 hr On demand. Two hours classwork, three hours laboratory. A ,st udy of vacuum tubes and electronics theories
307. Atomic and Nuclear Structur~. 3 hr. On demand. Prerequisite: General physics 201, 202 and Chemistry 102. Three hours classwork. Atomic and nuclear, radioactivity, isotopes, X-rays, and atomic spectra.
310. History and Li'terature of Physics. 1-2 hr. Each semester and summer. By arrangement. Work to be done under the guidance of the instructor through a series of reports and conferences.
It is highly recommended that students who specialize in mathematics also specialize in one or more of the other sciences, as many teaching positions of this type are open to qualified persons.
Basic Mathematics . 3 hr Each term. Required of all students who are deficient in basic m a thematical skills as revealed by a standardized test, given during' the freshman year. The course takes up the fundamental processes including algebra and the application thereof. Does not apply in mathematics field of concentration.
College Algebra . 3 hr. First semester Prerequisite : One year of high school algebra . For terminal s tudent s or tho se who specifically need algebra in certain pre-professional programs Fundamental algebraic principles and subsequent algebraic processes.
104. Slide Rule. 1 hr
First semester. One hour per week. This course gives the student skill in the use of th e slide rule, and its understanding . Recommended for all science majors
105. Fundamentals of Mathematics. 5 • hr First semester. A course intended for the student who plans to pursue a college pro g ram requiring a substantial amount of training in mathematics The content of this course includes an introduction to symbolic logic and set theory of applic ations, a study of the number system, elementary theory of gro ups and fields, an introduction to the function concept, and study of algebraic functions. Various aspects of mathematics are combined to make it practical in solvin g modern proble ms.
106. Fundamentals of Mathematics. 5 hr. Second semester following 105. Cont ent includes the study of trigonom etric, exponential and logarithmic functions, an introduction to analytic geo metry and some calculus.
218. Surveying. 2 hr. First semester. Prerequisite : Mathematics 105 and 106 or equivalent. Two hours classwork, six hours of field work during first quart e r. Fundament a l theory and practice, use of transit, U. S. Public Land Surveys and field office work.
300. Arithmetic for Teachets '. ·3 h f Night class second se mester Problem so lvin g co urse for ele men,tary t eac h ers and othe rs with emphasis on practical applications and meanin gfu l a rithmetical computation. Does not apply on math e matics field of concentraUon.
304. Integrated Geometry. 3 hr On d e mand Prerequis ite: Ten hours of m at h ematics or permission. A course designed primarily to prepar e math emati cs teacher s for dealing with the traditional high school math e m at ics programs
306. Astronomy. 3 hr. On demand. An elementary course dealing with a study of the heavenly bodies, the solar system and the universe . Tele• scopic observation is a part of this course . Of considerable value to science teachers.
309. Analytical Geometry and Calculus. 5 hr. First semester. Prerequisite: Math. 105 and 106 or equivalent. Logic sets, plane analytics, plane vectors, matrices, functions, limits, differentiation and applications.
310. Analytical Geometry and Calculus. 5 hr. Second semester. Prerequisite: Math. 309 or equivalent. Solid analytic geometry, vectors, and matrices, partial derivatives, multiple and line integrans, introduction to differential equations and probability.
405. Stati'stics. 3 hr. Second semester. A study of the approach to and the tools needed for dealing with the collection, analysis , interpretation and presentation of data. Highly recommend for those who expect to enter graduate school. Students in non-mathematical fields, consult with advisors.
406. Modern Algebra. 3 hr . First semester . A study of various algebraic systems arising in modern mathematical computations . Content includes a study of sets, mappin g s and operations, relations, development of real numbers systems , inte g ral domains and fields, polynomial domains and complex number field : Prerequisites are Math. 105, 106, 309 and 310 or equiv a lent.
407. Modern Algebra. 3 hr. Second semester
Continuation of Math. 406. A study of groups, vector spaces, linear transformations and matrices, linear equations and determinants, linear algebras , rings and Boolean algebras.
