The Voice of the Campus of aThousand Oaks
Peru Pedagogian PERU.NEBRASKA
Volume 62
Number 1
New G. I. Bill Education Program The nation's 1,200 university and college newspapers, magazines and other publications have been asked to join the Veterans Administration in a saturation campaign to acquaint every veteran-student with all details of the payment procedures of the new G.I. Bill's education program. The VA cautions that the veteran going to school should be prepared to pay his expenses for at least two months. The law requires that, except for the first month of attendance at institutions of higher learning, monthly certificates of attendance signed by veterans be sent DR. JAMES E. PERDUE - CLASS OF 1937 to the VA attesting the veteran Photo by Walt Rimmer has attended classes. The first check will ·be issued to cover the period from date of enrollment through the end of that month without a certification. With his first check, the veteran will receive a certification card which must be returned to the VA at the end of the second By Mary Hunzeker we celebrate is that we care; month in order to receive a On Tuesday, Sept. 13, Dr. and that the reason Peru has check for that mvnth on the 20th James Perdue was the guest succeeded is because faculty, stu- of the following month. Proper speaker at a convocation open- dents, and individu.als through and prompt sending of these cering Peru State College's centen- the years have cared. tificates will eliminate delays. nial year. The convocation began Continuing, Dr. Perdue disEditor's Note: The above is a with Dr. 'Frederick Freeburne, cussed the majvr education prob- special news release issued by head of the Division of Fine !ems of the century, saying that the Veterians Administration. See Arts, playing his original organ '.'all knowledge is and must be"" page six for more details. composition, "Centennial Proces- personal knowledge." He drew sional," written especially for upon men from all different this occasion. Meanwhile, the walks of life, including scientists faculty, staff, and honored guests such as Newton and authors such were escorted in by Nancy Lar- as Thorton Wilder, to illustrate "Every Danged H u n d r i d son and Bill Bvwen, students. his points. Years," the centennial variety This was followed by the audiConcerning changes in Ameri- show, was presented Wednesday ence's singing of the national can society, Dr. Perdue noted evening, Sept. 21l in the college anthem. that half the American popula- auditorium under the direction The invocation was given by tion is under 25 years of age, and of J. D. Levitt. The program was Rev. W. Austin Van Pelt, associ- . this "numerical dominance of emceed by Don Dodge. ate professor of sociology. Fol- youth" poses many problems The evening was launched by lowing the invocation, Ron Kroll, that will require much energy to the rather enthusiastic distribupresident of the Student Govern- solve. In solving the problem, tion of "free souvenir programs" ing Association, extended the said Dr. Perdue, we must build by Joanie Sprieck and Bruce greetings from the student body. a bridge between the old and Larson. Greetings from the faculty and new by (1) becoming aware of The first onstage act on the staff were extended by Professor the problem, (2) accepting the program was the traditional Robert D. Moore, head of the problem, (3) being patient with frosh kickline. This year, under ·Division of Language Arts. Gor- each other, and (4) holding areas Pat Bindrum's choreographic didon W. Shupe, president of the of agreement. Dr. Perdue con- rectivn, sixteen freshman girls Board of Education of State Nor- cluded by ~aying our culture performed an Indian dance. The mal Schools, brought greetings needs "heroic teachers who are girls were: Judy Baker, Marliss from the. governing 1board. Calis- bridge builders in our society" Cramer, Bonnie Crook, Jan Dorta Cooper Hughes, Humboldt, to help bridge the gaps and rance, Donna Farson; Cathy state senator from the First Con- solve the problems in our chang- Grundmann, Danna Henry, Glengressional District, bro ugh t ing America, for "Who cares?-- rose Jackson, Linda Knippelgreetings from the state legis- We all do!" meir, Linda Knippelmeyer, Nanlature. Senator Hughes a 1so Following the address Dr. Go- cy Krakowski, Jody Meyer, Karpledged her support and ability mon recognized the board mem- en Miller, Kathy Reed, Lynda to the continued success of Peru bers and the representatives of Shanahan, and Dianne Witty. State. state and city government whv Next John Bstandig played a Preceding the address Dr. were present as well as leaders piano medley of "Old Piano Roll Freeburne played a piano solo, in other institutivns and colleges Blues," "I Know a Place,'' and "Polonaise in A Major" by in the area. He also introduced "Kansas City." Chopin. Miss Fat Knippelmier, a senior He was followed by Bob BerDr. Gomon, Peru State's presi- from Auburn, who is Miss Nean's pantomime of "It's In the dent; introduced the main speak- braskaland. er for the evening, Dr. James Dr. Gomon recognized the Book,'' including a chorus or Perdue, a 1937 graduate of Peru. members of the Peru State Cen- two of "Grandma's Lye Soap." Accompanying himself on the In his address Dr. Perdue tennial Committee. They are spent a few minutes reminiscing, Gladys Grl,rnh, assistant professor guitar, Richard Warkins then but devoted the rest of the eve- of eduoation; Silas Summers, as- sang two folk ballads, "Song to ning to discussing "reality ther- sistant professor of English; Don Canada" and "My Ramblin' apy" introduced by William Gla- Carlile, director of special ser- Boy." Throughout the show, Jim ser, a psychiatrist from Los An- vices; and Beth Terwilleger and Guilliatt intermittently appeared geles. Mr. Glaser feels everyone Tom Rosengren, students. Dr. Gomon presented centen- in hill country clothes with little "needs ·to love and be loved," nial plaques to the distinguished bits of historical knowledge for but people tend to forget this. the audience. One such incident Turn to page 4, column 2 Dr. Perdue said that the reason
Centennial Convocation Features Or. James Perdue
OCTOBER 3, 1966
Dr. Manley Speaks Of Nebraska Dr. Robert N. Manley entertained a near-capacity audience Tuesday evening, Sept. 27 in the college auditorium with his presentation, "A Salute to NEBRASKAland." He utilized folk ballads and color slides to depict the saga of the state's history. Accompanying himself on the guitar, Dr. Manley told the colorful, sometimes tragic, stvry of the pioneers. The program was spiced with humorous anecdotes and unusual legends. He pointed out that Wild Bill Hickcock, originally "Duck Bill,'' committed his first murder in Jefferson county. Among the local points of interest he mentioned were the Lewis and Clark marker at Rulo, the J. Sterling Morton estate in Nebraska City, and the .Honey Creek Coal Mine outside Peru. He commended Brownville, home of the notorious Jesse James, on its recent restoration endeavors. He told of the numerous trails, the unlikely-lvoking cowboys, the political songs, tile Indian trouble, and, of course, the covered wagons. He offered the windmill as the true symbol of the "hardship and promise" of pioneering the Great American Desert. Dr. Manley emphasized the integral role the American Negro
Variety Spices Variety Show involved Mr. John Lewis, Peru banker, and Mr. John Clark, history instructor, studying a map of Missouri navigation. Others include.d Lowell Brown and David Shuey, Nancy Guilliatt and Allan "Sully" Sullivan, Barbara Aylsworth and Erik Foged, and Kathy Downing and Phil Herbster. Mr. Elmer Nemec and Marie Ballue appeared as two Hungarian touring musicians. The River Boatmates, as they called themselves, offered a comedy sketch wi~h tuba, clarinet, and tambourine interludes. Shirley Pratt, freshman from Cook, demonstrated two outstanding baton twirling routines. She placed fourth in state competition last year. Bob Lierz and Bill Anderson appeared as The Brothers None with a thoroughly entertaining comedy routine. Then Gloria Dasher perfvrmed a lively tap dance. Then Miss Frieda Rowoldt came onstage in an outrageous "foxy Santa" costume designed by Mrs. Carlile, mother of Mr. Don Carlile. She gave a riotous rendition of "The Little R e d Turn to page 4, column 1
played in the molding of the state's heritage. He also mentioned the importance of the Czechs and Bohemians and the Mormons. Dr. Manley felt that the impact of the Missouri River on Nebraska's history cannot be over-emphasized. As a history professor, he attempted to dispel the theory that Nebraska is merely "the long, dry place between where you are and where you're going." As an enthusiastic tourist, he attempted to awaken .Nebraskans to the beauty and heritage of their state. Recently Dr. Manley has finished making a series, "Our Heritage," for educational t_elevision. Dr. Manley was graduated from Elmhurst College in Illinois. Before receiving his masters degree from the University of Nebraska and his Ph.D. in 1962, he taught high school, coached, and played semi-pro baseball. He served as assistant professor of history at Nebraska until he accepted his present position as chairman of the division of social sciences,at Hiram Scott. Although Dr. Manley is not a native Nebraskan, he has done Turn to page 4, column 5
Homecoming Play Is Cast The cast of the Homecoming play "Spoon River Anthology," under the directivn of Mr. Robert D. Moore, has been chosen and is now in rehearsal. The play was written by Edgar Lee Masters, who was prompted to write it after visiting a graveyard in a neighboring town. As he studied the names on the rombstones, he visualized the type of persons buried there aJ1d attempted to reproduce these imaginary persons in "Spoon River." At that time there was considerable controversy about the moral values of city dwellers and Mr. Masters proceeded to show that the same type of persons exist in the small town as well as in the large city. The play was adapted for the stage by Charles Aidman and first produced at the Booth Theater in New York City. The following cast and understudies were chosen by Mr. Moore: Actor No. 1-Mike Toscano of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Actress No. 2-Joan Bretthorst of Dunbar. Actor No. 3-'Don Dodge of Nebraska City. Actress No. 4-Diane Morrison of Bea trice. Turn to page 4, column 4
Things Go"Better With Coke? At 12:15 Friday afternoon, maintenance buildings, and was Sept. 23, residents of Majors stuck between the fender and Hall were surprised to see a Co- the front. The Beatty wrecker was called ca Cola truck caught on a cement ·post. The truck had driven to the scene, and, after some up over the post by the entrance- work, jacked the truck off the way off Sixth Street toward the post.
Ped Features Campus Organizations This year each publication of the Ped will feature an organization on campus. The group spotlighted this time is the Student Governing Association, common-. ly known as the SGA. The purpose of the SGA is to coordinate the efforts of the · students and · faculty for the best interests of the College. The SGA is the students, voice on the "campus of a thousand oaks." The association is made up of representatives from student organizations; classes, and the president and vicepresident. Annually, the SGA sponsors many activities and events for the ·student body. Thus far this year the SGA has sponsored all events concerned with Freshman Initiation including the Melon Feed, Clash Day, the School Picnic, and the All-College Mixe.r. The big event ·sponsored by the SGA' '.is Homecoming. This includes the election of the queen, the Homecoming Dance and the judging of the organizational displays. This being the Centennial year, the SGA has invited all •past •Homecoming queens to be present ·at all Homecoming activities. Boosting school spirit is ·one of the ·SGA's prime concerns and its members are currently working on several innovations to keep ·school spirit at its besf iby sponsoring events on week-ends: Other more serious duties of the SGA include evaluating the programs of other organizations, assisting with some problem$ of student conduct and morale, providing student representatives on several college committees, supporting college-wide activities, and sponsoring certain · all-college events. The membership of the SGA consists of 22 members--14 from organizations, one from each upper class (senior, junior, sophomore), and three members from the .freshman class-and t w o sponsors. All members and sponsors are duly elected annually. This year the president is Ronald J. Kroll. Other officers. include Patrick L. Venditte, vice-president and Mary Mowry, secretary-treasurer. Mr. Albert Brady and Miss Bonnie Rutz are cosponsors of the group. Organizational representatives elected last spring are: Janice
Enrollment Hits 1000
Full-time enrollment at Peru · · ·State Colleg~ for ,.the first semester of the 1966-67 academic year is up slightly over a year ago Johnson, Phyllis Groff, Tom Ro- with an. equally small decrease sengren, Joan Sprieck, Joan in' part-time enrollment for a Bretthorst, Mary Mowry, Ro n · first semester total of 1,040 comMcCoy, Mary Lu Hicks, LaVelle pared to 1,043 last year. No inHitzmann, Gerald Allen, Jackie crease over a year ago was exSwegler, Ken Stoner, J o h n pected due to a lack of dormitory Bstandig, and Pat Thompson. space, according to President Class · representatives al s o Neal S. Gomon. The housing elected last spring are: Ronald pinch should be eased next fall Jones, sophomores; Beth Terwil- as a 350-'bed co-educational dorleger, juniors; and Dennis R. mitory is now under construcKennedy, seniors. Three mem- tion and is scheduled for combers are to be elected from the pletion in mid-August, 1967. new- freshman class. Three hundred seventy-six To be eligible for membership freshmen are enrolled for Peru in the SGA a student must not State's lOOth year of seryice to ibe on social probation, must have state and nation. First-year men a G.P.A. of 5.00 at the end of outnumber the fairer sex 248 to the semester preceding the elec- 128. There are 169 sophomore tion, and be reasonably sure of men and 80 second-year women; returning for both semesters of 130 third-year men and 60 junior the coming year. Candidates for women; 115 senior men and 93 organizational memberS'hips may senior women; five post-graduate not be officers for the coming men and 12. post-graduate womyear in the organization they en. Last year there were 382 represent, nor may the same per- freshmen, 222 sophomores, 196 son represent two organizations. juniors, 222 seniors and 21 postAn important thing to remem- graduates and special students. ber about the SGA is that it is Of 'those enrolled, 949 are atyour organization and you must tending day classes compared to e:x;press an interest and an opin- 943· last year and 91 in Wednesion to your representatives in or- day evening classes, down nine der for the group to be effective. from a year ago. The .president, Ron Kroll, exAlthough the fall enrollment tends an invitation for all who was exactly that predicted, more have problems or ideas for the than a hundred students were SGA to give them to your class denied admission because of the representative--<and the group lack of housing plus an undeterwill discuss them. mined n'Umber failing to complete applications for admission because ·of knowledge of inadequate living space. With the exception of a few ibeds reserved The first college ·dance of the but· unclaimed, all dormitory and year was held in the gymnasium, housing space is filled to capacFriday, September 23. The SGA ity with Morgan Hall for women sponsored this dance as a mixer 10% over normal capacity. for. new and old students. Editor's note: The above stateA four-piece combo, the Rock-· ets of Falls City, played for the ment was prepared by President dance. They are under the di- Neal S. Gomon. rection of Don Murphy and are primarily a rock 'n roll band. They have ibeen playing together BOOST for some time and have acquired THE a reputation in southeastern Nebraska. BOBCATS The faculty sponsors for the dance were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brady, Dr. and Mrs. Darrell Winninger, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rosenberg. These sponsors enjoyed dancing as well as "patroling." It is estimated that approximately 250 students attended the informal dance.
SGA Dance
Watch Out For Kissing Disease As millions of students return to classes, school and college physicians and nurses soon will be faced with long lines of young men and. women complaining of feeling tired and listless and having other difficult-to-pin-down symptoms. Some students will simply be suffering from laziness. But many others will have a legitimate reason for "back-to-scho0l slump"-infectious mononucleosis-a common back-to-school disease which in the past has been more difficult to diagnose than to treat. A theory that "mono" is transmitted by close personal contact has led college students to romantically call it the "kissing disease." Yet, when it strikes, infectious mononucleosis can be one of the most miserable experiences in a student's life. Recovery can be slow and every day lost from school can endanger marks and play havoc with education plans. Now, experts have found that it can be an indicator of emotional stress. Recent studies conducted by the Tulane University School of Social Work in New Orleans revealed that h igh school and college students who were being treated for mono were momentarily depressed at the time they became ill. Thus, mono bcomes a trigger for dropouts, an excuse for failing to repeat a year, a last straw for requesting medical excuses for postponement of examinations. In addition, mono is also a serious problem because of its ability to mimic other ailments including appendicitis and hepatitis. One authority, in fact, reports that no fewer than 29 separate maladies can be mistaken for mono if diagnostic procedures are imprecise. These ailments may call for exploratory surgery to verify or potent drugs to treat, while the usual treatment f 0 r mono is three to six weeks bed rest, aspirin and gargles. Therefore, because of the possibility of a mono patient being subjected to the risk of being
diagnosed and treated incorrectly, physicians have been searching for a quick and accurate test to confirm or rule out the disease. The Tulane study further indicates the need for early de-· tection of the disease since postponement of needed bed rest adds to the stress and makes for emotional as well as physical complications. This year, however, it will be less difficult for school health offic~als to tell whether a listless student is discouraged about his exams, malingering, seriously ill, or another victim of mono. Pharmaceutical research has come up with an important new development--'the "Mono-Test"-a simple, inexpensive diagnostic test which quickly, and happily for the patient, .reveals the presence of mono in only two minutes. Using the new test, physicians can now immediately order bed rest ·and spare the patient further diagnostic procedures and delay in treatment. With the new "Mono-Test" diagnostic blood-testing for mono becomes readily accessible. "Mono-Test" is distributed by Wampole Laboratories of Stamford, Connecticut to individual medical groups and school and campus health centers as well as to hospitals and laboratories. "Mono-Test" is so simple that any medical technician can rec. port immediate results in two minutes. It can be performed by a doctor in his office using only a glass slide, a blood sample from the patient and the control samples provided in the kit. In addition, this new diagnostic test is inexpensive. To screen an entire school or university class costs only about one dollar per student. Before the introduction of this quick screening method it would have been almost unheard of to test a large number of students because conventional diagnostic techniques were too expensive and too time consuming. Editor's note: The above is a news release of Schless & Company, New York, N. Y.
PEDAGOGIAN STAFF Joan Bretthorst -------------------------------------Editor Mary Budler ------------------------------Assistant Editor LaVera Bennett ------------------------Personnel Manager Charles Williams ________________________ Business Manager Walt Rimmer _____________________________ Layout Manager Mike Castle -------------·--------------Circulation Manager ·Sheryl Barrett -------------------------'-------Copy Editor Walt Rimmer ---------------------------------Photographer Larry Nedrow ____________________ .; __________ Sports Editor Mr. James Keck ----------------------------------Sponsor
Photo by W. E. Rimmer ''The Pit" was the scene of ihe annual All-College Watermelon Feed held at 8:00 day, Sept. 14. The feed was sponsored by :the Student Governing Association with chairman. The cutters pictured are Dick Estes, Lowell Brown, and Tim Gilligan. watermelons were purchased for the activity. An enjoyable time was spent by the and watermelon lovers who attended.
p.m. on WednesRon McCoy as One hundred ten various students
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53 '¥tars of Service Ends t'"'•:;'.'
By Mary Budler At the ·.top of: the .hill, on the right corner at Peru's entrance, stands· an old, multi-purpose house~Craig's Avenue Grocery Store. This friendly old store has offered a wide variety of services in a homey .atmosphere .for over 53 years. Yet, on Sept. 24, the ''Avenue" ·cleared. its shelves at a final public. auction; Despite intermittent rain showers, the Berniard and Weisbrook auctioneers sold each item one by one. And thus a long, colorful history of a unique business was ended. Since its beginning in 1913, when Mr. Colglazer opened the store in partnership with H. U. Landolt, the ''Avenue" has catered to the college students. .After Landolt gained full ownership in 1915, the store de a 1t mainly with grocery products and limited school supplies. However, there was a fountain consisting .of three round "ice cream tables" and a short lunch ·counter in the rear of the store. Mr. Landolt recalls warmly "the many boys and girls who ate rolls and drank coffee in the early mornings there years ago." The store boosted its inventory greatly with the addition of the ibookstore in 1942. This perhaps was the store's greatest identifiootion with the campus. As Mr. . Landolt's business grew, he hired young Lenis Craig
as a shelfboy. Soon Craig became Land'Olt's son-in-law. His. young wife, Katherine, was then a Peru Stater. In 1945 Craig ibought the store from his fatherin-law. Craig exp a •n de d LandoIt's fountain into the Original Bob Inn in the ·store basement. Soon, however, the Bob Inn was moved to Delzell Hall. Craig and his wife continued to increase the Avenue Store's facets of service. In fact, at the time of the store's closing, the merchandise ranged from toothpaste to drawing paper to gasoline. It was even possible to buy prepared sandwiches and pizzas. There were also two apartments in the building whieh were rented to single and married students. All these services have, of course, been discontinued. Soon, even the store itself will be gone. As the college progresses, this little store is going to be torn down to make room for a parking lot-a decision of the Normal Board. It seems a little sad that the old store must ibe cleared away. Thousands of students ·ha v e ·bought Cokes, pencils, and cans of soup by the score at the "Avenue." They have found it always warm and friendly. There is no other place which can evP.r replace it in the hearts of Peruvians since 1913.
Annual High School Cross Country Meet
This meet was divided into two classes, A for schools with a male enrollment above 125 and B for schools which fall below 125. The winning team in each class received a trophy while the top ten finishers in each class received medals. After the meet had been run, there was a "Victory Luncheon" for the athletes and coaches at the Peru State Student Center.
The third annual Peru State College Invitationw High School Cross Country .meet was held at Peru Saturday, October 1. Participating in the 1.8 mile run were high school athletes from the four-state area of Ne. braska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri.
Will Our Homecoming Have 50% Fewer Students? In less than a month Peru State will be celebrating its Centennial Homecoming; this event will bring Peru alumni from all parts ..of the country to our campus. They will .be returning .... not merely to attend the game, play and dance .... but to "renew old memories" and view with a great deal of interest the chang€s made over the years~ Their very presence will testify their pride at being graduates· of Peru State College. But will we, as students, exhibit an equal amount? Or are they going to be disappointed in the lack .of school spirit today? We hope not.
Just hoping that we ·can rise to the occasion is not nearly enough. We must demonstrate with our displays, our publicity, and most hnportant, our presence at these events that we are truly proud possessors of a century's heritage. With over a thousand stu. ·dents, Peru's Bobcat stadium should ibe .bursting at the seams with enthusiasm that Saturday afternoon. But with less than 50 per cent attendance, how can this be possible? As loyal boosters of Peru's service to 'Nebraska, let's make this Centennial Homecoming a memorable one for alumni and students alike. -The Editor
BOOK REVIEW BY CHLOE MILLER Space for Everyone, iby Phillip S. Egan; Rand, McNally & Co. Space for Everyone is a simple, non-technical book which gives up-to-date information and the basic facts everyone wants to know· 8!bout space and man's relation to it. Today, with the great emphasis our society . is placing on space exploration and travel, we 'are left behind if we do not have a basic understanding of .space exploration techniques. Through the use of conversational text
and interesting color drawings and photographs, the author shows the beginner how to find his way about the skies and goes on to explain some of the differenc.es between rockets and aircraft. Mr. Egan also tells how man-made satellites are put into orbit and traces the operations that would go into p1anning a shot to the moon. This book is interesting, informational, and a must for people who really want to be "in the picture" for understanding current and future space probes.
SiftingSands on Sale Every year Peru State's English Club .and Sigma Tau Delta, honorary English fraternity, sponsor a publication called Sifting Sands. This literary magazine provides an outlet for those students who would like to see their short stories, plays, essay~, or poetry in print; and any student, regardless of his major or minor field, is encouraged to submit his work for consideration. The winning entries in the annual Freshman Essay Contest are always included in this publication. Throughout the 196~-67 school year the Centennial issue will be on sale, and may be readily obtained by contacting the English Club treasurer, to be chosen soon. The following novelty poem is one of the selections included in the Centennial issue.
All-School Calendar Monday October 3 Historical Society meeting, FA 211, 7:00 p.m. Friday, October 7 Cross-Country, Peru at Omaha University, 4:00 p.m. Saturday, October 8 Football, Chadron at Peru Dance following game, Student Center Monday, October 10 English Club picnic, Mr. Summers' home, 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 11 Cross"Country, Northwest Missouri State at Peru, 3:00 p.m. Wednesday. October 12 Newman Forum, FA Auditorium, 6:30 p.m. Friday, October 14 Cross-Country, Peru vs. JFK at Omaha, 2:30 p.m.
THE LANYFEL T By Susan Morgan
Saturday, October 15 Football, Peru at Wayne State
In the forest of Iy l, On a very high hill, Stood a castle all made of stone.
Sunday, October 16 ~Saturday, October 22 Nebraskana Art Show, FA Court
Campus To Campus
In the castle there dwelt A Lanyfelt Who would sit by the window and moan. He would moan and sigh And wheeze and dry The tears that fell from his one large eye.
BY CHLOE MILLER Midland Lutheran C o 11 e g e , Fremont, Nebr., has named the homecoming queen semi-finalists. Finalists will be chosen this week by the varsity football squad. Midland's homecoming is to be held the weekend of Oct. 8.
pro.gram sponsored by the Alumni Association. An eighty-country Grand Tour of Europe is now being planned for July 20 to August 10.
Redfem Clothing Co.•
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Central Missouri State, Warrensburg, was host to the Se~en dipity Singers in a two-hour pro"Instant University" is the gram on September 9. The group catchy term now often applied to has appeared on "Hootenanny" W~shburn University of Topeka, and the "Jack Paar Show," and Kansas. Stu.dents are attending is best known for its recent hits classes in the five mobile "vil"Don't Let the ~in Come lages" which constitute 122,000 Down;" and "Beans in Your square feet of classroom space. Ears." These villages are temporarily replacing the buildings demolAlso from Warrensburg, the ished in the June 8 tornado. CMS cheerleaders won third place honors against the nation's Students of Wayne State Col- top colleges and universities at lege will have the chance to tour the Cheerleaders Clinic .in Da:lEurope together in 1967 under a las, Texas, August 22-26.
" 'Tis sad," he said As he shook his head, "To be as ugly a creature as I." "I may be strong But my nose is so .long That six birds perch on it and sing. My feet number five, And goodness alive! What does one do with only one wing?" So the Lanyfelt cried 'Ti! one day he died And was as cold as his castle of stone. This is the enQ; Of this sad tale, my friend, And its purpose may never, be known.
Auburn • Nebruka
Freshman Fashions Freshman 'IClash Day" was held Thursday, Sept. 15, as part of the freshman initiation sponsored by the S.G.A. Girls were required to participate by wearing clashing skirts and blouses and .by teetering around in one high and one low heel. They were also required to go without makeup and style their hair in 20 "fashionable" braids. Nor were the boys left out of all the "fun"; they responded to the order-of-the-day :by wearing their shirts inside-out and backwards with a tie both in front and in back. Their pockets hung on the outside of their pants and they were also obliged to wear two different shoes and socks. None of this led to the particular happiness of the freshmen, and many spent at least part of the day "cowering under the covers" in their dormitories. But they were allowed to regain their "lost image" by looking especially dignified Friday on "Dress"UP Day."
STATE COLLEtt - . '"
•'""""'A f\11
VarietY Spice~ Variety Show From page one Fox" accompanied on .the piano iby Mr. Ed Camealy. It was warmly accepted as a ·worthy . successor of her traditional "Big ·. Brown Bear." Seven Plus One and Mary Lu, including Kathy Rotter, Joyce Blackburn, Jim Butts, Rich Shel' tQn, Bill Joiner, Steve Brodersen, ·. Joanie Sprieck, and Mary Lu Hicks, pianist, sang two selec; tions. Both "Theme from Dr. Zhivago" and "'raking a Chance · on Love" were done superbly. The show closed on a lively note. The Nightwatchmen, a na. . tive Peruvian combo, played · "With a Girl Like You," "Glo' ,ria," and "Nightwa:tchmen," . their own theme song. The group :'.included Bob Mullendore, vocal~. ist, Tom Pitts, Bob Runkles, and ; Chuck Staley, guitarists, and Bill Runkles, drummer. Thus ended the annual variety '. show; and Peru may have to _wait another "danged hundrid years" for its equal.
SPEED WASH COIN-OP. Dryc:leaning and laundry
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Centennial Cotwoeeation Features Dr. Perdue
On Takin,g~0ur>B~s
From page one guests. The first recipient was Dr. Perdue. Plaques were also presented to Senator Calista C. Hughes, and Senator Rick Budd of the Second Congressional District. Dr. Gamon presented plaques to -the members of the Board of Education of the State Normal Schools. They were Gordon W. Shupe, Wayne, president; James M. Knapp, Kearney, vicepresident; Floyd A. Miller, Lincoln, state commissioner of education; Francis Brown, Genoa; Henry I. Freed, Chadron; James A. Lane, Ogallala; and Bernard M. Spencer, Nebr,aska City.
To get the most enjoyment of the deed of taking your • girl to the show, it .is nece to drill yourself thoroughly. that you are the master of situation. First save and scrimp for eral weem to have enough ey in case youi: friend dev an appetite during the, s When you have sufficient m according to the ·price of w eat shops are open, ·you ask in your most flowery langu to permit you to es·cort her the show.
Other plaque recipients were Freeman B. Decker, 'former commissioner of education and a former member of the Board of Education and E. Allen Larson, Board secretary since 1943· and a Peru alumnus. A plaque was presented to A. D. Majors in absentia. The presidents of the other three state, normal schools, William Brandenburg, Wayne; F. Clark Elkins, Chadron; and Million Hassel, Kearney, were also recipients of plaques. Following these presentations Dr. Gomon presented a Distinguished Service Award to Dr. Perdue, who was the sixth recipient of ·the award in the past five years. Preceding the benediction led by Rev. Van Pelt, the audience sang the color song. The p~ogram was then closed with the recessional "Jig Fugue" by Buxtehude, played iby Dr. Freeburne. FollQwing the program, a reception was held in the Student Center.
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Girl To l
If she agrees, you are proba overjoyed and you should calm. Next you set the time groom yourself for the co · Photo by W. E. Rimm.er test. Perfume can be used, I would not advise .it as y feminine friend may use a c flicting kind; and the aro merging with your brand ma cause somewhat unwanted a seemed to start in the middle of tention. the track. ·Now, you can't just let a fire 1burn; someone has to 'If you can possibly get a put it out. Since there was JO for the evening, do so, as it see much goober juice left, a few to add dignity to the affair.. chosen freshmen were to fill Be polite to .the girls in t their mouths with the remaining dorm lobby when you call I goober juice and e:x:tinguish the fire. The "freshies" did a mar- the girl friend, for they sit· an wait for you to knock over flow. velous job. ers or furniture. Aching arms and shoulders Take your companion to th prevailed after the human wheel barrow race. On the first lap the car, help her in, and then dri boys were the lucky wheel bar- off. Show no elation at drivi rows, but on the return trip the your dad's big. car; pretend yo girls and boys changed places. could have the car down a The race was such a hit that an school just· whenever you wan it. encore was requested.
Do I Detect A Smile?
Goober Juice Strikes Again Goober juice flowed freely at the annual freshman initiation celebration. The festivities began with a picnic Cl.inner consisting of hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad, and grape kool-aid. The activities began with the freshmen ·singing the color song; the show was really on the road then. Picture, if you can, twenty-five students running in various directions all at once. The "drunk man's race" gave you this picture. Freshmen were required to place their heads on a ball bat, run around in a circle, and then run in a "straight" line. The results were ibeyond belief: Sometimes beauty needs· a little encouragement. Well, the upperclassmen encouraged beauty to the best of their ability. As a freshman, you may have been lucky enough to have your hair done. Egg, mustard, catsup, syrup, flour, oatmeal, goober juice, and feathers were added to obtain a new natural glow. The fun wasn't quite as messy all the time. There was a threelegged gunny sack race. The sacks had been properly aged for the event-eight years in a garage, or so the freshmen were told. There was. one slight disappointment in the evening's events, though. There was to be a whipped cream race, but it seems that the spray c an s wouldn't work. This really disappointed some freshmen. Some way or another a fire
AUBURN BOWLING CENTER OPEN BOWLING Saturday 2:30 - I I p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Mon. • Tues. after 9:30 p.m.
To close the annual event, all students stood and sang the ~ol or song. The freshmen are now true members of Peru State College.
Watch sharply as it is not ad visable to leave a fender on a fence post or a tree, ibocause you might want to go again sometime.
Homecoming Play Is Cast
Park your car and go up and buy the tickets. Rattle your pockets which should have a large amount of small change in them.
From page one Understudies are: for Actor No. 1-Robert Beran of Odell. for Actress No. 2-Danna Henry of Peru.
for Actor No. 3-David Kramer of Sterling. for Actress No. 4-Linda Shanahan of Morse Bluff. The assistant Charles Williams.
Senior Class Elects Officers Peru State's senior class held its first meeting of the year Wednesday, Sept. 28, in the gymn. Election of class officers was completed, and those elected were: Tom Rosengren, president; Gary Viterise, vice-president; Kay Jackson, secretary; and Gorqon Jackson, treasurer. Connie Rademacher was chosen S.G.A. representative for the class.
Appear unconcerned and not appear to be ill at ease everyone watches you enter, as a flustered condition may cause much embarrassment and many mistakes. Do not try to hide your · hands, but "if" she so desires, let her hold them for you and remember to wateh the show. One small . .word of advice ' might be given at this time-do not t,ake out a freshman. You know ten o'clock comes pretty early. Editor's note: Brian Collins, a former student at Peru State and past member of the Pedagogian staff, contr1buted. the above ntticle.
Dr. Manley Speaks About Nebraska From page one much to boost her image in her own citizens' eyes. He was presented with a centennial plaque in honor of his achievements.
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St. Mary Stuns Peru 27-20 Peru State suffered its first loss in two starts Sept. 17 as the mistake-ridden Bobcats fell to the passing attack of St. Mary of the Plains, 27-20, at Dodge City, Kansas. St. Mary's was the first to score as it built up a quick 14-0 lead in the second quarter on the arm of Quarterback Jon Taylor, who threw TD passes of 66 and 28 yards. St. Mary's defense and Peru's mistakes kept the Bobcats off the scoreboard in the first half. In the second half Peru came to life as its passing attack started to click. Carl Satterfield connected on a 15-yard TD pass to John Creamer following a pass interception by Arnold Johnston. The kick for ·the extra point was blocked. Minutes later a Peru fumble led to another St. Mary touchdown. Peru then took the kickoff and marched 73 yards to its second ·touchdown on a 22yard pass from Satterfield to End John Creamer. The extra point attempt was blocked. Peru scored again on a 94-yard march capped by a 22-yard pass from Satterfield to Creamer. The pass for the extra point was in.tercepted. At this point Peru trailed St. Mary 20-18 with 9:32 left in the game. St. Mary scored what proved to be the winning touchdown on a 16-yard pass play with six minutes to go in the ball game. Peru, valiantly fighting to come from behind, marched the ball from its own 34-yard line to the St. Mary two-yard line only to fumble the ball away with 3:57 remaining in the game. Peru's final two points came when St. Mary recovered its own fumble in the end zone. Quartenback Jon Tuylor proved to be a ·thorn in Peru's side as he passed for 265 yards, completing 22 of 38 passes. Coach Ervin Pitts charged Peru's downfall to the inability to move the ball on the ground, as the Bobcats could muster only 27 yards rushing. This accounted for Peru's lack-luster first half. The victory was the first for St. Mary in a five-game series history with Peru State.
Peru Outruns Wayne September 24th found Peru's Cross Country team at Wayne State. The harriers from Peru had plenty of trouble conquering a tough Wayne State team, 24 to 32. The wind, early season colds, and ailments held Peru's runners to the unusually hard finish. To win a major meet, the first · seven runners should place within one minute of each other. Coach Pilkington states, "The grouping of this race was very poor; some of the sophomores and freshmen are going to have to want to win a little harder if they wish to have a real successful season of cross country." The time •between Peru's first man and the seventh man was t w o minutes and thirty-three seconds. The places for Peru: 1. Tim Hendricks ________ 15:27 4. Steve Cornelius _______ 16:27 5. Jim O'Donoghue ______ 17:12 6. Jim Watson ___________ 17:25 8. Van Allen _____________ 17:32 10. Dick Warkins _________ 17:41 12. Dick Zaparanick ______ 18:00
UiwilJ. and Brown Elected
Peru State was solidly whipped The Peru State football team by an impressive Northwest Mislast week elected Seniors Bernie souri State team, 40-14, in its Brown, Rockford, Ill., and Bob first home encounter, Saturday, Urwin, Rockaway, N. J., as the September 24. In the first quarcaptains for the 196B season. ter, the stars of last week's loss Brown has been on the Coach's to St. Mary's, Quarterback Carl All-Nebraska College Conference Satterfield and End John Creamfootball team for the past t w o er, suffered injuries and will be years. Coach Ervin Pitts has lost for at least part of the seaused Brown at the offensive and son. Satterfield has a broken defensive guard positions and as finger on his passing hand and a linebacker. Creamer pulled a groin muscle. Urwin received honorable Northwest Missouri got on the mention in the NCC lineup last scoreboard first as a two-yard year and has played almos•t explunge capped a 55-yard scoring clusively at the defensive linedrive. Peru, with Satterfield still backer position.
Tarkio Bows to PSC The Peru State Bobcats suc- stead on an 11-yard pass for the cessfully opened their 19B6 foot- second. Nathan Brown added ball season Sept. 12 by combin- both conversions for the Missouring a powerful running attack ians. The game remained a stalewith a stout defense to down the Tarkio Owls, 27-14, on the Mis- mate throughout most of the final stanza until All-Conference sourians' field. The Peruvians were held score- Guard Bernie Brown began less the first and third quarters teaching a course in the art of but boomed for a pair of TD's in fumble recovery. The 201-pound both the second and final periods. Brown was all hands as he scooped up a fumble on the 50Charles Dailey scored the first yard line to stop a Tarkio drive. Peru State touchdown in the secThis gave Satterfield a chance to ond quarter to climax a 62-yard whip a pass to End John Creamdrive. Dailey, a freshman shower for a 38-yard scoring play. ing great promise, scampered 21 Creamer ran the last 20 yards yards to pay dirt after a handoff and Nix kicked for the extra from Quarterback Carl Satterfield. point. Sophomore Defensive Guard Brown then took advantage of Bill Everhart marked the second a fumble on the Peru 39 and scampered 2tl yards to the Owls' score when he scooped up a Tar35. The Bobcats· scored five plays kio fumble and scampered 30 later on an eight.yard run by yards to the end zone. This was Dailey for his second and the one of four Owl fumbles which final score of the contest. were put to good use by the winners. Dan Nix, also a freshman, booted his second extra point of Why Not the game to give the Bobcats a 14-0 advantage at the half. Buy The Owls were determined not to have their opener spoiled, however, as they bounded back in the third quarter to score a pair of TD's and extra points to knot the game at 14-14. Second string Quarterback Cary Griffith connected with Ames Crosby on a 14-yard play for the first touchdown and with Eric Win-
iri the game, got their first score on a 13-yard pass play to End Charley Dailey. Dan Nix converted the extra point to knot the score at 7-7. The tie didn't last long, however, as Northwest Missouri's J i m Blankenship scored on the first play from s·crimmage on a beautifully executed 74-yard TD run. The extra point boot was good and Northwest Missouri held a 14-7 lead with 1:10 left in the first quarter. Northwest Missouri added two more touchdowns before the half. Northwest Missouri started the second half just where they left off in the first half as the Missourians quickly scored on a 12yard run. With Peru's subs, Doug Winfield and Rich Guzinski, sharing the quarterbacking duties in place of injured Carl Satterfield, the Bobcats scored their second touchdown of the night on a four-yard pass from Guzinski to Gary Colgrove. The Missourians scored their last tally on an end sweep by Quarterback Don Orlowski on the final play of the game.
The Omaha World.,Herald's Star of the Week award was earned iby Peru State gridder John Creamer for his outstanding play against St. Mary of the Plains on September 17. The award is given each week to the top Nebraska college player of the week. ' The 6'2'', 205 pound end pulled down 12 aerials accounting for three touchdowns and 205 yards. Altoge·ther the pass combination of Creamer and Carl Satterfield set five Peru records. The 160pound Satterfield set new individual records in passing attempts (38), completions (22), an~ yards gained (300), for one game. Creamer's 12 receptions and 205 yards gained were records also. Already this season the Worcester product' has caught 14 passes for 248 yards. After two games, this is far ahead of the pace he set last year. Coach Ervin Pitts said Creamer's performance was one of the' best he has seen in recent years. He also feels Creamer ranks with the best in the N.C.C.
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better ·
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$150 $100 $125 115 75 95 75 50 65 Rate of estab.lished charges for tuition and fee, not to exceed $50 if more than one-quarter time; not to exceed $25, if one-quarter time or less. Rate of established charges for tuition and fees, or $100 per month for a full-time course, which- . ever is less. No allowance for dependents.
Full-time training courses are 14 semester hours, or the equivalent. ·Three-quarter time equals 10 to 13 hours, inclusive. Half-time is 7 to 9 semester hours, inclusive. Outside work is not .the interest of the VA. Money or wages from such outside activities are entirely the veteran-student's business.
make that basket!" And he is for the director to give the sigthe dejected, seemingly crushed nal, and then he becomes an in. figure trudging wearily toward strument of music, of creativity. By Joan Bretthorst the dormitory after his team has For he uses his voice to produce the desired emotional response "All the world's a stage, and been mercilessly beaten. in the listeners, whether it be all the men and women merely The student is the proud Amplayers. One man in his .time erican, his heart feeling as if it joy, sadness, or reverie. Of course, the student is all Pl!iYS- many parts ..." These, the would burst with the mixture of ageless words of Shakespeare, loyalty, anxiety, and peace it too often the wretched person expertly express the idea that contains as he murmurs, "I sighing, "Wish I were · dead! each person's life is divided into pledge allegiance to the flag of Why, oh why do I let these term many different situations in the United States of America .. " papers .go till the day before which he plays varied roles. The The student is the actor on the they're due??" He is the fatigued student, even t')lough he and his stage, waiting for the agonizing form bent over the typewriter at problems may in· themselves be seconds to pass before the cur- three o'clock in the morning. called a r-0le; can still be subdi- tains part and he must become More important, the student is vided into other parts. another being, completely unlike the individual taking his place in The student is the ardent foot- himself. And then, too, he is the society, dating, finding his own ball fan, tense, almost prayerful individual triumphant who final- religion, his own convictions. He in. his anticipation as he keeps ly reaches the state of "I am" is the debater, the one attemptone eye on the clock and the and becomes the character he is ing to make the right choice for the future. He suffers much but other 011 the. action occurring on portraying. the field. He is the tireless voice Moreover, the student is a enjoys much, because for' him screaming, ''Come on, Jim, make member of the college chorus, there is still a remnant of the it! If you never do another thing, silent and attentive as he waits black and white of childhood. And yes, he is always learning, the degree of which depends on the type of student he is.
Wnat Is AStudent?
An Old Solution to Modern Day Problem
From a public opinion column in a November 13, 1928, edition of the Peru Pedagogian comes this letter to the editor. Dear Editor:
"HOW TO PREVENT CHEATING" To prevent cheating, students: 1. Will march to class under guard of Peru's police force equipped with sawed-off shot guns.
2. Will be stopped at doorway and searched for contraband notes, etc.
9. Highly tuned dictaphones will be concealed behind the pictures to catch the slightest whisper. 10. When the student has finished his examination a lie . detector will 'be used to find out whether or not he has cheated.
3. Before entering classroom each student will be submitted to psychological examination to determine whether or not he has any idea of cheating.
11. In marking the papers, professors will discount 10 points from each paper on the possibility that the student has cheated.
4. Classroom will be decorated
This will make every student in P.S.T.C. a perfect example for others to follow.
with such notes as "Honesty Has Its Reward" and "Think Before You Cheat." 5. Each student must w e a r blinders and wear a handkerchief in his mouth.
6. Students and professors must enter together and .the door will be locked and sealed. 7. Professors · will be armed with blackjacks to inspire re-
spect. professors on the
Respectfully submitted, Steven J. Turille, 1932
Yes, the student plays many parts; but if in each of them he is progressive, then it need not be said that "tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day," for each day and each role will bring new goals and satisfying fulfillment.
Former Peru State linemen Phil Malone and Ken Dostal are FOR SALE--55 T-Bird rebuilt engine with Jahns, . Isky, Car- listed on the Omaha Musta te r . Interceptor transmission, professional football roster. Ma~ new tires, paint .. Box 73, Peru. lone is a rookie while Dostal starts his third year with the RUN A CLA:SSIFIED Mustangs. Buy, Sell, Find, Want 15 Words for 30c Majors Hall has announced SEE: ANY STAFF MEMBER that it will sponsor two intramural athletic teams this year. The Gladiators and the SharpHighland Aerials as they will be called, Thwart Junior Varsity shooters, will compete in football, basketHighland (Kans.) Junior Col- ball, volley,ball and softball. Unilege rolled over the Peru State forms will be ordered for both Junior Varsity 26-7 Thursday teams. night Sept. 15 as the Highlanders passed through the Bobcat pass Peru's 41-14 loss to Northwest defense time after time. Missouri may have prove;f ; :exHighliand had 13 points on the tremely expensive as the;;(l,;,Dy- . scoreboard before·· the Bobcats namic Duo" of John Creamer crossed the goal line in the third and Oarl Satterfield may be lost quarter on a 20-yard pass from for a considerable length of time. quarterback Doug Winfield to Both were injured in the contest Gary Colgrove. The extra point with the Missourians. attempt by Dan Nix was good to narrow the Highland margin to Some interesting statistics ... 13-7. . .. Peru's 64-man football rosHighland quarterback Pat ter includes gridders from nine Wozniak then threw two long states with Illinois listing more aerial bombs of 60 and 70 yards (21) than any other state. Neto Allen Hewins and Dick Hew- braska follows with 20, Iowa and ins respectively. Highland's final Massachusetts have 7, Indiana 3, score came on an eight-yard New York and New Jersey 2, and sweep by HB Tom Evans. Ohio and Connecticut claim one each ... Bruce Roberts of Loveland, Iowa has the dubious honHEADQUARTERS or of being the smallest player For on the squad at 145 pounds.' John ART and HOBBY Gilmore of Shenandoah, Iowa SUPPLIES tips the scales at the other extreme at 250 pounds. Giftware - Lamps
JOY'S COLOR CENTER 911 Central Auburn. Nebraska
*** In this first column I would like it made known to anyone who has an interesting or unusual story or report which they would like to pass on, feel free to contact this reporter.
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Witch them · · ..•~in. ille
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Fine display of diamond· crosses In 14 $16.50 karat gold lrom
The Voice of the Campus of aThousand Oaks . . .
Welcome Alumni
Peru Pedagogian PERU, NEBRASKA
Volume 62
Number 2
OCTOBER 17, 1966
966 Homecoming Royalty Revealed CECI EVANGELIST Ceci Evangelist is the daughtr-of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene vangelist of Newark, N. Y. eci is a senior majoring in ele:entary education, and believes 1at she would like to teach at 1e second grade level. Being a cheerleader and May ete attendant for two years ld a Sweetheart attendant last ear has kept Ceci busy since >ming to Peru. However, s h e as taktm time to enjoy !her faorite sports, basketball and! skiig. Ceci says, "I have really en>yed attending Peru because 1e kids are so friendly here."
JOANIE SPRIECK Miss Joanie Sprieck, a lively senior from Louisville, has been chosen by her fellow students as a candidate f o r Centennial Homecoming Queen. Joanie, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sprieck, is completing an elementary education major. Varied activities, such as cheerleading, White An gel s, PSEA, MENC, SGA, Student Center Board!, and chorus · do not give Joanie an opportunity to think about being bored. She portrayed a leading character in the "Li'l Abner" musical last spring. Joanie's interests i n d u d e horseback riding, swimming, PAT KNIPPELMIER boosting "Bobcat spirit," and Pat Knippelmier hails fr o m meeting new people. She has a ()hnson, Nebr. Her parents are pretty practical philosophy, too £r. and Mrs. Rudolph Knippel-. "Smile no matter what." 1ier. Pat was votedi as Best Dressed MARY MOWRY tirl on Campus last year; as Miss Mary Mowry, daughter weetheart Queen in 1963; as :omecoming attendant in 1964 of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Mowry nd 1965 and is presently serv- of Beatrice, is a junior canditg as Miss Nebraskaland of date for 1966 Homecoming Queen. Mary, an elementary ed~6. Pat, a senior majoring in lementary education, is amem- ucation major, is active in White er of Kappa Delta Pi, the !hon- Angels an<li PSEA. She is presrary education fraternity. Lis- ently serving as secretary of the ming to mood music, embroid- SGA and as cheerleader. Last year she was elected atring, and playing the clarinet Turn to page 4, column 3 re Pat's favorite pastimes. 1 ;
-Photo by Walt 'Rimmer
Cast of "Spoon River Anthology" Standing: Dana Henry, Robert Beran, Lynda Shanahan Seated: Mike Toscano, Joan Breithorst, Don Dodge, Diane Morrison Not pictured: David Kramer
Return of Homecoming Queens to Mark Centennial Event By Mary Hunzeker "The surprise, the excitement, and.,.;the honor of being chosen queen." This was the most vivid memory of Peru State's first Homecoming Queen, E 1 v e r a Schacht Juilfs, as she reminisced about ihai day. Peru's Homecoming Queen tradition dates back to 1940 when two queens reigned. Margaret Kinsey Wallace reigned during the football activities, while at the evening dance Elvera Schacht Juilfs reigned. October 22 is Peru's Centennial Homecoming, and both of the past queens along with 14 others have indicated that they will return ,to the "Campus of a Thousand Oaks" to help celebrate. All the former queens are invited to be special guests of the college during the Homecoming activities. There will be a morning coffee for them and their escorts, an all-alumni luncheon, and the football game where they will have a reserved section. After the game o 1d friendships will be renewed at a reception for them in Eliza Morgan Hall. Not to be forgotten is
the Homecoming Dance Saturday night where the former queens will be honored. Memories of the former queens include those such as this one of Mrs. Wallace: "Riding in t h e convertible on the field and being presented by Jack Mcintire -captain of the team." Glendora Galloway Rohrs, queen in 1943, recalls that "Bob O'Dell was to drive me onto the field at the band's fanfare, but we had the car radio on and talking and missed the signal." There can also be a rather sad note to Homecoming festivities, for Maxine Blinde Haack, reigning queen in 1944, notes that, "It was a thrilling experience for me as it is for anyone who is chosen for the honor. However, our country was. at war and the atmosphere is not as ·relaxed and jubilant at such times, and many people other than college students or close residents were unable to attend due to gas. rationing." Doris Wagner Vrtiska, queen in 1946, recalls the suspense of the coronation, for "The Speakers didn't carry to the center of the
Spoon River Lives Again By Roderic Ray
-Photo by Special Services
Who Will Be the 1966 Homecoming Queen? Mary Mowry. Pai Knippelmier, Nancy GuilliaU, Joanie Sprieck,
md Ceci Evangelist wear bright smiles.
"Where are Elmer, Herman, p.m. in the Peru State AuditoriBert, Tom and Charley, the weak um. of will, the stron,g of arm, t h e Plan to attend this eventful clown, the boozer, the fighter? evening of entertainment where All, are sleeping on the hill." you will hear from such perSDnWhat were .these people like alities as the Village Atheist. and how did they meet their After a long life of atheism he fate? Let them ,tell you when finally sees the light when death they rise ,from their graves in approaches. He says, "ImmortalS!Joon River on Saturday, Oct. 22 ity is not a gift, immortality is to present Edgar Lee Master's an achievement; and only those Spoon River Anthology. The who strive mightily shall possess Homecoming Play will be at 7:00 it."
field, so none of the candidates heard the announcement of who was queen until the queen was crowned by the football captain." Soon, a new queen will be crowned, and in a year, she, too, will look back and reminisce about ihai day, just as 27 other queens have done. Those planning 'to attend are Marilyn Masters, 1965; Pat Wheatley, 1964; Jan Beemer, 1963; Mary Ann Lewellyn, 1962; Lee Christen, 1960; Lynda Ehlers, 1959; Jean Rugle, 1958; Peggy Eickhoff, 1954; Opal Rechle, 1949; Ruth Walker, 1948. Doris Wagner, 1946; Cody Anderson, 1945; Maxine Blinde, 1944; Glendora Galloway, 1943; Virgie J'ohnson, 1942; Elvera Schacht and Margaret Ann Kinsy, 1940.
Peruvians Anticipate Centennial Homecoming With the approach of Saturday, Oct. 22, Peruvians are rapidly concluding plans for this, their Centennial Homecoming. Although Saturday is the climax and crowning day of this occasion, the week-end celebration will begin on Thursday, Oct. 20. On this date a concert will be given at 8 p.m. by the Don Cossack Chorus and Dancers. A Homecoming convocation will be presented Friday, Oct. 21 at 10:30 a.m. The featured speaker at this convocation will be Dr. Ross Russell, a 1941 graduate of Peru State. Also on Friday, a reunion for members of the class of 1941 will ,be held at 6 p.m. Early in the morning of Saturday, Oct. 22, the Peru students will busy themselves putting the last of the disp1ays in place so that they may be judged and Turn to page 4, column 1
·Editorially Speaking ....
BOOK REVIEW Did You Know • • •
By La Vera BenneU
The opinions of Peru State students are important to . the staff of the Pedagogian. The editor of the Ped takes this opportunity to invite those of you who have something you wish to say to submit your comments, in the form of a typed, personally signed letter, to this staff. However, a word of caution must follow.
Book Review-FOR A RADICAL CHANGE-The Communist View Report t-0 .the 18th National Convention, Communist Party, U. S. A. June 22-26, 1966 by Gus Hall.
As college students, you are expected to be capable of forming opinions on facts, not hearsay. And never should a letter to the editor be written in a state of anger, for your attitude at the time the letter was written may not be a true reflection of your thinking on the subject. Letters submitted should be carefully and respectfully worded, not over 200 words in length, and submitted by the Monday prior to the final deadline on Wednesday. They must be signed, given to a member of the Ped staff, and subjected to editing for the purpose of grammatical corrections. If your letter is accepted and selected for publication, you will be consulted about any changes that might have been made before printing.
\ !
For a Radical Change is the report and concluding remarks to the 18th National Convention of the Communist Party by Gus Hall, general secretary of the Communist Party of the United States of America. In his report, Mr. Hall relates that the only way for the U. S. to defend democratic institutions is to come to the defense of the ideals of the Communist Party, and to the science of MarxismLeninism. He states that the So let us hear what you think, okay? ideals of the Communistic Party -The Editor have been outlawed, persecuted and prosecuted by the Capitalist ARE YOU AWARE THAT ••. System because the Imperialists , Within the last two weeks the Pedagogian received in fear and worry about the ideas the mail an interesting, if alarming, piece of literature. It of said party. To achieve· a society absent of was in the form of a pamphlet written by Gus Hall, and contained the "report and concluding remarks to the 18th Imperialists, Mr. Hall announces National Convention" of the American Communist Party. several goals that must be met The views expressed in it are, for the most part, what one by the Oommunist Party in orwould expect of this organization. However, they are ex- der to maintain oui: democracy. pressed in a manner far more convincing, efficient, and First, he believes we must stop eloquent than we would like to believe. It would not be at the criminal, ibrutal U. S. Imperall unlikely that a disillusioned American would turn to ialist aggression against the peoreasoning such as this for a source of encouragement. The ple of Vietnam. We must stop appeals made to the underprivileged of our country are U. S. big business from stealing the tin and tungsten from that clever and attractive. country by way of military agThe booklet is introduced in this issue of the Ped by gression. an objective book review summarizing the reasoning conSecondly, Mr. Hall believes t?-ined in it. The purpose of this is to show that Commun- that U. S. foreign policy must be ism is not just in New York, Cuba, and the U.S.S.R.-it is changed. U.. S. foreign policy is here in southeast Nebraska. Only by being aware of it and based on the supremacy of miliadmitting it to ourselves can we be prepared to combat it. tary power; Jt is based on a poIt is my personal belief that for the educated person, more litical myth. · harm is done by ignoring that this literature exists than Mr. Hall then calls on th e by reading it. How can you fight what you can't under- working class (unions) to strive stand? . Joan Bretthorst, Editor toward unity that · will drive capitalists, with their government monopolies, out of business. To further the cause of Democracy, the Negro should strive BY CHLOE MILLER harder for Nego Power, and fight against White domination. Washburn University is offer- sical recently closed a successful The youth of the nation must, two-season run in New York. ing early morning college credit Kearney "yellers'' are uniting says Hall, be the leaders of the courses over television this fall. to fonn a club. The purpose of class. struggle in the U. S. He The titles of the thrice weekly urges each young person to leave televised programs are "Studies this yell squad is to fonn a sean imprint of his confidence in in Style" and "Philosophical lect group to iback the varsity the science of Marxism-Leninism team at all home games. So far Analysis." Each course is offered so that future generations will for three hours undergraduate 175 sports fans have joined the not face domination by the capisquad. credit. talist class of society. Two coeds from Eastern MonWashburn is promoting interIn conclusion, the a u th o r national relations this semester tana State at Billings, Montana, states that the Capitalist ideolowill go abroad to study at the with 13 foreign students from all gy, which appeals to the emoover the world. Of the 18 stu- University of Heidelberg, Gertions of fear, prejudice, and many next year. They are spondents, 10 are returning from last jingoism, and whose aim is to sored by a program entitled year. "Junior Year at Heidelberg," and instpl suspicion and mistrust, has "Half a Sii<pence," one of the the purpose of .the program is to lost ground. The Communist biggest Broadway musicals of allow the students to become ,ac- Party, in the meantime, is makthe ywr, was presented Oct. 6 at quainted with the Gennan lan- ing giant strides toward secialCentral Missouri State. The mu- guage, people and customs. ism. Students at Eastern's campus wishing to park their automo- porary prints by 26 different PERU PEDAGOGIAN biles on campus will ibe required al'tists. Monday, October 17, 1966 to pay a five dollar parking fee S. C. I. Dean of Instruction, Volume 62 Number 2 per quarter. The parking fees Dr. Wallace Anderson, wrote an were initiated to partially re- article, "A World View for Un"I hear America singing in the Yellow Pages"-Ferlinghetti lieve .the congested parking prob- dergraduates," which appeared lem. Published bi-weekly during the in the Aug. 20 issue of The Sat· the academic year, excepting holiThe State College of Iowa at urday Review. In the article Dr. days and semesters by the students of Pern State College. Cedar Falls, is presently hosting Anderson stressed the need f or a Yugoslavian Art Exhibit. The students to broaden their study STAFF display consists of HlO contem- of international affairs.
Campus To Campus'
EDITOR .......... Joan Bretthorst ASSISTANT EDITOR .......... . ...................... Mary Budler PERSONNEL MANAGER ...... ................... LaVern Bennett BUSINESS MANAGER ........ . .. . ... . .. .. .. .... .Charles Williams LAYOUT MANAGER ......... .. ...................... Walt Rimmer CIRCULATION MANAGER .... ....................... Mike Castle COPY EDITOR .... Sheryl Barrett SPORTS EDITOR .. Larry Nedrow PHOTOGRAPHER .. Walt Rimmer ADVISOR ........ Mr. James Keck
The signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of the Pedagogian staff but of individuals. The editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
Member F.DJ.C.
Vice Pres. & Cashier
It is believed that whiskey was introduced into England in the Twelfth Century. The Spanish As many as 40. kinds Moors were the first Europeans have been found living to distill spirits. from the head of one flo Wiring grizzlies for sound in Yellowstone National Park has enabled scientists to learn lifeand-death details of an entire grizzly population. An old Texas superstition has it that a red ant tied on a string <~ around a person's neck was a Permanents, Tint([ good cure for the common cold. Experiments show that smokBleaching ing is bad for dogs ... Also, it is difficult to train them to use Phone 3922 an ashtray. Peru Wouldn't it be nice if every struggle for world supremacy
Singing goes better refreshed. And Coca-Cola -with that special zing. but never too sweet refreshes best. things
Coke Bottled under the authority of The Coca·Cola Company by:
Nebraska Cify Coca-Cola Bottling Company
ELDON'S CAFE "For the Finest Food in Town" MEALS SHORT ORDERS Open: Monday · Saturday 6:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. • 7:00 p.m. Peru, Nebraska
SIMON DRUG CO • Ph. 274-4315 Auburn, Nebraska " Largest Selection of Hallmark Cards In Southeast Nebraska Complete Ca.mera and Film Department RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES "PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY"
B.obcat Harriers Take Triangular Peru's Cross Country t e am won a triangular meet Saturday, . t Tark'10 C·o11ege 0 c. t 1, agams
Peru Bounces Back; Rumbles by Chadron After the devastating week, end of Oct. 1, in which Kearney ifsmashed Peru 54·0, the Bobcats had nowhere to go but up and that is just where they went with a 41-7 ramble past C ha d r o n State .. Peru rolled up a massive 375 yards rushing and made 26 first downs to Chadron's 10. Freshman Quarterback Rich Guzinski, subbing for the injured Carl Satterfield, led the Bobcats on an early scoring drive which ended with Lowell Brown going over from 16 ·yards out. Dan Nix added the extra point and Peru . led, 7-0, as the first quarter ended: The second quarter st a r t e d with Charles Dailey on the end of a 16-yard pass from Guzinski, who later ori ·in the period raced 63 yards to score one himself. After Nix's previous try for an extra point was wide, he split •the uprights this time and gave the Bobcats a 20-0 lead at halftime. Peru went scoreless through the third period but exploded with three touchdowns in the final stanza. Bob Urwin picked up a. Chadron fumble and scampered into the end zone early in the period. George Evangelist scooted six yards late in the
Kearney Stomps Peru By Larry Nedrow The Kearney State backfield turned out to be a steamroller, Oct. 1 as it pressed out the. hapless Bobcats, 54-0, on the winners' field. Evidence of the Antelope back~.field's explosiveness is shown by 'the fact that Kearney got 28 first • downs during .the game compared with Peru's 7, arid out·gained the locals in yardage on the ground, 485-54. The player who did the most damage to the Peruvians was Halfback Lannie Shelmadine, a ... 20 year-old junior from Alliance. · Although he only saw action in . three quarters, he accounted for · )38 yards and one .touchdown. The Antelopes made good use of their bench as they substituted freely. . The absence of first stringers · Carl Satterfield and John Creamer was severely felt. This out1
game; and in the closing seconds Jim Brown pulled d<>wn a heave from Doug Winfield, making the score 41-7. Chadron's only score came in the fourth .quarter when Quarterback Mike Wenchell passed 53 yards .to End Dean Palser. Peru's fine play may be partly attributed to a number of players who were filling in for injured starters. The play of such gridders as Al Cooper, R i c h Guzinski, and Tim Logsdon helped keep the team intact. standing c<>mbination set five Peru State records only two games before St. Mary's. They were injured in the game against Northwest Miss<>uri. ~CS Fullback Lee Jacobsen of Elba proved that he was worthy of his starting position as he led the seven-man scoring list with two TD's. He . pushed across scores of .two and four yards. Neil Kaup, who was listed as a probable starting halfback on defense, showed that he was a capaible quarterback with the ability to pass and run. He showed poise as he tossed to sub Gene Staehr, a freshman, for one· touchdown, and plunged o n e
and Culver-Stockton College, both of Tarkio, Missouri. The score was 28 for Peru, 34 f o r Culver-Stockton, and 73 for Tarkio. Peru's runners came in with much better times in this meet but the "desire of the runners was down greatly from 1as t year," stated Coach Pilkingt<>n. The all-important grouping was improved with only 1:21 for the first five runners. Tim Hendricks won the race with a time of 16:36 and beat his nearest competitor by 35 seconds. Tim averaged five minutes per mile over the 3.4 mile course.
1. Tim Hendricks ____ 16:36
3. 6. 7. 11. 12. 13.
Steve Cornelius ___ 17:19 Jim Watson _______ 17:38 Jim O'Donoghue __ 17:41 Ron Jones _________ 17:58 Van Allen _________ 18:02 Dan Trout ________ 18:04
Freshman Warkins Leads Clarinda Meet The Peru State College Cross Country Juni<>r Varsity team e<>mpletely dominated a dual meet here with Clarinda Com, munity College, October 6, by sweeping the first six places. Peru's men showed some good times, with freshman Dick Warkins winning easily. His time was 16:39 for the three-mile course.
yard for an<>ther. '""Peru's first six finishers: The Antelopes took a 21-0 score to ,the dressing room at 1. Dick Warkins halftime and scored insurance 2. Dick Zaparanick TD's in. the third period and 3. Dan Trout fr<>sted the cake with three· in 4. Calvin Smith the final period. 5. Ray Uher Bernie Brown of the Bobcats 6. Roger Neujahr turned in his usual defensive performance but to no avail. Kearney is 3-1 for the season and the B1>bcats are 1-3. It was the first Nebraska College Conference game for both clubs. The i.ntramural football standings as of October 5 are as follows: Misfits 4-0-0 Roadrunners 2-0-1 Centennials 2-1-1 Marksman 2-1-0 Buds 2-1-0 Playboys 2-2-0 Studs 2-2-0 Fubars 1-~0 Cool Jerks 0-4-0 Gladi~tors 0-4-0
,l .;
' ,
J.,, ...
have won each meet in which ·they have participated. Although football occupies most of the enthusiasm during the fall months, cross-country, at this school es. pecially, seems to be making progress by leaps and bounds. While we're on the subject of cross-country, it's been brought to my attention that a few coeds are initiating a cross-country team for the fairer sex. Alth<>ugh details are limited at the moment, we wish them best of luck in their progressive endeavor.
From days gone by . . . . I found while reading the Omaha World Herald's pµblicati<>n Big Red, a history of Nebraska Cornhusker football, that the "U" had three encounters with Peru State in the early part of this century. All ended in defeat for the Bobcats, however. In 1907 Nebraska U. defeated Peru, 53-0; in 19-08 the score was 20-0; and in 1910 Nebraska U. rambled to a 66-0 victory over their neighbors to the south. D<>n't feel badly, Peruvians, because the same year (1910) the C<>rn:huskers defeated Haskell Institute (Kansas) 119-0 !
Some interesting statistics ... . . . In the last issue of the Ped it was noted that only 20 Nebraskans are on the P.S.C. football roster of '66. Hiram Scott College of Scottsbluff, Nebr., has exactly two on its squad of 90. However, Kearney St,ate reports that all but three of its gridders are from the Cornhusker state ... Over 2·6,000,000 people attended college football games last year and the figures for this fall are eX'pected to reach almost 30,000,000. I encourage all who read this paper to attend Peru's games and do ,their part in setting these attendance records.
SPEED WASH COIN-OP. Drycleaning and laundry
OPEN 6:30 a.m. • 10:30 p.m•
The nation's third b es t N.A.I.A. cross-country t e am seems to be on its way to another fine season as the Bobcats
The top seven runners for Peru and their places:
Dear Grenelda, I am a seventy-five-year-old Peru sophom<>re, and my father only gives me a $5.00 a week allowance. All the other yo u n g boys have unl1mited sources, so therefore, get all the s w e e t young ,things to go out with them. I drive a 1926 Packard and this just can't keep up with the new GTO's and Super Spotts. The girls won't even wave when I go by. I have no trouble keeping up my grades up in my two onehour classes, and have plenty of time to go and have a little whoopee! I've tried everything I can think of like taffy pulling invitati<>ns, throwing parlor parties, and I even raced my engine once. I sure do hope you can help me. Signed, Left Out Dear Left Out, I know h<>w you feel. The only solution is to re-enlighten your father as to the economic rerequirement of college life. A good idea would be to have your grandfather remind him of his college days. I \!raw this answer from personal experience, for I am a 721/2-year-old freshman. Affectionally yours, Grenelda P.S. My private line number is 872-0000. Troubled. worried? Are y<>u a leper contemplating suicide? Or just feel like lying a little? Write a letter to Grenelda. She answers all problems with her conscientious solutions. Her mailing address is Box 73, Peru, Nebr.
AUBURN BOWLING CENTER OPEN BOWLING Saturday 2:30 - ll p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Mon. - Tues. afier 9:30 p.m. 274-4320
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,PSEA Serves As Professional Organization For Aspiring Teachers The group spotlighted this issue of ,the Ped is the Peru State Education Association, commonly known as the PSEA. The Peru State Education Association was organized as the local unit of the Student Education Association of Nebraska, and the Student National Education Association. It was organized by Dr. Harold Hutcheson in 1958 to include all students interested in professional education. It provides its members with opportunities f o r personal and professional growth; for gaining an understanding of the history, ethics, and program of the organized teaching profession; for participating in cooperative work on the problems of the profession and the community; and for active professional membership on the local, state, and national levels. The association board consists of one representative from each class, one SGA representative, and five elected officers. Meetings are h&ld the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p. m. The meetings provide information about professional education, and feature at least . t w () guest speakers a year. The association is also responsible for two convocations each year. Other activities include two state conventions, an annual picnic in the spring, a homecoming display, and field trip work, which is a new activity this year.
Eligibility is based upon an in,terest in professional education and regular attendance at the meetings. Each member is required to pay annual dues of $3.00. The membership of PSEA this year is 22-0. The board members and representatives are elected annually. Bill Bowen is now in his second year as the president of PSEA. Other officers include Nancy Larson, vice-president; Mary Lu Hicks, secretary; Dick Dobbs, treasurer; Rogine Bang, historian; and Ken Stoner, SGA representative. The class representatives are Ceci Evangelist, seniors; Donna Wiley, juniors; Carol Rist, sophomores; and Wayne Tackett, freshmen. Organization sponsors are Mr. Harold Johnson, Peru placement director, and Dr. Uoyd Kite, associate professor of education. The president Bill Bowen, wishes to remind everyone that the PSEA is a part of a three level unit. Upon joining, you also become a member of the Student Education Association of Ne,braska and the Na:tional Student Education Association. All members receive the professional and national organization journals, and the benefits of the professional organization membership -resource materials, eligibility for any sponsored travel programs, and full legal services of the national organization.
Rev. Glaves Featured Speaker ...... At Wesley and Newman Forum
CALENDAR. Monday,;October 17 PSEA meeting, Fine Ar t s auditorium, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 19 Cross-country, Peru at Northwest Missouri State, 4:00 p.m. Student Wives Club, Campus School, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, October 20 Don Cossack Chorus, Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. Friday, October 21 1941 Class reunion Cross-country, Peru at Doane College, 3:30 p.m. Homecoming Convocation, Auditorium, 10:30 a.m. Saturday, October 22 P-Club all alumni Luncheon, Student Center dining room, 11 :30 a.m. Football, Hastings, 2:00 p.m. Homecoming Play, Auditorium, 7:00 p.m. Homecoming Dance, Gymnasium, 9:00 p.m.
Fry Cook. No experience sary. Six nig!hts a week§ 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Apply A · 274-315!}.
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SMj&f,t~{ii~d and satisfaction is guaranteed!
Thursday, October 27 and Fri· day, October 28 NSEA Convention Saturday, October 29 Football, Peru vs. Doane at Crete :Cross-country, N e b r a s k a College Conference
Watches for faaies in on excellent selec- · lion ••• from $12.95
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1966 Homecoming Royalty Revealed
Diamond engagiernent rings gnd bridal pairs $ SO
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29 •
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DESK PENS ·Sheaffer $3.00 • $100.00
FREE GlFT WRAPPING Will wrap for mailing and mail gift if you request it.
. fine display of diamond crosses In 14 $16.50 korat gold from
BOWMAN'S HARDWARE Appliances - Sporting Goods Hunting and Fishing Licenses PERU
ADAMS' SINCLAIR Lubrication and Gas Most Brands of Oil Delco Batteries ALL CREDIT CARDS
Rex Rains
Complete Line of School Supplies ,• Revlon Coty Evening in Paris Cosmetics
will begin at 9 p.m. in the gym-
nasium; Joe Weil and his combo will provide the music. Thus will end three days of long-awaited
Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday Phone 872-4351
Tuesday, October 25 Cross-eountry Triangular, Tarkio, J'E1K, Peru, at Peru, 3:30 p.m. U N Dinner, Frontier Menu, 6:00 p.m.
The Newman Club and Wesley of us are "in a rut basically" and From page one Fellowship co-sponsored a forum oppose all change. MARY MOWRY in the Fine Arts Auditorium This was the first of seven such Oct. 12 at 6:30. Father Vincent programs scheduled for the com- tendant for Homecoming, ValenKelly and Rev. Robert Linder, ing year. The Newman Club and tine's, and May Fete. chaplains of the clubs, and Pat Wesley Fellowship are both planNANCY GUILLIATT Thompson, Newman president, ning follow-up discussions OctoNancy Guilliatt, daughter of conducted the program. ber 19. Mr. an:dJ Mrs. Dale Guilliatt of The featured speaker, Father Bishop James V. Casey of Lin- Auburn, was chosen as royalty John Glaves of Paul, talked on co1n will be the next guest of the for the 1966 Centennial Home"Trends in the Church." He dis- speakers' bureau on Nov. 9. coming. A sophomore, Nancy is cussed the Vatican Council, the philosophy of existentialism, and Professional Careers in Aero Charting such issues as the possibility of priests marrying. He said that all CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT with the U.S. AIR FORCE Minimum 120 semester hours college credit including 24 hours of subjects pertinent to charting such as math, geogPeruvians Anticipate raphy, geology, and physics. Equivalent experience acceptable. Centennial Homecoming Training program. Openings for men and women. From page one Application and further information forwarded on request. WRITE: College Relations (ACPCR) prizes awarded. A coffee hour Hq Aeronautical Chart & Information Center, for alumni and guests will be 8900 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Missouri 63125 held in the Student Center from An equal opportunity employer 9:30 a.m. fo 11 a.m., followed by an alumni luncheon honoring those who graduated in the years ending in "l" and "6." At PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS 2 p.m. Peru State will meet Repairing and Remodeling Men's and Women's Clothing Hastings for the 34th game in Forty-nine Years Serving Students and Faculty the history of the schools. At the PHONE 872·2671 PERU. NEBR. half, the 1966 Homecoming Queen and her attendants will be revealed. Following the game, a reception will be given in Morgan Hall for past Homecoming Queens. At 7 p.m. :the Drama Club will present "Spoon River Anthology" in the college audiGROCERIES· MEATS torium. The Homecoming Dance
majoring in elementary educa· tion. In her freshman year at Peru State, NaD!cy was a lady-in-waiting to the May Fete Queen, and also attendant to the Sweetheart Queen. 'She served as secretary for the freshman class; this year she is a Bobcat .cheerleader and a member of the White Angels. Nancy's interests include outdoor sports and "people." She thinks that "people are t !h e greatest mystery of all, e v e n greater than outer space. For they are as old as time and as new as today, and aH so differ· ent."
Dr. Russell Addresses Convo
The Don Cossack singers and dancers brought some of the mag· Europe with them when they appeared on the Peru State -By Walt Rimmer
Don Cossack Chorus And Dancers Presented By Mary Hunzeker "They were great." "They were velous." "They were fantas." This is just a sampling of t was heard after the Don ack Chorus and Dancers had ormed at the Peru State pus on October 20. e Cossack Singers, a group 25 men who are Russian emits that fought Communism Russia, put on a splendid twour performance of singing and cing. They began the eve's program with Tschaikov's "Blessed is the Name of the of Zion" followed by Vobkevitch's Ukrainian s o n g, nging for Home." "Save Thy ple, 0 God" by Tschesnokoff; h Holy God" by Tschaikovsky; ve Maria" by Donize; a n d rd Have !Mercy" by Lvovsky re sung during the first part the performance. Also sung an old folk song, "Cossack ," which brought laughter to audience as the singers istled and imitated clopping ses. «, The second part of the pro~~1pam consisted of "Maleena" ~:(Raspberry Punch), a comic folk ~;;~ng; "Monotonously Rings th e ~fLittle Bell," a popular melody; ~?'The Old-Time 'Waltz," arranged ~"by V. Lashevich; "Sad Snows ~50ver. the Steppes," an elegy ex~pressing the Cossacks' deep love lli''for his homeland and his sadness m?lor the suffering of his people; j;;"Song ·of the Flea," a satirical !~account of a king who made a :llpet"of a flea; "Kaleenka,'' a folk jf~) f~·'.SOng; and "The Song of General !{ Platoff," a Cossack war song. ~l The second part of the show was ~'?',
president of Peru State, then in- master technology, but whether troduced Dr. Russell, Process Su- .man can master himself." pervisor, Du Pont Company, · Continuing, Dr. RU:Ssell said he Chattanooga, Tennessee. believed "we are getting on the Dr. Russell spoke on the "Chill- ball through education." He notlenges of Technology." He iaid ed our overcrowded schools; spethat in the years since 1900, tech- cialized education, both privately nology has taken great strides, and publicly sponsored; and fedbut that society is failing to use eral legislation, encouraging technology correctly. Dr. Rus- higher education. Dr. Russell sell dted such technological ad- said industry is realizing that vances as the automobile, which education is its life-blood and this year will kill approximately cited his own company, Du Pont, 60,000 persons; television, which which holds two world records could be one of our greatest tools for man hours worked without in education; and mass produc- accidents and is well on its way tion, which has failed to consider to a third-as an example of the human.s involved. He said, what safety education could do. "Question not whether man c an Turn to page 8, column 4
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
Peru Pedagogian
closed with "Lezginka,'' a Caucasian dance performed on the toes by the Cossacks without the PERU. NEBRASKA traditional ballet shoes. The last third of the show ibegan with "Sieny," a folk song often sung at village weddings, followed by "Stenka Razin," a folk song arranged by Dobravein that tells of a glorious rebel leader of Don Cossacks in the 17th century; ''Dark Eyes," a gypsy tune; "Laughing Polka," a comic folk song; "Soldiers Song," a military song; and closed with "Kozatchok," a popular Don Cossack dance. These numbers were so well liked that the dancers were called back for t w o encores.
Volume 62
Number 3
NOVEMBER 1. 1966
The Cossack Chorus was organized in Prague, Czechoslovakia by its present director, Nicholas Kostrukoff. They are internationally known for they have toured on all six continents and appeared in 65 countries. Recently the Platoff Chorus gave its 8000th concert, and of this number 617 were devoted to church music and given in various churches, including Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris before an audience of 10,000. In 25 years of singing in · the United States and Canada, the Chorus has missed only one performance, and that was because a locomotive of their train exploded in Kentucky. Anyone who saw them perform in Peru now knows why the New.. York Times states that they "still stand among the best choral group to be heard in our concert halls."
Men's Education Group Is Created By Jack Gaines
Recently the Peru SGA voted > Jo accept the institution of a lo. cal chapter of Mu Epsilon Nu. the national undergraduate hon. orary fraternity in education, on ~ the Peru State College Campus. ,1Better known as M.E.N., this · · organization is an attempt to further the cause of education among young men on the na::.· .tion's college campuses. Mu Epsilon Nu actually got its start in the spring of 1955, when a few dedicated students, enrolled in education at the University of Nebraska, came together to seek some way in which .they could further ·t h e ,teac~g profession. Then, jn
Friday, Oct. 21, Dr. Ross F. Russell, a 1941 Peru· State graduate, addressed the Centennial Homecoming convocation. The convocation opened with Dr. Frederick Freeburne playing the organ prelude, "Nun Bitten Wir." Following the prelude, the audience stood and sang The National Anthem. Rev. W. Austin Van Pelt gave the invocation. The Peru Mixed Octet, consisting of Joyce Blackburn, Kathy Rotter, Joan Sprieck, Mary Lu Hicks, Jim Butts, Richard She It on , Steve Broderson and Bill Joiner, sang two numbers-"I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" and "Goodnight Sweetheart." Dr. Gomon,
Ht58, the Alpha Chapter of Mu Epsilon Nu was chartered at the University of Nebraska. Since that time other units have arisen in Kansas, Missouri, and in several colleges in the state of Nebraska. Future plans call f o r M.E.N. to spread into other states such as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado; and Iowa; and, as the organization continues to . grow and develop, it searches out new ways in which to enrich the undergraduate, as well as stimulate pride in the profession. The membership in Mu Epsi· lon Nu is relatively low. and is ·purposely held low in order to Turn to page 8, eo~umn 1
A group of youthful spectators gaze aUentively at the winning entry in the NEBRASKANA Art Show. "Early Settlers" was the name of the first- place painting. -Special Services
Nebraskana Art Show Exhibited On Campus The top entries from the Governor's NEBRASKANA Ar t Show were shown in the Exhibition Court of the Fine Arts Building October 17 through October 22. These 23 paintings were chosen from the cream of the competition of a display held in the rotunda of the State Capitol during the NEBRASKAland DAYS celebration. The State Game Commission handled t h e exhtbit, and they feel that "Each of the pictures captures the spirit of the state and shows a special flair for Nebraska people and places." "Early Settler" painted b y Thomas Bartek of Omaha was the exhibit's first prize pain ting. Mr. Bartek's picture depicts an elderly farm couple as s e en through the window of their brick farm house. "Iron Markers" painted by Ka.thleen Oberg
of Holdrege was the second prize painting. Marie Osterloh, Omaha, had the third prize painting. Her painting, "October Landscape," shows ·the fall coloring of milk weeds with an old barn in the background. Although each painting has a sl:ory behind il:, Kathleen Oberg's is based--on a rather unique tale. Her painting shows three iron grave markers on the lonely prairie. These markers are a part of the mystery of the t h r e e "lonesome iron crosses of the prairie." They are located in the corner of a pasture thtee miles northwest of Gothenburg, Nebraska. The crosses mark the graves of three children of a Swedish family who came from Halsingland, Sweden, in 1882. B. A. Palm, grandfather of the infant children and Gothenburg's first blacksmith, made the intri-
cate crosses for the each child died.
graves as
For years the Gothenburg residents speculated as to why the markers were there, but in the spring of 1962 the mystery was solved by a sister, now Mrs. Harry Anderson of Loomis, Nebraska. Mrs. Anderson was born after the death of the three children, and used an old family Bible to identify the children's names. Mrs. Anderson remarked that she and her remaining brothers were told only that the children had died in an epidemic, and recalled how they used to visit the graves to put flowers on them. The exhibit's honorable mention paintings included: "Run, Antelope, Run," Barton Nelson, Hastings; "From This Sod," Mrs. Alice Closter, Randolph; "Home Turn to page 8, column 3
Page 2
Peru Pedagogiart, Nov. 1, 1966
Crenelda•1· Goodies·
Editorially Speaking .
''Student". Center ·Lounge? "Sweatshirts, sh o rt s , stretch pants and o t h e r clothing of this type is for downstairs wear only." This is one of the steadfast rules printed clearly in black and white .on a neat little sign in the' Student Center Lounge. Why should anyone doubt the validity of the rule? Everyone knows that you can't talk quietly · while wearing slacks .. We all know you can't pi,jiy the piano in Bermudas. And it's common knowledge tP,:at a sweatshirt hampers on.e's reading ability considerably. What's more, students enjoy sitting outdoors in the cold wind simply because they're dressed casually. The almighty "rule-makers" were probably aware of this universal ' collegiate fondness of , dressing up. The fact that the lounge is deserted every night should be evidence of the wide ·acc~p~bjlity of this impractic~LrW.e. I think it's time the Stjldent Center Lounge were olded for student use. Stunts sometimes want a place , go for quiet. The Bob Inn iS hatdly the place for a seri~us ta.Ik. The library ca.~mot ~·eonsidered a good groupstlidy area. And what about a; song fest? "Better go
change our clothes!" Certainly .the lounge i s used fairly often for games of checkers and ch~ss. Yet, it is passed up doubly often because of the dress-up rule. Girls are especially inconvenienced by this rule in the evening.
Dear Grenelda, I have an inferiority complex. I know that there is no reason for this because I am handsome, intelligent, charming, ·debonair, and, in short, God's gift to women. This complex is affecting me almost to the !breaking point. Last night I woke up screaming, "Elmer, don't throw away the sauerkraut.". And the very next morning I discovered fuy XKE was parked under a 1958 Cadillac Convertible, all because I didn't have a parking sticker. All these situations surely have a ·bearing on my complex. C a n you help me? Signed, Snardly Snafu
Naturally, as young adults, Dear Grenelda, we should learn to enjoy beMy boy friend is so crude that ing sophisticated occasionalthe last time we went out to eat ly. But who is sophisticated · he embarrassed me so much that at 8:30 on a week night? I dropped a whole handful of mashed potatoes. Other than this If the rules were modified and made more applicable, the college might get its money worth out of the beautiful new center. I'm sure the would change it from a Vicwearing of sports clothes torian parlor room to a wellwouldn't turn the place into used, friendly lounge. -Mary Budler , a rumpus room. Rather it
i!ptivity Reigns
Central Missouri State's enrollment for the fall term increased by 800 students over 1965. This is a 15 per cent jump for the Warrens1burg campus. The num· 1ber of students in the· freshman class remained almost the same as in 1965, but there was an increase in the number of upperclassmen and graduate students.
"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us !!OUld ·not succeed.''-Twain
,Publi·shed bi-weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College.