408. History of Mathematics. 3 hr. On demand. A history of mathematics and its effects on man
410G. lnfagrated Mathematics for ,Secondary School Teachers. 3 hr. Night school. A course designed especially for high school teachers of mathematics, who are interested in applying th e recent developments in mathematics to their teaching. Integration between the traditional branches of mathematics will be studied and group participation will be a part of the course. Only experienced mathematics teachers may enroll.
411. Descriptive Geometry. 2 hr. Second semester Four hours of laboratory work Problems involve the visualization of points, lines, intersection of surfaces and solids, and the dev e lopment of surface s Of specia l value to pre-engineerin g students Also lis ted as I A. 411.
412. Advanced Calculus. 3 hr On demand Prerequisite: Math. 309 and 310 or equivalent. Design e d to give the student a revi e w of calculus and applyin g it to complex problems in mathematics.
416. Differential Equations. 3 hr. Giv e n in alt ernate yea rs Consult mathematics department. Formation of differenti a l equation s, equation s of high or der , linear equation with cons t a nt and v a riab l e co-e ff icients, partial differe ntiation, application o{ geometr y, mechancis a nd physic s. Student mu st have proficiency in calculus.
Granted in the Year 1959
July 30, 1959
Leo A. Lindahl
Donald D. Wendt
January 23, 1959
Maryon L. Adams
July 30, 1959
Faye M Brandt
William R . Cummins
Daniel E. Donovan
Ardis D. Foley
Gladys C. Grush
Harvey S. Ideus
Sharon Ocker
Harold D. Schwa;b
Mildred S. Stewart
Thomas C. Wilkie
January 23, 195,9.
Leo C. Barry
May 29, 1959
Merritt E. Adams
Charles D. Heebner
Robert M. Henry
G a ry W . Hull
Erwin D . Eickhoff
July 30, 1959
William R Lutz
George H. Morrison
Dale R. Rexilius
Phyllis L. Vollertsen
J •oEllen McNergney
May 29, 1959
Marjorie Clark Peggy Dodge
Gerald J. Dollen
Ronald L. Fletcher
Ethel A. Graham
July 30, 1959
Phillip F •ahrlander
J oan Schneider
Virginia M. Lade
Della M. Wheeler
Olive J ·ean Wiig
May 29, 1959
Ronald J. Noltensmeyer
, J11nuary• 23, 1959
Richard D. Arington ,,
Norma L. Armstrong
Sidney B. Brown
William D. Hervey
Donald L. Gray
Christian F. Kleine
Charles B. Kuck
Steven J. Kunasek, Jr.
Ralph R. Neumann
Franklin D . Pedersen
Harvey W. !Rossmiller
Roger E. Russell
James P Seachord
Bruce B. SmitJh
Carol R. Spare
James D. Stanley
May 30, 1959
Cloyce C. Abel
Gary W. Adams
J,on M A.ppleget
!Ralph R. Aranza
Verdes L . Baucke
Marlene A Behrens
Marilyn M Benecke
Roger M. Benton
Eunice Bogle
Robert L. Bohlken
Fred H. Braun
Sa,m Buckminster
Wilma S. Buckminster
Jack M. Dodge
Arnold B. Ehlers
Rose V. Grindheim
Patricia Ann Haith
Florence L. Halfuide
M. Virgene Hunley
Kenneth E. Johnson
Pa ulin e E. Kish
Donna Lair
Keith 0. Lamb
Allene K. Lawritson
J ,ohn L. Lincoln
July 30, 1959
Robert E. Applegate
Betty L. Ast
Esther Cole
Roger J. Dailey
Nadine I. Danielson
D. Lucille Davis
Reva N. Hunzeker
Wilma W. Klein
Frederick L. Koerwitz, Jr.
Betty Larkins
Irene Leahy
Ruth E. McCall
Thelma M. McLain ' .
Frances G. Miller
Maxine L. Mo6re
Dorothy E. Nicholas
William H. Padgett, J r.
H a zel Raymond
May C. Reynolds
Thelma I. RCJlbertson
Ruth Linscheid
Kenneth L. Majors
Norma A. Moore
Jo Ann Parriott
Ella B. Penney
Alice L. Phillips
Wayne P ,ressnan
Carlton W. Rhoten
Wilma E. Rolberts
James A. Rosenquist
Jean M Ruyle
Raymond R. Ruzicka
Le!Rloy L. Scheele
Betty A. Sedlacek
Alvin D. Smart, Jr.
Claudette J. Stumbo
Wilma Stutheit
Margaret A. Sivoboda
Marjorie G. Thomas
Beverly B. Thompson
Marvin L. Thomsen
Charlene Tomek
Harry J. Weichel
Lonnie A. Weidenhaft
Edward E. Wineinger
Unadean A. DeFreece
Ruth E. Doed en
Alice R. Epperson
Agnes Hakel
Katherine E. Hiskey
Naomi Hodgens
Anna Mae Schreiner
Marcia H Schwartz
Gilbert J. Sw-anson
Virginia I. Taylm·
Helen J. Thompson
Richard L. Thompson
Donald R. Tietjen
Lydia E. Traeger
Lilla F. Vignery
Jerry D. Whitney
Julia M. Whitney
Anna I. Winsor
Richard T. Yelkin
Georgiana K. Quinn
January 23, 1959
Mary R. Bohlken
Karen K. Fisher
May 29, 195,9
Joann Aupperle
Nancy L. Oarr
Leona I. Christen
J a nice S. Clark
Patricia C Earl
Grace M. Feis tner
Shirley P. Flesner
Edwin G. Gray
Martha J. Grindle
Ros em a ry Grundma nn
Mary J . Hahn
Fanny Fay Hazen
Carole M. Heuer
Judith E. Hug hes
Wilma J. Johnson
July 30, 1959
Marianne Applegate
Norm-a Banks
Edith M. Bath
Edna M Fritz
Ilma A. Gottula
June Hinds
Nancy Hohnroth
Mable Hunt
Donna M. Kunasek:
Evelyn B. Morrell
Elda A Halm
Diane R. Kennedy
J a nice M. Korber
Marjorie A Leenerts
Beverly J. Leeper
Peggy L . McGee
Mildred M. Meier
Patricia J. Meyer
Mary J. Scharp
Elva J. Schulz
Mary L. Schwarte
Mary Ann Steinbrink
Sherrill A. Torring
Carol M. Wilton
Carolyn J Wing
Eoma L. Kus s man
Lorna M. McMurray
M a ry P Sheehan
H e len M. Simpson
R a mon a Tub ach
L Constance Vanderford
Angie M. Vice
El s ie H . Wenz,bauer
Rachel M. WHberger
May 29, 1959
Lois M Dumpert
Alice J Hauptman
Elsie E. Hullis
Carolyn Kratochvil
Sha rol Wendt
July 30, 1959
M a ude Dorland
Genene K. Gude
Mae Hinds
Anna Pasek
Kay A stock
Ruth Wehrman
Merna Thalmann
(Date indicates year in which service at Peru began.)
MARYON ADAMS (1955) , , Assistant Professor of Education. Chilctren's Literature, Kindergarten Supervisor
B.S., M.S., Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru .'
ALMA ASHLEY (1949) Associate Professor of Elementary Education.
B.S., M.A., University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Graduate Study , University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City.
ROBERT T. BENFORD (1926). Ass·ociate Professor of Piano and Organ.
A.B., Nebraska State Teachers College , Peru. lVI.M., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Graduate Study, Univer s ity of Nebraska, Lincoln; State Univ e rsity of Iowa , Iowa City
MILBURN W. BLANTON (1959) Head, Division of Education. Professor of Education, Director, Campus School.
B.S. in Ed., M.S. In Ed. Adm., Ed.D., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Other Graduate Study, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth.
CLARA BOATMAN (1953) College Nurse.
R.N., Beatrice (Nebraska) Lutheran Hospital. Graduate Study, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
HAROLD BORAAS (1951) ...... ......... ..... ... .... .. .. .... ........ .. ...... ........... .. ..........Dean of Students, Professor of Educational Psychology.
A B., St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota. M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. Ph.D ., Cornell University , Ithaca, New York
JUANITA BRADLEY (1956) Associate Dean of Students. ·Assistant Professor of E'ducation.