STAFF EDITOR ••........ Joan Bretthorst .ASSISTANT EDITOR .......... . · •..•.•.••............. Mary Burlier PERSONNEL MANAGER .•.... . . ••.......•........ LaVera Bennett BUSINESS MANAGER ........ . • .. •• . . . . . . . ... . •. Charles Williams LAYOUT EDITOR .............. . ................... Dennis Hubbard CIRCULATION MANAGER .... ....................... Mike Castle COPY EDITOR .... Sheryl Barrett SPORTS EDITOR •. Larry Nedrow PHOTOGRAPHER .. Walt Rimmer ADVISOR ••••.•.. Mr. James Keck
The alped letters printed in . tbl1 paper do not reflect the · opinion of the Peclagoglan staff . bilt of individuals. The editor re· serves the rtgbt to edit them for
Permanents, Tinting, Bleaching Phone 3922 Peru
Girltalk. Boy talk. All talk goes better refreshed. Coca-Cola - with aIively lift and never too sweet- refre~hes best.. f ) things go
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ADMISSION ________ $1.00
Number 3
, Volume 62
leper coruemplating sui just feel like lying a little a letter to Grenelda. She , all problems with her c ' tious solutions. Her mair '•
Eastern Montana College at Billings has organized its S k i Club for this year. This season's plans include several skiing trips and races. Also on the agenda are lectures from ski instructors, ski patrolmen and ski sales representatives. A new course being offered this year for the sophomore men at North Platte College is Body Conditioning and Weight Train· ing.
Tuesday, November 1, 1966
Dear Red-faced, Baked potatoes are hang on to. Connoisseurall Grenelda
,riew Curtis button. Please advise.
Campus To Campus
Washburn University has announced a contest to find the best folk 'ballads and songs about the June 8 tornado. Students are encouraged to put their tornado experiences into verse, and th e winning songs will be presented in a benefit show on the campus. , Proceeds will go to the university to help the school recover from the devastation of the storm. Hastings freshman w o m e n were initiated into dormitory life last week. Campus-wide dorm initiations included air-raid si:';rhe' Oak Bowl was over- rens, early morning calisthenics, flowing; the campus was bus- various games, unwanted buckthng; and even the dormitor- ets of cold' water and sunrise ies were alive with activity. serenades. A series of dinner meetiil'gs for Yes, it was a rare weekend at student leaders, teaching faculty, Peru State. It was our Centerinial Homecoming. For the and administrative faculty has fµ-st time this year, a decent been planned at the State College of Iowa, to help develop ~centage of Peruvians saw fit to remain on campus from more effective means of comFrjday afternoon till Sunday munication on campus. The dinners are to be 'held once a month night. just to talk things over. feel the students, parents, Also from S.C.I., "Step Down , mends, and alumni should be to Glory," a play based on the commended on their enthusiash,. and spirit at the game. life of President Woodrow Wilson, was presented recently. The D~pite our loss, the audience showed great sportsmanship play, written by the poet-playwright, Gary Heilsberg, tells the and interest. The entire day was re- story of Wilson's struggle and freshingly different and ex- defeat in achieving a successful League of Nations.
citing. I only wish such enthusiasm could be seen at every home game. -Mary Budler
Dear Snardly, After successfully passing• Psychology 121, T coiµd tell lit a glance that you are suffering from what is commonly known as psyceopodernophytosis. This is bad. What is a guy like you do· ing running around the campus anyhow? Sorrowfully, Grehelda ·
Who's Afraid of
Virginia Woolf? BANK OF PERU PHONE 872-2331
MEALS SHORT ORDERS Open: Monday • Saturday 6:00 a.m. • 10:30 p.m. , Sunday 8:00 a~m. • ·7:00 p.m. Peru, Nebraska
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Centennial Homecoming Day Includes Varied Activities Alumni Receptions, Displays, Game, Play and Dance Fill Day's Schedule
·Centennial Homecoming Queen Ceci Evangelist is crowned by her father, Eugene Evangelist of Newark, N. Y., as escort Rick Connole, flower girl Carol Brady and crown bearer Paul Van Pelt look on. In inset above, Dr. Neal S. Gomon, President of Peru State College, presents the surprised and overjoyed Oueen with the traditional spray of roses. -By Walt Rimmer
Homecoming Queen Crowned · · · Ceci Evangelist Wins Honors Peru State's Centennial Homecoming was .brightened as the .Bobcats scored with 25 seconds left in the first half to go ahead of Hastings College 7-6. Although the Bobcats went on to finally lose this game, their timely touchdown assured a j o y f u 1 homecoming ceremony. The Peru State band, under
the direction of Mr. Gilbert Wilson, marched onto· the field to begin the halftime performance. After executing several maneuvers, they formed the background for the presentation of the halftime activities. The former homecoming queens w e r e then presented to the audience. Tension and excitement mounted
as the candidates made their ap- Mr. Dennis Dietric~. pearances on the field. The folMiss Carol Brady, daughter of lowing were the candidates and Mr. and Mrs. Arbert Brady, was their escorts: the flower girl. Mr. Peter Van Miss Ceci Evangelist, Mr. Dick Pelt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Connole; Miss Nancy Guilliatt, Van Pelt, was the crown bearer. Mr. Dennis Kennedy; Miss Pat President Gomon walked onto Knippelmeier, Mr. Bill Daigle; the field to present the traditionMiss Mary Mowry, Mr. Bill Sar- al red roses to the 1966 Cententaillon; and Miss Joan Sprieck, nial Homecoming Queen-Miss
Ceci Evangelist. To make this occasion even happier for Queen Ceci, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Evangelist of Newark, New York, were present. Queen Ceci and her attendants were again honored at the annual homecoming dance held at 9:00 p.m. in the school auditorium.
Page. 4
Peru Pedagogiart, Nov. 1. 1966
Spoon River Anthology Reviewed Editor's Note: Mr. R. H. Fanders is a drama coach in an Iowa school. After a:ttending t h e Homecoming play, he wrote the following review. '.A stage, actors and imaginatfon are all one really needs for a stimulating evening if the words and ideas are provided by a·. great American poet who had his finger on the pulse of an American small town. Professor R; D. Moore proved it Homecomiµg evening in the Peru auditorium by presenting four talented people in Spoon River Anthology betore an appreciative audience. The presentation of a gallery of characters from a small midwestern graveyard required tremendous physical and vocal resources because actors did not have the support of costume, I#akeup or set. In almost every Cli$e .·the young actors w e r e eJiui\l to the task. }l'he people in Edgar Lee Mast~fs Spoon River are intensely b:uinan: strong, weak, deceitful, self-serving, spiteful, hypocritical:, ·bitter, cynical, impassioned 4~i:Lbroken as we are all. Per~l"ips, fortunately, the brightest
and one of the most moving performances was given by Diane Morrison as Lucinda Matlock who, after all of the bitterness and heart-break of losing eight of her twelve children, found life beautiful, exciting and wonderful because "It takes life to love life." Her simple philosophy shamed all the rest of the inhabitants. Miss Morrison was also very effective as Aunt Hanna, as in a rich, emotion-strained voice she pleaded before Lincoln. She shows real promise as an actress. With a voice :that commands aUenfion Mike Toscano savagely attacked a large number of characterizations that ranged from the amusing (Willie Metcalf the Idiot and the little Jew, who through an unfortunate accident was buried in Spoon River. "It was bad enough to sell clothes in this town but to be buried here ...." stopped the show with enthusiastic applause) to the brutal Rhodes' slave, Eugene Carman. There was the sly Judge Lively on his knees who g o t "even" with those who had mistreated him. In addition Toscano made a real effort to add physi-
cal characteristics to his people and to probe the inner depths of their existence. As reader number three, Don Dodge had perhaps the greatest vocal range. He was best as th e hypocritical Deacon Tayler and the pompous Hamilton Greene. Unfortunately, in the gravelvoiced characters, words were often lost because of poor diction -and in poetry words are spare and precious. Joan Bretthorst, reader number two was outstanding as Elsa Wertman, the immigrant woman dishonored by her employer-(a full play was contained in the three vignettes encompassing this tragedy). She was also effective as the poetess Minerva, scorned by the village and victim of a quack doctor. Poetry is condensed almost beyond belief. The poet must secure worlds of meaning in a single phrase or a word. In some of Masters' sparest verses a r e packed entire novels and tragicomedies for which writers of lesser stature would require many pages. But this also proTurn to page 5, column 1
Its theme of progress captured the Lambda's Homecoming display,
Phi Beta Lambda~ Wins
$50 Prize
Phi Beta Lambda captured Grand Prize, which is $50, for its display on progress since the covered wagon Saturday for Peru State's Home<:oming. Home Economics Club merited first place, which is a trophy and $25, for their display of a recipe and cake for Peru's victory. Tri Beta won second place, a trophy and $15, for their Bobcat and Bronco. Industrial Arts Club took third place, consisting of a trophy and $10, for their display of Peru State's beginning. There were twelve displays in all. All campus organizations were sent letters by SGA en<!Ouraging the making of a display for Homecoming. SGA also gave the money and trophies for the prizes. The displays were judged by Homecoming royalty Pai Knippelmier, Nancy Guilliait, Queen Ceci, Mary Mowry, and Joanie Sprieck survey the game at a happy moment. -By Walt Rimmer six people, Mrs. Sara Fairbanks,
and Mr. Dick Wilson from A urn; and Mr. Hanford Miller, . Don Wilson, Mr. Edward mealy, and Ron Kroll from t campus. The organizations ha follow two themes in ma ' their displays, "This Hunl Years and The Future," "Victory." They were judged cording to their origm . · quantity, quality, interest app : and how much of either the was used. The winners w chosen on a point system of to ten on how well they served each of the five re tions. Other organizations that h entries were Wesley Fellows • Geography Club, Foreign 1 guage Club, Alpha Mu Ome Newman Club, Kappa Delta PSEA, and Peru Historical ciety.
Reception Honors Past Homecoming Queens Following the homecoming game the residents of Eliza Mor.g;in Hall held a tea and reception in honor of the past homecoming queens. The Student Wives served coffee and cookies provided by the Student Union. A tour of the dormitory allowed the past queens to see the various changes since they lived on campus. Many of the visitors showed their children the rooms where they had lived while students at Peru State. The past homecoming queens attending were: Mrs. Margery Kinsey Wallace (1940), Lincoln; Mrs. Elvera Schacht Juilfs (1940), Miami, Florida; Mrs. Ferne Peterson Mailey (1941), Indianapolis, Indiana; Mrs. Virgie Johnson Shaw (1942), Coral Gables, Florida; Mrs. Glendora Galloway Rohrs (1943), Fremont; Mrs. Maxine Blinde Haack (1944), Johnson; ·Mrs. Cody Anderson Lin<;ler (1945), Lincoln; Mrs. Dorjs Wagner Vrtiska (1946), Table Rock; Mrs. Ruth Walker Howe (1948), Fort Smith, Arkansas; Mrs. Jean Ruyle Rottman (1958), Fayetteville, Arkansas; Mrs. Lee
Christen Dostal (1960), Omaha; Mrs. Mary Lewellyn Noell (1962), Dow City, Iowa; Mrs. Jan Beemer Demott (1963), Platteville, Colorado; Miss Pat Wheatley (1964), Omaha; Mrs. Marilyn Masters Yopp (1965), Menlo, Iowa; and Miss Ceci Evangelist (1966), Newark, New York.
Misses Weare Return The Misses Hazel and Edna Weare, professors emeritus who now live in Lexington, Missouri, were guests of the Harold Johnsons for the Homecoming weekend. They extended their stay in order to attend the U.N. Dinner as the guests of Miss Gladys Grush.
DO YOU KNOW? Opportunities are seldom labeled. ' 1With girls wearing slacks and boys in long hair, a he-man hardly knows who to whistleat." There are two sides to every argument ... But I don't have time to listen to yours.
The cast of "Spoon River Anthoiogy" brought a month's rehearsal labors to a triumphant en Homecoming night with 'il:s presentation in the college auditorium. Here, Director R. D. Moore i shown relaxing with singers Joanie Sprieck and Mel Hester, and cast memb.ers Mike Toscano, Da Dodge, Joan BreUhorst, and Diane Morrison after dress rehearsal Credit also goes to Mary Anna Gnade, wardrobes: Chic Williams, assistant director and lighting: Jim Butts and Sieve Mason, sf help; and Mrs. Gilbert Wilson, music arrangements. Casi number two, consisting of Danna Henry, Rob• eri Beran, David Kramer, and Lynda Shanahan, also put in many hours of faithful work and pro· vid.ed valuable observation for the fint cast. -By Walt Rimmer
Peru Pedagogian, Nov.
L 1966
Centennial Year Busy For Special Services
A "Homecoming Recipe for Victory," constructed by the Home Economics Club. was awarded first place among the various displays. ' -By Walt Rimmer
Spoon River Anthology From page four duces a difficulty for the theatre because drama needs time and space for really deep and penetrating insight as does the audience. Masters' lines need the unhurried reflection to make their point. But often the verse gains in interpretation of the director and the skill and inflection of the actors. Best ensemble playing was in Dippold the Optician where the interplay involving all f o u r voices in rapid and complicated sequence revealed the careful direction and rehearsal of the work. Suitable musical background was provided by the voice of Joan Sprieck using a "country timbre" and Mel Hester's subtle guitar. Perhaps this effort should not be considered as drama because it has no unified structure beyond that of Masters' book nor does it have a single conflict. It is instead a spray of sometimes dazzling fragments. Visually the play was weak and unexciting. There are those whD, like RDbert Edmund JDnes, have maintained that the theatre must be an "eyeful." R e c e n t trends have been in that directiDn (Royal Hunt of the Sun and Marat-Sade). Here Spoon River fails. Lighting which would have varied in color to suit the mood and levels providing for m o re aesthetic blocking might h a v e been an aid. Possibly even abstraction instead of the reality provided might have been more exciting visually. As it was, Professor Moore could sca11cely have provided a better showcase for four talented people to display their imagination, voices and bodies in an intellectual, if not always emotional, evening. -R. H. Fander
SECOND PAYMENT DUE Nine weeks have passed and the semester is half over. This means that the second half of board and room is due. Students are reminded that the amount due is $162.5(} which must be paid by November 4, at the Business Office.
The Special Services Department of Peru State College is off to another dedicated year of service. Peru State called for their services as head of the Alumni office. They were in charge of the 1941 Homecoming class reunion. Seventeen out of 48 living members were able to attend a class reunion held at Arbor Manor, at 6:00 p.m. October 21, 1966, coming from places as far away as Tennessee, Michigan, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, Washington, Texas. and Florida. They a 1 so presented the Alumni Luncheon, serving over 170 guests. The class of 1941 had the largest representation, and the oldest guest was Dr. Clyde Filley, professor emeritus of the University of Nebraska, coming to represent the class of 1899. · Along with all their other in-
volvements, the Special Services Department took a part in helping Mary Lu Hicks and Nancy Larson sponsor the halftime royalty program. Sixteen of twentyeight past queens were able to attend. Mr. Carlile is presently taking part in an extensive campaign program to encourage larger enrollments in Peru College. His duties involve his attendance at many high school career d a y programs throughout the surrounding areas, while his main goal is to encourage further interest among students in Peru College. The last program on his agenda was at Nebraska City, where he was accompanied by Mr. Johnson, who spoke on teaching; Dean Rosenberg, who attended a parents coffee hour; and Mr. Donald Wilson who presented a session on art. With all these accomplishments, one would think that the S p e c i a 1 Services Department could do no more, but such is not the case. Both Mr. Carlile and Mr. Bob Henry feel that they also make the best coffee in the world!
"Frontier Days" Theme of U.N Dinner The 15th annual U.N. Dinner was held Tuesday, October 2.5, 1966. This year's theme was "The Frontier Days" in keeping with the Centennial of our State. This dinner is prepared by the Experimental Foods Class with the help of the Home Economics Club and majors and is under the direction of Mrs. Kregel. Dave Williams played a piano ·j· medley to introduce the pro·.· gram. The blessing was given by ,' L. B. Mathews, pioneer professor emeritus. Arlene Borcher, president of the Home Economics Club, welcomed the guests. This was followed by a tenor solo by Kenneth Carnes, accompanied by Second prize in the display went to Tri Beta. honorary biology fraternity, with its "100· Year-Old· Mike McNeely. Bobcat." -By Walt Rimmer Turn to page 8, column 2
Fall Weather Heralds Homecoming By Maxine Lyons Each day as the sun sets into the western horizon, we see the end of summer and the approach of a new season. Slowly Old Man Winter creeps upon us. Everywhere life sheds its summer clothing and d@s a new wardrobe for the long, cold winter ahead. The leaves fall from their haven in the trees to death upon the damp, bare ground. The rainbow of colors fluttering in the breeze paint a picture of the dying earth. The velvet carpet of grass turns brown in its age-old tradition. No longer is it the playground for the vast number of cheerful, chattering voices. They too recede into a state of inactivity and shy from the chill of the blasting North Wind. Puffy cheeked squirrels reveal a frantic search for the winter supply of food. Gone is the noisy chatter which awakes us early on the bright summer mornings. Dusk comes early and people Turn to page 8,. column 4
"Peru State College-Serving State and Nation Since 1867" was the theme of the Industrial Arh display which merited third place on Homecoming Day, -By Walt Rimm.er
Kappa f!)elta;:·~i<,~.:··;
P. S. C. Gains New "Editions" This year the Peru State faculty and administration have acquired eleven new members. They will be introduced in success.ive issues of the Pedagogian in alphabetical order. MR. JERRY COX Mr. Jerry, Cox, a 1963 Kansas State graduate, is one of the new professors in the Business Department. Upon receiving his 1bachelors degree in business education from Kansas State, Mr. Cox accepted the position of teaching business education at McCune High School, McCune, Kansas. Mr. Cox's interests range from serving as sponsor of Phi Beta Lambda, an honorary business
fraternity, to enjoying all types of sports, especially pheasant hunting and fishing. When asked his opinion of Peru State, Mr. Cox made the following comment, "The campus is really pretty, and the atmosphere is very pleasing." Mr. Cox and his wife, Joan, reside in the faculty apartments with their two children-Jeff, four, and Jay, one. MR. JAMES KECK A new addition to the Lan-
guage Arts Department faculty is James Keck. A native Nebraskan, ·Mr. Keck teaches all the publication courses and three sections of freshman composition. Mr. Keck graduated from Bea-
and satisfaction is
Honorary Education "Fraternity.
Kappa Delta Pi is the national On Oct. 31, 17 new memb~rs honorary education fraternity, will be initiated into Kappa Del~ the largest educational fraternity ta Pi. This will begin a y~ar fhli . in the United States. The Peru Of exciting events. . ' Chapter is Beta Mu. Juniors and Nov. 5, six members of Kappa seniors who are in the upper Delta Pi and their sponsor, Miss trice High School, received his one-fifth of their class scholasti- Alma Ashley, will go to a re- · B.A. from Nebraska Christian cally and who exhibit commend- gional meeting at Brookings, College of Norfolk, Nebraska, able personal qualities, worthy South 'Dakota. Members of the i'deas, and sound fraternity to make the trip are: and obtained his masters in Eng- ed"cational '" scholarship are invited to be- Charles Bowman, Jacqueline lish at Fort Hays Kansas State come members. College at Hays, Kansas. Dodson, Nancy Larson, Pat CorThe purpose of the fraternity rigan, and Julia Emery. These Mr. Keck is a member of the National Council of Teachers of is to encourage high profession- regional meetings are held every English and is a member of Sig- al, intellectual, and personal two years; every other year standards, and also to recognize there is a national convention. ma Alpha Epsilon. outstanding contributions to the Both Mr. Keck and his wife, field of education. This organization meets the Connie, enjoy golfing, but are The officers for this year are: first Monday of every month. now concerned with correctly president, Jacqueline Dodson; Throughout the year it plans to raising their 5-month-old collie, vice-president, Nancy Jarvis; .. have many iilteresting speakers, Heidi. secretary, Nancy Larson; treas- ·discussions on educational proburer, Carol Henderson; and his" !ems, and anything of interest is torian, Pat Corrigan. connected_· .with ed1:1~ation. MR. VERNON KIELY Mr. Vernon Kiely, the newest addition to the faculty in the Department of Business at Peru State College, comes to our camBy Charles Williams pus directly from a term as proResol ved: That the United but .not least, a debater .must be fessor and head of the depart· · States should· substantially re- able to analyze and reason quickment of Business Administration duce its foreign policy commit~ . ly and correctly under great at the University of Alaska. Or· · · · ments. Tliis' is the National·· Col- mental stress. At a tournament, iginally :born fu the small Iowa · ··· · · · lege Debate topic for ·this year . the debater .usually debates five town of Archer, Mr. Kiely also · · · and will be. debated thousands of ,,'rounds speaking fifteen minutes received his B.S. and M.S. in · times by students of hundreds of · every round. All these things tothe same state, atthe State Col· · · · colleges across the country. gether make debating· one of the lege of Iowa. When graduated Mr. Kiely first turned to· the. field Every year. topic . is' plck:ed. best mental exercises available of Managerial Consultant. before that is being debated or is under/ .and help make it valuable to any deciding upon a career in educa- question in Congress.. This.' give~ ·person in almost any field. . tion, m which he has ·· distin- the heads of our government a Although this seems;Jike very . guished himself many times, chance to see what some of the hard work, a prospective debater while simultaneously contmuing best. young minds in America merely · has to talk to· · a· veteran · think .should be done concerning to find that the fun .~t tournain the consultant's field. Mr. · the problem, and often times the .ments and the rewards .received Kiely is very active in organiia· · · · results are very helpful. ·more than balance· out the hard tions and lists honoraries busi. work: ·.,' ness clubs, and the CongregaDebate is a very complex and "We are all anxious for the Detional Church among the many interesting activity. First, the deto which he belongs. Golf and ..· tiater must research the topic bate season to start, for we have photography are recreation for· . tho.roughly,. taking notes on ev- some excellent material," says this busy man, and his distih~·· erything that he reads; next, he Debate· Coach J. D. Levit~. The guished career is shown by his must organize his notes so that excellent material he talked of listing in Who's Who in Ameri:. 'he can efficiently use them in are the students in the :b~ginning can Education. speaking situations; and, last debate ·class. They are LaVera Bennett, Bernadine Fintel, Chlqe Miller, Marian Nelson, Bob Conradt, Steve Knittle, Barry Rae, and Ric Rae. Mr. Levitt goes on to say that On the evening of October 22, Janice Johnson was the committhe topic, Resolved: That the the annual Homecoming Dance tee chairman for the decorations. United States should substantialwas held from 9 to 12 in the Joe Wild's Dance Band providgym. The dance was sponsored · ed the music for the 150 people ly reduce their foreign policy commitments, is a tough one but. by the S.G.A. who attended. that lots of hard work and reBlue and white crepe paper A highlight of the dance w a s search should pay off. He says on helped to create a Bobcat at- the crowning of the Homecoming mosphere, as well as the centen- Queen, Ceci Evangelist. Ceci was this point, "The kids have been nial seals from the Alpha Mu crowned by her father, Eugene working very diligently and Omega's display. The tables had Evangelist of Newark, New should be ready for the opening centerpieces which depicted Pe- York. The queen's attendants tournament at the University of ru State's lOOth anniversary. were Naricy Guilliatt, Pat Knip- South Dakota. Other invitations have been received from Wichipelmier, Mary Mow r y, and ta University, Kearney State Joanie Sprieck. College, Omaha University, and
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The sponsors for the evening the University of North Dakota, were Mr. and Mrs. Barrett, Mr. so it should ;be an interesting and Mrs. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. season." Keck, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Mr. Levitt welcomes anyone who has had debating experience or is interested in debating to come to FA 104 any time eighth hour on Monday, Wednesday, or OPTOMETRIST Friday. Contact Lenses Closed Wed. p.m., Sat. p.m. 119 No. 8th St. Nebr. City
Class Officers Elected
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Professional Careers in Aero Charting CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT with ihe U.S. AIR FORCE Minimum 120 semester hours college credit including 24 hours of subjects 'pertinent to charting such as math, geography, geology, and physic$. Equivalent experience accept· able. Training program. Openings for men and women. Application and further infonnaiion forwarded on request. WRITE: College Relations (ACPCR) Hq Aeronautical Chart & Information. Center, 8900 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Missouri 6312S An equal opportunity employ~
The sophomore class held its first meeting of the year October 19 in the college auditorium. Mr. Hanford Miller, class sponsor, conducted the election of officers. Those chosen were: Paul Horel of Blanchard, Iowa, president; Van Allen of Nemaha, Ne. braska, vice-president; and Bill Everhart of Bedford, Iowa, secretary-treasurer. It was also decided to plan the Valentine's Sweetheart Dance in February as a class project.
t f 1. f, 0
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Peru Pedagogian, ?iov. l, 196S
Bobcat Hae;~:!op Doane Bits.~~~~~ces Peru State harriers walloped Doane and Dana at Doane, Oct. 21, scoring 23 to 37 over Doane, and 15 to 50 over Dana College
of Blair, Nebraska. The windy day provided no record times, but set up Peru as the only undefeated Cross CounQuarterback Bob McAuliff hit . try team in ihe State. Doane and Halfback Jack Hockersmith with · Peru were the only teams una long aerial ;bomb to give Hast- beaten at the distance running ings a 12-7 lead. Benny Con- sport. grove's extra point boot was good The course consisted of only and Hastings led 13-7 with 6:28 three miles. The Doane team left in the game. Peru, which changed the course at the last hadn't mustered a running at- minute and still had little luck tack all day, never threatened in defeating the Peruvians. Tim
Broncos Buck Bobcats 13·7 Fumblitis and an inadequate .ground game proved to be too much for the Bobcats to overoome ·as the Hastings Broncos spoiled Peru's Homecoming by edging the Bobcats, 13-7, Saturday, October 22. Hastings lit up the scoreboard .first as it scored on a 15 yard pass play from Bronco Quarter~ck Bob McAuliff to End Bill McGuire. Benny Congrove's extra point attempt was no good 'and the Broncs led 6-0 with 14:22 left in the first half. With time running out. in the :.first half Peru's '.Defensive Halfback, Jim Hagemeier recovered a fumble on the Broncos' 26 yard line. The Hastings defense stif• ferted and held the Bobcats to only eight yards on the first ree plays, ;but on a fourth <lown and two situation Quarterback Carl Satterfield hit Halfback Nick Petrillo with a screen ass which saw the shifty halfback score untouched. Dan Nix's extra point attempt was perfect and Peru led the Broncos 7-6 at halftime. Fumbles and pass interceptions bogged down any scoring threats by eitherteam in the third quarter. Midway through _the fourth ~uarter Peru drove from'-_ their K>wn 44 to the Hastings 22 only to fumble away a scoring opportunity. On the next play Bronco
Wayne Blanks Peru 13-0 Peru State traveled to Wayne turday, Oct. 15, hoping to upt the N.C.C. leaders. A win uld have thrown the confer:·nce · into a three way tie. Howver, the hopes of the Bobcats · re to n<> avail as the Wayne te crew came out on top of a After a scoreless first period ayne, in the second quarter, came back to score the game's only. points. The first touchdown was a 74 yard scoring strike from -~uarterback Steve Gunther of \Vayne to his end, Cliff Schilling. The extra point try by Dom Gru. ugh failed and the score was . Later on in the quarter Gunr connected again, this time to bennis Radtke for 41 yards. Gru'i>augh's point after was good ·this time and the score went to 13-0 for Wayne.
Auburn • 1ftbrub
again. Although the game was marked by the eruption of many mistakes tby both teams, a good number of these miscues were caused by the bruising defense displayed by the two ball clubs. Carl Satterfield, Bab Urwin, and Bernie Brown were standouts for the Bobcat defense. Playing their final homecoming game for the Bobcats0 were George Evangelist, L well Brown, Bo:b Urwin, Bernie Brown, and Al Sullivan.
In the first issue of the Ped I f gave the names of two ormer Peru State football standouts as . h M playmg for the Oma a ustangs. It has been called to my attention that there is still anThe places: other former Bobcat playing for 1. Tim Hendricks, Peru ___ l5:33 the Mustangs. He is Jim Man2. B. Sheffield ___________Doane ning who plays tight end for the 3. D. Ulrich _____________ Doane Omaha team. To date, Jim has 4.' Ron Jones _____________ Peru caught four touchdown passes in 5. Jim O'Donoghue _______ Peru . ht 6. Jim Watson ____________ Peru e1gTim games. Hendricks experienced a 7. Dan Trout__ ___________ Peru little difficulty following a recent 8. Van Allen ______________ Peru cross-country meet in Omaha. 9. Steve Dondlinger _____ Doane The team was crowded into the 10. Steve Cornelius ________ Peru school's small station wagon and
Hendricks won, in. 15:33, but "'.as followed by Sheffield and Ulrich of Doane. Dana proved to be the f th t b 1 i'ng scapegoat o e mee Y P ac . . th t 15 only one runner m e op ·
Wh at's In a Tea m7. .
Peru Smashes J. F. KCollege Peru. State completely smashed John F. Kennedy College of Wahoo, in a dual meet at the. National Course in Omaha, Oct. 14. The Bo~t-· runners ·gathered seven of the first eigpt places to in the meet 19-43, in a 1ow-scorewins contest. Coach James Pilkington's runners completely dominated the,.,,. . race. The harriers were paced by their captain, Tim Hendricks. Tim .broke a 1964 record, set by All-American Louie Fritz, on the Elmwood course. There was· only 89 seconds between Tim and the seventh member of the team. Harold Nolan, the top runner for J.F.K. paced Tim to the record, 16:14, but lost out to experience and team spirit of the determined Peru runners. First eight places in the meet: 1. HendriCks _____ 16:14 (old record 16:21 - L. Fritz, 1964) 2. Harold Nolan _______ 16:39 3. J'im O'Donoghue ••• 16:52· 5. Van Allen __________ 17:(}2 6. Ron Jones _________ 16:59 6. Jim Watson ________ 17:06 7. Dick Warkins ______ 17:10 8. Dan Trout _________ 17:43
With half of Peru State's football season over, it is now easy to identify the type of team the Bobcats have become. Football teams usually fall into three basic divisions-winning, losing, and inconsistent teams. Each presents different coaching problems. The coaching staff of a losing team usually doesn't have to work as hard since no team wants to be a consistent loser. The players join together to defend themselves from their critical fans and work harder to win. The team that must maintain the high edge and momentum ?f a winning .team has the tendency to relax when thmgs are gomg well. This certainly isn't a problem which the Bobcats must overcome. The inconsistent team with which I identify the Bobcats is a team that works hard against the powerful teams and relaxes against the seemingly weak teams. Sometimes injuries produce the inconsistent team but more often than not it is the product of indifferent attitudes in practice. Such teams muster their physical and mental forces against the "tough" opponent but relax before easy games. It seems to me that there sho~ld be no such thing as an easy team. The coachmg staff certainly faces a greater task with the inconsistent team and must work harder to promote the idea that "the only important game on the schedule is the next one." If the Bobcats could have utilized the talents of the team . as well as those of the coaching staff to a greater degree, the win-loss statistics could easily read just the opposite.
By Larry E. Nedrow
Peru's attack wasn't exactly impotent for the Bobcats were within 'Wayne's 20-yard line three times during the first half. However,. they lost the ball twice on intercepted passes and a field goal attempt which fell short. Wayne held the edge in the statiStical department. They held a 10-8 advantage in first downs and outgained Peru 273 yards to 152 for the Bobcats.
Cross Country Team Runs Off With Triangular
the fellow members were forced to throw their luggage on top of the car. One of Tim's teammates put his suitcase on top for him but neglected to tie it down. What resulted was Tim's bag. gage flying off about a mile after the car started on the interstate. An oncoming car made short work of the runner's suitcase but left his clothing unharmed. Sixty-J:ive years ago Peru State dedicated its-: new football field (the Oak Bowl) by defeating Falls City High School 30-0. ·Dr. A. w. Clark, then president of the college, delivered the first kick-off. Douglas, Nebraska High School was forced to cancel a recent eight-man football game w it h Talmage because of a shortage of man-power. The small high school was plagued with injuries and unable to field the required eight men.
Peru Whips 0. U. And Yankton College Peru's Cross Country runners moved closer to perfect form in their meet with Omaha University and Yankton (S.D.) College, Oct. 14 in a meet held at Omaha. The score was, Peru 20; Yankton 47; and Omaha U. 73. The two competitors could place only two runners in the top nine, gathering only one apj~ce.- .. p,.~ nttished, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 11th.
Louie Fritz, All-American last year in Cross-Country, and his brother, 12-year·old Philip, ran in the TRI-STATE MARATHON, October 17th and both finished. By Phil Herbster The course was 26 miles long, Peru State Cross Country run- how the team finishes and how Louie placed 5th on the rough ners conquered Tarkio and J obn close they were time wise, was O'Neill, Nebraska course and F. Kennedy College here on Oct. only 65 seconds between the first Philip finished the race. Louie's 25 to add another win to their and the seventh runners for Pe- time was 2 hours 43· seconds. perfect 10 and 0 record. P e r u ru. "These times are r e a 11 y Philip's time was not disclosed, but from the looks of things to scored seven of the first eight good," stated Coach Pilkington. come, Peru State College might The times and places: runners. Harold Nolan, J. F. K. 1. Tim Hendricks, Peru __ 20:13.8 have another Lou Fritz at hand. ace runner, again plagued Peru (20:13.8 of Hendricks breaks old runners placing sixth. This race was labeled a work- record of L. Fritz 20:17, of 1964) Bill's Clothing & out for the upcoming Nebraska 2. Steve Cornelius, Peru_20:44 College Conference meet in 3. Dan Trout, Peru ______ 21:02 Shoe Store 4. James O'Donoghue, Kearney the 29th of October. lllB·J Box 127 Peru _________________ 21 :04 The scoring was Peru 15 to 46 Auburn, Nebr. 68305 for J. F. K. and Peru 15 to 50 5. Van Allen, Peru ______ 21:06 6. Harold Nolan, J.F.K. __ 21:08 over Tarkio. The home course and the four mile distance didn't 7. Jim Watson, Peru _____ 21:10 seem to bother Captain Tim 8. Ron Jones, Peru ______ 21:18 9. J. Bechanan, Tarkio ___ 21:25 Hendricks as he broke Louie Fritz's record, 20:17, in a smooth 10. Ken Jorgenson, J.F.K._21:48 11. Dick Warkins, Peru ___ 21:57 20:13.8 clocking. The all important grouping, 12. Dick Zaparanick, Peru_22:07 Dinners • Short Orden
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Page 8
"FAt.i.. WEATMEtl.il".... -· · · - · · :coats
Peru PedagoSifn, Nov•. L 196~
Men's Education ~roup From page one ~chieve more . efficiently' the pur~ 'poses of the organization, which fo:funally are the following: 1. To build morale among male students in Teachers College. . 2. To build meahingful relationships between students and professional educators. 3. To provide additional teaching experiences for undergraduate members. 4. To stimulate recruitment of competent men to enter the teaching profession. The organization now revolves around these four basic aims; ·and in attempting to accomplish them, it has one major purpose 'in mind: Furthering the profession of teaching. Sample aciivi:ties of the Alpha Chapter of M.E.N., in trying to further the Profession, include weekly meetings with bi-monthly speeches by noted educators. Also featured is the annual teaching trip, in which the members of M.E.N. effectively "take over" a school system and teach the classes for one day. In addition, the Alpha chapter sponsors :a "Big Brother" program, and provides a one year tuition scholarship for the most deserving high school senior in the state. Besides ·the academic activities :already mentioned, the M.E.N. holds social functions such as picnics and banquets. · · Three meetings of Peru stu-
cling to· the ·neck tcying .to escape the sly, creeping cold. The chimneys begin their smok·ey signals to the sky telling of the warmth inside. Plans are started for the holidays which loom close in the future. Hunting season opens and the countryside echoes with the sharp bang of the guns. Harvest is completed and the farmer settles down for the rest that ne visualized during the long summer of work.
From page five • CALEND~R_ redents inter~stec1 ht establishing a flock inside at the fear of cactchlocal chapter of Mu Epsilon Nu ing cold in the evening damp· Mondaf,· October ~r, ~·. on the Peru campus have already ness. The empty ,str.eets hold an Kappa Delta Pi initiation, taken place, and two more are air of sadness as they are desertCampus School, 8:00 p.m. .scheduled. After the fifth meet.., ed by the 'lively summer fun. ing, the local chapter is eligible Tuesday, ·November ·1 ·· One lone •solll. makes his last for a national charter providing Cross~Country, Peru vs.,· walk upon the beaten paths bethat they first, have been propMidland at Omaha, 4:00 p.m. · fore accepting that which he erly· chartered at the local'level; knows lies in the coming days. second, that there are at least ··Wednesday, November 2 Those starry nights beneath the twelve 'initial members; third, C~mvocation, "Peru's Pro.ud moon fade into 'a precious me~that these members have adoptPast;" -Auditorium, 9:10a.m. . ory. Instead. of the patter ofrain-. · ..._.. :',·-. . . . ed a constitution; . and,1 fourth, . drops, ail must .hear tne howling The evolution goes slowly and that arrangements have b e e n Friday, November 4 gales .outside only.· to face the then suddenly the earth bursts Cross-Country, Nebraska made for a faculty spo~~or, who, into a WINTER WONDERLAND. in this case, is. Dr. Galen Dqdge. ___We&leyan Invitational, 4:00, towering drifts of snow. p.m. At the third meeting, ''tlle 'nine charter members' to date elected their officers for the .remainder Saturday, November s Football, Missouri Valley at of this school year. These officers·. -·Peru, 7:30 p.m.' included Gary Viterise, president; Pat Venditte, vice presiTuesday, November 8 dent; Dick Dobbs, secretary;· · Peru Prep band cone er t, John Bohaty, treasurer; and Bill 8:00 ·p.m. Bowen, membership chairman. Cross-Country, Midwestern Remaining charter members inCollege at Omaha, 2:30 p.m. clude: Ken Stoner, Roger Neujahr, Richard Zaparanick and Wednesday, November 9 Jack Gaines. . _~onvocation, Auditorium, Admission to the Peru Chapt~r 9:10 a:n:c ·· -of Mu Epsil-On Nu, once it is esNewman Forum, F.A. Autablished, will be based chiefly ditorium, 6:30 p.m. on character, and the opinion of Friday, November 11 the active members as to the potential member's value as a fuCross-Country, NAIA Reture educator. Grade-point-avergional at Omaha age is not the all-important factor in gaining admission to this Saturday, November 12 Cross-Country, Peru State honorary; rather, a sincere interVarsity, Junior Varsity Inest in education as a profession, vitational, 9:30 a.m. and a willingness to work toMUSIC HALL - OMAHA CIVIC AUDITORIUM wards the goal of becoming a Sunday, Nov. •&-:8:00 p.m. Tickets on sale at Civic Aud. $3, $4, $5 good educator will be the main Enclose stamped self-addressed envelope for mail orders. criteria. From page one to the Sparrow," Wm. Weekes, .Addresses Convocatio'n · From page one Harvard; "Kearney County out the book. Dr. Plant wants Wheat," Mrs. Paul Warp, Min- Dr. Russell implied that this expeople who handle children to den; "Rolling Plains," Eleanor ample could be followed in every BARBER SHOP recognize their specific problems Leitel, Omaha; "Harvest Scene," phase of education. for what they really are. He dis- Waldo Radene, Pawnee City; In conclusion, Dr.. Russell said, Let Us Care cusses such problems as security, "Cowboy's Defiance,'' Lawrence "We can meet the challenge that authority, temperament, intelli- Dewey, Gates; "Prairie Land- faces us if education plays a Fo.r gence, status preservation, reac- scape,'' Barbara Ross, Lincoln; great part." He also expressed Your Hair tion to failure, and fifteen more "Sunset Harv~st;" Mrs. ,Er n a his gratitude for what Peru important problems that children Beach, Beatrice; "Windlass Hill," State had contri:buted to his perAaron Pyle, Chappell; "Florence sonal success. usually face. Auburn, Nebr. Station," Maryalice Wells, OmaFollowing the address, PresiThis book is an enjoyable one ha; "Ash Hollow Cave," Maude . dent Gomon presented the disand makes the reader look back Garton, Ogallala; "Weathering tinguished service award to Dr. on his own childhood to ask him- In," Carl Bieber, North Platte; Russell. Dr. Russell, pleased and self how similar problems he had "Elevators,'' Jim Cantrell, Sid- a little lost for words, thanked were handled. This book can be ney; "Pioneers All,'' Mrs.. Anne President .Gomon and gave Peru of value to psychiatrists; pzy- Flicker, i,y_aithill; "Nebraska:s State his best wishes. chologists, social workers, and to lil":>tw:e;" 1Jfary Bartek,. Wahoo; Concluding . the convocation, anyone interested in the care of "Chasing the Balloon," John the audience rose and sang the the child. OPEN BOWLING Norall, Mill Valley, California; color song. The convocation and ''Cowman,'' Lester L. Robb, closed with Dr. Freeburne playSaturday 2:30 -11 p.m. New Windsor, Illinois. ing· "Fugue on the Magnicat." Sunday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. 11 Each year the governor selects Mon. • Tues. after 9:30 p.m. a new group of paintings that he It's tough to climb the lad.der From page five thinks tell the story of Nebraska of .success, but it's impossible 274-4320 The guest speaker was Mr s . and has them exhibited through- with your hands in your pockets. Alma Larson of Falls City. Her out the state. Although the methspeech consisted of a reading ods used in creating these works from the book The Country of art vary from realism to modernism they seem to convey, in Kitchen fby Della T. Lutes. their own way, a little of the The menu of this dinner fol- vast heritage that Nebraska has Rex Rains lowed the theme. It featured to offer. foods from NEBRASKAland GROCERIES MEATS Frontier. It included Ranchers' ' Short Ribs, Baked Potatoes, FRUITS and VEGETABLES Grandmother's buttered carrots, Pioneer Scalloped corn, Boston ''The Store of Standard Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday Brands" :brown bread, Cream Cole Slaw, Phone 2'14-3820 Aubum Phone 872-4351 Miz' Taylor's cup cakes, and coffee.
Nebraska Art Show .
Book Reviews By Lynn Sailors The Art of Folly by Paul Tabori; Chilton Company. 't"he Ari of Folly is the rewriting of the history of mankind considering Fads, Fashions, and Follies. Some of the fads he shows are: the dueling mania, the suicide mania, and the tulip craze of the Dutch. He also tells of some fads in medicine and in the royal families. , Wli,ell,. he examines fashions, he telk<JI ;peanlJSi bcauly~atches and great ladies that influenced the fashions. All phases of fashion are treated wittily, but with complete honesty. The last part of the book tells of man's attempt to forecast the futu.re and his failure to do so. It also deals with follies in the political field. Paul Tabori's amusing outlook on the human race makes the !l:iook a joy to read. By John Bernadi The Envelope, by James S. Plant; Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Envelope is a book about society's impact upon the child. In this book Dr. Plant discusses :twenty-one problems which he found were common to most of the children with whom he worked for twenty-five years as director of the Essex County Juvenile Clinic in Newark, New Jersey. Dr. Plant states that he is not sure every child has problems in all twenty-one areas. In th i s book he does try to bring out that children are misunderstood both for their actions and their ·Ways of expressing feeling. It is evident that the author is trying to help the child, and he shows .great ·concern for him through-
"Frontier Days
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FK .Legacy Left . Os Hope--" nd Obligations," Says Sorensen 'Theodore C. (Ted) Sorensen s the responsibility of main- . i1l.g the "legacy of JFK" rests the Ameri<:an public. In his ess to his Peru audience on v. 3 in the college auditorium, . Sorensen pointed out that .e .Kennedy legacy is much ore than "a stY'le, a rhetoric, . a family tradition." Kennedy, he said, had a great ct on the American political ne in campaign techniques, diminishing of the religious e, and less suppression in era! of minority groups. The President believed the "te House should dominate executive branch. According Mr. Sorensen, JFK made the sidency "an everyday force the everyday lives of all evday Americans." Kennedy's foreign policy had even greater impad than his omestic policy. "Kennedy's chil'dren," as the Peace Covps is known, was his most intensely boosted project. Mr. Sorensen ·caHed Oct. 22, 2, the turning point of the Id war. He said Kennedy hanthe Cuban missile crisis th just the right combination "defense, diplomacy, and diague." Also to be remembered is · Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, e Hot~Line, the Space Ban greement, and the sale of American wheat.. The last legacy Kennedy left the American people was hopebope for America and its people. t is our obligation to keep that hope alive. Upon conclusion of his Kennedy speech, Mr. Sorensen answered questions posed by Peru students. Below ·are some of the opinions he brought out in his replies to these questions. Mr. Sorensen, a former Presidential Aide, said Bobby Kennedy will be in the White House -some day-and that he hopes
to be on the team again. He said he misses not being a part of the Washington inner cii:cle. On the matter of released information concerning Viet Nam, he is especially regretful f o r there is a wide gap between the public version and the g'overnment reports. Continuing on the Viet Nam issue, he said· the U. S. cannot abandon its longstanding commitment to the South Vietnamese. A medium between all-out war and withdrawal must be reached. Of the state gubernatorial race, Mr. Sorensen said his brother would! make a "top-rate governor." Asked his feelings on R e d China, the speaker replied simply, "I don't like it!" He said they are our most serious threat of a long-range menace. He suggested that perhaps the U. S. abundance of food will be the wedge to peace. Mr. Sorensen also offered the possibility of the Red Chinese finally recognizing their terrible responsibility upon joining the "nuclear club."
Debaters Attend South Dakota Tourney The Peru State Debate Squad attended the 17th Annual Forensic Tournament on the campus of the University of South Dakota at Vermillion from November 3 through 5th. The eight students making the /trip included La Vera Bennett, Marian Nelson, Bernadine Fintel, Barry Ray, Roderic 'Ray , Robert Conradt, Steve Knittle, and Charles Williams. Besides participating in four rounds of debate Mrs. Bennett and Mr. Conradt entered Extemp; Miss and M.r. B. Ray entered Discussion; Miss Fintel and Mr. Knittle entered T.V. Commentary; Mr. R. Ray entered radio Announcing; and Mr. Williams entered .Oral Interp. Mr. Levitt, the patient and understanding coach, was also kept busy judging both individual events and novice debate. In the individual events and novice debate, the University of Iowa took the Sweepstakes Trophy, while in "A" Division of debate, the University of Nebraska had three teams in the finals. The P.S.C. debaters, although they didn't have a winning record, gained valuable experience Continued-page 6, column 4
When questioned about a remark made at McCook in 1961 criticizing the Nebraska educational system, Mr. Sorensen said he is finding many people agree with him. He had discussed the problem of young people leaving the state, the need for improving education, and the importance of establishing a more adequate financial base for schools. Discussing the recent Manila Conference, Mr. Sorensen said it was probably partially of political value as well as peacemaking value. He pointed out th a t there .is little need for meeting with those who are already on our side. Mr. Sorensen, a native of Lin~ coln and father of three sons, has written two books, Decision Making in the White House and Kennedy, a best seller. In addition to being a fawyer and serving on President Kennedy's executive committee and the National Security Council, Mr. Sorensen was chosen by the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce as one of America's Ten Outstanding Young Men.
Native Nebraskan Ted Sorensen brought the "legacy of JFK" to Peru when he spoke here Nov. 3.
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
Peru Pedagogian Volume 62
Number 4
NOVEMBER 16, 1966
Special S~rvices and James Levitt Present "Peru's Proud Past" "Peru's Proud Past" was the subject of the seventh convocation held for observing the centennial of Peru State College. Slides were· presented 1 about Peru State's history. These slides, which were from old pictures found in the library, were made by Special Services with the assistance of James D. Levitt. A recording explained what the slides entailed. Two past graduates of Peru State attended the convocation, Dr. and Mrs. Clyde FiHey and Miss Meyer. Dr. Filley was an 1889 graduate, and Miss Meyer represented class of 1905. The time covered by the slides began with Peru's acceptance by the state legislature of Nebraska, and continued to the present
time. The first principal and teacher was J. M. McKenzie, who worked with getting the first ·building constructed. It s t o o d where the Student Center is now. On June 20, 1867 Peru State College became a tax-supported institution. Another fact the slides revealed was that in 1872 Peru had eight teachers with an enrollment of 275. At this time the first building, called Normail Hall, was changed into a girls' dormitory with Miss Eliza Morgan as house mother and Dean of Women. The present girls' dormitory was named for her. In the late 1880's athletics were started, and in 1892 the college authorized the first football
team. In 19001 Oak Bowl was constructed with the help of the townspeople. Since 1900 Peru has done most of its growing. It has completed 12 building projects: the Administration Bui!lding, Science Hall, Eliza Morgan Hall, Delzell Hall, Campus School, Library, married students' apartments, Student Center, Gymnasium, Fine Arts, Majors Hall, and the Industrial Arts Building. New dormitories with a separate cafeteria are being built for use next fall. In 100 years the enroHment of the college has gone from 71 to over 1,000. It has had 18 presidents, earlier referred to as principals. They taught classes as well as leading the college.
Former President Dr. Wayne Reed Defines Role of Education November 9 saw the return of Peru alumnus Dr. Wayne 0. Reed to the campus to give the convocation address and receive the Distinguished. Educational Service Award. Formerly Dr. Reed served as president of Peru State College from 1950 to 1951, when he left to join the U. S. Office of Education. Presently, he is associate commissioner for Federal-State relations. Early in his speech, Dr. Reed ·noted that today's students are two to four years .more mature than the average when he was a student. As to the purposes of teacher education, he stated that a teacher's job is to (1) emphasize the worth of individual be-
ing and (2) to emphasize the ability of man to conform to life as it changes. Dr. Reed impressed upon his audience that the world is and will be changing. Nations will feel increasing dependence on each other, promoting an intra-. dependent world. He used the term "cultural pluralism" to describe this condition. He felt the changing world was a product of technical evolution, pointing out that most occupations could be filled by computers. Quoting Hutchins, Dr. Reed stated, ''The object of education is not manpower, but manhood." To achieve this, we must search for the meaning of man. He then
revealed what he considered to be the three great hungers of man-(1) search for meaning, (2) search for love, and (3) desire to work well. "What a teacher is, is far more important sometimes than what he teaches,'' said Dr. Reed. Using vivid metaphors, he went on to say that the strength we need most is the "muscles q;f the mind, and sinews of the imagination." Dr. Reed warned that love of learning has been lost, and we must bring it back again. A good teacher has too much reverence to try to mold the soul of the child as his own, according to Dr. Reed. Rather, he must Continuedi-page 4, column 2
Student Teaching Positions ReleaS;e~ Dr. Lloyd B. Kite, Director of Student Teaching, has .released the following information on students in the student teaching program: Teaching at Auburn High School are: Lola Baker, music; Steve Pattison, social science and history; David Perry, indus~rial arts; Charles H. Stoner, physical education and business; an.dDon· na R. Dankof, Angela Sue Fur· nas, and Eugene Smith, elementary education. At Beatrice High School the students are: William D. Anderson, industrial arts; Paul H. Fell, art; Larry Franke, business education; Robert Hoyn, physical education; Gerald A. Young, math; and Pamela Lett and Gary L. Viterise,, elementary education. Students teaching at Bellevue are: Larry Lee Christensen, industrial arts; Wesley Eugene Dickey, math; Nancy Lea Muse, physical education; Michael Allen Otto, business administration; Frank J. Ruecker, industrial arts; and Bonnie L. Anderson, Jacqueline Dodson, Susan Lynne Kenworthy, and Teri Kisby, elementary education. At Falls City High School we find: Melvin G. Hester, speech, journalism, and English; Katherine Virginia Shar, social science and history; Sharon Carey Stramel, home economics; and Cheryl Armstrong and Elizabeth Cook, elementary education. Students teaching at Nebraska City High School include: Ronald McCoy, business administration and social science; John Patterson, industrial arts and safety education; Leland Schneider, physical science and math; and Robert R. Lierz and Michael Damiano, elementary education. At Glenwood, Charles E. Steen, physical education; at Johnson, Gerald Marks, physical education and driver's education; at Millard, William R. McVicker, 1business education; in Omaha, C. Thomas Rosengren, biology and Continued1-page 4, column 1
Greaelda's Goodies
;})t'.*i;::i••,~"Clitorially Sped.kftig, ...
Dear Grenelda, How can I 'help this darling, I have a terdble problem that red-headed cherub? you must help me with, Last Signed week my 22-year-old son was A Worried Mother pus after classes to attend an home from college due to illness. evening function. His plight I couldn't get Junior to take his Dear Worried, If my information is correct, heightens as he seeks a site Milk-of-Magnate. It seems he to store his clothing needed has been drinking a lot of fruit the ohly way to get him to take for his evening appointment. juices and this has bothered him his medicine is to whip it until it has a foamy top. (I am told According to registration internally. He is basically a good, sound that young college students are cards, there are 195 day students who commute to Peru boy, but gets mad when his attracted by foam.) Also, you can State College. This figure green wagon won't go and some- strongly advise !him to leave his auxiliary cards at home. represents one-fifth .of the times thinks he is a pipe. Sippingly yours, t o t a l daytime enrollment. Grenelda Surely these students war-
'' '" Coilillluters' Plight universal complaint, ' ,i};mong commuting students, -'is the need for lockers in :;,Which to ,store their, belong-
.:'. irig:s.
;+., eommuting
students find ':it ,very exhausting to carry 'from eight to ten pounds -Of books throughout their ; scho0l 'day. Yet, it is incon.· venient for these students to leave books for later classes ·iii their cars. Not only does .· !l;le student tire from running ' bac.k and forth to the parking , Jot; but he also takes the {CJia:rice of having his books .~Jolen. Because most com.•. ll]:uting cars carry more than one . student, the cars are ,;.~st generally left unlocked ' for the convenience of all •· ,: '·passengers. F u rt h e rmore, ·~·;, ( 9.uring inclement weather, it ::/: (\,is' often too cold or hazardous ~:~, r::rtir one to return to the car •;f/~;:P,'uring the day. ;4\ ,·~> Quite often the commuting ~ '.;?.~t~dent remains on the cam1
rant some consideration. It is my understanding that colleges can rent lockers on a yearly basis from school supply houses. Such lockers could then be placed in a central location on the campus. The college, in turn, could perform this worthwhile service without any additional expense. I am certain that commuting students would be highly appreciative if this service was instigated by the college. -La Vera Bennett
Campus To Campus BY CHLOE MILLER
Poet's Corner
My name was Clem Calochi. I was a baker.
, ' ' ' " ' PERU PEDAGOGIAN ·Wednesday, Nc>Vember 16, 1966 Number 4
:.. '.\f<IJume 62
leper contemplating suici just feel like lying a little a letter to Grenelda. She all problems with her c tious solutions. Her mail" dress is Box 73, Peru, N
They never understood my naming my shop "Sour Grapes," just because my stuff was always raising. They scoffed at me when I told them I was rich, I had a lot of dough. No one would ever buy my Bismarks, They were always sinking. And then my downfall-I was .,·sued because my cakes were falling.
Take 5 ... and swing out refreshed. Coca-Cola -with its bright lively lift, big bold taste, never too sweet - refreshes best. things
Coke Bottled under the authority of The Coca·Cola Company by:
Nebraska City Coca-Cola BoUling Company
"What you don't know would make a great book"-Smith
Published bi-weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College.
STAFF EDITOR .......... Joan Bretthorst ASSISTANT EDITOR .......... . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. Mary Budlcr PERSONNEL MANAGER ...... ., ...... : .......... LaVera Bennett BUSINESS MANAGER ......... .................. Charles Williams LAYOUT EDITOR ............. .. ................... Dennis Hubbard CIRCULATION MANAGER .... ....................... Mike Castle COPY EDITOR .... Sheryl Barrett SPORTS EDITOR .. Larry Nedrow PHOTOGRAPHER .. Walt Rimmer ADVIS@R ........ Mr. James Keck
"For the Finest Food in Town" SHORT ORDERS Open: Monday- Saturday 6:00 a.m. -10:30 p.m• Sunday 8:00 a.m. • 7:00 p.m• Peru, Nebraska
Member' F.D.I.C.
Ph.. 274-4315 Auburn, Nebraska Largest Selection of Hallmark Cards In Southeast Nebraska
Complete Camera and Film Department
PHONE 872-2:t31
President .
REPORTERS-Bob Beran, John Bernad t, Kathy Downing, Jack Gaines, Phil Herbster, Paul Horel, Mary · Hunzeke~. M'fxine Lyons, Chloe Miller, Charlotte Nedrow, Mary E. Oe~tmann, Ruth Rath· bun, Ric Ray, Ann Ritter, Lynn Sailors, .Re~ina Stalder, Mary Straight, Bern·adine· Fintcl, Wayne Miller. The signed letters printed in this paper do n6t reflect the opinion of "Ahe .Pedagogian but of inditjduals. ·.The "editor reserves the 'right t~ ,, i· 1 ~1~~ .'.11':~ for pub~~ation.
For your weight which is rather serious f year-old Frosh, get into 205 and carefully obser heed the lessons and ex
The people laughed at me when I saved the holes in the do-nuts.
:' Chadron ·State College opens talent television special "Cam,. ij;s 1966-97 dr<1matic season with pus Talent '66." This program is .the~ production of "The Diary of sponsored by Southwestern Bell The ohly thing that had kept me :,/\nne Frank." The cast has been , Telephone Company and will in •business that long was the chosen and the show is slated to ·present outstanding talent from number of pies that Mr. Nutt, the ":open December 1. various universities and colleges math teacher, bought. throughout Kansas. · ·· ·• Hastings coeds have organized The people were shocked after a new precision marching group Central Missouri State's 1966 my death, by my epitaph, "I Was · ·" to perform at "Bronco" athletic · yearbook, the "Rhetor," h a s a baker; my role in life was a . functions. The 16 upperclassmen been awarded a superior "A" sweet one." : :·" ,, :Call themselves the "Fillies" and rating by the National . School ~By John Bernadt. . . made their initial appearance in Yearbook Association. ..... · . ·.the· homecoming parade last IT'S REALLY TRUE'week-end. C.M.S. freshman girls living in A consumer agency in England ..... ,, Senator Robert Kennedy visit- Todd Hall have extended their said it. will investigate comed E_astern Montana's campus good fortune to orphaned chil- plaints that some department last V{eek and spoke to a stand- dren in Hue, South Viet Nam. store Santas have been drunk on The girls started preparing ln,g~room-ohly crowd. He spoke the job, and made too many on .:behalf of this year's cam- Christmas packages for the or- lavish promises to children. . paigning Democratic candidates, phanage in early October and More than 40 mountain peaks but was well received by all stu- have re<:ently mailed the pack- are vis1ble from the Trail Ridge ,de!lts, regardless of political ages so they may reach their des- Road in Rocky Mountain Natination by Christmas. tional Park in Colorado. views. -The Washburn University ."Belies/' a 13-girl singing group, , : has been selected to represent · W.U. fo the Statewide campus
CONFIDENTIAL to Fatima Fats: I feel your boyfriend is right.
You sound very· child.
JOHN L. LEWIS, Vice Pres. & Cashier
Peru Pedagogian, Nov. 16, 1966
Delzell ls ·Renovated
Money Buys More
By Jack Gaines Men students who abandoned residence hall life at Delzell Hall last spring for another form of campus accommodation would be hard pressed to recognize "the castle" this fall, thanks to improvements which were begun during this past summer.
The Nemaha County Division of Public Welfare has released information concerning the new Food Stamp Program. Under this program, needy families are given an opportunity to spend their normal grocery money for food stamps of a higher monetary value. The stamps may be applied to any food except alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and imported foods. All individuals and families receiving public assistance and most low income families are eligible for this program. The latter non-assistance households will qualify if tJhe monthly income and liquid resources do not exceed the following:
Old and new residents alike were pleasantly surprised and very pleased to find upon arriving at Delzell this fall, that, while still in the construction stage, tihe hall was beginning to take on the appearance of modern, comfortable living quarters. The first renovation to take place was the insertion of builtin study units which run the length of one side of the room, and include large closet areas, book cases, study areas, and drawer space. Next came innerspring beds and iheating units which may be individually controlled by the separate rooms. Finally, at least as far as the rooms are concerned, new curtains were added to the decor to aid those who are allergic to morning, and to guard against any peeping toms lurking outside the men's dormitory.
No. in Household 1 2 3 4 5 Recen!:ly such unique apparitions as "ferd bird," a "Luci Bird," "the Thing," and space plants visited the Peru State Fine Arts Building. These space "creatures" were the creations of Don Wilson's art exploration class.
P.S.C. Gains New "Editions"
In addition, the dormitory as a wh-0le can now boast of a fully carpeted and curtained lounge area complete with color televiIn this issue the Pedagogian j.ournalism. Some of these activision and a full array of chairs concludes its introduction of fac- ties were writing feature stories and benches to complement the ulty who are spending their first for the college newspaper, deroom. Future plans also call for year of full-scale instruction and bating on the women's. debate a renovation of the fireplace. team, and participating in coladministration at Peru State. Not to be outdone by the first lege plays. floor, the basement area, and MR. GUY ROSENBERG Mrs. Schottenhamel's hobbies especially the laundry facilities Mr. Guy Rosenberg is P er u are playing the organ, attending and the game room, came in for State's new Dean of Students. A the theatre, collecting theatre their share of refinements, in- native of Moline, Illinois, he re- programs, gardening, and sewcluding washer and dryer com- ceived an Associate of Arts de- ing. binations, and pool tables. gree from Black Hawk Juni.Q,r Dr. and Mrs. Schottenhamel No one knows for sure what College with a major in Social also travel extensively guiding the future plans are concerning Science in 1957. After teaching in tours throughout the U n i t e d Delzell, but the residents seemed the Sterling, Illinois, sch o o 1 States and in some parts of pleased with what has already system for a year, he continued Canada. Most of these tours'were taken place in the effort to make his studies at Western Illinois Peru-sponsored college c re di t Delzell a pleasant, comfortable University where he received his courses. This summer the SchotBachelor of Science in Education terrhamels sponsored a one-week place. Degree. While working toward tour of Nebraska by car. his B.S. degree he served as a MR. STEPHEN SHAFER counselor in the Campus School. Mr. Stephen Shafer, 23, is one He received his Masters degree in 1959 from Western University. of the new instructors of English Upon receiving his Masters de- at Peru State College this year. Miss Diane Witty, daughter of gree, he served as a counselor for He graduated from South High Mr. and Mrs. William Witty of the Elementary School District School, Denver, Colorado, and Syracuse, was crowned Miss of Park Forest, a suburb· of Chi- from Denver University where Otoe County Centennial Oct. 29, cago. From 1960-62 the new Dean he also received his master's dein the Nebraska City Senior High was Head Resident Advisor for gree in literature. His masters Auditorium. 'Diane, a freshman men's residence halls at Western thesis was on Lawrence Durrell, in pre-nursing at Peru State, University. a contemporary British poet and sang "All the Things that You In 1962. he decided to continue novelist. Are" in the talent competition. his education and attended Iowa Mr. Shafer states that this is Miss Nebraska City, Kathy University to work on his Ph.D. his first teaching position , and Reed, also a freshman at Peru, While at Iowa University he that he finds it very interesting worked in the counseling service and challenging. crowned the Otoe County Miss. for placement of ,business and When asked what his outside Diane will compete in the Neindustrial students. He hopes to interests were, he stated, "I've braska State Centennial Beauty r~eive his doctorate this year. always enjoyed painting." Other Pageant in Lincoln on DecemDean Rosenberg has always interests listed were horseback ber 6. felt that he would enjoy a small riding, tennis, golf, fishing, a n d school and he said that his feel- some other outdoor sports. ings are reinforced every day. Mr. Shafer's future plans are He especially likes the personal to continue teaching and to becontact with the. students. gin work on a doctorate. The new administrator is marMR. ALAN SHIPLEY Peru's Cillorus, under the direc- ried and his wife, Sharon, holds The new assistant business tion of 'Mr. Edward Camealy, is a masters degree in English. manager of Peru State College is planning to present a Christmas MRS. LILLIAN Mr. Alan Shipley of Auburn, Neconcert on Sunday, Dec. 18, 1966, SCHOTTENHAMEL braska. Mr. Shipley received his at 3:00 p.m, in the Auditoriilm. Mrs. Schottenhamel, English bachelor of science degree from Mr. Donald Wilson is in charge of stage arrangements, costum- professor at Peru State College, Peru State College in 1966. While has led a very interesting and attending school, he was working ing, and special eff~ts. active life. She received her full time for the Auburn NewsB.A. from North Central Col- papers. lege, Naperville, Illinois and her Mr. Shipley is active in the M.A. from Indiana State College Junior Chamber of Commerce in OPTOMETRIST at Terre Haute, Indiana. Auburn and presently holds the Contad Lenses During her college life, s h e position of internal vice-presiClosed Wed. p.m., Sat. p.m. had many activities, centering dent. He is currently interested 119 No. 8th St. Nebr. City around newspaper work a n d in the Nemaha Valley Scubadiv-
Peru Coed Winner At Centennial Pageant
Chorus To Present Christmas Concert
ing Club, which cooperates with the Rescue Squad of Nemaha County in searching for the victims of drownings. Mr. Shipley has a wife, Gayle, and two children, Mark, age 6, and Michelle, age 8 months. He feels that this part of the country is "a pretty nice place" to rear his children.
Monthly Liquid Income Resources $120 $750 18(} 1500 230 1500 27(} 1500 305 1500
If you think you may be eligible and wish to participate in the Food Stamp Plan, you will need to apply to the Nemaha County Division of Welfare at the Auburn Courthouse.
year Mr. Wilson won the best of show award at the William Rockhill Nelson Gallery in Kansas City, where two of his paintings received purchase awards that totaled $1,500. He was one of the 15 semi-finalists in 196€ for a fellowship to the American Academy of Painting in Rome. At the present Mr. Wilson is preparing for a one-man exhibit of' drawings at the Sheldon Memorial Gallery in Lincoln, Nebraska. Mr. Wilson stated that he is very interested in this area of the country. He feels that many creative reserves have not been tapped. There is a certain exciting regional spontaneity that he failed to realize in the East or West part of the country. He stated, "One ihas the quietness here that is becoming more and more unattainable."
MRS. AUSTIN VAN PELT Mrs. Austin Van Pelt is on campus regularly this year to teach two classes of principals of economics, having substituted last year in the social science department. Mrs. Van Pelt has a bachelor of arts degree from Maryville College, Maryville, Tennessee. She has also attended the University of Tennessee and the University of Nebraska. While Mrs. Van Pelt was in MRS. GILBERT WILSON college, one of her main interests Mrs. Gilbert Wilson is a new was the college debating team. instructor of English and speech. Her main interests now are he r Mrs. Wilson received her bachefour children-Mary, Anne, Pe- lor of science and education from ter, and David. Mrs. Van Pelt is Southeast Missouri State Colthe wife of W. Austin Van Pelt, lege, Cape Girardeau, Mo., in assistant professor of sociology 1941. In 1961 she received her at Peru State. master of arts degree from ·Peru When asked how she liked State College. Mrs. Wilson has full-time teaching, Mrs. Van Pelt had a long and varied teaching replied, "I find it an enjoyable career and was last employed by experience, and it adds interest the Auburn Public Schools as a to my home life." teacher of English and speech. Mrs. Wilson is active in Delta MR. SCOTT WILLIAMS Kappa Gamma, an honorary edAmong the new faculty on ucation fraternity, and Sigma campus is Mr. Scott Williams, Alpha Iota, honorary music frawho teaches social science and ternity. Her hobbies are campgeography. He attended Arizona ing, swimming, music, and readState at Tempe, Arizona, where ing. he received his B.S. in Geology The Wilsons have three chiland M.A .. in Geography. He com- dren, and Mr. Wilson is presently mented that "the students at Pe- a member of the staff of P e r u ru seem to be very cooperative State. and like students elsewhere." He also stated that "after living in metropolitan areas such as San Francisco and Phoenix, coming to Peru is like a breath of fresh air. I enjoy the quietness and the solitude of the hills, it reminds me of San Francisco Permanents, Tinting, in the early days."
MR. DON WILSON Mr. Don Wilson was born in Houston, Texas. He received his M.F.A. degree at Kansas State University, at Wichita. Last
Phone 3922 Peru
Page ..4·
Historical Society, Phi ,,Alpha Theta
ics, Gary L. Neumann, social science, history, government; Allan Sullivan, physical education; From page one math; Katherine Black, elemen- Patricia Knippelmier, elementary eouoation; at Pawnee City, tary education; and at Westside High School, Donald L. Stuart, Robert R. Peck, history; at Peru, Dolores M. Clark and Sheryl Sue industrial arts and Patrick VenJohnson, elementary education; ditte, physical education. at Plattsmouth, Richard Berthold, English and journalism; at Shenandoah, Mrs. B a r bar a From page one Brandt, home economics, Nancy E. Jarvis, English and library stimulate his students' quest for science; at Sidney, Wayne Christruth and for meaning-not only tensen, physical education and of the world around him, but aldriver's education, Beverly A. so of himself. Kitelinger, business education, Concluding, Dr. Reed noted Bobbie Shaffer, home economics; at Syracuse, Philip Dorssom, that the role of education today speech and English, Dan Streck- is to fulfill the student's need for er, social science; at Tecumseh, love, ability to create, and an Arlene ·Borcher, home econ om- understanding of his world.
Teaching Positions
Dr. Reed at Convo
SMJW46;p o:f;d and satisfaction is guaranteed!
10 karat gold floren!ined rlng wilh precious cultured pearl. Only •••
Sigma Tau Delta Prose Writing Contest Rules Revealed ATTENTION FRESHMEN! You are sincerely urged and invited to submit your short stories and essays to the annual Freshman Prose Writing Contest. So if you are creative and like to write, let us hear from you!
links and tie tac • ••
$3.95 Watches for laaies in an 1
~l~~·'. ~~tf;~~c- $12.95
CHARMS Sterling, 14K and gold-filled $1.00 and up
CHARM BRACELETS $1.25 and up
II. Submission of manuscripts A. Any student meeting the above qualifications may submit manuscripts at any time during the first semester to the president of Sigma Tau Delta or to its faculty sponsor. B. At the end of the semester, any college instructor may submit prose manuscripts from courses under his supervision. The man-
Each year the Society sponsors a scholarship given to an outstanding history student. Receiving the scholarship this year was Rodger 'Bassett. There are social events in which the club participates such as a Christmas party and a banquet. This banquet is usually held at a restaurant in a neighboring town and features a steak dinner. Two years ago, the Historical Society represented Peru at a national conference held in Washington, D. C. Peru State was the only Nebraska college represented at this meeting. The delegates were addressed by the underuscripts should be typed with no identifying marks. III. Type of prose A. Except as noted below, any type of prose is acceptable: descriptive, narrativ.e, ex;pository, argumentative. B. The documented research paper is not eligible. IV. Judging A. The papers will be judged by a committee selected from the membership of Sigma Tau Delta, with the addition of at least one faculty member, who shall act as chairman. No faculty member who teaches one of the courses named above may serve on this committee. 'B. The committee will evaluate the manuscripts for neatness, correctness of mechanics, organization, style, and content. C. The decision of the committee will be final.
V. Award: Paper-bound books of the winner's own choosing not to exceed ten dollars in total cost. VI. Closing date: Last day of the fall semester, 1965.
TRIFARI JEWELRY $3.00 and up
DESK PENS . Sheaffer $3.00 · $100.00
FREE GIFT WRAPPING Will wrap for mailing and mail gift if you request it.
fine display of diamond
PERU HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Historical Society w a s formed in 1958 and is open to all persons who are interested in promoting an appreciation of history among the student body. There are 70 members in the club and they meet the first Monday of each month. One of the ways in which historical appreciation is promoted is through the interesting and sometimes, well-known speakers who address the organization. Crale Hansen, a local student, spoke on Viet Nam at the last meeting. Films of interest to historians are also presented in meetings.
I. Rules of eligibility A. Any student classified as a freshman. B. Any student currently enrolled in English La,boratory, English 101, or English 102.
Diamond engagement rings and bridal pairs $ 29 50 ••• cs Iowas .. ~•
Promote Historical Appreciation
k~~~~~~fd from $l6.SO
Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday Phone 872-4351
College Graduates Can Be Commissioned Officers Interested in hecoming a Officer Candidate S c h o o 1, commissioned officer in the Aviation Officer Candidate United States Navy? Then you School and many others. The Navy offers a wide vashould make it a point totalk with the Navy Officer Infor- riety of ways for the college mation Team which will be on graduate to fulfill his military campus from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. obligation as a commissioned omcer. Students from all unon November 16, 1966. They will be located in the dergraduate majors are eligible to compete for openings. Student Center. ' Any junior or senior may The Team will be available to discuss with prospective make arrangements with the graduates, both men and Team to take the Officer Quawomen, such opportunities as lification Test on campus.
Auto Repairs • Major engine work • Automatic trans. • Wrecker service • Steam cleaning • Lubrication Fast Dependable Service 872-3201 · Peru AAA Service
Short Orders
secretary of state and the tionalist Chinese ambassador the United Nations, as well as well-known authorities on China. According to Rodger sett, president o,f the Histo Society, this was a rare op tunity to get first-hand info tion. Other officers of the club Jim Horgan, vice-president, John Bstandig, secretary-treas er, and John Chasse, historian.
PHI ALPHA THETA Phi Alpha Theta is a wellognized organization among torians throughout the wo both in the fields of educa · was organized in 1959 and ently has ten members. The ternational honorary frater requir€s its members to have hours of history with a 6.5 tory average and a 6.0 aver in 2/3 of all other subjects. Alpha Theta m€ets with the torical Society as well as ho ing some separate meeti throughout the year. Its offi are also the officers of the torical Society. The purpose Phi A1pha Theta is to prom appreciation and understandi of history as well as to promo a desire for further study. There wlll be a national co vention held in New York Ci at the American Hotel on Dec. and 29. The Peru chapter will represented by Richard Zapar nick (Zap) who will be spo sored by the national organi tion. He will be informed of th· recent functions of the fraternit as well as to have an opportun i ty to read historical papers o interest. · The dual sponsors of Phi Alph Theta and the Historical Societ are Mr. Strom and Dr. Schotte hamel. Five new members Phi Alpha Theta are: Dev Adams, La Vera Bennett, Joa Bretthorst, Kay Shaw and Rich· ard Zaparanick.
"Highlights From Eliza" The Morgan Hall lounge an lobby have taken on a bright new look. The lounge has been carpeted, refurnished, and given new draperies. The lobby w as repainted and refurnished also. This is a part of the over-all re· recorating of the dormitory. All the hallways have been oarpeted and repainted. Each room ha s been provided with new multicolored drawstring draperies. Miss Janice Johnson, a sophomore whose parents reside in Glenwood, Iowa, recently received a diamond from Bill Rinne, senior son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rinne of Burchard. No wedding date has yet been set. 'Miss Jan Harbour, freshman daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Harbour of Stella, also recently became engaged to Michael Mason, son of Mrs. Martha Mason of Beatrice. Wedding plans are indefinite.
6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
every day
Ann Beai:l:y
25c Washing . . Lubrication
Appliances - Sporting Goods Hunting and Fishing Licenses
Gas . . Oil . . Tires . . Battery PERU
Saturday 2:30 -11 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Mon. · Tues. after 9:30 p.m. 274-4320
Page S
Peru Pedagogfan, Nov. 16, 1966
Bobcat Foes Roll ·To New Marks
SPORTS Bobcat Harriers .Top Wesleyan Tourney
By Phil Herbster
Ii '11he Nebraska Wesleyan Invi-
lational, held November 7th, was ~n for the third time in three rears as Peru State's Harriers !llaced all seven of their runners Jt the top 14. The score was, Pe~ 20 points, to the runner-up E>oane ·with 55; third place went ~ Wesleyan with 90, at fourth place was John F. Kennedy with 93, and last was Midland with
1103. The event was held in Holmes ,Park in Lincoln, where Tim Hen~icks won the race in a time of 120:53. Tim and Steve Cornelius 'fan away from the pack after the ltirst mile and neither were ~ushed the last three miles of the :four mile race. Steve finished on-
ly 10 seconds behind Hendricks. "Wesleyan kind of scared us when they sent four runners right to the top," stated Van Allen, "but they dropped back after the first mile and didn't come close after that." "The course wasn't too bad, but the ground was awfully rough on the feet," said Tim Hendricks. The Peru runners' times and places: 1. Tim Hendricks ____20:53 2. Steve Cornelius ___ 21:03 3. Jim O'Donoghue ___ 21:37 6. Ron Jones ________ 21:58 7. Dan Trout ________ 22:00 13. Jim Watson _______ 22:26 14. Van Allen _________ 22:28
Takes Cross Country Team tNCC Title Takes Revenge By Phil Herbster Peru State Cross Country run)'lers again failed to capture the !Nebraska Co 11 e g e Conference 'Championship held · in Kearney October 29, losing to the Kearney State Antelopes on their 'home course. Tim Hendricks, team captain, ·proved his mastery of the distance run by winning the 4 mile race in 19:48, setting a new record. The weather was nearly perfect with a temperature of 39 degrees and only ·a 5 mile per hour •.wind on the usually windy KearJlley Golf Club. course. The Peru winners failed to group themselves as they have in other meets this year. They · had '1 :43 seconds between the first and seventh man. Listed below are the scoring of all Conference teams, places and points: Kearney: 3,rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th; 26. Peru: 1st, 7th, 9th, 11th, and 13th; 41. Wayne: 2nd, 10th, 15th, 18th, and 20th; 65. 1Chadron: 19th, 20th, 2·2nd, 25th and 26th; 112. The first seven runners f o r Peru State College and the i r times: 1. Tim Hendricks (record)_19:48 7. Steve Cornelius _______ 20:49 9. Dan Trout ____________ 20:58 11. Van Allen _____________ 21:03 13. Ron Jones ____________ 21:12 14. Jim .Watson ___________ 21:13 16. Jim O'Donoghue ______ 21:31
Did You Know? Bob Devaney, now paid 23,500 dollars to coach the Nebraska football team, earned 50 cents an hour on his first job. The sun is in total eclipse an average of only folir hours and 50 minutes each century. · Coed-A college girl who spends half her time pursuing a bachelors degree, and the other half pursuing a bachelor. Wall Street in New York City was named .fo,r a barrier built
These. are the statistics ori Pe:tu's football team for the 1966 season, The Bobcats were outscored 146 to 258. The opponents scored 20 of their 38 touchdowns through the air; this established two new records against Peru. The opponents' passing for 1363 total yards and their average of 151.7 yards were both all-time records. Yet, Peru's record is not really an indication of their offensive game. 'Dhe Bobcats' passing 'attack was the best ever of any Peru team. Peru passed for 1234 yards to erase last year's season mark of 803 yards. Peru's per game passing average of 137.1 yards was a new record as were the 231 passing attempts and 102 completions. Carl Satterfield's two ye a r passing total of 1384 yards surpassed Sid 'Brown's four year career total of 132 set between 1955-1958 for another new Peru State record. John Creamer led Peru with 30 catches for 527 yards 0both Peru records) and seven touchdowns: Bobcat opponents rushed for 1486 yards to 1917 yards for Peru. Total offense for Peru was 2382 compared to 2910 for opponents. Oharles Daily led rush-
Peru State College Harriers took revenge for the loss of the Nebraska College Conference title, to Kearney, on a weak Midland College team, November 1. The Harriers won 15 to 50, placing the first seven runners, on the National Course in Omaha. A new record was set by Tim Hendricks as he streaked' to a 21 :48.8 clocking, breaking the old record of Louie Fritz, the 1964 Peru graduate and All American from Verdon, Nebraska. Tim bettered. Fritz's old record by 15 seconds. The Bobcat striders took t h e first seven places and "showed· their comeback attitude which may be necessary to place in the . National Meet November 26,'' stated one of the runners. The 'Bobcat places: 1. Tim Hendricks ________21 :24.8 (Breaks old record, 21:39, by L. Fritz, 1964) 2. Jim O'Donoghue _______ 22:14 3. Steve Cornelius ________ 22:32 4. Ron Jones ______________ 22:47 5. Van Allen ________ ·______ 22:58 6. Jim Watson ____________ 23:02 7. Dan Trout ______________ 23:02
Fritz Takes Third In Four-mile Race Louis Fritz, former Peru State speedster, placed third in a fourmile run at Kearney Nov. 6. Fritz finished the four miles in 20:34. He trailed A. D. Benson of Wayne, the winner in 2-0:23, and Carroll Kinnaman of Wayne, who finished in 20:32. Fifth place went to Carl Owc.ziarak, the Minden teacher w h o won the 26-mile Tri-State Marathon held at Falls City 1 as t month. three centuries ago to keep out Indians. A California scientist recommends eating insects as a possible anSW-er to world famine. Grasshoppers, grubs and an~s are all high in protein.
ers with 477 yards gained and 30 points. Team Totals Peru Opp. First downs --------- 132 138 Passing ------------- 49 43 Rushing ------------- 78 81 Penalty ------------- 5 14 Passes attempted ____ 231 192 Completed ----------- ·102 93 Yards gained ________ 1234 1363 Touchdown passes --- 12 20 Had intercepted ----- 20 10 Yards run back ------ 386 75 No. of rushing plays - 401 411 Yards gained ________ 1486 1937 Yards lost ----------- 338 390 Net gain ____________ 1148 1547 Total number offensive plays --------- 632 603 Total offensive yards.2382 2910 Number of punts ---- 60 44 Yardage _____________ 2084 1650 Average ------------- 34.7 37.4 Blocked ------------- 2 1 Punts returned ------ 15 37 Yards run back ------ 71 358 · Number of kickoffs __ 33 42 Yardage _____________ 1612 1916 Average ------------- 48.8 43.5 Kickoffs returned ---- 39 25 Yards run back ------ 48-0 650 Fumbles ------------ 29 30 Fumbles lost -------- 16 23 Penalties ------------ 54 38 Y'ards lost ----------- 515 382
Bobcats End Season With 2-7 Record By John Bernadt Peru State ended its season Nov. 5, losing to Missouri Valley of Marshall, Mo., 42-32. ...,The Bobcats took an early lead in the first quarter, 13-7. The Missouri Valley Vikings scored the first time they had the ball on a 74-yard pass play from Mickey Burns to Bob Thomas; Hershel Owens kicked the first of his seven straight extra points. Peru then marched 60 yards to score in eight plays with Oharles Daily scoring from the two. Carl Satterfield scored the extra point on a broken play. Peru the n scored again when Satterfield hit John Creamer on a 68-yard touchdown pass. In the second quarter the Vikings humiliated Peru with a 35point scoring attack. Tom Venus blocked a Bobcat punt and scored; and Missouri Valley went ahead, 14-13. Ow€ns kicked the placement. Then, two interceptions, a fumble, and several pen-, alties against Peru; and the Vikings were leading 42-13. Most of the fans left at the half because of the score and the cold, windy weather. They may have missed one of the truly fine efforts of a Peru 'Bobcat team. Quarterback Rich Guzinski took over controls and with Larry Colgrove and Nick Petrillo doing the rushing, drove 74 yards in 14 plays with Guzinski scoring from the seven. The score was then 42-19. Peru, playing inspired football, then traveled 56 yards to score again when Guzinski passed to Creamer for an 8-yard touchdown play. The score was then 25-42. The fighting Bobcats
stopped the Vikings on their 4yard line, early in the fourth quarter. Peru then marched 96 yards to score with 7:27 left in the game, with George Evangelist scoring from the two. Evangelist was a work horse the entire drive. Dan Nix kicked the extra point and the score w as 32-42. It was only a matter of time then as Missouri Valley was desperately clinging to their lead. Peru was stopped on the Viking 4-yard line for what might have been the back breaker.
The statistics prove that Peru was really the best team on the field. Peru gained 24 first downs to 12 for Missouri Valley while gaining 428 yards in total offense to 286 for Missouri Valley. Peru had 120 yards in penalties while the Vikings escaped with only 59 in a vidously contested affair.
For those who have been complaining about the lack of action at Bobcat football games, there was plenty during Peru's 42-32 loss to a fine Missouri Valley College team. It's too bad, however, more people didn't stick around for the wild second half. The Bobcats deserve a lot of credit for the great comeback they made after a disastrous second quarter. Peru's wasn't the only "wild" game in the area on Saturday, November 5. Wayne State beat the Morris branch of the University of Minnesota, 61-20, Hastings won their homecoming on a 38yard field goal in the closing seconds against Nebraska Wesleyan, and the people in Tulsa, Oklahoma will be crying for a long time, following a 77-14 shellacking at the hands of Houston Uni't vers1 y. A reminder: On Saturday, November 26, Peru State Cross Country runners will compete in the N.A.I.A. championship at Omaha's Elmwood Park near OmaJha University. Although many, students will be going home for Thanksgiving, I suggest that all who can, go and help the efforts of the Bobcat harriers. Peru finished third last year and is in contention again this year with only one defeat in twelve ·outings. The Centennials and the. Misfits are the intramural football champs for the 19-06 season. Congratulations fellows! Now that the football season is over the basketball bug is rolling around again as things look good for another fine season. How about another trip to Kansas City, Bobcats? It is fortunate that the Peru State campus is the campus of 1,000 oaks rather than 1,000 elms, because Dutch elm d i s e a s e threatens American elm trees with near-extinction. Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it.