B.S., Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg. M.A., George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tennessee. Graduate Study, University of Indiana, Bloomington ; University of Chicago ·
ALBERT 0. BRADY (1957) .. ............... ... ......Assistant Professor of Biological Science.
B.S., Northern State Teachers College, Aberdeen, South Dakota. M S., University of South Dakota, Vermillion. Graduate Study , University of Minnesota, Lake Itasca; University ef Southern California, Los Angeles.
FAYE M. BRANDT (1960) ... ......... . ... . ....... .... . Assistant Librarian. Instructor of Library Science.
B.S , M.S., Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru. Graduate Study, Denver University, Denver, Colorado
RUTH S. BROWN (1943). .... .... ..... ..... ... ... ..... .............. Assistant Professor of Education. F-ourth Grade Supervisor.
A.B , Graduate Study, Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru.
DONALD K. CARLILE (1954)... .... .... ........... ..... ....... . .......... ..Director of Special Services. B.S., Kansas State College, Manhattan.
JOHN C. CHRIST (1946) Head, Division of Science and Mathematics. Professor of Biology.
A.B., North Central College, Naperville, Illinois. M.A., Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinoi s Graduate Study, Teachers College , Columbia University, New York City; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; Oregon State University, Corvallis
LILLIAN J. CHRIST (1956). Instructor of Education. Sixth Grade Supervisor.
B.S., Graduate Study, Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru; Oregon State University, Corvallls.
MARY CLARKE (1951) .......... .. ... .
Assistant Professor of Education. Third Grade Supervisor.
A.B ., Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru. M. Ed ., Univer sity of Nebraska, Lincoln
ANSEL B. CLAYBURN (1922) Profess or of Geography and Geology.
A.B., M.A., Graduate Study, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; University of Chicago
JOHN A. DEARTH (1958) Associate Professor of History and Sociology.
A.B., Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. M.A., Clark University, Worc este r, Massachusetts , Ph.D., Univ ersity of Colorado, Boulder.
Assistant Professor of Physical Education, Supervisor of Social Science, Campus School.
B.S., Wisconsin State Teac)10rs College , Lacrosse. M.A., Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Graduate Study, Univer sity of Nebraska, Lincoln; Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru; Indiana University, Bloomington.
NORMA L. DIDDEL (1929) ... ............... .......... ... ........... . Ass-ociate Professor of Art.
A.B , Univer s ity of Denv er, M.A., Colorado State Colle ge of Education, Greeley. Graduate Study , Harvard Univer s ity, Cambridg e, Massachusetts.
B. A. EDDY (1951) Assistant Professor of Education. Pr incipa l , Campus· Elementary School, Seventh Grade S up ervisor
B.S., M A., University of Nebraska, Lincoln Graduate Study, Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru; University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Assista nt Professor of Education. Supervisor of Mathematics, Campus School.
B.S , Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa M.S. , Uni versity of Iowa, Iowa City
FAITH P. FRIEST (1959) ........ ..... ........... .... ........... .. .... ..... ...... .... ....Libr arian, Campus School.
A.B., Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa. Graduate Study, Univer sity of California, Berke ley, Calif.; University of Iowa , Iowa City; Univer s ity of Omaha, Omaha, Nebrask a.
T. I. FRIEST (1959) ........ .. ....... ............ ... ..... .... .................... .. ...... ... Dean of Business Affairs.
A B., Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa~ M.A. , University of Iowa, Iowa City.
Assistant Professor of Education. Supervisor of English, Campus School.
A.B ., M.A. , Nebraska Stat e Teachers College , Peru.
NEAL S. GOMON (1950) .......................................... ................ .... ................... ........ ..President.
A .B., M A., Ed.D., Univer sity of Nebraska , Lin c oln.
A.B., M S., N e braska State Teachers College , Peru.
Assistant Professor of Education, Second Grade Supervisor.
OWEN HARLAN (1958) ......... ... .............. ........ ................ Head, Division of Practical Arts. Professor of Industrial Arts.
B.Ed., Eastern State College , Charleston , Illinois. M A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Ed.D., University of Missouri, Columbia
RICHARD R. HOLMES (1959l... Assistant Professor of English.
B.S., Kan sas State College , M a nhattan. M S ., K a n sas State University , Manh atta n
Assistant Professor of Education. Fifth Grade Supervisor
A.B., Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru. M.A., Colorado State Co ll ege of Education. Greeley.
D. V. JARVIS (1948). Associate Professor of Industrial Arts.
A.B ., Nebra s ka State Teach ers College, Peru. M.A. , Graduate Study, Colorado A. & M., Fort Collins
VICTOR H. JINDRA (1923) Head, Division of Fine Arts
Professor of Music, Director of Colle g e and Campus School Orchestra
A B., Univer sity of Nebrask a, Lincoln. Music Ce rtificate , Chicago Musical Colle ge , Violin st udent of Carl Fred erick Steckelberg, Max Fischel, Victor Kuzdo.
Assistant Profess or of Education
Di rec tor of Guidance and Student Teachin g.
A.B. , Nebraska State T eac h e r s College , ,Peru. · ,fyr.A. , Graduate Study, Univ ers ity of N e bra s k a, Lincoln.
Assistant Professor of Home Economics
B.A , Nebraska State T eac h e r s College , P e ru. M.S., University of Nebraska , Lincoln ,
MAX LANGHAM (1957). Librarian. Assistant Professor of Library Science.
B.S., P enn sylvani a State T eac hers Colle ge , Clarion. M.S.L .S., Syracuse Uni vers ity, Syracu se, New York. Addition a l work, G e neva Colleg e, Beaver Fall s, Penn sy lvania.
F H. LARSON (1954 ) Registrar , Dir ec tor of Admission.
A.B ., Au g ustan a College, Rock I s land, Illinoi s M.A. , Univ ersity of Nebraska , Lin co l n Graduat e Stud y, Univ e r s it y of Colorado , Boulder; Uni versity of Minn es ota , Minneapolis.
Associate Professor of English and Speech.
B.Ed., Eastern State Coll ege, Charleston, Illinois. M.A ., Univer s ity of D enver.
STEWART P. LINSCHEID (1956) ....... ....... ........ ... ..... ........ Associate Professor of English.
A.B ., East Central State Coll ege , Ada , Oklahoma. M.A., Washington and Lee University , Lexington , Vir ginia Gradu a te Study , Was hington a nd Lee University; University of Wiscon s in , Mad iso n ; Univer s ity of Oklah ema, Norn1 a n.
DARRYL T. MANRING (1949) Associate Professo r of Voice. Director of College Choir and Campus School Music.
A B ., University of Wyomin g, L ara mie M.M., Univer s ity of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
FRANK MASEK (1954) ............... ..... .......... Assistant Professor of Education. Principal, Campus High School , Campus School Mathematics and Science .
B.S., Nebraska State Teach ers College, Peru. M.A. , Colorado State Colleg e of Education, Greeley Graduate Study, University of Nebra s ka, Lincoln; University of Missouri, Columbia
L. B. MATHEWS (1927 ). Associate Professor of Physics.
A B. , University of Nebraska, Lincoln M.A., T eac h ers Colleg e , Columbia University, New York City
RUTH V MATHEWS (1943) .......... Assistant Profes s.or of Health Education.
A.B., Graduate Study, Univ e r s ity of N ebraska, Lincoln
JACK McINTIRE (1956 )... ... .... Assistant Professor of Physical Education. Head Basketball Coach.
B S ., M.S. , Nebraska State T eac her s College, Peru. Graduat e Study , University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
LYLE C. McKERCHER (1959 ) Assi stant Prof ess-o r of Mathematics
B.S. , Morning s id e College, Si o ux City , Iow a M.S , University of Iow a , Io wa City, Iowa. Graduat e Study , Iowa State College, Ame s
KEITH L MELVIN (1956) Dean of College
A.B. , Nebraska State Te ac h ers College , Peru. M.A ., Ed.D., University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
HANFORD MILLER (1947) . .......... Associate Professor· of Chemistry.
A.B., M.A ., Colorado Sta t e College of Education , Greeley
ROBERT D. MOORE (1937) ........... ... ........ ............... .....Head, Division of Language Arts. Professor of English and Speech.