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'ligers ,. Tame Girls Out For Cross. Country? Bobcats, 48·7 Peru State's hopes to get back on .the winning trail were shat:tered by the undefeated Doane Tigers on the Tigers' home field, Saturday, Nov. 5 by a score of 4~.-7. Doane's 41-point margin of .;victory represents the largest ..P?int .spread by a Doane team over a .Peru team since Doane rolled to a 49-0 victory in 1913. The Tigers of Doane struck the fii::S! · time they had the ball · by ,l1larching 65 yards in five plays, capped. by Halfback Tom Randicl2s three-yard plunge. Fred 'liayek's extra point boot was perfect and Doane led 7-0 with 10:35 left in the first quarter. Peru's only score was set up 'wheh Linebacker Bernie Brown ·intercepted a Doane pass on the 'rigei:s' 25-yard line. Onthe next play 'Quarterback Carl Satterfield hit End John Creamer, who scampered in to score the TD. •Dan Nix's extra point kick was .,goacl ..but by the 7-7 tie was not ;to lastfor long. A touchdown pass from Quarterback L arr y <!Jreen to Jim Welti and a 35,,y~ pass interception by' Al ;Z~erman was ..all the scoring ..in the second quarter as Doane :,took a 2'1~ 7 halftime lead. : :.:: The''third quarter was score•leM aS' neither team was able to 'ge'!i"itS offense going. The only Peru offensive thrust went no ::4~P.~/; ·tll,a~ the Doane 44-yard · ::;W!iJJ."~s th~.Bobcats couldn't move Jl+~ Tiger defense. Doane . really exploded in the fourth quarter as the Tigers ~ored on runs of : 1,;'.7}'1'1~ and 'a pass of 37 yards. ·'•'"~ :bo;ine dominated the statistics ;:~;'tli&'.T~gers piled up 410 yards t.otal offense to the Bobcats' 153. 'Th~ Tigers defense, which ranks high in the NAIA statistics !}roved to- be too much for th e ':•Bobcats offense to move against ':1.as .the Bobcats couldn't muster a ·sustciined offensive threat since ,. scoring' their initial TD.
, fP.tte's erpvide Music
By Phil Starting in the middle of Octoher Coach Pilkington, Peru's Cross Country coach, talked several of the girls to come out for a little exercise, and this was the birth of girls' Cross Country at Peru State. "I'M JUST OUT TO LOSE SOME OF MY EXCESS," stated Nancy Guilliatt. "ME! I JUST LIKE TO RUN" said Pat Thompson. ' So, with these words and thoughts in their minds the girls took on the task of getting out of shape to get into shape.
Gary Viterise was placed as Head Coach of the girls, and whether it was his car or just the girls' ambition, no one will ever know, fifteen runners of the female sex started to show up for their regular work-outs. Most of the girls are just interested in running off some of that "ugly fat" and possibly get-
Herbster ting to know some more of the boys out for Cross Country iby asking for various hints on how to actually run the hills, slopes, and gullies encountered in Cross Country. Though some of the girls only come to practice occasionally, some have wished to have a meet with some other college to show their abilities. Since John F. Kennedy College, in Wahoo, Nebraska, has had a girls team since the start of the season Coach Pilkington asked them if they would like to run the girls. They accepted the challenge and ran here the 12th of November. · How are the girls in Cross Country? Nobody will know until after their first meet, but in · the meantime why don't you walk down to the Oak Bowl some afternoon at 3:30 and see. Maybe then you will understand why they call Peru "the school for runners." Girls too!!
Dr. Gomon Speaks To M.E.N. In the continuing effort to receive their chapter from the parent organization, the Delta Chapter of Mu Epsilon Nu recently successfully surpassed another obstacle toward the completion of this goal. On November 2, the fledgling Peru State College Chapter of M.E.N., the. honorary educational fraternity for men, held another. of their formal weekly meetings. Although all of these first meetings are important to the new group, this one was especially so since it was at this time that Dr. Neal S. ....,Gomon was inducted into the organization as its honorary member, thus· fulfilling another requirement in !becoming an official body on campus. Dr. Gomon accepted the offering with a short, informal speech, in which he compared the profession of education as he found it when he began his career as an educator, and the state of education in 1966.
The well-known· Forte's of . Council Bluffs were the featured .: combo at th~ freshman Hallo~! w;~n ~an~e held October 31 in ~the c0'1lege gymnasium. The ·!: dante Was chaperoned by Mr. · St~v~ Shafer, .Mr. James Levitt, :L~~u."'Mr. and M'.rs. James Keck. '"''''The dance was generally felt ;;.to· be quite successful and . was well attended.
Dr. Gomon pointed 'out that when he started teaching, it was considered indeed unusual for a teacher to remain in one position for more than two years; and, in order for a teacher to advance, both materially and in prestige, it was necessary for him to move from one system to another quite frequently. Then, contrasting the past with today, Dr. Gomon as!i serted that a teacher may n o w 1. Many school drop-outs possibly establish a true career for himcan't see the "handwriting on self by remaining in one given t the wall" because . they can't school system and advancing · read it. through the ranks to any position to which his talents will deliver him. ~~~~~~~~~~-
SHOE BEPAI'.a ~~?l'n
• Nebruka
Dr. Gomon, in addition to his speech, also commented on the distinction of being invited to join M.E.N. as an honorary member, and congratulated the group
ii·Professiorial Careers in Aero Charting CWILI,AN EMPLOYMENT with the U.S. AIR FORCE Minirtiurii. 120 semester hours college credit including 24 he>ur-> of subjects pertinent to charfillg such as math, geog· rapliy, ~olagy, and physics. Equivalent experienee accept· able. · .. ,. ;~ Traiajng program. Openings for m:en and women. ~ Appllca.tlon and further information forwarded on request. ~· WRITE: College Relations (ACPCB) :1;: ;:r,, ::;, · Hq Aeronautical Chart &: Information Center, .:;1,.::; 8900 S; ~roadway, St. Louis,· Missouri 63125 '~.; An equal opportunity employer
on its high ideals and the active status to which it has committed itself. This meeting was also personally important for several new members of Mu Epsilon Nu at Peru State College, because it was with this meeting that the seven pledges began their probationary status. 'If these new members successfully complete this trial period, and are then accepted into the group, this will ibring the total number of active participants in the organization to sixteen-all of which will be designated as charter members when the group completes the formal initiation process later this year. These probationary members include: Lorin Bartels, Oren Bednar, John Chasse, Bob Kelly, Dave Kennedy, Bill Massie, and Sam Smith.
Did ·You Know?
In Recognition . .
CALENDAR Wednesday, November .16 Convocation, College Band Concert, · 9:10 a.m., Auditorium.
U. S. Navy Officer Informa-· tion Team, .~tudent Center. Gamma Delta, F.A. 211.
6:00 p.m.,
W.A.A., 8:00 p.m., Gym. Wesley Fellowship, 6:30p.m. F .A. 204. Newman Club, 6:30 'p.m., Sc. 105. Thursday, November 17 S.G.A., 8:00 p.m., Student Center Conference Room. Sunday, November 20 S.G.A. Movie, 7:30 p.m., F.A. Auditorium. Monday, November 21 Blue Devils, 6:30 p.m., 105.
P.S.E.A:., 6:30 p.m., F.A. Recital Hall. Tuesday, November 22 Basketball, Peru at Tarkio.
Cross-Country, Doane Peru, 3:30 p.m.
Women Student Association 4:00 p.m., Morgan Hall. ' Wednesday, November 23 Thanksgiving Convocation 9:10 a.m., Auditorium. '
FOR SALE: Gas tank cap. Locking. For small opening. Two keys. Only $1.00. See at 106 B Fine Arts Building. WANTED: Spinet or small studio piano. Contact Clyde Barrett. Phone 872-4031. IMPORTANT: P.T.A. Scholarship applications available at Office of Guidance and Counseling. Due back by November 18th. 1
NEEDED: Letters by Grenelda. RUN A CLASSIFIED Buy, Sell, Find, Want 15 Words for 30c SEE: ANY STAFF MEMBER
Many students who participa in the college's intramural p ·: 1 grams throughout the year f to recognize all the work th~ Intramural Director Mr. Stemp2 1 tloes. He sets up the schedul · assigns referees, and even hely sup~rvise these activities. ·• Stemper does this on his o time and most people don't er it him for running the intram als as effectively as he does. If wasn't for Mr. Stemper's ha work of organizing and superv· ing there would be less effici recreational program or none all. Mr. Stemper has done a wo drous job on organizing our i tramurals and if we want the · tramurals to continue as eff tively, we should contribute do our part to support the pr gram. The final standings of the i tramural football program are: Won Lost Tie Misfits ------- 7 1 1 Centennials ___ 7 2 Studs -------- 5 Playboys _____ 5 3 Roadrunners __ 4 2 5 Fubars -----~- 4 Marksman ____ 3 6 6 Buds --------- 2 Gladiators ____ 2 6 Cool Jerks 1 8 "There is only one way achieve happiness on this t restrial ball, and that is to ha either a clear conscience, or no at all."-Ogden Nash
Gamma Delta, 6:00 p.m., F.A. 211. W.A.A., 8:00 p.m., Gym. Wesley Fellowship, p.m., F.A. 204.
Thursday, November 24 Thanksgiving Vacation.
S.G.A., 8:00 p.m., Student Center Conference Room. Friday, November 25 Thanksgiving Vacation. Saturday, November 26 Cross-Country, N.A.I.A. National at Omaha.
When your plastic tube of shampoo or make-up is about used up, snip the bottom off, and Debaters In Dakota you'll be surprised to see h o w From page one much is left. that will undoubtedly improve Although a dollar is only six inches long, it is used to measure their standing at future tournaments, including Wichita State many things. A great many people, if they University, Wayne State College, said what they thought, would and Northwest Missouri State College. be practically speechless. Many people start cutti,ng their wisdom teeth when they bite off more than they can chew. Ask About Our
By Dennis Hubbard
JOY'S COLOR CENTER 911 Central Auburn, Nebraska
INGERSOLL BARBER SHOP let Us Care For Your Hair Auburn, Nebr.
Bon Kroll Boom Majors Hall
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StudentWives Club ~erves Community In November, 1959, the Peru State Student Wives Club was ~anized for. any women who is â&#x20AC;˘ wife of a full-time Peru stullent. Fifteen wives were then lalembers of the organization. The main objective of the organization is to carry out proiects that will help this community and surrounding communities. Past projects indude: assisting in the Heart Fund drive; presenting a flag to Dr. Gomon [or the Fine Arts Building to be placed in the auditorium; making stuffed animals and presenting them to the children at Bealrice State Home; Christmas caroling; and bake sales. In the spring of 196(} Mrs. Neal Gomon was made an hondrary member of the Student Wives Club. Recently, the organization hosted the tea given for the past homecoming queens during the home-
coming festivities. The wives are presently making stuffed animals for their annual trip to the Beatrice State Home. The goal of each wife in the organization is to receive a Ph.T. degree (Putting Hubby Through). A member receives this degree when her husband graduates from Peru State. In addition, the club enables the wives to get acquainted and to have fun. Meetings are held every other Wednesday and all those who are eligible are welcome. Officers for the 1966-67 school year are: Sharon Pattison, president; Carolyn Bedea, vice president; Shari Hagemeier, treasurer; Pat Michal, secretary; Bernie Kennedy, historian; and Charlotte Nedrow, reporter. Membership for this year is approximately twenty-five.
-Photo by Special Services Devon's Mixed Media Division winner at the P.S.C. Art Exhibit provides the background for gazers Devon Adams and Nancy McCullough.
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
Peru Pedagogian PERU, NEBRASKA
Volume 62
Number 5
Convocation Features Peru State College Band The college was treated to an hour-long concert by the Peru State College band at the November 16 convocation. The band, under the direction of Mr. Gilbert E. Wilson, played a variety of selections so th a t all present would enjoy the program. The concert was opened with the final movement from Holst's "First Suite in E-Flat for Military Band." The band next played the overture "Richard III." Highlighted in the lively number entitled "Sentry Boy" was the percussion section. Several snare drum solos and a gay military style helped give the piece an added spirit.
able to give the impression of a much larger band. It is interesting to note that only approximately half of them are music majors. The rest of the band is composed of other students who joined band just for the enjoyment of performing on a musical instrument.
Peru Achievement Foundation Provides Student Loans An important institution of Peru State College is the Peru Achievement Foundation. This non-profit and worthwhile foundation was established in 1955 with the aid of President Neal S. Gomon and interested alumni and faculty.
The band next went to Broadway and played a medley of tunes written by Richard Rodgers. The audience was then The Foundation accepts and treated to a modern composition administers grants, gifts, and reby Vincent Persichetti called quests for scholarships and loans, "Pageant." In this arrangement and assists in other areas that are all members of the band w e r e not reached by state funds. The faced with difficult and tricky Foundation has provided all of notations and timing. the matching funds for the NaThe audience was next treated tional Defense Student Lo an to a hootenanny medley with a program. The Foundation so far selection simply called "Hooten- has provided $15,715.56, making anny." It included several well- possible $175,490 for loans. The known folk tunes such as "John funds come from gifts of alumni, Henry," "Frankie and Johnny," former students, faculty a n d "Michael, Row Your B o a t friends. Forty scholarships have Ashore," and "Down by the Rivthus far been awarded for the .erside." Each folk tune featured some section of the . band. The fall semester to Peru students. audience particularly enjoyed For second semester (1966-67), this selection as the members of the 1Foundation will provide the band "let down their hair," three $100 scholarships, one each so to speak, and clowned around during several of the tunes. The for a member of the three dorms, concert was concluded with a Majors, Delzell, and Eliza MorLatin-American theme as the gan. These centennial scholarband played "Fandango." ships are made possible by th e Although there are only 40 profits of the vending machines members in the band, they are which are op er ate d by the accomplished musicians and are Foundation.
NOVEMBER 30, 1966
Wesleyan Hosts Peru Musicians Twenty-two members of the local M.E.N.C. attended the state NMEA convention held ,in Lincoln, November 18 and 19. The ~vention was held at Lincoln High School but all the secondary schools of Lincoln were cohosts. Peru State College was represented in the College recital by a woodwind quintet which played "Allegro Concertante" by Mozart. Members of the quintet were Diane Witty, flute; Mary Ellen Oestmann, oboe; Mary Lu Hicks, French horn; Mike McNealy, bassoon; and Steve Broderson, clarinet. Mr. Girbert Wilson was in charge of organizing this state-wide college recital. Many schools were represented including Chadron, Wayne, Kearney, and the University of Nebraska.
Sophomore Wins Best of Art Show With ~~Binge-Trip" The "Best of Show" award was Sculpture~G a r y Obermeyer, awarded Brownville art major, Brownville, and Gary Pummel, Gary Obermeyer, sophomore of Nebraska City. Peru State College. The exhibit, Watercolor-Phil Brutto, Omaentitled, "Binge-Trip," was enha, and Danny Vokt, Council tered in Peru's first student art exhibit. The a:bstract ceramic Bluffs, Iowa. sculpture, is hollow with a lightCollage-Jim Kleveland, Need interior which highlights braska City, and Danny Vokt, changing visual conditions. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Assistant Professor of Art LeDrawing-Devon Adams, Peland Sherwood and Instructor of ru, and Nancy McCullough, AuArt Donald Wilson feel that Obermeyer's future in art is rora. promising. The first award in oil painting With more than 40 entries, Pe- by Gary Pummel of Nebraska ru State College held its first City rated special praise by Mr. competitive art show. Current Sherwood and Mr. Wilson. They plans are to make the exhibit an said the painting exhibited a maannual event at Nebraska's first ture ability to handle composicollege. The exhibits are on dis- tion and color, and the painting's play in the Art Exhibition Court impact is one that demands the in Peru State's Fine Arts Center. ¡ viewer's attention and curiosity. Awards were given for first and second places in the following six areas of competition: mixed media, oil painting, sculpture, watercolor, collage, and drawing. Division winners, first and second place respectively were: Mixed Media-Devon Adams, Peru, and Jim Kleveland, Nebraska City.
The woodwind class was required to attend a session on Oil Painting-Gary Pummel, double reeds conducted by KerNebraska City, first and second. mit Peters, instructor of double reeds at the University of Omaha. Mr. Peters is a graduate of Eastman School of Music and is a soloist with the Omaha Symphony. He demonstrated teaching techniques and used his own Peru State College will soon students to prove the success of have its own little radio station his methods. which can be picked up by those students living in the residence A concert was given by the halls. The station will be called Lincoln Symphony Friday night KPSC and can be picked up at at Wesleyan's new Fine Arts 620 kcs. on your radio dial. The Center. Members of the Wesley- station will play popular music an music department provided and will give various happenings guided tours of the building. and events about and around the campus, and will be on the a i r M.E.N.C. members had an op- from 6:(}(} p.m. to 10:(}0 p.m. Sunportunity to .attend rehearsals day through Thursday. Date of for All-State groups as well as beginning operations is still to attend sessions on various pending. Those interested in facets of music education. Stu- helping with the radio station dents returned to the campus can contact either Tom Mikkelwith added knowledge of rehear- sen (rm. 316) or Perry Townsend sal techniques and t e aching (rm. 201), who reside in Delzell methods. Hall.
PSC To Have
Radio Station
Students Crowd Dance, Hear Rumbles The fabulous Rumbles, the Heart of the Nation's Number 1 Attraction, was the featured rnmbo at the dance on November 17 sponsored by the Student Governing Association. The Student Center was crowded and the students awaited The Rumbles' first appearance on The Campus of a Thousand Oaks. From 811 :00 p.m. the Student Center and the entire campus echoed the sounds of the music of this wellknown group of young men. There was a very large attendance of listeners and dancers alike, and it was generally felt to be a most successful dance. The sponsors for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. James Pilkington, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson, and Mr. Elmer Nemec.
Next Door Philosopher Organized religion is a way of spreading the word that God hasn't died yet, he's just critically ill. Find yourself and accept the disappo.intment. When you find Prince Charming, look under the tinsel. When you're the last man in line, turn around, and you'll be the leader.
:Campus To Campus
:~ditorially Speaking·~
. . <The Pedagogian wishes to congratulate Mr. Gilbert )\V"llson on the excellent convocation performance given by .the Peru State Band November 16. The program was well planned, for it included a variety of types of numbers to c;J;>lease ALL music enthusiasts. The students especially ap~reciated the comical "hootenanny" number and the modern composition arrangement. . Also, we should compliment the Centennial Committee ·.·on its choice of such an excellent speaker as the Rev. Ben Duel'feldt for the Thanksgiving convocation. The atmos)plierce in the auditorium as he spoke was truly one of rev~~nce and admiration. It is programs such as these that :-Ocaipture and hold the favorable attention of a "captive" :audience. (.:'»,,'; -Joan Bretthorst, Editor
Grenelda's Goodies Delzell Hall, but I might be able to take it to the river for you. Cleansingly yours, Grenelda
.Dear Grenelda, Y"
BY CHLOE MILLER Lady billiard sbarks were giv.en the opportunity to .display their prowess with a cu.e .stick, as the Annual Women's Pocket Billiard Championship Tourney opened Nov. 7 at Central Missouri State. Harry Belafonte combined civil rights with song as he per,formed to an audience of 3,000 students at Kansas State University. The show was tinged with comments about civil rights and racism. Ted Sorensen, special counsel to the late President John F. Kennedy, spoke to Creighton students Nov. 4. The topic of his talk was "The Legacy of John F. Kennedy." Mr. Sorensen is the author of the best-selling biography "Kennedy." Hastings held their first hootenanny of the year, "HootenHarvest." The hootenanny followed a "harvest-time" theme and featured individual songs
I am one of the new Superheroes and a senior at Peru Col'~e at the same time. My probContinued-page 4, column 51 ·rem is feeling superior to my in·structors, which I am. My in·structors do not agree with me, and give me low grades just for spite. If I continue with 1ow grades, my mother won't wash my Super-hero costume any By Jack more. However am I supposed to operate on a college campus Tuesday, November 22, found without a clean Super-hero cos-1 Bob Allen in Delzell Hall trying tume? to prove that a television lounge need not be monopolized by Signed Mr. (Un) Clean "Bat Man" and "The Monkees,'' especially if the lounge is located P.S. Grenelda; would you wash on a college campus. Obviously my Super-hero costume for me? overly impressed by the study .of ancient Egyptian culture, Bob on that day constructed his faDear Unclean: mous "19-Person" human. pyra. I realize that there is an in- mid ·before a fair-sized audience verse relationship concerning in- of Delzell Hall nonbelievers; and tellectual levels on this campus, not since the days of the powerespecially in PRINTING 234, ful Egyptian Ph a r a o ~ has Secondary Playing 255, Princi- there been such an architectural ples of Map Coloring 101, and triumph. In connection with an Principles of Penny Saving 101, advanced photography class for but go to class and have a good which :a special project is retime anyway talking to the girl quired, Bob selected the material next to you. for his human pyramid from Concerning your Super-hero third-floor residents of Delzell costume I am unable to wash it Hall, carefully choosing a f e w and get it clean because I live at from each weight group so as to assure that the structure would last long enough to be photographed. PERU PEDAGOGIAN Once the personnel had been Wednesday, November 30, 1966 chosen, construction began with Number S Volume 62 the lower levels; and with some
and .apple-bobbing contests. , The University of Utah is presently discussing "pass-fail" courses. The pass-fail program, which is .currently ·being tried by various universities around the country, consists .of courses in which no grades are given. A student taking such a class either receives credit for the course or he does not depending on the criteria set by the instructor. Last week-end three K~State radio students held an 80-hour marathon over station KSDB. Their goal was to promote the United Service Organization and
to show student support of th organization. The marathon r from Friday morning throu Monday afternoon and includ an interview with Bob Hope, t K-State football game, long d tance calls to U.S.O. clubs ov seas and various other progra Glenn Yarbrough, former 1 singer for the folk-singing t "Limeliters," performed recent at the State College of Iowa. has made seven a1bums for RC since leaving the "Limeliters, and has recently made t w singles, "Baby, the Rain M Fall" and "It's Gonna Be Fine."
Delzellian ~~Egyptians" Achieve Architectural Triumph
Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length. -Frost Published bi-weekly during the academic year, e.'GCept holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College. STAFF EDITOR .......... Joan Bretthorst ASSISTANT EDITOR ......... .. ...... . .. .. .. . ...... .. Mary Budler PERSONNEL MANAGER ...... . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . LaVera Bennett BUSINESS MANAGER ......... .................. Charles Williams LAYOUT EDITOR .............. . .... .. .. .. .. ...... . Dennis Hubbard CIRCULATION MANAGER .... .. : .................... Mike Castle COPY EDITOR .... Sheryl Barrett SPORTS EDITOR .. Larry Nedrow PHOTOGRAPHER .. Walt Rimmer ADVISGlR ........ Mr. James Keck REPORTERS-Bob Beran, John Bernadt, Kathy Downing, Jack Gaines, Phil Herbster, Paul Hore!, Mary Hunzeker, Maxine Lyons, Chloe Miller, Charlotte Nedrow, Mary E. Oestmann, Ruth Rath· bun, Ric Ray, Ann Ritter, Lynn Sailors, Regina Stalder, Mary Straight, Bernadine Fintel, Wayne Miller.
The signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of the Pedagogian but of individuals. The editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
Gaines help from the taller residents of the hall, the .finishing touches were ..also hoisted into place. ' Fortunately for Bob, the pyramid laste9. just long enough to be recorded for posterity, but no longer. A final groan was heard from the foundations -Of the structure; .and the once proud "19" disintegrated into a frantic search and struggle for one's own arms and legs. All fn an, the human pyramid was a 1arge success for Bob, and a lot of fun for both the active participants and the . many onlookers. Those individua.ls who were directly .involved included: Bob Allen, photographer, Dave Brigham, John Heine, Lou Schaffer, Terzy Steinkamp, J:im Mortland, Len Bull, John Miller, Bill Daniels, Al Aksamit, Bob Parker, Randy Cottier, Dave Curtis, John Bramer, Chuck Lamboy, Ken Stoner, Larry Skrdla, Don Zartner, Jack Gaines, and Bill Bowen..
BOOK REVIEW By Maxine Lyons American Lii Relit, by Richard tor Campbell Grant, has outdone Armour; McGraw-Hill Bo o k himself with word play, sentence. play, understatement, exaggeraCompany. American Lii Relit is a short tion, parody, free association, history of American literature and highbrow-lowbrow satire . for long suffering students, for Sense and nonsense play a wild teachers who manage to keep game of tag, having a field day one chapter ahead of the class, in the field of American literaand for all those who, no longer ture . in school, can happily sink back into illiteracy. From such Puritan writers as Bill's Clothing & Michael Wigglesworth and Cotton Mather to such not-so-PtlriShoe Store tan writers as O'Neill, HemingBox 127 ma.J way, and Faulkner, Armour has Auburn, Nebr. 68305 gone his merry way, giving us his special blend of learning and laughter. The course in American literature will never be the same, once students and teachers get hold of this book-and this book gets hold of them. Armour, teamed with illustraDinners - Short Orders
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Peru Pedagogian, Nov. 30, 19&6
SPORTS Tarkio Tops Peruvians By Phil Herbster Peru State College lost its first e of the regular season to a d shooting Tarkio team, 96 to The Owls hit a hot streak and . The Tarkio team went to shower room with a 20-point d at halftime. The first game Of the season might have caused 'the "jitters" for the Bobcats. Nov. 22nd might .be remembered ·iby the Peru team when they meet again on the .home floor January 20. The Tarkio gym, small and crowded, set the stage fur th e sound stomping of the Bobcats. Ron Snodgrass led the Peru team with 23 points. Skip Shear lead the Owls with 41 points and set a new· school record for Tarkio. Peru came out in a pressing . defense the second half to try to '·make up for the lead that Tarkio ;had compiled in the first half. The success was very limited, but the' determination of the Bobcats could not be put down. · With 2:03 left in the game Peru had pulled to within eight points and looked as if they could pull
AUBURN BOWLING CENTER OPEN BOWLING Saturday 2:30 - 11 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Mon. • Tues. afl:er 9:30 p.m. 274-4320
the game out of the fire, but the quick moves of the Tarkio team again came th r o u g h • and stretched the lead to fourteen points, the winning score. The weak points o{ Peru's game were the number of freethrows missed and faulty b a 11 handling on the part of the Peru roundballers. Twelve free tosses were missed which might have meant the game at one time or · another. The field goal department proved to be in Peru's favor between the two teams with 37 for' Peru and 35 for Tarkio.
911 Central Auburn, Nebraska
~~!t~~~~ ,~.:~;:~~;;,~~~~~~,£~~~.~~ IBits.~~~ ~~ces I
The scoring for Peru: Points Dean Cain ------------- 11 Leon Portrey ---------- & Bill Rinne ------------- 10 · Ron, Snodgrass -------- 23
Fronf row, from left: Jim O'Donoghue, Jim Watson, Sieve Corneli· us, Van Allen, Ron Jones, Dan Trouf, Roger Neujahr, Dick Warkins.
. Dick Estes ------------- 11 George Moore ~-------- 7 Peru's .next home game will be on the home floor with Washburn University of Topeka, Kansas the tenth of December.
Peru State College ran ;i.way "The day was perfect and the with the N.A.I.A. District 2 title, grouping was very good,'' stated Nov. 19 in Omaha. The Bobcat Van Allen. runners outscored the nearest The first ten places and t h e i r team ·by :t8' points and placed five times: runners in the first ten places on the tough four-mile National 1. A. D. Benson, Wayne __ 21:20 Course in Elmwood Park. 2. Steve Cornelius, Peru __ 21:29 A. D. Benson won the race in 3. Tim Hendricks, Peru __ 21:39 a clocking of 21:20, but was fol4. Jim O'Donoghue, Peru _21:48 lowed by three Peru runners5. Bruce Sheffield, Doane _21:57 Steve Cornelius, Tim Hendricks, 6. Dan Trout, Peru _______ 22:10 and Jim O'Donoghue, all only 28 7. Bill Young, Kearney __ 22:14 seconds behind him. Freshman 8. Ron Ulrich, Doane _____ 22:17 Steve Cornelius placed 2nd, beat9. D. Kaischke, Wayne ___ 22:18 ing Tim Hendricks by ten sec- 10. Van Allen, Peru _______ 22:20 onds, and sophomore Dan Trout placed 6th to boost the tough P.S.C. harriers. Final finish of teams and their total were: Peru: 2-3-4-6-10-(17)-(20)-25. Peru State College won easily Ke a rn e y: 7-11-13-14-18-(25)- over a Midwestern College team from Denison, Iowa. The Novem(27)-63. ber 12th run was held on the NaDoane: 5-8-15-19-21-(22)-(29)- tional Course in Elmwood Park 68. in Omaha. Peru slammed the first nine runners across to win Wayne: 1-9-16-23-26- -75. 15-50. Omaha: 12-24-28.-30-31- -125 . Tim Hendricks led the Bobcat Midland: 26-27- (Not full runners with the winning time Of 21:39. team) -
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Photo by Walt Rimmer
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By the way, last year's cage star, Mike Harmon, is presently serving his uncle-Uncle Sam, that is. All kidding aside, Mike was one of the top Peru State basketball players in rec e n t years. Although the football season was not a successful one, it is certainly encouraging to look at some of the statistics posted by an exceptional crop of freshmen. Charles Dailey was the team's leading rusher; Rich Guzinski proved to be an effective replacement for the injured Carl Satterfield; both Larry and Gary Colgrove ran with quite a bit of authority; and Dan Nix did a fine job of kicking PSC's extra points by shooting 12 of 15. John F. Kennedy's vigorous women's athletic program seems to be paying big dividends already, as the female c a g er s scored an impressive 88-66 win over a fine Marshalltown, Iowa team. Some interesting statistics ... Peru State's basketball team is blessed with an abundance of height this year with Jim Jasa leading the "high altitude boys" at 6'9", George Moore and Ron Snodgrass both measure 6'8", and Bob Lovejoy and Dick Estes scale 6'5" each.
Additional sports on page four
Let Us Care For Your Hair
Lubrication and Gas Most Brands of Oil Delco Batteries
Auburn, Nebr.
The Bobcat basketball schedule lists only seven home games this season. This means that the Bobcats will be playing a majority of their games on foreign floors. This year's team shows signs of another successful campaign so let's show our enthusiasm by making an effort to stay here on the weekends and support the cagers.
Peru. Pedagogian, Nov; 30, ·19.66
CLASSIFIED ·ADS ATTENTION-Chili Supper at the City Hall on December 8, 1966, from 5:30 to 7:00 sponsored by Wesley Fellowship. Everyone welcome! FOR SALE-All New Merchandise. 10-transistor Pocket Radio, 17 Jewel Wrist Watch, Football and Tee, Rawlings Baseball Glove, Baseball, Model Cars, Tackle Box, Scout Knife, Parker Ball Point Pen, Bike Lock and Chain, Portable Picnic Grill, Collegiate Basketball, Rectangular Full View Optics, Flashlights. Oontact Steve Stemper, 872-4631.
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Peru State; which. has seven the Peru schedule this year is the Wednesday, November 30 returning lettermen, looks ahead Dec. 15-17 road trip to South DaSenior Class Meeting, F. A. for what could be one of the best kota where Peru plays Southern 212, 9:10 a.m. seasons in the Bobcats' sixty-five State, Huron College, and GenWesley Fellowship, F.A. 204, years of basketball competition. eral Beadle. · 6:30 p.m. The Peru State 1966-67 basketAlthough the Bobcats lost a_ll· Gamma Delta, F.A. 211, time rebounding champion a n d ball schedule is as follows: 6:00 p.m. second all-time scoring leader at W.A.A., Gym, 8:00 p.m. Nov. 21 Alumni, Peru Peru, Mike Harmon, four-year Newman Club, F.A. AudiNov. 22 at Tarkio starter Jack Rinne, and spot torium, 6:30 p.m. Nov. 28-30 McPherson (Kans.) performer Bill Witty, the list of Tournament Saturday, December 3 returning lettermen fails t o Dec. 3 at Emporia State Basketball, Peru at Emdampen Peru's outlook for a Dec. 7 at St. Benedicts poria good season. Returning are senDec. 10 Washburn at Peru Sunday, December 4 iors Ron Snodgrass, the fifth Dec. 15 at Huron S.G.A. Movie, F.A. Auditorhighest scorer in Peru history; Dec. 16 Southern State ium, 7:30 p.m. Dean Cain, Bill Rinne; junior Dec. 17 at General Beadle Monday, December 5 D i c k Estes, a n d sophomores State Blue Devils, Sc. 105, Wayne Heine, Bob Lovejoy, and Dec. 19-20 Simpson College 6:30 p.m. Leon Portrey. These seven reTournament Phi Alpha Theta, F.A. 211, turning lettermen plus the three Dec. 29-30 Peru State Holiday 7:00 p.m. graduating seniors won the NeTuurnament at TePeru Historical Society, braska College Conference last cumseh F.A. 211, 7:00 p.m. year for the sixth time in Coach Jan. 7 Kearney at Peru Kappa Delta Pi, C.S. AudiMcintire's ten years of coaching Jan. 12 at Northwest Missouri torium, 8:00 p.m. here at Peru. By doing this; Jan. 14 at Doane Tuesday, December 6 Coach Mcintire's Bobcats estabJan. 20 Tarkio at Peru Women Student Association, lished a new national record by Jan. 21 Hastings at Peru Morgan Hall, 4:00 p.m. appearing in the NAIA TournaJan. 28 Wayne at Peru Wednesday, December 7 ment for the thirteenth time. Feb. 4 at Kearney Drama Club Christmas ProEven though there are seven Feb. 7 Doane at Peru gram, Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. returning lettermen there a r e Feb. 10 at Chadron Gamma Delta, F.A. 211, several non-lettermen on the Feb. 11 at Chadron 6:00 p.m. squad which could give the BobFeb. 18 at Hastings W.A.A., Gym, S:OO p.m. cats added depth. They are 6'-7" Feb. 22 at Wayne Wesley Fellowship, F.A. 204, George Moore, a transfer from 6:30 p.m. the University of Missouri; Jim Epsilon Pi Tau, I.A. 23 Tegelhutter, a 6'-3" transfer from San Diego Junior College; and Thursday, December 8 The Peru Student Education Ross Ridenour, transfer from Basketball, St. Benedicts at Association would like to offer McCook Junior College. Atchinson, Kansas a ·belated THANK YOU to the The only thorn in Peru's 1966S.G.A., Student Center, following people who gave of 67 season could be the 19 road 6:30 p.m. games. Only six games are to be their time and efforts in order to Alpha Mu Gamma, F.A.104, help with the construction of played on the Bobcats' home 8:00 p.m. the Association's display for the floor. The Bobcats have b u t Saturday, December 10 1966 Peru State College Homethree Nebraska College ConferBasketbal~ Washburn at coming activities: ence games at home while five Peru Judy Baker, Rogine B an g , Sunday, December 11 of them are on the road. The big Twila Cloyd, Pat Corrigan, Bob test on Peru's schedule is the S.G.A. Movie, F.A. AudiCraig, Dave Curtis, Gordon Espair of games played at Chadron torium, 7:30 p.m. State, who is favored to win the sink, Ceci Evangelist, S ha r i Floyd, Carla Giwoyna, Karen NCC this year. GRENELDA'S GOODIES Peru will play in three tourna- Hoemann,· Pam Kallemyn, ElizaFrom page 2 ments this year, all ·being on beth Lovitt, Maxine Lyons, foreign courts. The Bobcats will Gregg Maguire, Linda Morris, Dear Grenelda, Mary Mowry, Dawn Nebola, I am a 7'1" junior coed. I am play in the Peru State Holiday madly in love with a 5'4" freshDarla Obbink, Linda Oldfield, 'J_'ournament December 29-30 involving Culver Stockton, North- Barb Richard, Carol Rist, Caro- man. The only problem is that west Missouri, Midland College, lyn Rottman, Sherry Schwiesow, when we go to a formal dance, I and Peru. Also forthcoming a r e Donita Speckman, Lucy Sporer, like to wear high heels but this the McPherson (Kans.) College Joannie Sprieck, Don Stuart, makes me noticeably taller than Tournament on Nov. 28-30, and Nancy Vanderbeek, Jan Walford, my beau. What can I do to keep us from the Simpson College tournament Janet Weers, Donna Wiley, Don looking like Mutt and Jeff? on Dec. 19-20. Something new on Zartner, Richard Zaparanick. Petulia Laug
P.S.E.A. Thanks Helpers
10 karat gold florentlned ring with precious cultured pearl. Only •••
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Bobcats Look Por Winning· Season
Ric Hamer Box 73 Peru, Nebr.
CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT wiih the U.S. AIR FORCE Minimum 120 semester hours college credit including 24 hours of subjects pertinent io charting such as math, geog· raphy, geology, and physics. Equivalent experience accept· able. Training program. Openings for men and women. Application and further information forwarded on request. WRITE: College Relations (ACPCR) Hq Aeronautical Chari & Information Center, 8900 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Missouri 63125 An equal opportunity employer
JOHN L. LEWIS, Vice Pies. & Cashier
Dear Grenelda, My girlfriend who is 7'1" insists on wearing high heels to all the fqrmal dances. This really bothers me ·because she is already domineering hardly stand it. Joe Kurts Dear Readers, I have received many letters of this nature. My suggestions are: girls, take off your heels and come down to earth; boys, stand tall! Up-in-theAiringly Yours Grenelda Troubled, worried, Are you a leper contemplating suicide? Or just feel like lying a liiile? Write a letter io Grenelda. She answers all problems wiih her conscien· iious problems. Her mailing ad· dress is Box 73. Peru, Nebr. RECORD CENTER ADDED The music department has recently acquired a listening center in the new Fine Arts Build· ing. The listening center has four turntables with earphones, and indudes 250 records with scores. This was purchased with Federal Title II funds.
The Voice of the Campus of aThousand Oaks .
Peru Pedagogian Volume 62
Number 6
DECEMBER 14, 1966
The Christmas candle glows wifh
· ~For
-By Walt Rimmer unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11
'."WH0 S WH0 Honors Eleven Peru Seniors 1
the season's message of peace and good will to all. May its flame shine brightly forever.
Eleven Peru State seniors, all May candidates for graduation, . have been chosen members of •Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colileges for the 1966-67 academic 1y~ar. Guy Rosenburg, de8,Il of l students and chairman of the setlection committee, made the anunouncement. The selection committee, made ;. up of students and faculty, chose ~.the honorees on the basis of ex· ~.cellence and sincerity in scholar!;ship, leadership in campus acti· tvities, citizenship, service to the : college, and potential future use~;fulness to society. ~· Those students named to Who's @.Who are: Rodger Bassett, Syra· ~;cuse; Carol Henderson, Brock; n. Nancy Jarvis, Peru; Patricia tc:I\nippelmier, Auburn; Ronald tYKroll, Steinauer; Nancy Larson, tt. Villisca, Iowa; Mary Ellen Oest~.mann, Peru; Connie Radema\~cher, Johnson; William Rinne, !;•Burchard; Bobbie Shaffe.r, Fari::: rgiragut, Iowa; and Nancy Vander~beek, Adams.
it .
r ~·
RODGER BASSETT .A 1962 graduate of Syrac~e
Sclwo\ !Wdger Baoett "
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bassett. He carries a double major in history and German while :holding membership in the For- · eign Language Club, Peru Student ·Education· Association, Peru Historical Society, Phi Alpha Theta, honorary history fraternity, and Alpha Mu Gamma, foreign language honorary. Rodger also served as a guidance counselor in the tutoring program directed by Dr. Galen Dodge of Peru State. CAROL HENDERSON Miss Carol Henderson, a 1964 graduate of Brock High School, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Henderson. Carol, whose major field of concentration is home economics, has been active in the Home Economics Club; she is also a :member of Kappa Delta iPi, national education honorary, and the Peru Student Education Association. She has been granted two scholarShips provided through the P e r u Achievement Foundation. NANCY JARVIS Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. V. ·Jarvis of Peru, Nancy is a
1963 graduate of Peru Prep. Miss Jarvis is an English and library science major; and has been a member of the Foreign Language Club, college chorus; Pedagogian and Peruvian staffs; Kappa Delta Pi, education :honorary; Sigma, The Peru State College band Tau Delta, Engli&h :honorary; and held its annual high school tour Alpha Mu Gamma, foreign lanon Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. This year guage honorary. the band played concerts at Auburn, Tecumseh, Faitbury, SyraPAT KNIPPELMIER cuse and Wahoo Neuman high Pat Knippelmier, daughter of schools. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Knippel'They started off from Peru at mier of Auburn, was chosen last 8:00 a.m. Nov. 30 for Auburn, June in state-wide collegiate where the band played at 9:15; competition as Miss Nebraska· they then travelled to Tecumseh land. A major in elementary ed- fot an 11:00 concert. Following ucation, Miss Knippelmier grad- dinner the band proceeded to uated from Johnson High School Faivbury for a concert at 2:30, in 1963. She is a member of Kap- after which they came back to pa Delta Pi (education frater- Peru. nity) and has held membership The next morning the band, in the College Band, Music Edu- beset by snow, set out for Syracation National Conference, and cuse at 7:15 a.m. for a concert at White Angels. Pat was an at- 9:00. The band then Maded to tendant at Homecoming, ~ ay Wahoo, stopping for dinner in Fete, and the Valentine formals. Lincoln, and presented th e i r final concert at 2:30 p.m. She was also a member of the The concerts consisted of the dormitory council, cheerleader same numbers that were played for three years, and secretary of for the iband convo; however, the the freshman class. selection entitled "Hootenanny" Continued on page four differed from that seen at .the
PSC Band Entertains Nebraska High Schools convo. For the tour the band donned all sorts of hats, an d clowning prevailed. Bill Joiner spooked the audience with rubber Halloween masks. Mr. Wilson was given an oar with which to conduct "Michael, Row Your Boat Ashore." The audience seemed to enjoy most the number in which a live chicken was thrown out from the band during the "Chicken Reel." The iband extends its thanks to Bill Uhri, Jim Johnson, Tom Osborne, and Rich Shelton, who drove cars to carry band members in addition to those who rode in the school bus. DEAR SANTA, Could you please leave me a new pair of hoots and a new 1 BSA motorcyc e. I love to ride with the Hell's Angels. Respectfully, Nancy Sinatra
Page. 1
Peru Pedagpgian, Dec. 14, 1966
Editorially Speaking ....
Gren.el~·''s ·Goodies
Campus To Campus BY CHLOE MILLER
Wayne Staters' ftght "suitcas- library. The purpose of the tur, ing" by declaring Ilec. 5-10 "Stay stiles is to improve the effectiv Dear Gienelda, at Wayne Week." Dances, a pep ness of the control desk by m~ Why couldn't it be Christmas 365 days a year? Of I am 20 years old, blond rally, a girls' basketball tourna- ing it possible to prevent t J: course, the amount of presents would have to be trimmed, haired, green-eyed, good-looking, ment, a leg contest and various passage of persons until the but the thought behind this idea would be the spirit of neat, considerate, and consider other activities were held to en- books and briefcases have be1 Christmas the year 'round. Wouldn'tit be great if every- myself attractive to the opposite tice students to remain on cam- inspected. The M.S.C. librarii pus over the week-end. A trophy believes this greater security W; sex. one were in the Christmas spirit all year? I have oC<!asional dates with was awarded to the dorm that reduce the number of books b Christmas seems to be the only time of the year when some of the nicer young gentle- had the largest percentage of ing removed from the library i people are so happy and children are so well-behaved. men (mostly athletes) on cam· students staying at school over legally. Even store owners are happy, thinking of all the extra pus, and my conduct has always the week-end. The losing dorm The Chadron State Colle! money that Christmas brings to them. ,been proper and above reproach was presented with a suitcase Home Economics Club sponsore At no other time during the year does the world look on these dates. labeled "The Suitcaser Champi- a bake sale recently. The pr1 so festive and beautiful. People with. their Christmas trees, There is this man on campus ons, 1966." ceeds were used to bring Chris the lights strung on the house, and the downtown areas so who is six feet tall with dark Twenty-eight Wayne State mas joy to the children of a 11 bright, all glow with the happiness of Christmas. hair greying at the temples, seniors have enrolled in the cal dispossessed family. Very seldom, during the year, are there as many par· which is very distinguished look- Peace Corps. This is 14 per cent ties and get-togethers as there are at Christmas time. This ing. I simply drool when I see of the availab.le senior class. Mr. is probably the best time for Grandma and Grandpa to him, and he gives me the eye Anderson, a Peace Corps represee the little kids that they've been hearing so m u c h quite a bit, too. I am iust dying sentative, said that this interest Alabama paved the way .f o to date him but he seems afraid was "unprecedented." "Usually about. to ask me. How can I achieve two per cent is good in the Mid- Christmas in the United Stat1 Perhaps on only one other occasion during the year this goal? in 1863 when it >became the fir; west," he stated. do so many people attend church. The Christmas hymns Signed The Creighton University Pep state to declare it a legal holida: fill the world with the beautiful story of Christ's birth. Lost Alone Club is sponsoring a ski trip dur- The previous year, thougl Yes, 365 days a year! Perhaps it isn't such a bad idea P.S. This gentleman is married. ing selllester 'break. The group Christmas had not been wholl will leave Jan. 27, ski at Winter accepted. President Andre, at all. Park, Colorado and return Feb. 2. Johnson decorated the Whi1 -Kathy Downing Dear Lost Alone, I would like to refer you to a The S(!hool library at Moorhead House with holly and .mistleto1 book of poetry entitled Lone State College in Minnesota ·has and invited his grandchildre Poems for the Lost or, was that; ordered turnstiles to be placed and their friends to hang stock Lost Poems for ihe Lone, what- at the entrance-exit area of the ings ·in his bedroom. For the second. consecutive year the Student Govern- ever: ing Association is sponsoring Sunday night movies at 7:30 Dear blond hair and eyes of Auburn mo J Street in the Fine Arts Building. It is heartening to know that green, last year's program was successful enough that the SGA With married men don't wants to continue the program. Last year the SGA sponmake the scene. sored movies were enjoyed by nearly everyone that attend- To you who are considerate ed. In looking over the schedule for the movies for this and nice, year, I see that the SGA has planned a truly entertaining Before you indulge, better Dean Coulter, R. B. year. I, as a student who enjoyed the movies last year, think twice! Phone 274-4100 want to take this opportunity to thank the SGA for con· By the by, this gentleman tinuing this program and to wish them continued success. -Mary Hunzeker sounds like the gigolo who was Appointmel)is Razor Shaping my first husband. He ran off on Available and Styling his 73rd birthday with a belly ··. dancer he met at the rodeo in Sidney. Jiltingly yours, As soon as mid-term grades were posted, a t~ultu Grenelda ous cry arose from the members of the faculty. "Wliat is the matter with those lazy freshm~n ?" "Why can't they P.S. It's worth $10 to me to get good grades?" know where he is now, after all, The outcry from the faculty came after they discov- he was a real swinger. ered that less than half of the freshman students had ob· tained grades of four or above. A person's first reaction is to look at the grading of Dear Grenelda, the faculty. Maybe the members of the faculty are just too I am a poor, innocent Freshtight with their grades. As an upperclassman, I cannot feel man girl. I am a prisoner in Ma· that this is the real reason. If a student wants to study jors Hall. I am locked in a broom closet. How do I make and put forth the effort, he can obtain a good grade. With the roughness of the faculty ruled out, we must good a departure without being noticed? Help me please. look for another reason. Signed The reason that came to me was quite clear. The prob· 36-24-36 lem is not the complete fault of the student. It is the fault of the scholarship standards of the college. Why should a Continued on page six freshman strive to obtain a five or a six when all he needs is a three? This minimum standard for an incoming fresh· PERU PEDAGOGIAN man is a false conception of well being. A student may feel Wednesday, December 14, 1966 that he is doing well with his studies when actually he is falling far behind. By the time he becomes a second semesNumber 6 Volume 62 ter sophomore he needs a five average, which by this time "I am in the habit of shooting is far beyond his reach. Many times a student must obtain from time to time, and if I some· a seven or eight average in order to bring up total aver· times make mistakes, at least I have shot.'' - H. Goering age to the minimum requirement. I strongly feel that the minimum G.P.A. for incoming Published bi-weekly during the academic year, except holidays freshmen should be the same as they need to graduate. and between semesters by the students of. Peru State College, This would not hurt the freshmen because those who want STAFF to make it in college would make it anyway. EDITOR .......... Joan Bretthorst -Larry E. Nedrow ASSISTANT EDITOR ...... :....
Christmas 365 Days A Year?
ALong Time Ago
SGA Movies Appreciated
G.P.A. Standard? Raise It!
35c • $1.00
....................... Mary · Budler PERSONNEL MANAGER ...... ................ ... LaVera Bennett llUSINESS MANAGER ......... .................. Charles Williams LAYOUT EDITOR ........... ;.. . .. . .. .. .. •.. . .. . .. .Dennis Hubbard CIRCULATION MANAGER ... : ........................ Mike Castle· COPY EDITOR .... Sheryl Barrett SPORTS EDITOR .. Larry Nedrow PHOTOGRAPHER ..• Walt Rimmer ADVISOR ....... Mr. James Keck REPORTERS:-Bob Beran, John Bernadt, Kathy Downing, Jack Gaines, Phil Herbster, Paul Hore!, Mary Hunzeker, Maxine Lyons, Chloe Miller, Charlotte Nedrow, Mary E. Oestmann, Ruth Rath· bun, Ric Ray, Ann Ritter, Lynn Sailors, Regina Stalder, Mary Straight, Bernadine Fintel, Wayne Miller. The •igned letters printod In this
paper do llQt reflect th• oplniOll .of the Pedagogiin but of lridlViduals. The editor .. reservu the right to edit them for ptlbllcatlon.
Studies piling up? Pause. Have aCoke. Coca-Cola - with alively lift and never too sweet, refreshes best.
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:Peru ':Pedagogian, :oei;,
if 1966
By Sheryl Barrett e wandered through the ly crowd. No one, who was ing iby with brightly pped Christmas packages, time for a frightened little py on the snowy sidewalk. looked up hopefully at all o passed, ibut these people re on their way home · to istmas Eve celebrations and urch services. Anyway, who uld have noticed this tired, gry dog roaming about, meless and dejected? One man even kicked at him ter glancing over two large ckages wrapped in red rrbbon. frustrated woman towing ree children who were yelling, want to see Santa," whooshed off the sidewalk into the icy h of the gutter. Just then a little old lady with ow-white hair wrapped in a
worn blue coat happened around the corner. She walked to the puppy shivering in the cold, hesitated, and started on, then she turned around. She thought of the lonely week-end to come without her son and his family · around her. They had written, regretfully of course, that th e two sons in college had girl friends and couldn't leave and of some business party they must attend. She walked back, beckoned to the homeless puppy and then gathered him into a shopping basket she carried on her arm. He wagged his tail, laid his ears back and licked at h e r glove with all the gratefulness he could muster. At least she wouldn't ibe alone for Christmas now-neither would either of them.
he Gift of Christmas By Regina Stalder · ns of Christmas-Christmas is time of giving ... a time of ring ... it is snow and sledg, skiing, snowmen ... it is istmas trees, colored lights, nts; family dinners and tball games ... it is carolers, 'ttle children reciting pieces of oetry, Santa Claus and stock·ngs hanging on fireplaces .... .it is Christmas cards, last-minute shopping and excitement ... it is shepherds and wisemen ... it is a time to pause and celebrate that time long ago fu Bethlehem, when a hwby was born and laid in a manger giving us the promise of a new world ... it is peace on earth an!l good will to all men ... it is a children's time because only a child c a n see Christmas with unspoiled joy and magic; adults let too many worldly things cloud the joy ... ; most of all, Ohristmas is the time we say, "I love you," to our families and friends. .l,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!r'j
Bill's Clothing & Shoe Store Wishes you a MERRY CHRISTMAS
All the joy and wonder of Christmas can be summed up in the story of four children who wanted to give their father a present, so they set out to find one that would express the i r love. Flowers were in bloom where they lived, and on Christmas m<>rning three of them came to their father with beautiful flowers, making him very happy. He smiled and then he saw the fourth child, who was mentally retarded, standing away fr~ the others; the father held out his hand to the child and he came forward carrying a ibundle of sticks, handing them to his father. The father took the sticks and opened his arms to the child with tears in his eyes. The child had given his father the most precious gift-the humble gift of love, the gift of Christmas. Dear Santa, Please give me a new pair of gloves, some rope, and a little , canvass and I'll show everyone how I can "rule" the world. I need those gloves for February. Devotedly y-0urs, Cassius Clay alias Mohammed Ali
Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday Phone 872-4351
" -By Wal± Rimmer Bill Bowen, David Kramer, Don Dodge, Greg Vaughn, Jerry Barnard, David Brown, Danna Hen· ry, and Jim Butts listen attentively as John Miller (Asa) relates his story of the angels.
HStrange Night" Theme of Christmas Drama "Pilate. Pontius Pilate." With these dramatic words the Roman soldier provided the final twist of irony which concluded the Dramatic Club Chris.tmas pre· sentation Dec. 7. The noble Roman had just related to Joseph, husband of Mary, that his son bore the name which would be steeped in infamy throughout the ages. The production, directed by Mrs. Gilbert Wilson, was entiled ''This Strange Night." It was set in the courtyard of an inn in Bethlehem during the reign of
Peru Student Wives Club Displays Christmas Spirit By CharlO!!e Nedrow Christmas came early to the Beatrice State Home as the Peru State Wives Club played Santa on December 10. Leaving Peru State iby car, the wives traveled over sixty miles to Beatrice taking with them over fifty dozen homemade cookies and twentyfive stuffed toys for the less fortunate. The toys will be distributed on Christmas Day to those children who Santa otherwise would have missed. The home at Beatrice is a state-operated facility for the mentally retarded of all ages. Be-
cause of the ex,pense and the time consumed .by the staff, it is often necessary for such organizations as the Student Wives to contribute both their time and talents to insure a happier Christmas for the patients. The joy and happiness reflected in the eyes of the :patients mirrored the true meaning of Christmas. In sharing the spirit of Christmas with others, th e Student Wives left Beatrice with a feeling of warmth and accomplishment known only to those who give.
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Caesar Augustus. The time was the night of Jes us' birth, an d throughout the play there were foreshadowings of great things to come. The use of bluish light, authentic costumes, music, and a Biblieal setting heightened the effect considerably. The cast of the play included: Danna Henry as Esther, the innkeeper's daughter; Jim Butts as the innkeeper; Don Dodge as Marcus, the Roman official; John Miller as Asa, the shepherd; Bill Bowen as Joseph, the carpenter; Jerry Barnard as the courier;
Dinners • Short Orders 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day
Ann BeaUy
Repairing and Remodel~ Men's and Women's Clothing Forty-nine Years Serving S!udenfs and Faculty PHONE 872-2671 PERU, NEBR. Merry Christmas lo Faculty and Students
and David Kramer, David Brown, John Webster, and Greg Vaughn as Asa's shepherd friends. Charles Williams served ' as stage manager for the play, assisted by Steve Mason and Jim Butts. Neal Bower was ill charge of sound; Mr. Leland Sherwood designed the set; and Mary Anna Gnade provided the costumes. The play was preceded by a selection from the brass choir, directed by Gilbert Wilson; and a reading, "How Come Christ· mas," presented by Robert D. Moore.
0 Christmas Tree! By Lynn Sailors This is the time of year to buy your Christmas tree. At one time this was a fairly simple task. Grandpa went out to the looal woods, looked around until he saw one he liked, and cut it down. Of course as with everything else it's no longer that simple. Mom could never let Dad go out by himself. Why, who knows what he would come home with! So we bundle up Junior and off we go to get the tree. Junior thinks eight feet would be nice, but Mom explains that the ceilings are only seven feet and anyway, she would like to set it on the table. That way, the lights wouldn't get ibroken. Well, that settled it. The tree will be three feet so that it will fit the table. Now the florist has to complicate matters. Is it to be a long needled or short needled pine? Which will last longer, 1o o k prettier, and cost less? After a couple of hours of checking ·branches to make sure one isn't longer than another, or that there isn't a hole, you proudly carry home $7 .50 w o r th of Christmas tree. When you have added $15.00 worth of spangles and tinsel, and have given the tree five hours of faithful service, you have friends over, and can tell them, "Oh, it's, really nothing-nothing at all!"
WHO'S WHO continued from page one RON KROLL Ron Kroll, a bushiess major, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kroll. A 1003 graduate of Steinauer .High School, he is now serving as president of the Student Governing Association. Ron is a member of the Blue Devils, P-Club, and Business Club. He was also a member of the basketball squad his freshman and sophomore years; he has been active in intramurals. Formerly vice-,president of the sophomore class, Ron has been a residence hall counselor at Majors Hall.
Bishop Casey's Visit Honors Peru's Newman Club
more class vice-president. A jor in ibiol~gy, Bill has letter~ .\'." two years m basketball and years in cross-country. '·i~
CONNIE RADEMACHER M A home economics major ro./I
The revived ecumenicalism tralization of the Church · ha s Bl5hop James V. Casey of Lin· 1963 graduate of Johnson H~·"·. . · coln was guest speaker at the will lead to an improved attitude been the fonnation of various School, Connie is the <laugh ' Nov. 30 Newman Forum in the of the Catholic Chmch toward councils throughout the hierof Mr, and Mrs. Martin Rade ' ' Fine Arts Auditorium. His en- other Christians, non-Christians, archy. One of the most imporcher. She has been active in till lightening talk concerning the and Catholics. Bishop Casey tant ones, not yet reality, is pasHome Economics Club and D Second Vatican Council in Rome pointed out that all the changes toral councils of laymen and now a member of the nation4\ outlined the new attitudes of the made within the Catholic Church bishops. education honorary, Kappa Deil Catholic, Protestant, and Ortho· have been in attitude, not docta Pi and the Student Governirlj Through this new progressive trines. dox Churches. Association. She has served oti thinking, Bishop Casey feels the The Catholic Church has also Church will "better serve the The Council, which was orthe council of Eliza Morgan Ha~ ganized by Pope John XXIII in reclaimed several Protestant val- world and do the work of ' 1962, was unique in three ways: ues. Among them are the recog- Christ." BOBBIE SHAFFER every document produced was nition of a constant need for refMrs. Bobbie Shaffer, daught~ The next Forum, sponsored by positive, as opposed to negative, ormation, the centrality of Christ NANCY LARSON of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Arm'j in tone; each decision was an- in all things, and the sharing of Wesley Fellowship, is scheduled Nancy Larson of Villisca, Iowa, strong of Nebraska City, is the the priesthood by the laymen. It for Dec. 14 in the Fine Arts Authropocentric; and all ideals esdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nels wife of Ralph Shaffer, a 196G tablished were open and based is hoped that a final result of the ditorium. Guest speaker will be Larson, is majoring in elemenVatican Council will be "the Mr. Leonard Barry, Protestant tary education. Miss Larson, a Peru graduate now in the milrA on simplicity. tary service. Mrs. Shaffer, a 196! The major goal of the Catholic · eventual convergence of all chaplain at Omaha University, transfer from Clarinda Junior Creighton University, and Du- College, is secretary of the hon- graduate of Nebraska City Hig~ Church in the Council was two- God's followers." School, is now attending P e r ~ Another result of the decen- chesne. fold. First, the Church intended orary education fraternity, Kap- State on a home economics schol~ to "get off the defensive" and to pa Delta Pi. She was a delegate arship. A member of the Per& reduce her iS-Olationism; Second, to the Biennial Kappa Delta ·Pi Student Edu;:ation Associatiort she wanted to create a climate of National Convention in Houston and Home Economics Club, Bob~ friendship among the churches in February 1966 and a Peru bfo has been a member of th~ of the world. Some of the imporrepresentative at the regional college chorus and served on thJ tant documents produced in this meeting at Brookings, S. D., this Pedagogian and Peruvian staffs. ~ effort concerned: changing the During the past three weeks, two for five in the varsity divi· fall. Vice-president of the Peru Mass to English-speaking, end· Student Education Association, NANCY VANDERBEEK ing the "meatless Fridays," de- the Peru State Debate Squad has sion. All members of the squad Miss Larson has taken· part in entered an individual event. attended two tournaments, the Nan~y Vandel\beek, a 19641 creasing internal legalism in the dramatic productions at Peru. graduate of Panama High SchOol~ Church, protecting the right of Wichita University "Shocker" · The weekend of December 9th is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs;l individuals to worship according Tourney and the Wayne State and 10th the squad was in MaryMARY ELLEN OESTMANN College Forensic Meet. G. M. Vanderbeek. of Adams. Asl to their conscience. A music major, Mrs. Mary El- a freshman, she served as class' On Nov. 18 and 19, LaVera ville, Mo., attending the annual Bennet~ Bernadine Fintel, Chloe' tournament sponsored by North- len Oestmann is the wife of treasurer. Nancy has been active". Carl Oestmann and .daughter of in the Peru Student Education! Miller, Steve Knit t 1e, and west Missouri State College. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilson of Association and Kappa Delta Pi,' Charles Williams participated in Peru. A filre oboeist, Mrs. Oest- education honorary, Nancy is a: debate and individual events at mann has been active in the member of the college chorus' Wiclrita U. The teams of Fintelband as both an instrumentalist and has received two scholarAn Intradisciplinary Confer- Knittle and Bennett-Miller deand majorette. Mrs. Oestmann is ships while at Peru State through .ence in History, sponsored by the bated five rounds in the novice active in the Music Educators the Peru Achievement Founda' United States Office of Educa- division, while Mr. Williams ention Humanities and Social Sci- tered the After Dinner Speaking National Gonferent:e and holds a tion, Inc. ences Developmental Program Division. Majors Hall, under the lead- scholarship provided by the state and Peru State College, was held Two weeks later Mrs. Miller, ership of dorm mother Mrs. Oest- organization. She has been a Santa, in the Fine Arts Center Auditor- Miss Fintel, Barry. Ray, R~deric mann, added color to the Peru member of the Peru Dramatic ium on Dec. 6, 1966. About 25 Ray, Robert Conradt, and Mr. College Centennial Christmas Club and is now associated with Greetings! historians, representing ten Ne- Williams attended the tourna- season by having displays in the English Club and Kappa Delta You have been chosen to serve braska colleges and universities, ment at Wayne State. The teams windows. Pi, education honorary. your country along with the were present. Mary Ellen and Carl have two of Fintel-R. Ray and Conradt-B. thousands of devoted men under There were 2{) entries in the sons-Douglas, 5, and John, 3. After registration, the histori· Ray won four out of ten in the our MacNamera Scholarship. contest, and the boys are to be ans were addressed by Dr. James novice division, and the combiOlson, University of Nebraska nation of Miller-Williams went complimented on a job well BILL RINNE We will look forward to seeing done. Don Wilson ·and Daryl professor and author of The Defi· Bill Rinne, son of Mr. and Mrs. you around the 25th of this Walken were the winners, with a Norman Rinne of Burchard, is a native History of Nebraska, who month. stained glass Nativity scene. 1963 graduate of Steinauer High spoke on "The Use of Commun- PSEA's Members Very Truly yours, They will be awarded steak din- School. He served as president of ity Resources in Teaching His- Hear Dr. Beggs .ners at the Arbor Manor in Au- the Student Governing Associatory." The educators then held Uncle Sugar Ten Peru students represented burn. Judges of the contest, tion in 1005-66, vice-president of a discussion on the use of com· Selective Service Board munity resources in their meth- the PSEA Dec. 3 at the fall meet- which Majors Hall hopes to his resident:e hall, and sophoNo. 007 ing of the Student Education of make into an annual event, ods. After lunch in the Student Nebraska at Wesleyan Univer. were Mr. Sherwood, Mr. Dodge, and Mr. Johnson. Anyone interCenter Dining Room, University sity in Lincoln. Dr. Walter K. Beggs delivered ested in seeing the displays of Nebraska professor Dr. Scheffel Pierce addressed the histori- the convention's morning . ad- should drive by Majors Hall at ans on "Improving the Teaching dress, choosing for his topic night. They will remain during of History by the Use of Televi- ·~urricular Development." Fol- the vacation. from sion." Following Dr. Pierce's ad- l-Owing the luncheon, the afterThe front of Majors Hall is dress, a discussion on the use of noon session featured films of decorated with four large painttelevision ·in the future and the the National NEA Convention. ed candles, a large Santa Claus, things the individual teacher can The book "The Teacher and In· compliments of Rimmer and do to prepare for the day · he tegration," a publication "first" Nolyes; and on top of the dorm comes before the camera ensued. for the Student Education Asso- is a tree put up by John Furlong The conference then was ad- ciation, was reviewed. and John Dupr.ey. journed. Those attending the convention According to Dr. Schottenha- included: Jan Walford, Mary mel, head of the division of his- Lou Schriner, A1 Sherwood, tory and social sciences on the Lucy Sporer, Don Zartner, Tim Peru State campus, the drive-in Gilligan, Jack Gaines, Wayne SHOE REPAIR conference was dedicated to the Tackett, Bill Bowen, Nancy Lar~ Auburn • Nebruka improvement in the instruction son, and Mr. Harold Johnson, of history in .the state of Ne- sponsor. braska.
Active Debaters Attend Tournaments
Peru ·Hosts History Conference
Majors' Wilson and Walken Net Window Contest Prize
ATTENTION! The Sophomore E n g1i sh Proficiency Test will be given from 1:00-3:00, Thursday, Jan. 5, 1967, in Room 212, Fine Arts. Students who have completed English 101 and 102 and who have reached classification as second' semester sophomores are eligible to take the test.
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Peru Pedag~an, Dec. 1( .1966
. S1tll!S
LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS Congratulations to the Peru State Bobcat Cross Country team on their fine efforts throughout the seaoon and their seventh ;place finish in the National meet in Omaha. This year's young team should he even better next year.
•arriers Place Seventh In ational N.A.l.A. Meet College's Cross ountry team placed seventh in e National Cross .Country eet held in Omaha, Nov. 26. rn Michigan won the meet h 126 total points. Pat McMan, of Oklahoma Baptist, w o n e individual honors of the . eet, winning in a record time f 19:53.6. This time wipes out e. old record set in 1963 iby ohn Camien of Emporia (Kans.) tate, who ran 20:23.7. Tim m~ndricks led the Peru ers with a 21:37 time on the qugh Elmwood Park course. endricks, captain of the 66-67 earn, placed 34th. Freshman teve Cornelius placed 6ath; Dan Trout placed 63; Ron Jones 82; Jim O'Donoghue 84; Van Allen li4; and Jim Watson 141. The total number of .full teams, 31, and .the size of the field, 219 runners, comprised the growing amount of interest throughout the United iates in the sport of ,cross country running. Other Nebraska teams had their problems in conquering the tough field of runners. Kearney finished 15th; Doane 25th; Wayne State 27th; and Omaha placed 31st to round-out the Nebraska t~s competing. Ron Jones, placing 82nd, had this to say about the meet, "This had to be the toughest competition that has ever gathered for meet of this nature. The perfect weather, 45 degrees with very Tittle wind, made it a good day to run." Van Allen, the sixth runner
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all P.S.C. Students
Redfern Clothing AUBURN
for Peru and the ll 4th place finisher, said, "The experience of running with the brawl of men was really something. All of us knew that we had to run very well to place high enough to win the mee~ and I seemed to just get lost in the pack. Placing 114th isn't good and it isn't bad for me, but I beat 105 other guys · that had all earned the right to run there, so I don't feel too bad about the position that I finished." Both Jones and Allen felt that "if all the personnel return next year that we had this year, we could finish higher in the race
The basketball team seems to be picking up where it left off last year. Gone are the likes of Mike Harmon and Jack Rinne, but such new faces as George Moore and Ross Ridenour keep the championship look. The Bobcats will have to be on their toes to win the conference championship again this year as the other four schools have looked strong in their preliminary games, especially Ch a d r on , which is uhdefeated.
~~;t;,.;ar, but all this is just one
Bobcats Bounce Alumni
Steve Cornelius . commented this on his 60th place finish. "I thiilk that we only gave about 70 per cent effort-the whole team-and could have done a lot better." Only one man from this year's team graduates, Jim O'Donoghue. With Peru's finish in the top seven in the nation. a slip from third last year, this year, it places them in the elile of school history, being the highest place ever attained by a team here at Peru. Coach Pilkington was no t available for comment on th~ meet, but congratulations are in order for coaching a team thctt has brought recognition to Peru Sta~ College throughout the nat10n. The placing of teams, top seven, and the Nebraska teams that took ;part: Team Points 1. Eastern Michigan ...•.. 126 2. Howard Paine of Texas_ 156 3. Whitman College of Washington -··--·-•---· 166 4. Occidental of California. 190 5. Southern Colorado --··- 221 6. St. Cloud Minnesota ____ 288 7. Peru State College ..... 301 15. Kearney State College •• 385 25. Doane College ••...•... 561 27. Wayne State College --- 580 31. Omaha University ••.•.• 862
By John Bernadt Monday night the Peru Bobcats opened the official ibasketball season with a 112 to 90 vie· tory over the Alumni. The Bobcats, coached by Jack Mcintire, although not as fast as last year's team, displayed good over-all quickness with fine shooting. The field goal percentage was 49 .4 per cent. The Bobcats, having good height, dominated the boards by getting 68 rebounds. Big Ro n Snodgrass was the rebound lead. er with 11 and high scorer with 22 points. Dick Estes had eight rebounds and 14 points. Sophomore Wayne Heine had six rebounds and 11 points. Dean Cain, a starter last year, had 11 points and two rebounds. George Moore, a transfer student from last year, had 16 points and three rebounds. Peru showed good depth and appears to. have a strong shot at the conference title. Other players who contributed to the Bobcat victory were: Rinne, Tegelhutter, Portrey, Lovejoy, Ridenour, Jasa, Porkorny, Jun, Wallack, and Schlemer. The alumni were paced by Larry Rathe, who scored 25 points and grabbed four rebounds, Charles Francis with 21 points and four rebounds, Bill
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ELDON'S CAFE Wishes You .A· Merry Christmas
Peru Captures Kansas Tourney The Peru State Bobcats captured the McPherson (Kansas) Jaycee Basketball Tournament crown Nov. 30, with a hardfought 83·8'1 vktory over St. Mary of the Plains College of Dodge City, Kansas.
Peru Dumps Emporia State
Peru had advanced to the finals by drawing a first round bye, and defeating host McPherson College, 65-6-0, in the second Peru State won its fourth round. game .in five starts over a tough The Bobcats needed a strong Emporia State team, Dec. 3, on second half surge to overcome a the Tigers' home floor, 67 to 65. 38-49 halftime deficit. Not until The Bobcats shot a hot 64 per Wayne Heine scored on a free cent from the field the first half throw with 4:41 left to play, did and piled up a 4() to 29 spread at St. Mary relinquish its advanhalftime. Wayne Heine led Pe- tage. The score then was knotted ru's efforts with 21 points. The at 75-75. Nine seconds later Peru Bobcats cooled off to 40 per cent grabbed the lead when Heine in the second ·half and Emporia tipped in a rebound. A 15-footer came on to tie the score at 45 by Dean Cain then gave the Boball early in the second half. cats a four-point spread with Emporia was led by Dennis 3:47 left. Smith and Carl Frantz, scoring St. Mary closed to within two 19 and 7 points respectively. Frantz's points came in the sec- points when Bill Hicks scored on ond half of the game when the a jumper, but ~ru's Dick Estes Emporia Staters were coming again widened the gap with two free throws. iback. The scorers for Peru: In the final minute Hicks Wayne Heine ________ 21 bagged two more field goals, but George Moore ......• 13 Dean Cain's lay-urp was enough Ron Snodgrass .•..... 11 to ;preserve the win and the tourDick Estes ----------11 nament crown for the scrappy Dean Cain ---···-··" 9 Bobcats. Bill Rinne --·-····--· 2 Bill Hicks led all scorers with Dear Santa, 29 points, and was selected the I sure would like a fast car tourney's most valuable player. this Christmas. I want to be like George Moore, Peru's only allSterling Moss when r grow up. tourney team selection, led BobLove, cat scorers with 22. Phil Hill
Member F.D.I.C.
Open: Monday · Saturday 6:00 a.m. -10:30 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. . 7:00 p.m. Peru, Nebraska
Hunzeker with 14 points and six rebounds, and Tom Yopp with 13 points and four rebounds. Other players for Alumni were: Pat Hamm, Doug Dickerson, and Bill Witty. The Bobcats were 14-23 at the free throw line; the alumni was a sharp 14-16. The alumni had only 39 team rebounds while committing 15 fouls. The Bobcats had 11 fouls.
I heard a funny story last week and can't help but ·pass it on. Did you hear about the guy who fost 150 dollars on the Nebraska-Oklahoma game? He lost $100 on the game and $50 on the replay.
Dearest Santa,
"For the Finest Food in Tiown" ME'ALS
Page 5
JOHN L. LEWIS, Vice Pres. & Cashier
May I please have the money I n~ed to pay a speeding ticket acquired in this "Great Society" of ours. I'm really sorry about that speeding. Yours truly, Lyndon Johnoon P.'S. Could I please have a governor put on my carburetor? (Preferably Governor Romney)
Page 6
Peru Pedago§ian, Dec. 14. 196B
MEN Visits Nebraska ~ity School For Visually Handicapped
"The Mouse That Roared" Is Coming SGAMo
The Student Governing AssoFeb. U "Shenandoah," w i Wednesday, D~mber 14 ciation is again sponsoring wellJames Stewart. Newman Forum, F. A. Auknown and popular movies on ditorium, 6:30 p.m. The forthwming schedule Sunday evenings in the Fine Gamma Delta, F. A. 211, Arts Auditorium. Joanie Sprleck, On Thursday, Nov. 29, ten playing all types of rock an d tures a great deal of varie~ 6:00 p.m. coordinator of the program of se- ranging from a Civil War s~l members of the new education roll music. W.A.A., Gym, 8:00 p.m. lections, has announced the folhonorary for men, Mu Epsilon The students at · the school Wesley Fellowship, F. A. ting to the Vatican to a myst~ f/i lowing schedule· for December Nu, and their faculty sponsor, seemed very happy to have vis· 204, 6:30 p.m. ious ski retreat. '~ 1966 and F~bruary 1007: Dr. Galen Dodge, were guests of itors, and very well adjusted to 'il Industrial Arts Club, I. A. the School for the Visually this type of intrusion. As for the 29, 8:00 p.m. Dec. 1& "The Mouse That Handicapped in Nebraska City members of Mu Epsilon Nu, they Thursday, December 15 Roared," with J ea n for an evening which included a were extremely pleased with Basketball, Peru at Huron Seberg, 1 turkey dinner, compliments of both the opportunity to visit, College, S. D. the school, a tour of the campus, and the reception which they 'Feb. 5 ''The Cardinal," starS.G.A., Student Center Conand some fine entertainment. were accorded once they had arring Tom Tryon· and ference Room, 6:30 .p;m. The tour of the school was con- rived. Romy Schneider. Peru Histqrioal Sodety OPEN BOWLING ducted by guides chosen from Those members of Mu Epsilon Christmas party Feb. 12 "Good Neighbor Sam,'' the student body of the institu· Nu who took part in this actiSaturday 2:30 -11 p.m. starring Jack Lemmon tion, and covered all the campus vity included; Richard Zapara- Friday, December 16 Sunday 2 p.m.-6 p.m. 'Basketball, Pei:U. at Southand Dorothy Provine. buildings and their facilities. nick, Richard Dobbs, John Bo~ Mon. • Tues. after 9:30 p.m. ern State; S. D. , The most impressive thing about haty, Oren Bednar, John Chasse, Feb. 19 "Charade," with AudSaturday, December 17 this part of the night was that Dave Kennedy, Bill Massie, Sam 274-4320 rey Hepburn and Gary Basketball, Peru at General the guides were able to show the Smith, Roger Neujahr, Bob Kel· Grant. Beadle, S. D. visit<irs from Peru all the details ly, and Dr. Dodge, the faculty of the dormitory rooms, and de· sponsor. Sunday, I>ed~mber 18 scribe beautifully the d~tails of S.GA, movie, F. A. Audithe campus structures. torium, 7:30 p.m. The library facilities at the Centuries of Yuletide Monday, December 19 Nebraska City school were also Basketball, Simpson ColBy Maxine Lyons very extensive and complete, lege TOurnamerit Christmas, in the Christian and contained almost all the P.S.E.A., F. A. Recital Hall, equipment which was needed to churches, is an annual festival, 6:30 p.m. meet the prevailing situation. held on December 25, to celeBlue Devils, Sc. 105, · 6:30 p.m. Some of the facilities included brate the Nativity, or birth of Language Arts Christmas within this library were talking Christ. The origin of the festival books, a good selection of Braille is unknown. Scholars believe party. books, and some books writ~n that it is derived in part from Tuesday, December 20 RECORDS in extra large print. In addition, the pre-Christian rites of GerBasketball, Simpson College each student at the school has manic and Celtic tribesmen held Tournament. Capitol-- Doi - Mercury - MGM access to his own Braille ma- in celebration of the winter solWomen's Student Associa· stice. "Yule" is the old name for chine. tion, Morgan Hall, 4:00 p.m. Decca ~ Verve - Columbia - Coral Christmas, still used in certain Not all academic, the school is dialectS of Scotland and northern Wednesday, December 21 well equipped to provide recrea- England, in poetry and song, and Christmas ·vacation begins, SAVE UP TO tion to its students thr0ugh the in such combinations as "Yule Wednesday, December 28 availability of a swimming pool, log," "Yule feast," and "Yule· 'Basketball, •Peru State or and a two-lane bowling alley tide." The name derives from Tournament; Nebraska City. complete with student pinboys. Anglo-Saxon and old Scandina· from .former list price The scl10ol gymnasium contains vian words meaning variously Thursday, December 29 Basketball, Peru State not only a swimming pool, but the winter ·solstice, a winter Get them at the Tournament, Nebraska City. also boaits almost. all types of feast, or the winter months of sporting equipment, and this December and January. ...., equipment is. not wasted since Christmas festivals, generally last year's wrestling team was a observed by Christians since the top contender in the conference . . ~ fourth century, include heathen championships. FOR SALE: 4 "Mag" Wheels. customs such as the use of holly, Superb entertainment was proMagnum .500. Inspect on Che· mistletoe, Yule logs, and wassa.il vided the visiting Peruvians by velle SS. Contact Neal Bower, bowls. The use of Christmas a local combo composed of a 309 Majors. trees probably originated among group of girl students from the and satisfacti.on is guaranteed I the Romans of pre-Christian School for the Visually Handicapped. Three guitars and a pi- times from whom it spread to ano comprised this talented the peoples of the British Isles. group whose favorite performers In later times Christmas celebrations acquired a wide secular seemed to be the Beatles, although they were capable of and social significance, expressed in many countries in the exPermanents, Tinting, change of gifts and greeting GRENELDA'S GOODIES cards and the suspension of Bleaching school and work. Dutch settlers Continued from page two brought to the New World the Phone 3922 Dear Divisible by 12, . custom of celebrating of St. Nebr. I don't want to make any Nicholas' (Santa Claus) day on Peru sweeping conclusions, but a girl Christmas Eve. like you has really got something going. Not only are you responsible for the happiest $3.95 work-study group, but also for the cleanest dorm. It is not a Auto Repairs question Of how to depart Uh· COIN~OP. • Major engine work noticed, it is how to remain"" . PIERCED EAR RINGS • Automatic trans. noticed!! All prices • Wrecker service Jani torally yours, Holiday Greetings • Steam cleaning Grenelda CHARMS • Lubrication from the Sterling, 14K and gold-filled P.S. After receiving your letter, Fasf Dependable Service. $1.00 and up I wish to know how do you send Bea ttys 872·3201 Peru . your male? CHARM BRACELETS AAA. Service $1.25 and up Troubled, worried? Are you a Olomorld engooement rings TRIFARI JEWELRY leper contemplating suicide? Or and bridal pairs $ SQ ••.as Iowas.,. 29 .: $3.00 and up just feel like lying a little? Write Ask About Our a letter to Grenelda. She answers DESK PENS · Sheaffer all problems wi!h her conscien· $3.00 • $100.00 PLANNED COLLEGE INSURED nous solutions. Her mailing ad· dress is Box 73, Peru, Nebr.
$2 $]
~1 . )
! v ll
DR. G. E. MANN OPTOMETRIST Contact Lenses Closed Wed. p.m., Sat p.m. 119 No. Sill St. Nebr. City
Will wrap for mailing and mail gift if you request it.
INVESTORS LIFE INSURANCE Company of Nebraska Ron Kroll Room 234.. Majors Hall
.Ric Rani.er 872-4301 Peru, Nebr. .:::·
Fina display of diaiifond cro1Ses In 14 $16 50 taro! gold from '
College Choir Presented Sunday Afternoon Concert "Christmas Carols Around the World" was presented by the College Choir under the direction of Edward Camealy on Sunday, Dec. 18, at 3:00 ip.m. in the College Auditorium. The Choir was assisted by the Art Department, under the direction of Leland Sherwood and Donald Wilson, in its scenery and staging. The program consisted of national carols from all over the ~ world-the first half consisting of American favorites. In Part I, carolers entered from the rear and walked to the stage apron singing a special arrangement of "Jingle Bells." They were asked into the home of an old-fashioned family which presented Don Dodge, as father; Marcie Anderson, as mother; and Don Wilson and Daryl Walken captured ihe Majors Hall Christmas Window Display Award with Ann Henry, LaRhea Barrett, and Jeannie Sherwood, as the chila Nativity Scene. dren.
January Graduates Are Announced The Registrar's Office has re.teased tlhe following list of seniors that have applied for graduation. In January these students will receive their "statement of completion" from the college, to be used until they receive their diploma at the next regul.arly scheduled graduation exercise, whicli is May 29, 1967. The students who have applied for bachelor of science in education degrees include: Bonnie Anderson, Omaha; William Anderson, Chester, Penn.; Cheryl Armstrong, Nebraska City; Katherine Black, Omaha; Barbara Brandt, Hamburg, Iowa; Wesley Dickey, Benedict; Jacqueline Dodson, Plattsmouth; Angela Furnas, Brownville; Grace Haneline, Nebraska City; Robert Hayn, .~t Alton, Ill.; Blanche Highfield, Plattsmouth; Thelma Hosohar, Murray; Sheryl Johnson, Peru; Teri Kfoby, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Beverly Kitelinger, Omaha; Bamela Lett, Nebraska City;
Robert Lierz, Wetmore, Kans.; William McVicker, Millard; David Perry, Goff, Kans.; Leland Scl111eider, Auburn; Roberta Shaffer, Farragut, Iowa; Eugene Smith, Auburn; Charles Steen, Council !Bluffs, Iowa; Charles Stoner, Tecumseh; Donald Stuart, Auburn; Patrick Venditte, Omaha; William Carlson, Falls City, and Frank Ruecker, Omaha. Students who have applied for a bachelor of arts in education degree include: La Vera Bennett,' Sabetha, Kans.; Richard Ber-· . thold, Nebraska City; Melvin Hester, Auburn; Roger Lucas, Dawson; Gary Neumann, Tecumseh; Daniel Strecker, Preston, and Philip Dorssom, Lancaster, Kansas. Students who have applied for a bachelor of science degree are William DePetro, Omaha; Alfr e d Rimmer, Mechanicsburg, Penn.; and Ronald Robbins, Fairless Hills, Penn.
Student Center Board Holds Position of Importance -On January--8, 1961, the new Student Center was opened on the Peru State campus, and the new Student Center Board held its first meeting. The Board, which is made up primarily of students, has served the students of P.S.C. as wen as other individuals, who use the Center's modern facilities. As is stated in the S.C.B. Constitution, "the purpose of the S.C;B. is .to coordinate, integrate, and delegate responsibility for furthering the social and cultural acttvities of Peru State College." In fulfilling ·· its purpose, the . !Board's actions have ranged from· sponsoring all-college dances to considering change in policy w1thin the Center. The Board has ·grown to 16 in number which includes 13 student re~resentatives, two faculty sponsors and the .Student Center Director'. New members arec'hosen by the Board, after the individual in question has shown definite interest in campus prob-
Although the Student Center Board is a relatively new organization, it is one of the most vital concerning student representation.