A B ., E as t Central State Teachers Coll ege, Ada , Ok l ahoma. M Ph ., University of Wiscon s in , Madison. Gradu a t e Study , State Univ ers ity of Iowa, Iowa City; Colorado State Coll ege of Edu cation, Greeley
Associate Profess or of Modern Languages.
B D ., Uni vers ity of Tu e bin gen, Germany. A B ., University of Denver. M.A., Univer sit y of Nebra s ka, Lincoln Study, University of D orp at , Russia.
Assistant Professor of Education. Campus School Commerce Supervisor.
A B. , Nebr as k a State Te achers Colle g e, Way ne M.A., Graduate Study, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Assistant Professor of Industrial Arts
A.B . Nebr aska State T eachers Colle ge, P e ru . M.A , University of Minne s ota, Minneapoli s.
Head, Division of History. and Social Sciences. Professor of History and Social Sciences.
B A ., North Cent ral Colle ge , Naperville, Illinois. M A In Hi sto ry , M.A In Education , Ph .D ., Univ e r s ity of Illin ois , Urba na.
Assistant Profe ssor of Education. Director Audio-Visual, Ei g hth Grade Supervisor.
A.B ., Neb raska State Teachers College, Peru M.A , Univ e rsity of Nebra s ka, Lincoln
Assistant Professor of Home Economics.
B.S. , M .S ., Kansas State College , Manh attan .
Associate Profe ss or of Physical Education. Director, Intramural Athletics. Head Track Coach, Assistant Football Coach
A B ., Nebra s k a State Tea c hers College , Kearney. M.A., Uni ve r sity of Nebraska, Lincoln
Assistant Professor of Education. First Grade Supervisor.
B.S ., M.S ., N ebraska State Teach ers College, P e ru .
Assistant Professor of Education. Supervisor of Social Sciences, Campus School.
A.B. , Morning side Coll ege, Sioux City, I o wa M.A Drak e University , D es Moine s, Iowa Graduat e Study, Univ ersity of California of Lo s Ang eles, Lo s An ge le s; Univ ers ity of Mi ssou ri , Columbi a; U niv e rsity of N ebraska, Linc oln .
JOHN R. THOMPSON ' (1954 ) College Physician.
M D ., Coll ege of Medicine , Uni vers it y of Nebras ka , Omaha.
EVERETT V. TRAYLOR (1959 ) Assistant Professor of Ind Arts.
B.A ., Iow a State Te achers Coll ege, Ceda r F a lls. M A ., Colorado State College, Greeley.
HAZEL WEARE (1943) .... ; : , -Associate Professor of Business Education .
B .S., M S ., Kan sas State T eac h ers College, Pitts burgh Graduate Study , Univer s ity of California, Berk e ley; University o( N eb r aska, Lin co ln ; Univ e r sity of Denver; Colorado Coll ege of Educ ation , Greel e y; Stale· Univ e r sity of Iow a, Iowa City
ALFRED G WHEELER (1938) Head, Division of He a lth and Physical Education Director of, Athletics. Profess or of Health and Physical Education.
A B. , Ob er lin (Ohio ) Coll ege M A. , Teachers College , Columbia Univer sity, New York Cit y. Gr aduate Study, Iow a State Coll ege, Ame s; Nor thweste rn University , Evan ston , Illinoi s.
FRANCES WHEELER (1951). Director of Physical Education for Women
Assistant Professor of Physical Education. Girls' Physica l Edu ca tion Supervisor, Campus School.
B.S ., Women 's College, Univer sity of North Carolina, Greensboro M A., Teachers Collei:e, Columbia Univer sity, New York City.
GILBERT E. WILSON (1957) .... .... ... ... .... ,. Assjstant , Professor of Instrumental Music . Director -of College and Campus School Bands.
B S., Southeast Mi ss ouri State College, Cape Gil' a,deau. M.M. Vandercook School of Music, Chicago, Illinoi s. Graduate Study, Chicago Musical College.
DARRELL WININGER (1952) Associate Professor of Educational Psychology.
B.S , M.S , Kan sas State T eac her s College , Pittsburgh. E d .D ., Colorado State Teachers College, Greeley
STACY VANCE (1922). ... ... .. ..... .................. Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. Nebraska State Teachers College, P er u.
NONA PALMER (1915-1950)
Professor of Commerce. GRACE TEAR (1921-1950) Professor of Education
NELLIE M. CAREY (1944-1957)
........ .Librarian. PHYLLIS DAVIDSON (1929-1957) Professor of Women's Physical Education. BLANCHE A. GARD (1930-1957) Profe ss or of Education .
EDNA WEARE (1929-1957). Professor of Home Economics. A. V LARSON (1926-1958) Professor of Industrial Arts.
Administrative and Educational Policies
Admission to Teacher Education
Budget Events and Convocation
Health and Recreation
Student Personnel
Hi s t ory and S ocia l Science, Division of History of College
Hom e E c ono mics
Honors Co urses
Ho:lor Soc ieties
Hono rs , Sc holast ic
Housi n g , Faculty
Ho u s ing , Ma·rried Student
Housi ng, Refunds, M a rri ed Student
Identification of Sp ec im e n s
Indu s trial Art s
Instructional P e rso nn e l
Lan g uag e Arts, Divis ion of La n guages, Moder.i
Library Science
Libra ry Se rvi ces
Living A cco mmodations
Loan Punds
Medi ca l Techno logy
Memorial s
Modern Languages
French German
Ru ss i an Spanis h
Nebraska Certification
New spape r
Non-R es id e n t Fee
Numbering of Courses
Objective s
G e n era l
General Edu ca tion
Pr e -Profe ss ional Education
Profes s ional Edu ca-t ion
Athl et ic
Educati on a l a nd Social
H onorary
P ep
Religious Stud ent Govern m ent
Orientation, Fre s hman
Personnel , In s tructiona-1
Ph ysica l Examination
Ph ys ical Scien ce
Ph ysics
Pl acement Burea u
Pla y Loan Ser vice
P ost Se ss ion
Practi c al Arts, D ivis ion of
Pre-Profes s ional Cu rr icul um s Pr
Prof ess ion a l Edu ca tion Requirements
Profe ssiona l Sem es ter
Profe ssio nal Services
Pro g r a m of In st ruction
Publi ca tion s, Student
Recommendation for Certification
Refunds, Fee
R efunds, Marri ed Stud e nt H ous in g
Registration, Changes In
Registration, F ees
,,Re li gious Organizations
Repeat Courses
Requireinents for all Degr ees
Requirements for Degr ees in Education
Re s ident At t e nd a nce
Re s ident Credit
Re s ident Halls
Safet y Ed u ca tion .... . .. .... . .
Scholars hip s
Sc hola r s hip Standards
Sc hola s ti c Honors
Sc ie n ce and Mathematics, Divis ion of
S ec onda ry Certificate Requirements
S eco n dary Educa-t ion
Sec reta ri al Training
Se lectio n of Pr ogra m of Studie s
Semi P ro fe ss iona l and Terminal
Cu rr icul u m s
Medic a l Technology
Other Te rm inal Cour s es
X- Ray T echnician
Services to Public
Social L if e
Social S cie n ce
• Social S t udie s
Speakers a nd Entertainment Service s
Speci&.·l Requireme nt s in
Elementa r y Education
Special Requ i rements in Secondary E d u c ation
Speech and R e ading Clinic
Sp e e ch E d u cati on
S pon so rs of S tude nt Groups
Starr State Board of Education
State Vo cation a l Rehabilitatio n Aid
Student Ce nte r
Student, Cl a-ss lfl ca tion of Student Conduc t
St uden t E mployment
Student H ealth Se r vice
Student Lo an Fund s
Student Or ga ni zation Sponsors
Student Publi cations
Student Senate
Stude nt T ea c hin g
Study Center
Su1nmer School
T a ble of Contents
Teac h er Pl acemen t
T e ach er Pr epara tion Curricu lum , Admi ss ion to
T eac hin g , Student
Te nninal Courses
Testing for E xcep tion a l Children
Te s tin g of Pr e -S cho ol Childr en
Tra nscripts
Ve t e ran s
We ll Child Conf e renc e
Withdrawal from Coll ege
X-Ray Technician