Protestant Outlook Given By Rev. Barry Rev. Leonard !Barry, Methodist chaplain at Omaha University and Creighton University, was the featured speaker at the Dec. 14, Newman Forum. Rev. Barry presented the Protestant outlook toward the recent ecumenical movement on Omilha campuses. A graduate of S.M.U., Baker, and Yale, Rev. Barry strongly advocated the completion of higher education by all metropolitan otudents. In urban Oma. ha alone there .are 15,000 students, many of. whom are "first generation college students." The problem lies in the fact that these commuting students regard (Continued ~n page four)
Other songs included were "Cherry Tree Carol," (featuring the Solitudes); "Christmas Song"; "Patapan," danced by Pat Bindrum; "While Shepherds Watched"; "Poor Mary"; and "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen." In Part II, the chorus re-entered in formal dress to sing "The Little Drummer Boy"; "Lost In the Night,'' featuring Joyce Blackburn as soloist; "Carol of the Bells"; Ba0h's "Gloria in Excelsis,'' from the 'Cantata for Christmas'; and "Wokum Yole," from Benjamin Britten's 'A Ceremony of Oarols.' The Vespers were concluded with :Britten's "Recessional.'' Pianist for the chorus w a s 'Mary Lu Hicks, and organist was Dr. Frederick Freeburne, Head of Division of Fine Arts.
The Voice of the Campus of aThousand Oaks . . .
Peru Pedagogian PERU, NEBRASKA
Volume 62 Number 7
JANUARY 4, 1967
Delta ·Chapter of M.E.N. Is Nationaliz.ed In Brownville The Brownville House in Brownville, Nebraska was the scene Dec. 8, as Mu Epsilon Nu nationalized Peru State College's Delta Chapter, thus bringing to four the number of active units within the organization. Representaitives from each of the other existing chapters, plus those involved in the founding of Delta Chapter, were present at the banquet which ended Delta's probatio.nary status.. Afpha Ohapter led the list of visitors with 15 members in attendance. Eight members from Beta Chapter at Kearney State College made the journey to Peru, and one person from Gamma Chapter at the University of Kansas was witness to the Delta Chapter induction into Mu Epsilon Nu. Among the delegates from these chapters were the national officers of Mu Epsilon Nu, including: Jerry Stromer, President, from Beta .Chapter; Chuck Stewart, Vice President, representing Gamma Chapter; Dave Martin, Secretary, Al!)ha Chapter; and, John Claybaugh, Treasurer, once again from Beta Chapter. The initiation began with a full course meal, after which the meeting moved rather quickly to the business at hand. Leading
Scholarships To Be Given The Peru Achievement Foundation will award two Centennial Scholarships for each residence .hall-Majors, Delzell, and Eliza Morgan-for · the second semester. The selection of the recipients will be made by the councils of the residence halls. The sc'holarships will be $100 each and must be applied to tuition or fees.
the proceedings was the presentation of a national charter by National President Jerry Stromer to Delta's President, Gary Viterise. Next, fourteen of the fifteen men who estaiblished Del ta Chapter were administered the oath for new members, again by National President Jerry Stromer. Finally, the Mu Epsilon Nu oath for officers was administered 'to the leaders of Delta Chapter, which included Gary Viterise, Richard Dobbs, John Bohaty, Bill Bowen, and Roger Neujahr. The formal induction process over, the banquet then turned to a lighter note, as Dr. Donald 0. Clifton, a .Professor of Education at the University of Nebraska, was called upon to grace the occasion with a speeoh. Dr. Clifton, a professional educator, first called attention to the importance of education in our world today, and stressed the fact that teaching will continue to grow in importance throughout the years to come. Continuing on this theme, Dr. Clifton declared that he could never understand why teachers would never "own up" to their profession, for in his estiination education was second only to parenthood in its impact upon society as a whole. Moving on to other subjects, Dr. Clifton discussed the megapolis, or strip city of the future, and the idea that student teac'hers and young persons .recently graduated from Teachers Colleges should be sent into the slums of New York, and Chicago, and other major cities, in order to gain a better appreciation of the rea:l ~problems facing education at this time. Concluding his speeoh, Dr. Clifton advanced another of his theories,. whioh he has entitled the "bucket and the dipper." According to Dr. Clifton, everyone has a bucket which may be filled or emptied at intervals, and a
d1pper with which to complete this operation. To illustrate, when everything seems to be going right, the bucket is filled; in other words, people have been filling the bucket with their dippers. Conversely, when life is going badly and everything goes wrong, they are getting their dippers into the bu<:ket, and this is very irritating. Of course, &aid Dr. Clifton, this is a tWQ-way process, a n d some people seem to take morbid pleasure in being able to get into other people's buckets. Thus ending his speeoh with this topic, Dr. Clifton <:ongratulated Delta Chapter once. again on their success and wished them all the best, thereby concluding the evening's activities. Those present from Peru included the following: Loren Barte'ls, Oren Bednar, John Bohaty, Bill Bowen, Jc>hn Chasse, Richard Dobbs, Jack Gaines, Bob Kelly, Dave Kennedy, Bill Massie, Roger Neujahr, Sam Smith, Ken Stoner, Gary Viterise, Richard Zapara, nick, Dean Rosenberg, administration representative, Dr. Dodge, the faculty advisor of M.E.N., .and Bob Allen, who photogra!)hed the event. DID YOU KNOWIt is too bad that the future generations cannot ,be here at this time to see all the wonderful things we are doing with their money. ATTENTION! The Sophomore Eng 1is h Proficiency Test will be given from 1:00-3:00, Thursday, Jan. 5, 1987, in Room 212, Fine Arts. Students who have completed English 101 and 102 and who have reached classification as second semester sop)l.omores are eligible to take the . test.
Peru Pedagogian, Jan. 4, 19&7
ElditotiQ.lly Speaking ....
Must We Starve lo Death?
S.(J.A. Feat12.red .' . c,e1'elda'$ $oodle;$ . I have received many G~nelda, PeterSelle~s . · · Dear I .never miss your column. and concerning the difficulty of ~ome .to trust your profes- t~rning to school after · And Jean SebeJ:g t.ave sional advice. Yes, I do. !ui.ve a: Christmas I;folidays. Topics
The United .States lost the problem. I am ,troUJbled and wor- nervous indigestion, dizzi The strangest part of the controversy concerning the war! 'l\his was rthe .situation ere- ried. about myself, and I quite headache, and other or(li weekend in Peru is not whether there are any activities for ated in the S.G.A. feature movie, often contemplate suicide. But feelings have been mentio those who remain, or how many there are, but rather that "The Mouse That Roared," star- shucky..0.\lrn, does tli.at mean these letters. In answer to questions, Ihave compose<l1 a student who must remain in Peru may not get anything ring Peter Sellers and Jean Se, that I a:m a leper? lengthy experimenfation, · to eat between 6:30 P. M. Friday, and 6:30 A. M. Monday. berg, presented' Dec. 18. The .en· · Signed, Unless he has the money to sustain himself at one of the tire movie was a satire on Amernelda's Back-to-School Tori .· Disillusioned local restaurants, he is faced with the definite possibility ican foreign policy and achieved . Dear Disillusioned, reads as fullows: of starving to death between the afore-mentioned hours. this purpose ;by using a series of After careful consideration of This, to say the least,· is very detrimental to one's health, a;bsurd incidents. The gist of the your letter,. it is my belief that ' 1 raw egg 3 shots, Wol'Chester Sauce generally frightening, and a perfectly valid excuse to beat· story was that ithe United States you are suffering from a disease l/z glass tomato juice a hasty retreat back to the states if at all possible when !had undercut the wine market of known as Grenelditis. My adand one's classes are finished on Friday. Those students who a small unkn.own Europeqn vice is to discontinue reading 1 fist of coffee grounds remain in Peru during the weekend, while not large in duclJ.y. . The duchy retaliated, the column for several weeks. If number, do like to eat occasionally, and the idea that they With a 20-man army and actual- symptoms persist, I refer you to must go .elsewhere than their own dining room s e e ms ly achieved world control by the Leonard Wood Memorial for Drink rapidly at bathroom . somehow ridiculous. The school administration can right- seizing the devastating Q-bomb. the Eradica-tion of Leprosy or perature. If this fails, c , · fully refute these arguments by. saying that not enough The ending was full of humor- the American Leprosy Founda- Florence Nightingale or Campus Health Center, people remain in Peru to make a plan for seven-day boar.d ous suspense, ibut all workedout tion; New York, N. Y. ·· feasible .. The only answer to this dilemma, then, is to try well. (And everyone lived !lapClinioally yours, it for a semester and see whether the idea would persuade pily ever after.) Grenelda enough of the borderline "weekend warriors" to stay on . ~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~_,.,,...--......;..~~ campus during the weekends. Perhaps, if enough interest Field Hockey Tournament in program consi:sted of myths, '( were shown, the sch9ol would adapt an optional board ar· Campus to Campus Piittsburg. This win gave the bles and folk music selections· ' rangement whereby a student could decide upon registerBy Chloe Miller CMS girls -squad a final record college students. ing whether he would choose the five or seven-day board. of eight wins, no losses. This idea, while not enough to solve all the problems en- The Creighton Fine Arts DeAn intellectual beatnik is o countered when spending a weekend in Peru, would certain- partment has introduced a new A new project is now under- who picks his guitar with a P course this semester called Film- way on the Washburn campus ly ease the problem of nourishment. Beta Kappa key. -Jack Gaines !Makihg. The three-hour course to help replace the trees that concerned mostly with !basic arumaition. The head of the department feels that "film is the biggest potential area of the fine
Let's Watch ·My Channel! One definition for consideration in the dictionary is thoughtfulness of others. Consideration plays a very important role in a dormitory of girls, especially in the television room. It is very difficult to find one program that several girls will agree to· watching. Some girls may want to watch a movie, while others may have another favorite progi,iam on some other channel. Who watches what? This is whei:e consideration comes in. The girls mu st be thoughtful of each other. This is the only way two televisions will work for girls. -Mary Straight
were destroyed in the June 8 tornado. More than 600 trees, most of them 75 to mo years old, were lost. The project's .aim is to replant living Christmas trees on campus. This year Topekans are asked to give their trees to the college instead of destroying them. The project is entitled "Christmas Trees for Wash-
Before the Christmas recess, Drydeaning . Kearney State College presented and ,the comedy, "The Solid Gold Oadiliac." This was Kearney's Laundry second major theater production • this year. "The Solid Gold Cadil- iburn." OPEN Eastern Mont~a College relac" is a farce on big business, 6:30 a.m. • 10:30 p;m. cently presented an evening of politics and television. ·Baroness Maria voli Trapp, "Folk Lore and Tail Tales." The whose story ilispired the famous musical, "The· Sound of Music," "COCA.COLA'' ANO "COKt" ARE REGISttRCO TAAO!:•MA.tlllt WtllCKIO[NTIFYOHL'iTHt PROOUCTOFTIU:COCA•COl..\COMtMl'I'• recently spoke at Kansas State ..... Universiity. She discussed her Ready! Set! Go! You're don't succeed at first, don't off to a speedy start in 1967 give up, but try a new and experiences as the· reader of the world-famous Trapp fa mi 1y -"the year of better days better method. Make a hap- singers. pier Iife for your family and
Resolutions Made To Be Kept!
and better ways." Does that simple phrase sound familiar friends. Whatever your deci- The Central Missouri State sion, the paper and ink used women's field hockey team took to you? are well worth your while. first place in the Kansas State Once again it's time for Begin the march of time that long list of resolutions today. Remember, 1967 is the which for various reasons time to start a more rewardAUBURN BOWLING you never quite have time to ing life. Confirm your deciaccomplish. Do you recall sion and don't change. Why CENTER and note all your failures and waste another u n h a p p y the reason the resolution was year? OPEN BOWLING neglected? Then, why not make 1967 an exceptional Now, Ready! Set! Go! Saturday 2:30 -11 p.m. and successful year! If you You're ready for the year Sunday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. that lies ahead. Stop, look, Mon. • Tues. after 9130 p.m. and listen! Watch your speed PERU PEDAGOGIAN and drive with caution. 274·4320 Wednesday, January 4, 1967
Volume 62 'Time
Number 7 th' exhausted chain,
-Maxine Lyons
To run the twelvemonth's length again." - Robert Burns
Published bi-weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College.
Rex Rains
STAFF EDITOR .......... Joan Bretthorst ASSISTANT EDITOR .......... . ...................... Mary Budler PERSONNEL MANAGER ...... .. .. .. .. .. •.. .•... . LaVera Bennett BUSINESS MANAGER ........ . .................. Charles Williams LAYOUT EDITOR ............. .. .... ............... Dennis Hubbard CIRCULATION MANAGER .... ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .Mike Castle .COPY EDITOR .... Sheryl Barrett SPORTS EDITOR •• Larry Nedrow PHOTOGRAPHER •. Walt Rimmer ADVISOR ....... Mr. James Keck REPORTERS-Bob Beran, John Bernadt, Kathy Downing, Jack Gaines,. Phil Herbster, Paul Hore!, Mary
Maxine Lyons,
Chloe Miller, Charlotte Nedrow, ,Mary E. Oestmann, Ruth Rath· bun, llic Ray, Ann Ritter, Lynn Sailors, Regina Stalder, Mary . Straight, Bernadine Fintel, Wayne Miller. · The ligned letten ,printed In this ''paper do 11oi reflect ·the ,opinion of Jhe Pedagogian but of lndl~uals. ;The editor reserve• the nght to ,edit them far publication.
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Page 3
Peru Pedagogian, Jan. 4. 1967
Harriers End Season With Banquet
The annual Cross Country banquet was held in Auburn, Dec. 10, at Arbor Manor. After the supper a meeting was held and awards for this year were presented. Ron Jones, a sophomore, was elected team captain for the 6667 season. The most improved runner award ·was given to Dan Trout, a sophomore. Dan moved into the top seven about halfway through the season and progressed to the top three in the final meets. He placed 63rd in the National Meet. Voted the most valuable runner this year was Tim Hendricks, a junior and team captain. Steve Cornelius was voted the most .valuable freshman for 'this s e as o n . The Hurter award was given to Phil HeDbster. This award is given .to
the last 440 in a nigM's workout. Slides ·were presented after the supper showing all the Peru runners as the team placed seventh in the National meet. Steve Cornelius' picture, depicting the agony of a Cross Country' runner, proved to be the most humorous of the group.
j Bits!!1~ ~~~es For those who don't think
Lew Alcindor is as good as he's supposed to be, look at ·these
statistics. The young giant from U.C.L.A. is averaging 37 points per game and over 20 rebounds. He's also leading his team in assists. By the way, he is 7' 1%" Coach Pilkington sfated that tall. "this season was no disappointPeru's recent rash of losses ment and next year we should may be just enough incentive to be tougher." drive the hard-nosed Bobcat cagMr. Pilkington also stated that ers back into the NCC title pic'because many of the boys are ture again this year. The Omaha returning next year, he hoped World-Herald rates P.S.C. as fathey could start on ·the Marathon vorites to win the conference schedule this summer. This 'in- which opens Jan. 7, 1967, against volves running 1,00() miles Kearney State.
through t'he summer in order to Peru's 80· 77 loss to Huron report for the 66-67 season in (So. Dak.) may have been a The returning lettermen for the 1966·67 seas-on, from left: Leon costly one as sophomore guard ~trey, Bill Rinne, Wayne Heine, Ron Snodgrass, Bob Lovejoy, the runner who can't quite make the peak of shape. Ross Ridenour ·of Loomis, w as \c~ E;Stes, Dean Cain, and Coach Jack Mcintire. --------------------lost for the season with a compound dislocation of the left ankle. Ridenour, although not a starter, was the Bobcats' strongThe Peru $tate Bobc<i;ts were est member of the bench. Peru State College lost Dec. 17 overpowered Dec. 7 by St. Beneto General Beadle of Madison, dict's College at Atchison, KanThe much-publicized Super South Dakota, 71 to 61. The Bowl footbail game between the sas, 93-64. The loss gave the Bob· Peru 'State opened a three- forced to leave the game. Peru Trojans used the home floor and cats three wins and two defeats. champions of the A.F.L. and the ine SouPh Dakota basketball held a 48-47 advantage. The Bobd trip Thursday, Dec. 17, with cats then built a 61-&3 lead and ball control to defeat the deterThe Bobcats got in early foul N.F.L. will come our way on mined Peru team. ;heartbreaking 8()-77 overtime appeared to be taking command. trouble and were behind from Jan. 15, via C.B.S .. and N.B.C. Ron Snodgrass led the round- the first two minutes of the Startling as it may seem, each ~ to the Huron College Scalp- Huron whittled away until they evened the score at 68-all with 1ballers with 31 points. He gath- game. Big Ron Snodgrass and network has to pay in the neighIn the first eight minutes the 1:28 left to play. That ended ered 22 of these points in the George Moore both picked up borhood of two million dollars first half. The nine he got in the four fouls with almost seven each for the three hours the beats built a 1-3-point lead, 19- scoring in regulation time. In the five minute overtime second hald' were especially hard minutes remaining in the first game will take up that day. Even ibut tli.e Scalpers stormed back. ·halftime the Peru lead had stint, Huron graibbed a quick to get because -the Trojans used half. Peru lost ball possession 24 more startling is the fact that n trimmed to only two points, four-point lead. ·Peru was unable a collapsible zone, and at times times without even getting off a each member of the winning team will get $15,000; while the 2 'IVitll ~uron's Lyle Kraft to overcome it, despite fine shoot- three players were covering him shot. poor losers will receive on 1y ing by Ron Snodgrass. The over- at once. . g most of the damage. This was the first game of the Fouls played the most im- season in which Peru· was out- $7,500 for their labors. That fighottly after intermission Dick time ended wi:th Huron winning, portant role in the game, with rebounded. St. Benedid's got 65 ures to about $5,00G an hour for ysinger sank two free throws 00-77. Snodgrass led all scorers with Peru having 18 called against rebounds to only 37 for Peru. the winners and $2,500 an hour knot the score at 34-all. With 10:05 . remaining Peru's 25 points, while Kraft paced the-.. them and General Beadle having Darryl Jones was the big gun for the losers, (if they can be ·on}y 10. The Bobcats hit 9 for 11 for St. ..Benedicfs with 27 points called losers). Ridenour was injured and Scalpers with 23. and The Trojans hit 17 for 24. and 17 rebounds. Snodgrass conThere were some interesting The field goo.I department saw tributed 11 PQints; Leon Portrey scores around the nation recentPeru take ,the lead with 27 to had 10 p0ints and 4 rebounds; ly, especially Earl's 87-74 victory Beadle's 25. Dick Estes had 6 points and 3 over Marian, but even more viPeru was also hindered by not rebounds; George Moore had 4 tal was "good old" Slippery having Ross Ridenour · playing points and 5 rebounds; and Bob Rock's victory over Walsh. after he received a compound Lovejoy had 4 po in ts and 1 redislocation of his ankle in .foe bound. High heels were invented by a Huron College game, Dec. 15. girl who was kissed on the foreSurely there is a bette.r way to head. They say T.V. is still in its in- increase leisure time than by How can wives ever hope to fancy ... this is why you have getting things done when they succeed when they have no wives around to tell them what to do? to g~t up and change it so often. are supposed to be done.
•. oboats Drop Opening ame Of Road Trip
Beadles Bounce Ravens Fly Away From Bobcats Peru Bobcats
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Final Exam Schedule Is Released
The Registrar's Office has released the Exam Schedule for the final exams for the current semester. Students and teachers alike should examine the schedule to see when the tests a re given. Following is the current Exam Schedule:
Monday, January 16 7:30-9:20 Pr 6 (12:30) MWF and/or 4 & 5 days 9:30-11:2() Pr 6 (12:30) TT and with double period 12:30-2:20 Special: Govt 21Yl (Sec 1, 2) 2:3-0-4:20 Pr 7 (1:30) MWF and/or 4 & 5 days 7:00-8:50 Special: Econ 220 (Sec 1, 2)
llEV. BARRY From page one , coilege as an exterision of ' school. Rev, Barry's responsih , include reducing the impe ' ality of dty campuses and creasing student interest work of the churoh. The "er approach to religious grt' however, is outdated. . ~;
Thursday, January 19 Wednesday, January 4 S.G.A., Student Center ConGamma Delta, F.A. 211, 6 p.m. ference Room, 6:30 p.m. W.A.A., Gym, 8:00 p.m. Wesley Fellowship, F.A. 204, Friday, January 20 6:30 p.m. Basketball, Tarkio at Peru. Epsilon Pi Tau, I.A. 27 First Semester ends. Wednesday, January 11 Thurs,day, January 5 Saturday, January 21 7:30-9:20 Pr 3 (9:30) MWF S.G.A., Student Center ConBasketball, Hastings at Peru. . and/or 4 & 5 days Tuesday, January 17 The Peru Bobcats rode the.:' ference Room, 6:30 p.m. 9:30-11:20 Pr 3 (9:30) TT and bounding of George Moore ." Kappa Delta Pi, C.S. Auditor- Monday, January 23 7:30-9:20 Pr 5 (11:30) MWF with double period the shooting. of Dean Cain r and/or 4 & 5 days ium, 8:00 p.m. Second Semester registration . 12:30-2:20 Special: Hist 113 9:30-ll:W Pr 5 (11:30) TT and Ron Snodgrass to a 75-7-0 (Sec 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) begins. Saturday; January 7 over Southern State at Sp . 2:30-4:20 Pr 8 (2:30) TT and with double period White Angels, Morgan Hall, 12:30-2:20 Pr 4 (10:30) MWF Basketball, Kearney at Peru. field, South Dakota. with double period 6:00 p.m. 7:00-8:50 Special: Eng 204 (Sec and/or 4 & 5 days The !Bobca ts whipped So Blue Devils, Sc. 105, 6:30 p.m. Sunday; January 8 2:30-4:20 Pr 4 (10:3-0) TT and 65-60 off the boards. Moore 1, 2, 3) Tri Beta, Sc. 304, 7:30 p.m. with double period College Band Concert, Auditor20 rebounds and 14 points, ium, 3:00 p.m. 4 rebounds and 19 points,. Thursday. January 12 grass 8 rebounds and 18 Monday, January 9 7:30-9:20 Pr 2 (8:3()) MWF Important For Terminating and Wayne Heine 13 reb~ Blue Devils, Sc. 105, 6:30 p.m. and/or 4 & 5 days The Semesterand 9 points. Phi Beta Lambda, C.S. 113, 9:30-11 :20 Pr 2 (8:30) TT and Students: Any incomplete of 7:00 p.m. Jack Mcintire's Bobcats c ,; In keeping with the festive with double period the previous semester should be English Club-Sigma Tau Delta season, Delzell Hall celebrated 12:30-2:20 Special: Math 100 cleared now or it will result in from behind 16-10 in the ope ' 6:30 p.m. ' the forthcoming holidays slight- (Sec 1, 2, 3) mil).utes of the ball game . 2:30-4:20 Pr 8 (2:30) MWF "F." Now is the time to take commanded a 46-39 half-t' '• MENC, Chorus Room, 6:30p.m. ly early this year by treating the personal mventory and clear any Home Ee Club, C.S. 312, 6:30 residents on successive nights, and/or 4 & 5 days lead. Southern regained the le 7:00-8:50 Special: PE 205 (Sec obligations whjch may delay the p.m. first of all to a Christmas Supper, 1, 2, 3) issuance of grades, tvanscript, 54-51 with six minutes gone / ·. Alpha Mu Omega, s.c. 104, and secondly, to a Christinas recommendation, etc. If you the second half. Peru, headed ' 7:30 p.m. Dance. have neglected to present a class Cain and Moore, put Peru b8:' White Angels, Morgan Hall, The Christmas Supper, an an- Friday, January 13 card and to attend a class in in the ·lead to stay, with t · 6:00 p.m. nual event sponsored by the 7:30-9:20 Pr 1 (7:30) MWF which you are registered, this quick buckets at ' 57-56. ffl dormitory council, was held on and/or 4 & 5 days and will result in "F" (technical there on, the Bobcats t o ' Tuesday, January 10 9:30-11:20 Pr 1 (7:30) TT Sunday, Dec. 11, in the brightly charge. failure) on your record. . Mu Epsilon Nu, Student Cenwith double period ter Conference Room, 8:00 p.m. decorated game room of Delzell 12:30-2:20 Special: Hist 201 Hall, and required only th a t Peru Drama Club, F.A. 105, (Sec 1, 2, 3) each per:son in attendance at the 7:00 p.m. 2:30-4:20 Pr 7 (1 :3'0) TT and Geology Club, Sc. 201, 7 p.m. supper be a resident of Delze!L with double period Appliances -::-- Sporting Goods 7':00-8:50 Special: Geog 101 W<!lllen's Student Association, Included .on the menu for the Hunting and Fishing Licenses pre-holiday meal were barbecue (Sec 1, 2, 3) Morgan Hall, 4:00 p.m. 872-2561 CECIL BOWMAN burgers, compliments of the PERU Wednesday, January 11 cooking talents of the house Saturday, January 14 mother, Mrs. Longfellow, potato Finals start. 7:30-9:20 GRAD RECORD EXchips, cookies, and hot chocolate. Newman Club, Sc. 105, 6:30 p.m. The Dee. · 12 Christmas Dance AM to Degree Candidates Special: Psych 201 (Sec 1, 2, 3) was an inter-residence hall af. Gamma Delta, F.A. 211, 6:00 9:30-11:20 GRAD RECORD p.m. fair between Delzell and Mor- EXAM (cont, Total 3 hr,s) SpeWAA., Gym, 8:00 p.m. gan. cial: Eng 100 (Sec 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Wesley Fellowship, F.A. 204, 6:30 p.m. MEALS SHORT ORDERS Industrial .Arts Club, I.A. 29, 1 Shop and saveOpen: Monday · Saturday 6:00 a.m •• 10:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
Delzell Celebrates At Christmas Time
"For the Finest Food in Town"
Thursday, January 12 Basketball, Peru at Northwest Missouri. S.G.A., Student Center Conference Room, 6:30 p.m. Alph~ Mu Gamma, F.A. 104, 8:00 p.m:
Tuesday, January 17 Women's . Student Association, Morgan Hall, 4:00 p.m. Mu Epsilon Nu, Student Center Conference Room. Wednesday, January 18 Gamma Delta, F.A. 211, 6 p.m. W.A.A., Gym, 8:00 p.m. Wesley Fellow&hip, F.A. 204, 6:30 p.m.
Peru, Nebraska
Phone 274-4348 for Sears Service Department
Saturday, January 14 Basketball, Peru at Doane. Monday, January 16 PSEA, F.A. Recital Hall, 6:30. Blue Devils, Sc. 105, 6:3{) p.m.
Sunday S:OO a.m. • 7:00 p.m.
Ask Ahouf Our
PERU CLEANERS &: TAILORS Repairing and Remodeling Men's and Women's Clothing Forly-nine Years Serving Slu~enis and Faculty
INVESTORS LIFE INSURANCE Company of Nebraska Ron Kroll Room 234 Majors Hall
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Ann Beatty
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PHONE 872-2331
JOHN L. LEWIS Vice Pres. & eashler
The Voice of the Campus of aThousand Oaks . . .
Peru Pedagogian PERU, NEBRASKA
Volume 62
Number 8
JANUARY 23, 1967
Centennial Year Half Over The first semester of Peru State's centennial year has come to a close, and the Pedagogian takes this opportunity to recap in pictures and stories the Yarious events which characterized the past few months.
The 1966-67 school year was officially begun with !he traditional week of freshman initiation. The week was highlighted by an evening of games and goober juice. Here Phil Herbster administers the dreaded drink.
Peru began its series of convocations with a program featuring Dr. James Perdue, former student at Peru State. Other convocations featured the Don Cossack Dancers and Singers from Europe, Dr. Robert Manley from Scottsbluff, Dr. Ross Russell, Dr. Wayne 0. Reed, the Rev. Ben Duerfeldt. and the Dana College folksingers and dancers. The Peru art department presented se\'eral exhibits displaying both student and non-student creations. Also active was the dramatics department with its Homecoming, Christmas, and student-directed plays. The music department provided instrumental and vocal numbers for convocations and the band made several tours to local h i g h schools.
The Don Cossack Chorus and Dancers brought some of the majestic tradition of Europe with them when they appeared on Peru State Campus Oct. 20. Under the direction of Nicholas Kos¡ trukoff, the Chorus presented a splendid two-hour program. They are acclaimed by the New York Times as "among !he best choral group lo be heard in our concert halls."
Highlight of the '66-'67 fall semester was the Centennial Homecoming. Alumni from scattered paris of the country returned to share in the celebration. Among them were Peru's former Homecoming Queens ; Ceci Evangelist joined the select rank as she was crowned Centennial Homecoming Queen. The only sad note of the day w a s Peru's loss to Hastings with the score 13-7.
On Nov. 3, native Nebraskan Ted Sorensen addressed a Peru audience on the impact of !he "legacy of JFK." He said Kennedy made the Presidency "an everyday force in the o,veryday lives of all everyday Americans."
It is the hope of the Pedago-
gian staff that the next semester
will he an equally eventful and fruitful one for students, and administration.
"Strange Night.'' the Dramatics Club Christmas produclion, was pressented Dec. 7. Bill Bowen, .John Miller, Danna Henry, Don Dodge, and Jim Butts look upon !he newborn Chris! Child.
Ceci Evangelist was crowned 1966 Centennial Homecoming Queen by Dr. Neal S. Gomon and presentedi with the traditional red roses. Later she was crowned by her father al Homecoming dance.
Page 2
Culture Presented During Past Semester
Peru Pedagogian, Jan. 23, 1967
Ail the plans for the coming the class is centered around semester's play productions and objective of acquainting futu art shows are being formulated, elementary teachers with vario1 we can not help reviewing the art methods. The second exhibition involv1 past semester's work. Two major play productions a fall competitive art stude: were presented to the student show. Seen were works done body, the first ibeing "Spoon Riv- oil, drawing, collage antl mixe er Anthology," performed for media. The fourth exhibit displayed Homecoming entertainment; and the second, "This Strange Night," series of three-dimensional e1 presented to the student body as closed environments that we1 created primarily for the pu; the annual Christmas play. During the faU semester of pose of giving the viewer a vh 1966, the foyer of Peru State's ual experience. Lack of su:bje< new Fine Arts Building was matter forced the viewer to fon used to capacity. Featured were a personal conclusion. Tired sul four interesting art exhibits. In ject matter, such as trees, bird early fall, several regional paint- and flowers, etc., seems to hav ings were seen in the G-Overnor's been successfully ignored. The past semester has provid traveling "Nebraska Land" centennial exhibition. The paintings ed a fitting climax to Peru's fil'! featured typical Nebraska scenes, 100 years. both contemporary and nostalgic. This exhibition was followed Happiness is being in th! by three shows that featured art shower shampooing your hail work done by Peru State art when the fire alarm rings. students .. The first demonstrated Happiness is walking dowr completed projects of a whimsi- our newly carpeted halls and The Art Exploration class, under the insiruciion of Don Wilson, produced ibis interesting collection cal nature, aocomplished in Art getting a shock when you touch Exploration; the curriculum of a door handle. as displayed in the Fine Arts Lobby.
key injuries were dealt to starting quarterback Carl Satterfield and end John Creamer. These two set a Peru passing record during the games they played. The quarteroacking was th en taken over by freshman Rich By Dennis Hubbard Guzinski who did fill admirable The Bobcats of Peru have tastjob, considering his lack of game ed moments of glory and defeat experience. End Charley Dailey thus far in the year 1966-67. With was an uneJOpeded surprise as the basketball season in full he proved to be a key to Peru's swing, helped by the !bright asoffense. Bernie Brown, Bob Urpects of the upcoming track and win, iBill Everhart, and Lowell baseball seasons, Peru should Brown were standouts on dehave its share of victories. fense throughout the disappointThe football season was not as ing campaign. Next year should good as it was expected to be, be better as the Bobcats ~ o s e as the Bobcats could pick up on- only four members of the 1966 ly 2 wins to 7 losses. Key injur- squad. ies hampered Coach Pitts' chancCross country fared much as es of improving on a '1-5 season in 1965. Probably the two Continued on page 3, column 3
Bobcats Optimistic About 1967
The Peru cross-country team captured ihe NA IA District II Championship, The harriers includ路 ed: back row, Ray Uher, Calvin Smith, Tim Hendricks, Dave Curtis, Dick Zaparanick, Coach Pilkington: front row, Jim O'Donoghue, Jim Watson, Steve Cornelius, Van Allen, Ron Jones, Dan Trout, Rog路 er Neujahr, Dick Warkins.
Homecoming Honors\ To Ceci Evangelist
The crowning of Ceci Evangelist as queen capped the Home路 coming events of 1966. Ceci was crowned queen at the H9mecoming dance. The crowning of Ceci was the end of a day that featured various events. Early in the morning people saw many interesting displays by the various organizations on campus. At two o'cock, they saw Peru's football team fall to a tough Hastings team 13-7. At seven o'clock that night, the play, "Spoon River Anthology," was presented by the Peru Dramatic Club.
CONVOCATION THEMES HAIL CENTENNIAL YEAR Peru State is helping Nebraska celebrate its lOGth birthday by using the Centennial theme for convocations. The programs range, from light musicals to serious orations by noted speakers. The music and
drama departments of Peru have brought forth outstanding performances. Several noteworthy alumni have returned to speak on timely topics. Many of the convocations are being held at night in order that the community of Peru might enjoy them.
The popular drinking toast "Skoal!" goes back to Viking times when Norsemen's victory toasts were drunk from the "skalles," or skulls of their victims. The first Icelandic Parliament met in 930 A.D.
Misses Mary Mowry, Pat Knippelmier, Nancy Guilliati, Joanie Sprieck, and Ceci Evangelist were selected by ihe student body as
candidaies for 1966 Homecoming Queen,
co:~~~o:! ~~e~la:e inC~~:
pop machioo! Happiness is not having mashed potoatoes for dinner!
Dr. James E. Perdue, 1937 Peru graduate, now president of State University of New York College at Oswego, spoke at the op路 ening ~onvocation Sept. 13.
Sadness is studying until 3 o'clock in the morning for a test and then sleeping through the class.
Elementary Dramatic Students
Volume 62
Number 8
"Time winds th' exhausted chain,
To run the twelvemonth's length again.1 Robert Burns 1
Published bi-weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College.
STAFF EDITOR .......... Joan Bretthorst ASSISTANT EDITOR ......... .. ...................... Mary Budler PERSONNEL MANAGER ...... .................... LaVera Bennett BUSINESS MANAGER ......... .................. Charles Williams LAYOUT EDITOR ............. .. . ... .. .. .. ...... .. .Dennis Hubbard CIRCULATION MANAGER .... .... .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. •.. . Mike Castle COPY EDITOR .... Sheryl Barrett SPORTS EDITOR .. Larry Nedrow PHOTOGRAPHER .. Walt Rimmer ADVISOR ....... Mr. Jamcs Keck REPORTERS-Bob Beran, . John Bernadt, Kathy Downing, Jack Gaines, Phil Herbster, Paul Hore!, Mary Hunzeker, Maxine Lyons, Chloe Miller, Charlotte Nedrow, Mary E. Oestmann, Ruth Rath· bun, Ric Ray, Ann Ritter, Lynn Sailors, Regina Stalder, Mary Straight, Bernadine Fintel, Wayne · Miller. The alined letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of tho Pedagoglan but of Individuals. Thi editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
., }!:~ent P~~!~~ _w. ~"' I Leaves For Study Prof.·· Wilson
PERU PEDAGOGIAN Monday, January 23, 1967
On the evening of Jan. 9 at "1: 30, 'Mr. Moor e' s elementary dramatics class presented a program of one-act plays. There were three. groups each responsible for ch-0osing and producing a play. The first play presented w a s "The Answer." rt is the story of a drunken degenerate who ·has accumulated the entire knowledge of mankind. Presenting the play under the direction of David Kramer were Bill B-Owen, Jerry Barnard, Greg Vaughn, John Webster, Steve Mason, Dianne Morrison, Ann Biller and Jean Wewel. Make-up work was by Dan Bolin and Mike Castle. The second play, "The Ma~que of the Red Death," was set in Italy during the Middle Ages. It related a tale of people trying to escape death during a plague. The cast, under direction of Don Dodge, was composed of Linda Shanahan, Kathy Downing, John Miller, Marliss Cramer, Lowell Brown and Dave Alvis. Make-up work for this play was by Mar-
The third play was an oldfashioned melodrama entitled "He Done Her Wrong," or "Wedded But No Wife." In typical melodramatic style it tells the story of a young wife deserted by her ne'er-do-well husband. The play was directed by Chic Williams and Danny Kellenberger. In the cast were Chloe Miller, BaJ.ib Aylsworth, Patty Bindrum, Danna Henry, Dave Brown and Ken Brockman. Make-up was d{me by Ginnie Mullen. Intermission skits were given by Arnold Johnson, Rick Ray, Barry Ray and Jerry Ritonya.
BOBCATS OPTIMISTIC Continued from page 2 they did last year, losing very few meets during the season. Runners placing high and contributing to the Bobcat cause included Tim Hendricks, Steve Cornelius, Dan Trout, and Ron Jones. Bo:bcat harriers topped off the season by placing seventh in the national meet. Coach Pilkington summed up the season this way, "This season was no disappointment and next year we should be even tougher." The Bobcats' roundball season is in full swing with the Bobcats playing better than .500 ball going into NOC play. The Bobcats have lost a few rough road games
AUBURN BOWLING CENTER OPEN BOWLING Saturday 2:30 - 11 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. - 6 PJn. Mon. • Tues. after 9:30 p.m. 274·4320
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Peru Pedagogian, Jan. 23, 1$7
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Redfern Clothing Co.
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Lubrication and Gas Most Brands of Oil Delco Batteries
Girardeau, Missouri; and his -You are invited to browse Master of Music Education dethrough the back copies of the gree from Vandercook College of Peru Pedagogians and PeruviMusic, Chicago, Illinois. ans in the special collections room? and hope to end this bad luck as -It is possible for you to place they go into the conference race a hold on a book in circulation picked as the favorites to repeat which you need so that you as champions of the NCC. Ron can obtain it when it is reSnodgrass, Wayne Heine, Dean turned? Cain, and Dick Estes have led -You may request books which the Bobcats in scoring as the you would like to see placed team is beginning to jell. in the lrbrary collection? -The library has a file of model papers and college s tu d i e s made at Peru State College which may be used in the liAuto Repairs brary? • Major engine work -There is a picture file as well • Automatic trans. as a vertical file in the library • Wrecker service which will -give you supple• Steam cleaning mentary information wh i c h • Lubrication can be checked out for three Fast Dependable Service days? 872·3201 Peru -There is a display rack in the AAA Service browsing room for new materials just processed so that you have a chance to see what is new without having to go through the stacks? -Reserve :books are presently being kept behind the circulation desk where they a r e Drycleaning avail0!ble to you at all times and the library is open?
Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Let Us Care For Your Hair
Did You Know1
-You can borrow from the duplicate sets of encyclopedias overnight from the upstairs Gilbert Wilson, Pr-0fessor of reading rooms? Instrumental Music and Director of Bands, has been granted a sa:bbatical leave to work on his -You may bring your own typewriter into the seminar rooms Doctor of musical arts degree at or the multi-purpose rooms to the Conservatory of Music, Unihelp you in your notations? versity of Missouri, located in Kansas City, Missouri. He will -You have the privilege of borcomplete hi.s course work second rowing books on interlibrary semester and next summer. His loan if your own library does major is conducting and music not have the material? education, and his minor is music history. He has had previous -You may listen to any records from our collection on a spedoctoral study at the Chicago cial record player with earMusical College in Chlcago, Illiphones which is kept in the nois. Other special study includes reserve room? study at Eastman School of Music and an American Orchestral -You can borrow a reserve book League Symposium under the overnight if you return it the directi-On of Eugene Ormandy, next morning at 8:30 a.m.? conductor of the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra. -Y-0u can stop accumulating a fine on a book by reporting Mr. Wilson received his Bachewhen you receive the firs! ovlor of Science degree from Southerdue notice? east Missouri State College, Cape
Repairing and Remodeling Men's and Women's Clothing Forty-nine Years Serving Students and Faculty PHONE 872-2671
Auburn • Nebruka
-The library is often given duplicate copies of magazines which you ,can :borrow so that one need not mutilate the bound· ones? Also, for ten cents a page you can have copies made from periodicals by getting permission to take them to the placement office where the Xerox copier is kept. -You can ,get help with a reference question by asking th e members of the library staff? -Just inside the front lhbrary entrance we post general information as well as specific information on fellowships and scholarships concerning graduate and undergraduate work?
SIMON DRUG CO. Ph. 274-4315 Auburn, Nebraska ,. Largest Selection of Hallmark Cards In Southeast Nebraska Complete Camera and Film Department RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES
Auburn, Nebr.
Page 4
Peru Pedagogian, Jan. 23, 1967
It's got some
ELDON'S CAFE "For the Finest Food in Town" SHORT ORDERS MEALS Open: Monday • Saturday 6:00 a.m. · 10:30 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. • 7:00 p.m. Peru, Nebraska
Campus Life Today Not Bad The life of a student on cam· ployment of time, attendance at pus before 1870 was quite differ- church on Sunday unless exent from that of today. The out- cused, and declamations and of-town students usually arrived compositions once in two weeks in lumber wagons. Expecting an unless excused. empty room, they carried with Things that were forbidden of them their appliances for cookstudents were: the use of profane ing and sleeping. If a young man or vulgar language, the use of had a sister attending school, she intoxicating liquors as beverwould cook for him. The others became quite skilled in cooking. ages, playing games of chance, In the winter the young men attending balls or dancing parfrom the school cut the trees on ties, unpermitted association of the sexes, clandestine correthe grounds for fuel. spondence between the sexes, The lboys wore a very plain writing anything derogatory of style of clothes. The ladies, as a another's character, 1ea vi n g rule, wore plain but neat dressschool without permission, and es. lounging aJbout stores and saThe students (if males, no t loons. less than 17, if female, not less than 16 years of age) had to give The freshmen found this rulsatisfactory evidence of go od ing: no young man shall come moral character before being ac- within· ten feet of a young lady cepted. when on the street or campus. Things that were required of When seeing a friend home in students were: punctuality in all the evening, he may take o n e school duties, respectful obedi- side of the road and she the ence to teachers, diligent em- other.
DR. G. E. MANN OPTOMETRIST Coniad Lenses Closed Wed. p.m., Sat. p.m. 119 No. Sih Si. Nebr. City
Some .general regulations for those students rooming in the dorms were: no visiting during study hours, retirement at or before ten o'clock, egress by 5:30 in the morning, and no leaving the building during study hours,
and satisfaction is guaranteed!
Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday Phone 872-4351
25c Washing . . Lubrication Gas . . Oil . . Tires . • Battery
That Was the Po · That Wasn't! By Kathy Downing •
BOOK REVIEW The Great Hunger lby C Woodham•Smith. The Great Hunger d one of the worst disasters time, the Irish potato fam' the 1840's. It tells how mor one million Irish died of st tion. Unless an Irish laborer ( get a crop of potoes, he and, ramily starved. The potato, , vided it didn't fail, pro great quantities at a triflin· from only a small plot of gr This was, therefore, an e , crop for the small Irish t owners. , In the beginning of July, 1" the potato crop looked exce ' but in August the blight was . covered. This meant almost ' tain disaster to Ireland and .;., people. It wasn't until five or' months after the failure famine began. People were desperate that they would diseased potatoes that ca ;, death in many pigs and cat The disaster was also aided ( the terrible winter of 1846·4 Soon the Irish people beg stream to America. The peo arrived poor and sick and set 1 en masse in the larger cit ' This also created a problem ,, the United States. The Great Hunger descri all of these phases of the f ·· in excellent and shocking de This would be an excellent bo',
There is no known antid ' for the venom of the Kokoa fr· which In<liaoo in Columbi. South America, hunt to get pi> son for blowgun :darts. Stealing a kiss often leads · IDllrriage-a ;perfect example : crime and punishment. Goofing off doesn't pay .. b" the hours and the working co ditions are just wonderful. A swimming pool is a cro ' of people witll water in it. Talking about auto-safety .. to&ay the time paymen1s are high that you can't afford gas: line. Street cleaning in nwst Ru sian cities is done by women. ·
All prices
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FREE GIFT WRAPPING Will wrap for mailing and mail gift if you request it.
Complete Line of School Supplies Revlon Coty Evening in Paris Cosmetics
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JOHN L. LEWIS, Vice Pres. & Cashier
Dinners • Sheri Orders 6:30 a.m. io 10:00 p.m.
fine dl1play of diamond cronesln 14 $16•50 karat gold from
every day
Ron Kroll
Room 234 Majors Hall
Ann Beatty
ELLEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanents, Tinting, Bleaching Phone 3922
Ric Hamer
872-4301 Peru. Nebr.
Havlicek and Long Join Peru Staff Introducing . . . LUMIR HAVLICEK One of the new additions to the Peru State faculty is Mr. Lumir C. Havlicek, who is replacing Mr. Gilbert Wilson in the department of instrumental music. Mr. Wilson is presently work· ing on his doctorate degree at the· University of Missouri in Kansas City. A native of Crete, Mr. Havli· eek received his bachelors de· gree in music from Vandercook College of Music, Chicago, Illi· nois, in 1940. In 1947, he received ·his masters degree in music from the University of NEJbraska. For the past eighteen years Mr. Rav· licek has been teaching in th e Crete High School Mr. iHavlicek's hobbies include photography and music compo· sition. He has had published! four piano march books and twenty compositions of music. Two years ago Mr. Havlicek and his wife, -By Wall Rimmer Bertha, toured Europe for nine weeks. Tired and weary, the second semester siudenls approach !he "pay-here" sign.
Farewell Concert Features Wilsons and Dr. Freeburne The Division of Fine Arts at Peru State College presented Gilbert Wilson, clarinetist; and Mary Ruth Wilson and Frederick Freeburne, pianists, in a recital on Jan. 31 in the auditorium of the Fine Arts building. The concert was given 1because Mr. Wilson is leaving 1Peru State to obtain his Doctorate of Musical Arts Degree at the Conservatory of Music, University of Missouri. The program was divided into three sections. The first consisted of Mr. Wilson on the clar·inet accompaniedi by Mrs. Wilson on the . piano. The piece played w a s "Sonata for Clarinet and Piano" by Mendelssohn. It included "Al·
'Does Christ Live!' Is 'Vigil's' Question On March 16, 1967, the. P.S.C. Dramatic Club will present Ladislas Fodor's The Vigil under the direction of Mr. R. D. Moore. The play consists of the modern trial of a grave-robbing gardener; lbut it is obvious that the. prosecution and defense a re concerned: more with the various attitudes toward the Resurrection of Ohrist that are presented by such characters as Mary Magdalen,· Pontius Pilate, Saul of Tarsus, and many others. Although Mr. Moore has four minor roles to cast yet, he has started! rehearsal with Dave Al· COLLEGE CHORUS TO GIVE ·'LAST WORDS OF CHRIST' IN COMING CONVOCATION On March 22 the college chorus will present "The Seven Last Words of Christ," by Theodore Dubois, in a convocation pro· gram. Emrd Camealy, director of the chorus, emphasized that the work deals with Christ's last be-
The work will feature the
~horus and several soloists, and
Jolene Piper will play the organ ccompaniment. Money can be lost in more . ays than won.
The Havliceks have four chi!· dren and are presently living at Oak Hill. DAllYI,. J;.O?fq Mr. Daryl I;ong, a new add,i· tion to the science and math departments, is lbeginni!lg his first semester as instructor at J>eru State College.
Mr. Long has taught two and one-half years at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. He also taught as a graduate student at Iowa State University, where he received his B.S. and M.S. degrees. :Peru's new 27-year-old instructor is an outdoors.man andi indulges in camping, ooating, sailing amli water skiing, when he can find the time. Mrs. Long has been teaching fourth grade in the Lip.coln school system lbut is planning to retire now. The Longs have a 4-year-old son, Keith, and they are presently living in the Faculty Apartments.
The Voice of the Campus of aThousand Oaks .....
Peru Pedagogian
legro Moderato," "Andante," and "Allegro Moderto." The second: part diisplayed sev· FEBRUARY 8, 1967 PERU STATE COLLEGE, PERU, NEBRASKA Volume 62 Number 9 era! duets played: by Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Freeburne on the piano. The selections played included "Grand Rondeau, op. 107," by Schubert; "Andante, Espanola, folklore, it was obvious that he Visits Literat1Jre Cl~ss Bala1aika, Napolitana, Galop" by was as well acquainted with tall Stravinsky; "Berceuse, op. 56 Later, on Wednesdiay evening, tales as any one who makes a no. 1" by Faure; "Russian Song Dr. Beek visited the American study of them. He began his taleop. 11 no. 3" by Rachmaninoff; literature c1ass and spoke ~bout telling With a humorous anecdote andi "Slavonic Dances, nos. 10 about 'Felbold Feboldson, Ne- the Concord groµp of writersand 2" by Dvorak. "' braska's legendary hero. It Emerson, Thoreau, and Haw.i The conclusion of the program seems that Feboi<l\ accordling. to thorne. He announced! that sur· was a solo by Mr. Freeburne on Dr. Beck, raised unique animals veys taken have showed th a t the piano. The selection played called "hide-ibe'hinds." Th e s e American literature instructors was "Sonata no. 2," which inwere those ibeings that gave you considered Emerson to he t h e cluded "Allegro Giusto," "Modthe feeling of being watched but number one American writer. He erato," and "Allegro Marciale." were never there when you spake of his own personal exturned aroundi to see. The other perience on meeting Emerson's vis, Marcie Anderson, Bill Ausachievement of Feboldi, said Dr. son, which was rather tra.gic tin, Neal Bower, Ro1bert Beran, Beck, was crossing a kangaroo when he realized the man's dyDanny Bolin, William Bowen, with a postauger, thus producing ing mentality. "J.B." Brock, Joan Bretthorst, Dr. Beck also brought for th a "kangaroo-auger." This new Ken Brockman, Marliss Cramer, species proved to be very useful another "Legend of Sleepy HolDon Dodge, Danna Henry, Bruce for digging fence-post holes-for low," this ibeing the story of Larson, Steve Mason, John Millby shooting at the animal o n e Aanerica's Sleepy Hollow Cemeer, Dianne Morrison, Lynd a could cause him to jump forward tery. Here, he said, are the tombs Dr. E. C. Beck Shanahan, Vince Sunderman, of Emerson, Thoreau, and Haw--{:ourtesy of Special Services rapidly, thus leaving a row of Greg Vaughn, and Charles Wil· th()rne. fence-post holes. Iiams. After concluding his story of After spendiing a few days on Dr. Beck then related the fasNathaniel Hawthorne's adiv.enthe Peru State campus, Dr. E. C. cinating story of how America's Hoover Exhibit Proves Beck, l!fl2 alumnus of Peru Col- best-known folk song, "Home on tures and his marriage to one of the Peabody girls, Dr. Beck took lege and recognized Mklore auBeauty May Be Simple thority, entertained the student the Range," originated. It seems his leave of the class, leaving that a Dr. Bruster Higley com· "I have not attempted grand body and faculty at a Febr. 2 posed ,andi sang the song to a dy• that group a bit richer for his having been there. panoramas of the world and its convocation in the college audi· ing cowboy, whereupon the cowOnce named ''Michigan Teachwonders. Instead, I have tried to torium. Formerly head of the poke's buddies heardi it and beshow new dimensions of the fa. English department at Peru gan to sing it around the camp- er of the Year," Dr. Beck h a s written several volumes of balmiliar and the commoruplace." State, Dr. Beck returned to Peru fire. The song spread with each These words of Floyd Hoover ac- to help his alma mater celebrate succeeding cattle drive, and soon lads and folklore, including Songs of the Michigan Llll!lber· curately describe his photogra- its centennial year. it was known throughout the jacks, Lore of the L~ Clll!lP· phy display which recently ocDr. Beck's address, spicediwith nation. and They Knew Paul Bunyan. cupied the Fine Arts lCJbby. tall tales, songs, humorous quips, Dr. Beck sang two songs-a and a percussion numb e r , By using ~tark black-and-white Nebraska lullaby, "Little Old DID YOU KNOW? brought a rousing cheer from the contrast, 'Mr. Hoover has restudent body. He 1began his ad- Sod Shanty in the West," and a Will the taxpayer become vealed for the public the inherdress by saying of the micro- rollicking saddle solllg. He menAmerica's first natural resource ent beauty of even the simplest tioned that there are two kinds phone, "One of these things is to become exhausted. object. For example, his pictures just like a spittoon-it's no good of cowiboy songs:, the saddle song included a ruffled: water surface, and the cllimpfire· song. He recited if you dion't use it." Of his beThe Apollo project will require shadowed hills and a windmill, ginnings at Peru, he revealed severa'l folk pieces, among them three men to get a good look at fallen leaves, leaves floating on that "I came without money and "The Cowlboy's Prayer" and the moon, an undertaking formwater, a door and padlock, and a with little sense." He d~mon "The Hobo. Philosophy." erly' requiring one man and a shingled roof. strated his pride in Peru State As a surprise ending to his girl. Mr. Hoover, retired Registrar College iby announcing th a t convocation performance, Dr. Vacationers always come back of the University of Nelbra,ska, "Peru has put more people into Beck demonstrated !bones as a has had one-man shows at San. 'Who's Who in America' than percussion instrument, accom- home with a wonderful tan that ford Museum, Joselyn Art Muse- any other teacher training ins ti. panied :by iPeru's John Bstandig they got for only $2{) a square um, an<l .the Kansas City Art In- tution in the U. S., irrespective on the piano. He eagerly joined inch. stitute. He has truly distin'. of size." Peru studentis in singing the Things are getting easier; toguished photography as one of Although Dr. Beck claims not "Color Song," thus concluding diay a woman no longer has to the fine arts. to be a scholar, but a collector of the convocation. bend over to pull down her skirt.
Western Folklore Opens Second Semester
\\Frodo Lives!" ls a Rallying Cry E;ditorially Spedking ....
(ACP)-"Frodo Lives!", the rallying cry oi the Tolkein cult, is becoming al.most as well· known to the college and high Chaperones are .an important part of all school-spon· school generation as "Rememlber sored organizational and social events on .this campus, and the Alamo" is to grade-schoolers, they deserve proper treatment. It should be kept in mind notes the University of Denver by those· obtaining chaperones for events that chaperones Clarion. do have families and other obligations and are taking their For the uniruitiated, Frodo is a own personal time to be of aid.. All of us as students will "ho!Jibit"-one of the race of someday be a part of the professional world, and as parents "haflings" who live in Middlewill be an example to our children. If we haven't already earth and talk Elfish. Frodio is learned some manners, it is time we did and time we also the hero of J. R. R. Tolkein'.s demonstrated some. Years of education are worthless in a The Lord of ihe Rings, a 1,3-00moment. of rudeness, and nothing is more unrefined than a page trilogy aibout Bilbo Bag. mannerless individual. Campus organizations, as well as in- gins, who undertakes to the dividuals, can hurt themselves by being thoughtless. There- Lonely Mountain to kill Smaugh, fore, some guidelines are set forth below, and organizations a horrible dragon. and students should discuss them and make an effort to The Lord of the Rings, publshed in 1956, was the result of use them.
a temptation, which Tolkein coul<ln't resis~ to make. a country to go with one of the lan· guages he had invented. The first fantasy, The Hobbit, written in 1937 to amuse his children, is a charming story of Middle-earth in which small, warm, and peaceful creatures played through life as one large adiventure. Now 74, To1kein has managed to delight not only his children, but also readers al'l over England and America. His zealous fans are devoted both to him and to his "delicious world of escBJpe." The Tolkein Society of America, which had 800 members at last count, analyzes Tolkein and his books. Two magazines are
published regul:arly "in c · tion of Talkein's achieve A recent Life magazine stated, "This is more than enthusiasm; this is passion inhobbited, joyous ·passion." EvelJJ the University of rado is partially under the Bruce R. Beatie, German comparative literature prof was to present a Tolkein T in early December. TeJ1llledi bright and: shining evening Frodo alJJd friends," the Talk was to center on a discussion "On myth, reality, and vance: fue success of J. R. Tolkein's Lord of ihe Rings."
1. Chaperones should be asked at least two weeks in
Inside Hitler's War
advance. THE LAST BATTLE, by C 2. Organizations should offer to provide transportation nelius Ryan. for chaperones, if necessary, and at least offer to "True love is like ghosts, wtich The aq11proach of Valentine's pay baby-sitter charges. The Last Battle is a dirama 3. Representatives of the organizatfon in charge of the Day, Tuesday, February 14, everybody talks albout and few chronicle of the thundering have seen." event should greet chaperones as ·they arrive, and brings about thoughts of· love-max of the fa11 of Berlin w Francois, act as though they exist and help them to feel either universal or toward one's Due. de la Rochefoucauld Hitler's Third Reich fell a sweetheart. A collection of views a part of the group. World War II drew to a close 4. Students in charge of the event and organization on love by various writers fol- "Sing we for love and iclieness, Europe. The Americans bomb members should be readily available to aid chaper- lows: by day and .the RAF by nig Naught else is worth the ones in case of difficulty, and should introduce ''God made Man having." Ezra Pound Three billion cubic feet of rwbb themselves to the .chaperones. lay in the streets, almost half , Frail as a bubble; 5. Chaperones should be definitely thanked by the or''Lovers are commonly indus- Berlin's ''I,562,000 dwellings h God made Love, ganization and those in attendance when the event trious to make themselves un- been destroyed or damaged:, a Love made TroUlble." easy." is over. Cervantes at least 52,00() people were de . Oliver Herford Just because we, are away from home is no excuse to ''Required in every good lover This book iby Cornelius Ry be discourteous• We are at all times a precept to others. "Respect is what we owe; . . . . the whole alphabet .... depicts the lives of hundreds love, what we give." Remember that you too will be cailed upon to be a chaperPhilip James Bailey Agreeaible, Bountiful, Constant, people who were involved-S ·one, at a n.ot too distant time, and .there is no excuse for Dutiful, Easy, Faithful, Gallant, viet and Germ<tn comma poor breeding! Honouraible, Ingenious, Kind, Berlin citizens, members of "Love seeketh not itself to -Beth Ann Terwilleger. Loyal, Mild, Noble, Officious, ident Roosevelt's .cabinet, fro please, • • *• • Nor for itself hath any care, Prudent, Quiet, Rich, Secret, line soldiers of the al1lllies ' ~ 'Tlie.·recent unfortunate incidents involving the boys' But for anGther gives its ease, True, Valiant, Wise ... Young the Germani generals and t dormitories provided an excellent display of thoughtless, Cervantes woman dental technician wh And builds a heaven in hell's and Zealous." childish behavior; At no time should college students, many despair." William Blake knew what the Allies ilidn' of whom are destined to become teachers and community know but wanted to-the where "Love is an art, and the leaders, find it necessary to provoke tempers and answer abouts of Adolph Hitler! greatest of the arts." violence with violence. Not only did these unnecessary Edward Carpenter On \Sunday evening, Febr. 12 events cause physical injury to students, but they also Ryan descri!bes piecing to and 19, the SGA will present the gether the details of how a pl ·served to lower the self-esteem. of the participants. It' is natural to judge the many by the few and thus form vir- "Pains of love \by sweeter far movies "Good Neighbor Sam" for the occupation of German Than all other pleasures are." and "Charade" in the Fine Arts tually baseless .prejudice. was foJ1lllulated by Rooseve J ahil Dryden Auditorium. The first, a comedy, The next time tempers rise and anger flares, rememand then filed and forgotten · stars Jack Lemmon and blonde- the War Department. Ryan al ber that physical manifestation of displeasure sol.ves little "Earth's the r1ght place for haired Dorothy Provine. An op- describes how uniquely the G and increases the problem at hand. Those students who love; en-minded husband finds that his man intelligence cBJptured th are proud of this campus do not like to see its reputation I don't know where it's likely wife can be quite provincial in Allied plan for the occcupatio undermined by a few unthinking rebels. Please think before to go better." Robert Frost her views when he attempts to you act!! of Gel1lllany \before it was ratifie -Joan Bretthorst. "I could not love thee, dear, be a good neighbor to a beauti· at Ya1ta.
Sweet Thoughts in February
'Sam' Is Coming
Campus To Campus By Ruth Washburn University is one of the schools participating in the Semester 1967, in which students
PERU PEDAGOGIAN Wednesday, February 8' 1967 Voltime 62 Number 9
" 'Tis always morning some· where in the world." -R. H. H. Horne Published bi-weekly during the · academic year, except holidays· and 'between . semesters by the students . of Peru State College, ·· Peru, Nebriska 68421. . STAFF EDITOR .......... Joan Bretthorst · ASSISTANT EDITOR ... :....... .. ........ ...... ...... .. Mary Budler BUSINESS MANAGER ......... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •Charles Williams CIRCULATION MANAGER .... ....................... Mike Castle SPORTS EDITOR ..... ;.......... ...................Dennis Hubbard PHOTOGRAPHER .. Walt Rimmer LAYOUT ............ Phyllis Groff, Charlotte Nedrow and. Staff ADVISOR ;............ James Keck REPORTERS-Rita Biggs, Marie Ballue, Greg Vaughn, Louise Luridstedt, Shirley Pratt, Dave Alvis, Dan Koch, Vernyce Schmidt, Charlotte Nedrow, Mary Everhart,· Charles Williams, Beth . Ann· Terwilleger, Chloe Miller, Ann !Utter, Lynn Sailors, Ruth Rath· bun, Maxine Lyons, Jack Gaines, Mary Hunzeker.
The aiglled ·letters printed in thla paper. do not refle.ct the opinion of the Pedaioifail but of lncllvldUals. The editor relervea the right to edit them .for publication. ..
Rathbun. are traveling to Copenhagen. Other schools going are the University of Kansas, Bethany Col· lege, the University of South Carolina, the University of Colorado, Towson State College, Oregon State. University, Illinois State University, and many oth· ers. They departed from New York on Jan. 29, and are visiting Reykjavik, Iceland, Aal\borg, and Copenhagen.
ful woman. "Charade" provides so much, a mountain setting, and Cary Lov'd I not honour more." Rich\U'd Lovelace Grant and Audrey Hepburn are the cou¢e caught up iDJ a "Love is a flame to burn out strange and intriguing adventure. human wills, Love is a flame to set the will The Apollo project will require on fire, three men to get a good 10<1k at Love is a flame to cheat men the moon, an undertaking forinto mire. merly requiring one man and a One of the three, we fnake girl. .Love what we choose." Why does every day have to Johil M;isefield start out with a morning.
· A record number of mid-term graduates will · receive degrees January 26 at Kearney State College. The Very Rev. H. W. Linn, president of Creighton University, will give fue commencement address for tte 115 graduating seniors.
-:Mary Hunzeker.
Cha<lTon State College President Elkins has resigned to take a new pos·ition in Kirksville, Missouri. Dean Nelson has been elected as the new president. Eastern Montana College has a problem oi classroom and space shortages. Some of the new buildllgs that were just built have already been outgrown. According to President Heywood, a planned eight-story classroom building is awaiting state money.
Mr. Ryan spent 3'72 years writ ing The Last Battle. He and! h· team of researchers, reporte and interpreters dug in the ar chives of Berlin, Washington, an London and interviewed peopl from an wa1ks of life in 15 dif ferent countries. Mr. Ryan's ef forts are to be commended, an this book is sure to rank as a literary cla86ic of World War II.
Daumier Carzou Chagall
Cassatt Corinth Dufy
,. Maillol Picasso Renoi~
Rouault Toulouse-Lauirec Van Dongen
Fine Arts Building, Peru State College 10:00 a.m. -
9:00 p.m.
tieru Peciagogian. Feb. S, 1967
·improvements Grace Peru State Campus
WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE STUDENT CENTER FEE? A tjnpical question among studtmts as they realize their financial straits after each semester's registration is "Well, what am I getting for my $10 Student Center fee?" The Student Center was not built with the· intention. of providing a strictly recreational facility for the student body. It was built with the intention of providing areas to house a food service and a bookstore. The $20-a-year fee paid by each student, including night. school students, permits universal student use of the building. The Student Center is financed iby self-liquidating funds and these fees are pledged to the bondholders in payment for the building. Tax funds are not involved. The buHdting not only enhances the beauty of the campus but also provides a social center.
As most etf the students, faculty, and staff of the college will agree, nothing much more than emergency repairs ever happens all at etnce in the Grounds Department. !Each project is a result of deliberate, thorough planning, and is carried out with care and skill.
Most students and faculty . members have noticedi the large natural gas tanks 1by the driveway to the Majors Hall parking lots, .the delivery and removal of vents and large pieces of equipment at the heating plant, and large-scale alterations to the roetf and walls of the plant. This .is all ipart etf a change-over in the heating system from the old coalburning system to new, clean, efficient gas-i>urning equiipment. The college's electrical system is also being changed, with all wirin:g and the entire electrical ·system being mo v e d underground. Good news for those students who got rained on inside of the gym during registration for the second semester-the Grounds Department crew is patching the holes which let so much water into the building; however, the gym will have to lbe re-roofed one of these days.
-Photo by Special Services Peru State College recipients of scholarships from the Nebraska Congress of Parents and Teach· ers are: (back row) Mary Beth Mowry, Beatrice junior: James LeRoy Waltke, Beatrice sophomore:
c. Thomas Rosengren, Omaha senior; Barbara Ann Lampe, Johnson freshman: (front row) Dianne E. Morrison, Beatrice junior; Frances A. Gyhra, Steinauer freshman; Janice Wheeldon, Brownville sophomore: Jane Givehand, Nebraska City sophomore; Mary Lu Hicks, Auburn junior.
may look old on the outside, but Building its interior would give pride to any college or university. It will increase the school's classroom capacity by three classrooms, with a total area capable of seatOPTOMETRIST ing 220 to 250 students. The Coniact Lenses Closed Wed. p.m., Sat. p.m. building is expected to re-open 119 No, 8th St. Nebr. City around the first of March.
''OOCl..•COU", ~NO "COl!t" A.Rt' HolmUro TA.1.0M~MKf
WKl~H 1otMtl~ Olft.Y n11: JIROOUCT o~ TH(~OC.l.•COIJ. COM~AHY.
Singing goes better refreshed. And Coca-Cola -with that special zing. but never too sweet refreshes best.
Coke l"'HiAAKI!)
Bo!Ued under tile authority of The Coca·Cola Company by1 ·
Nebraska Cily Coca·Cola BcHllng Company
CIRCLE X CLUB IS ORGANIZED ON CAMPUS On Monday evening, Febr. 6, the Circle K Club will be organized on the Peru State College campus. The club consists of male studlents and is an international service to the college and community. The Circle K Cluib is sponsoredt by the Kiwanis.
M.E.N. In Prison For Day
Suddenly, the air splif to make way for the unearthly scream which captured the attention of everyone on the grounds; and, as we all turned!, the figure of an old man caught the eyes of all who watched. This was the. im..., age of an outcast, making th e daily rounds of his little world within the fences for a few precious seconds before he would once again 1be forced ib a c k through the deep, black, gaping hole from which he had recently emerged. The scream, in reality, was indeed from under ground, emanating from within the solitary confinement unit of !he slate penal complex. Also, the o1d man, who was in jail on a life sentence for the sex offense-murder of a very young girl, was indeed an outcast among outcasts, having served in solitary confinement since 1959, because of the threat to his life if he were allowed to join the general prison population. This is only one of the mimy sobering sights which greeted the visitors from Peru State College's Delta Chapter of Mu Epsilon Nu on their visit to the Nelbraska State Penal Complex in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Pa,se. a
begin in the 1best traditions of the old prison movies. Upon entering the complex, all visitors are relieved of any items which could aid the cetnvicts in any way. Everyone is then stamped on the hand, and each person must submit to being searched. On~e inside the unit, however, one learns that a modern penal complex differs greatly from the age-old conceipts of prisons, and set ideas must ibe rearranged. The Nebraska Penal Complex is subdivided into two parts, !he
reformatory and !he prison-the d6.fference being, of course, that the former allows much more freedom to its residents than does the latter. The reformatory is actually a dormitory tjnpe affair, where men sleep in bunks, have a television lounge, craft shops, music rooms, and are allowed to work unsUl{Jervised: on jobs such as groundts maintenance. Th e prison, on the other hand\ is the more classic of the two, where the men must stay in 5-lby-7-foot cells and are permitted out into the yard only at certain times, and then only under the constant supervision of the armed guards in the towers above the forty foot walls.
sight of all is the squat, grey building, enclosed separately by fences, which is known as soli· !ary confinement, or "!he Hole," The structure, which houses all those inmates who for some reason must :be watched carefully, is subdii vided into three parts, the worst of which is termed "dry cells." In these the resident is confined to a small cell with no bunk or running water and is placed on a very strict diet. In order to sleep, the inmate who is unfortunate enough to land in a dry cell is provided: with a mattress for no more than eight hours a night. On !he more posi!ive side, the Nebraska Penal CO!lliplex · is very concerned with the rehaJbil itation of its prisoners, and therefore conducts regular classes for .the inmates. All prisoners who have not earned the equivalent etf a high school dipletma are required to attend; these classes, although everyone is urged to take adrvantage of them. The classes cover almost all areas of study, and .they range from first grad!e level all the way to college work.
Another point of pride with !he penal complex is their Pris· Tours of the state penitentiary Perhaps the mo s t s!ar!ling on Industries program, in which the inmates are engaged! in skilled> work such as licenseplate making, agricultural work, and woodworking. Examples of Appliances - Sporting Goods the inmates' handiwork, as far Hunting and Fishing Licemes as the woodworking is con. PERU 872·2561 CECIL BOWMAN cerned, may be foundl in some of the furniture located in several spots throu.ghout the Peru State College Camipus.
Complete Line of School Supplies Revlon Coty Evening In Paris Cosmetics
Although the tour of the prison complex provided an inter- · esting afternoon, most members of Peru's Delta Chapter of Mu Epsilon Nu seemed! somewhat relieved to .be on the outside once again. Many, however, felt that such a tour might provide a deterent to crime-especially where the young person is concerned.
Peru Peda~. ·Feb. 8, 1967
Poll Taken On Food Plan
Dress Rules For Student· Center Now Relaxed
Last week it was :rgain proved casual attire will be pel'lllitt. "I think it . would :helrp out a Recently, an editorial appeared on both the favorable and1unfa" that the administration and: the the Stud~nt Center for men· in the Pedagogian calling fo r vorable ballots. Many of those great deal; maybe more would stud~mt body can work together women students. Studyinrg ·· . the adoption of :some form of a who were· opposed to the si!ven- stay O/:l week-ends." in ·healthy cooperation. The Stu- also be permitted, indud[ng; ' seven-day meal plan at Peru day board plan stated that they "I would. rather be able to dent Center Board plans the rec- ing, .group discussion, etc;" State College. In response to that seldom remained in Peru on cook in my room.'' reational program of the center in the cafeteria will be, enfo · ·. editorial, a survey was complet- week-ends, and would! not take "I return to Omaha·. on the and serves in an advisory capac- by the Student Center Dire' ' ed last week in the three resi- advantage of the plan even if it week-ends.'' ity to the administration. The or her assistants. ··.~ dence halls on campus in order were adopted. These people "Perhaps we could use a punch Board o:nemlbers presented' an The dress regulations are '(, to .det~rlnine the support such a therefore felt that the plan system, whereby the student oµtline of policies to the admin- meal periods 0breakfast, 1un:: plan would receive if and when would not warrant the extra would be refunded for the meals istration, and succeeded in gain- dinner) for five days in it were made available to the cost which would be involved. he. didri't eat." ing acceptance of new dress rules week shall be: (1) "wome · students. The poll was limited to Others felt that making the caf'iWe could have a two-hour for the Center. The present rules standardi dassroom attire; .: Majors Hall; Morgan Hall, and eteria available on week-ends and regulations for clothing in coats"; (2) "men-slacks, sb'.' De~ell Hall for the simple rea· would be wasteful, since the brunch rrom 11-2 on Saturday the lounge are that "Presentable or sweaters; Shorts, T- · so~ that the residents of the dor· "Bob-Inrr' is available and could and Sunday." sweatshirts, are not accept .· mitories would be most directly be opened for longer periods of dress. Men will wear socks a. aff~cted by any changes in the time on Saturday and Sunday. · acceptable footwear in the drn''. school's board and room policies. The response most often heard room.'' Most important .to s... Also, the response to the poll was was a plea for some sort of an dents on Friday evening dinit: somewhat less than total, and optional plan, either in the form is that "dress shall be PRESE :. therefore; the poll is not as com- of two separate programs, to be ABLE CASUAL ATTIRE." ( plete as it could possibly have chosen between by the individu. dents can demonstrate their , al at registration, or in the form been. turity in using good ju<l:grri . Statistically, the three resi· of a pay-by-the-meal plan. which Theodore Ullmann, renowned York University, Columlbia Uni- with this new privilege. dences seemed to be very heavi· would allow students to pay .for pianist, will perform on the Pe- versity, .Shrivenham (England) can also bear in mindi ·that · .· ly in favor of a seven-day board each meal separately. Many felt ru State Campus· Monday eve- University, Neward University, Student Center is the "ff plan, although many suggestions this to be the ideal answer bening, Febr. 20. A reciipient of U. S. Army Officer Candidate room" of this particular camrp ! were made as to how tlus should cause not every person is going 'l the $50,000 Smith Johnson School, the Sovbonne, Conservabe done. Individually, Majors to eat every meal. Award for superior music per- toire de Paris, Institute of MusiDAFFY -NISHUNS: Hall provided the biggest margin Some doubts were raised as to formance, the pianist will bring cal Art, and the Juilliard School of ·suppor~69 were in favor of the quality of the food which Cha1ing Dish: A girl who h to Peru selections from Bach, of Music. He was fol1lllerly on the ·plan, and only 22 v o t e d would be served to the students Beethoven, Brahms, Ch: op i n , the faculty of Biarritz American been stood up on a date. against the measure. On the con· during the week-end, some fear· EXlperience: The wonder· Griffes, and Mozart, among oth- University in France and part of trary, Morgan Hall provid€d the ing that it would be inferior to the teaching staff of the J uilliard knowledge that enaibles you _. ers. cfosest vote, and also proved to that served during the week. recognize a mistake when Mr. illlmann, who has ap- School of Music in New York. be the only dormitory in which Cost was another general item make it again. peared in concert on every conthe seven-day plan was not fa- which cropped up regularly. Fol'lllerly, when Mr. Ullmann tinent and in all 50 U. S. states, vored. The vote in Morgan Hall Some felt they could eat cheaper will ,be here under the auspices appeared at Union College in was 37 yes and 40 no. In Delzell elsewhere; and some were not of the Music Artists Bureau. Nebraska, it was said of him, Hali, the Plan was favored by a opposed to the seven-day plan as Possessing AB., M.A., and Ph.D. ''!Mr. Ullmanru is an exceptionally vote of 40 to 20. Altogether, the such, but felt the cost would be degrees, the pianist has attended fine person. We were delighted three residence halls gave the too restrictive. the University of Wyoming, New with his program." good majority of their support Some sample responses: "I think a choice should ·be to. the idea, the margin of victoi,y being 82 votes. The final given at registration and then STUDENTS AND figures were 146 in favor, and pay accordingly;'' "... buy tickets on a weekly THEIR REGISTRATIONonly 82 opposed. Beatnik: Santa Claus the day ..._ Statistics, however, are worth basis." It is ilnportant to have and after Christmas. very little unless some attempt "It's a relief to escape school to present correct class cards Money: The poor man's credit is made to discover the reasons food on week-ends." to instructors concerned. If card. See that you get a good selec· why the votes were cast in the "The college would probalbly you fail to attend a class and College: A fountairu of knowtion ..See ihat the styles are new way in which they were. In this raise the board fees and that to present the class card when ledge where all .go to ckink. and.attrfctiv~. See.that the qua!- ··!; case many suggestfons, criti- garbage is not worth the extra your official registration in ity is. high. Aut first and fore· .! Jury: A grourp of 12 people se· cisms, and conditions were given money." 'most, see tha(thejeweler you '· the office includes such class, lected to decide who has ,the betchoose' is one you. can trust. the result may well become a ter lawyer. the .rest is automatic,· technical Failure on your record later. Your neglect to fol. low through on class .attenAt the close of the fall semesTeri A. Kisby, 1!>6 Park, Coun- dance as registeredi or to ter, Jan. 20, thirty-nine students cil Buffs, Iowa; Beverly A. Kite- withdraw officially, creates at Peru State College are sched- linger, 6305 Boyd, Omaha; Pam- this later .disappointment. uled to receive their degrees; ac- ela J. Lett, Nt!braska City; RobPermanents, 'Tinting, cordJng to the registrar, F. H. ert R. Lierz, Wetmore, Kans.; ·~21500' Larson. On May· 29, at 10 a.m. William R. McVicker, 615 East Bleaching i;r~:.nient~ degrees will be conferred at the Maddson, Millard; David L. PerBill's Clothing & 98th annual commencement. ry, Goff, Kans.; Frank J. RueckShoe Store Phone 3922 Other styles frolll $29;SO Three Bachelor of Science, er, 1602 Washington, Omaha. 1118-J Box 127 twenty-nine. Bachelor of Science Leland C. Schneider, Auburn; Peru Nebr. Auburn, Nebr. 68305 ·ROURKE .J£W$I;:RY in Education, seven Bachelor of Roberta Armstrong Shaffer, FarAtJ~lJRN. Arts in Education degrees are in- ragut, Iowa; Eugene W. Smith, cluded. Auburn; Charles E. Steen, Sullivan, Mo.; Charles H. Stoner, TeThe degree candidates: .Bachelor of Science-William cmnseh; Donald L. Stuart, AubA,_ DePetro, .8-002 Blondo, Omaha; urn; Patrick L. Venditte, 1216 A1fred C. Rimmer, 5018 East South Sixth, Omaha. Bachelor of Arts in Education Trindle Road, 1 Mechanicsburg, Pa.; Ronald W. Robbins, 202 Cen- -La Vera D. Bennett, Sabetha, Phone 274-4348 for Sears Service I>e!>aifulent . Dinners • Short Orders Kans.; Richard W. Berthold~ Neter Street, Fairless Hills, Pa. 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Bachelor of Science in Educa- braska City; Philip R. Dorssom, tion-Bonnie L. Anderson, 3514 Lancaster, Kans.; Melvin G. Hesevery day North Fifty-second Street, Oma- ter, Auburn; Roger J. Lucas, 1108 J Street ha; William D. Anderson, . 211 Dawson; Gary L. Neumann, Ann Beatty Odell; Daniel L. Strecker, Pres· AUBURN Maple Road, Chester, Pa.; Cheryl D. Armstrong, Nebraska City; ton. Katherine M. Black, 5046 Pratt, Omaha; Barbara A. Brandt, mo J Sireet Auburn H~burg, Iowa; William V. Carlson, Falls City. ·1v·. · ·· ,. Larry L. Christensen, Casey, Iowa; Wesley E. Dickey, Benedict; Jacqueline R. Dodson, Dean Coulter, R. 8. Plattsmoµth; Angela_ S. Furnas, ,COMPLETE CAR SERVICS Brownville; Grace A. Haneline, Phone 274;4100 Nebraska City; Robert L. Hayn, 25c Washing . . Lubrication Route 2; East Alton, m; Blanche Razor Shapins Appointments Highfield, Plattsmouth; Thelma Gas .. Oil •• Tires .- • ,~~ttery 'Available and Styling A,. Hoschar, Murray; Sheryl S.
peru T0 H .. .OSt p R d .·ani·st enowne .' •1 . ..· ·.
Thirty-nine Achieve Degrees
·Wayne Smashes Peru
Hastings, and also their 57-50 triumph over Tarkio College Friday. "The team showed great courage in botlh ball games," McIntire saiid. "A lesser team might have panicked and lost their poise after losing their scoring leader." With Dean Cain and Wayne Heine leadling the way, Peru won with surprising ease. Cain, who hit five of his first six fielders, sparked Peru to a five :point lead at the five minute mark. The Bobcats were never agaiin outscored. Hot-shooting was the key to Peru's Saturday night victory. Peru hit for .5135 mark from the fieldl, whereas Hastings hit for .3117 of their field goal attempts. Cain was the leading Bobcat scorer with lit points, and Heine chipped in 16. Big Glenn Mays captured 22 points to leadt Hastings.
Wayne State College handed Peru its first conference loss, !f886. The Jan. 2S contest was Pe·ru's first NCC loss as compared with two wins. Wayne use cl! well-balanced orirug and a tight defenGe as eir .two main ingredients in e victory, the first by Wayne t Peru since the 1959-60 season. Bab Stratlnnar lead Wayne's coring attack with 25 points. is ·14 first-half points sparked ayne to a 47-36 halftime lead. 'or Bob Hope and Freshman an !Elofson helped Strathmar the scoring department with () points apiece. With 12·:15 left in the first half, Ofson made a lay-up which oke a 14·14 tie. Wayne never iledi the rest of the game. In e next ten minutes of play the ildcats took a 17..potnt lead, heir largest margin of the game. eru cut the lead to 11 at half·
g by Wayne, made the effort
For anyone who follows Nebraska U., the Huskers are currently leading the Big Eight with a 4-1 record.
'D!-1; 11HJNK Golr-1'.l 10 CCUIGe IS 6'™T-W!' t7AD CAM~ UP ~~WEE:!< AN' ?AIP IF ! ~T'A'( l'!7 AA\1610 TAK'e 50ME COU~af
Bobcats Bounce Antelopes
dumb she believes the English Channel is the one on TV on which you watch British movies.
eless. Wayne showed> go o d Science is making so many coting ability as they hit 33 of strides ahead that it gets increasshots for a .500 shooting mark ing'ly difficult for the laymen to om the field. keep up..The latest invention is a toothpaste with built-in food ficit to nine points on three particles, for people who can't casions, ei·ght points four times, eat between every brushing.
Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday Phone 872-4351
Ask About Our
Ron Kroll Room 234
Majors Hall
Twice in the second: half, Kearney pulled to within nine points of Peru, the last time at 57 -66 when Rod Karsten hit a 15-foot jump shot with 7:2S remaining. But then Peru, led by Cain's six points, ibrake the game wide open. Peru displayed superior field goal shootirug and vast rebound dominance in the 19-point victory. The Bobcats hit 34 of 65 from the field: for .50~, whereas Kearney hit .for only .364. Peru snared 53 .rebounds; while Kearney State managed to gra:b 39. ~he upc-Oming Peru St ate schedule shows the Babcats playing two non-conference games with ,Northwest Missouri State (at Maryville) and Doane (at Crete), respectively.
Ric Hamer 872-4301 Peru, Nebr.
In most recent polls U.CLA. is a unanimous selection for the number one )basketball rating in the country. In the last poll they captured all the votes for first place. The main reason for this is the ibrilliant play of Lew Alcindor. Alcindor, in one of his recent outings, scored 21 field goals which ties the record held by Dave Stallworth, ex-Wichita star, and Cazzie Russell, Michi· gan alumnus. Alcindor ended with 45 points. At this point it looks as if U.CLA. is going to be tlhe team to •beat for the national crown.
PSCDumps Tarkio
Peru got revenge Jan. 20 with a 57 -50 triumph over Tarkio College, who had beaten the Bobcats earlier this year by a score Of 96-32. Peru's victory was largely attdbuted to its dominance in re· bounding. Peru pulled down 58 reboundls as compared to Tarkio's Coach Jack Mcintire an. games. Snodgrass was a three- 34. With 9:4& left in the first half, no\Ulced rast Friday morning year letterman arud had twice that his starting center, R o n played on Peru State teams in Peru took the leadl, which they \Snodgrass, was dropped from the NAIA tournaments. Snodgrass' never relinquished the rest of Bobcat ro\Uldlball squad for dis- absence will hurt the Bobcats' the game. Earlier in the first half chances for winning a' second the score was tied six times and ciplinary reasons. Mcintire said1, "I regret that straight Nebraska College Con- the lead had changed hands three times. Peru led at halftime I must take this action. Ron has ference championship. ..,.,Dennis Hubbard by a 31-24 margin. made a •big contribution .to o u r basketball teams for several seaPeru Jedi throughout the secsons, but I c&nnot disregard vioThe undergraduate discovered ond half 1by margins of 8-12 lations l}f training." He confm- a way to cut classes at !<he cor- points. Tarkio made a gallant ued, "this action was taken in respondence schooJ. he attends. comeback, trailing by only five line with ou; phnosophy th a t He sends in empty cards. points with two minutes to go. participation .Jn va~sity atliletics Epitaph for the tombstone of a During the last six minutes of demands certain sacrifices of the cool musician: ·~an, this cat is play Peru played a control type individual." · · · really gone." ' of offense. Snodgrass, who has scored! at The Post Office Department S0phomore Bob Lovejoy made a 19.7 clip so far this season, didn't want to teach its emp'loy- his first start as a Bobcat and will be sorely missed during the ees geography, so they decided to played a fine game. Lovejoy rest of tlhe season. His 316 points teach the rest of the country a scored nine points and pulled during .t~e current season h a d system of numbers. down 14 rebounds in his inaugmoved hiin in to second place iii Television has been called a ural game. all-time. P~ru State S\!Oring with medium because so little of it is Peru's defense was much im· a career total 1,369 points 'in 84. either rare o well done. proved from the previous clash with Tarkio. The Bobcats he 1d Tarkio guard Skip Shear to a lone point. Shear was ranked 36th in the NAIA scoring with a 23.2 scoring average. He hit 41 points against Peru in their ear-· PHONE 872~2331 lier contest. ·Member F~D.l.C. Dean Cain and Wayne Heine led the Peru scoring attack with 14 rpoints apiece. Bill Rinne addINVITES YOUR BUSINESS · ed 11 counters for Peru. CAROOU. LEWIS, JOHN L. LEWIS, Heine led Peru in r~bounds Vice Pres. & Cashier ; .:Pres~dent with 17. Dick Estes equalled Lovejoy's 14 rebo\Uld output.
S nodgrass' Presence To Be Missed
Rex Rains
Although it is still the ro\Uld· ball season, several athletes are working out for the upcoming · track and baseball seasons. The baseball and track fans have promising outlooks, as iboth have numerous returns back from last year's squad.
and· to seven points with 3:24 Peru State College opened Neleft in the game, but Wayne re- braska College Conference play sponded in convincing fashion to with a resounding 84-60 victory each thrust. at the exipense of Kearney State Dean Cain and Wayne Heine College. The game, played at paced the bobcats with 16 points Peru, WGs only the second home apece. Bill Rinne and George game for the .'.Bobcat hardcourtMoore hit 13 and 10 points re- ers. spectively, to round out the P~ru Four Bobcats hit in double fig. double figure men. ures to pace Peru's victory. Ron Dick Estes led Peru in re- Snodigrass led iPeru State with 24 bolUlds with 8. Heine 'had 7 re.. points. Following behind him bo~ds an~ Rinne pulleddown.6. were: Dick Estes, 19; Wayne Five NCC encounters remam Heine 13· and Dean Cain 12 on the Peru State schedule, all of' point;. ' ' them on the road. The game was tiedi briefly at 2-2· but then an Estes fielder put The Interna.l Revenue Depart- Peru ahead to stay. ment has streamlined its tax After six minutes of play, Peru form this year. It goes like this: was leading Kearney by ten (A) How much did· you make points, and at the half the Bobcats led 47 -36. last year? (B) How much have you left? (C) Send B. One beautiful creature is so
By Dennis Hubbard
Ron Snodigrass' wbsence from the Peru State Round!ball squad will really :be a thorn in Peru's side if it goes after its second straigiht Nebraska College Conference Championship. Snodgrass was averaging 19.7 points per game throU'gh the 16 games he had played tlhus far. Coach McIntire will be trying out various squad members to fill Snodgrass' shoes.
Hot-shooting Peru Defeats Hastings Peru State College eicploded for a reso\Uld[ng 7&-64 basketball victory over Hastings College Saturday night. The win, played on Peru's hardcourt, raised Peru State's seaGon record to 11 wins and seven losses. Also, Peru's · win over Hastings pushed the Bobcats into a first place tie willi ·Chadron in the Nebraska College Conference. The starting center position formerly held 1by Snodgrass, was taken over by Bob Lovejoy of Red> Oak, Iowa. Lovejoy and George Moore, Granite City, Ill., shared: Saturday rught's duties at the post. Mcintire praised his Peru chargers after their win over
Hub's Corner
Peru. J>eliagogiati, feb. a, .19B1
Phi Beta Lambda Promotes Interest In Commerce Field Phi .Beta Lambda was organized approximately five years ago with. a membership of fifteen. The main objective of this organization is to promote, encourage, extend, and create interest and scholarship in commerce; to aid in civic betterment in colleges; and to encourage and foster high standards in business and .professional life. To become eligible for this honorary fraternity, a student must have twelve hours in business and must have an over-all grade point average of six in his business courses. Each member is required to pay annual dues of $3.25.
least three guest speakers a year are featured. Officers for the 1966-87 school year are: Ronald McCoy, presi· dent; Charlotte Nedrow, vice· president; Phyllis Groff, secretary; How a rd StubbendieC'k, treasurer; and Sherry Schweisow, historian. The sponsors are Miss Frieda Rowoldt, Mr. Jerry Cox, and Mr. Vernon Kiely. Membership for this year is approximately twenty.
The chapter won the grand prize of $50 for its display during the Homecoming activities last October. This display showed the progress Americans have made during the last 100 years in transportation.
The Peru Unit of the National Education Association is making available a $100.00 Grant for the school year 1967-68.
Peru Squashes NW Missouri
Submit Scholarship Applications Soon
Qualifications: 1. The applicant must be an upper classman who has been accepted for admission to TeachOther activities include at- er Education. tending the state convention, 2. The applicant should have held annually; the annual Christmas party, when gifts a r e a minimum accumulative G.P.A. wrapped for homeless Children; Of 6.5 at the end of the fa1l Se· and an annual picnic held in the mester 1966-87. spring. Meetings are held the 3. The applicant should have second Monday of each month at a full year of studies remaining 7:00 p.m. and all those who are for the school year 1967-68 toeligible are welcome. At these ward which the Grant is to apmeetings information is provided ply at the rate of $50.00 per se· about the business world, and at mester.
AUBURN BOWLING CENTER OPEN BOWLING Saturday 2:30 -11 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Mon. • Tues. after 9:30 p.m. 274-4320
BEAnY GARAGE Auto Repairs • Major engine work • Automatic trans. ..., • Wrecker setdce • Sttam cleaning
• Lubrication Fast Dependahlt Serrict 872-3201 Peru AAA S.rrict
Art and Hobby Supplies Custom Framing Giftware - Lamps
Drycleaning and Laundry
OPEN 6:30 a.m. • 10:30 p.m.
ELDON'S CAFE "For the Finest Food in Town" MEALS SHORT ORDERS Open: Monday · Saturday 6:00 a.m•• 10:30 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. • 7:00 p.m. Peru, Nebraska
January's Friday the 13th proved very unlucky for the Bearcats of Northwest Missouri State College, as the Peru State Bobcats revenged an earlier tournament loss with a victory to the tune of Peru Stlfte 76, Northwestern Missouri State 69. The game was touch-and-go throughout the first three quarters and into the . last quarter, until high-scorer Dean Cain picked up two free throws to pull the Bobcats ahead with a 4. 'lJhe applicant should show financial need for such a Grant.
Application Procedures: 1. Write a letter of application stating the following: A. Brief family background B. Student classiilcation C. Financial need D. Activities participated in while in college E. Future plans 2. Applications must be received no }ater than March 31, 1967. Send applications to: Miss Bradley Associate Dean of Students Fine Arts 215 Peru State College
** Additional
copies of this announcement or additional in· fol.1Jllation may be obtained in Miss Bradley's office.
Mail Question Answered; Special Services Hosts Schoolmen's Day Many students living on cam· pus have been questioning the
lack of weekend mail service to the dormitories. Upon checking with the Special Services De· partment, it was found fuat the Board of Education of State Normal Sohools has ordered that no mall be delivered on Saturdays. However, students may pick up their mail at the downtown post office on Saturdays. On Saturday, Jan. 21, the Special Services Department han· dled the arrangements for the llith Annual Sohoolmen's Day. The celebration was attended by approximately 200. The guests arrived Ja.te in the afternoon, took a tour of the ca~us build· ings, and attended a ddnner in the Student Center and a basket· ball game as guests of ·the college.
Applications for the March 11 and 31 and April a, 196·7 administrations of the College Qualification Test are now avail11ble at Selective Service System local boards throughout 1Jhe country. Elig1ble students who intend to take this test should apply at once to the nearest Selective Service local board for an Application Card and a Bulletin of Information for the test. ·Following instructions in the Bulletin, the student should fill out his application and mail it immediately in the envelope provided to S:mLECTIVE SERVICE EXAIMINING SECTION, Educational Testing Service, P.O. Box 983, Princeton, New Jersey ()8540. To ensure processing, applications must be postmarked no later than midnight, Felbr. 10, 1967. Accordmg to Educational Testing Service, whidh prepares and adi!Ilinisters the Co1lege Qualification Test for the Selective Service System, it wil.l be greatly to the student's advantage to file his application at once. By registering early, he stands the best chance of ibeing assigned to the test center he has chosen. Because of the possibility that he may rbe assigned to any of the testing dates, it is very important that he list a center and center number for every date
Feb. 9: Intramural, 6:00-1():00 p
Feb. 12: SGA Movie, "G Neighbor F1eb. 13-14-16: Intramural, 6:00-10:0() p.
Feb. 17: Campus School Volley Feb. 18i: Basketball, Hastings at Hasti Feb. 19: SGA Movie, "Ob.arad Feb. 20: Pianist, Theodore Wiman, 8:00 p.m., Au Feb. 20: Intramural, 6:00-1():0() p. Feb. 21: Intramural, 6:00-W:OO p
The annual Martlb:a Washi ton Tea, given each year by Peru State College Home Ee omics Club, is scheduled f Thursday, Feb. ~' from th until five o'cloc'k p.m. iru Home Economics Departme This is not an invitational eve 'but is open to the purblic.
Furniture For New COED Dorm Discussed .· A meeting was held du · last week amorug several stud on campus to decide about nishings for the new CO dorm. Miss !Bradley, Dean Women, and Mr. Rosenb Dean of !Men, hope to obt some opinfons so the dorm be adequately furnished to the students who will be livil) in it. on which he will be availab Scores on the test will be directly to the registrant's lo board. Nebraska Testing Centers Lincoln-The University of N. ibraska; MoCodk-McCook C · lege; Norfork-Norfolk J · College; Omaha-Creighton U versity; Scottsbluff-Scott£b College; and Kearney-Kearn State College.
PHONE 872·2811
FIOR SALE: 1957 M.G.A.; Lot green; Only one problem, has no heart. Contact Gary terise.
Redfern Clothing Co.
"The Store of Standard Brands'' .Phone 274·3820 Auburn
FREE: · Mixed! terrier.. squirrel hunter and watchd Contact Marie Ballue, Box 2 &21 7th Street, Peru, Neb.
Ph. 274-4315 Auburn, Nebraska Largest Selection of Hallmark Cards In Southeast Nebraska Complete Camera and Film Department
Students Advised To Submit SSCQT Applications Now
Repairing and Remodeling Men's and Women's Clothing Forty·nlne Ytars Serving Students and Faculty
thin lead of 68 to 66. Stalling, the Peru players forced the Bearcats into fouling during the last two miruutes of play, raising the score to Hs final peak of 76 to 69 in favor of Peru State. Cain, with 23 points, was high scorer for Peru, with Snodgrass next w}th 19, Heine with 17, Rinne with ll, Estes with four, and Moore bringing up the rear with two points. Ken Sheridan, who led Northwest Missouri's team with 31 points, was the high scorer by a single player for either team. Sheridan will most certainly make Northwest Missouri's team tougher competition next season. The away game victory against the Bearcats ibrought Peru's number of wins up to nine out of 15 for this season, raising the total number of wins by Peru teams coached by Jack Mcintire to 170.
Auburn • Nebraska
For Your Hair
lubrication and Gas Most Brands of Oil Delco Batteries
Auburn, Nebr.
Let Us Care
Sixty-two ·Earn Dean's List Honors Palma Holding, Burt, Iowa; liam Kerins, LaGrange, lll. Sixty-two students at Peru CharlOtte HerghJ>erger ·Nidraw, Kay Jackson, Red Oak, Iowa; State College have been named to the Dean's Honor Roll for the Jerry Jacobson, Nebraska City; Falls City; Nancy Reidy, Wor1966-£7 fall semester, according Sheryl Davis Johnson, Syracuse; cester, M:ass.; Mary Schriner, to Dr. Keith L. Melvin, dean of Donna Kohrs, Johnson; Terry Lincdln; \Michael VWallis, lle11eKuenning, Auburn; Nancy Lar- vue; ru~rd .Zapatankk, West the college, Eligibility for the Dean's Hon- son, Villisca, Iowa; Mildred Mas- Field, N.·J. or Roll, requires a grade point tin, Tecumseh; Virginia Miles, Se>phomores---Oary Ahlin, Bark average of 7.:l5 or above on a 9.00 Falls City; David Perry, Goff, River, Mich.; Mike· Barsi, Mawmb, Ill.; Gloria Bean, Council Kansas. grading scale. Bluffs, Iowa; Mary Budler, BradDonald Pieper, DeWitt; Ronald Thirty of the 62 students are seniors, 14 are sophomores, 13 Robbins, Fairless Hills, Pa,; Tom shaw; Kenneth Carnes, Auburn; are juniors and five are fresh- Rosengren, Omaha; BobbieArm- Mary Hunzeker, Humboldt; 'Barstrong Shaffer, Farragut, Iowa; bara Johnson, Red Oak; Iowa. men. Janice Kelly, Falls City; Vir· The honor students are listed Katherine Shaw, Sabetha, Kans.; Charles Stoner, Tecumseh; Mary ginia McNichols, Sidney, I<YWa; as follows: Seniors-Devon Adams, Peru; Tackett, Tabor, Iowa; Nancy Gary Obermeyer, Brownville; Sheryl Gawart Barrett, Nebraska Vanderbeek, Adams; Ga& Viter- Beth Petrashek, Pawnee CitY; City; Rodger Bassett, Syracuse; ise, Minsteed Rd., Newark, N. Y.; Marilyn Sugden, Adams; James Waltke, Beatrice; Jean ·WilkinBarbara Brandt, Hamburg, Iowa; Alan Zipper, Hillside, N. J. Juniors-Joan Bretthorst, Dun- son, Humboldt. Elizaibeth Cook, SaJbetha, Kans.; Delores Clark, Peru; Pat Corri- bar; Philip •Brutto, Omaha; Carol Freshman-Greta ·Bernadt, Wygan, Casey, Iowa; Donna Dankof, Chandler, Shubert; Jean Egger, more; Eric Cerling, 'Belmont, Hambupg, Iowa; Wesley Dickey, Douglas; Julia Emery; Nebraska Wis.; Larry Cotton, Omaha; KaBenedict; Jacqueline Dodson, City; Mary Lu Hicks, Auburn: thy Reed, Hamburg, Iowa; Mary Terry Johnson, Humboldt; Wi!- Vopalensky, Morse Bluff. Plattsmouth.
The Voice of the Campus of aThousand Oaks . . .
Renowned Pianist Honors Campus Monday evening, Feb. 20, Theodore Ullman, renowned pianist, presented ihe Peru faculty and students with a concert of classical music, including selections from Bach. Beethoven. and Chopin. Ullman has appeared in concert on every continent and in all 50 United States of America. He has been highly praised for his work in the musical field, and was the recipient of the $50,000 Smith Johnson. Award for .superior music performance. Ullman. who is in world concert· tour under .the cultural exchange program of the Music Foundation Artists Bureau, holds AB. MA. and PhD degrees. He has studied at the University of Wyoming, New York University, Columbia University, Shrivenham (E'!lgland} University, Newark (N. J.) University, The Sorbonne, Conser· vatoire de Paris, and Institute of Musical Art, Juilliard School of
Volume 62
Number 10
FE:BBU M\Y. 221 1967
Bills, Bills, Bills! Then &Now
The infonnation in this story Peru State first began operat- steads, ta,bles, and chairs. All ing as a college on October 24, other articles needed were to be was taken from catalogues of 1007 under the name of Peru furniShed by the students. Wash- those y~ars at Peru, At thll.t time State Normal School. At that ing would be done for $.50 per it probably set!med to pee>}>!~ time, tuition and room· and board dozen clothes. Wood was fur- that expenses for an education were considerably lower than nished for $3.50 to $5.00 per cord. were high, just as they seem that In 1&7·0 tuition was approxi- way to us today. they are today. In fact, it may seem almost unbelievable that mately two dollars higher or low such a small total amount could er in each department. 'Board have paid for an education at without room per week was $S.00, Va~uable and board with a furnished room any time. The tuition per term in 1867 was $3.50. The catalog for this was $8.00 for the NoNnal Depart- year also revealed that total exment; $6.00 in the Model School; penses· for students who boarded 1 $8.00 for the Seminary; $10.00 themselves should be less than The Division of. Child Welfare for Music on the Melodeon; and $90.00 a year, and that no stuin the Nebraska Department of $2.0() for Latin, which was to be dent should spend more than Public Welfare is .offering a liman extra course. Room rent to $160 per year. ited number of summer work In 18&3 many student& could Dr. Alex V. Nichols, associate Donner Laboratory at Berkeley; those living in the Building was placements in the program to professor of medical physics and from 1954 to 1955 he was a San $4.00 per scholar per term. Board rent unfurnished apartments at qualified undergraduate students. 1biophysics at the University of Joaquin County Heart Associa- was $3.00 per week. Books and $1.00 to $2,00 per month and Applications should be made to California at Berkeley, will serve tion research fellow at this la;b- stationery were to be purchased furnish them. the Merit System prior to March In many of the catalogs the as a visiting lecturer at Peru oratory. From 1955 to the present in the village at reasonable rates. 31, 1967. In the school year of IS75-76 following price list was given for State Tuesday and Wednesday, time, Dr. Nichols has been a reApplicants for the Social search biophysicist there as well prices 'Were a little higher. There rooms: Febr. ~ and March 1. Worker-in-Training program 2nd floor, front, except for coras associate professor of medical was an entrance fee of $5.00 for must have completed their junior His visit will be under the physics and biophysics fro ~ all students who haMt paid it ner rooms: Fall, $7; Winter, $6; year of college by the end of the auspices of the American Associbefore. There was board.jng with Spring, $5. 1!164 on. spring semester 1967, must be ation of Physics Teachers and the private families which included 2nd floor, rear, except for corgiving serious ce>nsideration to American Institute of Physics as furnished rooms, fuel. and light ner rooms: F, $6; W, $5; S, $4. a social work career, and must part of a broad national proat $3.00 to $4.00 per wee~. In 2nd floor, rear, except for corWelcome to Circle K be willing to work for appr.oxi.gram to stimulate interest in On the evening of Monday, the boarding hall prices were ner rooms: F, $5; W, $4; S, $3 . mately three months in the Ne· .physics. This ·program, now ten from $2.75 to $:5.0Q per week. If 3rd floor, front, except for cor'. braska County Division Of Pubyears old, is supported by the Fehr. 6, a new type of organiza- this was paid in advance, it was ner rooms: F, $6; W, $5; S, $4. tion was foNned by a group of lic Welfare to which they are National Science Foundation. 3rd floor, front, except for corabout 30 students. It is affiliated only $2.50 to $2;80 per week. assigned, The student employed Room rent in the dormitory for ner rooms: F, $5.; W, $4; S, $3. Lectures, informal discussions, with the local Kiwanis Club and has no commitment to the pro3rd floor, rear, except for corassistance to faculty members is a service club on the college the fall term was $5.00; the wingram beyond this peridd Of sumconcerning curriculum and re- level called the Cirde K. The ter term, $4.00; and spring term. ner rooms: F, $4; W, $3; S, $2. mer employment. The seleetion search problems in physics, and basic purpose of the club is to $3.00. Rooms in the dormitory 3rd floor, rear, except for corof applicants will be based on the talks with students will charac- aid the college community in were furnished with stoves, bed- ner rooms: F, $3; W, $2j S, $1. successful completion of a Merit· . terize Professor Nichols' visit. any way that it can. System written examill1ltion and Dr. Nichols will also lecture to an interview with the Child WelThe organization began by Dr. Christs's biology class during fare Division authorities. electing officers at the first meethis visit. He will be the guest of The Merit System written exhonor at a meeting of biology ing, Harry Elder, a transfer from amination will be given in Linand physical science students Fainbury Junior College who inThe week of F~br. 6-10 saw the prints or paintings were done coln at the State Capitol on troduced the new organization, .and instructors on Tuesday eveexhibition of calligraph prints by when the artist was 24 years of Wednesday mornings. Those ap· .ning, Fehr. 28'. Professor Erwin was elected president; Richard Richard Martin Ash III in the age. Some of the works displayed p!icants wishing to take the ex· . Selleck, chairman of Peru's Bales was chosen as vice-presi physics department, is in charge dent; Roµ Bartels was elected lobby of the Fine Arts Building. were: "Side View~ of a Circus amination in Lincoln may take Mr. Ash, whose i)aintings and Trunk," "Winnie-ther-Pooh" it on the Wednesday of their of the arra.ngements for his visit. secretary, and Raber! Beran was prints ranged in price from $3-0- "Big Bird One," and "Richa;d choice between F~br. 22, 1967 chosen as treasurer. Dr. Neal S. Dr. Nichols was born in San $5-0, has exhibited his work in the Lionhearted's Gravestone." and April 5, 1967 provided their Gamon and Mr. Larry •Ebner will Francisco, California, and, earned national shows across the United application is received approXiMr. Ash, who makes his home his B.A. in physics from the Uni- be the faculty sponsors as well as States, mately one week in advance of in Dallas, Texas, received his representatives from the Kiwanis versity of California at Berkeley The paintings and prints dis- education at ft. Wayne Art the test date desired. Club. in 1949. He obtained his Ph.D. played at :Peru took on a someDuring the summer of 1967 it degree in biophyoics at Berkeley The Circle K will meet once a what light and comical tone School, Ft. Wayne, Ind., and is probable that placements will in 1005. week at the evening meal with while showing the artist's prefer- Wichita State University. He has 'be avail&ble in both Lancaster '.Fre>m 195-0 to 1954, Dr. Nichols a different type of program every ence for the number "24." ·The al'so served as gallery d[rector for and Douglas counties. An appli.o*ed as a biophysicist in the meeting. number merely meant that the these institutions. (Continrued on page 4,, ce>lumn 1)
Program Offered ·For. future Social Workers
Berkeley s Dr. Nichols To Be Visiting Lecturer
Dallas Artist Martin Ash Displays Calligraph Prints
Peru Pedagogian,
Page 2
22, 1967
Edito:rially Speaking .....
They Are in Your Hands
·why Should I Care? Why IS it that on campus one may make the rounds of the varfous student groups and hear the comment "I should care?''. and then the next moment hear someone use the shopworn phrase, "Why doesn't somebody do something around here?" Far too many times these two attitudes a~e expressed in the sam~ hour by the same person.. Perhaps if some of these complamers would offer constructive suggestions' about the situations they are bewailing instead of sitting_ a'i!o:tmd blowing. steam, their comments would not fall on deaf ears. And it seems that these same people are the ones· who find time to gossip about others and then when you ask them to help, they say, "I haven't got time ... I have this and this and this to do!" There are few organization sponsors and officers who will not adniit that interest in these activities is, liter~lly, "dead." People say, "that business of going to meetl?-gs every month bores me to death. Nobody does anything, and· all I do is wish I were somewhere else." This may be true, but how are we going to get any student intere~t generated unless we make an efforJ: ~o do so! After all, it takes outside force to create electricity. It lS not created of itself. . . Also there have been complaints that the Pedagogian will not ~llow students to speak their minds by means. of letters and complaints. This is n~t tz:ue. ~t ~ ~eq~ired that the letters be signed, but why lS .this so mtlIDldating? Oregon Journal, Portland, Ore. If you feel strongly enough about your ~iews to express them in writing, you should not be afraid to have your friends know what you think. Some will agree and some will not, but does that matter? oh this n0te, ,the Pedagogian. again extends .a ~~re invitation to students of Peru State to express their opllllons .-regardless of what they may be-using it as a medium. By Mary Hunzeker The byword of Peru State College need not be apathy unHave you ever wondered about The Parthenon Frieze was orless we make it so. -Joan Bretthorst, The Editor the eight statues on the ''Campus iginally in Athens in the Par-
Campus to Campus; By Ruth Rath.bun
"... I resign from the n to protect myself. I resign fr those fears." This is a quotat' taken from iMr. Norman Ho berg's letter of resignation fr the faculty of Wayne State lege. Mr. Hoegberg issued t letter on January 27 and t went to get his chair and a sm stove. He sat down to wait his letter of resignation had b accepted and the President call him into his office. His chair w placed on the sidewalk acr the street from the Administ tion Building, where he sat un after nine the next morn' w h en President Brandenb called him into his office to t him that his resignation had accepted and that he had I:> suspended. Some of the fac members and students are sy pathizing with Mr. Hoegberg his feeling toot the campus ·run by fear.
The Hastings College Dr Appreciation Class visited Ne York to see some Broadw shows. While ,they were ther they attended the !M:etropolit Opera's National Company per formance of La Traviaia, th story of the Lady of the Camel lias. They traveled to Greenwi Village for their first musical, th Fanlasficks. After the perform ance, it was arranged for the thenon. A copy is located at the to meet the three lead actors side of the proscenium arch in the play. They also saw SI the auditorium. The artist w as Spangled Girl on their tour. supposed1y Pheidias. He was the artist who supervised the decora· The Board of 'Regents at th tion of the Parthenon. The FortState College of Iowa has ap nightly Club gave this Greek reproved the installation of centre lief sculpture of the Golden Age telephone service in dormito to the college in 1965 and 1906. rooms within the next two year The statue of Minerva or AtheThe new addition will increas na is located in the back of the room rates from $22 to $25. The auditorium. It came to Peru in Centrex service will eliminate 1907 when it was given to the the need for a switchboard. Athenian Society (Women's Debating) by the Fortnightly Art Moorhead State College in ClUJb. Sansovino, an Italian Renaissance artist, was the sculptor. Minnesota produced the musical The statue represents wisdom; comedy ''Oliver!" The produc~ the helmet, war; the robe, dig- tion was staged on four evenity; the serpent, healing and nings, Wednesday through Sat. wisdom; and the shield and urday, Febr. 8-11, in the Center for the Arts auditorium at 8:15. spear, protection. The plaster of Paris statues in the library reading room are of Washburn University of Tope• Ralph Waldo Emerson and Wil· ka, Kansas has lost its head footliam Shakespeare. Both of the ball coach. The Board of Regents life size busts were bought with accepted head football coach, Ed money that was received from Linta's resignation Thursday, Hbrary fines a number of years Jan. 12. Linta announced that h ago. will join the Eastern Michigan Not to be forgotten are the staff as Assistant Director of sun cUal and founiain in the Personnel. As of that date, nq fonnal garden east of the Ad- head football coach had been ministration Building. The sun named. dial was given by the class of 1920, and the fountain was doOne-fourth of all individual nated by the class of 1929. fax returns are from the states of ,
Statuary Obituary
Ghetto and the Gentiles The Rabbi, 1by Noah Gordon; ences as a circuit-riding clergyman in the Ozarks and as rabbi ,McGraw~Hill Book Company. in a race-conscious Georgia The Rabbi is the story of Mi· town, in a sUJburb outside San chael Kind; a boy growing up in Francisco, in a Pennsylvania colthe huge ghetto of Jewish neigh- lege community and in a New borhoods which spreads through- England town !West of BostOit. The Riibbi is the story of how out the ..boroughs of New York, and of how his life is influenced a twentieth-century boy comes by thnie, .unfprgettable men: to devote his life to serving an Isaac :Ri~kind, a .superbly drawn ancient set of ethics; but more, grandfather who links him with The Rabbi is about a good man the rich, tragic past of his peo- striving to do good works in a ple; Rabbi Max Gross; a desper- world that often seems too .disately poor orthodox immigrant, tracted for goodness. Noah Gorwho introduces him to an un.- don's ibook is about a rabbi who changing God; and Abe Kind, his has married a convert and raised father, whose lust for life is a two children in a Gentile-domin· ated society. The Rabbi is not different kind of legacy. merely a "Jewish" novel; it is Interwoven with the tender. an American novel. It is also love story of Michael Kind's mar- one of the outstanding works of riage to Leslie Rawlins, a daugh- fiction of any year. ter of a Connectkut Congrega~Maxine Lyons tional minister, are his experi-
Wednesday, February 22, 1967 Volllme 6Z
Number 10
"If I cannot brag of knowing something, then I brag of not knowing it.
any ratef brag."
-Emerson Published bi.weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between. semesters by the · students of Perti State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR. ;; ........ Joan Bretthorst ASSISTANT EDITOR .......... . . : .................... Mary Budler BUSINESS MANAGER ......... .................. Charles Williams CIRCULATION MANAGER .... ....................... Mike Castle SPORTS EDITOR .............. .. ................... Dennis Hubbard PHOTOGRAPHER .. Walt Rimmer LAYOUT ............ Phyllis Groff, Charlotte Nedrow and ·Staff ADVISOR ............. James Keck REPORTERS-Rita Biggs, Marie Ballue, Greg Vaughn, Louise Lundstedt, Shirley Pratt, Dave Alvis, Dan Koch, Vernyce Schmidt, Charlotte Nedrow, Mary Everhart, Charles Williams, Beth Ann Terwilleger, Chloe Miller, Ann Ritter, Lynn Sailors, Ruth Rath· bun, Maxine Lyons, Jack Gaines, Mary Hunzeker.
The signed lettera printed ln this paper do not reflect the opinion of the Pedagoglan but of individuals. Tlie editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
Lindbergh Kidnaping
Exciting Mystery Kidnap iby George Waller is the story of the most dramatic crime of this century, a crime which shocked our nation. The time was a few minutes after the hour of nine o'clock on the evening of March 1, 1932. While most of the nation's people were preparing for bed, Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., the twenty-month-old son of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, was taken from his crib in his parents' new home near Hopewell, New Jersey. This created one of the most exciting mysteries of all times, one aibout which few people know all the facts. Waller's Kidnap, now for the first time, gives all the details from before-the-crime to the capture, and from the capture to the trial and the execution, which strekhed over a period of four years, one month and two days. -Ann Ritter
of a Thousand Oaks"? Our campus has eight statues, six of which· are located in the auditorium. Five of those six were given to the college by the Fortnightly Art Club, an early college organization. The statue in the back of the upstairs of the auditorium is Horace Mann, the founder of free education. Mann was also responsible for the estaiblishment of special training schools f o r teachers. When the statue was presented by the class of 1909, it was originally in the lobby . of the Administration Building. At the ibase of the statue is the name "Emma Stebbins, Rome, 1863," the sculptress. The copies of the Reliefs from the Founiain of Innocenis at Paris, France, are located on the east and west walls of the back of the auditorium. The seven nymphs of the fountain were carved by Jean Goujon sometime between 1547 and 1549 during the Renaissance period of sculpture. These examples of low relief were given to the college by the Fortnightly Art Club. The reliefs were probaoly first located in the old chapel, which is now the gymnasium and were moved to the present auditorium when it was built in 1920. The plaster statue of the Greek orator, Demosthenes, is located in the northeast corner of the college auditorium. It is , a fulllength statue in-the-round of heroic size. The statue recalls the perseverance of the great orator who is supposed to have walked on the shore of the ocean with his mouth full of pebbles to improve his enunciation. It was presented by the Fortnightly Club in 1907. The original statue, made of manble, is now in the Vatican in Rome. A statue of Saint George stands in the northwest corner of the auditorium. Donatello, the sculptor, made the original in 1416. The original is now in Florence, Italy, in the National Museum. It represents the early Christian period and the killing of everything that was un-Christian.
Some women take U[> the law and 1become lawyers. Others, however, lay dDwn the law and become wives; while some girls complain, "There are three kinds of men-the rich, the handsome, and the majority." Wasn't :Mrs. Washington lucky, the very day that little George was born, the stores all began to have sales.
Oops! The Pedagogian apologizes for and retracts its statement of the last issue which led some students to believe that dress-up attire was no longer required for Thursday evening in the cafeteria. We are sorry if this caused anyone Wlll~essary inconvenience. -The Editor
California, New York, and Penn: sylvania.
'Kiss Me, Kate,' Coming "Kiss Me, Kate" will be presented on April 11 and 13 in the college auditorium by the college chorus. The musica~ a modern adaptation of William Shakespeare's Taming of The Shrew, features music by Cole Porter and a script written by Sam and Bella Spewack. Student director MTill be Jim ·' Butts, assistei:U by Marcy Anderson. General director will be Edward Camealy. Pat Bindrum will be choreographer and Mary Lu . Hicks will play the piano accompaniment. Steve Brodersen, M.E.N.C. president, and Gary Viterise will handle publicity and ticket sales.
Centennial Sweetheart Royalty Reigns The cornation of Miss Lola Morrissy and Bill Rinne as Queen and King climaxed the traditional Febr. 14 Sweetheart Dance. Attendants were Miss Mary McVicker and John Bohaty, Miss Marian Nelson and
Dean Cain, Miss Arlene Moss and George Evangelist, and Miss Joanie Sprieck and Mike Guilliatt. The queen's dress was a sheath of orange crepe with gold sequin trim at the neck and sleeves.
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Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moss of Omaha, Nebraska. She is a sophomore and is majoring in physical education. The lively, petite coed is a cheerleader and enjoys promoting school spirit in many ways. She has varied interests, but especially enjoys dancing and many sports. She enjoys meeting people and has a multitude of friends. Arlene is a graduate of Technical High School where she participated in many activities and received several royalty honors.
May candidate for graduation. Dean has a concentration in physical education and minors in social science and safety education. Dean was King of May Fete in 1966 and was a Homecoming escort in 1965. He has served on the S.G.A. and was also president of Delzell Hall for two years. He is also a member of Blue Devils. Dean is a member of Peru State's basketball team this year and was named an AllTourney player at the tournament in Tecumseh over the holidays. Last year he received honGEORGE EVANGELIST orable mention as a member of JOAN SPRIECK George Nicholos Evangelist, the NOC All-Conference team. Miss Joanie Sprieck, daughter Dean's future plans are to of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sprieck of son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Louisville, was a candidate for Evangelist of Newark, N. J., was coach and teach. Sweetheart Queen. Joanie, who chosen as one of the attendants MARY McVICKER is majoring in elementary edu- of the Sweetheart Royalty, who Mary McVicker is the daughcation, has been a cheerleader reigned over the Sweetheart ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mcfor two years. She was a lady- Dance Tuesday, Febr. 14. George is .a senior at Peru Vicker of Millard, Nebraska. in-waiting for May Fete her State, majoring in physical edu- Mary is a junior this year and is freshman year, and was a candimajoring in elementary educadate for Homecoming queen this cation with a supporting field of tion. During her college career school year. The pert senior lists biology_ He has been very active she has been an active member horseback riding and swimming in extra curricular activities, in- in Phi Beta Lambda, as viceamong her hobbies and interests. cluding football, baseball, an d president; ··secretary of the Busiintramurals. He also belongs to P.S.E.A., Newman Club, and "P" ness Club; and a member of MIKE GUILLIATT P.S.E.A. and the White Angels. Mike Guilliatt, a candidate for Club, of which he is president. Miss McVicker also participated George's favorite pastimes May graduation, is the son of in last year's musical show, "Li'l when he is not busy at school Mr. and Mrs. Dale Guilliatt of A:bner." Auburn. Mike as a freshman was encompass. golf, snow skiing, and Music, dancing, and swimming president of the Class of '67. His swtmming. are three of this young lady's When asked how he felt about field of concentration is history main interests. with a minor in social science. being chosen as Sweetheart RoyJOHN BOHATY He is undecided as to his future alty, George simply answered, John F. Bohaty, son of Mr. and plans but they will hinge upon "like the White Knight." Mrs. John J. ·Bohaty of Lincoln, deciding to teach, continuing MARIAN NELSON Nebraska, was also chosen as with advanced study, or joining Marian Nelson, daughter of one of the candidates for Sweetthe service. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Nelson Jr., heart Royalty. Mike's comments when he of Council Bluffs, Iowa, was seJohn is a senior at Peru State, learned he was a candidate for lected as candidate for Sweetmajoring in biology and general royalty were: "I was very sur- heart Queen. She is a freshman science and plans to teach in pised; I thought only good guys and plans to major in geography these two fields. He has particigot honors like that!" and elementary education. Mari- pated in many extracurricular an enjoys cooking and sewing. activities including Blue Devils, ARLENE MOSS For recreation, her interests are of which he is president; Tri One of the candidates for the horseback riding, swimming, and Beta, of which he is vice-presiqueen of the Valentine Dance tennis. Marian graduated from dent; MEN, in which he is treawas Arlene Moss, the daughter of Abaham Lincoln High School in surer; Newman Club, in which Council Bluffs, where she was he is also treasurer. He particihonored as a senior when her pates in intramurals while being teachers nominated her as a con- a dorm councilor at Delzell. testant for the Miss Council When asked what he thought Bluffs pageant when chosen as royalty, he anMarian exclaimed that she was swered that he was "surprised Ari and HQbby shocked and couldn't believe that and grateful." Supplies she was actually selected as a candidate. She said she was ex- LIBRARY COURSES OFFERED Custom Framing cited, but not really nervous. Peru State Teachers College Giffware - Lamps offers a variety of li'brary science DEAN CAIN courses to students interested in AUBURN Dean Cain, son of Mrs. Alma becoming teacher-Hbrarians in Cain of Thurman, Iowa, is also a the public schools. The courses are available only in the night and summer school programs. Book Selection and Reference will be taught next fall. Other library courses are Principles of Classification and Cataloging, Library Materials and MEALS - . SHORT ORDERS Their Use, Administration of School Libraries, Library ReadOpen: Monday • Saturday 6:00 a.m. • 10:30 p.m. ing Guidance, and Ubrary PracSunday 8:00 a.m. • 7:00 p.m.. ticum. Children's Literature and Audio-visual Materials are two Peru, Nebraska courses that support the library science program.
Bottled under the authority of The Coca-Cola company by:
The dance, co-sponsored by the sophomore class and the Student Center 'Board, was held in the Student Center. Cupids and hearts adorning the curtains added to the Valentine atmosphere. The thrones were set off by red and white streamers and large red hearts. Music was provided by the David Kavitch Band from Omaha. Chaperones for the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, Mr. and Mrs. James Pilkington, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Hanford Miller.
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Page 4
Peru Pedagoglan, Feb. 22, 1967
HURRY! CONTEST DEADLINE IS MARCH 15 The Peru State English Clu:b and Sigma Tau Delta again urge all freshmen interested in creative writing to submit their writings, prose or poetry, to an English teacher for consideration in the Freshman Essay Contest. The deadline for entry in the contest is March 15. Anyone who qualifies as a freshman or is enrolled in English 102 may enter the contest, for which the first prize is $10 of credit on books at the college bookstore. If you would like to have more information about the contest, contact your English instructor, who can give you the advice you need. But don't delay, for March 15 will soon be here! VALUABLE PROGRAM OFFERED FOR FUTURE SOCIAL WORKERS (Continued from page 1) cant may limit his availability to one of these counties only or indicate he is available for work in either of them. The salary will be $29<5 per month. It is necessary that the applicant have a valid driver's license and that he have a car available for use in his employment. Any travel expense incurred by the employee while working will be reimbursed. The employment period will be approximately from June 12 through September 1, 1967. Any student interested in obtaining more information about the summer work placement should contact State Merit System Director Box 94636, State House Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 Telephone: 477-5211, Ext. 164 Station
That Ole Black
Magic ...
Wednesday, February 22: Honors Convocation, 9:10 a.m. Aud. Basketball game, Wayne at Wayne W.A.A., 8:00 p.m. Gym Wesley Fellowship, 6:30 p.m., FA 204 Thursday, February 23: Martha Washington Tea, 3-5:00 p.m., Student Center West Dining Room Intramural, 6-10:00 p.m. Gamma Delta, 6:00 p.m., FA 205 S.G.A., Student Center, 6:30 p.m. Student Center Board, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, February 25: Elementary Art Guide Meeting, 9:30-11:00 a.m., FA Aud. Sunday, February 26: S.G.A. Movie, 7:30 p.m., . FA Aud. Monday, February 27: Intramural, 6-10:00 p.m. White Angels, 6:00 p.m., Morgan Hall Blue Devils, 6:30 p.m., Sc. 105 Tri Beta, 7:30 p.m., Sc. 204 Tuesday, February 28: Intramural, 6-10:00 p.m. Women Student's Association, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 1: All-College Convocation, 9:10 a.m., Aud. Visiting Science Program: Physics Speaker: Professor Alexander Nichols of University of California at Berkeley Thursday, March 2: College Band Concert, 8:00 p.m. Sunday, March 5: ,.., S.G.A. Movie,. 7:30 p.m., FA Aud. Wednesqay, March 8: Newman Forum, 6:30-7:30 p.m., FA Aud.
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Students Voice Opinions On Lee Oswald and Draft Dodgers
Phone 3922
In a recent survey conducted by the Pedagogian staff, two controversial questions were asked of over 200 students and instructors. The first question, "Should 'draft dodgers' be allowed to go to Canada and return to the United States?," produced numerous vehement replies. The votes tallied 182 "no" and 55 "yes" with only two declining comment. The reason behind this opinionation is perhaps the fact that the draft is such an immediate issue to the college level age group. Many people voiced rather brisk opinions including:
Karen Hoemann-"It should be made to be a legal offense-just the same as burning a draft card." Fran' Gyhra-"Men who flee to Canada to avoid the draft are nothing but cowards. If they want to share in the freedom of the United States, they should fight for it."
Joyce Wilkinson-"They ratfinks."
PHONE 872·2671
Mary McMunn-"They are not accepting their responsi1bilities and should not be treated as responsible people." Sheryl Barrett-" .. the guys that do it are finks." Lihby Cook-"If they can live with their own consciences." Phil Hel'bster-"Basically it's wrong because they aren't facing up to their responsibility. However, if a .guy isn't 21 he shouldn't be forced to be in a war he couldn't even v o t e against." Jim Dvorchak-"Only a coward would desert his country and g-0 to Canada."
Betty West-"It's not much more cowardly than the guys who 'hide out' in colleges just in order to avoid the draft; it's just that they are a bit more obvious with what they are doing."
Shop Thur. Nife fill 8:30
DR. G. E. MANN OPTOMETRIST Coniacf Lenses Closed Wed. p.m., Sat. p.m. 119 No. Sib St. Nebr. City
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IP r I rs rt. Ill
Mary McMunn-"He just killed the President because he wanted to. He planned it by himself and that :was all." Oliver Bennett-"Oswald! acted alone, because the Warren Commission covered every possible angle." Willy Fields-" .. if someone would have worked with him he would have had a better escape route."
r , a a e
Years before rthe United States started, Benjamin Frank 1in started things his countrymen continue .to ·be proud of-libraries, civic clubs, volunteer fire departments, effective street lighting, and efficient heating devices. Virtually self taught, he excelled as an inventor, an athlete, a man of letters, a prinier, a scientist, a wit, an editor, a dtplomat, and a writer.
Mike Gault-"Since the Warren Report and! William Manchester said Oswald w o r k e d alone, he must have." 1
Terry Dennis-" .. one man isn't capable of carrying out such a large undertaking."
Short Orders
6:30 a.m. to lOtOO p.m.
Marcia Reeves-"! feel there is more to it than we, the public, know."
every da1"
Ann Beatty
Mr. Shafer-"Does it matter?"
mo J street
Judy Holt-"Chickens."
$29500 payments
Kenneth Whitehead-"! think the main reason these men are avoiding the drafts and crossing the border is because they don't think Viet Nam is worth fighting for."
Chic Williams-"No, mai 1because our law enforcem agencies are sha~p enough th they would have caught it."
The second question, "Do you feel that Lee Harvey Oswald was Ruth Stunz-"There are assisted in his assassination of many discrepancies in the theo President Kennedy?," revealed a that he did it alone." less distinctly divided vote. It Penny Hay-"Oswald did! it a resulted in 99 "no," 86 "yes," and by himself." 21 "without comment." A sizeable number voted negatively beRev Rawlings-"Yes, 'cause cause they felt ill-informed and a man on the Merv Griffin Sho were, therefore, inclined to ac- who studied the case and h cept the Warren Commission's sounded very convincing." Report. Typical comments inMary Gray-"Yes, because cluded: don't think one man could pl Sherry Schwiesow-"! have that alone. Just look at Lincoln complete faith in the Warren -five men and a lady and a doc~ Commission's Report and believe tor helped there." that Oswald had no accomplices '.Barb Aylsworth-" Ther nor was he part of a conspiracy." wouldn't be any controversy i Bill Joiner-"No. There are a he had done it alone." lot of people that have investiCynthia Anoran-"I have not gated it that are smarter than me, so why should the issue be read enough on this subject to give an intelligent answer." . questioned."
:Bill Joiner-"They aren't even worth talking about."
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Bobcats Tame Tigers Peru State College swept to a 93-84 basketball victory over Doane College at Peru Febr. 7. The Bobcats were led by Wayne Heine, East Alton, Ill., w h o . scored 30 points. Al Becher, Doane, scored the game's first basket at 18:21 of the first half. But then a Heine fielder tied the score and Peru led the rest of the contest. Hot shooting by Heine, who hit 5 of his first 6 shots from long range, and reserve forward Jim Tegelhutter, Syracuse, gave the Bobcats a comfortable 36-2·5 advantage at halftime.
points and Leslie Grant w h o tallied 17. The Bobcats, 3-2 in NCC play, traveled to Chadron for games Friday and Saturday night. Chadron, 5-0 in conference play, needs only one ·victozy over Peru to clinch at least a tie for the NCC championship. Whereas one Peru loss would make it imposstble for the Bobcats to repeat as conference champs.
Peru Pedagogian, Feb. 22, 1967
Returning Lettermen Boost PSC Hopes The Peru State baseball team will open its 1967 season on March 24, when it travels to Neesha, Missouri for a four-game series. Bobcat coach Joe Pelisek has expressed high optimism for this season. With eleven returning lettermen Coach Pelisek feels Peru has a good chance at the conference title. Peru has four starters back from last year which include: Steve Patterson, Al Sullivan, Gary Young, and John Creamer. Peru also has strong veterans in the pitching department. Returning letter winners include: Jim Tegelhutter, Vern Jensen, Doug
Kearney Crushes PSC
Kearney put Peru State in opening their back pocket and took an but the 81-73 decision on their ho me rest of floor in Kearney. This was the within 8 second straight loss for the Bob" cats and it placed them behind the eight ball for the conference Action was fast and furious in title. the second half, and tempers While Peru was taking it on flared between players of the Bobcats and the Tigers. Also, the chin, Chadron recorded their Doane's coach, Bab Erickson, second straight win over Hastwas called for two technical fouls ings. This put Chadron into the on the same play as he violently lead for the title with a five and zero slate. One more Chadron objected to a referee's call. victory would give them at least Peru scoring was distributed a tie and one Chadron victory ainly among four players. Hei- over Peru would end all Bobcat e, 30, Dean . Cain, Thurman, hopes. owa, 17, Bob Lovejoy, Red Oak, It was the old story of cold owa, 17, and Dick Estes, Tempe, iz., 13. While Doane was shooting which plagued the Babaced by Jack Owen with 20 cats throughout the game. Kear..._
Doane scored on the tip of the second half, best they could do the the game was to come points of Peru.
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ney displayed a well..,balanced attack led by Jack Wolfe, who hit for 21 points, also Rod Karsten with 19 points. Five minutes and forty seconds of the first half passed before the Bobcats lit up the score board. The Antelopes had a 33-2{} lead after the first quarter and a 41-32 advantage at the end of the first twenty minutes. Free throws by Peru cagers kept the game what it was, as they closed to within three points midway through the second half before getting cold hands. Wayne Heine scored a career-high of 28 points with Dean Cain and Bob Lovejoy pitching in with apiece.
Winfield, Larry Beach, and Bill Everhart. Other letter winners from last year are: Chuck Mizerski, Jim Waltke, and George Evangelist.
Bobcat Tracksters Eye NCC Track Crown On Friday, February 17, the Bobcats of Peru State were to reveal their 1967 track team when the Bobcats competed in an indoor triangular track meet at Omaha University. They were to compete against Omaha University and Nebraska Wesleyan. Coach Jack Mcintire has numerous lettermen back and stands a good chance of challenging Kearney State for the NCC crown. Coach Mcintire will depend on the following lettermen to boost its track hopes; Tim Hendricks, Jim Watson, Ron Jones, Roger Neujahr, Jim O'Donoghue, Jim Hegemeier, Curt Holliman, Bob Lovejoy, Arnold Johnston, Elroy Arelleno, Dwayne Brettman, and Dick Estes. Several new faces will also help brighten the track outlook. They are Herman Greenlee, Richard Rech, Bob Ridenour, Bob Dixon, Cal Smith, Richard Warkins, Ray Uher, Mike Schlemer, George Goepfert, Gerald Wilson, and Mike Mulvaney. Last year Omaha U. won the meet with 62 points, while Peru totaled 5fY% and Wesleyan 331/2. ·A restaurant on New York's Lower ·East Side lists its telephone number as ORGY-405.
Chadron Takes Pair From Peru; Captures 1967 NCC Crown The Chadron Eagles won their first Nebraska College Conference title since 1948 by sweeping a pair of games with the Peru State Bobcats on Chadron's hardwoods. The Eagles hit the century mark each night as they pummeled the Bobcats 114-85 Friday night, Febr. 10 and rallied to a 103-79 victory the next night, scoring 56 points in the second half. The Bobcats never were in Friday's game from the ·start as Chadron used the fast break and 63 per cent shooting to have a 15-point bulge at halftime and won going away in the second half. The only bright spot for the Bobcats was the 28 points scored by senior guard Dean Cain. Chadron was led in scoring by
Page 5
Hub's Corner By Dennis Hubbard
Saturday, Febr. 11 was black Saturday for most of the nation's top-ranking college basketball teams. Five of the top ten lost and three others escaped disaster by rallying in the second half. Only the top-ranked UCLA Bruins and third-ranked Louisville scored decisive victories. Talk on the UCLA campus is about the status of Lew Alcindor. Rumors are spreading aibout the campus that Lew is thinking about joining the Harlem Globetrotters who have offered him a sum of $1,000,000 to play with them. Another rumor is that he is thinking of transferring to the University of Missouri. For those who are interested in Nebraska U., the Cornhuskers as of February 15, are currently in second place in the Big Eight Conference with a 6-2 record. Kansas is leading the conference with a 7-1 record. Rumors are spreading around the NFL that the Chicago Bears are trying to get former Nebraska, Green Bay, and Atlanta quarterback Dennis C1aridge, to replace retiring quarterback Rudy Bukich. Speaking of track, Randy Matson of Texas A & M broke his own world indoor shot put record of 7.0'7%" by heaving the iron ball 70'1/2" at the Dallas Invitational Track and Field M e e t February 11th. The Philadelphia 76ers aren't televising any of their games and their attendance is up 20% over last season. Turning to track, when Kansas miler Jim Ryan was asked what his ambition was this track sea•: son, he said, "I'd kind of like to win a letter."
Jim Rhodes, and Jerry Bartak, who pumped in 39 and 28 points respectively. Moe Iba, son of Oklahoma In Saturday night's game the Bobcats were in the game the State coach Hank Iba, is making first twenty minutes as they his coaching debut at Memphis trailed the Eagles of Chadron 47- State. Iba explains his fast break 44. It was a different story in as consisting of six passes, four the second half as Chadron dribbles, and a time out. geared up its fast break while hitting a hot 54 per cent from The secret of life success, says the field to win easily, 103-79. one psychiatrist, is saying yes, Again senior guard! Dean Cam no, and wow. Of course they was top point.getter for the Bob- have to be said in the right orcats as he ·contributed: 20 points der. to the cause. Chadron was again If some people didn't have bad led ·by Jim Rhodes and Jerry luck, they wouldn't have any Bartak, who poured in 28 and 21 luck at all. points respectively. Happiness in the winter time These defeats brought Peru is hearing that the convocation State's season record to 12 wins speaker was stranded in Nebrasand 11 losses. ka City. Among courses listed last year for students at one Arizona college: Beginning Typing. College graduates need not worry about finding a job, after Rains all, someone has to oil the machines of this age of automation.
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Page 6
Peru Pedagogian, Feb. 22, 1967
Bill Rinne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rinne of Burchard) Nebraska, reigned as Valentine King Feb. 14. He is majoring in biology with a supporting field of general science. Bill's hobbies are hunting and fishing. During his college c a r e er many honors have come to Bill. He has been on the Dean's List three semesters, and during his junior year he was S.G.A. president. He has been listed in Who's Who in Colleges and Universities. Bill has been president both of the Blue Devils and Tri Beta. He was vice-president of Majors Hall a year. Bill has also done well in sports, lettering in crosscountry two years and three in basketball. The Burchard senior has also been May Fete attendant two years.
Lola Morrissy, who reigned 1967 Sweetheart Queen, is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Morrissy of Peru. She is a gra ate of Peru Campus School. Lola is a sophomore chemist major, plans to enter dental h giene and has been working. a dental a8'Sistant. Last spring the pretty blon was a lady-in-waiting at the Ma Fete. Lola was especially appreci tive of the "beautiful" spri like weather on the day of t Sweetheart Dance.
-Photo by Special Services
King Bill Rinne and Queen Lola Morrissy
Miss Lola Morrissy and Bill Rinne Tuesday night were crowned queen and king of the Valentine formal at Peru State College. Selected by all-college balloting, Miss Morrissy, a sophomore chemistry major, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Morrissy of Peru, and Mr. Rinne, a senior biology major, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rinne of Burchard. Af:f:endants f:o
the king and queen were Joan Sprieck, Louisville; Arlene Moss.\ 2510 Parker, Omaha: "Marian Nelson, Rf:. 4, Council Bluffs, Iowa:>; Mary McVicker, 615 East Madison, Millard; Mike Guilliatt, Au¡ ~ burn: George Evangelist, 213 Madison, Newark, N. Y.; Ray Cain1"~ Thurman, Iowa; John Bohaty, 3124 North 50:th, Lincoln. .!
ongratulations To Nebraska
The Voice of the 路campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
Volume 62
Number 11
MARCH 8, 1967
100 Years Of Progress
Authoress to Visit Campus Peru State College is fortunate College. When she left for Peru to have Mrs. Marian Brown as a her objectives were to write and guest speaker Thursday, March 9. learn to teach. She has now acMrs. Brown, authoress of eight complished these objectives, plus books, will speak in the Fine numerous others. Arts Recital Hall on the subjects During her stay at Peru State, of Nebraska Literature and her Marian Brown acted in amatel:lr books. The 1927 Peru State grad- dramatics, gave piano recitals, uate is now an Associate Profes- and路 played tennis. She also took sor of English at the University all the English and writing of Omaha. courses available. :There will be a reception in Mrs. Brown published her first Mrs. Brown's honor at 3:30 book, Young Nation, in 1949. This Thursday in the Student Center. book, like most of her others, Students, faculty, and friends are was aimed at the junior high invited to attend. Also Mrs. group. Brown plans to attend Mr. SumOther books written by Marian mers' Wednesday night Nebraska Brown include: Swamp Fox, Literature class, .Mr. Shafer's Ad- Frontier &aeon, Br~d Strips vanced Writing class, and Mrs. and Bright Stars. Prairie TeachAshley's education class. er, Words in Context (textbook), Mrs. Brown lived on a farm Nurse Abroad, and Silent Storm, near Brownville until she was a collaboration with a Peru gradold enough to attend Peru State uate, Ruth Crone.
Ceresco Experiment Proves Valuable
Overwhelmed and distraught by the Prosecutor's gruelling interrogation, Mary Magdalene angrily slaps the bewildered Gardener.
'What Do You Believe?' Fodor's 'Vigil' Asks Did the Gardener steal the 'body of Jesus of Nazareth-or did He really arise from the dead? This is the question that the jury will have to answer after the evidence has been presented by the crafty Prosecutor (Don Dodge) and the smooth Defense Attorney (Bill Austin) in the play, The Vigil, which will be enacted March 16 by the P.S.C. Dramatic Club. Called as witnesses are such well known personalities as Mary Magdalene ~Danna Henry), the first to see the supposed risen Christ; Saul of Tarsus (Bob Ber-
an), a character that completely reverses his testimony; and Pontius Pilate (Neal Bower), th;' strong politically-minded favorseeker. Others in the cast are the Gardener (Ken Brockman), Esther (Lynda Shanahan), Lucius (J. R Brock), Mr. Pinchas (Steve Mason), Joseph of Arimathea (Greg Vaughn), Lady Procula (Joan Bretthorst), Beulah (Marlis Cramer), Sadoc (Dave Alvis), Susanna (Dianne Morrison), Prof. Thaddeus (Bruce Larson), Simon (John Miller), Violet (Marcy Anderson), Mr. Woods (Charles Williams), the Judge (Bill Bowen),
Court Clerk (Danny Bolin), Court Stenographer ~ike Cast 1 e ), Courtroom Guard (Vince Sunderman), Assistant to the Prosecutor (Jerry Bernard), and Assistant to the Defense (Lowell Brown). The play is filled with suspense by the direct clash of two great criminal lawyers, each trying conclusively to prove his beliefs. The jury (the audience) is left with these questions: "Who rolled away that stone? Was it the Gardener? Or was it the risen Jesus?"
Students' Academic Achievement Recognized At Honors Convo Students were honored at an Honors Convo at Peru State College on Febr. 22. Professor Robert D. Moore was the convo speaker. Neal S. Gomon, president of the college, presented the awards.
Juniors-Mike Barsi, Macomb,
8.49 are as follows:
Ill.; Gloria Bean, Council Bluffs,
Seniors-ilJelores Clark, Peru; Iowa; Phillip Brutto, Omaha; Jerry Jacobsen, Nebraska City; Carol Chandler, Shubert; J e an Kay J路ackson, Red Oak, Iowa; Egger, Douglas; Julia Emery, Nebraska City; Mary Hunzeker, Terry Kuenning, Auburn; VirHumboldt; Terry Johnson, Hum- ginia Miles, Falls City; Nancy bokit; William Kerins, LaGrange, Vanderbeek, Adams. Those students with a G.P.A. Ill.; Charlotte Hershberger NedJuniors-Joan Bretthorst, Dunof 7.25-7.9>9 were honored with row, Falls City; Gary Obermey- bar; Mary Lu Hicks, Auburn; They are listed as er, Brownville; Nancy Reidy, Richard Zaparanick, West Field, Worcester, Mass.; Mary Schriner, N. J. Lincoln; Michael Wallis, BelleSophomores-Mary B u d 1e r , Seniors-Devon Adams, Peru; vue. Council Bluffs, Iowa; Kenneth $heryl Ga:wart Barrett, Nebraska Sophomores-Gary Ahlin, Bark Carnes, Auburn; Marilyn SugCity; Pat Corrigan, Casey, Iowa; River, Mich.; Barbara Johnson, den, Adams. Donna Dankof, Hamburg, Iowa; Red Oak, Iowa; Janice Kelly, Palma Holding, Burt, Iowa; DonFalls City; Beth Petrashek, PawThose honored with highest na Kohrs, Johnson; Nancy Larnee City; James Wa!tke, Bea- distinction having a G.P.A. of sen, Villisca, Iowa; Donald Pietrice; Jean Wilkinson, Humboldt. 8.50-9.00 are as follows: per, DeWitt; '.Bobbie Armstrong Shaffer, Farragut, Iowa; KatherSeniors-Rodger Bassett, SyraFreshmen-Greta Berna d t, ine Shaw, Sabetha, Kansas; Wymore; Kathy Reed, Hamburg, cuse; Elizabeth Cook, Sabetha, Charles Stoner, Tecumseh; Mary Iowa; Mary Vopalensky, Morse Kans.; Mildred Mastin, TecumTackett, Tabor, Iowa; Tom Ro- Bluff. seh. sengren, Omaha; Gary Viterise, Juniors~Virginia McNichols, Newark, N. Y.; Allen Zipper, Those honored with high distinction having a G.P.A. of 8.00- Sidney, Iowa. Hillside, N. J.
Anticipated as a probable disFor most of the participants aster by the several apprehen- from Mu Epsilon Nu, this was sive members of Peru State's their very first day in an actual Delta Chapter of Mu Epsilon Nu, classroom situation, and Ceresco teaching day, held in Ceresco, proved an excellent way to break Nebraska, proved instead to be a in. Thanks to the warm reception most valuable and rewarding and complete cooperation repre-student teaching experience. ceived by the members 路of Mu Epsilon Nu from the administraOriginated by Alpha Chapter tion, faculty, and students, of the at the University of Nebraska, Ceresco School System, the day's the idea of teaching day has task was made considerably less spread in turn to each of the oth- painful. er active chapters as the highThose members of Peru State's point in their yearly activities program. Teaching day as con- Delta Chapter who participated ceived and practiced by the vari- in this activity were: Bill Bowen, ous branches of Mu Epsilon Nu Ken Stoner, John Chasse, John calls for participants in the pro- Bohaty, Dick Dobbs, Dick Zagram to enter into an actual paranick, Loren Bartels, Bill classroom situation for one full Massie, Oren Bednar, Bob Kelly, day in the position of a teacher Jack Gaines, Gary Viterise, and in the regular academic atmos- Dr. Galen Dodge, organization faculty advisor. phere. In the case of Delta Chapter, this trip was arranged through Kate's Cast Announced the office of Dr. Galen Dodge, in The cast of "Kiss Me, Kate" full and complete cooperation with the faculty and administra- has been announced and is as tion of the Ceresco school system. follows: Fred (Petruchio)-Ken Each member of Delta Chapter Carnes; Lilli (Kate) - J o y c e was assigned an advisor from Blackburn; Bill (Lucentio)-the staff of teachers at Ceresco, Richard Shelton; Lois Lane (Biand was sent the material which anca)~Kathy Rotter; Hattie and he would need. Classes were as- Friends.....J an Duensing, B a r b signed according to the field of Richards, Jane Drake; Paul and concentration or the related field Two Boys-JJ3ill Joiner, Ron Iles, of the participant, and each par- Bob Patterson; Two Suitors-ticipant was sent the books he Greg Hazen, Michael McNealy; would need and the lesson plan Two Gangsters~David Alvis and for that day. From there, the in- James Michael Harris; Girls 1 to dividual was on his own, and in 60-Carol Delp, Sherry Foster, complete control to do as he Barb LaFayette, Jan Harbour, pleased in the way of prepara- Marie Ballue, Caroline Bliss; tion and teaching methods. No Baptista-Steve Broderson. Harassistance whatsoever was given rison Howell and five men are in the classroom by the advisor, still to be chosen, as are Henry except, in most cases, a quick in- Trivor, the Stage Doorman, a troduction at the start of each Cab Driver, Ralph (stage manager), a Haberdasher, Nathaniel, class. and two servants, Gregory and In adidtion to receiving a class- Philip. load which was generally correspondent to his field of interest, The musical was described by each participant was also as- student director Jim Butts as a signed the age level which most "delightful musical comedy in carefully fit into his teaching which the young actor-director plans. Classes taught at Ceresco Fred Graham and his recently by members of Mu Epsilon Nu, divorced wife Lilli match wits in ranged all the way from the ele- a modern version of Shakementary school level to the speare's Taming of the Shrew." twelfth grade. (Continued on page 6, column 1)
Page 2
Peru Pedagogian, March 8, ·1967
Editorially Speaking .... Are We Isolating Nebraska?
Names in the News If for no other reason than the sake of an astute conversation, college students owe it to themselves, at least, to be up to date concerning events. More imporfanf fhan this, however, is the fact that most of us will, in the space of a few short years, be called upon to vote intelligently in national, state, and local elections. The old saying that "a democracy depends. upon an informed electorate" compels us to read and listen, in order to keep abreast of the fast-changing scene of world affairs. Especially in this state, where there is a proposal under consideration to lower the voting age to eighteen, will it be important in the next few years for the college-age set to be informed. This quiz is designed to test your knowledge in the field of current events which have taken place over the last few weeks. By no means complete, this test should at least give some indication as to the extent with which you keep up with the news.
. . Nebraska is going to end up isolated in the middle of the United States. The people of Nebraska are still trying to Jive.Jn the past.. They are using a bill written in 1918 to· keep them behind. This bill prohibits the adoption of the daylight savings in Nebraska. · In 1918 Nebraska was a farming state, and had very few industries. The farmer got up at the crack of dawn . and worked till it was. dark, and paid very little attention to. the clock. · ·· Fifty years ago there was little traveling, and people were not very .interested in what states other than their own had. Now people travel extensively, and many times there are people who live in one state and work in another. .When one state has daylight savings time and another does not it proves to be very inconvenient. At the present time Nebraska is completely surrounded by states that h av e adopted the daylight savings program. Those that live out of state have to get up an hour earlier to get to their jobs on time than those that live in Nebraska. They do not benefit from the program's purpose of giving an extra hour of leisure time simply because they are so tired by the time they get home they do not want to do anything at all. . The shoppers find it confusing also. There is very little time for a person to get off work and shop because . the stores in Nebraska close one hour earlier than they do in any of the other states. This will hurt the economy of Nebraska in the long run. It is time for Nebraska to wake up and look around. 1. Name the New Orleans DisProgress is moving on, and if Nebraska does not move trict Attorney who feels that he with it Nebraska will end up an isolated state in the mid- has solved the Kennedy assassi· dle of the United States. -Lynn Sailors nation plot:
Student Suppression-Who's Responsible? Does the student have a voice? This question has been asked by many students-individually or in groups on our campus, and it is very difficult to answer. I contend that the students should have a voice in. campus affairs and policies but at the present this so-called voice is being suppressed. Now here is the big question-Just exactly who or what is suppressing one of the students' basic freedoms? The administration hasn't issued mandates stating that' the students can't express themselves. The faculty, in several cases, have encouraged student expression. Who is left? The student himself. Last year the S.G.A. published a newsletter entitled the "Student Voice," but not many students submitted copy to be published. This year this paper has opened its editorial page to students who wish to express their opinions; but how many have? Everyone can look around himself and see that the outlets of expression are filled by active students which make up a small cross-section of the student body because the majority of the students do not care to do anything but sit in the Bob Inn or dorm and gripe. Students, if you want a voice, speak out through the available channels and you will be heard; if you don't want to do this-DON'T COMPLAIN. -Charles Williams
PERU PEDAGOGIAN Wednesday, March 8, 1967 Volume 6Z
Number 11
"Some people are 'so fond of illluck that they run halfway to meet it." -Douglas Jerrold Published bi-weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR .......... Joan Bretthorst ASSISTANT EDITOR ......... .. ...................... Mary Budler BUSINESS MANAGER ......... .................. Charles Williams CIRCULATION MANAGER .... ....................... Mike Castle SPORTS EDITOR ............... . .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. Dennis Hubbard PHOTOGRAPHER .. Robert Beran LAYOUT ............ Phyllis Groff, Charlotte Nedrow and Staff ADVISOR ............. James Keck REPORTERS-Rita Biggs, Marie Ballue, Greg Vaughn, Louise Lundstedt, Shirley Pratt, Dave Alvis, Dan Koch, Vernyce Schmidt, Charlotte Nedrow, Mary Everhart, Charles Williams, Beth Ann Terwilleger, Chloe Miller, Ann Ritter, Lynn Sailors, Ruth Rath· bun, Maxine Lyons, Jack Gaines, Mary Hunzeker.
The signed letters printed ln this ,paper do not reflect the opinion of the Peclagoglaa but of Individuals. .The editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
a mental institution, and was later recaptured. This man's name is: 9. An uproar has lately taken place in Congress concerning the desirability of this treaty. Can you name this treaty?
2. The world of college basketball has been dominated this year by the performance of one man: 3. Recently, the 25th amendment to the Constitution of the United States was ratified by the action of three-fourths of the state legislatures. What is the nature of this Amendment: 4. The Central Intelligence Agency has lately made headlines because of what activities: 5. The Premiers of North and South Vietnam are: 6. During the last few weeks,
a member of the House of Representatives has been undergoing Congressional investigation to determine any possible wrongdoings on his part; this Congressman's name is: 7. This man recently broke the indoor track record for the half mile by running that distance in the time of 1:48.3,: 8. The confessed " B o s t o n Strangler" recently escaped from
Mary' Is Victim
Of ~Felonious' Assault - BOOK REVIEW Mr. Jack Finney's main distinction as a published author is his ability to create, an aura of credibility around a story which usually portrays an absurd crime. Assault on a Queen, Mr. Finney's best-known book, exemplifies this style with its account of the ludicrous insult co mm it t e d against the Queen Mary by five ex-Navy submarine veterans. Set early one spring in the late l!t50?s, on an island near the City of New York, the novel depicts the tale of five non-conforming, nostalgic, navy submarine veterans, who, although representing different sides in the war of the 1940's, have the same basic love of the sea in their larcenous hearts. The story begins when one of these crooks discovers the old, sunken, German "U" Boat on which he had served in 1918 and decides to gamble on the
chance that it will ibe floatahle after all these years. Presently, after having found the submarine, the idea (which he hopes will make him filthy rich) evolves naturally. He believes that it would be quite simple and logical to "stick up" the Queen Mary in mid-ocean. Here, just in time to witness the last member of conspiracy as he is intrigued into the plot, is where the reader enters. The real story, however, does not begin until the old tub is raised and renovated, which includes the removal of several ripe World War I bodies. From here, the story progresses through the methodical and scientific planning of the scheme, and carries on until the · day of the blessed event. Through the use of trickery, the Queen Mary is effectively halted in mid-ocean; and three of the .(Continued on page 6, ·.column 2)
10. This Governor of Michigan is often mentioned as a possible Republican Presidential Nominee in 1968: 11. This man also single-handedly began the furor over t h e safety of automobiles:
12. Currently the Junior Senator from New York, this man recently made an unauthorized trip abroad in an attempt to secure peace in Vietnam:
ANSWERS: (1) Jim Garrison. (2) Lew Alcindor. (3) Presiden-
tial Succession. (4) Subsidizing student groups. (5) Ho Chi Minh and Nguyen Cao Ky. (6) Adam Clayton Powell. (7) Jim Ryun. (8) Albert H. DeSalv-0. (9) Consular Treaty. (lO) George Romney. (11) Ralph Nader. (12) Robert Kennedy.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor: At a recent convo, it was stated that there was enough parking space for commutors if only some of them would park behind the girls' dorm. This may or may not be true. I admit that the recent enlargement of the lot on the avenue helps the parking problem considernbly. However, who wants to park there? It is so muddy when the weather warms up, or when it snows, that one can't even walk across it without getting his clothes and shoes full of mud. Why not use asphalt? It would rbe cheaper than putting rock on it all the time. This holds for all parking lots. Asphalt them! It would be cheaper in the long run. Now, as for parking in the girls' lot-there is not a good . sidewalk from there to the campus. One may walk along the sidewalk up the hill to the Student Center only to find that the doors are locked, and you have to walk clear around the building. How inconvenient and disgusting! Peru could be much improved by asphalting the parking lots. There would be less mud, less dust, and less parking confusion because lines could be painted to show where and how to park. Also, asphalt lots would improve the looks of the campus and make it look cleaner! How about it Peru, let's get with it! Bob Agnew Sophomore Peru State College
to By Ruth Rathbun
Central Missouri State had fashion show at which the Be Dressed Girl of 1967 was chos Maureen Moore, a sophomo was selected. She will repres CMS in Glamour Magazine's tional 1best-dressed coed cont Contestants at the fashion sh modeled day-time off-camp wear and evening dress appa before Missouri's first lady, M Warren Hearnes. Kansas State University Washburn University are hav· summer sessions in Mexico Ci for interested students. It thought that the varied acade · and cultural advantages of Latin-American metropolis an its environs will be of mu c benefit to education. Summe school is to be held at the Uni versidad :Dbero-Americana, whic is noted for its academic excel• lence. A fully equipped language laboratory is available for stu~ dent use. The elevation, an alti tude of 8,000 feet, will make t climate most conducive to com fortaible living during the sum mer.
Arthur Engelbert, Dean of the College at Washburn, expressed urgent need for students inter· ested in participating in th Washburn Semester at Copenha gen, spring 1968, to send the' applications immediately. Th boundaries for academic eligibil ity for the program are at leas a 2.5 on a 4.0 system. Partici• pants must also have a good medical history, evidence of good citizenship, and ability to adjust to living with a strange family in a foreign environment. The cost of the program is $1350. Of this amount $470 is used for tui· tion and the remaining $880 provides transportation, board and room with a Danish family, membership in the Danish Student Union, field trips, entertainment, and health insurance. Dr. Paul W. Dieckman has announced his resignation as President of Midland Lutheran College. Taking his place as Ad Interim Acting President will be Dr. Paul deFreese, of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. Dr. Dieckman has been President for 15 years and expressed his appreciation for "15, happy, challenging An Elementary Art Workshop exciting, was held Feb. 25 in the auditor- years." ium of the Fine Arts Center. The meeting was opened at 9:3() by If you get to the end of your Leland Sherwood, assistant pro- rope, tie a knot in it, and hang fessor of art at"Peru. on. Going to church will no more The new Art Curriculum Guide for Elementary Schools was dis- make a person a Christian than cussed and copies of the guide going to the garage will make were distributed to about 50 him a mechanic. And then whats-his-name said, teachers from Otoe, Nemaha and Richardson counties. Also in at- "let there rbe light"-and there tendance were county superin- was light. Procrastination is the art tendents from the area surrounding Peru. keeping up with yesterday.
Art Workshop Discusses New Curriculum Guide
Poll Reveals Favorite Writers;
Peru Pedagogian, March
Magazines, Newspapers Widely Read Recently the Pedagogian took a poll of dorm residents, which was designed to find out what kind of reading material Peru State students prefer. Due to unfortunate circumstances and misunderstanding the poll was not as conclusive as it might have been-there was a relatively small representation of students who responded to the poll. However, the results are as follows: The initial question asked was, "Do you find time to read material other than that assigned by your instructors?" The boys overwhelmingly answered "yes," while of the girls who responded, 49 said "yes" and 21 "no." Both boys and girls read more daily newspapers than weeklies. Fifty-two of the girls found time to read magazines, while a great majority of the boys also did so. Popular magazines with the girls were Time, Life, Seventeen, Look, Newsweek, and Readers Digesl:. 'Favorites with the boys were Playboy, Newsweek, and Time.
Of the girls, only six of the seventy read extensively in the dramatic genre. Of these, the favored dramatist was William Shakespeare. Relatively few of the iboys read drama-those who did liked George Bernard Shaw and Tennessee Williams. 'Fourteen girls mentioned poetry as a favorite genre, and of these their favorite poets were Robert Frost, e.e. cummings, and Walt Whitman. Few boys mentioned liking or reading poetry, and those who did mentioned Shelley as a favorite. Fifteen girls out of seventy
Soloists for the college chorus March 22• presentation of "The Seven Last Words of Christ" have been announced by Edward Camealy, chorus director. They are as follows: soprano soloists: Jane Drake, Joyce Black1burn, and Kathy Rotter; baritone soloists: Ron Iles, Larry Nedrow, Michael McNealy, and Bill Joiner; and tenor soloists, Ken Carnes and Richard Shelton. Organist for the convo program will be Jolene Piper.
Peru to Have Joslyn Exhibit
read short stories extensively, ·While about half the boys who replied did so. Novels were more widely read than other literary types among boys, while eighteen girls read them. Boys found George Orwell and Aldous Huxley to be their favorites, while the girls preferred Steinbeck, Hemingway, and Irving Stone. Brave New World, 1984, and the James Bond Series were favored by the boys, while Gone Wil:h l:he Wind and Grapes of Wrath were popu1ar with the girls. It was found that very few of those who replied read much biography, autobiography, or history; however, history was read more extensively than the other two. Again, it must be admitted that the poll was not entirely successful in that it does not represent a true cross section of Peru State students.
Chorus to Give Concert
On Campus
l'VE ooNi; OYEI< 1-\\~ HOM~Wo~K G!ZADSS-·I'V!: JC.E'CHi:;Ct<eP !-II~ LAB wor;..K - FIGLJf<!?D HIS t/AJL'< ANO Mll.7-TERM
EXAM SC®:;~ A&AIN, ANI/ 151'!/.L CAN'T COME ro1NrlOfAL. 1,..0'/'J SNOLlGH TO FLUNK HIM.«
ur V'{lTH A
Why Are Books So Expensive? (ACP)-Why are textbooks so expensive, asks Western Michigan University's Western Herald?
Omaha-Three Centennial exhibitions opened to the public at Joslyn Art Museum on Sunday, March 5. The exhi:bitions were "Nebraska Art Today: Centenn i a 1 Invitational Exhi:bition," "Artists E:xiplorers of the 1&30's. Catlin, Bodmer, Miller" and "Centennial Collections: Greater Omaha Historical Society." The exh~bition "Nebraska Art Today" will be on view at Joslyn through April 9. It will then be divided into two sections and will go to Chadron, Kearney, Peru and Wayne Sl:al:e Colleges, April 12-June 1. The show will open at the Sheldon June 18 and run through the summer. "Nebraska Art Today" includes 52 paintings, drawings, graphics and sculpture by contemporary Nebraska artists. All the artists have spent years in Nebraska, and: approximately two-thirds are now active and working in the state. The others have worked here and now are living else\\'..here. The exMbition has 'been assembled by Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery in Lincoln and Joslyn. A joint committee of the two museums chose the artists in the exhibition. The show is sponsored by the two museums and the Nebraska Centennial Commission in cooperation with the Nebraska Arts Council and the National Foundation for the Arts.
trade books end up in the red, another 36% break even, and only 4% turn a decent profit." Is it the faull: of the university· Should sfudenl:s be forced to owned "non-profit" booksl:ore ·bear the brunt of the industry"s whose prices are as high as those losses and non-profits? Publishof the profit-making bookstores? ers are fully aware that they Is the publishing industry to have the students over a barrel blame? since students must buy particuBoth contr~bute to the situa- lar required textbooks. Keep frowning-some people may give you credit for thinking. tion, the Western Herald conThere are two possible soluBerkeley's Dr. Nichols cluded, but the greater culprit, tions to the dilema. On a local without a doubt, is the publish- level, student government could Speaks on Heart Disease "cOCA·CllU'' AHO "COICf" ARE fl£GlSTERl!O TRADE•MARKS ...._ ing industry. Time magazine re- promote some type of competiMOCH IOtHTIN Offl..Y THE: PR00Uct Of THE Watch out for those saturated cently revealed that the book in- tive selling of new texts. We can fats! Last Wednesday in convo, dustry relies on textbooks and buy everything from groceries to Peruvians learned from Dr. Alex children's books to support automobiles on a discounted gambling losses on adult grade basis; this opportunity should Nichols that an abundance of books. All the major publishers, also be provided for students in these saturated fats in our diet can lead to large fat molecules Time said, "print text and refer- the purchase of required books. in the blood stream, which may ence books, as well as children's On a wider level, the National be a predisposing factor in heart books, which are dependable Student Association could make disease. money-makers. Their profitable Other important factors of the the public and the publishing intextbooks and paperback operadisease discussed by Dr. Nichols dustry aware of the abuse stutions enable them to gamble on were ·blood pressure, weight and adult trade books-which as a dents face in textbook prices. If cigarette smoking. By showing housewives can demand fairer rule lose money." One publisher slides Dr. Nichols explained just prices for food, a nationally supestimated that "60% of adult porl:ed sl:udenl: efforl: l:o acquire what heart disease is and what more realistic prices is also fea- we can do about it. Dr. Nichols showed us ho w sible. It is no doubt true that profits from texts help to support serious this pro'blem is by pointgreat publications that other- ing out that 54% of the popula"The Store of Standard Brands" wise never would be printed, tion dies from heart disease and Auburn Phone 274-3620 but a 9·6 per cent support is en- that 3·0% of these deaths are due to narrowing of coronary arteries tirely unrealistic. caused by an excess of fat molecules in the ·blood stream. Also, men have a much higher incidence of heart disease than do women. Closing his lecture, Dr. Nichols explained that there is much Art and Hobby Permanents, Tinting, yet to learn about heart disease Supplies and that public health officials ...,,~.,,,•.'"~·1'i":·11;r:r.:!ll!~r<·i>:•:( Bleaching are increasingly concerned about Custom Framing Girl talk. Boy talk. making coronary diseases less of Giftware Lamps Phone 3922 a risk. All talk goes better refreshed. Dr. Nichols was sponsored by Nebr. AUBURN Peru Coca-Cola-with alively lift the American Association of Physics Teachers. COCA•COU COMPAl'tY•
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It is not too earily to enroll. Write for information.
DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE Miss Beulah Crain, Manarer 501 Stuart Bldg. Lincoln, Nebraska
Peru pedagOgian, March 8, 1967
From the Short~Short Skirt
Home Ee Club Offers Practical Knowledge One of the more active organizations on campus is the Home Economics Club. It is an organization made up of young women who are interested in home economics. The organization's predecessor was Kappa Omicron Phi, an honorary Home Economics fraternity that originated during the 1!129-30 school year. Mrs. Kregel, one of the present sponsors, was a charter member of Kappa Omicron Phi. The organization began under the leadership of Miss Edna Weare, who was then head of the Home Economics Department. After ten or twelve years of Kappa Omicron Phi, the chapter was unable to continue because of lack of college enrollment. At that time the present Home Economics Club was organized. The goals of Kappa Omicron Phi are followed by the present Home Economics Club. They are
to encourage appreciation of homemaking, to develop keen interest in the estaiblishment of happy homes, to further leadership and ability, and to keep in touch ·with current topics and trends relating to home economics. The Home Economics Club carries on the traditions of Kappa Omicron Phi, such as the Martha Washington Tea held every February using the recipe for the great cake obtained by fraternity members. The club also serves a United Nations dinner every fall. The final event of the school year is a dinner for all club members, at which time newly elected officers are installed. Peru State's Home Economics Club is affiliated with state and national college Home Economics Clubs and the American Home Economics Association. St ate conventions and workshops are attended by members each year.
To the Mini-Skirt
National conventions are attended whenever distance permits. Mrs. Kregel and several members are planning to attend the national convention in Dallas next summer. Meetings are held the second Monday of each month in the Home Economics Department at 6:30. Mrs. Sproul and Mrs. Kregel are the sponsors. Arlene Borcher is club president; Janice Wheeldon, president-elect; Carol Hawley, vice-president; C a r o 1 Henderson, .secretary; Mary Ellen Jacobson, treasurer; and Janice Johnson, S.G.A. representative. Virginia Mullen, state representative from the club, is presidentelect of the state organization.
Annual Tea Served
The 26th Annual Martha Washington Tea was served Thursday afternoon, Feb. 23, in the Home Economics Department to ·approximately 100 guests. A Centennial theme was used, honoring Peru State's lOOth birthday, by serving the "Great Cake" resentatives will be held on from a miniature replica of the Wednesday, April 5, State of Nebraska. The replica Current SGA President Ron was frosted in white with red Kroll said, "I especially want and blue lettering and decoraeach organization to submit a tions. nominee to be considered in the Fifty-eight pounds of the Great election and thereby each organ(fruit) Cake was made for the ization will have representation on campus and feel a part of it. occasion by the members of the Thus, the entire campus will Home Economics Club, under the benefit and not just one organi- supervision of Mrs. Louise Kregzation will be noted, but all of el, who was a charter member of Kappa Omicron Phi, an honorary them." ...., fraternity, which preceded the present club.
SGA Elections Coming Up! Presidential and vice-presidential campaign speeches for elecUon to the Student Governing Ass.ociation will be delivered before an all-college convocation on March 15. Elections will be held on Wednesday, March 22, and at the present time several students are considering running for these offices. Organizations should also remember to turn their representatives' names in to Mary Mowry and thereby aid in achieving a stronger student organization. Elections for organizational rep-
Eliza Morgan Is Joanie Phony? "Mary Lyon" Of (ACP)-For years there has M"ddl West been little doubt. about cartoonist 1 e Al Capp's political leanings, says the .. University of Minnesota Daily. For one thing, the gentleman simple detests protestors. His latest caricature of them is "Joanie Phonie," a long-haired, long-nosed folksinger ·who, in Capp's eyes, is clearly a fake. Just as clearly, "Joanie" is modeled on folksinger Joan Baez, though Capp denies it. The real Joan is indignant and threatens to go to court unless she gets a retraction. She says she .doesn't mind the caricature, but only objects to Capp's using it to ridicule the whole protest movement. Capp is blasting the entire movement, but so what? That's his right, even if his satire is "stupid" and "vulgar," as Miss Baez contends. Ironically, she is just confirming Capp's portrait since her· reaction suggests she is not nearly as liberal as she pretends, ibut is in fact a "fake." Ah, well. There but for for tune ....
• Short Orders
6130 a.m. lo 10100 p.m.
every day
Ann Beatty
By Jean Wewel The dormitory for women at Peru State College bears the name "Eliza Morgan Hall," in honor of a teacher who came to Peru from the state of New York in 1872. For 26 years she held the position then known as "preceptress" of the dormitory, and teacher of rhetoric, literature and general history-a position comparable to that of dean of women today.
Arlene Borcher, Carol Hawley, and Janice Wheeldon presided at the Tea Table. Guests were greeted by Mary Ellen Jacobson and Connie Rademacher, with Mary Beth Kernes and Carol Henderson in charge of the Guest Book. Background music for the · Tea was furnished by Dave Williams, our Peru Stater who is a piano professionalist. (Continued on page 6, column 3)
The first regular term of the school at Peru began in 1867. The school was entering upon its fifth year when General T. J. Morgan was elected principal and Miss Eliza Morgan, of the same name but not related, came into (Continued on page 6, column 4)
BEATTY GARAGE Auto Repairs • Major engine work • Automatic trans. • Wrecker service • Steam cleaning • Lubrication Fast Dependable Service 872-3201 Peru AAA Service
Appliances - Sporting Goods Hunting and Fishing Licenses 872-2561
Is the Navy For You? Interested in becoming a commissioned officer in the United States Navy? Then you should make it a point to talk with the Navy Officer Information Team which will be on campus from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, 14 March rn67. They will be located in the Student Center. The Team will be available to discuss with prospective graduates, both men and women, such opportunities as Officer Candidate School, Aviation Officer Candidate School and many others.
The early 1940's saw students riding in the rumble seats, and George Washington Silver Teas in Eliza Morgan Hall, the new girl's dormitory. The average coed was one who wore a skirt, sweater, and saddle oxfords featuring colored shoestrings.-Life in the war years was an unpleasant time. There were moron storThe Navy offers a wide variety ies, crewcuts, and p i gt ails . of ways for the college graduate Fringed scarves-the new head- to fulfill his military obligation dress-swept the campus. The as a commissioned officer. Stu"Dear Diary" fad hit Eliza Mor- dents from all undergraduate gan. The favorite saying was majors are elig~ble to compete "Blow it out your top." The late for openings. 40's saw students riding bicycles Any junior or senior may make up and do'wn the hills of Peru, arrangements with the Team to and taking rides in "Otis" elevatake the Officer Qualification tor in Eliza Morgan. Test on campus. The fad among the girls in the 1950's was to attire their feet in Some couples are so evenly nothing but the whitest socks. matched you need the New Math The "Big Sister" plan was adoptto figure which is the better half. ed in the spring of 1956 for ease in the orientation of new coeds. The girls in Eliza Morgan went Bill's Clothing & scissors happy and the campus was flocked with coeds 'with short Shoe Store hair. This was also the time when lll8-J Box 127 blue jeans and T-shirts became Auburn, Nebr. 68305 college apparel.
JOHN L. LEWIS, Vice Pres. & Cashier
WHEELS Think of Standard Chevrolet 902 Central{ Auburn Contac:t Edwin Johnson and have dependable :transportation
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The 1960's found students concentrating on the Ouija Board, shift dresses, and ratted hair. In our year of 19,66 the rage is pierced ears, long-haired boys and short-haired girls, centennial beards, and mini-skirts. Progress does not seem so very slow after all, yet it is amusing to look back and find the differences in generations.
Member F.D.I.C.
The Campus of One Thousand Oaks has been the haven for many generations in the past. Their short time on campus left memories of the activities and antics in which they participated. Let us take a look at the fads and fashions through which Peru State has progressed in its past. In the "Roaring Twenties" freshmen wore green caps for initiation, and kept wearing them until the first snow. Now, aren't freshmen today thankful f o r progress! It was also the era of the Short-short skirt, and it is doubtful that a vote of the male population today would c a s t against the dress of yester-year. Mt. Vernon Hall, then the coeds' dormitory, kept a "chip basket" containing chips of interesting information from their dormitory.
Ric Hamer
Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday
872-4301 Peru. Nebr.
Phone 872-4351
Peru Pedagogian; March a; 1967
Hub's Corner
DR. G. E. MANN OPTOMETRIST Contact Lenses Closed Wed.. p.m., Sat. p.m. 119 No. 8th St. Nebr. City
marked the departure of two Peru State ballplayers. Dean Cain, fifth leading scorer in Peru State College history, and Bill Rinne, Burchard, played their last basketball game for the Bobcats. Their departure will be sorely felt when the Peru State basketballers hit the hardcourt next season.
Bobcats Capture 1st In Triangular Meet
Intramural action proves to be fast and furious.
It was Peru State's fifth loss in seven NCC games, and the Peru Cagers are in the cellar of their
Shop and save-
~' 1. *1. "2. *3. 4. 4. 5. 6.
BASKETBALL National League Won Lost Kingsmen 6 1 Misfits 6 1 Gladiators 5 2 Marksmen 4 3 Assyrians 3 4 Trojans 3 4 Scavengers 1 6 Loafers 0 7
American League Won Lost "1. Road Runners 6 1 "1. Studs 6 1 "2. Playboys 5 2 "2. Warriors 5 2 3. Centennials 3 4 4. Cool Jerks 2 4 5. Zephyrs 1 6 6. Fu'bars 0 7 *designate tournament entries
Bobcats Fall to Broncos
• Nebraska
conference. The only way out of the 'bottom for Peru State was to cash in a victory over Wayne State the next Wednesday. Peru and Kearney were then tied for last place. Last year Peru State swept through the conference for the top place. The Broncos had 14-point leads three different times during the first 2(} minutes. Peru went 5:10 of the first quarter before Dick Estes hit the first Peru goal. Peru narrowed .the deficit to 43-50 at halftime. ·Lauer hit five straight buckets during the. first five minutes of the second half and Hastings en .. joyed a 61-51 lead. Peru was never closer than seven points after that five-minute spree. Peru State's record is 12 wins and 12 losses. The Bobcats play their final game Wednesday night at Wayne State, who 'beat Peru earlier this year, 9'8-86, on Peru's home court.
Phone 274-4348 for Sears Service Department
SIMON DRUG CO. Ph. 274-4315 Auburn, Nebraska Largest Selection of Hallmark .Cards In Southeas:t Nebraska Complete Camera and Film Department RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES
A District 11 NAIA Basketball Committee selected the Univer-. sity of Omaha and Doane College for an NAIA playoff game March 2. The winner was to play Chadron State in the best of two of three game series with the first game to have been held at Chadron March 4, and the second or third game if needed, to be held at either Crete or Omaha. The winner of the best two of three would go to the NAIA National Tournament at Kansas City the week of March 12 through 18. 1
On Friday night, Feb. 17, the Peru track team gained a sound VOLLEYBALL victory over Nebraska Wesleyan Won Lost and Omaha U. in the triangular 1. Studs 11 0 indoor meet. 2. MiSfits 2 9 Peru's freshman, Gerald Wil3. Hubby's Puppies 8 3 son of Cleves, Ohio, and Mike 4. Buds 7 4 Mulvaney of Independence, Iowa 5. Road Runners 6 5 grabbed wins in the shot-put and 6. Playboys 6 5 pole vault. W i 1 so n , vaulting 6. Fubars 6 5 1'3'1h", topped Arnold Johnston's 6. Cool Jerks 6 5 1966 record of 12'3%", while Mul7. Trojans 4 7 vaney heaved the cannoll'ball 8. Zephyrs 3 8 46'9" to knock away Bruce Vick9. Marksmen 2 9 rey '66 record of 44'10". 10. Warriors 1 10 In the high jump, George Geopfert, a Rockford, Illinois Intramural All-Star Volleyball junior, opened his first season at Team Peru with a first-place win, Ray Uher-Zephyrs which, at 6', topped Buddy McJim Waltke_;Hubby's Puppies Rea's record of 5'11lh". Bob Vogt-Studs In the grueling one and twoTim Logsdon-Misfits mile runs, Tim Hendricks, a Peru Bernie Brown-Warriors veteran, sped to dual wins. HenLaVern Jensen-Playboys dricks with a time of 9:44 in the two-mile run, shattered his own record of 9:56. In the mile, witl'J:'o. a clocking of 4:28.8, he was only 3.1 seconds shy of Peru Stater Hastings College rocked Peru Louis Fritz's 1965 record of 4:25.7. State College Saturday, Feb. 18, with near-perfect shooting enThe separate pieces of a bikini route to an 86-73 basketball viccontrasting with the skin seem to tory in a Nebraska College game at Hastings. incite sharks ... ? Six-foot-eight Kurt Lauer, the strong Hastings center, led the Broncos to victory when he came off the bench during the first half. Lauer hit 13 of 17 on the floor and added. two from the charity line for high scoring honors with W points. Dean Cain, Peru State's senior guard, led the Bobcats with a 19-point effort.
Lubrication and Gas Most Brands of Oil Delco Batteries
By Dennis Hubbard
Congratulations to the BobCat track team on winning the triangular meet with Omaha U. and Nebraska Wesleyan Friday, February 17.
Wayne Rally Edges Bobcats Peru State College was defeated in the last minute by Wayne State College Wednesday night, Feb. 22, in the season's last game for both teams. The ml-84 loss to Wayne State dropped Peru's season record to 12-13. Peru State held a one point lead :with W seconds left in the game, but Wayne Heine then missed a 20 foot jumper and Wayne rebounded. Then, after a time-out, Wayne State's Bob Strathman sunk an 18 footer and the Bobcats were down by one. Peru 1brought the ball downcourt and with 21 seconds left Dean Cain's shot was short. Strathman was then fouled and he calmly sank both free throws. . With 12 seconds remaining Peru tried one last shot, 'but again it was short and Wayne State re1bounded and scored. Balanced scoring was the key to Wayne State's victory. Five of their players scored in double figures. They were: Ron Hintz, 23 points; Bob Hope, 1&; Bob Strathman, 17; Dave Schneider, 14; and Dean Elofson, 10 points. Peru State was led by center George Moore, Granite City, Ill., 'who ripped through 23 points. Moore connected on 11 of 19 from the field. Senior Dean Cain, Thurman, Iowa, and sophomore Wayne Heine, East Alton, Ill., also hit in double figures for Pe. ru with 24 and 18 points, respectively. The loss to Wayne St ate
PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Repairing and Remodeling Men's and Women's Clothing Forty-nine Years Serving St:u.denis and Faculty PHONE 872-2671
lllO J Street
Head Bobcat roundball mentor Jack Mcintire has recommended the following for varsity letters: Dean Cain, Bill Rinne, Dick Estes, George Moore, Jim Tegelhutter, Wayne Heine, Bob Lovejoy, and Leon Portrey. In a recent poll taken iby numerous sports writers, they selected an All-American team made up of the best college players of the past twenty years. These selections were: W i 1t Chamberlain, Bill Russell, Oscar Robertson, Bill Bradley, ana Ed Macauley. Dean Cain led the Bobcats in scoring this year with an average of 16.8 points per game. He also held the individual high game total with a 34 point salvo against Culver-Stockton. Wayne Heine also averaged in the double figures as he averaged 13.4 points per game. Heine led the Bobcats in rebounding as he grabbed off 2{)4 caroms for an average of 10.56 per game. Ron Snodgrass, who played in 16 games for the Bobcats this year, scored 316 points to bring his career total to 1369 points. and move him into second place in all-time Peru. scoring. In America a man is free to do just what he pleases without considering anyone-except his wife, his boss, his neighbors, and the city, state, and federal officials. After a woman driver has parked her car, her biggest worry is which of the ·three parking meters to put the nickel in.
Dean Coulter, R. B.
Saturday 2:30 -11 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Mon. • Tues. after 9:30 p.m.
Phone 274-4100 Razor Shaping and Styling
The Bruins of U.C.L.A. continue to lead the nation as the number one college team. The main reason is the sensational 7-1 sophomore center Lew Alcindor. He has led the Bruins to a 23-0 record and a unanimous selection as the best team fa the land. In a recent game with Washington State Lew pumped in 61 points. This is the highest individual total for a major game this ·season and broke the previous high of 56 Alcindor scored· in his varsity debut against Southern Cal.
Appointments Available
P&ru PedagO'gian, March 8, 1967
What's It To You?
,-WARNING! ' '.Mailboxes are protected by Federal law, and pranksters or vandals who damage or destroy the boxes and their contents may ibe in for a heayy fine or imprisonment, Postmaster Craig warned today. At the national level, some 25,000 mail receptacles were damaged or destroyed in the past year. It was also noted that 2,641 persons were arrested in the year up to last June 30 for damaging or destroying mail receptacles. The Peru Postmaster quoted from the law: "Whoever willfully or maliciously injures, tears down or destroys any letter box or other receptacle intended or used for the receipt or delivery of mail on any mail route, or · breaks open the same or willfully or maliciously injures, defaces or destroys any mail deposited therein, shall be fined npt more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than three years." This applies to all mail recep-
Kate's Cast Announced (Continued from page 1) Actually the musical is a "play within a play" in which the principle characters in each play are analogous. Lilli plays the part of Katherine, a willful, violent, sharp-tongued girl who is betrothed, against her will, to Petruchfo, a "man-of-the-world" fortune hunter, played by Fred. In the Taming of the Shrew portion of the play Kate throws dishes, etc. at Petruchio, and is finally "tamed" by Petruchio by means of starvation and similar methods. As might be expected, in the end Petruchio and Fred each "get their girl."
See that you get a good selection. See that the styles are new and attractive. See that the quality is high. But first and foremost, see that the jeweler you Choose is one you can trust. Tbe rest is automatic.
tacles and the mail in them, even though the boxes are bought by citizens and are their personal property. Pranksters-and especially children who do not know any better-should be made to realize the seriousness of their actions, the Postmaster said. "A $1,000 fine or a term in jail is enough to take the humor out of any prank." Often the mailbox damage is the work of youths, who do it for "kicks." "And the courts have sh-0wn little sympathy for this youthful means of expression."
"What's it to you?" These words have !been used innumerable times as an insolent reply to what was probably an annoying question. To most of us they mean, ''Of what importance is it to you?" This "shopworn" expression can also 'be a serious question, such as the one which follows-"Of what importance is a book to you? What is it to you, anyway?" To some, it is probably a rectangular, three-dimensional object that just "lies there" until it is picked up and moved. It neither does nor says anything significant, so it can't be of ·much consequence. This a t t i t u d e ,
Police Draft a Possibility? (ACP)-Twenty years from now college students may have to face a police draft as well as a military draft, the director of the public safety program at Wayne State University predicted recently. Donald Stevens, in a Daily Collegian report, said that "if the nation's police departments are not able to substantially increase their work force within the next 20 years, some type of draft or recruitment program will be necessary to maintain the operation of law enforcement agencies." Inadequate wages are not the main deterrent to police work, S te v ens maintains. "A high school graduate with no experience can be hired immediately by the Detroit Police Dept. at a starting salary of $7,340," he said. ''This is a higher annual wage than many Wayne graduatel_earn at their first jobs." ''The image, concept, and employment conditions of today's local law enforcement agencies discourage men interested in police work." Stevens, who holds a master's degree in police administration from Wayne State; criticized "an-
tiquated traditions," such as the use of squad cars for all police assignment (he advocates scooters for some jobs) and the lack of adequate training for policemen. ''The state has established laws to license 'barbers and hair stylists, but Michigan does not have any requirements concerning the training of police officers who work for municipal police departments," Stevens said. that word of the exploit will be sneaked t-0 the outside, which does indeed occur; and, the second of these unconsidered likelihoods is the inevitable clash of personalities which would naturally take place under the circumstances. Human relations among this group !become more and more strained, and the tensions between the characters continue to mount, until this turn of events provides the climax of the book. Hardly destined to remain alive through-Out the ages as a classic, the book does nevertheless provide several engaging hours of amusement for the reader. Assault on a Queen is well written, easily read and understood, and although weak in several areas, generally interesting and entertaining. -Jack Gaines
'QUEEN MARY' lS VICTIM OF 'FELONIOUS' ASSAULT (Continued from page 2) thieves ·board the great ship, ANNUAL TEA SERVED where they systematically reSmall cakes and candied fruit lieve the first-class passengers of peels were purchased from Dantheir untraceable valuables. na Henry. Over 58 pounds of Two factors, neither of which cake were served or sold. were considered by the robbers Mary Lutt of Peru, Donna in their careful planning, enter Sporer of Murray, and Mary upon the scene at this point. The Schlange of Auburn were the first of these is the possibility cake decorating artists.
HILL'S REXALL DRUGS Bridal pair of newest fashion.
Complete Line of School Supplies Revlon Coty Evening in Paris Cosmetics
Convenient Terms.
Other styles from $29.50
ELDON'S CAFE "For the Finest Food in Town" MEALS SHORT ORDERS Open: Monday· Saturday 6:00 a.m. -10:30 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. • 7:00 p.m. Peru, Nebraska
SPEED WASH COIN-OP. Drycleaning and Laundry
6:30 a.m.. • 10:30 p.m.
whether it is termed indifferent, apathetic, or neutral-is one of the greatest "stiflers of learning" that exists. Or may!be a book is one of those monsters the public recognizes as a "time-killer." It will serve as entertainment if there is absolutely nothing else to attract one's attention. It may ·be an instrument of torture, used to keep the unfortunate victim from pursuing more worthy interests. This, of course, is the supposedly universal view taken by the student. Again, a ibook may be a means of escaping the humdrum life that most of us think we lead, for it enables us to travel to faroff places and do wonderful things. Perhaps it serves as a path to revelation-pleasant or unpleasant. It could ibe that it is a mirror in which we see ourselves clearly for the first time, or it can be a powerful weapon for the forces of creativity and destruction alike. And a book can be a kind of time machine; it can carry us back to an era as ancient as life itself; or it may take us into a land of the future, looming dark and forbidding and yet bright and glistening. Perhaps it is just an expression of truth-about what? That depends on what you're searching for. The purposes books serve to different people are too numerous to name, but these are a few of them. It is likely, too, that a ibook has meant all of these to each of us. The important thing to remember is that it can mean only what we let it mean-it can be useful or treacherous. The individual must be ever diligent and watchful to keep it a source of light, and never allow it to deepen the darkness-his own or anyone else's.
ELIZA MORGAN "MARY LYON" OF MIDDLE WEST (Continued from page 4) the "West." Her ideals for useful, honorable young womanhood, like those of Mary Lyon, founder of Mt. Holyoke College, entitles her to be remembered as the "Mary Lyon" of the Middle West. In appearance Miss Morgan was slightly below the average stature, with dark eyes and br-0wn hair. She had an erect carriage, a light step, and a pleasant, serious voice. Her apparel was always faultless. Her tailored costumes, of elegant material and cut, were few in number but appropriately chosen. Each autumn she arrived in Peru from New York, cheery and alert, and masterfully took up her work of making a home for a large number of "dormitory girls." Peru had the only state normal school in Nebraska, and students came from distant parts of the state. She gave good sound advice that many a girl followed through life. A policy which she recommended, as well as followed, was, "Do not take offense at any slight or insult. Ignore the slight, give it n-0 thought, and show no sign of having felt the insult." The years went by, and when Miss Morgan retired from teaching at Peru in 1800 she spent several delightful years in Washington, D.C. She attended many sessions of Congress and the second inauguration of President McKinley in 1900. Miss Morgan then made her home in Rochest-
CALENDAR Wednesday, March 8 Newman Forum, FA Aud. 6:30-7:30 W.A.A., 8:00 p.m., Gym Industrial Arts Club, IA 29 8:00
Thursday, March 9 Nebraska AuthorsMarion M. Brown, FA Aud. 7:30 p Gamma Delta, FA 205 6:00 p Wesley Fellowship, 6:30 Alpha Mu Gamma, 8:00 p.m. FA 1 Student Center Board, 6:30 p Friday, March 10 Sigma Tau Delta Monday, March 13 Blue Devils, 6:30 p.m., Sc. l Phi Beta, 7:00 p.m., CS 1
6:30 p.m., Chorus Roo Home Ee. Clu:b, CS 312 Alpha Mu Omega, 7:3·0 p.m., Sc. 1 White Angels, 6:30 p.m., Morgan H Tuesday, March 14 Dance, Student Center, Majors Hall Geography Club, 7:00 p.m., Women Student's Association, 4:00 p.m., Eliza Morgan _Mu Epsilon Nu, 8:00 p.m., Student Wednesday, March 15 Newman Club, 6:30 p.m., Sc. 105 Presidential Nominations for S.G.A., Convo Period Thursday, March 16 Spring Pramatics Club Production A.C.T. Meeting, CS 104, 3:30 p.m., Dr. Dodge Gamma Delta, 6:00 p.m., FA 205 S.G.A., 6:30 p.m., Student Center Wesley Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. Friday, March 17 -District Speech Contest, all day Monday, March 20 Invitational Volleyball Tournament P.S.E.A., 6:30 FA Aud. Blue Devils, 6:30 p.m., Sc. 105 N.C.A.T.E. Visitation Tuesday, March 21 Invitational Volleyball Tournament W-0men Student's Association, 4:00 p.m. Mu Epsilon Nu, 8:00 p.m., Student Center Wednesday, March 22 Easter Observance, Music Department Invitational Volleyball Tournament Gamma Delta, 6:00 p.m., FA 211 W.A.A., Gym, 8:0-0 p.m. N.C.A.T.iE. Visitation er, New York. Miss Morgan made her last visit to Peru in 1908. It was at this time that President James W. Crabtree induced Miss Morgan to come iback to Peru as the guest of honor at the 40th anniversary commencement. In 1929 an addition was built on the north of Mt. Vernon Hall. It was named in honor of Miss Eliza Morgan, the first dean of women from 1872 to 1898.
News Commentator Hlavacek To Visit Peru State March 28 John Hlavacek, televisionNews Analyst for K'MTV Channel 3, will serve as visiting lecturer at Peru Tuesday, March 28 at a convo in the College Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Hlavacek, an accomplished foreign correspondent with more than two decades experience in the Middle East, Asia, and Cen· :tral America, is the producer and host of the "Hlavacek Report." This news program is an indepth, expanded study of the major happenings, trends, developments and personalities that make world headlines. In addition, he presents special news programs and "The World Today," a series of half-hour interviews with prominent personalities.
John Hlavacek, KMTV News Commentator, recently returned from Viet Nam and will speak :to Peru students about i:t following Easter Vacation.
SGA Presidential Elections Today Before a relatively small segment of the student body, candidates for president and vicepresident of next year's Student Governing Association presented their platform March 1'5. Current SGA President Ron Kroll, introduced the candidates and reminded the student body that they should vote for the president-vice-president team of their choice rather than vote the splitticket. Bill Bowen, vice-presidential candidate running with Ken Stoner, presented his platform first. Bill expressed both he and Ken's interest in the SGA and said, "We both desire to do the best job we can if elected." Bill said of Ken, "when you want something done right see Ken Stoner. He has the ability to do things in a fast and fair way." The next speech was delivered by Allan Burr, also a vice-presidential candidate. Allan's speech eonsisted of five main points: a ·budget independent of state legislative control, more organizational cooperation, large scale . pre-planned activities, establishment of a judicial forum, and expansion of SGA representation. Presidential candidate Ken Stoner, explained his e:x1perience in government through his high school activities. He expressed his understanding of the campus and the need of the SGA to beeome a more active force in the lives of the students. He said, "This campus needs a change!" He promised to do his best to obtain extended dormitory hours for girls, a student-supported ··budget, and increased activity of all organizations. The final speaker was R o n Jones, also a presidential candidate. He e:x1plained that he was "very interested in student government work" and said that "through governmental experiences, I have an understanding of the knowledge of running for such a position." He expressed his intention to revise the budget so that the state of Nebraska :will not receive the profits. With
Regardless of the program, Hlavacek deals with the "why" of :the news. His search f o r "whys" has taken him out of the United States three times. In the summer of 19fl:Y he went to the Middle and Far East and
Viet Nam. Public interest in his first trip increased following his return home when he presented six half-hour prime time evening programs. This interest prompted KMTV to send him back to Viet Nam shortly before Christmas that same year. In this trip he sought out over 100 Channel 3 area servicemen to obtain their candid comments concerning the war. These interviews were featured on his nightly report and on three half-hour evening special programs. Early in 196'6 Hlavacek went to Venezuela and the Dominican Republic. He attended the Annual News Editors Seminar of the Columbia University, School of Journalism, and had the honor of being the first television representative invited to participate in this foreign aff.airs event.
Miami and Havana. He was one of the first free-world reporters to leave Cuba after Castro rose to power. Hlavacek taught English in a Chinese mission school in 1939 and joined the Red Cross when the United States entered the war. In 1944 he helped in the evacuation of Hengyang and was cited for gallantry. Later he was appointed United Press General Manager for India and Pakistan. It was while he was serving in this area that he met and married Peggy Barker, who is also a reporter and correspondent in her own right. The Council on Foreign Relations awarded Mr. Hlavacek its Carnegie Fellowship for an American Foreign Correspondent in 1957. In 1963· he received the Silver Anniversary All-American Award, presented by Sports Illustrated Magazine for football players who distinguish themselves after· leaving college.
Prior to joining KMTV's staff in the spring of 1964, he was a Miami-based correspondent for the New Yock Times and had been on the NBC news staff in
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
Peru Pedagogian
these profits he intends to increase social activity and beautify the campus. He feels that PERU STATE COLLEGE, PERU, cooperation of campus organizations and participation of the faculty will increase spirit. He is very interested in a student judiciary board whose purpose will be that of an appeals court. He expressed his desire in a govern'::-. ment "of, for, and by the students." Ron Kroll reminded the stuSeven representatives of the dent body that elections will take place Wednesday, March 22, in National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education are the Student Center.
Volume 62
Number 12
MARCH 22, 1967
NCATE Evaluating Peru State Undergraduate Education Program
-Photo by Special Services Authoress Marian Marsh Brown receives her Centennial Plaque from Silas Summers, Peru Staie English instructor.
Writer Marian M. Brown Speaks of Cather, Sandoz, Niehardt Marian Marsh Brown, one of Nekaska's greatest authors, was guest speaker at the Fine Arts Recital Hall on Thursday night, March 9 at 7:30. She is a 1927 graduate of Peru State College and presently an Associate Professor of English at the University of Omaha. Mrs. Brown stated, "My first real determination to become an English teacher and writer had its roots on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks." She feels that much of the credit for her success goes to Dr. E. C. Beck. Mrs. Brown gave the students this advice: "You can learn
more about how to become a good teacher by sitting under a good professor and listening." Mrs. Brown is one of the top ten Nebraska authors listed on the Nebraska literary map, and stated, "I am proud to be on the list!" Mrs. Brown spoke about three of Nebraska's best authors: Mari Sandoz, John G. Niehardt, and Willa Cather. She felt that these authors became great because they had the pioneer spirit. They saw and understood themselves, and they were able to express Continued on page 4, column 5
visiting Peru State Co 11 e g e March 19-22, 19'67, to evaluate the undergraduate program of teacher education. NCA'I'E periodically reviews programs of its accredited institutions as a part of its accreditation program. The college was last visited by an NCATE committee in 1958. Dr. George M. Christensen, head, department of psychology, Winona State College, Winona, Minnesota, is the chairman of the evaluating team. Other members are: Dr. 0. C. Kjosness, Dean of Students, Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado; Dr. Lucile Klauser, Professor of English Education, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Illinois; Dr. Burdette W. Eagon, Dean, School of Education, Wisconsin State University, Stevens Point, Wisconsin; Dr. C. M. Clarke, Director of Teacher Education, North Texas State University, Denton, Texas; Mr. Leonard Skov, Director .of Teacher Education, State Department of Education, Lincoln, Nebraska; and Miss Thresa Clark, Principal, Benson West Elementary School, Omaha, Nebraska, representing the Nebraska State Education Association. In preparation for the NCATE visit the entire faculty of Peru State College has participated in a self-study culminating in a 150-page report, "T~acher Education at Peru State College," which will be used as guidelines for the visitation. The visiting team makes no judgments as to the effectiveness of the program, but will report its findings to the accreditation commit t e e of Continued on page 6, column 5
Dr. John F. Helm
Architecture Expert Dr. John Helm To Speak Dr. John F. Helm, Professor of Drawing and Painting in the College of Architecture and Design at Kansas State University at Manhattan, Kans., will ibe the speaker for convocation, April 5, 7:30 p.m. He has been associated with Kansas State University since 1924 and is presently director of the Graduate Program for the College of Architecture and Design. Dr. Helm's favorite art media are water color, etching, aquatint and wood engraving. He has work represented in the permanent collection of Kansas State University; the collection of Bethany College at Lindsborg, Kans.; the Tulsa Art Association at Tulsa, Okla.; the Salina Art Association at Salina, Kans.; the collection of The Kansas State Federation of Women's Clubs; the California State L~brary; and Continued on page 6, column 1
Page 2
Peru Pedagogian, March 22, 1967
Jewish Rabbi's Detective Efforts Disrupt Synagogue Confusion Reigns
Editorially Speaking ..
How Many? Editorials have appeared recently concerning different aspects of the Student Center-food, cleanliness, etc. These have come from the front side of the counter, and everyone's opinion is accepted. Because everyone is privileged to give an opinion, here is a view from b~hind the scenes. How many of you 1. Could prepare food for approximately 500 people, and satisfy everyone? 2. Have a choice of meat, vegetables, desserts, and drinks each meal, every day in your own homes? 3. Could go out and buy in a store, and prepare a meal for the amount you pay per meal· over a given amount of time? Stop and figure it up! As to the cleanliness of the dining areas! How many of you in your own homes 1. Get a clean cup each time you have another cup of
coffee? 2. Sit and tear up paper cups and napkins and leave them in a pile for someone else to clean up? 3. Put your cigarette ashes on the floor, or stamp out the finished product on the floor? 4. Sit and burn matches, paper cups and napkins, leaving them to mar the tables? 5. Get up and leave one table you have piled full of litter and "second" cups of coffee, and go to another table to start all over again? 6. Throw ice cubes, paper wads, straws, for the worker to pick up? 7. Leave your artistic talents engraved on your tables? Yes, the ones behind the scenes are paid to serve you, but you have paid for these facilities, so why waste your money by being so critical of them when you don't do your share? How many of you would be Willing to take the people behind the scenes into consideration, for what they are trying to do, to make your stay away from home more enjoyable? -Dick Cassidy
What Time IS It? What is the correct time? This is a familiar question heard on campus even though there are several clocks ip. each building. The only trouble is that the clocks usually don't agree on the same time. A clock in one room may be faster or slower than one in the room next to it. The time from one building to another may vary the same way. This makes it seem as if the bells ring at the wrong time because the clocks are at the wrong time when the bell rings. It is very confusing to both students and teachers. It is difficult to get to class on time. No one knows if the bell has rung because the clocks are all at different times. Setting the clocks on campus so that they will agree on time, and so that the bells ring with the time on the clocks may not get everyone to class on time; but it will eliminate that excuse for being late. -Mary Everhart. HAIKU PERU PEDAGOGIAN Wednesday, March 22, 1967 Number 12
Volume 62
"Forgetfulness is like a song that, freed from beat and measure, wanders." ~Hart Crane Published bi-weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between ·semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421.
STAFF EDITOR .......... Joan Bretthout ASSISTANT EDITOR .......... . ...................... Mary Budler BUSINESS MANAGER ......... .................. Charles Williams CIRCULATION MANAGER .... ....................... Mike Castle SPORTS EDITOR ............... . ................... Dennis Hubbard PHOTOGRAPlHER .. Robert Beran LAYOUT ...... ; ..... Phyllis Groff, Charlotte Nedrow and Staff @VISOR .............James Keck REPORTERS-Marie Ballue, Greg Vaughn, Louise Lundstedt, Shirley Pratt, Dave Alvis, Dan Koch, Verny~e Schmidt, Charlotte Nedrow, Mary Everhart, Charles Williams, Beth Ann Terwilleger, Chloe Miller, Ann Ritter, Lynn Sailors, Ruth Rathbun, Maxine Lyons, Jack Gaines, Mary Hunzeker.
Moon So Bright For Love! Come Closer, Quilt ... Enfold My Passionate Cold! Oh! I Hate Them All And Ohl What A Stomach-Ache •.• Green Stolen Apples Autumn Mosquitoes Buzz Me, Bite Me ... See, I Am Long Prepared For Death A classic is something that everyone wants to have read and nobody wants to read. -Mark Twain A conference is a gathering of important rpeople who singly can do nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done. The war on poverty could be won in no time at all if they would just give refunds on empty beer cans.
The signed letters printed In· this
paper do not reflect the opinion of
the Pedagogian but of Individuals.
The editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
DaffynishunDiscotheque: Where the sacroili-action is.
One of the holiest of holidays celebrated by those of the Jewish Faith is Yom Kippur, Qr the Day of Atonement, during which the Jews of the world fast for 24 hours in partial repentance for their sins. Yet for David Small, the rabbi of a diminutive N~ England congregation, hunger pangs prove to be one of the lesser problems of the period. Although this book is ·a murder mystery in the finest traditions of Ellery Queen, Ha r r y Kemelman, with Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry, has added many new and unique elements to the tired, ol<l "butler did it" theme. Included among these innovations are an amateur detective rabbi, who uses the subtle Talmudic logic of the Jews to solve the murder, a congregation squabbling over a new addition to their temple, and a Catholic chief of police who is constantly baffled .by the workings of the rabbi's mind. The book opens innocently enough, on the eve of Yorn Kippur with the rabbi making preparations to fUlfill his holiday obligations to the congregation. The action soon intensifies, how· ever, as later that evening, the alcoholic Isaac Hirsh is found dead in the garage of his home, presumably from car.ban monoxide poisoning. Several things con-
Campus to Campus By Ruth Rathbun At Hastings College Raphael Green presented a film lecture entitled "The Two Berlins" March 7 at 8 p.m. in Bellevue House. Illustrated with color films of East and West Berlin, the forum was sponsored by the Bellevue Cultural Area committee. Mr. Green sees the two Berlins as "a testing ground for the East and the West. Never before have two such cities been seen upon this earth." The witch-craft thriller, "The Crucible" was presented on Febr. 21-25 by the drama department of Eastern Montana College. "The Crucible" is a recounting of the witchcraft trials of Hffi2 in Salem, Massachusetts. A ten-man committee made up of eight faculty members, an undergraduate and a graduate student has been appointed to investigate application of the "pass-fail" course grading system at Central 'Missouri State, according to Dr. D. W. Tieszen, Dean of Instruction. Dean Tieszen stressed that the use of the pass-fail system at Central Missouri State will not institute a complete change-over from the present grading system but will affect probably only five or six courses. "The value of such a system," Dr. Tieszen said, "is that it will allow a student to experiment in courses in which he would normally be reluctant to enroll for fear of jeopardizing his grade-point average." With spring just around the corner, many girls' thoughts are beginning to turn to the new look in the season's fashions. Sigma Gamma Tau is presenting their Spring Style Show, "Our Bright Sight" at Concordia Teachers College. The show will feature 36 spring outfits furnished by Stylecraft. There will also be a luncheon served after the fashion show.
BOOK REVIEW cerning the death point to suicide, however; and this fact prompts the appearance of an insurance investigator who sees an opportunity to welsh on one of his company's policies. In the meantime, Raibbi Small has buried the poss]ble suicide victim in a prominent location in the cemetery, thus violating a strict decree of the synagogue and angering an eminent benefactor to such a point that he refuses to make a donation to the new addition to the temple. Next enters the middle-aged architect, who sees in the new temple an excellent opportunity to improve upon his record of building only· super-markets. Wanting the contract for the Synagogue very b ad 1y , he promptly suggests that a circular road, built around ihe graveyard in such a manner as to exclude ihe questionable body, w o u 1 d solve the problem very neatly. Raibbi Small, however, who never could see the need for the new addition in the first place, refuses to listen to this solution, becomes highly principled over the transplanting of bodies, and submits his resignation to demonstrate his displeasure. With this action, the main plot and the sub-plot are solidified, and the stage is set for the rabbi to become an amateur detective in search of clues to help in the solution of the strange mystery. From this point, through the climax of the story, the reader is lead from suspect to suspect as the evidence against each one is first compiled and then dismissed, until the rabbi, who was the first to establish the fact that a murder had been committed, again is first to discover who the murderer is. Thus, the story is happily ended; the mystery is solved; and the rich benefactoris pacified, donating enough money to build a new addition to the temple.
Saturday the Rabbi Went Hun~ gry is the second of a contin~ series of Raibbi Small novels, anc'D each has ibeen an interestin~ study of ,people and their pr-ob~ lems and an excellent and enter,lJ taining puzzle of murder, in~ trigue, and suspense. In addition~ the book is fairly easy reading~ although at times it seems as i~ Mr. Kemelman !has sacrifice~ quality for quantity in his char~ acters. Instead of a few well-de~ .~ veloped characters, there seemj to be too many characters withl too little personality. , I .....!By Jack Gaines1,
Survey Reveals Students Disapprove Of "Pass-Fail" System
Students at Peru State werel recently asked their opinions ori') the question, "Do you feel a'l grading system whereby the student would merely ;pass or fai would ibe beneficial to Per State?" Of those surveyed, the tally was l& "yes," and 56 "no," and four "undecided." Some of the comments are printed ibelow. Phil Bruil:o-"Yes. But only if the passing scale is raised. This would reduce friction between students as far as competition, which can be a bad thing." Joe Keys-"No. Because it is the present ;policy of the U. S. to educate as many people as poss1ble, this type of educational system is not feasible. This system would require a selective group of students who would have no problem with grades in any university."
Maxine Lyons-"! believe our present system is the best one for our college. In our system there are a variety of levels of achievement which students .can strive for. If the pass-and-fail system were adopted no on would know his rank and many would stop trying for highe LETTER TO THE EDITOR grades, because they would ge Dear Editor: the same grade as those who do Our student elections are again less work but still pass." falling upon us. Actions by our next student government will deJacque Golden-"This s y s t e m termine the course of our camwould eliminate the problem o pus. We all complain <l!bout the favoritism according to grades, lack of activity and the resulting but then when a student goes for boredom that we face on campus. a teaching jab, there will be no The time for action is here. Watch your votes and talk to way of telling if the student has been exceptionally good, barely your candidates. If you want acpassing, or average. A student tion, say so to your candidates. The Student Governing Associa- would have no initiative to try tion has tremendous power if for a good grade, but would jus properly employed, and it should 'sluff off.' " be properly employed. Few col- Robert Conradt-"If this pro· leges in Nebraska have any con- gram were initiated it would trol over their own government, eliminate giving favorites better but those that have wrested their grades and rpr-0tect future empower from an unwilling admin- ployers from hiring educated istration appointed by the state. idiots." The key to success in stronger control by student governments Larry Nedrow-"Such a syste is the backing of the S.G.A. by would not work because someon the entire campus. Our adminis- would still have to decide whi tration (state-controlled) does not w-0rk was unsatisfactory worry in the least about the which was not." S.G.A. elections, because the S.G.A. rarely takes a firm stand Barb Aylsworth-"! against administration policies. would he · wonderful. Some independent action by the wouldn't have to worry abou S.G.A. would be very interesting being average-you would b in this coming year. We hope either a success or a failure." that the students on this campus will quit complaining and get out Jean Wilkinson-"! don't think and make their sovereign votes one distinction would: g iv e enough incentive. I think a four~ felt. James Michael Harris point system is better than a nine-point system." Senior Peru State College Continued on page 4, column 2
'The Vigil' Presented March 16
-Photo by Bob Beran "Your Honor, it is the Prosecutor who is confusing the Jury," protests ihe Defense Attorney (Bill Austin) as the Prosecutor (Don Dodge) rails at a Frightened Susanna (Dianne Morrison). The Judge (Bill Bowen) watches both lawyers suspiciously.
Page 3
Editor's Note: A review of the play which arrived too late for publication in this issue will be included in the next issue.
Peru '.Pedagogian, March 22, 1967
What About the Draft? "Hup - Two • Three - Four"those sounds, hardly music to the ears of male college students, are, even in normal times, sufficient to raise more than a few questions concerning the draft. Especially now, however, in view of the fact that the present Selective Service Act expires in July, and in the wake of conflicting reports from the President, the President's Commission, and Congress, millions of draft-age youths are inquiring into their chances of being drafted, and the effect which the forthcoming alterations in the Selective Service System will have on them. Some of the most often asked
questions, and their answers, according to the latest available information, follows: HOW SOON WILL THERE BE CHANGES IN THE DRAFT SYSTEM? By July 1, 19£7, Congress must approve an extension of the existing authority to draft men for the armed services. The new law is very likely to provide f o r changes in the current system. WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO DRAFT DEFERMENTS FOR COLLEGE UNDERGRADUATES? Continued on page 6, column 4
1:rw;:1··1····;n;mr;11~ ;.i. :1.
Tired but triumphant, the cast of "The Vigil" brought its rehearsals to an end with the presentation of the play in the College Auditorium Thurs day, March 16 at 8:00 p.m. The play, set in any court room in the United States between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, included a cast of over 21 characters. The cast was headed iby Bill Austin as the Council for the Defense, Don Dodge as the Prosecutor, and Danna Henry as -Photo by Bob Beran Mary Magdalene. Others in the Mary Magdalene (Danna Henry) screams at the Prosecutor, cast included: Violet, Marcy Anderson; Mr. Woods, Charles Wil- "Would I dare to slap fhe face of Jesus? Would I dare to hit my liams; Judge, Bill Bowen; Court Master?" Clerk, Dan 'Bolin; Court Room Guard, Vincent Sunderman; Court Stenographer, Mike Castle; The Gardener, Ken Brockman; Assistant to the Prosecutor, Jerry Barnard; Assistant to the Defense, Lowell Brown; Esther, Lynda Shanahan; Lucius, Gerald Brock; Mr. Pinchas, Steve Mason; Joseph of Arimathea, Greg Vaughn; Lady Procula, Joan Bretthorst; Pontius Pilate, Neal Bower; Saul of Tarsus, Bob Beran; Beulah, Marliss Cramer; Sadoc, Dave Alvis; Susanna, Diane Morrison; Professor Thaddeus, Bruce Larson; and Simon, John Miller. Director Robert D. Moore and the cast owe their thanks to Charles Williams, stage manager; the stage crew-Steve Mason, Marcie Anderson, Gerald Brock, Robert Beran, Anne Biller, and Jane Budler; Mary Anna Gnade, costumes and make-up; Mrs. Gilbert Wilson, Mrs. Robert Moore, and Mike Castle, make-up; and ushers, Mu Epsilon Nu. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
TEACHERS If you are interested in locating in a particular area then we can be of excellent service to you.
We specialize on personalized service and try to meet your needs and desires. It is not too eaJ'ly to enroll. Write for information.
DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE Miss Beulah Crain, Manager 501 Stuart Bldg. Lincoln, Nebraska
-Photo by Robert Beran As ±he Defense Afiorney looks on confidently, Simon Peter (John Miller) tells fhe Prosecutor, "If I say He was the Lord, you can fall on your knees, because He WAS the Lord!"
New Face on Campus; 'Ad' Building Remodeled The Campus of a Thousand Oaks has completed another step in its stairway of progress. The students, :faculty, and visitors to the campus note the appearance of a shining new face-that of the newly remodeled Administration Building. Throughout the year many have observed the long process of remodeling, and heard the sound of singing tools which have heralded the approaching comple-
Take 5 ... and swing out refreshed. Coca-Cola-with its bright lively lift, big bold taste, never too sweet - refreshes best. things go
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Bottled under the authority of The Coca-Cola Company by:
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tion. Regardless of the weather, work continued, and now the building is ready for it debut to the public. The exterior presents only a minor preview of what is inside. The pleasant face invites you to even greater surprises of remodeling on the interior. The Administration Building has also received a complete beauty treatment on its body. Winding flights of stairs tempt you to explore into the unknown and discover the progress with your own eyes. Each stairway leads you to impressive improvements in the floors, walls, and hallways. Closed doors dare you to open them and discover the worlds of knowledge which will be obtained in the classrooms. The clicking of typewriters and the hum of adult voices indicate the offices of the faculty which will be the scene of the ·business actions and advice to many students of Peru State in the future. If you haven't already taken a trip into the Administration Building, stop in a few minutes of your spare time, look at the proud, inviting face of the big new windows, and follow your senses to the most recent addition to PROGRESS on The Campus of a Thousand Oaks.
Time is the only thing that doesn't fly when you try to kill it.
Peru Pedagogian, March 22, 1967
Page 4
NU Students Initiate
Over 800 Students To Vie In Peru Inter-scholastic Contest (Special Services)-More than 800 area high school students are scheduled to participate in the ninth annual Peru State College Inter-scholastic Contest Thursday, March 23, according to Lester Russell, Inter-scholastic Contest chairman and assistant professor of industrial arts at Peru State. College. Last year more than 70(} students from 44 area high schools were entered in the day-long event during which more than !tOO tests were given. In the 1966 contest, Falls City High School captured their sixth consecutive Division A championship, while Johnson High School annexed its first Division B championship. The entries for this year's contest include 13 Division A schools and 23 Division B schools. Several more entries are expected. The top five students. in each division will receive points for their schools,· and the top three students will be awarded certifi• cates. Division A schools may enter two students in each event, while Division B schools may enter only one. Entries reveal that Division A schools will send between 35-40 students p er
Coast Guard Invites College Seniors To Apply For OCS Washington, D. C.-C o 11 e g e seniors or graduates can fulfill their military obligation as officers in the U. S. Coast Guard. Qualified applicants are notified of selection for Officer Candidate School before they enlist. OCS classes convene in September and February at the Coast Reserve Training Center in historic Yorktown, Virginia. There the carefully selected college graduates receive 17 weeks of intensive, highly specialized training. Upon graduation they are commissioned as ensigns in the Coast Guard Reserve and serve on active duty for three years. Those qualified may be offered flight training. Coast Guard officers receive the same pay and benefits as officers of other Armed Forces. Included are 30 days of annual leave and free medical and dental care. Peacetime duties of the Coast Guard include law enforcement, search and rescue, oceanographic research, marine safety, and the maintenance of aids to navigation. Information on the U. S. Coast Guard Officer Candidate School may be obtained from Commandant (PTP-2), U. S. Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, D. C. 2022'6 or the nearest Coast Guard Recruiter.
Free University, Bill of Right
school, while the Division B average is l&-20 students per school. Schools with enrollments above 150 are in Division A, and those below are in Division B. Tests will be given in 24 areas. These include: English Usage, Shorthand 1, Shorthand 2, Music, World History, Algebra 2, Industrial Arts, Home Economics, Geometry, American History, Physics, Spanish, Typewriting 1, Typewriting 2, Chemistry, World Literature, Health, American Government, General Biology, Spelling, Latin, Advanced Mathematics, German, French. Schools entered: Division AFalls City; Hamburg; Shenandoah, Iowa; Tri-County of DeWitt; Tecumseh; Ashland; Nebraska City; Clarinda, Iowa; Waverly; South Page Community of College Springs, Iowa; Wa:hoo; Norris of Hickman; Humboldt. Division B-Palrnyra; Sacred Heart of Falls City; Dawson-Verdon; Prague; Mead; 'Brock; Johnson; Murdock; Malcolm; Sterling; Talmage; Diller; Cook; Weeping Water; Lewiston; Filley; Southeast Nebraska Consolidated of Stella; Elmwood; Adams; Table Rock; Valparaiso; Nehawka; Riverview Consolidated of Holmesville. SURVEY REVEALS STUDENTS DISAPPROVE OF 'PASS-FAIL' SYSTEM Continued from page 2, Rob Parker-"No. There would be difficulty in transfer." ....., Don Dodge-"No. It puts no premium on individual initiative. Besides, what would we do with the time allotted for Honors' Convo?" Dan Johnson-"! believe the grading system is appropriate the way it stands. Our educational system is progressive from year to year, and thus a person should also be graded along these progressive lines. Besides this, it would be rather difficult to set up where passing and failing would be located because so many different types of mentalities would be encountered."
Recent developments at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebmska, have involved a crusade by students for "academic freedom." Three facets of this program have included the free university, the Student Bill of Rights, and Hyde Park. On certain days at certain iimes, one is likely to find a group of NU students sitting in the lounge in the Episcopal Student Center, discussing Buddhism. There may be books lying about such as "The Way of Zen" and "What the 'Buddha Taught." At time of writing this particular "class" consisted of 23 NU students and an "instructor." So far there are 23 such courses offered in the curriculum of the "free university,'' described as "an attempt to supplement NU's curriculum." Terry Tilford, who teaches the Buddhism course, is a 1964 graduate of Creighton University and teaches English for the extension division of Nebraska University. The no n - university-sanctioned class Iasis as long as the participants want; the attendance is op· tional; and there are no tests or grades. When asked why he felt that such classes were necessary, Mr. Tilford replied that educartion should be a dialogue between the student and the teacher, and this was an all-too-rare occurrence. Most of the time students sit in even rows and hear 50-minute lectures, with little discussion. The free university is dedicated to dialogue and opposed to lecture. The free university, its advocates feel, is free in ;both an intellectual and a financial sense. Some of the courses offered include: modern existential theologians, psychology of humor, psychedelic drugs, theories of Communism, human reproduction, and the Negroid· stigma. Graduate students, professors, and laymen, such as doctors and lawyers, teach the courses. Perhaps the free university may fail, but its participants feel it has real merit.
Bill's Clothing & Shoe Store
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Ron Kroll Room 234 Majors Hall
Continued from page 1 themselves in words. The bas' for their greatness lies in the· insight to life and character, th truth as they understood an saw it, and their ability to writ Mrs. Brown said that these au· thors have made us become in~ terested 1because we have a liter ary heritage to be proud of; an we want to know more aibout th literature· and the people who wrote it. Others have shown us the way, and others will followthe heritage of Nebraska will continue. Mrs. Brown concluded her speech by saying, "To Ne·'' braska's next one hundred years, and the literary authors to fol· low, thank you!"
Marian Marsh Brown was a faculty member of Peru State College from 19'35 to 1938. Prior to this, she taught English in several Nebraska schools. She married GHbert S. Brown and has been a resident of Omaha since. Mrs. Brown's first book was Young Nathan; published in 1949. She has published seven other books since this time. For the past twelve years, Mrs. Brown has ·been a member of the Delegates were sent to the English department faculty at· Sunday afternoon meeting from the University of Omaha.
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The third innovation is call "Hyde Park," which refers to designated area on the camp where a student or faculty me ber may stand up and spe freely about his gripes, reco mendaHons, findings, ek. forum, which iakes place at 4: p.m. every Thursday afternoo has as its primary purpose free expression of ideas, politic or otherwise.
Ask About Our
6130 a.m. to lOtOO p.m.
Some of the rights included in the Bill of Rights were: (1) The right for every person to be considered for admission to the University of Nebraska and its student organizations, regardless of race, color, ·national origin, religious creed, or political beliefs, (2) The right of students, individually or in association with other individuals, io engage freely in off-campus activities, exercising their rights and responsibilities as citizens of the community, state, and nation, provided they do not claim to be officially representing the University of Nebraska. (3) The right of students io determine who shall have access to either :their academic or non-academic records. (4) The right of students to establish and petition proper channels f o r changes in curriculum, faculty, and/or policy. (5) The right of all student organizations to de· cide whether or not :they have faculty advisors and whether or not they have chaperones at their functions. The selection of faculty advisors and/or chaperones (official guests) shall be solely the concern of that organization.
pus organizations.
Member F.D.I.C.
There are bigger things than money---<bills.
Sunday, Febr. 19, the NU Student Assembly discussed a Student Bill of Rights, which ha d a Preamble stating: "In order to affirm and to guarantee to the students of the University of Nebraska those conditions indispensable to the achievement of total education in a democratic society, the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska hold the following rights among those essential to the complete development of the student as an individual and as a responsible citizen of that society ..."
ot Nebraska Ric Hamer 872·4301 Peru, Nebr.
Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday Phone 872-4351 •''
Bobcats Place Second In Kearney Invitational Fortune did not look favorably upon Peru's track team on Saturday, March 4, as Kearney State took first place at the Kearney Indoor Invitational with 11 out of 13 firsts, and a total of 111 points. Peru came up second with a total of 34 points and the only two non-Kearney victories of the meet. Tiro Hendricks of Omaha and Rich Rech of Grand Island cinched the two Peru victories with a 9:46.5 time in the twomile run for Hendricks, and a 0:07.7 time in the 75-yard dash for Rech. Tim 'Hendricks of Omaha, taking serond place, set a new Peru record in the indoor mile, with a 4:23.9 time, which upset Louis Fritz' 1005 record of 4:25.7. Third-place winners for Peru were Curt Holliman of Rockford, · Ililnois, ·in the 75-yard dash, and the two-mile relay team, with a time of 8:33 .-0. · Arnel'.icans have more timesaving devices and less time than any people in the world.
Redfern Clothing Co. "The Store of Standard Brands" Phone 274-3820 Aubum
DR. G. E. MANN OPTOMETRIST Coniact Lenses Closed Wed. p.m., Sat. p.m. 119 No. 8th St. Nebr. City
Fourth pla<:er for Peru w a s Calvin Smith, of Pacific Junction, Iowa, who 1brought in a time of 0:52.5 in the 440-yard dash. Peru fifth-placers were Mike Schlerner, of East Alton, Illinois, and Gerald Wilson; of Cleves, Ohio. Mike took the 75-yard high hurdles in 10.l se<:onds, and Gerald cleared the bar at 12'1" in the pole vault.
BASEBALL SQUAD SELECTED The 1967 Peru State College Baseball Squad is as follows: J·ames Tegelhutter* LaVerne Jensen" Doug Winfield* Bill Everhart* Larry Beach• Dick Jensen Jim Rains Larry Shoff John Warner Dennis Hammer Bob Cappel Chuck Mizerski* Alan Burr Jim Crabtree Rich Guzinski Steve Pattison* Stan Zbylut Allan Sullivan• Ken Waltke Jim Waltke* Mike Guide Ri<:hard Ideus John Creamer* Gary Young* Nick Petrillo Gary Hurd Mark Weiler *Designates returning lettermen.
ADAMS' SINCLAIR Lubrication and Gas Most Brands of Oil Delco Batteries ALL CREDIT CARDS
Peru Pedagogian, March 22, 1967
INTRAMURALS The following players partidpated in the Intramural "All-Star" Basketball Game on Tuesday, March 14, at 6:15 p.rn.
American League Leon Bose-Studs John Bohaty-Roadrunners Bernie Brown-Warriors Mike Castle-1Fubars Frank Mikos-Studs Torn Morrison-Roadrunners Raymond Smith-Warriors Bruce Stock-"Cool Jerks Ray Uher-Zephyrs Jim Ulmer-Playboys Robert Vogt-Studs Gary Young-Centennials Coach: John Gilmore
National League Mike Barsi-Misfits Bill ·Everhart-Trojans Warren Fintel--'Marksmen Dennis Flattre-Scavengers Rich Gibson-Gladiators Rich Guzinski~Kingsrnen Ron Jones-Gladiators ·Dan Koch-Assyrians Tiro Logsdon_;Misfits Gerald Marks-Loafers Dennis Noehren-Assyrians Jim Rains-Kingsmen Coach: Ray Cain
Final Intramural Basketball Standings 7. Assyrians 7. Trojans 7. Centennials 8. Cool Jerks 9. Scavengers 9. Zephyrs 10. Loafers 10. Fubars
1. Kingsrnen 2. Gladiators 3. Warriors 4. Studs 5. Marksmen 5. Roadrunners 6. Playboys 6. Misfits
How Wei I Do You Know Sports? The following quiz is a test of mental calisthenics in the sports world: 1. Who gets first draft choice in the National Football League? 2. What controversy is conne<:ted with the National Basketball Assodat1on? 3. Who won the Nati 0 na1 Hockey League Championship in the 1966-67 season? 4. What T.V. network bought the New York Yankees?
5. Name the roan who officially received the N.F.L. Rushing title for the 1900-67 football season:
11. This man beat Jim Ryun in the 880 yard run in the indoor NCAA National Championship Track Meet:
12. Who is called the King of Hockey? 13. What great southpaw major league baseball pitcher retired after the 1966 season?
15. What National Le ague Baseball Team was Maury Wills traded to?
ANSWERS: (1) Baltimore Colts. (2) Pension Plan; (3) Chicago '6. This man won the -1967 Cit- Blackhawks-first time s i n c e 1926. (4) CBS. (5) Gale Sayersrus Open (golf): forrnerly from Omaha. (6) Julius 7. The newest team in the Na- Boros. (7) New Orleans Saints. tional Football League is: (8) Illinois. (9) Lincoln Northeast. 8. What college team was pe- (10) Peggy Fleming. (11) Dave nalized by the NCAA and Big Patrick of Villanova. (12) Gordie Ten Conferen<:e for illegal ac- Howe. (13) Sandy Koufax. (14) Mario Andrette. (15) Pittsburgh tions? Pirates. 9. Who won the Nebraska High School State Class A basketball The Quipping Post-To stay in conference? fashion nowadays a woman has 10. Name the woman who won to take it nice and kneesy . . . . the Women's Hl67 World Cham- Marching song of the draft-card pionship Figure Skating Title in burners: "Parade of the Wouldn't Soldiers" .... Have you tried Vienna: the latest dance-The Subway?The top of you goes Local and the bottom goes Express . . . No matter what the manufacturer tells you, the real break-in perSHOE BEPAIB iod for a new car is the first time Auburn · Rebruka you take the kids to the beach in it.
Phone 274-4348 for Sears Service Department
SIMON DRUG CO. Auburn, Nebraska ·Ph. 274-4315 Largest. Selection of Hallmark Cards In Southeast Nebraska Complete Camera and Film Department RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES "PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY''
PERU CLEANERS &: TAILORS Repairing and Remodeling Men's and Women's Clothing Forty-nine Years Serving Students and Faculty PHONE 872·2871
mo J Street
The UOLA Bruins, behind sensational sophomore Lew Alcindor, finished the regular season unbeaten with a 26-0 record. The Bruins will now enter the NCAA championships as the favorite to take the national crown for the third time in four years. The Nebraska College Conference selected its 1966-67 all-conference team. The quintet chosen included: Dean Cain, Peru State; Jerry Bartak, Chadron State; Glen Mays, Hastings; Ji rn Rhodes, Chadron State; and Bob Strathman, Wayne State. Husker basketballer Stuart Lantz was named to the District 5 All-American team ·by the United States Basketball Writers Association in Look Magazine. He has also been selected for the Associated Press All-Big Eight squad. Turning to baseball, Cincinnati pitcher Ted Davidson, shot twice by a pistol, will probaNy miss the first month of the season. His wife has been charged in connection with the shooting. Nebraska sprinter Ch a r 1i e Greene won the 60-yard dash for the third straight year at the annual Indoor NCAA Track and Field Championships. He was clocked at 6 seconds flat. Defending NCAA cage champion Texas Western won't repeat as champion. Effective March 13, the school's name will be changed to the University of Texas at El Paso. This quote was heard •by a certain sportswriter during the Nebraska State High School Basketball Tournament at Omaha. He overheard a coach at an Omaha nightspot say while watching a go-go dancer, "If we had movement like that in our offense we'd have gone undefeated."
Signs of the Times-Bumper sticker: "Protected by Batman." .... On honeymoon car: "Till draft do us part" .... At tire display: "We skid you not" .... Billboard: "Beautify junkyardsthrow something lovely a:way" . ... On patent medicine: "If not satisfied, return unused portion-and we'll return unused portion of your money." He who laughs last laughs best, but he soon gets a reputation for being dumb.
Dean Coulter, R. B.
Saturday 2:30 - 11 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Mon. · Tues. after 9:30 p.m.
Phone 274-4100 Razor Shaping and Styling
For those of you that are Cornhusker fans, the Huskers finished in a tie with Colorado for second place in the Big Eight with a record of 1(}-4. The Huskers' season record was 16-8.
14. Who won the Daytona 500?
Shop and save-
Page 5
Appoinfments Available
Page 6
Peru i?edagogian, March 22, 1967
'ManE Brain Has Processing Unit' Say Research Psychologists Psychologists have been studying how to teach the mind to think for more than 60 years. After studying various animals and completing research devices, psychologists believe the answer lies in the processing unit of the ibrain. The ibrain is divided into a storage unit and a processing unit, the latter's capacity being limited. It was found that the average human can retain and repeat back only about seven unrelated digits.. Therefore, because the result of a problem usually involves more elements than seven, the solution or element can be overlooked. Also, an individual, in reaching for a solution, may even begin with the wrong elements. The following principles may be of assistance in solving various problems: 1. Study the elements of the problem several times until you get the total picture.
6. Talk over the problem with others. An individual must keep hi s mind open for new solutions and should not waste time on unsuccessful attempts.
A White House commission on the draft has recommended that no further college undergraduate deferments be allowed; however, the President has taken no stand on this matter, so the chances are that they will be continued. WHAT ABOUT POST GRADUATE DEFERMENTS? There is a good chance that all deferments, except those for students training in certain fields vital to national defense such as medicine or dentistry, will be abolished.
IF THE PRESIDENT'S PROPOSAL TO DRAFT 19-YEAROLDS FIRST GOES INTO EFFECT, WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THOSE OLDER MEN? One spokesman has said that no one over the age of 19 would be drafted unless the d r a f t boards were unable to meet their quotas with 19-year-olds.
tion. See that the styles are new and attractive. See that the quality is high. But first and forel'JlOSt, see that the jeweler you choose is one you can trust. The rest is automatic.
Interscholastic Contest SGA 6:30, Student Center Student Center Board, 6:30 Easter Recess Begins March 24:
White Angels, 6:00 Blue Devils, 6:30, SC 105· 'Tri-Bets, 7:30, SC 304 March 28:
WHAT ABOUT THE DRAFT? Continued from page 3
DOES THIS MEAN THAT A STUDENT WHO BEGINS POSTGRADUATE WORK NEXT 2. Do not jump to conclusions. FALL COULD BE INDUCTED 3. Regroup the elements of the INTO THE ARMED SERVICES problem. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ACA4. If the problem still is not DEMIC YEAR? solved, try another procedure. No. Any student, provided he 5. If you still have not solved is doing satisfactory work, will be allowed to finish the year. the problem, take a break. IF A PERSON HAS REACHED THE AGE OF 20, AND IS CLASEXPERT TO SPEAK SIFIED lA, DOES '.DHIS MEAN Continued from page 1 HE WILL NOT BE CALLED ASthe Derby Museum at Derby, SUMING THAT THE PRESIEngland. DENT'S PROPOSAL TO DRAFT The topic on which Dr. Helm 19-YEAR-OLDS FIRST GOES will be speaking in convocation INTO :©F1FECT? will ibe Midwestern Ar:t. He is Right now, the chances of behighly qualified to speak on this ing drafted at age 20 are very subject, being listed in "Who's good. Under existing law, the Who in American Art"; "Who's oldest men are taken first, 'lm.d Who in the Midwest"; and the average age of draftees is "Who's Who in American Educa- 20.3. Besides, the new system tion." would not go into effect until January, 1969.
See that you get a good selec-
CALENDAR March 23:
This would make those college graduates of age 22 virtually draft exempt; however, officials have said that the question of how to handle the transition from one system to the other has not, as yet, been worked out.
8:00-10:30 p.m., John Hlavacek, Historical Society, College Auditorium Women Student Association, 4:00 Mu Epsilon Nu, 8:00, Student Center Classes Resume March 29:
Gamma Delta, 6:30, FA 211 WAA, 8·:00, Gym Wesley Fellowship, 6:30, FA 204 March 30:
SGA, Student Center, 6:30 Student Center Board, 6:30 March 31:
Preparation for Band Concert April 1: College-High School Band Festival, 8:00 a.m.-lO:OOp.m. April 4:
Majors Hall Variety Show, 7:30-9:00, FA Auditorium April 5:
Midwestern Art Exhibit and Lecturer CONVOCATION, 9:10 a.m. Newman Forum, F:A Auditorium, 6:30-7:30 COM~NG
April 8:
Project English Workshop, CS 3'11 (ALL DAY) April 11 and 13: Musical Comedy, "Kiss Me Kate" April 15:
Nebraska Association for Student Teaching Conference Project English Workshop, CS 311 (&LL DAY) April 20:
Catherland-M i 1d red Bennet Speaker, 7:30 p.m. English Proficiency Test, 7:30-9:30 April 24:
Peace Corps Representative on Campus Nemaha Valley Conference Track Meet, a.m. and p.m. April 25-29:
Peace Corps Representative on Campus
HILL'S REXALL DRUGS Bridal pair of newest
Comple:te Line of School Supplies Revlon Co:ty Evening in Paris Cosme:tics
Other styles from $29.50
The Pills Drivers Shouldn't Take A New Jersey housewife recalls after a near fatal accident that ":the road seemed to billow up and down. Speeding cars and trucks were all around me, but I couldn't make my eyes focus. A huge bus let out a terrific blast on its horn. I had veered out of my lane, and the bus had missed us by inches. Only by gripping the steering wheel with all my might was I able to guide the car into a gas station and stop." It was discovered that a few hours earlier, this young mother had swallowed a sedative prescribed by her physician. A Texas psychiatrist became aware of these possible side effects of seemingly harmless medication when he discovered that in a 90-day period, of 68 patients taking the drug, ten were involved in minor and six in major accidents-a rate ten times higher than normal for a cross section of the population. Any drugs from an aspirin or antihistamine to tranquilizers or antibiotics may slow a driver's reaction time and impair h i s driving ability. Pain-killing drugs such as intravenous anesthetics used in pulling teeth wear off quickly, but the results of the side effects may be long reaching. One physician states that a patient's reactions may not return to normal for up to two days. Sleeping pills containing barbiturates induce a hypnotic state for up to 14 hours so that the drug may 1be still in effect when a person drives to work. Many people, not knowing the risk involved, may use more than one drug at several times. They may take a tranquilizer in the morning, swallow an aspirin
or cough medicine for a cold ing the day, and then, after w have a cocktail. One scie says, ''Many people are d themselves with combina that we wouldn't dare try in laboratory, let alone ·behind wheel of a car." The most hazardous event can occur is when a person, taking a drug, drinks an alco ic beverage causing the perso experience what pharmacolo call the "escalating" or "po ating" reaction. A tranquili pill combined with alcohol comes a sleeping pill, while sleeping pill of the barbitu type can even cause death combined with alcohol. Many doctors agree that warning symbol such as a wh with crossbones should be pr' ed on drugs. When you take drug, be sure to be careful to drive or participate in type of activity that req · physical coordination. Your or the life of a comrade may saved by this caution.
from page 1
NCATE who, in turn, will ma the decision on continuation accreditation. The NCATE visitors arrived campus Sunday afternoon, M 19, and will complete their · spection early in the afternoon March 22. While on campus, th committee has and will talk wit administrative officers, colle committees, student organiza tions, faculty members, studen and graduates. The exact sched ule for these contacts was set when the committee arrived.
Half-price to college students and faculty: the newspaper that newspaper people ·read• •• At last count, we had more than 3,800 newspaper editors on our list of subs~ribers to The Christian Science Monitor. Editors from all oyer the world. There is a good reason why these "pros" read the Monitor: the Monitor is the world's only daily international newspaper. Unlike local papers, the Monitor focuses exclusively on world news - the important news. The Monitor selects -the news it considers most significant and r.eports it, interpre~ it; analyzes it - in depth.. It takes you further mto the news than any local paper can. If this is the kind of paper you would like to be reading, we will send it to you right away at half the regular price of $24.00 a year. Clip the coupon. Find out why newspaper· men themselves read the Monitor - and why they invariably name it as one of the five best papers in the world.
ELDON'S CAFE "For the Finest Food in Town" SHORT ORDERS MEALS Open: Monday· Sa:turday 6:00 a.m. -10:30 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. • 7:00 p.m.
Peru, Nebraska
SPEED WASH COIN-OP. Drycleaning and Laundry
OPEN 6:30 a.m. • 10:30 p.m.
• The Christian Science Monitor : 1 Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02116· I Please enter a Monitor subscription for the name below. I am enclosing$---·-····-··-·····- (U.S. funds) for the period checked. O 1 year $12 O 9 months $9 O 6 months $6
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The Voice of the Campus of aThousand Oaks . . .
Jones, Burr, to Head SGA
Volume 62
Number 13
APRIL 5, 1967
'Vigil' Cast Haunted By Topsy, The Green Room Ghost The last review I wrote for this paper was under my own name. With this one I'd like to start a tradition at Peru State; namely that of writing under the name of TOPSY, THE GREEN ROOM GHOST. The Green Room is the make-up and final touch-up room for the actors before their entrance on stage. This. is the place where they get into character and so a review from TOPSY, THE GREEN ROOM GHOST, seems appropriate. Let the ghost of past plays and actors inspire today's actor to greater heights.
****** Peiruchio (Ken Carnes) aiiempis io lame his shrewish wife, Kale (Joyce Blackburn).
'Kiss Me, Kate' Is Order From Desperate Husband Does Fred still love Kate? Will Kate swallo;,,, her pride and go back to her one-time husband? If you want the answers to the above questions you should go and see Cole Porter's "Kiss Me, Kate." The College Choral Department is going to present the play the 11th and 13th of April. You will get to see Ken Karnes as Fred try to regain the attentions of his former wife Kate, played by Joyce Black!burn, as they put on Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew." The results are not only complicated, but also hilarious.
Debaters Plan Local Clinics The Peru State debate class under the direction of Mr. James D. Levitt is for the second consecutive year planning to present clinics in debate to several area high schools, including Auburn, Falls City, Humboldt, and Tecumseh. The students involved-Chloe Miller, Bernadine Fintel, Steve Knittle, Ric Ray, and Barry Ray -will demonstrate cross-examination debating on the topic, "Resolved: That evidence obtained by invasion of privacy should be legalized for use in court room proceedings." The dates planned for these clinics are April 5th, 6th, 10th, and 11th, after which the class plans to concentrate on other forensic events, encompassing extemporaneous ¡ speaking, oration, and oral interpretation. THINGS TO REMEMBER "The United States-'bounded on the north by the Aurora Borealis, on the south by the precision of the equinoxes, on the east by the primeval chaos, and on the west by the Day of Judgment." -\John Fiske Ours is an age which is proud of machines that think, and sus. picious of any man that tries to.
Except for the constant chatter of two intellectual morons who sat behind me, the night of March 16th was a wonderful spiritual and theatrical evening. When the final curtain came down I did not know whether to say "Amen" or applaud. I did both. True, the subject matter did effect the mood but this very subject matter could have made it a farce if it had not 'been for the masterful way which the vehicle was handled by this cast. It is not often that a critic will dwell on the good and skip over the not-so-good; however, that which was not so good (and there were places) was so minor that I will not even bother to mention them. If any actor wishes comments on his personal not~Â good points, please send your request to the editor with a can of ALPO, and she will forward the request to me at the kennel. The court room setting where a man was on trial for bodysnatching of Jesus lent itself to a parade of dialogues between the attorneys and a series of witnesses. Each person who portrayed a witness obviously had studied his character to the point where he submerged himself into the part he was playing. I witnessed a procession of interesting people and not one of them was a college student! From the entrance walk to the exit each character held true. Perhaps the toughest job w as that of maintaining interest in the action by the "silent wonders" such as the clerk, guard, stenographer, and the assistants to the attorneys. They had little or nothing to say, but their presence created an atmosphere that made the play real. We should not forget the traditional "situation setters," the maid and the butler (here it was the cleaning lady and the janitor), who set the mood of the play. A tip of the hat and a wag of the tail to all of them for a fine job.
becomes embarrassing. I w a s most impressed with the whole show. One item did distuvb me just a little and that was the Kennedy voice of Greg Vaughan. I do not know whether or not this w as intentional, but in either event Mr. Moore should have stopped it. It came across the footlights as farce, which has no place in this play. Darn, I couldn't get through the review without a criticism. Oh well, it's a dog's life!
The new president of the Student Governing Association elected in last Wednesday's election is Ron Jones and the new vicepresident is Alan Burr. Ron is a sophomore from Red Oak, Iowa, and his concentration is Business Education. He is a member of "P" Club and Blue Devils. He has been a member of the Cross-Country squad f o r two years and next year will become the captain of the squad. He is also the past secretarytreasurer of Majors Hall. When asked what his projected plans for the SGA were, Ron replied, "I plan to work for increased cooperation among or-
ganizations such as backing a large project. Also I want to change the budget. How can we operate without any money?" Alan Burr is a sophomore from Talmage and his concentration is Art Education. He is currently president of the Lutheran Student Association. He has played baseball for two years and football one year. He is also a floor representative of Majors Hall. Alan plans "to work in full cooperation with the new president." He also stated that he is in full support of a judicial committee and wants to see the budget changed and extension of organizational representatives from 15 to 20.
Announce Student Teaching Positions
Art Professor Helm To Speak Today
(Special Services)-The assignment of 7& Peru State College students in 21 area school systems for the student teaching Dr. John F. Helm, Professor of portion of their senior year has Drawing and Painting in the been announced by Dr. Lloyd B. College of Architecture and De- Kite, director of student teaching sign at Kansas State University at Peru State. at Manhattan, Kansas will speak Under the program, seniors enat a convocation at Peru State on rolled in Peru State teacher eduApril 5, 7:30 p.m. cation are given a student teachDr. Helm is presently director ing assignment during the last of the Graduate Program of the half of their professional semesCollege of Architecture and De- ter. During this period, the stusign. His favorite art media are dent teacher observes the work water color, etching, aquatint of a qualified teacher in his fields and wood engraving. of major interests and gradually The topic on which Dr. Helm assumes full time teaching rewill be speaking this evening in sponsibility. convocation is Midwestern Art. He is qualified to speak on MidThe spring semester student western Art as he is listed in teaching assignments b e g an "Who's Who in American Art"; March 27. Cooperating schools "Who's Who in the Midwest"; are Auburn, Beatrice, Bellevue, and "Who's Who in American Fairibury, Falls City, Glenwood, Education." Iowa; Humboldt, Johnson, Lewis
Following his address on Viel Nam, KMTV's John Hlavacek accepts an honorary membership in the Peru State Historical Society from iis president, Rodger Bassett.
Hlavacek Feels Viet Nam War To End Soon
By Dan Koch The contrast between the two Peru State College was very 'by telling the audience of the attorneys is worthy of mention. The arrogance of the prosecutor fortunate to have for a guest conditions in Viet Nam. "The (Don Dodge) and sincere convic- speaker Mr. John Hlavacek, a war in Viet Nam is different than tions of the defender (Bill Aus- noted newsman and Omaha tele- any war we've ever fought, betin) were most meaningful to the vision commentator, on Tuesday cause the Viet C6ng are familiar success of the evening. I believe night, March 28 in the Peru au- with their area and we aren't. the most inspired performance of ditorium. Mr. Hlavacek was in- Also, we don't know where the the evening was Mary Magdalene troduced by Rodger Basset, pres- enemy is or who he is, for that (Danna !Henry); she must have ident of the Peru Historical So- matter." Hlavacek made this had divine guidance and a true ciety, who .gave a brief run- statement and then added, "One belief in the Risen Christ! And down of the speaker's past ac- of the tactics of the V.C. is terror. Also, they will do anything so I could continue on with each complishments. Mr. Hlavacek began his talk Continued on page 4, column 1 person in the cast, but flattery
Central of Council Bluffs, Iowa; Lincoln, Millard, Nebraska City, Omaha, Pawnee City, Peru Prep, Plattsmouth, Shenandoah, Iowa; Sidney, Iowa; Syracuse, Tecumseh, Omaha District 66. Student teaching assignments: To Auburn-elementary: Glenda Hayes, Brownville; Judy Kuenning, Auburn; Nancy McCullough, Aurora; secondary: Dale L. Allensworth, Auburn; Darrell J. Plumb, Peru; Marcia Reeves, Peru. To Beatrice-elementary: Kenneth Dodge, Fairbury; Nancy Larson, Villisca, Iowa; secondary: Gayle L. Ellison, Holmesville; Donald 0. Pieper, DeWitt; David Shuey, Lewiston; Robert Uhri, Table Rock. To Bellevue-elementary: Cecelia Evangelist, Newark, N. Y.; Lucy Sporer, Murray; secondary: Lonnie Ray Bohling, Tecumseh; Dick Casady, Lewis, Iowa; John Chasse, Worcester, Mass.; Carol Hawley, Brock; George R. Kalil, Worcester, Mass.; Joseph Keys, Westville, N. J.; Charles Pratt, Westville, N. J.; Joseph Smith, Mt. Holly, N. J.; Mary L. Smith, Nebraska City. To Fairbury-secondary: Gary Mendenhall, Morrill, Kans.; Jim Stanosheck, Nebraska City. To Falls City-secondary: Jeanette Griffiths, Verdon; Regina Stalder, Sabetha, Kans.; Ruth S. Stunz, Hiawatha, Kans. To Glenwood, Iowa-secondary: Lowell Brown, East Alton, Ill.; Michael Guilliatt, Auburn. To Hu mb o 1d t-elementary: John Witler, Auburn; secondary -Harold Hylton, Sabetha, Kans. To Johnson-elementary: Daisy Stitzer, Auburn; secondaryBob Urwin, Roclmway, N. J. To Lewis Central, Council Bluffs, fowa-secondary: Robert Gates, Shenandoah, Iowa; Larry Rhoten, Syracuse. To Lincoln-secondary: Mary Ellen Oestmann, Peru. To Millard-secondary: Carol Henderson, Brock; Tom Morrison, Papillion. To Nebraska City-elementary: Ronald Broers, Nebraska City; Bonita Jacobson, Otoe; Dennis Michal, Peru; secondary: Devon Adams, Peru; Dean Cerny, Nebraska City; Jerry Jacobson, Nebraska City. To Omaha-elementary: Rogine Bang, Omaha; secondary: Bernard Brown, Rockford, Ill.; Richard Duponcheel, Omaha; Lois Monsees, Bellevue. Continued on page 4, column 5
.l>eru Peciagogian, April 5, 1961
Page 2
Editorially Speaking ....
Parking Situation and Class Ethics Annoy Studen
Is Compulsory Attendance Really Collegiate? Now about this school's policy on class absences .... We feel this policy is a practical one . . . for high school students. But most college students resent being treated as high school students! Perhaps the administration fears that if grade points were not deducted for unexcused absences, the class rooms would be empty. But, I think they are underestimating the instructors and the student body. It's true that there would be a few students who would take advantage of the situation and consistently miss classes, but these are the students who skip classes regularly, regardless of school policy. They are really hurting no one but themselves; they are the students who will be hurt when they take their final examinations. The good student will want to learn the maximum possible while he is at college and will attend all the classes he can. He will not be discouraged from attending classes if attendance is made non-compulsory. Eliminating roll-taking each class period would give the instructor more time which could be spent to the advantage of the students who are there. Also, it might encourage the instructor to make his classes as interesting and inviting as possible. so that all the students will want to attend. The Deans would also be relieved of the burden of having to issue excused absences. The college years are a time of becoming an adult and learning to make decisions for ourselves. If these decisions are all made for the student-'how can· we form the habit of making our own correct decisions? Compulsory class attendance seems to have many more disadvantages than advantages! What do you think? -Chloe Miller
Dear Editor: Congratulations, class of 1967, you blew it! Professional ethics must be out this year because you certainly don't believe in them.
Campus To Campus By Ruth Tony Butala, Jim Pike and Bob Engemann, ·better known as the "Lettermen," were on th e Dana campus in concert March 8, in Borup Coliseum at 8 p.m. The "Lettermen," who record for Capitol Recording Company, have made more than 350 appearances on college campuses. They have also appeared on television shows such as "Ed Sullivan," "Dobie Gillis," and the "Tonight Show."
Bob Harris, a former McCook Junior College student, spoke to the Roundtable discussion group about his trip around the world, at McCook on Febr. W, 1967. His discussion centered around h i s stay in New Zealand, where he attended college for nine months. The college Bob attended w a s Victoria University, a school of PERU PEOAGOGIAN
Wednesday, April S, 1967
Rathbun 7,000 to 8,000 students. The course grade is ibased mainly on the tests, which are essay, acording to Mr. Harris. Among featured guests on the Hastings: campus will be Pluto, Peter Pan, and Pinocchio d\lring the three-day May Fete weekend, '.May 4-6. Hastings college will have a Disneyland theme for the May Fete celebration. Events for the week~nd festivities begin ,with a ·RoyaHy Banquet and coronation of the May Fete Queen and Prince Consort in Bellevue House. On March 11 the Pershing College Student Union opened. The ·old Student Center has ibeen renovated and divided into t w o sections. One section will have the familiar pin iball machines and pool tables. The second section, the larger of the two, will house a juke box, nine b9oths, lounge furniture, a television set and a snack counter.
Number 13
Volume 62
"Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink."-Coleridge Published bi-weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between ·semesters by the students of Peru State C-Ol!ege, Peru, Nebraska 68421.
STAFF EDITOR .......... Joan Bretthorst ASSISTANT EDITOR .......... . ...................... Mary Budler BUSINESS MANAGER ......... .................. Charles Williams CIRCULATION MANAGER .... ....................... Mike Castle SPORTS EDITOR .............. .. .. .. ............... Dennis Hubbard PHOTOGRAPHER •• Robert Beran LAYOUT ............ Phyllis Gmff, Charlotte Nedrow and Staff .ADVISOR ........... .. ] am es Keck REPORTERS-Marie Ballue, Greg Vaughn, Louise Lundstedt, Shirley Pratt, Dave Alvis, Dan Koch, Vernyce Schmidt, Charlotte Nedrow, Mary Everhart, Charles Williams, Beth Ann Terwilleger, Chloe Miller, Ann Ritter, Lynn Sailors, Ruth Rathbun, Maxine Lyons, Jack Gaines, Mary Hunzeker.
The signed letters printed In this paper do not retlec.t the opinion of the Peda,oglan but of Individuals. The editor reserves the right to edit them for publication.
Permanents, Tinting, Bleaching
Another point which should be brought into the picture is that the remaining class of 1967 got together in a class meeting and decided to stick it to the January graduates. They voted that, instead of REQUIDSTlNG class dues from these early graduates, they THREATEN them with this obnoxious statement: "-anyone having been measured for caps and gowns, and not paying their dues, would not have their measuvements sent into the rental firm." BAH! How unprofessi:onal can one class get? From the time you set foot at Peru the members of the faculty h a v e tried to impress upon you the value of professional ethics, and now you show them how much you have learned by issuing a statement like this. I'm ashamed! Again I would like to say that any gift given to the college is a worthwhile gesture, but I think you are going about your collection in the wrong manner. I feel that a gi:ft should be given from the heart, not because a group of so called future ethical teachers compel me to contribute. I will contribute my $1.50 to the gift but feel the January graduates should know what the gift is.
Singing goes better refreshed. And Coca-Cola -with that special zing but never too sweet refreshes best. things
I am NOT trying to attack any particular member of the class, and I alSo feel sorry for the predicament in which you put your class president. I just want it
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Dear Editor: Well, here I am complaining about the parking lots again. They're still not paved, but I'm not talking about that this time. Remember the volleyball tournament? Well, during this sports spectacular, commuting students were not allowed to park in the lot behind the gym. This w a s saved for volleyball people. Who is responsible for taking away the rights of the student? The sign at the entrance to the lot says "for commuters"; it does not say say anything like "except in case of volleyball tournament."
This parking lot holds s·om where around fifty to sixty ca When this number 'Of cars is permitted to park there, wh are they supposed to park? other lots are full; besides, heard that the lot by the Fi Arts Building was to be sav for clerical workers and st This was just to make thin worse for the student. Whe were we supposed to parkthe air? Impossible. I asked the "guard" why the were saving the lot for volleyba people; he said that it was that the girls wouldn't have t walk so far carrying their uni forms. Yet, we can carry our hooks a mile if need be. Women wanted equality-give it to them and let them walkt The parking lots should be on Continued on page 4, column 4
Recently, I (a January graduate) received a correspondence from a very conscientious fellow classmate in Peru. This letter was to inform me that the senior class was io combine dues with last year's graduating class and the class of 1917 to erect a bulletin board in front of the newly renovated Administration Building. In my estimatron, this is a wonderful idea; but, the problem is "Are They Going to Build It?" This question crossed my mind as I read a letter addressed to Robert Lierz. His letter so states that "a molded replica of a ·bobcat will be purchased as our gift." Again the same question-"Are They Going to Build It?"
known that "ethics" is not just a word used in psychology class. -William (Andy) Anderson Alumnus, Peru State College
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Peru Pedagogian, April
Spring Sports Schedules
Bobcats Split Pair With Crowder College The Peru State College baseball squad opened the 1967 season with a double header split against Crowder College at Neosho, Mo. The Bobcats thumped Crowder 9-1 in the opener, but then lost the night game 4-2 in extra innings. The two teams were scheduled for a second double header on Saturday, but it was rained out. Jim Tegelhutter, a big, hardthrowing lefty, pitched a twohitter in the opening game. The junior from Syracuse already seems to have the form that carried him to a 6-1 record with a 1.45 E.R.A. in 1966. Richard Ideus, junior from
Holmesville, and Steve Pattison, senior from Gering, backed Tegelhutter with some heavy hitting. Ideus hit a 390 ft. grand s 1am home run in the fourth inning. Pattison also had a solo home run in the same inning. Crowder scored their only run in the second inning on a walk, passed ball, and a single. In the second game, Crowder shortstop Tom Hagedorn smashed a two-run ninth inning home run to give his team a 4-2 victory. Crowder's surge had sent t h e game into extra innings with a two-run homer in the sixth off Jim Rains, Granite City, Ill. Continued on page 4, column 4
Half-price to college students and faculty: the newspaper that newspaper people ·read• ••
TRACK and FIELD Meet Site Date Day Northwest Missouri Relays, Maryville, April 4, Tuesday. Kearney State Oollege Relays, Kearney, April 8, Saturday. Midland Re1ays, Fremont, April 12, Wednesday. ',Open ____ c- ______________________________________________ _ Wayne State, Wayne, April 18, Tuesday. Nebraska Wesleyan, Lincoln, April 21, Friday. Doane College, Crete, April 25, Tuesday. Drake Relays, Des Moines, Iowa, April 28-W, Friday, Saturday. Tarkio and Concordia, Tarkio, Mo., May 2, Tuesday. Wayne State Invitational, Wayne, May 5, Friday. Howard Wood Relays, Sioux Falls, So. Dak., May 6, Saturday. Omaha University, Omaha, May 9, Tuesday. Nebraska Meet College Conference, Chadron, May 12-13, Fri.-Sat. TENNIS John F. Kennedy, Peru, April 1, Saturday. Midwestern College, Peru, April 8, Saturday. Creighton, Omaha, April 27, Thursday. Midwestern College, Denison, Iowa, April 29, Saturday. John F. Kennedy, Wahoo, May 3, Wednesday. Nebraska College Conference, Wayne, May 11, Thursday. Time of Meets-1:00 p.m. GOLF N.W. Missouri, Maryville, Mo., April 3, Monday. *Midwestern, Denison, Iowa, April 15, Saturday. Doane College, Holmes Course, Lincoln, April 18, Tuesday. Northwest Missouri, Auburn, April 21, Friday. Creighton, Miracle Hills Course, 'Omaha, April 27, Thursday. Midwestern, Auburn, May 2, Thursday. *Doane, Auburn, May 6, Saturday. Creighton, Auburn, May 11, Thursday. NCC Meet, Wayne, May 12~13, Friday and Saturday. *~Starts 10:00 a.m.; all others 1:00 p.m. BASEBALL Opponent Site of Game Date Day :.fohn F. Kennedy College, Wahoo, April 1, Saturday. Creighton University, Auburn, April 4, Tuesday. Northwest Missouri State, Auburn, April 5,, Wednesday. Wayne State College, Auburn, April 8, Saturday. St. Benedict's College, Atchison, Kansas, April 13, Thursday. Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, April 15, Saturday. Kearney State College, Kearney, April 22, Saturday. Hastings College, Peru, April 25, Tuesday. Chadron State College, Broken Bow, May 2, Tuesday. Concordia College, Peru, May 8, Monday. Northwest Missouri State, Maryville, Mo., May 10, Wednesday. Simpson College, Peru, May 16, Tuesday.
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Page 3
Hub's Corner By Dennis Hubbard
Congratulations to Dean Cain and Wayne Heine on being picked for honorable mention on the All-State Nebraska College Basketball Team. Murdock won its second straight championship by defeating Western 15-4 and 15-9 in the championship of the 21st annual Peru State Girls' Volleyball Tourney.
The UCLA Bruins behind sensational Sophomore Lew Alcindor and steady guard Mike Warren ended a perfect 30-0 season by swamping Dayton 79-64 in the finals of the NCAA finals. This could ·be the start of a UCLA dynasty for a few years to come, for the starting five this year consisted of four sophomores and one junior. Two ex-husker gridders signed pro football contracts recently. They were Ron Kirkland, with the Baltimore Colts of the NFL and Carel Stith, with the Houston Oilers .. of the AFL. The Atlanta Braves have signed an infielder they believe to be the smallest player in organized baseball. He is 5-foot-5, 135-pound Julius John Rizzotti of Long Island, N. Y. Rizzotti is an inch shorter and seven pounds lighter than second baseman Matt Galante of the New York Yankees.
Bobcat Thinclads Win Dual Meet 'The Peru State thinclads easily outdistanced Tarkio College 9838 in the first outdoor meet for the Bobcat cindermen. The meet was highlighted by Mike Mulvaney's record discus throw of 160'6Yz". This erased the 20-year old record of 1&8'6%" set in 1947 by 0. C. Yocum. Peru's cause was also aided by dual wins by Mike Schlemer in the 330-yard intermediate hurdles and the 120-yard high hurdles. The point-getting first places were garnered by Calvin Smith, 440; Tim Hendricks, mile; Rich Rech, 100-yard dash; Jim Hagemeier, 2'20-yard dash; Van Allen, two-mile run; Bert Faulkner, javelin; Mike Mulvaney, shot put; Gerald Wilson, pole vault. Continued on page 4, column 2
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Page 4
Peru Pedagogian, April 5, 1961
Hlavacek on Viet Nam
cause we have so much equipment in Viet Nam already that soon we will !be able to defeat the V.C." Also, the KMTV newsman said, "I believe the Chinese are the main problem in the world today, but they aren't quite ready at the present to meet the rpower of the U. S." Hlavacek then spoke of some of the advantages the U. S. has over the rest of the world. The English language, television, the immigration of hard working, intelligent fureigners, and our system of government w e r e prime factors that he mentioned. When Mr. Hlavacek had finished his talk he asked if anyone would like to ask him any questions concerning Viet Nam. There were numerous questions asked that covered a great range of topics. Mr. Hlavacek answered these questions at great length and to the ibest of his ability.
BO:SCATS SPLIT PAIR WITH CROWDER COLLEGE Continued from page 3 Peru State had scored two runs in the third inning on singles by Pattison; Al Sullivan, Worcester, Mass.; and Stan Zbylut, Omaha, plus a passed ball and a Crowder error. The Peruvians, coached by Joe Pelisek, played the John F. Kennedy college next in a double header at Wahoo, Saturday, April 1.
April 5 Baseball, Northwest Mo. at Peru to win, because they are highly Midwestern Art Lecture dedicated, motivated people who 7:30 p.m. F.A. Aud. believe they are going to win." April 6 The Peru guest speaker then Falls City Band Concert, spoke of our servicemen in Viet 10:00 a.m. C.S. Auditorium Nam. He pointed out that the Pine Wood Derby American troops there are not in 6:30-9:00 p.m. as poor a shape as some people April 8 believe. For instance, almost Project English Workshop every soldier gets at least one 311 Campus School all day hot meal a day no matter where Track at Kearney Relays LETTERS TO THE EDITOR he is located. And modern miliBaseball, Wayne at Peru Continued from page 2 tary equipment can give our April 11 sol<liers better protection and a first-come, first-served basis Musical Comedy, "Kiss Me, help than they've ever had bewith no privileges for anyone~ Kate," College Aud. fore. Mr. Hlavacek then quoted complete equality for all conApril 12 statistics concerning our current cerned. Track at Midland Relays fighting forces in Viet Nam: "For ---Bob Agnew, Sophomore, April 13 each soldier fighting in the junPeru State College Musical Comedy, "Kiss Me, gles, there are twenty-five more Kate," College Aud. that back him up and carry on Baseball, St. Benedict's at with other jobs back at the Atchison, Kansas ibases." Hlavacek also added, FOR SALE-3-05 Honda Dream. April 15 "Our army today is composed Perfect condition-low mileage. Nebr. Assoc. for Student largely of young men of ages 18, BOBCAT THINCLADS Contact: Rita Biggs, Eliza MorTeaching Conference: 19, and 20, and most of these are WIN DUAL MEET gan Hall. F.A. Aud. 8:15 a.m. either college graduates or colF.A. 211 3:15 p.m. Continued from page 3 lege drop-outs." F.A. 2.12 3:151 p.m. Other Bobcats who contributed The role of the helicopter in Project English Workshop, the Viet Nam War was stressed to the Bobcat cause were: Roger 3'11 C.S., all day by Mr. Hlavacek. He said, "The Neujahr, third in the 440; Jim Golf at Denison, Iowa helicopter has cut down the num- Watson, second in 1both the mile Contributions of Original (Northwestern) 10:00 ber of surprise attacks made by and two-mile; Curt Holliman, Baseball, Washburn at ToProse or Poetry are being the V.c. considerably. Also, our second in the 100; Bob Dixon, peka, Kansas accepted for The Sifting troops don't have to make gruel- second in the 880; Dick Warkins, April 18 ling hikes through the jungle as third in the 880; Herm Greenlee, Sands. Contact any EngPrep Band Concert do the V.C.; all they have to do second in the 220; Bob Jones, 8:00 p.m., Aud. lish Club member. is load themselves into a helicop- second in the shot put; Bruce Track Meet at Wayne Vickery, third in the shot put; ter and in a matter of minutes Golf, Doane at Holmes Park, Turn Yours In Now they reach their destination fresh George Goepfert, second in the Lincoln, 1:00 p.m. high jump; Mike Schlemer, third and safe." Also he added, ''We now have a helicopter that can in the high jump; Dennis Rinne, fly at astonishing altitude of third in the broad jump; Arnold 30,000 feet, called the 'Huskey'; Johnston, second in the pole and what we call 'Flying Cranes' · vault; Bob Repp, second in the are giant helicopters that can discus; Wayne Heine, third in the literally pick up their smaller discus. The Bobcats swept both relay counterparts and carry th em events as the quartet of Curt around." MEALS SHORT ORDERS Holliman, Herm Greenlee, "Rich Mr. Hlavacek then spoke of Rech, and Jim Hagemeier won some conditions in the world toOpen: Monday -Saturday 6:00 a.m•. 10:30 p.m. the 440-yard relay, and the fourday. For example, he said, some of Tim Hendricks, Roger Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. "There will probably be peace Neujahr, Calvin Smith, and Rich negotiations in Viet Nam in the Peru, Nebraska Rech swept to victory in the mile next few weeks or months, berelay. Continued from page 1
Centennial Exhibition Coming to Peru State Mr. Don Wilson has indicat that the Nebraska Centen Exhibition is coming to P State soon. It will ·be compri of works by Nebraska artists is being circulated by J osl Museum.
STUDENT TEACHING POSITIONS ANNOUNCED Continued from page 1 To Pawnee City-secondar Eddie Shafer, Shubert. To Plattsmouth- elementa J·oan ·Sprieck, Louisville; secon ary: Rodger Bassett, Syracus Erik Foged, Papillion; Rog e Slaughter, Glenwood, Iowa. To Shenandoah, Iowa-eleme tary: Patricia Corrigan, Case Iowa; Sally Kelly, Falls City secondary: Sheryl Barrett, Ne braska City; Steve Coleric F,alls City; Gary Pummel, Ne braska City; Connie Rademacher Johnson; Ron Snodgrass, Seward To Sidney, Iowa-secondary Dean Cain, Thurman, Iowa. To Syracuse-e 1 e m e n t a r y : Richard Connole, Worcester; Mass.; secondary: Vern Krenzer, Tecumseh; Mary Tackett, Tabor, Iowa. · To Tecumseh-elementary: Donna K:ohrs, Johnson; Mildred Mastin, Tecumseh; secondary: Larry Anderson, Pawnee City; Marilyn Wellensiek, Table Rock. To Omaha Westside District 66 -Dennis Flattre, Lancaster, Kansas.
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The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks ...
Volume 62
Number 15
MAY 3, 1967
Senator Rasmussen Speaks On Education Problems By Dan Koch The Peru State College Fine Arts Auditorium was the site for the meeting of the Nebraska Association for Student Teaching, on Sat., April 15. Dr. Kennedy served as Master of Ceremonies for this education meeting. The daily activities consisted of a speech by Peru State's Dr. Gomon, a musical presentation, a talk by Sentor Ross Rasmussen, a luncheon, a speech by Mrs. Anne Campbell, and a business meeting. Dr. Gomon, president of Peru State College, spoke to the Saturday morning audience on the subject of education. He said, "It bothers me when people say, 'if you can't do anything else, teach.' We at Peru State are try-Photo by Special Services Gladys Grush, PSC Centennial Committee member, presents Catherland speaker Mildred Bennett with a Centennial Plaque.
President of Memorial Foundation Presents Catherland Convo Peru State College was honored to have for its Thurs., April 20 convocation, Mrs. Mildred Bennett of Red Cloud, president of the Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial and Educational Foundation. Mrs. Bennett spoke on the works ·of this great authoress and added that Cather's writings have made Nebraska known throughout the world. Mrs. Bennett told the audience that Miss Cather's books have been translated into many different languages. In Japan, especially, Cather's works are widely read. One of her books, Lucy Gayheart, is used by the Japanese as a textbook to teach English. Mrs. Bennett discussed twelve of Miss Cather's novels. She stressed the fact that most of the Cather novels were written using the author's own experiences. Miss Cather's characters always meet their problems head on. ''The characters do not es-
Peru Instructor's Work To Be Included in Centennial Exhibition Mr. Donald Wilson, instructor of art at Peru State College, was informed by Peter Hill, head of the art department at the University of Omaha, that he has received a $150 purchase for his painting. The painting is acrylic on masonite panel, and the title is "Margaret Nelson and Jon Especially." It was purchased by the University of Omaha for permanent collection. The painting will be included in the Centennial Invitational Exhibition Series for Midwestern painters. In addition to Mr. Wilson, there were three other artists included. They were Byron Burford, University of Iowa; Frank Sampson, UniversHy of Colorado; and James Eisentraeger, University of Nebraska.
cape their problem-they face reality; they don't die; they don't get drunk-they must face reality,'' Mrs. Bennett said. She also stated that Miss Cather's novels usually contained the them'e" of water. This was probably because she came from Virginia into what was called "The Great American Desert." Cather's books were rather racy for their time, although she did not use four-letter words. "That is the difference between then and now,'' said Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Gladys Grush, Assistant Professor of Education and College Centennial Committee member, was· the emcee at the Catherland lecture. At the conclusion of her address, Mrs. Bennett was presented with a Centennial Plaque in commemoration of her contribution to Peru State's lOOth 'birthday celebration.
Circle K Carnival Coming May 16 On the evening of Tues., May 16, beginning at 6:30, the Circle K Club will sponsor an all-college carnival in the College gymnasium. All campus organizations have been invited to enter the booth of their choice in the "carny." Some of the entertainment already planned includes a Kangaroo Court, a sponge throw using court victims as targets, a Carnival Ball at the south end of the gym, a money toss, and at 9:00 a carnival special offered by the Circle K. Any organization that cares to register their booth may contact Rich Bales at Room 7 in Delzell Hall. DAFFYNISHUNS
Jaywalker: Fellow who expects to get the brakes.
ing to present a new image to our prospective teachers." Following Dr. Gomon's speech was a musical presentation introduced by Mr. Edward Camealy. Soloist Ron Iles sang "My Heart Sings," and four girls from Peru Prep High School sang "Life is Lovely" and "Maria." The morning session of the education meeting was headed by Senator Rasmussen. He stressed the duties and actions of the legislature .on the subject of education. Senator Rasmussen spoke of personal opinions such as, "People come to the legislature an d brag about their educational programs :but they have hardly any facilities for the mentally or physically handicapped," an d
Knippelmier, Guilliat to Reign Peru students have chosen the May Fete Royalty who will reign over the Centennial May Fete Dance Fri., May 5. The honored nobility are: King and Queen-Mike Guilliatt and Pat Knippelmier of Auburn. Class Attendants: Senior-Tim Gilligan of Gretna and Ceci Evangelist of Newark, New York. Junior-Ralph Di:Cesare of Worcester, Mass., and Julie Hamson of Wood River, Ill. Sophomore-Jim Guilliatt and Nancy Guilliatt of Auburn. Freshman-Larry Colgrove of Wymore and Linda Knippelmier of Johnson. Ladies-in~waiting for the event are Marliss Cramer of Falls City, Annual Open House Candy Gray of Nebraska City, Nancy Krakowski of Ralston, Program Climaxes Day Kathy Reed of Hamburg, Iowa, Peru State College presented Lynda Shanahan of Prague, and its annual All-College Open Pat Smart of Omaha. House, Sun., April 30. Climaxing the day of visits of many parents and friends was the program presented by college students before a large audience.
'67-'68 SGA Members Chosen
In elections recentl;y held, fourteen members and three alternates were chosen to serve on next year's Student Governing Association. Members are elected by their organizations and t h e student body then elects fourteen members. Members; their organization, and their home towns are: Ron Bartels, Circle K Club, Tobias, Nebr.; Joyce Blackburn, White Angels, Shenandoah, Iowa; Bill Bowen, English Club, Cheyenne, Wyo.; Joan Bretthorst, P.S.E.A., Dunbar, Nebr.; Jane Budler, Newman Club, Bradshaw, Nebr.; Ken Carnes, M.E.N.C., Auburn, Nebr.; Mary Lu Hicks, Sigma Tau Delta, Auburn, Nebr. 1 Stan Johnson, Industrial Arts Clup, Red Oak, Iowa; Tim Logsdon, "P" Club, McOomb, Illinois; Bob Lovejoy, Blue Devils, Red Oak, Iowa; Linda Shanahan, Dramatic Club, Prague, Nebr.; Donna Sporer, Home Economics Club, Murray, Nebr.; Jean Wewel, Morgan Hall, Newport, Nebr., and Jean Wilkinson, Kappa Delta Pi, Humboldt, Nebr. Alternates chosen were Phyllis Groff, Phi Beta Lambda, Peru; Rich Linder, Historical Society, Peru; and Jan Walford, WAA, Gresham.
Jack Gaines from Delzell Hall was student host. The college band ensemble directed by Mr. Lumir Havlicek and Jim Johnson played three numbers. R o n Jones, future president of SGA, and Dr. Melvin, Dean of the College, greeted the parents. Folk singers Phil Marsh and Dick Warkins sang two songs. Joan Bretthorst, Dianne Morrison, Don Dodge, and Bob Beran presented a cut from Edgar Lee Master's "Spoon River Anthology." The mixed choral ensemble composed of Joyce Blackburn, Jane Drake, Kathy Rotter, Caroline Bliss, Gerry Asa, Jolene Piper, Mary Lu Hicks, Jan Duensing, Rich Shelton, Jim Johnson, Ken Carnes, Ron Isles, Mike McNealy, Larry Poessnecker, Willard Peterson, Steve Broderson, Bill Joiner, and Jim Baker and directed by Mr. Ed Camealy sang two choral selections. Pat Bindrum and Phil :\ifarsh performed a modern dance taken from the college musical, "Kiss Me Kate." The Solitudes accompanied by Mary Lu Hicks and composed of Joyce Blackburn, Kathy Rotter, Gerry Asa, Jim Butts, Rich Shelton, Bill Joiner and Steve Broderson sang several musical selections to end the program.
"There has rbeen a m a r k e d change in the last two years all over the United States to improve conditions between the legislature, education, and the Jay public." Speaking of problems within the schools, Senator Rasmussen stated, "I think schools should be open a ha 1f hour before classes start and an hour and a half after classes end." He also stated, "We have nurses' aides, etc., and I think teachers should also have aides." Senator Rasmussen also told of the many jobs of the legislature. He gave vivid e:x'amples of what was taking place in our complex governrµent and how government officials went about their business. The morning session adjourned for lunch and a social period, after which the afternoon meeting was headed by a talk from Mrs. Anne Campbell, a good and· helpful friend of education. At the conclusion of her talk, Mrs. Campbell answered numerous questions which gave the audience a good view of her working capacities. The concluding business meeting was headed by three speakers-Paul Kennedy, R. W. McKnight, and Leo Skov.
James Knapp ToSpeakMayS Monday, May 8, Mr. James M. Knapp, president of the governing body of the State Colleges of Nebraska, will be the honored speaker at the Peru Staie and ihe Fuiure Convo. This is a formal convo with compulsory attendance. Dress-up night at the cafeteria has been moved from Thursday of that week to Monday night. Mr. Knapp is a native of Broken Bow, Nebr., and he received his bachelors degree from Kearney State College in 1954. Three years later he received his LLB degree from the University of Nebraska and was admitted to the Nebraska Bar Association the same year. He has practiced law in Kearney since that time. He served as president of the Buffalo County Bar Association in 1963. He is also a member of the Nebraska Bar Association and a member of the House of Delegates. Since 19·64 he has been a member of the executive committee of the Section on Prace and Procedures of the American Bar Association. In 1966 he was elected a national director of the Young Lawyers Section of the American Bar Association. Since January 1, 1965, Mr. Knapp has been a member of the Board of Education of State Normal Schools. During 19£6 he served as vice-president,. and this year he is president of the governing body of the State Colleges of Nebraska. Mr. Knapp, who lives at Kearney, is married and has a family.
Peru Peda.gOgian, May 3,
Page 2
Editorially Speaking ....
Compulsory Adulthood? Well-known in the field of adages is the pearl of wisdom which tells us that brevity and conciseness are two qualities for which every individual should strive. On th e Peru campus is a group which has indeed reached the ultimate level of advancement in this area. So precise are these individuals that they are capable of condensing two completely conflicting statements into the logic allotted to the niere space of one sentence. As incoming students arrive on campus each September, they are immediately subjected to the orgy of confusion commonly known as Freshman Orientation, an activity which was established in all sincerity as an attempt at helpfulness. During these few days, the new students are first of all told that they have now joined the adult community, and that they must discard their childish ways, replacing them of course with the thoughts and attitudes of mature, responsible adults. Then, practically within the same breath, they are told that unless they attend all but two college convocations and sit in their assigned seats, four grade points will be subtracted from their Grade Point Averages for the third unexcused absence. The college justifies this seeming inconsistency by saying that "there are benefits from such meetings which may otherwise be omitted from the student's college life." Several of these benefits establish the fact that the convocation programs are "educational, informative, and serve to promote spirit, loyalty and to increase the students' acquaintance in the college community." In addition, although never mentioned publicly, another benefit which is to be derived from convocation is that it gives the student the opportunity to catch a quick nap before continuing the drudgery of a class schedule. The practice of holding convocations is not in itself bad, and such college gatherings are practically as common as "keg" parties on campuses throughout the United States. Forced attendance at such affairs is, however, really helping to defeat the expressed purpose of a convocation. No amount of force will compel students to be cultured if the students do not wish to take advantage of such offerings. On the other hand, perhaps convocation is actually designed only to give the student a place to go on Wednesday mornings in order to keep hini out of trouble and naturally, the college officials are afraid that if attendance were not required, no one would attend. If this be the case, then possibly the fault lies with the quality of the convocations. Perhaps the selected programs do not meet .with the approval ·of a college-age audience. If this is true, a way in which to remedy this situation would be the adoption of a student board which was active, and lrad a definite part in choosing the bill of fare for Peru State College Convocations. In this way, perhaps, the situation concerning convocation attendance could be rectified.
German Author Grass Attacks Naive Idealism Though not yet forty, Gunter Grass :today occupies a place as a German author normally reserved for successful writers who are much older. Grass' ihold up-
PERU PEDAGOGIAN Wednesday, May 3, 1967
Number lS
Volume 62
"Blessed is he who expects noth· ing, for he shall never be disap· pointed." -Alexander Pope Published bl-weekly durin·g the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State Callege, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR .......... Joal!l Bretthor.st ASSISTANT EDITOR .......... . ...................... Mary Budler BUSINESS MANAGER ........ . .................. Charles Williams CIRCULATION MANAGER .... ....................... Mike Castle SPORTS EDITOR .............. .. .. .. .. .... .... .. •.. Dennis Hubbard PHOTOGRAPiHER •. Robert Beran LAYOUT ............ Phyllis Groff, Charlotte Nedrow and Staff ADVISOR ............. James Keck REPORTERS-Marie Ballue, Greg Vaughn, Louise Lundstedt, Shirley Pratt, Dave Alvis, Dan Koch, Vernyee Schmidt, Charlotte Nedrow, Mary Everhart, Charles Williams, Beth Ann Terwilleger, Chloe Mill. er, Ann Ritter, Lynn Sailors, Ruth Rathbun, Maxine Lyons, Jack Gaines, Mary Hunzeker.
Tho alinec! lettera printed In this paper do not reflect the oPlnlon of the P..ta,oitan but of Individuals. The editor reserves the riafit to
them for publication.
on the public imagination is partially due to his departure from the glorification of war and death, a theme which has captivated an earlier generation of German youth and has left them with little but a sharp sense of betrayal. No defender of romantic values, Grass cuts savagely at the naive idealism of his literary predecessors. The chief target in his third and latest novel, Dog Years, is Martin Heidegger, the still influential German existentialist philosopher, whose warm embracing of Hitler's National Socialism in ihe rn30's earned him the !bitter contempt of many of his former colleagues and students.
Campus to Campus · By Ruth Rathbun "A 'Mini' Race, Extravaganza Dance, Gymkhana, Barbeque, Bike Marathon, and the Kingston Trio!" Doesn't this sound like fun? This was the Bike Bowl weekend schedule at Kearney State College two weeks ago. The "Mini" race featured 25 teams of four girls and two alternates from sororities, honoraries and dorms. The girls ran around the track four times, and each girl rode one lap. After the race, an Extravaganza Dance was held featuring "The Gestures." The Gymkhana featured a slalom driving course and a skilled parking event. Slater Food Service sponsored the event, including a barbeque after the contest. The Bike Bowl was to have 14 teams (84 riders) and travel 2·5 miles or 67 laps over the track. A.n evening w1th the Kingston Trio climaxed the weekend. At Central Missouri State College the bachelors had to be on their toes or they got "caught" on Sadie Hawkins Day by various Daisy Maes looking for husbands. The season opened Friday morning, April 14, and ended at midnight. It included such events as hog-calling, greased pig contest, and a Sadie Hawkins chase. Wonder what the results were?! Spring quarter has been approved as trial quarter for partial elimination of women's dorm hours by President J. J. Neumaier at Moorhead State College. Only those women who are 20 and 21 years old will lbe effected. The 20-year-olds must have written permission from their par1 ents before their curfew hours will be eliminated. MCS women students who are upperclassmen and live in residence halls will no longer ibe held to the magic hour of 2:00 a.m. with the passage by a trial "no hours" policy.
Scopes on the Monkey Trial Book Review In every account, the 1925 trial of John T. Scopes, who was accused of teaching Darwin's theory of evolution in the schools of Tennessee, is cited as a cultural showdown pitting fundamentalists against religious skeptics, conservatives against radicals, and fear of change against freedom of thought. Yet according to the man who was at the center of the controversey, the trial consisted of much more than a cultural confrontation. To illustrate this, John T. Scopes, in the autobiographical book, Center of the Storm: Memoirs of John T. Scopes, recalls some of his own personal observations of this fa· mous "Monkey Trial." Tracing the subtle history of this event from opening to closing, Mr. Scopes first establishes that his part in the drama w a s gained by default. The reason for this was that he was the only available high school teacher left in the littie community of Dayton, Tennessee, during the summer of 1925, when the local chamber of commerce decided to initiate a publicity campaign to establish some fame for the town. In fact, at the time of the trial, Mr. Scopes asserts that he was uncertain as to whether he h ad ever taught evolution or not. Nevertheless, being young and amiable, he was quite willing to become a pawn in this plan which had begun as a mere stunt. The town's reaction was predictable, and by the day of the trial, the townspeople h a d whipped themselves into a frenzy which was appropriate for
such an emotion-packed Propaganda was seen every where-stores displayed posters. and when the fateful day ar rived, a large Chicago radio station was on hand to provide the trial with complete coverage. The lawyers involved in ar ing the case-William Jennings Bryan, who handled the prosecu· tion, and Clarence Darrow, wh°' acted as the defense counsel_. provide perhaps the most interesting elements of the whole affair. The lawyers played their assigned roles with eloquence; as Scopes remembers, the acting was fabulous, and the routines which the barristers performed during the trial were done well enough to appear on the stage. Inevitably, as was predicted by Clarence Darrow, Scopes was convicted of teaching evolution in Tennessee against state law and was fined $100. Just as in· evitably, however, this decision was reversed when the case reached a higher court. Dayton, after its day in the news, returned to the deep solitude of a Southei:n town, and the principals of the trial went their separate ways also. Scopes became an oil company geologist, retiring in 1964 to write this book; Darrow went on to further legal fame; and Bryan, for whom the Scopes trial was the last in a series of lost causes in which he became involved, was to be dead less than one week after the trial had ended. Taking into cons~deration that Scopes was an oil company geolContinued on page 4, column 3
Glenn Yarbrough will give a concert at the Rivoli Theatre Thursday, May 4, to open the 19u7 May Fete Celebration at Hastings College. Included in Friday's activities are the May Fete games in the morning, a picnic lunch and a combo dance that afternoon with the "Blue Things." A Disneyland banquet has lbeen planned for Saturday noon in Bellevue House. Concluding the festivities on Saturday night, the "Indigoes" will play for a formal dance. In one of Dog Years' most spectacular sections, Grass satirizes Heidegger's linguistic coRtortions in supplying the Wehrmachthigh command with the secret code it employed during the siege of Berlin in order to retrieve th e German Shepard Prinz, Hitler's companion throughout :trhe war. Prinz, the symbolic arch Nazi in Grass' fanciful tale, is said to have escaped from the Fuhrer's Continued on page 6, column 2
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Peru Pedagogian, May 3, 1967
U. S. "President"
Where Have All the Children Gone?
Sleeps Through Term According to the Constitution, President-elect Zachary Taylor was scheduled to take office on March 4, 1849, but he refused to be inaugurated on that day, stating that it was a Sunday and therefore a day of rest. In vain the politicians around him begged Taylor to change his mind. James K. Polk, the "lameduck" President, was forbidden by the Constitution to stay in office for another day. The Senate had no choice but to elect another President to serve from Sunday noon to Monday noon, the time rescheduled for Taylor's inauguration. David Rice Atchison, leader of the Senate, was chosen by his colleagues to serve the "term." However, foe last week of the Polk administration was so hectic for Senator Atchison that he went to bed Saturday evening, instructing his landlady "not to awaken me for any reason." The faith:(ul lady followed his orders, and David Atchison dozed all through Sunday and on into Monday, past the time his 24hour term ended. Thus the "President" slept through h i s whole term of office, and missed the chance of· a lifetime. ---James C. Hefley.
"The girls in their summer dresses" present a nostalgic picture as they appear in costumes reminiscent of a bygone age. The costumes are in keeping with Peru Staie' s Centennial :!:heme.
Midweek Weekend Successful
Emory University at Atlanta winter quarter, 24% of the stuhas found an answer to the big- dents made the Dean's list, as gest challenge facing undergrad- compared with 21.1 % the previuate education: to give students ous year. Once reluctant to com"an incentive to educate them- pressing their courses into a fourselves." "Creative Wednesday," day week, most of the professors when there are no classes or stu- feel the new schedul€ has forced dent activities, leaves the 2,187 them to "prune, sharpen, and imundergraduates free to "unwind, prove their lectur€s." The faculread, study, take up hobbies, or ty legislative council has voted just catch up on their sleep." to continue "Wonderful WednesThe midweek free day, which day" for another year. was instituted last January, has Untitled worked so well that both the students and faculty refer to it as Arid August laughed at prayer rained dust on fields of corn. A graduation diploma is only a "Wonderful W€dnesday." Stu- And Sterile skies sneered at man certificate of completion-not a dents with this new unexpected And a host of false cloud ·prophets were born license to work. Of a virgin sky. leisure turned Wednesday into a midweek Sabbath, or spent the Just as it seemed the gods had failed Ceres slept on sofr1e prayer-proof morning sleeping off Tuesday Andplain night's beer party. Wednesday A thunder-head arose, and compiling cloud-prophets, promised rainfor some is the busiest tim€ of A list of" Pie in the sky," · the week, and the library is alAnd when the mighty cloud arose ways filled with students catch- With great fire and roar And soared above the sun-parched plain ing up on their assigned readinll. The thirsty earth quailed before A rain of dust. "WondNful Wedn€sday" has al-By Marie Ballue so been used to further many int€llectual pursuits having no SOME PEOPLE! KISMET $425 direct connection with classwork. ALSO $250 TO 1800 A college girl we know is still WEDDING·RING 62.:)0 One group organized a discussion undecided about her futur€ caon classic films, and others spend reer. When a new acquaintance the day tutoring children in Vine came up with the campus query, City, an Atlanta Negro slum. "What's your major?" She reDean Stephens argues there is plied, "English." statistical €vidence p r o v i n g "Oh, do you plan to teach?" "Wonderful Wednesday" has paid "No,'' she replied. off at Emory. Classroom atten"Then, what do you plan to do dance, some teachers report, is higher than last year; during the with it?" There was a pause. "Talk, I
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Do you remember the Red Queen in the fairy tale "Alice in Wond€rland"? She took Alice by the hand at top speed through the Looking-Glass Wonderland, shouting, "Faster! Faster! Don't try to talk. Faster!" Today's children probably don't think she's so funny or imaginary. The R€d Queen has stepped out of her story •book and contributed her haibits to today's parents. Let's tear ourselves a:way from the i€levision, radio, or that sexy magazine for a moment and think about today's children. They are missing out on the most wonderful years of their lives by being forced to put on adult shoes before their feet even begin to fit them. When someone said "childhood,'' people immediately used to see a child swinging, running, playing hop-scotch, or getting into mischief. As soon as a baby gets out of the cdb, he is called a preschooler. Then when he finally gets to school, we pull him by the leg and call him a pre-teen. When, at last, the teen years are reached, the poor child is called a "young adult" and asked why he won't act his age.
It is sobering to think a:bout today's toys with their adult ideas. An exampl€ of this is called a "teen-age doll." This is a skinny (but developed) little manikin that the child can only buy clothes for. She certainly can't hug it or rock it to sleep! School age children are pushed into thinking that if they don't get good grades when they'r€ in the third grade, they'll never make it to college so they can get a high-paying job. Imagine having the world's problems pressing down on your shoulders at age eight or nine and see how it feels. We can tell ourselves that these hurry-hurry habits of the Red Queen don't affect "our" children, but by taking one look at statistics of today's teen-age marriages, divorces, and unwed parents, we can't shrug it off any more. These children are just playing house; and a little while later, the same children, 1es s happy, start playing divorce. Let's let go of the Red Queen's hand and let children be children for their very short years as a child. Put the Red Queen back in the story book where she belongs.
Weird Customs Still Sacred Many of the different customs and superstitions c o n c e r n i n g marriage originated thousands of years ago in other countries. The throwing of rice originated from the Persians, who required that the future husband and wife meet at midnight on a bed in the presence of two sponsors who hold rice in .their hands as an emblem of fruitfulness. In some areas of India, the priest sprinkles rice on th€ bride and groom as an emblem of fruitfulness. The ancient Greeks and Romans poured sw€etmeats or nuts over the bridegroom to keep his soul from flying away on the wedding day. ·
future ·brides were r€quired to jump f11om a 30-foot cliff to choose the man they loved. However if the bride suffered any injury or was killed, she had evidently chosen the w11ong husband. In Sparta, the men carri€d off their brides by violence, for this signified that the marriage was valid. 1t was felt that the woman could not give up her freedom unless she was overcome by the stronger sex. In one tri:be, the future bride was compelled to run from the tent of one friend to another until she was caught and forced into the bridegroom's tent. In J•apan, a bride wears whiie The clanking and battering of old shoes ti€d to the back of the to signify that she has died to married couple's car originated in her parents and that she will Egypt. The father of the bride never leave her husband's house would give her shoe to the future except as a corpse. In the northbridegroom as a symbol of her ern part of Japan, the Ainu be"transfer" to his care. At a re- lieve.s that the parents of the gU€SS." cent wedding held in Morocco, bride should ·tender the proposal the groom struck the bride with of marriage to the parents of the In most places nowadays, risk- his shoe as a sign of his author- groom. If the p11oposal is accepting life and limb with Fourth of ity and supremacy. In parts 0£ ed, the bride slits the skin of her July fireworks is illegal. You Germany today, instead of throw- upper lip in the pattern of a have to use an automobile. ing f1owers, the bride throws her wide moustache as a public anshoes at the gu€sts. In France, nouncement that she is married. A young man in New Guinea when the wife is not at home, the husband puts his shoe on the proposes by smoking a cigar and end of the bed as a symbol of his sending the unsmoked half to his future <bride. If the girl remast€ry. turns the unsmoked half, this Today, in parts of Mexico, a means the proposal was not acman must first win the approval cepted. However, if the girlfriend OPEN BOWLING of his future mother-in-law, for finishes smoking the cigar, the Saturday 2:30 -11 p.m. she is the boss of the family! proposal is accepted. On an island Sunday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Often, th€ future groom m a y near Java, the future groom prehave to work for the bride's sents a new dress to the bride Mon. • Tues. after 9:30 p.m. mother for as 1ong as a year be- and as soon as she puts the dress 274-4320 fore she will give her consent. on, they are married. In the northern part of France, Today, the Soviet government in Russia has established a "matrimonial supermarket." Various departments are available to purchase all necessities for a wedComplete Line of School Supplies, ding. A loud speaker plays the
Coty Evening in Paris Cosmetics
Continued on page 4, column 4
Redfern Clothing Co.
"The Store of Standard Brands" Phone 274-3620 Auburn
Peru Pedagogian, May
PSC Serves in War and Peace
Takes Mellow Yellow "Trip"
These days it is very hard to be the parent of a teen-ager. The other day a father walked into his kitchen and caught his son taking a banana out of the fruit
bowl. "What are you doing with that banana?" he shouted. "I'm going to cut it up and put it on my cereal," his son replied. "A likely story," he said. "You weren't going to smoke it, were you?" Lt seems that the teen-agers have been smoking bananas so they would have hallucinations. . This family dedded to try it to see what it was like. The father started scraping out the skins and making a paste. He t h e n ibaked it and chopped it up and
Campus School To Close? The Legislature's Education Committee recommended recently that Peru State's Campus School ibe closed. This recommendation was connected with a proposal designed to force certain school districts which contract with districts in neigl:rboring states to dissolve. The bill was placed in the general file for debate. "We feel the Peru School is being run poorly and inefficiently," said chairman Lester Harsh of Bartley. The Campus. School is statefinanced in connection wit h Peru's ieacher education program.
passed out three pipes. The three of them sat around the floor of the living room and started to puff. In about 10 minutes he asked his son what he saw. "I see Mom getting green." "That's no hallucination," his wife said. "You don't look so .good yourself," his son added. Five minutes later they all retired to their respective washrooms. This was the "trip" that everyone was ·talking about. So these are the kind of trips-., that the teen-agers are smoking bananas to go on.
During wartime emergencies in the past, Peru College has responded to the national crises with democratic spirit. In WW I, Peru opened 'its doors for the Student Army Training Corps. The football field was used by the s·oldiers for their military drills and the building located where the Science Hall now stands was turned into barracks. The soldiers attended classes in English, typing an d special courses, such as radio telegraphy. Uniforms became prevalent on campus again during WW II when the V-12 Program came to Peru. This was a Navy College Training Program designed to produce officers for ·the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. The V-12· Program enabled college men to carry on their college training while on active duty and receiving service pay. A commemorative plaque thanking Peru State (Teacher's) College "for effective cooperation in training naval personnel during World War II" is presentlyhanging in Delzell Hall. In a separate program during WW II, cadets were also given 8-week courses in flight training. (At this time, Peru boasted an airport, and flying classes were on the college curriculum.) These cadets also lived on campus and attended ground school as well as flight training. Besides sharing the campus with soldiers and sailors, Peru
students "rallied to the cause" by organizing war councils, conducting paper drives, and donating :books for use in the U. S. camps and bases. Girls living in the dormitory estaJblished "Purl Harder Clubs" and donated their knitting to the Red Cross. Special issues of the Pedagogian were dedicated to Peru servicemen and sent to all camps and stations in which there were former Peru students. While actively participating in the wartime activities, Peruvians did not forget their responsibility to keep up their classwork so necessary to help win the wars and build stable societies in postwar days. During both World Wars Peru continued to function as a teachers' college and meet all of its requirements. WEIRD CUSTOMS STILL SACRED Continued from page 3 wedding march for one couple while another couple stands in line. Although these customs and superstitions may seem strange, all have a sacred meaning to the bride and groom on their wedding day. 1
Paper Clothes Solve Laundering Problem Fashion columns in today's newspapers and magazines are praising the merits of the disposable "paper" clothes. ·
These disposable fashions may very well appeal to the college student ibecause they eliminate laundering. After they are wom several times they can just be thrown away. Also, they would be convenient for a student be-. cause they can be folded and packed away in a very small space. The "paper" fabric is made u of 93 per cent cellulose waddi and 7 per cent nylon mesh a is water repellant and fire sistant. So far, the price is l girls' pre-packaged A-line sh' are selling for about $2.00. if they need to ibe shorten they can simply be cut off an there is now sewing to do. Designers of "paper" fashio have been catering mainly to t females ibut are expanding the lines to include the fellows. D posable graduation caps a gowns will be on the market t spring.in ment.
Half-price to college students and faculty: the newspaper that newspaper people ·read•••
Scopes on Monkey Trial Continued from page 2 ogist and not an author, this book is surprisingly well done. Like most autobiographies, however, there are several places in which the story is strained by an over-abundance of personal details which are of little interest to the reader. Nevertheless, Mr. Scopes has presented a fascinating personal insight into a significant historical event, thereby removing it from the realm of mere statistics and dry facts. All in all, the time which is required to read this book is indeed well spent. -Jack Gaines
At last count, we had more than 3,800 newspaper editors on our list of subscribers to The Christian Science Monitor. Editors from all over the world. There is a good reason why these "pros" read the Monitor: the Monitor is the world's only daily international newspaper. Unlike lo.cal papers, the Monitor focuses exclusively on world news - the important news. The Monitor selects the news it considers· most significant and reports it, interprets it; analyzes it-in depth. It takes you further into the news than any local paper can. If this is the kind of paper yoµ would like to be reading, we will send it to you right away at half the regular price of $24.00 a year. Clip the coupon. Find out why newspapermen themselves read the Monitor - and why they invariably name it as one of the five best papers in the world.
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REAL COOPERATION Mark Twain once asked a neighbor if he could iborrow a set of books which he was very anxious to use. "You're welcome to read them in my library," answered the neighbor, "but it is my rule never to let my books leave my house." Some weeks later the neighbor sent over to ask for the loan of Mark Twain's lawn mower. "Certainly," replied M a r k Twain, "but since I make it a rule never to let the lawn mower leave my lawn, you will be dbliged to use it here."
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Peru Pedagogian, May 3, 1967
p j
.s d l, d
ir ;-
d is
Hub's Corner
The 480-yard shuttle hurdles team of Ross Ridenour, Holdrege; Bob Lovejoy, Red Oak, Iowa; Mike Schlemer, East Alton, Ill.; and Dick Estes, Tempe, Arizona, ran third in a time of 1:07.9 for the record. The shuttle hurdles relay event was considered to be the first time the Bobcats had run this event and thus the time goes down as a new school record. The Bobcat two-mile relay quartet finished second an d missed equalling the school record by six-tenths of a second. Roger Neujahr, Gresham; Jim O'Donoghue, Worcester, Mass.; Bob nixon, Des Moines, Iowa; and Jim Watson, Red Cloud,
scooted the two-mile distance in 8:04.8. The Bobcats captured two first places in the Midland meet. Tim Hendricks, Omaha, took first place in the mile grind with a 4:26.4 clocking. The 440-yard relay team of Cal Smith, Pacific Junction, Iowa; Rich Rech, Grand Island; Jim Hagemeier, Beatrice; and Curt Holliman, Rockford, Ill.; picked up a victory with a :43.l clocking. The same foursome placed third in the 880-yard relay. Other Bobcat point winners included: 100-yard dash, Curt Holliman, third; pole vault, Arnold Johnston, Boys Town, fourth; shot put, Mike Mulvaney, Independence, Iowa, third; high jump, George Goepfert, Rockford, Ill., second; discus, M i k e Mulvaney, second; javelin, Bert Faulkner, Paulsboro, N. J., second.
Bobcats Split Doubleheader With lchabods Peru State College defeated Washburn University 3-1 Sat., April 15, behind the four-hit pitching of Jim Rains. Washburn, however, came back to win the second game 7-6. The Bobcats' first game victory halted a fiveg.ame losing streak. Peru took a brief lead in the second inning when Gary Young, Adams, singled; Ric:h Guzinski, Loup City, walked; and Jim Waltke, Beatrice, drove in Young
Peru Reschedules ·Two Rainouts Head Bobcat baseball coach Joe Pelisek revealed the rescheduling of two rained-out double headers. The Peru State vs. Wayne State double header, rained out on April 8th, is rescheduled for Sat., May 13 at Peru. Also re-scheduled was a twin bill against St. Benedicts ollege, Sat., April 29, at Atchison, Kansas. An earlier double header against Crowder College at Neosho, Mo., which was rained ut has been cancelled.
with an infield out. Washburn came right back with a run on two hits and a sacrifice in the bottom of the second. In the fifth inning, Peru State put the game out of reach when Al Sullivan, Worcester, Mass., chased in two runs with a dou•ble. Sullivan's hit came after singles by John Creamer, v!Otcester, Mass., and Steve Pattison, Gering, and a base on balls to Stan Zbylut, Omaha, had loaded the bases. In the night cap Washburn scored two runs in the bottom of the seventh to defeat Peru State 7-6. A Peru error, a base on balls, a sacrifice fly, and a double sent the runs across. The Bobcats scored three times in the first inning, to be driven in by a Denny Hammer, Red Oak, Iowa, double. The Ichabods, however, scored a pair of runs in the bottom of the first. Washburn scored two runs in the third, and Peru then scored three in the fourth inning. In the fifth, Washburn scored their final run until the fatal seventh inning.
SIMON DRUG CO. Ph. 274-4315 Auburn, Nebraska Largest Selection of Hallmark Cards In Southeast Nebruka Complete Camera and Fllm Department
-Photo by Bob Beran Thirdbaseman Jim Walike waits on deck as pitcher Doug Win· field takes his cut.
Bobcats Split Twin Bill With Antelopes Peru State College and Kear- ling, reaching third on an error, ney State College each began and s<:oring on Rich Guzinski's their Nebraska College Confer- (Loup City) sacrifice fly. ence baseball seasons with a douKearney scored a run in the ble header split on the Kearney fourth when Ed Peter's double College diamond. Jim Tegelhutter, Sy r a cu s e , produced a run. Also, the Antemastered Kearney in the opener, lopes scored twice in the fifth but six errors by Peru fielders when Peru committed three ergave Kearney a 5-2 win in the rors and Tegelhutter walked a batter. second game. In the second inning Jim WaltIn the second game G a r y ke, Beatrice, singled home two Young, Adll!ms, hit two basesruns, and Tegel:hutter, Stan Zby- empty homers to pace Bobcat lut, Omaha; and John Creamer, hitters. Lee Jacobsen's homer in Worcester, Mass., each chased the second inning and two runs across single runs. each in the fourth and seventh The third inning saw Denny innings, however, gave Kearney Hammer, Red Oak, Iowa, doub- a 5-2 victory.
Bobcat Thinclads Dash Past Plainsmen Fleet Rich Rech made two gallant effur.ts in leading Peru State to a 92--58 track victory over Nebraska Wesleyan at Lincoln. Rich first captured the 100~ yard dash in 9.7 to tie the Peru State and Wesleyan school records. Then he legged the 220yard dash in 21.6, only one-tenth of a second off the Peru State record. Rich, a graduate of Fullerton High School in Grand Island, Peru's Jim Teggelhutter, Syracuse, lost his second game in four decisions. The split leaves Peru State with a 3-7 record, whereas Washburn now stands 11-3.
won the 100 and 220 in the Nebraska High School track meet last year. The old Peru State mark for the 100-yard dash was set by Jim Mather, from Arapahoe, in 1940. Peru's big victory was caused by the double wins of two other Bobcats. Mike "Hercules" Mulvaney again showed his mastery of the shot and discus with 46'10" and 16-0'5". Tim Hendricks, Omaha, was a double victor in the mile and two~mile events with 4:27.3 and 9:47. All told, Peru won 58 points on the track and 34 points in field events. Their next meet will be at Doane College in Crete.
ELDON'S CAFE "For the Finest Food in Town"
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By Denny Hubbard
Congratulations to the Bobcat tra<:k team on whipping a fine Nebraska Wesleyan team on April 21. The Bobcats were paced by Rich Rech who won :both the 100- and 220-yard dashes. Coach Mcintire's thinclads are improving and looking forward to the NCC meet coming up n e x t month.
New PSC Record Established ··At Midland Relays While competing in the Midland College Relays at Fremont on April 11, the Bobcat thinclads established a new record in the 480-yard shuttle hurdles.
Page S
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The Philadelphia 76er's came from behind in the sixth game of a ·best 4 ·out of 7-game series with the San Francis<:o Warriors to wrap up the NBA crown by downing the Warriors 125-122. The Warriors had a chance to win the .game in the last fifteen seconds, but a shot by Ricky Barry missed its mark. Randy Matson became the first man in history to throw the shot 71 feet. Matson heaved the iron ball 71 feet, 51/2 inches to break his own world's record set almost· two years ago at 70 feet, 71/4 inches. Matson has thrown the Hi-pound ball better than 60 feet in hiS last 77 meets and has pitched it 70 feet or better six times. In 31 appearances his winning throws have bettered 66 feet. The current tbaseball season is well underway. In the National League, the St. Louis Cardinals and the Cindnnati Reds are fighting it out for first place, while in the American League it is quite a close race between the first six clubs. The California Angels lead the league at present with the New York Yankees, Detroit Tigers, Chicago White Sox, and the Baltimore Orioles are following right on their tails. Lou Brock is ·the hottest player in the majors right now as he leads :both leagues in average (.451), homers (6), and RBI's (16). Two of the sports world's most eligible young bachelors, Boston slugger Tony Conigliaro and New York Jets quarterba<:k Joe Namath, were discussing their favorite subject recently for a Sport Magazine correspondent. Tony, telling Joe about his African safari, said, "I had a ball. Even dated a female gorilla. They're great. They believe everything you tell them."
MEN Offers Scholarship Mu Epsilon Nu, fraternity for males in education, is offering a $100 scholarship. Those males who wish to apply for the scholarship are asked to pick up their applications in Dr. Dodge's office. Applications must be in by May 5. DAFFYNISHUNS Population explosion: Love in boom. Group tours: vacational guidance.
BEATTY GARAGE Auto Repairs • Major engine work • Automatic trans.
• Wrecker service • Stum cleaning • Lubrication Fast Dependable Senice 872-3201 Pma
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Peru Pedagogian1 May 3, 1967
feated Ron Swain, Lincoln (Peru) 3-0 (78-89); Frank Fitzsimmon~ (Midwestern) downed Dick McDonald, Coin, Iowa (Peru) 3-0 Bobcat golfers lost four out of (87-94); and Bob Zielske (Midfive matches to go down to de- western) defeated Randy Cottier, feat at the hands of Midwestern Lincoln, (Peru) 3-0 (83-88). College 12¥2 to 21h in a golf meet held at Denison, Iowa. Mike Bar- Author Grass si salvaged Peru's only match as Continued from page 2 he defeated Dave Martin 2-1. Mike. carted an 85 while his op- bunker just before the ex:plosion which destroyed Hitler, and is ponent shot an 89. Although Larry Roder shot the now the watchdog in an abandlow round for Peru with an 83, oned potash mine in West Gerhe was ibeaten by medalist Greg many. In the mine, whose enWilcenski of Midwestern w h o larged shafts house a plant for shot a fine round of 73 to defeat manufacturing scarecrows from German history, the eighteenth Roder 21h to lh. Rick Keeler (Midwestern) de- chamber of the plant is reserved for the production of hundreds of scarecrows resembling Martin Heidegger.
Bobcat Golf Tearn Falls to Midwestern
Midwestern Tops Bobcat Netters
Peru State College was soundly defeated 8<-1 Thurs., April 20, by Midwestern College in a make-up tennis match. The makh had been rained out of the original date of April 8. Midwestern, located in Denison, Iowa, won all the singles matches and two of the three doll!bles contests. Results: Singles-Pete Sheffield (M) over Dave LaMontagne (P) Kankakee, Ill., 6-2, 6-0. Bob Marling (M) over Kathy Welsh (P), Omaha, 6-8, 6-2, 6-1. John Rupp (M) over Roger Shumaker (P), Omaha, 4-6, 6-1, 8-6. Carl Weiner (M) over Mike Deal (P), Council Bluffs, Iowa, 5-7, 6-2, 6-4. Tom Janata (M) over Jim Horgan (P), Worcester, Mass., 6-1, 6-4. James Flannagan (M) over Tom Dammast (P), Nebr. City, 10-8, 6-4. Doubles-Sheffield and Marling (M) over Welsh and Sdhumaker (P), 6-3, 6-1. LaMontagne and Deal (P) over Rupp and Weiner (M) 12-10, 6-2. J~mata and Flannagan (M) · over Horgan and Dammast (P), 6-1, 6-1.
Iowa State Students Stage "Love-In" Recently on the campus of Iowa State University at Ames, the students started a "love-in," which is a demonstration for anything peaceful. " Ge n t 1e Thursday," the name given tothe day's events, was a declaration of independence :by the students -a day set aside for escape into fantasy of an idyllic parablefrom the human events of reality which had become Ull'bearable. Students began the occasion of children's games, fantasy, makebelieve, flowers, and nonsensical ramblings by passing out heliumfilled iballoons and paper flowers. Popcorn, candy, :bubble gum , lemon drops, and sugar cU!bes (a symbolism of LSD) werealsodistributed. Students played games such as leap frog, hopscotch, and a pantomime croquet game without mallets, balls, or wickets. They held thirty seconds of silence in memory of "all flowers hurt :by :bad weather, of leaves fallen from trees, and robins and goldfish poisoned iby DDT." Other activities included the sailing of a, four-foot-long yellow submarine which sank, stacking up of large piles of children's blocks to lbe knocked down and stacked up again, and the :burning of a textbook over a portable charcoal burner.
Because of his relative youth and his prodigious success, Grass has been subjected to more criticism than would have been the case with someone of a more vulneraJble age. The criticism, however, has altogether failed to diminish his popularity, which has spread far beyond the confines of Germany. Tin Drum, the author's first novel, has ib e en translated into at least a dozen languages. Tin Drum, according to Grass, was originally intended to be a long narrative poem as told from the point of view of someone perehed on the top of a monument. This vantage point proved foo static, however, so the author combined i:t with the viewpoint of a person sitting under a table. '};his combination accounts for the curious double perspective from which the lead character, Oskar, views the world: absolutely detached, yet intimate, selfexamining, and as an active participant.
Tennis, J.F.K. May 5
May Fete, 7:00 p,m. Track Meet Invrtati:onal at Wayne May 6
Howard Wood Relay, Sioux Falls Golf~Doane a t Auburn, 10:00 a.m. May 8
Evening Convocation, James Knapp, College Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. Baseball~Concordia at Peru May 9
Majors Hall Talent Show Rehearsal Track Meet at Omaha Univ. English Club Spring Banquet May 10
Majors Talent Show, College Aud., 7:30 p.m, Cheerleader Elections, College Aud,, 9:10 a.m. Baseball-NWMSC at Maryville Newman Club Picnic at Neal Park May 11
College Band Concert, College Aud., 8:00 p,m. Golf-Creighton at Auburn, 1:00 p.m. t Tennis-Creighton at Peru
in dodging, leaping, ing and ex,tricating selves from machinery. 3. Pedestrians not w e a r in numbered license tags w be held responsi!ble for damages done to autom biles or their occupants b collisions.
1. Pedestrians crossing boule-
Of course, the enforcement vards at night shall wear a these rules might eliminate a 1 white light in front and a of "wear and tear" on cars, b red light in the rear. they might have a few dra 2. Pedestrians, before turning backs for the student pedestri to the right or left must give three short blasts on a horn at least three inches in diameter.
That Ole Black
3. Pedestrians must, when an inexperienced auto driver is made nervous iby a pedestrian, hide behind a tree until the automobile has passed.
Magic ... cJ
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4. Pedestrians should not carry in their pockets any sharp instruments liable to cut automobile tires.
5. Pedestrians shall not in dodging automobiles run faster than 20 miles an hour. 6. Pedestrians must n~gister at the beginning of each year and pay a license fee of $5. No rebate will be allowed if they do not live through the entire year.
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7. Pedestrians, before license tags will be issued to them, must demonstrate before an examining board their skill
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Tennis Conference at Wayne May 13
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Dinners • Short Orden May 15
SO WHAT! A college senior dated a young lady from a near~by 'girls school a few .Umes. Then some weeks passed, and when she hadn't heard from him, she sent a telegram reading: " D E A D , DELAYED, OR DISINTERESTED?"
6:30 a.m. to 10100 p.m.
every day
Ann Beatty
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WHEELS Think of Standard Chevrolet 902 Central 1 Auburn Contact Edwin Johnson and have dependable transportation
ADAMS' SINCLAIR Lubrication and Gas Most Brands of Oil Delco Batteries
To which the young man promptly wired :back: "HUNTING, FISHING OR TRAPPING?"
ELLEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanents, Tinting,• Bleaching Phone 3922
Majors Hall
Fifty years ago with the coming of spring, and more and more 'Of the faculty possessing automobiles, Normal Avenue was becoming congested. The following rules for the conduct of pedestrians were set up and listed in the April 17, 1917 issue of the Peru Normaliie.
May 12
Freshman Dance, Student Grass' novels seem to have Center, 8:00-11 :00 their strongest and sharpest impact through their presentation May 16 of the fatahty of eroticism. Grass Baseball-Simpson at Peru ruthlessly dispenses with the enMay 17 tire super-structure of ideas, senAwards Convocation, 9:10 timentalities, falsifications, evaa.m. sions, and moralistic and philosophical conceptions which have May 18 been characteristic of German Final Exams Begin writers in the past. Grass' attitudes are complicated, but his presentation and his stories are Prof.-"Gentlemen, I am disexplicit, realistic, and accurate. missing you ten minutes early toThe impact of his stories is diffi- day. Please go out quietly so as cult to guard against because not to wake the other classes." Grass' whole style-the shifting from the humorous to the ominous, and from the whimsical to Don't ever slam a door; you the macarbre-is basically meant might want to go back. to totally unsettle the reader.
Ron Kroll Room 234
And We Think We Have It Bad
Ric Hamer 872-4301 Peru, Nebr.
Free Delivery Tuesday and Friday Phone 872-4351
'Midwest Has Real
The Voice of the Campus of' a Thousand Oaks . . .
Volume 62
Number 14
APRIL 19, 1967
Teachers Define Objectives Of Project English At Workshop By Louise Lundstedi
in 1e
Mildred R. Bennett, who will speak on Willa Cather at Peru State April 20, was born and educated in the middle West, an important factor in her interpretation of Willa Cather's writings. She was born in Elk Point, South Dakota, and has lived in Iowa and Kansas. The Union College at Lincoln, Nebraska granted her a BA degree. She also received a MA in psychology from the University of Nebraska, after which she taught ten years. Mrs. Bennett ·began her teaching career in Inavale, Nebraska in 1932. She became interested in Miss Cather when she discovered that many of her pupils were children of Miss Cather's friends. After her husband, Dr. W. K. Bennett, returned from the service and began to practice medicine, they moved to Red Cloud, Nebraska, Miss Cather's hometown. Mrs. Bennett has lived there since that time and has close contact with the p e op 1e who knew Miss Cather. She has one son, and devotes her life to her family while doing some writing of her own. Mrs. Bennett has always been interested in writing. She has written poetry, short stories, and several articles for local magazines, such as the Prairie Schooner and the American Names Journal. In 1960, the Cather article in the Prairie Schooner won a $50 prize in the Pen Women biennial contest. She has also written articles for the Collier's Encyclopedia. Some of her research on Willa Cather is indicated in The World of Willa Cather (19·51); Early Stories of Willa Cather (1957); Notes and Analysis of "My An· tonia" (1962); and Notes and Analysis of "Paradise Lost" (1963).
English teachers of levels K-12 from several schools in southeast Nebraska gathered at the Peru State College Campus School for a Projeot English Workshop, Sat., April 8. Mrs. Genevieve Gergen of Peru was the lead teacher. The purpose of the workshop was to acquaint the teachers with the new Project English which is being developed and is now being used in many Nebraska schools. Several attempts were made to define what Project English is, to determine how it is different from the traditional methods of teaching, and how the students of all levels can benefit from it. The Peru Campus S ch o o 1 fourth and fifth grades gave a literature demonstration of The Wind in the Willows by Richard Grahame. Through inductive questioning, conversation, and their own original dramatizations they gave their interpretations of the book. By using words describing characters from the book they made sentences demonstrating their understanding of the use of the different parts of speech. They discussed how they were like the characters of the story, showing how they could apply the literature to tl;i~m selves. Through this demonstration the teachers learned h ow Project English integrates language, literature, and composition. Mrs. Gergen showed the group a visual aid she had made that illustrated the spiral of English development through the integration of language, literature, and composition. The different levels of study of K-12 were illustrated. She told the group that the top ring of the spiral is empty because it is hoped that Project English may be extended into the freshman year of college. By using · the inductive approach, Mrs. Gergen and the group formulated a set of objectives for Project English. They
then checked theirs with a set made by the formulators of this curriculum. They then discussed the steps toward planning and executing a Project English curriculum. The afternoon session was devoted to a lecture and discussion on language, linguistics, and form classes. Mrs. Gergen opened the discussion by saying, "The most controversial part of Project English is the language. Many people think we are not teaching any grammar." The group discussed an essay, "An Analysis of the Present Problem in the Teaching of Language," written by Dudley Bailey, Head of the English Department at the University of Nebraska. He told about the difficulties in teaching language and how ours is a changing language with which the teaching methods must keep pace. The teachers participated in a
demonstration of the form classes by picking out the parts of speech from a nonsense sentence. They discussed whether or not it is important to spend time teaching students the parts of speech and how and when linguistics should be taught. They discussed the basic findings of linguistic science. The second session of the Project English Workshop met Sat., April 15, 9:00 to 3:00. The fifth and sixth graders of Peru were to gi'{e original dramas of their favorite events in the Hobbit. Topics of discussion were syntax, dictionary study and history of the language, dialect study, usage and spelling, an d composition. Such questions as: Is writing a gift, or can it be learned?; is writing nearly obsolete?; and is oral composition more important than written composition? were to be discussed by the group.
Annual Open House Planned For April 30
Mrs. Bennett backed the work Plans are being made for Peru of the Willa Cather Pioneer Me- State College's annual op en morial in 1955 and has continued house. The date has been set for as president and consultant of Sun. afternoon, April 30. Cather research. In 1958-60, she At 2:00 p.m. a variety show served as president of the Ne- will entertain the visitors. Rebraska Writers Guild. At the freshments will be served in the present time, she is Nebraska Student Center later in the afterPresident of National League of noon. All classrooms, dormitorAmerican Pen Women. She is a ies, shops, and laboratories will member of the Armed Forces be open to visitors. Instructors, Writers League, Omaha Writers, the administrative staff, and stuAmerican Name Society, Nebras- dents will be on campus to anka Folklore Society, and the swer questions about the college Governor's Hall of Fame Com- and its academic offerings. mission. Invitations have ·been sent to Mrs. Bennett was honored in prospective students and their 1965 when she received the parents and to parents of present "Eyes of Nebraska Award" from students. Anyone is welcome to the Nebraska Optometric Associ- come and tour the Campus of a ation. At present she ser~es on Thousand Oaks. The newly rethe advisory board for the Ne- modeled Administration Building braska Educational Television will be of special interest this year to all visitors. Programs.
Kate (Joyce Blackburn) and Petruchio (Ken Carnes) are seen during one of Kate's less shrewish moods .in "Kiss Me, Kate."
Wild Kate Finally Tamed After many long hours of practice and much hard work, the Peru State music department presented their musical "Kiss Me Kate" April 11 and 13. The script of the all-time great Broadway production w:as written by Sam and Bella Spewack and the music by Cole Porter. It was sponsored by the Peru Chapter of the Music Educators National Conference. The story centers around a troupe of actors playing "The Taming of the Shrew" and the efforts of Fred Graham (Petruchio) played by Ken Carnes of Auburn, and Lilli Vanessi (Katharine) played by Joyce Black-
burn of Shenandoah, Iowa, to rekindle their one-time love. The setting shifts from Ford Theatre in Baltimore where "The Taming of the Shrew" is being presented to Padua, where Shakespeare's great play took place. Lilli and Kate are both conquered in the final scene. The characters of Baptista's two totally diff~rent daughters, Bianca, who was popular with every "Tom, Dick, or Harry," and Katharine who sang "I Hatt0 Men," were very well portrayed. The show also contained such well-known songs as "Wunderbar," "So in Love," "Too Darn Continued on page 6, column 5
Future In Art' Says Dr. Helm By Shirley Prati
Dr. John F. Helm was guest speaker at a Centennial Convocation Wed., April 5, in the Fine Arts Recital Hall at 7:30 p.m. He gave a lecture on Midwestern Art. Dr. Helm said, "I feel very much honored to be invited to Peru; however, I won't be a true Peruvian because of the lack of the proper pronunciation of Peru!" He recognized the fact that many distinguished people have graduated from Peru State. Dr. Helm began his lecture on Midwestern Art by saying, "I have had a lot of fun and pleasure in art and its development in this part of the country." Midwestern art reflects influences from European and other outside sources; however, certain characteristics have been found that are American. He feels that the development of Midwestern art has been affected very little by the area and climatic conditions. The earliest arts were the Indian arts that had no sophistication. Next were the arts by a richer plain Indian. This art had many good design qualities, but these were soon erased when the white man arrived. Dr. Helm showed slides on the works of many Midwestern artists and expressed his opinion on the art. His slides included works from several surrounding museums and gallerys. Nebraska, according to Dr. Helm, is a very dead art center. It lacks a great number of museums, theaters, art dealers, and the density of a wealthy population. He stated, "I wonder if the man on the street in New York, Washington, or Chicago is any more conscious or understanding of art than the man in Omaha, Lincoln, or Peru. I doubt it." Continuing, he said, "I feel the people out here are much more interested and much more willing to find out something about the art. I think there is a real future for the art in the Midwestern Institutions such as Peru State College, and they will continue to make it significant." Dr. Helm concluded by saying, "Best wishes for c o n t i n u e d growth during the second century. My hearty congratulations to the past contributions, and I know they have been very great!" Dr. Helm is Professor of Drawing and Painting in the College of Architecture and Design at Kansas State University at Manhattan, Kansas. He has been associated here since 1924, and is presently director of the Graduate Program for the College of. Architecture and Design.
David Brigham's 'Day Song' Wins Essay Contest David Brigham of Boylston, Mass., has been named the winner in the HJi66-67 Freshman Essay Contest with his creation entitled "Day Song." The selection, which described the coming of dawn in a unique manner, earned David the first prize of $10.00 to be redeemed in paperback books at the Bobcat Bookstore. Three judges, consisting of two Sigma Tau Delta members and a faculty member, made up the Continued on page 2, column 3
Page 2
Peru Pedagogian, April 19, 1967
Campus to Campus
Editorially Speaking ....
By Ruth Rathbun
Nebraska Education .. Help! Two recent developments in the state of Nebraska, both in the field of education, should perhaps be of great interest to those attending Peru State College and planning someday to enter the teaching profession. Earlier this moi;t~ in Hall County, and earlier this year in Lincoln, a maJonty of voters supported the establishment of new junior colleges in their respective communities. In neither community, however, will a junior college be built. The reason for this seeming discrepancy is that the law requires the approval of 55% of the voters in an area before the legal authority to proceed with such a school may be gained. In Hall County the issue was approved by about 54% of the voters-in Lincoln by a little more than 52%. The legislature, practically every educator in the state, and a great many other Nebraskans are beginning to realize that junior colleges can be a very useful tool indeed with which to further the goals of local, state, and national objectives. Junior colleges make higher education more widely available through their relatively low cost and easy access to local communities, and they also make education more efficient because they help to alleviate the excessively large college or university. Nebraskans, through the use of their votes, are able to create districts for area vocational schools with a simple majority vote; they also have the power to establish a great variety of other districts, some with the power to tax, again with a simple majority vote. Yet in order to create an institution of higher learning, which would probably return its initial cost in the long run, the proposal must receive the approval of 55% of the voters in the community. The State Legislature has already this year shown an increased interest in the sad condition of education in Nebraska. First of all, there is a proposal to merge the Universities of Nebraska and Omaha; and secondly, strong support has been given to the idea that state funds be extended to the five existing junior colleges and to three others, if their communities want to establish them. Additionally, perhaps, the legislature should see fit to examine the possibilities of removing this wrinkle in the law which requires a 55% approval of the voters in order to establish a junior college. As it now stands, this existing statute only hinders the extension and improvement of the educational system in Nebraska, a system which is considered one of the very worst in the country. -Jack Gaines
Why Not Extended Library HourS? Going to spend the weekend studying at the library? You have only one choice, which is to get up at crack of dawn and get down to the library Saturday morning. Show me a student here that can get up early Saturday morning, and I'll show you a student that didn't go out Friday night so he could get up early and study Saturday morning. I think the library should have longer hours on Saturdays and should open earlier on Sunday. Weekends are the best times to study if a student chooses to. There really isn't very much to do during the afternoons on weekends except study. The dorm on Saturday is hardly conducive to study. During week days the hours are exceptionally good because the library is open all day long. Don't you think the library should be open longer on weekends? So do I! -Ruth Rathbun PERU PEDAGOGIAN
A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small package.
The seniors at Midland College are trying to decide on a gift from their class to the school. Gift possibilities include a copy macliine, a speech laboratory and a college marker. A new dormitory will honor the late Ralph G. Brooks, who, as well as being a governor of Nebraska, was the former President of McCook College. Mr. Brooks was a man who started at the ·bottom of the career ladder and worked his way up. He came to McCook College at a time when the school system was in trouble. Teachers had ib e en fired, others had quit; meanwhile there was a student strike. McCookites honored their past president commemorating his name on the Ralph G. Brooks Residence Hall. Noted semanticist, Dr. S. I. Hayahawa, was a guest on the Kearney Campus April 6 when he spoke at a convocation in the Administration Auditorium a t 10:30 a.m. Dr. Hayahawa is an excellent authority on semantics, or the study of signs and what they signify and denote. Senator Gale McGee will deliver the principal address at the Wayne State spring commencement exercises on April 19. This senator from Wyoming is a 1963 graduate of Wayne State College. His address will concern Viet Nam. A potentially dangerous fire in Gilchrist, Iowa, was avoided recently when several members of the paper staff and an Iowa State campus policeman discovered a short in an electrical transformer. Paper staff members smelled smoke and w e r e sniffing around their offices when Officer Heinselman came to the rescue. Heinselman stated that if the short had not been discovered the whole complex could have ·been destroyed on the State College of Iowa campus. ·
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Students Upset By Water Situation, Telephone Monopolies, and SGA Elections . Dear Editor: Peru, the school of countless problems, has again b e en plagued ·by catastrophe. We poor students of this institution, who have ·been constantly beset by adverse nutritional, weather and social conditions, were a g a in blessed with further anxiety. Our always poor-tasting water was supplemented with a heavy carbon-chained additive. This kerosene-like taste did not really help the attitude of the normally discontented populace. The town of Peru had the most to lose from the adverse water conditions. Inhabitants of Peru, outside of college campus affiliates, are rare; and I would hate to see us lose some of these people simply because bad water was the last straw in an already unbearable situation. Students that got sick fro m this "water?''. episode s ho u 1 d have contacted their lawyers concerning the liability of t h e town of Peru for such discomforts. It was rumored that some of the students were actually able to burn the water at first but they had to stop in compliance with the State Fire Marshal's orders. Cigarette smoking after showers was discouraged whenever possible (except for certain Buddhist affiliates). The only result of this "Great Kerosene Blunder" that was constructive is the fact that the pipes of our system received a much-needed cleaning. (Lighter fluids sales dropped, of course).
I .would personally like to thank the Broughton Food Service for coming to the students' aid as they have done so many times before! These fine people did not raise the price of a cup of ice (which was the only way our kerosene was consumable) . during our time of need. The price of one cup of ice remain a modest five cents. This is r markable because the school fur nishes water, gas and electric' free of charge. I contend that Broughton Food Service has nOc right to charge for ice, for if doesn't belong to them. Ice :is only frozen water at the best but the water is paid for out of our pockets. Also interesting is the fact that a cup of ice can be produced for one-thousandth of the: five-cent figure (not counting cup) but so ,goes inflaiion. If plastic coated paper cups are 5e per, I beg the pardon of the · Broughton Food Service (but don't count on it). I am also interested in the nonstudent employees of our Bob Inn. The .more "superior than thou" attitude displayed by a few of these people (who live off our purse strings) is appalling. Considering that they are working for the public, I would much expect some civility in their attitudes. Of course the majority of these people are nice but the attitude of a few can undermine the general impression. New words have been added to our local vocabulary, thanks Continued on page 4, column 1
DAVID BRIGHAM'S 'DAY SONG' WINS ESSAY CONTEST Continued from page 1 panel. According to tradition, "Day Song" will appear in the annual literary publication, Sifting Sands, along with other original student writings.
Wednesday, April 19, 1967 Volume 62
Number 14
"There's a tree that's dead, but it still waves with the others in the wind. So it seems to me if I die, I'll still share in life .••" -Chekov Published bi·weekly during the academic year, except holidays and between semesters by the students of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska 68421. STAFF EDITOR .......... Joan Bretthorst ASSISTANT EDITOR ......... .. ...................... Mary Budler BUSINESS MANAGER ......... .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. Charles Williams CIRCULATION MANAGER .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . Mike Castle SPORTS EDITOR ............... . .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . Dennis Hubbard PHOTOGRAPHER .. Robert Beran LAYOUT ............ Phyllis Groff, Charlotte Nedrow and Staff ADVISOR ............. James Keck REPORTERS-Marie Ballue, Greg Vaughn, Louise Lundstedt, Shirley Pratt, Dave Alvis, Dan Koch, Vernyce Schmidt, Charlotte Nedrow, Mary Everhart, Charles Williams, Beth Ann Terwilleger, Chloe Mill· er, Ann Ritter, Lynn Sailors, Ruth Rathbun, Maxine Lyons, Jack Gaines, Mary Hunzeker. The alsned letters printed In this paper do not reflect the opinion of
the Pedagoilan but of Individuals. The editor reserves the rigM to ecllt them far publication.
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'.l?eru Pecl.agogian. April 19, 1961
Banana High Is Newest Craze Get rid of your LSD, marijuana, psilocybin, nutmeg, and morning glory seeds, bananas are here to "get high on" now! The recent idea that banana skins send users on trips has caused a banana-burying boom from the Haight-Asbury district to Harvard Square. The banana craze was ushered in by British pop singer Donavan. In the popular song "Mellow Yellow," Donavan sang, "Electrical banana is gonna be a sudden craze, Electrical banana is bound to be the very next phase." The banana trip was started at Berkeley in early March of this year. The banana recipe is simple to carry out. You simply scrape the white fiber from inside a banana peel and dry it in a slow (200 degree) oven, "then crumble and roll into a banana joint," the Berkeley Barb states, "or 1better, smoke in a pipe." This recipe was widely circulated· almost immediately to :hundreds of "hippies" who were ready for a "trip." Thoughts vary on the effects of mellow yellow. Some hippies say it produces a "gentle high," whereas a Boston user said,
Soliloquy Among The Shoeboxes:
"Your limbs .feel light." But others seem to think that the banana high craze is ;being exaggerated. For example, someone said the whole thing is propaganda from the United Fruit Company. A company spokesman, however, protested its innocence 1a st week: "The only trip you c a n take with a banana is when you slip on the peel," he said. Biochemists and doctors agree that the mellow yellow craze is perhaps a little out of proportion. Banana skins contain serotonin, also found in LSD, bu t there ·are no signs that banana highs produce visual distortions. Banana smoking may be nothing more than a rebuttal toward police authority. No state laws could outlaw mellow yellow. As the Village Voice points out: "What legislator would dare affix his name to the Banana Control Act of 1968?"
By Mary Budler
Recently it occurred to me study in my closet. There, reasoned, I might find an at~ mosphere of quiet, conducive to learning. There would be no distractions and I would absorb the assigned knowledge by suppertime.
An old-fashioned girl blushed when she was ashamed . . . . . a modern girl is ashamed when she 1blushes. Take chances and chances are you won't have many chances left to take.
Rex Rains, president of Peru Kiwanis, presents official gavel fo Harry Elder, president of the new Circle K Chapter of Peru Staie.
Half-price to college students and faculty: the newspaper that newspaper people ·read• ••
Circle KFormally Chartered
At last count, we had more than 3,800 newspaper editors on our list of subscribers to The Christian Science Monitor. Editors from all over the world. There is a good reason why these "pros" read the Monitor: the Monitor is the world's only daily international newspaper. Unlike local papers, the Monitor focuses exclusively on world news - the important news: The Monitor selects the news it considers most significant and reports it, interprets it; analyzes it - in depth .. It takes you further into the news than any local paper can. If this is the kind of paper you would like to be reading, we will send it to you right away at half the regular price of $24.00 a year. Clip the coupon. Find out why newspapermen themselves read the Monitor - and why they invariably name it as one of the five best papers in the world.
The Peru State Chapter of C1rcle K was accepted formally into Circle K International Sun., April 2. The evening included a banquet at the Student Center; presentation of .the official Charter by Clay Kennedy, Lt. Governor of District 12 Kiwanis; and an informative speech by Steve Smith, Governor of the Ne'braska-Iowa District of Circle K, about the duties a Circle K'er must fulfill. Rex Rains, president of the Peru Kiwanis Club, acted
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as master 0£ ceremonies. Officers of the new organization are Harry Elder, president; Rich Bales, vice-president; Sandy Craven, secretary; and Bob Beran, treasurer. Of the 125 people attending the Charter Night, many were representatives from Circle K Clubs at Omaha University, J. F. Kennedy of Wahoo, Fairbury Junior College, and Buena Vista College of Storm Lake, Iowa, and Kiwanians from Lincoln, Wahoo, Auburn, Omaha, and Fairbury. Circle K is in the process of initiating many services on the Peru State campus, one of which is the sponsorship of Tuesday and Thursday study nights in the Library Basement from 7-9. All students are welcome to join members in the specially created study atmosphere. Other projects on the drawing board include a campus carnival and the selling of Zip Code books in conjunction with the Peru Kiwanis Club.
S t r e e t - - - · · - - · - · Apt./Rm. # -
City______ State.-·----- Z i p . - 1 O College student. ______ Year of graduation_.__ O Faculty member P-CN-65 I
JOHN L. LEWIS, Vice Pres. & Cashier
... Oh, yeah ..... The major goal of the emerging ideology ls rehabilitation-it forswears punishment and is opposed to subsidies that ..."
Anyone Want To Play Soldier? It seems that in Paris and London that the kids who want to be in "gear" as far as the clothes gig goes are buying, and believe it or not, wearing, old military uniforms which date iback to the Crimean and Franco-Prussian Wars.
Member F.D.I.C.
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The floor was hard, :but fine for keeping-awake purposes. I settled down and began to read on page 641: "The major goal of the emerging ideology is rehabilitation-it forswears punishment and is opposed to subsidies that ... that ... Look at that crack in the wall ... I wonder how long that's been there ... Maybe I should write a note to the maintenance man ... And is opposed to subsidies that ... Good grief, this floor is dirty ... We'll have to start cleaning the closet from now on .. But it's so much work to move all these shoes ... Subsidies that ... that . . . I forgot I had this blue skirt ... Say, I'll bet that would match Linda's new sweater ... I'll ask her tomorrow ... It forswears punishment and ... When did that spot get on this skirt ... Looks like ketchup ... Oh yeah, last Thursday, I remember ... And is opposed to subsidies .... I really should polish those brown loafers ... Mom would kill me if she saw them ... The major goal of ,the emerging ... Jane never told me the hem was torn on this skirt . . . If she doesn't take better care of my things . . . . .Ideology is reh<rbilitation~it . .. it ... Oh, my leg is asleep ... Ouch, ouch ... Darn it! .. .... I'd better sit in a different position for a while .... I better trim my ,toenails tonight . . . They're really looking rough , .. I'd better get busy ... It forswears punishment and is .... What was that? . . . . . Sounded like a mouse ... Nah, it was just the door ... Whew! .... Five o'clock; ... Where was I?
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Page 4
Peru Pedagogian, April 19, 19Q7
'Tribal Man Has Returned' Via Marshall McLuhan ~c; Theories
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Continued from page 2 to the ,water situation. A coke was known as a "Diesel Delight." The average student was known as Napalm (not counting the twenty proof blood). Gasoline was watered down and amazingly inexpensive. Smoking after showers was called neoBuddism. Chugging water became the newest off-campus craze. Rain was known as t h e "local aurora." The tradition which has come through unscathed is our wonderful "Hog" Inn. J1ames Michael Harris, Senior, Peru State College.
Dear Editor: I'm filing a complaint-a complaint against all girls that feel it is their privilege to monopolize the only phone line going in or out of Morgan Hall until all hours of the night, and against the boys that show their lack of respect for girls and their complete ignorance by telling those that ask for the line to, quote, "Go to --." or, quote, "Go-." I sometimes wonder if these are college level students. This is utterly disgusting and I hope that they will someday grow up to learn respect for the feelings of others. But for now, we who are waiting for very important long distance calls or are waiting to make them, must go on being patient with those who insist on talking to the "lovers" they've been with all day long. After all, they are talking about such important matters as how hard it is to get a washer to w a s h clothes, how much studying they have to do, how hungry they are, how tired they are, and their plans for taking a bath before retiring for the night. To add to the difficulty of making or receiving a call, there are those who have formed a group conspiracy to monopolize the phone. The phone ' is handed from boy to boy at the other end of the line and from girl to girl at Morgan Hall's end. This c an sometimes go on for hours. The receiver never hits the carriage As a matter of interest, I would like to add that I have noticed many girls lowering themselves to the point of calling the boys. The boy is no longer the aggressor; it's the girls who have taken over this role. Boys, do you feel like you're being chased? In conclusion, I would like to make a suggestion, that being: Any one who is caught constantly abusing the five-minute phone rule of Morgan Hall be deprived of the rights to receive or to make any local phone calls for a period of two weeks. Maybe they would come to realize just how nice phone privileges can be. If this rule would have been in effect, maybe I could have received a very important long
distance phone call at 10:30 when it was expected, rather than 1:30 p.m. whenit came. If I seem bitter, it's only because I am! Bernadine Fintel, Sophomore, Peru State College.
Dear Editor: The recent elections held to choose SGA representatives for the 1967-68 school year have been the center of considerable dispute. The elections were held on a well-chosen day that should have provided a heavy voter turnout. The fact that the elections were not publicized or even announced seems almost premeditated. We have on this campus several bulletin boards, a regularly published newspaper, and public address systems in each of the residence halls, and I don't feel that it's unreasonable for the student body to expect the SGA to use these media to announce elections. It wasn't done for the SGA Presidential election, but at least the polls remained open at both lunch and dinner. In this latest election, however, a new low was reached. The polls were open only at lunch and then not for the entire lunch period. Personally I came to lunch at 12:15 p.m. and was unable to vote. This was unfortunately true for a considerable number of students. To top the insult, the polls did not even open for the dinner hour. This completely eliminated those people who didn't happen to appear in the student center sometime between 11:00 a.m. and noon. To say that this is appalling..is an understatement. It borders on being ridiculous. If the SGA is ever to be successful it must learn that without previous planning and organized communication little interest can be expected. Why can't the SGA learn to practice what its m e m b e r s preach? If nothing else, I hope that this unfortunate example of an SGA election can be improved upon in future years. May I respectfully suggest that in future elections the candidates for SGA representatives be announced in the campus newspaper and that the date of ,the election be announced in advance. May I also suggest that the polls be open during the entire lunch and din-
Much Research, Dedication Went Into Writing '1s Paris Burning?"
ed, almost simultaneous,ly, in both French and English. First published in French,
A Dark Tale By Lynn Sailors The candlelight flickers, casting eerie shadows upon the wall. The, clocks have stopped, and time is standing still. Darkness creeps in, filling every corner with its total blackness. The old building creaks and groans with the agonies of .all the years gone by. The ancient windows beat out as a trembling heart-slowly, precisely, beating one lifter ,the other. The wind hides 'behind corners and whispers dares to people to venture out into the darkness. Laughter .that once sounded warm and friendly now sounds ghostly and empty. Books that once were tossed about lie unopened and forgotten. At one time the building was bustling with people. Each room glowed with many lights and happy faces. Girls could be heard laughing and talking, making jokes and coming back with gay retorts. What happened?? ..... Eliza Morgan Hall was without electricity! Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. -Henry Ford.
born determination to be true to history as did Larry Collins and Dominque La· pierrc.
W. A. Van Pelt Speaks On Christian Ministry The Reverend W. A. Van Pelt, Assistant Professor of Sociology, represented Peru State April 3 at the Spring Assembly of the Southern District of Lutheran Church Women, Nebraska Synod, Lutheran Church of America at Lincoln. Reverend Van Pelt spoke on the subject of Christian ministry availaible to students on campus.
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In a recent article of NEWSWEEK a relatively new philosophy of staggering implications was discussed. Lpoking to the world, it could mean that wars and political dogmas are obso-
lete and that the age of the individual is over and a new man is emerging. A man from Toronto, Canada, named McLuhan, states his theory that communications (such as television and advertising) offer an explanation of a human culture-past, present, and future. McLuhan's trademark is "The Medium Is the Message." McLuhan studies what mass Larry Collins and Dominque Lapierre are young jour- media does to American culture. nalists who hit on a successful formula for a bi-lingual To learn more crbout the comwriting partnership. Their first joint effort was the best- munications media he studies selling chronicle of the Liberation of Paris, "Is Paris Burn- the effect of television and ads ing?" on which the Paramount-Seven Arts-Ray Stark film for commodities such as caskets presentation, opening soon at a local theatre, is based. and deodorants and any artifact Their drnmatic account of the. virtually it ·caught the eye of producer Paul Graetz, such as money or clothes that unknown story of the Liberation of 1944 who immediately purchased the movie conveys meaning. took nearly three years to research. Colrights. lins, formerly Paris bureau chief for The film version of "Is Paris BurnMcLuhan claims that informaNewsweek, and Lapierre, a senior editor ing?" was directed by Rene Clement and at the French magazine Paris.Match, intion media alter our sensory life features· such· international stars as terviewed nearly 1,000 people, Germans, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Charles Boyer, Les-those things that we hear, feel, French, English and Americans. They lie Caron, Jean.Pierre Cassel, George visited Baden-.Baden for a series of long Chakiris, Alain Delon, Kirk Douglas, taste, smell, and see. He thinks talks with the key figure in .their book, Glenn Ford, Gert Frobe, Yves lviontand, General Dietrich von Choltitz, commandsuch a medium is an extension Anthony Perkins, Simone Signore!, Rob· er of German troops in Paris during the ert Stack, Marie Versini, Skip Ward and and modifier of man; much as occupation. Once the vast historical maOrson Welles. terial was collected and organized, the the caveman's ax is an extension team tackled the actual writing-but in The film was. shot entirely in France, an unusually efficient way. Each of. the with many ·key battles restaged in their of the hand, so is electric circui c pair wrote an .alternate chap~er, Lap1:rre actual street .settings before some of try an extension of man's central writing in French, Collins m English. Paris' most famous landmarks. Director Then they promptly translated one anRene Clement exhibited the same stub· Continued on page 6, column 2 other's chapters. The book was complet-
ner hours to enable, the largest possible number .of st.udents to vote. Bill .Bowen, Junior, Peru State College.
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Peru Pedagogian, April 19, 1967
Peru Splits Pair With JFK Peru State College, led by the Pattison, Gering; Gary Young, pitching of Jim Tegelhutter, Adams; and Zbylut each drove in romped to a 12-2 victory over two runs. The Bobcats managed single John F. Kennedy College, Sat., April 1, at Wahoo. In the second runs in the second and third inngame of the double header Ken- ings, four in ·the fourth, two in nedy p itch er Jim Pickering the fifth inning, and four in the pitched a four-hitter to down the sixth, whereas Kennedy scored their runs in the first and second Bobcats 5-0. Tegelhutter, Syracuse, won the innings. In the second game Pickering's opening game by throwing a twohitter and allowing only one shut-out pitching and the hitting earned run. He also struck out 12 of Dale Sandquist were instruwhile walking four. The victory mental in Kennedy's 5-0 win was Tegelhutter's second straight over Peru. Sandquist drove in one run, scored another, and of the 1967 baseball campaign. Peru State hitters blasted Pat- went two for three at the plate. riot's pitching for 11 hits, with freshman Stan Zbylut, Omaha, FIFTEEN RECORDS BROKEN going 4 for 5. Also, Peru's John IN PERU INVITATIONAL Creamer, Worcester, Mass.; Steve On April 3-4 the Peru State Invitational High School track meet was held. Fairbury stormed to the Class A championship; Auburn won .the Class B championship; and Sterling repeated as Class C champs.
Bobcats Drop Two To Bluejays Creighton University downed the Peru State Bobcats in both ends of a double~header at Peru on April 5.. These games opene( Creighton's basball season and ' dropped Peru State's record to 2-4. Frank Dileo and Tom Tvrdik were instrumental in Creighton's 9-3 first-game win. They each hit home runs, and Dileo also pitched a seven-hitter for the Bluejays. Peru State scored the first run of the game when Rich Ideus, Lewiston, singled home Stan Zbylut, Omaha, in the second inning. Creighton came back to tie the score in the fourth inning when a sacrifice fly off the bat of Bill Corcoran scored Gary Potthoff. The fifth inning proved to be disastrous for the Bobcats. Creighton scored six runs on Dileo's and Tvrdik's home runs,
NW Missouri Sweeps Twin Bill From Peru
Peru State College extended its loss string to five in a row with a double header loss to Northwest Missouri State College at Peru Wed., April 6. The first game was decided in The Fairbury team, coached by the eighth inning of a scheduled Lloyd Scarrow, scored heavily seven-inning affair. With the with 89 points in winning Class score tied five-all Northwest MisA. Glenwood, Iowa came in sec- souri jumped on lefty Jim Tegelond with 531h points, and Falls hutter for three runs. They came City totaled 36•1/2 points for third. on Joe Spinello's double, Mike In the mile run Jim Lang of Kurtz's run-scoring single, and Omaha Bishop Ryan did 4:35.8, Bob Nelson's two-run home run. beating the last year's mark of Big sticks for the Bobcats in 4:39.9. In the 100-yard dash Dick the opener were John Creamer Keith of Glenwood did a 10.3, and Al Sullivan, 'both of Worbeating the meet record of 10.5. cester, Mass. Creamer had two Continued on page 6, column 3 hits, one a two-run single, and Sullivan hit a solo home run.
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Northwest Missouri scored three runs in the first inning of game number two and then crossed the plate once in the fourth and twice in the fifth to gain a 6-5 victory over Peru. Mike Kurtz's two-run homer in the fifth proved to be the winning hit. Peru State scoring came about when Bill Everhart, Bedford, Iowa, drove in one Bobcat in the second inning and Stan Zbylut, Omaha, chased across three in the fifth. Peru State also scored an unearned run in the seventh. Don Orlowski was the winning pitcher for Nor.thwest Missouri State and Everhart took the loss for Peru.
Bobcats Edged In Triangular Northwest Missouri St ate scored a total of 8•6 points to slip past Peru State and win the triangular track meet at Maryville, Mo. Maryville tallied 53 points in track events to offset a 35-33 advantage by Peru in field events. The final score was: Bearcats 86 points, Bobcats 80, and Clarinda Junior College 14. Pete Hager of Northwest Missouri grabbed victories in the 100- and 2'20-yard dash. Mike "Hercules" Mulvaney powered his way to a double victory in the discus and shot put with heaves of 143'3%" and 47'6".
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two on Joe Riha's single, and two on wild pitches. A bright spot for Peru State was Al Sullivan's two-run double in the seventh inning. In the second game Creighton scored three runs in the first inning off Vern Jensen, Nebraska City, enroute to a 4-2 victory. The runs came on another home run by Tvrdik with Riha and Corcoran aboard. The Bluejay's final run came in the third when Tvrdik scored on a Peru error. The Bobcats staged a comeback in the six·th inning when Jim Waltke, Beatrice, singled and John Creamer, Worcester, Mass., followed with an inside-the-park home run. Creighton pitching then settled down and the final three batters were re t ired . George Stilen gave up only three Peru hits, and Jensen likewise gave up only three after the first inning.
THE CATALOG WAY Phone 274-4348 for Sears Service Department
I Hub's corner I By Denny Hubbard Baltimore, defending w o r1 d champions, and the Pittsburgh Pirates were picked as solid favorites to win the major league pennants as the new season got underway Mon., April 8, after the greatest talent shuffle in many years. Sandy Koufax has retired, and major trades have sent Maury Wills to Pittsburgh, Roger Maris to St. Louis, Eddie Mathews to Houston, Dean Chance to Minnesota, Tommy Davis to the New York Mets, and Ron Hunt to the Los Angeles Dodgers. Guy Chamberlain, who has been chosen to every football hall of fame and who brought Nebraska to national football prominence in 19'14-15, died at the age of 73 in Lincoln. A Blue Springs native, Chamberlain played the two years under Husker coach Steihm. A 7-2 •basketball player from Pueblo, Colorado visited the University of Nebraska a couple of weeks ago:· Ron Smith, who has been contacted by 139 colleges and universities, has narrowed the field to five or six in the Big Eight or Rocky Mountain area. Randy Matson, Texas A&M world record shot putter, had his greatest double yet Saturday, April 8·, when he threw the shot 70 feet 51/2 inches and the discus 213 feet 9 inches, both hovering on world records. Kearney State pole vaulter Dennis Dukesherer cleared 15 feet 4% inches in the Kearney Relays Sat., April 8, the best mark ever posted by a Nebraska collegian. The Harvard sophomore easily shattered the old meet record of 14 feet 3 inches set by Nebraska Wesleyan's Mike Knaub in 1965.
In the 440 relays Northwest Missouri (Pete Hager, Jcihn Banning, Phil Frahm, Normal HowWith the opening of the baselett) did a 43.1 to win. Peru State (Curt Holliman, Carl Smith, Jim ball season, here are a few words Hagemeier, Rich Rech) came in uttered this spring: Bo Belinsky second with a 43.15. In the pole ·was explaining why he and Dean vault Arnold Johnston went over Chance would never have won a 13' with fewer misses than Ger- popularity contest on the Califorald Wilson to take the closely nia Angels team. "Who wants to sit around a contested event. smelly old clubhouse discussing fastballs and curveballs when there are other curves to be thinking about? Besides, when they started imposing those curfews, we had to get sta11ted early The Peru State College Tennis to get done what we had to do team won their first match of the before curfew." 1967 season April 7 on Peru's tenThe Philadelphia 7£'ers finally nis court. Peru handed John F. broke the Boston· Celtics strangleKennedy College a 5-2 loss. hold in the NBA as the 76'ers In the singles Roger Schumaker, P. beat Tim Murray, JFK, 6-4 won the Eastern Division playoffs 7-5. Dave Teter, JFK, beat Kathy by winning four of five games Welsh, P, 6-4 6-2. Dave La Mon- from the Celts. A 140-116 victory tagne, P, defeated Joe Froster, in Philadelphia Tues. night, ApJFK, 6-0 6-0. Mike Deal, P. best- ril 11, put the 76'ers up against ed Mike Stolancyk, JFK, 6-3 4-6 the winner of the Western Di6-1, and Mike Collins, JFK, beat vision. This will be either St. Louis or San Francisco. IncidentGary Viterise, P, 6-4 1-6 6-1. ally this 76' er victory broke the In the doubles Schumaker and Celtics' skein of ten divisional championships in a row.
Bobcat Netters Slam Patriots
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Welsh, P, defeated Murray and Teter, JFK, 7-5 1-6 9-7. La Montagne and Deal, P, outplayed Froster and Stolancyk, JFK, 10-2.
- Nebraska
Page 6
Peru Pedagogian, April 19, 1967'
OVERALL INTRAMURAL CHAMPIONSHIP POINT STANDINGS (Touch football, volleyball, and basketball) Team Studs Misfits --------------------Road Runners -------------Playboys ------------------Gladiators ----------------6. Centennials ---------------7. Kingsmen -----------------8. Buds ----------------------9. Fubars --------------------9. Marksmen ----------------11. Hubby's Puppies ----------11. Warriors ------------------13. Cool Jerks ----------------14. Trojans -------------------15. Zephyrs -------------------15. Assyrians -----------------17. Scavengers ----------------17. Loafers -------------------1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
FB 8 91/z
6 4
6h 61/z 21/z 91/z 2% 5 4 1 -
10 9
BB 7 4 6 3 !}
1 10
7 4
0 8 0 4 2
0 5
8 8
0 1 0 1
0 0
Peru Shows Well In Kearney Relays On Sat., April 8, Peru's track and field men picked up six points at Kearney State College in a six-college meet. Six schools participated; they were P er u State, Nebraska Wesleyan, Midland, Omaha, Kearney, and Hastings, with competition going in fifteen track and field events. Peru's distance medley relay set a new Peru record of a 10:50.8 time, erasing a year-old record of 10:54. Team members were Tim Hendricks, Jim Watson, Jim O'Donoghue, and Roger Neujahr. Peru's medley sprinters-Cal Smith, Curt Holliman, Richard Rech, and Bob Dixon~ame in second in their relays with a time of 3:45.£. Third places were grabbed by our 880 and 440 relay teams. The team of Curt Holliman, Cal Smith, Herman Greenlee and Richard Rech came in with a time of 0:43.1 in the 440 and 1:29.5 in the 8BO. The two-mile team of Jim O'Donoghue, Roger Neujahr, Tim Hendricks and Ray Uher brought in a fifth-place time of 8:31.4. In field events, Bert Faulkner took second place in javelin with a distance of 187'l1h"; Mike Mulvaney took a second with a measurement of 152'31/z" in the
Bobcats Drop Golf Meet To NW Missouri On April 7 Peru's golfers played their first match of the season at Northwest Missouri State College in Maryville, Mo. The match was a dismal start for the Peru spheroid-swatters, with Northwest Missouri n:ailing the win with a score of 111/z-lh. Mike Basi was the only Peru player to gain any ;points. He picked up ¥2 point by halving the back nine of his 18-holer against Northwest Missouri's Mairano, who took that match with a 2¥2-
Yz. As for ·the other scores, NWM's Watsagaoh-3; P's Larry Rodero; NWM's Austin-3; Ron Swain of P-0; Louinor of NWM-3; P's Randy Cottier-0. NOTE: In scoring matches, points are given for winning the front and back nines and to the person having the low score for 18 holes. ·
CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE....,1(}62 Galaxy 6-cyl. standard trans., 58,000 original miles; excellent condition. Contact Clyde Barrett.
Total 25 221/z 181h 13% 111/z 101/z
5, 3
1 1 0 0
Why should you worry or give a damn About what happens in Viet Nam? Why is it any of your concern II men and women and children burn? Only a pacifist, saint or fool Believes in stuff like the Golden Rule .. You know the answer-you know it well"This is a war and war is hell!"
April 19 Pre Schedule Survey: 9:10 a.m.; F.A. Aud., Sc. Hall Gamma Delta, 6:00 p.m., F.A. 211 Wesley Fellowship, £:30 p.m., F.A. 204 WAA, 8:00 p.m., Gym
Yes, war is hell for the men th.at fight, Pawns on a chessboard, •brown and white: War is death in a sea of mud To the sound of bullets and stench <>f blood: W:J.r is madness told as the truth, Torturing women and crippling youth ... But you know the ans·wer-you know it well"This is a war and war is hell" Try to project what your thoughts would ~
If you left your home as a refugee:
Try to imagine the sense of fear When the napalm 'scatters and flames appear ... What kind of feelings would it inspire If you watched a child with its flesh on fire? Could you find words for the pilots above Who boast about morals and Christian love? War is a gamble played with Fate Where the stakes are hi.gh and the hour is late: War is the writing seen on the wall Which threatens to come and engulf us all ... It's time to worry and time to care It's time to pity and time to share: It's time to consider the Human Ra'.ce And •see ourselves in the other man's place. Richard I. Briggs CSU Cauldron
discus, missing first place by FIFTEEN RECORDS BROKEN two inches; George Geopfert took Continued from page 5 fourth in the high jump with a Auburn, coached by Larry jump of 6!2" and Mike Mulvaney put the shot to 47'9" for fifth Dankenbring, lead all Class B teams with 46 points. Sidney, place. Iowa captured second with 321h points, and Johnson took third TRIBAL MAN HAS with 28 points. Dan Parker from RETURNED-VIA MARSHALL Auburn captured the pole vault McLUHAN'S THEORIES with 11'3", beating the old record of 10'6" and the high jump with Continued from page 4 6'1¥1,'', beating the old mark of 6'. nervous system. Therefore, he Sterling won the Class C chamfirmly avows that watching telepionship for the second straight vision is even more of a sensory year with 56% points. Second experience than merely a visual place went to Talmage with 38 experience because each such points, and Peru tallied 35 points extension of man changes the for a third-place showing. In the balance among his five senses-880-yard relay Peru Prep (Bob making one sense dominant and Fulton, Marty Henne, ·Al Henaltering the way man feels, ning, Ed Cox) did 1:37, beating thinks and acts toward informathe old record by 1.!} seconds. In tion. the mile relay (Dave Bolken, He feels that "Tribal man has Roy Bischoff, Todd Wellensiek, returned and the world has con- Allen Bischoff) of Talmage ran a tracted into a global village in 3:3~.8, bettering. the old mark by which everyone is involved with 5.2 seconds. In the two-day track everyone else-the haves with meet a total of fifteen records the have nots (foreign aid, war were broken. on poverty) ..." McLuhan also feels that "involvement" is the standing Media: The Extensions key word in his so-called Elecof Man," "The Medium Is the tric Age. He says that the new Message," and "Understanding electric media, particularly teleMedia." vision, involve the senses simulRight or wrong, McLuhan has taneously; therefore, the television media is "cool" meaning high hopes for his philosophy and that there is a great amount of "speaks in science-fiction terms involvement and participation. about learning how to control In contrast the printed page is the thermostat of the environ"hot" because it projects much ment in order to shape the new informa:tion and involves one world to come." sense to a high degree. To the ATTENTION! layman, watching TV seems to be a visual experience but McThe English Proficiency Luhan says that this is 'eye Test will be given starting thinking.' He claims that televiat 7:30 a.m. in Fine Arts sion will have a more "persua211-212 on Thurs., April sive" effect upon the nation in 20. If you have yet to take sex, morals, fashions, sports, and this test, remember this political consensus. obligation. McLuhan shocks his readers and listeners. '1Unless a statement is startling," he says canBill's Clothing & didly, "no one will pay any attention." Shoe Store McLuhan has several publica1118-J Box 127 tions on the market of his philAuburn, Nebr. ~8305 osophy which include "Under-
SIMON DRUG CO. Ph. 274-4315 Auburn, Nebraska Largest Selection of Hallmark Cards In Southeast Nebraska Complete Camera and Film Department RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES "PRESCRIPI'IONS .A SPECIALTY"
April 20 English Proficiency Test, 7:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m., F.A. 211-212 S.G.A. 6:·30 p.m., Student Center Conference Room Oatherland, 7:30, F.A. Aud. April 21 Track meet at Wesleyan Golf at Auburn-Maryville, 1:00 p.m. Peru Historical Society Dinner, 6:00 p.m., Grand Hotel, Nebraska City April 22 BaseballKearney at Kearney April 24 Nemaha Valley Conference Track Meet, a.m. and p.m. "P" Club meeting, F.A. 212 White Angels, 6:00 p.m., Morgan Hall Blue Devils, 6:30 p.m., Sc. 105 Tri Beta, 7:30 p.m., Sc. 304 April 25 Track Meet at Doane Baseball-Hastings at Peru M.'.E.N., 8':0(} p.m., Student Center April 26 Gamma Delta, 6:00 p.m., F.A. 211 Wesley Fellowship, 6:30 p.m., F.A. 204 WM, 8:00, Gym April 27 S.G.A., 6:30 p.m., Student Center Benford-Jindra Recital, 8:00 p.m., F.A. Aud. April 29 Baseball-'Creighton at Peru April 30 Open House Variety Show, 2:00 p.m., College Aud.
WILD KATE FINALLY TAMED Continued from page 1 Hot," and "Always True to You In My Fashion." The audience. was very amused by the gangsters' "Brush Up Your Shakespeare." Other members of the c a s t were Harry Traver (Baptista) played by Steve Bordersen, Lois Lane (Bianca) played by Kathy Rotter, and Bill Calhoun played by Richard Shelton. Hattie and friends-Jan Duensing, Barb Richard and Jane Drake; Paul and boys~Bill Joiner, Ron Illes, and Bob Patterson; gangsters, David Alvis and Michael Harris; Harrison Howell, Tom Osborne; Ralph, Steve Mason; Stage Doorman, Robert Beran; Cab Driver, Dan Bolin; Two Suitors, Greg Hazen and Mike McNealy; Servant, William Peterson; Singing Girls-'Carol Delp, Sherry Foster, Marie Ballue, and Jan Harbour; and Singing Boys-Williard Peterson, Larry Poessnecker, and Dan ·Bolin, made up the rest of the cast. Seveitial members of the troupe were dancers. They were P a t Bin drum, Phil Marsh, Barb Richard, Dennis Gridley, Gerry Asa, John Brammer, Maureen Stutheit, Bill Uhri, Banb Lafayette, Rocephus Williams, Mary Kloepping, and Bob Patterson. Members of the chorus made up the remainder of the cast. Many people worked behind the scenes to make this show a success. Among these people were Edward G. Camealy, coordinafor and director of music; James Butts, dramatics director; Mary Lu Hicks, accompanist; Pat Bindrum, choreographer; Chic Williams, stage manager; and Leland Sherwood, set designer. Highlight of the performance came for the two leading ladies and the accompanist when they were presented with red roses. There's one thing a man can do that no woman can-pass a department store window without looking in.
Delzell Holds Centennial Swinger
TEACHERS If you are interested in locating in a particular area then we can be of excellent service to you.
Delzell Hall held a "Centennial Swinger" dance on April 3 in the game room of the dorm. Those who attended danced to numerous popular recordings and drank their fill of tasty punch. Also, since "grubs" were the dress of the ~ight, everyone felt comforfable.
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D-Day Approaches For PSC Grads On May 29, approximately 140 students are scheduled to gradu~te from Peru State. These graduates' home towns, their degrees, and fields of concentration are as follows: Bachelor of Aris: Rodger A. Bassett, Syracuse, History and German; John F. Bstandig, Burchard, Social Science; Richard J. Duponcheel, Omaha, Business Administration; Erik L. Foged, Papillion, Social Science; Jerry V. Jacobson, Nebraska City, Business Administration; Nancy E. J'arvis, Peru, English and Library Science; Dennis R. Kennedy, Worcester, Mass., Geography; Ronald J. Kroll, Steinauer, Business Administration; Bruce A. Larson, Nebraska City, Business Administration; Virginia I. Miles, Falls City, English; Leonard T. Tomlyn, Nebraska City, General Science, Physical Science and Biology; and Alan D. Zipper, Hillside, N. J., Business Administration.
Bonnie iL. Anderson, Omaha, Elementary Education; William D. Anderson, Chester, Pa., Industrial Arts and Art; Cheryl K. Armstrong, Nebraska City, Elementary Education; Rogine A. Bang, Omaha, Elementary Education; Katherine M. Black, Omaha, Elementary Education; Lonnie R. Bohling, Tecumseh, Ma thematics; Donna R. Boren, Hamburg, Iowa, Elementary Education; Arlene M. Borcher, Steinauer, Home Economics; Marian R. Brammer, Dawson, Elementary Education; Barbara A. Brandt, Hamburg, Iowa, Home Economics; Ronald V. Broers, Nebraska City, Elementary Education; Bernard L. Brown, Nebraska City, Physical Education; Lowell E. Brown, East Alton, Ill., Physical Education; Ray D. Cain, Thurman, Iowa, Physical Education; Mary J. Casady, Louisville, Elementary Education; Richard D. Casady, Lewis, Iowa, Mathematics; Dean E. Cerny, Nebraska City, Industrial Arts.
Larry L. Christensen, Casey, Bachelor of Science: Garth L. Iowa, Industrial Arts; Wayne 0. Adams, Peru, Geography; Wil- Christensen, Valparaiso, Physical liam A. DePetro, Omaha, Biolo- Education; Dolores M. Clark, Pegy; Lawrence J. Duder, Table ru, Elementary Education; ElizaRock, Physical Science, Physics beth W. Cook, Sabetha, Kansas, and Mathematics; Kenneth L. Elementary Education; Patricia Gayer, Madrid, Iowa, Mathemat- A. Corrigan, Casey, Iowa, Eleics and Physics; Richard L. Ham- mentary Education; Jeanne J. er, Beatrice, Business Adminis- Cummins, Falls City, Elementary tration; Danny R. Kellenberger, Education; Michael J. Damiano, Sabetha, Kansas, Business Ad- Pittsburgh, Pa., Elementary Eduministration; Michael J. Noyes, cation; Wesley E. Dickey, BeneRalston, Business Administra- dict, Mathematics; Kenneth tion; Alfred C. Rimmer, Mechan- Dodge, F·airbury, Elementary Edicsburg, Pa., Biology; Ronald W. ucation; Jacqueline R. Dodson, Robbins, Fairless Hills, Pa., Phy- Plattsmouth, Elementary Educasical Education; and Leonard T. tion; Richard J. Duponcheel, Tomlyn, Nebraska City, Physical Omaha, Business Administratiol'!; Science and Biology. Gayle L. Ellison, Holmesville, Biology; Cecilia L. Evangelist, Bachelor of Fine Aris in Edu- Newark, N. Y., Elementary Education: Dev.on E. Adams, Peru, cation; Larry L. Franke, Falls Art; Paul H. Fell, Worcester, City, Business Education; Angela Mass., Art; and Mary E. Oest- S. Furnas, Brownville, Elementary Education; Robert L. Gates, mann, Peru, Music. Shenandoah, Iowa, Physical Education; Grace A. Haneline, NeBachelor of Aris in Education: braska City, Elementary EducaDale Allensworth, Auburn, His- tion. tory; Larry D. Anderson, Pawnee City, History; Rodger A. Bassett, Glenda K. Hayes, Brownville, Syracuse, History and German; Elementary Education; Robert L. Lavera D. Bennett, Sabetha, Hayn, East Alton, Ill., Physical Kansas, English; Richard W. Ber- Education; Carol J. Henderson, thold, Nebraska City, English; Brock, Home Economics; Blanche John J. Chasse, Worcester, Mass., Highfield, Plattsmouth, ElemenHistory; Steven A. Colerick, Falls tary Education; Palma J. HoldCity, Social Science; Philip R. ing, Burt, Iowa, Mathematics; Dorssom, Lancaster, K a n s a s , Thelma A. Hoschar, Murray, EleSpeech; Melvin G. Hester, Aub- mentary Education; Kay J. Jackurn, Speech; Erik L. Foged, Pa- son, Red Oak, Iowa, Elementary pillion, Social Science; Gordon A. Education; Bonita R. Jacobson, J,ackson, Lenox, Iowa, Social Sci- Otoe, Elementary Education; Jerence; Nancy E. Jarvis, Peru, Eng- ry V. Jacobson, Nebraska City, lish and Library Science. Business Administration; Nancy E. Jarvis, Peru, English and LiTerry L. Kuenning, Auburn, brary Science; Sheryl S. Johnson, Social Science and History; RogOmaha, Elementary Education; er J. Lucas, Dawson, History; Sally A. Kelly, Falls City, EleGary D. Mendenhall, Morrill, mentary Education; Susan KenKansas, Social Science; Gary L. worthy, Villisca, Iowa, ElemenNeumann, Tecumseh, Social Scitary Education; Teri A. Kisby, ence; Steve C. Pattison, Gering, Council Bluffs, Iowa, Elementary Social Science; Donald 0. Pieper, Education; Beverly A. KitelinDeWitt, History; Darrell J. ger, Omaha, Business Education Plumb, Macedonia, lowa, Social and Business Administration. Science; Larry G. Rhoten, Syracuse, History; Katherine B. Shaw, Patricia Knippelmier, Auburn, Sabetha, Kansas, Social Science; Elementary Education; Donna J. James B. Stanosheck, Odell, His- Kohrs, Johnson, Elementary Edutory; Daniel L. Strecker, Preston, cation; Vernon W. Krenzer, TeSocial Science; Ruth S. Stunz, cumseh, Biology; Judy KuenHiawatha, K!ansas, English; and ning, Auburn, Elementary EduMary L. Tackett, Tabor, Iowa, cation; Gerald L. Laflin, Crab English and German. Orchard, Physical Education; Bachelor of Science in Education: Margaret M. Albin, Humiboldt, Elementary Education;
Nancy E. Larson, Villisca, Iowa, Elementary Education; Pamela J. Lett, Nebraska City, Elementary Education; Robert R. Lierz,
Wetmore, Kansas, Elementary Omaha, Industrial Arts; Lucille Daisy Stitzer, Auburn, ElemenEducation; Gerald L. Marks, Sul- J. Ruffner, Nebraska City, Ele- tary Education. livan, Mo., Physical Education; mentary Education; Leland C. Nancy A. McCullough, Aurora, Schneider, Auburn, Physical SciCharles H. Stoner, Tecumseh, Elementary Education; Ronald L. ence; Eddie G. Shafer, Shubert, Physical Education; Donald L. McCoy, Falls City, Business Edu- Business Education; Roberta L. Stuart, Auburn, Industrial Arts; cation; William R. McVicker, Shaffer, Farragut, Iowa, Home Ro·bert L. Uhri, Table Rock, PhyMillard, Business Education and Economics; David C. Shuey, Lew- sical Science; Robert J. Urwin, Business Administration; Nancy iston, Physical Education; Roger Rockaway, N. J., Physical EduL. Muse, Auburn, Physical Edu- D. Slaughter, Glenwood, Iowa, cation; Nancy J. Vanderbeek, Eugene W. Adams, Elementary Education; cation; John H. Batterson, Peru, Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts; David L. Perry, Smith, Auburn, Elementary Edu- Patrick L. Venditte, Omaha, PhyGoff, Kansas, Industrial Arts; cation; Ronald E. Snodgrass, sical Education; Gary L. Viterise, Connie R. Rademacher, Johnson, Seward, Physical Education; Lu- Newark, N. Y., Elementary EduHome Economics; Marcia B. cy M. Sporer, Murray, Elemen- oation; Marilyn K. Wellensiek, Reeves, Peru, Business Educa- tary Education; Regina G. Stald- Table Rock, Business Education; tion; Wilham E. Rinne, Burchard, er, Sabetha, ~ansas, Physical John R. Witler, Auburn, IndusBiology; Thomas C. Rosengren, Education; Charles E. Steen, Sul- trial Arts; and Gemld A. Young, Omaha, Biology; Frank Ruecker, livan, Mo., Physical Education; Adams, Mathematics.
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks ...
Volume 62
Number 16
MAY 17, 1967
Alumni Speakers To Conclude Year Peru State College may look forward to three alumni speakers for Baccalaureate, Commencement, and Charter Day Observance. They are Ben Duerfeldt, Dr. Kenneth D. Young, and Dr. Robert S. Pate. Reverend Ben L. Duerfeldt, 1954 graduate of Peru State, will be the speaker for the College and Campus School Baccalaureate services, Sun., May 28, at 4:00 p.m. Rev. Duerfeldt is presently the Minister of the First Christian Church in Manhattan, Kansas. He also serves as Dean of Students and Professor of Music at the Manhattan Bible College.
Denver and was granted the doctoml degree from the same university. He was a secondary teacher in the Nebraska schools for 14 years, teaching most of that time in North Platte. He was Assistant to the dean of the College of Arts and Science at the University of Denver from 1955-1958.
Dr. Robert Pal:e
Dr. Kenneth Young
Rev. Ben Duerfeldt
In addition to his degree from Peru, he holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Manhattan Bible College and ·a Master of Science in Music degree from Kansas State University, Manhattan. This will be Rev. Duerfeldt's second visit to the Peru campus this year; last November he spoke at the Centennial Thanksgiving Convocation. Dr. Kenneth D. Young of Point Lookout, Mo., will be the Commencement speaker at 10 a.m. on May 29. He is chairman of the department of Education at the School of the Ozarks. Dr. Young is a 1937 graduate of Peru. He received the Master's degree in edueational administration from the University of
From 1958-19B5, Dr. Young was dean of Oklahoma College f o r Women at Chickasha. During the 1962-63 Academic year, he was president of the Oklahoma College and University Deans' Association. He served on the Oklahoma Commission on Teacher Education and Profession a 1 Standards for three ye·ars. He was named "Faculty Member of the Year'' in 19.64-£5 while at Oklahoma College for Women.
Dr. Robert S. Pate, head professor of mathematics at Eastern Michigan University, will be the main speaker during Charter Day observance June 20. The Charter Day observance is to celebrate June 20, 1867, when the Nebraska legislature created Peru State as a tax-.?,Upported college, the first in Nebraska. Dr. Pate, a 1934 graduate of Peru State, is the son of the late Walter R. Pate, a former Pern State president. Dr. Pate received his Ph.D. in 1940 from the University of Illinois, and was a mathematics instructor there for one year.
In 1942-43 he was an engineer for the Boeing Aircraft Co., before returning to academic interest in physics at John Hopkins from 1943-46. From 1946-47 he was an associate professor of mathematics at the University of South Carolina. From there he moved to Eastern Michigan University, where he still resides as head of mathematics. Dr. Pate is a member of the Mathematics As s o c i at ion of America and was chairman of the Michigan section. He is also a member of the Michigan Council of Teachers.
'67-'68 Cheerleaders Recently Chosen Cheerleaders for the 1967-68 school year were chosen following an all-college tryout convocation. They are Dee Dee Farson, freshman, Nebraska City; Danna Henry, freshman, Peru; Linda Knippelmier, freshman, Johnson; Jody Meyer, freshman, Nehawka; Mary Mowry, junior, Beatrice; and Donita Speckmann, junior, Elk Creek.
NOTICE Anyone planning to live off-campus next semester must get written permission from the Dean of Students before he enters into an agreement with the landlord.
Page 2
Pe:ili Pedagogiari, May, i7; i967
Editorially Speaki:r;ig .....
What is wrong? As I was strolling around our campus of 1000 oaks during the Open House activities, I just happened to run into a Hollywood director friend of mine and one of his outstanding stars, Sidney Porter. In the course of the conversation which ensued my friend mentioned that when he got back to Hollywood he planned to . initiate action that wo:Qld 'bring .the motion picture industry to our campus to shoot a movie. They had several ideas about titles but the one that they were most impressed with was "Dandelions of the Lawn." They couldn't see how they could miss if the picture was set in front of our lovely student center, and, frankly, I tend to agree with them. What is wrong on this campus? In many places the campus is very picturesque, but the illusion is ruined when a glance is taken at the lawn in front of the most used building on campus. I have heard through the grapevine that the area in question was sodded with bluegrass several years ago, and that the bluegrass was left to dry up and die so that we · could have room for a lovely flower garden with a predominance of yellow flowers. Is this how state money is spent? I have no idea where the fault really lies, but I don't think it is with the students. I hope something can be done soon so I can be proud of our appearance next year. Respectfully, Charles Williams
Campus to (cimpus By Rulli Rathbun The jazz sounds of Dr. Albert Noice and >the Moorhead State College Band filled the Coffman Memorial Union on the University of Minnesota Campus last month. "The appearance at the University was a part of the spring four scheduled for April rn to April 23," said Noice. Also at. Moorhead State, a dance was held for the Erick Hawkins Dance Company. The director of the Performing Art Series has announced that in addition to the evening performance a free convocation and master class have been scheduled. John Hlavacek, notable news analyst, spoke on the "Vietnam Perspective" last month at Dana College. He was sponsored jointly by the History Club and the Student Congregation.
Creighton's foreign film series will be discontinued next year, according to the Rev. Richard C. Harrington, S.J., vice-president for academic affairs. Father Harrington said that the Student Board of Governors withdrawal of funds was the reason for discontinuing the series. The Board President said .that the action was ·taken "because we feel that the majority of the students have been disappointed in the speaker Before deciding to attend Peru State, I · was able to series."
Nothing's wrong!
visit several colleges and to observe the differences between the large college and the small. The major difference between these two types of institutions is the amount of individual attention given students by the faculty and the administration. Here at Peru State a student receives individual attention and help if desired. Colleges larger than Peru State often recognize a particular student as only a number to be given a grade at the end of the semester. Peru State professors take an interest in each and every student, giving him guidance whenever required. In addition, if a student is in financial need, the administration is always willing to help in any way possible. A student must remember that without the small cdHege atmosphere such as Peru State, there would be no one to listen and/ or care about him. Many exponents of large colleges offer the theory that they are more equipped to offer a better education to their students. I will never be convinced that the small college will ever have to take a backseat academically to a big
The only thing that a small college might lose out on would be the chance for its students to become "Freddy Frat Rats" or "Sally Sororities." To me, this is not the objective of higher education. All in all, the small college is able to produce graduates, as records will show, who are more than capable of becoming successful. -Charlotte Nedrow
You wanna bet?
Washburn University's annual Greek Week, consisting of activities for Greek-affiliated students as well as the non-affiliated, was held April 15-21. Games included during the Greek Week activities were chariot races, threelegged races, tug of war, pie-eating contests, wheel barrow races, blind horse races, full hen relays, straw relays, bottle dunking and chicken walks. These games were followed by a picnic and the fraternity skits for their Greek Week King candidates.
Alone: In bad company. Birth: The first and direst of all disasters. Bride: A woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her. Diplomacy: The art and busi-
ness· of lying for one's country. Egotist: A person of low taste, more interested in himself than me. Husband: One who, having dined, is charged with care of
Book.Review• When Martin Luther King, Jr., the man who is the symbol around the world for moderation in the struggle for Negro equality, writes a book entitled Why We Can't Wait, ·thousands upon, thousands of people, whether sympathetic or not, will recognize it as a book of some little interest. Why We Can't Wait is a cogent and compelling attempt to justify the impatience of those in the Civil Rights controversy. Dr. King presents in . this book the logic behind the Negro's dissatisfaction with the well-meaning but often times unimplemented "due process," step-at-atime plans for achieving a condition promised to him one hundred years ago in the Emancipation Proclamation. Why We Can't Wait offers a uniquely convincing over-all view of the wisdom and effectiveness of the Negro's latesf weapon, the non-violent protest. Also, the book makes a sincere rebuttal to the liberal and clerical critics of the demons·tration strategy, and to those who purport· to see division and dissension among the ranks of the freedom warriors. The book gives a complete account of the whole strategy involved in the .great Birmingham campaign of 1963, a narration 'l'l'.hich is both suspenseful, and at times, moving. Dr. King reviews the habitually negligent progress since
Emancipation and demons why he considers it compl irrational for white Ameri expect the Negro to derive from the historical record to What's more, Dr. King con himself with the question of 1963 was such an explosive in the Civil Rights Move and discusses the various f which dictated that the re tion take place in that year. King deals critically with various factions in · the stru evaluating rationally and I cally but at the same time bl ly, the effects of the church, the various Civil Rights gro of the Black Muslims, and role which several well-kn personages, such as "Bull" C or and President Johnson, h played in the movement. There are in ·this book t chapters 'Which stand out as ing particularly interesting important. One of these is letter, here published for first time, which was written King from the Birmingham In this letter King answers eminant churchmen who criticized his timing in carry' out this assault on prejudice. The other vital chapter int hook is the concluding one which Dr. King forcefully s forth the political implicatio of the Civil Rights Movement f all those who might seek pu office and all those who must side in this nation during th time of turmoil.
Vacationitis Sweeps Campus
Although slightly passionate times, Why We Can't Wait, generally a very significant a timely book. The over-rid' The end of the school term is value of this book, however, rapidly ·approaching, and an in- in the fact that it provides t curable epidemic of summer va- reader 'With an insight and cationitis is sweeping the cam- understanding of the urge pus. Consider these symptoms with which the Negro reg Charles Thieben's frog won the and determine whether you are the subject of Civil Rights. McCook-College-sponsored frog one of the victims. Then learn -Jack Ga· jumping contest with a jump of how to get rid of it. seven feet; ten inches, The events' for the afternoon began with a FLUORESCENT FADE OUT: THE REASON WHY parade down Norris Avenue, This discolorment of the skin is A press agent was admiring with McCook College Rodeo Club caused from being cooped up all flourishing plant in the office heading the parade. winter and half the spring. What a newspaper editor. "How y-0u need for that sallow pallor you ever get it to grow so tall The Montana State Speech and is some sunshine Vitamin D. he asked. Drama Tournament was held for There's a whole lot of it avail"I'll tell you a secret," said the first time east of the Continable at Pamona Beach or Fort editor. "We grind up all the p ental Divide when it came to Lauderdale. releases ·that come in, and Billings and Eastern Montana them for fertilizer." State's Campus. The meet inPALLID PEEPERS: Is there volved participants from 48 high no sparkle left in those babyschools throughout the state. Mr. blue eyes? Has it all been PERU PEDAGOGIAN O'Brien, speech in8tructor at knocked out by those exams? Wednesday, May 17, 1967 EMC and tournament <;o-chair- You need to get that vitality back Volume 6Z man, descri:bed the meet as "the and see what good is still left in climax of the high school speech the world. "Time is a sand-pile we run our season." fingers in." -Carl Sandburg LIP LINGO: Do you feel forsaken, and alone in the world? Published fo·weekly during the Oh My Aching Baccalaureate academic year, except holidays Is that feeling caused from letand between semesters by the The month of June approaches, students of Peru State College, ters written by good friends And soon across the land Peru, Nebraska 68421. away for the summer? The best The graduation speakers Will tell us where we stand. way to avoid these is not to be STAFF there when they arrive. We stand at Armageddon, EDITOR ........... Joan Bretthorst ASSISTANT EDITOR .......... . In the vanguard of the press; ........ " ....... " .... Mary Budler COLLEGE FATIGUES: Yes, We're standing at the Crossroads, BUSINESS MANAGER ........ : At the gateway to success. .................. Charles Williams th-0se are the clothes which you CIRCULATION MANAGER .... wore the entire semester. Why ........................ Mike Castle We stand upon the threshold SPORTS EDITOR .............. .. not get rid of those o.d.'s (old Of careers all brightly lit. ................... Dennis Hubbard In the midst of all this standing, drabs)! Break out with the white PHOTOGRAPHER .. Robert Beran LAYOUT ............ Phyllis Groff We sit and sit and sit. levis! Charlotte Nedrow and Staff
Since many students on campus have shown a proficiency in the "art of cheating,'' I feel it is only fair that the rest of the student body have an equal chance to excel in this area. I recommend adding a new course to the curriculum (Principles of Cheating (000) to aid all the students in developing their particular cheating talents. A Cheating Proficiency Test should be required of all incoming freshmen to see that their cheating aptitudes meet a certain. standard. If they cannot pass this test, they should be required to take Principles of Cheating before continuing their college career. The first nine weeks of the course would be devoted to-"how to assemble crib sheets and where to hide them" and the second nine weeks would be spent concentrating on the more delicate operations of-"group cooperation in obscuring the teacher's view,'' "techniques for opening your book on the sly,'' and "eye exercises to help you read a paper two chairs away." Upon completing this course, students should be better equipped to compete with their fellow students in the classroom ! ! ! -Chloe Miller the plate.
From the Devil1s Dictionary
King Speaks Out for Equ~li
BFL DOWN: :j;.s a Big Food Let Monday: In Christian coun- Down all you've known summer tries, the day after the baseball after summer? A change of palgame. ate would be the best for you. Novel: A short story padded. A few savory morsels of unfaTruce: Friendship. miliar food will undoubtedly Zeal: A certain nervous dis- perk your appetite urp. order afflicting the young and inexperienced. If the symptoms get worse, be War: A by-product of the arts sure to ,travel and lose yourself of peace. in new adventures.
AD\11SOR ......... C. James Keck REPORTERS-Marie J3allue, Greg Vaughn, Louise Lundstedt, Shirley Pratt, Dave Alvis, Dan K0<0h, Ver· nyce Schmidt, Charlotte Nedrow, Mary Everhart, Charles Williams, Beth Ann Terwilleger, Chloe Mill• er, Ann Ritter, Lynn Sailors, Ruth , Rathbun, Maxine Lyons, Jack Gaines, Mary Hunzeker. The signed letters printed in this paper do not reflect the opinion of. : the Pedagogian but of individuah. · The editor reserves the right tltc·, edit them for publication.
Peru Pedagogian, May 17. 1967
Page 3
'Centennial Panorama' Is May Fete Theme
-Photo by Special Services Queen Pat Knippelmier and King Mike GuilliaU, both seniors, reign over the May Fete Dance.
Pat Knippelmier, Mike Guilliat Head Royal May Fete Court A king and queen, an attendant representing each class, and six ladies-in-waiting s e 1 e ct e d from among the freshman class made up the royalty for this year's Centennial May Fete celebration. The eventual winners were chosen by members of their respective cl:asses in a campuswide election held early in May. This year's May Fete was planned and sponsored by t h e Student Center Board, which was assisted by the me~bers of the Circle "K."
KING MIKE GULLIATT Mike Guilliatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Guilliatt of Auburn, was elected by the student bo~ as King of the 1S67 Centennial May Fete. Mike is currently student teaching in the fields of history and social science in Glenwood, Iowa. He has been president of his freshman class and a Sweetheart Dance attendant his senior year. He is also路 a member of Blue Devils, Peru Historical Society, and Beta Beta Beta. Mike exclaimed, "I was surprised and honored to have been chosen."
You can be sure Mr. and Mrs. Dale Guilliatt of Auburn were in the Centennial May Fete audience, for their three children were in the May Fete Royalty. Their oldest. son, Mike, reigned with Pat Knippelmier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Knippelmier of Johnson, as King and Queen of the Centennial May Fete. Larry Franke of Falls City served as King during the coronation because Mike was unable to attend. The senior class attendants were Ceci Evangelist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Evangelist of Newark, New York, and Tim Gilligan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gilligan of Gretna, Nebraska. Julie Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harrison, Jr., of Wood River, Illinois, and Ralph DiCesare, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DiCesare, Sr., of Worcester, Massachusetts, reigned as junior class attendants. Nancy and Jim Guilliatt, twin daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Guilliatt of Auburn, reigned as sophomore class attendants. The freshman class attendants were Linda Knippelmier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knippelmier of Johnson, and Larry Colgrove, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Colgrove of路 Wymore. The six ladies-in-waiting, all chosen from rthe freshman class, were Marliss Cramer of Falls City, Candice Gray of Nebraska City, Nancy Krakowski of Ralston, Kathy Reed of Hamburg, Iowa, Lynda Shanahan of Morse Bluff, and Pat Smart of Omaha. The flower girls were Jerri Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Patterson of Peru and JQhnnie Douglas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Douglas of Peru. The crown 'bearers w er e Carol Brady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brady and Todd Gavin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gavin, both of Peru. All four are members of the Campus School kindergarten. This year's May Fete was named "Centennial Panorama" to celebrate this milestone year
in Peru State's history. In this panorama were portrayed highlights of the history of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks in song and d:ance. The opening numbers, played by Dean Taylor of Auburn accompanied by Marshall Merritt of Peru, took us back to the days when the stringed instruments were the major musical pieces in this land, which was once called the Great American Desert. This once barren land has changed in the one hundred years Qf Peru State's existence. Barrenness has changed to scenes of beauty in the 100-year-old Arbor State, and people have arrived to oil the wheels of progress. This state's beauty is best exemplified in the youth, and it is the you th of this historic college who were honored in the Centennial Panorama. Carolyn Price of Pawnee City opened the entertainment with a western saloon song and dance, "Let Me Entertain You,'' popular in the roaring frontier days. Folk dancing has always been popular in Nebraska, stimulated by the varied national groups which have populated the midwest in the early days of settlement. The college folk dance class performed "Varsouviana" (Put Your Little Foot), a dignified western folk dance popular in the pioneer era. The education of children has always been Peru State's m o s t important business. Since the 1890's elementary age children have trudged up this hill to model school classes. The campus school second and third graders sang and danced a clever old fa. vorite of the younger set: "Of Course, I'm a Horse." The swinging blues are popular with people of all ages, and Joyce Blackburn of Shenandoah, Iowa, honored the May Fete with "Bill Bailey." Pat Quigley of FailJbury delighted everyone with her tap dancing to a medley of entertaining numbers closely related to the college. Her "Missouri Mud" was a take-off on the popular
"Mississippi Mud." This number emphasized the close re1ationship of Peru State College to her back door neighbor, the "Mighty Mo." Melody and Dennis Wininger, children of Dr. and Mrs. Darrell Wininger, performed a song and dance, "I Want to be a Football Hero." Melody was dressed as a cheerleader and her brother as a football player-good ol' number 11. The modern dance Bobkittens entertained with a modern dance number, "Far Above Peru's Water." Agile Arlene Moss performed an acrobatic dance, "Caravan." The first commencement was re-enacted. Don Dodge played the part of President McKenzie. The two graduates, Anna Morehead (Joan Bretthorst) and George Howard (Dave Kramer), were presented their diplomas iby Col. T. J. Majors (Bob Beran). Bill Austin recited a short monologue, "Spirit of the Place." The Campus School seventh and eighth graders dressed as Injuns performed the traditional Maypole Dance and wound the red and w'hite Maypole streamers. The Centennial Panorama was concluded with everyone, audience and performers, singing the color song of the 100-year-old Campus of a Thousand Oaks.
A LAUGH FOR THE DAYStopped at a "Yield Right of Way" sign, a cautious woman driver had missed one chance after another to ease into the merging traffic. Finally, a man leaned out of the car behind hers and called, "Lady, the sign says 'Yield,' not 'Give up.' " The heirs were shocked as the attorney read the will of the deceased . . . Being of sound mind and ibody, I spent it all. Husband, looking over bills, to wife: "Well, we're at the bridge we were going to cross when we came to it. Amicable Hollywood Divorce: When each one gets 50 percent of the publicity.
QUEEN PAT KNIPPELMIER Pat Knippelmier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Knippelmier of Auburn, was elected Queen of the 1967 Centennial May Fete. Pat is a May 29 candidate for graduation and is majoring in elementary education. She student taught fourth grade in Tecumseh the past semester. Pat was elected to Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities this year. She is also a member of Kappa Delta Pi. In addition to her honor of being chosen May Fete Queen, Pat was Sweetheart Queen her freshman year, and was a Homecoming attendant her sophomore, junior, and senior years. Last year she was elected Peru's BestDressed Coed. She also represented Peru in the Miss Nebraskaland Contest last June. Pat was also freshman class treasurer and was a cheerleader her freshman and sophomore years. Pat has signed a contract to teach elementary education in the Des Moines, Iowa, Public School System next fall. "I was very pleased and honored to have been chosen to participate in the May Fete festivities," the pert coed is quoted as
CECI EVANGELIST Ceci Evangelist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Evangelist of Newark, New York, represented the senior class as May Fete royalty. Ceci is a senior majoring in elementary education and is currently student teaching in Bellevue. She has signed a contract to teach second grade in Sodus, N. Y., next fall. This is the third year Ceci has been May Fete royalty. She has also been Sweetheart royalty and has served as cheerleader for two years. The cheerful coed w a s Queen of Peru's Centennial year Homecoming. Ceci is a member of White Angels, P.S.E.A., and Newman Club. TIM GILLIGAN Chosen in a campus-wide election as the senior attendant for the 19'67 Centennial May Fete celebration was Tim Gilligan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gilligan of Gretna, Nebraska. Better known as "Sarge" throughout campus, the 1967 senior attendant remarked路 'that up-Photo by Special Services on learning of his selection for The 1967 May Fete royalty included Jim and Nancy Guilliatt, sophomores; Tim "Sarge" Gilligan the honor he couldn't ibelieve it and Ceci Evangelist, seniors; Larry Franke, stand-in for King Mike GuilliaU, and Queen Pat Knippelbecause "I wasn't aware that mier, seniors; Ralph DiCesare and Julie Harrison, juniors: Larry Colgrove and Linda Kay Knippel路 any one knew me by my r e a 1 mier, freshmen. The flower girls were Carol Brady, Johnnie Douglas and Jerri Patterson: crownbearer Continued on page 4, column 1 was Todd Gavin.
Peru Pedagbgian, May i'i, i961
-Photo by Special Services The six freshmen who were selected as ladies· in-waifing were Pat Smart, Nancy Krakowski, Mar· liss Cramer, Kathy Reed, Candy Gray, and Lynda Shanahan.
Continued from page 3 name." Listing his field of concentration as history and his related field as geography, "Sarge" also stated that he has held mem1bership in iboth of the organizations which reflect ms fields of interest; additionally, he has lbeen an active member of Peru Student Education Association. Also, when time permits, Sarge declares he enjoys pursuing his hobby of following all sports. Immediate plans for the future, however, include a tour of duty with the United States Army. Commenting upon May Fete in general, Gilligan suggested that because this event is advertised as ra week-end activity, that it either be spread out between two evenings or expanded to include more activities over the entire week-end.
JULIE HARRISON Julie Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harrison Jr., of Wood River, Ill., was honored by being chosen May Fete attendant. She is a junior, majoring in physical education and minoring in biology. J,ulie is a member of Beta Beta Beta and Kappa Delta Pi, serving as historian. For recreation, her interests are sewing, swimming and reading. Julie was Sweetheart attendant and May Fete attendant in her freshman year. During her sophomore year, Julie reigned as Sweetheart queen. She is a grad-
Bill's Clothing &
Shoe Store lll8·J Box 1f1 Auburn. Nebr. ll8801
uate from JDast Alton River Community High School.
RALPH DiCESARE Ralph Peter Paul DiCesare Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Dicesare Sr. of Worcester, Mass., was chosen as junior class attendant for May Fete Royalty. Ralph is very active on campus, being president of his class and of the Student Center Board plus holding membership in '.Beta Beta Beta and "P'' Club. His major field of concentration is chemistry and his related field is'g-eneral science. One of Ralph's favorite pastimes is swimming, and when he was fourteen years old he was the National Champion in the Junior Division, just missing a chance to go to the Olympics. In the past Ralph ibias been freshman attendant to the Sweetheart Royalty and sophomore attendant for May· Fete. NANCY GUILLIATT Nancy Guilliatt was elected sophomore cliass attendant as May Fete royalty. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Guilliatt of Auburn. The personaible young sophomore h a s been freshman class secretary, a Sweetheart attendant her freshman year, and May Fete lady-inwaiting. Her sophomore year she was a Homecoming attendant and a cheerleader. Nancy is majoring in elementary education.
-Photo by Special Servic A re-enacimeni of Peru State's first graduation included Bo Beran as Col. T. J, Majors with David! Kramer and Joan BreUhorsf as ihe graduates.
cal eduoation. He has participat- spends his leisure time enjoying ed actively in football and intra- football and music. Larry says murals, and is freshman class his selection made him "feel representative to the S.G.A. He
Jim Guilliatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Guilliiatt of Auburn, was selected sophomore class attendant for May Fete. Jim is a member of Blue Devils and has ·been active in in tram u ra 1 sports the past two years. He is majoring in physical education. He plans "to spend a two year hitch working for Uncle Sam" beginning this summer. Upon his selection Jim said, "I thought someone had made a mistakelike mayibe my mother counted the votes!" LINDA KNIPPELMIER Miss Linda Kn i p p e 1m i e r , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knippelmier of Johnson, was selected to be .the freshman attendant at Peru State's Centennial May Fete celebration. Linda is majoring in elementary education and is a member of the Peru Student Education Association. Because of her experience as a high school cheerleader, she participated in a skit at the annual Fall Variety show. Llnda states that she chose to attend Peru "beoause of its friendly atmosphere and the close association of students." The joyful miss also said that she was extremely "shocked" at her selection as May Fete attendMt.
-Photo by Special Services Pai Ouigley's tap dance to the "Missouri Mud" entertains the May Fete audience.
LARRY COLGROVE Larry Colgrove was selected as a May Fete freshman class attendant. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Colgrove of Wymore. Larry is a major in physi-
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-Photo by Special Services The program closes with the traditional Maypole dance by the Campus School seventh and eighth graders.
"Won't you please come home, Bill Bailey," pleads Joyce Black· burn, accompanied by Mary Lu Hicks.-Photo by Special Services
May Fete Melodrama By Beth Ann Terwilleger
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Characters: Balmatia "Balmy" Byrd Gladys "Gladdy" Grodeau Jonathan T. Dudd Speaker Introduction: Any formal social event, such as May Fete, seems to create minor chaos among the females who inhabit a dormitory. This particular dialogue takes place in Room 21 of the women's dormitory as well as the dormitory lobby. It involves chiefly two roommates, Gladdy and Balmy: Bang! (Door shuts) BALMY: Oh Gladdy, that spook
----State-·-··--- ZiP---
Several days laier-Balmy breezes in. BALMY: Gladdy, look at this beautiful dress! I spent the entire weekend looking for a dress to impress Freddy. Look! GLADDY: That's pure sex, Balmy. You'll ·be a vision for sure in that. Poor Freddy will be hard put to contain his enthusiasm. (Thinking, It looks like something Alice in Wonderland would wear to the Madhatter's ComeAs-You-Are Tea Party.)
JOY'S COLOR CENTER Ari and Hobby Supplies Custom Framing Gifiware - Lamps AUBURN
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Frederick Fop had the unmitigated gall to invite me to May Fete. What will I ever do? GLADDY: Cool it and go, Balmy. The dance is only two weeks away and that's all you've talked about for months. You can stand Freddy for one night anyway. BALMY: Did John ask you yet, Gladdy? GLADDY: No, my sweet Jonathon T. Dudd hasn't scheduled me in his thoughts to spare a minute and invite me. The man probably assumes I assume he'll give me a break and ·take me. BALMY: Don't be so hard on the poor .guy.
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Morning of May Fete BALMY: Gladdy, look at my hair! What am I going to do? I'll look like a ragged scrub mop! GLADDY: Don't worry, Balmy. Hairdressers are licensed to per· form miracles and to transform Raggedy Ann's into Barby Dolls. (Thinking, What are the poor things to do with that chopped off, bleached pile of straw? I like frosted hair 'but does it have to snow?) BALMY: I'm so excited-I wonder how Freddy will like his yellow jonquil boutonniere. GLADDY: (Thinking, Jonquils, heck! With his bizarre personality she could just as well have bought him a lily-of-the-valley encase,d in fleur-de-lis tissue paper to wipe his runny nose!) What kind of flowers is Freddy getting you? BALMY: Oh, a huge lavender orchid, and I heard by his· roommate's grapevine he's sending me a dozen red roses. GLADDY: (thinking, Hmmmthat orchid should look charmingly devastating on that flamboyant chartreuse tent dress. He probably cobbed the roses out of the campus rose garden.)
Several hours later BALMY: Gladdy, how do you like my hair? GLADDY: It looks sharp, Balmy. (Thinking, Where did she get that wig?-or could it be the hairdresser rubbed Aladdin's Magic Lamp and prayed f o r rain?) BALMY: May I borrow your "My Sin" perfume tonight? GLADDY: Sure, have at it. (Thinking, Knowing those two squirrels, the closest they'll come to sinning is if Freddy .gets a ticket for over-parking in the 15minute zone.) Continued ·on page 6, column 4
Dean Coulter, R. B.
Phone 274-4100
Huor Shaping and Styling
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'.Page 6
Peru Pedagogian, May 1'1, 1967
May Fete Melodrama·
Ina Sproul to Retire \Mrs. Ina Sproul, one of Peru and ·the history behind them. She State's home economics teachers, owns some antique furniture; is retiring from the Peru staff at glassware, and pottery. Mrs. Sproul enjoys working the end of this term.. She has with young people and feels that been at Peru for nine years. Mrs. Sproul !bias always ibeen teaching is a fascinating career. interested in home economics and On looking iback over her classes in college work and college life. at Peru, she hopes that ·through Her mother .taught college at Em- her classes the students hiave reporia, Kansas. She taught in ceived a. productive understandKansas four years after her own ing for living that will help them graduation. After her husband's enjoy life and never become death she returned fo college bored with living. She has enjoyed her years on getting her Master's degree in the the Peru campus, and has ensummer of 1958. Her youngest daughter came with her to Peru joyed watching the campus grow where she finished !her senior and become more beautiful. She does not have any definite year of !high school in the Camp}ans for the future but plans to pus School. Mrs. Sproul is interested in all be busy. She will move to Kansas phases of ·the college because she where her sister and ibrother-infeels that home economics in- law live. Then she plans to visit cludes practically every course her daughter and family in Floron campus. 'Dhe skills learned in ida and hopes to do a little travhome economics contribute to eling. ibetter !homemaking and better Dinner Held community life, but it takes more The Peru State College Home than this to understand the world Economics Club and fu.culty of today. She believes that the the Home Economics Department homemaker should ibe one of the held a testimonial dinner in honibest informed ibecause she will or of Mrs. Ina Sproul, Assistant not only be teaching her family, Professor of Home Economics. It but will probaibly ibecome em.was held Sunday night, May 14 ployed outside of the home, esat 6:00 in the Student Center ;pecially after her children are Dining Hall. There were approxigrown. mately 1(}0 guests in attendance. Mrs. Sproul is interested in history, especially in the history of If you want to know how your the home and the trends in home economics. She feels that it takes girl will treat you after mara broad background in various riage, just listen to her talking to fields to become an efficient her mother. 'Dhe ultimate effect of shieldteacher or member of the busiing men from the effects of folly ness world. One of her interests is antiques is to ·fill the world with fools.
Continued from page 5, column 5 BALMY: Do you like these new fishnet nylons? Twiggy wears them. GLADDY: They're super cool, Balmy. (Thinking, Yeah, but Twiggy cfoesn't have knotty pine chilopeds, honey.)
Coke ilottred under the authority of The Coca·Cora Company by:
Nebraska City Coca-Cola Bottling Oompanf
BALMY: Oh Gladdy, it great, just great. Freddy is· swell dancer and can he e jitterbug!
20 minutes before Freddy arrives BALMY: Does my make-up look OK? GLADDY: Stunning, absolutely stunning. Don't be so nervou~. It's only a dance. (Thinking, What a laugh if those false eyelashes fall out.) BALMY: What can be keeping Freddy? He's almost a half hour late! GLADDY: Just be calm. He roust have some excuse. (Thinking, The fool probably doesn't have enough sense rto know you can't get ·a broken-down '60 Edsel up the dormitory hill.) He's arrived. Have a great time. I'll be dying to hear how it went. (Thinking, I'll probalily hear about it until May Fete next year.) BALMY: Thanks for everything, Gladdy. I'm sorry your John didn't have the cools to ask you. GLADDY: Don't worry, Balmy. I can take it. 1
-Phoio by Special Services Ginnie Mullen of Peru State has been elec!:ed president of !:he Home Economics Association.
Ginny Mullen Wins State Office Virginia "Ginnie" Mullen of North Attleboro, Mass., w1as elect" ed president of the Nebraska Home Economics Association for College Chapters at a recent statewide convention held at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hot e 1 in Omaha. She was installed by Miss Georgia Stevens from the University of Nebraska, past president. Ginnie was nominated president-elect last April at the convention in Scottsbluff and has served in a learning and advisory capacity this past year. The purpose of the Nebraska Association is to work along with the American Home Economics Association and to keep up with new -trends and methods in the field of home economics. Ginnie's duties as president include .presiding over all the home economics chapters in colleges throughout the state. She must also begin to prepare for the national convention to ibe held in Dallas, Texas, June 29. The Peru chapter will now be in cha:vge of a display at the State Fair, and will be selecting representatives for the Dallas convention. They will also be planning workshops for the 196768 school year.
Ginnie is quoted as saying, "I am very happy to have received this ihonor, especially since this is the first time in many years a state home economics president has 1been elected from Peru." The presidency "will bring many students from other colleges i'n the state to the campus for workshops. It will ibe a great opportunity to show them the fine people of Peru and how :proud we are of our campus."
Take 5 ..• and swing out refreshed. Coca-Cola-with its bright lively lift, big bold taste, never too sweet - refreshes best.
After hours-Balmy bounces humming "I Could Have Da All Night"
Mrs. Louise Kregel, assistant professor of home economics, is the state college advisor for next year. Kay Lovitt of Lewiston was elected to the state council, which assists the president in carrying out her many responsibilities.
Balmy flits off and Gladdy heaves a sigh of relief and sits down and lights a cigarette.
GLADDY: (Thinking, I wish would have danced all night I could sleep. He sure has cla at a formal dance.) BALMY: Sorry you had to sit this third floor cell all night. GLADDY: Oh but I didn't. Jo made his dutiful and appropri appearance and we stroll hand-in-hand under the stars. was really romantic. BALMY: Sounds like you had great time after all. · GLADDY: Yeah. (Thinking, W it ever! Who wouldn't get excit• ed about hoofing it all over tM village with the promise of a cup of Missouri River mu Lucky me-he even managed thoughtful peck on the cheek the way up the alley to the dorm where he deposited me promptly at 1(} p.m. for the night. The rose. buds lgoked divine on my PSC sweatshirt, too.) BALMY: Gladdy, we just had the most wonderful time and everybody looked so nice and the band was great and Freddy liked his jonquil and -
GLADDY: It sounds terrific. Shorily thereafter SPEAKER: Gladys Grodeau, you (Thinking, Drop dead, babe, and tell someone who cares.) · have a caller. GLADDY: (Thinking, Oh happy day. What's the story on him now?) JOHN: Hi, honey. GLADDY: (Thinking, Oh my god! What's he doing in his Sunday-go-to-meetin' clothes? Wow, aren't those pink rose buds gorgeous?) Hi, Duddie. JOHN: Well Gladdy, honey, KISMET $423 what's with the grubs? Aren't we ALSO $250 TO !800 WEDDING R!N'G 62.50 going to May Fete? GLADDY: (Thinking, The audacity of that clod!) If you intended to go, you might have mustered the energy to inform me of your plans. I certainly do appreciate your gallant consideration in dueing me in prior to the fiasco. (Thinking, I hope he remembers to let me know what day the wedding is.) JOHN: Well Gladdy, sweets, I just assumed you assumed we The one name in diamonds would go. After all, we've been you can trust ••. guaran· going together night after night teed quality. for over a year. GLADDY: (Thinking, How well DEAN'S I know. Minute after minute, JEWELRY weary night after weary night.) JOHN: With a wonderful person AUBURN, NEBR. like you, who needs a dance? Dean E. Taylor The night is young, the party Rings enln!'ll'cd to show dch1il. Trade-Marl: Ref, rears its head, and unsolved mysteries await us-
BOWMAN'S HARDWARE Appliances - Sporting Goods Hunting and Fishing Licenses PERU
Saturday 2:30-11 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. Mon. • Tues. after 9130 p.m. 274·4320
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·' I
. ''PED"
Bobcat Thinclads Take Triangular Coach Jack Mcintire's Peru S,tate College track team captured 13 of 17 event victories to gain a triangular victory from Concordia College and Tarkio (Mo.) College at Tarkio. Peru State scored 109 points, Concordia 58" and Tarkio 9. The Bobcats from Peru took nine of ten running events and four of the seven field events. Mike Mulvaney, Independence, Iowa, again found the Tarkio discus ring to his liking. For the second time this year he established a new Peru State school record in that event at Tarkio. Mulvaney tossed the platter 1'62'1(4" to break his own record of 160'6%" set March 15 in a dual meet at Tarkio. Mulvaney, Tim Hendricks, Rich Rech and Ross Ridenour led the
Bobcat thinclads with double victories. Mulvaney, in addition to his winning discus mark, tossed the shot put 48'6" for a victory. Hendricks, never pushed, won the mile and the two-mile. Rich Rech gunned the 100-yard dash in :09.8 and the 220-yard dash in 22.2. Ross Ridenour won the 12(}-yard intermediate hurdles in 16.0 and the 330-yard intermediate hurdles in 4£.1. Other Bobcat first places were garnered ;by Cal 1Smith in the 440, Bob Dixon in the 880, Bert Faulkner in the javelin, Dick Estes tied for first in the high jump, and Gerald Wilson in the pole vault. The mile re.lay foursome of Jim Hagemier, Cal Smith, Roger Neujahr, and 'Jim O'Donoghue won the event with a time of 3:26.3. 1
Bobcats Split Twin Bill With St. Benedict's Peru State College split another doubleheader, this time with St. Benedict's College a:t Atchison, Kans., on Sat., April 29. Freshman Dick Jensen, Nebr. City, displayed poise and stamina as he pitched Peru State to a 7-1 victory in the opener. Jensen allowed just five hits, struck out two, and walked none. Jensen's shutout ibid was missed in the fifth when St. Benedict's bunched two singles and an error to score their run. In the second game it was the same old story for the Bobcatserrors in crucial situations. Doug Winfield, Granite City, Ill., was pitching one-hit ball when the roof fell in in the fifth inning and St. Benedict's scored four runs. Peru State had little trouble
l\eru Peda~og1an; May 17, 1967,
• Shod Orc!en
1130 1.m. to 111108 p.m.
enry day
finding her scoring power in the opening g am e . The Bobcats scored twice in the first, once in the fifth, and four times in the seventh. Stan Zbylut, Omaha, and Al Sullivan, Worcester, Mass., were the big run producers for the Bobcats with three and two RBI's respectively. Dennis Hammer, Red Oak, Iowa, also drove in a run; and Steve Pattison, Gering, scored three. In the second contest Peru State built a 3-0 lead, but squ11'1\.dered it all in the fatal fifth inning. A double by Pattison and a triple by Gary Young, Adams, were big Peru blows in this game. St. Benedict's scored their four runs with two outs in the fifth. A single and a double brought in reliefer Jim Rains, Granite City, Ill., and then the hosts proceeded to take the lead on an error and another single. The Bobcats were unable to stage a comeback in their two innings at bat. The next games for the Peruvians are at Broken Bow where they play a double header with Chadron State. Both clubs are 1-1 in Nebraska College Conference play.
HILL'S REXALL DRUGS Complete Line of School Supplies Revlon Coty Evening in Paris Cosmetics
Peru Thinclads Race Past O.U. The Peru State Bobcats piled up fourteen. second places as they easily whipped Omaha U. in a dual track meet 91-53. Coach McIntire's thinclads also captured nine individual firsts in the victory over the Indians. One of the big surprises of the day was the victory in the shot put by Bruce Vickery, who tossed the iron rball 48'8". Vickery's victory came over Peru teammate Mike 'Mulvaney. Cal Smith also had his best time in the 440 this year as he was clocked at 50.5. The summary of Peru's scoring is as follows: Mile-Jim O'Donoghue, 2nd; 440-Calvin Smith, 1st, Roger Neujahr, 3rd; 100-Curt Holli-
Chadron Splits Pair With Peru Peru State evened their conference record at 2-2 as they split a twin bill with Chadron State. The Bobcats won the opener 4-1; and Chadron took the night cap 9-8. Jim Tegelhutter, winning his fourth game of the year against two defeats, aided his own cause in the first game by cracking a two-run double in the fourth inning . Chadron pitcher Dennis Wentz helped the Bobcats by walking in two runs as Peru scored all their runs in that fourth inning. Tegelhutter, while throwing a six-hitter, struck out nine and walked only four. He was in trouble only in the first inning when
Chadron scored their lone run. '11he silent Chadron ibats came to life in the second game as they hammered Peru pitching for seven hits, all for extra bases, including four home runs. Their big 'blow was struck by the second Chadron pitcher, Gary Larson, who crashed a three-run homer in the sixth which turned out to be the winning blow. Peru State pushed across three runs in the fifth inning to tie the game at 6-all and set the stage for Larson's homer. John Creamer V1ainly tried to get Peru back into the game as he poled a solo home run in the top of the sixth to give the Bobcats a momentary one-run lead,
Bluejay Netters Slam Bobcats
Creighton University turned back Peru State College 6-1 in tennis matches played at Creighton. Roger Schumaker, Omaha, was the only match winner for Peru State as he turned back Pat Murphy, 7-5, 0-6, 6-2. Other results: Singles-Denny Circo, C, over Kathy Welsh, P, Omaha, 6-1,6-1; Jim Fogarty, C, over Dave LaMontagne, P, Kankakee, Ill., 4-6, 7-5, 6-4; Joe Murray, C, over Jim Horgan, P, Worcester, Mass., 6-3, 6-'3; and Finnerty, C, over Mike Deal, P, Council Bluffs, Iowa, 6-2,, 6-3. Doubles--Circo and Fogarty, C, over Welsh '3Ild Schumaker, P, 4-6, 6-1, 6-1, and Finnerty and Murphy, C, over LaMontagne and Deal, P, 7-5', 6-4.
ELLEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanents, Tinting, Bleaching
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man, 1st, Jim Hagemeier, 2nd; 880-'Bob Dixon, 2nd, Jim Watson, 3rd; 220......:Jim Hagemeier, 1st, Curt Holliman, 2nd; 120 highs-Ross Ridenour, 2nd; 440 hurdles-Bob Ridenour, 2nd; three-mile-Tim Hendricks, 1st; mile relay-Peru, 2nd; 440 relay-Peru, 1st; ibroad jump-Arnold Johnston, 2nd, Roger Neujahr, 3rd; javelin-Burton Faulkner, 1st, Rick Carbone, 2nd, Dick Estes, 3rd; high jump-George Geopfert, 2nd, Bob Lovejoy, 3rd; vault-Arnold Johnston, 1st, Gerald Wilson, 2nd; sh o t-Bruce Vickery, 1st, Mike Mulvaney, 2nd, Bob Jones, 3rd; discusMike Mulvaney, 1st, Bob Repp, 2nd; triple jump-George Geopfort 2nd, Dick Estes, 3rd.
Phone 3922 Peru
Friday, May 5, Peru State Col, lege shattered three track records to win championship at the Wayne State College Relays. Saturday, May 6, the Bobcats competed in the Howard Wood Relays at Sioux Falls, So. Dakota. Freshman Mi k e "Hercules" Mulvaney extended his own discus record at Wayne with a toss of 168'8". Mulvaney's throw was good for only second place as Ben Frannus 'threw the platter 174'4" for first place. In the Howard Wood Relays, Tim Hendricks established a new· Peru record by jogging the three miles in 15:20 compared to 15:29 set by Louis Fritz. Peru's two-mile relay team of Cal Smith, Jim O'Donoghue, Bob Dixon, and Roger Neu}ahr established a new record of 8:02.3 at the Howard Wood Relays to surpass the old Bobcat record of 8:04.2. Mike "Hercules" Mulvaney was the only other one to place in the Howard Wood Relays with a throw of 158'11". In the Friday contest at Wayne, Peru State finished first with 89 points to Chadron State's secondplace 70. Why do people part their hair in the middle? Every block must have an alley.
IH~~.~~~er I The sports world suffered a great loss when Oklahoma football {:Oach Jim Mackenzie died of an apparent heart attack at his home in Norman, Oklahoma; Mackenzie, only 37 years old, piloted Oklahoma to a 6-4 record in 1966, pulling the Sooners from the depths of a 3-7 record in 1965. His Sooners won their first four games and were ranked lath in the nation before losing to No. r.: ranked Notre Dame. Oklahoma's victories included an upset win o v e r unbeaten Nebraska on Thanksgiving Day and a win over Texas University-the first Sooner victory over the Longhorns since 1958. Charlie Green, the world's fastest human, anchored the Husker 440 quartet to a record tieing 40.5 clocking in winning the event only 30 minutes after he had nipped Texas Southern's Jim Hines and East Texas State's John Carlos in a special 100-meter dash at the Drake Relays in Des Moines, Iowa. Kearney State standouts p1aced fourth in a pair of open events. Dennis Dukesherer soared 15-6 in the pole vault and Warren Christensen ran a career best 4:09.3 mile for the Antelopes. Kansas track coach Bob Timmons indicated that Jim Ryun, world mile record holder, will attempt a rare mile-880 double victory 40 minutes apart in the NCAA championships at Brigham Young June 17. Buzzie Bavasi, general manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers, in an article in Sports Illustrated, is quoted as saying that never again would he deal collectively with baseball players as he did }ast year with pitchers Sandy Koufax and Don Drysdale. "I don':t care if the whole infield comes in as a package,'' he said. "The next year the whole infield will be wondering what it is doing playing for the Nankai Hawks."
Bobcats Split With Bearcats Doug Winfield struck out 14 as he pitched Peru State to a 5-3 victory over 'Northwest Missouri State and salvaged the nightcap of a twin bill played at Maryville, Mo. Northwest Missouri State took the opener 7-5 as the Bobcats committed nine errors to ruin the fine pitching performance of Dick Continued on page 8, column 4
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Page 8
Peru Peciagogian, May i7, 1961.
PTA Scholarships Offered
Wednesday, May 17 Awards Convo, 9:10 a.m. Gamma Delta, FA 211, 6:00 p.m. WAA, Gym, 8:00 p.tn. Wesley Fellowship, FA 204, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 18 Benford-Jindra Recital SGA, 6:30 p.m. Finals Begin Friday, May 19 High School Commencement practice, 2:30-3:30 p.m. Monday, May 22 White Angels, Morgan Hall, 6:00 p.m. Blue Devils, Sc 105, 6:30 p.m. Beta Beta Beta, Sc :104, 7:30 p.m.
-Photo by Bob Beran "C'mon, kids, this is how we do it." Diane Morrison and Janice Johnson lead a group of energetic pre-schoolers through another activity.
Pre-School Activities ProvideValuableExperience For Students and Youngsters To complete the course entitled Child Development at Peru State, a student must observe pre· school activities. This year, th e pre-school program, taught by Mrs. Ina Sproul, has an enrollment of eleven children, ranging in age from four to five. Children partic1pating in the program are: Sherry Allen, Steven Allgood, Lorie Allgood, Julie Beatty, Ann Henry, Kelly McAdams,· Keith Long, Jeff Cox, Billy Kieler, Roxann Morris., and Lecia Giesecke. To !become eligible for this preschool program, a child must be five years of age 1by October 15 and rbe anticipating enrollment in kindergarten the next fall. Mrs. Sproul exp}ained that there are many objectives and aims relative to this program. The students, through this device, are ibetter a!ble to understand four- and five-year-olds, learn how to be friends with children, and better aible to understand their own: children. As for the children, they are better aJble to acquaint themselves with school and are able to learn some of the procedures prior to enwllment in kindergarten. Mrs. Sproul stated, "We hope to learn more about ourselveswhy we do the things we do. Through this program, we are 1better .able to understand ·the elementary age. This program also gives one the opportunity of selfdiscipline. If you are able to discipline yourself ibetter, you are able .to discipline other people." The children are kept occupied in various ways~singing, playing records, playing g am e s , watching filmstrips, and many others. The "teachers" of the preschool this year are: Gloria Jackson, Diane Kinghorn, Diane Morrison, Carla Giwoyna, Janice Johnson, Ba :rib a r a Aylsworth, Janice Wheeldon, Ginnie Mullen, Mrs. John Clark, Sherry Brown,
DR. G. E. MANN OPTOMETRIST Contact Lenses Closed Wed. p.m., Sat. p.m. 119 Ho. 8th St. Nebr. atr
Wednesday, May 24 High School commencement, 3:00 p.m. Student Recitals, 4:(}0 p.m. Gamma De1ta, FA 211, 6:00 p.m. WAA, Gym, 8:00 p.m. Wesley Fellowship, FA 204, 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 26 Semester Ends Sunday, May 28 Baccalaureate 1917 Class Reunion
Twila Cloyd, Mary Ellen Jacobson, and Kathy Reed.
Monday, May 29 Commencement
"I think it is fun. I play house when I come to pre-school," replied Ann Henry. Jeff Cox stated, "I think it is real good."
Monday, June 5 Summer Session Registration
The "teachers" too receive rewarding e~eriences. "This experience has been extremely rewarding," replied Diane Morrison. Twila Cloyd had the :fQllowing statement to make: "This program has given to me many helpful ex:periences.
Creighton Tops Bobcat Golfers Peru State College golfers ran into a hot-shooting Creighton University and were defeated 11-4 by the Bluejays in a match played at Creighton. Paced by Tom McGovern and Rich McGuire, who shot 7·6's, Creighton won four of the five 18'-hole matches. Ron Swain, Lincoln, picked up Peru's on:ly victory with a 3-0, 81-8'2· victory over
Tuesday, June 6 Summer Session begins Wednesday, June 8 Final Day for Summer Session Registration Tuesday, June 20 Charter Day Observance
Mike Kelley. Summary of the other matches: Tom Hopkins, C, over Mike Barsi, P, Macomb, Ill., 2-1, 81-86; Tom McGovern, C, over Larry Roder, P, Lincoln, 3-0, 76-&7; Rich McGuire, C, over Dick McDonald, P, Coin, Iowa, 3-0, 7·6-816; and Ronny Cruise, C, over Jim Selk, P, Hamburg, Iowa, 3-0, 84-97.
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The Nebraska Congress of Parents and Teachers are offering P TA LIBRARY SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS for the 1967
summer session to senior stu and/or Nebraska school teac
Mistakes Will Happen The last issue of the Ped contained an article concerning the fact that the Legislature's Educat ion committee recommended that Peru's Campus School be closed because in the chairman's words, it was run "poorly and inefficiently." The Director of the Campus School, Evan Van Zant, does not agree with the statement ibecause the school recently received a letter of accreditation from the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools stating that the school is fully approved with NO deviations and with a class "A" accreditation.
The qualifications to he eligible for this scholarship a 1. Be a Nebraska resident.
2. Have credit hours in brary science and some previ e:xperience in library work.
3. Plan to enroll in libr science courses during the 1 summer session. 4. Complete an applica form and send it to the Sch ship Committee, Nebraska C gress of Parents and Teacher The deadline for these ap cations is May 31, 1967. For f ther information and the secur· of the applications, contact Office of Guidance and Couns ing.
The article stated that the school is financed in connection with Peru's teacher education program. Funds for the operation of the Campus School are from three sources: (1) District 3, Nemaha County, which contracts with the Normal Board for education of elementary school pupils, (2) non-resident high school tuition, and (3) legislative appropriation. See that you get a good selection. See that the styles are new and attractive. See that the qua!· ity is high. But first and fore· most, see that the jeweler you choose is one you can trust The rest is automatic.
BOBCATS SPLIT WITH BEARCATS Continued from page 7 Jensen. Jensen gave up only five hits and one earned run. The Bobcat defense h e 1p e d the Northwest Missouri cause by committing two errors in the second inning, three in the fourth, two in the fifth and one in the sixth.
Bridal pair of newest
The Bobcats tried offensively to make a game of it in the first game, scoring one in the second and four in the fifth. Jim Waltke drove in two runs in that fifth with a triple. Richard Id e u 5 paced Peru at the plate with three hits in four at-'bats.
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Winfield and !deus were the big guns in the Bobcats' second game verdict. Winfield fanned 14 and threw out two runners at first tbase. Th e right hander worked six and two-third innings, leaving after walking two in the seventh. Teammate Jim Rains came on to strike out the side and end the game. Winfield drove in two Peru runs with a fourth-inning single while Ideus contr1buted two R.B.I.'s.
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